i |{l!|tM ■m\ niiiiifllii i c President Edmund Janes James THE SEMI-CENTENNIAL ALUMNI RECORD OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS if EDITED BY FRANKLIN W. SCOTT Secretary of the Alumni AsiOciatirj7i 1918 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A -i R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY CHICAGO T>. Of i). SEP 18 1919 CONTENTS Preface: Greetings from the President of the University .... v Historical Sketch vii Annals 1862-1918 xxxi Growth of the University by Years Ixxxi Explanatory Note Ixxxii Baccalaureate Alumni i Graduate Alumni 742 Honorary Alumni 825 Members of the Faculty* 835- Trustees 969 Directory of the Illini Clubs 983 Statistics of Alumni Family Relationships 985 List of Graduates Who Served in the War 987 Summary of Numbers Engaged in War Service 999 Geographical Distribution of Alumni, Faculty, and Trustees . . . looi Alphabetical Index of Graduates 1099 PREFACE To the Alumni of the University of Illinois. Greeting : When six years ago I wrote a word of greeting to you in the preface to the second edition of the Ahimni Record, no one could have anticipated that the University of IlHnois would soon be put to such a severe test. The Great War has come and gone, and every son and daughter of Illinois may well be proud of the glorious record made by their Alma Mater in this time of storm and stress. The history of the University during this period is contained in the records of the activities of its graduates and faculties as set forth in the subsequent pages of this book. It not only needs no apologies or defense, but it is a history in which very citizen of the State, whether alumnus of the University or not, may prop- erlj' take an honest pride. It will be remembered that the great war Governor of Illinois, Honorable Rich- ards Yates, in a letter read at the opening exercises of the University more than fifty years ago wrote : "My great hope is that this institution shall prove the crowning achievement of this age among all the grand works in behalf of popular education, which illustrates the splendid history of our state and that to the latest generation our young men shall have cause to bless the wise fore-thought of the men of this age, who have, amidst gigantic war, not only vindicated the free institutions and ideas of self- government, but also founded this splendid nursery of free men and enlightened patriotism. An educated man may become unpatriotic, a patriot may become per- verted through ignorance, but wisdom and patriotism hand in hand are invincible." ^ This wish uttered at the very beginning of the University was a splendid prophecy which has been splendidlj' fulfilled. We are entering now a new era of human history. The demands to be made upon the University will be many, some of them of an entirely new character. To meet them properly will call for a new type of professor and trustee and alumnus, men and women not merely of good training and with the culture of the past, but above all, men and women of vision and outlook. Our children and our children's chil- dren will not rest content with having stretched out over them the dead hand of the past. The University must lead in all the paths of progress if it is to win and maintain that position of influence in our future development which we university people think should belong to it. At the same time, it is doubly necessary in this era of changing standards that all that is good and true and beautiful in the past should be preserved and made the permanent heritage of our successors. In this work of con- servation the University is by its very nature peculiarly fitted to play a permanent and even a decisive part. The people of Illinois have made liberal appropriations for the support of this institution, and they will make still more liberal appropriations in the years to come. No matter how liberal they may be, we shall still lack many things to make a first- rate modern center of life and light such as a university ought to be. Many of these desiderata can in my opinion only be realized by the efforts of the alumni themselves. The full development of the finer sides of academic life, all that is included for in- stance under the term "the fine arts," has waited patiently for fifty years, and from ^See Semi-centennial History of the University of Illinois by Burt E. Powell, Vol. I, page XII. vi University of Illinois present indications must wait still some time longer, for that awakening in the breasts of our alumni of a strong determination that no institution shall be allowed to surpass their Alma Mater in these fundamentals of life, an awakening which I am sure is destined soon to come. A picture, a statue, a book, a specimen, a collec- tion, a building, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept — thus an institution grows and becomes an ever mightier force for all that is good and true and beautiful in human society, and every alumnus should feel that somewhere in that process he has himself exercised a personal influence in this steady uplift, has contributed at least one brick to this mighty and ever growing structure. "Come over into Macedonia and help us." We are trying to build here a center in which your young people and those of all the State and the whole country will find an atmosphere which is favorable to the development during the years of college and university life of all those qualities we would wish to see in our children and fellow citizens. Your personal presence as often as you can come to our university celebrations, your kind word of appreciation to your neighbors and friends of our work, of the oppprtunities offered here to young people seeking an education, your direction of the attention of your acquaintances and friends to the opportunity to do the people of the Commonwealth a service by placing funds at the disposal of the University for the ends for which it exists — all these things will help. Even the smallest efforts in this direction put forth by as large a body as our alumni now constitutes count for far more than any one can easily appreciate, who has not made it the subject of special study. Illinois ! May she do her duty in the future far better than in the past, and may every alumnus help her measure herself up to her true greatness as never before ! Edmund J. James. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS' There is something impressively significant in the fact that all the plans for cele- brating the fiftieth birthday of the University of Illinois were swept away in the rush of her sons and daughters to the support of the United States in the Great War. More than five thousand of them turned from the business of peace to whatever their country found most useful for them to do ; three score more than a hundred, as many as entered the University in the first year of its career, have given up their lives in the National cause. The University's classrooms were devoted to the teaching of soldiers, its laboratories were utilized to supply the new and pressing needs of warfare; its specialists in history and engineering, in science, language and economics turned from the service of the State to the service of the Nation. In that transformation of what had come to seem in the minds of most men a State institu- tion into an instrument of National service there was but a returning, as if, in a sense, to celebrate the closing of a great half-century of achievement, to that charac- ter which the institution had at its beginning, and in is very conception. The founders of the nation had far sighted appreciation of the importance of education, even of higher education, in a democracy, and, although the state universities of today can not trace their origin to so remote a source, national support of institutions of higher learning in all the states to be formed in the Northwestern Territory was provided in the ordinance of 1787, and encouraged by subsequent legislation. The states were not ready to profit from the earlier gifts, but from that remote time to the present, the national government has furnished the means for initiating every great movement for higher education at public expense. The ordinance of 1787 gave Illinois two townships to be "ex- clusively bestowed upon a college or university," and to that gift there was added later one-half percent of the proceeds from the sale of government lands in Illinois after 1818. Neighboring states, younger than Illinois, earlier took advantage of their gifts and established colleges. In this state the two townships were sold at ridiculously low prices and the proceeds, together with the "college fund" derived from the sale of public lands, were lent to the counties and by them used to support the common schools, the funds of which had been wasted. Funds thus in use were not easily regained. While this was going on, several sectarian colleges sprang up, and in their struggle for life naturally opposed any movement to establish a rival having state support. From the beginning there had been in Illinois general indifference, towards higher education, and not a little distrust of its institutions. All these causes in combination made futile such feeble attempts as arose to recover the sem- inary and college funds and apply them to their proper uses. The only movement towards higher education in Illinois prior to 1850 that had any prompt results was that for normal schools for the training of teachers. Such a school was established by an act of the legislature in 1857, and to it so much of the funds for higher education as could be recovered was applied. Not a cent of these resources ever went to support the state university. Contemporaneously with the agitation for normal schools there was active about the country a demand for some form of industrial education for the masses. This widespread stir was given definite motion and aim by Jonathan Baldwin Turner, in Illinois, and this state, therefore, which had squandered or perverted its first patrimony, led the way to a second, larger, and more fruitful national gift for higher education. The concrete movement which was to result in the so-called Morrill Land Grant Act and establish the University of Illinois and her sister state univer- sities began at a meeting held at Granville, Putnam County, Illinois, on November ^ The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the History of the University by Allan Nevins, published by the Oxford University Press, the one volume of the Semi-Centennial History of the University by B. E. Powell, and the historical sketches in the edition of the Alumni Record published in 1913 and the Directory of Matriculants published in 1916. He is also under obliga- tions to many alumni who have generously supplied accounts of life at the University in their day. ^ viii University of Illinois i8, 1851, at which, by invitation of an agricultural society known asthe Buel Insti- tute, organized by Benjamin Lundy, and including in its membership two brothers of William Cullen Bryant and other prominent citizens, farmers from various parts of the state and in considerable numbers met to prornote agricultural education. Turner had for twenty years been considering the educational needs of the industrial workers, and his address on this occasion embodied his mature thought carefully worked out in detail. It was based on his fundamental idea that the industrial classes needed a system of liberal education for their own class, and adapted to their own pursuits ; calculated to create for them an industrial literature, pertaining to their vocational wants, to train teachers and lecturers for subordinate institutes, of which there was to be one in each county in the state. So clearly had he seen and understood the need and the means to meet it that now, after the land grant colleges have been in operation for fifty years, his address sounds like a description of a thing accomplished, rather than a project then looked upon as a radical innova- tion. Turner's address aroused enthusiastic approval ; resolutions were passed and steps were taken to circulate his plan in periodicals and pamphlets and to send forth lecturers to spread the idea. It was taken up by Greeley and other journalists and given circulation all over the country. At a second convention at Springfield in June, 1852, a federal land grant was again demanded, and the plan for a university was enlarged to include a normal school and so to claim the seminary fund. It urged that a beginning be made at once, "if possible on a sufficiently extensive scale to honorably justify a successful appeal to congress in conjunction with eminent citizens and statesmen in other states who have expressed their readiness to co- operate with us for an appropriation of public lands in each state in the Union for the appropriate endowment for the liberal education of the industrial classes in their several pursuits in each state in the Union." In November, at a third convention held in Chicago, an Industrial League was formed to disseminate the idea, and Turner was made director. Another memorial was prepared, and arrangements were made to petition the legislature and congress. A fourth convention held in Springfield in January, 1854, demanded an industrial university and urged the legis- lature to ask that congress appropriate to each state $500,000 worth of public lands for the liberal endowment of an industrial university. Governor Matteson pro- posed the subject to the legislature for discussion at its special session in that year. A fifth convention was held in Springfield in January, 1855, when a bill was prepared to incorporate the Trustees of the Illinois University, which was to receive the col- lege and seminary funds. Interest in the plan was widespread, but it met little favor in congress, where it was understood that President Pierce was unfriendly. Illinois representatives were alive to the demands of their constituents, and were genuinely interested in Turner's far-sighted plan, but they made little or no headway. In 1857, however, the time seemed promising, and on the advice of Senator Trumbull, Turner and his associates selected an eastern man to introduce their bill. Their choice fell on Mor- rill of Vermont, and to him Turner sent all his papers and documents. Internal evidence in the wording of the bill, correspondence of men intimately connected with the movement at the time, including Morrill himself, and the testimony of Turner and his associates all go to show that the Morrill Land Grant bill, which was intro- duced in congress on December 14, 1857, was inspired by Turner, and in part com- posed in his language. The bill finally passed in 1859, only to be vetoed by Presi- dent Buchanan. Lincoln in the summer of i860 promised Turner that if elected "I will sign your bill for State Universities." Morrill reintroduced it in December, but it was adversely reported by committee ; virtually the same bill was again intro- duced by Senator Benjamin F. Wade in May, 1862, was passed by both houses, and signed by. President Lincoln on July 2, 1862. Illinois had in part made restitution for the neglect shown her earlier opportunities. In the words of President Edmund J. James, "To Jonathan B. Turner, the Illinois professor and farmer, belongs the creditof having first formulated clearly the plan of a national grant of land to each state in the Union for the promotion of education in agriculture and mechanic arts, and of having inaugurated the agitation that made possible the passage of the so- called Morrill Act." The Act appropriated thirty thousand acres of land for each member of con- gress and required that the grant must be accepted by the state within two years. The grant was to constitute a perpetual fund, the income of which was to be "inviol- ably appropriated" by the state ''to the endowment, support, and maintenance of, at least, one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scien- tific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of Historical Sketch ix learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the states may respectively prescribe, in order to prornote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and profes- sions in life." The acceptance of the grant by the legislature in February, 1863, marked mereb' the beginning of the fight for a state university in Illinois. Even before the gift was accepted men interested in the sectarian colleges of the state had laid their plans to divide the proceeds of the grant between Shurtleff and Knox Colleges. Certain Chicagoans believed that the fund should be divided between an agricultural college in a farming district and a mechanical college in Chicago. To all division of the fund and to all proposals seeking to combine the new institution with those already existing, Turner and his associates were unalterably opposed. "We wish now wisely to begin a peculiar university," he said, "which our posterity can erect into the strongest, broadest and best university on the face of the earth — Our institution is wholly new." Turner and his associates had their way; the fund was not divided, and was given to no existing college. But the act providing for a commission to locate the university provoked another fight as bitter as any that preceded it, and almost made Turner despair of his plan. In accordance with an act of the legislature passed in 1867, any county, city, township, or incorporated town could vote bonds to support a proposal for the lo- cation of the new institution, and there ensued a somewhat disgraceful struggle for what was looked upon as a rich prize. Chicago, Springfield, Peoria, Bloomington. Lincoln, and Jacksonville competed with Champaign county for the new "school." By means not altogether creditable, a group of men under the leadership of Clark Robinson Griggs secured the institution for Champaign county. The tone of the whole contest, and the methods of Griggs in particular, while perhaps not open to charges of dishonesty, were such as to dishearten the earnest friends of the new un- dertaking, who saw their darling project at its very beginning made the booty in a statewide campaign of political trickery, swapping, and jobbery, conducted by men who cared little and understood less about the meaning of the institution for which they were struggling. Turner's daughter reported that "rightly or wrongly he be- lieved that the university had been placed in the hands of those who wished to use it only for their own selfish purposes, with no consideration for the great blessing it was intended to be, or appreciation of the thought and labor bestowed upon its con- ception and birth." "Two utterly dissimilar groups of men had now done their work for the indus- trial university," says B. E. Powell, in his Semi-Centennial History of the University. "The first, with Jonathan B. Turner at the head had fought valiantly and intelligently for an idea; the second, with Clark R. Griggs at the head, had fought dauntlessly and shrewdly for a political plum. The Turner group felt when the university fell into the hands of the Griggs group which secured its location, that its work had been lost, that the fund which would have meant so much for the education of the in- dustrial classes would be dissipated. The act incorporating the Illinois Industrial University approved by Governor Oglesby on February 28th, 1867, provided that five trustees were to be appointed from each of the three grand judicial districts of the state, and one from each of the thirteen congressional districts, who with the governor, superintendent of public in- struction, president of the state agricultural society, and the regent, when elected, as ex officio members, should constitute the board of trustees. The board met for the first time in Springfield on March 12, 1867. The first dutj^ of the trustees was to choose a president, who was to be called "regent" and thus insulated from reactionary contact with the classics, philosophy, and theology. Their choice promptly fell upon John Milton Gregory, then president of Kalamazoo College. Born in New York state, Gregory had been educated at Union College, had studied law, had been in the Baptist ministry for several years, had been head of a classical school in Detroit, editor of the Michigan Journal of Education, which he established, and for three terms had been state superintendent of public instruction in Michigan. If the organized agriculturists of the state had been alienated by the group that took the university to Champaign county, they were still actively intent on their pur- pose, and were greatly displeased by the choice of a doctor of divinity as regent. They feared again that their hope of a new kind of institution for the education of the industrial classes was lost ; that this new thing was after all to be made no more than another classical or sectarian college, of which there were already more than enough, one which would ignore the real needs and pervert the ambitions of the sons of the prairies. X University of Illinois Events soon proved that these fears were without adequate foundation. Cham- paign county lived up to its engagements, and those who had brought the University to it did not in any way impede its development. The regent did not make a sec- tarian or classical college. The feeling of mistrust and suspicion on the part of the farmers and the original promoters of the University nevertheless kept the board, the regent, and the University subject for years to unsympathetic and sometirnes unjustly faultfinding scrutinj;. Some of the sharpest and least justified faultfinding came from within the board itself. The regent and the board did not, indeed, plan a curriculum to meet the desires of Turner, who would have had an institution offering little or nothing else than practical courses to students of little preparation, and laying the foundation by ex- perimental investigations for a scientific development of agriculture and for a means to spread the knowledge thus derived among farmers everywhere. Gregory combined the practical purposes too much emphasized by Turner with some pro- vision for general education. He and those who supported his ideas saved the University from becoming a mere industrial school so limited in its purposes as to make its development into broad usefulness difficult, if not impossible. Gregory was prepared by experience to organize and direct the kind of institution the people wished this University to be. "It may be true," writes Powell, "that he had come to his task . . . with a deeper reverence for the classics than was precisely necessary for that section of the corn belt. If true it was a reverence that was susceptible of modification. But Dr. Gregory had received special training and experience for his new work, of which those who have written of him apparently have been unaware or else have ignored. From 1859 to 1865 Dr. Gregory was a member of the board of education that controlled and managed the state agricultural college of Michigan. As secretary of that board and as state superintendent he was an influential mem- ber and upon him devolved much of the labor of direction of the affairs of the college. "Thus Dr. Gregory had already faced the problems of creating an agricultural college in a western state. The questions of the purpose of such an institution, of its finances, of its administration, of its courses of instruction, had all been thought over, discussed, and in many cases acted upon by Dr. Gregory some eight years be- fore he was called upon to aid in organizing the Illinois Industrial University. Even Turner, with his deeper knowledge, perhaps, of agriculture and the needs of the industrial classes, had not this practical training and experience in the actual or- ganization and development of an agricultural college." The first curriculum contained five departments: agriculture; polytechnic, (made up of mechanical science and art, civil engineering, mining and metallurgy, and architecture and fine arts); military; chemistry and natural science; and general science and literature, including most of the curriculum of the classical colleges of the day. This course of study caused considerable excitement among the people. The idea of teaching "English Literature" and "Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures" was widely opposed. The institution was denounced as no more than one of the "old colleges" and the question was derisively asked, "Why add, by a public grant of lands, to these old institutions, of which the people already have too many?" Untrue and sensational tales were told and believed, greatly to the discredit of the new University. Many demanded that the classics should be excluded from the course of study; others that they should be tolerated, but not cherished. The dis- satisfaction showed itself in newspaper articles and in public addresses; dissension appeared in the board of trustees; and finally, in 1870, a convention of delegates from the several county agricultural societies met at Bloomington to consider the past, present. and_ future condition of the Illinois Industrial University. Dr. Gregory attended and delivered an address. He explained the act creating the University and the course of study, answered some reasonable questions, and as a result very much irnproved the existing feeling. A committee was appointed to visit the insti- tution ;_ its report served to allay criticism and prejudice. But in the preceding year the legislature had appropriated sixty thousand dollars in support of the University for the biennium, and there were other signs that the new institution was to be given a chance to prove its worth. Such an opportunity and such a result were sorely needed if the University was not to prove a failure, for in spite of the efforts made to recruit students, and the general interest aroused throughout the state, only fifty students enrolled on Mon- day, March 2, 1868, when the doors of the new institution were first opened. The number reached sixty-eight by the end of the first week, but most of these were from Champaign county. Historical Sketch xi Formal inaugural ceremonies were held in the chapel on March ii, in the presence of visitors from all parts of the state; addresses were made by Newton Bateman, state superintendent of public instruction, and Dr. Gregory, and music was fur- nished under the direction of a well known Chicago musician. Two days later the first faculty meeting was held, and the University was considered a going concern. The minutes of the first meeting show the size of the beginnings : _ "A meeting of the Faculty of the Illinois Industrial University was held this evening at the room of the Regent — present, the Regent (Dr. Gregory), Prof. Baker and Prof. Atherton." Jonathan Periam was head farmer. To this brief list was soon added the name of Thomas Jonathan Burrill, and a little later A. P. S. Stuart, Willard F. Bliss, Samuel W. Shattuck, Edward Snyder, and a few non-resident lecturers completed the faculty. The students whom they had to teach were mostly from the farm, and but indifferently prepared. Though the admission requirements were made as strict as those of the best universities of the time, those who could not meet them, but who could pass an examination in the common school branches, were admitted to "select" courses. The routine of college life was largely determined in the beginning by the requirement that all students should work two hours a day at manual labor, should attend military drill on two or three afternoons a week, and, with the beginning of the fall term of 1868, should wear uniforms. Its environment at first was centered in the old seminary building, which served as dormitory as well as recitation hall, "a large, plain, red brick, five story building, set down flat in the black Illinois mud, with not a tree or a shrub, a spear of grass or a fence. It was as desolate a place as possible to im- agine" wrote Mrs. F. Adelia Pottej Reynolds, one of the first alumnae. But "there were great changes in the first few months. Fences were built. Trees and shrubs were set out. Grass was sown, and refreshing green took the place of the mud. Gravel walks were laid out, and made it possible to step without sinking shoe deep in the mud." Nearly all the students were poor, and they lived in the sirnplest manner possible. Some got their own meals. John A. Ockerson says that a "carefully kept account of food expenses shows an average monthly cost of $4.10 during one college year," and C. W. Rolfe says that average was a bit high. Much of the money thus laid out was earned by labor for the University at fifteen cents an hour. The social experience of the students was not greater than their educational or financial equipment, and the regent and his colleagues used many devices to bring about something more than merely industrial improvement. "The students . . . were full to overflowing with physical vigor," says C. W. Rolfe, "and as a conse- quence, while there was very little that could be called mean-spirited in their fun, there was a good deal of roughness and horseplay . . . The admission of girls to the University at the beginning of the third year had a tendency to modify this roughness to a considerable degree," but for a good many years there were traces of pleasantry not quite congenial "to those who were not accustomed to life on a western farm." Dr. Gregory had a gift for speaking that enabled him to supplement the influence of class work with a series of chapel talks which impressed the youths of that day to an extent hard, if not impossible, now to realize. "Every University of Illinois student of the '70s will tell you" wrote Ockerson, "of Dr. Gregory's morning chapel talks, those earnest, kindly appeals with their almost personal challenge to each one of us." He organized two literary societies and assigned every student to one or the other by reading the roll in chapel with the statement that the even-numbered students were assigned to Philomathean and the odd-numbered to Adelphic. Where- upon the societies began to develop widely different characteristics and aims, to meet in intense rivalry, and to be, for a quarter of a century, the most potent influence in the social life of the students. In this environment, and because of it, Dr. Gregory gave a lecture on sculpture which stirred such enthusiasm that more than three thousand dollars were subscribed for an art collection, with which the regent went to Europe and brought back a collection of casts, lithographs, engravings, and photographs unsurpassed at that time in the West, either in number or in value. Even the vision of Dr. Gregory could hardly have foreseen that the young Lorado Taft, helping to restore the casts shattered in transit, would have found there the first inspiration for his great career as a sculptor. Perhaps the most prominent feature of student life was the student government, introduced in 1870 and for several years a useful bit of machinery. Those who lived under it in its earliest years seem to have carried pleasant recollections of it; later students thought it should have been abolished sooner than it was. Amanda xii University of Illinois Campbell Moore has written, "The Student Government was one source of enjoy- ment, and, possibly, improvement . . . We surely had good times, and storrny times ; no one of us then imagined that when J. R. Mann was perspiring so freely in debate he was getting his preparation as leader in congress." Drill in parliamentary usage was one of the purposes of the government ; but it meant also to enforce order on the campus and for a time it succeeded, occasionally assessing fines for small offences. There were more important cases, however, the most noted one having come up in January, 1872. It is thus recorded by Allan Nevins in his history of the University: "Some terms previously the first fraternity, a chap- ter of Delta Tau Delta, had been secretly started at the University; and its mem- bers had gained control of the college government, and resolved to measure their strength with the faculty. They found an excuse when in Gregory's absence the acting regent instructed the student choir to practice in hours sacred to study; and hauling the choir into court, summarily fined its members and ordered them not to repeat the offense. The choir appealed to the faculty, and was supported by Gregory upon his return, receiving instructions to pay no attention to the government. Hereupon the wrathful officers called a general student assembly, and carried through it resolutions threatening to disband the government unless its action was sustained ; and as the faculty refused this support, another assembly four days later announced that the government was automatically at an end unless the Regent re- tired from his position. The whole was a piece of parliamentary fencing in which the students took a jesting delight, but it had features that were distinctly alarming to Dr. Gregory. He was on the point of leaving for the East to deliver a lecture be- fore some educational association on the merits and success of the college government system, and he saw himself in a'painfully false position. At once, therefore, he had another student assembly called, before which both he and Judge Cunningham ap- peared, and at which the latter was asked to deliver a judicial opinion. He decided that the Government was in the right, the faculty paid the choir's fines, and Gregory departed eastward with an easy heart." "I well remember," says J. E. Armstrong, who knew the system in its last days, before its end in 1883, "how we all got out and hustled for our candidates and even fought for them with fists if necessary and resorted to all the tricks known to the civilized and to the uncivilized world. Les- sons at such times had no attractions for us, and the faculty acquiesced. The sense of our responsibility for the entire management of the University grew upon us until it included the management of the president himself, and upon one occasion when the court thought he had not acted wisely it summoned him for trial for neglect of duty. He then dissolved the government." Other organizations came into existence in the early years, some of which are still active. Alethenai was formed in 1871 ; in the same year the University band furnished music for commencement, as it has done every year since ; in November of that year there appeared the first number of a monthly periodical, called The Student, changed two years later to The Illini and continued without interruption until the present. It was heavy, learned, serious ; wholly unlike the college daily or the college magazine of today, it reflected the conditions as they were then. Members of the faculty contributed considerably to both the learning and the heaviness of its pages. The Y. M. C. A. was organized in 1874, and in that year also the Agricultural society and the Telegraphic association became the pioneers in a policy which before many years provided a society for each important field covered by the curriculum. Throughout the first decade, and for some years afterward, the University was much like a large family. The students all knew each other, and knew the faculty. "The tie between students and faculty was strong," says Emma Jones Spence, "almost like that of relatives. We exchanged photographs, autographs, Christmas and New Year's cards, sent flowers to each other in cases of illness or death, gave our pro- fessors presents on their various anniversaries, entertained them in our homes — those who had homes — and were often entertained by them, either by classes or in other groups." The influence of a few men of this period was great and lasting. Besides Greg- ory, there were Burrill, whose service in mere years ran from 1868 until 1912, and varied from that of little better than manual laborer to that of the acting president; Shattuck, long a teacher of military and mathematics and financial agent, whose strength of personality made him a power not always suspected by those whom it most influenced; Snyder, most beloved, perhaps, of all ; and Ricker, first of the alumni to find a permanent place on the faculty and still a familiar figure on the campus. These men and their colleagues entered into the hard task of forming the new in- stitution with a seriousness and self-sacrificing zeal almost religious in fervor of faith. They were men with a vision of a great idea, impossible of fulfilment in their Historical Sketch xiii day, but possible at any time only through the kind of vital gifts they were willing to bestow upon it, and a willingness to await the slow processes of time. After thirteen years, in which the foundation was firmly laid, but in which the University had grown very slowly as to attendance and financial support from the state, Gregory resigned, and his services ended with commencement of 1880. His successor was Selim Hobart Peabody, who had declined the professorship of me- chanical science and engineering in 1868 and after serving elsewhere had become professor of mechanical engineering and physics in 1878. He served until 1891. Almost all of his adult life, at the time of his election to the regency, had been spent in teaching and accompanying activities. It is said that at the time of his appoint- ment he could have taught successfully any subject offered in the curriculum of the institution. Although his conception of the function of the University was not materially different from that of Gregory, the service he could and did render was quite so. Gregory was intent upon laying broad foundations; he had little patience with the details of administration, and it was fortunate for the institution that this was so. His gifts were of the kind most needed in the beginning. No less opportune were those of the cultivated and forward-looking educator and at the same time pains- taking and methodical organizer that Peabody proved to be. Peabody systematized administrative affairs and gathered up loose ends every- where. He personally attended to numerous details. Dr. Burrill, in writing of his work, said that "throughout his administration he had no stenographer. The Uni- versity did not own during his time a typewriting machine ; official correspondence was mainly conducted in his own hand writing. There was no registrar. At the be- ginning of each term he personally issued class permits and at the close recorded class grades. Aside from his service as head of the department of mechanical engin- eering and physics, he taught classes, during different terms, in mechanics, hydraulics and mental science, the latter subject being required of all seniors. It is little wonder that there was not much time for effective campaigning outside or for dreaming of future greatness." But in spite of many obstacles, material and educational, progress was made during this administration. In 1879-80 there were 434 students (reduced in 1880-81 to 379), and 26 teachers of all grades, of whom 15 were of professorial rank; in 1890-91, there were 519 students and 40 instructors, 24 of whom were of professorial rank. For the first named year the total income from all sources was about $60,650 : for the last named, $124,600. The total legislative appropriation for the session of 1879 was $25,500; that for the session of i8gi was $147,200. This latter figure in- cluded $70,000 for the Natural History building, but excluding this, the increase was noteworthy. Before President Peabody's administration, all state appropriations had been clearly for specified purposes and exclusive of salaries for instruction. At the legis- lative session of 1881, the trustees, spurred on by Peabody, resolved to ask, in addi- tion to the usual sums, for an appropriation for the current expenses of instruction. The legislature granted the sum of $11,400 to help cover the loss suffered by the University because of the reduction in the interest on its investments. The next legislature was asked for $14,000, for the same purpose, and the grant was made. During the biennial periods which followed, the .sums, of $24,000, $32,000, and $40,000 were allowed, respectively. This increase was obtained only through persistent effort to move a penurious legislature. In that effort both the faculty and the alumni aided the president. In 1888 a committee of the Chicago Alumni club considered means for obtaining more generous support from the legislature, and for interesting public-spirited citizens of wealth in making gifts to the University. Neither idea was carried through by the alumni. As Nevins points out, the turning point in the University finances came less through state than through federal appropriations, carried by the Hatch Act of 1887 for agricultural experiment stations, and the supplementary act of 1890. Peabody was prominent and active in the movement which brought this aid about, and prompt in taking measures to keep the legislature from diminishing its support as the federal assistance became available. There was during Peabody's administration a considerable growth in the num- ber of the faculty, and a distinct improvement in the quality of work done and in the standing which the institution had throughout the state. The fifteen professors and six assistants or instructors of 1881 had increased to twenty-five professors and fifteen subordinates ten years later. Burrill had for some years been doing notable work in botany and bacteriology. In 1884 the courses in science were strengthened and the prestige of the University was raised by the bringing of xiv University of Illinois Professor S. A. Forbes from the Normal University. He was state entomologist and director of the state laboratory of natural history, which he had founded in 1879, and these offices he brought to the University. As Robinson had in the pre- ceding decade offered the first shop practice ever introduced in an engineering course, so Forbes was probably the first man in Illinois to use the type method in laboratory instruction in zoology, which he had begun before Huxley's Laboratory Guide appeared and revolutionized the teaching of zoology. Though Peabody's influence was directed more to organizing, systematizing, and expanding the curri- culum, than to scholarly endeavor, the progressive alertness to modern educational aims and methods on the part of the faculty that had characterized the earlier years, continued, and began to be more widely known and appreciated. Dr. Peabody encountered some annoyances and difficulties during his regime arising from the attitude of the students. In the beginning, many assumed an unfriendly attitude toward the new regent. The seniors were said to have held a meeting to decide whether they would return or not. A controversy between secret fraternities and the court of the students' government arose early in his term. As a result, the regent recommended, and the trustees approved, a ruling that no student could enter the University until he had pledged himself not to join a frat- ernity, and that no student should be graduated until he had certified that he had not belonged to any fraternity while in the University. The adoption of these rules disclosed the existence of four such organizations. Their members petitioned the faculty to repeal the rules, but the faculty only turned their petition over to the Board, which recommended that their requests be refused. The rule was not re- pealed until September, 1891, after Peabody had left. From the time of the passage of the rule, more or less antagonism existed, directed chiefly toward the regent, whose duty is was to execute the mandate. Another occurence, trivial in itself, also inflicted no little injury. One of the cadet captains in the military organization failed to receive an examination grade sufficient to permit him to continue in his official position. His brother officers undertook to compel his reinstatement by resigning eii masse. All but two were persuaded by the faculty to withdraw their resignations, and those two were dis- missed. Whereupon, a great and general protest arose, and the students were al- lowed to take their grievances to the trustees, who sat as a sort of high court, and in effect, put the faculty upon trial. The trustees reinstated the two officers. The one whose case began the trouble had already resumed his work. The students virtually won, and the regent was left in a somewhat uncomfortable position. Student life was rapidly growing in complexity. Many new societies were formed during the decade — natural history, agricultural, civil and mechanical en- gineering, and architectural societies, and others ; the Y. M. C. A. became active. Athletics, hitherto unorganized and almost wholly neglected by the authorities, began to assume something of its modern aspect with the formation of the athletic association at the beginning of the decade. The first intercollegiate baseball game took place between Illinois and Illinois College in the autumn of 1880; the first foot- ball team to represent the University went to Purdue in 1890. The Illini under- went one of its many reorganizations, and in March of 1882 the first class annual, the Sophograph, ioritTunner of the Illio, was issued by the sophomores. Oratorical contests were still more numerous and important than athletic games, though even by the middle of the decade there were complaints that the literary societies were not literary. Whatever their shortcomings, they had been left, by the dissolution of the student government in 1883 the most influential undergraduate organizations, the centers of political, as well as of social, activity. "Perhaps the most characteristic thing about student life in my time", wrote Mary Tracy Earle Home, '85, "was its lack of organization and its lack of social life, except that which centered in the three literary societies. Somehow a series of lectures and concerts — good ones — was provided every year, but the dances, the plays, the "jinks" of various kinds of today did not exist. We had the junior exhi- bition and the oratorical contests. A slight scholastic flavor was supposed to char- acterize our relaxations. There was complete absence of chaperones in my day. We should have been offended if anyone had suggested one as necessary. I do not say that our guileless, informal oyster stews after a skating party were wise, yet no harm came of them except the general lack of savoir faire with which we took our places afterwards in a world which continually grows more complex." "To speak of student activities," one learns from Glenn Hobbs, '91, whose point of view is that of most of the students of his time, "means to speak almost exclu- sively of University Hall. We knew no other place and in fact there was no other. Historical Sketch xv We attended class there and only there. We marched to chapel every day to the sounds of martial music not bad enough to cause the banishment of the musicians. With the faculty on the platform, Maud Kimball 'at the piano' a quartet choir to sing, and an occasional senior to speak, these chapel exercises were formal and impressive ceremonies. This same chapel witnessed events of varying importance from class meetings to junior exhibitions." One leading entertainment of the year was furnished by the freshman class in its attempts to hold a "sociable", which it was the business of all other classes to prevent or break up. Great secrecy was attempted; the party was often held out of town, sometimes in Decatur, or Bloomington, but few were unmolested. "All kinds of heathenish practices were used to break up the affairs," says C. A. Kiler, '92, including eyewater and other irritants, before the day of gas masks, "and the results were usually satisfactory," Mr. Kiler remarks, somewhat ambiguously. For the seniors the momentous event of the year was their appearance in "plug" hats and long coats, in which they tried to be dignified, with results that were not us- ually considered satisfactory. The alumni were becoming active, and were making themselves felt out of all proportion to their numbers. The alumni association had been formed as soon as there were graduates to form it, and the annual meetings had begun in 1873. For ten years little was done except to have an annual dinner and elect officers, and, beginning in 1875, to hold a public literary meeting at commencement time. Early in 1884 the alumni through a committee began a campaign to have the name of the Universit}' changed, and in a little more than a year succeeded. They also vigor- ously pushed through a plan to make the trustees of the University elective, instead of appointive. In this move they were opposed, but not deterred, by the regent. Having got the law enacted, they promptly took steps to get alumni on the board, and by the end of the decade a third of the elective membership were graduates, a proportion that has remained fairly stable ever since. As if to show that its aims were not wholly political, the Association gave the University a grand piano at commencement time in 1887. Matters of discipline, disturbances in the cadet battalion, a radical change in the personnel of the board, these and other circumstances led the regent to offer his resignation in June. It was at once accepted, and he left to become director of the liberal arts exhibit at the Columbian exposition. When Peabody resigned and left behind him among students and alumni a less friendly feeling than has since been accorded his memory, and less, no doubt, than he deserved, the trustees put a man in charge temporarily who on three earlier occasions had acted for brief periods as regent, Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill. The atmosphere cleared at once ; everyone liked and respected him, students, facultyj and alumni ; he had been connected with the University in a variety of positions from the earliest days and knew all its problems ; he was well and favorably known throughout the state. In the three years while Burrill acted as regent the University made substantial advances in several ways. Virtually acting as chairman of the faculty rather than as regent, he soon made a vigorous demand for better support from the legislature. He had no patience with the timid practice of asking for only as much as might be obtained without a struggle, and demanded that the trustees should ask for what the University needed and put where it belonged any failure to supply the need. Cautious friends were appalled when the trustees requested an appropriation of $551,500 from a Democratic administration committed to a program of economy. Fortunately Henry M. Dunlap, '75, newly elected to the senate, was in a strategic position, and Governor Altgeld was distinctly friendly. After overcoming great opposition, the University obtained an appropriation of $295,700 or more than twice as much as it had ever received before. One immediate result of this was an increase in salaries, coupled almost at once with the opening of new departments and the engaging of a group of new mem- bers of the faculty who have been largely instrumental in shaping the course of the University since that time — Kinley, Clark, Greene, Townsend, Breckenridge, Daniels, Dodge, and White. This group has been jocularly called the "wheel- horses of the early nineties", and wheel-horses they have been, all but one of them still in the University and still pulling vigorously, with an influence upon the destiny of the institution unrivalled by that of any group except the founders. The system of rigidly prescribed courses solidified under Peabody was swept away and practically the present elective system was introduced. A. N. Talbot was placed in charge of a new department of municipal and sanitary engineering; departments of architectural engineering, and electrical engineering were created, xvi University of Illinois and reorganization of other departments, especially the languages and pedagogy, took place. An agricultural short course was instituted ; a biological station on the Illinois river near Havana was provided ; a summer session was begun. One of the first of Burrill's acts as regent was to institute plans for developing graduate study. The first fellowships were offered in 1892; in the next year the graduate school was placed under a committee consisting of the regent and the deans of the colleges ; and in the year following plans were made for providing work leading to the doctorate. Although the natural history building had been provided for under Peabody, it was not completed until 1892, in the fall of which year work was begun on the engineering building, for which $160,000 had been provided in the large appropria- tion secured through Burrill's initiative. With the building of these new structures the University changed its whole aspect, and entered upon a new phase; these were the beginnings of a material growth that contrasted sharply with the past, and that has scarcely slackened since. Student life warmed and expanded in the more genial atmosphere. Students were allowed greater freedom, and showed a better, though not always a docile, spirit. In the first month of Burrill's term the pledge not to join fraternities was abolished, and the growth of those societies was tacitly encouraged. Attendance rapidly increased, thanks in part, no doubt, to the work of Peabody and the alumni in preceding years, as well as to the confidence felt on all sides in the acting head of the University. Student organizations were stimulated. The first glee club was recruited in 1891 ; in the next year the band gave its first annual concert; the mando- lin, art, chemistry, and other clubs found lodgment, and a system of student assem- blies was begun "for social and intellectual purposes." Perhaps it is appropriate to mention as one of the most inspiriting events of the time, from the point of view of the students, the change in September, 1892, by which military drill was required of freshmen and sophomores only, and of them but twice a week. Class spirit ran high ; the freshman social became a battle of wits and more tangible materials, and was conducted over a wide territory. The first class rush had occurred, quite spontaneously, in the autumn of 1891 in the corridors of Uni- versity Hall. Clothing was damaged, eyewater, apparently ready for any emer- gency, played a part, and in spite of faculty exhortations, the fight did not end until the heaviest student, George Hufif, taking refuge on a chandelier, pulled it from the ceiling and came down upon the heads of the classmen. The rush became an annual affair, and in one form or another continued so until 1918. Athletics was given new impetus by a grant of the use of part of what is now Illinois Field, where in 1891 a grand-stand was erected and some facilities for games were provided. In that and the next year, the University defeated all the small college teams and graduated into the class of the big colleges by defeating North- western in baseball in the spring of 1892. The game was played at Evanston, and when the news reached Champaign a procession was formed which paraded the two towns, chanting the score of 13 to 8 and other things, and creating a precedent long, diligently, and variously observed in the years following. The Illini, in these years of transition, became a weekly, with some of the charac- teristics of a newspaper, and the University subscribed for four hundred copies to be distributed among the high schools of the state. The Sophograph gave way, as the annual, to the Illio, first issued, in 1894, by the juniors. Though Dr. Burrill continued his active service for the University until 1912, and worked daily in his laboratory on the campus until within a week of his death in 1915, it was in these three years that he was most prominently a leader among his colleagues, and none of the alumni remember him with more affection than those who were then in college. "The class of '94 recalls with pride and affection that Dr. Burrill was made a member of the alumni association at the same time as ourselves," says Lucinda Pearl Boggs, "and that he would have been listed with our class but for the strenuous objection of the entire alumni body. It seems im- possible to pay any tribute to Dr. Burrill that will accurately and worthily portray the man, the scholar, and the administrator, because he always lost sight of himself in devotion to his task. He was humble with the humility of the man who sees the greatness of his cause ; he was sincere, and the purity of his motives enabled him to see into the hearts of men; he was sympathetic, with the good will that easily put him in harmony with others; he was wise, with the broadmindedness which enabled him for so many years to pursue scientific studies successfully and at the same time guide a great university into newer, higher, and better ways. Nor can one pass over the minor virtues of tact, of tolerance, and above all his saving sense of humor which made him laugh with us at our own girl and boy absurdities. And so Dr. Historic AT. Sketch xvii Burrill left his impress upon the institution, not with the briUiancy of some other administrators and scholars, perhaps, but with a permanency indisputable because of its righteousness." There were some others who with Dr. Burrill bound the old University to the new, and a few of whom are now going on into the still newer era in the second half-century. Professors Ricker and Rolfe have both now retired, but Ira O. Baker, '74, is still a vigorous teaching member of the faculty. What architecture and the college of engineering owe to Ricker, civil engineering owes to Baker, and that is a great debt. Arthur N. Talbot, '81, became head of a department under Peabody, and has been one of the outstanding figures who have made the research work at the University known throughout the engineering world. Another bond between the two eras is S. W. Parr, '84, captain of the first baseball team, whose work in chemistry has kept pace with the expanding requirements of the newer time. "When I came upon the Board of Trustees in 1893," wrote James E. Armstrong, '81, "there was no president. Dr. Burrill was acting in that position, while the merits of various men were being discussed. Superintendent Draper of Cleveland among them. Some admired his great executive ability but feared to choose a president who was not strictly a college-bred man. I was put upon the committee to recommend candidates for all vacancies and eventually was made chairman of that committee. I visited various doctors of divinity and philosophy, and corres- ponded with many people. I became convinced that what the University needed was not so much the college type as the organizer and the executive who could bring the institution to the notice of the legislature and convince the average man in politics that the state University was the greatest asset of the commonwealth. Dr. Burrill and I went to Cleveland to see Dr. Draper. We were so well impressed that we arranged to have him meet the Board in Chicago. He came, and after a half-hour's talk we asked him to retire from the room ; in ten minutes he was elected. The Board had set $4,000 as the salary ; he had set his price at $7,000 and free rent of a house we were to build for him. He got his price in those ten minutes." Dr. Draper, like some of the trustees, had misgivings as to his fitness for the presidency because of his relatively slight academic training. He was a lawyer and a man of affairs, rather than a scholar. He had begun teaching school at eighteen, had established a good law practice at thirty, had subsequently served on the Albany Board of Education, in the state legislature, on the federal court of Alabama claims, as state superintendent of public instruction, in New York, and in 1892 at the age of forty-two had become superintendent of the Cleveland schools. He had been made doctor of laws by Colgate in 1889. These bare facts do not indicate, how- ever, the character of the man, or suggest how admirably fitted he was for the task he assumed. He was, as Nevins has said, a man of culture in a very real sense, for he knew law, he was a great reader of history, and he had a rare intellectual curiositj'^ and a knack for securing from others knowledge he had not found for himself. Draper showed a grasp of the whole situation at once inclusive and attentive to details in all their complications, and formulated promptly a general policy which he knew how to carry out. There is always danger lest in telling the story of an institution whose life is a complex of many forces and influences too much attention and credit may be given one leading figure. The remarkable growth of the Uni- versity in the decade under Draper rose largely out of the conditions developed before he came, and was promoted by many other men than he, but it must be said that his ideas and his personality were dominant throughout the decade ; he shaped the destinies of the University more completely in accordance with his will than had any predecessor. And when he had done the work he could do, and saw that his part must be a lesser or a different one in the expanding institution, he withdrew. The ground had been well prepared for the coming of Draper. The faculty had grown, was progressive, ready for vigorous leadership ; the governor and the state administration generally were friendly; the people of the state were beginning to know something of the institution and to have confidence in it. Another source of help is suggested in a remark made by Dr. Burrill many years later as he stood on the steps of Ryerson Laboratory of the University of Chicago : "The people of this state will never appreciate what this institution has meant to us at the' did University." At the beginning Draper expressed his conviction that the University must ask for much larger appropriations, must raise its entrance requirements, must give more attention to research, and must improve the social conditions in Cham- paign and Urbana as they afifected the University. xviii University of Illinois The program laid out then, and followed, meant a final and irrevocable departure from the earlier idea of the University as a peculiar institution with a special mis- sion to serve a definite purpose for a part of the people hitherto neglected in edu- cation. Much of the early ideal had already been lost; even in developing agricul- ture and engineering and science the University had perhaps inevitably approached the generally characteristic type of American university. It was now to go further towards the standard type by remedying the great defects and weaknesses in its work in the liberal arts, and by adding, after the fashion of the time, new schools and colleges, to offer advanced or professional training in whatever subject any citizen of the state might desire. The first acquisition was the school of pharmacy, added in May, 1896, when the Chicago college of pharmacy was taken over. One year later the college of physi- cians and surgeons of Chicago became the school of medicine of the University. In the fall of 1897 a law school, long discussed, was opened. In February of 1900 it became the college of law, and the medical school was at the same time made the college of medicine. In the same year in which the law school was opened, the school of library economy which had been organized at the Armour institute of technology in 1893 was moved to the University as the state library school and the director became university librarian. There were at that time only two other library schools in the country. In 1895 the work in music was reorganized and en- larged and in 1897 still further expanded into a school of music. Three years later a school of dentistry was organized in connection with the college of medicine. While all these additions were being made, existing departments of the Univer- sity were being transformed. Dean Davenport came as head of the college of agri- culture at the same time that Draper became president, and strongly supported by Burrill and others, reorganized the work in agriculture, then at low ebb, and en- tered on a more ambitious and aggressive program than even Draper at first ap- proved. The success which immediately followed both in attracting students and in winning support throughout the state for the University soon won Draper's ap- proval, though not always his belief in the direction Dean Davenport wished to give the growing department. The agricultural experiment station was also re- organized, and its work greatly enlarged. In 1899 an appropriation of $150,000 led to a complete making over of the college, and what had been the weakest depart- ment of the University soon grew to such proportions, in number of courses, of facult}', of students, and in appropriations, as to give it for years a prominent, if not a dominant place, in the University as it was regarded throughout the state. Engineering, already strong, also grew, especially the department of electrical engineering. Railway engineering was added in 1898. The chief feature of the growth in this field however was the establishment of the engineering experiment station in 1903, the first of its kind anywhere. Literature and the liberal arts had been neglected from the beginning, and al- though given considerable encouragement under Burrill, were still deplorably weak when Draper came. Science was already strong under Professor Forbes, dean, and professor of zoology, with Burrill in botany and Palmer in chemistry. Dr. David Kinley was given the task in 1894 of building up the work within the college of literature and arts, and he proceeded with vision and energy on that difficult under- taking. Under his stimulating direction, and largely as a result of his own work in the classroom, the courses in economics grew by 1902 into a group of courses of training for business, later to become the college of commerce. In English and the modern languages there was rapid growth, and a healthy quickening was perceptible in all departments. The graduate work was given impetus in 1894 by the appoint- ment of a dean of the graduate school, and as the various departments of the Uni- versity were strengthened, advanced work of wider range and better quality gradu- ally became possible, and the number of graduate students increased. One hundred and twenty students were registered in the school in the year Draper left. Naturally, such growth required money. At his first appearance before the legis- lature, Draper asked for $502,300 and the legislature appropriated $422,000, and each biennium of his presidency brought a great increase over its predecessor, reaching a total of $1,267,125 in 1903. Much of this increase was made necessary by the rapidly growing attendance and facultj^ but there was at the same time, necessarily, a vig- orous building program. When Draper came, there were five buildings on the cam- pus; there were fifteen when he left. Engineering Hall was completed in the year of his inauguration. Then in rapid succession came the library, the president's house, the observatory, the heating plant, the chemistry building, the agricultural building, the gymnasium, and in 1903 an appropriation for the woman's building. Historical Sketch xix Such expansion required many readjustments in the administrative organization of the University. "Within two years," says Nevins in summarizing this matter, Draper "had given clearer definition of his own powers, upon which he was in- sistent ; for the general supervision of the instructional work, he had created the deanship of the general faculty; and he had organized the council of administration . . . To the general faculty, consisting of all of professorial rank, was given charge of the instructional policy. Later the deanship of this body was dropped, and the growth of the University led in 1901 to the creation of the senate, composed of president, deans, and department heads, which took over the duties of the general faculty." But by the great bodj^ of alumni who knew the University in that decade, the period will always be best remembered for the astonishing increase in attendance and the development of the undergraduate spirit. The changes wrought in under- graduate life in the decade following 1894 were very great. At its beginning there was still noticeable a considerably amount of crudeness, of which the treatment of the freshmen and their social endeavors was but typical. It was Draper's task to eliminate this rough rowdyism and introduce with the hearty co-operation of the students many refinements of social custom without creating an artificial or a snob- bish atmosphere. He did all this with consummate skill. Hazing and riotous cele- brations were customarj% and Draper was too good a sportsman not to take pleasure in the vigorous display of healthy animal spirits thus employed, if kept within bounds. But he was a firm disciplinarian, and when the sophomores injured a girl in breaking up a freshman party in Urbana, he set to work promptly and effectively to remove this kind of thing from student life. The process involved the expulsion of nine students and the suspension of another, and gave all clearly to understand that Draper was master of the situation ; nobody ever supposed that a student up- rising would drive him from the University. He won the students by frank and hearty enjoyment of their sports, by square and manly treatment, by careful and thoughtful courtesy in all his relations with them. No undergraduate ever went past him on the street without knowing that he had passed the president of the Uni- versity and feeling that there was a personal meaning in the unfailing slow smile and salute. He went to all the games and knew all the athletes by name. He went out with D. H. Carnahan to plan the tennis courts north of the greenhouse; he pre- sented the gold medal given to Way Woody who had his leg broken in football. In athletics the days of the small college were over, and in 1896 the beginnings of what has grown into the Conference were made. Baseball came to be the leading sport, though football and minor sports were not neglected. With the growing prominence of athletics came a decline in the literary societies and in debating, which reached its lowest ebb towards the middle of the decade. On the other hand the efforts to build up the literary departments resulted in a great access of dramatic effort, plays being given in French, German, and English, and one in Greek. Even military had an important place in changing the spirit of undergraduate life, for General (then Captain) D. H. Brush, though a rigid disciplinarian, had the knack of winning favor for military drill, and making it popular. Social organizations increased rapidly in numbers, in a decade the fraternities increasing from four to thirteen, and five sororities finding welcome. Dancing be- came a dominant social interest, and there was a noticeable attention to the formal- ityof having chaperones at parties. "This was a period of wholesome social con- ditions," says H. H. Horner, '01, "and of healthy growth of fraternities and sorori- ties. I was a 'barb' my first year in college and a fraternity man thereafter, but I haveno recollection of 'bad blood' or snobbishness as between men in and out. The relations of men and women on the campus, in the class rooms, and in social life were natural, unaffected, and remarkably free from improprieties. There was free opportunity for every student to develop and to profit by his own talents ; there was good comradeship for anyone who would mix with his fellows ; there was the in- spiration which comes from the devotion of the crowd to a common cause; there was a high level of individual industry and purpose among the students." The great increase in numbers had done away almost wholly with the old familiar and personal relations between the students and the members of the faculty, a re- lationship which to the earlier alumni is one of the most cherished memories. They met as often as ever, perhaps, at receptions, and more or less formal social occasions were numerous, and the students became increasingly able to stand on their own feet when in close social contact with their fellows. But personal relations were seldom intimate. A man who was a student through much of this period remarks that "there was not a strongly organized effort on the part of the faculty to serve the particular XX Univeksity of Illinois needs of the individual student. We were dealt with almost wholly in groups, and only here and there recognized, and then quite unofficially, as human units with characteristics, ambitions, and capacities dififering from those of our fellows . . .1 shall never forget my tirst registration day; how full of eager anticipation I was in the morning, how despondent as the day wore on with no word of welcome and no intimation that I was more than a peg to fill a hole that was somewhere empty. I did come at last in that long and disagreeable day to a man who actually put down his pen and greeted me; seemed not to be in a hurry; asked me where I came from, what I expected to do, and expressed the hope that I would find his course interest- ing. He simply allowed himself to be guided by his natural human impulses. The man was Harry Sands Grindley. I remember just where I found him, his cordial smile, his friendly handshake, his linen coat. I shall always love him for that little display of human kindness in my day of greatest need. It is hardly necessary to say that I did not run into "T. A." on registration day. There was no lack of kindly human instincts on the part of the faculty, as I was later happily to discover, but there was to my mind a lamentable failure to capitalize the natural instincts of the teaching staff and to make concerted effort to discover the individual back of the name and to help that individual to make the most of his new opportunity." So much of this individual experience is cited here because it typifies a condi- tion that came in this decade to be general, and has remained so. The condition is in large part the inevitable consequence of a numerous enrollment ; it is also in no small measure the token of an opportunity lost, an inarticulate but real and poignant appeal ignored by the faculty. The administrative officers saw in the growing loss of personal contact with the students, who shared the attention of the faculty with so many other proper and pressing interests, the need of some organized system of contact. To supply this need for the young women, whose lot at the university had always been a rather hard one, owing to lack of resources rather than of sympathy on the part of the officers, especially since the beginning of of Dr. Burrill's regime, a woman's depart- ment was created in 1897, the head of which was to be adviser, disciplinarian, and protector of all women students. Miss Violet D. Jayne came to fill the office, giv- ing part of , her time to the teaching of courses in English, and in a position notori- ously difficult at best, she became a pleasing and immensely helpful influence in both the scholastic and the social life of the women. The effort to meet this requirement for the men led to a signal innovation in the establishing, in 1901, of the office of dean of men, first called dean of undergraduates, and Thomas Arkle Clark, for whom and by whom, inextricably, the place was made, became the first college officer to hold such a position or title. It was his business, in the beginning, to serve in the place traditionally held by the president in relation to the students, as adviser, friend, and disciplinarian, for all of which duties Pro- fessor Clark was eminently fitted. The opportunities and activities of the office had hardly been suspected when it was created ; the place has grown in utility and im- portance ever since, until it is now the one office most intimately connected with undergraduate life. Though not clearly perceived at its beginning, this innovation meant the establishing of a relationship between administration and students con- siderably at variance with that maintained at many universities. Through it the University keeps account of class attendance, class standing, health, living condi- tions, social activities, and a thousand and one items of more or less individual concern which are in many places ignored as outside the responsibility of the uni- versity. Much as is accomplished by the organized efforts of the office working through clubs and fraternities, still more effect results from the personal contact of the dean of men, as he is now called, with thousands of students. He knows thousands of them by name ; he visits every man who goes to the hospital ; he is seldom missing from the deathbed of a student; he attends hundreds of parties and meetings and dinners and makes hundreds of talks each year ; he is the friend and counsellor of the great mass of students; he is also the disciplinary officer who gives many a man a bad half-hour. Naturally some of them think they are too closely attended by this system of oversight; but the good that has come of it is immeasurable, and if not recognized before a man leaves college is in almost all cases admitted afterwards. The alumni did not make themselves much felt during the Draper administra- tion. That may have been due in part to the feeling which Draper did not conceal, that the alumni asked rather than gave help and were not a force to be reckoned with in carrying out his plans. He did not antagonize them, but he did nothing to enlist their active support, preferring to utilize the students in his measures to bring HisTOKicAL Sketch xxi the University before the public. The activity shown by the alumni during Pea- body's time had no parallel now. Individual alumni were influential in the legis- lature and on the board of trustees, but the Association was of little or no conse- quence, beyond the work of the committee on nomination of trustees; few attended the annual meetings, and still fewer paid the fees. In 1899 the alumni in meeting voted that the secretary might be chosen outside the alumni, all dues were abolished, and the University was asked to pay for printing the minutes of the annual meeting. President Draper resigned in March, 1904, and the trustees, after considering a number of possibilities, including two or three members of the faculty, elected as his successor Edmund Janes James, at that time president of Northwestern Uni- versity. He was the first native of the state to occupy the position, and he brought with him the understanding and sympathy of a native son who had been teacher and administrator in a normal school and in two universities of the state, coupled with training and experience gained in other states and abroad. Son of a pioneer Metho- dist minister, he was born on May 21, 1855 at Jacksonville, Illinois. He prepared for college in the model department of the Illinois State Normal School and after one year at Northwestern University and one at Harvard, he entered the University of Halle, in 1875, where two years later he received his doctor's degree. He did his first teaching as principal of the high school at Evanston, going from there to a simi- lar position in the high school department of the Illinois Normal University. In 1883 he became professor of public administration in the University of Pennsylvania. While there he was for a time secretary of the graduate faculty and organized the instruction in this department. He was also director of the Wharton School of Finance and Economy. In i8g6 he became professor of public administration and di- rector of the university extension division of the University of Chicago. He was elected president of Northwestern University six years later, and in 1904 he re- signed to accept the presidency of Illinois. He received the honorary degree LL.D. from Cornell College (Iowa) in 1902, from Wesleyan, 1903, Queen's College also in 1903, from Harvard University in 1909, and Michigan in igiy. Though President James assumed the duties of his office in the summer of 1904, his formal installation was deferred until the fall of 1905, when it was utilized for making the institution known not only throughout the state, but all over the coun- try, and abroad. Delegates were present from scores of other universities, and from the state and federal administrations, and a series of conferences of wide scope on educational subjects made the occasion distinguished and memorable. The general lines of policy in the new administration soon showed many changes. So thoroughly had Draper done his work of reorganization to meet the needs of a large and complex institution that little change was needed in the machinery. Under Draper not only had a large administrative machine been erected ; the undergraduate curriculum had been expanded and balanced ; undergraduate teaching had been con- sistently improved: the level of student life, intellectually and socially, had been notably elevated. Taking these accomplished things for granted, the University under the leadership of President James took a long look forward and began to lay plans larger and more ambitious, some called them visionary, than had hitherto been suggested. The essentially national character of the University was emphasized and insisted upon. The efforts to set and maintain a high and ascending standard in undergraduate teaching and scholarship were continued, but distinctly greater at- tention was directed to broadening, strengthening, and elevating tire higher levels of scholarship in the institution by building up the graduate school and the library, en- couraging investigation, research, and experiment — all the intellectual activities which contribute to the world's treasury of knowledge. Progress in the ambitious program depended on securing larger and continually larger resources, and although President Draper on retiring had felt that the limit had been reached in the size of legislative appropriations. President James approached the general assembly with requests, and reasons in support of them, which made the arrogance of his predecessor seem timidity. Some of his far-sighted enthusiasm he transferred to the legislators; with tact and skill the president and his colleagues, assisted by many alumni in and out of the legislature, bound together the interests of the University and the state, with the result that appro'priations rapidly increased. President Draper had seen the income grow from about $600,000 for 1894-96 to $1,800,000 for 1902-04. The income for 1904-06 was $2,166,000, for 1906-08 it was $3,100,000; by 1914 it exceeded $6,000,000 and has so continued. The most important single event in regard to the income of the University was the enacting of a law in 191 1 which levies a tax of one mill on all the assessed property of the state for the xxii University of Illinois support of the University. President James had worked for this law from the begin- ning of his administration, pointing out the need for it as a guarantee on which the University could build for the future, and bringing to the support of the measure many of the most important influences in the state. No small share of credit for the law is due the alumni who assisted materially in presenting the cause of the Uni- versity to the legislature ; most of the credit, apart from that which goes to members of the University, belongs, however, to Senator Henry M. Dunlap, who fathered the bill, saw it through committees, and did much to assure its passage. Though the tax brings the University an assured income of approximately $5,000,000 ^very two years, it has the disadvantage of tending to limit appropriations to that amount, though already it has been found inadequate to meet the growing needs of the in- stitution. The present legislature (1919-21) has increased the appropriation about $350,000 beyond the proceeds of the mill tax. The most noticeable result of this amplified support was a great increasein the building program calculated to house the growing attendance and multiplying activities. A bare list of the principal structures can be mentioned here: the audi- torium, the addition to the natural history building, the laboratory of physics, Lincoln Hall, the commerce, transportation, woman's, administration, genetics, and ceramics buildings, the armory, the vivarium, the immense horticultural glass houses, the ad- dition to the chemical laboratory, more than doubling the size of the original struc- ture, the woman's residence hall, the school of education, and the Smith memorial music building, all built since 1905. Other material equipment has kept pace with buildings. The laboratories have been enriched in apparatus and machinery in bewildering quantities ; the museums Have been steadily augmented, and two new collections, those of classical art and archeology and of medieval culture, established. The most noteworthy growth has, naturally.'taken place in the library. For the first twenty years after the opening of the University it had been sadly neglected, and although it grew somewhat faster after 1890, it was still deplorably weak in 1904, when there were fewer than seventy thousand volumes in it. By 1909 the number had doubled ; at the end of a decade it had increased to 300,000, and when the first half-century was completed the collec- tion numbered 420,000 volumes of books, besides thousands of pamphlets. The encouragement of higher scholarship in many fields and by all possible means has been the outstanding characteristic of the progress of the University in the last fourteen years. The leading feature and force in this movement has been the gradu- ate school, the influence of which has been felt in every part of the institution. At the same time, members of the faculty have been encouraged in every way possible to pursue independent investigation and research and to publish the results obtained. Promotion has largely depended on such activity, and new appointments have been made with promise in this direction in mind. INIore time and money has been pro- vided for conducting experiments and investigation, departments have been equipped and encouraged to offer courses leading to advanced degrees, and several series of publications have been subsidized to make the results available. Graduate instruction had been encouraged, but not vigorously promoted in the decade of Draper. In 1905 Dean Kinley resigned as head of the college of literature and arts to become dean of the graduate school, and an administrative faculty rep- resenting those departments giving most attention to graduate work was instituted. In 1907 legislative recognition of graduate work as a proper function of a state uni- versity was bestowed in the form of a special appropriation of $50,000 a year, re- peated at the close of the biennium. With this fund fellowships and scholarships were endowed, publications were subsidized, money for special purchases in connec- tion with research was made available, and every facility provided to encourage scholarly effort. This growth in research has affected the instructional balance within the University; still more notably it has brought the institution into practical relations with many interests in the state outside the University, to the advantage of both parties. The work of the agricultural experiment station is of course generally known ; not so widely appreciated is the extensive, various, and valuable work of the engineering experimerit station for all manner of engineering interests, for which in a way it has become an experimental laboratory. Similar service is rendered by the departments of ceramics; of education, now the college of education with a special bureau of educational research; of chemistry; of political science, which has contributed much to the reorganization of state administration in Illinois; and by a orroup of related scientific bureaus, including the natural history survey, the Historical Sketch xxiii state historical survey, the entomological survey, the state water survey, state geo- logical survey, a bureau for investigating problems of Illinois mineral industries, and many others. In fact, during the last fourteen years the University has been called upon for direct service to every important industry and interest in the state ; has been enabled to meet many demands by the insistence with which these interests have demanded that the state should provide the University with means to do so. A number of administrative changes have taken place in this period. In 1905 a school of education was established in the college of literature and arts, which in 1918 was made a college of education. The colleges of literature and arts and of science, which had been pursuing somewhat parallel careers since the da3'S of Pea- body, were, after several years of debate, united in 1913 as the college of liberal arts and sciences under the deanship of Dr. Kendric C. Babcock. The courses in business administration established in the college of literature and arts under Dean Kinley were given means for somewhat independent development through a separate appropriation of $25,000 a year made in 1905, and were enlarged into a college of commerce and business administration in 1917. Courses in ceramics were estab- lished in 1905, out of which has grown the school of ceramics with a commodious group of buildings and a considerable faculty. A department of railway engineering was established in 1906, in connection with which a locomotive testing laboratory was opened. A mine rescue station came in 1909. A growth of activity and scope equally significant has taken place in other departments without giving occasion for administrative change. Every department in the arts and sciences as in the technical colleges has grown ; in the department of history, for example, special attention has been paid to western history. South America, and the Near East; courses in San- scrit, Celtic, and Scandinavian languages have been introduced; journalism has grown to the proportions of a department, though administratively within the de- partment of English ; a similar filling out might be recounted concerning scores of branches of educational interest. Radical changes have been made in the Chicago departments. Partly because of pressure upon the University to improve and expand the work in the college of medi- cine and the unwillingness of the legislature to provide means to accomplish the necessary alterations, the University was compelled to close it on June 30, 1912. The college of physicians and surgeons again opened a school on the same site. This caused such consternation among medical alumni and friends of medical edu- cation in Illinois that they proceeded to secure the capital stock of the college of physicians and surgeons and then presented it to the trustees of the university. The college of medicine was then re-opened March 6, 1913. A vigorous policy of expansion and development followed. The equipment has been perfected and brought down to date, and the entrance requirements have been raised to a par with those of the best medical schools of the United States. The dental department, which was closed at the same time as the medical department and for the same reasons, was re-opened October i, 1913. The college of dentistry has also under- gone considerable development within the last few years, as well as the school of pharmacy. The fine spirit that has been shown throughout the various ranks of the fac- ulty has been promoted in so small measure by a steady increase in salaries. Presi- dent James has made it one of his objects, never lost sight of, to foster in the faculties a combination of intellectual restlessness and economic contentment. The latter is never attained, for competition for the best men is active and strong, and economic pressure must sometimes perform operations of extrusion not otherwise easily accomplished; but it has been his purpose to establish-and maintain a scale of salaries that would keep in the University the men most valuable to it and to the state, and bring to it those men whom it most needed. Once in particular, and more than once in less emphatic terms, the legislature has been urged in recent years to make appropriations for the specific purpose of increasing salaries. And although among the leading universities of the country the state universities do not offer the most attractive salaries, among her sister state institutions Illinois has come, in the last dozen years, to occupy a favorable position in this respect. The growth in size and complexity of the University has naturally meant a con- tinual increase in the size of the faculty, an alteration not of size only, but a steady rise in scholarly equipment also. The numerous additions made in the period, while the teaching function has not been neglected, have been made in so far as possible with a view to bringing together a group of specialists possessing intellectual enthusiasm and scholarly productive industry. As a result an atmosphere of greater intellectual xxiv University of Illinois vigor has been created that has proved stimulating to the younger members of the faculty and to the graduate students. Such a growth has necessarily completely done away with the sense of social solidarity existing in the faculty in the preceding pe- riods, when the faculty as a group was not so large, or so widely separated by in- tense specialization as to make homqgeneitj'- impossible. But the disappearance of the old unity has not given rise to antagonisms or cliques. There has continued to be little trace of jealousy and practically no bitterness among the groups haying special interests. Friction there is now and then, of course, but surprisingly little. This genial atmosphere is due in no small measure to the spirit of intellectual and academic tolerance, equality, and freedom steadily maintained by President James. There are some more royal than the king, but they do not appreciably restrict the freedom of intellectual life and progress. Relations between the members of the faculty and the students have shown little change except that the characteristics which came to notice in the preceding period have been somewhat intensified. With the development of the office of the dean of men the faculty has shown an increasing willingness to leave matters of personal contact to that office. Consequent^ the community of interest existing between the two parts of the University has not always been realized or cultivated. Not many members of the faculty maintain close personal relations with students, and not many students nowadays feel that affectionate regard for members of the faculty which was once a characteristic of the University life. This growing separatism is due not only to increase in numbers and to the activity of the offices of the deans of men and of women, but in part also to the emphasis laid on the importance of re- search, as compared with teaching. The desirable and far from impossible combina- tion of the two interests in cordial co-operation remains to be developed out of a fuller and mellower adjustment to the still somewhat new aspirations of this latest period. Student life has been revolutionized in the past fifteen years. Physical changes have brought to the immediate vicinity of the University a business district which supplies all the ordinary needs of the students. Whereas at an earlier time the need of a sandwich, a pencil, or a shoestring called the student a mile or more away, to Urbana or Champaign, all his ordinary requirements, except that of motion pictures, are now met within a block of the campus. Since the building of the first fraternity house in 1903 there has been constructed a group of sixty-six houses for such groups of students, and although perhaps a majority still live in lodgings of the type familiar from the beginning, the tendency is strong toward the better conditions that come with the organizing of groups owning their domiciles. Of this group of fraternity and sorority_ houses, some seventeen, representing an investment of $500,000, belong to the organizations, the title usually being in a group of alumni. This situation as introduced has fostered the growth of an element of stability in the interest of the alumni, as well as one of responsibility on the part of the students towards the Uni- versity. The fratesnities and sororities have had an influence in student life quite apart from their contributions to the physical well-being and social activity of their members. Among the men are forty chapters of national social fraternities, five professionals and seven locals ; among the women are thirteen nationals and one local. Their influence on the scholastic endeavors of their members is helpful and they form an important element in the control of activities and customs. There is no anti-fraternity feeling in the University. Among the women there has been created a system of housing units to care for those not in organizations. And at the very close of the half-century the University built the first residence hall, to accommodate about one hundred women. The fraternity houses are all in Champaign, within a few blocks of the University, while the sororities divide their favors between the two towns, with a tendency toward the Urbana side, where the women's residence hall is located. This movernent has made a compact community of students within six blocks of the campus, with very few living farther away; and this compactness has fostered a feeling of close fellowship, of common interest, of democratic cor- diality. Five churches have been built in the neighborhood of the University to care for the students, and are centers of much helpful activity. The Presbyterians have erected a student church and a dormitory or residence hall for women students, with anendowment of $60,000. The Methodists, who were the first to build in the University community, have purchased half a block of land adjoining the campus on which they will erect a group of buildings, including a church and a social center, and other structures requiring an expenditure of half a million dollars, provided on the Wesley Foundation. The Baptists, Unitarians, and Disciples have built churches Historical Sketch xxv near the campus. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. organizations have erected build- ings and collected endowments of a value exceeding a quarter of a million dollars and affording centers of religious and social work among the students, as well as furnishing living accommodations for limited numbers. The Y. W. C. A. building is a gift from Mr. W. B. McKinley, who also contributed enough of the cost of the Y. M. C. A. building to bring his donations to the two to more than $100,000. The same friend has given more than $100,000 for a University hospital, soon to be erected. The Y. M. C. A. achieved its maximum strength and influence in the middle of the period, helped materially by the gift of a building opened in 1908. Three years later the Y. M. C. A. opened a commodious building, and the two structures have been the centers of much student activity. A great number of organizations have represented every shade of intellectual and social interest. Of the former, a mere catalog would be too long here, but the scholarly activities of the students have made a place for Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, which came, significantly, in the reverse of the order named, and for many others of less scope. Local honorary societies have become numerous, the most important being Mawanda, which succeeded the moribund Shield and Trident, dat- ing from 1893, and Phoenix, founded in 1906, to give recognition, at the close of the junior year, to men who have shown high qualities of ability as students and leaders. But the Association buildings by no means afford accommodations adequate to serve as a center of the social life of the students, and in 1909 a students' union was organized to raise a fund for a student building and take charge of under- graduate political affairs. The career of this organization demonstrates certain aspects of student activity. Inspired by a definite purpose, efforts have been made for several years to interest all students in the movement, to raise money, and to guide student life. But there has been lacking almost continuously from the begin- ning the disinterested and able leadership necessary to obtain the confidence and sup- port of the students. Though there have been able leaders both in and out of the Union, the conditions have not developed those qualities of imagination combined with initiative that are the finest fruit of college life. Without question the general level of undergraduate life has been elevated; the crudeness of another time has almost wholly disappeared; the era of the rented dress suit has passed; it is hardly fair now to say, as a graduate of 1905 said, that all "social activities were character- ized by a too evident desire to do the proper thing." Sophistication is not now no- ticeably lacking, since the majority of students in all parts of the university come from larger centers of population. The student who in 1900 had an allowance of seventy-five dollars a month was pointed out on the campus with awe ; scores now drive their own cars home to Chicago or Peoria over the week-end. Social affairs are more expensive in every way than they used to be, though they are not extrava- gantly elaborate. But this growth in finish, in self possession, and in consciousness has not as yet brought forth either much profound zeal for scholarship or notably fine qualities of leadership. The measure of change within the period is easily traced in the student publica- tions, chief of which is the Daily Illini. During Draper's time the paper had grown first into a tri-weekl}' and then a daily newspaper of fair quality. But its financial management, like that of most student undertakings in those days, was haphazard, to say no worse ; there was no great honor to be won by working on it, and all the profits went to the editor and the manager, who obtained places through the lowest form of student politics. The case finally became so bad that the faculty did what students under adequate leadership might have done for themselves — took the choice of editor and manager out of politics and gave that, along with general supervision of the business affairs of the paper, to a board made up of four students and three members of the faculty. They proceeded to appoint editors and managers on merit and to encourage rivalry for positions on the paper both by making experience a prerequisite to promotion to the best positions and by businesslike financing which produced a surplus to be distributed among all members of the staff. In seven years after the system was introduced the paper steadily improved in quality and influence, printing forty-eight eighteen-inch columns daily and having a circulation of more than two thousand. Besides distributing more than $18,000 among the members of the staff, it accumulated a fund of nearly $15,000, most of which has been invested in a complete printing plant. The Illio, which went on the rocks occasionally in times past, has shown steady improvement as a pictorial record of the year, though it has lost all literary char- acter. It is under the same supervision as the Illini. The Illinois Magazine, estab- xxvi Unr^ersity of Illinois lished in 1903, has had an interrupted and unsatisfactory career. There has never been sufficiently general and sustained literary interest among the students to develop a good literary magazine. On the other hand the Illinois Agriculturist has had a prosperous success, and continues to be well edited and widely circulated. In spite of the size and strength of the engineering clientele, the Technograph has prospered no better than the Illinois Magazine, and, like it, was obliterated by the war. A symptom of growing student spirit is to be found in the Siren, a creditable humorous paper begun in 191 1 and continued until the war took the students away. Impetus was given to dramatics when in 1904 Thacher Rowland Guild came to the University as instructor in English. He successfully undertook an elaborate production of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay in connection with the installation of President James, and from that time on cultivated an interest in dramatics so wholesome and vigorous that it has not lessened since his untimely death in 1914, though it has had no special encouragement from the faculty. Debating and ora- tory has developed considerable strength since the days of its low estate at the beginning of the century, and in the last few years the University has held a high place in debating among the north central universities. The quality of sportsmanship shown in athletics has been steadily good. Even in the days when chicanery was more prevalent than now in intercollegiate ath- letics, the wholesome influence of George Huff kept a healthful spirit predomi- nant at Illinois. Under his coaching, Illinois has maintained a leading place in baseball, ever since the famous trip through the East in 1903. In football there have been vicissitudes. After several disastrous years, the graduate coaching sys- tem was tried during the first seven or eight years after the departure of Woodruff in 1903, with varying success, and was given up in 1912 when Coach Zuppke took charge. Since then football has been in better case. In track, also, there has been a strong growth under Coach Gill, and basketball under Jones, has been successfully encouraged. In 1914 Illinois won first place in all four of the principal sports. The attendance at games, until the war came, was large, and the spirit, manifested in an elaborate system of cheering, rather forced at times, perhaps, and in singing, which has had a healthy growth in the last decade, have been an important feature of student life. Celebrations have become less hazardous as occasion for them became more frequent, and as the Union or Council took them in hand. A special effort has been made during the past decade to obtain general participation of stu- dents in athletic activities. Tennis and golf have attracted many, though the Uni- versity has done little with either intercollegiately. But more than half of the men in the University participate in the several series of baseball and football games which in fall and spring strew the south campus with many hilarious teams, and accomplish the real purpose of athletics. This hasty sketch can give but a faint and partial suggestion of the complexity and energy of life among the students. If it is in any measure faithful to its sub- ject it will convey the idea of a large body of generally healthy-minded young men and women, in a proportion of about four to one, living in friendly companionship in which there is little snobbishness and a vast amount of gregariousness. There is no tendency on the part of the men to resent the presence of the women; on the contrary, the women receive an amount of attention and occupy a place in affairs perhaps larger than their numbers only would entitle them to. Upon this compan- ionship, and a democracy that ignores social distinctions as completely as is humanly possible, Illinois spirit is founded. Out of it there have as yet grown but few traditions, though there are continual self-conscious strivings towards traditions. Customs there are in numbers. The freshman is a marked youth who does not early in the fall put on the small green cap ; class smokers and dances, the band concerts on the lawn, the impromptu celebration that breaks out on the first warm evening in spring and in ten minutes fills the streets with thousands of marching, singing, and dancing youth led by a huge brass band, the arrowhead of Mawanda which appears one morning each spring on the trunk of the elm by the 1903 foun- tain ; the annual appearance of members of Sachem in their blankets; the scroll of Phi Delta Psi resting on the senior bench — these are but a few of many of the customs which give color and character to student life. The two greatest events in the college year from the undergraduate point of view are homecoming and in- terscholastic. The latter brings to the University thousands of high school students, who fill the fraternity and sorority and lodging houses and see the campus in a three day frolic. In this time are crowded two plays by Mask and Bauble, a track meet, a baseball game, a circus, which has come to be a huge and elaborate show. Historical Sketch xxvii the "sluiil show" consisting of clever and enjoyable skits by groups of women students, and the May fete, which has grown out of a Maypole dance on the south campus into an elaborate show that fills the bleachers on Illinois Field. Homecoming, designed to bring the alumni back while the University is in full operation, centers in the principal football game on the home grounds. It was in- stituted in 191 1, largely through the energetic work of W. E. Ekblaw, and has i)een most popular from the beginning. A smoker, dance, and other forms of enter- tainment are provided, but the football game and the informal, impromptu reunions of the returning alumni are the chief features of the event. When President James came to the University he found the alumni loosely organized and not showing a lively interest in each other or in the University. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, who became secretary of the agricultural experiment station in 1888, had been made registrar in 1893. He had known all the entering students from that time on, and as a part of his work had kept up a directory of alumni. In 1899 he was made secretary of the alumni association. To him, loved by all who knew him, the alumni willingly left the work they might have done, and lost con- sciousness. There were a few alumni clubs, and the committee on nomination of trustees continued to function, but the annual meetings were slim affairs, and little happened between them. President James had no sooner gathered the reins till he began to stir up interest among the alumni by setting Frank W. Scott, '01, at the task of compiling a biographical record of the graduates. The careful work and remarkable memory of Mr. Pillsbury made this a comparatively easy task, and the volume was issued in 1906. The book aroused so many graduates to wish further news of their classmates and others that a few alumni undertook on their own responsibility to start a periodical, though more than one graduate expressed the belief that there was not sufficient material obtainable to support a quarterly magazine and that the dues necessary to support it would take away the charm of sentiment then felt by the alumni towards the University. The Alumni Quar- terly was begun in January, 1907, and has continued since that time, being made the official organ of the association in June, and supplemented after 1913 by the Fortnightly Notes. Largely through the influence of the Record and the Quarterly alumni interest revived; the fourteen clubs in 1907 had increased by 191 1 to thirty, and that number has steadily increased to fifty in 1918. In 1912 a new constitution was adopted by the alumni association to coordinate the clubs and increase the ac- tivities of the association. The Illini Club of Chicago opened club rooms in 1911, and cooperated with the association and the university in a number of undertak- ings. President James began soon after coming to the University, and has con- tinued, to write to the altimni whenever matters of general concern demanded their attention. He has secured their assistance in dealing with the legislature and in other matters connected with the University, either directly or through the associa- tion. In not a few important crises in legislative affairs the University has been assisted by prompt action of the organized, informed, and prepared alumni. Their activity has not as yet brought much to the University in the way of gifts, except that of the medical alumni in presenting the stock of the college of medicine to the institution. Several attempts to raise a fund for a building in honor of Dr. Gregory have been made, and the last one had secured subscriptions for some $70,000 when the war made further progress for the time being impossible. As the close of the first half-century of the University approached, plans were made to celebrate the occasion in fitting manner by the issuing of a series of pub- lications and by exercises at the University so timed as to form a part of the cel- ebration of the centennial of the state, as well as to signalize the close of a period of remarkable achievement by the state University. There were to be several publi- cations dealing with the University itself, including a history in one volume, written by Allan Nevins, '12; a more extensive historical account of the University in several volumes, by B. E. Powell, appointed University historian, and a new edition of the Alumni Record, to present some measure of the principal product of the half century then closing. These three works are now issued, except that the extended history has not progressed beyond the first volume. Under the direction of the State Centennial Commission, a group of men in the University were appointed to prepare a series of volumes on the history of the state, and three of these have now been issued. Plans were made to hold at the University a series of meetings to which scholars and leaders in many fields were to be invited to engage in discussions, out of which it was expected would come that a collection of papers which could be embodied in a series of University Semi- xxviii University of Illinois Centennial Publications. An important place in the plans was assigned to a his- torical pageant which was to depict the rise and development of the institution, and a pageant master was engaged to prepare that and a series of minor pageants throughout the year. When the United States was drawn into the war, the plans for a celebration at the University were abandoned. There was given, however, a series of pageants which instead of portraying the triumph of half a century of peaceful but energetic growth in and towards the liner things of civilization, made appeals for pity and food, and later depicted the nation seizing arms and going forth to meet her foe. Until the United States joined in the war, there had appeared little indication that the students or the faculty were vitally concerned with the conflict. With all the people of the great peace-loving heart of the continent, she seemed to share that serenity of mood which won the scorn of the more belligerent spokesmen of the seaboard states. A few students left from time to time to join the Canadian or other foreign forces, but the current of University life, even of its talk, was not much affected. All this was changed when the call came to America. From that time until the riotous celebration on the steps of the Auditorium at two o'clock in the morn- ing when news came that the armistice had been signed, the one purpose and interest of the University and all her men and women was to seek out all the ways in which she and they could contribute to the work America had to do, and then to follow those ways to the end. All the resources of the institution were at once placed by President James at the disposal of the government. The students left in great numbers, some with an ambulance unit promptly formed at the University and some in a battery recruited at the University, others as volunteers in many branches of the service, many to munition and other factories or to farms in this country or in Canada. From the middle of April until the close of the year about 1300 students withdrew for service of one kind or another. Few classes were quite abandoned, but all were much reduced in size, the laboratories were sparsely occupied, and social activities were curtailed or abandoned. Not many members of the faculty withdrew that year, for those of militar}^ age were generally advised to wait until it became apparent where their services were most needed. The Uni- versity made liberal arrangements for graduating the seniors who left early and for granting credit to others ; while all possible assurances were given departing members of the facultj^ that they might find a welcome on their return. Special classes in military, drilling daily, were organized, and more than five hundred stu- dents enrolled ; courses in preparation for ordnance and quartermasters duties were filled; more than one hundred women joined classes in training for hospital service. On May 21 instruction was begun in the government school of military aeronautics, established at the University under government direction for giving ground training in preparation for flying. The University took over the Y. M. C. A. building, which it converted into a barrack, and turned over to the school the old armory, to which it built an addition, for laboratory uses, and a number of rooms in other buildings. Registration in this work increased to about eight hundred, and the newly completed women's residence hall was given up to the aviators for use as barracks. When the year closed, nearly two hundred and fifty seniors absent in the service of the government received their diplomas by mail, and more men from Illinois than from any other University had applied for admission to the officers' training camp at Ft. Sheridan and been accepted. The exodus of students and the feeling of uncertainty as to the effect of the draft led to rumors that the University would not open in the fall, but there was never any intention of closing the institution, and all departments opened as usual, though some of them were considerably disorganized by the absence of many of the younger instructors and some of the older men. Registration fell off a fifth, the loss being among the men, the number of women in attendance remaining nor- mal. Only the college of medicine showed an increase over the attendance of the preceding year. The many war activities which crowded the fall months led to the appointment in December, under the chairmanship of Dr. Kinley, of a general war service committee, with branches to attend to the publication of leaflets, to publicity, lectures at the University and over the state, the collection of funds, the compiling of war service records, and employment. Many meetings were held in the course of the year, the most notable being a conference held at the end of Jan- uary under the direction of Dean Davenport to help solve the problem of food. It was attended by Governor Lowden and many leaders of industry in the state and Historical Sketch xxix covered a wide field. President Wilson sent an important address. The raising of the University service flag on February 14 was made an occasion for a number of stirring addresses. The flag at that time contained 2686 stars. No mere sketch can even suggest the many ways in which the University con- tributed resources in serving the country. Many members of the faculty were called to Washington, more than forty all told, for periods of weeks or months, to render expert service in science or engineering, in historical research, in the study of economic and other problems. At the University scores of men and a number of laboratories were given over to confidential investigations and experiments of vital value to the government. In physics and in chemistry especially, work was carried on that was invaluable, and in the chemical laboratory was produced the total supply of some rare substances on which not only our own country but all her associates as well relied. Almost three-quarters of a million dollars were subscribed by members of the University to the various relief funds and government loans. To the first liberty loan the University community subscribed $50,000; to the second, $220,000; and to the fourth, $314,000. The first war fund drive brought $31,000 and the united drive more than $46,000. War savings stamps amounting to more than $25,900 were sold. Relief appeals met generous response — to the Belgian, $12,000; Syrian-Armenian, $8,744; for the Red Cross, $12,955; for the University ambulance unit, $4,800; for the University Union in Europe, $1,365. But of course the principal contribution was made by the students and alumni who gave up their work to serve wherever they were needed in the war. A sum- mary of the total numliers thus engaged is given elsewhere in this volume, a total equalled by no other American University of like age and numbers. No fewer than 5307 names appear on the University roll of honor ; and the roll of the dead has reached a total of one hundred and fift3^-seven. By this grave national crisis the first half century of the University was brought to an unexpected close. In the midst of the regret that such things must come, there is to be found satisfaction in the evidence thus presented that the colleges and universities of the country arc sending forth a breed of men ready and abun- dantlj' able to meet the world's greatest crises, and that among them all none showed more readiness or worth than Illinois. Events at the University during the year in which this book has been in prepara- tion do not belong in an account of the first fifty years, but fall into the second lialf-century in point of time. Really, however, the year which began in Septem- ber, IQ18, belongs neither to the closing era nor to the one that hasjust begun, but constitutes rather an intermission which emphasizes the separation of the one from the other. In addition to all the activities in support of the war hitherto enumerated, on October there was instituted the Students' Army Training Corps, which enrolled, including the military, naval, and medical sections, a total of 3,411 students. For two months all other University concerns were subordinated to the task of providing lodgment and instruction for this mass of young men train- ing for war service. The University became virtually a military school. Although more than two- thirds of the usual courses were continued, emphasis was laid on the several special courses required by the government, which was to all purposes, in charge of the curriculum. All members of the corps were under military discipline, living in barracks, wearing uniforms, and having their daily programs regulated by officers. Such conditions made the usual college life impossible, and from the beginning of October until late in December few of the characteristic features of campus life were discernible. The armory was made into an immense barrack by constructing a second floor, affording room for more than fifteen hundred men, with a mess hall below for all members of the corps. All fraternity houses and many lodging houses were converted into barracks, and such men as were not in the corps lived where they could find room. The labor of preparing barracks and mess facilities for this number of men in a com- munity already normally full and possessing no dormitories was tremendous, but it was performed with rapidity. To add to the difficulties of the situation, an epidemic of influenza made it necessary to provide hospital accommodations for more than three hundred patients at a time, when all was in confusion of change and reorganization, and when to find a nurse was a hard task. But this task also was accomplished, with a degree of success indicated by a gratifyingly low death rate. XXX University of Illinois The corps was demobilized on December 21. The net result of what might have proved not only an interesting but an important educational experiment was very unsatisfactory, for three reasons; the period of experiment was too short, too much time had to be given to the preparing of quarters, and the influenza added to the confusion already too great. Few who had a part in the episode get much satisfaction out of the recollection of it. And yet the experience of living in the mass, on terms of complete equality in discomfort with men of all sorts and condi- tions was not without its compensations. A writer in the lllio says : "We slept in the biggest bedroom in the state. Simultaneously 1,500 of us turned in every night at ten. Simultaneously 3,000 feet hit the floor every morning at five. We bunked together and liked it. We learned democracy from a practical standpoint." So far as progress in ordinary college courses was concerned the year amounted to little before the opening of the second quarter in January. From that time on, with a reduced registration, the University gradually resumed its normal condition. The crisis left little permanent effect on curriculum, outlook, or atmosphere. The one course in war issues required of all members of the army training corps was continued as an elective and enrolled about seventy-five students. The only lasting effect to be found in the curriculum is a new course in citizenship to be required of all students beginning in the fall of 1919. The expectation somewhat generally expressed that the spirit of student life would be sobered and made more respon- sible or otherwise altered seems not likely to be realized. No sooner had the military restraints been removed than the students made efforts, in the main suc- cessful, to restore with as little loss of time as possible all the customary features of college life. By the close of the year few traces were left of what at the be- ginning had seemed likely to bring a radical revision of both the curriculum and the life in the University. ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1862-1918 1862 An act donating public lands, on the ratio of 30,000 acres for each sena- tor and representative, to the states and territories which would provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts was passed by congress, and approved by President Lincoln on July 2, 1862. Under this grant Illinois would receive 480,000 acres to the value of $600,000.00, the interest on which was to be applied for these purposes. The grant had to be accepted and applied to its uses before July, 1867, or revert to the government. 1863 The legislature of Illinois accepted the grant Feb. 14, 1863, and discussed the matter for some time without being able to come to any agreement on details of the proposed college or on its location. Some wished to divide the money up among the existing colleges, provided they established schools of this nature; some to establish a school to teach agriculture and the mechanic arts ; and some to attach a new school to the Normal University. 1864 At the state fair held in Decatur in 1864, a committee was appointed by the state agricultural society to present some definite plan to the legislature. This committee was composed of Wm. H. Van Epps, Prof. J. B. Turner, A. B. Mc- Connell, B. G. Roots, and John P. Reynolds. They drew up a bill as an expression of the views of the farmers, and presented it to the legislature in 1865, and again in 1867. 1866 A meeting of all those interested in the organization of the proposed Industrial University was held at Bloomington, and recommended that the state build only one university. Sept. 21 — Notice was published of an informal election to be held in Champaign county on Oct. 10, by order of the board of supervisors, to decide whether or not the county should appropriate $100,000.00 worth of Champaign county bonds "to secure the location of the Illinois Industrial University in this county." Oct. 5 — Proposal of Champaign and Urbana was to purchase the building then standing, called "The Urbana and Champaign Institute Building," with the eight acres on which it stood, at a cost of $30,000.00, then use the other $70,000.00 to buy more land and secure the location of the University over the other contestants — Bloomington, Jacksonville, and other towns had made offers. The Champaign papers said that the county could thus give this building, 1,000 acres for a farm, 100 acres for a "garden-patch" and still have $40,000.00 left. The building was erected in 1861, supposedly at a cost of $175,000.00, and was said to be "one of the largest and most substantial buildings in the state, second only to the Normal University." It stood at the north end of what is now Illinois Field, facing University avenue. The main part of the structure was one hundred twenty-five feet front, forty feet in depth, and five stories high._ From the center projected a wing forty-four by seventy feet, four stories high. It contained ninety dormitory rooms, each ten by fifteen, "suitable room for prin- cipals, professors, etc." and "accommodations for 800 students." Oct. 12 — Returns of the election on the question of the bond issue show the vote to have been: For, 1,601; against, 1,035 — majority for, 566. "Urbana and Champaign were unanimously in favor of the measure. A considerable opposition was manifested in some of the country towns, however." This opposition was due to the fact that the smaller towns regarded the whole thing as a scheme on the part of Urbana and Champaign to make the entire county pay for a school which would benefit these two communities onl3^ xxxii University of Illinois 1867 Jan. 10 — Mr. Ticher (.senator from the seventh district; introduced into the senate a bill for "an act to provide for the organization, endowment, and mainte- nance of the llhnois industrial University." This bill provided, among otner tnings, that the institution should be located at Champaign. At the same date Senator Fuller (twenty-third district) introduced a bill similar to Mr. Ticher's except that it provided for the location of the University by a commission to be appointed by the governor. These two bills were read twice and ordered printed. Jan. ii — Both bills were introduced in the house, the Champaign bill being ottered by Mr. Griggs from that district. The senate at this time voted that the entire grant should be applied to one institution. Jan. 25 — The governor approved a bill giving any county, city, township, or incorporated town authority to levy taxes or volmitary subscriptions for the purpose of securing the location of the University. Feb. I — The Fuller bill was amended by striking out the section providing for a committee to locate the college. Feb. 22 — House bill amended by adding to the offer of the institute property, 810 acres of land, $50,000.00 worth of freight (appropriated by the Illinois Central), $100,000.00 in Champaign county bonds, and $2,000.00 in fruit, shade, and ornamental trees and shrubbery from Dunlap's nursery, making a total of $450,000.00 estimated valuation of property. This bill as amended passed the house on the same day. It provided that the institution should be located in Urbana. The trustees were to be appointed by the governor, with approval of the senate, five from each grand judicial division, and one from each congressional district. They were to serve for six years, without salary, the first appointment to draw lots, one-third to serve two, one-third four, and one- third six years. The trustees were to elect a regent to serve two years, a treasurer, and a recording secretary, and were to provide buildings, teachers, etc. Students were to be at least fifteen years old. Each county was entitled to a scholarship for descendants of soldiers and seamen. No degrees were to be conferred on graduates. The regent, with the governor, the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and the president of the state agricultural society were to be ex officio members of the board. The instructors were "to teach in the most thorough man- ner such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts and military tactics, without excluding other scientific and classical studies." The college year was to extend through six autumn and winter months so that the students could go home for the six spring and summer months or stay at the University and pursue optional studies "provided that no student shall at any time be allowed to remain in or about the University in idleness, or without full mental or industrial occupation." This act passed the house by a vote of sixty-six to ten, the senate by eighteen to seven, and was approved Feb. 28, 1867. The immediate result was a huge celebration in Champaign. Mar. 8 — A supplemental bill was passed providing that if county authorities failed to comply with the requirements of the act of June i, the trustees were to locate the University at some other town. Trustees from congressional districts were appointed by (jovernor Oglesby as follows : First, David S. Hammond, Cook, Second, Luther W. Lawrence, Boone, , Third, Horatio C. Burchard, Stephenson, Fourth, John S. Johnson, Hancock, Fifth, Samuel Edwards, Bureau, Sixth, O. B. Galusha, Grundy, Seventh, M. L. Dunlap, Champaign, Eighth, Samuel Allen, Tazewell, Ninth, Alexander Blackburn, McDonough, Tenth, M. C. Goltra, Morgan, Eleventh, J. P. Hungate, Clay, Twelfth, Willard C. Flagg, Madison, Thirteenth, A. M. Brown, Pulaski. From the grand judicial divisions: First — L. R. McMurry, Effingham; Charles Topping, Union ; Thos. Quick, Washington ; and Isaac S. Mahan, Marion. Second — George Harding, Edgar ; Henry Pickerel, Macon ; Mason Brayman, Sangamon. Third— John M. Van Osdel, Cook; J. C. Burrough, Cook; S. S. Hayt, Cook; Emery Cobb, Kankak'^e ; and Robert Douglass, Lake. Mar. 12 — First nietting of the board of trustees was held in Springfield. The names of Hon. Daniel J. Pickney of Ogle County, Dr. N. N. Wood of Alorgan County, Hon. J. L. Pickard of Cook County, and Dr. John Milton Gregory of Annals xxxiii Kalamazoo, Mich., were proposed as regent. Dr. Gregory was elected at a salary of $3,000.00 a year. A committee of five, with the regent as chairman, was selected to prepare a course of study and to report to the board. John W. Bunn of Spring- field was elected treasurer, and a finance committee to serve for one year was appointed. Willard C. Flagg of Madison County was elected corresponding secretary ; U. B. Galusha of Grundy county, recording secretary. The board passed a resolu- tion favoring the establishment of a mechanical department to be located at Chi- cago. Mar. 29 — An election was held in Urbana and Champaign to decide whether the two cities should appropriate $45,000.00 for the University, Champaign to give $25,000.00, Urbana, $20,000.00. The vote was as follows : Champaign : — For, 676; against, 4. Urbana: — For, 406; against, o. Mar. 29 — Dr. Gregory visited Champaign and Urbana for the first time. Apr. 10 — Vote authorizing supervisors to issue the bonds for $100,000.00 resulted as follows : For, 2,731 ; against, 867. May 7 — The second meeting of the board of trustees was held in the chapel of the "Urbana and Champaign Institute," twenty-two of the thirty-two trustees being present. Dr. Gregory accepted the regency, the salary having been increased to $4,000.00 a year. A committee on buildings and grounds was ap- pointed, the land grants accepted, and the University permanently located at Urbana. Scrip was ordered sold. A seal was adopted. It was decided to open the institution on the first day of March, 1868. A resolution to admit both sexes was referred to the executive committee to be appointed by the regent. A committee on courses of instruction reported the following curriculum : I Agricultural department (i) Agriculture (2) Horticulture (3) Landscape gardening II Polytechnical department (i) Mechanical science and art (2) Civil engineering (3) Mining and metallurgy (4) Architecture and fine arts III Military department (i) Engineering (2) Tactics IV Chemistry and natural science V Trade and commerce VI General science and literature (i) Mathematics (2) Natural history, chemistry, etc. (3) English language and literature (4) Modern languages and literature (5) Ancient languages and literature (6) History and social science (7) Philosophy (intellectual and moral) July 31 — Dr. Gregory issued a circular, proposing that each county agricultural society offer a prize of one hundred dollars to aid the best scholar from the public schools of the county who should attend the Industrial University. Nov. 26 — The board of trustees purchased six ond one-half lots adjacent to the University for $1,850.00. The lots purchased lay along the west of what is now Illinois Field. The committee recommended the purchase of twenty-four others, between Romine and Mathews avenues, east of Illinois Field, for $9,150.00. The board decided that all students should register in the military department. The year was divided into three terms, running from September to June. Three men were elected to the faculty, a head farmer, Jonathan Periam, Professor Wil- liam Baker of Springfield, 111., and Professor G. W. Atherton of New York. March 11 was decided upon as the date for the formal opening of the University. ^ 1868-9 Mar. 10 — Willard F. Bliss was elected professor of agriculture. Mar. 11 — Inaugural ceremonies and formal opening of the University. Hon. S. W. Moulton presided at the exercises. The music was under the direction of Geo. F. Root of Chicago. The dedication hymn was written by Dr. Gregory. Letters from Governor Oglesby, Senator Yates, and General Logan were read. The principal address was delivered by the Hon. Newton Bateman, state superintendent of xxxiv University of Illinois public instruction. Gen. Hurlburt introduced Dr. Gregory. The exercises were followed by a banquet in the dining hall of the University. Mar. — Philomathean and Adelphic literary societies were organized. Tuition at the University was placed at $5.00 a term, $15.00 a year. June — The University closed for the year ; seventy-seven students were en- rolled during the first term. At the closing exercises Professor J. A. Sewall of Normal delivered an address before the literary societies. Aug. 5 — The following appointments were announced : Prof. A. P. S. Stewart of Harvard, chemistry. Captain S. W. Shattuck of Norwich University, assistant professor of mathematics and instructor in military tactics, and T. J. Burrill of the Urbana schools, as assistant professor of natural history. The latter had been engaged by the regent in April. Aug. 12 — The first catalog of the University was issued. Sept. 14 — The University opened with a total enrollment of eighty students. Nov. — The committee on faculty of the board of trustees reported the appoint- ment of Captain Edward Snyder as accountant and teacher of bookkeeping and German. The board took up for consideration a resolution of the city council of Chicago, promising a donation of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the establishment in Chicago of a polytechnical school. The members of the board residing in the third grand division and the first congressional district were authorized to accept the offer on behalf of the board. The following resolution was passed : "Resolved, that we recognize it as a duty of the board of trustees to make this University pre-eminently a practical school of agriculture and the mechanic arts, not excluding other scientific and classical studies." A resolution calling for the admission of women to the University was referred to the next meeting for action. Dec. 19 — The "First annual course of agricultural lectures and discussions" was announced. The course was to start on the twelfth of January and to continue for eight days. "Recommended courses of study," for the use of entering students were published. Mar., i86g — The annual report of the regent included a statement that the students had worked on the farm two hours a day in the spring, and one hour a day during the fall. The labor system was continued. Dr. Gregory was re-elected regent. The board adopted a resolution directed to the governor recommending that the number of members of the board should be cut down ; that there should henceforth be one member from each congressional district. It was resolved to admit female students "as soon as means are at our command to furnish proper buildings for the purpose." July — Prof. Wm. M. Baker was elected regent pro tent during the absence of the regent in Europe. One thousand dollars was appropriated for a green- house. S. W. Robinson was appointed as professor of mechanical engineering. 1869-70 Feb., 1870 — The department of mechanical engineering was created. Mar. — The trustees voted to admit women "as soon as buildings are provided." Aug. 25 — It was finally decided, by a vote of five to four, to admit women to the University. A. P. Bliss, professor of agriculture and recording secretary, resigned, and Professor Snyder was elected recording secretary. 1870-1 Sept. 3, 1870 — A system of student government was adopted. The legislative body consisted of a general assembly elected by vote of the students; the judicial department was a council of five, chosen from the general assembly; and the executive department consisted of a president and vice-president of the govern- ment, an adjutant for each building, and hall sergeants. Feb. 24, T871 — The first building appropriation for the University was intro- duced into the legislature. It provided for $100,000 a year for two years for a main building and $12,500 a year for two years for a mechanical engineering building, besides $25,000 a year for running expenses, apparatus, etc. This bill as passed by the legislature, March 13, 1871, provided $75,000 for a building to cost not more than $150,000; $75,000 more was to be appropriated at an adjourned session. The second appropriation was not made, and the building was completed at the expense of University funds. Feb. 28 — A scientific association was organized. Annals xxxv Mar. — The regent reported twenty-two women in attendance. Dr. Gregory was re-elected. A site for the new main hall was adopted, and Mr. Van Osdel of Chicago was chosen to be the architect. The library numbered 5,000 volumes. Donations for the year included 200 gooseberry cuttings. June 4-7 — Closing exercises. Baccalaureate address by Regent Gregory; address before the Industrial Society by Ex-Gov. Oglesby; address before the Literary Societies by J. Mahoney, of Chicago. Aug. — The executive committee of the board of trustees voted to allow the regent to use one recitation room for a preparatory department. Contracts for two new buildings were let, and the site of the mechanical engineering" hall (old woodshop) was adopted. Don Carlos Taft was appointed professor of geology and zoology. He had begun teaching in April. Aug. 24 — A convention of "friends of agriculture and polytechnic education," held in Chicago, appointed a commit- tee of one from each state in which was located a college founded on the national land grant, to petition congress to establish agricultural experiment stations at these colleges. Dr. Gregory was president of the convention and appointed secretary Flagg as committeeman from Illinois. A circular to Illinois congressmen was accordinglv issued in November. 1871-2 Sept. 13, 1871 — Drill hall and mechanical shops opened. On the same day the cornerstone of University hall was laid. Hon. Newton Bateman delivered the principal address, October 4, 1871. Organization of the Alethenai literary society by women of the University. Oct. — The Chicago fire occurred during this month. One hundred and fifty- seven students were sent from the military to assist in keeping order in the city during and after the fire. Nov. — The Student, first publication by the students of the University appeared. It was published monthly. Mar., 1872 — The trustees requested the legislature to appropriate money to finish University hall. A boarding hall for women was established by the Uni- versity. April — Because the legislature adjourned without appropriating money to finish University hall, the executive committee of the board of trustees voted to sell Champaign county bonds, held by the board, to secure the necessary funds. June 6 — First presentation of "certificates" to graduates. Those receiving them were : John J. Davis of Freeport, Willis A. Reiss of Belleville, Alonzo L. Whit- comb of Urbana, Stephen A. Reynolds of Belvidere, James N. Mathews of Mason, Charles W. Rolfe of Montgomery. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Mathews, and Dr. Edwards, president of Normal University. The university band furnished music fot the first time. 1872-3 Feb. — Organization of the Young Men's Christian Association at the University. Feb. 25 — The agricultural society was organized. Mar. — Dr. Gregory was re-elected regent, relieved from teaching, and given a leave of absence until fall to enable him to take a European trip. Professor .Shattuck was appointed regent pro tan. N. C. Ricker was appointed instructor in architecture. May 7 — A law was enacted providing that the board of trustees should hence- forth consist of nine members, three from each grand judicial division of the state, appointed by the governor. June 2-5 — Commencement. Address delivered by^ Hon. Andrew D. White, president of Cornell university. June 4 — The legislature voted an appropriation to finish University hall. June 5 — The alumni association of the University was organized with fifteen charter members. A constitution was adopted ; S. A. Reynolds, '72, was elected president; C. I. Hays, '7:^, secretary; F. L. Hatch, '73, vice-president ; and M. B. Burwash, '72, treasurer. July — The newly organized board of trustees of nine members met. It passed a resolution declaring that agriculture and the mechanics arts were the primary studies of the institution, all others being secondary. 1873-4 Sept. — Name of the University student paper was changed from The Student to The mini. Departments of the University now recognized were: (i) agri- culture; (2) polji:echnic ; (3) military; (4) chemistry and natural science; (5) trade and commerce; (6) general science and literature. xxxvi University of Illinois Dec. 10 — Dedication of University hall. Dec. 19 — Dedication of Adelphic hall in University hall. Address by Dr. Gregor}-. Mar. 7, 1874 — Dedication of Philomathean hall. Address by Dr. Gregory. Mar. II — Celebration of anniversary day. Address by Professor T. J. Burrill. Failure of the legislature to pass any bill of appropriations for the University called for the discussion by the trustees of methods of retrenchment. June 9 — N. C. Rickcr appointed assistant professor of architecture. June 10 — Commencement meeting of alumni association. A new constitution was adopted. N. C. Ricker, '72, was elected president A. C. Swartz, '73, secretary; C. W. Rolfe, 'T2, treasurer. 1874-5 Sept. 21 — First issue of the University Reporter, a publication of four small pages, ostensibly to arouse interest in the student government and to advocate the establishment of a university press. Its real object was to elect a certain ticket in the student campaign. There were three tickets in the field : "Reform," "law and order," and "reporter." Almost every one of the thirty candidates on the "reporter" ticket was elected. Nov. 26 — First annual banquet of the telegraphic association, composed of students of the new art telegraphy. Dec. 4 — Union meeting of Philomathean, Adelphic, Scientific, and Alethenai societies. Mar. 4, 1875 — Bancpiet of senior military class. Professor Manley Miles of Michigan, was elected professor of agriculture and instructor in agricultural chemistry, at a salary of $5,000 a year. June — N. C. Ricker was promoted to full professorship. June 7-8-9 — Com- mencement. First annual exercises of alumni association on June 8. N. Clifford Ricker, 'y2, president, A. C. Swartz, '7S< secretary, C. W. Rolfe, '72, treasurer. The alumni oration, by S. A. Reynolds, was read by F. L. Hatch. 1875-6 Oct. 28, 1875 — Second annual oratorical contest between the colleges of Illinois was held at Jacksonville. Tlie contestants were representatives of Knox, North- western, Illinois Wesleyan, Chicago University, Shurtleff, Monmouth, Illinois Col- lege, and Illinois Industrial Universit3^ First prize was won by J. C. Lewis of the Industrial University. Alar., 1876 — Trustees decided to establish a preparatory department. March II — Anniversary day. Address by Dr. Gregory. June — Dr. Gregory presented his resignation as regent, but his resignation was not accepted. June 6 — It was discovered that a chapter of a fraternity had secretly existed for some time in the University. The regent ofifered, and the trustees adopted this resolution : "Resolved, That the board condemns the forma- tion and perpetuation of secret societies in the University as detrimental to the scheme of self-government attempted by the students ; and that we trust a due regard to the best interests of the institution will induce our students to disband and discountenance such organizations." The Young Men's Christian Association was granted the use of a room in University hall. All University instructors were given notice of a prospective cut of ten per cent in salaries, caused by lack of funds. Second annual exercises of the alumni association. N. C. Ricker, president, I. O. Baker, '74, secretary, F. L. Hatch, '7^, treasurer. A new constitution was adopted. 1876-7 Sept. — Dr. Gregory withdrew his resignation. Mar., 1877 — School of art and design established. Dr. Gregory re-elected regent. Professor Ricker's plans for a chemistry building were accepted. A reduction of ten per cent of all salaries was decreed by the trustees. June 6 — The alumni voted to have no banquet and no social gathering at its next meeting. 1877-8 Sept. — Preparatory students were required to drill. Chemical laboratory located. All bids for the building were rejected. Major Dinwiddle, the first army com- mandant, took charge of the military department. Oct. 18 — Intercollegiate contest at Monmouth, won by Knox, Illinois Industrial University, third. Feb. 13, 1878 — Organization of temperance union by students. Annals xxxvii Mar. — Jllini advocated intercollegiate baseball contests. Seniors decide to leave a clock for west tower of Main hall as class memorial. Rules passed by the board governing the granting of degrees. Voted to give diplomas to graduates, charging a fee of $5 therefor. Regent Gregory appointed by the governor commissioner to Paris exposition, and granted leave of absence to attend. Three hundred Springfield rifles received by cadets. May 31 — Entertainment by musical classes and singers of the University. A petition to the legislature asking it to empower the trustees of the University to grant degrees, signed by members of the classes of 1872-7, inclusive, was granted. Annual contest of Illinois Industrial University Association. June 4 — Fourth annual exercises of the alumni association. Charles I. Hays, president, Fernando A. Parsons, secretary and treasurer. Reports were read concerning all classes. J. N. Mathews read his poem, "The Island of Reil." The meeting opened with prayer. The office of historian of the association was created, incumbent to hold office during good behavior and keep a "personal record of every member's history so far as he may think it will be of interest at any future time." John A. Ockerson was elected historian. June 5 — 'Commencement. There were fifteen orations, including one by Wensel Morava, on general gear-cutting machines. Summer school of Mechanic Arts held in Chicago from June 24 to August 15. 1878-9 Sept. — Office of "commander of battalion" abolished and "military professor" given charge of "military classes and drill organizations." Dec. — mini advocated adoption of University colors. Sept. — S. H. Peabody appointed professor of mechanical engineering. Jan. 16 — Organization of the State Natural History Society at Normal. Pro- fessor T. J. Burrill, vice-president, Professor S. A. Forbes of Normal University, secretary. Mar. — Committee of board of trustees reported its approval of Woman's hall, but had no money with which to build it. Dr. Gregory re-elected regent. Regent directed by the board of trustees to submit the constitution and by-laws of the student organization for self-government to the attorney general for an opinion as to whether they conflicted with state laws. May — University received gold medal for exhibit at Paris exposition. June ID — Fifth annual literary exercises of the alumni association. J. R. Mann read an essay on the labor problem. June 11 — The class of '79 dedicated the commencement exercises to Governor Cullom, the trustees, and others. Lorado Taft gave an oration on Bayard Taylor. 1879-80 I. O. Baker made assistant professor of civil engineering. Oct. 2 — Sixth annual contest of Illinois Intercollegiate Oratorical Association was held in the University chapel. First intercollegiate baseball game, Illinois Industrial University, 12; Illinois College, 5. Dec. I — Professor Peabody resigned. Trustees decided to employ an instructor in free-hand drawing. Jan. 27-30 — Agricultural institute held at the University. Feb. — Natural history society organized. Mar. — Cadet uniforms changed from grey to blue; seniors and juniors were released from drill. Military department reorganized because of student troubles during the past term. Preparatory department to be closed after June, 1881. June — Dr. Gregory presented his resignation, to take effect September first. Professor S. H. Peabody was reappointed to the chair of mechanical engineering and appointed regent pro tempore. Old dormitory building decreed unfit for occupancy. June 3 — At the literary exercises of the alumni association Miss Nettie Adams, '77, presented alumni chronicles. 1880-1 Oct. 2 — Baseball: Illinois Industrial Universit}', 14; Knox, 8. Dec. — U. S. signal station established. Feb. 24 — Publication of The Vindicator, of four pages as a result of class troubles. It died after a second issue on the fifth of March. Mar. — Action of previous year abolishing the preparatory department rescinded. Acting regent Peabody made regent. Old dormitory offered for sale. Legislature appropriated money to help out the endowment fund. xxxviil University of Illinois May 31 — Kappa Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi organized. Competitive drill of battalion. June — Regent reported to the trustees that a new secret society had been formed, and requested action. The trustees "resolved that the regent and faculty should take steps to secure the abandonment of the society. A petition to re-estab- lish the school of domestic science was refused. 1881-2 Dec. — The regent reported to the trustees that the faculty had decreed that no student could enter the University until he had pledged himself not to join a fraternity; and that no student should graduate until he had certified that he had not belonged to one while in the University. The adoption of these rules had disclosed the existence of four societies, whose members petitioned the faculty to rescind the rules. The faculty turned the petitions over to the board, which recommended that the request be refused. University dues were remitted to "Charles Montezuma, an Indian of the Apache nation," during his course through the University. Jan. 9 — Banquet of Sigma Chi fraternity. Mar. — ^First issue of Sophograph, college annual, published by the sophomores. March 14 — Petitions from students requesting the trustees to allow fraternities to enter the University refused. June — The trustees decided to build an astronomical observatory. The regent was directed to take charge of the lUini property. Scientific association disbanded. Professors Henry A. Weber and Melville A. Scovell discharged for having patented as private rights the results of their investigations and experiments in the manu- facture of sugar and glucose, conducted under the patronage of the University and at the expense of the state. Professor Taft was given a year's leave of ab- sence, and his chair declared vacant. June 6 — Tenth anniversary exercises of the alumni association. At the alumni dinner sixteen toasts were provided, and eight kinds of cake. 1882-3 Sept. — Board voted to employ instructor of elocution. Wm. McMurtrie became professor of chemistry. Observatory opened. Seniors adopted custom of wearing black silk hats; juniors wore white plugs. Oct. — Illinois joined "State Baseball Association." Illinois intercollegiate ora- torical contest at Chicago — I. I. U., third. Jan. 8 — Civil engineering club organized. Mar. — Appropriation for a national flag for the battalion. Student govern- ment system condemned by the faculty. May 19 — First field day at the University. June — Trustees voted to abolish student government. 1883-4 Sept. — Students required to give pledges not to join fraternities. Several lots between the old drill hall and Green street were purchased. Oct. — A series of University discourses was held in Chapel on Sundays from October to March. At state intercollegiate contest baseball : Illinois Industrial University, 14; Knox, g; Illinois University, 21; Monmouth, 5 — giving Illinois Industrial University the championship. The lU'uii was placed under new manage- ment; a board of thirteen students elected to supervise the publication. Nov. — M. E. and E. E. society organized. Jan. — A committee was created by alumni to get the name of the institution changed from "Illinois Industrial University" to "University of Illinois." Mar. — S. A. Forbes appointed professor of zoology. Mar. 19 — Young Women's Christian Association organized. 1884-5 Dec. — The trustees requested the legislature to change the name of the institu- tion. Board resolved to provide apartments for the state laboratory of natural history of which Professor Forbes was director. Mar. — Prof. Peabody re-elected regent. Petition of Foster North, who had been refused a diploma on account of non-attendance at chapel, received by board of trustees and referred to committee. Annals xxxix June — Legislature changed the name of the institution to "The University of Illinois." July — Chair of mining engineering and position of assistant professor ol rhetoric and oratory created. 1885-6 Sept. — Petition of Foster North referred to attorney general. Dec. — Attorney general reported in favor of faculty ruling on Foster North, and the petition was refused. Mr. Fisher of Chicago appeared before the board on behalf of "secret college societies," and requested the withdrawal of the pro- hibition of these societies at the University. Action deferred. Mar. — Board refused to grant the request of Mr. Fisher. April — Illinois Teachers' Association petitioned the board to create a chair of pedagogy. Regent Peabody tendered his resignation. The board refused to accept the resignation, and increased the regent's salary. June g — Twelve orations were delivered at the commencement exercises, in- cluding one on relation between the individual and the state, by C. H. Kammann. 1886-7 Sept. — Legislature passed a bill providing that trustees of the University should henceforth be elected by popular vote. Oct. — Baseball: University of Illinois, 17, Illinois College, 11; University of Illinois, 20, Wesleyan, 17; Illinois College, 26, Knox, 21 — giving the University of Illinois team the state championship. As a resillt of troubles in the chemistry de- partment seven students were suspended. Mar. — Regent Peabody re-elected. Plan of honorary scholarships for counties adopted. Regent's salary fixed at $4,000.00 Committee appointed by the board to carry out the objects of a bill for experiment stations passed by congress. May — Baseball at interstate oratorical contest ; University of Illinois, 19, Illi- nois Wesleyan, 13; Illinois College, 19, University of Illinois^ 16; University of Illinois, 13, Illinois College, 6. June 7 — At its special meeting the alumni association presented a concert grand piano to the University. The alumni banquet cost $2.25 a plate. 1887-8 Oct. — At intercollegiate contest baseball : Monmouth, 14, University of Illinois, 9; Blackburn, 14, University of Illinois, 13. Dec. — Report of board's committee on experiment station plans accepted, and Dr. Peabody, and Professors Morrow, Burrill, and McMurtie selected as directors. April 2^ — A college yell : Rah Hoo Rah, Zip Boom Ah, Hip Zoo Ra Zoo, Jimmy blow your Bazoo, Ip-sid-di-i-ki, U. of I., Champaign, was adopted. C. P. VanGundy was the originator. May 2 — W. L. Pillsbury was appointed secretary of the agricultural experiment station. June 26 — W. L. Pillsbury was elected secretary of the board of trustees, and recording and corresponding secretary of the University of Illinois. Baseball : University of Illinois, 13 ; Illinois College, 12. 1888-9 Sept. — Regent recommended to the trustees that the certihcates of graduation be abandoned. Oct. — -Baseball : University of Illinois, 22, Illinois College, 8. Dec. — Committee of six appointed by the trustees to codify the laws relating to the University and to request the legislature to pass them, as codified. Jan. 29 — Inter-society oratorical association was formed by Adelphic, Alethenai, and Philomathean societies. Mar.- — Women of the University petitioned the board asking for a gymnasium. Referred to a committee to decide whether it was advisable to allow women to take calisthenics. Dr. Peabody re-elected regent. June — Petition from women for calisthenics refused. Site for drill hall soon to be built was chosen at north end of present Burrill avenue. 1889-90 Sept.— Professor Ricker's plans for the new drill hall were accepted by board of trustees. xl University of Illinois Oct. 4 — First athletic meet of intercollegiate association, held at Galesburg, won by University of Illinois. Captain Hazelton of Forest Glen presented $20 to the University for the pur- chase of the Hazelton prize medal. Dec. 10 — Executive committee reported to the board that it had granted the regent a leave of absence on account of ill health, and had appointed Professor Burrill acting regent. Appointment continued by the board. Professor Comstock of mining engineering department resigned. Foster North petitioned the board of trustees to be restored to his right of attendance at the University. Petition refused. Mar. 10 — Knox College association presented to the University athletic associa- tion the cup w^on by Illinois at the intercollegiate meet of October. April — Foster North filed petition for mandamus in the Supreme Court to compel the trustees to restore him to attendance at the University. May 16 — Baseball: Illinois, 18; Illinois College, 11. june — Committee of board of trustees recommended that the preparatory de- partment "be dispensed with as soon as adequate provision for doing its work is made by some public or private institution located in the vicinity of the University." Professorships of psychology, Greek, and French established. June 2 — James P. Hubbill, '92, won in the first Hazelton prize contest. The students presented "an elegant sword" to Lieut. Curtis B. Hoppin, who had just closed his three years as commandant. June 10 — The alumni association adopted a new constitution. Dues were fixed at fifty cents, and the salary of the secretary treasurer a twenty-five dollars, if such a sum should be available after all bills had been paid. An alumni badge — eight-cornered star with monogram in its center — designed by N. C. Picker, was adopted, after four years of discussion. June 11 — Only six of twelve orations on the commencement program were delivered. Rain on the tin roof of the new military hall, just completed, prevented the oratory of Thomas Arkle Clark, James McLaren White, C. A. Shamel, L. F. Terbush, Katherine Kennard, and R. J. Cooke. Military building was dedicated at commencement. 1890-1 Oct. 3 — State intercollegiate won by Illinois with 21 points. Baseball : Illinois II, Knox, 3, Illinois, 9, Illinois College, 4 — giving Illinois the championship. Foot- ball: Illinois Wesleyan, 16, Illinois, o. Nov. 22 — Football : Purdue, 62 ; Illinois, o. G. Huff played on the Illinois team. Nov. 24 — Illinois, 12, Illinois Wesleyan. 6. Dec- — Instructor in gymnastics appointed. Dec. 3 — ^Architects' club organized. Command of a company of the battalion taken away from a senior. Miller, on account of poor scholarship. All other officers but one resigned. AH returned but two on Feb. 11, 1891 ; these two were suspended. Students held mass meeting and petitioned the trustees to reinstate them. The board tried the case, and recommended that the students be reinstated at the end of the terrh, and that the rules governing students be so revised that the students would be able to under- stand them. March — Supreme Court in Foster North case reported in favor of trustees. Committee of board of trustees reported in favor of granting master's degrees to students who had received certificates before degrees were granted, as a recogni- tion of success in their professions. Board adopted the report and decided to confer not more than ten such degrees each year. Board voted to give over to the athletic association for athletic purposes "the north half of the north campus." Class rush at freshmen reception resulted in the suspension of eleven men. All were reinstated a week later, except one, who refused to apologize or to "express regret." A nvnnber of students arrested and tried for voting at city elections were found not guilty of illegal voting. May 15 — Baseball: University of Illinois, 14, Wabash, 10; LTniversity of Illinois 5. Wesleyan, 4. June — Regent Peabody's resignation was accepted by the trustees to take effect September first. June 9 — The alumni oration was delivered by George R. Shawhan. W. A. Heath was elected president of the association. Aug. — Professor Ricker's plans for the natural history building accepted and location determined. Professor Burrill appointed acting regent. Board passed the following : "Resolved, That the pledge heretofore required for candidates for Annals xli eiitr^v to the University in regard to college fraternities be omitted, and that the subject of these fraternities be referred to the committee on rules." Professor De Garmo resigned. 1891-2 Sept. — Dr. Peabody received appointment as Chief of the Department of Liberal Arts of the World's Fair, and departed for Chicago. Electrical engineering de- partment established. "Artificial stone" walks ordered built over the campus. Military drill required only of freshmen and sophomores, and of them only two hours a week. First season of Philo-Adelphic lecture course began. Oct. 1-2-3 — Intercollegiate contest at Monmouth. Baseball : University of Illinois, 8, Illinois College, i; Knox won from Monmouth; University of Illinois, 15, Knox, 4 — giving Illinois the championship. The athletic contest ended in a dispute between the University of Illinois and Knox over protested men. Oct. — Organization of first glee club. Nov. 7 — Football : Illinois, 42, Eureka, 0. Nov. 20, Illinois, 12, Knox, o. University of Illinois champion of Illinois. Dec. — Trustees adopted new code of rules for students. Affiliation of Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons proposed. Dec. 8 — Raising of national flag. Oration by Hon. H. S. Clark, presentation by S. A. BuUard, president of board of trustees. Dec. 8 — Organization of Alpha Gamma Chapter of Kappa Sigma. Dec. 22 — Reorganization of Kappa Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi. Feb. — First annual concert by the military band. Football : Illinois, 24, Pastime A. C, (St. Louis) 10. Mar. — Trustees resolved to investigate the question of their power to establish a law school. Decided that it could not affiliate the College of P. & S. Mar. 5 — Formation of local fraternity Epsilon Delta. Mar. 9 — Laying of corner stone of natural history building. Address by T. C. Chamberlain, president of the University of Wisconsin. Stone laid by Henry Raab, superintendent of public instruction. Discussion of candidates for the regency by the board. Names of Professor H. S. Cornell, Judge A. S. Draper of New York, and Professor George C. Par- ington of the University of Missouri suggested. April-May — Baseball: Michigan, 18; Illinois, o; Northwestern, 8; Illinois, 13; Beloit, 9; Illinois, 6; May 9 — Lake Forest, 10; Illinois, 5; Illinois, 5; Northwestern, I ; Illinois, 3 ; Wesleyan, i. May 9 — Mandolin club organized. May 13 — First western intercollegiate meet held at Champaign ; entries : C. B. College, Iowa, Rose Polytechnic, Illinois College, Washington University, Lake Forest, Purdue, Northwestern, and Illinois. Pennant won by Illinois. Permanent organization effected. June — -Trustees voted that henceforth professors and assistant professors should hold their positions during the pleasure of the board. June 4 — Baseball : Illinois, 5 ; Lake Forest, 0. June 5 — Baccalaureate address by Dr. J. M. Gregory. June 7 — Nearly five hundred attended the alumni picnic luncheon, and an unusually well attended reunion was held. W. L. Abbott, '84, was elected president and Myrtle E. Sparks, '89, secretary for five years. June 8 — For the first time in the history of the University a commencement address, by Dr. Washington Gladden, was substituted for the orations by seniors. June 2"] — A committee of the trustees to secure a regent was authorized to offer the position to Dr. Gladden of Ohio, if it saw fit, at a salary not to exceed $6,000.00. Professor Ricker presented plans for three proposed new buildings, engineering hall, library, and natural history museum. The trustees voted to erect the first two "as soon as practicable." 1892-3 Oct. 6-7-8 — Illinois intercollegiate held at the University ; won by Illinois with 102 points; Monmouth second place with 28 points. Baseball: Illinois, 11, Wes- leyan, 2; Illinois, 15, Illinois College, o; Illinois, 7, Monmouth, 6; Illinois, champion of Illinois. Oct. 8 — Football: Illinois, 2: Purdue, 12. Oct. 12 — Illinois, 16; Northwestern, 16. Oct. 22 — Illinois, 22 ; Washington, U., o. Oct. 21 — Columbian day celebrated at University. Oct. 22 — Football: Illinois, 20; Doan College, (Omaha) 0. Oct. 24 — Nebraska, 6; Illinois, 0. Oct. 26 — Illinois, 28; Baker, 12. Oct. 27 — Kansas, 24; Illinois, 4. Oct. 29 — Illinois. 48; Kansas City Association, 0. Banquet given to team on its return from the western trip on Hallowe'en. Nov. — Trustees voted appropriation for woman's gymnasium. Petition for woman's dormitory received. Nov. I — Football : Wisconsin forfeited. Nov. 5 — Illinois, 38 ; Englewood, o. Nov. S — Rho Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma established. Nov. 16 — Football: Illinois, xlii UNiviEaiSiTY OF Illinois 4; Chicago, 4. Dedication of natural history hall. Address by David S. Jordan, president of Leland Stanford, Jr. Nov. 19 — Football : Illinois, 34, De Pauw, 0. Nov. 22— Chemistry club organized. Nov. 24 — Football: Illinois, 20; Chicago, 12. Illinois conceded to be the best western team. Dec. — Board refuses to grant petition asking for woman's dormitory. Jan. — Agricultural short course created. Mar. — Baseball coach employed. April 8 — Baseball: Illinois, 16; Wabash, 0. April 22 — Michigan, 6; Illinois, 5. May 6 — Baseball: Illinois, 14; Wabash, 6. May 8 — Illinois, 5; Iowa, 3. May 10 — Illinois, 15 ; Northwestern, 8. May 12-13 — Western intercollegiate held at Champaign; won by Illinois with 56 points; northwestern second with 15. May 17 — Baseball: Illinois, 13; Indiana, 6. May 18 — Illinois, 7; De Pauw, 5- May 22 — Illinois, 3 ; Chicago, 2. May 20 — First inter-scholastic won by Peoria high school. May 27 — Baseball: Chicago, 6; Illinois, 0. May 30 — Illinois, 15; Purdue, 5. June — Baseball: Michigan, 10; Illinois, 3. June 5 — Illinois, 3; Detroit A. C, 5. June 6. — University of Illinois, 4; London A. C, 3. T. A. Clark, '90, was elected President of the alumni association. A committee reported that it had leased a building in Chicago, for alumni headquarters there, and had opened it for alumni during the World's Fair. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury gave his first report to the associa- tion as alumni recorder. June 7 — Commencement address delivered by Governor Altgeld. June 8 — Baseball; Cleveland A. C, 17; Illinois, 15; June 9— Illinois, 11; Oberlin, 7. June 10 — Oberlin, 11; Illinois, 8. June — Plans for engineering building drawn by J. C. Llewellyn were accepted. July — Chair of Romance Languages created. 1893-4 Sept. — Office of Registrar was created, and W. L. Pillsbury was appointed to it. Sept. 30 — Football : Illinois, 60 ; Wabash, 6. Oct. 17 — Illinois, 14; De Pauw, 4. Oct. 21 — Illinois, 4; Northwestern, 4. Oct. 27— Local fraternity of Beta Beta Beta organized. Oct. 28 — Art club organized. Nov. 6 — Football: Oberlin, 34; Illinois, 24. Gifts of World's Fair exhibits to University. Nov. 11 — Football: Illinois, 18; Pastime A. C, 6. University athletic association changed colors from black and yellow to crimson. Nov. 25 — Football : Illinois, 26; Purdue, 25. Nov. 28 — Colors changed to olive green. Nov. 30 — Football : Illinois, 10 ; Wisconsin, 10. Dec. 9 — First meeting of University assembl}^ Dec. — Board of trustees passed resolutions censoring the action of certain students in "interrupting the class supper of the freshmen," held at Bloomington, Illinois. Dec. 13 — Corner-stone of engineering hall laid; address delivered by Dr. Robert H. Thurston of Cornell. Feb. =; — First junior promenade. Feb. 9 — Installation of Illinois Eta of Phi Delta Theta. Mar. 2 — A faculty club was organized. Dean Morrow of the college of agriculture resigned. Students' assembly for "social and intellectual" purposes was organized. The acting regent reported to the board of trustees that the faculty had decided to discontinue formal chapel at the end of the year. Students hence- forth entering the University must be at least sixteen years of age. Board established a two years' course in the preparatory school. One thousand eight hundred dollars appropriated for a biological station to be located at Havana, and $1,200.00 for a summer school at the University. The board voted to establish courses leading to degrees of Ph. D. and Sc. D. April — A. S. Draper, superintendent of schools of Cleveland, Ohio, elected regent. Dramatic club organized. April 6 — Local fraternity Delta Delta Delta becomes Beta Upsilon chapter of Delta Tau Delta. April 7 — Baseball : Illinois, 14; Wabash, 2. April 20 — Michigan, 12; Illinois, 8. April 21 — Minstrel show by students. April 24 — Military concert given by band. April 25 — Baseball : Illinois, 9; Purdue, 5. First volume of Illio, published by juniors as an annual, issued. May 8 — Baseball: Illinois, 20; Wisconsin, 5. May 11 — Chicago, 9; Illinois, 10. May 12 — Michigan, 10; Illinois, 5. May 14 — Illinois, 12; Alerto, (London. C.) 10. May 25 — Norwalk A. C, (O.) 5; Illinois. 8. May 16— Oberlin, 13; Illinois, i; Illinois, 18; Chicago, 17. May 19 — Third Annual Field Day of Western Col- leges at St. Louis won by Illinois with 71 points out of a total of 135. May 28 — Baseball: Oberlin, 11 ; Illinois, 5. June I — Baseball: Detroit A. C, 8; Illinois, 4. June 22 — Western intercollegiate at Chicago; entries: Wisconsin, Iowa, Chicago, Iowa College, Michigan, North- western, et al. Won by Illinois with 2>7 points. June 5 — Alumni day. The annual Annals xliii literary program was discontinued, and a dinner was substituted for it — the first regular annual alumni dinner given by the faculty and the resident alumni to the visiting alumni. Two hundred attended. C. O. Neeley, '80, was elected president. A committee reported that over eighteen thousand dollars had been subscribed toward a Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. building. June 6 — Commencement. Address delivered by President Angell of Michigan. Adoption of West Point style of uni- form for cadets. Aug. — Pofessors N. C. Ricker, S. A. Forbes, and D. Kinley made Deans of the college of engineering, science, and literature and arts, respectively. Title of "regent" changed to "president." 1894-5 Sept. — Illini published weekly. Sept. 14 — President Draper assumed charge. Director of department of music appointed. Oct. 6 — Football : Illinois 36, Wabash 6. October 12 — Chicago A. C. 14, Illinois o. Oct. 16 — Vice-president Stevenson visited the University. Oct. 19— Football : Illinois 54, Lake Forest 6. Faculty and students in convocation adopted orange and navy blue as University colors. New rules adopted for Itlini management, putting control in hands of students. Nov. 2 — Football : Illinois 66, Northwestern 0. Faculty of the College of Literature and Arts decide to drop the degree of B.L. Nov. 14 — -Performance of "A Box of Monkeys" by dramatic club. Nov. 15 — Inauguration of President Draper and dedication of engineering hall. Addresses by President Draper, President Adams of Wisconsin, Governor Altgeld, and Hon. G. C. Neeley of Chicago. Nov. 16 — Football : Purdue 22, Illinois 2. Nov. 21 — Illinois 6, Chicago o. Nov. 24 — Illinois ID, Pastime A. C. 0. Dec. — Trustees resolve to negotiate for affiliating the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Committee on buildings and grounds reported that in the opinion of the attorney general the trustees did not have power to lease University ground for the building of houses for professors. Feb. 4 — Republican club organized. Feb. 5 — Medical club organized. Feb. 12 — Women's glee club organized. Nine sophomores suspended for kidnapping fresh- men before the freshmen social. Trustees decided to introduce in the legislature a bill for purchasing the College of Physicians and Surgeons. March i — Play given by members of Alethenai. March 12 — Physical training department organized to include men and women. President directed to report to the board on the advisability of establishing a school of music. Board approved the action of the Council of Administration in suspending students for kidnapping freshmen. March i> — Illinois Gamma Zeta of Alpha Tau Omega installed. April 13— Baseball : Illinois 12, Wabash 8. April 20 — Illinois 9, Michigan 0. April 27 — Northwestern 7, Illinois 2. May 3 — First sophomore cotillion. May 6 — Baseball : Illinois 10, Iowa 8. May 8— Illinois 8, Purdue 5. May 9— Notre Dame 8, Illinois 7. May 10 — Michigan II, Illinois 2. May 16 — First session of state high school conference. May 17 — Baseball : Illinois 9, Grinnell 0. May 25— Illinois 9, Northwestern 6. May 27 — Iowa State 16, Illinois 26. May 28 — Illinois 13, Grinnell 6. May 29 — Illinois 14, Iowa 3. June r — Intercollegiate meet won by California, Illinois fourth. Department of political science and school of music established. Superintendent of buildings and grounds appointed. Committee appointed to establish a vaccine farm. Board voted to locate library building opposite Daniel street. Voted to sell land and build a house for the president with proceeds. June 9 — J. R- Mann. '76, was elected president of the alumni association. At the alumni dinner, H. M. Dunlap gave the first of his series of dinner talks on the University and Springfield. June to — • Commencement. Address delivered by Hon. Shelby M. Cullom. 1895-6 Sept. 17 — Governor Altgeld visited the University. Sept. 18 — English club organized. Trustees decide to reorganize college of agriculture. Voted to pave Green street through the camnus. Oct. 6 — Football: Illinois. 48, Wabash, o. Illinois Delta of Kappa Alnha Theta established. Oct. 12 — Football : Chicago A. A., 8, Illinois, o. Oct. 20 — Illinois 79, Illinois College o. Oct. 26 — Illinois 10, Wisconsin 10. Illinois Zeta of Pi Beta Phi established. Nov. 3 — Football : Illinois 28, Lake Forest o. Nov. 24 — Illinois 38, Northwestern 4. Nov. 28 — Purdue 6, Illinois 2. xliv University of Illinois Dec. — Banquet by faculty to football team. Plans for library building all rejected. Mr. Burnham of Chicago employed to draw new plans. Chicago College of pharmacy proposed afiiliation with University. Burrill avenue named. School of Music announced first series of concerts. Dec. 13 — French play produced by Alethenai. Dec. 27 — Mr. Burnham resigned as architect for library building. Board decided to have department of architecture draw plans if possible. Jan. 14 — Council of administration adopted rule that all gatherings in University buildings should end by 11:30 p. m. Jan. 15— First of a series of lectures by Lorado Taft. Feb. — Advisory board of athletic managers appointed by the president. Feb. 8 — First athletic conference held at Chicago; Wisconsin, Northwestern, Chicago, Michigan, Purdue, and Illinois represented. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day ; addresses by Pres. Draper and Prof. Greene. University biological station established on the Illinois River. Woman's league organized. March 7 — Adoption of '!" as athletic emblem. March 10 — Trustees adopted plans of Professors Ricker and White for library. Tennis courts constructed on campus. Business system of University organized. Opening of President's House. March 13 — First French play by Le Cercle Frangais. First Chicago- Illinois debate, won by Illinois. April — Observatory located. Site for librarj- changed. The proposals of the Chicago college of pharmacy for affiliation adopted. April 5 — ^Baseball: Illinois 20, Wabash o. April 21 — Chicago 9, Illinois 6. April 19 — Michigan 5, Illinois 3. April 21 — Concert by Theodore Thomas Orchestra. April 26 — Baseball : Illinois 16, Northwestern 2. May I — Baseball: Chicago 10, Illinois 4. May 3 — Illinois 11, Purdue 3. Col- lege of Pharmacy affiliated. May 8 — Baseball : Illinois 8, Beloit 7. May 9 — Competitive shoot: University of California 380, Illinois 374. May 10 — Baseball: Illinois 20, Northwestern 9. May 13 — Baseball : Illinois 19, Indiana 3. May 16—- Illinois 18, Grinnell 3. May 25^Michigan 20, Illinois 3. May 2-j — Illinois 22, Notre Dame 7. May 28 — Illinois 12, Wabash 4. May 30 — Illinois 10, Wisconsin 4. Resignation of Professor Edward Snyder. June 9 — High School Visitor employed. June 10 — Location of library finally fixed. Commencement ; address by Chancellor Winfield S. Chaplin of St. Louis University. June 19— Arrest of trustees for violating flag law held unconstitutional. August 15 — Chemical laboratory partially destroyed by fire caused by lightning; loss $40,000. 1896-7 Sept. 4 — Corner-stone of library building laid. Sept. 26 — First tennis tourna- ment at University. Trustees appointed advisory board to school of pharmacy. Oct. 3 — Football : Illinois 38, Lake Forest o. Oct. 6— School of pharmacy opened as a department of the University. Oct. 10 — Football: Illinois 70, Knox 4. Oct. 17 — Illinois 10, Missouri o. Oct. 21 — Illinois 22, Oberlin 6. Oct. 31 — Chicago 12, Illinois o. Oct. 23 — Establishment of oratorical prize in college of literature and arts. Nov. 7 — Football : Northwestern 10, Illinois 4. Nov. 26 — Illinois 4, Purdue 4. Nov. 28 — First Saturday afternoon cadet hop. Dec. 4 — First junior prom, in military hall. Dec. 20 — Basket ball (girls) ; Illinois 28, Wesleyan 12. Trustees decide to establish law school. Dec. 21— Freshman social broken up by sophomores, largely by the use of chemicals. Dec. 22^President calls convocation and notifies students that the freshman social affair is to be investigated: Jan. /^^Football conference of college presidents at Mladison ; all western state universities represented. Jan. 11 — University regiment attended installation of governor of Springfield. Feb. I — Nine students expelled by the Council for freshman social affair. One student found guilty of disorderly conduct in an Urbana court and fined. Medical club reorganized. Feb. 19 — Joint Philo-Alethenai play. March— College of Physicians and Surgeons joined the University. Office of Dean of Women created. Action of Council in regard to expulsion of students approved by the trustees. Trouble with Beloit college over ball game. Caspar Whitney, arbitrator, found in favor of Illinois. April — Charles W. Spalding, treasurer, embezzled University funds, E. G. Keith elected treasurer, .^pril 17 — Baseball: Illinois 9, Chicago 5. April 22 — Michigan 7, Illinois 3. .April 28 — Chicago 0, Illinois 5. First instructors in Law School appointed. Annals xlv May 5— Baseball: Illinois 13, Purdue 2. May 10 — Intercollegiate ritie contest; seven entries: California first, 400; Virginia second, 386; Illinois third, 375; May II— Dual meet, Chicago ^7, Illinois 43- May 14— Baseball : Illinois 3, Wis- consin 5. May 19 — Illinois 16, Nebraska 9. May 21 — Illinois 4, Wisconsin 6. May 22— Track, Illinois 84, Purdue 36. May 25 — Baseball : Illinois 9, Notre Dame 8. May 26 — Illinois 3, Michigan 0. May 29 — Oberlin 7, Illinois 7. Library school of Armour Institute transferred to the University as State library school. Board of trustees decided to erect independent heating and lighting plan for the University. June 2— Illinois Alpha of Tau Beta Pi organized. June 8 — Library building dedicated. Address delivered by Melvil Dewey, Director of New York state library. June 8 — F. L. Hatch, 'tz, elected president of the alumni association. June 9 — Commencement; address by President Canfield of Ohio State University. Legislature appropriated money to cover deficit caused by Spalding's embezzlement. New bridge to be erected over the Boneyard on Burrill avenue. June 17 — Natural History building partially destroyed by fire caused by lightning; loss $75,000. June 29 — Board voted to admit women to the school of medicine. 1897-8 Sept. 13 — College of law opened. Sept. 21 — Trustees decide to use old military hall as a gymnasium. Oct. 2 — Football : Illinois 26, Eureka o. Oct. g — Illinois 6, P. & S. 0. Oct. 16— Illinois 6, Lake Forest o. Oct. 15 — Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta established. Oct. 2^ — Football: Illinois 2,2, Purdue 4. Oct. 30 — Chicago 18, Illinois 12. First student recital in music school. Nov. II — Homeric tableaux given by faculty, under supervision of N. A. Wells. Nov. 12 — Football: Illinois 64, Knox o. Nov. 15 — Library Club organized. Nov. 20 — Football : Illinois 6, Carlisle Indians 6. Nov. 25 — Illinois 6, Eureka o. Dec. I — Former treasurer Spalding sent to penitentiary. Board of trustees resolves that "free scholarships do not include instruction in the departments of law, pharmacy, music, and medicine, unless otherwise ordered by this board." Feb. II — Lincoln Day. Address by I. N. Phillips. Feb. 16 — President Draper declines position of Superintendent of Public Schools of New York City. Feb. 17 — Announcement that course of study had been organized in school of music leading to degree of bachelor of music. Feb. 15 — Production of "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" by Le Cercle Frangais. March 5 — First concert by Ladies' Glee club. March 11 — First woman's edition of Illiiii. March 17 — Gymnasium moved from military hall to top floor of Wood Shops. April 8 — First concert of Oratorio society. Apr. 9 — Baseball: Illinois 30, Northwestern 7. Apr. 12 — Students burn Spain in effigy. Apr. 16 — Baseball : Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 4 — Baseball: Illinois 19, De Pauw 0. May 7 — Dual meet: Illinois 81, Purdue 47. Baseball : Illinois 3. Michigan 0. May 9 — Illinois 8, Northwestern 4. May 12 — Rifle contest: California 416, Illinois 400. May 14 — Baseball: Chicago 12, Illinois 9. Meet : Chicago 74, Illinois 54. May 20 — Captain Brush released from his duties as commandant to joint his regiment at the front. May 20 — Wisconsin-Illinois debate won by Wisconsin. May 21 — Baseball: Illinois 3, Michigan o. May 24 — Illinois 5, Chicago 6; Illinois 4, Chicago 13. May 26 — Woman's department organized. May 30 — Baseball : Illinois 3, Northwestern 5. June I — Western intercollegiate splits up. Chicago, Illinois, and Michigan hold triangular meet. June 2 — ^Baseball : Chicago 2, Illinois i. June 6 — Receipt by University of dynamometer car from Big Four railroad. June 7 — S. W. Stratton, '84, was elected president, Corda C. Lucas, '80, secretary" of the alumni association. A committee was appointed to revise the constitution. No dinner this year. June 8 — Commencement address delivered by William H. Maxwell. Jonathan B. Turner present at commencement, at the age of ninety-three years. Board of trustees appropriated money for improvement of Illinois Field. Board voted to confer honorary degrees henceforth "but only upon rare occasions for exceptionally high merit in literary, scientific, and other educational work, and upon a three-fourths vote of both the faculty and board of trustees." 1898-9 Sept.— rApplication of Illinois school of dentistry for affiliation with University. Military department vacant on account of Spanish war. No drill. xlvi University of Illinois Oct. I— Football: P. and S. lo, Illinois 6. Oct. 8 — Notre Dame 5, Illinois o. Oct. 10 — Watcheka league organized. Oct. 15 — Football: Illinois 16, De Pauw o. Oct. 19 — 'Dr. John M. Gregory, first regent of the University, died. Engineering laboratory opened. Nov. 12 — Football: Michigan 12, Illinois 5. Nov. 18 — Carlisle 11, Illinois 0. Nov. 24 — Illinois 11, Minnesota 10. Chess club organized. Dec. — Department of oratory added, and consolidated with department of rhetoric. Jan. — College year divided into two semesters instead of three terms as formerly. Jan. 11 — Death of Jonathan B. Turner. Jan. 27 — Athletic association benefit cleared $1,000 debt of association. Jan. 28 — Installation of Illinois Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Feb. 14 — State Library association met at University. March — Professor Snyder's gift of $12,000 to establish a fund for needy students received. Departments of household economics and railroad engineering estab- lished. April 21 — Illinois-Wisconsin debate won l)y Wisconsin. Illinois-Indiana debate won by Illinois. Apr. 22 — Baseball : Illinois 4, Chicago 2. Apr. 24 — Supposed burning in eftigy of Governor Tanner for vetoing appropriation bill of University disavowed by students. Baseball : Illinois 6, Wisconsin o. Apr. 28 — Beta Lambda of Kappa Kappa Gamma established. Apr. 29 — Baseball : Illinois 7, Michigan 3. May I — Baseball: Illinois 12, Northwestern 9. Comic opera "Patience" given by Opera club. May 3 — Baseball: Illinois 11, Chicago 9. May 4-5 — First May festival by old oratorio society, now named choral society. Trustees decided to erect agricultural building. University bulletins to be published. May 6 — -Dual meet: Illinois 87, Purdue 41. May 7 — "Le Medecin Malgre Lui" produced by Le Cercle Frangais. May 10 — Baseball: Michigan 2, Illinois i. May 11 — Notre Dame 15, Illinois o. May 12 — Beloit 6, Illinois o. May 13 — Illinois 13, Wisconsin 4. Dual meet : Wisconsin 72, Illinois 56. May 18 — Baseball : Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 19 — Michigan 4, Illinois 2. May 20 — Illinois 9, Northwestern 3. May 20 — Preliminary organization at University of State Historical society. May 24 — Baseball : Chicago 9, Illinois 3. May 28 — Local sorority of Gamma Sigma or- ganized. June — Prof. Tompkins resigns to become President of Normal University. Trustees decide not to establish college of teachers. Plan of agricultural scholar- ships adopted. June 13 — Alumni constitution amended to provide that secretary might be elected outside the membership of the association, that an executive committee of five be created, and that membership fee and annual dues should be abolished. W. N. Butler, '79, was elected president and W. L. Pillsbury secretary of the association. June 14 — George E. Adams gave the commencement address. 1899-1900 Sept. — Opening of Christian Association house. Case system adopted in law school. Sept. 20 — First issue of Illini as newspaper, published tri-weekly. Or- ganization of faculty golf club. Sept. 30 — Football : Illinois 6, Wesleyan o. Oct. 7 — Visit to the University of Don Ignacio Mariscal, Vice-President of Mexico, and party. Football : Illinois 5, Knox 0. Oct. 14 — Football : Indiana 5, Illinois 0. Saturday school for teachers organized. Oct. 28 — Football : Michigan 5, Illinois 0. Nov. 11 — Wisconsin 23, Illinois o. Nov. 22 — Purdue 5, Illinois 0. Nov. 25 — Illinois 29, St. Louis University o. Nov. 30 — Iowa 58, Illinois 0. Dec. — Organization of oratorical association. Tablet to the memory of Pro- fessor Turner- to be placed in Agricultural Building. Dec. 8 — Installation of Iota chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Jan. — Adoption by the University of limited reformed spelling in its publica- tion. Jan. 19 — Formation of western intercollegiate baseball league. Feb. 9 — Affiliation of college of physicians and surgeons completed. Illinois- Indiana debate won by Illinois. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day; address by Hon. Paul Selby. Feb. 28 — German club organized. Mar. 10 — Triangular meet: Chicago 48, Notre Dame 31, Illinois 19. March 13 — Unveiling of library mural paintings. Department of domestic science estab- lished. March 26 — George Espy Morrow, former dean of the college of agriculture, died. April 3 — Morrow memorial meeting. Apr. 4 — Presentation of "The Mikado" by the men's and women's glee clubs. Apr. 8— Inter-fraternity baseball league Annals xlvii organized. Apr. lo — Baseball : Illinois lo, Chicago 6. Apr. 14 — Illinois 5, Purdue 4. April 16 — Michigan 7, Illinois 3. Apr. 20 — University minstrel show benefit for athletic association. Apr. 21 — Baseball: Illinois 11, Chicago i. Apr. 27 — Grant day convocation. Baseball : Illinois 4, Northwestern 3. Apr. 28 — Illinois 12, Wis- consin 0. Apr. 29 — Bolter collection of insects donated to University. Apr. 30 — Baseball: Illinois 11, Beloit i. May 2 — "La Poudre aux Yeux" given by Le Cercle Frangais. May 4 — First open-air concert by University band on President's porch. May 5 — Dual track meet: Illinois 106, Purdue 14. Baseball: Illinois 4, Chicago i. May 8-9-10 — May festival. May 9 — Baseball: Illinois 17, Iowa 0. May 12 — Dual meet: Chi- cago 90, Illinois 38. May 14 — Baseball: Illinois 12, Michigan 6. May 15 — Michigan 7, Illinois 3. May 16 — Inter-fraternity baseball series won by Phi Gamma Delta. Apr. 18— Dual meet: Wisconsin 64J/2, Illinois 63J/2. May 22— Maypole dance by women's physical training classes. May 23 — "Einer Muss Heiraten" presented by der Deutsche Verein. Baseball : Illinois 9, Chicago 4. May 25 — Intercollegiate oratorical league contest (Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Cornell, and Ohio Wesleyan) won by Ohio Wesleyan, Illinois second. May 26 — Baseball: Illinois 10, Chicago 3. May 30 — Illinois 6, Michigan 5. Illinois wins the western championship. June I — Dinner given to baseball team by President Draper. June 6 — Baseball : Illinois 8, Minnesota 3. June 9 — Wood shops totally destroyed by fire ; loss $60,000. June 12 — C. H. Blackall, '7T, gave the alumni address on a study of the fine arts as a factor in modern life and personal happiness. H. W. Mahan, '76, was elected president. A new constitution was adopted, providing no fees, mem- bership for all graduates, an annual address, and incidentally an annual request to the trustees to pay for printing the alumni report. Three hundred attended the banquet. June 13 — Commencement address by Hon. Bird S. Coler. Honorary degree of doctor of architecture conferred on Dean N. C. Ricker. Trustees granted Dean Kinley one year's lea^e of absence. Prof. T. A. Clark appointed act- ing dean of the college of literature and arts during Dean Kinley's absence. In- stallation of Omicron chapter of Chi Omega. Installation of Morrow chapter of Alpha Zeta. 1900-1 Sept. — Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma installed in chapter houses. Gymnasium moved back into military hall on account of loss of wood shops. Sept. 10— Opening of University dining hall. Organization of department of pedagogy and of school of household science. Opening of agricultural building. Sept. 29 — Football : Illinois 26, Rose Polytechnic 0. Oct. 3 — Football: Illinois 63, De Pauw o. Oct. 6 — Illinois 21, Wesleyan o. Oct. 10 — Illinois 6, P. and S. o. Oct. 13 — Illinois 16, Knox o. Oct. 16 — Football: Illinois 35, Lombard 0. Mathematical club organized. Oct. 20 — Football : Illinois o, Northwestern o. Oct. 22 — Reading by James Whitcomb Riley, assisted by students. Oct. 22, — Authentication of Lincoln ox yoke. Oct. 27 — Football : Mich- igan 12, Illinois 0. Nov. 3 — Football: Illinois 17, Purdue 5. Nov. 9 — Purchase of West division high school building for the college of medicine. Trustees voted to place a memorial tablet for Professor Morrow in agricultural building. Nov. 10 — Foot- ball: Minnesota 23, Illinois 0. Nov. 17 — Illinois o, Indiana o. Nov. 24 — Foot- ball: Wisconsin 27, Illinois 0. Nov. 26 — First meeting of Illinois Fortnightly club. Nov. 27 — First meeting of Illinois Electrical association at the University. Organi- zation of big nine college conference. Organization of pedagogical library and museum. Dec.io — Intercollegiate student stock judging contest held in Chicago; won by Illinois. Political science club organized. Dec. 20 — Dramatic club organized. Jan. 14 — Regiment attends inauguration of Governor Yates. Jan. 17 — "Hia- watha's Wedding Feast" given by the choral society. Jan. 23 — Trustees decided to establish school of dentistry. Jan. 25 — Illinois-Indiana debate won by Indiana. Feb. 4 — John Marshall convocation. Address by President Draper. Mar. 5 — Glee club makes trip to Florida. March 9 — Triangular meet : Notre Dame 43, Chicago 37, Illinois 28. March 12 — School of Music reorganized. Com- mittee of trustees reported in favor of buying Illinois school of dentistry. March 13 — Der Deutsche Verein presents "Gunstige Vorzeichen." Seniors decide to wear xlviii University of Illinois caps and gowns at commencement exercises. March 27 — Presentation of "The Rivals" by dramatic club. Adoption of rules enforcing scholarship standing of athletes. Faculty adopted caps and gowns for commencement exercises. April I — Chicago National baseball team established training quarters at Uni- versity. April 8 — "Pirates of Penzance" presented by glee club. April 13 — Baseball: Michigan 9, Illinois H. April 20 — Illinois 35, Indiana 4. April 23 — Beloit 4, Illinois i. University Song book published. April 26 — Baseball: Illinois 8, Minnesota o. May I — Conference of State university presidents at Illinois. Baseball: Illinois 15, Chicago 3. May 2 — Northwestern 6, Illinois 2. May 6 — Illinois 6, Notre Dame 2. May 6 — Affiliation of Chicago school of dentistry. May 8 — Baseball : Illinois 17, Chicago 6. May lo-ii — May festival with Boston festival orchestra; presenta- tion of "Samson and Delilah." May 11 — Baseball: Michigan 7, Illinois 6. May 13 — Notre Dame 10, Illinois 7. May 15 — Student riot at Pan-American circus, several injured. May 17 — Wisconsin-Illinois meet won by Wisconsin, 65-64. Baseball : Illinois 8, Chicago 7. May 18 — ^lUinois 10, Northwestern 0. May 21— Dedication of Agricultural building. May 22 — Baseball: Illinois 5, Chicago 2. May 25 — Dual meet: Illinois 60, Northwestern 52. May 29 — Baseball: Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 30 — Inter-fraternity baseball series won by Phi Gamma Delta. June I — Adoption of inter-sorority rushing compact. June 4 — Baseball : Illinois 13, Wisconsin o. June 11 — Office of dean of undergraduates created and Professor T. A. Clark appointed to the position. Annual meeting of alumni association. J. R. Mann gave the address, on some aspects of national growth. J. C. Llewellyn, 'TJ, was elected president. H. W. Mahan was toastmaster at the dinner. June 12 — Commencement ; address by Luther Laflin Mills. July — Trustees oppose the granting of any parole or pardon to Charles W. Spalding. 1901-2 Sept. 14 — University senate created. Sept. 19 — Memorial exercises for President McKinley ; address by President Draper. Sept. 28 — Football : Illinois 39, Engle- wood 0. <' Oct. 3 — School of Dentistry opened as department of University. Oct. 5 — Foot- ball : Illinois 52, Marion Sims o. Oct. 11 — Illinois 22,, P. & S. o. Oct. 12 — Illinois 21, Washington 0. Beginning of work on new chemistry building. Oct. 16 — Squirrels imported for campus. Oct. 17 — Football : Illinois 24, Chicago o. Oct. 26— Football: Northwestern 17, Illinois 11. Nov. 2 — Football: Illinois 18, Indiana 0. Nov. 4— Major Dinwiddie, first University commandant, died. Nov. g — Football : Illinois 27, Iowa 0. Nov. 16 — Illinois 28, Purdue o. Nov. 18 — Illinois live stock breeders met at University. Nov. 28 — Football : Minnesota 16, Illinois o. Dec. 9 — Illinois Horticultural society met at University. Dec. 19 — Sigma Chi and Sigma Delta houses partly burned. Dec. 26-27-28 — Modern Language Associa- tion of America met at University. Jan. 10 — Illinois Club composed of chapters of Alpha. Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, and Sigma Delta (afterwards Beta Theta Pi) organized. Art gallery in library building opened. Jan. 25 — First concert of University orchestra. Feb. I — Indiana-Illinois debate won by Indiana. Gymnasium team organized. Feb. 12 — Lincoln day; address by Honorable Clark E. Carr. Feb. 16 — First University vesper service. Feb. 19 — Council of Administration censured Kappa Sigma for violation of University rules in holding its annual on Thursday night. Feb. 2."/ — Organization of John Marshall debating club by law students. Feb. 28 — Installation of Sigma Rho chapter of Beta Theta Pi. March 8 — Invitation track meet held by St. Louis university, ,won by Illinois. March — School of commerce organized. Old chemistry building turned over to Law school. Board decides that B. A. degree shall be given for usual course in college of science. University water works plant completed. Board decides to es- tablish a University postoffice. Council of administration refuses freshmen per- mission to hold a social. April 6 — President Draper injured by being thrown from carriage. Apr. 8 — Presentation of "lolanthe" by Opera Gub. Apr. 9 — Dr. Senn amputated President Draper's leg. Apr. 12 — -Baseball: Illinois 7, Michigan 3. Apr. 23 — Class of 1902 decides to leave memorial fountain. Apr. 23 — Baseball: Illinois 11, Northwestern Annals xljx 3. Apr. 25 — Baseball: Wisconsin 2, Illinois i. Illinois-Missouri debate won bi' Missouri. Apr. 26 — Baseball : Chicago 6, Illinois 5. Apr. 30 — Illinois lo, Chi- cago I. May 3 — Dual meet: Chicago 65, Illinois 61. Baseball: Chicago 3, Illinois 2. May 7 — Baseball: Illinois 7, Chicago 3. May 9— -"Minna von Barnhelm" given by Der Deutsche Verein. May 12 — Baseball : Illinois 2, Michigan o. May 16, Track: Wisconsin 58, Illinois 54. May 17 — Baseball; Illinois 15, Chicago i. May 21 — Baseball team leaves for the North and East. May 22 — "School for bcandal" given by Dramatic club. Baseball : Illinois 7, Michigan 6. May 24 — Illinois 3, Princeton i. May 30 — Harvard 2, Illinois i. June i — Illinois 6, West Fomt 5. June 4 — Illinois 10, Yale 4. June 7 — Illinois 11, Pennsylvania 3. June 10 — Meeting of alumni association. H. M. Beardsley, '79, gave the annual address, \m Civic progress. A. N. Talbot, '81, was elected president. C. H. Blackall, '77, •vas toastmaster at the dinner. June 11 — Commencement. Governor Richard Yates gave the address. 1902-3 Sept. — mini published five days a week. New chemistry building opened. College of Law in old chemistry building. Sept. ig— Installation of Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Nu. Sept. 20 — Football : Illinois 34, North Division 6. Wo- man's gymnasmm moved to testing laboratory. Sept. 27 — Football : Illinois 45, Englewood o. Oct. I — President Draper returned to University. Football : Illinois 22, Osteopaths 0. Oct. 4 — Illinois 33, Monmouth o. Oct. 8 — Illinois 24, Haskell Indians 10. Oct. 11 — Illinois 44, Washington 0. Oct. 15 — Federation of Women's clubs met at University. Oct. 18^ — Football : Illinois 29, Purdue 5. Oct. 25 — Chicago 6, Illinois 0. Nov. I — Football : Illinois 47, Indiana o. Nov. 3 — First issue of Illinois Magazine. Domestic Science club organized. Nov. 8 — Football : Minnesota 17, Illinois 5. Nov. 10 — Organization of Alpha Delta Gamma. Nov. 15 — Football : Illinois 0, Ohio State o. Nov. 22 — Illinois 17, Northwestern 0. Nov. 27 — Illinois 80, Iowa o. Organization of Theta Kappa Nu. Dec. — Board of trustees decided to give degrees B. A. and B. L. S. in Library school. Dec. 6 — Installation of Rho chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. Dec. 8 — Illinois Grange met at University. Council of Administration refused to allow freshman social. Dec. 13— Reorganization of political science club on honorary basis. Jan. 16 — Illinois-Iowa debate won by Illinois. Feb. 14 — Dual meet : Chicago 60, Illinois 20. Mar. 6 — Indiana-Illinois debate won by Indiana. March 13 — Trustees voted to abolish University dining hall. Board decided not to abolish fees. March 14 — Michigan-Illinois meet won by Michigan. Mlarch 22 — Dual meet : Chicago 45, Illinois 41. April 8 — "Pinafore" presented by Opera club. April 18 — Baseball : Illinois 10, Northwestern o. April 21 — -First out-door "Sing." April 23 — -Baseball : Illinois- Wisconsin game forfeited by Wisconsin. April 24 — Illinois-Missouri debate won by Missouri. Baseball : Michigan 17, Illinois 10. April 25 — Illinois 17, North- western 2. April 30 — Illinois 8, Notre Dame 5. May I — Baseball : Illinois 10, Purdue 2. May 5 — Illinois 29, Northwestern 2. May 6 — Illinois 3, Wisconsin o. May 6-7-8 — May Festival. Presentation of "Elijah." May 9 — Baseball: Illinois 8, Michigan 2. Dual meet: Chicago 74, Illinois 52. May 11 — Baseball: Illinois 7, Nebraska 3. May 14 — Dual meet: Wisconsin 62, Illinois 50. May 15 — Baseball: Illinois 4, Chicago 3. May 20 — Illinois law school 8, Chicago law school o. Central oratorical league won by Indiana; Illinois second. May 23 — Baseball: Illinois 9, Chicago 5. May 26 — Former Regent Peabody died. May 28 — Baseball : Illinois 20, Oberlin 3. Sigma Chi chapter censured by faculty for holding dance on forbidden night. May 30 — Baseball : Illinois 9, Michigan 2. Illinois wins championship of the west. June I — Baseball : Illinois 4, Notre Dame 2. "Honors" consisting of letters "I A" granted to women for gymnasium work. June 8 — Dean Scott of college of law resigned. June 9 — 'J. A. Ockerson, '73, gave the alumni address, on "Learn- ing and Labor." S. A. Bullard, '78, was elected president. President Talbot spoke of the services of President Peabody, and a letter expressing the sympathy of the alumni was sent to Mrs. Peabody. Manford Savage, '78, was toastmaster at the dinner. June 10 — Commencement. Address by President Charles Thwing. Degree of LL. D. conferred on Joseph G. Cannon. June 11 — Columbia University confers degree of LL. D. on President Draper. 1 University of Illinois 1903-4 Sept. 13— Professor Edward Snyder died. Sept. 19 — Agreement to affiliate Chicago college of dental surgery adopted by the trustees. Football : Illinois 45, Englewood 5. Sept. 26— Illinois 43, Lombard o. Sept. 30 — Illinois 36, Oste- opaths o. Oct. 3 — Football: Illinois 29, Knox 5. Oct. 10 — Illinois 64, Rush Medical 0. Oct. 9 — Harvard Club organized. Oct. 14 — Football : Illinois 54, Dentists o. Oct. 17 — Illinois 24, Purdue o. Oct. 20 — Six students suspended for hazing. Oct. 22 — Organization of Kansas City alumni association. Nov. 4 — Memorial mass meeting for victims of Purdue wreck. Nov. 8 — Foot- ball : Indiana 17, Illinois o. Nov. 14— Minnesota 32, Illinois o. Nov. 21 — Iowa 12, Illinois o. Nov. 26 — Nebraska 16, Illinois o. Dec. 8 — Organization of engineering experiment station. Name of preparatory department changed to "The Academy of the University of Illinois." Dec. 17 — Christmas concert by choral society. Jan. 8 — Wisconsin threatens to sever athletic relations on account of trouble over the proceeds of forfeited baseball game. Organization of Illiola literary society. Dec. 15 — Illinois-Iowa debate won by Illinois. Jan. 16 — Illinois-Wiscon- sin trouble settled by agreement of Illinois to pay disputed fund over to Purdue memorial fund. Jan. 18 — Illinois domestic science association met at University. Jan. 26 — President Draper resigned in order to accept the position of Com- missioner of Education of the State of New York. Board adopted plans of McKim, Mead and White for the woman's building. Feb. 3 — Athletic board of control adopted graduate system of coaching. Prof. A. W. Palmer died. Feb. 4 — Dramatic club reorganized. Feb. 6-j-Dual meet : Chicago freshmen vs. Illinois freshmen; won by Illinois. Feb. 7 — Chicago college of dental surgery withdrew from University. Feb. 22 — Organization of chapter of Sigma Xi. March 4 — Indiana-Illinois debate won by Illinois. March 5 — Dual meet : Chicago 38, Illinois 28. March 11 — Organization of Macgruder chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. March 15 — Beta Theta Pi house quarantined on account of scarlet fever. March 25 — Electrical engineering society organized. March 26 — St. Louis University track tournament won by Illinois. April I — Work begun on woman's building. April 5 — "Miss Hobbs" presented by Dramatic club. April 12 — "Erminie" presented by Opera club. April 13 — Tennis club organized. April 16 — Baseball : Illinois 10, Knox 0. April 20 — Illinois 10, P. and S. 0. April 23 — Illinois 20, Northwestern o. March 27 — Wiscon- sin 5, Illinois 4. April 28 — Trustees voted to establish professorship of political science. April 29 — Missouri-Illinois debate won by Missouri. April 30 — Base- ball : Illinois 10, Michigan 6. May 3 — Baseball: Illinois 2, Notre Dame i. May 4 — Illinois 7, Northwestern 2. "Twelfth Night" presented by English club. May 7 — Dual meet : Chicago 79^, Illinois 46^^. May 9 — Baseball: Illinois 7, Minnesota 4. May 13 — Dual meet: Chicago 30, Illinois 36. Illinois 71, Purdue 55. Baseball: Illinois 14, Oberlin 2. May 14 — Illinois 7, Michigan i. May 17 — Purdue 8, Illinois 6. May 18 — Illinois 6, Ohio State 5. May 20 — Illinois 7, Chicago 6. May 21 — Dual meet: Wisconsin 79, Illinois 47. May 23 — Baseball : Illinois 17, Minnesota 5. May 26 — University regiment went into camp at the World's Fair in St. Louis. Baseball : Illinois 2, Chicago i. May 27 — Tennis: Chicago won from Illinois. Dual fresh- men Chicago-Illinois meet, won by Illinois. May 28— Baseball : Illinois 11, Chicago O. Illinois won western championship. May 30 — Baseball : Illinois 8, Beloit 4. June 3 — Baseball: Illinois i, Notre Dame o. — Hahnemann medical college applied for affiliation. June 5 — Baccalaureate. President Draper's farewell. June 7 — .Thomas F. Hunt, '84, gave the annual alumni address, on the alumnus and his opportunity. Frank White, '80, was elected president. A committee made a second adverse report on a resolution offered in 1902 looking to a larger par- ticipation by alumni in choice of trustees. Another committee was appointed to make further investigations. Resolutions in memory of Professors Edward Snyder and A. W. Palmer, and in appreciation of President Draper were passed. June 8 — Commencem.ent ; address by Charles W. Fairbanks. Baseball: Chicago 15. Illinois II; Illinois 13, Chicago 4; Illinois 12, Oberlin 3; Illinois 5, Ohio 4; Illinois 9, West Virginia 5. Trustees decided not to affiliate Hahnemann medical college. Annals li Aug. ly — Resignation of Miss Jayne, dean of women. Aug. 23— Dr. Edmund Janes James President of Northwestern University elected to the presidency. 1904-5 Sept. — Music School moved to rooms in basement of University hall. Sept. 24— Football : Illinois 10, Northwestern College o. Chemistry departments re- organized. Sept. 26 — Six men suspended for hazing. Department of forestry and landscape gardening established. Sept. 28 — Football : Illinois 22,, Wabash 2. Oct. I — Football: Illinois 11, Knox o. Oct. 5 — Illinois 26, P. and S. o. Oct. 7 — Organization of mechanical engineering society. Oct. 8— University of Illinois day at World's Fair. Football: Illinois 31, Washington o. Oct. 15— Illinois 10, Indiana 0. Oct. 22 — Illinois 24, Purdue 6. Oct. 25 — Commercial club organized. Oct. 29 — Illinois 6, Chicago 6. Nov. S' — President James assumed charge. Football : Illinois 46, Ohio State o. Nov. 12 — Football: Northwestern 12, Illinois 6. Nov. 18 — Installation of Illinois Delta of Phi Kappa Psi. Nov. 19 — Football: Illinois 29, Iowa o. Visit of Chicago Press Club to University. College of agriculture won Grand Prize for live stock exhibit at world's fair. Illinois Magazine suspended publication. Nov. 24 — Football : Nebraska 16, Illinois 10. Conference rule barring freshmen from athletic teams adopted. Dec. 3 — Organization of Illinois alumni association in New York City. Dec. 8 — Slight fire in agricultural building. Dec. 14 — ^Organization of students' co- operative association. Jan. 9- — Regiment attended inauguration of Governor Deneen. Jan. 10 — Ralph O. Roberts, captain of baseball team, killed in wreck on Big Four, several other students returning from holidays injured. Jan. 11 — Illinois Magazine resumed publication. Feb. II — Dual meet: Illinois 49, Chicago 37. Mar. 3 — Indiana-Illinois debate won by Illinois. Mlarch 4 — Dual meet : Illinois 45, Chicago 41. March 17 — Camera club organized. March 28 — "Gloriana" pre- sented by Dramatic club. April 7 — First Law School dance. April 14 — Baseball: Illinois 11, Wabash 2. Apr. 19 — Illinois 6, Purdue i. April 21 — Illinois 5, Northwestern o. April 22 — Illinois 3, Wisconsin 0. April 26 — Illinois II, Chicago 9. April 28— Illinois-Missouri debate won by Illinois. May 3 — Baseball: Illinois 6, Wisconsin 3. May 5-6 — Tennis: Illinois won from Purdue. Alay 6 — Baseball: Michigan i, Illinois o. May 6 — Track: Chicago 77, Illinois 49. May 8 — Presentation of "Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay" by English club. May 9 — Baseball: Illinois 3, Chicago o. May 12 — Track: Illinois 48, Purdue 42. Baseball : Illinois 5, Northwestern 0. May 13 — Illinois 9, Chicago 4. May 15 — Tennis: Iowa wins. May 18 — Baseball: Michigan 2, Illinois i. May 19-^Tennis : Northwestern and Illinois tied. May 20 — Track : Illinois 84. Wisconsin 42. Baseball: Wisconsin 2, Illinois i. May 25 — Watcheka league dis- solved and new Woman's league formed. May 26 — Baseball : Chicago 2, Illinois o. May 27 — Illinois i, Wisconsin o. May 30 — Illinois 7, Chicago 3. June 6 — J. R. Mann, '76, gave the annual alumni address, on governmental regulation of railroad rates. Charles H. Dennis was elected president. The committee on choice of trustees recommended that a committee of nine on political action be created, "to aid in the securing of suitable candidates for the office of trustees of the University, and in enlisting the help of the alumni as a body in promoting their election." W. N. Butler, '79, was toastmaster at the dinner. June 7 — Commencement ; address by Secretary Cortelyou. June 8 — Baseball : Illinois II, Chicago 8. Resignation of Deans Forbes, Kicker, and Burrill. Pro- fessor Townsend appointed acting dean College of Science ; Professor White, acting dean College of engineering. Miss Kyle appointed assistant dean of under- graduates. 1905-6 Sept. — Adoption of daily absence rule under which no absences are excused. Sept. 29— Organization of school of education. Sept. 30 — Two students sus- pended for hazing. Football : Illinois 6, Knox 0. Oct. 4 — Football : Illinois 6, Wabash o. Organization of debating league by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio universities. Oct. 7 — Football : Illinois 24, Northwestern College 0. Oct. 14 — Illinois 12, St. Louis University 6. Oct. 16-19 — Installation of President James. National conference of college and university trustees ; confer- lii University of Illinois ence on religious education in State Universities; Conference on commercial educa- tion. Oct. i6 — Dedication of woman's building. Four students suspended for hazing. Oct. 17 — Presentation of "Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay," by English club. Oct. 17 — Parade of students. Oct. 20 — Location of auditorium by trustees. Oct. 21 — Football : Purdue 29, Illinois 30. Nov. 28 — Illinois 30, P. & S. 0. Nov. 4 — Football : Alichigan 33, Illinois 0. Nov. 18 — Football : Chicago 44, Illinois 0. Nov. 30 — Nebraska 24, Illinois 6. Dec. — Appointment of student advisers from faculty. Dec. i — Organization of western intercollegiate basket ball league. Dec. 8 — Organization of Hawkeye club by Iowa students. Dec. 10— Department of ceramics established. Dec. 16— Student carnival for benefit of athletic association. Dec. 20 — Christmas concert by Choral society. Carnival committee reported association debt as paid. Dec. 21 — Installation of chapter of Delta Upsilon. Jan. II — Hamilton club contest at Chicago: Wisconsin first, Jacob Cantlin, Illinois, second. Jan. 14 — Memorial exercises for President Harper of Chicago University. Jan. 20 — First intercollegiate basket ball game in which Illinois en- gaged : Illinois 27, Indiana 24. Jan. 27 — Basket ball : Illinois 25, Purdue 19. Feb. 3 — Basket ball : Illinois 23, Wheaton College 21. Prof. E. B. Greene made acting dean of the college of literature and arts. Plans of C. H. Blackall, '79, of Boston, for new auditorium accepted by trustees. Feb. 12 — Lincoln's birthday celebrated. Address by Hon. J. S. Stevens of Peoria. Feb. 14 — Basket ball: Illinois 31, Oberlin 25. Feb. 16 — Dual meet: Illinois 61, Chicago 25. Basket ball: Indiana 38, Illinois 7. Feb. 17 — Aquatic contest: Chicago 28, Illinois 13. Basket ball : Purdue 48, Illinois 22. Feb. 20 — President James calls meeting of fraternities to discuss advisability of holding conference of college fraternities. Feb. 22 — liistallation of chapter of Sigma Kappa. "One Night Only" given by Players' club. Feb. 24 — Basket ball: Illinois 24, Chicago 21. Feb. 28 — Minnesota 27, Illinois 25. Mar. 3 — Basket ball: Wisconsin 35, Illinois 32. Dual meet; Illinois 45I/2, Chicago 40 >^. Chapter of Delta Rho Sigma organized in College of Agriculture. March g — Ohio-Illinois debate won by Illinois. Indiana-Illinois debate won by Indiana. March 14 — Anniversary of founding of University celebrated; address by Vice-President Burrill. March 16 — Aquatic meet : Chicago 27, Illinois 14. April 2 — First game of baseball training season with Chicago National League. Work begun on auditorium. Apr. 7 — Dean of undergraduates ordered second Illio election on account of charges of illegal voting. Apr. 14 — Ionian literary society organized. Apr. 16 — Aquatic meet : Yale 53, Illinois 8. Apr! 20 — Faculty of Literature and Arts presented a watch to David Kinley, retiring dean. Water polo : Illinois 2, Chicago^ i ; which gave the Western intercollegiate water polo championship. Apr. 22 — Baseball : Illinois 3, Chicago o. First junior smoker. Apr. 24 — Athenian literary society organized. Apr. 26 — Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, spoke on the "Evolution of Self-Government." Apr. 27 — Baseball: Illinois 12, Notre Dame 9. Apr. 29 — Heth chapter of Acacia frater- nity installed. Baseball: Michigan 11, Illinois 7. May 2 — Baseball : Illinois 22. Indiana 3. May 6 — Track meet : Illinois 75, Chicago 51. May 9 — Company K won the company competitive; Jose G. San Victores won the Hazelton prize medal. May 12-13 — May festival. May 18 — Annual maypole dance on Illinois field. May 20 — Interscholastic athletic contest : Wendell Phillips and West Aurora tied for first place. First interscholastic circus in gymnasium. Baseball : Illinois 8, Chicago 7. Phenix, new senior society, established. May 22 — 1907 Illio issued. Tennis : Illinois 4, Iowa State 2. May 23 — Water polo team gave exhibition for gym girls. May 24 — Tennis : Illinois 3, Chicago 3. May 25 — Baseball : Illinois 3, Amherst 0. May 27 — Baseball : Michigan 8, Illinois 4. May 29 — University memorial day; E. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of the University of Nebraska, delivered address on General Grant. Reception to General Nelson A. Miles. May 30 — General Miles reviewed University regiment and spoke on "The Military Training of the Citizen Soldier." Corner-stone of new auditorium laid. General Miles gave Decoration day address. May 31 — Baseball : Illinois 2, Chicago 0. June I — Philomathean and Alethenai societies gave Shirley's "The Opportunity" on the south campus. June 2 — Baseball : Illinois 8, Minnesota o. Michigan won conference meet ; Illinois scored yji points. June 10-13 — Commencement exercises. June 10 — President James delivered Baccalaureate sermon. June 12 — Charles Annals liii Henry Dennis, '8i, gave the annual alumni address, on life and its problems. John G. Wadsworth, '82, was elected president. Recommendations of candidates for the office of trustee were adopted. A system of quinquennial reunions was es- tablished. A committee was appointed with power regarding the publication of an alumni magazine. The committee: T. A. Clark, '90, F. W. Scott, '01, A. N. Talbot, '81, H. L. McCune, '83, Mrs. H. M. Stone, '03. The executive committee was instructed to consider and report upon the question of reorganization. J. M. White, '90, was toastmaster at the dinner. Class of 1901 formed first permanent class organization among the alumni. June 13 — Baron Herman von Speck-Stern- burg, Ambassador from Germany to the United States, gave the commencement address. 1906-7 Sept. 17-18 — Registration days. Sept. 19 — Large room in Burnham Hospital is set aside as a student ward. Sept. 26 — First convocation of the year held in the armory at 4:00 p. m. Principal speakers. President James, Mr. Samuel A. Bul- lard, and Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander. Oct. 2 — Freshman class organized. Oct. 13 — Football : Illinois 0, Wabash o. Oct. 27 — Michigan 28, Illinois 9. Oct. 20 — Annual Interclass Track meet, fresh- men scored 62 points, sophomores 42, juniors 6, seniors 15. Oct. 28 — Cosmopolitan Club organized. Nov. 3 — Fall handicap won by freshmen. Senior Class election. Nov. 5 — Inter-society declamation contest held under auspices of oratorical association. J. C. Herbstman won first place. Nov. 17 — Football : Chicago 63, Illinois 0. Nov. 10 — Illinois 6, Wisconsin 16. Nov. 24 — Purdue o, Illinois 5. Nov. 21 — Annual color rush, won by the freshmen. Nov. 26 — ^Gustav E. Karsten, newly elected head of department of modern languages, gave his inaugural address; subject, "Aims and Scope of German Philology." Dec. I — Athletic conference of the big nine, held in Chicago. Dec. 3 — Convocation held in the Armory to celebrate the 88th anniversary of Illinois as a state. Hon. Lawrence Y. Sherman, lieutenant governor , of Illinois, spoke on "The Importance of State Sovereignty to the Commonwealth." Senate took action affecting the various colleges, changing entrance requirements, graduation require- ments, etc. Dec. 10 — Dr. Guy Stanton Ford, newly elected professor of modern European history, gave his inaugural address; subject, "Rise of Prussia to her Present Greatness." Dec. 11 — Dr. W. A. Noyes of the U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, made head of department of chemistry and director of the chemical laboratory, to begin September i, 1907. Trustees decided that the University library shall be open every Sunday afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00 o'clock. Dec. 11 — Council of Ad- ministration consented to the organization of the Scribblers' club. Dec. 18 — Annual concert by the choral society and orchestra in the Armory. Jan. — The students' cooperative association was dissolved. Jan. 9 — Governor Deneen in his message to the legislature, called attention to the graduate work of the University, and strongly approved the financial requests of the University. Jan. 17 — F. H. McConaughey, senior L. & A., died unexpectedly of diphtheria. Those who had been exposed were quarantined. About 20 people contracted the disease; no case was serious. Jan. 23 — Urbana Commercial club gave banquet to President James and the trustees. Jan. 28-Feb. i — Prof. Josiah Royce of Har- vard University gave five lectures on "Loyalty as a General Principle." Feb. 4 — Senate voted that after Sept., 1908, requirements for entrance to the University should be raised from 14 to 15 units. Feb. 5 — Women's glee club gave concert in chapel. Feb. 8— Legislative party of 125 members visited University. Convocation at 10:30 a. m. March 1-2 — Electrical engineering show. March 4-9 — Dr. E. A. Winshipof Boston, editor of the Journal of Education, gave five lectures at the University. March 4 — Contest to select a representative in the equal suffrage oratorical contest under the auspices of the Equal Suffrage league. J. H. Zearing. L. & A. sophomore won. March 11 — Convocation held in armory in honor of the founding of the University. Mr. Henrv M. Beardsley, '79, of Kansas City, gave the address, sub- ject, "The Viewpoint of the Graduate." March 12— Albert V. Bleininger appointed assistant professor of ceramics, to begin work September i, I907- March 12 — Trustees established a laboratorv of physiological chemistry in the department of animal husbandry. Samuel A. Bullard, '78, retired from the board of trustees. liv University of Illinois L. H. Kerrick elected president of the board. Trustees gave permission to build a baseball grandstand on Illinois Field. March 13 — L. H. Kerrick found dead in bed. March 14 — Senator LaFollette gave the concluding number of the Star lecture course. March 15-16 — Players club presented Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer" at Morrow Hall. March 20 — W. L. Abbott elected president of the board of trustees. March 26-28 — Prof. Edward Channing of Harvard University delivered lectures in commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of the colony of Jamestown. March 30 — Ben Tomlinson appointed Rhodes scholar from Illinois. First meeting of the national commission for the investigation of nutrition problems, held at New York City. H. S. Grindley of the University was elected secretary. April I — Katherine L. Sharp resigned as librarian and director of the library school. Baseball: April 17 — Illinois 13, Wabash 0. April 20 — Chicago 0, Illinois 10. April 24 — Illinois 4, Notre Dame 6. April 27 — Chicago 5, Illinois 6. April 24 — Class of 1882 celebrated silver anniversary of their graduation; twelve members present. April 30-May 1-2 — Dr. Julius Goebel of Harvard lectured at the Uni- versity on Deutsche Volkslieder, Faust, and Longfellow. May — Campus sings held. May 2 — Congressman W. B. McKinley made to he oratorical association a cash gift of $175 a year for five years in prizes to intercollegiate debaters and orators. May 4 — J. H. Zearing, representing the University, won the hundred-dollar prize in the State Equal Suffrage contest. May 6 — Illinois alumni in Washington, D. C, effect tentative organization. May 6-1 1- — Prof. Russell H. Chittenden of Yale delivered six lectures on nutrition. May 8 — Varsity "I's" voted members of the polo team. May lO-ii — Second meet- ing of the National commission for the investigation of nutrition problems, held at tlie University. May 11 — Baseball: Chicago o, Illinois 3. May 17 — Illinois 3, Williams 2. May 18 — Illinois i , Indiana 5. May 22 — -Purdue 5, Illinois 9. May 23 — Illinois I, Notre Dame o. May 29 — Illinois 8, Chicago 7. May 14 — Mask and Bauble presented Carton's "Liberty Hall," at the Walker opera house. May 15^ — Competitive military drill. Miay 16 — Maypole dance on Illinois Field. May 18 — Last saloon in the Twin Cities closed. John Farson of Oak Park gave a reception to Illinois alumni in Giicago. May 20-21 — Annual May festival by the Choral society. Foote's "Skeleton in Armor," Costa's "With Sheathed Sword," and Gounod's "Redemption," made up the program. May 27 — General Assembly approved the bill appropriating to the University for the next biennium $710,845 per annum for general expenses, and $51,100 for additions to the_ plant; $250,000 for the erection of a physics laboratory, and $150,000 for an addition to Natural History building. May 30 — Memorial Day. Convocation and regimental parade. Gen. William C. Carter delivered an address on "Our Military Obligations." June — The house at the northwest corner of Wright and Green streets was moved back to be replaced by a two-story brick building, the first to be built for business purposes near the campus. June i — Baseball : Purdue i, Illinois 2. Illi- nois won the western conference track meet by scoring 31 points. A. H. Payne, a freshman, was declared to have smallpox, and was taken to the detention hospital. June 4 — Board of trustees created the position of supervising architect and ap- pointed Professor J. M. White to the office. Chester N. Greenough of Harvard University was elected professor of English. June 9 — Beginning of commencement week; baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Samuel Fallows. June 10 — Class day address by Professor W. P. Trent, subject, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Class of 1907 presents to the University a marble bust of Longfellow. June 11 — Alumni Day, address by Lorado Taft on Old time ideals. H. L. McCune, '83, was elected president. Dues in the association were set at one dollar. The Alumni Quarterly was made the official organ of the association. D. H. Carnahan was toastmaster at the dinner. June 12 — Commencement day. Address by Hon. James Bryce, subject, "History and Good Citizenship." Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, conferred on Mr. Bryce. June 17 — Summer session opened. June 28 — Dr. Ernest R. Dewsnup of the University of Chicago was appointed professor of railway ad- ministration. Professor W. F. M. Goss appointed dean of the college engineering. June 3 — Professor Edwin G. Dexter resigned as professor of education and director of school of education, to become commissioner of education in Porto Rico. Board of trustees voted to give him leave of absence from the University to accept this position. July 20 — Dr. Edward C. Hayes of IMiami University appointed professor of sociology. Annals Iv 1907-8 Sept. — Name of the Illini changed to The Daily Illini, and size changed from four-page, five-column to eight-page, four-column paper. Sept. lo — The Board of Trustees made an appropriation for the purchase of the Dittenberger Library. Professor Floyd R. Watson appointed assistant to the dean of the college of errgineering. Sept. 16-17 — Registration days. Sept. 25 — First University convoca- tion in the new auditorium. Newly elected members of the faculty. Professors Ernest R. Dewsnup, Barrie Gilbert, Chester N. Greenough, Edward C. Hayes, and William A. Noyes were introduced. Oct. I — Ground was broken for the erection of the building for the University Club. Oct. II — Death of trustee Alexander McLean. Oct. 15 — Inaugural exercises in honor of Professor William A. Noyes, head of the department of chemistry. Oct. 19 — Board of trustees voted an appropriation for the purchase of instruments for the University band. Oct. 20 — First assembly of the graduate school. Oct. 24-26 — Prof. William Bateson of Cambridge, England, gave three lectures on "Heredity." Oct. 30 — Engineering College gave a reception to Dean W. F. M. Goss. Nov. 4-5 — Auditorium dedicated with a series of concerts and other exercises in honor of Edward MacDowell. Addresses by the architect of the building, Clarence H. Blackall, '7, and Professor Newton A. Wells, the designer of the memorial tablet, and by President Edmund J. James. The chief address of the occasion was delivered by Hamlin Garland. Nov. 11 — Illinois Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa installed by Professor E. A. Grosvenor of Amherst. Nov. 21-23 — High School Conference. Nov. 22 — Concert of the glee and mandolin club in Springfield. Nov. 27 — Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz of Union College, and president of the American institute of electrical engineers, gave a lecture on "Alternating Current Railway Motors." Dec. 2 — The New York Illini held the first of a series of monthly meetings at the Cafe Boulevard in New York. Dec. 3 — Annual exercises in commemoration of the admission of Illinois as a state into the Union. Speaker, President Harry Pratt Judson of Chicago University. Dec. 6 — President and Mrs James gave a reception in honor of Hon. and Mrs. Samuel A. Bullard. '76, and the members of the faculty. Dec. 7 — State academy of sciences organized at Decatur, Illinois. Dec. 9-13 — Professor John Dewey of Columbia University delivered lectures on "the relation of types of philosophy to types of educational theory." Dec. 10 — The board of trustees decided that the offices of the president, the registrar, the comptroller, the purchasing agent, and the dean of undergraduates, should be provided for in one of the new buildings to be erected. The board of trustees accepted a gas engine presented to the college of engineering by Charles E. Sargent. Dec. 13 — Junior promenade. Dec. 14 — The Woman's league held a bazaar in the parlors of the Woman's building for the benefit of the loan fund for needy girls. Dec. 16 — Annual Choral society concert. Dec. 16-18 — Dr. M. F. Libbey, professor of philosophy and education at the University of Colorado, gave three lectures on "the relation between teaching methods and subject matter." Dec. 17 — Chess and Checker club organized. George Enos Gardner, first professor of law in the Uni- versity of Illinois, died at his home in Worcester, New York. Dec. 18 — President James was the guest of the University of Illinois Club at Kansas City, Missouri. Celebration of the Scandinavian Jule-fest. Dec. 19 — Allan H. McGlaughlin, for eleven years janitor at the Men's Gymnasium, died suddenly of paralysis. First public presentation of football "I's." German Club Weinachtsfest ; members of the Club presented "Finer Muss Heiraten." Dec. 21 — Qiapter house of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity badly damaged by fire. Holiday recess begins. Dec. 27-28 — Third meeting of the national commission for the investigation of nutrition problems held at the University. Jan. 4 — Big Nine Conference. Michigan withdrew from the Conference. Short course in agriculture ; 552 men and 53 women registered. Jan. 7 — The English Club under whose auspices the Illinois Magazine had been published for six years, suspended its publication. The University was elected to membership in the Asso- ciation of American Universities. Jan. 17 — Mabel Gridley, representing IlHola, won the second annual declamation contest of the literary societies. Jan. 20 — President James called a student mass meeting to give the students a chance to present their views on the question of whether there should be five or seven con- ference football games. Jan. 25 — The board of trustees decided to send Professor Herbert W. Mumford to the Argentine to investigate conditions and prospects of Ivi University of Illinois beef interests there. Jan. 29 — Dr. Gustav E. Karsten, head of the department of modern languages, died of pneumonia. Feb. I — Annual banquet of the University of Illinois club of the East, held at the rooms of the Aldine Association, New York City. The name of the club was changed to The University of Illinois Club of New York. Feb. 3 — Second semester opens. Feb. ^-J — Professor Clifford H. Moore of Harvard University gave five lectures on the general subject, "Five Centuries of Western Paganism." Feb. 4-5— Formal opening of the reorganized graduate school, and installation of Dr. W. F. M. Goss as dean of the college of engineering. Feb. 10-15 — Professor Bailey Willis of the United States geological survey gave six lectures on "The successive geologic condition of North America." Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day convocation ; Nor- man Hapgood, editor of Collier's Weekly, delivered the address. Feb. 15 — Twenty- two former students held a meeting and banquet at the Adams Hotel in Denver, Colorado, organized the University of Illinois Club. Sixth annual dinner of the University Club of St. Louis held at Lippe's Hotel. Feb. 17-19 — Professor Fred- erick E. Bolton, director of education at the University of Iowa, gave a series of lectures. Feb. 20 — State Board of Health ordered vaccination of all students, because of smallpox in Urbana and Champaign. Professor Keyser of Columbia University spoke on "The Meaning and Scope of Mathematics." Feb. 21 — Mr. Hamilton Holt, managing editor of The- Independent, spoke to the newspaper classes on making a magazine. Feb. 24 — ;First election of undergraduates to the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Feb. 24-29 — Seed and Soil special was run over the C. & E. I. from Bismarck to Joppa. March 10 — Student convocation ; President James gave a twenty-minute talk on "Ideals and Successes." Dr. William C. Bagley appointed professor of education. W. L. Abbott was re-elected president of the board of trustees. March 12 — The annual banquet of the University of Illinois Association of Southern California was held at the Hotel Westminster at Los Angeles. March 16-21 — Prof. Hans Gadow, lectured on "The Coloration of Animals." March 18 — Special Convocation held in honor of Ex-President Andrew S. Draper. Mr. Alexander Dana Noyes of the New York Evening Post lectured to the business and newspaper students on "How News Is Gathered in Wall street." March 23 — Mr. Rudolph Leypoldt of Hartford, Connecticut, lectured before the library school. March 24 — Prof. R. Leonard of the University of Breslau lectured before the college of law on "German Ideals of Private Law." March 25-27 — Electrical engineering show. March 27 — Esperanto club organized. March 30 — Prof. Elmer T. Merrill of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, spoke to the students of history and classics on "The Roman Prince as Magistrate." March 31 — Prof. Albert F. Kuersteiner of Indiana University spoke on "Balzac." April I — Ex-Governor Hoard of Wisconsin addressed the students of the college of agriculture on "The Development of the Dairy Industry in Wisconsin." April 3 — Amherst Dramatic club presented "The Taming of the Shrew" in the Auditorium. The Trustees voted that the Journal of English and Germanic Phil- ology, which had been conducted by Professor Karsten, should be taken over by the "University. April 5-6 — President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard University, accompanied by Mrs. Eliot, were the guests of President and Mrs. James and the University. On April 5, President Eliot spoke at Vesper Services. April 6, Presi- dent Eliot reviewed the University Regiment, and at 4:00 o'clock spoke before a general convocation. April 6-1 1 — Mr. Hammond Lamont, editor of The Nation, New York, lectured the classes in newspaper writing. On April 11 he gave a general lecture on "The daily in a democracy." April 10 — University of Chicago Illini held their annual spring banquet, twenty-seven men being present. April 13 — James Park Slade, trustee of the University from i869-'73, died at his home in East St. Louis. April 23 — iForty-seventh commencement of the school of pharmacy. April 30 — Fortieth anniversary of the opening of the University celebrated by a convocation in the auditorium. Professor Charles M. Moss delivered a eulogy of Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill. May 2 — Resignation of Dr. George T. Kemp accepted. Dr. Raymond Weeks of the University of Missouri appointed professor of Romance languages and head of the department of Romance languages. Dr. Julius Goebel appointed professor of German and head of the department of Germanics. Charles H. Mills appointed director of the school of music. The appointment of an assistant dean of under- graduates authorized. Trustees voted to furnish water, heat, and electricity for the new Y. M. C. A. building, at the cost of the service to the University. May 4 — I Annals Ivii The Senate voted to discontinue the certificate of qualification to teach. May 7 — Formal opening of the University Club House. May 11 — Madam Schumann- Heink gave a concert in the Auditorium. May 12-13 — Choral Society concerts; "Stabat Mater" and Handel's "Messiah." May 14 — Maypole dance. Death of Horatio C. Burchard, a member of the first Board of Trustees. May 18 — A mock national Republican convention was held in the Auditorium. May 19-22 — Miss Helen Scott Hay, head of the Illinois Training school for nurses, lectured before the Household Science department on "Home care for the sick." May 26 — Annual military review. May 27 — The Illio was distributed. Zeta cliapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, chemical fraternity, was established. An exhibit of paintings by George R. Barse, Jr., in the auditorium. The McKinley prize of $175 a year for five years was distributed in the form of watch fobs for the members of Delta Sigma Rho. June — Y. M. C. A. building completed and ready for use by Commencement time. June 6 — Promenade concert in the armory. June 7 — Baccalaureate address by President James. June 8 — Class day exercises, auditorium ; band concert on the lawn at 1:30 p. m. In Morrow Hall at 4:00 p. m. Professor Frederick J. Turner of the University of Wisconsin delivered a lecture before the first joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, on "The Development of American Society." Senior ball in armory at 8:00 p. m. June 9 — S. W. Parr, '84, was elected president of the Alumni Association; Frank W. Scott, '01, was elected corresponding secretary and editor of the Alumni Quarterly, and Roy W. Rutt, '03, was elected treasurer and manager of the Alumni Quarterly. June 10 — Thirty-seventh annual com- mencement. Address by Hon. Wu Ting Fang, envoy extraordinary and minister plentipotentiary from China; subject, "Why China and America should be friends." June 10 — Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws conferred upon Hon. Wu Ting Fang. Second annual senior breakfast served on the lawn before the Woman's Building at 8 :oo a. m. Professor George H. Meyer appointed Assistant Dean of the College of Literature and Arts. Board of trustees granted permission to the dairy department to take up an investigation of tuberculosis among dairy animals, and the effect of its presence upon human beings. June 24 — President James sailed for Europe on a tour of the veterinary schools of Europe. Baseball: Illinois 12, Wisconsin 3; Illinois i, Minnesota 2; Illinois 6, Chicago 2; Illinois 3, Iowa i; Illinois 2, Iowa o; Illinois 3, Purdue 2; Illinois 16, Minnesota o; Illinois 9, Wisconsin 3 ; Illinois 9, Wisconsin 3 ; Illinois 12, Chicago i ; Illinois 3, Chicago I ; Illinois 6, Chicago 7; Illinois o, Purdue 4; Illinois 5, Indiana 4. July — Paving of John and Daniel streets under way. July 3 — Board of Trustees appropriated $200 to be divided into twelve prizes (together with $100 contributed by the oratorical association) for the men chosen to represent the University in the four intercollegiate debates for the coming year. They also voted that a $75 prize, a $50 prize, and a $25 prize should be awarded to the contestants for the Northern oratorical league, to take the place of the same sum heretofore provided for the Hamilton contest, which had been discontinued. July 3 — The Board of Trustees awarded contracts on the new physics building and the addition to the Natural History Building to Jobst & Son of Peoria. July 9-12 — State convention of the Christian Endeavor Society held at the University. Summer 1908 — Gov. Charles S. Deneen appointed Mr. Arthur Meeker of Chicago and Mr. A. P. Grout of Winchester, Illinois, to fill the vacancies on the board of trustees caused by the deaths of L. H. Kerrick and Alexander McLean. August I — Nutrition club disbanded. 1908-9 Sept. 1908 — The Council of Administration published a request that all student gatherings should close not later than twelve o'clock. The Christian Association House, formerly occupied by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. was given over to the exclusive use of the women. The Daily Illini was expanded to eight pages of five columns each. Sept. 19 — President James arrived in New York from his tour of investigation of the veterinary schools of Europe. Sept. 20-21 — The American Mathematical society met at the University. Sept. 29 — The Trustees aproved Presi- dent James' appointment of Dr. Thomas J. Burrill, Dr. Ward J. MacNeal, and Mr. Cassius C. Hayden as delegates to the International Tuberculosis congress in Wash- ington, D. C. Fred D. Crawshaw was appointed assistant to the dean of the College of Engineering. Sept. 30 — The University of Illinois Republican club received a visit from Congressman J. S. Sherman, candidate for vice-president, and Congress- man Nicholas Longworth. Iviii University of Illinois Oct. — The Agricultural Experiment stations of Illinois and Wisconsin decided to co-operate in investigations on tuberculous cows. The senior class award sweaters to the girls on the basket ball team. Push ball contest takes the place of the old- time color rush. Oct. 4 — Dedication of the new Y. M. C. A. Building. Oct. 8 — The law students presented to the University a portrait of Dean Oliver A. Harker. Oct. 9 — Dr. Geo. T. Kemp made an attack in Science on the administration of the University. At 10 130 p. m. fire broke out in the top floor of University Hall. No serious damage was done. Oct. 11 — The first convocation of the year. President James presided. Short talks were given by Vice-President Burrill, Deans Kinley, Harker, Greene, Goss, Townsend, and Davenport. Four new members of the Faculty were introduced: Professors Julius Goebel, Wiliam C. Bagley, Charles H, Mills, and Raymond Weeks. Oct. 12-16 — Prof. J. A. Loos, Director of the State School of Political and Social Science and Commerce at the University of Iowa, delivered lectures on social problems. Oct. 13— The University held a convention for the discussion of animal tuberculosis. The convention appointed a permanent commission to study the condition of herds in the state and to recommend legisla- tion. Oct. 15 — The Senate passed resolutions declaring its confidence in the Uni- versity administration, and denying that academic freedom is suppressed. Oct. 16- 17 — The Eastern Illinois Teachers' Association met at the University. Oct. 2t^ — President James spoke before the Chicago Association of Commerce on "The Function of the University for Increasing Domestic and Foreign Commerce." Nov. — Football schedule: Illinois 17, Monmouth 6; Illinois 6, Marquette 6; Illinois 6, Chicago 11 ; Illinois 10, Indiana 0; Illinois 22, Iowa 0; Illinois 15, Purdue 6; Illinois 64, Northwestern 8. Nov. 7 — Noisy celebration of the football victory over Iowa. Nov. 11-13 — Prof. Ernest H. Lindley of the department of philosophy of Indiana University, delivered three lectures before the school of education on "Mental Efficiency, The Psychology of Leadership and Some Pedagogical Im- plications of Hypnotism." Nov. 19-21 — Annual high school conference. Dec. — The Illinois Traction system had laid the third track on the University grounds, connecting the Oregon street line with the John and Wright street lines. Dec. 3 — University of Illinois Club of New York gave a dinner in honor of Dean W. F. M. Goss and Professor Lester P. Breckenridge. University of Illinois Club of Chicago entertained coaches Arthur R. Flail and Justa M. Lindgren at the Boston Oyster House. Illinois Day; address by Profesor James W. Garner. Dec. 8 — The Trustees adopted a revision of their by-laws. Dec. g — L. & A. assembly com- memorating the birth of John Milton. Dec. 11 — Illinois defeated Minnesota in debate, and lost to Nebraska. Dec. 11-13 — At the Y. M. C. A. was held the first Collegiate missionary conference of the Colleges of central Illinois. Dec. 12 — Junior promenade in the armory. Dec. 14 — The Commission on country life held a session at the University. Dec. 18 — The second annual presentation of football "I's" in the auditorium. The Illinois state horticultural society held its 53d annual convention at the University. Dec. 28 — The Trustees adopted a revision of the University statutes. Dec. 29-30 — The American society of agricultural engineers held its second annual meeting at the University. Jan. — Seven hundred and fifty-five students registered in the short course in agriculture. Jan. 4 — Second annual banquet of the University of Illinois Club of Pittsburg was held at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Pittsburg. Jan. 7-8 — Dean David Kinley represented the University at the meeting of the Association of American universities held at Cornell University. Jan. 11-15 — Professor Graham Taylor delivered lectures on "Civic renaissance." Jan. 15— Professor Stephen A. Forbes resigned as Professor of Zoology and Head of the Department of Zoology, on account of the press of work in the offices of State Entomologist and Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History. Jan. 18-19 — Exhibit of the researches in progress in the chemical laboratory. Jan. 19 — Exercises in commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe. Professor Chester N. Greenough presided. Addresses by Professors Ray- mond Weeks, Julius Goebel and Harry G. Paul. Jan. 19-22 — The twenty-first annual meeting of the Illinois clay workers' association and the Illinois clav workers' institute. Jan. 22 — A conference of the presidents of the colleges of Illinois with the president of the University and the dean of the graduate school. Jan. 23 - Norman Hackett, gave a lecture on "Dramatic Activities in American Universities." Tan. 25-27 — Professor Jagadis Chunder Bose of the Presidency college, Calcutta, gave three lectures to students of physics and physiologj^. Feb. I. IMr. Ralph C. Wilson of the Bankers' National Bank of Chicago gave Annals lix three lectures before the business students. Feb. 6 — Sophomore cotillion in the armory. Feb. 7 — Third annual post-exam, jubilee in the auditorium. Feb. 8r— The regulation prohibiting students who are on probation from serving on the staff of any student publication went into effect. The hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln was observed by exercises occupying one or two hours a day for four days. These exercises included a general University convocation, an ex- hibit of books, pictures, and other Lincolniana, and addresses on several aspects of Lincoln's service. Feb. 10 — The students held a smoker in the Armory to do honor to Dean Clark and to celebrate his decision to remain at the University of Illinois. Feb. 10 — The Forty-sixth General Assembly passed a joint resolution endorsing the request of the University to be put on the list of institutions to the members of whose faculties retiring allowances will be granted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Feb. 15 — Prof. Geo. E. Woodberry gave a series of lectures on literary subjects. Feb. 17-21 — The Y. M. C. A. held a series of evangelistic meetings. Feb. 19 — Military Ball. Feb. 20 — Alumni Association of Colorado held a banquet at the Hotel Boulderado at Boulder. Feb. 23 — The Illini Club of Chicago was organized with 290 members. Feb. 25-26 — The biennial visit of the legislative committee. The party consisted of one hundred men and twenty- five women. Regimental review at 10:30 a. m. General University convocation. March — The Council of Administration appointed two committees on discipline, of which the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women are ex officios chairmen. March 3 — Scab1)ard and Blade, a military social fraternity, was organized. Stu- dents' Union, organized, with about five hundred members. March 7 — The nine Chinese students in the University of Illinois gave an entertainment in Morrow Hall. March 9 — The Board of Trustees appointed Mr. Phineas L. Windsor, librarian at the University of Texas, to be librarian and director of the library school. Prof. L. P. Breckenridge presented his resignation as professor of mechan- ical engineering and director of the engineering experiment station, to accept a professorship at Sheffield Scientific School. March 11 — A mine explosion and rescue station was established at the College of Engineering by the United States Geological Survey. March 12 — The University of Illinois association of southern California held its annual banquet in Los Angeles. March 20 — Glee and mandolin club gave a concert and minstrel show in the Illinois theater. March 22-27 — Prof. E. Bradford Tichener of Cornell University gave lectures on psychological sub- jects. The Southwestern alumni association held its annual banquet in Kansas City. Dean William F. M. Goss was a guest of the Association. March 29-April 3 — Dr. George Howard Parker, Professor of Zoology at Harvard University, gave lec- tures on zoological subjects. April — The department of household science conducted experiments in its house, Wright and Daniel streets. April 3 — The Filipino students at the University gave an entertainment at Morrow Hall. President James was a guest of honor at the sixth annual banquet of the Illinois University alumni of New York. The name of the organization was changed to the University of IlHnois Alumni Asso- ciation of New York. April 7 — The forty-sixth general assembly of Illinois adopted a resolution approving a policy of paying the salaries necessary in order "to attract to and retain in the service of the University and the State the best available ability of this and other countries." April 19-24 — A conference on public health was held at the University under the auspices of the University and the State board of health. April 24 — Three thousand students under the direction of the Illinois Union, gave a "spring celebration." April 29 — Forty-ninth annual commencement of the school of pharmac}-. May — The members of the newspaper classes conducted the Daily Illini one week. May 6 — First election of officers of the Illinois Union. May 7 — National convention of the Delta Sigma Rho, oratorical fraternity. May 10 — The corner- stone of Osborne Hall was laid by Bishop Edward W. Osborne. Annual May festival ; the choral and orchestral societies of the University gave Gounod's "Mors et Vita." The New York Symphony Orchestra gave a Tchaikowski and Wagner program ; the University chorus, the New York Symphony Orchestra, and soloists gave a program celebrating the Mendelssohn centenary. May 17 — Helge A. Hau- gan, treasurer of the University of IlHnois, died. The University of Illinois Asso- ciation was organized in Portland, Oregon. May 19 — Company C of the second battalion won the University competitive drill. The new University medal for individual work was given to G. K. Tracy, a sophomore in agriculture. The Hazel- ton prize was awarded to F. D. Dunn, a freshman in engineering. Maj^ 21 — Mask Ix University of Illinois and Bauble presented "Two Strikes," written by Thacher H. Guild. May 29 — An- nual "peanut banquet," at the College of Agriculture. June — Baseball schedule : Illinois 9, Indiana i ; Illinois 8, Indiana i ; Illinois II, Minnesota 2; Illinois 6, Minnesota 4; Illinois 3, Wisconsin 2; Illinois 2, Wis- consin I ; Illinois 3, Purdue 4; Illinois i, Chicago 3; Illinois o, Chicago 2; Illinois 7, Chicago 2; Illinois 15, Minnesota o; Illinois 5, Chicago i; Illinois 5, Purdue o. The University purchased the library of 5,200 volumes of the late Professor Moritz Heyne, of the University of Gottingen, on German literature and philology. June 4 — The Trustees adopted a minute expressing appreciation of the services of Pro- fessor Lester Paige Breckenridge. June 5 — Illinois won the conference athletic meet at Marshall Field. Twenty-seventh annual commencement of the College of Medicine. June 8 — The legislature passed an act authorizing and directing the establishment of a department of mining engineering at the University of Illinois, for which it made an appropriation of $7,500 per annum. June 9-14 — A total of $2,288,500 for the biennium, was appropriated to the University by the General Assembly, $250,000 of this amount being for a new University Hall. June 13 — Baccalaureate address by President Edmund J. James. June 14 — Class day exer- cises; senior ball. June 15 — Alumni day. President's reception in the auditorium. John E. Wright, '85, was elected president of the alumni association. S. W. Parr, '84, gave the annual address. There were no speeches at the annual dinner. Alumni association adopted a resolution requesting the Board of Trustees in planning for the future of the University, to preserve the old University Hall. June 16 — Thirty- eighth annual commencement. Address by Baron Kogoro Takahira, Japanese am- bassador on "influence of American education in the Far East." June 21- — Summer session began. Illinois members of the Western society of engineers gave a dinner at the City Club of Chicago in honor of Prof. Lester Paige Breckenridge. June 24 — Dr. Henry B. Ward of the University of Nebraska was appointed professor of zoology. Henry Alexander Haugan, Vice President of the State Bank of Chicago, was elected Treasurer of the University. The Trustees approved the granting of the degree of J. D. (juris doctor), doctor of law. July — The street-car track was taken up from Green street. July 5-6 — The Coburn players presented Percy Mackaye's "Canterbury Pilgrims" and Shakes- peare's "As You Like It" and "Twelfth Night." July 5 — Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, member of the Board of Trustees, was married to Dr. William Bahrenburg of Belleville. July 14 — Dean William F. M. Goss was appointed director of the engi- neering experiment station in place of Prefossor Breckenridge, resigned. July 14 — The Trustees approved the location of the new University Flail south of the Woman's building. July 21 — The trustees decided to charge a fee of $24 a year to students engaged in graduate study in absentia. Previous to this no fees were charged them. July 21 — The trustees authorized the publication of the results of the investigations of the nutrition commission. Aug. — The administration offices were removed from the Library building to the Natural History building. Aug. 20 — Summer session closed. 1909-10 Sept. — Lectures in personal hygiene required of all men of the freshmen class, given by Dean Thomas A. Clark. "Rule 41," that a student having grades below 75 in subjects aggregating twenty-five per cent of his entire work shall not be grad- uated, became operative. Dr. Raymond Weeks was called to Barnard College in Columbia University. Sept. 2 — An article on the University of Illinois by Edwin E. Slosson appeared in the Independent. Sept. 20-21 — Registration days. Sept. 21 — The trustees appointed Harry H. Stock (editor of Mines and Minerals) professor of mining engineering in charge of the department. Sept. 30 — First general con- vocation of the year. The speakers were President James, Professor Albert P. Carman of the physics department, and Dr. Henry B. Ward, new professor of zoology. Oct. — Illinois Magazine again revived. Oct. 6. — At the inauguration of Dr. Abbott Lawrence Lowell as President of Harvard University, the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon President James. The Boston Transcript, in recording the event, spoke of President James as "the man under whose inspir- ing touch the University of Illinois has risen to the front rank among American Universities." Oct. 19 — The first meeting of the University of Illinois section of the American chemical society. Oct. 24 — State convention of the Y. M. C. A. was held at the University. Oct. 27 — Second annual pushball contest on Illinois field; sophomores won, 15 to o. Annals Ixi Nov. 13 — President James issued a letter to the student body stronglj' con- demning the actions of a student mob on Saturday night, November 6th. Nov. 13 — Cherry (111.) mine explosion; Mr. R. Y. Williams, director of the mine rescue station at the university, and Professor Stock, of the department of mining engin- eering did excellent rescue work. Nov. 18-20— Annual high school conference. Nov. 26 — Dr. Ernst Julius Berg was appointed professor of electrical engineering and head of the department of electrical engineering. The trustees voted to exempt from tuition in the graduate school all members of the staffs of auxiliary bureaus and scientific stations connected with the University. The Trustees decided to locate the new University ball south of the woman's building and west of Burrill avenue ; also to name it "Abraham Lincoln Hall." Nov. 26-27 — Formal dedication of the new physics laboratory. Gov. Charles S. Deneen presented the building to the University; President James delivered the charge to Professor A. P. Carman, head of the physics department; President Henry S. Pritchett of the Carnegie foundation of the advancement of teaching delivered the main address. Dec. 3 — Professor Arthur G. Webster of Clark University lectured on scientific subjects. Professor H. H. Stoek was appointed by Gov. Deneen as a member of the Illinois state mining commission, to formulate desirable legislation for the control of mining, and to recommend such legislation to the Governor. Football schedule for 1909: Illinois 23, Millikin o; Illinois 2, Kentucky State 6; Illinois 8, Chicago 14; Illinois 24, Purdue 6; Illinois 6, Indiana 5; Illinois 35, Northwestern o; Illinois 17, Syracuse 8. Professor H. S. Grindley of the laboratory of physical chemistry and Dr. Ward J. MacNeal, bacteriologist in the laboratory, were ap- pointed by Gov. Deneen as members of the commission to investigate the cause and nature of pellagra. Dec. O-18 — The College of Agriculture, at the national corn exhibition at Omaha, showed how to manage the soil to prevent agricultural bankruptcy. Dec. 10 — Junior promenade in the armory. Dec. 11 — The University glee club and mandolin club gave their nineteenth annual home concert. Dec. 13-18 — Professor Joseph Bedier of the University of Paris, delivered six lectures at the University. Dec. 14 — Annual Christmas concert of the choral and orchestral societies. The Trustees authorized the President of the University to accept from the Commission of the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame, a picture of Cyrus Hall McCormick. The Trustees accepted a donation of $100 from Dr. Otto L. Schmidt of Chicago, for books recommended by the department of German. The Trustees voted that beginning with September i, 1910, two units of German shall be required for entrance in chemical engineering. Dec. 15 — The name of Cyrus Hall McCormick was enrolled in the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame. Exercises were held in the Auditorium. Hon. Albert P. Grout, chairman of the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame and member of the University board of trustees, presided. Governor Deneen spoke ; President James spoke on behalf of the University ; Miss Muriel McCormick, granddaughter of the inventor, unveiled the portrait. Dec. 16 — Eighteen players on the 1909 'Varsity eleven were awarded "I's" at a mass meeting held in the Auditorium. Dec. 17 — President and Mrs. James held a reception in the woman's building in honor of Professor Joseph Bedier. Dec. 22 — A new rule of the Council of Administration, absences before and after vacations went into effect. Jan. — Nine hundred and eight persons registered in the short course in agri- culture. Jan. 4 — The intermission period between class hours was changed from five to ten minutes. Jan. 11 — L. & A. Assembly in memory of Carl Schurz. Jan. 15 — Illinois Union banquet in the armory. Jan. 18 — The Illini Club of Chicago held its annual meeting in the University Club of that city. Feb. 3 — The Trustees voted to raise the standard of entrance to the medical school. Feb. 4— Sophomore cotillion. Feb. 11 — The third annual electrical engi- neering show. The annual meeting of the Illini Club of Colorado held in Denver. Feb. 17 — Robert B. Fizzell, representing Philomathean, won the inter-literary society declamation contest. Feb. 18-19 — Third annual convention of the Illinois state academy of science was held at the University. Feb. 18-25 — An exhibition of paintings and etchings from the Albert Rouiller Studio of Chicago was held in the foyer of the Auditorium. Feb. 19 — -Track coach Harry Gill was presented with a watch at the annual in-door track meet with Chicago. Feb. 22 — University convo- cation. Professor C. M. Van Tyne, head of the department of history at Michigan, spoke on "Political thinking of Washington's time." Feb. 24-25 — The Players club presented "The Rivals" in Morrow Hall. Feb. 25 — President James, as chairman of the legislative committee of the National association of state universities, pre- Ixii University of Illinois sented to the senate of the United States a petition signed by thirty-six presidents of independent agricultural and mechanical arts colleges, and ninety-seven presi- dents of normal schools, protesting against the bill permitting George Washington University to receive $45,000 a year from the government as an agricultural col- lege, under the provision of the Alorrill act of July 2, 1862. Feb. 25 — Military ball. Mar. 8 — William L. Abbott was re-elected president of the board of trustees. March 8-9 — Second annual meeting of the Illinois water supply association was held at the University. March 9-15 — Eduard Meyer, professor of ancient history of the University of BerHn, and 1909 exchange professor at Harvard University, gave six lectures at the University, on "Political institutions and ideals of ancient Greece." March 11 — The University of Illinois Alumni Association of Southern California held its annual banquet in Long Beach. March 12 — Illinois won debates with Ohio and Indiana. March 15 — The Cosmopolitan club house was badly dam- aged by fire. March 21-23 — President Charles Blanchard of WJieaton College de- livered three lectures before the school of education. March 24-25 — Deans of the colleges of liberal arts of a dozen middle western state universities held their second annual meeting at the University. April — Shield and Trident and Phenix petitioned the council that official recog- nition be given to the movement to cstalilish an annual Illinois Homecoming. President James resigned as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State His- torical Library. Governor Deneen appointed Dean Evarts B. Greene chairman of the Board in place of President James. April 2 — The annual dinner and business meeting of the University of Illinois Club of Washington, D. C. April 3 — Miss Irma Voigt was chosen to represent the University at the annual Northern ora- torical contest to be held in Minneapolis in May. April 8 — Professor Edward Lee Thorndike of Columbia University delivered five lectures on "Individual diflferences and their causes." The Trustees granted the request of Professor Nathan Clifford Ricker to be relieved of the administrative duties as head of the departm-ent of architecture. Professor Chester N. Greenough, head of the Department of English, resigned to accept a call to Harvard University. April 14 — Emory Cobb, twenty years a member of the board of trustees, died at his home in Kankakee. April 19 — The students of the classical department presented Aristophanes' "Qouds" in the auditorium. April 25 — Edwin E. Slosson, literary editor of The Independent, began a series of lectures on journalism before newspaper students. He also deliv- ered a course of lectures before the school of education on the "Tendency and needs of university education." April 27 — The Varsity soccer team in its first game was defeated, 9 to 2, by Christian Brothers College. April 29 — 'George Mygatt Fisk, Professor of Commerce at the LTniversity from 1902-8 was drowned at Madison, Wisconsin. May — Professor James W. Garner was made editor of the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. May 2-4 — Annual May festival. Madame Rosa Olitzka gave a recital on the evening of the 2d ; the chorus sang "King Olaf " and "Hi- awatha" on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, accompanied by the Minneapolis symphony orchestra. May 4 — Bryant Bannister was elected President of the Stu- dents' Union. May 8-9 — The Argos Gub became Deuteron chapter of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. May 10 — Professor Thomas W. Hughes resigned as professor of law. May 19 — Dr. Theobald Smith of the Harvard Medical school lectured at the University on "The relation of bovine to human tuberculosis." Twelfth annual maypole pageant on Illinois Field. May 20 — Richard Price Mor- gan, member of the board of trustees 1891-7, died at his home in Dwight. Fred- erick O. Silvester of St. Louis displayed over a hundred of his landscapes in the foyer of the auditorium. May 20-21 — The national nutrition commission met in the University chemistry laboratories. May 28 — The Aztec Club became the Omi- cron Chapter of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. June — -The Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Company presented to the University a locomotive testing plant. The baseball nine won the Western championship, having played fourteen intercollegiate games, and won them all. The Athletic Association presented each player a gold watch fob. June 4 — John Mills Pearson, a former trustee, died. June 6 — President James spoke at the annual banquet of the alumni of the college of physicians and surgeons in the Auditorium hotel in Chicago. June 12 — Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan gave the baccalaureate sermon. June 13 — Dedication of the memorial urn presented by the graduating class ; class day exercises in the Auditorium at 9:30: military band concert on the lawn at 1:30 p. m.; Senior Ball in the Armory at 8:00 p. m. The Trustees approved a Annals Ixiii recommendation that, beginning with September, 191 1, a college degree should be required for admission to the library school. The Trustees appointed Frederick M. Mann professor of architecture and head of the department of architecture. Colonel Edmund G. Fechet requested to be relieved from duty as military com- mandant and professor of military science. Major Benjamin C. Morse was ap- pointed as his successor. Qiarles M. McConn was appointed assistant registrar and Registrar from October i, 1910. June 14 — Alumni Day : Reunions of the classes of 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, and 1905. Resolutions passed at the annual meeting asked that Dr. Gregory's grave be appropriately marked, and that a build- ing be named for him. W. D. Pence, '86, was elected president and R. W. Rutt, '03, secretary-treasurer. President and Mrs. James gave their annual reception to the graduates and their parents and friends in the University Auditorium. June 15 — The thirty-ninth annual commencement was held in the Auditorium. President James gave the address; subject, "The fellowship of college men." The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred on Mrs. Ella Flagg Young; of Doctor of Engineer- ing upon Professor Lester Paige Breckenridge, and Hon. Isham Randolph of Chi- cago. Dean David Kinley sailed for Buenos Ayres, to represent the United States at the Fourth Pan-American Congress. He was accompanied by Mr. Plerman G. James, his private secretary.' June 28 — Mrs. Mary E. Fawcett was appointed Acting Dean of Women. July 4 — The Library School Alumni Association met at the Grand Hotel, Mack- inac Island. July 25 — Thirty-four alumni from New York and vicinity enjoyed a clambake at Coney Island. July 29 — The trustees accepted the gift of a collection of the various editions of Evans' map of the American colonies, dated 1755, pre- sented by Dr. Otto L. Schmidt of Chicago. July 29 — William Low Pillsbury, regis- trar since 1893, and secretary of the board since July i, 1888, resigned, the resigna- tion to take effect Oct. i, 1910. Aug. 10 — The corner-stone of Lincoln Hall was laid. President W. L. Abbott of the board of trustees presided ; Dean E. J. Townsend spoke for President James, and Dr. Charles Davison, a trustee, laid the corner-stone. 1910-11 Sept. 17 — President James was guest of honor at the annual banquet of the mini Club of Peoria at the Creve Coeur Club. Sept. 19 — Registration day. Sept. 20 — C. M. McConn was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees from Oct. i, 1910. Sept. 21 — A thousand freshmen attended the first convocation in the Uni- versity Auditorium. President James welcomed them. Dean T. A. Clark and A. R. Warnock, assistant dean, spoke briefly. Sept. 26 — Military drill began under the new commandant, Major Benjamin C. Morse. Sept. 29 — President James gave the principal address at the installation of Dr. Frank McVey as President of the University of North Dakota. Oct. — The 1909 memorial fountain, between the gymnasium and the armory, completed. By special action the Carnegie Foundation Board gave William L. Pillsbury a retiring allowance. Oct. 3-15 — Dr. Josef Redlich, professor of consti- tutional law at the University of Vienna, gave a series of lectures. Oct. 14-15 — The first annual homecoming. The weather was warm and fair. The main fea- tures of the homecoming were the alumni-varsity baseball game; pushball contest; mass meeting on the bleachers ; class reunions ; football game with Chicago, won by Illinois, 3 to 0. At the mas? meeting President James announced that Francis J. Plym had established a traveling fellowship in architecture of the annual value of one thousand dollars. Oct. 15— The first regular meeting of the alumni in St. Paul and Minneapolis was held in Minneapolis. Nov. I — Registration in all departments was 4,659. Nov. 4 — Congressman David J. Foster spoke at a Convocation on the new peace movement. Nov. 10 — The first annual dinner of the University of Illinois Club of Springfield was held. Pro- fessor J. M. White was guest of honor. Nov. 12-17 — Dr. William Morris Davis, •professor of geography at Harvard University, gave six lectures on geography as a subject for university study. Nov. 16— Colonel Edmond Gustave Fechet, for ten years Commandant of the University, died in Champaign. Nov. 17 — The funeral of Colonel Fechet was held in the University Auditorium. Nov. 17-19 — Annual high school conference. Dec. — 1910 Football schedule: Sept. 31, Illinois 13, Millikin o; Oct. 8, Illinois 29, Drake 0; Oct. 15, Illinois 3, Chicago 0; Nov. 5, Illinois 3, Indiana o; Nov. 12, Illinois 27, Northwestern 0; Nov. 19, Illinois 3, Syracuse o. Seventy-six members Ixiv University of Illinois of the faculty at Urbana were listed in the new American Men of Science. Seventeen of this number were included in the starred list of a thousand most eminent men of science in America. Dec. 9 — Junior promenade. Dec. 10 — The annual concert of the glee and mandolin club in the auditorium. Dec. 15 — Professor Qiarles F. Moore of Purdue University lectured before the College of Engineering. Plis talk on "Blasting powder" was the first of a series in exchange between Purdue and Illinois. Dec. 28 — The Illinois state teachers' association at its meeting in Chicago December 28th, passed a resolution favoring the appropriation of the money asked for by the University of Illinois for the erection of a building for the School of Education. Dec. 30 — The Illini Club at Peoria held a meeting at the Creve Coeur Club. Fifty graduates and students of the University of Illinois held their annual reunion at Rockford, Illinois. Jan. 4 — Governor Deneen, in his biennial message to the legislature, presented fully the work and needs of the University and its allied bureaus. Jan. 6 — Irma E. Voigt, representing Illiola, won the inter-literary society declamatory contest. Jan. 13-14 — The Illinois Union presented a musical comedy, "The Maid of the Moon," written by George Morris, 1910, and his brother Paul Morris, a graduate of the University of Wlisconsin. Jan. 16-30 — School of Housekeepers was held in the woman's building. Jan. 16-28 — Nearly a thousand students attended the agri- cultural short course. Jan. 17 — The Trustees granted permission to the cadets to wear a dark blue flannel shirt in place of the cadet blouse, "at such exercises as may be prescribed by the military commandant." Jan. 25 — The name of James Nicholas Brown was enrolled in the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame. Jan. 30- Feb. 8 — ^Illinois horticultural institute was held at the University. Feb. — The University of Illinois Alumni association of India was organized with a membership of six. Feb. 3 — Sophomore cotillion in the armory. Feb. 7 — Post-exam. Jubilee was held in the Auditorium under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Feb. 7 — The Council of Administration adopted a plan for the reorgani- zation of The Daily Illini, the Illini hereafter to be controlled by a board of six trustees, three from the faculty and three from imdergraduate students. The fiftieth annual convention of the Illinois state horticultural society was held Feb. 8-10. Feb. II — President William Howard Taft visited the University and re- viewed the cadet regiment. He arrived at 8 :50 a. m., was met by a committee, and driven to Illinois Field ; reviewed the regiment ; saw the University grounds ; made a five minute address at the Illinois Central station, and left for Springfield, all in less than an hour. Feb. 12-14 — Dr. Charles M. Sheldon of Topeka, Kansas, addressed the assembly of the college of literature and arts and spoke to stu- dents of sociology and of journalism on "The ethics of newspaper making." Feb. 13 — I. N. Read of Urbana presented the University with a cane made from an oak door post in Lincoln's home in Old Salem, Illinois. The cane was presented in the name of Mr. Read's daughter, Mrs. Nellie Ross, '01. The Military band gave a concert at the state armory in Springfield, under the auspices of the University of Illinois club of Springfield. Feb. 15-16 — Biennial visit of the general assembly to the University. More than one hundred members were present, thirty of whom were accompanied by their wives. Feb. 24 — Military ball. Feb. 27 — President James, for the University senate, appointed a committee to consider the efficiency of the present organization of the University, and to draft a constitution for the University, to be considered later by the council, senate and trustees. Feb. 28 — A series of meetings was held in the interest of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. Dr. Clarence A. Barbour of New York, "Dad" Elliott, and others assisted. The annual meeting of the University of Illinois Club of Washington, D. C, was held at the Teacup Inn ; twenty-four were present. Dr. Raymond M. Alden of Leland Stanford University was elected Professor of English, to begin service September i, igii. March 4 — The second annual conference of the presidents of the smaller col- leges of Illinois was held at the University. March 7 — Dr. C. P. Steinmetz ad- dressed the students of the college of engineering on "Electric energy." March g-^ C. H. Cartlidge, bridge engineer of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, gave an illustrated lecture on "Reinforced concrete pile and trestle bridges." March 9-10 — Col. William Nathan McChesney delivered two lectures before the College of Law on "Uniform state laws." March 11 — ^Celebrating the anniversary of Foun- ders' Day, the Puget Sound alumni met for their annual reunion and banquet at the Tacoma Hotel. The University of Illinois Alumni Association of Southern California banqueted at the University Club of Los Angeles. The attendance was Annals Ixv almost double that of any previous banquet of the Association. March 14 — B. R. Rickards was appointed professor of municipal and sanitary dairying. March 14 — Miss Lutie E. Stearns, chief of the traveling department of the Wisconsin free library commission, began a series of three lectures before the Library School and stafif. March 20-21 — Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick, librarian of the St. Louis library, lectured before the library school. March 21 — Mr. Herbert R. Cross, gave a series of lectures on art, continuing through six weeks. March 23 — President Frank L. McVey of the University of North Dakota gave an address on "Sticking points in taxation." March 27-31 — Mr. Paul E. Moore, editor of the Nation, gave five lec- tures on "Types of romanticism." March 28— Mr. Charles F. Scott, chief consult- ing engineer of the Westinghouse electric and manufacturing company, lectured on "The young engineer and modern industrial conditions." March 31 — The elev- enth annual dinner of the Southwestern alumni association was held at the Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Dean Thomas A. Clark was present from the University. April — Late in April the new Illmi board of trustees announced the appoint- ment of H. H. Herbert, editor ; C. M. Sullivan, manager ; and F. X. McGrath, bookkeeper. April 7-8 — The Players' Club presented "Our Boys" on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon, in Morrow Hall. April 8 — The sev- enth annual , dinner of the New York alumni association was held at the Hotel Manhattan; one hundred and fifteen persons were present. Ex-President Andrew Sloan Draper and Dean Thomas Arkle Clark were guests of honor. April 18 — Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard addressed an assembly of the college of literature and arts on "The problem of independent journalism." April 9 — ^Orin R. Wakefield, brought suit against the University to compel the granting of his diploma, with- held because twenty-five percent of his work was below the grade of 75 percent. The case was decided in favor of the University. May — The Lincoln league, a student organization, was formed. May 2 — Baron d'Estournelles de Constant spoke &t a University convocation on "Liternational peace." He also spoke on the peace movement at a dinner given in his honor in the evening. May 3 — ^Students' Union election. May 17 — Maypole dance on Illi- nois Field. May 18-20 — The nineteenth Illinois interscholastic meet. May 20 — In- terscholastic circus on Illinois Field. June — The graduating class presented to the University as a class memorial two trophy cases to be placed in the entrance of the Men's Gymnasium. June 10 — The 47th general assembly appropriated to the University $3,489,300 for operating expenses, buildings, etc., and also $30,000 for the support of the school of ceramics. The General Assembly passed a bill providing for a mill tax for the support of the University beginning with 1912 ; also an act providing that the employees of the University of Illinois will be under civil service regulations. June 11 — The Right Reverend Edward W. Osborne, Bishop of Springfield, delivered the baccalaureate address. June 12 — Class Day. Annual address before the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi societies was delivered by John M. Coulter, professor of botany at the University of Chicago, on "Contributions of Germany to Education." Senior ball at 8:00 p. m. in the armory. June 13 — Alumni Day. P. Junkersfeld, '95, was elected president of the association and Frank W. Scott, '01, secretary-treasurer. The president was directed to appoint a committee on reorganization. President James and Senator Dunlap spoke at the annual dinner. John Chester and thirty- nine others took parts in the reunion of '91. A bronze memorial tablet to Professor Arthur W. Palmer was unveiled. The trustees authorized Dean A. Clark to publish "Facts for Freshmen," to be presented to each freshman upon his admission to the University. _ Mr. Donald Graham, 1907, who won in the competition for the Plym. fellowship in architecture, was appointed to the fellowship for the year 1911-12. June 14 — Fortieth annual Commencement. The address, given by Presi- dent James, was an appeal to the graduates to make their careers object lessons in the defense of academic education. The honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred on William E. Curtis; the degree of Eng. D. on Ralph Modjeski. June 27 — The beginning of six weeks' summer session in the Library School. Summer Session opened with an enrollment of nearly seven hundred. July 11 — Miss Isabel Bevier delivered the president's address at the opening session of the American home economics association, at San Francisco. Her topic was "The home economics movement." June 14— The trustees voted to close the California avenue and John street entrances to the campus and close Burrill avenue south of the Auditorium. Ixvi University of Illinois August 27 — Alfred Bayliss, from 1899 to 1907 ex officio a trustee, died at his home at Woodbine, Ohio. 1911-12 The roadway which formerly curved about the northeast corner of University hall, was changed during the summer to run directly east of the Law building, and thence south. A broad cement walk was built in front of University hall, directly east to the Law building. The opening of Lincoln Hall and the new power plant necessitated a readjustment of class rooms and offices in University Hall and in the electrical engineering building. The department of classics and the graduate and upper class work in modern languages, English, and the social science, formerly in University hall, were removed to Lincoln hall, as were also the seminar libraries of these departments. Sept. 29 — Professor Eugene Meyer, head of the Reich-Anstaldt, or calibration laboratory, and professor of engineering at Charlottenburg University, made a visit to the University. Oct. — Football schedule and results for 191 1 -12: Oct. 7 — Illinois 33, Milikin 0, at Urbana. Oct. 14 — Illinois 9, St. Louis o, at Urbana. Oct. 21 — Illinois 0, Chicago 24, at Chicago. November 4 — Illinois 12, Purdue 3, at Urbana. Nov. 11 — Illinois o, Indiana 0, at Indianapolis. Nov. 18 — Illinois 27, Northwestern 13, at Urbana. November 25 — Illinois 0, Minnesota 11, at Urbana. October 6 — The Marquis of Queensberry, on the sporting staff of the Chicago Tribune, visited the University for the Illinois-Milikin football game on Oct. 7, and spoke at a mass meeting in the Auditorium. October 14 — At the first general convocation of the year. President James spoke briefly upon the growth of the University, and introduced the three new members of the Senate, Professor Raymond M. Alden, English, Professor Charles R. Richard, mechanical engineering, and Professor Chester G. Vernier, law, each of whom made a short speech. Preliminary honors were announced. Oct. 21-24 — The State Conference of Charities and Corrections met at the University. Professor E. C. Hayes was elected president. Nov. I — Registration in all departments of the University was 4,929, as com- pared with 4,659 on Nov. i, 1910. November 7 — The Choral society presented a miscellaneous program in the auditorium. November 11 — President James sailed for Europe. Napoleon B. Morrison, a former trustee, died at his home in Odin. Nov. 14 — Dr. J. M. McCormack, of the American medical association, lectured on health conditions, under the auspices of the Anti-Tuberculosis society. Pro- fessor Thomas E. Oliver gave an illustrated lecture on Paris at the L. & A. assembly. Nov. i/- — First annual argricultural dance. Vice-president and Mrs. Burrill, in the absence of President and Mrs. James gave a reception for the new members of the faculty in the Woman's building. Nov. 18— Thirty members of the Southern Illinois editorial association, who were guests of Congressman William B. McKinley of Champaign, visited the University. Nov. 20 — The first as- sembly of the College of Science was held in the Natural History lecture room. Vice-president T. T. Burrill delivered a lecture on "A Vacation in New Mexico." Professor Josiah Royce of Harvard University lectured on "Some psychological problems suggested by pragmatism ;" and on "The problems of religious instruc- tion in modern academic education." November 21 — Thomas Liggett of the United States Sherardizing company, delivered an illustrated lecture on "Sherardizing." Nov. 23 — The Art department gave a tea in their rooms in University Hall. Nov. 23-25 — Annual high school conference. Nov. 24-26 — Second annual fall home- coming was a greater success than the first. Nov. 24 — The corner-stone of the George AIcKinley memorial university Presbyterian church was laid ; the chief address was given by Rev. John Balcolm Shaw of Chicago. Hon. William B. McKinley, principal donor of the church, made the presentation address. Rev. Martin E. Anderson, student pastor of the church, laid the corner-stone. Nov. 24-25 — Mask and Bauble presented "The Lion Rampant" at the Illinois Theater. Nov. 27 — C. B. Hatch and J. M. Kaufman gave their seventh annual complimentary banquet to the football team. Sixteen men were awarded the official football "I." Dec. 4-g — Dr. E. G. Cooley of Chicago, gave five lectures before the school of education, on "Industrial and vocational education in Germany." Dec. 9 — The twenty-first annual glee club concert, was given in the Auditorium. December 6 — Illinois Day, which falls on Dec. 3, was celebrated by a general convocation held in the Auditorium. Hon. Clark E. Carr of Galesburg gave the address; subject, "Illinois." Dec. 8 — Illinois won debates with Iowa and Wisconsin. Junior prom- enade in the armory. Dec. — Fire damaged the Dental building in Chicago to Annals Ixvii tlie amount of two thousand dollars. Dr. Henry S. Curtis of Clark University lectured before the college of literature and arts on "The playground as a social factor." Dec. 11-16 — The 56th annual convention of the Illinois state horticultural society was held at the University. Dec. 12 — The choral society sang "The Messiah." Dec. 14-17 — John R. Mott conducted a series of evangelistic meetings at the University under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Dec. 15 — A general University convocation was held in the Auditorium, at which Mr. Mott spoke to the women on "Religion as a Matter of the Will." A series of meetings was held under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., conducted by Mrs. Harriet E. Monroe of Washington, D. C. Dec. 19 — The United Charities association of Champaign and Urbana was organized. Jan. 6 — Eva Mitchell, representing Illiola, won the inter-literary society de- clamatory contest. Jan. 15 — The corn growers' and stockmen's convention held their annual farmers' short course, continuing for two weeks. Professor Joseph Barrel! of Yale University began a series of lectures on geological subjects. Jan. 16 — The Council of Administration granted permission to organize "The Fourth Estate," an honorary journalistic fraternity. Jan. 18 — The college of engineering held an assembly in the auditorium; addresses were given by H. M. Byllesby of Chicago, J. C. Gableman, president of Illinois society of engineering and surveyors, and Dean Wi F. M. Goss. Jan. 22 — Professor J. McKeen Cattell of Columbia University addressed the University Senate on "Problems of university administra- tion." Jan. 22, — D. H. V. Hess of the Libbey cut glass company of Toledo, Ohio, spoke before the chemistry club on the manufacture of glass. Feb. 2 — Annual sophomore cotillion. Feb. 6 — -Post-exam, jubilee. The contract for the ceramics and mining engineering laboratory was let to A. W. Stoolman, for $22,019.12, not including the chimney. Feb. 7 — Dr. Guenther Jacoby of Germany was appointed lecturer in the department of Germanic languages for the second semester, his general topic being "The philosophy of the German classic poets." President Livingston C. Lord of the Eastern Illinois State normal school, lectured before Kappa Delta Pi, honorary educational fraternity, on "The Ethics of Kipling." Feb. 8— W. A. McKnight, Y. M. C. A. secretary, resigned to accept a similar position in Buenos Ayres. Feb. 8 — Dr. J. Howard Mathews of the University of Wisconsin delivered an illustrated lecture on "Color photography and some of its commercial applications." Feb. 12 — Albert Bushnell Hart, Pro- fessor of History at Harvard University, delivered the address at a convocation in honor of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, on "Lincoln and government." Feb. 15 — Dean David Kinley lectured before the third College of Science Assembly on "Socialism." Feb. 21 — A severe blizzard raged all day. Street car traffic was stopped and trains were so delayed that there was only one mail delivery. February 23 — Military ball. Feb. 19-23 — Dr. Casper Rene Gregory of the University of Leipzig gave five lectures on "Five centuries of science in Leipzig." Feb. 25 — Miss Catherine McCallum Mclntyre, for twenty-three years secretary of the college of agriculture, died in Champaign. Feb. 26 — Prof. W. L. Johannsen, professor of plant physiology in the University of Copenhagen, delivered lectures on "Modern problems on heredity." Feb. 26-27-28 — The military band of sixty- five pieces, accompanied by a special harpist, made its second annual state tour, playing in Bloomington, Peoria, Decatur, and Springfield. Feb. 29 — Vice-president and Mrs, Burrill tendered a reception to the faculty in the Woman's building in honor of President James on his return from Europe. March 2 — Annual band concert. March 4-9 — Prof. W. L. Kuekenthal of the University of Breslau gave a series of lectures on "The principle of convergence as illustrated in the whale." March 12 — The girls of the University began a campaign to secure funds for a new Y. W. C. A. building and dormitory, for which Congressman William B. McKinley pledged $20,000. March 13— A students' mass meeting, called by President James, was held to discuss the Western confer- ence athletic situation. March 13 — Seven lectures on public health were ar- ranged for. The first lecture was given by Dr. Henry B. Favil of Rush medical college, on "Sociological aspects of public health." March 18-23 — Prof. F. E. Schelling, of the University of Pennsylvania, gave a series of lectures on "The English drama." March 19 — The presidents of the universities in the "Big Eight" conference met in Chicago to discuss conference rules. March 21 — At the annual meeting of trustees in Chicago, W. L. Abbott was again chosen president. The trustees selected the location of the armory, the stock pavilion, and the new horticultural building, all to be erected on the south campus. Ixviii University of Illinois April I — Dr. Iiiazo Nitobe, of the first higher college at Tokyo, gave a series of lectures on "Some characteristics of the land and people of Japan." Dr. Nitobe's lectures were given under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace. Professor William A. Noyes, of the chemistry department, was given a leave of absence from April i, to attend the international council of rep- resentatives of chemical societies at Berlin, as the representative of the American chemical society. April 2 — Champaign voted "dry" with a majority of 479- Student voters were generally challenged at the polls. April 3 — Dr. John A. Lomax of the University of Texas and president of the American folk lore society, lectured on "The songs of the cowboy." April 4-6 — The central section of the American society of zoologists met at the University. April 9 — Colonel Theodore Roosevelt visited Champaign and spoke in the City Park. April 10 — A chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic fraternity, was granted to Fourth Estate, local journalistic fraternity. The trustees voted to close the medical and dental work conducted in the city of Chicago in the plant owned by the college of physicians and surgeons, on the expiration of the lease on June 30, 1912. April 12 — Professor VVilhelm Paszkowski of the University of Berlin delivered a series of lectures on "The German Theater and Drama." April 30 — Following a petition of the pan-hellenic council, the council of administration passed a rule that no student may become a member of any national or local fraternity until he has successfully passed eleven hours of work. May 16 — Annual maypole dance on Illinois Field. The weather was cold and a drizzling rain fell. May 17-18 — Annual interscholastic week. May 21 — The corner-stone of the Commerce building was laid. W. L. Abbott, president of board of trustees, presided. Addresses were given in the Auditorium by Dean David Kinley and francis G. Blair. President James laid the corner-stone. Short addresses were given by B. F. Harris of Champaign, president of the Illinois Bankers' association and W. Carbys Zimmerman, state architect. May 21 — The band serenaded President James, in honor of his birthday. May 22 — The first annual "President's review" of the regiment was held on Illinois Field. The President presented commissions to the commissioned officers of the regiment. May 25 — E. R. Ludwig of the class of 191 1, was awarded the Plym fellowship for 1912-13. June 9 — Baccalaureate address delivered by the Rev. William I. McEIveen, pastor of the Evanston Congregational church. June 10 — Qass day exercises ; dedication of senior memorial. Senior ball in the Armory. June 11 — Alumni day. About one hundred matriculants from 1868 to 1872 held a reunion and the annual meeting of the association was the largest ever held. Three hundred and sixty attended the dinner. Judge W. N. Butler, '79, was toastmaster; I. S. Raymond, '72, Dr. Burrill, and President James made short addresses. At the annual meeting the association was re-organized by the adoption of a new con- stitution prepared by a committee of which A. N. Talbot was chairman. P. Junkersfeld, '95, was reelected president, and the new executive committee was chosen as follows S. A. Bullard, '78; F. J. Postel, '99; I. M. Western, '02; L. E. Fischer, '98; W. C. Lindley, '01; G. J. Ray, '98. Frank W. Scott, '01, was elected secretary-treasurer. June 12 — Commencement day. Address delivered by President James; subject, "The life and labors of Jonathan Baldwin Turner." The portrait of Turner to be placed in the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame was unveiled. The portrait was the gift of Mrs. Mary Turner Carriel, daughter of Jonathan Baldwin Turner. A. P. Grout, president of the commission of the Illinois Farmers' hall of fame, made the presentation speech. The portrait was unveiled by Mrs. Leslie McPherson and Miss Mary Louise Turner, granddaughters of Professor Turner. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred on Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, and Professor Samuel Walker Shattuck, in recognition of their long and excellent service to the University. Both men retired from active service in the University on September i, 1912. and accepted retiring allowances from the Carnegie founda- tion for the advancement of teaching. June 30 — Lease of the property of the college of physicians and surgeons in Chicago to the University expired and was not renewed. 1912-13 Aug. 31. — Albert V. Bleininger, professor of ceramics, resigned. Dr. I. M. Bentley of Cornell was appointed professor of psychology and director of psy- chological laboratory. Sept. 17-18 — Registration days. New power plant and transportation building were ready for occupancy. Ground was broken for new armory. Sept. 19 — Annals Ixix Freshman convocation. Sept. 20 — First aimual mass meeting for girls. Sept. 21 — Kappa Delta Pi, honorary educational fraternity founded at the University, became national. Sept. 22 — The trustees voted to purchase the medical plant in Chicago. Oct. 3 — Pan-Hellenic voted against hazing. Oct. 6 — ^A gift of $13,000 from Hon. Wm. B. McKinley as loan fund for students was announced. Trustees decided to mark the grave of Dr. Gregory, with a granite boulder excavated from site of Lincoln Hall. Oct. 10 — Trustees voted to combine colleges of literature and arts and of science. Oct. 11 — Star course: Albert Spalding recital. Oct. 13 — Professor Yokobo'ri, head of Kyoto University, Japan, visited the University. Oct. 15 — Law Union was formed. Oct. 16 — Convocation- in honor of Dr. Burrill and Dr. Shattuck, with presentation of gold medals by Senate. Dedication of McKinley Memorial Church. Oct. 17- — Dr. Borel of the University of Paris lectured. Oct. 19 — Judge Spurgin upheld student vote in city election and declared Champaign dry territory. Oct. 29-30— Dr. C. J. Steinmetz lectured in interests of engineering. Oct. 31 — Petition to open theaters on Sunday defeated by popular student vote. Nov. — Registration of students was 4,315. Nov. 2 — -Reception by President James in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Burrill and Dr. and Mrs. Shattuck. B'nai B'rith Lodge established annual literary prize of $50.00. Doctors Burrill and Shattuck were made professors emeriti by trustees. Rho chapter of Zeta Beta Tau was established. Nov. 5 — Professor Wilhelm Miller was made head of department of landscape gardening. Nov. 6 — Museum of classic arts was dedicated. Nov. 11-13 — ^Home Coming events : Hobo band, band concert, mass meeting, smoker, football game between Chicago and Illinois, and Mask and Bauble in "The County Chairman." Nov. 15 — Small fire in University Hall. Nov. 19 — -Star course lecture by Strick- land Gillilan. Nov. 21 — President James was elected President of National as- sociation of state universities. Nov. 22 — State high school conference. Nov. 26 — Hatch-Kaufman annual banquet for football men. Nov. 27-Dec. 2 — Thanksgiving recess. Football schedule: 1912: Illinois 87, Illinois Wesleyan 3; Illinois 13, Wash- ington University 0; Illinois 13, Indiana 7; Illinois 13, Minneapolis 13; Illinois 9, Purdue 9; Illinois o, Chicago 10; Illinois o. Northwestern 6. Dec. 10 — Contract was let for new Y. W. C. A. building. Dec. 11 — State Horti- cultural society met at University. Dec. 14 — Mi^tinee and evening concert given by glee and mandolin clubs. Robert C. Zuppke was appointed football coach. Dec. 17 — Choral society gave Handel's "Messiah." Dec. 20 — Christmas vacation began. Jan. 7 — Contracts were let for floricultural, vegetable, and plant breeding houses, and stock pavilion. Mr. George E. Frazer was appointed comptroller and professor of accountancy. Jan. 8 — First issue of Fortnightly Notes, supplementing Alumni Quarterly. Jan. 11 — Annual Prom concert by University band. Senior smoker. Jan. 13 — Seven hundred register in annual agricultural short course and school for housekeepers. Feb. 4 — Post-exam jubilee. Feb. 6 — Professor Kuno Francke opened the museum of European culture. Feb. 6 — First assembling of classes in new Commerce building. Electrical engineering show. Feb. 12 — Properties of college -of phy- sicians and surgeons were formally accepted as a gift from the medical alumni, and the re-opening of the medical school was authorized. Professor Everts B. Greene resigned as dean of the college of literature and arts, and Professor Arthur H. Daniels was appointed acting dean. Formal presentation of Lincoln Hall by Governor Dunne to President James. Dedicatory address by Rev. Hugh Black. Feb. 15 — Star course presented Ben Greet players in "A Comedy of Errors." Feb. 21 — Military ball. Player's Club entertained with three Irish plays. The Hour Glass, The Pot of Broth, and The Workhouse Ward. Feb. 23 — Exhibit of water-color paintings in Auditorium. Feb. 26 — Beta Gamma Sigma, commercial fraternity, was established. Basketball schedule 1912-1913 : Illinois 15, Wisconsin 16; Illinois 35, Iowa 9; Illinois 22, Purdue 18; Illinois 19, Minnesota 12; Illinois 23, Northwestern 22; Illinois 13, Wisconsin 18; Illinois 20, Minnesota 10; Illinois 12, Chicago 19; Illinois 29, Indiana 12; Illinois 11, Purdue 12; Illinois 23, Indiana 17; Illinois 16, Chicago 21 ; Illinois 18, Northwestern 20. March i — Annual band concert. Mar. 11 — Trustees approved raising of entrance requirements of medical school to two years of college work. Ten thousand dollars was appropriated for Crocker Land expedition. Dr. Kendric C. Bab- cock, specialist in higher education, Bureau of Education, Washington, was ap- Ixx University of Illinois pointed Dean of the united college of liberal arts and sciences. Dr. William Trelease was appointed professor of botany and head of that department. Mar. 14-15 — Lecture visit of Mr. Alfred Noyes. Illinois lost debate to Indiana. Mar. 16 — Mu Kappa Alpha, honorary music fraternity, was established. Mar. 20 — Yoxan was disbanded. Mar. 2fr — Captain B. C. Morse, commandant of the Uni- versity brigade, was made Lieutenant-Colonel. Mar. 28 — Visit of the state legis- lature at the University. Resignation of Professor Ernest Julius Berg, head of the department of electrical engineering. April 4 — Trustees granted leave of absence to President James to' attend international conference on education at The Hague, September, 1913. Apr. 11-12 — Students presented local talent opera, "The Prodigal Prince." Apr. 17 — -Dedication of commerce building; state conference of business administration. Opening of cafeteria in Women's building. Apr. 21 — Cercle Frangais presented "L'Anglais tel qu' on le Parle" and "es Cuisimers." Apr. 24 — Resignation of Guy Stanton Ford, Professor of Modern European History. Apr. 25 — "Big Nine" conference to discuss amateurism. Apr. 25-26 — Adelphic-Illiola play, "A Curious Mishap." Apr. 2.J — Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, president of the University, 1894-1904, died at Albany, New York. Apr. 30 — Dr. Washington Gladden addressed a convo- cation. May i^ — Board of oratory and debate was formed. May 3 — First annual water carnival. May 9 — Dedication of Transportation building, and convocation. Aleth- enai-Philomathean masque, "The Chaplet of Pan." Recital by Mme. Gadski. May 13 — Local Alumni club was formed. May 14-17 — Interscholastic. Program : Maypole, stunt show, Illinois-Wisconsin dual meet and baseball game, circus, lUinois-Milliken dual, glee club concert, Illinois-Chicago baseball. Oak Park won inter-title. May 21 — Phi Beta, local sorority, installed as Gamma Phi Beta. May 22— Class of 1913 were granted permission to erect a memorial gateway on south Wright street, west of Auditorium. May 24 — Mask and Bauble presented "The Passing of the Third Floor Back." May 29 — Coburn players gave "Iphegenia in Tauris." May 29-June 5 — Examinations. Track schedule, 1913 : Illinois T], Alissouri 49; Illinois 80^, Wisconsin 45 J^ ; Illinois 93, Chicago Zi', Illinois 58, Chicago 27; Illinois 70, Purdue 16; Illinois 33, Wisconsin ZTiVi,. Baseball schedule, 1913 : Illinois 2, Tennessee i ; Illinois 4, Tennessee 0; Illinois 8, Indiana 4; Illinois i, Iowa i; Illinois 4, Iowa 3; Illinois 8, • Northwestern 0; Illinois 6, Arkansas 11 ; Illinois 4, Arkansas 2; Illinois 4, Indiana 3; Illinois 5, Chicago 4; Illinois 11, Wisconsin i; Illinois 7, Chicago 3; Illinois 3, Purdue 1; Illinois 3, Chicago 6 ; Illinois 14, Northwestern 6 ; Illinois 7, Chicago 6 ; Illinois 2, Wisconsin 7. June 8-1 1 — Commencement. June 10 — -Alumni day. Peter Junkersfeld, '95, was elected president of the alumni association. June 11 — Commencement address was given by President James. 848 degrefes were conferred. June 10 — Resigna- . tion of Dr. William E. Quine, Dean of College of Aledicine was accepted by trustees. Authority was given for the purchase of the classical and pedagogical libraries of Johannes Vahlen and R. Aron. Trustees approved support of orches- tral concerts not to exceed $5,000. Dr. Washburn was promoted to be professor of physical chemistry. June 16 — Summer session began. June 19 — Mr. Herbert Nasmyth, was appointed to the School of Music. June 23 — Mr. J. B. Stoughton Holborn, of Oxford, gave a series of lectures on "Art in daily life." July 2 — Total registration, 612. Dr. Kinley was made Vice-President of the University to succeed Dr. Burrlll. Re-opening of College of Dentistry approved. Professor C. R. Richards was made acting Dean of College of Engineering during leave of absence of Dean Goss. Dr. John Sterling Kingsley of Tuft's College was appointed professor of zoology. July 11-12 — Ben Greet players presented "Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Love's Labours Lost." July 18— Summer prom at Armory. July 23 — Contract awarded for equipment of Dental School. Miss Martha J. Kyle was appointed Acting Dean of Women. Aug. 2 — Summer Dramatic club gave "Merry Wives of Windsor." Aug. 26 — Trustees approved sj^stem of freshmen advisers. 1913-14 Sept. 6 — Mr. Arthur E. Eldridge was appointed director of photographic lab- oratories. Entrance requirements of school of pharmacy were raised to two years Annals Ixxi in accredited high school. Sept. 23-24 — Registration. Class hats adopted by all classes. Sept. 26 — Major Frank D. Webster was detailed as commandant of University brigade. Oct. 4 — Dr. Frank L. Stevens, dean of college of agriculture and mechanic arts of the University of Porto Rico, was appointed professor of plant pathology. Trustees made appropriation for printing plant, and approved expenditure of $15,000 for Auditorium organ. Purchase of 343 acres of farm land approved. Oct. 9 — Farewell for Major Morse and welcome for Major Webster. Oct. 16 — Visit of Dr. Sakuro Tanabe of Imperial University of Kioto, Japan. Oct. 18 — Freshmen adopted sack rush as annual scrap. Oct. 31 — National convention Alphi Xi Delta at University. Nov. 7 — Conference of deans of graduate schools; representatives from eighteen colleges were present. American association of state universities met at University. Lecture-visit of Sir William Ramsay of Aberdeen University. Convocation in honor of Professor Ricker. Association of Methodist Episcopal bishops met at University. Nov. 9 — Dedication of Y. W. C. A. building. Oct. 14-17 — Home-coming. Program : "Russian symphony orchestra concert, alumni smoker, mass meeting, sack race (freshmen won), Illinois vs. Purdue football and informal gathering of alumni. Nov. 19 — Convocation in honor of 50th anniversary of Gettysburg address. Nov. 20-22 — High School conference. Mask and Bauble presented "The Gentleman from Mississippi." Nov. 24 — Annual Kaufman-Hatch football team banquet. Football, 1913: Illinois 21, Kentucky o; Illinois 24, Missouri 7; Illinois 38, Northwestern 0; Illinois 10, Indiana o; Illinois 7, Chicago 28; Illinois 0, Purdue 0; Illinois 9, Minnesota 19. Dec. 5 — Lecture by Bernard Langden-Davies against military armament. Benj- amin Chapin gave dramatic interpretation of "Lincoln." Dec. 11- — Cincinnati sym- phony orchestra concert. Dec. 12 — Junior prom. Illinois was defeated in debates with Iowa and Wisconsin. Dec. 17 — Girls edited December issue of Illinois Magazine. Dec. 16 — Choral societj' gave Handel's "Messiah." Dec. 16-19 — -State horticultural society meeting. Dec. 19 — Christmas vacation began. Jan. 9-10 — Ben Greet players gave "Merchant of Venice" and "Comedy of Errors." Jan. 13 — 'Informal weekly readings instituted by English department. Jan. 16 — Player's Club presented "London Assurance." Jan. 20 — Short course in agriculture and school for housekeepers began. Jan. 27 — Star course lecture by W. J. Burns. Jan. 28 — Semester examinations began. Feb. 9-10 — Registration. Feb. 10 — Post-exam jubilee. Feb. 14 — Professor Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian economist, lectured at University. Jan. 17 — -St. Louis symphony orchestra concerts. Jan. 19 — Sigma Tau, honorary fraternity, installed in college of engineering. Jan. 20 — Military ball. Jan. 22— Washington birthday convocation in Auditorium. Jan. 28 — -Squads of students dig University district out of the worst snow fall in years. All athletic and social events called ofif because of scarlet fever. Basketball, 1913-1914: Illinois 19, Milliken 10; Illinois 35, Indiana 6; Illinois 25, Wisconsin 26; Illinois 26, Purdue 20; Illinois 11, Chicago 12; Illinois 18, Min- nesota 16: Illinois 30, Purdue 25; Illinois 31, Indiana 15; Illinois 35, Northwestern 15; Illinois 16, Wisconsin 29; Illinois 26, Minnesota 11. March 6 — Seniors choose chimes as class memorial. Mar. 8 — Scarlet fever ban lifted. Mar. 10 — Forbes property on Springfield avenue purchased for botanical and zoological laboratories. Mar. 12 — -Illinois won debates with Indiana and Ohio. Mar. 18 — Major W^ebster detailed to command summer military camp at Ludington, Mich. Mar. 15-20 — Bondurant lectures delivered by Dr. George H. Combs. Mar. 20 — Recital by Mme. Schumann-Heink. Mar. 21 — Drama League en- tertained with Irish Players in plays by Yates and Lady Gregory. Mar. 25 — Reception and mass meeting in honor of W. B. McKinley on his return from abroad. Mar. 26-28 — Women's vocational conference. Mask and Bauble presented "Higher Up," by Thacher H. Guild. April 3 — Heads of life insurance companies convened at University. Apr. 5 — Lecture-visit of Dean Shailer Matthews. Apr. 7 — Walking club organized. Apr. 15 — Dr. Shosuke Sato, college of agriculture, North Eastern University, Sapporo, Japan, visited University. Apr. 18 — Annual band concert. Apr. 22 — Trustee.'? approved purchase of Chicago site for school of pharmacy. Women's play ground west of forestry was approved. Apr. 23 — Series of lectures by Miss Georgina Sweet, Melbourne University. Apr. 25 — Anthemia chapter of Alpha Rho Chi Ixxii University of Illinois was established. Walker Opera House torn down. Apr. 28 — Lecture-visit Prof. J. B. Stoughton Holborn, Oxford University. May I — Adelphic and Illiola societies entertained in comedy, -Newly Married" and "Mr. Steinmetz Corner." Illinois won Northern oratorical league contest. May 7 — Minneapolis symphony orchestra concerts. Series of lectures were given before Department of Education by Dr. J. J. Findlay, Manchester, England. May 9 — Player's Club presented "The Portrait," by Thacher H. Guild, and "Ryland." May 14-17 — Interscholastic. May 25 — Annual competitive drill. May 28— -Uni- versity Orchestra concert. May 29 — Piano recital by Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield- Zeisler. May 30 — General John C. Black delivered Memorial Day address on Illinois Field. Track, 1914: Illinois 57^, Ohio State 19^; Illinois 26, Wisconsin 26^; Chi- cago 20%; Illinois 95, Purdue 22; Illinois 76H, Wisconsin 49^; Illinois 70^, Chicago 55J^ ; Illinois 45 5/12, Stanford 23%, Chicago 2oy^. Baseball, 1914: Illinois 9, Alabama 5; Illinois 2, Georgia Tech. 5; Illinois 2, Georgia Tech. 2; Illinois i, Georgia 2; Illinois i, Tennessee i; Illinois 2, Kentucky 14; Illinois 5, Northwestern 4; Illinois 8, Milliken 5; Illinois 4, Minnesota 3; Illinois 9, Purdue 6; Illinois 3, Texas 2; Illinois 7, Texas 3; Illinois 7, Purdue 0; Illinois 2, Wisconsin i; Illinois 3, Chicago 4; Illinois 7, Northwestern 0; Illinois 2, Indiana 13 ; Illinois 2, Wisconsin 5 ; Illinois 4, Chicago 3. June I — Senate adopted plan to establish a school of commerce. First annual freshman cap burning on Illinois Field. June 4-12 — Examinations. June 9— Trustees approved site for Gregory memorial alumni building west of Auditorium, and of Tina Weedon Smith memorial music building east of Auditorium. Lo- cation of women's residence hall on Nevada street approved. Entrance require- ments to school of pharmacy raised to graduation from accredited high school. June 15 — Senior ball. June 16 — Alumni Day; reunion of matriculants during regency of Dr. Gregory largely attended ; unveiling of tablet at grave of Dr. Gregory on boulder excavated from site of Lincoln Hall. A. N. Talbot, '81, was elected president of alumni association. Lawn festival and 40th reunion of Class of '74. Mask and Bauble presented "The Great Galeoto." June 17 — Commence- ment address was given by Count Johann von Bernstroff, German Ambassador to the United States. One thousand twenty-nine degrees were conferred. June 22 — Registration for summer session. July 2 — ^First campus sing. July 6 — Resignation of Director Charles Henry Mills, of the school of music. July 6-11 — Lectures by Mr. J. Adams Puffer of Boston, Mass., on "Vocational Education." July i& — Ben Greet players gave "She Stoops to Conquer," and "Midsummer Night's Dream." July 22 — Death of Thaoher Howland Guild, associate in English and author of "Illinois Loyalty." July 29 — Memorial song service for Mr. Guild. Aug. 4 — County teachers institute at University. Aug. 14 — John N. Pomeroy was appointed professor of law. 1914-15 Sept. II — Trustees appointed John Lawrence Erb director of the school of music, and University organist. Miss Martha J. Kyle was appointed acting dean of women. Dr. Frederick B. Moorehead was appointed dean of the college of dentistry, and Dr. D. A. K. Steele senior dean and head of the department of surgery, college of medicine. Sept. 21-22 — -Registration. Sept. 23-T-University had the largest opening enrollment in its history, 3,906. Sept 24 — Announce- ment was made of a gift of $200,000 by Captain Thomas J. Smith for a music building. Oct. I — Registration to date was 4,619, an increase of 12% over preceding year. Oct. 9 — Corner-stone of addition to chemistry building was laid. Oct. 12 — Trustees approved senate plan for a new library building. Oct. 15-16 — Illinois mayors convened at University. Oct. 20 — Convocation in newly decorated and de-echoed Auditorium. Oct. 21- — Star course recital by Mme. Louise Homer. Nov. I — Fifteen thousand people dedicated new armory in Christmas peace ship program with Lilian Bell, originator of idea, as principal speaker. Nov. 4-5 — Lecture on Emerson by Mr. Charles W. Woodbury. Nov. 9-1 1 — Series of lectures by Professor Felix von Luschen, University of Berlin. Nov. 13 — Belgian Relief Day; $500 was raised. Nov. 13— Mrs. Edmund J. James, wife of the Presi- dent, died. Nov. 13-16 — Annual home-coming. Program : Class football, hobo band, alumni smoker, Mask and Bauble in "Our Wives," freshman-sophomore sack rush, Illinois vs. Chicago football, alumni reunion. Nov. 17 — Funeral of Annals Ixxiii Mrs. James was held in auditorium. Nov. ly— Kappa Alpha Theta house damaged by fire. Nov. 22 — First recital on new organ in Auditorium by Professor Erb. Nov. 23 — St. Louis symphony orchestra concert. Nov. 26 — Thanksgiving recess. Football, 1914: Illinois 37, Christian Brothers, 0; Illinois 51, Indiana University o; Illinois ZT, Ohio State o; Illinois 2,Z, Northwestern o; Illinois 2t, Minnesota 7; Illinois 21, Chicago 7 ; Illinois 24, Wisconsin g. Dec. 2 — -Dedication of organ in auditorium by Mr. Charles Heinroth, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg. Dec. 3— Illinois Day ; visit of Governor Dunne and review of troops; laying of corner-stone of Commerce building; University convocation. Dec. 5 — Red Cross carnival. Dec. 8-12 — Annual glee and mandolin club concert. Trustees appointed Dr. Kuno Meyer as visiting Professor of Celtic language and literature. Gift of the Margaret Lange James loan fund of $5,000 was announced by President James. Dec. 15 — ^Choral society gave the "Messiah." Dec. 14-17 — Convention of Illinois fruit growers at University. Dec. 16-20 — Lecture- visit of Bishop McConnell. Dec. 18-19 — Players Club staged "The Power of a God" and "The Higher Good," by Thacher Howland Guild. Dec. 30 — Professor J. H. Pettit, on sick leave in California, died. Jan. 9 — Prom concert. Jan. 10 — First of weekly vesper organ recitals in Auditorium Jan. 11 — Through Major-General Wood, President James's plan for an efficient citizen soldiery was endorsed by government. President O. S. Davis, Chicago Theological seminary, lectured at University. Jan. 18-25 — School for housekeepers. Jan. 19 — New York symphony orchestra concert. Jan. 22 — George E. Frazer, comptroller, and O. E. Staples, bursar, resigned. Star course recital by Alma Gluck. Jan. 26-27 — Lecture-visit of Professor J. C. Bose, Presidency Col- lege, Calcutta, India. Ben Greet players in "Twelfth Night." Jan. 28 — Semester examinations began. Jan. 30 — A change in military uniform to olive-drab U. S. service suit was authorized by the trustees. Lots on Nevada street were bought for women's residence hall. Feb. 8-9 — Registration. Feb. 9 — Post exam jubilee. Feb. 11 — Jane Addams lectured at University. Feb. 13 — Professor-emeritus Samuel Walker Shattuck died. Feb. 15-19 — Dr. Luther Anderson lectured on "American Trade in Far East." Feb. 17 — Kneisel quartet concert. Feb. 19 — Annual military ball. Feb. 22 — Washington birthday convocation. Feb. 22-24 — Vocational conference. Feb. 24 — Dr. Graham Taylor lectured. Control of Illinois Magazine assumed by Illini Publishing company. Feb. 27 — "Ag. Round-up." Basketball, 1914-1915: Illinois 50, Wesleyan 9; Illinois ig, Milliken 16; Illinois 27, Peoria Tigers 14; Illinois 34, Indiana 14; Illinois 27, Purdue 8; Illinois 24, Ohio State 17; Illinois 20, Indiana 4; Illinois 39, Wisconsin 19; Illinois 19, Wis- consin 17; Illinois 20; Minnesota 10; Illinois 20, Ohio State 12; Illinois 22, Purdue 15; Illinois 26, Ohio State 19; Illinois 19, Chicago 18; Illinois 26, Minnesota 11. March 2 — Choral society gave "Hiawatha." School of Religion opened six weeks' course. Mar. 4 — John W. Ruskin, Artie explorer, gave motion pictures of animal life. Mar. 5 — Professor Lajpat Rai, founder of Dayananda Anglo- Vedie college, lectured on "Hindu Civilization." Star course lecture by Leland T. Powers. Mar. 6 — Annual military band concert. Mar. 9-1 1 — Illinois water supply association met at University. Mar. 11 — Review of student brigade by Governor Dunne and trustees. Annual orchestra concert. Mar. 18 — Lecture- recital by Mrs. Edward A. MacDowell. Miar. 23 — Chicago symphony orchestra concert. Mar. 26 — Illinois lost to Michigan in Midwest debating league and won from Wisconsin. Architecture club presented "The Pawn Check." Mar. 28 — Palm Sunday lecture by Dr. Ozoras Davis, Chicago Theological seminary. April 8-9 — Electrical show. Apr. 9 — Der Deutche Verein gave "Flachmann als Erzeiher." Apr. 10 — Lambda Chi Alpha was installed. Illinois won first place in Illinois State contest of Intercollegiate peace association. Apr. 23-24 — Illi- nois Union produced "A Maid and a Myth." Apr. 27 — James H. Greene, '08, was appointed state leader of junior extension; Dr. Frederick Haynes Newell was appointed professor of civil engineering ; W. B. Castenholtz was appointed comptroller. Apr. 29 — First concert of University choristers. • May I — After forty years of active service, Professor Ira O. Baker resigned as head of civil engineering department and Professor Newell was appointed to succeed him. May 4 — Phi Beta Kappa and Sigrha Xi address was given by Dr. George Otis Smith, Director of U. S. geological survey. May 7 — Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones lectured on Peace. May 10 — Minneapolis symphony orchestra concert. Ixxiv University of Illinois May 13-15 — Interscholastic. Program: May fete, stunt show, glee and mandolin concert, Illinois vs. Wisconsin baseball game, Legislative visit and review of student brigade, high school meet, Illinois vs. Indiana in baseball, circus, oratorical contest. May 18 — Choral society gave Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise." May 21 — Junior lawn fete. May 22 — Dr. Kenneth McKenzie, Yale, was appointed professor of Romance languages and head of the department. Professor L. D. Coffman, of the department of education resigned May 31 — Military day, with inspection by Major-General Leonard Wood. Track, 1915: Wisconsin 38, Chicago Z7, Missouri 19. Baseball, 1915 : Illinois 13, Mississippi A. & M. 2; Illinois 9, Mississippi A. & M. 4; Illinois 16, Tulane i; Illinois 9, Tulane 0; lUinois 7, Alabama 0; Illinois 5, Van'derbilt i; Illinois 4, Wabash o; Illinois 13, Bethany 0; Illinois 6. Ohio State 5; Illinois 2, Purdue i; Illinois 4, Northwestern i; Illinois i. Northwestern 3; Illinois 6, Wisconsin i; Illinois 10, Minnesota 6; Illinois 5, W^isconsin 4; Illinois 6, Indiana 0; Illinois 5, Purdue 3; Illinois 4, Chicago i; Illinois 2, Chicago 2. June 5 — -Big Nine track meet at Illinois was won by Wisconsin. June 7 — Examinations began. June 8 — Allan Nevins was appointed to write a history of the University. June 13 — Baccalaureate address by Joseph W. Cochran. June 14 — Class day. Mask and Bauble gave "Milestones." Senior ball. June 15 — Alumni day. W. A. Heath, '83, was elected president of alumni association. Presi- dent's reception. June 16— Commencement address was given by Romulo Naon, Argentine Ambassador to the United States. One thousand thirty-two degrees were given. June 21 — Summer school registrants numbered 1,028. June 29 — First campus sing. July 4 — Dr. Nathan A. Weston, '89, was appointed acting dean of the college of commerce and business administration. Miss Louise Freer was appointed director of physical training for women. Professor William A. Oldfather was promoted from associate professor to professor of classics. Dr. John D. Fitzgerald was promoted from assistant professor of romance languages to professor of Spanish. Trustees voted to extend course in dentistry from three to four years. Dr. Donald Mcintosh, after thirty years' active service as professor of veterinary science, was retired as professor-emeritus. July 17 — Ben Greet players gave "Twelfth Night" and "The Tempest." July 23 — Summer Prom. July 2^ — Prof. George H. Meyer, assistant dean of colleges of liberal arts and sciences died in Chicago. July 6 — Dramatic organization gave "Much Ado About Nothing." 1915-16 Sept. 20-21 — Registration. Administrative offices moved tO! Administration building. Post office sub-station established in University library. Sept. 27 — Corner-stone of ceramics building was laid. Leave of absence was granted Pro- fessor Thomas Oliver to become member of Belgian Relief committee in Belgium. Dr. Burt E. Powell was appointed editor of Press Bulletin, director of information office and University historian. Mr. A. V. Bleininger was appointed professor of ceramic engineering and head of the department. Oct. I — Registration numbered 4,652. Oct. 9 — Genetics building was begun. Oct. 16 — Recital by Mme. Olive Fremstad. Oct. 24— Hon. A. P. Grout, University trustee, died. Oct. 29-31 — Homecoming. Mask and Bauble in "Green Stockings." Freshmen won the sack rush. Nov. 3 — Illinois municipal league convention. Lecture recitals by Vachel Lind- say. Nov. 3-6 — Illinois State library association met at the University. Nov. 7 — Annual chrysanthemum show. Nov. 10 — U. S. Marine band concert. Nov. 15 — Kneisel Quartet concert. Nov. 17-19 — Illinois State school board and city super- intendents associations cgnventions. Nov. 17 — Ben Greet players in "Much Ado About Nothing." Nov. 18-20 — State high school teachers' convention. Nov. 22 — St. Louis symphony orchestra concert. Nov. 23-29 — Thanksgiving recess. Football, 1915: Illinois 36, Haskell Indians o; Illinois 75, Rolla School of Mines 7; Illinois 3, Ohio State 3; Illinois 36, Northwestern 6; Illinois 6, Minnesota 6; Illinois 17, Wisconsin 3; Illinois 10, Chicago 0. Dec. 3 — Illinois won debate with Iowa. Celebration of the birthday of the State. S. D. Harwood, Illinois' representative, started on Ford peace party trip, but got only to New York. Dec. 7 — Senate established six-j^ear dental courSe. Return of Peace Ship delegate. Dec. 9 — Lecture by Lorado Taft. Dec. 10 — Annual junior prom. Der Deutche Verein staged "Alt Heiddberg." Dec. 13 — Major Robert W. Mearns was detailed as commandant of University cadets. Dec. 14 — Choral club gave "The Creation" as annual Christmas concert. Professor Eliot Annals Ixxv Blackwelder was appointed professor of geology and head of the department. Dec. i6 — Annual prom concert by University band. Dec. 19 — All-university service with sermon by Rev. Herbert L. Willett, University of Chicago. Dec. 21 — Death of class scrap decreed by Council. Christmas vacation began. Jan. 10-16 — Series of lectures by Francis Grierson. Short course in ceramics and highway engineering. Jan. 14 — Sophomore cotillion. Farewell for Major Webster. Jan. 16— Co-op burned wih loss of $100,000. Jan. 17-28— School for housekeepers. Jan. 18 — Star course lecture by Robert Peary on the north pole. Jan. 20 — A saber was presented to Major Webster. Jan. 26— Semester examinations began. Feb. II — Illinois Dramatic union presented "A Winter's Tale." Feb. 12 — Fritz Kreisler in violin recital. Feb. 14 — Lecture by John Masefield. Feb. 16-20 — Lectures by Sherwood Eddy. Feb. 17 — Convention of presidents of Illinois universities and colleges. Feb. 18 — Player's Club gave "You Never Can Tell." Feb. 21-22 — Lectures by Norman Angell. Feb. 22-29— Lectures by Professor A. J. Carnoy, University of Louvain. Feb. 23 — New vivarium occupied. Feb. 23-24 — Illinois Electrical association meeting. Feb. 25 — Military ball. Feb. 29 — Genetics building occupied. Basketball, 1915: Illinois 22, Purdue 11; Illinois 21, Ohio State 10; Illinois 27, Wisconsin 20; Illinois 30, Chicago 17; Illinois 21, Northwestern 2^; Illinois 14, Wisconsin 34; Illinois 27, Minnesota 22; Illinois 31, Chicago 13; Illinois 17, North- western 25; Illinois 29, Purdue 19; Illinois 28, Ohio State 22; Illinois 20, Min- nesota 9. March 4 — Military band concert. Mar. 6-10— Lectures on international peace by James Brown Scott. Mar. 10 — "Ag. Round-up." Mar. 8-10 — Illinois Drainage association met at University. Mar. 11 — Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson and cast presented "Hamlet" and "Passing of the Third Floor Back" in Auditorium. Mar. 16-17 — Lecture by G. Lowes Dickinson, King's College, Cambridge, England, on "Reconstruction after the war." Mar. 20 — Lecture by Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes. Miar. 22 — New York Symphony orchestra concert. Mar. 31 — Illinois lost to Michi- gan in debate and won from Wisconsin. Mask and Bauble gave "The Mob." A.pril 3 — Recital Mme. Julia Claussen. Apr. 4-6 — Lectures by Dr. Kuno Meyer. Apr. 5 — Lecture by Lorado Taft. Apr. 6-8— Convention Illinois country editors. Apr. 6-9 — Lectures by Professor Henry Seidel Canby, of Yale. Apr. 10 — New York Philharmonic concert. Apr. 12 — Choral and orchestral societies present "A Tale of Old Japan." Apr. 14 — Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, Professor- emeritus of Botany and for many years vice-president of the University, died in Urbana. Illinois Union opera, "I'm Neutral." Apr. 16 — All-university service, . with Rev. Ozora Davis, Chicago Theological seminary as speaker. Aug. 18-19 — Dedication of Chemistry building and annual meeting of American chemical society. Apr. 2y — Annual Engineering dance. Le Cercle Frangais gave "Le'Anglais tel qu' on le parle." May 4 — First annual Gridiron banquet. May 5 — Illinois won second in Northern oratorical league. May 10 — Minneapolis Symphony orchestra concert. May 11-13 — Interscholastic. May 21 — All university service ; speaker Dean W. W. Senn, Har- vard Divinity school. May 26 — Illiola-Adelphic gave "As You Like It" in Peach orchard. May 28 — Trustees approved plans for music and education buildings. Track, 1916: Illinois 44M. Wisconsin 28^4; Chicago 23, Wisconsin 49; Illinois 35 /<3, Chicago 25. Baseball, 1916: Illinois 6, Mississippi 3; Illinois 2, Mississippi i; Illinois i, Mississippi A. & M. 3 ; Illinois 6, Mississippi A. & M. 3 ; Illinois 4, Alabama 2 ; Illi- nois o, Alabama 4; Illinois o, Louisiana i; Illinois 3, Louisiana 4; Illinois 13, Wabash 4; Illinois 7, Notre Dame 2; Illinois 6, Notre Dame 0; Illinois 4, Marshall 2; Illinois I, Indiana 2; Illinois 4, Purdue 3; Illinois 3, Ohio State o; Illinois 4, VVisconsin o; Illinois 4, Ohio State 0; Illinois 4, Northwestern i; Illinois 8, In- diana o; Illinois 5, Northwestern i ; Illinois 4, Wisconsin 3; Illinois 6, Waseda University o. June 3 — Fourteen hundred University cadets took part in Chicago's prepared- ness parade. June 5 — Examinations began. June 11 — Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Charles F. Wishart, Chicago. June 12 — Class Day, and Senior Ball. June 13 — Alumni Day. Henry J. Burt, '96, was elected president of Alumni association. June 14 — Commencement, address by President James. One thousand and ninety- five diplomas given. Commencement gifts: $1,200 Fellowship in Gaelic, by Irish Ixxvi University of Illinois Fellowship club of Chicago; Collection of 1500 books to be known as the Amanda K. Casad Collection, by President James; Smith Memorial collection of books by Constance Barlow-Smith. June 19 — Summer session registration, 1,068. July 5 — Coburn players gave "Yellow Jacket," "Taming of the Shrew" and "Merchant of Venice." July 21 — Barry Gilbert was appointed professor of law in place of Professor Frederick Greene, on leave. Dr. Cullen W. Parmelee, Rut- gers, appointed professor of ceramic engineering; Dr. Fanny Cook Gates, Grinnell college, was appointed dean of women ; Dr. Joseph Howard Baird was appointed health officer of the University. After 43 years of active service in the University Dr. Nathan Clifford Ricker, '72, resigned as head of department of architecture and professor of architecture. July 26 — Summer Prom. Aug. 4 — Campus production : "Twelve Pound Look," by J. M. Barrie ; "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife," by Anatole France. Aug. 14 — Professor Henry W. Ballentine, Wisconsin, was appointed dean of law school, and Dr. Ernst Bern- baum, Harvard, as professor of English. 1916-17 Sept. 18-19 — Registration. Sept. 21 — -The Thacher Howland Guild memorial prize in the interests of drama, was established. Oct. I — Registration to date, 5,135. Oct. 18 — Special law tuition abolished. Trustees assigned old horticultural building to Battery F., Illinois National Guard. Oct. 21 — Corner stone of women's residence hall was laid. Oct. 24 — Ground was broken for new music building by the donor, Captain T. J. Smith. Oct. 26 — University district improvement associa- tion launched by students. Nov. 7 — Ground was broken for new education build- ing. Nov. &^-Recital by Mme. Gadski. Nov. 9 — Lecture by Professor Albert G. Van Hecke on Belgian relief. Nov. 12 — Annual chrysanthemum show. Nov. 14-21 — Convention of federation of women's clubs. Nov. 17-19 — Homecoming. Nov. 23 — French players present "Jean Marie" and "Le Jeu de I'Amour et du Hasard." Nov. 24 — Deutcher Verein gave "Der Dummkopf." Nov. 27 — Illus- trated lecture by Lorado Taft ; announcement of gift by Mr. Taft and Roland Conklin of bronze Alma Mater statue. Nov. 30 — Thanksgiving convocation fol- lowed by All-University barbecue. Football, 1916: Illinois 30, Kansas 0; Illinois 3, Colgate 15; Illinois 6. Ohio State 7; Illinois 24, Minnesota 7; Illinois 7, Chicago 20; Illinois 0, Wisconsin 0. Dec. I — Concert-recital by Evan Williams. Dec. 4 — St. Louis Symphony or- chestra concert. Dec. 6-7 — Dedication of ceramics engineering building. Dec. 8 — Junior Prom. Dec. 9 — Illinois won from both Minnesota and Iowa in debates. Dec. II — Violin recital by Theodore Speiring. Dec. 12 — Lecture by Lorado Taft. Dec. 13 — First of series of dramatic hours, in which Mask and Bauble present "The Lost Silk Hat," by Lord Dunsany. and "Mary's Wedding," by Gilbert Cannan. Dec. 14 — Trustees decided to confer degrees four times a year — Aug., Oct.. Feb., June. Dec. 19 — University choral and choristers gave "Elijah." Dec. 22-30 — Lectures by Sir Rabindranath Tagore. Dec. 23 — Christmas vacation began. Jan. 5 — Sophomore cotillion. Jan. 15 — Max Eastman lectured on "Progress." Jan. 16 — Joint concert by Tilly Koenan and Antonio Sala. Jan. 17 — Mask and Bauble gave Oliphant Dawn's "Maker of Dreams," in the first dramatic hour. Jan. 17-21^ — Agricultural and engineering short course and school for housekeepers. Jan. 19 — Band prom, concert. Lectures by Professor E. de Martonnie, University of Paris, on "Geography of War Zone Battle Fields." Jan. 22 — Minneapolis Sym- phony concert. Jan. 24 — W. B. McKinley gave $100,000 for University hospital. Semester examinations began. Feb. 5-6 — Registration. Feb. 5-8 — Vocational conference for women. Feb. 6 — Post-exam jubilee. Dean W. F. M. Goss, of college of engineering, resigned. Feb. II — Portmanteau players in five productions. Feb. 13 — Lecture-recital by Louis Kuppin on "The Liturgy of the Jewish Worship." Feb. 17 — Lecture by Baroness Huard on "My Home in the field of honor." Feb. 20 — Lorado Taft lecture on "Michael Angelo." Feb. 23 — Military ball. Feb. 25 — Charles William Wallace lec- turned on "Recent Shakespearian Research." Basketball, 1916-1917: Illinois 28, Purdue 24; Illinois 38, Ohio State 14; Illinois 45, Northwestern 17; Illinois 45, Northwestern 17; Illinois 20, Chicago 10; Illinois 14, Wisconsin 25; Illinois 11, Minnesota 20; Illinois 19, Chicago 16; Illinois 34. Ohio State 21; Illinois 18, Minnesota 17; Illinois 27, Purdue 16; Illinois 20, Wisconsin 17; Illinois 21, Northwestern 12. March i — Professor Charles R. Richards was appointed dean of the college of engineering. Mar. 2 — Band concert. Mar. 6 — Council of administration ap- Annals Ixxvii pointed star course board of control of three members of the faculty and four students. Mar. 8 — Recital by Mischa Elman. Mar. 9-10 — -Mask and Bauble gave "Passers By." Mar. 10 — Venetian fete by architects' club. Mar. 13 — Choristers Lenten concert. Dr. Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead, University of Missouri, was ap- pointed professor of history. The Goss residence on Nevada street was purchased as a home for the president of the University. Werrett Wallace Charters, dean of the faculty of education, University of Missouri, was appointed professor of education. March 19-24 — Lectures by Mr. Cecil Sharp on folk dancing. March 24 — Literary societies present "Indian Summer" and Masefield's "Tragedy of Nan." Freshman frolic. March 26 — Campus drive for Belgian relief. March 27 — New York Symphony orchestra concert. March 28 — Lecture in interest of Belgian drive by George Barr Baker, treasurer of American Committee. Mask and Bauble gave "The Noble Lord" and "The Finger of God" in dramatic hour. March 29 — Annual Gridiron banquet. March 30 — Illinois won debate from Wisconsin. House- hold Science open house. March 31 — Popular concert and joint Christian Asso- ciation mask party for Belgian relief. April 11 — Gross returns from Belgian relief activities were $14,000. April 11-12- — Better community conference. April 12-13 — Legislators visited University. April 16 — Military 20, a new course for women in Red Cross work, was begun. April 13-14 — Player's Club presented "The Witching Hour" for Belgian relief. April 17 — War mass meeting; Major Mearns talked on R. O. T. C. and war policy of University. Council agreed to give full credit to all who withdrew for service. April 18 — Council approved peti- tion of Illinois amtbulance unit. April 18-22 — Lectures by Dr. Edgar J. Banks, archeologist, on "Turkey." April 18 — Military 10, elective course for juniors and seniors, met with hearty student support. April 21 — First exodus of students for military and farm work; 136 students withdrew. April 24 — Athletic board called off Interscholastic. Instruction in Military 10 and 20 began. First Illinois am- bulanciers left for France. University received hydro-aeroplane from government. April 26 — Military inspection by Col. J. A. Penn. April 27-28 — Activities for ambu- lance fund netted $3,750. May i — Dr. W. C. Bagley, director of the school of education, resigned. May 5 — On this date 1,000 men had withdrawn for military service. May 6 — Allied bazaar for ambulance unit in Gymnasium annex. Twenty men formally pledged themselves to American ambulance field service before 5,000 people. The bazaar, planned by Pan-Hellenic council of women netted $1,300. May 10 — Farewell for amliulanciers at Y. M. C. A. Pledge service for women addressed by Dean Davenport. May 12-13 — Pierrots presented local talent opera "Keep to the Right." May 16 — Choral and orchestral societies gave "The Rose Maiden." May 17 — May fete was a Greek pageant. Mav 14-17 — School for house- keepers. May 21 — First group of students for ground school of military aero- nautics arrived and Y. M. C. A. became their barracks. Battery F pitched camp on Military Field. May 23 — Dedication of Ricker Memorial library in engineering hall. May 24 — Engineering convocation in honor of Dean Richards. May 31 — Examinations began. Baseball schedule, 1917: Illinois 8, Iowa o; Illinois 3. Ohio 7; Illinois i, Purdue o; Illinois o, Ohio i; Illinois 9, Northwestern 3; Illinois 8, Chicago 4; Illinois 8, Indiana i; Illinois 8, Iowa 7; Illinois 0, Indiana 5; Illinois 15. Qiicago 5- June I — Star course recital by Mme. Galli-Curci. June 7 — Dr. Robert Graham, University of Kentucky, was appointed professor of animal pathology. Mrs. Hen- rotin resigned from the board of trustees. June 10-13 — Commencement week. Tune 10 — Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Gerald B. Smith, Chicago.^ June 11 — Class day and senior ball. June 12 — Alumni day. Henry J. Burt, '96, was re- elected president of Alumni Association. F. W. Scott, '01, resigned as editor of the Alumni Quarterly and Fortnightly Motes; he was appointed managing editor, and Carl Stephens, '12, was appointed editor. Lawn festival. Band concert on Audi- torium plaisance and president's reception. June 13 — Commencement address^by Professor W. C. Bagley. 1,178 degrees were conferred. June 18 — Summer session registration. June 22 — Informal reception for summer students. June 25 — New residence hall for women was assigned as barracks for members of U. S. S. M. A. July 17 — Dr. D. A. K. Steele resigned a's dean of school of medicine and was appointed professor emeritus of surgery. Property known as the Kerr woods was purchased as a botanical and entomological preserve. Charles Wesley Rolfe, '72, professor of geology, resigned after 36 years active service in University. Trustees approved assignment of certain properties for co-operative houses for girls. July 21— Players Club gave Lady Gregory's "Coats." July 23— Cobnrn Ixxviii University of Illinois Players gave "Romeo and Juliet," "Much Ado About Nothing," and "Julius Caesar." July 24 — Tuition to be raised from $12.00 to $15.00 per semester and a military deposit of $26.63 must be made. Aug. 28— Professor Madison Bentley was released from University work to accept a captaincy in aviation corps. Membership in American University Union in Europe was authorized by trustees. Authorization was given by trustees for purchase of property in College Place addition for University hospital. 1917-18 Sept. 4 — Dr. Charles Hughes Johnston, director of the school of education was killed in an automobile accident. Sept. 17-18 — Registration. Sept. 18 — Major E. W. McCaskey appointed commandant of University brigade. Three co-opera- tive houses for women established. Infirmary for aviators established in bar- racks, llliiii launched "smokes and chocolate" fund for Illinois students overseas. Sept. 21 — Governor Lowden visited campus. Oct. I — Three thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight students registered, a decrease of 20% over preceding year. Oct. 2 — Patriotic mass meeting. University district American Red Cross established in law building. Oct. 9 — Women's league chapter of Red Cross approved. Oct. 20 — Trustees granted leave of absence for military service to Professors E. C. Schmidt, Edward Bartow, and L. E. Young. Professor Bevier was granted temporary leave to serve as acting chairman of advisory home economics committee of the food administration. Oct. 19-20 — Homecoming. Oct. 24 — Piano concert-recital by Ethel Leginska. Oct. 27 — Mechan- ical engineering open house. Students and faculty subscribed $50,000 in second liberty loan campaign. Oct. 28 — All-University service address by Dr. John A. Macdonald, Toronto. Oct. 31 — Patriotic mass meeting addressed by Dean Kinley. Pan-Hellenic voted to abolish formal dances for the year. Nov. I- — P. L. Windsor, director of library school, left for Washington to direct organization of camp libraries. Nov. 6-10 — Registration of women for war service. Nov. 7 — Patriotic mass meeting addressed by President James. Nov. 8 — Senate changed grading system from numerals to letters. Nov. 9 — Cornerstone of music building laid. Nov. 13 — Lecture by Benjamin Scovill, war entertainer behind the lines. Nov. 14 — Aviators took formal possession of Women's hall. War convocation addressed by Senator James Hamilton Lewis. Nov. 16 — Joint recital by Reinald Werrenrath and Lambert Murphey. Campus Scout ceased to exist. Nov. 17 — Women assumed charge of refreshment booths at dances to aid relief funds. Nov. 18 — Bugle service addressed by Miss Bertha Conde. Nov. 22— Y. M. C. A. war fund drive obtained $28,000. Nov. 22-23 — High school conference. Nov. 24 — Pierrot gave vaudeville show. Nov. 26 — Recital by Christine Miller. Nov. 25 — All-University service address b> Bishop Granville H. Sherwood. Nov. 29 — Thanksgiving service addressed by Rev. R. R. Reed. Pageant in Auditorium, "The sword of America." by W. C. Langdon. Football schedule: Illinois 22, Kansas o; Illinois 7. Wisconsin o; Illinois 44. Oklahoma 0; Illinois 27, Purdue o; Illinois 0, Chicago 0; Illinois o, Ohio 13; Illi- nois 6, Minnesota 27. Dec. 4 — St. Louis Symphony orchestra concert. Dec. 5— Annual convention Illinois mayors and municipal officials. War lecture by Dean Albion W. Small, "What America is fighting for." Dec. 6 — Annual glee club concert. Dec. 7 — Junior prom. Dec. ll — Choral society gave "The Messiah." Dec. 13 — Illinois won in debate with Iowa. Professors E. B. Greene and W. A. Oldfather released for war work in Washington. Professor E. R. Dewsnup granted leave of absence to enter military transportation service in England. Dec. 15 — Barrere ensernble concert. Trustees appointed general War committee v\nth Vice-President David Kinley as chairman, to coordinate and energize war activities. Dec. 14 — Lecture by Dr. Ale- jandro Alvarez, Chilean jurist, "Necessity of Reconstructing International Law." Illinois defeated Minnesota in debate. "Matrix," honorary journalist society, formed. Dec. 18 — Mask and Bauble gave "Rosalie" and "Modesty" in dramatic hour. Cadet brigade became R. O. T. C. Dec. 21 — Christmas vacation began. Dec. 30 — Professor Charles M. Robinson died. Jan. 4 — Harpsichord recital by Fannie Pelton-Jones. Senior banquet. Jan. 5 — Professor A. W. Nolan was appointed State supervisor of agricultural education. Jan. 7-9 — Ceramics short course opened. Jan. 10 — Violin recital by Theodore Speiring. Jan. 11 — Sophomore cotillion. Jan. 12 — Pageant, "A Christmas Mystery of the War," by W. C Langdon. Jan. i6--Lecture-visit of Miss Harriet Monroe. Jan. 18 — Highway engineering short course began. Jan. 21 — Minneapolis Sym- Annals Ixxix phony orchestra concert. Jan. 22 — Bradley Hall leased for barracks for U. S. S. M. A. Jan. 23 — Ben Greet players gave "The Merchant of Venice." Jan. 25 — Examinations began. Feb. 5 — Post exam jubilee. Feb. 9 — Lectures by Professor Fernand Baldensperger. Feb. 12-14 — Vocational conference for women. Feb. 12 — Lincoln day convocation. Feb. 14 — University service flag raised, with 2,960 stars. Feb. 20 — Lecture, "Interpreting War News," by Mr. S. J. Duncan-Clark. Feb. 21 — Concert by Zoellner string quartet. Feb. 16 — Mr. Frank C. Baker appointed curator of natural history museum. Feb. 22 — -Military ball. Feb. 23 — Water car- nival. Basketball schedule: Illinois 40, Milliken 15; Illinois 31, Milliken 13; Illinois 24, Wabash 9; Illinois 2-], Purdue 17; Illinois 28, Minnesota 17; Illinois 21, Wis- consin 22; Illinois 19, Chicago 2.2,; Illinois 38, Northwestern 22; Illinois 35, Ohio 21; Illinois 6, Purdue 29; Illinois 15, Wisconsin 22; Illinois 14, Northwestern 29; Illinois 20, Chicago 17. March i — Band concert. March 2 — Thrift and war stamp campaign at Uni- versity brought in $24,560. March 4-9 — Lectures and demonstration in folk danc- ing by Mr. Cecil Sharp. March 10 — All-University service address by Dr. C. W. Gilkey, Chicago, "Necessary Elements in World Democracy." Semi-centennial edi- tion of lllin'x. March 11 — Northfield discussion movement started. March 12 — Choral society gave "The Crucifixion." Trustees granted leave of absence to Pro- fessor Bogart for government service in national defence. March 13 — War con- vocation for women. March 14 — Coalition of Student council and Illinois, union. March 15 — "Ag. Round-up." March 16 — First women's mixer. Joint recital by Harold Bauer and Pablo Casais. March 18 — Lieut. Hector MacQuarne gave "A message from the front." March 19 — Mask and Bauble gave "Her Aviator" in dramatic hour. March 21-22 — Mask and Bauble gave "Seven Chances." Illinois won in debate with Michigan. March 24 — All-University service address by Dr. John Gardner, "Invested lives." March 25 — Chicago Symphony orchestra concert. March 26 — Gamma Epsilon Pi installed. April 4-7 — Better community conference. April 8 — War convocation addressed by Mr. B. F. Harris. April 10 — Mask and Bauble gave "The Pigeon" in dramatic hour. April 11 — Lectures on Russia and on "Honest Dollars" by Professor Edward Alsworth Ross. April 12 — Omicron Nu war food show. April 13 — Russian Symphony orchestra concert. April 16 — Capt. Thomas J. Smith, former trustee and donor of Tina Weedon Smith Memo- rial Hall died. April 16-17 — Illinois chemists and engineers convention. April 17 — University awarded honor flag for subscription of $111,000 to third Liberty loan. April 20 — Players club staged "Her Husband's Wife." April 26 — Celebration of Liberty day. April 27 — Arts and Crafts players gave "The Last Supper." "Nettie," "The Lost Silk Hat." and "Supressed Desires." April 27 — All-University address by Mr. Harry W. White. Y. M. C. A. Secretary to India. April 30 — Dr. Ben Zion Mossinsohn, Jaffa, lectured on "Reconstruction of Palestine." May I — Senior Illinae day. May 3 — Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi address by Professor William Lyon Phelps on "A Literarj^ Pilgrimage to England." Dean Fanny C. Gates resigned. May 4 — Council voted to establish proctor system of examinations. Conference of deans of colleges and universities of middle west. May 8 — War lecture by Mrs. Joseph London Smith on "The Children of the Fron- tier." Dr. Burt E. Powell, University historian, etc., resigned. Total subscriptions to third Liberty loan at University amounted to more than $200,000. May 10 — Sttmt show. May 14 — Choral concert. May 15 — Phi Delta Psi became national "Mortarboard." May i& — University led in parade launching Red Cross drive. "Mardi Gras" staged by women for War relief. May 24-25 — Clifford Deveraux players gave "The Romancers," "Ghosts." "The Bishops's Candlesticks," "Arms and the Man." May 25— Matrix became Theta Sigma Chi. May 26 — University Red Cross subscription amounted to $10,472. Sigma Alpha Nu installed. May 29 — Women's patriot rally addressed by Mrs. Ira C. Wood. Dean H. V. Canter granted leave of absence for overseas service in Y. M. C. A. University of Illinois Women's club formed. May 30 — War Pageant, "The Titans of Freedom," by W. C. Langdon. May 31 — Examinations began. Baseball schedule : Illinois 4, Mississippi 2 ; Illinois 4, Mississippi 2 ; Illinois 6. Milliken 3; Illinois 4, Ohio 3; Illinos 2, Purdue 3; Illnois 3. Iowa o; Illinois Q. Chicago 2 ; Illinois 5, Purdue 0, Illinois 4, Wisconsin ; Illinois 9. Chicago 6 ; Illinois 4. Michigan 8; Illinois 13. Wisconsin o; Illinois 2, Michigan 6.^ Track events: Illinois 6o5^, Notre Dame 565^; Illinois 70V2, Chicago 64;^; Illinois 811/^, Wisconsin 627^. Ixxx University of Illinois Tu„e Q-i2-Commencement week. June 9-Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Charles Ryan Adams, Champaign. June lO-Senior breakfast, class day, lawn festiva fenior ball. June ii-Alumni day. E. C. Craig '93, was elected presi- len of the Alumni association. At the annual meeting of the Association more than $1,200 was subscribed in support of the University Union ^ Euiope^ It wa announced that 3936 alumni, former students, and i^^embers of the f^J^^l^y ^f^^" war service Band concert and Presidents reception. June 12— Commencement Tddre's by Prelident James. Eight hundred and thirty-two degrees were conferred GROWTH OF THE UNIVERSITY BY YEARS Students Degrees 1 otal. Tc )tal. Biennial Year Faculty Ui Urbana -bana md Ur Urbana a 3 ana nd Books Bldgs. Income Ci licago Ch cago 1867-68 4 77 $ 72,7.53.85 1868-69 11 128 1,092 1869-70 19 ISO 3,646 133,278.72 1870-71 19 278 4,538 1871-72 24 381 20 7,307 193.102.47 1872-73 25 400 14 8,427 2 1873-74 25 406 19 10,000 3 123,459..30 1874-75 30 373 37 3 1875-76 27 386 28 3 183,870.11 1876-77 36 388 41 3 1877-78 29 377 42 4 170,999.43 1878-79 33 416 23 4 1879-80 30 434 25 i 2,550 3 133.088.89 1880-81 28 379 36 3 1881-82 26 352 34 13, '510 3 129,620.63 1882-83 24 382 36 3 1883-84 25 330 42 i4,ood 3 141,0.32.79 1884-85 27 362 45 3 1885-86 29 , 332 37 i 5,300 3 149.677.77 1886-87 29 343 30 3 1887-88 29 377 34 17,288 3 180,959.97 1888-89 30 418 26 3 1889-90 32 469 43 19,600 3 2.37,178.23 1890-91 39 519 49 3 1891-92 43 583 42 21, '2 16 4 359,144.14 1892-93 48 714 65 4 1893-94 67 718 69 5 491,940..55 1894-95 80 810 74 27. '7.50 6 1895-96 84 855 82 28.200 9 .594,938.40 1896-97 170 878 1,059 95 137 30,100 12 1897-98 184 1,034 1,582 89 232 36,990 13 607,632.00 1898-99 194 1.152 1,824 110 265 41,678 12 1899-1900 229 1,531 2,225 153 % 328 44,502 13 947,486.98 1900-01 242 1,709 2,505 174 • 388 47,074 15 1901-02 279 2,020 2,932 183 484 .52,717 18 1,363,716.08 1902-03 316 2.342 3,289 229 525 57,594 18 1903-04 351 2,674 3,592 312 677 66,639 19 1,814,863.78 1904-05 350 2,779 3,734 295 616 74,326 27 1905-06 408 3,225 4,091 313 618 83,136 27 2,166,372.29 1906-07 442 3,577 4,318 390 608 95,946 28 1907-08 472 3,959 4.746 408 721 108,283 32 3,102,761.42 1908-09 497 4,141 4.979 568 799 127,106 33 1909-10 538 4.323 5,118 584 766 157,836 35 3,199,832.34 1910-11 555 4,401 5,217 602 792 180,371 36 1911-12 583 4,340 5,200 646 856 209,529 44 4,294,952.88 1912-13 587 4,369 5.087 682 745 233,586 46 1913-14 704 4,766 5,539 851 1 032 262,926 47 5,622.928,87 1914-15 739 5,446 5,956 814 983 300,592 53 1915-16 762 5,878 6,437 932 1 126 330,895 60 6,263,763.93 1916-17 840 6,270 6,828 1036 1 223 379.045 64 1917-18 836 5.007 5.590 742 928 387,9991 66 6,354,8602 1 In addition there were on June 1, 1918, in the library at Urbana, 48,590 pamphlets, 2042 maps, and 4316 pieces of sheet music; the library of the State Laboratory of Natural History contained 9,938 volumes, 1200 pamphlets, and 8 maps; that of the State Geological Survey, 2,250 books 4,875 pamphlets, and 975 maps. In Chicago the College of Medicine had 19,526 volumes and 3,200 pamphlets; the School of Pharmacy, 3,350 books and 1200 pamphlets. The grand total on June 1, 1919 was 422,763 books, 60,071 pamphlets, and 3025 maps 2 Estimated. Ixxxi NOTE An attempt has been made to record concerning each graduate (i) full name, (2) degree or degrees, (3) present occupation, (4) date and place of birth, (5) narnes of parents and date and place of birth of each, (6) preparation for University, (7) membership in societies and fraternities, (8) university honors, (9) services and achievements, (10) membership and office in important organizations, (11) date and place of marriage, with name of husband or wife, (12) names of children and dates of births and deaths, and (13) present address. Unless otherwise noted, all degrees were received at Illinois. Under (7) much material that may seem trivial has been included because of the interest attaching to details of undergraduate life. Two addresses have in most cases been given, the home address being more or less permanent, the business address, being, especially for teachers, subject to frequent change. An asterisk (*) indicates that the person before whose name it stands is dead. A dagger (f) indicates that the person after whose biographical sketch it appears has not responded to letters and that the sketch has been prepared from such infor- mation as could be obtained elsewhere. Since mail addressed to these persons has not been returned the addresses are presumably correct. A double dagger ($) in- dicates that the address is the latest known, but incorrect. Biographies and addresses were revised in accordance with information received on or before May 9, 1919 for the class of 1872, and until May 20, 1919. for the class of 1918. In many cases the subjects of sketches have kindly submitted detailed lists of writings so long that they could not be included. These, together with all other material used in compiling this and earlier editions of the Alumni Record, are pre- served in the office of the Alumni Association. Additional material, corrections, photographs — anji:hing of biographical significance — sent to that office will be filed and preserved. The Editor is indebted to all who have helped in the compiling of the book, es- pecially to Thomas Arkle Clark, '90, fo» in formation about alumni in the war, and to Carl Stephens, '12, for daily assistance from the beginningto the end of the task, and for compiling the war service index and the accompanying statistics. May. iqi9. F- "W. S. Ixxxii BACCALAUREATE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CLASS OF 1872 (9 LIVING, 11 DEAD) I. MILO BENEDICT BURWASH Retired farmer; M. S. in Agr., 1892; b. D 3, i849> Quebec, Canada; s. Samuel (b. 1816, do.) and Lois (Barber) Burwash (b. 1826, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Philomathean. .-Iddress, 610 W. Green St., Champaign. 2. JOHN JEFFERSON DAVIS Curator of Herbarium; B. S. in Cham., 1878; b. N 4, 1852, Steplienson Co., 111.; s. John Andre (b. Pa.) and Amy (Springer) Davis (b. Malone. N. Y.). Prepared in Freeport H. S.; M. D., Hahnemann iMed. Coll., Chicago, 1875. Delta Tau Delta. Mem., Am. Botanical Soc; Am. Phytopath Soc. ; Forrey Botanical Club; Wis. Acad. Sc, Arts and Letters; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Wis. Archsol. Soc. Married .■\nna Margaret Snyder, 1882, Racine. Wis. Children: John Archibald, b. 1883; Marguerite, b. 1887. Address, Biology Bldg., Madison, Wis. 3. *HENRY N. DRURY (Brother of No. 40) Physician; B. S., 1895; b. N 29, 1847, Switzerland Co., Ind.; s. Henry (b. 1821, Massac Co., 111.) and Lydia (Bassett) Drury (b. Switzerland (Zo., Ind.). Prepared in Mason H. S.; M. 1)., Chicago, 1876. Med. Exam. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. ; M. W. A.; connected with I. O. G. T.; A. L. of H. Married Hattie Nurm, 1873, Champaign (died 1873); Mary E. Mann, 1883, Newton, 111. Children: Jean Paul, b. O 4, 1888; Lillian Lucile, b. My 26, 1891. Died 1913. 4. -ALFRED MURRAY FLAGG Cert.; b. Jl 10, 1848, Rochelle, 111.; s. Willard Parker (b. Je 8, 1808, Richmond, Vt.) and Lucy (Cochran) Flagg (b. My 19, 1812). Pre- pared in Acad., Alton. Capt., Univ. Regt. Studied law in Rochelle; admitted to bar, 1874; Lawyer and writer, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Besse- mer, Mich., Hurley, Mich., 1874-84; news writer and ed., Superior, Wis., Leader, and later of Forum, 1884-99; Ed. writer, Duluth News-Tri- bune, 1889, till death. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Jessie Marshall, 1878, Sioux Falls. Died N i, 1904, Duluth, Minn. 5. *MILES FAYETTE HATCH (Brother of Nos. 22, 237) Farmer and Real Est. Agt.; j\I. S. in C. E., 1893; b. Ap 17, 1847, Burton, 111.; s. Lewis (b. Ap 20, 1814, Washington (To., N. Y.) and Mandana (Cole) Hatch (b. Jl 22, 1825. Hill, N. H.). Prepared in Todd's Sem., Woodstock, and Bryant and Stratton's Cml. Coll., Chicago. PViilomathean; Scholarship. Contr., 1872-6; Saw Mill owner and operator, 1876-93; Farmer and Real Est. Agt., 1893 — . Married Tamar Ann Richardson, My 26, 1877, San Francisco. Child, Lewis Miles, b. N 28, 1880. Died Ja 21, 1919. 6. GEORGE HENRY LYMAN Real Est. and Abstract Bus.; Cert, in C. E. ; b. O 4, 1850, Farmingdale, 111.; s. Henry Pratt (b. Ag 10, 180S, Vt.) and Mercy Bannister (Sanders) Lyman (b. D 3, 1805, Bethel, Vt.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Philomathean. Asst. Div. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1872-5; Engr. for Cairo & Vincennes R. R., 1875-7; Const. Engr. for different railroads, 1877-8; Engr. in charge of Transfer Const., Cairo, and Asst. Chief of Cotton Belt Route, 1878-82; Asst. Supt., Little Rock, Ft. Smith, R. R., 1882-4; Real Est. and Abstract Bus., Ft. Smith Ark., 1S84— . Mem., A. F. A. M.: Knights Templar: Shrine; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Married Emma Stewart, Ja 16, 1873, Champaign. Child- ren: Georgiana, b. D 17, 1885; Henry Pratt, b. Mr 25, 1890. Address, 316 N. 6th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. 7. *JAMES NEWTON MATTHEWS Physician; M. L., 1891; b. My 27, 1852, near Greencastle, Ind.; s. William fb. 1819, Va.) and Deborah (Hopewood) Matthews (b. 1826, Ky.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., i\lason. First Matriculant in Univ. M. D., Mo. Med. Coll., 1878. Delta Tau Delta; Philomathean. Pres., Bd. of U. S. Pension Ex., Effingham, twelve yrs. Auth. : Tempe Vale and Other Poems, Chas. Kerr, 1888, 200 pp.; Poems by Alonzo Hilton Davis, with Memoir, 1891; The Lute of Life, Cincinnati, Horton and Co., 191 1, 348 pp.; many poems in current mags. One of the found- ers and V. P. of West. Assn. of Writers. Mem., Esculapian Med. Soc. and 111. St. Med. Soc. Married Luella Matthews, Je 2, 1878 (died F II, 1894); Madaline Wright, D 30, 1896. Children: William Vivian, b. Mr 28, 1879; James Riley, b. Te 10, 1883; Courtland Wade, b. D 14, 1897. Died Mr 7, 1910, Mason, 111. 8. CALVIN EBENEZER PARKER Physician: Cert.; b. S 7, 1850, Worcester, Mass.; s. E. W. (b. O 28, 1813) and C. A. (Allen) Parker (b. S 17, 1818, Mass.). M. D. Mo. Med. Coll., 1877. Married Martha E. Baker, 1872. Address, 2707 Dalton Ave., Los Angeles. t 9. 'ISAAC STUART RAYMOND (Father of Nos. 1262, 1263) Farmer; M. L., 1895; b. Ja 29, 1849, Ray- mond, O. ; s. Nathaniel (b. S 19, 181 1, Mt. Vernon, N. H.) and Melissa Stuart (Ballston) Raymond (b. D 9, 1818, Spa, N. Y.). Prepared in Peru and Champaign Pub. Sch. Philomath- ean. Pres., First Nat. Bank of Philo, six yrs.; Pres., The Citizens Bank. Tolono. five yrs.; Pres., The Champaign Co. Farmers Inst., twelve yrs.; Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1892-8: served thirty-seven yrs. as Sch. Trustee of Raymond Tp. and nineteen yrs. as Tp. Supvr. Mem., The Patrons of Husbandry, 111. Soc; S. A. R. Married Edith Eaton, O 27, 1875, Philo, 111. Children: John Eaton ('99). b. N 19 1876; Ruth Cleveland ('90), b. Je 8, 1878. Died Jl 19. 191S. Sidney, 111. 10. WILLIE ALBERT REISS Engr. and Surv.; M. S., 1894; b. Mr 31. i8S3. Belleville, 111.; s. Frederick (b. O 28, 1826, Ger.) and Susanna (Hopp) Reiss (b. Ag 27, University of Illinois [1872 1827, do.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. Attended Wash. Univ., St. Louis, one yr. Philomathean. C. E., M. C. V., & Ft. Scott R. R., 1873-4; Prin., Schs., 1874-88; Gen. Engr. and Surv., 1888 — . State Militia, 1876- 84; Deputy Co. Surv., St. Clair Co.; Deputy Co. Treas., part of one term. Mem., Bd. of Educ. (six yrs.); Univ. of 111. Club, St. Louis, (Pres. four yrs.); Illini Club, Belleville (Pres.); etc. Married Matilda Faas, S 26, 1882, Millstadt. 111. Children: Paula Helen, b. Jl 6, 1883 (died My 9. 1891); Elmer Fred, b. Ja 28, 1886; Ben Harry, b. Mr 31, 1889; Edwin Joseph and Edgar Rudolph, b. Ja 3, 1 89 1. Address, 200 Portland Ave., Belleville, Ill.t II. *STEPHEN AVERY REYNOLDS Lawyer; M. L. 1897; b. Jl 6, 1849, Mukwon- ago. Wis.; s. Edward Hinman (b. O i, 1823, Taghkanic, N. Y.) and Olive (Bidwell) Rey- nolds (b. Je 18, 1824, Dalton, Mass.). Prepared in Belvidere. Philomathean. Lawyer in Belvi- dere, Rockford and Chicago, 1880-99. Auth. : Fuller's Law Manual (with Hon. Chas. Fuller), Stephen Avery Reynolds & Co., Chicago, 1878; Lost Lac Labelle; Last Year's Leaves, and many other poems; contributed to various pub- lications, including home paper and Illini. Served in 3Sth and 36th Gen. Assem. of 111.; Justice of Peace, Belvidere, a number of yrs. Married Delia M. Fillmore, 1876, Champaign. Children: Edward F., b. Mr 19. 1877; Alpher- syne L., b. O 12, 1878; Frederick J., b. My 4. 1881. Died Ag 13, 1899, Elgin, 111. 12. THOMAS EDWIN RICKARD Retired Horticulturist; M. L., 1893; b. Jl 2, 1850, Springfield, 111.; s. Simon Peter (b. O 16, 1 82 1, Va.) and Sophia Jane (Earnest) Rickard (b. Ag 24, 1823, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Philomathean. Farmer, Springfield; Pres., Farmers & Merchants Bank of Hemet, Calif., 1907-11; Horticulturist, do. Capt. Com- manding (:o. A, Chicago fire. Mem., Presby. (ihurch, Trustee. Married Kate Eliza Board- man, N 26, 1879, Springfield, 111. Children: Frances Beatrice, b. O 23, 1880; Lucius Simon, b. Jl 26, 1882; Laurence Edwin, b. S I, 1884; Ernest Woodward, b. O 6, 1886; Howard Brown, b. D 1, 1889: Raymond Bonsall b. Je 2, 1892; Katharine Helen, b. Jl 28, 1900. Address, 201 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 13. NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER (Husband of No. 88; Father of No. 2224) Professor emeritus; B. S.; M. Arch., 1878; D. Arch., 1900; b. Jl 24, 1843, Acton, Me.; s. Gen. Ebenezer (b. Shapleigh, Me.) and Mary (Stacy) Ricker (b. 1821, do.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Me., and pvt. study.' Tau Beta Pi; Acacia; Sigma Xi: Alpha Rho Chi; Second Pres. Coll. Govt. Taught Country sch., 1861- 2; stud., Bauakadeniie, Berlin, summer sem., 1873; in charge Dept. of Arch., Univ. of 111., first two terms, 1872-3; Instr., 1873; Asst. Prof., 1874; Prof, of Arch., 187S-1917; Prof- emeritus, Ja ipi7 — ; Dean of Coll. of Engng., 1878-1905; relieved of adm. duties upon own request, 1910. Auth.: Graphic Statics and Trussed Roofs, 1884; Buls. of Engng. Exp. on Trussed Roofs, Exten. of Dewey Decimal System for Arch, and Building, Base and Bear- ing Plates for Columns and Girders; Transla- tion of Wagner's Moderne Architecktur, Brick- builder, 1902; translations from French and German made for Arch. Lib.; Hist, of Arch., 18 vols.; Arch. Design, 6 vols.; Dictionary of French Mediaeval Arch., 11 vols., nearly com- pleted; numerous articles and reviews in arch, iours. ; Inland Arch. Handbook to Chicago Pub. Lib.; Design and Const, of Roofs; Simplified Formulas and Tables; Graphic Statics and its Applications, in progress. Mem., Unitarian Church; 111. Bd. of Exam., 1897-1917; U. S. Assay C)omn., 1903; 111. Comn. on Bldg. Laws, igii. Arch, of Law Bldg., Armory, Nat. Hist. Hall of the Univ. of 111.; Lib. Bldg., do., with J. M. White; Expert Adviser, Competition for Carnegie Lib., Davenport, la.; Competition for H. S. bldg., Burlington, la.; Competition for St. Arsenal, Springfield, 111.; Competition for U. S. Dept. of Justice, Wash. D. C, 1910; Competition for Court House, Edwardsville, 111., 1913-14. Married Alary C. Steele ('75), Ag 25, 187s (died Ag 6, 1910). Child, Ethel ('04), b. Ap 12, 1883. Address, 612 W. Green St., Urbana. 14. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE (Father of Nos. 1407, 1759, 1957, 3525.) Professor emeritus and Farmer; B. S.; M. S., 1S78; b. Ap 17, 1850, Arlington Hgts., 111.; s. Charles Wesley (b. Me.) and Melissa Deette (Haven) Rolfe (b. N 5, 1829, near Sacket's Harbor, N. Y.). Prepared in Oswego. Philo- mathean. Asst., Nat. Hist., Univ. of 111., 1872- 3; Prill., Schs., Sidney, 1873-4; taught in Jennings, Sem., Aurora, 1874-6; Prin., Water- man. 1876-7; Supt., Schs., Kankakee, 1877-81; Teach. Nat. Sc. in Prep., 1881-4; Prof., Geol., Univ. of III., 1884-1917; Prof, emeritus, S 1 91 7 — . Married Martha Kinsman Farley, D 26, 1877, Oswego, 111. Children: Martha Deette Coo), b. Jl II, 1879; Mary Annetta ('02), b. Ap 3, 1881; Susan Farley ('03), b. O 13, 1882; Amy Lucile ('08), b. F 5, 1886. Address, 601 E. John St., Champaign. 15. *CHARLES WALLACE SILVER (Brother of No. 16.) Promoter; Cert.; b. Ap 25, 1852, Springboro, O.; s. Wallace (b. My 29, 1829, do.) and Rebec- ca (Mullin) Silver (b. D 11, 1830, do.). Prepared in LTrbana H. S. Philomathean. Admitted to bar, Kan., 1879; do.. 111., 1889; Merchant, Pres.. Bd. of Tr., etc., Lyons, Kan., 1880-9; Assoc, The Credit Co., 1889-1903; Promoter and Or- ganizer, 1903- — ; Sec. and Treas., Miravalles Co., Durango, Me.x.; Pres., Internal. Mex. Land, Lumber and Stock Development Co^ do. Auth.: Twentieth Century Conduct, or a Secu- lar Anathema on Fakery in Business, Social and Professional Life, 528 pp.; Ideals and Idealism (painphlet). Married Mary Snow Gurr, Ja i, 1S77 (died Mr 9, 1884); Mary Susan Wright, Ap 5, 1885. Children: Walter Gurr, b. S 30, 1877; Spencer Ferguson, b. D 23, 1888; Brooker Mullin, b. N 7, 1891; Myra Esther, b. N 15, 1896. Died Je 12, 1916, San Antonio. Tex. 16. 'HOWARD SILVER (Brother of No. 15) Teacher and Farmer; M. L., 1894; b. D 21, 1850, Springboro, O.; s. Wallace (b. My 29, 1829, do.) and Rebecca (Mullin) Silver (b. D II, 1830, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Adelphic. Married Edna E. Foster, S 1873. Chilcfren: Charles; Raymond; Minnie; Bertha; Edna. Died Jl 24, 1905, Oklahoma City, Okla. 17. *JARED TEEPLE Cert.; b. Ag 15, 1847, near Ingersoll, Oxford Co., Ont.; s. Pellum Cartwright (b. N 28, 1809, West Oxford, Ont.) and Mary Amelia (Gleason) Teeple (b. S 20, 1816, Rowe, Mass.). Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora; Todd Sem., Wood- stock. State Militiaman, on duty at the Chicago Fire 1871; Pvt. Sec. to Regent Gregory, Univ. of 111.; Recorder, U. S. Lake Sur., Detroit, 1872; Engr. in charge of Field Work, Carto- grapher and Computer, 1877; lumber dealer until 1884; Village Trustee, 1883; Police Jus- tice. 1886-7; retired from bus. in 1884. Joint Auth.: Engng. Dept., U. S. A.; Tables showing difference of level in feet, corresponding to a given angle, when the distance is read in metres i873l Baccalaureate Alumni or feet, and for Horizontal Reductions, for use with stadia, Washington Govt. Print. Office, 1879, 65 pp. Mem., West. Lit. Assn. Died A\) 2, 1 888, Nashville, Tenn. [It appears, after the book is in type, that Jared Teeple did not obtain a certificate. His name has been included in all previous editions of the Record. Editor] :8, *JACOB NORTON WHARTON B. S., 189s; b. 1846, Cassville, Pa. Prepared in Bement IL S. Teacher, III. and Kan., 1846- 1887; P. O. Clerk, Douglas Park. Chicago, 1887-1913. Married Emma R. Bailey, 1887. Died Jl 15, 1916, Maywood, 111. 19. *ALONZO LYONS WHITCOMB Physician and Farmer; M. L., 1894; b. Mr 30, 184S; s. Rollin (b. S 9, 1808, N. Y.) and Alma Taylor (Lyons) Whitcomb (b. D 31, 1819, Coalrain, Mass.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Philomathean. Phys. and Surg., St. Paul, 1889-1905; Phys. and Fruit Farmer, Rogers, Ark., 1905-9. Mem., 111. St. Med. Assn.; Champaign Co. Med. Soc. (Pres. 1885-7); Am. Med. Assn.; Ramsey Co., Minn. Med. Soc; Benton Co., Minn., Med. Soc; U. S. Pension Exam. Bd. Married Mattie Julia Beach, O 27, 1880. Children: Edwin, b. S 7, 1881; Alma Dwight, b. D 18, 1887 (died F 2, 1888); Dwight Cummins, b. Ap 24, 1891; Lois, b. D i, 1897. Died Ap 10, 1909, Rogers, Ark. 20. REUBEN O. WOOD Farmer; Cert.; B. S., 1895; b. N 30, 1845, Woodburn, 111.; s. Jonathan L. (b. Ja 18, 1803, Jonesboro, Wash. Co., Tenn.) and Aurora B. (Foster) Wood (b. S 5, 18:1 Winthrop, Mass.). Prepared in Sawyers Acad., Bunker Hill. Philo- mathean; Delta Tau Delta; Pres. Coll. Govt. Co. F., 133d 111. Inf. Volunteers, and Co. G., 150th 111. Inf. Volunteers. Militiaman at Chi- cago during the great fire in O 1871; Brev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Filled various positions as supt. in Co. Fair Assn. and political offices, such as Justice of the Peace, Assessor, High- way Commissioner, Tp. Supvr., Sch. Trustee, etc. Married Eliza J. Howell, Ja i, 1880. Ad- ilrcss, Woodburn, III. CLASS OF 1873 (11 LIVING, 4 DEAD) 21. CHARLES PEYTON GR.A.HAM Retired Minister; M. L., 1893; b. Ap 5, 1847, Oregon, Mercer Co.. Ky. ; s. James M. (b. Jl 14, 1811, Ky.) and Ellen (Ficklin) Graham (b. O 7, 1820, do.). Prepared in Pvt. Sch. near Eldorado, Mercer Co. Adelphic; charter mem. and first Sec, Y. M. C. A. Licensed as Presby. Minister, 1874; ordained, Winfield, Kan., 1879. Served number of churches (longest time with any, eleven yrs.) for 35 yrs.; called "The Church Builder of Kansas," having been instru- mental in building seven during his ministry; one of the speakers at the first Alumni Assn. meeting held Je 8, 1875. Mem., Emporia Pres- bytery, seventeen yrs.; represented that body in the Gen. Assem. of Presby. church in the U. S. A., convened in Portland, Ore., 1892; introduced in that meeting the first anti-tobacco resolution ever adopted by the denomination. Mem.. Bloomington, 111. Presbytery, 1892 — . Married Ellen Piggott, Ag 20, 1885, Chicago. Address, 1805 Cuyler Ave., Chicago. 22. FREDERIC LEWIS HATCH (Brother of Nos. s, 237) Farmer; M. S., 1891; b. N i, 1848, Spring Grove, 111.; s. Lewis (b. Ap 20, 1814, Hebron, N. Y.) and Mandana (Cole) Hatch (b. Jl 22, 1825, Hill, N. H.). Prepared in Dist. Schs. ; Elgin Acad. Philomathean; Agr. Club. Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1899-1905, also 1907-13; Pres., Bd. of Trustees, two yrs.; Supvr. Burton Tp., ten yrs. Pres., Agr. Soc. of McHenry Co., five yrs. Auth.: The Hundredth Man in Hort., Vol 28, 111. Hort. Rpt. ; various lectures published in Farmers Inst. Reports of 111. Mem., St. Dairymen's Assn.; Farmers' Inst. Given special recognition and a place in the Hall of Fame at the Univ. of Wis., F 8, 1918. Married Anna Melissa Reynolds, Belvidere, 111., Ja 3, 1876 (died Mr 26, 1896); Mrs. Ethelyn Baker Foster, D 21, 1905, Chicago. Address, Spring Grove, 111. 23. CHARLES IRVING HAYS Teacher; B. S., 1878; M. S., 1894; b. Je 28, 1851, Darke Co., O.; s. Samuel (b. 1812, Pa.) and Elizabeth (Martin) Hays (b. 1812, O.). Prepared in Pub. Sch. Adelphic, Pres. Mine Supt., Colo., 1884; Teaching, 1885—. Auth.: Best Methods of Raising House Plants, 1876. Deacon, Elder, of Church; Pres. of Colo. Acad, of Sc, 1901-2; Sec, Sc Sect. St. Teachers Assn., 1909-10; Pres., Sc. Sect. State Teach. Assn., 1910-11. Married Izamba A. Mcintosh, Tl 17, 1887. Children: Irving Winfield, b. N 30, 1880; Earle Samuel, b. O 16, 1891. Ad- dress, N. Side High .School, Denver. 24. AUGUSTUS L. HENNESSEY Farmer; Cert, in C. E.; b. D 10, 1847, LaSalle 111.; s. Thomas Walker (b. N 1811, Ire.) and Charlotte (Cadwell) Hennessey (b. Ja 1821, N. v.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Attended Niagara Univ., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1868-9. Adelphic. -\uth.: published the La Salle Tribune for some yrs. In U. S. Customs Service, Chicago, 1893- 4; later with Jour, of A. M. A.; engaged in citizens' culture. 191 3. Married Emma Bassett, Ja I, 1876 (died O 7, 1889). Children: Ethel, h. D 1878 (died Mr 1894); Enid, b. Ag 1880; Leroy, b. F 1882; Lora, b. My 1885. Address, Fellsmere, Fla. 25. *EDGAR LOUIS HILL Daii^yman and Farmer; B. S., 1895; b. N 28, 1848, Columbus, O.; s. John William (b. N 11, 1823, Hesse, Ger.) and Barbara Ellen (Clark) Hill (b. Ja 10, 1823, Worthington, O.). Pre- pared in Brothers Sch. Teutopolis; also a sch. in southern 111. Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Philomathean. Farming, 1882; Farming and Sheep Raising, 1889; Dairying and Farming, 1899-1905, Caro- lina, Porto Rico. Married Jennie M. Detmers, O 28, 1874, Manhattan, Kan. Children: William Henry, b. O 15, 1875; Edgar Louis, b. N 13, 1877; Mary Ellen, b. F 21, 1882; Charles Frederic, b. Ag 17, 1882; Edith, b. Ap 10, 1885 (died My 14, 1885); Freda Margaret, b. My 3, 1886; Robert Elsmere, b. Ja 5, 1889; Jeannette Barbara, b. Mr 4, 1892. Died O 10, 1905, Elgin, Tex. 26. *SAMUEL HOUSTON HOOK B. L., 1805; b. 1854. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Deceased. 27. "ANDREW T. MORROW (Father of No. 2187) Cert., 1S74; C. E., 1892; b. A% 2, 1845, Grant Co., Ind. ; s. Joseph (b. 1799, N. C.) and Mary (Smith) Morrow (b. 1810, Va.). Prepared in Jonesboro (Ind.) H. S.; State Norm. Sch., Oswego, N. Y. Philomathean. C. Engr., U. S. Lake Sur. most of time, 1871-8; Farmer, 1878- 88; with U. S. Engng. Dept. at large, 1891- 191 1. Married Harriet M. Case, F 7, 1878, Mendota, 111. (died S :o, 191 1). Children: Nelson ('04), b. N 6, 1879; Louise, b. Mr 13, 1882. Died Mr 6, 1914, Altamont, Kan. 28. JOHN AUGUSTUS OCKERSON C. Engr. and mem., Miss. Riv. Comn; B. S. in C. E., i8a8; D. Eng.. 1903; b. Mr 4, 1848, Skane, Sweden (came to U. S. 1851); s. Jons University of Illinois [1873 Akerson (b. 1796, Sweden) and Boel Jons (Dot- ler) Ockerson (b. 1803, do.). Prepared in Elm- wood H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., Adelphic; Pres., Coll. Govt. Level and Transit man, A. T. & S. F. R. R.; Asst., U. S. Lake Sun; Asst. Engr., Eads Jetties, 1876; Prin. Asst. Engr., Rliss. Riv. Improvement; Engr. and Mgr., Silver Age Min. Co., Colo., 1910- 11; Engr. in charge Colo. Riv. work. Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition, 1900; Chief Dept. Liberal Arts, La. Purchase Exposi- tion, 1902-5, and mem., Superior Jury of Awards. Mem., Miss. Riv. Comn., 1898 — U. S. Del. to Internat. Cong, of Merchant Marine, Paris, 1900; U. S. Del. to Internat. Cong, of Navigation, Paris, 1900; Res. Commissioner for Sweden, La. Purchase Exposition, 1903; U. S. Del. to Tenth Internat. Cong, of Navigation, Milan, Italy, 1905; also St. Petersburg, 1908, and Washington, 1912. Civ. War, i32d 111. Inf.; I St Minn. IIv. A., 1864-5. Decorations awarded by the following countries: Germany, •'Officer of the Crown"; Italy, '"Knight of the Crown"; Sweden, "Knight of the Order of V'assa", "Commander, Order of Vassa"; France, •'Officer Beaux .\rts" and JMerite de Agricole; Belgium, "Knight of the Order of Leopold"; China, "Order of the Double Dragon", ist grade. Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc, 1898; A. S. C. E., Pres. do., 1912; twice V. P. and twice Pres., St. Louis Engrs. Club; G. A. R.; Noon- day Club, St. Louis; Bellevive Country Club, do.; Pres., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. of St. Louis. Auth.: Numerous articles contributed to Trans. A. S. C. £.; Jot^r. Associated Engr- Socs.; Engr. Jour.; Proceedings Eighth Inter- nat Cong, of Navigation, Paris, 1900; do.. Tenth Cong., Milan 1905; nth Cong., St. Peters- burg, 1908; Engr. Cong., Glasgow, Scotland, 1901 and Official Reports. Married Helen M. Chapin, N 3. 1875. Detroit, (died Mr 1886) ; Clara W. Shackelford, Je 4, 1890, St. Louis., Address, 5305 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis. 29. PARLEY AGRIPPA PHILLIPS Farmer and Stock Raiser; M. L., in Agr., 1894; b. My 28, 1840, Damascus, 111.; s. Nor- man (b. O 15, 1801, Plainfield, N. J.) and Phila Ann (Martrine) Phillips (b. 1822, Albany, N. Y.). Prepared in Rock Riv. Sem. Philoma- thean; Y. M. C. A. Magistrate, four yrs.; Damascus, 111., 1873-84; Madison, Miss., 1884— ] Appointed Election Commissioner by Gov. of Miss. Mem., Co. G, 92nd 111. Volunteers for five months, 1865. Farmers Grange P. H., 1873- 84; Farmers Alliance, 1893. Address, Madison Sta., Miss. 30. FRANKLIN CARPENTER PLATT Retired Judge; M. L.. 1893; t. Ag 20, 1854, Warren, 111.; s. John D. (b. N 1824. Otsego Co., N. Y.) and Julia E. (Carpenter) Piatt (b. 1824, do.). Prepared in Warren H. S.; LL. B., Union Coll. of Law, Chicago. Adelphic. Treas., la. Universalist Convention, two yrs., Pres. do., six yrs.; Practised law in Dow City, la., and Waterloo, la., 1876-98; appointed Judge 10th Jud. Dist. of la., i8g8; elected to that office, 1898, 1902, 1906, 1910; Voluntarily re- tired from the bench Ja i, igiS- Served as Capt. under Col. Snyder on guard duty at Chicago fire. Pres., Waterloo Saddlery Co., V. P., Coml. Nat. Bank of Waterloo, organized by his father and himself in 1883; V. P. of Waterloo and Cedar Falls Union Mill Co., one of the authors of the bill providing for the City Mgr. plan of City Govt., now a law of la.; address on this subject, delivered before the Waterloo Rotary Club, published in The Rotar- ian in 191 7. Judge Advocate of the Waterloo Service League and the Waterloo Vigilance Corps, and Chm. of the Waterloo Council of Defense. Married Delia Mary Phelps, Ap 21, 1887, (died Mv 7, 1907); Myrtle R. Sarvay, Je IS. 1909, Carthage, N. Y. Children: Franklin G. (died in infancy) ; Alice Virginia, b. Ja 28, 1893; Elda May, b. N 19, 1895. Address. 515 E. 3rd St., Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 406 Com- mercial Bldg., do. 31. ELIJAH NEWTON PORTERFIELD Real Est. and Loan Bus.; C. E., 1894; b. Ag 18, 1851. Worthington, Pa.; s. James B. (b. Ag 10, 1826, do.) and Elvira Henrietta Porter- field (b. Mr 5, 1829, do.). Prepared in Sidney H. S. Adelphic. Bellair La. Sugar Planta- tion, 1874-6; Eureka Springs, Ark. Ry. Con- tracting, 1881-2; Kearney. Neb., 1883; Co. Surv., Buffalo Co., Neb., twelve yrs.; City Engr., Kearney, Neb., eight yrs.; dealer in Real Est. Loans, 1902 — . Married Avis Scott, F 28, 1889, Kearney, Neb. Address, 4344 Wetherby St., San Diego, Calif. 32. *HENRY EDWIN ROBBINS (Husband of No. 89) M. S., 1891; b. O 6 1847, Springfield, N. Y.: s. Joseph (b. 1809, Belchertown, Mass.) and Emma (Bates) Robbins (b. 1819, Kensington, Eng.). Prepared in Gram. Schs., N. Y. City. Ph. D., Wesleyan, Bloomington, 1888. Supt., Schs., Lyons, la., twelve yrs.; Pueblo, Colo., 1894-6; Univ. of Chicago, 1896-9. Invented a force pump in 1870. Auth.: Many published speeches and addresses; contributed to several educ. jours.; Camping on the Miss., a book for boys. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32d degree; Mystic Shrine. Married Margaret Esther Stewart ('75), D 31, 1879. Child, Alice May, b. Ap 6, 1882. Died F 6, 1889, Chicago. 33. ALEXANDER CULBERSON SWARTZ Architect; B. S. in C. E., 1878; b. Ja s, 1846, Westmoreland, Co., Pa.; s. Henry (b. 1801, Pa.) and Margaret (Gardner) Swartz (b. 1806, do.). Prepared at home. Philomathean. Instr. in Arch, and Math., Univ. of 111., 1 873-7; Locating Engr. on Santa Fe from Kansas City to Chicago; Archs. and Engrs., Swartz and Swartz. Fresno, Calif.; First Asst. in first R. R. Sur. over Marshall Pass, 1877; had important part in great railroad war for possession of the Grand Canyon of the Ark., 1877-8, between the Sante Fe and D. & R. G. Cos. Served as pvt. in Chicago, 1871. Mem., Christian Church. Married Charlotte Ellen Lloyd, D 10, 1878, Areola, 111. Children: Howard S., b. Ja 19. 1882 (died Ag 6, 1909); Fred L., b. Je 9, 1885; Burton A., b. O 5, 1887. Address, Fresno, Calif. 34. EDGAR JAMES WILEY B. S. in L. A. & S., 1918, as of the class of 1873; b. Jl 1848, Otisco, Mich.; s. James Wiley. .Address, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 35. LOUIS EDWARD WILLIAMS Lawyer; M. S., 1894; b. Je 7, 1850, Keokuk; s. William Henry (b. N 18, 1803, Argyle, N. Y.) and Abby Lydia (White) Williams (b. Je 20 1814, Putney, Vt.). Prepared in Perry, Pike Co., 111.; New Ipswich, Appleton Acad., N. H.; B. L., Keokuk Coll. of Law, 1884. Two vrs., Co. Surv., Lee Co., la.: Teacher and Prin, 1873-84; Lawyer. Real Est., Abstracts, Loan and Ins. Agt., 1884. Chm., St. Conven- tion which organized la. Branch, Nat. Farmers' Alliance and several yrs. St. Sec. and St. Lec- turer, do.; Twice Chm. of Com. on Resolutions, Nat. Alliance, and two yrs. Nat. Lecturer; Thrice Pres., Scientific Soc, Univ. of 111. Married Laura Jane Steadman. My 4, 1880, Henrv Co., la. (divorced F 6, 191 1). Child- ren: Eva Theodora, b. Je 13, 1883; Bertha E., b. Ap I, 1885 (died N 1886); Paul William, b. N 18, 1888; Ralph Steadman, b. Mr 28. 1891. Address, 24 N. 5th St., Estes Bldg., Keokuk. iS74] Baccalaureate Alumni CLASS OF 1874 (14 LIVING, 5 DEAD) 36. IRA OSBORN BAKER (Father of Nos. 1454, 2315, 2316, 2886.) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; C. E.. 1878; D. Eng., 1903; b. S 23, 1853, Linton, Ind.; s. Hiram Walker (b. Mr 11, 1826, Lewiston, N. Y.) and Amanda (Osborn) Baker (b. S 3, 1825, Linton, Ind.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic. Asst., C. E. and Phys., Univ. of 111., 1874-8; Instr., C. E., 1878-9; Asst. Prof., 1879-1880; Prof., 1880 — ■; in charge C. Engng. Dept., 1879-1915. Auth. : Treatise on Masonry Const., 1889, '99, '09; Leveling Durability of Brick Pavements, 1892; Engr's. Sur. Instru- ments, 1893; Roads and Pavements, 1903, '13, '18; besides various arts, in engng. jours, and proceedings of Engng. Socs. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Western S. of C. E.; Soc. Prom, of Engng. Educ, Pres., 1893-4, 1899-1900; 111. Soc. of Engr., Pres., 1887-1889; Mem., Congr. Church. Married Emma Burr, Ag 15, 1877 (died Je 21, 1911); Mrs. Angie Ewing Ritter, Ag 7, 1913. Children: Horatio W^eber ('01), b. Jl 9, 1879 (died Jl 8, 1915); Imo ('05), b. Je 26, 1882; Cecil Franklin ('07), b. N 19, 1883; Ira Webster ('05), b. Mr 17, 1884. Address, 1106 W. California St., Urbana. 37. JOHN P. CAMPBELL Physician (retired); M. L., 1893; M. D.; b. Je 25, 1847, O. Prepared in Common Schs. Retired Phys., Pharm. and Farmer. Address, Ft. Garland, Colcf 38. *ALICE CHEEVER (BRYAN) (Mother of Nos. 2597, 3298) M. L., 1892; b. Ja II, 1854, Elm Grove, 111.; d. Daniel Arnold (b. Jl 26, 1827, Providence, R. I.) and Sarah Reed (Walker) Cheever (b. Ap I, 1829, Deering, N. H.). Prepared, Peoria H. S. Alethenai, (one of the founders, the first Sec, and later Pres.); first woman V. P., Stud. Govt.; V. P., Class. Teacher in pub. schs. and teacher of music until 1878. Mem., Congr Church; Champaign Social Sc. Club; the first sec. of the class of 1874, served till the time of her death. Married Alphonso Hunt Bryan, N 19, 1878, Peoria, (died N 27, 1910). Children: Helen (Gordon ('06), b. Mv 3, 1883; Sarah Elizabeth ('08), b. Je 15, 1886. Died Ap 10, 191 7, Champaign. 39. ^GREGORY GABRIALIAL DABRAS- KIAN Farmer; B. S., 1895; b. Ap 15, 1842, Nico- mita, Turkey; s. James Gerigorial and Noon- yah Gregory (b. liscutory, Constantinople, Turkey). Farming in Bakdjedjck, Turkey Mem. Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Died Ag 16, 1906, Bakdjedjck, Turkey. 40. EBENEZER LEWIS DRURY (Brother of No. 3) Attorney; M. L., 1894; b- O 17, 1850, Ben- nington, Ind.; s. Henry (b. 1823, Ft. Massac, 111.) and Lydia (Bassett) Drury (b. 1823, Bennington, Ind.). Prepared in ^lason H. S. Philomathean. Teacher, 1874-7; Law Stud., 1877-9; Admitted to bar in 1880; Practiced Law in S. Dak, 1880 — . Mem., Co. Univ. Cadets called out at request of Gov. to do police duty in (Chicago at time of great fire in 1871. Mar- ried Mary Ochsner, Lone Rock, Wis., N, 1885. Children: Mary L., b. 1893: Joseph H., b. 1897. Address, Chamberlain, S. Dak.t 41. HERBERT EATON (Brother of No. 65) Farmer; B. S., 1895; b. O 14. 1849. Phalanx, Monmouth Co., N. J.; s. Lucius (b. Ag 7. 1814, Hancock, Vt.) and Lucy (Cleveland) Eaton (b. Je II, 1824, North Hector, N. Y.). Mar- ried Grace E. Baker, N 19, 1881, (died Ap 2, 1900, Bloomington). Children: Amy Pearl, b. Ap 21, 1883; Howard Lucius, b. F s, 1888; Berenice Loveday, b. Mr 5, 1896; Ralph Parker, b. Ag s, 1898. Address, Bridgeton, N. J.t 42. *WILLIAM C. ELLS C. E., 1892; b. i8s4, O., s. Erastus Ells. Died F 26, 1896, Kansas City, Mo. 43- HARVEY CULLEN ESTEP (Brother of Nos. 175, 176) C. Engr.; C. E., 1903; b. Ag 13, 1852, Paris, O.; s. Isaiah and Sevilla (Smith) Estep. Delta Tau Delta. Specialized in R. R. location and Const.; held various positions including Asst. Engr., O. R. & N. Co. & N. P. R. R. in Ore., Wash., Idaho and Mont., etc., 1874-1900; Prin. Asst. Engr., St. L. R. R. Co., Minneapolis, 1900-3; Asst. Engr., N. P. R. R. Co., Lewiston, Idaho, 1905; Engr., St. L. R., S. Dak., 1906; Dist. Engr., Milwaukee, R. R., Idaho, 1907-8; Asst. Engr., G. N. R. R., Wenatchee, Wash., 1909; Asst. Engr., Grand Trunk R. R., South- bridge, Mass., 1910-; Engr., Const. Grand Trunk Ry., Providence, R. I. Married (jer- trude M. McConsland (died My 15, 1909); Mrs. Jennie Hobbs, N 22, 1910, Seattle. Children: Harvey Cole, b. S 27, 1886; Adrian Clarence, b. S 9, 1889. Address, Waterman, Kitsap Co., Wash. 44- CHARLES WILLIAM FOSTER Violinist; Cert, in Agr.; B. S. in Agr., 1914; b. Mr 27, 1854, Wortley, Eng.; s. Charles (b. D 1800, Rotherham, Eng.) and Mary (Robin- son) Foster (b. Je 11, 1817). Prepared by pvt. tutors. Philomathean. Organized and con- ducted the first Univ. orchestra and also con- ducted the first male chorus composed of Univ. students. Dir. of Mus., Univ. of 111., 1894-5. Auth. of many articles for musical papers; a War Song, 191 7, We Want The Kaiser's Helmet Now (words and music). Married Alethea M. Burnap, S 24, 1894, Champaign. Children: Alice E., b. S i, 1898; Alethea M., b. Mr 6^ 1902. Address, 713 W. Green St., Champaign. 45. PANAGIOTTIS GENNADIUS B. S., in Agr., 1878; b. 1846, Athens, Greece. Dir. of Agr. Address, Nicosia, Cyprus. (}). 46. CHARLES PERRY JEFFERS Pharmacist; M. S., 1894; b. Ja 30, 1853, Lyndon, 111.; s. Perry L. (b. Enfield, N. H.) and Philena (Fitch) Jeffers (b. Pa.). Prepared at Lyndon, 111.; attended Mass. Coll. of Phar- macy. Pres., Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Choral Soc; Univ. Band. Asst., Chem. Lab. Clerk for S. A. Sheppard & Co., Boston., 1875; do., J. A. Blake, Ipswich, Mass., 1876-81; opened bus. as prop, of Pharmacy in Swampscott, Mass., 1881; opened branch store, do., 1898. Deacon, Congr. Church; mem., Salem Oratorio Soc, several yrs. ; Pres., Swampscott Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; First Pres., Boston's Assn. of Univ. of 111. Alumni. Married Elizabeth B. Stockes, D 25, 1875, Ipswich, Mass. (died Ag 1888); Clara M. Colcord, My 12, 1892, Swamp- cott. Children: Leroy, b. Ag 25, 1876; Lyndon B., b. Mr 14, 1885; Perry C. b. Ap 4. 1893- Address, 164 Humphrey St., Swampscott, Mass. 47. WILLIAM S. PICKRELL (Brother of No. 81) Farmer; M. S., 1892; b. F 9, 1851, Me- chanicsburg. 111.; s. William Smith (b. Mr 28, 1807, Montgomery Co., Ky.) and Amanda Priscilla (Watson) Pickrell (b. Ap 10, 1816, Mason Co., do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Live Stock farming, 1874- 85; Elec Lighting & Gas, 1885-95; Ostrich University of Illinois [187s Farming, 1895- — . Married Georgiana M. Keith, N 15, 1883, Chicago. Children: John Keith, b. F 3, 1885; Abbie Beatrice, b. D 12, 1887; William Smith, b. Mr 27, 1896. Address, 364 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. 48. JOHN LARKE PIERCE (Brother of No. 82) Loans and Ins. Bus.; B. L., 1878; b. Ag 24, 1853, Canaan, Conn.; s. William Gifford (b. N 27, 1816. do.) and Jane E. (Adam) Pierce (b. N 16, 181 5, do.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S.; Knox Acad., Galesburg, 111. Beta Theta Pi; Philomathean; One of the Eds. of Student, and of Illini. Practiced law, Cham- paign, 1879-83; Mgr. Omaha Mercury, a law puDlication, 1896-1902; Deputy Aud. and Ins. Commissioner of Neb., 1903-9; City Atty., 1882-3; engaged in business. Farm Loans, Norfolk, Neb., 1883-1892; Real Est., 1892-6; V. P., Lincoln Accident Ins. Co., and mem., Ins. firm of Pierce & Hatfield; also connected with Security Savings and Loan Assn., 1910 — . Married Margaret Harris, My 20, 1880, Cham- paign. Children: William Dwight, b. N 16, 1881; Roy Gifford, b. O 23, 1884; Paul Harris, b. O 3, 1887. Address, 1545 S. 19th St., Lincoln, Neb. 49. *FRANCES ADELIA POTTER (REYNOLDS) (Wife of No. so; Mother of 6562) r" Author; B. L.; b. Mr 13, 18/5, Albion, -^ Mich.; d. Aaron (b. Ap 9, 1820, Ft. Edward, N. Y.) and Frances Augusta (Shaw) Potter (b. My 31, 1830, do.). Prepared at home. Charter mem., Alethenai; Stud. Govt.; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Eng. at Judson Univ., -' 1875-77; 111. 1877-80; Mont., 1880-91; Provi- dence, R. I., 1891-1918. Has written constantly for publication since graduation, publishing stories, verse, descriptive letters and articles on religious and educ. subjects; reviewer of current literature since 1876. Auth. : Serials, Through Devious Ways, Ich Dien; Rose Cot- tage; The Phantom Flower; Winifred's In- heritance; An Autograph of Stone; The Senior's Vacation; etc. One of first two woman mems. of Mont. Press Assn.; mem.. Home and Foreign Mission. Socs. ; Charter mem., R. I. Short Story Club; Mont. Press; Citizens' Hist. Assn. Married Henry Sheldon Reynolds, ('74), Je 10, 1874, in Univ. parlors by Regent Gregory. Children: Vinton Irving, b. D 16, 1878; Ernest Shaw (g'09), b. D 7, 1884; Paul Rea, b. Je 15, 1889 (died 1891); Frederick Aaron, b. My 14, 1894 (died O 26, 1918). Died Mr 17, 1919, Providence, R. I. 50. HENRY SHELDON REYNOLDS (Husband of No. 49; Father of 6562) Retired Teacher and Farmer; B. S., 1878; M. S., 1879; b. S 19, 1849, Providence, R. I.; s. Jeremiah Anthony (b. My 11, 1820) and Charlotte S. (Vinton) Reynolds (b. S 13, 1822). Prepared in country schs. and St. Norm. Sch., Bloomington, 111. Ph. D., Judson Univ., 1882. Scientific and Adelphic. Taught Chem. and Nat. Hist., Ark., 1875-7; farming, two yrs. ; grad. course in Univ.; Prospector and As- sayer in Colo, and Mont.; taught one yr. ; Supt., Concentrator; Rancher, six yrs.; Prof., Nat. Sc, Union Coll., Lincoln, Neb.; religious work with Pub. Soc. last seven yrs. ; held church offices and different offices connected with Franklin Soc. of Providence; Sc. Soc. Organ- ized, 1822; Hist. Assn.- League of Improve- ment Soc. Number of Geol. lectures delivered there as. From Mine to Mint; Some Common Fossils; Along the Shore; and other R. I. lec- tures; letters of travel. Married Frances Adelia Potter ('74) Je 10, 1874, Urbana. Children: Ernest Shaw (g'09), b. D 7, 1884; Paul Rea, b. Je 15, 1889, (died 1891); Frederick Aaron, b. My 15, 1894 (died O 26, 1918). Ad- dress, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. 51. CHARLES AUGUSTUS SMITH Draftsman; B. S., 1874; b. Ja 12, 1849, Baden, Ger. ; s. Charles (b. Ap 15, 1821, Gar.) and Katharena (Leicht) Smith (b. Ja i, 1816). Prepared in pvt. H. Schs. and home studies. Adelphic; Telegraphic Soc; Band. Invented Reversing Link for Steam Engine, Pat., No. 203,662, 1878; Metallic Scale for Draftsmen, Pat. No. 287,480, 18S3; "T" Square, No. 307,419, 1884; Scale Holder for Draftsman, No. 332,958, 1885; Metallic Triangle for Draftsmen, No. 437,870, 1890; also the fol- lowing inventions not patented. The Over- hanging Arm Brace for Milling Machines; Blue Print Frame; Automatic two-gear Coaster and Brake for Bicycles. Auth.: Arts, for the Atn. Machinist, Balancing Engines; Cushion Bal- ance; Steam Engine Economy; New Reversing Link for Steam Engines, Van Nostrand's Engr. Mag.; Iniproved Method of Finding the Diam- eters of (Tone & Step Pulleys, Trans, of A. S. M. E., V. 8, p. 464; also many others along engng. subjects. Married Mary Jewett Trafton, Ap 29, 1884, Central Falls, R. I. Address. Tampico, Ill.-f 52. GEORGE STORY U. S. Mineral Surv. ; C. E., 1894; b. Ap 10, 1853, Buffalo, N. Y. ; s. Joseph Story. Engr. and Surv. in So. Calif., 1880 — ; Deputy Co. Surv., San Diego, Co.; Asst, Engr., Calif. So. R. R., 1880-ij Pres., Location and Bridge Work; Deputy (Jo. Surv., San Luis Obispo, Calif., 1882; Co. Surv., do., 1886-92; City Engr., do., 1883-94; do., 1895-1915; Dept. St. Mineralogist, Calif.; Engr. and Surv., San Luis Obispo, Calif., 1915-18; U.- S. Mineral Surv., 1918 — ; Pres. Bd. of Educ, San Luis Obispo, Calif.; V. P., Co. Bd. of Educ, do. Mem., Bd. of Health, do.; A. F. A. M.; K. T.; K. P. Married Captola Evans, F 24, 1886, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Address, 1342 Garden St., San Luis Obispo, Calif. 53. WILLIAM WATTS Phys. and Surg.; B. S., 1895; b. F 6, 1854, Farmingdale, 111.; s. Charles (b. Ja 10, 1804, N. H.) and Elizabeth (Innis) Watts (b. D 31, 1813, County Down, Ire.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. M. D., Univ. of Mich., 1878. Delta Tau Delta; Capt., Univ. Regt. Teacher, 1874-5; Phys. and Surg., 1878 — . Mem., Am. Inst, of Horn.; late Mai. and Surg., O. Nat. Guard, 1900-5. Married Emelie C. Shunck, O 20, 1884. Children: Edna Imogene, b. Ja 10, 1886; Fred- erick W., b. O 19, 1887. Address, 1035 Superior St., Toledo, O. 54. 'WALTER WARD WHARRY B. S., 1895; b. 1851, 111; s. Evans Wharry. Died Je 28, 1896, Sycamore, 111. CLASS OF 1875 (25 55. LAURA MORRIS ANDERSON (GREENHALGH) B. L., 1895; b. Lexington, Ky.; d. C. N. (b. Ky.) and A. J. (Noble) Anderson (b. do.). Pre- pared in Champaign Sem. Mem., M. E. Church. Married J. R. Greenhalgh, 1880. Champaign. Address, 217 E. 12th St., Oak Cliff, Dallas, Tex.t LIVING. 12 DEAD) 56. "DE LONSON ELROY BARNARD (Father of No. 2318) B. S. in Agr.. 1895; b. Ag 22, 1852, Porter Co., Ind.; s. Oliver W. (b. Ag 4. 1828) and Mary Jane (Williams) Barnard (b. F 10, 1832, Wayne Co., Ind.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic. Dairying, 1887; Supt., Machine Shop, 1889; Supt., Aermoter Co., i875] Baccalaureate Alumni 1894; Supt., Fairbanks-Morse, 1898; Supt Temple Pump Co. Invented Windmill, 1894. gas engine, 1898; steel tower; speed-changing driving and reversing devices for grinder, 1900- 05; improvement on explosive motor, 1905; motor vehicles, 1905. Married Kate L. Bord- well, D 12 1877, Manteno 111. Children: Rubv Allison, b. Je 28, 1880; Lela Ethelyn ('05), b. N 17, 1882; Glenn Milton, b. Ag 13, 1885. Died Ap 4, 1905, Chicago. 57- ARTHUR ELLIS BARNES (Brother of Nos. 256, 303.) Mining; B. S. in Chem., 1878; b. Je 18 1855, StOckbridge, Vt.; s. Oramel Churchill (b. S 9 1829, Bridgewater, Vt.) and Caroline (Ellis) Barnes (b. F 20, 1829, Norwood, Mass.). Pre pared in Champaign H. S. Tutor, Univ. of 111., 1873-7; Drug bus. 1877-86; Mortgage and Loan bus., 1886-91; Mfr. of high grade clay bldg. products, 1891-6; Elec. insulation, 1896- 1904; Mgr., water co., 1904-7; Min., 1907 — -. Original research work upon heavy insulation material. Married Kittie Wheeler, O 7, 1885, Topeka, Kan. Children: Helen, b. Ja 24, 1888; Katherin, b. Jl 7, 1892; Gladys, b. Jl 3, 1903. Address, Goldfield, Nev.f S8. DILLON S. BROWN (Father of No. 7412) Banker; M. S., 1892; b. My 12, 1852, Genoa, 111.; s. Jeremiah Libby (b. Ap 17, 1805, Scar- borough, Me.) and Eliza Ann (Jackman) Brown (b. My 26, 1826, Shadigee, Franklin Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Sycamore, 111. and Univ. Acad. Scientific; Philomathean. Practicing Veterin- ary, 1877-81; Gen. Store, 1880-1882; Banker 1882 — . Two terms Pres. Village Bd.; six terms Pres. Bd. of Educ; two terms Supvr.; Pres., De Kalb Co. Sale Improvement Assn. Married Emily E. Pond, My 16, 1878, Genoa, 111. Children: Claude, b. Mr 15, 1880 (died O 23, 1886): Earle W., b. Jl 30, 1882; Bayard ('16), b. My 21, 1891 (died O 11, 1918); one daughter and one son died in infancy. Address, Elizabeth (Osborn) Coddington (b. Mr 22, 1829). Prepared in Menomonie (Wis.) H. S. Arch. 1878-85;- Planing Mill, 1885-91; Arch. 1891-98: Planing Mill, 1898-1901; Bridge and Mech. Engr., 1901 — Patents on Split Pulleys, 1890 and 1891. Married Alice Lee ('75). Je 21, 1876, Champaign. Children: Corinne, b. 1877; Samuel Cecil, b. 1881; Adah, b. 1884; Lee, b. 1885 (died i888); Clyde, b. 1887; Ruth, b. 1889- Paul, b. 1892. Address, 237 36th St., N. Mil waukee. 62. *FRANKLIN PIERCE DOBSON Engineer; B. S. in C. E., 189-;; b. N 16, 1852, Belle Plain, 111.; s. Charles (b. Doncaster, Eng.) and Mary Elizabeth (Perry) Dobson (b. Ky.). Prepared in Minonk Pub. Schs. Pres., Philo- mathean. R. R. Maintenance, Const:, operation and surs. Mem. Baptist Church; West. Soc. Engrs. jMarried i\Iary F. Miltimore, D 1875, Janesville, Wis. (died F 1887); Carrie R. Top- ping, Mr 1892. Children: Ella, b. Ag 1895; Harriet, b. Ap 1900; Altred Topping, b. Mr 1902. Died Ag 25, 1906. 63. BURLEIGH ARTHUR DUNLAP (Brother of No. 423; Father of Nos. 6212, 7493) Lawyer; B. S. in C. E., 1895; b. D 4, 1852, Cook Co., 111.; s. Menzo (b. D 19, 1816, Pulaski. N. Y.) and Arabella (Pierce) Dunlap (b. Ap 28, 1825. Sandy Creek, N. Y.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. Stud, till 1881; Lawyer, 1881— . Married Clara J. Busey, My 16, 1888, Urbana. Child- ren: Mathew E. ('14), b. S 10, 1891; Francis E. ('16), b. Mr 5, 1894. Address, 154 W. Ran- dolph St., Chicago., Genoa, 111. / 59. RALPH LEE BROWN (Father of No. 2592; Brother of No. 165) Banking and Real Est.; B. L.; M. L., 1881; b. F 17, 1852, Marengo, III.; s. Milo S. (b. 1826, Burns, N. Y.) and Hannah M. (Drake) Brown (b. 1830, Cuyler, N. Y.). Prepared in Marengo H. S. Philomathean, Pres. Teaching to F, 1882; Loan and Real Est., 1882-90; Abstracting and Real Est., 1890-1899; Banking, Abstracting and Real Est., 1899 — , with Brown Brothers St. Bank and Trust Co. Mem., M. E. Church; Supt., S. S. and on official bds., etc.; Aber- deen, S. Dak.; Social So. Club. Married Mary L. Manley, Je 9, 1880, Tolono, 111. Children: Paul M. ('06), b. Ap 30, 1883; Norma M., h. N 24, 1886; Clinton F., b. Je 13, 1890. Address, c/o Brown Bros. Corp., Aberdeen, S. Dak. 60. AMANDA CAMPBELL (MOORE) (Mother of No. 31 16; Sister of No. 94.) M. L. in L. & S., 1803; b. Ap 10, 1853, Coshocton, O.; d. Patrick Steele (b. F 12, 1804, Westmoreland Co., Pa.) and Rachael (Mitchell) Campbell (b. Ap 30, 1814, Cecil Co., Md.). Cbarter Mem. and Pres., Alethenai. Taught sch., 1875-9; Winona Reading Circle, 1899-1900; Miss. Soc. Presby. Church. Married Milton Moore, Mr 10, 1880, Philo, 111. Children: Harold, b. Je 6, 1883, (died Je 8, 1883); Mabel D., ('07), b. Mr 28. 1885; Bertha Louisa, b. F 22, 1887; Herbert Campbell, b. Je 18, 189.", (died D ig, 1894). Address. Clinton Ill.t 61. VANTILE WILLIAM CODDINGTON (Husband of No. 73; Brother of No. 262.) Engineer; B. S. in Arch., 1895; b. Jl 5, 1852, Linton, Ind.; s. Isaiah (b. Jl 13, 1825) and 64. HENRY M. DUNLAP St. Senator, Farmer and Fruit Grower; M. S., 1891; b. N 14, 1853; s. Mathias Lane (b. 1814, Cherry Valley, N. Y.) and Emeline (Pierce) Dunlap (b. Sandy Creek, N. Y.). Prepared in Savoy Dist. Sch. Coll. Council. Mem., St. Sen. 1892-19 12; 191 6 — . Married Nora C. Burt. Jl 5, 1877, Urbana. Children: Mabel, b. Ja 23, 1883 (died Ap 3, 1892); Clar- ence, b. D 26, 1886 (died Mr 30, 1892); Daisy, b. D 13. 1894 (died F 8, 1895). Address. Savoy, 111. 65. *ERNEST EATON (Brother of No. 41.) Farmer; B. S. in Agr., 1895; b. F 9, 1831, Phalan.x, Monmouth Co., N. J.; s. Lucius (b. Ag 7. 1814, Jancock, Vt.) and Lucy (Cleve- land) Eaton (b. Je 11, 1824, Schuyler Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Common Schs. Printing and Newspaper Work, 1877-89; Farming, 1889-igoo. Married Josephine E. Clift, Ja 10, 1882. Child- ren: Bertha Fay, b. N 3, 1883; Frank Clift. b. S 25, 1887; Leland Ernest, b. D i, 1900. Died Ap 20, 1900, Downs, Okla. 66. *WINFIELD SCOTT EVERHART (Father of No. 6866) Lawyer; M. L. in L. & S., 1891; b. N 18. 1850, Tuscarogas Co., O. ; s. Philip (b. Mr 18, 1824, Carroll Co., O.) and Susan (Staley) Everhart (b. My 14, 1827, Tuscarogas Co.. O.). Prepared in Neoga. Adelphic; Capt. Univ. Regt. Admitted to bar, 1878. Married Clara Carr, S 24, 1884, Toledo, 111. Children: Louise, b. Ap 15, 1886; Susie, b. N 18, 1887; Millard C, b. Jl 18, 1889; Minnie, b. Ja 3, 1892; Philip H. ('15), b. Ap 6, 1894; Gladys, L. |) 29. 1897. Died Ag 2, 1899. Toledo, III. 67. "JAMES FAULKNER (Brother of No. 136) Cert.; b. F 2, 1853, Irvington, 111. Taught sch., Ringwood, 111., 1875-6; in Calif., 1876-82; Nominee of the Rep. party of Sonoma Co., Calif., for Co. Supt. of Pub.' Schs., at the time of his death. Died O i, 1882, Bloomfield, Calif. University of Illinois [1875 68. GEORGE NEWTON GRIDLEY Real Est.; B. S. in Agr., J895; b. D 17, 1851, near Prairie View, Lake CT)., 111.; s. Jilisha Gridley (b. Je 23, 1817, Onondago Hollow, N. Y.) and Charlotte Sawyer (Hunewell) Grid- ley (b. S 18, 1827, Norwich, Vt.). Prepared in dist. and pvt. schs. Philomathean. Farming and stockraising until 1890; traveling 1890-91; Real Est., 189 1-8; Deputy Co. Treas., Lake Co., 1899-1900; Co. Treas., 1900-2; Real Est., 1902 — . Was a mem. of the militia troop organ- ized at the Univ. 1871, which did three or four days patrol service at Chicago after the fire of O 9, 1871. Married Annah Olive Bilinski, S 27, 1S83, Diamond Lake, 111. Chil- dren: Maud, b. O 6, 18S6; Amy Belle, b. S 21, 1888. Address, 423 So. Des Plaines Ave., Des Plaines, 111. 69. KATHERIN HULLINGER (STERLING) Cert, in L. & S.; b. D 11, 1847, Md.; d Lewis S. (b. 1820, Md.) and Susanna (Long) Hullinger (b. 1824, Pa.). Prepared in Ster ling Sem., Dixon Sem., and N. W. Coll. Alethe nai; Coll. Govt. Taught sch. twenty-two yrs Married Charles M. Sterling, O 31, 1877 Children: Lewis M., b. Ja 21, 1879; Katherine Grace, b. D 18, 1880. Address, 5002 nth Ave., Seattle. t 70. ISRAELLA KATE KARIHER (EISNER) B. L., 1895; b. Je 25, 1857, Huntington, Ind.; d. Israel (b. 1818) and Mary Ann (Estep) Kariher (b. 1820). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Albert Eisner My 21, 1879, Champaign. Children: Maurice, b. Jl 2, 1880; Harry, b. 71 19, 1882 (died My 30, 1892); Albert, b. S i, 1885; Edward, b. O 17, 1889; Robert, b. N 9, 1891; Katharine, b. N 5, 1897. Address, 301 University Ave., Champaign. 71. FLORA LORENA KELLOGG (HUDSON) B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. F 16, 1850, Woods- ville, O.; d. Elijah (b. S i6, 1819, L'Original, Can.) and Mary (Ballard) Kellogg (b. S 3, 1819, Georgia, Vt.). Prepared in Sem., Mau- mee City, O. Married Harry E. Hudson, Je 21, 1880, Hampton, la. Children: Birney Vane, b. My 8, 1888; Oscar Junius, b. D 5, 1884; Terence Elijah, b. D 26, 1886 (died Ag 27, 1887); Lepha Hazel, b. N 18, 1888. Address, Dougherty, la.t 72. GEORGE FREDERIC KENOWER (Brother of No. 355) Ed. and Publisher; B. L., 1878; M. L., 1880; b. F 10, 1854, Carlyle, 111.; s. George (b. Je 29, :8i6, Carlisle, Pa.) and Ann (Shelley) Kenower (b. Mr 10, 1829, Lancaster, Pa.). Prepared in rural and village schs. Huey, 111. Philomathean. Delta Tau Delta. Taught, 1875-82; Ed. and Publisher, 1882 — ; Trustee Univ. of 111., 1881-1883; Regent, Univ. of Neb., 1898-1904. Married Mary Jane Barth, 1877, Mascoutah, 111. Child, Fenn Carleton, b. Je 20, 1878. Address, Wisner, Neb. 73. ALICE LEE (CODDINGTON) (Wife of No. 61) B. L. in L. & S., 1880; b. Mr 17, 1851, Mt. Auburn, 111.; d. John McCollister and Kate (Chism) McCollister. Alethenai. Married Van- tyle William Coddington ('7s). Je 21, 1876, Champaign. Children: Corinne, b. Je 15, 1877; Samuel Cecil, b. My 14, 1881; Adah, b. F 20, 1884; Lee, b. Te 10, 1885 (died N 8, 1888); Clyde, b. Ag 21, 1887; Ruth, b. Mr 8, 1880; Paul, b. Ap 19. 1892. Address, 237 36th St., N. Milwaukee. t 74. "JOHN EMERSON LEFLAR Cert, in L. & S.; b. 1852, Can.; s. Ira S. Leflar. Entered from Batavia, III. Deceased. 75. CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN LYFORD Veterinarian; B. S. in Agr., 1878; b. Ag 21, 1853, Roscoe, 111.; s. Thomas (b. F 2, 1807, Canterbury, N. H.) and Eliza Burns (Greeley) Lyford (b. Tl 8, 1S09, do.). Prepared in Beloit Wis., and Rockford H. Schs. D. V. S., Mon treal Vet. Coll., 1877; M. D. C. M.. McGiU Med. Coll. Scientific; Philomathean. At tended Royal Coll. of Vet. Surgs., 1879. Pres. N. W. Vet. Med. Coll., 1883-9. In 1888 invented, patented, and put on the market an appliance for_ breeding mares. Auth. : Barren Mares; articles, Operations on Corns and Contracted Feet, Fleming's Vet. Jour.; published in Lon don, Castration of Crytorchides, 1879; Differ ential Diagnosis between Furunaelus and Farcy 1902; Radical Operation for Bursal Enlarge ments. Am. Vet. Review; Rep. of Coll. and Educ, do., 1903; etc., etc. Mem. Am. Vet. Med. Assn.; Minn. State Vet. Med. Assn.; Pres. St. Vet. Assn., V. P. and St. Sec, Am. Vet. Med. Assn., at different times; Pres., Sec, and Treas., Minn. St. Vet. Med. Exam. Bd. Married Emma Laura Hendrickson, D 23, 1885, St. Paul. Children: Stella Elizabeth, b. O 28, 1886; Dartt, b. Mr 19, 1888; Kenneth, b. S 2, 1889; Chester Dudley, b. S 24, 1897. Ad- dress, 817 3d Ave., S. Minneapolis. t 76. JOHN CHARLES McCAULEY B. L., 1895; b. Je 16, 1847, Defiance Co., O.; s. Philip (b. Mr 22, 1823, Carlisle, Pa.) and Mary (Wissler) McCauley (b. N 20, 1819, Pickaway Co.). Prepared in Bryan Acad., Bryan, ' O. Philomathean. Taught, Pub. Schs., 111., 1875-90; Idaho, 1890-3; Hist, and Math., Defiance Coll., 1893-7; no regular occu- pation, 1897 — -. Address, Defiance, O. 77. JOHN MULLER Traveler, Interpreter, Illustrator and I-ec- turer; B. S. in L. & S., 1885; b. Besigheim, Ger. Studied in Ger. and London. Traveled widely in Europe and New Zealand. Inter- preter at an Orientalist Cong, in Stockholm; Del. to Peace Congs. in Berne, Chicago, Ant- werp, Brussels; Lecturer at Universite Popu- lare, Milan, Italy. Address, Wurtemburg, Ger.t 78. *JAMES HARVEY PARKS Surv. and Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E., 1895; b. O 3, 1849, McDonough Co., 111.; s. James B. (b. Ap 27, 1797) and Elizabeth (Patton) Parks (b. Ta 5, 1806, Rochbridge Co., Va.). Pre- pared in Monmouth, 111., Acad. Philomathean, Pres.-; (Tapt.; mem., 1st sen. of Coll., Govt. Ed., Douglas Co. Review, 1875-7; St. News.; Dallas Daily Herald, O 1877; Hotel Clerk and Newspaper Cor., 1878; Surv., Clarendon, Tex., 1878-83; Agt. for Tex. Land Co. of N. Y.; Dist. Deputy Surv., 1879-84; St. Surv. of Tex., 1884-8; Dist. Surv., Tex., 1888-92; Justice of Peace, 1894-S; U- S. Mineral Surv 1896—; Min., Goldfield, Nev., 1906-7. With Co. B., at Chicago Fire. Invented clinometer, 1891; tire expander, 1893; bicycle lock, 1897; typewriter bracket attached to desks, 1897. Pres., St. Survs. Assn. of Tex., 1892-3; mem., A F A M. ; Pres., Masonic Club, Cripple Creek and Goldfield, C-olo., and V. P., do., dif- ferent times. Married Mrs. Vashti Wallace- Hull, N 3, 1879, Danville, 111. Children (adopted) ; Andrew Wallace Hull, b. 1868; Nellie, b. 1876; Nina, b. 1892. Died, Goldfield, Nev., D 12, 1916. 79. FERNANDO ALSTON PARSONS (Husband of No. 181) Real Est. and Citrus Fruits; B. L.; M. L., 1878; b. S 29. 1849, Readsboro, Vt.; s. Benj. i875] Baccalaureate Alumni Battles (b. O 1S27, Vt.) and Polly Maria (Blanchard) Parsons (b. S 8, 1823, Vt.). Pre- pared in Waterloo (la.) H. S., and Mussel- mans' Bus. Coll., Waterloo, (la.). Adelphic; Pres., Coll. Govt.; Mem., Coll. Sen.; Class Sec, '75. Charge of Commercial Dept., Univ. of III., 1875-80; Hardware and Implement bus., Wellington, Kan., 1880-5; Cashier, Woods, Parsons Co., 1880-3; founded Harper, Kan., Free Lib., 1880; organized Scott City Town Co.; laid out Scott City; organized Scott Co. Bank; Cashier, 1886-9; organized and became Pres. of Tribune Town Co.; Dir., Leoti Town Co., Kan.; Minneapolis one yr. ; Loan Bus.; Cashier, Farmers' & Drovers' Bank, Kingman, Kan., 1890-4; Cattle Ranch, Kingman Co., 1894-9; in Kansas City, Mo.. 1900-3; Pres. and Mgr., Villisca Brick and Tile Co., 1898-1908; Moved to Chanute, Kan., engaged in petroleum crude oil bus., field mgr. of eight cos., 1903; associated in building the Kan. Co-operative Refinery, 1905; Bus. Mgr. for eleven yrs.; be- came Prin. Owner, Pres. and Treas., in 191 6; sold all oil interests in 1917; purchased home at Stuart, Fla., and spent winters tliere, sum- mers at Chanute, Kan.; engaged in Real Est. at Stuart; mem., Fla. Land Co.; cleared pal- metto land and set out orange and grape fruit groves; planted ten acres castor beans under Govt, request to produce oil for air- ships; taken an active part in interesting young people in higlier educ. by offering prizes, etc. Auth. of some articles. Mem., Univer. Church; I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. Married Sophronia Larned ('78), Ag 11, 1881, Champaign. Address, Chanute, Kan.; Stuart, Fla., in winter. 80. *EMORY EDWARD PATCH B. S. in M. E., 189s; b. Ap 25, 1847, White- water, Wis. s. Deland (b. S 5, 181 3, Vt.) and Almaria Love (Drake) Patch (b. Ja 26, 1826, Boston, N. Y.). Machinist, one yr.; Supt., New Doty Mfg. Co., Janesville, Wis. to 1898. Served in 33d Wis. Volunteers Inf. Co., 1862-5. Married Annie Bell McNutt, Je 7, 1876, Cham- paign. Child, Clarence Emory, b. Jl 31, 1893, Janesville, Wis. Died Mr 10, 1907, Janesville, Wis. 81. * WATSON PICKRELL (Brother of No. 47) Ostrich Farmer; M. S. in Agr., 1892; b. O 4, 1853, Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. William S. (b. Montgomery Co., Ky.) and Amanda P. (Wat- son) Pickrell (b. Mason Co., do.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Sangamon Co., 111. Delta Tau Delta. Married Frances N. Ulen, O 22, 1889, Catletsburg, Ky. (Died D 16, 1903)- Children: Charles Ulen, b. Je 4, 189-2; William Watson. b. Ap 15, 1894; Dorothy Frances, b. F 7, 1896; Kenneth, b. Mr 71, 1899. Died S 6, 1907- 82. FANNY PIERCE (Sister of No. 48.) Cert.; b: Je s, 1851, Canaan, Conn.; d. Wil- liam Gilford (b. N 27, 181 6, Canaan, Conn.) and Jane Elizabeth (Adam) Pierce (b. N 16, 1815. do.). Prepared in Knox Sem. Galesburg, 111. Alethenai. Address, 1545 S. 19th St., Sta. B., Lincoln, Neb. 83. WILLIAM CLARENCE POLLOCK (Brother of No. igi-) Lawyer; B. S. in L. & S., 1805: b. Jl 12, 1853, New Castle, Pa.; s. James M. (b. County Down, Ire.) and Caroline M. (Lyon) Pollock (b. Brighton, Can.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S. Practicing Law, 1877-87; Law Clerk and Asst. Attv., Dept. of the Interior, 1887^- Married Augusta May Grant, Ja 19, 1881, Mt. Vernon, 111. Address, 1819 Q St., Washington, D. C.t 84. ELNA ALPHONSO ROBINSON Retired Machinist; M. E., 1803; b. D 15, 1839, S. Reading, Vt. ; s. Ebenezer (b. S 30, 1809, S. Reading. Vt.) and Adeline (Williams) Robin- son (b. D 19, 1814). Prepared in Wesleyan Sem., Springfield, Vt. Prop. Mach. Shop to 1898; Plumbing and Heating establishment, 1898 — . Trustee and Deacon, Baptist Church; 191 6, sold bus. Married Melora Smith, Ap 30, 1861, (died Ag i6, 1885); Mrs. Semphronia E. Jenks, N 30, 1886. Children: Sarah Ann, b. and died Mr 4, 1862; Addie Eva, b. O 17. 1863 (died .\g 27, 1865); Gertrude Minnie, b. Jl 5, 1868, (died D 25, 1887); Inea Mary, b. N 28, 1872; Fannie Nettie, b. Ag 30, 1881. Address, 134 W. Hill St., Champaign. 85. *MELVILLE AMASA SCOVELL (Husband of No. 172.) Dean and Dir.; B. S.; M. S. in Chem., 1878; Ph. D. 1906; b. F 26, 1855, Belvidere, N. J.; s. Nathan (b. 1829, Burdett, N. Y.) and Hannah (Aller) Scovelf (b. 1832, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic; Baseball team; mem., Sen.. Coll. Govt.; Pres., Debating Soc. Asst., Chem., 1872-5; Pvt. Sec. to Regent Greg- ory, 18^6-7; Asst. Prof., Chem., 1876-80; Prof., Agr. C^hem., 1880-2; Mgr., Sugar Factories, 1884; Spec. Agt., U. S. Dept. Agr., 1884-5; Dir., Ky. Agr. E.xp. Sta., 1885-1912; Dean of Coll. of Agr., St. Univ. of Ky. and Dir., Exp. Sta., 1909-1912. Invented: Clarifying cane juices by super-heating (with Prof. H. A. Weber) a method now extensively used; Modi fication in the Kjedahl method where nitrates are present. Has written buls. and reports, Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Soc. for Pro. of Agr. Sc. ; A. C. S.; Soc. of Chem. Indus., London; Past Pres., Official Agr. Chem- ists Assn.; Past Pres., Am. Assn. of Agr. Coll. and Exp. Stas. ; Pres., Park Comn., Lexington Ky.; mem., Ky. St. Bd. of Agr.; U. S. Food Standard Conin.; in charge of Pure Food Con- trol, fertilizer control, feed control and seed control work of St. of Ky. Married Nancy Davis ('78), S 8, 1880, Monticello, 111. Died ■Ag IS, 1912, Lexington, Ky. 86. CL.\RENCE ORLANDO SCUDDER (Father of No. 1767.) Teacher; M. L. in L. & S.. 1891; b. F 8, 1853, Carmel N. Y.; s. Orlando B. (b. 1824, New Fairfield, Conn.) and Emily H. (Disbrow) Scudder (b. 1829, do.). Prepared in Creston H. S. Pres., Philomathean; mem.. Coll. Sen. Pvt. Sec. to the Pres., 1873-5; Taught, Rochelle, 111., 1875-6; Supt.. Schs., Ashton, 111., 1876-8; Supt., Schs., N. Dixon, 111., 1878-80; Traveling. i88o-i; taught Hist, and Sc, No. 111. Norm. Sch., 1881-2; Supt., Schs., Dixon, 1882-5; Pekin, 111., 1885-9; S. Evanston, 111., 1889-92; Prin., Emerson Sch., Chicago, 1893-6; Robt. Morris Sch., Chicago, 1896-1908; Prin., Newberry Sch., Chicago, 1908-9. Treas., 111. St. Teachers' Assn., 1889-97. Married Amelia C. Beyer, D 26, 1876, Sycamore, 111. Children: Theo. Y., b. D 17, 1877 (died My 10, 1911); Oliver C, b. Jl 27, 1879; Henry Disbrow ('02), b. D 20, 1881; Charles R., b. My 26, 1884. Address, 1944 Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood, Calif. 87. GEORGE ROBERT SHAWHAN (Father of No. 839.) Mgr., Savings in Bank; B. L., 1879; b. Mr 20, 1844, Falmouth, Ind.; s. William M. (b. O 1803, Bourbon Co.. Ky.) and Nancy (Redmond) Shawhan (b. O 1810, near Cythiana, do.). Pre- pared in common schs. Philomat'^ean; Bus. Mgr., mini; Ed., do.; Pres., Coll. Govt. Taught. 1861-81; Co. Supt. Schs., Champaign Co., 1881-1902; in 111. Trust and Savings Co. Bank., 1902 — . Wrote the first complete eight yr. course of study for country and village schools, in 1886. Ed., 111. St. Course of Study for Common Schs., 1888-1903. Elder in Church University of Illinois [1876 of Christ. Trustee of Univ. of 111., 1887-93. Married Sarah Vista Brown, My 12, 1867. Children: Gertrude ('94), b. F 8, 1S74; William Warren, b. Ag 9, 1877; Helen, b. and died, 1875. Address, 606 Daniel St., Champaign. 88, "MARY CARTER STEELE (RICKER) (Wife of No. 13; Mother of No. 2224.) B. L. in L. & S., 1878; b. F 12, 1852, Gales- burg, 111.; d. James (b. N 24, 1808, Hebron, N. Y.) and Minerva Selina (McConoughey) Steele (b. S 22, 1821, Bainbridge, O.). Prepared in Oberlin and Urbana H. Schs. Alethenai; Class Historian; mem., Univ. Senate; Hon. mem., Arch. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Francais. Founder, Urbana-Champaign Unitar- ian church; Pres. Art Club of Champaign, 1909- 10; Cent, branch of A. C. A.; founder. Acanthus Coterie; Acting Regent, D. A. R., 1908-9. Mar- ried Nathan CliiTord Ricker ('72). Ag 25, 1875, Urbana. Child, Ethel ('04), b. Ap 12, 1883. Died Ag 6, 1910 Urbana. 89. MARGARET ESTHER STEWART (ROBBINS) (Wife of No. 32.) Teacher; B. L., 1878; M. L., 1886; b. Ag 5, 185s, Frankfort, O.; d. Hugh Coulter (b. 1821, Chillicothe, do.) and N. Lavinia (Smith) Stew- art (b. 1828, Greenfield, do.). Prepared in French Sem. and by pvt. tutors; Univ. of Chi- cago grad. work, 1897. Taught in Phoenix H. S.; Sem. Dept., Mills Coll, Calif., 1902-3; Polytechnic H. S., Los Angeles, Ed. and Pub- lisher, First Congr. Parish Monthly; The Supernatural in Shakespeare; H. S. Life Di- ploma for Calif, granted Ag 21, 1909. Charter Mem., Los Angeles A. C. A., mem.. Women's Univ. Club; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. of Los Angeles. Married Henry Edwin Robbins, V7i), D 31, 1879, (died F 19, 1899). Child Alice May, b. Ap 6, 1882. Address, 6919 Bon- sallo Ave., Los Angeles. 90. HECTOR HILGARD TYNDALE Lawyer; B. L., 1895; b. F 10, 1855, Belleville, 111.; s. Sharon and Mary (Hilgard) Tyndale. Prepared in Springfield H. S. B. S., Cornell, 1877; LL. B., Columbia, 1879. Psi Upsilon; various literary and social societies and Assns.; Assn. of the Bar of the City of New York, 1880. Address, 49 Wall St., New York City. 91. *LYMAN FENN WARNER, JR. Cert, in C. E.; b. My 23, 1855, Rockford^ 111.; s. Lyman Fenn (b. Roxbury, Conn.) and (Jelora E. Warner (b. Trov, N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Philo- mathean; Pres., Sr. Class. Gen. Engr., R. R. ; Hydraulic and Min. Died Ja 24, 19 14, San Francisco. CLASS OF 1876 (19 LIVING, 10 DEAD) 92. RALPH ALLEN (Father of Nos. 1800, 2310, 2876, 5002, 8096) Farmer; M. S. in Agr., 1894; b. Ap 15, 1854, Seekonk, Mass.; s. Jonathan Bowers (b. Ag i, 1 82 1, Warren, R. I.) and Harriet Maria (Horton) Allen (b. Ag 31, 1823, Providence, R. I.). Prepared in H. Schs. and Miss Susan Hopkins' Pvt. Sch., Delavan, 111. Sc. Assn. Mem., Co. Bd. Supvrs., 111. Farmers' Inst. (Dir. ); Advisory Com. and Soil Investigations, 111. Agr. Esp. Sta.; M. M. Soc. of Delavan, 1879; Town Clerk; Sch. Tp. Treas.; Sch. Dir. Married Ada Mary Eaton, S 1879. Children: Edith Louise ('03), b. 1880; Paschal ('05), \ b. 1881; Fred Eaton ('07), b. 1883; Jonathan Bowers, b. 1886 (died F 26, 1906); Ralph, Jr. ('12), b. 1889; Lucy Elizabeth ('17). b. 1891; Harriet Horton, b. 1894; Hester Ada, b. 1894; Theodore Raymond, b. 1898; Eloise Grace, b. 1901. Address, Delavan, 111. 93. *EDWARD LULL BALLOU Miner and Mill Owner; Cert, in Agr.; B. S. in Agr., 1895; b. Mr 30, 1856, Clifton, Wis.; s. Albert Darius and Adaline (Hart) Ballou. Adelphic. Class Treas. Supt. Garnet G. M. Co., Pony, Mont., 1900-07; Deputy Co. Assessor, Shasta Co., Calif., 1900-02. Married May Wood, N 24, 1886, Chico, Calif. Children: Roy Stanford, b. O 2, 1887; Edith Lucia, b. Je 30, 1889; Laura Frances, b. Ja 8, 1890; Edna May, b. S 20, 1891; Lois, b. Mr 8, 1893; Charles Kenneth, b. F 10, 1894; Clarence, b. Ag 22, 1899. Died O I, 1911. Igo, Calif. 94. •JAMES WILLIAM CAMPBELL (Brother of No. 60.) Lawyer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Mr 21, 1851, Coshocton. O.; s. Patrick Steele (b. F 12, 1804, Westmoreland Co., Pa.) and Rachael (Mitchell) Campbell (b. Ap 30, 1814, Cecil Co., Md.). Prepared in Lebanon, O. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Eugenie Daniels, Je 5, 1879, Chicago. Children: Winifred D., b. Ap 5, 1880; Howard, b. My 2. 1882; Wayland E., b. Ag 25, 1883; Theron Peters, b. Ag 20, 1886 (died Ja 19, 1888); James William, Jr., b. O 23, 1888. Died Ja 22, 1890, Los Altos, Calif. 95. WILLIAM BAYARD CHANDLER Farmer; B. S. in L. & S., 1893; b. Mr 6, 1852, near Bourbon, 111.; s. Lemuel (b. Ag 30, 1824, Cynthiana, Ky.) and Prudence Wiley (Beavers) Chandler (b. S 8, 1823, Va., across line from Cumberland, Md.). Prepared in Bourbon, Douglas Co., 111. Adelphic, Pres.; Winter Term 1876; Delta Tau Delta, Pres. one Term; Mem. Sen. in Coll. Govt, one yr; Pres., Sr. Class Winter Term. Law stud.; farmer; Clerk U. S. Indian Service, Yankton Agency, Dak., 1885-7; Jicarilla Agency, N. M., 1887-9; practiced law, Pueblo, Colo., 1889-92; farming, 1892 — . Married Bell Augusta Bailey, Mr 6, 1883, Grasmere, Ind. Child, Mercy Lee (died J^e 7, 1885, aged one yr. six months). Address, Spanaway. Wash. 96. 'CHARLES WRIGHT CLARK Architect; C. E., 1892; b. O 11, 1854, Upshur Co., Va.; s. Cornelius and Lucinda (Young) Clark (b. Va.). Prepared in Champaign Co. Scientific Assn. C. E., 1892; Ry. Survs., Hydro- graphic and Geodetic work on U. S. Lake Surv., 1876-9; Instr., C. E. Dept., Univ. of 111.; since 1879 Asst. Engr.. MiSs. R. Comn., and Chief, topographical and drafting div. of Miss. R. Comn., St. Louis; Designing Arch., TuUy & C'lark, and for Woman's Magazine bldgs. Mem., Engrs. Club, St. Louis; A. I. A., Fellow; Con- temporary Club of St. Louis; Monday Evening Club of Kirkwood, Mo.; Tuesday Evening Club of Webster Groves, Mo.; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs., 1887-89; St. Louis Merchant's Exchange. Married Emma M. Schimmel, N 20, 1888, Nor- mal Park, III. Children: Helen, b. Ja 18, 1892; Cornelius S., b. F 9, 1894 (died N 14, 1895). Died Mr 13, 191 1, Webster Groves, Mo. 97. JAMES FREDERICK DRAKE Lawyer; B. L., 1895; b. Ja 15, 1851, Belvi- dere. 111.; s. Charles Elmer (b. Ag i, 1811, Tioga Co., N. Y.) and Martha (Heaton) Drake (b. Broome Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Broome Co. Pub. Schs. LL. D., Univ. of Mich., 1879. Philomathean. Gave stone oration, class day (stone placed beneath '76 Elm tree near the walk leading N. W. from main building); Practised law, Leadville, Colo., 1879-80; Koko- mo, Colo., 1880; Pueblo, Colo., 1881—. Military 1876] Baccalaureate Alumni Service during strike of 1880; Colo. Nat. Guard early 8o's; St. Senator, 1802-6; Del. to Nat. Rep. Convention, 1888. Address, Pueblo, Colo. 98. JOHN DAVID GILL Lawyer; B. L., 1895; b. F 23, 1851, Antwer|i, N. Y.; s. James and Sarah (Beaman) Gill- Autli.: A Timely Warning; For Fools in Hell; The Effect of Money; Spanish War; The Vil- lainous Law to make Millionaires and Paupers; Monopolies and Trusts — The Cause and only Remedy — illustrated; The Degenerated Supreme Court, St. of 111., etc. Mem., Nat. Liberty League. Address, Antwerp, N. Y. ($) 99. SIMEON THOMAS GORE Arch, and Builder; B. S. in Arch., 1895; b. Mr 8, 1849, Richview, 111.; s. Hosea B. (b. Union Co.) and Polly Anna (Pate) Gore. Pre- pared in Washington Sem., Richview, 111. Philomathean. Farmer, 1894-1903; Arch., 1903 — • Married Phoebe Farmer, O 19, iSSo, Ashley, 111. Children: Dwight Clifford, b. Ja 23, 1883; Ros.s Ellis, b. My u, 1889. Ad- dress, 507 Bryant Ave., W;dla Walla, Wash.f 100. CHARLES EinVIN GREGORY Lawyer; B. L., 1895; b. 1855 Rochelle, 111.; s. A. S. Gregory. Capt., L'niv. Regt. Address, Hot Springs, S. Dak. 1 01. MARTHA GRAY HOLTON (KREBS) B. L.; b. My 17, 1856, Aberdeen, O.; s. Elijah G. (b. 1832, Maysville, Ky.) and Cor- nelia L. Holton (b. if?32, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y.). Alethenai. Artist, 1880-6; taught in Chicago H. and Pub. Schs. Mem., Social Econ. Club; Pol. Equality League. Married James H. Krebs, Je 28, 1886, Chicago (died Jl 19, 1909)- Address, 806 E. 51st St., Chicago. t 102. WALTER ELLIOTT KNIBLOE Sch. Prin.; M. S., 1893; b. My 21, 1857, Chicago; s. William E. (b. F 17, 1820, Sharon, Conn.) and Mary A. (Dakin) Knibloe (b. D 22, 1821, Dutchess Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, and Gilman H. S. Philomathean; Delta Tau Delta. Prin., H. S., Urbana, 1877-81; Prin., Girard Pub. Schs., 1881-3; Supt., City Schs., St. Augustine, Fla., 1884-95; Prin., Duval H. S., Jacksonville, Fla., 1895-1909; Prin., Leon H. S., Tallahassee, Fla., 1909 — . Teacher, Nat. Sc. Champaign Co. Inst., 1879-82; Prin., Summer Tr. Sch. for Teachers under Educ. Dept of Fla.; six yrs. Conductor of St. John's Co. Inst., St. Augustine, 1889-95. Mem., "Educ. Comn. from Fla. to World's Co- lumbian Exposition; St. Augustine Nat. Hist. Soc. (Curator); Fla. St. Teachers' Assn., Pres. ; Chapman Sc. Club, Pres. 1895. Married Ade- laide Victoria Clark, Ag s, 1885. Carlinville, 111. Address, 39 Lancaster Terrace, Jackson ville, Fla.t 103. *DANIEL SHOTTENKIRK MACKAY (Brother of Nos. 104, 105.) Farmer; B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. O 13, 1851; s. J. (b. Lairg, Scot.) and Catharine (Rupple) Mackay (b. Hesse, Darmstadt, Ger.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Philomathean. Teacher; Lawyer; Farmer. Died Ja 15, 1915. Mt. Carroll, 111. 104. *HENRY MACKAY (Brother of Nos. 103, 105; Father of No. 3094) Lawyer; M. L., 1892; b. 1854, Mt Carroll, 111.; s. John (b. Scotland) and Catherine Mackay (b. Ger.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll, 111. Adelphic. Married Susan Hostetter, 1883. Children: Sarah D. ('07), b. Mr 23, 1884; Robert P.; Catherine H. Died Jl 22, 1916, Mt. Carroll, 111. 105. * WILLI AM ALEXANDER MACKAY (Brother of Nos. 103, 104.) Banker; B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. John (b. Scotland) and Catherine Mackay (b. Ger.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll, III. Adelphic. Pres., Banking House of Mackav Bros., Madison, S. Dak. Married Clara G. Shirk, 1881 (died 1889); Olive W .Mackay, 1894. Children: Jesse J.; Zella G Died Ap I, 19 1 5, Madison. S. Dak. 106. HENRY WESTON MAHAN (Brother of No. 185) Bank Pres.; M. L., 1893; b. D 3, 1854, VVesthersfield, 111.; s. Isaac S. and Jane H. Mahan. Prepared in Champaign. Delta Tau Delta. Banking bus., ist Nat., Urbana; Cashier, Stock Yards Savings Bank, Chicago; Pres., Drexel St. Bank, Chicago; Pres., South Side St. Bank, Chicago; Pres., Washington Park Nat. Bank. St. Militia, eight yrs., rank of Maj., 8th 111. Militia. Married Isotta Carley, Ja II, 1877, Champaign. Children: Mark C; Jennie M.; Margaret W.; Adelaide S.; Henry W. ; Maude L.; Address, South Side State Rank, Chicago. 107. *ADIN HOWARD MANN Cert.; b. in 111.; s. Adin Mann. Entered from Batavia, 111. Took M. E. Course. Died Ap 22, 1876, Winnebago, 111. 108. FRANK IRVING MANN (Brother of Nos. 109, 896, 1059; Father of Nos. 2170, 3861) Farmer; B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. My 8, 1854, Marshall Co., 111.; s. William Henry (b. .\p 21, 1827, Va.) and Elizabeth Dabney (Abraham) Mann (b. Va.). Prepared in Gilman Pub. Sch.; Lincoln Univ. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic; Capt., Univ. Regt. Weekly news- paper, 1877-78; farmer, 1878—; Circuit Clerk and Recorder, Iroquois Co., 1892-6; Dir., 111. St. Farmers' Inst., 1896 — ; Aud., do., 1904 — ; .Mem., Advisory Com. on soil investigations. 111. Exp. Sta., 1905 — . Married Fannie Judson, Mr 28, 1878, Chenoa (died); Mrs. Lena L. Steven- son, D 28, 1913, Urbana. Children: Charles J. ('04), b. N 2, 1879, Gilman, 111; Mary Elizabeth ('09), b. Ja 29 1886, Gilman, 111. Address, Bois d'Arc Farm, Gilman, 111. 109. JAMES ROBERT MANN (Husband of No. 170; Brother of Nos. 108, 896, 1059) Congressman, Lawyer; M. L., 1892; LL. D., (hon.) 1903; b. O 20, 1856, Normal, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Ap 21, 1827, Va.) and Elizabeth Dabney (Abraham) Mann (b. Ag 29, Va.). Grad., Union Coll. of Law, 1881. Delta Tau Delta. Practising Law in Chicago, 1881— ; mem., Oakland Sch. Bd., 1887; Atty., Hyde Park, 1888; Alderman 32d ward, Chicago, 1892-6; Temporary Chm., Rep. St. Convention, 1894; Chm. Cook Co. Rep. Convention, 1895; Master in Chancery, Superior Ct., Cook Co., 1892-6; Gen. Atty. South Park Bd., Chicago, 1895; mem., Cong., ist 111. Dist., 1897-1903; 2d Dist., 1903 — ; Chm. Cook Co. Rep. Com., 1902; Com. on Elec, No. i, 59th and 6oth Cong.; Com. on Interest, and Foreign Com- merce, 6ist Cong.; Republican Leader, 62d, 63rd, 64th, 65th Cong. Married Emma Colum- bia ('78), My 30, 1882, Champaign. Child, James R. Jr., b. D 10, 1888 (died S 20, 1918). Address, 1350 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. 110. LOUIS REEDER NOBLE Adjuster of Fire Losses; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 9, 1854, Cincinnati; s. Nathan Miller (b. Ag 10, 1818, do.) and Ada Eleanor (Pickett) Noble (b. F 23, 1829, do.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Mattoon. Adelphic; Scientific; Capt., University of Illinois [1877 Univ. Regt. R. R. service, 1876-83; since then in fire ins.; Adjuster of fire losses. Mem., S. A. R. ; Presby. Cliurch. Married Mary Tyler Churchill, Ap 22, 1880, Mattoon, 111. Children: Ada Mary, b. Mr 26, 1881; Raymond Churchill, b. D 26, 1883 (died 7th yr.); Lawrence Roswell (died in infancy) ; Louis Garniss (died in infancy) ; Cedric Percy, b. N 8, 1894. Address, Mattoon, 111. III. WILLIAM FORREST OLIVER Physician; B. L., 1894; b. Ag 8, 1856, Bloom- field, la.; s. William L. (b. F 4, 1823, Clark Co., Ky.) and Mary A. (Smith) Oliver (b. Mr 19, 1828, Indianapolis.). Prepared in Ladoga Sem., M. D., Med. Coll. of Ind., 1879- Pres., Adelphic; V. P., Coll. Govt.; Foreman, Illini office; Capt., Univ. Regt. Practicing medicine. Longton, Kan., 1880-5; Co. Supt., Schs., Elk Co., Kan., 1885-9; Arlington, Wash., 1889- — ; ist Lt. Co. E., K. N. G., 1886-7. Health Officer, Arlington, four terms; Mem. Bd. of Educ, Arlington, eighteen yrs. Auth.: Stag Benton, The Black Birder, a tale of an African Slave Trader, Overland Monthlv, San Fran- cisco, 1887. Mem., Co., Dist., St. and Nat. Med. Socs. Married Martha Lilian Best, S 22, 1899, Montreal Can. Address, Arlington, Wash. 112. ♦FRANK MITCHELL PALMER Lawyer; B. L., 1895; b. 1856, O.; s. E. H. Palmer. Capt., Univ. Regt. Died Ja 31, 1917. Decatur, 111. 113. ELON ALBERT PIERCE Bee Keeper; B. S.; b. Ag 17, 1853, Itasca, 111.; s. Theodore (b. Oswego, N. Y.) and Susan (Davis) Pierce (b. Landgrove, Vt.). Prepared in Webster City, la. Grad. la. St. Norm. Sch., Cedar Falls, 1881. Taught sch. in San Jose, Calif., ten yrs.; Prin., Belmond H. S., one yr. ; Ed. and Pub. of Belmond Herald. Married Harriet Emma Prowse, Ja 4, i8gi, Mission San Jose, Calif. Children; Lyna Ellen, b. Mr 26, 1895; Effie Alberta, b. N 29, 1900. Address, Belmond, la. 114. JAMES FREDERICK RHODES Lawyer; B. L., 189s; b. F 20, 1854, Waverly, 111.; s. William (b. N 13, 1820, Yorkshire, Eng.) and Sarah Maria (Purdy) Rhodes (b. Ag 8, 1826, Leeds, do.). Prepared in D wight H. ». 'Delta Tau Delta; Philomathean. Ed., Eldorado Springs News, 1897-1902; Nominee for Cong. 6th dist. Mo., 1904; Mayor: Presidential Elector in Mo., 1908; Regent St. Norm. Sch. Married Charlotte Zelhart, 1886, Mo. (died My 17, 1894); Orpha M. Troutman, 1904. Chil- dren: William Frederick, b. 1887; George Edwin, b. 1888; John Fra«klin, b. 1889; daughter b. and died 1911. Address, Eldorado Springs, Mo. 115. *ARTEMUS C. SCRIBNER Cert, in Agr. ; b. 1851, Bangor, Me.; s. H. G. Scribner. Died Ap 24, 1891, Fairplay, Colo. 116. FRANK AUGUSTUS ELLIS STARR Miner; M. L., 1891; b. F 8, 1854, Alton, 111.: s. James Ely (b. S 21, 1814, N. Y. City) and Sabra Bicknell (Ellis) Starr (b. N 29, 1836, Wacham, Mass.). Prepared in Common Sch. Adelphic, Pres.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Taught, 1876-83; Lawyer, 1883-1906; Miner, 1906 — . Married Anita Denny, Ja 30, 1894, Portland, Ore. Children: Anita Elizabeth, b. F 16, 1896; Orin Denny, b. Mr 18, 1898. Address, Thomp- son, Nev. t 117. CHARLES WESTON (Brother of Nos. 297. 454, 585, 586) Lawyer and Banker; B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. Jl 4, 1853, N. Y.; s. Nathan (b. Wilson, N. Y.) and Jane (Cloyd) Weston (b. Troy, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic; Class Pres. sr. yr. Regent, Univ. of Neb., 1894-1900; St. Aud., Neb., 1901-05. Married Eugenia C. Clarke, Mr 23, 1887 (died Jl 29, 1890); Helen H. Mackay, D 11, 1901. Child, Margaret C, b. F 21, 1888. Address, Hay Springs, Neb. 118. *GEORGE A. WILD Cert, in C. E.; b. 1855, N. Y.; s. Robert Wild. Died N 1881, Las Animas, Colo. 119. THOMAS THATCHER WILLIAMS Farmer; B. L. in L. & S., 1895; b. N 12, 1850, Putnam, Conn.; s. Nathan (b. 1817, do.) and Catharine B. (Thatcher) Williams (b. 1819, Thompson Hill, Conn.). Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mabel Gordon, Je 20, 1894, Sterling, 111. Address, R. 2, Powell, Wyo.j 120. FREDERICK L. WOOD Cert.; b. 1854, Chicago; s. Alonzo C. Wood. Address, c/o Mrs. Amina E. Smith, 1122 E. 90th St., Chicago. t CLASS OF 1877 (23 LIVING, 18 DEAD) 121. THEODORE SPERRY ABBOTT (Brother of Nos. 336, 373. 4i6; Father of Nos. 451S, 4516) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; C. E., 191 1; b. S 21, 1855, Whiteside Co.. 111.; s. Asa M. and Sarah (Sperry) Abbott. Teacher. Fulton Co.. 1877-9; St. Louis, on U. S. Govt. Work, River and Harbor, 1879-80; Pueblo, Colo., transit- man, A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1880- 1 ; Engr., Mex. Nat R R., Laredo, Tex. and Saltillo, Mex., 1881-4; Pvt. Engr., Saltillo, 1882-87; Engr. on Const., Mex. Southern R. R., 1887-92; Pvt. Engr., dams, canals, reservoirs, etc., 1893-6; Chief Engr., Coahuila and Zacatecas R. K., 1897-1905; Chief Engr., Coahuila and Pacific R R., 1899-1903: State Engr., Coahuila, i8g6-— . Mem. of Saltillo Casino. Married Aurelia Halle, Ag 1884 (died 1902); Grace Ailing, F 1904. Children: Alfred Nalle ('11), b. Ag 1887; Theodora Sarah ('11), b. Ja 1890. Ad- dress, Saltillo, Mex.t 122. NETTIE ADAMS (WILSON) (Mother of No. 3238; Sister of No. 337) B. L., 1895; b. Ap 17. 185s. Urbana; d. Francis Fitch (b. Je 13, 1824, Olmstead Falls, O.) and Nancy (Dean) Adams (b. Ap 16, 1834, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Dist. sch. near Urbana. Pres. Alethenai; Class V. P. Teach- ing until 1884. Auth.: Pamphlets of Travel; Yellowstone Park; Glimpses of the East; Glimp- ses of West; Glimpses of Southland; From Naples to London; special newspaper work; Yellowstone Park Pamphlet translated into Rus- sian. Married W. Bent Wilson, Je 10, 1884, Tolono, 111. Children: John Dean ('07), b. Te 27, 1885; Louise b. My 9, 1895 (died S 23, "1895). Address, Lafayette, Ind. 123. 'CHARLES WESLEY ALLEN (Brother of H22) B. L. in L. & S.; b. 1854, in Ky.; s. D. S. Allien. Died Jl 8, 1880, Harristown, 111. 124. *CHARLES HART BARRY In business; B. S. in Sc, 1895; b. N 15, i8s7, Alton, 111.; s. Amasa Stetson (b. Mr 12, 1821, Boston) and Catherine (Riley) Barry (b. Mr 21, 1825, Middletown, Conn.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Adelphic. Special Agt.. Fire Ins., 1881-90; Assn. Mgr. West. Dept., do., 1890-5; Pres., Pa. Fire Ins. Co., for seventeen western i877] Baccalaureate Alumni sts., 1805-1018. Mem., Union League, Chicago; Univ. Club, Chicago; Pres. Country Club, Evanston; Glenview Club. Married Ida M. Bateman, 1885, Alton, 111. Child, Lucile Barry Coburn. Died Mr ao. 1918, Philadelphia. 125. FRANK BARRY Atty. and Traffic Mgr.; B. L. in L. & S., 1877, b. Mr 28, 1856, Alton, 111.; s. Benj. Franklin (b. O 13, 1826, Boston) and Susan Elizabeth (Emerson) Barry (b. My 23, 1830, do.). Pre- pared in Washington Univ. Acad, and Shurtleff Coll. Adelphic. St. Louis Nat. Bank, 1878-79; Wabash Ry., 1879-81; C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1881-5; Sec. and Mgr., Millers' Nat. Assn. of U. S., 1885-1902; Commissioner of Nat. Bd. of Trade, 1902-3; Atty. and Special Agt., Inter-St. Commerce Comn., 1903-6; Traffic Mgr., Pub. Service Comn., 2d Dist. N. Y., 1907-9; Atty. and Traffic Mgr., Syracuse, 1909-12. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1875-9. Auth. : numerous articles on transportation subjects; owned and published The Milling Engr., 1884-87; The U. S. Miller, 1888-1901; and several other trade papers. Married Anna Louise Bering, N 5 1906, Chi- cago (died S 2, 1909). Address, P. O. Box, 586, Milwaukee. 126. CLARENCE HOWARD BLACKALL Architect; B. S. in 1878; M. Arch., 1880; b. F 3, 1857, N. Y. City; s. C. R. (b. 1830, Albany) and Eliza (Davis) Blackall (b. 1824, Boston), Prepared by pvt. instruction. Tau Beta Pi. Arch., N. Y., 1880; Colo. Springs, 1882; Boston, 1882 — . I St holder Rotch Travelling Scholar- ship, 1884-6; designed and erected the ist steel frame bldg. in Boston, 1892; Arch, for Tremont Ternple, Colonial, Wilbur, Plymouth, Gaiety, National, Park Square, Olympia and other theatres. Little Bldg., Marshall Bldg., Scollay Bldg., Temple Israel, Auditorium, Univ. of 111., New Theatre, N. Y., Soldiers and Sailors Mon- ument, Syracuse, N. Y.; Advisory Arch., Boston Elevated Ry. Co. Ed. and Special Con- tributor since 1879 to the Am. Arch., Arch. Re- view, The Brickbuildcr, Technology Review, since 1883, to the Engng. Record, Inland Arch., Boston Herald, and Transcript. Auth. : Builders' Hardware, and articles on the Arch, of Spain, Portugal, and Belgium. Fellow of the A. I. A.; ist sec, N. Y. Arch. League, 1881-82; Sec, Boston Soc. of Archs., 1905; ist Pres., Boston Arch. Club, 1889-1893; A. A. A. S., 1901; Nat. Arts Club, N. Y., 1901; Cambridge Mun. Art Soc, Sec, 1905; City Club, 1905; Reform Club, Boston, 1900; Econ. Club, Boston, 1905; Trustee and Sec, Rotch Travelling Scholarship, since 1891; Boston Chamber of Commerce; Boston Art Club; Cambridge Club; Episcopalian Club; Nat. Housing Assn.; City Club, Boston; Salem Club; Century Club, N. Y. ; Nat. Geogo- graphic Soc; Nat. Fire Protection Assn.; Bldg. Law Comn., Boston and Cambridge; Chm., Bd. of Appeal, Cambridge; Fire Prevention Comn., Boston; Advisory Arch., Rebuilding Comn. of Salem, Mass.; British Fire Prevention Assn. ISIarried Emma Murray, D s, 1883, Boston. Children: Marian, b. Jl 31, 1887; Robert Mur- ray, b. Ap 26, 1889. Address, 16 Chauncy St., Cambridge, Mass.; bus. add., 20 Beacon St., Boston. 127. EVA BOGARDUS (PRICE) (Sister of No. 339) B. L. in L. & A., 1895; b. F 10, 18^7, Cherry Valley, 111.; d. J. J. (b. Fayetteville, N. Y.) and Evlyn (Butterfield) Bogardus (b. Pompey Hill, N. Y.). Prepared in Young Ladies' Sem. Ale- thenai. Lived at various M. E. parsonages of the N. Y. east Conf. Mem., M. E. Church; Champaign Art Club. Married T. Lambert Price, D I, 1886, Champaign. Children: Frances Eugenia, b. N 1887; Mamie Olivia, b. 1889; Helen Martha, b. 1903; Mildred Bogardus, b. 1905. Address, R. No. 30, Stanford, Conn. 13 128. -CORNELIA BROSHAR Teacher; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Je 30, i8s?. Napoleon, Ind.; d. Levi (b. N 16, 1804, Lex- ington, Ky.) and Jane (Wilson) Broshar (b. Harnsburg, Pa.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. Mem., First Congr. Church, Champaign. Died O 31. 190S, Chicago. 129. *CHARLES ELIPHALET BRUSH Architect; B. S. in Arch., 1895; b. Mr 17, 1855, Carbondale, 111; s. Daniel Harmon (b 1813, Vergennes, Vt.) and Julia (Etherton) Brush (b. Murphysboro, 111.). Prepared in Car- bondale H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Married Ida Flemming, Mr 11, 1885, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Died N 2, 1916, Chicago. 130. *WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM Engr. and Lawyer; B. S. in M. E., 1895; b. Ap 25, 1855, Mt. Vernon, O.; s. C. P. (b. Mr 14, 1808, Athens, O.) and Marian A. (Hawkes) Buckingham (b. Ag 1820, Mass.). Prepared in Chicago H. S.; LL. B^ Union Coll., Chicago, 1S79. Practised law, Chicago, 1879-85; Trav- eled, 1885-8; with West. Elee. Co. and Siemens & Halske, 1888-97; Alaska, 1897-8; Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 1 898-191 2. Married Cora Gordon, My 28,- 1891, Evanston, 111. Child, Thomas Putnam, b. F 28, 1894. Died Je 20, 19 14. Clifton, Ariz. 131. "JAMES EDWARD BUMSTEAD (Father of Nos. 2601, 3300, 6123) Phys. and Surg; M. S. in L. & S., 1892; b. O 30, 1848, Dundee, 111.; s. Edward (b. 1803, Eng.) and Ann (Smith) Bumstead (b. 1810, do.). Prepared in Elgin Acad, and Marengo H. S. M. D., N. W. Univ., 1880. Philoma- thean; Y. M. C. A.; Class Pres. and Valedic- torian, 1877; Ed., mini. Mem., M. E. Church, 1864; A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Assn.; Fox River X^alley Med. Assn., 1881, Pres. one yr. and Sec. and Treas. for three yrs. Married Justina A. Pingree, My 10, 1881, Evanston. 111. Children: Frank Melvin ('06) b. 1882; Arthur Pingree ('08) and Alice Amelia ('14) (twins) b. 1884; Ernest Edward, b. 1887; Mabel Emily, b. 1891 (died 1903). Died F 15, 1911, Dundee, 111. 132. *LUTHER G. CLAY B. S., in Agr., 1895; b. 1849, Boston; s. John Clay. Died Je 13, 1898, Chicago. 133. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CROW Hort. and Agr.; B. S. in Arch., 1895; b. O 15, 1845, Dowagiac, Mich.; s. Stephen (b. F i, 1 81 6, Geneseo Co., N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Prater) Crow (b. Ag 6, 1826, Wayne Co., Ind.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Greenfield, 111. Bldg Contr., 1877-78; Sec Chief Engr., B. & M. R. R. R., 1878-80; Asst. U. S. Engr., Imp. Mo. River, 1880-84; Supt., Brownill Car Co., 1884- QS; Insp. on Constr., U. S. Dredges for Miss. R. Com., 1895-IQ0:; Hort. and Agr., 1901 — . 133 Rgt., 111. Vol., 1864. Teacher in Sunday Sch. since 1863; Deacon; Church Treas., 1894-1910; Engrs. Ciub, St. Louis, 1886-96. Married Sue J., Jl 3, 1870 (died Jl 19, 1871); Amanda S., Ja 28, 1878 (died Ja 16, 1903); Celia K., Je 28, 1905. Child, Allen B., b. Je 4, 1887. Address, Cedar Place, Keokuk. t 134. CHARLES GLEASON ELLIOTT Consulting Drainage Engr.; C. E., 1892; b. Je 8, 1850, Lowell, 111.; s. John B. (b. 1823, Waterloo, N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Sarles) Elliott (b. 1830, Catskil!, N. Y.). Prepared in Weslevan Univ. and Oberlin Coll. Ed., Illini; Pres. Coll. Govt.; Pres., Sophomore Class; French Oration at Commencement, 1877; Pres., Philomathean. Civil Engr. at various places, i87;;-96; Asst. City Engr. 1896-98, Peoria; Gen. Draining Engr. and Geologist, Marietta, O., 1898-1900; Ed.. Drainage Jour., Indianapolis, 14 University of Illinois [1877 1900-02; Engr. in cBarge of drainage investi- gations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Wasliington, D. C., 1902-13; Chief of Drainage Investigations, 1907 — ; Consulting Drainage Engr., Washing- ton, D. C, 1913-18; Auth.: Prac. Farm Drain- age, 1200 pp., John Wiley & Sons, 1882, revised 1908; Engng. for Land Drainage, 233 pp., John Wiley & Sons, 1903, rewritten 191 1, 339 pp.; several Govt. Buls. ; Reports for U. S. Dept. of Agr.; Drainage as a Correlative of Irrigation in Report of Internat. Cong., San Francisco. 191 5; Other articles for various records. 'Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs., 1887; A. S. C. E. 1890; A. A. A. S., 1905- Married Lura M. Bullock, Ja i, 1879, Normal, 111. Children: Merton Melville, b. O 22, 1882 (died 1905); Herman Randolph, b. S 3, 1885; Edith Marion, b. Jl 26, 1890. Address, 121: Fern St., Washington, D. C; bus. add., 503 Mc Lachlen Bldg., do. 13s. IDA BELLE FALLS B. L. in L. & A., 1895; b. F 3, 1858, Urbana: d. Jess (b. Mr 27, 1824, Zanesville, O.) and Martha E. (Henderson) Falls (b. Je 5. 1819. Mt. Carmel, Ky.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teaching, 1877-87. Address, Tullahoma, Tenn. (t) 136. RICHARD DOUGLAS FAULKNER (Brother of No. 67) Sch. Prin.; B. L. in Agr., 1895; b. Ag 27, 1858, Irvington, 111. Taught at Instown, 111., 1877-8; in Calif., 1878; Prin., Horace Mann Intermediate Sch., San Francisco. Address, Horace Mann Intermediate Sch., Valencia St., between 22d and 23d Sts., San Francisco. 137. CHARLES BROCKWAY GIBSON Med. R. C; B. S. in Chem., 1895; b. Ag 6, 1S54, Massina, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; s. Otis (b. My I, 1794, Chester, Vt.) and Chloe (Brockway) Gibson (b. Ag 20, 1816). Prepared in Springfield. Vt. H. S.; M. D., Coll. of Phy- sicians, 1887; stud., Univ. of Berlin. Phi Lamb- da Upsilon; Pres., Philomathean, 1877. Asst., Chem. Lab., 1876-7; Marshall Coll. Govt., 1875; mem. Sen., 1876; Capt. and Adjt., U. of 111. Prof., Chem., Coll. of P. and S., 1882-90; Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery, 1888-96; Hahne- mann Med Coll., 1889; (three yrs. Vt. Militia, 2d Regt.; four years. 6th Regt. I. N. G.; Capt. and Adjt., ist Regt. Inf., I. N. G., 1898-1901; ist Lt. Med. R. C, U. S. A.. 1916-18; San. Dept. U. S. A., 1918. Invented improvement in refining lead bullion and desilverization of do., 1878, and in gold extraction from ores. Auth.: Chem. and Microscopial Determinations of Poisons, 1882; Translator of Rudroff's Analyti- cal Chem. for Beginners, Chicago Med. Book Co., 1 894-0 J ; Reports on Spontaneous Com- bustion and Non. Conductors, 1884; articles on hygiene-air, water, etc., for Healthy Homcx, 1890, 91, 94; Metallurgv- and Assaying, in N. Y. and Chicago Min. Jours.; Articles on Uni- versal Mil. Tr., Army and Navy Jour., 1914; Addresses on same subject for the Navy League and the Nat. Security League; Oriental travel lectures. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; A. C. S.; Am. Geog. Soc. Zuchert Verein Gesellschaft, Berlin. K. T., S. P. R. S.; 320. Scottish Right,; A. A. O. N. Married Eva Katherine Clapp, Althos, Mass. (dead); Susie Gibson, 1917. Child, Jessie Mary, b. S 5, 1881. Address, 1505 Morse Ave., Chicago. 138. HIRAM GILKERSON (Father of Nos. 1685, 1877, 2396, 2994; Brother of No. 139) Retired Farmer; B. S., 1895; b. O 15, 185,!, Marengo, 111.; s. John (b. 1816, Carlyle, Eng.) and Frances E. (Williams) Gilkerson (b. 1832, N. H.). Prepared in Marengo and Sycamore H. Schs. Philomathean; Capt., Univ. Regt. Married Portia Motfet, 1877. Modesto, 111. (died F 19, 191 1, Earned, Kan.). Children: Aletha ('02), b. 1879; Frances Emeline ('03), b. 1880; Thomas John Cos), b. 1883; Portia Eunice ('07), b. 1886. Address, St. Petersburg, Fla., or Hampshire, 111. 139. *JOHN GILKERSON (Brother of No. 138) Farmer; B. S. in L. & A., 1895; b. 1856, Genoa, 111.; s. John (b. 1816, Carlyle, Eng.) and Frances E. (Williams) Gilkerson (b. 1832, N. H.). Died Mr 13, 1912, Elgin, 111. 140 HELEN BARBER GREGORY (Sister of Nos. 179, 51°) Artist; B. L., 1878; b. in Ann Arbor, Mich.; d. John M. (b. Jl 3, 1822 Sand Lake, N. Y.) and Julia Gregory (b. Sand Lake, N. Y.). Address, Lebaste a Realti Piazza di Spagna, Rome, Italy. 141. ALLAN GILMOUR KENNEDY Mine Mgr.; B. S. in C. E., 1895; b. O 8, 1858, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. Donald (b. D 16, 1828. Ottawa, Ont.) and Georgiana Frances (Atkinson) Kennedy (b. do.). Philomathean. Bank Clerk, 1878-79; with C. St. P. M. & O. R. R. Co., 1879-81; Mfg. Bus., 1881-96; Min. and Engng. in Ariz., 1896-1900; R. R. Building in N. Mex., 1900-4; Water Project for El Paso, Tex., 1904; Charge of Const, on Harriman lines out of Portland, Ore.. 1905-10; Mine Mgr. Married Kate Davis, Je 28, 1888 (died Je 5, 1911); Matilda Duffy, Ja 20, 1913. Ad- dress, Samuels Hotel, Wallace, Idaho. 142. ♦EDWARD VERNON LEWIS Steam Supplies Dealer; B. S. in L. & A., 1895; b- Ag 18, 1856, Chatham, HI.; s. John R. (b. Farmington, Conn.) and Sarah M. (Thompson) Lewis (b. Monson, Mass.). Pre- pared in Chatham Grade Sch. Delta Tail Delta. Cashier Bank, Chatham, 111., to 1881; Whole- sale Steam Supplies, 1882-1910; Treas., Crane Co., Omaha, Neb. Married Florence E. Dar- neille, Te 30, 1881. Children: Florence Belle, b. Ap i"6, 1882; Arthur Crane, b. My 10, 1885. Died Jl 5, 1910, Omaha, Neb. 143- JOSEPH CORSON LLEWELLYN (Husband of No. 148; Father of Nos. 2738, 2739, 4782) Architect; M. S., 1895; b. Jl 22, 1855, Phila- delphia; s. David Rossiter (b. Ag 27, 1828, Valley Forge, Pa.) and Hulda (CTorson) Llewellyn (b. Jc 24, 1831, Cape May Co., N. J.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Sterling, 111. Tau Beta Pi; Philomathean. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1877- 9; Supt., Bldg. Constr., St. Louis, 1879-81; Supt., Lindell Ry. Co., do. 1881-6; Farming. 1886-90; Sec, Quarry Co., Warrensburg, Mo., 1890-2; Arch., 1892 — . Pres., Chicago Arch. Club, two terms; Pres., Arch. League of Am., two terms; mem.. Union League; Chicago Arch, and LaGrange Country Clubs; Cliff Dwellers. Married Emma Clarinda Piatt C77), My 17, iSS'?, Monticello, 111. Children: Ralph Corson ('06), b. Ap 20, 1884; Clarinne ('06), b. F 14, 1886; Ruth Cii), b. D 21, 1888; Vida, b. Ag 21, 1891. .4ddress, 324 6th Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add.. Room 1516-25 First Nat. Bank Blclj;., Chicago. 144. 'JOHN McPHERSON Cert, in C. E.; b. 1854, Burritt, 111.; s. John McPherson. Died Ja 26, 1886, Lexington, Ky. 145. * EMILY C. MAXWELL B. S. in L. & A., 1805; b. D 5, 1856, Phila- delphia; d. Robert Archibald (b. Mr 9, 1831. Philadelphia) and Catherine Maxwell (b. F ii, 1835, Marion, Pa.). Prepared in Pub. sch. of Philadelphia. Coll. Sen. Teacher, autumn of 1877 and summer term, '78 in the country; one term, 1880. Died Ap i, 1908, Philadelphia. i877] Baccalaureate Alumni IS 146. JOHN FREMONT MOORE Farmer; B. S. in Arch., 1892; b. Je 20, i8s4, Davenport, la.; s. Adrian (b. Ap 12, 1814, Bridgetown, N. J.) and Susannah (Evans) Moore (b. Ja 25, 1816, Lancaster Co., Pa.). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Philomath- ean. Architecture, 1877-1908; Farmer, 190S — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Box 20, R. No. 2, Hood River, Ore. 147. *MARTHA E. PAGE (WHITHAM) (Wife of No. 160; Sister of Nos. 188, 189) B. L. in L. & A., 1895; b. Ag 14, 1847, Meta- mora. 111.; d. Andrew N. (b. about 1821, Ports- mouth, N. H.) and Mary A. (Grove) Page (b. 1822, Harrison Co. Ind.). Prepared in Meta- mora H. S. Alethenai. Mem.. Westminster Presby. Church, Seattle. Married Robert F. Whitham C77), Je 7, 1877, Champaign. Child- ren: Paul P., b. My 30, 1878; John Dement, b. S I, 1880 (died N 2, 1899); Cari Farwell, b. S 3, 18S2; Ruth, b. Ag 10, 1887; Robt. Lynn, b. Ja 10, 1889. Died Ap 20, 1915, Olympia, Wash. 148. EMMA CLARINDA PIATT (LLEWELLYN) (Wife of No. 143; Mother of Nos. 2738, 2739, 4782) B. S., 1879; B. L., 1895; b. Je 23, 1857, Monticello, 111.; d. Wni. Hart (b. Brookville, Ind.) and Clarinda (Marquiss) Piatt (b. Picka- way Co., O.). Prepared in Monticello Pub. Schools. Phi Bet3 Kappa. Taught school, Bement, 111., 1877-8; Marengo, 111., 1880. Auth.: Hist, of Piatt Co., 111., Hill Pub., Chi- cago, 1883, 634 pp. First Pres., Univ. of 111. Alumnae Assn. of Chicago; mem., Chicago Worn. Club; do., in La Grange; Assn. of Coll. Alumnae. Married Joseph Corson Llewellyn C77), My 17, 1883, Monticello, 111. Children: Ralph Corson ('06), b. Ap 20, 1884; Clarinne ('06), b. F 14, 1886; Ruth Cii), b. D 21, 1888; Vida, b. Ag 21, 1891. Address, 324, 6th Ave., LaGrange, lU.t 149. •GEORGE CLARK RICE B. L., 1895; b. 1850, Vermilion Co., 111. s. James F. Rice. Died Ag 29, 1902, Oakwood, 111. ISO. JOHN JAMES SEYMOUR B. S. in C. E., 1895; b. F 16, 1852, Fayette Co., O.; s. Abel Renick (b. 1815 Romney, W. Va.) and Jane (Dill) Seymour (b. 1S12, Bain- bridge, O.). Prepared in Dist. Schs. Civ. and Min. Engng. bus., 1877-90; Mgr. and part owner in Water Wks. and Elec. Power Co., a long distance transmission plant, 1890. Married Corinne Ann Howells, Je 8, 1885. Address, Santa Monica. Calif.f 151. COLER LINDLEY SIM Banker. B. S., 1895; b. F 7, 1856, Urbana; s. William (b. N 2, 1825, Baltimore Co., Md.) and Lucinda H. (Lindley) Sim (b. S 5, 1828, Knox Co., O.). Prepared in Urbana Pub. Sch., and under tutors at Univ. of 111. Held several of- fices in Coll. Govt., Senator and Chief Justice; Capt., Univ. Regt; Adelphic. Drug bus., Topeka, Kan.; Kansas Loan & Trust Co.; Santa Fe R. R. Co.; Banking and Loan Bus., Wichita, Kan. Trustee M. E. Church, seventeen yrs. ; Sch. Bd.. Wichita, six yrs. Married Nellie Huntoon, N 22, 1 88 1, Topeka, Kan. Children: Arthur Barnes, b. Ag 17, 1882; Ellen Lucinda, b. O 26, 1885; Nellie Huntoon, b. F 5, 1895. Address, 1303 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Kan. 152. "VELMA ELETHEA SKINNER (WARD) (Wife of No. 159) B. L. in L. & A., 1895; M. L., 1901; b. S 4, 1855, Susquelianna, Pa.; d. William Wells (b. My 12, 1816, Mt. Hope, N. Y.) and Letitia Wilson (Lockwood) Skinner (b. Je 17, 1821, Bloomingburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign Pub. Sch. Pres. Y. W. C. A.; Coll. Sen.; Class poet. Teacher 1877-82; Teacher, Dom. Sc, 1897-1905. Auth. of numerous poems, published in papers of Middle West; Prize article in Des Moines Daily News. Has given pub. readings from her poems, and pub. addresses on religious and philanthropic subjects. Mem., W. (3 T U Pres., Dist. Sec; D. A. R.; Univ. Exten. Club; Presby. Church; Champaign Co. Humane Soc; Coll. Alumnas Assn. Married Walter Payson Ward C77), Ag 23, 1882, Champaign. Children: Estella Velma, b. My i, 1884; Russell Austin, b. F 21, 1886; Lewis Chester, b. D 24, 1890; Henry Roscoe, b. D 24, 1890; Walter De Witt, b. F 23, 1892. Died F 23, 1906. Chicago. 153- AVIS ELIDA SMITH Physician; B. S.; M. S. in L. & A.; b. O 17 1851, Rockton, 111.; d. James Harris (b. Ag i ^' 1 821 Delhi, N. Y.) and Huldah (Howland) Smith (b. Mr 29, 1822). Prepared in pvt. sch., Marengo, 111.; M. D., Women's Med. Coll , Chicago, 1883. Alethenai; Coll. Council. Teacher, 1877-80; Med. Coll., Chicago, 1880- 83; New Eng. Hosp. for Women and Children, Boston, 1883-4; Practising Med., Kansas City, Mo., 1884 — ; Phys. in charge of Women's Ma- ternity Hosp., 1887-96; Mgr. and Staff-phys., Women s and Children's Hosp. 1897-1907; Prof., Women's Med. Coll., Kan. City, Mo., 1893-96; Lecturer, Histology in Coll. Phys! and Snrg., Kansas City. Mo., 1807: Lect. on Phvs, and Hygiene in Scarrett Tr. Sch., 1902 — . Mem., Co., St., and Nat. Med. Assns.; Uni- tarian Church: Athenaeum Club: Univ. Exten. Address, 2719 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., Rialto Bldg., do. 154. FRANKLIN SPENCE Real Est. Bus.; B. S. in Arch, 1895; b. Mr 2, 1852, Hamilton, 111.; s. John (b. F 20, 1820, Inverness, Scotland) and Jane (Wright) Spence (b. Ja 27, 1816, Aberdeen, do.). Prepared in Country Sch., Monticello Tp., Hancock Co., 111.; Bailies Bus. Coll., Keokuk, winters of 1871 and '72. Philomathean. Farmer, 1877- 1898; Night Watch, Univ. of 111., 1898-1900; Real Est. Bus., 1900-14; Grain and Stock Rancher, Wilsall, Park Co., Mont., 1914 — . In- vented a table by which could be calculated the cost of labor and materials needed in const, of bldgs., either bv the square or by the bldg. Sch. Dir., 1880-8. M. W. A.; Yeomen. Mar- ried Bertha Wilhamena Voigtlander, D 23, 1878, Hamilton, 111. Children: Minnie Bertha, b. N 17, 1880; Charlie Edward, b. Te 6, 1883; Eva Lena Jane, b. Ap 11, 1888. Address, Wil- sall, Park Co., Mont. 155- *JOHN MATHER STAYMAN B. S. in M. E., 1895; b. 1855. Miss.; s. H. M. Stayman. Died My 31, 1915, Chicago. 156. IRA JOY STODDARD, JR. (Husband of No. 158) Engineer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. O 24, 1855, Nowgong, Assam, British East Indies; s. Rev. I. J. (b. 1820, Erie Co., N. Y.) and D. C. (Allen) Stoddard (b. 1821, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.). Prepared in pvt. schs. and at Cen- tral Coll., Pella, la. Delta Tau Delta; Philo- mathean. Capt. in la. Nat. Guard, 1885-90. Capt. Draftsman, topographical work, 1877-80; R. R. surs., 1881-2; City Engr., Oskaloosa, la.; Co. Surv., Mahaska Co., la., and Mgr. land title Co., 1882-90; cemetery and park work in various cities; topographical sur. of 111. for Columbian Exposition, and sewers in N. J., 1890-6; Mun. Highway & River Improvement Engng. in la.. 1897-1918. Auth.: Treatise on Drainage and Roads; short stories and mag. articles. Organized first Soc. of la. Survs. and Engrs. JNIarried Anna M. Keables, Ja 30, 1879, University of Illinois [1878 Pella, la. (died Ja 19, 1890); Carrie D. Victor ('77), Ap 14, 1S92, Champaign (died Ap 19, 1894) Children: Ruth, b. Te 8, 1880; Jay, b. Jl 12, 1SS2; Carl Gregory, b. Ap 27, 1885; Roy Keables, b. Ag 22, 1889. Address, Pella, la. 157. *GERTRUDE SWITZER (PEDDICORD) (Sister of No. 452) B. L., 1895; b. Ap 16, 1857, Mt. Airy. Md. ; d. Francis Asbary (b. Mr 28, 1828, Union Bridge, Md.) and Ann Jane (Bussard) Switzer (b. Mr 5, 1834, Mt. Airy, Md.). Prepared in Champaign Female Sem. Alethenai. jNIarried Higason Peddicord, O 19, 1882, Champaign. Children: Robert Henry, b. S 30, 188^; Ruth, b. Ja 25, 1885 (died S, 18S7.) Died D, 1915, Champaign. 158. *CARRIE DONIPHAN VICTOR (STODDARD) (Wife of No. 156) Teacher; Cert.; b. Ap 27, 1856, Lynchburg, Va. Alethenai. Taught, Champaign, 1877-84; Sisseton, S. Dak., Indian Sch., 1884-6; Teacher and housekeeper, 1886 — . Mem., Congr. Church. ]\Iarried Ira J. Stoddard, Jr. C??), Ap 14, 1892, Champaign. Died Ap 19, 1894, Chicago. 159. *WALTER P. WARD (Husband of No. 152) Carpenter; B. L. in L. & S., 1880; b. F 11, 1849, Marietta, O.; s. Geo. A. (b. Athol, Mass.) and Susan U. (Bailey) Ward (b. Marietta, O.). Prepared in Prairie City Acad. Adelphic. Prac- tising law, 1881-1901; Farming, 1901-06; Car- penter, 1906 — . Married Velma E. Skinner C77), 1882, Champaign (died F 23, 1906). Child, Russel A., b. F 22, 1S86. Died O 12, 1 914, Webb City, Mo. 160. ROBERT FARWELL WHITHAM (Husband of No. 147) U. S. Mineral Surv. ; Cert, in Chem.; b. Ap 13, 1852, Lawrence Co., Pa.; s. John Dement (b. F 181 5, W. Va.) and Caroline (Farwell) Whitham (b. Ag 1818, Keene, N. H.). Pre- pared in Monmouth H. S.; Univ. Acad. Adel- phic; Capt. Civ. Engng. and Surv.. Rankin, Ver- milion Co., 111., 1877-79; U. P. R. R. in Wy., 1880; Fruit Growing and Co. Surv.; JVIun. & Street Ry. & City Engr. of Olympia, Wash, 1890-92; Pres., Capital City Abstract Co., 1892- 96; U. S. Land and Mineral Surv. for Wash., 1894 — ; Exam, of Mines in interest of pvt. parties, 1894 — ; U. S. Mineral Surv. for Alaska. 1900 — . Mem., Pacific N. W. Soc. of Engng., 1903 — ; Presby. Church. Married Martha E. Page C77), Je 7. 1877 (died Ap 20, 1915). Children: Paul P., b. My 30, 1878; John Dement, b. S i, 1880 (died N 2, 1899); Carl Farwell. b. S 3, 1882; Ruth Ellen, b. Ag 10, 1887; Robert Lynn. b. Ja 10, 1889. Address, Box 455, Olympia, Wash. 161. MYRON JEROME WRIGHT (Father of No. 2301) Farmer; B. S., 1895; b. Ja 23, 1855, Stock- ton, Jo Daviess Co., 111.; s.- Burton and Sophia (Byron) Wright. Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Married Nellie C. Fordick, D 10, 1878. Children: Ward E. ('04); Edith H.; Avice; llurton; Howard. Address, Woodstock, 111. CLASS OF 1878 (29 LIVING, 13 DEAD) 162. EDWARD J. BAKER (Father of Nos. 2889, 3628) Retired; B. S., 1880; b. Ap 25, 1857, Jeffer- son Co., N. Y.; s. Phenix (b. N 24, :8i6) and Juliette (Lamson) Baker (b. My 8, 1821). Philomathean. Married Alice R. Beebe, D 29, 1882. Children: Ray L. ('07), b. F 14, 1884; Ruth M. ('09), b. Mr 29, 1887. Address, Champaign. 163. *CHARLES KEENE BALLARD Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 6, 1854, Chicago; s. Edward Ballard (b. Augusta, Me.) and Lucy Wilcom (Plum) Ballard (b. Middle- town, Conn.). Prepared in Englewood H. S.; Lombard Coll.; Sangers Acad.; Babcock's Acad. Arch., 1878-80, Chicago; lumber bus.. Mo., one yr. ; three yrs. in bus. in Chicago; banker in Madison, S. Dak., four yrs.; V. P. First Nat. Bank; .'\rch. until death. Insp. of the Ft. Sheridan bldgs. Mem., Universalist Church. Married Kate L. Wood, S 12, 1883, Oak Park, 111. Children: Mary Gage, b. N 5, 1885; Jessie Gertrude, b. D 23, 1886; Kathryn Louise, b. D 24, 1887; Edward Wood, b. Jl 17, 1889; Douglas Keene, b. Jl 31, 1891; Esther Eatin, b. My I, T895. Died Mr 4, 1895, Oak Park, 111. 164. * WALLACE EVERETT BRIDGE (Brother of No. 304.) B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 14, 1856, La Moille, 111. s. Sereno (b. N 23, 1820, Wilmington, Vt.) and Allisanny S, (Winchester) Bridge (b. Jl 13, 1821, Marlboro, Vt.). Prepared in La Moille H. S. Philomathean; Capt. in Univ. Regt. Stock raiser, 1878; Bus., Minneapolis. 1891-6; Clerk in Circuit Court, Commissioner's Office, Detroit, 1898. Mem., and held successively all offices in, PaleV.ine Lod^e. A. F. A. M., Oetroit; Drill Corps, Detroit Commandery, K. T. Mar- ried Sara E. Phillips, Je 17, 1893, Minneapolis. Child, Everette, b. My 26, 1894. Died Mr 18, 1899, Detroit. 165. FRANK ADELBERT BROWN (Brother of No. 59) Banker; Cert., 1878; b. O 31, 1855, Marengo, 111.; s. Milo S. (b. 1826, Burns, N. Y.) and Hanna M (Drake) Brown (b. 1830, Cuyler, N. Y.). Prepared in Marengo II. S. Philo- mathean; Delta Tau Delta; Class Pres., 1878. Teaching, 1878-82; Law and Real Est. 1882- 85; do., Clark, S. Dak., 1885-87; do., Aber- deen, S. Dak., 1887 — ; Mem. firm Brown Bros., Bankers; Com. of Finances, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1912 — •; Pres. Bd. of Educ, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1892-190.S; Receiver U. S. Land Office, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1897-1901. Mem., A. F. .■\. M. Married Laura E. Bailey, N 15, 1878, Rantoul, 111. Children: Mila A., b. F 21, 1881; Frank A., Jr., b. O 28, 1883; Harry F., b. Ap 5, 1886; Lorna D., b. D 24, 1S89; Lauran A., b. Ap 21, 1893 (died Je 19, 1908). Ad- dress, Aberdeen, S. Dak. 166. SAMUEL ALEXANDER BULLARD (Brother of Nos. 305, 306, 464; Father of Nos. 2339, 2599, 3662) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; M. Arch., hon., 1903; b. Mr 25, 1853, Sangamon Co., 111.; s. Wesley (b. Jl i6, 1816. Shelby Co., Ky.) and Sarah Ann (Foster) Bullard (b. Jl 18, 1864, Montgomery Co., do.). Prepared in Country Schs. Adelphic; Pres. and Orator Sr. Class; Ed., The Illini., 1877-8; Pros. Atty., First and Second Assoc. Justices, and Chief Justice of Supreme Court, old Coll. Govt. Pres., Char- ter mem., Y. M. C. A., 1876-7; Rep. in Interstate Orat. Contest, 1877. Taught sch., 1878-9; Arch., 1879 — ; Arch, of 111. St. Comn. to reconstruct Lincoln Nat. Monument, 1889- 90: City Engr. and mem. Bd. of Pub. Works, Springfield, 111., 1884-9; Trustee, Univ. of III., 1889-1907; Pres., Bd. of Trustees, 1891-3, 1904-7. Mem. Co. C, sth Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1880-85. Introduced man. tr. and mech. 1 878] BaCC'ALAUNI'.AJK ;\i,UA[NI 17 drawing in Springfield schs.; ed. Ref>orts 111. Soc. Engr. and Suns., 1890-5; pnblislied sev- eral professional pamphlets. Mem., M. E. Church; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs.; A. I. A., 1885; Exec. Sec. and Treas., Charter mem., 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs.; Tau Beta Pi. Married Elsie Cornelia Elliott, Ap ig, 1882, Tonica, 111. Children: Helen Elizabeth ('05), b. My 17, 18S3; Edwin Elliott ('06), b. Ag 30, 1884; Clark Wesley ('09), b. O 21, 1886; Elsie Louise, b. S 13, 1887 (died F 26, 1015). Address, 318 S. Glen wood Ave., Springfield, 167. ELLIS M. BURR Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 27, 1858, Woodstock, 111.; s. Lyman E. (b. Haddam, Conn.) and Elizabeth (Hollister) Burr (b. Bethel, Sullivan Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Woodstock, III. I-I. S. Adelphic. Prop, of Ma- chine Shop and Foundry; partnership with E. A. Robinson, 1878-1900; E. M. Burr & Co., 1900-13; Pres., Burr Co. (Inc.), machine shop, foundry, and struct, plant, 191 3 — . St. Militia, 1878-86; Supvr., Champaign Tp., 1890-98; Co. Treas. of Champaign Co., 189S-1902. Mem. A. S. M. E.; Hamilton Club; A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; T. P. A.; Elks; Country Club: Rotary Club. Invented thermometer graduating ma- chines; railway dynamometer; pipe threading machine patents; numerous other devices. Married Nancy L. Glenn, Ap 20, 1881. Child, Elizabeth IL, b. Mr 8, 1882. Address, 40S W. Hill St., Champaign. 168. NOAH BEERY COFFMAN Banker; B. S. ; b. Ap 2, 1857, Cravvfordsville, Ind. ; s. Noah Beery (b. O 10, 1816, Pleas- ant Valley, Va.) and Margaret (Wimp) Coff- man (b. F 29, 1820, Carroll, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Philomathean; Orat. Jun. Class; Represented LTniv. at Inter-Coll. Orat. Contest at Monmouth, 111., 1876. Studied law, Urbana, 1878-79. Removed to Wellington, Kan. and admitted to practise there, 1879; opened office in Ottawa; walked to Hebron, Neb. and taught dist. sch. ; became Bank clerk, then cashier; opened law office with Manford Sav- age (No. 103); Bank Cashier, Tacoma, 1S83: Chehalis, rimning pvt. bank, 1884; Pres. and Mgr. of ist Nat. Bank. 1890 — ; Treas. 8th Mis- sionary Div. Prot. Epis. Church, comprising Pac. Coast, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands and Manila; Pres., S. W. Wash. Settlers Agency; Del. to Nat. Rep. Conventions, 1900 and 1916; many times del. to triennial convention of Prot. Epis. Church; Treas., Diocese of Olympia; Re- presented Univ. of 111. at soth Anniv. of Univ. of Wash.; until recently engaged in breeding pure bred Jersey cattle; in charge of much war work of State; Del. to Convention in Philadel- phia, My 191S, of League to Enforce Peace; Pres., Lewis & Co. Pure Breeders Club. Mar- ried Adaline J. Tighe, O i, 1883, Hebron, Neb. Children: Florence Adaline. b. D 7, 1884; Ethelin Margaret, b. Je ig, 1886; Daniel Tighe, b. Ag 17, 1890. Address, Chehalis, Wash. 169. *FRANK SHERMAN COFLIN Cert., L. & S.; b. 1854, 111.; s. R. F. Coflin. Prin., H. S. Quitman, Miss., 1904. Died F 9, 1908, Picayune, Miss. 170. EMMA COLUMBIA (MANN) (Wife of No. 109) Cert.; b. D 7, 1857, Champaign; d. Curtis Fields (b. Mr 10, 1823, Madison, Ky.) and Nancy (Cox) Columbia (b. Je i, 1879. Ashe- ville, N. C). Prepared in Champaign Sem. Married James R. Mann ('76). My 30. 1882, Champaign. Child, James R., Jr., b. D 10, 1888, (died S 20, 1918.). Address, Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago."!' 171. ANNETTE M. CULVERT (ELLISON) Librarian; P.. S. in L. & S.; b. Henry, III.; d. Mary Culver. Children's Libn., Minneapolis Pub. Lib. Married A. C. Ellison. Address, Pub. Lib., Minneapolis. t 172. NANCY DAVIS (SCOVELL) (Wife of No. 85; Sister of Nos. 265, 311) B. S. in Dom. Sc; b. Ja 28, 1857, Washington Co., Ind.; d. Chester Powers (b. Mr 7, 1S35, do.) and Hettie (Close) Davis (b. My i, 1838, Scott Co., Ind.). Prepared in Monticello H. S. Alethenai. Mem., Art Club, Champaign; Wo- man's Club of Central Ky. ; Hosp. Bd., Lexing- ton, Ky. ; Woman's Club of Ky. St. Univ.; D. A. R. ; St. Home Economics Comn.; Ky. Fed. of Woman's Clubs; Second Presby. Church. Married Melville Amasa Scovell ('75), S 8, 1880, Monticello. 111. (died Ap 15, 1912). Ad- dress, 3643 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.f 173. FRANK A. DEAN Banker; Cert.; b. S 28, 1855, La Salle, 111.; s. Francis A. (b. Conn.) and Mary (Hartshorn) Dean (b. N. Y.). Class Historian; Delta Tau Delta; Capt. in Univ. Regt. Mercantile Bus., [87S-1904; City Nat. Bank, 1904 — . St. Sen- ator, 1903-4; Alayor of Holdrege, five terms. Married Cora C. Riggs, Je 25, 1879, Buckley, 111. Address, Holdrege, Neb.t 174. SARAH CATHERINE DEARDORFF (DONNELL) B. S. in Dom. Sc. ; b. My 15, 1854, Cobden, III.; d. Andrew (b. Gettysburg, Pa.) and Sophia (Lingle) Deardorlf (b. Jonesboro, 111.). Pre- pared in Cobden H. S. Alethenai. Taught in Co. Norm. Schs., four yrs. ; Deputy Co. Supt. of Schs., two yrs.; Bd. of Co. Examiners, seventeen yrs. Married Benjamin F. Donnell, My I, 1883, Anna, III. Children: Delia Eliza- beth, b. Jc 7. 1884; Franklin Andrew, b. Ag i, 1S88; Earl, b. O I, 1894 (died Ag 10, 1895). .Iddrcss, Ashland, Kan.t 175. 'IDA MAY ESTEP (Sister of Nos. 43, 176) Cert.; b. Paris. O.: d. Isaiah (b. Wellsville. O.) and Sevilla (Smith) Estep (b. Pa.). Pre- pared in Rantoul H. S. Mem., M. E. Church. Died Ja 25, 1S87, Rantoul, 111. 176. JESSIE ESTEP (Sister of Nos. 43, 175) Book and Art Expert; Cert, in L. & S.; d. Isaiah (b. Wellesville, O.) and Sevilla (Smith) Estep (b. Pa.). Prepared in Rantoul, H. S. Mem , First Church of Christ, Scientist. Ad- dress, 1824 Twenty-fourth Ave., Seattle. t 177. FRED FRANCIS Retired; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 21, 1856, Kcwanee, 111.; s. Sullivan R. (b. Ap 20, 1S16, Luenburg, Mass.) and Mary S. (Gardner) Francis (b. N 13, 1825, Lowell, do.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. Employed in Elgin Watch Fac- tor.y, 1879-90. Invented and Constructed pure soft water reservoir for home, 1893; Found diameter of circle x by solving equation of about 20th degree with about 1,000 terms, 1890; Original solution of why water does not come to level of fountain head through pipe con- taining pockets of air, 1909. Auth. : Short Let- ters in Physical Culture Magazine, 1906-7. Married Jeannette E. Crowfoot, Ag 10, 1890, Buffalo, N. Y. Address, Kewanee, 111., R. No. 5. 178. *THEOPHILUS GAFFNER Physician; Cert, in Chem.; b. O 27 1851, Highland, 111.; s. Gottlieb (b. Ap 11, 1827, Switzerland) and Emmaritta (Branger) Gaffner (b. 1S33, do.). Prepared in Highland, 111., St. i8 University of Illinois [1878 Norm. Univ. M. D., Washington, 1880. Mem., Bd. Trustees M. E. Church, Trenton, 111.; Dir., Trenton Milling Co.; mem., Trenton Sch. Bd. ; Pres. Clinton Co. Med. Soc. ; mem., 111. St. and Am. Med. Assn's. Married Amelia Gaffner, Mr 29, 1881, St. Louis (died F 9, 1891). Chil- dren: Katherine E., b. Ja 14, 1883; Gertrude, b. O 2, 1884; Karl S., b. Jl 5, 1886; Amelia, b. Ag 15, 1887. Died Je 15, 1906, Trenton, 111. 179. ALFRED T. GREGORY (Brother of Nos. 140, 510) Lawyer; P.. L., 1878; A. M., 1905; b. Ag 17. 1858, Ann Arbor, Mich.; s. John M. (b. Jl 3, 1822, Sand Lake, N. Y.) and Julia Gregory (b. do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Salesman, 1878-1880; Civ. Engr., 1880-82; Bridge Engr., Atlantic and Pacific R. R. ; Law, 1883 — ; Kansas City Bar Assn., twenty-eight yrs.; Dir. Kansas City Soc. for the Suppression of Commercialized Vice. Mem., Kansas City Country Club; Kansas City City Club; Knife and Fork Club. Married Josephine Karnes, N 3, 1892. Kansas City, Mo. Children: Joseph Van Clief, b. F 4, 1894; John Milton, b. S 5, 1896. Address, Commerce Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. 180. *HENRY HAUSER Pres., Contracting Co.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 29, 1855, St. Louis; s. Frederic (b. Ger.) and Philipena (Diehl) Hauser (b. do.). Prepared in common sch., Mascoutah, 111. Const. Dept., A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1878-89; Mgr., B. Lantsy Sons Contrs., 1889-1904; \'. P., Sharp-Hauser Contr. Co., 1904-9; Pres., H. Hauser Contr. Co., 1909 — . Mem., Univ. Club, Los Angeles; Trustee, Presby. Church. Married Mrs. Mar- garet S. Harter, O 3, 1904, Los Angeles. Died F 3. 1913- 181. MARY S. EARNED (PARSONS) (Wife of No. 79) B. S.; b. D 31. 1858, Waterloo, la.; d. Charles Gowdy (b. Mr 2, 1824, Middlebury, Vt.) and Calista Evelyn (Blanchard) Earned (b. N 2, 1821, Windham Co.. Vt.). Prepared in Champaign schs. and home. Alethenai. Supt., Kan. W. C. T. U. of the Dept. of Sc. Temperature Instruction; helped found King- man Free Lib., 1901; Woman's Suffrage Speaker; Chm. for Neosho Co., Kan., of the Woman's Com. of the Council of Nat. De- fense; Co. Pres., Neosho Co. W. C. T. U.; Pres., Chanute Branch of the Assn. of Colle- giate_ Alumnae; Home Missionary Soc; Social Service Work among Mexicans; Social Service for colored people; Chm., Com. on Patriotic Educ, Kan. D. A. R. ; mem., Humane Soc; Sch. Bd.; Women's and Children's Hosp. in Kansas City, Mo., one time v. P.; Aud. three yrs.; Minister in Fellowship in Universalist Church; Pres., City Federation of Women's Clubs, 1914; Treas., Child Welfare Assn. for two yrs.; hon. mem., Chanute Culture (ilub; mem.. Mother's Club and Child Welfare Assn., Chanute; St. Cecelia Musical Club. Married Fernando Alston Parsons ('75), Ag 11, 1881, Champaign. Address, 803 S. Central Ave., Chanute, Kan. 182. EDDY ORLAND LEE Lawyer; B. L. ; b. S 16, 1855, Hatley, Que- bec; s. Josiah (b. N 20, 1820, Stanstead, Quebec) and Rockselana (Davis) Lee (b. Ja 19, 1824, do.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Adelphic. Studied Law in office of Hon. James Shaw, Mt. Carroll, 111. Practicing since 1881; mem., firm Booth, Lee, Badger, Rich & Parke; Prosecuting Atty., Cheyenne Co., Neb., two vrs. Mem., M. E. Church; Pres., Bd. Trustees, do.; I. 0. O. F.; do., S. A. R., 1915- 16. Married Jennie Cummings, Ag 20, 1884, Sheffield, 111. Address, 4 Miller Flats, Salt Lake City; bus. add., 604-10 Boston Bldg., do. 'Sa- FRANK HAYDEN LLOYDE (Brother of No. 513) Real Est. and Loans; Cert.; b. D 29, 1857, Lamoille. 111.; s. David Hayden (b. 1835, Springfield, Mass.) and Ellen Persis (Angier) Lloyde (b. 1840, Vt.). Prepared in Prince- ton H. 3. Adelphic. Traveled extensively abroad and in southern sts. since 1897. Pres. and Sec. Alumni Assoc, one yr., each; Deacon Baptist Church, eighteen yrs.; mem., Cham- paign Pub. Lib. Bd. twelve yrs.; Champaign City Council, two yrs.; Treas., Univ. Y. M. C. A. Bldg. fund, ten yrs.; Sec. and Chm., Champaign Co. Prohibition Central Com., sev- eral yrs. each; Dir., 111. Title & Trust Co. Mar- ried M. Frances Core, Je 5, 1879, Champaign. Child, Catherine Ellen, b. My 11, 1900. Ad- dress, 1503 Venice Blvd., Venice, Calif. 184. *JAMES ADRIAN McLANE Real Est. bus.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 22, 1857, Newark, N. J.; s. Henry H. (b. Mr 10, 1818, N. Y. City) and Ida E. (Scharff) Mc- Lane (b. Je 13, 1826, Amsterdam, Holland.). Prepared in Waukegan H. S. Delta Tau Delta. R. R. Clerk, 1870-81; Traveling Salesman, 1881-3; Real Est, 1S84-1915. Mem., Univ. Club; Real Est. Bd.; Hamilton Club, life mem.; Midlothian Country Club. Died D 30, 1915. Chicago. 185. JEAN C. MAHAN (PLANK) (Sister of No. 106) Author; B. L. in L. & S.; b. Ja 6, 1859, Tonica, 111.; d. Isaac Sanders (b. O 10, 1828, Sardinia, O.) and Jane H. (Lindsay) Mahan (b. F 21, 1826, McConnellsburg, Pa.). Pre- pared in Pub. Sch. Studied music under Xaver Scharwenka, N. Y., 1893-4, 1897-8; music in Boston and Berlin, 1910; five yrs. study of the short-story, German, French, Italian. Ale- thenai. Studied piano and foreign lang. in Berlin and N. Y. ; charge of music Dept. in Univ. of 111., 1879-80 and 1880-81; on staff of Musical Monitor, Chicago, 1914-16; edi- torial writing, departmental work. Auth.: of a number of stories in mags. ; published : Civic music in Chicago, A Choral Peace Jubi- lee, Encouraging American music, A Born Pioneer. Mem.j Auth's League of Am.; V. P. and charter mem., Chicago Alumnae of Univ. of 111., 1912 — ; Press Club, Denver, 1908; va- rious musical, German, Italian clubs. Married Phil White Plank, F 24, 1881, Champaign, (died Jl I, 1909.). Address, 6009 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. 186. AARON HENRY MOORE (Father of No. 31 17) Lumber Dealer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. S is, 1849, Louisville, 111.; s. Daniel (b. 1822) and Eliza Ann (Monical) Moore (b. 1827, Ind.). Prepared in Country Sch. Scientific Soc. Pres. Prin. Toledo Sch., 1879; taught country Sch., 18S0; Dry Goods bus., 1881-92; Prop., Wabash Lumber Yards, 1892 — . Elected Surv. Clay Co., 1S80; Clerk, village of Louisville, 1885; Treas. of the city, 1886; Pres., Village Bd., 1889; Sec, The Wabash Bldg. & Loan Assn., 1895—; Dir. and V. P., Clay Co. St. Bank, 1905. Married Mahala Margerette George. F 10, 1884, Louis- ville, 111. Children: Samuel Burns ('07), b. My 28, 1885; Frances Cleveland, b. O 16, 1889; Maud Elizabeth, b. N 28, 1890 (died F i, 1892). Address, Louisville, Ill.t 187. WENSEL MORAVA Mfr., Struct. Steel; b. 1853, Bohemia; s. Wensel Morava. Pres., Morava Const. Co., igoo — ; Contr., steel work. Armory. Univ. of 111.; Maj., Q. M. Corps, U. S. N. A., engaged :n constructing warehouses for Q. M. Dept. near Harrisburg, Pa. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Address, 4846 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 85th St. and Stewart Ave., do. i878] Baccalaureate Alumni 19 188. 'EMMA ELIZABETH PAGE (Sister of Nos. 147, 189) Lecturer and Organizer of W. C. T. U. ; B. L. in L. & S.; U. L., 1879; b. Jl 30, 1852, jNIetamora, 111; d. Andrew H. (b. Ja 7, 1820, Gilmanton Iron Works, N H.) and Mary Ann (Grove) Page (b. O 26, 1S20, Georgetown, Ind.). Prepared in Jacksonville and home. Ale- thenai. Mystery of the Seven Sisters; Wrote Class song; V. P., Class; Senator, Stud. Govt. Taught music, 1879-88; do., in Eureka Coll. two yrs. ; Rancher on Homestead Claim in Wyo., 1888-93; Lecturer and Clrganizer for W. C. T. U., 1892-1910. Auth.: Heart Culture, a text- book on Humane Educ, 2y2 pp., Whitaker & Ray Co., 1897; Humane Educator No. 5, 100 pp.; many short stories in various periodicals. Died JI 28, 1910, Olympia, Wash. 189. MARY LOUISA PAGE (Sister of Nos. 147, 188) Teacher; Cert, in Arch.; B. S. in Arch., 1879; b. Ja 27, 1849, Metamora, 111.; d. Andrew N. (b. Ja 7, 1820, Gilmantpn, N. H.) and Mary Ann (Grove) Page (b. O 26, 1820, New Albany, Ind.). Prepared in Tremont, 111., Acad.; Metamora H. S. Pres., Alethenai; Mys- tery of the Seven Sisters; Senator, Stud. Govt. Teacher, 1878-90; Arch. Draftsman, 1889; Drafting, Blue Printing and Abstracting, 1895; Pres., W. C. T. U., W. Wash., 1895-1900; V. P. at large of same orgn. and St. Supt. of Temp, literature, 1900-5. Issued W. C. T. U. reports, pp. 80-90, five yrs. Auth.: A Country School Teacher; Relation of Cruelty to Food Supply; A Sketch from Life, Northwest Jour, of Educ, Seattle; numerous articles for press along tem- perance and humane lines. Address, Pomona, Kan. 190. JOHN WAKELEY PATCHIN Lawyer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Lodi, Washte- naw Co., Mich.; s. John (b. Burton, O.) and Elizabeth (Wakely) Patchin. Prepared at home; Oberlin, winter 1880-1. Pres., Adelphic; Sen. in Stud. Govt. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1884. Taught Sch., 1878-81; Clerk, 1881-2; Law Sch., Ann Arbor, 1882-4; Practicing Law, 1884 — . Mayor Traverse City, Mich., 1900-1; mem., Bd. of Educ, 1890-1900; Chm., City Rep. Com., Traverse City, 1905 — . Married Ruth M. Patchin, Jl 6, 1888, Manchester, Mich. Chil- dren, Lucius W., b. Jl 18, 1889; Elizabeth, b. JI 2, 1895. Address, Traverse City, Mich.f 191. JAMES LYON POLLOCK (Brother of No. 83) Lawyer; B. L. ; b. 1858, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. James M. (b. County Down, Ire.) and Caroline M. (Lyon) Pollock (b. Brighton, Can.). Address, Mt. Vernon, Ill.t 192. CHARLES LAURENS RICHARDS (Husband of No. 338) Lawyer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 21, 1856, Wood- stock, 111.; s. Thomas McDonough (b. Madison Co., N. Y.) and Julia Antoinette (Webb) Richards (b. Columbia Co., do.). Prepared in Waterville (N. Y.) H. S. LL. B., Union Coll. of Law (Northwestern), 1884. Philomathean. Farmer and Sch. teacher, 1878-82; studying Law, 1882-4; Practising, 1884 — ; Prosecuting Atty., Thayer Co., four yrs.; Speaker of House of Rep., Neb. Legislature, 1895: Prosecuting Atty., 1 9 14 — •. Elder, Presbv. Church. Mar- ried Carrie Allen; Lida M. Ashby ('83), 1886, Fairfield, Kan. (died S i, 1888, Hebron, Neb.); Lizzie Lowrie. Children: Carl Gregory, b. Je 10, 1880; Bessie As' by, b. Ag 3, 1887; John Lowrie, b. Mr 22, 1893; Webb, b. Jl 24, 1898. Address, Hebron, Neb. 193. * WILLIAM DOLE OWEN RUDY B. S. in Chem.; b. 1854. Paris, 111.; s. J. O. Rudy. Died Jl 16, 1899, Washington, D. C. 194- 'ABRAM D. RUTAN^ Cert, in L. & S.; b. 1851, Paterson, N. J.; s. S. D. Abram. Died Je 4, 1887, Ranton, N. Mex. 195- MANFORD SAVAGE (Brother of No. 248) Lawyer; 'B. L. in L. & S.; b. My 24, 1854, Macoupon Co., 111.; s. Nathan (b. Mr 1, 1812, Windsor, Vt.) and Sophronia (Wilkins) Sav- age (b. Rutland, Vt.). Prepared in Girard H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Dir., Utilities Indemnity Ins. Co., St. Louis; Dist. Atty., 1882-1892; Lawyer, Champaign, 1882 — . Mem., 111. St. Bar Assn. Married Anna Savage, Je 8, 1882. Child, Arthur Dale, b. F 1, 1890. Ad- dress, 810 W. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., Robeson Bldg., do. 196. HAMLIN WHITMORE SAWYER Publisher; B. S. in L. & S., 1914; b. D 5, 1853, Godfrey, 111.; s. John York (b. N 2, 1823, Windsor, N. Y.) and Sarah Jane (Robbins) Sawyer (b. Ap 1, 1833, Marysville, III.). Pre- pared in Com. Schs. at Godfrey, 111. Adelphic; Capt. in Univ. Regt. Capt. Co. H., I. N. G., 9th 111. Regt. Taught five yrs. in HI.: Prin- cipal Otterville H. S.; Supt., City Schs., Fair- mount, 111., 1882-3; Farmed, Homestead and Free Claim Valley Co., Neb., 1883-5-; Published Loup Valley Gazette, 1885-7; Wichita Independ- ent, 1887-9; Oklahoma City Times, 1888-1891 Consolidated Frisco Times and El Reno Her- ald, 1892; Published do., 1892-5; Farmer, 1894 Founded and published Oklahoma Review. Auth., of Several religious and govt, publica tions. Mem., Bd. Trustees, Plymouth Congr Church, Enid, Okla. Married Clara Dell Can ady, D 16, 1880, Champaign. Children: Albert Canady, b. Ag 28, 1881; Noel, b. O 13, 1883 William Lemon, b. N 16, 1884; Arthur Ware b. Ag 13, 1887. Address, Sawyer's Univ. Place Enid. Okla.f 197. HOSEA B. SPARKS Pres., Sparks Milling Co.; Cert, in L. & S.; b. N 5, 1858, Staunton, 111.; s. David R. (New Albany, Ind.) and Anna Davenport (Chapman) Sparks (b. near Staunton, 111.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Adelphic. Leader, Gymnasium, two yrs. Mfg. Flt)ur, Alton, Mills. Pres., Mil- lers' Nat. Fed. Married Bessie Mayo Pegram, Ja 6, 1894, Lincoln, 111. Address, Alton, 111. 198 'WILLIAM F. SPRADLING Cert, in L. & S.; b. 1856, III.; s. Levi Sprad- ling. Died N 30. 1881, Greenleaf, Kan. 199. *MARTIN SPRAGUE Miner; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Ag 3, 1853, Lowell, O.; s. J. B. (b. 1837, Lowell, O.) and Malinda F. (Martin) Sprague (b. 1832, Pa.). Prepared in Decatur, III. Adelphic; Atty. under Stud. CJovt. Practice law; Claim Adjuster on R. Rs. in Tex., Kan., and Ark.; Min. Bus., 1897-1905; Mgr., Min. Co., Mex., 1905-8. Mem., City Council. Springfield, 111.. 1881; Co. Assessor, Patter Co., S. D.. 1882. Married Linnie M. Roll, 1882 Springfield, 111. (died 1890). Child- ren: Linnie M., b. 1883; Gladys, b. 1885. Died F 7, 1911, Jacksonville, 111. 200. MAHLON OGDEN WEED Farmer: B. S. in Sc; b. Je 29, 1850, Walton, N. Y.; s. Tames (b. My 5. 1803, Walton, N. Y.) and Abigail (Terry) Weed (b. N 1818, do.). Prepared in Belvidere S. Side H. S.; Lombard Coll.; Jefferson Liberal Inst., Galesburg. Teacher, 1878-86; Farmer, 1886 — . Married Lydia Margaret Ridpath, Ap 7, 1885, New Sharon, la. Address, Alvo, Neb.t 201. JOHN FRANKLIN WHITLOCK Lawyer; B. L. in L. & S.; b. 1855, Dwight, 111.; s. G. W. Whitlock; Capt., Univ. Regt. Address, Gettysburg, S. Dak.f University of Illinois (f87Q 20Z. AUGUST ZIESING (Father of No. 3615.) Pres., Am. Bridge Co.; B. S. in M. E.; C. E. 1905; b. F 19, 1858, Peru, 111.; s. Henry (b. D 3, 1828, Cedern, Ger.) and Katherine Brenne- mann Ziesing (b. S 24, 1828, Vetsburg, do.). Prepared in Peru H. S. and by pvt. tutor. Delta Tau Delta; Capt. Bridge Designing and Const., 1878-1880; R. R. Engr., 1880-83; Bridge De- signing and Const., 1883-87; Mgr. and Engr., Lassig Bridge Works, 1887-1901; Consulting Engr., Bridges and Buildings a Specialty, 1897- 1 901; V. P. and Western Mgr., Am. Bridge Co., 1901-5; Pres., Am. Bridge Co., 1905-11; A. S. C. E.; Western Soc. Engrs. ; Am. Ry. Engng. and Maintenance of Way Assoc. Mem., Skokie Country Club (Glencoe) ; Engrs. Club, N. \'.\ Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh; Union League Club, Chicago; Engrs. Club, Chicago; Univ. Club, Chicago. Married Alice A. Hanna, F 27, 1884. Wooster, O. Children: Mabel b. Ja 1885 (died Ap i88s); Harry H. ('08), b. Mr 31, 1886; Margarette, b. O i, 1887; Gertrude, b. Jl I, 1889; Katherine, b. Jl 10. 1892. Ad- dress. Glencoe, 111.; bus. add.. 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. 203. *HENRY W. ZIMMERMAN B. L.; b. Ja 3, 1859, Peru, 111.; s. Henry (b. D I, 1821, Stuttgart, Ger.) and Caroline (Ream) Zimmerman (b. Ag 12, 1S2S Shaferstown Pa.). Prepared in H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Book- keeper, 1878-84; jeweler, 1884-1903. Married Emma Merkel, D 2, 1896, Peru, 111. Child, Ralph Edward, b. Ap 12, 1899. Died Jl 21, 1903, Peru, 111. CLASS OF 1879 (15 LIVING, 8 DEAD) 204. WILLIAM MAHAN BEARDSLEY (Husband of No. 265; Brother . of No. 589; Father of Nos. 2898, 3634.) Lawyer; B. L. ; M. L., 1880; A. M., 1905; b. O 20, 1858, Milford Tp., Knox Co., O.; s. George Fitch (b. My 26, 1827, do.) and Martha (Mahan) Beardsley (b. jl 16, 1834, Mt. Morris, N. v.). Prepared in Champaign IL S. LL. D., Knox Coll., 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Adelphic; Sen., Coll. Govt.; Represented Adelphic in Inter-soc. Orat. Contest; Ed. in Chief mini, one yr. ; Class Pres. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., two yrs. ; since then lawyer, now mem., lirm of Beardsley. Gregory (No. 179) and Beardsley, Kansas City, Mo. Upper House Common Council, Kansas City, Mo., 1898-1902; Pres., LTpper House Common Council, Kansas City, Mo. and Pres. Kansas City Bd. of Public Works, 1904-6; Mayor of Kansas City, 1906-8. Pres., Kansas City Y. M. C. A., 1893-1918; Moderator Nat. Council Congr. Churches of .\m., 1915-17. Married Marietta Davis ('81), Ap 24, 1883, Monicello. 111. Children: Eleanor ('07), b. N 29, 1884; George Davis ('09), b. Ap II, 1887; Henry Scoville, b. Je 17, 1895. Ad- dress, Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 205. *HARRY PETER BOURNE B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 8, 1856, Richmond, Va. s. Andrew (b. Ja 31, 1820, Redfield, N. Y.) and Mary Ann (Johonnott) Bourne (b. D 14, 1820.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Civil Engng.; Banking, and Real Est. Died D 10. 1899, Wood- stock, 111. 206. WILLIAM NICHOLS BUTLER (Father of Nos. 3672. 6133) Lawyer and Judge; Cert., L. & S.; B. S., 1914; b. Ag 16, 1856, Berlin, Green Lake Co., Wis.; s. Comfort Edgar (b. O 3, 1824 Ithaca, N. Y.) and Celestia Ann (Carter) Butler (b. Ag 19, 1833, Darien, do.). Prepared in Anna Pub. Schs. LL. B., Union Univ., 1883. Pres., Adelphic; in days of "Coll. Govt.", was mem. of Univ. "Sen.", Coll. Marshal, Prosecuting Atty., .-\ssoc. Justice Supreme Court; Pres. Coll. Govt.; Pres., Class Fresh, and Jun. yrs. Taught sch., 1879-81; LTnion Coll. Law, Chi- cago, 1S81-2; U. S. Revenue Service, 1883-4; Sts. Atty., Cairo, 111., 1884-1900; Corp. Coun- sel, city of Cairo, 1895-8; Circuit Judge, ist. Circuit of 111., 1903; re-elected iqo8 and 1914- Capt. and Adjt., 9th Regt. I. N. G., 1884-5; Capt. Co. C, 1878-9. Mem., Bd. of Educ, Cairo, 1896-1902; Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; Twice Pres., Alumni Assn., Univ. of 111.; Presby. (Zhurch. Married Mary Mattoon. O 28, 1885. Children: Comfort Straight ('09), b. Mr I, 18S7; William Glenn ('14). ^- Je 24, 1890; Franklin Mattoon, b. Mr. 22, 1892; Mary, b. Ag 18, 1893; Esther, b. N 28, 1895; (died. Ja 16, 1896); Helen, b. Mr 12, 1897 (died N 7, 1906); John Bruce, b. Ja 22, 1S99. Address, 2036 Walnut St., Cairo, 111. 207. AUGUSTA ESTHER BUTTS (CAMFIELD) B. S. in Nat. Hist.; b. at Union, 111.; d. B. W. (b. Mr 23, 1812, Delaware Co., N. Y.) and Urania Howland (b. D 23. 1815, do.). Prepared in Marengo H. S. Taught one yr. in Farmer City and one yr. in Paxton. thirty yrs. in Chi- cago; Prin. Alcott Sch., Chicago, 1887-1917. Mem., Chicago Prins. Club; Lake View Wo- man's Club; Pol. Equality League. Married Dr. Bradford Allen Camfiekl, D 23, 1909. Address, 501 Belmont Ave., ( hicago. 208. »RALPH P. COBURN B. S. in M. E.; b. 1856. Lyndon, 111.; s. George L. Coburn. Died Ja 10, 1894, San Antonio, Te.x. 209. CHARLES THEODORE FREIJS Architect; Cert.; b. O 23, 1856, Boston; s. S. Magnus and Julia A. (Brougham) Freijs. Pre- pared in Country Sch. near LTrbana. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Nellie A. Potter, 1883, Indianapolis (died 1S92); Cora A. Turner, 1893, Stanton, Va. (died S 23, 1912). Child- ren: Mildred Grant, b. Jl 3, 1885 (d. Jl 17, 1884); Marion Antoinette, b. Jl 12, 1887; Bar- bara Montrose, b. Ap 20, 1908. Address, 554 Farmers Trust Bldg., Indianapolis. 210. JAMES H. GUNDER Retired C. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. 1856, Anderson, Ind. Prepared in Farmount H. S. V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Cohocton Brick & Tile Co., Forest City. Ark.; Govt. Engng. exploita- tions; Gulf to Great Lakes; lake boundaries; Royal Engng. Corps work in projection of Can. Pacific R. R. ; do., Denver and Rio Grand R. R. ; projection of Royal Gorge Bridge and emplacement const. Address, Blue Mound, 111. 211 ISABELLA HALE B. S.; b. 1853, Fairfield, Me.; d. James Hale. Dist. Supt., Bureau of Charities, 1904. Ad- dress, N. Kenmore Ave., Los Angeles. 212. OTIS WILLIS HOIT (Father of No. 6963) Farmer. Banker, and Merchant; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 24. 1857, Geneseo, 111.; s. Levi VVilson (b. N 15, 1827, Canaan, N. H.) and Sarah Elizabeth (French) Hoit (b. N i, 1836, (Coventry, Conn.). Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Philomathean. Pres., First Nat. Bank of Gen- eseo; agr. improvement bus., and farmer. Mem., Congr. Church. Trustee Univ. of 111., 1910 — . Married Margaret E. Steward, S 11, 187Q, Champaign (died My 19, 1885); Henrietta P. i87yj Baccalaureate Alumni 21 M. Schroeder, O ii, 1888, Geneseo, 111. Chil- dren: Daughter b. Jl 21, 1880 (died Jl 26, 1880); Maurice Elon ('15), b. Je 23, 1893. Addivss. Geneseo, 111. 213. *\VILLIAM PITT JOHNSON With Albert Dickinson Seed Co.; Cert in C. E.; B. S., 1914; b. S 13, 1856, Springfield, O. ; s. Anthony and Sarah (Drew) Johnson. Prepared at Keokuk, and Kansas City, Mo. Sc. Soc. ; Capt. Coal Bus., Chicago, until 1887; with the Albert Dickinson Co., Chicago and Boston, Seed Alerchants, 1887-1918. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Adelaide Frances Rose, F 1887, Chi- cago. Died D 9, 191 8, Hyde Park, Mass. 214. EMERY KAYS (Father of Nos. 2717, 3815) Mgr. Creamery Co.; Cert, in Agr. ; b. O 10, 1853, Magnolia. 111.; s. Henry B. (b. F 12, i8i4, Ky.) and Rachel (Reed) Kavs (b. F 1820, Ky.). Delta Tau Delta; Philoma'thean. Class Pres. and Sec; Sec. and Pres. Coll. Govt. Far- mer until 1885; Mercantile Bus., 1885-90; Far- mer, 1890-7; Mgr. and Sec. Maricona Creamery Co., 1907 — . Trustee, Phoenix Union H. S., 1901 — . Married Emma C. Trask, O 15, 1879, Buda, 111. Children: Marion R. ('06), b. Ja 22, 1881; Herbert E., b. N 4, 1882; Harlow t., b. Je 13, 1884; Lucile E. ('09^ b. Ag 19. 1885. Address, Phoenix, Ariz. 215. *NETTIE DAUSMAN KIMBERLIN Cert., H. Sc; b. O 25, 1858, Louisiana, Mo.; d. Robert Hamilton (b. 1822) and Olivia (Jones) Kimberlin (b. 1822). Prepared in Louisiana (Mo.) Pub. and Pvt. Sch. Teacher in Primary Sch., Urbana; Teacher and Asst. Prin., Blackstone H. S.. Mendota; Supvr. and Dir. Phys. Culture, Detroit Pub. Sch.; Wis. St. Supt. of Woman's Dept. Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y. Auth.: Course of Study in Phys. Culture and Physiology, arranged spe.cially for Detroit Pub. Schs., John Borman & Son, 1895; also mag. articles, on topics relating to Phys. Cul- ture. Mem., A. A. A. of Phys. Educ. (one time Sec); Pres. Detroit Assn. for the Adv. of Phys. Educ; Detroit Conservatory of Mus. For number of yrs. on faculty of Nat. Summer Sch. of ]\Ius. Died Ja 19, 1904, Milwaukee. 216. WILLIS PRENTICE KIMBLE Engineer; B. S. in Min. E.; b. Ap 6, 1856, Paris, 111.; s. George W. (b. Ja 15, 1831, do.) and Sarah J. Kimble (b. O 2, 1834, Schenec- tady, N. Y."). Prepared in pvt. Acad., Paris, 111. Adelphic and Scientific Socs. With A. T. & S. F. R. R., Engng. Dept., Las Vegas, N. Mex., 1879-81; Mex. Central R. R., Paso Del Norte, Mex., 1881-4; ran first line of R. R. from U. S. to Mex.; Co. and City Engr., Paris, 111., 1884-6; on surs. and const, of line between Kansas City and Chicago, for A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1886-8; Roadmaster A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1888-92; Gen. Roadmaster, Kansas City to Chi- cago and St. Joe, 1892-4; Roadmaster of Third and fourth Div.. N. Y. L. D. & W. R. R., 1894- 7; Div. Engr. in charge of Maintenance, Cin- cinnati Div., Erie R. R., 1897-1912; Div. Engr. in charge Maintenance and Const., Kent. Div., Erie R. R. at Marion, O., 1912-16; Asst. Engr. of west lines Erie R. R. from New York to Chicago, Dayton and Cleveland, 1916 — ; in charge of State, Co., and Mun. work in con- nection with Erie R. R. Married Sara S. Gates. N «, 1888, LaPlata. Mo. Address, Gal- ion. O. or 50 Church St., N. Y. 217. *ISAAC KUHN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. F 15, 1S59, Obersulzen, Rhine, Ger.; s. Henry (b. 1826, do.) and Susanna (Reihs) Kuhn (b. 1838, Mus- bach, do.). Capt. of Prescott, Ariz. Guards. Invented copper riveted fastenings as applied to overalls. 1892. Built R. R. from Prescott lunction, 1886-7. Married Sallie Jereslaw, Ja 1890, San Diego, Calif, (died O 1899.) Chil- dren: Susie, b. Ja 27, 1891; Ruth, b. F 14, 1893 (died Jl 1893); Miriam, b. S 8, 1898. Died F 20, 1899, San Diego, Calif. 218. ELISHA LEE (Father of Nos. 3071, 3835. 4769, 7030, 7732) Grain and Stock Raiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 6, 1856, Hamlet, 111.; s. Graham (b. Ja 21, 1 82 1, Salisbury, Conn.) and Mary Howard (Candor) Lee (b. N 22, 1834, Union Co., Pa.). Prepared in Hamlet Pub. Sch. Scientific Assn.; Adelphic; Telegraph Assn.; Star Lecture Assn.; Pres. Coll. Govt.; mem. Sen. Farmer, 1906-13; Grain and Stockraiser, Reynolds, 111., 1913 — . Married Ellena Bopes, D 15, 1881, Hamlet, 111. Children: Mary II. ("07), b. Ja 11, 1883; Mylo, b. Mv 12, 1884 (died D 13, 1914); Charles Bopes ('09), b. Mr 17, 1886; Otis Hoit ('11), b. My 3, 1888; Izora ('15), b. Mr 11, 1890; Ellena ('16), b. Te 7, 1892; Fanny, b. N 20, 1896; Florence, b. Jl 8, 1898. Address, Rey- nolds, Ill.t 219. MINNETTE CLEORA McALLISTER (MILLER) B. L.; b. D 8, 1859, Champaign; d. Eli N. (b. O 13. 1836, Whiting, Vt.) and Rachel Jane (Barlow) McAllister (b. Mr 27, 1837, Ticonder- oga, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai; lUini Bd.; Valedictorian. Co. Supt. Sch., Sherburne Co., Minn., by appointment in 1903; elected 1904 for two yrs. Mem., Eastern Star; W. C. T. U.; Treas., Sch. Bd. of Big Lake, 1914-17; Dir., Sherburne Co. Chapter Am. Red Cross, 1917-18. Married John H. Miller, O 27, 1881, Champaign. Child, Hubert McAllister, b. Mr 17, 1886. Address, Big Lake, Minn. 220. 'FRANKLIN SILAS MILTON B. S. in C. E.; b. 1861, 111.; s. Charles M. Milton. Died Jl 22, 1892, Platteville, Colo. 221. SAMUEL CECIL STANTON Physician; B. S. in Sc, 1880; b. Je 28, 1856, Newtonville, Mass.; s. Samuel (b. O i, 1821, Barnstead, N. H.) and Ann Louise (Blodgett) Stanton (b. N i, 1828, Albany, N. Y.). Pre- pared in London. Eng. ; M. D., Northwestern, 1892. Philomathean, Pres.; Treas., Coll. Govt.; Sec, Class; Right Gen. Guide; Capt.; Corn- mander Co. E, winner of ist prize in competi- tion. Agt., N. Atlantic Steam Traffic Conf., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1882-7; Traveling Agt., St. P. M. & M. R. R., 1887-9; Physician, i8q2 — ; 111. Nat. Guard, 1880-2; Hosp. Stew- ard, 1882-3; Lt. and Asst. Surg., 1897-1904; Capt. and Asst. Surg., 1904-7; Maj. and Surg., 1907-10; Sec to Surg. Gen., 1910 — ; Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. Army; Attending Phys., H. Q. Dept of the Lakes, 1893-7; ist Lt., M. R. C, U. S. Army, 1907-18; Maj. 1918; Asst. Ed., Chi- cago Med. Gazette and Chicago Med. Rev., 1880-2; Ed., Med. Standard, 1896-9; Asst. Ed. Jour, of Am. Med. Soc. 1900 — . Auth.: — Several articles on technical subjects. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; British Med. Assn.; Miss. Valley Med. Assn., Treas., ten yrs.; Physicians Club; Army and Navy Club, (Gov.). Married Harriet Louise Corn- well, F 12, 1885, N. Y. City. Children: George Cornwell, b. F 17, 1889 (died O 8, 1896); Dorothv, b. Te 29, 1890 (died D 8, 1895); John Bloomfield. b. Mr 28, 1897. Ad- dress. 514 Belmont Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 230 E. Ohio St., do. 222. ARTHUR SWANNELL (Father of No. 5448) lu Business;. B. S. in L. A. & S.. 1914; b. N 14, i8.t8, Kankakee, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Lon- don. Eng.) and Eliza (Paddon) Swannell (b. Devonshire, do.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Philomathean; Capt. Co. B.. 1870. Merchant, Kankakee. 111., 1906—. One yr., I. N. G.. Capt. University of Illinois [1880 Co. L., 3rd Reg., 1890. Married Florence Misener, Arlington, la. Children: Fred W., b. i8S6; Jeanette, b. 1887; Horace ('u), b. 1889; Laurence, b. 1891. Address, 880 Court St., Kankakee, 111. 223. LORADO TAFT (Brother of No. 332.) Sculptor; B. L. in L. & S.; M. L., 1880; b. Ap 29, i860, Elmwood, 111.; s. Don Carlos (b. 1827, Swanzey, N. H.) and Mary Lucy (Foster) Taft (b. Shutesbury, Mass.). Prepared at home and at Univ.; L. H. D., N. W. Univ., 1913. Adelphic. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1880-83; received prix d'atelier, received Designer's Medal, Columbian Exposition, 1893; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901 ; Gold Medal, La. Purchase Exposition, 1904; Silver Medal Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915. Sculpture, instructing and lecturing, 1886 — ; Exten. lecturer, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-1900; Progressional lecturer on Hist, of Art, Univ. of Chicago, 1909 — ; Instr., Art Inst, of Chicago, 1886-1907; lecturer do., 1890 — . Y. M. C. A., Lecturer, France, 1919 — . Auth. : Hist, of Am. Sculpture, Macmillan Co., 1903. Mem., Nat. Sculpture See; Mun. Art Com. of Chica- go; Sec. Nat. Inst, of Arts and Letters; Nat. Acad, of Design; Bd. of Art Advisers of 111.; Cliff Dwellers; Arts Club; Quadrangle Club. Married Carrie L. Scales, 1890 (died Ap 1892); Ada Bartlett, F 11, 1896, Boston. Children: Mary, b. F 26, 1897; Emily, b. Ap 19, 1899; Jessie Louise, b. Je 23, 1906. Address, 6016 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 224. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS THOMPSON ^ Broker; B. S. in Min. E.; b. 1852, Hartford, uonn.; s. William B. Thompson. Address Riverside, 111. 225. 'FRANCIS EUGENE WALKER Teacher; Cert, in Agr.; b. Ja 10, 1853, Clar- ion, 111.; s. Franklin (b. Ja 21, 1815, Whiting, Vt.) and Manila E. (Hastings) Walker (b. Mr II, 1820, Wilmington, Vt.). Prepared in La Moille Schs. Philomathean. Class Pres., 1879; Capt. Univ. Regt. Merchant, 1881-3; Stock Farming, 1884-90; Teaching, 1897-1906. Clerk and Trustee, Baptist Church, 1894-1904. Married Florence Myra Cushman, Ja i, 1880, Champaign. Child, Elva Grace, b. S 23, 1880. Died F 14, 1906, Lincoln Neb. 226. 'CLARENCE LEONARD WHITMIRE (Brother of No. 495) Physician; Cert, in L. & S.; b. D 27, 1858, Metamora, 111.; s. James Smith (b. D 13, 1821 Sidney, O.) and Sidna (Robinson) Whitmire (b. D 28, 1828, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Metamora H. S. B. L., Univ. of la., 1882; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1885. Adel- phic. Published numerous articles on med. topics, in Peoria Med. Monthly, Med. Stand- ard, and The Medical Analectic. Mem., III. St. Med. Soc, 1885; N. Cent. 111. Med. Soc. 1885; Austin Flint Med. Soc, and Cedar Valley Soc, la. Married Mary Barrett, My 18, 1887, Mt. Vernon, la. Child, Clarence Leonard Jr., b. N 2, 1895. Died S 29, 1895, Waverley, la. C1.ASS OF 1880 (19 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 227. KATHARINE INGALLS BACON B. L. in L. & S.; b. jl 15, i860, Champaign; d. Jonathan (b. O 26, 1824, Natick, Mass.) and Ellen (Hunt) Bacon (d. F 14, 1836, Tewkes- bury, Mass.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai. Address, 181 1 Eldridge Ave., Bell- ingham, Wash.t 228. AUGUSTA BATCHELDER (EATON) (Mother of Nos. 2960, 3719) Cert. Dom. Sc; b. S 17, 1856, Pittsfield, N. H. d. Samuel E. (b. F 24, 1828, Pittsfield, N. H.) and Sarah Marilla (Clark) Batchelder (b. Mr 10, 1834, Barnstead, N. H.). Prepared in Batchelder Sch., Illini Tp. Alethenai, Pres., one term. Mem., Congr. Church, 1871-1893; Pres. Church, 1893—; S. S. Teacher, 1880-1884, 1898—; Local Pres. W. C. T. U., 1896-1904, 1905-7; Supt., Loyal Temp. Legion, 1896-1911; St. Supt. Systematic Giving, Tex. W. C. T. U. , 191 1 — . Married William Thomas Eaton, O 2, 1884, Harristown, 111.; Children: Helen Mary ('07), b. N 19, 1885; Frances Marilla ('09), b. Ja 20, 1888; John Thomas, b. Ja 2, 1890 (died Ap 7, 1904). Address, 227 Bonner Ave., Tyler, Tex. 229. CHARLES JACOB BILLS (Husband of No. 358) Banker and Telephone Exchange Builder; A. B., 1905; b. S. 13, 1855, Garden Prairie, 111.; s. Orlando (b. Ag 26, 1825, Oswego N. Y.) and Mercy (Winega) Bills (b. S 20, 1827). Prepared in Marengo H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Philomathean. Studied law in office of Geo. W. Gere, Champaign, 1880-81, admitted to prac- tice in Neb., 1882; Banking; Built an Auto- matic (Strowger) Tel. Exch., Lincoln, Neb., and Sioux Citv, la., 1903-5. Capt. Co. D, 2d Regt., Neb. Nat. Guard, 1886-87; Maj., 1887-8; Col., 1888-94; Brig. Gen., ist Brigade, 1894-8; Col. 2d Neb. Vol. Inf., Spanish War. Gold Medal from Neb. legislature of 1890-91 for service in Sioux Indian War of winter 1890-91. Married C. Florence Lewis ('83) S 13, 1883, Farmer City, 111. Child, Breta, b. Mr 22, 1887. Address, Lincoln, Neb. 230. JOHN CORNELIUS BLEY Bridge Mach. Designer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 1859, near Emporia, Kan.; s. Jan. (b. Nether lands) and Maria Bley (b. do.). Prepared in Common Sch., El Paso, Colo. Scientific Mach and Sch. Teacher, 1880-87; Mach. Draftsman, 1887-91; Teacher Mech. Drawing in h. schs., Chicago, 1 89 1 -5 ; Instr., Mech. Draw, and De- sign, Armour Inst., 1896-9; Bridge Mach. De- signer, Chicago, 1900 — . Married Caroline Lucia Averill, Ag 18, 1892, Durand, Wis. Address, 5046 Washington Park Court, Chicago. 231. BYARD STEVENS BRILES Confectioner and Baker; B. L. in Agr.; b. D 13, 1856, Vermillion Co., Ind. ; s. Jacob E. and Sarah (Saltsgaver) Briles. Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Married Ida B. Lindley, N, 30, 1881, Iroquois Co., 111. Address, 420 Hazel St., Danville, 111. 23^ ROLAND RAY CONKLIN Financier; M. L., 1891; b. F i, 1858, Urbana; s. Joseph Okel (b. Huntington, L. I., N. Y.) and Julia Louise (Hunt) Conklin (b. Norwich, Eng.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pres., Adelphic. One of the founders of the Jarvis- Conklin Mortgage Trust Co.; V. P., five yrs., N. Am. Trust Co., N. Y.; resigned 1900, de- voting time to personal investments and va- rious other financial undertakings. One of the founders and a Dir. of Nat. Bank of Cuba; V. P., Central Cuba Sugar Co.; Pres., Rose- mary Park, Inc.; Pres., N. Y. Motorbus Co.; do., Chicago Motorbus Co.; Pres., Havana IN'Iuseum of Art; Am. Museum of Nat. Hist.; Lotos Club; The Bibliophile Soc; Nassau Coun- try Club; Automobile Club of Am.; Bankers Club; Huntington Country Club. Married Mary McFadden, My 4, 1898, Paris. Chil- dren: Julia Cecilia, b. F i, 1899; Roland Hunt, b. Je 3, 1904; Rosemary, b. Jl 23, 1909. Ad- dress, I Wall St., N. Y. City. Baccalaureate Alumni 23 233. CHARLES F. COOK Farmer; B. S. in Chem. ; b. S 21, 1857, near Troy, 111.; s. John A. (b. Ag 10, 1809, Va.) and Lucinda (Lemen) Cook (b. D 25, 1814, 111.). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S. Capt. Univ. Regt. Address, Box 164, Edwardsville, 111. 234. CHARLES WESLEY GROVES (Father of No. 4686) Publishers' Agt.; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Jl 28, 1857, Shelbyville, 111.; s. Isaac (b. 1823, Cerne Abbas, Eng.) and Mary Ellen (Cole) Groves (b. 1832, Md.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic, Pres. one term; Capt.. Univ. Kegt. Teacher in 111. Schs., 1880-1907; Publishers' Agt., 1907 — . Married Dora Trabue, Ag i, 1888. Children: Pauline ('11), b. D 7, 1889; Charles Harold, b. N 27, 1897. Address, 701 W. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., Swanel! Bldg., do. 23s. 'CHRISTIAN FRED HAFNER Cert, in L. & S.; b. N 9, 1857. Prescott, Wis.; s. John C. (b. Germany) and Anna Mona (Illg) Hafner (b. do.). Prepared in Oak Park II. S. Philomathean. Fire Ins. Married Addie E. Lumbard, O 31, 1891. Oak Park, 111. Chil- dren: Eugenia, b. Ja 22, 1893; Irene, b. Mr 27, 1897; Marion, b. Mr 17, 1900. Died D 9, 191 1, Oak Park, 111. 236. "EDGAR EUGENE HARDEN Cert.; b. 1859 in 111.; s. Mrs. Susan Harden. Died Je 2, 1899, Liberty, Neb. 237. FRANK WAITE HATCH (Father of Nos. 4699, 6290; Brother of Nos. S, 22) Farmer; A. B.; b. Ja i, 1857, Spring Grove, 111.; s. Lewis (b. Ap 20, 1814, Washington Co., N. Y.) and Mandana (Cole) Hatch (b. Jl 22, 1825, Hill, N. H.). Prepared in Elgin Acad.; Yale, 1880-1; Union Coll. of Law, N. W. Univ., 1881-2. LL. B., 1882. Philomathean. Mar- ried Agnes N. Kimball, Ap 18, 1887, Wood- stock, 111. Children: Edith Irene ('11), b. Ap 14, 1889; Alice Ruth ('14), b. Mr 15, 1891; Ralph Ernest, b. Ja i, 1896 (died Mr 6. 1896); Laura Agnes, b. F 18, 1900. Address, Antioch, 111. 238. BENJAMIN HYDE Engr. and Contr.; Cert, in M. E.; B. S.; b. Ja 17, i860, Davenport, la.; s. Richard (b Ap IS, 1821, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Babetta Plyde (b. D 17, 1823, Muhringen, do.). Pre- pared in Chicago H. S. Married Antoinette Schitfer, D 22, 1888. Children: Marion, b. Ap 17, 1895; Richard, b. O 17, 1897. Address. 659 Wellington Ave., Chicago. 239. »ROBERT DAVIS JONES (Father of No. 381 1) Banker; Cert.; b. O 22, i860, Lacon, 111.; s. Margaret Davis (b. Ap 1818.) Prepared in Lacon H. S. Lawyer, 1882-83; Farmer, 1883-8; Banker, 1888-98. Married Minnie P. Miller, D 23, 1885, Henry, 111. Child, John Lloyd ('09), b. O 16, 1887. Died Mr 10, 1898, Bradford, 111. 240. CHARLES SUMNER KINGSBURY Landscape Gardener; B. L.; b. Mr 16, 1851, Medway, Mass.; s. Gilbert (b. F 9, 1818, Med- way, Mass.) and Hannah (Prescott) Kingsbury (b. O 21, 1827, Phillips, Me.). Prepared in Holliston H. S. Adelphic. Fruit Growing, Nursery, Landscape Gardening, 1888 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mary Stevens, My 29, 1888 (died O 10, 1890); Frieda Haack, Ap 5, 191 1. Children: babe, died at birth, O 10, 1890; Charles Arland, b. My 11, 1912. Ad- dress, 3350 Moncrieff Place, Denver. t 241. CORDA CANDES LUCAS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 15, 1858, Jordanvillage, Ind.; d. M. C. (b. Mr 3, 1833. "Greensborough, N. C.) and Lucinda (Nichols) Lucas (b. Je 10, 1838, Bolingreen, Ind.). Prepared in Pub. Sens., Douglas Co., 111. Alethenai; Class Sec. Address, 108 S. Fifth St.. Champaign. t 242. CHARLES GRACCHUS NEELY (Brother of No. 318) Professor; B. L. ; b. 1855, Benton, 111.; s. Isaac Montgomery (b. Jl 18, 1826, Princeton, Ind.) and Mary C'atharine (Elston) Neely (b. Old Frankfort, 111.). Prepared In Du Quoin Pub. Schs.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Adelphic. Lawyer; Judge Circuit Court, Chicago, 1895- 03. Asst. Sts. Atty., Cook Co., 111., five yrs. ; Mem. of Legislature, 1887; Judge Cook Co., eight yrs.; Prof., Constitutional Hist, and Lavir in Pomona Coll., Claremont, Calif. Wrote and introduced bill in 35th Gen. Assem. of 111. in 1887, Making Trustees of Univ. of 111., elective by popular vote — a measure marking the be- ginning of the recent marvelous growth of the Univ. Mem., Presby. Church; Presby. Brother- hood of Chicago, Pres.; Evanston Club; Univ. Club of Evanston. Married Lucia H. Fish, S 9, 1880, St. Louis. Children: John H., b. D 18, 1881; Mary Ruth, b. S 10, 1884; Clara Grace, b. Ag 4, 1886; Lucia Helen, b. S 1888; Philip Montgomery, b. Ap 17, 1891; Charlotte, b. F 28, 1894; Dorothy L., b. F 28, 1896. Address, Claremont, Calif.f 243. MINNIE PARKER (HOSTETLER) Teacher; B. L. in L. & S.; b. Jl 20, i860; d. Oscar F. (b. N 6, 1818. Peru, N. Y.) and Calesta L. (Flanders) Parker (b. Je 9, 1832, Lawrence, N. Y.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Mem. Bd. of Educ, 1890 — . Instr., Math., Decatur H. S. Married V. N. Hostetler, 1889, Decatur. Child, Ruth Brooks, b. D 9, 1891. Address, 341 W. Macon St., Decatur, Ill.t 244. WASHINGTON LEROY PARKER (Father of No. 3507) Foreman, Ensng. Dept., Elgin Nat. Watch Co.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 27, 1856, St. Louis,: s. Washington (b. 1822, Louisville, Ky.) and Melissa Hickson (LaSalle) Parker (b. Ap 15, 1829, New Florence, Mo.). Prepared in country Sch. and Shurtleff Coll.; Ind. Univ. Mach., Farmer, St. R. R. Foreman; Operative Engr.; Chief Examiner on Bd. of Exam. Engrs., City of Elgin; Patented Low Water Alarm for Steam Boilers; Steam Engine Lubricator; Steam Cylinder Oil Atomizer. Auth. of numer- ous articles for mags. Mem., Mygtic Star Lodge, A. F. A. M., Chicago; Oriental Consis- tory, Chicago; Hon. Mem., No. i, N. A. S. E., Chicago; Mem., Universal Crafts. Council of Engrs. Chicago; Trustee in Baptist Church: Pres., 111. St. Assn., N. A. S. E., 191 1; 111. St. Deputy; Pres., Elgin Assn. No. 49 N. A. S. E.; Pres., P. O. S. A., 1892— Olympia, Wash.; Scientific Assn., 111. Married Annie Pilcher O I, 1883, Godfrey, 111. Children: Washing- ton Warner ('08), b. N 8, 1884; Francis Leroy, b. O 31, 1886; Annie Clara Louisa, b. Ap 5, 1888; David James, b. O 21, 1889; Charles Ouintin, b. Je i. 1891; Alma Elizabeth, b. My [9, 1893 (died F 4, 1895). Address, 632 Grace St., Elgin, 111. 245. »IDA PEARMAN (STEVENS) (Mother of No. 2830; Sister of No. 283) B. S.; b. Jl 28, 1857, Edgar Co., 111.; d. John T. (b. Hardin Co., Ky.) and Elizabeth (Elliott) Pearman (b. 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Clinton H. Stevens, O 25, 1881, Champaign. Children: Sabra Elizabeth ('06), b. D 28, 1883; Robert Pearman, b. My 30, 1889; Elliott Griffen, b. Jl 1892. Died Ag 24, 1892, Logansport, Ind. 246. ALBERT FOWLER ROBINSON (Husband of No. 268; Father of Nos. 3524. 7S96) Bridge Engr.; B. S. in C. & Min. E.; C. E., i8qi; b. O 12, 1853, Henry, 111.; s. William 24 University of Illinois Dirgin (b. My 30, 18^4, Sanberton Bridge, N. H.) and Ruth (Fowler) Robinson (b. 1819, Churchill, N. Y.). Prepared in Maroa H. S. Philomathean; Tau Beta Pi. Various positions, 1880-2; Asst. Kngr., C. & A. R. R., 1882-3; Calculator, Union Bridge Co., 1883-4; Bridge Engr., A. T. &: S. F. R. R., 1884-5; Bridge Engr., C. B. & N. R. R., 1885-9; Chief Designer tor E. L. Corthell, Chicago, 1889-91; Chief of Draft- ing room, Purdy & Henderson, 189 1-2; Asst. Engr., C. R. I. & P. R. R., 1S92-4; special work K. C. Ft. S. & M. & Max. Cent. R. R.; 1884- 96; A. T. & S. F., 1896 — . Designed and built more than 160,000 tons of steel bridges since 1896. Mem., Congr. Church; A. S. C. E. ; Am. Ry. Engr. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Shriner; Chicago Engrs. Club; Geneva Golf Club. Mar- ried Loretta Kate Elder ('8i), D 31, 1885, Topeka, Kan. Children: Raymond Elder ('08), b. O 6, 1886; Philip Edward, b. Jl 10, 1S90 (died Ap 5, 1891); Albert William ('16), b. My 27, 1894; Donald Bruce, b. D 14, 1902. Address, 166 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 1410 Ry. Exchange Bldg., Chicago. t 247. ARTHUR SEYMOUR ROBINSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 29, 1857, S. Reading, Vt.; s. Calvin L. (b. Je 3, 1827, S. Reading, Vt.) and Elizabeth (Seymour) Robin- son (b. ja 27, 1834, Brome, Quebec). Prepared in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Acad. Scientific Soc. Draftsnian A. T. & S. F. Ry., 1880-3; Locating, Res., Div. and Asst. Engr., 1883-91; Hardware Merchant, 1891-5; Engr. and Supt., Obras de la Aduana and Govt. Harbor Improvements, Tampico, Mex., 1895-1901; Chief Engr., No. Mich. R. R., 1901-3; Engr. and Supt. Mac- Arthur Bros., Co., 1903-5; Res. Engr., Fitz- simmons & Connel Co., 1905; Res. Mgr., Mac- Arthur Bros. Co., 1905-10; Chief Engr., M. V. & P. R. R. ; 1910-12; Engr. for Grant Smith & Co., and Locker on N. Y. St. Barge Canal, 1912-18; Designing Engr.. Miami Conservancy Dist., O., 1918 — . I. N. G., six yrs.; Brevetted Capt. 1885. Surveyed and built manv miles of A. T. & S. F. R. R'., Big Four, Mex. Cent., No. Mich., M. V. & P. R. R.; built the wharves, revetments and Custom House for Mex. Govt., Tampico, Mex., 1895-01; directed engng. work on West Neebish (Mich.) Channel, 1904-7; Livingstone Channel, Detroit River, 1908, for L^. S. Govt. ; designed and operated the 50- tube air-lift for inwatering the 120 A. coffer- dam on Livingstone Channel. Auth.: Inner Circles System of Subways for Chicago, Street Ry. Jour., 1903; and numerous contributions to Engng. News and Engng. Record. Mem., West- ern Soc. of Engrs.; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T. Married Maggie Mosser, D. 25, 1880, facksonville Fla. (died Ja 10, 1907); Rose Nelson -Squier, Jl 6, 1908, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, (died O 2, 1915); Mrs. Alice Barber Robinson, D 23, 1917, Dayton, O. Children: Arthur, b. O 12. 1881 (died, .\p u, 1901); Joseph Albert, b. F 18, 1890. .Address, Dayton, O. c/o Miami Conservancy Dist. 248. *GEORGE MARVIN SAVAGE (Brother of No. 195) Author; B. L.; M. L., 18S8; b. F 1855, Macoupon Co.. 111.; s. Nathan (b. Mr i, 1812, Windsor, Vt.) and Sophronia (Wilkins) Savage (b. Reading, Vt.). Planted the elms along Bur- rill Ave., south of Main Hall. Philomathean. 'Itacher; lawyer; farmer; auth. Auth.: Eng- lish Grammar, 40 pp.; Am. Hist., 320 pp.; My Grandfather, a Revolutionary Tale for Boys; The Golden Urn and Other Stories of Mowitchman, a collection of Indian legends; The Society for the Preservation of Truth, Its LTnofficial Records; Hamilton or Governeur Mor- ris, Which?; Some Problems in English, read before the Washington Phil. Soc. Fellow in the Am. Akademe. Married Bessie Issacs, N 7, 1890. Child, Henry Issacs, b. S 13, 1891. Died Mr 18, "191 7, Los Angeles. 249. »JEROME SONDERICKER (Brother of No. 369) Professor; B. S.; C. E., 1883; b. D 21, 1859, Woodstock, 111.; s. Peter (b. 1820, Drachen- brunn, Alsace) and Eliza (McCown) Sonder- icker (b. 1829, Cookstown, Ire.). Prepared in Woodstock li. S. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1880-3; Asst. Prof., Engng. and Math., 1883-5; Instr., App. Mech., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 18S5-90; Asst. Prof., App. Mech., 1890-9; Assoc. Prof., 1899- 1904. Devised machine for repeated stresses upon the resisting properties of iron and steel, built by the Mass. Inst, of Tech., for its Mech. Lab., 1891. Auth.: Notes on Graphic Statics, John Wiley & Sons, 1903; An Investigation as to how to test the Strength of Cements, Jour, of Assn. of Engng. Socs., 1888; Experiments relating to the theory of Beams, Tech. Quarterly, 1887; A Description of some repeated Stress Forms of Cement Briguettes, Join', of Assn. of Engng. Socs., 1899 and Engng. Record, 1899; Repeated Stress, Tech. Quarterly, 1899. Mem., Boston Soc. of C. E. ; Soc. of Arts; Mech. and Philosophical Club of Boston. Married Ellen M. Carman. Je 6, 18S9, Circleville, O. Died Jl 22, 1904, Wilmington, \"t. 250. *WILLIAM W. TRAVIS Cert, in M. E. and L. & S.; b. i86i, O.; s. M. M. Travis. Died S 30, 1885. 251. ELLA MARIA WATSON (DAVIS) (Mother of Nos. 3337, 4125, 5629, 8260; Wife of No. 311) B. S., in H. Sc; b. N 14, 1854, Bristol, 111.; d. William (b. My 19, 1828, llolden, Mass.) and Joanna Maria (Curtis) Watson (b. O 24, 1832"). Prepared in the DeKalb H. S. Ale- thenai. Teacher of H. S., 1880-3. Married Jeptha Hartley Davis ('82), S 27, 1883. Chil- dren; Marietta Searle ('08), b. Je 6, 1884; Ger- trude Curtis Cio), b. O 24, 1886; Chester Wat- son ('13), b. D 16, 1889; Helen Powers ('17), b. Je 5, 1894. Address, R. No. 3, Ilolton, Kan. 252. FRANK WHITE Banker; B. S.; LL. D., 1904; b. D 12, 1865, Stillman Valley, 111.; s. Joshua and Lucy Ann (Brown) White. Prepared in Mt. Morris Acad. Surv. for C. M. & St. P. R. R. ; Mem., House Rep., N. Dak., 1891-3; Sen., 1893-9; Gov., N. Dak., 1901-5. Organizer and now Pres. Mid- dle West. Trust Co., Valley City, N. Dak.; V. P., St. Bd. of Regents, 1915-17; Maj. ist. Bn., N. Dak. Volunteer services in P. I., 1898-9; Col. 2nd N. Dak. Volunteers, 1917; Col. 116 Tr. Hdqtrs., France, and M. P., 41st Div. Mar- ried Elsie Hadlcy. S 19, 1894, Indianapolis. Children: Edwin Lee, b. Jl 5, 1896; Richard Seldon (adopted), b. Je 17. 1903. Address, Valley City, N. Dak. CLASS OF 1881 (36 LIVING, 11 DEAD) 253. *JAMES G. ALLISON Cert.; b. 1862, in Tenn.; s. R. D. Allison. Died Ap 21, 1891, Anthony, Kan. 254. JAMES ELDER ARMSTRONG Asst. Supt., Schs.; B. S. in Sc; A. M., 1905; b. N 30, 1855, Brookfield, 111.; s. George W. (b. D II, 1812, Somerset, Pa.) and Nancy A. (Green) Armstrong (b. Ap 12, 1815, O.). Pre- pared in Prep. Sch., Univ. of 111. Adelphic. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1881-2; Prin. of Gram. Sch., 1882-4; Teacher of Sc, Lake H. S., Chicago, 1884-9; Prin. do., 1889-91; Prin., Englewood H. S., Chicago, i89i-i9i8' Asst. Supt., Schs., do., 1918 — . Auth.: The Use and Abuse of Interscholastic Ath., Proc. of the i88il Baccalaureate Alumni 25 North Central Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Sells., vol. VII, 95 pp.; The Englewood Plan of Sex Segregation, do., 150 pp.; Advantages of Limited Sex Segregation in H. S., The Sch. Rc- 7new, vol. XVIII, No. 5, 1910; Chem. Lab. Guide for H. S., with Jas. Norton; Exercises in Sc. for a Twenty Weeks' Course in Phys. and San., with Chicago H. S. teachers, Bd. of Educ, Chicago, 19 1 1. Mem., Nat. Hist. Soc; St. Teachers' Assn.; Trustee, Univ. of III., 1893- 9, Pres. 1898. Married Clara A. Clark, 1883, Marseilles, 111. Children: George Wild, b. Je 23, 188s (died Mr 24, i888); Grace C, b. N 24, 1888; Charles H., b. My 12, 1890: Juliette A„ b. Ag 9, 1902. Address, 62d and Stewart Ave., Chicago. 255. "KITTIE MARIE BAKER (WADS WORTH) (Wife of No. 33s) Cert.; b. F 27, 1863, Oconomowoc, Wis.; d. Alfred B. (b. D 25, 1826, London, Eng.) and Adaline T. (Loomis) Baker (b. My 18, 1826, Utica, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai. Teacher of Music, Univ. of 111., i88f-6. Married John G. Wadsworth ('82), O 27, 1886, Champaign. Child, John, b. N 8, 1898. Died N 25, 1899, Council Bluffs, la. 256. BERTHA E. BARNES (ROSS) (Wife of No. 289; Sister of Nos. 57, 303; Mother of No. 7907) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Ag 11, 1863, Norwood, Mass.; d. Oramel Churchill (b. S 9, 1829, Bridgewater, Vt.) and Caroline (Ellis) Barnes (b. F 20, 1829, Norwood, Mass.). Prepared in West Side H. S., Champaign. Alethenai. Taught, 1881-4. Married Sprague Dwight Ross ('81), Je 25, 1884, Chicago. Children: Bertha. b. Je 12. 1888; Kenneth Dwight ('16), b. S 17, 1893. Address, Grand Island, Neb. 257. BAYARD EDWARDS BE.VCH (Husband of No. 278; Father of No. 3633) Banker; B. L. in L. & S.; b. N 30, i860; s. Beman C. (b. 1835, New York) and Hettie (Condit) Beach (b. 1836, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic. Clerk and Book- keeper till 1883; Cashier Investment Bank, 1883-1901; Investment Banker and Pres., Da- kota Savings & Loan Co., 1901 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Metta Macknet ('81), O 13, 1885, Girard, 111. Children: Bayard M. ('09), b. Ja 30, 1888; Daniel B., b. Mr 10, 1892 (died O 10, 1892); Dorothy B., b. F 17, 1S93. Ad- dress, Huron, S. Dak. 258. ALBERT BELLAMY Real Est. and Loan Bus.; B. S. in Chem., 1914; b. S 10, 1859, Girard, 111.; s. John (h. 1823, Todd Co., Ky.) and Ann (Baily) Bell- amy (b. 1829, Bucks Co., Penn.). Prepared in Girard Pub. Sch. Merchant to 1888. Married Laura M. Boggess, My 15, 1884, Girard, 111. Address, Girard, 111. 259. FRANK LANSING BIRNEY Physician; Cert, in Chem.; b. Ap 5. i860, Urbana; s. Samuel H. and Olive A. Birney. Prepared in LTniv. of 111. Prep. Sch.: Rush Medical College, Chicago. Physician and Real Est. Dealer. Married Lucy E. Busey. 1S92, Urbana. Children: Cyrus M., b. 1894; Esther O., b. 1896. Address, 170 Galpin St., Denver.f 260. *ARTHUR BOOTHBY Chief Draftsman: B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 22. 1850, at sea; s. John (b. 1816, Lincoln, Eng.) and Eliza (Eastwood) Boothby, (b. 1820, Leeds, do.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Pres. Sc. Soc. Teacher, 1881-2; Draftsman, 1882-7; Chief Draftsman Dean Bros. Steam Pump Works, 1887 — . Discovered most of the out- put of the Dean Bros. Steam Pump Works. \'estrynian of Christ Church, Epis. ; Dir., Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Mem., Com. of One Hundred "Men and Religious Forward Movement." Married Nannie Eveline Talbot, Je 25, 1890, Indianapolis. Children: Evelyn Eastwood, b. N 8, 1891; Katharine Fielding, h. D 25, 1903. Died My 22, 1914, Indianapolis. 361. COMMA NATHANIEL BOYD Farmer; B. S. in Agr., 1914; b. Ja 18, i860, Sheffield, 111.; s. Nathaniel (b. 1820) and Mary Ann (Cummings) Boyd (b. 1831, Ky.). Philo- mathean; Capt. Baseball team two yrs. ; Capt., Univ. Regt. Breeder of thoroughbred Hereford cattle. Married Addie M. Humphreys, Te 2, 1890, Sheffield, 111. Children: Roland H., b. Ag 16, 1891; Edith, b. F 26, 1893; Stanton IL, b. D 26, 1895; Marion C, b. Jl 30, 1897. Address, Sheffield, Ill.t 262. ARCHIBALD OSBORN CODDINGTON (Brother of No. 61) Prin., Schs.; B. L. in L. & S.; M. L. 1884 b. Ap 8, 1857, Linton, Ind.; s. Isaiah (b. Jl 13 1825) and Elizabeth (Osborn) Coddington (b Mr 22, 1829). Prepared in H. Schs., Me nomonie and Chippewa Falls, Wis. Adelphic Chiei Tustice in Coll. Govt. Teacher in Kansas City, "1881-7; in bus., 1887-90; Prin. Schs., Chicago, 1890 — . Contributed articles to differ- ent educ. papers. Mem., Philosophic Round Table, Chicago; Scottish Rites Mason. Mar- ried Helen R. Erskine, 1895, Racine, Wis. Children: Donald Clyde, b. Mr 2, 1899: Mil- dred, b. Ja II, 1902. Address, 1519 Estes Ave., Chicago; 4525 Kenmore Ave., do. 263. 'FREDERIC E. COOPER B. S. in Chem; b. Mr 3, 1859, Greene Co., 111.; s. Edmund M. (b. N. 25, 1831, Hopkins- ville, Ky.) and Martha (Tunnell) Cooper (b. F II, 1836, Greene Co., III). Prepared In Girard Pub. Schs. Dealer in Drugs, 1883, Van Buren, Ark.; Loan and Abstract bus. until 1899- Married Jennie Shive, Jl 3, 1890, Bebee, Ark. Children: Mary J.: Albert Everett; Edmund L. Died Ja 24, 1899, Van Buren, Ark. 264. ARTHUR ELDORUS DAVIS Physician; B. L. in L. & S.; b. Mr 17, 1857; Salem, 111.; s. John H. (b. Jl 3, 1828, near do.) and Rebecca Jane (Eagan) Davis (b. My 19. 1832, do.). Prepared in Salem H. S. Scientific Soc. of 111. Ind. Univ.; Salutatorian; Pres. of Sen. Class. M. D., Kansas City Med. Coll., 1899. Telegraph Operator, 1884; R. R. Sta. and Express Agt., 1898; Practice of Med. in Mo. and Tex . 1899 — . Married Jennie K. Sheffy. Jl 21, 1888, Sulphur Springs, Tex. (died Je 16, "1895); Floatie Sheffy, S 27, 1807, Ennis, Tex. (d. Ja 26, 1909). Children: Sheffy Stirling, b. M"r 29, 1891; Tanie Lou, b. Ag 28, 1894 (died Ja 20, 1897). Address, Arbala, Tex.f 265. MARIETTA DAVIS (BEARDSLEY) (.Wife of No. 204; Mother of Nos: 2898, 3634; Sister of Nos. 1/2, 311) B. L. ; b. My 11, 1858, Vienna, 111.; d. Chester Powers (b. Mr 7, 1835, Scott Co., Ind.) and Hettie Maria (Close) Davis (b. My i, 1838, do.). Prepared in Monticello H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Class Pres.; Pres., Alethenai. Married Henry Mahan Beardsley (*79), Ap 24. 1883, Monticello, 111. Children: Eleanor Mahan (•07), b. N 29, 1884, George Davis ('09), b. Ap II. 1887; Henry Scovell, b. Je 17, 189s. Ad- dress. 3643 \\'alnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 266. CHARLES HENRY DENNIS Journalist; B. L.; A. M., (Hon.) 1906; b. F 8, i860. Decatur, 111.; s. Andrew (b. D 24, 1820. Greencastle, Pa.) and Marilla Lavena (Baker) Dennis (b. Ag 20, 1824, Jefferson, Tenn.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Philomathean; Sec. Stud Govt.; Pres., Sr. Class, 1880; Ed. Staff, 26 University of Illinois [iJ The mini, 1879-80; Chief Ed., The Illini, 1880- Si. Reporter, Chicago Daily News, 1882-4; Dramatic Ed., 1884-5; City Ed., 1885; Exchange Ed., :886-8; Ed. writer, 1889-91 ;. Chief Ed. Writer and Mgr. foreign news service, 1901-8; Assoc. Ed., igoS-13; Managing Ed., 1912 — ; Ed. writer for several yrs. for The World Today. Managing Ed., Chicago News,_ Paris, France, 1918 — . Mem., City Club, Chicago. Married Jeanette Caldwell Wilson, 1884, Paris, III. Children: Ruth Elizabeth, b. N 16, 1885; Wil- liam Andrew, b. Mr 25, 1888; Herbert Wilson, b. Ja 27, 1890 (died D 26, 1909); Mildred Blackburn, b. Je 9, 1895. Address, 668 Grace- land Ave., Chicago. 267. JOHN C. DRESSOR Bookkeeper; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 6, 1856; s. Francis (b. Me.) and Mary E. (Rankin) Dressor (b. 111.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. Philo- mathean. Bus. course, Jacksonville, 111. Book- keeper, City Mills, Jacksonville; Clerk, Kansas City, Mo.; do., Sturgis, S. Dak.; do., Sorento West, Bank & Trust Co., Piedmont, S. Dak.; do., Sorento, 111.; Cashier, Bank of Sorento, since 1901; Bookkeeper, The St. Bank of Plailes & Sons, Greenville, 111. Married Hattie F. Hendrics, Ja 26, 1899, Hillsboro, 111. Children: Francis W., b. Jl s, 1900; Dorothy, D., b. F I, 1902; Mary L., b. F 8, 1903; John R., b. Mr 15, 191 1. Address, Reno, Ill.t 268. LORETTA ELDER (ROBINSON) (Wife of No. 246; Mother of Nos. 3524, 7896) B. L. in L. & S.; b. S 27, i860. Knob Prairie, Marion Co., 111.; d. Abrani Caldwell (b. Ja 20, 1833, Covington, Ind.) and Lavisa Wood (Fan- cher) Elder (b. Ap 5, 183s, East Wales, N. Y.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Alethenai; Senator, College Govt.; Class Hist, one yr. Mem., First Congr. Church, and Chm. of Relief Com. of Oak Park, 111.; Pres., Univ. of 111. Alumnae Assoc, Chicago, 1908-9, 1909-10; Mem., Oak Park Bd. of Charities, 1909-12; Chicago College Club; As- soc. Collegiate Ahunnae; Charter Mem., Drama League of Am.; Augusta Club. Married Albert Fowler Robinson ('So), D 31, 1SS5, Topeka, Kan.; Children: Ravmond Elder ('08), b. N 6, i8S6; Philip Edward, b. Jl 10. 1890 (died Ap s, 1891); Albert William ('16), b. My 27, 1894^; Donald Bruce, b. D 14, 1902. Address, 166 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t 269. TAMES W. FORSYTH (Husband of No. 388) Machinist; Cert.; b. N 16, 1856, Springfield. 111.; s. William (b. Scotland) and Mary (Van- oil) Forsyth (b. Auburn, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sc. Assn. Married Lola Ellis (•84), 1885, Canton, 111. Children: Ruth A., b. F 7, 1887; Ethel F., b. Mr 29, 1889. Address, Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Calif. 270. FRANK WATSON HAMMETT Pres., Cal. Washed Sand & Gravel Co.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 12, 1862, Camargo, III.; s. James Richard (b. Ja i, 1826, Va.) and Sarah C. (Watson) Hammett (b. Jl 4, 1836, Newtown, Ind.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. Philomathean; Capt. Farmer until 1883; Tile Mfr.; 1883-1890; Banker, 1890-1902; Real Est. & Ins., 1902-06: Pres., CaVii. Washed Sand & Gravel Co., 1906 — . Married Lizzie Thompson, Te 18, 1884, Tuscola, 111. (died Je, 1887): Minnie Rice, S 22, 1892, Indianola, 111, Children: Don T,, b. D 25, 1885; Harry Rice, b. S i. 1893; Rhea Louise, b. Ja 21, 1896. Address, Redlands, Calif.; bus. add., 600 Shearer St., Los Angeles. t 271. VIRGINIA MANN HAMMET (TALBOT) (Wife of No. 295; Mother of Nos. 3994. 5451. 9432) B. S. in Sc; b. Mr 6, i860, Camargo, 111.: d. William Soule (b. 1823, Va.) and Rachel J. (Wibley) Hammet (b. 1836, Camargo, 111.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. Alethenai; Nat. Hist. Soc; Coll. Sen.; Pres. Orat. Assn. Mem., Congr. Church and various social clubs. Married Arthur Newell Talbot ('81), Je 7, 1886, Camargo, 111. Children: Kenneth Ham- met ('09), b. Ap 7, 1887; Mildred Virginia ('12), b. F 6, 1891; Rachel Harriet ('18), b. Ap 6, 1896; Dorothy Newell, b, D 26, 1898. .Iddress, 1013 W. California Ave., Urbana. 272. FRED LEHMAN HILL (Brother of No. 391) Struct. Engr. & Contr. ; Cert, in C. E. ; b. Ag 25, 1858, Galesburg, 111.; s. Benjamin F. (b. N 23, 1833, Erie, Pa.) and Clara E. (Lehman) Hill (b. F I, 1836, Sharon Springs, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Paxton H. S. Philomathean. Civ. Engr., 1 88 1-7; Struct. Engr. & Contr., 1887 — . Supt., Const., Camp Cody. Mem., First Uni- versalist Church; West. Soc. of Engrs. Mar- ried Estelle J. Bacon, F 14, 1894, Iowa City, la. Children: Julia Augusta, b. Je 28, i8g6; Walter Bacon, b. S 2, 1898; Dean Frederic, b. Mr 8, 1900. Address, Elephant Butte Water Assn., Las Cruces, N. M.f 273. THOMAS CRAWFORD HILL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 1859, Tolono, 111.; s. Walter Forrest (b. S 7, 1807, Wells, Me.) and Rebecca Ann (Miller) Hill (b. D 21, Lebanon, O.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Adelphic; Capt. Taught country sch. 1881-2; Carroll Coll. Acad., Waukesha, 1882-3; Wyman Inst., Upper Alton, 1883-5; Curtis Sch., 1885-96; Curtis H. S., iqo6-ii; Chm. Bd. of trustees of M. E. Church; Prin., Curtis H. S. Married Ina Mabel Miller, Jl 25 1888, Chicago. Children: Harold Crawford, 0. Ap 18, 1889; Margaret Dorothy, b. D 15, 1890; Marion, b. My i, 1892; Lawrence Elias, b. O 11, 1897; Donald Miller, b. O 9, igo2. Address, 100 W. 113th Place, Chicago. 274. *ARTHUR H. KINGMAN Cert, in Chem.; b. 1851, Mass.; s. Samuel Kingman. Died S 9, 1892, Wakefield, Mass. 275. *LUCY M. LAWHEAD 15. L. in L. & S.; b. 1861, Champaign; d. I. Lawhead. Died My i, 1884, Champaign. 276. 'NETTIE E. LAWRENCE (ALLEN) Teacher, Piano and Voice; Cert, in L. & S. ; b. Je 25. i860, Belvidere, 111.; d. Edwin L. (b. S 10, 1833) and Mary E. Lawrence (b. My 16, 1S33, Cuba, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Pres., Alethenai. Mem., C)oll. Sen.; Hon. mem. of Philomathean. Congr. Church; Eastern Star. Married Jonas A. Allen, My 6, 1885, Belvidere, 111. Child, Eugene, b. Ag 3, 1897. Died Ag 19, 1009, Oak Park. 111. 277. FRANCIS MARION McKAY Teacher; B. L.; b. Ja 15, 1851, Madison, Ind.; s. Hiram (b. 1825, Madison, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Etherton) McKay (b. 1832, do.). Prepared in III. Norm. Univ. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic; Pres. and Valedictorian of Class. Teaching. Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1886-95; 1896-1903; Pres., i8p6-98. Auth. of law making Trustees elective officers; also law providing free scholarships in each Co. of St. Mem., Presby. Church. Mar- ried Rebecca M. Farson, Ag 27, 18S9. Address, Evanston, 111. 278. METTA MARY IRENE MACKNET (BEACH) (Wife of No. 257; Mother of No. 3633) A. B.; b. N 25, i8q9. Girard, 111.; d. Daniel S. (b. My 28, 1836, Newark, N. J.) and Rhoda T. (Clark) Macknet (b. Jl 11, 1836, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Girard H. S. Pres. Alethe- nai; Pres. of Class; mem. Sen., 1879; (Drat. Baccalaureate Alumni 27 Assn.; Justice, Coll. Govt. Mem. Congr. Church; Pres. Aid Soc, 1S87-9, 1900-2; Co. Chm. Woman's Com., Council Nat. Defense. Married Bayard E. Beach ('81), O 13, 1885, Girard, 111. Children: Bayard Macknet ('09), b. Ja 31, 1888; Daniel Beman, b. Mr 10, 1892 (died O 10, 1892); Dorothy Blessing, b. F 17, 1S93. Address, Huron, S. Dak. 279. WILLIS A. MANSFIELD Physician; B. L. in L. & S.; b. My 23, 1858, Marengo, 111.; s. A. G. (b. 1824, London, Eng.) and Mary (Moore) Mansfield (b. ,1832, Vt.). Prepared in Marengo H. S. Scientific Soc. M. D., N. W. U. Med. Dept., Chicago, 1884. Mem., Natl.. St. and Co. Med. Socs. Married Ida Pierce, 1884. Children: Mary, b. 1892 (died 1904); Esther, b. 1886. Address, Washington, Ill.t 280. WILLIAM KAIME MASON Farmer and Fruit Grower; B. S. in Agr. ; b. 5 25, 1856, Macon Tp.; s. W. H. (b. N. H.) and Mehitable W. (Kaime) Mason (b. do.). Pre- pared in Buda H. S. Mem. I. O. O. F.; Unitarian Church. Married E. May Fuller, D 23, 1886. Address, R. No. 1, Buda, 111. 281. JOHN HALE MORSE (Brother of Nos. 437, 485) Ins. Bus.; B. S. in L. & S.; b. Ap 23, 1853, Metamora, 111.; s. Levi P. (b. Rochester, Vt.) and Mary A. (Parminter) Morse (b. Eng.). Prepared in Eureka Coll. and Dist. schs. Philo- mathean; Delta Tau Delta; Pres. of Class; Class Prophet; Bus. Mgr., Illini, 1880-81. Prin. Schs., Metamora, 1881-84; Deputy Sheriff, 1884-85; Mgr., Life Ins. Co., Peoria Dist., 1885-87; Real Est., 1887-91; Pres., Home Embroidery Mach. Co., 1891 — ; V. P. the Equi- table Finance and Development Co., eight yrs. ; Mgr. Chicago Office, 1902 — ; Pres., The Old Colony Life Ins. Co., 1907-10; Real Est. and Ins., Kansas City, 1910 — ; Dist. Agt., Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., 1917 — . Home Guards, Kansas City, 1917 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Bd. of Deacons, 1895-1902; I. O. O. F. Mar- ried Jessie Greist, Ag 14, 1901, Kansas City, Kan. Children: John Hale, Jr., b. Jl 18, 1902 (died O 20, 1903); David Levi, b. D 22, 1904 (died My s, 1905). Address, 1806 Centra! Ave., Kansas City, Kan.; bus. add.. Room F, Husted Bldg., do. 282. CHARLES HENRY NICOLET Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 20, 1855. Canton, 111.; s. Henry L. and Ann M. Nic- olet. Engr., both on const, and operation, A. F. 6 S. F. Ry., 1879-88; Engr., Bldgs. and Bridges, Ft. Worth & Rio Grande Ry., Granbury, Tex., 1889; Auditor and Purchasing Agt., Bear River Canal Co., Ogden, Utah, 1889-92; City Engr., LaSalle, 111., and Engr. for F. W. Matthiessen, 1893-96; with Matthiessen & Hegeler Zinc Co., 1896 — ; Chief Civ. and Mech. Engr., 1903 — . Married Jennie B. Capps, Ap 9, 1885, Mt. Pulaski, 111. Children: first two died in in- fancy; Dorothy Emma, b. N 13, 1890; Frances Jane, b. N 7, 1892. Address, LaSalle, 111. 283. JAMES ORA PEARMAN (Brother of No. 245) Physician; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 20, 1859, Edgar Co., 111.: s. John T. _(b. O 29, Hardin Co., Ky.) and Elizalseth (Elliott) Pearman (b. S IS, 1833, Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1885. Mem., Champaign Co. Med. Soc; Champaign Co. Country Club. Married Marv Richardson, S 1890, Palatine. 111. (died N 1800); Isabel Van Vleck, Te 1895, (Champaign. Address. Mahomet, 111. 284. HERMAN SILAS PEPOON (Brother of No. 285) Teacher and Fruit Grower; B. S. in L. & S.; b. Ja 21, i860, Warren, 111.; s. George Whit- field (b. N 4, 1832, Painesville, O.) and Mary Ann (Abbey) Pepoon (b. Ag 30, 1835, do.). Prepared in Warren H. S.; M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1883. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Class Hist.; Deputy Marshall, Coll. Govt. Physician, 1883-92; Teacher in Lake View H. S., Chicago, 1892 — ; Fruit Grower, 1910 — . First Lt., Co. C. 3d Regt., N. N. G., 1883-4. Auth.: Plant Studies, joint auth., 100 pp., D. C. Heath & Co., 1900; Representative Plants, 175 PP-. Ginn & Co., 1912; Flora of S. W. Mich. 10 pp., 1906, Mich. Acad, of Sc. 10 pp.; Cliff Flora of Jo Daviess Co., 111., 6 pp.; Flora of the Chicago Area, 250 pp., 75 Illustrations, 1918; The Flora of the Driftless Area (in prepara- tion); Gun Shot Wound of the Brain, The Cliniquc, 6 pp., 1893; Destruction of a Farm Flora, Plant World, 3 pp., 1903; also other articles along bot. and med. lines. Fish Warden, Fulton Co., 111. 1889-92; do., 1909. Trustee M. E. Church; mem., Mich. Acad, of Sc. ; 111. Acad, of Sc; Life mem., Chicago Acad, of Sc; Am. Forestry Assn.; Pres., Chicago Mycological Soc, 1894-1900; Nat. Geog. Soc; Chicago Geog. Soc; Audubon Assn. of 111.; Am. Nature Study Soc; Rogers Park Roque (Zlub; A. F. A. M.; Brotherhood Lodge, Chicago. Married Alma Adelphine Wilcox, Ap 25, 1883, Chicago (died 1S93); Helen Sophia Foberg, 1900, Chicago. Children: Rudolf Silas, b. 1885; Mary Lucile, b. 18S7 (died Je 18, 1918); Laura Constance, b. 1S90. Address, 3842 Byron St., Chicago. 285. WILLIAM ABBEY PEPOON (Brother of No. 284) Farmer and Fruit Grower; Cert, in Agr.; b. Ja 25, 1858, Warren, 111.; s. George Whitfield, (b. 1832, Painesville, O.) and Mary Ann (Ab- bey) Pepoon, (b. 1835, do.). Prepared in Warren H. S. Adelphic; Representative in Inter. Soc. Orat. Contest. Collection Clerk, ist Nat. Bank, Fremont, Neb., 1881-2; Stock- man, 1882-4; teacher, 1884-5; cowboy, 1885; teacher, 1885-6; Deputy Sheriff and Co. Jailer, 1886-90; teacher, 1890; policeman, 1891; miner and millman, 1891-3; farmer, 1893-5; miner, millman, shift-boss, foreman, mining promoter, 1895-1908; farmer and fruit grower, 1908 — . In- vented many tools and machines and patented some of no coml. value. Commandant of Can- ton Progress, Patriarchs Militant; I. O. O. F., 1889-90. Married Sophia Margaret Moeller, 1893, Baker City, Ore. Children: William Wallace, b. 1894; Herman Lojene, b. 1896; Elzanore Lucile, b. 1897; George Theodore, b. 1904; Mary Margaret, b. 1905; Maurice Manly, b. 1905 (died O 1905); Florence Roberta, b. 1914; Helen Abbey, b. 1916. Address, Oswego, Clackamas Co., Ore. 286. ETHAN PHILBRICK (Brother of Nos. 403, 489) Hydraulic Engr. and Fruit Grower; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 21, 1858, Adaline, Ogle Co., 111.; s. Mayo H. (Waldo, Me.) and Mary (Mac- Farland) Philbrick (Hagerstown, Md.). Pre- pared Baileyville IT. S. and Univ. of 111. Acad. Civil Engr.. R. R. building, 1881-1895; Hydro- Elec work, 1895 — ; began growing peaches and apples 1004 — ; Rec'd. (Tapt. Com., 1881, Univ. of 111. Built and designed largest Hydro-Elec plant at the time of const, in the southern sts., 1899-1003. Auth.: Description of Hydro-Elec. Plant built in Ala., Engng. News. D 5, 1901, Vol. 46. Married Anna Lewis Wells, D 25, 1883; Children: Lewis, b. O i. 1884; Martha Grace, b. Ja 28, 1887; Mary Holdens. b. Jl 2, 1889; Hazel, D 1, 1890. Address. Baldwin, Ga-t 287. *FRANCIS M. FLETCHER B. S. in Sc; b. 1855, Plattville, 111.; s. Daniel Fletcher. Died JTe 15, 1888, Coonia. Calif. 28 University of Illinois fi88i 288. *FRANK H. PORTER Cert, in L. & S.; b. 1861, 111.; s. Henry Por- ter. Died Ja 10, 1886, Garden Prairie, 111. 289. SPRAGUE DWIGHT ROSS (Brother of No. 581; Husband of No. 256; Father of No. 7907) Retired; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 8, 1857, Reno, 111.; s. John M. (b. Je 7, 1823, Maury Co., Tenn.) and Ruth M. (Jones) Ross (b. D 2, 1825, do.)- Prepared in Greenville H. S. Philomathean. Teacher and Salesman, 1881-4; Real Est. & Loan Bus., 1885-93; Banker, 1894- 190Q; Sec.-Treas., Ross Investment Co.; Sec,- Treas., W. Grand Island Live Stock Co.; y. P., Home Savings Bank of Grand Island, 1909-1917. Married Bertha E. Barnes ('81), Je 25, 1884, Chicago. Children: Bertha, b. Je 12, 1888; Kenneth Dwight ('16), b. S 17, 1893. Address, Grand Island, Neb. 290. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ B. S. in Chem. 1914; b. Ag. 28, 1859, Salem, 111.; s. Bernard (b. N 27, 1S26, Ger.) and Christine (Lacroix) Schwartz (b. Ag 28. 1830, do.). Prepared in Salem, 111. Philomathean. Druggist, 1881-1907. Married Clara Rose Schwartz, Ap 29, 1886, Salem, 111. Children: Helen, b. Ja 15, 1893 (died Mr 17, 191.3); Christine, b. Je 6, 1905. .'Iddress, Salem, 111. 291. ARTHUR BLISS SEYMOUR (Husband of No. 386) * Botanist; B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1886; b. Ja 3. 1859, Moline, 111.; s. Frank (b. Mr 4, 1831, Granville, iSIass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Bliss) Seymour (b. My 24, 1837, Honolulu, Hawaii). Prepared in Maplewood H. S., Camp Point, 111. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic, V. P.: Nat. Hist. Soc. Instr., Elem. Bot. as undergrad. ; Botanist, 111. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1S81-3; Pvt. Asst., Crypto- gamic Herbarium, Harvard, 1883-5; Botanist, as above. 1884-6; Instr. Bot., L'^niv. of Wis., 1885-6; Asst. Cryptoganiic Herbarium, Harvard, 1 886 — ; Discovered a few species of parasitic fungi. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; A. A. S. ; Torrey Bot. Club. Married Anna Julia Conkling ('84), My 6, 1886. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 27, 1889; Rosa Margaret, b. An 28, 1890; Frank Conkling, b. Jl 21, 1895; Edith Katharine, b. S 18, 1896. Address, 23 Agassiz Ave., Waverly, Mass.; bus. add., 26 Liniv. Museum, Cambridge, Mass. 292. BYRON A. SLADE (Father of No. 9394) Druggist; B. S. in Chem.; b. S 27, 1856, East Berne, N. Y.; s. Joshua (b. Ap 26, 1829, do.) and Catherine Hannah (Allen) Slade (b. Ap 29, 1835). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Philo- mathean. Druggist, firm of Worthington and Slade. Married Cora Black. S 8, 1886. Chil- dren: John, b. Mr 5, 1890 (died, Ja 20, 1905); Katherine Claire ('18), b. Ap 18, 1896; Eliza- beth Muriel, b. N 14, 1807. Address, 1027 Spafford Ave., Rockford, 111. 293. *MORELLE M. STACY B. L. in L. & S.; b. 1859, HI.: s. W. C. Stacy. Died Jl 17, 1895, Spring Hill, Ala. 294. *JAMES B. STURMAN B. L. in L. & S.; b. Jl i, 1857, Dahlgren, 111.; s. Alexander M. (b. F s, 1820, near Mc- Minnville, Tenn.") and Louisa (Varner) Stur- man (b. O 28, 181Q, Spartanburg, S. C). Pre- pared in McLeansboro and Enfield, 111. In law office of Mr. Hig'', 103 Adams St., Chicago, for a few yrs. Married Jl 17, 188S. Died Je 6, igor, Salina, Kan. 295. ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT (Husband of No. 271; Father of Nos. 3994, S45I, 9432) Professor; B. S., in C. E.; C. E., 1885; D. Sc, Univ. of Pa., 1915; D. Eng., Univ. of Mich., 1916; b. O 21, 1857, Cortland, 111.; s. Charles A. (b. London) and Harriet (Newell) Talbot (b. Brockville Ont.). Prepared in Syca- more H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Philoma- thean, Pres., V. P., and Sec; Assoc. Ed., mini; Delegate Interst. Orat. Assn.; Class Essayist; Capt. Civ. Engr. on railroad loca- tion const, and maintenance work, 1881-5; Asst. Prof., Engng. and Math., Univ. of 111., 1885-90; Prof., Mun. and San. Engng., and in charge of T. & A. M. 1890 — ; also engaged in Civ. Engng. on railways, structures, water- works, sewerage, pavements and other works; investigation of steel, brick, reinforced con- crete, other materials of const., and in hy- draulic and san. investigation; Const. Engr. St. Water Sur., 1908-17; in charge of investigation of stresses in railroad track. Auth. : The Rail- way Transition Spiral, McGraw-Hill Book Co.; numerous buls. of the Univ. of 111. Engng. Ex{). St. on reinforced concrete, brick, steel columns, hydraulics, etc., contributor to Engng. Tours. and Engrs. Soc. Proc Mem., A. S. C. E., Dir., V. P.; Western Soc. Engrs. V. P.; Am. Ry. Engng. Assn., Dir.; Am. Soc. Test- ing Materials, Pres.; Internat. Assn. Test- ing Materials; Soc. Prom. Engng. Educ. Pres. Am. W. W. Assn.; Am. Soc. Mun. Imp.; A. A. A. S. ; 111. Soc. Engng., Pres.; Chicago Engrs. Club; Univ. Club of Chicago; Congr. Church. Married Virginia Mann Hammet ('81), Je 7, 1886. Children: Kenneth Hammet ('09), b. Ap 17, 1887; Mildred Virginia ('12), b. F 6, 1891; Rachel Harriet ('18). b. Ap 6, 1S96; Dorothy Newell, b. D 26, 1898. Address, 1013 W. Calif. St., LTrbana; bus. add., 300 Lab. App. Mech., Univ. of 111., do. 296. DARLEY THOMAS Real est. Manager; B. L. in L. & S.; b. O 9, 1 86 1, Champaign; d. John Harrison (b. Jl 13, 1813, Adams Co., O.) and Mary (MacNeil) Thomas (b. Jl 8, 1822, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai; Class V. P. Bookkeeper, 1881-7; Cashier and Confidential Sec. for R. P. Smith & Sons Co., wholesale shoe bouse, 1887-9; Owned and managed Shoe Findings Dept. for do., 1910 — ; Mgr. Real Est. and properties for estates; Mem., Univ. of 111. Alumnae Assn., 1881-1912; Pres., Univ. of 111. .Mumnae Assn., 1910-11; V. P. Chicago Coll. Club, 1909-10; Cor. Sec. Chicago Assn. Colle- giate Alumnae, 1907-9; Treas. U. S. Daughters of 1812, 1906 — ; Chicago Chapter, D. A. R., 189S — . Address, 51 11 Cornell Ave., Cliicago. 297. WILLIAM SUMMER WESTON (Father of No. 4488; Brother of Nos. 117, 454, 585, 5S6) B. L. in L. & S.; B. S., 1883; b. Je 22, i860. Champaign; s. Nathan (b. Wilson, N. Y.) and Jane (Cloyde) Weston (b. Troy, N. Y.). Adel- phic; C. E. Club; Civ. Engr. Topeka, Kan. and Chicago. Married Elizabeth Jane Towlson, Ag 19, 1885, Detroit. Children: Frederick William Cio), b. Je I, 1888; Mabel Towlson. b. Ja 12. 1891. Address, Hotel Brazos, Houston, Tex. 298. MAXWELL BLACKBURN WILSON Retired Farmer; Cert, in Agr. ; b. D 16, 18^8, Paris, 111.; s. William Oliver (b. 1831, Palestine, 111.) and Cassandra (Blackburn) Wilson (b. 1832, Paris, 111.). Adelphic. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Emma Schenck, Tl 30, 1891, Paris, 111. Child, Dudley Blackburn, b. -•Vd 26, 1807 (died F 27, 1917). Address, Paris, 111. i882] B ACCALA UREATE AlU iM .\ I 29 2»q. F ESSIE ARMILDA WRIcaiT (RICHARDSON) (Sister of No. 372.) H. L. in L. & S.; b. Je 23, i860, Champaign; (1. James Stephen (b. Ag 16, 1816, Highland Co., O.) and Katharine (Lauder) Wright (b. Mr 26, 1823, Bourbon Co., Ky.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai; Class Historian. Postmislre.'is, Rcntchler, ]11., iqoj — . Mem., Ladies Indus. Soc. ; Unitarian Church, (Juincy, 111., 1909-11; Utopian Soc. Married Henry Edward Richardson, Mr 7, 1889, Champaign. Children: Eugene, b. Ja 7, 1890; Ruth, b. D 4, 1892; Helen, b. D i, 1894; Darley, b. Mr 9, 1897; James Hollins, b. Tl -'6, 1899. Address. Rentchler, 111. CLASS OF 1882 (29 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 300. DORA ANGELINE ANDRUS (GRIFFITH; (Mother of Nos. 6918, 9102) B. L. in L. & S.; b. My 5, 1863, Ashton, 111.; d. John Archibald (b. N 30, 1833, Stephen- town, N. Y.) and Rhoda Anne (Siple) Andrus (b. N 12, 1S42, Berkshire, O.). Prepared in Ashton H. S. Alethenai. Pres., Coll. Gov't. Teacher in Gram. Dept. Ashton Sch., 1882-4; do. in IMarshalltovvn, la., 1884-7; Prin., Third Ward Sch., Marshalltown, 18S7-9. Mem., Pres- by. Church. Married John Charters Griffith, Je 1 8, 1889, Asthon, 111. Children: Mildred Eliza- beth ('15), b. F 26, 1S93; Stanwood John ('18), b. Mr 18, 1897; Oliver Andrus, b. N 22, 1Q09. Address, Ashton, 111. 301. KITTIE C. AVERV i'.. L.; b. F 8, 1861, Chicago, IlL; d. Samuel (b. O 8, 1 83 1, Ilion, N. Y. ) and Louise A. (Holmes) Avery (b. Manchester, Vt.). Pre- pared by pvt. tutor and one yr. in Acad., Univ. of 111. Alethenai. Address, 4102 Davenport .St., Omaha, Neb. 302. "SAMUEL GORDON BAILEY, Jr. B. S. in Chem.; b. 1861, Wis.; s. S. Bailey. Married Kittie Reed. Died My 13, 1901, Chi- cago. 303. CHARLES CHURCHILL BARNES (Brother of Nos. 57, 256) Cert, in Chem.; b. N 10, 1859, in Mass.; s. Oramel Churchill (b. S 9, 1829, Bridgewater, Vt.) and Caroline (Ellis) Barnes (b. F 20, 1829, Norwood, Mass.). Supt., Franklin Sugar Co., Tenn.; Supt., Hoopeston Sugar Co., 111.; Supt., Pa. Enameled Brick Co., Oaks, Pa.; Supt., Reconst. Granite Co., Norristown, Pa.; Supt., Harrison .Safety Boiler Works, Phila- delphia, 1906 — . Patented several inventions. Sugar maker in La. and Cuba: cont., Panama Canal; five yrs. in gold mines; three yrs. on Tex. cattle ranch. Slarried Daisie Alice Zim- merman, Je 4, 1906, New York City, Address. Norristown, Pa. 304. *ARTHUR M. BRIDGE (Brother of No. 164) Farmer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. F 14, i860. La Moille, 111.; s. Sereno (b. N 23. 1820, Wil- mington, Vt.) and Allisannv S. (Winchester) Bridge (b. Jl 13, 1821, Marlboro, Vt.). Pre- pared near La Moille, 111. Sigma Chi; Philo- mathean; Capt., Univ. Regt. Farmer, 1882; Banker, i8go; Druggist, 1892; Sch. Treas. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mary E. Porterfield, Jl 15, 1884, Mendota, 111. Children: Alice Irene, b. O 27, 1889; Don Wallace, b. S i6, 1891. Died Je 19, 1894, Goldfield, la. 305. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BULLARD (Brother of Nos. 166, 305, 464) Teacher; B. L. in L. & S.; M. Arch., 1898; b. F 23, i8s8, Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. Wesley (b. Jl 28, 1816, Shelbv, Co., Ky.) and Sarah Ann (Foster) Bullard (b. Jl 18, 1824, Mont- gomery Co., Ky.). Adelphic. Teacher, IlL, 1882-6; Dak., 1886-90; Wash., 1890-7; III., 1 897- 1 905; Lane Technical H. S., Chicago, 1905 — . Married Caroline J. Ritsher, 1894, Beloit, Wis. Child, Elsie Carolyn, b. Jl 28, 1897. Address. 735 Barry Ave., Chicago. t 306. GEORGE WESLEY BULLARD (Brother of Nos. 166, 305, 464) Architect; B. S.; M. Arch., 1898; b. Jl 31, 1855, near Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. Wesley (b. Jl 28, 1816, Shelby Co., Ky.) and Sarah Ann (Foster) Bullard (b. Jl 18, _ 1824, Montgomery Co., Ky. ) Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Ed. in Chief of Illini 1881-82. Arch., Spring- field, 111., 1882-90; Tacoma, Wash., i8go — ; Insp. of Buildings, Plumbing and Drainage of Tacoma, Wash., 1892-3. Planned and designed Engng. Hall, 1893. Pres., Wash. St. Chap., A. I. A.; 1894-5- Mem., M. E. Church; K. T. ; Washington St. Hist. Soc; Tacoma Cml. Club and Chamber of Commerce. Married Anna Hastings Heath, Jl 10, 1895, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 75 West Road, Prospect Hill, do.f 307. WILLIAM BURGESS CARMAN Physician; B. S. in Chem.; b. S 27, 1857, Peoria; s. Isaac Newton (b. Jl 26, 1829, Ferry, O.) and Julia Anna Carman (b. Mr 29, 1830. Penfield, O.). Prepared in H. S.; Sewell and Abbott Classical Sch., Indianapolis; M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hosp., 1884. V. P. of Adelphic; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Capt. Practising Phys. ; attending phys., Rochester Homeo. Hosp., 1904. Auth. : Spiritual Thera- peutics; ^'accination as a Prophylactic of Var- iola, Transactions Homeo. Med. Soc., St. of N. Y. Mem., Rochester Baptist Social Union. V. P. 1901-2; Pres., Monroe Co., Homeo. Med. Soc, 1892; Dispensary Staff, Rochester Llomeo. Hosp., 1S96; Phys., Court of Equity No. 238, F. of A., 1897; Monroe Assn. No. 14, N. A. S. E. 1908; Phys., Rochester Lodge, No. 113, L. O. O. M., 1915; Phys., Court Genesee Valley, No. 107, F. of A., 1917. Married Grace Cushman, S 4, 1884, Champaign. Children: Julia Marena, b. Je 30, 1888; Florence Eliza, b. Je 25, 1890; Olive Marion, b. Ja 16, 1892; Leicester Cushman, b. Mr 11, 1895. Address, 32 LIpton Park, Rochester, N. Y. 308. EDWARD EVERETT COLE (Brother of No. 309) Teacher; B. L. in L. & A., 1893; b. Ag 5, 1858; s. Jacob (b. Metz, Ger.) and Margaret (Worsham) Cole. Prepared in Tuscola H. S. A. M., Colorado Coll., 1898; Ph. D., Denver Univ.. 1906. Scientific Assn. Second honor in orat. in Inter-soc Orat. Contest, 1881; Capt. L^niv. Regt. 1892. Admitted to bar in 111. and Neb. Teacher and in fruit bus. Mem., Congr. Church; West. Acad, of Sc Married Sophia Norris, 1887, Grand Island, Neb. Children: Eleanor Blessing, b. Ag 2, 1892; Margaret Cor- delia, b. Ja 9, 1894. Address, Knollerest, Ruby Mesa, Grand Junction, Colo.f 309. SOPHRONIA RICKORDS COLE (HALL) (Sister of No. 308) Cert.: B. A. in L. A. & S., 1914; b. D 28, i860, McLeansboro, 111.; d. Rev. Jacob (b. N 3, 1827, Metz. Ger.) and Margaret (Worsham) Cole (b. O 29, 1827, Henderson, Ky.). Pre- pared at Du Quoin and Tuscola. Alethenai. 30 University of Illinois [t5 Teacher, Pub. Sell, at Du Quoin, 1882-83: East Side Sch., Champaign, 1884-5. Married Dr. Wilfred Ferrel Hall, D 29, 188';. Champaign ('lied le 18, 1904). Children: Jennie Lourene, b. D 19, 1886; Wilfred Frank, b. Mr 22, 1888; Mayme Margaret, b. .S 10, 1890 (died Mr 22, 1909); Laura Hazel, 1). N 3, 1897. Address, McLeansboro, Ill.t 3ro. WILLIAM GOSS CURTISS (Father of No. 7472) Farmer; B. S. in Agr., 1916; b. S 16, 1859, Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. Y.; s. George W. (b. Schuyler, N. Y.) and Frances (Hatton) Curtiss (b. 1832, Waterloo, N. Y.). Prepared in Warren, HI. Adelphic. Banking, 1882-89; Farming, 1894 — . Married Lora Giller, D 7, 1892, Whitehall, 111. Children: George ('16), b. O 4, 1893; Frances, b. D 23, 1894 (died 1907); Edward, b. S 28, 1897; Esther, b. S 19. 1900 (died 191 7); Homer, b. F 2, 1902; Mar- shall, b. F 13, 1904. Address, Stockton, HI. 311. JEPTHA H. DAVIS (Husband of No. 251; Brother of Nos. 172, 265; Father of Nos. 3337, 412S. S629, 8260) Farmer; Cert, in L. & S.; b. i860, Ind.; s. Chester Powers (b. Mr 7, 1835, Washington Co., Ind.) and Hettie (Close) Davis (b. My i, 1838, Scott Co., Ind.). Farmer, Straight Creek, Kan., 1904 — ■. Married Clara M. Watson ('80). Children: Marietta Searle ('08), b. Je 6, 1884; Gertrude Curtis ('10), b. O 24, 1886; Chester Watson ('13), b. D 16, 1889; Helen Powers ('17), b. Je 5. 1894. Address, R. 3, Hohon, Kan. 312. DAVID EICHBERG Lawyer; B. L.; b. Mr 18, i860, Atlanta, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Ap 17, 1832, Ger.) and Mina (Stern) Eichberg (b. do.). Prepared in Shurt- leff Coll. LL. B., Union Coll. of Law, North- western, 1884. Sigma Chi; Pres., Philoma- thean; Class Pres.; Capt. in Univ. Regt. .Prac- tising law, 1884 — . Married Emma Longini, D IS, 1892, Chicago. Children: Adrian J., b. D 2, 189s; Leila, b. My 8, 1902. Address, suite 802, 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 313. ANDREW JOHN EISENMEYER Prop. Flour Mill; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 27, 1862, St. Clair, Co., 111.; s. Andrew (b. F 22, 1824, Hassloch, Ger.) and Christine (Santer) Eisenmeyer (b. O 19, 1829, do.). Prepared in Trenton Pub. Sch.; Sigma Chi; Pres., Coll. Govt. 1882; Capt., Regt. Prop, of flour mfg. mill. Pres. Sch. Bd., 1903-5; V. P. Bank of Springfield; V. P. Springfield Traction Co. Married Celia H., O i, 1890, Springfield, Mo.; Children: Walter W.; Christine M.; Louis P.; Marie A. Address, Springfield, Mo.t 314. SAMUEL ALEXANDER HARRISON Farmer; B. L. in L. & S., 1882; A. M., 1888; b. Jl 31, 1856, Marshall, Mo.; s. Joseph and Martha (Duggan) Harrison. Prepared in Shurtleff Coll. Prep. Sigma Phi; First Lt.; Last Chief Justice of Coll. Govt. Admitted to Bar, 1888; Prin., Schs., Geneseo, III., 1889-91; Prin., Burrotighs Sch., Chicago, 1892-1904; Real Est., 1904-14; farmer, 1914 — . Auth. : Booklet of Poems, Prairie Breezes, 48 pp. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Hattie E. Har- rison, D 1882, Champaign. Children: Bessie M., b. O, 1889; Warren Craig; b. O, 1897; Stanley Dwight, b. O, 1889. Address, R. No. I, Watervliet, Mich. 315. FRANK BIERCE MALTBY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E., 1907 as of 1882; b. Jl 31, 1861, Trumbull Co., O.; s. Warren (b. N. Y.) and Chloe Elizabeth (Bierce) Maltby (b. O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adel- phic. On R. R. work and general practise till 1896; Miss. River Comn., 1898 and 1902-4; in charge of Dredging Operation; Prin. Asst. Engr., Panama Canal, 1905-7; Chief Engr., Dodfic & Day, Engrs., Philadelphia, 1907-10; Gen. Supt., James Stewart and Co., ConUs., 1910-11; Chief Engr., John F. Stevens Const. Co., 1912-13; Charge of Harbor Work, St. John. New Brunswick, Can., 1914; Const. Engr., Day & Zimmerman, Philadelphia, 1915-17. Com- missioned Maj. of Engrs., O. R. C, F 1917; i" charge of Const, work on Governors Island, N. v., 1917. Auth.: Hist, of Miss. River Bridges, Jour, of Western Soc. of Engrs., 1903; Dredging on Miss. River, Trans. A. S. C. E., No. 5, 1904; shorter papers in various Engng. Soc. Journals; Reports in Chief of Engrs., U. S. A.; Panama Canal Trans, of St. Louis Ry. Club, 1907. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; New York Engrs. Club; Philadelphia Engrs. Club. Married Margaret E. McNary, F 4, 1885; Josephine Hedges, F i, 1907. Children: Ruth, b. D 20, 1885; Marion, b. O 22, 1887. Address, Army Building, New York. 316. *CHARLES H. MERRITT Cert, in Sc. ; b. S 13, 1856, near Waterman, 111.; s. John H. (b. O 6, 1828, N. Y.) and Rhoda S. (Yay) Merritt (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Waterman H. S., Lee Center Acad. Adel- phic. Clerk in Bank, Augusta, Kan., 1882-4; du., Fred Smith's Bank Mason City, HI.; Clerk and Bookkeeper, Farmers St. Bank, 1886-8; I'ir. and Asst. Cashier, do., 1901. Mem., First M. E. Church at Waterman; Presby. at Augusta, Kan.; Elder at jNIason City; Hon. Mem., W. C. T. U.; Co. Prohibition Com., Pres., Sec, or Treas. Married Hattie Osborn, F 28, 1884, Mason City, 111. Children: Lela Beardsley, b. Jl 13, 1886; Blanche Fay, b. Ag 12, 1891. Died F 8, 1 90 1, Mason City, 111. 317. LOUIS MOHR Engineer; B. S. in M. E.. 1917 as of the class of 1882. Sec. and Const. Engr. for John Mohr & Sons. Address, 349 W. Illinois St., Chicago. 318. JOHN RALPH NEELY (Brother of No. 242) Physician; B. L. ; M. L., 1897; b. Ap 22, 1859, Benton, HI.; s. Isaac M. (b. Princeton, Ind.) and Mary C. (Eslton) Neely (b. Frank- fort, 111.). Prepared in Du Quoin Pub. Sch. M. D., Howard Univ., 1887; D. M., Univ. of Georgetown, iSqi. Adelphic Hatchet Orator. Record and Pension Ofiice, War Department; Sur. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C, 1887-95; Practicing Phys., Washington, D. C, 1887-95; .Acting Chief Med. Insp., Chicago Health Dept., 1895-1905; Pvt. for six yrs. in Nat. Guard, Dist. Columbia, Cant. Co. B. and D., 2nd Bn., 2nd Regt., 1S88-90; Hosp. Steward and Surg., 5th Bn., 2nd. Reg., 1892-5. Mem., Med. Soc, Dist. of Col.; Starvation Soc, Tanner Hall; Med. Soc, Chicago; A. M. A.; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. Married Ella V. Spurgeon, Ag 16, 1886, Baltimore. Children: Hazel Adelaide, b. S 12, 1887; Charles Bertes, b. S 10, 1889; Donald Stuart, b. Ja 18, 1891; Harold Richard, b. S 20, 1893; Joseph Ralph, b. Jl 2, 1896. Address, Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 319. THOMAS NOBLE, JR. Gold Miner; Cert, in C. E.; b. Ag 9, 1858, Arlington Farm, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Ag 24, 1835, do.) and S'ubina (Munron) Noble (b. Je 26, 1837, Stark Co., O.). Prepared in Whipple Acad., HI. Coll. Hennepin (Tanal Sur., 1882; Engr. Dept., Santa Fe R. R., Lajunta, Colo., 1883; do., Mex. R. R., Monterey, Mex., 1883; Motive Power Dept., Corpus Christi, Tex., 1884; Engng. Dept., Loredo, Tex., 1885; on Location and Const., Mex. R. R. from Saltillo to San Luis Potosi, Mex., 1886-8; Gold Min., San Diego. Calif., 1888-1902; San Diego, Calif., 1903; Encinitas Copper Mine, San Diego Co., 1904; Gold Min. near Descanso, 1904 — . Ad- dress, Descanso, Calif.t i882] Baccalaureate Alumni 3i 3_o. *ROBERT ELLVVOOD ORR Civ. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. Rob Roy, Foun- tain Co., Ind., Ag 17, 1856; s. James (.b. Je 2, 1805, Franklin, Warren Co., O.) and Mary Alice (Miller) Orr (b. Union Chapel, Ind.). Prepared Attica H. S.; one yr. at Ind. Univ. Adelphic. Rodman with Hennepin Canal, Dixon; Feeder, 1882; Draftsman I. C. R. R. Co., Jackson, Miss., 1883; Draftsman C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.. 18S3-1892; Asst. Const. Pub. Works, Evanston, 111., 1892-5; Asst. Engr. E. J. & E. R. R. 1896-1900; Cliief Engr. E. J. & E. & Chicago, i^ake Shore & Eastern R. R. 1900-2; Gen. Practice 1903, Engr. and Surv. ; Asst. Engr. Const., Cincinnati, Bluffton, and Chicago, at Blutfton, 1904-5; Asst. Engr. Ind. Harbor Belt R. R. 1905-6; with San. Dist. of Chicago, 1906-10; engaged in practice of C. Engr., Road- ways, Railways, Waterways, Water Supply, Sewerage, Land Sur., landscape designs, land drainage; Engr. St. Penitentiary Com., etc. Original Petitioner for Co. Scholarship to Univ. of 111.; do. Univ. change of name, 1885; wrote law authorizing mode of election of Univ. trus- tees from that of appointment by the Gov., 1887. Mem. ist. Congr. Church, Evanston, 1886-1902; Central Presby. Church, Joliet, 1902-16; Matte- son Lodge, No. 175, A. F. A. M., 1903-16. Married Mrs. Katherine F. Weese, D 24, 1901, Joliet, 111. Child, (adopted) Edith Mae Weese. Died Ap 24, 1916, Joliet, 111. 321. *CHARLES W. PALMER B. L. in L. & S.; b. i860, Watseka, 111.; s. Mrs. E. S. Palmer. Died Jl 4, 1884, Austin, Tex. 322. ARTHUR PEABODY (Brother of No. 364) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 16, 1858, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. Selim Hobart (b. 1829, Rock- ingham, Vt.) and Elizabeth (Pangborn) Pea- body (b. 1836, Burlington, Vt.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Tau Beta Pi. St. Arch, of Wis., in charge of Univ. of Wis. and all penal and charitable insts. Norm. schs. and other St. insts. as to Arch. Service. Sec. Bd. of Examin- ers of Archs. of Wis. Invented Unit Stirrup and System of Concrete Const., with movable forms for floors, 1907-8. Married Agnes Coch- rane, S 30, 1885, Hingham, Mass. Children: Marion Grace, b. 1886; Arthur Cochrane b. 1891; Charlotte Elizabeth b. 1899. Address, State Capitol, Madison, Wis. 323. *ARVILLA K. RALEY (HARRISON) Cert, in L. & S.; b. 1861, HI.; d. E. V. Raley. Married James D. Harrison. Deceased. 324. *GEORGE WILLIAM RICHARDS B. S. in C. E.; b. 1859, Calif.; s. A. A. Rich- ards. Died My 15, 1889, Carthage, N. M. 325. CHARLES NEWTON ROBERTS (Brother of No. 404) Engr. and Surv.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 19, 1861, Jefferson, 111.; s. Clark (b. 1829, Utica, N. Y.) and Elizabeth Harrison (Linscott) Roberts (b. 1839, Jay, Me.). Prepared in Jefferson H. S. Sigma Chi; Adelphic. Mach. ; Instrument man on Miss. Riv. Sur.; traveling salesman; Asst. Engr., Chicago San. Dist.; Engng. and Sur. Bus., 1892 — . Married Addie M. Keith, Jl 20, 1887, Blue Island, 111. Chil- dren: Keith, b. Ag 31, 1889; Marion b. Je 30, 1892; Helen, b. Mr 23, 1895; John Clark, b. D 12, 1896. Address, 1014 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. 326. FREDERICK DANIEL RUGG (Father of No. 4397) Gen. Field Mgr. Ins. Co.; B. L.; b. D 22, i860. Champaign; s. Daniel (b. My 30, 1830, Heath, Mass.) and Philena Dole (Kellogg) Rugg (b. Shelburn, Mass.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Sigma Chi; Adelphic; Class Oral. for Jr. Exhibition; Class Poet; delivered one of the class orations at commencement. Whole- sale and Retail Shoe Bus., firm D. Rugg & Son; Partner in firm, F. D. and W. A. Rugg, 1888- 96; engaged in Life Ins. Bus., Pres., three yrs.: resigned to give Liquid Air lectures and demonstrations; Gen. Field Mgr. Ins. Co.; Or- ganized the Champaign Cml. Assn., 1884, Sec. and Treas., ten years. Sec. and Treas. En- deavor Soc. for 111. Champaign Commandery, Mohammed Temple (Shrine); 1st Congr. Church, Champaign; B. P. O. E.; Hamilton Club; Champaign Country Club; K. T. Mar- ried Cora M. Maltby, 1887, Champaign. Chil- dren: Daniel ('10), b. S 7, 1889; Helen Caro- line, b. Ag 16, 1903. Address, 507 W. Univ. Ave., Champaign; bus. add., ij^ Main St., do. 327. ABIA JOSEPH SHARP Prop., Mach. Works; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 3, 1853, Slabtown, 111.; s. David, (b. 1825, Mifflin Co., Pa.) and Susanna (Joder) .Sharp (b. Ja 28, 1828, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Scientific. Gregorian; Adelphic; Ale- Lhenai Honorary; Valedictorian of Mech. Engrs.; Capt. Univ. Regt.; Engr. till S 1882; draftsman in car shops of K. C, Ft. Scott and Memphis to 1883; Mech. Engr. in charge of mach. shops at Harrisonville, Mo., 1883, also partner Harrisonville mach. works to 1903; Engr. in charge const., Webb City Iron Works. 1906; Prop., Harrisonville Machine Works^ 191 1 — • Married Maggie Jane Wright, O 14, 1888 (died Ja 16, 1892); Sarah Elizabeth Wright, Ap 3, 1895 (died Ap 30, 1903). Chil- dren: Alice (died in infancy); May (died in infancy); Abia Morris, b. Mr 17, 1897; Eliza- beth, b. N 3, 1900; Mary, b. Jl 28, 1902. Address, Harrisonville. Mo. 328. FRANK SHLAUDEMAN (Brother of No. 493) Pres. and Mgr., Brewing Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 17, 1862, Decatur, 111.; s. Henry (b. Ja 13, 1834, Wildeshausen, Ger.) and Caroline (Weiss- mann) Shlaudeman (b. Mr 22, 1836, Rheinpfalz, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi. Brush Elec. Co., Cleveland, O., 1882-3; Harps- trile and Shlaudeman, Brewers, Decatur, 111., 1883-5; West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1885-6; Henry Shlaudeman, successor to Harpstrile and Shlaudeman, 1886-8; V. P. and Mgr., Decatur Brewing Co., 1888-1903; Pres. and Mgr., do., 1903 — . Mem., Lib. Bd., Decatur Pub. Lib., 1902-9 and 1912-17; Pres. of do., for three yrs. Married Josephine Theresa Baum, O 27, 1886. Address, 25 E. Walton Place, Chicago. 329. HOWARD BRINKERHOFF SLAUSON (Husband of No. 357) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 15, i860, Fishkill, N. Y.; s. Joseph (b. 1818, do.) and Sarah (Brinkerhoff) Slauson (b. 1829, Bed- ford, N. Y.). Prepared in Dwight H. S. Philomathean. First Asst., Chem. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1882-3; Chem., Champaign Sugar Co., 1883-4; First Asst., Chem. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1S84-5; studied law, admitted to bar 1887; partner with J. L. Ray, 1887-90; practised law in Seattle, 1890-1900; Hort., 1900-18; Chem. with I. F. Lancks, 1918 — . Married Celeste Langley ('83), N 15, 1888, Champaign, 111. (died S 3, 1903, Seattle); Alice Swinburn Leckenby, S 27, 1907, Seattle. Children: Sarah Jeanette, b. Ag 3, 1897; Celeste, b. My 2, 1899; Howard Langley, b. D 7, 1901. Address, 5416 Morgan St., Seattle. ' 330. CHARLES LINNEAUS SMITH (Husband of No. 351) Lawyer and Judge; B. L. ; b. Mr 8, 1861, Newton, 111.; s. C. B. (b. 1834, W. Va.) and Celestia Elfie (Gray) Smith (b. 1836, Arcole, O.). Prepared in (Champaign H. S.; LL. B., 32 University of Illinois Albany Law Sch., 1SS5. Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic; Kep. in Inter-Soc. Orat. Contest; Capt. Univ. Regt. Law office, Champaign, 1884-5; Lawyer, Champaign, 1886-7; Minne- apolis, 1887 — ; Atty. for Bd. of Co. Commis- sioners, 1900-04; Mun. Judge, Minneapolis, 1904-11. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; Maccabees; Mem., Official Bd. of M. E. Church; Coml. Club of Minneap- olis; Minneapolis Ath. Club. Married Grace Maria Healey ('83), 1888, Champaign. Child, Marian Alden Smith, b. Mr 10, 1890. Ad- dress, 2018 Hawthorn Ave., Minneapolis. 331. NELSON STRONG SPENCER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 3, 1857, Dixon, 111.; s. Aquilla (b. 1832, Center Co., Pa.) and Mary A. (Hetler) Spencer (b. 1835, Dixon, 111.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Philo- mathean. Instr., Arch. Dept., 1880-83; Supt., Bldgs. and Grounds, 1898-1902; Arch, for Men's Gym., Chem. Lab., Hydraulic Lab., Mechanic Bldg. Mem., Congr. Church, Cliampaign, 111. Married Ida Florence Rush, S 7, 1881. Chil- dren: Clifford Ricker. b. 188'^; Charles Blakely, b. 1888; Mary Ethel, b. 1890. Address, 6724 East End Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1495, 37 W. Van Buren. do. 332. FLORIZEL ADINO TAFT (Brother of No. 223) Banker; B. S.; b. D 30. 1863, Elmvvood, 111.; s. Don Carlos (b. 1827, Swanzy, N. H.) and Mary Lucy (Foster) Taft (b. Shutesbury, Mass.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Married Grace Turner, O 4, 1892. Children: Arlo; Lloyd; Royal; Mabel; Flor- ence; Howard. Address, Cupertino, Calif. 333- JAMES TODD Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 13, 1855, Dundee, 111.; s. Hugh (b. Jl 24, 1818, Glasgow, Scot.) and Magdalene (Rankin) Todd (b. Ja i, 1827, Delry, do.). Prepared in Elgin (111.) Acad. Philomathean; Class Prophet. Various lines of Hydr. and Mun. Engng. Married Pearl B. Loveland, Je 9, 1892. Child, Francis Hugh, b. Ag 8, 1901. Address, Elgin, 111. 334. HERBERT TURNER Elec. Engr.; Cert, in Sc; b. N 10, 1858, (^uincy, 111.; s. Edward (b. O 30, 1823, Tem- pleton, Mass.) and Lucretia Wheeler (Newhall) Turner (b. Jl 4, 1831, Ipswich, N. H.). Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. Philomathean; Capt. I. N. G. Farming and ranching, 1882-90 and 1896- 1900; Elec. Engr., 1890-96 and 1900-05; Mer- chant. 1906-10; with No. Elec. (Jo., 1911-18; with Oakland, Antioch, and Eastern Elec. Ry., 1 91 8 — . Married Mary Boone Burroughs, Je 6, 1902. Children: Ruth, b. Je 29, 1903; Goddery Burroughs, b. Ag 7, 1907. Address, Alamo, Contra Costa Co., Calif. 33 5- JOHN GEORGE WADS WORTH (Husband of No. 255) Banker; Cert.; B. S. in L. A. & S., 1914; b. Ag 26, 1859, Kinnickinnie, Wis.; s. John (Gre- gory (b. Mr 10, 1825, East Aurora, N Y.) and Mary Ann (Wainwright) Wadsworth (b. Je 29, 1825, Newark-on-Trent, Eng.). Prepared in Chippewa Falls (Wis.) H. S. Adelphic; Sigina Chi; Class Pres. ; Pres. Coll. Govt.; Valedic- torian; Capt. Univ. Regt. Civ. Engr., 1882-4; Stenog., 1884-5; Cashier, 1885-92; Banker, 1892 — . Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. ; Y. M. C. A.; K. T.; B. P. O. E. Married Kittie Marie Baker ("81), O 27, 1886, Champaign (died N 25, 1899); Lora Loomis Crossland, Mr 14, 1906, Omaha, Neb. Children: John Baker, b. N 8, 1898; Edwin Horace, b. My 22, 1907; Dorothy, b. D 4, 1910. Address, 233 Turley Ave., Council Bluffs, la.; bus. add., 201 Pearl St., do. CLASS OF 1883 (30 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 336- EDWARD LORENZO ABBOTT (Brother of Nos. 121, 373, 416) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 15, 1859, Whiteside Co., 111.; s. Asa McFarland (b. 1820, Hartland, Vt.) and Sarah (Sperry) Abbott (b. 1822). Prepared in No. 111. Coll. Adelphic; C. E. Club. Civ. Engng. in gen. practise; foundations, steel const., tunnels, water power, elec. power. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Lilian Ida Hartwell, My 7, 1888, N. Y. City. Child, Doris Lilian, b. Je 10, 1889. Address, Box 1033, U'ashington D. C. 337. ^CHARLES FR.\NCIS ADAMS (Brother of No. 122) Cert.; b. Ag 23, 1867, near Urbana; s. Francis Fitch (b. Je 13, 1824, Olmstead, Falls, O.) and Nancy (Dean) Adams (b. Ap 16, 1834, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. near Urbana. Scientific Soc. Taxidermist, Curator Museum, Auckland, New Zealand, 1885-7; Collector in Borneo, 1887-8. Made collections for Smith- sonian, Harvard, Illinois. Prepared complete exhibit of birds of 111. for World's Fair, 1893; was in charge of 111. Exhibit. Auth. of articles on Bird and Animal Life, in various papers and mags. Died My 20, 1893, Chicago. 338. *LIDA M. ASHBY (RICHARDS) (Wife of No. 192) B. L. ; b. Ja 5, 1863; d. Martinus M. (b. 1830, Rhinebeck, N. Y.) and Mary (Patton) Ashby (b. 1828, Chillicothe, O.). Alethenai. First Prize, Orat. Contest, represented 111. in St. Contest; Pres. of Class. ]\Iem., Sen. Lit. Ed. 7//i>i!. Teaching, 1883-6. Married Charles L. Richards ('78), 1886, Fairfield, Neb. Child, Bessie Ashby, b. 1887. Died S i, 1888, Hebron, Neb. 339. CHARLES EUGENE BOGARDUS (Husband of No. 593; Brother of No. 127) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 30, 1863; s. John Jeremiah (b. D 6, 1828, N. Y.) and Evelyn Bogardus (b. S 1828, do.). Prepared in Cham- paign IT. S. Philomathean. Sugar Chem., Kan., 1883-4; Asst., Coml. Lab.. Chicago, 1886- 7; Asst. Chem., B. 6c O. R. R., 1888-89; ist Asst. Univ. of 111.. 1889-90; Coml. Chem. and Assayer, Seattle, 1890 — ; City Chem., ten yrs. ; St. Chem., four yrs. Mem., A. C. S. ; Soc. Chem. Indus.; N. Pacific Soc. Min. Engrs. Married Lucie Rae Brumback ('90), F 16, 1892, Gilman 111. Children: Almon Eugene, b. S 28, 1895; Wallace David, b. D i, 1896; Helen Evelyn, b. Ja 17, 1899; Richard Sherman, b. N 18, 1913. Address, 90 Columbia St., Seattle. 340. MARTHA HARRIET BOGGS (LOVE) (Sister of Nos. 683, 791, 1630; Mother of No. 9220) A. B. in L. & S.; A. M., 1891; b. Ap 23, i860, Lawrence Co., O.; d. Benjamin Franklin (b. Jl 2, 1832, do.) and Mary Jane (Armstrong) Boggs (b. N 29, 1835, do.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Alethenai; Orat. Assn.; Sen. of Students' Govt.; Pres., Alethenai; Sec. Orat. Assn. H. S. Teacher, 1883-90. Mem., M. E. Church; Friday Evening Bible Class; Woman's Home and Foreign Miss. Soc; W. C. T. U. ; Pres., Danville Dist. Home Miss. Soc, J903: Pres. Home Miss. Aux., 1905; Sec. Bd. of Mgrs., Cunningham Children's Home, 1910; Pres., Bible Class, 1900-01; Pres., Mothers' Club, 1907-08; Pres., Woman's Anti-Saloon Leagiie, 1908. Married Isaac Albert Love, F II, 1891. Children: Estelle, b. D 13, 1891 ; Martha Harriet, b. Ap 24, 1894; Beryl Franklin 1883] Ja'ccalaureatk Alu mni 33 ('18), b. Je 9, 1896; Cassandra Armstrong, b. Mr 4, 189S. Address, 1214 N. Vermillion St., Danville, Ill.f 341. CLARENCE V. BRAINARD Rancher and Stock Raiser; Cert, in C. E. ; b. Ja 14, 1859, Sheffield, 111.; s. D. O. (b. West- iield, O.) and Harriet A. (Reed) Brainard (b. Franklin, N. Y.). Prepared in Buda H. S. Surs., Miss. River, 1883-84; Wis. River. 1885- 86; Duluth South Shore and Atlantic R. R., i886; I. C. R. R., 1887; Sur. 111. River, 1889; Building Const., Chicago, 1890; U. S. Asst. Engr. in charge 111. River improvement, 1891-05; Asst. Engr. in charge of lock gate Const., Hennepin Canal, 1905-7; ranching and stock raising in Pecos Valley, N. M.; lock and dam const.. Brazes River 1915-18; in charge 111. River improvement, Peoria, 19 18. Mem., Western Soc. of Engrs. Married Lena Freedlin, Je 8. 1889, Champaign. Children: G. Reed, h. My 26, 1890; Fred, b. F 17, 1892; Warren C, b. N 3, 1900 (died Ap 26, 1917). Address, Artesia, N. M. 342- MARY SABINA COLVIN (HARGIS) Teacher; Cert, in Sc; b. O 27, 1856, Mt. Palatine 111.; d. John (b. 1807, Pendleton Co., Ky.) and Amelia E. (Newport) Colvin (b. O 14, 1S20, Boone Co., Ky.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Putnam Co. 111. Alethenai. Teacher, Dom. Sc. and Lit. work. Mem., Women's Club. Married Walter C. Hargis, S 11, 1886, Normal, III. Children: Louella, b. Ag 26, 1887; Louis Maurice, b. Ag 22, 1889; Alice Ethel, b. O 23, 1891. Address, Bondvillc, Ill.t 343. *WILLIAM PATTERSON CRAIG (Brother of No. 2625) Cert.; b. D 13, 1861, Armstrong Co., Pa.; s. James M. (b. AIv 27, 1836, do.) and Margaret A. (Blaine) Craig (b. My 15. 1840, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Capt. Univ. Regt. Taught in country schs., 1884-6; Bloomington Law Sch., LL. B., 1888; prac- tised law for eight yrs., Chafiipaign Co.; Insp., Bldg. and Loan Assn., 1896-1904. Died S 27, 1904, Champaign. 344. *CLARA BELLE FELLOWS (DAY) B. L.; b. 1859, 111.; (guardian J. B. Whit- comb) d. Mary A. (Kirby) Fellows. Married Joseph Daniels Day, 1889, Milbank, S. Dak. Children: Florence Adelaide, b. 1891; Frank Fellows, b. 1896. Died Je 29, 1915, Seattle. 345. JESSIE GARDNER B. L. ; b. Ap 27, 1863, Champaign; d. Daniel (b. D 18, 181 5, Warehouse Point, (lonn.) and Mary Josephine (Hodges) Gardner (b. O 181 7, Warren, Mass.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Grad. in Piano, Cincinnati Coll. of Music, 1895. Mem., Coll. Club of Cincinnati; Cincinnati Woman's Club; Pres. 1911-12 of Woman's Alliance of ist Congn. Unitarian Church of Cincinnati. Address, Elmhurst, E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. 346, ALPHONSO SAMUEL GATES City Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1886; b. N 17, 1834, Case Co., Mich.; s. Benjamin Butler (b. 1800, Conn.) and Susannah (Alvord) Gates (b. 181 1, Pa.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surv. ; Denuty St. Surv.; Co. Surv. of Butte Co., S. Dak.; Co. Surv., Law- rence Co.; City Engr. of Spearfish, S. Dak., for twelve yrs. Hon. mem.. Black Hawk Lodge, A. F. A. M. ; mem., Commandery of Sir Knights at Spearfish; Black Hills Consistory Scottish Rites Free Masonry, 32nd degree; Naja Temple A. R. O. N. M. S., Deadwood. Ad- dress. Spearfish, Lawrence Co., S. Dak. 347. JUDSON FREEMAN GOING Judge, Mun. Court; Cert, in L. & S.; B. L. m L. & S., 1914; b. N 29, 1857, Scales Mound, Jo Daviess Co., 111.; s. Adoniram Judson and Mary Ann (Clendening) Going. Prepared in Warren H. S. ; LL. B., Union Coll. of Law (Northwestern), 1885. Adelphic; Phi Delta Phi; Capt. in Regt. City Justice of Peace, 1887-1891; Asst. States Atty., 1891-2; Gen. Counsel, Calumet Elec. St. Ry., Chicago, 1894- 8; Asst. St. Atty., Cook Co., 1904-6; Judge Mun.. Court, 1906 — ; V. P., Standard Steel Works Co., Philadelphia, 1915 — . Third Rept. I. N. G., 1877-9, J881-3; Capt. Mem., Chicago Bar Assn.; Marquette Club, bd. of directors, 1902-4; 111. Ath. Club, Chicago: Pres. Chicago Boys' Club, 1908-9, 1910-11; V. P., Olivet Inst., 1910-11. Elder in Fullerton Ave., Presby. Church; Married Nenah Gertrude Avery, Jl 16, 1885, Eau Claire, Wis. Children: (Jrace May, b. Ag 9, 1886; Gertrude, b. Ja 4, 1890 (died My 16, 1892); Judson Freeman, Jr., b. S 2, 1897. Address, 2130 Fremont St., Chicago. 348. WILLIAM FRANCIS GOLTRA Pres., W. F. Goltra Tie Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 3, 1861, near Kankakee, 111.; s. Clark- son King (b. 1826, Newark, N. J.) and Almira Elizabeth (Perault) Goltra (b. 1838, Plattsburg, N. Y.). Prepared in St. Viateur's Coll., Bour- bonnais. 111. Continually in service of Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co. as Engr., Drafts- man. Chief Clerk to Purchasing Agt., to Chief Engr.. to Gen. Mgr., Asst. to Chief Engr. and Purchasing Agt., 1 884-1907; Gen. Tie Agt., N. Y. Central Lines, 1907-10; Pres., W. F. Goltra Tie Co., 1910 — ; dealer in railroad ties and builder of tie and timber treating plants. In 191 1, invented new process and method of treating ties and timbers, full description pub- lished in Ry. Engng. and Reinew, Ja 191 2. Auth. of Characteristic Report of Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., Ja 1900; written many articles in Ry. Age Gazette and Ry. Engng. and Review, mostly pertaining to timber preserva- tion. Mem., official bd. Euclid Ave. M E. Church; K. T. ; A. F. A. M.; Am. Ry. Engng. Assn.; Wood Preservers' Assn., Cleveland Ath. Club; Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Mar- ried Annie Laura Rust, Je 12, 1888, Blooming- ton, 111. Children: George Rust, b. My 3, 1889 (died Ag 9, 1880); Laura Fay, b. Ap 24, 1890; Zella Pearl, b. Mr 24, 1S93; Perry Price, b. Je 5, 1895. Address, 1940 E. 93rd St., Cleveland; bus. add., 910 Rockeleller Bldg., do. 349. NELSON ALLISON GRAY Rancher; B. L. ; b. Ag 13, 1757, Beaver Dam, Pa.; s. William Allison (b. D 15, 1821, Wayne, Pa.) and Sarah (Mead) Gray (b. S 4, 1821). Prepared in Allegheny Coll., Pa. Philomathean. Min. and Real Est.; Ranching. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Minnie Gray, F 11, 1884, Rantoul, 111. Children: Sarah Ellen, b. N 22, 1885; George A., b. Mr 15, 1887; Ida Belle, b. Jl 3, 1889; Edith Anna, b. Jl 3 i88q; Nelson Clarence, b. My 14, iSoi; Myrtle Minnie, b. My 14 1891; Stanley Collins, b. D 11, 1901 (died Ja i 1918); Gladys Loretta. b. N 2, 1903; Helen Bernice, b. Je 3, 1908. Address, Chats- worth Calif. 350. DWIGHT CRAIG HAVEN Land Valuation Expert; Cert., L. & S.; b. My 10, 1863, New Lenox, 111.; s. Dwight (b. D 14, 1821, Sheridan, N. Y.) and Lizzie (Craig) Haven (b. Je 5, 1840, Dublin, Ire.). Prepared in common schs. and by pvt. instr. Philo- mathean; Capt. and Adjt., LTniv. Regt. I. N. G.. A. O. M. Sergt., Color Sergt.; Capt. and Adj.; 3rd and 4th Inf., 1883-97. Lawyer; Judge Co. Court, Will Co., 1902-6; Land Valuation expert, 1910-18. Married Mary Robinson. Child, Florence Dwight. Address, New York City. 34 University of Illinois [1883 351. GRACE HEALEY (SMITH) (Wife of No. 330) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Mr 18, 1862, Champaign; d. James M. (b. 1828, Vernon, N. Y.) and Marian (Hunt) Healey (b. 1834, Tewkesbury, Mass.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethe- nia. Mem. M. E. Church; Coll. Club. Mar- ried Charles Linnaeus Smith ('82) 1888, Cham- paign. Child, Marian Alden, b. 1890. Address, 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis. 352. WILLIAM AMES HEATH (Father of No. S714) Banker; B. L. ; b. Je 29 1862, Sullivan Co., Ind.; s. Nathaniel Pinckard (b. Ag 16, 1818, Urbana, O.) and Cynthia (Burnett) Heath (b D 13, 1822, Sullivan Co., Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pres. Adelphic; Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Pres. of Class. Clerk, Cham- paign Nat. Bank, 1883; Asst. Cashier, 1887; Cashier 1888-1902; Dir., 1898-1904; St. Bank Examiner Ap 1902-4; V. P. and Dir. Hibernian Banking Assn., 1904-10; Pres. Live Stock Ex- change Nat. Bank of Chicago, 1910; Del. 111. St. Rep. Conventions, 1892-1904; City Treas., Champaign, 188Q-91; Sch. Treas., 1890-1902; Dir. and Chm. of the Bd. and Federal Reserve Agt. of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Ja 191 7. Mem., 111. Comn. Pan American Expo- sition, 1901; University Club; Bankers Clubs of Chicago; Univ. Club of Evanston; Bob-O- Link Golf Club. Pres. Alumni Assn., 1891-2; Married C)lara Owens, Je 17, 1890, Catonsville, Md. (died D 10, 1904). Children: Nathaniel P. ('13) b. 1891; William O, b. 1901; Florence B., b. 1904. Address, 1710 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. 353. GEORGE CAVENDER HEWES Evangelist; B. S. in Chem. ; b. Ag i, 1863, Mendon, 111.; s. Rev. Matthias Avise (b. D I, 1836, Quincv, 111.) and Minerva Dunlap (Cavender) Hewes (b. Je 3, 1841, O.). Pre- pared in Charleston and Waverly H. Schs. Adelphic. S. T. B., DePauw Univ., 1891. Teacher, 1883; Photography, 1885; First Asst. Prof., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1886; Photography, 1887; Asst. Chem., N. W. Fertilizer Co., Chi- cago, 1888; Theol. stud. 1891; Missionary to India, 1891; Prof., Reid Christian Coll., Luck- now, India, 1896; Evangelistic work, 1903 — . Acting Chaplain for Wesleyan and Presby. troops in British Army, India, Duke of Well- ington's Regt., 1907-8; Essex Reg.. 1909. Auth.: The Philosopher's Stone, Meth. Pub. House, Lucknow, India, 1896, 10 pp. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Annie Butcher, D 3, 1896, Naini Tal, India. Children: Edwin B., b. My 3. 1899; George C. Jr., b. Ag 14, 1901. Address, Pithoragarh Kumaun, India. 354. JOSEPH DARWIN HUEY Agt., Am. Beet Sugar Co.; Cert, in Sc. ; B. S., 1914; b. Ja 27, i860, Huey, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ja 23, 1827, do.) and Martha Ann (Jones) Huey (b. Ja 18, 1829, Christian Co., Ky.). Pre- pared in Pub. Schs., Huey, 111. Adelphic. Post- master, Huey, 1885-8; Rancher, 1888-9; Fore- man, Union Lime Co., 1889-93; Rancher, 1893- 1900; Miner, 1900-2; Limestone insp., Am. Beet Sugar Co., 190J; agt., do., 1907 — . Mar- ried Agnes E. Farrell, D 2, 1907. Address, Halleck, San Bernardino Co., Calif. 355. JOHN THOMAS KENOWER (Brother of No. 72) Editor; B. S. in Chem.; b. S 12, i860, Xenia. 111.; s. Geo. (b. Te 29, 181 6, Carlisle, Pa.) and Anna (Shelley) Kenower (b. Mr 10, 1829, do.). Prepared in Huey, 111. Class Pres.; Philo- mathean, Pres.; Class Poet. Farmer; School teacher, ten yrs. ; Ed. Breckenridge Bui., 1895 — . Married Ola Russell, Ag 25, 1891, Bolivar, Mo. Children: Pansy, b. Ag 17. 1894; Pauline b. Ja 8, 1897; Fred Russell, b. Je 17, 1902; Ethel, b. N I, 1905. Address, Breckenridge Mo. 356. LIZZIE ANNETTE KNOWLTON (CUSHMAN) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Ap 14, i860, Stratton, Vt.; d. Melvin Augustus (b. Ag 9, 1818, Wardsboro, Vt.) and Marcellini (Hunt) Knowlton (b. N 18, 1819, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alethe- nai. Teacher in Pub. Schs., Champaign, 1883-8. Mem., Baptist Church. Married E. Hylan Cushman, S 13, 1900, Rochester, N. Y. Ad- dress, 532 W. 148th St., New York City; bus. add., 1735 Amsterdam Ave., do. 357. 'CELESTE LANGLEY (SLAUSON) (Wife of No. 329) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Jl i, 1862, Champaign; d. James W. (b. Ja 17, 1836, near Erie, Pa.) and Jeannette J. (Young) Langley (b. F 11, 1838, Elyria, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenal. Attended Boston School of Orat. Taught Elocution in Champaign to 1890, and Seattle, 1890 till her death. Charter mem.. Women's Century Club of Seattle, and at one time Pres.; mem., O. E. S. Married Howard B. Slauson ('82), N 15, 1888, Champaign. Child- ren: Sarah Jeannette, b. Ag 2, 1897; Celeste, b. My 22, 1899; Howard Langley, b. D 7, 1901. Died S 3, 1903, Seattle. 358. CAMILLA FLORENCE LEWIS (BILLS) (Wife of No. 229) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Je 8, 1856, Leroy, 111.; d. Jacob Benner (b. D 24, 1823, Morgantown, Pa.) and Jane (Culbertson) Lewis (b. D 17, 1S25, New Athens, O.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S.; Univ. Acad. Married Charles Tacob Bills ('80), S 13, 1883, Farmer City, "111 Child, Breta, b. Mr 22, 1887. Address, Fairbury, Neb. 359. RALPH DANA LEWIS Life Ins. Bus.; Cert, in C. E.; b. Ap 12, 1859, New York City; s. George and Emma Wood Lewis. Elec. Light Bus. in Chicago; Pur- chasing Agt., K. .& W. R. R. and D. M. & K. C. Ry.; Gen. Agt. Canada Life Ins. Co. to 191 5; representing New York Life Ins. Co., (Cleveland. Mem., Morning Star Lodge No. 5, K. of P., Keokuk; Meridan Lodge No. 610 A. F. A. M., Cleveland; McKinley Chap- ter No. 181 R. A. M., Cleveland; Damascus Commandery No. 5, K. T., Keokuk; Peoria Consistory 32d degree, Peoria; and Kaaba Temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Daven- port. Married Rose E. Pendleton, Ag, 1888, Chenoa, 111. Children: Clare Louise, b. Ag, 1889; Emily Dana, b. Je, 1891. Address, 10617 Hampden Ave., Cleveland. 360. *HENRY PEARSON LITTLE B. S. in Chem., 1893; b. Mr 6, 1858, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. Jacob G. (b. N 21, 1831, Milo, Me.) and Elizabeth Payson (Norris) Little (b. .\g 8, 1837, Fremont, N. H.). Prepared in Lin- coln H. S.; Wesleyan Univ. Philomathean. Taught in pub. sch. until spring of 1903. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Nat. Teachers' Assn. Married Mable Leontine Morris, Ag 30, 1892. Chil- dren: Rose Elizabeth, b. Jl 13, 1893; Morris Albert, b. F 27, 1895; Harriet Fern, b. Jl 10, 1897 (died Mr 10, 1901); Harold Pearson, b. Mr 7, 1899; Edith Marion, b. Ja 10, 1902; Florence Mable, b. Ja 15, 1904. Died S, 1903, Hoboken, N. J. 361. HENRY LONG McCUNE (Father of No. 5794) Lawyer and Judge; B. L.; b. Je 28, 1862, Ipava, 111.; s. Joseph Long (b. Ap 9, 1834, Mus- kingum Co., O.) and Martha E. (Quillm) McCune (b. Tl 8, 1838, Clarksburg, W. Va.). Prepared in 111. Coll.; LL. B. (cum laude) Columbia, 1886. Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean, Pres.; Valedictorian; Pres. Class; 1883] Baccalaureate Alumni 35 Ed. in Chief, Illini; 2d place in Orat. Contest; Univ. Baseball Club. Circuit Judge, 1905-9; also Judge of Juvenile Court, 1905-9; Mem., law firm of McCune, Caldwell & Downing. Auth. : 4th edition, McCrary on Elections, Callighan & Co., Chicago, 1895; article on Judges, Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure, Am. Law Book Co. Elder in Congr. Church; mem., Kansas City Bd. of Educ; Mo. St. Bd. of Law Examiners; V. P., K. C. Pure Milk Comn.; V. P., City Club; Pres. K. C. Bar Assn.; Univ. Club; Country Club; Sons of Revolution. Married Helen A. McCrary, S 6, 1888, Colorado Springs, Colo. Children: Joseph M. (':3), b. My 27, 1891; Helen Elizabeth, b. My 9, 1902. Address, 600 W. s6th St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 731 Scarrett Bldg., do. 362. WILLIAM DOUGLASS MOORE Mun. Engr.; Cert, in M. E.; B. S. in M. E., 1914; b. Jl 6, 1856, Chatham, 111.; s. Morrison Morgan (b. Bath Co., Ky.) and Elizabeth (Crow) Moore (b. Christian Co., Ky.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Govt. Sur., Miss. River 1883-4; Drainage Engr., 1884-6; Foundrying and Engng., Wellington, Kan., 1886-94; Wichita, Kan., 1894 — • Married Martha Elizabeth Hill, 1887, Auburn, 111. Children: May, b. Ap 29, 1888 (died Ag 4, 1888); Corliss, b. Mr 21, 1890. Address, 1715 Univ. Ave., Sta. A., Wichita, Kan. . 363. 'ARTHUR WILLIAM PALMER (Husband of No. 671; Father of No. 8641) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 17, 1861, London, Eng. ; s. William (b. do.) and Har- riet (Fairchild) Palmer (b. do.). Prepared by pvt. instr. Scholarship, Harvard, 1884-6; S. D., Harvard, 1886. Philoniathean, Pres. Teacher; Asst. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1886-8; Stud, in Ber- lin and Goettigen, 1888-9; Asst. Prof., do., 1889-90; Prof., Chem., do., 1890-1904. Dis- covered the Arsine Series, 1892. Auth.: Chem. Sur. of the Waters of 111.; Prelim. Rpt., 1897; Rpt. of Chem. Sur. of the Waters of 111., 1892- 1902; numerous articles in Berichte and The Am. Chem. Jour., between 1885-1904. Mem., A. A. A. S.; 111. St. Bd. of Health. Married Anna Shattuck ('91), Ag 9, 1893, Champaign. Child, Charles Shattuck ('17), b. N 11, 1895. Died F 3, 1904, Urbana. 364. KATHERINE PEABODY (GIRLING) (Sister of No. 322) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Ja 12. 1861, Fond du Lac, Wis.; d. Selim Hobart (b. Ag 20, 1829, Rock- ingham, Vt.) and Mary Elizabeth (Pangborn) Peabody. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Married Dr. Winthrop Girling, Je 30, 1892, Chicago. Auth. of various articles in mags. Address, Glencoe, 111. 365. FRED DENSMORE PEIRCE Druggist; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 6, 1861, Polo, 111.; s. Walter Ward (b. 1835, Putnev, Vt.) and Fannie A. (Daily) Peirce (b. 1835, N. E. Pa.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Capt., Univ. Regt.; Pres., Philoniathean; Treas., Y. M. C. A.; on Com. to organize ist Field Day Ath. meet; Pres., Sr. Class. Treas., Congr. Church; mem., Royal League; Nat. Union; Ind. Foresters. Married Marian Moffatt, My 4, 1887, Thaw- ville. 111. Children: Earle Carleton, b. F 10, 1892; Vernon Densmore, b. N 27, 1897. .Ad- dress, 5S3S Wabash Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 5500 State St., Chicago. 366. SILAS HUBBELL PIATT (Husband of No. 408) Asst. Supt., Express Co.; Cert, in Chem.; b. Jl 3. 1861, Piatt Co., 111.; s. Jacob (b. Monti- cello, III.) and Mary Augusta (Hubbell) Piatt (b. Cincinnati). Prepared in Monticello Pub. Schs. Artillery squad; Bayonet Fencing. Asst. Supt. Great Northern Express Co. Mem., M. E. Church; Blue Lodge A. F. A. M. Married Laura Bell Smith ('84), Jl 15, 18S6, Miles City, Mont. Children: Lawrence Gray, b. Ap 21, 1888 (died S 23, 1889); Elizabeth Alden, b. Ag IS, 1890; Genevieve Mary, b. Ag 28, 1898. Address, 210 15th St., Great Falls, Mont. 367. JULIUS POSTEL (Father of Nos. 4863, 6488, 8671) Milling and Investments; A. B., 1909; b. N 9, 1862, Mascoutah, 111.; s. Philip Henry (b. Jl II, 1818. Hassloch, Ger.) and Anna Maria (Eisenmayer) Postel (b. D 11, 1822, do.). Pre pared in McKendree Coll.; A. B., McKen dree Coll., 1883; A. M., 1886. Mem., M E. Church; Merchants Exchange; Mo. Athl Club. Married Amalia A. Postel, D 7, 1887 Children: Allan J. ('11), b. S 21, 1889; Mertie A. ('14), b. Je25, 1891; Urban S. ('17), b. F 28, 1895. Address, Mascoutah, 111. 368. GEORGE POPE SCOTCHBROOK Banker; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 25, 1857, 111.; s. Edward and Mary A. (Pope) Scotchbrook. Pres., Farmers and Merchants St. Bank; Mem., Presby. Church; A. O. U. W. Married Nettie Barden, Je 9, 1887, Wellington, O. Children: Frances W., b. My 4, 1888; Carl E., b. Mr 7, 1894. Address, VVessington, S. Dak. 369. WILLIAM SONDERICKER (Brother of No. 249) A. B. in L. & S.; b. Ap 20, 1862, Woodstock, 111.; s. Peter (b. Ag 9 1820, DrachenbrunR, Alsace) and Eliza (McCown) Sondericker (b. 1829, Cookstown, Ire.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1887. Scientific; Pres., Y. M. C. A. Teacher, 1883-5; Med. Stud, and Hosp. work, 1885-9; Teacher, 1889-94. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 304 Calhoun St., Woodstock, 111. 370. ELLA MARY STEWART Teacher; Cert, in L. & S.; b. N 21, 1862, Champaign; d. J. R. and Mary J. (Evans) Stewart. Taught in Chicago Schs., 1883 — . Address, 3936 N 43rd Ave., Chicago. 371. JOSEPH BRENNERMAN WEIS (Brother of No. 584; Father of No. 5994) Pres., Paper Mfg. Co.; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 29, 1862, Tonica, 111.; s. Joseph (b. S 5, 1825, Hanan, Ger.) and Marie (Brennerman) Weis (b. 1827, Cassel, do.). Prepared in Peru H. S. Adelphic. Asst. to Prof. C. Tilbert Wheeler, 1883-9; Instr., Chem. Lab., Hahne- mann Med. Coll., 1889-94; Adjunct Prof., Chem., Chicago Coll. of Dent. Surg., 1892-4; engaged in paper mfg., Franklin, O., 1894. Pres., The Perfect Safety Paper Co., 1909. Pres. Men's Club, Franklin, O.; Bay St. Club; Golf Club. Married Isabel Gracey McMillan, Mr 5, iSSg, Montreal. Children: Herman William ('13), b. My 18, 1891; Marie, b. N 11, 1895; Isabel Gracey, b. Ja 23, 1898. Address, Cleve- land St., Holyoke, Mass.; bus. add.. Winter St., do. 372. MINNIE ELIZABETH WRIGHT (BLACKBURN) (Sister of No. 299) B. L. ; b. Ag 16, 1862, Champaign; d. James Stephen (b. Ag 2, 1816, O.) and Katherine (Lander) Wright (b. Mr 23, 1826.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married James Maxwell Blackburn, S i, 1887, Champaign. Children: June, b. Je 13, i888 (died D 17, 1891); Kittle, b. S 13, 1889; Edgar Wright, b. Ja 12, 1891; Hazel, b. My 12, 1893; Percy, b. Je i, 1895; Florence, b. Ag 8, 1896; Edith, b. O 7, 1900. .Address, Corsicana, Tex. 36 University of Illinois [1884 CLASS OF 1884 (32 373- WILLIAM LAMONT ABBOTT (Brother of Nos. 121, 336, 416; Father of Nos. 4994, 551S) Engineer; Cert., iSL E. ; M. E., 1904; b. F 14, 1 861, Morrison, 111.; s. Asa M. (b. Manchester, N. H.) and Sarah (Sperry) Abbott (b. Trum- bull Co., O.). Prepared in \o. 111. Coll., Fulton. 111. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Adelphic. Mach. and Draftsman, 1884-5; Wunder and Abbott Illuminating Co., 1886-7; Pres. and Mgr., Nat. Elec. Const Co., 18S8-94; Chief Operating Engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1895 — . Trustee, L^niv. of 111., 190S — . Mem., Chicago Ath. Assn.; Univ. Club of Chicago; A. S. M. E. ; A. I. E. E. ; mem. and past pres., West. Soc. Engrs. Married Carrie Entwhistle, S 14, 1887, Morrison, 111. Children: Arthur VV. ('12), b. Mr 21, 1890; Helen ("13), b. Jl 5, 1891 ; Robert E., b. S 14, 1895; Josephine E., b. N 19, 1S98; Dorothy C., b. S 5, 1902. Address, 4616 Beacon St., Chicago. 374- *JAMES AUSTIN Cert, in C. E. ; b. Ja 3, 1862, Altoona, 111.; s. Allen (b. F 17, 1823) and Louisa (Garinger) Austin (b. My i, 1839). Prepared in Altoona H. S. Civ. Engr. and Draftsman for C. B. & Q. R. R., 1886-1903; Div. Engr. 1903. Mar- ried Nettie R. Bostwick, O 15, 1890, Galena, 111. Children: Louise M., b. S 27, 1897; Genevieve L., b. Mr 18, 1903. Died Ap 1, 1904, La Crosse, Mich. 375. ANNETTA AYERS (SAUNDERS) (Sister of No. 723) Phys. and Surg.; B. L. ; b. D 16, 1861, Urbana; d. Homer W. (b. My 23, 1836, On- tario, O.) and Lorinda J. (McConney) Ayers (b. Ja 14, 1837, Bainbridge, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; B. S., Chicago Sch. of Sc, 1897; M. D., Nat. Homeo. Med. Coll., 1896; M. D., Harvey Med. Coll., 1897; M. D., Dunham Med. Coll., 1898; M. D., Hering Med. Coll., 1912. Alethenai. Asst., Bacteriol., L^niv. of 111., 1886-93; Prof., Bacteriol., Nat. Homeo. Med. Soc, 1893-6; Asst. House Phys., Nat. Emerge.ncy Hosp., 1896-7; signed with the Govt, for Med. Relief Work; won crosses and bar for work done in surgical dressings and relief with the Red Cross. Mem., St. Homeo. Med. Soc; Am. Inst, of Homeo.; St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Social Econ. Club; Homeo. Lady Phys. Club; Coll. Alumnae Assn.; Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. of Chicago (served as Pres., do.). Married Charles Boul- son Saunders, M. D., Je 1898, Urbana. Ad- di'css, 919 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. 376. *GUV H. BABCOCK Cert, in Agr. ; b. 1865 Ridott, 111.; s. Anson A. Babcock. Entered from Ridott, Stephenson Co., 111. Capt., Univ. Regt. Deceased. 3; ^ELLA URSULA BARBER (Sister of No. 679) Student; B. L.; M. L., 1892; b. D 30, 1859, Lyndock, Ont., Can.; d. Isaac (b. O 14, 1821, Montreal, Quebec) and Mary Ursula (Davis) Barber (b. F 16. 1834. Orwell, Ont.). Prepared in St. Norm., Emporia, Kan., and Champaign H. S.; A. B., Victoria Univ. Alethenai, Pres.; mini staff; called com. together that formed the Y. W. C. A. in the Univ. , Attended Sch. of Pedagogy', Toronto, Ont., 1891 ; teacher. Pub. Sch., Pana, 111.; do.. Urbana H. S.; teacher Eng., Hamilton Ladies Coll., Ont.; teacher. Mod. Lang, and Eng. in Canadian H. S. ; con- nected with N. Y. Ins. Co., for ten yrs. ; ranching and educational work in Calif.; grad. work in Univ. of Calif. Died D 4, 1918, Rich- mond. Calif. LIVING, 11 DEAD) 378. HENRY HUGH BARBOUR (Husband of No. 459) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. 1861, Washing- ton, 111.; s. A. Barbour. Struct. Engr., Lacka- wanna Steel Co. Married Minnie S. Wright ('85) (died Ap 18, 1900). Address, 370 Central Park West, New York City. 379. *EMMETT G. BARTHOLF (Brother of No. 380) A. B. in L. & S.; b. My 30, 1862, Rochester, N. Y.; s. Gilliam (b. Je 6, 1837, N. f.) and Mary Jane (McCreery) Bartholf (b. My 25, 1834, Dunville, Can.). Prepared in Plainfield H. S. and Ind. Norm. Sch. Adelphic; on staff of Illini and of Sophograph. Prin., Pub. Sch.; Teacher of Latin in Acad. Died D 28, 1884. 380. WILLIAM JOSEPH BARTHOLF (Brother of No. 379) Sch. Principal; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 16, 1859, Rochester, N. Y.; s. Gilliam (b. Je 6, 1837, N. J.) and Mary Jane (McCreery) Bartholf (b. My 25, 1834, Dunville, Can.). Prepared in Rochester H. S. B. S. in Ind. Norm. Sch.; law course, Lake Forest Univ. Adelphic Prin., Grammar Sch., Davenport, la., two yrs.; Prin., Von Humboldt Sch., Chicago, twenty-two yrs.; Prin., Crane Tech. H. S., two yrs. Married Frieda Siebenmann, O 16, 1907. Children: Mary Louise, b. Ag 17, 1908; Frieda Alice, b. O 24, 191 1. Address, 453 Roslyn PI., Chicago; bus. add., Crane Tech. High Sch., Chicago. t 381. ALMA ELIZABETH BRAUCHER (Sister of Nos. 382, 418, 633, 792, 1017) Retired Physician; B. S.; b. My 5, 1858, .'\etna Tp., 111.; d. Daniel Ludwig (b. Mr i, 1833, Pickaway Co., O.) and Henrietta Curtis (Hill) Braucher (b. Je 1, 1831, Orange, N. H.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. M. D., Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp., 1895. Alethenai. Nat. Hist. Soc; practiced medicine in Lincoln, 111., for four yrs., giving up office in 1900. Mem., Lincoln Woman's Club, 1895 — . Ad- dress, 227 Lincoln .\ve., Lincoln. 111. 382. ARTHUR CONRAD BRAUCHER (Brother of Nos. 381, 418, 633, 792, 1017) Min. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. IST 28, 1859, Logan Co., 111.; s. Daniel Ludwig (b. Mr i, 1833, Pickaway Co., O.) and Henrietta Curtis (Hill) Braucher (b. Je 1, 1831, Orange, N. H.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. C. E. Club; Univ. of 111. Band. C. E. and Surv., Lincoln, 111., 1885-6; Min. Engr., Trinidad Coal and Coke Co., Starkville, Colo., 1886-7; in Chief Engr's. office, drafting, Raton, N. M. 1887; on Vermejo, Surv. and Prospecting for Coal, fall, 1887, Elkins, N. M. ; in charge of development mines 5 and 7, Canon City, Colo., 1887-88; work under Mgmt., A. T. & A. F. R. R., fuel dept.; Lincoln, fall, 1888; and Danville, .spring, 1889, with J. F. McCoy, Arch.; interest in Mach. Shop of Braucher Bros., with W. B. Braucher; partnership dissolved in 1896; handled stoves and repairs in connection with gen. repairing, making well screens, pumps for local trade; Min. Engr., Westville Coal Co., 1903-4. En- listed with Co. D, 5th Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1880-84, Lincoln, 111. Invented Little Giant Phenomenal Feed Water Heater and Purifier, 1894-5; smoke consuming devices; area-com- puting devices; improvements for sewers; vari- ous other inventions. Married Myra Elizabeth Miller, Bloomdale, O., N 5, 1890. Children: Herbert Edward, b. Ag 6, 1891 (died O 25, 1901); Dorothy Mae, b. F 12, 1904. Address, 302 Peoria St.. Lincoln, 111. 1884] Baccalaureate Alumni 37 3S3. Jl XIATA G. CAMPBELL (HUNT) (Wife of No. 3gj) B. L.; b. F 17, 1862, Polo, IlL; d. John D. (b. Jl 21, 1S30, New York) and Mary E. (Cutts) Campbell (b. Ap 5, 1835, Kitterv, Me.). Prepared in Polo, H. S. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Oratorical Assn. Teacher, 1884-88. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Thomas Forsyth Hunt ('84), Ag 2J, 1888, Polo, 111. Children: Theo- dore Morrow, b. D 7, 1889; Marion Juliet, b. Ja I, 1899. Address, 1800 Bushnell PI., Berke- ley, Calif. 384. NORMAN WARD CHAPMAN Civ. and Min. Engr. ; Cert, in C. E. ; b. Ja 30, i860, Gerlaw, 111. Prepared in Monmouth Acad, and Coll., Monmouth, IlL Address, Portland, Ore. 385. *LUCY JANE CLARK Cert, in L. & A. ; b. N 14, i86o, Metamora, 111.; d. Joseph Manley (b. My 30, 1829, Somer- ville, Mass.) and Anna (Stevenson) Clark (b. Ap 29, 1834, Hopkinsville, Ky.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Post Office, Wichita, Kan., Ag 1886-87. Died Ja 9. 1887, Wichita, Kan. 386. ANNA JULIA CONKLING (SEYMOUR) (Wife of No. 291) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Mr 3:, 1862, Leroy, III.; d. Aaron Belknap (b. Ja 7, 1832, Mt. Vernon, O.) and Mary (Maltbie) Conkling (b. F II, 1832, Southington, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Hon. mem., Alethenai. Teacher, Champaign, 1884-5. Married Arthur Bliss Seymour ('81), My 6 1886, Champaign. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 27, 1889; Rosa Margaret, b. Ap 28, 1890; Frank Conkling, b. Jl 21, 1805; Edith Katherine, b. S 28, 1896. Address, Waverly, Mass. 387. FREDERICK WALTER EBERLEIN Phys. and Surg.; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 12, i860; s. John (b. My 1833, Ger.) and Margaret (Stromborger) Eberlein (b. D 26, 1832, do.). Prepared in Pub. and Par. Schs., Mascoutah, 111. Married Emma T. Smilie, Jl 19, 1892. Address, Lacon, Ill.f 388. LOLA D. ELLIS (FORSYTH) (Wife of No. 269) B. L.; b. N 9, 1858, Canton, 111.; d. Geo. W. (b. Canton, 111.) and Mary E. (Peterson) Ellis (b. Meadville, Pa.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Married James W. Forsyth ("81), 1885, Canton, 111.; Children: Ruth A., b. F 7, 1887: Ethel F., b. Mr 29, 1889. Address, Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Calif. 389. LUCIE ALZIRA HALL (PARR) (Wife of No. 402; Mother of No. 4849) B. S. in L. & A., 1914; b. My 12, i860. Fel- icity, O. ; d. Horace (b. F 20, 181 1, Springfield, Vt.) and Alzira Alvira (Howse) Hall (b. Ap 12, 1820, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. Grad., Univ. of 111. Music Sch. with Second Honor, 1878; Music Teacher, 1877-84, Champaign and Urbana; teacher of Piano and Voice, Searcy Coll., Ark., 1884-S, 1886-7; do. in Champaign and Urbana, 1885-6; resident in Jacksonville, 111., 1887-91; Champaign and Urbana, 1891-1912. Married Samuel Wilson Parr ("84), D 27, 1887, Cham- paign. Children: Elizabeth ('11), b. Je 18, 1889; Harold Lucien b. S 25, 1894. Address, 919 W. Green St., IJrbana. 390. FRANK ELMER HERDMAN (Father of Nos. 4201, 6299) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; M. E., 1889; b. O 6, 1862, Mommouth, III.; s. Frank Hamilton (h. O =;, i83>;, Pa.) and Margaret Amelia (Hill) Herdinan (b. S 22, 1841, Mommouth, 111.). Prepared in Grammar Sch., Chicago and Zanes- ville, (O.) H. S. Sec. and Pres. Eclipse Const. Co., Winnetka. Mem., A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. Married Mary Tilden Victor, Ag 12, 1886. Children: Margaret May ('10), b. Ap 27, 1888; Carrie Belle ('14), h. F 27, 1892; Frank \Mctor b. Mr 20, 1897. Address, Winnetka, 111. 391. CORA JANE HILL (Sister of No. 272) Clerk; Cert.; B. S. in L. & S., 1914; b. i860, Galesburg, 111.; d. Benjamin F. (b. N 23, 1833, Erie, Pa.) and Clara E. (Lehman) Hill (b. F I, 1836, Sharon Springs, N. Y.). Clerk in Coll. Agr., Univ. of Calif., 1904 — . Address, Agr. Dept., Univ. of Calif.,- Berkeley, Calif. 392. THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT (Husband of No. 383) Dir. and Dean; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1892; D. Agr., 1903; b. Ja i, 1862, Ridott, 111.; s. Thomas Marshall (b. 1818, Nottingham, Eng.) and Mary (Kirk) Hunt (b. Arnold, do.). Pre- pared in Freeport H. S. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. Town and Gown (Ithaca); Cornell Cosmo. Club; Asst. to 111. St. Entomol, 1885-6; Asst., Agr. Univ. of 111., 1886-8; Asst. Agr., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1888-91; Prof., Agr., Pa. St. Coll., 1891-2; Prof., Agr., O. St. Univ., 1892-3; do.,. and Dean, of Coll. of Agr. and Domestic Sc, do., 1896-1903; Prof., Agronomy, Cornell Univ., 1903-7; Dir., Agr. Exp. Sta. and Dean of Sch. of Agr., Pa. St. Coll., 1907-12; Dean of Coll. Agr. and Dir. E.xp. Sta. Univ. of Calif.; U. S. Agr. Comn. to Study Food Conditions in Eng., France and Italy. Auth.: Soils and Crops of the Farm (with G. E. Morrow), Howard & Wilson Pub. Co., Chicago, 1892, republished, New York, Orange Judd Co., 1899; The Cereals in America, New York, Judd Co., 1904; also a large number of buls., rpts., addresses, contr. to jours., etc. Married Juniata G. Campbell ('84), Ag 22, 1888. Children: Theo- dore Morrow, b. D 7, 1889; Marion Juliet, b. Ja I, 1899. Address, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. 393- GEORGETTA KEMBALL (MURRAY) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Mr lo, 1862, Champaign; d. George (b. D 25, 1832, Gravesend, Eng.) and Mary (Poulterer) Kemball (b. Mr 2, 1828, Portsmouth, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. 5. Alethenai. Taught in Pana H. S. two yrs. ; Champaign H. S., one yr. ; Urbana H. S.; four yrs. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Harry Lewis Murray, S i, i8gi. Champaign. Children: Kemball, b. N 20, 1892; Wesley, b. S I, 1895; Ruth, b. My 24, 1898; Helen, b. D 6, 1903. Address. 911 E. 4th St., Pueblo, Colo. 394- *EDWIN RAYMOND KIMBALL (Brother of No. 821) Newspaper work; B. S. in Chem.; b. N s, 1863, Boston; s. Edwin A. and Clara Bartlett (Bryant) Kimball. Newspaper Reporter and Exchange Ed. of Chicago Record Herald and Chicago Tribune and others. Auth.: Short stories in mags, and newspapers. Mem., Press Club of Am.; Nat. Union; A. F. A. M.; la. St. Traveling Men's Assn. Died Je 1908. 395. JOSEPHINE STEWART KRAUSE (CHALFONT) Cert, in L. & S.; b. My 18, 1859, Chicago; d. Frederick William (b. Ap 9, 1829, Ger.) and Mary Josephine (Stewart) Krause (b. S 22, 1834, Albany, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Choral Soc; Choir; Senator in Coll. Govt. Married Alfred Chalfont Sr., Je 9, 1892, Chicago (died Ap 2, 1916). Children: Leonore Vinette, b. Mr 23, 1893; Dale Paschal b. F 3, 1899- Address, R. f 2, Box 128 B., San Diego, Calif. 38 University of Illinois [1884 396. FRED AUGUST LIETZE Civ. En?r. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap i, 1863, Carlyle, III. Prepared in McKendree Coll. Chief Engr., Santa Fe & Hanover Drainage Dists., 1884-8; Abstracts and Real Est., 1898; Civ. and Mun. Engr., 1898. Address, Carlyle, Ill.t 397- CHARLES HERVEY LILLY (Brother of No. 398) Grain Merchant and Seedsman; B. S. in Chem. ; b. Ja 20, i860. Champaign; s. Robert Hervey (b. 1812, Lexington, Ky.) and Valeria (Gordon) Lilly (b. Ap 29, 1834, Ogdensburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic. Chem., Champaign, and Franklin, Tenn. ; Mer- chant, Thomasboro, 111., 1885-9; Contr. work, Seattle, iSSg; Grain, Flour and Feed bus.; Flouring Mills; Steamboats; Seed bus.; Import- ing and Exporting bus.: mfr., Stock Foods, Fertilizer, Poultry Foods, Wholesale Seeds, etc.; Pres. and Treas., Chas. H. Lilly Co., Seattle; do., Portland, Ore. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Ramier CluD; Arctic Club; Seattle Athletic Club. Married Julia Putnam, S 3, 1885, Champaign (died 1908, Seattle); Edna Seng- felder, Jl 10, 1910, Seattle. Children: Henry Wilmot, b. Jl 8, 1886; Farwell Piatt, b. Jl 27, 1888; Dorothy E. P., b. S 12, 1889; Marion Mildred, b. Je i, 1899; Janet, b. O 20, 1911. Address, 1106 5th Ave., West, Seattle. 398. *JAMES EDWARD LILLY (Brother of No. 397) Grocer; Cert., L. & S. ; b. Jl 19, 1861, Cham- paign; s. Robert Hervey (b. 1812, Lexington, Ky.) and Valeria (Gordon) Lilly (b. .'\p 29,1834, Ogdensburg, N. Y.). Prepared in West Side H. S., Champaign. Adelphic. Hotel Keeper, Harrold, S. Dak., 1885; cml. traveler, 1886-88, Chicago & Cincinnati; Stenographer and Law stud., Seattle, 1889-92; Asst. Counsel of Ore. Improvement Co., Seattle, 1892-7; in grocery bus., Skagway, Alaska, 1897-1900; Dawson, Yukon Ter., Canada, 1900 — . Mem., Seattle Ath. Club, 1893 — ; Dawson Amateur Ath. Assn., 1907 — . Died Ag 24, 1912, Dawson, Yukon Ter., Alaska. 399. GEORGE WASHINGTON McCLUER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1892; b. O 11, i8=:7. Farina, 111.; s. James W. (b. My 30, 1830, Morrow Co., O.) and Harriet (LaRue) Mc- Cluer (b. Mr 26, 1834, Morrow Co., O.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Scientific Assn.; Nat. Hist. Soc. Charge of Fruit and Ornamental Grounds, 1885-8; Asst. Hort. of Exp. Sta. and Instr., Hort., Univ. of III., 1888- 96; Farming, 1896. Auth.: Pamphlets, Garden Experiments with Sweet Corn, 12 pp.; with Sweet Corn, 14 pp.; with Sweet Corn and Pop- corn, IS pp.; Potato experiments, 18 pp.; Varie- ties of Apples, 52 pp.; Corn Crossing, 20 pp.; The Forest Tree Plantation, 40 pp.; Grapes, tests of varieties, etc., 24 pp.; Blackberries and Raspberries, varieties and mgmt., 11 pp. Mem., 111. and Cent. 111. Hort. Soc; Sec, Hort. Soc. of Cent. 111., 1893-6. Dir., Nat. Warehouse Co., 1912 — . Married Elizabeth Parrill, S 6, 1885. Children: Hugh Baevard, b. D 28, 1886; Edith, b. Ag 21, 1889; Donald, b. My 5, 1891; Leon, b. O i, 1893; Allan, b. Ag 10, 189s; Kenneth Parrill, b. Jl 12, 1897; Jean Wendell, b. Ag 15, 1903. Address, R. s, Jackson, Miss. 400. CARLOS MONTEZUMA Physician; B. S. in Chem.; b. 1867, Ariz.; s. Coluyeva (b. 1836, Ariz.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Univ. of 111.; grad. stud., Med. Coll., N. Y., 1895-6. M. D., Northwestern. Adelphic. Phys. and Surg., Ft. Stevenson, N. Dak., 1889-90; West. Shonshone Agency, Nev., 1890- 3; Coluille Agency, Wash., 1893-4; Carlisle, Pa., 1894-6. Specialist on junior stomach and intestinal diseases. Phys. and Surg, in Indian Service of the Interior Dept. of U. S., 1889-96. Auth.: Pamphlets, The Indian Question, 1895; The Indian of Today and the Indian of To- morrow, W. C. T. U., 1912; A Review of Commissioner Leupp's Interview, Chicago, 1905; • Let My People Go", 1915; Ed., The IVassaja, a jour, with object of freedom and citizenship for the Indian by abolishing the Indian Bur. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; A. M. A.; St. and Chicago Med. Socs. ; Soc. of Am. Indians. Married Marie Keller, S 19, 1913, Chicago. Address, 313^ S. Park Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 7 W. Madison St., do. 401. GEORGE NATHAN MORGAN (Husband of No. 435; Brother of Nos. 708, 1064) Lawyer; B. L. ; b. Ag 2, 1861, Kinmundy, 111.; s. John Barbe (b. My 8, 1829, Ala.) and Martha (Doolen) Morgan (b. Ag 15, 1839). Prepared in Kinmundy H. S. LL. B.. N. W., Univ., 1887. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi. .Mem., Univ. Club, Chicago; Press Club; South Shore Country Club. Married Louise Merljoth ('85), D 30, 1890, Spring Bay, 111. Child, May Merboth, b. My 15, 1895. Address, 7646 Mar- ([uette Ave., Chicago. 402. SAMUEL WILSON PARR (Husband of No. 389; Father of No. 4848) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 21, 1857, (Sranville, III.; s. James (b. 1830, Bond Co., 111.) and Elizabeth Fidelia (Moore) Parr (b. 1836, Putnam Co., do.). Prepared in Norm. Univ. H. S. M. S., Cornell, 1885; Stud. Berlin and Zurich, 1900-1. Philomathean, Pres.; Illini ^taff; Ed., Iliini; Baseball; Orat. Inter-Coll, ("out.; ist Pres., Athletic Assn.; Valedictorian; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Instr., 111. Coll., 1885-6; Prof., Gen. Sc, do., 1886-91; Prof., App. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1891. Invent- ed Calorimeter for Coal, iqoo; Total Carbon apparatus, 1903; Sulphur Photometer, 1903; Calorimeter for Gas, 1910; Calorimeter Bomb, 1912; Blast Burner 1895 and 1912; Illium Al- loy, 1912; Devised low temperature process for coking coal, 1917. Auth.: The Chemical Exam- ination of Water, Fuel, Flue Gases and Oils, 8vo., 100 pp.; First Report on Composition and Character of 111. Coals (with F. R. Koch), Pub. Bur. of Labor Statistics, 1902 (also a 2d and 3d report published later) ; Sodium Peroxide as a Third Group Reagent, Jour, of the A. C. S., \'ol. XIX, No. 4, 1897; A New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Copper, Jour, of the A. C. S., Vol. XXII, No. 10, 1900; The Determination of Total Carbon in Coal and Soil, do.. Vol. XXVI, No. 3, 1904: The Photome- tric Determination of Sulphur in Coal (with C. H. McClure), do.. Vol. XXVI, No. 9, 1904; Univ. of 111. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bui. Nos. 32, 37, 38, 46, 60, 76, 79, 94, 97; 111. St. Geol. Suv. l!u. Nos. 3, 29. Fellow A. A. A. S.; mem. and councilor A. C. S.; mem., Soc. Chem. Ind.; .\m. Soc. for Testing Materials; A. I. Chem. l->ngrs. ; A. I. M. E. ; Internat. Ry. Fuel Assn.; 111. Water Works Assn.; Univ. Club; State Comn. Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Bd. Y. M. C. A.; Am. Electro-Chem. Soc; A. A. A. S. ; (Tongr. Church. Married Lucie A. Hall ('84), D 27, 1887, Champaign. Children: Elizabeth Cii), b. Je 18, 1889; Harold Lucien, b. S 2, 1894- Ad- dress, 919 W. Green St., Urbana. 403. 'SOLON PHILBRICK (Brother of Nos. 286, 489; Father of No. 8664) Judge; Cert, in L. & S.; b. Je 20, i860, Adeline, Ogle Co., 111.; s. Mayo H. (b. Te 8, 1S27, Waldo, Me.) and Mary (McFarfand) Philbrick (b. S i8z8, Md.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Capt. by brevet in I. N. G. Lawyer, 1887-1903; Circuit Judge, 1903; Judge Appellate Court 3d Dist. 111., 1899- Married Carrie J. Thomas, My 28, 1891, Cedar 1884] Baccalaureate Alumni 39 Rapids, la. Children: Lois, b. O 10, 1895 ('17); Gladys, b. My 30, 1897. Died Ap 13, 1914, Springfield, 111. 404. *LEWIS CLARK ROBERTS (Brother of No. 325) Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. 1863, Jefferson, 111.; s. Clark Roberts. Chief Engr., Chicago, Woodstock & Waukegan Traction Co., Gasoline Ry. Died Ag 15, 1917, Chicago. 405. ANDREW OLIVER RUPP Author; B. L. in L. & S.; b. Mr 25, i860, Hopedale, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ja 4, 1821, Nancy, France) and Anna Baechler (b. S 29, 1826, doj. Prepared in Chenoa H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ.. Bloomington, 111. Adelphic. Teacher, 1884-6; Journalist, 18861900; Auth., 1900 — ; City Clerk, McHenry, 111., 1897-1901. Mem., K. of P. Address, Chenoa, Ill.t 406. KETURAH ELIZABETH SIM B. L. in L. & S.; M. L., 1895; b. Mr 13, 1864, Urbana; d. Joseph Walter (b. N 30, 1831, Knox Co., O.) and Sarah Ann (Busey) Sim (b. Ag 10, 1833, Greencastle, Ind.). Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Pres. Alethenai; Class Hist.; Sen., Stud. Govt.; Rep. Alethenai, Inter. Soc. Oral. Contest; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Urbana Pub. Sch., 1884-6; Clerk in Co. Clerk's Off., 1886-92; Teacher, Eng., 1897-1900; Ger. and Eng. Champaign H. S., 1 901-3; Ger., do., 1903-6. Mem., M. E. Church; Assn. Coll. Al- umnae; Sec. Urbana Chautauqua Circle, 1902-4; Pres. Chautauqua Alumnae Assn., 1906; Advis- ory Bd., Univ. of 111. Y. W. C. A., 1908-11; Co. Chm. of the Woman's Committee, Council of Nat. Defense, 111. Div., Champaign Co. Ad- dress, 603 W. Green St., Urbana. 407. *LUCIUS NOYES SIZER Farmer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, i860, Kan- kakee, 111.; s. Albert Dan (b. Ag 12, 1823, Ot- sego Co., N. Y.) and Mary (Noyes) Sizer (b. S I, 1831, Walcott, Vt.). Prepared in Mahomet, 111. Adelphic; Jr. Class Pres. Teacher, 1884-5; Engr. and Farmer, 1885-9 and 1899-1905; Esti- mator and Draftsman, Arch., Iron Work, 1890- 92.; Merchant, 1895-8; Engr. and Farmer, 190S- 12; City Engr., Champaign, 1911-16. Married M. Anna Shurts, Je 30, 1892, Delavan, 111. Children: Albert Dann, b. N 25, 1893; Bruce Lucius, b. Ap 25, 1895 (died D 28, 1917. Las Animas, Colo.); Donald Eugene, b. O 10, 1901; Dorothy, b. Ag 3, 1903. Died Jl 6, 1916, Champaign. 408. LAURA BELL SMITH (PIATT) (Wife of No. 366) B. L.; b. Ja 5, 1863, Newton, 111.; d. Col. Benjamin (b. Ap 27, 1835, Preston Co., Va.) and Celestia Elfie (Gray) Smith (b. Ag 12, 1836, Cleveland). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Silas Hubbell Piatt ('83), Jl 18, 1886. Miles City, Mont. Children: Lawrence Gray; Elizabeth Alden, b. Ag 15, i8go; Gene- vieve Mary, b. Ag 28, 1808. Address, 210 isth St., North, Great Falls. Mont. 409. «ERNEST SPEIDEL B. S. in Chem.; b. 1865, Rock Island, 111.; s. C. Speidel. Died O 19. 1892, Ravenswood, 111. 470. HUBERT ALLEN STEVENS (Father of Nos. 7235, 8784) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 10, 1864, Inland, Pa.; s. Charles W. (b. 1841, Exeter, N. H.) and Lucy L. (Allen) Stevens (b. 1842. Boston). Prepared in Chicago W. Div. H. S. Adelphic. Asst. Co. Surv., Streator, 1884; Asst. Engr., Miss. Riv. Comn., Memphis, 1884- 5; Asst., Chester B. Davis, 111. Riv. Sur., Otta- wa, 1885; Asst. on Wis. Riv. Sur., Portage, fall 1885; engaged with bridge contrs. and Wis. Cent. R. R., Chicago, 1886; Engr. on Const., N. Chicago Cable Ry., 1886; Asst. Engr., Chicago 1887-93; pvt. practice, Chicago, 1894-9; City Engr., Joliet, 111., 1899-1912; City Engr., Corpus Christi, Tex., 1912 — . Auth.: Occasional papers in Engr. mags, and news- papers. Mem., Western Soc. of Engrs. ; 111. Assn. of Engrs. and Survs. Married Hattie B. Thompson, Je 18, 1890, Urbana. Children: Vernon T. ('15), b. O 3, 1892; Richard W. ('17), b. F 25, 1894. Address, Corpus Christi, Tex. 411. SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON Dir. Nat. Bur. of Standards; B. S. in M. E.; D. Engr., 1903; b. Jl 18, i86i, Litchfield, 111.; s. Samuel (b. 1831, Ky.) and Mary B. (Web- ster) Stratton (b. 1835, 111.). Prepared in Litchfield H. S. Philomathean. Capt. D. Sc. (hon.). Western Univ. of Pa., 1903; D. Sc. (hon.), Univ. of Cambridge, 1908. Instr., Math., Asst. Prof., and Prof., Physics and E. E., Univ. of 111., 1885-92; Asst., Assoc, and Prof., Physics, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-1901; Dir., Nat. Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1901 — . Ensign, Lt. Jr grade, Lt., and Lt.- Comdr., 111. Naval Militia, 1895-1901; Lt., U. S. N., Span. -Am. War, May-Nov., 1898; Comdr. Comdng. D. C. Naval Militia, 1904 — . Mem., Com. of Weights and Measures; A. I. E. E. ; Am. Physical Soc; Am. Phil. Soc; A. A. A. S.; Wash. Phil. Soc; Astron. and Astrophys. Soc. of Am.; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; The Am. Acad, of Engrs.; Cosmos Club; Chevy Chase C!lub; The Quadrangle Club, (Chicago. Address, The Farragut, 17th and I Sts., N. W. Washington, D. C. 412. HENRY SEWARD VAN PETTFN Druggist; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 9, 1859, Lawn Ridge, 111.; s. Peter V. (b. My 6, 1818, N. Y.) and Martha (Van Anken) Van Petten (b. Ja 3, 1825, N. Y.). Prepared in Lacon H. S. Adelphic; Pres., Soph. Class. Married Vio- let May Harris, N 6, 1895, Evanston, 111. Child, Chella Harris Van Petten, b. Ag 19. 1896. Address. East Las Vegas. N. M.t 413. EDMUND ROBERT VIAL (Brother of Nos. 453, 783, 1287; Father of No. 8029) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 19, 1861, Lyons- ville, 111.; s. Robert (b. Ap 19, 1824, Chester, N. Y.) and Mary Roe (Ketchum) Vial (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Gregorian. S. S. Supt.; Church Clerk; Sch. Dir. Married Hattie M. Hoyt, O 26, 1887, Bridgeville, N. Y. Children: Clara Gertrude, b. S 27, 1888; Ralph Hoyt ('16), b. O 12, 1890; Albert Rus- sell, b. My 26, 1893; George Edmund, b. Jl 8, 1897; Gordon Lewis, b. Ap 7, 1899; Wilbur Franklin, b. S 21, 1901; Chester LeRoy, b. O 30, 1905. Address, R. 2, La Grange, 111. 414. CHARLES HUNTER WEST Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E., 1912; b. N 25, 1858, Jefferson Co., Fayette. Miss.; s. Charles W. (b. Ap 17, 1830, do.) and Kate A. (Hunter) West (b. Port Gibson, Claiborn, O.). Prepared in Jefferson Sch., Washington, Miss., and night sch. Stationed at Rosedale, Miss, on surv. and const, work, 1884-93; in U. S. service on levee and river work, 1893-8; Chief Engr., Miss. Levee Dist., 1898-1910; Civ. Engr., Greenville, Miss., 1910— . Capt. ist Infantry. M. N. G. Appointed mem. Miss. River Comn. by Pres. Taft, 1910; Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; R. A.; K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. S.; A. S. C. E. ; Internat. Assn. of Navigation Congr.; 40 University w li.i.ixois iSS.s Assoc. Mem., Military Ser. Inst.; mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, iocs — ■ Married Mary E. Dulaney, Ja 20, 1886, Madison, Miss, (died Mr 9, 1899); Birdie Mary Hamway, N 23, 1908, Greenville, Miss. Children: Charles H., b. Ja 10, 1887 (died Ag 2, 1888); Lorraine, b. O 22, i888 (died S 18, 1895); William D., b. Mr 18, 1890 (died Ap 29, 1890); Mary, b. Jl _M, 1891 (died F 15, 1895; Charles T. b. Ap 3, 1895 (died S -'4, 1895). Address, Greenville. Miss. 415- JEROME GIDEON WILLS (Brother of No. 455) B. L. ; Merchant; b. i860, Fayette Co., 111.; s. Clifton Reader (b. 1835, Va-) and Sophia (l.apcO Wills (b. 1837, Lancaster, O.). Pre- pared in Salem 11. S. Admitted to Bar. Mar- ried ^linnie L. Jerauld. Children: Charles Jerauld, b. Ag 22, 1S99; Ruby Dorothy, b. S I J. 1901; Walter Wallace, b. F 21, 1904; Sarah Elizabeth, b. S 19. 1909. Address. Vandalia, CLASS OF 1885 (40 LIVING, 5 DEAD) 416. ALFRED NOYES ABBOTT (Brother of Nos. 121, 336, 373; Father of Nos. 4043, 4044, 6687, 8909) Farmer; B. S. in Agr., 1912; b. N 2 1862, Union Grove, 111.; s. A. M. (b. Queechy, N. II.) and Sarah (Sperry) Abbott (b. Mecca, O.). Adclphic. Mem., St. Legislature, 1898- 1902; V. P., St. Farmers' Inst. Workers; Mem., St. Leg., 1901-12; Chm., Sub-Com. on Univ. of 111. appropriations. The Univ. received its largest appropriation for bldgs. and gen. ex- pense in its history — the one mill tax for the Univ. was passed by this legislature. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Mystic Workers of the World; O. E. S. Married Sarah Green, O 12, 1886. Children: Bayard Taylor ('10), b. N s, 1887; Frances D. ('10), 1). Ja 5, 1889; Louis A. ("15), b. Ag 9, 1891; 'Howard G. ('iS), b. Ja 8, 1896. Address. R. 7, Morrison, 111. 417. JUDSON FINLEY AYERS (Brother of No. 461') Cert, in L. vt S.; b. 1802, Urbana; s. Alexan- der M. and Mary J. (Glenn) Ayers. With Mex. Central R. R., 1904—. Address. Urbana.t 418. WILLIAM BURSON BRAUCHER (Brother of Nos. 381, 382, 633, 792, 1017) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 13, 1857, Logan Co., 111.; s. Daniel Ludwig (b. Mr i, 1833, Pike Co., O.) and Henrietta Curtis (Hill) Braucher (b. Je i, 1832, N. IL). Preparcil in Lincoln IL S. and Univ. Acad. Univ. P.and. l)iscovered that the recalescent point in the heating and cooling of steel may be used in hardening steel. INlarried Ilattie Alice Abbott, Ag 7, 1880. Decatur, 111. Children: Alma Leone, b. Mr 31, 1892 (died Ja 3, 1896); Rachel Abbie, b. S 30, 1894. Address. 5213 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 419. HARRY LESLIE CARTER Merchant; Cert, in M. E.; b. Ja 27, 1861, Cincinnati. For several years a niech. engr. Address, Humboldt, Ill.f 420. KATE FRANCES CLARK (STOCKHAM) (Wife of No. 450) B. S.; b. Jl 6, 1863, Cobden, 111.; d. E. N. and Frances E. (Goodrich) Clark. Alethenai. Mem., First M. E. Church; W. C. T. U.; Chautauqua Circle. Married Wm. IL Stockham ('85") Ap 27, 1887, Cobden, 111. Children: Hei-bert C, b. 1888; Douglass W., b. 1898; Richard J., b. 1903- Address. 1231 N. 32d St., Birmingham, Ala. 421. THOMAS EDWARD COLE Physician; Cert.; b. 1861, Champaign; s. Thomas and Elizabeth (Roberts) Cole. Mar- ried Anna B. Smith, 1890, Huron, O. Ad- dress. Le Mars, la.f 422. SIMEON COLTON COLTON Supt.. Dredge & Dock Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 24, 1862. Chicago: s. A. M. F. (b. 1824, .,\mherst, Mass.) and Caroline (Kirk) Colton (b. 1832, i\lorristown, N. J.). Prepared in No. Div. II. S., Chicago. C. E. Club. Supt. for Fitzsimons & Connell Dredge & Dock Co.; (:ontr. for Pub. Works, 1885. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Married Caroline Whitcomb, D 26, 1899. Child, Catherine, b. Jl 5, 1908. Ad- dress, 600 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. 423. ROBERT LIVINGSTON DUNLAP ( r.rother of No. 63: Father of Nos. 4628, 7492) Carpenter; Cert, in Cheni. ; b. N 17, i860. Savoy, 111.; s. Menzo (b. D 19, i8i6, Pulaski, N. Y.) and Arabella (Pierce) Dunlap (b. Ap 23, 1825, Sandy Creek, N. Y.). Prepared in Urbana. Married Charlotte R. Jutkins, Je 2, 1886. Children: Robert M. ('11), b. O 18, 1887; Etfie Charlotte ('i6), b. D 26, i888; Leonard E., b. Ap 15, 1892. Address. 703 W. Washington .St., Urbana. 424. MARY TR.\CY E.\RLE (HORNE) Writer; B. S.; A. M., 1903; b. Cobden, 111.,- O 21, 1864; d. Parker (b. Ag 8, 1831, Mt. Holly, Vt.) and Melanie (Tracy) Earle (b. Ja 12, 1837, Peru, O.). Prepared in Cobden II. S. .Methenai; represented Alethenai in Intersoc. Orat. Cont., 1884. Writer, 1885-1904; Libn. and Ed. Asst. Estacion, Central Agronomica de Cuba, 1904-07; writer, 1907 — . Auth.: The \\'onderful Wheel, Century Co., 152 pp., 1896; The Man Who Worked for Collister, Cope- land & Day, Boston, 284 pp., 1898; Through Old Rose Glas.ses, Houghton, MifHin & Co., Boston, 209 pp., 1900; The Flag on the Hill- top, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 125 pp., 1Q02; short stories and occasional essays in The Outlook. The Atlantic Monthly. The Cen- tury, Everybody's, Hart'er's Weekly, McClure's. Scribner's and other mags, and papers, 1887 — . Married William Titus Home, Jl 1, 1906, San- tiago de las N'egas, Cuba. Address, 2527 Vir- ginia St.. Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. 425. GEORGE HUNTINGTON ELLIS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. My 6, 1864, Milwaukee; s. Joel (b. 1834, Mass.) and Jane May (Field) Ellis (b. 1840, New York). Pre- pared in Milwaukee Pub. Sch.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi. Prof., Chem. 1885-1903; Sec. and Treas., Geo. W. Pitkins Co., Paint Mfrs., Cliicago, 1903-j-. Auth.: Notes in Wliite Paint Analysis. Me'm., A. C. S. Married Mary Harvev, D 1892, .\urora. 111. Ciiildren: Richard, b. 1896; Gerald Van Norturck, b. 1002. Address. 1818 Wesley Ave., Evanston. 111. 426. GEORGE LEROY HICKS Fanner; B. L. in L. & S.; b. N 23, 1862, Wayne, Wis.; s. Charles Smith (b. Mr 30, 1834, Rochester, N. Y.) and Helen (.\bbey) Hicks (b. F 12. 1838, Painesville. O.). Prepared in Warren II. S. Adelphic: Pres., Senior Class. Married Mary Olive Hibbard, .\p 27, 1802, Panllina, la. Children: Lois Abbie, b. Mr 25, 1893; Byron Shirley, b. D 2, 1894; Helen Elizabeth, b. O 4, 1902; Genevieve Ruth, b. My 7, 1000. .Iddrcss, Gaza, la.t 1885] BACCAI.AnKKATK Al.lM X I 4' 4-/-. 'C'IIARLr':S lIOI'PFiR I'.ankcr .inil Hidker; Cert.; h. Mv ji, 1H61, Mcrideii, III.; s. Robert vS. and Mary K. (Sco- field) Hopper. Prepared in Bristol H. S. Adelphic. Banker, Sandwich, 111.; Real Est. and Mfg., Lincoln, Nub.; Banker and Broker, Cliicago. Mem., Hamilton Club. Married b'rances J. Stinson, Je 7, 1888, Sandwich, 111. Died O -'_', 1 91 2, Chicago. 428. EMMA JONES (SPENCE) B. L.; b. Ag 7, 1862, near lloopeston. 111.; d. Henry Trowbridge (b. Mr 5, 1838, Repton, Eng.) and Susan Belle (I.ionberg) Jones (b. D 21, 1844, Luray, Va.). Prepared in lloopes- ton H. S. Pres., Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Pres. of Class; Eng. and Mod. Lang, orator on Commencement. Taught in Champaign Pub. Schs., 1885-7. Invented blanks for R. R. Re- Ijorts, adopted by Gen. Mgr. anoc. Heating and Venn lating Kngrs., 1900; Royal Arch.; A. F. A. M.; 1. O. O. F. Married Fannie Stokes, N i, 1892, Butte, Mont, (died Jl 10, 1900, Butte). Child, Ruth Frances, b. Jl 15, 1900. Died Ap 6, 191-*, Ilolton, Kan. 533. LINCOLN BUSH Consulting Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 14. iSoo, Palos To.. Cook Co., ill.; s. Lewis (b. 1811, Bristol, Vt.) and Mary (Ritchey) Bush (b. i8js, Chillicoihe, O.). Prepared in Cook Co. Norm. Sch.; Teachers' course; B. A., Cook Co. Norm. Sell,; VX Kng., 1904. Engvs. Club; Mem,, Nat, Union. Asst, Engr., U. P. R. R, and Pac. Short Line, 1888-90; Instr., Descrip- tive Geom,, one term, Univ. of 111,, 1890; Asst. Engr. with E. L. Corthell, 1800-92; Chief Dralts- man, Western Ollice, Pittsburgh Bridge Co,, i89.>-96: Asst. Bridge Engr. and Acting Div. Engr. C, & N. W, R. R., 1896-9; Bridge Engr., D L '& W. R. R., 1899-1900; Prin. Asst. Engr. and Bridge Engr., D. L. & W. R. R., 1900-3; Chief Engr., D. L. & W. R. R.. 1903-9; ^on- snlting Knur., 1009 — ; Civilian Engr. (exciulive otTice) 0- M- Corps on emergency const., such 190S; Use of Sand Jacks for lowering great weights, 1902; new method of constructing con_ crete lootings, 1904- Auth.: The Use . ot Scows and Sand lacks in Moving and Lowering a 1000 ton Draw Bridge over the Passaic River at Newark, N. J.. 7-.ii:.i.C. A't-ii'-v. vol, 5". No. --. DP. 590 (.00, 190?; Bush Track Const,, liatlroad :-J,;c- (;.)iv«U-, 1909; A New Tvpe of 1 rain Shed Arch,, 1909; Treatment of Railroad lies una the Materials Available for this purpose ui New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, BiiKnS. Record, vol. 5j. >>'«>•. >'^ ri'- -K^-. ">^'7- Mem.; A. S. C. E., ftir. and Treas.. two yrs.; Am. Ry. Ensng. Assn., Dir. one yr.; formerly mem. Am. Inst, of Const. Engrs.; Iresby. Church. Married Alma Rosetta Green. O 1890. Colfax, 111. Children: Cedric Lincoln, b. Ag 7, 1S92; Denzil Sidney, b. Ag 7, 1901. Address. 345 b|)ringdale Ave., East Orange, N. J. 534. TRUMAN POST CARTER Teacher; B. S. in Sc, ; b. Ag -m, 1863, Jack- sonville, 111.; s. William Chauncey (b. Ap a, 18-0, New Canaan, Conn.) and Julia Ann (Wol- cott) Carter ^b. Je 20, i8-'6. East Windsor, Conn,). Prep;ired in I'iiy 11. S. and Whipple Acad., Jacksonville. A. B. and A. M., III. Coll., Jacksonville. Sigma Chi; IMiilomathean. leacher, 111. Coll., 1891-1901; Dairy Farming, 190112;^ Teacher, Jacksonville H. S., igia. i\Iem., Congr. Church. Married Elizabeth De- Motte, Jl 31, 1894, Indianapolis. Childreu: Catharine DeMotle, b. Mr 22, 1898; Roger W'olcott, b. Je 3, 1900; Alice Elizabeth, b. Ap 18, 1903. Address, 475 Lincoln Ave., Jackson- ville, lll.t 535. ELLA CONNET (BABB) B. L. in L. & S.; M. L.. 1894: b. Ap 2, 1863, near Solsberry, Ind.; d. Isaac (b. Mr 12, 1805, near Prosperity, Pa.) and Lucinda (Smith) Connet (b, D 25, 1821, near llayesville, O,). Prepared in Chauipaigii H. S. V. W. C. A., Pres. ; Pres., Alethenai; Sopiioiiniph Bd.; Sec. Class, 1S88. Prin,, H, S., Farminglon, 1891-3; do., Faubury, i89.j-5; Pvt. insir. and home- keeper, 1895 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Alum- nae Assn.; Woman's Club of Champaign and LUbana, Married Thomas Babb, Ja 10, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. (died F 14, 1915). Address, 11 J W. Green St., Champaign. 536. FRANK LOREN DAVIS Contractor; Cert, in Arch,; B. S,, 1009; b. Ja 13, 1808, near Chestnut, 111.; s. William AbilT (b. Hardin, O.) and Maiy Catherine (Ebernian) Davis (b, Waterloo, 111,), Prepared 111 Latham, 111, I'hilomathean. Artist, Sol>ho- .;ra/. Ag 18, i8,ii, Jilooiniiig(lnl<', Inil.). I'l cparcil in Ver- million Acad. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. Farmer; Minister. Died S 4, 190:, Alva, Okla. 54r. GRANT FREDERICK Farmer and Rancher; B. I,, in L. & S.; h. Jl. 11, 1867, Pa.\ton, Jll.; s. David Alonzo (li. N 6, 1831, Milliucn, Mass.) and Mariila Marks (.Shaw) Frederick (b. D 25, 183^, llolder- iiL'ss, N. II.). Prepared in Paxton ('oil. and Norm. Inst. Adclpiiic. Teacher, 18889; law- yer, 1889-97; lawyer and abstractor, 1898-1913; State's Ally, of Hand Co., S. Dak., 1894-6; V. 1*. 111. SaviiiKS & Trust Co., Investment Bank- ers, liloomiiiRton, 111., 1911-13; Cashier Odem .St. Bank, Odeni, Tex., 1914-16; farmer and rancher, Odem, 191 6 — . Married Mary Ber- niee Pike, 1> 18, 1890. St. Lawrence, S. Dak. Children: I);ivid Alonzo, h. N 13, 1891 (died My 9, '893); M.irilla I.ouis, b. Ja 4, 1894 ((lied Ja 12, 1894); Nellie Grace, 1). Tl 25, iUcjs; Frances Adelle, b. Mr 8, 1899 (died N "1-0, 1916); Her- bert Louis, b. Ar 25, 1901; Mary Klizabeth, h. N I, 1903; Howard Slu-nnan, b. N 3, 1908. Address, Odem, Tex. S-12. ALFRED GUSTAVE GOLDSCHMIDT (Brother of Nos. 508, 809; Father of No. 9096) Flee, and Mecli. En^r.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 30, i8()8, Davenport, Ja.; s. Peter (b. Ap 18, i8;^4, Ger.) and Klise (Hinrichscn) Goldschmidt (1). ja 27, 1828, do.). Elec. and Mech. En«r. at Davenport, la.; at present .Supt., Davenport Ga.s & Elec. Co. Mem., B. ]'. O. E. Married Anna Bremer, Je 28, 1894, Davenport, La. {!hil- dren: Erna Claire ('18), b. 11 s, 189;;: Alfred <;., Jr., b. F 21, 1906. Address, 801 W. 14th St., Davenport, Ja.t S43- NATHAN PHILLIPS GOODELL Lawyer; B. L. in L. & S.; b. My 9, 1866, Loda, Iro(|iiois Co., 111.; s. Addison (b. ]1 16, 1822, Mentor, Ohio) and Jane H. (Warren) Goodcll (b. Pitlstown, N. Y.). ]'repare UnIVKUSITY UK Il.l.lNDlS 1 1 Stjo ChiKlicn: lleihert Ncwtuii, b. 1"' j, lyoo; PouitlitM (.".iiiilinc, b. It* IS, igo4. Address, Uuv.ili, Nilloif Diiit., S. India. S8g. JOHN VV. JUilARDSLEY (liiotlirr of No. ai).() Examiner aiul Appialscr of Kariii loans; B. 1..; b. My ^\, 1S70, lli.iiii|>iiiKi>; s- ^'I'o. 1'". (b. My -•{>, it!-'7, Knox Co., O.) aiul Marllia l^M.-iluiii) lic.uUKy U'. .11 II.. v8.i|, N. _V.), I'ltparril in CbaiupaiKn II. S. Ailfl|iliic. C'loik in Law ntVur, i8>;oiii; Kire Ins., iKi)i-«ja; Mijr. Mach. slii'i' ami lonndry. lSy^■loo-■; Life In.s., i<}ujt>; iMiiil I'anucr, iyo6 10; nu'icliant, igio- ij; farm Kmus. idi-' . I'lilfr, jml I'losbv. I'hnicb, Conmil IMnlTs. la. Matrit-d Kililh M. .Stavr, .If 1.1, iSoij, ('h,uu|i.iiKH. C'hiUlrrn; Allifd, b. .'^ 11, moo; Kalluiinf, b. Ak ,U. iijoj; John VV. Jr., I). Ajj ly. u;ii. .•(ii(i»vw. K. .i, Ihi\ 131, C'ouniil RlnlT.s, la.; bus. odd., .'OV I'oal'l .*^t.. . Sc,o. "lanVARU MILLS UKN.^ON (.Urollier of No. ioj^) II. .•^. in C. K.; b. Mr --s. iSoo. Oak t;rovc (.now (.'ailoi-k), HI.; .s. Cyrns 11. (h. S i(.. iS.i.s. do.) aiul l.ni-y Aniamla (.Uowt-lO lUnson (b. Ak 10. iSoQ, di>.). rn-parcd in I'liiv. .Viail. l'hiloii\athran: (.\ K. CUxh. Uraftsman, inslrn nieiitiiian ami .Vsst. I'.nnr.. Norllifrn I'ai'. U. K., i8go-oj; do., Sookanc Falls ami NorlluMi\ K. K., iHta-3. liiod O 8, i8y.i, Ames. la. 501. rOl.UMHUS AUSTIN IIOWSHKU lul., ('mi;.»M(v of thg World. iVrt.; b. lliiarU, Maionpiii Co., 111.; s. K. U. liowsbcr, .•fdti»«j(. Caxton UUIr., Cleveland. SOJ. ANNA CECILIA HOYl.K (.IDNKKKSFKl.in (Wife of No. 8S7) A. K. ; b. t'bani|.aiKn; d. I'alriek (h. i8--8. Irelanvl) and Catharine (.1 yi"t"l>^ lioyle (h. i8,i-;, do.). I'repared in Clian\|iaiKn 11. .'^. .Methenai. Bookkeeper and lashier, 1000. Men>., Clmagi' Assn. Coll. Alumnae. Married IVler Junker.s leld ('^}f.), Je u), Jooi, ChanipaiKn. C'luld, Marv JoVepliine. 1>. S ,s. U)ii. .-/(]'.>.. 0,0 .Stone & \Vel.,-.ter. i,\>nslrs., Uostoi\. 503. LUCIA HKUMnACll (nOC.ARlHlS) (Wife of No. 3. U. I..: b. N 17. iSt>7. Ottawa. HI.; d. David (b. As u, iSu'. Ouawa. 111.) and Helen Barnes Untml'aeli (b. i8.»o, IMiea. N. Y.). Prepared u\ I ake Erie Sem., I'ainesville. O. Alethenai. TauKbt in Watsek.i H. S,, 1800 ui. Mem., Clas- sic Culture Club, i8»j; Mothers' Club, looj (See, luo^s^; l~hau\in.ide Musu-al Club, hjoj; InlereolleKiate .Mumnae .\ssn., loo.t; ril.nrini CouKT. Chuieh; City Y. W. C. .\. lUl., looo 1 1 ; I'res,. Seattle Branch of Mothers' Conn-. ioo8- 11; St, (."hm.. Legislative Com, ami Fed. of Clubs. Married Ch.irles KuKoue Bo^ardns. (■8,0, F l^. I, i8»(i: Helen Kvelyn, b. Ja 17, iStjg. .-td- dress. 00 CoUnnbia St., Seattle. S04. NORMAN HARVEY CAMP EvanKelist; U. S.; b. Je js, 1807. Uement. 111.; .s, lames Harvev (h. O 5. j8rt. Mt. Ver non, 0,"S and .\noa I'alherine (Holm) Can\p (b. Mr 16. 1847. Buovrus, O.). Prepared in Beiuent H. S. : l.L. U., N'orthwestern, i8yj. rhilomathean; Repr, in Oral. Contest; Class i'res,, \8ijo. I'laetised I aw until O, looo; i\ible Te.u-liei .ind l'"vans«'''S'' '"'^"^ — : Teach er of I'niiui Bible Cl.isses in Can, and V. S. ioo.|. ^^em., Kxten, .*^tatl of the Moody Bible Inst, of Chicak;o. .Vnth.: pamphlets. The Wav of Life made Plain; The G. A. R. Manieil Mabel Johnston. Je ,^. 1800, Ch.tnute. Kan. ChiKlven: Horace lohnston. b. My 4, 1807: John Mallory. b. S jj. h)o>. Addrfss. 5416 \Vii\lhrovi .\ve,, Fdnewater. I hicano. .sy.s. EDITH LOUISE CLARK (KlUKPArUlCK) (Sister of Nos. 590, 797) Crrt.; B. S. in L. A. iS: S., UJ14; b. F 14, 1867, Pecatoniea. ill.: d. Henry S. (b. Ja 1, 1841, New York) and Harriet Louisa (Cable) I'lark (b. N II, i8.to, Pecatoniea, 111.). Preiured in I'ecaliuiica H, S, and IJmv. Acad. Alelheiuii; N. W. C. .\. Mem., M, K. Clunch. .Mavview. III. M.irried Jesse Clinton Kirkoatrick, F 14, 181)3. t'hildren: Hem v Clinton, b. .\k' 7, 1804, Allied Mr -7. 180,0 ; I'lou-uce iNLil.el. b, Jl ig. i8y8; Jesse Clurk. b. Je n, ii)o8. Addrrss. K. .!, I'rbana, 506, FRANK HENRY CLARK (Brother of Nos, 595, 71)7) iMech. EiiKr.; B. S, in M, E,; b. Jl .•.? 1865, Pecatoniea, III.; s. lienrv .*^, ami llairiet Louisa (.Cable) Clark. Prepare.l in Peeatomca H. S. ,Mul I'uiv, .\c,id.; C.iiil,. I'uiv. Uevit.; Si, I'lasa Pres. Flee, Ciuist,. 1800; with llavid L, Barnei«, Chicago Ivy, and Mech. Knur,, 1890-04; Chief Hraftsman, C. B, iS; (J. R. U. Co., 1804-99; Mech. Fn({r,. 1899 190.'; Supt,, Motive Power, iooji>s; Cell. Supt,, Motive Power C, B, \ Q. U. U.. 190s to 1911; since Ja 1, 1911, Cen. Supt., Motive Power Baltimore & Ohiii R. R. Mai lied Ciira Caiinibell, Ap 4, 189.^. Children: llaiold E/ra, b, S 7, 1895; Helen Louise, b N 17. 1900, Address, 17 Midvale Road, Ro- laml Park, Md,t 507. THOMAS ARKLE CLARK (Husband of No. 634) Dean of Men; 15, L. ; b. My ii, i86j, Minonk, 111.; s, William C. (b, N 8, 1814, Northumber land, Eur,) and Dorothy (Metcalf) Clark (b, S Id. i8i-'. HIvthe. do.). Piep.ired in I'liiv. of 111, .\cad, .\lpba Tau OnuKa; Shield and I'rideni; Phi Beta Kappa; Philomalliean; Local Ed,, 7;/i»ii. 18870: (r. Orator. 1889; Ed. ."^ofhoijruph. 1888; Ed, in ehiel, lllini, 1889-OO; Sr. Orator, 1890; Class Poet. Prin., East Side .Sell., ChampaiKU, 1890-91 ; Instr., Eng. and I aliii, Cniv. Acad,, i8oi-,t; Inslr., Eiir,, Univ. of 111,, 1893-5; '^sst. I'rof., Khet., tSoSo; stud, in Harvard. 1898-9; Prof.. Kliet., 1899 — ; .Act- iiiK Dean, (.'oil. of Lit. aiul .\rts. 190001; Dean of Underprailuates and Asst, to the Pre-i,, looi- .1; Dir., Summer Sessiiui, 1903-8; Dean of Un- ilerm.ulii.iles. loo-io; Oean of Men, 1909 -; Mil', .\>ljt.. Univ, of HI.. 1918 -, Ed,. \Vash- lu,i;toirs I'arewell .\tldress, W. -•5. pp,. Chas, .'^crillller's Sons, 1908; Webster's liuiiker Hill l>r.ition, Xl\', J9 pp., i'c>,,' Burke's .Sjieech on Conciliation, ,,• .Vnth, : I'acts for I'leslmien oviih ,'\, R, Warnoek) Univ. of 111., 101 1; riie I'raternitv aiul the Coll,, j-\i pp,, Geo, Banta Pub, Co,, 1910; The Sunday Eight O'C'lock. -'oo pp.. lllini Publishing Co., 1017; I he Fraternity and the I'ndergraduate, 250 pp., Cu'O. Banta Pub. Co., 1918; arts, in mavja- .'iiies and edne. publicatiiuis since 1897, Wor- thy Craiul (^hief of .Mplia Tau Omega. 1019 — . Married Alice Virgiui.i Brtvuldiis ('91). .'\g J4, iS9t>. Addrt-ss. o-'8 W. Illinois St,, Urbana. 598. JAMES FR.\NC1S CLARKSON Ry, Contr,: K S. in C. E,; b. N 3. 1868. Chi- cigo; s. Micluiol and Ellen M. (Henneberry) Clarkson. Prepavctl in 1 ake H. S.. Chicigo. C. E. Club; Varsity Baseball, Married Lvicy Irene Ridgley, le -'-•. tSoi, Chicago. Addrtss, hSo E. a I St, N, Portland, Ore.t 599, GEORGE PERKINS CLINTON (Brother of Noss. S71, 1843) Botanist; B. S.; M. S.. 1S94: b. My r. '''^tT. Polo, 111.; s, John Waterbnry (b, Andes. N, Y,) and Carrie .Xilelia (Perkinsi Clinton (b, Delhi, N. Y,). rrei>ared in Polo 11. S. Class Duv and Commeuceuietit t)rator. M, S., Harvard, 1001; n. Sc, llaivanl, 190J. .\sst. Botanist, iS(;o| Baccai.aukkate Alumni 57 III. Agr. Kxp. Sta. and Asst., Hot., 111., 1890- 11J02; Botanist, Conn. Agr. Lxp. Sla., 1902 — . Auth. of various bills, and reiiorts on parasitic fungi of cultivalt'd |)lants, publihlicd by III. Agr. Kxp. Sta. and Conn. Agr. Kxp. .Sta.; various papers on fungi in botanical mags.; monograph of N. Am. Ustilaz/ineae, pub. by Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.; Mem., ("onn. Pomological Soc; Conn. Bol. Soc; New Kngland Hot. Club; Bot. Soc. Am.; Am. Pliytopalhological Soc. (Pres., 191 j); Fellow, A. A. A. S.; V. P. sec tion G, 101.V M.irried ,\nna J. Lightbody, Ag 9. 1892, Pekin, 111. Child, Harry Lightbody, b. JI 14, 1893 (Killed in .'iction, S 30, 1018, Krance^. Address, care Conn. .\gr. ICxp. Sla., New Haven, C'oiin. 600. kOBKKI' JAMKS COOKK Asst. Kngr.; B. S. in C. K.; b. D 2(,, 1862, K. Newbern, 111.; s. l'".lon (1). i8.j5, Kng.) and Pal- mira (Brown) Cooke ( b. iH.iH, !V,J.). Prepared in Alton 11. S. Jr. and Commeneement orator, (apt., Univ. Hegt. Draftsman, la. Hiv., I. C. R. R., 1H90; d«.. Union Pac. R. R., Wyo. Div., 1890-2; Asst. Kngr., Chicago 61' West liid. R. R., 1892-8; Chief Draftsman, Joint Track Klevation and Deiircssion, Chicago, 1H98-1900; Asst. Kngr., Chicago & Alton R. R., 1900-5; Asst. Kngr., Chicago fi' Western Ind. R. R., 19058; Asst. Kngr., L. S. & M. S. Ry., 190H 14; Asst. Kngr., C. & K. I. R. R., 1914— .. Married Kotlie Stewart, O 12, 1892, Champaign. Child, Rus- sell, b. F 22, 1898. Address, 7209 Harvard Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6600 Union Ave. r,or. ROBERT WILSON CORNELJSON Tech. Chcm. and Mfr. ; B. ,S. in Chcm.; s. Rev. I. A. Cornelison. Prepared in H. S. D. Sc, Harvard, 1893. Asst. Cliem., Univ. of III., 1890-91; Morgan Fellow, Harvard, 1891-93, Mem., A. C. S. ; Soc. (.'hem. Ind.; Fellow, A. A. A. S., etc. Married Alice K. Loughridgc. Children: Margaret L.; Kliz.dieth F. Address. West Summit St., Somerville, N. J. 602. CLARENCE LINCOLN CRABBS Kngineer; B. S. in C. K.; b. Jl 29, 1866, De catur, Ind.; s. Austin (b. Ja 8, 1838, Richland Co., O.) and Catherine (Yeiler) (Jrabbs (b. S 18, 1842, Ashland Co., O.). Prepared in H. S. and Mich. Agr. Coll. C. K. (IMub; Valedic- torian; Bus. Mgr. mini. Bvt. Cant., 111. Nat. Guard; (,'iv. Kngr., iSyo-i'joo; Mfg., 1900-06; Brooklyn Rapid Transit System, 1906; Prin. Asst. Kngr., do., 1906-09; Kngr. Way and Structures, du., 1909 — . Mem., Am. Klec. Ry. Assn.; Am. Ry. Kngng. Assn. Married Jessie Elizabeth Cox, S 30, 190,3, Denver. Children; Helen Klizabeth, b. S 18, 1904; Richard, b. D 4, 1906. Address, 177 82d St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; bus. add., 85 Clinton St., do. 603. JESSIE ELLARS (IL\CKETT) Teacher; A. B. in L. & S.; A. M., 1893; b. Ja 25, 1867, Atwood, 111.; d. William (b. D 3, 1834 Logan Co., O.) and Maria (Lewis) Kllars (b. F 22, 1832, Warren Co., Ind.). Preiiared in Tuscola H. S. Alethenai. Teacher in Gram. Sch., Tuscola, 189 1-2; H. S. Teacher, Tuscola, 1892-8; Prin. of do., 1898-1900. Married Leon- ard Oliver Hackett, N 22, 1900, Tuscola, III. Address, Tuscola, 111. 604. JOHN FRANKLIN FISHER Civ. Engr.: B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 24, 1865, Indianola, 111.; s. Michael (b. N 6, 1835, do.) and Maryelte (Baum) Fisher (b. F 18, 1845, do.). Prepared in Indianola H. S. Bvt. Capt., 111. Nat. (luard. Draftsman, Chicago, 1890-5; Siirv., Indianola, 1805-1900; Townsite surv. for Depl. of Interior, I. T., 1900-05; Surv. and Kngr., Danville, 111., 1905—. Auth.: Articles, I'.xperimenis on Paving Brick, No. 4, Selecteil I'ai^KTs of the C. K. Club of the LJniv. of III.; Itiiilding a Small Stone Highway Bridge, I'.iii/itij. Record, iHgfi. Mem., M. h. Church; 111. Soc. of C. K. Married Maude Songer, Ap H, 1900, Danville, ill. Chililren: tJeorgia Mary Ellen, b. D 12, 1905; Bertha Nell, b. Ag 20, 1908 (died 1) 23, 1908). Address. SOI E. Roselawn Ave., Danville, 111.; bus. add., 7 W. Harrison St., do. 605. "WILLIAM MYKRS (HLLILAND Chief Meeh. and IClec Kngr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. 1H66. Columbus, 111.; s. W. K. Gilliland. Mech. Kngr., W. K. McKee Co., Bisbec, Ariz.; Chief Meeh. and Klec. Kngr., Piikands, Mather Co. Died D 26, 19 16, Duluth, Minn. 606. GUSTAV ADOLl'H HANSSEN Architect; Cert.; b. N 22, 1869, Davenport, la.; s. Louis (b. la 26, 1821, Ilzchoe, (^er.) and Maria Sophie (Ifannemann) Hanssen (b. N 17, 183 1). Prepared in D.'ivcnport, la., and Univ. Acad. I'^irst prize mil. drill, i81-i7, Instr., Ciym- nasiurn. Married Lilli May Slibolt, Je 28, 1894. D.ivenport, la. Children: Da|)hne Louise, b. Je 17, 1896; Arthur (Jliristian, b. F 6, 1906. Address, 2030, 29th St., San Diego, Calif.t 607. HUGH HAZKLTON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; h. Ag 16, 1868. Forest Glen, Chicago; s. William Cross (b. 1832, Northfield, N. H.) and Frances Amanda (Morrill) Hazellon (b. 1840, (Canterbury, N. II.). Prepared in Jefferson 11. S., Chicago. Philomatliean. Draftsman, Weslinghouse Klec. & Mfg. (."o., 1890-1; Draftsman, ]). L. Barnes, 1K91-2; Draftsman and .Supt., Intra Mural Ry., World's F'air, i892-3' with J. B. Arnold, 1894; r)raftsiiian. Metropolitan West Side ]''levated Ry., 1895-7; I'^iigr. Kuglewood & Chicago Ry., 1898; Asst. Klec. f'lngr., Manhattan Ry., N. Y., 1 890-1903; Klec. Kngr., 1903-5; do., with L. B. Stillwell. N. Y., 190511, during which period was Elcc FCngr. for Hudson Ik Manhattan Ry., N. Y. Mem., A. I. K. K. Married Caroline .Sylvia Norton, N 17, 1906. Childri;n: Caroline .Norton, b. N 4, 1907; Sylvia Kendrick, b. D 6, 1909; Hugh, Jr., b. N 23. 1912; Klizabeth Fol- v.itT, I). My 10, 1916. Address, 42 Sherwood PI., Englewood, N. J.; bus. add., 100 Broad- way, N. Y. City. 608. EDWARD SPENCER KEENE Dean Engng. Dept.; B. S. in M. E. 1912; b. O 8, 1864, Rock Island, HI.; s. Phillip (b. 1832, Keiscrslauta, I'.avaria) and Margaret K. (Baxter) Keene (b. i8,i5, Newport, Ky.). Prepared in Moline H. .S. Apprenticeship Williams White & Co. Mach. Shop. Moline, 111., four yrs. ; Instr., Mech. Kngng., Univ. of III., 1890-2; Prof., do., N. Drd<. Agr. Coll., 1892- 1904; Dean, lingng. Dept., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1904 — . Four Minute Man. Auth.: Household Physics (a Laboratory Manual); articles and press buls., on Sewage Disposal for Country Homes, .Small Water Supply Plants, Lightning Protection, Chimney Const, for Dwellings, Mgmt. of House F'urnaces, etc., O. Farmer, 101 I ; Mechanics of the Household, 400 pp., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1918. Mem., Assoc, of Univ. Professors; N. Dak. Soc. of Engrs. ; 111. Club; Polytechnic Club; 32d degree Scottish Rite Mason; Phi Kappa Phi; Commons Club. Married Myrtle Pearman, O 3, 1803. Children: Margaret, b. Je 2(1, 1894; Dorothy, b. Ag 21, 1896; Rebecca, b. F 15, 1904; Phillip, b. O 8, 1906; Virginia, b D 4, 1908. .Address, 1028 7th St., N, Fargo, N. Dak. 58 I'NlVEUSirV OK ll.MN'OlS 1 Soo 609. KATHARINE KENNARD A. B. in I.. & S.; b. O iSoo, Cli;m\pciigu; d. George W. (b. 1835, Sidney, O.) and Laura ^^.;alst1 Kcmiaiil (.b- i8.(s. Davton. O.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Address, 311 W. Univ. Ave, CliaiuiKiigii. 610. IIENRV WALLACE iMcCANDLESS Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 22, i8t)0, Orion, lU-nry Co., 111.; s. John (b. Mr ,S. 1810, Clakdalc. l*a.) and Margaret M. "(Burns) McCandless (b. N 15, 1839, Iniperi.il, do.). Prepared in Orion 11. S.; Davenport (la.) Bus. Coll. Won ist orize in n\il. drill. Chief Draftsman, Thomson, Vlouston Elec. Co., Chicago, 1890-01; Mgr., Estimating Dept., Gen. Elec. to.. Chicago. 1801-3: Sclienectadv, N. \ ., «893-5; ^'- ^- ""'' ^*"- ^^K""- ^^- ^^'- ^I'-'^'^nJ- less 4c Co., N. V. City; Mfr., Elec. l.amos, 189s — ; also Trcas., Ernwall Realty Co., N. Y. City, 1005 — . Auth.: Trade Catalogues, etc. Married Nancy Pearl Long, Je -:5, 1003. Lynn, 111. Children: Margaret Louise, b. S 15, 1904; Nancv, b. N ji, 1007 (died D 3. loio"*; Jessie Wanda, b. Jl 15, 1909; Ruth Shirley, b. F 15, I0I3. Address, 600 Second St., Brooklvn, N. Y.; btts. add., 406 W. 31st St., N. Y. City. 611. WILL E. McKEE Supt., Mach.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 3. 1866, Tippecanoe, Ind.; s. San\uel tb. J a -'7, 18^18, Tippecanoe Co., Ind.) and Alma (.Bush) McKce (,b. J.v U), 1839, do.). Prepaioil in couuivy sch.. Rising. HI.; Univ. .-Vcad. Chief Kngr.. Mihvau kec, i89.-4; l^;»"-'s Chief Engr., 1895-0; Ish- peniing, Mich.; Master Mech., Cleveland Clitls Iron Co., Mich. Min. Co., 1S99-1905; Supt., Mach., Bisbce, .-Vrii., 1905; do.. Calumet & Arii. Min. Co. Married Isa Dora Fisher, O 18, 189-. Oenver (.died D -t, 1015V (.liild, Lottie Maude, b. O 23, 1893. Address. Warren, Ariz. 6i3. WALTER I. MANNY (Brother of No. 1000) Lawyer; Cert; b. Mounds, Brown Co.. HI.; s. Mrs! M. J. Manny. Ktlitor: Merchant: State's Attv. 8 vrs.": Lawver; House of Representatives. 190I— .'Mem., .V E. .-V iM.: B. P. O. E.: K. P.; I. O. O. F.; Pres., State's Atty. Assn. of lU. .Iddress, Mount Sterling, 111, J13. BYRON LLEWELLYN MOORE Sec. and Gen. Mgr. Tel. Const. Co.; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 1, 1S09, Dwight, 111.; s. Montgomery and Clara (.-Vrmstrong) Moore. Prepared in Champaign Schs. .\th. Assn. Chemist, 1890-1900; Sec, Federal Tel. & Tel. Co. 1900-15; Sec, Century Tel. Const. Co., igoj-18; Gen. Mgr., do.. 1915-1S. Mem.. Anci- ent Landmarks. A. F. .-V M., No. 441, lUitlalo. N. Y.; Summit Chapter, R. A. M., No. 30-; Greater ButYalo Ad. Club: Coml. Club, Wash- ington, D. C. ; Assn. Inst. Radio Engrs. Married Ina L. Hubbell. 1896, Pittsburgh. Children: Byron L., b. N 1897 (.died X 1900); Spencer .\'., b. Jl 5, 1004; Nlarjorie P.. b. F i4_, i90t>. Address. i9i Stariii Ave.. Buffalo, N. \.; bus. add., 173S Elmwood Ave., do. 014. EDWIN NESBIT Engr. and Supt. of Const.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 17, i868, Charleston, III.; s. Simeon Hiatt (b. Cvthiana, Kv.) and Martha Jane (Anderson^ "Kesbit. Prepared in Charleston H. S. Treas.j Ath. Assn. Mech. Drafting, 1890-1900; designing zinc smelters, roasters, gen. mach,. and supt. of Const., 1000 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; Cleveland Ath. Club; All Ma- sonic Bodies excepting Consistory; B. P. O. E. Married Frances RadclitTe Horton, O 19, loor, Chicago. .4ddre.».\-. odJ.. 50001 Standard Life Bldg., do. 616. ORLA ALFRED PROCTOR Retired planter and merchant; B. L. in L. & S. ; b. D 13, 1807, Rome; s. .-Mfred Stephen l.b. My JO, i8jo) and Elizabeth (Gillette) Proctor (b. Mr J9, i8^ij). Prejiared in country Mch. Pliilonuithean. leacher, (champaign, 1891- j; v. P., Harris Coll., 189J-3; I'rin., Bragnier, Mo., 1893-4; Ed., Peoria, 1894-191J; fanner; cane and rice planter and gen. merchant, 191 J ; landlord and mgr. Citv propertv and farms, 1913—. Supt. M. E. S. S., Ciiillicothe, 111. Married Bertha L. Washington, Ag ro, 1891. Address. Chillicothe. 111. 617. 'PHILEMON ANATOLIO SCHAEFER Civ. and Min. Engr.; Cert, in C. E, ; b. Jl 3, 1867, Parral, Mex.; s. John Phillip (b. Ja ^o, 1846, Ger.) and Geronjma (Carinina) Schaefer (b. S 30, 1846. Parral, Mo.x.l. Pre- pared in St. Mary's Coll., San Antonio, Tex. C. E. Soc; Adelphic; Ath. .Vssn.; Mgr. Base- ball Team. Asst. Engr.^ Term. Ry. Assn., St. Louis, 189J-3; Ry. Com. of Tex., 1895; .■\sst. Chief Engr., Link Line Ry., Georgetown, Tex,, 1S95-6; lien. Off. work, 1896-8; Post- master, Georgetown, Tex., 1898-190J; Min. and Kiigr. work, Parral, Mex., i90j-u>; also engaged in mfg. of tire-day products. Sec Treas., Cia de" .\rtefactos de Tierra Refractaria, S. A. Died Ag ji, 1916, Chihuahua, Mex, 618. CHARLES IL SII.VMEL (Brother of Nos. 670, 1169) Lawyer; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1S91; b. Je 3, 1807, near Springfield, 111.; s. Conrad and Caroline (Alkire) Sliamel. Prepared in Taylor- ville 11. S. LL. B., .Mich., 1803: A. M., Columbia, 1905; Ph. D., do., 1907. Philo- mathean; Sigma Xi, Columbia; Prof. Chem., Coll. of P. & S., Keokuk.^ iSoo^j; lawyer, Tavlorville, 111., 1894-1904; Spec. Stud., Min. anti Sur., N. M. Sch. of Mines, 1901; Grad. Stud, in Law, Min. and (leol., Columbia, 1904-6; .'\sst. State's Attv., Christian Co., 111., 1896- 1904; Practising ) aw. Tavlorville and Spring- field 111., 1006-8: Bellingham and Seattle, 1908- 10; Springfield, 111.. 1911-1S; Spec. Counsel, III. Ins. Dept.. 1914-17; Lecturer on Min. Law. I'niv. ot Wash., 1910. Auth.: Min., Mineral and Geol. Law, McGraw Hill Book Co., N. Y., 6J7 pp.. 1907; Legal Definitions of Mineral, Ore, etc., when used in Deeds, Leases or other written instruments under the Laws of the U. S., Sch. of Mines tjuart.. Vol. XXVI, p. 1 : Should the Extra Lateral Feature of the >Iin. Law be Repealed, Econ. Geol.. \'ol. II. p. 6j; contributor on legal topics connected with mining to Min. and Sc. Press. San Fran- cisco. Mem.. A. I. M. E.; B. P. O. E.; Life mem., Arctic Club. Seattle. Address, S3S Black Ave., Springfield. 111. 610. CHRISTOPHER HENRY SNYDER Contr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 12, 1866. Fulton. 111.: s. William Cowperthwaife (b.^ Jl JO. i8.M. Birmingham. N. T.) and Icyphene Car- oline (Pearce~» Snvder (b. Mv 9. i8j8. Fall River. Mass.). Prepared in Fulton H. S. Class Pres. Draftsman. 1890-7; Chief Draftsman. 1897-1900: Contr. Engr.. 1000 — . Invented Com- bination Steel Column and Flat Concrete Floor Slab Const., toio. Mem.. .-V. S. C. E.. past Pres.: Western Soc of C. E.; S. F. .-Vssn.; I SyoJ BACCALAUKIiATE AlUMNI 59 Commonwealth Club; Union League Club. Cml. Club; Claremont Country Club; Engr. Club; Mt. Dialilo Country Club; I'ac. Assn. of Con- sulting Kngr.s. Married Harriet Kunyon, O 14, 1890, N. Y. Children: Henry Uunyon, b. Ag 3, 1900; William Cowperthwaitc, b. Jl 26, 1904; Helen Jean, b. II 20, 1905; John Robert, b. je 3, 1009. Address. 2713 i'orest Ave., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., 251 Kearny St. San Francisco. 620. FRED WORTHLEY STEVENS Fruit Grower; B. S. in Cheni.; b. F 2, 1866, riattsburg, N. Y.; s. Alfred W. (b. 1827, Brooks, Me.) and Ircna E. (Worthley) Stevens d). 1835, J'latlsburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Cheni. with Smelting Co., S. Chicago, 1890-1901; with Tacoma Smelting Co., 190s; Fruit Grower, 190."; — . Married lulia A. Grantier, S 28, 1904, Tacoma, Wash. Children: Marian, b. Ag 13, 1905; i'"raidc Alfred, b. Ja 6, 1909. Address, San Martin, Calif, t 621. "LINDLEY FLETCHER TER BUSH B. L.; b. Ap 25, 1869, Holly, Mich.; s. Pliny (b. S 11, 1843) and Catherine Anne (Wat- terson) Tcr Bush (b. S 21, 1846, Holly, Mich.). Pre[)ared in f'lianijiaign H. S.; Adeljjhic. Edi- torial Dept., The Chicago Record; The Chicaqo Daily News, 1890-1904: Peabody Coal Co., Chi- cago, 1904 — . Married Louise M. Karcher, Je 20, 1906. Died Jl 7, 1916, Chicago. 622. FRANCIS JOHN TRESISE Contractor; B. S. in C. E.. 1890; C. E., 1893; b. Ag 3, 1864, Monmouthshire, P'ng. ; s. Henry (b. Ag 31, 1838, do.) and Charlotte (Nurse) Tresise (b. Mr 21, T834, do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Sharon, Pa. Philomathcan. C. E. Club. Civ. Engr. for L. V. R. R., Batavia, N. Y., 1890; Geneva, N. Y., 1890-91; Civ. Engr., N. Y. C. R. R., 1892; L. V. R. R. and with pyt. engrs., 1894-1901; Engr. with D. P. W., city of Buffalo; pvt. practise, 1901-10; Pres. and Mgr. ?>ic Contracting Co., 1911—. Mas- ter Mason Wash. Lodge F. A. M.; mem.. A. S. C. E. ; Presby. Cliurch; Automobile Club Buffalo. Married Eliza Richards, F 13, 1892 Dover, N. H. Children: Frances Louise, b Ap 23, i8()3; Amy Richards, b. My 14, 1894, Address, Williamsville, N. Y. ; bus. add., 400- 402 Morgan BIdg., Buffalo, N. Y. 623. "JOHN BAPTISTE TSCHARNER Civil Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 15, i8r)6; s. Geo. F. (b. Okawville, III.) and Bettie CPierce) Tscharner (b. Ky.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club; Bus Mgr., Sophor/raph, 1888. Civ. Engr. and Mgr., Waterworks Plant, Waco, Tex.; do. Lawrence, Kans. Died Ap 22, 1893, Colorado .Springs, Colo. 624. FRED WALTER WATERMAN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 24, i8fi9. Sycamore, III.; s. Waller (h. 1849, do.) and Electa Jane (Dust in) Waterman (b. 1840 E. Topsham, Vt.). Prepared in Sycamore H. S.; Md. Mil. and Naval Acad. Draftsman for Iron Bav Mfg. Co., Duluth, Minn., Chicago & N. W. R. R. Co., and Pullman Car Co., 1800- 2; Draftsman and Asst. Master Mecli., III. Steel Co.. Joliet, 111., 1802-4; Draftsman for Johnson Co., Lorain, O., 1894-7; Chief Drafts- man, 1897; Engr., Const, of Blast Furnaces and Steel Works, The Lorain Steel Co., Lorain, O., 1890; Chief Engr.. The Dominion Iron and Steel Co., .Sydney, Nova Scotia, 1899-1901; Mech. Engr., Algoma Steel Co.. .Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. 1901-2; with Julian Kennedy, M. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1902; Chief Engr., The Nat. Tube Co., Lorain, O., 1902-1916; Acting Mgr., The Nat. Tube Co., 1916; Mgr., Gary Tube Co., Gary, Ind., with temporary oflices, Lorain, O., 1916—. Mem., Am. iron and Steel Inst.; A. S. M. £.; Cleveland Ath. Club; Cleveland lUini Club; K. S. Lodge, No. 56 F. A. M • Marshall, Chapter No. 47, R. A. M.; Elyria Councd No. 80 R. & S. M.; Elyria Commandery No. 60, K. T. ; Lake Erie Consistory S. P. R. S. 320; Al Koran Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Cleveland, O. Married Jvy June Walters, 1900, Jolinstown, Pa. Children: Fred W., Jr., b. D 2S, J^'Jo; John A. and Philip G., b. Ja 27, ipo6. Address, 116 Broad St., Elyria, O., and Gary Tube Co., Lorain, O. 6^5- JAMES McLAREN WHITE Prof, and Supervising Arch.; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 16, 1807, Chicago; s. Samuel Holmes (b. 1830, Lockport, N. Y.) and Jennie (McLaren) White (b. 1840, Glasgow, Scot.). Prepared in Peoria II. S. I'hi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Philomathcan; Soph. Class Pres.: Cadet Maj., Univ. Regt. Asst., Arch., 1890-3; Asst. Prof., Arch., 1893-6; on leave for study abroad, 1894-5; Assoc. Prof, of Arch., 1896- ifjoi; PrqL, Arch. Engng., 1901; Acting Dean, Coll. of Engng., 1905-6; Dean, Coll. of Engng., 1906-7; Supervising Arch, and Prof, of Arch., 1907 — ; Pres., Champaign Chamber of Com- merce, 1918 — . jVIem., Soe. for Prom, of Engng Lduc.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; A. I. A.; Country Club; Univ. Club of Urbana-Champaign, Pres. 1910; Champaign Club; Rotary Club of Cham- paign; appld. by Gov. of 111. on St. Bd. of Lxamincrs of Architects., 191 7-8. Married Edith Adelaide Shattuck, Jc 15, 1899, Champaign. Child, Adelaide Louise, b. Mr 14, 1903. Ad- dress, 804 W. University Ave., Champaign. 626. FRANK DENT WILBER Farmer; A. B. in L. & S.; b. N 20, 1869, Champaign.; s. Robert Sloan (b. 1842, New York) and Elizabeth Wilber (b. 1840, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Coal & Whole- sale Fruit Bu.s., 1890-1910. Mem., Presby. Cliurch; K. P.; B. P. O. E.; T. P. A. Married Katherine Wilber^ S 10, 1902. Address, 707 W. Church St., Champaign.! 6^7. GEORGE EL DORADO WILKINSON Physician; B. S.; b. O 18, 1868, Argeiita, 111.; s. Jackson, (b. 1827, Chillicothe. O.) and Mary (Morrison) Wilkinson (b. 1834). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; M. S., Cornell, 1892; B. P. Kansas St. Norm. Sch., 1891; M. D., Wash. Univ., 1898. Philomathcan; Nat. Hist. Soc. Fellow in Clark Univ, 1892-3; Prin. H. S. ; Organizer of Alton Naval Reserves, Com- mander, 1896,; Prin. H. S., Emporia, Kan., 1890-91; Grad. stud, and instr., Cornell, 1891- 2; Prin. II. S., Alton, III. and stud, of Med., Wash. Univ., 1892-6; stud, of nied. at Hospitals in Leipsig, Berlin, Jena, Ger., 1896-8; Pliysician and Surg., Alton, 111., 1898; Organized Alton Div. of III. Naval Reserves, 1896; surg.. 111. Naval Reserves, 1900-10. Mem., A. M. A.; III. St. Med. Assn.; Madison Co. Med. Soc.; Alton Med. Soc; Assn. of Surgeons of I. N. G. ; Mil. Sur. of U. S.; Sec, Madison Co. Med. Soc, V. P., Alton Med. ^oc Married Anna Joseph, 1909, Witchita, Kan. Address, 1050 Wash. St., Alton, 111.; bus. add., 63 Broadway, do. 628. ROBERT CONOVER WILSON Physician; B. S.; b. Jl 5, 1865, Towanda,. 111. ; s. James C. (b. 1812, Brownsville, Pa.) and Elizabeth (Jackman) Wilson b. 1828, do.). Prepared in Blackburn Univ., 1884-9; M. D., Univ. of Pa., 189-^; Philoinathean. Mem., Chi- cago Med. Soc; III. St. Med. Soc; A. M. S. Married Louise Crepin Iloyt, Ap 26, 1906, Chi- cago. Address, 417 Home Ins. Bldg., Chicago. 6o Univekshy of Illinois iSyi CLASS OF 1891 (45 629. THOMAS HENRY BARCLAY (Brother of No. 497) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 14, 1865. Plainfield, 111.; s. James (b. Scot.) and Rachel (McMicken) Barclay (b. do.). Prepared in Dist. Sch. Philomathean. Married Emma L. Gayman, Ap 18, 1894. Child, Bertram Donald, b. N 9, 1899. Address, Casilla 447, Santiago, Chili, S. A. 630. LAURA MAE BEACH (WRIGHT) (Sister of No. 528) B. L. in L. & A.; b. Mr 24, 1872, Cham paign Co.; d. George W. (b. New York) and Lydia A. (Sims) Beach (b. O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. and Louisville (Ky.) H. S. Alethenaj. Mem., College Club; Fortnightly Musical; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae, Western Reserve Branch; Univ. of 111. Club of Cleve- land. Married Nathaniel C. Wright, Ap 25, 1893, Champaign. .Address, 1837 Crawford Rd., Cleveland. 631. CHARLES SHERMAN BOUTON Horticulturist; Cert, in Chem.; b. Ja 28, 1870. Naperville, 111.; s. Samuel Fletcher (b. Je 23, 1837, Concord, N. H.) and Mary Ann (Hoyt) Bouton (b. N 12, 1839.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. LL. B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1894. Varsity Baseball Team, 1888-91; Varsity Tennis Team, 1890; Pres. Adelphic, 1891; Ath. Advisory Bd., 1895-6. Salesman, 1891-2; lawyer, 1894-1901; Real Est. and Investments, 1901-3; Horticulturist, 1903 — . Trustee, Univ. Congr. Church, Chicago, 1900-01. Mem., Ark. Hort. Soc, 1904—; Pres., Coml. Club, IQ04; 111. Hort. Soc, 1910 — ; Supt., Dept. of Hort., Tri-St. Fair, Memphis, 1910; Deacon, Presby. Church, Springdale, Ark., 1910 — . Auth.: St. Aid to Hort., Ark. Hort. Rpt., 1910; A Logical Selection of Apples for the Ozarks, do., 191 1; Pruning the Apple Tree, Southern Agriculturalist, 1912; Laws Re- lating to the Manumission of Slaves, Green Bag, 1904. Married Clara Cunningham, O 14. 1896, Champaign. Children: Charles Sherman, b. F 3, 1898; Dorothy Bell, b. Ja 17, 1899; Arthur Franklin, b. Je 28, 1900. Address, Springdale, Ark.f 632. WILLARD ALBION BOYD Mech. and Chem. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 6, 1870; s. William and Lucy (Foote) Boyd. Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Adelphic. Mech. Engr. in building const.; Mech. and Chem. Engr. for Explosive and Allied Industries, Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del. Married Louise Burnette, 1901, Chicago. Child, Robert Put- nam, b. Mr 31, 1910. Address, 22 Pendleton Lane, New Brighton, N. Y.' 633. ERNEST NEWTON BRAUCHER (Brother of Nos. 381, 382, 418, 792, 1017) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 16, i866, Lincoln, 111.; s. Daniel Ludwig and Henrietta Curtis (Hill) Braucher. Prepared in Lincoln H. S. Draftsman, Holabird and Roche, 1891- 95; Evans Marble Co., 1897; W. R. Roberts Co., 1898; City Engrs. Office, 1900; Map Dept., 1903; City .Architect's Office, Jl, 1903; Arch. Dept. Bd. of Educ, 1907; F. J. Drake & Co., 1907-09; Armour & Co., 1909-10; Arch, for F. J. Drake & Co., and selling aluminum for The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., 1910 — ; Arch., Chicago, 1912 — . Mem., Fifteenth Church of Christ Scientist. Married Lillie E. Abbott, 1891 (died 1897, Chicago); Katherine Hankin- son, 1899, Chicago. Children: Fred Abbott, b. .\g 18, 1892; Bertha Elizabeth, b. My 20, 1894. .iddress, 161 N. Long Ave., Austin Sta., Chi- cago; bus. add., 6 N. Clark St., do. LIVING, 4 DEAD) 634. ALICE VIRGINIA BROADDUS (CLARK) (Wife of No. 597) B. S.; A. B., 1911; b. N 13, 1868, Broaddus, 111.; d. Christopher (b. S 20, 1819) and Min- erva Ann (Hall) Broaddus (b. Ja 25, 1828). Prepared in Henry H. S. and Univ. Acad. .Methenai; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa; Soph- ogral'h; Class Prophet. Student, Dr. Sargent's school of physical training, Boston, 1893-4; V. P., Alumni Assn., 1911-12; Prin. H. S., For- rest, 111., 1S91-3; Dir., Mary Nash Coll. Gym- nasium, Sherman, Tex., 1894-6. Mem., Presby. Church; 111. branch Coll. Alumnae. Married Thomas Arkle Clark Coo), Ag 24, 1896. Ad- dress, 928 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 63s. FRED LYLE BUNTON Electrician; B. S. in E. E.; b. 1868, Elmira, 111.; s. Mary L. Bunton. Mgr., Milwaukee Elec. Co. .4ddress. 1610 Lytton Bldg., Chicago. 636. HELEN BUTTERFIELD (SCHOONHOVEN) Lecturer; B. L.; M. L., 1894; b. O 21, 1869. Pompey Center, N. Y.; d. Charles Otis (b. S 18, 1821, do.) and Martha D. (Bogardus) Butter- field (b. Ta 18, 1827, Dewitt, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai; The Idler. Radcliffe Coll., Cambridge; Pres. Class of 1888; Pres. of Alethenai, 1890; Represented Univ. of 111. in Intercoll. Orat. Contest, 1890, Bloom- ington. 111. Teacher of Eng., Mattoon H. S. 1891-3; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111. 1894-7; Lec- turer, 1897 — . Collaborator in a book on Move- ments for Social Betterment in Brooklyn, N. Y. Auth.: Domestic Sc. and Domestic Art at Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Scs. in Household .Arts Review, vol. iv. 1911, No. 1, pp. 22-27, 1911; Nature Stories for Children. Mem., South Congr. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Pres. Dom. Sc. Dept., Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Scs.; Mem., Local Sch. Bd. of Dist. 28, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; V. P., Brooklyn Woman's Club; V. P., Am. Assn. for the Planting and Preservation of City Trees, do.; Pres. of Urban Club, do.; Council of Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sc; Brooklvn Women's Club; Radcliffe Club of N. Y. ; Ex-pres., Assn. Brooklyn; Educ. Sec. of the Children's Museum, Brooklyn. Married John J. Schoonhoven, Je i6, 1897, Champaign. Child, George Otis, b. O 30. 1900. Address. 773 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. 637. -ANNA CARSON (Sister of No. 1835) B. L. in L. & A.; b. 1868. Urbana; d. Thomas Burke (b. Mr 6, 1S43, Urbana) and Melissa .Vnn (Stidham) Carson (b. Je 22, 1843). Teacher. Died O 18, 1908, Decatur, 111. 638. DICK HUBERT CHESTER (Brother of Nos. 11 12, 1481, 2350, 2935) B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 28, 1869, Champaign; s. Ezra E. (b. Ap 30, 1837, Truro, O.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Powell) Chester (b. F 25, 1840, Truro, do.). Prepared in Chester Sen. Phi Delta Theta. Mem., The Engrs.' Chib; Nat. Geog. Soc: Am. Breeders' Assn.; With Ross Heater & Mfg. Co., Inc. Married Lucille Augusta Bischoff, 1900, Washington, D. C. Child, Lucille Elsie, b. ja 24, 1901. Address, c/o Ross Heater & Mfg. Co., 1407 West Ave., ButTalo, N. Y. 639. JOHN NEEDLES CHESTER Hydraulic and Mech. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. and M. E. ; b. S 24, 1864, Groveport, O. ; s. Hubert (b. Jl 16, 1840, do.) and Melvina Sophia (Needles) Chester (b. Ag 8, 1842. Co- lumbus, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Philomathean; C. E. Club. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; rSQT] Baccalaureate Alumni 6i A. S. M. E. ; Am. Waterworks Assn.; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Hist. Soc. of West. Pa.; Engrs. Soc. of West. Pa.; Duquoine and Univ. Clubs of Pittsburgh. Address, Union Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh. 640. EDWARD BESANCON CLARKE (Brother of Nos. 641, 942, 1024) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 20, 1868, Fulton, N. Y.; s. Edwin Ambler (b. Je 8, 1839, Oswego, N. Y.) and Leoline Francesca (Be- sangon) Clarke (b. Je 20, 1839, Natchez, Miss.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. and Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Adelphic; Ath. Assn.; football and track team, 1890. Arch, draftsman and arch, in partnership with Lawrence Buck, Chicago, 1907-11; Office Mgr. for Stevens & Nelson Co., Archs., New Orleans, La., 191 1-12; practising arch., Quincy, 111., 1912-14; do., with F. W. Clarke, Omaha, Neb., 1914 — ■. Mem., Chicago Arch. Club, 1907-g. Married Louise Forstall, Ag 16, 1898, Chicago. Child, Leoline Louise. b. Ja 25, 1907. Address, 3524 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., 682 Brandeis Bldg.. do. 641. FREDERICK WOODRUFF CLARKE (Brother of Nos. 640, 942, 1024) Architect; A. B. in Arch.; b. D 12, 1870, New Orleans, La.; s. Edwin Ambler (b. 1843, Oswego, N. Y.) and Leoline Francesca (Be Sanson) Clarke (b. 1843, Natchez, Miss.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch.; Quincy H. S. Pres., Adelphic; Prize medals in track events; Football Team; second prize. Adelphic Declamation Contests; Capt. Univ. Regt. Draftsman, W^orld's Columbian Expo sition, Chicago, 1892; Prof., Drawing, Peoria Pub. Schs., 1893; Arch., Quincy, 111., 1896; Studied Arch, in France, Switzerland. Italy England, Scotland, 1897; Practising Arch.. Omaha, 1905-12; Dir. in Neb. Assn. of Arch., 1912-15; partnership with E. B. Clarke, 1915 — . Mem., A. I. A.; Univ. Club of Omaha. Mar ried Olive W'eller Davenport, F 14, 1901. Child (step-daughter). Katherine Davenport, b. N 23, 1893. Address, 682-7 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 642. NELLIE MARGARET DARBY (PETTERSON) B. L.; b. Ja 7, 1870, Elmwood, 111.; d. H. H. (b. Bethany, N. Y.) and Ellen (Smith) Darby (b. Elmwood, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Taught in Champaign Co., 1891-2; Prim. Norm. Dept., Platte Coll. Inst., Kearney, Neb., 1892-4; H. S., Dillon, Mont., 1895-6; Prin.. H. S., Moscow, Idaho, 1896-1900; Prescott. Ariz. H. S., 1900-01; Asst. Supt., Hedrick, la., 1902-s; Prin. H. S., Ortonville, Minn. 1906-10. First V. P., Inland- Empire Teachers' Assn., Wash., Ore. and Idaho, 1898-99. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Benjamin Petterson, Ag 23, igio. Child, Harry Darby, b. S 9, 191 2. Address, Wheaton, Minn. 643. EDWARD CHARLES EIDMANN (Brother of No. 1865) R. R. Postal Clerk; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 21, 1871, Mascoutah. 111.; s. Louis F. (b. Mr 16, 1847, do.) and Catherine (Koob) Eidmann (b. Ap 7, 1852, New Baden, 111.). Prepared in Cross Roads Pub. Sch., near Mascoutah. Civ. Engr., 1891-2; Ry. Postal Clerk, 1893 — • Mem., A. F. A. M.; Nat. Bee Keepers' Assn.; Internat. New Thought Alliance. Married Mary C. Kunze, Ap 28, 1903, Freeburg, 111. Child, Robert Emmett, b. Ta 4, 1905 (died D 2, 1913). Address, 114 S. 111. St., Bellville, III. 644. FRANK HARVEY ENO Prof., Mun. Engng.; B. S. in C. E., 1891; C. E., 1894; b. Jl 27, 1865, Elmwood. III.; s. Harvey (b. Ag 19, 1835, Fair Haven, N. Y.) and Caroline Nancy (Kellogg) Eno (b. Ap 16. 1841, Loraine, O.). Prepared in Univ. of S. CahL; Civ. Engrs'. Club; Philomathean; (.apt. and Maj. in Univ. Regt. Asst. Engr. and Supt. of Water Supply, Sewerage and Fire Protection at World's Columbian Exposition, 1 89 1 -4; Asst. to John A. Cole, Consult. Engr., 1894-s; Engr. and Supt. Public Works, Win- netka. 111., 1895-8; Asst., Engr., Columbus, O., 1 898-1 902; Assoc. Prof., Civ. Engng., O. St. Univ., 1902-5; Prof., Mun. Engng., O. St. Univ., 1905 — . Auth.: Uses of Hydraulic Ce- ment, Bui. 2, 4th Series of the O. Geol. Sur., published by the St. of O., 260 pp., 1904; Typhoid Fever Epidemic, Columbus, O., Engng. News, F II, 1904; The Road Building Mate- rials of Coshocton Co. Trustee of Oakwoods Union Church, 1894-5; Trustee Congr. Church, Winnetka, 111., 1893-8; Treas., Plymouth Congr. Church, Columbus, O., 1902; Deacon, 1903-4; mem., A. S. C. E.; Am. Water Works .Assn.; Am. Forestry Assn.; O. Engng. Soc; Engrs. Club of Columbus; Sigma Xi; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Nellie Cecilia Kellogg, O 17, 1892, Milwaukee, Wis. Address, Ohio St. Univ., Columbus, O. 64s. LAWRENCE FISCHER Merchant; Cert.; A. B., 1916; b. Je 15, 1866, near Oregon, 111.; s. George (b. O 7, 1818, Bavaria, Germany) and Margaret (Grohs) Fischer (b. Ag 31, 1835, do.). Prepared in Dist. Sch.; Well's Teachers' Tr. Sch., Oregon, 111. Arch. Drafting and Estimating, 1891-9; Mer- chant, Gen. Book Store, 1899. Married Grace A. Gantz, Je 27, 1897, Oregon, 111. Children: Marian G., b. My 5, 1898; Laura Beatrice, b. .Mr 15, 1902; Frank R., b. Jl 15, 1908. Ad- dress, Oregon, ID. 646. 'HANS FRAHM (Brother of No. 1499) Lawyer; B. L. in L. & A.; b. O 11, i868, Bourbon, 111.; s. Hans (b. Sciileswig Holstein, Ger.) and Cynthia Ann (Abbott) Frahm (b. Bourbon, 111.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. LL. B., Harvard, 1895. Practiced Law in Chicago, four yrs.; returned to Tuscola and superin- tended 1,000 acre farm. Mem., K. of P.- A. F. A. M.; Chm. Dem. Co. Central Com.; Candidate for Co. Judge, 1906. Died S 14, 1910, Tuscola, 111. I 647. JOHN HENRY FREDERICKSON (Brother of No. 806) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 1867, Cham- paign; s. Erasmus (b. Copenhagen, Denmark) and Johanna Hansena (Thorn) Frederickson, (b. do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Civ. Engr. with I. C. R. R., 1901; Engr. and Asst. Engr., James Stewart & Co., St Louis, 1904-6; Mgr., St. Road Const., Stewart, Korbaugh, Shanley Co., N. Y. St., 1907-8; Mgr., James Stewart & Co., Denver, 1909-11; do.. Salt Lake City, 1912-15; do., Oklahoma City, Okla. 1915; U. S. M. France, 1918 — . Mem., Wes Soc. of C. E.; A. S. C. E. Married Sarah Shel by, Je 2, 1908, Wareland, Miss. Children Myra Shelby, b. F 19, 1909: John H., b. O i 1911. Address, 6519 West End Blvd., New Or- leans, La. 648. RANSFORD MORTON FRENCH Draftsman on Bldg. Const.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 16, 1866, Venice, O.; s. Nathaniel Gran- ville (b. 1834, O.) and Amanda (Bartlett) French (b. 1840, O.). Prepared in Hamilton, O. Arch, and Bldg. Const. Married Vashti Morrow, O 6, 1897, Rapides, La. Children: Vashti Morrow, b. My 24, 1Q03; Ransford Mor- ton, Jr., b. Ap 2, 1906; Margaret Louise, b. Jl 4, 1910; 'William Robert, b. Je 28, 1913. Address, Blue Ash, O. 62 University of Illinois [1891 649. FRANK DUANE GARDNER Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 19, 1864, Gilman, ill.; s. Isaac J. (b. 1837, near Scran- ton, Pa.) and Inverno (Bennett) Gardner (b. 1840, Lockport, N. Y.). Prepared in Gilman H. S.i George Washington Univ., 1895-6. Adelphic; Agr. Club. Agr., Univ. of 111., 1891- 5; Soil Exp., U. S. Dept. of Agr,, 1895-01; Dir. Exp. Sta., Porto Rico, 1901-4: in charge of soil mgnit., Bur. of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904-S; Prof, of Agronomy, Pa. Coll. and Sta., 1908 — . Auth.: Bui. Nos. 19, with Prof. G. E. Morrow, 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 37 of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta.; also numerous buls. and circulars, U. S. Dept. of Agr.; soil surs., re- ports of the Porto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., ma- nurial requirements of soils; circulars Nos., 3. 30, 34. 31, 46 and Buls. Nos., 97, 131, 146, Pa. Agr. Exp. Sta.; also auth., Successful Farming, 1100 pp.; 15,000 practical ideas for farmers. The John C. Winston Co. Mem., Univ. Church; Am. Genetics Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agronomy; Am. Farm Mgnit. Assn.; Pa. Plant Breeders Assn.; Univ. Club; Biol. Soc. of Washington, D. C. ; Fruit Growers Assn. of Porto Rico; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Ellen P. Crum, Je 6, 1894, Farmer City, 111. Chil- dren: Matthias Bennett, b. N 29, 1897; Frank Easter, b. Ap 7, 1901; Reina Elisa, b. Ja 6, 1904. Address, State College, Pa. 650. CHARLES GORDON GIBSON Phys. and Surg.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 15, i868. South Grove, 111.; s. James (b. Glasgow, Scot.) and Margaret (Logan) Gibson (b. do.). Pre- pared in Sycamore, H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. D.. Rush Med. Coll. Married Margaret Piper, S 30, 1902, Chicago. Children: Helen Margaret, b. Jl 23, 1903; Frances Alice, b. F 2, 1905; Robert (jordon, My 10, 1909. Address, 2805 Nebraska St., Sioux City, la. 651. THOMAS STEPHEN GREEN Physician; B. S. in Sc. ; b. 1868, Jacksonville, 111., s. H. R. Green. M. D. Lt., M. O. R. C. Address, 4153 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1010,31 N. State and 3900 Cottage Grove Ave., do. 652. JAY TARVIN HARRIS Printer and Publisher; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 17, 1870, near Champaign; s. James Tarvin (b. O 6, 1835, Snow Hill, O.) and Lida Jane (Johnson) Harris (b. Jl 23, 1837, Mar tinsville, O.). Prepared in West Side H. S., Cham))aign. Engr. Soc; Pres., Jr. Class; Bus. Mgr., The Sophograph, The Technograpi\ and The Illini. City Engr., 1891-2; Engng. Dept., World's Fair, Chicago, 1892-3; Ins. and Loans, Salt Lake City, 1894-5; Newspaper and Printing, do., 1895-6; Pres. and Mgr., Tribune-Reporter Co., 1906-17; Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Arrow Press, Inc., 1917 — . Mem., Coml. Club; Country Club; Bear River Club; Univ. Club, Sec, Trcas., V. P. and Pres. Married Nellie May Bransford, O 10, 1900, Salt Lake City. Children: Bransford, b. My 9, 1907; Susanna, b. D 5, 1908. Address, 521 E. ist South St., Salt Lake City; bus. add., 62-66 W. 2d St., do. 653. ALFRED ERNEST HARVEY (Husband of No. 664) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1894; b. S 16, 1868, Waverley, 111.; s. Alfred (b. Ag 1836, Sutton, N. H.) and Elizabeth Foster (George) Harvey (b. 1836, Manchester, N. IL). Prepared in H. S., Pans, 111.; Capt,, Univ. Regt. ; Philomathean. World's 'Fair Asst. Engr., 1893; City Engr,, East Chicago, 1894; 111. Central R. R., 1902; Chicago Great West. R. R., 1905; I. C. R. R., 1905; St. L., L M. & S. R. R., 1905; Contracting Engr., 1906; Northern Pacific R. R., 1907; Supt., Chicago Great West. R. R., 1908; Kansas City South- ern Ry., 191 1 ; at present Chief Engr., Metro- politan St. Ry. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Married Cl;ira Myers ('9O. N 16, 1892, Newport, Ind. Children: Infant, b. Ap 6. 1894; Alfred Dallas, b. Ja 7, 1898; Harriet, b. S 14, igoo. Address, 817 E. 30th St., Kansas City, Mo.; bits, add., 1500 Grand Ave., do. 654. WALTER MORRIS HAY Farmer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 25, 1871. Somonauk, 111.; s. Isaac Morris and Aurelia (I-atham) Hay. Prepared in Somonauk H. S.; Philomathean: Civil Engr. and Surv., until 1004; Asst. Engr. World's Fair, 1893-4; (Zity Engr., Muscatine, la., 1895-96; Co. Surv., De- Kalb Co., 111., 1900-4; Circuit (I)lerk and Co. Recorder of DeKalb Co., 111., 1904-1916. Mar- ried Katherine Lowman, Je 23, 1896. Children: John Gilbert, b. N 27, 1897 (died Ja 9, 1907); Isaac Morris, b. Ag 19, 1899; Walter Lowman, 1>. S 12, 1910. Address, Sycamore, 111. 655. OPAL BEATRICE HELLER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1899; b. Ag 26, 1867, Urbnna; d. Eli 1. (b. Guaden- hutten, O.) and Sarah Ellen (Black) Heller (b. Ag 1, 1847, Ripley, O.). Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Attended Teachers Coll., Columbia, summer 1910. Teacher in Urbana, 1897; N. Yakima, Wash., 1900; Ellensburg, Wash., 1904; Phoenix, Ariz., 1008; Globe, Ariz., 1912. Ad- dress, Box 942, Phoenix, Ariz. 656. GLEN MOODY HOBBS Sec. Am. Sch. of Correspondence; B. L. ; b. Ag 17, 1870, Yorkville, 111.; s. Franklin Moody (b. 1829, Falmouth, Me.) and Harriet N. (Crooker) Hobbs (b. 1830, Saco, Me.). Pre- pared in Yorkville IL b. Ph. D., Chicago, 1905. Track Team; Band, leader, i890-oi_; Baseball Team; Pres. Sr. Class; Sigma Xi, 1902. Lab. Asst. in Phys., Univ. of 111., i8gi- .:; do., Univ. of Chicago, 1892-4; Instr. in Phys., Univ. of Chicago, 1 896-1909; Sec, Am. Sch. of Cor., 1909 — . Assoc Mem. Am. Physi- cal Soc; Chicago chap. Sigma Xi. Auth.: The Relation Between Spark Potential and Dis- tances for very small values of the latter, Phil. .1/a.i,'.; Practical Physics; joint auth.. Practical Math. Married Lucy H. Stratton, 1899, Chi- cago. Children: Wesley, b. Ja 17, 1903; Glenita, b. Ja 7, 191 1. Address, Am. Sch. of Cor., Chicago. 657. THOMAS JAMES HOWORTH Editor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F i, 1869. Quaker City, O.; s. Edmund (b. 1840, Lanca- shire, Eng.) and Campsadell (Moore) Howorth (b. 1846, Quaker City, O.). Prepared in Val- paraiso (Ind.) H. S. Adelphic; Intercoll. Orat. Meet, 1890; Illini Staff. Reportorial Staff, St. Louis Republic; Ed., Financial Record; Ed. Chester Tribune, 1894 — . Married Grace A. Briggs, O 5, 1900, Urbnna (died S 1905). Children: Edmund Briggs, b. S 15, 1901; Ula Ruth, b. Jl 14, 1903. Address, Chester, Ill.t 658. ISABEL ELIZA JONES (Sister of Nos. 659, 1236) Instructor; Cert,; B. S. in Sc, 1914; b. Champaign; d. James St. Claire (b. London, O.) and Eliza (Houston) Jones (b. S. Charleston, O.). Stud, of Arts, Pratt Inst. Kappa Alpha Theta. Instr., Art and Design. L^niv. of 111., 1002-10. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 302 W. Church St., Champaign. 659. MABEL JONES (Sister of Nos. 658, 1236) Librarian; B. L. in L. & S.; B. L. S. 1909; b. Champaign; d. James St. Claire (b. London, O.) and Eliza (Houston) Jones (b. S. Charleston, O.). Address, 302 W. Church St., Champaign. iSqi] Baccalaureate Alumni ^'3 660. ORA DEAL McCLURE (Brother of No. 757) Master Mechanic; B. S. in M. E. ; b. 1868, Gibson City, 111.; s. J. T. McClure. Capt. Master Mechanic, Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. Address, Ishpetning, Mich.t 661. 'WIRT McCORMICK (Brother of Nos. 826, 2744) B. L. in L. & S.; M. L. 1891; b. 1872, Gib- son City. 111.; s. Bruce (b. 1843. Streator, 111.) and Martha Rebecca (Gibson) McCormick (b. 1848, Xenia, O.). Died Ap 9, 1893, Mahomet, 111. 662. AUGUST MAUE Principal; B. L. in L. & S.; b. Ag 27, i865, Mokena, 111.; s. Daniel (b. 1832, Bavaria, Ger.) and Sarah (Mast) Maue (b. 1836, do.). Pre- pared in Adrian (Mich.) Norm.; Grad. 1885. Philomathean; Class Historian. Prin. Schs., 1891-1906; Wholesale Prod, bus., 1906-8; Prin., Schs., 1908-18. Mem., Bd. of Trustees M. E. Church. Married Carrie V. Linebarger, D 26, 189s, Elwood, 111. Child, Harold Linton, b. Ap 2, 1902. Address, 102 Mound St., Joliet, 111. 663. CHARLES JACOB MITCHELL Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 21, 1868, Ful- ton, 111.; s. Abram D. and Mary E. (Murphy) Mitchell. Prepared in Fulton H. S. Keystone Bridge Co., 1892; I. C. Ry. Co., Field Engr., 1895; Draftsman, Fairbank, Morse & Co., Chi- cago, 1900; Chief Draftsman, do., Beloit, Wis., 1900 — . Auth.: Short articles in Am. Machinist; Power and Mach. Mem. Congr. Church; Dir., Beloit Y. M. C. A.; A. S. M. E.; Beloit Country Club; Masonic Societies; Nat. Geog.; Beloit Six O'clock Club. Mar- ried Grace D. Dickinson, Mr 15, 1894, Eureka. III. Children: Hugh D., b. D 23. 1894; Donald E., b. D 19, 1896; Roger D., b. Ag 28, 1898; Malcolm, b. Ag 3, 1900; Marianna, b. Ag If), 1906; Charles James, b. S 17, 1907; Robert W., b. Jl 8, 1912. Address. 888 Schiller Place, Beloit, Wis. 664. CLARA MYERS (HARVEY) (Wife of No. 6s3) B. L. in L. & S.; b. Je 25, 1869, Newport, Ind.; d. W. C. (b. O 19, 1844, Newport, Ind.) and Maria (Burson) Myers (b. Jl 7, 1842, New- port, Ind.). Prepared in Newport H. S. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Alfred Ernest Harvey ('91), N 16, 1892, Newport, Ind. Children: Infant, b. Ap 6, 1894; Alfred Dallas, b. Ja 7. 1898; Harriet, b. S 14, 1900. Address, 817 E. 30th St., Kansas City, Mo. 665. *SARAH MARIENA PAINE (Sister of No. sScr) Music Teacher; B. S. in Sc; b. Ap 28, 1862, Sidney, 111.; d. Andrew Jackson (b. Ag 19, 1832, Grafton, Mass.) and Elizabeth Ann (Shackleford) Paine (b. My 7, 1827, Danville, Ky.). Prepared in Sidney Tp. H. S. and E. Champaign H. S. Cor. Sec, Y. W. C. A.; Pres., Alethenai; Pres. Stud. Volunteer. Teach- ing, S. Raymond. 111., 1894; pvt. instr.. Long- view, 1895-1907; Instr.. Mus., 1893-1905. Mem., Church of Christ; Y. P. S. C. E.; Supt. of S. S., 1902-4; 1907-8; W. C. T. U., 1886-93; Supt., Medal Cont. Dept., W. C. T. U., 1907-9; 111. Mus. Teachers Assn., 1898 — . Nat. Geog. Soc; C. W. B. M. Died D 20, 1912, Kanka- kee. 111. 666. LORIN WILLIAM PEABODY Mech. Expert; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 24, 1864, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Hiram (b. O 21, 1835, La- Gro, Ind.) and Hester A. (Brodrick) Peabody (b. Je 23, 1840, Colfax, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Philomathean; Class Pres. Engr. of Tests, St. L. & S. F. R. R., 1904; Mech. Expert, Waters Pierce Oil Co. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Carrie R. Abbott, S 4, 1907, Springfield, Mo. Address, 643 W. Walnut St., Springfield, Mo. 667. JOHN HENDERSON POWELL Real Est. Bus.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 7, 1868, Shawneetown, 111.; s. H. B. and Elizabeth Sarah (Barger) Powell. Adclphic. City Engr., Mt. Vernon, 111., 1891; Inst, in Descrip. Geom. and G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1891-2; Treas., Swofford Bros.. Dry Goods Co., wholesale, Kansas City, Mo., 1907; Real Est., Sec. and Treas., La Porte Orchard Co., 19 10. Elder, Central Presby. Church. Kansas City, Mo.; Knife and Fork Club; Southwestern Alumni Assn. Married Amy E. Andrews, O I2, 1897, Flemingsburg, Ky. Child, John Henderson, Jr., b. O 19, 1898. Address, 10 14 E. Armour Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.f 668. FREDERIC WILLIAM RICHART Elec. Engr. and Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1902; b. F 21, 1867, Fredonia, 111.; s. Hugh M. (b. F 23, 1826, Pa.) and Rebecca (Harrison) Richart (b. Ap 17, 1829, Portage Co., O.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Engr. Soc; Pres., Class. Professional Expert, one yr.; Engr., Weaver Coal & Coke Co., 1902; Designed built up Const, for Coal Tipples; Coal Feeders for shaking Screens; Elec. Engr. and Mgr., Lt. and Power properties, 1906 — : Pres., Interur- ban Elec. Co. Auth.: Selection of Engines for Elec. Lighting, Elec. World. Elder, Presby. Church; A. S. M. E. Married Elizabeth Wat- son, Ag 6, 1902, Carterville, 111. Children: Ralph Robert, b. D 30, 1903; Christian Re- becca, b. Ag 8, 1907; Hugh McAllister, b. Jl 13, 1910. Address, Carterville, 111. 669. EMMA EFFIE SEIBERT Artist and Teacher; B. S. in Sc; b. F 25, 1868, Riverdale, 111.; d. George (b. Meredosia, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Pollard) Seibert (b. Mason Co., 111.). Prepared in Washington H. S., Jacksonville, 111. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Fellowship in Art. Teacher, 1891-2; Student, 1892-1902; Teacher, 1902-3. Address, 1535 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles. 670. CLARENCE ALBERT SHAMEL (Brother of Nos. 618, 1169) Editor: B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1894: b. Mr 9, 1869, near Springfield, 111.; s. Conrad and Caro- line (Alkire) Shamel. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ed., mini. Ed., Orange Judd Farmer, 1902 — . Auth. : Profitable Stock Raising, Orange Judd Co., N. Y., 191 1, 270 pp. Mem., Presby. Church; York and Scottish Rite Mason; Birch- wood (Country Club; 111. Farm Press Assn.; Past Commander Evanston Commandery K. T. Married Pearl Teresa Springer, Jl 17, 1907. Children: Conrad Springer, b. Ag 23, 1908; Garth Coleman, b. O 27, 1909. Address, 1344 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. t 671. ANNA SHATTUCK (PALMER) (Daughter of H39; Wife of No. 363; Sister of No. 672; Mother of No. 8641) B. L.; M. L., 1895; b. D 7, 1868, Urbana; d. Samuel Walker (b. 1841, Groton, Mass.) and Adelaide Louise (White) Shattuck (b. 1841, Centerville, O.). Alpha Chi Omega; Alethenai. Pres. Teacher, 1887-89; do., 1892-3; Stud, and Asst., Rhet., 1905 — •. Mem., Collegiate Alum- nae Assn.; Phi Beta Kappa. Married Arthur William Palmer ('83), 1893, Champaign (died F 3, 1904). Child, Charles Shattuck ('17), b. N II, 1895. Address, 1013 W. California St., Urbana. 64 University of Illinois [If E 672. WALTER FRANCIS SHATTUCK (Brother of No. 671; Son of H39) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; M. Arch. Ph. D., Armour Inst, of Tech. 1916; b. D 12, 1871, Urbana; s. Samuel Walker (b. 1841, Groton, Mass.) and Adelaide Louise (White) Shattuck (b. 1841, Centerville, O.). Prepared in Cham- laign PI. S. Instr., Arch, and Prof, of Arcii., Jhicago Sch. of Arch., 1891 — . Married Miram C. Neuberger, D 14, 1897, Chicago. Children: Miram Adelaide, b. S 24, 1898; Janet Martin, b. My 4, 1900; Walter Francis Jr., b. Je 25, 190b. Address, Room 1424, 19 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago; bus. add., Kenilworth Ave. and Abbotts- ford Road, Kenilworth, 111. 673. FRANK OSCAR SMOLT Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 15, 1867, Pawpaw, 111.; s. John Rudolph (b. Ap 11, 1821, Mecklinburg, Ger.) and Mary Ann (Logue) Smolt (b. Mr lo, 1833, Pottsville, Pa.). Pre- pared in Minneapolis H. S.; Sem. at Pawpaw; Jenning's Sem., Aurora, 111. Capt., Univ. Regt. Chem., M. H. Zinc Co., 1891-2; Mine and Sampling Cos., 1892-9; Butte B. & M. C. & S. .\I. Co., 1899-1900: Smelter Supt., Yerington, Nev., 1901-2; Mine Surv., Butte, Mont., 1902-3; Mill work, Mascota, Jal., Mex., 1903-s; Mgr-, Aline and Smelter, V'elardena, Dgo., Mex., 1906-10; with Dearborn Drug and Chem. Works, Manila, P. 1., 1910— . Mem.. A. C. S. Mar- ried Marie E. Jolley, Ap 9, 1896. Child, Helen, b. Je 20, 1898. Address, Box 402, Manila, P. I. 674. JOSEPH SAMUEL TERRILL B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1894; b. My 25, 1863, Ridott, 111.; s. Joseph Goodwin (b. S 1838, New York State) and Ruth Rutitia (Smith) Terrill (b. 1835, New Jersey). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Adelphic. Asst., Exp. Sta., Ky., 1891-5; Fruit tree trimmer and gardener. Ad- dress, Deer Grove, Ill.t 675. CHARLES DAVIS VAIL Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 11, 1866, Lone Tree, 111.; s. Richard R. (b. N 11, 1818, Newark, N. J.) and Catherine (Brokaw) Vail (b. Je 30, 1839, Summerville, N. J.). Philoma- thean; Sr. Class Pres.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. Engr., U. P. R. R., 1891-3; Chief Draftsman, U. S. Sur. Gen. Office of Wyo., 1893-4; Loc Engr., I. C. & W. R. R., 1894-5; Asst. Engr., Mex. Int. R. R., do.; Asst. Engr., U. P. R. R., 1895-6; Div. Engr., O. S. L. R. R., 1896-7; Prin. Asst. Engr., Butte Water Co., Cheyenne, Wyo., now of Vail, Read and Cummings. Mem., Mont. Soc. of Engrs.; A. S. C. E.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Silver Bow Club. Married Rose Paden, S 6, 1893, Denver. Children: Richard Randolph, b. Ap 8, 1895 (died F 6, 1905); Allan Paden, b. D 8, 1896; Kenyon Colyar, b. S 28, 1899; Charles Gilles- pie, b. O 10, 1901 (died F 1, 1905); Vera Mary, b. Ap 16, 1905. Address, 29 Ogden St., Den- ver.t 676. ROSS STRAWN WALLACE Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 1869, Chats- worth, 111.; s. Robert Ross (b. Mr 13, 1835, O.) and Louise C. (Strawn) Wallace, b. N 18, 1845, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Treas. Ath. Assn.; Class Pres.; Capt;., Univ. Regt. Mach. and Draftsman, 1 891-2; Draftsman, 1892- 3; Exp. Engr., 1893-5; Master Mechanic, 1895-9; Supt., 1899; Gen. Supt., Peoria Gas and Elec. Co., 1906-9; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Peoria Gas and Elec. Co., Gen. Mgr. and V. P. Citizen's Gas. and Elec. Co., Pekin, 111., 191 1; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Pekin Light and Power Co., 191 1; do., Washington Light and Power Co., Wash- ington, 111., 1911; do.. Central 111. Light Co., 1913 — . Dir. Y. M. C. A., Peoria; mem., A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Country Club of Peoria; Presby. Church; Creve Coeur Club of Peoria. Married Jessie Waring, Je 1, 1898, Washington, 111. Child- ren: Margaret Lucile, b. N 9, 1899; Helen Louise, b. O 15, 1903; Eleanor Frances, b. Mr 31, 1912. Address, 172 Fredonia Ave., Peoria.; bus. add., 3:6 S. Jefferson St., do. 677. CHARLES BAILEY YOUNG Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 23, 1865, Aurora, 111.; s. Jacob Russell (b. Mr 19, 1819, Johnstown, N. Y.) and Clarrissa Bailey (Cran- dall) Young (b. F 17, 1824, Tonawanda, N. Y.). Prepared in Aurora H. S. Adelphic. Drafts- man for C. B. & Q. R. R., 189 1-9; Chief Drafts- man, 1899-1902; Mech. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1902-5; Mech. Engr., C. B. & Q. System, 1905 — ; Mgr., Inspection and Test Section of Div. of Transportation Dept., Wash. D. C. Mem., Master Car Builder's Assn., 1902; Am. Ry. Master Mechanics Assn., 1902; Chicago Engrs. Club; West. Ry. Club, Pres., iieii-12. Married Lillian Verdell Frazier, O 11, 1905, .Aurora, III. (died Ja 14, 1917.). Address, Ad- dison Road, Riverside, 111.; bus. add., 610 So. Ry. Bldg., Washington, D. C. CLASS OF 1892 (37 LIVING, 5 DEAD) 678. ALICE MAY BARBER (BENNETT) (Wife of No. 562) B. S.; M. S., 1893; b. Ap 21, 1862, LaFox, IlL; d. Calvin C. (b. Ap 21, 1817, Fabius, N. Y.) and Maria Louisa (Garfield) Barber (b. O 16, 1833, Mt. Holly, Vt.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Held ist Fellowship given in Univ. Hon. Mem., Audubon Soc. of St. of la. Married F. M. Bennett ('89), S S. 1895, La Fox. 111. Children: Orpha Estelle, b. N 29, 1896 (died F 14, 1912); Lawrence Barber, b. Ap 23, 1900. Address, 141 1 Elm St., Youngstown, O. 679. WILLIAM DAVIS BARBER (Brother of No. 377) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 26, 1864, Strathroy, Ontario, Can.; s. Isaac and Ursula Mary (Davis) Barber. Prepared in Urbana and Aylmer (Ont.) H. Schs. Tall Building Const.; Location and Const, of R. Rs. ; Tunnel Const.; in charge of the div. of Const, and Repair, Chi- cago. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Mary Edith Wickett, D 12, 1892. Children: Harold William, b. Ap 18, 1896 (died Ta 3, 1899); Milo Isaac, b. N 30, 1897 (died Ja 5, 1899); Evelyn Ursula, b. Ja 27, 1900; William Edward, b. Jl 15, 1902, Address, 4th Floor, Bur. of Engng., City Hall, Chicago.t 680. JOHN KING BARKER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 19, 1864, Shutesbury, Mass.; s. Franklin (b. Ap 12, 1830, Palmer, Mass.) and Arvilla Lucinda (Mc- Clintock) Barker. Prepared in Palmer H. S.; Mass. Agr. Coll. C. E. Club; Football team. Mem., Boston Soc. C. E.; N. E. Water Works Assn.; Springfield Bd. of Trade. Married Annie Brooks Crane, Ta 15, 1901, Hanover, Mass. Child, Franklin W., b. N 13, 1905. Ad- dress, 37 Bimie Road, Long Meadow, Mass. 681. FRANK BECKWITH Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 8, 1869, Quincy, 111.; s. James (b. 1840, N. Y. State) and Emily A. (Martin) Beckwith (b. 1843, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Asst. Engr., C. B. & Q. Ry., 1892-7; Res. Engr., Quincy Bridge, 1897-9; Engr. la. Lines, 1 899-1903; Prin. Asst. Engr. and Bridge Engr., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 1903-06; Gen. Supt., Ind. Harbor and C. I. & S. Ry., 1906; Const. Engr., Pac. R. R., 1006-9; Chief Engr. Walsh Const. Co., 1909 — • Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Alice Moser, N 1894. Dubuque, la. Children: Lawton Bancroft, b. O 1895; Harold Radclifle, b. My 1900; LeBrun, Baccalaureate Alumni 6S b. N 1004. Address, 1240 Dearborn St., Chi- cago.; bus. add.. Gen. Office, C. B. & Q. R. R- do.-t 682. SARAH BENNETT (ERWIN) (Sister of Nos. 561, 1309) B. L. in L. & A.; b. Ja 31. 1872, Mattoon, 111.; d. Charles (b. 1839, Bridgeton, Me.) and Susan W. (Cleaves) Bennett (b. 1842, Bridge- ton, Me.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Ale- thenai; Valdictorian; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Latin, H. S., 1892-3. Married John M. F. Erwin, Ag 24, 1893, Mattoon, 111. Child, Susan Cleaves, b. Jl 23, 1901. Address, 2343 33rd Ave., South Seattle. 683. CASSANDRA BOGGS (MILLER) (Sister of Nos. 340, 791, 1630) B. L.; b. O 22, 1869, Douglas Co., 111.; d. Benjamin Franklin (b. Jl 2, 1832, Lawrence Co., O.) and Mary Jane (Armstrong) Boggs (b. N 29, 183s, do.). Prepared in Tuscola, 111. Ale- thenai. Teacher, Urbana, 1892-9: Toppenish, Wash., 1899-1900; North Yakima, Wash., 1901; Seattle, 190 1-7. Married George Abram Miller, D 23, 1909. Address, 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 684. PARKE TUNIS BURROWS Architect; B. S.; b. Ag 8, 1871, Davenport, la.; s. Elisha Gamage (b. Jl 12, 1840, do.) and Johanna (Hand) Burrows (b. Cincinnati). Prepared in Davenport H. S., and by pvt. instruction. Philomathean; Pres., Class, 1892; Capt. and Maj., Univ. Regt. Arch., Draftsman, 1892-s; Hubbell & Burrows, 1895; Clausen & Burrows, 1 896-1 904; Temple, Burrows & Mc- Lane, 1904-10; Temple & Burrows, 1910 — ■. Mem., A. I. A.; Pres., la. Chap. A. I. A., 1916-17; Davenport Bd. of Educ, 1913-17; Bd. of Dir., Registrar Life and Annuity Ins. Co.; Bd. of Trustees, First Presby. Church; Daven- port Coml. Club: Davenport Outing Club. Married Camilla Simmons Wolcott, O 29, 1902, St. Louis. Children: Camilla Wolcott, b. r, 1908; Helen Tunis, b. Jl 29, 191 1: John Mc- Dowell, b. O 18, 1912; Parke Wolcott, b. Je 25, 1914. Address, 221 Mississippi Ave., Daven- port, la.; bus. add., 208 Main St., do. 68s. FRANKLIN GREGORY CARNAHAN (Brother of No. 940) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 8, 1872, Springfield, 111.; s. David Franklin (b. S 16, 1825, Montour Co., Pa.) Sarah Anna (Dobbin) Carnahan (b. Je 4. 1838, Madison, Ind.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Pres., Sigma Chi; Y. M. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa; Tennis Singles and Doubles Championships; Varsity Baseball; Class Football; (iym. Team; Glee Club, Mgr. ; Class Poet; Mem., Sophograph Bd. Supt., Waterworks, Champaign, 1892- 1896; Atty-at-Law, Champaign, 1896-1903; Treas., Federal Elevator Co., Minneapolis, 1903-1912; Lawyer, Minn., 1903; do., Calif., 1912; do., Washington, 1018 — . Married Har- riet Horton, D 18, 1901, Winona, Minn.; Helen Catharine Desiny, N 16, 191 5, Seattle. Chil- dren: Elizabeth Horton, b. Je 15, 1903; David Horton, b. Je i, 1908. Address, 112 Railroad Ave., So. Seattle. 686. *JOHN WATERBURY CRISSEY Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 6, 1869, Chester, III.; s. Morris C. and Mary (Cole) Cris- sey. Adelphic. With Metropolitan West Side Ele- vated Ry., Chicago; 111. Central R. R., Chicago and New Orleans: L. S. & M. S. R. R., Chicago. Married Grace Colehour, O 10, 1899. Children: Kathryn, b. D i, 1902; Tohn. b. S 25, 1904; Marion, b. O 26, 1906. Died Mr 7, 1913- 687. CHARLES WILLIAM CROSS Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 4. 1870, Ke- wanee. 111.; s. William Tyler and Melissa Ann (Peet) Cross. Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Sigma Chi; Philomathean; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Baseball; Glee Club and Univ. Quartet. With Holabird & Roche, Archs., Chicago, 1892-3; Kewanee Boiler Co., 1894; Brown, Kitchen Iron Co., Indianapolis, 1894-1911; Chief Engr., Christopher, Simpson Iron Works Co., St. Louis, 191 1. Married Josephine Adams, O 10, 1898. Child, Helen Josephine, b. Jl 27, 1904. Address, 3702 Sylvan Pl^ Pinelawn P. O., St. Louis; bus. add., 8th and Park Ave., do. 688. ROBERT HUMPHREY FORBES (Brother of Nos. 1129, 1869) Dean and Agronomist; B. S. in Sc. ; M. S., 1895; b. My, 1867, Cobden, 111.; s. Henry Clinton (b. My 10, 1833, Preble Corners, N. Y.) and Laura Jane (Gorham) Forbes (b. F 24, 1835, Rutland, Vt.). Prepared in Prince- ton H. S.; Attended Harvard, grad. stud., 1893-4. Ph.D., Univ. of Calif., 191 6. Adel- phic; Sigma Chi; Bureau Co., Scholarship; Conklin Orat., first prize, 1891. Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1892-3; Chem. and teacher of Chem., 1894-1904; Dir., Ariz. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1899-1916; Dean, Coll. of Agr., Univ. of Ariz., 1916-18; Supt. and Agronomist, Societe Sultanienne d' Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt, 1918 — . Sec, Ariz. Hort. Com., 1909-12. Auth.: A large number of Buls. and Rpts., relating to S. W. Agr. Married Georgie Hazel Scott, Ja 15, 1902. Address, Agr. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz. 689. WINSLOW HOWARD FOSTER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 10, 1869, Chicago; s. Addison Howard (b. N 13, 1838, Wilton, N. H.) and Susan M. (Houghton) Foster (b. N 29, 1838, New Ipswich, N. H.). Prepared in Chicago West Div. H. S. Philo- mathean; Pres., Soc. of Engrs. With W. Mo- rava and Morava Const. Co., continuously from graduation to Ja 1910 (V. P. to 1910); Contr., Engr., in partnership with W. R. Ash- ton & Co.; 111. licensed struct. Engr. and Arch. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs., 1900; Chicago En- tomological Soc, 1900-02. Married Anna Mabel Burr, S 20, 1894, Winnetka, 111. Chil- dren: Jeannette Howard, b. N 3, 1895; Anna Burr, b. Je 12, 1900; Helen Houghton, b. Ja 12, 1903. Address, 9238 Pleasant Ave., Chi- cago. 690. "ZEBULON FOSTER C. Engr.: B. S. in C. E.; b. 1865, Rossville, 111.; s. E. Foster. Deceased. 691. EDMUND B.MLEY FUNSTON (Brother of No. 877) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 19, 1868, Champaign Co.; s. John H. (b. F 9, 1828, O. ) and Elizabeth (Bailey) Funston (b. O 26, 1833, do.). Prepared in Univ. of 111. Prep. Sch. Philomathean. Mem., firm Edmund B. Fun- ston Archs., Racine, Wis. Married Ella May Kephart, Ag 23, 1905. Child, Jeannette J., b. N 27, 1915. Address, 904 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis. 692. ANDREW WALLIS GATES Civ. Engr. and Mfr.; B. S.; C. E.; b. Je 24, 1867, Pawpaw, 111.; s. Francis E. (b. do'.) and Polly M. (Robinson) Gates (b. do.). Pre- pared in Aurora Sem. and Dixon Coll. Philo- mathean; Mgr., Football Team; Bus. Mgr.. mini; Pres., St. Football League. City Engr. Work, City Contract Work and Mfg.; Pres., Gates Fire Clay Co., Colchester, 111. Mem.. 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Am. Ceram. Soc. Married Filone Norton, Ja i, 1903, Wichita, Kan. Address, Monmouth, 111. 693. EDWARD EVERETT GULICK (Brother of Nos. 694, 1036) * Teacher; LL. B.; b. N 20, 1868, Champaign; s. Jesse Richard (b. D 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., O ) and Louisa Lousette (Everett) Gulick (b. D 4. 1848, Champaign Co., 111.). Prepared in 66 University of Illinois [1892 Mahomet H. S.; Univ. Acad. B. D.. A. M., Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111. Philoma- thean. Minister, 1900-4; Farmer, 1904-7; Boilermaker, Big Four Shops, 1907-9; Ins. Fraternalism, 1909-11; Bookkeeper at A. E Robinson's, 1911-12; with E. C. Harley, 191 2- 14; Teacher, Morton Tp. H. S., 111., 1918— . Auth. : Civilization a question of Geography, Coll. Review, N 1906. Married Minnie Belle Reinhard, Je 7, 1899, Champaign (divorced F b, 1906); Louise Schernau, Jl 7, 1913. Children: Florence Isabelle, b. F 23, 1901; Margrett Loucile, b. Mr i, 1904. Address, Morton Tp. High School, Morton. 111. 694. JOSEPH PIPER GULICK (Brother of Nos. 693, 1036) Lawyer; B. L.; b. D 2, 1870, Vandalia, 111.; s. Jesse Richard (b. D 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., O.) and Louisa Lousette (Everett) Gulick (b. D 4, 1848, Champaign Co., III.). Prepared in Mahomet H. S. and Univ. Acad. Philoma- thean; Excelsior Orator. Worshipful Master, West Star Lodge No. 240, A. F. A. M., 1898- 1903; Commander, Champaign Commandery, No. 68, K. T., 1904; Excellent High Priest, Champaign, Chapter R. A. N., 1918; Pres., Champaign Co., Bar. Assn., 1916-17. Address, 508 S. Elm St., Champaign. 695. CHARLES ALEXANDER GUNN (Brother of No. 3005) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 22, 1870, Chicago; s. Alexander Hunter (b. 1834, N. Y. City) and Emily Almira (Dyer) Gunn (b. 1839, Painesville, O.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Adelphic; Sigma Chi; Glee Club; Class Baseball; Capt., Univ., Regt. ; Varsity Baseball; Record in track events, 111. and W. I. C. A. A. Arch., draftsman, Chicago, 1892-3; Asst., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1893-6, with practise alone, and with C. D. McLane; Asst., Arch., Columbia, 1896-7; Arch, work, New York, 1897-1903; Head of Estimating L)ept. for H. L. Krensler, Bldg. Const., Pitts burgh, 1903-7; Practising arch., in Pittsburgh, 1907-9; Sec, Layirien's Miss. Movement; Treas. and Bus. Agt,, Philippine Mission, Manila, P. I., 1911-16; Mission Arch., for P. I., South China and Hawaii, 1916 — . Mem., Congr. Church, 1881-95; various Presby. de nominations, 1895 — . Married Susan May Borden, D 27, 1894, Chicago. Children: Alex ander Borden, b. N 13, 1896 (died Ja 19, 1907); Marion, b. O 24, 1898 (died Ja 26, 1905); Harriet Gilbert, b. My 27, 1904; Helen May, b. S 9, 1910. Address, LaGrange, 111. 696. FRED AUGUSTUS HALL Farmer; B. S. in Chem. ; b. near Tonica, 111., Ap 26, 1867; s. Stillman Augustus (b. Ja 23, 1838) and Harriet Adelia (Beardsley) Hall (b. jfe 10, 1842.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Camera Club. Drug business, Tonica, 111., 1893-9; Agr. and Exten- sive farming under irrigation & Wholesalt- Produce and Comm. bus. and Hardware store, Toppenish, Wash., 1900-4; Sec. Richey & Gil bert Co. (Inc.) (Zomm. Storage, Hardware & Implements, etc., Toppenish, Wash., 1Q04; Fruit growing N. Yakima, Wash., 1904 — . Mar- ried Luella Richey, O 17, 1894 (died S 28, 1907, North Yakima, Wash.) ; Frances G. Chace, Je 26, 1909, Seattle, Wash. Children: Thorland Richey, b. Jl 30, 1896, Isabelle Hamilton, b. My 29, 1900; Burton Augustus, b. My 31, 1902. Address, R. 4, North Yakima, Wash. Arch., 1899—. Mem., Am. Inst, of Arch.; Bohemian Club; Commonwealth Club; San Francisco Golf and Country Club. Married Hilda W. MacDonald, Mr 5, 1904, San Fran- cisco. Child, Ralph Warner, Jr., b. Ja 5, 1906. Deceased. 698. WALTER CLARENCE HARVEY Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 14, 1870, Waverly, 111.; s. Alfred (b. No. Sutton, N. H.) and Lizzie Foster (George) Harvey (b. New Bedford, N. H.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Philomathean. Engr. with special reference to Ry. Const, and Maintenance since 1895; I- C. R. R., 1895-9; Chicago Ter. Trans. Ry., 1899- ipoi; Rio Grande West. R. R., 1901-2; C. and N. W. R. R., 1902-5; Asst. Engr., Chicago Great West. R. R., St. Paul, 1905-14; Prin. Asst. Engr., Chicago Great West. R. R., 1914 — . .Married Belle Whiting Barry, S 16, 1901. Child, Virginia, b. S 12, 1904. Address, 1527 E. 67th PL, Chicago; bus. add., 463 Grand Central Sta., do. 699. LOTT RUSSEL HERRICK (Brother of Nos. 1893, 3404, 5719) Lawyer; B. L.; b. D 8, 1871, Farmer City, 111.; s. George W. (b. Newville, Ind.) and Dora Olive (Knight) Herrick (b. Farmer City, 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894. Sigma Chi. County Judge, DeWitt Co., 1902-4 (resigned). Married Har- riet H. Swigart, Ap 2, 1896, Farmer City, 111. Children: Mildred, b. Je 26, 1901; Harriet Helen, b. S 18, 1903. Address. Farmer City, 111. 700. AGNES GALE HILL Missionary; A. B. ; b. N 6, 1867, Dayton, C; d. M. Y. (b. D 22. 1834. Highgate, Vt.) and Flora E. (Bierce) Hill (b. S 28, 1836, Nelson, O.). Prepared in Nevada (Mo.) H. S. Alethe- nai; Y. W. C. A. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Toledo, O., 1892-4; Travelling Sec, S. V. M. F. M., 1894; Gen. Sec. Y. W. C. A., Madras, India, 1895-7; Nat. Sec, Y. W. C. A., for In- lia, Burma and Ceylon, 1896-1912; Miss., Am. Presby. Mission, Gwalior, India, 1913 — . Ad dress, Lashkar, Gwalior, India. 701. GEORGE A. HUFF Phys. Tr. Dir.; B. S., 1917 as of the class of 1892; b. Je II, 1872, Champaign; s. George t .Alexander (b. Ja i, 1842, Mercer Co., Ky.) and Mary Marie (Martin) Huff (b. F 23, 1845, Crawfordsville, Ind.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S., Englewood H. S. (Chicago), and Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Ma-wan-da; Varsity Base Ball, 1889, '90, '92; Capt. and Mgr., 1890 and 1892; Varsity Foot Ball, 1890 and 1892. .'\ttended Univ. of 111., 1888-9; Dartmouth Med. Coll., 1893-4. Asst. Dir., Gym., Coach of .\th. Teams. Univ. of 111., 1895-1901; Dir., Dept. of Phys. Tr., 1901 — . Auth.: Educ. Aths., Encyclopedia Americana. vol. 6; How to Play Base Ball, A>n. Boy., vol. 16, No. 8, 9, 10, 1915. Mem., Ath. Research Soc; Soc of Coll. Physical Dirs.; Dist. Rep., 1918; Nat. Collegiate Ath. Assn. Married Katherine Louise Naughton, D 8, 1897, Cham- paign. Children: Katherine, b. S 22, 1898; Helen Elizabeth, b. Mr 20, 1901; George III, b. S 18, 1905. Address, 304 W. Church St., Champaign. 697. *RALPH WARNER HART Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N s, i860, Rockford, 111.; s. Alfred, Jr. (b. D 13, 1836, N. Y.) and Georgianna (Anderson) Hart (b. Mr 17, 1838, N. Y.). Prepared in Evanston H. S. Adelphic; Glee Club; Capt., Football team; Trustee A. A.; Draftsman, 1892-99; practicing 702. CHARLES ALBERT KILER (Brother of Nos. 964, 1047) Merchant; B. L.; b. S 8, 1869, Urbana; s. William Alexander (b. Ap 24, 1841, Dayton, O.) and Charlotte (Mittendorf) Kiler (b. Mr 17, 1846, Wolfenbuettel, Ger.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. ; Kent Law Sch., 1893-4. Adel- phic; Sigma Chi; winner Conklin Orat. Prize; Pres. Sr. Class; Bus. Mgr., Sophograph; Ed., mini ; helped to organize West. Coll. Ath. Assn. 1892] Baccalaureate Alumni 67 (now Conf.); West. Coll. Press Assn.; debater; class orator. Reporter on Inter-Ocean, 1892; Purchasing Agt., "Alley L" Road Depi., 1892- 3; Mgr., Univ. Hotel, 1893; travelled in Europe, summer, 1894; merchant, Champaign, 1894 — ; Nat. Immigration _ Commissioner, 1905; Sec. and Dir., Champaign Chamber of Commerce, igo8-9, Pres., igio-ii. Auth.: Articles in House Beautiful, Ap, 1908; short stories in Chicago Tribune, 1906-11; articles in various good roads mags.; contributor to trade papers. Mem., Univ. Club of 111.; Country Club of Champaign; Univ. Club of Chicago; I. O. O. F. A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Court of Honor pons of Veterans; Lib. Bd., 1905-10; Park Bd. Pres., 111. Furniture Dealer's Assn., 1906-8 Chamber of Commerce, U. S. A. Address, Cliampaign. -03. CYRUS DANIEL McLANE (Brother of No. 1557) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 4, 1866, Iowa City, la.; s. Joseph G. (b. O.) and Mary Mar- garet (Wallace) McLane (b. Pa.). Prepared in Allerton H. S. Philomathean. Taught, Univ. of 111., till 1904; Arch., Temple, Bur- rows and McLane, Davenport, la., 1904-10; do.. Rock Island, 111. Married Blanche Keeney Cleland, Je 25, 1896, Rock Island, 111. Chil- dren: Margaret Esther, b. Ag 4, 1901; Dorothy Cleland, b. Mr 20, 1904; Eleanor Lucile, b. Mr II, 1908. Address, 3025 loth Ave., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., 301 Robinson Bldg., do. 704. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MARTIN Supt. Street Ry. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 29, 1865, N. Y. City; s. Geo. (b. D 25, 1840, Glasgow, Scotland) and Elizabeth Ann (Rose) Martin (b. Jl 4, 1845, Pt. Dover, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Hamilton, Can. and Chicago; Spring Garden Inst., Philadelphia. Engrs. Soc. Special work with Omaha T-H Elec. Light Co.; Supt., Pueblo, Colo. St. Ry. Co.; Supt., Quincy Gas and Elec. Co.; Supt. Quincy Ry. Co. Mem., 111. St. Elec. Assn.; Am. Elec. Ry. Assn. Married Mary Louise Shaw, Je i8, 189s, Chicago (died Ag 28, 1912). Children: Mabel Louise, b. Mr 21, 1896; Edith Rose, b. Ag 6, 189S; William Eugene, b. S 30, 1901 (died N 7, 1901); Geo. Shaw, b. S 27, 1902 (died Mr 30, 1906).. Address, care of Quincy Ry. Co., Quincy, 111. 70s. ROY ALLEN MATHER (Brother of No. 898) Bridge and Mech. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 27, 1870, Will Co., 111.; s. Samuel (b. 1847, Essex Co., N. Y.) and Melvina M. (Ballou) Mather (b. 1848, Cuvahoga Co., O.). Prepared in Dist. Schs. and N. W. Coll., Naperville, 111. Philomathean; C. E. Club; V. P., Sr. Class; Asst. Bus. Mgr., Sophograph. Field and Office work on Sewerage Const, with Cole, Alvord & Shield, Chicago, 1892; Drafts- man, Chicago Elevated Railroads, Metropolitan, Northwestern & Union Loop, 1893-7; Bridge Draftsman, Chief Engrs.; office, C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 1898-1900; Draftsman in charge of work, A. B. Co., Ambridge, Pa., 1900-;—; Instr. in charge of Am. Bridge Co. Apprentice Sch., 1902-3. Invented the Rectifying Curve, Patd., 191 1. Mem., Corps of Engrs., 111. Nat. Guard, 1896-7; A. F. A. M.; Worshipful Mas- ter of Lodge; First Reader, ist Church of Christ Scientist. Married Emma Hammer- schmidt, O 21, 1896. Naperville, 111. Chil- dren: Margaret, b. Mr 23. 1898; Laurence Hammerschmidt, b. Je 8, 1900; Helen Caro- line, b. Ag 8, 1903; Rachel Bertha, b. Jl 19, 1905; Doris Allen, b. Mr 19, 1910; Jean Ethel, b. Mr II, 1907; Virginia Ann, b. Ap 16, 1914. Address, 628 Maple Ave., Sewickly, Pa. 706. ANNE MELISSA MAXWELL B. L. ; d. William S. (b. Ap 11, 1838, London, Pa.) and Josephine (Raymond) Maxwell (b. Ap 8, 1842, Raymond, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Address, Bayside, Long Island, N. Y.t 707. WILLIAM GEORGE MILLER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. 1869, Chicago; s. William M. Miller. Supt., Chrisholm, Boyd & White Co., 1905. Address, care Topeka Rail- way Co., Topeka, Kan.t 708. *JOHN BARB MORGAN, Jr. (Brother of Nos. 401, 1064) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 23, 1871, Kinmundy, 111.; s. John Barb (b. My 8, 1829, Ala.) and Martha (Doolen) Morgan (b. Ag 13, 1837, Kinmundy, 111.). Prepared in Kinmundy H. S. LL. B.. Kent Law Sch., 1895. Adelphic; Sigma Chi. Married Mable Jennings, Ap 1899, Peoria, Ariz. Died Ja 7, 1901, Phoenix, Ariz. 709. JOHN WILLIAM PAGE Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O s, 1868, Waukegan, 111.; s. William Z. (b. S 3, 1842, Chicago) and Marguerite (Fallon) Page (b. Ap 16, 1845, Chicago). Prepared in Wau- kegan H. S. and Evanston Acad. Civil Engr., 1892-8; Contracting Engr., 1898 — . Invented Page Bascule Bridge, 1899; Page Scraper Bucket Excavator, 1904. Married Emma Belle Page, Je 16, 1894. Child, Fanny Belle Page, b. O II, 1895. Address, 1326 Fargo Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1002 Security Bldg., do.t 710. HERMAN S. PIATT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A., 1892; A. M., 1894; b. My 28, 1869, Lincoln, 111.; s. Jo- seph and Emma (Allen) Piatt. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Phi Delta Theta. Fel- lowship 1892-3. Instr. and Asst. Prof., 111., 1894-01; Supt., Schs., Coshocton, O., 1901-8; Prin., P. S. 46, Manhattan, N. Y. City. Auth.: Tour du Monde, Jenkins & Co.; Comedies by Labiche, Ginn & Co.; various articles in Ediic. Mem., N. E. A., 1901 — ; N. Y. Prins. Assn.; Schoolmasters' Club; City Club of New York; A. F. A. M. Married Lottie Seibert Lodge, Je 28, 1893; Emma Rice, Jl 8, 1914, N. Y. City. Address, 561 W 141st St., N. Y. City; bus. add., 917 St. Nicholas Ave., do. 711. ULYSSES SAMUEL GRANT PLANK Sec, Bldg. & Loan Assn.; B. S.; b. F 26, 1864, Wooster, O. ; s. D. H. and Leah (King) Plank. Prepared in Ft. Scott Acad.; Mt. Mor- ris Coll. Philomathean; Sec, Y. M. C. A. Govt. Indian Service, 1897-1903; Kan. Univ. Athletics, 1903-5; Sec. Lawrence Bldg. & Loan Assn., 1906-17. Army Y. M. C. A., 1917 — . Married Emma E. Ziegler, Ap 25, 1894, Harrisonville, Mo. Children: William Ewart G., b. N 4, 1897; Elizabeth, b. O 30, 1896. Address, Lawrence, Kan.t 712. ROME BURD PULLEN Lawyer; B. L.; b. Ja 29, 1870, Centralia, 111.: s. B. (b. Je 8, 1833, Heighstown, N. Y.) and Lucille O. (Gex) Pullen. LL. B., Chicago Law Sch., 1894. Address, Colonial Hotel, Chicago. 713. EDWARD LEWIS SCHEIDENHELM Contr. and Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 25, 1871, Mendota 111.; s. Jacob and Catherine (Faber) Scheidenhelm. Prepared in Black- stone H. S. With Purdy and Henderson, 1892- 1901; John Griffiths and Son, 1901-8. Chief Engr., Am. Water Works and Guaranty Co. Married Harriet Joy, S 14, 1899, Wilmette, 111. Children: Katherine, Joy, Edward. Ad- dress, 5th Ave., and 26th St., Baltimore, Md. 68 University of Illinois [1893 714. WILLIAM SNODGRASS (Brother of No. 1772) Orchardist; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 16, 1872, Coldspring, Wis.; s. William (b. Je 8, 1822, Paisley, Scotland) and Mary (McBeath) Snod- grass (b. Ag 7, 1836, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pres., M. E. Soc. Draftsman, 1892-5; Chief Draftsman, L. St. M. S. R. R. Car Dept., 1885-8; Gen. Foreman of Car Shop, 1898-1900; in charge of struct, work Colo. Fuel & Iron Co., 1900-4; Asst. Chief Draftsman, Va. Bridge & Iron Co., 1904-6; Chief Draftsman, N. T. Zinc Co., N. Y., 1906-7; Orchardist, Nueva (jerona. Isle of Pines, 1907-12. Mem., West. R. R. Club, 1896-1907; Sec, Santa Anna Fruit Growers Assn. Married Antoinette Dewey, JI 22, 1897, Urbana. Child, Mary Helena, b. F 6, 1902. Address, Neuva Gerona, Isle of Pines.t 715. BENJAMIN ASAPH WAIT (Brother of No. 1609) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 15, 1868. Easthampton, Mass.; s. Benj. Anderson (b. F 8, 1830, Williamsburg, Mass.) and Mary (Car- ter) Wait (b. Blue Grass, 111.). Prepared in Easthampton H. S. ; Williston Sem. Adelphic. Struct. Steel Draftsman, 1892-1900; Bridge Draftsman with various railroads, 1900-1003; Asst. Engr.. C. R. I. & P. Ry., 1904—. Mar- ried May Wilson, Je 10, 1896, Rushville, 111. Child, Anna Wilson, b. Jl 6, 1897. Address, 512 Clark St., Des Moines; bus. add., 501 Cen- tral Life Bldg., do. 716. EDWARD LEWIS WALKER Orchardist; B. L., 1892; b. Ag 12, 1870, Petersburg, 111.; s. Albert (b. My 9, 1833, Warsaw, N. Y.) and Marion M. (Silsby) Walker (b. D 26, 1832, N. H.). Prepared in Petersburg H. S. ; Adelphic; Collector, 1894-5; Salesman, H. J. Heinz Co., St. Louis, and Chicago, 1896-1917; Orchardist, Pearl, 111. Ad- dress, Petersburg, 111. 717. 'FRANK ROBERT WILLIAMSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. 1867, Hart- ford Co., Md.; s. Wm. Thomas (b. Hartford Co., Md.) and Margaretta Andrews (b. do.). Prepared in St. 111. Norm. Sch. Asst. Engr., The San. Dist., Chicago. Mem., M. E. Church; A. S. C. E. Married Addie A. Martin, ' 1897, Lima, O. Children: Julia E., b. 1898 (died 1902); Frank Martin, b. 1901; Edwin Paul, b. 1905. Died Jl 11, 1915, (Thicago. 718. HOWARD OAKLEY WOOD WORTH (Brother of Nos. 456, 1188, 2007) Teacher; B. S.; b. My 24, 1869; s. Alvin Oakley (b. 181 7, Tyre, N. Y.) and Mary Celia (Carpenter) Woodworth (b. Ap 5, 1842, Ma- nilus, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Grad. Stud., 111., 1892-3; M. S., Cornell, 1895; Philomathean; Asst., 111. St. Lab., 1895-7; Field Asst. Entomol., Univ. of Calif., 1897-8; Asst. St. Entomol. in 111. St. Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1898-1900; Stud., Ped. and Zool., 111., 1900-1; Asst. St. Entomol., N. Y. Exp^ Sta., Geneva, N. Y., 1902-3; foreman, Calif. Poultry Sta., 1903-5; with Nat. Self-winding Clock Co., 1905-6; Bookkeeper for E. A. Robinson's plumb- ing shop, 1906-11; Bookkeeper, buyer, and esti- mator for W. R. Wozencraft's Plumbing Shop, 1911-12; Farmer, Freesoil, Mich., 1912-13; teacher, 1912; with Steele Sash Works, Cham- paign, 1913-14; with Pomological div. of Hort. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1Q14-17; Agr. teacher, Gon- zales Univ. H. S., Calif., 1917 — . Auth. : va- rious articles published in poultry jours. Hon. Mem., Petaluma Poultry Keepers Pro- tective Assn.; Pres., Baptist Y. P. S. C. E., Berkeley, Calif., 1897-8; Deacon, Herald of Hope Baptist Church, 1910-12; Sec, Fruit Ridge Cirange, Manister, Calif., 1912-13. Mar- ried Elsie Victoria Weeks, My 27, 1903, Geneva, N. Y. Children: l\L^ry Elsie, b. My 27, 1904; Newton Clyde, b. My 11, 1905 (died S 5, 1905); Opal Victoria, b. Je 26, 1906; Howard Oakley, Jr., b. O 10, 1907 (died F 8, 1917); Dewitt Will- mington, b. F 7, 1914 (died l\Ir 8, 1915); Alvin Orton, b. Je 27, 1916. .4ddress, 58 E. Univ. .Ave., Champaign. 719. ROYAL WRIGHT (Brother of G759) La\yyer; B. L.; b. S 13, 1870, Urbana; s. Francis M. (b. Ag 23, 1S44, Brier Ridge, O.) and Elizabeth (West) Wright (b. Decatur, O.). Prepared in Urbana Schs. Read law under F. M. Wright; admitted to bar 1893; Master in chancery of Circuit Court, 1896-1904; prac- ticing law in Chicago, 1905. Married Male Candy, 1894, Princeton, Ind. (divorced). Ad- dress.f CLASS OF 1893 (60 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 720. HUBERT FRANKLIN ANDREWS Physician; B. S.; M. D., 1899; b. Ag 10, 1869, Piasa, 111.; s. Joseph B. (b. 1837, Bright- on, 111.) and Mary A. (Rudrow) Andrews (b. 1838, Camden, N. J.). Prepared in Blackburn Coll. Philomathean. Teacher, Salt Lake City H. S., 1893-6; Physician, 1899 — . Married Zada Kearnes, 1904, Gunnison, Utah. Children: Mary Emma, b. Mr 8, 1905. Zada Leah, b. Mr IS, 191 1. Address, Watts Bldg., San Diego, Calif. 721. GEORGE JOHN ARBEITER Lawyer; B. L. ; b. Je 10, 1865, Plainfield, 111.; s. Carl (b. Jl 25, 1827, Ger.) and Kath- rina (Suhler) Arbeiter (b. O 26, 1828, do.). Prepared in Plainfield H. S. and No. Ind. St. Norm. Sch. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1805. Philomathean. Third Regt. Co. B, 111. Nat. Guard, 1896. First Supt., V. Commander, Sup. Council Order of the White Cross, 1900; Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; M. W. A.; No. Am. Union and Columbia Circle. Married Esther Kittie McBride, F i, 1889, Elgin, 111. Chil- dren: Margaret Georgia, b. Jl 2, 1900 (died Ap 19, 1901); George Carlton, b. Mr 20, 1902; Gladys Esther, b. O 10, 1904; Lois Geneveive, b. O 20, 1908. Address, 102 Woodworth Ave., Joliet, 111. 722. 'MARY EDNA ARNOLD A. B. in L. & A.; b. 1866, Roanoke, 111.; d. C. B. Arnold. Died Ja 2, 1898, Cambridge, 111. 723. *GRACE AYERS (POWERS) (Wife of No. 769; Sister of No. 375) B. L. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1871, Urbana; d. Homer W. (b. My 23, 1836, O.) and Lorinda Jane (McConney) Ayers (b. ja 14, 1837, Bain- bridge, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. and Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Taught in Rochester, Minn., 1894-5; Norm. Bus. Coll. Mem., Minerva Lit. and Mus. Club, Pres. 191 1. Married William Ambrose Powers ('93), S 9, 1897, Urbana. Child, Chalton Ayers. Died Ap 2J. 1919, Los Angeles, Calif. 724. HARLOW BACON Topographic Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 13, 1867, Huntsville. 111.; s. William H. (b. S 21, 1838, Augusta, 111.) and Mary Ellen (Gould) Bacon (b. O 12, 1841, do.). Prepared in Dixon Coll. C. E. Club; at the head of the Military class fresh, yr. ; Class baseball. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa., 1893; Engaged in bus.. Ft. Smith, Ark., 1894; with Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf R. R., 1894-97, first '^93] Baccalaureate Alumni 60 as draftsman, later as Asst. Engr. ; Draftsman with Coast and Geodetic Sur., Washington, D. C, 1897 — ; Designer of C. O. & G. Ry. shops and yards, Shawnee, Okla. ; C. O. & G. railroad track pile driver. Auth.: Plan of a Track Pile Driver, Technograph, 1896-97, pp. 38-40; The C. O. & G. R. R. Shops at Shawnee, Okla., do.; assisted in the preparation of a paper on the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, 61 pages, 7 plates. Special Publication No. 47, Coast and Geodetic Sur., 1918. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Viola Coe, N 28, 1894, Eldorado, Kan. Children: Cecil H., b. N 20, 1895; infant daughter, b. Ag 29, 1899 (died Ag 31, 1899). Adcress, Silver Spring, Md.; bus. add.. Coast and Geodetic Sur., Washington, D. C. 725. EDWARD ERNEST BARRETT Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 12, 1870, Port Byron, 111.; s. Daniel Thomas (b. Jl 22, 1824, Camden, Me.) and Lucy Ann (Sidlinger) Barrett (b. Ag 18, 1828, Thomaston, Me.). Prepared in Port Byron H. S. and Acad.; Curtiss Bus. Coll., Minneapolis. Pres., Adel- phic; Sigma Chi; C. E. Club; Class Pres.; Bus. Mgr., Technograph and Philo-Adelphic Lecture Course. U. S. Surv. and Insp., U. S. Engng. Corps, 1893-1900; Asst. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1900; C. Engr. with Fairbanks Morse & Co., iQoo-04; Dir., Gen. Mgr. and Chief Engr. and V. P., Roberts and Schaefer Co., 1904 — . Pat- ents for improvements in coal handling devices dated 1907, S 1908, O 1908, Re-issue patent., 1909. Mem., M. E. Church; Chicago Engrs. Club; La Grange Cml. Club; La Grange Country Club; lllini Club of Chicago; La Grange Village Bd., 1907-09; Dir., La Grange Trust and Savings Bank, 1909; Dir., Twelfth Street St. Bank, 1916 — . Trustee, First M. E. Church, La Grange, 111., 1906 — ; Pres., La- Grange Cml. Club, 1914; V. P., La Grange Country Club, 1918; do., Chicago Engrs. Club, 1918; Pres., lllini Club of Chicago, 1915. Married Grace Anna Hollister, N 29, 1894, Port Byron, 111. Children: Jordan, b. My 24, 1900; Gertrude, b. Je 20, 1904 (died Mr 15, 1905); Edward Daniel, b. My 13, 1906. Ad- dress, 333 S. Waiola Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add., 2064 McCormick Bldg., do. 726. HENRY EMMETT BARTLETT Asst. Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 27 1870, Mt. Sterling, 111.; s. Henry H. (b. 1841 Crown Point, N. Y.) and America J. (Jones) Bartlett (b. 1852, Mt. Sterling, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Supt., Schs., Brown Co. 111., 1894-8; Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1898 1904; Off. Photographer, Panama Canal, 1904 S; Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1905-6; Chiel Draftsman, Const. Dept. Mo. Pac. Ry., St Louis, 1906-10; Engr. Terminals, Chicago Pas senger Subways, 1910-11; Engr., Bridges, The Chicago Assn. of Commerce Comn. of Investi gation of Smoke Abatement and Electrifica tion of Ry. Terminals, 1911-15; Asst. Chief Engr., Pub. Utilities (iomn. of 111., 1915 — Mem., A. S. C. E.; Am. Assn. of Engrs. Mar ried Nettie B. Cronin, Je 4, 1899, Mt. Sterling 111. Children: Chas. H., b. F i, 1901; Fred erick E., b. Je 26, 1902. Address, 1447 E 66th PI., Chicago. 727. GEORGE PHILIP BEHRENSMEYER (Father of No. 7378) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 15, i86g, Quincy, III.; s. Charles Frederick Adolph (b. S 22, 183s, near Minden, Ger.) and Mary (Beilstein) Behrensmeyer (b. Ja 12, 1842, near Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy Pub. Sch. ; Gem. City cus. Coll. Kappa Sigma; Adelphic; won nine class medals and inter-collegiate medals. Mem., Quincy Country Club; Past Chancellor, K. of P.; Past Exalted Ruler-Elk; K. T. ; 32nd degree Mason. Married Grace Rebecca Plank, Jl 12, 1893, Champaign. (Thild, Helen ('16), b. Je 3, 1891. Address, 9th and Main Sts., Quincy, Ill.t 728. GEORGE WEBSTER BLAKESLEY Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 24, 1870, Hia- watha, Kan.; s. A. M. and Mary (Avery) Blakesley. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Security Stove & Mfg. Co. Married, Je 11. 1896, Chicago. Children: Gladys A., b. Mr 27, 1901 ; Helen A. • iM-ank A.; Elizabeth A. (died F, 1917). Ad- dress, 3240 Windsor Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 729. FRANK MINEAR BROWN Real Est. and Ins. Agt.; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 10, 1872, Champaign; s. Seely (b. New Canaan, Conn.) and Hannah Louise Brown (b. Westport, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sec. Twin Cities Savings & Loan Assn.; Clerk, I. C. R. R., Champaign, 1894-5; Joint Rate Insp. for Cent. Traffic Assn., 1895 01; Sec. Twin Cities Savings & Loan Assn., 1901- 17; Real Est. and Ins. Agt., 1917 — . Treas., West. Star Lodge No. 240, A. F. A. M.; Rec, Champaign Commandery No. 68, K. T.. 1903-12; Adv. Com., Bldg. Assn. League of 111., 1905. Married Cora Lawman, Ap 17, 1913, (Thampaign. Address, 411 W. University Ave., Champaign; bus. add., 34 Neil St., do. 730. HARVEY IRVING CARPENTER Mus. Instr.; B. L. in L. & A.; b. My 8, 1858, Champaign; s. Thomas (b. N 3, 1812, Sandy Hill, N. Y.) and Catherine (Belinger) Carpen- ter (b. O 7, 1831, Central, N. Y.). Prepared m Jacksonville Sch. for the Blind. Philomath- ean. Nat. Hist. See. Instr. in Music and Piano luner, 1893-1900 and 1905 — ; Instr., Music and Musical Sciences, Sch. for the Blind, Fari- bault, Minn., 1900-05. Address, 204 Co-Op Bldg., Champaign. 731. ROBERT FR.A.NKLIN CARR (Brother of No. 1474) Bus. Executive; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 21, 1871, Argenta, 111.; s. Robert F. (b. My i, 1832, Deckertown, N. Y.) and Emily A. (Smick) Carr (b. Ap 10, 1839, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Charter mem., Kappa Sigma; Pres., Fresh. Class; Sophograph Bd. with Dearborn Drug and Chem. Works as Mgr. of Sales, Gen. Mgr., Sec, V. P., Gen. Mgr., and Pres., 1906 — ; Dir. McMaster Carr Supply Co., Chicago; Dir., Standard Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. Maj., U. S. A.; Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1915 — . Mem., Univ. Club of Chicago; Chicago Ath. Assn.; Union League; Chemists' Club, N. Y. City; Exmoor Country Club, Pres., 19 15-16; Railroad Club of N. Y.; A. C. S.; Treas., 111. Cadet Corps f-eague, Highland Park. Married Louise Smiley, Ap 25, 1906, Chicago. Children: Louise Hagar, b. My 5, 1908; Florence Smiley, b. Mr 28, 1913; Robert F. Jr., b. D 16, 1915. .-iddress. 521 Laurel Ave., Highland Park, 111.; hi!.s. add., 3225 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 732- CHARLES WILLARD CARTER (Husband of No. 760) Physician; B. L.; M. L., 1894; b. Mr 37, 1S68, Faribault, Minn.; s. Willard (b. Ap 2, 1833, Wilmington, Mass.) and Emily Jane (Whitlock) Carter (b. Muncy, Pa.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. M. D., Coll. of P. & S.. Chi- cago. Philomathean; First Inter-Soc Orator- ical Contest, 1892; Class Poet. Fellowship in D. & S., 1894. Practicing medicine, 1897 — ; Capt., M. O. R. C, 1917; Chief Surgeon, Div. Bn., Camp Shelby, Mass. Mem.. A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; DeWitt Co. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M., Goodbrake No. 59. Mar- ried Marv Estelle Mann ('93), Ta 12. 189S, Geneva, 111. Children: Charles Willard, b. F 8, 1899; Alice Landon, b. Ap 29. 1905; Dorothy, b. S 2, 1908. Address, Clinton, 111. University of Illinois [1893 733. WILLIAM ROCK CHAMBERS (Brother of No. 2932) Lawyer; B. L. in L. & A.; b. Ja 30, 1873, Sadorus, IH. ; s. Jacob George (b. Ag 12, 1842, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) and Ann (Rock) Cham- bers (b. Ap 2, 184s, Sadorus, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. LL. B., Mich., 1890. Philo- mathean; Rep. at Inter-Coll. Orat. Cont., 1892; Winner Conklin Prize, Orat., 1892. Teacher, 1893-4; Law Stud., 1894-6; Clerk, Ter. Dist. Court, 1907-10; Practicing lawyer, 1910-17; Co. Atty., Graham Co., Ariz., 1917 — . Sec, Bd. of Educ, Danville, 1902-3. Married Lida Spencer, N 10, 1904, Chicago. Child, Richard Harvey, b. N 7, 1906. Address, Safford, Ariz. 734. *OSCAR PAUL CHESTER (Brother of No. 1023) Professor; b. N i, 1870, Champaign; s. Elias Oscar (b. 1829, Franklin Co., O.) and Frances Virginia (Skinner) Chester (b. 1835, Orange (io., N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign West Side H. S. M. D., N. W. Univ., 1896. Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc. and Physicians' Club; Kenwood Club; Hyde Park Presby. Church. Married Florence Griffin, O 18, 1911, Chicago. Child, Virginia Ruth. Died Je 23, 1916. Champaign. 735. FRED GOLDSMITH COFFEEN (Brother of Nos. 568, 1116) Foundry Expert; B. S. in Cham.; b. N 32, 1 87 1, Sidney, 111.; s. Alva Martin (b. F 11, 1836, Attica. Ind.) and Mira Amy (Gaines; Cotteen (b. D 28, 1836, Virginia, 111.). Chem. and Supt. in foundry work, Chicago, 1 893-1 900; at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1900-4; Foundry Expert, ,904 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Ida Weber, Ag iS, 1899, Urbana. Chil- dren: Richard Preston, b. O 22, 1900; Esther, b. S 29, 1902; Frederick Harry, b. Je 24, 1904. Address, 502 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 736. JAMES W. COOK Gen. Contr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. 1872, Rural Tp., R. I. Co., 111.; s. Mrs. J. V. Cook. Pre- pared in Rock Island H. S. Sigma Chi. With J. W. Schaub, Chicago, 1904; with James Stew- art ^ Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 810 Edge- comb Place, Chicago; bus. add., James Stewart & Cio., Westminster Bldg., do. 737. WILLIAM HENRY CORNELL Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. 1865, Kankakee Co., 111.; s. Abram H. CornelL Engr., Hitch- cock & Keil, Boonton, N. J. Married Margaret Burres, Je 8, 1895, Benton, 111. Child, William, b. D 1, 1903. Address. Dover, N. J. 738. EDWARD CHILTON CRAIG Lawyer; B. L.; b. Ap 7, 1872, Mattoon, 111.; s. James Wesley (b. Je 29, 1844, Coles Co. 111.) and Mary (Chilton) Craig (b. Jl 4. 1849, Scott Co., 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Adel- phic. Attended Harvard Law Sch.; admitted to bar and practicing, 1896 — . Pres. Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn., 1918—. Married Fannie lone Dilley, N 9, 1899, Dallas, Tex. Children: George Mansfield, b. Ag 25, 1905; Donald Chilton, b. O 27, 1908. Address, Mattoon, 111. 739. WILLIS WILSON DANLEY Arch. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 15. 1871. Henry, 111.; s. D. W. and Katherine A. (Noe) Danley. Prepared in Hennepin H. S. Adel- phic, Engr. and Salesman, U. S., Austral., Eng., and So. Afr.; engaged in organizing and estab- lislilng the S. African, German and Italian con- tracting bus. for the Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co., and Lamson Store Service Co., of London, Eng., 1Q04-11. Married Matilda Elizabeth Cayzer, O 3, 1898, Melbourne, Victoria. Child, Arthur L., b. S 23, 1899. Address, 914 Boyd Bldg., Winnipeg, Can.t 740. MARK ALDEN EARL Consulting Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 37, 1869, Centralia, 111.; s. Marcus Aurelius (b. Ja 27, 1820, New York) and Winnie (Gray) Earl (b. Jl 22, 1839, O.). Prepared in Centralia H. S. Capt. in Regt.; M. C. E., 1894, Cornell. Civ. Engr., 1894-1904; Consulting Engr., 1904 — . Married Lena Simpson, S 9, 1895, Benton Har- bor, Mich. Address, Muskogee, Okla. 74«- WILBER JOHN ERASER Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; M. S., 1902; b. Jl I, 1869, Lockport, 111.; s. John Alexander (b- 11 30, 1823, Bethel, N. Y.) and Mary Ann (Van Horn) Eraser (b. F 17, 1829.). Prepared in Plainheld H. S. and Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. Instr., Dairy Husb., and Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1896-1902; Prof., Dairy Husb., and Chief in Sta., 1902 — ; studied Dairy Farming in Europe 1900 and 1908; studied at Harvard, 1915-16. Auth. : Preventing Contam- ination of Milk, Bui. No. 91, 1903, 30 pp.; City Milk Supply, Bui. No. 92, 1902, 20 pp.; Crops for the Silo, Cost of Filling, and Effect of Silage on the Flavor of Milk, Lul. No. loi, 1905, 20 pp.; Construction of Silos, Bui. No. 102, 1905, 44 pp.; Dairy Suggestions from European Conditions as seen in the British Isles, Holland, and Denmark, Bui. No. 140, 1909, 84 pp.; Economy of the Round Dairy Barn, Bui. No. 143, 1910, 44 pp.; Alfalfa Hay vs. Timothy Hay, and Alfalfa Hay vs. Bran for Dairy Cows, Bui. No. 146, 1910, 14 pp.; also earlier buls. and a large num- ber of circulars; articles in periodicals since 1908. Married Alice May Eaton, S 12, 1894, Aurora,^ 111. Children: Cecil Eaton, b. O 7, 1895; Gladys Genevra, b. Ag 17, 1897. Ad- dress, 1003 S. Wright St., Champaign; bus. add., 119 Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 742. WILLIAM DAVID GIBBS (Husband of No. 854) Appraiser; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1894; b. Mr IS, 1869, Winchester, 111.; s. William C. and Margaret C. Gibbs. Prepared in Winchester H. S. Kappa Sigma; Fellowship in Agr., 1894. Asst., Agr., O. St. Univ., 1895. Sigma Xi, O. 6t. Univ.; Expert Asst., Bur. of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1895; Asst. Prof., Agr., O. St. Univ., 1S95-6; Assoc. Prof., 1896-9; D. S. C, Univ. of Maine, 1908; Prof, of Agronomy, O. St. Univ., 1899-01; Prof., Agr. and Dir., Agr. Exp. Sta., N. H. Coll. of Agr. and the Me- chanic Arts, Durham, N. H., 1901; Dean of Agr. and Dir. of Exp. Stations, Tex., A. and M. Coll., Coll. Sta., 1902-3; Pres., N. H. Coll. of Agr. and the Mechanic Arts, 1903-12; west- ern representative of the Sagamon Land Trust of Boston, 1912 — ; Chief Appraiser, Federal Land Bank of St. Louis. Married Olga C. Woolsey ('94), Jl 16, 1896, Polo, 111. (died Je II, 1899). Child, Dorothy, b. Je ti, 1899 (died at hiith). Address, Winchester. 111. 743. LOUIS THOMAS GRAHAM Lawver; B. L.; b. Ag 18, 1870, Pittsfield, 111.; 3. D. C. (b. Galesbur.g, 111.) and Lizzie (Rose) Graham (b. Griggsville, 111.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Married Bertha M. Rush, Fairmount, 111., F 23, 1903. Child, Reginald Orr, b. N II, 1912. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 744. WILLIAM JOHNSON GRAHAM (Brother of No. 4679) Lawyer; B. L.; b. F 7, 1872; s. Richard J. (b. F II, 1842, Lawrence Co., Pa.) and Caroline (Mundwiler) Graham (b. do.). Pre- pared in Aledo H. S. and Aledo Acad. Adel- phic; Kappa Sigma; Ed. -in-Chief, Illini, 1892-3; Pres.. Adelphic, 1893; Class Hatchet Orat., 1893. In law office of James M. Brock, Aledo, 111., 1893-s; Deputy Sheriff, Mercer Co.; admitted to bar in 111., 1893. Raised CO. in Aledo as Capt. of Anderson's Prov. IS93] Baccalaureate Alumni 71 Regt. in war with Spain. Elected State's Atty., Mercer Co., 1900; re-elected, 1904; del.. Rep. Nat. Convention, 1912; mem., H. of R., III., 1914-16; H. of R., U. S., 1917—- Married Olive B. Whan, N 8, 1899. Aledo, 111. (died Mr 29, 1911); Edna Robey, N 8, 1912. Children: Robert, b. D 23, 1906; Ruth Olive, b. N 12, igio; John Robey, b. Mr 23, 1915. Ad- dress, Aledo, 111. 745- FRANK M. GULICK Asst. Cashier; B. L.; b. F 15, 1870, Rantoul, 111.; s. Chas. Wesley (b. Ap 27, 1836, Morris- town, O.) and Catherine Celina (Clapp") Gulick (b. Jl 16, 1843, Vermilion Co., near Danville, III.). Prepared Rantoul, 111. Kappa Sigma. Merchant, 1893-1900; SfC, Twin Cities Saving & Loan Assn., Champaign, until :go2; planter, until Ap, 1904; in charge of southern real est. office of Mullikin & Biles, Memphis, Tenn., 1904-6; Partner of Martin Bros. & Co., Alli- gator, Miss., 1906-8; owns orange ranch. Or- ange, Calif., 1909-13; Asst. Cashier, The Nat. Bank of Orange, Orange, Calif., 1913 — . Mar- ried Cora Belle Martin, Mr 25, 1900, Neosho, Mo. Children: Frank Martin, b. N 18, 1904; Chas. Edwin, b. Ap 10, 1910. Address, Orange, Calif. 746. ALBERT GRANT HIGGINS (Brother of No. 3027) Petroleum Engr. and Geol.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 30, 1869, Elmwood, 111.; s. B. P. (b. Ap 29, 1833, Chester, Mass.) and Mary E. (Leet) Higgins (b. Ja i, 1842, Chester, Conn.). Pre- pared in Elmwood H. S. and Univ. Acad. Class baseball and football; Varsity Football. Arch., Chicago, Victor, Colo., Pueblo, Kansas City; Struct. Engr. Hon. Comn. as Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Act. Volunteer, Spanish- Am. War; V. P. and Mgr., Trusswall JNIfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Petroleum Engr. and Geol., 191 7 — . Invented and developed the manufacture of Trusswall Concrete Columns, Patents No. 945,948, 1910 and No. 945,940, 191 r; No. 1052918, 1118770, 1156077. Published, Turned Concrete Columns (Trus.'iwall Columns, Cement Age, vol. 13, No. 4; The Oil and Gas News, vol. 2, No. 7; The Possibility of Developing Oil in the Mississippi Formation in Mo. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Engrs. Club; Arts Club; Noble of the Mystic Shrine. Married Jessie M. Glenn, O 12, 1910, Tarkio, Mo. Address, 3724 Bell St., Kansas City, Mo.; btts. add.., 1214 Scarritt Bldg., do. 747. PHILLIP MATHIAS HUCKE Coal Operator; B. S. in Sc; b. Mr s, 1871, Mascoutah, 111.; s. Phillip (b. Ap 30, 1844, Ro- tenburg, Ger.) and Elizat)eth (Leibrock) Hucke (b. Mascoutah, 111.). Prepared in Mascoutah H. S. Philomathean. Taught in Champaign H. S., 1893-1900; Gen. Mgr., Kolb Coal Co., Mines, St. Loujs, iqoo — ; Pres. and Gen. Mgr., St. Genevieve Lime & Quarry Co., St. Genevieve, Mo., 1915 — . Married Louise Kraus, 1007, Chicago. Address, 3521 Park Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., Mermod and Jaccard Bldg., rfo.t 748. EDWARD EVERETT HUNT (Brother of No. 886) With Piper, Johnson & Case; B. S. in Chem. ; b. 1871, Urbana; s. J. E. Hunt. Married Jl, 1907. Address, 406-411 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., care Piper, Johnson & Case, Minneapolis.! 749. HARRIETTS AUGUSTA JOHNSON B. L.; b. Je 22, 1873, Rock Island; d. Walter (b. 1843, Coventry, Eng.) and Ellen (Head) Johnson (b. 1843, Hull, do.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Alethenai. Grad. Wor- cester, Mass. Sch. of Dom. Sc, 1901. Address, 1 133, ist Ave., Rock Island, 111. 750. JAMES A. KINKEAD (Brother of No. 574) Res. Sales Mgr.; B. S. in Chem., 1895; b. Je 24, 1871, Earlville, 111.; s. Jos. R. and Julia (Robinson) Kinkead. Prepared in Earlville H. S. Adelphic. Insp., C. N. & W. R. R. Co., 1893-1902; Engr. Tests, Am. Locomotive Co., 1902-8; Res. Sales Mgr., Parkesburg Iron Co., 1908—. Assoc, A. S. M. E.; mem., A. S. N. E.; A. S. T. M.; Engr. Soc Eastern N. Y.; Mohawk Golf Club; Engrs. Club, N. Y.; Rail- road Club of N. Y. ; Marine and Field Club, Brooklyn. Married Beatrice Reynolds, Ag 8, 1903, San Francisco. Children: Robert Clen- denin, b. Ja 4, 1906; James Alan, b. Ja 5, 1908; David, b. O 16, 1909; Donald, b. Mr 10, iQii. .Iddress. Cupertino, Santa Clara Co., Calif.; bus. add., 16 California St., San Fran- cisco. 751. LOUIS KLINGEL Lawyer; B. L., 1893; b. Mr 8, 1870, Mascou- tah, 111.; s. Louis (b. Mr 8, 1841, do.) and Katherine (Scibert) Klingel (b. 1849, Ger.). Prepared in Mascoutah H. S. LL. B., Mich. Law Sch., 1896. Philomathean; Valedictorian. Taught sch., Belleville, 111., 1893-4; practised law in Belleville, 1896 — . Mem., B. P. O. E. ; A. F. A. M. Married Eugenie Guentz, S 5, 1907, Belleville, 111. Children: Mary Helen, b. Ag 2, 1912; Katherine Louise, b. D 24, 1908; Robert Louis, b. Jl 10, 1915. Address, Belle- ville, 111. 752. NINA BELLE LAMKIN Dir., Phys. Educ; B. L. ; b. Champaign; d. Josiah B. (b. 1843, Ont., Can.) and C. Marion (Gibson) Lamkin (b. 1846, Plattsburgh, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pres., Ale- thenai; Class Sec; Pres., Y. W. C. A.; Omega Upsilon. Teacher, Champaign Pub. Schs. and Instr., Phys. Tr., 1893-7; Phvs. Dir., Yankton Coll.. S. Dak., 1897-1900; Phys. Dir., H. S. Ath. Club, La Porte. Ind., 1900; Pvt. studio work, Chicago, 1902; Phys. Dir., Jewish Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago, 1902-5; Phys. Dir., Riverside Pub. Schs., 1904-7; Teacher, Elocution and Phys. work. Studio, Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, 1902-5; head of Phys. Educ. Dept., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1907-13; Dir. of Boys and Girls Sports at Chautauqua, 1904-11; Round Table Talks for Parents and Teachers at Chau- tauqua, 1904-11; Supvr., Phys. Educ, Y. W. C. A., St. Louis, 1913-16; Dir., Norm. Dept., Ihys. Educ, N. W. Univ., 1916-18; Auth. and Dir. of Pageants, 1907-17. Auth.: Play, Its Value and Fifty Games, Lamlain Pub. Co., Chicago, 1908; Suggestive Phys. Work for Every Day anl Holidays, for use n all the grades. Pub., Macomb, 111., iqio: Dances, Drills and Story Plays, 80 pp., T. S. Denison &. Co., 1916; Pageant, Am. Yesterday and To- day, 30 pp., do., 1917; Articles in Norm. Instr., Primary Educ, Drama League Monthly, Plat- form Mag. Mem., Presby. Church; N. E. A.; Alumnae Club, Chicago; Alumni Club. Chicago; Intercoll. Alumnae Assn.; Chicago Playground; Am. Pageant Assn.; Am. Educ. Assn.; Nat. Playground Assn.; Drama League Assn.; In- ternat. Lyceum Assn.; Evanston Drama Club; Chicago Art Inst. .'Iddress, Evanston, 111. 753. ALEXANDER L. LEVY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F i, 1872, Brookfield, Mo.; s. Marcus (b. Mr 31, 1843, Kolmar, Prussia) and Minna Levy (b. S 30, 1844, Bartenstein, do.). Prepared in Brook- field (Mo.) H. S. Teacher, Chicago H. Schs., 1896-1904; Practising Arch., 1904-11. Mem., Chicago Arch. Bus. Assn.; III. Soc. of Arch.; Dir., Marks Nathan Orphan Home. Married Eliza Westerfield, Ap 28, 1898, Chicago. Chil- dren: Alexander L. Jr., b. Je 23. igii; Mar- cus VV.. b. My 27, 1915. Address, 5202 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1658 C^onway Bldg., Wash, and La Salle Sts., do. 72 University ok Illinois [1893 754- ARTHUR BATES LOOMIS Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 7, 1873, Fulton, 111.; s. G. C. (b. Ag 2, 1841) and Emma (Bates) Loomis (b. My 29, 1850). Pre- pared in Fulton H. S. M. C. E., Cornell Univ., 1894. Sigma Chi; Class. Pres. Asst. Engr., Massillon Bridge Co., 1894-1902; Asst. to Con- sulting Engr. ior Ter. Ry. Assn. of St. Louis 1902-04; Asst. Engr., Toledo Massillon Bridge Co., 1904; Chief Engr., Toledo Bridge & Crane Co., Toledo, O. Married Edith Louise Norton, D 30, 1909, Toledo, O. Address, Hotel East- wood, Toledo, O. 755. WILLIAM PRIESTLY McCARTNEY Lawyer; B. S. in Chem. ; M. S., 1900; LL. B., 1901; b. My 18, 1870, Metropolis, 111.; s. Robert Wilson and Molly (Priestly) McCartney. Pre pared in Metropolis H. S. ; Detroit Mil. Acad. LL. D., Breseford Coll., Ensley, .\la. Chem. Club; Pres., Univ. of 111. Assn. Spanish War Volunteers, 1899. Teacher, Olmsted, 1893-4; Albion, 1895-6; So. Collegiate Inst., 1896-7; Metropolis, 111., Druggist and Chem., 1897-8; Food Insp. and Chem., with rank of ist Lt., U. S. A.. 1898-9; Univ. of ill., 1899-01; Padu- cah, Ky., 1901-4; Atty. at Law, Teacher of Law, E. St. Louis, 111. and St. Louis, Mo., 1904-5; Teacher, Com. Law and Allied Sc, Breseford, Coll.; Counsellor-Scientist, Birming- ham, Ala., Consulting and Analytical Work Pertaining to Iron Industries; Instn, Breseford Coll., 1905; Atty., Augusta, Ga.; Supt., Univ. H. S., Gibson H. S., 1906—; Mgr. Hypes Mfg. Co., 1906; Farmer 1906 — ; Student Univ. of Edinburgh, 1907-8, 1). Sc, 1908; Lecturer, Manila and Cavite, P. I., 1908-09; Analyst of Researches, New Zealand, 1909-10; Supt. H. S., Blue Rapids, Kan., 1911-12; do., Vliets, Kan., 1912-13; Chief Chm., Wagner Oil Survey, 1913-18; Supt. Co. H. S., Hayes Co., Neb., 1918 — ; also operating oil and soil analyst labs. Invented Leadoidine, a celluloid-like preparation with Sp. Gr. appro.ximating lead used in heavy mounting,- 1905. Auth. : Hand- book of Coml. Chem. 195 pp., 1897, Journal Press, St. Louis; Dies \'it;e and other poems, 1902; Old and New Testament Interlinear Ed., 1902; The Law of Self-Defense, 1903, 200 pp., Reid Pub. Co.; A Boy's Psychology, 1904. 15° pp.; Number, the Beautiful Necessity, Int. Math. Mag., 1905; Court-Room and Other Curios; The Definite Methods of Steel Analyses, Ready Pub. Co.; New Methods of Diagnosis of Zymotic Diseases by Refle.xes, Jo.; The Definite Protein Content of the Amniotic Fluids corresponding to growth of the Foetus of Mam- mals, 191 1 ; etc. Mem., Ky. St. Bar Assn.; Sec, Metropolis, 111., Bar Assn.; So. Soc Chemists; Kan. and Neb. Acad, of Sc; Kan. and Neb. Bar Assn.; Supreme Council I. O. O. F. Brevet Maj. Chem. Research Dept. for Munitions July-Dec, 1917- Married Mayme Perrine, S 24, 1894 (died O 1898); Johanna Davis. Ag 17, 1901, Cairo, 111. (died D 4, tgu. Palmer Lake, Col.). Children: Robert A., b. Ag 25, 1895; Homer D, b. Je 17, 1898; James Scott, b. F 1900; Jean, b. Ja 30, 1903. Ad- dress, Box 124, Hayes Center, Neb. 756. ROBERT EMMETT McCLOY Lawyer; B. L. in L. & A.; b. F 22, 1867. Effingham Co.; s. John (b. Ja i, 1839) and Catherine (Murphy) McCloy. Prepared in Al- tamont H. S. LL. B., Kent Coll., 1895. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Blackstonian Soc. Prac- tised law for a time, connected with a real est. firm; in Law Dept. of the London Guarantee and Accident Co., Chicago, 1906—. Mem., M. E. Church (steward and trustee) ; Arcand Lodge No. 717. A. F. A. M., 1903-4 (Master); Univ. of 111. Club of Chicago, 1898-1901. Married Bertha Alma Tish, Je 13, i897- Ad- dress, 383 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island, Ill.t 757- *CLYDE BENJAMIN McCLURE (Brother of No. 660) B. S. in C. E.; b. 1870, Gibson City, IlL; s. John T. McClure. Died F 26, 1901, Tuscola, HI. 758. WALTER SCOTT McGEE Teacher; B. S.; b. S 7, 1869, Champaign Co.; s. Giles Franklin (b. 1826, Mo.) and Elizabeth (Smoot) McGee (b. 1834, O.). Prepared in Philo Tp. sch. and pvt. study. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Ath. Assn. Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 189s; Prin. East Side Sch., Champaign, 1893-4; Stud., Univ. of 111., 1894-S, Chicago, 1895-6; taught in Englewood H. S., 1896-8; Stud., Chicago, 1898-9; taught in Hyde Park H. S., 1899; Instr.. Geol. and Geog., Cent. Inst., Chicago, 1905-8; Englewood H. S., 1908 — . Educ. Dir., Y. M. C. A., Paris, France, 1918— . Married Ethelyn B. Clancey, Je 27, 1900, Plain- well, Mich. Children: Marion Elizabeth, b. Mr 31, 1902; Donald Willis, b. O i8, 1903; .-Man James, b. Je 5, 1907 (died S 10, 1916). Address. 5327 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 759- LOUIS McMAINS Real Est. bus.; B. S.; b. My 14, 1868, Ver- milion Co., 111., near Rossville; s. Anderson (b. Ja 10, 1840, Waveland, Ind.) and Clarisa Comstock McMains (b. N 12, 1848, Rossville, 111.). Prepared in Rossville H. S. Adelphic; Hoppin Medal, 1890. Practicing Law, 1893- 1902; Life Ins., 1902-3; Real Est., 1903-4 in Detroit; Mgr., Real Est. Dept., John Wocher and Brc, Indianapolis, 1904-10; Ind. Nat. Guards during R. R. strike, 1894. Mem., Chris- tian Church; Chm. of Bd., four yrs. ; Supt., S. S., six yrs.; Treas. and Dir., Y. M. C. A., Crawfordsville, 1898-1902. Married Sadie Blanche Ritter, Je 26, 1895, Danville, 111. Ad- dress, 3007 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis. 760. MARY ESTELLE MANN (CARTER) (Wife of No. 732) B. L. in L. & A.; b. D 29, 1871, St. Charles. 111.; d. Charles Eben (b. S 27, 1844. N. Y. and Sarah Ellen (Landon) Mann (b. O 20, 1846, Bloomingdale, 111.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Alethenai; ist prize in Declamation Con- test. Teacher, H. S., Mattoon, 1893-4; H. S., Elgin, 1894-7. Pres., P. E. O. Soc, 1914-17; Pres., Washington Sch. Parent Teachers Assn., 1015-17. Married Charles Willard Carter ('93), Ja 12. 1898, Geneva, 111. Children: Charles" Willard, b. F 8, 1899; Alice Landon, b. Ap 29, 1905; Dorothy, b. S 2, 1908. Ad- dress, 203 N. Center St., Clinton, 111. 761. LOUEVA MAE MATHEWS (NICOLAUS) (Sister of No. 1928) B L. in L. & S.; b. 1871, Urbana; d. M. W. (b. Marshall, 111.) and Julia R. Mathews (b. Medina, O.). Married W. A. Nicolaus, Mgr., .\pt. House, Urbana. Address, 907 W. Cali- fornia St., Urbana. 762. JAMES DAVID METCALF Bank Cashier; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 14. 1871; s. James David, Sr. (b. My 16, 1839, Ky.) and Bruneete (Mason) Metcalf (b. Mr 10, 1843, do.). Prepared in Girard H. S.; West. Norm. Sch., Bushnell, 111. Kappa Sigma. Cashier of Shipman Banking Co., Shipman, IlL Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Eugenia Wolfe. O 16, 1897. Child, Eugenia, b. D 9, 1902. Address, Shipman, 111. 763. CLENDON VAN METER MILLAR (Brother of Nos. 1063, 3875) Chem. and Assayer; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1894; b. Ap 10, 1871, Mattoon, 111.; s. Adam (b. Va.) and Fannie Bowen (Knowles) Millar (b. O.). Prepared in Lee's Acad., Loxa, 111. Asst. on St. Water Sur.. 1895-9; Chem. and 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni Assayer, Joplin, Mo., 1899 — . Mem., M. E. Church; has been S. S. Supt., Pres. Epworth League, a steward in church. Married Eliza- i beth C. Insley, Je 15, 1898, Thayer. Kan. Children: Clendon Van Meter, Jr., b. Ag 7, 1905: Frank Insley, b. N 15, 1906. Address, Siyyi Joplin St., Joplin, Mo. 764. JEREMIAH GEORGE MOSIER (Father of No. 7825) Professor; B. S.; b. Ja 8, 1862, Pike Co., O.; s. David (b. Mr 20, 1827, O.) and Amanda R. (Brill) Mosier (b. Ap 29, 1828). Prepared in Urbana H. S. ; Norm. Sch., Lebanon, O. Philomathean; Alpha Zeta. Asst., (^eol., Univ. of 111., 1894-7; Farmer, 1898-1900; H. S. Teacher, Urbana and Champaign, 1900-2; Prof., Soil Physics, Coll. of Agr. and Asst. Chief, Soil Physics, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1902 — . Auth.: Bui. No. 208, Climate of 111., 128 pp. 1918; Circ. No. 82, Phys. Im- provement of Soils with Special Reference to Organic Matter, 1904, 21 pp.; Soil Reports of Twenty Counties (with Dr. C. G. Hopkins and others); text on soil Physics and Mgmt., 418 pp., 1917; H. S. text of Soils and Crops, 400 pp., 1918; Bui. Washing of Soils and Methods of Prevention, 35 pp., 1918; Lab. Guide in Soil Physics, 1908, 66 pp.; Key for determina- tion of minerals, 1895, 30 pp. (with C. W. Rolfe). Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc, 1905. Mar- ried Lydia C. Miller, Je 22, 1892, Philo, 111. Children: Leota I. ('16), b. Ag 15, 1894; Harold M., b. D 10, 1897 (died Ag 29, 1900); Henry D., b. Ap 4, 1899; Helene K., b. O 20, 1903; Dorothy R., b. My 19, 1905. Address, 908 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 765. JAMES NEEDHAM Supt. and Pres. of Coal Co.; B. S.; b. Ag 8, 1871; s. Matthew (b. 1832, Adlington, Che- shire, Eng.) and Martha (Williamson) Need- ham (b. 1834, Hazel Grove, do.). Prepared in Collinsville H. S. Kappa Sigma; Univ. Foot- ball Team; Base Ball Team. Clerical positions with various Coal Min. Companies at Troy, 111., St. Louis, and McAllister, Okla., 1893-7; pros- pecting in Klondike and Alaska, 1897-1900; Asst. Engr., Union Pac. Coal Co., Cumberland and Rock Springs, Wyo., 1900-2; Chief Engr., do., 1902-3; Supt., do., mines at Cumberland, Wyo., 1903-7; Gen. Mgr., Washington Union Coal Co., Centralia, Wash., 1907-10; Gen. Supt., Mines, Union Pac. Coal Co., Cheyenne, Wyo.; Gen. Supt., Mines, C. M. & St. P. Ry. and Pres., St. Paul Coal Co., 1912 — . Mem.. Chi- cago Auto. Club. Married Marthena Eliza- beth Richards, Ap 14, 1904, Butte, Mont. Children: Dorothy Wilmoth, b. F 14, igo.s; James Richards, b. D 18, 1908. Address, 5827 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. 766. "ADOLPH BERTINUS PETERSON B. S. in Arch.; b. 1871, Chicago; s. Mrs. Annie Peterson. Died N 2, 1899, Chicago. 767. SOPHIE MARIE PETERSON (PARR) (Wife of No. 1069) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 22, 1872, Champaign; d. Peter John (b. O 2, 1848, Sweden) and Marie Christine Peterson (b. Mr 8, 1850.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Al- ethenai; Y. W. C. A. Taught sch., 1893-9, 1907 — ; Prin., Col. Wolfe Sch., Champaign. Mem., Cong. Church. Married John Louis Parr ('97), S 20, 1899, Champaign (died D 29, 1906). Children: Harold Leslie, b. Ja 6, igoi; Marie Christine, b. F 19, 1905. Address, 803 S. 2nd St., Champaign. 768. JAMES DAVID PHILLIPS Professor; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je i, 1869, Chicago; s. James Mill (b. Scotland) and Ellen (Stewart) Phillips (b. do.). Prepared in Chi- cago Schs.; Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident; Sigma Xi; Pi Tau Sigma; Pres., boph. Class. Instr., Shop Work and Mach. Design, 1892-3; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111 1893-1902; Asst. Prof., Drawing, Univ. of Wis. 1902-5; Prof., do., 190S-9; Asst. Dean, Coll. of Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1909-18; Educ. Dir., o^" °, ^'*- Framing Detachment, N. A., 1918. Auth.: Freehand Lettering, 1902; Es- sentials of Descrip. Geom., with A. V. Millar, 1909; Mech. Drawing for Colls, and Univs., with H D. Orth. 1915; Mech. Drawing for Sec. Schs., with F. D. Crawshaw, 1916 In- ventor with Carl Hambuechen, Electrolytic method for removing oxides from silver and other metals. Mem., Soc. for Prom, of Engng Lduc; West. Drawing and Man. Tr. Teachers' Assn.; Wis. Acad, of Arts and Sc. Married Darley Payne, Ag 27, 1894, Champaign (died); Clara Moore. Je 17, 1916. Chicago. Children: r.'r" . ?,'^^^''' (died); Mary Helen (died); Wendell b. 1899. Address, 1925 W. Lawn Ave., Madison, Wis. 769. WILLIAM AMBROSE POWERS (Husband of No. 723) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 14, 1866 Knoxborough, N. Y.; s. Walter Moses (b. Ja 18, 1837 do.) and Lucinda Rebecca (Lawton) Powers (b. Je 18, 1842, Vernon, N. Y ) Pre- pared in Belvidere H. S. Philomathean. Chief Chem., AT. & S. F. R. R.; Eureka Ammonia Works, 1897; Article, Water Treating by the lowers System, S 1904, Loco. Fireman's Mag Mem., Internatl. Assn. for Testing Material 1903: West. Ry. Club, 1898. Married Grace .Avers (93), S 9, 1897, Urbana. Child, Chalton Ayers, b. O 10, 1898. Address, 1020 Western Ave., Topeka, Kan.f 770. ALFRED WILLEMIN REA Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 12, 1869 Decatur, 111.; s. Robert M. (b. Mr 8 1841, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Catharine J. (Francis) Rea (b. Ja 15, 1840 Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Philomathean; Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, 1893- 1900; Engrs. ofRce, Nat Home for Disabled Vol. Soldiers at Danville^ 111., 1898-1900; practicing Arch., Joplin, Mo., 1900-13 and Los Angeles, Calif., 1913 — . Mem A. I. A.; Past Master Fellowship Lodge No. 345, A. F. A. M., Joplin, Mo.; Mem., Los An- geles Bodies of Scottish Rite and Al Malaikah Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; Pres. So. Calif. Alumni Assn., U. of I., 1916-17; M E. Church. Married Viola Edith Cross, D 29, 1902. Child, Frances Aleene, b. My 25, 1905. Address, 903- Qos Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bldg., Los \ngeles. 771- WILLIAM BRIGGS ROWE Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 24, 1866. Freedom, 111.; s. Robert A. (b. O i, 1826, York Ridge, Ind.) and Fear B. (Hosford) Rowe (b. D 24, 1839, Freedom, 111.). Prepared in Ot- tawa H. S. Philomathean. Taught, 1893-4; with W. A. Wood Co., 1894; U. S. Mail Ser- vice, 1895-6: on I. C. R. R., 1896-1903; C. R. I. & P. R. R. ; Farming — . Invented mach. for folding, printing and stamping R. M. S. labels, 1900; Pres. Bd. of Directors, Freeman Tele- phone Exchange Co. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Phebe E. Knight, Ag 6, 1890, Baker, 111. Children: Fay K., b. Ag 19, 1892; Marion A., b. F 24, 1897; Nellie May, b. My 14, 1899; Earl W., b. O 16, 1903. Address, Freeport, Kan.f 772. CHARLES WESLEY RUSSELL Farmer; A. B. ; b. Je 10, 1871, Virginia, 111.; s. William (b. Ag 11, 1836, Edinburgh, Scot.) and Rebecca (Needham) Russell (b. O 26, 1839, Oldham, Eng.). Prepared in Vir- ginia H. S. Philomathean. H. S. Teacher, 1893-6; farmer, 1897-iqoo; teacher, 1901-2; farmer, 1902 — . Pres., Cass Co. Farmers' Inst., 4 University of Illinois [1893 '90S — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Sr. Deacon; Jr. Warden; Elder, Presby. Church, Virginia, 1918. Married Florence Newman, F 15, igo5, Vir- ginia, 111. Children: Mary Rebecca, b. D 6, 1905; Edna May, b. My 6, 1913; Dorothy Ellen, b. My 24, 1916. Address, R. 6, Virginia, 111. 773. DONALD GAMALIEL SCOTT Manager; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 16, 1873, Sil- verton, 111.; s. Robert Gregg (b. Londonderry, O.) and Elizabeth Topham (Glenn) Scott (b. Pleasant, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Arch. Draftsman, 1893-5; Struct, and Ornamen- tal Iron Draftsman, 1895-1901; Struct, and Bridge Draftsman, 1901-2; Chief Draftsman, 1902-3; Chief Engr., 1903-6; Asst. Mgr., 1907- 16; Mgr., 1 916 — -. Const. Office, Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, N. C, 191 8 — . Address, James Stewart & Co., Inc., 624 Munsey Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. 774. 'GEORGE WASHINGTON SEAMAN Supt., Mach. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1895; b. F 22, 1869, Beardstown, 111.; s. John W. and Mary E. (Thomson) Seaman. Pre- pared in Beardstown H. S. Pt. Huron Engng. & Thresher Co., 1896- 1904; Austin Mfg. Co., Harvey, 111., 1904: Mech. Engr., Aultman & Taylor Mach. Co., Mansfield, O., 1904-8; Supt., Aultman & Tavlor Mach. Co., 1908 — . Married Susie C. Reichert, S 1S91, Beardstown, III. Children: Ethel E., b. S 5, 1892; Forrest W., b. My 13, 1894; Leland S., b. F s, 1896. Died Ag I. 1914, Mansfield, O. 775. RICHARD WORTHY SHARPE Teacher; B. S.; M. S., 1899; b. My 20, 1868, Tiskilwa, HI.; s. Edwin (b. Je 19, 1840, Kent, Eng.) and Marinda Sarah (Browne) Sharpe (b. D 13, 1846, Monroe Co., O.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Dir., Band. Pnn.. Farmer City H. S., 1893-5; taught in Danville H. S., 1896-9; Dubuque, la.. 1899-1901; New Trier Tp. H. S., 1901-6; Prof., Biol., St. Norm. Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1906-7; DeWitt Clinton H. S., 1907 — . Capt., Co. of Deputy Shentts during strikes in mines at Ladd, Seatonville, Spring Valley. 111., 1892. Auth.: Contribution to a Knowledge of tlie N. Am. Freshwater Os- tracoda, incl. in tlie Families Cytheridae and Cypridae, Bui. 111. St. Lab. N. H.. vol. IV, 1897^: Report on the freshwater Ostracoda of the L. S. Nat. Mus., incl. a revision of sub-families and genera of the Family Cyprididae, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. XXVI, pp. 909-1001; Pond, Stream or Lake as a stimulus to more practi- cal work in Biol, and Physiography, Sch. ::>€. and Math., vol. V, 1905, PP- 261-6; A Lab. Man. for the Solution of Problems in Biol., Am. Book Co., 1910, 352 pp.; Report of the Ostracoda of the U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 35. PP- 330430; PL ^--l--);,^ • 1908; Notes on the Marine Copepoda and Cla- decera of Woods Hall and Adjacent Regions incl. a Synopsis of the Genera of the Har- pacticvida, do., vol. 38, pp. 405-3<5, 1910. Fresh Water Biol. chap, on Ostracoda, pp. 790-827, 161 figs., John Wiley & Sons Co., 1918. Mem., A A. A. S., 1896 — ; Fellow, do., 1912; Pres., Biol. Assn., N. Y. City, 1912: Council Inst. Arts and Sc; Pres., Dept. Microscopy, 1908-9; Dir Nat. Hist. Sur., Long Island, Brooklyn Inst., 1909-11; V. P., Biol. Assn., N. Y. City, 191 1. Married Jessie Mav Kellogg, Jl 11, 1907, Oconomowoc, Wis. Children: Richard Worthy, b N 6, 1908: Charles Lyman, b. N 4..,i9ii- Address, 89 Hawthorne St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; bus. add., 59th St. and loth Ave., N. Y. 776. SHIGETSURA SHIGA Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 16, 1866, Kioto, Japan; s. Shigemi Shiga (b. 1842, Wa- kasa, Japan) and Tameko Ono (b. 1843, Kioto, do.). Prepared in Tokyo H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. Arch., 1905. Adelphic. Prof., Tokyo Higher Tech. Sch., 1894—; Sr. Mem., See. Japanese Archs., 1894 — ; Arch, to Educ. Dept., Imperial Japanese Govt., 1900-3 and 1908-12. Pres., Japan Club of Univ. of 111.; the Fifth Order of the Sacred Treasure (decoration of Honor); Second grade of Fourth rank in the Imperial Japanese Court. Married Haruko, 1895, Tokyo (died 1910); Sueko, 191 1, Kioto. Children: a son and three daughters. Address, 40 Obsuka, Sakashita-cho, Koishikawa-Ku, To- kyo, Japan. 777. SEVERIN CANUTE SKIELVIG Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 17, 1870, Chicago; s. Lars and Mari (Knudsen) Skiel- vig. Supvr., Drawing, Pub. Sch., Peoria, 1S93-5; Arch., Dallas, Te.x., 1S95 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Piesby. Church. Married Floy Eloise Freeman, D 2, 1908. Address, 141 1 Pruitt St., Fort Worth, Tex. 778. 'FRED MILTON SPALDING B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 13, 1872, Gibson City, 111.; s. Truman D. (b. Lewiston, N. Y.) and Wealthy R. Spalding (b. Ashtabula, O.). Pre- pared in Gibson City H. S. Chiefly engaged in Mun. Engng. Died Ag 28, 1897, Gibson City. 111. 778A. WILLIAM ERNEST STEINWEDELL Secretary; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 12, 1873; s. William and Louise A. (Morphy) Stein- wedell. Prepared in Ll'niv. Acad. Kappa Sigma. Sec, The Gas Machinery Co., Cleveland. Mar- ried Myra Wells Smith, Je 19, 1901. Children: William, b. 1902; James, b. 1903; Ann. b. 1907; J. R., b. 1915. Address, 2410 Derbyshire Road, Cleveland; bus. add., 1900 Euclid Ave., do. 779. JOHN TRUESDALE STEWART Prof, and Chief of Div. of Agr. Engng.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1909; b. Ja 13, 1868, near Loda, 111.; s. William R. (b. D 25, 1839, Jono- than Creek, Perry Co., O.) and Nancy (Barr) Stewart (b. F 14, 1836, Rushville, Fairfield Co., U.). Prepared in Paxton Acad. M. L. A., Grand Prairie Sem., 1S88. Sigma Xi; Capt., Univ. Regt. Organized and drilled Co. B, Bo- gardus Prov. Regt. for Spanish-Am. War, re- ceived Capt's. Comn. from Gov. Tanner. Gen. Engng. Practise, Paxton and Peoria, 1893-7; Levelman, U. S. Geol. Sur., si.x mos. each, 1897 and 1898; Asst. Engr., Maintenance of Way, Mich. Div., Big Four, three mos. each, 1898 and 1899; with U. S. Geol. Sur., 1899- 1904 (among other work, ran three lines in the granite ijorge, which is the deepest sec. of the Grand Canyon and are the only lines of spirit levels ever carried to the river in that sec); Measured Vol. of Streams in Black Hills of S. Dak. and Wyo., two mos.; with Irrigation and Drainage Investigations, Office of Exp. Sta., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904-8; Head of Div. of Agr. Engng. and in charge of Engng. Instr. in Dept. of Agr. and Sch. of For., Univ. of Minn., 1908 — ; Maj., E. R. C, 1917; on active duty My 1917; in office of Chief Engrs., U. S. A., Ag 1917 — . Designed the turning pin and the graduation of the level rod used by U. S. Geol. Sur. Auth.: Data to be Con- tained in a Prelim. Drainage Report, la. St. Drainage Assn., lOio, pp. 19-29; Disposal of House Sewage, Minn. Farmers' Ann'l., N 22, 1909, pp. 57-63; Drainage on the Farm, do., N 21, 1Q08, pp. 100-5; Rev. of Drainage Legislation, A^. Y. St. Lib. Rev. of Legislation, 1905, pp. 243-56, 1906, pp. 71-80, 1907 and 1908, pp. 131-145; Roads, Am. Soc. of Apr. Engrs., 1909, pp. 104-11; How to Tile Drain, Minn. Farmers' Ann'l., N 22, 1909, pp. 278- 90; as well as many other articles along similar subjects. Hon. mem.. Alpha Zeta: Am. Peat Soc; A. S. C. E.; Am. Soc. of Testing Ma- terials; Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs.; Campus; 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs.; K. of P.; Minn. Forestry Assn.; Minn. St. Hort. Soc; M. W. A.; Nat. Geog. Soc; West. Soc. of Engrs.; 1894] Baccalaureate Alumni 75 Hon. mem., Tau Beta Pi, 191 ■;. Married Ida Belle Wilson, Ja i, 1900, Bloomington, 111. Address. 2323 Knapp St., St. Paul, Minn.; bus. add., Univ. Farm, do. 780. BERNARD VICTOR SWENSON (Brother of No. 1280) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1901; b. My 3, 1872, Chicago; s. Ber- nard (b. Ap 5, 1838, Norway) and Antoinette (Johnson) Swenson (b. Ap 14, 1841), do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi. E. E., Univ. of Wis., 1901. Instr., E. E., Univ. of 111., 1893-5; Asst. Prof., E. E., 1895-8; do., Univ. of Wis., 1898- 1905; Sec. and Treas., Am. Str. and Interurban Ry. Assn., 1905-9; with St. Rys. Adv. Co., N. Y. City, 1909 — ; Elec. Ry. Representative, Barron G. Collier, Inc. Auth.: Testing of Electro Magnetic Mach. and Other Apparatus (with Budd Frankernfield), vol. I (Direct Cur- rents) 1904, 420 pp.; do., vol. II (Alternating Currents) Macmillan Co., ign, 324 pp.; Rpt. of Elec. Ry. Test Comn. of L. P. Exp. (with Henry H. Norris), 1906, 700 pp.; also a num- ber of articles. Fellow, A. I. E. E.; mem., A. S. M. E.; New York Engrs. Club; Elec. Sec. Internat. Jury of Awards, La. Pur. Ex- position, 1904; Elec. Ry. Test. Comn., do., 1904-5, Asst. Supt. ; Internat. Elec. Cong., do.; N. Y. Ry. Club; N. Y. Elec. Soc. Married Katherine Vose Trevett, 1894, Champaign. Children: Katherine Marcy, b. D 12, 1901; Bernard Robert, b. Ag 13, 1907- Address, Engrs. Club, 32 W. 40th St., N. Y. City; bus. add., 220 W. 42d St., Candler Bldg., do. 781. ALMON DANIEL THOMPSON Mun. Contr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1896; b. Ap 9, 1868, Oilman, 111.; s. Levi (b. near Oilman, 111.) and Amanda (Wright)^ Thomp- son (b. do.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. Adel- phic; C. E. Club; Phi Delta Theta; Pres., Ath. Assn., 1892-3; Bus. Mgr., lilini, 1892-3. Asst. City Engr., Peoria, 1893-5; City Engr., do., 1895-1900; Mun. Contr. and Engr., 1900 — . Auth.: Cost of Brick Pavements, Technograph, N 5, 1891; A Mun. Testing Lab., in Mun. Engng., Ja 1S96, pp. i-ii; West Bluff Sewer Sys., Engng. News. vol. 37, pp. 50-52, Ja 27, 1897; Dimensions of Sewer Pipe, Mun. Engng., Mr, 1898, pp. 123-126, vol. 14; Local Improve- ment Act. of 111. City Govt., My, 1899; Duties and Compensations of Mun. Engrs., Mun. Engng., 1899; and other articles along the same lines. Married Fleet Oillum, Jl 27, 1903, Mil- ford, 111. Address, 527 Moss Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 1005 Jefferson Bldg., do. 782. WILLIAM TOWNSEND Salesman; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 14, 1873, Condit Tp., Champaign Co.; s. William Knee- land Dell (b. Ja 3, 1840, Sandusky, O.) and Mary Hamilton (Zurhorst) Townsend (b. do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Salesman, Pneumatic Despatch Tubes, 1894-8; Min. Mach., 1898-1901; Pneumatic Despatch Tubes, 1901 — ; Rotary Mchy., 1009 — . Married Alberta Frances Baker, Ag 16, 1899. Children: William Baker, b. Mr 4, 1901; Elizabeth, b. Je 6, 1902; Susan, b. N 13, 1909; Alberta Jane, b. Ag 14, 191 1 ; Barbara Ann, b. S 28, 1916. Address, 122 N. Catherine Ave., La Orange, 111.; bus. add., 929 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago. 783. ROBERT CLARKE VIAL (Brother of Nos. 413, 453, 1287) Farmer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 9, 1872, West- ern Sorings, II!.; s. Robert (b. Ap g, 1824, Chester, N. Y.) and Mary Roe (Ketchum) Vial (b. N 18, 1834, Newburgh, N. Y.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic. Taught, 18947; Civ. Engr., 1897- 1903; Farming, 1903 — . Married Helen Alma Stage, D 23, 1897. Champaign. Children: Ed- mund Elswortli^ b. My 8, 1900; Jane, b. Je 10, 1904; Stanley Carter, b. Ap 11, 1908. Address. K. 2, La Grange, 111. 784. THOMAS TYSON WOODRUFF Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 27, 1872, Quincy, III.; s. Timothy Dewey (b. O 27, 1840, Quincy, 111.) and Frances Eugenia (Godfrey) Woodruff (b. N 4. 1846, Bangor, Me.). Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. Five yrs. with Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. ; five yrs. with Allied companies in France, Italy, Greece and Eng. ; six yrs. in const, work in South Am., with J. 0. White & Co., Ltd. Address, 329 N. 8th St., Quincy, 111. 785. ORRES EPHRIAM YOUNG Farmer; B. L.; b. S 2, 1870, Stonington, 111.; s. B. F. (b. D 22, 1842, Canton, O.) and Sabilla ( Schrantz) Young (b. Ja 11, 1845). Philoma- thean; Illini Staff. Asst. Ed., Orange Judd Farfner, 1893-6; Assoc. Ed., Mich. Farmer, 1896-1914; farming 1914 — . V. P., Nat. Corn Growers Assn., 1907; Sec. Treas., Mich. St. Corn Growers, 1904-10. Married Louise M. Murray, Je 18, 1901, Springfield, Mass. Child- ren: Elizabeth Schrantz, b. O 15, 1904; Clyde Russell, b. Mr 15, 1913 (died F 22, 1914). Ad- dress, 1329 W. Wood St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., Stewardson, 111. CLASS OF 1894 (63 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 786. LEVI PATTEN ATWOOD (Brother of No. 1805) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 7, 1872, Rockford, 111.; s. P. B. (b. Mr 10, 1843, Owen, 111.) and Emma (Catlin) Atwood (b. F 2, 1848, Litchfield, Conn.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Adelphic; C. E. Soc; Bus. Mgr., Illini, 1893-4. Draftsman, D. W. Mead, 1894-5; Topographer, U. S. Army, Miss. Levee Work, Rock Island, 1895; Draftsman, 1896; Asst. Engr., 1896-7; Engr., M. of W., 1897-1900; Pvt. Min. work, Sonora, Mex., 1900; Engr., M. of W. R. G. S. M. & P. R. R., 1900-02; Supt., do., 1903-5; Chief Engr., do., exten, from 1904-5; Engr. of C. P. and St. L. R. R., 1905; Supt., Litchfield and Madison Ry., 1905- 6; Asst. Engr. So. Pac. Ry. Co., Mex. lines, 1906; Pvt. Practise and Real Est., Calif., Mex. and Tex., 1907-14; Civ. and Ry. Engr. of staff' of Wis. R. R. Com., 1914 — . Auth.: Articles in ///. Soc. Engr. and Sur., 13th Annual Rpt., R. R. Const, in Mex., pp. 106-109; Cost of Plates on Tie R. G. S. M. & P. R. R., no pp.; 17th Annual Rpt., M. and W. Records, do. 54 pp.; 18th Annual Rpt., Work on Train Rec- ords, 104 pp.; igth Annual Rpt. in renewals, i6q pp. Married Blanche Booker, Ag 15, 1898, El Paso, Tex.; divorced. My 1910; Idinna Hughes, Ag 29, 1917. Address, care R. R. Com., Madison. Wis. 787. CLYDE LESLIE BABCOCK Grain and Lumber Bus.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 9, 1873. Ridott, 111.; s. Geno S. (b. Ja 9. 1852, Ridott, 111.) and Jennie L. (Goodwill) Babcock (b. Je 27, 1855, Quebec, Can.). Pre- pared in Harvard (Neb.) H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Y. M. C. A.; C. E. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Civ. Engr., 1894-96; Grain and Lumber Bus., 1896 — . Married Georgia Eldred White, 1898, Harvard, Neb. Child, Clyde Harold, b. Te 21, 1903. Address, New Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.t 788. LOUIS WILLIAM BARKER B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 5, 1871, Sparta, 111.; s. D. P. (b. Mr 5, 1842, New Design, 111.) and A. J. (Rosborough) Barker (b. N 1842, Sparta, 76 University of Illinois I1S04 111.)- Prepared in Sparta H. S. Shield and Trident. Prop., Sparta Gas & Elec. Co., 1894- 1902; Part, do., with L. J. Sexton, 1902-12. First Presby. Church. Married Florence Edith Barker, S 21, 1908, E. at. Louis. Address, Du Quoin. Ill.t 789. OTTO BAUMANN Stockman and in bus.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 22, 1872, Hermann, Mo.; s. Engel (b. Ap 24, 1824, Canton Uri, Switzerland) and Louise (Danizen) Baumann (b. F 11, 1838, Baden, Ger.). Prepared in Prep. School, Univ. of 111. Draftsman, Bell Tel. Co.; Engr., Gen. Elec. Co. and West. Elec. Co.; Rancher in S. Dak.; Stockman, Kansas City. Married May H. Baumann, O 9, 1905. Address, 1626 Kentucky St., Quincy, Ill.t 790. HARRISON EATON BEASLEY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 1, 1872. Peoria; s. N. K. and Susan Hester (Wadleigh) Beasley. Asst. City Engr., 1894-7; Contr., 1897-1900; City Engr., Peoria, 1900-5; pvt. practice, 1905 — . Mem.. Creve Coeur; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Nellie Louise Body, F 21, 1900, Peoria. Children: Gladys Margaret, b. N 8, 1901; Harriet Elizabeth, b. F 20, 1904. Address. 13 '5 Perry Ave., Peona.t 791. LUCINDA PEARL BOGGS (Sister of Nos. 340, 6S3, 1630; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1874. Hayes, 111.; d. Benj. Franklin (b. Jl 2, 1S32, Lawrence Co., O.) and Mary Jane (Armstrong) Boggs (b. .N 29i 1835, do.). Prepared at home. Lit. Ed., J he I Hint; Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Oral. Assn.; Dramatic Club. Ph. D., Univ. of Halle, Ger, 1900; Hon. Fellow in Psych, and Phil., Cornell, 1902-3. Teaching, Rice Collegiate Inst., Pa.xton, 111., 1894-7; Study and Travel in Europe, 1897-1900; Teaching, Wash. St. Norm. Sch., Ellenburg, Wash., 190 1-2; Study and Travel, 1903-5; Prof., Phil, and Psych., West. Coll. for Women, O.xford, O., 1905- Educ. Mission in China, 1910-12. Auth. : Das Inter- esse und Seine Anwenduing in der Padagogik, C. A. Kaimerer & Co., Halle, Ger., 1901, 8vo., 75 PP-; The Physiological Accompaniments ot Feeling, Psychological Review, vol. XI, 1904, PP 223-248; Psych, of Interest and the Learning Process, Joi^°- r-*"^?^' t;hampaign Co., 1912-14. Mem., Bd. of Educ, Urbana, 1906-18; Chm. 51dg. (:om. that erected sch. bldg.. No. 4 Hayes Sch. and H, S. ; Chm., Bldg. Com. tha remodelled Masonic Temple, Urbana, 1913-14. Past Master, Urbana Lodge No. 157; Dist Deputy and Grand Master, A F A M •' fwenty-Eighth Masonic Dist., 1913-15; Grand Lecturer, A. F A^ M., 1914-; Past Chan 'if}^°^< <-ourt of Honor, Dist. No. 17- Past Watchman of the Shepherd of Mizpah Shrine, R°'a'aV ^V t.^- h' ""^'n-' Chap. No. 80 K. A. M.; Urban Council, No. 19, R. S M • Urbana Commandery No. 16, K. T.; Medinah ht % ^- ^i-S.; Oasis of Chicago; Triumph Lodge No 73 K P.; Urbana Lodge No. 991, V ^- *^-^^' Urbana Conclave; True Kindred iNo. 15;. Champaign Country Ciub; Chm., Local Exemption Bd. for Div. No. i. Champaign Co. nr^'^J^/""^ ^^^\.^,''^; -" 8, 1903, Galesburg, I:, A^'^'"''-'-'' 910 VV. Green St., Urbana; bus. add., Masonic Bldg., do. 842. 'EDWIN WARREN STOCKER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 15, 1870 Rock Island, 111.; s. George (b. Je 3 1839'. London, Lng.) and Elizabeth W. (Langdell) Stocker (b. S 30, 1841. Northamptonshire. f-V\'- i/^^fl^''?'^ '" ^ock Island H. S. Arch. Llub; Prohibition Club; Y. M C \ ■ Ed Techiiograph. Died S 16. 1894, Rock I'sland.' 843- WILLIAM STRAUSS In Bus.; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 17 1871 Pittsfield. 111.; s. Isaac (b. Ger.) and Elisa (Jacobs) btrauss (b. do.). Prepared in Pitts- held H. S. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 844. ALBERT PHILIP SY Professor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1899; b. Ag 17, 1872, Altamount, 111.; s. Philip (b. Je 7, 1845, Bergholz, N. Y.) and Wilhelmine (Mil- ville) Sy (b. D 20, 1844, Ger.). Prepared in Altamount H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Buffalo, 1908. Instr., Chem., Univ. of Buffalo, 1895-8; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1898-9; Asst. Prof., Chem., Univ. of Buffalo, 1899-1900; Chief Chem., Ord. Dept., U. S. Army, 1900-4; Prof., Chem., Univ. of Buffalo, 1904 — . Inventor of Test for Stability of Cellulose Nitrate Powders, officially adopted by the Ord. Dept., U. S. Army, 1903; mercury seal fat flask; fumeless nitrogen digestion apparatus. Auth.: New Fat Flask, Mercury Seal, Jour. hid. and Engng. Chem., 1909, 314 pp.; Three New Prelim. Tests for Maple Product, Jour. A. C. S., 1908, pp. 1429- 1431; Lead Value of Maple Products, do., 1908, pp. 1611-1616; Apparatus for Polarizing at 87°, do., 1908, pp. 1790-91; Apparatus for Prevent- ing Bumping, do., 1908, pp. 1792, 1793; Hist., Manufacture and Analysis of Maple Products, Jour. Frank. Inst., 1908; Inorganic Chem., (text-book) to be published by J. Wiley & Sons: Food Preparedness and Food Values (pamph- University of Illinois [1894 lets), pub. by Univ. of Buffalo, 1917; articles in Jour. Ind. and Engng. Chem., Jour. A. C. S. Mem., Lutheran Church; A. C. S.; Univ. Club, Buffalo; Buffalo Lawn Bowling Club. Married Lucetta M. Hersee, S 5, 1901, Buffalo. Child, Edwin Alber William, b. O 5, 1902. Address, 219 Crescent Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 84s. ♦WILLIAM C. TACKETT Lawyer; B. L. in L. & A.; b. Ap 13, 1870, Ivesdale, 111.; s. Walter B. and Elizabeth G. (Powers) Tackett. Prepared in Sadorus Tp., Champaign Co. Philomathean; Blackstonian; Y. M. C. A.; Phi Delta Theta; Prohibition Club; Shield and Trident; Football Team; Track Team; Ed., Illim. Teacher, Math., Champaign H. S., 1894-6; Lawyer, 1896-7. Mem., Christian Church. Died F 5', 1897, Chicago. 846. *BENJAMIN FR.XNKLIN TEMPLETON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 11, 1856; s. David (b. Tl 22, 1826, Greene Co., O.) and Amazonia CM"ills) Templeton (b. Ja 14. 1834. Lawrence Co., 111.). Prepared in Valparaiso Norm. Sch. Teacher Math., Huntington, Ind., H. S., 1894-5; Supt., Schs., i89=;-7; Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1897-8; Prof., Latin and Greek, Marion, Ind., Norm. Coll., 1898-1901. Elder Christian Church. Married Carrie Harter, D 25, 1894," Indianapolis. Died Ja 9, 1901, Mari- on, Ind. 847. WILLIS EUGENE TOWER Teacher; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 190S; b. Je s. 1871, Bennington, Vt. ; s. Reuben Smith (b. Je 12, 1845, N. Y.) and Susan Chase^ (Lyons) Tower (b. Ja 15, 1850, Bennington, Vt.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Courses in Educ, Univ. of Chicago. Philomathean; Chem. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Mgr., Philo-Adelphic Lecture Course, 1S94. Prin., Elkhart Inst., 1895-7; Head of Dept. of Physics, Englewood H. S. Auth. : Experimental Physics, 324 pp., Ginn & Co., 191 1 ; Prins. of Physics, 466 pp., P. Blokiston s Son & Co., 1914; The Teaching of Physics m Segregated Classes, Sch. Sc. and Math.- A High Sch. Boy's Efficiency Sheet, do.; Mechanics in a First Year Course in Physics, School Rev., Ja 1905; Physics Ed., School Science and Mathe- matics. Mem., M. E. Church; Central Assn. Sc. and Math. Teachers, Pres., 1914; active mem., Nat. Educ. Assn.; A. A. A. S.; R. A. M., Nor- mal Park Chap. Married Alta Cooley. D 27. 1899, Rochelle. III. Children: Dorothy, b. S 15, iQoi; Robert Cooley, b. Mr 20, 1904; Fredenck Willis. b. O 7, 1905. Address, 344 N. Normal Parkway, Chicago. 848. *CHARLES HENRY TREGO Farmer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 3, 1870, Chi- cago; s. Alfred H. (b. Je 16, 1838, Wrightstown, Pa.) and Frances C. (Reed) Trego (b. S i. 1848, Farmington, III.). Prepared in Hoopston H. S. and Univ. Acad.; Mech. and r-lec. Engng. Soc. With Hoopston Canning Co., 1894-5; Mgr. and Supt., Hoopston Elec. Co., 1895-1901 ; Cuba Cattle Co., 1902; farmed in Southern Calif., 1903-8; farming at Palacios, Tex. since 1908; owner Ice Factory and Elec. Light Plant, Pa- lacios, Tex., 1913. Mem., Northwestern Elec. Assn., 1896-1900. Married Clara T. Clark, F 3, 1905, Chicago. Died N 18, 1918. S49. PERCY THOMAS WALTON Engng. and Contracting; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 27, 1871, Paxton, 111.; s. William L. (b. O 30, 1844, Ens.) and Kate B. (Hmchman) Walton (b. Ja 28, 1848, Racine, Wis.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Struct. Steel and Bridge Engr.. with Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, 1897-8; Kenwood Bridge Co., Chicago, 1898-99; Stupp Bros. Bridge Co., St. Louis, 1899-1905; Chiel Engr., 111. Steel Bridge Co., Jacksonville, 111., 1Q05-9; Gen. Mgr., N. Dak. Metal Culvert Co., Fargo N. Dak.. IQ00-12. North Western Agency for 111. Steel Bridge Co.. 191 2—. Married Cora L. Landell, Jl 30, 1898, St. Louis (died Je 16. 1903); Prudence Austin, My 5, 1915, Duluth, Minn. Address, 551 Gilfillan Block, St. Paul. 850. ^LESLIE ALVORD WEAVER (Brother of No. 1289) B. L.; b. F 21, 1872, Cleveland; s. Benjamin (b. My I, 1846, Schenectady Co., N. Y.) and Martha Maria (Campbell) Weaver (b. Ag 30, 1850, Cook Co., 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Dramatic Club; Chess Club: Illini staff; Sophograph Bd. Mayor pro tem of Champaign. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Eunice Sheldon, Je 8, 1898, Urbana. Children: Dorothy Eunice, b. Jl 4, 1899; Sheldon Alvord, b. N 13, 1902. Died N 19, 1905, Champaign. 851. FRED JOHN WEEDMAN Investigator, Claims Dept., I. C. R. R.; B. L. in L. & A.; b. Mr 28. 1872, Farmer City, 111.; s. T. S. and Mary M. (Brownlee) Weedman. Prepared in Pub. Sch. Phi Delta Theta; Black- stonian; Philomathean; Track; Capt. Varsity Championship Track Team, 1894. With J. V. Farwell, 1894-5; Real Est., Univ. Regt. Ins., 1895-6; Taught Sch., 1896-8; Asst. Postmaster, Farmer City, 1900-2; Investigator of Claims in Claim Dept., I. C. R. R., 1902 — . Married Winifred Wetzell, Mr 28, 1900, Farmer City, 111. Child, Dale Frederick, b. N 16, 1908. Address, 305 Park Row Sta., Chicago.f 852. CHARLES THORNTON WILDER (Brother of No. 496) Real Est. Bus.; B. S.; b. D 17, 1870, Essex, N. Y. ; s. Charles N. (b. Winchendon, Mass.) and Martha L. (Thornton) Wilder (b. Sidney, Australia). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Chi; Philomathean; Assoc. Ed., Illini. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1894-5; in charge Dept. of Photography, do., 1895-1900; Real Est., 1900-2; Mining, 1902-12; Real Est., Los Angeles, 1912— . Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Mar- ried Bertha M. Ritter, Mr 18, 1914, Point Firman, Calif. Child, Charles Thornton Wilder, Jr., b. O 5, 1916. Address, San Pedro, Los .\ngeles. 853. ROBERT ALVIN WOOD Chief of Section, Bur. of Mines; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1895; b. N 26, 1866, Woodburn, 111.; s. Richard H. (b. 1833, N. J.) and Ellen A. (Sturges) Wood (b. 1836, Woodburn, 111.). Prepared in Bunker Hill Acad. Fellowship in M. E., 1904-5. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Agt., Brit. Luxfer Prism Co.; Chief, Tech. Section, Bur. of Mines, Pittsburgh. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Maude I. Stevens, F 20, 1900, Hampstead Heath, London, Eng. Children: Robert Stevens, b. Ap 20, 1902; Esther Helen, b. Ag 19, 1904, Ruth Virginia, b. Ap 1909. Address, 219 7th St., Aspinwall, Pa.; bus. add.. Bur. of Mines, Pittsburgh. 854. *OLGA C. WOOLSEY (GIBBS) (Wife of No. 742; Sister of No. 1297) B. S. in L. & A.; A. M., 1895; b- .Ta 20, 1871, Polo, 111.; d. R. Dickson (b. S 9, 1834, Andes, N. Y.) and Mary A. (Holmes) Woolsey (b. Je IS, 1838, Hamden, N. Y.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; English Club. Fellowship in Latin. Taught one yr. Mem., Congr. Church. Married William David Gibbs (•93), Jl 16, 1896, Polo, 111. Child, Dorothy, b. Je II, 1899 (died at birth). Died Je ii, 1899, Columbus, O. i895 Baccalaureate Alumni CLASS OF 1895 (68 LIVING, 6 DEAD) 83 855. HERBERT CLARKE ARMS V. P., Central Scientific Co.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 3, 1871, Dubuque, la.; s. Charles Henry (b. D 25, 1840, Knoxville, 111.) and Aurora Bartlett (Clarke) Arms (b. Ja 27, 1844, Con- way, Mass.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Sigma Chi; Shield and Trident; Glee, Mandolin, Archs'. Clubs; Pres., Students' Dancing Club; Treas., Freshman Class; Helped organize Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Ed., ist. lUio and named it; Assoc. Ed., Illiiti. Asst. Arch., I. C. R. R., 1895-98; Mgr., Chicago Lab. Supply & Scale Co., 1898-1904; V. P., Scientific Co., 1904 — . Grand Tribune, Sigma Chi Fra- ternity, 1900-9; Pres., Wilmette Country Club; mem., Skokie Country Club; Univ. Club of Chicago; Illini Club of Chicago. Married Eliz- abeth Watson Gregg, Je 20, iqoo, Chicago. Child, Eloise Elizabeth, b. Ag 28, 1903. Ad- dress, Wilmette, 111. 856. CHARLES B.VRRY Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 6, 1871, Henry, 111.; s. Michael (b. Ireland) and Mar- garet (Brown) Barry. Prepared in Norm. Sch., Dixon, 111. With Internat. Harvester Co., 1895- 1907; Contr., Engng. Co., 1907-12; F. B. Dicker- man Co., 1912— . Address, 5355 Agatite Ave., Chicago. 8s7- HARRY WILLIAM BAUM (Husband of No. 1224) Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 23, 1874, Indianola, 111.; s. Frank (b. N 1849, Indianola, 111.) and Eliza (McHafiie) Baum (b. Mr 1850, do.). Prepared in Indianola H. S. Kappa Sigma; Ath. Assn.; Pres., Sr. Class; Baseball team, 1893-5; Football team, 1893-5. Civ. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1896-8; Asst., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1898-9; Asst. Engr. on U. P. R. R., 1899-1904; Asst. Engr., O. S. L. R. R., 1904-5; Supt. Const., James Stewart & Co., 1905-9; Con- tracting Mgr., James Stewart & Co., 1909 — . Mem., A. S. C. E.; Alta Club, Salt Lake City; Univ. Club; Weber Club, Ogden, Ut. Married Daisy Carver ('99), Mr 20, 1900. Bloomington, 111. Child, Infant, b. Jl 1903 (died do.). Ad- dress, Biltmore Hotel, New York; bus. add., c/o James Stewart & Co., 30 Church St., do. 858. CHARLES WORTH BEACH Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 5, 1868. Des Moines; s. David and Roxana (Munhall) Beach. Prepared in Colo. Agr. Coll. Civ. and Irriga- tion Engr. Deputy St. Engr. Auth.: Irrigation in Colorado, pub. by Bur. of Irrigation Investi- gation, U. S. Dept. Agr.; also did work on two biennial reports of St. Engr., 1905-6, 1907-8; Chief Engr., Two Buttes Irrigation & Reservoir Co. Address, Las Animas, Colo.t 859. FREDERICK ALBERT BEEBE Mechanic; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 15, 1872, Red Bank, N. J.; s. Samuel Smith (b. Ag 25, 1846, Rome, N. Y.) and Katherine H. (Burr) Beebe (b. O 1851, Middletown, N. J.). Pre- pared in Wisner (Neb.) H. S. and Univ. of 111. Acad. With GriflSn Wheel Co., Chicago, 1895- 11; Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 191 1; foundry expert, do., 191 1 — . Auth.: Cast Iron and Steel Wheels, Elec. Street Ry. Jour., Vol. 35, No. II, pp. 446-449, 1910; Cast Iron Car Wheels, 1907. Mem., Mech. Engng. Soc. ; A. F. A. M. ; Chicago Yacht Club. Married Grace Josephine English, D 24, 1906, Boston. Ad- dress, Michigan City, Ind. 860. WILLIAM GUTHRIE BOON Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 2, 1870, Chrisman, 111.; s. John (b. Ap 13, 1837, Eng.) and Ann E. (Guthrie) Boon (b. Ja 25, 1841, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Asst. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R. Civ. Engr., Dept. Mainte- nance of Way. Married Charlotte Bates, Je 12, 1901, Burlington, la. Children: Guthrie Bates, b. Je 26, 1902; William Clifford, b. Ag 12, 1905. Address, 117 Prince Ave., Downers Grove, 111. 861. ROBERT ALLAN BOWER, Jr. Banker; B. L. in L. & A.; b. Mr 8, 1875, Tolono, 111.; s. Robert Allan (b. Brown Co., O.) and Mary Elizabeth Bower (b. Md.). Prepared in Tolono Tp. H. S. Tolono Bank, 1896-01; bupt.. Ice Plant, Mattoon and V. P., Bank of Tolono, 1901 — . Married Ella Beaton, F 1905, Chicago. Children: David Robert, b. Mr 8 1906; Isabel, b. F 12, 1909; Mary, b. Jl 2. 1012' Address, Tolono, IlLf . v ■ 862. CHARLES BAKER BURDICK Hydraulic and San. Engr.; B. S. in C. E • C. E., 1912; b. Mr 6, 1874, Chicago; s. Wil- liam Richard (b. Ja 12, 1833, Erie Co., N. Y.) and Mary (Dewey) Burdick (b. 1846, Coopers- town, N. Y.). Prepared in Wallace H. S.. Sterling, 111. Sigma Chi; Shield and Trident; Glee. Mandolin and Banjo Clubs; Leader, Glee Club. Asst. Engr., Alvord & Shields, Consult- ing Engrs., 1895-7; Asst. Engr., John A. Cole, Hydraulic Engr., 1897-1901; Assoc, firm of Jotin A. Cole & Sons, 1901; since 1902 mem hrm Alvord & Burdick, Hydraulic & San! Engrs., Chicago. Co-auth., Relief from Floods 175. pp., McGraw Book Co., 1918; published various papers delivered before Technical So- cieties with reference to the purification of water, methods of water pumping, and other subjects relating to water works. Mem., A S ,,•; ,•' )^"'- ^o'^- Engrs., Pres.; Am. Water Works Assn.; 111. Soc. Engrs., past Pres.; Chi- cago Engrs. Club; Univ. Club of Chicago; La Grange Country Club. Married Mabel Myra laylor, O 8, 1909, Chicago. Child, Mary, b. Jl 2, 1912. Address, 419 S. Waiola Ave., La Grange, 111. 863. WILLIAM THOMAS BURRILL Arch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 20. 1868, Stephenson Co., III.; s. Edward and Sophia T. (Cowan) Burrill. Prepared in Urbana H. S and Spokane Coll., Spokane, Wash. Y. M C. A. Arch. Draftsman, 1895-8; Struct. Drafts- man, 1898-1904; Contracting Engr., 1904-5; b.ngr. in charge of drafting, 1905—. Minne- apolis Engrs.' Club. Married Florence Flota Baker, N 8, 1900, Decatur, 111. Children: Charles Martin, b. O 31, iqoi; Lida Marilla, b. Jl 7, 1903, and Lois, b. My 4, 1906 (died My I, 1907). Address, 2376 Carter Ave., St. Paul. 864. •FRANK LYMAN BUSEY (Brother of No. 1316) Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1908; b. Ag 28, 1872, Urbana; s. Mathew D. (b. Ur- bana) and Anna E. (Hurd) Busey (b. Lima, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Operated foundry and Mach. Shop, Chicago, 1895-8; in bus., 1898-1905; Consulting Engr., Seattle, 1906; with Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Asst. Chief Engr., Buffalo Forge Co., 191 1. Auth.: Tests with House Heating Boil- ers and Furnaces. Engng. Review, 191 1, 18 pp.; New Basis for Rating House Heating Boilers and Furnaces presented at Je, 191 1, meeting of Am. Soc. Heating and Vent. Engrs.; auth. with Mr. W. H. Carrier of paper pre- sented D 191 1, before the A. S. M. E., on "Ajr Conditioning Apparatus"; Various short articles in Engng Review., Power; Domestic Engng. and Metal Works. Married Lillian M. Yanos, Jl 5, 1897, Urbana. Died Je 7, 1014, Battle (Treek, Mich. 865. HORTENSE CALL (BARR) B. S.; b. O IS, 1874, Urbana; d. Geo. W. (b. Ap 8, 1836) and Celina Catherine (Copen- 84 University of Illinois [i89i haver) Call (b. Ag 20, 1841, Dresden, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Nurse in Mary Thompson Hosp., i8q6- 8, Chicago: graduated 1898. Mem , D A R. ; O. E. S.; Hope Chap. No. 104; Worthy Com- mander, Urbana Conclave, No. is; Order of True Kindred. Married Andrew Barr, Jl 15, 1899. Children: Andrew, b. My 6, 1901; Catherine Celina, b. Ag 31, J 904; Marion Elizabeth, b. Mr 21, 1907; John W., b. b 12, 1913. Address, 502 S. Race St., Urbana. 866. GEORGE HENRY CAMPBELL Banker: B. L. in L. & A.; b. N 9, 1874, Edge- wood, 111.; s. John Thomas (b. Ja 26, 184S. Barrington, 111.) and Kathenne (Jenkins) Campbell (h. S 21, 1850 near Dayton. O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Black stonian; Ed., The Illini, 1895; Fellowship in Latin, 1899-1900. M. L., 1900. Teacher, 1903 : Deputy Co. Clerk 1905. Married Lula Myra Mitchell, Ag 27, 1902. Address, Joy, Ill.T 867. EARL VANHISE CAPPS E. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1896; b. My 14, 1873. Illiopolis, 111.; s. Thomas W. and Nellie (Vanhise) Capps. Prepared in Mt. Pulaski H. S. A. M., Univ. Neb., 1699. Brevei Capt. Prac. Electn., 1897; Pnn H. S., Blair Neb., 1900; Owner and Mgr., Blair Elec. Light & Power Co., 1900-10; Mgr.. Beatrice Elec. Co., Beatrice, Neb., 1910-12; Consulting and Const. Engr., Neb. Gas and Elec. Co. and Continental Gas and Elec. Co., 191 2-1 7; Efficiency Engr Grand Island Mun. Light and_ Water Plant, 1917-18. Mem., Sch. Bd., Blair Neb., 1914- Illustrious Protector, Royal Highlanders, i902- 08; Sec, Cml. Club, 1904-6; Sec, Neb. Elec. A.ssn 1907 — . Married Claudie Henrie, 1895, Champaign. Child, Stanley Mozart, b. Ja i, 1898. Address, Blair, Neb. 868. RAY SHEPARD CARBERRY Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 3. 1873, Secor, 111.; s. D. E. .and Emma J. (Dunbar) Carberry. Prepared in Mansfield H. b. City Engr., Monticello, 111., 1895-96; Engr. and Gen. Mgr., Maysville Canal Improvement Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1897-99; Asst. Engr., U. b. L R R.. Pocatello, Idaho, 1899; Wabash K. R., St. Louis, 1903; C. & N. W. R. R., Chicago, 1904-os; Engr., U. S. Reclamation Service. Mitchell, Neb., 1905-10; Supt. Imperial Water Co. No. 1, 1910— . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. t. Married Birdie Irine Tillotson, D 24, .1908, Sheridan, Wyo. Children: Deane Edwin, b. Ag 29, 1910; Mabel Adila, b. Mr 11, 1912. Address, Imperial, Calif. 869. CLYDE ROBERT CARMACK Contractor; B. S. in M. E.; b. N i,. 1873; s. Robert Eldredge (b. Tenn.) and Elizabeth (Malone) Carmack (b. Ind.). Prepared in Indianapolis H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Philomathean. M. E. work, 1895-01; Supt.. Canning Factories, 1901-3; Contr., builder. Married Essie Morns, O 10, 1900, Indianapolis. Children: Robert Morris, b. S 20, 1901; Dorothy Elizabeth, b. D 15, 1903; Floyd Clyde, b. D 4, 1905; Edith Irene May, b. My 5, 191 1- Address. 7^5 ^■ Center Ave., Tropico, Calif.t 870. 'CLARENCE ADELBERT CLEMENT B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. F 13. 1869, Lom- bardville. 111.; s. William W. (b. Ag ' 9. 1840. N Y.) and Clara E. (Clark) Clement (b O 18, 184s, Tiskilwa, 111.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H S C. E. Club. Recorder on Sur., Miss. River. 1895-6; C. Engr. with Engr. Corps U. S. Army, Const, of 111. and Miss. C^nal, 1896- 1002; Draftsman with Chief Engr., F. E. & M. V R. R., Omaha. Neb., 1902; C. E. with U. S. Engr. Corps Sur., 111. and Des Plaines Rivers, 1902-5; C. E. With Engng. Corps, U. S Army; Const, of 111. and Miss. Canal, 1905-7; Jr. U. S. Engr., Chicago River Im- provement, 1907-9; Jr. Engr., Mo. River Im- provement, 190911. Married Josie Abbott Mayo, D 18, 1901, Wyanet, 111. (dietl D 1910). Child, Jennie Maurine, b. Mr 3, 1906. Died O II, 191 1, at Kansas City, Mo. Buried at Sheffield, 111. 871. *JOHN DE WITT CLINTON (Brother of Nos. 599, 1843) B. S. in Chem.; b. N 16, 1871, Polo 111.; s. John W. and Carrie A. (Perkins) Clinton. Prepared in Polo H. S. Worked in Chicago for a short time, when health failed. Died O 18, 1905, Polo, 111. 872. 'WILLIAM HENRY DILLON Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 8, 1870, Normal, 111.; s. Levi and Mary (Wright) Dil- lon. Prepared in Wisconsin Acad. Designed const, and equipment and superintended const. of Belle Isle Aquarium and Hort. Bldg., De- troit. Married Rose E. Richards, My 20, 1896, Normal, 111. Child, Lyle, b. Ag 13, 1899. Died Je 19, 1908, Seattle. ' 873. ALEXANDER M. DONNAN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 6, 1871, Independence, la.; s. James B. (b. D 19, 1840, West Charlton, N. Y.) and Martha Jane (Ross) Donnan (b. Lower Waterford, \'t.). Prepared in Independence (la.) H. S. and Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Arch, and Treas., Buchanan Co., la., 1906 — ; Co. Treas. 1915 — . Married Helen Maud Rosemond, S 9, 1903, Indepen- dence, la. Child, Ross Donnan, b. S 23, 1910, (died O 5, 1910). Address, Independence, la.f 874. SHERMAN REILLY DUFFY Newspaper Bus.; B. L. in L. & A.; b. My 21, 1873, Lisbon, 111.; s. Christopher Columbus (b. Dublin, Ire.) and Emeline (Hall) Duffy (b. DeKalb Co., 111.). Prepared in Piano H. S.; Jennings Sem.; Ottawa H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident; Phi Beta Kappa. Address, 5047 Winthrop Ave., Chicago.f 87s. ALFRED FELLHEIMER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 9, 1875, Chicago; s. August (b. Munich, Bavaria) and Julia (Roeuthal) Fellheimer (b. Dortmund, Prussia). Prepared in Univ. of 111. Prep. Delta Tau Delta. Practicing Arch, under firm, .\. Fellheimer. Mem., Transportation Club. New York City. Married Elizabeth Fellheimer, D 25, 1902, New York City. Child, Madeline, b. O 24, 1905. Address, 676. Riverside Drive, New York City; bits, add., 7 E. 42d St., New York City. 876. JOEL EDWARD FERRIS (Brother of No. 803) Investment Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. J a 2, 1874, Carthage, 111.; s. Hiram Gano (b. 1822, Howard, N. Y.) and Julia E. (Halton) Ferris (b. 1837, Hillsgrove). Prepared in Carthage Coll. Phi Delta Theta. Kansas City, .Mo., 1896-1904; St. Louis, 1904-6; lawyer, Lon- don, Eng., 1906-7; Banker. Spokane, Wash., 1908 — . Married Clara Hughes, Ap 14, 1914- Children: Sarah Elizabeth, b. F 10, 191S; Joel E. Jr., b. O 19, 1917 (died F 10, 1918). Ad- dress, W. 319 Sumner Ave., Spokane, Wash. 877. JESSE GRANT FUNSTON (Brother of No. 691) In Tel. Bus.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 24, 1872, New Comb Tp., Champaign Co.; s. John H (b. F 9, 1823, Ran Co., O.) and Elizabeth E. (Bailey) Funston (b. O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Married Jinks J. Hume, F 21, 1900. Children: John Harold, b D 2, 190 1 ; Robert Hume, b. Ap 15, 1903; Elizabeth E., b. Ja 25. 1907; George Cyril, b. N 29, 1908; Margaret^A., b. S 6, 1910. Ad- dress, (Jeddes, S. Dak.t Baccalaureate Alumni 878. JAMES ALBERT GREEN (Brother of Nos. 21 10, 3001) B. S. in M. E.; b. 1871, Ivesdale, IlL; s. Patrick (b. N 7, 1842, Ire.) and Maria (Hop- kins) Green (b. Mr 23, 1845, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Locomotive Engr., I. C. R. R. Address, 214 E. Clark St., Champaign. t 879. MARIANA GREEN (STEELE) (Wife of No. 997) B. L. in L. & A.; b. Champaign; d. Jona- than Bogue (b. 111.) and Sallie (Raymond) Green (b. O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai. Mem., D. A. R. Married William La Barthe Steele ('96), Ap 30, 1901. Children: Mariana, b. Je 10, 1903; Melissa, b. N 6, 1905; William La Barthe Jr., b. Ag 25, 1907; Har- riet Gertrude, b. F 27, 1909 (died Je 8, 1910); Jane Raymond, b. M 26, 1910; Sarah Green, D. F 7, 1914; Philip Joseph, b. Ap 23, 1916. Ad- dress, 2512 Jackson St., Sioux City, la. 880. EMERY STANFORD HALL (Brother of No. 2686) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 25, 1869, near Chatsworth, Livingston Co., 111.; s. Jus^ tice Smith (b. Ap 24, 1840, near Portland, Me.) and Sarah H. (Stanford) Hall (b. My 7, 1845, Lowell, 111.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Univ. of 111. Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Pres., Adelphic Oratorical Assn. Designed and supervised the erection of First Baptist Church, Urbana, dur- ing sr. yr. ; with Nelson S. Spencer, Arch., 1896; with firm of Harvey L. Page & Co. as partner, Chicago, 1897-1900; dissolved partner- ship and succeeded to the firm's bus., 1900; Hall and Baker, 1907-9; independent practice, 1909 — ; commissioned Chief Engr. and Pur- chasing Agt., Saskatchewan Steamship and Coal Co., to design and equip river transportation lines, 1914. Specialized on auditoriums and institutional bldg. planning; designed type of asbestos — steel theatre curtain which has been generally used in theatres throughout the U. S.; remodeled 30 percent of all Chicago the- atres after Iroquois fire; arch, for Y. M. C. A. Coll. at S3rd. and Drexel Ave., also Coll. Camp, Wis., Immanuel Baptist Church prob- lem; report in form of an extended thesis on mod. down town church problem. Mem., Com. appointed by Mayor Harrison to investigate causes of Iroquois fire and compiler of report of this com.; mem., St. examining com. for licensing arch, in 111., 1918 — . Ed., Handbook for Architects and Builders; article in Am. Contr.; Ed. of barnplanning section of Am. Team Owner; articles in The Building Material Exhibition, Inland Arch., The Apartment House Mag. Mem., (formerly) Acad, of Sc; 111. Soc. of Archs., 1898-1918, Pres. 1902-3, Sec. 1906-13, Pres. 1914-1S, Dir. 1918; Chm., First Convention of Archs. of 111.; represented A. I. A. at Nat. Purchasing Agts. Assn. Conf., Chi- cago, 1918; Chm., Bd. of Deacons, Tabernacle Baptist Church of Chicago; moderator, do. Married Clara Louise Adams, Je 14, 1900. Children: Halbert Hugo, b. My 1901; Ruth Alden, b. O 20, 1902; Josephine Sarah, b. Jl II, 1909; Eunice Sanford, b. N 6, 1912. Ad- dress, 3230 W. Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., Steinway Hall Bldg., 64 E. Van Buren St., do. 881. ARMIN HARMS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 24, 1875, Ger. Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. Adv. Agt., 1894; Mgr. Baseball Team, 1895. Chem., Milwaukee, 1895-7; in Mex., 1897-1902; in Milwaukee, 1002-3; in Mex., 1903-4; in Calif., 1004-8; Chicago, 1908-14; Mex., 1914-17; Sasco Plant. Am. Smelting & Ref. Co., 1917-19. Mem., A. C. S. Address, Hotel Laughlin, El Paso, Tex. 882. ADOLPH HEMPEL Economic Entomologist; B. S.; M. S., 1898; b. Ap 10, 1870, Canton, O.; s. H. A. and Anna Maria (Gerber) Hempel. Prepared in Rollins Coll., Winter Park, Fla. Attended Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll., 1891-4. Delta Tau Delta. 111. St. Biol. Sur., 1896; Entom. of Museu Paulista, S. Paulo, Brazil, 1897-1900; Economic Entom., Inst. Agronomico, Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil, 1900 — . Auth.: Many articles on Entomol. and Biol.; As Coccidas Brazileiras, com as es- tampas Vol. XII. Pas. 365 to 537 in Revista do Museu Pauhsta, Vol. LIV, 1900; As Coccidas do Brasil. Catalogos da Fauna Brazileira edi- tados pelo Museu Paulista, S. Paulo, Brasil, Vol. Ill, 1912. Married Emma Julia Hempel, N 9, iqoi, Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil. Ad- dress, Campinas, St. of S. Paulo, Brazil. 883. ELMER KIRKPATRICK HILES Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 8, 1871, Chicago; s. Charles Albert (b. Ja 22, 1829, Philadelphia) and Elizabeth (Kirkpatrick) Hiles (b. Je 8. 1831, Goshen, Ind.). Adelphic. Sec, Engrs. Soc. of Western Pa. Now Maj., 15th U. S. Engrs. (Railway) in France. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Engrs. Soc. of West. Pa.; Franklin Inst.; Coal Min. Inst, of Am.; A. S. C. E. .■iddress, 5537 Hampton St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., 2511 Oliver Bldg., do. 884. PARKER HALE HOAG Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 16, 1873, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Walter Brice (b. Penfield, N. Y.) and Hester (Atkinson) Hoag (b. Inde- pendence, Mo.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Philomathean. Mem., Univ. Club of Chicago: Legal Club of Chi- cago; Am. Bar Assn.; 111. Bar Assn.; Chicago Bar Assn.; Worshipful Master, A. F. A. M., 1906-7; High Priest, R. A. M., 1910-11; Chevalier Bayard Commandry No. 52; Ori- ental Consistory; Shrine; Red (Tross of Con- stantine, No. 1; Dir., Chicago Illini Club, 1917 — ; Pres., Legal Club of Chicago, 1918—; Master, Lakeside Lodge No. 739, 1906-7; K. T. ; Medinah Temple; mem., St. John's Conclave Premier, No. 1. Married Myrtle G. Mahler, .Mr 22,, 1907, Chicago. Address, 3247 Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1305 Fisher Bldg., do. 885. STEPHEN FORD HOLTZMANN Consulting Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 2%, 1874, Pontiac, 111.; s. Samuel E. (b. N 27, 1837, Pa.) and Mary King (Ford) Holtzmann (h. Je 12, 1843, Newark, N. J.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Mgr., Foot- ball Team. Tramp Draftsman to 1900; in Supervising Arch's. Office, Washington, D. C, iqoo-1905; Consulting Engr., Gunvald Aus Co., N. Y. City, 1905^. Mem., Royal Arch Masons; A. S. C. E. Married Maude Ellen Shaw, Ja 30, 1903, Washington, D. C. Chil- dren: Jeddiah Samuel; Stephen Robert. Ad- dress, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y. ; bus. add., 244 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. 886. ERNEST ALEXANDER HUNT (Brother of No. 748) Physician and Surg.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 7, 187s, Urbana; s. Joseph Everett and Ruth (Alexander) Hunt (b. N. Y.). Prepared in H. S. Engng. Soc; Phi Rho Sigma. Sr. Base- ball Team. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., i8q^-8; M. D., do., 1898. Mem., Marshall Co. Med. Soc, 1898-1908; Austin Flint Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Blackhaw Co. Med. Soc; Waterloo City Med. Soc. Married Adelyn Kimball, Je 14, 1900, LaMoille, 111. Children: Dorothy K., b. Ag 16, 1901; Robert Everett, b. D 28, 1910. Address, gi'^ W. 3d St., Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 401-2 Coml. Bldg., Waterloo.t 86 University of Illinois [1895 887. PETER JUNKERSFELD (Husband of No. 592) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1908; b. O 17, 1869, Colfax Tp., Champaign Co.; s. Peter J. (b. 1S33, Ger.) and Josephine (Schmitz) Junkersfeld (b. 1840, Ger.). Pre- pared in Champaign II. S.; No. Ind. Norm. Sch. Adelphic; 1\L and E. E. Club; Ed., Tech- nograph, 1895; Tau Beta Pi. Elected Fellow in E. E., 1895, but resigned. Delivered ad- dress, representing students, at Inauguration of Pres. Draper. Operating Const, and Engng. work, later in cliargc Engng. Dept. ; Asst. to V. P., Commonwealth Edison Co.. 1895-191S; Man. Engr. for Stone & Webster, Boston, 1 9 19 — . Pres. Assn. of Edison Companies; Maj., E. R. C, 1917; Col., Q. M. C, N. A., Mi 20, 1918 — . V. P., A. I. E. E. ; mem.. West. Soc. Engrs. ; A. S. M. E.; Pres. Alumni Assn., Univ. of III., 191 1-13. Married Anna Boyle ('90), Je 19, 1901, Champaign. Child, Mary Josephine, b. S 5, 191 1. Address, 139 N. Menard Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Stone & Webster, Boston. 888. FREDERICK BLAIR KEELER Contractor; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 11, 1873, near Earlville, 111.; s. Francis G. (b. Ap 23, i844j New Canaan, Conn.) and Anna M. (Blair) Keeler (b. Jl 17, 1844, Clintonville. N. Y.). Prepared in Earlville H. S. Drafts- man, Chicago; Contr. and Builder, Earlville, 111. Mem., Bd. of Educ, 1904-6, 1912 — ; City Council, 1904-5; A. F. A. M.; A. E. S.; R. A. M.; K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. S. Mar- ried Nellie Schmidt, Ap 18, 1900, Earlville, 111. Child, Theodosia J., b. Ap 8, 1901. Ad- dress, Earlville, 111. 889. MILO SMITH KETCHUM (Brother of No. 1239) Dean and Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1900; b. Ja 26, 1S72, Kewanee, 111., s. Smith (b. Ja 7, 1840, Bucyrus, O.) and Martha Ann (Clement) Ketchum (b. Ag 17, 1846, Hamilton, Can.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Adelphic: C. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Valedictorian; Sigma Xi. Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1895-7; Engr. with Gillette-IIerzog Mfg. Co., 1897-9; Asst. Prof., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1899-1903; Con- tracting Mgr., Am. Bridge Co., Kansas City. Mo., 1903-4; Prof., C. E., Univ. of Colo., 1904; Dean of Coll. Engng., 1905 — ; mem., firm (Crocker & Kctcluim, Consulting Engrs., 1909- 10; Asst. Dir. in charge of const., U. S. Govt. Explosives Plant "C", Nitro, West Virginia, 1918—. Aiith.: The Design of Steel Mill Buildings, McGraw-Hill Book Co., N. Y., 480 pp.; The Design of Walls, Bins, and Grain Elevators, do., 556 pp.; The Design of High- way Bridges, do., 546 pp.; The Design of Mine Structures, do., 460 pp.; Struct. Engrs. Handbook, do., 900 pp.; Sur. Manual >(with W. D. Pence), do., 250 pp.; Ed., 12th and 13th Annua! Rcfort of the Soc. for Promo- tion of Engnp. Educ; also auth. of numerous articles in Engng. Neivs, Technograph and Colo. Jour, of Engng. Mem., .\. S. C. E., Dir., 1018 — ; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ, Sec, do., 1903-5. V. P.. 1909-10. Pres., 1917-18; Am. Soc. of Testing Materials; .Am. Ry. Engng. Assn.; Fellow A. A. A. S.: Colo. Sch. Masters Club. Married Mary Esther Beatty, S 17, 1903, Newton, la. Children: Martha Esther, 71 29, 1904; Elizabeth Jane. b. N 8, 1908; Milo Smith, Jr., b. Mr 8, 1910. Address, Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. 890. WILLIAM HAVEN KIMBALL Electrician; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr i, 1871, Evanston, 111.; s. William Parker (b. Concord, N. H.) and Helen Eliza (Haven) Kimball (b. New Lenox, 111.). Prepared in Lowell, Mass. and Chicago H. Schs. E. E. Club. Custodian Service U. S. Treas. Dept., 1910. Married Lucy Regal Schaeffer, Jl 25, 1907, Berkeley, Calif Children: Helen Winifred, b. Ag 12, 1909; Robert, b. O 24, 191 1; John Haven K., b. Je 22, 191^. Address, 120 Middlefield Rd., Burlingame, Calif; bus. add., St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco. 891. FRANCIS EDWARD KING Stock Farmer and Fruit Raiser; B. L. in L. & A.; M. L., 1896; b. N 6, 1857, White Hall, 111.; s. Joseph N. (b. Je 28, 1S30, White Hall, 111.) and Elizabeth (Rawlins) King (b. S 3, 1830, do.). Prepared in White Hall H. S.; 111. St. Norm, and H. S.; I. S. N. U., i88's- yo. Y. M. C. A.; Color Serg. Teacher, 1897; Gardener, 1901; Teacher, Farmer, Fruit Raiser, 1904; Teacher, Farm (hardener, 191 1; Stock Farmer and Fruit Raiser, 191 1 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth O. E. King, N 4, 1904, Geneva, O. Address, Maple Lawn Farm, R. I, Geneva, O.f 892. EDWARD JOHN LAKE Professor; B. S. in Arch.j b. My 5, 1871, Edinburgh, Scotland; s. William (b, 1840, Eng.) and Mary Jane (Billing) Lake (b. 1844, do.). Prepared in Viroqua (Wis.) H. S. Adelphic. Studied at Rose Polytech., 1 89 1 -2; Pratt Inst., 1898-9; London Sch. of .Art, 1908; Julian Acad., Paris, 1909. Asst. Prof., Art and Act. head of Dept. of Art and Design, Univ. of 111., 1910 — . Auth.: Articles, Drawing for Common Schs., Sch. News & Prac. Educator, 1897-9; Course in Drawing, 111. St. Course; Japanese Painting for Young Peo- ple's Lib., 4,000 words. The Educational Soc. Pub., N. Y.; Birds and Animals, Rand, Mc- Nally Pub.; Composition for Photographers, Photographic Weekly, Cleveland, 191 1; edi- torial contributions to Indus. Arts Mag.; 1914- 18; ed., do. Mem., Congr. Church. Married EflRe Estelle Harris, Ag 22, 1900, Champaign. Children: Zera W., b. Je 15, 1901; James Harris, b. Je 2, 1912; Julia Mildred, b. N 15, 1914. Address, 703 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 893. WILLIAM CLARENCE SMITH LEMEN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 19, 1873, Collinsville, 111.; s. Clarence J. (b. Ja 9, 1843, Collinsville, 111.) and Sarah Catherine (Smith) Lemen (b. Ap 2, 1846, N. Y. Citv). Prepared in Union Acad., Morganfield, Ky. Philoma- thean. Draftsman, Computer and Leveler, Miss. Riv. Comn., St. Louis, 1895-9; Topog- rapher, U. S. Engr., St. Paul, 1899-1900; Insp., Miss. Riv. Comn. steamer Patrol, 1900-1; City Engr. and Supt., Mun. Elec. Lt. & W. W., Paris, 111., 1901-2; Chief of Party on Sur. Miss. Riv. Reservoirs, 1902-3; Jr. Engr. with Savan- nah L^. S. Engr., Office, 1902-9; Asst. Engr., in charge of tirunswirk Sub. Office, 1910-12; Prin. Asst. Engr., Savannah Engr. Office, 1 91 2-1 7. Harbor and River Improvements, S. E. Ga. & N. E., Fla. ; Commissioned as Capt. in Engrs. R. C. and ordered to active duty in charge Harrison Engrs. Depot, N. J., S, 1917; Lt. Col., 1918. .\uth.: .\rticle. Topograph- ical Sur. Reservoirs at Head-waters of Miss. Riv.. Technograph, 1901, copied by Engng. Record. I90I. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Past Exalted Ruler of B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Olive Belle Sutton. D iq, 1806, Evansville, Ind. Children: Catharine Neil, b. S 29, 1898; Whilhelmina, b. F 13, 19T0; Orian Gregg, b. F 21, 1912. Address, 461 8th Ave., New York City. 894. DAVID ROSSITER LLEWELLYN Draftsman: B. S. in M. E.; b. i86q. Sterling, 111.; s. M. W. and Laura A. (Dresser) Llewel- lyn. Address, Care Am. Bridge Co., Chicago.! 895. ALBERT MILTON LONG ^Brother of No. 514) Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 4, 1872, Virden. 111.; s. John Milton (b. O 16, 1835, Monroe, O.) and Emma V. (Brewer) Long 1895] Baccalaureate Alumni 87 (b. Sv 10. 183S, Middletown, O.). Prepared in Virden H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Arch. Club. Sergt., nth Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, Co. K, 1917. Married Edith Hurst, Jl 29, 1906 (died Ap 13, 1914.). Child, Edith Virginia, b. S i, 190S (died O 16, 1912). Address, Cor. 37th and Stewart Ave., Chicago. 896. EDWARD LORING MANN (Brother of Nos. 108, log, 1059) Lawyer; B. L.; b. N 7, 1869, Gilman, 111.; s. William H. (b. Ky.) and Elizabeth D. (Abra- ham) Mann (b. Va.J. Prepared in Gilman H. S. Adelphic; Ed., Illini. Admitted to Bar, ■897; practiced law in office of James R. Mann and Geo. W. Miller, Chicago to 1907; engaged in Seed bus. at Palatka, Fla. and stockfarming at Mannville, Fla., 1916 — . Enlisted in ist Regt. 111. Nat. Guard, 1895; went to Santiago with Regt., 1898; appointed corporal while in field; joined Co. F, ist Inf., 111. Nat. Guard, on re- turn; elected 2d Lt.; Co. F., 1903, ist Lt., 1904. Mem., Christian Church; Soc. of the Army of Santiago. Married Edna Dunshee, Jl 22, 1903, Mt. Carroll, 111. Address, Palatka and Mannville, Fla. 897. HORATIO RICHMOND MARSH (Brother of No. 1061) Y. M. C. A. Sec; B. S.; b. F 13, 1874, Joliet, 111.; s. Frank E. (b. Ja 27, 1849, JoHet, 111.) and Kate C. (Richmond) Marsh (b. Ag 18, 1852, Cheshire, Mass.;. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Nat. Hist. Club; Dramatic Club; Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic, Declam. prize, 1892. M. D., N. Y. Homeo. Coll., 1897. Med. Miss., 1897- 1912; Stud. Univ. Oregon in Educ, 1912-13; Supt., Schs. Glendale, Ore. 1913-17; Camp Sec, Army Y. M. C. A., Ft. Stevens, Ore.; U. S. Commissioner and Postmaster, Barrow, Alaska, 1 90 1-4; Hosp. Corps. HI. Nat. Guard, 3d Regt., 1892-7. Auth., Eskimo Medicine, N. Am. Jour. Homeopathy, 1901. Mem., Am. Inst. Homeopathy. Married Emma J. Cargain, D 24, 1896, N. Y. Children: Loren C, b. O 9. 1898; Frances R., b. Ap 21, 1901; Mary Eliza- beth, b. Ag 3, 1902; Charles Lippincott, b. My 17, 1904; Horatio Richmond, b. Mr 27, 1906; Donald C., b. N 1910. Address, Ft. Stevens, Ore. 898. FRED ELBERT MATHER (Brother of No. 70s) Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 3, 1871, Will Co., 111.; s. Samuel (b. Air 7, 1847, Whalons- burg, N. Y.) and Melvina (Ballou) Mather (b. My 29, 1848, Brecksville, O.). Prepared in N. W. Coll., Naperville, 111. Draftsman in Steel Bldg. and Bridge, Am. Bridge Co., C. M. & St. P. R. R., four and one half yrs. ; Engr., Andresen, Evans Co., 1910 — . Capt., 139th Engrs., Camp Shelby, Miss.; Mustered out, D 22, 1918. Married Ella Hopkins, Je 12, 1901, Johnstown, Pa. Child, Fred Elbert, Jr., b. N 24, 1906. Address, 130 Chtijcago Ave.t Naper- ville, 111.; bus. add., 600 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 899. ROBBINS YALE MAXON Letter Carrier; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 13, 1868, Danville, 111.; s. Oscar Fitz Allen (b. Low- ville, N. Y.) and Theodosia (Yalt) Maxon (b. Martinsburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Danville, 111. Phi Delta Theta. 111. St. Militia, 1888-91; Const, and Maintenance principally, 1895-1910; Fruit Ranch, 1908; salesman Laclede Gas Co., St. Louis, 1 910; quarry employee, 191 1; R. R. bridgeman in Tex., 191 1; struct, draftsman, Newcastle, Ind.; poultry, truck, and cotton grower. Round Rock, Tex., 1912 — ; rural letter carrier, Taylor, Tex., 1913-18; mem., Bd. U. S. Civil Service Examiners, 1918 — . Mem., West. Soc. Engrs., 1897-1905; Y. M. C. A., 1902; Presby. Church. Married Frances .Sprague Candee, Je 20, 1905, Gilroy, Calif. Children: Yale Candee, b. O 5, 1906; Mary Candee, b. N 12, 1910. Address, Round Rock, Tex. 900. GRACE LILLIAN MOORE (COOK) (Sister of No. 4821) 'p ?• ^- !m ^'^,-' ?^- S-, 1900; b. Ja 22, 1875, lolono. 111.; d. John Thomas (b. xMr 7, 1843 Kipley, O.) and Amelia Minerva (Myers) Moore (bO 7, 1847. Gnadenhutten, O.). Pre- P,^'"ed in Tolonp H. S. Alethenai; Dramatic Art C ub; (jlee Club; Chapel Choir; Sec, Sr. Class; Class Prophet. Taught, 1897-1908. Mem., Young Ladies Soc, Pres. Church; Thirty Club of Cham- paign, 1909; Assn. Coll. Alumnae. Married George Howard Cook, 1908, Tolono, III. Child Eleanor Frances, b. N 25, igii. Address, 310 Davidson Drive, Champaign. 901. WILLIAM ROBERT MORRISON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 19, 1871 Johet, 111.; s. Capt. R. J. (b. My i, 1840, N. V. City) and Hester A. (Snider) Morrison (b. O I, 1840, Carter, Co., Tenn.). Prepared in Johet H. S. Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Supt. Springfield Ry. Co., Springfield, O. 1895-6- Asst. Gen. Mgr., Bay City Consolidated Ry., Bay City, Mich., 1896-1900; Supt., Wichita Ry. f: ^^,,Co-. Wichita, Kan., 1900; Const, work, Danville, 111., Wabash, Ind., and Huntington, ind., 1900-1; Gen. Supt., Wichita Ry. & Lt. Vt°'t.--^?°^"''' putting in complete system for McKinley Syndicate, Bridgetown, Barbados island, V\. I., 1911 and 1912; charge of const, work of Power plants, at Bloomington, 111 Jacksonville, 111., and Champaign until 1917- now developing coal mines in Pineville, Ky \°r '^''A.ivf^-^"^' ^- ^- O. E. Married Marion Alice O Neil, S 26, 1900, Bay City, Mich. Ad- dress. 111. Traction Co., Peoria. 902. ALEXANDER MAJORS MUNN Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 20, 1868. Wyoming, Neb.; s. Eugene Munn (b. D 28, 1836, Wooster, O.) and Mary Dessa (Kling) Munn (b. Ap 6, 1841, Orriville, O.). Prepared in Doane Coll., Crete, Neb. C. E. Club; Shield n"^ Trident; Bus. Mgr., Illio; Capt., Univ. Kegt. City Engr., Nebraska City. 1895-1902; Oen. Mgr., Nebraska City Tel. Co., 1900-5; pvt. Engng. practice, 1895-iqio; Sec. and Din. lirm of Callahan Bros., Munn & Reise. In- vented and Patented Dredging Mach., 1910- II. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Nat. Geog Soc; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E.; Engrs. Club of Kansas City; Chamber of Commerce; South- western Alumni Assn. Married Veleda Adele McLellan, Je 15, 1916, Omaha, Neb. Address, . R A. M. Married Luella Eugenia Buck (''97) F 16, 1899, Philo, 111. Children: Dor- othy R. and David E., b. O 26, 1906; Virginia Hazen, b. S 25, 1909. Address, 321 Ashland Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add.. 816 S. Michi- gan Ave., Chicago. 969. GEORGE WASHINGTON LUDWICK Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 29, 1876, St. Joseph, 111.; s. George (b. St. Joseph, 111.) and Mary F. (Drullinger) Ludwick (b. do.). Pre- pared in St. Joseph H. S. Draftsman, Univ. of 111, 1897; Bloomington, III., 1898; Sioux City, la.; Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1899; Dan- ville, 111., 1900; Practice of Arch., 1901 — • Married Jannette Snow, D 23, 1899, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Address, 620, The Temple, Dan- ville, lU.t 970. JAMES HARRY McKEE Chief Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1898; b. Ja 28, 1873, Thornton, 111.; s. John C (b. Ag 17, 1850, Ireland) and Ella Eliza- beth (Hemingway) McKee (b. Ap 29, 1852. N Y). Prepared in Calumet H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Football; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Class Pres. Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 1896-8; Draftsman, Austin Mfg. Co., Harvey 111.; Chief Draftsman. Pres., Bd. of Educ., 1905-15; mem., do. for Thornton Tp. H. S., 1907-13. Married Alice Biel. N 28, 1901. Chicago. Children: Paul James, b. F i, 1903; John Frederick, b. S 11, 1906; Herbert Theo- dore, b. My 30, 1908. Address, 79 W. 150th St., Harvey, 111.; bus. add., care Austin Mfg. Co., do. 971. JOHN ALEXANDER McRAE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 20, 1869, Kewanee, 111.; s. John (b. Scotland) and Jane (Murchison) McRae. Prepared in Ke- wanee H. S. Draftsman to 1904; M. E., B. &; A Ry., 19046; M. E., Mich. Cent. R. R., 1906-is; M. E., M. & St. L. R. R., 1916—. Mem., West. Ry. Club; N. Y. Ry. Club; Mas- ter Car Builders' Assn.; Am. Ry. Mechanics Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Mich. Sovereign Con- sistory; Damascus Commandery, No. 42; Mos- lem Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Pauline Bremer, Je 30, 1908, N. Y. City. Ad- dress, Curtis Court Hotel, Minneapolis. 972. ROBERT PAYTON MANARD Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 11, 1874. Rockford, 111.; s. Alpheus B. (b. Mr 25, 1837, Brockville, Ont., Can.) and Alice Z. (Wright) Manard (b. Tl 9, 1853. Eng.). Prepared in Rockford H. "S. Ath. Club; Arch. Club; Mil. Club. Arch. Draftsman with H. Burnham & Co., Chicago, 1901-9; with West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne, 111., 191 1 — . Married Effie Abigail Bowen, S 3, 1904, Edgerton, Wis. Address, 5967 Midway Park, Austin Station, Chicago.! 973. HARRY CURTISS MARBLE Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 12, 1872; s. Silas M. (b. 1829, Worthington, Mass.) and Lucy M. (Curtiss) Marble (b. Chicago). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., Soph. Class. Mgr., Home Telephone Co.; Asst., E. E., Univ. of 111., 1898-1902. Married Sara Trevett, Je 21, 1913, Decatur, 111. Child, Donald Curtiss, b. D 7, 191 5. Ad- dress, 1004 W. White St., Champaign. 974. JOHN MADISON MARTIN Teacher; A. B.; A. M., 1902; b. Ap 10, 1862, Vinton Co., O.; s. William G. (b. 1828. O.) and Nancy (Shively) Martin (b. 1833, O.). Prepared in O. St. Univ. Prep. Sch., 1883-5; attended O. St. Univ., 1888-90. Prin., Bement Sch., 1890-5; Supt., Sullivan Pub. Sch., 1S96-8; Prin., Pana (111.) H. S., 1898-1900; Life St. Certificate. 1898; Prin., S. Ward. Sch., Oak Park, 1900-1; Supt., Elmwood Sch., 1901-2; Dept., Engng. and Math., Brown's Bus. Coll., Peoria, 1902-6; Dept., Bookkeeping, Brown's Bus. Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., 1906-13; teacher, Cml. Dept., Man. Tr. H. S., Peoria, 1915—. Married Emma M. Barnhill, Ag 12, 1890, Vinton Co., O. Children: Shirley Mabel, b. N 4, 1891; Harold Henry, b. Mr 14, 1893; Arnold Robert, b. My 26, 1900 (died My 15, 190S); Walter Eugene, b. O 10, 1903. Address, 616 Seventh Ave., Peoria. 975. ALTHEA SPRAGUE MATHER (DURSTINE) (Wife of No. 945; Sister of Nos. 1375, 2175) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 16, 1872, Du Page Tp., 111.; d. Jonathan (b. O s, 1849, N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Sprague) Mather (b. S 12, 1848 Du Page, 111.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Ale thenai, Pres.; Y. W. C. A., Pres.; Pres., Class, Mem., Presby. Church. Married Warren Ed ward Durstine ('96), F 10, 1900. Children John Elliott, b. D 10, 1900; Emery Mather b. Mr 31, 1902; Warren Edward, Jr., b. Ap 24 1909; Elizabeth Emma, b. My 11, 1916. Ad dress, 107 Burton Ave.. Cleveland. 976. CHARLES JACOB MAXWELL (Brother of No. 1740) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 29, 1874, Litchfield, 111.; s. Geo. Lewis (b. 1840, near Marion, Pa.) and Katherine Dow (Johnson) Maxwell (b. 1848, Schodack Landing, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Chem. with Darling & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Address, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.! 977. EDWARD LAWRENCE MILNE Teacher; B. S.; M. S., 1900; b. Lockport, 111.; s. William (b. do.) and Fanny (Parker) Milne (b. Syracuse, N. Y.). Prepared in Chi- cago Man. Tr. Sch. Class Pres.; Varsity Track Team. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1897-1907; Cham- paign H. S., 1909 — ; H. S., Lake Forest, 111. Address, 402 Washington St., Champaign. 978. MINNIE ROSE MOORE A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 14, 1872, French Grove, 111.; d. George and Ruth A. (McCoy) Moore. Address, 411 Marigold Ave., Altadena, Calif. 979. JEDIDIAH D. MORSE Banker; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 13, 1874, Champaign Co.; s. James Madison (b. Je 19, 1836, Madison Co., N. Y.) and Elizabeth Julia (Hart) Morse (b. Ja 9, 1838, Chau- tauqua Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Leader, Mando- lin Club. Asst. Cashier, E. J. Morse & Son, Bankers, 1897-1905; Cashier, Morse Bros. & Co., Bankers, 1905-12; Cashier, Morse St. Bank (successors to Morse Bros. & Co., Bankers), 1912-16; Pres., Morse St. Bank of GifFord, 1916 — . Married Frances Elizabeth Todd, Je 9, 1897, Champaign. Children: Finley Breese, b. Je 4, 1898; James Todd, b. O 3, 1899; Madison Bruce, b. Ap 12, 1905; John D., b. S 26, 1906. Address, Gilford, 111. 980. SAMUEL THEODORE MORSE (Husband of No. 1065) Co. Surveying and Drainage Specialist; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 26, 1872, Carlinville, 111.; s. Theodore (b. Hubbleston, Mass.) and Emma 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 95 (Welton) Morse (b. Carlinville, III.). Pre- pared in Carlinville H. S.; Blackburn Coll., 1890-3. Class Football; Track team. Engr. and Supvr.. I. C. R. R., 1896-1902; C. & E. I. R. R., 1903-4; Co. Surv., Macoupin Co., 1904-8; Res. Engr. with I. T. S., 1905; Drainage Spe- cialist. Elder in Presby. Church; mem., M. W. A. Married Grace May Munhall ('97), Jl 5, 1897, Champaign. Children: Alice May, b. Mr 29, 1898; Frederick Samuel, b. F 17, 1900; Marion Orace, b. Jl 25, 1901; David Theodore, b. O IS, 1902; Edith Estelle, b. D 16, 1904; Ruth Valentine, b. F 14, 1906; Jesse Welton, b. O 4, 1908; Thomas Munhall, b. Je 10, 191 1; William Henry, b. O 13, 1912; Jonathan Ed- ward; Paul Mason. Address, Carlinville, 111. 981. JAMES WILLIAM MYERS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 14, 1869, Ladoga, Ind.; s. William Jasper (b. O 1840, Brazil, do.) and Luisa (Jackson) Myers (b. 1846, Peru, do.). Prepared in Chrisman H. S. Philomathean; Illini staff. Teacher, Normal, 111., 1897; Prin. Sec. Ward Sch., Urbana, 1898; traveling salesman for Atkinson & Co., Cham- paign, 1898-1900; teacher in Utah, Wyo. and Idaho, 1900-4; Supvr. teacher for dist. of Calumpit, Bulacan, P. I., 1904 — . Address.'^ 982. ISABELLE NOBLE (Sister of Nos. 983, 1938, 7843) Poultry Fancier; A. B. in L. &.«..; b. N 22, 1872, Todd's Point, 111.; d. Robert (b. 1849, Massillon, O.) and Jane (Harmount) Noble (b. 1849, New Haven, Conn.). Prepared in Shelbyville, 111., and Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Theta; Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Class Historian; Girls' Tennis Club. Phys. Instr., Hartford, Conn., 1899-1904. Address, Days- land, Alberta, Can. 983. MARY ELIZABETH NOBLE ■ (Sister of Nos. 982, 1938, 7843) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 15, 1874, Todd's Point, 111.; d. Robert Cooper (b. F 21, 1848, Massillon, O.) and Jennie Elizabeth (Har- mount) Noble (b. New Haven, Conn.). Pre- pared in Shelbyville H. S.; Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; Kappa Alpha Theta; lllio Bd; Taught in Champaign pub. schs., 1898-1901. Mem., Y. W. C. A. in Wichita; Bethany Circle; 20th Century Club; Baptist Church. Address, 1230 N. Waco Ave., Wichita, Kan. 984. WILLIAM NOBLE Dealer in Wholesale Grain and Seed; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 7, 1872, Massillon, O.; s. William (b. Ag 15, 1845, Massillon, O.) and Margaret E. (Ball) Noble (b. Ag 3, 1847, Can- ton. O.). Prepared in Western Reserve Acad., Hudson, O. Phi Delta Theta. Maj. Q. M. C, in charge of hosp. const, work. Grand Central Palace, N. Y. Married Effie E. Smith, Ap 17, 1 901, Foosland, 111. Children: William, Jr., b. Ja 18, 1902 (died Ag 10, 1903); Margaret S., b. My 18, 1904; John, b. O 22, 1906; Mary Alice, b. F 4, 1912; Elizabeth, b. N 17, 1915. Address, Gibson City, 111. 985. EDWARD ELLSWORTH ORR Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 2, 1863, Quincy, 111.; s. James (b. F 19, 1824, near Nashville, Tenn.) and Sarah (Brown) Orr (b. near Jerseyyille, 111.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. and Gem City Bus. Coll. Track Team; Prohi- bition Club; Y. M. C. A.; Ath. Assn. Drafting and Arch, work in Quincy and Chicago, 1897- 1Q04; Holabird & Roche, I. C. R. R. and-Wid- man, Walsh and Boissalier and others, 1896- 1905; Ceiling Salesman, Wheeling Corrugating Co., 1905-7; Carpenter work, 1907-8; Confec- tionery, 1908-12; Arch, and care of family est., 1912 — . Mustered into Naval Reserves at Quincy when organized and served as gun- ner's mate — honorably discharged; Co. E, St. Militia; Corp. Unit. 23, Volunteer Defense League. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Annetta Sarah Gav, N 30, 1905, St. Louis. Address, 721 Broadway, Quincy, 'ill. 986. JOHN EDWARD PFEFFER Manufacturer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 16, 1869; s. Wilham (b. Ap 16. 1842, Jasper, Ind.) and Mary (Jochim) Pfeffer (b. Ap 14, 1852, Ferdi- nand, Ind.). Prepared in Ind. Norm. Sch., Valparaiso, Ind. Ath. Assn.; M. E. and E. E. Socs.; Football team, Capt. and Mgr.; Baseball team; Ilhm Bd. of Mgrs.; lllio Bd. Football Coach, Monmouth Coll., 1896; Experimenter and Draftsman, Deering Harvester (io., 1897-8; Designer of air compressors. Gate Iron Works, 1899; Consulting Engr. and Testing for the Lyman Water Circulating & Heating Co., 1900; Const. Engr., Foyer Pneumatic Carrying Co., 1901; Factory Engr., Tests and Experimenta- tion, West. Elec. Co., 1Q03; Mgr., Continental Engng. Co., 1905; Chief Engr., The Electropure Process Co., Chicago, 1917— • Inventions: >^on- troller of Pneumatic Traveller for cash carrying system for Payer Pneumatic Co.; Radially op- posed multiple cylinders, internal combustion engine, Pat. No. 157,985; Horizontal directly opposed internal combustion engine with trunk piston, Pat. No. 218,9^4; Concentric Cylinder, Vertical Double Cylinder, Single Crank Internal Combustion Engine, serial No. 761,539; system of purifying foods by electricity as applied for and assigned to the Electropure Process Co., Mr 13. 1918. Auth.: Elec. Design, Electricitv, 1897; Serial of 26 articles. Motor Vehicle Const., Auto Rev.. 1904-5. Mem., K. of C; ^igr-. Com. of Chicago to manage affairs of Conf. Colls.; Ath. Assn., 1900-10; mem., Nat. Cyclopedia of Am. Biog., 1917 — . Address. 911 Woman's Temple, Chicago. 987. FRANCIS MARION PHILLIPPI Actuary; A. B.; b. Jl 13, 1871, Burnside, 111.; s. Alex (b. 1833, Westmoreland Co., Pa.) and Mary (Swartz) Phillippi (b. 1833. do.). Pre- pared in Carthage Coll. Taught Sch., Burnside, 111., 1896-7; studied law, Urbana, 1897-1900; taught sch.. Rising City, Neb., igoo-i; Asst., Actuary's Office, St. Louis, Chicago and Rock Island, 1902-5; Nashville, Tenn., 1905-8; Actu- ary, Ins. Dept., Columbia, S. C, 1908-11; Ac- tuary Southeastern Life Ins. Co.. Greenville, S. C, 1911-12; Actuary, Life & Casualty Ins. Co. of Tenn., Nashville, Tenn.; Sec. and Ac- tuary Southeastern Life Ins. (To., Greenville, S. C, 1913-17. Married Rosa Cook, Auburn, Ala.. Je 6, 1912. Children: Francis Marion, b. D 21, 1915; George McCown, b. D 13, 1917. ■■iddress, Columbia, S. C. 988. ROBERT KNIGHT PORTER (Brother of No. 1076) Banker; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. 1874, Urbana; s. Jasper W. and Clara J. (Chamberlain) Porter. .Address, Jerome, Ariz. 989. MATHEW AARON REASONER (Brother of No. 1755) Lt. Col., Med. Corps, U. S. A.; B. S.; M. D., 1899; b. S I, 187s, New London, la.; s. John Rogers (b. 1840, V^Jgt Union, O.) and Kathar- ine (Malone) Rea^ner (b. 1842, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Mgr., Mandolin and Guitar Club in P. & S. House Surg, and Instr., Physics, P. & S., 1898-9; Asst. Surg., Mex. Cent. R. R.; in Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C, 1905-6; Asst. Prof., Pathology and Bacterid., Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C, 1914-17; Lt. Col. in N. A., 1918 — . Auth.: Uterine Colic, Pelvic Infections, Jour. III. St. Med. Soc; Water Supply and Sewage Disposal, Morrison- Tille Times; Wasserman Reaction in the Mil. Service, Mil. Surg., 1910; Technique for Salvar- san Injection, Jour. A. M. A., 1911; Dangers of 96 University of Illinois 1 1896 Salvarsan, do., 191 1; Therapeutics of Lues., Med. Sentinel, 191 1; numerous articles and co-ed. of textbooks .on Lues, and on editorial staff of A)n. Jour. *Mem., A. M. A.; Assn. of Mil. Surgs. ; Army and Navy Clubs, Manila, P. L; Portland Cml. Club; Arlington Club, Portland, Ore. Married Mabel Sparks Milnor, Je 10, 1909, Litchfield, 111. Child, Alice Milnor, b. D 31, 1911. Address, 1731 S St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 990. GEORGE EDWARD ROW Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 18, 1873. Centralia, III.; s. Samuel (b. Mr 6, 1830, Greenburg, Pa.) and Susan (Brown) Row (b. Je 10, 1840, Nashville, Tenn.). Prepared in Centralia H. S. Capt., Univ. Regt. Mech. Engr., i896-7'; Draftsman, 1898-1901; Chief Engr., 1901. Mem., M. E. Church; Semon Lake Country Club. Married Edith A. Bald- win, Je 30, 1910. Children: Edward George, b. Ap 8, 1912; Harold James, b. Jl 22, 1917. Address, 6010 N. 25th St.. Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., Paxton and Vierling Iron Works, do. 991. JOHN CALVART SAMPLE Consulting Engr.; B. S.; M. Arch., 1897; b. D 5, 1869, Lebanon, la.; s. E. B. and M. An geline (Frazee) Sample. Prepared in Kcosau- qua, la. B. C. E., la. St. Coll.; C. E., 1905, la. St. Coll. Pres., Hawkins Iron Const. Co. of N. Y. City; Pres. and Treas., Indus. Iron Co., Inc., N. Y. City, 191 1—. C. E., Pub. Service Reserve, 191 7 — . Auth. : Properties of Steel Sections, McGraw Pub. Co., N. Y., 190S; Pamphlet, Burcharz Fireproof Floor Const., 1910. Married Elizabeth Thacher. Je 7, 1905, N. Y. City. Child, John Edwin, b. O 30, 1916. Address, 74 Elm St., Flushing, N. Y.\bus. add., I Madison Ave., do. 992. HARRY J. SAUNDERS Physician; B. S. in Chem.; M. D., 1905; b. D 23, 1871, Chicago; s. Thos. B. (b. 1S37, Eng.) and Mary C. Saunders (b. 1837, do.). • Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. lUio Bd.; Class Track Team; Varsity Football and Base- ball Teams. Chief Chem., Mut. Fuel & Gas Co., Chicago, 1886-7; Chem. and Asst. Supt., Northwestern Chem. Co., U. S. Yards, 1897-01; Asst. Surg., John H. Woodbury Inst., 1901-4; Consulting Office Mgr., Dr. Pratt Inst., 1904. Invented condenser for phosphorus fumes, 1S9S; Multiple Needle device in Electrolysis for re- moval of abnormal growths, 1902. Ed., Health and Beauty Columns, Pop. Dom. Sc. Monthly. Pres., Nat. Med. Electrotherapeutic Soc, 1904; Chicago Med. Soc; Electro-Therapeutic Soc; Inst, of Chem., Nat. Med. Coll. Married Vic toria Ward, 1900 (died 1901); Frances Wilcox, 1903. Address, 3837 Campbell St., Kansas City, Mo. 993. GEORGE HARVEY SCOTT (Husband of No. 943) Dean and Prof.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 2, 1873, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Franklin Draper (b. S 8, 1842, St. Johnsbury, Vt.) and Elizabeth (Lukens) Scott (b. Ag 9, 1851. Disko, Ind.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. A. M., Harvard, 1902. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Phi Beta Kappa; Mil. Scholarship. Taught, H. S., Mattoon, 1 896-1900; stud.J^Harvard, 1900-2; taught, Yankton Coll., 1902-17; (on leave from Yankton Coll. during sch. yr., 1909-10) time spent at Univ. of 111. as Asst. in Math, and Grad. Stud.; Prin., Benzonia Acad., 1917-18; Dean of Men and Prof, of Math., Doane Coll., 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Am. Math. Soc; S. Dak. Educ. Assn. Married Mary Maude Cole ('96), D 31. 1897. Rantoul, 111. Children: William Arthur, b. N 23, 1898; Franklin Daniel, b. Jl 4. 1901; Irving Cole, b. Je 7, 1904 (died N 10, 1904); Mary Eliza- beth, b. O II, 1905; Clara Lavinia, b. Mr 21, 1907. Address, Crete, Neb. 994. JOHN CLARK SHEA Automobile Salesman; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 23, i87(K Decatur, 111.; s. John G. (b. Jl i, 1842, Kerry Co., Ire.) and Susannah (Clark) Shea (b. Jl 17, 1845, Buckhannan, W. Va.). Pre- pared in Decatur H. S. Orchestra; Stud. Dancing Club; Ath. Club. Mgr., Gem City Paving Brick Co., Quincy, 111., 1896-1902; Danville Brick Co., 1902-7; Partner, (Thamper iS; Shea, Auto Garage & Sales Agency, 1907-10; City Salesman, McDuffee Auto Co., 1911-16; Pearson Buck Co., 1916-17; Peerless Motor Car Co., 1917; Kissel Kar Co., 1917 — ; Mgr., Used Car Dept. Married Frances Meyer, Mr 21, 1914. Address, 122 E. 4gth St., Chicago; bus. add., 50 E. 26th St., do. 995. ALEXANDER MARTIN SIMONS Sch. Prin.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 17, 1875, Quincy, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Mr 18, 1833, Mentz, Ger.) and Maria DeKraft (Miller) Simons (b. 5 20, 1849, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pres., E. E. Soc. Draftsman, 1896; Bicycles, export trade, 1897; Civ. Engr., C. B. 6 Q.; first class mach., U. S. Navy, 1898; 111. Naval Reserve Engr., 1899-1900; Instr., Math, and Asst. Prin., H. S., Quincy, 111., 1900-6; .Automobile Bus., 1907; V. Prin., H. S., 1908; Prin., 1908 — . Lt. Commander and Ex. Officer, III. Nav. Reserves, 1900-7; do., retired list for life; Capt., Co. D, 2d Calif. Inf., Mexican Bor- der Service. Pres., Calif. Interscholastic Fed., 1914-18; Pres., Visalia Bd. of Trade, 1916-17; Treas., Calif. Teachers' Assn., 1914-18; Pres., Cent. Calif. Teachers' Assn.; Pres., Co. Bd. of Educ, Tulare Co., Calif., 1911-14; Sec, West. Soc. Assn. Engrs.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Cecile Rose Heckle, Ag i, 1908, Los Angeles. Address, Box 477, Visalia. Calif. 996. SHERMAN SMITH Farmer and Ranchman; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 22, 1869, LeRoy, 111.; s. J. V. (b. O 27, 1837, Newark, O.) and Sarah A. (Mareau) Smith (b. Mr 12, 1847, Lewiston, Me.). Prepared in LeRoy H. S. Sig^ma Chi; Baseball. Arch. Draftsman; Farmer and Ranchman, 1898 — . Married Rose Schwingle, Ja 15, 1902, Jolly, la. Children: J. V., b. N 6, 1902; John Sherman, b. O 4, 1904; Stuart, b. D 26. 1906; Walter Fred- erick, b. My 6, 1909. Address, Howard, Kan.f 997. WILLIAM LaBARTHE STEELE (Husband of No. 879) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 2, 1875, Springfield, 111.; s. Robert Chiyon (b. Mf 13, 1846, Chester Co., Pa.) and Mary E. (La- I3arthe) Steele (b. N 30, 1852, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Sigma Chi; Arch. Club; Shield and Trident; Spald- ing Cilub; Glee Club; Illustrator '96 Illio; Technograph Bd. ; Class Song; Leader of Band; Scholar, Mus., 1895-6. Arch. Drafts- man, 1896-1900; Chicago, 1904; Sioux City, 1904-s; mem. firm. Beach and Steele, 1905-7; Practising alone, 1907. Numerous addresses and lectures. Mem., U. S. Pub. Service Re- serve, 1917; Four Minute Orgn., 1917; War Service League of Woodberry Co., 1918; C. E. Club; Bd. of Trustees, Calvary Cemetery Assn.; Dir., Choir Sacred Heart Church, 1902-4; do., la. Soc Archs. ; mem., Sioux City Rotary Club; K. of C.; Sioux City Country Club; Shore Aero Boat Club; Chm., Comn. to draw up Bldg. Code for Sioux City, 1913-14; Bd. of Examiners, City Bldg. Insp., 1914-18; Cml. Club; Nat. Assn. Stationary Engrs. Married Mariana Green Cos), Ap 30, 1901, St. Louis. Children: Mariana, b. Je 10, 1903; Melissa, b. N 6, 1905; William LaBarthe, Jr., b. Ag 25, 1907; Har- riett Gertrude, b. F 27, 1909 (died Je 8, 1910); Jane Raymond, b. Mr 26, 1910; Sarah Greene, b. Ap 23, igi6. Address, 2512 Jackson St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add.. United Bank Bldg., do. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 97 998. PERCY ALLYN STONE B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 22, 1871, near Springfield, 111.; s. Tames Ashal (b. My 6, 1842, do.) and Eliza (Allyn) Stone (b. JI 7, 1844, near VVav- erly, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Glee Club; Band; Hatchet Orator. With Chicago Elec. Protec- tive Assn., 1896-7; returned to farm, and engaged in farming, stock raising and fruit growing. Enlisted in St. Militia, as a mem. of Regt. Band, 1892. Mem., Presby. Church. Mar- ried Jessie A. Goltra, S 2, 1903, Jacksonville, 111. Children: RoIIand, b. N 7, 1905; Mildred Elizabeth, b. Jl 31, ign. Address, R. 4, Springfield, Ill.f 999. OSCAR EMIL STREHLOW (Brother of No. 1983) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 191 1; b. Ja 21, 1873, Areola, 111.; s. Henry (b. Jl 26, 1842, Ger.) and Magdalena (Baehr) Strehlow (b._ Tl J2, i8c3, Cleveland). Prepared in Champaign H. S. I. C. R. R., 1896; U. S. Govt., 1896- 1904; U. S. Asst. Engr., 1904; Chief Engr. with James O. Heyworth, Engr. and Contr., Chicago. Inventor of Jack-knife Dump Vehicle, 1906; Skips for derricks or cableways, 1908; Combination Clamp and Thimble for wire rope, iQio; Runways for Excavating Machines, 1916. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; West. Soc. of Engrs. ; Nat. Geog. Soc; Univ. Club of Chicago; Chicago Engrs. Club; Illini Club of Chicago; Birchwood Country Club; New Evanston Golf Club. Mar- ried Mrs. Elizabeth R. Cissna. My 7, 1912. Children: Clara Rand and Theodore J. Ad- dress, 727 Michigan Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 606 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 1000. DON SWENEY Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F i, 1872, Mason City, 111.; s. John iViiies (b. N 21, 1846, Gettysburg, Pa. ) and Cecilia (Townsend) Sweney (b. O 5, 1845, Goshen, N. J.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Soc. of M. and E. E. ; Capt. of Football Team, 1897. Locomotive Fireman, I. C. R. R., Champaign 1896-7; Fel- low in M. E., Univ. of 111., 1807-8; Locomotive Experimenting, 1898-9; Draftsman, C. B. & Q. R. R., 1899; .^sst. to Div. Master Mechanic, C. B. &• Q. R. R., Galesburg, 1899 1903; Asst. Road Foreman of Engines, Galesburg Div., 1903-5; R. F. Engines, Aurora Div., igo"; — ; R. F. Engines, Chicago Div., 191 5 — . Married Lena Josephine Dolder, D 7, 1899. Child, Don Dolder, b. O 22, 1907. Address, Riverside, 111. looi. FRED LAWRENCE THOMPSON (Brother of No. 1782) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F i, 1873, Grandview, 111.; s. Edward Taylor (b. Mr 14, 1843, Zanesville, O.) and Mina J. (McDonald) Thompson (b. 1852, 111.). Prepared in DePauw Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Theta; C. E. Soc; Base- ball Team. Rodman, I. C. R. R., 1896-9; Asst. Engr., do., 1899-1903; Roadmaster, do., 1003-7; Asst. Engr. of Bridges, do., 1907-10; Engr., Bridges and Bldgs., do., 1910-13; Engr., Const., do., 1913-15; Asst. Chief Engr., do., 1915-18; Chief Engr., do., 1918 — . Mem., West. Soc. Engrs.; Chicago Engrs. Club; Am. R. R. Engrs. Assn. Married Maude Nellie Martin, N 21, 1900, Terre Haute, Ind. Children: Donna Grace, b. Ag 5, 1903; Ruth Louise, b. Jl i, 1911. Address, 6322 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. 1002. CHARLES EDWIN VAN ORSTRAND Physical Geologist; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 8, 1870, Pekin, 111.; s. Charles Gregory (b. S 16, 1844, White Hall, 111.) and Mary Margaret (Van Deusen) Van Orstrand (b. S 14, 1849, Kinderhook, N. Y.).* Prepared in Pekin H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. S., Mich., 1898. , Nautical Al- manac Office, Naval Obs., 1898-1900; Asst., do.; .Asst., Phys. Geol., U. S. Sur. and Lecturer on Mech., George Washington Univ., 1901 — . Auth.:(with A. L. Day) The Black Body and the Measurement of Extreme Temperatures, Astro- physical Jour., vol. xix, pp. 1-40, 1904; Smith- sonian Math.; Tables, Hyperbolic Functions, (with George F. Becker), pp., 51-321, 1909; Smithsonian Inst.; Inverse Interpolation by Means of a Reversed Series, Philosophical Mag., pp. 628-638, 1908; Reversion of Power Series, do., 1910, pp., 366-376, 1910; A Simple Apnli- cation of the Theory of Probabilities to Weather Predictions, Monthly Weather Review, 1909; Prelimin. Report on the Diffusion of Solids, C. E. Van Orstrand and F. P. Dewey, Profes- sional Paper 95, U. S. Geol. Sur., 1915. Mem., .Am. Math. Soc; Phil. Soc, Washington; Am. Phys. Soc; Astron. and Astrophysical Soc; Am. Breeders' Assn.; A. A. A. S.; Geol. Soc. of Washington; Washington Acad. Sc; Soc. Francaise de Physique; Y. M. C. .A.: M. E. Church. Address, U. S. Geol. Sur., Washing- ton. D. C. 1003. CHARLES ROY VICKERY Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 15, 1871, Dwight, 111.; s. John (b. 1827, Eng. ) and Mary (Staley) Vickery (b. 1832, N. Y.). Prepared in Dwight H. S.; O. Wesleyan Prep. Sch. M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll.; Univ. of Paris and Berlin, 1897-98; Univ. of Berlin, 1901-2; Ind. Inst. Homeopathy, 1902. Married Myrtle Mar- tin, Je 12, 1901, Dwight, III. Address, 916 Riv- erside Drive, South Bend, Ind.f 1004. THEODORE WEINSHANK Mech. Engr.; B. S.; M. E., 1909; b. Ag 15, 1865, Russia; s. Benedick and Liebe (Mohilner) Weinshank of Russia. Prepared in (}ymna- sium of Russia. With B. F. Sturtevant Co., 1896-1901; with the Nat. Blower Co., Milwau- kee, 1901-3: with Warren Webster Co., 1903 — . Mem., A. S. M. E., 1906; Am. Soc. Heat and Vent. Engrs., 1907; Indianapolis Athenaum, 1910; Nat. Assn. Stationary Engrs., 1905. Married Sophia Weinshank, Mr 10, 1885, Mitchell, S. Dak. Children: Annie, b. D 2, i88n; Willie, b. Ap 23, 1892; Harry, b. Ja 23, 1898. Address, 821 Hume Mansen Bldg.,' Indianapolis. 1005. REBECCA GASKIN WHARTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 30, iS-i, Payson, III; d. Henry (b. S 17, 1845, Philadel- phia) and Mary Ann (Gilbert) Wharton (b. F 7, 1840, Payson, 111.). Prepared in Payson H. S.; Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton. Kap-^a Alpha Theta; Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Girls' Basket- ball Team; Pres., Stud. Assn., 1894. Instr., Lat. and Hist. M. L., Univ. of Calif., 1912; Dean of Women of Riverside Jr. Coll. Auth. : The Gadsden Treaty, My 1912. Address, 981 West Eighth St., Riverside, Calif. 1006. SOLON MARX WHITE Physician; B. S.; b. Jl 16, 1873, Hokah, Minn.; s. Solon C. (b. 1838, Barnston, Can.) and Anna C. (Armstrong) White (b. 1844). Prepared in Sandwich H. S. Nu Sigma Nu. M. D., 1897, Northwestern. Interne Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1897-8; Demonstrator of Path, and Bact., Univ. of Minn., 1 898-1900; Asst. Prof., do., 1900-1908; Assoc. Prof., Medicine, Univ. of Minn., 1908—; Physician and Special- ist in Internal Med.; Pathologist to City Hosp., Northwestern and St. Barnabas Hosps. ; Maj., U. S. A., Base Hosp., 26. Auth. of numerous articles on Pathology and Internal Medicine. Mem., Sigma Xi; Libn., Hennepin Co. Med. Soc; Minneapolis Med. Club; Pres., Minneap- olis Path. Soc, 1903-4; Pres.. Minn. Acad, of Med., 1910-11; Am. Assn. of Path, and Bact., 1901-3; Minn. St. Med. Soc. Married Sara Miner Abbott, Jl 25, 1900. Children: Asher University of Illinois [189/ Miner, b. Ag i, 1901; Anna Elizabeth, b. My 8, 1903; Mary Grace, b. D 23, 1906. Address, 424 Walnut St., S. E., Minneapolis; bus. add., 910 Donaldson Bldg., Minneapolis. 1007. MYRON ELWIN WHITHAM Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 30, 1873, Warren, 111.; s. John (b. F 5, 1846, Sanitaria Springs, N. Y.) and Alzina (Matson) Whitliam (b. O 5, 1848, Thompson Co., 111.). Prepared in Warren H. S. Asst. Engr., to J. M. Whitham, Philadelphia, one and one half yrs. ; Engr., Swift & Co., Chicago, five yrs.; Engr., Loomis Pettibone Co., N. Y., one yr.; Salesman, R. D. Wood & Co., Philadelphia, two yrs.; Consulting Engr., Belting and Mach. Mfg. Co., Atlas En- gine Works, Rochester, N. Y., two yrs.; Con- sulting and Contr. Engr. for self, three and one half yrs. Capt. Engrs., U. S. R., 191 7; Camp Lee, Va., on active duty, 1918; Vancouver Barracks, 604th Engrs., Washington, 1918. Mem., 32d degree Mason and Shriner; Roches- ter Engng. Soc; Universal Craftsman Council of Engrs.; Rochester Consistory and Damascus Temple of Mystic Shrine. Married Irma D. McCoy, Je 30, 1902. Child, Bernice Eloise, b. My 18, 1903. Address, 621 Grand Ave., Rochester, N. Y.; bus. add., 711 Powers Bldg., do. CLASS OF 1897 (79 loio. GEORGE FORBES ANDERSON Supt., Bridges and Bldgs.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 17, 1871, Anna, 111.; s. James (b. Ap i8, 1834, Dunblane, Scotland) and Mary Jane (iNIc- Neill) Anderson (b. Ag 29, 1836, Hudson, N. Y.). 'Prepared in Pub. Schs.; So. 111. Norm., 1886-90. Y. M. C. A.; C. E. Club; Ath. and Mil. Clubs; Lambda Chi; Capt., Univ. Regt. Instr., Mil. Sc. and Tactics. 1897. Draftsman, B. C. M. & I. Co., 1897; Rodman and Recorder, U. S. Deep Waterways Sur., 1897-9; Bridge Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1899-1900; Engr., S. F. P. & P. R. R., 1902 — ; Office Engr., S. F. P. & P. R. R., 1902-12; Snpt.. Bridges, Bldgs., and Water Service, A. T. & S. F. R. R.. S. F. P. & P. Lines, 1912—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Douglass Corps Cadets, three yrs.; Presby. Church; Jr. mem., West. Soc. Engrs., 1898- 1900. Married Bertha C. Hall, Je 21, 1898, Urbana (died S 7, 1902); D 31, 1903, Pres- cott, Ariz. Address, 114 S. Summit St., Pres- cott, Ariz.; c/o Chief Engr., S. F. P. & P. R. R. loii. JAMES ELLIS ARMSTRONG Dairyman; A. B. in L. & A.; B. S., 1903; b- 1874 in 111.; s. James D. Married Lydia Auten. Address, Claremont, Ill.t 1012. GEORGE ANDREW BARR Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 25, 1873, Manhattan, HI.; s. George (b. O 16, 1829, near Londonderry, Ireland) and Jane (McGrath) Barr (b. Je 8, 1839, Belliekelly, do.). Pre- pared in Toliet H. S., and Prep. Sch., Univ. of 111. Phifomathean; Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident; Pres., Fresh. Class; Assoc. Ed., mini; Mgr., baseball team; representative of Univ. at Washington's Birthday Celebration, Union League Peace Club, Chicago. Studied law till D 1899; Practising law, Joliet. 111.; State's Atty., Will Co.. 111., 1908-12. Mem., Union League Club, Joliet, 111.; Cml. Club, Joliet; Hamilton Club, Chicago; Pres., Joliet Assn. of Commerce, 191 7—; Am. Econ. Soc; Presby. Church. Married Mary Speer, O 16, 1902. Children: James Worrell, b. Mr 9, 1904; Joseph Milton, b. Jl 11, 1903. Address. 206 3d Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add.. Woodruff Bldg., do. 1013. THOMAS BEATTY BEADLE Architect; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 18, 1874, Kewanee, 111. ; s. J. G. Beadle. Address, Jar- bridge, Nev., via Three Creeks, Idaho. t 1008. ROBERT WILLIAMS Physician; A. B.; b. S 20, 1873, Carthage, 111.; s. Wesley Cutler (b. Ag 12, 1833, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Moore) Williams (b. Je 24, 1835, Wilmington, Del.). Prepared in Car- thage Coll. Acad.; Carthage Coll., 1890-5. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900. Phys., Alden, Minn., igoo-6; Phys., Minneapolis, 1906 — . Chm., Med. Adv. Bd.; Mem., Epis. Church; A. M. A.; Minn. St. Med. Soc; Hennepin Co. Med Soc; Hennepin Co. Milk Com.; Pres., Twin City Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Married Martha Golden Davidson, O 15, 1901, Carthage, 111. Children: David, b. O 20, 1904; Robert Westen, b. Jl 25, 1911; James Roland, b. Ja 15, 1914. Address, 3436 Chicago Ave., Minne- apolis; bus. add., 608 Phys. and Surg. Bldg., do. 1009. WILBUR HOYT WRIGHT Teacher; A. B.; b. D 4, 1874, Watseka, 111.; s. Manliflf B. (b. Ontario, Can.) and Helen E. Wright (b. N. Y. City). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Teacher, Biol., 111. Reserve Militia, Co. C, 2d Regt., 1917 — . Married Laura Ward, Jl id, 1909, Chicago. Children: Ward Wilbur, b. S 1913; Lawrence Manliff, b. Ag 1916. Address, 267 Edgewood PI., River Forest, 111.; bus. add., McKinley II. S., Chicago. LIVING, 12 DEAD) 1014. ALVIN CASEY BEAL Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1872, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. Lewis N. (b. Ap 28, 1844, Allentown, Pa.) and Sarah Melissa (Casey) Beal (b. Ap 14, 1847, Jefferson Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Mt. Vernon H. S. M. S. A., Cornell Univ., 1903; Ph. D., do., 1911. Mil. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Pres., Agr. Club; Hon. Grad. in Mil. Sc, 1897. Foreman, Hort. Dept., 111. Exp. Sta., 189S-9; Stud., Cornell, 1899-1900; Foreman, Agr. Greenhovises, 1900-1; Asst., Hort., 1901-2; Asst., Floriculture, 1902-3; Instr., Floriculture, 1903-8; 1st Asst., Floriculture, 111. Exp. Sta., 19089; Grad. Asst., Hort., Cornell, 1900-10; Prof., Floricul- ture and Land. Gard., Home Cor. Sch., 1910; Asst. Prof., Floriculture, Cornell, 1911-13; Prof., Floriculture, 1913 — . Auth.: Our Exp. Sta. and What we Have Done, Florists' Ex- change, vol. 25, 1907, pp. 279-314; Insecticides for Thrips, IVcekly Florists' Rev., vol. 22, pp. 10-11; The Control of Thrips in Cucumber Houses, Am. Florist, vol. 32, pp. 68-71; Tnrips in Greenhouses, a Series of Articles in The Gardeners' Chronicle of Am., 1908-1909; Sweet Pea Evolution and Pollination, Am. Florist, vol. 36, 191 1, pp. 1284-85; Dwarf Sweet Peas, do., vol. 36, 1911, pp. 1329-1331; Rpt. of Com. on Floricultural Courses, Proc. Soc. Hort. Sc, 1913; Monographic Studies with Flowers, Proc. Am. Soc. Sc, 1916; Articles on Cut-flower In- dus., Florists' Plants, Peony Diseases, Rose and Sweet Pea, Standard Cyclopedia of Hort., Cul- ture of Garden Roses, Reading Course Lesson 121, Coll. of Agr., Cornell; The Carnation Bud Rot, Hort., vol. 8, 1908, p. 777; Forcing Toma- toes, Bui. 81, The Farmer's Flower Garden, Circ. 46; The Window Garden, Circ. 47, 111. .A.gr. Exp. Sta.; Hort. in So. 111., Ann. Rpt., III. St. Farmers' Inst., 1898, pp. 56-61; Window- flowering Sweet Peas, Bui. 319; Culture of Gar- den Sweet Peas, Bui. 320; Classification of Gar- den Varieties of the Sweet Pea, Bui. 342, Cor- nell Agr. Exp. Sta.; Hist, and Evolution of the Gladiolus, Ext. Bui. 9, Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem., Congr. Church; Sigma Xi; Soc. of Am. Florists; Nomenclature Com., Nat. Sweet Pea Soc. of Am., 1910 — ; Chm., Nomenclature Com., Nat. Gladiolus Soc. of Am., 191 1; Life mem., 111. St. Hort. Soc, 1902—; Life mem.. 111. St. Florists* Assn., 1905 — ; Sec, do., 1906-7; Soc. Am. Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists; Sec, Am. Gladiolus Soc, 1917; Botanist, Soc. of Am. Florists, 1912-13; mem., A. A. A. S.; 1897] Baccalaureate Alumni 99 Am. Soc. for Ilort. Sc, 1912; Com. on Re- search Am. Soc. Hort. Sc, 1917 — ; Ara. Rose Soc, 1913; Rose Test Garden Com. Married Ervilla Belle LeFevre, D 31, 1899, Champaign. Child, Elizabeth, b. Ag s, 1903. Address, 212 Kelvin PI.. Ithaca. N. Y. 1015. CHARLES DAVID BEEBE Engr. and Electn.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 17, 1873, Chicago; s. Jonathan Willis (b. Jl 10, 1837, Elmira, N. Y.) and Frances M. (Bur- rough) Beebe (b. D 19, 1847, Evanston, 111.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. Sch. Pres., Glee Club; Capt., Football team. Draftsman; Const. Siupt.; Chief Engr. and Electn. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 4210 Lake Park Ave., Chicago.! 1016. *EUGENE HERMANN BRANDT Architect; B. S.; b. O 24, 1867, Irving, 111.; s. John (b. D 7, 1833, Greenville, O.) and Georgiana Brandt (b. S 20, 1850, Chaumont, N. Y.). Prepared in Westfield Acad., O., Appleton City Acad., Appleton City, Mo., and Rose Poly. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind., 1892. Arch. Club. With Frederick E. Hill, Arch., Kansas City, Mo., 1898-99; Broadway Mfg. Co., Leavenworth, Kan., 1899; James Tyler & Son, Arch., Lincoln, Neb., 1904; Asst. St. Arch., Neb., 1906; Mowbray & Uffinger, Arch., N. Y. City, 1907; Tyler & Brandt, Lincoln, Neb., 1907. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Jessie Rowena Palmer, Ag 3, 1906, Lincoln, Neb. Died N 24, igi8, Lincoln, Neb. 1017. RALPH WALDO BRAUCHER (Brother of Nos. 381, 382, 418, 633, 792) Tree Expert; B. S. in Agr. ; b. F 10, 1871, Lincoln, 111.; s. Daniel Ludwig (b. Mr i, 1833, Pickaway Co., O.) and Henrietta Curtis (Hill) Braucher (b. Je i, 1831, Orange, N. H.). Pre- pared in Lincoln H. S. Philomathean; Agr. Club; Chem. Club; Nat. Hist. Soc. Asst. to S. A. Forbes, 111. St. Entomologist, 1897-99, 1901-4; Asst. to F. M. Webster, Chief Insp., O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1900; Instr., Agr., Cherokee Orphan Acad., Selina, I. T. ; Special work for control of scale insects, Lincoln Park Commissioners, 1903; Chicago, winters, 1902-3, 1904-5; Proprietor Neoga Fruit Storage, Neoga, 111., 1904-18; special work in Pomology and Testing of Power Sprayers, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., summers, 1904-6; Special Field Agt., U. S. Bur. of En- tomol. in charge of Mich. Field Lab. for the study of deciduous fruit insects, 1908-10; Fel- lowship, Cornell, 191 1-13; Prin., Davey Inst, of Tree Surgery, Kent, O., 1912-17; Prin., Exten. Dept., Davey Tree Expert Co., 1917. Auth. : The One-Spray Method in the Control of the Codling Moth and the Plum Curculio, by A. L. Quaintance, E. L. Jenne, E. W. Scott and R. W. Braucher, Washington, Govt. Print, office, 1910, Bui. 80 Pt. VII U. S. Bureau of Ento- mology V; Exten. Course in Tree Surgery by Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, O. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Assn. of Econ. Entomologists; Wash- ington Entomol. Soc; Entomol. Soc. of Am.; 111. St. Hort. S9C.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Mar- ried Mabel Harriett Hankinson, N 12, 1902, Chicago. Children: son, born and died, D 27, 1907; Bertram Ralph, b. Ag 7, 1910. Address, S48 N. Pine Ave., Chicago. ioi8. *RALPH PLUMB BROWER B. S. in C. E.; b. F 12, 1874, Dayton, 111.; s. Irenens (b. 1839, Montgomery, N. Y.) and Mary A. (Sprague) Brower (b. 1848, Anders, N. Y.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Pres., Adelphic; Bus. Mgr., Technograph, 1897; Mil. Club; Hazelton Medal; Capt., Univ. Regt. Civ. Engr., Champaign, 1897; 2d Lt., U. S. A. by Pres. McKinley; ist Lt., 1901. Mem., First Congr. Church, Champaign. Died Ag 7, 1902, Lake Tahoe, Calif. 1019. WALTER BURROWS BROWN V. P., Chem. Works; B. S.; M. S., 1905; b. Ap 23, 1874, Grand Detour, 111.; s. John S. (b. 1842, Stonington, Conn.) and Cornelia E. (Turner) Brown (b. 1845, Grand Detour, 111.). Prepared in Sterling H. S. Asst. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y., 1897-9; Asst. Chem., C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, 1899-1900; Chief Chem., Morris & Co., 1900-3; Gen. Supt., Victor Chem. Works, Chicago, 1903-10; V. P., 1915 — . Mem., A. C. S., 1900; Soc. Chem. Indus., 1900. Married Antoinette Mae Farren, Ja 23, 1906, Paris, France. Address, 5011 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Fisher Bldg., do. 1020. LUELLA EUGENIA BUCK (LINN) (Wife of No. 968) B. S. in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1875, Coldbrook, N. Y.; d. Edson Allen (b. S 27, 1847, Worth- ington, Mass.) and Caroline Howard (Burr) Buck (b. Ag 9, 1849, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Married Homer R. Linn ('96), F 16, 1899, Philo, 111. Chil- dren: Dorothy R. ; Virginia H.; David E. Ad- dress, 321 S. Ashland Ave., La Grange, 111. 1021. FRANK READ CAPRON Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 22, 1872, Bentley, 111.; s. George W. (b. Jl 2, 1843, Bentley, 111.) and Ellen (Bickford) Capron (b. My 20, 1846, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Car- thage H. S. Arch., Sandwich, 111., 1898; Drafts- man, Carthage, 111., 1899; U. S. Ry. Mail Service, 1899-1905; Arch., Wichita. Kan., 1905-6; Draftsman, Virginia Bridge & Iron Co., Southwestern Bridge Co., Morava Const. Co., and Am. Bridge Co., 1907 — . Address, 436 W. Williams St., Decatur, Ill.t 1022. HUBERT VINTON CARPENTER (Husband of No. 1278) Professor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 29, 1875, Argo, 111.; s. Charles H. (b. 1827, Warren Co., N. Y.) and M. Elizabeth (Burge) Carpenter (b. 1839, do.). Prepared in No. 111. Coll., Fulton, 111. Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; M. E. and E. E. Socs.; Baseball. Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1897-9; Instr., 1899-1901; Asst. Prof., Phys. and Elec. Engng., St. Coll. of Wash., 1901-2; Prof., Mech. and Elec. Engng., do., 1902- — -; Dean of Mech. Arts and Engng., do., 1917 — . Auth.: A Study of the Con- denser; A Method of Measuring Frequency; A Method of Comparing Self Inductance; The Flow of Steam in Pipes; Simplified Sag-Ten- sion Formulas for Suspended Cables; Pamphlet, H. Sch. Bui., The Physics Course in the Mod- ern H. Sch. Mem., M. E. Church; Fellow, A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E. Married Maggie Edith Staley ('99), Je 19, 1899, Urbana. Chil- dren: Charles Benjamin, b. O 27, 1900; Flor- ence, b. Jl 21, 1903; William Harold, b. Ag 29, 1906; Arthur Clarence, b. D 15, 1909. Ad- dress, Pullman, Wash. 1023. MANLEY EARLE CHESTER (Brother of No. 734) Manufacturer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 29, 1876, Champaign; s. Elias Oscar (b. 1829, O.) and Frances Virginia (Skinner) Chester (b. 1844, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. E. and E. E. Socs.; Phi Delta Theta. With West. Elec. Co., 1897-1910; with Goodyear Rubber Insulating Co., Supt., mfr. of rubber covered wires, 1910 — ; Sec. and Asst. Treas., Whitney Blake C^o. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Married Cornelia McCue, F 3, 1907, N. Y. City. Children: Bryant, b. Mr 26, 1908; Honore, b. Mr 25, 1914. Address, 225 W. 8oth St., N. Y. City; bus. add., c/o Whit- ney-Blake Co., do. University of Illinois 1024. OCTAVE BESANgON CLARKE (Brother of Nos. 640, 641, 942) Pres., Orchard Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 17, 1878, Quincy, 111.; s. Edwin Ambler (b. Je 8, 1839, Oswego, N. V.) and Leoline Francesca (IJesanson) Clarke (b. Je 13, 1839, Natchez, Miss.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Adelphic. Mech. Engr., Am. Mfg. Co., N. Y., 1897-1900; Arch, draftsman, 1901; Asst. Res. Engr., Union Elec. Light & Power Co., St. Louis, 1902-3; Supt. Const., Mech. Dept., Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., 1904; Supt. for Mauran, Russell & Garden, Archs., 1905, U. S. Letters Patent No. 734,222, 1903, for Dam Const.; Engr., Hill & O'Meara Const. Co., St. Louis, 1906; Supt., Frisco Mines and Tunnel Co., Animas Forks, Colo., 1907-8; Engr., Rio Grande Water and Land Corp., Albuquerque, N. M., 1909; Pres., Virginia Orchard Co., Albuquerque, N. ^L Mem., First Chiirch of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Address, Albuquerque, N. M. 1025. CHARLES VIRGIL CRELLIN Prop., Mach. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 21, 1870, Winfield, la.; s. E. M. (b. O.) and S. J. (Simmons) Crellin (b. do.). Prepared in la. Wesleyan Univ. Philomathean; Engng. Club. Electn., Des Moines Elec. Light Co., 1897 1901; proprietor, Crellin Mach. Co., Loir Angeles, 1901 — . Married Marcia Tompkin? Stanley, N 2, 1902, San Francisco. Address, 123 Llewellyn St., Los Angeles. 1026. "STEVEN GEORGE DE VRIES B. S. in E. E.; b. My 17. 1S7S. Pekin, 111.; s. Gee,rd Steven (b. D 2, 1844, vVirdum, Ger.) and lina (Roelfs) De Vries (b. Je 24, 1854, Groothusen, Ger.). Prepared in Pekin II. S. Y. M. C. A. Died on Class Day, his diploma being buried with him. Died Je 7, 1S97, Pekin, Til. 1027. JAMES ANSEL DEWEY (Brother of Nos. 537, 1028) Farmer; B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1898; B. S. in Agr., 1903; b. Jl 2, 1874. Ottawa, 111.; s. Milton Alvord (b. O 26, 1830, Lenox, Mass.) and Rebecca Janet (Brown) Dewey (b. Ag 4, 1836, Carthage, N. Y.). Prepared in Evanston Tp". H. S. Philomathean. VVork in Bacteriol., 1898-1901; Taught, East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1901-2; Farming, 1904 — . Married Elfie A. Smith, Je 12, iqoo. (Children: James Anse' Jr., b. b 17, 1906; Milton Alonzo, b. Jl 27, 1909. Address, R. i, Armstrong, 111. 1028. SARAH LOUISE DEWEY (YENSEN) (Sister of Nos. 537, 1027; Wife of No. 3250) B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1899; A. B. in L. & A.. 1908; b. Mr 30, 1 87 1, Ottawa, 111.; d. Milton Alvord (b. O 26, 1830, Lenox, Mass.) and Rebecca Janet (Brown) Dewey (b. Ag 4, 1836, Carthage, N. Y.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. and Univ. of Chicago. Alethenai; A. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Fellow, Physiology, 1898-9; Asst., St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1898 and Water Sur. Lab., 1899; Bacteriologist for Danville Water Co., 1904. Mem., Unitarian Assn. of Am., 1910. Married Trygve D. Yensen ('07), Te 30, 19 10, Urbana. Child, Arne Dewey, b. Ap 4, 1912. Address, 21 13 Delaware Ave., Swiss- vale, Pittsburgh. 1029. RAYMOND WILLIAM DULL Contr. and Consult. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; M. E., 1910; b. Ap 29, 1874, Newark, O.; s. Uriah (b. do.) and Orlinda (Ramey) Dull (b. Pataska, O.). Prepared in Kan. St. Agr. Coll. Philomathean; Asst. Dir., Band. Insp., 1807- 8; Asst. Supt., Mech. Draftsman, 1898-9; Mech. Draftsman, Chief Draftsman and Estimator, 1899-1905; Chief Engr., 1905-10; Consult, and Contr. Engr., 1910-13; Pres., Raymond W. Dull Co. (corp.) 1913 — . Introduced various patents on conveying mach., pressed steel pulleys, sand separators, screens, etc. Auth.: Formulas and Tables for Bin Designing, Engng. News, 1904, pp. 62-66; Suspended Bunkers, Power, 1904, 651 pp.; numerous articles in Rock Products. Mem., A. S. M. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs. ; S. and G. Producer's Assn. Married Edna M. Pope, Ja 15, 1901. Chil- dren: Raymond Lawrence, b. Ja 17, 1902; Florence, b. N 10, 1904; Claremont, b. S 4, 1906; John Richard, b. O 21, 1908. Address, I ^3 S^ 6th Ave.. La Grange, 111. ; bus. add., 1910 Conway Blag., Chicago. 1030. ELMER EDGAR DUNLAP Architect; B. S. in Arch.- b. My 6, 1874, Columbus, Ind.; s. Jerastus R. (b. 1851, Bar- tholomew Co., Ind.) and Ella (Evans) Dun- lap (b. i8s3, Zanesville. O.). Prepared in Columbus 11. S. Phi Delta Theta. Supt., Const., 1897-1900; Practicing Arch., 1900 — . Nfem., Presby. Church; Indianapolis Cml. Club; A. I. A. Married Mida G. Elliott, Je IS, 1898, Noblesville, Ind. (died Mr, 1902); Martha Scott, Je 27, 1905, Indianapolis. Chil- dren: Jerald Blakely, b. Je 25, 1906; Eleanor Scott, b. Jl 17, 1908. Address, 1132 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis; bus. add.. State Life BIdg., do. 1031. ERNEST BROWNING FORBES (Son of H20; Brother of Nos. 949, 1868; Hus- band of No. 1375) Specialist in Nutrition; B. S. in Sc; B. S. in Agr., 1902; b. N 3, 1876, Normal, 111.; s. Stephen Alfred (b. My 29, 1844, Pecatonica, 111.) and Clara Shaw (Gaston) Forbes (b. Ag 30, 1848, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. Ph. D., Univ. of Mo., 1908. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Sigma Xi; Biol. Theory, Zool. and Agr. Clubs: Ed., ///. Agr., 1902. Asst. to St. Entomol. of Minn., 1897-S; Asst., III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1898-1900; Acting St. Entomol. of Minn., 1900; Asst.. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1901-2; Instr., L'liiv. of 111., 1902-3; .'\sst. Prof., An. Husb., Univ. of Mo., 1903-7; Chief Dept. Nutrition, O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1907 — . Maj., San. Corps, l^ S. A. in France, 191 8 — . Auth.: A Review of the Lit. of Phosphorus Compounds in An. Metabolism, O. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bui. j (with M. H. Keith) ; pamphlets, Contr. to Knowl- edge of Am. Freshwater Cyclopidiae, Bui. 111. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1897; several buls. on the stock feeding published by Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta.; also numerous buls. on the mineral elements in an. nutrition for O. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Genetic Assn.; Am. Soc. An. Production; Soc. Promotion Agr. Sc; Am. Physiol. Soc; Assoc. Ed., Jour. Dental Re- search, 1918. Married Lydia Maria Mather Coo), Ag 18, 1003. Children: Lydia Frances, b. D 7, 1904; Winifred, b. N 9, 1906; Stephen .Mfred II, b. D 4, 1909; Rosemary, b. Ag 10, 1911; Richard Mather, b. Ta 8, 1916. Address, 528 Beall Ave., Wooster, O. 1032. *JOHN FREDERICK GARBER Instructor; A. B. in Sc; b. S 30, 1868, Win- field, O.; s. Daniel (b. Mr 3, 1823, Strasburg, O.) and Savilla (Snyder) Garber (b. S 24, 1838). Prepared, Flora H. S. A. B.. West- field Acad., 1803; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1903. Instr., Biol., Houston, Tex., H. S., 1897-1900; Prof., Biol, and Phys., St. Norm. Sch., River Falls, Wis.; Head of Dept. of Botany, Yeatman H. S., St. Louis, 1905 — ■ .\uth.: The Life Hist, of Ricciocarpus natans. Botanical Gasette, F 1904. 29 pp.. Dimorphism in Blissus leucopterus. Biol. Bui. Ap 1904. Mem., St. Louis Biol. Soc. and St. Louis Bot. Club; A. A.A. S., Fellow. Died D 29, 1917. Phoenix, Ariz. rS97] Baccalaureate Alumni 1033. BERT A. GAYMAN (Brother of Nos. 505, 1682) M. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 14, 1877, Champaign; s. George (b. O.) and Louise CStoltey) Gayman (b. Ger.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. With the Linlt-Belt Co., 1897 — . Married Alice May Conlong, Jl 2, 1903, Chicago. Child, Ethel Louise, b. S 29, 1909. Address, 7359 Harvard Ave., Chicago. 1034. ORVAL LEE GEARHART Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 31, 1870, Farmer City, 111.; s. Silas Thomas (b. My 15, 1838, Miami Co., O.) and Lydia Ann (Lay man) Gearhart (b. O 25, 1844, Rochester, O.). Prepared, Farmer City H. S. Acacia; Arch. Club Masonry Insp., Univ. of 111., 1897; Asst. City Engr., 1898-1903; City Engr., 1903-5; Chief Asst. in Blue Printing and Photography, 111., 1905-9; City Engr., Champaign, 190QI1; farmer, Champaign, 1911-15; Resident Engr. for St. of 111. Dept. of Pub. Health and Bldgs., ])iv. of Highways, ITdqtrs., Moline, 111., 1915 — . Auth. : Concrete Foundations and Cement Filler for Brick Pavements, 19th Rpt. 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs., pp. 111-115, Engng. News, vol. 26, No. s, pp. 113-114; Concrete Foundation and Clement Filler for Brick Pavements, Engng. Record, vol. 49, No. 7, pp. i8i-igi. Mem., M. E. Church, 1886; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs., 1904; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. Shrine. Married Nellie May Van Wegen, D 19, 1905, Cham- paign. Child, Van Silas, b. Ag 29, 191 1 (died My 12, 1916). Address, 107 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 1035. GEORGE LYMAN GRIMES Pres. and Mgr., Molding Mach. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 5, 1875, Mansfield, O.; s. Charles Loomis and Mary A. (Miller) Grimes. Prepared, Moline H. S. Philomathean. In charge of shops, Univ. of la., 1897-8; Instr., M. E., Univ. of Mich., 1898-1901; Engr. in charge of design, manufacture and repairs of patterns. West. Tube Co., Kewanee, 111., 1901-6; Detroit Stoker and Foundry Co., Salesman, 1906, Supt., 1907-9; Pres. and Mgr., Midland Mach. Co. now Grimes Molding Mach. Co., 1909—. Married Lucia Voorhees, Ap 29, 1907, Kewanee, 111. Child, Emily Georgine, b. D 18, 1909. Address, 371 Virginia Park, Detroit. 1036. CLYDE DENNY GULICK (Brother of Nos. 693, 694) Physician; B. S.; M. D., 1902; b. N 27, 1876, Champaign; s. Jesse R. (b. D 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., O.) and Louisa L. (Everett) Gulick (b. D 4, 1848, Champaign Co., 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Philomathean. Taught sch. and farmed, 1898-99; studied medicine, 1899-1902; Asst. Phys., New. Mil. Sanitarium, W'auwatosa, Wis., 1902; prac- tice of Med., 1902—. Lt., M. R. C, Ap 1918; Mustered out, F 1919. Mem., Am. Acad, of Med.; Sec. and Trcas., Cbampaign Co. Med. Soc, 1905-07; mem., A. M. A.; Twin City Clinical Club; Pres.. Assn. of Commerce. Mar- ried Grace J. Alward, Je 1903, Canton, 111. Children: Louisa Elizabeth, b. Mr 12, 1906; Jesse Richard, b. Ag 14, 1910; Benjamin Al- ward. b. D 3, 1914 (died Ja 21, 1915). Address, 1005 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., 218 W. Main St., do. 1037. HARRY HUGH HADSALL Gen. Supt., Const. Co.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 9. 1875, Wilmington, 111.; s. A. S. (b. 1844, Jefferson Co., N. Y.) and Kittie (Townsend) Hadsall (b. 1846, Oshkosh, Wis.). Prepared in Wilmington H. S. C. E. Soc; Kappa Sigma; .Alpha Gamma Sigma; Shield and Trident; Baseball and Football teams; Mgr., Football team, 1896; Pres., Students' Dancing Club. Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1897-9; Bridge Shop Insp., 1899-1900; Chief Masonry Insp., 1900- 03; Res. Engr., Cairo Bridge, 190304; Res. Engr., Tenn. R. Bridge, 1904-5; Asst. Engr., Bridges, 1905-7; Gen. Supt., Leonard Const. Co., 1907—. Mem.. A. S. C. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Chicago Engrs. Club. Married Jean Stewart, Jl i, 1903, Wilmington, III. Chil- dren; Harry Stewart, b. F 13, 1907; John Mclntyre, b. Ja 28, 1909. Address, 5492 Ever- ett Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 860 McCorniick Bldg., do. 1038. OLIVER DAVID HAVARD Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Homer, 111.; s. W. R. (b. 1830, Wales) and Rachel (Jones) Havard (b. 1829, Wales). Prepared, Homer H. S. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Invented the "Coal Meter" U. S. Pat. D 14^ 1909; "Coal Meter and Hopper" Canadian Pat. Mr 191 1, U. S. Pat. 1912; Gen. Supt., Grant Portland Cement Co. Auth.: Operation of Power Plants, Elec. Traction Weekly, S 191 1. Mem., Engng. Soc. of N. E. Pa.; Keystone R. R. Club. Married Anna Louise Lohse, O 26, 1909. Address, Gen. Del. Allentown, Pa. 1039. ALBERT CLAUDE HOBART Const. Engr.; B. S. ; C. E., 1898; b. Ap 9, 1875, Elgin, 111.; s. Alonzo Chapin (b. 1843, Abington, Mass.) and Ellen Maria (Groce) Hobart (b. 1848, Scituate, Mass.). Prepared, F.lgin H. S. Shield and Trident; Phi Gamma Delta; Engrs. Club; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Mil. Club; Adelphic; Ed., Technograph. Fellow- ship in C. E., 1898. Chief Engr., Paxton & Vierling Iron Works, Omaha, Neb 1898-1900; Engr., Bur. Yards & Docks, Navy Dept., Washington, D. C, 1900-1; Engr., Const, for Augustus Smith, N. Y. City, 1901-5; V. P., Discharging Apparatus Mfg. Co., 1905-7; V. P. and Mgr., Bergen Point Iron Works, Bay- onne, N. J., 1907-10; Const. Engr., with Charles H. Peckworth, 1910-13; Const. Engr., Interurban Gen. Contr. Co., 1914; do.. New England Casualty Co. and New England Equit- able Ins. Co., 1915-16; do.. Am. Fidelity Co., N. Y. City, 1917; do., Richardson and Burgess, Inc., Washington, D. C, 1918. Mem., A. S. C. E., 19 1 3. Married Florence Herbert Shurt- leff, Je 4, 1907, Norwell, Mass. Address, 57 School St., Rockland, Mass. 1040. CARL JOHN HORN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 13, 1872, Naperville, 111.; s. Jolin (b. 1824, Bad Nau- heim, Ger.) and Bertha Agnes (Metzner) Horn (b. 1838, Ernstall, do.). Prepared in N. W. Coll.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega. Worked as Draftsman, 1897-1902; Arch., 1902 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Ruth Murray, S 6, 1899, Naperville, 111. Children: Margaret, b. My i, 1903; Carolyn, b. Mr 25, 1907; Anthony, b. O 10, 1911. Address, 718 Broadway, Logansport, Ind. 1041. CHARLES HOWISON Adv. Mgr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 22, 1872, near Sandwich, 111.; s. James (b. 1814, Smail- holm, Scot.) and Mary Jane (Kirkpatrick) Howison (b. 1840, Pa.). Prepared in Sandwich H. S. Arch, until 1909; Adv. Mgr. and Credit Man for Warner Mercantile Co., Sandwich, 111. Married Sara Bessie Warner, O 26, 1898, Sandwich, 111. Children: Charlotte Warner, b. Mr 9, 1900; James Alexander, b. Jl 16, 1905 (died D 20, 1905); Charles LeRoy, b. Ap 25, 1909. Address, Sandwich, 111. 1042. FRANK ALEXIS HUGHES Smelter Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 13, 1874, Mascoutah, 111.; s. Robert Hughes (b. Je 25, 1842) and Alwina Mary (Eisenmayer) Hughes (b. N 11, 1852, Memphis, 111.). Pre- pared in Okawville, 111. Adelphic. Smelter University of Illinois [1897 Engr. ; Engr. El Paso Smelting Works, El I'aso, Tex. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Larline Fisher, N 14, 1906, Alice, Tex. Child, Mary I-arline, b. My 9, 1913. Address, 2919 Grant Ave., El Paso, Tex. 1043. MARINDA ICE (MIDDLETON) (.Sister of Nos. 1044, 6977) B. L.; b. Je 7, 1876, Gifford, 111.; d. James Kidwell (b. Ap 8, 1844, Mannington, W. Va.) and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice (b. Jl 11, 1840, West Warren, W. Va.). Prepared in Gifford, 111. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Class Prophet. Mem., Nat. Genealogical Soc, Washington, D. C. ; Christian Church. Married Earl Middle- ton, My 2, 1897, Gifford, 111. Children: Errol Bathurst, b. J a 28, 1898; Virgil Wayne, b. D 12, igoo; James Dent, b. My 12, 1905. Ad- dress, Victoria, Tex. 1044. 'MEL DORA ICE (STRITESKV) (Sister of Nos. 1043, 6977) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 12, 1872, Rantoul, 111.; d. James Kidwell (b. Ap 8, 1844, Mannington, W. Va.) and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice (b. Jl 11, 1846, West Warren, W. Va.). Prepared in Gifford, 111. Y. W. C. A.; Architects' Club. Arch, and Arch. Drafts- man; Draftsman in office of John K. Dow, Empire St. Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Married L. R. Stritesky, Ag 22, 1906. Child, Mildred Nellie. Died My 2, 1908, Spokane, Wash. 1045. GEORGE J. JOBST Contractor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Peoria; s. Valentine (b. Fulda, Ger.) and Susanna (Schneider) Jobst (b. Coblenz, Ger.). Pre- pared in Peoria H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Treas., Ath. Assn. Gen. Con- tracting, V. Jobst & Sons. Married Laura E. Nelson, Ap 11, 1900, Champaign. Address, 503 Parkside Drive, Peoria. 1046. SHIRLEY KENDRICK KERNS Head Master; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 16, 1872, Illiopolis, 111.; s. Andrew Kendrick (b. Ag 2, 1845, Chillicothe, O.) and Mary (Seeds) Kerns (b. N 30, 1851, Shadeville, O.). Pre- pared in Champaign II. S. A. B., Harvard, 1898. Master in Eng., The Country Sch. for Boys, Baltimore, 1898- 1900; Act. Head Mas- ter, 1899-1900; igoo-oi; Senior Master, Mid- dlesex Sch., Concord, Mass., 1901-3; Asst. Head Master, do., ipo3-4; Instr., Eng., Noble and Greenough's Classical Sch., Boston, 1904-6; Proprietor and Head Master, The Country Day Sch. for Boys, Boston, 1906 — . Married Jeanie Noyes Richardson, D 26, 1905, Concord, Mass. Children: Teanie Noyes, b. S 27, 1906; Shirley Kendrick, "Jr., b. D 8, 190S; Allen McClellan, b. Ag 5, 1910; Eleanor, b. Je 9, 1915. Address, 234 Waterson Rd., Newton, Alass. ; bus. add., Nonantum Hill, do. 1047. WILLIAM HENRY KILER (Brother of Nos. 702, 964) Lawyer; A. B.; b. Je i, 1875, Urbana; s. William Alexander (b. Ap 24, 1841, Dayton, O.) and Charlotte (Mittcndorf) Kiler (b. Mr 17, 1846, Wolfenbuettel, tier.). Prepared in Urbana II. S. Adelphic; Sigma Chi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Footl)all, 1894-6; Debating team, 1896; Prize orator, 1896; Motto orator, 1897. Prin., Pub. Sch., Dixon, 111., 1897; Instr., Hist, and Eng., Culver Mil. Acad., 1898; Univ. of 111. Law Sch., 1899- 1900; Atty. at Law, Lexington, Ky., 1900-3; Atty. at Law, Los Angeles, 1903-5. Contribu- tor to the Encyclopedia of Evidence, 1903-5; Contradiction of Witnesses, pp. 530-536, vol. 3; Criminal Conversation, 782-800, vol. 3; Cross Examination, 807-913, vol. 3; Dower, 865-888. vol. 4; Forcible Entry and Detainer, 775-804, vol. 5. Address, 3845 Greenwood Ave., Oak- land, Calif. 1048. WESLEY EDWARD KING Lawyer and Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1902; b. My 4, 1876, Kinmundy, 111.; s. William Lovejoy (b. Ap ^8, 1838, George- town, O.) and Sarah Harriet (Forshee) King (b. N 10, 1848, Springfield, Ind.). Prepared in Kinmundy H. S.; Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Alpha Tau Omega; ist prize Adelphic Declama- tory Cont. ; Asst. Ed., lUini. Practicing Law, 1902-7; Atty. for Am. Surety Co. of N. Y. at Chicago, 1907-8; Atty. and Mgr., do., for Utah, Idaho, and Mont., Salt Lake City, 1908- 12; do. for companies of Hartford, Conn., 1912-15; founder Utah Surety Assn.; Utah Development League; V. P., Ilalloran-Judge Loan and Trust Co.; V. P., Bettelym Home Builders Co.; Treas., Mutual Creamery Co.; U. S. Volunteer, 1898-9; 2d Lt., 6th O. Inf., U. S. and Cuba; ist Lt. and Q. M., Nat. Guard, Ut., 1911-12; Capt. Q. M. Corps, 1912-16; Maj., Judge Adv., 1916-17; Capt., 145th F. A., 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. ; Cml. Club; Univ. Club; Naval and Mil. Order Spanish Am. War; founder. Salt Lake City Alumni Assn., Univ. of 111.; Salt Lake City Alumni Assn.; founder Rotary Club. Married Wilhelmina Marie Groweg, S 11. 1902, Defiance. O. Ad- dress, 116 U St., Salt Lake City. 1049. HAROLD H. KIRKPATRICK Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 6, 1876, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Austin Wilson (b. S 29, 1834, O.) and Sarah (Dilling) Kirkpatrick (b. My 10, 1848, Urbana). Prepared in St. Joseph H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Supt. Schs., Pen- field, 111., 1897-1902; Deland, 1902-4; Illiop- olis, 1904-7; Atlanta, 1907-10; Leroy, 1910-13; W. Chicago, 1913 — . Mem., !M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Hannetta Mae Kirk- patrick, Ag 15, 1900, Chicago. Child, Vivian iMaurine, b. Je 10, 1901. Address, W. Chicago, 111. 1050. THEODORE CHARLES KISTNER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 19, 1874, Carlinville, HI.; s. John George (b. Mr 22, 1854, ileijigersdorf, Ger.) and Maria Fried- crika (Heinz) Kistner (b. Ag 9, 1856, Carlin- ville, 111.). Prepared in Carlinville H. S.; Black- burn Coll., Carlinville, 1893. Shield and Tri- dent. Arch., Granite City, 111., 1900-11; do., San Diego, 19 11 — . Married Alice S. Hatton, O 24, 1916, San Diego, Calif. Child, Fred- erika Louise, b. Je 6, 1918. Address. 814 Am. Nat. Bank Bldg., San Diego, CaliL 1 05 1. THEODORE JULIUS KLOSSOWSKI With Portland Cement Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 21, 1874, Chemnitz, Ger.; s. Frederick William (b. Jl 26, 1S40, Filing, do.) and Mar- garet (Franck) Klossowski (b. Ag 13, 1838, Heinigenhafen, do.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Engr.. U. S. Deep Waterway Comn. ; Lake .Superior Power Co.; 111. Steel Co.; Internat. Portland Cement Co.; Western Canada Cement Co.; Edmonston Portland Cement Co., Can. Discovered Portland Cement Properties at Orofino, Idaho. Mem., A. S. C. E. Address, Marlboro, Alberta, Can.t 1052. LAURA KRATZ (Sister of No. 1367) Sculptor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 14, 1875, Monticello, 111.; d. W. H. (b. Ap 2, 1S43, Plum- stead, Pa.) and Alice J. (Pratt) Kratz (b. N 8, 1849. Monticello, 111.). Prepared in Monti- cello H. S. Alethenai. Attended Art Inst., Chicago, 1901-5. Sculptor Asst. to Lorado Taft, 1907-11. Address, Monticello, 111. 1053. CARL OSKAR KUEHNE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 16, 1874, Ger.; s. Karl Oscar and Anna (Doerfel) Kuehne. Prepared in Ger. and Chicago pub. IS97J Baccalaureate Alumni 103 schs. Mem., Order of Columbian Knights; A. F. A. M. Married Amelia Centner, Jl 12, 1899, Champaign. Children: Carl W., b. N S, 1900; Gertrude, b. Jl 21, 1903; Esther, b. Mr 21, 1909. Address, 1947 Patterson Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1572 N. Halsted St., do. 1054- MARTHA JACKSON KYLE Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1898; b. D 5, 1862. Cedarville, O.; d. Thomas B. (b. Ja 8, 1824, do.) and Margaret (Hender- son) Kyle (b. My 30, 1829, near Pittsburgh). Prepared in Urbana, H. S. Eng. Club; Ale- thenai; Illio Bd., 1S97; Adv. Bd., Y. W. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa. Attended Univ. of Chicago, summer 1904; Columbia, 1909-10. Instr., Eng. and Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1899 and 1910 — ; Asst. Dean of Undergraduates, 1905-6; Acting Dean of Women, Univ. of 111., 1913-16. Ad- dress, iioi W. California Ave., Urbana. 1055. MARGARET HENRIETTE JOHANNE LAMPE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1900; b. Ag I, 1865, Woodford, Eng.; d. Johannes Louis (b. Ap 28, 1831, Bremen, N. Ger.) and Elizabeth Johanne (Rovekamp) Lampe (b. Air 23. 1837. do.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; St. Norm. Univ. Prin., Rochelle H. S., 1900-3; do., Dwight H. S., 1903-4; do., Pittsfield H. S., 1905-6; teaching in Normal H. S., 1907—; also Instr., Latin and German in summer sch., St. Norm. Univ., 191 1. Auth. : Latin Drill Book, 1904-5, Pub. Sch. Pub. Co., Bloomington, 111., 78 pp.; German Drill Book, 1904, do., 76 pp.; also two series of articles published in Sch. and Home Educ., The Sunny Side of Literature and Why Need Eng. Composition be a Bugbear, respectively, which continued more than two yrs., and were preceded by single articles at various times; set of three Geog. Transpar- encies, McKnight and McKnight, 19 13. Ad- dress R. I, Bloomington, 111. 1056. *CHARLES SIGURD LARSON B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 20, 1874, Chicago; s. Ole (b. Ag 12, 1841, Songdal, Norway) and Anna (Olson) Larson (b. S 22, 1846, do.). Prepared in English H. S. and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. M. and E. E. Soc. Died F 4, 1899, Chicago. 1057. CHARLES WILBUR LEIGH Professor; B. S. in L. & A.; b. D 4, 1874, Peoria; s. Amos Fox (b. 1828, near Columbus, O.) and Carolina (Choate) Leigh (b. 1830, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Grad. work Univ. of Chicago. Philomathean; Phi Cjamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Class Baseball; Ind. Prize Orat. Contest; Hatchet Orat.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Prof., Math. Ft. Worth Univ., three yrs.; Instr., Armour Inst, of Tech., four yrs.; Asst. Prof., Math., do., three yrs.; Assoc. Prof., Math, five yrs.; Acting Assoc. Prof., M. E., 1917-18; Assoc. Prof. M. E., 1918 — . Auth.: Arithmetic for Am. Sch. of Cor., 150 pp.; Trigonometry of 100 pp., do.; Solid Geom.. 80 pp., do.; Co-editor, Palmer and Leigh, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, McGraw- Hill & Co. Mem., Presby. Church; Baton Musical Club; Windsor Park Country Club; A. F. A. M.; Windsor Golf Club; Dir., Music, M. E. Church, Englewood. Married Theresa Violet Faulkner, Ja i, 1903, Wyoming, 111. Children: John Richard, b. Je 5, 1906; Charles Hammond, b. Mr 20, 1910. Address, 7320 La- Fayette Ave., Chicago. 1058. BELLE LORRAINE McFADDEN Teacher; A. B.; b. Ja 31, 1877, Champaign; d. Samuel (b. Co. Antrim,' Portglenone, Ire.) and Sarah Ann (Lillibridge) McFadden (b. Wilmington, Del.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. Taught in Greenview H. S., 1897-9; Shawneetown, 1899-igoi; Gibson City, 1901-2; Urbana, 1903-7; Ypsilanti, Mich., 1907-10; Muskogee, Okla., 1910-1916; Charleston, 111., 1916-1918. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 302 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 1059. ARTHUR RICHARD MANN (Brother of Nos. 108, 109, 896) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 13, 1872, Gilman, 111.; s. Wm. H. (b. 1827, Ky.) and Elizabeth Dabney (Abraham) Mann (b. 1829, Va.). Prepared in Gilman H. S.; Butler Univ. Acad., Indianapolis. Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Band. With 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1897-8; Pullman Co., Asst. Engr., 1898-1901; Swift & Co., 1901- 2; The Link-Belt Mach. Co.; 1902-6. Mem., First Regt. Inf. 111. Nat. Guard, 1905. Mar- ried Jennie M. Havard, D 12, 1898. Child, Havard William, b. O 28, 1900. Address. Mannville, Fla. 1060. FRED HUGH MANNY (Brother of No. 612) Real Est. Dealer; B. S. in L. & A.; b. D 20, 1874, Mound Stana. 1909 — . Address, 1307 W. Main St., Urbana. 1132. ARTHUR EDWIN FULLENWIDER (Brother of Nos. 1676, 4666) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 8, 1874, Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. Henry Thomas (b. Mr I, 1846, Mechanicsburg, 111.) and Sarah Con- net (Lindsly) Fullenwider (b. O 21. 1849, Grove City, 111.). Prepared in Mechanics- burg Acad. Band; Phi Gamma Delta. Arch. Profession at Chicago. Married Grace Adele Stewart, Ja i, 1900, Champaign. Children; Lois Adele, b. Je 3, 1905 (died O 2, 1906); Harlan Stewart, b. Ag 15, 1908. Address, 7209 Harvard Ave., Englewood, Chicago. 1133. WILLIAM JOHN FULTON (Brother of No. 1679) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1900; b. Ja 14, 187s, Lynedoch, Ont., Can.; s. James (b. My 12, 1843, Can.) and Jane Elizabeth (Gray) Fulton (b. My 18, "1843, Portage, N. Y.). Prepared in Hartford City, Ind. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; T. N. E.; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Capt., Varsity Baseball team; Ed., lllio; Phi Beta Kappa. Mem., firm of Faissler & Fulton; City Atty., Sycamore, 111., 1902-8. Married Laura Busey N 26, 1901, Urbana. Children: Frederick Flenry, b. Ja 6, 1905 (died Mr 27, 1906); William John, Jr., b. F 12, 1907; Robert Busey. b. My 5. 1909; Sarah Jane, b. S 5, 1912. Address, Sycamore, III. 1 134. HENRY ANTHONY Mgr., Light Co.; B. S. in 1874, Chicago; s. Henry W. Dover. Eng.) and Harriet K. ridge (b. Je 10, 1854, Kingst pared in Northwest Div. H. S., and Trident; Phi Delta Theta. Tumler, O 15, 1902, Chicago. Eleanore, b. My 27, 1904. A Colo. GOODRIDGE E. E. ; b. Ja 12, (b. Ag I, 1844, (Porter) Good- on, Ont.). Pre- Cliicago. Shield Married Elfreda Child, Francis ddress, Alamosa, 1 135. *CHARLES ERNEST HAIR Retired Arch.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 26, 1875, Lewistown, 111.; s. F. E. (b. Pa.) and Mary E. (Benton) Hair (b. 111.). Prepared in Knox Coll. Designed a number of the largest schs. and court houses in the southwest in Monolithic Concrete Skeleton Const. Mem., Scottish Rite Masons; B. P. O. E. ; Shrine; Epis. Church. Married Pearl Allen, Jl 22, 1908, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Thomas Edwin, b. F 21, 191 1; Charles Ernest, b. N 17, 1913; Dorothy Pearl, b. N 21, 1915. Died O 14, 1918. 1 136. FRED SILVEY HALL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Mr 23, 1875, Areola, 111.; s. John I. (b. D 10, 184';, Mitchell, Ind.) and Carrie (Bond) Hall (b. N 17, 1846, do.). Prepared in Areola H. S.; DePauw Univ. Prep. LL. B., Washington, 1901. Phi Ganinia Delta. Gen. Practise of Law, Firm of Hal! & Dame, 1901 — . Mem., Christian Church; St. Louis Bar Assn.; A. F. A. M. ; Univ. of 111. Club of St. Louis; Phi Gamma Delta Club, St. Louis; K. T. ; Mo. Ath. Assn.; St. Louis Cham- ber of Commerce. Married Minnie L. Kanzler, Je 5, 1911, Chicago. Address, Suite 1204, Cent. Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Louis. 1 137. MORGAN J. HAMMERS (Brother of Nos. 1514, 1515, 2409) Pres., Automobile Co.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 19, 1875, Secor, 111.; s. Morgan B. (b. Jl Ti. 1838, Greene Co., Pa.) and Rosetta Jane (Gibson) Hammers (b. Je 20, 1841, Mounds- villa. W. Va.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic, V. P.; Mech. and Elec. Engng. Soc.; Pres., mini Assn.; Assoc. Ed., Technograph; LTniv. Cor. for Record-Herald; Illini Staff; V. P., Sr. Class. Mech. Supt., Rock Island Plow Co., 1898-1903; Gen. Supt. and Mech. Engr., Phoenix Iron Works, Meadville, Pa., 1903-5; Gen. Mgr., Jacobson Mach. Mfg. Co., Warren, Pa., 1905-11; Treas. and Gen. Mgr., Abbott Motor Co., Detroit, 191 1; Pres., do. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1899; S. A. E.; N. A. C. C; Rock Island Club, 1900-4; Conewango Club, Warren, Pa., 1906 — ; Detroit Club, 191 1 — ; .■Xutomobile Country Club of Detroit; Meadow- brook Club; Detroit Ath. Club; Detroit Bd. of Commerce; V. P., Am. Gas and Gasoline Engine Builders' Assn., 1905-6. Married Isabelle Grace Paton, Ag 20, 191 7, Detroit. Address, 239 Taylor Ave., Detroit; bus. add., Doble Detroit Steam Motors Co., 4th and Porter, do. 1138. THOMAS MILFORD HATCH E. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 11, 1875, Kankakee, 111.; s. Walter W. (b. Ap 27, 1852, Woodstock, Ont., Can.) and Martha Emma (Enyart) Hatch (b. Ag 10, 1852, Peru, Ind.). I'NIVERSITY OK Il.l.INOIS [iSyS I'lciiaifd in Kankakt-e 11. S. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Oolta Sigma: SliieKl and Trulent. Contr. for Mun. Improvenu-nts. Married Elsie Marie Wood, la 7, 11)04, lloslieii, Inil. Children: Thomas" Milford Jr., b. Mr 21, 1905: Walter W., b. Mr J, 1007: Frederic O., b. S 12, igoS. Address, 3^5 Wildwood Ave., .\kron, O.; bus. add., 220 'Medford Rlock, do. 1 139. DON HAYS (Brotlier of Ko. 1520; Husband of No. 1256) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 29. 1876. Sidnev, III.: s. Edmund (b. O 16, 1848, JelTer- sonvil'lo, O.) and Mary Catherine (Smiths Hays (b. Mv I), 1840, Jo.). Prepared in Sidney 11. S. Res. Engr., C. O. S: 0. R. R., Ark. and Okla., iSgS-igo-;; D. \V. Engr., Raton, N. M., 1905-6; Loc. and Dist. Engr., C. M. & St. P.. Idaho, 1906-10; Terminal Engr., do.: ranch and pvt. practice, Naches, Wash., 101 1 — . -Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Daisy Margaret Owens, ('99), Je 14, 1906, North Yakima, Wasli. Chil- dren: "Margaret Katlierine, b. S i, 1912; Sarah Janet, b. .\g 31, 1917. Address. Naches, Wash. U40. GEORGIA ETIIERTON HOPPER Instructor; A. B.; Ph. M., ITniv. of Chicago, 1904. Stud., Paris, 1908-9; Dean of Women and Prof., Mod. Lang., Kipon Coll., 1902; Head of Mod. Lang. Dept., Shorter Coll., 1904-7; .\sst., Mod. Lang., la. St. Coll., 1907 8; Head of Mod. Lang. Dept., Tabor Coll., 1910-n; Head of Mod. Lang. Dept. and Dean oiF Women, Stephens Coll., 1911-12; Instr., Mod. Lang., Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 1913 — . Facultv Advisor, French Club of Brad- ley; Chni., Adv. Bd.. Y. W. C. A., I?radley. Address. Apt. E, 213 N. Underhill, Peoria. 1 141. LEONA PEARL HOUSE Teacher: A. I'., in L. & A.; b. N 5. 1877, near Sadorus, 111.; d. Irvin (b. .\g 2, 1840, \\'. Va.) and Ellen Elizabeth (Fleming) House (h. .\g 22, 1849, Bureau Co., 111.). Prepared in Urbana 11. S. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. Taught in vicinity of Sadorus, 1898-1902; Uement, 1902- 3; Sadorus Pub. Sch., 1903-6; at home, 1906-7: teaching vicinity of Sadorus, 1907 — . Addn'ss, 209 W. Vine St., Champaign. t 1142. ARTHUR BURTON HURD Farmer; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 8, 1873. Panola, 111.; s. Thomas James (b. Ag S, 1832, Lacona, N. Y.) and Julia (Stevens) Hurd (b. Ja 1833, do.). Prepared in El Paso H. S. .\delphic. Llraftsinan, Chicago Bell Tel. Co.; Lake Shore & Mich. Southern Ry., Cleveland, 1899; Pa. R. R., Altoona, Pa., 1902; Julian Kennedy, Pitts- burg'!, 1903-5; Pressed Steel Car Co., Pitts- burgh, as Estimator, 1905; employed as Check- er with Am. Car & Foundry Co., 1905-9; Far- mer, 1909 — . Married Jessie Homewood Can- non, Je 19, 1900, El Paso, III. Child, Burton Cannon, b. N 4, 1901. Address, El Paso, lU.t n.M. 'HELEN JORDAN (Sister of No. 1361) B. S.; b. S 13, 1874, Tolono, III.; d. Theron Francis (b. Jl 23, 1S34, Rockport, O.) and Ellen Adelia (Barnum) Jordan (h. S 26, .1841, Rockport.). Prepared in Champaign. Died S 24, 191 I, Tolono, 111. 1144. ALBERT FRED KAESER (Husband of No. 1371; Brother of No. 2139) Phvs. and Surg.; B. S.; M. D., 1901; b. D 9. 1S78, Highland, 111.; s. Fritz (b. My 13, 1847, Glarus, Switzerland) and Katherine (Caindle) Kaeser (b. My 13. 1849, Highland, III.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Adelphic. Honor Roll. Phys. and Surgs., 1901. Post Grad. work, Ber- lin, 1909. Capt., Bn. 7, Co. 27, Camp Green- leaf, Cliickamauga Park, Ga.. 1918 — . Mem., Madison Co. Med. Soc.; III. St. Med. Soc; A. M. .\. Married Jennie Latzer ('00), Je 26, 1007. Highland, III. Child, Marion Ada, b. N Jl. 1915. Address, Highland, 111. 1145. NELLIE KOFOID (DILLON) (Wife of No. 1 1 22; Sister of No. 1722) B. S.; b. S 15. 1872, Granville, III.: d. Nelson (1). Ap 15, 1838, Bornholm, Den.) and Elizabeth lane (Ellis) Kofoid (b. Je 8, 1840, Ind.). Pre- "pared in St. Norm. II. S., Normal, III. At- tended Oberlin Coll., 1 893-4. Alethenai. Teacher, 1878-9. Married William Wagner Dillon ('98), 1901, Normal, III. Children: Henry, b. 1902; Harold Sidney, b. 1906; Eliza- heth Gertrude, b. 1910. Address, K. i, Estjic- ada. Ore. 1146. ANDREW JACKSON KUYKENDALL Farmer; LL. B.; b. Jl 7, 1873. Vienna. 111.; s. L B. (b. Ja 9, 1842, lohnson Co., 111.) and Eli'za (Gorham) Kuykendall (b. Ja 31, 1842, Milwaukee). Prepared in DePauw Acad., Greencastle, Ind. Ph. B., DePauvv Univ., 1896. Phi Gamma Delta; Football Team. Lawyer, 1899-1908; Farmer, 1908 — . Married Eva Ben- son, Je 25, 1902, Vienna, 111. Children: Jack, li. My 5, 1903: Sidney Benson, b. D 31, 1908. .Address. Vienna, Ill.t 1147. "CAROLINE A. LENTZ A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 30, 1876, Ashley, III.; d. Solomon Riley (b. D 13, 1846) and Esther E. (McClure) Leiitz (b. O 28, i854'>. Prepared in Areola H. S. Illio Bd.; Illiiii staff; Class Poet; Girls' Glee Club. Taught as 1st Asst. Prin. Farmer City H. S., one yr. Mem., I'resby. Church. IJied S 10, 1899, Areola, III. 1 148. FRAACIS DAVID LINN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mv 9, 1874, Byron, 111.; s. David VVray (b. la 29, 1836, Millerstown, Pa.) and Martha Bull (Roberts) Linn (b. Jl 16, 1841, Petersburg, Pa.). Prepared in Byron H. S. Adelpliic; Agr. Club. Address. Byron, Ogle Co., HI. 1149. ALBERT CARL LINZEE Pres. and Chief Engr.: B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 13, 1876, Duquoin, III.; s. Charles F. (b. St. Mary's, O.) and Harriett E. (Smith) Liii- zee (b. Duquoin, 111.). Prepared in Duquoin H. S. Electn., U. S. Navy, 18989^ Testing and Designing Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. V., 1899-1903; Chief Engr., Akron Elec. Mfg. Co., 1903-8; Pres. and Chief Engr., The Imperial Elec. Co., Akron, O., 1908 — ; Pres., Phoenix Elec. Co., Mansfield, O. Married Clare Ewing, Akron, O. Cliildren: Ford Franklin, b. 1909; Ardis Olive, b. 1912. Address. 124 W. 2nd St., Mansfield, O. 1 1 50. CHARLES JAMES McCARTY Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 29, 1876, Logansport, Ind.; s. Jeremiah V. (b. London, Eng.) and Amelia (Cassidy) McCarty (b. Pa.). Prepared in Rock Falls H. S. Supt., Mun. Plant, Rock Falls, 1898-9; Engr., Elgin, Aurora So., Track Co., Aurora, 1899-1903; Engr., Aurora, Elgin and Chicago, 19034; Sunt., Track and Overhead Lines, Rockford and Interurban Rv., Rockford, 19045; Asst. Engr., C. B. & 0- K. R.. 1905 iS; four months in charge of track const, at Hog Island Ship Yard, 1918. Auth.: .Articles in Elee. ll'orld, kv. .Age Gacette; numerous short descriptions of Ry. Const.; various short descriptions of mun. plants and R. R. devices. Married Susy M. .Nicholson, D 21, 1904, Aurora. HI. Child, leane Alice, b. F 24, 1915. Address, 221 N. "\'iew St., .\urora, III. icSgSl Baccalaureate Alumni 113 I IS I. JOSEPH HUNTER MARSHUTZ Lawyer; A. B. in I-. & A.; b. Ag 10, 1877, Shclbyville, 111.; s. William Benj. (b. S 1, 1848) and Elianora (Hunter) Marshutz (b. Ag 20, 1852, Lancaster, O.)- Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. LL. B., Harvard, 1902. Sigma Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Dramatic Club; lUio Bd. Lawyer, Firm of Marshutz and HotTman. Mem., Mil- waukee Bar Assn.; Univ. Club of Milwaukee; Milwaukee Country Club. Married Jessie Davidson Burnham, Ja 15, iqo8, Milwaukee. Child, Jcsepbinc, b. Je i, IQ07. Address, 448 Kenilworth PL, Milwaukee; bus. add., 1115-20 Wells Bldg., do.f 1152. HARRY MONROE MAY (Brother of Nos. 3872, 4809) Mgr., Exchange By-Products Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 18, 1878, Rochelle, 111.; s. Henry Ritter (b. 1845, N. Y.) and Ida Althea (Mon- roe) May (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Ro chelle H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Pi; Ca()t., Cadet Corps. With West. Elec. Co., Chicago Shop, Installing, Engng. and Sales Dept., 1898-1902; West. Elec. Co., San Fran- cisco, 1906-7; Chamber of Commerce, River- side, Calif., 1907-15; Mgr., Upland Hgts. Orange Assn., Upland, Calif., 1916-17; Mgr., Exchange By-Products Co., Corona, Calif., 191 8 — . Married Frances N. Howard, S 18, 1900, Milan, 111. Children: Henry Howard, b. Mr 22, 1902 (died Ap 4, 1902); Davicl Chapin, b. Je i, 1903; Bruce Monroe, b. I) 22, 1905. Address, 119 E. Blvd., Corona, Calif. 1153. HENRY FLEURY MERKER Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 3, 1877, Belle- ville, 111.; s. Louis P. (b. S i, 1844, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Anna Eva (Schneider) Merkci (b. 11 27, 1847, Ger.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Varsity Football team. Engr., E. St. Louis & Suburban Ry. Co. and Alton, Granite & St. Louis Traction Co. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; M. W. A.; mini Club of St. Louis; Am. Elec. Ry. Engr. Assn.; Com. on Way Matters; Chm., Sub. Com. on Rails and Joints. Married Marie Hays, N 23, 1904, E. St. Louis. Child, (Gertrude Elizabeth, b. S 13, 1905. Address, 533 Washing ton PL, E. St. Louis. Ill.t 1154. FREDERICK ALEXANDER MITCHELL Contr. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 7, 1875, Butler, 111.; s. John A. and Harriet L. (Hope) Mitchell (b. Hillsboro, 111.). Prepared in Hills boro H. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Pi; M. E. Soc. C. and M. Engr., Burlington R. R., 1898-1901; Am. Bridge Co., 1901; Instr., T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Draftsman and Mgr., Kansas City Wire and Iron Works, 1903; Contr. Engr., Am. Bridge Co., 1903-6; V. P. and Chief Engr., Bartlett Struct. Steel Co., 1906-7; Contr. Engr., Kansas City Struct. Steel Co., 1907 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Rotary Club of Kansas City; Antioch Grange. Married Mae Bell Roberts, N i, 1900, St. Joseph, Mo. Children: Frederick Roberts, b. tl 13, 1903; Louise, b. Jl i, 191 1; Marjorie May, b. Jl 12, 1913. Address, Box 77, Shaw- nee, Kan.; bus. add., Room 705, Orear- Leslie Bldg., 1 01 2 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1155. GRACE ESPY MORROW (SEELY) (Wife of No. 1269) B. S. in Sc; b. Ja 27, 1878, Champaign; d. George Espy (b. O 19, 1840, Foster, O.) and Sarah (Gifford) Morrow (b. Mr 24, 1840, Argyle, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Theta. Taught, Stillwater, Okla., 1899; H. S., Paxton, 1899-1901. Married Gar- rett Teller Seely ('99), O 21, 1902, Paxton. Children: Miriam, b. O 9, 1904; Janet, b. N 14, 1906. Address, 4369 Oakenwald Ave., Chi- cago. H56. JOHN WILLIAM MUSH AM Sec, Engng. Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 10, 1877, Chicago; s. William Henry (b. F 9, 1839, Chicago) and Catherine (McFadden) Musham (b. 1) 2, 1845, Ire.). Prepared in DeLaSalle Inst, and Armour Inst., Chicago. C. E. Soc. • Ath. Assn. With contr. in Peoria, 1898; Drafts- man, Holabird & Roche, C. M. & St PR R Am. Bridge Co., Ralph Modjeski, T. L. Con- dron, S. Side Elevated Ry., San. Dist. of Chi- cago, 1903-11; Assoc. Engr. with W. L. Con- dron. Consulting Engr., 1911-12; Sec, Con- dron Co., Struct. Engrs., 1912 — ; Capt. U. S ',,;,A'^^J Engrs. Address, 1215 Monad- nock Blk., Chicago.t 1157. HERBERT JOHN NAPER Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 4 1877, Chicago; s. Henry George (b. S ?o, 1848, Chicago) and Louise M. (Deverman) Naper (b ^,.'7. 1853, do.). Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Orchestra; lennis. Steel Const. Engr., i8y8-y; Interior Decorating, designing, 1899- 1900; Arch, and Arch. Engr., 1900-7; Arch. Draftsman, 1907-15; Arch. Engr., 1915-16; Arch., 1916-17; Topo- graphic draftsman for U. S. Engrs., Chicago, 19 1 8. Married Teresa Anderson, Je 6, 1906^ Chicago. Children: Kathryn Louise, b. D 20 1908; Herbert John, Jr., b. Jl 21, 1915. Ad'- dress, 11 27 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. 1158. ANDREW HENRY NEUREUTHER Struct. Engr.; B. S. in M. E ; M. E., 1899; b. Ap 3, i«77, Peru, 111.; s. Charles F. and Louise (Oesterle) Neureuther. Prepared in Peru H. S. M. E. and E. E.; Tau Beta Pi. LL. B., Chicago Cor. Sch. of Law. 1903. M. E. and Designer, Western Clock Mfg. Co., Peru; Patent Atty.; LaSalle Co. del. to Nat. Deep- waterway Convention, Chicago, 191 1. U. S. pat- ents No. 887, 835, 1908; No. 806, 359, 1905; No. 867, 834, 1907; No. 906, 915, 190S; No. 937, 259, 1900; No. 7&2, 869, 1905; No. 844, 389, 1907; No. 941, 725. 1909; No. 712, 325, 1902; English, No. 2.1, 524, 1902. Contributor to St. Ry. Rev.; Machinery; Technograph. Trustee, Congr. Church; Sec, Ex. Bd. of Civic Fed. of LaSalle, Peru, and vicinity; V. P., Peru Bus. Men's .\ssn.; Pres., The Nat. Sheet Metal Co.; Dir., Midland Casualty Co., Midland Operating Co., and The Hasbrouck Tunnel Realty Co. of N. J.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Dir., Citizens' Hotel Co., Peru; Pres., Peru Pub. Lib. Bd.; Dir., Peru St. Bank; Pres. and Dir., Ottawa Chautau- ([ua Assn. of Ottawa, 111.; Dir., 111. Zinc Co.; Dir., The Central Life Ins. Co. of 111.; Licensed Struct. Engr., 111. Peru Club Sch. Bd.; Columbian Knights, Pres., two yrs. ; Yeomen of Am.; A. F. A. M. ; R. A. M.; St. John Com- mandery. No. 26, Generalissimo; life mem., Peru Hosp. Assn.; A. S. M. E. Married Nettie Jane Robinson, O 15, 1902, LaSalle. Children: Anita Nettie, b My 30, 1904; Andrew Wesley, b. D 9, 1909; Mabel Elaine, b. Je 11, 1914. Ad- dress, 151 1 4th St., Peru, 111. 1159. JOHN NEVINS (Brother of Nos. 5341, 5840) Arch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 11, 1876, Camp Point, 111.; s. Joseph Allen (b. Pa.) and Emma (Stalil) Nevins (b. do.). Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident. Asst., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1898-9; Arch. Engr., 1899—- A. F. A. M.; Shriner. Married Letitia May La- Plant, N 23, I9T0, Tacoma, Wash. Address, P. O. Box 46, Seattle.t 1160. EDWARD FREDERICK NICKOLEY (Husband of No. 1264) Teacher; A. B. ; b. My 29, 1874, Longgrove, 111.; s. Johann Gottlieb (b. Jl 12, 1820, Posen, Prussia) and Augusta Louise (Petrick) Nicko- ley (b. Ja 12, 1825, Konigsberg, do.). Prepared 114 University of Illinois in Rockefeller Class. Inst.; Univ. Acad. Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic; Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club; German Club; Iliini Staff. Asst. Prin., W. Aurora H. S., J898-1900; Prin., Sch. of Commerce, Syrian Prot. Coll.. Beirut, Syria, 1900 — . Married Emma May Rhoads ('99), Ag 12, 1903, Champaign. Child, Kathrine Eliza- beth, b. D 14, 1904. Address, American Coll., Beirut, Syria. 1 161. HENRY MARK PEASE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 19, 1875. Malta, 111.; s. Dan Francis (b. D 30, 1826) and Rachel (Burzell) Pease (b. My 22, 1836). Pre- pared in Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Pres., Class. Engr.. West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1898- 1902; Asst. Mgr. and Dir., West. Elec. Co., Ltd., London, 1912-18. Assoc, mem., British Inst., E. E. Married Adelaide Columbia Timberlake, N 25, 1901, Cincinnati. Children: Maxine Vir- ginia, b. N 19, 1909; Ivis Crittenden, b. O i, 1 91 2. Address, West. Elec. Co. Ltd., N. Wool- wich, E. London, Eng. 1162. REED MILES PERKINS Stockman; A. B.; b. Mr i, 1S75, Spring- field, 111.; s. Joseph B. (b. My 15, 1824, Rich- land Sta., 111.) and Ann Mary (Price) Perkins (b. Ja 17, 1842, Woodford Co., Ky.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. LL. B., 111. Wesleyan, 1901. Philomathean; Sigma Chi. Mgr., Lyceum Bur., 1898-1902; Ice and Coal Bus., Springfield; Per- kins Ice & Coal Co., 1902-14; Mgr., Perkins Bros. Farm, Holstein Friesian Cattle. Mar- ried Nellie Pierce England, Ap 29, 1908, Kan- sas City, Mo. Address, R. 10, Springfield, 111. 1 163. *CICERO JUSTICE POLK (Brother of No. 2211) Rancher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 3. 1877, Areola, 111.; s. John Luther (b. N 22, 1841, Bridgeville, Del.) and Cora Justice (Blackwell) Polk (b. Je 2, 1846, Newbern, N. C). Prepared in Areola H. S. A. B., Harvard, 1900. Eng. Club; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. With P. F. Collier & Son, 1901-4; Pvt. tutor, 1904; conducting a ranch, Encinal, Tex., 1904 — . Married Mar- garet Elizabeth Reily, O i4> 1901. Boston. Died Jl 28, 1909, Boston, Mass. 1 164. WILLIAM VIPOND POOLEY Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 12, 1876, Galena, 111.; s. John H. (b. Ag 2, 1843, Eng.) and Esther (Vipond) Pooley (b. O 7. 185^, Scales Mound, 111.). Prepared m Galena H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1905. Kappa Sigma; Shield and Trident. Taught in Galena H. S., 1899-1901; Grad. Stud., LIniv. of 111., 1901-2; do., Univ. of Wis., 1902-5; Penoyer Scholar in Econ , do., 1904; Univ. Scholar in Am. Hist., do., 1905; taught in Madison H. S.. 1905-6; Prof Hist., St. Norm. Sch., Kirksville. Mo., 1906-7; do.. St. Norm. Sch., Valley City, N. Dak, 1907-9; Instr., Hist., N. W. Univ.. 1909- 13; Asst. Prof., 1913-17; Assoc. Prof., ioi7— • Auth.-. Settlement of Illinois, 1830-50, Bui. ot Univ. of Wis., 1908. 300 pp.; Some Causes for the Westward Movement before 1850, Proc. of N Cent. Hist. Teachers' .4ssn.,- 1907. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Mane Antoinette Baume, Ta i, 1907. Galena. Ill- Children: Elizabeth E., b. S 27, 1909; Mane Ruth, b. Ja 7, iqi5- Address, 2253 Shennan Ave., Evanston, 111. 1165. GEORGE JOSEPH RAY (Husband of No. isu) Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 191 o; b. Mr 24, 1876, Metamora, 111.; s. Jerry (b. Jl 6, 1839, do.) and Harriet (Swallow) Ray (b. _ !• 25, 1843, Green Co., Pa.). Prepared m Uniy. Acad. 'Ph.D., Lafayette, 1916. C. E. Club. Various positions held under Chief Engr., 1. C R R. ; -^sst. Engr., Carbondale, 1900; Supvr., Tracks, St. Louis dist., do., J^oi-g; Road- master, Dubuque Div., 1902-3; Div. Engr., U. L. & W. R. R., Scranton, Pa., 1903-8; Con- tracting, 1908-9; Chief Engr., D. L. & W. R. R., 1909—. Mem., Baptist Church; Am. Ry. Engrs., Assn.; A. S. C. E. ; Am. Soc. for Test- ing Materials. Married Edna Rose Hammers ('01 ), Je 23, 1903, Champaign. Children: Lilian Rosalind, b. N 2, 1904; Gwendolyn, b. Ap 24, 1910; Wilhemine, b. F 12, 1913; George J. Jr., b. F 25 1914. Address, 86 N. Arlington Ave., E. Orange, N. J.; bus. add., c/o D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J. 1 166. ORA MARCUS RHODES Phys. and Surg.; B. S.; M. D., 1901 ; b. Mr 12, 1871, Bloomington, 111.; s. Aaron Pavne (b. Ap 18, 1834) and Martha M. (Cox) Rhodes (b. Ag 9, 1834). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. H. S.; Med. Dept., Univ. of V^ienna, 1912-13. Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Football, 1896-7; Alpha Kappa Kappa, P. & S., Chicago. Mem., Mc- Lean Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Consulting Staff, St. Joseph's Hosp., Bloom- ington; Med. Adv. Bd., Dist. No. i.; Christian Church. Married Myrtle J. Downs, My 8, 1902 Elwood, Ind. Children: daughter, born and died, F 1913; Aaron Payne, b. O 25, 1908. Ad- dress, 1 1 16 E. Grove, Bloomington, 111.; bus. add., 405-7 Corn Belt Bank Bldg., do. 1 167. LEWIS ARCHIBALD ROBINSON Professor; A. B.; A. M., 1901; b. F 15, 1871, Cedar Grove, Va. ; s. Andrew A. (b. 1838, Winchester, Va.) and Virginia (Fries) Robinson (b. 1847, Cedar Grove, Va.). Prepared in Shenandoah Inst., Dayton, Va. Y. M. C. A. Ph.D., N. Y. Univ., 191 1; Scholarship, Colum- bia, 1908-0; Grad. Fellowship, N. Y. Univ., 1910-11. Taught in Kankakee H. S., 1900; in Univ. Acad., 1900-1; Instr., Phys. and Math., St. Agr. Coll., Pullman, Wash., 1901-2; Ore. St. Norm. Sch.. Monmouth, Ore., 1902-8; Assoc. Prof., Pedagogy and Supt., Tr. Sch., Winthrop Norm, and Ind. Coll., Rock Hill, S. C, 1909-11; Prof., Psych, and Educ, Univ. of Porto Rico, 1012-14; Dept. of Physiog., Bay Ridge H. S., N. Y. City, 1914 — . Auth.: Mental Fatigue and Sch. Efficency, Bui., Winthrop Coll., Rock Hill, S. C, 1911. Mem., Presby. Church; Y. M. C. A.; N. E. A.; S. E. A.; A. A. A. S., 1913; Ore. Acad, of Sc, V. P., 1908; Beochem. Soc. of Columbia. 191 1; Assn. of Drs. of Pedagogy of N. Y. City, 191 1; Secondary Educ. Club of (Tolumbia, 1909; Mosely Comn. for Visiting Schs. in Eng., igo8; Pres., Assn. of Masters and Drs. of N. Y. l^niv., 191:. Mar- ried Anna Gard, S 15, 1902, Salem, Ore. Child, Hazel Gard, b. Je 24, 1904. Address, Bay Ridge H. S., Brooklyn, N. Y. II 68. ROME CLARK SAUNDERS Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 18, 1876. Champaign Co.; s. Jos. (b. D 25, 1840, Ind.) and Cornelia (Clark) Saunders (b. Ag 3, 1851, 111.). Prepared in St. Joseph H. S.; Univ. Acad. With B. P. Remy, Anderson, Ind., 1898; West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1899; Peoria Gen. Elec. Co.. and Diamond Meter Co., Peoria, 1899-1901; Fargo Edison Co., Fargo, N. Dak., 1901-3: Ft. Wavne Elec. Works, 1902-4; A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1904-9; Minneapolis Gen. Elec. Co., iqoq-13; Asst. Sales Mgr., Taconia Ry. and Power Co., 1913 — . Married Hazel Richardson. Ap 12, 1910, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Clark Rich- ard, b. Ag 8, 1912: Paul Rome, b. S 21, 1916. .Address, Tacoma, Wash. 1169. ARCHIBALD DIXON SHAMEL (Brother of Nos. 618, 670) Plant Physiologist; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 15, 1877- s Conrad (b. Bavaria) and Caroline Shamel (b. Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Tavlorville H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha 7eta; Philomathean; Agr. Club; Debating Team; Ed., ist and 2d Annual ///. .4gr. Rep- resentative. I St 111. St. Farmers' Inst, meeting; Asst. and Instr., 111. Coll. of Agr., 1898-1902; Baccalaureate Alumni IIS Physiologist, Bur. of Plant Indus., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1902 — . Invented Shamel Tobacco Seed Sejiarator, 1904; Paper bag method of protecting tobacco flowers from cross pollina- tion, 1904; Shamel soil steam sterilizer, 1906; Cigar testing mach., 1907; Humidifier for Stor- age Rooms, 1917; Stalk Cutter, 1918. Auth. : Manual of Corn Judging; Book of Corn; Buls., 111. and Conn. Exp. Stas. and U. S. Dept. of Agr.; Contributions to Encyclopaedia Am. Agr.; Britannica; Am. and H. S. Text Books in Agr.; Agr. rpts. of various kinds; also various scienti- fic papers reporting results of original investi- gations with plant breeding problems. Mem., Presby. Church; A. A. A. S.; Bot. Club of Wash.; Am. Breeders' Assns. ; A. F. A. M.; Victoria Club. Married Agnes Fay Brewer, S IS, 1908, Hockanum, Conn. Children: Caroline Agnes, b. Ag 12, 1909; Norman Archibald, b. S 1913; John Dixon, b. Ag 10, 1915. Address. Bur. of Plant Indus., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. 1170. STANLEY LIVINGSTONE SOBER Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mv 31, 1875, Clifford, 111.; s. Milton Hubbel (b. Ap 6, 1836, Franklin Co., Vt.) and Catherine Arietta Soper (b. My i, 1845, do.). Prepared in Ran- toul H. S. Adelphic; 2d in Class in Scholar- ship. Grad. work Kan. St. Norm., 1902-3; Chi- cago Univ., 1909. Miller, 1901; Teacher, 1902; Supt., Schs., 1903 — . Auth.: The Relation of the H. S. Sciences to one Another, The Inter- state Schoolman, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1910, pp. 19- 20. Pres., Meth. Brotherliood, 191 1: Pres., Co. Teachers' Assn., 191 1. Married Mabel Marv Dollison, Ja i, 1903, Kansas City, Mo. Child- ren: James Milton, b. Ja 11. 1904; Doris Amy, b. My 26, 1906; Dorothy Mabel, b. My 26, 1906 (died My i, igo8); Cecil Stanley, b. Mv 25, 1909; Rebecca, b. F 28, 191 1. Address, c/o M. H. Soper, Faribault, Minn.f 1171. ROY VERNER SPALDING Broker and Inventor; LL. B.; b. Mr 30, 1876, Byron, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. Rockford, 111.) and Emily Lucius (Read) Spalding (b. Byron, do.). Prepared in Byron H. S. Buyer with Sears, Roebuck Co., 1898-1903; Supt., Mail Order Dept., N. K. Fairbanks Co., 1903-10; with The Globe Soap Co., Asst. Adv. Mgr., 1911-13. Married Ethel Rood, 1899, Byron, 111. Children: Lucia and Emma, b. My 10, 1913 (died Jl 17, 1913). Address, Glenellyn, in. 1 172. JOSEPH CLARENCE STALEY (Brother of No. 1278) Office Mgr.; A. B.; b. Ja 25, 1874, Tolono, III.; s. George Alexander (b. S 15, 1842, Cabal Co., Va.) and Priscilla Jane (Benjamin) Staley (b. Mr I, 1842, Perry Co., O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. A. M., Stanford Univ., 1900. Teaching, igoo-i8; Oflice Mgr., W. W. Steam Auto Co.. 1918 — . Mar- ried Beulah Heintz, Jl 23. igi8. Address, 12 nth Ave., S., North Yakima, Wash. 1 1 73. ALBERT LEWIS THAYER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 11, 1876, Johnson, O. ; s. Charles Corbet (b. Ag 11, 1853, Bristol, do.) and Ella (Hulse) Thayer (b. S 22, 1835, do.). Prepared in Newcastle H. S. Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Mem., Christian Church; A. F. A. M. ; K. T.; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; A. I. A. Married Ethel E. Halstead, S 20, 1899, Cortland, O. Children: Lauren Halsted, b. N 8, 1901; Harding Hulse, b. Mr 4, 1903; Charles Bradley, b. S 7, 1904 (died D 27, 1906); Evelyn K., b. 12, 1909. Address, New Castle, Pa. 1 1 74. GUY ANDREW THOMPSON Professor; A. B.; A. M.; b. Ja 8, 1871. Stew- ard, 111.; s. Robert James (b. Mr 1847, Romney, W. Va.) and Evelyn Louise (Flagg) Thompson (b. 1847, Williston, Vt.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1912. Phi Gamma Delta; Adelphic, Pres. Teacher, Millersburg, Ky., Mil. Inst.. 1898-9; Harvard, 1899-1901; Instr., Eng., Univ. of Me., 1901-5; Asst. Prof, Lng., do., 1905-9; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1906-8; Prof., Eng. Lit., Univ. of Me., 1909—. Auth.: Elizabethan Criticism of Poetry, 216 pp., Geo. Banta and Co., 1914. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn.; Phi Kappa Phi; Congr. Church. Mar- ried Ceha May Coffin, Jl 3, 191 7, Bangor, Me. Address, Univ. of Me., Orono, Me. 1 175- FERDINAND EMIL TOENNIGES Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 3, 1875, Rock Island, 111.; s. Henry J. (b. Mr 3, 1850, Berlin, Ger.) and Mary (Willers) Toenniges (b. F 14, TT^o ff^i?'^^''^' '^°-'>- Prepared in Davenport Jl. S. R. R. Const, work, 1898-1904; Asst. Engr Const. Work. B. & O. R. R., 1904-11; Chief Engr., Robert Grace Contr. Co., N. Y. City 1911-14; Special Work B. & O. R. R., 1914-15;' Supt. and Engr. for P. J. Joyce Contr. Co., 1915- 16; do. for Locust Hill Coal Co., Point Marion, Pa., 1916— . Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Myra E. Meader, O 11, 1900, Schuylerville, N. Y. (died D I, 1912); Corinne B. Jarrett, Je 8, 1916. .4ddress, Point Marion, Pa. 1 176. WILLIAM LUTHER UNZICKER Deputy Coll., Custom; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr I, 1875; s. Jacob J. (b. D 27, 1841) and Phebe (Engel) LTnzicker (b. O 22, 1843). Pre- pared in Acad., III. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Gamma Delta; Pres., Soph. Class; Illio Bd. Taught, 1898-1900; Chief Clerk, Custom House, Omaha, 1901-3; Chief Deputy Collector of Customs, 1903-12. Mem., Univ. Club of Omaha; Omaha Field Club. Married Alice Auld, Je 3, 1908, Omaha, Neb. Child, William L., b. Ag 20, 1910. Address. 1307 S. 34th St., Omaha, Neb.r 1 1 77- FREDERICK WILLIAM von OVEN Consulting and Contr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap II, 1876, Naperville, 111.; s. Ernst (b. N 7, 183s, Dusseldorf, Ger.) and Emma (Reifen- rath) von Oven (b. Je 26, 1833, Hilchenbach, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident; Alpha Delta Sigma; C. E. Club; Football, Capt., 1898; mgr., track team; Pres., Ath. Assn., 1897- 8; held W. I. A. A. record in hammer throw; mem., advisory bd. on aths. Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1898-1900; Engr. in Bridge Dept. War Dept. LI. S. A., Chicago, 1900; Supt., Const, and Consulting Engr.. (Chicago & South Bend, Ind., 1900-01; Consulting and Contr. Engr., associated with Love Bros., Aurora and pvt. practise, 1901-6; Consulting and Contr. Engr., Chicago. 1906-11; Pres., Naperville Nurseries; Naperville Assn. of Commerce; Associated with Martin and von Oven, mfrs. Clay products. 191 1 — . U. S. Letters Patent No. 780. 441, Ja 17, 1905; Flush Hinge Door Const., LT. S. Let- ters Patent No. 795,004. Jl 18, 1005; store fronts. Mem., Epis. Church; West. Soc. Engrs.; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs. ; Illini Club; Ex. Com. 111. Nurserymen's Assn. ; 111. Hort. Soc; 111. Clay Mfrs. Assn. Married Irene Huxley Love. Ap 19, 1900. Aurora, 111. (di- vorced, Ja 1912). Children: Frances Irene Helen, b. N 3. 1901; Mercedes Gladys, b. Mr II, 1903. Address, Naperville, 111. 1 1 78. RUFUS WALKER, JR. Manufacturer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. F 27, 1875, Rock Island, 111.; s. Rufus (b. Williamstown, Vt.) and Jane (Edgington) Walker (b. Edging- ton, 111.). Prepared in Moliiie H. S.; Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Theta; Delta Delta Delta; Shield and Trident; Pres., Freshman class; First Mgr., Tennis Team; Asst. Baseball Mgr.; Football Mgr.; lUini Staff; IlHo Bd. Coal Bus., 1898-1904; Mfg., 1904 — . Married Mar- garet Christy, N 15, i8og. Children: Joseph C; John R.; Charlotte; Margaret Jane. Address, 2212 Sixth Ave., MoHne, 111. ii6 University of Illinois [1898 1 1 79. CHARLES ALBERT WALTER Dept. Mgr.; B. S.; Ph. C. in Pharm., 1898; M. S., 1901; Phar. D., 1902; b. F 26, 1876, Piano, 111.; s. Gus Walter (b. Sandwich, 111.). Prepared in Sandwich H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Valedictorian, class 1898. Dept. Mgr., Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. Married Lucile Coop- er, O 23, 1901, Chicago. Children: Florence, b. 1904; Ralph, b. 1906; Charles Richard, b. 1908. Address, 317 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. 1180. *JOSHUA PERCY WEBSTER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 3, 1873, Philadelphia; s. Lukens and Elizabeth (Hallo- well) Webster. Prepared in Friends Cent. Sch. and Armour Inst., Chicago. Adelphic; Bus. Mgr., Iliini. Supt., Const, with W. W. Lindsay & Co., Engrs. & Contrs., 1899 — . Mem., Phda- delphia Engrs. Club; Friends Meeting, Birth- right mem. Married Katherine C. Hamilton, je 20, 1900, Petersburg, 111. Died Mr 23, 1907, Philadelphia. 1181. SARAH EMELINE WEBSTER Art Instr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 16, 1876, St. Louis; d. Sidney Breese (b. F 21, 1843- Carlyle, 111.) and Emeline (Barnes) Webster (b. S 14, 1845, St. Louis). Prepared in Car- lyle, 111. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Iliini car- toonist; Illio artist. Taught Eng. in Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Champaign, 1900-1; Dir., Art, Pub. Schs. Lincoln, Neb., 1901-6; Instr., Art. Dept., N. Y. Tr. Sch. for Teachers, 1906. Ad- dress, 620 W. ii6th St., N. Y. City.t 1182. CLYDE LEIGH WETZEL Telephone Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 27. 1877, Traer, la.; s. C. F. and Emma (Axon) Wetzel. Prepared in Traer H. S.; First year's Univ. work done at Univ. of la. Telephone Engr., 1898-1907; High tension Switchboard operator, 1908-9; Contr. and Bldg., 1909-13; Telephone Engr., 1913—- Married Margaret Bell, Ag 3, 1907, Chicago. Children: Chris Jr., b. Ap 28, 1909; Lois, b. F 14, 191 1; Paul, b. My 18, 1913. Address, 4^07 W. Adams St., Chicago. 1 183. ALLISON JAMES WHARF Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 20, 1876, Olney, 111.; s. James Elliot (b. 1854, Keene, O.) and Adelia Hanna (Allison) Wharf (b. 1855. Jonesborough, Ind.). Prepared in Olney H- S. Highway Bridge Const. 1898-9; Asst. to W A. Gray, Engr. and Contr., 1898; Engr., U. Pacific Ry. Co. 1899-1912; Real Est. Invest- ment. Bldg. Supt., I9I--I3. Chief Engr., Peona and Pekin Union Ry. Co.. 1913; Engr.. Olney, 111., 1918 — . Mem., A. S. C. E.; Consistory and Elks. Married Sara Bower Thompson, Ja 1900, Olney. 111. Children: Allison Webster, b. O 1900; William Thompson, b. Ag 1904 (died N 1905); James Eugene, b. Ja 1909. Address, Olney, 111. 1 184. ALBERT ST. JOHN WILLIAMSON Mech. Engr.; B. S.; M. E., 1902; b. Ap 6, 1872, Quincy, 111.; s. William Penn (b. D 10, 1832, Freeport, Pa.) and Martha L. (St. John) Williamson (b. Kent, Conn.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Capt., Univ. Regt. Shop and Drafting Room, C. M. & St. P. R. R., Mil- waukee, 1898-1901; Draftsman, Mex. Cent. R. R., 1903; Topographic Work, 1904; Asst. to Supt. Mach., Mex. Cent. R. R., 1904-6; Mech. Insp., 1906-7; Mech. Engr., do.. 1907-8; Instr., R. R. M. E., Univ. of 111., 1908-11. Auth.: Friction of New and Old Shoes on New and Worn Cast Iron Wheels, Air Brake Assn., Nat. Convention, Chicago, 191 1; Brake Shoe Tests and Their Relation to Train Braking, Car Foremen's Assn.. Chicago, 1911; Tie Treat- ment with Fuel Oil on the Mex. Cent R. R., 1900; Effect of Scale on Boilers, Thresher- man's Review, 1910; Locomotive Efficiency and Friction, Am. Engng. and R. R. Jour., 1911; various short articles in Pozvef and the Engr., The Am. Machinist ; Variation in Tractive Power with Speed, Rv. Age Gasette, Vol. 52, Mr 22. 191 2. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mil- dred Wilcox, O 23, 1907, Aguascalientes, Mex. Child, Virginia, b. O 2, 191 5. Address, 1807 Prince St., Berkeley, Calif. ii8s. FREDERICK HENRY WILSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 14, 1876, Evanston, 111.; s. W. C. and Anna E. (Fussey) Wilson. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Sigma Chi. Elec. work; Chief Electn., Battleship Kentucky, U. S. N., 1900-4; Elec. Dept.. Deer- ing Harvester Co. Works, 1904; Steam Turbine Dept., Allis Chalmers Co., 1906; Mech Engr., B. F. Avery & Sons, Plow Mfrs., Louisville, Ky. Mem., Engrs. and Archs. Club; Unitar- ian Church. Married Kathryn Seitz, S 27, 1913. .4ddress, 4704 2nd St., Louisville, Ky. 1 186. LEWIS FORNEY WINGARD Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B.; b. Je 3, 1875, Champaign; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. My 28, 1841, Delphi, Ind.) and Mary Clara (Forney) Wingard (b. O 10, 1846, Waynes- boro, Pa.). Adelphic; Asst. Ed., Iliini; Band; Orchestra; Pol. Sc. Club. Atty-at-Law; Sec, Bd. of Educ, Champaign, 1905-12; Dir. and Asst. Atty., First St. Trust and Savings Bank, Urbana, 1916— . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Shrine; Sons of Veterans. Address, 407 N. State St., Champaign. 1 187. *JAMES THOMPSON WOLCOTT Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 21, 1868, Peoria; s. Gilbert (b. Ja 20, 1837, Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Maria (Day) Wolcott (b. F ip, 1839, Nunda Val., N. Y.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Asst. to City Chem., Buffalo, N. Y., 1898; do. St. Chem. do., 1899; Asst., 111. Steel Co., 1900; .\sst. Chem., Armour & Co., 1901; Supt., Oil Refinery, Armour & Co., Ft. Worth, Te.x., 1902. A. F. A. M.; A. C. S. Married Marie Boss, Je 20, 1900, Chicago. Died F 9, 1904, Ft. Worth, Tex. 1188. MINNIE BARNEY WOODWORTH (YOUNG) (Wife of No. 1299; Sister of Nos. 456, 718, 2007) Teacher of Music; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My S, 1877, Champaign; d. Stephen Elias (b. N 27, 1815, near Seneca Falls, N. Y.) and Mary Celina (Carpenter) Woodworth (b. Ap s, 1842, near Fayetteville, do.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. and Berkeley (Calif.) H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. Teacher, Champaign Schs., 1908-9; music teacher. Mem., So. Presby. Church. Married John Hays Young ('99). D 26, 1899, Champaign. Children: boy, born and died, N 21, 1900; John Hays Jr., b. S 7, 1903; Celina Woodworth, b. Je 5, 1910. .4ddress, 326 Myrtle Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1189. GEORGE BEDELL WORTHEN (Brother of No. 2298) Lawyer; LL. B.; LL. M., 1899; b. My 17, 1877, Warsaw, 111.; s. George Byron (b. do.) and Mary L. (Bedell) Worthen (b. do.). Pre- pared in Warsaw II. S.; Univ. of the South. Sewanee, Tenn., 1896-7. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Mgr., Track team; Iliini staff. Law practise. Poplar Bluff, Mo., 1903; Asst. Mgr., Collection, Swift & Co., 1904; Mgr., Coll. Dept, Am. Jobbing Assn., 1904; Gen. Law Practise. Auth.: Law of Contracts, pub. anonymously. Am. Job- bing Assn., 1906; articles in current mags., 1900-2; in Green Bag; .4m. Legal News and Law Student's Helper. Mem., Cml. League of Am ; Waterloo Club; la. St. Bar Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Credit Men; St. Mark's Epis. Church. Waterloo, la. Married Etta M. Horstman, S I, 1902, Olatha, Kan. Child, Mary Theye, b. S 8, 1903. Address, 1414 4th St., W., Water- loo, la.; bus. add., 518 Black Bldg., do. 1 899] Baccalaureate Alumni 117 1 190. DAVID COUDEN WRAY (Brother of Nos. 2545, 8078) Min. and Metallurgical Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 27, 1875, Winnebago, 111.; s. Samuel Tate (b. Jl 23, 1848, Perry Co., Pa.) and Martha (Scott) Wray (b. N 23, 1851. Lycoming Co., Pa.). Prepared in Winnebago H. S. C. E. Club. With U. S. Geol. Sun, 1898- 1900; As.st. Mine Engr., Whitebreast Fuel Co., 1900-5; with Min- eral Point Zinc Co., 1906 — ; Asst. Supt., Const., 1906-7; Dept. Supt., 1907-14; Asst. Supt., 1914- 16; Supt., 1916 — . Mem., West. Soc. Engrs.; A. I. M. E. Married Bertha M. Loskill, Je 10 1911, LaSalle, 111. Child, Elizabeth Ann, b. Jl 20, 1916. Address, DePue, 111. 1 191. HERMAN LOUIS WUERFFEL . Electrician; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 24, 1876, Chicago; s. Leonhard (b. Ja 31, 1829, Bavaria) and Albertine (Koplien) Wuerffel (b. Je 19, 1839, Ponnnerania). Prepared in S. Chicago II. S.; Brevet Capt. 111. Nat. Guard. With West. Elec. Co., 1899-1908; U. P. Vulcan Elec. Heating Co., 1908 — . Mem., German Lutheran Church, Maywood, 111. Married Charlotte Anna l;^issfeldt, Ja 14, 1900, Milwaukee. Children: .Stella Albertine, b. Je 19, 1901 ; Gertrude Anna, b. Mr 30, 1905; Leonard Carl, b. Je 9, 191 1. Address, 409 S. loth Ave., Maywood, 111.; bus. add., 542 W. Jackson Blvd., (Jhicago.t CLASS OF 1899 (101 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 1 192. *HARRY ANDERSON Div. Supt.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 12, 1878, Sheldon, III.; s. M. Anderson. Div. Supt. of Plant, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., Los Angeles. Died D 23, 1918, Los Angeles, Calif. 1193. FRANK HALL ARMSTRONG Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N i, 1877. Serena, 111.; s. Abraham T. and Lottie E. (Hall) Armstrong (b. M«.). Prejjared in Ottawa H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., M. E. and E. E. Soc. Asst. Master Mechanic, Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., 1899-01; Master Mechanic, Crystal Falls Iron Co., 1901-02; Master Me- chanic, Republic Iron Co., 1902-04; Mech. Engr., Penn. Iron Min. Co., and Republic Iron Co., 1904; Mech. Engr., Penn. Iron Min. Co., 1914-17; Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Armstrong Shovel Co., 191 7 — . Mem., Lake Superior Min. Inst., 1902; A. S. M. E., 1908; Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E., 1909; A. I. M. E. Mar- ried Clara E. Pascoe, D 23, 1903. Republic, Mich. Children: Charlotte E., b. My 2, 1905; Eleanor, b. S 6, 1908. Address, Vulcan, Mich. 1 194. "SAMUEL MICHAEL BAYARD B. S. in L. & A.; b. Ap 11, 1878, Vincennes, Ind.; s. Joseph Lambert (b. Ja 27, 1841, du.) and Helen M. (Burke) Bayard (b. S 10, 1850, Marietta, O.). Prepared in St. Francis Xavier's Prep. Sch. and Vincennes Univ. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. Clerk, Bank- ers' Nat. Bank, Chicago. Died S 19, 1901, Vincennes, Ind. H95. GWAVAS FOSTER BECKERLEY Dist. Supvr., Emergency Fleet; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 28, 1876; s. James G. (b. 1833, Penzance, Eng.) and Catherene (Brown) Beckerley (b. Mineral Point, Wis.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. II. .S. and Man. Tr. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; V. P., Ath. Assn.; Pres., C. E. Club; Pres., Sr. Class. C. Engr., August Ziesing, 1899-1901; Am. Bridge Co. of New York, 1901-03; Contr. Agt., 111. Steel Co., 1903- 05; Organizer Bridge Mfg. Assn., 1905; Sales Mgr., Noelke-Richards Iron Works, Indian- apolis, 1906-13; Pres., Advance Terra Cotta Co., 1913-18; Dist. Supvr., U. S. Emergency Fleet, Baltimore, 1918 — . Mem., Ancient Arabic Order of Nomadic Mystic Shrine; Medinah Temple; A. F. A. M.; Commandery; Ham- ilton Club, Chicago; A. A. O. N. M. S., Medinah Temple; Indianapolis Chap., R. A. M. Married Clara M. Ungewitter, I) 24, 1901, Chicago. Children: William Gwavas, b. N 7, 1908; James Gwavas, b. F 27, 191 5. Address, Lexington Bldg., Baltimore. 1 196. R.ALPH BENNETT (Brother of No. 1197) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 20, 1875, Morton, 111.: s. William Sargent (b. D 31, 1841, Ind.) and Mary Anna (Campbell) Bennett (b. Jl 23. 1836, Morton, 111.). Prepared in Chi- cago Eng. 11. and Man. Tr. Sch. Philomathean. Chief Elec. Engr., Edison Elec. Co., Los An- geles, 1902-08; Chief Engr., Great West. Power Co., 1909-11; Chief Engr., Domniguez Land Co., 191-^ — ;._ Auth.: Imhoff Sewage Tank and Pro- posed Sewage Farm for Torrence, Calif., Engiig. News. O 30, D 4, 191 3, pp. 1 1 32- 1 133; Shore Protection: Sea Walls and Groynes, Southwest Contr., S 12, 1914, pp. 8-9; A Combination Concrete Road and Flood Channel, Engng. News; Design of Shore — Protection Works, do., Jl 15, 1915, PP- 98-101. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Congr. Church. Married Mary Belle Burns, Ag 16, 1910. Children: Mary Gay, b. S 21, 1911; Eleanor Campbell, b. My g, 1915. Ad- dress, 136 Witiner St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 1 1 25 Central Bldg., do. 1 197. RUTH BENNETT (MORGAN) (Sister of No. 1196) Medical Missionary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 20, 1877, Morton, 111.; d. William Sargent (b. D 31, 1841, Ind.) and Mary Anna (Campbell) Bennett (b. Jl 23, 1836, Morton, 111.). Pre- pared in Northwest Div. H. S., Chicago. M. D., Johns Hopkins, 1904. Y. W. C. A.; Watch- eka; Alethenai. Med. Miss., Tsing Kiang iiu, China, 1905-10; Haichow, China, 1910 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Med. Miss. Assn. of China. Married Lorenzo Seymour Morgan, M. D., Je 28, 1904, Nashville, Tenn. Children: Ruth Pierce, b. Mr 10, 1908; Juliana Louise, b. Jl 4, 1914; Carrel Bennett, b. Ag 25, 1917. Ad- dress, Haichow, via Chinkiang, China. 1 198. THOMAS ARCHIBALD MURRAY BEVANS Illustrator; B. S.; b. Je 29. 1879, Wildwood, 111.; s. Homer Bevans. Taught Man. Tr.; Illus- trator for .Vdvertising Co., New York City. Ad- dress, 129 W. nth St,. New York City. 1 199. MARY CONSTANCE BIGELOW Librarian; A. B.; B. L. S., 1910; b. Jl 13, 1877, Austin, Minn.; d. Edward (b. Lakeville, N. Y.) and Lucy Hart (Brown) Bigelow (b. Fitchburg, Mass.). Prepared in Champaign H. 5. Teaching, 1809-1901; Clerking, 1901; Lib. Asst., Rockford Pub. Lib., 1909 — . Address, 324 N. Horsneau St., Rockford, Ill.t 1200. CLARENCE EDGAR BOCOCK Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. D 14, 1876, Stark Co., 111.; s. Cyrus and Eleanor (Fouts) Bo- cock. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Le Cercle Fran- cais; Nat. Hist. Club. Instr., Sc, Corning H. S., la., igoo-04. Dean and Prof., Sc, St. Norm. Sch., Albion, Idaho 1904 — ; Grad. work, Univ. of Chicago, Summers, 1905 and 1907. Married Lillian Rodda Normington, N 28, 1907. Child, Oscar Lafayette, b. My 25, 1909. Ad- dress, Albion, Idaho. t ii8 University of Illinois 1201. LUCILE ALICE BOOKER (VVATKINS) (Sister of No. 2030) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O i, 1874, Wichita, Kan.; d. George Arthur (b..S 14, 1846, Fairmount, 111.) and Caroline Sabrina (Bell) Booker (b. Jl 27, 1846, Moore's Hill, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alethenai; Eng. Club; lUini Staff; Illio Bd. ; Won prizes in literary and declamatory work. Instr., Eng. Lit., Little Falls, Minn., 1899-1900; Stillwater, Minn., igoi-05; Cloquet, Minn., 1906-08. Mem., Epis. Church; St. Andrews Guild, 1908 — ; Women's Friday Club, Charter Mem.; Cloquet Charitable Orgn., 1908 — ; City Chm., Woman's Auxiliary, Council of Nat. Defense; Co. Chm., Food Con- servation, Fed. Food Adm. Marri.ed Charles B. Watkins, Je 15, 1908, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Child, Harriette Wendell, b. Je 6, 1909. Ad- dress, Cloquet, Minn. 1202. JAMES CLIFFORD BRADLEY Practitioner of Patent Law; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 29, 1875, Morrison, 111.; s. James Hub- bard (b. 184-;, O.) and Emily Elizabeth (Mc- Allister) Bradley (b. 1849, Ind.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Track team. Studied law Nat. Univ. and Geo. Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. Drafting, Ajax Forge Co., 1899; U. S. Navy Dept., 1900-01 ; Examining Corps, U. S. Pat. Office, Washing- ton, 1901-05; Practice of Pat. Law, Pittsburg, 1905 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Bar of U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 3d Circuit, 5th Cir- cuit, 7th Circuit and Dist. of Columbia. Mar- ried Dorothy Holland Sipe, Je i, 1904, Wash- ington, D. C. Children: Emma Elizabeth, b. My 7, 1907; Tames Clifford, Jr., b. Je 21 191 1; Dorothy, b. Ag 5, 1916. Address, 5518 Black St., Pittsburg; bus. add., 1618 Frick Bldg., do. 1203. THEODORE LENNART BURKLAND Merchant; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 30, 187s, Moline, 111.; s. Swan P. (b. Sweden) and Charlotte (Larson) Burkland (b. do.). Pre- pared in Moline H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Football team; Mgr., Interscholastic. Draftsman, Paige Iron Works, Chicago, 1899; Moline Plow Co., 1899; Asst. Engr., Peoria Water Works, 19.02-10; Pres., Citizen's St. Bank, Nampa, Idaho, 1910; Min., 1914-17; Automobile accessories, 191 7 — . Married Mary C. Trumbower, Je 8, 1904, Huron, S. Dak. Children: Benjamin Trumbower, b. JI 15, 1907; Theodore Lennart, b. Ag 19, 191 1. Ad- dress, 7507 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1517 Kimball Bldg., do. 1204. 'HALBERT LILLY CHIPPS (Brother of No. 1482) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 13, 1877. Sullivan, 111.; s. Abia (b. Je 8, 1852, Clarks- burg, W. Va.) and America (Lilly) Chipps (b. O 10, i8s6, Sullivan, 111.). Prepared in Sul- livan H. S. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1899; Chicago Jet. R. R. Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 1900; LTnion Pac. Ry., 1900. Died N 3, 1900, Laramie, Wyo. 1205. HARRY ARTHUR CHUSE Mech. Engr; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr ii, 1877. Mattoon, 111.; s. J. F. (b. Switzerland) and M. D. (Nicholson) Chuse (Bond Co., 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon. Gen. Mgr., Chuse Engine Works. Mar- ried Eliza Shinn, N 15, 1904. St. Louis. Ad- dress, 1504 Charleston Ave., Mattoon, 111. 1206. EDITH CLARK (BURR) (Sister of No.' 1113) A. B. in L. \ A.; B. L. S., 1902; b. Ap 28, 1877, Vandalia, 111.; d. Daniel Monroe (b. Had- dan. Conn.) and Rebecca (Davis) Clark (b. Hig; ganem, do.). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Watcheka; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Delta Psi; Capt., basket ball team; Class Poet. Auth : Niagara Falls, A. Bibliography, Bui. of Bibli- ography, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 85-91. Mem., Bd. of Dir. Detroit Branch Coll. Alumnae and Spokane Branch; Cor. Sec, City Fed. of Woman's Clubs, Spokane. Married Frank Henry Burr, Je 10, 1903, Vandalia, 111. Child, Frederick Marshall, b. Ja 15, 1914. Address, 3-'o S. 1st St., Vandalia. 111. 1207. *MARY EDITH CLARK (Sister of No. 1114) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; b. F 6, 1879, Donovan, 111.; d. Evlan (b. Ag 18, 1838, St. Joseph, Mich.) and Clarissa E. (Watkins) Clark (b. Ag 9, 1843, Crawfordsville, Ind.). Eng. Club; Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Taught at Chillicothe, 1900-01; Mt. Vernon, 1902-9; grad. stud., Univ. of 111., 1905-6. Died F 28, igog, Sheldon, 111. 1208. PHILIP HENRY CLARK Lawver; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 31, 1873, Guilford, 111.; s. Edward E. (b. F 2, 1845, Ire- land) and Sarah F. (Sale) Clark (b. D 6, 1851, Guilford, 111.). Prepared in Galena, H. S. Prin., 1899-02, and Supt., Galena Sch. 1902- 6; Atty.-at-Law, Lawton Okla. 1907 — . Married Loretta J. Mahoiiy, Je 30, 1904, Galena, 111. Child, Edward J., b. Ja 12, 1907. Address, Lawton, Okla.t 1209. CHARLES LUTHER CLIFFORD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 6, 1874, Serena, 111.; s. Martin Luther (b. N 15, 1832, N. Y. St.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Sinclair) Clifford (b. Jl 29, 1836, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Arc Lamp Dept., Western Elec. Co., Chicago, 1899; with Chicago Tele- phone Co., 1900-2; Elec. Engr., War Dept., 1902-1917; Elec. and Mech. Engr., do, 1917^. Married Belle Ethel Jones, D 19, 1900, Chi- cago. Address, Silver Spring, Md. 1210. JANE ELIZABETH COOKE Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Je 4, 1866, Monroe, Mich.; d. Jacob (b. 1831, Geneva, N. Y.) and Sarah (Grigg) Cooke (b. 1834, Eng.). Pre- pared in Monroe H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1890- 91, 1893-95. Classifier, Univ. of Pa. 1899; Reorganizer, Schmidlapp Free Lib., Piqua, O., 1900-01; Cataloger and Reviser, Lib. of Con- gress, I go I — -. Mem., Univ. Club, 111.; Univ. Club, Mich.; Lib. Assn.; Epis. Church. Ad- dress, goo E. Capital St., Washington, D. C; bus. add.. Lib. of Congress, do. 121 1. VIRGINIA DINWIDDIE (PIPER) B. S. in Sc; b. Maroa, 111.; d. M. E. Din- widdie. Married Charles E. Piper, My 1901, Chicago. Address, c/o Chas. E. Piper, Los An- geles.} 1212. GEORGE DODDS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 4, 1878, Neoga, 111.; s. Eli and Ophelia (Everhart) Dodds (b. Port Washington, O.). Prepared in Neopa Pub. Schs. With the Bullock Elec. Mfg. Co.; Asst., Test Dept., iSgg-igoi; Sales Engr., 1901-3; Foreman, Test Dept., 1903-5; Asst. to Supt., Const., 1906-9; Elec. Engr., W. & L. E. R. R., 1909-11; with Delaware and Hudson Co., 1911 — . Married Lula Engel, Je 18, 1904, Cin- cinnati. Child, Roselle Sue, b. Ap g, 1905. Address, 10 Stanwix St., Albany, N. Y.t 1213. RICHARD CHARLES DONOGHUE (Brother of No. 1661) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 28, 1876, La Salle, Ind.; s. Timothy J. (b. Belville, Can.) and Catharine (Cody) Donoghue (b. La Salle, IlL). Prepared in St. Bede's Coll.; Univ. Acad. Ad- dress, La Salle, Ill.t 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 119 1214. ALEXANDER DAWES DuBOIS Farmer; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1912; b. D 19, 1S75, Springfield, 111.; s. Nicolas (b. Ap 7, 1S46, Carlinville, 111.) and Orlena Eliza (DawesJ DuBois (b. Jl 20, 1851, do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. M. and E. E. Soc.; Pres., Mil. Club; Nat. Hist. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Mil. Scholarship; Winner Hazelton Medal; Mil. Instr. ; Adjt. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Illio Bd. ; Class Treas. ; Class Track Team; Del. to Stud. Assembly. Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1908-10; Draftsman, The Elec. Storage Battery Co., 1899-1900; Wabash R. R. Co., 1900-02; with West. Elec. Co., 1902; Engr., West. Elec. Co., 1902-06; General Staff of Power Ap- paratus Mgr., do., 1906-07; Asst. Electn. and Mech. Engr., 111. Traction System, 1907-08; Instr. E. E., Cornell, 1908-11; Asst. Prof., E. E., Purdue Univ., 1911-13; wheat farming 1913 — . Mem. 5th Regt. 111. Nat Guard, 1896-98. Patents, Nos. 826, 318; 836, 019; 840, 690. Auth.: Will it Pay to Electrify the Shops, Indus. Engr., Ja 1912, vol. 2, pp. 1-8; A Note on the Nesting of the Whippoorwill, The Auk, 1911, vol. 28, pp. 469-471; Adjustable Speed Direct Current Motors, Elec. World, 1912, vol. 59, pp. 1063-86, 1113-1118, 1259-1263; April Killdeers (with A. A. Allen), Country Life in Am., 1914, vol. 25, pp. 41-42; Power Formulas for Mach. Tools, Elec. World, 1915, vol. 65, pp. 928-933. Mem., Soc. for Promotion Engng. Educ; A. I. E. E. ; Am. Ornith. Union; St. Louis Ry. Club; M. E. Church. Married Alma Margaret Houser, N 8, 1902, Lincoln, 111. Addr-ess, Dutton, Mont. 121S. HARRY TRUXTUN EASTMAN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 25, 1878, Rock Island, 111.; s. Frank S. (b. Fort Snelling, Minn.) and Cora Louisa (Brackett) Eastman (b. Jl 22, 1858, Rock Island, 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Junior Engr. in Govt. Const, work from 1899- 1906, under U. S. Engr. Office, Rock Island, 111.; Chief Engr., Healy Tibbitts Const. Co., San Francisco, 1906-9; Supt., Holabird & Roche, Archs. of Chicago, 1909 — ; Capt., 25th Engrs. Corps, 1917; do., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 116 N. 25th St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., 1618 Monadnock Block, Chicago. i2i6. HOWARD MONTGOMERY ELY Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 19, 1876, Peoria; s. Edwin C. (b. 1840, O.) and Mary M. (Grier) Ely (b. 1847, Danville, Pa.). Pre- pared in Peoria H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident. Asst. Engr. to Supt., Peoria Water Works, 1899; Asst. Engr., D. W. Mead, Const. Engr., 1 899- 1 907; Engr., Parkman- Washing- ton Co., Contr. Engrs., Chicago, 1907-9; Supt., Danville Water Co., 1909 — •. Auth.: Descrip- tion of Concrete Dam Const., Proc. III. Soc. Engrs. and Survs., 1904; The Southwest Water Tunnel, do., 1908; Legislation in Regard to Stream Pollution in III., Proc. Water Supply Assn., 1 910; Pumping Station and Pumping Engine Duty, Report Water Works Comn., Proc. III. Soc. Engrs. and Survs. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs., 1901-1916; 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs., 1904-12; Past Pres., 111. Water Works Assn.; Ind. San. and Water Supply Assn.; Treas., Danville Rotary Club, 1017-18; Danville Elks Lodge. Married Nellie B. Hawes, S 18, 1907, Danville (died Jl 16, 1909). Child, Nellie Jane Grier, b. Ag i, 1908. Ad- dress, 516 N. Walnut St., Danville, 111. 1217. EDNA FAIRCHILD (PIER) B. L. S.; b. My 5, 1876, Marinette, Wis.; d. Charles March (b. Mr 10, 1850, Knightstown, Ind.) and Sarah Jane (Cook) Fairchild (b. Ag 9, 1850, Irasburg, Vt.). Prepared in Marinette (Wis.) H. S. and Walnut Hill Sch., Natick, Mass. Attended Wellesley Coll., 1894-5. P' Beta Phi. Cataloger, No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., DeKalb, 111., 1899-1900; Organizer, Chicago City Club, 1905; Asst., John Crerar Lib., Chi- cago, 1 905-8; Asst. Libr., Ryerson Lib. Art Inst^ Chicago, 1908-12. Mem., Chicago Welles- ley Club; Chicago Lib. Club. Married Colwert George Pier, Mr 12, 191 2, Wausau, Wis. Ad- dress, 802 1st St., Wausau, Wis.t 1218. CLARENCE EARL FLEAGER Telephone Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 23 1879, Sheldon, 111.; s. William Barnum (b! S 7, 1830, Carlisle, Pa.) and Frances (Milli- es Vj ^K\S^'"o (•'V, ^ '7, 1853). Prepared in Sheldon H. S. Baseball Team. Clerk, Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., Chicago, 1899- 1901; Dist. Mgr., 1901; St. Paul, Service Insp., 1901-02; Switchboardman, Sunset Telephone & lelegraph Co., Seattle, 1902-04; Supt., Inside Plant, Puget Sound Div., 1904; Dist. Supt. Const., Puget Sound Dist., 1904-09; City Plant Chief, Seattle, 1909; Dist. Supt., Plant, San Francisco Coast Div. 1910; Div. Plant Engr., Central Div., San Francisco 1911-16; Plant Engr., San Francisco, 1917 — . Assoc. Mem.. A. I. E. E.; Engrs. Club of San Francisco; Hill- side Club, Berkeley, Calif. Married Mabell E. Maynard, Jl 12, 1905. Child, William May- nard, b. Ap 20, 1907. Address, 927 Indian Rock Ave., Berkeley, Calif. 1219. EUGENE WILLIAM PENN FLESCH B. S. in Arch.; b. S 28, 1876, Philadelphia; s. J. A. and Fredericka (Astruck) Flesch. Kappa Sigma. Married Rose Eisler, O 29, 1904, New York. Child, Ruth b. Ag 8, 1905. Address, 4809 Calumet Ave., Chicago. f 1220. MARCUS SAMUEL FLETCHER Phys. and Surg.; M. D., 1898; B. S., 1899; b F 17, 1869, Ridgefarm, 111.; s. Henry (b. O 28, 1839, do.) and Mahala (Haworth) Fletcher (b. O 15, 1842, Georgetown, 111.). Prepared in Ridgefarm H. S. Phi Rho Sigma of P. & S. Phys. and Surg., Ridgefarm, 1898 1902; do., Danville, 111., 1902-05; do., (jeorge town. 111., 1905-1S; Vermilion Co. Health Offi cer, 1902-04. First Lt., M. O. R. C, 1917 Mem., Vermilion Co. Med. Soc, 1900; 111. St Med. Soc, 1902; Friends Church; St. Med Assn.; A. M. A. Married Jessie Baum, Ag 5, 1897, Newport, Ind. Child, Mildred, b. Ap 8, 1900. Address, Georgetown, 111. 1221. JOHN ALBERT FOBERG Instructor; B. S. ; b. Mr 12, 1876, Chicago; s. Nels A. (b. Sweden) and Mathilda (Berg- strom) Foberg (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Attended summer quarters, LTniv. of Chicago, 1895-7-8. Fellowship in Math. (Not used). Instr., Math, Crane Junior Coll., Chicago. Married Louise Julia F., Jl i, 1904, Chicago. Child, Marian, b. 1906. Address, 4031 N. Avers Ave., Chicago. t 1222. ROBERT LAMBERT FOWLER Mgr., Paving Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 4, 1876, Charity, 111.; s. Robert and Ellen (Dillon) Fowler. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi. One yr. Min. and Civ. Engr.; Min. Engr., Utah Fuel Co.; one yr.. Chief Engr., do.; one-half yr., Supt., Nev. (5oal Co.; Prospecting with Diamond Drill; Supt., Gelsonite and Coal Mines of the Barber Asphaltum Co., Dragon, Ut. ; Mgr., Plant of The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Maurer N. J. Address, 168 High St., Perth Amboy, N. J. 1223. WILLIAM ALEXANDER GORDON ERASER (Brother of No. 3370) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 27. 1875, La Salle, 111.; s. William H. (b. Mr 26, 1838, Perth, Ont.) and Lydia M. (Waterman) Fraser (b. Ap 26 1848, Pleasant River, N. S.). Prepared in La Salle H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Delta Zeta; Adjt., Univ. Rest. Asst. Master University of Illinois [1899 Mech., Engng., Univ. of 111., 1901-02; Master Mech. Flammiofums Co., Mojave, Calif., 1903; Gen. Mgr., do., 1904-05; Asst. Master Mech. Calumet and Ariz. Copper Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 1905-09; Gen. Mgr., Barbour Asphalt Co.. Trinidad, S. Am., 1909-12; Irrigation Engr., Wellton Ariz., 1912-17. Capt., U. S. A. Engrs., 1917; Overseas, 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Julia Belle Lewis, Ag 15, 1907, Still- man Valley, 111. Children: William Lewis, b. My 16, 1908; Lucy Bell b. Ap 25, 1910; Robert Gordon, b. Ag 11, 1913; John Halliday, b. Mr 2y, 1916. Address, Compton, Calif. 1224. DAISY GARVER (BAUM) (Wife of No. 857; Sister of No. 1874) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 22, 1875, Farmer City, 111.; d. Christian (b. 1849, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Eva (Pettit) Garver (b. 1855, Shelby- ville, Ind.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Pi Beta Phi. Married Harry William Baum ('95), Mr 20, 1900, Bloomington, 111. Address, Biltmore Hotel, New York City. 1225, WINFRED DEAN GERBER San. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Jl 8 1876; s. Henry H. (b. My 18, 1846, Byron 111.) and Isabella C. (Dean) Gerber (b. Ca zanovia, N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S Mun. and San. Engr., Chicago, 1899-1Q02; R R. Location and Const., Okla., 1902-06; Ark. 1906-07; C. R. I. and P. R. R., Chicago, 1907 08; Chief Engr. of R. R. Project, Ky., 1908 09; mem., iirm The W. S. Shields Co., San Civ. Engrs., Chicago, 1909-16; San. Engr. Blackmer and Post Pipe Co., i9i6-i7;rfo.. Clay Products Assn., 191 7 — . Mem., 111. Soc. Engrs, and Survs. ; West. Soc. Engrs.; Am. Ry Engng, Assn.; Illini Club of Chicago; V. P.. 111. Soc, of Engrs., 1916; Pres., do., 1917: la. Engng, Soc; Engng. Soc. of Wis.; 111. Highway Im provement Assn. Married Jessie Fuller David son, Ag 27, 1902, Galesburg, 111. Child, Jean Isabelle b. Ag 17, 1910. Address, 1611 Fargo Ave., Chicago. 1226. HUGH McWHURR GILCHRIST Min. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 21, 1878, Rapids City, 111.; s. John Weir (b S 1857, Wanlockhead, Scot.) and Caroline (Schaecter) Gilchrist (b. My 1859, Rapids City, 111.). Pre- pared in Viola, 111. and Univ. Acad. M. E. Mich. Coll. of Mines, 1900. Asst. Sunt., So. Smelting Co., 1900-2; Engr. Empire and Alden Coal Co., 1902-10; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Alden Coal Co., 1910 — . Married Elizabeth Quirk, Ap 29, 1903, Peoria. Child, Mary Marjorie, b. My 13, 1907. Address, Davenport, la.t 1227. WALTER BURLEY GRIFFIN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 24, 1876, May wood. 111.; s. George Walter (b. Mr 20, 1851, Haverhill, Mass.) and Estelle Melvina (Burlev) Griffin (b. Mr 13, 1852, St. Charles, 111 ) Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Le Cercle Francais. Arch. Draftsman, Chicago, 1899-1901; Arch, and Land- scape Arch, with Frank Lloyd AVright Oak Park 111., 1901-05; Practicing independently, ic,o6 — ; Prize ($8,500) for design of Australian Capital City, 1912; Working out plan for Capi- tal City, Australia, 1914—. Mem., Chicago Arch Club; Jefferson Club; Univ. Club; 111. Chap. A. I. A.; City Club of Chicago. Married Marion Lucy Mahoney Je 29, 191 1, Michigan City, Ind. Address. 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, c/o Geo. W. Griffin; or 395 Collins St., Melborne, Australia. 1228. FREDERICK GRIM Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 10, 1875, Canton, 111.; s. E. W. and Elizabeth Ann (Jones) Grim (b. Salt Lake City). Pre pared in Canton H. S. Married Ida Christina Anderson, Mr 18, 1902, Canton, III. Children: Robert Frederick, b. Ap 5, 1903; Charles Wil- liam, b. Ap 30, 1910. Address, 133 Calendar Ave. LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago.! 1229. LOUIS DIXON HALL Specialist in Marketing Live Stock and Meats; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1906; b. Je 13, 1878, Taylorville, 111.; s. William W. (b. N 30, 1847, Springfield, 111.) and Sarah Louisa (Stewart) Hall (b. Mr 31, 1849, Waukegan, 111.). Prepared in Ilawarden (la.) H. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Agr. Club. Engaged in beef cattle trade, ranching at Fairfax, S. Dak.; cattle feeding at Hawarden, la.; general farming, 1899-1903; Instr., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., and ist Asst., An. Husb., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1903-09; Asst. Prof., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., and Asst. Chief, An. Husb., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1909-14; Specialist in Market- ing Live Stock and Meats, Bur. of Markets, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1914 — . Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. of An. Production; Sigma Xi; Hon. Mem., Alpha Zeta. Auth.: Bui. 147, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Market Classes and Grades of Meat; Bui. 158, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Relative Economy, Composition and Nutritive Value of the Various Cuts of Beef (with A. D. Em- mett) ; Report 113, Office of the Sec, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Methods and Cost of Marketing Live Stock and Meats; Farmers Bui. 718, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Cooperative Live Stock Ship- ping Assns. (with S. W. Doty) ; also Pamphlets, Circulars Nos. 79, 88, 91, 92, 94, 98, 163, 169 (with Herbert W. Mumford) ; articles in vari- ous agr. jours., and other periodicals. Married Elizabeth Cutler Wilder, Je 13, 1900, Cham- paign. Children: Dixon Wilder, b. My 7, 1902; Charles Nelson, b. F 12, 1904; Elizabeth Virginia, b. Mr 5, loio. Address. 3823 Liv- ingston St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 1230. JOHN NEWTON HERWIG Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 27, 1875, Mason City, 111.; s. Gerhard (b. Hessen Castle, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Sullivan) Herwig (b. Go- shen, N. J.). Prepared in LTniv. of 111. Acad. Machinist, 1900; Draftsman. 1900. Automatic P.lock Signals, Maintaining Block Signals; Mech. Draftsman; Water Service C. C. and L. R. R., 1904 — . Married Pearl Merrill, Je 16, 1910, St. David, Ariz. Child, Lois Pearl, b. D 26, 1911. Address, Lordsburg, Calif.f 1231. IRWYN HORATIO HILL Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 19, 1875, Joliet, 111.; s. Charles Augustus (b. 1834, Trux- ton, N. Y.) and Lydia Melissa (Wood) Hill (b. 1838, Crete, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Chicago Art Inst., 1897-98. Phi Delta Theta. Bugler, 111. Nat. Guard, 1891-93; Firm of Woodroofe, Griffin, and Hill. Mem., B. P. O. E., Lodge No. 174, Tacoma, Wash.; Treas., Tacoma Rotary Club. Married Jamie E. Woody, Je 11, 1901, Champaign. Child, Fred- erick Way, b. Mr 30, 1905. Address, 2816 N. 30th St., Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add., 510 Tacoma Bldg., do. 1232. JOHN KING HOAGLAND (Husband of No. 1508) Farmer and Shipper; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1873, Mode, 111.; s. John W. (b. 1832, O.) and Carrie (King) Iloagland (b. 1842, Pa.). Prepared in Shelby ville H. S. Philomathean; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Capt., Track Team; 111. and Conf. record in mile walk. Farmer and Grain, Hay and Live Stock Shipper. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Frances iSIyrtle Green Coi), F 12, 1002. Urbana (died D 23, 1908, Hartland, Wis.); Alice Mary Green, Ap 27, 1910. Chil- dren: Max Green, b. Ag 3, 1904; Karl King, b. N 20, 1907. Address, Woodside Farm, R. 7, Shelbyville, 111. 1 899] Baccalaureate Alumni 1233. GEORGE WALLACE HUBBARD (Husband of No. 1526) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1912; b. L) 15, 1876, Urbana; s. George Wyllys and Edna Price (Post) Hubbard. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Adelpbic: Y. M. C. A.; Mil. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Draftsman, 1002; Asst., M. E., 1902-11; Mech. Engr., Graham Burnham & Co.. Oak Park, 111., 191 1—. Mar- ried Mabel Hopkins ('01 ), S 11, 1901, Indian- apolis. Children: Elizal)eth Edna, b. My 20, 1905; Mabel Lois, b. S 4, 1913- Address, 222 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. 1234. ALINE DELLENA HUGIISTON (ENOCHS) (Wife of No. 1125) B. S. in Sc.; b. Ja 29, 1878, Buckley, 111.; d. Herbert Abott (b. My 18, 1844, Otego, N. Y.) and Mary A. (Smith) Hughston (b. Ap 3. 1848, Waterloo O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alethenai. Taught in Champaign schs., 1899- 1900; Stud, at Art Inst., 1905- Married Claude D. Enochs ('98), Je 14, 1900, Urbana. Child, Claude H., b. Je 29, 1906. Address, 506 Com- merce Bldg., St. Paul.t 1235. FREDERICK MILTON JAMES Clergyman; B. S. in Sc; b. Ag 13, 1869, Piasa, 111.; s. George (b. Ag 1840, Liverpool, Eng.) and Annie M. (Laing) James (b. Ind.). Prepared in Piasa Pub. Sch. McKendree Coll., 1 89 1 -2, 1894-6. Clergyman in So. 111. Conf. ; served Tamalio charge, 1900-1; Joppe charge, 1901-4; Thebes charge, 1904-5; Irvington, 1905-7; Monasin, 1907-9; Makanda, 1909-11; Pin'kstaflf, 191 1 — . Elder, M. E. Church, So. 111. (Tonf. ; Ordained Deacon by Bishop Vin- cent, 1902; do. by Bishop McCabe, Litchfield, 111. Married Flora Ethel Dill, S 26, 1905, Vienna, 111. Children: Luella Margaret, b. Ag 25, 1906; Anna Bell Ruth, b. F 3, 1009; Esther Dill, b. O 15, 1910. Address, Mt. Erie, 111. . 1236. LOUISE JONES (ADSIT) (Wife of No. 1448; Sister of Nos. 658, 659) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Champaign; d. James St. Claire (b. London, O.) and Eliza (Houston) Jones (b. do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Married Bert Wilson Adsit ('01), N 2, 1902, Champaign. Children: Stephen Bert, b. S 26, 1906; Mary Louise, b. Mr 17, 191 1. Address, Pontiac, Ill.t 1237. EMMA REED JUTTON (Sister of No. 1715) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. New Albany, Ind.: d. Joseph (b. O 28, 1840) and Elizabeth (Reed) Jutton (b. O 27, 1848.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Achoth. Loan Libn., Univ. of 111.; Libn. and Lecturer in Lib. Sch. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn.; Christian Church. Address, 501 Chalmers St., Cham- paign. 1238. JAMES FRANKLIN KABLE (Brother of No. 1716) Arch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 12, 1876, Virden, 111.; s. Benj. Franklin (b. Ap 4, 1840, Cireen Co., O.) and Anna Maria (Freeman) Kable (b. S 8, 1842, Virden, 111.). Prepared in Blackburn Univ. and Staunton Mil. Acad., Va. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Architect's Club: Y. M. C. A. Asst., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Instr., Descrip. Geom., Univ. of Wis., 1901-02; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1902-04; Struct. Drafts- man vifith Prudy and Henderson, 1903; Arch. Supt., 1904; E. C. & R. M. Shankland, 1905; Am. Bridge Co., 1905; D. H. Burnham & Co., 1905; Sr. mem., Kable & Kable, Portland, Ore., 1907-11; Chief Engr., Pacific Iron Works, do., igii-17; Ship draftsman, G. M. Standifer Const. Corp., Vancouver, Wash., 191 7 — . Auth.: Free-hand Lettering (with J. D. Phil- lips), Chicago, 1902. .4ddress, c/o G. M. Standifer Const. Corp., Vancouver, Wash. 1239. DANIEL CLEMENT KETCHUM (Brother of No. 889) Lawyer; A. B.; LL. B., 1904; b. O 11, 1877, Kewanee, 111.; s. Smith (b. Ja 7, 1840, Bucyrus, O.) and Martha Ann (Clement) Ketchum (b. .■\g 17, 1846, Hamilton, Can.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Adelpbic; Pol. Sc. Club; Eng. Club; Van Twiller Court; Y. M. C. A.; Orat. Assn.; Ath. Assn.; Jr. Hatchet Orat.; Sr. Class Orat. Prin., Girard H. S., 1900; Supt. and Prin., Schs., Rosemond, 111., 1900-02; Practicing law, 1904 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Kansas City Bar Assn. Married Helen Elizabeth Mann, Je 26, 1909. Children: Daniel Reading, b. My 28, 1910; Sara Francis, b. Ja 18, 191 2; Milo Clement, b. F 14, 1913; Barbara, b. My 29, 1917. Address, 415 Keith & Perry Bldg., Kan- sas City, Mo. 1240. JAMES THOMPSON KINGSBURY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1902; b. Lawrence Co., 111.; s. R. W. and Josephine Kingsbury. Prepared in Vincennes Univ. and Pub. Schs. Mem.. Christian Church. Mar- ried Mary Grace Hicks, Mr 17, 19 12, Bisbee, Ariz. Address, Tombstone, Ariz.t 1 24 1. FRED CONRAD KOCH Professor; B. S. in Chem. ; M. S., 1900; b. My 16, 1876, Chicago; s. Frederick (b. Ag 29, 1840, CJudensberg, Ger.) and Louise Henrietta (Fischer) Koch (b. O 14 1846, Elmhurst, 111.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1912. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Phi Chi. Fellow, Chem., Univ. of 111., 1899-1900; Instr., Chem., 1900-02; Research Chem. with .Armour & Co., 1902-09; Fellow, Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1909-10; Asst., Physiol. Chem., 1910-12; Asst. Prof., Physiol. Cliem., Univ. of Chicago, 1912 — -. Auth.: On the Presence of Histidine in Pig Thyreoglobulin, Jour. Bio!. Chem.. Vol. IX., 191 1, pp. 121- 122; articles in Jour. Biol. Chem., .4m. Jour, of Physiol., Interstate Med. Jour. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Chaos Club; Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists. Married Bertha Ethel Zink, Ag 20, 1901, Champaign. Address, 5743 Maryland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Dept. Physiol. Chem., Univ. of Chicago, do. 1242. IDA SUSAN LANDEL (HOLMES) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Roberts, 111.; d. Jacob (b. Alsace, France) and Susan (Gipe) Landel (b. Edgerton, O.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Watcheka; Le Cercle Francais; Der Deutsche Verein; Capt. Basketball Team. Married Edwin Miles Holmes, Mr 8, 191 1. Indianola, Miss. Address, Heathman, Miss.t 1243. JOHN ALBERT LATZER (Brother of Nos. 1371, 2733, 3444. 7025) B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1900; b. N 11, 1876, near Highland, 111.; s. Louis (b. N 11, 1849, near Highland, 111.) and Elisa (Luehm) Latzer (b. Mr 12, 1852, do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs. of Highland; Univ. Acad. Adelpbic; Y. M. C. A.; Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Ed. ///. Agricul- turist: Chem. and Processer for Helvetia Milk Candy Co., 1900-4; Mgr., Delta Plant for Hel- vetia Milk Condg. Co., 1904-7; do., Wellsboro Plant, do., 1907 — . Married Clara Louise Briggs, N 21, 1906, Delta, O. Children: John Briggs, b. O 23, 1909; Thomas Franklin, b. Mr 12, 1912; Louis Jr., b. D 31, 1916 (died Ta ■>, 1917). Address. 19 Bacon St., Wellsboro, Pa.; bus. add., c/o Helvetia Milk Condg. Co., do. University of Illinois [i! 1244. CARROLL GRAY LAWRENCE Arch. Appraiser; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 12, 1875, Carbondale; s. Charles Carroll (b. JTa 31, 1837, Paris, 111.) and Ellen Jane (Hamilton) Lawrence (b. Je 16, 1841, Prairie, do.). Pre- pared in St. Norm., Carbondale. Track team. Arch. Draftsman, St. Louis, igoo; Arch. Ap- praiser, Chicago, 1900-3; with Am. Appraisal Co., Milwaukee, 1903 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Beatrice Steele, Je 24, 1918, Ness City, Kan. ^Iddress, c/o W. S. Uhler, Tipton, la. 1245. WILLIAM BLAKE LEACH Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 10, 1877, McLean, 111.; s. Samuel I. (b. D 30, 1840, West- moreland, N. H.) and Nancy M. (Blake) Leach (b. Je II, 1842, Swansey, do.). Prepared in McLean H. S.: 111. St. Norm. Univ. LL. B.. 111. Wesleyan, 1902. Mem., Bd. of Control of Athletics; Tennis Mgr. ; Pres., Le Cercle Fran- cais. Practicing law, 1902 — ; Elected mem. Faculty, Law Dept., 111. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1905 — . Married Bernice Staple- ton, D 19, 1906, Bloomington, 111. Children: Marian, b. Je 21, 1909; Shelton Blake, b. Ap 28, 191 1. Address, 512 E. Locust St., Bloom- ington, 111.; bus. add., ist Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 1246. OSCAR ADOLPH LEUTWILER (Brother of No. 4774) Professor; B. S. in M. E. ; M. E., 1900; b. F 16, 1877, Highland, 111.; s. Adolph (b. Ag 8, 1855, do., and Celina (Seeger) Leutwiler (b. O 7, 1857, Wintherthur, Switzerland). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident; M. E. Soc; Treas., Jr. Class; Pi Tau Sigma; Theta Tau; Class Baseball Team. Fellowship in M. E., 1899-1900; Draftsman with Parlin Orendorff Co., (^anton, 111., 1901; Instr. M. E. Dept., Lehigh Univ., 1901-03; Asst. Prof., Mach. Design, Univ. of 111., 1903-16; Prof., do., 1916 — •. Auth. : Notes on Mechanics of Machinery, 90 pp., 1907; Text book on Mach. Design, 607 pp., 1917. Married Elise Verena Kaeser, S 5, 1901, Highland, 111. Children: Lester Glenn, b. Ap 7, 1907; Kathryn Elizabeth, b. Je 4, 1911. Ad- dress, 511 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 1247. ELLA MARIAN LOFTUS (TURNBULL) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 26, 1876, Ivesdale, 111.; d. John L. and Mary J. (Lyons) Loftus. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Taught in Dixon H. S., 1899-1902; Ashland, 1902-3; Pekin, 1903-4; Colo. S])rings, Colo.. 1904-8. Married Dr. William Gray Turnbull, Jl 30, 190S. Child, William G., b. N 21 1915. Address, St. Sana- torium for Tuberculosis, Cresson, Pa. 1248. 'FRED MORGAN McELFRESH Agriculturalist; B. S. in Sc; b. Mr 27, 1874, Waverly. 111.; s. Greenherry Riggs (b. Ky.) and Elvira (Morgan) McElfresh (b. O.). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Philomathean; Track team. Asst., Zool., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1899-1901; foreman of fruit farm, igoi-6. Married Ger- trude Elizabeth Ewing, F 24, 1905, Oswego, Ore. Died S, 1906, Salem, Ore. 1249. MARY KELLY (McGILVREY) A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ag 23, 1869, Cumber- land Co., 111.; d. Tames Challen (b. 1843. Ind.) and Charlotte (Young) Kelly (b. 184S, O.). Prepared in Casey, HI.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch., Terre Haute, Ind. Married John Edward Mc- Gilvrev, 1894, Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Robert Gordon, b. Te 12, 1902. Address, 235 E. Main St., Kent, O.t 1250. JESSE ERLE MEHARRY (Brother of Nos. 2460, 2757) Farmer and Stock Raiser; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 31, 1876, Philo Tp., 111.; s. Jesse (b. O iPi 1835, near Wingate, Ind.) and Addie A. (Francis) Meharry (b. S 20, 1852, New Len- nox, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Class Track Team; Univ. Track Squad; Class Sec. Auth.: Miscellaneous articles in live stock papers. Mem., 111. Live Stock Breeders Assn.; III. Swine Breeders' and Expert Judges' Assn.; Grand Representative K. of P.; Dir., Tolono P.. & L. Assn.; D. O. K. K. ; Hon. Mem., Wis. St. Swine Breeders' Assn.; Sec. -Treas., Poland- China Club of 111., 1914-18; Dir., Nat. Swine (irowers' Assn., 191 5; Premier Champion Ex- hibitor, 111. St. Fair, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1917; Premier Champion Breeder, 111. St. Fair, iQii, 1912, 1913, 1917; K. P., 1903; Tolono K. of P. Band, leader, 1904-5. Married Katherine I. Hay, S 22, 1916. Springfield 111. Children: Charlotte Adeline, b. S 18, 191 7; Jesse Erie, Jr., b. O 21, 1918. Address, Tolono, 111. 1251. "BENONI EDWARD MERCIL B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 4, 1877, Chicago; s. Benoni Mercil. Engng. Dept., Am. Tel. and TeL Co. Died Mr 28, 1906. 1252. JOSEPH ALBERT MESIROFF Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 25, 1873, Russia; s. Albert (b. Russia) and Lorea Mesiroff (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Engng. Soc; Scholarship. Mem., Chicago Club, L'niv. of 111. Elec. Engr., Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Light Co.; Consulting Engr., W. Engng. and Const. Co. Address, 301 Merrill Bldg., Mil- waukee. t 1253. RALPH WALTER MILLS Physician; B. S.; b. O 29, 1877, Webster Groves, Mo.; s. Ralph W. (b. 1836, N. Y. City) and Mary (McKinney) Mills (b. 1851, Cleve- land). Prepared in LTniv. Acad. M.- D., St. Louis Med. Dept.; Grad. med. studies in Ber- lin, Vienna, Halle, 1911-14. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta; Track Team; Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Banjo Club, leader; Band; Univ. Orches- tra. Physician, Webster Groves, Mo., 1904-11; -St. Louis, 191 1 — ; Instr., Path., Wash. Univ. Med. Dept.; Lecturer on Dietetics, Wash. Univ. Med. Dept.; Clinician, O'Fallon Dispensary; Clinician, Wash. Univ. Hosp. Clinic, 1912 — . Auth.: The X-Ray in the Diagnosis of Gastric Ulcer and its Sequelae, with Dr. R. D. Carmon. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jl 1913; Points of Value in Roentgenoscopy of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Jour. A. M. A., O 11, '913. PP-. 1344-1348; Observations on Duodenal Ulcer with Special Reference to its X-Ray Diagnosis, Interstate Med. Jour., Vol. XXIII, No. 4, 1916; The Relation of Bodily Habits to Visceral Form, Position, Tonus and Mo- tility. Am. Jour. Roentgenology, Ap 191 7. Illustrated several med. books. Mem., St. Louis Med. Soc; Wash. LTniv. Alumni Assn.; Assoc, in Med., Wash. Univ. Med. Dept.; Roentgen- ologist to Barnes Hosp.; mem.. Am. Gastro- F.nterological Assn.; Am. Therapeutic Soc; St. Louis Soc. of Internal Med.; A. M. A.; Univ. Club, St. Louis. Married Irene M. (ISoodberlet, Ag 2. 1904, Webster Grooves, Mo Address. 6682 Oakland Ave., St. Louis; bus. add.. Wall Bldg., do 1254. MASON HARDER NEWELL Lawyer; A. B.; A. M., 1901; b. Ap 6, 1876, Minonk, 111.; s. Martin L. (b. Ag 12, 1838, Spafford, N. Y.) and 'Mary A. (Beeman) Newell (b. Jl i, 1842, Preble, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. LL. B., Yale, 1902. Admitted to Bar of Conn., 1902; 111., 1902. Asst. Appellate Court Reporter, 1902-4; Sec. Treas., Fiske & Co., Law Book Publishers, Springfield, 111., 1905-7; Mgr., do., 1911-13- Ed., Newell on Slander and Libel, 3d Ed., 1914; Jones and Cunningham's County and Probate Court Practice, 4th Ed., 1918. Mem., S. A. R.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; Presby. Church. Address, 424 S. 2nd St., Springfield, 111. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 123 1255. ALLEN MEADE OTWELL Teacher; B. S. in Sc. ; M. S., 1901; b. Plainview, 111.; s. William H. (b. 1845, Car- linville, 111.) and Fannie E. Otwell (b. 1848, Brighton, 111.). Prepared in Valparaiso Coll. Taught, 1901-2; Stud., Univ. of Wis., 1902-4; Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Works, 1904-5; H. S. teacher, 1905-8; Coll. teacher of physics and E. E., 1908-10; teaching in John Marshall H. S., Chicago, 1910 — . Address, Glenellyn, 111.; bus. add., 1402 Hartford Bldg., Chicago. t 1256. DASIE MARGARET OWENS (HAYS) (Sister of No. 440; Wife of No. 1139) B. S. in Sc; b. S 11, 1878, Urbana; d. W. H. and Sarah A. (Wolfe) Owens. Married Don Hays ('98), Je 14, 1906. N. Yakima, Wash. Children: Margaret Catherine, b. S 1912; Sarah Janet, b. Ag 31, 19 17. Address, Naches, Wash. 1257. ARTHUR ELIJAH PAINE (Brother of No. 2777) H. S. Prin.; A. B.; A. M., 1900; b. Mr 24, 1876, Rosemond, 111.; s. Elijah C. (b. S 2, 1844, N. Amherst, Mass.) and Sarah O. (Rus- sell) Paine (b. Mr 20, 1848, Sunderland, do.). Prepared in Rosemond H. S. Univ. of Calif., summer, 1916, 1917. Phi Beta Kappa; Philo- mathean; Y. M, C. A.; Rep. Club. Grad. Scholarship in Econ.; Prin., Pana H. S., 1900-1; Newspaper bus., 1901-8; Teacher, Long Beach, Calif., 1908-10; Prin., Huntington Beach Union H. S., 1910-17; Prin., Junior II. S. and Lincoln Grammar Sch., Corona, Calif., 191 7 — . Auth. : Pamphlet, Granger Movement in III., Univ. of 111. Studies. Mem., Congr. Church; Am. Hist. Assn. Married Lavina Eaton, O 21, 1903, Pana, III. Children: Sarah Miriam, b. O 9, 1904, Howard Russell, b. Ap 11, 1913. Address, 220 E. Olive St., Corona, Calif. 1258. FRED J. POSTEL (Husband of No. 1276) Supervising Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 5, 1878, Mascoutah, 111.; s. John Philip and Alwina (Scheve) Postel. Prepared in St. Louis Man. Tr. Sch. With C. G. Armstrong, Consult- ing Engr., 1899-1900; R. R. Supply Co., 1900; C. G. Armstrong & Co., 1900-5; Partner, Postel and Linn, 1905-9; Fred J. Postel & Co., 1909-17; Supervising Engr., Dept. Pub. Works and Bldgs. St. of 111., 1917—- Sergt. Co. D, 2d U. S. Volunteers, Engrs., 189S. Married Emma Smoot ('99), S 19, 1900, Danville, 111. Address, 4237 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. 1259. ALICE PUTNAM (WHEELER) B. Mus. ; b. My 2, 1872, Chicago; d. J. R. Putnam. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1897-99. Mar- ried H. B. Wheeler. Address, Pittsburg. 1260. ROY J. RAILSBACK (Brother of Nos. 2217, 437S, 4866) Grain and Coal, Real Est. and Ins. bus.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D i, 1877, Hopedale, 111.; s. Ben Thomas (b. Ap 23, 1843, Tazewell Co., 111.) and Margaret M. (Flenniken) Railsback (b. Jl 21, 1846, Columbus, O.). Prepared in H. S. Dept., 111. St. Norm. Univ. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Y. M. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa; Mgr. Varsity Football team; mini staff; Bd. Ath. Control; Ed., IlHo; Ad- visory bd., mini; Pres., Class. Postmaster. 1909-10; Senatorial Committeeman, 30th Sen. Dist. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. W. A.; Presby. Church, married Nelle May Froebe, S 2, 1909, Hopedale, 111. Children: Roy James Jr., b. O 28, 1910: Miriam Allegra, b. Ap 27, igi2. Address Hopedale Ill.t 1261. GEORGE LESLIE RAPP Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 16, 1878, Car- bondale. 111.; s. Isaac Rapp. Partner in firm. C. W. and G. L. Rapp, Archs. Address, Hotel Windermere, 56th St. and Cornell Ave., Chica- go; bus. add., 1005 Title and Trust Bldg., 69 W. Washington St., do.i 1262. JOHN EATON RAYMOND (Son of No. 9; Brother of No. 1263) Farmer and Stock Raiser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 19, 1877, Philo, 111.; s. Isaac Stuart ('72), (b. 1849, Raymond, O.) and Edith (Eaton) Raymond (b. 1854, N. J.). Prepared in Cham- jiaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Band; Dem. Club. Asst.. U. S. Ilort. Exhibit, Paris, 1900; charge of fresh fruit exhibit Exposition Universelle, Paris. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Oriental Consistory. Married Grace Lane Raymond, S 23, 1909, St. Louis. Address, Sidney, 111. 1263. RUTH RAYMOND (HASELTINE) (Daughter of No. 9; Sister of No. 1262) A. _B.; b. Je 8, 1878, Philo, 111.; d. Isaac Stu- art C?-)- (b. Ja 29, 1849, Raymond, O.) and Edith (Eaton) Raymond (b. S i, 1854, Mon- mouth, N. J.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Taught, 1900. Married Warren Edmond Haseltine. O 17, 1900, Sidney, 111. Children: Theodore Raymond, b. S 28. 1 901; Stuart Edmond. b. Ap 24, 1905. Address, Box 551, Crockett, Calif. 1264. EMMA MAY RHOADS (NICKOLEY) (Wife of No. 1160; Sister of No. 1265) A. B.; A. M., 1915; b. S 19, 1874, Ottawa, 111.; d. Thomas (b. Brownsville, Pa.) and Kathrine (Bardonner) Rhoads (b. Allegheny City, Pa.). I-Vepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Pres., 1898-99; Illini Staff; Glee Club; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Eng. Club. Teacher, Greenville H. S., 1899-1901; Cook Acad., 1901-3. Married Edward Frederick Nickoley ('98), Ag 12, 1903, Champaign. Child, Kathrine Elisa- beth, b. D 14, 1904. Address, American Coll., Beirut, Syria. 1265. HORACE ADAMS RHOADS (Brother of No. 1264) Business; A. B.; b. N 24, 1876, Ottawa, 111.; s. Thomas (b. My 20, 1836, Brownsville, Pa.) and Katherine (Bardonner) Rhoads (b. Je 14, 1839, Pittsburg). Prepared in Ottawa Tp H. S. Adelphic; Eng. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Ed., mini; Illio Bd. ; Tumbling and Gym. Team. Law Stud., Univ. of 111., 1900-2; Ed., Urbana Courier; Reporter, Champaign Daily Gasette ; Ed. Champaign Co. Herald; Law Stud, with T. J. Smith, (Thampaign, 1902-3; Farmer, 1904-5; with Urbana Courier-Herald, 1905; 111. Mer- cantile Collection and Law Agencies, 1905-7; III. Cml. Coll. Agency, Urbana, 1907-8; Adv. .Agencies; Mercantile Agencies, Chicago, 1908-9; Bus. Agency; Office Supply Agency with hdqtrs., Ottawa, 111., 1909-16; Ed., Prairie State Mag., Ottawa, iQio-ii; Literary Bur., 1910. Auth.: Poetry in Munsev and other mags.; also short stories and articles. 111. St. Hist. Soc. Mag. Mem., 111. Cml. Men's Assn.; Nat. Geog. Assn.; 111. St. Hist, and Miss. Valley Hist Soc; L O. O. M.; Am. Hist. Soc; Nat. Hist. Soc; Nat. Soc. for Thrift. Address, 727 W. Jeffer- son St., Ottawa, 111. 1266. FELIX LANDERS RITCHEY Postal Clerk; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr i, 1874, Arthur, 111.; s. Philip (b. D 26, 1840, Bedford, Pa.) and Mary J. (Landers) Ritchey (b. F I, 184s, Arthur, 111.). Prepared m Sul- livan H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic Prin., Sch., Haines, Ore., igoo-4; Merchant, 1905-8; Farmer, Arthur, 111., 1908-12; Postal Clerk, Lincoln, Neb., 1912—. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Edith M. Wilcox, Ag 31, i90i (died O 5. 1902, Haines, Ore.); Winona Floyd, Je 16, 1909, Arthur, 111. Address, 501 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.t 124 University of Illinois [1899 1267. PAUL FREDERICK AUGUSTUS RUDNICK Phys. and Surg.; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 24, 1874; s. John (b. O 30, 1844, Ger.) and Wil- heimina Rudnick (b. Je 9, 1846, do.). Pre- pared in Chicago H. S. Ph. G., Chicago Coll. of Phar., 1893; Health Officer, Dept. of Health, Chicago. Married Freda Rudnick, Mr 15, 1899, Chicago. Children: Hattie Adelberg, b. Je 7, 1892; Arthur Adelberg, b. F 22, 1895; Doris, D. D 22, 1899. Address, 10640 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago.! 1268. WALTER ROBERT SCHUTT (Brother of No. 2507) Live Stock Claim Agt. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 31, 1878, Belleville, 111.; s. Christian (b. Ja 2, 1848, Wetterfeld, Hessen, Ger.) and Katherine (Pfeil) Schutt (b. N 7, 1854, Frank- fort-on-the-Main, Ger.). Prepared in lielleville H. S. Prin., Franklin Park H. S., 1899-1903; Dir., Franklin Park St. Bank; Live Stock Claim Agt., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1903—- Mem., Oak Park Lodge 540, A. F. A. M. Married Mary F. Draper, O 12, 1905, Franklin Park, 111. Children: Lorna Kathryn Louise, b. My Ti, 1911 (died Ag 15, 1912); Robert Draper, b. Ag 16, 1913. Address, Franklin Park, 111.; bus. add., 1368 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. 1269. GARRETT TELLER SEELY (Brother of No. 3960; Husband of No. 11 55) Manager; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 1, 1876, Oswego, 111.; s. Thomas Jennings (b. Ag 16, 1848, Newburgh, N. Y.) and Anzolette E. (Teller) Seely (b. JI 13, 1852, Schenectady, N. Y.). Prepared in Oswego H. S.; Beloit Coll. Acad. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta; Ed. Technograph ; Male Quartet; Glee Club; Advisory Bd. Athletics. Topographer, A. T. & S. F. R., 1899-1900; Transitman, Chicago and West. Ind. R. R., 1900-igoi; Asst. Gen. Mgr. and 2d V. P., S. S. Elec. R. R., 1910; Engr. of Maintenance, S. Side Elevated R. R., Chicago. 1901; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Chicago Elevat- ed R. R.'s, 19H-18. Mgr., Passenger Transport- ation of United States Shipping Bd., 1918 — . Mem. West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Grace Espy Morrow ('98), O 21, 1902, Paxton, 111. Children: Miriam, b. O 9, 1904; Janet, b. N 14, 1906. Address, 4369 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago. 1270. FRANK THOMAS SHEEAN (Brother of No. 1271) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 22, 1878, Galena, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. D 15, 1838, Jo Daviess Co., 111.) and Frances (Delahunt) Sheean (b. Ja 9, 1845, Wicklow Co., Ire.). Pre- pared in Galena H. S. Phi Delta Tbeta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Mgr., Base- ball team. Lawyer, 1902 — . Married Effie H. Sheean, Je 19, 1900. Children: Jane H., b. O 20, 1908; Mary F., b. F 16, 1912. Ad- dress, Galena, Ill.t 1271. HENRY DAVID SHEEAN (Brother of No. 1270) R. R. Atty.; A. B.; b. N ly, 1875, Galena, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. D 15, 1838, Jo Daviess Co., 111.) and Frances (Delahunt) Sheean (b. Ja 9, 1845, Co. Wicklow, Ireland). Prepared in Galena H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident. Lawyer, Galena, 111., 1899-1910; do., Chicago, 1910-16; Gen. Attv. Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal R. R. Co., 1 91 6 — . Mem.. Univ. Club of Chicago; South Shore Country Club; Glen Oak Country Club: mini Club; Law Club; Legal Club; Chi- cago Bar Assn.; 111. Bar Assn. Address, 4626 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 315 Grand Central Sta., do. 1272. CARL EDMUNDS SHELDON Judge; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1902; b. Ap 21, 1876, Sterling, 111.; s. Clarence Leslie (b. Ap 21, 1 84 1, N. Y.) and Mary Letitia (Crawford) Sheldon (b. Ap 19, 1847, Sterling, 111.). Prepared in Wallace H. S. of Sterling, 111. and Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Y. M. C. A.; Latin Club; Nat. Hist. Soc. Pres. Province Delta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1902-6; Nat. Chap. House Officer, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1906; Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and ed.. Phi .-ilplia of S. A. E., 1906- 10. City Atty., Sterling, 111., 1907-14; Bd. of Educ, 1908-14; Judge, City Court, 1914 — . Be- sides editorial work in Phi Alpha, contributed other articles to fraternity publications. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Chap. Com- mandery, O. E. S.; B. P. O. E.; Red Men; Royal Arcanum; Sterling Club; K. P.; L. O. O. M. Address, 608 Ave. C. Sterling, 111.; bus. add., 14-16 E. Third St., do. 1273. CHARLES AUGUSTUS SMITH Automobile Salesman; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 12, 1877, Mattoon, 111.; s. Samuel C. (b. Rome, N. Y.) and Travers H. (Bacon) Smith (b. Jackson, Tenn.). Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Illiiii Staff; Illio Staff; Class Poet. Arch. Draftsman, 1899-1903; Arch., 1903 — . Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; M. W. A.; lola and Salina Cml. (Tlubs. Married Elizabeth S. Gault, 1909, lola, Kan. Address. Winchester, 111.; bus. add., 208 E. 28th St., Indianapolis.! 1274. *ELMER CHURCH SMITH Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 12, 1870, Columbus, Neb.; s. Samuel C. Smith. Died Jl 10, 1906, Colon, Panama. t 1275. FLORENCE MARY SMITH (CONARD) (Wife of No. i486; Sister of No. 1422) A. B.; A. M., 1906; b. Ja 3, 1877, Elbridge, N. Y.; d. Geo. Russell (b. Carlton, N. Y.) and Elizabeth Ellen (Hutchinson) Smith (b. Gaines, N. Y.). Prepared in Lewis Acad., Wichita, Kan. A. M., Columbia, 1908; Ph. D., do., 1915. Kap])a Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Aleth- enai; Y. W^. C. A.; Valedictorian. Teacher, Eng., Hornellsville (N. Y.) H. S., 1899-1902; Kankakee, 1902-3; Bloomington. 1903-4; Univ. Acad., 1904-7; Grad. Stud. Columbia, 1907-9. Teacher, Ethical Culture Sch. N. Y. City, 1909- 10; Instr., Eng., Norm. Coll., N. Y. City, 1910- 15. Auth.: Mary Astell, 193 pn., Columbia Univ. Press, 1916. Pres., Am. Woman's Club of Montevideo. Married Phillip A. Conard ('01), Jl 30, 191 5. Children: Florence Eliza- beth, b. Je 2, 1916; daughter, b. Ag 1918. Ad- dress, Aveneda De Julio, Montevideo, Uruguay. 1276. ELMA SMOOT (POSTED (Wife of No. 1258) A. B.; b. F 14, 1878, Danville, 111.; d. Nathan and Minnie (Michener) Smoot. Prepared in Danville H. S. Married Fred J. Postel Cgpl. S 19, 1900, Danville 111. Address, 4237 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. 1277. TOM WOODS SMURR Lawyer; A. B.; b. My 6, 1878, Ottawa, 111.; s. Dr. T. A. (Wooster, O.) and Arville E. (Woods) Smurr (Wooster, do.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. and Wooster Univ. Beta Theta Pi. Auth.: Smurr on Local Improvements in Illinois, 332 pp., pub. by T. H. Flood & Co., Chicago, 1907; A Treatise on the Law of Farm Drainage, 496 pp., pub. by the Bobbs-Merrill Co. of Indianapolis, 1909. City Atty., Ottawa, 1909-11. Married Susann Ethel Eichelberger, S 18, 1912. Address, Ottawa, 111. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 12s 1278. MAGGIE EDITH STALEY (CARPENTER) (Wife of No. 1022; Sister of No. 1172) A. B.; b. N 14, 1875, Tolono, IlL; d. George Alex. (b. S 15, 1842, Va.) and Priscilla Jane (Benjamin) Slaley (b. Mr 1842, O.). "Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Le Cercle Francais; Watcheka. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Hubert Vinton Carpenter ('97), Je 19, 1899, Urbana. Children: Charles Benjamin, b. O 27, 1900; Florence, b. Jl 21, 1903; William Harold, b. Ag 29, 1906; Arthur Clarence, b. D 15, 1909. Address, Pullman, Wash. 1279. LAURA ALLANA STREIGIIT B. L. S.; b. O 12, 1875, Franklinville, N. Y.; d. Matthew (b. 1843, Pawson, N. Y.) and Flor- ence E. (Gould) Streight (b. 1847, do.). Pre- pared in Fredonia (N. Y.) Norm. Sch.; Acad., Franklinville, N. Y. Employed by Dist. Nurs- ing Com., Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 37 Scher- merhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1280. SIDNEY ORIN SWENSON (Brother of No. 780) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 2, 1875, Chicago; s. Bernard (b. Ap 5, 1838, Norway) and Antoinette (Johnson) Swenson (b. Ap 14, 1849, do.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. S. ; Armour Inst. Tau Beta Pi. With Engng. Dept., Chicago Edison C"o., 1899-1905; do., N. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., 1905- 7; Detroit River Tunnel Co., 1907-11; Kansas City Terminal R. R. Co., 1911-15; Consulting Engr., N. Y. City, 1917— . Mem., A. I. E. E. ; New York Elec. Soc; Jovian Order. Married Florence G. Royer, Ag 3, 1901, Waukesha, Wis. Address, 86 Glenwood Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 1281. GEORGE EDWARD TEBBETTS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 6, 1877, Chicago; s. H. H. and Anna (Clark) Tebbetts. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. With Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co. Bridge Engr., Kansas CTity, Mo., 191 2. Married Mary Louise Mc.M- lister, O 29, 1903, Chicago. Address. 3809 Warwick Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add.. Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co., 23rd and Grand Ave., (/o.t 1282. OTTO JOHN THEISS Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 11, 1876, Sublette, 111.; s. John C. and Eva (Meyer) Theiss. Prepared in Mendota II. S. Tau Beta Pi. With United Gas & Imprt. Co. Const. Dept., 1899-1901; Jacobs and Davies, Const. Engrs., 1901-08; Aurora City Concrete Bridges, 1908-10; since 1910 conducting with Mrs. O. J. Theiss the Central Auto Sales & Garage at Aurora. Married Emma Pauline Brunemeyer, D 22, 1909, Chicago. Address, 670 LaSalle St., Aurora, Ill.t 1283. RALPH THOMPSON Farmer; A. B. ; b. O 31, 1878, Makanda, 111.; s. Theodore Wilson (b. Ap 18, 1841) and Lovina (Rendleman) Thompson (b. D 3, 1855, Makanda, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Sigma Chi; Ath. Assn.; Students' Danc- ing Club. Asst. Bookkeeper; Gen. Store- keeper, U. S. Naval Sta., Cavite, P. I., 1899- 1900; Farming, Carbondale, 1900 — . Married Elizabeth Brewster, Ja 5, 1907, Chicago. Child, Theodore Brewster, b. D 31, 1908. Ad- dress, Carbondale, Ill.t 1284. HAROLD FREDERICK TRAPP Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 17, 1877, Springfield, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Ap 9, 1851, Belleville, 111.) and Emma (Rubly) Trapp (b. N 13, 1856, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. Varsity Track Team; Ind.-Ill. Debate, 1899; Class football. Mem., Law firm. Beach and Trapp. Mem., 111. Bar Assn.; Logan Co. Bar; B. P. O. "E. Married Lillian May Aitchison, Ap 30, 1908, Mt. Pulaski, 111. Children: Harold Frederick, b. My 29, 19 10; Robert Nicoll, b. N 29, 1912. Address, Lincoln, 111. 1285. MARTIN LARSON ULLENSVANG Rancher; B. S. in Sc; b. Je 12, 1868, Stew- ard, 111.; s. Lars Larson (b. Ja 24, 181 1, Har- danger, Norway) and Ingeborg (Kragevik) Ullensvang (b. Je 6, 1834, Kragevik, do.). Prepared at Shabbona H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Univ. Rifle Team. Teaching, Stough- ton, Wis., 1899-1900; Webster City, la., 1900- 01; Albert Lea, Minn., 1901-9; Fresno, Calif., 1909-10; Zelzah, Calif., 1910-12; Rancher, 1912 — . Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Marie Jensen, Ag 15, 1894, Steward, 111. Children; Lydia Ingeborg, b. Ap 3, 1900; Anna Magda- line, b. Ap 9, 190s; Esther Margaret, b. S i, 1906; Valborg Elane, b. Ja 28, 1908 (died F 3, 1917)- Address, Zelzah, Calif. 1286. WILLIAM HERBERT VANCE (Brother of No. 1990) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 6, 1876, Eflingham, 111.; s. John" Albert (b. Mr 2, 1846, Monkton, Md.) and Nancy Ellen (Barnsback) Vance (b. Ap 11, 1856, Pin Oak Tp., Madison Co., 111.). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S.; Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. Insp., 111. River Improvement with U. S. Dredging Fleet, 1899- 1901; Overseer, U. S. Lock on 111. River at Kampsville, 111., 1901-2; Asst. on Engr. Corps, Peoria Div., C. C. C. & St. L. R. R., 1902-5; Asst. Div. Engr., Mo. Div., St. L. I. M. & S. R. R., 1905-6; Div. Engr., 1906-9; Engr., Maintenance of Way, 1909-16; Chief Engr., La. & Ark. R. R., 1916-17; Maintenance of Way, St. Louis Southwestern R. R., Ap 191 7 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. O. U. W. ; A. F. A. M.; Am. Ry. Bridge and Bldg. Assn.; Am. Ry. Engng. .Assn.; A. S. C. E. Married Julia Gordon Tindall, Je 2, 1902, St. Louis. Chil- dren: Charles Albert, b. Ag i6, 1905 (died S 6, 1916); Nancy Ruth, b. S 2, 1907. Address, 328 W. Common St., Tyler, Tex. 1287. ALICE MILDRED VIAL (Sister of Nos. 413, 453, 783) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S i, 1876, Lyonsville, III.; d. Robert (b. Ap 9, 1824, Chester, N. Y.) and M^ry Roe (Ketchum) Vial (b. N 18, 1834, Newburgh, N. Y.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Address, La Grange, Ill.t 1288. EDMUND VOLK Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 8, 1877, Mendota, 111.; s. Dietrich (b. Ger.) and Mar- garet Volk (b. Coburg, do.). Prepared in Mendota Blackstone Sch. Engr., Telephone Co., San Francisco. Married Leone Volk, Je 27, 1909, Oakland, Calif. Address, 2333 Tay- lor Terrace, Oakland, Calif. 1289. BENJAMIN PERLEY WEAVER (Brother of No. 850) Physician; B. S. in L. & A.; M. D., 1902; b. D 13, 1877, Danville, 111.; s. Benjamin (b. My I, 1846, Schenectady Co., N. Y.) and Martha Maria (Campbell) Weaver (b. Ag 30, 1850, Cook Co., 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Phi Rho Sigma. Asst. Ed., Jotfr. Ind. St. Med. Assn. Mem., Fortnightly Club, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Med. Soc, do. Married Lucile Porter, S 16, 1903, I-'t. Wayne, Ind. Children: Jane Porter, b. Je 4, 1905 (died S i, 1906); .'\nne Porter, b. Ja 25, 1907; Sarah Porter, b. O 22, 1909; Richard Porter, b. Ja 9, 191 1. Address, 215 W. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.t 126 University of Illinois [1899 1290. WILLIAM W. WEBSTER (Husband of No. 1347) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. JI 27, 1876, Sadorus, III.; s. James (b. Ind.) and Catherine (Ellars) Webster (b. Sadorus, 111.). Prepared in Philo H. S.; Univ. Acad. Draftsman, 1900- 2; Engr. of Tests, 1903-9; Mech. Engr., Ham- mel Oil Burner Co., 1909 — . Married Nancy Emma Hartrick ('00), N 3, 1900, Urbana. Child, Helen Marie, b. Jl n, 1903 (died D 9. 1905). Address. 530 4th St., San Bernardmo, Calif.t 1291. RALPH WILSON WEIRICK Architect; B. S. in Arch.; M. Arch., 1900; b. Jl 2, 1877, Washington, 111.; s. Dr. W. H. (b. S 14, 1841, Hartleton, Pa.) and Harriet N. (Wilson) Weirick (b. N 20, 1843, rfo-). Pre- pared in Washington H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Fel- lowship in Arch., 1900. Registered Arch., N. Y. St.; with Cass Gilbert, Arch., N. Y. City. Address, 1525 Dorchester Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1292. JAMES INGERSOLL WERNHAM Phys. and Surg.; b. N 25, 1874. Marengo, 111.; s. Spencer Cone-(b. S 27, 1846, N. \. Citv) and Emma (Titus) Wernham (b. Mr 25. 1852, Pennington, N. J.). Prepared m :Ma- rengo H. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., igoj. Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; Theta Nu Kp- silon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident: Baseball team, capt.; Class Day Speaker.. Capt., Med. Corps, Surgical Stafif, Hampton, Va., 1918 — . Mem., Anglo-Am. Med. Assn., ex- V. P. Vienna, Austria; Sec, McHenry Co. Med. Assn.; Fox River Valley Med. Assn.; A. M. A.; Mont. St. Med. Soc; Pres., Yellowstone Valley Med. Soc. Married Winifred Patrick, Marengo, 111., S 9, 1903 (died Ja 25, 1904); Grace Middleton, Mr 28, 1908, Chicago. Chil- dren: Helen Grace, b. Ja 25, 1909; Martha Louise, b. Ag 2, 1910. Address, 945 N. 31st St., Billings, Mont. 1293. MARK HUBERT WHITMEYER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 10, 1877, Danville, 111.; s. Tohn W. (b. D i, 1843, Cum- berland Co., Pa.) and Edith (Chadwick) Whitmeyer (b. Ja 6, 1846, Licking Co., O.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Arch. Club. Arch, work, in Danville, 1899-1905; Cham-> paign, 1905-6; Shank & Whitmeyer, Peoria. 1907-10; with Hewitt & Emerson, pvt. practice; Instr., Arch. Drawing, Bradley Poly. Inst., 1910-14; Whitmeyer & Chaffee, 1914 — • Mem.,' III. Soc. of Arch. Married Willamette Smith, • O 9, 1907, Danville, 111. Address, 204 S. Glenwood Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 7 & 8 Grimes Bldg., do. 1294. MAURICE MEACHAM WILLCOX Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 25, 1874, Galesburg, 111.; s. William H. Willcox. Const. Dept., I. C. R. R., 1900-05; do., M. St. P., R. and D. Elec. Tract. Co., 1908-09: do.. C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1910; do., C. P. R. R.. Canada, 1911-12; C. St. P. M. & O. Ry., 1912- Married Eve I. Dills, Jl 7. 1903- Children: Henry K., b. F 27, 1905; Philip M., b. O 15, 1906; John Timothy, b. S 13, ign-. Address, 3405 Girard Ave., South Minneapolis. 1295. GEORGE BASSETT WILLIAMS Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 20, 1878, Minneapolis: s. Robert S. (b. Whitewater, Wis.) and Isabelle S. (Cannon) Williams fb. 1844, Conn.). Prepared in Washington, D. C. H. S. ; Lehigh Univ., 1895-7- Sigma Chi. Topographic work, U. S. Geol. Sun, 1899; Asst. Engr. Big Four R. R., 1901; Supt., Holabird & Roche, Archs., Chicago, 1903, Supt., Wells Bros. Co., Gen. Contrs., 1904-8:* Mgr., Selden-Breck Const. Co., St. Louis, 1908-13; Mgr., do., Chicago, 1913 — . Married Lora Wright, S 23, 1908, Urbana. Children: Elizabeth West, b. Jl 4, 191 1; Robert, b. F 2, 191 5. Address, 6921 Oglesby Ave., Chicago. 1296. GEORGE HENRY WILMARTH Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 22, 1876, Jackson, Mich.; s. Albro A. (b. Wis.) and Nellie (Winslow) Wilmarth (b. 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S.; E. E., Univ. of Wis., 1901. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Football Team. Supt., R. R. Const., Miami & Erie Canal Transportation Co., 1899-1902; Supt., Elec. Dept., do., 1902-4; Gen. Supt., Ft. Smith Light & Traction Co., 1904-6; Elec. and Mech. Engr. with 111. Traction Co., 1904-10; Gen. Supt., Red River Power Co., Grand Forks, N. Dak., 1910-12; Mgr., Sapulpa Elec. Co., 1912-18; Gen. Mgr., Muskogee Gas & Elec. Co., 1918 — . Married Elma Warwick, D 7, 1901, Denver. Children: Jean, b. S 1904; Marion, b. la 26, 1907. Address, c/o Sapulpa Elec. Co., Sapulpa, Okla. 1297. LULU CATHARINE WOOLSEY (HURST) (Sister of No. 854) A. B. in L. tk A.; b. Ag 20, 1876, Polo, 111.; d. R. Dickson (b. S 9, 1834, Andes, N. Y.) and Mary A. (Holmes) Woolsey (b. Je 15, 1838, Hamden, N. Y.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Alethenai; Eng. Club; Ed., Woman's issue of mini, 1899. Teacher, 1900; Stenographer and Asst. Bookkeeper for R. B. & J. Elec. Interur- ban R. R., 1900-5. Married George Pennington Hurst, Je 20, 1905, Beloit, Wis. Children: John Dickson, b. My 2, 1906; George Woolsey, b. Jl 28, 190S; Catharine May, b. Mr 15, 1910; M. Clough, b. N 22, 1914. Address, 3209 5th Ave., No., Great Falls, iVIont. 1298. BERTRAM OTHO YOUNG Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 15, 1876, LeRoy, 111.; s. Denton (b. 1845, O.) and Emrna (Barnett) Young (b. 1847, O.). Prepared in LeRoy H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Students' Dancing Club; 111. -Wis. Debate, 1897. Harvard Law, 1899-1902. Mem., Okla. Bar Assn.; V. P., Lakeview Club; Dir., Okla. City Golf and Country Club; Lotus Clulj. Married Luella Mary Herdman, S 6, 1902, Oklahoma City, Okla. Child, Virginia Ruth, b. Ja 16, 1904. Address, Oklahoma City, Okla.t 1299. JOHN HAYES YOUNG (Husband of No. 11S8; Brother of No. 1098) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 27, 1872, Gibson, Ind.; s. Tames Nicholas (b. O 4, 1847, O.) and Mary C. (Hayes) Young (b. N 25, 1846, N. Y.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. D. Soc; Bus. Mgr. Technograph, No. 12; Asst. Ed., do., No. no. Milwaukee Tel. Switchboard; Wis. Tel. Co.; Moline Supt., Fuller Mfg. Co.; Burlington Gen. Mgr., Modern Elec. Co., 127 S. 3d St., Bur- lington, la., 1904-6; with Miss. Valley & Tel. Co., 1906-7; West. Elec. Co., Tel. Switch Bd. Dept.; Am. Elec. Co., Switch Bd. Dept. and Monarch Tel. Mfg. Co., Switch Bd. Dept., 1907-10; V. P. and Mgr., Hayes Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1910 — . Auth.: Specifica- tions and Notes on Ry. Telegraph Const., Tech- nograph No. II, pp. 129-133. Married Minnie Barney Woodworth ('98), D 26, 1899, Cham- paign. Children: boy, b. and died N 21, 1900; John Hayes, Jr., b. S 7, 1903; Celina Wood- worth, b. Te 5, 1910. Address. 326 Myrtle Ave., Kansas Gity, Mo.; bus. add., 1415 Guinotte Ave., do. I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni CLASS OF 1900 (136 LIVING, 12 DEAD) 1300. *BERTRAND BUHRE ABRY B. S. in E. E.; b. O 6, 1876, Dubuque, la.; s. E. A. Abry. Died O 31, 1904, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1301. 'OTTO C. ADAMS Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Ap 13, 1871, Neosho, Co., Kan.; s. Hamilton E. Adams. Prepared in Cent. Norm. Coll. Philomathean; Lincoln Law Club; Oratorical Assn.; Democratic Club. Died Je s. 1909, Decatur, III. 1302. JOSfi MARIA ALARCO Real est. agt.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 25, 1873, Valencia, Spain; s. Jose Maria Lajarda and Patrocinio Alarco. Prepared in Valencia Inst. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident. Elec. Engr., 1900-3; traveling sales- man (mach.) 1903-4; Elec. Engr., 1904-5; Contr., 1905-7; Ins., 1907-9; Oil and min., 1909-11; Real est., 191 1 — . Spanish Army, 1898-9. Auth. : Articles in Engng. Netvs. ilem., Am. Club, Mexico City; Am. Club, Guadalajara, Mex. Married Florence Brink de Maria, Je 26, 1901, Edwardsville, 111. Children: Consuelo Maria, b. Ag 26, 1906; Julia Maria, b. O 26, 1908 (died O IS, 1910). Address, Lyric Theater Bldg., Corpus Christie, Tex.f 1303. SARAH AMBLER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 3, 1859, Mt. Pleas- ant, la.; d. Richard (b. Mr 4, 1831, Pittsburgh) and Nancy Harper (Andrews) Ambler (b. N 18, 1838, Hartford, O.). Prepared in Mt. Pleasant H. S. and Howe's Acad., Mt. Pleas- ant, la. B. S. and M. S., la. Wesleyan. Pi Beta Phi. Libn. la. Wesleyan, 1901-3; Cata- loguer of Pub. Doc, 1903-7; Libn., Pub. Doc. Lib., 1907 — . Mem., Daughters of the King; Univ. of 111. Club; Coll. Woman's Club, Wash- ington, D. C. Address, 1360 Otis Place, Wash- ington, D. C; bus. add.. Pub. Doc. Office, do. 1304. JEROME GUSTAF APPELQUIST Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 23, 1877, Rock Island, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Ag 16, 1842) and Pauline (Kleyla) .\ppelquist (b. Ap 29, 1853.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Sec- ond Lt. ; Brev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard; track team. Transitman, 1905; Draftsman and engr., 1907; Asst. to Chief Engr., Chicago, Goshen & South Bend Elec. Ry., 1908; Drainage Engr., 1909; Engr. Omaha & Council Bluffs St. Ry. Co., 1909 — . Married Bertha Baymiller, Ap 17, 1907. Address, 130 S. 35th St., Omaha, Neb.f 1305. "HARRIET ELIZABETH ASHLEY A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 29, 1869, Tonica, 111.; s. Laurin Norris (b. Barnard, Vt.) and Polly A. (Densmore) Ashley (b. Warsaw, N. y.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Scholar- ship to Adrian Coll., Mich. Traveled abroad and attended Univ. at Grenoble, France, 1901; special instruction in French and Spanish, Paris, 1901-2. Died Jl 11, 1904, Chicago. 1306. ZION FROST BAKER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 27, 1877, Sullivan, 111.; s. Mary E. Baker. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Married. Address, Sullivan, Ill.f 1307. GEORGE FRANCIS BARRETT (Brother of No. 1807) Judge; LL. B.; b. Jl 14, 1879, Chicago; s. Michael, (b. New York) and Katherine (Dwyer) Barrett. Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago. Lincoln Law Club. Atty. at Law, 1901 — ; Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook Co., 1906-12; Judge, Circuit Court, Cook Co., 111., 191 5 — . Mem., Union League Club, Chicago; Chicago Bar Assn. Ad- dress, County Court House, Chicago. , 1308. FLORENCE MARIA BECK (McGLACHLIN) B. L. S.; b. My 26, 1868, Cleveland; d. George (b. Ja 22, 1835, Wisbech, Eng.) and Czarina Jane (Wyman) Beck (b. S 21, 1839, Perry, O.). Prepared in Plattville St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Watcheka; Glee Club. Libn., Eastern 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1904; Asst. Prof., Lib. Econ., Univ. of 111., 1903. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn.; Sec. Co. Chap., Red Cross. Married Thomas Lawrence McGIachlin, Ag 22, 1905, Green Lake, Wis. Address, 1123 Clark St., Stevens Point, Wis. 1309. EDITH PAGE BENNETT (Sister of Nos. 561, 682) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 3, 1876, Mattoon, 111.; d. Charles (b. Bridgton, Me.) and Susan W. (Cleaves) Bennett (b. do ). Prepared in Mattoon H. S.; attended Carleton Coll., 1896-8. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, Norm. Sch., Charleston, 1900-1; teacher, Latin and Greek, Ottawa Tp. H. S., 1901-9; teacher, Latin, H. S., Seattle, 1909 — •. Address, 3134 37th Place, S. Seattle. 1310. HOBART SHEARMAN BOYD Judge; LL. B.; b. O 17, 1876, Lewistown 111.; s. Thos. A. (b. Je 25, 1830, Adams Co.. Pa.) and Laura (James) Boyd (b. N i, 1834, Washington, D. C). Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi. Atty.; City Atty., Lewistown, 1903-5; Master in Chancery, 1905-7; Judge of Fulton Co., 1910 — . Married Anna Elizabeth \\'alker, F 5, 1907, Cambridge, 111. Children: Robert Walker, b Ja 29, 1 9 10; Hobart Lawrence, b. F 11, 1913; Margaret Louise, b. S 20, 191 5; Mary Eliza- beth, b. O 18, 1917. Address, Lewistown, 111 131 1. 'ELIZABETH BRANCH (SHEPARD; (Sister of Nos. 2913, 8157) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja 16, 1876, Seymour 111.; d. William Luther and Emily (Yeag'eri Branch. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Asst Libn., East. 111. St. Norm., 1 901-4. Mem. .Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. St. Lib. Assn. Married Elmer Irwin Shepard, Jl 5, 1904, Champaign Died S 28, 1906, Williamstown, Mass. 13 12. WILLIAM JAY BROWN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 10, 1878 Urbana; s. William Gage (b. Mr 29, 1842 Roscoe, O.) and Harriet Alice (Wolfe) Browi (b. Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S Sigma Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Architects' Club Arch., 1900 — . Capt., Q. M. C. Const. Div.: Mustered out, D 21, 1918. Married Isabel Howell, S 8, 1914, Cedar Rapids, la. Child, David Howell, b. Mr 22, 1916. Address, 1962 I St Ave.. Cedar Rapids, la.; bus. add., 604-6 .\ni. Trust Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. 1313. JESSIE JANE BULLOCK (KASTNER) (Sister of Nos. 2919, 3663, 3664, 3665) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; b. Ag 8, 1873 near Eureka, 111.; d. Wingfield Minor (b. C 24, 1836, near Eureka, 111.) and Mary Marsale nia (McCullough) Bullock (b. Ag 26, 1850) Prepared in Eureka H. S. and H. S. Dept. Ill St. Norm. Univ.; in Eureka Coll. one yr. ; 111 St. Norm. Univ. two yrs. Sigma Xi; Phi Bet£ Kappa; Math. Club; Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, Math., H. S., 1906-7, Decatur, 111.; Tacoma, Wash., 1907-8. Married Albert Kast- ner, Je 24, 1908, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Wing- field Bullock, b. F 16, 1910 (died F 26, 1910). Address, South Tacoma, Wash.f 128 University of Illinois [iQOO 1314. EUGENE IRVING BURKE Banker; B. S.; b. Ja 14, 1878, Rantoul, 111.; s. P. E. (b. F 4, 1841, Owensboro, Ky.) and Isabelle (Moyer) Burke (b. Ja 22, 1848, Feli- city, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident; Mgr., Track Team, 1899-1900. In Citizens State Bank, 1 901 — . Married Kathryn B. Blume, Wapa- koneta, O., 1902. Child. Eugene Irving, Jr., b. S 21, 1905. Address, Champaign. 1315- WILLIAM ELMER BURROUGHS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 17, 1876, Savoy, 111.; s. James Wesley (b. N. J.) and Mary Catherine (Udy) Burroughs (b. do.). Prepared in Savoy Pub. Sch. Class baseball; Class football. In office of Elec. Engng. Dept., LTniv. of 111., 1900; Switchboard cabling dept.. West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 19001; Shop Office, do, 1901-2; Contract Records dept., 1902-4; Chief Clerk, West. Elec. Co., Des Moines, 1904- 8; Chief Clerk do.. Omaha, Neb., 1908—; auditor, do., Hawthorne Works, Chicago. Served on 111. Nat. Guard., 1900-1, 4th Regt.; 1901-1903, first Regt. Mem., First Regt. Ath. Assn., Chicago, 1901-3; Supt., Boys' Club "Knights of Holy Grail" H. P., 1907-8; Presby. Church. Married Rachel Densmore Cattanach, Jl 22, 1903, Chicago. Children: Josephine Arnold and Donald Densmore. b. My 15, 1904; Charles Clifford, b. N 2, 1906; Margaret, b. D 16, 1910. Address, 159 No. Central Ave., (Austin) Chicago; bus. add.. West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., do. 13 1 6. ROBERT OSCAR BUSEY (Brother of No. 864) Professor; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Je 14, 1877. Urbana; s. Matthew D. (b. Mr 20, 1842, Ur- bana) and Anna (Hurd) Busey (b. S 19, 1847, Wyandotte Co., O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. A. M., Harvard, 1906; Ph.D.. do., 1912. Univ. Band and Mandolin Club. Stud., Univ. of Halle, 1900-1. Teacher, H. S., Urbana, 1903- 4; teaching fellow, O. St. Univ., 1904-5; Grad. Stud. Harvard, 1905-8; Instr., German, O. St. Univ., 1908-12; Asst. Prof.. German, do., 1912 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Sec.-Treas., Lang, and Lit. Club, O. St. LTniv., 191 5-16. Married Mary Maude Waldo, My 28, 1908, Cambridge, Mass. Cliildren; Paul, b. Ag I, 1909; Ruth, b. Ag 28, 1912 (died S 5, 1912); Olga Maude, b. D 17, 1914. Address, 2090 luka Ave., Columbus, O. 1317. JOHN KENYON BUSH (Husband of No. 1780) Bank Cashier; A. B.; A. M. in L. & A., 1903; b. Ap 7, 1878, Joliet, 111.; s. John Edward (b. Whitehall, N. Y.) and Isabella Gordon (Kenyon) Bush (b. Thompsonville, Conn.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Assoc. Ed., Illio. Chem., 111. Steel Co., 1900-1; Asst., Chem., LTniv. of 111., 1902-3; Instr., Chem., Joliet Tp. H. S., 1903-8; V. P., First Nat. Bank, 1908-12; Cashier, Nat. City Bank, Seattle, 191 2—. Mem., Baptist Church; Mystic Shrine Masons; various local clubs; Sec, Silver Cross Hosp. Married Helen Mary Taylor ('02), Ag 4, 1908, Bloomington, 111. Child, Eleanor Isabel, b. O 11, 1909- Address, 133 Dorfel Drive, N. E., Seattle; bus. add., Nat. City Bank, do. 1318. BRUCE ALEXANDER CAMPBELL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1879, Albion, 111.; s. Joseph McCown (b. F 20, 1837, Wayne Co., 111.) and Annabel (Thompson) Campbell (b. Ja 31, 1856, Albion). Prepared in Albion H. S.; So. Collegiate Inst., Albion, 111. Charter mem., Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 111.- Wis. debate; Pres., Bryan Democratic Club; Illini Staff; Grad. mem.. Phi Beta Kappa, 191 1. Law stud., 1900-1; Lawyer 1901; Village Atty., Al- bion, 1903-4; Mem., 44th Gen. Assem., H. of R. ; Dem. Nominee for Cong., 22d 111. Dist., igio; Mem., Com. to draft recommendations for a Revision of Law of 111., relating to Practice and Proceedure (appointed by Gov.) 1910 — . Mem., K. of P. ; D. O. K. K. ; M. W. A. ; A. F. A. M. ; Pres. 111. Elks Assn.; Grand Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E., 1918-19; Exec. Com.. 111. St. Bar Assn.; Mem., Bd. of Gov. 111. St. Bar Assn.; Pres. E. St. Louis Bar Assn., 191 1; St. Clair Country Club. Married Beulah Wilson, Je 19, 1906. Child, Joseph Bruce, b. Mr 8, 1907. Ad- dress, 1472 College Ave. E. St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 624-633 Murphy Bldg., do. 1319- CLYDE CAPRON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. N 26, 1874, Clinton, 111.; s. William B. (b. Jl 26, 1842, Albany N. Y.) and Laura Barger (Willis) Capron (b. F 9, 1844, Springfield, 111.). Pre- pared in Marion H. S. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1905. Philomathean; Won in Ill.-Ind. Debate, 1900; Pres., Sr. Class. Taught, 1900-2; Studied Law, 1902-5; Homesteaded land, S. Dak., 1905-7; Practicing Law, 1907 — . Mem., Bd. of Sch. Insps., Peoria. Married Dorothy V. Capron. Je 14, 191 1, Wolcott, Ind. Address, 107 N. Elmwood Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 1112- 14 Lehman Bldg., do. 1320. WALTER SAMUEL CHURCH Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 6, 1879, Chi- cago. Tau Beta Pi. Address, 5748 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. t 1321. LINDA MAY CLATWORTHY Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 17, 1876, Dayton, O. ; d. Rev. Fred D. D. (b. 1846, North Pether- ton, Somerset, Eng.) and Emma (Payne) Clat- worthy (b. Dayton, O.). Prepared in pvt. and high schs. Vassar Coll. and N. W, LTniv,; Ph. B. Univ. of Denver, 1915. Delta Delta Delta; Watcheka; Y. W. C. A.; Treas. and Chm. of different coms. Asst. Cataloger, Dayton Pub. Lib,, 1900-1; Head Cataloger, 1901-5; Libn., Dayton Pub. Lib. and Museum, 1905-13; Lib. organizer in the west, states, 1913-16; Reference Libn. and special bibliog,, St. Coll. of Wash., 1916-18; travelled and studied abroad six months, 1910. Auth.: Literary executor of Augusta Payne White for "The Paynes of Ham- ilton", Tobias A, Wright, N. Y. City, 245 pp., 191 1 ; Bibliog. of Food Economy for the House- wife, comp. and ed. by L. M. Clatworthy and L. W. Hunt, issued by St. Coll. of Wash. Lib., Mr. 1918, with endorsement of U. S. Food Adm. and Am. Lib. Assn. Food Information Com. of War Service Com.; also several buls. Mem., O. Lib. Assn., Pres., 191 1; Am. Lib. Assn.; Colo. Lib. Assn.; Advisory Com. on sub. head- ings for use in dictionary catalogs, 1907-11; 111 Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn., Pres., two yrs. Address, St. College, Pullman, Wash. 1322. FRED WORTH COOPER (Brother of No. 3329) Mortgage Banker; LL. B,; b, Ag 15. 1877, Fisher, 111; s. Frank (b. My 6, 1849, Baldwins- ville N. Y.) and Luro Alice (Ham) Cooper (b. O 11 1852, Monticello, 111.) Prepared in Champaign H. S. Atty., 1900-1, mem., firm Cooper. Kanaley & Co.. Mortgage Bankers. Mem., Hamilton Club, Chicago; South Shore Country Club; Flossmoor Country Club; Chi- cago Bar Assn.; Illini Club; Chicago Real Est, Bd Married Blanche Speed Puddeke, Ag 10, 1909 Chicago, Children: Blanche Speed, b. S '5 1912; Fred Worth, b. S 22, 1916. Address, 5234 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., do. 1323. BURTON ROBINSON CORBUS Physician; B. S. in Sc; M.D.; b. D 30, :875. Mendota, 111,; s. William F. (b. 1841) and Clara M. (Robinson) Corbus (b. 184s). Pre- pared in LaSalle H. S. Nu Sigma Nu; Roll 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 129 of Honor in Med. Sch. Mem., Staff of Butter- worth Hosp., and U. B. A. Hosp.; Maj., M. R. C. Pres., Kent Co. Med. Soc; Grand Rapids Acad, of Med. Address, Metz Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1324. GEORGE ALEXANDER DARMER Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 9, 1874, Blue Mound, IlL; s. John Oscar (b. Mr 28, 1840, Shelby Co., Ind.) and Ann (Robertson) Darnier (b. Je 2, 1844, Dickson Co., Tenn.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Mem., Presby. Church; Alpha Omega Alpha, Hon. Med. Frat. Address, 12 S. Broadway, Aurora, Ill.t 1325. WILLIAM JOHN DOLAN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 25, 1876, May Tp., 111.; s. Michael J. (b. S 1850, do.) and Kath- rine (O'Rourke) Dolan (b. S 1850, Can.). Prepared in Ohio H. S.; Univ. Acad.; St. Viateur's Coll., Kankakee. Philomathean; Phi Kappa. Atty. at Law, Granite City, igoi- 7; do.. Champaign, 1907 — . Mem., K. of C, past G. K. ; A. O. of H.; Champaign Co. Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar y\ssn. Married Emma A. Pfeffer, O 22, 191 3, Champaign. Children: Catherine Elizabeth, b. S 18, 1914; William Michael, b. Je 23, 1916; Robert Edward, b. D 23, 1917. Address, 406 S. Elm St., Cham- paign; bus. add., 13 Main St., do. 1326. OLIVER KINSEY DONEY Minister and Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 30, 1873, Deerfield, Mo.; s. Lysander (b. My 24, 1842, Marshall Co., Ind.) and Cynthia A. (Hill) Doney (b. Ap 9, 1852, Green Co., do.). Pre- pared in Tolono H. S. A. B. Eureka Coll., 1906. Philomathean. Minister of Church of Christ and Atty. at Law. Mem., I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.; K. T. Married Hattie Myrtle Shuck, Ag 17, 1899, Urbana. Address, 1036 Reisner St., Indianapolis. f 1327. HORACE RAYMOND DOUGHERTY Stockman and Lumberman; LL. B. ; b. Je 21, 1875, Mt. Morris, 111.; s. Newton C. and Annie M. (Edwards) Dougherty. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1892-3. A. B. LTniv. of Chicago, 1896. Psi Upsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Mgr., Inter-Scholastic Meet. Stock- man and Lumberman, 1913-17. Pres., Univ. Club, Tacoma, 1912-13. Address, R. i, Grant- ville, Md. 1328. STANISLAW DOWIATT Engineer; B. S. in M. £.; b. O 4, 1873, Kovno, Russia. Address, 114 Euclid Ave., San Leandro, Calif. 1329. CLARENCE LeROY EDDY Professor; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1909; b. O 20, 1877, Atlanta, 111.; s. John Wilson (b. 1835, Frankfort, Ky.) and Nancy Jane (How- ser) Eddy (b. 1836, Atlanta, 111.). Prepared in Osceola (la.) H. S. and Drake Univ. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Assoc. Ed., Tcchnograph; Capt., Univ. Regt. Rodman with C. & N. W. R. R., 1900-1; In- strumentman with C. & N. W. R. R., 1902; Resident Engr. M. K. & T. R. R., 1903; Asst. Engr. C. & N. W. R. R., 1903-7; Asst. Prof., Ry. Engng., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, Cleve- land, 1907 — . Mem., Christian Church, and Deacon since 1909; Am. Ry. Engng. Soc, 1908; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ, 1909; A. A. A. S.; Cleveland Engng. Soc, 1907. Auth.: The Bourbonnais Ry. Bridge, TechnograpJi, Vol. 14, 1900; Rolling Resistance of cars over Switches and Frogs, Am. Ry. Engng. Assn. Proc, Vol. 16, 191 5- Married Lillian Viola Chapman, D 25, 1Q08, Weldon, la. Address, 1793 E. 86th St., Cleveland. 1330. JOHN WILLIAM FISHER Farmer; B. S.; b. Ja 13, 1874, Orangeville, 111.; s. John R. (b. O 1829, Bellefonte, Pa.) and Dora L (Giese) Fisher (b. 1835, Stettin, Ger.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm.- Univ. 111. -Wis. Debating Team, 1900. Prin., H. S., Peru, 111., 1895-7; taught in H. S., Hiawatha, Kan., 1900-1; Prin., H. S., Carlyle, III., 1901- 3; Supt. Carlyle Schs., 1903-6. Married Lulu Ritzman, Ag 2, 1900, Estherville, la. Chil- dren: Myrtle M., b. Jl 5, 1901; Harold E., b. N 25, 1902; Elta Viola, b. Ap 21, 1909; Leo William, b. My 29, 1913. Address, Muskogee, Okla. 1331. WILLIAM GRANT FOSTER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 2, 1877, Armstrong, 111.; s. Edward (b. N 20, 1833, near W. Lebanon, Ind.) and Sarah Ann (Tillotson) Foster (b. Ja 15, 1835, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Technograph Bd.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Arch., Streator, 111., 1908 — . Married Sue White Jackson, Je 19, 1901. Children: Katheryn May, b. Ap 17, 1902; Edwin Stanton, b. D 13, 1903; Lois Marjory, b. N 13, 1905; Willis Grant, b. D 12, 1907. Address, Opera House Bldg., Streat- or, 111. 1332. *HARRY BERT FOX (Brother of No. 1130) B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1905; b. Te 16, 1871, LaSalle, 111.; s. David Bert (b. 1833, Westfield, Mass.) and Harriette (Robinson) Fox (b. 1839, Baldwinsville, N. Y.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. and 111. St. Norm. Sch., Normal, 111. Instr., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1900-11. Sigma Xi, 1905. Married Myrtle Amy Murray, 1897, Normal, 111. Children: Herbert, b. D 5, 1901; Clara Elizabeth, b. Mr 4, 1905. Died S 11, [913, Sparta, Mich. 1333. FRANK DOIG FRANCIS Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 12, 1879, New Lenox, III.; s. George L. (b. O 5, 1856) and Annie Maria (Doig) Francis (b. O 20, 1856, do.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. M. D., N. W. LIniv., 1903. Phi Gamma Delta; .\lpha Delta Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Football; Ed., Illio. Interne Cook Co. Hosp., 1903-4. Capt., M. R. C. Auth.: Articles in ///. Med. Jour., Interstate Med. Jour.. Chicago Med. Recorder. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; Grace M. E. Church. Mar- ried Bertha Haven, Ja 12, 1897, New Lenox, 111. Address, 66 E. Oak St., Chicago. 1334. HARRY EBEN FREEMAN Phys. and Surg.; B. S. in Sc; b. Ja I'l, 1877, Chicago; s. Julius A. (b. 1828, Worcester, N. Y.) and Emma C. (Howe) Freeman (b. 1846, Fabius, N. Y.). Prepared in LIniv. Acad.; un- dergrad. work, Morgan Park Acad., 1892; Jen- nings Sem., 1893. M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1903. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Mil. Band, 1895-98; Students' Dancing Club. N. Y. Post Grad. Sch., 1906. Mem., Kendall Co. Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; No. Cent. III. Med. Soc; Am. Acad, of Med. Married Mary Scoggin, Ja 31, 1907. Children: Irene, b. D 4, 1907; Emma, b. N 17, 1909; Julius A., b. My 26, 191 1; John S., b. Je 19, 1912. Address, Millington, 111. 1335. GEORGE GIBBS, JR. (Brother of Nos. 1684, 2101) Landscape Arch.; B. S.; b Ja 6, 1878, River- ton, Ky.; s. George, Sr. (b. Mr 23, 1842, Ware- ham, Mass.) and Elizabeth Thacher (Hodge) Gibbs (b. N 9, 1847, Plymouth, Mass.). Pre- pared in Plymouth H. S. ; Cincinnati Tech. H. IL; S. B. in Landscape Arch., Harvard, 1904. Asst. in Office of Olmstead Bros., 1Q04-14; In- vestigator to Boston City Planning Bd., 1914-17; Advisory Engr. on Camp Planning for Const. I30 University of Illinois [1900 Div., War Dept., 1017—- Capt. Q. M., U. S. R., 1917-18; Maj. Q. M. C. Auth.: Report on Comprehensive Plan for East Boston. 98 pp., 1915; various rejiorts on city planning. Mem., Assn. Harvard Kngrs. 1910 — ; Am. Civic Assn.; Playg^-ound Assn. of Am.; Am. Soc. of Land- scape Arclis. ; Fellow, Am. Inst. Civic Planning; Boston Soc. Landscape Arcli., 1917 — . Married Florence Wellington James, Je 16, 1909, Cam- bridge, Mass. Children: George, III, b. My 31. 1910; Charles James and Laura Russell, b. D 22, 1 91 3. Address, 287 Walnut St., Brook- line, Mass.. bus. add., i6th St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. 1336. LESLIE LELAND GLENN (Brother of Nos. 1337, 2996, 4675) Real Est., Loans and Ins.; LL. B.; b. Ag 6, 1877, near Mattoon, 111.; s. Joseph Chamber- lain (b. 1848, Coles Co., 111.) and Mary Cath- erine (Ferguson) Glenn (b. 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Mattoon and Champaign II. S. Man- dolin Club; Glee Club. .Admitted to 111. Bar, 1900; Mercantile Bus., Urhana, 1900-1; Tre- vett-Mattis Banking Co., Champaign, 1901-17; Real Est. Loans and Ins., 1917—. Married Frances Madge Wilcox, Ja 17, 1907, Champaign. Children: Mary Margaret, b. N 29, 1907; Barbara Wilcox, b. Ap 24, 1916. Address, 509 W. University Ave., Champaign. 1337. OTIS FERGUSON GLENN (Brother of Nos. 1336. 2996, 4675) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 27, 1879, Mattoon, 111., s. Joseph Chamberlain (b. Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co.; 111.) and 'Mary Catherine (Fer- guson) Glenn (b. do.). Prepared in Mattoon and Champaign H. S. States Atty., Jackson Co., 1907-8; 1916-20. Mem., 111. St. Bar Assn.; Jackson Co., Bar Assn. Married Anna Kennedy Martin. O 28, igii, Murphysboro, 111. Address, Murphysboro, 111. 1338. HUGH JOSEPH GRAHAM (Brother of Nos. 2403, 3754) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 20, 1877, Ivesdale, 111.; s. James M. (b. Castleblayney, Ire.) and Kate (Wallace) Graham (b. at Ran- toul, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; English Club; Fortnightly Club; Illio Bd. Instr., Rhetoric, 1900-1; Clerked in law office, 190 1-2; practiced law as mem. of firm, Shutt, Graham & Graham, 1902-1908; afterward Graham S; Graham. Married Clara G. Colgan. Ap 26, 1904, Springfield, 111. Cliildren: Kathcrine. b. My 1906, James E., b. O 1907, Clara, b. S 1009; Hugh, b. S 191 o; Elizabeth, b. Te 1916. Address, 1802 South Sixth St., Springfield, 111. 1339. ROBERT GRAY Dist. Supt., Water Power Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 14. 1874, Elburn, 111.; s. Joseph (h. 1832, Frederickston, New Brunswick) and Jiriiet (Wordman) Gray (b. Je 2, 1842, Con- cord, N. IL). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Tan Beta Pi. Draftsman for Remington Type- writer Co., 1900-3; farmer, 1903-5; fruit raiser, Yakima, Wash., 1903-4; Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, 1904-7; ranch improving, Yakima, 1907-8; resident agt.. Big Bend Light-Power Co., Davenport, Wash., 1909-14; Dist. Supt., Wash. Water Power Co., hdqtrs., Colfax. Wash., 1914-18. Married Belle I. Gillespie, My 12, 1908, Champaign. Children: Helen, b. D 13, 1909; Marian, b. Ag 4, 1912; Virginia, b. Ap 29, 1916. Address, CoUax, Wash. 1340. HARRY ALTM.AN GROSSBERG Wholesale Grocer; LL. B.; b. Ja 2, 1879. Chi- cago; s. Nathaniel B. (b. Jl 12, 1846) and Percelia (Altman) Grossbcrg (b. Je 17. 1849). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Philomathean: Class Football and Basketball Teams; Mgr. Sr. Baseball Team. Practiced law in 1900-3; Whole- I sale Grocer, 1903 — . Married Dora S. Frank, F 23, 1908, Cleveland, O. Child, Edna, b. Ap 16, 1909. Address, 2197 E. 80th St., Cleveland.! 1341- PAULINE GUNTHORP Librarian; B. L. S. Prepared in Chicago H. S. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1898. Address, 2327 Cedar St., Berkeley, CaliL 1342. ELIZABETH TWINING HALL (KEISER) (Sister of No. 1343) A. ]{. in L. & A. ; A. M., 1901; b. O 30, 1870, Downs, 111.; d. Calvin Springer (b. My 29, 1S36, Fayette Co., Pa.) and Rachel (Eberhardt) ll.-dl (b. F 20, 1840, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. LTniv. Alethenai; Capt. of Girls' Basket- hall team. Head. Eng. Dept., H. S., Everett, Wash., 1901-s; St. Norm. Sch., Pittsburg, Kan., 1906-7; H. S., Butte, Mont., 1907-8. Mem., D. A. R. ; Assn. Coll. Allumnae; Woman's Club. Married Henry Kciser, F 17, 1909, Bloomington, 111. Child, Leone, b. D i, 1909 (died, do.). Address, 509 E. Mulberry, Bloomington, 111. 1343- JOHN CALVIN HALL (Brother of No. 1342) Judge; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 13, 1872, Downs, 111.; s. Calvin S. (b. My 29, 1836, Fay- cite Co., Pa.) and Rachel (Eberhardt) Hall (b. F 20, 1840, do.). Prepared in Kickapoo Union II. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1897. LL. B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1907. Jr. Orator. Prin., H. S., 1900-4; Supt., Whiting City Schs., 1904-11. With Gavit Hall & Smith; City Atty., City of Whiting; City Judge, Whiting, 1913. Mem., K. of P.; A. F. A. M.; Sec, 1904-5; K. T.; A. A. S. R.; A. A. O. N. M. S.; I. O. 6. F.; B. P. O. E.; M. W. Married Grace M. Debo, Ag 14, 1904, Peru, 111. Address, Whiting, Ind. 1344. JOHN EDWARD H ANN AN Estimator; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1878, Colfax, 111.; s. Bernard (b. N 8, 1845. Dublin, Ire.) and Olive J. (Conner) Hannan (b. Monti- cello, 111.). Prepared in LIniv. Acad. Dcr Deutsche Verein. Served in 111. Nat. Guard, TO02; First Lt., Co. F., First Inf.; Capt. 343d Inf. N. A. Mem., Catholic Church; First Regt. Ath. Club. Address. 4835 Forrestville .\ve., Chicago; bus. add., 36 W. Austin Ave., do. 1345. RACHELLE MARGARET HANSON (GURLEY) B. S.; b. My 30, 1877, Villa Grove, 111.; d. Robert Patton (b. Ag 17, 1842, Ilansonville, \'a.) and Maria E. (Shomaker) Hanson, (b. Jl 25, 1845, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. Taught in Mary Nash Coll., ."^hcrman, Tex., '1900-1; in charge of Girls' Sch., Santa .\nna, Manila, P. I., 1901-2; traveled in China, Japan, Hawaiian Islands, Old Mex. and west, coast of U. S.. 1902-3. Mem., The Contemporary of Newark, N. J.; Coll. Woman's Club of Essex Co., N. J.; Presby. Church. Married Raymond Bennett (nirley, Ap 7, 1902, Manila, P. I. Child, Mar- garet Josephine, b. O 16, 1904. Address, 62 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J. 1346. OLIVER ALBERT ITARKER, Jr. (Brother of No. 1516) Banker; A. B. in L, & A.; b. F 18, 187S, Vienna, 111.; s. Oliver Albert and Sidney Ann (Bain) Harker. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. Farmer, Carbondale, 111., 1907-9; Retail lum- ber, Gilman, 111., 1909-12; do., Bushland, Tex., Ap, 191 2; Mgr., Savings Dept., ist Nat. Bank, Champaign, 1912-13; (Tashier, ist Nat. Bank, lohnson City, 111., 191 3 — • Married Maude r.ressler, Je 15, 1904, Wayne. Neb. Child. Martha, b. Je' 19, .1905. Address. Johnson City, 111. I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni 131 1347- NANCY EMMA HARTRICK (WEBSTER) (Wife of No. 1290; Sister of Nos. 1518, 1519) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1874, Sadorus, III.; d. Henry (b. Mr 30, 1830, Theide, Ger.) and Nancy Emily (Taylor) Hartrick (b. Ag 6, 1840, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. and Univ. Acad. Cleveland, 1900-2; San Bernardino, 1902-6; 111., 1906-g; Los An- geles, 1909-15; San Bernardino, 191 5 — . Mem., Presby. Church; M. E. Church; Woman's Univ. Chib; Assn. Collegiate Alumnae. Married William Wyman Webster ('99), O 3, 1900, Urbana (divorced S 14, IQ17). Child, Helen Marie, b. Jl 11, 1903 (died D 9, 1905). Ad- dress, 550 6th St., San Bernardino, Calif. 1348. DAVID HASSLETON HARTS, Jr. Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 9, 1878, Lincoln, 111.; s. David H. and Emma (Brew- ster) Harts. Prepared in Lincoln H. S.; Lincoln Coll., 1898-1900. LL. B., Harvard, 1905. Kappa Sigma. Address, Lincoln, III. 1349. HARRY HASSON Mgr., Fertilizer Works; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 17, 1878, Lewistown, 111.; s. Henry (Tlay (b. Ja 4, 1843, Lewistown, 111.) and Ellen Davison (McDowell) Hasson (b. Ja 21, 1845, do.). Prepared in Lewistown II. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Glee Club; Quartet; Chem. Soc. ; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago, 1900-2; Chem., Armour Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga., 1902-5; Supt., do., Jack- sonville, Fla., 1905-6; Asst. Mgr., do., 1906-7; Mgr., 1907 — . Married Kate O'Brien, O 19, 1905, Atlanta, Ga. Children: Katharine Har- riet, b. N 7, 1907; Henry Clay, b. Jl 11, 1909 (died O I, 1910). Address, Armour Fertilizer Works, Jacksonville, Fla. 1350. GEORGETTA HAVEN B. L. S.; b. F 14, 1859, Cincinnati; d. James L. (b. 1825, do.) and Rebecca Hopkins (Pad- dock) Haven (b. 1827, do.). Prepared in Bar- tholomew's Eng. and Class. Sch., Cincinnati; attended Vassar, 1877-8. Kappa Kappa Gamma. In Cataloging Dept., Cincinnati Pub. Lib., 1900-4. Address, 3575 Eden Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati. 1351. WILLIAM ALBERT HAWLEY Division Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 26, 1877, Dundee, 111.; s. Edgar C. (b. F 20, 1850, Barriiigton, 111.) and Esther E. (Hunt) Haw- ley (b. S 12, 1845, Dundee, do.). Prepared in Dundee H. S.; Oberlin Acad. Maj.-Instr., Mil. .Sc. Asst. on Engr. Corps, Pa. lines west of Pittsburg, igoo-5; Asst. Div. Engr., do., '905-13; r)iv. Engr., do., 1913 — . 111. Nat. Guard; Corp. 3d 111. Volunteer Inf., Spanish-Am. War, Porto Rico, 1898-9; 3d Regt., 1897-8 and 1899-00. Married Katherine O'Donovan Man- ley, N 16, 1904, Oshkosh, Wis. Children: Esther Mary, b. N 2, 1906; William Edgar, b. My 14, 1910. Address, 402 E. Wallace Ave., New Castle, Pa.; bits, add., 203 W. Washing- ton St., do. 1352. ZELLA BERNICE HAYES (Sister of No. 4197) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 20, 1880, Rankin, 111.; d. Thomas Boyd (b. 1853, Craw- fordsville, Ind.) and Emma Jane (Cox) Hayes (b. 1853, Buchanan, Mich.). Prepared in Rankin H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. Taught, Rankin, 111.; Forest, 111.; Deer Lodge, Mont. Address, Buchanan, Mich.f 1353. "THOMAS MOULTON HEADEN Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. S 15, 1877, Shelbyville, 111.; s. Walter C. and Virginia (Barrett) Headen. Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. and Mich. Mil. Acad. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1903. Phi Gamma Delta; Y. M. C. A. Died My 5, 1918, Shelbyville, 111. 1354. EDWARD GEORGE HINES Const. Supt.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 10, 1872, Huey, 111.; s. Lawrence (b. Ger.) and Caro- line (Fricke) Hines (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Capt., Univ. Regt. Arch., Drafts- man; Insp., Bridge and Bldg. Dept., I. C. R. R.; Arch. Supt., Chicago and New (Orleans; Const. Supt. for gen. bldg. contrs., Indianapo- lis, Chicago. Springfield, 111. and Atchison, ivan. Married Blanche Edna Baum, My 30, 1900, Shelbyville, III. Address Atchison, Kan.t I35S- *ROBERT GRANT HOLABIRD Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 28, 1878, Chicago; s. William and Maria F. (Augur) Holabird. Sigma Chi. Arch. Supt., Holabird & Roche, Chicago, 1904-11. Married Leonora Van Eps, D 16, 1902, Evanston, 111. Children: William, _b. My 14, 1904; Margaret, b. F i, 1906. Died O, 191 1, Chicago. 1356. CLARENCE WILBERT HUGLIES Lawyer; A. B.; A. M., 1905; LL. B., 1905; b. N I, 1880, Union, Ontario, (Tan.; s. Thomas Welburn (b. Ja 17, 1858, Ontario, Can.) and Jennie (Ballah) Hughes (b. Ap 24, i860, do.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1897-8. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Pol. Sc. Club; \'an Twiller Court. Taught, H. S., Mattoon, 1900-2; Practicing Law, mem., firm, Vanse, Hughes & Kiger, 1905 — . Master in Chancery Coles Circuit Court, 191 5 — ; Pres., Bd. of Educ, Mattoon, 1916-17; Sec, Bd. of Educ, 1917 — . Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T. ; B. P. O. E. ; Coles Country Club; Presby. Church. Married Har- riette Noyes, N i, 1905, Mattoon, 111. Chil- dren: Catherine Noyes, b. Ap 28, 1908; Eliza- beth Ballah, b. My 3,. 191 1. Address, Mattoon, 1357. IDA JACKMAN (DOUGHERTY) B. L. S.; b. My 28, 1874, Boston; d. Lemuel Noyes (b. 1843) and Louisa Amelia (Otis) Jackman (b. 1844). Prepared in Elgin H. S. and Univ. of Mich. Wisconsin Free Lib. Comn., several months, 1900; John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1901. Married Edward Gardner Dougherty, S 12, 1902, Elgin, 111. Chil- dren: Crail, b. S 19, 1903; Lemuel Edward, b. Je 20, 1906; Annie Louise, b. My i, 191 1; Frank Otis, b. D 10, 1914 (died F 18, 1915); David Gardner, b. Jl 16, 1917. Address, R. I, Box 72, Fairhope, Ala. 1358. TORSTEIN KNUTSSON TORSTENSEN JAHR Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 7, 1871, Holme- strand, i^- ^"^"g- S^^---- With United Venle Copper Co., Clarkdale, Ariz Mem., A. R A. M. Married Fannie La.ld N 12, 1901, Sterling, 111. Child, Helen Mar^ jone, b. S 9. 1907. Address. Clarkdale, Ariz. 1363. GEORGE FRANK KEPLER A wT7' ^- ^- '" ^^'■ch-; b. Mr 8, 1876 Ashtabula, O.; s. George Walter (b. Ja 31 1847. Erie, Pa.) and Caroline Faulkner (Rob ertson) Kepler b. Mr 3, 1853, Ashtabula, O.). Prepared in Ashtabula (O.) H. S. and Balti- more Man Ir. Sch. Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman A^°V ' hr,-! *^'"'" Milburn, Heister & Co Archs., Washington, D. C, 190611; Farmer' 191 1 — . Address, Fredericksburg Va. [1900 1366. 'BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KRAHL Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 20, 1877, Aurora, 111.; s. Henry L. and Susan (Als- paugh) Krahl. Prepared in East Aurora H. S. lau Beta Pi. Rodman, C. & N. W. R. R., 1000; Draftsman, Pa. Lines west of Pittsburgh,' 1Q01-3; Asst. on Chicago Track Elevation, P. ^; ■''• ^ S'- '"• ^- ^•' '903-4; Engr. in Charge C hicago Track Elev., P. C. C. & St. L. R. R., 1904. Died D 31, 1907, Aurora, 111. 1367. JAMES PIATT KRATZ (Brother of No. 1052) Farmer; .\. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 12, 1878, Monticello. ill.; s. William Henry (b. Pa.) and .Mice J. (Piatt) Kratz (b. Piatt Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Monticello H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa. Married Maude M. Martin, Ja 17, 1909, Newton, 111. Child, William Mar- tin, b. D 29, 1910. Address, Monticello, 111. 136S. ALFRED LEONHARDT KUEHN (Husband of No. 1838) Gen. Supt., .\m. Creosoting Co.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 16, 1877, Chicago; s. Leonhardt Waldemar (b. D 12, 1848, Ger.) and Gesche Helene (Woebken) Kuehn (b. Je 8, 1848, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Instr., C. E. Univ. of 111., 1900-2; Engr. Main- tenance of Way, C. C. & L. R. R., 1902-4; do.. C. C. & St. L. R. R., 1904-6; Supt., Main- tenance of Way, C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. & P. & E. R. R.. 1906-9; Gen. Supt., Am. Creosoting Co., 1909 — . Married Anna Olive Chacey ('03), O 24. 1905, Hillsboro, 111. Children: Charles Chacey, b. S 22, 1906^ George W., b. O 10. 1909. .'iddress, 220 S. Ridgland Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1369. JOHN OSCAR LANGMAN Pres., Ins. Co.; B. S.; b. Lisbon, Jl 24. 1873; s. Jacob (b. Bergen, Norway) and Martha ( Birkland) Langman (b. do.). Prepared in ITniv. Acad. Rifle Team. Teaching, Urbana fl. S., 1900-1; Champaign, 1901-2; Urbana, 1902-3; Prin., 1903-s; Instr., Math., Pleasant View Luth. Coll.; Bus. Mgr., do., five yrs. ; Pres., Lutheran Internal. Ins. Co., 1916 — . Mem., Fortnightly Club, Ottawa; Hamilton Club, Chicago. Slarried Nellie Anderson, Je 28, 1900. Children: Marguerite Josepliine. b. Ap 22, T902; Eveline Alberta, b. N 24, 1904; Tustin Ambrose, b. Ap 4, 1907. Address, 529 Guthrie St., Ottawa, 111. 1364. MARGARET ADELE KETCHUM (Sister of No. 963) A ^}^' ^V K- ^? -■*• '^77. La Prairie, 111.; d. Andrew J. (b. Mr 29. 1836, Orange Co., N. Y ) and Anne E. (Sickles) Ketchum (b. O .', r'^f' ^'i?"^'''' ¥-^- Prepared in Carthage Coll. Address, Augusta, 111.1 1365. ASA BAIRD KIRKPATRICK ,8?°"^?°^'^' Service; B. S. in Sc; b. Mr s. 1874, Tiskilwa. HI.; s. John B. (b. D 6, i8-'a Harrison Co., O.) and Honor (Grubbs) Kirki.at: rick (b. Jl 27- 1833, Dearborn Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Elm wood H. S. Nat. Hist. Club; Adelphic. Teaching, 1900-3; Office work, 190V U .^- ,/°^'=*' Service. Peoria, 1907—. Mem., Y M. C. A., 1894-1900. Married Edit'. Genung Woodworth, Ag 27. 1902, Seneca Falls, N. \. Address, 321 Caroline St., Peoria.t 1370. OLIVE CLARISSA L.\TIIROP Cataloger; B. L. S.; d. E. H. and Clara (Polhemus) Lathrop. Prepared in Hastings, (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich.. 1896-8. (Tata- loger, Mich. St. Lib. Address, Lansing, Mich.f 1371. JENNIE MARY LATZER (KAESER) (Wife of No. 1 144; Sister of Nos. 1243, 2733, 3444. -o-'S) B. S.; M. S., 1901; b. N 23. 1878, Highland, 111.; d. Louis (b. N n, 1848, Highland, 111.) and Eliza (Luehm) I,atzer (b. Mr u. 1852, 1/0.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Watcheka; Alethenai. Fellowship, Bacteriol.. 1901-2; Asst. do., Univ. of HI., 1902-4. Married Dr. A. F. Kaeser ('98), Je 26, 1907, Higldand, 111. Child, Marion Ada, b. N 21, 1915. .-iddress. Highland, 111. 1372. JULIAN LISIECKI LEE Merchant; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 20, 1877. Memphis, Tenn.; s. Seymour Lisiecki (b. Mr 10, 1842, Posen, Ger.) and Fanny (Beatus) I.ee (b. D 12, 1862, Cincinnati). Prepared in Memphis H. S.; Univ. Acad. Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1900-4; Engine Expert, Borden & Sel- leck Co., Detroit, 1904-5; Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco Dealer. Married Ray Frank, Ap 30, 1006, Memphis, Tenn. Children: Margaret L., b. O 9, loio; .\dele L., b. S t6, 1914- Ad- dress. 64 S. Front St., Memphis, Tenn. I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni ^SS 1373. CHARLES LOUIS LOGUE Farmer; B. S. in Cheni.; b. Mr 28, 1877, Danville, 111.; s. J. V. (b. Ap 16, 1837, Meigs Co., O.) and Eva C. (Schmitt) Logue (b. Jl 21, 1851, Lafayette, Ind.). Delta Tau Delta. Married Mathilda A. Witt, Jl 4, igio, Union Co., N. M. Child, Helen Clyde, b. My i, 1911. Address, Box 131 Harber Beach., Mich.t 1374. NELLIE LOUISE McWILLIAMS (ENOCHS) (Wife of No. 1 126) A. B.; A. M., 190 1 ; b. Jl 23, 1877. Cham- paign; d. Alexander (b. Ap 12, 1833, Dufftown, Scotland) and Maria (Luttrell) Mc Williams (b. O 10, 1841, Ire.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Y. W. C. A. Fellowship, French, Univ. of 111., 1900-1. Taught school, 1901-13. Married Delbert River Enochs ('98) Jl 9, 1913. Address, 622 W. Clark St., Cham- paign. 1375. LYDIA MATHER (FORBES) (Wife of No. 1031; Sister of Nos. 975, 2175) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 5, 1876, Wheatland, Will Co., 111.; d. Jonathan (b. O 5, 1849, Essex Co., N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Sprague) Mather (b. S 12. 1848, Will Co., 111.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Eng. Club; Pres., Y. W. C. A.; Illio Bd., 1899; mini Staff, 1899. Married Ernest Browning Forbes ('97), Ag 18, 1903, Joliet, 111. Children: Lydia Frances, b. D 7, 1904; Wini- fred, b. N 9, 1906; Stephen Alfred, II., b. D 4, 1909; Rosemary, b. Ag 10, 191 1; Richard Mather, b. Ja 8, 1916. Address, 528 Beall Ave., Wooster, O. 1376. *HOWARD VAN REED MAURY B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 9, 1876, Reading, Pa.; s. Germand Stout (b. 15, 1839, do.) and Rebecca (Evans) Maury (b. N 12, 1840, do.). Prepared in Rossville II. S. C. E. (]lub; Band. Draftsman, Central States Bridge Co., 1900-2; Chief Engr., Pan-Am. Bridge Co., 1902-7; Farmer, 1907-9. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; K. T. Married Stella Peed, Ap 8, 1903, New Castle, Ind. Child, Sarah Blanche, b. S 26, 1905. Died Je 25, 191S, Newcastle, Ind. 1377. FRED HUTCHINSON MAY (Brother of No. 2459) Clerk, U. S. Customs Service; LL. B. ; b. Jl 15, 1879, Milford, 111.; s. James S. (b. Jl 22, 1835, Bath, N. Y.) and Augusta (Hutchin- son) May (b. Mr 5, 1849, Prophetstown, 111.). Prepared in Prophetstown H. S. Farming, 1900-3; Clerk, A. T. & S. F. R. R., Chicago, 1903; Clerk, U. S. Customs Service, 1903 — . Address, 424 S. Homan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 450 Federal Bldg., do. 1378. EDWIN LYMAN MAYALL Gen. Supt. Plow Co.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1906; b. My 28, 1876, Albany, 111.; s. Stephen A. (b. 1853, Vt., 111.) and Anna A. (Short) Mayall (b. D 9, 1856, Albany, 111.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Master Mech., Acme Harv. Co., 1900-3; Asst. Supt., Deere & Co., 1903-6; Gen. Supt., J. I. Case Plow Works, 1906-9; do., Rock Island Plow Co., 1909 — . Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Rock Island Club; Soc. 111. Engrs. and Survs. ; A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Olive Louise LTlrick, Ag I, 1903, Peoria. Children: Nicholas, b. My 9, 1906; Edwin Lyman, b. Jl 1=;, 1907. Address, 1003, 2d Ave., Rock Island, Ill.t 1379. STILLWELL FREDERICK MERRILL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 8, 1876, Moberly, Mo.; s. Stillwell G. (b. Je 26, 1846, Jackson, Mich.) and Julia C. (Hoffman) Mer- rill (b. Mr 5, 1853, St. Louis). Prepared in German Sch., Collinsville, 111. and Walther Coll., St. Louis. Track team; Illijii staff; Band. Asst., St. Chem., N. Y., 1900-2; Chief Chem., Swift & Co., Kansas City, 1902-3; Chem. Supt., Maple City Soap Co., Monmouth, 111., 1903-4; Chief Chem., J. G. Haase Soap Co., 1904-5; Glycerine Chem., Larkin Co., Buffalo, 1905; Chem., Nat. Candy Co., St. Louis; Supt., A. J. Walter Candy Co. and Asst. Supt., branches, 1905-07; Chief Chem., Western branches Nat. Lead Co., St. Louis, 1907-13; do., Food and Drug Dept., Tenn., 1913-14; do., Ralston Purina Mills, St. Louis, 1914 — . Mem., German Evang. Lutheran Church. Married Louise C. Freyer, Jl 21, 1903, Buffalo, N. Y. Children: Infant, b. and died Ap 31, 1904; Infant, b. O 2, 1905 (died N 2, 1905); boy, b. Ag 31, 1910; girl, b. O 6, 19 14; Infant, b. Ap 15, 191 7 (died Ap 17, 1917). Address, 821 S. 8th St., St. Louis, c/o Ralston Purina Mills. 1380. ALBERT DANFORTH MULLIKEN (Husband of No. 2770) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 24, 1878, Champaign; s. Jolin W. (b. Mr 9, 1849, Cooperstown, N. Y.) and Josephine (Danforth) Mulliken (b. Je 8, 1854, Marysville, O.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Associated in law practice with Col. J. S. Wolfe, 1902-4; City Atty. of Champaign, 1905-9. Married Grace Pearl Mulberry ('06), Je 27, 1911, Tay- lorville. 111. Children: Wallace Mulberry, b. My 18, 1913; .\lbert Danforth, Jr., _b. S 9, 1915. Address, 706 S. Elm St., Champaign. 1381. FRED EARLE NEWTON Lawyer; A. B.; A. M., 1901; b. O 15, 1879, Onarga, 111.; s. Edward D. (b. Mr 11, 1842, E. Shelbourne, Mass.) and Fanny (Earle) Newton (b. Mr 30, 1847, Milton, Vt.). Pre- pared in Onarga H. S. and Grand Prairie Sem. Philomathean; Orat. Assn.; Pol. Sc. Club; Rep. Club; Winner in annual debate; 111. -Wis. debate. LL. M., John Marshall Law Sch., 1909. Teacher, Fergus Falls (Minn.) H. S., 1901-2; Supt., Schs., Palatine, 111., 1902-4; do., Des Plaines, 111., 1904-5; teacher, Englewood H. S., 1907-9; Lawyer, 1905-7, 1909 — . Auth.: Need of Better Civic Training in our Schs., Cook Co. Sell. News, Vol. i, No. 10. pp. 1-2. Mem., Chicago Bar Assn.; 111. St. Rifle .Assn.; City Club of Chicago. Married Clara Nuala Harrison, D 23, 1904, Palatine, 111. Child, Edward Harrison, b. Ag 24, 1907. Address, 6171 Norwood Park Ave., Chicago. 1382. MARION MICHAEL NULL Phys. and Surg.; B. S. ; b. D 3, 1871, Bland- insville, III.; s. William H. (b. D 16, 1835, Connersville, Ind.) and Orpha (Green) Null (b. Ap 24, 1837, do.). Prepared in Univ. of Indianapolis. Alpha Omega Alpha; Philoma- thean. Physician in charge of Mary E. Wright Mem. Hosp., Taikin, Korea, 1903-7; Post grad. work, London, Eng., 1907; Clifton Spring Sanitarium, 1908; Physician, 1909 — -. Capt. M. R. C, 191 7; in command Field Hosp., No. II, 8th Div., U. S. A., 191 8 — . Married Nellie Bernice Johnson, Je 8, 1903, Chicago. Children: Robert Palmer, b. F 12, 1905; Howard Wallace, b. F 22, 1907. Address, 7452 E. Green Lake Blvd., Seattle. 1383. SAMUEL OSTROWSKI Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 24, 1878, Giddings Tex.; s. Aaron and Lena (Osbitz) Ostrowski Prepared in pvt. sch. Pol. Sc. Club; Rep C'lub. Married, 1900. Children: Sidney E., b Tl 23, 1901; Bernice, b. F 11, 1905. Addresi 3227 S. Halsted St., Chicago.t 1384. WILKENS HOOVER OWENS Contractor; B. S.; b. Ag 6, 1880, Baltimore Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Chi Tlieta Nu Epsilon. Engaged in R. R. Const.. J. C. Zebrist & Co. Address, Catonsville, Md. 134 University of Illinois [1900 1385. WILLIAM GAY PALMER Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1901; LL. B., 1907; b. S IS, 1877, Orange, N. J.; s. John (b. 1846, Belfast, Ire.) and Jane (Gay) Palmer (b. 1840, Harvard, 111.). Prepared in Princeton H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Capt., Univ. Regt. Fellowship in Latin. Teacher, Champaign H. S., 1901-4; Instr., Univ. of 111. Acad., 1904- 6; Stud, of Law, 1904-7; Practicing Law, 1907 — . Address, Flat Iron Bldg., Urbana. 1386. CORNELIUS JAMES PEEBLES Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 10, 1878, Centerville, Ind.; s. VV. H. and Ada E. (Woods) Peebles. Prepared in Shawneetown H. S.; West. Mil. Acad. Delta Tau Delta. Salesman, Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, 1900; Accountant, Swift & Co., 1900-4; Asst. Nat. Bank Examiner, Chicago, 1904-9; V. P., Am. Nat. Bank, St. Paul, 1909-ij; V. P., Citizens Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 1912-16; Cashier, Pioneer Savings Bank, do., 19 16 — . Married Mary Florine Thieleus, N 30, 191 2. Children: Edman William, b. N 15, 191 5; Persis Jane, b. Jl 24, 1917. Address, 5-ls6 Ferdinam St., Chicago; bus. add., 4000 W. North Ave., do. 1387. 'ROBERT GERALD PETTINGER Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 25, 1876, Cumberland, la.; s. Prosper (b. Ja 12, 1853, Luxemberg) and Catherine (Sauser) Pettinger (b. Jl 20, 1851, Cascade, la.). Prepared in Cumberland H. S.; Drake Univ., one yr. Tau Beta Pi; won I in High Jump. With Chicago Edison Co., Drafting Dept., 1900-2. Died Ja 13. 1903, (Cumberland, la. 1388. THEODORE CLIFFORD PHILLIPS Civ. and Hydraulic Engr. ; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. Leo (b. MonroeviUe, O.) and Frances (Schnurr) Phillips (b. Nor- walk, O.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trid- ent; Football Mgr. ; Pres., Fresh. Class. Treas., Geyser Elec. Co., (Chicago; do., Victor L. Phil- lips (Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Engr. of Surveys, Dept. of Pub. Works, Chicago, 1907 — . Auth. : Several articles pertaining to Water Works Engng. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. ; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E.; Chicago Engrs. Club; Calumet Country Club; Command., Consistory and Shrine. Married Helen Jeannette Thielens, O 12, 1 912, Chicago. Chilcf, Arnold Thielens, b. Jl 15, 1915. Address, 9215 S. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o F. H. & S. Co., 624 S. Michigan Ave., do. 1389. CHARLES CHURCHILL PICKETT Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. D 4, 1862, Waterbury, Conn.; s. William (b. Chicago) and Mary Poole (Tarr) Pickett. Prepared in Chicago. A. B., Univ. of Rochester, 1883. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. Prof., Law, Univ. of 111., 1897-1906; Lawyer, Chi- cago, 1906 — . Mem., Am. Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar Assn.; Chicago Literary Club. Married Minnie C. Emery, Je i, 1892, Chicago. Child, Jeanne Adams, b. Ja 22, 1897, Evanston, 111. Address, 140S E. s6th St., Chicago; bus. add., 161 2 Tribune Bldg., rfo.t 1390. EARLE ROYAL POLLARD Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 11, 1876, Waterloo, la.; s. John Henry (b. Mr 23. 1841, Dorchester, N. H.) and Mary Annette (Shack- ford) Pollard (b. My i, 1850, Lowell, Mass.). Prepared in Centralia H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident. Drafts- man. Atlanta, Ga., 1900-1; St. Louis, 1901-3; do. for Am. Mill and Const. Co. Los Angeles, 1903-4; Pac. Elec. R. R., 1904-5; Hazard and Strause, Pat. Attys.. 1905-12; With Cassell Severance, 1912-17; Draftsman, Calif. Aviation Co., 1917-18; do.. Southwestern Shipbuilding Co., San Pedro Calif., 1918 — . Invented Rein- forced Concrete Ry. ties and Rail Securing Means, Pat'd., 191 1, No. 1012152; other pa- tents pending — improvements on the above. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Sunset Lodge. Married Nora Nina Gray, F 6, 1915, Riverside, (Calif. .Address, 1436 Albany St., Los Angeles. 1391. *ERNEST WILLIAM PONZER (Brother of Nos. 3912, 4366) Professor; B. S.; M. S., 1903; b. S 30, 1872, Arnswalde, Ger.; s. Carl (b. Je 7, 1844, Prilwitz, Ger.) and Wilhelmina (Krueger) Ponzer (b. F 24, 1843, -Arnswalde, do.}. Prepared in Henry H. S. Math. Club; Deutsche Verein; Beta Theta Pi; 2d Honors (basis of grades); Class Football team. Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1900-9; Acting Asst. Prof., Stanford Univ., 1909-10; Asst. Prof., App. Math., do., 19 10 — . Auth.: Pamphlet, Graphs for References, Stan- ford Univ., 8 vol.. 12 pp., 1910; The Inter- change of the order of Integration in a Double Integral, Techiwgraph, 1903; Note on a Prob- lem in Strength of Materials, do._ 1905; The Application of the Principles of the Calculus in the Tech. Courses at the Univ. of 111., Science, 1909; The Accrediting of H. Schs. at the Univ. of 111., Sierra Educational News, 1910; A Study in Efficiency, Sch. Sc. and Math., 1910; also other articles along mathematical subjects. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; A. A. A. S. Married Ella Eugenia Smith, Ag 20, 1903, LaMoille, 111. Children: Ernest DeWitt, b. Jl 14, 1904; Howard Smith, b. S 23, 1907. Died D 22, 1917, Palo Alto, Calif. 1392. CHESLEY JUSTIN POSEY Professor; B. S.; b. Ja 26. 1873, Troy, 111.; s. Chesley Jubilee (b. 1832, Troy, 111.) and Martha (McKittrick) Posey. Prepared in Edwards- ville H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1891-2, 1893- 5. M. S. Univ. of Chicago, 1906. Eng. (]lub; Sigma Xi; 111. -Ind. Debating team; Sr. Class Treas. Fellowship, Geog., Univ. of Chicago, 1904-5, 1911-12. Supt. Schs., Leroy, 111., 1900-01; Teacher, H. S., La Porte, Ind., 1901- 3; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1903-5, 1911- 12; Instr., St. Norm. Sch., Mankato, Minn., 1905-11; Instr., Geol., Univ. of Wis., 1912-13; Asst. Prof., Geog., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, 1 9 13 — . Contributing ed.. Jour, of Geog, 191 5 — • Auth.: South Polar Exploration, Jour, of Geog. Vol. 11, 1917, pp. 232-235; Some Points in the Geog. of So. America, do.. Vol. 12, 1913, pp. 74-79; Geog. Influences in the Exploration and Early Development of Minn., do., Vol. 14, 1916, pp. 214-17; Minnesota Earthquake of S 3, 1917, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 45, 1917, pp. 556-558. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; Nat. Geog. Soc; Pres. Men's Club of Congr. Church; Mankato Social Sc. Club; Trustee Mankato Congr. Church; Fellow, Am. Geog. Soc; Dir. Nat. Council Geog.; Pres., Minn. Assn. of Geog. Teachers; Pres., Minneapolis Geog. Teachers' Assn. Married Gertrude Maude Johnston, D 27, 1903, Ft. Smith, Ark. Children: Chesley Johnston, b. Je 12, 1906; Alice Margaret, and Rollin Ben- nett, b, Je 10, 1907. Address, 124 State St., S. E. Minneapolis; bus. add., 205 Pillsbury Hall, Univ. of Minn., do. 1393. WILLIAM EMILIUS PRAEGER Professor; B. S.; b. S 10, 1863, Belfast, Ire.; s. William (b. 1835, The Hague, Holland) and Maria (Patterson) Praeger (b. 1840, Belfast, Ire.). Prepared in Univ. Coll. Sch., London, Eng. M. S.. Univ. of Chicago, 1903. Nat. Hist. Soc. Counsellor, Grad. Schs., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1904. Teaching and lecturing; Teacher, Streator Tp. H. S.; Lecturer, Univ. Exten., LTniv. of Chicago; Prof., Deseret Summer Inst., Ut. Auth. of sundry papers on biological and educ. subjects. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; mem., Mich. Acad, of Sc; Pres., 1911-12; Am. Breed- ers Assn.; Mich. Schoolmasters Club, V. P.; I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni 135 Assoc. Mem., Am. Ornithologist's Union; Bot. Soc. of Am.; Geol. See. Married Fanny F. Birge, O 2, 1889, Keokuk. Children: Wini- fred, b. D 6, 1890; Rosamond, b. My 17, 1894; William Emil, b. Ag 12, 1901. Address, Kala- mazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich. 1394- ANNA MAY PRICE Sec, 111. Lib. Exten. Com.; B. L. S.; b. Danville, 111.; d. Francis May Wilson (b. 1842, Portfmouth, Eng.) and Ruth Amelia (Bow- man) Price (b. 1846, N. Y. City). Prepared in Champaign H. S. A. B., Univ. of Neb.; A. M., Univ. of S. Dak. Organizer of Lib., Univ. of S. Dak., 1900; Asst. Libn., do., 1900-1; Sec, Univ. of S. Dak., 1901; Head Libn. do. 1901- 5; Asst. Prof., Lib. Econ., Univ. of 111., 1905- 12; Sec, III. Lib. Exten. Com., 1914 — . Sec, S. Dak. St. Lib. Assn., 1904-5. Auth. : Special Lib. Training. Piib. Libs., Vol. xiv, O 1, 1911. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae. Address, St. House, Springfield, 111. 139s. HELEN LOUISE PRICE (Sister of No. 1949) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja i, 1872, Blooming- ton, 111.; d. Edward Llewellyn (b. Ap 15, 1842, Urbana, O.) and Emmeliiie Margaret (Mit- chell) Price (b. Ag 28, 1849, Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Organ- izing Libs., in Clinton, 111., 1900; Covington, Ky., 1901; Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1901; Lib. Blue Island, 111., Pub. Lib., 1902-4; Libn., T. B. Scott Free Lib., Merrill, Wis., 1905-8; Teacher, Eng., H. S., Butte, Mont., 1908-13; Libn., Oregon City Free Lib., Oregon City, Ore., 1913-14; Field Instr., Mich. Lib. Comn., 191 5-16; Libn.. Univ. H. S.. Oakland, Calif., 1916 — . Address, 5355 Boyd Ave., Oakland, Calif. 1396. *ARTHUR CLIFFORD QUISEN- BERRY Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 22, 1878, Lincoln, 111.; s. Arthur (b. Ag 29, 1835, Hop- kinsville. 111.) and Polly (Burt) Quisenberry (b. S 18, 1840, Armington, Tazewell Co., 111.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. and Lincoln LIniv. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. Head Bookkeeper, Lincoln Nat. Bank, 1900-10; Treas., Logan Co., 1910; Pres. Elector, 1914. Married Lillian Faye Kelly, D 24, 1002, Irving, 111. Children: Arthur Milton, b. S 27, 1903; Robert Clifford, b. F 13, 191 1. Died Ag 28, 1916, Lincoln, 111. 1397. GUY RICHARDSON RADLEY Elec Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 10, 1878, Earlville, 111.; s. William and Susie Alice (Richardson) Radley. Prepared in Sandwicli H. S. and E. Aurora H. S. M. and E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Ed., Technograph. Ap- prentice with Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Lt. Co., 1900-2; Foreman Meter and Testing Dept., 1902-4; Asst. Supt., Testing dept., 1904-6; De- signing Elec. Engr., Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., 1906 — . Invented Elec. Lamp for Meter Read- ing — Pat., 1909; Patented method of protecting meters against tampering, 1909; two patents on elec. vehicle controllers, 1914; patent on auto- matic vacuum control, 1915; patent pending on eliminating flicker on motion pictures. Lt., Indus. Naval Reserve; Engng. duties at Cutler- Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwuakee. , Auth.: Cml. Meters, Technograph, 1902. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E., Internat. Elec. Cong.; ist Pres., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. of Milwaukee; Pres.. Mil- waukee Motion Picture Comn., 1913; Mem., City Club of Milwaukee, 1912; CJrand Ave. Congr. Church; Deacon, do.; Advising Com., Nat. Bd. of Review of Motion Pictures. Mar- ried Delia Geroy Converse, Je 10, 1908, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Child, Jane Converse, b. Je 15, 1910. Address, 1921 Cedar St., Milwaukee. ' 1398. NEAL DANIEL REARDON (Brother of Nos. 3149, 3150, 4377) Professor; A. B.; b. D 7, 1872, Boynton, III.; s. Bryan (b. Jl 14, 1835) and Annie (Fleming) Reardon (b. N 22, 1842). Pre- pared in Delavan H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1908; A. M., 191 1. Adelphic; Orat. Assn.; Eng. Club.; Jr. Hatchet Orat.; Pres., Illini Bd.; Wis. -111. debating team; Sr. Class Pres. Teacher, H. S., De- catur, 1900-2; U. S. Internal Revenue Officer, 1902-6; Univ. of Colo. Coll. of Law, 1906-7; N. W. Coll. of Law, 1907-8; Lawyer, 1908; Prof., Creighton Univ., 19:3 — . Auth.: Pamphlet, What is a Political Offense, and the Practice of the U. S. in that Respect (Internat. Law); Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Tustice, His Letter of The Star Spangled Banner, Creighton Chronicle, D, 1915; Life and Letters of Chief Justice Taney, do., Ap, 1916. Address, Delavan, III. 1399. ADELE COOPER REED (SCOTT) B. L. S.; b. Osage; d. H. O. and Abby M. (Schlosser) Cooper. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Married James Brown Scott, S i, 1901, Cham- paign. Address, 1201 19th St., VVashington, D. C. 1400. FREDERICK WILLIAM REIMERS Pres. and Supt., Lumber Co., B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 7, 1878, Rock Island, 111.; s. John J. (b. Ger.) and Mary A. (Denkmann) Reimers (b. Rock Island, III.). Prepared in Rock Island and Evanston H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon. Gen. Supt. and V. P., Peoples Power C,o.; Moline, Rock Island Mfg. Co.; United Lt. and Power Co., 1900-14; Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Tralalbany Lumber Co., Ham- mond, La., 1914 — . Mem., A. I. E. E.; Moline Club; Rock Island Club; Davenport Cml. Club; Davenport- Outing Club; 32d degree Mason. Married Julia Fay Warren, S 20, 1905. Chil- dren: Warren Denkmann, b. Je 7, 1910; Marietta, b. Ap 2, 1913; Frederick, b. Mr 28, 1917. Address, Hammond, La. 1401. EDWARD MELVILLE RHODES Lawyer; LL. B. ; B. S., 1912; M. S., 1913; b. Ag 10, 1866, Bloomington, 111.; s. Aaron Payne (b. Ap 18, 1834, do.) and Martha Mary (Cox) Rhodes (b. Ag 9, 1834, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Valparaiso, Ind., 1887. B. C, Evergreen City Bus. Coll., Bloomington, 111., 1886. Agr. Club; Chief Justice, Lincoln Club Court. Lawyer, Champaign, 1900-7; Stud., 1907-13; Lawyer, 1913 — . Married Amilia Gates, S 23, 1899, Bloomington, 111. Address, 304-5 Lincoln Bldg., Champaign. 1402. RAYMOND GRAVER RICKER Missionary and Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 22, 1878, Grinnell, la.; s. Rufus (b. Ag 12, 1849, Davenport, la.) and Hattie Jane (Graver) Ricker (b. O 21, 1854, Greensburg, Ind.). Prepared in Harvey H. S. M. A., Columbia, 1913; B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1913. Y. M. C. A.; Arch. Club; Stud. Volun- teer Band. Arch., Moline and Rock Island, 1900-4; Mem., R. I., Y. M. C. A., Bd. ol Dirs., 1903; Appointed Miss., Fzechow, W. China, by Bd. Foreign Missions, M. E. Church, 1904; Teacher, Chengtu, M. E. Mission H. S., 1907; Dist. Supt., M. E. Mission, 1908-9; Stud., Drew Theol. Sem., and grad. stud., Columbia, 1910-13; Appointed Supt, Const., Univ. Chengtu, W. (Thina, by Bd. of governors of W. China Union Univ. ; leave of absence tc U. S. A., 1916. Mem., N. J. Conf. M. E. Church; Canadian M. E. Mission, 1913 — . Married Frances H. Hitchcock, Ja 20, 1908, Tzechow, W. China (died Jl 7, 1016); E. Maude Sweetman, Mr 19, 1918, Penghsien, W. China Address, 69 Greenwood Ave., Madison, N. J. bus. add., (Chengtu, W. China. 136 University of Illinois [1900 1403. ERNEST THOMPSON ROBBINS Farm Mgr. ; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 27, 1878, Payson, 111.; s. Daniel Ellsworth (b. D 7, 1843, Payson, III.) and Anna Campbell (Thompson) Robbins (b. Ja 3, 1844, do.). Prepared in Payson H. S. Philomathean; Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Winner of Hazelton Medal; Valedictorian; Ed. and Bus. Mgr., ///. Agri- culturist. Farmer and Stock Raiser, 1900-5; Asst., Dept. An. Husb., la. St. Coll., 1905-9; M. S. A., la. St. Coll., 1907; Assoc. Ed., The Breeder's Gasetle, My i, 1909-13; Prof., Zootechnics, Chicago Vet. Coll., 1909-13; farm adviser, Tazewell Co., Ill, 1913-18; farm mgr., 1918 — . Mem., Woodlawn Park Presby. churcli, Chicago; Saddle and Sirloin Club, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Auth. : various buls. relating to An. Husb., etc.; all articles in The Breed- er's Gasette, 1909, signed "E. T. R."; besides various unsigned editorials. Married Ida IMae Folkrod, O 26, 1904, Quincv, 111. Children: Helen Peabody, b. N 21, 1905; Mary Ida, b. Ja 31, 191 1. Address, Payson, 111. 1404. LLOYD SILAS ROBERTSON Veterinary Insp. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 2, 1876; s. Silas and Alida (Alexander) Robert- son. Prepared in Palatine H. S. Alpha Zeta. M. D. C, Chicago Vet. Coll., 1909. Rancher, 1906; Vet. Insp., Dept. of Agr., 1906 — . Ad- dress, Carlisle, Ark.f 1405. CARL JOHN FREDERICK ROCIIOW Physician; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 17, 1877, Davenport, la.; s. Carl (b. D 26, 1850, Perle- berg, Prussia) and Amelia (Denkmann) Rochow (b. N 20, 1852. la.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903- Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Interne Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hosp., Chicago, 1903-4; pvt. practice. Rock Island,. 111., 1904- 7; Asst. Physician, Lincoln St. Sch. and Colony, Lincoln, 111., 1907-9; Stud, and Asst., Univ. Freiburg, Ger., 1909-10; Asst., Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, Gottingen Univ., 1910-11; Phys., Rock Island, 111., 191 1 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; Rock Island Co., Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; German Lutheran Church; B. P. O. E. Married Margit Janssen, 1907, Chicago. Address, 1612 22d St., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., 305 Robinson Bldg., do. 1406. ARTHUR Z. ROE Lawyer; LL. B.; h. Jl 18, 1878, Vandalia. II!.; s. Ezekiel (b. 1851, Fayette Co., 111.) and Nancy Jane (Browning) Roe (b. My 17, 1851, do.). Prepared in \'andalia H. S. LL. B., No. Ind. Norm. Sch., 1898. Lawyer; Dem. Rep., Gen. Assembly, 1913 — . Married Claribel Grigg, Je i, 1905, Greenville, 111. (died Ap 27, 191 1 ). Address, Vandalia, 111. 1407. MARTHA DEETTE R(H.FE (Daughter of No. 14; Sister of Nos. 1759, 1957. 3525) B. S. in Sc; A. M., 1904; b. Jl 11, 1879, Kankakee, 111.; d. Charles Wesley ('72) (b. Ap 17, 1850, Arlington Heights, 111.) and Martha Kinsman (Farley) Rolfe (b. My 8, 1849, Bos- ton). Prepared in Urbana, H. S.; LIniv. Acad. Taught in Champaign H. S., 1901 ; Decatur, 1901-2; 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111., 1905-8; Prof., Physiog., do., 1908-10; Grad. stud., Bryn Mawr, 1914-15; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916. Address, 601 E. John St., Cham- paign. 1408. ELBERT MALLARY ROWLAND Editor; LL. B.; b. Je 27, 1877, Noble, 111.; s. Elbert (b. Ap 20, 1832, N. Y. City) and Kate D. (Mallary) Rowland (b. Ap 28, 1844, Bridge port. Conn.). Prepared in Oliiey H. S. Var- sity track team. Served in Spanish-Am. War, 1898-9, 4th 111. Volunteer Inf. Married Jes- sie M. Bliss, Je 8, 1904. Child, Elbert Sands, h. D 12, 1908. Address, Mt. Carmel, Ill.t 1409. EDNA ALMIRA RUGG (HUBBARD) (Wife of No. 958) A. B.; b. My 16, 1878, Hamilton, N. Y. ; d. Martin LcBaron (b. S 5, 1849, Chester, Vt.) and Lillie Anzoletta (Moseley) Rugg (b. Mr 22, 1856, Eaton, N. Y.). Prepared in Seattle (Wash.) H. S.; Willamette Univ. Acad. 4.. B., Portland LTniv., 1898. Eng. Club; won De- clamation Contest and Orat. Contest, 1900. Prof., Eng. Lit., Shurtleif Coll., Upper Alton, 111., 1900-10. Mem., Baptist Church; Woman's Club; A. C. A. Married George David Hubbard ('96), S 10, 1901, Urbana. Children: Ruth, b. S 22, 1902; Oscar Edwin, b. N 14, 1903; Dorothy Hope, b. O 6, 1909; Marjorie Helen, b. Jl 24, 1913. Address, 125 Woodland Ave., Oberlin, O. 141 o. CHARLES A. RYBURN A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 15, 1876, Heyworth, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Ap 21, 1845. Harrison Co., O.) and Helen (Herington) Ryburn (b. F 20, 1847, Hillsdale Co., Mich.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Prill., Marion H. S., 1901-3. Ad- dress, Heyworth, Ill.t 141 1. LOUIS BYRON SAFFER Lawyer and Abstractor; LL. B.; b. Ap 4, 1870, Harrison Co., Mo; s. Louis B. (b. 111.) and Rebecca J. (Reno) Saffer (b. do.). Prepared in Browning H. S.; West Norm. Coll. Dir., Am. Defense .Soc; Capt., I'rbana Co. 130. Mem., U. R. K. P.; Trinity M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Luella A. Meadows, Jl 21, 1897. Children: Rex Eugene, b. Jl 9, 1900; Louis Byron, Jr., b. My 27, 1905. Address, 911 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., loi W. Main St., Urbana. 141 2. EDWARD BRIGHAM SAFFORD Farmer; B. S.; b. Je 14, 1880, Sycamore, III. Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Phi Lambda Up- silon. Chemist (Anal.) 1900-3; Chemist (Prac.) 1903-6; Farmer, 1906 — . Married Edna May Hammond, My 31, 1905, DeKalb, 111. Child, Edward Hammond, b. Mr 16, 1908. Address, R. 3, Sycamore, 111. 1413. DELIA CLEORA SANFORD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 19, 1878, Platte- ville. Wis.; d. Henry Clay (b. 1836) and Mary (Greene) Sanford (b. 1835). Prepared in St. Norm. Sch., Platteville, Wis. Kapjia Kappa Gamma. Asst. Cataloger, Univ. of Cincinnati Lib., 1901-2; Cataloger, Davenport Pub. Lib., 1903-4; la. St. Univ. Lib., 1904-5; Classifier, Univ. of Wis., 1905 — . Address, Univ. of Wis. Lib., Madison, Wis. 1414. IDA ESTELLE SAWYER (TAIT) ■ B. L. S.; b. D 30, 1873. Ancona, 111.; d. Lewis Manville (b. 1837 Waverly, N. Y.) and Salanda (Moon) Sawyer (b. 1836, Livingston Co., 111.). Ph. B., N. W. Univ., 1896. Kappa Alpha Theta. Asst., Field Columbian Mus. Lib. 1900; Cataloger, N. W. Univ. Lib., 1900- 2; Ref. Libn., Univ. of la., Iowa City, 1902-4. Mem., Presby Church; D. A. R. Married William G. Tait, Je 14, 1905. Evanston, 111. Child, Jane Elizabeth, b. Ap 2, 1916. Address, Medford, Ore. 1415. PETER PHILIP SCHAEFER (Brother of No. 3954) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 6, 1873, Millersburg, Bond Co., 111.; s. Philip (b. Jl 24, 1832, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Heil) Schaefer (b. Ap 22, 1841, St. Louis). Prepared in West Union Sch., Carlyle, 111.; Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Firm of Schaefer and Dolan, Lawyers. Mem., I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni 137 44th and 45th Gen. Assem. of III.; C. O. of F.; Knights of Columbus; Tribe of Ben Hur; B. P. O. E.; Iro(iuois Club, Chicago. Married Kathleen Slattery, My i, 1912. Galesburg, 111. Address, 512 S. Elm St., Champaign. 141 6. EDWARD JOHN SCHNEIDER Contracting Mgr.; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. My 27, 1875, Pontiac, 111.; s. John Evangelist (b. Wurteraburg, Ger. ) and Theresa (Zeph) Schneider. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, C. W. I. R. R., Chicago, 1900; Pa.xton and Vierling Iron Works, 1900-1; Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, 1901-2; Con- tracting Engr., Am. Bridge Co., N. Y. City, 1902-3; Contr. Agt., Chicago, 1903-4; Contr. Mgr., Am. Bridge Co. of N. Y., Kansas City, Mo., 1904-7; do., San Francisco, 1907-11; U. S. Steel Products Co., Bridge and Struct. Dept., Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, 191 1 — . Mem., Presby. Church; K. T.; West. Soc. Engrs. ; A. S. C. E. Married May Kelley, D 26, 1906, Kanasas City Mo. Children: Ruth, b. Jl 4. 1908, Berkeley, Calif.; Edward John Jr.. b. F 15, 1914. Address, 609 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco. 1417. BENJAMIN HARRISON SCUDDER Professor; A. B. ; b. My 16, 1871, Greenfield, Ind.; s. Stephen (b. D 25, 1832, Butler Co., O.) and Emeline (Whitehead) Scudder (b. Ag 17, 1835, do.}. Prepared in Common Sclis. Ph. M., Chicago, 1901. Tendered Fellowship, Chi- cago. Sc. of Teaching; Prof., Govt, and Hist.. Tempe Norm. Sch. of Ariz.; Supt., Union H. and Grade Sch., Tempe, Ariz.; Prof., Educ, Miami Univ., Oxford, O. Auth.: Educational Sociology (text) in preparation. Pres., Ariz. Teachers' Assn. Married Rebecca Mugg. Ag 4, 1895. Center, Ind. Children: Virginia Elizabeth Kathreen, b. My 4, 1898; Nita Emmeline, b. Jl 10, 1900; Rebecca Lucile, b. Ag 19, 1904; Nona May, b. My 16, 1909. Address, Miami Univ., Oxford, O. 1418. MINNIE EARL SEARS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. LaFayette, Ind. Head Cataloger, Bryn Mawr, 1903-7; LTniv. of Minn. Lib., 1909-14; First Asst., Reference Catalogue Div., N. Y. Pub. Lib., 1914 — . Auth.: (with I. G. Mudge) A Thackeray Dictionary, 304 pp., (jeorge Routledge and Sons, 1910. Address, 476 5th Ave., N. Y. City. 1419. BLANCHE M. SEELY Librarian; B. L. S. Undergrad. work in Univ. of Minn. Libn., in charge of Pillsbury Branch, Minneapolis Pub. Lib. Address, 116 W. 25th St., Minneapolis; bus. add.. Pub. Lib., Minneapolis. 1420. MABEL CLAIRE SHRUM (TILLEY) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 13, i88i, Man- hattan, Kan.; d. Henry Sylvan and Mary (Graham) Shrum. Prepared in Union H. S., Lajunta, Colo.; Univ. of Colo. Libn., Colo. Sch. of Mines, Golden, Colo., 1902-13; Libn., Seattle Pub. Lib., Seattle, 1913 — . Married George Stephen Tilley, 1913. Address, Sum- merland, Calif. 1421. ROY HARLEY SLOCUM (Brother of No. 2248) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1910; b. O 16, 1876, Loda, 111.; s. Pardon Egbert (b. Jl 27, 1853, Kewanee, III.) and Clara Elizabeth (Har- ley) Slocum (b. Ap 21, 1857, Hopedale, la.). Prepared in Rice Coll. Inst., Paxton, 111. C. E. Club, Pres. Rodman. Pa. R. R., 1900; Asst., T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1900-1; Instr., do.. 1901-5; do., M. & S. E., 1905-6; Assoc, do.. 1906-7; Prof., C. E., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1907—. Auth.: Diagrams for L^se in the Design of Drainage Ditches and Other Conduits, 191 1. Mem., Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ; N. Dak. Soc. Engrs.; West. Soc. Engrs.; M. W. A.; 32d degree Scottish Rite. Married Edith Charlotte Fowler, S i, 1910, Fargo, N. Dak. Address, 1034 nth St. N., Fargo, N. Dak. 1422. GEORGE RUSSELL SMITH (Brother of No. 1275) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 18, 1875, Dryden, N. Y.; s. George Russell (Carlton, N. Y.) and Elizabeth Ellen (Hutchinson) Smith (Gaines, do.). Prepared in Lewis Acad., Wichita, Kan. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Draftsman and Designer, Lake Shore R. R., C. R. I. & P. R. R., 1900-1; with Chis- holm, Boyd & White Co., Chicago, 1901-2; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1902; Designer, Am. Brake Shoe Co., 1903-5; Asst. Chief Draftsman, Indus. Works, Bay City, Mich., 1905 — ■• Married Anna Hamet, Je 19, 1916. Address, 1501 4th St., Bay City, Mich. 1423. WILLIAM WALTER SMITH Concrete Specialist; A. B. in L. & A.; B. S. in C. E., 1907; s. Geo. W. and Mary Elizabeth (Oglesby) Smith. Prepared in Homer H. S. Philomathean; Class Football team; Rifle team; Ed., I Hint; Hatchet Orat. Literary work; Engng.; Building grain ele- vators, Buenos Aires, 1918 — . Address, Broad- lands, Ill.t 1424. HARVEY ALLEN SOVERHILL V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Locomotive Works; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1906; b. S 27, 1876, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. Samuel G. (b. 1836, Newark, N. Y.) and Laura (Couch) Soverhill (b. 1842, Tiskilwa, 111.). ^ Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. E. Socs. Draftsman and Designer; Supt., Root and Van Dervoort Engng. Co., 1903-10; Gen. Supt., do., 1910-17; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Davenport Locomotive Works, Davenport, la., 1918 — . Naval Militia, Ensign, Moline, one yr. Auth.: Article, Test of ten H. P. Gasoline Engine, Engng. Record, 1900. Mem., A. F. A. M.; The Moline Club; A. S. M. E.; V. P., Moline Auto Co., 1905 — . Married Ethel Derwent Payne, Ap 14, 1904, Beloit, Wis. Children: Harvey Allen, Jr., b. Ap 19, 1906; Elizabeth, b. D 24, 1908. Address, 623, 23d St., Moline, 111. 1425. BENJAMIN BENTON STAKEMILLER Civ. Engr. and Mun. Contr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 25, 1875, Sterling, 111.; s. Jacob and Levina (Strickler) Stakemiller. Prepared in Sterling H. S. C. E. Club; Asst. Ed., Illio; Mgr., niini; Asst. Ed., Technograph. U. S. Jr. Engr., Charge of Const., 111. and Miss. Canal, 1900-2; Res. Engr. Const. Big Four R. R., 1002-4; Res. Engr., Const, and Engr. M. of W. 111. Terminal R. R., 1905: Asst. Engr., Mo. Pac. R. R., St. Louis, 1905-6; Civ. Engr. and Mun. Contr., 1906 — . Married Rose Wellington Basse, O 10, 1907, Alton, 111. Address, Hotel Madison, .Alton, 111.; bus. add., 315 Com- merce Bldg., do. 1426. ADAM JULIUS STROHM Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 16, 1870; s. John and Ida (Vettervik) Strohm. Prepared in Venersborg (Sweden) H. S. B. A., Univ. of LTpsala, Sweden, 1888. Alpha Tau Omega. Libn., Armour Inst., Chicago, 1900-1; do.. Pub. Lib., Trenton, N. J., 1901-11; Asst. Libn., Pub. Lib., Detroit, 1911-13; Libn., do., 1913 — . Camp Libn., Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., ,Qi8 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Acanthus Club; Bd. of Commerce Recreation Comn.; Ingleside Club; Boat Club: Rotary Club. Mar- ried Cecilia B. McConnel, O 30, 1902, Win- netka. 111. Children: Harriet, b. S 11, 1903; John, b. Ag 8, 1904. Address, 138 Burlii* game Ave.. Detroit. 138 University of Illinois [igoo 1427- FRANK ASBURY STROUT Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 25, 1871 Rochelle, 111.; s. W. H. (b. 1826, N. VVaterboro, Me.) and E. F. (Simpson) Strout (b. 1834, Elizabeth City, N. C). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Drafting^ igoi; Gasoline Eng. Testing, 1902; Gasoline Eng. Expert and Erector, 1904; Drafting, 1904-7. Address, Kaiiua, Hawaii, T. H. 1428. HARRY ROBERTS TEMPLE (Husband of No. 1547) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Byron, 111.; s J. H. (b. Petersburg, Pa.) and Mary E. (Roberts) Temple (b. Lancaster, do.). Pre- pared in Byron H. S. Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A. Spencer & Temple, 1900 — ; now 11. R. Temple. Arch, ist Lt., Air Service, 490th Sqdn., A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, F 1919. Mar- ried Stacia Livingston ('01), D 26, 1901. Ad- dress, 1113 W. Church St., Champaign. 1429. GEORGE HENRY THOMPSON (Brother of Nos. 1781, 2266) Dept. Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 2, 1876, Warrensburg, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1837, Alden, N. Y.) and Mary G. (Langston) Thompson (b. 1843, 111.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Acad. LL. B., John IMarshall Law Sell., Chicago. Mem., First Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1904-7- Dept. Mgr., Armour Glue Works. Married Lettie Threlkeld, Ja 8, 1910. Child, Helen, b. N 24, 1910. Address, 2121 E. 92d PL, Chicago. 1430. JOHN CHARLES THORPE Pres., Motor Co.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 17, 1879, Urbana; s. James (b. D 21, 1848, Peter- boro, Eng.) and Frances Rebecca (Webber) Thorpe (b. Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; M. E., Univ. of Mich., 1903. Baseball squad, four yrs. ; Glee and Mandolin Club; Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Epsilon. Mech. Engr., Testing Dept., C. B. & R. R., 1900-2; Instr., Univ. of Mich., 1902-3; Prof., M. E., Univ. of Wash- ington, 1903-5; Asst. to Mech. Engr., Sargent & Lundy, Wash., 1905-6; Asst. Prof., Steam Engn^., Univ. of 111., 1906-10; Pres., 111. Motor Car Co., 1910 — ; Gen. Dir., Nat. Automobile Trade Assn., 19 16-17. Auth.: Value of Testing Dept. in R. R. Service, Technograph; Method of Conducting Locomotive Tests, Univ. of Mich., Technique ; The Engineer, a Gentle- man, The Univ. of Wash. Wave; several articles in Horseless Age, 191 7. Mem., Baptist Church; A. S. M. E.; Pac. N. W. Soc. of Engrs.; West. R. R. Club. Married Carrie Belle Bulles. F 6, 1906, Aurora, 111. Children: Marion, b. N 26, 1904; George, b. Je 19, 1906; Jean, b. O 11, 1909. Address, 407 E. Main St., Urbana; bus. add., 206 E. Main St., do. 1431. CHARLES WESLEY TOOKE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 21, 1870, S. Onondaga, N. Y. Prepared in Franklin Acad.. Malone, N. Y. A. B., Syracuse Univ., 1891; A. M. do., 1893. Psi Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. Stud., Hist, and Politics. Cornell Univ., 1893-4; Fellow, Adm. Law, Columbia, 1894-5; Prof., Pub. Law and Adm., Univ. of 111., 1895-1900; Prof., Law, 1900-2; Practicing law, Syracuse, N. Y., 1902 — . Auth.: LTniformity in Mun. Finance; (Constitutional Limitations on Mun. Indebtedness; Compensation for Mun. Franch- ises; Financial Hist, of the Danish West Indies; Constitution of 111. Annotated. Mem., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Fellow, Am. Econ. Assn.; Fellow, Am. Statistical Assn. Married Sara I-ouise Weeks, 1902, Syracuse, N. Y. Child, Charles Merriam, b. My 29, 1906. Address, Syracuse, N. Y.f 1432. JOHN HOWARD TREVETT Banker; LL. B.; b. Te 14, 1878, Champaign; s. John R. (b. 1854, Chicago,) and Helen M. (Lennington) Trevett (b. 1856, O.). Prepared m LTniv. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Kpsilon; Asst. Mgr., Baseball team. Clerk with Trevett, Mattis and Abcll, Huron, S. Dak.; Cashier, Trevett, Mattis & Baker, Investment I'.ankers, Beatrice, Neb.; Min.. Cripple Creek, Colo.; Dir., Trevett, Mattis Banking Co., Champaign; Dir. and Sec, Trevett, Mattis Banking Co., Champaign. Married Flora Tay- lor Flower, S 2, 191 1, Chicago. Address, 107 S. Prospect, Champaign. 1433. WALTER SIMEON TYLER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 13, 1877, Joliet, 111.; s. S. S. and L. B. (Towne) Tyler. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Glee and Mandolin Club; Engng. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Asst. Ed., Technograph. Supt., The Lambert Co., Elec. Supplies, Chicago, 1902-4; Supt., Matrix Dept. Am. Graphophone Co., 1905 — . Married Elsie M. Taylor, Mr 9, 1901, Chicago. Child, Walter S., Jr., b. My I, 1903. Address, 125 Carleton Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 1434. CHESTER STYVESTER VAN BRUNDT Broker; LL. B.; b. F 16, 1878, Deers, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Dark Co., O.) and Rachel Belle (Sampson) Van Brundt (b. Tippecanoe, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Practice of Law and Banking, Eldora, Colo., 190 1-3; Min., Lewiston, Idaho, 1903-4; Real Est. and Ins. Brokerage, North Yakima, Wash., 1905-8; V. P., Lish Land Co.; Ins. Broker, 1908-11; Asst. Mgr., Calif., and Nev., Am. Surety Co., of N. Y., San Francisco; Mgr., Fidelity and Se- curity Dept. of Aetna Accident and Liability Co., Los Angeles; Surety Bond and Ins. Broker, Los Angeles, 1914 — . Married Lillian Mabel Orcutt, Ag 12, 1903, Lewiston, Idaho. Address, 701 Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg., Los .\ngeles. 1435. SETH FIELDS VAN PATTEN Teacher; A. B.; b. Jl 5, 1873, Steward, 111.; s. Cornelius Fred (b. Ja 6, 1826, N. Y.) and Mary Jane (Young) Van Patten (b. Mr 15, 1839, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adel- phic; Y. M. C. A. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Calif., 1901; Traveling till S 1901; Teacher, Los Angeles, 1001-02; Orange, 1902-03; Escandido. 1903-04; Ventura, 1904-07; So. Pasadena, 1907- 10; Los Angeles, 1910 — . Mem., Congr. Church; V. P., So. Calif. Alumni Assn., 19 17. Married Lenora B. Thompson, S 2, 1903. Child- ren: Donald Thompson, b. S 19, 1904; Dorothy Lucile, b. Je 15, 1906; James Maxwell and Margaret Evelyn, b. Ja "13, 1911 (Margaret died Ag 12, 1911). Address, 1122 Milan St., S. Pasadena, Calif.f 1436. MARIE L. WALDO (TAYLOR) B. S.; b. F 8, 1870, Philo, 111.; d. George Doane (b. Nunda, N. Y.) and Anna Ellen Funston Waldo (b. Funstonville, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Teacher, Biol., DeKalb H. S., 1900-2; Asst. Ref. Libn. Univ. of 111., 1903-4; Libn. St. Lab., Nat. Hist., Univ. of 111., 1904-5; Agr. Exten., Univ. of Colo., Tucson, Ariz. Married Estes Park Taylor, S 27, 190S, Champaign. Ad- dress, Tucson, Ariz. 1437. CAROLINE WANDELL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Oswego Co., N. Y.; d. Harvey Wandell (b. S 1831. Onondaga Co., N. Y.) and Phebe (Baker) Wandell (b. F 1838, Oswego Co.. N. Y.). Prepared in Phoenix H. S., New York, and in Albany, N. Y. Norm. I goo] Baccalaureate Alumni 139 Coll. Lib. Organizer, Oxford, N. Y., 1900; Newark, N. Y.. 1901; Govenieur, N. Y., 1901; Head Cataloger and Instr., Lib. Sc, Univ. of Te.x., 1901-1902; Libn., Houston Carnegie Lib., Houston, Tex., 1902-4; Branch Libn., Brook- lyn Pub. Lib., 1904-s; Cataloger, Univ. of Ore. Lib.. 1906-7; Seattle Pub. Lib., 1907; Instr., Cataloging, Syracuse Univ. Lib. Sch., 1907 — . Address, Phoenix, Oswego Co., N. Y.t 1438. WILLARD OTIS WATERS Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Je 9, 1871, Benzonia, Mich.; s. Otis Bird (b. Ag 3, 1830, Orville, N. Y.) and Martha Ann Hasseltine (BHss) Waters (b. D IS, 1837, Savoy, Mass.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Benzonia (Mich.) Coll. A. B., Benzonia Coll., 1896. Y. M. C. A.; Lib. and German Clubs. Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1900- 2; Asst., Catalog Div., Lib. of Cong., 1902-9; First Asst., Div. of Bibliog., do., 1909-13; Asst. in charge of Am. Hist. Section Catalog Div., do., 1913 — . Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc; Am. Lib. Assn.; Trustee, Noyes Lib., Kensington, Md., 1917 — ; Sec, Dist. of Columbia Lib. Assn., 1907-8. Married Bessie Rorick Bennett, D 26, 191 1, Detroit. Address, Kensington, Md. 1439. OTTO CHARLES WEHRSTEDT Manufacturer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 25, 1877, Bloomington, 111.; s. Charles Henry (b. Ja 22. 1850, Gr. Rhiiden, Ger.) and Rosine (Schlegel) Wehrstedt (b. F 28, 1852, Honau, Wurtenberg, Ger.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Mfr. of watch jewels with C. H. Wehrstedt, 1901 — . Mem.. A. F. A. M.; Worshipful Master, 1912; R. A. M. Address, Winnetka, Ill.t 1440. ADOLPH HENRY WESEMANN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 2, 1877, LaGrange, 111.; s. William (b. LaGrange, 111.) and Emma (Rathe) Wesemann (b. Addison, do.). Pre- pared in Walther Coll., St. Louis. Mem., Evang. Lutheran Church. Married Minnie Blum, Je 5, 1901, Collinsville, 111. Children: Adolph, Jr.; Theodore W. Address, 16 Wood- lawn Ave., LaGrange, Ill.t 1441. MABEL GAY WEST Librarian; B. L. S.; d. Owen A. and Emeline (Chalmers) West. Prepared by pvt. work. B. L., Knox Coll. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Lib. Organizer, igoo-5; Libn., St. Norm., Valley City, N. Dak., 1905-11; Ore. Norm. Sch., Mon- mouth, Ore., 1912 — . Address, Monmouth, Ore. 1442. RAYMOND SLY WILEY (Brother of No. 2284) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. O s, 1878, Rockbridge, 111.; s. Benjamin D. (b. Md., 1850) and Josephine Matilda (Carson) Wiley, (b. 1854, Cleveland). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. ist Lt., Univ. Regt., 1899-1900; Track Team, 1898-9; Holder of Discus Record, 1899-1903. Struct. Engr. and Chief Draftsman, R. H. Hunt, Arch. Married Riuby J. Wiley, Ag 26, 1902. Address, c/o Hunt & Burns, Archs., Los Angeles. t 1443. LUCY BERTHA ELY WILLCOX (WALLACE) B. L. S.: b. My 18, 1873, Jersey City, N. J.; d. Giles Buckingham (b. Ag 7, 1826, New York, N. Y.) and Mary Jane (Cooley) Will- cox (b. D 17, 1835, ToUond, Conn.). Prepared in Chicago West Div. H. S. ; Wellesley Coll. Watcheka; Glee Club; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Loan Desk Asst., Univ. Lib., 1900-1. Married Joseph Davis Wallace, S 12, 1901, Chicago. Child, Stanton Willcox, b. Jl 5, 1907. Ad- dress, 1629 Washington Blvd., Chicago. 1444- CLIFFORD WILLIS Editor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1906; b. Jl 13, 1870, Wapella, III.; s. John William (b. Jl 10, 1842) and Danelia Wilden (Sayre) Willis i°- ^7 Ur' '847)- Prepared in Hey worth H. S.; 111., Wesleyan Univ.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Alpha Zeta. Taught Math., Champaign II S 1900-1; Prin., Urbana H. S., 1901-3; Instr., Soil Phys., Coll. Agr. and Exp. Sta., 1903-8- Prof., Agron. and Supt., Substation, S. Dak. St. Coll., 1908-10; Ed. and Mgr., Orange Judd Northwest Farmstead, 1910 — . Auth. • Buls Progress Variety Tests of Oats; do.. Barley (with Bopp); Report Highmore Sub. Sta.; (with Potter) Corn; (with Bopp) Alfalfa; (with Champlm) Progress in Grain Investigations; (with Bopp) Alkali Soils; (with Burlison) Wheat Investigations. Mem., Minneapolis Pub- licity Club. Married Annie Laurie Perkins, O I. 1891, Heyworth, 111. Address, 602 Oneida Bldg., Minneapolis. 1445. HARVEY EDGERTON WOOD Lawyer; A. B.; b. Ap 2, 1876, Elwood, 111.; s William Wallace and Clara (Edgerton) Wood. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Delta lau Delta. Mayor, Joliet, 1913-15; Asst. Dir., finances of the War Camp Community Service for the Comns. on training camp activities. Married Blanche Lindsay, Je 30, 1902, Onarga, 111. Children: Frances, b. N 27, 1905; Warren Lindsay, b. F 5, 1910. Address, 8ig Oneida St., Johet, 111.; bus. add., Joliet Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 1446. WILLIAM FRANCIS WOODS Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Jl 16, 1876, Farmer City, III.; s. Thomas (b. 1837, Ire.) and Katherine (Kirk) Woods (b. 1839, do.). Prepared in Rice Coll. Inst., Paxton; .Adelphic, Pres., iqoo; Webster Law Club; Orat. Assn.; Theta Kappa Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Debating teams, 1899 and 1900; Class Orator, 1900. Lawyer, Urbana, 1902-6; Champaign, 1906-12; Mem., firm of Savage and Woods, 1906-18; bus. for self, 1918 — . Mem., B. P. O. E.; Lecturing Knight, 1908, Loyal Knight, 1909, Leading Knight, 1910; Champaign Co. Country Club; K. of C. ; Grand Knight Twin City Council, 1904-11; Dist. Deputy of K. of C, 1910-11; A. O. H., C. E. O. F. Dir., Farmers' Savings and Loan Bank, Urbana; Democratic candidate for States Atty. of Champaign Co., 1904; elected city atty., of Champaign, 191 1. Married Mary T. Casserly, Je 21, 191 o. Champaign. Child, son, b. Je 6, 1912. Address, 609 W. University Ave., Cham- paign.t 1447- THOMAS WRAY Storekeeper, West. Elec. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 12, 1877, Codsall, Staffordshire, Eng. ; s. George Edward (b. O 3, 1850, Swaff- ham, Norfolk, Eng.) and Alice (Lovatt) Wray (b. Ap II, 1836, Stafford, Staffordshire, do.). Prepared in Armour Inst, of Tech., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Choral Soc. Tech. apprentice. West. Elec. (Jo., Chi- cago, 1900-1; Lab. and engng. work, igoi-4; Engr., West. Elec. Co., Omaha, Neb., 1904-5; Engr., West. Elec. Co.. Indianapolis, 1905-12; Stores Mgr., West. Elec. Co., Minneapolis, 1912-13; Central Storekeeper, West. Elec. Co., Inc., Hawthorne, 1913 — . Married Blanche Helper, Je 6, 1905, Streator, 111. Children: Dorothy, b. D 1906; George Merritt, b. D 1907. Address, 718 N. Lambard Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o West. Elec. Co., Ilaw- Ihorne Sta., Chicago. I40 University of Illinois CLASS OF 1901 (157 LIVING, 13 DEAD) [iQOI 1448. BERT WILSON ADSIT (Husband of No. 1236) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 13, 1877, Wellington, 111.; s. Stephen (b. Wilmington, O.) and Rachel (Markley) Adsit (b. do.). Prepared in Wel- lington H. S. and Olivet Coll., Olivet, Mich. Sigma Chi; Langdell Law Club; Phi Deha Phi. Attended Knox Coll., 1896-7; Baseball team Capt., 1899- 1900; Football Team. Mar- ried Louise Jones C'99), N 12,. 1902, Champaign. Children: Stephen Bert, b. S 26, 1906; Mary Louise, b. Mr 17, 191 1. Address, Pontiac, Ill.t 1449. ALBERT MILLER ALLEN Const. Work; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 18, 1872, Alpena, Mich.; s. Abram Barker (b. Je 3, 1833, Sharon, Mich.) and Anna (Miller) Allen (b. Ann Arbor, Mich.). Prepared in Hannibal H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Archs. Club; Mgr., Glee Club; Choral Union; quartet, three yrs. Draftsman until 1904; in bus., Columbus, with firm of Marriott, Allen & Hall, 1904 — ; Y. M. C. A. Const, work for East. Cantonments. Mem., First Congr. Church. Married Cora Kuhl, N 27, 1902, Chicago. Children: Philip Torrens, b. Ja 29, 1904; Louis Wier, b. Ap 24, 1906; Herbert Eugene, b. Jl 21, 1907; Lois Marie, b. Je 19, 1909; Mildred, b. F 24, 191 1 (died Mr 4, 191 1). Address, 92 E. nth Ave., Columbus, O.; bus. add., 124 E. 28th, N. Y. City. 1450. FRANK GILBERT ALLEN Professor; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 17, 1877, Rock Island, 111.; s. Charles (b. 1846, N. Y. St.) and Agathe Bahnsen (b. 1856, Ger.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc. Draftsman, Link Belt Mach. Co., 1901-2; Supt., Oktaha Gin. Co., Oktaha, Okla., 1902-4; Instr., Drafting, la. St. Coll., Ames, la., 1904-09; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of Colo., 1913-15; Asst. Prof., do., 1915 — . Mem., Sigma Xi. Married Florence E. Crathorne, D 27, 1905, Champaign. Children: Grace Agathe, b. D 7, 1-906; Frank Charles, b. Jl 23, 1908. Address, 937 15th St., Boulder, Colo. 1451. JAMES HOWARD ARMITAGE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 25, 1872, Buckingham, 111.; s. James Hassen (b. Ap 22, 1826, Clarion Co., Pa.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Gruer) Armitage (b. Je 16, 1836, Allegheny Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga. 111. 2d Honors, Class of 1901. Em- ployee of Practical Gas Const. Co., 1901-3; in- stalling Gas plants at Neoga, Geneseo, Ashton, Lockport, and N. Chicago, York, Neb., and elsewhere; Teacher in Buckingham, 1904-5; Asst. Prin., Watseka H. S., 1905-7; Prin., Watseka H. S., 1907-8; on Colo, ranch, 1908-9; Prin., Marlin, Tex., H. S., 1909-10; Rosebud, Tex., H. S., 1910 — . Address, Rosebud, Tex.f 1452. WILLIAM WRIGHT ARNOLD Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 14, 1878, Oblong, 111.; s. Berzelius Mitchell (b. Ja 1849, New Read- ing. O.) and Mary Catherine (Baker) Arnold (b. N 16, 1849, do.). Prepared in Robinson H. S. and Austin Coll., Effingham, 111. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Adelphic. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; R. A. M., Commandery, Olney, 111.; Oriental Consistory, Chicago; JNIedinah Temple, Mystic Shrine, Chicago; Knights of Pythias; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. Married Kate Wheeler Busey, O 6, 1909, Urbana. Children: William Busey, b. O 15, 191 1 ; Mary Alice, b. O 10, 1913. Address, 407 W. Main St., Robinson, 111. 1453- *DONALD HERBERT BAILEY A. B.; b. Ja 16, 1879, Chicago; s. Daniel S. and Annette Elizabeth Bailey. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Tri- dent; Pres., Students' Assembly; Mgr., Inter- scholastic, 1901. Entered Columbia Law Sch., Washington, D. C, 1901; with Ayre & Lord Tie Co., Grenada, Miss., and Carbondale, 111. At time of death was V. P. and Treas.. E. R. Berry Chem. Co., St. Louis. Married Ruby S. Berry, Jl 29, 1903, St. Louis. Child, daugh- ter, b. 1904. Died Ag 28, 1905, Rantoul, 111. 1454. *HORATIO WEBER BAKER (Son of No. 36; Brother of Nos. 2315, 2316, 2886) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 9, 1879, Urbana; s. Ira O. ('74), (b. S 23, 1853. Lin- ton, Ind.) and Emma J. (Burr) Baker. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Bus. Mgr.. Techiw- grafh; Illio Bd.; C. E. Club; Maj., Bn., igoi. instrumentman, D. L. & W. R. R., Elniira & Bath, N. Y., 1901-3; Draftsman, P. S. & N. R. R. R., Olean, N. Y., 1902-3; Res. Engr. on Const. C. C. C. & St. L. R. R.. Carpenter, 111., 1903-4; Bridge Engr., Indianapolis and Cin- cinnati Traction Co., 1904-5; Draftsman, St. . L. & N. E. R. R., Edwardsville, 111., 1905; Transitman on location. Big Four R. R., Mid- dletown, O., 1905; Asst. Engr., Const., C. & N. W., Kenosha. Wis., 1905; Prof., C. E., Univ of Nev.. 1905-7; Asst. Engr., S. P. Co., Oak- land. Cal., 1907-8; with Min. and Scientific Press, San Francisco, 1908-13. Married Har- riette Moulton, Ja 3, 1906, San Francisco. Died Jl 8, 191 5, San Francisco. 1455. ANETA BALDWIN (Sister of No. 7358) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 24, 1S79, Paris, 111.; d. John H. (b. 1852, Dan- ville, Ky.) and Frances Anna (Lamb) Baldwin (b. i860, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Capt., Varsity Basket Ball. Teacher, Mur- physboro. 111., 1901-4; Pekin, 111., 1904-12; do., H. S., Ottawa, 1912-18. Address, Paris, 111. 1456. FAITH LELAND BARDWELL (WETHERBEE) (Wife of No. 1612) A. B. ; b. Ap 16, 1877, Champaign Co.; d. John Kingsley (b. Mr 9, 1836, Franklin Co., Mass.) and Lovilla Elmira (Kellog) Bardwell (b. ig, 1838, Shelburne, do.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S.; Drake Univ. Taught sch., 1901-3. Married Charles Earl Wetherbee ('01 ), Jl 28, 1904, Des Moines. Address, W. 8th St., Upland, Calif. 1457. ARTHUR FRANKLIN BARNETT Physician; B. S.; b. Ap 5, 1880, Hallsville, 111.; s. James M. (b. Je 22, 1858) and Sarah Elizabeth (Marvel) Barnett (b. Je 17, 1858). Prepared in Liniv. Acad. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1904. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Tri- dent; Stud. Dancing Club. Professional work as hosp. interne, 1904-5; Practicing Phys., Joplin, Mo.; Walla Walla, Wash., 1909-10; Dayton, Wash., 1910. practicing and running pvt. hosp. Married Mary Pauline Crouse, S 14, 1907, Citronelle, Ala. Child, Arthur Ham- ilton, b. F 3, 1909. Addfess, Dayton Hosp., Dayton, Wash.f 1458. ARTHUR TIMOTHY BELL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1902; b. D 16, 1875, Madisonville, Hopkins Co., Ky. ; s. Jacob R. (b. 1852, Ky.) and Eunice C. (Timmons) Bell (b. 1852, Ky.). Prepared in St. Norm, at Carbondale, 111. Y. M. C. A.; Math. Club. Fellowship, Neb. Univ. Supt., Sch., Reynolds, 111., 1902; do., Wyoming, 111., 1906; Acct., 1907-8; Teacher. Chicago, 1908 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Math. Soc, 1903. IQOl] Baccalaureate Alumni 141 Married Teresa S. Webb, D 29, 1902, McLeans- boro. 111. Children: Eunice Eleanor, b. O 23, 1903 (died D 29, 191 1); adopted Frances, b. D I, 1910 and Eleanor Josephine, b. S 16, 1914. Address, 8617 S. Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Englewood H. S., 62d and Stewart Ave., do. 1459. EDGAR DE FOREST BELL Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 6, 1875. Rockwell, Ind.; s. Jesse and Elizabeth (Hood) Bell. Prepared in"Urbana H. S. Gen. Mgr., Urbana Light, Heat & Power Co., 1901-2; Supt., Light & Heat Co., Danville, 111., 1902-5; Gen. Supt. ftl. Co. Light & Power Co., 1910; St. Louis Elec. Ter. R. R. Co. and St. Louis Elec. Bridge Co., 1910 — . Married Amelia SietTerman, O 2, 1905, Indianaiiolis. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Jl 30, 1906. Address, 636 Hillsboro Ave., Edwardsville, HI.; bus. add., 3725 N. Broadway, St. Louis. 1460. FREDERICK JOEL BIRD Ry. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. E.; b. Ap 27, 1875, Woodstock, 111.; s. Edwin R. (b. Ag 9. 1829, Westfield, N. Y.) and Clara A. (Smith) Bird (b. D 9, 1841, Warrenville, III.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Pres., M. E. and E. E. Soc., 1901; Y. M. C. A.; Assoc. Ed., Tcchnograf^h, 1 90 1. Special Apprentice with Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1903; Chief draftsman. 111. Engng. & Mach. Co., Carterville, 111., 1905: Engr., U. S. Fuel Testing Plant, St. Louis, 1907; Engr., Link Belt Co., Chicago, 1907 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married I). Clara Hart- rick (ex-'oi) Je 12, 1901, LTrbana. Children: Edwin Bruce, b. My 20, 1902; Marion Taylor, b. O 7, 1904; Julia Talbot, b. O 9, 1908. Ad- dress, Citronelle, Ala.f 1461. ALICE MARY' BLACK (ARPS) (Sister of No. 1462) A. B.; A. M., 1901; b. Ap 7, 1879, Sadorus, 111.; d. William (b. Mr 17, 1836, Arbroath, Scotland) and Mary (Leslie) Black (b. O 22, 1838, Brechin, do.). Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Alethenai. In Germany, 1905-8. Married George F. Arps, O 18, 1905, Cary, 111. Children: Leslie Hansen, b. Jl 14, 1907; Margaret Mary, b. Ja 26, 1 9 14. Address, 216 E. Lane Ave., Colum- bus, O. 1462. LAURA LOUISE BLACK (ZARTMAN) (Wife of No. 2010; Sister of No. 1461) A. B.; b. S 28, 1877, Sadorus, 111.; d. William (b. Mr 17, 1836, Arbroath, Scotland) and Mary (Leslie) Black (b. O 22. 1838, Brechin, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Married Lester William Zartman ('03), S 22, 1904, Champaign (died O 19, 1910, Savoy Center, Mass.). Child, Walter Hammond, b. N :6, 1905. Address, 451 Stoddaft Ave., Colum- bus, O. 1463. FREDERICK GORDON BONSER Professor; B. S.; M. S., 1902; b. Je 14, 1875, Tower Hill, 111.; s. Aaron (b. D 3, 1857, Sciotoville, O.) and Katherine Eliza (Stevens) Bonser (b. D 5, 1858, Magog Lake, Can.). Prepared in Avon H. S. Ph. D., Columbia, 1910. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. Asst., Psych., 1900; Fellowship, Psych., igoi-2; Prof., Psych., and Educ. and Dir., Tr. Sch., St. Norm. Sch.. Cheney, Washington, 1902-5; Prof.. Educ. and Dir., Tr. Sch., St. Norm. Sch., Macomb, 111., 1906-10; Prof., Educ, Teachers' Coll., Colum- bia, 1910 — . Auth.: Pamphlet, A Statistical Study of 111. H. Schs., Unk'. Studies. 1902; /delations between Mental Activity and the Circulation of the Blood, Psychological Reinew, Vol. X, 1903, pp. 122-138; Chums, A Study in Youthful Friendships, Pedagogical Sent., Vol. ix, 1902, pp. 221-237; Productive Scholarship in Norm. Schs., Educational Review, 1905; Ed., Norm. Seminar, 1903-05; The Reasoning Abil- ity of Children of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sch. Grades, Bur. of Publications, Teachers Coll., 1910. Married Edna Madison MacDon- ald, Ag 17, 1902, Shelbyville, 111. Children: Virginia Madison, b. F 8, 1904; son, b. N 19, 1906. Address, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., N. Y. City. 1464. EDWARD PARKMAN BOYD Supt., Const.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 6, 1877, Galesburg, 111.; s. Robert Hays (b. F 23. 1842, Pa.) and Letitia (Parkman) Boyd (b. Ja I, 1852, Me.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Archs'. Club; Delta Tau Delta; Varsity Track team. Arch. Draftsman, 1901; Instr., St. Coll., Colo., 1901-4; City Arch., Manila, P. I., 1904-6; Sr. Arch. Draftsman, Office Supervising Arch., Treas. Dept., U. S. Govt., 1906-08; Supt., Const., U. S. Pub. Bldgs., Okla., 1908—. Patent Tension System Steel Framing, My 191 1 ; Fireproof Window, Ap 191 1. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Far East Assn. Delta Tau Delta; VX'ashington Arch. Club; Washington Alum- ni Chap. D. T. D.; Okla. Alumni Chap. D. T. D.; Pan Hellenic Club, Okla. City, Okla. Married Lida Frances Howard, D 21, 1901, Denver. Children: Martha, b. 1902; Elizabeth, b. 1904; Letitia, b. 1909. Address, 1509 N. McKinley Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla.f 1465. JOHN WILLIAM BOYD Farmer; LL. B.; b. D 12, 1876, E. Bend Tp., 111.; s. Charles (b. My 12, 1847, Tyrone Co., Ire.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Miller) Boyd (b. O 19, 1856, Herkimer Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Farming, 19 13 — . Married Rose Jameson, Je 21, 1905, Rantoul, 111. Children: Edna May, b. Je 17, 1907; Paul Harold, b. N 21, 1909; John Jameson, b. My 28, 191 5. Address, Westervelt, 111. 1466. ELLIS FREEMAN BRACKEN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 23, 1878; s. James Alexander (b. Je 14, 1842, Greenview, 111.) and Laura Alice (Payne) Bracken. Pre- pared in Greenview H. S. M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc; Asst. Ed., Technograph. Elec. Engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. Mem., Christian Church. IMarried Bertha Mabel Fisher, Je 26, 1906, La Porte, Ind. Child, John Fisher, b. D 9, 1907. Address, 611 S. 8th St., Maywood, Ill.t 1467. LOUIS FREDERICK BRAYTON Resident Mgr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap ig, 1877, Mt. Morris, 111.; s. A. W. (b. Mt. Morris) and Harriett (Grigsby) Brayton (b. Lena, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Morris Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta; Leader ^Mandolin Club, two yrs. C. B. & Q. R. R. Engrs. Office, Burling- ton, la., 1901; Brown-Ketcham Iron Works. Indianapolis, 1902; Supt., Const, for Richard E. Schmidt, Arch., Chicago, 1903; Office Mgr., Reed Variety Iron Works, Cleveland, Jl i, 1902; Office Mgr., Reed & Stem, Archs., St. Paul, 1904; Arch. Engr., 1904; Res. Mgr., Stone & Webster Engng. Corp., Portland, Ore., 1909; The Brayton Engng. Co., Gen. Constrs., St. Paul, and the Brayton Engng. Co., Port- land, Ore., 1909 — . Published Brayton Stand- ard for the L'niform Design of Reinforced Con- crete. Mem., Mystic Shrine. Married Grace r.enjamin, N 8, 1905, Minneapolis. Address, Drexel Apts., Overbrook, Pa.; bus. add., c /o Am. Internat. Shipbldg. Corp., Hog Island, Pa. 1468. MINNIE CLARKE BRIDGMAN (INGHAM) (Wife of No. 1707) B. L. S.; b. O 30, 1877, Keene, N. IL; d. Charles Holbrook (b. 1850. Keene, N. H.) and Carile Maria (Clarke) Bridgman (b. 1855, Put- nev, Vt.). Prepared in Keene H. S.; Wellesley Coll., 1896-99. Glee Club, 1899; Pi Beta Phi; 142 University of Illinois [IQOI Phi Delta Psi. Instr. and reviser, la. Univ. S. S. of Lib. Sc, 1901; Asst. Libn., Univ. of Cincinnati Lib., 1901-5. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 1Q00-4; O. Lib. Assn., 1902-4; Second V. P., 111. St. Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn., 1901-3; Mem., Chap. B. 111. P. E. O. Soc, 1907; Pres. Bd. of Trustees Clinton Pub. Lib., 1910-11. Married Leonard W. Ingham ('02), O 25, 1905, Keene, N. IL Children: John Leonard, b. Ap 20, 1908; Alice Carile, b. Jl 11, 1 910; Sarah Bridgman, b. Ja 28, 1912; Ruth Helen, b. Ap 4, 1913. Address, 622 N. Monroe St., Clinton, 111. 1469. CLAUDE PORTER BRIGGS Prin. and Asst. Supt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 2, 1874, Minier, 111.; s. B. T. (b. S 15, 1844, Minier, 111.) and Agnes (Porter) Briggs (b. F 25'. 1S52, Mackinaw, 111.). Prepared in Minier H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., H. S. Dept. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Kappa; Varsity Foot- ball; Mgr., Baseball Team. Prin. and Asst. Supt., H. S'., Rockford, 111. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Pres., 111. St. H. S. Ath. Assn., 1907; V. P., Supts. and Prins., 191 1; Pres., Univ. Club of Rockford. Married Kathryn Kendall, Je 30, 1909, Chicago. Address, 1 1 29 Grant Ave., Rockford, 111. 1470. JAMES WILLIAM BUCHANAN Farmer and Fruit Grower; B. S. in Sc. b. F 1 8, 1863, Clark Co., Ind.; s. Silas (b. Mr 8, 1825, do.) and Sarah Ann (Reynolds) Buchanan (b. N 27, 1831). Prepared in Nat. Norm. Univ. Teacher, H. S., Spokane, Wash., 1901-12; Prin., Pub. Schs., Chattaroy, Wash., 1912-13; Supt. Schs., Tillanook, Ore., 1913-14; Prin., Pub. Schs., Fernwood, Idaho, 1914-15; Farmer and Fruit grower, Rathdrum, Idaho, 19 1 5 — . Deputy Horticultural Insp., Dist. No. I, Idaho, 1916-18. Mem., Christian Church. Address, R. No. 1, Rathdrum, Idaho. 1471. JAY HORACE BURDICK Business; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 20, 1878, Elgin, 111.; s. William R. (b. 1848, St. Charles. 111.) and Emily M. (Joslyn) Burdick (b. 1S53, Woodstock, 111.). Agr. Club; Art Club. Asst. Forest Expert, Bur. of Forestry, Dept. of Agr. of U. S., 1901-3; Sec, RadclitFe Regalia Co., Elgin, 111., 1903-6; Cattle Ranch, Colo., 1906-10; Sec, Burdick Banner Co., 191 o — . Mem., B. P. O. E.; R. N. A. Married Mabel J. Jackson, Ag 10, 1912, Elgin, 111. Children: Orpha Louise, b. S 2. 191 4; Virginia May, b. Ap 29, 1918.. Address, 25 S. Channing St., Elgin, III.; bus. add., 460 Dupage St., do. 1472. HENRIETTA ANNE CALHOUN (Sister of No. 2341) Physician; B. S. in L. & A.; A. M., 1903; b. D 19, 1S80; d. William John (b. S 12, 1857. Pittsburgh) and Melcena J. (Ferguson) Cal- houn (b. Je 29, 1859, Washington, la.). Pre- pared in Hvde Park H. S. and Univ. Acad. M. D., Univ. of Mich., 1917. Chi Omega; Alpha Epsilon Iota; Alpha Omega Alpha. Head of Sc. Dept., H. S., Escanaba, Mich., 1003-7; Asst., Biol., Davenport, la., 1907-S; Univ. of Mich. Med. Dept., 1908-9; Head Sc. Dept., Columbia Coll., S. C., 1909-12; Asst., Neuropathologist, Univ. of Mich., 1912-15; Med. Dept., do.. 1915-17; Asst. Phys.. Coure Pvt. LIosp. and pvt. practice, 191 7 — ; Asst. Prof., Bacteriology and Pathology. St. Univ. of Iowa, 1917 — . Auth. : Some New Observations on Blood Plates, and Leucocytes, A))i. Jour. Phys- iol., Vol. X, 4 pp.; Some Observations on the Micro-chemistry of Blood Plates, Jour. A. M. A., 1906, pp. 338-380 and Brit. Med. Jour., D 22, 1906. Mem., A. C. A.; Washtenau Co. Med. Assn.; Mich. St. Med. Assn. Address, The Summit Apts., Iowa City, la.; bus. add.. Uni- versity of Iowa, do. 1473- ASHTON ELLSWORTH CAMPBELL (Brother of Nos. 1834, 2046) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1904; b. My 13, 1876, Sadorus, 111.; s. David Lewis (b. 1837. Long Branch, N. J.) and Almira (Ball) (Tampbell (b. 1842, Delaware, O.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Theta Nu Kpsilon. Address, 28V6 Main St., Champaign. t 1474- GEORGE RUSSELL CARR (Brother of No. 731) V. P. and Gen. Mgr.; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 23, 1879, Argenta, 111,; s. Robert Franklin (b. My 13, 1832, Deckertown, N. J.) and Emily A. (Smick) Carr (b. Ap 10, 1839, De- catur, 111.)-. Prepared in Austin H. S. Kappa Sigma; Iltio Bd. ; Mgr., Football Team. Start- ed with Dearborn Drug and Chem. Works as Salesman, 1901, held various positions; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., do., 1908 — . Mem.. Univ. Club of Chicago; Chicago Ath. Club; Exmoor Golf Club; S. Shore Country Club; Oak Park Club; A. C. S. Married Katherine M. Mortenson, Jl 15, 1913, San Francisco, Child, Katherine Mortenson, b. Mr 18, 1915. Address, 936 Lake Si ore Drive, Chicago; bus. add., 332 S. Michi- gan Ave., do. 1475. JESSIE ANNA CARROLL (SMITH) B. L. S. ; b. Wilmington, O. ; d. John and Mary (Hunt) Carroll. Prepared in Wilming- ton (O.) H. S. A. B., Wilmington Coll. Cata- loger, Univ. of Cincinnati Lib., 1901-3; Cata- loger, Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1903-4. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 1902; O. Lib. Assn., 1902-3; Calif. Lib. Assn., 1902; Soc. of Friends. Married Ralph Eliot Smith, 19.06, Whittier, Calif. Child, William Carroll, b. 1908. Address, Berkeley, Calif.t 1476. FLORENCE EMELINE CARTER (SHERMAN) B. L. S.; b. Ag 24, 1874, Fairfield, Vt.; d. James Madison Gore (b. Ap 15, 1843, W. Kden, 111.) and Eunice Rebecca (Northrop) Carter (b. Jl 3, 1845, Fairfield, Vt.). Prepared in Waukegan H. S.; Wilson {^oll.. Pa., 1893-4; Lake Forest Coll., 1898-9. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Upsilon; Univ. Dramatic C^lub. Libn., Pub. Lib., Champaign, 1901-3. Pres., Pi Beta Plii Alumnae Club of Los Angeles; Nat. Chm., Extcn. Com. of Pi Beta Phi; Mem.. Pan- Hellenic Assn., Spokane; Coll. Woman's Club, Los Angeles; Hollywood Woman's Club. Mar- ried Eaton Goodell Sherman, Jl 21, 1903, Mil- waukee. Children: Carter Goodell, b. ■ O 10, 1904 (died O 23, 1904); Helen Emogene Northrop, b. O 6, 1906. Address, 2002 El Cer- rito PI., Los Angeles. 1477. CHARLES CORY CHAMBERLIN Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 9. 1878, Hoopeston, III.; s. Oliver Perry (b. McCutch- ensville, O.) and Jeanette (Cory) Chamberlin (b. O.). Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. Illio Bd.; Sigma Chi. Mgr., Claim Dept., Am. Can- ning Co., Chicago, 1901-3; Grain Broker, 1903-5; Mgr. and Treas., Charter Mfg. Co., 1905-8; Gen. Agt., The Austin- Western Co., Ltd., Chicago, 1898-13; Sales Mgr., Austin Mfg. Co., 1913 — . Married Marie Lamb, D 31, 1907, Chicago. Children: Joseph Webb, b F 16, 1913; Doris, b. O 12. 1914. Address, 7206 Oglesby Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 910 S. Michigan Ave., do. 1478. EDWARD PIERCE CHAPIN (Husband of No. 1731; Brother of Nos. 1644, 2050, 2612, 3319) Publisher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 8, 1878, Tolono, 111.; s. Edward Bonapart (b. My 17, 1857, Clyde, N. Y.) and Lucy Margaret (Pierce) Chapin (b. Je 2, 1858, Brownstown, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Philoma- The Faculty in i{ igoi] Baccalaureate Alumni 143 thean; Eng. Club; Pol. Sc. Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Ed. -in-Chief, Illio; Class Historian; Class Day Speaker. Adv. Solicitor and Re- porter for Champaign News, 1901-02; Telegraph Ed., Mattoon Jour., 1903; Assoc. Ed., Cham- paign News, 1903-05; Ed. and Publisher, trec- burg Tribune, 1905 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Harriet Elizabeth McCully ('02 j, Je 16, 1904. Children: Edward William, b. Jl 23, 1908; Ruth, b. Jl 16, 1911. Address, lUiopolis, Ill.t 1479. CHARLES HIRAM CHAPMAN Bank Examiner; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 13, 1877, Vienna, 111.; s. Daniel Clinton (b. Jl 20, 1828, Vienna. 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Rose) Chapman (b. Ja 20, 1836, Vienna, 111.). Prepared in Vienna H. S. Eng. Club; German Club; Capt. and Maj., Univ. Regt. Studied Law at George Washington Univ., 1901-2; Clerk, office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C, 1901-2; Asst. Nat. Bank Examiner, New York City. 1902-7; Nat. Bank Examiner, West. New York, 1907-10; V. P., Traders Nat. Bank, Rochester, N. Y., 1910-11; Nat. Bank Examiner, So. Pa., 1911 — . Married Nelle Perkins, Jl 15. 1903, Vienna, 111. Chil- dren: Harriet Elizabeth, b. O 21, 1904 (died My 20, 1914); Helen Alberta, b. S 10, 1916. Address, 157 West Durham St., Philadelphia; bus. add., 416 P. O. Bldg., do. 1480. 'ADELAIDE MARIA CHASE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 27, 1876, W. Med- ford, Mass.; d. R. G. and Mary A. C. (Wil- liams) Chase (b. Boston). Pi Beta Phi. Asst., N. H. St. Lib., Concord, N. H.; Bus. Libn., Stone & Webster, Boston. Died My 19, 1904. West Medford, Mass. 1481. MARGARET BELLE CHESTER (Sister of Nos. 638, 1112, 2350, 2935) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 7, 1881, Champaign; d. Ezra E. (b. Ap 30, 1837, Truro Tp., Franklin Co., O.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Powell) Chester (b. F 25, 1840, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Teaching in Pub. Schs., Champaign. Mem., Presby. Church. Ad- dress, 717 W. University Ave., Champaign. t 1482. WILLIAM CULLEN CHIPPS (Brother of No. 1204) Draftsman and Engr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 8, 1879, Sullivan, 111.; s. Abia (b. Je 8, 1852, Clarksburg, W. Va.) and America (Lilly) Chipps (b. O 10, 1856, Sullivan, 111.). Pre- pared in Sullivan H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Yoxan; Theta Nu Epsilon. Draftsman, 1903; Chief Draftsman, 1909; Asst. Chief. Engr., Am. Brake Shoe and Foundry (Zo., Mahwah, N. J. Address, 4516 W. 26th St., Chicago. 1483. HARRY AUGUSTUS COFFMAN Manufacturer; LL. B.; b. My 30, 1879, Cham- paign; s. David Harrison (b. 1840, Lancaster, O.) and Sarah Ellen (Ruhl) Coffman (b. 1856, Rockford, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. Dealer in Vehicles and Implements, Champaign, IQ07; Wholesale Bus. in do., Peoria, 1910; Mfg., mach. line, 1910 — . Married Jessie Elizabeth Trotter, N 12, 1903. Children: Katherine Frances, b. D 16, 1904; Harriet Ellen, b. S 8, 1908; David Harrison, b. Je 9, 1910. Ad- dress, 1 125 Knoxville Ave., Peoria. 1484. AGNES MARY COLE Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. My 9, 1873, Wheaton, 111.; d. Jordon James (b. Ap 16. 1833. Maho- pac, N. Y.) and Susan Phylora (Smith) Cole (b. Ja 2, 1850, Whitehall. N. Y.). Prepared in Wheaton H. S. B. S., WHieaton Coll., 1893. Reviser, Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1901-3; Cata- log Libn., 1903-6; Libn., Lead, S. Dak., 1907-8; Lib. Cataloger, 1908-16; Sr. Asst., Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1916 — . Mem., Epis. Church. .■iddress, 2500 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Calif. 1485. GUY RICHARD COLLINS (Brother of No. 1117) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 10, 1878, Mansfield, 111.; s. William Grigsby (b. 1842, la.) and Eliza Catherine (Meliza) Collins (b. 183:, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mech. Struct. Draftsman, 1901-4; Whiting Fdy. Equipt. Co.; Baker Iron Works, Los Angeles, 1904-5; Edison Elec. Co., Los Angeles, 1905 — . Married Zilds E. Clark, Ja 15, 1905, Farmer City, 111. Ad dress, Biggar, Sask., Can.t i486. PHILIP ARTHUR CONARD (Husband of No. 1275) Ex. Sec, Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 9, 1875, Monticello, 111.; s. Philip H. (b. Jl 13, 1840, Utica, O.) and Martha Orrilla (Davis) Conard (b. D 23, 1S53, Clarkshill, Ind.). Prepared in Monticello H. S. and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Adelphic; Eng. Club; Orat. Assn.; Choral Soc. Gen. Sec, Univ. of HI. Y. M. C. A., 1901-4; Asst. Sec, Stud. Volunteer Movement, New York City, 1905-6; Foreign Sec, Internat. Com., Y. M. C. A. of N. Y., Slontevideo. Uruguay, 1906 — ; Ex. Sec, Continental Com., Y. M. C. A. of S. Am., 1916 — . Auth.: Christian Pan-Americanism, 1914; Recreative Activities in Uruguay, Play- ground, D 1913. Delegate of Nat. Comn. of Phys. Educ. of Uruguay to Recreative Cong. of Plaj'ground and Recreative Assn. of Am., 1913. Mem., M. E. Church; Epworth League, Pres. Married Florence Mary Smith ('99), S 2, 1915, Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Children: Flor- ence Elizabeth, b. Je 2, 1916; Lois Orrilla, b. Ag 16, 1918. Address, Avenida 18 de Julio 968, Montevideo, L'ruguay. 1487. GEORGE MARSHALL CROSSLAND (Brother of Nos. 41 18, 5623) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 11, 1878, Varna, 111.; s. Hiram Venton (b. Ap 29, 1848, do.) and Cythia Lovenia (Broaddus) Crossland (b. My 6, 1847, Henry, 111.). Prepared in Sheldon H. S. Pol. Sc. Club; Beta Gamma Sigma, 1912. Teacher, Mil. Acad., Bunker Hill, 111., 1901-2; Indianapolis Schs., 1902-4; DeKalb H. S., 1904-7; Harvey, 111., 1907-11; Stud., Univ. of 111., 1911-13; Asst. Cashier, First Nat. Bank, Harvey, III., 1913-15; Teacher, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Short- ridge H. S., Indianapolis, 1915 — -. Address, 516 E. 2ist St., Indianapolis. 1488. WILLIAM LIEBRICK CROUCH Min. Supt.; LL. B. ; b. Ag :i, 1868, Rozetta, III.; s. W. A. M. Crouch. Prepared in Norm. H. S. Address, 1023 Pennsylvania Ave., Kan- sas City, Mo.t 1489. LAWRENCE EVERETT CURFMAN (Husband of No. 1615) City Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr i, i88o, near Hayes, 111.; s. James Wesley (b. N 22, [851, near Pittsfield, 111.) and Maria Anne (VVhitehead) Curfman (b. O 28, 1855, near Clyde, 111.). Prepared in Tolono and Ur- Ijana H. Schs. Adelphic; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Teacher, 1901-3; btud., Univ. of 111., 1903-5; C. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1905; Rodman. 1. C. R. R., Chicago, 1905; Draftsman, Ore. Short Line. Pocatello, Idaho, 1905; Levelman, C. M. & P. S. R. R., Bitter Root Mts., Idaho, 1905-6; Asst. Engr., San Jose & Santa Clara Co. R. R., San Jose, Calif., 1906- 7; Engr., Union Traction Co.. Santa Cruz, Calif., 1907-8; Asst. Engr., U. S. Reclamation Service, C)rland, Calif., 1909; City Engr., Pittsburg, Kan., 1909 — . Capt. Engrs., U. S. R., 1917; Maj., 314th Engrs., U. S R., 1917; Lt 144 University of Illinois [1901 Col., do., A. E. F., Je 12, 1918— ; Returned to states, Mr 1919. Auth. : Tests of Sand and Lime Brick. Mem., Am. Soc. of Mun. Improve- ments; Kan. Engng. Soc; assoc. mem., A. S. C. E. Married Winifred Sue Williams ('01), Jl 28, 1906, Urbana. Child, Lawrence Everett, Jr., b. Ap 13, 1909. Address, 406 W. Adams Ave., PittsDurg, Kan. 1490. MARY BELLE DAVIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. Philo, 111.; d. Edward (b. Ap 15, 1831, Montgomeryshire, Wales) and Caroline D. (Markle) Davis (b. O 13, 1841, Waterloo, Mich.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Kappa Alpha Theta. Taught, Rantoul, 1901-4; Urbana, 1904-5; Indianapolis Pub. Schs., 1905-6; H. S., Louisiana, Mo., 1906-8; Urbana, 1908-11; Muscatine, la., 1911-14; Teacher, H. S. Champaign, 1916 — . Address, 608 S. Lin- coln Ave., Urbana. 1491. NELLIE ELIZABETH DETRICK Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 19, 1879, Donovan, 111.; d. Thomas Benton (b. Philadel- phia) and Cordelia Edith (Hedge) Detrick (b. Hayden, Ind.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Prep., Bloomington, 111. Alethenai. Taught in Seymour, 111., 1902-4; Tolono, 1905-7; Cham- paign, 1900 — . Address, 401 W. Green St., Champaign. t 1492. GERTRUDE SEMPILL DILLON (Sister of Nos. 1122, 3707) Teacher; A. B. ; b. Mr 6, 1871, Ash Grove, 111; d. Henry (b. 1841, Ridge Farm, 111.) and Rachael (Wagner) Dillon (b. 1845, Milford, do.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; German Club. Teacher, St. Norm. Sch., Spearfish, S. Dak., 1901-3; do., Lang. Dept., No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., DeKalb, 111., 1904-6; Grand Prairie Sem., 1907-8; Mar- ion H. S., 1908-9; Eng., 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111., 1909-10; Estacada, Ore., 1912; Mgr., farm and H. S. teacher, do., 1914 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., 1900-01, Univ. of 111.; Woman's Club. Sheldon, 111. Address, R. No. 1, Esta- cada, Ore. 1493. ROY HODGSON DILLON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 12, 1877, Normal, 111.; s. Isaiah (b. My 25, 1834, Taze- well Co., III.) and Mary (FisheV) Dillon (b. Ag 2$, 1836, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Engng. Soc; Track Team. Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1901-4; Gen. Engng. office work, 1904-12; in- stalling equipment for hydro-elec. power plant, Santa Rosalia, Mex., 1912-13; do., St. Louis office of Gen. Elec. Co., 1914-15; do., high tension sub-station near Parral, Mex., 1Q15-16. Engr., Officer's Tr. Sch.; Capt., Co. A, 7th Regt.; do., Co. C, 5th Regt.; do., Co. B, 5th Regt., Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. ; Mustered out. Ja 1919. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 404 Broadway, Normal, 111. 1494. EDWARD MURRAY EAST (Husband of No. 2329) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1904; Ph. p., 1907; b. O 4, 1879, DuQuoin, 111.; s. Wil- liam Harvey and Sarah Granger (Woodruff) East. Prepared in DuQuoin H. S. and Case Sch. of Applied Sc. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. Stud. Asst., Chem., 1899-1901; Asst. Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1901-4; ist Asst., Plant Breeding, do., 1904-5; Agron., Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1905-9; Asst. Prof., Exp. Plant Morphology, Harvard, 1909-14; Prof., 1914 — . Auth.: Numerous scientific papers and mono- graphs on physiol. chem., plant physiology, and plant genetics. Collaborator, Bur. Plant Indus., U. S. D. A., 1908—; Chm., Nat. Research Council, 191 7; Editorial Bd., Genetics, 1916; do.. Botanical Abstracts, 1918; mem., Coms. on Agr., Bot., and Botanical Raw Products; Am. Philosophical Soc; Bot. Soc. Am.; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Fellow, A. A. S.; New England Bot. Club. Married Mary Lawrence Boggs Cos), S 2, 1903. Children: Elizabeth Woodruff, b. .S 3, 1904; Margaret Lawrence, b. Ag 26, 1907; Edward Murray, Jr., b. O 23, 1908 (died N 25, 1908). Address, 87 Robinwood Ave., Boston; bus. add., Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain, do. 1495- ROYAL SAMUEL ELDER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 21, 1879, Farm Ridge, 111., LaSalle Co.; s. Dr. S. S. (b. Pa.) and Rachel (Braden) Elder. Prepared in Streator H. S. Bar Assn., Wichita, Kan. Married Harriet Fornof, S i, 1909, Streator, 111. Ad- dress, 530 S. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add.. Suite 429, Beacon Bldg., dct 1496. ARTHUR DONALDSON EMMETT Research Chem.; B. S. in Chem.; A. M., 1905; b. D 19, 1879, Lee, 111.; s. William Hewson (b. St. Catherine, Ont., Can.)' and Susannah (Castleman) Emmett (b. do.). Pre- pared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, and Peoria H. Schs. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Biol. Chem., St. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1901-2; with Armour & Co., Chicago, 1902-3; Nutrition Invest. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1903-5; Assoc, Nutrition, do., 1906-10; Asst. Chief, An. Nutri- tion, 111. Agr. Exp., 1911-15; on leave, 1905-6, and 1915-16, Columbia; Instr., Biol. Chem., do., 1915-16; Asst. Chief Nutrition, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Biol. Chem., Research Dept., Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, 1917 — . Auth.: The Chem. of Animal Feces, II; The Deter- mination of Fatty Matter in Animal Feces by Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride, Jour. A. C. S., 31, 6, pp. 693-695, 1909; biochemical papers in Jour. A. C. A., and Biol. Chem.; Bui. U. S. Dept. Agr. and Agr. E.vp. Sta., 111.; also various scientific articles, with Dr. H. S. Grindley and others, on the subject of nutri- tion, etc. Mem., M. E. Church; A. A. A. S., Fellow; Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sc. ; Am. Soc. of An. Nutrition; Am. Soc. of Biol. Chems. ; A. C. A.; Am. Breeders Assn.; Columbia Univ. Biochem. Assn., Collaborator on the Columbia Biochem. Bui.; Assn. of Official Agr. Chems.; Referee on the separation of nitrogenous bodies in meats for 1912; Public Health Assn.; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Clara May Bullard, F 10, 1910, Mechanicsburg, 111. Children: Mary Alice, b. D 7, 191 1; Edward Burton, b. Jl 16, 1914; Arthur Robert, b. Ap 7, 1917. Address, 1504 Phillip Ave., Detroit. 1497. CLARK HUGHES FELLINGHAM Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 2, 1873, Ma- zon. 111.; s. Warren C. (b. Mr 29, 1845, Utica, N. Y.) and Sarah E. (Tuisman) Fellingham (b. Mr 8, 1840, Louden Co., Va.). Prepared in N. W. Univ. Acad.; Knox Coll. Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1897-9. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Mar- ried Bertha M. Benson, Je 27, 1906, Chicago. .iddress, Verona, Ill.t 1498. MASON McCLOUD FISHBACK Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F i, 1878, near Marshall, 111.; s. James Madison (b. Ap 10, r847, Clark Co., 111.) and Orrel Virginia (Adams) Fishback (b. Ap 15, 1849). Pre- pared in Paris H. S. Adelphic; Der Deutsche Verein; Pol. Sc. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Class Day Historian. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Urbana, 1001-4; in bus., Roseland, La., 1904-6; Teacher, Ilist., Union, H. S., Orange, Calif., 1906 — . .\uth.: 111. Legislation on Slavery and Free Negroes, Trans. III. Hist. Soc, 1904; several articles in Hist. Teachers Mag. Mem., M. E. Church; .So. Calif. Hist. Teachers' Assn.; Am. Hist. .\ssn. Married Lenore Rose Fishback, Je 30, 191S, Charter Oak, Calif, (died Ap 19, 1917). Address, 261 N. Olive St., Orange, Calif. igoi] Baccalaureate Alumni 145 1499. HATTIE BELLE FRAHM (FORNOF) (Sister of No. 646) LL. B.; b. My 15, 1879, Tuscola, 111.; d. Hans (b. My 14, 1836, Schleswig-Holstein, Ger.) and Cynthia A. (Abbott) Frahm (b. D 13, 1841, Tuscola, 111.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1898-1900. Married George Norris Fornof, Ap 8, 1903, Tuscola, 111. Address, Streator, Ill.t 1500. CHARLES WILBUR FRANKS Sch. Supt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag i, 1876; s. George W. (b. Brookville, 111.) and Clara (McCTullough) Franks. Prepared in Lanark H. S. Taught in Philippine Insular Gov., 1901-10; Div. Supt., Schs., 1910-18; Supt., Philippine Norm. Sch., Manila, igi8 — . Mar- ried Mame Harrington, O 6, 1906, Lanark, 111. Children: Sarah Margaret, b. Ag 30, 1909; Clara Helen, b. Jl 11, 191 1. Address, Manila, P. I. I SOI. NELLIE MAY FRAZEY (VINES 4 ' EAGELSTON) (Wife of No. 2533; Sister of No. 1131) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 1878, Nickerson, Kan.; d. Frederick Lauderbach (b. Jl 24, 1840, Everett, Pa.) and Parmelia Jane (Hanks) Frazey (b. Tl 8, 1844, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Alethenai, Pres. ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Watcheka League. Teacher in Primary, Tuscola, 111., 1901-2; do., Bushnell H. S., 1902-3; Sheboygan, Wis., 1903-5; Prin., Tp. H. S., Rolling Prairie, Ind., 1910-11; Prin., H. S., Villa Grove, 111., 1911-12; Eng. teacher, H. S., Urbana, 1912-13; pvt. kindergarten, 1916 — . Mem., Women's Club; Pythian Sis- ters; O. E. S.; Presby. Church; Mothers' Club; Civics Club. Married Edgar James Vines ('05), Ag 16, 1905, Urbana (died Je 23, 1909); Frank Ward Eagelston, Ja 4, 1913- Children: Quentin Corot, b. Je 4, 1906; Alicia Nelletta, b. O 13, 1909; Robert Browning, b. Ja 7, 1914. Address, 1307 Main St., Urbana. 1502. FRANK GEORGE FROST Gen. Supt., Power Co.; A. B. in M. E.; b. F I, 1872, Gays, 111.; s. Samuel George (b. Ag 3, 1842, Portage Co., O.) and Nancy L. (Gam- mill) Frost (b. F 19, 1845, Moultrie Co., 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Tau Beta Pi; Mgr., Illio. Draftsman and Supt., Erection, A. L. Ide & Sons, Spring- field, 1901-3; Chief Draftsman, Rarig Engng. Co., Columbus, 1903-4; Chief Draftsman, Shef- field Cor. Co., "Three Rivers, Mich., 1904-6; Engr., The W. K. Palmer Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1906-7; Engr., Am. Cities Co., Birming- ham, Ala., Little Rock, Ark., New Orleans, La., Houston, Tex., 1907-15; Gen. Supt., Houston Lighting and Power Co., Houston, Tex., 1915-18; Gen. Supt., New Orleans Rail way & Light Co., 1918 — . Married Cornelia Harlow, Je i, 1904, Janesville, Wis. (died D 1906); Daisy Hargrove, Je 8, 1910, Florence, Ala. Address, New Orleans Railway & Light Co., Houston, Tex. 1503. EDWARD JAMES FUCIK Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 26, 1880, Chicago; s. Frank (b. 1850, Bernarditz, Bo- hemia) and Anna (Kakuska) Fucik (b. 1850, Chicago). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. S. and Man. Tr. Sch. Civ. Engr., Const. San. Dist. of Chicago, five yrs. ; with George M. Jackson, two yrs.; Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., three and one half yrs.; Paige Iron Works, one half yr.; Designing Engr., High Pressure Water System, Chicago, 1904 (not built); Engr., Bridge Foundation on which steel sheet piles were first used in U. S.; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago; Designer and Contr. of largest concrete dry dock on Great Lakes. Auth. : Steel Cofferdams in Chicago Riv., Technograph, pp. 94-102. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. ; Assoc. Mem., A. S. E.; Nat. Geog. Soc; I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. ; Shrine; Univ. Club; Medinah Temple; Oriental Consistory 32d degree. Married Agnes M. Montford, S 3, 1912, Marquette, 111. Children: Edward Montford, b. 1914; Frank Montford, b. 1917. Address, 3852 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. 1504. GRACE ANN GARNETT (HOBBLE) (Wife of No. 1524; Sister of Nos. 950, 2098, 3373, 3745. 4670) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 14, 1877, St. Mary's, 111.; d. Robert Kirtley (b. Ag 4, 1844, do.) and Annie Elizabeth (Hunter) Garnett (b. O 19, 1845, Catasauqua, Pa.). Prepared at Car- thage Coll. Acad. Alethenai. Prin., H. S., Piano, 111., 1901-5; Teacher, Lat. and Hist., Prescott H. S. Married Arthur Casson Hobble Coi), Je 29, 1907, Plymouth, 111. Children: Harlan Garnett, b. F 3, 1909; Flora Eloise, b. Ag 29, 191 1. Address, Rushville, Ill.t 1505. HENRY ALLEN GLEASON (Brother of No. 4674) Professor and Botanist; B. S. in Sc; A. M., 1904; b. Ta 2, 1882, Dalton City, 111.; s. Henry Milton (b. Ag 21, 1838, Akron, O.) and Alsina Belle (Magruder) Gleason (b. D 13, 1858, Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Ph. D., Columbia, 1906. Gamma Alpha; Nat. Hist. Soc; Sec. and Treas., Field Club; Sergeant at Arms, Fresh, class; Sec, Sr. class, I St Sem.; Treas., 2d Sem. ; Illini staff. Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Instr., summer, 1901; Instr., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1903-4; Fellow, O. St. Univ., 1904-5; Ecologist, Univ. of Mich.; Museum Expedition to Isle Royale, summer, 1905; Insti-., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1906-9; Special Asst., Mo. Botanical Garden, summer, 1904; Investigation of inland sand dunes for Botanical Soc. of Am., summer, 1908; Assoc, Bot., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Asst. Prof., Bot., Univ. of Mich., 1910-16; Assoc. Prof., do.. 1916 — ; Dir., Biol. Sta., do., 1913-15; Dir., Botanical Gardens and Arboretum, do., 1915 — ; New York Botanical Garden, 1918 — -. Has made various contributions to botanical sc, especially taxon- omy, ecology, and phytogeography, 1903. Auth.: About forty articles, ranging in size from one to 160 pp., and dealing with various subjects in plant ecology, phytogeography, and systematic bot.; these embody results of original investi- gation, 1901 — ; Spring Flora (with W. A. Kel- lerman and J. H. Schaffner) 188 pp., 1906. Mem.. Congr. Church; Nat. Geog. Soc; Sigma Xi; Torrey Botanical Club; Univ. Club (111.) charter mem., 1910; 111. Acad, of Sc, charter mem., 19 10; Botanical Soc. of Am.; A. A. A. S., mem., 1901-7; fellow, 1907; Mich. Acad, of Sc; Research Club of Univ. of Mich.; Assn. of Am. Geographers; Ecological Soc. of Am.; Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs. Married Eleanor Mattel, Je 9, 1915, Fresno, Calif. Children: Henry Al- len. Jr., b. Ap 18, 1917; Anne, b. N 25, 1918. Address, Bronx Park, New York Botanical Garden, New York City. 1506. JOSEPH HINCKLEY GORDON (Brother of No. 5162) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1901; LL. B., 1906; b. O 7, 1879, Vandalia, 111.; s. Joseph Allen (b. F 2, 1847, Vandalia, 111.) and Mary Abby (Hinckley) Gordon (b. Ag 5. 1854, Boston). Prepared in Fort Collins (Colo.) H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club; Oratorical Assn.; Philomathean; Pol. Sc. Club; Class Pres.; Assoc Ed., Illio; Illini Staff. H. S. Prin., 1901-3; Instr., Univ. Acad, and Stud, in Coll. of Law, 1903-6; Atty., 1906 — . Auth.: Pamphlet on 111. Ry. Legislation and Commerce Control since 1870, Univ. of III. Studies, 1904, 81 pp. Married Mary Louise Obermiller, O 16, 1906, Mt. Pulaski, 111. 146 University of Illinois ligoi Children: Joseph Harold, b. Mr 31, 1909; Frederick William, b. D 4, 191 0; Robert Bruce, b. O 18, 1914. Address, 1708 N. Junett St., Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add., 1204-1208 Nat. Realty Bldg., do. 1507. HOWARD TYLER GRABER Chemist; B. S.; b. D 29, 1880, Peoria; s. Robert (b. Ag 5, 1850, Peoria) and Myra Ocelia (Hagerty) Graber (b. Jl 4, i860, do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; B. S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1903. Chemist Club. Research and Anal. Cham, with Parke, Davis & Co., 1903-10; Chief Cheni., Rev Chem. Co., 1910-14; do.. Digestive Ferments Co., Detroit, 1914 — • Auth.: Some Observations upon the Assay of Digestive Ferments, Jour. A. C. S., Jour. Ind. and Engng. Chem., D 1910; Influence of Size and Shape of Bottles in Assay of Pepsin, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., D 191 3; Lab. Studies on Malt Extract, Jour. Ind. and Engng. Chem., 1915; Pharmacopocial Methods for Digestive Ferments and An. Products of the Different Countries, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., Te 1915; Pepsin — A Resume of Tests, Jour. Ind. and Engng. Chem., Vol. 8; various other articles. Charter mem., and Pres., Detroit Soc. of Chems. ; Pres. and Councilor, A. C. S. ; A. F. A. M.; Am. Pharm. Soc; Detroit Yacht Club; St. Paul's Epis. Church, Peoria; Detroit Bd. of Commerce; Palestine Lodge; Detroit Ath. Club; Com. Standards and Deterioration, Am. Drug Mfrs. Assn. Married Muriel Strevell, Ag 20, 1910, Port Huron, Mich. Child, How- ard Tyler, Jr., b. Ja 4, 1914. Address, 470 Atkinson Ave., Detroit. 1508. •FRANCES MYRTLE GREEN (HOAGLAND) (Wife of No. 1232) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 20, 1880, Danville, 111.; d. Francis M. (b. D 25, 1846, Pittsboro, Ind.) and Kansas (Clark) Green (b. Ag 12, 1856, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A. Married John King Hoagland ('99), F 12, 1902, LTrbana. Children: Max, b. Ag 2, 1904; Karl, b. N 20, 1907. Died D 23, 1908, Hartland, Wis. 150Q. CHARLES THOMAS GREENE Broker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 24, 1878, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; s. Charles Edwin (b. O 31, 1846, Union, Me.) and Mary Ellison (Thomas) Greene (b. My 4, 1859, St. Johns, N. B.). Prepared in Eng. H. and Man. Tr. and Englewood H. S. Solicitor for Central Union Tel. Co., Chicago, 1902; Salesman, D. R. James & Bro., N. Y., 1903; Clerk, Nelson Morris & Co., (Chicago, 1904; newspaper writer; Inter Ocean, Chicago, Pioneer Press, St. Paul, The Evening Tribune, ^linneapolis, and Brook- lyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Auth.: Rob- inson (irusoe s Father, an adv. pamphlet of 20 pp., written and copyrighted for the Williams- burgh Savings Bank, Brooklyn; printed on Eagle Press in Je 1910 to signalize centenary of founding of tlie first Savings Bank among English speaking peoples, Edinburgh Savings Bank; distributed at Internat. Thrift Conf., Edinburgh, Je 8, 9, 10, 1910, bound in full morocco; The River of Diamonds, translation from de Maupassant and lyrics in Wayside Tales, 1Q04-5; Systematic Savings, reprint of address delivered at Annual Convention, N. Y. St. League Saving and Loan Assns., 191 1, in Investments of Ag. and Bankers' Mag. of S 191 1, monthly, published by Bankers Pub. Co.; Ed., Market literature issued by Shonnard Mills & Co. Mem., New York Stock Ex- change. Married Anna Eliza Church, Je 8, 1910, Chicago. Child, Leroy Thomas Greene, b. Jl 3, 1912. Address, 120 Broadway, New York City. 1510. HENRY NORMAN GRIDLEY (Brother of No. 3386) Sch. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1902; LL. B., 1906; b. My 17, 1881, Virginia. III.; s. James Norman and Frances (Hill) Gridley. Prepared in Virginia H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Kappa Nu; John Marshall Club of Columbia; Fellowship in Hist., Univ. of III., 1901. Instr., Hist., H. S., Charleston, 1902; Stud, of Law, Columbia, 1903-4; 111., 1905-6; Practiced law. East St. Louis, III., 1906-7; Instr., Broadway H. S., Seattle, 1907- 14; Prin., Daniel Bagley Sch., Seattle, 1914- 17; Prin.. West Seattle Sch., Seattle, 191 7 — . Married Mary W. Dickie, D 17. 1910, Seattle. Child, John Norman, b. N 19, 191 1. Address, 1928 46th Ave., S. W., Seattle; bus. add.. West Seattle Sch., do. 15H. AUGUSTUS HAROLD GRISWOLD Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 29, 1879, Milo, in. Prepared in Princeton H. S. Class Pres.; Tennis Championship. Elec. Engr." with West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1901-5; The Pac. States Telephone & Telegraph Co., San Fran- cisco, 1905. Lt. Col., U. S. A., A. E. F., France, 1918. Returned to states, 1919. Ad- dress, 461 Market St., San Francisco. t 1512. LEWIS EDWIN GRISWOLD Farmer; B. S.; b. Jl 5, 1876, White Hall, 111.; s. Damon (b. O 31, 1855, do.) and Edna (Bald- win) Griswold (b. Mr 29, 1856, do.). Prepared in White Hall H. S. and Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Farming until spring of 1903; Bur. of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1903-4; Farming. Auth.: With T. D. Rice, of Soil Sur. of the Ne«w Orleans Area; Soil Sur. of Acadia Parish, La., Pub. by U. S. Dept. of Agr. Address, Blue Mound, 111. 1513. ARTHUR RAYMOND HALL Lawyer; LL. B. ; A. B. and A. M., 1902; b. Tonica, 111.; s. Francis Marion (b. Me.) and Addie (Kelly) Hall (b. O.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., East Lynn, 111. Philomathean; Eng. Club; German Club; Y. M. C. A.; Phi Delta Phi; Football Capt., iqoo; Baseball; Phi Beta Kappa; on Class Day Program; Grad. Football Coach, Univ. of 111. Sec, St. Bd., Highway Advisers. Practicing Law, 1902 — •. Address, Daniel Bldg., Danville, 111. 1514. EDNA ROSE HAMMERS (RAY) (Wife of No. 1 165; Sister of Nos. 1137, 151S, 2409) A. B.; b. 1877, Secor, 111.; d. Morgan (b. 1838, Greene Co., Pa.) and Rosetta Jane (Gib- son) Hammers (b. Moundsville, W. Va.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Eng. Club; French Club; Y. W. C. A. Taught, 1900-3. Mem., Imperial C. L. S. C. : Univ. Club; Baptist Church; The Contemporary Club. Married George Joseph Ray ('98), Je 23, 1903, Cham- paign. Children: Lilian Rosalind, b. N 2, 1904; Gwendolen, b. Ap 24, iqio; Wilhelmine, b. F 12, 1913; George Joseph, Jr., b. F 25, 1914. Address, 59 N. Arlington Ave., East Orange, N. J. 1515. JESSE HAMMERS (Brother of Nos. 1137, 1514, 2409) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 20, 1870. Secor, 111.; s. Morgan Buckingham (b. Jl 11, 1838, Greene Co., Pa.) and Rosetta Jane (Gib- son) Hammers (b. Je 20, 1841, Moundsville, W. Va.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Din, Educ. Ry. Y. M. C. A., Scranton, Pa., 1906-7; Farmer, Pine City, Minn., 1907 — ; Co. Commissioner, Pine Co., Minn., 1914 — . Married Julia Tucker, Je 25, 1902. Children: Imogene Elizabeth, b. Ap 10, 1903; Helen Rose, b. F 8, 1905; Morgan B., b. Ag 21, 1913. Address, Pine City, Minn. igoi] Baccalaureate Alumni 147 1516. GEORGE MIFFLIN HARKER (Brother of No. 1346) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 23, 1875, Vienna, IlL; s. Oliver Albert (b. O.) and Sidney Ann (Bain) Harker (b. Vienna, III.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Univ. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi. 111. Nat. Guard, 1894-7. Mem., Metropolitan Club; "Why" Club; B. P. O. E. ; K. of P.; Master in Chancery of Jackson Co., Carbondale, 1903-5. Married Jessie Reynolds, Mr n, 1905, Carbondale, 111. Address. 266 S. Benton Way. Los Angeles; bus. add., 525 Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles.t 1 517. *DALE STUART HARRISON Editor; B. S.; b. F i, 1876, Sterling, 111.; s. William N. (b. Steuben Co., N. Y.) and Jennie Hyde (Gates) Harrison (b. Bradfort, Vt.). Prepared in Wallace H. S., Sterling, 111. Sigma Chi; C. E. Club. Resident Engr., Arapahoe, Okla. ; Ed. and Prop., San Augustine Tribune and Ed. Center (Tex.) News and Champion. Married Bernice Harrison, N 22, 1905, San Augustine, Tex. Children: Dorothy Bernice, b. Ag 20, 1907; Harriet Jane, b. F 17, 1909; Edward Stuart, b. D i, 1910. Died S 1914, San Augustine, Tex. 1518. GUY RUSSELL HARTRICK (Brother of Nos. 1347, 1519) Army Officer; B. S.; Ph. C; b. Ag 25, 1880, tJrbana; s. Henry (b. Mr 30, 1830, Ger.) and Emily (Taylor) Hartrick (b. Ag 6, 1840, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S., and Univ. Acad. Ph. G. and Ph. C, N. W. Sch. of Phar., 1902. Phi Delta Chi, N. W. Univ. Capt., Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Married Bess B. Crites, Mr 8, 1909, Omaha, Neb. Child, daughter, b. Je 1912. Address, 718 S. Market St., Urbana. 1519. LOUIS EUGENE HARTRICK (Brother of Nos. 1347, 1518) Phys. and Surg.; B. S.; b. Mr 12, 1S78, Sadorus, 111.: s. Henry (b. Mr 30,' 1830, Ger.) and Emily (Taylor) Hartrick (b. Ag 6, 1840, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. and Univ. Acad. Ph. G. and Ph. C, N. W. Univ., 1902; M. D., do., 1910. Phi Chi; Nu Sigma Nu; Philomathean; Nat. Sc. Club: Chem. Club. Pharm. and Dealer in Gen. Merchan- dise; Phys. and Surg. Mem., 111. St. Med. Soc. ; A. M. A.; Champaign Med. Soc. Ad- dress, Seymour, Ill.f 1520. CARL J. HAYS (Brother of No. 1139) Ranchman and Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 22, 1878, Sidney, 111.; s. Edmund (b. O IS, 1848, Jeffersonville, O.) and Mary C. (Smith) Hays (b. My 9, 1849, do.). Pre- pared in Sidney H. S. Pioneer work for So. Pacific Ry., 1901-7; C. E. for Fountain Head Drainage Dist., 1908; City Engr., Cham- paign, 191 1 ; Chief Engr., Kankakee and Ur- bana Traction Co., 1911-13; Drainage Engr., Urbana, 1913-16; Irrigation Engr., and cattle and wheat ranch, Missler, Kan., 1916 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T. Married Hattie Rosella Davis, .^g 4, 1908, Champaign. Chil- dren: Edmund Davis, b. O i, 1913; Carl J., b. Jl 24, 1918. Address, Missler, Kan. 1521. LAWRENCE SEYMOUR HEATH Real Est., Abstract and Ins.; A. B.; b. N 29, 1869, Crawford Co., 111.; s. Milton (b. 1830, Lawrence Co., 111.) and Ann (Wald- roup) Heath (b. 1837, Crawford Co., do.). Prepared in Danville Central Norm. Coll. A. B., Austin Coll., 1896. Supt., Edinburg Schs., 1901-2; teacher, Latin and (jreek, Aus- tin Coll., Effingham, 111., 1898-1900, 1902-3; .Supt., Schs., Edinburg, 111., 1901-2, 1903-7; Prof., Math., Carthage Coll., Carthage, 111., 1907-8; Asst. Postmaster, Robinson, 1908-18; Real Est., Abstract, and Ins., Robinson, 111., 1918 — . Married Clara Ella Frye, S 14, 1892, Flat Rock, 111. Children: Bayard, b. O 7, 1893; Edward Everett, b. N s, 1895; Ruby Ethel, b. Mr 26, 1898; Virgil, b. Je 24, 1900; Vernon Lawrence, b. Mr 13, 1906; Mary Catherine, b. Jl 25, 1915. Address, Robinson, 111. 1522. BYRON WALLACE HICKS Contractor; B. S._ in C. E. ; b. S 20, 1877, Warren, 111.; s. William Solomon (b. Ja i, 1833, Bodmin, Cornwall, Eng.) and Rosetta (Tear) Hicks (b. O 16, 1839, LeRoy, O.). Prepared in Warren H. S. and Warren Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi. .\sst. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1901; Office Engr., Frisco System, Fayetteville, Ark., 1902; Const. Engr., W. & M. R. R., 1902-4; Gen. Mgr., Babel Lead Min. Co., 1904-7; Chief Engr., W. & M. R. R., 1907-8; Contr., Waterworks, Rys., and Highways, 1908 — . Married Gertrude L. Cope- land, N I, 1904, Vulcan, Mich. Children: Byron Wallace, b. N 15, 1905; Franklin Cope- land, b. Ag 14, 1907; Lucy .\nn, b. My 7, 1913. Address, 690 Frederick Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 1523. *IDA HINKLE A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 9, 1875, Bement, 111. Prepared in Bement H. S. Eng. Club; Phi Beta Kappa, 1910. Died Ap 8, 1918, Ur- bana. 1524. ARTHUR CASSON HOBBLE (Husband of No. 1504) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 191 1; b. Ja 9, 1880, Glasford, 111.; s. Henry (b. Glas- ford. 111.) and Flora Jane (Bolton) Hobble (b. Altoona, Pa.). Prepared in Augusta H. S. E. E. Soc; Track team, "I"; Class Football; Y. M. C. A.; Ath. Assn. With Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, in testing Dept. and Switch- board Drafting; Prof., Fessenden Wireless Telegraphy, Fortress Monroe; Elec. Engr., Mysore St. Govt., Cauvery Power Scheme, India, as const, and elec. engr., in connection with the 10,000 H. P. Cauvery River Power Scheme; Elec. Const. Engr., S. Pearson & Son on Conchos River Hydro-elec. Project at La Boquilla, Mex. ; in home office of Gen. Elec. Co., 19 10. Auth.: The Largest Hydro-elec. Development in Southern Asia, Elec. Rez'iew, 1905. Mem., Am. Electro-Chem. Soc; Assoc, mem., \. I. E. E. Married Grace Ann Gar- nett ('01), Je 29, 1907, St. Mary's, 111. Chil- dren: Harlan Garnett, b. F 3, 1909; Flora Elouise, b. Ag 29, 191 1. Address, Rushville, 111.; bus. add., LaBoquilla Sta., Rosalia, Chi- huahua. Mex. 1525. FRANK HAMILTON HOLMES Real Estate; LL. B.; A. B., 1903: b. N 21, 1877, North Henderson, 111.; s. David Newton (b. Ag 25, 1843, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Mathers) Holmes (b. N 15, 1849, Orangeville, Ind.). Prepared in Knox Acad. B. S. Knox Coll., 1897. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi. Prin., N. Henderson H. S., 1897-8; Instr., Law of Real and Personal Property, Univ. of 111., 1901-2; Real Est. Bus. Married Frances Julia Kerenski, Ag 16, 1913, Chicago. Address, T819 Columbia St., Houston, Te.x. ; bus. add.., 1017 Carter Bldg,, do. 1526. MABEL HOPKINS (HUBBARD) (Wife of No. 1233) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 6, 1877, Irvington, Ind.; d. John O'Kane (b. 1843, Ind.) and Eliza Ellen (Martin) Hopkins (b. 1846, do.). Prepared in Indianapolis H. S. Chi Omega; Alethenai; German Club; Y. W. C. A.; Class Prophet. Mem., Woodlawn Woman's Club; Assn. Coll. Alumnae; V. P., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. of Chicago, 1908. Married George Wallace Hubbard ('99), S ii. 1901, Indian- University of Illinois I1901 apolis. Children: Elizabeth Edna, b. My 20, 1905; Mabel Lois, b. S 4, 1913. Address, 222 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. 1527. CHARLES ALBERT HOPPIN Pres., Engng. and Const. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 13, 1878, La Crosse, Wis.; s. Albert and Annabelle (Clifton) Hoppin (b. West Anna, 111.). I'repared in West Aurora H. S. Adel- phic. Erecting Engr., Allis Chalmers Co., 1905; Asst. Dist. Supt., Erection with hdqtrs. at New York, 1907; Chief Engr., Peoria Gas & Elec. Co., 191 1 ; Gen. Supt., Elec. & Heat- ing Depts., Peoria Gas & Elec. Co., 1911-13; Hoppin and Rich, Engrs. and Constructors, 1913-16; Pres., C. A. Hoppin & Co., 1916 — . Mem., Peoria Lodge No. 15, A. F. A. M.; do. Chap. No. 7, R. A. M.; do. Commandery No. 3, K. T. ; Mohammed Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Creve Coeur Club, Peoria; A. S. M. E., Pres., 191 1 ; Rotary Club, Peoria. Married Jessie Cramer, Je i, 1905, Champaign. Child- ren: Bessie Cramer, b. Mr 9, 1908; Charles Albert, Jr., b. S 15. 191 1; John Harlow, b. Mr 24, 1913. Address, 1707 Columbia Terrace, Peoria; bus. add., 609 Central Nat. Bank Bldg. do. 1528. HARLAN HOYT HORNER Dean and Director; A. B. ; b. My 4, 1878. Moravia, la.; s. Eugene Brandon (b. S 30, 1845, Lake Geneva, Wis.) and Susan Cordelia (Sears) Horner (b. Ja 18, 1852, Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Cerro Gordo H. S. A. M., N. Y. St. Coll. for Teachers, 19 15. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean; Oral. Assn.; Eng. Club; Ill.-Ind. debating team, 1898-99; represcntated Univ. in Central (^rat. League, 1901; Hatchet Orator for Jrs., 1900, and for Srs., 1901; Roast Ed., Illio. Instr., Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1901-2; Sec. to Pres. Draper, 1902-4; Sec. to Comn. of Educ, St. of N. Y.. 1904-7; Chief Adm. Div., N. Y. St. Educ. Dept., 1907-10; Chief Examinations Div., 1910-15; Dir., Examinations and Inspections, 1915-17; Dean, N. Y. St. Coll. for Teachers, and Dir., Summer Session, 1917 — ; Prof., Educ, do., 1917 — ; traveled in Europe, 1011; lectured at educ. meetings and served as Four Minute Man; Adjt., N. Y. St. Coll., Teachers' Intercollegiate Intelligence Bur., 1918. Auth. : Three biogs. in Great Am. and Eng. Auths., edited vol. of addresses by Andrew S. Draper on Am. Educ, 1909; live articles published by N. Y. St. Educ. Dept.; articles in Seh. Neivs, Unn\ of III. .-ilumui Quarterly, Proc. of As- sociated Principals, Jour. N. Y. St. Teachers' Assi:.. Proc. of N. Y. St. Hist. Assn.. Sell, and Soc, Proc. of Second Pan-Am. Sc. Cong., St. Serz'ice Mag. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Deacon, First Presby. Church; Univ. Club; Aurania Club, Albany, N. Y.; N. Y. St. Hist. Assn.; Nat. Geog. Soc; N. Y. St. Teachers' Assn.; Rotary Club; Pres., Upper Hudson Assn. of Phi Beta Kappa, 1917-18; V. P., Nat. Assn. H. S. Supvrs. and Insps., 1917-18. Married Gioga Dagmar Gaston, S 15, 1904, Cerro Gordo, 111. Address, 872 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y. 1529. OSCAR LLOYD HOUSEL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl s, 1877. Galesburg, 111.; s. William Harrison and Martha (Hougham) Housel. Prepared in Galesburg H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Army and Navv Club; Adj., Univ. Rcgt., 1899: Lt. Col., do'.. 1900. Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co.. Ft. Yates, N. Dak., 1902; Post Elec, Ft. Yellowstone, Wyo., 1902; Elec. Engr. and Draftsman, Super- vising Arch., Treas. Dept., 1005; Elec. Drafts- man, Bur. Yards &• Docks, Navy Dept., 1906; Purchasing Agt., W. R. Grace & Co., N. Y. City, 1008; Agt., West. Elec. Co., Baltimore. 1909; Mgr., Emporia Hydro-Elec Power Corp., 1910; Supt.. Alexandria Elec. Co., Alexandria, Va., 1911; Supt., Arlington Elec. Co., Claren- don, Va., 1912 — ; Asst. Elec. Engr., Dist. of Columbia. In U. S. Army Hosp. Corps; served in invasion of Porto Rico, 1898; Capt., Engng. Corps, 1917. Married Marion Alberta Nelson, Je 1904, Vineland, N. J. Child, Robert Har- rison, b. Jl 3, 1905. Address, Clarendon, V'a. 1530. CLARA ELIZABETH HOWARD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O. 24, 1879, Blooming- ton, 111.; d. Theodore Norman and Lillias Celina (Capen) Howard. Prepared in Lafayette (Ind.) H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Libn., (Tarnegie Lib. of Pittsburgh, Wylie Ave. Branch; do., Pittsburgh, 1901-16; do., Schenley H. S. du., 191 6 — . Auth.: The Lib. and the Foreigner, Lib. Notes, Vol. 3, 1910, pp. u-K); The Rela- tion of a Branch Lib. to its Dist., Am. Lib. .■Issn. Proc, 191 1, pp. 109-112, Vol. 5, No. 4; The Mod. H. S. Lib., Pa. Lib. Notes, Vol. 9, No. I, 1917, pp. 2-4; Orgn. of a Mod. H. S. Lib., A. L. A. Proc, 1917, pp. 176-179; The Schenley H. S. Lib., Pub. Libs., Vol. 23, No. 2, 19 1 7, pp. 67-69. Mem., Pittsburgh Alumnae .'Vssn. of Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pittsburgh Pan-Hellenic Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn.; Kevstone St. Lib. Assn.; Pa. St. Educ. Assn.; N. E. A. .4ddress, 5546 Darlington Rd., Pittsburgh; bus. add., Schenley II. S., do. 1531. *JOSEPH HOWARD Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Ap 25, 1874, Augusta, Ky.; s. Ruben Lee (b. 1839, Augusta, Ky.) and Eliza Franklin (Laughlin) Howard (b. 1848, do.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Mem., Lar- amie Co., Bar Assn. Died Jl 28, 1906, Ft. Collins, Colo. 1532. WALLACE GEORGE HUMPHREY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 22, 1878, Hamilton, 111.; s. E. H. (b. D 10, 1836, Charlestown, N. V.) and Hattie C. Humphrey (b. My 23, 1849, Hamilton, 111.). Prejiared in Hamilton and Keokuk H. S.; Univ. of la. Philomathean; Ill.- Ind. Debating Team, 1900-1. Atty. at law, 1901; Supvr., Monticello Tp. Address, Hamil- ton, Ill.t 1533. HARRY EDGAR HUNTER (Brother of No. 1706) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 2, 1878, Newton, la.; s. George Beatty (b. Je 18, 1840,. Carrollton, O.) and Susan Amelia (Dunklee) Hunter (b. F 4. 1843. Pittsford, Vt.). Pre- pared in Newton (la.) H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trid- ent. Attended la. St. Coll., 1895-7. Mem., (T^edar Rapids Country Club. Married Jane Ellen Van Buren, Je 30, 1909, Cedar Rapids, la. Address, 1955 Blake Blvd., Cedar Rapids, la.; bus. add., 503 Security Bank Bldg., do. 1534. FLORA DOROTHY HURLBERT Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Lyndon, 111.; d. John Jenness (b. 1849, Albany, Vt.) and Florence Emily (Hazard) Hurlbert (b. 1852, Lyndon, 111.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. and N. W. Univ. Acad. Delta Gamma; I Hint Advisory Bd. Libn., Pub. Lib., Hudson, Wis.; do., Ballard Branch, Seattle Pub. Lib., 1908-10; do., W. Seattle, 1910-11; do., St. Norm. Sch. and Preceptress Cumstock Hall, Moorhead, Minn., 1912-15; Libn., Hibbing Pub. Lib., Hibbing, Minn., 1915 — . Address, Morrison, 111.; bus. add., Hibbing, Minn. 1535. DAISY DEANE IDDINGS (MINER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 27, 1879, Fairfield, 111.; d. Samuel (b. 1850, do.) and Jemima (Brown) Iddings (b. 1855, do.). Prepared in Fairfield H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; Eng. Club; German Club. Teacher, Eng.. Savanna, 190 1-2; Prin., H. S., Monticello, 1902- 4; Teacher, Eng.. H. S., Bloomington, 1904- 6; do.. Great Falls. Mont., 1906-7. Married Spencer Clark Miner, Je 30, 1909, Atlanta, III. Children: Robert William, b. S 19, 1910; Sam- igoij Baccalaureate Alumni 149 uel Spencer, b. D 13, 191 2; Richard Henry, b. Je 8, 1914; Janet Carolyn, b. F 20, 1917- ^d- diess, Atlanta, 111. 1536. JAMES EDWARD JOHNSON (Brother of Nos. 960, 1359, 1709, 2712, 3051) With Danville St. Ry. & Light Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 10, 1879, Tolono, 111.; s. Dr. Charles B. (b. O 8, 1842, Pocahontas, 111.) and Maria Louisa (Lewis) Johnson (b. Ag 28, 1847, Chatham, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Chi. Married Sara Palmer, N 20, 1909. Address, 408 W. North St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., 4 W. Main St., do.t 1537. ALBERT EDWARD JONES Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 11, 1876, Lena, 111.; s. A. D. and Amanda M. (Gaimau) Jones. Address, Lena, Ill.t 1538. FRANCES E. JONES Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 17, 1876, Morris, 111.; d. Delos (b. Mr 28, 1845, Boonville, N. Y.) and Ella Eliza (Jackson) Jones (b. Ja 20, 1851, Guilderland, N. Y.). Prepared in Mor- ris H. S.; Wheaton Coll., 1894-96, 97-98. Lib. Cataloger and Organizer, 1902-17; Reference Libn., McCZormick Theological Sem., 1918 — . Address, Morris, 111. 1539. FRANCES KELLEY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8, 1877, near St. David, 111.; d. Samuel Adams (b. Mr i, 1842, do.) and Rebecca Capps (Stevenson) Kelley (b. Ag 13, 1837, O.). Prepared in Canton H. S.; Knox Coll., 1896-8. Alethenai; S. S. S.; Y. W. C. A. Taught, H. S., Farmer City, 1901-2; Lincoln, 111., 1902-5; in Calif., summer 1905; Univ. of 111., 2nd sem., 1907; Taught, H. S., Gibson City, 1907-8; Murphys- boro Tp. H. S., 1908-9; Harrisburg Tp. II. S., 1909-12. Address, 240 E. Locust St., Canton, 111. 1540. JOHN EDWARD KEMP Engineer; B. S.; C. E., 1908; b. Ja 14, 1878, Chicago; s. John McMillan (b. O 8, 1852, Chi- cago) and Elizabeth May (Atteridge) Kemp (b. S 9, 1850, Lake Forest, 111.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; Lake Forest Coll., 1895-9. A. B., Lake Forest, 1901. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident; Capt., LIniv. Regt.; Assoc. Ed., Technograph ; Sr. Ball Com. Rodman, Transitman, C. N. W. R. R. ; .'\sst. City Engr., Kewanee; City Engr. and Water Supt., do.; Supt., Bldgs. and C. E. Dent., Nat. Tube Co., do.; First Lt., Co. K., III. Nat. Guard, six mos. ; Capt., Engng. U. S. R., 191 7 1 (.'hief Engr., Ord. Depot Const, in France, 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. ; mem.. III. Soc. of C. E. and Survs.; Iron and Steel Inst. Married Pauline Harris King, S 4, 1906, Prescott, la. Children: John Theodore, b. D 6, 1907; Harris Atteridge, b. Jl 3, 1912. Address, 701 E. Prospect St., Kewanee, 111. 1 541. HARLOW BARTON KIRKPATRICK C. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 26, 1879, Anna, 111.; s. Cornwall E. and Frank M. (Hubbard) Kirkpatrick. Prepared in Union Acad., Anna, 111. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; C. E. Club. Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1901-2; Engr., C. N. W. R. R., 1902-4; Engr., Central Am., 1904; Misc. Engr., 1904; Instr., C. E., Syracuse Univ., 1904-5; Asst. Engr., Bur. of Engng., Manila, P. I., 1905-7; Resident Engr., The Arnold Co., 1907-8; Chief Irrigation Div. B. Pub. Works, Manila, P. I., 1908-10; Asst. Engr. San. Dist. of Chicago, 1910-11; Valua- tion Engr. 1911-12; Sales Engr., H. Koppers Co., Chicago, 1912-15; Contract Mgr., H. Koppers Co., Pittsburgh, 191 5 — . Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E.; West. Soc. Engrs.; Hon. Mem., Philippine Soc. of Engrs. Married Elizabeth Gaylord Hillman, F 26, 1908, Evanston, 111. Children: Eleanor Millward, b. S 16, 1909; Harlow Barton, Jr., b. Ja 6, 191 'I John Gay- lord, b. O 23, 1912; Elizabeth II., b. Ag 10, 1915. Address, 817 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh. 1542 MARY HARRIETT KITTREDGE (BROWN) B. L. S.; b. F 19, 1876, Ilarrisville, N. H.; d. Samuel Grant (b. Ag 10, 1850. Walpole, N. H.) and Harriett Louise (Harris) Kittredge (b. 1852, Harri.sville, N. II.). Prepared in Keene H. S. Attended Welleslcy Coll., 1896- 9. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111., Nat. Hist. Lib., igoi-3. Married J. Addison Brown, O 9, 1903, Cleve- land. Child, Kittredge, b. My 12, 1905. Ad- dress, 808 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 1543. ADOLPH KREIKENBAUM Pres. and Mgr., Varnish Co.; B.. S. in Chem.; b. O 30, 1877, Chicago; s. Fred (b. Gottingen, Ger.) and Bertha (Kopplin) Kreikenbaum (b. Pomerania, do.). Prepared in Northwest Div. H. S., Chicago. Philoma- thean; Ath. Assn.; Der Deutsche Verein; Chem. Club. Gymnasium Instr., 1901-2; With Chicago Coke Oven Co.; Kennicott Water Softener Co.; Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. ; Nubian Paint and Varnish Co., 1905-6; Glidden Varnish Co., Cleveland, 1907-10; Adult & Wi- borg Co., Cincinnati, 1910-11; Consulting Chem., Varnish Indus.; Pres. and Mgr., Kreik Varnish Co., Chicago, 1912 — . Auth.: Con- stants of Chinese Wood Oil, Jour, of Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. 2, No. 5, 1910. Mem., A. C. S. Married Josephine W. Dodge, D 29, 1904. Address, 1861 N. Ilalsted St., Chicago. 1544. LOUIS ARMAND W. LAMET Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 28, 1873; s. Julien (b. Jl 22, 1852, Martiquy-les-Banis, France) and Heloise (Sylvester) Lamet (b. do.). Prepared in Warsaw H. S. Lawyer, Warsaw, 111., i9T>4; mem., firm Plantz & Lamet, 1904 — . Mem., M. W. A., Council. Married Ainiee Magdalena LeMaire, Ja 10, 1905, Basco, 111. Children: Leon Louis, b. N 22, 1905; Helen Aimee, b. Ag 21, 1907. Address, Warsaw, Ill.t 1 545. K.'XTHERINE ALBERTA W. LAYTON (CRATHORNE) (Wife of No. II 19) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; Ph. D., 1908; b. Jl 17, 1878, near Canton, 111.; d. William II. (b. Ag II, 1 83 1, N. J.) and Phoebe A. (Potter) Layton (b. Je 30, 1843, Fulton Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Canton li. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Ale- thenai; Choral Soc.; German and Grad. Clubs; Valedictorian. Teacher, H. S., Lincoln, 1901-2; H. S., E. Aurora, 1902-4; Stud., Univ. of Leipzig, 1904-5; Asst., German, Univ. of 111., 1905-6; Teaching Fellow, do., 1906-7; Res. Fellow, do., 1907-8; Teacher, Harrisburg Tp. H. S., 1908-9; traveled in Ger. summers of 1913, 1914; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Ger., Smith Coll., 1909-17; Emergency Teacher, French, Univ. of 111., 1918-19. Auth.: The Nibelungen of Wagner, Monograph, Univ. Studies Vol. iii. No. 4, 73 PP.> 1909. Mem., Unitarian Church; Mod. Lang. Assn. Married Arthur R. Crathorne ('98), Je 20, 1917, Northampton, Mass. Ad- dress, 1 1 13 S. 4th St., Champaign. 1546. WALTER CHARLES LINDLEY Lawyer; A. B.; LL. B., 1904; J. D., 1910; b. Jl 12, 1880, Neoga, 111.; s. Alfred W. (b. S 7, 1856, Richmond, Ind.) and Irene (Carey) Lindley (b. S 7, 1858, Cincinnati). Prepared in Neoga H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Philomathean; Pol. Sc. Club; Van Twiller Club Court; Phi Beta Kappa; represented 111. in Cent. Orat. League University of Illinois [1901 at Delaware, O.: Bus. Mgr. and Asst. Ed., mini. Taught in Univ. Acad, and studied law, 1901-4; practicing law, 1904-06; mem., firm of Lindley, Penwell & Lindley, 1906—. Treas., Rep. Co. Central Com., 1910; Master in Chancery U. S. Dist. Court, 1910-18; mem., Advisory Com. to Bd. of Trustees for Coll. of Law, 1909 — . Auth.: Articles for legal mags, at irregular intervals; articles on corp. orgn. and illegal declaration of stock divi- dends in .4 m. Legal Nczvs. Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Bar Assn.; 111. Bar Assn., served on special com., loio-iS; Dir., 1908-18, and Pres., 191.3, Danville Country Club; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; K. P.; Ex. Com. of Alumni Assn., 1913. Married Louise Brown, Ap 30, 1913, North Egremont, Mass. Children: Mary Alletta, b. My 11, 1914; Louise Dewey, b. Je 18, 1916. Address, 1205 Logan Ave., Danville, 111.; bus. add., 409-417 Daniel Bldg., do. 1 547. STACIA LIVINGSTON (TEMPLE) (Wife of No. 1428) B. L. S.; b. Pine Grove, Wis.; d. J. Harmon and L. Maria (Hinkley) Livingston. Prepared in Wis. St. Norm., Oshkosh, Wis. Married Harry Roberts Temple ('00), D 26, 1901. Ad- dress, II 13 W. Church St., Champaign. 1548. PAUL EDMUND LODGE (Brother of No. 3451) « Mgr., Farms Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F ri, 1878, Monticello, 111.; s. William Edmyind- iion (b. Cincinnati) and Frances Ann (Piatt) Lodge (b. Monticello, 111.'). Prepared in Mon- ticello H. S. Grad. course in Phil., Columbia. Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club; Asst. Ed., Itlini. With Pub. Press Assn., N. Y., 1901-2; Mgr., Chicago Office, do.; Managing Ed., The Ed. 15, 1851, Clinton Co., 111.). Prepared in Cen- tralia II. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Phi Beta Kappa; Ed., Illitii, 1900 01 ; Co-ed., Varsity Fortnightly, 1900-01; Ed., Illinois Mag., 1901-02; Fellow, Eng., 1901. Instr., Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Stud, in Harvard, 1903-4; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1904-5; in Rhet., 1905-6; Assoc. Eng., Univ. of 111., 1906-12; Asst. Prof., Eng., 1912; Sec, Dept. of Eng., 1910 — ■; Chairman, Dept. or Eng. 1916-17; Sec, Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. 1907 — ; Executive Sec, Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, 1918 — . Auth.: Newspapers and Periodicals of 111., 1818-79, St. Hist. Lib., 1910; Coll. Readings in Eng. Prose (with Jacob Zeitlin) Macmillan, 1913; (edited) Burke's Speech on Conciliation, Scribners, 1907; Bio- grajihies of Addison, Keats, and Shelley, C. M. Parker, Taylorville, 1903; stories and numerous articles in various mags, and journals; Ed., Alumni Record, Univ. of 111., 1906 and 1918; Ed., Alumni Quarterly, 1907-17; Ed., Univ. Catalog, 1907-1909; Assoc. Ed., Alpha Tau Omega Palm, 1909-18; Ed., do., 1918 — . Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn.; Am. Hist. Assn.; Assn. of Coll. Profs.; Nat. Coun. Teachers of English. Married Ethel Clara Forbes ('03), Je 18, 1908, Urbana. Children: Mary Forbes, b. Ag 6, 1910; Hugh Forbes, b. Jl 9, 1915; Thomas William, b. S 3, 1918. Address, 803 Michigan Ave., Urbana, 111. 1586. WILLIAM HORACE SHERMAN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 25, 1876, Oakland, 111.; s. Daniel (b. My 30, 1846, Zanesville, O.) and Martha (Allen) Sherman (b. D 12, 1851, Oak- land, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Delta Tau Delta. First V. P., Monroe Club (Dem.) of St. Joseph, Mo., 1905-6; Dem. Nom. to Mo. Legislature, 1906; Mem., 43d and 44th Gen. As- semblies; Asst. Prosecuting Atty., 1911-12. Mem., I. O. O. F.; K. of P.; F. O. E. Married Marie Eden, Terre Haute, Ind. Children: William Eden. b. 1901; Charles Beveridge, b. 1902; Joe Allen, b. 1905. Address, 601 E. Missouri Ave., St. Joseph, Mo.t 1587. WALTER CAMPBELL SHORT Brig. Gen., U. S. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 30, 1880. Fillmore, 111.; s. Hiram Spait (b. My 4, 1840, Randolph Co., N. C.) and Sarah Miner- va (Stokes) Short (b. O 25, 1851, Ramsey, 111.). Prepared in Fillmore H. S. Math. Club; Capt. Univ. Regt.; Illio. Instr. Math., West. Mil. Acad., 1901-2; 2nd Lt., 25th U. S. Inf., 154 University of Illinois [1901 Ft. Reno, Okla., 1902-7; ist Lt., i6th U. S. Inf., Ft. Gibbon, Alaska, 1907; Capt., i6th Inf. A. E. F.; Maj., O. R. C; CoL, do.; Brig. Gen., do., 1918. Won Nat. Pistol Championship. 1909. Address, War Dept., Washington, D. C. 1588. AARON TRABUE SIMMONS Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. O 30, 1876, Jerseyville. 111.; s. John Hardin (b. Ag 4, 1851, Brighton, III.) and Ellen Frances Trabue Simmons (.b. Je 19, 1855, Jerseyville, 111.). Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. Arch. Club. Mem.. Baptist Church. Married Emily Kather- ine Hulva, O 19, 1908. Children: Pauline Ellen, b. Ja 2, 191 1; Marjorie, b. F 15, 1913- Address, i Cedar Crest, Normal, 111.; btts. add., 401-2-3 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Bloomington, do. 1589. EDWARD CLYDE SLOCUMB Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 18, 1877, Mt. Vernon, la.; s. Charles G. (b. Ja i, 1843, Albany, 111.) and Eliza M. (Stephens) Slocumb (b. Je 9, 1S45). Prepared in Keithsburg H. S.; Hedding Coll., Abingdon; Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. Res. Engr., C. N. W. R. R., 1 901-3; Asst. Engr., Track Elevations and Terminals C. B. & Q., Chicago, 1904; Div. Engr., Beardstown Div., C. B. & Q., Beards- town, 1904-8; Engr., Grade Reduction and Improvements between Concord and Centralia, 1908; Asst. Engr., 111. Dist., Galesburg, 1908; Pvt. Engng. Contr. and Mgr. for Irrigation and Development work in N. M.; Oil and Artesian Well Contr.. Artesia, N. M., 1908-12; Gen. Contracting, Minneapolis, 19 12-14; asso- ciated with Haglin-Stahr Co. and J. Leek & Co.; Commissioner of Streets, City Engng. Dept., Minneapolis, 1914. R. O. T. C, 1917; Capt., Engrs., U. S. R.; Co. F, 313th Engr., Camp Dodge; mem., Regtl. Staff Hdqtrs. Co., 191 7. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M., Ark Lodge 176; R. A. M., Ark Chap. =53; Flour City Camp, M. W. of A. 630; West. Soc. Engrs. Married .Adelaide Williamson, My 6, 1902. Children: Mary Gilford, b. Ja i, 1904; Margaret Williamson, b. D 10, 1907. Address, 3535 Fremont Ave., N., Minneapolis. 1590. ALFRED HIGGINS SLUSS Professor; B. S.; b. S 29, 1877 Tuscola, 111.; s. Alonzo Clayton (b. Grand View, 111.) and Minerva Ann (Higgins) Sluss (b. Hillsboro, O.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Foreman, Acme Harvester Co., Peoria, 1901-3; Instr., Phvs. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1903-7; Asst. Supt., T. I. Case Plow Works. 1907; Asst. Prof., M. E., Ll^niv. of Kan., 1908-12; Assoc. Prof., do., 1912 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Acacia; Sigma Tau; A. S. C. E. Address, 1122 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. 1 591. BRUCE SMITH Teacher; A. B.; b. F 6, 1872, Newman, 111.; s. James M. (b. O 8, 1832. Park Co., Ind.) and Ellen E. (Pound) Smith (b. S 11, 1844, Clark Co., Ind.). Prepared in Newman H. S. Philomathean; Eng. Club. Teacher, rural sclis. and Newman H. S.; teacher, Eng.. H. S., Decatur, 1901-7; do., Central H. S., St. Louis, 1907-9; Soldan H. S., St. Louis, 1909 — . Married Edna Helen Van Meter, Je 30, 1908. Child, Bruce Lannes, b. D 11, 1909. Address, 310 Gore Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.t 1592. GEORGE CARROLL SMITH Surgeon; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 19, 1878, Flora,^ 111.; s. Randolph (b. Plattsburg, Mo.) and Ximena Lucia (Hanna) Smith (b. Louis- ville, 111.). Prepared in Flora H. S.; Arcol.i H. S. Attended Univ. of Chicago, 1901-2; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1904; post grad. work. Berlin, Ger. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Interne, St. Joseph Hosp., Chicago, 1904-5; Surg., 1906 — ; Assoc. Prof., Surg., and Sec, of the faculty, St. Louis Univ. 1st Lt., M. R. C, 1913-17 .\uth. : Topographical Anatomy of the Female Pelvis; Nicholas Senn as an Operator, Bui. St. Louis Med. Soc, Vol. 2, 1908, 136 pp.; In- travenous Local Anaesthesia, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. VIII, pp. 855; The Histology and Nature of the So-called Foam Cell Tumors with a Re- port of Four Cases of Endothelioma Xantho- matosum, Surg. Gyn. Obstet., Vol. XIV, 19 12, pp. 55; The Value of Beginning Passive Mo- tion Early, Following Fractures in or Near Joints, Jotci'. Mo. St. Med. Assn., Vol. IX, 1912, pp. 170; Congenital Absence of Ribs, Report of Case with Complete Absence of the Left 7th and 8th Ribs, Jour. A. M. A., Vol. LX, 1913, pi>. 895; Does the Internatl. Adm. of Potassium Iodide have any Effect on Thyroid Grafts in Guinea Pigs?, Jour. Med. Research, Vol. XXX, 1014, pp. 113; Surgical Lesions as Etiological Factors in Gastric Svmptoms, AIo. St. Med. Assn., Jl. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. ; Triple A. Golf Club; St. Louis Med. Soc; Mo. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; St. Louis Surgeons' Club; Fellow, Am. Coll. Surgs. Married Mar- garet Clare Shirley, N 6, 191 5, (I^hicago. Ad- dress, 537 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis. 1593. PERCY ALMERIN SMITH (Husband of No. 1662; Brother of No. 2518) Missionary; B. S.; A. M. in Educ, 1912; b. Ag 8, 1876, Dixon, 111.; s. Eli Clark (b. Ap 23, 1829, Ticonderoga, N. Y.) and Sera- phina Frances (Gardner) Smith (b. Ja 14, 1846, Dixon 111.). Prepared in N. Dixon H. S. Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Pres., Adelphic; Math. Club; Ath. Assn.; Orat. Assn.; Intersoc De- bating Team. Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., iqoi-3: taught Eng., Hiroshima Norm. Coll., Hiroshima, Japan, 1903-12; founded Eng. Teachers Mag., 1906; Ed., do., 1906-12; Miss., .'\m. Epis. Church, 1912 — ; Tsu, Japan, 1912-14; Fukui, Japan, 1914 — . Auth.: Notes on Practical Phonetics, 100 pp., 1910; Stories from the West, 3 vols., 150 pp., 1911; edi- torials regularly in Eng. Teachers Mag., 1906- 12; Some Phases of the Play of Japanese Boys and Men, Pedagogical Sem., 1909; An Am. View of Japanese Educ, Fukui Prefectural Educ. Mag., 191 5. Mem., Am. Red Cross in Japan; Japanese Anti-Tuberculosis Assn.; Fukui Prefectural Anti-Tuberculosis Assn.; Japanese Purity Assn.; Advisory mem., Fukui Prefectural Educ Assn. Married Charlotte Enid Draper ('02), O 20. 1903, Yokohama, Japan. Children: Draper Almerin, b. S i, 1905 (died My 26, 1908); Hubert Haven, b. F 22, 1907 (died Ap 11, 1908); Frances Enid, b. F 21, 1914; Haven Gardner, b. Ag 9, 1918. .■iddress, Kanazawa, Japan. 1594. LORINDA BALLOU SPELLMAN Dairywoman; B. L. S.; b. Washington, III.; d. William Wing (b. Ag 23, 1840, Alexandria, O,) and Laura Ballou (Wartenbe) Spellman (b. Jl 18, 1840, Zanesville). Prepared in Granville (O.) H. S.; Denison Univ., Gran- ville, one yr. Cataloger, Cleveland Pub. Lib., 1902-6; Libn., El Paso, Tex., 1907-8; teacher, Tularosa, N. M., 1908-10; do., Cloudcroft, do., 1910-11; do., Carrizozo, N. M., 1911-14; Owner of Clover Leaf Dairy, 1914^. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, Carrizozo, N. M. 1595. OTIS ORION STANLEY Phys. and Surg.; B. S.; M. S., 1902; b. My 22, 1874, Montezuma, la.: s. Ellis J. (b. Koleta, 111.) and Anna (Dick) Stanley (b. Sycamore, 111.). Prepared in Wentworth I\iil. Acad., Lexington, Mo.; Cotner Univ., Lincoln, Neb.; Univ. Acad. M. D., N. W. Univ., 1906. Adelphic; Alpha Omega Alpha. Asst., Physiol, and Grad. Stud., N. W. Med. Sch., 1903-6. Practising Phys. & Surg., Cham- paign and Urbana. 1906 — . Capt., Med. Corps, State Psychopathic Hosp., Ann Arbor. Mich., 1918; Mustered out, D 191S. Mem., Christian igoi] Baccalaureate Alumni iSS Church. Married Mabel Edith Applegate, Ag 12, 1896. Atlanta, 111. Children: Deane Field, b. Ag 5, 1897; Paul McLane, b. Ja 8, 1899; Katherine Kemp, b. N 25, 1902; Gretcheu Anne, b. S 17, 1904 (died Ag 31, 1905); Alice Muriel, b. N 12, 1906. Address, 604 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 200 Co-op. Bldg., Cham- paign. 1596. AMOS MILTON STEVENSON Law Stenog. ; LL. B.; b. Ag 8, 1877, Man- ville. 111.; s. William J. (b. Je 29, 1851, Mus- catine, la.) and Hattie E. (Reamer) Stevenson (b. My 26, 1855, Peoria). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Taught in LaSalle Co., 1901-5; Law Stenog., 1905-9. Co. C. of Ottawa on riot duty in Danville, 111. Married Ida M. Mell, N 26, 1908, Chicago. Address, 425 Catherine St., Ottawa, Ill.t 1597. *RALPH EWING STEVENSON B. S.; b. Mr 20, 1880, Bloomington, 111.; s. Thomas W. (b. Ag 16, 1851, Christian Co., Ky.) and Mary Alice (Gildersleeve) Steven- son (b. My 22, 1858, Hudson, 111.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ., Normal, 111. C. E. Club; Technograph Bd. C. Engr., C. & A. R. R., 1901-2; Asst. City Engr., Los Angeles, 1902-4. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; DeMolay Commandery, K. T. ; Al Malaikak Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Calif.; Baptist Church. Died Ja 22, 1904, Bloomington, 111. 1598. MILES VINCENT STEWART (Brother of No. 3983) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 10, 1879, Kewanee, 111.; s. Samuel Parish (b. O 9, 1844, do.) and Mary Jane (Robsoa) Stewart (b. Ag 13, 1850, Saxon, 111.). Prepared in Toulon H. S. and Acad. With Gen. Elec. Co., 1901-3; Testing Dept., 1903-10; Cml. Engr., Foreign Dept., 1910-14; Chief Engr., Mex. Gen. Elec. Co., Mexico City: Foreign Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., 1914-17; Managing Dir., Mex. Gen. Elec. Co., 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Mar- ried Elinor Blanche Hovvd, Je i, 1906, Schen- ectady, N. Y. Children: James Irving, b. N 37, 1907; Riggs, b. D s, 1916. Address, 8a Liv- erpool 133, Mexico City, Mex.; bus. add.. Apartada No. 403, do. 1599. JOHN HARRIS STRAWN (Brother of No. 2832) U. S. Bank Receiver; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 27, 1876, Albion, 111.; s. Halbert Jacob (b. My 16, 1847, Perryopolis, Pa.) and Cassandra (Harris) Strawn (b. Air 30, 1851, Griffin, Ind.). Prepared in So. Coll. Inst., Albion, 111. LL. B., Chicago Law Sch., 1900. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. At- tended Univ. of Mich., 1897-98; Practiced Law, 1900-s; U. S. Treas. Dept., receiver of insolvent nat. banks, 1905 — . Married Margaret Morris Reinhart, D 9, 1909, Waynesburg, Pa. Ad- dress, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Uniontown, Pa. 1600. CARRIE E. TALBOT (MINER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 2, 1879, Plymouth, 111.; d. Otho T. (b. S 6, 1849, Plymouth, 111.) and Mary (Powell) Talbot (b. D 2, i8=;2, St. Mary's, do.). Prepared in Plymouth H. S.; Burlington (la.) Inst. Alethenai: Watcheka; Y. W. C. A. Married T. Ralph Miner, S 25, 1901, Plymouth, 111. Children: Russell Ward, b. Ag 23, igo2 (died S 2, 1903); Enid Eliza- beth, b. Jl 18, 1904; Otho Talbot, b. Je 9, 1906; Mary Virginia, b. F i, 1908; Carol Ralph, b. D 12, igoq; Paul Floyd, b. D 18, 191 1; Ward Lester, b. Mr 22, 1916. Address, Knox- ville, la. 1601. LOUIS LISTON TALLYN Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 5, 1879. Benson. 111.; s. Joseph (b. Bristol, Eng.) and ,Sarah (Daniels) Tallyn (b. Exeter, do.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1902; I. C. R. R., 1903; Asst. Engr., Asst. to Chief Engr., Supt., Water service, Div. Engr., D. L. & W. R. R. Co., 1904-19; Chief Engr., 1919- — . Married Edith M. Adamson, N 1907, Scranton, Pa. Children: William Henry, b. Ag 25, 1908; Miriam Adam- son, b. S 21, 1911. Address, 625 Harrison Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1602. WILLIAM ANTON THEODORSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 26, 1879. Chicago; s. B. S. (b. S 5, 1833, Sweden) and Anna J. (Anderson) Theodorson (b. F 18, 1840, do.). C. E. Soc. Struct. Designer; Drafting and Computing, Chicago and North- western Ry. ; Bridge Engr's. Office, Chicago. Assoc, A. S. C. E.; West Soc. Engrs.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Address, 5643 Kenmore Ave., Chicago.t 1603. GEORGE MERSHON THOMPSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 7, 1875, Lanark, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1833, Huntington Co., Pa.) and Alice A. (Ramsey) Thompson (b. 1833, do.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Philoma- thean; Lincoln Law Club; Y. M. C. A.; Inter- society debate. Prin., H. S., Bement, 1901-2; Lawyer, 1902 — ; Postmaster, 1905 — . Enrolled in Army for Spanish Am. War (saw no service). Mem., Disciples of Christ; Bd. of Educ. Mar- ried Lois E. Graves, Je 30, 1902, Bement, 111. Children: Jack, h. O 23. igo6; Alice Amelia, b. O 28, 1908 (deceased). Address, Bement, Ill.t 1604. MARY ESTELLE TODD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 20, 1878, Parish, N. Y.; d. lohn Bates (b. Parish. N. Y.) and Ophelia Rhoda (Moore) Todd (b. Delphi, Ind.). Syracuse LTniv., 1895-9. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mem., Professional Women's League; N. Y. St. Lib. Assn.; N. Y. City Special Lib. Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn. Address. 309 W. o^d St.. N. Y. City; bus. add., N. Y. Pub. Lib., do. 1605. EFFIE MAY TULL (Sister of No. 4007) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. 1907; h. Ap 6, 1877, Farmer City, 111.; d. Nelson (b. I) II, 1837, Clarksburg, O.) and Margaret fRieman) TuU (b. Ag 7, 1850, Yellowbud, do.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Alethenai; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin. II. S., Camp Point, 1901-3; H. S., Farmer City, 1903-9; H. S., Elgin, 1909 — . Address, 359 Park St., Elgin, Ill.t 1606. JOLIN JAMES TUNNICLIFF, Jr. Lawver; LL. B.; b. Ap 22, 1879; s. John Tames (b. Mr 17, 1841, Penn Yan, N. Y.) and "Margaretta Willoughbv (Duffield) Tunnicliff (b. Mr 3, 1849, Bloomfield, N. T-). Prepared in Knox Acad. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi. Married Blanche McLaughlin, O 23, 1901, Galesburg, 111. Children: John James, Jr., b. F 22, 1904; Harriet Ferris, b. Jl 19, 1909. Ad- dress, 663 W. North St., Galesburg, 111. 1607. DAVID CARROLL VEIRS Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 22, 1877. Rineyville, Ky. ; s. Wesley (b. Cedar Creek, Ky.) and Bettie Enfield (Lewis) Veirs (b. Rineyville, Ky.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. M. E., Univ. of Neb., 1007: X'arsity Track Team, 1899-1901. Instr., M. E., Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Draftsman, The J. Geo Leyner Engng. Works, Denver, 1903-4; H. E. Brett, Los Angeles, 1904-5; Power Plant Designer. Den- ver Union Water Co., 1905-6; Asst. Prof., Mach. Design. Univ. of Neb., 1906-7; Hydro- F.Iec. Power Plant Designer, with Geo. A. TaflF, Consulting Engr., Colo. Springs, Colo., 1907 — . Address, Colorado Springs, Colo.t iS6 University of Illinois [igo2 1608. HENRY R. WAHL Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 13, 1874, Deer Grove, III.; s. Fred (b. 1831, Ger.) and Anna (Kurgis) Wahl (b. 1837, do.). Prepared in Sterling H. S. M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc. Erector and Tester of high speed steam en- gines; A. L. Ide & Sons, Springfield, 111., 1901-3; Steam Expert, 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1903-5; Engng. Dept. Commonwealth Edison Co., Fisk & Quarry St. Sta., Chicago, 1905-11; Mech. Testing Engr., do., 1911-14; Asst. Effi- ciency Engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1914— . Mem., A. S. M. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Myrtle L. Stoolman, 1901, Champaign. Address, 6148 Eberhart Ave., Chicago. 1609. ERNEST LUDDEN WAIT (Brother of No. 715) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 14, 1878, Armstrong, III.; s. Benjamin Anderson (b. F 8, 1830, Williamsburg, Mass.) and Mary (Car- ter) Wait (b. Blue Grass, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Chem., Fertilizer Works, Chicago. Address, 533 Postal Tel. Bldg., Chicago. 1610. HARRY JACKSON WARNER (Brother of No. 2853) Surgeon, U. S. Pub. Health Service; B. S. in Chem.; b. Jl 19, 1880, Prophetstown, 111.; s. N. C. (b. 1856, do.) and Euphemia (Dias) Warner (b. 1858, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Prophetstown H. S. and Univ. Acad. M. D., George Washington Univ., 1907. Kappa Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Chem. Club. Chem., U. S. Bur. Agr., 1902-8; Past Asst. Surg., U. S. Pub. Health Service, 1908 — . Joint Auth. : Bui. 386, Bur. Chem., Dept. of Agr., Arsenic in Wall Paper and Fabrics; Bui. 108, do., Cml. Feeding Stuffs of the U. S. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; A. M. A.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Edmonia Francisco, D 21, 1912, Cincinnati. Children: Murray Byrd, b. Je 4, 1914; Hugh Francisco, b. D 21, 1915. Address, Washington, D. C. 161 1. WINTHROP SELDEN WELLES Teacher; B. S. ; b. Ja i, 1875, Penfield, 111.) s. Joseph House (b. O 19, 1818, Glastonburg, Conn.) and Sarah Ann (Jones) Welles (b. Mr 8, 1832, Unity, Me.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Supt., Sch., 190 1-7; head of Biol. Dept. and Dir., Sch. of Educ. Agr., St. Norm.; Prin., S. S. Norm., River Falls, 1910; Supvr., X'ocational Agr. Instruction for Wis. under Smith-Hughes Law, 1918 — . Auth.: Class Projects for Agr. Studs., River Falls Norm. Sch., 1916. Married Anna Gertrude Hisel, S 2, 1897, Normal, 111. Child, Barbara, b. My 21, 1 91 6. Address, River Falls, Wis. 1612. CHARLES EARL WETHERBEE (Husband of No. 1456) Orange Grower; B. S.; b. My i, 1875, Ster- ling, 111.; s. Charles Adams (b. D 17, 1839, Sterling, 111.) and Margaret Lavina (Penrose) Wetherbee (b. My 26, 1840, Steubenville, O.). Prepared in Sterling H. S.; Oberlin Acad, and Coll. Archs. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Mar- ried Faith Leland Bardwell ('01), Jl 28, 1904, Des Moines. Address, W. 8th St., Upland, Calif. 1613. RALPH JOSEPH WILLIAMS Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 29, 1874, Galesburg, III.; s. Edward Payson (b. Ja 23, 1832, Russia, N. Y.) and Augusta Theresa (Stevenson) Williams (b. Je 28, 1835, Mercer, Pa.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. and Knox Acad. A. B.. Knox Coll., 1897. Phi Delta Theta. Arch. Draftsman, St. Paul, 1902-4; do., Washington, D. C, 1904 — . Mem., Uni- tarian Church; Permanent Sec, Washington Alumni Club of Phi Delta Theta. Address, Phi Delta Theta Hdqtrs., 65 The Champlain, Washington, D. C. ; bus. add.. War Dept., do. 1614. 'SEYMOUR WILLIAMS Minister; A. B. ; b. Ja 2, 1876, Cisco, 111.; s. Andrew Jackson (b. N 30, 1836, Williams- port, O.) and Violet Elizabeth (Hurst) Wil- liams (b. O 31, 1842, Springfield, 111.). Pre- pared in Monticello H. S.; Univ. Acad.; B. D. Garrett Bible Inst., 1906. Pastor, M. E. Church, Garrett, 111., 1901-2; Stud., Garrett Bible Inst., 1902-5; Pastor, Gage Park M. E. Church, Chicago, 1905-6; do., Somers, Mont., 1906-9; do., Camas, Wash., 1909-11; Puget Sound Conf. Evangelist, 191 1 — . Married Jennie May Bennett, S 3. 1902, Belvidere, 111. Deceased. 1615. WINIFRED SUE WILLIAMS (CURFMAN) (Wife of No. 1489; Sister of Nos. 2287, 3232) A. B.; b. D 2, 1879, Urbana; d. James Alex- ander (b. Jl 22, 1846, Rockford, N. C.) and .\nnie Jane (Waller) Williams (b. Mr 4, 1850, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Newman H. S.; DePauw Univ. Alethenai. Married Lawrence Everett Curfman ('01), Jl 28, 1906. Child, Lawrence Everett, Jr., b. Ap 13, 1909. Ad- dress, 406 W. Adams St., Pittsburg, Kan. 1616. FLORENCE SHERWOOD WING Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 13, 1879, La Crosse, Wis.; d. Merrick Prentiss (b. Hins- dale, Mass.) and Emeline (Sherwood) Wing (b. Burlington, Vt.). Prepared in La Crosse H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. Asst. organizer, Blue Island Pub. Lib., 1903; Libn., Hudson Pub. Lib., 1905-6; do.. Whiting, Ind., 1906-8; Asst. Libn., Univ. of N. Dak., 1908-9; Libn., St. Norm. Sch., La Crosse, Wis., 1909 — . Address, 1000 Main St., La Crosse, Wis.t 1617. SIDNEY WALTER WRIGHT Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1910; b. 6, 1873; s. L. P. (b. Je 9, 1851, Salem, Ind.) and Mary Jane (Hise) Wright (b. S 16, 1848, do.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Adelphic, Pres. ; Sec. Sr. Class, 2d Sem. Supt., Sch., Mechanicsburg, 1901-3; Prin., Hittle Tp. H. S., Armington, 1903-6; Supt., City Sch., Bement, 1906-9; Cashier, Bank, Wessington Springs, S. Dak., 1911-12; V'. P., do., 1912 — . Mem., Christian Church; K. of P.; A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Nellie M. Geddis, Atlanta, 111. (died Jl 2, 1907); Stella A. Elliff, Ag 12, 1909. Child, Florence Agatha, b. My 18, 191 3. Address, A'essington Springs, S. Dak. CLASS OF 1902 (172 LIVING, 9 DEAD) 1618. *ANNA WILHELMINA AHRENS (DIVAN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 4, 1880, Champaign; d. Henry C. (b. Aldenburg, Ger.) and Anna (Laun) Ahrens (b. Hessen, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, H. S., Belleville, 1902. Married Walter Divan. Died Mr 22, 1912, Tucson, Ariz. 1619. FRED ALBERT ALSPACH Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ta 31, 1879, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; s. Daniel Albert (b. Mr 28, 1S55, Orwigsburg, Pa.) and Ellen P. (Hoy) Alspach (b. O 27, 1855, do.). Prepared in Mt. Pulaski, 111. C. E. Club. Insp., 1902-3; In- strument man, 1903; Steel Insp., 1903-4; Chief Draftsman, L. A. P. R. R., 1904-7; Engr., do.. I902J Baccalaureate Alumni IS7 1907-10; Asst. Tax and Contract Agt., Pac. Elec. Ry. Co., 1911-16; Tax Agt., Pac. Elec. Ry. Co.; Peninsular Ry. Co.; San Jose R. R. ; Stockton Elec. R. R. ; Frenio Traction Co.; Visalia R. R. Co. and Pac. Elec. Land Co., 191 6 — . Married Aliene M. Alspach, F 27, 1908, Los Angeles. Children: William Albert, b. Jl 18, 1910; James Cormany, b. Ja 14, 1914. Address, 325 Mariposa St., Glendale, Calif.; bus. add., 788 Pacific Elec. Bldg., Los Angelei. 1620. LILLIAN BELLE ARNOLD (ME.ANS) B. L. S.; b. Ag 6, 1879, Kinmundy. 111.; d. Samuel Houston (b. Harrisburg, O.) and Ruth (Jackson) Arnold (b. Frankfort, Ky.). Pre- pared in Wesleyan Univ. Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Asst. Libn., Marshall- town, la., 1903; Organizer, Nevada, la., 1903; Head Libn., Michigan City, Ind., 1903-6; Asst. Organizer Pub. Lib. Com. of Ind., 1906-7; Instr., Winona Tech. Inst. Lib. Sch. and Ind. Summer Sch. for Libns., 1906-7; Libn., Car- negie Stout Free Pub. Lib., Dubuque, la., 1907-16. Pres., Ind. Lib. Assn., 1906-7; Sec, la. Lib. Assn., 1910-11; Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Pres., la. Lib. Assn., 1914. Married H. C. Means, Mr 30, 1916. Address, Myton, Ut. 1621. WILL JOHN BADER Chemist; A. B. in Chem. ; b. Ap 3, 1880, Quincy, 111.; s. William Frederick (b. do.) and Louise (Spaethe) Bader (b. Muscatine, la.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Chem. Club; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon. Chem., Dickman, McKenzie & Potter, 1903; Chem., Armour & Co., 1904-5; Asst. Chem., Cornell Univ., 1905-6; Chief Chem., Chicago, Rock Is- land & Pacific R. R., 1906 — . Address, 1644 Vermont St., Quincy, 111. 1622. ADALINE MAITLAND BAKER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. N 30, 1879, Chicago; d. Henry Davis (b. Ap 5, 1845, Lockport, 111.) and Agnes Maitland (Milne) Baker (b. D 28, 1855, Lockport, 111.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1898-1900. Lib. Club; Watcheka; Y. W. C. A. Head Cataloger, N. W. Univ. Lib., 1902-13; do., Kan. St. Agr. Coll. Lib., 1913-15; Asst. Cataloger, Evanston Pub. Lib., 1915-16; Reviser, Newberry Lib., Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., Chicago Lib. Club; Am. Lib. Assn. Address, 1325 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. 1623. GUY BERNARD BARACKMAN Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 4, 1878, Reading, 111.; s. Milan James and Alice Cary (Tetlow) Barackman. Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Draftsman, Dept. D. L. & W. R. R., 1902-6; Asst. Engr., Pa. Tunnel and Terminal Ry., 1906-12; Asst. Engr., D. L. & W. Ry., 1912-18; With Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., N. Y., 1918 — . Married Pauline Croswell, O 27, 1904, Streator, 111. Address, 41 Shepard Ave., E. Orange, N. J.; bus. add., c/o Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., N. Y.t 1624. JOHN BARR (Brother of Nos. 587, 2574) Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 4, 1881, Urbana; s. Andrew (b. O i, 1837, Renfrewshire, Scotland) and Elizabeth MacBeath (Paisley) Barr (b. Ag 3, 1841, Scotland). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Asst. Engr., F. C. de Cananea, Rio Yapuiy Pacifico. Address, Batooboy Man- sion, Mayo Road, Bombay, India. t 1625. HERBERT BASSETT Teacher; B. S. in Sc; b. My 13, 1870, Ton- ^ca. 111.; s. Barzilla (b. O.) and Lucina J. (Mead) Bassett (b. Ind.). Prepared in Tonica H. S. and 111. St. Norm. M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1916. Supt., Schs., Yorkville, 1902-3; Supt., Schs., Wilmette, 1903-6; Supt., Schs., Normal, 111., 1906-8; Head of Dept. of Geol. and Geog., West. 111. Norm. Sch., Normal, 111., 1908-15; do., 1916 — ; Asst., Geog., Univ. of Wis., 191 5- 16. Bur. of Research, War Trade Bd., Wash- ington, D. C. Married Blanche Worley, Ag 23, 1898, El Paso, 111. Children: Harriett Irene, b. Ap 9, 1903; Herbert Worley, b. S 11, 1907; Donald Arthur, b. D 7, 1917. Address, Macomb, 111. 1626. JOHN SCHUYLER BATES Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 26, 1877, Monmouth, 111.; s. Henry H. (b. My 21, 1848, Tuscarawas Co., O.) and Frances A. (Searles) Bates (b. N 23, 1851, Tiffin, O.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll. Univ. Band; Mandolin Club. Draftsman, C. B. & Q. R. R., Burlington, la., 1902-3; Draftsman, Bridge Dept., 1903-5; City Engr., Monmouth, 111., 1905-11; Chief Engr., Fresno, Coalinga and Tidewater Cfo., 191 1 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Mary Elizabeth Brent, Je 29, 1905. Monmouth, 111. Children: Kenton Schuyler, b. Je 4, 1908; Margaret Elizabeth, U. Jl 11, 19 10. Address, Fresno, Calif. t 1627. FLORENCE JENNIE BEEBE (MCCARTHY) (Wife of No. 1730) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 11, 1877, Mankato, Minn.; d. Robert W. Beebe. Married Harry McCarthy ('02), Ap 20, 1904, Blunt, S. Dak. Child, Harriet E., b. Je 26, 1906. Address, Kewanee, Ill.t 1628. WILLIAM LEE BENNETT A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 29, 1874, near Col- chester, 111.; s. Thomas Duncan (b. Ja 13, 1836, LaHarpe, 111.) and Pheba (O'Conner) Bennett (b. F 9, 1840, Madison, Ind.). Prepared in West. Norm. Coll., Bushnell and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Orat. Assn. Farmer till 1904; Gen. mercantile bus., 1904-8; Exp. Sta. work, Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 1908 — . Married C\a.Ta. Hubbard, D 29, 1902, Urbana (died Je 29, 1910); Alice Higgins, Ag 21, 1918, Urbana. Children: Chester Wallace, b. F 17, 1904; Gordon Thurman, b. My 31, 1906; Edgar Fred- erick, b. N 13, 1908. Address, 402 S. Vine St., Urbana. t 1629. ARTHUR CLINTON BOGGESS Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 2, 1874, Catlin, 111.; s. Enoch Perry (b. Jl 17, 1837. Greenbrier Co., Va.) and Mary Elizabeth (Aus- tin) Boggess (b. Je 14, 1846, Clinton Co., O.). Prepared in Catlin H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1906. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Fellow, Am. Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1903-4; Harrison Scholar, Am. Hist., Univ. of Pa., 1904-S. Act. Prof., Hist., Univ. of Colo., summer term, 1905; Prof., Hist., and Pol. Econ., Pac. Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., 1906-10; Prof., do., Reid Christian Coll., Lucknow, India, 1910-15; Prof. Econ. and Missions, Bald- win-Wallace Coll., Berea, O., 1915 — • Auth.: The Settlement of 111., 1 778-1830, Chicago Hist. Soc, 267 pp., 1908; Some European Condi- tions Aflfecting Emigration, Pop. Sc. Monthly, PP- 570-578, 1910; First Days in India, The Abingdon Press, 160 pp., 1912. Ed.. The Luck- now Collegian, 1911-15; Khankab-i-Hind, 1912- 14. Dir., Ore. Hist. Soc, 1906-10; Mem., Y. M. C. A.; M. E. Church Missionaries to Mus- lins League; Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc. Married Ina Vivia Gould, S 30, 1908, Forest Grove, Ore. Address, Berea, O. 1630. OLIVER CARTER BOGGS (Brother of Nos. 340, 683, 791) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B.; b. 1876, Douglas Co., 111.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. Jl 2, 1832, Lawrence Co., O.) and Mary Jane (Armstrong) Boggs (b. N 29, 1835, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S., and Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Adelphic; Orat. Assn.; Debater 158 University of Illinois [1902 &= Ill.-Ind.; Varsity Track Team. Real Est. Dealer, 1904-8; i^awyer, iqo8 — . Married Ethel W. Boggs, Je 25, 190J, St. Joseph, 111. Chil- dren: Oliver Carter and Dvvight Stanley. Ad- dress, Medford, Jackson Co., Ore.t 1631. WILLIAM GEORGE BOPP Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 3, 1880, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Ag 5, 1848, Isny, Ger.) and Friedericke (Schiele) Bopp (b. Ja 18, 1850, Unterritzungen, Gcr.). Prepared in Laikeview H. S. and Univ. Acad. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; J- D- Univ. of Chicago, 1004. Commander. St. Bernard Comraandery No. 35, K. T. of Chicago, 1918 — . First R. O. T. C; Capt., Chicago Police Reserve. Mem., Ft. Sheridan Assn.; Phi Alpha Delta; Medinah Patrol, Order of the Mystic Shrine, Chicago. Married Emma Knoke, Je 12, 1906. Children: Helen Bernice, b. Jl 5, 1909; Marion Lee, b. Jl 9, 1912. Address, 4438 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 139 N. Clark St., do. 1632. WILLIAM FRANKLIN BORTON (Brother of Nos. 1824, 2333) B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 29, 1875, De Land, 111.; s. Albert R. (b. Columbiana Co., O.) and Nancy Jane Borton (b. S 6, 1835, Champaign Co., O.). With Fort Wayne Elec. Co., 1904. Address, 416 W. Jefferson St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.t 1633. HARRY BERNARD BOYER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 10, 1877, Vandalia, 111.; s. Theodore George (b. O.) and Susan (Lewis) Boyer (b. 111.). Prepared in Union Christian Coll., Meron, Ind., 1896. Philonia- thean; Debating Team. Atty. Mem., Cham- aign Co. and 111. St. Bar Assn. Married irace Humrichhouse, Mr 29, 1905, St. Joseph, 111. Children: Clyde Bernard, b. F 11, 1906 (died N ii, 1915); Irene Dorothy, b. Jl 10, 1910. Address, 308 E. Healy St., Champaign. 1634. JOHN HENRY BRADEN Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 24, i868. Green Castle, Mo.; s. Thomas J. (b. Macoupin Co., 111.) and Hannah E. (Sanders) Braden (b. Monroe Co., Ind.). Prepared in Kirksville (Mo.) Norm, Sch. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; M. W. A. Married Addie Dunn, Ag 22, 1895, Down- ing, Mo. Address, Albia, la.f 1635. JOHN HENRY BREITSTADT (Brother of Nos. 7404, 7405) Chemist; A. B. in Sc; b. F 9, 1881, St. Louis; s. John (b. Ap 24, 1S43, Marburg, Hesse-Cassel, Ger.) and Louise (Reisel) Breit- stadt (b. F 15, 1852, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. ; Wahl-Hemeis Inst, of Fer- mentology, Master of the Art of Brewing, 1914. Chem. Soc. ; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Capt., Univ. Regt. Master Brewer, Dick & Bros. Quincy Brewing Co. Trustee, B. P. O. E., 1912; Lambert Lodge No. 659, A. F. A. M.; Quincy Chap. No. 5, R. A. M.; Quincy Commandery No. 77, K. T. ; Quincy Consistory 32d degree (Sovereign Prince in Council of Princes, 1912); Quincy Chamber of Commerce; Quincy Turn-Verein; A. C. S.; Am. Soc. of Brewing Technology; Chicago Master Brewers' Assn.; United States Master Brewers' Assn. Ad- dress, 325 S. 9th St., Quincy, 111. 1636. ANNIE MAPLE BROADHEAD Osteopath; A. B. in L. & A. Prepared in Mackinaw _H. S. and 111. St. Norm. Univ. B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; D. O., Coll. of Osteopathic! Phys. and Surgis., 1916. Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, H. S., Va.; do., Westlake Sch. for Girls, Los Angeles; do., Bellingham, Wash.; do., 1906-12; (Osteopathic Phys. and Surg., 1916 — . Mem., Axis Club; A. A. .^. S. Addrc.is. 624 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Long Beach, Calif. 1637. MARTIN DENMAN BRUNDAGE Ed. and Publisher; A. B. in L. & A.: b. D -'5, ^'^77, Malta, 111.; s. Frederick Hungerford (li. N I, 1835, Wawarsing, N. Y.) and Kate .\nn (Townsend) Brundage (b. Ag 10, 1842, .Sycamore, 111.). Prepared in Malta II. S. and Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Eng. Club; Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, St. Cloud, Minn., 1902-3; do., Malta, 111., 1903-5; Bookkeeper and Salesman, Hope Roller Mills, Hope, N. Uak., 1905-6; Ed., McVille Jour., 1906; Ed. and Publisher, Tolna Tribune, N. Dak., 1907- 12. Married Eva Maywood Smiley, Ap 13, 1 912, Pasadena, Calif. Address, R. 13, Box 386 B. Los Angeles. t 1638. EMMA BUERKIN (SHORT) (Sister of No. 1830) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D I, 1880, Quincy, 111.; d. Joseph (b. J\Ir 16, 1848, Baden, Ger.) and Augusta (Lerp) Buerkin (b. Ag 18, 1852, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Teacher, German, H. S., Mascoutah, 111., 1902- 3; do. Eng., H. S., Rochelle, 111., 1903-4. Mar- ried Robert Louis Short, Ag 24, 1907. Chil- dren: Katherine Emily, b. Mr 23, 191 1; Robert Joseph, b. Ap 16, 1914. Address, 1466 Water- bury Rd., Lakewood, O. 1639. RAPHAEL PARMER BUNDY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1904; b. Ja 5, 1887, Oakdale, 111.; s. Isaac N. (b. O.) and Helena (Smithson) Bundy (b. do.). Prepared in Zionsville (Ind.) H. S. Adelphic; Phi Delta Phi; Orator; Ind. -111. Debating Team; Philo- Adelphic Debating Team; Itlini Staff. Married Edith Abbott, Je 16, 1908. Children: Mar- iorie Ruth, b. Ap 30, 1910; Hugh Newton, b. D 6, 191 1. Address, Zionsville, Ind. 1640. EVELYN BURRILL (LEWIS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1876, Chicago; d. Charles Wesley (b. O 21, 1845, Pittsfield, Mass.) and Viancie (Emery) Burrill (b. S 9, 1847, Pecatonica, 111.). Prepared in Central H. S., Kansas City, Mo. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club. Married William A. Lewis, Je 7, 191 2, Kansas City, Mo. Chil- dren: William Charles, b. Mr i, 191 3; Bethlea Evelyn, b. Ja ig, 1915. Address, 3537 Camp- bell St., Kansas City, Mo. 1 64 1. CHARLES NICKERSON CAD WELL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 17, 1880, Arthur, 111.; s. Chauncey (b. Ja 9, 1846, Eliza- bethtown, O.) and Mary Jane (Nickerson) Cadwell (b. Ja 25, 1852, Wareham, Mass.). Prepared in DePauw Univ. and Univ. Acad. Ph. B., 1905; J. D. Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Phi Alpha Delta. Atty., Chicago, 1902-12. Address, Cadwell, lU.t 1642. DAVID GEMMILL CAIRNS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 25, 1880, Waltham, 111.; s. Robert (b. 1S34, Philadelphia) and Anna (Williams) Cairns (b. 1840, do.). Prepared in Ottawa II. S. Mem., Ottawa Lodge, No. ';88 B. P. O. E.; Ottawa Boat Club; Scribe No. 279, Ben Ilur. Married Elva J. (Tairns, N 17, 1910, Joliet, III. Address, 820 Pearl St., Ottawa, 111.; bus. add.. Central Life Bldg.', do. 1643. WILLIAM CURTIS CARTER Draftsman and Supt.; B. S. in M. E. ;.b. O 10, 1 88 1, Homer, 111.; s. James Franklin (b. Je 24, 1851, Bourbon, Ind.) and Emma (Melcer) Carter (b. Je 30, 1858, do.). Prepared in Homer II. S. Const. Engr. ; Plant Supt. Link- Belt Co., Chicago. .^larried Maye Carter, Je 10, 191 1, Chicago. Address, 5429 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. t I902J BACCy\r.AURKATE AlU MNI 159 1644. ARLO CHAPIN (Husband of No. 348J; Brother of Nos. 1478, 2050, 2612, 3319) Editor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 28, 1880, Tolono, 111.; s. Edward Bonaparte (h. My 7, 1857, Clyde, N. Y.) and Lucy Margaret (Pierce) Chapin (b. Je 2, 1858, IJrownstown, O.). Prepareil in Champaign H. S. Philo- mathean; Class Pres. ; Cor. Sec, Y. M. C. A. Bus. Mgr., Champaign News, 1902; Ed., Moul- trie Co. News. Mem., 111. Executive Com., Christian Endeavor; Pres., Champaign Co. Christian Endeavor Union, 1902-4. Married Ada M. Miner ('08), Jl 6, 1911, Champaign. Children: Mildred Ruth, b. D i, 19 12; Mar- garet Mae, b. O 12, 1914. Address, Sullivan, 111. 1645- EMMA ALBERTA CLARK (Sister of Nos. 2054, 2353) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 27, 1876, Sidney, III.; d. William Davis (b. D 21, 1832, Uniontown, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Huff) Clark (b. O 22, 1840, Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Sidney and Urbana H. S. M. A., Univ. of Calif., 1913. Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Univ. Basketball Team; Der Deutsche Verein. Prin. H. S., Lexington, 111., 1902-4; do., Mor- rison, III., 1904--; Teacher, Latin H. S., Ur- bana, 1907-12; do., Latin and Eng., H. S., Los Angeles, 1913-18. Address, 3007 Leeward Ave., Los Angeles. 1646. ELVVYN LORENZO CLARKE (Brother of No. 3685) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 18, 1879, Momence, 111.; s. Joseph Lorenzo (b. 1832, Naples, N. Y.) and Mary Louise (Wooster) Clarke (b. Momence, 111.). Prepared in Mo- mence li. S. and Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Sigma; C. E. Club; Orange and Blue Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. Engr., Delaware, Lackawanna & West. R. R., 1902-5; Res. Engr., C. C. C. & St. L. R. R., 1905; Instr., C. E., Univ. of Mo. Sch. of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo., 1905-7; Jr. Engr., U. S. Engng. Office, Seattle, 1907-8; Pvt. Practice, Civil and Hydraulic Engr., Sher- idan, Wyo., 1908; also in ranching bus. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Louise Ellison Underwood, D 24, 1906, Rolla, Mo. Children: Donald Underwood, b. N 3, 1907; Margaret Louise, b. Ag 4, 1909. Address, '"ihe Pines," Story, Sheridan Co., Wyo. or loi Mountain- view Terrace, Sheridan, Wyo.; bus. add.. Box 587, Sheridan, Wyo.t 1647. ELSA JEANETTE COAR (WALSH) (Sister of Gizs) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 22, 1879, Ehren- feld, Ger. ; d. Firman Wood (b. D 2, 1825, Philadelphia) and Lucinda Elizabeth (Blake) Coar (b. N 4, 1843, Boston, Mass.). Prepared in Cambridge (Mass.) H. S. ; Gilman Sch., Cambridge, Mass. B. A., Radcliffe Coll., 1899- 1901. Teacher, German and French, H. S., Great Barrington, Mass., 1902-4. Married Wil- liam Thornton Walsh, O, 1904. Children: John DeWitt, b. S 25, 1905; Howard Thornton, b. My 7, 1907; Clifford Marshall, D i, 1910. Ad- dress, State Line, Mass.J 1648. *FRANK BERNARD COLLIS B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 4, 1878, Hamilton, Ont., Can.; s. George (b. Portsmouth, Eng.) and Thirza (Dallyn) Collis (b. Hamilton, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Rifle Team; M. E. and E. E. Soc. Asst. Supt., Richmond Stove Works, Norwich, Conn. Mem., M. E. Church. Died N 5, 1903, Nor- wich, Conn. 1649. JAY SIDNEY CONDIT Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 31, 1881 ; s. Thomas Knowles (b. F 11, 1855, Winchester, 111.) and Ilattie Spates (Dutch) Condit (b. S 26, 1854, Beardstown, 111.). Prepared in Beardstown H. S. LL. B., Harvard, 1905. Alpha Tau Omega. Mem., firm, Winston, I'ayne, Strawn & Shaw, Chicago. Married Edna May Mathews, F 25, 1908, Chillicothe, 111. Address, 4745 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bits, add., 1400 First Nat. Bank bldg., do.t 1650. WILLIAM ADELBERT COOK H. S. Visitor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1911; b. Ag 31, 1 88 1, Neponset, 111.; s. Adel- bert Burton (b. N 11, 1855, Earlville, 111.) and Settie (Snow) Cook (b. Ag 24, 1856, Neponset, 111.). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1913. Adelphic; Bryan Prize, 1901; 111. -Mo. Debate. 111. St. Life Certificate. Prin., H. S., Albion, 111., 1902- 3; H. S., Marion 111., 1903-7; H. S., Benton, 111., 1907-9;^ Benton Tp. H. S., 111., 1909-10; Fellow in Educ, Univ. of Wis. 191 1; H. S. Visitor, Univ. of Colo., Boulder, 1913 — . Auth.: The Child and His Spelling, (with M. V. O'Shea), 282 pp., Bobbs Merrill Co., 1914; Every-Day Speller, (with M. V. O'Shea and Lillian Holbrook), 4 vols., do., 1917; A Sur. of the City Schs. of Grand Junction, Colo., (with Frank L. Clapp and Samuel Quigley), Daily News Press, 65 pp.; A Brief Sur. of the Development of Compulsory Educ. in the U. S., Elementary Sch. Teacher, Vol. xii, No. 7, Mr, 1 91 2; The Problem of Sex Educ, Jour. Educ. Psych., Vol. iv. No. 5, My, 1913; Vocational Tr. for the Indian, Vocational Educ, Mr, 1913; Religious Forces in Indian Educ, The Continent, My 30, 1912; Why is an Educ. Sur.? Colo. Sch. Jour., Vol. xxix. No. 3, N, 1913; Equalization of Privilege in Co. H. Schs., do.. Vol. XXX, No. 5, Ja, 191 5; The Selection and Promotion of Teachers, Wyo. Sch. Jour., Vol. xiii. No. 5, Ja 1917; Some Principles that LInderlie the Making 01 a Daily Program for the Rural Sch., Colo. Sch. Jour., Vol. xxxii. No. 10, Je, 1917. Married Hepsy Moore, My 20, 1903, Danville, 111. Child, Ralph Moore, b. My 26, 1909. Address, Boulder, Colo. 1651. THOMAS PHILIP COWLEY Elec. Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 21, 1878, Burritt, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Ag 2, 1840, Isle of Man) and Eleanor (Lace) Cowley (b. Jl 12, 187s, do.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Sales Engr., Cline Elec. Mfg. Co., Chicago and N. Y., specializing on Printing Press Elec. Control Apparatus. Married Olga Ilelen Cow- ley, My 8, 1909, Chicago. Children: Helen Mary, b. F 6, 1910; Dorothy Ruth, b. Jl 25, 191 1; Eleanor Grace, b. Ap 20, 1916. Address, 4443 Bernard St., Chicago. 1652. WILLIAM CROCKER Plant Physiologist; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1903; b. Ja 27, 1874, Poe, O.; s. Charles Crocker. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1906. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Instr., Biol., No. 111. St. Norm., 1903-4; Fellowship in Bot., Univ. of Chicago, 1904-5, 1905-6; Instr., Bot., Univ. of 111., summer, 1903; Instr., Biol., Drake Univ., Summers, 1902, 1904; Asst., Plant Physiology, Univ. of Chicago, 1906-7; Assoc, 1907-8; Instr., 1909-11; Asst. Prof., 1911-15; Assoc. Prof., Collaborator and Plant Physiol- ogist Bur. Plant Indus., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1916 — •. Auth.: Articles in Bot. Gaz., Plant World, Sc, Sch. Sc. Math., Proc Nat. Acad. Sc. Am. Jour. Bot. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Fellow, Bot. Soc. Am. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Plant Indus., Washington, D. C. i6o University of Illinois [1902 1653. RALPH EDWIN CUNNINGHAM Supt., Elcc. Distribution; B. S. in E. E., b. My 27, 1878, Emporia, Kan.; s. Edwin Wilber (b. 1844. Huron Co., O.) and Debbie (Rowland) Cunningham (b. 1846, do.). Pre- pared in Emporia (Kan.) II. S.; Coll. of Emporia, 1896-99. Univ. Band. Special ap- prentice, Santa Fe R. R. Co., 1902; since then in various positions with So. Calif. Edi- son Co.; Supt., Elec. Distribution. Assoc. mem., A. I. E. E. Married May Schenneman, D II, 1905, San Gabriel, Calif. Children: Charles Edwni, b. D 6, 1906; Elizabeth, b. F 27, 1908; Martha May, b. ]•" 6, 191.'. Address, 1725 Camden Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., c/o So. Calif. Edison Co., Los Angeles. 1654- LOUIS CHARLES DADANT (IJrothcr of Nos. 2065, 3334, 8-'S3) Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 30, 1879, Hamilton, III.; s. C. P. (b. France) and Mary (MarincUi) Dadant (b. St. Louis). Prepared in Hamilton and Keokuk H. S. Track Team, Mgr. Mfr., I'.ee Keepers' Supplies. Married Era Miller, S 14, 1904, Hamilton, HI. Child, lames Camille, b. D 15, 1910. Address, Ilam- iton. 111. 1655. DWIGHT STOUT DALBEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 22, 1878, Tav- lorville. 111.; s. William M. (b. F 28, 1838, Columbus, O.) and Mary Nancy (Hall) Dalbev (b. D 31, 1848, Taylorville, 111.). Prepared in Taylorville II. S. Agr. Club. Bd. of Supvrs., Gage Co., Neb., 1910-15; Representative Neb. Legislature, 1915-18; Farmer, Beatrice, Neb., 1918 — . Autli.: The Cowpea and Soy Bean in 111., 111. Exp. Sta., Circular No. 69. Pres., Gage Co. Auto Club, Neb., 1912; do., Corn- husker Highway Assn., 1916-18; Dir., Beatrice Cml. Club, 1908-18; do., Beatrice Pub. Lib., 191 0-18; Trustee,^ Presby. Church; V. P., Beatrice Country Club, 1916-18; Mem., Beatrice Club. Married Hannah Virginia Lewis, 1) 23, 1903, Jerseyville, 111. Address, Beatrice, Neb. 1656. MARY GOLDEN DANELY (SLAUGHTER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 20, 1880, Versailles, 111.; d. Alfred Marion (b. 1842, Worthington, Ind.) and Ella (Cole) Danely (b. Warsaw, 111.). Prepareil in Decatur II. S. ; Chadbrook Coll., Quincy, 111.; Stud. (Jrad. Sell., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Married Dr. Albert Wilken Slaughter, F 10, 1906, Urbana. Child, Dan- ely Phillip, b. Je i, 191 1. Address, Paris, 111. 1657. RUBY THORNE DE MOTTE (BROWN) (Sister of No. 1856) A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1906; b. N 29, 1880. Taylorville, 111.; d. Oliver (b. D 13, i8s7, Taylorville. 111.) and Ida Jane (Berry) De- Motte (b. O 1, 1859. do.). Prepared in Tay- lorville H. S. Y. "M. C. a.; Alethenai; Wat- cheka. Teacher, DeKalb Tp. H. S., 190^-5; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111.. 1906-8. Married Briggs O. Brown, Je 26, 1908, Boulder, Colo. Children: Stewart, b. Je i, 1913; Suzanne, b. Je I. 1913 (died Je 6, 1913). Address, R. 7, Seattle. 1658. HARRY SAMUEL DE VELDE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 3, 1876, Chicago; s. John (b. 1843, Holland) and Bertha (DeVries) DeVelde (b. 1848, do.). Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago. Baseball Team. Teacher, 11. S., Streator, 1902-3; Aus- tin H. S., 1903-5; Crane II. S., 1905-7; Chicago Norm. Sell., 1907-10; Scliurz H. S., 1910-11; Austin 11. S., 1914-15; Scliurz H. S., 1915 — . Married Frances .'\nna Smith, Jl 24, 1902. Children: Everett Clark, b. My 19, 1906; Ruth Edna, b. Ag 7, 1909. Address, Norwood Park, Chicago. 1659. ETHEL IRENE DOBBINS (SAMPSON) (Wife of No. 2501) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 15, 1879, Ipava, 111.; d. David riieophilus (b. D 22, 1849, Ipava, 111.) and Harriet Belle (Pennington) Dobbins (b. Mr 15, 1851, Columbus, O.). Prepared in Ipava II. S.; Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A., Pres.; Alethenai; Watcheka. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., 1902-5; Stud, at B. T. T. S., New York City, 1907; Stud. Sec, Foochow, China, 1908- 9; Bus. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Indianapolis, 191 1- 15- Auth.: The Young Woman's Christian Assn., Univ. of 111., Agr., 1905. Recording Sec, Assn. Collegiate Alumnae, Cent. 111. Branch, 1904-5. Married William Edgar Samp- son ('05), Springfield, 111., S 8, 1915. Address, i3-'5 Bates Ave., Oak Knolls, Springfield, 111. 1660. SARAH PAULINE DOLE (MORGAN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr i, 1877, Mattoon, 111.; d. Joseph Collie (b. N 22, 1822, O.) and Jane Lydia (Bennett) Dole (b. N 21, 1842, Hridgeton, Me.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. .Alethenai. Married Dr. Charles Edwin Morgan, Je 30, 1904, Mattoon, 111. Children: Mildred Dole, b. Jl 2, 1905; Martha Louise, b. Jl 28, 1909. Address, 909 Wabash Ave., Mat- toon, 111. 1661. WILLIAM JOSEPH DONOGHUE (Brother of No. 1213) B. S. in Cheni.; b. Mr 18, 1879, La Salle, HI.; s. Timothy J. (b. Belville, Can.) and Catharine (Cody) Donoghue (b. La Salle, 111.). Employed in VVinona Zinc Works. Address. l.aSalle, 111.; bus. add., c/o Winona Zinc Works, Winona, 111. 1662. CHARLOTTE ENID DRAPER (SMITH) (Wife of No. 1593) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 12, 1881, Yokohama, Japan; d. Gideon Frank (b. Jl 20, 1858, Lakevillc, Conn.) and Mira Enid (Haven) Draper (b. My 6, 1859, Maiden, IVlass.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. .\., Pres.; Alethenai; Watcheka; Eng. Club; Phi Delta Psi; Class Historian. Taught Yoko- hama, Japan, 1902-3; Hiroshima Norm. Coll. Practice Middle Sell., 1909-12; Tsu, Japan, 1 9 12-14; Fukui, do., 1914 — . Auth.: Women's VVork (in Japanese) Tsu Church Monthly. 1913; Child Training (in lapanese) Kyoia Diocesan Times, 191 7; do., Pukui Prefcctural Educ. Mag., 1918. Mem., lapanese Red Cross; lapanese W. C. T. U.; Japan Kindergarten Union; V. P., Kyoto Branch of Women's Aux- iliary Nippon Sei Ko Kai. Married Percy Alnierin Smith ('01), O 20, 1903, Yokohama. Children: Draper Alnierin, b. S i, 1905 (died My 26, 1908); Hubert Haven, b. F 22, 1907 (died Ap II, 1908); Frances Enid, b. F 21, 1914; Haven Gardner, b. Ag 9, 1918. Address, Kanazwa, Japan. 1663. EDWIN LYON DRAPER (Son of H18) Surgeon; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 19, 1882, .\lbany, N. Y.; s. Andrew Sloan (b. Je 21, 1848, Westford, N. Y.) anil Abbie Louise (Lyon) Draper (b. My 17, 1850, Woodstock, Conn.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. D., Harvard, 1907. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; .\Iplia Delta Si^nia; Shield and Trident; Col., Univ. Regt. ; Capt., Gym. Team; Illio Hd.; Physician, 1907 — ; attending Surg., South End Dispensary, Albany, N. Y.; Brevet, Capt., III. Nat. Guard; Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A.: IT. S. Base Hosp., No. 33, France, 1917 — . Mem., Med. Soc of the Co. of Albany, Sec; Med. Soc. of the St. of N. Y.; A. M. A.; Univ. Club; Albany Country Club. Married Mary Frances lleaden, O 14, 1908, Shelbyville, 111. Chil- dren: Andrew Sloan, b. Mr 21, 1913; Walter lleaden, b. 11 iS, 1915. Address, 289 State St.. Albany, N. "Y. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni i6r 1664. CLAIR FRED DRURY Fanner and Stock Raiser; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 27, 1878, New Boston, III.; s. Edward L. (b. My 2(), 1857, New Boston, III.) and Fannie Fadelia ((jarard) Drury (1). Ja 14, 1858, do.). Prepared in New Boston I'uh .Sch.; Univ. Acad. Arch. C'lub; lion. Mem. and I'res., Tai: Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta. Ed., the Tcchnograt^h, No. 15. Arch., 1904-9; Farm- er and Stock Raiser, 1909 — : Married Geneva I.oosley, Je 18, 1902. Children: Gladys Loraine, b. Mr 23, 1903; Eustace Loosley, b. F 4, 1905; Francis, b. Ja 24, 1906. Address, New Boston, Ill.t 1665. MARGARET DUNBAR Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 30, 1873, Mon- mouth, 111.; (1. John C. (b. Ap 20, 1843, Gran- town, Scotland) and Mary 1'". (Smith) Dunbar (b. Mr 2, 1843, Coral Mill, Ky.). Prepared in Monmouth Coll. Prep. B. F,., Monmouth Coll., 1896. I.ibn., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Ma- comb, 111., 1902-13; Head of Dept. of Lib. Sc, Kent St. Norm. Coll., Kent, O., 1913 — . Ad- dress, Kent, O. 1666. WILLIAM NEIL DUNNING Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 27, 1879, CbicaRo; s. William Dewitt (b. Rome, N. Y.) and Isabella (Cowan) Dunning (b. Glasgow, Scotlanii). Prepared in Chicago Eng. High and Manual Tr. Sch. Aljjha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; 111. Club. Masonry Insp., I. C. R. R., 1903; In- strument man, 1903; Asst. Engr., 1903-5; with Thompson Starrett Co., 1905-6; Ruebling Cohst. Co., 1906-8; with J. W. Snyder, 1908-11; V. P., J. W. Snyder Co., 191 i — . Mem., Chicago Estimators Club; Chicago Engrs. Club; Chi- cago Arch. Club. Married Beatrice M. Ken- nedy, Chicago, My i, 1915. Child, Jean Cowan, b. Mr 19, 1916. Address, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. t 1667. ELMER TRYON EBERSOL Farm Adviser; A. 1$. in Sc.; M. S. in Agron., 1915; B. .S. in Agr., 1916: b. My 27, 1867, Ottawa, 111.; s. James E. C. (b. Mr 6, 1847, Ottawa, 111.) and Maria W. (Tryon) Ebersol (b. Ag 31, 1847, (jreenport, Long Island). Prepared in Central Norm., I^anville, Ind. Prin. and teacher, Sc, II. S., Paxton, III., 1902-5; LaSallc Peru Tp. II. S., LaSalle, 111., 190510; Prof., Phys. and Biol., Wheaton Coll., 1910-11; Head of Sc. and Agr., Drummer Tp. H. S., (Jibson City, III., 1911-12; Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Instr., Crop Production, do., 1913-16; Dept., Ad- viser, do., 191 6; Head Agr. Extcn. Service, Sears Roebuck & Co., 1916-18; Agr. .'Xdviser, Logan, 111., 1918 — . Pres., Ford Co. Teachers' Assn., 1904-5; Supt., First Con^r. Sunday School, 1903-5. Married Virtue Grace Dille, Ag 2, 1899, Grand Ridge, 111. Child, Elmer Tryon, Jr., b. D 15, 1917. Address, Lincoln, 111. 1668. EDWARD CAREY ENGLISH, Jr. Builder; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 19, '876, Anna, III.; s. Edward Carey (b. St. Johns, New Foundland) and Marga Anna (Ilartlinc) English (b. Anna, 111.). Preijared in Anna H. S. and Union Acad. Arch. Club; Track Team; Univ Band. Arch., Supt., and Gen. Mgr., English Bros., Champaign; Builders of the Auditorium, Univ. of 111.; Chief Pur- chasing Agt., Govt. Aviation Fields. Mem., K. C; B. P. O. E.; Champaign Co. Country Club. Married Harriet Whitney Aylmer, Je 24, 1903, Anna, III. Children: Edward Carey, b. My 22, 1904; John Aylmer, b. S 10, 1906; Susan Harriett, b. Ja 23, 1909 (died Jl 10, 191 1). Address, 715 W. Church St., Cham- paign.! 1669. GEORGE CASSIUS FAIRCLO Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 13, 1877, Kingston, 111.; s. Isaiah Drake (b. Orange Co., N. J.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Parker) Fairclo (b. S 4, 1839, Dale, Ind.). Prepared in Syca- more H. S. Kappa Sigma. Auth.: Brick Pave- ment Along Street Car Tracks, Engnn. News, 1907. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Mabel Lindsay, D 6, 1907, Champaign. Address, 916 W. Park St., Champaign. 1670. FRED PETER FALKENBERG Baseball Player; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 17, 1879, Chicago; s. Frederick Anton (b. Jl 7, 1856, Larvig, Norway) and Agnes (Nerdrum) Falkenberg (b. Ag 31, 1864, (Jhristiania, do.). Prepared in North Div. II. S., Chicago. Mar- ried Edna Russell, O 10, 1908, Washington, D. C. Child, Doris Amy, b. O 31, 1909. Ad- dress, Federal Billiard Hall, Champaign. f 1671. JAMES MOORE FARRIN (Brother of No. 1672) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 24, 1879, Cairo, III.; s. Thomas Benjamin (b. Cincinnati) and Julia Rebecca (Harvey) F'arrin (b. Sharon, Miss.). Prepared in Cairo II. S. C. E. Club; Asst. Bus. Mgr., Technoarafh; Capt., Univ. Regt. ; .Sec., Ath. Assn. Asst. Engr., Bridge Dept., I. C. R. R.; ilW. Engr. in reference to Bridges & Bldgs., Cuba R. R. Capt., 20th Engrs. N. A., A. E. F., 5th Bat. Mem., Presby. C'hurch; A. S. C. E. Married Fanne Lee Mosby, Je 27, 1906, Gulfport, Miss. Chil- dren: Moore, Jr., b. Jl 17, 1908; I'anne Lee, b. J a 4, 1911. Address, Camaciuey, Cuba. 1672. WILLIAM OTIS FARRIN (Brother of No. 1671) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 25, 1880; s. Thomas Benjamin and Julia (Harvey) F'arrin (b. 184s, .Sharon, Miss.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Alpha Zcta; Y. M. C. A.; Agr. Club. Married Elizabeth May Ileilig, O 3, 1912, Car- bondale, III. Address, Pulaski, Ill.t 1673. OSCAR JEFFERSON FRANCIS Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 31, 1878, Stark Co., 111.; s. Henry Jefferson (b. HI.) and Abigal Jane (Babcoek) Francis (b. do.). Prepared in Wyoming II. S. Phi Gamma Delta. Arch. Draftsman, 1902-11; Arch., Isle of Pines, (iuba, 1911 — . Married Marie Mer- riman, Ja i, 1908, New York City. Address, Santa Barbara, Isle of Pines, Cuba. 1674. JAMES WILLIAM FRAZIER, Jr. Farmer; B. S.; b. N 23, 1878, Bushton, 111.; s. Thomas E. (b. Westiield, 111.) and Alice (Swango) Frazier (b. Hazel Green, Ky.). I'repared in Mil. Acad., Danville, Ky. Mar- ried Sarah Francis Dameron, D 18, 1906. C'bil- dren: James William, b. Mr, 1908; Virginia Dameron, b. Mr 1912. Address, R. i, Rar- din, Ill.t 1675. JOHN ANDREW FREESE Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. My 31, 1876, Moultrie Co., 111.; s. John W. (b. 1843, Delaware Co., O.) and Sarah Jane (Hamilton) I'reese (b. I) 25, 1844, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., O. Wesleyan Univ.; Johns Hop- kins Med. Sck., 1902-05. M. D., Harvard, 1907- Adelphic, Pres.; Y. M. C. A.; Track Team; 1st in Adelphic Contest; 2d Oral. Contest. Med. practice. East Orange, N. J. Capt., Med. Dept., Nat, Guard of N. J.; a.ssigned to Bat. A. F. A., E. Orange, N. J.; formerly mem., P:sscx Troop Nat. Guard N. J.; Capt., M. R. C, U. S. R., iyi8— . Auth.: The Force of Contraction of the Gall liladder and the Source of its Motor and Inhibitory Nerve Fibers, ' report on work done in Physiological Lab. 01 Johns Hopkins Univ. Married Dorothy Ann Kent, Je 17, 1914, East Orange, N. J. Chil- dren: John Andrew, Jr., b. Te 14, 191.';; Jane Hamilton, b. O 28, 1917- Address, 60 S. Clin- ton St.. East Orange, N. J. l62 University of Illinois [1902 1676. THOMAS IRVIN FULLENWIDER (Brother of Nos. 1132, 4666) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 8, 18S1, Mechanicsbiirg, 111.; s. Henry Thomas (b. Mr I, 1846, Mechanicsburg, 111.) and Sarah Con- net (Lindsley) FiiUenwider (b. O 21, 1848, Grove City, 111.). Prepared in Mechanicsburp H. S. C. E. Club; Beta Theta Pi; Hazclton Prize Medal; Illio Bd.; Tan Beta Pi; Col.. Univ. Regt. ; Engr., Springfield Bridge & Iron Co., 1902-7; Asst. Engr., Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co., Chicago, iqo7-9; Contr. .Xgt., Am. Bridge Co., N. Y., Minneapolis Office, 1909- 13; Supt., North Works, The Burr Co., Cham- paign, 191 3-14; Asst. with Thresham D. Gregg, consulting Engr.. Minneapolis, 1914-15; Struct. Engr., Northlancl Pine Co., IMinneapolis, 1915- 17; Asst. Engr., The Minneapolis Steel & INIfg. Co., 1 91 7; City Sales Mgr.. Mil-Ko-Ko Co., Minneapolis, 1918 — . Married Anna Lawrence Redding, F 16, 191 1, Thief River Falls, Minn. Address, 611 Delaware St., S. E. Minneapolis; bus. add., 305 Tribune Annex, do. 1677. IRWIN LEE FULLER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 19, 1878, Galesburg. III.; s. Melvin E. (b. My 27, 1839, Gardiner, Me.) and Mary A. (Stancliffe) Fuller (b. Ja 24, 1842, Ediiiborough, Pa.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; I'niv. of Minn., 1897-8. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Glee Club. Lawyer, 1909. Mem., Congr. Cluirch; Creve Coeur Club; Peoria Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar Assn. Married Ella Tenny, Ap 28, 1909, Chicago. Address, Peoria. 1678. HUGH REGNIER FULLERTON Lawyer- A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 9, 1S80, Havana, 111.; s. Hugh and Mary (Regnicr) FuUerton. Prepared in No. 111. Norm. Sch. LL. B.. Univ. of Mich., 1904. With Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Law Practice, Corp. counsel's office, Seattle; Life Ins., Abstract bus.. Law Practice. Mem., Mun. League of Seattle; Men's Club; Congr. Church; Univ. of Mich. Alumni Assn. of Seattle. Married IManon B. Fullerton. D 29, 1909, Dubuque, la. Child, Manon Catherine, b. F u, 1911. .-tdilrfss. 141 2 Grand Ave., Seattle; bus. add., 527 County City Bldg., do. 1679. ROBERT BRUCE FULTON (Brother of No. 1133) Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 13, 1877. Lvnedoch, (Ontario, Can.; s. James (b. My 12, 1843, Dundas, Can.) and Tane Elizabeth (Gray) Fulton (b. My 10, 1843, Portage N. Y.). Pre- pared in Hartford City H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Baseball Team. Rodman and Instrumentman, U. P. R. R., 1902; Asst. Engr., L. N. R. R.. 1902-3; Res. Engr., Big Four R. R., 1903-4; C. E. Contr., 1904-8; Irrigation Engr., St. of Wash., 1909-10; Const. Engr., Pac. Coast Pipe Co., 191 1 ; do.. Continental Pipe Mfg. Co., Seattle, 1918 — . Capt., isoth Engrs., Camp Shelby, Miss., 1917; Mustered out, D 16, 1918. Address, S57 Government Way, Coeur D'Alene. Idaho; bus. add., Continental Pipe Mfg. Co., Seattle. 1680. *LEWIS THERON GALLAHER A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 21, 1872, Odell, 111.; s. T. E. (b. Pittsburg) and R. Ida (Puffer) Gallaher (b. North Sunderland, Mass.). Pre- pared in Mt. Palatine Sch.; Y. M. C. A. Taught, Byron, 111., 1902-3; Rose City, Mich.. 1903-4. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Louise May Sherwood, D 25, 1902, Ypsilanti. Mich. Died D 10, 1904, Lostant, 111. 1681. RICHARD PRATT GARRETT Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O i, 1877, Delavan. 111.; s. Joseph M. and Louise B. (Wilson) Gar- rett. Prepared in Delavan H. S. Track Team. Admitted 'to Bar, 1904; Claim Agt.. Chicago City Ry. Co., 1902-4; do., London Guarantee and Accident Co., 1905-14; pvt. practice of law, 1914 — . Mem., Illini Club of Chicago; Olympic Fields Country Club; Chicago Bar Assn.; Am. Lodge, A. F. A. M.; Washington Chap. R. A. M. Address, 1539 E. 66th PI., Chicago; bus. add., 446-29 S. LaSalle St., do. 1682. MYRTLE GAYMAN (SCHOTT) (Sister of Nos. 505, 1033) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 28, 1879, Champaign; d. George (b. A^ 25, 1842, ,\kron, O.) and Louise (Stoltey) Gayman (b. Mr 3, 1844, Han- over, Ger.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Champaign, 1901-2; Troy, 1903-5. Married Darwin Schott, O 11, 1905, Cham- paign. Address, Buckley, Ill.f 1683. MABEL LOUISE GEIGER Teacher; B. L. S.; b. Ap 2, 1879, Peoria; d. Frederic (b. N 3, 1844, Opelousas, La.) and .Magdalena (Hofer) Geiger (b. Ja 6, 1847, l!aden, Ger.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; I'radley Poly. Inst. Watcheka. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Peoria, 1903. Mem., Assn. of Arts, liradley Inst.; Lib. Club. Address, 914 Jack- son St., Peoria. 1684. LAURA RUSSELL GIBBS (Sister of Nos. 1335, 210O Librarian; B. L. S.; b. N 11, 1876, River- ton, Ky. ; d. George (b. 1842, Wareham, Mass.) and Elizabeth Thacher (Hodge) Gibbs (b. 1846, Plymouth, Mass.) Prepared in ^liss Wessel- hoeft's Sch., Boston. A. M., Columbia, 19 18. Watcheka; Pi Beta Phi; Lib. Club. Asst. in charge of loan desk, Univ. of III., 1898- 1901; Cataloger, Harvard Coll. Lib., 1902-3; .\sst. to Libn.. Radcliffe Coll. Lib., 1904-8; Cataloger, Brown Univ. Lib., 1908-13; Serial Cataloger, Columbia Lib., 1913 — . Mem., Uni- tarian Church; Am. Lib. Assn., 1902 — ; Rhode Island Lib. Assn.; N. Y, Lib. Club, 1914 — . Address, 449 W. 123rd St., New York City. 1685. ALETHA GILKERSON (WELLS) (Daughter of No. 138; Sister of Nos. 1877, 2396, 2994) A. B. in Sc; b. F 14. 1879; d. Hiram ('77), (b. O 14, 1853, Genoa, 111.) and Portia (Moffet) C.ilkerson (b. D 14, 1853, Bell Co., Tex.). Pre- pared in Marengo H. S. Teacher, 1902-5; Xurse, 1905-13. Married Hilby M. Wells, Jr., F 14, 1913, Douglas, Ariz. Children: Mar- garet Eunice, b. Mr 8, 1914; Helen Louise, i). N 14, 1915; Hilary Alvus, b. Ja 23, 1918. .Iddress. Douglas, Ariz. 1686. BELLE IRENE GILLESPIE (GRAY) (Sister of No. 2102) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1903; b. Je 8, 1880, Harris, 111.; d. George M. (b. S 7. 1848, Bloomington, 111.) and Ollie Eugene (Craw- ford) Gillespie (b. F 14, 1856, Ross Co., O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Eng., IT. S. Charleston, 1003-5. Pres., Study Club, Havenport, Wash. Married Robert Gray, My 12, 1908, Champaign. Children: Helen, b. D 13, 1909; Marian, b. Ag 4, 1912; Virginia, b. .\p 29, 1916. Address, Colfax, Wash. 1687. MARY EMMA GOFF (Sister of Nos. 3749. 4^7°) Classifier and Cataloger, Univ. of Tex. Lib.; A. B. .in L. & A.; B. L. S., 191 1; b. Ag 4, 1878, Elmira, N. Y. ; d. Arthur M. (b. Jl 31. 1848, Elmira, N. Y.) and Clara B. (Hall) Goff, (b. S 2, 1S48, Guildhall, Vt.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. and Univ. Acad. Teacher, H. S., Barry, 111.; Prin., do., 1902-4; Teacher, H. S., Havana, 111., 1904-7; do.. Hoopeston, 111., 1908-9; Classifier and Cataloger, Univ. of Tex. Lib., loii-iS. Camp Libn., Camp Mc .\rthur, Waco, Tex. Address, 1305 W. 22d St., Austin, Tex.; bus. add., Univ. of Texas, do. igo: Baccalaureate Alumni 163 1 688. EDNA LUCY GOSS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Piano, 111.; d. George (b. Vt.) and Mary (Lanthrop) Goss (b. do.). Prepared in Piano H. S. and Morgan Park Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1899. Lib. Club. Reference Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1902-3; Cataloger, Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1903-5, 191 1- 13; Libn., 111., St. Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1905-6; Special Cataloger, 1906-7; Head Cataloger, Bryn Mawr Coll. Lib., 1907-8; Asst., John Crerar Lib., 1908-11; Head Cataloger, Univ. of Minn. Lib., 1914 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Chm., Catalog Sec, 191 7. Address, Univ. of Minn. Lib., Minneapolis. 1689. ARCHIE JAMES GRAHAM Surgeon; A. B. in Sc; b. D 19, 1873, Galli- polis, O. ; s. James Maxon (b. S 12, 1830, do.) and Elizabeth (Rose) Graham (b. Mr 30, 1834, Zanesville, C). Prepared in Gallia Acad., Gallipolis, O. and Nat. Norm. Univ., Lebanon, O. and Univ. Acad. M. D., P. & S., Chicago, 1902; F. A. C. S., Am. Coll. of Surgs., 1914. Med. Soc; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Interne, Englewood Hosp., 1902-3; practice of surgery, 1902 — ; Instr., Surgery (Operative), Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111., 1913 — . Auth.: Relaxation of Muscles in Treatment of Fractures, ///. Med. Jour., 1915. Mem., Chicago Med., Soc; M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Illini Club. Ad- dress, 641 1 S. Green St., Chicago; bus. add.. 6250 S. Halsted St., do. 1690. MARJORIE GRAVES (WALTON) B. L. S.; b. My 27, 1878, Dubuque, la.; d. Julius Kingman (b. S 29, 1837, Keene, N. H.) and Lucy Caroline (Robinson) Graves (b. Ja 24, 1842, Salem, Mass.). Prepared in Dubviciue H. S.; Hillside Home Sch., Wis. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Watcheka; Girls' Man- dolin Club; Lib. Club. Asst. Libn., Carnegie- Stout Free Lib., 1902-5; Libn., Oskaloosa (la.) Pub. Lib., Oskaloosa, 1905-7. Mem., la. Lib. Assn.; Bd. of Trustees and Chm., Book Com., Oskaloosa, Pub. Lib. Married Ralph Daniel Walton, Ap 9, 1907, Oskaloosa, la. Children: Helen Graves, b. Ja 13, 1908; Margaret Noble and Louise Robinson, b. Ja 31, 1910. Ad- dress, Elvyn PL, Oskaloosa, la. 1691. EDWIN GARDNER GREENMAN (Brother of No. 3003) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1907; b. Ap 28, 1881, Taylorville, 111.; s. Edwin G. (b. Jl 19, 1848, Corning, N. Y.) and Carrie Hoose (Paine) Greenman (b. Jl 15, i860, Castleton, N. Y.). Prepared in Pana, 111. Tau Bet Pi. Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Co., 1902; Instr., M. E., Univ., of 111., 1902-3; Instr., Engng., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1903-4; Draftsman with the Lunkenheimer Co., Cin- cinnati, 1904-5; Chief Draftsman, 1905-14; Asst. Prof., M. E., in charge Wash. Design, Mich. Agr. Coll., 1914-16; Sec-Treas., Reliable Plumbing and Heating Co., Champaign, 1916 — . Mem., A. S. M. E., 1913. Married Pearle Brownell, S 17, 1904, Champaign. Children: Paul Herget, b. My 22, 1907; Robert Brownell, b. Jl 24, 1908; Clarence Paine, b. Je 25, 1910; Hugh Merrill, b. F 5, 1914. Address, 1400 W. Washington St., Champaign. 1692. CARL FREDERICK HAGEDORN (Brother of No. 4691) Chemist; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 17, 1880, Ger.; s. Fred (b. 1850, Ger.) and Andina (Breede) Hagedorn (b. 1857, Ger.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem., Armour and Co., Chicago, 1902-3; Head Chem., do., E. St. Louis, 1903-7; Charge of Mfg., Ar- mour Fertilizer Works, Chicago, 1907 — . Ad- dress, 5488 Everett Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Armour Fertilizer Works, do. 1693. MAX ROSS HANNA Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 2, 1881, Rushville, 111.; s. George (b. 1856, Perry, 111.) and Mary Alice (Fey) Hanna (b. 1854, Rush- ville, 111.). Prepared in Rushville H. S. Tau I'.eta Pi; Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. E. Soc. Testing Dept., G. E. Co., 1902-3; Engng. Dept., G. E. Co., 1903 — . Assoc, mem., A. I. E. E. ; mem., M. E. Church. Married Edith C. Kitchin, Te 23, 1913, Schenectady, N. Y. Ad- dress, 9 Vine St., Scotia, N. Y. ; bus. add.. Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 1694. JOHN JAMES HARMAN (Brother of No. 21 15) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in M. E., 1906; b. N 23, 1880, near Miford, 111.; s. Jacob M. and Emma (Cox) Harman. Prepared in Sheldon H. S.; Eureka Coll., 1897-8. Delta Upsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Link Belt Co., 1902; Chief Draftsman, Acme Harvester Co., Peoria, 1902-3; Instr., M. E., Univ of 111., 1903-7; U. S. Geol. Sur., Fuel tests, summer, 1904; Design and Supervision of Const, of new steam Lab., summer 1905; Survey Harman Engng. Co., Peoria, summer, 1906;" Asst., to Chief Engr., Kewanee Works, Nat. Tube Co., Kewanee, 1907; Mech. Engr., Kewanee Works, Nat. Tube Co., Kewanee, 1908; Special work, Pitts- burgh Works, Nat. Tube Co., Pittsburgh, 1908- 9; Mech. Engr., Harman Engng. Co., Power Plant Designs and Supervision of Const, and Tests, 1909-17; C. E., Walworth Mfg. Co., Ke- wanee Works. Kewanee, 1917; do., Walworth Mfg. Co., South Boston, Mass., 1918 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Ill Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. Married Flora Wiley, Je i, 19 10, Peoria. Children: John James, b. N 12, 191 1 : Ruth Elizabeth, b. D 20, 1913. .4ddress, 97 Winthrop Road. Brookline, Mass.; bus. add., Walworth Mfg. Co., ist and O Sts., South Boston, Mas^. 1695. CHESTER ELLIS HARRIS Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1903; M. D., 1906; b. S 6, 1 88 1, Algiers, Ind. ; s. James Finley and Josephine (Lemond) Harris. Prepared in Ogden H. S. and Univ. Acad. Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha. Fellowship, Physiology. House Phys., Michael Reese Hosp., 1906-8; practice of Med., 1908 — . Capt., Med. Corps, Base Hosp. 105, Brest, France. Mem., Northwestern Wyo. Med. Soc; Wyo. St. Med. Soc; Chm., Med. Advisory Bd., Basin, Wyo.; A. M. A. Married Adriana Van Ecen- aam, 1910, Joliet, 111. Child, Josephine, b. D 7, 1910. Address, Basin Hosp., Basin, Wyo. 1696. THOMAS LUTHER HARRIS Professor; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 19, 1876, Modesto, 111.; s. Sidney T. (b. F 19, 1833, Palmyra, Mo.) and Susan E. CMcPherson) Harris (b. N 20, 1839, Greenville, Ky.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. A. M., O. St. Univ., 1905; Ph. D.. LTniv. of Wis., 1912. Philo- mathean, Pres.; Y. M. C. A.; 111. M. E. Stu- dents' Alliance, Pres.; Mgr., Star Lecture Course, 190 1-2; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., Mo- desto Pub. Sch., 1902-3; Farmer, 1903; Grad. Stud., O. St. Univ., 1904-s; Asst. Supt., Co- lumbus Associated Charities, 1905-6; with Chicago Bur. of Charities, 1906-7; Farmer, 1907- 8; Grad. work, Univ. of Wis., 1909-11; Fellow, Sociology, do., 1909-10; Instr. ,_ Sociology and Econ., Univ. of Pittsburgh, spring term, 191 1; Prof., Hist, and Social Sc, Dak. Wesleyan LTniv., 191 1 ; Instr., Social Sc, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1911-13; Asst. Prof., Sociology, Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1913-15; Prof., So- ciology, Miami Univ., 191 5 — ; do., O. St. Univ., summer session, 1916; Morning hour lecturer with Redpath Chautauqua, summers, 1917-18. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Oxford, O. 164 University of Illinois [1902 1697. LUCIUS ROMAINE HARSHMAN Contr. and Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 3, 1876, Sullivan, III.; s. Rev. S. R. (b. 1841, Lordstown, O.) and Euretta L. (Magill) Harsh- man (b. 1852). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Gen. cement const, and farming. Married Elsie E. Davis, 1908, Aurora, III. Children: Elsie Eloise, b. 1909; Lucia Huberta, b. 191 o; Emily Grace, b. 1912. Address, 207 Jackson St., Sullivan, Ill.t 1698. JACOB HAROLD HEINZELMANN Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 3, 1873, Rothenberg, Ger. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Supt., Schs., Washington, 111., 1903-5; Instr., Univ. of Chicago, 1907 — ; Univ. of Berlin (summer semester) 191 1. Auth. : The Influence of the German Volkslied on Eichendorfl's Lyric, Leipzig, 1910, Buchhandlung Gustav Fock, 92 pp.; Eichendorff and the Volkslied, Mod. PliiloL, Vol. 7, pp. 512-20, 1909. Married Emelyne Voorhees, S 6, 1906. Address, Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg, Can. 1699. ALEXANDER HENDERSON Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 30, 1874, Edinburgh, Scotland; s. Robert (b. 1834, do.) and Elizabeth (Davidson) Henderson (b. 1834, do.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. With Butler Bros. Address, 7 W. Randolph St., Chicago.! 1700. FRANCIS WHITSON HIGGINS Chera. and Mgr. ; A. B. in Chem. ; b. Mr 26, 1881; s. William H. C. (b. 1842, New York City) and Caroline A. (Secor) Higgins (b. 1851, Brooklyn, N. Y.). Prepared in Chicago Hgts. H. S. and Morgan Park Acad. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Exp. Chem., The Carborun- dum Co., Niagara Falls, 1902-7; Works Mgr., Deutsche Carborundum Werke, Dusseldorf- Reisgolz, 1907-13; The Carborundum Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, 1913 — •. Married Florence .C. Bornholt, My 15, 1906, Chicago Hgts., 111. Children: Donald, b. Mr 28, 191 1; Barbara Secor, b. D 10, 19 14; Florence Louise, b. D 24, 191 7. Address, The Carborundum Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, Eng. 1 701. SAMUEL CHASE HIGGINS Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 7, 1875, Lincoln, 111.; s. George Henry (b. Jl 4, 1845, Greenwood, Eng.) and Katherine Olivia (Chase) Higgins (b. Mr 8, 1846, Robin's Nest. 111.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. ' and Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. Draughtsman C. R. I. & P. R. R., Chicago, 1902-6; Estimator, Pressed Steel Car Co., Pittsburgh, 1906-1907; Asst. to i\Iech. Engr., Standard Steel Car. Co., Ham- mond, Ind., 1907 — . Address, Muenich Court, Hammond. Ind.f 1702. GEORGE JACOB HINSHAW Cml. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 27, 187S, Danvers, 111.; s. Charles C. (b. My 16, 1849, Danvers, 111.) and Mary E. (Smith) Hinshaw (b. Ap 18, 185s, Mackinaw. 111.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Treas. of Class. Salesman, 1902-3; Merchant's Sec, 1903-9; Ed. and Mgr., Wapello Agr. Standard, at Ottumwa, la., 1906; Real Est. in Kan. and Okla., 1909; Supt., Presby. League; Bus. Mgr. of two Churches. Established Credit Svstem in City H. Schs. for Bible Study in Sabbath Schs. of all denominations. Cml. Sec. 1910 — . Field Sec, Kan. Development Assn.; Representative Kan. at Nat. Chamber of Com- merce, 191 2; Presby. Church. Married Laura Carrell, O 19, 1909, Sigourney, la. .Address, 1025 Barnett Ave., Kansas City, Kan.; bus- add., 648 Minnesota Ave., do. 1703. HARRIET EMMA HOWE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 10, 1881, Urbana; d. William Renfrew (b. D 14, 1844, Coshocton Co., O.) and Alethea G. (Pocock) Howe (b. Ap 12, 1845, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Woman's Glee Club; Choral Soc. ; Lib. Club; Y. W. C. A. Organizer, Gilman Lib., 1902; Loan Desk Asst., Univ. of III. Lib., 1902-3; Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1903-4; Instr., Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1904-6; Dir., Wash- ington Univ. Summer Lib. Sch., 1905-6; Head Cataloger, Univ. of la. Lib., 1906-10; Instr., Univ. of la. Summer Lib. Sch., 1907-9; Chief Cataloger, Minneapolis Pub. Lib., 1910-13; Asst. Prof., West. Reserve Univ. Lib. Sch., I9I3-I7; Dir., Univ. of la. summer Lib. Sch. 1914, 1915, 1917; Asst. Prof., Simmons Coll. Lib. Sch., Boston, 1917 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 1905 — •. Address, 147 Worthington St., Boston. 1704. SAMUEL KELSO HUGHES Real Est.; LL. B.; b. D 23, 1866, Kunkle, O. ; s. Samuel K. (b. 1819, Danville, Ky.) and Jane (Mahan) Hughes (b. ^1830, Mt. Morris, N. Y.). Prepared in West Unity H. S.; Wooster Univ. Adelphic. Bldg. and Loan, Real Est. and Ins. Bus. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Pauline C. Nelson, Je 21, 1898, West Unity, O. Children: Morris Nel- son, b. Ja 13, 1901; Sherman Kelso, b. O 14, 1902; Paul Harbison, b. Mr 15, 1907. Address. 503 N. Prospect Ave., Champaign; bus. add., 211 N. Neil St., do. 170S. JENNIE ALICE HULCE Librarian; B. L. S., b. Richmond, Wis.; d. Elisha (b. Canandaigua, N. Y.) and Alice Lavina (Parkyn) Hulce (b. Arkwright, N. Y.). Prepared in pub. schs., Whitewater, Wis., Norm. Sch. and HUlsdale Coll. Prep. B. of Phil., Hillsdale Coll., 1896. Asst. Cataloger, O. St. Lib., 1902-3; Asst., John Crerar Lib., C^hicago, 1903 — . Mem., Ladies Lit. Union, Hillsdale Coll.; Lib. Club. Address, The John Crerar Library, Chicago. t 1706. CHARLES PHELPS HUNTER (Brother of No. 1533) Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1881, Newton, la.; s. George B. (b. Carrollton, O.) and Susan A. (Dunklee) Hunter (b. Pitts- ford, Vt.). Prepared in Newton H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Pres., la. Mer- cantile Co., Newton, la. Address, Newton, la. 1707. LEONARD WARD INGHAM (Husband of No. 1468) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 25. 1880, VVaynesville, 111.; s. George K. (b. Jl 19, 1852, Andersonville, O.) and Alice Ann (Tenney) Ingham (b. Je 17, 1852, Waynesville, 111.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Hanover Coll., 1898-1900. LL. B., Harvard, 1905. Phi Gamma Delta. Lawyer with Judge George^ K. Ingham. Married Minnie C. Bridgman ('01 ), O 25, 1905, Keene, N. H. Children: John Leonard, b. Ap 20, 1908; Alice Carile. b. Jl 11, 1910; Sarah B., b. Ja 28, 1912. Address, Clinton, Ill.t 1708. HAROLD DEMMING JAMES (Brother of Nos. 2709, 4727, 6984. 8452) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 12, 1881, Amboy, 111.; s. P. M. (b. Jl 14. '850, Exeter, R. I.) and Lottie L. (Vaughan) James (b. Ap 17, 1858, Amboy, HI.). Prepared in Amboy H. S. LL. B., 111. Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1908. Adelphic. Prin., Amboy H. S., 1902-5; Law Stud, in office, P. M. James, 1905-8; Stud., III. Coll. of Law, 1908-9; Stud., Success Short- hand Sch., Chicago, 1908-9; Court Reporter for Hon. R. S. Farrand, isth Jud. Dist. of 111.. I902J Baccalaureate Alumni 165 1909; practicing law, 1909 — . Mem., Toast- master's Club, V. P., 191 1 ; Excelsior Blue Lodge; Freeport Council; Freeport Com mandry; Consistory S. P. R. S., 32d degree Married Merta Adams, O Z2, 191 o. Orange ville. 111. Address, 144 Stephenson St., Free port. III.; bus. add., Knowlton Bank Bldg., do 1709. FRED VOLENTINE JOHNSON (Brother of Nos. 960, 1359, 1536, 2712, 3051) Salesman; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 3, 1880, Champaign; s. Charles B. (b. O 8, 1843, Poca- hontas, 111.) and Maria Louisa (Lewis) John- son (b. Ag 28, 1847 Chatham, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Salesman, San Francisco Mach. & Tool Co. Married Lila Tulloch, Je 1916, Oakland, Calif. .4ddress, Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., San Francisco. 1710. JOHN PETER JOHNSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 28, 1872, Ryslinge, Denmark; s. C. and T. Rasmussen, do. Prepared in Mil. H. S., Copenhagen, Den- mark. M. E. Soc. Designing Engr., U. S. Navy Dept., Washington. Lt. of Cav., Royal Danish Army., 1895-8. Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Sophie Seehusen, 1899, Copenhagen. Child, Eva Marietta Idabella, b. Ap 8, 1903- Address, 1220 Washington St., Cedar Falls, la.t 171 1. GUY RAYMOND JONES Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 17, 1880, Areola, 111.; s. James (b. Ja 24, 1837, Franklin Co., Ind.) and Martha (Parvis) Jones (b. Je 20, 1840, do.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Asst. State's Atty., Douglas Co., 1903-4; Master in Chan- cery, 1906-18. Married Mae F. Van Voorhis, Ja 17, 1905, Tuscola, 111. Child, Mildred V., b. N 10, 1906. Address, Tuscola, 111. 1712. HENRY LEONARD JONES Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 30, 1879, Delavan, 111.; s. James O. and Eliza Francis (Tripp) Jones. Prepared in Delavan H. S. Mem., State Bar Assn.; Champaign Co. Bar Assn. Married Lou M. Crabb, S 21, 1905, Delavan, 111. Address, Trevett & Mattis Bank Bldg., Champaign. t 1713. J. CLAUDE JONES Prof, and Consulting Geologist; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 2, 1877, Merrimac, Wis.; s. John D. (b. S 18, 1849, Lebanon, N. H.) and Alberta Rosella (Van Sice) Jones (b. N 29, 1852, Dug- way, N. Y.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Capt., Univ. Regt. Teacher, Champaign H. S., 1902-3; Whiting H. S., 1903-4; Asst., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1904-5; Instr., do., 1905- 6; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1906-9; Asst., Geol., Univ. of Chicago, 1907-9; Instr., Physi- ography, Univ. of Kan., 1907; do., Univ. of (Chicago, 1908; mem., St. Geol. Sur. of 111., 1906-9; Instr., Geol. and Mineralogy, Univ. of Nev., 1909-10; Curator of Museum, do., 1910 — ; Asst. Prof., Geol. and Min., do., 1910-13; Prof., Geol., Univ. of Nev.. 1913 — ; Consulting Geologist to various Min. Cos., 191 1 — . In charge Nev. St. Mining Exhibit P. P. I. E., 1914-16; Geol. and Mineralogist, Nev. St. Min. Lab., 19 10 — . Auth. : Geol. of Rochester, Nev., Min. and Scientific Press; Earth Iron Ore Deposit, Econ. Geol.; Tufa Deposits of the Salton Sink. Carnegie Inst, of Wash.; Geol. Hist, of Lake Lahontan, Sc; Pleasant Valley Earthquake, Bui. Seis Soc. Am.; Gypsum Deposits of Nev., Bui. U. S. G. S. Mem., Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; A. I. M. E. ; Nat. Geog. Soc; Am. Seismological Soc; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Belle Mc- Curdy, Je 23, 1904, Chicago. Children: Al- berta Rosella, b. Mr 21, 1905; Evelyn May, b. S 9, 1906 (died S 13, 1906); Claude Dor- ence, b. Je 4, 191 1; Dorothy Ellen, b. Ap 23, 1917. Address, 736 West St., Reno, Nev. 1714. WARREN JONES Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 10, 1869, El Dara, 111.; s. William (b. Mr 29, 1834, do.) and Mary Jane (Purcell) Jones (b. 1839, do.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S.; Norm. Univ. Eng. Club; Philosophical Club. Teacher, West Side H. S., Aurora. 1902-5; Supt., Elburn Schs., 1905-8; Prin., Glidden Practise Sch. and Critic Teacher, DeKalb, 111., Norm. Sch., 1908-11; Instr., summer sch., do., 1908-10; Assoc. Prof., Eng., 1st Dist. Norm. Sch., Kirksville, Mo., 191 1 — . (jrad. work, Univ. of 111., 1911; Grad. study, Univ. of Chicago, 1914; scholarship in Eng., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1914. Ed., Important Current Events Dept., Sch. News, Taylorville, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Anna Gehring, N 25, 1896, Oneida, 111. Children: Katheryn, b. S 13, 1903; Llewellyn Bruce, b. O 11, 1905. Ad- dress, 1201 E. Normal Ave., Kirksville, Mo. 1 71 5. LEE JUTTON (Brother of No. 1237) Ry. Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 15, 1880, New Albany, Ind.; s. Joseph (b. O 28, 1840) and Elizabeth (Reed) Jutton (b. O 27, 1848). Prepared in Champaign H. S. C. E. Club; Football. Draftsman, Brown-Ketcham Iron Works, 1902-3; Bridge Insp., C. & N. W. R. R., 1903—; Div. Engr., C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, 1903-12; do., Ashland, Wis., 1912-13; do., Madison, Wis., 1913-17; do., Chicago, 1917 — . Auth.: Erection of Railroad Bridges, Technograph, Vol. 19, 1905, pp. 84-91. Mem., Austin Lodge; A. F. A. M.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Am. Ry. Bridge and Bldg. Assn. Mar- ried Mary Busey, My 23, 1906, Urbana. Chil- dren: Lela Jutton, b. My 8, 191 1; Mary, b. S 1. 1917. Address, 2035 Harrison St., Evan- ston, 111. 1716. CHARLES HOWARD KABLE (Brother of No. 1238) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 30, 1881, N'irden, 111.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. D 4, 1840, Greene Co., O.) and Anna(Freeman)Kable (b. S 8, 1842, Sangamon Co., 111.). Prepared in Virden H. S.; Staunton Mil. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Archs. Club; Y. M. C. A. U. S. Fish Comn., Washington, D. C, 1902; W. M. Poindexter, 1902-3; D. H. Burnham & Oo., Archs., Chicago, 1903-4; Nimmons & Fellows, Chicago, 1904-5; Mem., firm Kable & Kable, Archs. and Engrs., Port- land, Ore., 1908-11; with St. Arch, of Ore., 1911-15; City Park Arch., Portland, Ore., 1916-17; Mem., Firm Knighton & Kable, Archs., Tulsa, Okla., 1918 — ; Insp. of Hulls, Emer- gency Fleet Corp., Portland, Ore., 1918 — . Mem., Chicago Archs. Club, Sec, 1905: Port- land Arch. Club; Portland Cml. Club. Married Ethel Mackey, Ag 26, 1909, Portland, Ore. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Je 9. 1911. Address, 510K S. Main St., Tulsa. Okla.; bus. add., 774 E. Main St., Portland, Ore. 1717. EDWARD ORRIS KEATOR (Husband of No. 1879; Brother of No. 2718) Gen. Contr.; B. S. in C. E,; b. F i. 1879, Polo, 111.; s. Joseph (b. 1837, Kingston, N. Y.) and Sarah Ann (Moshier) Keator (b. 1847, Polo, 111.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Capt. Track Team. In const., re-const, and maintenance work, 1905; Isth- mian Canal Service, 1910; Supt., const, of Gatun Dam; Mfg. concrete appliances, Day- ton Malleable Iron Co., 1917 — • Invented and patented many devices. Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Grace Goodale ('03), O 15, 1906, Cincinnati. Children: Goodale Roberts, b. Jl 7, 1912; Sarah Ann, b. D 19, 1915. Address, 155 Baker St., Dayton, O. 1 66 UnIVERSTTY of Tl.I.lNOIS U002 17 iS. ARTHUR ROLLANO KKLLV Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. .11 4, 1878, Decorah, la.; s. loscph ami 1-viHa (Butler) Kellv. Prepared I'u la. St. Coll.; Glee Club; Mandolin Club: -Male Quartet. Mem., Bap- tist Church. Married Enid L. Harrod. D ,^i, 1904, Waterloo, la. Address, mo Story Bldg., Los Angeles. 1719. STEWART WILLIAM KINCAID Lawver; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1904; b. O X2. \»7K. Ileathsville. HI.: s, Stewart (b. 1 842, Ileathsville, 111.1 and Lvdia Ann (Fuller) Kincaid (b. O ;j, 1848. Ileathsville. 111.). Pre- pared in .\ustin Coll., ElHngham, 111. A. B., Austin Coll., 180Q. Prin., 11. S.. EtTnigham, 1899-1901; Lawyer, 1004 — . Married Leonora Mann. Ag jo. igoo, Robinson, 111. Children: Myrtle Rochelle, b. O j.s, 1001; Stewart Allen, b. Ap 19, 1007; Mary fosephine, b. F 6, 1911. Address. Paris. lU.t i7;!0. LEE IRVING KNIGHT (Brother of No. 4753) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 1S80: s. George E. and Katherine (Merrill) Knight. Prepared in Decatur 11. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sell., i8oS-o: iQoo-i. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, loi,?. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi: Gamma Alpha. Taught, Wash. Pub. Schs. as Prin. of H. S. and S\ipt. to 1907: Grad. work. Univ. of Chi- cago, IQ07-8; .. Univ. of Chicago, 1910-13. Instr., Plant Phvsiol.. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1916 — . Auth.: Effect of Illuminating Gas and Ethylene on Flowering Carnations (with Dr. Crocker). Bot. Gaz., pp. J50-76, 1008; The Peg of the Cucurbitaceae (with l")r. Crocker), do., u^>. 321-39, 1910. Address. (>j37 Drexel Ave., Cliicago.t 1721. ANNA KOEHN (KUEIIL) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S -'5. 1876. Ptlato, W. Prussia. Ger. ; d. Otto Koehn (b. Mr 7, 1839, do.) and Augusta (Eshner) Koehn (b. S 0, 18^3, do.). Prepared in North Diy. 11. S., Chicago. Teacher in (u-eenview H. S.. 1002-3; Instr., Am. Sch. of Cor., 1903-8. Married William J. A. Kuehl. S 25, 1907, Chicago. Children: Frances Elizabeth, b. F -:i, 1900; Ernst William, b. Mr 28. 191 t. .Address. 4742 Drake Ave., Chicago. t 1722. *RUEBEN NELSON KOFOID (Brother of No. 1145) Chemist; A. B. in Chem.; b. Mr 2=;, 1880, Granville, 111.; s. Nelson (b. Ap ij, 1838, Bornholm. Denmark) and Elizabeth Jane (Ellis) Kofoid (b. Je 8, 1846, Ind.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Adelphic; Der Deu- tsche \'erein; Chem. Club. Asst. St. Chem., of N. Y.. igo---3; Chemist. Carborundum Co., jgo'?-4; (Themist. Calif. Powder Works, 1904-5. Autri. : Carborundum, Its Manufacture and Uses, Teeli>iOf:ratli. 1004, pp. 1-17. Mem., A. C. S.; Chem. Soc. of West. N. Y. Died .11 27. 1905, Berkeley, Calif. 1723. JOHN CONRAD LEHNER Lawver; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 14, 187S, Derinda. 111.: s. William (b. iS.s.'i. 111.) and Maria Dora (Kell) l.ehner. Prepared in i\It. Morris. 111. LL. B., N. W. L^niv.. loii. Fresh.-Soph. Debate. Real Est. Broker untd loog: admitted to 111. Bar, igii. Married .\nna Eva C^ebhardt, Jl 3, iQii. Chicago. Child. William Dwight. b. S i. 1912, Chicago, .^ci- dress, Albuquerque. N. !M.t 1724. JUSTA MORRIS LINDGREN Chemist; A. B. in Sc. : A. M.. 1907; b. Jl 28, 1878: s. Andrew tb. Maimo, Sweden) and Mathilda (01son~i Lindgreii. Prepared in Mo- line 11. S. Phi Delta Th-ta; Shield and Triilent; Phi Lambda Upsilon: X'arsitv Foot- ball, Capt. Asst. Coach, X'arsitv Football. Cliem.. St. Water Sur.. 1904-7; Chem. Engng. Exp. Sta. and St. Geol. Sur., 1907-1S. Auth.: with E. Bartow. Lab. E.xn.' in Water Treat- ment, Am. Water Works Assn.; with E. Bar- tow, Some Reactions During Water Treat- ment, .lour, of A. C. S.. Vol. JO, No. 9: Samp- ling and .\nalysis of Coal, Trans. A. I. M. E.; with S. W. Parr, Determination of Nickel in .\lloj;s; Determination of Boron in Iron, .lour. .-(. C. .S".. Vol. 37. No. 1 137. Married Verne Irene Kuebler, 11 20, 1904. Chicago. Address, t>o8 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 1725. GEORGE TAYLOR LLOYD County Engr. ; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ta i, 1878, St. Charles. 111.: s. William Barrett (b. F 14, 1840, .). Prepared in Central H. S., Kan- sas City. Mo.; Purdue Univ.. 1807-1901. In office of Ford. Bacon & Davis of N. Y., Kan- sas City, Mo., 1002-4: with Met. St. Ry. Co., do.. 1904-14: Office Engr., The Kansas City Ry. Co., 1Q14 — . Mem,, A. S. M. E,: Engrs. Ciub of Kansas City: Southwestern Concrete .\ssn. Married Jessie Mav Chestnut. Je 20, 100-, New IloUaiid. 111. Children: Dorothea, b. O ::c), ign: Hans, b. N 17, igi4. .-iddress, 1657 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add.. 1 500 Grand Ave., do. 1728. CARL LEONARD LUNDGREN Specialty Salesman: B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 16. 1880, "Marengo. 111.; s. Pear Hjalmar and Deliah (Renwick) Lund^ren. Prepared in Marengo H. S. Kappa ^igma: Druids Univ. of Mich; Football: Baseball, Capt.; Pres., Sr. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 167 Class. Professional baseball, igo2-i2; Drafts- man, winters, 1402-4; Farming and dairying, 1904-6; Asst. Baseball Coach, IJniv. of Prince- ton, 1912-13; Baseball Coach, Univ. of Mich., 1914-18; specialty salesman, 1914-18. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married S. Maude Cohoon, S 3, 1904, Marengo, Ijl. Address, Marengo. III.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1729. OTTO LAWRENCE LUTHER (Husband of No. 1986) H. S. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 5, 1881, Ouincy, 111.; s. Adam (b. 1832, Hom- burg, Ger.) and Caroline (Flutterer) Luther (b. 1840, Baden, Ger.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. A. B., Univ. of Calif., 1904; Grad. work, Univ. of Chicago. Pres., Philomalhcan. Asst. in Univ. of Calif., 1904; Prin., Union Dist. IL S., Siskiyon Co., Calif., 1905; Broad- way H. S., Seattle, 1906-9; Prin., Queen Anne H. S., do., 1909 — . Married Adah Helen Stutsman ('03), Je 26, 1907, Seattle. Children: Phillip Harrison, b. O 13, 1909; Roger Wil- liam, b. Je 28, 191 1 ; Virginia Frances, b. O 17, 1912. Address, 411 Wheeler St., Seattle; bus. add., c/o Queen Anne H. S., do. 1730. HARRY McCarthy (Husband of No. 1627; Brother of No. 2447) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 2, 1878, Mo- line, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Ag 26, 1852, Provi- dence, R. I.) and Mary (Gregoire) McCarthy (b. Ap 21. 1857, DeWitt, la.). Chief Drafts- man, Davenport Locomotive Works, 1902-5; Nat. Tube Co., Kewanee Works, 1905 — . Mar- ried Florence Jennie Beebe ('02), Ap 20, 1904, Blunt, S. Dak. Child. Harriet E.. b. Je 26, 19O6. Address, Kewanee, Ill.t 1731. HARRIETT ELIZABETH McCULLY (CHAPIN) (Wife of No. 1478; Sister of Nos. 2164, 2747) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 22, 1881; d. John DeDaniels (b. 1856, Baltimore) and Virginia Bell (Ashway) McCully (b. 1859, Mt. Carroll). Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Alethenai. Teacher in Gunn Sch., near Newman, 111., 1902-3; Rantoul Pub. Schs., 1903-4. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Edward Pierce Chapin ('01), Je 16, 1904, Somerset, O. Chil- dren: Edward William, b. Jl 23, 1908; Ruth, b. Jl 16, 191 1. Address, Illiopolis, IlLf 1732. MARY OLA McGINNIS Teacher; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1910; b. Jl 20, 1876, Dawson, 111.; d. John (b. Ag 28, 1848, Hartford, Conn.) and Mary Louisa (Broad) McGinnis (b. My 13. 1850). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alethenai. Teacher, H. S., Lewistown, 1903-4; II. S., Springfield, 1904-9; Yeatinan H. S., St. Louis, 1910 — . Auth. : Reactions of Branchipus Senatus to Light, Heat and Gravity, Jour, of E.vp. cool.. Vol. 10, No. 2, 1911, pp. 227-40. Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc; Mo. Soc. of Sc. and Math. Address, 3739 Windsor Pl.j St. Louis. t 1733. *BROWN ERVIN McILVAINE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 23, 1873, Tuscola, 111.; s. Thomas A. (b. D 9. 1844. Gap, Pa.) and Sallie Ervin (Hillsboro) Mcllvaine (b. S 15, 1846). Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jack- sonville, 111. B. S., 111. Coll., 1897- Phi Alpha. Practiced law. Mem., Presby. Church. Died Ja 14, 1903, Tuscola, 111. 1734. KARL FRANKLIN McMURRY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 31. 1880, Normal. 111.; s. William P. (b. O 26. 1852, Crawfordsville, Ind.) and Lida (Brown) Mc- Murry (b. F 6, i8s3, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Univ. of Calif., 1900-1. M. A., Univ. of Calif., 191 7. Adelphic. H. S. Teacher. Married Minnie A. Thett, O 5, 1904, Monmouth, 111. Children: Helen, b. Ja 20. 1906; Elmer Brown Creal. b. Ag 4, ipii. Address, 1609 Monroe St.. Madison, Wis. 1735. CHARLES WESLEY MALCOLM (Brother of No. 3472) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 13, 1879, Roseville, 111.; s. John Wesley (b. 1830, Mich.) and Emma (Staat) Malcolm (b. 1835, 111.). Prepared in Roseville II. S. Delta Upsilon; fau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Pres., C. E. Club. Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1902-3; do.. Struct. Lngng., do., 1903- Asst. Prof., do., 1907; with Reed & Stern, New York City. 1911; Prof., C. E., Univ. of III., 1912; Editorial staff, Encjng. Record, 1913. Auth.: Malcolm's Graph- ic Statics. Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. ; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; .Assoc, mem.. A. S. C. E.; Univ. Club. Married Cather- ine Mary Janson, 1909, Chicago. Child, Cather- irie Portia, b. _N 13, 1914. Address, 1233 Grand- ville Ave., Chicago. 1736. JOHN VICTOR MAPES Farmer; A. B. in Chem.; b. D 27, 1876, Paris, 111.- s. John Wesley (b. Ag 1832, Lou- donville, O.) and Martha (Wilson) Mapes (b. O II, 1840, Washington Co., Pa.). Prepared in Pans H. S. Chem. Club; Natural Hist. Mem., Christian Church. Married Eva L. Fischer, N 26, 1903, Paris, 111. Children: John Cecil, b. O 13, 1904; Donald Fischer, b. D 20, 1906; Mary Martha, b. Ag 18, 1910. Address, R. 7, Paris, Ill.t 1737- ALBERT CAREY MARTIN Arch, and Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 16, 1879, LaSalle. 111.; s. John (b. Ireland) and Margaret (Carey) Martin (b. New York). Pre- pared in Brothers of Mary Acad., LaSalle, 111. Univ. Track team; Class Ath. team. Detailer, Struct. Steel, Brown Ketchum Iron Works, of Indianapolis, 1902-3; Insp. of steel in Shop and^ Mills of Pittsburgh for Brennike and Fay of St. Louis, 1903; Estimator of Steel, Cambria Steel Co., S-D, 1903; Bldg. supt. for (Zontr. Carl Leonard, Los Angeles, 1903-4; Engr., A. F. Rosenheim, Arch., do., 1904-8; Practicing as Arch, and Engr., 1908 — . Inventor of two systems of reinforced concrete const. Mem., A. I. of A.; Dir., Los Angeles Chap. A. I. A.; mem., Archs. and Engrs. Assn.; K. of C; Newman Club; Ath. Club of Los Angeles. Married Carolyn Borchard, O 14, 1907. (Chil- dren: Evelyn Mary, b. Ag 20, 1908; Margaret Mary, b. Ap 28, 191 1. Address, 712 Catalina .St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 430 Higgins Bldg., rfo.t 1738. JAMES WALTER MARTIN (Brother of Nos. 1559, 3100) Atty. at Law; A. B.; LL. B.; b. Je 8, 1880, Wilmington, 111.; s. James W. (b. F 22, 1846) and Viola M. (Linton) Martin (b. Ja 23, 1847, Ind.). Prepared in Wilmington H. S. Mem., Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. Married Mary E. Keough, O 9, 1912. Child, James Walter, Jr. Address, 60-62 Young Bldg., Joliet, 111. 1739. ROBERT CLAYTON MATTHEW^S (Brother of No. 3871) Professor; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 14, 1878, Monmouth, 111.; s. John William (b. Jl 7, 1848, Macon, Miss.) and Mary Gertrude (Stevens) Matthews (b. N 23, 1843, Peterboro, N. Y.). Prepared in Monmouth II. S.; Mon- mouth Coll., 1896-7. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; M. and E. E. Soc.; Bus. Mgr., Opera Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1902-5; Instr., M. E., do., 1905-6: Nat. Self-Winding Clock Co., 1906; LaSalle Mach. and Tool Co., i68 University of Illinois [1902 1906-7; Asst. Prof., Drawing and Mach. De- sign, Univ. of Tenn., 1907-10; do., U. S. P. S. R., 19 1 7 — . Mem., Presbv. Church; A. F. A. M.; A. A. S. R. Nat. Sec, Tau Beta Pi 1905 — . Married \'irginia Longstreet Lamar, Je 27, 191 1, Memphis, Tenn. Children: Clay- ton Lamar, b. My 23, 1912; Robert Clayton, Jr., b. Mr 26, 1916. Address, R. 7, Knoxville, Tenn. 1740. ESTHER ANNA MAXWELL (Sister of No. 976) Teacher; B. L. S.; b. Champaign; d. Geo. Lewis (b. 1840, near Marion, Pa.) and Kath- erine Dow (Johnson) Maxwell (b. 1848, Scho- dack Landing, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Psi. Teacher in Champaign Pub. Schs., 1904-8; Enid, Okla., Pub. Sch., :9o8-io; Champaign Pub. Schs., 1910 — . Ad- dress, 203 N. New St.. Ciiampaign. 1 741. THOMAS HENRY MILLER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 19, 1873, McDonough Co., 111.; s. Marvin (b. S 22, 1S34, Akron, O.) and Sarah (Shoopman) Miller (b. Mr 27, 1844, McDonough Co., 111.). Prepared in West. 111. Norm. Sch. Bus. Inst, and Plymouth H. S. Philomathean. Co. Atty.. 1908-12; Lawyer. 1912 — . Mem., Bd. of Educ. of City Pub. Schs., 1914-18. Married Bertha A. Cox, D 9, 1910, Macomb, 111. Children: Mary Maxine, b. My :8, 1912; Sarah Kathryn, b. Mr 30, 1916. Address, Macomb, 111. 1742. GEORGE HENRY MOORE Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 30, 1875; s. Sanford W. (h. N I, 1S30, Clinton Co., O.) and Louisa (Thornhill) Moore (b. Mr i, 1S36, do.). Pre- pared in Cent. Norm. Coll.. Danville, Ind., 1897-1901. jNIem., L^niv. Club, Los Angeles; I. O. O. F. Married Anastasia Powell, F i, 1911. Address, 1321 W. 7th St., Glendale, Calif.; bus. add., 429 Stimson Bldg., Los An- geles. f 1743. MADISON HOGE MOUNT Teacher; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 28, 1871, Walnut Prairie, 111.; s. James Amos (b. Ja 27, 1836, Clark Co., 111.) and Mary C. (Brown) Mount (b. 1839, 'lerre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in No. Ind. Norm. Coll. Engng. Soc; Y. ^L C. A. Draftsman, 1902-3; Computer and Ob- server in U. S. Testing Plant, Geol. Sur., 1904-5; Cement Contr., Long Beach, Calif., 1906-10; Teacher, Man. Arts H. S., Los An- geles, 1910 — . JNIarried Blanch Marion Webb, 191 5. Address, 435 W. 33rd St., Los Angeles. Calif. 1744. MARY NEFF Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. McLean Co., 111.; d. Henry Neff (b. HofFenheim, Baden, Ger.) and Christine (Funk) Neff (Gondelsheim, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Prin. of H. S., Atlanta, 111., 1902-3; Teacher of Eng. and Sec. of Faculty, Cookman Inst., Jackson- ville, Fla., 1904-9; Teacher of Eng., Rust Univ., Holly Springs, Miss., 1909 — . Address, 503 W. Front St., Bloomington, Ill.f 1745. CARTER NORRIS Mgr., Coal Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F i, 1881, Farmer City, 111.; s. .Amos Lorin (b. Orange, O.) and Augusta E. (Carter) Norris (b. Ashland, do.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. V. P., Ath. -Assn.; Varsity Track Team. Stenog., city buyer, and salesman with Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, 1902-7; Office Mgr. and Auditor, Mining and Milling Co., Guanajuato, Mex., 1907-14; Gen. Mgr., Callaway Coal Co., Fulton, Mo., 1914 — . Mem., The Mexico Country Club, Mexico City, 1907-14; Fulton Country Club, 1917 — . Married Leiia Winans, Je 9, 1917, Mexico, Mo. Address, Fulton, Mo. 1746. RENA MAY ODELL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 4, 1874, Petersburgh, N. Y.; d. Danford-Buell and Sarah .\nna (Haff) Odell (b. Stamford, Vt.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. .\. M., Univ. of Chicago, 191 1. Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Eng. Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Litchfield, III, 1902-6; H. S., IVIonticello, Ind., igo6-8; Tempe Norm. Sch., Tempe, Ariz., 1908-10; head Eng. Dept., Robinson Tp. H. S., 1911-12; Man. Tr. H. S., Indianapolis, 1912 — . Auth. : Some Problems in Eng. Com- position, Eng. Jour., pp. 647-52, 1915. Ad- dress, 3102 College Ave., Indianapolis. 1747. LEWIS OMER Dir. of Athletics; A. B.; b. Ag 28, 1876, Clayton, 111.; s. Alexander (b. Mr 5. 1850, Rardstown, Ky.) and Alice (Rampy) (Dmer (b. Je 28, 1851, Liberty, 111.). Prepared in Clay- ton H. S. Theta Nu Epsilon; Track team; football. Teacher, Math, and Phys., Thorn- ton Tp. H. S., 1902-3; do. and Head of Math. Dept. and Dept. of Phys. Tr., Oak Park, River Forest Tp. H. S., 1903-10; teacher, Evanston .\cad.; Track Coach, N. W. Univ., 19 10-13; Dir. of Ath. and Phys. Tr., do., 191 3 — . Capt., N. A., 1918; Div. Ath. Officer, Camp Grant, 111., 1918 — . Mem., Cent. Assn., Sc. and Math. Teachers; Ath. Research Soc; Soc. of Phys. Dirs. of Am.; S. A. R.; Soc. of War of 1812. Married Edith Nevins, Ag 24, 1899, Camp Point, 111. Children: Harry Nevins, b. Je 15, 1900; Eleanor Roberta, b. Ag 23, 1910; Mary Hortense, b. N 5, 1914. Address, Clayton, 111.; bus. add., 716 Clark St., Evanston, III. 1748. ALBERT NELSON OYEN Phys. and Surg.; B. S. in Sc; b. D 9, 1878. Battle Creek, Mich.; s. Adolph B. (b. 1857, Trondhjem, Norway) and Jennie S. (Sprague) Oyen (b. 1848, Crown Point, N. Y.). Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. M. D.. Rush Med. Coll., 1905. Capt., Univ. Regt. Held Internship, Alexian Bros. Hosp., Chicago; Practicing Physician. Auth.: Two Cases Basilar Thrombosis, Trans. Chicago Path. Soc., Vol. 6, 1904, pp. 211-19. Mem., A. M. S.; Chicago Med. Soc; 111. Med. Soc; Scandi- navian Med. Soc; Staff of Norwegian Dea- coness Hosp.; Norwegian Tabitha Hosp.; faculty Rush Med. Coll. Address, 2816 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 2816 Logan Blvd., rfo.t 1749. LAWRENCE GILBERT PARKER (Brother of No. 1942) Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1907; b. Mr I, 1880, Toluca, 111.; s. John William (b. O 25, 1850, Evansville, Ind.) and Sarah Ann (Litchfield) Parker (b. D 20, 1856, To- luca, 111.). Prepared in Rutland H. S.; Dixon Coll. C. E. Club. Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1902-7; .Assoc in C. E., do., 1907-10; Struct. Engr., Purdy and Henderson, 1910-11; do., Marshall and' Fox, 191 1 — . Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. ; Illini Club of Chicago; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Address, 706 Lin- coln Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., 700 N. Michigan Ave., do. 1750. AD.\H PATTON (Sister of Nos. 4850. 5863) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Paxton, 111.; d. William Thomas (b. 1845, Veedersburg, Ind.) and Frances M. (Flagg) Patton (b. 1847, Bangor, Me.). Prepared in Paxton H. S.; 111. Weslevan Univ. Catalog Asst., John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1903-5; Cataloger, Charles City, la.. Lib., 1907; Classifier, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1908-17; Catalog libn., do., 1917 — ■. Auth.: Cat- aloging Economies; The Care of Gift Pamph- lets; Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Am. Lib. Assoc, 19 18. Mem., Lib. Club; M. E. Church; Am. Lib. Assn. Ad- dress, 903 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 169 1751. HENRIETTA BETSEY PITTS (MARTIN) (Wife of No. 1559; Sister of Nos. 2210, 6479) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 23, 1879, McLean, III.; d. John Joseph (b. O 20, 1853) and Mary Elizabeth (Roberts) Pitts (b. O 30, 1858, Bat- tle Creek, Mich.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Alpha Theta. Taught H. S., Charleston, 1903-4; H. S., Jacksonville, 1904-5: H. S., Bloomington, 1905-6. Mem., Baptist Church; O. E. S. Married Robert William Martin Coi), Je 20, 1906, Bloomington, 111. Child, Florence Elizabeth, b. Ap 19, 1910. Address, 103 Sherman Court, Joliet, 111. 1752. FRANCIS BENJAMIN PLANT Engineer; A. B. in Chem.; b. Je 29, 1880, LaSalle, 111.; s. Henry Benjamin (b. Ja 11, 1831, Utica, N. Y.) and Carolina (Neeley) Plant (b. Ja 22, 1849, Metropolis, 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Track team; Mgr., Illio. Asst. Prof., C. E., St. Mary's Coll., Oakland, Calif., 1904-5; Engr., Warren Improvement Co., San Fran- cisco, 1905-6; Engr. and Supt., B. & W. Engr. Co., 1906-7; Kittle Const. Co., 1907-9; S. F. Bd. of Pub. Works, 1909-10; pvt. practice, 1910 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Flor- ence L. Pope. My 18, 1907, Venice, Calif. Child, Henry Benjamin, b. My 18, 191 1. Ad- dress, 178 Kempton Ave., Oakland, Calif.; bus. add., 922 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco. t 1753. EDWIN LINDSAY POOR (Brother of Nos. 5364, 8669) Advertising; B. S.; LL. B., 1904; b. F 3, 1880, Lexington, 111.; s. Thompson (b. Ja 3, 1849, Hopkinton, Mass.) and Helen Jane (Lindsay) Poor (b. Ag 9, 1854, Shippensburg, Pa.). Prepared in Streator H. S. Pres., Adelphic; Eng. Club; Ed., The Illinois; Assoc. Ed., mini. Asst. Instr., Geol., 1902-3; Law Clerk, 1904-5; Asst. Mgr., Adv. Dept., Roths- child & Co., Chicago, 1905-6; Adv. Mgr., Crofts and Reed, Chicago, 1906-11; with J. Walter Thompson Adv. Agency, 1911-13; Gen. Adv. work, 1913 — ; Ed., South Shore Country Club _ Mag., 1918 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Lilian B. Richey, Je 30, 1906. Chil- dren: Donald R., b. S 4, 1907; Dorothy Lind- say, b. F 4, 1913. Address, 607 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park :w 1754. HIRAM FRANKLIN POST (Brother of No. 2213) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 13, 1878, Brownsville, Minn.; s. Henry (b. S 8, 1845, Whitby, Can.) and Susan (Sands) Post (b. My I, 1854, Madison, Wis.). Prepared in Rock Rapids (la.) H. S. M. and E. E. Soc. : Tau Beta Pi; Beta Theta Pi; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt.; Ed., Illio; Bus. Mgr., Illini. Draftsman, 1902- 3; Const, work, 1904-5; Gen. Supt., Robert Schaefer Co., 1906-8; Contr. Engr., do., 1908- 11; Gen. Mgr., The Burr Co., 1911-14; Asst. Sales Mgr., The Underfeed Stoker Co., of Am.. Chicago, 1914 — . Mem., Hamilton Club of Chicago. Married Jane V. Hallowell, F 5, 1908, Chicago. Address, 604 Swetland Blvd., Cleveland. 1755. CLARA BECK REASONER (BARRY) (Sister of No. 989) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 12, 1880, Lexington, la.; d. John Rogers (b. 1840, West Union. O.) and Katherine (Malone) Reasoner (b. 1842, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Fisher H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Chi Omega. Grad. work in Art Inst., 1903. Art Supvr., Champaign, 1903-6. Married Harold Bradford Barry, D 27, 1906, Urbana. Children: Eleanor Bradford, b. F 3, 1908; John Reasoner, b. S 3. 1914. Address, 593 Le Master St., Memphis, Tenn. 1756. GEORGE I. REEVES (Husband of No. 1998) Entomologist; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 4, 1879, Morris, 111.; s. D. A. (b. N 22, 1854, Kane Co., 111.) and Eva Lucy (James) Reeves (b. O I, 1863, Grundy Co., 111.). Prepared in Morris II. S. Philomathean. Fellow, Entomol., 1902-3; Asst., Entomol., Univ. of Mo., 1903-4; Special Agt., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904-n; Entomol. Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1911 — . Mem., Am. Assn. of Econ. Entomologists; A. A. A. S. Married Miriam Ursula Welles ('03), Ap 14, 1906, Maiden, 111. Address, 322 H St., Salt Lake City. 1757. ANNA BETHIRE RILEY (MILLER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 30, 1880, Urbana; d. Ninian Allen (b. Ja 29, 1844. Edgar Co., 111.) and Emma De Etta (Porter) Riley (b. Ap 12, 1843, Zenia, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Sec, Woman's Club, Albu- querque, N. M., igio — . Married Leonard Joseph Miller, O 27, 1909, Urbana. Child, Joseph Leonard, b. Jl 30, 1915. Address, 924 N. 2nd St., Albuquerque, N. M. 1758. HARRY ASHTON ROBERTS (Brother of No. 2801) Professor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. An 2, 1876, Strawn, 111.; s. Edward H. (b. ^f 6, 1841, Delaware Co., O.) and Eliza (Moore) Roberts rb. Jl 28, 1843, do.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Pres., Tau Beta Pi; Pres. and V. P., V. M. C. A.; Class Sec: C. E. Club: Illini Bd.; Technograph Bd.; Track Team. Drafts- man, O. S. L. R. R.. 1902; Res. Engr., A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1903; Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1904; Asst. Engr., O. S. L. R. R., 1906; Div. Engr., 1909: Asst. Supt., 1909-14; Asst. Prof., C. E.. Univ. of Kan., 1917. Capt. Engrs. R. C. U. S. A.. Ft. Riley, Kan., Ft. Leavenworth, N. Y. City, 1917; Marseilles, France. 1918 — . Mem., Dir. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Pocatello, 1911-14; Congr. Church. 1914 — ; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. ; Trustee, M. E. Church, 191 2-14. Married Henrietta L. Hender- son. S 23, 1903, lola, Kan. Children: Donald Hugh, b. S 7, 1905; Harry Kenneth, b. My 9, 1907; Henrietta Mary, b. My 23, 1910; Helen Henderson, b. Jl 15, 1914. Address, 1423 New York St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., Univ. of Kan. do. 1759. MARY ANNETTE ROLFE (Daughter of No. 14; Sister of Nos. 1407, 1957, 3525) Y. W. C. A. Work: A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 3, 1881. Kankakee, 111.; d. Charles Wesley ('72), (b. Ap 17, 1850. Arlington Hgts., 111.) and Mar- tha Kinsman (Farley) Rolfe (b. My 8 1849, Boston).. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. A., N. W. Univ., 1914. Class Pres. and \'. P.; Sec, two yrs. Taught in E. Chicago H. S., Ja-Je, 1904: Indianapolis Pub. Schs., 1904-5; Centralia Tp. H. S., 1905-6; Y. W. C. A. Sec, St. Univ. of la., 1909-10; Y. W. C. A., Sec. recreation hut for Red Cross, care of Hotel Petrograd, Paris, France, 1918 — . Address, 601 John St., Champaign. 1760. *ALICE ROSE Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Boston, Mass.; d. James A. (b. Je 13, 1856, do.) and Elizabeth G. (Stevens) Rose (b. Ta 8, 1858, do.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Died O 3, 1903, Oak Park, 111. 1761. LUTHER VERNON ROSE With Montgomery Ward & Co.; A. B. in L. & A.: b. N 11. 1880. Moultrie Co.. 111.; s. Myron and Mary Frances (Randolph) Rose. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. Contr. Asst., 1902-4; Rice Farmer, El Campo, Tex., 1904-5; with Montgomery Ward ' 'c University of Illinois [1902 & Co., 1906 — . Married Clara Belle Guthrie, O 29, 1904. Children: William Myron, b. F 6, 1909; Vernon Guthrie, b. Ap 4, 1913. Ad- dress, 837 Clinton Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1762. CHARLES LEONARD SAMSON (Brother of Nos. 1763, 2234) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 16, 1876. Deers, III.; s. Nelson Willard (b. F 28, 1829, Wardsville, Ont., Can.) and Georgena Char- lotte (Leonard) Samson (b. Jl 12. 1845, \V. Newell, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Varsity Football Scrubs; Class Football Mgr. Master Mech. the Buda Co.; Chief Engr., Amalgamated Machinery Corp. First Lt., E. R C, 1917; E. O. T. C, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.. 1 91 7; Camp Meade, Md., 191 8; overseas. Ja 1918. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1914; Western See. Engrs., 1913; Dearborn Lodge A. F. A. M.. 1904; mini Club of Chicago, 1904; Soc. Struct. Engrs. Married Loula Jay Womack, S 12, 1910, Boston. Address, 6730 Perry Ave., Chi- cago. 1763. GEORGE ROY SAMSON (Brother of Nos. 1762, 2234) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.: B. S. in Agr., 1905; b. Ag 2, 1879, Deers, 111.; s. Nelson (b. F 28, 1829, Wardsville, Ont.) and Georgena Charlotte (Leonard) Samson (b. Jl 12, 1845, Newell, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Der Deutsche Verein; Eng. Club; Fortnightly Club; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Asst. Exp. Sta., LTniv. of 111., 1905; Asst., An. Husb., Dept. of .\gr., do., 1906-10; Instr., An. Husb., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1910-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916-17; Farmer, 1917- — . Joint auth.: West. Live Stock Mgint.. Ore. Exp. Sta. Bui. Mem.. A. F. A. .M.; Corvallis Cml. Club; Ore. Pure Bred Live Stock Breeders Assn. Married Anna Augusta Pettingell, S 5, 1912. Children: Georgena Pet- tingell, b. Jl 12, 1915; Charles Pettingell, b. N 27, 1916. Address, R i, Monroe, Ore. 1764. THEODORE MARCUS SANDERS Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 13, 1879, Little Rock. Ark.; s. Frederick (b. F 6, 1838, Dessau, Ger.) and Fannie (Reiser) Sanders (b. S 12, 1844, Wurtemburg, do.). Prepared in Little Rock II. S. Tau Beta Pi. Married Irene Pariera, Ja 29, 1907, Little Rock, .\rk. (died My 6, 191 6). Children: Arthur O., b. Mr 6, 1908; Miriam F., b. F 15, 191 1. Address, 240s Gaines St., Little Rock, Ark.; bus. add., Hollenberg Bldg., do. 1765. DONALD HUBBARD SAWYER (Brother of Nos. i960, 2502) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 26, 1878, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; s. George S. (b. S 5. 1844. Chester, Vt.) and Phebe Content (Hubbard) Sawver (b. F 14, 1852, Can.). Prepared in Oak'Park H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. With Alex. Potter, N. Y. City; Asst. Engr., C. R. R. of N. J.; with J. H. Freedlander, Johnston City, Tenn.; City Engr., Paris, 111.; Engr., Main- tenance of Way, 111. Traction System, 1905; Chief Engr., Cent. 111. Const. Co.; Sawyer Bros., Engrs., Seattle-Spokane. Lt. Col., Q. M. Corps, N. A., Const. Div. Address, 410 Lin- delle Block, Spokane, W'ash. 1766. TILLIE T0E3 SCHUMACHER (RAILS BACK) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 7, 1881, Champaign; d. Peter Joseph (b. Mr 28, 1852, Cologne, Ger.) and Emma (Kreuger) Schumacher (b. Je 6, 1861, Champaign). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Illio Bd. Taught, Decatur H. S., 1902-5; Asst., German, Univ. of 111., 1905-10. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Edgar Macey Railsback, N 24, 1910, Champaign. Child, Roger Sidney, b. Ag 30. 191 2. Address, 2216 Hoyt Ave., Everett, Wash. 1767. HENRY DISBRO SCUDDER (Son of No. 86) Professor; B. S. in -Agr.; b. D 17, 1881, Moberly, Mo.; s. Clarence O. (75), (b. 1S53, Carmel, N. Y.) and Amelia C. (Beyer) Scudder (b. 1852, Greifswald, Ger.). Prepared in Evans- ston Tp. and Lake View H. S. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Grad. Study for M. S. degree; Sc. in- vestigations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1902-3-4 — ; Taught, Cloquet, Minn. H. S., 1904-6; Instr., Agronomy, Kan. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1906-7; Prof., do., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1907-18; Prof, and Chief in Farm. Mgmt., Ore. Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta., 1918 — . Auth.: Ore. Pure Seed Law; Ore. Agr. Lime Law. Mem., Ex. Coifi., Internat. Farm Assn.; Am. Farm Mgmt. Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agronomy; Chm., Ore. St. Pure Seed Bd. Married Leila Knickerbocker Mc- Cotter, Ag 26, 1907, Rochester, Mich. Chil- dren: Donald McCotter, b. O 30, 1911; Robert Desborough, b. F 4, 1915; Katherine Miriam, b. S I, 1917. Address, Corvallis, Ore. 1768. ROBERT PHILIP SHIMMIN Salesman; B. S. in M. E., 1902; b. O 16, 1877, Rockford, 111.; s. Edward Shimmin (b. Ap 10, 1848, Isle of Man) and Isabella (Pratt) Shimmin (b. D 1, 1849, Longside, Aberdeen- shire, Scot.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Capt., Univ.' Regt.; Illio Bd. Drafts- man, Link Belt Co., 1902-1906; Salesman, L. B. Co., 1906. Married Ethel May McEvoy, My 14, 1903, Rockford, 111. Children: John Edward, b. J a 24, 1905; JNIona May, b. Ja 20, 1907; Robert Philip, Jr., b. F 27,' 1911. Ad- dress, 2254 West 107th PL, Chicago. 1769. ARTHUR BOURNE SMITH (Brother of No. 1972) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 2, 1873, Elizabeth City, N. C; s. Chas. Wesley (b. 1841, Smith- field, Pa.) and Hester Ann (Bourne) Smith (b. 1843, Bourne, Pa.). Prepared in Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y. Ph. B., Wes- leyan Univ., 1900. Delta Tau Delta. Asst. Ed., Cumulative Book Index, 1902; Head of Order Div., Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1902-11; Libn., Kan. Agr. Coll., 1911 — . Mem., Calif. Lib. Assn., 1902-11: Ex. Com., Kan. Lib. Assn., Treas., 1916; Kan. St. Teachers Assn.; Sc. Club. Married Mary Adda Read, O 26, 1902, Delavan, N. Y. Children: Hester Elizabeth, b. Je 3, 1907; Elgene Arthur, b. O 12, 1909; Russell Richard Bourne, b. Ap 4, 1911; Elsie Mary, b. F 4, 1913 (died D 17, 1917). Ad- dress, R. 2, Manhattan, Kan. 1770. ELLEN GARFIELD SMITH Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 24, 1879; d. M. P. (b. N. H.) and Catherine Smith (b. Peter- borough, do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; Lib. Club. Asst., John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1902-7: Libn., Pub. Lib., Walla Walla, Wash., 1907-18. Asst. Libn., Camp Lewis, W'ash., 191S — . Mem., Pacific North-West Lib. Assn.; ."^m. Lib. Assn. Address, 244 Marcus St., Walla Walla, Wash.t 1771. ROY SMITH (Husband of No. 3026) Teacher and Missionary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 14, 1878, Colusa, 111.; s. Riley (b. Ap 11, 1834, }ilaggie, W. Va.) and Allie Elizabeth (Cogshall) Smith (b. O 1, 1847)- Prepared in West. Norm. Coll.; Univ. Acad. Ph. M., Univ. of Chicago. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Philomathean (Pres.) M. C. S., Univ. Sch. of Commerce, Accounts and Finance: Co. Sec, Y. M. C. A., 1902-3; Govt. Teacher, Japan, 1903-6; Grad. Stud, and Bus., 1906-9: Govt, teacher, Japan, 1909-17; IMissionary (M. E. Church, South) and Lecturer in Kobe Higher Cml. Coll., Kobe, Japan, 1917 — . Auth.: St. I902J Baccalaureate Alumni 371 Supervision over Accounting Methods; St. Administrative Supervision over Local Acconnt- ing. j\Iem., The Asiatic See. of Japan. Mar- ried Charlotte J. Hess ('07), O 10, 1910, Tokyo, Japan. Children: Stanford Moore, b. My 17, 1912; Roy Andrew, b. N 13, 1915. Address, Higher Cml. Coll., Kobe, Japan. 1772. JOHN McBEATH SNODGRASS (Brother of No. 714) Professor; B. S. in M. E. ; h. S i, 1874, Coldspring, Wis.; s. William (b. Scotland) and Mary (McBeath) Snodgrass (b. do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Acacia; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Teacher, Univ. of 111., 1902-6, 1908-11; American Locomotive Works, 1906-8; Asst. Prof., M. E., Univ. of 111., 191 1—. Published Univ. of 111. Engng. Exp. Sta. Bui. Nos. 11, 31, 34, 82, 1 01. Married Daisy May Bonar, Jl 28, 1909. Child, Susan Jane, b. Ag 10, 1910. Aidress, 306 Armory Ave., Champaign. 1773. IDA MARY SPAULDING (MILNER-THOMPSON) B. L. S.; b. D 27, 1879, Orange City, Fla.; d. James A. (b. Lockport, N. Y.) and Eleanor (Pond) Spaulding (b. Plymouth, Wis.). Pre- pared in Oshkosh St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Wis., 1899-1900. Pi Beta Phi. Libn., Coeur d'Alene Pub. Lib., 1905-8; igio — . Auth.: Reading for Children Arranged by Grades. Married Ralph A. Milner, My 20, 1903, Osh- kosh, Wis.; Raymond Thompson, D 31, 1912. Child, Jack, b. Ag 5, 1904. Address, Sebastopol, Calif. 1774. LAVINIA STEELE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 16, 1878, Scranton, la.; d. Almon C. (b, 1844, O.) and Julia Eliza- beth (Aldrich) Steele (b. 1851, 111.). Prepared in Coon Rapids Pub. Sch.: Carroll H. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1897-1900. Delta Delta Delta. Asst. Cataloger, la. St. Lib., 1902-3; Compiler, Check List of the publications of the St. of la., 1903-4; organized Monticello Pub. Lib., 1904; Supply as Cataloger, la. St. Lib., 1904; Ref. Asst., la. St. Univ. Lib., 1904-5; Cataloger, la. St. Lib., 1005 — . Address, St. Lib., Des Moines.t 1775. OTTO CHRISTOPHER STEINMEYER Chemist; A. B. in Sc; b. D 18, 1881. La- Salle. 111.; s. Cliristian (b. Stuttgart, Ger.) and Katherine (Feuer) Steinmeyer (b. do.). Prepared in La.Salle Tp. H. S. Asst. Chem., Santa Fe system, 1902-4; Chem., Tie and Tim- ber Dept., 1904-7; Gen. Insp., Timber Preser- vation Dept., St. L. & S. F. R. R. and E. I. R. R., 1907-14; Supvr., Timber Preservation, S. & L. S. F. R. R., 1914. Married Abigail Tesson, O 19, 191 1. Address. 729 Monroe St., Springfield, Mo.; bus. add., Frisco Bldg., do. 1776. ■ *NATHANIEL A. STERN Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 27, 1879, Champaign; s. Abraham (b. Mr i, 1837, Dinsbach, Ger.) and Babette (Bloch) Stern (b. Fluss, Bavaria, Ger.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Lawyer, 1902; do., Chicago, 1903 — ; Alderman, Chicago 1915-16. Mem., mini Club; Hvde Park Am. Club.; A. F. A. M.; Chicago Real Est. Bd; K. P. Married Edith Mae Kramer, Je 5, 1910, Chicago. Died Mr 23, 1919. 1777. JOHN POGUE STEWART Experimental Poniologist; A. B. in Sc; b. Je I, 1876, Biggsville, 111.; s. James Gibson (b. 1 83 1, St. Clairsville, O.) and Maria Louise (Pogue) Stewart (b. 1842, Olena, 111.). Pre- pared in Biggsville H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. M. S., Cornell, 1903; Ph. D., Cornell, 191 1. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Fellow, Hort., Cornell, 1906-7; Taught Agr., Nature Study and Math., 111. St. Norm., 1903- 6; Prof., Pomology, Pa. Exp. Sta., 1907 — -. Auth.: Nature Study in its Practical Bear- / ings, HI. St. Norm. Univ. and Nature Study Review; Agr. in the Pub. Schs., ///. Farmers Inst. Proc; Some Phases of Pa. Fruit Grow- ing, Rep. of St. Hort. Assn. of Pa.; The Fertilization of Apple Orchards, Pa.; Sum- mer Control of the San Jose Scale, Rural New Yorker; The Summer Spraying of Peaches, Rpt. of Am. Pom. Soc; Factors Influencing yield, color, size and growth in apples, Ann. Rpt. of the Penn. St. Coll.; Buls. of the Pa. Exp. Sta.; numerous other articles on hort. subjects. Mem., Am. Nature Study Soc; Am. Pom. Soc; V. P., Am. Soc. for Hort. Sc; Pa. St. Hort. Assn.; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Presby. Church. Married Isabel Stuart Mont- gomery, S 10, 1913, Milton. Pa. Child, Mary Louise, b. Ag 18, 1916. Address, R i, Milton, Pa. 1778. * WILLI AM BO WEN STEWART LL. B.; b. Ag 6, 1868, Indianapolis; s. Fred- eric Steir (b. Ja 13, 1849, Hagerstown, Md.) and Ella K. (Williams) Stewart (b. N 23, 1850, Marion, O.). Prepared in Lake View H. S.; Diversey Sch., Chicago. Philomathean; Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Pres.. Stud, Democratic Club, Practicing Law, Fayetteville, 1900-4; Special work, Syracuse; Mgr., N, W, branch of The Bishop-Babcock-Becker Co,, Cleveland, 1905 — . Served in U. S. Navy, 1887-91. be- fore the mast and later in Pay Corps, U. S. S. Vt., U. S. S. Trenton, U. S. S. Nipsic, U. S. S. Independence in N. Atlantic, S. Atlantic in Pac Sta. — survivor Samoan Hvirricane, 1889. .Stewarts Collection of Newspapers: One fro:r. Capital each state and island possession, one jtrom each large financial, cml. or mfg. center in each st.; all of same date. Ag 6, 1909 — col- lection in Univ. of 111. Lib. Mem., A. F. A. M., 32d degree; Past Exalted Ruler B. P. O. E. Married Jessie May Pritchett, F 21, 1894. Mason City, 111. Child, Mildred, b. Jl 12, 1895. Died Ja 19, 1913. 1779. FLOYD LUDWIG SWANBERG Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 14, 1877. Braceville, 111.; s. J. L. (b. Mr 28, 1844, Stockholm, Sweden) and Maria (Huston) Swanberg (b. Mr 31, 1850, N. Y.). Prepared in Danville H. S. M. and E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Bus. Mgr., Tcchnograph. Mech. Engr. for the Lunkenheimer Co., 1902-4; Sec, D. T. Williams Valve Co., 1905-15; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Blair Motor Truck Co., Newark, O., 1906-17; Sec, The Richardson-Phenix Co., Milwaukee, 191 7 — . Invented many improve- ments in oiling devices, steam specialties, etc. Auth. : Notes on Helical Spring, Technograph, 1903-4. Mem., Am. Soc. of Metals; A. S. M. E.; I. S. T. M. Married Mamie Alberta Connelly, D 31, 1902, Danville, 111. Address, 790 Farwell Ave,, Milwaukee. 1780. HELEN MARY TAYLOR (BUSH) (Wife of No. 1317) A. B. in L. & A,; b, Ag 20, 1879, Bloom- ington, 111.; d. Tames Branch (b. 1851, Clark Co., Ky.) and Sarah (Martin) Taylor (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught Math., DeKalb H. S., 1902-3; Rhet., 111., 1903-4; Traveled and Studied in France and Germany, 1904-5; Taught, Bloom- ington, 1905-7; Oak Park H. S., 1907-8. Mar- ried John Kenyon Bush ('00), Ag 4, 1908. Children: Eleanor Isabel, b. O 11, 1909; Ken- yon Taylor, b. My 21, 191 5. Address, 133 Dorffel Drive, Seattle. 1 781. FRANK LINN THOMPSON (Brother of Nos. 1429, 2266) Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 5, 1878, Warrenburg, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1837, Alden, N. Y.) and Mary G. (Langston) Thomp- son (b. 1843, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, 3136 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. 172 University of Illinois I190: 178-'. McDonald Thompson (Brother of No. looi) Asst. Eiigr.; H. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 25, 1870. Isabel, 111.: s. EiUvard T. and Mima (Mc- Donald) Thompson. Prepared in Univ. Acad. With I. C. R. R., Draftsman, 1902-4; Instru- nientman, 1904-5; Roadmaster, 1905-9; Asst. Bridge Engr., Chicago (ireat Western R. R.; Bridge Engr., St. Paul, uju-i.i; Asst. Engr., Track Elevation Work, I. C R. R., ("hie.-igo, 1913 — . Married Lillian Constance Gillentine, D 26, 1906. Child, Donald Edward, b. S 25, 1907. Address, 132,? E. (14th St.. Chicago; bus. add., Br. Dept., I. C. R. R., Chicago. 1783. GEORGE WILLIAM VAN METER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 23, 1871, Washington, 111.; s. Davis Rhodes (b. Iludson. Wis.) and Susan (Baker) \'aii Meter (b. Lex- ington, Kv.). Prepared in Washington H. S.: Knox Coll. Married Bertha Sloan Lehman, Ag 24, 1S97, Vates City, 111. Child, Philip Lehman, b. S 23, 1904. .Iddrcss, 237 N. Rutaii Ave., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add., 602-6 Caldwell- Murdock Bldg., do. 1784. ERNEST CARL FREDERICK VON der LIPPE Consulting Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 24, 1879, Neuinunster, Ger.; s. Detlef von der Lippe (b. D 15, 1848, Moen, do.}. Prepared in Kansas Citv IL S. .■\tteiulcd Purdue ITniv., 1895-8. Phi Gamma Delta: Phi Xi ; Track Team, 1896. Mil. service, Spanish-Am. W'ar. Engrs., Archs. anil Kiiihlers; Gen. Mgr., Milhvork Valve and Specialty^ Co., Chicago: Consulting Engr., Engng. Equipment ami Const, of Bldgs. and Colonies; Capt., ist Regt., 111. Engrs.; loSth IL S. Engrs., A. E. F., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Caroline Kullman, Ag iS, 1904, Lebanon, 111. Child, Carl Detlef, b. D 18, 1905. Address, 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 1785. 'LESI-IE ABRAM WATERBURY Professor; B. S. in C. E.; A. M. and A. E., 1918; b. N 29, 1880, Polo, 111.; s. Abrani Daniel (b. S 30, 1850, do.) and Francelia Jeanctte (W^adsworth) Waterbury (b. Ja 5, 1845). Prepared in Polo IL S. Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Ed., Tcchiio- grafh. Instr., Math, and C. E., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1902-3; Instr., C. E., L^niv. of 111., 1903-7; Prof., do., Univ. of Ariz., 1907-1(1; Prof., Civ. and Arch. Engng., Univ. of Ariz., 1916 — . Auth. : A Vest Pocket Handbook of Math.; Cement Lab. Man.; Lack of L^nifoimity in Results of Cement Tests, Engng. Nc-^vs: Failure of Concrete Piles Ihider Ocean Pier at Long Beach, Calif., do.; The Southern Pa- cific of Mexico Railroad, (/(>.; A Reinforced Concrete Water Tank with Dome-Shaped Bot- tom, do.; Cement Lab. ^L^n.; Materials Test- ing Man.; Stresses in Struct. Steel .\nglos. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Am. Soc. for Testing Mate- rials. Married Ethel Clare Miller, S 2, 1903, Lincoln, 111. Children: Clarence Leslie, h. Te 9, 1906; Mildred Francelia, b. N 29, 1908. Died Je 15, 191S, Nitro, VV. Va. 1786. FRANCIS GEORGE WENDELL Sec. and Treas., Light and Power Co.; R. S. in C. E.; b. My 23, 1S80. New Holland, 111.; s. George (b. Ta 29, 1S45, Piketon, O.) and Sarah (Ohniart) Wendell (b. D 12. 1850, Petersburg, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. Asst. Civ. Engr., Brenneke and Fay, St. Louis. 1902-4; Civ. Engr., Tulsa, Okla., 1904-6; Field Engr., City Engrs. Office, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1906-9: Chief Draftsman, do., 1900-10; .\sst. City Engr., 1910-11; Owner and Mgr., Rose- dale and Sugar Creek Farms, New Holland, 111., 1911 — : Sec. and Treas., New Holland Light and Power Co., do., 1915 — . IVFarried Margaret Quinn, Je 14, 1905, New Holland, HI. Child, Margaret Jane, b. D 9, 1912. Ad- dress, Box 26, New Holland, 111. 1787. CHARLES DIETRICH WESSELHOEFT (Husband of No. 6013) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 25, 1881, Chicago; s. Dietrich (b. Jork, Hanover, Ger.) and Henrietta (Rost) Wesselhoeft (b. Artz- berg, Bavaria, do.). Prepared in Chicago pub. sells. Sigma .\lpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Kohler Bros., .\rnoUl Co., Krehbiel Co., all of Chicago; Pres., Wesselhoeft Co., Engrs., Constructors, Chicago. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Blanche Portman, Chicago (Died); Elsie Winteriueyer ('13), Ap 28, 1914, Chicago. Children: AUmen, b. Je 15, 1908; Flora Henrietta, b. O 31, 1918. Address, 910 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 1788. IRVING IVLVRK WESTERN Lawvcr; A. B. in L. & A.; LL.B., 1904; b. Ta 8, 1878, Dundee, 111.; s. Geo. E. and Lib- Ine .\. (Hutson) Western. Prepared in Dundee II. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Kappa Nu; V. M. C. A., cabinet; Adelphic; Orat. Assn.; Pres., .'\th. Assn.; Eng. Club; Ed., Illini; ITniv. Orat.; Mo. debate; Class Orat.; Mgr., Star Lecture Course. Practising law with Bots- ford, Wayne & Botsford, Elgin, 111., 1905-10; with Ellis & Western, 1910 — . Married Beulah Joiner, My 12, 1906, Polo, 111. Children: Julia Elizabetli, b. Ap 23, 1907; Carol, b. My 24, 1 91 3. .-iddress, Dundee, 111.; bus. add., O'Bierne Block, Elgin, 111. 1789. JAMES DUNWELL WHITE (Brother of No. 3602) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 25. 1878, Pana, 111.; s. James D. (b. .\g 7, 1836, Duncanon, Pa.) and Nina Sophia (Dunwel!) White (b. I\Ir 9, 1842, Solon, O.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Mgr., Baseball team, 1902. Clerk, I. C. Freight C)ffice, 1902-3; Cashier, Big Four I'reight and Passenger Depts., 1903-4; Joint Rate Insp., 1904; Chief Clerk and Traf. ^Igr., D. U. & C. R. R.. 1904-5: TraL Mgr., D. U. & C. R. R., 1905-7; do., D. U. & C. R. R. & St. L., D. & C. R. R., 1907-9:^ Asst. Traf. Mgr.. 1909-10; Sec. Champaign Chamber of Com- merce, 1910; Bus. Mgr., Champaign Daily Ga- zette. Married Etheldred Frank Lindley, F i, 1909, Urbana. Address, 844 S. Greenwood, Springfield, 111. 1790. EDITH URSULA WHITEHOUSE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 16, 1873. Breeds, 111.; d. Isaac (b. 1830, W. Bromwich, Kng.) and Mary Elizabeth (Layton) White- house (b. 1842, Orion Tji., Fulton Co., III.). Prepared in Canton H. b. Address, Canton, Ill.t 1791. MILTON JAMES WHITSON Contractor; B. S. in Arch.; b.. S 8, 1878, Pleasant N'alley, la.; s. Henry Tames and Eliza Mary Whitson. Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta. Architecture, three yrs. ; con- tracting till 1918. Supt., p. M. Dept^ in erec- tion of cantonments: CoL, Q. M. C. N. A. Married Kathryn Loomis. Je 27, 1906, She- boygan, Wis. Child, Henry James, b. \p 20, 1910. Address, Imperial Apt.', 1769 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. 1792. N.\TIIAN WILKINSON (Husband of No. 2259) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 21, 187S, Hartford, Kan.; s. Nathan Stout (b. Ind.) and Cordelia C. (Price) Wilkinson (b. do.). Pre- pared in Emporia H. S. Band: Class football; Class baseball. With Bullock Elec. AHg. Co., 1902-4; Montreal Engr. Sales Dept., .\llis-Chal- mers Co., 1904-7; Milwaukee Office, 7. *ED\VIN CRESSY BRIGGS Teacher; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1909; b. F 26, 18S1. Rockford, 111.; s. Chester E. (b. 1853, Vt.) and OUie A. (Preston) Briggs (b. 1S57. N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Draftsman for Bostedo Pneumatic Tube Co., 1903; instr., Mach. Design and Kinematics, Armour Inst, of Tech., 1906; Asst. Prof., M. E., Colo. Sch. of Mines, 1909; given leave of absence to regain health; dairying. Autli.: Pamphlet and Sylla- bus for Descriptive Geom. Students, Colo. Transcript; Design of Power Plant and Gold 'Sulphide Mine, (M. E. thesis) ; Pneumatic Tube Cash Carriers, Fulcrum Armour Institute of Tech., 1906; also articles on M. E. and Min. work in vicinity of Golden, Colo. Faculty Club, Armour Inst, of Tech., 1903-6; iiem., com. "Moral and Religious Conf. of Colo. Faculties," 1909; Faculty Mem., Colo. Sch. cf Mines at Y. M. C. A. Conf., Cascade, Colo.; Steward, M. E. Church. Married Constance Fritz, S 14, 1904, Harvard. 111. Children: Pres- ton D., b. Ja 7, 1906; Joseph F., b. Ap ii, 191 1 Died My 3, 1915, Phoenix, Ariz. 1828. JANE WIDXEY BROTHERTON Classifier; B. L. S.; b. Delphos, O.; d. Bur- ritt Johnston and Harriett (Leaman) Brother- ton. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Shepardson Coll., Granville, O. B. S., Denison Univ., 1899. Organizer, Franklin, O. Pub. Lib., 1903; Cataloger, Lib. of Cong., 1904-5; Libn., Brum- back Lib. of Van Wert Co., O., 1905-9; Class- ifier, Signal Corps, U. S. A., 191S — . Ad- dress, 1310 Q St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 1829. M. LEWIS BROWN (Husband of No. 1866) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 10, 1S79; s. Lewis (b. Somers, N. Y.) and Mary B. (Moore) Brown (b. Northampton, Eng.). Pre|>ared in Rockford H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. In Exp. Dept., Deere & Co., Moline. 111., 1903-8; Supt., Kawner Mfg. Co., Niles Mich., 1908-13; Uni- versal Metal Co., Detroit, 1913-16; Assoc, Motor Products Corp., Detroit, 1916 — . Mar- ried Clara E. Fisher ('03), O 30, 1906, Cham- paign. Child, Lewis Fisher, b. S 5, 1907. Ad- dress, 2329 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit. 1830. MARGUERITE PAULINE BUERKIN (WARD) (Sister of No. 1638) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 31, 1881, Ouincy, 111.; d. Joseph (b. 1848, Ger.) and Xugusta (Lerpp) Buerkin (b. 1856, Quincy, 111.). Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. 'if'. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Capt., Class Basketball Team, 1901-3. Asst. Prin., Rock Falls H. S., 1903-4. Mem., Moline Women's Club, 1909-15; do.. Art and Lit. Dept., 1913-15; Treas., Service Circle King's Daughter, 1914. ^larried Harry Amos Ward, Je 30, 1904, Quincy, 111. Child, Rosemary Martha, b. Mr 4, 1916. Address, 924 E. 7th St., Flint, Mich. 1831. WAYNE EDISON BURKHALTER (Husband of No. 2503) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 23, 18S1, Maquon; s. William and Clara (Beard) Burk- halter. Prepared in Peoria II. S. C. E. Soc. Asst., M. I. T., 1903-4; with Isthmian Canal Com., 1905; Res. Engr. C. M. & St. Paul R. R., 1906; (Dffice Engr., Panama R. R., 1907-0; Bridge Engr., Oregon Trunk Ry. & S. P. & S. R. R., 1910 — . Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Josephine Scherer ('05), Ag 19, 1908. Address, nth and Hoyt Sts., Port- land, Ore.t 1832. JEAN BURKHART Retail Shoe Dealer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 7, 1880, Marion, III.; s. J. M. (b. Knoxville, Tenn.) and Mary Ellen (Spiller) Burkhart (b. Spillerton, 111.). Prepared, Marion H. S. ; Wesleyan Univ. ^hi Kappa Psi. Married Eva Dimmick, Ja 10, 1911, West Frankfort, 111. (died Ag 13, 1912). Address, Marion, 111. 1833. *MILDRED ANNA BURRILL (STONE) I, Wife of No. 1980; Daughter of No. Hs) .\. C. in L. & A.; A. M., 1908; b. D 11. 18S1, Pendleton, Ore.; d. Thomas Jonathan (b. 1839, Pittstield, Mass.) and Sarah Helen (Alexander) Uurrill (b. Schenectady, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Eng. Club; French Club; Alethe- nai; Choral Soc; Chi Omega; Illini Staff; Literary Ed. lllio; Y. W'. C. A. Cabinet, 1902- 3. Auth.: Five short articles in the Central Christian Advocate, 1900; The Old Days of 1903, 1903 lllio; Pater's Theory of Life and Art, The Illinois, 1903; A. M. Thesis on Chil- drens' Reading. M. E. Church, 1892- 1904; Presby. Church, 1904. Married Hal Marot Stone ('03), N 11, 1903, L'rbana. Children: Mary Helen, b. O 25, 1906; Mildred Irene, b. Je, 20, 1909 (died Ja 9, 1912). Died Ja 27, V913, Bloomington, 111. 1S34. DAISY IRENE CAMPBELL (FLUKE) (Sister of Nos. 1473, 2046) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl i, 1S7S, Sadorus, 111.; d. David Louis (b. Jl 24, 1837, Hoboken, -X. J.) and Elmira Tabissca (Ball) Campbell (b. F 6, 1842, Newark, O.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. Y. W. C. A.; lllio Artist. Married .Martin John Fluke, S i, 1904, Cham- paign. Children: Dorothea Irene, b. Je 25, 1908; Robert Martin, b. S 30, 1910 (died Ap 24, 1911); infant daughter, b. and died, Ja 1, 1913; John Wayne, b. Ap 18, 1916. Address, 105 £. Clark St., Champaign. 1835. FRANCIS THOMAS CARSON (Husband of No. 319S; Brother of No. 637) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 5, 1879; s. Thomas Burke (b. Mr 6, 1843, Urbana) and Melissa Ann (Stidhani) Carson (b. Je 22, 1843). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Sigma (ihi. Married .Mary Swartz ('03), 1909, Urbana. Children: Mary Ann, b. 1910; Thomas Burke, b. 1912; Dorothy, b. 1914; Joseph Robert, b. 1916. Ad- dress, 510 W. Main St., Urbana. 1836. JOHN WILLIAM CATTRON (Brother of Nos. 5581, 5582) Stockraiser and Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. .Mr 2, 1880, Ellisville, 111.; s. losiah A. (b. Je 8, 1842, Ellisville, do.) and Margaret A. (Mark- ley) Cattron (b. Ellisville, do.). Prepared in Knox Acad, and Coll. Alpha Zeta. Married Nellie E. Schleich, F 6, 1907. Child, William Russell, b. N 12, 190S. Address, Ellisville, Fulton Co., Ill.t 1837. FRANK TRACY CAVANOR Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 2, 1881. Chicago; s. Tames W. (b. O 22, 1841, Halifax, N. S.) and ftlary E. Roberts (Tracy) Cavanor (b. O 7, 1847, Chicago). Prepared in Engle- wood H. S. M. D., Univ. of Minn., 1910. Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. Traffic Mgr., Knick- erbocker Ice Co.; Stud, in Coll. of P. & S., Chicago, 1905-6; Draftsman, City of Chicago, 1906-7; House Physician, City and Co. Hosp., St. Paul, igio-ii; Wheaton, Minn., :9ii-i4; Surg., C. M. & St. P. R. R., Wheaton, 1913- 14; Traverse Co. Health Officer, 1913-14; Min- neapolis, 1914 — . Mem., .-Mpha Kappa Kappa, Hyde Park Presby. Church, 1894-97; Engle- wood Y. M. C. A., 1896; Central Y. M. C. A., 1904-5; Civic and Commerce .\ssn.; Minne- apolis and St. Paul Automobile Club; .V. M. A.; Minn. St. Med. Assn.; Henn. Co. Med. Soc. Married Hayle C. Spafford, O 6, 1906. Ad- dress, 409 Penn .-Xvc. N., Minneapolis. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 17: 1838. ANNA OLIVE CHACEY (KUEHN) (Wife of No. 136S) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 4, 1881, Hillsboro, III.; d. Ezra J. (b. N 26, 1847, VVayiie Co., O.) and Anna (Cline) Chacey (b. My u, 1849, St. Louis). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. Class Sec; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka. Asst. Prin.. H. S., Hillsboro, 1903-5. Mem., Chicago Univ. of III. Alumnae Assn.; Chicago Branch A. C. A.; Advisory Bd., Congr. Church; Pres., Chicago .Mumni Assn., 1914-16; mem.. Collegiate Bur. of Occupations; V. P. and Chm., Home Miss.; Bd., Congr. Tr. Sch. for Women, 19 14- 16; Oak Park Com. for Better Films; V. P., P. and T. Assn., 1916; Chicago Coll. Club; A. C. A. Advisory Bd.; Chicago Program Com., Na- thaniel Hawthorne Sch. Married Alfred Leon- hardt Kuehn ('00), O 24, 1905, Hillsboro, 111. Children: Charles Chacey, b. S 22, 1906; George Waldemar, b. O 9, 1909. Address, 220 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1839. MARTIN TUTTLE CHAMBERLAIN Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 17, 1880, Muskegon, Mich.; s. Alonzo Wesley (b. O.) and Cornelia (Tuttle) Chamberlain (b. N. Y.). Pre- pared in Muskegon H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Mu Delta Sigma. Engr., E.x- panded Metal Fireproofing Co., Chicago, 1903- 4; Contracting Engr., Gen. Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, O., 1904-5; Consulting Engr. and Mgr. for Gen. Contracting Co., Seattle, 1905-8; Treas., Brick and Supplies, Ltd., Calgary, Can.; Pres., The Chamberlain Const. Co., Seattle; Pres., Metal Lath & Partition Co., Seattle, 1908-12; V. P., Internat. Contract Co., 1912; headed expedition into interior of Peru, 1916-17. Mem., Seattle Ath. Club; Univ. Club of Spokane; Pres., Master Builders Assn. of Seattle, 1909-10. Auth.: Article in Pacific Builder and Engr., 1904. Married Charlotte Louise Nichols, N 16, 1907, Seattle. Chil- dren: Elinor Haller, b. F 12, 191 1; Martin Nichols, b. Ag g, 1914. Address, 27th and LaSalle Sts., Chicago. 1840. DANIEL WARD CHAPMAN Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 30, 1883; s. Pleasant T. (b. Vienna, III.) and Leone May Chapman (b. Massac Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Vienna H. S. Phi Kappa Psi, Banking, 1903-6; Ins., 1907-13; Cashier, First Nat, Bank of Vienna, 1914 — . Second R. O. T. C, 1917; 2nd Lt., N. A., 1918; M. G. Co., 104 Regt., A. E. F. in France, 1918 — ; Wounded, Jl 27, 1918. Mem., K. T. Married Cora Bur- nette, 1905, St. Louis. Address, Vienna, 111. 1841. ESTELLA FORTH CHISHOLM (NYDEGGER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 13, 1878, Farmer City, Ill.;_ d. George W. (b. Kenosha, Wis.) and Winnifred (Perry) Chisholm (b. New York City). Prepared in Farmer City, H. S. Der Deutsche Verein. Taught, Sullivan, 111., 1903-6. Married Adolph Nydegger, My 29, 1906, Far- mer City, 111. Children: Adolph Chisholm, b. Jl 9, 1907; William Frank, b. Jl i, 1915. Address, 175 Cedar St., W^auwatosa, Wis. 1842. MATILDA LENNA CLARK (Sister of Nos. 2614, 3683, 5074, 6157) Welfare Work; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 9, 1878, Carthage, 111.; d. Lot Bozarth (b. N 25, 1847, Lewis Co., W. Va.) and Matilda J. (Jackson) Clark (b. Ja 16, 1856, Warsaw, 111.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Watcheka. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1905-8; do., Saginaw, Mich., 1909-10; do., St. Joseph, Mich., 1911-12; do., Flint, Mich., 1912-17; Welfare work and employment of women, Buick Motor Co., Flint, Mich., 191 7 — . Address, Carthage, 111., R. No. 4. 1843. LUCILE ANNE CLINTON (Sister of Nos. 599, 871) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Polo, 111.; d. John Waterbury (b. 1836, Andes, N. Y.) and Car- oline Adelia (Perkins) Clinton (b. 1839, Delhi, N. Y.). Prepared in Polo Pub. Schs. Lib. Club; Eng. Club. Libn., Charleston Pub. Lib., 1906-10; .Asst., No. Branch, Minneapolis Pub. Lib., 1910-11; do.. Walker Branch, do., 191 1; Libn., Lyndale Branch, do., 1911-1916; Asst., Branch Dept., do., 1916 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Address, 3204 Aldrich Ave., South Minne- apolis; bus. add., Minneapolis Pub. Lib., loth and Hennepin Ave., do. 1844. HOMER CLARENCE COEN Representative, Am, Smelting and Refining Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1904; b. Je 27, 1879, Richland Co., 111.; s. Henry (b. Ap 25, 1835. Franklin Co., Ind.) and Ruth C. (Os- born) Coen (b. S 15, 1840, do.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Theta Kappa Nu; Adelphic; Witenagemot Court. Bldg. contr., 1904-5; Lawyer. 1905-10; Rancher, St. of Durango, Mex., 1910 — ; Am. V. Consul, Durango, Mex., 1913; in charge Am. Consulate, 1915-17; San Antonio, Tex., 1916-17; representing Am. Smelt- ing ' and Refining Co., Durango., Mex., 19 1 7—. Second Lt., Spanish-Am. War; Ser- vice in Army of Occujiation, Havana, Cuba; Capt., 4th Inf., 111. Nat. Guard, retired, 1910. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Ivy Gilbert Mad- den, O 24, 1906. Child, Virginia Kathleen, b. F 20, 1909. Address, Olney, 111. 1845. JOHN EDWARD CONLEY Pres. and Gen. Mgr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 17, 1874, near Keithsburg, 111.; s. Matthias (b. O 27, 1850, Clifton, Ireland) and Bridget Bohan (Mahill) Conley (b. Leitram Co., Ireland). Prepared in Keithsburg and by pvt. tutors. C. E. Club. Road Supvr., I. C. Ry., Belleville, 111.; Supt., Const., Thebes Bridge; .Supt., Const., D. D. Streeter Co., N. Y. C. & H. R. R. ; Gen. Supt., W. J. Oliver R. R. Contr. in charge of work in O., Ind. and 111. on Big Four R. R. Designed centering for 100 ft. arch on Thebes Bridge; invented and patented Safety Railroad Frog and Crossing. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Con- ley Frog & Switch Co., Memphis, Tenn., 1907 — . Auth.: Orgn. and Mgmt. of Men in Ry. Main- tenance and Const., Raihvay Gasette, Mr, Ap, My, 1903. Address, Memphis. 1846. JAMES FITCHIE COOK Teacher; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 10, 1879. Dundee, III.; s. David Weir (b. O 18, 1838, Kippen, Sterlingshire, Scotland) and Margaret (Ferguson) Cook (b. N 23, 1840, Edinburgh, do.). Prepared in Dundee H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Baseball, Capt. Univ. Regt., Football. With Oliver Typewriter Co.; Instr., Armour Inst.. 1905^6 ; ball player, Pueblo. Colo., and Indianapolis, 1906-0; Instr., , Man. Tr., H. S., Elgin, 1910 — . Mem., Schriners Club. Married Grace Miller, F 23, 1906 (died My 7, 1Q06); Blanche Fonts, D 23, 1908. Child, David Fouts, b. Ja i, 1912. Address, 5054 Von Verson Ave., St. Louis. t T847. GEORGE ASHLEY CROSTHWAIT Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1S68, Grove City, 111.; s. William Young (b. Mr 22, 1826. Ky.) and Ellen Mary (Benson) Crosth- wait (b. F II, 1 83 1, Ind.). Prepared in Central Norm. Coll.; No. 111. Norm.; Univ. Acad. In soil investigations, 1903; Agron., Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta., 1904-7; Prin., Marathon Co. Sch. of Agr. and Doni. Econ., Wausau. Wis., 1908-10; farmer, 1910-12; Prof., Agr., McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., 1913-15; teacher, Sc. and Agr., H. S., Fairfield, 1913-15; Prin., do., 1917-18; Assoc. Prof., Phys. Sc, Peru St. Norm., Peru, Neb., 1918 — . Auth.: A Series of two pamphlets entitled Pub. Sch. Studies in Agr.; Idaho Sta. ,7S IInivkkshv ok Iu.inois lUils. on hulian L'uni iiml Snil Investigations ami artioU-s in tlie iiuaitiilv Uuls. of the County Sell, of Ak'i-.. \\;>ii,-.,ui, Wis. Mem., M. K. (.'hnrch. Manied M;uihii Klla Kosers, D ai, iSijO, St. Louis. .'(iii/»i.'jrj, Peru State Nonnal. >iu, Neb. 18.(8. JOHN FAY CUSICK Atty. at Law and Sec, Abstract Co.; A. B. in L. fi A.; b. Mr i.i, 1S77, I'aiis, 111.; s Rufus S. (b. F J. iS.)-;, Hoon Co., Ind.) and Mary V. (Anthony") (. nsiek (,b. ja .'S, iS.ts, Ucdline, O.). I'lepaved in Chrismun; San Jose, Calif.; West Held Coll. .Asst. Postmaster, Chrisman, loo.t; liookkeeper. St. IJank of Chris- mun: Sec. Kdnar t'o. Ahstract Co., Loans and Abstracts, 190S. Manied less Keys, My j6, 1907, Paris. JU. ChiUlren: lohn" Unfn's, b. D 9, 1900; lames Albert, b. Je 11, igii (.died O 10. lou); Mary Leonora, b. Jc 11, loii (died O ,?, 1911); Lois Klainc, b.' O 1, 1912; Norma Kllei\, b. O jS. 1914: Joseph Walter, b. Ju .^9, loio; Jean Virginia," b. Je 11, 1917. Address, Chrisman, 111. iS.t9. Le ROY GILBERT HAKE Te.icher; A. I?, in L. & A.; b. Mv .23, iS3i, Big Foot, 111.; s. Cilbert l!enjamin \b. Ap -t, >8.t6, M.ircngo, 111.) and Mary Flizabeth (San- lioiiO Pake (h. Mv i.». iSj.t, Jo.). Prepared in llarvaril 11. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. In orticei'f .lames S. Kirk & Co., too,?; A. IL .\b bott & Co., Chicago, iooj-.|; lustr.. Hist, and Civics and llir., .-Vth., IL S., Uockford, i90.(-';; Teacher. Hist.. W'.illa Walla, Wash., 190";--. Mem,. M, v.. t^lnircli, Koworth League, ^^ar- reid RLiy Helleliinger, S 1910, la. AJdifss. Harvard, HI, 1850. •THOMAS FRANCIS DANAHEY Newspaper Reporter; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr -•J, iSvHo. (Jnincy, 111.; s. Hennis (b. Co. Cork, Ireland) and Hannah (Caslnnan) Hanahey (b. Adams Co., 111.). Prepared in 0"'"i'.v H- S. With Hargsdine McKittrick Dry Goods Co., Quincy, 100,5-4; Reporters' StatT, (}"'"'".v U hiji, 190.} — . Mem,, K. C., 1905; Financial Record- er^ Knights of Father Mathew; Woodmen of World; Quincy Hist. Soc, Died My 17, 190S. 1851. EDNA E.^RLE DANIELS (MURRAY) B. L, S.; b, Ap j;, iSSi; d, lohn Allen (b, 1840, W. Va.) and Marcia Willard (.llolurt) Haniels (1>. iS.jo, Indianapolis"), Prepared in Danville H. S.; Oberlin Coll. Pi Beta Phi. Asst^ Libn., Danville I'nb. Lib., 1904-5: living in France and Switzerland, 1915 — . ' Married George Stewart Murray, .11 it, 1907, Bo'ness, .Scotland, Child, .lean .Stewart, b. Je to. 1900. .■tddii'ss. Wildwood. Columbus. Ga. 1852. GENEVIEVE DARLINGTON Librarian; B. L. S.: Prepared in Lvons Tp. H. S.. La Grange. 111. Phi Delta l''si: Lik Club.; Asst., John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 190J — . Addri'ss, 3.-9 S. Stone Ave., LaGrange, 111. kS ,=;,?, HORATIO S. DAVIS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 27, 1867, Versailles. 111.; s. James R. (b. 18.5J. N. C.) and Ann tlletlin) Davis (l\ 18,5=;, I'amiuire Co., \'a.1. Prepared in Versailles H, S. A. B., Valpar aiso Univ.. iSoo. Theta Kaopa Nu; Webster Law Club; Philomathean. Attv., Davis and Parks, Spokane, Wash.; Atty., Simpson, Grove \- Davis. Mem., Christian Church, Married Dollie M. Hobson, Ag jt^ Pana, III. Child, son, b. Je 17, lou. Addr<-ss, 301-4 The Rook ery Bldg., Spokane. t 1S54. WILMER ESI.A DAVIS Professor: A. B. in Sc; s. Francis Marion tb. 1S45, X'intou Co.. O.) and Mary A. (Col- ville) Davis (b. 1838, Muskinguni Co., O.). .\. B., O. Norm. Univ., Ada, O., 1S94. Prin., H. S. Rossville, 1903-4; Teacher, H. S., Great 1 1 ^)OS Falls. Mont, 1004 s; Instr., Sc, H. S., Urbana, ., I'niv. of Chicago, 19089; '' "■ ' Coll., I ■ts; i<)o.s-8; (.iiad. Stud., Asst. Prof.. Hot., Kan. St. ,\gr. Loll,, 1909—. (.o-Auth. : The ElTect of External Conditions upon the After-ripening of the Seeds of Crat- regut mollis, Uot. CtK-.lt,-, \ol, ,s.i. No. i, Jl i>)ij; Delayed Germination in Seed of Alisma lani.igo, do. Vol. .S7, No. 4, O 1914; Auth,: Ivesislance of Seed Conts of Abutiion The- oplnasti (o Intake of Water, do.. Vol. 04, Ag loi--. Mem., Sigma Xi; Gamma .Mpha. Mar- ried Lucy AL Holler. Je 24, 1914, Chicago. Addifss. Manhattan, Kan. i85.-i, CHARLES HUBBARD D.VWSON Sales Mgr. ; A. B, in L. & A.; li, jl 8, 1878, Hemeiit, HI.; s. (George and Kathrun (.Parks) Dawson. Philomathean, Sales Mgr., Bradley, Clark iS: Co.. 1911—. Married Maude Darks, Jl 14. 1000, Chica.go, Children: Doiolliv, l>. Ag ,!o, 1908 (died Ag 21, 1909); Ruth ShurtlelT. b. Mr J4. 1910, Address, S849 Magnolia Ave., (. hicago.t i8.s6, ROY JAMES Dc MOTTE (.Husband of No, 1977; Brother of No. 1657) Surgeon; A. B. in 'Sc; b. D 34, i88j. Christian Co., 111.; s. Oliver (b. D 13, iSs7, I'aylorville, III.) and Ida I. (Berrv) DV Motte (b. O I, 1S59. do.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. M. D.. Rush Med. Coll., 191.-. V. M. C. A.; Natural Hist Soc. Tauuht. IL S., Sullivan, 1903.1; Estimator in Chicago, 1004; Supervising \Ied. Insp., Chicago Health Dcpt., 1914-i.s; Surg., The Pullman Co.. i9i.<; — . Fellow, A. M. A.; mem.. .'\m. Assn. of Indus. Physicians and Surgs. Married Lucia .M/ina Stevens ("03), D 30, looS, Coral. Ill, Children: Stevens lames, b, D 8. 191.' (died D 10, loi.'); Frank Ernest, b. Ag 13, 1914; Marion Rose. b. O 0, 1017 (died O 10, 1917). .•Iddioss, 153 I-:, iiith St,, Chicago. i8.-;7. GEORGE 1L\MM DICKERSON Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mv 30, i88j. Champaign; s. Joseph Wilson (b. N 0, 1849) and Mary Alice (Hamm) Dickerson (b. S ao, i8.^t.). Prepared in Ihiiv. .\cad. M, E, and E, E. Soc; Track Team, Mgr. With the Powers Regulator Co., Chicago; Const, and Repair work, 1903;5: Car work a specialty, with Clias. F. Hall, Chicago, designing spec'ial automatic luach., 1005; with I., H. Prentice C\i., Chicago, in drafting room and estimating Dcpt., i9o,t;-n; Sec. and Fngr., Mehring v*v Hanson Co,. Con- trs, for Power Plants, Heating. Ventilating and Cooling Systems, Chicago, ioii-i8: V. P.. (/('., 1918 — , 'Mem., mini Cluli of Chicago; Hamilton Club; Windsor ("iolf Cliil>: Medinah Shrine. Married Annie Laurie Olander, F 16, 1018, Chicago. Address, 118 N. Franklin St., Chicago. i8.s8. OLIVER MORTON DICKERSON Professor; A. B. in L. & A.: A. M., 1004; Ph. D„ 1906; b, S 8, 1S7.S, Jasoer Co,. 111.; s. Stephen Lee (b. Mr i.s. 183.^, letTcrsou Co., Ind.) and Margaret (.Consley) Dickerson (b. 1837, (/(>.). Prepared in lasoer Co. Pub. Schs.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Plii Beta Kappa; Pres., Philomathean; Pol. Sc. Club; Pres.. Grad. Club. Fellow in Hi.st., Univ. of 111.. 1003-4 and loo.n-o; Thaver Scholar, Harvard 1904 .<;; Head Dept. of Hist., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch.. Macomb, 111.. 1000-13; (/()., Winona St. Norm, Sch.. W'in- ona. Minn., 1013-17. HI. Nat. Guard. 1891-4; I ith HI. (Bogardns Provisional Regt.) 2nd Lt.. 1808; ist R. O. T. C. 1017: Capt. Inf., 1017: !;7 M. G. Bn., 88th Div.. 1017; M.ij., Co. B; Asst, Insp., 8th Dist,, U. O. T. C, Camp Dodge la. 1017-18; Camp Hancock. Ga., Camp Devens, Mass.; Minneapolis. Minn., 1919 — • .■\nth, : The 111. Constitutional Convention of 1 802, Univ. of III. Studies. Vol, 1, No, 0. 58 P)i.: .\m. Colonial Govt.. 1006-170=;. .\ Study of the Relations of the British Bd. of Trade to the •-\ni. Colonies, Pol., Indus, and Admini.A((AI.AUKKATE Al.UMNI '70 Aithiir II. ('l,ii-k, .)uo |.|i., r.,ij; DcjukIus and llie Split in i\u: iJciiiocralic I'ailv; Tin- I'lolilein of Lib. Work in Hist, as Di.scIobcd liy a Sur. of the H. Schs. of Minn., Pruc. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., igi4; Snr. of Lib. Efiuii)ment for Teaching Mist, in Minn. H. Schs., Winona St. Norm. Sell. Bui., N 191 5. Mem., HI. St. Teachers' Assn.. 1S99; Am Hist. Assn; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; 111. St. llist. Assn.; Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.; Military Tract Teachers' Assn. Married Nora Mae Simmons, N 10, 1906, Car- thage, HI. Address, 550 W. King St., Winona, Minn. 1859. BERTHA ALMA DODGE (I'U'ER) B. L. S. ; b. N 10, 1877, E. Dunnnerslon, Vt.; d. Jerry Josiah (b. 1853, Dutnmcrston, Vl.) and Abbie Maria (Moore; Dod^'e (b. Ag 26, 1S57, Ludlow, Vt.). I'repared in Brattleboro fVt.) LL S. A. B., Tufts Coll., J901. Married Harry Lvinan Piper, U 2.\, 1903, Williamsville. Vt. Children: Gladys Ruth, b. Je i, 190.4.; Louise Rebecca, b. Jc 19, 1905; Henry Temph', b. Ja 22, 1907 (died Mr 18, 1907); Rodney Katban, b. Je 19, 1909; Elizabeth Woodward, b. Ap 4, 1911. Address, Westminster, Vt.t i860. LEO DOLKART Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 14, 1881, IClizabcthgrad, Russia; s. Abraham (b. 1858, Russia) and Julia (Brownstone) Dolkart (b. 1855, do.). PrejKired in Northwest Div. ]L S., Chicago. Testing Dcj)t., Automatic Elec. Co., 1903-4; Automatic lekphone Exchange, HI. Tunnel Co., 1904-5; Drafting Dcpt., Deere &. Co., Molinc, 111., 1905-6; West Elec. Co., 1906- 8; Elec. Contr., Chicago, 1908-11; Elec. iMigr. and Supt., Elec. Const., TriCity Elec. Co., Moline, HI., 191 1 — . Auth.: Cost Systems in Elec. Contracting, presented before Chicago Section of the A. L E. E. and the West Soc. Engrs., My 26, 1913; An Easv Way to File Bulky Papers, System, Vol. 30, No. 2, Ag 1916, pp. 192-193: Flood-Lighting a Building, Elec. Review, Vol. 70, No. 16, Ajj ^r, 1917; Lighting Crane Areas, Elec. IVorld, Vol. 70, No. i 1 , S ■S> 1917. 529 PI). Mem., Public .Service Re- serve; Assoc, A. L E. E.; mem., Hluminating Engng. Soc; Moline Cml. Club; V. P., Univ. Club; Afler-Dinncr Club; Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of Am. Married Clara Elson, Mr 12, 1908, Chicago. Children: Eleanor Adeline, b. Ja 4, 1909; Ralph Elson, b. F i, 1913. Address. 614 loth St., Moline HI.; btts. add., .Service BIdg., do. 1861. JEANNETTE MAY DRAKE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 31, 1878, Argenta, HI.; d. John Lewis (b. Argenta, HI.) and Aura Belle (Dickey) Drake (b. do.). Prepareil in Decatur H. S. Organizer of Libs., VVis. Free Lib. Com., 1903-5; Libn., Jacksonville Pub. Lib, 190S-8; Ore. Lib. Com., ^alein. Ore., 1908; Instr. Wis. Lib. Sch., Madison, Wis., 1908-10; I^ibn., Sioux City, la., Pub. Lii>., 1910 — . Ad- dress, Sioux City, la.t 1862. RALPH SOUTHWARD DRURY Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 10, 1881, New Boston, HI.; s. Omcr II. (b. JI 17, 185S, New Boston, HI. and Minnie (Southward) Drurv (b. Ja 3, 1857, Chillicothe, O.). Pre- pared in New Boston 11. S. ; Univ. Acad. Mgr., Univ. Band. Mech. Draftsman for The Link Belt Mach. Co., 39th St. and Stewart Ave., Chicago, 1903-7; Asst. Engr., Office of Chief H^ngr., Union Pac Ry., 1907 — . Mem., M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc. Married Stella Odoll Rusrh, S 28, 1903, Evanston, HI. Children: Orner Chris- tian, b. D 21, 1004; Donald Rugh, h. F 3, 1908. Address, 323 W. Garfield, Seattle! 1863. JAMES FR.VNKLIN DUFFY, JR. Manufacturer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 12, 1883; s. James Franklin (b. Mr 26, 18.13) and Miriam (Llall) Duflfy (b. F 26, 1847, Point Pleasant, Va.). Prepared in S. Chicago IL S. Sigma \u; T.-iu Bda I'i ; I\I. K. Soc; J:. Iv Soc; Orange and Blue; Lt. Col., Univ. Rcgt.: Brcv. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. With Duffy Mf^g. Co., 1903-12; Mfr., Hardware specialties (under own name), 1912—. Ca|)t., Co. K., First Rcgl., III. Reserve Militia. .Married Corlnne Shep herd, Je 30, 1909. Address, Park Ridge, 111.; hiis. add., 563 Fulton St., Chicago. 1864. WILLIAM VAN DUNKIN Designer of Farm Mach.; B. S. in M. E. ; M. E., 1909: b. S 16, 1872, Odell, HI.; s. Van- 'Meter (b. Je 15, 1846, Attica, HI.) and Agnes E. (Wagner) Duiikiii (b. S 16, 1855). Prejiared in Univ. Acad. Chief Draftsman, Stover Mfg. Co., I'reeport, 1903-5; Instr., Mach. Design, Univ. of Hi., 1905-12; Designer, harm Mach., Deere & Co., Moline, 19 12 — ■. Mem., M. E. Church; A. .S. M. E.\ Soc Promotion Engng. Educ. Married Nannie T. Davis, Je 29, 1898. Children: Van Davis, b. Je 15, 1899; William Thomas, b. My 27, 1907. Address, 174 E. Pine .St., Atlanta, Ga. .865, GU.STAVE HERMAN EIDMAN (Brother of No. 643) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1881, Mascoulah, HI.; s. Louis Frederick (b. Mr is, 1847, iio.) and Calharina (Koob) Eidinan (b. Ap 7, 1852, New Baden, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; ('horal Soc. I,ive-stock and fruit raising. Mar- ried Marie Thompson, J\ 25, 1906, Shirley, HI. ('hildrcn: Katharyn Clara, b. Je 18, 1907; Elizabeth Marie, b. Ja 8, 1910. Address, Shirley, Ill.t 1866. CLARA EDNA FISHER (BROWN) (Wife of No. 1829) A. B. in L. &• A.; b. D 23, 1880, Mahomet, 111.; d. David (b. O 30, 1841, Frankfort, O.) and Sarah A. (Latham) Fisher (b. Ag 18, 1848, Washington, O.). J'renared in Mahomet H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll. Alpha (Jhi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Married M. Lewis Brown ('03), O 30, 1906. Child, Lewis Fisher, b. .S 5, 1907. Address, 2329 W. (jrand Blvd., Detroit. 1867. CLARENCE WILSON FISKE Asst. Chief Engr.; B. S. in M. E.: M. E., 191 1 ; b. H 19, 1879, Sterling, 111.; s. C. C. and Fanny (Wilson) Fiskc. Prepared in Sterling IL S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta .Sigma; M. E. Soc; Class Football. With Deere & Co., 1904; C. R. I. & J'. R. R. Co.; Asst. Chief Engr. in charge of design, Williams, White & Co, Moline. Invented: .Simple re- verse mechanism for mach. drive; automatic feeder for forging mach.; mach. for cutting and polishing live sides of a marble slab at one setting. Mem., Moline After-Ditiiier Club; A. F. A. M.; Doris Lodge 319; W. M., 1917-18; R. A. M.; Commandery, K. T.; Moline Cml. Club; A. S. M. E. Married Marjorie Harriet Gage, S lO, 1914, Champaign (died D 1918, Moline, HI.). Children: Charles Gage, b. Jl 19, 1915; Margaret Ann, b. Ja 21, 1918. Ad- dress, 2021 13th St., Moline, HI,; /;((.v. add., Williams. White & Co., do. 1868. ETHEL CLARA FORBES (SCOTT) (Daughter of No. H20; Sister of Nos. 949, 1031; Wife of No. 1585) A. B. in L. & A.; b. TI 20, 1881, Normal, 111.; d. Stephen Alfred (b. My 29, 1844, Sil- ver Creek 111.) and Clara Shaw (Gaston) Forbes (b. Ag 3', 1848, Hamilton, O.). Pre; pared in Urbana II. ,S. and Univ. Acad. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; scholarshij) in French for 1907-8. Instr., French, Univ. of S. Dak., 1904-7; stud, in Paris, 1905; grad. stud., Univ. of HI., 1907-8. Co-editor, "Illinois Songs," pub. bv Thomas E. Shepard. New Haven, 1903; Translator i8o University of Illinois U903 (with Joseph P. Chamberlain') Modern French Legal Philosophy, Boston Book Co., 1916. Married Franklin William Scott ('01), Je 18, 1908, Urbana. Children: Mary Forbes, b. Ag 6, 1910; Hugh Forbes, b. JI 12, 1915; Thomas William, b. S 3, 191 8. Address, S03 Michigan Ave., Urbana. 1869. MARJORIE DOUGLAS FORBES (WILSON) (Sister of Nos. 688, 1129; Wife of No. 2005) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 5, 1882, Polo, 111.; d. Henry Clinton (b. My 19, 1S33, Preble, N. Y.) and Laura Jane (Gorham) Forbes (b. F 24, 1835, Pittsford, Vt.). Prepared in L^rbana H. S. and Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Taught, H. S., Dixon, 1904; Stud, at Univ. of 111., 1903; travelling for health, 1905. Married Joseph Wade Wilson ('04), Jl 2, 1910, Messler's Inn, near Mt. Rainier' Nat. Park, Wash. Children: Eleanor Jane, b. S 4, 191 1; Forbes, b. Mr 30, 191 5; John Robert, b. S 15, 1916. Address, Faunt- ieroy Park, Seattle. 1870. LOIS GERTRUDE FRANKLIN (STOOLMAN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 13, 1881, Streator, 111.; d. William Lyman (h. Ap 1830, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Caroline Elizabeth (Morton") Franklin (b. S 4, 1843, Cincinnati). Prepared in Dvvight H. S.; 111. St. Norm_. Univ., 1896- 1900. Pi Beta Phi. Taught in Champaign H. S., 1903-8. Married Almond Winfield Stoolman, F 13, 1909. Child, Elizabeth Vir- ginia, b. Ja 4, 1910. Address, looi S. 3d St., Champaign. 1871. MAURICE DEEN FRENCH Supt., Const.; B. S. in E. E.: b. Jl 26. 1881, Armstrong, 111.; s. Truman P. (b. My 11, 1851, near Terra Haute, Ind.) and Eugenie Isabell (Robinson) French (b. Ao 25. 1853, Peoria Co.). Prepared in David Citv (Nebr.) H. S. Class Football and Baseball. Fuel Engr. ; Asst. Steam Engr., Steel Mills; Power Plant Const.; Fuel Engr., Commonwealth Ed- ison Co., Chicago: Asst. Steam Engr., 111. Steel Co.. South Chicago; Chief Supt.. Const., Krehbiel Co., Chicago. Married Lavinia L. H. Bennett, Je 29, 1Q08, Danville, 111. Address, 1712 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. 1872. RALPH II A WES GAGE Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 12, 1880, Hannibal, Mo.; s. L. C. (b. 1852. Vt.) and Mary Alice Gage (b. i8s6, Hannibal, Mo.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch. Sigma .^Ipha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Capt., LTniv. Regt. Engr. and Chief Drafts- man with A. Bolter's Sons, Struct. Works, 1903-9; Sec. and Engr., Gaee Struct. Steel Co., 1909 — . Auth.: Cost of Shop Drawings for Struct. Iron and Steel, The Tcchnografh, Univ. of 111., No. 27 1906-7: also appeared in The Engiig. News, Vol. 58, No. 6. Ag 8, 1007. Mem.. Central Mfg. Dist. Club; La Grange Country Club; La Grange Suburban Club. Married Nell Dnvidson, Te i. 1905, Champaign. Chil- dren: Elizabeth, "b. N 16, 1906 (died Ap 29, 1907); Jerome Davidson, b. Ja 5, 1912; Jane, b. Ta 13. 1914. Address. 301 S. 8th Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add., 3141 S. Hoyne Ave.. (Thicago. 1S73. HENRY RIEHL GARDEN Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 6, 1874. Seneca 111.; s. J. A. Garden. Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Pres., Salem Brick Co., Salem, Va. Married Grace E. Tinsley, Ap 4. '907. Pembroke, Va. Children: Grace, b. S 28. 1908; Marion, b. Ag 6. 1914; Dorothy, b. D 15. 191^; Henry, b. O 31, 1917- Address, Salem, Va. 1874- WILLI A KATHRYN GARVER (Sister of No. 1224) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 4, 1880, Farmer City, 111.; d. Christian (b. 1849, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Eva (Pettit) Carver (b. 1855, Shel- by ville, Ind.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Bloomington H. S. Watcheka: Pi Beta Phi; Lib. Club. Organizer of Pekin Pub. Lib., LaSalle Pub. Lib. and South Bend (Wash.) Pub. Lib.; Asst. Lib., Univ. of 111., 1918— . Address, Univ. Library, Univ. of 111., Urbana. 1875. RALPH MAYO GASTON Chief Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1916; b. Ja 2, 1881. Normal, 111.; s. Frank Lee (b. My s, 1853, Tremont, 111.) and Ida Lavonia (Philbrick) Gaston (b. F 29, 1856, Adeline, 111.). Prepared in Normal Pub. H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc, Pres. Draftsman, Sargent & Lundy, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1903-4; Chief Engr., George P. Nichols & Bro., Mfrs. of R. R. Mach., 1904 — . Auth.: Methods of Increasing Power Factor of Induction Motors, Technograph, Vol. 18, 1004; Physical Proper- ties of Steam Below Atmospheric Pressure, Potver, 1904; Selection of Motors for Hoist- ing Work. IVesf. Elec, Ap 25, 1908. Mem., Morgan Park Presby. Church; Chicago Elec. Club. Married Margaret P. Jennings, Ap 13, 1904, Saybrook, 111. Children: Frances Mar- garet, b. N 7, 1908; Horace Jennings, b. N 18, 1912; Elizabeth Lavonia, b. D i, 1914. Ad- dress, 2128 W. io8th PI., Chicago; bus. add., 2139 W. Fulton St., Chicago. 1876. JOHN FRANCIS GAVIN Lawyer: LL. B.; b. F 9, 1S79, Chicago; s. William Gavin. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. and Chicago Athenaeum. Address, 1443 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1222 First Nat. Bank Bldg., d^.t 1877. FRANCES EMELINE GILKERSON (ALLYN) (Wife of No. 5003; Daughter of No. 138; Sister of Nos. 1685, 2396, 2994) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1904; b. D 18, 1880, Marengo. 111.; d. Hiram (.'77) < (b- C) 4, 18^3 Genoa. 111.) and Portia (Moffet) Gilker- son (b. D 14. 1853. Bell Co.. Tex.). Prepared in Marengo H. S. Alethenai. Teaching German, Dixon, 111., 1904-.S; Homer. 111., 1905-6; Cham- paign, 1906-11. Married Orr Allyn ('12"), Je 10, 191 1, Marshall, Mo. Children: Orr Milton, b. Ja 6, 1914; Portia, b. D 26, 1916. Address, Box s. Fergus, Mont. 1878. KATHARINE EATON GOLD (KENNEDY) B. L. S.; b. Dundas, Minn.; d. William Jason (b. Te 17, 18.1 .i, Washington, D. C.) and Kate (Doran) Eaton (b. Ag 18, 184=;, Cambridge, Mass.). Prepared in Kemper Hall, Wis. Eng. Club. In Joliet Pub. Lib., 190^-4; First Asst., City Park Branch, Brooklyn Pub. Lib. and Children's Lib.. 1904-7; Libn., Hearst Free Lib., Lead, S. Dak., 1907-9. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Long Island Lib. Club. Mar- ried James Blanchal-d Kennedy, Ag 6, 1009, Deadwood, S. Dak. Children: Caroline Gold, b. Tl 29, 10 10; Thomas William Jason, b. My 7, "1912. Address. 1182 Lligh St., S. E., Port- land, Ore.J 1879. GRACE GOODALE (KE.\TOR) (Wife of No. 1717) B. L. S.; b. Ag 28, 1880, Cincinnati; d; Levi C. (b. 1843, Sangamon Co.. 111.) and Wilhelmina Coates (Roberts) Goodale (b. 184=;, Bucks Co., Pa.). Prepared in Woodward H. S Cincinnati and Univ. of Cincinnati. Delta Delta Delta; Phi Delta Psi. Cataloger. Cin- cinnati Pub. Lib., 1903; Instr.. Lib. Econ., Ill St. Lib. Sch., 1903-4; Cataloger, \oung I903J Baccalaureate z^lumni 181 Men's Mercantile Lib. Assn., 1904-6. Mar- ried Edward Orris Keator ('02), O 16, 1906, Cincinnati. Children: Goodale Roberts, b. Jl 7, 1912; Sarah Ann, b. D 19, 1915. Address, 1 55 Baker St.. Dayton, O. 1880. CHARLES HENRY GREEN ■ Consulting Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 6, 1882, Sterling, 111.; s. Henry and Harriett (Yaeger) Green. Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Con- sulting Engr., Muskogee, Okla., Spokane, Los Angeles. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Charlotte G. Green, je i8, 1907, Independence, Mo. Children: Henry, Jr., b. Jl 25, 1908; Wallace Alcon, b. Ap i, 191:. Address, Orland, Ind.t i88r. CLARENCE GREEN Teacher: A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 18, 1874, Lawrenceville, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1842, do.) and Mary J. (Scarlett) Green (b. 1856, do.). Prepared in Lawrenceville H. S.; Vincennes Univ. Philomathean; Pres., Eng. Club; Hatchet Orator. Taught H. S., LTrbana, 1903-7; H. S., Tacoma, Wash., 1908-11; Sales- man, 1911-18. Married Nola Butler, Angola, Ind., D 1903. Children: Laura Mary, b. Mr 9. 1905; Josephine, b. Ja 28, 1907; Clara Eliza- beth, b. Jl 2, igio. Address, Orland, Ind. 1882. ROLLA BURDETTE GROVE Automobile Dealer; LL. B.; b. D 13, 18S0, Buckley, 111.; s. George (b. Ap 29, 1839, Ottawa, 111.) and Margaret (Chapman) Grove (b. O 5, 1843, Dearborn Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Ottawa H. S. Theta Kappa Nu; Von Twiller Court. City Atty., Hillyard, 1905- 9; Automobile dealer. 1917 — . Trustee, First Congr. Church, Hillyard, 1909-17; Past Grand Master, Banna Lodge, No. 179; I. O. O. F. Married Anna B. Hendricks, Jl 3, 1907, Hill- yard, Wash. Children: Margaret Olen, b. Ap 20, 1909; Audry Isabel, b. Ap 20, 191 1; .A^nna Yvonne, b. My 2, 1913; Georgie Mildred, b. D II, 1916. Address, Opportunity, Wash. 1883. GEORGE CONRAD HABERMEYER (Husband of No. 2179) Acting Chief, St. Water Sur.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 4, 1876, Aurora, 111.; s. John George (b. Ag 6, 1850, Burg, Bavaria) and Mary M. (Ochsenschlager) Habermeyer (b. My 25, 1852, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Asst. Engr. with W. S. Shields, 1903-5; Asst. City Engr., Elgin, 111., 1905-7; Instr., Univ. of III., 1907-9; Assoc, Mun. and San. Engng., 1909-13; pvt. practice, 1913-16; Engr., St. Water Sur., 1916-17; Acting Chief, State ^A^ater Survey Div., 1917 — . Auth.: Sewage Disposal Plants for Small Institutions, 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs., 1910; Formulas for Flow in Sewers, do., 1912. Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs.; 111. Water Supplv Assn.; Am. Water Works Assn.; A. S. C. E. Mar- ried Iva Esther Mercer ('04), 1905, Cham- paign. Address, 1103 Euclid St., Champaign. 1884. EMMA JOANNA HAGEY Librarian; B. L. S., 1903; b. Jl 5, 1874, Milledgeville, 111.; d. William Henry Harrison (b. D 5, 1841, Trappe. Pa.) and Emily Maria (Humphrey) Hagey (b. O S, 1845, Harris- burgh N. Y.). Prepared in Norfolk H. S., Neb. A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1898. Libn., Beatrice, Neb., 1903-4; Lincoln City Lib., Lin- coln, Neb., 1904-10; Cedar Rapids, la.. Pub. Lib., 1910 — . Address, Cedar Rapids, la. 1885. SAMUEL JOHN HAIGHT, Jr. Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 21, 1870, Meriden, 111.; s. Samuel John (b. Ja 1, 1845, Jo.) and Mary Ann (Hoffman) Haight (b. My 15, 1841. Peru, 111.). Prepared in Black- stone H. S., Mendota. 111. and West. Mil. Acad., Upper Alton, 111. .Vlpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Internat. Live-Stock Judging l farmer and Stock Raiser, 1903 — . Breeders' Assn.; Am. Shorthorn' Team, 1900. Mem., Am. . AT • , ^, -- ' — ....... Breeders' Assn. Married Theressa Marie Engelskirchan, 4\^' T^^oS- EarlviUe, 111. Children: Samuel John, IV. b. Je 2, 1909; Charles Edward, b. D 29, 1912; Grace Marie, b. Ja 7, 1917 Address, Mendota, 111. ' 1886. HERMAN EUGENE HARTLINE Pres., HartlineProctor Co.; LL. B • b Mr 30, 1 881, Anna, 111.; s. Benjamin F. (b. D 6, 1835, do.) and Mary (Lingle) Hartline (b. t/ I' i8S9, Cobden, 111.). Prepared in Anna H. b. B. S., Valparaiso Univ., 1900. Phi Delta Phi. Practicing Atty., 1903-16; Realty Dealer, 1916; Pres., Bay City Shipbuilding Co.; Pres., The Hartline-Proctor Co. Married Mrs. Frances Amann, Ap 27, 1916. Child, Lenore Amann, step-child, b. My 1907. Ad'- dress, 54 N. King St., Portland, Ore. 1887. ANDREW EDGAR HAUTER Real Est.; LL. B.; b. D 23, 1874, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. Joseph (b. 1840, Nancy, France) and Mary (Augspurger) Hauter (b. 1844, Trenton, O.). Prepared in Tiskilwa LI. S. Websterian Debating Soc; Philomathean; Y. M. C. A.; Orat. Assn. Mem., Firm of Fuller, Isreal & Hauter, Belvidere, 111.; with Fisher and North, Rockford, 111., 1904; Asst. State's Atty., Win- nebago Co. and Claim Adjuster for Rockford and Interurban Ry. Co.; Adv. Salesman, 1912- 16; real est. bus., 1916 — . Mem., M. E. Church; Chamber of Commerce; Rockford L'niv. of 111. Club, Pres. Married Frances Emerson, D 28, 191 1, Rockford, 111. Child, Frederic Emerson, b. Je 7, 1917. Address, Highland Ave., Detroit; bus. add., 533 Majestic Bldg., do. 1888. *EDNA MAY HAWLEY Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja 16, 1878, Chicago; d. Orange Foote (b. Cambridge, Vt.) and Susan Harriette (Whitaker) Hawley. Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago; Oberlin Coll., 1896-8; N. W. Univ., 1899-1901. Cata- loger. Wis. Free Lib. Com., 1904; LaCrosse Pub. Lib., 1904-5; Organizer in la. and Ore., 1905-9; Libn., Ore. St. Lib., 1909-15. Mem., 111. St. Lib. Sch. Assn.; Am. Assn. Law Libs.; Am. Lib. Assn. Died F 24, 191 5, Salem, Ore. 1889. EMORY ROE HAYHURST Professor; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1905; M. D., 1908; b. Je 28, 1880, St. Louis; s. John Emory (b. Mr 19, 1849, Evansville, Ind.) and Eva May (Roe) Hayhurst (b. N 20, 1854, Hernando, Miss.). Prepared in Maywood H. S. and John Marshall, Chicago. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1916. Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; K. K. Club; Adel- phic; Capt. and Regtl. Adjt. Asst., Physiol., L'niv. of 111., 1903-4; Instr., do., 1904-5; do.. Coll. of P. & S., 1905-8; First Interne ap- pointed to Univ. Hosp., 1908; Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1908-10; Phys. and Surg., May- wood and Chicago, 1910-13; 111. Conin. on , Oc- cupational Diseases, Chicago, 1910; Asst. Prof., Coll. of P. & S., 1910-12; Fellow on Occupa- tional Diseases, Sprague Memorial Inst., 1912- 13; Instr., Rush Med. Coll., 1912-13; Chief, O. Occupational Disease Sur., 1913-15; O. St. Bd. of Health, 1913 — ; Asst. Prof., Hygiene, O. St. Univ., 1916; Sec. of the Med. Faculty, O. St. Univ., 1917; Sec. of Com. on Shop sanitation. Council of Nat. Defense, 1917-18; Prof., Hygiene and Sanitation, S. M. A., Col- umbus, O., 1918 — . Auth.: Report of the In- vestigation of the Brass Mfg. Indus., Chicago and the Zinc Smelter of LaSalle Co., HI., con- tained in Report of Comn. on Occupational Diseases to Gov. Deneen, 191 1, pp. 49-84; The Effects of Turpentine upon the Health of Workmen, do.; The Brass Moulder's Secret, The Survey., Vol. XXVI, 1911, illustrated; l82 University of Illinois IIQ03 Sur. of Indus. Health Hazards and Ociipational Diseases in O., O. St. Bd. of Health, 438 pp., 191 5; Chaps, in Diseases of Occupational and Vocational Hygiene, Kober and Hanson, 191 6; Asst. Ed., Am. Jour, of Pub. Health. 1917; articles in Jour. A. M. A., Am. Jour, of Physiology, Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Bills, of U. S. Bur. of 'Labor, The Survey, Am. Jour. Pub. Health, Hasp. Mgmt., Alod. Hasp.. Xl'th Internat. Cong, of Hygiene and Demography. Nat. Conf. of Charities and Corrections, Second Pan-Am. Scientific Cong., O. Pub. Health Jour. Chm., Sec. on Indus. Hygiene, Am. Pub. Health Assn., 1916-17; Health Com.. Nat. Safety Coun- cil, 1912-18; A. M. A.; Chicago Pathological Soc, 1909 — ; Am. Econ. Assn., 1915 — ; A. A. A. S., 1916 — ; Am. Assn. of Indus. Physicians and Surgs., 1916 — ; Nat. Conf. of Social Work- ers, 1916 — . Married Isabella Elmira Norris. N 5, 1910, Maywood, 111. (died My 18. 191S). Children: Roe Norris, b. Ag 7, 1913; Cuthbert Newton, b. Je 27, 1916; James Dwight, b. Ap 21, 19 1 8. Address, Concord Rd., LFpper Ar- lington, Columbus, O. 1890. MABEL HAYWARD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. South Bend, Ind.; d. Arthur W. (b. Waterford, O.) and Eliza- beth (Chase) Hayward (b. South Hadley, Mass.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka. Cataloger, Elgin Pub. Lib., 1903-4; Asst., Tohn Crerar Lib., 1904 — . Mem., 111. Lib. "Sch. Assn.; Chicago Lib. Club; A. L. A.; Presbv. Church; Chicago Coll. Club; Woman's City Club; D. A. R. Address, 5418 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. 1891. LILLIAN HEATH (HAINES) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 14, 1881; d. Noble Porter (b. F 11, 1833, Circleville, O.) and Elizabeth (Hevel) Heath (h. Mr 28, 1837, Charleston, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A.; Girls' Glee Club; Opera Club. (3rad. work. Tames !Millikin LTniv., 1910-11; Active Red Cross, Washington, D. C. Mem., M. E. Church. Married George Haines, Jr., D 25, 1Q18, White Heath, 111. Address, White Heath, 111. 1892. MARY HENDERSON (FLETCHER) (Wife of No. 2092) B. L. S.; b. N 17, 1880. Cedar Rapids, la.; d. William Perry (b. Je 27, 1843, Toulon, 111.) and Emma Catherine (Wagner) Henderson (b. S 10, 1846, York, Pa.). Prepared in Cedar Rapids, la. Pi Beta Phi. Married Carl Joshua Fletcher ('04), D 16, 1905, Galesburg, 111. Children: Samuel Fletcher, b. F 15, 1907; William Henderson, b. Mr 8, 1908; Carl Joshua, Jr., b. My 20, 1910; David Brown, b. Je 8, 1913; Stephen Wimberly, b. S 8, 1916. Address, 5565 Central Ave., Indianapolis. 1893. LYLE GEORGE HERRICK (Brother of Nos. 699, 3404, 5719) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 14, 18S1, Farmer City, 111. ; s. George W. and Dora O. (Knight) Herrick. Prepared in Farmer City H. S. LL. B., Chicago. Sigma Chi; Eng. Club; Track Team, Capt. Married Vernele Norris, Ja 16, 1908, Farmer City. Child, Jean Louise, b. O 4, 19 10. Address, Farmer City, Ill.t 1894. BENJAMIN WILLIAM HETHER- INGTON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 24, 1880; s. B. M (b. Ag 15, 1830, Malo, Co. Cork, Ireland) and Mary (Lawler) Hetherington (b. Ap 30, 1839, Jersey City, N. J.). Prepared in LaSalle- Peru Tp. H. S. Mem., K. of C; B. P. O. E.; C. O. F. ; Hamilton Club, Chicago; Royal Arcanum. Married Emily M. Haskins, Ja i, 1908. Child, William P^, b. O 25, 1908. Ad- dress, 209 3d St., LaSalle, 111.; bus. adJ., 1285^ Marquette St., do.t 189.=;. CHARLES HUNTINGTON HIGGINS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 11, 1879, Springfield, 111.; s. Edwin L. and Belle (Hunt- ington) Higgins. Prepared in Springfield and Qumcy H. Schs. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Baseball; Pres., Ath. Assn. Asst. Chem., Swift & Co., Chicago; Chem., Gulick-Hender- son-Co., Chicago. Mem., 111. Nat. Guard.1897- 1903; U. S. v., 1S98. Married Mary T. Turner, D 4, 1906, Galesburg, 111. Address. Colonial Hotel, 6325 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Ribbon Refresher Co., 538 S. Clark St., do.j 1896. EDNA DUBOIS HOFF (ALLISON) (Sister of Nos. 2697, 3778; Wife of No. 2553) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 25, 1882, Wilming- ton, Del.; d. Theo. (b. S 21, 1S44, Richboro, Pa.) and Lucy (Naisby) Hoff (b. My 12, 1856, Philadelphia). Prepared in Chicago Hgts. H. S. Illiola. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1903-4; taught in Bloom Tp. H. S., 1904-6. Pres., Christian Endeavor Soc, Chicago Hgts., 1005; ^^ p.. Chicago Hgts. Alumni Assn., 1905. Mar- ried Ira Dent Allison ('06), Je 21, 1906. Child, Richard Keith, b. Je 17, 1908. Address, Fort Dodge, la.t 1S97. VERNON MILNER HOLDER .A.rch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 26, 1873, Bloomington, 111.; s. William I. (b. My 30, 1849, do.) and Ida Weber (Bowen) Holder (b. N 17, 1848, W. Va.). Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Pi. Ry. Engng. Dept., G. E. Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1903-4; Boston Edison Co., 1904-5; Engr. with F. O. Blackwell, Consulting Engr., 49 Wall St., New York City, 1905-7; Viele, Blackwell & Buck, N. Y., 1907 — . Married Elsie Patter>;on, Jl 12, 1904, Normal, 111. Ad- dress, 49 Wall St., N. Y. City.t 1S98. MARJORIE CAMPBELL HOLDER- MAN (SCHULTZ) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 8, 1881, Indian- apolis; d. Jacob G. (b. Ja 6, 1850, Dayton, O.) and Margaret (Campbell) Holderman, b. Ap 4, 1855, Perth, Scotland). Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Phi Delta Psi. Stenographer, office of y. P. Burrill, 1908-11; do.. Circuit Court, Champaign Co., 1911-13. Married Gus- tave H. Schultz, O :i, 1913, Frankfort, Ind. Address, 2095<2 W. Harrison St., Danville, 111. 1899. ELLEN ALDEN HUNTINGTON (WHITTEM) A. B. in Sc; b. D 25, 1878, Lebanon, Conn.; <1. William (b. My 18, 1839, do.) and Caroline Elizabeth (Saxon) Huntington (b._ Mr 18, 1843, Goshen, Conn.). Prepared in Hartford (Conn.) H. S. A. M., Columbia, 1909. Kappa .\lpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; Pres., Watcheka. .\ttended Pratt Inst., 1S97-9; Sch. of House- keeping, Boston, 1899-1901; Supt., Household .\id Co., Boston, 1903-4; Instr., Home Econ., Univ. of \^'is., 1904-8; Dir., Dept. of Home Econ., Summer Sch., LTniv. of Wis., LTtah Agr. Coll., 1909-12. Auth.: Pamphlet, The Dietary, Boston, 16 pp., 1900; The Fireless Cooker, 1908. Married Arthur Fisher Whit- tem, D 21, 1912, Hartford, Conn. Children: Margaret Huntington, b. N 26, 1913;' Thomas Huntington, b. O 13, 1916. Address, 9 Vin- cent St., Cambridge, i\Iass. 1900. SOPHIE HYDE (HUBACHEK) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Chicago, 111.; d. Richard and Babette Hyde. Prepared in N. Y. St. Lib. Sch., 1904-5. Asst., J. C. Lib., 1905-11; head of Order Dept., L^niv. of Minn. Lib., 1911-15. Married Louis A. Hubachek, Mr 5, 1915. Ad- dress, 5136 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 183 1901. FRANK BRUCE INGERSOLL Civ. Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 10, 1878, Sterling, 111.; s. Frank L. (b. Te 6, 183S, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Eva M. (Crook) Ingersoll (b. Ja i. 1851, Sterling, 111.). Pre- pared in Denver H. S. Address, Marshalltown, 1902. FRANK EMERSON INKS Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in Sc. ; M. D., 1012; b. F 7, 1882, Ohio, 111.; s. Frank William (b. JI II, 1861, do.) and Mary Mable (Shifflett) Inks (b. S 21, 1861). Prepared in E. Men- dota H. S. Philomathean; Track team; Fin- ance Com. of Sr. Class. Clerkship, Kimball Piano Co., 1903-4; do., Stromberg Carlson Co., 1^904-S; do., German Ins. Co., 1905-8; Med. Coll., Univ. of 111., 1908; House surg.. Gen. Hosp., Seattle, 1912; Instr., Physiology, Med. Dept., Phys. and Surg., Polo, 111., 1913 — . Pres., Y. P. S. C. E., Presby. Church, 1906-7; Pres., Y. M. C. A., Med. Coll., 1910-11; Treas., Presby. Church; Mem., Phi Chi; A. F. A. M. Married Belle Anderson, O 4, 1916, Polo, 111. Child, Robert Emerson, b. F 27, 1918. Ad- dress, Polo, 111. 1903. WASHINGTON PARKER IRELAND Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 7, 1881, Stewartsville, Mo.; s. David James (b. My 5, 1842. Cincinnati) and Louisa Salle (Parker) Ireland (b. Ap 25, 1849, Alton, 111.). Pre- pared in Englevvood H. S. C. E. Club; Glee Club. Asst. Engr., Const., Rhinelander Paper Go's, mill, Rhinelander, Wis., 1903-4; Asst. to T. T. Johnston and J. A. Seddon, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1904-5; Designing and Const. Engr., Water Dept., Chicago, 1905-7; Engr. in charge of Water Power Surs., Plans and Es- timates, Mont., Idaho, Wash, and B. ("., hdqtrs., Spokane, 1907-9; Deputy Engr., St. Engng. Dept., Sacramento, Calif., 1909-10; Sec. and Managing Engr., Gen. Engng. and Const. Co., Inc., Sacramento, Calif., 1911-12; Const. Engr., St. Engng. Dept. of Calif., 19 13-15; pvt. practice in civil engng., offices in Sacra- mento, Calif., and Reno, Nev., 1916-18. Auth. : Discharging Capacity of Culverts, Engng. Rec- ord, 1904, pp. 420-21; Water-Power Develop- ment for the Rhinelander Paper Co., Techno- graph, 1904, pp. 107-111; Installing Water Wheels on a "Hurry Up" Job. Technograph, 1905. Married Bessie Elaine Smalley, Jl 7, 1906, Chicago. Children: Robert Parker, b. S 23, 1908; Eleanor Merle, b. S 14, 1910. Address, 6028 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 1904. FANNY REBECCA JACKSON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Janesville, Wis.; d. Alfred Augustus (b. Oneida Co., N. Y.) and Rebecca Walker (Johnson) Jackson (b. Brock- port, N. Y. ). Prepared in Janesville, Wis. and Rockford Coll. Acad. A. B., Rockford Coll., 1896. Lib. Club; Y. W. C. A. Periodical and Binding Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib.; Instr. in Pub. Documents, 111. St. Lib. Sch., 1903-7; Sec, Wis. C. E. Union, 1898-1901; Sec, III. St. Lib. Assn., 1904-5; Asst. Libn., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Macomb, 111., 1907-11; Libn., Whitewater Norm. Sch., Whitewater, Wis., 1911-13; Libn., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1 91 3 — -. Address, Macomb, 111. 1905. HENRY PHELPS JARMAN Farmer; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 12, 1879, Elmwood, 111.; s. John (b. S 3, 1840, Russel- ville, O.) and Clara May (Phelps) Jarman (b. D 5, 1852, Harwington, Conn.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Asst. Chem., Morris & Co., 1903-5; Chief Chem., Milk Products Co., 1905- 6; Asst. Chem., Morris & Co., 1906-8; Farmer, 1908 — . Mem. A. C. S. Married Mary Lor- ing Bowers, O 18, 1905, Elmwood, 111. Chil- dren: Loring Phelps, b. F 20, 1907; Ruth Mil- dred, b. F 26, 191 1. Address, Elmwood, 111. 1906. ANNA VIVIAN JENNINGS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja 30, 1874, Van Meter, la.; d. William Henry (b. F 14, 1847, Gurnsey Co., O.) and Ruth Ann (Clayton) Jennings (b. Ja 7. 1847, Salem, Ind.). Pre- pared in Davenport H. S.; York Coll., Neb.; Neb. St. Norm., Peru, Neb. Lib. Club; Y. W. C. A. Cataloger, Neb. St. Norm. Lib., Peru, Neb., 1903-5; Libn., do., Kearney, Neb., 1905 — . .Address, Kearney, Neb. 1907. ALBERT MYRON JOHNSON Supt., Barnes Drill Co.; B. S. in M. E.; (b. Ap 9, 1880, Kishwaukee, 111.; s. Frank Chandler (b. Kishwaukee, 111.) and Carrie Emmeline (Adams) Johnson (b. Beloit, Wis.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; M. E. and E. E. Socs. ; Orchestra; Band; Pres., Fresh, class. Gen. Engng. work in Chicago and Rockford; Draftsman, Mach. Tools, B. F. Barnes Co. and Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati; Telephone Switchboard Dept., West. Elec Co.. Chicago, 1905-7; Draftsman, 111. Steel Co., South Chicago, 1907; Supt., Barnes Drill Co., Rockford, 1907 — . Mem., Rockford Univ. Club. Married Harriet Anne Johnson, O 29, 1907, Colorado Springs, Colo. Child, Harold Adams, b. Ja 8, 1913. Address, 611 Auburn St., Rockford, 111. 1908. FREDERICK DAWSON JOHNSON Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E.; b. Je 26, 1877, Alton, 111.; s. William Harrison (b. F 8, 1839, Canastota, N. Y.) and Hannah (Armstrong) Johnson (b. Jl 14, 1S37, Alton, HI.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Address. 1224 Main St., Alton. Ill.t 1909. GRACE OSGOOD KELLEY (Sister of Nos. 3817, 5242) Librarian; B. L. S.; A. B., 1908; b. O 10, 1 88 1, Whitehall, Mich.; d. Marshall Charles (b. S 23, 1840, Wilmington, N. H.) and Mary Strong (Smith) Kelley (b. Je 12, 1852, Dela- field, Wi§.). Prepared in Muskegon H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1899-1900; Albion Coll., Mich., 1900-01. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. Cata- loger, Univ. of 111., 1903-6; Libn., 111. St. Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1906-11; John Crerar Lib., 191 1 — . Address, John Crerar Lib., Chicago. 1910. HELEN THERESA KENNEDY Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 11, 1877, Council Bluffs, la.; d. John A. and Mary Elizabeth (McCurdy) Kennedy. Prepared in Jackson- ville H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1896-8. Libn., 111. St. Sch. for the Deaf, 1898-1901; Cata- loger, Jacksonville Pub. Lib., 1903-4, 1906-7; Head Cataloger, Springfield, 111., 1904-6; Or- ganizer and Libn., Kewanee, 1907-8; Instr., Wis. Lib. Sch., Madison, Wis., 1908-11; Dir., Tr. Class, Los Angeles Pub. Lib., 1911-12; Prin., Branches Dept., Los Angeles Pub. Lib., 191 2 — . Auth.: Suggestive List of Children's Books, Democratic Printing Co., 1910. Ad- dress, 340 Brent St., Los Angeles. 1911. ELWOOD ALMON KINGSTON Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; M. D., 1913; b. O 30, 1876, Picton, Ont., Can.; s. Joseph J. (b. 1851, do.) and Anna Elizabeth (Rey- nolds) Kingston (b. 1858). Prepared in Pic- ton Coll. Inst.; Queen's Univ., Kingston, Can. Honor Grad., Nat. Sc, two yrs. Min. and two yrs. Med. Surg, to San. Dist., Chicago, 1Q06-7. Married Lenne G. Burr, O 7, 1903, Belle- ville, Ont., Can. Child, Marjorie Burr, b. Jl i6, 1906. Address, Lockport, III. 1912. WILLIAM DAVID KNOWLTON Power Sta. Operator; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr II, 1878, Joliet, III.; s. David Warren (b. My 1849, Leads Co., Can.) and Rena (Powers) Knowlton (b. 1849, St. Joseph Co., Mich.). Prepared in Onarga H. S., and Grand Prairie iS4 UiN'ivEKSirv 01' Illinois [lyoo Seni.. do. Natural Hist. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Stud., Mech. Draftins, Lewis Inst., Chicago. Elec. Engr. and Switchboard Operator, 1903-4; Power Sta^ Supt., 1904 — . Auth. : Saving and Success. Conimonwenlth Edison Branch, Nat. Elec. Light Assn. Mem.. M. E. Church; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; North Shore Men's Club, Chicago; A. F. A. M. Married Nellie Wise, N 23, 1903, Milford, 111. Child, Margaret, b. Mr 6, 1905. Address, 2017 Lincoln St., Evans- ton, 111. 1913. ROBERT HAYDEN KUSS Consulting Ena;r.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N o, 1S76, Peoria; s. Joseph (b. D 16, i8j>. Ger.") and i-ouisa (Birkentuile) Kuss (b. My 15, 1S43. do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Delta Cpsilon: Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Ed., Tcclnwgraph : Class Pres. Harmon Engng. Co., Peoria, 1003; Instr., M. E., I'niv. of 111., 1003-5: Computer, U. S. Geol. Sur., Coal Testing Plant, 1904: Special Observer, do., St. Louis, 1905-7; Chief Asst. Smoke Insp., Chicago. 1907-11; Mech. Engr., Edgenioor Iron Co., Chicago, 1911-15; Consulting Engr., 1915 — . Revision Auth. on: Construction of Boilers, 66 pp.. Types of Boilers, 82 pp.. Boiler Acces- sories, 80 pp., Boiler Practice. 95 pp., Cyclo- pedia of Engng., Am. Sch. of Cor., 1015; later revision, do., 1918; many small technical articles in jours, devoted to mech. engng. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1913; Internat. Ry. Fuel Assn., 1915; Licensed Struct. Engr., 1916; City Club of Chicago; Sec, Pub. Utility Com., 191J. Married Florence Wilhelmiiia Brower, S 3. 1904. Children: Ralph Logan, b, Te 16, 1905; Eleanor Louise, b. O 10, loo;; Robert Hayden, b. My 21, 1912. Address. 57S4 E. Circle Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Suite 805-112 W. Adams St., do. 1914. WILLIAM ADELBERT KUTSCH Chemist: B. S. in Chem. E.: b. Ta 21, 1883, LaSalle, 111.: s. William G. (b. Mr i8. 1857, Hessen, Ger.") and Ottilie A. (Boehme> Kutsch (b. Te 10, 1857, Peru, III.). Prepared in La- Salle Peru tp. 11. S.. LaSalle. 111. Ph. D.. Frieburg, Ger., 1907. Phi Kappa Psi: Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem., Armour & Co., Chi- cago, 1903-4; with Corn Products Refining Co., Waukegan, 111., 1916; with Atlas nistillery, Peoria, 1916 — . Married Hazel Lee Sl Cerny, S 6. 1911. Independence. !Mo. Child, William Tohn, b. N 15, 1912. Address. 207 N. Frink St., Peoria; bus. add.. Atlas Distillery Co., do. 1915. CAROLINE V.-\LERIA L.\NG- WORTHV Librarian: B. L. S.: b. Te 20, 1S79, DulniQue, la.; d. L. H. and Carrie L. (Glover) Lan^- worthy. Prepared in Dubuaue (la.) II. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A. Asst. Cataloger. la. L^niv. Lib., Iowa City^ 1903-6; Ref. I.ibn., la. Univ., 1906; Organizer, la. Lib. Comn., 1907-S. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 5041 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 1916. LAWRENCE FREDERICK LARSON Life Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1004; b. S 6, iSSo Galva, 111.; s^ N. P. and Hannah Larson. Prepared in Galva H. S. Philomathean: Ins. Fellowship; Ill.-Ind. De- bate, 1903. Field Asst. Gen^ Agt., North- western Mut. Life Ins. Co.: Gen. Agt., do., Kansas Citv, Mo., 1916 — . Married Mrs. Clara Bodinson, D 3, 190S, Galva, 111. Address. 630- 34 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1917. NELS ALFRED LARSON Tudge; LL. B.: b. D 31, 1S79, Lindkoninc. Sweden; s. John F. (b. Sweden) and Wilhel- mina (Anderson) Larson (b. do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Delta Upsilon. Practicing Law, 1903-14: Pres., St. Bank of E. Moline; Judge, Co. Court, Rock Island Co., 1914 — . Mem., Rock Island Club; Rock Island Co. Bar A.ssn.; Dir., Ger. Trust and Savings Bank. R- I., 111.; Cml. Club, E'. Moline, 111. Mar- ned Emma H. Jenkins. Ap 10, 1907. Children: Ihonias Jenkins, b. Ap ::7, 1008; Richard 1-rederick. b. Mr 9, 1910. Addfess, i •539-15 St. A, Moline, 111.; bus. add.. Court House, Kock Island. 191S. GRACE LEFLER Librarian: B. L. S.; b. Pontiac, 111.; d. George M. (b. Farmington, Til.) and Amanda (Dunn) Lefler (b. do.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Cataloger, L'niv. of Mo. Lib., 1004-11; Oregon Lib. Com., iqii-12; in charge of Con- tinuations, Los Angeles Pub. Lib.. 1912 — . Auth.: Missouri Documents for the Small Pub. IJb., read before the Mo. Lib. Assn., 1909, pub. in Mo. Historiciil Quarterly. Address, 1078 Kensington Rd., Los Angeles; bus. add., Los Angeles Pub. Lib., do. 1919. LULU MACKINTOSH LEGO (HUGHES) (Wife of No. 3035) LL. B.; b. Ja 10. 1880, Mt. Carroll, 111.; d. Henry Luther (b. F 12, 1840, Blair Co., Pa.) and Alice May (Rowley) Lego (b. Mr 24, 1854, Armstrong Co., Pa.). Prepared in Lan- ark H. S. Alethenai; Girls' Mandolin Club; mini staff; Class Prophet. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1903; Clerk, office of V. P. and Dean of Grad. Sch., Llniv. of 111., 1001-6: Atty. with R. N. A., a women's fraternal beneficiary orgn., [00 5-8. Mem., Christian Church: 111. St. Re- corder, R. N. .A... 1905-8; St. Oracle, R. N. A., 1008-14. Married Harold PeMott Hughes ('07), O 14, 1908, New Orleans. Children: John Nel- son, b. N 28, 1909; Daniel Edison, b. D n, 1911; Alice Miriam, b. My 15, 1914. Address, 604 7th St., Ames, la. 1920. MARY LENTZ A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 2 TIL; d. Jacob (b. My 12, Elizabeth (Anger) Lentz (b. l''repared in 111. St. Norm. Calif. Grad work, Univ. of TL S., Farmer City, 111., looj I'niv., Summer Sch., 1005: Wis., 1906-S; Elrod, S. Dak., 1 010 — . Married David W 1900, Freeport, 111. Address, (BROWN) 1, 1864, Freeport, 18S2, Ger.) and S 10, 1835, do.). Univ.; Univ. of Wis. Taught in -5: 111. St. Norm. H. S., Kewanee, 1909-10; farming, . Brown, Jl 14. Rhame, N. Dak. 1921. ALFRED CURTIS LeSOURD Railroad Engr.: B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 4, 1875, Topeka, 111.; s. Charles Thomas (b. F 4,, 1843, Bethanv, O.) and Velarah (Curtis) LeSourd (b. O "21, 1843, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. H. S. C. E. Soc. Instrument- man on const., 1003-4: Masonry Insp., 1905: Asst. Engr., M. of W. Dept., C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Mich. Div. 1005-7: Draftsman, O. S. L. R. R., 1007-8; IMasonrv Insp., C. C. C. S: St. L. R. R., 1908-0; Draftsman, O. S. L. Tt. R., 1909-10; Asst. Engr. in charge of const., O. S. L. Rv., 1010-15; Asst. Engr., U. P. R. R., 191S — . Address. Topeka, 111.; bus. add.. 1001 tt. P. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 1922. ROBERT CLINTON LLOYD Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 4, 1S78, Canfon, 111.; s. Robert (b. F 23. 1830, Dawn Mills, Ont.) and Hannah Maria (Burson) 1 lovd (b. Jl 4, 1842, Walnut Grove, 111.). Prepared in" Canton IT. S. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Stud. Asst.. Soil Sur., 1903-5; Supt., Soil Sur., Agr. Exp. Sta., Urbana, 1905-7; I'vt. work, 1008-17. Second R. O. T. C, 1917; 2nd Lt. R. O. T. C. 1917. 340th Inf.. N. A.. 1017 — . Married Florence Ethel Denson, D 11, 1006, Chicago. .-Iddress. Canton. 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 1 8.=; 1923. JOHN ALBERT McFARLAND Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 23, i88o; s. Abel Witherspoon (b. near AiACCAI,AUla:.VTE Al.UMNI i8() 1967. JOHN liAKL SHOEMAKER (Brother of No. 2245) Engr. and Contr.; A. B.; B. S. in C. E., 1905; b. S 26, 1881, Charleston, 111.; s. Thomas T. (b. S 14, 1847, do.) and Emmazetta (ReatJ Shoemaker (b. U 15, 1850, do.). Prepared in Charleston H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Tan ]Jcta Pi; Sigma Xi ; C. E. Club; Math. Club; Mgr., 1903 lUio; Mgr., Tcchnograph. Irriga- tion work with U. S. R. S., 1905-7; Water- works Const., Camaguey, Cuba, 1907-9; Irriga- tion design and const., Colo, and Wyo., 1909- 11; Swamp rc-claniation, Elba, N. Y., 1912; Asst. Chief li^ngr.. Port of Seattle, Iiarbor improvement work, 1913-16; Engr. and Contr., Seattle, 191 6 — . Capt., Engrs., Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va.; Mustered out, D 11, 1918. Married Eleanor Hill, Ja 3, 1912, Augusta, Ga. Children: John Earl, jr., b. Ap 25, 1913; Audley Hill, b. Je 4, 1915. Address, 5631 Palatine Ave., Seattle; bus. add., 4099 Arcade Bldg., do. 1968. RODERICK WILLIAM SILER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 16, 1879, Island of St. Helena; s. J. W. and Susan E. (Smythe) Siler. I'hi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, c/o Central H. S., St. Louis.t 1969. FRANCES SIMPSON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Burtonsville, N. Y. ; d. James Nelson (b. Ap 7, 1815) and Eliza- beth (Diefendorf) Simpson (b. Ja 8, 1837, Minden, N. Y.). Prepared in Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. B. L., N. W. Univ., 1884; M. L., 1888. Kappa Kappa Camma; Sec, Phi Beta Kappa, 1907-10. Teacher, H. S., Troy. 111., 1885-87; Decatur, 111., 1887-91; Rockford, 111., 1891-93; Pontiac Tp. H. S., 1894-98; Asst. Libn., Chicago Inst., 1899-1901; Head Cataloger, Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Ref. Libn. and Asst. Prof., Lib. Econ., 1903-12; Asst. Dir., 1912 — -. Published Hist, uf tht Evolution of the Lib., a Syllabus, Lloyde, Champaign, 1903, 95 pp. Pres., Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch. Assn., 1904-5; Sec, 111. St. Lib. Assn., 1906-7. Address, 1009 W. California St.. Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 1970. ELGIE RAY SKINNER Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 12, 1877, Pulaski, O.; s. John K. (b., do.) and Mary A. Skinner (b. Winamac. Ind.). Prepared in Areola II. S. Tau Beta Pi; Engng. Soc. Mech. Engr., Corn Products Refining Co., 1903; Chief operating engr., do., 1918. Mem., U. S. Volunteer Inf., 1S98-99; West. Soc. Engrs., 1904 — . Married Catharine MacLean, N 16, 1909, Elgin, 111. Child, Mary Catherine, b. F 12, 1917. Address, 1441 E. Sixty-sixth PI., Chicago. 1 97 1. CHARLES WESLEY SMITH (Husband of No. 3341; Brother of No. 1769) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1905; b. Je 20, 1877, Elizabeth City, N. C; s. Charles Wesley (b. Jl 14, 1843, Smithfield, Pa.) and Hester Ann (Bourne) Smith (b. D 17, 1845, do.). Prepared in Genesee Wes leyan Sem., Lima, N. Y. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Lockwood, N. Y., 1895-1900; Asst. Libn., Univ. of Wash., 1905-13; Assoc. Libn., do., 1913 — . Auth.: Expansion of tlie Dewey Decimal Classification for the Hist, of the Pacific Northwest, Univ. of Wash. Lib., 1908, 16 pp.; Bibliog. of Marcus Whitman, Univ. of Wash., 1909, 62 pp.; Checklist of books and pamphlets relating to the hist, of the Pacific Northwest, Wash. St. Lib., 1909, 191 pp.; Bibliog. of Morris Birkbeck, Trans, of the III. St. Hist. Soc, 1905, pp. 165-177; Pub. Documents as a Lib. Resource, Lib. Jour., 32: 195-198, My 1908; Naming of Counties in the St. of Wash., Mag. of Hist., 10: 6-16, Jl 1909 and 10: 79-85, Ag 1909. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Am. Hist. Assn.; Bibliog. Soc. of Am. Married Christina Denny ('08), Ag 25, 1909, Lincoln, 111. Children: Aubrey, b. D 9, 1913; Bourne, b. Je 12, 1916. Address, 5033 21st Ave., N. E., Seattle. 1972. CHARLES HENRY SMITH Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 8, 1875, Melamora, 111.; s. John (b. D 1843, do.) and Magdalene (Schertz) Smith (h. N 1844, do.). Prepared in Metamora II. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Mich., 1899; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; Ph. D., do., 1907. Phi Beta Kappa; V. P., Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Glee Club. Instr., Hist., Man. Tr. 11. S., Indianapolis, 1907; Prof., Hist, and Soc. Sc, Goshen, (Jolo., 1907 — . Auth.: Mcnnonitcs of Am., Mennon- ite Pub. House, Scottdale, Pa., 524 pp., 1909. Mem., Am. Hist. Soc; Am. Econ. Assn. Married Laura loder, D 27, 1908. Address, c/o lilul'fton Coll., Blufifton, O. 1973- JOHN JACK SPRIGGS (Husband of No. 1990) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S. 14, 1877, Louisville, 111.; s. James J. (b. Ap 6, i8i8, N. C.) and Nancy (Warren) Spriggs (b. Jl 20, 1844, Ky.). Prepared in Shurtleff (Joll., Alton, 111.; Ewing Coll. LL. B., Univ. of Mo., 1905. Band. Taught, Louisville, 111., 1903; Admitted to Bar, 1904; Stud, and Lawyer, 1904-7; U. S. Commissioner, 1908-10; elected to Wyo. H. of R., 1910-13. Mem., 9th 111. Volunteer Inf., 1898-9. Appointed by (lov. as Del. to re)iresent Wyo. at Nat. Good Rds. (Con- vention, (I'hicago. 1911; Nat. Conf. on Intcr-St. Liquor Traffic, Washington, D. C, 191 1. Mar- ried Edna Cecelia Vance ('03), Je 10, 1903, Champaign. Children: Deane Vance, b. Jl 19, 1904; Helen Margurett, b. Je 26, 1906; James Warren, b. Ap 10, 1908; Mildred Louise, b. Ap 24, 1910 (died S 5, 1911). Address, Lander, \Vyo.t 1974. GARLAND STAHL Banker; LL. B.; b. Ap 13, 1880; s. Henry (b. My 19, 1842, Hamilton, O.) and Eliza Stahl (b. Ja 16, 1844, Winchester, 111.). Pre- pared in Elkhart H. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Baseball and Football; Capt., Football team. Played Professional Baseball, 1903; Boston, 1904-5; Washington, T905; Boston, 1907-10; Mgr., do., 11-12; V. P., Washington Park Nat. Bank, 1910 — . 2nd Lt., Air Bomber. A. E. F., France; returned to U. S., F 1919. Married Jean Mahan, Ja 24, 1906, Pasadena, Calif. Children Adelaide, b. S 16, 1907 (died My 25, 1909); Garland, Jr., b. Je 7, 19 10. Address, Elkhart, 111. 1975. ALTA LOUISE 9TANSBURY (SAGER) B. L. S.; b. N 10, 1880, Western Call, la.; d. G. W. Stansbury. Prepared in Cedar Rap- ids H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Libn., Port Huron Pub. Lib., 1903-9; Libn., Spokane Pub. Lib., 1909-11. Married Fred Anson Sager, Ag 23, 1911. Children: Ellen Louise, b. Ja 3, 1915; William Frederick, b. Ja 22, 1918. Address, Glcncoe, 111. 1976. CARL STEINWEDELL (Brother of No. io88) Merchant; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 12, 1882, Quincy, 111.; s. William (b. D 21, 1827) and Louise A. (Morphy) Steinwedell (b. N 15, 1841). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Varsity base- ball, four years; Kappa Sigma. Partner, S. and S. (Cigar Co. Address, Quincy, 111. 1977. LUCIA ALZINA STEVENS (De MOTTE) (Wife of No. 1856; Sister of No. 4434) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; b. Mr 8, 1879, Coral, 111.; d. Frank Ernest (b. 1852, Friendship, N. Y.) and Rosalie (Barber) igo University of Illinois 1903 Stevens (b. 1S48, Java Village, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Marengo H. S. Taught, Rural Sch., 1903-5; Grad. stud., Univ. of HI., 1905-6. iNteni., Ken-Rose Woman's Club. Married Roy James DeMotte t'oo), D 30, 190S, Coral, Hi. Children: Stevens James, b. D 8, 1912 (died U 10, do.); Frank Ernest, b. Ag 13, 1914; Marion Rose, b. O 9, 1917 (died O 10, do.). Address, 153 E. I nth St., Chicago. igrS. »JOHN CARL STINE A. B. in Sc.; A. M., 1905; b. Ja 21, 1873, Sharpsville, 111.; s. William Stine. Prepared in St. Norm. Univ. Deceased. 19:9. CLYDE ERNEST STONE (Brother of No. 19S0) Lawyer and Judge; LL. B.; b. Mr 23, 1S76, near Mason City, 111.; s. C. L. (b. S iS, 1S46, Menard Co., 111.') and Mary (Marot) Stone (b. 1S46, Mason Citv, 111.). Prepared in Ma- son City II. S. Phi Delta Fhi; Theta Kappa Nu; Phi Kappa Sigma; Philoniathean; Inter- Univ. Debating Team. First Asst. S.tate's Atty., Peoria Co., 1906-9; Co. Judge, 1910-15; Circuit Judge, 1915 — . Married Jessie Brown- ing, N" 14, 1900, Havana, 111. Children: Claudia Ellen, b. Ag 4, 1907; Inez Browning, b. Mr 6, 1 910; Mabel Lee, b. D iS, 1912. Ad- dress, 1140 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria. 19S0. HAL MAROT STONE (Husband of No. 1S33; Brother of No. 1979) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 31, 1S77, Mason Citv, I'll.; s. Claudius L. (b. S 18, 1S46, near Middletown, 111.) and Mary Gertrude (Marot) Stone. Prepared in Mason City H. S. _ Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Philoniathean: Van Twiller Court; Y. ^l. C. A.; Sr. Class Pres., 1903; Pol. Sc. Club. Piacticing law. Stone, Oglevee and Franklin; Master-in-Chancery of the Circuit Court of McLean Co.; I'rot., in 111. Wesleyan Law Sch. Married INIildred Ann Burrill ('03), N 11, 1903, Urbana (died J a 27, 191 3). Children: Mary Helen, b. O 25, 1906; Mildred Irene, b. Je 20, 1009 (died Ja 9, 1912). Address, 30 White Place, Blooniington, 111.; bus. add.. St. Nat. Bank Bldg., do.t 1981. ELLSWORTH PRIME STOREY Architect; B. S. in .\rch.; b. N 16, 1S79, Chicago; s. Henry Clifford (b. Je 16, 1S45, Hartford, Conn.) and Mary Lavinia (North- way) Storey (b. S i, 1S56, N. Y. City). Pre- {)ared in Chicago Eng. H. S. and Man. Tr. isch. Delta Tau Delta. Opened office as Arch., 1903 — . 6th Observation Bat.; Mustered out, D 1918. Married Phoebe Mulliken, S 29, 1904. Champaign. Children: Eunice, b. Jl 13, 1905; Priscilla, b. Ag 15, 1909. Address, 260 DjDrf- fel Drive, Seattle; bus. add., 642 New York Bldg., do. 1982. MARIETTA LOIZA STREET (PRICE) (Wife of No. 1949) B. L. S.; b. F 23, 18S0, Nachusa, 111.; d. Horace (b. Ap 11, 1846, Eagle Harbor, N. Y.) and Evelyn (Broadwell) Street (b. Mr 19. 1S45. do.). Prepared in Dixon H. S.; S. F. C, West Point. Miss. Married Hugh Mitchell Price ('03), D 28. 1905, Dixon, 111. (died N 4. 1018, Portsmouth, Va.). Address, 1205 Hartford Bldg., Chicago.! 19S3. CORNELIA EMMA STREHLOW^ (ADAMS) (Sister of No. 999) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 22, 1883, Cham- paigrn; d. Henry (b. Jl 26, 1S42, Shurow, Ger.) and Magdalena (Baehr) Strehlow (b. Jl 22, 1S53). Prepared in Northwest Div. H. S. and Jefferson H. S., Chicago. German and French Clubs. Teacher, French and German, Linden- wood Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1903-4; Teacher, 11. S.. Wabash. Ind.. 1904-9. Married Will H. Adams, S 15, 1909, Champaign. Child, Magdalene L., b. Jl 19, 1913. .4ddrcss, 3415 Broadway, Indianapolis. 19S4. ALEXANDER JENNINGS STROM Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 2, 1882, Chicago; s. Hans Julius (b. Maas, Norway) and Gina (Husby) Strom (b. do.). Prepared in North- western Div. I-I. S., Chicago. Address, Belvi- dere, 111.; bus. add., 522 State St., do. 1985- LEONARD FREDERICK W. STUEBE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 25, 1881; s. John (b. Mv 15, 1S41, Prussia) and Caroline (Kraft) Stuebe (b. O 21. 1S61, MA.). Pre- pared in Danville II. S. Delta Upsilon; Arch's. Club; Tecluwi/raph Bd. Head Draftsman, Hewitt and Klein, Archs., Peoria, 1903; part- nership with J. F. McCoy, Danville, 1904-10; with C. M. Lewis, Danville, 1910-12; City Supt., Bldgs., Danville. Mem., .\. F. A. M.; K. of P.; B. P. O. E. ; City Bldg. Commissioner. Married Elizabeth T. Cobine, S 15, 1903, St. Louis. Child, Carolyn Julia, b. Jl 3. 1906. Ad- dress, 1330 W. Williams St., Danville, 111.; bus. iuid., 31S Adams Bldg., Jo.t 19S6. ADAH HELEN STUTSMAN (LUTHER) (Wife of No. 1729) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1S83, Chicago; d. Oscar McLean (b. 1S5S, Leavenworth, Kan.) and Kate Robinson (Martin) Stutsman (b. 1860,^ Louisiana, Mo.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Y. W. C. A.: German Club; Eng. Club; .Methenai. Teacher, H. S., Quincy, '9'^3-5; do., Jacksonville, 1905-7. Mem., Congr. Church. ^larried Otto Lawrence Luther ('02), Je 26, 1907, Seattle. Children: Philip Harri- son, b. O 13, 1909; Roger William, b. Je 28, 191 1 ; Virginia Frances, b. D 17, 1912. Ad- dress, 411 Wheeler St., Seattle.! 19S7. JAMES WOLFE SUSSEX Manager; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 22, 1878, Dunlap, 111.; s. George (b. Eng.) and Kather- ine (Houston) Sussex (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Hedding Coll. M. Accts., Hedding Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Pres. C. E. Club. Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1903; Asst. Engr., A. Potter, 1904; Transitman, P. A. & W. R. R., 1905; Asst. Engr., rfo., 1905; Asst. Engr.. U.S. Reclam- ation Service, 1907; Arch, and Engr. in pvt. practice, 1907-17; Mg^r., Cashmere Fruit Grow- ers' Union, 1917 — . i>upt.. Const., West Point, N .Y. Auth.: Pub. Thesis in Engiig. News, 1903- Married Florence May W'ohler, Ja 22, 1908, Cashmere, Wash. Address, Abingdon, 111. 1988. ANNE DAVIES SWEZEY (ARMSTRONG) B. L. S.; A. B. in L. & A., 1908; b. Je 28, iSSo, Chicago; d. Tappin Reeve (b. Brook- lyn, N. Y.) and Phebe Anne (Davies) Swezey (b. Utica, N. Y.). Prepared in Hinsdale H. S. Lib. Club; Basketball team. Cataloger, Ishpeniing, Mich., 1903; Order Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib.. 1904-5; Binding Asst., 1905-8; Bind- ing Libn., 190S-10; Libn., E. Chicago Pub. Lib., 1910-13; Libn., Salem, Ore., Pub. Lib., 1913-17. Published, Binding Records, Pub. Libraries, 14:15, 1909. Mem., Hinsdale Presby. Church, 1896 — ; Am. Lib. .\ssn.; P. E. O., 1916 — . Married Robert Haydn Armstrong, F 12, 1917. Seattle. Address. Fontanet Court, 14th and Fairmount Sts., Washington, D. C; bus. add., 26 Cortlandt St., N. Y. City. I9031 Baccalaukkate Alumni igr 1989. ALBERT EDGAR TAFF Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 28, 1876; s. George and Susan (Downing) Taff. Prepared in Canton H. S. Asst. State's Atty., Fulton Co., 111., 1904-8; City Atty., Canton. 111., 1912-14. Chm., Legal Advisory Bd., Dist. 2, Fulton Co., 111., 191 7 — ; Govt. Appeal Agt., do., 1917 — . Pres., Fulton Co., Bar Assn., 1916- 17; Mem., 111. St. Bar Assn.; Fulton Co. Bar Assn. Married Neta M. TafF, 1905, Galcsburg, 111. Children: Clarice Murlen; Maurine Eve- lyn; Albert Wesley. Address, 638 N. Main St., Canton, 111. 1990. EDNA CECELIA VANCE (SPRIGGS) (Wife of No. 1973; Sister of No. 1286) B. L. S.; b. O 31, 1879, Formosa, 111.; d. John Albert (b. 1846, Md.) and Nancy Ellen (Barnsback) Vance (b. 1856, 111.). Prepared in Edwardsville II. S. Lib. Soc. Taught, Louisville, 111., 1903-4. Married John J. -Spriggs ('03), Je 10, 1903, Champaign. Chil- dren: Dcane Vance, b. Jl 19, 1904; Helen Margaret, b. Je 26, 1906; James Warren, b. Ap 10, 1908; Mildred Louise, b. Ap 24, 1910; Baby, b. S 5, 191 1. Address, Lander, Wyo.t 1 99 1. PAUL RAYMOND VAN DERVORT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 17, 1875; s. James M. (b. S 2, 1837, New Antioch, O.) and Elvira Jane (Basehor) Van Dervort (b. Wil- mington, O.). Prepared in Tiskilwa II. S. Philomathean. Married Cora B. Piersou, Ap 3, 1907. Children: Bernadine, b. S 6, iqio; Winifred, b. N 12, 191 1. Address, Tiskilwa, Ul.t 1992. ALBERT GRAFTON VARNES Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 20, i88i, Trivoli, 111.; s. Ezra Dotz (b. Ag 9, 1834, Oakland, Pa.) and Jane Barbara Kcpner (b. Ag 8, 183:;, do.). Prepared in Farmington, 111. Adelpiiic. With City Engr. at New Phil- adelphia, O., 1903; Engng. Dept., Chicago & N. W. R. R., 1903-s; Res. Engr., Southern Ind. R. R., 1905 — •. Married Carrie Berneta John, D 24, 1903, Cobden, 111. Address, Au- gusta, Ark.j 1993. LLOYD VERNON WALCOTT (Husband of No. 2574) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1906; b. O 23, 1882, Hillsboro, 111.; s. Charles Wes- ley (b. O 5, 1847, Hillsboro, 111.) and Ella Nora (Shields) Walcott (b. Mr 11. 1872, The Dales, Wis.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. Acacia. Asst., States Attys. office, 1908 — . Mem., B. P. O. E.; E. St. Louis Bar Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Oriental Consistory. Married Susan Barr ('06), Jl i, 191 1, Homer Park, Homer, 111 Address, Belleville, Ill.t 1994. JACOB H. WALLACE Mech. Designer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 8, 1877, Altamont, 111.; s. James K. (b. Ja 10, 184s, Greencastle, Ind.) and Maggie A. (Baker) Wallace (b. Ja 24, 1851, Dexter, 111.). Prepared in Altamont H. S-. and Univ. Acad. M. E. and E. E. Soc: Technograph Bd.; Tau Beta Pi (H), 1908; Sigma Xl, 1307. Instr., Mo. St. Univ., 1903-4; Instr., Univ. of Colo., 1 90s -8; Asst. Prof, in charge G. E. D., Univ. of Colo., 1908-9; Mech. Engr. with J. P. Karns, Tunnelling Machines, 1909-13; do., The Lun- kenheimer Co., 1913-14; do.. The Colo. Port- land Cement Co., 1916-17; do., The West. Chem. Co., 1917 — . Designed Anemometer Tester and Stroke Measure, 1904; exhibited at World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Auth. : Cylinder Port Velocities, Jour. A. S. M. E., 1907; An- gular Variation of a Shaft Governor, Jour, of Engng., Univ. of Colo., 1908; Comparison of P.oilcr Trials, Power, Vol. 24, 1904; Setting the D-Slide Valve, Jour, of Engng., Univ. of CTolc, 1906; The Sweet Valve Diagram, Power, Vol. 25, 1905; Two-Motor Lever, Am. Mach., 1905. Assoc. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1908; Mem., M. E. Church. Married Julia Means, Ag 4, 1904, Effingham, III. Child, Jeanne Winifred, b. Ag IS, 1912. Address, 764 S. Grant St., Denver. 1995- ROBERT RUSSELL WARD (Brother of No. 4480) Lawyer and Banker; LL. B. ; b. Ag 9, 1879, Benton, 111.; s. William R. (b. Ag 12, 1848, Franklin Co., 111.) and Iniogene (Snyder) Ward (b. O 4, i8s7, do.). Prepared in Ben- ton TI. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Ejisilon; Alpha Delta .Sigma; Shield and Trident; Pres. Soph. Class; Mgr., Football; Mgr., Interscholastic. V. P., Benton St. Park; Banking, p-arming, Atty. at law; Treas., Franklin Co., Min. Co.; Pres., 111. Bankers Assn.: Trustee, Univ. of 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Sihrine; K. P. Married Terzie Isabel Kirkpatrick, S 3, 1905, Benton, 111. Children: William R., b. Ag 20, 1906; Russell Dee, b. O 7, 1907; Leroy Goddard, b. S 7. 1910; Martha Imogen, b. Ap 3, 1913. Ad- dress, Benton, III. 1996. RUTH AIMEE WARDALL (Sister of No. 3589) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1907; b. Jl 28, 1877, Tolono, 111.; d. Xenophon Leo- nidas (b. Je 4 1844, Cincinnati) and Emma (Sawyer) Wardall (b. Je 17, 1850, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Head of Dept., Dom. Sc, .S. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1903-6; Fellow, Dom. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1906-7; Head of Dom. Sc Dept., O. St. Univ., 1907-13; Head of H. E. Dept., St. Univ. of la., 1913— . Stud. at Yale, 1916-17. Address, Tuscola, 111.; bus. add., St. Univ. of la., Iowa City. 1997- PEARL WEBBER (Sister of No. 3595) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 27, 1882, Urbana; d. William B. (b. O 31, 1836, do.) and Sallie D. (Barnett) Webber (b. Je 8, 1844, Shelby- ville, Ky.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ale- thcnai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Der Deutsche Vcrein; Achoth. Taught, Georgetown, 1903-4; Tloopeston, 1904-5; Champaign, 1905-6; Grad. in special courses, Univ. of 111., 191 1. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 709 W. Green St., Urbana. t 1998. MIRIAM URSULA WELLES (REEVES) (Wife of No. 1756) A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1904; b. Jl 22, 1880, Dover, III.; d. Henry G. (b. Ag 21, 1848, Dover, 111.) and Mary A. (Arnold) Welles (b. O II, 1848, Amboy, 111.). Prepared in North- field (Mass.) Sem. Sigma Xi. Married George I. Reeves ('02), Ap 14, 1906, Maiden, 111. .4ddress, 322 H St., Salt Lake (Zity. 1999. FRED MASON WELLS Ranching and Real Est.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 23, 1879, Moline, 111.; s. William (b. Coal Center, Pa.) and Emma Cordelia (Rhodes) Wells (b. Savannah, 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Attending night Law Sch., Univ. of So. Calif. Married Grace Helen Kenney, Los Angeles, O 24, 1912. Address, 705 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. t 2000. AMANDA WESTHOLD Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 14, 1881, Quincy, 111.; d. Frank A. (b. N 15, 1837, Ger.) and Wilhelmina (Westermari) Westhold (b. Je 7, 1842, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. IxivKKsirv OK Illinois Basketball team; Y. \\". C. A.; Gcnnan and Math. Clubs. Taught II. S., Urbana, 1903-4; Quincy, lOO-t-S; Lincoln H. S., Seattle, looSq; Queen Anne H. S., 1909-12; I.oland Stanford jr., Univ., ioij-13; Lincoln H. S., Seattle, 1013-18. .-Iddrcss, 424 S. 16th St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., cy'o Lincoln H. S., Seattle. 2001. HAMMOND WILLIAM WHITSITT (.Husband of No. 21 58) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 10, 1870, PreeiiH>tion, 111.; s. Benjamin (b. Ag 14, 1838, Ireland) and Elizabeth Adelaide cBetty) Whitsitt (b. F I, 184?, do.). Prepared in Kevnolds H. S. ; .'\ugustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. Phi Gamma Delta: Tau Beta Pi; Bus. Mgr., Tt\~hnoi;ia('h, 1903; Capt., Univ. Kegt. Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1903-5; -Associated with C. F. Drury ("oj), tirm of Whitsitt & Drury, Archs., Moline, 111., 1905-8; Indepen- dent practice, 1908-16; with firm of Whitsitt ^^ Schulzke, igio — . ist I.t. and Capt., Co. F, 6th 111. Inf., I9ib-I7; Capt., O. Keserve Corps, Rock Island Arsenal, 1917; Mustered out, 1019. Mem.. A. I. .-V. ; Congr. Church. Married Rena Avis Lucas ('04). Ag 15, 1907, Vevey, Switzerland. Address. 805 joth Ave., East Moline, 111. 2002. *VONIE AMES WILEY (DOUG- LASS) B. L. S.; b. S iJ, 1S69, Charleston, 111.; d. Eli (b. 1823. Ky.) and Martha Sanborn (Whittemore) Wiley (b. 1829, Salisbury, N. H.). Prepared in Charleston H. S, ; Mary A. Burnham Sch., Northampton, JIass. ; Smith Coll. Information Clerk, Seattle Pub. Sch. Lib., 1903-4. Married Donald Pierson L")oug- lass, Je 8, 1904, Butler, Kv. Died S 24, 1908, Colfax, 111. 2003. WALTER WIN SLOW WILLIAMS Lawyer: LL. B. ; b. Ta iS. 1873, Herrin, 111.; s. John G. (b. 1S40, New Harmony, Ind.) and Louisa Martin OL>rrison) Williams (b. O 33, JS35, Marion, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Delta Phi; Pol. Sc. Club; Assoc. Ed., lllio. In law partnership with Tudge Hart; V. P., First Nat. Bank, West Frankfort. 111.; Pres., Hart-Wil- liams Coal Co.; V. P., Benton Lumber Co., Pres., Eg>-ptian So. R. R. Mem., H. of R.; 111. Legislature, 1904-0; St. Democratic Bd. Electors, 1016; Christian Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mary \'irginia Moore, Je 27, looo, Benton. 111. (died Ap 18, 1909); Grace Eliza- beth Moore, O 30, 1914. Children: Margaret Endora, b. My i6, 1907; Mary Louisa, b. Ap 8, 1909. Address, Benton, 111. 2004. GEORGE SHIRLEY WILSON Teacher; A. B.; b. N 19, 1875, Magnolia. 111.; s. Morris A. (h. 1837. O.) and Lydia E. (John) Wilson (b. 1841, Pa.). Prepared in Hi. St. Norm. Univ. Prin., H. S., Bement, 1903-5; Teacher, Phys., H. S., Seattle. 1905-10; Head Dept. Phys. and Cheni., Broadway H. S., Seattle, 1910 — . Married Edith Galehouse, Je 26, 1913, Charleston, Wash. Children: James Morris, b. S 23, 1914; Margaret Shirley, b. Ta 6, 1016. Address, 4207 11th Ave., North Seattle. 2005. JOSEPH WADE WILSON (Husband of No. 1869) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; M. Arch., 1904; b. F 9, 1S78, Morristown, 111.; s. William Christian (b. F ii. i8^). Kristiania, Norwav) and Ellen E. (Showalter) Wilson (b. Jl 2, 184s Edwardsville, 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; .-\rmy and Navy Club; Football; Fel- lowship. Draftsman, .Ninimons and Fellows, .Vrchs., Chicago; Seaman, U. S. N., V. S. S. Newport, 1 8^8; in West, office, Ilowells and Mokes, Archs., 1906 — . Mem., Chicago Arch. Club, Sec. 1906; Seattle .\rch. Club; Wash. St. Chap., A. I. .-v. Married Mariorie Lloug- las Forbes ('03), Jl 2, iqio, Mt. Ranier Nat. Park. Children: Eleanor Jane, b. S 24, 1911; Forbes, b. Mr 30, 1915: John Robert, b. S 15, 1016. .-(rfJi'.-.v.v. Fauntlcrov Park, Box. i-(>. Seattle. 2006. RALPH CUl-l.OM WOODMANSEE Telephone Traffic Chief; B. L. S.; b. Jl 5, 1878, Roseville, 111.; .s. J. L. and Selena (Gor- don) Woodiiiansee. I'rcpared in Norm. 11. S. Asst. at Loan Desk, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1904-5; Shelf Dept., Univ. of Calif., 1900-8; Head of Shelf Dept., do., 1009-11; Pac. Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1911-15; San Francisco, 1915-16; Chicago. 1016-17; S;icramento, 1917 — ; Dist. Traffic Chief. The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. in charge Northern Calif. A. A. S. R.; 32nd de- gree A. and A. Married Hazel Anna Cooper, Je 27. 1918, Sacramento, Calif. .4ddtt\n. Hist Review, 1918; Course in reconstruc- tion, Boston, 191 8 — . Address, loii S. Wright St., Champaign. 2113. LUDWIG GUTMANN Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 21. i860, Hamburg, Ger. ; s. Z. Gutmann (b. 1830, Ham- burg, Ger.) and Elise (Biesenthal) Gutmann (b. Mecklenburg, do.). Prepared in Hamburg and Artisan Schools in Ger. and Eng. Dele- gate for A. I. E. E. to Internat. Cong, of Elec- tricians. Frankfurt, Ger., 1891; Const. Engr., 1905; Engr. on staff of Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co., Inventor of the Gutmann Recording Watt- meter, No. 610,224, N 15, 1898; Pats. No. 675,99s. No. 675,996, of Je II, 1901; Elec. Motors, Pats. No. 530,176, No. 530,177, and No. 530,178, D 4, 1894; Electro Magnetic Cut Out, No. 446,515, 1891, and Alternating current regulator, Pat. No. 769,- 342, 1904. Auth.: The Motorman and His Duties, the Windsor-Kenfield Pub. Co.; Paper read before Internat. Cong, of Electricians, Frankfurt, Ger., 1891; Paper read before A. I. E. E., 1894; Contributor to a Ger. Elec. Jour, during Chicago World's Fair; Electrical World, Electrical Engineer, Electric Power, etc.; Paper presented at the Internat. Cong, of Inventors. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; (jer. Soc. of Elec; Engrs. Club of St. Louis; Men's Club, Maple Ave., M. E. Church. Married Emma J. Wilkins, Je 24, 1896, Chicago. Ad- dress, 564s Gates Ave., St. Louis. 21 14. FRANK STANLEY HADFIELD Factory Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1905: b. Ap 14, 1 88 1, Mineral Point, Wis.; s. Frank Waller (b. N 5. 1858, do. and Phillippa (Cox) Hadfield (b. 22, 1858, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Class Pres., Jr. Class. Draftsman, De Kalb Sycamore Elec. Co., 1905-7; W. H. Zimmerman, Lansing, Mich., 1907; Mech. Engr., Globe Soap Co., Cincin- nati, 1907-12; W. H. Zimmerman Co., Chi- University of Illinois [904 cago, 1912-14; Supt., Bd. Pub. Works, Niles, Mich., 1914-16; Factory Mgr., Nat. Standard Co., Niles, Mich., 1917 — . Married Grace lone Byers, Ap 29, 1907, Chicago. Children: Stanley William, b. Mr 13, 1912; Margaret Louise, b. Jl 26, 1915; Barbara lone, b. Je 6, 1917. Address, 40S S. St. Joseph Ave., Niles, Mich. 21 IS. IRA CHASE HARMAN (Brother of No. 1694) Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 6, 1879. Milford, 111.; s. Jacob M. (b. D 31, 1841, Mo.) and Emma (Cox) Harman (b. D 28, 1845, Mo.). Prepared in Sheldon H. S.; Eureka Coll.. 1897-9.. M. D., P. and S., Chi- cago. Interne, Chicago Hospital, 18 mos. Phi Rho Sigma. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc. ; 111. Med. Assn.; A. M. A.; Am. Pub. Health Assn. Married Grace B. Twining, Ag 2, 19T0, Morrison, 111. Address, 1540 Scott Ave., Chi- cago Heights, 111.; bus. add., 78-80 Illinois St., do. 21 16. ALTHA HAVILAND Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1878, Ft. Dodge, la.; d. Charles LeGrand (b. 1853, Princeton, 111.) and Martha (Lang) Haviland (b. 1859, Can.). Prepared in Ft. Dodge H. S. Illiola; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka. Teacher, E. Batavia H. S., 1904-5; do., Indianola H. S., 1905-7; do.. Mason City, la., 1908; do., Savannah Tp. H. S., 111.. 1908-18; do., Sc, Bloom Tp. H. S.. Chicago Heights, 111., 1918—. Mem. Presby. Church; N. E. A., 1908-11; N. I. T. A., 1908—; N. G. S.. 1912— ; C. Ags. and Math., 1909-15; N. C. of G. T., 19 16 — ; Wom- an's Lit. Club, Savanna, 1910 — ; Treas., Sav- anna LInit Council of Nat. Defense. 1917-1S; Red Cross, 1917 — ; Savanna Home Unit, 1917 — . Address, Humboldt, la.; bus. add.. Bloom Tp., High School, Chicago Heights, 111. 21 1 7. CHARLES WESLEY HAWES, JR. Farmer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 24, 1880, Rock Island, 111.; s. Major Charles Wesley (b. Mr 7, 1841 and Josephine S. Hawes. Pre- pared in Fulton H. S. and St. Johns Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis. Sigma Chi; Glee and Mandolin Club. Supt., Emmetsburg Heat, Light and Power Plant; Draftsman West. Tube Co., Kewanee, 111.; do., Pedrick & Ayer Co., Plain- field, N. J.; do., Westinghouse Elec. Co., Pitts- burgh; Farmer, Clearfield, S. Dak. Married Sylvia Robinson Broadhead, Je 16, 1909, Sedg- wick, Colo. Address, Clearfield, S. Dak.t 21 18. ELIZABETH LENA HAWTHORNE Teacher; A. B. in L. &• A.: b. Jl 27, 1880, LaPlace, 111.; d. Victor (b. O 14, 1851, Pa.) and Kate (Stoner) Hawthorne (b. S 12, 1852, Bath Co., Ky.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, LaPlace Schs., 111., 1904-6; do.. Lake Charles, La.^ 1910-11. Pro- paring genealogy, Stoner family. Address, La- Place, 111. 21 19. SMITH TOMPKINS HENRY, JR (Husband of No. 2448) V. P. and Gen Mgr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ap 9, 1881, Bushnell, 111., s. Smith Thomas (b. Mr 27, 1848, near Pittsburgh) and Kiemsa (Cole) Henry (b. Mr 4, 1856, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Bushnell H. S. and Univ. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Track Team; Mgr. IHini. Pittsburgh Water Dept., 1904; Assoc. Ed., Record, 1904-10; West. Ed. 1900-10; West. Mgr., 1911-1914; Gen. Mgr., McGraw Publishing Co., 1914-1917; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Allied Const. Mach. Corp., 191 7 — . Married Agnes McDougall ('05), O i. 1910, Ottawa, 111. Children: Mary Kimesia, b. Ja 17, 191 1 ; Stokes T., b. D 11, 1914. Ad- dress, Manhasset, Long Island, N. Y. 2120. GERTRUDE FOX (HESS) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 30, 1865, Rose- dale, O. : d. Amon Newton (b. N 7, 1838, Rose- dale, O.) and Clarinda Jeanette (Baker) Fox (b. N 30, 1843, Delaware, O.). Prepared in O. St. Univ. Prep. Sell.; O. St. Univ., 1886-8. Pres., Lib. Club. Asst., O. St. Libn., 1904-07; Asst. Reference Libn., Seattle Pub. Lib., 1907. Auth. : Pamphlet, A list of Books for Teachers in the Seattle Pub. Lib., 1910. Mem., Pacific Northwest Lib. Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn.; Women's Univ. Club of Seattle; Coll. Women's Club of Seattle; Disciple Church. Married My 1, 1889, Columbus. Children: Gladys Fox, b. My 19, 1890; Dorothy Ann, b. 5 4, 1894. Address, 5805, 17th Ave., N. E. Seattle; bus. add.. Pub. Lib., do. 2121. THOMAS SLOAN HEWERDINE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 16, 1870, Dewey, 111.; s. Thomas Hewerdine. Prepared in Austin Coll., A. B. 1900. Address, Brown Hall, Columbus, O.t 2122. NELLIE GOODWIN HEWITT Librarian; B. L, S.; b. S 25, 1876, Alton, 111.; d. Horace Lorenzo (b. O 20, 1835, Au- burn, N. Y.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Goodwin) Hewitt (b. N 16, 1847, St. Louis). Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis. A. B., Wells Coll., 1898. Libn., Ferry Hall Lib., Lake For- est, 111. Address, 1116 College Ave., In- dianapolis. t 2123. FRANK WYMAN HILLIARD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 3, 1880, Brighton, 111.; s. George W. (b. do.) and Celia A. (Chase) Hilliard (b. do.). Prepared in Brighton H. S.; Washington Univ. Man. Tr. Sth., St. Louis. Phi Gamma Delta; E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; 111. Club. Chi- cago Edison Co., 1904; Commonwealth Elec. Co., Chicago, 1904-05; Gen. Elec. Co., 1905 — . Mem.. Engrs. Club of St. Louis; Presby. Church. Married Mabel Augusta Rice, Je 28, 1909, Chicago. Children: Helen Adele, b. Ap 30, 1910; George Ingalls, b. My 8, 1915. Ad- dress, 6049 Westminster PL, St. Louis; bus. add., 1301 Pierce Bldg., do. 2124. ROY WILSON HILTS Chemist; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 9, 1879, McLean Co., 111.; s. Samuel and Harriet Steele (Wil- son) Hilts. Prepared in Colo. St. Prep. Sch. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. With Armour 6 Co., 1904-07; Bur. of Chem., 1907; Chief, West. Dist., Food and Drug Insp. Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept. Agr. Address, U. S. Ap- praiser's Bldg., San Francisco. 2125. FREDERICK LEIDY HOLCH (Husband of No. 4009; Brother of No. 421 S. 5728) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 21, 1882. Gilman, 111.; s. Frederick Godfrey (b. Wur- teniburg, Ger.) and Marv Elizabeth (West) Holch (b. Ap 8, 1859, Susquehannah, Pa.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. Teacher, H. S., Sulli- van, 111., 1904-05: Supt., Pub. Schs., Gilman, 111., 1905-08; Sheldon Schs., 1908-13; Liberty- ville. 111., 1913-17; Teacher, Austin H. S., Chi- cago, 1917-18. Married Josephine Van Dor- sten ('09), D 25, 1911, LTrbana. Child, Samuel Van Dorsten, b. Ag 19. 1915- Address, 296 Maple Ave., Elmhurst, 111. 2126. CLARENCE EUGENE HOLCOMB (Brother of No. 2127) Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 28, 1882, Oakley, 111.; s. Timothy Osmond (b. 1842, Belleville. 111.) and Clarinda Jane (Smith) Holcomb (b. 1851, Smithton, 111.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Test Dept., G. E. Co., 1904-05: Elec. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 203 Sub-Insp., N. Y. Navy Yard, 1905-09; Drafts- man, Navy Dept., 1909-11; Sub-Insp., Navy Dept. Boston, 1911-13; Salesman, Holtzer Cabot Elec. Co., 1913 — . Married Isabel Mary Osborne, F s, 1916, Galesburg, 111. Child, Timothy Osmond, b. Ag 31, 191 7. Address, 36 Kobinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 2127. •TIMOTHY OSMOND HOLCOMB (Brother of No. 2126) Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 18, 1878. Freeburg, III.; s. T. O. (b. My 19, 1842, 111.) and Clarinda J. (Smith) liolcomb (b. Mr. 29, 1851, III.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Asst. Ed., Illini; Ed., mini. Office of West. Elec. Co., 1904-05; Ac- countant, The Audit Co. of N. Y., 1905; do., C. H. (jeist Co., 1905-06. Died O i, 1910, Denver. 2128. HARRIET HOLDERMAN (SAUNDERS) B. L. S.; b. Morris, 111.; d. John (b. Van- dalia, O.) and Phebe (Patty) Holderman (b. Englewood, O.). Prepared in Morris H. S. ; N. W. Univ. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai. Asst. Cataloger, Pub. Lib., Jack- sonville, 111., 1904-05; Ind. St. Lib., 1905; Asst. John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1905-13. Marriecl Albert James Saunders, Ap 30, 19 13, Morris, 111. Address, 68 Lenox Ave., East Orange, N. J. 2129. EDNA HOPKINS (SLUTES) Publisher; B. L. S.; b. Ja 26, i88o, Cin- cinnati; d. Charles Frederick (b. 1849, St. Louis) and Georgina (Dymond) Hopkins (b. 1854, Surrey, Eng.). Prepared in Woodard H. S., Cincinnati; A. B., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1902. Cataloger, Pub. Lib. of Cincinnati, 1904-05; Loan Desk Asst., Van Wormer Lib., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1905-06; Ref. Libn., do., 1906-07; Publisher, Woman's Home Mission and Children's Home Missions of the Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of the M. E. Church, 1916 — . Married Marrill Clark Slutes, Je 29, 1907, Cincinnati. Child, Helen Elizabeth, b. S 22, 1908. Address, 214 Southern Ave., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati. 2130. RAY LEEKLEY HORR Rancher; B. s! in E. E.; b. Je 27, 1882, Clin- ton, la.; s. Henry Glessner (b. F 8, 1853, Elizabeth, 111.) and Julia Ellen (Leekley) Horr (b. Je 8, 1857, New Digings, Wis.). Prepared in (jalena H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Insp., Chicago Telephone Co., 190405; Tester, do., 1905; Wire Chief, 1905-06; Spec. Insp., 1906; Night Supt. Maintenance, 1906-07; Chief Insp. C. T. Co. & Central Union Telephone Co., 1907-12; Chief Engr., Mont. Land and Farm Products Co., 1912-14; Rancher, Acton, Mont., 1 914 — . Sergt., Co. M., 111. Nat. Guard, 1902- 05. Invented four-party selective ringing cir- cuit (no patent) in use in all Chicago four- party stations, 1908. Auth.: Inspection of Central Office Equipment, Bell Telephone News, No. 3. Mem., (Columbia Yacht Club; 111. Ath. Club; Galena Elks Lodge; Waupanseh Club; A. F. A. M., 1008-17; B. P. O. E., 1905-12. Married Maude Ellen Gregory, N 11, 1908, Ga- lena, 111. Children: Mary Helen, b. O 24, 191 1 ; Thomas Armstrong, b. N 26, 1912; Hen- rietta, b. Ag 27, 1917. Address, Acton, Mont. 2131. RALPH BARNARD HOWE (Brother of Nos. 2702, 3033, 3785, 6323, 9143) Horticulturist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 25, 1882, Chicago; s. Edward G. (b. Ag 11, 1849, Brook- line, Mass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Barnard) Howe (b. F 16, 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Chem. Club. Asst. Pomologist, Univ. of 111., 1904-10; with The W. W. Barnard Seed Co., Chicago, 1910 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 1908-10; Capt. O. M. Section, U. S. R., 1917; do.. Ft. Sam Houston, San Anton- io, Tex.; Ft. Bliss, Tex., 19 18 — . Auth.: Article in ///. Agr., 1903; Power Sprayers, Transac- tions of III. Hort. Soc., pp_. 181-192, Vol. 42, 1908; Results of our Spraying Exps. for 1909, do., pp. 437-456, Vol. 43, 1909; Pruning Grape Vines and Bush Fruits, do., pp. 119-125, Vol. 44, 1910; Circular No. 137, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. — ^Rcsults of our Spraying Experiments; arti- cle in Rep. of HI. St. Farmers Inst. Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Breeders' Assn., 1904; Maj.. United Boys Brigade of Am., 1901 — ; 111. St. Hort. Soc, Life Mem.; 111. St. Hist. .\ssn. Married Blanche Ella Phillips, Ag 10, 1900, West Stockbridge, Mass. Child. Lucretia, b. Je 26, 1910. Address, 9525 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o W. W. Barnard Seed Co., 231-235 W. Madison St., do. 2132. 'CLARISSA LOUISE HOWELL Librarian; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 28, 1881, Beloit, Wis.; d. Edgar Adelmar (b. 1849, Waukesha, Wis.) and Elizabeth Stearns (Bick- nell) Howell (b. 1851, Beloit, Wis.). Pre- pared in Beloit H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Asst. Cataloger, Lib., St. Univ. of la., 1904-5; Ref. Libn., do., 1905-7. Died Mr 1907. 2133. GEORGE WARREN HUNT (Husband of No. 2701) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 8, 1875, Ipava, 111.; s. Hiram (b. F 14, 1818, Albany. N. Y.) and Catherine (McKee) Hunt (b. D 18, 1835, Dublin, Ireland). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Co. Supt. of Schs., Putnam (^o., 1902-10; Sec. to C. E. Stone, Justice of the III. Su- preme Court., 1918 — . Married Ruby Hop- kins ('06), Je 22, 1907, Granville, 111. Chil- dren: Leland Hopkins, b. My 4, 191 1; Marion Eugene, b. N 22. 1916. Address, Peoria; bus. add., Jefferson Bldg., do. 2134. MABEL DOROTHY HUNT (TUTTLE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 7, 1881, near Urbana; d. Leroy (b. Je 7, 1851. Buffalo, N. Y.) and Mary Eliza (White) Hunt (b. S 16, 1854, Detroit). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Der Deutsche Verein; Eng. Club. Teacher, Ur- bana, 1904-7. Married Rev. Warren Walter Tuttle, Ag 21, 1907, Urbana. Children: Don- ald Reuel, b. S 23, 1908; Robert Eugene, b. My 30, 1910. Address, Genesee, Ill.t 2135. CHARLOTTE MAY JACKSON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 30, 1881, Augus- ta, N. Y.; d. William (b. Je 8, 1846, Augusta, N. Y.) and Sarah E. (Kendall) Jackson (b. Je 4, 184s, do.). Prepared in Ithaca H. S. ; Cornell Univ., 1900-2. Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Asst. Cataloger, Bryn Mawr Coll. Lib., 1904-6; Asst. Libn.. East. III. St. Norm. Sch. Lib., Charleston, 111., 1906-12; Reference Libn., Lansing Pub. Lib., Lansing, Mich., 1917 — . Address, Lansing, Mich. 2136. OTTO JANSSEN Architect; B. S.; b. My 23, 1873, Ft. Gib- son, I. T.; s. Jacoo (b. 1835, Ger.) and Mary CWeber) Janssen (b. 1843, Wurtemberg, Ger.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Archs'. Club; Philomathean. Post Master, Clarkdale, Ariz., 1917-18. Mem.. Los Angeles Arch. Club. Married Ellen W. Janssen, Ag 15, 1906. Children: Otto Philip, b. D 2, 1908; Mary Frances, b. Mr 20, 191 1. Address, Box 173, Phoenix, Ariz. 2137. JOHN WILLIAM JONES Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 3, 1879, Virden, 111.; s. William (b. 1853, Monmouthshire, Eng.) and Arminta Jane (Davidson) Jones (b. S 6, 1852, Salem, 111.). Prepared in Virden If. S.; Blackburn Coll. Adelphic. Practicing law, Seattle. Married Elizabeth Wente, Ja 12, 191 5, Manistee, Mich. Ad- dress, 80s White Bldg., Seattle. 204 University ok Il.i.ixois 1 1 004 2138. LUCII.E JOiNES (HOWARD) A. B. in L. &■ A.; b. N 10, i88j, Oglesby, 111.; d. Charles Sumner (b. O ;;, 1856, Chi- cago) and Fannie Martha (Richardsoni Tones (b. O .'8. 1856, Ottawa, 111."). Prepared in Hyde Park II. S.. Chicago. Kanpa Kappa Gamma: Phi Delta Psi; Pres., Y. W. C. A.: Capt., Basket-ball Team. Teacher, Danville, 111., 1906; do., Mattoon, 111., 1007-8; do.. Lane Tech. II. S., Chicago, 1908-11; lived in Paris, France, 1911-14. Mem., Alpine Club of Can., 1910; Sec, Kappa Kappa tSanima. Alumnae Chapter Chicago, 1910-11. Married Ttion Urad- bury Howard, Jl J-', 1911, London, Eng. Chil- dren: Bion Bradbury, b. O .;8, 191 J ; Gor- man Jones, b. F 9, 1914; Donald ITossack, b. O 10, 1916. Address, 5018 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. 2139. WILLIAM GEORGE KAESER (Brother of No. 114.O Mgr., Mfg. Plant: LL. B.; b. N 22, i88-\ Highland, 111.; s. Fritz (h. My 13, 1848, Glarus, Switzerland) and Katherine (.Caindle) Kaeser (b. My 13, 1850, Highland, 111.). Prepared in Highland H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Mgr. 111. Interschol. Mgr., Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. Married Clara Vogt, S 6, 1905, St. Louis. Children: William Vogt, b. jl 18, 1006; Fritz, b. Jl 3, 1910; George Arnold, b. N i, 1915. Address, Greenville, 111. 2140. EDWIN BENJAMIN KARNOPP Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 1881. •Lowell, Wis.; s. William Karnopp. Prepared in Univ. of Mich. Chief Engr., Madeira Ma Maore R. R., S. A. Address. 304 Manaos, Brazil, c/o Madeira Ma Maore R. R.t 2141. CLOYD ELIAS KEITH Business; LL. B.; b. My 30, 1880, Chilli- cothe. 111.; s. Alvin Nelson and Ella Eliza- beth (Turner) Keith. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Bradlev Poly. Inst., 1899-1000. Phi Alpha Delta. Law Practice, ^^ yrs. ; Sales- man, 190S-10; Asst.. Supt., Schaper Bros. Merchandise Co., St. Louis, 1910—. Indi- vidual bowling championship, Peoria, 1905-6; do.. Bus. Men's League, St. Louis, 1911: Winner of Peoria Gun Club gold inedal, Peoria. My 14, 1896. Mem., Creve Coenr Club; Roval Arcanum. Married Grace Ethy- nol Stapp', b. D 2, 1908, Peoria (died Ag 29, 1916). Children: Grace Elizabeth, b. O 15, 1909; Virginia Isabel, b. Ap i8, i9>3- •^''■ dress, 4224 Delmar, St. Louis. 2142. DAVID HENRY KELLY Sales Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 2, 1S83, Steubenville, 0.; s. Thomas (b. My 31, 1854. Tuscumbia, Ala.) and Delia (Cottingham) Kellv (b. .\g 15, 1856, Pittsburgh). Pre- pared in El Paso, Tex., H. S. Electrician. Am. Smelting & Refining Co., 1904-5: Sales Engr.. Allis-Chalmers Co., 1905 — . Address. Farraget Apts., 17th and I Sts., Washington, D. C"; bus. add.. 61 8 Southern Bldg., do. 2143. LE ROY KERSHAW Banking and Land Bus.; LL. B.; b. D 6, 1880. Ehnwood. 111.; s. David R. (b. 1856, Prairie City. 111.) and Jennie M. (Call) Ker- shaw (b. 1861, Huntington, Mass.). I'rc- pared in Elmwood H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Married Trallia M. Kershaw, O 4. i904. Elm- wood, 111. Child, William R., b. Ap 21, 190,-- Address, 1320 Boston Ave., Muskogee, Okla.f 2144. LEILA PAULINE KING (ELDEN ) OVife of No. 2380) B. L. S.; b. S I, iSSi, Stillman Valley, 111.; d. James H. (b. 1832, Worcester, Mass.) and Lucy Lee (Conde) King (b. 1S54, Hawaiian Islands). Prepared in Rockfoid H. S. 2145. HARRY BEU'I K \.\I KlKCllKK Mercliant; B. S. in E. E. ; b. .\g 1, 1881; s. Henry .-V. and Bertha (Kngelniann) Kirchei. Prepared in Belleville H. S.; Smith .Xcad. Sigma Alpha Epsiloff; E. K. Soe. I. T. S., n)05: Supt.. Belleville (ias & Elec. Co., 1905- 9; Sec. and Treas., Kircher iS: Son (Hard- ware), 1909-1 8; Treas., J. C. Born Mach. & Foundry Co., Belleville, 111., 1918 — . Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Am. Gas lust.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Mar- ried Alice Aj-re, Ag i, 1905. L'rbana. Children: Marjorie Alice, b. Jl 10, 1906; Bertha Engel- niann, b. Jl 31, 1909; Alice Harriet, b. Ja 22, 1911. Address. 9 Kircher Place, Belleville, 111.; bus. add., 600 Lebanon Ave., do. 2146. *NOAII KNAPP Teacher; -V. B. in L. & A.; h. Te 15, 1877, Edinburg, liid. ; s. Andrew Clark (b. 1850, Middlebourne, W. Va.) and Sarah Jane (Williamson) Knapp (b. 1852, near South Bend, Ind.). Prepared in Areola H. S. Adelphic, Pres.; Math. Club, Pres.; Pi Theta; 111. -Ind. Debatnig Team; Adelphic; Mgr.. Star Lecture Course. Taught in Oak Park II. S. Died Jl 15, 1909, Hindsboro, 111. 2147. FRANK HAMILTON KNEELAND Editor; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 17, 1879. Dwight, 111.; s. Erastus Hamilton (b. 1831, Watertown, N. Y.) and Diana (Gallup) Kneeland (b. 1841, Sterling, Conn.). Pre- pared in Dwight H. S.; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt. City Engr., Dwight, 111., 1904; Asst. Foreman on Const. Detroit Edison Plant, 1904; Erec- tion Engr., The Sterling Co., 1904-06; Mech. Supt., Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Bell Island, Newfoundland, 1006-08; Mech. Engr., U. S. C. & C. Co., Gary, W. Va., 1909; Assoc. Ed., Coal Age, 1912. Pvt., Co. F, 3d Inf., 111. Volunteer, Puerto Ricau Campaign, i898-9p. Auth.: Some Experience with the Pilot Tube on High and Low Air \'elocities. Jour, of A. S. M. E., \'o\. 33. JNIarried Lot- tie Jeanette Shaw, S 9, 1909, Champaign. Children: Ellsworth Hamilton, b. Ag 20, 1910; Warren Roy, b. D 11, 1915. Address, 322 Beech St., Arlington, N. J.; bus. add., c/o Coal .-}gf, 10th Ave. and 36th St., New York City. 2148. MARTHA CAROLINE KOEHN (HUBBARD) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 2, 1880, Flatow, West Prussia, Ger. ; d. Otto (b. 1S39, do.) and Testina (Esliner) Koohn (b. 1843). Prepared m Menominee II. S. Watcheka; Y. W. C. A.; Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher. Math, and Ger., H. S.. :Marion, 111. Married Fred C. Hubbard, Ag 7, 1905, Chicago. Children: Robert Koehn. b. D 6, 1906; Linus Otto, b. 1a 20, 1908; Ralph Charles, b. D 28, igoo; David Fred, b. D 7, 1914; Beth Helen, b. D 7, 1914 (died la 7, 1915); Joseph Everett, b. F 7, 1917. Address, 203 INIich. Ave., Urbana. 2149. HENRY KREISINGER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1906; b. F 17, 1S76, Radnice, Bohemia; s. Emanuel and Maria (Milota) Kreisinger. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago, and Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; M. E. Soc. Engr. in Fuel Testing Plant of V. S. iGeol. Sur. and Bur. of Mines, 1904- 10; Fuel Engr., Clinchlield Fuel Co,, Spartan- burg, S. C, 1910-13; Engr., U. S. Bur. of Mines, Pittsburgh, 1913 — . Auth.: Signifi- cance of Drafts in Steam Boiler Practice (joint auth.). U. S. Ccol. Sur. Bui. Xo. 367; Com igo4] Baccalaureate Alumni 205 parative Tests of Run of Mine and Briquetted Coal on Torpedo Boat Biddle, do.. No. 403; Tests of Run of Mine and Briquetted Coal in a Locomotive Boiler, do.. No. 412; N. Dak. r, ignite as a Fuel for Power Plant Boilers, do.. No. 2; The Flow of Heat Througli Furnace Walls, do.. No. S; The Nature of True Boiler Efficiency, Jour of West. Soc. of Engrs., 1907; Bui. published by Bur. of Mines, Heat Transmission into Steam Boilers; Steam in Tests of Coal and Related Investigations; Hand Firing Soft Coals under Power Plant Boilers; Sampling and Analyzing Flue Gases; Heat Transmission Through Boiler Tubes; Com- bustion in Fuel Beds of Hand Fired Furnaces; Combustion of Coal and Furnace Design; Meas- uring Temperature of Gases in Boiler Settings; Five Ways of Saving Fuel in Heating Houses; Combustion in Fuel Beds at Low Rates; Ar- ticles in Tcchnograph, Jour, of West. Soc. of Engrs., Mfg. Record, Jour. A. S. M. E., and Brick and Clay Record. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs., 1907-15"; A. S. M. E.; A. A. A. S.; Pittsburgh Acad, of So. and Art. Married Ella Martha Zaloudek, My 6, 1905. Children: Robert Henry, b. Ap 28, 1906; Helen Cath- erine, b. N 26, igoo; Elizabeth Caroline, b. D 3, 1910. Address, 830 Jancy St., Pittsburgh; hus. add., U. S. Bur. of Mines, do. 2150. JOHN FELIX KYTE Real Est. Bus.; LL. B. ; b. S s, 1875, Milan, III.; s. Charles Eldred Cb. O i, 1839. Eldred, N. Y.) and Sarah Viola (Crouch) Kyte (b. D 7, 1845, Milan, 111.). Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Adelphic. Real Est. Bus. Married Inez Stoner, N 3, 1006, Paxton, 111. Address, },2.7 S. Market St., Paxton, Ill.t 2151. LEONARD JOHN LEASE Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 15, 1879, Nokomis, 111.; s. Jacob H. (b. Annapolis, O.) and Athalinda (Whitmore) Lease (b. Pleasant Valley, O.). Prepared in Nokomis H. S. ; Car- thage Coll. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Meter Insp. and Tester, Allegheny Co. Light Co., Pittsburgh, 1904-05; Electrician, St. Joseoh Ry. Light, Heat & Power Co., 1905-06; Elec. Drafts- man, West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1906-07; Elec. Draftsman, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 1907-10; Elec. Engr., Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Alil- waukee, 1910-17; Dist. Sales Mgr., Allen Brad- ley Co., do.. 191 7 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; Assoc, mem.. Iron and Steel Elec. Engrs. Married Winnibelle Lacy, My 24, 1904, Ur- bana. Children: James Wilfred, b. O 13, 1905; Mildred Dorothy, b. D 13, 1906. Address, 705 May Bldg., Pittsburgh. 2152. JAE ERNEST LEAVERTON Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 3, 1878, Leavenworth, Kan.; s. John and Anna Leaverton (b. F 8, 1849, near Logansport, Ind.). Prepared in l^niv. Acad. Lawyer, Grand Junction, Colo. Auth.: The Call of the West, Denver, 191 7; In the Valley of the Grand (verse and prose), 56 pp., Tapley & Co., 1917; In the Gar- den of tiie Heart, 260 pp., in press; also various poems and stories. Mem., Christian Church. Married Daisy Deane Runyan, N 15, 1904, Grand Junction, Colo. Children: Dorothea, b. Ta 26, 1906; Charles Runyan, b. O 28, 1908; Jae Ernest, Jr., b. Ag 7, 1910 (died Je 7, 191 1); Jane Esther, b. My 26, 1913. Ad- dress; 754 Gunnison Ave., Grand Junction, (.'olo. ; bus. add., 535 Main St., do. 2153. ERNEST RICHARD LEVERTON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 17, 1878, Warren, 111.; s. Moses Richard (b. Mr 23, 1848, Castletown, Del.) and Dora (Neusus) Leverton (b. D 26, 1856, Cassel, Ger.). Pre- pared in Warren Acad. M. E. Soc: E. E. Soc. Sales Engr., 1904-5; Supt. Flour Mills, Pills- bury & Co., Minneapolis, 1905-9; Sales M^'r. 1909-12; Bldg. bus., Calgary, Alberta, 19' 2—- Pres. 111. Alumni Assn. of Minneapo- lis and St. Paul, 1911-12. Married Helen Ruth Mandeville, O 10, 1905, Champaign. Children: Martha Carolyn, b. Jl 13. 1906; Ruth Mandeville, b. Mr 23, 1908. Addrc.<:s, Box 14, Calgary, Alberta. t 2154. FRANK MERRILL LINDSAY Publisher; LL. B.; b. N 9, 1879, Decatur, 111.; s. John (b. F 11, 1835, Bethesda, Tenn.) and Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay (b. S 15, 1835, Frankfort, Ky.). Prepared in Decatur H. .S. Delta Tau Delta; Track Team. Admitted to Okla. bar, 1905; Sec, Okla. Boiler & Mfg. Co.; Advertising Mgr., Review Pub. Co., 1907- 12; Mgr., Decatur Herald. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Pres., Decatur Assn., Commerce, 1917-18. Married Vivian Simpson O 7, 1908, Decatur, 111. Child, Frank Merrill. Jr., b. Ja 3, 191Q. Address, 346 W. William St., Decatur, 111. 2155. ALBERT EDWIN LOGEMAN (Brother of No. 3078) Utility Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 29, 1880, Lake View, Chicago; s. John (b. 1840, Ger.) and Mary (Dorr) Logeman (b. 1842, near Watertown, N. Y.). Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. Built and operated Saw Mill, 1906-14; Mgr., Water Utility and Pvt. Gen. Const., 1914- 18; Sec. and Gen. Mgr., People's Water, Light, and Power Co.; Mem., Co. Bd., 1914; Bd. of Educ, 1909-18; Pres., do., 1916-18; Cml. Club of Mellen; Loyalty Legion of Wis., Mellcn. Married Mary Emma Newman, Je 27, 1905, Elgin, 111. Children: Elspeth Louise, b. Ag 9, 1906; Margaret Balch, b. Jl 25, 1909. Ad- dress, Mellen, Wis. 2156. FREDERICK EDWIN LOOSLEY Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 28, 1879, Rock Island, 111.; s. George Marvin (b. Ap 1, 1856, Beardstown, 111.) and Elizabeth (Plum- mer) Loosley (b. Ja 8, 1853, Greenville, Pa.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc. C. R. I. & P. s' ops. East Moline. 111.. 1904-05; Williams, White & Co., Moline, 1905 — . Mem., Moline Club; Sons of Veter- ans; Congr. Church. Address, 4430 5th Ave., Moline, 111. 2157. LEILA S.ARA LOVE (BROWN) Secretary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 18, 1881. LaPorte, Ind.; d. Isaac A. (b. Scotland) and Ella C. (Humphrey) Love (b. O.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Ex. Sec, Yonkers Com. on Prevention of Tuber- culosis, Yonkers, N. Y. Red Cross Service, France. Married Frederick Gage Brown, S 6, 1906, St. Louis (died 191 1). Address, 38 Pali- sade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 2158. RENA AVIS LUCAS (WHITSITT) (Wife of No. 2001) Librarian; B. L. S.; A. B., 1905; b. Jl 26, 1879; d. William E. (b. F 27, 1851, Rushville, Ind.) and Leonora B. (Day) Lucas (b. Ap 6, 1856, Minneapolis). Prepared in Duluth (Minn.) H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1900-2. Alpha Phi: Phi Delta Psi; Dramatic Club. Asst., Cataloging Dept., Minneapolis Pub. Lib., 1905- 6. Married Hammond William Whitsitt ('03), Ag 15. 1907, Vevey, Switzerland. .4ddress, 805 20th Ave., East Moline, Ill.t 2159. JOHN JAMES McCarthy Teacher; B. L. S.; b. F 17, 1882, Chicago; s. Alexander J. (b. Andover, Mass.) and Jane (Bell) McCarthy (h. near Chicago). Prepared in Lakeview H. S., Chicago. English Club. Teacher, South Barrington, 111., 1904-S; Melrose Park, III., 1905-7; Chicago Schs., 1907-8; Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago, 1908 — . Married Leora Jaquish, I) 26, 1908, Fairdalc, 111. Address, "744 Belmont Ave., Chicago. 2o6 University of Illinois [1904 2160. JOHN Mccarty Live Stock Raising; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 8, 1880, Filson, 111.; s. Francis Asbury (b. Ap 23, 1837, Catherine, N. Y.) and Emma Carolyn (Young) McCarty (b. My 22, 1S53). Pre- pared in Tuscola H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Josia Ellen Kaga, Ag 16, 1908, Filson, 111. Children: John Wesley, b. N 13, 1909; Mary Josephine, b. N 13, 191 1 ; Laura Carolyn, b. O 2, 1913. Ad- dress, R. I, Areola, III. 2161. ELIZABETH DELILAH McCLURE (BICKET) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1882, Danvers, 111.; d. Marion Lee (b. D 6, i8=;4, do.) and Susan Arabella (Stephenson) McClure (b. Ag 9, 1857, Martinsburg. O.). Prepared in Bloom- ington H. S.; la. St. Coll., 1901-2; B. S.. 111. Wesleyan, 1903. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mar- ried Hiram Sibley Bicket, Je 3, 191 1, Bloom- ington, 111. Children: Marion McClure, b. Mr 10, 1912; Ellenar, b. S 15, 1913; James H., b. Ag 9, 1915. Address, 71 Beverly Rd., Kew Gardens, Long Island, N. Y. 2162. ISABELLA JANE McCULLOCH Librarian; B. L. S.;.b. D 26, 1866, Janesville, Wis.; d. John (b. N 24, 1812, Morayshire, Scotland) and Margaret (Frew) McCulloch (b. Jl 12, 1832, Sligo, Ireland). Prepared in Tanes- ville H. b.; B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1897. (Organ- izing the Lib., Wis. Sch. for the Blind, Janes- ville, 1904; Asst. in Cataloging, Univ. of Wis. Lib., 1904 — . Address, 1520 Mineral Pt. Ave., Janesville, Wis. 2163. JOHN FRED IMcCULLOUGH Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 12, 1882, Centralia, 111.; s. John Thomas (b. D 12. 1853. Irvington, 111.) and Lydia Margaret (Rvan) McCullough (b. S 13. 1857, Centralia, 111.). Prepared in Centralia H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Supt., Fred J. Postel & Co., Consulting Engrs. ; Mgr., Central Sta., do., Gibson City. 111.; Asst. St. Supervising Engr. Married Aii- guste Guengerich, O 17, 1914, Gibson City, 111. Address, 4302 Berteau Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1404 Kimball Bldg., 25 E. Jackson Blvd., do. 2164. WILLIAM ASH WAY McCULLY (Brother of Nos. 1731, 2747) Gen. Contractor; B. S. in C. E. : b. .^p 26, 1882, Scotland, S. Dak.; s. John D. Daniels (b. Baltimore, Md.) and Jennie B. (Aslnvav) Mc- Cully (b. Mt. Carroll, 111.). Prepared "in Mt. Carroll H. S.; Carthage Coll. Prep. Sch.; Car- thage Coll., 1898-1901. Engrs. Club; Y. M. C. A. Instrumentman, Je-S, 1904; Resident Engr., 1904-5; Asst. Engr., Central 111. Const. Co., 1905-6; Locating Engr., 111. T. S., 1906-S: Chief Engr., Cent. Ry. Co. of la., 1908-10; R. R. and Gen. Contracting, Porter McCully Const. Co., 1 910 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Nina ^larea Dyer, Ap 25, 1907. Address, Mackinaw, Ill.f 2165. MARY ELIZABETH McILHENNY Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. F 17, 1870, Dodds- ville, 111.; d. Robert Crawford (b. D 20. 1824. .Adams Co., Pa.) and Harriet Miller (McCov) Mcllhenny (b. N 10, 1S3S, Richland Co., O.'). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Grad. stud, in Ger., Univ. of Mich., 1909-10. Teacher, H. S., Gir- ard, 111., 1904-5; do. and Asst. Prin., H. S., Minonk. 111.. 190J-9; Teacher, H. S.. St. Johns, Mich., 1910-15; Eastern H. S., Bay City, Mich., 1915-18. Address, Macomb, 111.; bus. add., Eastern High School, Bay City, Mich. 2166. 'GEORGE HARVEY McKINLEY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 4, 1881, Moline, 111.; s. George Harvey (b. 1856, Moline, 111.) and Hester Ann (Ferris) McKinley (b. 1856, Can.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Football team. Practiced law. Mem., Rock Island Co. Bar. Assn. Died N 19, 1911, San Bernardino, Calif. 2167. WILLIAM ASBURY McKNIGHT Life Ins.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. S 18, 1877, Ingraham, 111.; s. Austin Roger (b. Ag 17, 1S52, do.) and Amanda M. (Turner) Mc- Knight (b. F 29, 1856, Bridgeport, 111.). Pre- pared in Olney H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Varsity football; Pres. Jr. Class. St. Stud. Sec, 1904-7; Bldg. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Univ of 111., 1907-8; Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Univ. of 111., 190S-12; In- ternat. Com., Y. M. C. A., Montevideo, Ura- guay, 1912-15; Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.. 1915-18; W'ith Am. Internat. Ship Bldg. Corp., Hog Island, Pa., 191S — . 111. Nat. Guard, 1896-8; U. S. Volunteer Army. 4th 111., 1898-9; 2nd. Lt. Co. L.. 111. Nat. Guard (in command of Co.), 1899-1900; Bn. Adjt., 4th 111. Nat. Guard, 1900-5. Married Mabel H. Haight, Jl 27, 1904, Meriden, 111. Children: William Asbury, Jr., b. Ja 21, 1906; Mary, b. O 4, 1909 (died O 29, 1909). Address, 12 Church Road, Ardmore, Pa.; bus. add., 245 Main Administration Bldg., Hog Island, Pa. 2168. NEIL McMillan, jr. Dir. of Const., Y. M. C. A.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 3, 1878, Glasgow, Scotland; s. Neil (b. Je 22, 1844, do.) and Jane (McLay) McMil- lan (b. i8';2, do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; .\rch. Club; Col. Univ. Regt.; Instr. in Mil. Sc. Sec Univ. of III. Y. M. C. A., 1904-6; Traveling sec. for Internat. Com. of Y. M. C. A., 1906-10; Sec. for bus. adm., stud. dept. In- ternat. Com., Y. M. C. A., 1910-14; Purchas- ing Agt., foreign dept., Y. M. C. A.. 1914-15; Dir. Bldg. Bur., Internat. Com., Y. M. C. A., 1915-17; Dir. of Const., Nat. War Work Coun- cil, Y. M. C. A., 1917 — . Auth.: The Faculty Man and Stud. Bible Study, The Intercolle- gian, iqoS; The Organization of the Bible Study Dept., Report of Lake Forest Y. M. C. A. See's, conference, 191 1; Am's. Experience in Stud. Y. M. C. A. Bldgs.. The Student World, 1917. Mem., Assn. of Employed officers Y. M. C. A. of Am.; Montclair Ath. Club. Married Florence Beatrice Cornell, Jl 12, 1906, Chicago. Child, Franklin Hall, b. P 7, 1913. Address, 4 Hawthorne Place, Montclair, N. J.; bus. add., 347 Madison Ave., New York City. 2169. MAUD MANGAS (HAGANS) (Sister of No. 3473) China Painter; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 20, 1881, Hartsburg, 111.; d. Samuel (b. Union City, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Hopkins) Mangas (b. Loogootee, Ind.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. B. M., Lincoln Coll., 1902. Married Dr. Francis Marion Hagans, Je 1906, Lincoln. 111. Children: Maud Elizabeth, b. O 10, 1907 (died. My 6, 1909); Frances Marian, b. Ap 18, 1910; son. b. Ja 9, 1913. Address, 400 Broadway, Lincoln, Ill.f 2170. CHARLES JUDSON MANN (Son of No. 108; Brother of No. 3861) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 2, 1879, Oilman, 111.; s. Frank Irving ('76). (b. My 8, 1854, Marshall Co.. 111.) and Fannie (Judson) Mann. Prepared in Oilman H. S.; Eureka Coll., 1S99-1901. Alpha Zeta. Auth.: Soil Re- ports for Putnam Co.; Bates Co.; Atchison Co.: Mo. Lincoln Parish; Concordia Parish; Iberia Parish; E. Feliciana Parish, La. Bed- ford Co., Pa. Married Pearl Wild, N 30, 1905- Children: Virginia B., b. N 12, 1910; Rich ard, b. Ap 21, 1913: Martha, b. N 3. igiS- Address, Princeton, 111. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 207 2 1 71. PEARLE MANSPEAKER (Sister of Nos. 3863, 5295) Bookkeener; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 16 1878, Champaign, 111.; d. Lewis (b. N 27 1853, Bedford Springs, Pa.) and Emma (Gru ver) Manspeaker (b. N 29, 1859, Lafayette Ind.). Prenared in Champaign H. S. Eng, Club; Le Cercle Francais; Final Honors. Ad dress, 201 W. University Ave., Champaign. 2172. ELVIRA ELLEN MARK (PORTER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 22, 1874, Decatur, 111.; d. John Calhoun (b. D 12, 1849, Lebanon, Pa.) and Almira (Pugh) Mark (b. Mr 23, 1851, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; 111. St. Nor. Univ., 1898-9, 1900-1. Eng. and German Clubs; Watcheka; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught history in Oxford Coll., O., 1904-5; Eng., St. Nor., Albion, Ida., 1906-7; Hist., St. Norm., Oshkosh, Wis., 1907-8. Married James Bowman Porter, Je 24, 1908. Child, Bow- man Mark, b. Ap 7, 1909. Address, 20 8th St., S. E., Washington, D. C.t 2173. *GEORGE REQUA MARSH Farmer; B. S.; b. Je 22, 1879, Brookfield, 111.: s. John James (b. S 1839, Brookfield, 111.) and Mary (Hickling) Marsh (b. N 10, 1848, Great Grimsby, Eng.). Prepared in Mar- seilles H. S. Died Ja 28, 1919, Kenosha, Wis. 2174. THOMAS ALFRED MARSH Chief Engr.; B. S. in M. E., 1909; b. Ag :, 1882, London, Eng.; s. Thomas (b. 1844, Lon- don) and Harriet Mary (Garth) Marsh (b. 1843, do.). Prepared in Roodhouse, Loda and Paxton H. Schs. M. E. Soc: Y. M. C. A. Engng. Dept., Altman & Taylor Co., Mansfield, O., 1904-5; M. E. for Hydraulic Press Mfg. Co., Mt. Gilead, O., 1905-6; In- specting Engr., Green Engng. Co., Chicago, 1906-13; Cnief Engr., Green Engng. Co., 1913— . Auth.: Design of Thick Cyclinders, Machinery Mag.; numerous articles in Power, Engr., etc. Mem. A. S. M. E. ; Hon. mem. Nat. Assn. Stationary Engrs. ; Engng Club of Chicago; A F. A. M.; Congr. Church; Mar- ried Grace M. Cramer, Ag 28, 1912, Chicago. Children: Grace Elizabeth, b. Ap 29, 1915; Ruth Mary, b. O 18, 191 7. Address. 6739 Cor- nell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 14 E. Tackson St., do. 2175. MYRA MATHER (Sister of Nos. 975, 1375) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1905; b. Jl 7, 1881, Newton, Co., Ind.; d. Jonathan (b. O 5, 1849, Essex Co., N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Sprague) Mather (b. S 12, 1848, Will Co., 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; stud. Ber- lin Univ., 1909. Alethenai; Kappa Alpha Tketa; Phi Beta Kappa; Y. W. C. A., Treas. and Sec. Taught in Clinton, 111., 1905-7; taught in Joliet, 111., 1907-8: 1909 — . Address, 310 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. 2176. GEORGE JOHN MAUTZ Physician; A. B. in Sc. : b. Ja 31, :88o, Pana, 111.; s. Tohn F (b. Ap 3, 1840, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Matilda (Kull) Mautz (b. N 29, 1848, Sugar Grove, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; M. D., Coll. of P. & S., Chicago, 1917; Diploma from West Side Hosp. and 111. Post. Grad. Med. Sch., 1908. ist Lt., Med. Corps, Hoboken, N. J.; do., Allentown, Pa.; Mustered out, D 1918. Mem., Alpha Omicron Alpha; A. M. A. Address, Illinois Hotel, Springfield, 111.; bus. add., Leland Ofifice Bldg., do. 2177. CLARENCE EUGENE MEAD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 13, 1881, Minden Mines, Mo.; s. Hugh Albert (b. Chilli- cothe, 111.) and Eva May (Gowdy) Mead (b. Lacon, 111.). Prepared in Chillicothe M. S. M. K. and E. E. Soc; Glee and Mandolin Chib; Leader, Mandolin Club. Electrician, Edison Co., Chicago; do.. Armour & Co.; Draftsman, West. Elec. Co., Chicago; Chief Draftsman, Bliss Co., Milwaukee; Asst. Engr., U. S. Light & Power Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Works Mgr., Gen. Optical Co., Mount Vernon, N. Y. ; Production Mgr., Electro-Dynamic Co., Bay- onne, N. J. Mem.^ A. I. E. E.; Assn. of Ry. Elec. Engrs. Married Lillian Hultgren, My 15, 1904. Children: ^lildred, b. Ja 3, 1905; Hugh, b. My 17, 1907; Paul, b. Ja 13, 1909. Address, -'66 East 2nd Ave., Roselle, N. J. 2178. WILLIAM ANTHONY MEDILL Dairy Farmer; LL. B.; b. F 12, 1879, Rock Island, 111.; s. Alexander (b. 1853, Rock Island Co., 111.) and Anna M. (Smith) Medill (b. 1855, Pa.). Prepared in Milan H. S.; Rock Island H. S. Adelphic: Theta Kappa Nu; Phi Delta Phi; Pol. Sc. Club; Van Twiller Court: Adel- phic-Philo Debate. Practicing law, Kansas City, Mo.; Farming and dairying, 1914 — . Mar- ried Margaret V. Squier, Ap 18. 1908, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Margaret Squier, b. My 7, 1910: Sarah Louise, b. S 4, 1912. Address, Lawrence, Kan. 2179. IVA ESTHER MERCER (ILABER- MEYER) (Wife of No. 1883) A. P.. in L. & A.; b. Jl 29, 1875, near Carter, IlL; d. Silas (b. D 10, 1821, Ky.) and Caroline (Gaston) Mercer (b. O 5, 1831, near Salem, 111.). Prepared in Southern 111. Norm.; Minne- a])olis Acad., Minneapolis. Y. W. C. A.; Charier mem., Illiola. Prin., Colfax H. S., 1904-5. .\uth.: Articles, Letters from a Young Attorney, ///. Mag.. N 1903; The Literary Student in Household Science (with Miss Stookey), do., PP- 59i-3> 1904. Married George Conrad Hab- ermeyer ('03), N 14. 1905, Champaign. Ad- dress, 1 103 Euclid St., Champaign.t 2180. FRED CHARLES MILLER A. B.; b. F 28, 1879, Peoria: s. Frank J. (b. Mr 9, 1850) and Franziska (Streibich) !Miller (b. F 15, 1853). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Kappa Sigma: Arch. Club; Glee and Mandolin Club; Baseball team; Track team. Married Alice W. Yingst, O 17, 1904, Peoria. .4ddress. 1023 N. Adams St.. Peoria; bus. add., 530 S. Washington St., do. 2181. 'FLOYD EARL MILLS (Brother of Nos. 3878, 7809) B. S. in C. E.; b. Te s, 1883, McNabb. 111.; s. Willis B. (b. McNabb, 111.) and ]Martha E. (Benjamin) Mills (b. Bloomington, III.). Tau Beta Pi; Scholarship; Band. Instr. in Civ. Eng.,' Mich. Agr. Coll., 1904-^; Chicago Park Comn.; I. C. R. R.; Pacific R. R. Co.; Great Northern R. R. Co.: Chief Engr., Seattle Bos- ton Copper Co.: Locating Engr., Harriman R. R., 1910; Supt. Butler Const. Co., igio-i8. Mem.. Society of Friends; Seattle Athletic Club. Married Ruth Inez Watson, Jl i, 191 1, Seattle. Died Mr 16, 1918, Seattle. 2182. AARON W. MINER (Brother of Nos. 3114. 43i3. SSm) County Agt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 13, 1882, McDonough Co., 111.; s. Timothy Glraham (b. Je 27, 1837, Fulton Co., 111.) and Harriet (Rus- sel) Miner (b. Ag 28, 1846, McDonough Co.. 111.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Agr. Club: Adelphic: Alpha Zeta; Ed. III. Agr. County Agt., Fulton Co., 1909 — . Dir., 14th Cong. Dist., 111. Farmers' Inst., 1907-9. Married Inez McClenahan. Ag 17, 1910, Manhattan, 111. CThildren: Timothy Graham, b. Jl 23, 191 1: Wendell Edward, h. S 29, 1916. Address. Adair. Til.; b}(s. add., c/o Fulton Co., Canton. 111. 2o8 University of Illinois I1904 2183. WILLIAM ANDERSON MISKIMEN Sec, Canning Co.; B. S. in M. E., 1904; b. Jl 15, 1882, Hoopeston, 111.; s. Richard Taylor and Cecelia (Anderson) Miskimen. Prepared in Hoopeston H. S.; Mich. Military Acad. Sigma Chi. Draftsman, 8 mo.; Apprentice, 3 mo. ; Salesman, 4 yrs. ; Gen. Employe, i yr. ; Sec, The 111. Canning Co., Hoopeston, 1910 — . 32d degree Mason. Married Madge Everett Brown, Je 20, 1906, Evanston, 111. Children: Brownie McKee, b. Ap 4, 1910; Richard Tay- lor, b. My 26, 1911. Address, Hoopeston, Ill.t 2184- MARTHA EDITFI MOLES (FAIRCHILD) B. L. S.; b. F 15, 1877, Alexandria, Minn.; d. William Stephenson (b. Ap 26, 1834, Cock- ermouth, Eng.) and Martha (Snetting) Moles (b. Mr 27, 1844, Bergen, Norway). Prepared in Pomona, Calif., H. S.; Pomona Coll. Prep. Sch.; A. B., Pomona Coll., 1901. Y. W. C. A. Lib. Cataloger, 1904-5. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Dr. James Henry Fairchild, F 23, 1906, Gervais, Ore. Children: .iiartha Eliza- beth, b. F 18, 1907; James Moles, b. O 11, 1909. Address, 1520 S. Church St., Salem, Ore. 2185. JENNIE ERMA MOORE (BINDER) B. L. S.; b. O 16, 1881, Vanlue, O.; d. George Washington (b. 1847, Vanlue, O.) and Huldah (Bright) Moore (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Mrs. Mathews' Sch. for (3irls, Painesville, O. ; Lake Erie Coll., 1898-1902. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Lib. work, Pekin, 111., 1904; Coun- cil Bluffs, la., 190S-7; Columbus, O., St. Lib., 1907-9. Married Frank Hewson Binder. 1909, Vanlue, O. Address, 122 5th Ave., Council Bluffs, la.t 2186. CHARLES MYERS MORRIS Gen. Sales Mgr. ; LL. B. ; b. Je 14, 1869, Rantoul, 111.; s. Henry Merritt (b. O 12, 1846, Elgin, 111.) and Harriet (Myers) Morris (b. O 13, 1845, Troy, N. Y.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S.; Dixon Norm. Sch. Law; Right of Way and Real Est.; Gen. Sales Mgr., F. L. Bills & Co., Everglades, Fla. Married Mary Lindsey, N 27, 1890. Children: Claude M., b. O 27, 1891; K. G., b. My 20, 1893; Wendland, b. Jl 29, 1903. Address, Kilbourn, Wis.t 2187. NELSON CASE MORROW (Son of No. 27) Physician; B. S. in Sc; M. D., 1905; b. N 6, 1879, Tonganoxie, Kan.; s. Andrew T. ('73) (b. Ag 2, 1845, Grant Co., Ind.) and Harriet Mercy (Case) Morrow (b. Je 8, 1842, Wyo. Co., Pa.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Interne, St. Mary's Hosp., 1906 — ; Capt., M. R. C, U. S. A., Base Hosp. Unit No 11. Auth. : The Technic of Skin Grafting, Jour. of the Kan. Med. Soc, 1909; Salvarson, 1911; Varicose Veins, 1911. Mem., Cook Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc, A. M. A. INLarried Grace Todd, Ja i, 190S, Manchester. la. Child, Majorie Harriett, b. O 31, 1910. Address, 4801 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. 2188. HENRY CHILDS MORSE Sales Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 21. 1879, Chandlerville, 111.; s. John Childs (b. Peoria, 111.) and Lucy (Read) Morse (b. Chandlerville, 111.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. ; Knox Coll., Beta Theta Pi. Supt. of Const., Fred Bed- dell, 1904-s; Draftsman and Designer, Purdy & Henderson, 1905-7; Salesman, John Lucas & C)o., 1907-14; V. P. and Sales Mgr., South- west Mfg. Co., 1914— . Auth.: Special arti- cles for Philadelphia Made Hardzvarc. Mem. Presby. Church. Married Nell Wolff, O 4. 1 90s, Aledo, 111. Child, Frances Louise, b. My 18. 1913. Address, 3145 W. 20th St., Okla- homa Citv,'Okla.; bus. add., 1728-36 W. Main St., do. 2189. JACOB WILLIAM MUELLER Sec, Stove and Range Co.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 16, 1878, Shiloh Valley, 111.; s. Solomon (b. Mr 6, 1836, Neuhoff, Rhein Pfalz, Ger.) and Mary (Moser) Mueller (b. Jl 26, 1852, St. Clair Co., 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Designer and Draftsman, Am. Steel and Wire Co., Waukegan, 111.; Esti- mator, Peters, Eichler Heating Co., St. Louis, 1906; Draftsman, Am. Brake Co., do., 1909; Sec, Orbon Stove and Range Co., Belleville, 111., 1911 — . Married Je 26, 1912. Address, 605 E. "C" St., Belleville, Ill.t 2190. FREDERICK LEWIS MUHL Instructor; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 3, 1880, Bloomington, 111.; s. Frederick Charles, b. N 26, 1846, Tielber, Prussia) and Johanna Muhl, (b. Ag 14, 1 85 1, Prussia). Prepared in Bloom- ington II. S. Varsity Football; Varsity Track. Draftsman, 1904; Const. Supt., 1905-10; Dir. of Ath., Instr. in Acad., 111. VVesleyan L^niv., 1911-12. A. F. A. M. Married Ambel C. John- son, Ap II, 1906. Children: Madalen, b. Jl 31, 1907; Fred Lewis, b. D 21, 1909; Richard August, b. Ag II, 1910. Address, m E. Wil- low St., Normal, Ill.t 2191. ANDREW PEDRE MUNSEN Paving Contractor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je iS, 1878, Vitred, Denmark; s. Mogens (b. Je 28, 1S36, Vitred, do.) and Anna Marie (Neilson) Munscn (b. O 4, 1840,^ Testrup, do.). Pre- pared in Henry H. S. Concrete Insp., 1904-5; Office Draftsman, 1905-6; Asst. Supt., Concrete Constr., 1906-7; Supt. Stone Mill, 1907-8; Con- crete Foreman, 190S-9; Asst. Engr., Ry. Const., 1909-12; Asst. Engr. Charge of Maintenance of Way and Const. Ry., 1912-14. Bridge paving and road contracting, 1914 — . Auth.: Articles read before Asst. Engr. meetings of the C. M. & St. P. Ry. Married Susan Eliza- beth Munsen, Ap 30, 1906, Catlettsburg, Ky. Children: Mary Virginia, b. Ap 27, 1907; John Robert, b. Mr 17, 1917. Address, 1185 4lh Ave., Marion, la. 2192. HOWARD BRUCE MURPHEY Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 1 8, 1880, Champaign; s. John Thompson (b. Je 13, 18^3, Coshocton, O.) and Alpha (Rhoten) Murphey (b. Jl 4, 1S61, Brown Co., O.). Pre- pared in Farmer City H. S. Transitman, Brighton Park Track Elevated, 1903; Drafts- man, Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, 1904; In- str., Descriptive Geometry and Mechanism, Univ. of Mich., 1904-06; Draftsman, Chicago Bridge &■ Iron Works, summer, 1905; do., 1906-0S; Contracting Engr., do., 1908-10; Con- tracting Engr. and Mgr., Southwestern office of Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Dallas, Tex., 1910 — . Married Bertha Gladden, D 27, 1904, Urbana. Children: John Kenneth, b. Ag 5, 1907; Mildred, b. Ja 13, 1912. Address, 3709 Maplewood Ave., Dallas, Tex.; bus. add., Praetorian Bldg., do. 2193. HELEN ANDROMACHE NAYLOR (ARMSTRONG) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mason City, 111. ; d. Ulysses (b. D 2, 1827, Columbia, Ky.) and Emma Ann (Bowdon) Naylor (b. N 6, 1852, McMinville, Tenn.). Prepared in Mason City H. S.; Mo. Valley Coll., Marshall, Mo. Ale- thenai; Y. W. C. A.; Der Deutsche Verein; Chi Omega. Asst. Prin., Rossville. 111., 1905; Teacher of cml. subjects, Alton H. S., 1905- 16. Mem., Congr. Church. Married William C. Armstrong, Jl 17, 1916, Alton, 111. Address, 5629 Springfield, Ave., Philadelphia. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 209 2194. CYRUS FORSYTPI NEWCOMB (Husband of No. 6121; Brother of No. 3496) Physician and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. D 12, 1879,' McLean Co., III.; s. Dr. William Kendall (b. Ap 6, 1857, Lyons, la.) and Eliza C. (Dur- bin) Newcomb (b. D 26, i8s6, Franklin, Ind.). Prepared in Fisher IL S.; Univ. Acad. M. D., P. & S., Chicago, iqio; Post Grad. work in Vienna, London and Berlin. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Nu Sigma Nu; Pres. Med. Club; Physi- cian and Surg.; Urbana. Chm., Champaign Co. Chapter Am. Red Cross; Mem., Med. Advisory Bd., 13th Dist. Auth.: Diabetis Mellitus, ///. St. Med. Jour., 1910. _ Mem.. A. F. A. M. ; B. P. O. E.; Champaign Co. Country Club; Univ. Club, Chicago; Champaign Co., 111. St. and Esculapian Med. Soc. ; Sec, Co. Soc, 3 yrs.; A. M. A.; Attending Physician, Garwood Old Ladies Home; Pres. of staff, Tulia F. Burn- ham Hosp.; V. P., 111. St. Med. Soc. Mar- ried Geraldine Alice Bullard ('14), O 7, 1914, Mechanicsburg, 111. Child, Deborah Jean. b. S 24, 1916. Address, 12 13 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 2195. FREDERICK DAVID NIEDERMEYER Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 14, 1881, Decatur, 111.; s. William (b. 1849, Kansas City, Mo.) and Anna Elizabeth (Jahn) Niedermeyer (b. 1858, Boody, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. A. M., Prince- ton Univ., igo8; studied theology in Prin. Theol. Sem., 1906-9. Philomathean; Glee Club: Eng. Club; Inter-Soc. Debate; Orat. Contest; Assoc. Ed., mini; do., Illinois Mag. Supt., Potomac Pub. Schs., 1904-5; Prin., Sch., Murphysboro. 111., 1905-6; Pastor, Mizpah Chapel, N. Y. City, 1909-12; Pastor, Adams Mem. Church. N. Y. City, 1912 — . Dir. in Army Y. M. C. A.. Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga.. 1917 — ■; Mustered out, D 24, 1918. Mem.. Ben- ham Club, Princeton, N. J., 1906 — ; _ Clergy Club, N. Y. City, 1914 — ; Presby. Minister's Assn., do., 1907 — ; Adelphi Club, 1912 — ; Mar- ried Maude Vernon Wilcox. O i, 1913. Mil- ford, Conn. Child, Cedric Wilcox, b. Ap 4, 1916 (died Ap 23, 1916). Address, 137 E. 33d St., N. Y. City; bus. add., 207 E. 30th St., do. 2196. CHARLES ALBERT OCOCK Manager; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 17, 1874, Ma- rengo, 111.; s. Thomas Albert (b. Ja 9, 1849, Dorsetshire, Eng.) and Emily Tower (Jackson) Ocock (b. O 3, i8s3- Hartland, 111.). Pre- pared in Wheaton Coll. Acad. Asst. in Agr. Engng., 1904; Asst. Prof., Agr. in charge of the Dept., Wis. Univ., 1905-13; Agr. "Engr. for Avery Co., Peoria, 1913-14; Production Mgr., Avery Co., 1914 — . Contributor to various farm papers and mags. Pres., Am. Soc. of Agr. Engrs., 191 1 — -. Hon. Mem., Alpha Zeta, Univ. of Wis.; Delegate from So. Wis. to Mid. -West Diocesan Convention, Fond du Lac, Wis., 19 17. Married Pearl Strick- land Kendall, Jl 12, 1905, Clinton, la. Chil- dren: George Kendall, b. Ap 28, 1906; Robert Charles, b. Jl 8, 1908; Emily Elizabeth, b. Jl 6. ipri. Address, 996 National Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., Avery Co., do. 2197. TOKIYO OGIHARA A. B. in Chem.; b. Je 6, 1873, Tokyo, Japan; s. S. and Kni Ogihara. Entered from Tokyo, Japan. Address, Tokyo, Japan. J 2198. MARY ANDERSON OSGOOD Librarian; A. B. in Lib. Sc. ; b. O 24, 1870, Saco, Me.; d. Samuel (b. Pownal, Me.) and Lucy Jordan (Goodale) Osgood (b. Saco, Me.). Prepared in Abilene H. S., Kan.; B. L., Wash- burn Coll., 1894. Teacher, Abilene (Kan.) FT. S., 1904-5; Libn., Carnegie Pub. Lib., Tyler, Te.x., 1905-13; do., Carnegie City Lib., Ft. Smith, Ark., 1913-16; do., Westport Branch, Kansas City Pub. Lib., 1916 — . Address, 3912 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 2199. FRED MYRINE OUTHOUSE Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 13', 1879, Canipton, 111.; s. Renalwin (b. Ap 22, 1852, Campton, 111.) and .Vddie (Leightou) Outhouse (b. .\g 18, 1857, Perry, Me.). Prepared in Elburn H. S. ; Univ. Acad. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Phi Alpha Delta. J. U. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1906. Address, 1207-112 W. Adams St., Chicago. 2200. WILLIAM MANSFIELD PARK Const. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 17, 1881, Sidney, 111.; s. David Elihu (b. O 11, 1844, O.) and Mary Susan (Mansfield) Park (b. Ja 4, 1847, Marion, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Draftsman for M. E. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1904; Link Belt Co., Chi- cago, 1904-05; U. S. Geol. Sur., F'uel Tests, St. Louis, 1905-06; Asst. Engr., West. Elec. Const. Co., 1906-07; Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Green Engng. Co., 1909 — . Auth.: Notes on the Design of Steam Ham- mers, Technogi-aph, 1904. Mem., A. S. M. E., West. Soc. Engrs.; Hammond Country (ilub. Married Eva Helm, S 12, 1906. Child, iMarion Virginia, b. Je 30, 1908. Address, 7400 Coles Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 109 Green Engng. Co., East Chicago, Ind. 2201. CALTON WILLIAM PARKER Claim Agt.; LL. B.; b. Ag 28, 1878, Urbana; s. George Washington Moore (b. Ag ig, 1841, Mass.) and Laura Ducinda (Hamilton) Parkei (b. O 24, 1844, Va.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Claim Agt., C. B. & O. R. R. Co. Married Angle Loretta Hinckley, O 16, 1911, Aurora, 111. Children: Mary Jane, b. S 14, 1912; Betty Gail, b. S 26, 1916. Ad- dress, 170 Iowa Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 547 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 2202. MAUD MAY PATTERSON Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 28, 1883, Kings- ton, 111.; d. John R. (b. S 18, 1854, Genoa, 111.) and Laura (Stuart) Patterson (b. D 25, i860, King.ston, 111.). Prenared in Rochelle H. S. Taught in Urbana H. S., 1904-12; Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111., 1912 — . Address, 15334 Lexington Ave., Harvey, 111. 2203. IDA MAY PEARSON (HINER) B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 2, 1875, Livingston Co., 111.; d. Eli W. (b. Ag 10, 1837, Miami Co., O.) and Rachel (Shafer) Pearson (b. Ja 6, 1839, Lancaster Co., Pa.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Y. W. C. A.; Illiola. Taught in H. Sc. Dept., Univ. of 111., F-Je, 1905. Mar- ried George Elmer Hiner, Jl 26, 1905, Pontiac, 111., Children: Richard Lee, b. Aly 22, igo6; Lawrence Elmer, b. Jl i. 1907; Edwin Welling- ton, b. Ag 16, 1909; Albert Mason, b. My 13, 191 1 ; Marian, b. Ag 24, 19 12. Address, Mone- ta, O'Brien Co., la. 2204. LYLE DONOVAN PERRIGO Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 23, 1880, Donovan, 111.; s. Asa Flint (b. Ap 16, 1838, Seneca Co., O.) and Elmira (Llill) Perrigo (b. D 17. 1846, Jericho, Vt.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. Co. B., 3d 111. Inf., F't. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tex., 1916; ist Lt., Inf., Camp Grant, 111. Address, Watseka, Ill.f 2205. MABEL PERRY (MACNEAL) B. L. S. ; b. O 21, 1881, Ann Arbor, Mich.; d. Walter Scott (b. Je 17, 1831, Otsego Co., N. Y.) and Emma (Blackman) Perry (b. Ja 31, 1845, Plymouth, Mich.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1900- 02. Alpha Phi; Theta Upsilon; Theta Delta Upsilon. Cataloger, Univ. of Mich. Lib.; Morgantown, W. Va., 1906-07; Urbana, 1907- 11; do., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1911-15; do.. Forest PTills, Long Island, N. Y., igii — ; Treas., 2IO University of Illinois [J 904 Forest Hills Women's Club, 1915-16. Mar- ried Dr. Ward J. MacNeal, D 28, 1905, Ann Arbor, Mich. Children: Edward Perry, b. O 4, 1906; Herbert Pratt, b. Mr 10, 1909; Perry Scott, b. S 11, 191 3. Address, 82 Rockrose PI., Forest Hills, N. Y. 2206. JOHN FREDERICK PETERSON Contractor; B. S. in C E.; b. Jl 6, 1881, Kewanee, 111.; s. Lewis (b. 1842, Vermland, Sweden) and Charlotte (Johnson) Peterson (b. 1S48, do.). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Mem., lirm, Giblin, Peterson & Screen. Con- tracting. Married Jennie Johnson, Je 10, 1908. Chicago. Children: Richard Frederick, L. Jl 7, 1909; Janet Eleanor, b. Ap 18, 1913. Address, 6244 "Magnolia, Ave., Chicago. 2207. EUGENE MARTIN PHILLIPS (Brother of No. 2485) Farm Adviser; A. B. in Sc. ; B. S. in .-^gr., 1917; b. Ta 29, 1874, Damascus, 111.; s. James M. (b. 1837, (jreen Bay, Wis.) and Mary R. (Stout) Phillips (b. 1839, Md.). Prepared in No. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Pres., Philoniathean; Y. M. C. A., cabinet; Football. Teacher, II. S., Princeton, 111., 1004-06; Freeport, 111., 1906-10; LaGrange, 111., 1910-13; Country Life Dir. Div. One. Cook Co., Palatine, 111., 1913-16; Teacher, Agr., and Adviser, Chazy, N. Y., 1917-18; Farm Adviser. Greene Co. Farm Bur., 1918 — . Auth.: Articles, Hoard's Dairyman. Orancie Judd Farmer, and Chicago papers. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Baptist Church. Married Cora Belle Ellis, Mr 13, 1915, Chicago. Address, Carrollton, 111. 2208. INEZ CHARLOTTE PIERCE (VAIL) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja 10, 1882, Ridg- ville. Ind.; d. James O. (b. D 16, 1S58, Kno.\ Co., O.) and Sue (Bowersox) Pierce (b. Pales- tine, Je 26, 1858, O.). Prepared in Portland H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Asst. Libn. Eastern 111. St. Norm. Sch., Charleston, 111.; Libn., Mich. City, Ind. Pub. Lib., 1905-8. Married George Truesdell Vail, D 8, 1908, Portland, Ind. Child. Barbara Vail, b. Je j6, 1910. Address, 801 Spring St. Michigan City, Ind. 2209. ANNA SHAW PINKUM Librarian; A. B.; B. L. S., 1905; b. Eau Claire, Wis.; d. John Perrin (b. Industry. Me.) and Elmire Matilda (Hooker) Pinkum (b. Bel- fast, N. Y.). Prepared in Eau Claire H. S.; B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1899. Kappa Alpha Theta; Pres., Lib. Club. Libn., Stevenson Pub. Lib., Marinette, Wis.. 1905-9. Address, 4-0 4th Ave., Eau Claire, Wis.f 2210. •FLORENCE ELIZABETH PITTS (Sister of Nos. 1751, 6479) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., igo6; b. J a 6, 1882, Bloomington, 111.; d. John loscph (b. O 20, 1853, McLean, 111.) and Mary Eli- zabeth (Roberts) Pitts (b. O 30, 1858, Battle Creek, Mich.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Alpha Theta; Eng. Club. Instr. in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1904-6. Died S i, 1907, Bloomington, 111. 221 1. *JOHN LUTHER POLK, JR. (Brother of No. 1163) Loan bus.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 3. iSf<4, Areola, 111.; s. John Luther (b. N 22, 1S41, Bridgeville, Del.) and Cora Justice (Blackwell) Polk (b. 1846, Newberne, N. C). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Illio staff: Sec, French Club. Bank Clerk, Cham- paign, 1904-8: Note and Mortgage Loans, 1908- 16. His parents have erected an Episcopal Chapel in (Champaign in memory of him and of his brother. Died Ag 10, 1916, Proutsneck, Me. 2212. LIDA ELIZABETH POPEJOY (JONES) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.- b. My 8, 1882, Lexington. 111.; d. Commociore Perry and Mary Elizabeth (Hutcheson) Popejoy. Pre- pared in Lexington H. S. Bryn Mawr. 1905- 06. Chi (Dmega. Teacher, H. S., Saybrook, 111., 1904-05; Hoopeston, 111., 1906-08; Pon- tiac. 111., 1908-09. Mem.. P. E. O. Sisterhood; O. E. S. Married Emlyn Ivor Jones, Ja 16. 1909, Chicago. Child. Mary Elizabeth, b. Ag 21, 1910. Address, 409 Lyon Bldg., Seattle. 2213. "RAEBERN HENRY POST (Brother of No. 1754) Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 9, 1881, Red- wing, Minn.; s. Henry (b. Toronto, Can.) and Susan (Sands) Post (b. Sparta, Wis.). Pre- pared in Rock Rapids, la., H. S. Beta Theta Pi; M. E. Club; Hazelton Medal; Officer Univ. Regt.; .\sst. Ed.. Illio. Engr., U. S. Geol. Sur., St. Louis, Mo.; with Curtis & Co., Mfg. Co.; do., with Underfeed Stoker Co., Chicago. Married Frances M. Post, F 22, 191 1, La- Grange, 111. Child, Raeburn H., jr., b. Ja i, 1913. Died Ag 28, 1913, La Grange, 111. 2214. JESSE ROY POWELL Chemist: A. B. in Sci.; b. F 3, 1882, Missal, 111.; s. Alexander Ball (b. Ohio) and Mary C. (Haffner) Powell, (b. F 28, 1842, Va.). Pre- pared in Streator Tp. H. S.; Phi Lambda Up- silon; Sigma Xi; Pres. Chem. Club. Chem. Engr., Wenzelmann Mfg. Co. until Je 1905; Asst. Chemist, A. T. & S. F. R. R.; Chemist Armour Soap & Glue Works, 1906 — . Mem., A. C. S., 1905. Married Bertha Viola Pope, Jl 5, 1905, Galesburg, 111. Address, 6227 Ste- wart Ave., Chicago. t 2215. FRANCIS MARION POWERS Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. F 10, 1880, Streator, 111.; s. George W. (b. Je 7. 1851, Lacon, 111.) and Anna C. (Scherff) Powers (b. D 25, 1853. Brooklvn, N. Y. Prepared in Streator H. S. Pres., Band; Univ. Orchestra. Lawyer, Strea- tor, 111.; City Attv., do.. 1017. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Odd Fellows; B. P. O. E. Married Lucy F. Fargo, S 4, 1906, Streator, 111. Child- ren: Roy Alwyn. b. Jl 23, 1908; Maysie Miriam, b. Je 10, 191 1 : Georgianna, b. N 27, 1915. Ad- dress, 503 S. Vermillion St., Streator, 111. 2216. WILLIAM SCHENCK PRETTYMAN Lawver; LL. B.; b. S 20, 1881, Pekin, 111.; s. William Louis (b. F 17, 1850, do.,) and Frances (Vander\-ort) Prettvman (b. 1849, N. v.). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Jr. mem., law firm of Prettyman, Vel- de & Prettyman. Mem.. 111. St. Bar Assn.; Pres., Pekin Countrv Club. 1917 — ; Tazewell Club. Married Nellie Bush, Je 15, 1909, Can- ton. 111. Child, Sarah Tane, b. Je 11, 1912. Address, 412 S. 6th St., Pekin, 111. 2217. LEE WILLARD RAILSBACK (Brother of Nos. 1260, 4375. 4866) Grain Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 13, 1879 Hopedale, 111.; s. Ben T. (b. Tazewell Co., 111.) and Margaret M. • (Flenniken) Rails- back (b. Columbus. O.). Prepared in Hope- dale H. S.: Univ. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club; 111. Club; Ed. Illio. 1904; Asst. Ed., III. Mag., 1904- Grain Broker, associated with R. T. Railsback ('99) in grain business at Hopedale and at Weldon. ^Iarried Alary Katharine Ewbank, S 17, 1908, Farmer City, 111. Children: Margaret Frances, b. Jl 21, 1909; Lee Richard, b. Jl 19, 19". Ad- dress. Weldon. 111. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 2218. CLARA ANNE RANSON (SELTERS) (Sister of Nos. 5375, 5885) A. B. in L. & A. ; b. S 10, 1878, Kilboume, III.; d. George Washington (b. D 17, 1847, Kil- bourne, 111.) and Sarah Pollen (Ainsworth) Ranson (b. S 28. 1850, Saidora, 111.). Pre- pared in Havana H. S.; Y. \V. C. A. H. S. teacher, 1904-8. Treas, Epworth League. Mar- ried Joseph Sellers, Je 11, 1908, Havana, 111. Child, Joseph Nelson, b. Ja 31, 1910. Address, Topeka, Ill.t 2219. JEROME EDWARD READHIMER Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 26. 1869, Saline, La.; s. J. G. (b. Charleston, S. C.) and Martha A. (Harper) Readhimer (b. Miss.). Prepared in La. St. Norm. Sch. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. In- vestigator in Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111.; Asst. Prof. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. ; Agr. Advisor, Kane Co., 1913-18; Prof., Soils, L^niv. of 111., 1918 — . Co-Auth.: The Gist of Four Years' Soil Investi- gations in the 111. Corn Belt, ///. Exp. Sta. Cir. 100, 1905; Soil Improvements for the Worn Hill Lands of 111., Bui. ii}, 1907; Eight Years' Soil Investigation in So. 111., Circular 122, 1908; Thirty Years' of Crop Rotations on the Common Prairie Soil of 111., Bui. I3S, 1908; Clay Co. Soils, Soil Rep. No. I, 191 1. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Ida Harrell, Ja 3, 1906, Duncan, Okla. Children: Harriet Eliza- beth, b. N 26, 1906; Robert Edward, b. Ag 20, 1908; Dorothy, b. D 15, 1910. Address, Agron. Dept., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 2220. AUGUSTUS JOSEPH REEF Const. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 19, 1882, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. John R. (b. F 15, 1839, Olney, 111.) and Cecelia L. (Leach) Reef (b. Ja I, 1844, Bone Gap, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Adelphic; C. E. Club; Capt. and Regt. Adjt., Univ. Regt.; Debating Team. 111. Engng. and Mach. Co., Carterville, 111., 1904-05; Chief Engr., O'Gara Coal Co., Harrisburg, 111., 1905-06; Const. Engr., H. C. Frick Coke Co., Scottdale, Pa., 1906-08; Const. Engr., Oak Hills Coal Co., Oak Creek, Colo., 190809; Asst. Chief Engr., Victor-Am. Fuel Co., Denver, 1909-15; Asst. Const. Engr., U. S. Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., Mammoth Plant, Kennett, Calif., 1915 — . Mem. and one of the organizers of the Pittsburg Univ. of 111. Club; Pres., Rocky Mountain Alumni Assn. of the Univ. of 111., Denver. Married Vivian Lynn Goodrich, O 30, 1907, Harrisburg, 111. Address, Kennett, Calif. 2221. EDWARD ALEXANDER RENICH (Brother of Nos. 4382, 4871. 4872) Missionary; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. S 11, 1882, Woodstock, 111.; s. Frederick (b. 1852, Bern, Switzerland) and Catherine (Stein) Renich (b. 1856, Chicago). Prepared in Woodstock H. S.; Auburn Theol. Sem.. 1904-6; Grad. do, 1908. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic; Ind. debate. Preaching, Whitehall, Wis., 1906-8; Missionary to Indians, Spokane Indian Reservation, Wash., 1908-10; Missionary work under Presby. Bd. of Foreign Missions, 191 — . Married Ethel Erna Eckel, My 12, 1910, Wilbur, Wash. Child, Elizabeth, b. F 8, 191 1. Address, c/o East Farm, Rocky Ford, Colo. 2222. CLAUD WINFRED RICH Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap a, 1882, Cobden, 111.; s. Geo. D. (b. 1857, Cobden, 111.) and Harriet (Rendleman) Rich (b. 1858, Cob- den, 111.). Prepared in Cobden H. S.; Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Capt. in Univ. Regt., 1903-4; Class Treas. 1904; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1903-4, Asst. Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A. Univ. of 111., 1905; Boys' Sec, Y. M. C. A., Elgin, 1906; Intercollegiate Sec, Y. M. C. A., Terre Haute, Ind, 1908; Farmer. Married Helen Frick, S ^i, 1909, Cobden, 111. Address, Cobden, Ill.t 2323. LLEWELLYN SYLVESTER RICHARDS Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 18, 1883 Chicago, 111.; s. Llewellyn (b. Jl 21, 1849, Iron ton. O.) and Sarah Jane (Piper) Richards (b F 25, 1830, Dickenson's Landing. Ont.). Pre pared in Chicago Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch M. E. & E. E. Soc. W^ith Link-Belt Co., Chi cago, 1904; Am. Heating Co., Rockford, 111.. 1904-5; Link-Belt Co., 1905 — . Address, 9545 S. Robey St., Chicago. 2224. ETHEL RICKER (Daughter of Nos. 13, 88) B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 12, 1883, Champaign; d. Nathan Clifford ('72), (b. 1843, Acton, Me.) and Mary Cartter (Steele) Ricker ('75), (b. 1852). Prejiared in Univ. Acad.; special stud. Arch, and Music, 1915-18. Test Asst., A. S. C. E. Kappa .\lpha Theta; Sigma Xi; Class His- torian; Sr. Memorial Com. Address, 612 W. Green St., Urbana. 2225. ROLLO GAWN RIDDLE Rancher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 11, 1882, Mattoon, 111.; s. Harvey Scott (b. Mr 25, 1850, Terre Haute, Ind.) and Lillie Rose (Looker) Riddle (b. D i, 1854, Piqua, O.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Sr. Memorial Com. Farmer, 1904-6; Traveling man, Wholesale Grocery. igo6-io; Rancher, 1910 — ■. Married Florence Plimpton, N 16, 191 I, Chicago. Address, Dolores, Colo. 2226. ANNA RIEHL (THOMPSON) (Wife of No. 2529) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 10, i88i Evergreen Heights, Alton, 111.; d. Emil A (b. My 24, 1837, St. Louis Co., Mo.) and Ma thilda (Roesch) Riehl (b. S 12, 1842, Wur ternberg, Ger.). Prepared in Alton H. S., Chicago Tr. Sch. for Missions, Bible Course Grad. 1908. Y. W. C. A.; H. Sc. Club; Def Deutsche Verein; Choral Soc; Illiola. Taught, 1905-06; Language Study and Teaching, Song do, Korea, 1908-10; Wonsan, Korea, 1910 — Auth.: Poem, A Christmas Reverie, ///. Agr. 1904; At Eventide, Prize Story, Mag. World, 1905; On the Heights, poems, Melling & Gas kins, 1906, 125 pp.; several short stories in household publications. Married J. Arthur Thompson ('05), Korea. Children: Ralph James, b. Ag 7, 1909; Willard Davenport, b. Ag 21, 19 1 2. Address, Rushville. 111. ' 2227. GEORGE ALBERT RILEY Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 9, 1879, Lewistown, 111.; s. William A. (b. 21. 1845, Bryant, 111.) and Mattie (Prichard) Riley (b. My 17, 1852, Liverpool, 111.). Prepared in Lewistown H. S. In charge of Lewistown Elec. Sta., 1905; Office M. E. Dept., Los Ange les Gas & Elec Co., 1905-09; Insp., do., 1909 10; Foreman, Meter Test Shop, do., 1910-12 Insp., Electrolysis Work, do., 1912-13; do. Office Supt., Elec. Dept., do., 191 3 — . Mem. A E. E. ; Presby. Church. Married Anna E. Eh renhart, Je 11, 1906, Los Angeles. Children Marion Lucile, b. Mr 2, 1909; Helen Mildred b. F 28, 1913; Lillian Frances, b. D 7, 1917 Address, 4057 Dalton Ave., Los Angeles. 2228. CAROLYN MABEL ROBERTS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 25, 1875, Muscatine, la.; d. Daniel W. (b. Ja 23, 1843. Dover. N. H.) and Louisa (Atwood) Roberts (b. N 9, 1843, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Mus- catine H. S.; A. B., Pa. Coll., Oskaloosa, la., 1898. Teacher in Pub. Schs. Address, Modes- to, Calif. t 2229. CHARLES SCAMAN RODMAN Teacher; .\. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 2, 1876, Marion, 111.; s. J. M. Rodman. Prepared in Moweaqua H. S.; Northwestern Univ. Adel- phic; Ind-Ill. Debate, 1904; Glee Club; Track Team, Capt., 1904. Address, Moweaqua, 111. University of Illinois 1904 2250. ROBERT BENNETT ROULSTON With Chicago Tel. Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 8, 1880, Chicago; s. Robert J. and Maude E. Roulston. Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch.; Morgan Park Acad. Married Jeannette Rouls- ton, Je 12, 1907. Address, 7259 Harvard St., Chicago. t 2231. CHARLES CRECY ROYALL A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 8, 1878, Yadkinville, N. C. ; s. Pleasant James and Mary (Hinson) Royall. Prepared in Clay Center, Kan., H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Philomathean; Emery Club; Army and Navy Club, Pres.; Asst. Bus. Mgr. and Bus. Mgr., Illinois; Philo. Mgr., Star Lecture Course; Mgr., Illini. Served in Army, 1898, 111. Militia, 1899. Address, Silver City, N. M.t 2232. BERTHA ELLA ROYCE (HUMMEL) (Wife of No. 3039) B. L. S.; b. My s, 1880; d. Robert Bruce (b. S 6, 1858) and Harriet (Woodruff) Royce (b. F 21. i860). Prepared in Westfield, N. Y. H. S.; Syracuse Univ., 1898-9; Buffalo, N. Y. Teachers Tr. Sch., 1899-1900. Alethenai; Grad. with honors. Asst. in Ref. Dept., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1904-6; Instr. in Summer Session, Univ. of Wash., 1906; Instr., St. Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1906-8. Married William Grandville Hum- mel ('07), 1907, Denver. Address, 6n8 Ocean View Drive, Oakland, Calif. 2233. GUY HENRY RUMP (Brother of No. 3160) Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 7, 1881, Quincy, 111.; s. John H. (b. Ag 18, 1855, Bur- ton, 111.) and Mary Anna (Geisel) Rump (b. S 'Si 1859, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Del- ta Upsilon; Class Football. Instr. in C. E., Univ. of 111.; Struct. Engr., Murph and Walsh, Pekin, 111., 1905-6; Engr. Agency, Chicago, 1906-7; N. Works 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1907- 9; Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1909-11; Jos. T. Ryerson and Son, 191 1 — . Married Gertrude Slagle, S 10, 1905, Urbana. Children: Mary Jane, b. Ag 23, 1906; Celia Ann, b. S 17, 1913. Address, Riverside, 111. 2234. INEZ ROSE SAMSON (Sister of Nos. 1762, 1763) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 9, 1882, Deers, 111.; d. Nelson (b. F 28, 1829, Wardsville, Can.) and Georgina Charlotte (Leonard) Samson (b. Jl 12, 1843, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Le Cercle Francais; Eng. Club; Choral Soc. Address. 311 W. High St., Ur- bana. 2235. "ELLEN MARY SCHAEFER B. L. S.; b. F 22, 1870, Cambridge City, Ind.; d. John Daniel (b. 1827, Weissenhaiel, Germany) and Anna Catharine (Mengel) Schaefer (b. 1832, Berneberg, do.). Prepared in Cambridge City, Ind., H. S.; Grad., Ind. St. Nor. Sch., 1896; Stud., Ind. Univ., 1898-9, 1901. Organizer and Libn., Pub. Lib., Whit- ing, Ind., 1905; Cataloger, Carnegie Lib., Pitts- burgh. 1906; Cataloger, Univ. of Wis., 1906-9. Died O 21, 1912, at Cambridge City, Ind. J236. RUDOLPH ERNST SCHREIBER (Husband of No. 2807; Brother of No. 3168) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1877. Chicago; s. Heinrich Friederich (b. O 26, 1848, Hanover, Ger.) and Auguste Louise (Schulz) Schreiber (b. Ag 2, 1852, Berlin, do.). Pre- pared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man, Tr. Sch.; Univ. Acad.; Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; T. D., do. 1906. V. P., Sec, Philomathean; Sec, Stud. Republican Club; Ath. Assn.; Y. M. C. A.; Eng. Club; Pol. Sc. Club; Pres., German Club; Orat. Assn.; Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors; Varsity Fortnightly; Asst. Ed., Illini; Soph. Rep., Fresh. -Soph. Debate. Prac- ticed Law with Peck, Miller and Starr, 1906- 9; with John C. Farwell, 1909-12; Individual practice, 1912-18. Univ. of Chicago, Training Course for Army Supply Service, Q. M., 1918; acted as Govt. Acct. and Field Auditor at Clintonville, Kenosha, Wis., Peoria and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.; stationed at Washington, D. C. as civilian in War Dept., Const. Div., Contracts Branch. Auth.: A Word to the Alumni of the Univ. of 111., about an In- specting and Advisory Bd., Chicago, 1909. Pres.. Univ. of Chicago Law Sch. Assn.; Sec-Treas., do., 1907; Univ. of 111. Alumni Representa- tive, Northern Orat. League, 1909 — ;Dir., Ill- ini Club, 1911-16; Sec, do. 191416; Illini Club Alumni Relations Cora.; Member, Univ. of 111. Alumni Council, 1913-16; Illini Club Chm., Legislative Com.; Univ. of Chicago Al- umni Assn.; Treas., Alumni Council, Univ. of Chicago, 1908-14; Eugene Field Civic Club; City Club; Com. on Streets, Alleys, Bridges; Com. on Music Extension, Chicago Musical Coll.; Nat. Geog. Soc; A. A. A. S.; Univ. of 111. Com. on AJumni Reorganization; Univ. of 111., Alumni Com. on Univ. Trustees, 1913- 15-17; Univ. of 111. AJumni Legislative Com.; Alumni Sec, Class 1904, Univ. of 111.; Alumni Secretaries Assn.; Intercollegiate Club of Chi- cago; Dir., do., 1916-17; Chm., Rogers Park Center, Univ. of Chicago Lecture Assn.; Univ. of 111. Sub. Com. on Gregory Memorial; Chi- cago Bar Assn. ; 111. St. Bar Assn. Married Edith Rogers ('06), Ap 30, 1908, Windsor, 111. .4ddress, War Dept., Const. Div., Washington, D. C. or 504 Pine St., Windsor, 111. 2237. HENRY THEODORE SCHUMACHER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 11, 1879, LaHose, 111.; s. Adolph (b. 1841, Mecklenburg, Ger.) and Hannah (Steinke) Schumacher (b. 1845, Posen, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philoma- thean. Legal Sec, Speaker of 47th Gen. Assem- bly, St. of 111. Mem., Presby. Church; 111. St. Bar Assn. ; Champaign Co. Bar. Married Min- nie Nuckolls, Ag 31, 1904, Peoria. Children: J. Willis, b. O 3, 1905; Margaret, b. Jl 27, 1907: Henry Nuckolls, b. Ap 17, 1909; Eliza- beth, b. S 2, 1912. Address, 701 W. Washing- ton Blvd., Urbana. 2238. KARL BIRD SEIBEL Lawyer; A. B.; b. Ap 30, 1875, Manlius Tp., 111.; s. John Jacob (b. N 23, 1816, Breitenstein, Archduchy of Hesse, Ger.) and Priscilla Patty (Follet) Seibel (b. Mr 4, 1828, Susquehanna Co. Pa.). Prepared in Sheffield H. S.; Western Norm. Coll., Bushnell, 111.; Albany Law Sch., 1896-7. Alpha Delta Phi; Philomathean. In Grocery Bus., Santa Rosa, Ag-N, 1904; with Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Western Elec Co., Chicago, 1905-6; with Pa. Coal Co. and in Coal Dept., D. & H. R. R. Co., Scranton, Pa., 1906-8; Practicing Law, 1908 — -. Address, Princeton, Ill.f 2239. ARTHUR PLATT SEYMOUR (Brother of Nos. 3962, 3963) Ranchman; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 25, 1880, Thomasboro, 111.; s. William Reynolds (b. O 10, 1848, Newark, 111.) and Alice Florence (Case) Seymour (b. My 4, 1854, do.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Agr. Club; Illini staff. Asst. in Field Operations, St. Sta. Soils, 1904-5; Mgr., Pleasant View Grain & Stock Farm, Henning, 111., 1905-8; Proprie- tor, Springdale Fruit Ranch, Montrose, Colo., 1908-11; Mgr., Avondale (Hay, Grain & Potato) Olathe, Colo., 1911 — . Mem., Christian Church; Y. P. S. C. E., Treas., 1901-4. Married Anna Wubben, Mr 14, 1906, Lincoln, 111. Children: Robert Harold, b. Ap 28, 1910; Ruth Evange- line, b. Ag 17, 1912. Address, Olathe, Colo. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 2240. ROY VINCENT SEYMOUR Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 10, 1876, Dwight, 111.; s. Geo. A. (b. Mr 17, 1842, Cleveland, O.) and Mary B. (Drynorr) Seymour (b. Je 25, 1847, Can.). Prepared in Dwight H. S.; Harvard Law Sch., 1903-04. Address, Dwight, IlLf 2241. CHARLES HARPER SHELDON (Husband of No. 1925) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 10, 1880, Kewanee, 111.; s. Rensselaer C. (b. Ap 10, 1854, Burns, 111.) and Alice (Harper) Sheldon (b. Ja 24, 1854, Monroeville, O.). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Beta Theta Pi. Engr.. Sec. and Treas., Kewanee Water Supply Co., 1904- n; Private business, Los Angeles, 1911 — . Married Alice Calhoun Mann ('03), O 26, 1910, Kahoka, Me. Child, Alice Harmon, b. Je 13, 1913. Address, 1625 Spruce St., South Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., 528 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. 2242. EDNA WEAVER SHELDON (TREGO) B. L. S.; b. N 2, 1881, Urbana, III.; d. Clar- ence Corydon (b. Urbana) and Emily (Wa- ters) Sheldon (b. do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Married Edward Francis Trego, N 16, 1904, Urbana. Child, Edward Francis, Jr., b. N 16, 191 1. Address, Hoopes- ton, 111. 2243. CARLYLE NANCE SHILTON (Brother of No. 2815) Banker; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 8, 1882, Ke- wanee, 111.; s. Christopher A. (b. 1844, Peter- boro. Can.) and Adella Nance Shilton (b. 1852 Lafayette, 111.). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Quartet; Philo-Adelphic Debating Team, 1904. Press Agt., 1904-5; Mercantile, 1905-6; Cashier Wyanet First Nat. Bank, 1908-14; do., First Nat. Bank, Oregon, Wis. 1914 — . Married Myrtle Irene Bond, My 18, 1910, Mineral Point, Wis. Ad- dress, Oregon, Wis. 2244- JAMES RICKETTS SHINN (Brother of No. 2816) County Agr. Agt.; b. My 22, 1880, Mattoon. 111.; s. George B. (b. O 20, 1851, Edinburg, Ind.) and Cornelia M. (Ricketts) Shinn (b. My 19, 1852, Charleston, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Agr. Club; Sigma Xi; Special Honors; Illini Staff; Assoc. Ed., ///. Agr.; Ed., do.; Rep. of Agr. Club on program, Am. Fed. Agr. Studs. Field Asst. in Pomol., 1905-7; Prof., Hort. and Horticulturist, Exp. Sta., Univ. of Idaho, 1907-10; Rancher, 1010-13; Co. Agr. Agt., 1914 — . Auth. : Planting Apple Or- chards in Idaho, Idaho Exp. Sta., Bui. No. 64. Mem., Illini Club of Idaho; Presby. Church. Married Edna M. Casstevens, Jl 4, 1906. Child- ren: Esther Elizabeth, b. Ag 18, 1907; Lloyd Benjamin, b. Je 9, 1909; Frances Lorene, b. D 6, 1 910. Address, Court House, Spokane. 224s. THEODORA SHOEMAKER (CURTISS) (Sister of No. 1967) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1879, Charleston, 111.; d. Thomas Theodore (b. S 14, 1847. Charleston, 111.) and Emmazetta (Reat) Shoe- maker (b. O IS, 1850, Charleston, 111.). Pre- pared in Charleston H. S^; Ohio Wesleyan; E. 111. Norm. Sch. Teacher in McKinley H. S., El Paso, 111., 1904-7. Married Chester Frazier Curtiss, S 3, 1907, Charleston, 111. Children: Dorothy Ruth, b. D 28, 1908; Mary Catherine, b. Je 27, 1911. Address, El Paso, 111. 2246. AIMEE MAY SIDES (REYNOLDS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D II, 1880, Diamond City, Mo.; d. Franklin (b. 111.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Coffman) Sides (b. O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught Carrollton H. S., 1904-6; Webb City (Mo.) H. S., 1906-8. Mar- ried Benjamin De Witt Reynolds, Je 30, 1908, Webb City, Mo. Children: Martha Jean, b. D 9, 1912; Benjamin De Witt Jr., b. S 2, 1915. Address, looi S. Madison St., Webb City, Mo. 2247. CARL WILLIAM SIMPSON Valuation Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 22, 1881, Qumcy, 111.; s. James Howe (b. Ag 5, 1852, Carlisle, O.) and Hedwig Louise (Petri) Smipson (b. My 4, 1856, Quincy, 111.). Pre pared m Quincy and Dallas (Tex.) H. Schs. Theta Nu Epsilon. Res. Engr. with Central 111. Const. Co., 1904; Asst. Engr., do., 1905 Asst. Engr.. D. L. & W. Ry., 1906-15; Res Engr., D. L. & W. R. Ry., 1915-17; Engr. Acct. Pres. Conf. Com., Fed. Val. of Rys., 1917-18 Valuation Engr., D. L. & W. R. R., 1918— Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Am. Ry. Engng. Assn Married Edith De Witt Weidman, S 12, 1907 Columbia, N. J. Children: William Carl, b Ag 7, 1911; Edith Barbara, b. S 26, 1913. Ad dress, c/o D. L. & W. Ry., Hoboken, N. J. 2248. MARY JANE SLOCUM (BAREUTHER) (Sister of No. 1421) Teacher; B. S.; b. Mr 26, 1883, Wether- field, 111.; d. Pardon Egbert (b. Jl 27, 1853, Kewanee, 111.) and Clara Elizabeth (Harley) Slocum (b. Ap 21, 1857, Hopedale, la.). Pre- pared in Loda H. S.; Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Psi; Watcheka; Sc. Club; Math. Club; Cap Com.; Class Sec; Capt., Class Basket Ball. Teacher of Sc, H. S., Mattoon, 111., 1904-09; Steamboat Springs, Colo., 1909-17; Del Mar, Calif., 191 7 — : Mem., Congr. Church; Mat- toon Study Class; Steamboat Chap., X. P. E. O. Married Ralph Augustus Bareuther, O 4, 1906, Urbana. Children: Harley Rudolph, b. D 21, 1907; Katheryn Elizabeth, b. Jl 16, 1913 (died N 28, 1915) ; Ralph Slocum, b. O 13, 1914; Margaret Dorothy, b. Ja 17, 1917. Address, Chino, Calif. 2249. ESTHER ANNE SMITH Cataloger; A. B. ; b. Jl ir, 1880, Saginaw, Mich.; d. R. Z. and Olive (Colbrath) Smith. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1903. Cataloger, Gen. Lib., Univ. of Mich., 1904-06; Reviser, Catalog Div., do., 1906-08; Head Cataloger, do., 1908; Instr. in cataloging, Univ. of Mich,, summer sch., 1910 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Mich. Lib. Assn.; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae; Treas., Ann Arbor Lib. Club, 1913-15; Pres., do., 1915-17. Address, Univ. Lib., Mich. Univ., Ann Arbor, Mich. 2250. FLORENCE SEBRING SMITH Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Bloomington, 111.; d. George Oscar (b. 1843, Stamford, Conn.) and Margaret Copeland (Sebring) Smith (b. 1848, Tarrytown, N. Y.). Prepared in Lin- coln and (5maha H. Schs.; A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1894; A. M., do., 1898. Univ. of Neb. Lib., 1898; Libn., 1901-18; Reference Libn., Kansas City Pub. Lib., Kansas City, Mo., 1918 — . Address, Pub. Lib., Kansas City. Mo. 2251. HENRY WILLIAM SMITH Y. M. C. A., Sec; B. S.; b. Je 2, 1874, Areola, 111.; s. John D. (b. Ap 12, 1845, Somer- set, O.) and Emma (Bowman) Smith (b. Jl 28 1845, do.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Adelphic; Y. M. C. A., Cabinet Treas., 1903-4. Educ. Sec, Y. M. C. A., New Haven, New York, Chicago. Served in 4th 111. Volunteer Inf., Spanish-Am. War. Married Grace E. JoITns, S 16, 1909, Chicago. Child, William Spencer Smith, b. Ag 10, 191 1. Address, 2922 Lexing- ton St., Chicago; bus. add., Y. M. C. A., Bel- videre. 111. 214 University of Illinois [1904 2252. CLARA SOMMER (VEHSTEDT) (Sister of No. 2827) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 4, 1883, Chicago; d. Adam (b. Austria) and Louise (Reichardt) Sommer (b. Ger.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi: French Club. Married Harry Bode Vehstedt, D 15, 1909, Chicago. Children: Harry Sommer, b. N 2, 1910; Clara Louise, b. S 15, 1912; Robert Adams, b. Mr 11, 1915. Address, San Diego, Calif. 2253. MILDRED ELIZA SONNTAG (FRANKLIN) (Sister of Nos. 3553, 3554) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 4, 1882, Plainfield, 111.; d. Albert (b. Lockport, 111.) and Mary (Kettering) Sonntag (b. Lemont, 111.). Pre- pared in Plainfield and Joliet H. S. Watch- eka, Der Deutsche Verein; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin. teacher of Math, and German, Lexington H. S.; Teacher, Joliet Tp. H. S. Married Bertram Adolph Franklin, S 16, 1909, Plainfield, 111. Child, Mary Catherine, b. Ja 7, 1911. Address, 1315 E. Washington St., Bloomington, 111. 2254. ANNIE ELNORA SPARKS (PAISLEY) (Sister of No. 918) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je :8, 1879, Miller Tp., LaSalle Co., 111.; d. George (b. N 21, 1845, Fulton Co., O.) and Esther Peacock (Clifton) Sparks (b. F 4, 1842, Lucas Co., O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A. ; Watcheka League; Charter mem., Illiola. Teacher, 1904-6; Office work, Chem. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1906-8; Mem., Presby. Church. Mar- ried Robert Hughes Paisley, Ap 7, 1908, Ur- bana. Children: John Calvin, b. F 27, 191 1; Esther Mary, b. Je 20, 1912; James Robert, b. Ap 26, 1916; Grace Beulah, b. O 15, 1917; Alice Bertha, b. O 15, 1917 (died O 15, 1917). Address, R. 10, Mt. Vernon, 111. 2255. ISABEL STALEY (DANELY) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 5, 1883, Champaign, III; d. Judge Calvin C. (b. Jl 14, 1849, Hun- tington, W. Va.) and Susan Isabella (Har- wood) Staley (b. S 6, 1859, Bloomingtton, 111.). Prepared in (Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Awarded Royal Humane Soc. Medal. Married Alfred Marion Danely, Jr., O 10, 1906, Champaign. Child, Alfred Calvin, b. Je 21, 1908. Address, 1003 S. Busey Ave., Ur- ban a. 2256. LEWIS ALVA STEPHENSON Office Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 7, 1878, Redmon, 111.; s. J. H. and Catherine (Bogle) Stephenson. Mgr., Kansas City Office of the Powers Regulator Co.; Mem. Soc. of the Army and Navy. Married N 27, 1909. Child, Alice Catherine, b. F 4, 1912. Address, 2712 Benton Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 412 Re- liance Bldg. do.'t 2257. ROBERT JAQUES STEWART Mgr. Contract Dept.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 10, 1881, Terre Haute, Ind.; s. William Ar- thur (b. Ag 3, 1856, Lawrenceburg, Ind.) and Emma (Jacques) Stewart (b. Ag, 1858, near New Harmony, Ind.). Prepared in Dan- ville, H. S.; Univ. of N. M. Engr. Soc. Spec. Apprentice. C. & E. I. Ry., 1904-6; Asst. Supt. Bat. Dept., Nat. Carbon Co., 1906-7; Asst. in M. & W. Dept., L. & A. R. A., Ark., 1907-8; Asst. Mgr., Insultation Dept., H. W. Johns Manville Co., Milwaukee, 1908-n; Mgr., Contract Dept., do., Indian- apolis, 191 1 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.: R. & S. M.; Commandery; K. T., A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Edith Beryl Howser, S 17, 1908, Urbana. Child, Eleanor Emma, b. Ag 4, 1909. Address, 2316 Morgan Ave., Morgan Park, lU.t 2258. CHARLES NEWHALL STONE (Brother of No. 4438) Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 10, 1884, St. Paul; s. Elbridge Kimball (b. N 14, 1850, Quincy, 111.) and Cora Abia (Edison) Stone (b. S 23, 1851, Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Sigma Chi; Tau Beta Pi Scholarship. With Deere & Co., Moline, 111.; Mgr., Dain Mfg. Co., Limited; do., John Deere Plow Co., Welland, Ltd. Address, Wel- land. Ont., Can. -'-'59. HELEN FLORENCE STOOKEY (WILKINSON) (Wife of No. 1792; Sister of No. 3193) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 15, 1883, Warrens- burg, 111.; d. Lewis (b. O 20, 1848, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Leona (Childs) Stookey (b. F 26, 1856, Sangamon Co., 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Watcheka; Ger. Club. Studied music at James Millikin Univ. Mem., Coll. Alumnae; D. A. R. ; Methodist Church. Married Nathan Wil- kinson ('02), Je 15, 1907. Harristown, III. Children: Helen Jean, b. O 29, 1908; Nathan, b. F 13, 1910; David Price, b. Ap 20, 1916. Address, 789 Beulah Ave., Milwaukee. 2260. SMITH LEROY STROUD B. S. in C. E.; b, Jl 23, 1877. Atlanta, 111.; s. William B. (b. My 15, 1852, do.) and Parrie (Mt. Joy) Stroud (b. 1851. do.). Prepared in .\tlanta H. S.; Cascadilla Prep., Ithaca, N. Y. Married Crystal Bland, Jl 23, 1913, Long Beach, Calif. Address, 1055 N. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 2261. BELLE SWEET Librarian; B. L. S. Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Libn., Clinton (la.) Pub. Lib., 1904- 3; Univ. of Idaho Lib., 1905 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Address, Moscow, Idaho. 2262. GRACE ELLEN SWITZER Librarian; A. B. in Lib. Sc; b. Ag 8, 1879, Portland, Ore.; d. Abraham Flavins (b. Union r>riclge, Md.) and Eva (Stone) Switzer (b. Huntingdon, Can.). Prepared in Iowa City H. S. Ph. B., Univ. of la., 1902. Hesperian. Cataloger, St. Lib., Olympia, Wash., 1904-5; Libn., Pub. Lib., Bellingham, Wash., 1905-14; Asst., Cleveland Pub. Lib., 19 15 — • Mem., Presby. Church; Y. W. C. A; Woman's City Club. Address, 924 E. 150th St., Cleveland. 2-'63. ELSIE MAE TAYLOR (FISHER) (Wife of No. 3367; Sister of No. 2265) .\. B. in Sc; b. Ag 12. 1881, Tuscola, III.; d. William (b. Ja 6, 1849, 111.) and Mary Katherine (Cheney) Taylor (b. Ag 23, 1856, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Basketball Team. Teacher, 1904-10. Married Ora Stanley Fisher ('08), Je 4, 1910, Homer, HI. Children: John Tavlor, b. O 16, 191 1; Doris, b. Jl 23, 1913. .Address, 307 Chatham Courts, Washington, D. C. 2264. GEORGE GRAHAM TAYLOR Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 26, 1881, Tavlorville, 111.; s. James M. (b. D 2. 1839, New Byth, Aberdeenshire, Scot.) and Adelia A. (Stewart) Taylor (b. S i, 1840, St. Charles, III"). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S.; LL. p.., John Marshall Law Sch., 1908. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Stockman and Poultryman, 1905-6; Instr. in H. Schs., 1908-11; Lawyer, iQii— . Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Trenna June Miller. Je 30, 1910, Deca- tur, 111. Address, 228 E. Central Ave., High- land Park, 111. IQ04] Baccalaureate Alumni '■TS 2.>6s. JOHN ORLO TAYLOR (Brother of No. 2263) Consulting Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 19, 1879, Tuscola, 111.; s. William (b. Ja 5, 1849, Charleston, 111.) and Mary C. (Cheney) Taylor (b. 1856, Camargo, 111.). Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Draftsman, Foreman, Master Mechanic, with Isthmian Canal Com., 1904, igog; Const. Supt., The Arnold Co., Chicago, 1910; Engr., Fred G. Postel & Co., Chicago, igii — . Assoc, A. I. E. E. ; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Married Ann Elizabeth Mornberg, O 9, 191 ->, Oak Park, 111. Children: William, b. Je 16, 1913; John, b. Je 16, 19 13 (died O 8, igij). Address, 524 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park, 111. 2266. SHERMAN THOMPSON (Brother of Nos. 1429, 1781) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je s, 1883, Warrensburg, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1837, Al- den, N. Y.) and Mary G. (Langston) Thomp- son (b. 1843,^111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Married Millie Thompson, Ag 4, 1909. Child, Langston, b. My 31, 191 1. Addfess, La Salle, lU.t 2267. PETER FREDERICK WILLIAM TIMM Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N ig, 1876, Areola, 111.; s. Eggert (b. Je 15, 1827, Holstein, Ger.) and Kathrina (Mathiesen) Timm (b. Ag 6, 1829). Prepared at Earned (Kan.) H. S. Delta Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Army and Navy Club; Class Baseball and Football Teams; Soph. Cane Com. Mfg. and Sales Depts., Allis- Chalmers Co. Corp., Co. A., 4th 111. Volunteer Inf., Spanish-Am. War, i898-9g. Mem., Detroit Engr. Soc; Nat. Assn. Steam Engrs. ; Fellow- craft Club; United Spanish War Veterans; Peninsular Club. D. U.; Wolverine Automo- bile Club. Married Nell Pearl Grossman, Je n, igii, Harristown, III. Address, Box 321, Al- pena, Mich.f 2268. ROY ELMER TRAVIS Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 19, 1880, Assumption, 111.; s. Byron (b. Jl 31, 1855, Pa.) and Emma (Henry) Travis (b. jl 4, 1859. Springfield, O.). Prepared in Assumption H. S.; Univ. Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Mgr., Base- ball; Asst. Grad. Mgr., Ath. Assn. Hardware Merchant, 1904; Asst. Engr., R. C. Davies Gas Co., Harris Trust, Chicago; Asst. Engr. Corn. Pa. R. R., igos-12; Const. Engr., Bawps Bros., 1912 — . Married Lucile Markley, O 19, 1909, Logansport, Ind. Address, 1055 Berwyn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1615 Harris Trust Bldg. do. 2269. CLARA EUGENIA TRIMBLE (FENN) (Sister of No. 2844) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Tremont, 111.; d. William (b. Ja 22, 1832, Conconnell, Ireland) and Anna M. (Malone) Trimble (b. S 8, 1840, Tremont, Tazewell Co., 111.). Prepared in Rural Schs. and III. St. Norm. Univ. Taupht Urbana H. S., 1904-s; Curtis H. S., Chicago, 1907-18. Married George Henry Fenn, D 25, 191 8, Chi- cago. Address, 5714 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. 2270. HAROLD FRANK TRIPP Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 28, 1880, Quincy, 111.; s. Frank (b. 1856, Adams Co., 111.) and Mary (Carey) Tripp (b. 1858, Pike Co., 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Glee and Mandolin Club; Dramatic Club, Mgr.; Class Baseball. Atty. at Law, City Atty., Walter, Okla.; Elected Atty. for Cotton Co., Okla., 1912; Asst. Co. Atty., Okla. Co.. Okla., 1918— . Married Florence Harvey, D 26, 1906, Griggs- ville, 111. Children: Elizabeth F., b. D 30, 1908 (died Ja 29, 1909); Thomas Harvey, b. N 11, 191 1. Address, 319 Lee Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 2271. CHARLES PHILIP TURNER Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 4, 1880, Butler, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Je 15, 1839, Jacksonville, 111.) and Fannie Barbara (Grove) Turner (b. Je 30, 1845, St. Galin, Switzerland). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc. Steam Turbine Test- ing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., 1904-5; Const Dept., 1905 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1907; Graduate Club, N. Y. Married Eliza J. Sem- mel, Je 13, 1912 .A.llentown, Pa. Address, 527 Veronica St., E. St. Louis, 111.; bits, add.. Am. Steel Foundries, East St. Louis, 111. 2272. LEWIS BUTLER TUTHILL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1905; b. Jl 20, 1880, Anna, 111.; s. Harlan Page (b. O 31, 1842, Vergennes, 111.) and Emma S. (Hub- bard) Tuthill (b. Mr 4, 1852, O.). Prepared in Union Acad., Anna, 111. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Mgr., Foot- ball Team, 1902. Lawyer, Insur. Agt. and City Atty., 190S-11. Anna, 111. V. P., lUini Club, .\nna. 111. Married Leeta De Wolf, N 23, 1904. Anna, 111. Children; May De Wolf. b. 1907; Harlan Page, b. S 26, igog. Address, .Vnna, lU.t 2273. MAHLON SMITH VANCE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 3, 1870, Eaton, 111.; s. Mahlon Thomas (b. Licking Co., O.) and Margaret M. (Lamb) Vance (b. do.). Prepared in Austin Coll., Effingham; Central Norm. Coll., Danville, Ind.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Prin and Supt., Pub. Schs., Sulli- van, 111., 1904-7; do., Paris, 111., 1907-8; Hard- ware Bus.. Oblong, 111., 1908-10; Asst. (Tashier, Oil Belt Nat. Bank, do., 1910-15; Teacher, H. S., Oblong, 111., 1915-18; Prin., do., 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Cora B. Vance. S 2, igoo. Tuscola, 111. Children: Donald Howe, b. My 18, 1901; Dorothy Helen, b. Je i, 1907; Margaret, b. S 30, igi3. Address, Oblong, 111. 2274. GEORGE GARRET VANHORNE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 12. 1881, Rockford, III.; s. Garret R. (b. Je 30, 1841, N. J.) and Jennie Amelia (Munroe) Vanhorne (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. M. E. Soc; E. E. Soc. With Rockford Edison Co., 1904; Chicago Edison Co., 1905-6; West- ern Elec. Co., 1906-14. Address, Van Nuys, Calif. 2275. JOHN TERRELL VAWTER, JR. Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 20, 1879, Vernon, Ind.; s. Mary A. Vawter. Prepared at Purdue L^niv. Address, 216 Wright and Cal- lender Sts., Los Angeles, Calif. t 2276. RICHARD PERCIVAL VICKRAGE Rancher; LL. B.; b. S 26, 1881, Pana, 111.; s. William (b. Jl 8, 1853, Birmingham, Wor- cestershire, Eng.) and Malinda (Scott) Vick- rage (b. Jl 24, 1861, Brighton, O.). Pre- pared in Pana H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Law- yer, Pana and Okmulgee, Okla., 1904-9; As- soc. Ed., Scenic Am., San Diego, Calif., 1909- 12; Rancher, Calif., 1912 — -. Address, 2241 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 2277. ♦LORENA NELL WEBBER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 21, 1879; d. Wallace K. and Mary B. (Brown) Webber. Prepared in Renwick, la., H. S.; B. S., la. St. Coll., 1908. In Ames (la.) Pub. Lib., 1904-s; St. Lib. Com. Office, Des Moines, 1905; Iron City Pub. Lib., 1905-14. Died D 25, 1914, Boulder, Colo. 2278. HARRY WILLIAM WEEKS Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 22, 1881, Hennepin, 111.; s. William (b. Ja 2, 185s, Tounton, Eng.) and Ida Susan Weeks i6 University of Illinois [1904 (b. F 6, 1855, near Henry, 111.)- Prepared in Bradford H. S.; A. B., Lombard, 1900. Phi Delta Theta. Draftsman, Sheffield Car Co., 1904; Mech. Engr., U. S. Geol. Sur., Fuel Testing Plant, 1904^8; do.. Fuel Engng. Co. and Cml. Testing & Engng. Co., 1908-10; Dist. Sales Mgr., The Montgomery Coal Co., Chi- cago, 1910-13; Sales Engr., Peabody Coal Co., 191 3 — . Married Edith Esther Weeks, Ag 14, 1907, Champaign. Address, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 2279. WILLIAM HENRY WEHMEIER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 5, 1879, Alton, 111.; s. A. W. and Emma (Blauke) Weh- meier. Prepared in Alton H. S. Kappa Sigma. Engr. and Asst. on Const. I. T. S., 1904-06; City Engr., Vinita I. T., 1906; W. S. G. S., 1906; St. Louis City and Co. Engr., office in Seattle, Wash., 1907; Engr. and Supt., Irriga- tion & Power Co., Hanford, Wash., 1908-16; Engr., St. and Co. Rd. Const., Benton Co., Wash., 1917. Married Leslie A. Maffit, Je 12, 1906, Decatur, 111. Children: Jane Maffit, b. Mr 29, 1908; Mary Anne, b. My 8, 1916. Ad- dress, Hanford, Wash. 22S0. NELLIE WETZEL (SHELDON) (Wife of No. 1965) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 16, 1879, Stonington, 111.; d. M. IL (b. :84s, Newville, Pa.) and Emily Marilla (Eaton) Wetzel (b. 1847, La- fayette, Ind.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Alethenai; Eng. Club. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Univ. of Mo., 1904-5. Married Victor L. Sheldon ('03), Je, 1905, Stonington, 111. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Ja 6, 1909; Ruth Ellen, b. F 16, 1912. Address, ■ 5660 Vernon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 2281. ANNA DAVID WHITE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Silieridan, 111.; d. Abel Mortimer (b. Ap 19, 1850, Lumberton, N. J.) and Zelica Nora (Jenks) White (b. N 15. 1853, Oconomowoc, Wis.). Prepared in Lake View and Austin H. Schs., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1900-2. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Omega Psi. Asst., Loan Desk, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1906; do., John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1910; do., Studebaker Lib., South Bend, Ind., 191 1 ; Cataloger, Univ. Club Lib., Chicago; do., Ferry Hall Lib., 1911; do., Pullman Pub. Lib., 1912; do., John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 1913; Libn., Nat. Safety Council 1915 — • Ad- dress, 4342 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 208 S. La Salle St., do. 2282. CAROLINE LOUISE WHITE (JEFFREY) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 13. 1883, Bureau Junction, 111.; d. Edward (b. My i4i 1847, Springfield, Mass.) and Martha A. (Ray- mond) White (b. F 9, 1855. Mt. Palatine, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Kappa Kappa Gam- ma; Girls' Basketball; Orchestra. Teacher of Eng. and Phys. Cult, in H. S. Mem.. Church of Christ Scientist. Married Melvin Roy Jeff- rey. Mr 2, 1907, Warrensburg. 111. Children: William Thomas, b. Ja 2, 1908; Martha, b. Jl 14, 1910; Edward White, b. Ja 18, 19 12. Ad- dress, Hamilton, Mont. 2283. BURTON B. WILCOX Chemist; A. B. in Chem.; A. M., 1905; b. Mr 6, 18S2, Galesburg, 111.; s. John and Cora Luella (Hatch) Wilcox (b. Kewanee, 111.) Pre- pared in Kewanee H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Fellow in Chem., 1904-5- With Armour & Co., Chicago; Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr. Article (with Wm. M. (Dehn) Secondary Arsines, Am. Chem. Jour., Vol. 35. pp. I-S4, iqo6. Address, Bur. Chem., Wash- ington, D. C.t 2284. CARROLL CARSON WILEY (Brother of No. 1442) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1910; b. Jl 28, 1884, Edinburg, 111.; s. Benjamin Diamond (b. Jl 19, 1850, Md.) and Matilda Josephine (Carson) Wiley (b. D 16, 1853. Cleveland, O.). Prepared in Bellflower and Potomac H. Schs. C. E. Club; Choral Soc; Tau Beta Pi: Sigma Xi; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Final Honors. Draftsman with Weir Frog Co., Cincinnati, 1904-06; Loraine Steel Co., Johnstown, Pa., 1906; Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1906; Instr. in Engng., Univ. of HI., i9o6-:3; Assoc, Civ. Engng., 1913 — ; in charge of Highway Engng., last three years. Auth.: Textbook on Railroad Sur. (with G. W. Pickels) 263 pp., John Wiley & Sons, 1914; The Mortar Making Qualities of 111. Sands, Bui. 70. 40 pp., Engng. Exp. Sta.; Monolithic Brick Paving Slabs Show High Bond, Engng. Record, Vol. 73, No. 3; Concentration of Expansion Stresses due to Imperfect Grouting the Cause of Brick Pavement Failures, Mun. Engng., Vol. LIII, No. 5 ; Tests Show Advantages of Laying Brick Directly on Concrete Base, Engng. News-Rec- ord, Vol. 79. No. 18, N I, 191 7; Old Sand-filled Brick Pavement Relaid Monolithically, Mun. Engng., Vol. LIII, No. 5; Who is to Blame, do., Vol. LIII, No. 4; Grades and Vertical Curves, ///. Highways, Vol. LIII, No. 9. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Assn. of Engrs. ; 111. Highway Improvement Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Sina Belle Adams, S 5, 1906, Stoning- ton, 111. Children: Tarley Tarson, b. My 17, 1908; Lockwood Elon, b. Ja 15, 1910. Address, 714 S. State St., Champaign; bus. add., 200 Highway Lab., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 22S5. FRANCIS RUDOLPH WILEY (Brother of No. 4979) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1906; b. Ag 20, 1878, Sullivan, 111.; s. Joseph B. (b. S 1837, Sullivan, 111.) and Pauline Jean- nette (Phillips) Wiley (b. Mr 6, 1848, Sulli- van, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; Adelphic; Pol. Sc Club; Bryan Prize; Ill.-O. Debating Team; 111. -Mo. Debating Team; Varsity Football. Practising law, 1907-14; do., Wiley and Morey, 1914 — . Married Celia Post, S 2, 1915, Decatur, 111. Address, 3S4 W. Main St., Decatur, 111. 2286. WALLACE KENNETH WILEY (Brother of No. 4493) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 9, 1880, Peoria; s. William Rodney (b. O 4, 1850, Sax- ton's River, Vt.) and Frances Ellen (Day) Wiley (b. Je ii, 1851, Townsend, Vt.). Pre- pared in Peoria H. S. Beta Theta Pi. Partner in Flexlume Sign Co., 1904 — -. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Elsie Nevin Arms, N i, 191 1, Lancaster, Pa. Children: John Nevin, b. Je 15, 1914; Alice Nevin, b. S 17, 1916. Ad- dress, 70 Wellington Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. ; bvs. add., Flexlume Sign Co., 1453 Niagara St., do. Z2S7. MARY EDITH WILLIAMS (Sister of Nos. 1615, 3232) Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; M. D., 191 7; b. Mr 25, 1883, Kenney, 111.; d. James Alexander (b. Jl 22, 1846. Rockford, N. C.) and Annie Jane (Waller) Williams (b. Mr 4, 1850, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Newman H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Epsilon Iota. Instr. in Phys. Tr. for Women, Univ. of 111., 1906-13; Interne Mary Thompson Hosp. for Women and Children, Chicago, 1917-18; In- terne Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1918 — . Ad- dress, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 217 2288. CHARLES GORHAM WILSON Sch. Supt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja s, 1874, Marengo, 111.; s. William Henry (b. 1840, Tor- onto, Can.) and Susannah Matilda (Durham) Wilson (b. 1838, Davenport, N. Y.). Prepared in Marengo H. S. ; South Side Acad., Chicago. Adelphic; Der Deutche Verein. Prin., Wins- low H. S., Sheridan, 1906-7; Supt., Algonzuin, 1907-11; do., Wyanet, 1911-12; do., De Pue, 111., 1912-14; do., Hanover, 111., 1914-18. Auth.: Teachers' Institutes in the U. S., in E. G. Dextcr's Hist, of Ednc. in the U. S., New York, 1904. Mem., Trinity M. E. Church; Treas. Epworth League. Married Ella Magda- lena Bastian, Ag 21, 1907, Sheridan, 111. Ad- dress, Hanover, 111. 2289. JOHN GUY WILSON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1907; b. N 9, 1878; s. John James (b. My i, 1849, Shelby Co., 111.) and Nancy Ann (Templeton) Wilson (b. S 13, 1852, Shelby Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Gays H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Philomathean. Chief Clerk in President's Office, 1904-8; Mem. Boggs & Wilson, Attys., Medford, Ore. Married Ada May Kelly, S 22, 1909, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 1311 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.f 2290. *LEROY C. WILSON B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1905; b. Ag 19, 1883, Princeton, 111.; s. Samuel Rease (b. O 6, 1850, Princeton) and Sarah Elizabeth (Field) Wilson (b. D 31, 1853, Princeton). Prepared in Prince- ton H. S. Agr. Club; Adelphic; Alpha Zeta. 111. Exp. Sta., 1904; U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1905. Died, 1906. 2291. ALICE LOUISE WING Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ja 26, 1881, Lud- ington, Mich.; d. Charles Gordon (b. Ja 21, 1846, Franklinville, N. Y.) and Jennie S. (Poole) Wing (b. Ag 21, 1849, Albany, N. Y.). Prepared in Ludington, Mich., H. S.; Alma, (Mich.) Coll. Alpha Theta; Watcheka; Lib. Club; Y. W. C. A. Cataloger, Spokane Lib., Wash., 1904-5; Ludington, Mich., Lib., 1905-6; Grand Rapids, Mich., Lib., 1906-9; Instr. in Cataloging, Ind. Lib. Sch., Indianapolis, Ind., 1909-10; Cataloger, O. St. Univ. Lib., 1910-12; Temporary Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1913; Head Cataloger, O. Wesleyan Univ. Lib., 1913- 15; Libn.. Ludington, (Mich.). Pub. Lib., 191 5 — . Mem., Mich. Lib. Assn.; O. Lib. Assn.; A. L. A.; D. A. R. Address, Luding- ton, Mich. 2292. LEWIS W. WISE (Brother of No. 2868) Farm Advisor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 28, 1876, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. Jacob (b. D 28, 1844, Del- phi, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Kuns) Wise (b. Ap 17, 1855, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta; Band. Farmer, 1904-17; Farm Advisor for Iroquois Co., 1914 — . Pres., Watseka Bd. of Exiuc, 1917-18; Chm. Food Production and Conservation Com. for Iroquois Co. Married Jane Parker Bowdle, F 16, 1905, Milmine, 111. Children: Margaret Helen, b. Ag 5, 1906; Harriet Bowdle, b. Mr 9, 1909. Address, Watseka, 111. 2293. EMMA MARIE WITTLINGER (SCHEIE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 13, 1882, Esslingen, Ger. ; d. William (b. 1854, do.) and Mary (Fuchslocher) Wittlinger (b. 1852, do.). Pre; pared in Ger. Sch.; Decatur H. S. Alpha Chi Omega. Teacher, Lat. and Ger., Sullivan, 111., 1904-8; Decatur H. S., 1908-11. Married Fred W. Schlie, N 1, 191 1. Child, Frederick Mil- ton, b. Jl 8, 191 5. Address, 537 S. Oakland St., Decatur, 111. 2294. NORMAN CHARLES WOODIN Chief Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 27, 1877, Rock Island, 111.; s. Sheldon Jerome (b. Mr 25, 1852, Rock Island, 111.) and Rose M. (Kahlke) Woodin (b. D 28, 3853, New Or- leans, La.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Chief Draftsman, Bucyrus Co., Evansville Plant. Married Rose Lillian Gumz, N 5, 1909, Mil- waukee, Wis. Address 303 E. Iowa St., Evansville, Ind.; bus. add., Bucyrus Co., do.\ 2295. EDNA McCLUSKEY WORK (HADLEY) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 19, 1880, near Bushnell, 111.; d. Samuel (b. Mr 11, 1842, near Washington, Pa.) and Laura (Crownover) Work (b. Ap 16, 1851, near Huntington, Pa.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; Knox Coll., 1898- 1900. Der Deutscher Verein. Teacher of Sc, East Dubuque H. S., East Dubuque, 111., 1904-5; do., Watseka, 111., 1905-6. Married Everett P. Hadley, Je 1907, Los Angeles, Calif. Address, O'Neals, Calif. 2296. JOSEPH GARFIELD WORKER Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 16, 1881, Stuart, la.; s. Joseph James (b. Je 28, 1856) and Georgina Belle (Swingle) Worker (b. N 12, 1862). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Delta Upsilon; M. E. and E. E. Soc. Asst. to Master Mech., Deere & Co., Moline, 111., 1904-05; Erecting Engr., Westinghouse Mach. Co., 1905-08; Mech. Engr., Calumet Steel Co., 1908; Asst. Supt., Stoker Dept., Westinghouse Mach. Co., 1911-15; Mgr., Stoker Div. West- inghouse Elec. Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, 1915 — . Married Maybell Edna Sampson, My 20, 1909, Urbana. Child, daughter, b. Mr 10, 1912. Address, 5722 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh; bvs. add., c/o Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co., do. 2297. JOSEPH CARL WORRELL Bridge Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 27, 1877, Chili, 111.; s. Barnett Dewitt (b. S 15, 1846, N. J.) and Alice Phoebe (Campbell) Worrell (b. D 15, 1856). Prepared in Bowen H. S.; HI. St. Norm. Univ. C. E. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Concrete, Masonry and Steel Insp., C. &_ N. W. R. R., 1904-09; Foreman, Highway Erection, 1909; Gen. Bridge Insp., G. N. R. R., 1909-10; Foreman, Highway Bridge Erection, 1910; Foreman, Concrete Const., Pillsbury Milling Co., 1910-11; Insp., Steel Erection, G. N. R. R., 191 1; Engr. and Surv., 191 1; Concrete Insp., C. St. P. M. & O. R. R., 191 1; with C. B. Stewart, Const. Engng., as Recorder and Instrumentman; Recorder of Reservoir Sur., 1911 — ; Res. Engr., Blade River Falls on re- taining wall (concrete) for Daniel W. Mead, 1911-12; Bridge Engr. of Concrete Const. C. W. M. & O. Ry., 1912 — . Auth.: Dismantling a Steel Erection Traveler, Engng. Record. Mem., C. E. Soc; Presby. Church. Married Elizabeth Mandeville, Ja 30, 1906, Champaign. Child, Kathryn Elizabeth, b. O 29, 1907. Ad- dress, 3136 3rd Ave., South Nyres, Minn.f 2298. EDMUND LOUIS WORTHEN (Husband of No. 2871; Brother of No. 1189) Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 5, 1882, Warsaw, 111.; s. George Byron (b. Je 30, 1837, do.) and Mary L. (Bedell) Worthen (b. My II, 1839, do.). Prepared in Warsaw H. S. M. S., Cornell Univ., 1908. Alpha Zeta; Adelphic; Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Dept of Agron., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1904; Dept, Agr. Bur. of Soils, 1906-09; N. C. Dept. of Agr. Soil Investigations, 1909-13; Prof, of Agron., Pa. St. Coll., 1913-18. Auth. of the following Soil Sur. Reports of U. S. Bur. of Soils: Jasper Co., Miss.; N. Platte area. Neb.; E. and W. Carroll Parishes, La.; Clay Co., Miss., Bui. 151, N. C. Dept. of Agr. Mem., Am. Breed- ers' Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agron.; N. C. Acad. >i8 University of Illinois '905 of Sc. Married Xenia May Woolman ('07), N 5, 1908, Urbana. Children: Rachel Daura, b. Ag 15, 1910; Albert Woolman, b. N 13, 1912; Elizabeth Jane, b. D 16, 1913. Address Dept of Agron., State College, Pa. 2299. ELLA EUGENIA WORTHEN (MAXWELL) (Sister of No. 3243) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 26, 1883; d. John Burnham (b. F 4, 1885, Warsaw, 111.) and Belle Sackett (Connor) Worthen (b. Jl 29, 1857, Luray, Mo.). Prepared in Warsaw H. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1906-07. Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Math. Club; Class Sec; Sr. Ball Com.; Final Honors; Fellowship in Math., Univ. of Neb. Teacher H. S., Areola, 1904-06; Prin., H. S., Mt. Pulaski, 1907-08; Teacher, H. S., Quincy, 1908-09. Married Charles Robert Max- well, D 28, 1909, Warsaw, 111. Child, Charles Robert, b. Mr 26, 1913. Address, Whitewater, Wis. 2300. IDA FAYE WRIGHT Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 29, 1880, Win- netka, 111.; d. Newton Daniel (b. O 17, 1843, Adams, N. Y.) and Huldah M. (Munsel) Wright (b. Ja 26, 1847, Howard, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Evanston Tp. H. S.; attended North- western Univ., 1900-2, Alethenai; Final Honors in Lib. Sch. Asst. (iataloger in Bryn Mawr Coll. Lib., 1904; Asst. in Evanston Free Pub. Lib., 1904-09; First Asst. Libn., Lincoln Lib., Springfield, 111., 1909 — . Address, 720 E. Ed- wards St., Springfield, Ill.t 2301. WARD ELLIS WRIGHT Gen. Supt.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 13. 1879, Woodstock, 111.; s. Myron J. and Nellie C. Wright. Prepared in Osceola (Mo.) H. S. W. E. Wright Mfg. Co.; Gen. Supt., Pfanstiehl Co. Married Mae S. Alice, Jl 6, 1907, Chi- cago. Address, 812 N. County St., Waukegan, 111.; bus. add., c/o Pfanstiehl Co., N. Chicago, 2302. WILLIAM WILBERFORCE WRIGHT (Brother of No. 3244) Supt., Div. An. Industry; LL. B.; b. Ag 12, 1878, Toulon, 111.; s. William W. (b. Canton, 111.) and Mary H. (Hopkins) Wright (b. Granville, 111.). Prepared in Toulon Acad.; Worcester Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Agr. Club; Stud. Dancing Club; Alpha Delta Sigma; Football. Breeder of Short Horn Cattle, Hill- crest Farm, Toulon, 111.; Supt., Div. An. In- dustry, St. of 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Pres., 111. Cattle Breeder's Assn. Married Phoebe Louisa Robins, O 20, 1909, Emmetsburg, la. Children: William W., IV, b. Jl i, 1910; John R., b. My 9, 1913. Address, Toulon, 111. 2303. EARL LAYTON YOCUM Business; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 9, 1880, Aurelia, la.; s. Oran E. (b. N 26, 1844, War- saw, Ind.) and Elizabeth L. (Devinny) Yocum (b. D 20, 1849, Armstrong Co., Pa.). Prepared in Galva H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Band. Pres., L. M. Yocum & Co., Bankers; Sec, Hayes Pump and Planter Co.; Pres. and Treas., Galva Heater Co.; V. P., Farmer's Nat. Bank. Aurelia, la.; do., Galva Motor Co., Galva, HI. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Peoria Consistory; Mo- hammed Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; B. P. O. E.; Midland Country Club. Married Mary Martha Barlow, O 9, 1912. Children: E^rl Layton, Jr., b. Jl 23, 1913; Mary Elizabeth, b. O 31, 1917. Address, Galva, 111. CLASS OF 1905 (231 LIVING, 13 DEAD) 2304. DUFF ANDREW ABRAMS Professor; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1909; b. Ap 25, 1880, Grand Tower, 111.; s. G. T. (b. 1840, Taylorville, 111.) and Mary (Kuntz) Abrams. Prepared in Murphysboro H. S. Math. Club; C. E. Club; Sigma Xi. Asst. in Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1905-7; Assoc, 1907-14; Prof, in charge Struct. Materials Re- search Lab., Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1914 — . Auth.: Tests of Brick and Terra Cotta Block Columns (with A. N. Talbot), Engng. Exp. Sta., 1Q08; Field Tests of Drain Tile (with A. N. Talbot), Rock Products, 191 1; Tests of Board between Concrete and Steel, Engng. Exp. Sta. Bui., 71, 1914; contributed numerous articles to engng. and tech. jours. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; West. Soc of Engrs.; Am. Soc for testing Materials; Internat. Assn. for testing Materials; A. A. A. S.; Am. Concrete Inst.; Am. Math. Assn.; Art Inst., Chicago; Chicago Engr. Club; mini Club. Married Leone Gertrude Cronk- hite, Je 16, igo8, Danville, 111. Child, Edith Lenore, b. My 16, 1910. Address, 400 S. Ham- lin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Lewis Inst., Chi- cago. 2305. RALPH AGNEW Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 29, 1880, Chesaning, Mich.; s. A. D. (b. F 5, 1839, Youngstown, O. ) and Lydia M. (Crittenden) Agnew (b. Mr 13, 1851, Oakland Co., Mich.). Prepared in Chesaning H. S. B. S., Albion Coll. Engng. Sigma Chi. Farmer; Teacher, Pfermer City and Polo, 111.; with H. Burman Co., Contrs. and Builders. Address, Chesan- ing, Mich. 2306. MILTON KENT AKERS With West. Elect. Co; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1007; b. Mr 7, 1883, Homer, 111.; s. Reuben R. (b. 1843, Homer) and Josephine (Nicholson) Akers (b. Grape Creek. 111.). Prepared in Homer H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Xi; Eta Kappa Nu; Elec. Club. Operator, Commonwealth Ed- ison Co., Chicago, 1905; Instr. in Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1905-7; Instr. of Elec. Engng., St. Coll. of Wash., 1907-9; Asst. Prof., do., 1909-11; .Assoc Prof., do., 1911-15; Prof., do.. 1915; With West. Elect. Co., 1915 — •. Discover- ed (with Prof. Morgan Brooks) Methods of Synchronizing, and Methods of Load Division for Alternators. Published (with Prof. Morgan Brooks) Self-Synchronizing of Alternators, Pro- ceedings of the A. I. E. E.; Oscillograph De- signs, Technograph, 1906; A Whistle Signal, Factory, 1913. Mem.. A. I. E. E. ; Soc. for Pro- motion of Engng. Educ; Univ. C\\ih. Pullman, Wash. Married Helen Fairfax Rogers, Ag 30, iqog, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Rogers Milton, b. Jl 24, 1913. Address, 500 W. 122nd St., New York City; bus. add., 463 West St., do. 2307. GRACE MATILDA ALLEN (Sister of No. 2309) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 13, 1873. Wenona, 111.; d. Abram (b. F 14, 1823, New York City) and Cecelia Matilda (Cross) Allen (b. Ap 8, 1844, Pa.). Prepared in Wenona H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa: Final Honors. Teacher of Math., Champaign H. S., 1905-8; do., of Arith., Pomona, Calif., Gram. Sch., 1908-9: do.. Hist, and Math., Ingle- wood (Calif.) Union H. S., 1909-12. Mem., M. E. (3hurch. Address, loiy S. Burlington Ave., Los Angeles. 2308. LAWRENCE THOMPSON ALLEN Tudge; LL. B.; b. O 24, 1882, Hoopeston, 111"; s. Charles Asaph (b. Jl 26, 1851, Dan- ville, III.) and Mary (Thompson) Allen (b. O 12, 1857, Rossville, 111.). Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. ; Greer Coll.; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1902. Sigma Chi: Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Football; Band; Glee Club; Opera and Dramatic Clubs; Mask and Bauble. Co. Tudge, 1909 — . Lt. Bat. A, ist 111. F. A., 1906- igojJ Baccalaureate Alumni 219 12; Maj. loth Inf., IlL Nat. Guard, Jl 1917 — . Judge Advocate Gen. Dept., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Married Bess Trevett, N 4, 191 1, Cham- paign. Children: John Trevett, b. N 22, 1912; Lawrence Thompson, Jr., b. F 2, 1915. Address, 1 130 Logan Ave., Danville, 111.; bus. add., Court House, do. 2309. MARY ELIZABETH ALLEN (Sister of No 2307) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 1875, Wenona, 111.; d. Abram (b. F 14, 1823, New York City) and Cecelia Matilda (Cross) Allen (b. Ap 8, 1844, Pa.). Prepared in Wenona H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Teacher of third grade, Champaign, 1905-7; do.. Math, and Hist., Bushnell H. S-, 1907-8; do., Arith., Pomona, Calif., Gram. Sch., 1908-10; do., Alath. and Eng., H. S., Inglewood, Calif., 191 1-15; do., Los Angeles, Jr.. H. S., 1915 — ■ Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1017 Burlington Ave., Los Angeles. 2310. PASCHAL ALLEN (Son of No. 92; Husband of No. 4699; Broth- er of Nos. 1800, 2876, 5002, 8096) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 24, 188 1, Dela- van. 111.; s. Ralph ('76), (b. Ap 15, 1854, See- konk, Mass.) and Ada Mary (Eaton) Allen (b. O 12, i8sj5, Philo, 111.), Prepared in Delavan H. S. Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Married Edith T. Hatch Cii), S 9. 19 1 3. Richmond, 111. Chil- dren: Franklin Hatch, b. Jl 8. 1914; Ada Mary, b. Ap s, 1916. Address, Green Valley, 111. 231 1. EDWIN ANDERS Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 8; b. Ap 12, 1879, Morris, 111. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Mil. Capt., 111. Nat. Guards; Illini Staff. Univ. of (Chicago, 1909. Prin., Idaho Indus. Inst.; Teacher in Aurora West Side H. S., 1906-9; Head of Hist. Dept., Washington H. S., Portland, Ore., 1909-15; Asst., Dept. of Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111. Mar- ried Edith A. Lafferty, Je 24, 1906. Children: Ellis Felix, b. Jl 29, 1907; Florence Beatrice, b. Ap 29, 1912. Address, 107 S. Busey St., Ur- bana. 2312. LESLIE LEE ANDERSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1883, Sum- mer Hill, 111.; s. Henry Lee (b. S 4, 1841, Hart- ford, Conn.) and Eliza D. (Stebbins) Ander- son (b. Jl 15, 1851. Summer Hill, HI. Pre- pared in Pittsfield H. S. Address, Summer Hill. 111. 2313. CHARLES EDWARD ARMSTRONG Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 30, 1874, Mound City, 111.; s. George William (b. F 17, 1844, New Albany, Ind.) and Jennie Louise (Conway) Armstrong (b. F 3, 1844, Mound City). Prepared in So. Collegiate Inst., Al- bion, 111. Eta Kappa Nu; Stud, mem., A. I. E. E.; Regimental Adjt. ; Capt., Univ. Regt. Traction System, 190^; Supt., Light and Steam Heat, Danville, St. Ry. & Light Co., 1905-8; Gen. Supt., Cairo Ry. & Light Co., 1908-10; Engng., Dept., Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria. Assoc, mem., A. I. E. E. Married Ida Bell Harrison, O 7, 1897, Cairo, 111. Children: Jennie Louise, b. Jl 19, 1904; Curtis Maxwell, b. F 2, 1908. Address, 53s College St., Peoria. 2314. THOMAS STANLEY BAILEY Assayer and Mine Operator; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 22, 1880, Lamar Co., Tex.; s. Thomas Seed (b. O 12, 1849, Lawrence Co., 111.) and Mary (Stiles) Bailey (b. S 4, 185 1). Pre- pared in Vincennes H. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. Assayer and Chem., Gold Prince Mines Co., 1905-6; Mgr., Good Morning Min. Co., and Storm King Min. Co., 1906-13; Pres., Illi- ni Mines Co.. Boulder, Colo., 1913 — ■. Married Jennie May Hoagland, Je 3, 1905, Danville, 111. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. D 26, 1905 (died Ja i, 1906); Thomas Samuel, b. Ap 20, 1907; Dorothy Jane, b. Jl 20. 1910; Margene Elizabeth, b. D 24, 1912. Address, 944 Pearl St., Boulder, Colo. 2315. IMO ESTELLA BAKER (BENT) (Wife of No. 2903; Daughter of No. 36; Sister of Nos. 1454, 2316, 2886) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 27, 1882, Monticello, 1.; d. Ira Osborn ('74). (b. S 23, 1853, Lin- ton, Ind.) and Emma Jane (Burr) Baker. 111.; d. Ira Osborn ('74). (b. S 23, 1853, Lin- ton, Ind.) and Emma Jane (Burr) Baker. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A., Pres.; Pres., Pan-Hellenic; Jr. Prom, and Sr. Ball Com. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Charles Howard Bent ('07), S 23, 1909, (Cham- paign. Children: Marion Louise, b. D 5, 1910; Willard Osborn, b. D 22. 1912. Address, 430 S. 6th Ave., La Grange, 111. 2316. IRA WEBSTER B.\KER (Son of No. 36; Brother of Nos. 1454, 2315, 2886) Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 17, 1884, Mattoon, 111.; s. Ira Osborn ('74). (b. S 23, 1853, Linton, Ind.) and Emma Jane (Burr) Baker. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Nu. Gen. Sec, Drake Univ. Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, 1905-6; Gen. Sec, O. St. Univ. Y. M. C. A., 1906; Teacher in Japanese Govt. Sch. Ex. Sec. of Laymen's Missionary Movement of U. S. and Can.; Ex. Sec, "World in Chica- go"; Real Est. Sales Mgr., Guardian Trust and Savings Bank, Cleveland. Married Gertrude Strong, N 11, 1912, Cleveland. Child, Ira Web- ster, b. F 18, 1917. Address, 2025 E. 77th St., Cleveland. 2317. MARY ELTON BARKER (VINCENT) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 18, 1883, Emporia, Kan.; d. Dr. Milton Reed (b. Boston, and Mary (Hanna) Barker (b. Canal Fulton, O.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Wyvern Club; Alpha Chi Omega. Assoc, in Lit., Univ. of Chicago, 1903. Married Frank C. Vincent, Ag 24, 191 1, Rockford, 111. Child, Frank Bar- ker, b. Je 6, 1-912. Address, 2527 Dakes Ave., Everett, Wash.t 2318. LELA ETHELYN BARNARD (GAR- NETT) (Wife of No. 2098; Daughter of No. 56) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 17, 1882, Manteno, 111.; d. DeLonson Elroy ('75), (b. Ag 22, 1852, Porter Co., Ind.) and Katie (Bordwell) Barn- ard (b. F 7, 1859, Crete, 111.). Prepared in W. Division H. S., (Chicago; Lewis Inst. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Assoc, in Lit., 1901-3. Teacher in Chicago Pub. Schs., 1905- 10. Married Elmer Logan Garnett ('04), S i, 1910, Manteno, 111. Children: Hugh Barnard, b. Jl 12, 1911; Lela Jean. b. D 15, 1912; Mar- jorie Anne, b. Je 5, 1918. Address, Altus, Okla. 2319. CHARLES ANTHONY BARNHART (Brother of No. 3270) Professor; A. B. in Math.; A. M., 1911; b. Ja 4, 1883, Mansfield, 111.: s. Elias Patterson (b. Mv 19, 1859, Secor, 111.) and Sarah Mar- tha (Maxwell) Barnhart (b. My 7, i860, Ma- homet, 111.). Prepared in Mansfield H. S.; Univ. Acad. Math. Club; Y. M. C. A. Prin., Anna H S., 1905-8; Prin., Norm. H. S., 1908- 9: Asst. in Math., Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Prof, of Math., Carthage Coll., Carthage, 111., 1912- 17; Instr. Math., Colo. Coll., 1917-18; Prof., Math., Univ. of N. M., 1918 — . Mem., Evang. Lutherari Church; Norm. Lit. Center, 1909; Organizer and ist Pres. of H. S. Section of Union Co. Teachers' Assn.; Math. Assn. of Am. Married Marie Caroline Oppermann, ■A& 30f 1905, Cullom, 111. Children: Ernest Charles, b. Jl 13, 1906; Mildred Martha, b. .\<2: 16, iqoS. .4ddrcss. Box C, I'niv. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N. M. 2 20 University of Illinois 1 1 905 2320. OLIVE LILLIAN BARTON Dean of Women; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 28, 1874, Saybrook, 111.; d. George W. (b. My ji, 183S, Westmoreland Co., Pa.) and Olive D. (Hinsdale) Barton (b. Jl 21, 1840, Batavia, N. Y.). Prepared in Saybrook H. S. and 111. St. Norm. Univ. Y. W. C. A.; Math. Club; Choral Soc. Instr., Math., Tp. H. S., Mt. Vernon, 111., 1905-6; Critic Teacher, 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1906-7; Asst., Math., do., 1907-11; Dean of Women, do., 191 1 — . Address, 301 Normal Ave., Normal, 111. 232:. GEORGE ROCKWELL BASCOM (Husband of No. 2570) Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Je 21, 1882, Bloomington, 111.; s. William Russell (b. S 8, 1849, W. Halifax, Vt.) and Abbigal (Hovey) Bascom (b. Ja 19, 1867, Darlington, Wis.). Prepared in Chicago Prep. Sch.; Hyde Park H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. Engr., Chicago Engng. and Const. Co., Govt. Locks and Dam work; Mgr., Muskogee Crushed Stone Co.; Assoc. Engr., John and Edw. S. Cole, Consult- ing Engrs., New York and Chicago; Head of Dept., Mun. and San. Engng., Univ. of Wis. Maj., San. Corps, V. S. A., (3amp Pike, Ark. Mem., Am. Water Works Assn.; A. S. C. E. ; Wis. Engng. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married I.itta Celia Banschbach ('06), Ap 27. 1910, Prince- ton. 111. Child, William Russell, b. My 23. 1912. Address, 1819 University Ave., Madi- son, Wis. 2322. WILLARD JASON BASS Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 6, 1883. Canton, 111.; s. Theodore B. (b. 1850, do.) and Kate (Dickerman) Bass (b. 1852, do.). Pre- pared in Canton II. S. ]\Iech. Engr., Armour & Co., Chicago. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address. 817 E. 50th St., Chicago; bus. add., Armour and Co., Motive Power Dept., Chicago. 2323. *CHARLES BECK B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 16, 1879, Braidwood, 111.; s. John (b. Denmark) and Hanna (Chris- tiansen) Beck (b. do.). Prepared in Harvey H. S. Married Kristine Sorenson, Ja t, 1906 (died Jl 15, 1907). Child, daughter, b. Je 1907. Died N 25, 1909. 2324. FLORA PEARL MABEL BELTING Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. My 13, 1883, Illiopolis, 111.; d. Theodore (b. F 15, 1845, Wetzel, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Council) Belt- ing (b. N 6, 1854, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S~. Math. Club; Watcheka. Prin. Keithsburg H. S., 1905-6; Teacher, Duluth (Minn.) Industrial H. S., 1907 — . .iddress, No. 2 Chatham Apts., Duluth, Minn. 2325. ARTHUR CHAPMAN BENSON Farmer: A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 23, 1880, Johnson (io., 111.; s. Alonzo Gilson (b. Je 29, "1853, do.) and Sidnev .\. (Chapman) Benson (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Vienna H. S. Pres., Philomathean; Eng. Club; Sec, Orat. Assn., 1903-4; Pres., 1904; Asst. Ed., Illinois Mag., 1903-4. Address, Anna, 111. 2326. DAVID ROY BETTS Linotype Operator; B. S. in M. E. : b. F 7. 1882, (Clinton, 111.; s. William Francis (b. W. Laurens, N. Y.) and Jennie M. (Cowan') Belts (b. Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Spring- field H. S. M. E. Soc. Linotype Operator. Married Delia Winney, Ag 31, 191 6, N. Y. City. Address, 331 1 Broadway, N. Y. City. 2327. GEORGE WILLIAM BISHOP Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 14, 1875, Mor- ton, 111.; s. George P. and Tabitha S. (Godfrey) Bishop. Prepared in Model II. S. of 111. St. Norm. Univ., Norm. Dept. Philomathean. Teach- er, Grover Cleveland H. S., St. Louis, 1914 — , Address, c/o Grover Cleveland H. S., St. Louis. 2328. FRANKLIN IRVING BLAIR (Husband of No. 2074) City Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 17, 1878, Compton, 111.; s. Howard Edgar (b. O 25, 1854, Prince Edward Island, Can.) and Harriet Imilda (Butler) Blair (b. 1858, Compton, 111.). Prepared in No. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Dixon Bus. Coll., Dixon, 111. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. Sec. and Treas. ; V. P., Jr. Class. Surv., Danville, 111., 1905; Draftsman, L. S. and M. C. R. R., Cleveland, 1905-6; do., and Civ. Engr., Bloomington, 111., 1912-17; City Engr., Normal, 111., 1917 — . Married Mertie May Dillon ('04), S 10, 1907, Chicago. Children: Franklin Irving, b. Jl II, 190Q (died Ag 9, 1909); Britt, b. Ag 3, 1912; Ellis Dillon, b. My 29, 1914. Address, Box 1, R. 2, Normal, 111. -■3-"9. MARY LAWRENCE BOGGS (EAST) (Wife of No. 1494) B. L. S.; b. Ap 11, 1881, Wilmington, Del.; d. William Brenton (b. Georgetown, D. C.) and Mary Elizabeth (Johnson) Bgggs (b. Wil- mington, Del.). Prepared in Washington (D. C) H. S.; Wellesley Coll., 1899-1901. Auth.: Conditions of Libraries in Va., 1904. Married Edward Murray East ('01), S 2, 1903, Little- john's Island, Casco Bay, Me. Children: Eliza- beth Woodruff, b. S 3, 1904; Margaret Law- rence, b. Ag 26, 1907; Edward Murray, Jr., b. O 23, 1908 (died N 25, 1908). Address, 87 Robinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Boston. 2330. JOHN MYRON BOND (Brother of No. 2909) Foundry Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 26, 1880, Savoy, 111.; s. David (b. S 8, 1832, Lan- cashire, Eng.) and Elizabeth (Edwards) Bond (b. S 18, 1S38, Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Shrop- shire, Eng.). Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Brev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guards. Fire Brick Bus., 1905-07; Fore- man, J. I. Case Plow Works, 1907-08; Piece- rate adjuster. Rock Island Plow Co., 1908-12; Rancher, Modesto, Calif., 1912-14; Cost work and Foundry Engr., The Holt Mfg. Co., Stock- ton, Calif., 1914— . Treas. Bldg. Com. Cent. Presby. Church, Rock Island, 111.; Assoc, mem., A. S. M. E., 1917. Married Eva Dell Wilson, Ap 19, 1906, Tavlorville, III. Address, 1335 E. Roosevelt St., Stockton, CaliL; bus. add.. The Holt Mfg. Co., do. 2331. HALBERT EVANS BONER Engr. or Tests; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 9. 1884, El Paso, 111.; s. James Taylor and Orpha Titus (Evans) Boner. Prepared in El Paso H. S.; Walcott H. S., Walcott, Ind. and Univ. Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Tau Beta Pi; M. E. Soc; Fellow in M. E., 1905-6; Pres., M. E. Soc. Draftsman, Calif. Powder Works, Pinole, Calif., 1006-7; Testing Engr.. (Power Plant Work) with C. C. Moore & Co., 1907-08; Bldg. Insp., St. Engr. Dept., Calif., 1908-09: Asst. Mgr., T. F. O'Brien Co., 1909-10; Testing Engr., "C. C. Moore & Co., igio-ii; Testing Engr.. LTnion Oil Co., Calif., 1911-13; Engr. of Tests. Union Oil Co., Calif., 1913—- Married Jessie Fremont McGraw, S 18, 1909. San Rafael, Calif. Child. Tack Halbert, b. D 20, 1 91 4. Address, 1S56 W. 43d St., Los Angeles. 2332. EVERETT SHANNON BONNELL (Husband of No. 345°) Mech. Engr.: B. S. in M. E.: b. O 20, 1875; s. Shannon and Tena Bonnell. Prepared in La Moille II. S. and Univ. Acad. Engr., Cleveland Cliff Iron Co., Ishpeming, Mich.; Pine Tree Min. Co., Cuba City, Wis.; Calu- 1905] Baccalaurkate Alumni met and Ariz. Min. Co., Douglas, Ariz.; U. S. Dredge Fleet, West Mernphis, Tenn.; Mech. Engr., Cleveland Cliffs Co., 1916 — . Mem., Christian Church. Married Jennie Mae Lloyd ('08), Jl 3, 1912. Children: Elizabeth Elva, b. My 31, 1913; Mary E., born and died N 17, igiS; William Shannon, b. D 23, 19 16. Ad- dress, 212 West Ridge St., Ishpeming, Mich. 2333. BYRON S. BORTON (Brother of Nos. 1632, 1824) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 10, 1878, Piatt Co., 111.; s. Albert R. (b. Columbiana Co., O.) and Nancy Jane Borton (b. S 6, 183s, Champaign Co., O.). Prepared at DeLand H. S. Philomathean. Married Frances May Watkins, Je 15, 1907. Children: Byron Ervin, b. Ap 30, 1908; John Richard, b. My 30, 1912. Address, North Yakima, Wash. 2334- 'RALPH EMMETT BOWSER Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 6, 1877, Bishop, 111.; s. Emmett Jacob (b. 1845, Tiffin, O.) and Mary (Roos) Bowser (b. Hesse- Darmstadt, Ger.). Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111.; Univ. Acad. E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Technograph Bd. Telephone Mfg., Dean Elec. Co., Elyria. O., 1907-9; Elec. Engr., Western Elec. Co., N. Y. City, 1909-13. Died My 13, 1913, New York City. 2335. CLARENCE ARTHUR BRADEN B. S. in Agr.; LL. B., 1909; b. F 15, 18S2, Cutler, III.; s. W. E. Braden. Prepared in Sparta H S. Address, Cutler, 111. 2336. ABBY LOUISA BRAYTON (RUED- IGER) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. La Crescent, Minn d. Aaron H. (b. Newport, N. Y.jand Elizabeth Knox (Orr) Brayton (b. Philadelphia). Pre pared in LaCrosse H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Illiola Cataloger, N. Dak. LTniv. Lib., 1905-8; Cata loger, N. Dak. St. Hist. Soc., 1906-11. Mar ried Dr. G. F. Ruediger, Ag 20, 1908, Seattle Child, Gustav Louis, b. N 8, 1909. Address Grand Forks, N. Dak. 2337. *FRANK LLOYD BRONSON (Husband of No. 2731) Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 28, 1883, Streator, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1853, do.) and Emma (Teed) Bronson (b. 1854, Eng.). Pre pared in Streator Tp. H. S. M. D.. North western Med. Sch., 1908. Practicing Medicine Streator, 111. Married Elizabeth Lanham ('06) D 26, 1905, Cassopolis, Mich. Died Ap 6, 1916 2338. CARL KENT BRYDGES Telephone Engr.; B. §. in E. E.; b. S 21, 1879, Elgin, 111.; s. William H. (b. 1840, Eng.) and Ellen A. (Smith) Brydges (b. 1844, O.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Traffic Engr., Chicago Telephone Co., Engng. Dept., Chicago. Married Agnes M. Brown, My 20, 1912. Address, 4625 Ashland Ave., Chicago. 2339. HELEN ELIZABETH BULLARD (BATES) (Daughter of No. 166; Sister of Nos. 2599, 3662) A. B. in L. & A., 1905; A. M., 1907; b. My 17, 1883, Springfield, 111.; d. Samuel Alexan- der ('78), (b. Mr 25, 1853, Mechanicsburg, III.) and Elsie Cornelia (Elliott) Bullard (b. S 26, 1855, La Salle Co., 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; Eng. Club; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; Pres., Watcheka. Asst. in Rhet., Univ. of III., 1905-7. Married Madison Clair Bates, D 31, 1907, Springfield, 111. Children: Robert Latimer, b. Je 17, 1912; Mary Elliott, b. Jl 29, 191 4. Address, Manchester, Vt. 2340. WILLIAM THOMAS BURNETT Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 29, 1882, Urbana; 3. Christopher and Mary Burnett. Prepared in Urbana H. S. E. E. Soc; Stud mem.. A. I E^ E.; Eta Kappa Nu. Signal Dept.. Pa. R. R.. 1905; Meter Dept., I. T. S. Married Ethel Estelle Burnett, F 25, 1906, Llrbana. Children: yMthea Doloris, b. Ja 18 1907; A\illetta Faye, b. S 20, 1910. Address, 406 W. California St., Urbana. 2341. HELEN VERA CALHOUN (CASH) (Sister of No. 1472) J \,h. ^^ ^- ^ =9, 1884, Clarinda, la^; d. William J. (b. Pittsburgh) and Melcenia Jane (Ferguson) Calhoun (b. Washington, la.). Prepared in Champaign, H. S. Chi Omega. Organizer of Macomb and Cambridge Pub. Lib., 1905; Continuation Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib. 1900-8; Libn., Whiting, Ind., Pub. Lib. Mar- ried Gentry Cash, F 14, 1914, Chicago. Ad- dress, Whiting, Ind. 2342. CARA LOUIS CAMP Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 16 1883, DeLand, 111.; s. H. L. and Helen V. (Blacker) Camp. Prepared in Lincoln H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Chainman to Asst. Engr., D. L & W. Engr. Office. Const. Div., War Dept., Wash.. 1 91 8—. Married Stella C. Camp, S 10, 1908, Scranton, Pa. Children: Byron L., b. Ag 3, 1909; Ethel, b. O 10, 191 r. Address, 322 Trescott Ave., Scranton, Pa.t 2343. *BERTHA MABEL CARLETON A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 15, 1871; d. Chester (b. Bath, N. H.) and Julia A. (Webb) Carleton (b. Lunenburg, Vt.). Prepared in St. Clair H. S., Mich.; Univ. of Mich., 1890-92. Died S IQ12, St. Clair, Mich. 2344. BERTON EUGENE CARMICHAEL (Brother of No. 5574) Chief, An. Husb.; B. S.' in Agr.; M. S., 1913; b. Je 24, 1879, Linnville Tp., Ogle Co., 111.; s. James (b. S 29, 1S49, Co. Donegal, Ireland) and Alma Louise (Knight) Carmichael (b. Mr 10, 1854, Jefferson Co., N. Y.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Final Honors. An. Husb. office, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1905; Chief in An. Husb., O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1905 — . Auth.: Bui., circulars, and arti- cles. 0. Agr. Exp. Sta. relating to animal production; articles in Agr. press. Married Nellie Mae Holmes, Je 12, 1907, Wooster, O. Children: Elizabeth Louise, b. F 26, 1910; Tames Holmes, b. Jl 11, 1917. Address, Woos- ter, O. 2345. MAURICE LEROY CARR (Husband of No. 2722) Fire Protection Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; E. E., 191 1 ; b. Ap 17, 1877, Avon, 111.; s. James (b. 1847, Cass Co.) and Mary Katherine (Shaw- cross) Carr (b. 1853, Brookville, Ind.). Pre- pared in Avon H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; E. E. Soc; Army and Navy Club; Final Honors. Asst. in Engng., Exp. Sta., 1906; Elec. Engr., Peoria Gas & Elec. Co., 1907; Asst. Engr. Underwriters Lab. (Inc.) Chicago; Fire Protection Engr., Under- writers Lab., 1907 — . Pvt., Co. D, Sixth 111. Inf. Volunteer 1898. Auth.: (Collapse of Tubes (with Prof. Carman) ; Fire Tests of Doors and Windows, Nat. Fi^e Protection Assn. Quarterly, 62 pp., Jl 1917. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; West. Soc. of Engrs. ; Illini Club; Ham- ilton Club; Am. Physical Soc; A. A. A. S.; Nat. Fire Protection Assn. Married Louise Millicent Kilner ('06), S 3, 1908, Chicago. Child. Maurice Kilner, b. Je 18, 1917. Address, 217 S. Maple Ave.. C)ak Park, 111.; bus. add., 207 E. (Dhio St., Chicago. University of Illinois 1905 2346. RALPH MERLE CARTER Surgeon; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Mr 3, 1884, De- catur, in. ; s. James William (b. je 6, 1861, Sullivan, 111.) and Idora Jane (Patterson) Car- ter (b. Ja I, 1S62, Assumption, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1005-6. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1908; Cook Co. Hosp., 1910; Granted degree of F. A. C. S. by Am. Coll. of Surgeons for proficiency in gen. sur- gery, 1917. Sigma Nu; Phi Rho Sigma; Final Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Attending Surg, and Pathologist, St. Vincent's Hosp.; Surg.. No. Paper Mills, Green Bay, Wis., 19 lo — . Auth. : A Brief Consideration of Recent Tests for Gastric Carcinoma, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstretrics, 1914; Spontaneous Evolution in Shoulder Presentations, do., 1916; Blastomy- cosis in Wisconsin; Meckel's Diverticulum as a Cause of Intestinal Obstruction; Rupture of the Gall-Bladder; Cysts of the Mesentery, etc., in press. Mem., Med. Advisory Draft Bd.; Com. of Indus. Hygiene and Sanitation and Med. Supervision of Workers, Nat. Council for Defense, Wis.; Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. ; K. P.; Wis. Surgical Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Assn. Indus. Physicians and Surgeons; 111. Med. Soc; Brown Co., Wis., Med. Soc; Fox River Val. Med. Soc; Wis. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Surgeon to St. Mary's and Deaconess Hosp. Married Ellen Kallmann, Ap 30, 1914, Green Bay, Wis. Child, Virginia Lois, b. N 26, 1915. Address, 320 W. Washington St., Green Bay, Wis. 2347. THOMAS DAVID CASSERLY (Brother of No. 6790) Engng. Salesman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 15, 1884, Champaign; s. John Tully (b- Galvvay, Ireland) and Margaret (Condon) Casserly (b. Syracuse, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Supt. Const., 1905-6; Prof. Mech. Engr., 1906-9; Heating and Ventilating Engr. and Engng. Salesman, 1909-12. Civilian work. Const. Div., Q. M. C, War Dept., Washington, D. C Chi- cago and St. Louis. 1918 — . Married Evelyn Geraldine Casserly', F 13, 1908, Chicago. Chil- dren: Dorothy Margaret, b. Mr 22, 1909; Thom- as Tully, b. Ag 24, 1910. Address, 1265 Nor- wood St., Chicago. 3348. JULIA ETHEL CASWELL (HAWKINS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr i, 1884. Cairo, 111.; d. Eliphalet (b. Mr 15, 1843. Bullitt Co., Ky.) and Elizabeth (Farrin) Caswell (b. O 2, 1844, Miss. Co., Mo.). Teacher until 1909. Married Nolan Case Hawkins, Jl 8, 1909, Car- uthersville. Mo. Child, Julian Caswell, b. Jl 8, 1910. Address, Caruthersville, Mo. 2349. ORLO DORR CENTER Dir., Agr. Exten.; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1910; b. Je 12, 1S72, LaSalle Co., 111.; s. Dorr Dewey (b. 1838, Wayne Co., N. Y.) and Har- riet M. (Allen) Center (b. 1840, Rose, do.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Instr.. Asst. and Assoc. Prof., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111. until 191 1; Supt., 111. St. Farmers' Inst., 1911-12; Di.st. Supvr., N. Dak. Better Farming Assn. and Co. Agt., Grand Forks Co., N. Dak. 1912-14; Dir. of Exten., LTniv. of Idaho, 1914-17; do., Ore. Agr. Coll., J917— . Married L. A. Parmlee, D I, 1802, Grand Ridge. 111. Address, 2635 Arnold Way, Corvallis, Ore. 2350. ANN CHESTER (Sister of Nos. 638, 1112, 1481, 2935) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. Ag 28, 1883, Champaign; d. Ezra E. (b. Ap 30. 1837, Truro, O.) and Margaret Eliza- beth (Powell) Chester (b. F 25, 1840, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher of Eng., Danville, 111., 1905-10; Palm Beafh, Fla., 1910-12. Address, 805 W. University Ave., Champaign. t 2351. ALICE HARTZEL CLARK (MYERS) (Sister of No. 2352) B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 9, 1882, Fort Lewis, Colo.; d. Major Dillard Hazelrigg (b. Jl 27, 1847. Powell Co., Ky.) and Ella (DeLany) Clark (b. Je 20, 1857. Davenport, la.). Pre- pared in New Mexico Military Inst, and Univ. Acad.; .studied in Pa. St. Coll., 1901-2. Arch. Club; Tennis Assn. Arch, drafting with Emery Stanford Hall, 1905-6; Art student. Art Inst. of Chicago, 1906-10; summer landscape class of ^Ir. Chas. Francis Brown, 1909, at Grand DeTour, 111. Mem., Church of the Disciples of Christ; .\rt Stud. League of Chicago. Married Datus Ensign Myers. My 26, igio, St. Joseph, Mich. Child, Richard Ensign. Address, 1538 E. 57th St., Chicago. 2352. ELLA HAZEL CLARK (Sister of No. 2351) Instructor; A. B. in Sc. Prepared in Thornburn H. S. and Univ. Acad.; Pa. St. Coll., 1901-2; Univ. of Florida, 1902-3; A. M., Columbia Univ., 1911. Asst. in Chem., Barnard Coll., 191 1- 13 and 1914-17; Head of Chem. Dept., N. Y. Med. Coll. and Hosp. for women. 1913-17; Instr., in Chem., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1918 — . Address, 300 N. Nev ille St., Pittsburgh. 2353. WILLIAM ARTHUR CLARK (Brother of Nos. 1645, 2054) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1907; b. Ja 8, 1882, Sidney, 111.; s. William Davis (b. 1832, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Hufr)_ Clark (h. 1S42, Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. M. D., Harvard LTniv.. 191 1. Sigma -Mpha Epsilon. Hosp. Interne, 191 1 — ; with .\m. Red Cross in Belgium for five months. Capt., :Med. Reserve Corps, U. S. A., 191 7 — . .\uth.: Six Miles from the Belgium Front, aqfn., Jl 1916; Treatment of Infected Wounds on the West Front. Tlie Military Surgeon, Mr 1917; Observations in Military Surgery, Sur- gery, Gynacology and Obstetrics, O 1917; numerous abstracts in Am. Jour, of Orthopedic. Mem., A. M. A.; Central States Orthopedic Club; Assn. of Military Surgeons. Married Gladys Mauer, Ja 26, 1918. Address, c/o Surgeon Gen., U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. 2354. MARCIA BARNES CLAY Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Mr 8, 1876, North Bristol, O.; d. Samuel S (b. S 6, 1840, Bris- tolville, O.) and Sarah Climena (Mayhew) Clay (b. Ap 12, 1846, N. Bristol, O.). Prepared in Penn. Yan. Acad., N. Y. : Lake Erie Coll., Painsville, O. Illiola; Lib. Club. Libn., Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O., 1905-6; Cataloger, Mercantile Lib., Cirvcinnati, 19:0; Classifier, Cleveland Pub. Lib., ion — • Address, Pub. Lib., Cleveland. 2355. WHARTON CLAY With U. S. Gypsum Co.; Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 29, 1884, Chicago; s. William Wil- son (b. My 2, 1849, N. Y.) and Alice (Gray) Clay (b. 1 85 1, do.). Prepared in Wendell Phil- lips H. S., "Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta; Pres. Arch. Club; Maj., Univ. Brig. With Mfgrs. Appraisal Co., 1906-7; Erwin & Co., 1907-10; .\labama Tobacco Co., 1910-12; Imperial Gas Regulator Co., 191 2-1 7; U. S. Gypsum Co.. 1917-18; Engr., Associated Lath Mfrs., Washington, D. C. 1918 — . Brevet Capt., 111. St. Nat. Guard Ex.; Sec, Military Tr. (Tamps Assn. (cooperating with (jovt. on military personnell); recruited for O. T. C. Introduced to cml. use reinforced struct, gyp- sum; developed and initiated experiments, etc., making the use of gypsum economical as a re- inforced struct, material. Auth.: Who Leads the Nat. Army, and Digest of Supreme Court De- cision on Legality of Draft Law, Nat. Service Mag.; Report on Use of Gypsum as a Rein- '005) Baccalaureate Alumni 223 forced Struct. Material, Engng. Record. Mem., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn.; Colonial Club; Hamilton Club; Columbia Yacht Club; West. Soc. Engrs. Married Helena Cox, N 25. 1914. Chicago. Children: Helena, b. Ap 12, 1916; Valentine, b. F 14, 19 18. Address, 11 22 Hinman Ave., Evanston, III.; bus. add., Room 813, Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. 2356. GEORGE MOREY CLENDENIN Journalist; LL. B. ; b. Ja 29, 1883, Spring- field, 111.; s. Henry Wilson (b. Schillsbury, Pa.) and Mary Elizabeth (Moreyj Clendenin (b. Kirkwood, Mo.). Prepared in Sprinijfield H. S. .Alpha Tau Omega: Phi Alpha Delta; Theta Kappa Nu. V. P., Illinois State Register. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 1009 S. 2nd. St., Springfield, Ill.t 2357. LOIS GRACE CLENDENEN (SINGLETON) (Sister of No. 3688) Stenographer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 14, 1883, Areola, 111.; d. Taylor Clinton (b. F 13, 1855, Kingston, O.) and Mary Rebecca (Mc- Kinney) Clendenen (b. Ag 21, 1858, Centralia, 111.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Eng. Club; V. W. C. A.; Dramatics. Played role in Evelyn Farrimore; Careless Cupid (Musical Comedy). Mem., Episcopal Church. Married E. Lindsay Singleton, Ap g, 1914. Address, 320 7th St., Cairo, 111. 2358. BERTHOLD COHEN Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 7, 1879, Philadelphia; s. Samuel (b. 1841, Hamburg, Ger.) and Bertha (Kayton) Cohen (b. 1850, Petersburg, Va.). Prepared in South Side Acad., Chicago. Address, 4933 Prairie Ave.. Chicago.! 2359. MARY COLLINS (HORAN) A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 21, 1883, LaSalle, 111.; d. James (b. 1844, County Cork, Ireland) and Mary Anne (Cullen) Collins (b. Armough, do.). Prepared in LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S. Basket Ball team, Capt. Teacher, H. S. Lawrence, Mich., 1905-6; in H. S., LaSaLe, 1906-1914. Married Lester J. Horan, Ag 13, 1914. Address, 311 E. Superior St., Ottawa, Ill.t 2360. ERNEST COOK A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 8, 1872, Georgetown, 111.; s. William E. (b. F 19, 1841, Ridgefarm, 111.) and Elvina Flahart (b. N 13, 1842, Cayuga, Ind.). Prepared in \"ermilion Acad.; Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind. Mem., Friends' Churcli. Married Cena R. Linn, Ag 27, 1902, Ridge- farm, 111. Address, Mooresville, Ind.t 2361. THOMAS LEE COOK Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 31, i860, Valeene, Ind.; s. Valentine and Hannah (Hol- lowell) Cook. Prepared in St. Norm., Ind.; Austin (Toll., Effingham, 111., 1895. Teacher, Austin Coll., 1903-5; Supt., Sullivan Pub. Schs., 1905 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Enola Miller, Ag 26, 1896, Shelbyville, 111. Address, Mt. Pulaski, 111. 2362. WILLIAM GARRETT CORRIN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja iz, 1880, Hampton, 111.; s. Richard (b. 1850, Isle of Man) and Jane (Garrett) Corrin (b. 1849, do.). Prepared in Port Byron Acad. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi. U. S. Surv., Miss. River work, 1905-6; Rodman, St. L. I. M. & S. Ry., 1906-7; Draftsman, C. R. I. & P. Ry.. 1907-8; Asst. Engrs., do., 1908-14; Sr. Civ. Engr., Div. of Valuation, Interstate Commerce Comn., 1914 — . Married Frances Edna Teschemacher, O 27, 1910, Ft. Worth, Tex. Address, 601 Interstate Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 2363. HELEN MARY CRANE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. My 12, 1883, Hud- son, Mich.; d. Archer Hector (b. 1821. Onon- daga, N. Y.) and Julia Elizabeth (Robinson) Crane (b. 1846, N. Madison, Ind.). Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis. Phi Delta Psi; Pres. Y. W. C. A.; V. P. Eng. Club; Lib. Club; Watcheka. Asst. Libn., Moline, 111. Pub. Lib., 1905-6; Asst. Libn., Ind., St. Norm. Sch., 1906-13; Libn. St. Norm. Sch., Valley City, N. Dak. 1913 — . Compiled a list of books for N. Dak. Sch. Lib. (to be pub- lished). Mem.. Christian Church; Am. Lib. Assn.; St. V. Regent, D. A. R. 1916 — . Ad- dress, Sheyenne Apts, Valley C^ity, N. Dak.; bus. add., St. Norm. Sch., do. 2364. CLIFFORD CROSBY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 4, 1873, -Vnnawan, 111; s. Thomas (b. 1831, Leeds, Eng.) and Eliza (Parker) Crosby (b. 1837, Halifax, Eng.). Prepaied in Dorchester H. S.. Boston and 111. St. Norm. Sch. Sigma Xi. Teacher. Physiology, McKinley H. S., St. Louis. Mar- ried Dorothy Schultz, 1908. Child, Mary Francis, b. 1910. Address, McKinley H. S., St. Louis. 2365. ETHAN ALLEN CROSS Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 22, 1875, Campbell Hill, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. 1843, Jackson Co., 111.) and Minnie (Carson) Cross (b. 1853, R^-indolph Co., 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. ; Cornell Univ., summer 1900; Univ. of Chicago, summers 1901-2-3. A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1906. Dean of the Coll. and Prof., Lit. and Eng.> Colo. St. Teachers' Coll. Married May Miller, Je 27, 1899, Mt. Vernon, 111. Children: Carl Allen, b. Mr 18, 1906; Neal Miller, b. O 16, 19 10. Address, 8818, 19th St., Greeley, Colo. 2366. FRANK WOODBURY CUTLER (Brother of No. 2629) Manufacturer; B. S» in M. E.; b. O 1882, ■Rockford, 111.; s. Asa E. (b. Je 23, 1834. West Brooktield, Mass.) and Lucy (Smith) Cutler (b. S i8, 1839, Princeton, 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Class football team. Maj., 1st Bn., Univ. Regt. ; Pres., Jr. Class. With West. Elec. Co., (L'hicago, 1907; Real Est. Bus., 1909; Fruit Grower, 1909-12; Mfr., Fruit Graders, 1912-17; Mfg. bus., 19 1 8 — . Home Guard, Portland, 1918 — . Invented Cutler Fruit Grading Machine. Married Mary Turner. Ja 14, 1913, Seattle. Child, James Nicol, b. N 22, 1917. .4ddress, 351 E. loth St., Portland, Ore. 2367. WHITMAN DART Struct. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 16, 1881, Rock Island, 111.; s. James Stuart (b. N 5, 1848, Honesdale, Pa.) and Elizabeth (Whit- man) Dart (b. N 23, 1854, Rock Island). Pre- pared in Rock Island H. S. Arch. Club; Fin- al Honors in Arch. Draftsman, Office of Smith, Rea & Lovitt, Archs., Kansas City, Mo.; with St. Joseph Struct. Steel Co. Mem., Temple Lodge "No. 299, A. F. A. M. Married Lotta Lee Stanley, My i, 1907, Rock Island. Children: James Stanley, b. F 24, 1908; Roy Whitman, "b. Ap 26, 1909. Address, 4th and Franklin Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. 2368. THOMAS MEREDITH DAVIDSON V. P., Reinforcing Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 13, 1883, Champaign; s. George Washington (b. Je 6, 1851, London, O.) and Susan Almira (Nebeker) Davidson (b. Je 28, 1852, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S'. Sigma Chi. Asst. Div. Engr., S. F. P. and P. R. R., • 905-7; Locating Engr., Toltec Irrigation Co., 1907-9; Asst. Chief Engr., Concrete Steel Pro- ducts Co., 1910-12, Chief Engr., West, office, 224 University of Illinois [1905 do., 191^-13; Asst. Mgr., Am. System of Rein- forcing, Chicago, 1913-17; V. P. CO., Los An- geles, 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Mar- ried Norma Catherine Love, N 8, 191 0, Dan- ville, 111. Child, Catherine Coulter, b. N 8, 1915. Address, 2154 W. 24th St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 1116 Washington i'ldg., do. 2369- ANNA CLARISSA DAVIS (MYERS) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 28, 1884, Fairfield, 111.; d. Washington Beaty (b. 1857, Millville, O.) and Endora (Hamilton) Davis (b. 1858, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Pitts- field H. S.; So. 111. Norm. Sch., Chicago Univ. Prin. Mansfield H. S.. 1905-6. Married Roscoe Lee Myers, 1906. Address, Mahomet, Ill.f 2370. FORREST SPURGEON DAVIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 10, 1879. Rankin, 111.; s. Howell (b. Newtown, Pa.) and Nancy M. (Judy) Davis (b. Va.). Prepared in Morgan Park Acad., Chicago. Choral Soc; Y. M. C. A. Teaching, Robinson, 111., 1905-6; do., Thornton, Ind., 1906-7; do., Bacone Univ., Bacone, Okla., 1907-11. Adire.ts, Bacone, Okla. 2371. HARRY BENJAMIN DERR Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. JNIy 22, 1867, Mt. Carmel, Pa.; s. Jacob and Mary Ellen Derr. Prepared in Shamokin Acad., Pa.; Chicago Acad, of Sc. Agr. Club; Choral Soc; Asst. Ed., Agr. Asst. in Agron. Lab.; Taught Biology in H. S. and Co. Norm., Danville, Hi., 1905-6; Agron., in charge of Barley Investigations, Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1906-13; Co. Agr. Agt., Scott Co. Mo., 1913-17; (^o. Demon- stration Agt., Fairfax Co., Va., 1917—. Bred and Developed an Awnless Variety of Barley that is proving of the greatest value to Agr. Auth. : various articles in Dept. of Agr. Cir. No. 62, 1910; Farmer's Bui. 427, etc.; Sc, Vol. XLII No. 823. Mem., Am. Breeders' Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agron. ; Chicago Acad, of Sc. ; Married Isabell Lee, My 22. 1890, La Salle, 111. Children: Grace May, b. My 8, 1895; Howard Lee, b. Jl 16, 1S96; Leslie, b. Je 1906 (died Jl 1907). Address, R. 2, Fairfax, Va. ; bus. add., Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. 2372. HARRY THOMAS DEWHIRST Judge, Superior Court; LL. B. ; b. Ag 11, 1881, Passport, 111.; s. Andrew and Miranda J. (Byrne) Dewhirst. Prepared in Olney H. S. Philomathean. Atty. at law, 1905-14; Judge of the Superior Court, San Bernardino, Calif., 1914 — . Mem., M. W. A.; Royal Neigh- bors; B. P. O. E., Redlands, Calif. Married Christmas Gould, My 26, 1906, Olney, 111. Children: Robert Gould, b. Jl 15, 1907; Harry Thomas, Jr., b. Mr 12, 1909. Address, Red- lands, Calif. 2373. CROMWELL BARTLETT DICKEY Chemist: B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ja 28, i88i, Beatrice, Neb. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., LaGrange, 111. Supt., Corona Chem. Co. Mem.. A. C. S. ; Nat. Rifle Assn. Mar- ried Edna Rachel Miller, S 191 t, tiixton, Wis. Child, Robert Edwin, b. O i9'4. Add>-css, S33 Marshall St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 213 Lake St., do. 2374. JOHN MILFORD DILLAVOU Pres., Coal Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 22, 1S83, Deland, 111.; s. Amos B. (b. 1852) and Martha (Fender) Dillavou (b. 1855). Pre- pared in Deland H. S. In Purchasing Dept., West. Elec. Co., 1905-7; Wholesale and Re- tail Coal, Harris & Dillavou, Champaign, 1907- 18; Pres., Ilarris-Dillavou-Dumond Co., Wholesale Coal, 19 18 — . Married Wilhelinina Voss, O i8, 1910, Champaign. Aad-ess, 1002 Washington St., Evanston, ill.; bus. add., 715 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. 2375. ♦CHARLES FRED DOSCH Mech. Engr.: B. S. in M. E.; b. N 28, 1882, Chicago; s. Charles F. Dosch. Prepared in Chicago Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch. Phi Kappa Sigma: Tau Beta Pi; M. E. Soc; Tcchnograph Bd. Mech. Engr., Joor Eng. Co., Chicago. Died Jl i, 1913. 22,76. FRANCIS KEESE WYNKOOP DRURY Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 9, 187S, Ghent, N. Y. ; s. Rev. John Benjamin (b. Ag 15, 1838. Rhinebeck, N. Y.) and Henrietta Wynkoop (Keese) Drury (b. Jl 23, 1840, Kinderhook, do.). Prepared in Rutgers Prep. Sch.. Rut- gers, 1894-8. A. B., Rutgers, 1898; A. M., do., 1905. Zeta Psi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa (at Rutgers): Lib. Club; Final Honors in Lib. Sch. Order Libn., LTniv. of HI., 1905-7; Act. Libn., 1907-g; Asst. Libn.. igog— . War Service Com., Lib. of Congress, Washington, D. C. 1918 — . Designed a| card for keeping a record of church membership by families. 1903. .'\uth.: Guide Book to the Univ. of 111. and the Twin Cities of L^rbana and Champaign, 1905; ITniv. of 111.. Handbook of the Lib., 1906; Lists for Stud. Reading No. i^ — ^Eng. Fiction fre- quently revised, 1908; No. 2 — Foreign Fiction in Eng. translations, frequently revised. 1909; List of Serials in the Univ. of 111. Lib., to- gether with those in other libraries of Urbana and Champaign, 191 1; the HI. Sunset Song (music) \J. of I. Supply Store. 1910; various articles in Lib. Journals as the R3;r'.:;it;on c f a Libn.; On making Signs; On pvotecring pam- phlets; The Care of Maps; Sunday Sch. W.-vk. ;i selected Bib'/iov^raphj .vith annotations; 1 abor story index?; The Univ. Lib. at a quar- ter-million volumes. Alumni Quarterly, Univ. of 111., Vol. 9. pp. 68-74, 1915; A list of short stories and tales (299 titles), 16 pp., H. W. \\ilson Co., 1916; Some of the Best Dramas (-'62 titles), do., 24 pp., 1917; A brief hist, of Ornmatics (1894-08), Rutgers Alumni Quar- terly, pp. 145-48, Vol. 3, 1917. Mem., Reformed Church in Am., 1894-1907; Presbj'. Church; Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn., Sec, 1906-13. Pres.. 1913-14; Charter mem., Univ. Club, Cham- paign-Urbana; Players Club, Univ. of 111. Mar- ried Martha Blanche Walker, Ag 28, 1907, Evanston, 111. Child, John Benjamin, b. O 3, 1909. Address, 706 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 2377. SILAS ECHOLS H. S. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 3, 1879. McLeansboro, 111.; s. Richard Griffey (b. O 24, 1852, do.) and Elizabeth (Tolley) Echols (b. S 27, 1S56). Prepared in Milton (la.) H. S.; Ewing Coll. Instr. in Hist., Mt. Vernon Tp. II. S., 1905-15; Prin., Mt. Vernon Tp. II. S., 1915; Instr. in Hist., HI. St. Norm. Sch., summer term, 1910-12, Mem., Baptist Church; Royal Arch Mason. Address, 612 E. Broadway, Mt. Vernon, 111.; bus. add., Tp. H. S., do. 2378. WILLIAM GEORGE ECKHARDT (Husband of No. 2554) Agr. Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 6, 1869, Marston, 111.; s. Casper (b. Jl 4, 1854, Cin- cinnati) and Sarah (Fuhr) Eckhardt (b. S 11, 1856, Edgington, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta: Capt. Assoc, in Soil Fer- tility, LTniv. of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1905-12: Agr. Adviser for DeKalb Co., 1912 — . Seed Corn Administrator of HI.. 1918^. Married Eva Luellen Alverson ('06), D 25, 1909- Children; Willard Leland, b. My 23, 1912; Robert Casper, b. N i6, 1913; son, b. Je 1918. Address, DeKalb, 111. 2379. EMMA EDMISTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 20, 1882, Arthur, 111.; d. Henry Clay (b. 1840, Terre Haute, Ind.) and Marv E. (King) Edmiston (b. 1 85 1, Enfield, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Teacher, Sullivan, HI. Address, Box 674, Do- nora, Pa.t 1 90S J Baccalaureate Alumni 2380. RALPH WALDO ELDEN (Husband of No. 2144) Seedsman; A. B; & B. S.; b. F 11, 1879, Elburn, 111.; s. George Boardman (b. My 19, 1S32,. Buxton, Me.) and Caroline Eliza (Shores) Elden (b. N 25, 1836, Waterville. Me.). Pre- jiared in Elgin Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Xi; Phi Pi Epsilon, Lake Forest, 111.; Mgr., niio. With Dolese & Shepard Co., Chicago, 1905; Sec, St. Highway Conin., Springfield, 111., 1906; Asst. Engr., St. Highway Comn., 1906. Seedsman. Married Leila Pauline King, ('04), O 20, 1906, Rockford, 111. Children: Ralph Waldo, Jr., 'b. Jl 10, 1907; Lucy Eliza- beth, b. Ap 20, 1909. Address, C;entral Point, Ore. 2381. JOSEPHINE RUTH ELLIOTT (HARPHAM) B. L. S.; b. My 31, 1883, Sterling, 111.; d. Clifford P. (b. 1850, N. Y.) and Genevieve S. (Wood) Elliott (b. 1859, Sterling, 111.). Pre- pared in -Sterling and Coloma Tp. H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta;- Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka. Married John LeRoy Harpham, O 28, 1908, Sterling, 111. Address, Hillside Ranch, Rosebury, Ore. 2382. LAURA MAE EUSTIS Phys. Tr. Dir.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 13, 1881, Ottawa, 111.; d. John H. (b. 1836, Jay, Me.) and Marguerite (Oerlmonn) Eustis (b. France). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Basketball team. Teacher in Highland Park H. S., 1905; Craft Shop, Ottawa, III., 1910; Dir. of Phys. Tr., LaCrosse St. Norm. Ad- dress, Ottawa, lil.t 2383. ROSE EILENE FLEMING Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N i, 1881, Bement, 111.; d. Michael John (b. 1828, Kil- larney, Ireland) and Agnes B. (Degan-Kil- lorglan) Fleming (b. 1839, do.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Teacher of Eng., Gilman H. S., 111., 1905-8; Maywood H. S., 111., 1909-10. Ad- dress, 312 N. Lotus Ave., Bement, Ill.t 2384. VIRGIL RAMSAY FLEMING Professor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 11, 1879, Denver, 111.; s. Samuel Robert and Sarah Jane (Ramsay) Fleming. Prepared in Carthage Coll. Prep. Rodman for Chicago & West. Ind. Ry., 1905; Concrete Insp., I. C. Ry., 1905-6; Engng. E.\p. Sta., Univ. of III., 1906; Jr. Engr., U. S. G. S., 1906-7; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Assoc, do., igii-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Address, 306 Chalmers St., Champaign; bus. add., 204 Applied Mech. Lab., Urbana. 2385. MABEL FRANCES FORBES (BREMER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 1881, Chicago; d. Daniel (b. N 15, 1842, Nova Scotia) and Caro- lyn Grate (Shipman) Forbes (b. 1852, Chi- cago). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago; A. B. Lewis Inst., 1903. Married J. S. Bremer. Ad- dress, 738 S. Grove Ave., Lake Villa, IlLf 2386. ERNEST JASON FORD Physician and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 22, 1878, Ottawa, 111.; s. Eugene Quincy (b. Lowell, JIass.) and Isabelle W. Ford (b. Glas- gow. Scotland). Prepared in East Mendota H. S.; Bus. Coll., Ottawa, 111. M. D., 111. Med. Coll., 1906. Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma. Physician and Surg., 1907 — . Mar- ried Edith L. Moorhouse, 1908. Children: Edith Jeanette, b. .S 26, 1914; Ernest Gordon, b. Mr 26, 1917. Address, 2009 Harrison St., Evanston, 111. 2387. *SAMPSON JAMES FOUNTAIN B. S. in Arch.; b. N 15, 1881, Camden, Ala.; s. Charles Perkins and Fannie (Lampton) Fountain. Prepared in Belton (Tex.) H. S. and private tutors. B. S.; A. M., Agr. and Mech. Coll. Tex.; attended the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1906-8. Arch., Houston. Tex., 1905-6; Draftsman, Cleveland, 190S-9; Arch., Nashville, Tenn., and Chicago, 1909-10; mem. of arch, firm, 19 10-14. Married Ednj Drake, 1908, Cleveland. Died Ag 15, 1914 Camden, Ala. 2388. MARGARET FRANCEWAY (EVANS) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 1882, Granville, 111.; d. George William (b. 1852, Mazon, 111.) and Kathryn (Child) Franceway (b. 1852, Granville, 111.). Prepared in Gran- ville H. S.: LaSalle Tp. H. S. Grad. work at Univ. of 111., summer, 1914. Illiola, Pres. Taught, Lexington H. S., 1905-6; Peru Cen- tral Sch., 1907-8; Shasta Co., Calif., 1908-10; Granville, III., 1910-13; LeRoy H. S., 1913- 14; Stock-land Tp. H. S., 1914-16; Welling- ton Tp. H. S., 1916-17. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Howard Emery Evans, S 12, 19 17, Granville, 111. Child, Robert Franceway, b. O I, 19 1 8. Address, Wellington, 111. 2389. ISABELLA FYFE (PETERS) B. L. S.; b. Je 23, 1882, St. Joseph, Mich.; d. Lawrence C. (b. 1850, Isle Aux Noix, Richelieu Riv., Quebec) and Helen Josephine (Stanley) Fyfe (b. 1853, Adams, N. Y.). Pre- pared in St. Joseph (Mich.) H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; Omega Psi. Libn., St. Joseph (Mich.) Pub. Lib. Married Dr. LeRoy Samuel Peters, F 8, 1908, Silver City, N. M. Child, Lawrence Fyfe, b. Ap 25, 1910. Address, 1 51 5 E. Silver Ave., Albuquerque, N. M. 2390. GEORGE PUFFER GALLAGHER Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 25, 1880, Mt. Palatine, 111.; s. Theron E. (b. N 14, 1841, Pittsburgh) and R. Ida (Puffer) Gallagher (b. F 6, 1841, North Sunderland, Mass.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, igog. Pol. Sc. Club; Special Honors; Ham- ilton Club; Orat. Contestant; Capt., Univ. Regt. Taught, 1905-6; Law Stud., 1906-9; Practicing Law, 1909 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Univ. of 111. Club, Rockford; Univ. Club of Rockford; Sec, Winnebago Co., S. S. Assn.; Cor. Sec, Rockford Y. M. C. A.; Rockford Bar Assn. Married Hope Carnes, D 3, 1910, Sycamore, 111. Children: Margaret, b. Ag 15, 1913; Ruth, b. O 14, 1917. Address, 181 1 Clinton St., Rock- ford, 111.; bus. add., 312 W. State St., do. 2391. FRANK SANDERS GARWOOD (Brother of No. 2392) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 24, 1882, Stonington, 111.; s. Henry L. (b. Ag 10, 1843, LaPorte Co., Ind.) and Sarah A. (Sanders) Garwood (b. Mr 6, 1854, Stonington, 111.). Prepared in Taylorville H. S. Alpha Zeta. Address, Stonington, Ill.t 2392. HERMAN EDWIN G.ARWOOD (Brother of No. 2391) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 20, 1880, Ston- ington, 111.; s. Henry L. (b. Ag 10, 1S43, La- Porte, Ind.) and Sarah A. (Sanders) Garwood (b. Mr 6, 1854, Stonington, 111.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Alpha Zeta. Address, Stonington, 111. 2393. JANET GARWOOD (TALBOT) (Sister of No. 2674) A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 7, 1882, Augusta, 111.; d. James M. (b. N 2, 1847, Jasper Co., 111.) and Mary Frances (McClure) Garwood (b. F 17, 1850, Augusta, 111.). Prepared in Augusta H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka; Alethenai. Teacher in Chenoa H. S., 19056; Morton Tp. H. S., 1907-9. Married Samuel M. Talbot, N 27, 1909, Augusta, 111. Children: Alice Pauline, b. Je 16, 191 1; Curtis Garwood, b. Je 16, 1913. Address, Bushnell, 111. !Jt) University ok Illinois 11905 3J94- CHARLES HENRY GIBBS Civ. Engr.: B. S. in C. E:.; b. Ag 20, i88j, Princeton, 111.: s. Walter L. (b. Ap n;, 1859, do., and Rosella (.Tristley) Gibbs (,b. is iSsQ, i^ii.). Prepared in Princeton II. S. Mem., B. P. O. E., No. S94, Galesburtj, 111. Married Eniina Jensen, F 19, 100;. CliiKl, Walter 1. P.. b. Je ij, 190S. .IdJrtss, K. j, Grinned. -'395- JOHN PHILO GILBERT Professor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1006; b. Jl -•;, 1871, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. James Eli (h. IS4^, do.) and Susan A. (Ford) Gilbert (b. 1848. do.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon II. S. Glee Club; SiRuia Xij Ind.-Ill. Debate; Final Hon- ors. Fellow in Zool., igo^-o. Teacher; Prin. ; Supt., various schs. of St.; Instr. in ITniv. Acad.; Supvr., Practice Teaching. Sch. of Educ, Univ. of 111.; Head, Dent. Agr. and Biol.. So. 111. St. Norm. I'liiv. ^tarried Dora Gray, Je 14, 1900, Etna, 111. Children: Wendell Philo, b. Ap S, 1901; John Gray, b. F 4, 191J. Ad- dress, Carbondale, lU.t 2396. THOMAS JOHN GII.KERSON (Son of No. 13S; Brother of Nos. 1685, 187;, 2994) Live Stock Auctioneer; B. S. in Agr.: b. My iS, 1883. Genoa. HI.; s. Hiram ('-7). (h. O 15. 1853. do.) and Portia (Mortet> Gilkerson (,b. D 14, 1S53. Boll Co.. Tex.>. Prepared in Mar- engo H. S.; Waverly and Urbana II. Schs. Philoniathean; Pres., Agr. Club; Bus. Mgr., ///. Agr.; .-Vsst. Mgr., Illini; Varsity Track Team, indoor two mi. record. Cement Constr., 1905-0: Breeder, Holstein-Friesian cattle. 1000- i6: ILxpert Live Stock .Vuctioneer. llilger, Mont., loio — . V. P., Calif. Holstein-Friesian .\ssn. ^l.arried Winifred Nora Hall, l.ong Beach, Calif., O 30, looo. Children: Thomas Moffet, b. My .:. 1010; John Spencer, b. N 17, 1014. .-iddrc-ss, Ililger, Mont. i397- JOSEPH COLEMAN GILMOVR .Vsst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i, 1870, Raritan, 111., s. George F. (b. Jl 2, 1S53, Calif.) and Amanda S. (Garrett) Gilmonr (b. S3, 1857. Raritan, 111."). Prepared in Biggsville Tp. H. S. Rodman, D. 1.. & W.. Scranton, Pa., 19050: Draftsman, C. M. & St. P.. Chi cago, 1000-7; Insp. Reinforced Concrete work, D. 1.. & W., 1007-9; Asst. Engr., Iloboken, N. J., 190Q-11; Asst. to Arch., D. L. _& W., Scran- ton, Pa., loii-ij; .'Xsst. Div. Engr., Scran- ton, Pa.. 191 3 — . .-Vsst. Engr., War Dept. on Mdg. work at Rasiton .\rsenal. Married Edna Palmer Belding. Je 30, 1908, Scranton. Pa. Children: Ray, b. O 10. 1010; George Fowler, b. Jl ji, 1914; Joseph Coleman. Jr.. b. Jl .:q, 1010. Addri-ss, 75 Carson Ave.. Metuchen, N. J.; bus. add., c, o Const. 0. M., Rasiton .\rsen- al, do. 239S. LEO ARTHUR GINZEL (Brother of No. ^104) Adv. and Sales Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 7, 1S8;:. Trenton, 111.; s. Montz (b. N 3. 1836, Bohemia. .Austria') and Mary (Blanck) Ginzel (b. D 3. iS4.-, Mecklenberg, Ger."). Prepared in Trenton 11. S.: I'niv. .\cad. Phi Kappa Sigma: Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Or- chestra: Band. Draftsman, Weir Fro.Br Co.. Cincinnati. 1005; Asst. and Asst. Div. Engr., Mo. Pac. R. R.. St. Louis, 1906-7: Asst. Engr., Ry. Const.. War Dept., Leavenworth, Kan. 1907-0: Asst. Div. Engr.. Pueblo. Colo.. 1009- 10; Bldg. Insp., Northwestern Ky., Chicago, 1910-11: Advertising and Sales Mgr., Baker Mfg. Co.. Springiield. 111., lou — . Address, 1303 S. 6th bt., Springfield, 111. 3309. HARRY FRED GODEKE Engineer: B. S. in M. E.: M. E., ioi6: A. M.. 1018: b. Ja 31. 1870; s. Henry th. .\p 0, 1S40, Hanover, Cjer.) and Elizabeth tVon All- men) Godeke 0^. S 30, 1857, New .-Mkiny. Ind.). Prejiared in 0\ney II. S. M. E. Soc; Tau Bet;^ Pi; Sigina Xi; Final Honors. Asst. in M. E., Univ. of 111., 1905-7; Instr., do., 1Q07-17: Assoc, in Steam Engng., 1017-18; With Fed. Rubber Co.. Conderay. Wis., igi8 — . Mem.. Congr. Churcli. Married Daisy Iva Hailey, Ag 34, 1900. Olney, 111. Children: Henry L;iwrence, b. S 30, 191 j; Richard Har- old, b. .-Vg^ 7, 1015. Address, c/o Federal Rub- ber Co., Louderay, Wis. 3400. WILBUR FISK GOODSPEED Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 11, 1880, Camargo, Douglas Co., 111.; s. Tames Monroe (h. Je 33, 1845, Wooster, O.) anj Rebecca Mar- garet (Jessec) Goodspeed (h. F 34, 1S54, Han- sonville, Va.). I'repared in Tuscola H. S. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta: Track Team. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Grace Maris, F 6, 1900, Tuscola, 111. Address, Tuscola, Ill.t 3401. ADOLPII GORE Sch. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1908; b. .Ap 3, 1883. Goreville, 111.; s. Tohn Wesley tb. D 3, 1853) and Mahala (Walker) Gore tb. O 16, 1850). Prepared in Marion H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Philonwithean; Van Twiller Court; Glee Club; Mandolin Club; Opera Club; Univ. Band. Prin. Atwood Pub. Schs., 1905-6; teacher, Univ. Acad., 1907-8; do.. Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. S.. 1900-10; Prin., Cairo H. S., igii-i3; do., Jacksonville. 111., H. S., 1913; Supt. Schs., Jacksonville, 111., 1913; I'rin., St. Louis Pub. Schs., 1914 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Hortense Kubanks Campbell, Ag 35, 1909, Marion, 111. Children: William .\dolph, b. N 13, 1910; Mary Catherine, b. Ja 8, 1913. Address, 450 Fair- view Ave., Webster Groves, Mo,; bus. add., Pestalozzi Sch., St. Louis. 3403. MARGARET ELIZABETH GRAFIUS (BIRKHOFF) B. L. S.; b. Mr 34, 1884, Chicago; d. William (]). New York Citv) and Louise (Ebinge) drafius (b. Niles, 111.). Prepared in John Marshall II. S. and Lewis Inst. Alpha Chi Omega. I.ibn., 1905-8. Married George David BirkhotT, S 3, 190S, Chicago. Children: Bar- bara, b. Ag 15, 1909; Garrett, b. Ja 10, 1911. Address. 44 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. 3403. JAMES JOHN GRAHAM (Brother of Nos. 133!>. 3754) Lawyer; I.L. B. ; b. Ta 10, 1880, Ivesdale, 111.; s. James M. (,b. A{> 14, 1853, Ireland) and Catlierine (Wallace) (jraham. Prepared in Springlu-ld H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa N>i: llelta LTpsilon; Philoniathean; Pol. Sc. Club; Van 'I wilier Court. Married Mary Catherine Walsh. O 30. 1Q07, Springfield, 111. Child, Marv Clare, b. Ja 35, 1910. Address, 3i6;j S. 5th St., Springfield. 111. 3404. HIBBARD SPENCER GREENE (Brother of Nos. 3385. 6364) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je .:i, 1S83, Lisle. 111.; s. William Spencer (b. .\p 0, 1S57. .!\'.) and Jessie (Hibbard) Greene (b. Jl 14, 1800, Chicago). Prepared in Downers Grove H. S.; >'orthwestern Coll. Phi Gamma Delta; Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; HI. Club; Class Football: V. P., Thomas G. Grier & Co.. Chi- cago: Sales Mgr., Mungesser Carbon & Battery t o\. Cleveland"; Asst. Sales M.ur.. Nat. Carbon (.%■■. Inc.. do.; Asst. Sales Mgr.. do.. Lake Wood, O. Auth.: Dry Batteries for Gas Engine Ignition, dis Enijine Mag. Mem.. Elec. Chd). Chicago; Cleveland Advertising Club; ^ren■s Club Trinity Cathedral: Sec. Elec. League of Pres., Jovian Order: Pres., Brother- hood of St. Andrew; former Pres.. lUini Club of Cleveland. Married Mary Epley, Je a9. loio. Children: Helen Hoyt, b. S 8. 191 1; Robert Spencer, b. Jl 5, 1014. Address, 1530 Clarence Ave., Lake Wood. O. iQosl Baccalaukkate Alumni 227 240s. HARRIS PAUL GREENWOOD Oil Investment Bus.; 15. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap J I, 1882, JvJwardsvillc, 111.; s. E. P. (b. Cam- liiidge, Mass.) and Alibic Louise (Harris; Greenwood (b. Alton, 111.). Prepared in Ed- wardsville H. S. and Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Yoxan; Alpha Delta Sigma. Civ. Engr., ICric R. R. Co., 1905; N. Y. Central, 1905-6; I'.d. of Water Suijply of City of New York, 1906-7; Lookout Copper Co^ Prescott, Ariz., 1907; C. M. & St. P. R. R., Cascade Mts., Washington, 1907; Agujita Coal Co., Sabinas, Mfx., 1907-8; San. Dist. of Chicago, Havana, 111., 190K-9; So. Pac. R. R., Tepic, Mcx., 1909; Adv. Mgr., Mexico City, Mex., 1909-10; Auto- mobile Agl., Mejcico City, 1910-11; Civ. Engr., Mexico City, 1911-iz; Leasing oil lands. Tarn- [lico, Mex.. 1912-13; Representative in Mex. of the Gen. Petroleum Corp. of Calif., 1913-17; Oil investments, 1918 — -. Auth.: Health and Climatic Conditions in Mex., Mexico To-day, Vol. 2, pp. 29-32, 1910; The Mex. Northwestern R. R. System, do., pp. .154-63; The Modern Sys- tem of the Mexican Tramways Co., pp. 73-77; Cotton Raising and Textile Manufacturing, do., pp. 143-145. Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc. ; 6oth Regt., N. Y. Nat. Guard, 1906; Colonial Club; (Country Club of Tampico, Mex.; Delta Tau Delta of N. Y. Address, Apartado 219, Tam- pico, Mex. 2406. JOHN CHRISTOPHER GUSTAhSON (Husband of No. 3102) Iron Mfr.; B. S. in A. E. ; A. E., 1906; b. Je 19, 1879, Aurora, 111.; s. John G. (b. (arlstadt, Sweden) and Mathilda S. (Sorensen) (iustafson (h. Christiania, Norway). Prepared in S. Div. IL S. and Lewis Inst.; Armour Inst., Chicago. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Glee Club; Adelphic. Fellow in Arch., Univ. of 111., 1905-6; Instr., Dept. of Arch., do., 1906-7; V. P. and Sec., Butler St. Foundry & Iron Co., Chicago, 1908-10; Prop., Angert Wire & Iron Works. Chicago, 1910 — . Assoc. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Jennie Mary Mather ('07), Jl 14, 1908, Plainfield, 111. Children: Jane Mathilda, b. Je 15, 1909; John Mather, b. Ja 26, 191 1 ; Cornelia Anne, b. My 21, 191 3; James Argyle, b. My 8, 191 5; Martha Mather, b. O 10, 1917. Address,^ 6943 Eggleston St., Chicago; bus. add., 6028 Grove Ave, do. 2407. SAMUEL CORNELIUS IIADDEN Editor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 15, 1882, Mazon. 111.; s. William Bloodgood (b. Jl 13, 1854, Athens, N. Y.) and Laura Frances (Allison) Hadden (b. D 3, 1856, Wyoming, 111.). Pre- pared in Mazon H. S.; Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. R. R. Sur. in Fla. and Ala., 1905; Sr. Instr. in Math, and C. E., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1905-8; Asst. Prof, of Math, and C. £., do., 1908-9; Contracting Engr. with Lewis & Kitchen, Kansas City, Mo., 190910; Mainten- ance of Way Dept., C. & W. I. R. R., Chicago, 1910-11; Assoc Ed. of F.ngng. and Contracting, Chicago, 1911-16; do.. The Novelty News, 1916- 17; Ed., Mun. and Co. Engng., 19 17 — . Mar- ried Marion Gibson. N 16, 1910, Chicago. Chil- dren: Robert William, b. Ja 16, 1913; Donald Fiarker. b. Ja 31, 1915; James Morton, b. My 13, 1916 (died Ap 3, 1918). Address, 7728 S. Aber- deen St., Chicago; bus. add,, 538 S. Clark St., do. 2408. ARTHUR ALDRICH HALE Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My i, 1883, St. Louis; s. Charles S. (b. O.) and Emma E. Hale. Prepared in Mich. Mil. Acad, and Lewis Inst. Sigma Chi; Yoxan; Track Team; Interschol., .\Igr. With Griffin Wheel Co., Boston. .Mar- ried Ida B. Harris Lantz, S 4, 1918, Brookline, Mass. Address, 203 Winchester St., Brookline, Mass. 2409. LILIAN HAMMERS (Sister of Nos. 1137, 1514, 1515) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 27, 1868, .Secor, 111.; d. Morgan Buckingham (b. Jl 11, 1838, Metamora, 111.) and Rosetta Jane (Gib- sonj HammerB (b. Je 20, 1840. Moundsville, W. Va.). Prc|)ared in N. W. Acad.; Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Critic Eng. Teacher, St. Norm. Sch., Platteville, Wis., 1905- 7; Sch. of the r^ackawanna, Scranton, Pa., 1907- 11; Hiram Coll., Hiram, (J., 191 1 — ; Newark Seminary, Newark, N. J., 1914-15. Mem., Bap- tist Church; Monday Niglit Club: Coll. Club of the Oranges; Coll. Women's (Jlub; Alliance Chap, of D. A. R. Address, 8 Summit St., Orange, N. J. 2410. MYRTLE NETA HANNUM Postal Clerk; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 8, 1885, Terrc Haute, Ind.; d. Samuel Cooper (b. Je lo, 1849, do.) and Delilah J. (Shaw) Hannum (b. Ja 2, 1859, Bridgeport. 111.). Prepared in De- catur H. S. Math. Club. Teacher, 1905-9; Newsjiaper work, 1910; Postal Clerk, 191 1. Address, 1027 N. Monroe St., Decatur, lU.t 2411. CARL MENELAUS HANSTEIN Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 11, 1874, Chicago; s. Herm (b. Ap 27, 1843, Giesscn Hes- scn, Darmstadt, (jer.) and Emelia (Heister- hagen) Hanstcin (b. O 14, 1848, St. Louis). I'rcpared in North JJiv. H. S., (Chicago. Drafts- man, Milwaukee, 1905; with 111. Steel Co., Chi- cago, 1905 — . Address, 2019 Mohawk St., Clii- cago.t 2412. GUY BYRON HARDY Attorney; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1880; s, Eugene B. (b. Je 22, 1842, Mt. Pleasant, Can.) and Jane (Killium) Hardy (b. F 22, /84f;, Abingdon, 111.). Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi. Married Norma Hardy, Je 18, 1907. ("hild, Jane, b. My 7, 1910. Address, 527 N. Broad .St., Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., 74 S. Cherry St., do.j 2413. JOHN MATTHEW HARNEY Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 21, 1882, Joliet, 111.; s. Mathew Stephen (b. D 26, 1857, Ireland) and Anna Beatrice (Giblin) Ilar- ney (b. Jl 13, i860, Joliet, 111.). Preparer! in Joliet H. S. Chem. Club. Chem., Wabash Bak- ing Powder Co., 1905-11; Chief Chem., Frank Tea & Spice Co., Cincinnati, 191 1 — . Mem., A. C;. S.; B. P. O. E.; Cuvier Press Club, Cincinnati. Address, 325 Broadway, Cincin n.iti. 2414. EDITH ELIZABETH HAkPEH (COLLINS) (Sister of No. 3017) H. L. S.; b. Mr 27, 1884, Granville. 111.; d. James Albertus (b. 1852, do.) and Carrie (Durley) Harper Cb. 1852, Hennepin, 111.). Prepared in Granville H. S. Chi Omega. (Or- ganized Lib. in Cambridge, 111., 1905-6; Hav ana 111., 1906; Libn. Escanaba, Mich., 1906- 7. Married Herbert Keith Collins, O 16, 1907, I'rhana. Chilrlren: Harper Keith, b. D i;. 1908; Stephen John. b. Je 18. 1910. Address, 1045 23d St., liock Island, Ill.t 2415- MABEL STRICKLAND HAYWAKD (ROTHGEB) (Wife of No. 2497; Sister of No. 3765) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr i, 1880, Ottawa, ill.; d. George Hayward (b. Ap 19, 1843, do.) and Nettie (Strickland) Hayward (b. O 21, 1847, Adams, N. Y.). Prepared in Ottawa il. S.; Oberlin, 1900-1. Alpha Chi Omega; Alethenai. Taught in Port Byron, one yr. ^fem., Congr. Church; D. A. R.; Equal Suf- frage League of the Oranges; Women's Coll. Club of the (Oranges; Monday Study Club. 228 University of Illinois 1 1 905 Married Wade Hampton Rothgeb ('05), D 28. 1907, Ottawa, 111. Children: Mildred Ann, b. Ja iS, 1909; John Ilayward, b. D 24, 1901); Alice Marie, b. .11 iS, 11)14 (died D i, 1014). Address, 126 Sanford St., East Orange, N. J. 2416. HOWARD SPENCER HAZEN Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 4, iSSj. LaSalle, 111.; s. Howard Spencer (b. Mr :;4. i8ss, Meadville, Pa.) and Mary Georgiana (Mellen) Hazen (b. 11 6, 1S60, Amboy, 111.). Prepared in LaSalle H. S. H. S. Arch., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1908. Aztec Club; Tan Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Archs. Club; Glee Club. With Desmond and Lord, architects. Address, Des- mond and Lord, 15 Beacon St., Boston. 2417. PEARL HIGINBOTHAM (COLLINS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 14, 1S7S, Shelby- villc. 111.; d. lohn Thomas (b. 11 --3, 18,12, Sullivan, 111.) and Mary Will (Sciphers) Hig- inbotham (b. D 4. 1855, Marion, Va.). Pre- pared in Decatur H. Ji. and Areola H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Sul- livan II. S., 1906-7; do., Lovington, 111., ;:d term, 190S. Mem., Prcsby. Church. Married Frank Forest Collins, Je S, 1908, Decatur, 111. Child, Eunice, b. Je 15, 1909. Address, Areola, 111. 241 S. THEOPHIL HENRY HILDEBRANDT (Brother of No. 302S) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Tl 24, 1888, Canal Dover, O.; s. Henry C. M". (b. 1853, Chemnitz, Ger.) and Martha C. (Locher) Hildebrandt (b. 1862, Christiansberg, West Africa). Prepared in LaSalle Peru Tp H. S. S. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; Ph. D., do^, 1910. ^lath. Club; German Club; Y. M. C. A.; Final Honors; Special Honors in Math.; Phi Beta Kaiipa; Sigma Xi. Instr. in Math., 1009-14; Asst. Prof., Univ. of Mich., ; with Ralph Mod- jesk, 1906-7; Draftsman, C. N. W. Rj'., 1907-^: Asst. Engr., do., 190S-10; Resident Engr., do., 1916-17; Div. Engr., do.. 1917 — • Mem., West. Soc. Engrs., Nat. Geog. Soc: A. F. A. M. Married lennie Dee Hillman, O 23, 1906, Chi- cago. Children: Avis Kli/.abeth, b. Mr 13, 190S; lane William, b. Ag 23, 1910. Address, 1725 "Chadbourne .-Vve., Madison, Wis. 2421. GLIDDEN HINMAN Gen. Asst., Milk Co.; .k. B. in L. & .\ ; b. Ag 29, 1881, St. Charles, 111.; s. Albert Walker (h. O 10, 1845 Stittville, N. Y.) and Lizzie Mary (Glidden) Ilininan (b. S 25, 1S2S, DeKalb, 111.). Prepared in Chicago and Dundee H. Schs. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Theta Nu Ejisilon; Dcr Deutsche Verein; Pol. Sc Club; Adelphic; Jllini Staff; Ed., lllio; Final Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Farm Supt., 1905-7; liiinch M^r., 1907; Gen. Asst., Oatman Con- densed Milk Co. Married Lucile Bates, F 15, 1 9 19. Address, Dundee, III. 2422. CHARLES HENRY HITTSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 29, 1871, Griffin, Tex.; s. Charles Hughes and Sarah llittson. Prepared in Nat. Norm. Univ., Lebanon, O.; Saline Norm., Salina, Kan. A. B., ector, do., 1911. Auth.: Placing Telephone Wires Under- ground, Teelinosraph, 1001. Married Delia Eckevt, Mr 14, 1908, Romeo, Mich. Child, Frederick Henry, b. Mr 3, 1911. Address, 1608 3rd Ave., Detroit. t iyo5J Baccalaureate Alumni 229 2428. MANUEL JOSEl'lI JACOBS Educator; B. S. in C. E. ; h. Ap 30, 18S0, Moholiv on the Dnieper, Russia; s. Morris (b. Kussia) and Zippera (Marknian) Jacobs (b. ilo.). I'repared ni Europe; Univ. Acad.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Calif. C. E. Club. Organized the Co-operative Assn. Chainman, Kodnian, Instrumentman, Draftsman, 1. C. R. R., 1905-6; Asst. Engr., P. I. & N. W. R. R., Idaho, iyo6; Asst. Engr., S. J. & S. C. C. R. R., San Jose, Calif., 1906-7; Gen. Mgr., The Acme Engr. Co., 1907-9; Draftsman with City Engr., San Fran- cisco, Calif., 1909-10; Teacher in Berkeley H. S., 191 1 — . Head of the Dcpl. of Schs., Berke- ley, Calif., 1911-18; Organized educ. system for prisoners; Dir. of Educ, Folsom St. Prison, 1915 — : Building destroyers for Govt. Mem., A. and A. F. A. M.; 32nd degree Mason; Mystic Shriners; N. E. A. Married Myra Freidenrick, Ap 17, 1916. Child, Ellina, b. N 12, 191 7. Address, 917 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif. 2429. THOMAS LEWIS JARRETT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 10, 1872, Maxwell, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Jl 2, 1842, Loami, 111.) and Florence (Lowrey) Jarrett (b. Scotland). Prepared in Lincoln Coll., Lincoln, 111. Philo- niatliean. Mem., First Presby. Church. Mar- ried Alice D. Stuve, O 17, 1912, Springfield, 111. Address, 526 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., zojYz S. 6th St., do. 2430. GUY CARLYLE JOHNSTONE (Brother of No. 5749) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 7, 1881, Bloom- ington, 111.; s. Andrew John (b. 1843, do.) and Dora (Karr) Johnstone (b. 1859, do.). Pre- pared in Bloomington H. S.; Cornell Univ., I90I-2. Sigma Chi; Mgr. Baseball Team. Married Lucile Hodge, Mr 5, 1901, Bloom- ington, 111. Child, Hodge Carlyle, b. Ja 13, 1912. Address, R. 5, Bloomington, Hit 2431- FREDERICK WILLIAM KASTEN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ta 29, 1882; s. Ludwig (b. Pomerania, Ger.) and Lena (Giese) Kasten (b. do.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. 11. S., Harvey, 111. Delta Ujisilon; Tau Beta Pi. Varsity Football Team; Civ. Engr., O. S. L., 1906-8; O. W. R. R. & N., 1908—. Address, Three Valley, British Columbia, Can. 2432. LAWRENCE SWASEY KEELER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 23, 1882, Belvidere, 111.; s. Alson Hi and Edith H. (Swasey) Keeler. Prepared in South Belvidere H. S. Sigma Nu; Yoxan; Engng. and Const. Dept., Isthmian Canal Comn. Address, 2214 Crewshaw Blvd., Los Angeles. t 2433. CURTIS ELMER KELSO Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. F 21, 1881, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Charles Elliot (b. Mr 10, 1858, Morganstown, Ind.) and Jennie (Kaufl- man) Kelso (b. Mv 19, i860, Whitley Co.. Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad., M. D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Phys. and Surg., 1905-11; Real Est. and Farming, 1911-18; Physician, Thomasboro, 111. 1st Lt., Med. R. C, Co. s, Bat. 2, Camp Forest, Chickamauga Park, Ga., 1918; Gen. IIosp. No. r4. Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1919 — • Mem., 111. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Elizabeth Burr, N 16, 1907, Cham- paign. Address, Thomasboro, 111. 2434. EUGENE GROUSE KENYON Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Te 13, 1882, Grundy Center, la.; s. Theodore S. (b. Louis- ville, Ky.) and Minnie C. (Newcomb) Kenyon (b. Cleveland). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Yoxan. Engr. Dept., Central ITnion Telephone Co., IQ05-6; State employ. Calif., 1906-9; Mem., Parker & Kenyon, Archs. and Engrs., 1909 — . Married Myra Eastman. Two children. Address, 244 Kearney St., San Fran- cisco. 24,35. ANGELINE CLARKE KIDDER Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1906- b Auburn, NY.; d. John C. (b. O 4. 1833, Chemung NY.) and Harriet Angelinc (Mar- tin) Llarko (b. 1837. Genoa, do.). Prepared in WavcTly N Y. JL S.; Albany Norm. Sch. vv-^i c^TM*''' Deutsche Verein. Cataloger, Wash St. Lib., 1906-7; St. Organizer for Ore rnns.^""""/.' '5;?7-8; Libn., Salem Pub. Lib.. Cm, , r-.^''^- uf ,F°"- 'y°S-'8- Hosp. Lib. Camp Lewis, Wash., 1918—. Mem Pdc Northwest Lib. Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn ;' p' E O Married Lorenzo Kidder, F 26, 1896. Sioux City, la. Address. Corvallis, Ore. 2436. 'ARTHUR WILLIAM KIRKWOOD 2437- GUSTAVE AUGUST KRAMER Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M. 1007 • b Ag 8 ,880. Streator. Ill.;'s. Charles' (b. ■ 830, Hanover, Ger.) and Doris (Roeder) Kramer (b. 1840, do.) Prepared in Westfield Coll Prep., i:)ept.; Westiield Coll., 1901-03. •U r' V"'\i,°f ^'i"ras°. 1912. Zctagathean; Y. p/i b ' ^'"i"'"^'^V^!'; ^^" Deutsche Verein; Pol. Sc. and Hist. Clubs. Scholarship. Teach- er until 1909; Lawyer, Chicago, 191 2-1 3; do. Pn'^?'""' i"- '913-15; Farmer, Clarion la. u ^^- ^^^'■' Congr. Church. Married Neta M.J'p ^'11° t''T^'''3, Decatur, 111. Child. Max Franklin, b. D 10, 1916. Address, Clarion! 2438. JOHN KRIPPNER Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b My 17 1878, Sobekury. County of Prestice, Bohemia;' A/i r.T''^- ^^- ■**'»'• Oplot. do.) and Mary (Mahk) Krippner (b. 1841, Sobckury. do.). Irepared in Prestice H. S.. Bohemia; Lewis Inst.. Chicago. Struct. Engr., Dept. of Bldgs., Chicago. Married Bessie Beranck, My i, 1907. Chddren: Rose S. Marie, b. My 12, 1908- Irancis John, b. O 8, 1909. Address. 2434 S lamhn Ave., Chicago, 111.; btis. add., Dept. of Buildings, f/c).t 2439- OTTO KUEHLCKE Civ. Engr; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 21, 1876, Davenport, la.; s. Herman (b. Freiburg, Ger.) and Sophia (Brumm) Kuehlcke (b. Rensburg, do.). Prepared in Phillips Exeter Acad. Delta Upsilon. Civ. Engr. U. S. Engrs. Office. Ad- dress, 521 W. 8th St., Davenport, la.f 2440. LUCY MAE LEWIS Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1906; b. Iraer, la.; d. James Henry (b. Je 13, 1840. Akron, O.) and Emcline (Carmichael) Lewis (b. Ap 17, 1841. Middletown. N. Y.). Pre- pared in Pomona H. S.; Pomona Coll. Alpha Kappa. Libn., N. M. Coll. of A. & M. A., 1906- 11; Asst. Libn., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1911 — . Treas., P. E. O. Sisterhood, 1917. Address, Ore. Agr. Coll., Corvallis, Ore. 2441. RUSSELL JAMES LEWIS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, 1877, Bluff Co., la.; s. John Bradley and Flora Ann (Palmer) Lewis. Prepared in Denmark Acad.; la. St. Coll. Married Bessie Viola Fox, S 30. 191 1, Hinsdale, 111. Child, Heman Clarence, b. Jl II. 1912. Address, looi 5th St.. Ft. Madison, la. 2442. ALMEDA V. LINDLEY (PARKS) Christian .So. Practitioner; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; b. Mr 10, 1858, Urbana; d. Mahlon (b. Ag, 1833, Mansfield, O.) and Sa- lome (Myers) Lindley (b. S, 1833, Trenton, 230 I'lN'IVERSlTY OF Tl.MNOlS O.). Prepared in Urbaiui II. S. Y. \V. C. A.; Orchestra. Mem., C. L. S. C. Alumni; Cent. 111. branch of A. C. A.; Presby. Church to 1883; M. E. Church to 1909. Married Milton Scott Parks, Je i:. 1883, tJrbana. Children: Paul, b. Je 8, 1884 (died S i, 1909): Ralph Milton, b. N 24, 1890; Frank Austin, b. F s, 1896. Address, giAyi W. California Ave., Ur- bana. 2443- CHARLES PATRICK AUGUSTUS LOXERGAN Builder; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 8, 1880, Polo, 111.; s. John South (b. 1841, Waterford Co., Ireland) and Mary (Lynch) Lonergan (b- Cavan Co., do.). Prepared in Polo H. S. Track; Football. Asst. Engr., O. S. L. R. R., 1905-9; Asst. Supt., O. R. & N. R. R., 1909-10; Supt., Warren Const. Co., 1910 — ; V. P., Smy the- Lonergan Co., 1918 — . Mem., K. C. Married Hilda W. Fish, O 26, 1910, Calif. Children: Sylvia Ellen, b. Ag 31, 191 1 ; Marv Elizabeth, b. Mr 19, 1914; James Fish, b. 1) 10, 1916; Pat, b. N 20, 1917. .-Iddress, Pen dleton. Ore. 2444. TROY LOVELL LONG Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 27, iSSi, Palmer, HI.; s. Winston Leaiuier (b. Ja 15, 1851, Ilerndon, Kv.) and Hannah Louise (Hewitt) Long (b. S 23, 1856, Taylorville, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. A. M., Howard Univ., 1907. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Track Team; Philoniathean; German Club; Yoxan. Married Mildred Fiske Lincoln, Je 9, 1909, Somerville, iMass. Address, Taylorville, 111. 2445. BRUCE IIJALMAR LUNDAHL (Brother of No. 4786) Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 7, 1879, Carlscrona, Sweden; s. Per Larson (b. Ap 30, 1852, Hanaskog, Kristianstad, Sweden) and Emma Augusta (Swenson) Lundahl (b. S lO, i8t)i, Weslervik, do.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Draftsman, 1905-9; Asst. Engr. of Const., 1909-11; Sales Engr., Link Belt Co., Chicago, 191 1 — . Married Alma Bischoff Schumacher, Ap 7, 1909, Paoli, Ind. Child, Frederick Burton, b. O i, 1913. Address, 0557 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. 2446. ETHEL E. McANULTY (BROWN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 22, 1882, Carthage, III.; d. James (b. F 23, 1830, O.) and Susan (Robertson) McAnulty (b. My 15, 1836, 111.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. B. S., d'artliage Coll., 1 903. Her Deutsche Verein; Eng. Club. Instr. in Ger., Baker Univ.. 1908-9. Married LeandcT Bradbury Brown, D 31, 191 0, Car- thage, 111. Child, Eleanor Jeannette, b. S 27, 1913. Address, 1020 15th St., Boulder, Colo. 2447. "ESTELLA McCarthy (Sister of No. 1730) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Moline, 111.; d. Thomas (b. Ag 26, 1852, Providence, R. I.) and Mary (Gregoire) iClcCarthy (b. Ap 21, 1857, DeWitt. la.). Prepared in Moline II. S. Chi Omega; Phi Delta I'si. Teacher, Trenton H. S., 1905-6; do.. Mason City H. S., 1906-8; do., Alton, 190S-15. Died Ap 1915, Mich. 2448. AGNES McDOUGALL (HENRY) (Wife of No. 21 19) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 30, 1883, Escondido, Calif.; d. Charles Archibald (b. D 22, 185 1, LaSalle Co., 111.) and Viola (Harwood) Mc- Dougall (b. Clearwater, Wis.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. M. L., Univ. of Calif., 1908. Chi Omega; .\lethenai; Capt. Basketball Team, 1903-4. Prin. Rantoul H. S., 111., 1905-7; Instr. in Eng., Lodi H. S., (Jalif., 1908-10. Married Smith T. Henry ('04), O i, 1910. Ottawa, 111. Children: Mary Kimesia, b. Ja 17, 1912; Stokes T., b. D 11, 1914. Address, Manhasset, Long Island, N. Y. 2449. WILLIAM McGINLEY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 18, 1875, Moweaqua. III.; s. Jacob E. (b. 1830, Marys- ville, Tenn.) and Keziah A. Sellers McGin- ley (b. 1840, Ky.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S.; Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; Adelphic: Phil. Club; Pol. Sc. Club; Mo.-Ill. debating team: O.-Ill. debating team. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Moweaqua, 111.; Prin. and Supt., for 5 yrs. Married Gertrude Kiunvles, N 23, 1904, Decatur, 111. Children: William Ralph, b. N 24, 1905; Tom, b. Je 12, 1907; John Jacob, b. F 15, 1900. .Address, 204-205 Citizen's Bank Bldg., Decatur, 111. 2450. SYLVES'IER JOSEPH McGRATH Chemist: A. B. in Chem.; b. N 19, 1883, Warrensburg, 111.; s. Henry (b. Je 24, 1839, Donn Co., Ireland) and Susan Ph'illipa (Saun- ders) McGrath (b. D ji, 1845, Adams Co., O.). Preparecl in Urbana H. S. Phi Lambda Up- silon. Chem., Armour & Co., 19050; do., J. H. Matthes Lab., 1907-11; Chem. and V. P., Eaton-Dutly Co., 191 1 — . Mem., A. C. S. Ad- dress, c/o O'Brien Varnish Co., South Bend, Ind.t 2451. ROSCOE PLANT McNEILL Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 9, 1883, Greenville, 111.; s. Horace N. (b. Jl 11, 1800, do.) and Lillie E. (Plant) McNeill (b. D 25, 1859, (/().). Prepared in Greenville H. S. With Greenville Lumber Co.; in Gen. Office, C. B. & O. R. R., i9ot>; Live Stock Farmer. Mar- ried Dorothy Hallewell, D 7, 1912, Oadby, Leicestershire, Eng. Child, Horace Noble, b. O 31, 1916. Address, Greenville, 111. 2452. JAMES ABRAHAM MARLEY Real Est. Dealer; LL. B.; b. Jl 31, 1881, Vermilion, 111.; s. William Ilenry (b. Ap 6, 1S49, Marley Sta^, 111.) and Sophia Marley (b. My 14, 1857, Sullivan, Ind.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Track Team. Address, Vermilion, Ill.t 2453. FRANKLIN WALES MARQUIS (Husband of No. 4848) Professor; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1909; b. My 27, 1883, Bloomington, 111.; s. F. D (b. Ag 18, 188:;, Manstield, O.) and Caroline A. (Brush) Marquis (b. Air 28, 1858, Rome, N. Y. ). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Alpha Delta Phi. De- signer and Draftsman, Kerr Turbine Co., Wellsville, N. V., 1905-7; Asst. in Ry. Engng., Dept. of Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1907- 9; Assoc, do., 1909-13; Prof, of Steam Engng., O. St. I'niv., 1913 — ; (on leave of absence) -Asst. to Mgr., Fuel Conservation Section, Div. of Operation, I'. S. Railroad Administration. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Soc. for the Promotion of Engng. Educ. Married Elizabeth Parr Cii), Je 12, 1912, Urbana. Children: Franklin Parr, b. Jl I, 1913; Donald Hall, b. F 20, 1917. Ad- dress, c/o .\. B. Bushnell, Forest tllen, Md. 2454- 'WILLIAM ROY MARTIN Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 13, 1881, Mound City, Mo.; s. Robert Macomb (b. Jl 27, 1853, Hillsboro, O.) and Mary Rebecca (Ervin) ^lartin (b. N 10, 1855, do.). Pre- pared in Newton (la.) H. S. Arch. Club. Died Ja 19, 1909. 2455. ESTHER MASSEY (McFARLAND) (Wife of No. 6402) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b. 16. 1884. \"irginia. 111.; d. lohn H. and Julia (Baldwin) Massey (b. N I7,"i85.1, Deer Park, 111.). Pre- pared in Virginia H. .S. Phi Beta Kappa; Pre- lim, and Final Honors. H. S. teacher, 1905-12; <^i)., 1913-14. Chicago Sec. of Class. Married Ellis D. McFarland (,'14). D 25, 1914, Jackson- ville, 111. Child, Helen Frances, b. and died Ap 10, 1917. Address, 7919 May St., Chicago. I905J Baccalaureate Alumni 231 2456. ROSE MARGARET MATHER (Sister of Nos. 3102, 5807) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1915; b. D 23, 1882; d. George Phelps (b. F 6, 1855, Wheatland, 111.) and Rachel Cornelia (Scarritt; Mather (b. Ag 22, 1853, Dupage, 111.). Pre- pared in Plaintield and Joliet Tp. H. S. Ale- thenai; Der Deutsche Verein; Watcheka; Y. W. C. A.; Eng. Club; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Governess, 1907; H. S. Teacher, 190Q-11; Housekeeping, 1911-13; Libn., 191 5 — . Address, R. 4, Plainfield, 111.; bus. add., Pub. Lib., Kankakee, 111. 2457- JOSEPH MATOUSEK Civ. Engr. and Builder; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 25, 1878, Chicago; s. Joseph (b. 1848, Bohemia) and Anna J. (Cihlar) Matousek (b. 1855, rfo.). Prepared in West Div. H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1898. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., C. E. Club. Track Elevation Corps, P. C. C. & St. L. R. R., 1905; Bridge Dept., D. L. & W. R. R., 1905-6; Sub. Asst. Engr., San. Dist. of Chicago, North Shore Chan- nel, 1906-10; Civ. Engr. and Builder, 191 1 — . Mem., Oriental Lodge No. 33; A. F. A. M.; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S., Palacky Lodge, No. 630 I. O. O. F.; Beseda Club. Married Li- buse C. Kolar, O 12, 1910, Chicago. Children; Helen Adelaide, b. Ag 17, 191 1; Eleanor Ann, 1). O 17, 191 3; Joseph Edward, b. D 26, 191 fj. Address, 5728 W. 24th St., Cicero, 111.; bus. add., 2203 S. 56th Ave., do. 2458. LEROY HASKELL MAXFIELD Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 16. 1881, Godfrey, III.; s. Oscar Waldow (b. S 13, 1853, New Boston) and Maggie (Albon) Maxfield (li. Je II, 185S, St. Louis). Prepared in Alton H. S. Chni., Music Com.. Y. M. C. A. Asst. Engr., Alton, Granite City and St. Louis Power Sta., 1905; Insp.. Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, 1905; Office of Chief Engr., 111. Terminal R. R. ; 111. Glass Co., 1905-6; Chief Draftsman, do., 1909. Mem., 111. St. Is^aval Militia, 1899- 1903, as Trumpeter. Married Louise Sidnay Craw- ford, My 5, 1910, Godfrey, 111. Address, God- frey, 111. 2459. DAVID THORPE MAY (Brother of No. 1377) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 14, 1882, I'rophetstown, 111.; s. James Samuel (b. Jl 23, 1834, Bath, N. Y.) and Augusta (Hutchinson) May (b. Mr 5, 1849. do.). Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Tele)ihone Engr., West. Elec. Co. Address, 108 W. 95th St.. New York City.f 2460. GEORGE FRANCES MEHARRY (Husband of No. 2534; Brother of Nos. 1250, 2757) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Je 12, 1880, Tolono, 111.; s. Jesse (b. O 9, 1835, Wingate, Ind.) and Addie A. Meharry (b. S 12. ib-i. New Lenox. HI.). Prepared in Tolono H. S.; Univ. Acad. Cnil. Club. Farmer, Tolono. 111. Mem., M. E. Church; Com. of Highway, Philo Tp., Champaign Co., 1917-18; Neighborhood Com., St. Council of Defense; Ex. Com., Champaign Co. Farm Bur., 1913-18. Married Sophie M. Voss ('05), F 27, 1912, Champaign. Child, John Frederick, b. S 25, 1915. Address, Tolono, III. 2461. ERNEST EDWARD MEIER (Brother of No. 1560) Engineer.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 4. 1883, Chicago; s. Jacob (b. S 6, 1830, Ger.) and Maria (Hoefflin) Meier (b. Ag 24, 1841. do.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. and Man. Tr. H. .S. and Lewis Inst.. 1901-2. Delta Tau Delta; C. E. Club; Der Deutsche Verein: Assoc. Mem.. .\. S. M. E. ; Ed., Technograph. Asst. to City Engr.; Asst. Engr. Nat. Fireproofing Co.; Engr., Monolith Steel Co.; Engr. in charge of Const, of Irrigation Project; Mem., South- western Engr. Co. of Santa Fe; Dist. Engr., Corrugated Bar Co., St. Louis. Jr. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Frances D. Gault, Mr 17, 1914. Address, 576 Ashland Ave., St. Paul. 2462. CARL AUGUST MELIN Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 4, 1882, Molinc, 111.: s. N. Peter (b. Ja 16, 1852, Sweden) and Eva (Peterson) Melin (b. My 25, 1854, do.). Pre- liared in Moline H. S. and S])ringiield H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon ; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kai)pa Nu; I'hilomathean ; Track Team; Capt. Univ. Regt. Lawyer, Springfield, 111., igio-iS; .St's. Atty., Henry Co., 111., 1916 — . Married Pearl Etta Terry, Ap 22, 1914, Cambridge, III. Child, Roberta Jean, b. O 20, 1917. Address, Cambridge, 111. 2463. LOUIS CHARLES FREDERICK METZGER Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 191 1; 1). Ja 30, 1 87 1, Belleville, 111.; s. George and Jobanette (Wolf) Metzger. Prepared at home. Draftsman; Asst. Engr. in M. of W. Terminal R. R., Assn., St. Louis. Mem., Engrs. Club of St. Louis; A. F. A. M.; A. A. S. R. ; Assn M. A. S. C. E. Married at St. Louis. Ac dress, 2650 Accomac St., St. Louis. 2464. NELLIE AUGUSTA MILLER (Sister of No. 2761) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 6, 1876. Boody, HI.; d. Henry August (b. 1838, Ger.) and Caroline (Gemmar) Miller (b. 1843, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. (Charter mem., Illiola. Teacher, Centralia Tp. H. S., 111., 1905- 7; Ventura H. S.. HI., 1908-10; St. Norm. Sch. of Man. Arts and Home Econ., Santa Barbara, Calif., 191 1 ; Dir., Home Econ., Ventura, II. S., 1914 — . Address, 1227 De la Vina, Santa Bar- bara, Calif.t J465- CHARLES STUART MONTOOTH (Husband of No. 2740) H. S. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; B. S. in Sc. 1917; b. F 25, 1879, Modena, 111.; s. James (b F 8, 1832, Tyrone Co., Ireland) and Mar; Elizabeth (Wilson) Montooth (b. Je 17, 1842' Seneca Co., O.). Prepared in Toulon Acad V. P., Adelphic; Class Football Team; Prep., Football Coach. Prin., Castleton Sch., 1906; Supt. of Schs., Casey, 111., 1907; Prin., Du Quoin Tp, H. S., 111., 1908-9; Supt. of Schs., Chris- man, 111., 1909-15; Supt. of Schs., Lafayette, 111., 1915-18; Prin., Assumption Tp. H. .S., As- sumption, 111., 1 9 18 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Modern Woodman; Eastern Star. .Married Winnie Alice Logan ('06), Jl 29, 1906, Urbana. Children: Hazel Evelyn, b. S 23, 1909; -Martha Grace, b. Ap 7, 1918. Address, As- sumption, 111. 2466. HENRY HIRAM MOREY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 14, 1884, Greenville, HI.; s. Thomas Perry (h. S 27, 1847, Mulberry Grove, 111.) and Lucy Ann i^Henry) Morey (b. Ja 4, 1861, Greenville, 111.). Prepared in Greenville H. S.; Univ. Law Sch.. 1905-6; J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1907. Phi Delta Phi. Partner, Wiley & Morey, Lawyers. Married Helen E. Derlin Jl 11, 191 7, Appel- ton. Wis. Address, Decatur, 111. 2467. GEORGE WALKER MORGAN Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 29, 1879, .\shley, HI.; s. McKendree Walker (b. Mr 28, 1857, do.) and Matilda Rachel (Seibert) Mor- gan (b. D 13, 1858). Prepared in Mt. Vernon and Urbana H. Schs. Tau Beta Pi; Army and Navy Club. Draftsman, Wier Frog Co., 1905-6: University of Illinois [1905 Cin. Frog & Switch Co., 190--11; Call Switch Co., 19H-14; Asst. Engr., E. St. Louis San. Dist., 1914-18. Mem., United Spanish War Veterans; Co. Adjt. Married Mabel Bertha Butler, S 28, 1005, Crawfordsville, Ind. Chil- dren: George Raymond, b. O 4, 1907; Norman, b. Ja 19, 191 7. Address, 4104 Caseyville Rd., E. St. Louis, 111. 2468. ORA SHERMAN MORGAN Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 11, 1877, Hampshire, 111.; s. Lyman Delos (b. Coral, 111.) and Elizabeth Ann (IIelmi«r) Morgan (b. Rainham Center, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Hampshire H. S.; HI. St. Norm. Univ., M. S. A., do., 1907; Ph. D., do., 1909. Asst. in Biol, in 111. Norm., 1898-9; Prin., H. S. Ohio, 111., 1899-01; Hampshire, 111., 1901-3; Asst. in Zool., 111., 1904-5; Teacher in Biol., Burlington (la.) H. S., 1905; Prin., Tr. Sch.. DeKalb, Normal, 111., 1905-6; Fellow in Coll. of Agr., 1907-8; Orchard Sur. in Newburg Town, Orange Co., N. Y., 1907; Dir. of N. Y. St. Sch. of Agr. and Domestic Sc, Alfred Univ., 1908-n; Prof, of Agr., Columbia, N. Y., 191 1 — . Auth. : The Place of Secondary Educ. in Agr., Am. System of Educ. Hon. Mem., Sigma Xi, 19H. Married Rose LeVille Huff, O 4, 1908, Boscobel, Wis. Address, 400 Con- vent Ave., New York City; bus. add., Columbia Univ., do. 2469. SIDNEY DEALEY MORRIS Prof, and Consulting Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 1 8, 1878, Wallace, Nova Scotia; s. Thomas B. (b. My 25, 1833, Nova Scotia) and Mary S. (Wilson) Morris (b. Ag 10, 1839, do.). Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Univ. Acad.; Post grad., Univ. of Wis.; summer, loio-ii. Seymour Guild; E. E. Soc; Track Team; Army and Navy Assn. Apprenticeship, Allis-Chalniers Co., 1905-6; Teacher, Coll. Sch. Kenilworth, 111., 1907-8; Cedar Rapids II. S., 1909-10; Lawrence Coll., Appelton, Wis., 1911- 12; Instr. in Topographic Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1912-16; Surveying and Landscape Arch., Madison, Wis. and Evanston, 111.. 1916-17; Consulting Engt. and Prof, of Engng. and Landscape Arch., Grinnell Coll., Grinncll, la., 1918 — . v. S. Navy, 1898. Mem., Epis. Church; Lay Reader, Dioceses of Springfield, 1904-5; Supt. of Sunday School, Champaign. Married Elizabeth Davis, Ja i, 1910, Evanston, HI. Children: David Davis, b. D i, 1910; Elizabeth Marcy, b. Jl 22, 191 2; Mary Wilson, b. My I, 1916. Address, 932 East St., Grinnell, la. 2470. LOUIS CONRAD MOSCHEL Sec.-Treas., Lumber Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 20, 1S78, Morton, 111.; s. Louis (b. My 30, 1848, Webenheim, Ger.) and Jacobena (Hus- song) Moschel (b. Mr 27, 1851, do.). Prepared in Morton H. S. Pol. Sc. Club; Philomathean: Commerce Club; Phi Beta Kappa; .\lpha Tau Omega; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; III. -la. Debate; Assoc. Ed., Illio; Philomathean Mgr., Star Lecture Course. Asst. Prin., Mor- ton Tp. H. S., 1905-6; Prin., do., 1906; Dept. Mgr., Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1907-9; Sec. and Treas., Langton Lumber Co., 1909 — . Mem., Tazewell Club. Married Emily Herget. Child, Paul, b. 1916. Address, Pekin, Ill.t 2471. *HAVEN IIAANEL MOSS (Brother of Nos. 2472, 31 18, 9285) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 15, 1882, Bloomington, III.; s. Charles RIelville (b. Je 8, 1S53. New York Mills, N. Y.) and Frances Elizabeth (Haven) Moss (b. My 27, 1854, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Prepared in Urbana and Champaign H. Schs. ; LTniv. .^cad. Philoma- thean; Y. M. C. A., cabinet; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. Prin.. Blue INIound H, S., 1905-6. Died Je 6, 1907, Urbana. 2472. MARY FRANCES MOSS (WILEY) (Wife of G734; Sister of Nos. 2471, 31 18, 9285) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 25, 1884. Blooming- ton, III.; d. Charles Melville (b. Je 8, 1853, N. Y. Mills, N. Y.) and Frances Elizabeth (Haven) Moss (b. My 27, 1854, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Prepared in Urbana and Champaign H. Schs.; Univ. Acad. Kappa Kappa Gamma; V. P., Y. W. C. A.; Pres., Alethenai; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught, 1905-7. Married John Frederick Wiley (G^u), Je 4, 190S, Urbana. Children: Charles Frederick, b. My 20, 1910; Richard Haven, b. My 10, 1913; John Robert, b. Je 23, 1916. Address, Mattoon, 2473- WALTER HERMAN MUELLER (Brother of No. 3121) Contractor; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 4, 1883, Chicago; s. Herman (b. 1852, Yaner, Ger.) and Iledwig (Weller) Mueller (b. 1858, Werni- geroda, do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Alpha Tau Omega; Ath. Ed., Illio; 111. Club. Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1905-6; Engr., Armour & Co., Chicago, 1906-7; Engr., Ger. Fire Proofing Co., Chicago, 1907-8; Engr. and Mgr., Gen. Engng. and Const. Co., Seattle and Vancouver, 1908-9; Contr., 1909 — . .4ddress, 957 Nicola St., Vancouver, B. C; bus. add., 407 Hasting St., do.t 2474. EMILY LAVINIA NICHOLS (TREES) (Wife of No. 3209) B. L. S.; b. O 6, 1883, Hubbard, la.; d. Spencer J. (b. 1850, O.) and Harriet Emily (Jones) Nichols (b. 1858, la.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. Asst. Libn., Armour Inst, of Tech., 1905-S. Married Merle Jay Trees ('07), Ja 2, 1909, Chicago. Children: Katherine, b. O 28, 191 1 ; George Spencer, b. Ja 16, 1916. Address, 9921 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. 2475. CHARLES MORRISON NUCKOLLS (Brother of No. 3891) Estimating Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 3, 1879, Auburn, 111.; s. Charles William (b. My 27, 1848, do.) and Margaret Julia (Moore) Nuckolls (b. O 26, 1850, Chatham, III.). Pre- pared in Auburn H. S.; Univ. Acad. Asst. Engr., Big Four Shops, Urbana, 1905-6; Draftsman, Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Harvey, 111., 1906-7; Draftsman, Big Four Shops, Urbana. 1907-9; Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Harvey, 111., 1909-11; Estimator Calumet Engng. Works, 1911-13; Estimator, Show Elec. Crane Co., Rluskegon, Mich., 1913- 15; Estimating Engr., Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., 1915 — . Mem., Illini Club of Cl-.icago; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Lu- ella Chandler Lander, N 7, 191 2, Chicago. Ad- dress, 683s Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Harvey, 111. 2476. CHARLES SLADE O'CONNELL Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 11, 1882. Elgin, III.; s. Emmett and Emily O'Connell (b. Dundee, 111.). Prepared in Elgin. Sigma Nu. Address, 910 Chicago Ave., East Chicago, Ind.t 2477. BLENDA OLSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. Prepared in Urbana H. S. A. M., Columbia, 1909. V. P., Illiolar Pres., Scandinavian Club; Sec, Ger. Club Teacher. Hittle Tp. H. S., Armington, 111. 1905-8; Scholarship, Columbia, 1908-0; Teacher St. Norm., 1909 — . Chm., Mod. Lang. Sec tion, St. H. S. Conf., 1917-1S. Address, Ma comb, 111. I905J Baccalaureate Ai-umni 233 2478. FRED OSCAR PAIIMEYER Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 7, 1884. Decatur, III.; s. Fred (b. Prussia) and Kath- arine Elizabeth (Lucking) Pahmeyer. Pre- pared in Decatur, 111. Baseball Mgr. Asst. M. E., Heine Safety Boiler Co. Mem., M. E. See, St. Louis. Married Effie Hutton, Ap 5, 1910, St. Louis. Child, John Roger, b. Je 8, 191 1. Address, 2449 E. Marcus Ave., St. Louis.t 2479. WALTER HARRIMAN PARKER Architect; A. B. ; b. Peoria; s. Ezra H. (b. LaSalle, 111.) and Lillian (Couch) Parker. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Engng. Soc. ; Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Pres., Arch. Club. Auth.: School Arch., 60 pp., 1910. Mem., Univ. Club. San Francisco; San Francisco Arch. Club; A. I. A.; Chicago Arch. Club. 1st Lt., Aero Sqdn., Camp Morrison, Va., 1918. Married D 4, 1916. Address, 244 Kearney St., San Francisco. 2480. JOHN WINTHROP PEARSON Exp. Engr.; B. S.; b. S 16, 1886, Newbury port, Mass.; s. Arthur Godfrey (b. N 16, 1S56, Alton, 111.) and Mary Lombard Bisbee (Cur- rier) Pearson (b. i860. Newburyport, Mass.). Prepared in Austin H. S. Tau Beta Pi; M. E. Soc. Exp. Engr., West. Elec. Co. in dynamo- motor repair bus. Married Elizabeth Schiikraft, N 21, 1905, Chicago. Address, 2927 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. t 2481. *FREDERICK GEORGE PEGELOW Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 14, 1883. Chicago; s. Frederick (b. 1859, Chicago) and Caroline (Berns) Pegelow (b. i860, Ger.). Pre- pared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Schs. Sigma Nu; Yoxan; Col., Univ. Regt.; Capt., do. Designer with Lamson Consolidated S. S. Co., Chicago and Boston, 1905; K. C. Mgr., Hala- bird & Roche, 1916; Mellon Stuart (ionst. Co. Married Helen Rose, Ap 30, 1908, Mattoon, 111. Children: Frederick, b. 1910; Edward, b. 1914. Died N 23, 1918, Wilson, Pa. 2482. FREDERIC BOWMAN PENWELL Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. S 2, 1878, Danville, 111.; s. William Franklin (b. S 14, 1843, St. Joseph Co., Ind.) and Alexinia May (Bowman) Pen- well. Prepared in Danville LI. S.; Mich. Mil. Acad. Sigma Chi. Mem., law firm of Lindley, Penwell & Lindley, 1907 — . Address, Danville, 111. 2483. ALPHONSO LORENZO PERRY (Brother of Nos. 351 1, 3906) Clerical Insp. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 19, 1893, Co.rnell, 111.; s. Ebenezer (b. do.) and Almina (McVey) Perry (b. do.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Pi Theta. With the West. Elec. Co., Chicago; Credit Dept., do., 1905-6; ' Cashier, Credit Man, Chief Clerk, do., Kansas City, Mo., 1906-10; Chief Clerk, St. Louis, Mo., 1910; Chief Clerk, Chicago, 1910-11; Clerical Insp., N. Y., 1911-18; Accountancy Dept., West. Elec. Co., New York City, 1918 — . Married Emma Edna Slaughter, O 16, 1906, Fairbury, 111. Ad- dress, 1956 Crotona Parkway, Bronx, New York City; bus. add., 463 West St., do. 2484. GRACE DARLING PHILLIPS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. N 4, 1880, Kansas City, Mo.; d. Edward David (b. 1852, do.) and Mary (Henry) Phillips (b. 1855, rfo.). Pre- pared in Kansas City Man. Tr. H. S. ; Univ. of Kan., 1902-3. Lib. Club. Asst. Libn., East. III. St. Norm. Sch.. 1905; in charge of peri- odicals and reference work. Mo. St. Univ., Col- umbia, 1906-10; Libn., Mo. St. Norm. Sch. 2d Dist., Warensburg, 191 1; Children's Libn., Pub. Lib., Kansas City, Mo.. 191 1 — . Address, 3021 Forest, Kansas City, Mo.t 2485. NELSON CHANCELLOR PHILLIPS (Brother of No. 2207) Physician and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 19, 1878, Damascus, 111.; s. James M. (b. 1837, Green Bay, Wi.s.) and Mary R. (Stout) Phillips (b. S 6, 1839, Cecil Co., Md.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. D., P. and S., Chicago, 1907. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Alpha Kappa Kap- pa; Alpha Omega Aljiha. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., 1907-8; Practicing. 1907 — . Stephenson Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; Am. Med. Assn. Married. Bertha D. Kleckner, O 11, 191 1, Freeport, 111. Children: Margery Clara, .b. N 24, 1912; Spencer Kleckner, b. N 6, 1914. Address, 228 Jefferson St., Freeport, 111.; bus. add., 90 Stephenson St., do. 2486. LELA GRETCHEN PILCHER (HOL- LISTER) (Wife of No. 3032) A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 23, 1879, Streator, 111.; d. William Henry (b. Mr 12, 1S32, Xenia, O.) and Margaret Louise (Cooper) Pilcher (b. Ap 27, 1839, Steubenville, O.). Prepared in Streator H. S.; Depauw Univ., 1903. A. M., LTniv. of Neb., 1909. Teacher Carmi H. S., 111.. 1905-6. Mem., Woman's Club, Lincoln, 111.; Coll. Alumnae Assn.; Social Service Club; Chm., Jr. work, Y. W. C. A.; Probation work. Ju- venile Court; Presby. Church. Married Vernon Leo Hollister ('07), Ag 22, 1907, Streator, 111. Child, William Gray, b. Jl 2i, 1915. Address, 1725 Cherry St., Lincoln, Neb. 2487. HENRY EVERETT POND Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 4, 1S79, Greenview, 111.; s. Truman C. (b. O 6, 1842, do.) and Cath- erine Jennie (Killion) Pond (b. D 2, 1846, do.). Prepared in Greenview H. S.; Lincoln Univ., 1897-8, 1899-1900. B. L., Millikin Univ-., 1908. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Theta Kappa Nu; wrote 111. prize song, 1904; Roast Ed., IlHo; Assoc. Ed., mini. With Greenview Review, 1909-18; Republican St's. Atty. of Menard Co., 1912-16; Chm., Council of Defense, Menard Co. Mem., Ex. Com. of Menard Co. Red Cross; Clerk of Local Exemption Bd., 1917; Govt. Appeal Agt., 1917-18. Married Fern E. Nance, N 11, 1914. Address, Petersburg, 111. 2488. FRANK ALFRED RANDALL (Brother of No. 4867) Arch. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1909; b. N I, 1883, Cambridge, 111.; s. Samuel Ben- jamin (b. Ap I, 1831, Wallingsford, Vt.) and .\nna Louise (Carlson) Randall (b. D 25, 1864, Alseda, Hvetlanda, Sweden.). Prepared in Cambridge H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; C. E. Club; Final Honors; Val- edictorian. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., Chi- cago, 1905-6; Draftsman, Designer & Iron Bridge Insp., Bridge & Bldg. Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1906-7; Chief Draftsman, Morey, Newgard & Co., Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1907; Designer, Andresen-Evans Co., Consult- ing Engrs., 1907-S; Struct. Design, 1908; Checker, Am. Bridge Co., 1908; Designer and Resident Engr., Bridge Dept., San. Dist., Chi- cago, 1908-11; Chief Engr., Morey, Newgard & Co., Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1911-14; Instr. in Stresses and Strength of Materials, Chicago Tech. Coll., 1914-iS; Consulting Engr. in Steel, Timber and Concrete Const.; Mem., firm of Randall & Warner, Civ. and Struct. Engrs., Chicago, 1915-18; Consulting Engr.. pvt. practice, engaged chiefly in ship const.; Mem., firm Berlin Swern & Randall, Archs., Chicago. 19,8—. Mem., A. S. C. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; various Masonic bodies and clubs in- cluding K. T. and Shrine; Illini Club. Married Mabel Madeline Morris, F i, 1908, Chicago. Children: Ruth Louise b. Ja 6, 1909; Helen Anna, b. Je 9, 1912; Frank A. Jr., b. F 21, 191 8. Address. 6500 Bosworth Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 19 S. La Salle St., do. 234 Univeksitv ok Illinois liQos 2489. KUTH REAT Teacher; B. S. in II. Sc; b. Ap 13, 1885, Charleston, 111.; d. Joseph L. (b. Ap 14, 1858, do.) and Mary (Montgomery) Reat (b. Ap 23, 1862, Brownsl)urg, Ind.). Prepared in Charles- ton H. S.; Eureka Coll., 1901-3; Lewis Inst., Chicago, summer, 1905; Grad., East. St. Norm. Sch. 1906. Teacher, El Paso. 1906-7; Tacoma, Wash., 1907-8; do., Los Angeles, 1908-9; di>., Sinuk, Alaska, 1909-10; do., Centralia, 111., 191 1; do., Ililo, Hawaii, 191 1-12; Govt. Position, Philippine Islands, 1912-13; foreign travel, 1913- 14; H. S. teacher, Phelon, Wash., 1915-16; do., Ancharage, Alaska, 191 6-1 8. Address, Charles- ton, 111. 2490. NELLE WHEELER REESE (SPIERS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1880, Ravenna, O.; d. Stuart (b. 1851, Ravenna, O.) and Lucy A. (Wheeler) Reese (b. S 14, 1855, Streetsboro, O.). Illiola. Teacher, Paxton H. S., 111., 1905- 7; do., Pontiac, 111., 1907-12. Married Frank Ilinman Spiers, Je 18. 1912. Children: George Henry, b. F 5. 1913; Lucy Jean, b. O 13. 1914. Address, 1235 Bellows St.. Akron, O. 2491. ROBIN ROY REID Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 10, 1882, Greenville, 111.; s. J. Ward (b. 1859. do.) and Stella M. (W^ait) Rcid (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. Thcta Kappa Nu; I'hilo- mathcan; Witenagemote; Univ. Orchestra. Abstractor and Atty. at Law, 1905-6; with W. M. Leonard Investment Bankers, Lincoln, 1006- 7; with St. Jour. Co., Lincoln Sales Dept., 1908- 9; Appointed Clerk of Co. Court of Lancas- ter Co., Neb., 1909 under Judge P. Jas. Cos- grove; Reappointed for term of 1912-14 by Judge-elect Risscr, Acting Co. Judge, Lancas- ter, Neb., 191 2; Reappointed Clerk of Co. Court, 1917; Appointed Acting Co. Judge to till vacancy, 19 18. Married Daisv Leona Mc- Clanahan, Ja 15. loio, Lincoln, Neb. Address, Lincoln, Neb. 2492. EDWIN THEODORE RENNER Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 20, 1880, Lanark, 111.; s. John D. (b. S 9, 1833, Hagers- town, Md.) and Mary M. (Hess) Renner (b. Jl II, 1843, Md.). Prenared in Lanark II. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma \i; C. E. Soc. ; Final honors. Employed in Engng. Dept., C. & N. W. R. R., 1905; Draftsman, \m. Bridge Co., 1906: Chief Draftsman. W. M. Hughes, 1907-11; Engr., S. llalsted St. Iron Works, 191 1 — . Married Maude M. Button, N 6, 1907, Chicago. Children: Edwin Ross. b. Ag 8, 1908; John Stanley, b. Ag 17, 191 1- •■id- dress, 5424 Race Axe., Chicago; bus. add., 261 1 S. Halsted St., do. 2493. VIRGINIA CAMPBELL RICHESON Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. N 13, 1881, Ewing, 111.; d. John (b. O 3, 1855, do.) and Catherine B. (She"lton) Richeson (b. Mv, i860, Jackson, Tenn.). Prepared in East St. Louis H. S. .\le- thenai: V. W. C. A.; Watchoka; H. Sc. Club, Pres. Teacher, Freeport H. S., 1908-12; Instr., Home Econ., Mich. Agr. Coll., East Lansing, 1912-14; Teacher of Home Econ., St. Louis Pub. Schs., 1914-18; do., Ben Blewett Jr. H. S., do., 1918 — . Address, 305 Dover St., St. Louis. 2494. WILLIAM HANSON RONEY Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 17. 18S4, Dayton, O. ; s. William Hamilton (b. J a 10, 1857, Warren Co., 111.) and Mary (Hanson) Roney (b. .Ap ig, 1863, Oquawka, 111.). Pre- ?ared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Brevet C.Tpt., 11. Nat. Guard. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs.; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; lUini Club of Chicago. Married Louise Morris, S 26, 1908. Children: William Hamilton, b. D 21, 1909; Robert Chester, b. Ag 21, 1911. Address. St. Charles, 111. J405- CLARENCE JCDSON ROSEBERY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 26, 1881, Wanda, 111.; s. Robert Archibald (b. N 4, i8s2. Warden, 111.) and Nora May (Johnson) ftosebery (b. Oil, 1856). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; Freshman, Jr., Foot- ball Team. Sec. to Oliver J. Bailey, Atty. and Financier, Bourland and Railey, Peoria, 1905- 14: Managing Ex., Est. of Oliver J. Bailey, 11)14; Lawyer, Peoria. Mem., Creve Coeur Club of Ileoria; Peoria Country Canoe Club; Pies., mini Club of Peoria; Peoria Bar .\ssn. ; LJniv. Club; Country Club; Sec.-Treas., Beta Theta Pi Bldg. Assn., i(jo8-i6; Pres., do., igi6 — ; Dist. Sec, Beta Theta Pi, 1907-ro. Address, 405 Morton St., Peoria; bus. add., 1203 Lehmann Bldg. and Dime Savings & Trust, do. 2496. ROBERT MALCOLM ROSS (Husband of No. 1577) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. F 3, 1877, Lewis-. town, 111.; s. .Mexander Douglas (b. Aberdeen, Scotland) and Ellen (Prichard) Ross (b. Liver- pool, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. D., V. and S., 1906. Mem., Stud. Volunteer Move- ment for Foreig;n Missions, 1900; Pres., Y. M. C. A. Med. Missionary vinder Presby. Bd. to Canton, China. Married Nellie Lewis Read ('01), 1906, China. Child, Robert Donald, b. S 9, 1910. Address, 4057 Dalton Ave., Los An- geles, or Nanking, China. t 2497. WADE HAMPTON ROTHGEB (Husband of No. 2415; Brother of No. 6529) Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 1881, Wellington, 111.; s. John D. (b. Ag 29, 1848, Page Co., \'a.) and Anna Bell (Austin) Roth- geb (b. Ja i, i86i, Iroquois Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Wellington, 111. A. M., Yale, 1906. Capt. and .\djt.; Instr. in Mil. Tactics; Pres., Sr. Class; Scholarship, 1903-5; do., Yale, 1905- 6. Bond Salesman, Lhoinas C. Perkins, Hart- ford, Conn., 1906-7; Bond Broker, Edward Cantield, 1907; Banker and Bond Broker with Farson, Son & Co., New York City; Mem., brokerage firm of Bull & Eldredge. N. Y. St. Militia Reserves. Mem., Yale Club, New York City; Banker's Club, do.; Monday Study Club, East Orange, N. J. Married Mabel Strickland Ilayward ('05), D 28, 1907, Ottawa, 111. Chil- dren: Mildred Ann, b. Ja 18, 1909; John Hay- ward, b. D 24, 1909; Alice Marie, b. Jl 8, 1914. Address, 31 Nassau St., New York City. 2498. HOWARD MEEK ROY Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 18, 1884, Mt. Carmel, 111.; s. John William (b. D 4, 1857. Grand Chain, 111.) and Mary Missouri (Gaunt) Rov (b. My 12, i86i, do.). Prepared in Anna H."S. Ilazelton Medal; Glee Club. Aid and Asst., Coast and Geodetic Sur., 1905-7; Asst. on Engr. Corps, Pa. Lines West of Pitts- burgh, 1907-13. Field Engr., Am. Zinc & Chem. Co., Langelath Pa., 1913-15; Engr., Stone & Webster Engng Corp., 191 5- 16; Chief Engr., Div. Engr., Vermilion Co., 111. Bond Issue Roads, 1916-17: Engr., The Foundation Co.. 1917-18; Mgr., H. \V. Johns-Manville Co., Chi- cago, 191 8 — . Married Florence Lerria Burwash, O 12, 1906, Champaign. Children: Florence Margaret, b. Mr 6, 1909; Thomas Burwash, b. I^fy 15, 1915; Tohn Howard, b. N 18, 1917. .Iddrcss. 68j6 Sheridan Road, Chicago; bus. add., iSth St. and Michigan Ave., do. 2499. HARRY KEELY RUBEY Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 23, 1886, St. Louis; s. Thomas Thornton (b. 1832, Boon- ville, Mo.) and Flora (Vivian) Rubey (b. 1839. Marshall, Mo.). Prepared in St. Louis H. S. ; Mo. Sch. of Mines, 1901-2. Mo. Pacific R. R., 1905-9; Civ. and Ex. Engng., Calif., Ore., Wash., 1909-15; Asst. Prof.. Civ. Engng., Univ. of Wash, and Carnegie Inst. Tech., 191 S — • Married Maude Harden, 1912, Seattle. Chil- I905J Baccalaurkate Alumni 235 dren: Harry llarck-ii, Ij. My 17, 1913 (died S 10, 1917); Mildred Lovelace, b. Ap 25, 1916. Address, 6721 McPherson Blvd., Pittsburgh; bus. add., Carnegie Inst. Tech., do. 2500. WILLIAM GUSTAVUS SACHSE Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. N 17, 1882, Mor- ris, III.; s. Gustavus (b. Jl 11, 1834, Mecklen- burg, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Bitter) Sachse (b. Ja 3, 1849, Dusseldorf, do.). Prepared in Mor- ris H. S.; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1908. Phi Rho Sigma. House Phys., Chicago Polyclinic Hosp. and Henrotin Mem. Hosp. Mem., Grundy Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc. Ad- dress, 2i7>2 Liberty St., Morris, Ill.t 2S0I. WILLIAM EDGAR SAMPSON (Husband of No. 1659) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 29, 1877, Tice, 111.; s. William Francis and Jane Sampson. Pre- pared in Petersburg H. S.; B. S., 111. Coll., 1898. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Xu; Pol. Sc. Club; Philomathean. Probate Judge of Sangamon Co. and Asst. Atty. Gen.; Mem., law firm Sampson & Giffin. Married Ethel Dobbins ('02), S 8, 1915. Address, 1325 Bates Ave., Oak Knolls, Springfield, 111. 2502. FRED SCOTT SAWYER (Husband of No. 3189; Brother of Nos. 1765, i960) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 8, 1882, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; s. George Silas (b. S 5, 1844, Chester, Vt.) and Phoebe Content (Hubbard) Sawyer (b. F 14, 1852, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Oak Park II. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Pres., Glee and Mandolin Club; Pres., Fresh. Class; Pres., 111. Club. Draftsman, C. & N. W. R. R., 1905; Sawyer Bros., Engrs. ; Supervising Engr., Camp Mills. N. Y., 1918 — . Married Edith Lillian Spray ('07), F 6, 1909, Arlington Heights, 111. Child, Fred Gunn, b. Ja 30, 191 1. Address, Arlington Heights, 111. 2503. JOSEPHINE SCHERER (BURK- IIALTER) (Wife of No. 1 831) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 19, 1881, Murphys- boro, 111.; d. Philip (b. 1845, Bavaria, Ger.) and Marie Eva (Foehr) Scherer (b. i8s4, do.). Prepared in Murphysboro II. S. Der Deutsche Verein. Mem., Presby. Church; Y. W. C. A. Married Wayne Edison Burkhalter ('03), Aa; 19, 1908. Address, nth and Hoyf Sts., Port- land, Ore.t 2504. HUGO SCHMIDT Supt. of Bldgs. and Bridges; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 29, 1876, Chicago; s. Hugo (b. Mr 1855, Mannheim, Baden, Ger.) and Emilie (Han- stein) Schmidt (b. Giessen, Hcsscn, do.). Pre- j)ared in Chicago Athenaeum and Columbia Trade Sch. (night course). Pres., Der Deutsche Verein; Oax Club; Capt.. Univ. Regt.; C. E. Club; Crystal Dancing Club; Univ. Orchestra. Transitman, Chicago & West. Ind. R. R., 1905; Supt. of Bldgs. and Bridges, Cliicago Surface Lines, 1905 — . Mem.. Soc. for Ethical Cul- ture; West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Emma Wilhelmina McQuay, O 6, 1906, Chicago. Children: Jeannette, b. Jl 14, 1908; Hugo Richard, b. Ja i, 1910. Address,^ 7320 Yates Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 11 65 N. Clark St., do. 2505. FREDERICK SCHOTT, JR. Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 7. 1880, Chicago; s. Fred (b. F 14, 1854, Ger.) and Ottilie (Krause) Schott (b. S 5, 1853, do.). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Arch. Club; (Choral Soc. Arch. Draftsman, Chicago, 1905; do., Leonard Engng. Co., Chicago. Mem., Christian Catholic and Apostolic Church. Married Charlotte Congdon, Je 7, 1906 (died My 6, 1916); Rose Swanson, S 25, 1917. Chil- dren: Frederick III, b. Mr 20, 1907. Marga- ret (adopted), b. N 28, 191 3. Address, 2712 Ezekiel Ave., Zion City. 111. 2506. CHARLES WARD SCHROEDER (Brother of No. 6546) Securities Buver; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. My 8, 1884, Jolict, 111.; s. Ferdinand W. and Abbie C. (Ward) Schroedcr. Prepared in Joliet Tp. II. S. Univ. of Wis., 1^02-3; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 1906; A. M., Lniv. of Chicago, 1909. Helped organize Cml. Club; Founder (with Hugo Schmidt) of Oaks, which later became Theta Delta Chi. Flood Fellow, Univ. of Calif., 1905-6; Fellow in trans., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1906-7; Lecturer, in charge of courses in R. R. Finance, R. R. Statistics, Passenger Traffic, R. R. Law, Univ. of Chicago, 1907; Merchant. Joliet, III., 1907-8; Fellow in Pol. Econ., Univ. of Chicago, 1908-9; Statistician and Investor, Chicago, 1909, with Alfred Baker it Co.; on persotial staff, Harrison Williams, N. Y.; Bond Dept., Nat. City Bank, N. Y., 1914-17; Mgr. Industrial Buying Dept., Nat. City Co., 1917 — ; during war in Govt. Service as Chief Examiner, War Credits Bd., War Dept., Washington, D. C. Maj., Ordnance Dept. Reserve Corps. Auth.: Ry. Accountan- cy, U)iiv. of Chicago (translated into Spanish for Mex. R. R. and reissued by various rail- ways); Ry. Statistics, series of articles, Ky. and Engng. Rez'iezv, 1907; Value of R. R. and Industrial Stocks, Alfred Baker & Co., 1909: various articles in Cml. and Financial Chron- icle, Economist, Elec. World, U. S. Investor, Nat. City Bank Publications, etc. Mem., Univ. Club; Marine and Field Club; New York Club; Cml. Club; Columbia Country Club, Washington, D. C. -Married Bertha Filing, My I, 191 1, Sommeryille, N. J. Children: Elizabeth Ward, b. S 1913; Helen Ward, b. F 1917. Address, Nat. City Co., 55 Wall St.. N. Y. 2507. ALFRED GEORGE SCHUTT (Brother of No. 1268) Engr. and Const. Supt.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 14, 1883, Belleville, III.; s. Christian (b. Ja "2, 1848. Wetterfeld, Hessen, Ger.) and Kath- arine (Pfeil) Schutt (b. N 7, 1850, near Frank- fort-on-the-Main. do.). Prepared in Belleville II. S. M. and E. E. Soc; C. E. Club; mini staff; Orchestra. Asst. Engr., Bren- neke & J^ay, Consulting Engrs., St. Louis, 1905-9; Struct. Draftsman, Parker-Russell Min. & Mfg. Co., 1909; Estimator, Fruin, Colnoii Contracting Co., St. Louis, 1909; Engr. and Estimator, Selden-Breck Const. Co., 1909-10; office Engr. Mo. R. R., 1910-11; Struct. Checker, 191 1 ; Engr. and Asst. Supt. on contracting with Brenneke & Fay, St. Louis, 1911-12; Civ. Engr., Westlake Const. Co., St. Louis; Engr., Packard Motor Car Co., 191 5; with Albert Kaher. Arch., 1916; Contractor's Dept., do., 1917; Engr. and Supt., II. M. Lane Co., on war work, 1918; Private practice, Detroit, F 1919 — •. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Assoc, mem.. A. S. C. E.- \^ P., mini Club of St. Louis, 191J. Married Ada Lura Furber, Je 8, 1910. St. Louis. Children: Marjorie, b. O 14, 191 1; Al- fred, F., b. Ap 24. 1913: Helen, b. F 19 1 7. Address, 764 Virginia Park, La Gardens, Detroit. 2508. JOHN T. SCOTT Abstract and Loan Bus.; LL. B. ; b. 1871. Sublette, 111.; s. Dorsey (b. Jl 30, Coles Center, O.) and Louisa (Welch) Scott (b. Jl 2, 18:51, Grobton, Vt.). Prepared in No. III. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Army and Navy Club; Pol. Sc. Club. Practiced Law, 1905-7; Cashier. Stockmen's Nat. Bank, Casper, Wyo., 1907-10; Co. Treas., Natrona Co., Wyo., 1910-14; Mgr., Natrona Co. Abstract and Loan Co., 1915—. 111. Nat. Guard, 1889-98; served in U. S. ser- vice, Cuban and Porto Rican campaign, 1898; reenlistcd in III. Nat. Guard, 1902. Married Nora Elma Haygood, Mr i, 1908, Cheyenne, Wyo. Child, Ruth Elma, b. Mr 2, 1909. 4d- dress, Casper, Wyo. Salfe D I, 1828, -30 University of Illinois 1 1005 J5og. CLAUDE ilENDRICKSON SEYMOUR Coal Dealer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 25, 18S2, Fredonia, Kaii.; s. William Harvey (h- Mr 30. iSjq, Barrington, 111.) and .lenuie, E. (Ilen- drickson) Sevnunir (b. la 5. 186::, do.). Pre- ruired in Elgin li. S. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi. ihaftsnian. Am. Bridge Co., 1005; McCliiitic- Marshall Const. Co.. 1905; Designer and Esti- mator, _igo6; Asst. Constructing Engr., igoo-o; .Mem., firm C. li. Sevmo\ir & Co., Coal Dealers. Elgin, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Elgin Cml. Club; O. E. S, Married Lura Bunker, Ag j, 1905, Elgin, 111. Child, Gordon Bunker, b. N a I, 1007. Address, i_>8 N. GitTord St., Elsrin. CARRIE BELLE SHELDON (BOWERS) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S.; b. Mv 23. iSSo, Ottawa, Kan.; d. Herbert Franklin, (b. O 1831, Sherman, N. Y.) and Ellen Maria (Gray) Sheldon (b. Ap 1850, do.). Prepared in (Ot- tawa H. S. Ph. B.. Ottawa Univ., tgoi. Lihii., Ottawa Carnegie Lib., 1906-10; Asst. Libn., 1905-6. Married Benjamin Franklin Bowers, I) _'0, 1910, Ottawa, Kan. Children: Benjamin Sheldon, b. S 25, 191.2; William Edwin, b. My 30, 1917. Address, Ottawa, Kan. 2511. ANDREW BRADT SHIPMAN (Brother of No. 3541) Mining &• Milling; B. S. in M. E.; b. N JO. i8Sj. DeKalb, 111.; s. Madison D. and Jen- nie (Bradt) Shipman. -Prepared in DeKalb Tp. H. S. Phi Gamma Delta: 111. Club. Min- ing and Milling of Gold, Silver, Lead Ores with Atlas Mining & Milling Co. Married Ginevra" T. Shipman, N t>, 1907, DeKalb, 111. Address, DeKalb, Ill.t 251-2. CHARLES EDWARD SIMS Draftsman; B. S. in C. £.; b. D it, iSSi. Lineoln, 111.; s. Lewis J. (b. Ap 5, 1849, Vir- ginia, 111.) and Emmaline L. (BurrilU Sims (b. D 23, 1S50). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. Adelphic; Orat. Assn.; C. E. Club; Y. M_. C. A. Draftsman, Indianapolis, 1905-8; Sec- Treas., Interstate Cement Tile Mgrs. Assn.. igo9-:j; Mgr.', Worthington Concrete Tile Co.. Worthington. Minn., 1908-14; Draftsman, Llew- ellyn Iron Works, Los Angeles, 1916-1S; do., City of Los Angeles, Harbor Dept., igiS- — -. Assoc. Ed., Concrete, 1916-17. Married Pansy Elizabeth Cook, N :;4, 1904, Urbana. Children: Kenneth A., b. S S, 1905 (died S 20, 1906); Helen M., b. Ag 2, 1907; Louis B., b. O 9, 1 009. Address, io--g Avon Place, South Pasa- dena, Calif. 2513. DELLA J.VRRETT SISLER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 24, 1S76, La Grange, Afo.; d. William Henry and Lorena Jarrett (Sisler). Prepared in Emporia (Kan.) St. Norm. Sch. Phi Kappa Phi. Address, Lib., Univ. of N. M., Alburquerque, N. M. 2514. CHARLES E. SKELLEY Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 7, 1879, DeKalb Co., 111.; s. Thomas (b. D 22, 1851, Chicago") and Anna Skellev (b. S 1858, Naper- ville, 111.). Prepared in DeKalb H. S. M. E. Soc. Address, 45x9 N. Whipple St., Chicago. 2515. HAZEL SLOAN (SCIIROEDER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 4, 1882; d. William Niccolls (b. 1849, Pittsburgh) and Mary Sam- antha (Gray) Sloan (b. 1849, Pittsburgh). Pre- pared in Helena (Mont.) H. S. Eng. Club: Lib. Club. Phi Delta Psi. Alarried Phillip George Schroeder, N 15, 1905, Helena, Mont. Child- ren: John William, b. N 9, 1906; Mary Louise, b. Mr 13. 1912. .'Iddrcss, 621 Spruce Si., Hel- ena, Mont. 2516. EDWIN RAYMOND SMITH (Brother of Nos. 2820, 3546, 3547) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 13, 1879. Danville, 111.: s. John Eli (b. D 3, 1854, do.) and Mary Ellen (.Firebaugh) Smith (b. D 11, 1855, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. A. AL, Univ. of Wis.. 190S; Ph. D., Ludwig Max- imilian's Univ., Munich, loit. Adelphic; Al- pha Delta Phi; Sigina Xi: Phi Beta Kappa; Special Honors; Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Pres., Sr. Class; Pres., Math. (Jlub; Maj., Univ. Eegt. Inst., Math., Univ. of Wis., 1905-9; Stud., Munich, 1009-11; Asst. Prof.. Math., Pa. St. Coll., iQti-i8; Dir. Summer Session, 1914-18. •Vuth. : Zur Theorie der Ileinesche Reiche und deren Verallgemeinerungen. Jlem., Presby. Church: .\m. Math. Soc; Am. Math. .\ssn. Married Lulu Edith Cass, Ag 26, igoS. Child, Cass Firebaugh, b. S 28, 1910. Address. H.irts- wick Ave., St. College, Pa.; bus. add., 105 ftlain St., do. 2517. FRED D. SMITH Mgr., Supply Dept.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 8. 187S, .Mexis. 111.; s. Alexander and Eliza Smith. Prepared in Monmouth Coll. Prep. Sch. Delta Kappa Epsilon: Eta Kappa Nu: Track Team. I. T. S., Danville Plant. Installing Apparatus, :90s: Constructing Engr., rfo.. 1906- 7: Valuation, Chicago City Rv. & Lighting Properties, 1908; Engr.. South 'Side Elevated Ry. Co.; .\sst. Gen. Mgr., Interstate Elec. ^Ifg. Co. and McGraw Co., Sioux City, Ta., 1909-17; Mgr. Mill Supply Dept., McGraw Co., Omaha, Neb. and Sioux City, la., 1917-18. Address, 709 S. Elizabeth St., Omaha, Neb. 2518. KENNETH GARDNER SMITH (Brother of No. 1593) Dir., Engng. Exten. ; B. S. in M. E., 1905; M. E., 1910; b. N 28, 1873, Dixon, 111.; s. Eli Clark (h. Ap 23, 1820, Ticondero\ia, N. Y.) and Seraphina (Francis) Smitli (b. Ja 14, 1846, Dixon, III.). Prepared in Dixon IL S. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, iSg6; Harvard, summer, 191 1. Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi: Sigma Xi; Y. M. C. A. cabinet; Class Football Team. Erect- ing road and floor hand. Brown Corliss Engine Co., Corliss, Wis., 1903-4; Floor hand, West- inghouse Mach. Co., 1905; Erecting Engr. and Shop Supt., Kerr Turbine Co., 1905-8; Asst. Prof, of M. ~E., Univ. Exten. Div., Univ. of Wis., 1908; Asst. Prof, of M. E., Univ. of 111., 1908-9; Asst. Prof, of M. E., Univ. Exten. Div., Univ. of Wis. in charge of Milwaukee Dist., 1909-11: Assoc. Prof., M. E. LIniv. of Wis., 1911-13: Dir. of Engng. Exten., la. §t. Coll., Ames, la.. 1913-17; Special work on army and shipbuilding trades for Federal Bd. for Vocational Educ. loir-iS: .\ppointed special agent for indus. educ, Montreal, 191S; in charge of supplementary trade courses for sliipyard workers, LT. S. Shipping Bd., 1918 — . .\uth.: Shop Math, for L^niv. Exten. Div., Univ. of Wis. (one of three collaborators). 300 pp.: part of course on Heat, LIniv. Exten. Div.: part of course on Heating and N'entilation, do.. Ice and Refrigeration. 111. Coal, 1909; Building of Small Steam Turbines, Mach., looS; als« various mag. articles on Indus, educ. and special trade educ. texts. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. : Milwaukee Engrs. Club; Sec, City Club of Milwaukee: Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn.; Sec, Social Service Com., St. of Wis. Diocese of Milwaukee. Married Mary Cham- berlain, Ag 20, 1907, Muskegon, Mich. Ad- dress, .\mes, la.; bus. add., 1012 Merchants' Bank, Indianapolis. ^519. THOMAS BARRINGTON FRANKLIN SMITH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mv 12, 1877. Eddyville, Kv.: s. William Franklin (b. Je 4, 1845, do.) aiid Sarah M. (.Nichein Smith (h. Je t6, 1852, do.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Phi Delta Phi; Philomathean; Van TwiHer Court. Arty, at i90S] Baccalaureate Alumni 237 Law and City Atty., Carbondale, III.; Reviser and Compiler of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Carbondale, 1905. Mem., Presby. Church; B. P. O. E. ; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; K. of P.; M. W. A. Married Bessie Johnson, S 9. 1903. Carbondale, 111. Address, 400 VV. Main St., Carbondale, IlLf 2520. VALENTINE SMITH H. Sch. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 25, 1876, Hamilton, O.; s. John L. (b. Ja i, 1842, do.) and Wilhelmina (Sipp) Smith (b. F 4, 1848, do.). Prepared in Atwood H. S. ; Univ. Acad.; Univ. of 111., 1905-6; do., Univ. of Calif., 1908-9; do., 1908-14. Prin., Port Byron, III., H. S., 1905-8; lioltville, Calif., igog— . Auth.: A Plan to Include 7th and 8th Grades in the H. S. in order to Give Them the Ad- vantages of Departmental Instruction, Man. of the lioltville Union H. S. Mem., Christian Church; Pres., C. K. Soc; Co. Supt., Inter- mediate C. E. work. Imperial Co., Calif.; Pres., Imperial Co., C. E. Union, two yrs.; Pres., Imperial Co. Ath. League. Married Mrs. Honora De Busk, 1914, lioltville, Calif. Ad- dress, lioltville, Calif. 2521. WESLEY NEWTON SPITLER Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 27, i88r, Mattoon, 111.; s. Abram (b. F 21, 1841, Luray, Va.) and Mary (Thomas) Spitler (b. Jl 18, 1851, Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S.; Sagamon Coll., 1901. Tau Beta Pi. Ins., Mattoon, 111., 1906; Testman, G. E. Works, Schenectady, 1907; I. T. S., 1907 Ins.; Asst. Supt., Heat, Lt. & Power Plant, Mattoon, 1910; Draftsman, Sargent and Lundy, Consult- ing Engr.,' Chicago, 1910-14; Baehr, Consulting Engr., 191 5; Draftsman, designer, squad chief. Commonwealth Edison Co., 1915-17; Sessions Engng. Co. (Gen. Devices and Fittings Co.), 19 1 7 — . Patented Drawing Bd. Attachment, F 23, 1915. Mem., Baptist Church; K. of P.; Edison Orchestra; Schenectady organizer of Orchestra; Am. Assn. of Engrs., 1917. Mar- ried Ruth Ada Keene, D 31, 1908, N. Berwick, Me. Children: Abram Keene, b. D i, 1909; Wesley Clyde, b. My 18, 1912; Ruth Virginia, b. S 14, 1914; Frederick, b. Mr 2, 1916. Ad- dress, Mt. Greenwood, 111. 2522. ALPHONSO PERRY STANDARD Surgeon; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 13, 1881, Lewiston, 1\\.; s. Perry J. (b. Mr 4, 1851, Ful- ton Co., 111.) and Anna J (Cordner) Standard (b. Je 20, 1852, Farmington, HI.). Prepared in Lewiston H. S. M. D., Coll. of P. and S., 1906. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Lt., Univ. Regt. Interne, Chicago Lying-in Hosp., 1906-7; Madi- son Gen. Hosp., 1907-8; Asst. Surg., St. Francis Hosp., Macomb, 111., 1908-10; Attend- ing Surg., Graham Hosp., Canton, 111., 1910-14; do., St. Francis Hosp., Macomb, 111., 1914 — . Sec, Canton Physicians Club; Fulton Co. Med. Soc; McDonough Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; Fellow, Am. Med. Soc. Married Lula Standard, 1907, Watertown, Wis. Children: William Perry, b. Ag 5, 1908; Dorothy Anna, b. Ja 10, 1912. Address, 506 E. Carroll St., Macomb, 111. . 2523. ROY STEBBINS Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 30, 1883; s. Frpnk (b. i860. Summer Hill, 111.) and Lydia Almira (Bixby) Stebbins (b. i860, Pittsbtirg). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club, Pres. and Sec; Class Football and Agr. Coll. Baseball Team; 2d Varsity Football Team. Farming and Stockfeeding, Mont., 1905 — . Auth.: One or two articles in ///. Agr. Mem., Presby. Church, Clerk. Married Carrie .^rtemisia Weaver, Mr 20, 1907, Pittsfield, 111. Children: Donald Lervy, b. My 25, 1908; Dean Waldo, b. Ja 14, 1913. Address, Billings, Mont. 2524. ANGELINE JONES STEDMAN (ALLEN) (Wife of No. 2013) r,,^- ,^^'-„'." ^- ^ ^•' ^- My 13. 1883, Mendota, 111.; d. Wdham Henry (b. Ag 12, 1840, Bedford Co., Pa.) and I'.elle (Kimberlin) Stedraan (b. S 24, 1849, Louisville, Mo.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Gamma; Eng. Club; Y. W. C. A.; Le Cercle Francais; Glee and Opera Club; Illio Artist. Auth.: .\rt in the Home, Agr., 1905. Married Arthur William Allen ('04), D 19, 1906, Cham- paign. Children: Barbara Belle, b. D 19, 191 0; Angeline, b. F 6, 1915; Arthur William, Jr., b. D 28, 19 1 6. Addressj 752 Moss Ave., Peoria. 2525. HOWARD CHARLES STORM Supt. of Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 4, 1877, Marley, 111.; s. William (b. 1845, Tain, Scotland) and Ellen (Sharts) Storm (b. 1852, N. Y.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. A. M., Univ. of Chicago. 1914. Adelphic; Orat. .Assn.; Eng. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Ind.-Ill. Debating Team. Prin., IL S., Elizabeth, 111., 1905-8; Supt. of Schs., Elmhurst, 111., 1908-10; Rancher, near Great Falls, Mont., 1910-11; Head of Eng. Dept.. Anderson (Ind.) H. S., 1911-12; Supt. of Schs., Maquoketa, la., 1912-16; do., Batavia, 111., 1916 — . Married Mary Elizabeth Ballon, 1907, Wheaton, 111. Address, 78 N. Batavia .\ve., Batavia, 111. 2526. GEORGE SYPE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 23, 187S, Fairbury, 111.; s. William (b. 1838, Troy, O.) and Matilda (Longenecker) Sype (b. 1847, Ind. Co., Pa.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S. Adel- phic; Der Deutsche Verein; Orat. Soc; Phil. Club; Math. Club; Adelphic Debating team; Mgr. Lecture Course. Prin., Carrollton H. S., 1905-6; Teacher, Pontiac Tp. H. S., 1006-9; Chicago, 1909 — ; Teacher of Chem., Austin H. S., 111. Mem., 111. St. Teachers' Assn.; Federation of Men Teachers; Central Assn. of Sc. and Math. Teachers; Chicago H. and Norm. Sch. Assn. Married Jenny Evans Wil- liams, Je 7, 1905, Champaign. Children: Mar- garet Shirley, b. Ja 20, 1914; John W., b. Mr 27, 1916; William Russell, b. Mr 21, 1909. .4ddress, 147 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park, 111. 2527. RUTH BEATRICE TAYLOR (WAGENSEIL) (Wife of No. 2535) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1906; b. D 14, 1884, I5clvidere, Neb.; d. Charles Denning (b. 1850, Taylor's Sta., Ind.) and Margaret Ann (Boland) Taylor (b. 1849, Perry town, On- tario). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Ale- thenai; Eng. Club; Illio Staff; III. Mag. Staff, Grad. Stud, and Asst., Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1905-7. Married Edgar White Wagenseil ('05), Ag 8, 1907, Champaign.. Children: John White, b. O 26, 1914; Martha, b. N 21, 1917- Address, 5766 E. Circle Ave, Norwood Park, Chicago. 2528. WILLIAM SUMMER THAYER Editor; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1909; b. N 20, 1880, Cleveland; s. William Henry (b. O 7, 1848, Burlville, R. I.) and Charlotte Matilda (Broadhead) Thayer (b. Ja 6, i860, Hull, Qtiebec, Can.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111. With Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; Testing Dept., 1905-8; Head Instruction Book Section, Gen. Elec. Publication Bur., 1908 — . y\uth. and Ed., Numerous Buls. and Pubs, of GeiT. Elec, Co. Mem., Baptist Emmanuel 238 University of Illinois I1905 Church. Married Caroline Adelaide Tann- hauser, b. My 16, 1908, Pittsficld, Mass. Child, Robert William, b. Je 23, 1916. Ad- dress, 14 Riverside Ave., Scotia, N. Y.; bus. add., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 2S-'9. JAMES ARrrHUR THOMPSON (Husband of No. 2226) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 18, 1883, Rush- ville, HI.; s. William James Thomp.son (b. Jl 16, 1858, Oneida, HI.) "and Margaret Jeannette (Arthur) Thompson (b. S 24, iS(>2.). I're pared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Choral Soc; Orat. Assn.; Philoniathean; lllini StalT; Originator of Agr. Love Feast; Originator of Korea Mission Tile. Instr., Hampton Inst., iqo7; Hidus. Missionary of M. E. Church, South; Arch, for Korea Mission of M. E. Church, South; Grad. stud., Univ. of HI., 1914- 15; Superintended const, and helped design Rushville H. S.; Kngr., Kushville paving, 1915; Co. Surv., Schuler Co., 1916; Rural Mail Car- rier and farmer, 19 17 — . OrgSnizer, Schuyler Co. Farmers' Bur.; Designer, Schuyler Co. Model One Room Sch.; Model (Country Church. Married Anna Riehl ('04), S 15, 1908. Child- ren: Ralph James, b. Ag 7, 1909; Willard Davenport, b. Ag 21, 191 1; Eleanor June, b. Te 9, 1913; Erwin Arthur, b. N 9, 1915; Alice b. Ap 5, 1917. Address, Gladacres, Kushville, 2530. ALBERT FRANCIS TRAMS (Brother of No. 3208) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 27, 1875, Garrien, Ger. ; s. Charles Frederick (b. F 8, 1856, Leppien, do.) and Bertha Mathilda (Broth) Triams (b. F 10, 184)6, Garrien, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kng. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Phil. Club; Class Poet. Prin. II. S., Paxton. 111., 1005-8: Lincoln II. S., 111., 1908-13; Bridgeport Tp. II. S., 111., 1911- 15; Joliet Tp. H. S., 111., IQI5— ; Instr. of Rhet., 111. St. Norm. Univ.. summer, 1917-18. Auth.: Articles, Thou Shalt Sow. But Not Reap, S 191 1, Farm a>id Fireside; What Must I Do At College. School Progress, N iqii: Pedagog's Plaint, Sch. and Soc. My 1917; Band mastering the Class-period. F.ng. Jour., My 1Q17; First Prize articles, Lit. Digest, 1915. Mem., N. E. A.; Schoolmasters' Club; Nat. Council Teachers of Eng. ; 111. St. Teachers' Assn.; I'res., 111. Assn. of Teachers of Eng., 1918. Married Lottie Belle Peacock, Tl 12, 1906. Address, 109 Dewey Ave., Joliet, 111. 2531. ALBERT TRIEBEL Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 25, 1883, Peoria; s. Henrv George (b. N 10, 1856) and Ida (Schwab) Triebel (b. Ag 16, i860, Peoria). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Track Team. Arch. Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1905 6; with F. L. Davis of N. Y. and Philadelphia, 190O; Supt. for Holabird & Roche, Chicago, 1906-7; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Peoria Stone & Mar- ble Works, 1907-10; Mem.. Triebel & Sons, ilonunients, 1910—. Married Blanche Hedrich, F 22, 1909, Peoria. Children: Lucille, b. D 12, J909; Henry H., b. F 22, 1912; Albert Jr., b. My 29, 1915. Address, 113 S. Maple- wood Ave., Peoria. 2532. ANNA ROBERTA VAN METER (Sister of No. 2847) Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. Washington, 111.; d. Marion Lafayette (b. 1832, Breckenridge Co., Ky.) and Marian Julia (Bell) Van Meter (b. 1832, Meade Co., Ky.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. M. S.. Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Sc. t'lub; Chem. Club; Der Deutsche \'erein. .As St. Prof., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1908-11; Prof., llome Econ.. O. St. Univ., 1913 — . .\uth.: On the Hist, of Chem., The People's Mag.. Chi- cago, 190s; contributions to the Sch. News, articles on the teaching of household arts in the Country Schs. ; Lab. Guide for Selection and Preparation of Food, Whitcomb and Bar- rows, Boston, 1907; Rev. ed., do., 1910; do.. igi.s; The Function of the Trade-Mark, Jour, of Home Econ., Vol. i, pp. 333-44, 1909; Review of Ein Mittelburgliches Budget uber einen Zehnjahrigen Zeitraum; Nebst .\nhang Die \'erteurung der Lebenshaltung im Lichte des Massenkonsums; Henrietta Furth, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1907, Am. Jour, of Sociol., Vol. 14, 1909; Economy ami Beauty in the Homes of the Community, Chap. 9 in Educ. Resources in the Village and Rural Communities, Edited by J. K. Hart, Macmillan, 191 3; Correspond- ence Lessons on Foods, O. St. Univ., 1917; Hub, The Saving of Wheat, do., 1918. Mem., Christian Church; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Cen- tral 111. Branch, Assn. of Coll. Alumnae. Ad- dress, i7(.4 N. High St.. Columbus, O. 2-:.ii. •ED(;AR JAMES VINES (Husband of No. 1501) Sch. Supt.; A. B.; b. Jl 28, 1873, Chebense, 111.; s. Jacob Claestia (Johnson) Vines. Pre- pared in Talbot, Ind.; Ind. St. Norm., Terre Haute. Pres., Philoniathean: ist Asst. Ed., The Normal Adi'ancc. Supt. of Schs., Bement, 111., 1905. Married Nellie May Frazey Coi), Ag 16, 1905. Urbana. Children: Ouentin (Tarol, b. Je 4, 1906; Alicia Nelletta. b. O 13, 1909. Died .1e 23. 1909, Chrismnn, 111. 2534. SOPHIE MARY VOSS (MEHARRY) (Wife of No. 2460; Sister of Nos. 4952, 6636) B. Mus.; b. F 9, 1883, Urbana; d. John Albert (b. Ja 10, 1855, Alt Roebel, Mecklen- burg Schwerin, Cicr.) and Caroline (Lingreen) V'os» (b. F 20, 1858, Sarrentien, New Vorpor- mem., do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Studied piano with I'rof. Martin Krause and harmony with William Klatte, 1006-8; Stern's Conservatory of Music, Berlin, diploma in 1908. Instr. Mus., Univ. of 111., 1909-12. Married George Francis Meharry ('05), F 27, 1912, Champaign. Child, John Frederick, b. S 25, 1015. .-tddress. Tolouo, 111. 2535. EDGAR iVHITE WAGENSEIL (Husband of No. 2527) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 16, 1884, Port Huron, Mich.; s. George O. (b. S 19, 1S60, Cleveland) and Mary Adelia (White) Wagenseil (b- -Vg i, i8t>i. Port Huron, Mich.). Prepared in Port Huron, Mich., H. S. Alpha Delta Sigma. Lt. Cot., Univ. Regt.; Class Pres.; Class Football Mgr.; Chm., Prom. Com. Draftsman, B. 1-". Sturtevant Co., 1905; Asst. Master Mech., HI. Steel Co., 1905-7; Salesman, Warren Webster Co., 1909; Deputy Smoke In- sp., Chicago, 1907-9; Sales Mgr., Burke Fur- nace Co., 1909-18; Salesman, The Under Feed Stoker Co. of America. 1919 — . Mexican Border Service in ist 111. F. .V., 1916; Capt. Unit No. 378. 111. Volunteer Tr. Corps, 1918; Lt., Aero Service, Ireland, 1918; Mustered out, F 4, 1919- U. S. Pub. Service Reserve, Am. Protective League, Sec, 1009. Dir., 1909-12; \'. P., 1917- 18, lllini Club of Chicago; mem., A. S. M. E. Married Ruth B. Taylor ('05), Ag 8, 1907, Champaign. Children: John White, b. O 26, 1914; Martha, b. N 2i,"i9i7. Address. 5766 E. Circle Ave., Norwood Park. Chicago; bus. add., 18th Floor, Harris Trust Bldg., do. 2536. ULYSSES GARFIELD WARD I.awver; LL. B. ; b. S 8, 1880, Shelbyville, 111.: s. .Alexander (b. Ap 24, 1833) and Cor- delia (Vanhise) Ward (b. D 2, 1838, C). Prepared in Shelbvville H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Address, Shelbyville, 111. IQ05I Baccalaureate Alumni 239 2537. LAURA BELLE WARDER Law Clerk; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 8, 1883, Marion 111.; d. William IL (b. Ag 21, 1859, Johnson Co., 111.) and Meta (Goodall) Warder (b. Je 16, 1864, Marion, 111.). Prepared in Mar- ion H. S.; Christian Coll., Columbia, Mo. Phi Delta Psi. Address, Marion, 111. 2538. WILLIAM HERBERT WARNER Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 17, 1882, Dixon, 111.; s. Clinton (b. 1850, Conn.) and Myra Ophelia (Brookner) Warner (b. 1858, Dixon, 111.). Prepared in N. Dixon H. S. Pi Theta; Tau Beta Pi. Engng. Aid., U. S. R. S., 1905; Transitman Great No. R. R., 1906; Bridge Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1906-9; Am. Bridge Co., 1909-10; Holabird & Roche, Struct. Engng., 1910-12; D. H. Burnham & Co., Struct. Engng., 1912-14; Mem., Randall & Warner with own bus. as William H. Warner, Struct. Engr., 1918 — . Married Elsie Susan Emmitt, D 22, 1906, Pittsburgh. Address, 2000 Isabella St., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., i6oi Monroe Bldg., Chicago. 2539. ARTHUR RAY WARNOCK Asst. Dean of Men; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 4, 1883, Mason City, 111.; s. George William (b. D 25, 1858, do.) and Charlotte Emma (Cos- tain) Warnock (b. Mr 24, 1857, Rockford, 111.). Prepared in Mason City H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; Eng. Club; Philomathean; Shield and Trident; Ed., ///. Mag.; Hatchet Orator, 1905; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr. in Eng., Uniy. of III., 1905-7, igo8-io; do., Smith Acad., St. Louis, 1907-8; Asst. Dean of Men, Univ. of 111., 1910 — . Auth.: (with Thomas Arkle Clark), Facts for Freshman Concerning the Univ. of 111., 100 pp. Mem., Trinity M. E. Church, 191 1 — ; Univ. Club, 1909—. Married Geraldine Grace Fouche, S 4, 1915, Petersburg, 111. Children: Arthur Ray, Jr., b. S 20, 1916; John Fouche, b. My 13, 1918. Address, 904 S. 6th St., Champaign. 2540. CHRISTOPHER BEACH WATROUS Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 23, 1883, Hampshire, 111.; s. Benjamin T. (b. Bingham, N. Y.) and Mary Anna (Guady) Watrous (b. Woodstock, 111.). Prepared in Culver Mil. Acad.; Hampshire H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Yoxan. Sales Engr., Link Belt Co., Chicago; with E. P. Jamison & Co., Spokane, Wash.; in charge of allied Const. Mach. Corp., Barcelona, Spain; Portugal; N. Africa. Married Mable Frances Spencer, Ap 17, 1912, Spokane. Ad- dress, c/o Allied Const. Mach. Co., Barcelona, Spain. 2541. EDMUND BURKE WHEELER (Brother of No. 4971) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 19, 1883, Bellflower, 111.; s. Thomas Metcalf (b. O 4. 1855, Kalamazoo Co., Mich.) and Laura Belle (Garst) Wheeler (b. Ja 21, 1859, Clark Co., O.). Prepared in BelWower Sch.; Farmer City H. S. E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., N. Y. ; West. Elec. Co. Inc.. Chicago, 190S-07; Transferred to N. Y. office, 1907; Head of Phys. Lab. Branch of Engng. Dept., 191 7 — . Married Grace Mary Kelly, Je 14, 1910, New York. Address, 1105 S. 3rd St., Champaign; bus. add., 4O3 West St., New York City. 2542. HILDA KIRKE WHITE (WALTERS) (Sister of No. 8880) A. B. in Lib. Sc; B. L. S., 1907; b. S 13, 1883, St. Joseph, Mo.; d. Henry Kirke (b. Jl 16, 1840, Nunansville, Fla.) and Emily Ger- IsV-ind^ TIm'^^p^ ^'"i^ •<*'-oAP '• '860. Blue IT S ' Oh •\-- r'tP^'^'^, I? S'- Joseph. Mo., Pi R;U°P,'f 'VS° ■ ,^nd^Conservatory, ,901-3. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai Y W C. A. cabinet. Cataloger, St. Joseph, Mo.. ri!ii K^-' '^°^-t' O.'-ganizer, William Jewel Coll. Lib. 1907-8; Lrbn., do., 1908-9; Organ- izer, Charles IladdonSpurgeon' Lib., do. Ygoig. Married William Alfred Walters, D 20, 1000. St. Joseph, Mo Children: Gertrude Alice, b. TTi5^'a"-"°' ^^'i'''""" Alfred; Mary Louse; Hilda Anne. Address, Le Roy. 111. 2543- ALVA LEWIS WILT Farmer; A.J5. in Sc.; b. D 3, ,882, Lake T.lr^T: --T,r- ^■' ^- O- O- F- Farming, Lake City, 111., 191 3. Married Zoe May Sharpe My 18, 191 1, Lovington, III. Chil- H.^'vn. ^"a^^''"'''"^' ^- ^P,i' '912; Thurman Hayne, b. Ag 29. 1914. Address, Lovington, 2544- FRANK RAE WINDERS Elec. Engr • B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 20, 1882 Sycamore, 111.; s. S. W. (b. F 4, 18^3 Haeers town Md.) and Carrie J. (Johnson)' wfnders (b. Ag 7, 1859, Sycamore, 111.). Prepared in Sycamore H.S. E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu? Seymour Guild; Y. M. C. A. Struct. Engr., The Arnold Co., 1905-10; C. W. Humphrey 1910-12. Married Maud E. Nacbeagh, S 4 1909, Sycamore, 111. Address, Sycamore, Ill.f' 2545- HARRIETTE WRAY (Sister of Nos. 1190, 8078) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 15, 1880, Winnebago, 111.; d. Samuel Tate (b Tl 2^ 1848, Perry Co., Pa.) and Martha (Scott) Wray (b. N 23, 1851, Lycoming Co., Pa.), ri"?^''^'^ w W"?"ebago H. S. Illiola; Eng. Club; Y. W. C. A ; Final and Special Honors, leacher in schs. of St. of Wash., 1910-16; do.. Ip. H. .S. Murphysboro, 111., 1916— . Mem., Presby. Church; O. E. S. Address, Kasbeer, 2546. HERMAN FESTUES WRIGHT Mgr., Flour Milling Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 26, 1882, Vienna, 111.; s. James D. and Alpha L. (Woelfle) Wright. Prepared in Vienna H. S. and Union Acad., Anna; grad work, Univ. of 111. Agr. Club; Coll. Dancing Club. With 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., summer, 1905; Supt. of farm and garden, St. Hosp. for In- sane, Ingleside, Neb., 1906-8; Grain Bus., Omaha, Neb., 1908-9; Sales Mgr., Cereal Dept., Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minneapolis, 1909- 15; Mgr., Crescent Milling Co., 1915 — . Auth.: Articles in ///. Agr. Married Mary Doty, D 24, 1915. Grantsburg, Wis. Address, 112-114 Corn Exchange, Minneapolis. 2547. ROBERT ELGENE YOLTON Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 25, 1879, Fayette Co., 111.; s. William (b. 1831, Beaver Co., Pa.) and Normanda (Flowers) Yolton (b. D 16, 1845, Bond Co., III.). Prepared in Austin Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Engng. Dept., Buda Co., Harvey, 111., 1905-n; Engng. Dept., Ajax Forge Co., 1911-12. I. C. R. R., 1913-15; Chief Engr,, Kilby Frog & Switch Co., 1918 — . Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Ella Maude Holmes, Ag 30, 1904, Melvin, 111. Children: Robert Holmes, b. Je 28, 1910; Jean Mildred, b. Ap 8, 1917. Address, 1422 29th St.. North Bir- mingham, Ala. 240 University of Illinois CLASS OF 1906 (312 LIVING, 16 DEAD) [1906 2548. LEASON HEBERLING ADAMS Chemist; B. S. in Chetn.; b. Ja i6, 1887, Cherryvale, Kan.; s. William Barton (b. N 25, 1858, Taylorville, 111.) and Catherine (He- barling) Adams (b. Mr 11, 1856, Hannibal, Mo.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Chem., Nelson Morris & Co. Chicago, 1906; do., Mo. Pac. R. R., 1908; do., U. S. Geol., Sur., 1910-17; Research work Geophysical Lab., Carnegie Inst., Washington, 1917 — . Nat. Guard of Pa., 1909-1912. Auth. : Der Einfluss des Druckes auf Schmelzpunkte Einiger Me- talle (with John Johnston) Zeitschr, f. Anorg. Chem., Vol. 72, pp. :!-3o; On the Density of Solid Substances with Special Reference to the Permanent Effect of High Pressure (with John Johnston), 1912; A Note on the Tem- perature Scale between 200° and 1100° (with John Johnston), 1912; also other earlier arti- cles. Married Jeannette Maude Blaisdell, Ja 25, 1908, St. Louis. Children: Leason Blais- dell, b. Ap 14, 1909; William Muirhead, b. Ja 8, 191 1 ; Madeline J., b. Ja 22, 1913. Ad- dress, 5607 39th St., Washington, D. C. ; bus. add., 2801 Upton St., do. 2549. EDWARD RILEY ALLEN (Brother of No. 7337) Chemist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 28, 1884, Pana, 111.; s. John Daniel (b. Ag 15, 1854, Ran- dolph Co., N. C.) and Mary Margaret (Mul- holland) Allen (b. D 2, 1856, Kaskaskia, 111.). Prepared in Rosemond H. :».; Univ. of Chi- cago, summer 191 1. Ph. D., Cornell, 1913. Alpha Zeta. Employed in Govt. Service with hdqtrs. at Washington, D. C, 1906-10; Asst., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1906; Bur. of Soils, 1906- 8; Bur., Plant Indus., 1908-10; Asst. and later Assoc, Soil Biol, and Technol., O. Agr. E.xp. Sta., Wooster, O., 1913-17; Special studies in Wash. Univ., 1917-18; Visiting investigator, Mo. Botanical Gardens and acting Assoc, Biol. Chem., Wash. Univ. Med. Sch. Married Dora C. Christner, My 31, 1910, Rosemond, 111. Children: Mary Genevieve, b. Ap 19, 191 1; Dorothy Christine, b. S 22, 1914. Address, r-./o Agr. Exp. Sta., Wooster, O. 2550. 'MAY ALLINSON Secretary; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1907; b. Ag 6, 1880, Macon, 111.; d. Richard Theo- dore (b. N 20, 1859, Carrollton, 111.) and Olive (Frazee) Allinson (b. Ap 16, i860, Buckhart, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Ph. D., Columbia Univ., 1916, Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Chi Omega; Fellowship in Hist., 1907; Curtis Scholar, Columbia, 1908-9; Fellow, Research Dept., Women's Educ. and Indus. Union, Bos- ton, 1909-10. Asst. Dir., do., 1910-11; Assoc. Dir., do.. 1911-15; Sec, Nat. Soc for Voca- tional Educ, 1917-18. Auth.: Dressmaking as a Trade for Women in Mass., U. S. Bur. Labor Statistics, No. 193; The Boot and Shoe In- dus, in Mass., do., No. 180; Indus. Exp. of Trade Sch. Girls in Mass., do.. No. 215; The Public Sch. and Women in Office Service, Women's Educ. and Indus. Union, Boston, 1910 Proceedings. Tenth Annual Convention, Nat. Soc. Indus. Educ, 1917. Mem., Boston A. C. A.; Am. Hist. Assn., 1908-10; Am. Pol. Sc Assn., 1909-10; Am. Econ. Assn. Died D 25, 1918, Indianapolis. 2551. FRED GRAY ALLISON (Husband of No. 3059; Brother of Nos. 2552, 2553) Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 8, 1884, Alpha, 111.; s. William O. (b. Pa.) and Phylinda (Patterson) Allison (b. Alpha, 111.). Prepared in Alpha H. S.; Knox Coll. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Asst., Lab. of Physiol. Chem., 1909; Far- mer, Fillmore, Sask., Can., 1911-14; Teacher, Walker. Minn., 1914-16. Married Josephine Kerr ('07), Mr i, 191 1, Urbana. Address, Walker, Minn. 2552. HARRY ORSON ALLISON (Brother of Nos. 2551, 2553) Teacher; B. S^ in Agr.; M. S., 1912; b. N 17, 1887, Alpha, 111.; s. William O. (b. Pa.) and Phyhnda (Patterson) Allison (b. Alpha, 111.). Prepared in Alpha H. S. Alpha Zeta: Agr. Club: Sigma Xi; Phi Sigma Kappa. Teaching, Univ. of 111., 1906-10; Univ. of Mo., 1910 — . Auth.: Agr. E.xp. Sta. Bui., Nos. 112, 149 and 150; Various mag. articles. Address, Columbia, Mo. 2553. IRA DENT ALLISON (Husband of No. 1896; Brother of Nos. 2551, 2552) Farmer; B. S. in Agr., b. Ap 11, 1880, .Mpha, 111.; s. William O. (b. Pa.) and Phy- linda (Patterson) Allison (b. Alpha, 111.). Pre- pared in Knox Coll. Married Edna Du Bois Iloff ('03), Je 20, 1906, Chicago. Address, Mc- rienry, N. Dak.t -•554. EVA LUELLA ALVERSON (ECK- HARDT) (^^'ife of No. 2378; Sister of Nos. 3619, 4047, 8919) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 31, 1884, Stonington, 111.; d. Elbridge Monroe and Amelia Caroline (Weiser) Alverson. Prepared in Taylorville H. S.; Univ. Acad. Illiola. Teacher, Litchfield H. S., 1906-8; Dwight H. S., 1908-9. Mem., Presby. Church. Married William George Eck- hardt ('05), D 25, 1909, Urbana. Children: W'illard Leland, b. My 23, 1912; Robert Cas- per, b. N 16, 1913; son, b. Je 1918. Address, -'15 S. 4th St., DeKalb, 111. 25S5. THOMAS HAMER AMRINE Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 24, 1883, Vermont, 111.; s. Ansel (b. D 28, 1857, do.) and Wyllie (Hamer) Amrine (b. Ap 5, 1857, do.). Prepared in Vermont H. S.; Univ. Acad. Acacia; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi. Engr., West. Elec Co., Chicago, 1006; Asst., E. E., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1906-7; First Asst., E. E., do., 1907-9; As- soc, 1909-10; Engr. in Development Lab., Gen. Elec. Co., Harrison. N. J., 1909; Lamp test- ing dept.. Gen. Elec. Co., Newark, N. J., (910 — . Auth.: Comparative Tests of Carbon and Tantalum Filament Lamps, 1908, Bui. No. 19, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.; Light- ing Country Homes by Private Elec. Plants, 1908, Bui. No. 25, do.. Tests of Tugnsten Lampe (with H. Guell), 1900, Bui. No. 33, do. Mem., Assoc, in A. I. E. E. ; A. F. A. M. .Married Ella Marshell, Ag 10, 1909, Omaha, Neb. Child, Marshell Hamer, b. N 3, 1910 (died N 7, igio). Address, 14 Salter Place, Maplewood, N. J. 2556. AUGUSTA ANDERSON Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 18, 1882, St. Paul, Neb.; d. Paul and Maurine (Nelson) Anderson. Prepared in St. Paul (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb.; Carnegie Lib. Sch., Pitts- burgh, 19067. Libn., Pittsburgh, 1906-7; St. Louis, 1908-10; Seattle, 1910 — . Address, 432 Summit Ave., North Seattle; bus. add.. Pub. Lib., do. 2557. CHARLES EDWARD ANDREW City Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 2, 1884, Oregon, III; s. Daniel (b. Ogle Co., 111.) and Mary Cornelia (Slagle) Andrew (b. do.). Prepared in Oregon H. S. Engng. work, St. P. and S. R. R., 1906-8; City Engr. St. Johns, Ore., 1908 — . Address, 814 Lewis Bldg., Port- land, Ore.t IQo6] Baccalaureate Alumni 241 2558. FRANK GUY APPLEGATE (Brother of Nos. 3258, 4526, 6055) Sculptor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 9, 1882, Atlanta, 111.; s. Albert A. (b. My 6. 1849, Old Antioch, 111.) and Clara A. (Miller) Applegate (b. My 8, 1851, Atlanta, 111.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S. ; Acad., Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Julien Acad., Paris. St. Competitive Scholar- ship; Football Team. Instr. in Modelling; Sculptor, Morrisville, Pa. Married Alta Ber- tha Chenoweth. Ag 25, 1908, Atlanta, 111. Child, Ruth Elizabeth, b. Ag 191 1. Address, Grey Stones. Morrisville, Pa.; bus. add., W. State and Willow Sts., Trenton, N. J. 2559. CHARLES LEHMAN ARCHER Credit Man; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 8, 1885, Carmi, 111.; s. Nathaniel Green (b. Ap 11, 1 85 1, near Princeton, Ind.) and Mary Cath- erina (Meade) Archer (b. Ag 29, 1855, near Fort Branch, Ind.). Prepared in Carmi H. S. Egyptian Club. Clerk, (31endale Hotel, 1906; Ins., 1906-7; Clerk, Salt Lake Hardware Co., 1907; Cashier, Ogde-n Branch LTt. Light & Ry. Co., 1911-12; Adjustment Bur., LTt. Power & Light Co., 1912-15; Credit Man, do., 1915 — Sec. and Treas., Ut. Light & Ry. Co.. section Nat. Elec. Light Assn. Married Julia Eliza beth Gilberg, Je 28, 1911, Salt Lake City, Child, May Lucile, b. Ap 4, 1914. Address 407 loth Ave., Salt Lake City. 2560. JESUS DE VALLE ARIZPE B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 19, 1886, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mex. ; s. Jesus de Valle Arizpe. Pre- pared in Mexico. Address, Saltillo, Coahuila. Mex.t 2561. HENRY RICHARD ARMELING (Brother of No. 2015) Ranchman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 29, 1880; s. John Henry (b. Mr 2, 1841, Badbergen, Ger.) and Caroline (Pugh) Armeling (b. Mr i8, 1841. Wilkesbarre, Pa.). Prepared in Mason City H. S. Delta Upsilon. Civ. Engr., igo6-io: Ranching, 19 10 — ; With Bridge and Bldg. Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., Minneapoli.s. Married Rose Gaylord, Ap 22. 1909, Miles City, Mont. Address, Basin, Wyo.f 2562. HELEN MARIE ATKINSON Secretary; A. B. in L. S: A.; b. Je 6, 1884, Pittsfield, 111.; d. George Morgan (b. Je 14, 1856, do.) and Ruth Elliott (Voorhees) At- kinson (b. Ag 22, i860, Georgetown, O.). Prepared in Ouincv H. S. ; Pittsfield H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa: Soph. Honors; Final Honors; IIHo Bd.; Illini Staff. Prin., Momence H. S.. 1906-7; Ma- comb H. S., 1907-9; Critic Teacher, West. 111. St; Norm. Sch., 1909-10; Asst. to Prin., do., 1910-12; Asst. to Pres., Kent St. Norm. Coll., 1912 — . Address, Kent, O. 2563. PAUL AUGUSTINUS Engineer; B. .S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 12, 1873, Denmark. Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Scandinavian Club; Y. M. C. A.; St. Scholarship; Prelim, and Final Honors. Engr., West. Elec. Co. until 1910; Westing- house Co., 1910-12: Henry Newgard & Co., 1912-17; V. P., Marquette Elec. Engng. Co., 1 91 7 — . Married Meadora Ellen Patten, Ag igog, Chicago. Children: Helen Magrethe, b. My 8, 1911; Charlotte Louise, b. _D 30, 1012. Address, 400 S. 5th Ave., LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., 222 W. Austin Ave., Chicago. 2564. GEORGE AWSUMB Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 20, 1888, Skein, Norway; s. Sigwart J. (b. T855, do.) and Amborlina (Throndsen) Awsumb (b. 1858, Porsgrun, do.}. Prepared in Whitewater (Wis.) H. S. Traveling Scholar, 1908 and 1909. Draftsman in office of J. C. Llewellyn, Arch., Mundie arid Jensen Arch., Marshall and Fox, Arch., Von Hoist and Fyfe, Arch., 1906-1913; Two trips to Europe in 1906-13; in Bus. for self, 1913 — . Pres., Chicago Arch. Club; Mem.. First M. E. Church, Glen Ellyn. Mar- ried Ella Mabel Wells, Ja i, 1915, Chicago. Children: Wells, b. O 28, 1915; Georgiana, b. F 14, 1 91 8. Address, 189 W. Madison St., Chicago. 2565. LEWIS FRANK BACON Mach. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 27. 1882, LaPrairie, 111.; s. Edward H. (b. Ja 19, 1832, Astoria, 111.) and Jennie (Walden) Bacon (b. S 27, i860, Hamilton, Mo.). Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Asst. Master Mech., Cleveland Clitfs Iron Co., Princeton, Mich.; Mech. Engr., Harrison Works, E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.. 1916 — . Mem., Engrs. Club of Phila- delphia. Address, c/o Engng. Dept., Du Pont Bldg., Wilmington. Del. 2566. GRACE JEAN BAIRD (Sister of Nos. 3627, 5536) Teacher; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Zion City, 111.; d. James M. (b. O 21, 1839, Glasgow, Scot- land) and Anna E. (Alcock) Baird (b. Jl 9, 1855, Russell, 111.). Prepared in Waukegan H. S.; No. 111. St. No'rm. Sch. Final Honors. Taught Biol., Mattoon H. S., 111., 1906-8; Ur- bana H. S., 1908-12; James Bowen H. S., Chicago, 1912 — ; Studied in Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, igii. Address, 5605 Dorchester .\ve., Chicago. 2567. ELEANOR MARY BAKER (BLUE) (Sister of No. 2887) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja i, 18S6, Savoy, HI.; d. (jilbert Lane (b. F 18, 1851, Mannsville, N. Y.) and Jennie Stuart (Campbell) Baker (b. F 20, i860. .\yr, Scotland). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Teacher, Carmi H. S., igio-ii. Married Harry J. Blue, Ag 30, 191 1, Cham- paign. .-Iddress, Carlinville, 111. 2568. FRANK D. BALDWIN Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 14, 1881, Ipava, 111.; s. John J. (b. O 28, 1848, Manito, Tazewell Co.) and Mary J. (Duncan) Baldwin (b. Ja 26, 1856, Lewistown, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alplia Zeta. Married Nellie Wayne Porter, O 30, 1909, Ipava, 111. Chil- dren: John Porter, b. D 29, igio; Frances Louise, b. Jl 14, 191 2. Address, Ipava, 111. 2569. JAMES LEO BANNAN (Brother of No. 3267) Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja i, 1883, Joliet, 111.; s. Patrick R. (b. Athlone, Ireland) and Margaret (O'Reilly) Bannan (b. Essex, N. Y.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Bus. Mgr., Illio. Insp. and Designer of Steel Work, N. W. Elevated Ry. Co., Chi- cago, 1006-7; Asst. City Engr., Joliet, 1908-14; Pres., Embankment Co., Engrs. and Contrs. Address, 701 Broadway. Joliet, 111.; bus. add., paign. Address, Carlinville, 111. 2S70. LITTA CELIA BANSCHBACH (BASCOM) (Wife of No. 2321) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1907; b. S 22, 1883, Princeton. 111.; d. William and Eliza^ beth Ann (Redlingshafer) Banschbach (b. N 21, 1848, Ger.). Prepared in Princeton H. S.; N W. LTniv. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. Libn.. Galena, 111., 1907-10. Married George Rockwell Bascom ('05), Ap 27, 1910. Princeton, 111. Child, William Russell, b. My 23, 1912. Address, 1819 University Ave., Madi- son. 242 University of Illinois [1906 ^: 257 X. JACOB WILLIAM BARD Chief Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 21, 1883, Quincy, 111.; s. Jacob and Catherine (Richard- son) Bard. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Apprentice, West. Elec. Co., 1906- 7; Electn., Peoria Gas & Elec. Co., 1907-11; j^lec. Engr., do., 1910-12; Elec. Engr., Sangamo Elec. Co., Springfield, 111., 1912-17; Chief Engr., do., 1917 — . Patents, Interval Demands Dis- tant Pressure Record, Silent Compressor Valve. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Beulah Aile€n Quinlan, O 18, 1912. Peoria. Child, William Robert, b. Jl 25, 1918. Address, 1040 Woodlavvn, Springfield, 111. 2572. RALPH ELVIN BARICKMAN Farmer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 11, 1880, Newtown, 111.; s. Daniel, Jr. (b. 1850, Reading Tp., Livingston Co., 111.) and Ida Fleshman Barickman (b. 1858, Perrysville, Ind.). Pre- pared in Streator H. S. Married Ada Defen- baugh, D 29, 1908, Streator, 111. Child, Daniel Douglas, b. O 17, 1 914. Address, Scotland, S. Dak. 3573. JESSE MELANGTHON BARNHART Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1912; b. Ja 4, 1S82, Mansfield, 111.; s. Henry Jackson (b. 1854, Roanoke, Va.) and Mary Louise (Bartlett) Barnhart (b. 1858, Elizabeth, N. J.). Prepared in Mansfield H. S. Phi Lambda Up- silon. Asst. Chem., Dairy Husb., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1906 — . Auth.: A Study of Factors Influencing the Composition of Butter (with C. E. Lee'and N. W. Hepburn), Bui. No. 137. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1909; Composition of Mar- ket Butter (with C. E. Lee), Bui. No. 139, do., 1909; A Modified Method for the Deter- mination of Salt in Butter, The Chem. Engr., Vol. X, 1909, pp. 165-106. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Nat. Dairy Instrs. and Investi- gators Assn. Married Josephine Lee Smith, Ag IS, J907, Champaign. Cnild, Elizabeth, b. Jl 23, 1908. Address, R. 41, Mahomet, Ill.t 3574. SUSAN JESSIE BARR (WALCOTT) (Wife of No. 1993; Sister of Nos. 587, 1624) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 5. 18S3, Urbana; d. Andrew (b. O i, 1837, Renfrewshire, Scotland) and Elizabeth (MacBeath) Barr (b. Ag 3. 1841- Paisley, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Taught H. Sc, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1909-11. Sigma Xi. Married Lloyd V. Walcott ('03), Jl I, 1911. Urbana. Address, 726 North 13th St., East St. Louis. Ill.t 2575. DANIEL OTIS BARTO (Father of Nos. 7369, 8127) Assoc, in Poultry; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 20, 1854, Tompkins Co., N. Y.; s. Roswell C. (b. N. Y.) and Mary (Frost) Barto (b. do.). Pre- pared in Ithaca Acad.; Cornell, 1875-8. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prin., Ithaca H. S., 1880-8 and 1800-3; in Roxbury Latin Sch., 1889-90; Prin., Oak Park H. S., 1893-9; P""- TP; ^■ S., Princeton, 111., 1S99-1004; Dept. of Math, in Roxbury Latin Sch.. Boston, 1904-5; Asst. in Bot., Univ. of 111., 1905; Instr., Secondary Sch. Agr., Univ. of 111., 1906-11; Assoc, in Poultry, Univ. of 111., 19H — • Auth.: Man. of Agr. for the Common Schs. of 111.: Man. of Agr. Soil and Crops. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Lola M. Dewey, 1878 (died 1888); Lucv M. Murrav, 1892. Children: Harriet T. ('16). b. 1894; Margaret M. (17). o. S 1896. Address. 910 Nevada St.. Urbana; bus. add., Dept. An. Husb., Agr. Bldg., Univ. of Ill.t 2576. PHILIP STEPHAN BARTO (Husband of No. 2857) Instructor; A. B. in L. &• A.; A. M., 1910; Ph D., 1913; b. O 10, 18S4, Tompkins Co., N. Y.; s. Edmund Charles (b. Jl 10, 1S55, Covert, N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Stephan) Barto (b. D 23, 1857, Ithaca. N. Y.). Prepared in Maywood and Austin, and Ithaca (N. Y.) H. Schs.; Cornell. 1901-2. Alpha Zeta; Prelim, and Special Honors; Charter mem. and Sec. Treas. of Ciiristian Sc. Soc. of Univ. of 111. Prin., Oakland H. S., 1906-7; Prin., Momence H. S., 1907-9; Acting Supt. of Schs., Momence, 1908-9; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111.. 1910; Instr., Ger., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1915 — . Auth.: Studies ill Tannhauserlcgend I. The Jour, of Eng. and Germanic Philology. Mem., Soc. for the Ad- vancement of Scandinavian Study; Christian Sc. Soc., Univ. of 111.; First Reader, First Church of Christ Scientist, Champaign, 1909- 12. Married Anna Van Deep Webb ('06), Je 6, 1910, Charleston. 111. Children: John Webb, b. Ag 29, iijii; Nathanael Van Deren, b. Ja 10, 1913; Virginia Stephan, b. S 17, 1915; Winifred Frost, b. N 23, 191 7. Address, 5539 Beeler St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., c/o Carnegir Inst., do. 2577. ROBERT PAUL BATES Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; Asst. Engr., Main- tenance of Way Dept., Union Pacific R. R., Cheyenne, Wyo., 1907-10; Bridge Dept., Kan- sas City Terminal Ry. Co., 1917 — . Address, 421 S. Denver St.. Kansas City, Met 2578. EFFIE LUCY BAUER (ELLSBERRY) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 23, 1886, Stonington, 111.; d. T. T. (b. N 13, 1851, Nazareth, Pa.) and Kate (Smith) Bauer (b. Ag 8, 1863). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Kappa. Teacher, Potomac H. S., 1908- o; Averyville II. S., Peoria, 1909-11; Geneseo 11. S., 1912 — . Married Lloyde K. Ellsberry, 1906, Geneseo, 111. Child, b. Ag 25, 1915- .■Iddress, Geneseo, Ill.f 2579. MILES EMILE BAXTER (Husband of No. 1927; Brother of Nos. 3276, 4547) Farmer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 13, 1885, Nauvoo. 111.; s. Emil J. (b. 1853, Newark, N. T.) and Eugenie A. (Dadant) Baxter (b. T^rance). Prepared in Nauvoo and Keokuk (la.) H. S. With U. S. G. S., Fuel Testing Plant, 1Q07; Univ. Steel Testing Plant, 1908. I'-xji. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1908; Farming, 1909; Engng. Dept. of G. A. P. C. Works. LaSalle; Drafting, Bucyrus Steam Shovel Co., S. Mil- waukee, 1909-10; Fuel Insp. with C. B. & Q. R. R., 1010-1.5; Farniin.g, Apples and Honey, 1913 — . Married Grace E. Martin ('03), N 13, 1913, Urbana. Child, Billie Martin, b. F 13, 191 5. Address, Leavenworth, Kan. 2580. HAROLD CECIL BEACH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 1882, Vandalia, 111.; s. R. E. and Harriet K. Beach. Prepared in Hanover Coll. Address, Eldorado, 111. 2581. ELSIE MARGARET BEAN (DOCKER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 9. 1885. Blue Mound, 111.; d. William Howard (b. F 29, i860. 111.) and Elizabeth (Bailer) Bean (b. O 2, 1862. Kocbester, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. V. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Alpha Chi Omega. Teacher, Grade Sch.. Polo, III., 1906-7; Supvr. of Art in Grades, Prescott. Ariz., 1908 10; Organist, St. James Cathedral, Fresno. Calif., 1915-17. Mem., Art and Travel Club. Ventura. Calif., 1914—; V. P., Fortnightly Club, do., 1913-15. Married Frederick William Docker, Ag 4, 1910, Blue Mound, 111. Child, William Frederick, b. My 31, 191 8. Address, 812 Thome Ave., Fresno. Calif. 2582. MAY ALICE BEAUFORD (DEAL) (Wife of No. 3339) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 26, 1S88, Dptroit; d. Archie and May (Rogers) Beauford. Prepared in Oak Park II. S. Der Deutscher Verein; Wom- en's League. Teacher, Stansberry, Mo.; Chilli- 1906] Baccalaureate Alumni 243 cothe Norm. Sell., 1906-07; do., Mendota H. S., T907-8. Married Hiram Linus Deal ('08), Je 12, 1908, Oregon, 111. Children: Marjorie Miriam, b. Jl 7, 1909; Mildred Florence, b. S 3, iqii; Dorothy Linns, b. 1915. Address, R. 4, Morrisonville, Christian Co., Ill.f 2583. MARIAN CINDERELLA BELL (FLECK) B. L. S.; b. Ag 15, 1883, Lincoln, Neb.; d. William Q. (b. Ag 28, 1855, Orrville, O.) and Georgina (Burlingam) Bell (b. My 9, 1861, Chicago). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1904. Alpha Xi Delta. Cat- aloger, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-8; Cataloger, Univ. of Neb. 1908-11. Married Francis Ed- ward Fleck, S 27, 191 1, Lincoln, Neb. Child, Francis Edward, Jr., b. S 27, 1912. Address, Rosemont, Pa. 2584. ALFRED RITTSCHER BENCH Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 8, 1885, Galena, 111.; s. Charles Joseph (b. N 8, 1851) and Louisa Mary (Rittscher) Bench (b. Ja II, 1857, Galena, II1.)._ Prepared in Galena H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Instr., M. E., Univ. of 111., 1906-10; W. H. Zimmerman Co., Chicago, 1910; Sales Engr., Taylor-Wheaton Iron & Steel Co., 1910-17; M. E., do., 1917 — . Jr. mem., A. S. M. E. Married Sara Cooley, Ja 2, 191 3, Madison, Wis. Children: Charles Cooley, b. F 6, 1914; Sara Catherine, b. O 31, 1915. Ad- dress, High Bridge, N. J. 258s. HENRY AMOS BERGERT Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 3, 1881; s. Henry Amos (b. Ja 20, 1843) and Elsie Kath- rin (Mordhorst) Bergert (b. D 30, 1843). Prepared in Moline H. S. Delta Upsilon; Eta Kappa Nu. Stud., West. Elec. Co., Chicago. 1907; Chief Draftsman Corgona Shops and Asst. Testing Mech. Div. Engr., Panama Canal, 1907-10; in C. R. I. & P. shops, 1910; Mech. Engr., Minn. & St. Louis, R. R. Co. Address, 416 nth St., Moline, Ill.t 2586. LYDA BOND (Sister of Nos. 2029, 5043) Dir. of Lunchroom; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 3, 1883, Charleston, 111.; d. C. G. (b. S 18, 1851, Circleville, O.) and Malinda E. (McNutt) Bond (b. S 13, 1854, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Charleston H. S., East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Delta Pi. Teacher, Charleston, 1906-8; do., Urbana, 1908-15; Lecturing and demon- strating for Mass. Mills Co., Lindale Ga., 1917; Instr. Home Econ. and Dir. Lunchroom, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 1008 W. California St., Urbana. 2587. CHARLES GUTHRIE BOONE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 16, 1878, Chrisman, 111.; s. Thomas Mark (b. Ap 28, 1847, Whittlesea, Eng.) and Rebecca M. (Guth- rie) Boone (b. My 3, 1851, Paris, 111.). Pre- pared in N. W. Acad.; Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Final Honors; Tau Beta Pi. Asst. Master Mech. and Supt. of Mach. Designing, Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co.; Fruit Farming, Yakima Co., Wash., 1912-16; Mech. Engr., Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co., 1916 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Ishpeming Club. Married Mabel E. Bush, Je 15, 1909, Urbana. Children: Frances Guthrie, b. Ag 12, 1914; Thomas Jared, b. Mr 22, 1917. Address, 639 N. 4th St., Ishpeming, Mich. 2588. JOHN MARSHALL BOYLE Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. S 20, 1879, Roberts, 111.; s. John (b. 1855, Ottawa, 111.) and Anna (Plunkett) Boyle (b. 1858, Elizabethtown, N. T.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Alpha Delta; Wittenagemot Court; Pres., Philoma- thean; Ed., Illini. Asst. State's Atty. of Ver- milion Co.; On Legislative Bur.. Springfield, 1 91 8—. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; Eagles; K. of C; Modern Woodman; Mutual Protective League. Address, 208 Virginia Ave., Danville, Ill.t 2589. TIRZAH OZILLA BRADLEY (ANDERSON) (Wife of No. 2877) n,^"^- ?■ r}^ h- ^ ^■' b- la- 31. 1884, Blue Mound, 111.; d. Emery (b. D 9, 1845, Medina, O.) and Mary Ellen (Crites) Bradley (b. Mr 3,,. 1850, Ehda, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; Eiig. Club; Class Historian. Can- teen Service, Transportation Dept^ Y. M C A., Hoboken, N. J. Married Burt T. Anderson CfiyJ, Jl 2. 1910, Blue Mound, 111. Address, 28 baiter Place, Maplewood, N. J. -'.=;qo. MORGAN HOLMES BRIGHTMAN ^ Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 27, 1879, Saratoga Co., N. Y.; s. Asa F. (b. do.) and Ihirza A. (Rogers) Brightman (b. do.). Pre- pared in Round Lake Acad., N. Y. Elec. Soc.; Commissioned in Univ. Regt. Asst. Engr., Wheaton, 111., 1906-9; do., Elgin, 111., 1909-11; Commissioned in Third Inf., 111. Nat. Guard, 1908-10. Married Mabel L. Brophy, Je 17, 1912, Elgin, 111. Address, 256 Division St., Elgin, III.; bus. add., City Hall, do.f 2591. MAUDELLE TANNER BROWN (BANSFIELD) (Sister of No. 6765) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 1, 1885, St. Louis; d. Charles Hugh (b. N 27, 1855, Murphysboro, Tenn.) and Arrena Isabel (Tanner) Brown (b. Ag I, i8s9, Pittsburgh). Prepared in Sumner H. S., St. Louis. Math. Club. Teacher, Lin- coln Sch., East St. Louis, 1906-7; do.. Colored H. S., Baltimore, 1907-14; do., Sumner H. S., St. Louis, 1914. Married Midian Othello Bans- field, S 9, 1914, St. Louis. Child, Maudelle Brown, O 22, 1915. Address, 4230 Champaign .■\ve., Chicago. 2592. PAUL MAN LEY BROWN (Son of No. 59) Banker, Abstractor; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ap 30, 1883, Aberdeen, S. Dak.; s. Ralph Lee ('75), (b.. F 25, 1852, Marengo, 111.) and Mary Lin- coln (Manley) Brown (b. Jl 8, 1862, Philadel- phia). Prepared in Aberdeen H. S.; B. L. and B. Mus., Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1904. Y. M. C. A. Musical Director, France. Married Jessie E. Wendelken, Elkton, S. Dak., My 7, 1908. Children: Ralph David, b. Mr 5, 1909; Dorothy May, b. Ag 8, 1910. Address, Hettinger, N. Dak. 2593- ROY HANLIN BROWN Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1908; b. O 23, 1881, Sycamore, 111.; s. William H. (b. My 5, 1855) and Esther (Ballard) Brown (b F 9, 1853). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Delta Sigma Rho; Theta Kappa Nu; Adelphic; Pol. Sc. Club; Law Scholarship; 111. -Minn. Debate; Adelphic-Philo. Debate; Pres., Sr. Class, first sem.; presented Class Memorial for 1906. In Law office of R. R. Welsh, Rockford, 111., 1908-9; in law firm of Frost and Brown, 1909; with Edward P. Lathrop and Robert Lathrop; Atty. for Bd. of Educ, Rockford, 111., 1913— . Married Ethel Keyes, Ag 25, 1917, Aurora, 111. Address, 614 John St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 114 N. Church St., do. 2594. WILLIAM EDWARD BROWN Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; Arch. Club. Asst. Engr., N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co. Address, Port Byron, Ill.t 2595. HOWARD GRAY BROWNSON (Brother of No. 3296) Railway Service; A. B. in L. & A.; Ph. D., 1909; b. Je II, 1886, Brainerd, Minn.; s. Edwin J. (b. 1852, Masonville, N. Y.) and Ella (Gray) Brownson (b. 1856, Oxford, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Belleville H. S.; Smith Acad., St. 244 Universitv 0I-- Illinois [iqo6 Louis, 1902; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-7; Univ. of Pa., 1909-11. Adelphic; Coml. Club; Engng. Club; Pol. Sc. Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Grad. Fellowship. 1907-Q; IH.-Mo. Debate; Univ. Rep., Hamilton Club Oral. Cont. ; Winner, Bryan Prize; Pres., Grad. Club. Research Fellow, Univ. of Pa., 1909-11; Farming, Lake land, Fla., 1911-13; do., Cedar Rapids, la.. 1913-16; Bus., Des Moines, 1916-18; C. R. L & P. Ry., Local Freight House, Des Moines. Auth.: Profits of Am. Railroads as illustrated by the I. C. R. R., Railwav Aqe Ganette, 191 1; Hist, of the L C. R. R. to 1870, Univ. of III. Studies. Mem., City Club of Philadelphia. igii-i2. Address, 1004 W. 39th St., Des Moines; bus. add., C. R. I. and P. Ry.. 9th and Vine Sts., do. 2596. DANIEL HARMON BRUSH, Jr. Gas Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 24, 1884. Carbondale. 111.; s. Daniel Harmon (b. My 9. 1848, Carbondale) and Harriette Cornelius (Rapp) Brush (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Cen tral H. S., Columbus, O. Sigma Chi; Bal. Adjt., Capt., Univ. Regt. Struct. Steel Drafts man, 1906-8; Bldg. Const., 1908-9; Gas Engr., 1909 — . Commission 2d Lt., F. A. N. A., 191 7; France, 1918 — . Address, 1005 169 W. Wash ington St., Chicago. 2597. HELEN GORDON BRYAN (Daughter of No. 38; Sister of No. 3298) Clerk and Ed. Asst.; A. B. in L. & A.; h My 3, 1883, Peoria; d. Alphonso Hunt (b Ag 8, 1845, Indianapolis) and Alice (Cheever) Bryan ('74). (b. Ja 11, 1854, Elm Grove. 111-). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Chi Ome ga; Girls' Glee Cluli; Choral Union; Mem. Adv. Bd., Women's League; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Champaign Schs., 1007-18; Clerk and Ed. Asst., Central Office of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church: A. C. A.; Teachers' Club of Champaign; 111. Teachers' Assn. Address, 612 W. Church St., Champaign. 2598. HENRY BUELLESFIELD , Supt. of Sch.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 26. 1870, Cologne, Ger.; s. Theodore and Elizabeth (Kollasch) Buellesfield. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch., LL. B., Valparaiso Coll. Sui)t. Schs., Nokomis, 1906- 14,- do.. Forest Park. 1914 — . Married Mrs. Edith M. Busby, Je uS. 1908, Wenona, 111. Address, Forest Park. 111. 2599. EDWIN ELLIOTT BULLARD (Son of No. 166; Brother of Nos. 2339, 3662) Efficiency Examiner; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ak 30, 1884, Springfield, 111.; s. Samuel Alexander ('78), (b. Mr 2=;. 1853, Mechanicsburg, 111.) and Elsie (Elliott) Bullarii. Prepared in Springfield H. S. E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu; Theta Delta Chi. Supt. of Const., I. T. S., 1906-8; Asst. Elec. Engr., Nisqually Power Plant, Tacoma. Wash., 1908-13; Draftsman, Stone and Webster Const. Co., Fresno, Calif., 1913-14; Elec. Supt., Port of Seattle Comn., Seattle, 1914-is; Supt. of Const., San Joaquin Light & Power Corp., Fresno, Calif., 1915-16; Examiner of Efficiency, 111. St. Civ. Service Comn., Springfield, Jll., 1915 — . Mem.. A. I. E. E. ; Univ. Club, Ta coma. Address, 1521 S. 7th St.. Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 533 State House, do. 2600. CECIL SPENCER BUMANN Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 12, i88j, Bunker Hill, 111.; s. Adolf (b. do.) and Louise M. (Spencer) Bumann (b. Chicago). Prepared in Bunker Hill H. S. and Mil. Acad.; O. St. Univ., 1901-?. C. E. Club. Asst. in Engng. Corps, Mo. Pacific R. R., 1906; Field Engr., James Stewart Co., 1007; Resident Engr.. New Orleans Terminal Co., 1007; Asst. Engr.. New Orleans Sewerage & Water Bd., 1908; Engr. on Bldg. Const., various employers. 1908- 10; Engr. Estimator, Asst. Supt., Unit Const. Co., St. Louis, 1910-13: Chief Engr., Van Sant-Houghton Co., San Francisco, 1913-16; (Jhief Estimator, Unit. Const. Co., St. Louis, 1916-18; Asst. Const. Mgr., do., 1918 — . In- vented a Train Shed, patented, Jl 3, 1917. Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E., 1913. Married Flor- ence Aber, O 16, 1907, Bunker Hill, 111. Child, Florence Louise, b. Ap 29, 191 7. Address, 935 Beach Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., 1225 Title Guaranty Bldg., do. 2601. FRANK MELVIN BUMSTEAD (Son of No. 131; Brother of Nos. 3300, 6123) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. F 24, 1882, Dundee. 111.; s. James Edward, M. D. ('77), (b. O 30, 1848, do.) and Justina Adelaide (Pingree) Bumstead (b. S 29, 1847, Southport, Me.). Prepared in Dundee H. S. Philomathean. Shelf Asst., Lib., Univ. of 111., 1902-6; Asst., L^niv. of Calif., 1906-10; Head of Binding and Se- rials Dept., igio-ii; Insp., Univ. of Calif. Lib., 191 1 ; Head of Periodical Dept., 1912-17; Acting Supt. of Circulation, 1017 — • Married Amy E. Bruce, F 26, 1915, Berkeley, Calif. Address, LTniv. of Calif. Lib., Berkeley, Calif. 2602. LOIS IRENE BURWASH (Sister of Nos. 3304, 5567, 5568, 6131, 7427) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1907; b. Jl 21, 1882, Plainview, 111.; d. Thomas Na- thaniel (b. Montreal, Can.) and Sarah Mar- garet (Boswell) Burwash (b. Mr 27, 185s, Ship- man, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Teacher, Biol., Morton Tp. H. S., 1912-14; Pekin H. S., 1914-17; Grad. Work, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Address, 1313 W. Uni-. versity Ave., Champaign. 2603. JAMES ACKERMAN BUSH Farmer; B. S. in Agr. Prepared in Lowville Acad., N. Y. Farmer and rancher, Bushland, Tex. Address, Bushland, Tex. 2604. LOUIS JAMES BUTZOW Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 23, 1882, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Edward J. (b. N 9, 1839, (ier.) and Lina E. (Cross) Butzow (b. Ja 21, 1858, O.). Prepared in St. Joseph and Sidney H. Schs.; Univ. Acad. E. E. Club; Stud, mem., A. I. E. E. Elec. Engr., Goodman Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1906-17; do., Remy Elec. Co., do., 1917 — . Auth.: The Design of Flat Spiral Springs Mach., Engng. Ed., 1910. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Louisa Harmeson, D 26, 1904^ Danville, 111. Children: Mary Lu- cretia, b. Mr 7, 1906; John Wilhelm, b. O 6, 1909. Address, 122 Wilson Ave., Detroit; bus. add., Remy Elec. Co., do. 2605. JACOB CANTLIN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 5, 1885, Williams, la.; s. James (b. Ja 27, 1S48) and Mary A. (Aumil- ler) Cantlin (b. S 20, 1859). Prepared m Tam- pico and Earlville H. Schs. Philomathean; Delta Sigma Rho; Univ. Rep., Hamilton Orat. Contest, 1906. City Atty., Rock Falls, 111. Married Darlene Cantlin, My 10, 1911. Tam- pico. 111. Address, Rock Falls, 111. 2606. ALICE CAREY (BAILEY) A B in L. & A.; b. Ag 20, 1882, LaGrange, 111.; d. Warren (b. D 13, 1847- Princeton, 111.) and Frances Ives Crawford (Carey) Bailey (b. Te 2, i8s3, do.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. ; Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1902-4- Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher, Forrest, 111., 1906-7. Married Alexander Davison Bailey, 1907, LaGrange, 111. Child. Eugene Carey, b. Ap 7, 1910. Address, 21 Elmwood Ave., La- Grange, Ill.t 1906] Baccalaureate Alumni 245 2607. WILLIAM JOSEPH CAREY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B.; b. Ja 13. 1873, Ivesdale, 111.; s. John (b. 1835, Ire- land) and Mary (Concannon) Carey (b. 1842, do.). Prepared in St. Viateur's Coll. Phi Delta Phi; Van Twiller Court; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Pres., Spaulding Guild. Mem., Law firm, Baldwin, Wierman and Carey; Appointed Decatur Corp. Council, igii for four yrs. Mem., K. of C. ; Decatur Country Club. Mar- ried Margaret C. Finnigan, My 4, 1910, Cham- paign. Children: Martha Mary, b. Ap, 191 1; Catherine Anna, b. Ag 1913; William Joseph, b. F 1917. Address, 718 W. Marietta St.. Decatur; bus. add., 708-12 Milliken Bldg., do. 2608. CHARLES CLEMENT CARR Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 25, 1880, Avon, 111.; s. Edward Randolph (b. Ap 28, 1855, do.) and Mabel (Chatterton) Carr (b. Ap i6„ 1859, Ellisville, 111.). Prepared in Bushnell Norm. E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu; Assoc. Ed., 'fcchiiograph, Ed. -in-chief. Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1903; do.. Bell Telephone Mfg. Co., Antwerp, Belgium, 1910; do.. West. Elec. Co., Norfolk Strand, London, Eng., 1916. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Josephine Nickerson, N 27, 1909, New York City. Address, Avon, 111.; bus. add.. West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne St., Chicago. 2609. ALLAN JOHN CARTER Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 11, 1885, Morris, 111.; s. Orrin N. (b. Ja 22, 1854, Jeffer- son Co., 111.) and Janet (Steven) Carter (b. Ja 9, 1859, Ransom, 111.). Prepared in John Mar- shall H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., do. LL. B., N. W., 1909. Beta Theta Pi; Order of the Coif; Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. ' Asst. U. S. Atty., Chicago, 1913-16; Mem., 111. House of Rep., 1917-18; Prosecuting Asst., War Trade Intelligence Bur., War Trade Bd., 1918. Mem., Chicago Bar ,\ssn. ; City Club, Chicago. Mar- ried Ruth Neely, Ja 29, 191 6, Claremont, Calif. Child, Janet, b. F 24, 1917. Address, 620 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. 26:0. MONTGOMERY BABCOCK CASE Bridge Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 11, 1882, Monmouth, 111.; s. Lyman Weeks (b. 1854, Swanton, Vt.) and Carrie (Rice) Case (b. 1853, Henderson Co., 111.). Prepared in Omaha H. S.; Univ. of Neb., three yrs. Delta Tau Delta; Y. M. C. A.; Sigma Tau; Engng. Soc. Asst. Engr. with Ralph Modjeski, Van- couver-Portland Bridges, 1906-8; do., J. G. White & Co., Platte River Dam and irrigation structures, 1909; do., Modjeski on Celilo Bridge over Columbia River, 1910-n; ist Asst. Engr. in Cherry St. Bridge under Mod- jeski, Toledo. 1911-12; Res. Engr., Harahan Bridge over Miss. River, 1913-16; Engr. on Cincinnati, Keokuk and Poughkeepsie bridges, Chicago, 191 6; Special expediter on Pa. Hotel, New York City, 191 7; Res. Engr. on Metrop- olis Bridge over O. River, Metropolis, 111., 1917-18; Special work on organization for fab- rication of ship parts for U. S. Shipping Bd., Joliet, 1918 — ; Engr., U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 3, Toledo, O. Auth.: Memphis Cantilever Bridge, Engng. News, 191 5; Engng. Record, 1915; Railway Age Gacette, 1915. Married Maybell McConnell, O 4, 1910, Vancouver, Wash. Address, c/o San Carlos Hotel, Pensa- cola, Fla. ; bus. add., c/o Pensacola Ship- building Co., do. 261 1. LORIMER VICTOR CAVINS Teacher A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 21, 1880, Mattoon, 111.; s. Joseph (b. 1838, O.) and Melissa (Ferguson) Gavins. Prepared in Mat- toon H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. 1898-1903. A. M., Harvard. Teacher, Lit. and Rhet., St. Norm. Sch., Stevens Point, Wis., 1910. Head of Eng. Dept., Joliet Tp. II. S., 1913-17; Fellow in L'niv. of Chicago and Candidate for Ph. D. .Address, 603J Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 2612. GEORGE CHAPIN (Brother of Nos. 1478, 1644, 2050, 3319) Journalist; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 3, 1882, Tolono. 111.; s. Edward B. (b. 1853, Clyde, N. Y.) and Lucy Margaret (Pierce) Chapin (b. 1856, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pol. Sc. Club; Cml. Club; V. P., Oax Club (now Theta Delta Chi); Phi Beta Kappa; Sec, Class of 1904, first sem. ; Illini Staff. Ed., The Prescott Tribune, 1912; do., Geneseo, 111., News, 19 16-18; with Davenport Times, 1918— . Auth.: Articles on Pellagra in ///. Statesman, ipii; Article on Poultry Instruction at Univ. of 111., ///. Statesman, also in Poultry and Pigeon Mag., 1909. Married Cora Ada Mc Clurg, Mr 24, 1909, Urbana. Address, c/o Da-Lenpoi-t Tunes., Davenport, Iowa. 2613. JOHANNA CHRISTIANA MATHEA CHRISTIANSEN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; h. Ja 26, 1885, Copenhagen. Denmark; d. Soren (b. F 16, i860, Binslev, Denmark) and Anna Marie (Rasmus- sen) Christiansen (b. Jl 31, 1861, Otterup, Den- mark). Prepared in West Div. H. S.; North- west Div. H. S.; Lake View H. S., Chicago. Scandinavian Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Ger. and Sc, Manchester, la., 1906; do., Eng. and Ger., 1906-8; Special Teacher for H. S. failures, 1909; Substitute teacher and Sec. to Prin., Je igog-ii; Teacher. Eng. Flower Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Mem., Chicago H. S. Teach- ers' Club, 191 1 ; Assn. Coll. Alumnae, 1909. Address, 4421 N. Lincoln St., Chicago; bus. add., 6 1 St St. and Wabash Ave., do. 2614. JOHN RUSKIN CLARK (Brother of Nos. 1842, 3683, 5074, 6158) Officer in Philippine Constabulary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 21, 1880, Carthage, 111.; s. Lot Bozarth (b. N 26, 1847, W. Va.) and Matilda Tane (Jackson) Clark (b. Ja 16. 1856, Warsaw, 111.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. Adelpliic; Orat. Assn.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. -Vlaj., /th Bn., i6oth Depot Brig., (Tamp Cus- ter, Mich., 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Discov- ered Lake "Lanao", Sub. Province, Apayao, Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands. 1910. Mar- ried Harriet Reed Clark, N 23, 1910, Warsaw, 111. Children: John Ruskin, Jr., b. N 8, 191 1; Dayton Reed, b. D 2t,. 1914. Address, 320 Cherry St., Carthage, 111.; bus. add., Hdqtrs., Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. 2615. JAMES MANSFIELD CLEARY Newspaper Man: A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja ig, 1887, Hubbell. Neb.; s. Micheal Timothy (b. 1855, Colonmel, Ireland) and Kalhrine (McPhe- lim) Cleary (b. Ag 20, 1863, Richibucto, Can.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1909. Phi Delta Phi; Spaulding Guild; Phi Beta Kappa. Law Clerk, Chicago, 1906-7; Reporter, Chicago Tribune, 1907-9; Travel in Europe, 1909; Reporter, Dept. Mgr., and Sec. to Ed. of Chicago Tribune, 1910-12; Sec, \J. S. Land Show, Chicago, 191 2; Repor- ter, Los Angeles Times, 191 3; Pres., U. S. Land Show, 1913 — ; Advertising solicitor and chief of copy service. Chicago Tribune, 1914-16; Real Est. bus., Chicago, 1916-17. On Chicago Tribune, 1918 — . Co. B, Second Regt., 111. Reserve Militia. Mem., Illini Club of Chicago, Dir., 1915-16, V. P., 1916-17; K. of C. Married Evelyn Morency, Je 22, 1916, Oak Park, 111. Child, Marguerite Lucille, b. Ap 19, 1917. Ad- dress, 134 N. Elm wood Ave., Oak Park, III.; bus. add., 123 W. Madison St., Chicago. 2616. GEORGE FREDERICK CLOSE Prin. of Sch.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 30, 1881, Mercer Co., 111.; s. George Edward (b. S I, 1858, do.) and Emma Elizabeth (Mayhew) Close (b. Je 17, 1859, do.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. LIniv. of Wis. Philomathcan. Prin., H. 246 University ok Illinois [1U06 S.. Hinckley, 111., 1006-7; Supt., Pub. Schs., New Boston, 111., 1007-10; Supt.. Grade Sch. and Prin., Woodluill Tp. H. S., lOii-iS. Mem., A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Jessie Lucinda Decker, Ag 15, 1906, Aledo, 111. Address, Woodhull, 111. ;6i7. WALTER CASTELLA COFFEY (Brother of No. 5076) Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; M. S., 1909; b. F «f 1877, Ilartsville, Ind.; s. Calvin Allen (b. D 1, 1S30. Grainger Co., Tenn.) and Josephine (Sininionds) Coffey (b. A^ 18^0. Decatur Co.. Ind.V Prepared in Hartsvillc Coll.. Ind.; Univ. of Ind., iSoo; Franklin Coll., Ind., iSob-7; 1 000- 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Agr. Cluo; Final Honors. Teac'iing and Investigating, Coll. of Agr. and Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.; .Vsst. Prof.. Sheep Hush.; Special Agt., Federal Tarilf Bd., loii; Prof. Sheep Husb., Univ. of 111. Auth. : Productive Sheep Husb., Lippincott. in press. Market Classes and Grades of Sheep, ///. Apr. E.i{'. Sta. Bui., ijo; The Sheep Industry from the Market Standpoint, III. .igr. E.r/'. Sta. Cir.. 125; also contributions to the leading Agr. Tours. Mem., M. E. Church; A. S. A. S. ; Am. Breeder's Assn.; Am. Keen. Assn.; Univ. Club. Married lennie Crisler Lardner, Ag 14, 1007, Big Rapiers, Mich. Children: Lardner .\llen, b. N J7, loio; Walter C. Jr., b. Ja 10, iom- Address, 007 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 2618. ROY RAYMOND COLBY Mgr., Tire Co.; LL. B.; b. Mr 23, 18S0, Spring Grove, Wis.; s. David (b. N 28. 1835. Oakland Co., Mich.) and Tulia A. (Martin) Colhv (b. Ag 16, 1843. Ashland Co., O.). Pre- pared in Rockford and Browns Bus. Coll. LL. B., Harvard I aw Sch., 1000. Theta Kaj>pa Nu. Mgr., 01dt\eld Tire Co. .Address, 1046 Crescent Hill Drive, Los Angeles; bus. add., Oldfield Tire Co., do. 26^9. ALICE MAUD COLE (MORELAND) A. B. in L. & .-N..; b. My 4, 18S0. London, Eng. ; d. Albert (b. Mr 26, 1844, Devonshire, Eng.) and Anne (Parmiiiter) Cole tb. My 31, 1S50, S. Moulton, J(i.). Prepared in Ottawa II. S.: ill. .'^t. Norm. Sch.: Am. Conservatory of Music. Chicago. Teacher, Princeton Tp. H. S.. 111.; do., Ottawa Tp. H. S.. 111.; do.. HI. St. Norm., Normal, 111., summer, 1913. ^Lirried Dr. lesse Wilbur Moroland, Je 17, 1908. Otta- wa 111. Children: James Wilbur, b. My S, 1000: .-Mice Cole, b. My" i--. 1015 — lohn Kolicit. b. t^ JO, 191S. Address, Maxbass, S. Dak. 2620. ARTHUR FRANCIS COMSTOCK Engineer; B. S. in C. E.: b. S i, 1SS3. Pueblo, Colo.: s. William E. (b. Joliet, 111.) and liar riet E. (Cox) Comstock (b. Chicago). Pre- pared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Adelphic; C. E. Club: Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Lacka^wanna Steel Co., 1900; (/<>., C. C. Conkling Const. Engr.. 1006-7; Asst. En§r., Lehigh Valley R. K.. 1907-10: Assoc, hd., Eiigiig. Record, 1010; Engr. for East. Concrete Steel Co., 1910; Civ. Engr. for l.ackawanna Steel Co., 1910-12. Instr., Rv. Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 10 12- 17; Engr.", N. Y. C. R. R. Mem., A. S. C. E. MarrieiS Mary Louise Mantor, S 11, 1911. Buffalo. N. V. Child. William Edwin, b. D as, 1914. Address. 13434 Hartford Rd., East Cleveland. 2621. SARAH ORRILLA CONARD (J.\COB) (Wife of No. 3047; Sister of No. 14S6) A B. in L. & A.; b. F 4. 1S83. Monticello, 111.; d. Philip Hamlin (b. Tl 13, 1840, Utica. O.) and Martha Orrilla (, Davis) Conard tb. D 23. 185^. Libert V, Inil.). Prepared in Monticello H."'S.: L^niv. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A Cabinet; Stud. Volunteer B.-ind. Teacher. 1 itchtield H. S.. 1007-8; Constantinople. Tur key. 1012: Studv and travel in Palestine, Greece. Italy and Switzerland, 1015-18. Mem., Presby. Church; Constantinople Woman's Club. Married Ernst Otto lacob ('07). Ag 6, 1908. Monticello, 111. Child. Philip Ernest, b. Jl 12, 1014. .Address, 1007 347 Madison Ave., New York City. 2622. WILBUR CHARLES CONE Draftsman: B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 18, 1882, Loda, 111. Prepared in I'axton H. S. Drafts- man, Chicago City R. R. Co.: Const, work, San Francisco. Address, 4602 \'incennes Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Newhall Bldg., San Francisco.t 2623. DICK HADWIN CORNELL Indus. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 25, 1S74, Cornell, 111.: s. Henry Moreland (b.^ 1836. Providence. R. I.) and Mary Martha Cornell. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. E. E. Soc. ; Eta Kappa Nu. Indus. Engr., Jefferson City, Mo., looo; do., Peoria, 1906-10; do., Bloomington, 111., loio-ii; do., Kansas City, igii— . Spanish .\m. War, 1898. Married iNIary Jane Cornell, Ja 12, 191 1. Address, 70s E. Washington St., Bloomington, Ill.t 2624. EDWARD CORRIGAN Dept. Mgr.; A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 16, 1881, New Berlin, 111.: s. Matthew (b. My 22, 1835, W. Moath Co., Ireland) and Rose (Branagan) Corrigan (b. (J 10, 1845, Castle Blarney, do.). Prepared in New Berlin 11. S. K. K. Club; Philomathean: Delta Upsilon; Fid. -in-chief, Iltio, 1006. Salesman, Wheeling, W. \'a., 1906-10; Sales Dept.; Chicago. 1010-13; Sales Mgr., Peoria, 1013-16: Dept. Mgr., Milwaukee, 1916—. .\uth.: Some Results of Large Scale Produc- tion, Business, 191s; Price Cutting Records, Modern Methods. lo'is; What it Should Cost Us to Sell, System, 191 7. Married Lillian Barclay Chase, Ap 19, 191 1. Chicago. .Iddress, Grain Belt Mills Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. 262s. JANE ADAH CRAIG (Sister of No. 343) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S.: b. Je 29, 1S82, Champaign: d. James Milligan (b. ^ly 27, 1S30, Worthington, Pa.) and Margaret Ada- line (Blaine) Craig (b. My 15, 1S40. do.). Pre- pared in Chaiiip.Tis" H. S. Kappa Kappa Gam- ma. Catalog .\sst.. Lib.. L'^niv. of 111., looo-ii; .\sst. in charge of Engrig. Lib., 1911-15; Cata- log Reviser, 1915 — . Scc.-Treas., 111. St. Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn., 1012-16; Mem., A. C. A.; A. L. A. Address, 613 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 2626. STEPHEN JAMES CRAIG Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 16, 1882, Wilmington, 111.; s. James (b. 1S5S, Ireland) and Minerva (Rockwell) Craig (b. 1868. Wil- mington. 111.). Prepared in Wilmington H. S. B. S. .X., Cornell, looS. .\uth.: The Lake Co. Itid. .-lir. .-Idziser. 1014. Pres., Agr. Club; 111. St. Soil Sur. Adviser, Lake Co. Ind., Council Defense, 1017. Married Ruth Jackson, O 14, 101 1. Children: lames Jackson, b. O 0, I9«3; Harold Tackson. b. S 11. 1015; Ruth Jackson, b. O 6, "1017. Address, Prophetstown, Ill.t 2627. PAUL JONES CRATTY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N iS 187S, Peoria; s. Tosiah Cratty. Prepared in Univ. of Wis. Sales Dept. of Thomas G. Grier Co., Elec. Supplv House, Chicago, 1910. Address, Riverside. Ill.t 2628. FLORENCE BAXTER CURRIE Librarian: B. L. S. : b. Je 28, iSSt, Milwau- kee: d. Tames (b. Je 10 1853. Scotland) and Teannie Anne (Harper) Currie (b. Ja 19. «S5S.)- Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Milwaukee; Mil- waukee Downer Coll., 1000-4. Delta Gamma. 1906] Eaccalaukeate Alumni 247 Asst. Catalogcr, Carnegie I.ili. of Pittsburgh, 1906-8; CalaToger, Univ. of Washington Lib., 1908-16; Reviser, Catalog Dcpt., Univ. of Minn. Lib., 1916 — . Address, 710 iith Ave., Min- neapolis, S. E. • 2629. ASA BRYANT CUTLER (Husband of No. 3424; Brother of No. 2366) Manufacturer; 15. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Mr 18, 1878; s. Asa E. (b. Je 23, 1834, W. Urook- field, Mass.) and Lucy (Smith) Clutler (b. S 18, 1839, Princeton, 111.;. Prepared in Ruckford IL S.; Rockford 15us. Coll., 1898-9. Phi Delta Theta; Univ. Mandolin Club; Track squad. Instrunientinan, Pittsburgh Filter Const. Co., 1906-7; Farmer and Stuck Raiser, Dalhart, Tex., 1907-8; Apple Grower, Hood River, Ore., 1908- 18; Pres., Cutler Mfg. Co., Portland, (Dre. Married Ruth Ilyndman ('08), N 23, 1916. Child, Dorothy, b. N 5, 191 7. Address, 351 E. loth St., Portland, Ore. 2630. JOHN CTIRISTLXN DALLENBACII (Brother of Nos. 4123, 5087) Physician and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; b. D 22, 1881, Champaign; s. John J. (b. O.) and Anna C. (Mittendorf) Dallenbach (b. Cook Co., 111.). Prepared in Champaign li. S. M. D., Univ. of Pa., 1906. Phi Sigma Kappa; Alpha Kappa Kap- pa. Physician and Surg., Seattle, lyoS-ii; do., Champaign, 1911-17. U. S. A., 1017; ist Lt., Med. Reserve Corps, 1917; Capt., (to., A. K. F., France, 1918; Maj., do., 19 18; Mustered out, Mr 3, 1919. Mem., Am. Med. Assn.; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Rcba Burr Bryan, N 17, 1907, New York City. Address, 1018 VV. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., 421 Illinois Bldg., do. 2631. OLIVE ERMENGARDE ]>AVIS Clerk; B. L. S.; b. Mr 31, 1878; d. William Thomas (b. 1853, Osborn, O.) and Mary Adeline (Purdy) Davis (b. 1854, Moorelield, Ind.). Prepared in Westport (Mo.) U. S. and John Marshall IL S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1901; Mt. llolyoke, Mass., 1901-2; Lewis Inst., C.'iicago, 1902-4. Lib. (Jrganizer until 1909; Clerk, Sch. for Blind, Indianapolis, 1917-18. Address, Sch. for Blind, Indianapolis. 2632. RALPH RICHARD DAVIS (Brother of No. 2949) Rancher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 17, 1884, Centralia, 111.; s. John I.aury (b. Ap 30, 1855, do.) and Mary Catherine (Marsh) Davis (b. N 9, 1859, do.). Prepared in C^entralia IL S. Alpha Tau Omega. Married Edith Genevieve Pease, D 25, 1907, Centralia, 111. Child, John Douglas, b. Ap 18, 1909. Address, Sterling, Idaho. 2633. FRANCIS ELLERY DEASON Farm Supt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 13, 1877, Murphysboro, 111.; s. Wilburn H. (b. Je 20, 1849, do.) and Mary Jane (CawhornJ Deason (b. Saline Co., 111.). Prepared in Murphysboro Tp. II. S. Agr. Club. Foreman, Beef-cattle Barns, Univ. of 111., 1906; Agr. Insij., P. I., 1907-8; I''arni Supt., Exp. Sta., P. L, 1908-9; Dist. Sell. Dir. Married Elva Ann Winchester, N 26, 1906, Champaign. Children: Mary Aleene, b. Jl i, 1908; Earnest Wilburn, b. N 27, 1909; Russell F'rancis, b. Mr 8, 1912; Glenn EJwood, b. Ap IS, 191 3; Lester Allen, b. Jl 27, iyi6; Alice May, b. My 22, 1917 (died F 28, 1918) Address, Murphysboro, 111. 2634. JESSIE MAUDE DEPUY (Sister of No. 2635) Civ. Service; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Cissna Park, 111.; d. John M. (b. My 16, 1854. E)ana, Ind.) and Jennie B. (Fleming) Depuy (b. D 21, 1856, La Salle Co., 111.). Prepared in Cissna Park and Urbana H. Schs. B. S., James Milli- kin Univ., 1907; Eng. Club; Varsity Basketball Team. Dir of Phys. Tr. for Women, James Millikin Univ., 1907; Asst. Prin.. II. S., Shel- don, 111., 1909; Civil Service, Washington D. C, 1912 — . Mem., Coll. Women's Club, Washing- ton D. C. Address, Raven, lll.t ?r,,5. ORVAL CARL DEPUY (Brother of No. 2634) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 7, 1882, Cissna Park, 111.; s. John M. (b. My itj, 1854, Dana, 111.) and Jennie B. (I'leming) Depuy (b. D 21, 1856, La Salle Co., 111.). Prepared in Cissna Park II. S.; Grand Praire Sem., Onarga, 111.: Univ. Acad. Varsity Track Team. With Sears, Roebuck Co., 1907; Chicago Mail Order Co., 1907; Am. Employment Assn., 1908; Moline Auto Co., 1910; Ballard I'ottinger & Co., Real Est., 191 1. Married Anna May King, Ja 7, 1918, Lafayette, Ind. Address, Scotland, 111. 2636. EVERETT FOSTER DERWENT F'armer; B. S. in C. IC. ; b. S 19, 1884, Durand, 111.; s. Thomas W. (b. Je 25, 1832, Manchester, ling.) and limnia E. (Foster) Der- went (b. My 4, 1858, 111.). Prepared in Peca- tonia IL S. With Ecli()se Gas Stove Co., Rock- ford, ' ill., 1006-7; Pioneer Steel Co., 1907-10; [•"arming. Married Zoe H. Salisbury, Jl 1907, Pecatonia, 111. Children: Thomas E,, b. Je 26, 1910; Dorothy, b. Jl 14, 1914. Address, Du- rand, 111. 2637. HOMER HARRY DEWEY (Brother of No. S097) Grain Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1885, Mineral, 111.; s. William Whipple (b. Jl 14, 1 85 1, Lunenburg, Vt.) and May (Williams) Dewey (b. F" 6, 1855, Lake Port, ind.). Pre- pared in Henry H. S. Ueta Theta Pi; Cml. (Jlub; Pol. .Sc. Club. Clerk, McGregor, Chase i.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Telephone work in factory; Mgr., Factory, 1906-15; News- paper and advertising work, Aledo, 111., 1915-18. Married Hazel Denton Mandeville ('10), O 4, 1910, Champaign. Children: Hazen I., b. Ja 3, 1913; John H., b. N 25, 1914; Roberta Jaiie, b. Ap II, 1917. Address, Aledo, 111. 2643. EDWIN BEALE DORAN Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. 11, 1885, Lon- don, Tenn.; s. Edwin Wortham (b. Ky.) and Florence Emily (Beale) Doran (b. Coles Co., 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club. Expert for Internat. Harvester Co. in U. S., France, Algiers and Argentine; Farmer, Miss.; Instr. and Asst. Prof., La. St. Univ., 191 1 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. S. M. E. Married Cor- nelia Anne Denham, Ag 191 2, Prairieville, La. Child, Edwin Bcale, Jr., b. Ja 11, 1918. Ad- drtss. Box 306, Baton Rouge, La. 2644- IVAN N. DOUGHTY Supt., Brick Factory; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 29, 1884, Danville, 111.; s. James Fremont (b. 1856, Vt.) and Oceana (Morin) Doughty (b. i86o, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. St. Ry. Const.. 1906; Elec. Ry. Const.. 1907-8; City Engr., 1909-10; Supt., Brick Fac- tory, ign — . Mem., B. P. O. E. Address. 121 Pine St., Danville, Ill.t 2645. DON JOHN CHARLES DREW (Brother of Nos. 2959, 3714, 5638) Standardization Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My i6, 1882, Clifton, 111.; s. Washington (b. Ag 20, 1846, Chateaucay, N. Y.) and Mary Alice (Hunt) Drew (b. S 23, 1851, Charles- town, N. H.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. A. I. E. E.; E. E. Soc; Choral Soc. Stud. Apprentice, West. Elec. Co., 1906-7; Asst. Shop Foreman, do., 1907-8; Insp. and Installa- tion work, do.. 1908-9; Telephone exchange power engng., do., 1909-11; Supvr., do., 1914- 16; Standardization Engr., do.. 1916-18; Mem., M. E. Church: Y. M. C. A.; I. C. A. G. A.; HI. St. Hort. Soc; Sec. and Treas.. Cml. Or- chard Co. Married Hattie May German, S 22, 1908, Newton, Kan. Children: Ada Marion, b. Ag 27, 1909; Ruth Alice, b. Mr 24, 191 1; Glen G., b. Ja 13, 1913; Paul Wesley, b. N 20, 1916. Address, 301 S. Madison Ave., La Grange, III.; bus. add.. West. Elec. Co., Haw- thorne Sta., Chicago. 2646. EARL N. DUGAN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 2;, 1877, Boone Co., la.; s. Nathaniel (b. Ag 30, 1840, Tuscaross Co., O.) and Mary Jane (George) Dugan (b. Jl 28, iSj,*?. Gilmore Co.. O.). Pre- pared m Perry H. S. Arch. Club; Choral Soc. .•\rch. Draftsman, ioo6-io; Practising Arch., 191 o—. Mem., Presby. Church; Univ. Club, Tacoma, 1908-10; St. Chni>., Am. Inst, of Arch., 1910 — . Married Alice Grace Settle- myer, Je 24, 1908, Des Moines. Children: Rebecca Jane, b. D i ■;. 1913; .Mice Louise, b. Je 15, 1915; Robert Earl, b. F 24, 1918. Ad- dress. Si 8 W. Sorague Ave., Tacoma, Wash.; bus. add.. 1013 Nat. Realty Bldg., do. 2647. ALBERT MENZO DUNLAP Med. Specialist; B. S. in Sc; b. Ja 15, 1884; s. James Hammil (b. Savoy, 111.) "and Henri- etta (Coon) Dunlap (b. Champaign, 111.). Pre- pared in Univ. .\cnd.; M. D.. Howard Univ.. Med. Sch., loio. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Mil. Scholarship; Class Baseball. Specialist, •Med. Sch., Shanghai, China. Married Eva May Wyman, Je i, iqii, Cambridge, Mass. .Address, 3 Great Western Rd., Shanghai, China. t 2648. JOEL ERNEST DUNN Surveyor and Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 21, 1879, Macon, 111.; s. Joel (b. Lov- ington, III.) and Clara Josephine (Smith) Dunn (b. Moweaqua, HI.). Prepared in Be- ment 11. S. C. E. Club: Adclidiic; Capt., l^niv. Regt.; Class Football; Class Treas.; Illio Staff. Mem., Church of Disciples of Christ; .\. F. A. M.; Dexter Club. Address, Dexter, Mo. 2649. JOHN HENRY DURFEE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. .\g 24, 1880, Central Bridge, N. Y. ; s. Oscar F. (b. .'\g 30, tS-tS, Dusnesbnrgh, N. Y.) and Deliah (Dictz) Durfee (b. Mr j8, 1863). Prepared in Troy Conf. Acad., Poultnev, Vt.; O. Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O. Stud. .-Vnprentice, West. Elec. Co., 1906-7; Designer, Ft. Wayne Elec. Works, Madison, Wis., 1907-10. Married Maria .Mice Durfee. S 9, 1903, Vergennes, Vt. Child, Oscar Ray, b. Ja i, 1906. Address, 317 N. Baldwin St., Madison, Wis.t 2650. LIDA ELIZA DYMOND A. B. in L. & A.; b. Lake Zurich, III.; d. James (b. F 27, 1836, Kxeter, Eng.) and Persis "(Robertson) Dyniond (b. .\g 2. 1854,^ Lake Zurich, 111.). Prepared in Frances Shinier .\cad., Mt. Carroll, 111.; Univ. of Chic.Tgo. Chicago Coll. Club. Address. Shorewood Farm, Lake Zurich, Lake Co., 111. 2651. JOHN PADEN DYSART Missionary: B. S. in Agr.: b. Ag 23, 1880, Granville, 111.: s. Cornelius William (b. 1847, do.) and Elizabeth Mary Dysart (b. 1849, Me.). Prepared in ITniv. .\cad. .Mpha Zeta: Chm., Y. M. C. A. Employment Bur. Teacher, 1006-7; Grad., Oberlin Sem.. loio; Missionary. TOii — . Pres., Oberlin Sem. Ihiion; Ordained in Fox River Assn. of Congr. Churches. Mar- ried Bertha Frcelino- Fox, Ja 10. loii, Gran- ville, 111. (died My 9, 1913); Mathilda Alber- tine Thorson, F 4. 1918, St. Paul. Address. Chikore, Melsetter Dist., So. Africa. 2652. JOHN ISAAC EDWARDS Manaeer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 17. 1S85, .\ledo. 111.; s. John William (b. Oquawka, 111.) and Mary (Nesbit) Edwards (b. Aledo, 111.). Prepared in Aledo and Phoenix (.\riz.) H. .Schs. Phi Kapna -Sigma. Sales Engr., Sulli- van Mach. Co., El Paso, Tex., Mex., D. F. and Chicago, 1906-14; Sales Engr., Vacuum Oil Co., Chicago, 1915-16; Mgr., I.ubricating Dent., Gulf Refining Co., N. Y.. 1916-17; Mgr., Sales I)iv.. Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, 1919 — . .\ttached to Gen. Engr. Depot. U. S. A.. 191 7; ist. Lt., Engr. N. A.. 191S; Mustered out, TOT9.I Address. Room loio. Fisher Bldg., Chicago. 1906] Baccalaukkate Alumni 249 2653. WILLIAM HENRY EIKER (Brother of No. 4635) Dist. Engr.; b. S 12, 1880, Sparta, 111.; s. W. D. (b. J! 10, 1848, Millerstown, Pa.) and A. J. (Guad) Eiker (b. N 1838, Toronto, Can.). Preiiarcd in Si)arta H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Capt., Univ. Rcgt. Div. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R., Lincoln, Neb., 190610; Chief Clen<, la. office. Real Est. and Ind. Conin., C. B. & Q. R. R. Dist. Engr., do.. Lincoln, Neb., 19 1 2-1 8. Married Margaret B. Brown, My II, 1912, Springfield, 111. Address, 2012 S. 25th St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., Room 14 C. B. & Q. Depot, do. 2654. FREDERIC HOOD EMERSON Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 10, 1884, Rockford, 111.; s. Frank Daniel (b. 1846, Wor- cester, Mass.) and Nettie (Hood) Emerson (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.). Prejiared in Rockford H. S. Psi Upsilon; Glee Club. Engr., West. Elec. Co., 1906-8; Chicago Telephone Co., 1908-9; Dist. Sales Mgr., Bristol Co., Boston; Production Engr., Mgr. of Artillery Section, do., 19 1 8 — . Address, f> Albemarle Chambers, Boston; bus. add., 19 Portland St., do. 2655. RAYMOND JESSE EMMERSON Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. My 4, 1882, Albion, 111.; s. Morris (b. do.) and Ida (Harris) Em- merson (b. do.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon II. S. Sigma Aliiha Epsilon; Theta Kappa Nu; Pol. Sc. Club; Van Twiller, Moot Court. City Ed., Daily News-Herald, Lincoln, 111., 1906-9; Practising Law, Birmingham, Ala., 1909 — . Married Marie Angela Schilling, Ap 14, 1909, Lincoln, 111. Child, Ruth Michelle, b. F 6, 1912. Address, 1301 Phelan St., Birmingham, Ala. 2656. MELVIN LORENIUS ENGER. (Brother of No. 2657) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 191 1; M. S., 191 7; b. My 4, 1 88 1, Decorah, la.; s. Lauritz Magnus (b. N 3, 1856, Norway) and Bertha (Myran) Enger (b. 1858, Decorah, la.). Pre- pared in Univ. of Minn. Hon. Mem., Triangle; Hon. Mem., Sigma Tan; Hon. Mem., Mu San; Final Honors; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi. Asst. Instrumentman and Instrumentman, B. & B. Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1906-7; Instr. in T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1907-9; Assoc, 1909- 11; Asst. Prof., 1911-17; Assoc. Prof., 1917— . Auth. : (with A. N. Talbot) The Resistance to Flow Through Locomotive Water Columns, Bui. 48, Engng. E.rp. Sta., Univ. of III., Mem., Soc. for the Promotion of Engng. Educ; 111. Soc. Engrs. Married Mary Adeline Crawford, Ag 24, 1908, Decorah, la. Children: Bertha Marie, b. Je I, 1909; Walter Melvin. b. My 11, 1914- Address, 802 Nevada. Urbana; bus. add., Engng. Hall, Univ. of 111., do. 2657. NORVAL ENGER (Brother of No. 2656) B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1917; b. Ag 15, 1883, Decorah, la.; s. Lauritz Magnus (b. N 3, 1856, Norway) and Bertha (Myran) Enger (b. 1858, Decorah, la.). Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Address, Ephrata. Wash. 2658. CECIL CLAIRE ERICKSON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 30, 1882, Farmer City, 111.; s. John (b. F 14, 1852, Swe- den) and Lissa (b. N 14, 1862). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1908. Sec. to Charles E. Merriam, Chicago; Comn. of City Expenditure, Chicago; Repub- lican Nominee for Mavor of Chicago; Lawyer, Chicago. Mem., .\. F. A. M. Address. 333 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. t 2659. THURLOW GAULT ESSINGTON (Brother of No. 4148) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 19, i886, Streator, 111.; s. John Essington. Prepared in Streator II. S. J. 1)., Univ. of Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. City Atty. of Streator, 191 5 — . Mayor of Streator, 1917-18. Rep. St. Senator. Married Davie Hendricks, F 26, 1913, Madisonville, Ky. Address, 604 Broadway, Streator, III. 2660. ROBERT MILLS EVANS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 13, 1883, .\liddletoii, O.; s. John (iaunt and Laura (Wil- liamson) Evans. Prepared in Winfield, Kan. II. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Jr. Class Pres.; Treas., Sr. Class. Engr., West Elec. Co., 1906-10; Allis-Chalmers Co., 1910-11; Citizens' Light Co., .Aberdeen, 191 1; Byron G. Arnold Co., Seattle, 191 1; Meacham & Bab- cock, Seattle, igii; II. P. Gillette, Seattle, 191 1; Howard Pulp Process, Everett, 1912; Seattle Frog & Switch Co., 1913 — . Mem., Seattle Ath. Club. Married B. M. Henehan Brown, S 12, 1912. Address, 2306, 34th Ave., Seattle.! 2661. HENRY ELLSWORTH EWING Professor; A. B. in Sc, 1906; A. M., 1908; b. F II, 1883, Areola, 111.; s. Joseph Henry (b. N 30, 1841, Charleston, 111.) and Anna L. (McDonald) Ewing (b. N 13, 1841, do.). Pre- Ijared in Areola H. S.; Kno.x Coll.; Ph. D., Cor- nell, 1911; Rush Med. Coll.; la. St. Coll. Adelphic; Phi Delta Theta; Class Football Team; 2nd Univ. Football Team. Teacher of Sc, Marshall Tp. H. S., 1908-9; Asst. in Zool., la. St. Coll., 1909-10; Schuyler fellow in Ento- mol., Cornell,. 1910-1 1 ; Asst. Entomologist, Ore. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1911-14; Asst. Prof., Dept. of Zool., la. St. Coll., 1914-16; Assoc. Prof., do., 1916 — . Auth.: New North Am. Acarina, Transactions Acad. Sc. of St. Louis, Vol. .Will, 1909; The Oribatoidea of 111., Bui. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, 1909; A System- atic and Biol. Study of the Acarina of HI., The Univ. Studies, Vol. Ill, 1909; New Species of Acarina, Transactions of Am. Bntomol. Soc, \'ol. XXXV, igio; The Eng. Sparrow as an .\gt. in the Dissemination of Chicken and Bird Mites, Anls., Vol. XXVIII, 1911; other articles in Transactions /tcad. of Sc. St. Louis, Buls. Am. Museum Nat. Hist.. lour. Entomol. and Zool., Biol. Bui.. Buls. of Ore. Agr. E.rp. Sta. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; la. Acad. Sc; Charter mem.. 111. St. Acad, of Sc. ; Mem., Am. Assn. Econ. Entomols. ; Entomol. Soc. of Am. Mar- ried Bertha M. Riley, Ag 7, 19 16, Evanston, 111. Child, Paul McDonald, b. D 21, 1917- Address, 536 Forest Glen Ave., Ames, la. 2662. JAMES ALBERT LEROY FAIRCHILD Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 15. 1875. Edgar Co., 111.; s. John (b. N i, 1837, O.) and Emily (Hickey) Fairchild (b. Ap 3, 1842, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Adelphic; Debating Team. Prin., Oceana H. S., Va., 1908-10; in charge of Sc, Brookfield and River- side H. S., Riverside, III., 1910-11; Head of Dept. of Physics and Agr La Crosse St. Norm. Sch., iQii-17; do.. Rural Educ, do., 1917 — • Capt., Tenth Inf., Wis. Nat. Guard. Patent on Motor Carburetor, 1915- Auth.: Bui. on Sch. Gardens, Nat. Printing Co., 1914- Married Gertrude Mills, .\e 23, 1905, Decatur, III. Children: Elwood Mills, b. N 12, 1912 (adop- ted, Te 1913); Mildred Miriam, b. Ap 12, 1915 (adopted Ap iotO Emily .Ann, b. O 18, 1917- Address, 1305 Vine St., La Crosse, Wis. 2663. SHERMAN D. FAIRCHILD Lawyer and Senator; LL. B. ; b. N 14, 1878, Tower Hill, III.; s. John IT. (b. Jl 23, 1850, Willsborough, N. Y.) and Fanny (McKittrick) Fairchild (h. Ap 1833. Ireland). Prepared m University of Illinois [1906 Austin ColL, Effingham, IIL; Univ. Acad.; N. W. Univ. Law Sch., 1002. Practiced I^w in Boise, Idaho. 1907-8; Farming, 190S-1::; Sen- ator from Ada Co., Idaho, 1912-14, 1917-18. Mem., Ada Bar Assn., 1907; Idaho St. Bar Assn., 1907; Pres., Ada Co. Pub. Sch. Trustees Assn., ipio-ii; Illini Club of Idaho, 1910 — ; Dir., Boise Valley Cattle Grazers' Assn. Mar- ried Gertrude Buchanan, N 23, 1907, Boise, Idaho. Children: Anna McKittrick. b. Mr 17, 1911; John Henry, b. .\g 9. 1914. Address, R. 2, Kuna, Idaho. 2664. MATTIE PAULINE FARGC^ Librarian; B. L. S., b. S 4, 1883, Lake Mills, Wis.; d. Enoch J. (b. do.) and Mary (Ruther- ford) Fargo (b. do.). Prepared in Lake IMills II. S.; Mnwaukee-Downer Coll., 1901-3; I'liiv. of Wis., 1903-4. Alpha Xi Delta. Catalogor, la. St. Teachers' Coll., 1906-12; Libn., Lead (S. Dak.) H. S. Lib., 1912; Cataloger. Co. Free Lib., 1914-16, Los Angeles; Head of Co. Teachers' Lib. and Sch. Dists. Lib., do., 1916. Address, 1632 N. Kingsley Drive, Los .Vngelcs. 2665. FRANCES MARGUERITE FEIND THURSH) (Wife of No. 3422) A. B. in L. A.; B. L. S., 1907; b. D 15, 1885, Chicago; d. Oswald Frank, (b. N 20, i860, Ger.) and VVilhelmina (Rulle) Feind (b. Ap. 5, 1854, do.). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S., Chicago Ilgts. Illiola; .-Vchoth; Pres., Sr. Lib. Class; Der Deutsche Verein. Asst. Loan Libn., Univ. of III., 1907-14. Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Libn. Assn.; O. E. S. Married Ralph Kent Hursh ('08), le 28, 1914, Chicago Heights. Child, Robert William, b. Mr 3, 1916. .Add'n-ss. 205 Indiana Ave.. L^rbana. 2666. ROY WARNER FLOWERS Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 22, 18S4, Quincy, 111.; s. Benjamin Miller (b. N 30, 1856, Mt. Joy, Pal) and Martha Louise (Warner) Flowers (b. Mr 27, :85s, Warsaw, 111.). Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. Arch. Club. Draftsman, Continental Bridge Co., Chicago, 1907; Asst. in Arch. Dept., 1907; Draftsman, Prof. T. M. White, Urbana. 1907; Draftsman and Designer, The Scherzer Rolling Life Bridge Co., Chicago, 191 1 ; Draft.sman, Am. Bridge Co.. (iary. hid. Mem., Illini Club of Chicago; West, ^^oc^ of Engrs. ; Prairie Club. Married Oace Niles Perkins, Jl 26, 1908, Urbana. .-Iddrcss, 252 Marshall St., Gary, Ind.; bus. add., c/o .Vm. Bridge Co., Drawing Room 3, do. 2667. ELIZABETH FORREST Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Mr 22, 1882, Chicago; d. William Sylvester (b. Jl 3, 1852, Baltimore > and Elizabeth Emma (Whitney) _Forrest (b. X 22, 1S57, N. Y.). Prepared in Kenwood Inst., Chicago, and Mary A. Burnham Sch., North- ampton, Mass. Prelim. Honors. Organizer, la. Lib. Comn., 1907; Ref. Asst.. Univ. of III. Lib., 1907-S; Asst. Libn., Pa. St. Coll., 191 i-i i; Libn., Coll. of Agr. and Mcch. Arts., Univ. of Mont.. 1914-18; Libn.. Mont. Agr. Coll.. Bo?e- man, Mont., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. .!9i3-'5; Teacher, Eng., H. S., East Aurora, 111., 1915 — . Address, Bushnell, 111.; bus. add., j66 S. 4th St., Aurora, 111. 267s. MARY LOUISE GAY (BLUNT) (Sister of No. 5142) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1910; b. N 25, 1884. Rockport, 111.; d. James Clark (b. do.) and Jpsephine Udell (Horton) Gay (b. Horton, 111.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Der Deutsche Verein; Illiola; Sigma Kappa; Grad. Scholarship in Ger. Tea- cher, Riverside H. S., 190O-9; do., Sliortridge H. S., Indianapolis, Ind. Mem., Assn. Coll. Alumnae; Nathan Hale Chap., D. A. R., St. Paul; New Century Club, do. Married Rev. Harry Blunt, Je 16, 1913, Rockport, 111. Chil- dren: Mary b. Je 17, 1914; Henry, b. Ag 21, 191 5. Address, ion Ashland Ave., St. Paul. 2676. FREDERIC WILLIAMS GILL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1910; b. F 2, 1880, Conway, Ark.; s. Joseph C. and Mary Louise (Williams) Gill. Prepared in S. Belvi- dere H. S. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Matthes Research Lab., Chicago, 1906-07; Re- search Lab., Physiol. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907- 10; Engng. Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Harrison, N. J., 1910 — . Auth.: Articles, Det. of Total Sul- phur in Urine, Jotir. Am. Chem. Soc, 1909; Preservation of Urine by Thymol and Refri- geration, do.; Det. of Urea in Urine, do.; Det. of Nitrogen in Organic Substances, do.; Det. of Ammonia of Meat and Meat Products, Science, 1908; Det. of Phosphorus in Foods, etc.. Pro- ceedings Am. Soc. Biol. Chem., 1909- Regis- tered in Am. Men of Sc, 191 1; Mem., Univ. Club, Univ. of 111.; Mazda Club, Gen. Elec. Co., 1910; A. C. S., 1905-10. Married Sara Abagail Walling, Jl 21, 1903, Rock City Falls, N. Y. Children: Frederic Walling, b. O 12, 190s; Edyth Louise, b. My 25, 1908; Barbara Emily, b. D 29, 1909. Address, 322 Beach St., Arling- ton, N. J.t 2677. JOHN BURR GLASS Chief Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 30, 1879, Taylorville, 111.; s. Isaac Jarvis (b. Je 20, 1850, Bridgeton, Mass.) and Sarah Jane Glass (b. S 8, 1858, Taylorville, 111.). Prepar- ed in Taylorville H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Steam Turbine Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1906-8; Engr. Const, with White and Newcomb, Mexico City, 1908-11; La Com- pania de Fierro y Acero de Monterey, S-. A., 1911-14; Checker, drafting room, T. C. I. Co., Ensley, Ala., 1915-18; Chief Draftsman. Ship- building Co., Mobile, Ala., 1918 — . Married Ada Louise Hollingsworth, S 3, 1913, San Antonio, Tex. Address, 801 Augusta St,, 'Mobile, Ala. 2678. ELIZABETH GRAFF (SANGER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 31, 1882, Mt. Vernon. 0.; d. Franklin Luther (b. i860, do.) and Katherine (True) Graff (b. i860, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Kappa Gam- ma; V. P., Sr. Class. Teacher in Atlanta II. S., 1906-7; Sub. Teacher, Port Huron H. S., 19089; Asst. in Toledo Pub. Lib., 1911-13; Teacher in Toledo H. S., 1913-17. Married Capt. Walter M. Sanger, S 1917. Address, 1041 Linwood Ave., Columbus, 0. 2679. DOUGLAS BASIL ADAIR GRAHAM Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O 27, 1884, Boston. Prepared in Riverside H. S. Glee Club; Mandolin Club; Maj., Univ. Regt. Engr., Alvord and Burdick, Const. Engrs. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs.; Assoc, A. S. C. E. ; Am. Waterworks Assn.; 111. Soc. Engrs.; 111. Water Supply Assn.; City Club of Chicago. Address, 1740 Pennsylvania Ave.; Indian- apolis. t 2680. AMBROSE GOULET GRANDPRE Supt. of Const.: B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 31, 1883, Kankakee, 111.; s. Victor R. (b. Can.) and Ida C. (Goulct) Grandpre (b. Boston). Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Techno- graph Bd. Draftsman, 1906-7; Bridge Insp., 1907 9; both with C. M. & St. P. R. R.; Supt. of Const., Marshall & Fox, Archs., Chicago, 1909 — . Married Eleanor A. Harris, Ap 14, 1909, Tekoa, Wash. Children: Lorraine Anne, b. N 4, 191 1 ; Anona Rose, b. Je 18, 1913. Address, 5830 Race Ave., Chicago. 2681. LILY GRAY Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S.; b. N I, 1851, Chicago; d. Joseph Henry (b. Ja i, r8i2, Boston) and Therese Sobieski (Stow) Gray (b. Mr 20, 1814, Eaton, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S.; Chicago Univ., 1873-6. Kappa Kappa Kappa. Libn., Spokes- man Review, Spokane, Wash. Mem. Unitar- ian Church; Am. Alumni Assn., Chicago Univ. Am. Lib. Assn.; Assn. of Coll. Alumnae. Ad- dress, c/o Spokesman Review, Spokane. t 2682. WALTER HERBERT GREGORY (Brother of No. 37SS) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 1880, Moweaqua, 111.; s. Frank (b. M^ 30, 1853, Perry C^o., Ind.) and Amanda Mozella (Smith) Gregory (b. S S, 1857, Moweaqua, 111.). Pre- pared in Austin Coll.; Univ. Acad.; studied law in Univ. of Chicago, 1907-9. Phi Alpha Delta; Debating Team; Class Football and Baseball; Capt., Univ. Regt. Pres., Adelphic; Pol. Sc. Club; Cml. Club; Hatchet Orat. (Japt., "H" Co., Nat. Guard of Ut., 1911-14; Capt., Inf. Reserve Corps, 1917; Maj^ Inf. Reserve Corps, [917-18; 364th Inf., A. E. F., France, 1918; VVounded in action, 1918. Mem., St. Bar Assn. of Ut.; Pres., 111. Club of Salt Lake City, 1910-11; Am. Bar Assn.; Salt Lake Cml. Club; Univ. (jlub of Salt Lake City; Univ. Club of Tacoma, Wash. Address, Univ. Club, Salt Lake City. 2683. HARRY DAVETT GRIGSBY Chief Chem.; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 26, 1884, Cuba, 111.; s. Francis Marion (b. Je 19, 1841, Lewistown, 111.) and Josephine (Dav- €tt) Grigsby (b. 1846). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sig- ma Xi. Asst. City Engr., Santa Anna, CaWi., 1906-7; Insp. of Supplies and Chem. for C. R. I. & P. R. R. Co., 1907-12; Asst. Chem., 111. St. Food Comn., 1912-14; Chem., Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept of Agr., Cincinnati, 1914-18; Chief Chem., O. St. Bd. of Health, 1918— . Married Martha Reed, N 27, 191 1, Topeka, Kan. Child, Grace Marion, b. Mr 4, 1913. Address, 1898 Summit St., Columbus, O. 2684. HERBERT EMIL HAASE Manufacturer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O 21, 1883, Oak Park, III.; s. Emil R. (b. F I, i860, do.) and Pauline (Schlund) Haase (b. O 31, 186s, do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. bch. Phi Gamma Delta. Motor Truck Mfr., Chicago. Address, 241 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t 2685. WILLIAM CARL FRANK HENRY HACHMEISTER Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E. ; M. S., 1909; b. O 18, 1882, Hildesheim, Hanover, Ger.; s. John Henry (b. 1850, do.) and Mar- garethe (Friese) Hachmeister (b. 1855, Berlin, do.). Prepared in N. Div. H. S., Chicago. Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Xi; Scholarship; Coach, Water Polo and Swim- ming Team. Chem., Nitrate Invest., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Univ. of 111.; Chem. Engr., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1909 — . Mem., A. C. S.; Powers Lake Yacht Club; Crystal City Riding Club; Crystal City Gun Club. Ad- dress, 4512 N. Robey St., Chicago.! I'.MVKKSITY OK ILLINOIS -oso. "i;ka(.1': k\ ai.vn iiai.i. (Sister of No. S8o) A. H. ill L. & A.;^b. Ag ->8, 1884, Kast l.ynn, ill.; il. Justice Smith (I). Ap .-4, 1840, near I'lutlaiul, iMe.) ami Sarali 11. (.StanforJI llaii th. Mv -, 184s, Lowell, Hi.). Preoaieci ii\ L'rhana II.' S. Aletlienai; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kapi>a. Died N 8, iqo5, Colorado Springs, Colo. -•6S7. •WILLIAM JAMES HKALY (Brotiier of No. 4198) Lawyer: LL. H.; b. My 24, i88i, Uochelle, 111.; s. William (h. 1846, Ireland ami Mary (.McDermott) Ilealv (h. iS^;-', IVni«:likee|isie, N. v.). Prepared 'in Rochellc 11. S.; Heloit Coll. .\cad.; Heioit Coll., 1900-1. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan; .-\.sst. Mgr.. Base- ball Team; Mijr., Baseball Team. Cilv Attv., Rochelie, 111., 1009—. Married Kuhy Carl, My 5, 1914, Freeport, 111. Child, William Carl, b. S 23, 1916. Died D .jj, 1918, Rochellc. 111. j688. LEONARD HEGNAUER (Brother of No. 5716) In charge of E.xten. Schs. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 2::, 187.;, Prairie City, Mo.; s. Leonhard (h. Switzerland) and Susanna Katherine Ulirschi) llegnaner (h. do.). Prepared in .\ppleton (Mo.) City Acad. A. B.. I'niv. of Kan., 1900. Sigma Xi. Agr. Coll. and .Agr. Exp. Sta.. L'niv. of 111., i9o6-io; Agr. Coll., Pullman, Wash., igio- 11; Prof, of Crop Production and Cliief, (/<>.. .\gr. Exp. Sta., X'niv. of 111., 101114; Soils and Crop Specialties, Exten. Dept., in charge of Ext. Schs.. Wash. St. Coll.. Pullman, Wash., 1915 — . Married Clara Edith Baker. D -'4. 1901. Children: Dorothea N'irginia. b. Ap 14. 1909; Helen Edith, b. My .\^, 1911. .Address. 1904 Indiana Ave., Pidlman. Wash. J6S9. CARL AUGUST HELl.MANN .\sst. Examiner of Patents: B. S. in K. E.; M. S., 1909; b. D 18, 1885, Chicago; s. Charles W. (,b. 1845, Ger.) and Marie (Manthey) Ilell- mann (,b. 1850. do.). Prepared in N. Div. 11. S.. Chicago. LL. B.. Nat. llniv. Law Scli., Wash., D. C, 1910; M. P. L., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C 1010. Tau Beta Pi; Sijfma Xi; Final Honors. With C. 11. Stoelting Scientitic Co., till 1907; Teacher in summer ses- sion, Univ. of 111., 1907: Teacher of Phys.. 1907-8; Asst. Examiner of Patents, Washington, D. C, 1908 — . Mem.. Bar of Supreme Court and Court of .\ppeals of D. C. Married Gladys Aline Strong. I1 15, 1014, Washitigton. D. C. .4ddress. -Mil Ontario Rd., N. W., Washington, D. C. .'690. CHARLES ELLIOTT HENDERSON Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b, Ta iti, 1879. Elmira. 111.; s. John McClenahan and Elizabeth .•\nn (.CampbeiD Henderson. Prepared in Traer (la.) H. S. ; Monmouth Coll. Y. M. C. .\.; C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Mil. Scholarship. Instrumentman, M. W.. M. K. and T. R. R., Parsons. Kan., 1906-7; Asst. Engr.. B. and B. Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R.. Minneapolis; Instr. in C. E., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; .\sst. Engr. and .\sst. City Engr.. Port .\rthur. Ont.. 1910-15; City Engr., St. Augustine. Fla.. 1015- 17; Co. Engr., do., 1917 — : Asst. Engr., Bur. Indus. Housing and Transportation, Dept., La- bor, 1918 — . Mem., St. Paul's Presby. Church (Deacon); W'est. Soc. of Engrs. ; Fla. Eugng. Soc. 1017; Am. Soc. Mun. Improvements; Assoc, mem.. Canadian S. C. E., 1915. Mar- ried Gertrude .\nne Patterson, D _»o, 1006, Champaign. .Iddr.ss. P13 6th St., N. \V., Washington, D. C. .^691. W.VRREN KENVON HENNING Office Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. E.; b. S 7. 188.:, Piano, 111.: s. Gilbert Denslow and Agnes (Valentine) llenning. Prepared in Piano H. S. Aztec Club. With Murphy Iron Works, De- troit: Mgr., do.. Philadelphia. Married Ora Frances Sears, S jo, lyoo, I'lano, HI. .Iddiwis. 5-'43 Spruce St., Philadelphia; bus. add., joj Steplien Girard BIdg., (/i>.t j69-'. JOHN E.VRL HENRY (Husband of No. 3404) .•\rch. ami Engr.; B. S. in .\rch.; b. My 10, 18S2, Marshall Co.. 111.; s. Samuel Calvin (b. S -', 1851. Westmoreland. Pa.) and Mary El- eanor (Van Petten) Hciirv. Prepared in Elm- wood H. S. Arch. Club; Glee Club; Tau Beta Pi: Beta Tlieta Pi: Class I-'ootbali Team; Inter- schol. Mgr. Draftsman, 1006-7; Chief Drafts- man, Brinton li. Davis, Louisville, 1907-11; Arch, anil Engr., Louisville Bd. of Educ, lou — . Made group plan and designed all bld^s. for West. Ky. St. Norm. Sch., 1009; designed model graded school for Louisville, 1910: designed 11. S. for Hopkinsville and Christian Co., Ky. Mem.. Arcli. ami Engrs. Club. Married Hope Herrick ('oS), D 16, 1909, Farmer City, 111. Children: Derrick Hi, b. My j8. 1911; Helen Louise, b. S 11. 1918. .tddrcss. jjio Napoleon Blvd., Louisville, Ky.; bus. add.. Bd. of Educ, Sth and Chestnut Sts. 2693. CLARENCE AVISE HEWES (Brother of Nos. J694, 5207) Engineer; B. S. in C. E; b. O 28, 18S1, Pay- son, 111.; s. Charles Travis (b. Je 18, 1857. do.) and Mary Etta (Sinnock) llewes (b. F .'4. 1859. (/<>.). Prepared in Ouincv 11. S. Asst. Engr.. .\lo. Pacific R. R.. 1906-8; (/<>.. Santa Fe R. R.. 1008-9; (/<>.. Mo. Pacific R. R.. 1009 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married May Belle Goodwin, X 10, 1909, Sedalia. Mo. Children: Charles Goodwin, b. S j6, 1910: Helen C, b. Jl i, 1913. Address, 4714 Fairmount Ave., Kansas Citv. Mo. .•694- FLOYD SINNOCK HEWES (Brother of Nos. 2693, $-07) Pilot Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ta 25, 1884, Payson, 111.; s. Charles T. (b. Je 18, 1857, do.) and Mary Etta (Sinnock) Ilewes (b. F 24, 1859. do.). Prepared in Quincv H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Rodman. C. & N. W. R. R., 1906-7; Draftsman. Santa Fe R. R.. 1907-9; Transitman. (/<>.. 1909; Res. Engr.. Const. Dept., 1909-11; Draftsman, Const. Dept.. i9ij; Asst. Engr.. do. (Coast Lines), 1912-14; Masonry Insp., do. (East Lines). 1914-15: Transitman Office Engr., do., 1914-15; Asst. Engr., do.. 1915-16; Pilot Engr., do. (West. Lines), 1916 — . Mem., Am. Ry. Engr. Assn.; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. S. Married Serena Inez Middagh, F 4, 1917, .•\iiiarillo, Tex. .-Iddress. c/o V'aluation Dept.. .\. T. and S. F. Ry., Amarillo, Tex. J695. MAMES BERX.VRD IIICKEY Abstractor; LL. B. : b. F 8, i88j. Anchor. 111.; s. James (b. Co. Waterford, Ire.) and^ Mary (Smith) Hickey. Prepared in Gibson Citv It. S.; St. Viateurs Coll., Bourbonnais, 111. Clerk in Law Office, Davenport, la.. 1907-8; .-Vbstract- or. Oklahoma Citv. Okla., 1909-10; Phys. Plant, l'niv. of 111. Married Nellie Middlesworth, loij. Mt. Vernon. 111. Died N 7, 1918, l^rbana. 2696. GEORGE CLINTON HILLVER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 14. 1880. Brooklyn, 111. St. Attv.. Warren Co., 111. Address, Bushnell, 111. 2697. LEIGH PATRIDGE HOFF (Brother of Nos. 1S96, 3778) Manager: B. S. in E. E.; b. F 10. 18S5. Hinsdale, HI.; s. Theodore (b. 1S46. Bucks Co.. Pa.) and Lucy (Naisby) HotT (b. 1S59. Phila delphia). Prepared in ("hicago Heights, Bloom Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; V. M. C. A.; Final Honors. Shop Course and Factory Sales, W. E. Co., 1906-8; Sales Dept., W. E. Co., Pittsburgli. iqoS-io; Sales Dept., and Mem. firm C. K. Rogers and Co.. Corry. Pa., 1910-13; Saks I yoO Baccalaureate Alumni 253 Engr., AllisClialm^M-.s Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, 1913-17; Mgr., IJakcrDunbar-AIlen Co., Phila- delphia, 1917 — . Mtni., i'rcshy. Church; Mun. Club; Engrs. Club of Philadelphia; Soc. of Iron and Steel Elec. Engrs. . Married Carry Minnie Iloare, Je jg, 1910, Wilkinburg, Pa. Children: Robert Leigh, b. Jl 7, 191 3 (died F 28, 1914); Elizabeth Semple, b. D 30, 1914. Address, 5713 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia. 2698. CHARLES LUDWIG IIOLL Real Est.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 28, 1883, Streator, 111.; s. Charles (b. My 27, 1853, Ger.) and Sophia (Rraunlich) IIoll (b. F 27, 1858, Peru, 111.). Prepared in Streator H. S. M. and E. E. Socs. ; Tau Beta Pi. Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Co., iy<)6-8; Engr., do., 1908-10; Draftsman, Streator Motor Co., 1910-12; with Schlitz Brewing Co., Real Est. Dept., 1912 — •. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; Streator Commandery; Knights Templars. Address, 291 14th St., Milwaukee; bus. add., Schlitz Brewing Co., do. 2699. TOM WOOSTER HOLMAN (Husband of No. 3361) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 7, 1885, Rushville, Ind.; s. Charles Butler (b. Ja 2, 1862, Nobles- ville, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Pattison) Holman (b. Ap 4, 1863, Rushville, Ind.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago: Seattle H. S.; Soper Sch. of Orat., Chicago. Delta Kappa Ensilon; Phi Delta Phi; Witenagemote Court. Practiced Law, Chicago, 1906-8- do., Seattle, 1908-10; do.. Port Townsend, Wash., igio-17; Prosecuting Atty., 1917 — ; Govt. Appeal Agt., 1918 — . Mem., Arctic Club, Seattle; First Presby. Church. Married Harriet Grace Ewing ('08), N 19, 1912, Portland, Ore. Children: Grace Elizabeth, b. S 25, 1913; Harriet Alma, b. My 16, 1916. Address, 928 Franklin St., Port Townsend, Wash.; bus. add., 1-2 Tucker Block, do. 2700. HENRY HUDSON HOOK Gold Mine Operator; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 16, 1880, Stockport, O. ; s. Alfred (b. N 29, 1863, Hooksburg, O.) and Ida B. (W'hite) Hook (b. Ag 14, 1863, Stockport, O.). Pre- pared in Vienna H. S. Acacia; M. E. Soc; Class Ba&eball Team. Design, const, and operation of gold dredger in Colo., Calif, and Alaska. Mem., R. A. M. ; O. E. S. Mar- ried Lois Fay Vander Pluym, N 26, 1913, Boulder, Colo. Child, Jack Alfred, b. S i. 1914. Address, c/o Alaskan Engng. Comn., Transportation Dept., I'. S. R. R.. Anchorage, Alaska. 2701. RUBY CLARE HOPKINS (HUNT) (Wife of No. 2133) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 12, 1885, Sterling. III.; d. Winfield Scott (b. My 12, 1852, La- mojle. 111.) and Alice Gary (Walker) Hopkins (b. O I, 1861, Magnolia, 111.). Prepared in (Iranville H. S. Illiola; Der Deutsche Ver- ein; Co. Entrance Scholarship. Married George Warren Hunt ('04), Je 20, 1907. Granville, 111. Children: Leland Hopkins, b. My 4, 191 1; Marion Eugene, b. N 22, 1916. Address, Granville, 111. 2702. PAUL EDWARD HOW^E (Husband of G566; Brother of Nos. 2 131. 3033, 3785. 6323, 9143) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. ; A. M., 1907; Ph. D., 1910; b. Jl 29, 1885, Chicago; s. Edward Gardenier (b. Ag 11, 1849, Walpole, Mass.) and Mary E. (Barnard) Howe (b. F 16, 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; I'niv. Acad. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Chem. Club; Class Sec; Golf Cham- pionship; Scholarship in Chem., Fellowship in Chem.; Fellowship in Pharmacology, Univ. of Chicago. Asst. Physiol. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Instr., do.. Univ. of 111., 1910- 12; Asst. Prof., Biol. Chem., Columbia Coll. P. and S. 1912-17; Assoc, Biol. Chem., Rocke- feller Inst, for Animal Path., Princeton, N. L. 1917 — • Capt., San. Corps, N. A.; Surg., (jen. Office, Div. Food and Nutrition, 1917 — . .■\uth. : The Electrolytic Corrosion of Brasses (with A. T. Lincoln and David Klein) Jour, of Phys. Chem.; Comjiarative Tests of S[)iro"s and Folin's Methods for the Determination of Ammonia and Urea (with P. B. Hawk), Jour, of Biol. Chem.; C)n the Preservation of Feces (with T. A. Rutherford and P. B. Hawk), I'roc. of_ the Am. Soc. of Biol. Chemists, Jour, of A. C. S.; besides numerous other Fasting Studies published in Jour, of A. C. S., Jour, of Biol. Chem., and Biochem. Bui.; Asst. Ed., Biochem. Bui., 1912-17; Assoc. Ed., Biol. Chem. Section, Chem. Abstracts, 1915-17; Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics (with Carter and Mason) Mem.. \. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. of An. Nutrition; 111. Acad, of Sc; Am Soc of Biol. Chem.; I-ife mem.. Am. Bd. of Foreign Missions; Univ. Club; Am. Physiol. Soc: Harvey Soc; Soc. for Exp. Biol, and Med.; Columbia Biochem. Assn., Sec, do., 1913-17, Pres., do., 1917-18; Annual C^onf. of Biol. Chem.; A. F. A. M. Married Harriet Rinaker (g'09), Je 18, 1913, Carlinville, 111. Child. Clarissa, b. Ag 19, 1914. Address. Rockefeller Inst., Princeton, N. J.; bus. add., 318 Miles Bldg., Washington, D. C. 2703. GUY RICHARD IIUBBART Advertising and Publishing; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 20, 1877, Parkville, 111.; s. Richard Thomas and Sarah Jane (Click) Hubbart. Prepared in Sidney H. S. Philomathcan; Class Poet. Advertising Expert for The Dry Goods Economist ; Deputy Sheriff, Nassau Co!, N. Y., 1917-18; Instr., Columbia Sch. of Bus. and Exten. Teaching; .\dvertising and publish- ing, 1918 — . Mem., Univ. Club; ,-\ssociated Adv. Clubs of the W'orld. Married Mary Elizabeth Dodge, D 24, 1914, New York City. Address, Bellrose, Long Island, N. Y. 2704. NOLAN HYNSON HUFF (Brother of No. 4719) Supt. of Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 7, 1876, Rushville, 111.; s. Lawrence Oliver (b. S 6, 1848, Clayton, 111.) and Allie Ann (Thomp- son) Huff (b. Mr 12, 1851, Center, 111.). Pre- pared in Beardstown H. S. ; Univ. Acad.; Law Sch., Univ. of Mich., 1907-11. Adelphic, Pres. Asst. Prin., Rushville Norm. Sch., 1905-6; Prin.. Pleasant View, 111. Pub. Sch., 1906-7; Head of Engng. Dept., Bluffton, Ind., 1911-12; do.. Bethel Coll., Newton, Kan., 1912-14; Santai Fe R. R., 1914-17; Supt., Morehead H. S. and Consolidated Schs., 1917 — . Married Maude E. Willis, D 28, 1905, Springfield, 111. Chil- dren: Lawrence Orton, b. O 28, 1906 (died Ag II, 1907); Marcia, b. Mr 14, igo8; Nolan Hynson, Jr., b. Je 23, 1910; Robert Oliver, b. D 1912; W^illis, b. My 12, 1915; Margaret Ann, b. Mr 7, 1918 (died Ap 6, 1918). Ad- dress, Morehead, Kan. 2705. VICTOR EMANUEL HULTEEN Draftsman and Insn. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 7, 1878, Buda, 111.; s. John (b. Ap 20, 1846, Sweden) and Johanna (Burgeson) Hul- teen (b. N 30, 1851, do.). Prepared in High- land Park Coll., Des Moines; Home' study, Scandinavian Club. Insp. and Mach., West. Elec Co., Chicago, 1906; Drafting, estimating and superintending, Sacket Screen & Chuta Co., 19068; Draftsman, Boston Navy Yard, 1908-9; do.. Naval Tr. Sta., North Chicago, 1909-10; do.. Navy 'i'ard, Portsmouth, N. H., 1910-11; Draftsman and Insp., Key West, Fla., Naval Sta.. 191 1; Also at Portsmouth Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Mem. Treas., Odd Fellows. Married Maria Kathrina Christian- sen, Ag 7, igog, Chicago. Children: Baby, b. Jl 2, 1910 (died Jl 8, 1910); Phyllis Anne, b. Jl 16, 1 91 2. Address, Buda, lU.t 254 Univekshv UK Illimois liyo(' .'7o6. "LITTA DUSTIN JACKSON (,COKN) Teacher; A. U. in L. & A.: b. S i. 1883, Clinton, la.; d. lohn (b. 1850, Harrison, Wis.) ami Winified (Dnstin) Jackson (b. i8o-'. Bar- aboo, Wis.). Preuarcd in Clinton (la.) H. S. Alethcnai; Eur. Club; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher of EnK., Kock Lsland 11. S., 19061 1 ; i/i'., Clinton, la., igiiij. Married 1-. M. Coen, O 10, 1913. Clinton, la. Died N 10, 1910, Denver. 2707. NOAH HENNING JACOBSEN (.Brother of Nos. 3426, 4232, 6981) Manager; B. S. in C. E.; b. My i--, iS8--, Mantle. 111.; s. lleuning (b. Ja 6, iS-jb, Schles- wig llolstein, Denmark) and 1-aura D. O'ooiu') lacobsen (.b. Mr --S, 1S53). Prepared in Eu- reka Coll. I'si Cpsilon; Orange and Blue Club: C. E. Club. Asst. Kngr., West. Ind. K. R. Co.: Mgr., West. Materials Co. Mem., West. Soe. Civ. Engrs. ^larried Caroline L. Jacobsen, D .-8. 1912, De Kalb, 111. Address, 0850 Cornell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., New York Life Bldg., do. 3708. HERMAN GERLACH JAMES (Brother of No. 4J33) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.: A. M., loio; b. J a 2, 1887. I'hiladelphia; s. Edmund Janes (b. lacksonville. 111.) and Margarethe (.lange) James (b. I'russia. der.). Prepared in Cniv. of Chicago: South Side Acad.; N. W. Univ. Acad.; N. W. I'niv., 190.5-4. J. D., Univ. ol Chicago. 1909; Ph. D., Columbia, 1911. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi, Univ. of Chi- cago; .Vdelphic; Phi Beta Kappa; HI. Teiiins Team. Fellow in Adm. Law, ti(»i Jaiidc, Co- lumbia, 1910-11; Special Traveling Fellow, do., 1911-ij; Instr.. Hist. Inst., Univ. of Leipzig. loii; (jiad. Stud., Univ. of Berlin, 1011 1-'; LUiiv. of Halle, 191.-; Assoc. Prof, of Govt.. Univ. of Tex., loi-- — ; Dir., Bur. Muu Research and Reference, 1913 — ; Sec.-Treas., League of Tex. Municipalities, 1913 — ; ^'•^■- ''■'• Miiuicitulittis, 1013 — ; Assoc. Ed., Not. Midi. A'c-mVsc; taught, Univ. of Calif., Summer Scs sion, 1915. War Camp community service, ,mS — . Auth. : Tlie Introductory Articles oi the Constitution of 111., Wickersham Press. Lancaster, ion; Principles of I'russiau Adm., 1911; Applied Citv Govt., 1914; Handbook of Civic Improvenieiit, 1015; Municipal Func- tions. 1017: more than forty pamjdilets, mono- graphs, ami articles on govt, subjects. Mem., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Univ. Club of Austin, Tex.; Nat. Mun. League; Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sc; Councillor of Nat. Mun. League; Mem., of number of Coins, of the League. Mar- ried Genevieve Kuby, Ag 21. 1912, Chicago. Children: iNlaigaret Helen, b. My 19, i9io". (Genevieve Campbell, b. 11 35, 1918. .Iddress. Univ. of Tex,, Austin, Te.\. .'70Q. LEONARD VAUGHAN JAMES (Brother of Nos. 170S, 47-7. 69S4, 8452) Professor; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 19^2; b. Jc 9. 1884, Ambov, 111.; s. P. M. (b. Jl 14. 1850) and Lottie Louise (Vaughan) James (b. Ap 17, 1858). Prepared in Ambov H. S. Acacia; Gamma .Mpha; Eta Kappa Nu; Pres., E. E. Soc: Prelim. Honors; V. P., Soph. Class; btud Branch, A. I. E. E. Test man with Gen. Elec. Co., Schcneetadv, N. Y., lOot)-;; Asst. in E. E. Dept.. Univ. of 111., 1007-0; Instr., do., loog- n; Assoc, do., 1013-18. Head of Engrs. Div., Sell, of Mil. Aeronautics, Austin, Te.\.. 1018 — . Mem., A. I. E. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Elizabeth Good, Ag 11, 1915- AddriSS, Ambov 111.; bus. add., 600 W. 32nd St., Austin, lex. 3710, 'ROY EDWARDS JENS Fanner; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 11. 1SS3. Rock Island, 111.; s. Edward Jens. Died Ap 11. 1910, Cripple Creek, Colo. -711. J. NORMAN JENSEN (Brother of No. 3802) Arch. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b Ag i, 1880, Chicago; s. Die (b. i8.t9, Norway) and Anna G. (Isaacson) Jensen (b. ^18^1, do.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., 1002-4. C. E. Club. Res. Engr., The Arnold Co.. looS; Engr., Nat. Concrete Const. Co., Louisville, Ky., 1909; Designing Kngr,, Corrugated Bar Co., St. Louis, 1910; Arch. Engr., City of Chicago; Arch. Engr., LH'pt. of Bldgs., t'liicago, 1911-15: Civ. Engr., Ill pvt. pifactise, 1915—. Auth.: i)iagrams for Use in Designing Reinforced Concrete L-Beains, lining. Record, 1908; Constants for Computing Keinforced Concrete Beams, Engng. Ncivs, 1909; Reinforced Concrete T-Beams Tables, Engng. Record, 1909; Logarithmic Paper for Diajframs, Mach., 1909; also various articles in Engng. Record; Engng. Neivs-Record, Concrete. Ad- dress, 2504 Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., -300 175 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 2712. GEORGE THOMPSON JOHNSON (Brother of Nos. 900, 1350, 1530, 1709, 3051) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Mr 0, 1886, Cham- paign; s. Dr. C. B. (b. 1842, l?ond Co., 111.) and Alaria L. (Lewis) Johnson (b. 1847. Chat- ham, 111.). Prepared in Champaign 11. S.; Univ. of Chicajjo. 1905-t); M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1908. Phi Rho ^igma. Interne in Cook Co. llosp., Chicago, 190S-9; I'hysician in Terre ll.iute, liid.. 1010-17. Capt., 5th Un., 20tli I'.ngrs.. M. R. C, U. S. A., France. Mem., Ind. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Eleanor Co.x, 1915, Chicago. Address, 413 Tribune Bldg., Terre Haute, Ind. 2713. JOHN THOMAS JOHNSON Dean and Dir.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 24, 1S09, Belleville, 111.; s. James George (b. N 2, 1839. do.) and Nancy Jane (Shook) Johnson (h. do.). I'repared in DuQuoin Sem. ; No. 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1893-5, 1807-1902; Kno.x Coll., 1S98; Univ. of Chicago, 1901. Head of Dept. of .\gr. and Biol., West 111. St. Norm., 1900-12; Pean of Faculty and Dir. of Sc. and Agr., Kent St. Norm. Sch., 1912-17. Autli. : St. Norm. Soil Exp., Field; series of articles in Sch. Neius on Agr. Mem., Sch. Sc and Math.; Elder, I'resby. Church. Married Sarah Elizabeth Has- kett. Ap 0, 1899, Palestine, III. Child, James Haskett. b. Ag 21, 1900. Address, Norm. Tr. .Sch., Cleveland. 2714. RILEY OREN JOHNSON I'rofessor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 12, 1S09, Swan, (■>.; s. Samuel Wesley (b. 1841, Hocking Co., O.) and .Xnne Maria Barbara (Wright) John- son (b. (/i>.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. M. S., Calif., 1009. Prof, of Biol, and Agr., St. .\"orm. Sch., Chico, Calif. Auth.: Course of Study in Nature Study and Agr. for the Ele- iiientarv Schs. of Calif, pub. by the auth., 1908, 8 pp.; One Hundred Experiments in Elementary .\gr. for Calif. Schs.. do., 1909, 42 p^i.; also number of articles. Address, Chico, Calif. 2715. JOHN GARFIELD JORDAN Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 29, 1880, Savov, 111.; s. B. Jordan. Prepared in Champaign 11. i^. Consulting Mccli. and Klec Engr., Chi- cago. Address, 700 Sheridan Road, Chicago. 2716. WALTER JOHN KANNE Milling and Smelting Bus.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 24, 1S81, Waterville, Minn.; s. Gottlieb Fcrdenand (b. 1833. Ger.) and Albertina Wili- mina (Stiller) Kanne (b. 1843, do.). Prepared in I'illsbury Acad.. Awatoiina. Minn. M. E. Soc: llazelton Gold Medal; Mil. Scholarship; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt. Instr. in Mil. Sc & Tac- tics, I'niv. of 111.. 1005; Foundry work, Litch- field, 111., 1906-7; Mfg. of Coke and Coal Min., Chicago, looS-ii; Copper Milling and Smelting, ion — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, c/o Bradere Copper Co., Rancagua, Chile, S. A.f IQO^'j Baccai-aukkate Ai-umni 255 2717. MARION REED KAYS (Son of No. 214; IJrother of No. 3^^S) Irrigalion Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 22, i8«i, J'onica, 111.: s. Emery ('79). O). O 10, 1853. Magnolia, 111.) and Emma (Trask) Kays (h. S 6, 1854, Buda, 111.). I'reparcd in Union ll. S., Phoenix, Ariz.; Univ. of Ariz., 1900-01. (;. E. Club. Kngiig. Aid., 1906-8; U. S. R. S., Wyo. and Neb.. 1908-9; Asst. Engr., U. S. R. S., Wyo. and Ariz., 1909-10; Asst. Sutjt. with j. G. White & Co., 1910; Asst. Chief Engr., Idaho Irrigation Co., Richfield, Idaho, 1910-11; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., Idaho Irrigation Co., 1912 — . Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Alice Adeline Grier, Je 23. 1909, Phoenix, Ariz. Children:' AJice Lindsay, b. D 16, 1911; Marion Reed, Jr., b. S 7, 1913. Address, Rich- field, Idaho. 2718. JEANNETTE KEATOR (THOMP- SON) (Sister of No. 1717) Teacher of Ger.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 14, 1883, Polo, 111.; d. Joseph (b. 1837, King.ston, N. Y.) and Sara Ann Kcator (b. 1847, Polo, 111.). Prepared in Polo II. S.; N. W. Univ. 1901-2. Kappa Alpha Theta; Instr. in Ger., II. S., Sullivan, Ind. Married Edgar Camden Thompson, N 9, 1910. Address, West Palm Beach, Fla.t 2719. JACOB GARRETT KEMJ' Professor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1910; Ph. D., 1912; b. Ag z6, 1877, Baltimore. Prepared in Deichmann Coll. Prep. Sch., Baltimore. Instr. in Pliys., J^irdue Univ., 1906-08; do., Univ. of 111., 1908-11; Fellow in Phys., 1911-12. Sigma Xi. Assoc. I'rof. of Physics, Univ. of Ark. U. S. Navy, U. S. Dixie, Md. Naval Reserves. 1898. Auth.: A Substitute for Bronson Resis- tance (with D. W. Cornelius); Conditions of Sensibility of Photo-Electric Cells with Alkali Metals and Hydrogen. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; M. E. Church. Address, Fayetteville, Ark.j 2720. JOHN SAMUEL KENDALL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 18, 1880, Progress, III.; s. Samuel (b. O 28, 1840, Mansfield, O.) and Nancy Jane (Watson) Kendall (b. F 15, 1850, Miss. Co., Mo.). Prepared in Cobden H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Egyj.tian Club; Van Twiller Court. City Atty., (Jarbondalc, 1909-11; Asst. St. Atty., Jackson Co., 1912-16. Mem., Baptist Church. Married 15erenice C. Kendrick, Je 8, 191 1, Jacksonville, Fla. Address, Miami, Okla. 2721. ALBERT FRANKLIN KIDDER Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 2, 1881, Good Hope, 111.; s. Frank (b. Je 27, 1843, Alexandria, N. Y.) and Fidelia (Fink) Kid. B. ; b. N 23, 1879, iJuQuoin, 111.; s. Edward (b. F 6, 1850, Klkville, III. J ;iiid Alifair Kimmel (b. F 27, 1854, iJuQuoin, 111.). Prepared in DuQuoin H. S. Phi Delta Tliela; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; I'-gyptian Club; V. P., Ath. Assn. Atty. at Law, DuCJuoin, 111.; City Atty., do., 1903-04. Mar- ried Gertrude Lelia Humphrey, Je 29, 1915. Address, DuQuoin, 111. 2725. JOHN WILSON KIRKPATRICK Gen. Ins. Agt. ; A. B. in .Sc; b. Je 22, 1884, Mayview, 111.; s. Charles S. (b. do.) and Ger- trude P. (Wilson) Kirkpatrick (b. Lafoga, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. .S. .Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Univ. Glee and Mandolin Club. (Joal dealer, 1906-12; Fruit Grower, 1912-17; Gen. Agt., N. Am. Ace. Ins. Co., 1917-18. Mem., K. of P.; Knights of Khorassan. Married Nora Catharine Goss, D 25, 1907, Middletown, O. (Children: Charles Warren, b. O 11, 1908; IJlanche Louise, b. Jl 18, 1914. Address, 806 Jackson Ave., Medford, (Jre. 2726. DAVID KLEIN Instructor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1907; b. O J2, 1884, Chicago; s. Albert L. and Charlotte I Slansky) Klein. Prepared in N. W. Div. IJ. S., Chicago. Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1910. I'relim., Special and Final Honors; Sigma Xi; I'lii Lambfia Upsilon. Asst., Univ. of 111., 1907; I'Yllow, Univ. of Wis., 1908; Asst., do., 1909; Instr., do., 1910-12; Instr., do., 1912 — . Auth.: The Vapor Pressure of Arjuerjus Nitrate Solu- tions, Lincoln Klein, Jour. Fhys. Chem., pp. 18-48, 1907; The Influence of Organic Liquids upon the Action of Hydrogen .Sulphide and Sulphur Dioxide, do. pp. i-io, 191 1; fJn the Effect of Water in Causing Chem. Reactions, Trans. Am. Electro-Chem. Soc, pp. iiyiG, 1 910; An Improved .Apparatus for the Deter- mination of Amino Acids, Jour. Biol. Chem., pp. 287-9, 191 1; also other articles along chem. lines. Mem., A. C. S. Address, 1633 Man hattan Bldg., Chicago. 2727. WILLIAM GORDON KLINE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 21. 1882, Salem, 111.; s. William Kline. Prepared in Amboy H. S. Varsity Track Team, record in Hurdles. Prof., Hedding Coll., 1908-11; Ath. Dir., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 19" — • Address, F;ast. Amboy, Ill.f -rs6 University of li.i.ixois [ioo6 27j8. KARL JOHN KNIGHT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 6, 1884, Beardstown, III.; s. John Knight. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Address, Beardstown, lll.t 2729. KATIIERINE JOAN KOLKKR A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 10, 1881, Quincy, 111.; d. William Kolker. Prepared in St. Mary's Inst. Address. 308 Hampshire St., Quincy, lll.t 2730. ROY DELOS KUNKLE Manager; 15. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 23, 1885, Lacon, 111.; s. George W. (b. 1836, Lancaster, Pa.) and Sarah Jane (Owen) Kunkle (b. 1847. Lacon, 111.). Prepared in Peoria LI. S. Glee Club; Pi Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Delta Phi. Engng. Exp. Sta., Lhiiv. of 111., 1907-8; Mgr., Kunkle Furniture Mfg. Co., 1908 — . Married Stella Faber, Je 17, 1908. Children: George Owen, b. Ja 16, 1910; Robert Delos, b. Ap 8, 1913: Clara Elizabeth, b. Ap 15, 1916. Address. Mackinaw, 111. 2731. MARIAM ELIZABETH LANHAM (BRONSON) (Wife of No. 2337) Home Adviser; B. S. in Sc. ; b. Ja 8. 1882, Osceola, la.; d. William Allen (b. 1851, do.) and Helen Louisa Lanham (b. 1855, do.). Pre- pared in Osceola H. S. Co. Home Adviser, Champaign, 1918. Married Frank Lloyd Bron- son ('05), 1905, Cassopolis, Mich, (died Ap 6, 1916). Address, Imperial Bldg., Champaign. 2732. CHARLES ANDREW LARSON Dir. Dept. of Pub. W'orks; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 12, 1883, Cisna Park, 111.; s. Nels A. (b. Denmark) and Mary (Renz) Larson (b. Henry, III.). Prepared in Paxlon H. S. Murphy Iron Works, Detroit, 1906; Sunday Creek Co., Co- lumbus Co., 1907-10; Roberts and Schaefer Co., 1907; Leitch Collieries Ltd., Passburg, Alta., 191 1 ; Grant Smith & Co., Vancouver. B. C, 1912-13; Cotton Co., Ltd., Vancouver, V>. C, 1914-15; Clay Mfg. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. 1916-17; Dir. Dept. Pub. Works, Kingsport, Tenn., 1917-18. 1st Lt., Engrs., U. S. A., 191S; Mustered out, D 5, 1918. Married Lilla Anna Carlson, Ag 28, 191 7, Savannah, Ga. Address, Paxton, 111. 2733. LENORE LYDIA LATZER (Sister of Nos. 1243, 1371. 3444) Asst. in Bacteriol.; A. B. in Sc; b. N 18. 1884, Highland, 111.; d. Louis (b. N 11, 1848, do.) and Elisa (Luehm) Latzer (b. Mr 12, 1852, do.). Prepared in Highland H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. S. Univ. of Midi., 1907. Gamma Phi Beta; Prelim, and Final Honors. Asst. in Bacteriol., Univ. of 111.. 1907-8; Asst., do., 1909-11. Auth.: TWith W. J. McNeal and J. E. Kerr) The Fecal Bacteria of Healthy Men, Jour, of Infec- tious Diseases, Part i. Vol. 6, 1909. Part 2, Vol. 6, N 1909. Mem.. Soc. of Am. Bacteri- ologists; Congr. Church. Address, Highland, 111. 2734. MARY JANE LAYCOCK Instructor; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 2. 1871, Jack- sonville, 111.; d. Robert (b. Ag 30, 1840, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Jane (Bourn) Laycock (b. N 14, 1849, Bromsgrove, Eng.). Prepared in Waver- ly H. S. M. A., Columbia, 1917- Prelim, honors. Woman's Glee Club. Asst., Watseka H. S., 1906-9; Prin., do., 1909-16; Instr. in Eng., Sch. of Educ, Univ. of N. Dak., 191 7 — • Asst. Ed., Sch. of Ed. Record, Univ. of N. Dak. Mem. Faculty Advisory Bd., Y. W. C. A.; Assoc Mem., Dak. Playmakers. Address, Waverly, 111.; bxis. add., Grand Forks, N. Dak. 273s. EDITH LEONARD Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; M. S., 1910; b. F 10. 1884, Davenport, la.; d. Charles Minot (b. Mr 12, 1840, Randolph, Minn.) and Anna Elizabeth (Miller) Leonard ( b. Ja 15, 1848, Catskill, N. Y.). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Address, 644 E. Pratt St., Indianapolis; bus. add., 21 Virginia Ave., do. 2736. BURT A. LEWIS Owner of Poultry Farm; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 10, 1877, Frost Village, Quebec, Can.; s. Asaph K. (b. Ja 19, 1841, Waterloo, Quebec) and Mary Ann (Goddard) Lewis (b. F 22, 1841, S. Stukeley, do.). Prepared in Cedar Valley Sem., Osage, la.; Lombard Coll. Gales- burg, 111. Sigma Xi. Supt. with Holabird and Roche, Archs., Chicago, 1906-9; Practis- ing Arch., 1910-15; Prop, and Mgr., poultry farm, 191 5 — . Clerk of Bd. of Trustees, Wood- lawn Universalist Church, Chicago, 1907-9; Treas., Park, do., Tacoma, Wash., 191 1-13. Married Rose A. Severance, D i, 1909, Chi- cago. Address. R. 3, Tacoma, Wash. 2737. CHARLES EDWIN LITTLE Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 3, 1883, Sycamore, 111.; s. John Harris (b. N. Y.) and Lydia Jane Little (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa Sigma. With E. T. Crowe and Co.; Mgr., Lock Joint Pipe Co., Tacoma, Wash. Married Lola Louise Doud, Je 15, 191 o, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Lola Louise, b. O 15, 191 1. Address, 1902 N. Junette St., Ta- coma, Wash.; bus. add., 1005 A St., do. 2738. CLARINNE LLEWELLYN (Daughter of Nos. 143, 148; Sister of Nos. 2739. 4782) Instructor; A. B. in Sc; b. F 14, 1886, St. Louis; d. Joseph Corson ('77). (b. Jl 22. i8s5. Philadelphia) and Emma Clarinda (Piatt) Llewellyn ('77), (b. Je 23, 1857, Monticello, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta. Phys. Dir. for Girls, Lyons Tp. H. S., 1908; do.. 111. Sch. for the Blind. Jacksonville, 1908-11; Instr., N. W. Univ., Sch. of Phys. Kduc, Evanston, 1916 — . Mem., Chicago Coll. Club. Address, 324 6th Ave., LaGrange, 111. 2739. RALPH CORSON LLEWELLYN (Son of Nos. 143, 148; Brother of Nos. 273S, 4782) Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 20, 1884, St. Louis; s. Joseph Corson ('77), (b. Jl 22, 1855, Philadelphia) and Emma Clarinda (Piatt) Llewellyn ('77), (b. Je 23, 1857, Monticello, 111.). Prepared in LaGrange Pub. Schs.; Lyons Tp. 11. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Hon- ors. Supt. of Const., Milwaukee, 1906-7; Arch. Engr. with J. C. Llewellyn. 1907-18. Capt., Q. M. Corps. N. A.. Const. Div.. 1918; Mus- tered out, Ja 1919. Mem., Chicago Arch. Club, Pres., 1915-16; Univ. Club of Chicago; La- Grange Country Club; West. Soc. of Engrs.; mini Club of Chicago; Assoc. Mem., 111. Chap- ter, A. I. A. Married Louise Brooks Tyler, My 25, 191 5, LaGrange, 111. Address, 324 6th Ave., LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., 1525 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. 2740. WINNIE ALICE LOGAN (MON- TOOTH) (Wife of No. 2465; Sister of Nos. 3077, 34S3) B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 21, 1883, Edinburgh, 111.; d. David (b. F 22, 1840, Flora, 111.) and Martha Ellen (Sprinkel) Logan (b. Ap 21, 1852, Springdale, Ark.). Prepared in Edinburgh Tp. H. S. H. Sc. Club. Auth.: Evolution of a Community Spirit, Home and Sch. Educ. 1917. Mem., M. E. Church; O. E. S.; inaugurated movement which resulted in erection of the Osecola Grove Community House. Married Charles Stuart Montooth ('05), Jl 29, 1906, Urbana. Children: Hazel Evelyn, b. S 23, 1909; Martha Grace, b. Ap 7, igi8. .Address, Assumption, 111. 1906] Baccalaureate Alumni '-57 2741. ROY HAROLD LONG Grain and Live Stock Raiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. O i-', 1882, Lexington, IlL; s. W. G. (b. Spencer, Ind.) and Emma P. (Flesher) Long (b. Lexington, 111.). Prepared in Lexing- ton H. S. Agr. Club; Rosenbaum Scholar- ship Judging Beef Cattle. Grad. Work in An. Husb., 1907. Clerk and V. P., Coffey Co.; Pres., do., 1911; Grain and Live Stock Raiser, Montgomery, Ala. Mem., Kan. Farmers' Inst., 1910. Trustee, Congr. Church, 1909-12. Mar- ried M. B. Magill, Ja 20, 1909, Lexington, 111. Address, R. 4, Montgomery, Ala. 2742. WALTER SIM McCLURG Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 17, 1879, Urbana; s. John A. (b. Mr 7, 1856, Bloomington, 111.) and Cora A. (Sim) McClurg (b. Urbana). Pre- pared in Urbana II. S. Machinist, 1906-7; practising law, 1907 — . Mem., Moline Cml. Club; After Dinner Club; Rock Island Co. Bar Assn. Married Lilian A. Mitchell, O 14, 191 1. Oak Park, 111. Address. 11 37 27th St., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 12 Chase Bldg., do. 2743. EDWARD LEON McCONAUGHY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 13, 1880, Rochelle, III.; s. James Orlando (b. Ap 7. 1846, Pitts- burgh) and Amelia Ann (Gardhouse) McCo- naughy (b. Mr 10, 1851, Toronto, Can.). Pre- pared in Rochelle H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Elected City Clerk of Rochelle, 1909; Real Est. and Loans, do. Mem., I. O. O. F. ; Sons of Vets.; S. A. R. Married Ina B. Bothwell, My 20, 191 1, Salt Lake City, Address, 1026, 7th St., Rochelle, 111.; bus. add., 415 Washing- ton St., do.t 2744. EVERT BRUCE McCORMICK (Brother of Nos. 66i, 826) Salesman; LL. B.; b. O 10, 1884, Mahomet, 111.; s. Bruce (b. Streator, 111.) and Martha R. (Gibson) McCormick. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi. Law- yer, 1906-08; Confectioner, 1908-13; Salesman. Printing Inks, 19:3 — . Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Edith Manspeaker, Ja 20, 1909. Ad- dress, 631 Buckingham PI., Chicago. 2745. CHARLES BROOKS McCOY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 5. 1882, Fargo, N. Dak.; s. John Caldwell (b. ja 30, 1844, Gran- ville, 111.) and Nathalia Sadie (Miller) McCoy (b. Ap 7, 1857, Canandaigua, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst., Chicago and Beloit Acad., Beloit, Wis.; Mich. Coll. of Mines, Houghton, Mich., 1901-J. Alpha Delta Phi; Track Team. Asst. City Atty., East St. Louis. 1908-10; Dupree, S. Dak., 1910-13; San Diego, 1913 — . Auth.: Personal Rights, Law Studs. Helper, 1903. Dir., San Diego Y. M. C. A.; Sec, Y. M. C. A. work, A. E. F., France. Mem., Univ. Club; Pres., Montessori Educ. Club; Dir., Internat. Montessori Inst.; Sec.-Treas.. "Square Deal" Home for Unfortunate Men; Sec., East St. Louis Bar Assn. Married Florence Janet Daggett, Je 18, 1910, East St. Louis. Child, Janet Caroline, b. Ag 12, 1914. .Address, 1023 W. Hunter St., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., 612-614 Central Mortgage Bldg., do. 2746. JOSEPH McCOY Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 22, 1881, Lafayette, Ind.; s. John (b. Chillicothe, O.) and Keltic (Ritchey) McCoy (b. Lafayette, Ind.). Preparer! in Lafayette H. S. Drafts- man, C. H. Johnson, St. Paul; do., E. H. Hew- itt, Minneapolis; do.. Long, Lameraux & Long; do.. Bell, Tyrie & Chapman, Minneapolis. Mar- ried Edna M. Sale, S 4, 1907. Children: Josephine S., b. D 10, 1908; Claarles M., b. Ja 27, 1910; Dorothea V.. b. O 10, 1912. Address. 48.S6 Dupont Ave., South Minneapolis. t 2747. CLINTON THOMAS McCULLY (Husband of No. 3125; Brother of Nos. 1731, 2164) Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 24, 1883, Red Oak, la.; s. John Daniels (b. 1856, Baltimore) and Virginia Bell (Ash- way) McCully (b. 1859. Mt. Carroll, 111.). Prepared in Carthage Coll. Acad.; Univ. Acad. Track Team, Mgr. Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A. at Lake Geneva, Wis. and Owensboro; Assoc. St. Sec. of Ark.; Gen. Sec, Pittsburgh, Kan.; Gen. Ins., Urbana.; Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Clinton, Mo.; War Work Council, Y. M. C. A. of Mc, Clinton, Mo. Married Anice Eunice Nichol ('07). Jl 30, 1998, Urbana. Children: Agnes Elizabeth, b. Ja 26, 1910; Helen Louise, b. My 4. 1912; John DeDaniels, b. O s, 1914; Edward Nicol. b. Jl 14, 1917- .Address, 319 E. Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. 2748. MARY MINERVA McINTIRE (Sister of No. 3468) Teacher; A. B. in L. &• A.; b. N 3, 1883, Sparta 111.; d. W^illiam Arthur (b. S 3, 1852, Marissa, 111.) and Tirzah Elliott (Cathcart) Mclntire (b. My 18, 1857, Sparta, 111.). Pre- pared in Sparta H. S. Teacher, Averyville H. S., Peoria, 1906-8; do., Rantoul H. S., 1908-10; do., Gibson City H. S., 1910-11; do., Danville H. S., 191 1 — . Address, 419 N. Gil- bert St., Danville, Ill.t 2749. MARY BUTTERS McLELLAN (SNUSHALL) Librarian; A. B. in Lib. Sc ; b. D 2, 1876, Hyde Park, Mass.; d. James Anthony (b. 1844, Me.) and Elizabeth Russell (Clements) McLellan (b. 1841, Quincy, Mass.). Prepared in Hyde Park (Mass.) H. S. ; Bridgewater, St. Norm. Sch., Mass., 1895-8; Smith Coll., 1901-3. Lib. work; Teacher in Eng. Inst., Santiago De Chile; do., Springfield, Mass.; Children's Libn., City Lib., do.; Civ. Service Clerk in office of Depot Q. M., Cambridge; Ref. Libn., Pub. Lib.. Lynn, "Mass, 19 19 — . Auth.: Lib. Condi- tions in Chile, Pub. Libs., 1909. Married Wil- son Snushall, D 2t, 1904. Address, Lynn, Mass. 2730. LOUIS WILLIAM MACK Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 15, 1887. Chicago; s. Louis Henry (b. Ja 8, i860, do.) and Katherine (Belmont) Mack (b. My i, 1862, do.). Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. LL. B., Harvard Law Sch., 1910. Sigma Alpl;a Epsilan; PhiJomathean; Eng. Club; Dramatic Club; Bus. Mgr., III. Mag. Dir., Div. of Films, Com. Pub. Information. Mem., (Chicago Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar Assn.; Legal Club of Chicago; City Club of Chicago. .Address, 6 Jackson PL, Washington, D. C. 2751- ROSCOE CONKLING MAIN (Brother of No. 3097) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. F 23, 1882, Pitts- field, 111.; s. Alvin Nye (b. Ja 7, 1842, Time, 111.) and Lydia Sarah (Foote) Main (b. Je 18, 1844, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Pitts- field H. S. A. M., Harvard Med. Coll., 1910; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 191 1. Philomathean: Sigma Xi; Sc. Soc; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Fellow in Zool., 1906-7; Interne in Michael Reese Hosp., igii-13; Health Comn., Marquette, Mich. Med. Officer. U. S. A., 1917 — • ist Lt., M O. R. C, U. S. A., 191 7; Capt., M. R C, 1 9 18; Asst. Chief of the Med. Service. Ellis Island, N. Y., 1918—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Mar- quette Rotary (^lub, 1916; Mich. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Married Ruth F. Stafford, Jl 12, 1 91 7, Marquette. Mich. Children: Alvin Nye and Edward Stafford, b. Ap 9. 19 18. Address, Marquette. Mich.; bus. add., U. S. A. Hosp., Ellis Island. -'5S University of Illinois [1906 275-t- K.\TE BONNELL MANN (IRWIN) (Sister of No. 1925) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S j8. 1S85, Danville. 111.; d. William (b. F 16. 183S, Summerville, N. J.) and Kate Estelle (Ilarnian) Mann (b. 1853, Muntotd, N. Y.). Prepared in Mus- kegon U. S. and Man. Tr. Sch., Muskegon, Mich. Mask and Bauble; Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Bushnell H. S., 111., igo6-Q; do., Ur- bana H. S., 1900-12. Married Burr Polk Irwin, S 28. igij, Evanston, III. Address, iSoo Grove Ave., Quincy. 111. 5753. CHARLES MASON MARSH (Brother of No. 1062) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 11, 1884. .■Mton, 111.; s. Eben (b. Alton, 111.) and Kate Prevost (Foote) Marsh (b. 111.). Prenared in Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111. Address, c/o Illinois Glass Co., Upper Alton. Ill.f 2754. REUBEN S. MARSHALL B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 2. 1S80, Dallas Center, la.; s. W. C. Marshall. Prepared in Mt. Mor- ris Coll. Address, 511-12 Mills Bldg., El Paso, Tex.t 2755. MIMA AGNES MAXEY Prin. of H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 3. 188s, Rolla, Mo.; d. Joseph Phillip (b. D 18, 1846, Carlyle, 111.) and Agnes Young (Bcattie) Ma.xev (h. Tc 23, 1848, Belfast, Ireland). Pre- pared in Carlyle H. S. A. M., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1913. Final Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin. of II. S., Gilman. 111., 1906-8; Dept. of Latin. Hoopeston, 111., 1908-12; Prin., Car- lyle H. S., 111.. 1914 — . Mem., Classical Assn. of Middle West and So. 111. Address, 670 Franklin St., Carlyle, 111. 2756. STOY JACKSON MAXWELL Lawyer; LL. B.: b. Ag 18, 1883, Robinson, 111.; s. John C. (b. S 26, 1S47, Kno.x Co., Tenn.) and Gertrude E. (Jackson) Maxwell (b. Mr 4, 1850, New Albany, Ind.). Prepared in Rob- inson H. S. ; Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y., 1902. Phi Alpha Delta. Vice Chief Jus tice. City Atty., Robinson, 111., 1907-11; Mas- ter in Chancery, do. Mach. Gun Div., O. T. C, Camp Hancock, Ga. ; Mustered out, 1919- Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. Address, Robinson, lU.t 27S7. *EDWaN THOMAS MEHARRY (Brother of Nos. 1250, 2460) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1881, Tolono, 111.; s. Jesse (b. O 9, 1835, Fountain Co., Ind.) and Addie A. (Francis) Meharry (b. S 12. 1851, New Lenox, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta. Died O 22. 1918, Tolono, 111. 2758. EDWARD JOHN MEHREN Ed. and Publisher; B. S. in C. E.; b. .-\g 5. 1S81. Chicago; s. Jacob F. (b. Jl 31. 1837. ^i^'-"' and Elizabeth E. Mehren (b. O 7, 1857, do.\. Prepared in Acad, of St. Ignatius Coll., Chi- cago; .\. B., St. Ignatius Coll., 1899. Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Delta Sigina Rho; Philomathean; C. E. Club; Special Honors; Mo.-Ill. deb.ate: Class Orat.; V. P., Class. Transitnian, C. M. & Puget Sound R. R., 1906; Assoc. Ed., Engng. Record, N. Y., 1907-J1; Sec. and Mgr., The Emerson Co.. 1911-12; Managing Ed., Engng. Record, N. Y., 1912-17; Ed., Engng. Nezvs Record, 191 7 — ; V. P., Mc- Graw-Hill Book Co.. 191 7 — • Treas., Nat. Assn. of Corp. Schs. Married Grace Walsh, S 8, 1908, Chicago. Children: Edward Walsh, b. Ag 4. i9oq; Lawrence Joseph, b. Ap 24, iQii; Richard John. b. Ag"i3, 1912; Bernard Walsh, b. O 2i. 1014; Paul, b. Ja iS, 1917; Grace Elizabeth, b. Mr 21, 1918. Address, 53 Fairvew Ave.. South Orange, N. T.; bus. add., 10th .^ve. and 36th St., New York City. -759. JOSEPHINE AUGUSTA MEISSNER (QUIGLEY) B. L. S.; b. My 9, 1885, York, Neb.; d. Charles Louis (b. Ap 4, 1856, Oshkosh, Wis.) and Laurentine (Danforth) Meissner (b. My 7, 1857, Newton, O.). Prepared in York (Neb.) H. S. and Mattoon II. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Sec. -Treas. of Women's League; Pres., Lib. Club. Libn., Neb. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-7; Cir- culation Libn., L'niv. of Wash., 1907-12; Instr. in Lib., do.. 1011-12; Pres., of Gamma Beta Dist. of Kappa Alpha Theta, 1909-13. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. ; Pac. N. W. Lib. Assn. Married .\rthur Joseph Quigley, O 29, 1912, Seattle. Children: Mary Margaret, b. Ag 31, 1913; Josephine Dorothy, b. Mr 17, 1915; Arthur Stevens, b. Jl 27, 1916. Address, 1731 Naomi Place, Seattle. 2760. LEON RUSSELL MELVIN Hardware Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 4, 1SS2, Greenfield, 111.; s. Sylvester (b. N 20, 1831, do.) and Addie Idella (Strickland) Mel- vin (b. S 15, 1858, do.). Prepared in Green- tield H. S. Delta Unsilon, Mem., Greenfield Cml. Club. Married Inez Vetell Wright, Ag 1907, Denver. Child, Helen Lolita, b. My 190S. Address, Greenfield, lU.t 2761. DAISY MILLER (MOORE) (.'^ister of No. 2464) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 31. 1S83, Boody. 111.; d. Henry August (b. 1838, Ger.) and Caroline (.Gemmer) Miller (b. 1843, do.). Prepared in Urbana; llliola; Y. W^ C. A. Taught two yrs. Married Charles L. Moore, Ag 26, 1908. Child, Albert Henry, b. Jl 16. 1911. Address, 2111 (Raines St., Davenport, lowa.t 2762. DONALD S. MILLER (Brother of Nos. 3877, 4309) Teacher; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1907; b. F u, 18S4, Ida Grove, la.; s. J. D. (b. 1854, HI.) .md Mary (Jacob) Miller (b. 1856, Wheeling, W. Va.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Adelphic; Swimming Team. Teacher in Manitowoc (Wis.) H. S.. 1909-12. Mem., Epis. Church. Iddress, Stanley, Wis.t 2763. ROY CRAIG MITCHELL Arch. EngT.; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 22, 1881. Millersburg, O. ; s. John Thomas (b. do.) and Sarah C. JNIitchell (b. do.}. Prepared in Gar- den Grove (la.) H. S.; Parsons Coll., Fair- field, la. With Herzog Iron Works, St. Paul, 1Q06; Great No. R. R., Arch. Office, St. Paul. 1906-7; 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1907-10; 111. .Steel Warehouse Co., St. Louis, 1911-12; Arch. Engr., Morgan, Walls and Morgan, Archs., Los Angeles, 1912-13. la. Nat. Guard, Co. M, ^4th Regt., 1902-5. Mem., W^est. Soc. Engrs.; Presby. Church; Engrs. and Archs. Assn., l.os Angeles; Certitied Arch.. St. of Calif. Married Eva Mae Crumley, Je to. 1915, RofF, Okl.T. Child. John Crumle>' b. Mr 26, 1918. Iddress. 1715 Arlington St.. Los Angeles; bus. Olid., c/o Morgan, Walls, and Morgan, .\rchs., do. 2764. ESTHER COOK MOHR (DOLE) Asst. in Norm. Sch.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 24, 1883, Chicago; d. Edward Kern (b. O 5, 1854, Macungie, Pa.) and Alice Hall (El- dredge) Mohr (b. S 19, 1S61, Dwight, 111.). Prepared in Dwight H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1003. A. M., LTniv. of Wis., loio. Asst. in Hist., St. Norm. Sch., La Crosse, W^is., 1011-12. Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc; Am. Hist. Assn. Married Arthur W. Dole, Jl 26. 1912. Children: Alice Emily, b. D 30, 1913; Charles Edward, b. O 6, 1916. Address. 1458 E. iioth St., Cleveland. 1906 J )ACCALAUREATE AlUMNI 259 2765. FRANCIS GUY MOORE Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 23, 1881, Padua, 111.; s. Thomas Jefferson (b. Ja 17, 1850, Mount Joy, Pa.) and Deborah (Ben- jamin) Moore (b. Jl 23, 1851, Chatham Center, N. Y.). Prepared in Bloomin)?ton H. S. Alpha Delta Phi. C. & A. R. R., 1900-17; Kewanee Works. Nat. Tube Co., 1907-9; J. V^'. Williams & Co., Brooklyn Plant, 1910-15; Supt., Brooklyn Plant, 1915 — . Married Flora M. Warlow, S 11, 1912, Bloomington, III. Children: Frances Jane, b. O 26, 1914; Fred- erick Guy, b. Mr 2:^, 19:7. Address, 108 Bed- ford Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; hxis. add., 400 Vul- can St., do. 2766. EDGAR A. MORGAN Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 187s; s. Icilius (b. N 26, 1842, Prairie Creek, Ind.) and Diana (Yeager) Morgan (b. My i, 1843, do.). Prepared in Austin Coll., Effing- ham, 111. Final Honors. In Insular Service Bur. of Educ, P. I.; Prin., Provincial II. S., Tuguegarao, Cagayan, P. I., 1913-14; Prin., Rizal Provincial 11. S., Pasig. Rizal, P. I., 1914-17; Stud., Grad. Sch., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1918; do. and Instr. in Hist., Baltimore Poly. Inst., 1918 — . Married Amy Wheeler, S 18, 1917. Patoka, 111. Address, Jewett, 111.; bus. add., Walbrook Ave., Baltimore. 2767. HORACE HEALY MORGAN (Husband of No. 3324) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 7, 18S1, Loda. 111.; s. Edwin Brumsley (b. F 10, 1854, New London, Conn.) and Cherrie E. (Healy) Morgan (b. Jl 4, 1854, Loda, 111.). Prepared in Pa.xton H. S. M. E. See; Psi Upsilon; Track Team. Drafting, 1906-11; Chief IDrafts- man, Webster Mfg. Co., 1911-16; Chief Drafts- man, Palmer Bell Co., 1916 — . Married Hazel Winifred Clifford ('08), Je 28, 1909, Cham- paign. Children: Clifford Horace, b. Ap 2, 1910; Cherrie Adelyn, b. O 14, 1914. Address, 229 Monterey Ave.. Detroit; bus. add., Cameron Ave. and Grand Blvd., do. 2768. 'JAMES HARRISON MORTON A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 14, 1873, Neblow, Mo.; s. W. J. Morton. Deceased. 2769. LEVI MOSIMAN CHiisband of No. 2952; Brother of No. 4822) Mgr., Elec. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 14, 1881, East Peoria; s. David (b. Ag 26, 1844, do.) and Anna (Staker) Mosiman (b. Jl 27, 1850, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Treas., E. E. Soc. ; Eta Kappa Nu; Class Baseball, Mgr. Apprentice West. Elec. Co., 1906-8; Sales Dept.. do., 1908-9; Treas., Morton Light, Heat, and W'ater Co., 1909-12; Mgr., Morton and Fremont Elec. Co., 1912 — . Married Edna Leila Dillon ('07), Je 29, 1910, Urbana. Children: William D., b. My 7, 1913; Eliza- beth A., b. Ap 4. 191 5. Address, Morton, 111. 2770. GRACE PEARL MULBERRY (MULLIKEN) (Wife of No. 1380) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 19, 1881, near Girard, 111.; d. Francis Jarvis (b. N 12, 1838, Ky.) and Sallie Ann (Brown) Mulberry (b. Ja 23, 1851, Stonington. 111.). Prepared in Taylor- ville H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; H. Sc. Club. Taught in Cairo H. S., 1906-10; Robinson H. S., 1910- II. Auth.: Thirty Lessons in Cooking. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Albert Danforth Mulliken ('00), Je 27, 1911, Taylorville, 111. Children: Wallace Mulberry, b. My 18. 1913; Albert Danforth, Jr., b. S 9, 1915. Address, 806 S. Elm St., Champaign. 2771. HENRY BECK MYERS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 17, 1885, Springfield, 111.; s. Frank and Nellie (Holmes) Myers. Prepared in Springfield, H. S. Sigma Nu; Yoxan. With Arnold Co., 1906-8; Bd. of Supervising Engrs., 1908-n; Holabird and Roche, 1911-12; Am. Seating Co., 1912 — . Mar- ried Jessie Dudman, Ag 30, 191 1. Child, John Holmes, b. Ja 17, 19 15. Address, 1609 Estes Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 14 E. Jack- son Blvd., do. 2772. CLARENCE LEONARD NEU Pres., Physicians' Record Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 29, 1884, Chicago; s. Peter W. (b. Je 12, 1846) and Anna M. (Lutz) Neu (b. Ag 24, 1 861). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Pres., Philomathean; Debating Soc; Glee Club; Staff., ///. Mag.; Managing Ed., mini. Adv. Dept., Chicago Daily News, 1906- 7; Educ. Dept., Sheldon Sch. of" Salesmanship, 1907-8; Pres., Physicians' Record Co., 1914 — . Mem., Univ. Club, Chicago; City Club, Chi- cago; Chicago Mendelssohn Club. Address, 538 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 2773. AGNES ELAINE NICHOL (FOSTER) (Sister of Nos. 3125, 3497, 6454, 8622) A. B. in Lib. Sc; b. Jl 5, 1884, Granville, III.; d. E. A. (b. 1852, do.) and Lydia (Greene) Nichol (b. 1858, Jamestown, Ind.). Prepared in Granville H. S.; Denison Univ., 1902-3. Illiola. Asst. in O. St. Lib., 1907-10. Mem., Columbus Lib. Club, 1907-10; Presby. Church; Woman's Club. Married Thomas J. Foster, Je 16, 1910, Urbana. Children: William Le- land, b. Ap 24, 1911; Lawrence E., b. Ag 12, 1912; Anice Elizabeth, b. My 15, 1915. Ad- dress, Monticello, 111. 2774. MARVIN ARTHUR NICHOLS Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. D 29, 1883, Yorkville, 111.; s. John Nichols. Prepared in No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Instr., Sc. Minn. St. Norm. Sch. Address, State Normal School, Mankato, Minn.f 2775- HENRY GEORGE DALLAS NUTTING Consulting Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 14, 1883, Rock Island, 111.; s. Henry A. (b. Mr 20, 1853, Johnsonville, N. Y.) and Kate A. (Parkin) Nutting (b. Ag 14, 1853, Hull, Eng.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S.; Univ. of la., 1901-2. Engng. Soc. Exp. Engr.; Insp., Wis. Pub. Service Comn.; Mgr., Water and Elec. plant.; Dist. Supt., Cent. 111. Pub. Ser- vice Co., 1913-18; Co-nsulting Indus. Engr., Chi- cago, 191 8 — '. Aircraft Production Section. 1918; Mustered out, Mr 1,1919. Auth.: Gas Producer Design, Power; Depreciation, Elec. World; miscellaneous contributions to Elec. World and Elec. Rei'iew. Edited transactions of Wis. Elec. Assn. for two yrs. Mem., Wis. Elec. Assn.; Nat. Elec Light Assn. Married Lenore Lillian Martin. Je 27, 1904, Iowa F'alls, la. Children: Margaret Hadlock, b. S 17, 1908; Katherine Parkin, b. Ag i5, 1910; Jean Alice, b. S 7, 1913. Address, 5454 Glenwood Ave., Chicago. 2776. EDWARD GEORGE OLDEFEST Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 27, 1883, Moline, 111.; s. George (b. Je 25, 1849, Ger.) and Minna (Groth) Oldefest (b. Je 23, 1853 do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Arch. C^lub Delta Kappa Epsilon. Arch. Draftsman, of fices of Arthur Heun, Nimmons & Fellows 1906-7; do., Whitsitt & Drury, Moline, 1907 8; do., Jenney, Mundie & Jensen-Howard Shaw Shattuck & Hussey, 1908-12; with D. H. Burn ham & Co., 1912-14; Shattuck & Hussey, 1915 17; N. Max Dunning, 191 7; Leonard En^ng Co., 1918 — . Auth.: Prize song for 111. Song 26o I'mvkksitv UK Illinois Book, ujoH; wroto aiul pulilisilKHl music ami seorc for "The Mriaiit Eugiiicirs," musical comedy used by (ilcc Club, igii; wrote aud published music and scare of "The Dad of the Undergrad" (with L. K. I'attou) musical couv edy presented by the Student I'nion, ■} 2 pp., iq'ij, Mem., mini Club, Chica^ro; Palette and Chisel Club; Dir., Chicago Arch. Club; Dir., Coll. b>at. Club, Chicago. Address, 47 E. Oak St., Chicago. -■777. MATTIE MAY PAINE (Sister of No. IJ57) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Rosamond, 111.: d. Elijah C. (b. S. Hadley, Mass.) and Sarah (.). (Russell) Paine (b. Sunderland, Mass.). Prepared in Rosemond II. .^.; I'niv. of Calif. Pres., Alethcnai. Prin., Kawaiahao Sem.. Girls' Dept. of the Mid-Pacilic lust., Himolulu, T. Jl. Mem., Con^r. Church; V. \y. C. A.; P. E. O.; Pres., Long Beach City Teachers' Assn., 1915; VVomans' Coll. Club, 1907-18; So. Calif, leachers' Assn., 1906-18; Soc, Workers' Assn., Honolulu, 1918. Ad- dress, 1370 E. ist St., Long Beach, Calif. 2778. ANN ADEMA PALMER (FISHER) A. B. in L. & A.: b. My ■;, 1878, Monticello, 111.; d. Dow (b. Mr 184s, Chenango Forks, N. Y.) and Maria Helle (Thornton) Palmer (b. My 31, 1851, .Vlexander, 111.). Prepared in Monticello IL S. lUiola. Mem., Prcsbv. Church; O. E. S. Married Fred Fisher, Jl I'j, 1906, Monticello, ni. Children: Marian'Kuuice, b. Ag Jl. 1908; Kathryn Dorothy, h. Jl 10. 1913; .\iinabelle Palmer, b. Ap ."4, 1916." ./(/- dress, Edenbower, Douglas Co., Cire. jr7g- ROSALIE MARY PARR (Sister of No. 1943) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. igii; Ph. D., 1916; b. Peoria; d. James (b. do.) and Harriet (Reeve) Parr (b. do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Sigma Xi; Iota Sigma Pi; 11 liola. Asst. in Chem., Univ. of 111., 1900-7; Instr., Se., Howard Payne Coll., 1908-10; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111, 191016; Assoc., Sc, St. Norm., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1916-17; Instr., CJiem., Univ. of 111., 1918—. Auth. : The Response of Philobolus to Light, Aiitials of Bot., 1918. Address, 11 10 W, (!)regon St., L'r bana; bus. add., 3J1 Chem. Bldg., do. 2780. THOMAS ARMSTRONG PEEBLES Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 2, i88->, Edinburgh, Scotland; s. George and Agnes (Armstrong) Peebles. Prepared in Shen- andoah (la.) II. S. and Northwestern Coll. Track, 1904-6; Track Capt., 1906. Erecting Mill. Mach., 190(1-8; Designing special macli., 1908; Stoker Engng, 1908 — . Address, \Vest- inghouse Co., Pittsburgh.! 2781. CURTIN GORDON PEPPER Mech. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 6, 1886, Champaign; s. H. J. (b. 1800, Madison, Ind.) and Catherine (Burgan) Peppier (b. iS(>3. Thornton, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. With Heyl and Peterson, Pittsburgh, 1911. Married Edwitia Sheppard. i9if>, Hunt- ington, W. Va. Address. 1 1 10 W. Hroadwav. Muskogee, Okla.t 17&1. AVIS HORTENSE PERCINAL (FISH BACK) (Wife of No. 3734) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 27, 1885, Savov, in.; d. C. E. and Helen (Dunlap) Percival. Perpared in Urbana II. S. Taught in Milford H. S., 1906-7; Oblong H. S., 1907-8. Married William Murphy Fishback ('09), Ag 22, 1909, Champaign. Child, son, b. Mv 4, 191;. Ad dress. Orange, Calif. f ^783. THOMAS ELMMK PIUPPS Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 18, 1879, Janesville, 111.; s. Napoleon (b. Mr 8, 1851, do.) and Hannah Marie (Neal) Phipps (b. 1854, Dioiia, 111.) Prepared in Valparaiso Coll., Itid., 18981901; B. S., Valparaiso, 1901. Sigma Nu; Sigma Xi; Football. Ues. Engr., Big Four, 1906-7; Asst. Juigr., O. S. L. R. R., Nev., 1907; Chief Draftsman, Milwaukee R. R., 1907- 9; Res. Engr., Milwaukee, 1909-n; l^icating Kngr., S. P. A. L. C. R. R., Port Angeles. Wash., 1911; .\sst. Engr., Milwaukee K. R., 1911 14; Chief Engr, Pub. Service Comn., Wash., 1915. Comn. Capt., Engr. Reserve Corps, 1917: In active service, 1918 — . Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Jennie Coutts Trimwell, E i9> 1913, Seattle. Child, Jane Evelyn, b. F 17, 1917. Address, Governor's Island, New York Citv, c/o Maj. Malthv; bus. add., 834 15th St., Seattle. .■7S4. ALOYS PHILLIP POIROT Engr. and Conlr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 5, 1883, Belleville, 111.- s. Severin (b. U 1, 1845, Lorraine, l-'nince) and Susan (Ciundlach) I'oi- rot (b. Je 30, 185^, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. Instrumentman, W;ibash R. R., 1906-7; Asst. Engr., Mo. Pac R. R., 1907- 8; Engr. and Contr., 1908 — . Mem., K. of C.; B. P. O. E.; A. S. C. E. Address, Belleville, 111. -■785. W11.1..\KD LACY POLLARD Patent Lawyer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 17, 1879, Rozetta, 111.; s. l.ucilius E. (b. 1849, Va.) and Martha Ann Pollard (b. 1848, do.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; LL. B., Nat. I'niv.; M. P. L., George Washington L'niv. r;ui l?et,i Pi; .Sigma Xi. Draftsman, Wau- kesha, XN'is., 1907; Engr., Patent office, Wash- ington D. C, 1908 13: Patent lawyer, Chicago, 1913 — . Auth.: Pollard's Digest Decisions, lohn Bvrne & Co., 191. ■. Married Nellie T. bollard,' S --3. 1009. Children: Willard L., b. My 3, 1911; Benjamin Coleman, b. Ap 23, 1913; Vincent De Paul, b. Ap 27, 1915; Helen Anne, b. .\g j8, 1910 tdied O 7, 1016). Address. 3j6 Dempster St., Evanston, 111. 2786. EDWARD ALEXANDER PORTER Prin., Indian Sch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 18, 1878, Momence, 111.; s. Carson (b. F i, 185(1, Naples, N. Y.) and Ellen (Richard- son) Porter (b. 1858, near Grant Park, 111.). Prepared in Momence IL S.; Univ. Acad. .\gr. Club. Prin. of IL S., Sheldon, III., 1906- 07; do., Morocco, Ind., 190809; do.. Effing- ham, 111., 1909-10; Expert F"armer in LL b. Indian Service, Okla., igio-u; in charge of work among the Five Tribes of Okla., 1912-14; Prin., Cliilocco Indian .\gr. Sch., 1914 — . Mar- ried Bessie Annetta McKee, .\g ib, igo.";, Mo- mence, 111. Children: Beatrice A., b. Jl 25, 1906 (died Ja 26, 1907); I'reda Virginia, b. Ja 26, 1908. Address, Cliilocco, Okla. 2787. JAMES ALBERT PORTER I'rin.. 11. S.; .\. B. in L. & A.; b. F n, 1S76, I.ovington, 111.; s. Moses (b. F 2, 1833, Dun- bar, Pa.) and ^L^ry A. (Nelson) Porter (b. 1836, Brooklvn, N. Y.). Prepared in Areola H. S.; Eureka Coll. Adelphic; Eng. Club; Prelim. Honors. Supt. Fairlield City Schs., 1906-11; Prin., Benton Tp. H. S., 191 1 and 1912. .-Iddress, Areola. lU.t 2788. N. RAYMOND PORTERFIELD ( Brother of Nos. 3517, .5877) Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 16. 1885, Sidnev, 111.; s. Millard F. (b. F 15, 1849, Worthington, Pa.) ami Belle J. (Cole) Porter- tleld (b. Ag 28, i8(>2, Worthington, Mass.). Prepared in Fairmont H. S. Engr. with D. L. and W. R. R., Scranton, Pa. and Hoboken, l()OCi P) Arc A f.A I IREATE A I.U M N I 261 N. .1., i<;(»6 11; I'.ngr. for licrks Co., Fa., njii- i.;; Contr., Coiicicti- Uridges, dams, etc.. New York City and Yoiingstown, O., 1912-18. Ad- dress, 226 N. Phelps St., Youngstnwn, O. ; bt^.). Pre- pared in Corydon il. S.; Hamilton Coll., Lex- ington, Ky. .\. M., Columbia, 1914. Engng. (.'lub. Teaching in IL .S., Hrookton, Ind., 1906- 9; Linton, Ind., 1909-13; Henderson, Ky., 1914- 15; Head of Latin Dcpt., ICast Liverpool, ()., 1915 — . Mem., Y. W. C. A.; Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Address, 507 Wal- nut St., East r^iverpool, (). 2791. RALPH MARBI.K PRAY (Husband of No. 3043) Banker and Real Est. Dealer; A. H. in L. & A.; b. Ag 20, 1884, Chicago; s. Francis E. (1). 1845, Panama, N. Y.) and I'hoebc (Marble) Pray (b. 1851, Galena, 111.). I'repared in Aus- tin IL S. Real Est., Loans, Ins. and Banking, 1906 — . Married Louise Huse ('07). Ja 15, 190S, Mason City, Jll. Children: Lee Huse, b. D 26, 1908; Ralph Huse, b. Ap i,s. 19 10; Richard Huse, b. My 6, 191 i ; Peggy Tluse. b. V 25, 191 5. Address, 822 Cidumbian Ave., Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 42C N. Parkside Ave., Chicago. 2792. JOHN WALTER PREIIIS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 16, 1884, Martinsville, III.; s. Carl (b. O 25, 1854, Ober Glogaw, Sil- esia, Ger.) and Regula (Eglie) Preihs (b. D 24, 1863, Haslem, Switzerland). Prepared in Sandoval II. S.; Brown's Cml. Coll. Witen- agemote Court; Egy|)tian Club; Thela Kappa Nu. I-awycr; Master in Chancery, 1907-9; City Atty., Pana, 1909-15; Practicing law, 1915 — . Address, McCoy Bldg., Pana, Ill.t 2793- OSCAR JOHN PUTTING Asst. Atty. Gen. of 111.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 8, 1883; s. William F. and Ida (Klaus) Putting. Ailelphic; Debating Team. Atty. at Law, Sjiringfield, 111.; Asst. St. Atty., Sanga- mon ('o., i9i''i-!8; Asst. Atty. (ien., St. of 111., 1918 — . Married Helen M. Swanberg, O 31, 1907, loliet. 111. Address, 129 N. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111. 2794. CHARLES EDWARD RAPP Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 18, 1883, Jacksonville, III.; s. Thomas II. and Clara J. (Rutledee) Rapp. Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Delta Upsilon. Operating Dept., Am. Bridge Co. Married Genevieve Lenora Dartt, D 28, 1008, Montello, Wis. Address, 4569 Oaken wald Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1320 Cml. Nat. Bank Bldg., do.^ 2795. LESTER EDWARD REIN Sec. and Asst. Treas.; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. Mr II, 1884, Chicago; s. Edward Charles (b. Je I, 1859, do.) and Grace Anne (Lester) Rein (b. O 19, 1859, Mt. Carroll, 111.). Pre- pared ill CliK.igo i:iig. High and Man. Tr. II. S. .\lpha Tail Omega. With The Arnold Co., Chicago, one yr. ; Asst. Treas. and Sec, Pruilic I'-lush Tank Co. Married Sigiie Elin Anderson, Je 1, 1912, Stockholm, Sweden. Address, 4241 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago. .■7')(.. CHARLES CLYDE RICH (Brother of Nos. 3153, 5896) .\icliilect; li. S. in Arch.; b. O i, 1881, Melamora, 111.; s. .\lbert R. (b. S 22, 1845, do.) an Stevens (.'80), (b. 1859, Champaign). Prepared in Logansport (liid.) H. S. Kappa Alpha iheta; Phi Delta Psi; Final Honors. Teacher, F^air- held H. S., 1906-7; Elburn, 111., 1907-11; Gen. Asst., Univ. of 111., Lib., 1912-15. Marriea Ernest James Reece, Ag 21, 1915, Mahomet, 111. .-Idarcss, 23 Concord Ave., White Plains, N. Y. 2831. OSWALD FREDERICK STRAUCH (Brother of Nos. 3566, 3986, 3987, 5444) Mach. and Ranchman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 12, 1879, Chadwick, ill.; s. A. A. (b. J a 1, 1854, Oer.) and Margaret (Queckborner) Strauch (b. F 8, 1856, 111.). Prepared in Chadwick H. S. Tcchnograph Bd. Draftsman, 1906-8; Sur., 1908-10; Macn. and Kanchuian, 1910 — . Married Helen Stevenson, J a 2, 1915, VVaverly, Pa. Children: William Oswald, D. O 31, 1916; Robert Stevenson, b. D 22, 1917. .-laaress, KiUam, Alberta, Can. 2832. MYRTLE STRAWN (Sister of No/ 1599) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 13, 1879, Albion. 111., d. Halbert Jacob (b. My 10, i847> Perryopohs, Pa.) and Cassandra (Harris) Strawn (b. Mr 30, 1851, Grirtin, Ind.). Prepared in So. Coll. xnst. and Austin Coll. Address, Albion, Ill.t 2833. JULIAN WILLIS STROMBERG Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 30, 1883, Stoughton, Wis.; s. J. A. (b. Whitewater, Wis.) and Sotie (Wettleson) Stromoerg (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. bch. Alpha Delia Phi. Ry. Location and Const. Engr., west coast of Me.x., 1906-9; Mgr., Chicago Branch Clinton Wire Cloth Co., 1909 — . Mem.. A. S. C. E. Married Jessie A. Tull, S 7. 1908, Farmer City, 111. Address, 919 East 6ist St., Ciiicago; bus. add., 342 River St., dy.t 2834. RALPH STILLMAN STRONG Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 23, 1882, Chicago; s. Albert Bliss (b. My 22, 1854, Mendon, 111.) and Ida (Cook) Strong (b. Mr 12, 1855, Chicago). Prepared in West Div. H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Delta Tau Delta. mini Bd. With Sullivan Mach. Co., Joplin, Mont.; Woodbury Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; Bucvrus Mfg. Co., do. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, 315 W. Grove Ave, Oak Park, lU.T 2835. CLIFFORD BRADLEY SUTTLE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 2, :883, Lincoln, 111.; s. Robert Filmore (b. Franklin, Ky.) and Mary (Stowe) Suttle (b. Koine, Eng.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. With J. A. & E. S. Cole, Consulting Engrs., 1906-9; Civ. Engr. and Asst. to the Pres. and Treas., Tampa Water Works Co.; Macon Gas Light & Water Co., and Asst. Sec, Radford Iron Co., 190Q-14; Engr. and Asst. Treas. Tampa Water Works Co., Philadelphia, 1914 — Married Lydia Cox, S 14, 1910, Kenney, 111 Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Ap 20, 1912. Ad dress, 1007 S. 46t'i St.. Philadelphia; bus. add. 902 Provident Bald., do. 2836. HARMON VEEDER SWART Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N s, 1883, Agusta, 111.; s. Alfred S. and Melvina J. (Mc- Guilvery) Swart. Prepared in Lewiston H. S. Psi Upsilon; Pres. Freshman Class. Mech. Engr., Logansport, Ind., 1907-9; do., Columbus, O., 1909-10; do., Panama, 1910-11; High Bridge, N. J., 191 1; do., East Orange, N. J., 1912 — . Mem., Rotary Club, N. Y. City; Pres.. mini Club of New York City. Married Mar- garet D. Coen. S 26, 1908, Normal, 111. Chil- dren: Charlotte V., b. My 9, 191 1; Virginia, b. Je 19, 1915; Phillip A., b. Ap 9, 1917. Ad- dress. 605 E. Broad St., Westfield, N. J.; bus. add., 19 Liberty St., New York City. 2837. *THOMAS VARENCE TAYLOR, JR. Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 22, 1878, Moberly, Mo.; s. Thomas W. Taylor. Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Lawyer with Hacker, Carbondale, 111., 1907. Died F 9, 1909, Urbana. 2838. MOSES EDGAR THOMAS Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 10, 1883, Homer. 111.; s. M. C. Thomas. Prepared in Case Sch. App. Sc, Cleveland. Struct. Engr., D wight P. Robinson & Co., New York City. Address, c/o Dwight P. Robinson & Co., 61 I'roadway, New York City. 2839. ESTELLE THOMPSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 3, 1882, Prairie Home, 111.; d. James G. (b. S 28, 1841, Center Co., Pa.) and Sarah Ellen (Furey) Thompson (b. My 29, 1846, Pleasant Gap, Pa.). Prepared in Knox Coll. Acad.; Univ. Acad. Address, 764 W. Macon St., Decatur, Ill.t 2840. »WILLARD NATHAN TOBIE Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 26, 1871, El Paso, 111.; s. Ira Wadley (b. Ap 30, 1844. Pekin, 111.) and Mary Ann (Storey) Tobie (b. S 6, 1850, Donnington, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Prepared in Hastings (Neb.) H. S.; Leland Stanford, Jr., 1892-3; Cornell Univ., 1903-.S. Auth. : Our English Bible — How We Got It, 72 pp., 1905; At the Beautiful Gate of the Church, 63 pp., Jennings and Graham, 1909; Two Beautiful Prayers, 99 PP-. Jennings and Graham, 1903; Reason and Faith in Religion, Methodist Review, Vol. LXXXV., 1903; The Temptation of Jesus, do. Vol. LXXXVI, 1994; numerous other articles on religious topics. Mem., Conference B. Examiners, 111. Conf. M. E. Church. Married Mamie Elizabeth Wright, Ag 18, 1897, Bloomington, 111. Chil- dren: Esther, b. Ap 5, 1899; Helen, b. Ja 15, 1901. Died D 9, 1917, Grand Junction, Colo. 2841. BEN TOMLINSON With Lumber Co.; A. B. in L. & A. ; A. M., 1907; b. Je 29, 1886, Whitestown, Ind.; s. leander W. (b. O 5. 1863, do.) and Minnie Florence (Booher) Tomlinson (b. Ap 12, 1886, do.). Prepared in Lebanon H. S.; Univ. Acad. Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford; Scholarship in French, 1906-7; Final Honors; Pres., Le Cercle igc6l Baccai.aukeate Ami mni 265 Frangais; I)er Deutsche Verein; ■ Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Hist., Princeton, 191011; Pri- vate Tutoring, 1911-12; with East Lumber Co., 1915. Capt., 320th Inf., U. .S. A.; Major, Bat. A. 320th F. A., A. E. F., I'" ranee, 1918; Mus- tered out, F 10, 1919. Address, 818 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, Md. 2842. GEORGE NOBLE TOOPS (Brother of No. 3578) Civ. Engr.; 15. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 30, 1877, Seymour, 111.; s. M. S. and S. T. (Long) Toops. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, c/o Mo., Okla. and Gulf Ry., Muskogee, Okla.t 2843. *ALMON IRA TOWLE B. S. in M. E.; b. O 31. 1882, Hennepin, 111.; s. J. P. Towle. Prepared in Peoria H. S. Died Je 30, 1908, Copper Hill, Tenn. 2844. MARY LILLIAN TRIMBLE (Sister of No. 2269) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ottumwa, la.; d. William (b. Ja 22, 1832, Conconnell, Ire- land) and Anna M. (Malone) Trimble (b. S 8, 1840, Tremont, 111.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Home Econ. Address, lie S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. 2845. VERA TURELL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 21, 1884, Champaign; d. George Augustus (b. F 23, 1850, (Jhelsea, Mass.) and Lily Bell (Knapp) Turell (b. Jl 4, 1857, Winchester, 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. A. M., Radcliffe, 1912. Pi Beta Phi; Eng. Club. Teacher, H. S., Neoga, 1907-9; H. S., Oakland, 1909-11; Teacher, H. S., Champaign, 191 2 — . Address. 412 Hill St., Champaign. 2846. DOLLIE IRENE TURNER (THOMAS). A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 20, 1875, Elk City, Kan.; d. Amaziah (b. 1843, Marion Co., O.) and Mary Elizabeth (Blunk) Turner (b. 1854, Clay City, Ind.). Prepared in Penn. Coll. Pres., Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Prin., Lacon H. S., 1906-8. Married Marion Shelby Thom- as, N II, 1908, Buckley, 111. Child, Marion Jessup, b. O 31, 1910. Address, 611 E. 32nd St., Indianapolis.t 2847. HELEN JANE VAN METER (ALYEA) (Sister of No. 2532) B. S. in Arch.; b. O 13, 1875, Champaign Co.; d. Marion Lafayette (b. 1832, Brecken- ridge Co., Ky.) and Marian Julia (Bell) Van Meter (b. 1832, Meade Co., Ky.). Prepared in El Paso H. S. Married Clarence Jonathan Alyea, O 10, 1906, Tolono, 111. Address, EI Paso, Ill.t 2848. ED OWEN WAGONER Surety Agt. ; LL. B. ; b. N 28, 1881, Elliott, 111.; s. William Samuel (b. Mr 26, 1845, Athens, 111.) and Martha Ellen (McCoy) Wagoner (b. Mr 1854, Chatham, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Career Coll., Hoopeston, III., 1898-9. Delta Upsilon; V. P., Fresh. Class. With Am. Surety Co., New York, 1907-8; Am. Bonding Co., Baltimore, 1908-13; Supt. of Agencies, Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., 1913 — . Mem., mini Club, Chicago. Married Anna Theodocia Bridges, Ap 22, 1909. Cham- paign. Address, 54S6 Kenmore .*\ve., Chicago; bus. add., 637 Ins. Exchange, do. 2849. KARL DOUGLAS WALDO H. S. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 13. 1885, Rockford, III.; s. Henry Dwight (b. Ap 22, 1857) and Lettie Grace (Douglas) Waldo (b. Mr 8, 1864). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Philomathean; Theta Nu Epsilon; Pol. Sc. Club; Var.sily Football; Swimming and Polo Teams; Capt., Football and Baseball Teams; all class quarterback; Ath. Ed., IlUo. Teacher, 1906-10; Supt. Schs., 1910-14; Prin., East Side Aurora H. S., 1914 — . Auth. : Tobacco Sta- tistics of Sycamore H. S., Sch. News, igio; Reading Tests in Sycamore H. S., Elem. Sch. Jour., 1914. Married Olive Burton Byers, Ag 24, 1909, Sycamore, 111. Children: Robert Henry, b. Jl 30, 191 1; Douglas Byers, b. Ag 30, 1913. Address, 1 N. State St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add.. East Side H. S., do. 2850. EDWARD RODNEY WALSH A. B.; b. I) 3, 1884, Springfield; s. J. II. Walsh. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Address, 424 Sherman .\ve., Elgin, Ill.t -'85 r. MABEL WAMSLEY (BOWER-DOLE) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 14, 1884, Mattoon, 111.; d. George Madison (b. 1856, Decatur, 111.) and Nancy Elizabeth (Osbern) Wamsley (b. Je 10, 1859, Mattoon, 111.). Pre- pared in Mattoon H. S. Sigma Kappa; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Tolono H. S., 1906; Asst. Prin. do., 1906-7; Teacher, Hist., LIrbana H. S.. 1908-9; do., Hot Springs. Ark., 1914-16. Mem., Presby. Church; Assn. Coll. .Mumnae; Alumni Assn. Univ. of 111.; State Hist. Soc; Nat. Geog. Soc; Woman's Club, Champaign-L'rbana; 111. State Fed. of Woman's Clubs; O. E. S.; Pres. Tolono Dom. Sc. Club; Sec, Tolono Reading Club. Married Albert Scott Bower. Mr 31, 1909, Mattoon, III.; Joseph C. Dole, F 7, 1917. Mattoon, 111. Address, Tolono, Ill.f 2852. WALTER BAIN WARDER Attorney at Law; A. B. ; LL. B., 1908; b. D 19, 1882, Vienna, 111.; s. Walter (b. Ap 7, 1851, Maysville, Ky.) and Dora (Bain) Warder, (b. Ja 24, 1854, Vienna, 111.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; English Club; Egyptian Club. Address. 2315 Holbrook Ave., Cairo, 111.; bus. add.. No. I Gilbert Block, do.'\ 2853. FLORENCE WARNER (BUSHNELL) (Sister of No. 1610) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; d. Nathan C. (b. 1856. Prophetstown, 111.) and Eupheinia H. (Dias) Warner (b. 1858, Lafayette, Ind.). Pre- pared in Prophetstown H. S. ; Knox Acad. Pi Beta Phi. Lib. Cataloger, Kan. St. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1907-12. Married Leland David Bushnell, S 5, 1912, Prophetstown, 111. .Address, 1414 Humboldt St., Manhattan, Kan. 2854. 'CHARLES ALVA WASHBURN Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 24, 1884, .Muncie, UK; s. W'illard Albert and Mary Alice (Cass) Washburn. Prepared in Fairmount H. S. With Deere & Co., 1906-9; Mgr., Union Malleable Iron Co., 1909 — . Married Fay Porter, S 14, 1910, Moline, 111. Died 1915. 2855. 'OSCAR S. WATKINS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.: b. S 18, 1883. Danville, 111.; s. William James (b. Ap 2, 1850, Pottsville, Pa.) and Nancy Alice (Min- ick) Watkins (b. F 9, 1851, Covington, Ind.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Chem. and French Clubs; Alpha Chi Sigma; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Ath. Assn. Asst. Chem., Hort., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1906-11; Assoc. Chem., do., 1911 — . Auth.: A Homem.ade Drying Oven, Jour. A. C. S.; Summary of Spraying Experi- ments for 1900-19 10, ///. St. Hort. Soc. Rpt. Mem., A. C. S.; Nat. Geog. Soc; A. A A. S (Fellow). Married Grace Lucile Sinclair, S 14, 1910, Indianapolis. Children: William Sinclair, b. Je 2, IQ12; Marjory, b. Ap 21, I9M. Died, F 19, 1919. Danville. lU. 266 Univeusity ok Illinois [ic)c6 2856. HERBERT JOSEPH WEAVER Const. Engr.; 15. S. in E. E.; b. Ja, 18S3, Fairbury, 111.; s. H. W. Weaver. Prepared in Wheaton H. S. E. E. Soc.; Eta Kappa Nu; Delta Kappa Epsilon. With I. T. S., Decatur, 111.; Pub. Service Co., No. 111., Chicago; H. M. Byllesby & Co., do.; Universal Portland Ce- ment Co., do. Married Maybelle S. Hall, Ag 15, 1914. Address, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. 2857. ANNA VAN DEREN WEBB (BARTO) (Wife of No. 2576) A. B. in Sc; b. O 21, 1883, Colorado River Agency, Ariz.; d. Christopher Columbus (b. Jl 9, 1848, Madisonville, Tenn.) and Mary Frances (Van Deren) Webb (b. S 30, 1856, Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Charleston IT. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1902-4; Univ. of Ind., summer, 1903. Taught in Momence H. S., 1906-10. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Phillip Stephan Barto ('06), Je 6, 1910. Charles- ton. 111. Children: John Webb, b. Ag 20, 191;; Nathanael \'an Deren, b. Ja lo, 1913; Virginia Stephan, b. S 17, 1915; Winifred Frost, b. N 28, 1917. Address, 5539 Beller St., Pittsburgh. 2858. ROY FRANKLIN WEBSTER Teacher; A. P. in L. & A., IQ06; b. O 8, 1880, Walshville, 111.; s. George H. and Martha (Forehand) Webster. Prepared in St. Norm. Univ. Teacher, H. S.. Elgin, 1906-09; Teacher, Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago, 1909 — . Married Ethel M. Hubbard, Jl 29 1912, Elgin, 111. Ad- dress, 820 Addison St., Chicago. 2859. SAMUEL H.\RVEY WEBSTER Professor; A. li. in L. & A.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 28, 1869, Rutan, Pa.; s. Samuel Knight andf Nancy (Higginbotham) Webster. Pre- pared in Prep. Dcpt., Waynesburg, Pa., Coll.; A. B., Wavnesburg Coll., 1893; Stanford Univ., 1903-4. Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi. Transit- man and Chief of party in Reclamation work along Miss. Riv., 1906; Instr., C. E., Okla. Agr. Coll.. Stillwater, Okla.. 1906-7; Assoc. Prof., C. E., do., 1907; Prof., C. E., R. I. St. (ioll., 1907 — . Address, Kingston, R. I. 3860. LEILA MAUDE WEILEPP (MUSSELMAN) B. L. S.; b. N 10, 1883, Cisco, 111.; d. Francis Sigel (b. Je i, 1862, Blue Mound, 111.) and Ada (Nagel) Weilepp (b. O 27, 1S61. Oakley, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. In Univ. of Wis. Lib., 1906-7. Married Virgil George Mussel- man, S 24, 1908, Decatur, 111. Children: Mary Louise, b. Ap 23. 1910; Virgil George, b. Mr 12, 1914; Leila Janet, b. N 20, 1915; Ruth Elizabeth, b. Jl 5. ")i7- Address, 2220 Hamp- shire St., Quincy, 111. 2861. REGINALD ELLIS WELLS B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 8, 1S81, Syracuse, N. v.; s. N. A. Wells. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, 126 3rd St.. Jackson, Mich.t 2862. MARY MARGARET WHEELER (BENNETT) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 5, 18S4, Grant Park, 111.; d. Herbert (b. D 4, 1851, New York) and .\nna Matilda (Herbert) Wheeler (b. My 7, i860, Monee, 111.). Prepar- ed in Kankakee H. S. M. D.. Coll. of P. and S., 1909. Girls' Glee Club; Ger. Club; Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A.; Alpha Epsilon Iota. Mar- ried Mvron E. Bennett. M. D., S 6, 1909. Grant Park, 111. Children: Margaret Eleanor, b. Ap 9, 1913; Barbara Jeane, b. D 24, 1915- Address, Wilbur, W^ash. 2S63. ROBERT HOADLEY WHIPPLE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 18, 1883, Derby, Conn.; s. Henry S. (b. D 8, 1856, do.) and Mary (Hoadley) Whipple (b. Je 8, i860, d_o.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Class Football, Capt. In Maintenance of Way Dept., Pa. R. R., 1907; Estimate-man, So. Pac. R. R., 1907; Engr. in charge of const, work for Am. C^as Co., Philadelphia, 190S-13; Asst. Engr., Am. Gas Co., do., 1913-1S. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E.; Philadel- !ihia Consistory 320; Tu Tu Temple; A. A. O. X. M. Shrine. Address, 5032 Walnut St.. Philadelphia; bus. add.. Am. Gas Co., do. 2S64. EDNA NOBLE WHITE Professor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Je 3, Fairmount, 111.; d. A. L. (b. N 3, 1849, Logan, O.) and Angeline E. (Noble) White (b. Ag 2, 18^7, (Ireencastle, Ind.). Prepared in Fairmount H. S.: Univ. Acad. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Upsilon Omieron. Taught in Danville H. .S., 190O-8; do., Lewis Inst., 1908; Assoc. Prof., O. St. Univ., 1908-13; Prof, and Head of Dept. and Supvr. Home Econ. Ext., 1913 — . In charge of Food Conservation, O. Branch, Council of Nat. Defense; Home Econ. Dir., O. Food Adm. Auth. : A Study of Foods, with Wardall, Guin & Co., 1914; Bills, on Meats, igio; Meat Substitutes, 1918; Outline Teach- ing Food Conservation 1918; in charge of pre- paration and editing of all Food Bui. of Exten. Dept.; many short articles for papers and mag. of O. Mem., Am. Home Econ. Assn. Council; Cheni., do., 1916-17; Home Econ. Sec- tion Central Assn. Sc. and Math. Teachers; A. A. .\. S.; D. A. R.; Grange; Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. ,Sc. Address, 1578 Neil Ave., Col- umbus; bus. add.. Home Econ. Bldg., O. St. Univ., do. . MAIIALA JANE WHITE A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 21, 1880, 111.; d. Monroe (b. Ag 9, 1S45, do.) Elizabeth (Hall) White (b. Ag 28 Prepared in Charleston H. S. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Lcxing do., H. S., Phoenix. Ariz., 1908-10 , Jerome, Ariz., 1909; do., H. S 912-14; do., Chicago, 1914-18 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Ad 2865. Teacher; Charleston, and Marv 18; >, do.) Ch irleston ton H. S.; do., IT. S. .Mattoon, 1 dress, 4160 2866. CHARLES W^ILLIAM W^HITTEN (Brother of No, 4975) Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 6. 1871, Stark Co., 111.: s. William Henry (b. D _-5, 1819, N Y.) and Ellen (Schuyler) Whitten (i). O 13, 1830, Morristown, N. J.)- Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Asst. in Sc, No. 111. St. Norm. .Sch., 1906-9; Prof., Phys and Chem., Jo., 1909-16; Prin., DeKalb Tp. IT. S., 1916 — . Assoc. Ed., Sixth Yearbook, N. 111. Supts. and Prins. Assn. Auth.: An Outline Course of Study on a Scientific Basis. Mem., Congr. Church; 111. St. Teachers' Assn.; 111. School- masters Club; No. 111. Supts. and Prins. Assn.; N. E. .-v. Married Henrietta Leigh, F 14, 1893 (died O 12, i9oi~); Jessie Helene Cunningham, Je 7, 1904. Children: Jennie Alma, b. Ja 3, 1894; Mabel Doris, b. My 9, 1896. Address, DeKalb, 111. 2S67. LAURANCE EGAR WILKINSON (Brother of No. 3231) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 22, 1886, Hamilton, N. Y. ; s. James Edward (b. F 9. 185S, Lawrence, Mass.) and Abbie Jennie Merril (Egar) Wilkinson (b. O 22, 1861, Be- loit, WMs.). Prepared in St. Albans Sch.; Cliampaign H. S. Final honors. Draftsman, W. A. Otis, Arch., 1906-8; with J. M. White, 1908-9; Perkins, Fellows, Hamilton Co., .\rchs. Mem., Com. Church of the Redeemer; Chicago .\rch. Club; City Club of Chicago. Address, 5724 Harper Ave., Chicago.! 1907J Baccalaureate Alumni 267 2868. LEONARD E. WISE (Brother of No. 2292.) Lumber Dealer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. F 3, 1883, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. Jacob (b. D 28, 1844, Delphi, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Kuns) Wise (b. Ap 17, i8ss, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Bement and Decatur H. Schs. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Zeta; Capt., Univ. Regt. Office Mgr., William H. Wise & Co., 1906-8; Lumber dealer. Rocky Ford and Timpas, Colo. Pres. Ark. Val' ley Pan-Hellenic Club; Pres., Rocky Ford Indus. Assn. Married Ethol Dudley, Je 16. 1909, Decatur, 111. Children Esther Dudley, b. Ja 9, 1912 (died Ja i8, 1912); Henrietta Dudley, b. Ap 24, 1914. Address, Rocky Ford, Colo. 2869. LEWIS HUNGERFORD WOOD Teacher; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 8, 1884, Lansing, Mich.; s. Martin E. and Harriet V. (Hungerford) Wood. Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Draftsman, Ber- lin Machine Works, Beloit, Wis., 1908; Instr., Mech. Drawing, Univ. of Wis., 1908-11; Man. Tr. Teacher, Grand Rapids, 1911-12; Dir., Continuation Schs., Beloit, Wis., 1912-16; Supvr., Indus. Tr. and Night Schs., Sioux City, IQ16 — . Married Hazel Appleby, Je 13, 191 1, Madison, Wis. Address, 815 Jackson St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add.. Office of Board of Education, City Bldg., do. 2870. EARL BELMONT WOODIN (Brother of No. 3241) Struct. Steel Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 30, 1882, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Thomas Jef- ferson (b. S 4. 1841, Catlin, 111.) and Carrie Ann (Hunt) Woodin (b. O 8, 1853, Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in St. Joseph H. S.; No. 111. Norm. Sch. Dixon, 111.; A. M., Marion Bus. Univ. Tau Beta Pi. Struct. Steel Drafts- man, Ambridge Plant. Drawing Room of Am. Bridge Co., 1906-9; Lassig Plant, Chicago, 1909; Engng. Dept., C. M. & S. P. R. R., 1909-11; Purdy Henderson, 191 1; Lassig Plant, Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1911-13; Am. Plant A. B. Co., 1913-14- Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chi- cago, 1914; C. E. Pratt Consulting Engr., 1914- 15; Am. Bridge Co., Ambridge, 1915 — . Home Defense Police of Pa., Ja, 19 18. Married Grace Mast, Ag 20, 1907, Urbana. Child, Gwendolyn (5race, b. D 24, 1909. Address, 502 Maplewood Ave., Ambridge, Pa.; bus. add.. Am. Bridge Co., do. 2871. XENIA MAY WOOLMAN (WORTHEN) (Wife of No. 2298; Sister of Nos. 5507, 8076, 8077) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 21, 1885, Terre Haute, Ind.; d. Albert Jefferson (b. My 20, 1861, Vernon, Ind.) and Daura (Campbell) woolman (b. Ag 17, 1865, do.). Prepared in Central H. S., Duluth, Minn. Alethenai; Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A., Pres.; Delta Gamma: Phi Beta Kappa. Married Edmund Louis Worthen ('04), N s, igoS, Urbana. Children: R 6763) Sec. and Treas., Gas Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 16, 1886, Saunemin, 111.; s, George W. and Anna Augusta (Gray) Brooks (b. F 22, 1852, Forrest, 111.). Prepared in Saunemin H. S.; Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga. Kappa Sigma; E. E. Soc. ; A. I. E. E. ; Varsity base- ball, 1904-6; Varsity football, 1905-6. Cadet Engr., Denver Gas &■ Elec. Co., 1907-g; Book- keeper, Massillon Elec. & Gas Co., 1909-10; Sec. and Treas., Bristol Gas & Elec. Co., 1910-12; Mgr., Elec. & Gas Co., Massillon, O., I >i2-i4; Sec. & Treas., Lorain Co. Elec. Co., •C14-16; do.. Consolidated Cities Service Cos., Mansfield, O., 1916-17; do., Oil and Gas prop- erties, Wooster, O., 1917-18. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Jovian Order: N. E. L. A.; Natural Gas Assn.; B. P. O. E. Married Jane King, N 9, 1909, Chicago. Child, Margaret Ann, b. Ja 29, 1916. Address, Wooster, O.; bus. add., c/o Medina Gas and Fuel Co., do. 2917. EARL CLARENCE BROWN Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 28, 188s, Trilla. 111.; s. Edward Seymour (b. F 27, 1864, Farmington, 111.) and Stella B. (Beals) Brown (b. Ja 5, 1866, Trilla. 111.). Prepared in Charleston H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; C. E. Club; Pres., Soph. Class. Drafts- man, 1907-8; Contr. Engr., Decatur Bridge Co.. 1908-12; Dir., do., 1913 — . Married Ethel Vir- ginia Starr, D 18, 1907, Charleston, 111. Chil- dri (i: Elizabeth Starr, b. My 2, 191 1; Edward Starr, b. Ag 29, 1913. Address, 320 W. Will- iam St., l5ecatur. 111.; bus. add., Decatur Bridge Co., do. 2918. RUTH ELIZABETH BROWN Secretary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 22, 1883. Morrison, 111,; d. Orville Hodges (b. Mr 27, 1847, Schoharrie Co., N. Y.) and Anna Belle (Mackey) Brown (b. 1850, Picton, Nova Scotia). Prepared in North Dixon H. S. Teacher, Amboy, 111., 1907-8; do., Morrison, 111., 1909-10; do., Geneseo, 111., 1911-12; Sec, 1915 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 1 42 1 Peoples Gas Bldg., Dixon, HI. 29:9. FLORENCE WINGFIELD BULLOCK (Sister of Nos. 1313, 3663, 3664, 3665) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Eureka, 111.; d. Wingfield Minor (b. O 24, 1836, Eureka. 111.) and Mary Marsalenia (McCullough) Bul- lock (b. Ag 26. 1850, Germantown, W. Va.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. LTniv. ; East. 111. Norm. Sch. A. M., Columbia Univ., 1914. Grad. Stud., L'niv. of Chicago. 1914. Scholarship. Teacher, LeRoy, 1907-10; El Paso. 1910-11; Lewiston. Idaho, 1011-12; Head of Hist. Dept., St. Norm. .Sch., Ellenshurg, Wash., 1912-15; Teacher, Central Coll., Conway, Ark., 1915-16; 111. St. Norm. L'liiv., summer terms, 1914, 1915, 1916; Reedley Joint Union H. S., Reedley, Calif., 1916 — . Address, Reedley, Calif. 2920. RALPH MARKS BURKHALTER Pub. Service Commissioner; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 27, 1885, Maquon, 111.; s. William and Clara (Beard) Burkhalter. Prepared in Peoria H. S. Adelphic; Scholarship; Varsity Track. With P. R. R. East River Tunnel, N. v., 1907-.9; George W. Jackson, Inc.. Chicago, 1909-11; C. M. Neeld, Const. Co., Pittsburgh, 1911-12; George W. Jackson, Yonkers, N. Y., 1912; Alabama Power Co., Birmingham, Ala., 1912-14;^ Pub. Service Commissioner, First Dist., N. Y., 1 914 — . Married Anna Henry, Je 12, 1912, Pittsburgh. Child, Clara, b. Je 24, 1916. Address, 383 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Pub. Service Comn., 50 Court St., do. 2921. EDNA SOPHIA BURNHAM Manager; A. B. in Sc; b. N 27, 1876, Cort- land, N. v.; d. Shepard C. (b. O 6, 1850, East Homer, N. Y.) and Anna Jane (Griffeth) Burnham. b. Mr 20, i85i5. do.). Prepared in Di.xon H. S.; Cortland Norm. Sch., N. Y.; L'niv. of Chicago, 1912-13. Final Honors. Teacher, Mattoon, 111., 1907-11; do., Naper- ville, 1911-12; Lunchroom Mgr., Chicago, 1913 — • Address, 6527 University Ave., Chi- cago. 2922. DEANE BURNS (Brother of Nos. 3671, 4579) Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Mr 16, 1884, Washington, la.; s. James Clinton (b. S 13, 1850, Harvey, Pa.) and Ida Jane (Carey) Burns (b. Ja 18, 1856, Xenia, O.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm., 1902- 3. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Chem. Club. Analytical Chem., Corn Products Re- fining Co., 1907-10; Chem., Asst. Dir. of Lab., Nat. Carbon Co., Cleveland, 1910-15; Chem. Engr., Harshaw Fuller & Goodwin Co., Cleve- land, 1915—. Mem.. A. C. S.; A. S. C. E.; A. I. C E. Married Phyllis Elizabeth Grosh, S 3, 1908, Loraine, 111. Child, Llarold Deane, b. Jl 2, 1910. Address, 119 Center St., Elyria, 2923. ELIZABETH HELEN BURNSIDE Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. F 10, 1882, Oska- loosa, la.; d. William (b. Je 4, 1842, London- derey, O.) and Hannah Amelia (Henderson) Burnside (b. Jl 14, 1846, New Concord, O.). Prepared in Oskaloosa (la.) H. S.; Pa. Coll., 1902-5. Phi Delta Psi. Lib. Organizer, Oska- loosa, la.; Li1)n., Bradley Poly. Inst.; Ore. Pub. Lib.; Morningside Coll. Lib.; Libn., Bradley Poly. Inst. Lib., 1909-11; Acting Libn., Oskaloosa Pub. Lib., 1911 — . Address, End of "C" Ave,. East Oskaloosa, la. 2924. ALBERT HARVEY BURTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 23, 1872, Cisne, 111.; s. B. F. (b. Ap 28, 1843, Rochester, O.) and Homah Jane (Carpenter) Burton (b. N 12, 1843, Calais, Monroe Co., O.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Spokane H. S., 1907-10; do., Washington H. S., Port- land, Ore., 1910— . Mem., Twenty-ninth Ore. Legislature, 1917-18. Address, 589 E. Alder Ave., Portland, Ore. 2925. HOWARD BLAINE BUSHNELL (Brother of Nos. 3307, 3308) Dist. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 26, 1884, Paxton, 111.; s. Allen Sherrell and Carrie May (Hills) Bushnell. Prepared in Paxton H. S. C. E. Soc; Phoeni.x; Varsity Baseball, igos- 7. Memphis R. R. Terminal Co.. Memphis. Tenn., 1907; Concrete Const., John Deere Plow Co., Omaha, 1908; Memphis R. R. Terminal 272 University of Illinois [1907 Co., 1908; St. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111., 1907-14; Dist. Engr., St. Highway Dept., Aurora, 111., 1914-17. Capt., Engrs. R. C, Je 7, 1917. Left U. S. Ja 23, 1917, on Tuscania which was torpedoed F 5. He was washed ashore on the Isle of Islay, Scotland, and was sent to Winchester, Eng. with bone broken in right hand. Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. Married Feme Graham, Ap 30, 1910, Clinton, 111. Address, 138 Fox St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 203 A St., S. E. Washington, D. C. 2926. EDWIN WALKER BUXTON Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1916; b. Ag 7, 1884, Carlyle, 111.; s. Harvey Parriss (b. Vt.) and Eunice Josephine (Walker) Bux- ton. Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Drafts- man, 111. Steel Bridge Co., 19078; do., Jack- sonville Steel Bridge Co. and Marcus Bridge & Iron Works, 1908; Surv., Bur. of Lands, Manila, P. I., 1Q08-16; Bridge Dept., Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co., 1916; Asst. Bridge Engr., Kansas City So. Ry. Co., 1916-18; Asst. Engr., Waddell & Son, Kansas City, Mo., 19 1 8 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Columbia Club, Manila, P. I.; Imp. Order Red Men. 1907; C. E. Club. Married Mary Ethel Schrein- er, O 12, 1916, Pittsburgh. Address, c/o Wad- dell & Son, New York City and Kansas City, .Mo. 2927. EDWIN FLETCHER CALDWELL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 3, 1883; s. Charles O. (b. F 4, 1857, Richmondale, O.) and Marv A. (Jones) Caldwell (b. O 31, i859, Vigo, Ross Co., O.). Prepared in Burlington Jet. H. S., Maryville (Mo.). Sem. and Univ. of Mo., 1902-5. Phi Gamma Delta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Yoxan; Alpha Gamma Rho. Engaged in Cattle Bus.; Dir., Am. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Assn., Chicago. .\uth. : Numerous brief articles on Agr. Topics. Address, Bur- lington Junction, Mo.t 2928. JOHN ALBERT C ALLAN (Husband of No. 3749^ Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 3, 1886; s. John T. and Alice (Charlton) Callan. Pre- pared in Gifford H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. C. E., Union Univ., 1910; M. A., do.. 1914- I'hi Gamma Delta; Ionian; Sigma Xi. Instr. ni drawing; Civ. Engr., N. Y. St. Highway dept.: Asst. Prof.. C. E. dept. and Const. Engr. for U. ■S. govt.; Prof., Civ. Engng., Head of Dept. of Civ. and Min. Engrs.. .A.la. Poly. Inst., Au- burn, Ala. Mem.. Baptist Church; Soc. for Pro- motion of Engng. Educ; .Am. Math. Assn.; Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs. Married Lutie GotT ('09), Te 30, 191 1, Champaign. Children: Alice Rosamond, b. F 7, 1913; Laura May, b. Aji 10, 191^. Address, R. i, Newark. 111.; bus. add.. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. 2929. RUSSELL THORNHILL CALLOWAY Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 18, 1883; s. William R. (b. Ap 14, 1840, Can.) and An- geline (Bunkerson) Calloway (b. D 25, 1844, Hopkinsville, Kv.). Prepared in Taylorville H. S. E. E. Soc. Engr. .Apprentice, Westing- house Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1907-8; Operator, Com- monwealth Edison Co, 1908-10; Draftsman, West. Elec. Co., 1910; do.. Sargent and Lundy, Engrs., 1910-12; Engr., Woodmansee, Davidson and Sessions. 1912-14; Sales Mgr., Elec. Engrs. Equipment Co., 1914 — • Mem.. Pleaides Lodge 478, A. F. A. M., Chicago; R. A. M.; Elec. Club., Chicago. Married Anne Michaelson, Je 5, 1912, Chicago. Child, Mildred Frances, b. Mr 4, 191 5. Address, 304 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 710 W. Madison St., do. 2930. AUGUSTUS BACON CASEY Engineer; B. S. in C. E.: b. O 9, 1884, Pawnee Citv. Neb.; s. C. E. Casey. Prepared in Chicago 'Man. Tr. H. S. O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out, D 1918. Address, 514 Washington Ave., Wilmette, 111. 2931- JEROME CERMAK .Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 4, 1884, Chicago; s. J. B. (b. Bohemia) and Anna (Lovak) Cermak (b. do.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago. Varsity Football; Bas- ketball; Walter Polo; Gym. Teams; Class Baseball. Asst. Engr. in charge of const, work. Mem., Chicago Tech. Club; Waupanseh Club; City Hall Club. Married O 28, 1909. .-Iddrcss. 6530 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. 2923. *RALPH EDWARD CHAMBERS (Brother of No. 733) B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 4, 1884, Sadorus, 111.; s. Dr. Jacob G. (b. Ap i, 1842, Ithaca, N. Y.) and Anna (Rock) Chambers (b. Ap 2, 1845, Sadorus. HI.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; X'niv. Acad. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho. Married Meta Wehrman, S 1918, Sado- rus, 111. Died O 9, 1918, Sadorus, 111. 2933. ALTA ACHSAH CHARLES (McKEEVER) (Wife of No. 4294) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 20, 1885, Beards- lown, 111.; d. Thomas J. (b. My 9, 1854, San Francisco) and Mary J. (Goodell) Charles (b. .\p 8, 1858, Peru, 111.). Prepared in Beards- town H. S. and 111. VN'oman's Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; lllio Bd. Taught at Beardstown, 111., 1907-8. Married William Earl McKeever ('10), Je 4, 1910, Urbana. Children: William Lewis, b. Mr 17, loii; Charles Harlan, b. Je 6, 1912; Lewis Goodell, b. Ja i, 1914. Address, Gibson City, 111. ', 2934. *JENNETTE STEWART CHESNUT (BEVAN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 22, 1884, New Holland, 111.; d. Thomas T. (b. Je 4, J 834, Chillicothe, O.) and Margaret H. (Caldwell) Chesnut (b. N 21, 1839, Carrollton, 111.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Delta Gamma; Sec, Fresh- man Class; lllio Bd. Teacher of Eng., At- lanta, 111., 1907-8; do., ]\lt. Pulaski, 1908-9. Mem., M. E. (Thurch. jNIarried Car! Judson IJevan, Je 22, 1910, New Holland, 111. Chil- dren: Thomas J., b. Mr 16, 1914: Mary Ella, 1). O 2y, 191 5. Died My 10, 1917, De Kalb, 111. 2935. EDWARD EVERETT CHESTER (Brother of Nos. 63S, 1112, 1481, 2350) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 12, 1885, Cham- paign: s. Ezra E. (b. .Ap 30, 1837. Truro, O.) and Marguerite (Powell) Chester (b. F 25, 1840. Columbus, O.). Prepared in Champaign 11. S. Delta Tau Delta; Agr. Club. Address, Box 37, Wendell, Idaho. t 293(,. ROBERT HODGE CLANAHAN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My i, 1886, Gol- conda, 111.; s. Harrington (b. O 1850, Pope Co., 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Hodge) Clana- lian (b. 1850, do.). Prepared in Golconda and Springfield H. Schs. Theta Nu Epsilon; Ulini Staff; lllio Staff; Prelim. Honors. Chm., I'ope Co.. Food Production and Conservation Com., and Seed Corn and Farm Labor Admin- istrators. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. .Married Helen Prosser Lax, S 28, 1910, Spring- field, 111. Children: Robert Hodge, Jr., b. N 13. iQii; Helen L.. b. Ap 21, 1913; Barkley L., b. .Ag 24, 1914; Mary Louise, b. N 9, 1916. .Iddrcss, Renshaw, 111. 2937. ALBERT BARNES CLARK .Asst. Cashier; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 25, 1SS4, Chicago; s. .Albert Barnes (b. Jl 17, 1845. Honolulu, Hawaii) and Sarah Jane (Hamlin) Clark (b. Mr 1, 1S45). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S.: Oahu Coll., Honolulu, Hawaii; Univ. of Wis., 1904-5- Kappa Sigma. Ha- waiian Development Co., 1908; in Bank of 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 273 Hawaii. 1009-17: Asst. Cashier, do., 1915-17. iVat. Guard of Hawaii, 1916-17; Lt. ist Inf. Schofield Barracks H. I., 1917 — . Sec, Pa- cific Development Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii. 1914-15- Address, Schofield Barracks, H. 1. 2938. *DENNIS ALBERT CLINGAN Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 27, 1883, Georgetown, 111.; s. John William (b. N i6, 1855, Danville. 111.) and Mary Estella (Nes- bitt) Clingan (b. Ag 26, 1858). Prepared in Danville. Leland Stanford, Jr. Law Sch., 1907-8; Univ. of Calif. Law Sch., 1908-9, Philo- niathean; Fresh. Debating Team; lUini Staff. Practicing Law, 1909 — . Co. I., sth Inf., 111. Nat. Guard, 1910. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Died Mr 18, 1912. 2939. CLYDE BESTOR COLEMAN Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 10, 1882, New Windsor, 111.; s. Samuel Clinton (b. S 7, 1855, Waterloo, Pa.) and Tuliet Bestor Cole- man (b. Ap 25, 1854, Suflfield, Conn.). Pre- pared in New Windsor H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Choral Soc; Sigma Xi. Instr., Dairy Hush., Univ. of 111., 1Q07-9; Prof., An. Husb., R. I. .St. Coll., 1909-10; Farm- ing, 1910-13; Agr. with the Am. Agr. Chem. Co., 1913-18. Married Grace P. Wells, Ap 3, 1912, Kingston, R. I. (died N 7, 1916); Mar- garet Peacock, Mr 9, 19 18, Westerley, R. I. Child, Wells, b. F 14, 1914. Address, 92 State St., Boston. 2940. EMMA BROWN CONNELLY (EIDAM) (Wife of No. 2083) A. B. in Sc. ; b. Springfield, 111.; d. William A. (b. Ap 24, 1853. do.^ and Emma Catherine (Brown) Connelly (b. Hartford, Conn.). Pre- pared in Danville H. S.; Univ. of Cincinnati, 1903-4. Math. Club; Athenean. Married Edward G. Eidam ('04), S s, 1908, Cincinnati. Address, 85 Middlesex Rd., Rochester, N. Y.t 2941. 'LOUIS PHILLIPS COOK With Telephone Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 19, 1882, Quincy, 111.; s. Chauncy E. and Orena (Tyler) Cook. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Delta Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon. Chicago Telephone Co., 1911-12. Mem., A. I. E. E. Died Jl II, 1912, Joliet, 111. 2942. ALLEN BURTON COOKE Farm Adviser; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 21, 1885, Danville, 111.; s. Elmer B. (b. My 7, 1861, Gallon, O.) and Mary Jessie (Anderson) Cooke (b. D 24, 1862, Urbana). Prepared in Dan- ville H. S.; Univ. of Colo., 1904-5- M. E. Qub, 1907; Sigma Xi. Asst. to Master Mech., Corn Products Refining Co., Pekin, 111., 1907; Asst. in boiler trials, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1908-9; Co. Agr. Agent, Adams Co., N. Dak., 191 8 — . Address, Hettinger, N. Dak. 2943. FRED AUGUSTUS COX Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 15, 1874. Hanna, 111.; s. Hiram Sanford (b. My 12, 1844, Mercer Co., 111.) and Alice Ann Cox (b. O 23, 1844, do.). Prepared in Port Byron Acad. Engr., Pa. Coal Co. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth Marty n Wills, S 8, 1909, Scranton, Pa. Children: Elizabeth Augusta, b. Jl 25, 1910; Fred Wills, b. Ja 29. 1916. Address, 727 Wheeler Ave., Scranton, Pa. 2944. PHILIP A. CRIHFIELD Publisher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 25, 1885, Atlanta, 111.; s. Horace (b. My 13, 1856, do.) and Emily (Arnold) Crihfield (b. O 1857. do.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Publisher, news- paper, Atlanta. 111., 191 2 — . Married Bessie Taylor. O 2, 191 1, Beckett, O. Address, At- lanta, Ill.t 2945. ETHEL CRUM Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr n,, 1886. Le.Tington, 111.; d. William M. (b. S 6, 1849. do.) and Martha J. (Cochran) Crum (b. Mr 2. 1856, do.). Prepared in Lexington H. S. Prehm. Honors. Teacher in Secondary Schools, Pecis. N. Mex., 1907-08; Sidney, la., 1909-10; Port Townsend, Wash., 1910-12. Ad- dress, Caguas. Porto Rico.t 3946- JOHN ANDREW DAILEY Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 10. 1882, Davis, 111.; s. Bernard (b. S 8, 1851, Stephen- son Co., 111.) and Mary Ann Dailey (b. O 25, 1852, do.). Prepared in Pecatonica H. S. C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors. Masonry Insp., I. C. R. R., 1907; Asst. Engr., Bur. of Sts., Chicago. 1908 — . Mem., Town and Country Club; Municipal Engrs. Club; K. of C; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Roman Catholic Church. Ad- dress, 6013 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 2947. LLOYD SLOTE DANCEY Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1908; b. F 5, 1879, Fairbury, 111.; s. Samuel (b. 1829, Ireland) and Frances Emma (Slote) Dancey (b. Ja 10, 1854, Elkhart, Ind.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S. and 111. West. Acad. Adelphic. Grad. scholarship in Physics. Prof., Phys., Carroll Coll., ^^'aukesha, Wis.; Bus. Mgr., Carroll Coll.; Mgr., Dancey Farms, Fairbury, 111. Mem.. Am. Phys. Soc; M. E. Church. Married Elizabeth Jane Johnston, Ag 26, 1908, Illiopolis, 111. Children: Robert Jesse, b. Mr 5, 191 o; Janet Elizabeth, b. F 27, 1913; David Lloyd, b. Jl 2, 191 7. Address, iii Charles St., Waukesha, Wis. 2948. SAMUEL GARNETT DAVID Pres., Canning Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 13, 1881, Odell, 111.; s. Charles (b. S i, 1835, Kingston, Out.) and Alvira (Harper) David (b. Ap 23, 1846, Onarga, 111.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Final Honors. Farming and Canning Bus., 1907 — . Pres., Milford Canning Co. Married Lillian Gladys Kissinger, D 24, 1907, Bradford, 111. Children: Geraldine Esther, b. My 16, 1911; Ralph Eu- gene, b. Ag 12, 1915. Address, Milford, 111. 2949. JOHN JUNE DAVIS (Brother of No. 2632) Entomologist; B. S.; b. O 9, 1885, Centralia, 111.; s. John L. (b. Ap 30, 1855, do.) and Mary Catherine (Marsh) Davis (b. N 9, 1859, do.). Prepared in Centralia H. S. Alpha Tau Omega: Special Honors. Asst. to the 111. St. Entomologist, 1907-11; Bur. of Entomol., U. S. Dept. of .\gr., 19T1-17; Entomol. in charge of U. S. Lab., W. Lafayette, Ind., 191 7 — . Auth.: Various articles on Entomol. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Entomol. Soc. Am.; Am. Assn. Econ. Entomol.; 111. Acad. Sc. Married Pearle Elizabeth Taylor. O 27, 1909, Rich Hill, Mo. Address. 210 Lutz Ave., W. Lafay- ette, Ind.; bus. add.. U. S. Entomology Lab., do. 29;o. NELL SAREJ.LA M.VCMILLEN DAVIS (KNAPP) (Wife of No. 3061) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 26, 1884: d. John An- derson (b. S 10, 1848, Ind. Co., Pa.) and Mar- tha Theresa (MacMillen) Davis (b. N 14, 1852, Logansport, Ind.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Teacher, Illiopolis H. S., 1907-10. Mar- ried Willard Alfred Knapp ('07), Ag 3, iQio- Farmer City, 111. Child, Willard Alfred, Jr., b. N IS, 1918. .4ddress, 105 Fowler Ave., W. Lafayette, Ind. 274 University of Ti.linois [1907 2951. CARL RANKIN DICK (Husband of No. 4506; Brother of No. 6203) Engineer; B. S. in A. E. : b. Je 25, 1884, Blooinington, III: s. George Fredericlc ancl Plninia (Rankin) Dick. I'repared in iUooii)- ington H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Alpha Tau Omega; Arch. Club. Instr.. G. E. I)., Univ. of 111., 1907-9; Contracting Engr., Decatur Bridge Co.. 1909 — . ^Married Margaret Crowell Wood ('10), D II, 1912, Champaign. Address, Decatur, 111. 2952. EDNA LEILA DILLON (MOSIMAN) (Wife of No. 2769; Sister of No. 4131) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1884, Thomasboro, III.; d. William (b. 184S, Vermilion Co., 111.) and Mira (Maurer) Dillon (b. 1858. Ind.) Prepared in Urbana H. S. Sigma Kappa; Der Deutsche Vercin. Taught, 1907-09. Mar- ried Levi D. Mosiman ('06), Je 29, 1910, Ur- bana. Children: William Dillon, b. My 7, 1913; Elizabeth Anne, b. Ap 4, 1915; Merrill Barger, b. Ja 17, 1917. .-Uldrcss, Morton, 111. 2953. NELLIE MABEL DIXON A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 26, 1880, Streator, 111.; d. E. Dixon. Prepared in Streator II. S. Address, 209 E. Bridge St., Streator, Ill.t 2954. TOWNSEND FOSTER DODD Artillery Ofticer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 6, i886; s. Taylor (b. Mr 25, 1854, McDonough, Ga.) and Kutli Anna (McLean) Dodd (b. My 19, 1859. Kaufman, Tex.). Prepared in Anna H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. ; Egyptian Club; Crystal Club. Elec. Draftsman and Insp., 1907-9; Lt., 111. Nat. Guard; 2nd Lt., C. A. Corps, U. S. A., 1909-11; ist Lt., do., 1911-13; Lt. Col., Aviation Section, Signal Corps, 1913-18; Aviation Engr. Officer, Staff of Chief Air Service, A. E. F., 1918 — : Re- turned to states. Ja 7, 1919. Recommended for Distinguished Service Medal, U. S., Order of Leopold, Belgian, Commended twice by Sec. of War. Address, 3613 N. May St., Aurora, 111. 2955. FR.\NK LYLE DONIGAN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in INI. E. ; b. Ag 6, 1875, Dvi'ight, 111.; s. James Donigan. Prepared in Dwight H. S. Draftsman. Burlington R. R., Chicago. Address, 112 W. Mazon St., Dwight, Ill.t 2956. FRANK DONNERSBERGER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 17, 1883. Chicago; s. Joseph (b. 1S43, Cincinnati) and Wilhelmena (Ilonkomp) Donnersberger (b. 1842, do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. C. E. Club. With Am. Bridge Co., 1907; St. Highway Comn. of 111., 11)07-8; Empire Car Co., Treas., 1909-17; Gen. Mgr., Streator Car Co., 191 7—. Mem., K. of C.;''B. P. O. E. Married Helen English, Ap 26, 1916. Child. Elizabeth, b. Ap 7, 1 91 7. Addri'ss, 3O0S Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Streator, 111. 2957. WIIXIAM ALBERT DOSS Lawyer: LL. B. ; b. Ag i, 1885, Monticello, 111.; s. Armsterd M. (,!'• Mr 9, 1854, Somerset, Ky.) and Emily (Royse) Doss (b. D 8, 1865, Edinburg, Ind.'). Prepared in Monticello II. S. Lawyer and States Atty., 1908 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Married Tona Ahlrich, Ja 28, 1908, Deland, 111. Child, Elsie, b. N 10, 1908. Address, Monticello, Ill.t 2958. FLOYD EVERETT DOUGHERTY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 20, 1882, Fairmount. HI.: s. Benjamin Franklin (b. F 15, 1848, (/().) and Lillie (.Hubbard) Dougherty (b. S I, 1855, Muiicie, 111.). Prepared in Fair- mount H. " "S. Married Mary Alice Ludden, My 5, 1909, Chicago. Child, Richard Ludden, b. My 19. 1913. Address, c/o Lewis & Dough- erty, Archs. 35 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 2959. LYNN AMOS DREW (Brother of Nos. 2645, 3714, 5638) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 25, 1880, Clif ton. 111.; s. Washington (b. 1846, Shattagee. N. Y.) and Mary Alice (Hunt) Drew (b. about 1850, Charleston, N. ID. Prepared in Watse- ka II. S. Agr. Club. Considerable attention given to the psychological, physiological and social aspects of the use of clothing. Farmer, Warren, Minn., 1907-08; do.. Martinton, 111., 1908 — . Planned and carried out farm drain- .ige work. Address, Martinton, 111., R. 2. 2960. HELEN MARY EATON (Daughter of No. 228; Sister of No. 3719) .\sst. to Pastor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 19, 1885, Kansas City, Mo.; d. William Thomas (b. F 6, 1859, Amesbury, Mass.) and Augusta (Batcheldcr) Eaton ('80), (b. S 17, 1856, Pitts- lield, N. IL). Prepared in Tyler (Tex.) H. S.: Cml. Coll. Akthenai; Eng. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Stud. Volunteer Band; Y. W. C. A. Pastor's Asst., ist Congr. Church, Decatur, 111., 1909-10; Press Reporter, W. C. T. U., 1907; Press Reporter, C. E., 1909; Pastor's Asst., Central Presby. Church, Kansas City, Mo., 1916. Mem., First Lit. Club, 1908-9; Presby. Church. .Iddnws, ^■J7 Bonner Ave.. Tyler, Tex. -'961. JACOB CHRISTIAN EBERSPACHER Cashier; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 27, 1885, Pnna, 111.; s. Christopher Gottlieb (b. Mr 24, 1855, Shelbyville, III.) and Barbara Elizabeth (Weber) Kberspacker (b. N 26, 1866, West- lield, HI.). Prepared in Shelbvville H. S. and Lhiiv. .\cad. Cml. Club; Pol. Sc. Club. With First Nat. Bank. Shelbyville, 111., 1907-8; Teacher, I'ub. Sch., Mowca(|ua, 111., 1908-9; .\sst. Cashier, First Nat. Bank, Shelbyville, 111., 1909 — •; V. P. and Dir., Shelby Loan and Trust Co., Shclliyville, III. Mem., Ger. Evang. Church. Address, Shelbyville, 111.; bus. add., l-'irst Nat. Bank, i/c. 2y(.j. WILLARD LEO EGY Physicist; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1909; b. Je 15, 18S5, Fairmount, 111.; s. Homer H. (b. Mr 1859) and Florence E. (Lee) Egy (b, Ap 1804, Vermillion Co., HI.). Prepared in Fair- mount and LIrbana H.Schs. E. E. Soc; Ionian; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Engng, I'ellowshii), 1907-9; Capt., Univ. Regt., Varsity Track; Class Football. Asst. Engr., Underwrit- ers' Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, investigating lire resisting and fire retarding properties of materials and const., 190910; Asst. Physicist, U. S. Bur. of Mines, Pittsburgh, investigating the flow of heat and high temperature meas- urements in boiler tests, 1910-11; In charge ot the physical measurements of coal dust ex- plosions in the U. S. Exp. Mine, Bruceton, Pa., 1910 — ; I'hysicist in charge of Exp. Mine, investigating coal dust explosions and methods of prevention, 1916 — . Develoiied instruments for measurements of pressure and velocity and for automatic instantaneous sampling of g;ises, 191215. Mem., i8th Regt. Inf., Pa. Nat. Guard, 1910-16; ist Sergt. Mach Gun Co. at El Paso, Tex., 19K). Auth.: E)tgiig. £.i'/'. Sta. Bui. No. 36, 1909: The Thermal Conductivity o_f Fire Clay at High Temperature (with J. K. Cle- ment) U. S. Bur. of Mines Bui. No. 50, 1913; First Series of Coal Dust Explosion Tests, (with J. S. Rice. L. M. Jones and J. K. Cle- ment)." Assoc. ^Iem., A. I. E. E., 1907-11; Am. Phys. Soc, igo8 — . Married Ada Meihs- ner, Te 7, 1911, Walnut, III. Children: Willard Lco,"jr., b. II 28, 1912: Mar^'aret M., b. Mr 28. 1915. Address, 4210 Saline Ave., Pitts- burgh; ifiis. add., 22 Walker Ave., Troy, N. Y. I go 7 J Baccalaukkate Ami mxi 2963- EMMA LODKMA liHLY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; h. Ap 6, tttoiiro Tin . ,1 A,I^™ CK Tl .„ .U. Sch., On Island of Haijawg, China. Mem., M. E. Church; Epwoith League; Y. W. F. M. .Soc. Address, 719 Webster St., Ottawa, 111. 2964. HIRAM WASHBURN ELLIOTT Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 19, 1884, Indianapolis; s. Aslilcy John (b. Ja 19, 1862, Evansville, Ind.) and Alice Jennie (Wash- burn) Elliott (b. Jl 5, 1862 Silver Creek, N. Y.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Acacia. Supt., George A. Fuller Co., Builders, 1907 — . Camp Funston, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1918 — -. Jr. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Married Albertina (Jriggs, O 10, 1907, I'eoria. Children: Ray- mond Ilarvey, b. F 20, 191 1; Edwin Ashley, b. Je 21, 1912. Address, 114 Ellis St., Peoria; bus. add., c/o George R. Fuller Co., 507 S. Guthrie St., Tulsa, Okla. 2965. LENA ENl.OW (SILVER.VIAX) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O i, 1884, Libau Cour- land, Russia. Prepared in Chicago Univ. Mar- ried Samuel Silverman, S 25, 1916, San Ber- nardino Beach, Calif.t 2966. THOMAS REUBEN ERNEST Instructor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1908; Ph. D., 1910; b. D 6, 1879, Swanwick, 111.; s. Louis Henry William (b. 1845, Gottingen, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Loos) Ernest (b. Pinckneyville, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Scli. I'hi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Ionian; Kappa Delta Pi; Fellowship in Cheni. Prof., Chem., Spokane Coll., 1910-11; Instr., Chem., Chicago, 191 1; Consulting Chemist, 1912; Real Est. bus., Chi- cago, 19 1 3. War gas investigations, Amentan Univ., Washington, U. C. Auth.: Researches on Sand-Lime-Brick, Bui. No. 16, St. Geol. Sur.; Fire Tests on Sand-Lime Brick. Trans. Am. Ce- ram. Soc, 1910; The Chemistry of Sand-l-ime Brick, do., 191 1. Mem., Bd. of Educ. Address, 20 W. Maple St., Chicago. 2967. JOHN FRANK ERVIN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 11, 1883. Cutler, 111.; s. J. T. (b. 1855, do.) and Anna E. (Brown) Ervin (b. 1856, do.). Prepared in Sparta H. S. With Deere & Co., Moline, 111., 1907-15; Foundry Mgr., Mich. Motor Castings Co., Div. of Buick Motor Co., Flint, Mich., ipi5 — . Auth.: Continuous Iron Foun- dry Agricultural Castings, The Foundry, 15115; Cupola Operation for Continuous Melting, Iron Age, Jl 191 5; Selection of I'oundry Pat- tern Equipment, Iron Age, V iqi6. Mem,, A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; A. S. M. E.: Flint Bd. of Commerce. Married Nellie LaTrobe. O 14, 191 1, Anderson. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Je 25, 1917. Address, 4 Eldridge Court. I''lint, Mich.; bus. add., c/o Buick Motor Co., do. 2968. EDWIN ROWDEN EVANS Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 18, 1884, Warren, 111.; s. J. W. (b. Galena, 111.) and Ilenrietta (Rohr) Evans (b. do.). Prepared in Warren 11. S.; Warren Acad. Varsity Base- ball, 1907. Manufacturer, Automobiles. Mar- ried Mary Etta Birket, jl 27, 1910, Paxton, 111. Child, Mary lone, b. Jl 10, 1911. Ad- dress, Orillia, Canada. 2969. JOHN MARCUS EVVARD Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 6, 1884, Saunemin, 111.; s. John B. (b. 1855, Tazeweli Co., 111.) and Mary (Lcitel) Evvard (b. i8r,o. Union Tp., Livingston Co.. 111.). Prepared in Pontiac II. S. M. S., LTniv. of Mo., 1909. Alpha Zeta; Adelphic; Track Team; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1912; Phi Kappa Ihi, 1916; Gaiiiina Sigma Dilia, 19,8; Agr. Club; Ed., ///. Agr. Asst. to the Dean and Dir., { oil. of Agr. and Exp. Sta. of Mo., 1907-10; Farmer, 1910-11; Experimentalist, An. Ilusb., J911-12; Asst. Chief, 191 2; Chief in Swine I'roduction and in Nutrition, 1912- 14; on faculty of (irad. Div., 1913; Assoc I'rof., An. liusb., 1914; Prof., do., la, St. Coll., 1916-18. Chm.. Swine Comn.. U. S. I'ood Adm., 19 17. Mem., U. S. Live Stock Indus. Comn., U. S. Food Adm. and Dept. of Agr., 1917; Advisory Com. on Swine, U. S. Food Adm., 191 7. .\uth.: Articles in Swine IVvrld and Duroc. But., 19 18; do., Nat. Swine Mag., 1910; la. Agr. E.vp. Sta. Buls. Nos. 13O, 6, 143, 152, 30, 26, 166, 40; Articles in Hroceedtnys of la. Acad, of Sc; Proceedings of Am. Soc. 0) Alt. Production; Am. Jour, of Physiology; Proc. of Corn Belt Meat Producers' Assn.; Jour, of An. Research; harm Know- ledge; hncyclofedia Americana. V. P., Am. Soc. of An. i'roduction, 1915-19; Pres. do 1917-18; Fellow, ia. Acad.' of Sc., 1913; Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Genetic Assn., A. A. A. S. Married Mattie Casey Cooper, Ag 10, 191 1, Gallatin, Mo. Children: Mary Marga- ret, b. Ja 14, 1913; John Cooper, b. D 9, 1915- Address. 728 Urookridge Ave., Ames, la.; bus. add., Ia. St. Coll., do. 2970. WILLIAM CLAYTON EWAN (Husband of No. 6069) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 12, 1881, Lewiston, III.; s. William Israel (b. Mr 12, 1849, Port Republic, Va.; and Regina Catherine (Murchin- son) Ewan (b. Ap i, 1847, Charloltesville, N. C). Prepared in Cuba H, S. Phi Alpha Delta; Van Twiller (Jourt. Atty., Kewa- iiee. III.; Asst. St. Atty., Henry Co., ill., 1907-1 ^. Mem., B. P. O. E., Exalted ruler, do., 19 14-15; Redmen Lodge; Mystic Workers of the World- Kewanee Club, Pres., 1916- 18; Midland Country Club; Congr. (L"hurch; III. St. Bar Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Civic Club, Dir., 1914-18. Married Nellc Elizabeth Bar- rick ('14), Ja 16, 1917, Villa Grove, III. ( hild, John Clayton, b. Mr 22, 1918 (died do.). Address, 319 McKinley Ave., Kewanee, III.; bus. add., 215 N. Tremont St., do. 2971. CLARA MAY FALLON Stenographer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 24, 188;, Ivesdale, 111.; d. Patrick (b. Baal, Ire- land; and Margaret (Price) I'allon (b. Dub- lin, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Taught, H. S., Monticello, 1908; Stenographer, Univ. of III., 1909-11; do., Univ. of Colo., igii-13. Address. 456 Grant St., Redlands, Calif. 2972. ROSCOE FARRAR (Husband of No. 2890) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 22, 1880, Cole.s Co., III.; s. Joseph Fleiiiming (b. My 18, 1857, Posey Co., ind,) and Mary Ann (GrissoiiO I-"arrar (b. Mr 16, 1857, Coles Co., III.). Pre- pared in Mattoon H. S.; East. III. St. Norm. Sch. M. S., Univ. of Calif., 1910. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Farmer, 1907; Mgr., Grain Co., 1908; Instr., Univ. of Calif., J909-io: I'-armer, 191 1 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Mar- ried Mary Evaline Balch ('07), Ja i, 1908, Lerna, III. Address, Humboldt, 111. 2973- STANLEY PRINCE FARWELL Engineer; B. S. in E. £.• M. S., 1910; Ph. D., 1914; b. .S 29, 1883, Chicago; s. Arthur I'-urrage (b. 1852, Leominster, Mass.) and I'loretta (Woodberry) Farwell (b. 1852, Bev- erly, .Mass.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. .Sch. Chi Beta; VAa. Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; (jamma Alpha; Sigma X.i; Final Honors. Fel- lowship in Elec. i'"-ngng. West. Elec. Co., 1900-4; Okla. Gas S: Elec. Co., 1907-8; A.sst. Prof., Central Univ. of Ky., 1908-10; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of HI.. 1910-13; Fellow in Elec. Engng., l^niv. of HI., 1913-14; Ser- 276 University of Illinois U907 vice Engr., St. Pub. Utilities Com. of 111., 1914-16; Efficiency Engr., Arthur Young & Co., Chicago, 1917 — . Auth. : Some Brush Discharge Phenomena Produced by Continuous Potentials, Physical Review N. S. Vol. IV, No. I, Jl 1914; The Corona Produced by Continu- ous Potentials, P/?oc. of the A. I. E. E., N 1914; Gas Service in III., Paper before the convention of the 111. Gas Assn., 1917. Mem., Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. ; A. I. E. E. ; City Club of Chicago. Married Alice Louise Austin, Ja i, 1915, Monmouth, 111. Child, Myra jeannette, b. D 9, 1917. Address, 5434 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 116 S. Mich. Ave., Chicago. 2974. LEROY CLARK FERRY Business; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 9, 1883, Warrensburg, 111.; s. Gilbert E. (b. do.) and Mary Jane (Clark) Ferry (b. Je 13, 1856, Pittsfield, N. H.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Onyx Club. Const. Engr., Gravity Ry., 1907; with H. Mueller Mfg. Co., Decatur, 1907-8; Curtis Motor Truck Co., do., 1908-9; Leader Iron Works, do., 1909-10; Photo- grapher, Buhl, Idaho, 1913-15; with Ferry Screen Co., Omaha, 1915 — -. Mem., Y. M. C. A. Married Minnie E. Radford, S 4, igi6, Loveland, Colo. Address, c/o Ferry Screen Co., 1323 Nicholas St., Omaha. 2975. VALERIA JOHNSTON FETTERMAN (SMITH) B. L. S.; b. O 30, 1878, Pittsburgh; d. C. E. Fetterman. A. B., West. Univ. of Pa., 1900. Married Albert Barnes Smith, Je 1910. Ad- dress, 1226 Locust St., N. S., Pittsburgh.t 2976. JAMES EDWIN FILSON Abstractor and Title Examiner; LL. B.; b. O 28, 1883, Caldwell, Co., Mo.; s. Thomas Anderson (b. Ap i, 1861, do.) and Sarah Zelma Filson (b. O 28, 1863, Washington Co., Vt.). Prepared in Hamilton (Mo.) H. S. Theta Kappa Nu; Witenagemote Court. Mgr., Cham- paign Co., Abstract Co.; Alderman 7th Ward, Champaign. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Champaign Rotary Club, Bd. of Control; I. O. O. F.; K. P.; Champaign Real Estate Bd.; Sec, Ex. Com. 111. Abstractors' Assn. Married Lena Liberta Will, D 26, 1906, Hamilton, Mo. Chil- dren: Kathleen Louise, b. F 5, 1910; James Hugh, b. Mr 28, 1912; Beth, b. Mr 18, 1914; Dorothy Jean, b. Je 22, 1918. Address, 1105 W. Park Ave., Champaign; bus. add., 10 Main St., do. 2977. WILLIAM SIDNEY FORD Indus. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. Engng.; b. Jl 23, 1882, Tonica, 111.; s. Bryon (b. My 5, 1837, Lexington, N. Y.) and Siemma (Alvord) Ford (b. D 22, 1845, Tonica, 111.). Prepared in Tonica and LaSalle H. S. Ionian; Chem. Club. Chem., Corn Prodiicts Refining Co., 1907-9; do.. Am. Maize Products Co., 1909-11; Consulting Chem., 1911-14; Indus. Engr., The Seng Co., 19H-17; do., Montgomery Ward & Co., 1917 — . Auth.: Routing, Scheduling, Dis- patching Current Issues, 100 % Magacine, Ja, 1917. Mem., A. F. A. M.; First V. P., West Efficum Soc, 1917; Soc. of Indus. Engrs. Married Mary Vertrees Wrather, Ag 5, 1914, Chicago. Address, 1447 Albion St., Chicago. 2978. CHESTER ALVA FOREMAN (Husband of No. 2798) Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 29, 1883, Pittsfield, 111. Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Civ. Engr., New York City, 1907-9; Detroit, 1909-11; Kansas City, Mo., 1911; Asst. Engr., U. P. R. R. in charge of Engine Terminal and Const., Cheyenne Wyo. Married Ruby Blanch Risser ('06), O 7, 1913, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Chester Alanson, b. Ap 11, 1916; Eleanor, b. Mr 18, 1918. Address, 2542 Cfharlotte St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., Cheyenne, Wyoming. 2979- MATT FOWLER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 5, 1878, Marion, 111.; s. J. M. Fowler. Prepared in Ewing Coll. LL. B., Grant Univ., Tenn., 1906. Address, Silver City, N. M. 2980. PERRY JOHN FREEMAN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1916: b. Jl 25, 1881, Lilly Chapel, O.; s. John C. (b. Ap 25, 1836, do.) and Cynthia E. (Olney) Freeman (b. O 31, 1840, Delaware, O.). Pre- pared in Univ. of 111. Acad. Pres., M. E. Soc. Instr., M. E., Univ. of Pa., 1907-10; Instr., Mach. Const, and in charge Mech. Engng. Dept. Shops, Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Asst. Mgr., Regulator Dept., H. Mueller Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111., 1912; Browning Engng. Co., Cleveland, O., 1913; Mech. Engr., Gullett Cotton Gin Co., Amite, La., 1913-14; Instr., App. Mech. and Hydraulics, Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1914-15; Asst. Prof., App. Mech. and Mach. Design, 1915-16; Engr. of Tests, Pitts- burgh Testing Lab., Pittsburgh, 191 6 — . Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Nat. Assn. St. Engrs.; Soc. Prom, of Engng. Educ; Sigma Tau; Presby. Church. Married Clotilde Ligon Reid, Jl i, 1914, Amite, La. Children: Eva Margaret, b. My 26, 1915: Mildred, b. Mr 7, 1918. Ad- dress, 5010 Friendship Ave., Pittsburgh; bus. add., Grant St., do. 2981. HERMAN HENRY FRICKE Master Mech.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 2, 1882, Sparta, 111.; s. Fritz (b. 1852, Ger.) and Wil- lemihna (Stallman) Fricke (b. Chester, 111.). Prepared in Sparta H. S. Asst. Master Mech., Copper Co., Shattuck, Ariz. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Nat. Assn. of Stationary Engrs. Address, Box 3494, Brisbee, Ariz. 2982. ROBERT OWEN FRIEND Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 5, 1878, Wy- oming, O.':! s. George Nicholas and Anna (Owen) Friend. Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Sigma Nu; Phoenix. Engr., Chicago, 1907- 8; do., Tippecanoe Elec & Power Co., Monti- cello, Ind., 1908-9; do., Racine, Wis., 1909 — . Address. Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Moline, 111. 2983. FREDERICK WILLIAM FRYE (Brother of No. 807) Teacher; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 4, 1879, Dan- vers. 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ag 3, 1828, Alsace, France) and Katharine (Kinginzer) Frye (b. 1838, (Tongerville, 111.). Prepared in Wheaton Coll. Teacher, Anderson Valley Union H. S., Calif., 1915 — . Address, 1108 S. Michigan Ave., Bloomington, 111. 2984. ALICE EVELYN FULLENWIDER (LYTLE) (Wife of No. 1552) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 7, 1885, Mechanics- burg, 111.; d. William Allan (b. N 20, 1842, do.) and Alice (Elkins) Fullenwider (b. F 20, 1845, do.). Prepared in Mechanicsburg H. S., Bettie Stuart Inst, Springfield, 111. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa: Prelim. Honors; Class Hist. Mem., Assn. of Coll. Alumnae, Springfield, 111., 1908-9. Mar- ried Ernest Barnes Lytle ('01), Ag 15, 1912. Children: Edith, b. N 26, 1913; William Ful- lenwider, b. Ag 4, 1917- Address, 1203 S. Busey, Urbana. 2985. STANLEY WORCESTER GALHULY Supervising Arch.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 5, 1884, White Hall, 111.; s. M. J. (b. Akron, O.) and Lucy (Worcester) Galhuly (b. White Hall. 111.). Prepared in White Hall H. S. Super- vising Arch., Barnett, Haynes & Barnett, Archs., White Hall, 111. ist Lt., Engrs.; Capt., Q. M. C. 1918; Mustered out, Ja 11, 1919, Address, White Hall, 111. igoy] Baccalaureate Alumni 277 2986. WILLIAM JAMES GALLOWAY B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 10, 1883, Deerfield, III.; s. J. M. Galloway. Prepared in Deerfield Tp. H. S. Address, Deerfield, Ill.t 2987. MOODY GANNAWAY LL. B.; b. Mr 17, 1885, Mattoon, 111.; s. R. J. Gannaway. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Ad- dress, Mattoon, Ill.t 298S. HARRY GARDNER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 24, 1880, Viola, 111.; s. J. C. Gardner. Prepared in Red- ding Coll. Address, Broadhead, Wis. 2989. LLOYD GARRISON Lawyer; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., igii; b. D 10, 1884, Wellington, III.; s. Aaron and Rosanna (Kelly) Garrison. Prepared in Mil- ford H. S.; E. E. Soc. ; Eta Kappa Nu; Final Honors; Pres., Elec. Engng. Soc.; Mgr., first elec. show. Apprentice Engr., Denver Gas & Elec. Co., 1907-8; Contr., Champaign, 1908-9; Engr., Utah Light & Ry. Co., 1909-16; Prac- ticed law. 1916-17. Utah Nat. Guard, 1913-17; On Mexican Border 1916-17, 145 F. A., 1913-17; Capt., 1917; do., A. E. F.. France, 1918; Mus- tered out, Ja 28, 1919. Auth. : Several articles in the So Elec, Atlanta, Ga. Mem., Illuminating Engng. Soc; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Mem., Sons of Jove. l^arried Evelyn Dresser, Jl 9, 1914, Salt Lake City. Child, Barbara Jose- phine, b. F 2, 1917. Address, 1557 Redondo Ave., Salt Lake City. 2990. CHARLES MILBURN GASH Publishers' Representative; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 27, 1876, Macomb, 111.; s. Edgar (b. S 3, 1851, Huntsville, 111.) and Sarah Mahala (Markham) Gash (b. Ja 17, 1855, Canton, O.). Prepared in Macomb. H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1906. 111. Rep., Houghton- Mifflin Co., publishers. Address, Macomb, 111. 2991. WILHELMINA HOLLY GENTSCH (HARRIS) (Sister of No. 3374) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 11, 1877, New Philadelphia, O.; d. Daniel Conrad (b. N 18 1844, do.) and Elizabeth Hawley (Powleson) Gentsch (b. D 25, 1847, do.). Prepared in New Philadelphia, O. and Washington. D. C. H. Schs.; West. Reserve Univ.' Alpha Xi Delta; Le Cercle Francais; Final Honors; iPhi Beta Kappa. First Pres. Coll. Club, New Phila- delphia, O. ; Pres. Vesta Club, 1911-12. Mar- ried Ivor Harris, O 7, 1909, New Philadelphia, O. Children: Julia Gwendoline, b. My 6, ipii; Ivor David, b. F 9, 1913; John Daniel, b. S 9, 1917. Address, 164 E. Ave., New Philadelphia, O. 2992. CHARLES BAYARD GIBBONS Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 28, 1884, Balaton, Minn. Prepared in Univ. of Wash., 1905-7. Asst. in G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1907; Instr., Univ. of N. Mex., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 4749 isth Ave., N. E., Seattle. 2993. FORREST LINN GIBBS Farmer; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 18, 1885, Prince- ton, 111.; s. Walter Linn (b. Mr 27, 1859, do.) and Rosella Tane (Priestley) Gibbs (b. S 11, 1859, do.). Prepared in Princeton Tp. H. S. Psi Upsilon. Draftsman, 1907-12; Farming, 19x2 — . Address, 1225 S. Main St., Prince- ton, in. 2994. PORTIA EUNICE GILKERSON (HOPPER) (Wife of G334; Daughter of No. 138; Sister of Nos. 1685, 1877, 2396) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 7, 1886, Genoa, 111.; d. Hiram (b. O 14, i8t;3, do.) and Portia (Moffet) Gilkerson (b. D 15. 1853, Tex.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alethenai; H. Sc. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Mem., Univ. Church. Married Herbert Andrew Hopper (g'07), Jl 31. 1907. Urbana. Children: Elizabeth, b. My 30, 1909; Portia Arvilla, b. S 27. 1912; Herbert A., Jr., b. Mr 24, 1914. Address, 106 Driving Place, Ithaca, N. Y. 2995. THOMAS EDWARD GILL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja 8, 1886, Pecatonica, 111.; s. John (b. Dublin, Ireland) and Ellen (Hackett) Gill (b. Clonnel, do.). Prepared in Pecatonica H. S. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1909. Philomathean; Spalding Guild; Phoenix; Pol. Sc. Club; Phi Delta Phi; Class Baseball; Interclass Debate; Pres., Sr. Class, first sem.; Hatchet orator; Permanent Class Sec; Bus. Mgr.. Illini. Practicing Atty., 1910; Law Clerk in office of Atty. Gen., 1911; Briefmaker, do., 1911; Asst. Atty. Gen., 191 1- 13; Practiced law, Rockford, 111., 1913; Part- nership with Stanton A. Hyer, under firm name of Hyer & Gill, 191 8 — . Mem., K. of C; Sec. Rockford Bar Assn., 1916-18; L. O. O. M.; Pres., Young Men's Bus. Assn. of Rock- ford, 1917; Mem., Bd. of Dir., Chamber of Commerce, do.; Bd. of Dir. of Boys Club, 1909; Married Vida Campbell, Ag 2, 1909, Peca- tonica, III. Children: Thomas William, b. D 9, 1910; Norma Katherine, b. Ag 31, 1912. Address, 201 S. Day Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 315 W. State St., do. 2996. ELEANOR M. GLENN (Sister of Nos. 1336, 1337, 4675) Agent; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 21, 1883, Mattoon, 111.; d. Joseph Chamberlain (b. F 10, 1848, Coles Co., 111.) and Mary (Tatherine (Ferguson) Glenn (b. Ja 5, 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Cham- paign, 1907-9; do.. Newton H. S., 111., 1909- 11; do., Olney H. S., 111., 1912; Agt. for Mags. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 207 E. Green St., Champaign. 2997. ARTURO V. GONZALEZ Professor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 30, 1885; s. Esteban (Nadadores, Coah, Mexico) and Cipriana (Depeda) Gonzalez (b. Saltillo, do.). Prepared in Saltillo, Coah, Mexico. Sigma Xi. Arch., concrete const.; Prof, in Math. Auth. of a differential and integral calculus to be published soon. Married Carmen (»ar- cia, Ja 3, 1909. Children: Beatriz, b. N 18, 1910: Arthur E., b. Je 4, 1912. Address, Pueblo St., No. 13, Monterey, Mex. 2998. DONALD GRAHAM Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 24, 1885, Noblesville, Ind.; s. William Braden (b. N. Washington, Pa.) and Clara Catharine (Dar- rah) Graham (b. Clarksville, Ind.). Prepared in Noblesville, Ind., H. S. Arch. Club; Univ. Orchestra; First Holder of Francis J. Plym European Traveling Fellowship in Arch., 191 1- 12. Draftsman, W. F. Alexander & Son, La- fayette, Ind., 1907; Frank B. Hunter, Elmer Dunlap, and C. C. C. and St. L. R. R., Indian- apolis, 1907-10; Hewitt & Emerson, Peoria, 1910-11; European Travel, 1911-12. Const, and Forrestry Div.. S. O. S., S. O. N., Tours, France. Married Alma Marguerite Speck, Ap 9, 1910, Evansville, Ind. Child, Helen Vir- ginia, b. Mr 24, 1911. Address, 35 S. 9th St., Noblesville, Ind.f 2999. SYLVESTER HENRY GRAUTEN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 26, 1886, Denver; s. Henry Sylvester (b. O 12, 1852, Steubenville, O.) and Amelia (Lugibihl) Grauten (b. Kansas City, Kan.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Elec Asst., N. Y. C. & H. R. R.; Elec. Engr., Grand Central Terminal, New York 278 University of Illinois City; Testing Engr., Panama Canal, Gatun, C. Z.; Asst. Engr., Pub. Service Co. of No. III.; Elec. Engr., Kansas City Ry. Co. Mar- ried Yolande Marie Graiiten, Je i, 191 5, New Orleans. Address, 4224 Harrison, Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 1500 Grand Ave., do. 3000. SIDNEY GREAR Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 14, 1885 Anna, 111.; s. Walter (b. F 24, 1850, Tones- boro. 111.) and Flora (Walker) Grear (b. My 27, 1854, do.). Prepared in Anna H. S. Egyn- tain Club; C. E. Club; Varsity Track; cipt., do., 1907; Class Track, 1904; Class Treas., 1906. Chainman, Louisville, Ky., 1907; Rod- man, Water Valley, Miss., 1907-9; Draftsman, Chicago, igo9-ii; Asst. Engr., do., 1911-13; Chief Draftsman, do., 1913 — . Mem., Struct. Engrs. Assn., 111. Married Gussie Baker, O 25, 1 91 1, Water Valley, Miss. Child, Wal- ter, b. N 9, 1912. Address, 1537 E. 65th St., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 1000 Central Sta., dv. 3001. BESSIE ROSE GREEN (Sister of Nos. 878, 2110) Instructor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1910; b. D 6, 1885, Ivesdale, 111.; d. Patrick (b. N 7, 1842, Ireland) and Maria (Hopkins) Green (b. Mr 23, 1845, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, Atlanta H. S., 111., 1907-8; Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1908-9, 191 1-12, and 1916-17; Instr., Biol., Univ. of Colo., 1917 — . Address, 1083 13th St., Boulder, Colo. 3002. MOSES GREENLEAF Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 24, 1883, Jacksonville, III.; s. Edward Spara- hawk (b. 1838, Bangor, Me.) and Kate (Ban) Greenleaf (b. 1846, St. Louis). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phoenix; Delta Rho Sigma; Yoxan; Theta Nu Epsilon; MgT. Football; Chiii., Jr. Prom. Com.; Cadei Hop. Com.; Sergt., Univ. Regt. Grain & Lum- ber Business. 1907-9; Mgr. Stock Ranch, 1909 — . Married Georgia Lillian Stice, O 28. 1908, New Jacksonville, 111. Children: Henry Stewart, b. JI 20, 1909; Moses, Jr., b. O 22, 191 1. Address, Kingman, Kan. 3003. MARGARET GRACE GREENMAX (Sister of No. 1691) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 9, 1885, Nokomis, 111.; d. Edwin Gardner (b. Jl 19, 1848, Corn- ing. N. Y.) and Carrie Hoos (Paine) Green- man (b. Jl IS, i860, Castleton, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Psi ; Illiola. Address, R. i. Pond Creek, Okla. 3004. WALTER GAY GRIERSON Draftsman: B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 4, iSS.', Morrison, 111.; s. John (b. D 7, 1842, Scot- land) and Mary (Robertson) Grierson (b. Je 13. 1850, Albany, 111.). Prepared in Morri son H. S. Delegate from Arch. Club to Arch. League of Am., held at Washington, D. C. Ap 1907. Draftsman, Memphis, 1908; do., Minneapolis, 191 1; do.. Milwaukee, 191 1 — . Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Address. 6go Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., c/o C. Henneckee Co., do. 3005. ALEXANDER HUNTER GUNN Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 7, 1884, Evanston, 111.; s. Alexander Hunter, Sr. (b. Jl 15, 1834, New York City) and Emily Althea (Dyer) Gunn (b. Ap 30, 1839, Elmira, O.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Mask and Bauble; Opera Club; Argos Club. Salesman and Designer, Wallace Mach. Co., Champaign, 1908; Draftsman, Green Engng. Co., 1908-12; Chief Draftsman, Crown Specialty Co., Chi- cago; Dist. Sales Mgr., Am. Exten., Univ. of Los Angeles. Invented (with J. D. Wallace) cam pump driver, patented; new type, re- I1907 lief or safety valve, patent pending. Mem., Congr. Church; lUini Club. Married Harriet Brewster Willcox, Mr 20, 1909. Children: Alexander Hunter, III, b. Ap 16, 1910; Buck- ingham Willcox, b. My 31, 191 1. Address, 817 Hinnian Ave., Evanston, 111. 3006. AXEL FERDINAND GUSTAFSON Professor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1912; b. N 24. 1S80, Joy, 111.; s. G. A. (b. Ag 7, 1843, Sweden) and Augusta (Tern) Gustafson (b. Je 4, 1848, do.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. -\gr. Club; Adelphic; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Prelim, honors. Asst., Soil Physics, Univ. of 111., 1907-10; Instr. do. 1910-11; Assoc, do. and first asst., do., Agr. Exp. Sta., S i, 1911- 15; Asst. Prof., Soil Phys., Coll. of Agr. and Asst. Chief. Soil Phys., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Grad. Work, Cornell, 1918— . .\uth.: (with J. G. Mosier) Soil Phys. Lab. Man., Ginn & Co., Boston, 1912; Soil Moisture and Tillage for Corn, Bill. 181, Univ. of III. Agr. E.rp. Sta., 1915; Soil Phys. and Mgmt., J. li. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1917; Soil Erosions and methods of Prevention, Bui. 207, Univ. of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1918. Dumping Soil into the Sea, How to Reduce Soil Ero- sions, Farm and Fireside, Vol. 38, No. 18, 191 5; Makes the Hill Acres Pay, Soil Improve- ment of Worn Hill Lands, do.. Vol. 38, No. 22. 191 5. Presiding officer. Alpha Zeta, igio- T2; mem.. Am. Soc. Agronomy. Married Zora Dean McUmber, Je 30, 1914, Charlotte, Mich. Child. Helen Lucile, b. Ap i, 1918. Address, 709 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., 115 Cook St., Ithaca, N. Y. 3007. ALTA GWINN (SAUNDERS) (Sister of Nos. 4689, 6268, 6924) Instructor; A. B. in L & A.; A. M., 1910; I). N 19, 1886, Oakland, 111.; d. Oliver Muncle (b. Je 23, 1858, Oakland, 111.) and Sara (Wells) Gwinn (b. O 12, i860). Prepared in Oakland H. S. Delta Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Sec. Y. W. C. A.; flon. mem.. Gamma Epsilon Pi. Prin., H. S., Ridgefarm, 111., 1907-9; Asst., Eng., LTniv. of 111., 1910-18; Instr., do., 1918 — . Married Thomas Earle Saunders, S 18, 1914, Urbana. .iddress, 806 Goodwin Ave., Urbana. 3008. MICHAEL EDWARD HAGAN Teacher; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 9. 1884, Champaign Co.; s. Thomas (b. Mr. 8, 1858, N. Y. City) and Mary A. (Brennan) Hagan (b. Mr 4, 1859, Ottawa, Can.). Prepared in St. Mary's H. S., Champaign. E. E. Soc. With Laclede L. & P. Co., St. Louis, 1908; Teacher, Man. Tr., DePaul Univ., Chicago, 1908; do., Univ. of Dallas, Tex., 190S — . Mem., Assn. of Stationary Engrs. (Hon.). Married Margaret LIrsula Mahoney, Ag 24, 1909. Springfield, 111. Address, 4105 Holland St., Dallas, Tex. 3009. HARRY GRAY HAKE (Husband of No. 7575) Instructor; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 1910; b. V 1883, Barry, 111.; s. Ernest Charles (b. Ger.) and Mary (Gray) Hake (b. Barry, 111.). Pre- pared in Barry H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma -Ki. Instr., E. E., Univ. of 111., 1907-13; do., St. Louis, 1913 — . Auth.: Street Lighting, Univ. of 111. Exp. Sta., 191 1- Mem., A. I. E. E.; Illuminating Engng. Soc; Local represen- tative. Illuminating Engng. Soc, St. Louis. Married Minnie Etta Thomas ('16), Je 18, 191 o. Champaign. Child, Mary Katherine, b. N 27. 1916. Address. 61 10 Washington Ave., .St. Louis; bus. add., Washington Univ., do. 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 3010. ELLIS BERNARD HALL (Brother of No. 3763) Chem. and Engr. ; B. S. in Chein.; b. My 21, 1883, Hoopeston, III.; s. Ervin Stevens (b. F 14, 1855, Tonica, 111.) and Violetta (Richard- son) Hall (b. Je 19, 1852, Peoria). Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. Sigma Nu. Asst. Chem., Mo. Pacific R. R., 1907-9; Chem., Vandalia R. R., 1909-11; Chem. and Engr. of Tests, Big Four R. R., 191 1 — . Mem., A. C. S. ; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; 111. Water Supply Assn. Married Cleo Geneva Millikan, O 15, 1914. Indianapolis. Child, Frances Louise, b. Je 10, 1917. Address. 3019 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis; bus. add., Engr. of Tests, Big Four R. R., Beech Grove, Ind. 30 11. JANET ALLETTA HALL (Sister of No. 3390) Secretary; A. B. in Sc; b. Je i, 1884, Dan- ville, 111.; d. Harry Augustus (b. D 29, 1853, Lafayette, Ind.) and Alletta Berrien (Lever- ich) Hall (b. O 1854, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; Studied Infant Welfare in Ger., 1911. Alpha Epsilon Iota; Varsity Bas- ketball. John Crerar Lib., 1907-8; Univ. of Chicago Lib., 1909; Chicago Pub. Lib., 1909- 10; Asst. and Sec. to Dir., Infant Welfare Service, Chicago Health Dept., 1910-11; Social work, private sec, 1912-17; Sec., Visiting Nurse Assn., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1917 — ; Typhoid Work in Belgium under the Comn. for Relief in Belgium, unofficially, 1914-15. Auth. : Next to the King, address read at banquet given Brand Whitlock at Toledo, on his last trip home from Belgium; Sch. Lunches -were the Beginning (Organization of work in Belgium), in Calif. Social Agencies Bui., F 1918. Mem.. Chicago Ethical Soc; Woman's City Club, Chicago; Calif. St. C^onf. of Social Agencies. Address, Gen. Delivery, Santa Bar- bara, Calif. 3012. QUINCY ALLEN HALL Sec, Engng. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. JI 2, 1882; s. Alonzo J. (b. Ag 23, 1852, Chicago) and Sarah Amanda Hall (b. Mr 4, i860, Hick- man, 111.). Prepared in Milford H. S.; Univ. Acad. Delta Upsilon; M. E. Soc; Swimming Team; Track Squad. Appointed Mech. Drafts- man, 1907 (served six weeks); Asst. Testing Engr., 1907-9; Testing Engr., 1909; Sec, Mor- gan T. Jones Co., Inspecting Engrs., Chicago, 1914 — . In Panama Canal Service, a Branch of the Army, 1907-14. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Address, Sec, Morgan T. Jones Co., Inspecting Engrs., Chicago. 3013. FREDERICK EDWARD HANKE Engineer; B. S. in M. E. : b. Mr 11, 1882, Freeport, 111.; s. A. E. Hanke. Prepared in Freeport H. S. Married Elizabeth Showers. Address, 60 N. Western Ave., Detroit.! 3014. ROBERTA LOUISE HANNA Treacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 6, 1884, Chicago; d. James Robert (b. Ag 14, 1851, Chicago) and Dorabel (Laing) Hanna (b. D 15, 1856, Va.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1908; Columbia, sum- mer, 191 5. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, H. S., Chicago; do., Austin H. S., Chicago. Mem., Presby. Church; Chicago Alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma; Chicago Coll. Club; Cen- tral Assn. Sc. and Math. Address, 1018 Pleas- ant St., Oak Park. 111. 3015. IVAN GUY HARMON (Brother of No. 4693) Engr. and "Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 26, 1884, Evanston, 111.; s. Josiah Gilbert (b. Ap 2. 1858, Olney, 111.) and Emma (Murvin) Har- mon (b. D 21, 1862, Bible Grove, 111.). Prepared in Flora H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Yoxan; 279 Shield and Trident; Sigma Xi; Varsity Foot- ball; Track; Jr. Prom. Com. Engr., Grand trunk lacihc, 1907-9; Denver Reservoir Co 1909-10; Engr. and Contr., 1910— . Auth.: Re- construction of Marshall Lake Dam, The Engrs Kccord 19 10. Mem., Univ. Club of Denver. Ad- dress. Lebanon, 111. 3016. JOSEPH MILTON HARNIT Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 5, 1883, Ludlow, 111^ s. Joseph Milton (b. New Castle, Pa.) and Elizabeth Anna (Newlin) Harnit. Prepared in Clarion (la.) H. S. With Crystal i;alls Iron Min. Co., Mich., 1907-9; W. L. Fergus & Co., Chicago, 1909-11; Green Engng. Co., Chicago, 191 1 — . Address, 2423 E. 73d St., Chicago; bus. add., 1300 Steger Bldg., cio.t 3017. BERTHA MAY HARPER (Sister of No. 2414) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 22, 1886, Granville, 111.; d. James Albertus (b. N 13 ■*^52, ^,V-^- '" i- '^ A-; b- -As 3, J 88s, Tolono, 111.; a. William Towner (b. O 26, 1861, Urbana) and Lida (Mullen) Harvey (b. N 3, 1863, Pesotum, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S., Univ. Acad.; Chicago Sch. Civics and Philanthropy, 1912-13 Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Asst. Instr., Chicago Tr. Sch. for City and Foreign Missions, 191 1- 13; Visitor, L^nited Charities of Chicago. 1913- 14; do., 111. Children's Home and Aid Soc, 1914-iS; Asst. Supt., Associated Charities, Champaign and Urbana, 1915; Dir., Pekin Social Welfare League, 1915-17. Married John Wilson Gift, Ja 22, 1918, Urbana. Address, loio Glen Oak Ave., Peoria. 3019. HOWARD CHARLES HAUNGS Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1916; li. F 5, 1861, Peoria; s. Charles (b. je 13, 1859, :/(/.) and -Alice Elizabeth (Thornton) Haungs. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Class Basket Ball; C. E. Club. Asst. Engr., Elliott & Harman Engng. Co., Peoria. Mem., Peoria Lodge No. IS, A. F. A. M.; Peoria Chapter No. 7, R. A. M.; Peoria Commandery No 3, K. T. ; Mo- hammed Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; 111. Soc. of Engrs and Survs. Married Florence Mable Pierce, Je 7, 191 1, Peoria (died 1918). Child. Robert Charles, b. Ag 25, 1916. Address, 434 Bigelow St., Peoria; bus. add., 144 Fredonia .Ave., do. 3020. RALPH S. HAWLEY Realty and Bonds; A. B. in L. & A.- I F 20, 1886, Aurora, III.; s. Clark W. and Edna V. (Chittenden) Hawley. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., LaGrange. Phi Kappa Psi; Act. Capt.. Univ. Regt. ; Univ. Orchestra. With The Trustee Companies and Bus. Property Security Co., 1907 — . Auth.: Various tech. articles in Buildings and Building Mgmt., Chi- cago, 1913-14. Mem., Los Angeles Chap., Am. Inst, of Banking; Coll. Club, Seattle (Charter Mem.). Married Dorothy Winslow, Je 2, 1917, Seattle. Address, 1124 3Sth Ave., Seattle'. 3021. AUGUSTUS WASHINGTON HAYES (Husband of No. 4328) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 2, 1884, Pleasant Plains, III.; s. Joseph Wright (b. do.) and Fannie Maria (Pierce) Hayes (b. Win- sted. Conn.). Prepared in Pleasant Plains H. S.; M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1915. Alpha Zeta; Acacia; Adelphic Soil Sur., Univ. of 111., 1907-og; Soil Fertility Investigations, 1909-10; Teacher, Agr., Warren and East Grand Forks, Minn., H. S., 1911-13; Co. Agr. Agt., Sullivan 280 University of Illinois I1907 Co., Ind., 1913-16: do., Lorain Co., O., 1916 — ; Ext. staff, O. St. Univ. Mem., Univ. of Wis. Alumni Assn; A. F. A. M.; Emergency Agt., U. S. Dept. of Agr. Married Essie E. Neal ('10), Ap 4, 1912, Minneapolis (divorced F 6, 1914); Martha Fidelia Durham, Je 14, 1917. Address, Gen. Delivery, Madison. Wis.; bus- add., Co. Agr. Agt., Lorain Co., O. 3022. MABEL ANNIE HAZELTON (BURNHAM) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 12, 1884, Morrison, 111.; d. Charles N. (b. Jl 2, 1847, Elmira, N. Y.) and Sarah J. (Moore) Hazelton (b. D 18, 1846, Leeds, Eng.). Prepared in Morrison H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1903-6. Chi Omega. Mar- ried Albert G. Burnham, Mr 18, 1914. Child, Charles Hazelton, b. F 19, 1915. Address. Morrison, 111. 3023. ROY RAYMOND HELM (Husband of No. 3116; Brother of Nos. 5201, 8410) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 25, 1886, Metropolis, 111.; s. Douglas W. (b. Jl 23, i860, Johnson Co., 111.) and Mary Ann (Howell) Helm (b. F 17, 1863, do.). Prepared in Me- tropolis H. S.; J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1909. Adelphic; Pol. Sc. Club; Eng. Club; Egyptian Club; Van Twiller Moot Court; Phoeni.x; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Assoc. Ed., Illio, 1907; Ed., mini, 1906-7. Lawyer, Salt Lake City, 1909-11; do.. Metropolis, 111., 1911 — . Married Mabel Moore ('07), D 28, 1910, Clinton, 111. Child, Robert Raymond, b. Je 21, 1918. Address, Metropolis, 111. 3024. LORA ATKINS HENION (SUTHERLAND) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; b. F 14, 1870, Ann Arbor, Mich.; d. Lauren Lansing (b. Mr 25, 1849, do.) and Frances Rebecca (Atkins) Henion (b. S 10, 1851, Elmore, O.). Prepared in Ann Arbor H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1897-99. Alpha Omicron Pi; Y. W. C. A.; Eng. Club; Kap'pa Delta Pi; Athenean; Pres., Athenean Alumni Soc; Girls' Glee Club, 1906-7; A. C. A.; Univ. Grad. Club. Teacher, Eng., Tuscola H. S., 1907-9; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Teacher, summer sch., Univ. of III., 1910; Head of Eng. Dept., Pontiac Tp. H. S., 1913-17. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Arthur Howard Sutherland, Jl 16, 1917. Child, John Lauren, b. Je 19, 1918. Address, 2242 Cambridge St., Los Angeles. 3025. NELSON WILLIAM HEPBURN (Husband of No. 3861; Brother of No. 6298) Professor; B. S. and M. S. in Agr.; b. F 20, 1884, Emmetsburg, la.; s. J. G. and Jessie (MacDonald) Hepburn. Prepared in Morengo H. S. Alpha Zeta; Gamma Alpha. Asst. Prof., Dairy Mfrs., Univ. of 111. Married Mary E. Mann ('09), D 29, 1910, Oilman, 111. Children: Elizabeth, b. Jl 13, 1912; Ruth Eleanor, b. D 6, 1915. Address, 806 Iowa Ave., LIrbana. 3026. CHARLOTTE HESS (SMITH) (Wife of No. 1771) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1886. Philo, 111.; d. Frederick Clarence (b. D 11, 1864) and Cora L. (Moore) Hess (b. F 16, 1866). Prepared in Philo H. S. Stud., Bible Teach- ers' Tr. Sch., 1907-8. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Class Historian. Y. W. C. A. Sec, St. Louis, 1908-10. Married Roy Smith ('02), O 10, 1910, Tokyo, Japan. Children: Stanford Moore, b. My 17, 191 2; Roy Andrew, b. N 13. 1915- Address, Higer Cml. Coll., Kobe, Japan. 3027. ALLEN LEET HIGGINS (Brother of No. 746) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 29, 1885, Elmwood, 111.; s. Barney Prentiss (b. Ap 29, 1833, Chester, Mass.) and Mary Eliza (Leet) Higgins (b. ja i, 1842, Deep River, Conn.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Agr. Club. With St. Soil Sur., 1907; Farming, 1907-8; Bureau, Soils, U. S. Dept., Agr., 1908- ij; O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1912-14; Co. Agt., Des Moines Co., la., 1914-16; Serum Bus., 1916-18; Co. Farm Adviser, Moultrie Co., 111., 1918-^ — . Married Lulu Katherine Stephens, Ap 24, 1914, Columbus, O. Address, Sullivan, 111. 3028. HERMANN MARTIN HILDE- BRANDT (Brother of No. 2418) Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 13, 1886, South Bend, Ind.; s. Henry (b. 1853, Ger.) and Martha (Locher) Hildebrandt (b. 1862, Africa). Prepared in LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1907-8; Univ. of Berlin, 1008-9; Univ. of Leipsic, 1909-10. T. B. Blackstone Fellow, McCormick Sem., 1907; Moderator, 1912; B. D., McCormick Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1910. Pastor, Central Presby. Church, Petersburg, 111., 19:0-14; do.. Third Presby. Church, Springlield Church, 1914 — . Married Margaret Louise Armitage, N 27. 1913, P.tllwood. 111. Address, 1028 N. 7th St., Spring- lield, 111. 3029. JOHN HARMON HINMAN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 22, 1884. Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. Robert Nelson (b. D 18, 1856, do.) and Ella Elizabeth (Burghart) Hin- man (b. O 31, 1858, N. Y.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon II. S. Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Gen. Constr. and Operating Work, Calumet & Ariz. Min. Co., 1908; Master Mech.. Tri-Bullion Smelting & Development Co., 1908; Draftsman and Asst. Mech. Engr., Calumet & Ariz. Min. Co., 1908-9; Asst. Mech. Engr., do., Courtland, Ariz., 1909; Asst. Mech. Engr., do., Bisbee, Ariz., 1909-10; Draftsman, Southwest. Portland Cement Co., El Paso, Tex., 1910; Mgr., So. 111. Motor Car Co., Mt. Vernon, 111., 1910; Erect- ing Engr., Heine Safety Boiler Co., 1910-17; Cochise Mach. Co., Los Angeles, 1918; Heine Safety Boiler Co. charge of installation of boil- ers for Emergency Fleet Corp. on West Coast, 1918 — . Address, 729 W. 8th St., Los Angeles. 3030. CHARLES EDWARD IIOFF Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 12, 1882, Biggs, 111.; s. George (b. N 5, 1850, near Laur- enceville, Ind.) and Jacobena (Yackly) Hoff (b. O 8, 1850, do.). Prepared in Havana H. S. Acacia; C. E. Club; Band. Insp. 111. St. Hy. Comn., 1907-9; Asst. City Engr., Muskogee, Okla., 1908-9; Mem. firm, Hoff & Williams, 1909—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Congr. Church. Married Ethleen Estelle Sheets, D 9, 1Q07, Pekin, 111. Children: Stuart Sheet§, b. Mr 3, 1909; Alice, b. Jl 7, 191 2. Address, c/o Hoff & Williams, Muskogee, Okla. 3031. FRANK GORDON HOFFMAN Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 3. 1881, Vera, 111.; s. John H. (b. 1840, Ger.) and Mary E. (Miller) Hoffman (b. 1851, Ger.). Prepared in Ger.-Am. Acad., Rochester, N. Y.; Dixon Coll. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi. City Engr., Marion, 111., 1907-8; Mem. firm, Hoffman, Town- send & Co., Municipal Contrs., street paving and sewering in various So. 111. cities; Gen. Contr., 1914—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Jestena K. Townsend, Je 3, 1907. Champaign. Children: Gordon Townsend, b. Ap 20, 1908; Edward Wade, b. Jl 30, 1909; Katharine Mary, b. D 23, 1910. Address, Mari- on, 111. 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 281 3032. VERNON LEO HOLLISTER (Husband of No. 2486) Consulting Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1911; b. Mr 14, 1883, Cadillac, Mich.; s. J. C. F. and Dorothy (Henderson) Hollister. Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; Lewis Inst. Omicron Alpha Chi; Sigma Tau; Sigma Xi; Asst. Instr., Elec. Lab.; Sales Engr., Century Elec. Co., St. Louis: Assoc. Prof., Elec. Eng., 1907; Designed and installed elec. power plant for Fairmount, Neb., 1909: do., steam heating plant for St. Home, 1909; Appraisal Engr., Neb. St. R. R. Comn., 19 1 2-14; Mun. Elec. Lighting Water Works and .Heating Plants, Sidney, Neb., 1914; do., Edgar, Neb., 1914; Uehling, Neb., 1914; Asst. Chief Engr., Continental (jas and Elec. Corp., 1916; Appraisal of thirty-five Gas and Elec. Corp., 1916; Consulting Engr., on Appraisal, Continental Gas and Elec. Corp., 191 7 — . Auth. : Induction Motors in Concatenation, Techno- graph, 1907; Elimination of Instrumental Error in Resistance Measurements, West. Electrician, Ap 27, 1907; Short Circuit and Open Circviit Tests of Transformers, Neb. Blue Print, 1908; History and Development of the Telephone, do., 1910; Design of an Advanced Course in Alter- nating Currerrts for Undergraduates — Thesis for E. E. degree, Univ. of 111., 1911. Neb. Blue Print, 191 1 (this issue dedicated to him). Mar- ried Lela Gretchen Pilcher ('05), Ag 22, 1907, Streator, 111. Child, son, b. Jl 21, 1915. Ad- dress, Lincoln, Neb. 3033. ALICE HOWE (Sister of Nos. 2131, 2702, 3785, 6323, 9143) Student; A. B. in L. & A.: b. Ap 2, 1884, Chicago; d. Edward Gardiner (b. 1849, Brook- line, Mass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Barnard) Howe (b. 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. Pres., Alethenai; Eng. and Ger. Clubs; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors. Teacher, 1907-08. Grad. work, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1910 — . Mem., Bethany Union (Church. Address, 10233 S. Wood St., Chicago. 3034. LESLIE DILLON HOWELL (Brother of No. 7635) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 31, 1884, Winfield, Kans. ; s. John J. (b. 1854, Rushville, 111.) and Ella C. (Dillon) Howell (b. 1856, Rushville, 111.). Prepared in Ipava H. S. Scholarship; Arch. Club; Philomathean; Alter- nate, Ill.-O. debate; Philo.-Adelphic debate. Draftsman with Bullard and Hill, Tacoma, 1907-08; Frederick Heath, do., 1908-00; Potter and Merrill, do., 1909-11; W. C. Knighton, St. Arch., Salem, Ore., 1911-15; Sr. Arch., Inter- state Commerce, San Francisco, 1915-18. Third E. R. O. T. C. Camp Lee, Va. Active duty since F 9, 1918, as ist Lt. E. R. C, ist Repl. Regt. Engrs., Washington Barracks, D. C.; Capt., Gen. McKinstry's Div., work in connec- tion with war damage claims of the Allies: Auth.: The Tacoma High School Stadium, Engng. Record, O 29, 191 o. Mem., Univ. Club, Tacoma, 1907-11; Tacoma Tennis Club, 1909 — . Married Harriet Maxwell, Je 22, 1910, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Jonathan Maxwell, b. Jl 7, 1918 (died S 26, 1918). Address, 3071/2 N. L St., Tacoma, Wash. 3035. HAROLD DE MOTT HUGHES (Brother of No. 4224; Husband of No. 1919) Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 16, 1882, Antioch, 111.; s. Hugh David and Jessie (Yule) Hughes. Prepared in Univ. Acad.; M. S., Univ. of Mo., 1908. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Pres., Adelphic; Phi Kappa Phi; Pres., Agr. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Adelphic-Philo Inter-Soc Debating Team. Instr., Coll. Agr., Univ. of Mo.. 1907-10; Prof. Farm Crops, la. St. Coll. in cnarge Farm Crops Investigations, Agr. Exp. Sta., 1910 — . Inventor: Ames Seed Scarifier; Hughes Seed Counter. Auth.: Various Buls. Mem., Assn. Official Seed Analysts of N. A. (Pres.). Married Lulu M. Lego ('03), O 14, 1908, New Orleans. Children: John Nelson, b. N 28, 1909; Daniel Edison, b. D 11, 191 1; Alice Miriam, b. My 15, 1914. Address, 604 7th St., Ames, la. 3036. WARD LOUIS HULL Dairy Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 25, 1885, Whitehall, 111.; s. Louis Kossuth (b. Ja 12, 1852, Perth Amboy, N. J.) and Ruth Matilda (Amos) Hull (b. Mr 21, 1858, near Whitehall, 111.). Prepared in Roodhouse H. S. Agr. Club. Asst. Dairy herdsman, Chicago Stock Farm, near Buffalo Center, 1907-8; Post grad. work. Dairying, Univ. of 111., 1908-9; Traveling in Can. and West. States, 1909; Official Tester, Ore. Agr. Coll., 1909-13; Dairy farming near Ballston, Ore., 1913 — . Mem., Loyal Am. Lodge; Hon. mem., Nat. Agr. Soc; M. E. Church. Married Pearl Marie Ellis, Je 4, 191 3, Whitehall, 111. Address, Ballston, Ore. 3037. ADAM ALBERT HUMMEL (Brother of Nos. 3038, 3039) Phys., Surg, and Osteopath; B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1908; b. Ap 12, 1877, Roberts, 111; s. John (b. Ag 7, 1834, Frankfort, Ger.) and Sarah Matilda (Upson) Hummel (b. Jl 14, 1846, Akron, O.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch. D. O., Coll., Osteopathic Phys. and Surg., Los Angeles, 1915. Sigma Xi. Head of Sc. Dept., H. S., Redlands, Calif., 1908-10; Teacher, Sc, St. Norm. Sch., Los Angeles, 191 o. Practicing Phys., Surg, and Ost., 1918 — . Pres. So. Calif. Sc. and Math. Assn., 191 2. Married Edna Estelle Daniels, Ag 16, 1910, Mitchell, S. Dak. Children: David Daniels, b. Je 6, 1913; Robert John, b. My 14, 1917 (died My 17, 1917); Jean Ruth. b. Ja 11, 1919. Address, 7978 Nor- ton Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., 5502 Santa Monica Blvd., do. 3038. SARAH MATHILDA HUMMEL (Sister of Nos. 3037, 3039) Osteopath; A. B. in Sc; b. Roberts, 111.; d. John (b. Ag 7, 1834, Frankfort, Ger.) and Sarah Matilda (Upson) Hummel (b. Jl 14, 1846, Akron. O.). Prepared in Roberts H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Attended Columbia Univ.. Summer 1910. D. O., Ost. Coll. Phys. and Surg., Los Angeles, 1916. Teacher, Pen- dleton, Ore., Acad., 1907-8; Seattle H. S., 1908-9; Instr., Univ. of Wash., Summer Ses- sion 1909; established Dept., Home Econ., and Instr. in charge, do., Univ. of Wash., 1909-12; Instr. Home Econ. Summer Session, Univ. of Cal., 1912; Instr. do., St. Norm. Sch., Manual Arts and Home Econ., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1912-13. Stud., Osteopathic Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., 1913-16; Stud., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, 1916-17; Practicing Phys., Chicago, 191 7 — . Mem., Kappa Psi Delta; Am. Ost. Assn.; 111. Ost. Assn.; Chicago Coll. Club. Address, 4436 Drexel Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 27 E. Monroe St., do. 3039. WILLIAM GRANDVILLE HUMMEL (Husband of No. 2232; Brother of Nos. 3037. 3038) Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 19, 1880; s. John (b. Ag 7, 1834, Frankfort, Ger.) and Sarah Matilda (Upson) Hummel (b. Jl 14, 1846, Akron, O.). Prepared in Normal H. S. M. S., Univ. of Calif., 1912. Sigma Pi; Phi Delta Kappa. Instr., Colo. Agr. Coll., Ft. Col- lins, Colo., 1907-8; Instr., N. Mex. Agr. Coll., 1908-9; Teacher, Agr., H. S., Oxnard, Calif., 1909-10; Head of Agr. Dept.. H. S., Fresno, Calif., 1910-11; Instr., Univ. of CaliL, 1911-12; Asst. Prof., Agr. Educ, do., 1912-13; Assoc. Prof., do., 1913-18; Prof., do., 1918 — . On leave from Univ. of Calif., 1917-18, acting as Agr. Agt. for Fed. Bd. for Vocat. Educ, Wash- ington, D. C. Auth.: Materials and Methods in University of Illinois [190} H. S. Agr.. Macmillan Co., N. Y., 1913; various buls. Married iiertha Ella lioyce ('04), D 14, 1907, Denver. Address, 6118 Ocean View Drive, Oakland, Calif.; bus. add., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. 3040. HARRY PAUL HUMPHREYS (Brother of No. 3790) Garage Proprietor; B. C. in M. E.; b. S 30, 1885. Sheffield, 111.; s. David Franklin (b. Mr 15, 1861, do.) and Nellie Jennie (Seaver) Humphreys (b. O 3, 1862, do.). Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident. With C. & A. Min. Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 1907-9; Draftsman, North Coast R. R. Co., Spokane, 1909; Draftsman, 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1909-14; Proprietor, Col- umbus Monument Garage, Chicago, 1914 — • Married Grace Florence Stark, D 18, 1909, Dixon, 111. Children: Stark Newell, b. Je II, 1914; Janet Seaver, b. Je s, 1916. Address, 6850 Cornell Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., Colum- bus Monument Garage, 9J44 S. Chicago Ave., do. 3041. E. GLENNE HUNT (ROE) \ B in Lib. Sc.; b. Mr 30, 1885, Dana, Ind.; d. Charles Newton (b. D 13, 1859, An- napolis, Ind.) and Nancy Arnetta (Newton) Hunt (b. S 25. 1856, Toronto, Ind.). Pre- pared in Dana H. S. \V. A. A.; Y. W. C. A. Libn., 1907; Teacher, 1909-10; Stud., Stenog- raphy. 191 1. Mem., O. E. S.; White Shrine of Jerusalem; Baptist Church. Married John McDonald Roe, F 8, 1912, Urbana. Address, R. 7, Wapakoneta, O. 3042. JASPER NEWTQN HUNT, JR. (Brother of No. 3420) Pres., Mfg. Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F i, 1884, Rock Island, 111.; s. Jasper Newton (b. F I 1851, New Castle, Pa.) and Amanda (Frazier) Hunt (b. Hubbard, O.). Prepared in Lewis In,st. Theta Delta Chi. Salesman, Shaw-Walker Co., Chicago, 1907-10; on planta- tion in Mex., My-S 1910; Salesman, Oliver Typewriter Co., Chicago, 1910-11; do., Auto- mobile Tire Dept., Diamond Rubber Co., Chi- cago, 1912-13; Sec. and Treas., Canode & Hunt Mfg. Co., 1913-17; Pres., The Jasper Hunt Mfg. Co., 1918 — . Married Emma H. Hansell, Mr 9, 1915. Address, 538 S. Clark St., Chi- cago. 3043. LOUISE MARIE HUSE (PRAY) (Wife of No. 2791) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 5. 1885, Mason City, 111.; d. William Gardner (b. O 14, 1S53, Enfield, N. H.) and Sarah Ann (Baner) Huse (b. Ag :i, 1855, Cincinnati). Prepared in Mason H. S. thi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Married Ralph Marble Pray ('06), Ja 15, 190S. Mason Citv, 111. Children: Lee Huse, b. D 26, 1909; Ralph Huse, h. Ap 15, 1910; Richard, b. II 10, 1911; Peggy Huse, b. F 25, igi.i- Ad- dress, 822 Columbian Ave., Oak Park, 111. 3044. CLAIRE ELWOOD HUTCHIN Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1909; b. Mr 21, 1887, Decatur, 111.; s. Walter (b. F 24, i860, Kan.) and Anna Katherine (Dille- hunt) Hutchin (b. Ta i, iSbo. Decatur, HI.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Ilus Club; Delta Sigma Rho; Fuller Law Club; Organization, 111. Union. Law Clerk, Buckingham & Gr.iy, Decatur, 111., 1909-10; Lawyer. O. W. Smith & C. E. Hutchin, 1010-18. Commanding Officer, No. St. Norm. Sch., Marquette, Mich. Mem., Decatur Club. Address. 1429 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 529-.30 Powers Bldg.. do. 3045. WALTER HENRY HUTH Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 25, 1886; 5. H. G. (b. My 20, 1862, Arnswalde, Ger.) and Emma Frances (Totzke) Huth (b. S 28, 1859, Reinwasser, do.). Prepared in Chicago H. Schs. Beta Theta Pi. Pres., Kohlbry-How- lett Co. Contracting Engrs., Chicago. Married JVIarguerite Jaques, N 7, 1912, Chicago. Child- ren: Margaret Knight, b. Ag 19, 1913; Edward Everett, b. My 14, 1916. Address, 6229 Win- throp Ave., Chicago. 3046. DAISY DELL IRWIN (BRONSON) (Wife of No. 3293) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 23, 1886, Longview, 111.; d. James Wesley (b. Ag 28, 1845, Fred- ericktown, O.) and Margaret M. (Fisher) Ir- win (b. Ag 25, 184S, Calcutta, O.). Prepared in Westfield H. S. Illiola. Married George Earl Bronson ('08), My 27, 190S, Urbana. Child, Margaret Irwin, b. S ig, 1910. Address, 235 N. Long Ave., Chicago. t 3047. ERNST OTTO JACOB (Husband of No. 2621) Y. M. C. A. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1886, Dresden, Ger.; s. Ernst Wilhelm (b. Jl 8, 1858, Weinboehla, Ger.) and Augusta Emile (John) Jacob (b. D 26, i860, Grossen- Monnera, Ger.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; M. E. Soc; Stud. Vol. Band; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Chm., Cap and Gown Com.; Toast- master, M. E. Banquet; Speaker, Sr. Class Farewell Breakfast. Asst. St. Sec. 111. Y. M. C. A., 1907-10; Foreign (traveling) Sec. In- ternat. Comn. Y. M. C. A.; Traveling Sec. in Turkish Empire, 1910-16; Y. M. C. A. service to Allied Prisoners of war in Germany, 1916- 17; Army Y. M. C. A., 1918 — . Auth.: Arti- cles on religious, missionary and Y. M. C. A. work; Ed., The Assn. Quarterly. Mem., Constantinople Golf Club; Ger. Evang. Synod of N. Am. ; Presby. Church. Married Sarah Orrilla Conard ('06), Ag 6, 1908, Monticello, 111. Child, Philip Ernest, b. Jl 12, 1914. Ad- dress, 1007, 347 Madison Ave., New York City. 3048. CARL JAMES Horticulturist; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 10. 1883, Pike Co., 111.; s. Henry (b. Eng.) and Ella E. (Smith) James (b. la.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Sigma Xi. In charge Hort. Dept., T. A. Gillespie Loading Co., N. J. Married Gurna E. Sullivan, Mr 23, 1910, Windsor, Can. Chil- dren: Helen, b. F 22, 1913 (died Ag 1917): Carl S., b. My 20, 1915. Address, Pittsfield III.; bus. add., South Amboy, N. J., c/o T. A. Gillespie Loading Co. 3049. KATHERINE BELLE JERVIS (Sister of Nos. 4237. 7656) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; .■\. M., 191 1; h. Ja 10, 1885, Champaign; d. Joseph (b. 1833, Staffordshire, Eng.) and Catherine (Sheargold) Jervis (b. 1844, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Versailles. Ky., 1912; Teacher, Eng. H. S., La Jolla, Calif.; do.. Champaign. .Address, 307 S. State St., Champaign.t 3050. RICHARD DALE JESSUP Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 26, 1885, Syracuse, Neb.; s. John J. (b. Goshen, N. Y.) and Annie (Waibel) Jessup (b. Elmwood, 111.). Prepared in Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch., Chi- cago. Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. With West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., Chicago. Married Matilda Voight. S 23, 191 5- Chicago. Child, Robert Dale, b. F i, 191 7. Address, 11 17 Mas- sasoit Ave., Chicago. 3051. ALICE SARAH JOHNSON (Sister of Nos. 960, 1359. 1536, 1709. 2712) Librarian; B. L. S.; A. B. in L. & A., 1913; b. Champaign: d. Charles B. (b. O 8, 1843. Pocahontas, 111.) and Maria Louisa (Lewis) Johnson (b. Ag -■8, 1847, Chatham. 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Final Honors in I907J Baccalaureate Alumni 283 Lib. Sch. Cataloger, Univ. of Minn., 1907-09; do., Univ. of 111., 1909; Ref. Asst., Univ. of 111., 1909 — . Address, 804 W. Church St., Champaign. 3052. ERNEST HUNGERFORD JOHNSTON Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 26, 1882, Columbus, Ga. ; s. John H. and Georgia (Hung- erford) Johnston. Prepared in Y. M. C. A. Night Sch., Chicago. Scholarship; Tau Beta Pi. Cadet Engr., Denver (ias & Elec. Co., 1907-9; Cashier, Henry L. Doherty & Co., Bankers, 1909-17; V. P. and Dir., Cities Service Co., 1917 — • Married Jeannie Ferguson Michie, Ja 18, 1911, Denver. Child, Blanche Hungerford, b. Ja 5, 1912. Address, 157 Lincoln Road, Westfield, N. J.; bus. add., 60 Wall St., New York City. 3053. WALLACE FRANKLIN JONES Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 10, 1870, Sigourney, la.; s. David Jones. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. A. M., Columbia, igo8; Ph. D., N. Y. Univ., 191 1. Head of Dept. of Educ, Univ. of S. Dak. Auth.: Prin. of Educ, Macmillan Co., 191 1; -An Experimental-Critical Study of the Problem of Grading and Promo- tion, 191 1 ; Concrete Investigation of the Mat- erial of Eng. Spelling, Univ. of S. Dak., 1913; Vitality of Teaching, St. Dept. of Educ, Pierre, 1913; A Study of Handedness, LTniv. of S. Dak.. 1918. Mem., N. ¥.. A. Married Cora B. Ed- wards. Address, Vermilion, S. Dak. 3054. HAROLD PRATT JOY Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 4, 1885, near Chapin, 111.; s. John liachelder (b. Ja 12, 1848, near Jacksonville, 111.) and Alice Assenith (Pratt) Joy (b. O 9, 1849, near Chapin). Pre- pared in Chapin H. S. Y. M. C. \.; Pres., Agr. Club. Married Mabel Drake, O i, 1908, Decatur, 111. Children: Warren Drake, b. D 10, 1909; Mary Elizabeth, b. D 4, 191 1. Ad- dress, Chapin, Ill.y 3055. JOHN OSCAR KAMMERMAN Professor; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 2, 1884, Joliet. 111.; s. John (b. O 6, 1855, Joliet, 111.) and Annie Margaret (Goetschel) Kammerman (b. Ag 14, 1857, N. v.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Aztec Club; Varsity Dancing Club; Mgr., Class Football; Jr. Prom. Com. Elec. Insp., Goodman Mfg. Co., 1907-8; Instr., E. E., Univ. of Pa., 1908-10; Instr., do.. Pa. St. Coll., 1910-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1912-15; .\ssoc. Prof., do., 1915-18; do., Elec. Engng., Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla., 1918 — . Married Eliza- beth Ebert. O 8, 1905. St. Joe, Mich. Children: Charles John, b. Ja 12, 1907 (died Ap 5, 1908); Linda, b. Je 12, 1909. Address, LTniv. of (3kla., Norman, Okla. 3056. VIOLA MARTIN KAMPF A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 27, 1883, Mendota, 111.; s. C. C. Kampf. Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Address, 704 Delaware Ave., S. E., Minneapolis. 3057. FRED CROSBY KEELER Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 24, 1882, Belvidere, III.; s. Ennis S. (b. F 26, 1854, Belvidere, 111.) and Harriet Sa.xton (Crosby) Keeler (b. Ja 24, 1854, Janesville, Wis.). Prepared in N. Belvidere H. S.: No. 111. St. Norm. Sell., 1901-3. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Univ. Acad., two yrs.; do., Man. Tr. H. S., Peoria, 1909-15; in Retail Coal and Fuel Bus., Belvidere, 111., 191 5 — -. Married Alice Pineger Rogers, N 26, 1909, Belvidere, 111. Child, Raymond Rogers, b. My 18, 1912. Address, 415 E. Lincoln Ave., Belvidere, III. 3058. MYRON AVERY KENDALL Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My i, 1882, Aurora, 111.; s. Thos. H. (b. Ag 12, 1860, Aurora, 111.) and Minnie (Pease) Kendall (b. Ap 28, 1864, do.). Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Phoenix; Yoxan; Prelim. Honors; Gym. team. Drafts- man, S. A., 1907-8; Chief Draftsman, 1908-10; Chief Engr. and Supt., 191 1 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; Licensed Struct. Engr., St. of 111. Mar- ried Luella Flinn. Je 15, 1910, Aurora, 111. Ad- dress, 715 Garfield Blvd., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., c/o Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Co., do. 3059- JOSEPHINE KERR (ALLISON) (Sister of No. 3819; Wife of No. 2551) Bacteriologist; B. S. in II. Sc. ; M. S., 1909; b. Ja 13, 1885, Urbana; d. Thomas Wesley (b. N 18, 1838, Rockford, N. C.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Ellrod) Kerr (b. Ag 25, 1855 Ur- bana Tp., III.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Sigma Xi. Asst., Bacterid., Lab. Physiol. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Asst. to 111. Pellegra (Tomn.. 1910-11; Lab. technician, Minn. St. Sanitorium for Consumptives, 1916- 17; Asst., H. Sc. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Auth.: The Fecal Bacteria of Healthy Men, Jour, of Infectious Diseases; Bacillus Abortus of Bang, the Cause of Contagious Abortion in Cattle; Contributions of Bacteriology to the Home, Jour, of Home Econ. Married Fred Gray Allison ('06), Mr i, 191 1. Urbana. Child, Thomas Kerr, b. O 7, 1913. Address, 610 N. Market St., Urbana. 3060. LEON BROWNING KINSEY Civ. P:ngr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 23, 1880, Mackinaw, 111.; s. Nichols Beddle and Caroline Kinsey. Prepared in Mackinaw H. S. and 111. St. Norm. Univ. Acacia; C. E. Club, Pres. Teacher, Okla. St. Univ.; City Engr., Musko- gee, Okla., Mun. Contr. Married Alice Rick, Je 10, 1 90 1. Child, John Rick, b. My 27, 1910. Address, 303 S. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111. 3061. WILLARD ALFRED KNAPP (Husband of No. 2950) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 29, 1885, Farmer City, 111.; s. Alfred J. (b. 1837, Guil- ford, Ind.) and Mary Jane (Swales) Knapp (b. Ag I. 1847, Dover, Ind.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. C. E.. Purdue Univ., 1911. Acacia; Triangle; Sigma Xi. Am. Bridge Co., Brooklyn, summer, 1907; Asst., Univ. of 111., 1907-8; Instr., Struct. Engng., Purdue Univ., 1908 — ; Asst. Prof., do., 1912-17; Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul R. R., summer, 1908; Rock Island R. R., summer, 191 1. Capt.. E. O. R. C. 7th Regt., Ft. Leavenworth. Kan.; do., 5th Div., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Mem., Ind. Engr. Soc. Married Nell S. M. Davis ('07). Ag 3, 1910, Farmer City, 111. Child, Wilfred .Alfred. Jr., b. N 15, igi8. Address, 105 Fowler .\ve., W. Lafayette, Ind. 3062. LOUIS SOLLIDAY KNORR Municipal Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. S IS, 1883, Chicago; s. Charles Alonzo (b. Ja 30, 1853, Philadelphia) and Eugenie (Solliday) Knorr (b. Je 30, 1853, do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Phi Gamma Delta. Mun. work, Chicago. Married Genevieve Llew- ellyan, F 14, 1912, Chicago. Address, Lake Bluff. 111. 3063. JEAN HOWARD KNOX Const. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 5, 1883, Farmer City, 111.; s. John Howard and Sarah Elizabeth (Coffeen) Knox. M. E. Soc; Choral Soc; Shield and Trident; Delta Upsilon; Track Team. Const, work on Pacific Coast, 1907-15; do. 111., 1915-18. Sr. Lt., Naval Avia- tion Forces of U. S. A.. France, 1918; ist Lt., Civ. Engng. Corps, Public Works, Bur. of Yards and Docks. Naval Forces, France. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Ellen Murray, O 2i, 1912, Champaign. Address, 306 Davidson Drive, Champaign. University of Illinois I1907 3064. ALFRED RICHARD KOCH Chemist; B. S. in Chem Engng.; b. Ag 12, 188s, East. Alton, 111.; s. John William (b. Mr 31, 1838, Eckernfoerde, Ger.) and Henriette Marie Else (Joesting) Koch (b. Ap 11, 1853, Wittlage, do.). Prepared in Alton H. S. A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1908. Phi Lamba Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Chem. Club. Asst. in Chem., Univ. of W^is., 1908-q; Chem., Cml. Acid Co., East St. Louis, 111., 1909; Chem., Elec. Metallurgical Co., Glen Ferris, W. Va., 1909-11; Chem., A. Steel Foundries, Granite City, 191 2 — ; Chem., J. J. Kessler Lab., St. Louis, 1912-16; Chief Chem., A. Carbon & Bat. Co., East St. Louis. III., 1916 — . Auth.: The Action of Hydrazine on Ethyl Mesoxalate (with R. S. Curtiss and E. J. Bartells) Jour. A. C. S. Mem. A. C. S. Married Henrietta F. Kramer, Mv 21, 1912, Alton, 111. Children: Alfred Richard, Jr., b. Je z6, 1914; Charles Otto, b. Ap 3. 1917. Address, 414 Portland Ave., Belleville, 111. 3065. ALONZO PLUMSTED KRATZ (Brother of Nos. 4259, 5256) Research Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; M. S., 1909; b. Je 17, 1885, Champaign; s. Edwin Augustus and Anna Mary (Bradley) Kratz. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Acacia; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Pi Tau Sigma. Instr., M. E., Univ. of 111; Research Assoc, Dept. of Mech. Engng. Auth. : Tests of a Suction Gas Producer, with C. M. Garland, Bui. No. 50, Engng. Exp. Sta.; A Study of Boiler Losses, Bui. No. 78, Engng. E.rp. Sta. Address, 315 S. State St., Champaign; bus. add., Room 105, M. E. Lab., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 3066. ELMER S. LAKE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 8, 1S82, Athens, 111.; s. Henry (b. Cantrall, III.) and Eliza (Central!) Lake (b. Athens, 111.). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. A. M., Univ. of Mich., 1909. Eng. Club; Philomathean; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, 1907-8; 1909-10; Stud., 1908-9, 1910-12; Teacher, 1912-15; Internat. Correspondence Sch., 1916-17; Teacher, 1917 — . Married Grace May Mathers, Ag 17, 1909. Cantrall, 111. Address, Armington, 111. 3067. INA OLIVIA LAPHAM (CROWN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Delhi, S. Dak.; d. Ed- ward Vail (b. Danby, Vt.) and Sibyll E. (Put- nam) Lapham (b. Big Bend, Wis.). Prepared in Knox Coll.; Univ. of Ariz. Mask and Bau- ble; Opera Club; Glee Club; Kappa Alpha Theta. Grad. work in Pub. Sch. Mus.. 191 1; Teacher of Voice; Supvr. of Mus. and Draw- ing, Pub. Schs., Deming, N. M., 1910-13. Mar- ried Frank Lawrence (Trown, 1913, San Fran- cisco. (Children: Frank Lapham, b. Ap 15, 1914; George Lawrence, b. Jl i, 191 5- Address, 3436 Sheffield Ave., Oakland, Calif. 3068. ROBERT SHERMAN LARIMER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 6, 1886, Evanston, 111.; s. Joseph McMaster (b. S 6, 1851, Pittsburgh) and Fannie Louise (Sher- man) Larimer (b. F 10, 1857, Waukegan, 111.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. C. E. Club; Beta Theta Pi. Stud. Branch. A. S. C. E. With Ryerson & Sons Shipbuilding Co., 1918 — . Married Edwina Lydia Pope, O s, 1910, Evanston, 111. Child, Robert Sherman, Jr., b. D 20, 1913. Address, 1214 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. 3069. JOHN C. LAWYER Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 28, 1884, Tennessee, 111.; s. Amos M. (b. My 20, i860, do.) and Carrie (Farrenkopf) Lawyer (b. D 8, 1861, Colchester, 111.). Prepared in Tennessee H. S. Theta Kappa Nu; Valedictorian; Sec, Pol. Sc. Club. Married Bess Dague, Je 14, iQit, Dan- ville. 111. Child, Ruth, b. Jl 14. 1913- A^^- dress, Macomb, III. 3070. WESTON BROSS LAZEAR Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 24, 1885, Chicago; s. Dr. W. W. (b. D 17, 1855, Pat- terson, N. J.) and Laura C. (Davies) Lazear (b. Mr 26, 1857, Utica, N. Y.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch.; Armour Inst, of Tech., 1902-4. Phi Kappa Psi; "I" on Track Team. Draftsman of Const., C. M. & Puget Sound Ry., 1908-10- Chief Draftsman, Stephens- .\damson Mfg. Co., Aurora, 111.,, 1910-14; N. V. Mgr., do., 191 5—. Mem., A. S. M. E.; .Mach. Club of New York City; A. F. A. M. Married Edith Alma Danford, Je 25, 1910, Aurora. 111. Children: Ralph William, b. Ap 2, 1913; Barbara, b. N 27. 1916. Address, 50 Church St., New York City. 3071. MARY HOWARD LEE (Daughter of No. 218; Sister of Nos. 3835, 4769, 7030, 7722) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ta 11, 1883, Hamlet, 111.; d. Elisha ('79), (b. Ap 6, 1856. do.) and Lena (Bopes) Lee (b. D 7, 1855, Edgington, 111.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Eng. Club; Y. W. C. A.; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, 1907-9. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Reynolds, 111. 3072. ETHEL LENDRUM Emergency House Demonstrator; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 18, 1884, Goshen, Ind.; d. Alex- ander (b. Je 19, 1853, ]\Iayo Co., Ireland) and Julia Martha (Tucker) Lendrum (b. iVIr 3, 1S53, N. Y.). Prepared in Austin H. S. H. Sc. Club; Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Taught in Watseka H. S., 1908-11; Emergency House Demonstrator, States Relation Service, 1917 — . Mem., St. Legislation Food Comn. of 111. Ad- dress, 1308 E. 53rd St., Chicago. 3073. BYRON RAY LEWIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1880, Bridgeport, 111.; s. Joseph Battenfield (b. F « 4, 1850, do.) and Mary Ellen (Lake) Lewis ( b. D 17, 1853, do.). Prepared in Bridge- liort H. S.; Acad, of Vincennes Univ.; Vin- cennes Univ., 1901-05. Sigma Pi (founder of Phi Chapter, Univ. of 111.) ; charter mem., Ionian. Teacher, Bridgeport H. S., 111. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn. N. E. A.; 111. Hist. Assn.; 111. .\ssn. of Teachers of Eng.; Nat. Geog. Soc, Grand Herald of Sigma Pi of U. S. Address, Bridgeport, 111. 3074. 'WILFRED LEWIS Supt., Bldgs. and Grounds; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 28, 1883, Dubuque, la.; s. John Simon (b. N 23, 1844, Potosi, Wis.) and Harriet Richards (Boyle) Lewis (b. F 19, 1848, Glou- cester, N. J.). Prepared in Dubuque H. S.; Beloit Coll., 1902-3. Phi Kappa Psi. Rein- forced Concrete; Topographic Sur. ; Founda- tion Work; Hydraulic Regrading: Supt. Bldgs. and Grounds, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, IQ16-17. I St Lt., E. R. C. Camp Q. M., Camp Lewis. .American Lake, Wash; Capt., Q. M. Corps, 91st Div.. A. E. F., France. Mem., Coll. Club of Seattle (one of founders). Married Carrie Avery Tripple, Ja 22, 19 13, Seattle. Child. Simon III, b. F 12, 1917. Died, F 10, 1919, France. 307s. HERBERT FREDERICK LILL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 3, 1884, Mascoutah, 111.; s. Peter W. and Anna (Naab) Lill. Pre- pared in Mascoutah H. S. Mem., Local Ex- emption Bd. No. I, of St. Clair Co., 111. Ad- dress, Mascoutah, 111. 3076. ROGER FRANKLIN LITTLE (Brother of Nos. 4780, 8538) Lawyer and Lecturer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1909; b. O 19. i8Ss, Tolono, 111.; s. Egbert Phelps (b. S 3. i857. Tonica, IlL) and Matilda (Merry) Little (b. Mr 21, 1858, Tolono, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S.; Univ. Acad. .\lpha Delta Phi: Phi Delta Phi: Theta Kappa Nu- Delta Sigma Rho; Shield and Trident; IQO?] Baccalaureate Alumni 285 Pliilomathean; Mask and Bauble; Ind. Debate: Wis. Debate; Pres., Y. iM. C. A.; Football Team. Practice of law, Champaign, 1909-18; Special Lecturer, Coll. of Law, second sem., 191 2; do., Sch. of Commerce, second sem., 1914-18. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Julia F. Bush, Mr 14, 191 1, Urbana. Children: Robert Bush, b. My 6, 1915; Richard Roy, b. D 17, 1916. Address, 606 Chalmers St., Champaign; bus. add., 107-9 W. iVIain St.. Urbana. 3077. CHESTER R. LOGAN (Brother of Nos. 2740, 3453) Transitman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 25, 1880, Edinburg, 111.; s. David (b. F 22, 1840) and Martha Ellen (Sprinkle) Logan (b. Ap 12, 1852). Prepared in Edinburg H. S.; Tavlor- ville H. S.: la. Wesleyan Univ. C. E. Club: Army and Navy Club: Golf C^lub. Instrument- man, C. & N. W. R. R., 1907: Transitman, Panama Canal, 1907-8: Instrumentman, G. T. P. R. R., 190S; Transitman, Panama Canal, 1908; with Inland Steel Co.. Indiana Harbor. Ind. Capt., Co. C. 502nd Engrs., A. E. F.. France. Auth.: Sketch of and short note about a double gauge turnout. The Eiigvg. News, 191 1. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Estelle Irene Kerns, Je 30, 1908, Abilene, Kan. Address, Edinburg, 111. 3078. LOUIS VALENTINE LOGEMAN (Brother of No. 2155) Real Est. and Builder; B. S. in Agr.: h. Ja 7, 1883, Chicago; s. John and Mary (Dorr) lloge- man. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Farmer, 1906-8; Real Est. and Builder, 1908 — . Married Janet Adams Richards, Je 28, 1907, Chicago. Child, May, i). Je 20, 1908. Address, 4142 \Varner Ave., Chicago. 3079. HELEN A. LOOMIS A. B. in Sc. Address, 5610 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 3080. JESSIE RUDISILL LOWRY (VARNEY) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 28, 1885, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; d. James B. (b. My 21, 1863, Upper Sandusky, O.) and Maria Louise (With- ers) Lowry (b. Ap 24, 1865, Ft. Wayne, Ind.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Teacher, School for Boys, Kenilworth, 111., 1909-11; Pvt. Sec, do., 1911-12. Council of Nat. De- fense, 1917-19. Mem., D. A. R. ; U. S. Daugh- ters of 1812; Chicago Coll. Club; Woman's City Club; Winnetka Woman's Club. Married Ralph Wesley Varney, S 25, 191 2, Kenilworth. 111. Child, Louise Ellen, b. My 3, 1915. Ad- dress, 535 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. 3081. FRANK SOLON LUNEY (Brother of Nos. 5792, 7051) Mech. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 12, 1884, DeKalb, 111.; s. Thomas A. (b. Jl 2, 1853, Rockford, 111.) and Anna A. (Solon) Luney (b. Ap 14, 1856, Malta, 111.). Pre- pared in DeKalb H. S. Mech. Engr., A. S. & W. Co., DeKalb, 111. Married Sara Jean- ette Murray, S 3, 1912, Clinton, la. Chil- dren: Thomas Murray, b. Jl 15, 191 3; Jane, b. Ja 20, 1916. Address, 727 N. 4th St., De- Kalb, 111. 3082. LAWRENCE JUSTIN McCARTY Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 25, 1875, Sioux City, la.; s. Lawrence and Eliza (Clin- ton) McCarty. Prepared in Sioux City H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Sigma Xi; Prelim. and Final Honors; Spalding Guild; la. Club. Head Draftsman, William L. Steele, Arch.. Sioux City. la., 1907-17; Draftsman. Beuttler & Arnold Co., 1917—. Mem., K. of C; An- cient Order of Hibernians; Catholic Order of Foresters; Shoreacre Club. Address. 107 23rd St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., 610 Security Bldg., do. 3083. »EARL WYETH McCONOUGHEY B. S. in C. E.; b. D 27, 1883, Chicago; s. O. H. McConoughey. Prepared in Armour Inst., Chicago. Died Ja 19, 1908, Two Har- bors, Minn. 3084. FREDERICK R. McCULLOUGH Credit Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 2, 1887, Streator. 111.; s. William Stewart (b. My 15, 1865, O.) and Ida May (Greenman) McCul- lough (b. My 24, 1856, Sandwich, 111.). Pre- pared in Streator Tp. H. S. Pres., Jr. Class. Credit man, Moneyweight Scale Co., Chicago, 1907-13; do.. Am. Felt Co., do., 1913-14; With J. M. McCullough's Sons Co., Cincin- nati, 1914-16; with McCaskey Register Co., AHiance, O., 191 6-1 7; with Knight Tire & Rub- her Co.. Canton, O., 1917-18; with Republic Rubber Co.. Youngstown, O.. 19 18; Credit Mgr., Devoe & Raynolds Co., (Chicago, 1918 — Married Mattie Carter Trumbull, D 26, 1914, Chicago. Child, Jean. b. F 2, 1918. Address, 7434 Stewart Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 14-16 W. Lake St., do. 3085. WILL JOHNSON McFARLAND Publisher; A. B. in Sc; b. S 16, 1882, Car- rollton. 111.; s. LeRoy (b. Mr 5, 1835, Big Stone Gap, Va.) and Anna Celeste (Bradt) McFarland (b. D 24. i8so, Baldwinsville, N. Y.). Prepared in Carrollton H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1902. Acacia. Teacher, Lin- coln H. S., Seattle, 1907-9; Representative, Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co., Publishers, Chi- cago, 1909-14; Sec, do.. 1915 — . 2nd. Lt., Inf. N. .v., 1917, Ft. Sheridan; Assigned to 33.=;th Inf., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Ad- dress, 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 3086. JAMES FRANKLIN McINTIRE Chief Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 13. 1882, Farmer City, 111.; s. Marshall Collier (b. Ky.) and Martha Ann (Laughlin) Mclntire (b. Augusta, Ky.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Chief Engr., U. S. Radiator Corp., 1907-12; Chief Engr.. 1912 — . Mem., U. B. S. A. Married Provie Thomas. Jl I, 1907, Chicago. Address, 65 Quincy Ave., Detroit; bus. add., c/o U. S. Radiator Corp., do. 3087. RUHAMA LOUIS McINTYRE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 23, 1885, Newman. 111.; d. Thomas (b. O 24, 1847, Ont.) and Ruhama Melinda (Young) Mclntyre (b. Ja 9. 1852, Crawfordsville, Ind.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Acad.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1902-4. Kindergarten Tr. Sch., John B. Stetson Univ., 19 12. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Class Sec. Dir.. Kindergarten, Hibbing, Minn.. 1912-14; do. West Palm Beach, Fla., 1917-18. Canteen Service. France, Y. M. C. A., 1918—. Address, Newman, 111. 3088. FRANK HOTCHKISS McKELVEY (Husband of No. 3836; Brother of No. 3854) Appraiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 16, 1882, Sparta, 111.; s. Sidney Algernon (b. My 7, 1850, do.) and Hattie Frances (Hotchkiss) McKelvey (b. S 27, 1859). Prepared in Sparta H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Yoxan; Shield and Trident; Alpha Gamma Rho; Mgr. Interschol. Special Appraiser, Federal Land Bank; Pres. Randolph Co. Farm Bur. Married Gertrude Ann Lee ('09), F 9, 1910, Champaign. Chil- dren: Mary Frances, b. D 17, 191 1; Frank Hotchkiss, Jr., b. Ap 5, 19 17. Address, R. 3, Sparta, 111. 30S9. EVA MAE McKINNIE (Sister of No. 4792) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 12, 1885. Leroy. 111.; d. Virgil Ulysses (b. My 4. 1850, Springfield, 111.) and Elizabeth (Hood) Mc- Kinnie (b. D 26, 1853, Wales). Prepared in 286 University of Illinois I1907 Leroy H. S. M. L., Univ. of Calif., 1911-1^. Mem., llliola; Sec, Soph. Class; Capt., Jr. basketball team. Teacher, Marshall, Tp. H. S., 111., 1907-10; do., Momence H. S., 111., 1910- 11; do., Champaign, 1912-16; do., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1916 — . Address, 1204 E. Grove St., Bloomington, 111. 3090. ELIZABETH BELLE McKNIGHT Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 7, 1884, Cham- bersburg. Pa.; d. James Alexander (b. Je 3, 1849, Indiana, Pa.) and Louisa Beattie (Lind- say) McKnight (b. Mr 29, 1855, Peoria, 111.). Prepared in Hyde Park XL S.; Soutli Side Acad., Chicago. A. B., Wilson Coll., Cham bersburg, Pa., 1905. Sec, Lib. Club. Libn., Joliet Tp. H. S. Lib., 1907-11; do., Barringer H. S. branch of Free Pub. Lib., Newark, N. J., 1911-14; Asst. Libn., Girls H. S., Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1914-15; Libn., Boy Ridge H. S., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1915 — . Auth.: High School Branch, H. W. Wilson Co., N. Y., 191 3; Modern Am. Lib. Economy, part 7, ed. by John Cotton Dana. Mem., Lib. Assn.; Wilson Coll. Club, New York City; Sec, N. Y. H. S. Lib. Assn., 1917; N. Y. St. Lib. Assn., 1914 — ; N. Y. Lib. Club. Address, 260 7sth St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. 3091. EDNA MILDRED McLAUGHLIN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 3, 1885, Toledo, O.; d. Roy A. (b. Ag 3, i860, do.) and Ida May (Mohler) McLaughlin (b. Jl 27, 1867, Mechanicsburg, Pa.). Prepared in Oma- ha, Neb., H. S.; Knox Coll. Teacher, Padu- cah, Ky., igo8-io; do., Owensboro, Ky., 1910- 17; do.. Eureka, Mont., 1917 — . Address, Box 322, Eureka, Mont. 3092. EVA ISABEL McMAHON (Sister of No. 3469) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Chicago; d. George (b. Ont., Canada) and Rachel McMahon (b. do.). Prepared in Austin H. S.; Lewis Inst. Asst. Libn., So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Carbondale, 111., 1907-8; do.. Armour Inst., 1908-9; do.. No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., De Kalb, 111., 1909—. Ad- dress, 451 College Ave., De Kalb, 111. 3093. JAMES WILLIAM McMANIS Contr. and Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 20, 1882, La Moille, IlL; s. Hugh (b. F 20, 1845, Kempville. Can.) and Elizabeth (Hedge) Mc Manis (b. Jl 15, 1846. La Moille, HI.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Soc. Struct. Steel worker and designer. 111. Steel Co., 1907-9; Arch, and Struct. Draftsman, 1909-J1; Fort- ification Draftsman, U S. Govt. Engng. dept., 191 1-13; Bridge designer, G. N. Ry. Co., 1913- 14; Contr. and Engr., St. Paul, 1914 — ■. Mem., mini Club, Chicago, 1907-9; Univ. of 111. Al- umni Assn., St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1910- II, 1913 — . Married Theodocia Ford, O 27, 1909, Kansas City, Kan. Child, Charles Hugh, b. N I, 1913. Address. 956 Inglehart Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., c/o McManis and Tarnoski, 484 Endicott Bldg., do. 3094. SARAH DAVINA M.^CKAY (AUSTIN) (Wife of No. 2883; Daughter of No. 104) A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 23, 1884, Mt. Carroll, 111.; d. Henry ('76), (b. 1854, do.) and Susan (Hostetter) MacKay (b. 1800, do.). Prepared in Frances Shimer Acad., Mt. Carroll. M. S., Univ. of Mich., 1910. Fellowship, Univ. of Mich., 1909-10; do.. Smith, 1910-11; do., Mich., 191 1 — . Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai. Instr., Psych., Vassar, 1912-13; Mich. Eugenics Comn., 1913-14. Married Clem C. Austin, ('07), N 30, 1914. Child, Briggs MacKay, b. O 18, 1915; Robert MacKay, b. Jl 24, 1918. Address, 2123 Dayton Ave., St. Paul. 309S- ALICE EMILY MADDOCK Teacher; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1916; b. F I, 1884, Guelph, Ont., Can.; d. Horace Her- bert (b. S 10, 1847, do.) and Margaret Amm (Thompson) Maddock (b. F 26, 1847, Roches- ter, N. Y.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chica- go. Final Honors; Univ. Band. Teacher, Batav- ia. 111., 1907-8; do., Wuhu, China, 1908-11; do., Macomb, HI., 1911-14. Mem., M. E. Church; Y. W. C. A. Address, 9716 Howard St., Chicago. 3096. WILBUR CLINTON MADDO.X Salesman; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 1909; b. Ap II, 1SS4, Galva, 111.; s. Charles Clinton, and May (Brownlee) ^laddox. Prepared in Galva H. S^ Chi Beta; Eta Kappa Nu. With Bateman, Garrison, Maddo.x Co., Champaign, 1907-10; Maddox and Armstrong, Peoria, 1910- ii; Harmon Engng. Co., do., 1911-17; Sales- man, Commonwealth Edison Co., Duluth, 1917 — • Assoc mem., A. I. E. E. Married Myrtle Lewis, Je 22, igio. Champaign. Child- ren: Alice Marion, b. My 21, 1911 (died S 25, 1912); Harold Lewis, b. O 19, 1912; Wilbur Allen, b. Mr 3, 1915. .Address. 211 Minneapolis Ave., Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., 511 Alwortb Bldg., do. 3097. JOSIAH MAIN (Brother of No. 2751) Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; A. M., 1910; b. Mr 29, 1870, Lincoln Co., Mo.; s. Alvin Nve (b. Ja 17, 1844. Pike Co., 111.) and Lydia Sarah (Foote) Main (b. Je 18, 1847, do.). Prepared in Pittstield H. S.; No. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Zeta. Instr., Cape May, N. J., Sch. of Agr., 1907; Asst. Prof., Agr. Educ, Univ. of Tenn., 1907-9; Lecturer on Agr. Pedagogy, St. .Vgr. Coll., Corvallis, Ore., 1910; Agr., West. St. Norm. Sch., Hays, Kan., 1910; Prof, of Agr., St. Agr. and Mech. Coll., Still- water, Okla. Auth.: A Manuel for H. Schs., LJniv. of Tenn., 1908; Educ. Agriculture, St. Norm. Sch., Hays, Kan., Correlation of H. S. Sc. and Agr. Educ, 1909; Making a H. S. Course in Agr., do., Univ. Exten. in Tenn. H. S., School Review, 1910; Agr. in the H. Sch., School Sc. and Math., Ap 1910; Our Old Friends, School and Home Educ, Ap 191 1; Agr. in the H. S., Popular Science Monthly, O 191 1. Mem., Com. Nat. Educ. Assn. to pre- Triplett, Ag 7, 1900. Child, Norman Francis, Triplett, Ag 7, 1900. Child, Norman Francis, b. Tl II, 1901. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 3098. DAVID TIIADDEUS MARKS Commission Merchant; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 5, 1886, Chicago; s. Phil N. (b. S 12, 1850, Ox- ford, Eng.) and Bertha (Kahn) Marks (b. Ap 3, 1864, Berlin, Ger.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Engr., 1907-9; Salesman, 1909-10; Sales- man and Mgr., Comn. Bus., 1910 — . Married Frances Elizabeth Decker, Je 22, 1910, Chi- cago. Child, Harold Lewis, b. S 13, 1911. Ad- dress, 4912 Vincennes Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 848 W. Randolph St., do. 3099. CHESTER ARTHUR MARSHALL Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 30, 1883, Marley, 111.; s. Griffin (b. N 30, 1846, New Lenox, 111.) and Lucy Louise Josephine (Fry) Marshall (b. F 19, 1849, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; Divinity Sch., Univ. of Chicago, 1907-10; B. D., do., 1910. Y. M. C. A., cabinet. Adelphic. Pres., Neb. Debate; Baptist Guild. Farmer, 1907; Baptist preach- er, 1910; Homesteader, 1910; Presby. Minister, 19 1 6 — . Married Edith Lorentza Maynard, Ja j8, 191S, Poison, Mont. Children: Anna Louise, b. N 30, 1916; Laura Jane, b. Ag 4, 1917. Ad- dress, Libby, Mont. 1907] Baccalaukf.ate Alumni 287 3100. JOHN LINTON MARTIN (Brother of Nos. 1559, 1738) B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 12, 1886, Synviton, 111.; s. James W. (b. F 22, 1846) and Viola M. (Linton) Martin (b. Ja 23, 1847, Ind.). Pre- pared in Wilmington H. S. Address, Box 68, Wilmington, Ill.t 3101. JOHN EVERETT MARVEL Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 2, 1883, Waynesville, 111.; s. Thomas (b. N 28, 1850, do.) and Eleanor (Jones) Marvel (b. ^Ir 23, i860, Midland City, 111.). Prepared in Waynes- ville Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1905-6. M. D., Rush Medical Coll., 1909. Passavant Memorial Hosp., Chicago, 1910-11; Gen. prac- tice, Waynesville, 111., 1912 — . Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; A. F. A. M.; Fellow, A. M. A. Address, Waynesville, III. 3102. JENNIE MARIE MATHER (GUSTAFSON) (Wife of No. 2406; Sister of Nos. 2456, 5807) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 3, 1878, Plainfield, 111.; d. George Phelps (b. F 7, 1856, do.) and Rachel Cornelia (Scarritt) Mather (b. Ag 22, 1858, Joliet 111.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors. Married John C. Gustafson, ('05), Jl 14, 1908, Plaintield, 111. Children: Jane Mathilda, b. Je 15, 1909; John Mather, D. Ja 26, 1911; Cornelia Anne, b. My 21, 1913; James Argyle, b. My 8, 1915; Martha Mather, b. O 10, 191 7. Address, 6943 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. 3103. BENJAMIN HULL MATTHEWS Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 27, 1885, Pittsfield, 111.; s. Ross Matthews. Prepared in Pitts- field H. S. Practising Law, 1910 — . .-Id dress, Pittsfield, Ill.t 3104. WYMER WASHINGTON MAXWELL B. S. in Arch.; b. F 22, 1880, Charleston, 111.; s. B. R. Maxwell. Prepared in Charleston H. S. Address, 3719 Galena St., Milwaukee. 3105. CHARLES LEO MEHARRY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 11, 1885, Tolono, 111.; s. Abraham Patton (b. F 16, 1842, Wingate, Ind.) and Martha Jane (McMillin) Meharry (b. N 23, 1846, Sugar Grove, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Cosmopolitan Club. Farmer, Attica, Ind. Mem., Recommendation Com., conven- tion of Hog growers called by Food .Admin- istrator Hoover at Waterloo, la., 191 7; Pres., Ind. Cattle Feeders Assn. Married Clara Esther Burghardt, Je 24, 1908, Romney, Ind. Child, Rachel Elizabeth, b. Ag 7, 191 7. Ad- dress, Attica, Ind. 3106. HARVEY LEOX MELTON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 12, 1880, Nebo, 111.; s. Churchill C. (b. 1845, Va.) and Martha A. (Wilkinson) Melton (b. 1852, Mo.). Prepared in Nebo H. S. Philomathean; Van Twiller Court; Orat. Assn.; Honorary debating frater- nity; Ind. Debate, 1903; Mo. Debate, 1904; Pres., Orat. Assn.. 1907. Lawyer, Prague, Okla., 1907-12; do., Enfaula, Okla., 1912 — . .Auth. : Okla. (Chattel Mortgage Law, Marshall Pub- lishing Co., Enfaula Okla., ist edition. 1912; do., 2nd edition, 1914. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Gertrude A. Campbell, Ag 27, 19 16, Eufaula. Okla. Address, Eufaula. Okla. 3107. HAROLD THOMAS MERRITT Business; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 24, 1883, Salem, 111.; s. Thomas Emmett (b. Ap 29, 1832, New York City) and Alice Medora (Mc- Kinney) Merritt (b. Ja 2, 1843, Mt. Vernon, 111.). Prepared in Salem H. S. Sigma Chi; Shield and Trident. Civ. Engr., C. E. I. R. G. R. R., 1910; do., . Pac. R. R., 1910-11; Co., 191 1-15; Street Supt., Ind. Tire Co., 1. Mem., Inter-Moun- Salt Lake City, 1909; 191 1. Married Tessa Evansville, Ind. Chil- F 9, 1915; John Willis, ,715 Washington Ave., R. R., i9o8-g: do.. D. & O. S. L. R. R. and So. Sales Engr., Bucyrus Paving Contr., 1915-17; Evansville, Ind., 191 7-18 tain. 111. Alumni .Assn., 111. Club, Boise, Idaho, M. Henry, O 22, 1913, dren: Henry Thomas, b. b. Ag 21, 191 6. Addrcss^ Evansville, Ind. 3108. JOHN FREDERICK MEYER, Jr. Director; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 25, 1886, Hannibal, Mo.; s. John Frederick, Sr. (b. D 7, 1848, Hamburg, Ger.) and Katherina (Foss) .Meyer (b. Mr 18, i860). Prepared in Hanni- bal (Mo.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Arch. Club; Tech>wgraph Bd. Pres. and Mgr., J. F. Meyer Mfg. Co.; Sec. and Treas., Hannibal Lumber Co. ; Dir., Computing Cheese Cutter Co., .Anderson, Ind. Mem., Congr. Church; Dir., Hannibal Club; Countrv Club; Hunting and Fishing Club of 111.; A.'F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, Hannibal, Mo. 3109. CHESTER BRANCH MILLER (Husband of No. 4373) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 3. 1882, Scott Tp., Champaign Co., 111.; s. William Thomas and Elizabeth (Branch) Miller. Pre- pared in Seymour H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Ionian; Scribblers Club; Mgr. Acad. Athletics, Spring, 1903. .Vsst. Prin., Mason City H. S., 111., 1908; Instr., Eng., Champaign H. S., 1908- 10; Alan. Tr. Dept., Elgin H. S., 111., 1910-12; U. S. Census Enumerator, 1910; Teacher, Soldan H. S., St. Louis, 1912-15; Man. Tr. Dept., McKinley H. S., do., 1915; Teacher, Yeatman H. S., do. Civ. Instr., Detachments, (ias Engine & Motor Maintenance, U. S. Govt. I'orces, St. Louis, 1918. Married Clara Pruyn ('10), Jl 30, 1910, Keithsburg, 111. Children: Clara Marguerite, b. Je 29, igii; Ruth Marian, b. O 12, 191 7. Address, SS44A Von Versen Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., McKinley H. S., do. 31 10. ROY AUSTIN MILLER Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 31, 1885, .Aurora, 111. ; s. Alexander C. (b. Marion, O.) and Julia (Austin) Miller (b. Kendall Co., 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Sigma Nu; Class Football Team. Engng. Corps of Co- operative Const. Co. Mem., B. P. O. E. Ad- dress, 179 LaSalle St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., c/o Gary and Interurban Ry., East Gary, Ind. 31 1 1. JOHN McCUEN MILLS Min. Bus.; B. S. in Sc. ; b. Ag 14, 1885, Milwaukee; s. Henry Graham (b. Kent, Conn.) and Arevia (Mc("uen) Mills, (b. do.). Pre- pared in Univ. of Wis.; East Div. H. S., Milwaukee. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Alining, San Antonio, Tex.; do., Idaho Springs, Colo. Comn. 2nd Lt., N. A., 1917; ist Lt., U. S. A., Camp Sheridan, Ala.. 1918. Address, First Nat. Bank, Idaho Springs, Colo. 31 12. McQueen (millsaps) mills Farmer; LL. B.; b. Jl 3. 1874, Butler, Tenn.; s. Marion Alillsaps. (Name changed from Robert P. Millsaps to AIcQueen Mills in Circuit Coiirt, Je 30, 1909). Address, Butler, Tenn.t 31 13. MARTIN LAURENCE MILLSPAUGH Consult. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 8, 1884, Lincoln Co., Kan.; s. Martin L. (b. Walden, N. Y.) and Alice Virginia (Kirk) Millspaugh (b. Baltimore). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Draftsman, Davenport Locomotive Works, 1907-8; Asst. Chief Engr., Bettendorf Axle Co., Bettendorf, la., 1908-9; Engr. on Constr., 1909-11; Engr., 288 University of Illinois I1907 Gen. Mgis. office, 191 1; Traveling Insp. Engr., 1911; Constr. Engr., The Algona Steel Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Can., 1911-14; Consulting Engr., Chicago, 1914-16; do., and Sec. and Treas., jNIills and Millspaugh Co., Columbus, Cleveland and Akron, 0., 1916 — . Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Athletic Club, Columbus; Columbus Auto Club. Ad- dress, 595 E. Broad St., Columbus, O.; bus. add., 67 E. Long St., do. 31 14. J. HOWARD MINER (Husband of No. 3270; Brother of Nos. 2182, 4313, 5314) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 22, 1884, Adair, IlL; s. Timothy Graham (b. 1839, Ful- ton Co., 111.) and Prudence Harriet (Russell) Miner (b. 1846, McDonough Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Macomb H. S.; Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Sec., Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Corporal, Univ. Regt. ; Farmer, 1906-18; Agr. Farm Ad- viser, 1918 — •. Mem., Mil. Tract Alumni Assn., 19 1 8. Married Edna Pearl Earnhart ('08), N 25, 1908, Urbana. Children: Harold Eugene, b. Ae 9, 1910; Harvey Russell, b. N 17, 191 1; Sibyl Irene, b. Ag 26, 1916. Address, Strong- hurst, Henderson Co.j 111. 31 15. LOUIS CONWAY MOORE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 20, 1S84, Middleton, Va. ; s. George Oscar (b. D 31, 1859, Muncie, Ind.) and Lillian E. (Con- way) Moore (b. S 6, 1859, Le-Grande, la.). Prepared in Newman, 111. M. E. Soc. ; Chi Beta; Treas.. Soph. Class; Class Football. Chief Mech. Engr., McKinney Steel Co. Mar- ried Anna M. Burke, D 27, 191 1, Ishpeming, Mich. Children: Margaret Lily, b. Ja i, 1914; George Burke, b. Je 27, 191 5. Address, Bes- semer, Mich. 31 16. MABEL D. MOORE (HELM) (Daughter of No. 60; Wife of No. 3023) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 28, 1885, Mans- field, 111.; d. Milton (b. My 18, 1853. Warren Co., Ind.) and Amanda (Campbell) Moore C'75). (b. Ap 10, 1853, Coshocton, O.). Pre- pared in Delavan and Clinton, 111., H. Schs. ; 111. Coll., 1903-5. Y. W. C. A.; Illiola. Teach- er, Clinton, 111., H. S., 1907-10. Married Roy Raymond Helm ('07), D 28, 1910, Clinton, 111. Address, Metropolis, 111. 31 17. SAMUEL BURNS MOORE (Son of No. 186) Lumber Dealer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 28, 1885, Louisville, 111.; s. Aaron Henry ('78), (b. S IS, 1849, Louisville, 111.) and Mahala M. (George) Moore. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Retail lumber yards. Address, Louisville, lU.t 31 18. CHARLES TAYLOR MOSS (Brother of Nos. 2471, 2472, 9285) Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 28, 1886, Bloomington, 111.; s. Charles Melville and Frances Elizabeth (Haven) Moss. Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Philoma- thean; Psi Upsilon; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Teacher, E. Aurora H. S., 1907-8. M. D. N. W. Llniv. Med. Sch., 191 2. Interne, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1912-14; Physician, Champaign, 1914 — . Married Lillian Katherine Christoph, Je 14, 1915. Chicago. Children: Lil- lian Frances, b. Mr 23, 1916; Mary Helen, b. Ap 9, 19:7. Address, 803 W. Nevada, Urbana; bus. add.. Co-op Bldg., Champaign. 31 19. CHARLES ROBERT MOULTON (Brother of No. 3489) Professor; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. S 16, 1884, Clifton, Pa.; s. Charles Lewis (b. Je 7, 1861, Chapel, Md.) and Maria Ross (Harper) Moulton (b. Mr i, 1861, Philadelphia). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst. M. S., Univ. of Mo., 1909; Ph. D., do., 191 1. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Gamma Sigma Delta; Fellowship in Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907. Asst. Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1907; Instr., Agr. Chem., 1909; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Mo., 1911-17; do.. Animal Nutrition, Pa. St. Coll., 1917-18. Auth.: Composition of the Fat of Beef Animals on Different Planes of Nutrition, Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., 1909; The Maintenance Requirement of Cattle, Research Bui. 18, Univ. of Mo., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1915; Studies of the Timothy Plant, Part II, Research Bui. 20, do., 1915; Units of Reference for Basal Metabolism and Their Interrelations, Jour. Biol. Chem., Vol. XXIV, 1916; The Availability of the Energy of Food for Growth, do.. Vol. XXXI, 191 7. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S. ; Fellow, do., 1910; Am. Soc. An. Nutrition; Assn. off. Agr. Chem.; Referee on Separation of Nitrogenous Bodies (Meat Proteins) of A. O. A. C; Mem., Comn. of Stewards and Marshals: Com. on West. Itinerary for the 8th Internat. Congress of Applied Chem.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Edith lone Lehnen, Je 24, 1911, Wellsville, Mo. Children: Ruth Elizabeth, b. My 14, 1915; Marjorie, b. Mr 27, 1918. Address, 1 513 Rosemary Lane, Columbia, Mo. 3120. CLYDE LEROY MOWDER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 16, 1881, Havana, 111.; s. Charles C. (b. 1846, do.) and Rebecca M. (Lehr) Mowder (b. 185 1, do.). Prepared in Whipple Acad.; Dixon Coll., 1899- 1903. ^ B. S., Dixon Coll., 1903. Acacia; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Leader, L'niv. Mandolin Club. Instr., Private Sch. for boys, 1908; Chief Engr., Los Angeles In- vestment Co., 1908 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Caroline E. Webster, 1909, Santa Anna, Calif. Child, Charles Leroy, b. N 9, 191 1. Address, 3919 Wis. PL, Los Angeles, Calif.; bus. add., 1016 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., do. 3121. GROVER ROBERT MUELLER (Brother of No. 2473) Agent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 6, 1884, Chi- cago; s. Herman (b. Breslau, Ger.) and Hed- vvig (\^eller) Mueller (b. Ger.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Alpha Tau Omega. Mech. Engr. and Salesman, Schaefer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, 1907-8; St. Louis, Portland, Ore. and Seattle, 1908-10; Mfrs. Agt., Birmingham, Ala., 1 910 — . Married Mary Grace Mueller, Mr 9, 1912, Crystal Lake, 111. Child, Robert William, h. S 4, 1916. Address, 910 (jlen Iris Ave., Birmingham, Ala.; bus. add.. Brown Marx Bldg., do. 3122. GLEN HAWTHORNE MULLIN Artist; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 1885, Seymour, 111.; s. Jacob Monroe (b. Mr 1858, Pesotum, 111.) and Emma Jane (Van Meter) Mullin (b. Jl 20, i860, Prairietown, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Artist, Landscape and Figure Painting, New York City. Ad- dress, 1947 Broadway, Studio 608A, New York City. 3123. ELMER JAMES MYERS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1908; b. O 23, 1877, Belleville, Kan.; s. Albert (b. O.) and Margaret (Taylor) Myers (b. la.). Prepared in Kan. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Ind., summer, 1905; Univ. of Chicago, 1909. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Married Ethel Frank Bryant, 1900, Durango, Colo. Children: Bryant and Paul David. Address, Durango, Colo. 3124. JACOB CLARK NELSON Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. S is, 1882. Minden Mines, Mo.; s. Reginald (b. Canton, 111.) and Alice (Hines) Nelson (b. Canton, 111.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Sec, Agr. Club; Class Football. Mem., Christian Church. Address, Box 28, Minden Mines, Mo.t 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 289 3125. ANICE EUNICE NICHOL (McCULLY) (Wife of No. 2747; Sister of Nos. 2773, 3497, 6454, 8622) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1884, Granville, O.; d. Edward A. (b. Mr 22, 1855. do.) and Lydia (Greene) Nichol (b. Ap 20, i860, Ind.). Prepared in Granville (O.) H. S. Illiola. Teacher, 1908-09. Married Clinton Thomas McCully ('06), Jl 30, 1908, Urbana. Children: Agnes Elizabeth, 1). Ja 26, 1910; Helen Louise, b. My 4, 1912; John De Donels, b. O s, 1914; Edward Nicol, b. Jl 14, 1917. Address, 319 E. Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. 3126. JOSEPH N. NIELSON Examiner in Patent Office; B. S. in M. E. : b. D 31, 1883, Minneapolis; s. Peter S. (b. Jl 16, 1858, Bergen, Norway) and Lena (John- son) Nielson (b. My 16, 1853, do.). Prepared N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. B. S., George Washington Univ.. 191 1. Tau Beta Pi; Pre- lim. Honors. Fourth Asst. Examiner, Patent Office, 1907-10; 3d Asst. Exam., do., 1910 — -. Address, 1615 Florida Ave., Washington, D. C. 3127. CLARENCE EUGENE NOERENBERG Struct. Engr. ; B. S. in A. E. ; A. E, 1909; A. B., 1910; b. O 24, 1886, Highland Park, 111.; s. William (b. S 2, 1864, Prussia, Ger.) and Harriet (Ilintz) Noerenberg (b. Je 18, 1863, Shermerville, 111.). Prepared in Deer- tield Tp. H. S.; Grad. work for Ph. D., Univ. of 111., 1907-09. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta; Prelim, and Final Honors; Class Basketball; Varsity Basketball. Sub-forman in Assembling Dept., North Works of 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1907; Res. Fellow in Engng. Exp. Sta., 1907-9; Iristr. in T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1909-16; Received by examination. 111. St. License to practice Arch., 1908. Struct. Engr. with H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago, 1916-17; 2nd R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; ist Lt., F. A. R. C, 1917; 315th F. A., Camp Lee, Va., 1918; i2th Bn. F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson. S. C, 1918; 3rd Bn. F. A. R. D., Camp Taylor Ky.. 1918; Capt., loth Bn. F. A. R. D., do., 1918— . Major, 4th Regt., do., igi8; Mustered out, 1919. Auth.: Ribbed Cast Iron Base Plates, The Technograpli, No. 22, 1908. Mem., Soc. for Pro- motion of Engng. Educ, 1910. Married Mary Brodbeck, D 10, 191 7, Los Angeles. Address, 1 75 1 Buckingham Road, Los Angeles. 3128. CARRIE BELLE NORTON (LAEMMLE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 23, 1879, Colebrook River, Conn.; d. Edward Daniel and Emogene Isabella (Loomis) Norton (b. N 18, 1847, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alethenai; Special Honors; Der Deutsche Verein; Le (iercle Francais. Married Joseph Julius Laemmle, Ja 17, 1909, Urbana. Child. Rebecca Isabelle, b. O 20, 1909. Address, 613 Langley Ave., Chicago. 3129. JOHN NYDEGGER (Brother of No. 3500) Struct. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 24, 1883, Farmer City, 111.; s. John (b. Ap i, 1845, Schwarzenberg, Switzerland) and Magdalena (Messerli) Nydegger (b. Mr 9, 1846, Riggis- berg, do.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; Cor- respondence course, Boston Sch. of Struct. Drafting. Sigma Xi. Arch., T. & B. V. Ry., 1907-09; Arch. Draftsman, I. T. S., 1909; Draftsman, W. E. Wood, 1909; do., Waddell &: Harrington, 1909; Struct. Engr., W. E. Wood Bldg. : Const., 1909 — . Originated the Straight Bar System of Flat Slab Const., Ja iqi6. Auth.: The Straight Bar System of Flat Slab Const., Engng. Ne7vs Record, Je 14, 1917- Mem.. N. West. Research Club, Detroit; Y. M. C. A., do. Married Beulah Anna Rapson, Je 12, 191 1, Danville. IlL Child, Robert James, b. Ja s. '9I3- Address, 34 Hooker Ave., De- troit. 3130. CHARLES HUBERT OATHOUT (Brother of No. 5846) Farm Advisor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 4, 1875, Loda, 111.; s. Charles Fletcher (b. 1853, Water- vliet, N. Y.) and Ellen Jane (Willis) Oathout (b. 1857, Loda, 111.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Asst. in Soil Fertility, 1907-8; Mgr. A. P. Meharry farm, 1908-13. Farm Advisor, Champaign Co., 111. 1913 — . Married Mildred Blanche Rulison, Je 3, 1903, Piper City, 111. Children: Eva Eli- nor, b. Ap 30, 1904; Alice Margaret, b. S 28, 1907; Charles Frederick, b. N 6, 1909- John David, b. N 28, 1913. Address, 305 W. Indiana Ave., Urbana. 3131. MYRA BELLE O'BRIEN Librarian; B. L. S.; d. Milton Theodore (b. Groveland, 111.) and Eliza Sturgeon (Espy) O'Brien (b. do.). Prepared in Knox Acad., Galesburg, 111. A. B., Knox Coll., 1899. Ill- iola; Pres., Lib. Club. Asst. Order Clerk, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1909-10; Libn., Bradley Poly. In- st., 1911; Order Asst., Univ. of Chicago, 1911- 13; Libn., Hist. Lib., Univ. of Chicago, 1914- 15; Reference Libn., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1916 — . Address, 5427 Univ. Ave., Chicago. 3132. FRANK WILBUR PADFIELD Contractor; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 18, 1879 Yates City, 111.; s. James Robert (b. Jl 27 1854, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Johanna (Nel son) Padfield (b. Ja 20, 1853, Knoxville, 111.) Prepared in Blackburn Univ.; Univ. Acad. Y M. C. A.; Eta Kappa Nu. Apprenticeship course, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1907 8; Supt. and Estimator Gen. Bldg. Contrs. 1908-17; Gen. Contr., 1917 — . Married Grace -Amanda Leasure. Ag 18, 1907, Champaign Children: Helen Marjorie, b. F 7, 1908; Wil ma Irene, b. O 24, 191 1; Aha Marie, b. Ja 12, 1914. Address, 604 W. Clark St., Cham- paign; bus. add., 202 Stern Bldg., do. 3133. CARLOS MERRIAM PAGE Manager; B. .S. in E. E.; b. S 18 1885 Girard, 111.; s. Elisha Wrightman (b. Boston Mass.) and Anna Maria (Williams) Page (b Green Co., 111.). Prepared in Girard H. S. West. Mil. Acad., Upper Alton, 111. Capt Univ. Regt. Apprentice, West. Elec, 1907-8 Mgr., Page Investment Co. Saw Mill, 1908 — Married Lenora P. Smith, O 5, 1910, Cham paign. Child, Margaret Elizabeth, b. Jl 19 191 1. Address, 908 S. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore.t 3134- D WIGHT COMSTOCK PARKS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 19, 1885, Burnitt Co., Wis.; s. Samuel Parks. Prepared in Murphysboro H. S. Farmer, Murphysboro, 111. Address, Murphysboro, Ill.f 3135. MAUD EDNA PARSONS Dietitian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 22, 1880, Elgin, 111.; d. Luke H. and Maria (Chapman) Parsons. Prepared in Elgin Acad. Supvr., Rockford H. S. lunch room, 1907-11; Mgr., Read Hall, Girls' Dormitory, Univ. of Mo., 1911-12; Instr-.in H. Sc, 1912-15; Assoc. H. Sc. and Dir. Cafeteria, 1915-18; Dietitian, U. S. Army, Camp Cody, N. M., 1918 — . Address, c/o Sur. Gen., Washington, D. C. 3136. HARRY SPENCER PECK Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. : b. My 8, 1878, .\bilene. Kan.; s. C. W. Peck. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, Siyyi Garrison Ave., Ft. Smith, Ark; bus. add., c/o Paving Board, do.'\ 290 University of Illinois I1907 3137. ADELA LYDIA CAROLINE PEINE (ROST) (Sister of No. 4347) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 14, 1884, Minier, 111.; d. George E. (b. My z, 1856, do.) and Mary L. H. (Buehrig) Peine (b. Ja 8, 1863, Burlington, la.). Prepared in Minier H. S.; Univ. Acad. Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, H. S., 190810. Pres., Ladies' Athenaeum, 1911-13; Pres., Minier H. S. Alumni Assn., 1911-12. Married John Wilkin Rost, Je 14, 191 1, Minier, III. Children: Adela Mary, b. My 13, 1912; Ada Margaret, b. O 8, 1916. Ad- dress, Minier, 111. 3138. LORRAIN NICHOLAS PERRIN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 7, 1884, Belleville, 111.; s. John Nicholas (b. Je 23, 1855, French Village, 111.) and Lola (McCoy) Perrin (b. Jl 31, i860, Lebanon, 111.). Prepared in Belleville Cml. Coll.; Belleville H. S.; McKendree Coll., 1900-1. Phi Kappa Sigma; Egyptian Club; VVitenagamote Court; Tennis team. Lawyer, Belleville, 111. Address, 117 S. Illinois St.. Belleville, 111.; bus. add., 5-6-7 Twenhoeyel Bldg., do. 3139. GUY DERRICK PHILLIPS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 17, 1884. Chicago; s. John C. (b. do.) and Fannie (Der- rick) Phillips (b. Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Schs. ; Lake Forest Coll., 1903-4. Phi Gamma Delta. Irri- gation Engr., Bd. of Local Improvements, Chi- cago. Address, Isabella St., Wilmette, 111. 3140. CHARLES STEPHEN PILLSBURY (Husband of No. 2898; Brother of Nos. 904, 90s) Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; B. S. in M. E., 1908; M. E., 191 1 ; b. F 3, 1887, Springfield, 111.; s. William Low (b. N 4, 1838, Derry, N. H.) and Marion (Forrest) Pillsbury (b. Ja 12, 1843, London, Eng.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi: Phoeni.x; Adelphic; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt. ; Class Coms. and Pres.. Sr. (^lass; Dir. and Mgr., Chicago Sales Office, Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, ist Lt., A. S. S. C, A. E. F., France; Capt., Chief Engr., Aviation Camp Romorantin, France, 19 18; Maj- or, do., 1919 — . Mem., West. See. of Engrs.; Chicago Engrs. Club; Ridge Country Club. 'Married Eleanor M. Beardsley ('07). Kansas City, Mo., O 29, 1914. Address, 2010 W. loist Place, Chicago; bits, add., 105th and Throop Sts., do. 3141. ALFRED PETER POORMAN (Brother of No. 3913) Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 13, 1877, Altamont, 111.; s. George W. (b. S 30, 1838, Massillon, O.) and E. Jane (Watson) Poor- man (b. Ja 26, 1843, Vandalia, 111.). Prepared in Altamont H. S.; Univ. Acad. A. B., Univ. of Colo., 1909; C. E., do., 1909. Eng. Club; Scribblers; C. E. Club; Adelphic; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim., Special and Final honors; Treas.. .Sr. Class; III. Mag. Staff; Permanent Sec, C. E. Soc. ; Sigma Xi. Engr. on Concrete work, Weber Concrete Co., 1907; Instr., Chem. Engng., 1907-9; Govt. Hydrographer, 1909; Asst. Prof., App. Mech., Purdue, 1909-17. R. O. T. C., Ft. Leavenworth, 1917; Capt., 2rst Engrs., A. E. F., France. Auth.: Stories and poems in ///. ISIag.; song, Illinois, Our Varsity, 111. Song Book; Proposed Enlarge- ment of Campus, Colo. Engr. Jour., igo8; Irrigation on the Wind River, Indian Reserva- tion, IVyo. Engr. Jour., 191 o. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Am. Soc. Test Materials: Nat. Geog. Soc; Ind. Engng. Soc. Married S. Elizabeth Ellmaker, Je 22, 1910, Boulder, Colo. Children: Mary Esther, b. S 11, 191 1; George Ellmaker, b. My 13, 1913. .-Iddress. 127 Sylvia St., West Lafayette, Ind. 3142. *LAWRENCE CLEMENT POWERS Missionary; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 18, 1885, Tiskilwa, III.; s. John (b. 1841, Steuben Co., N. Y.) and Eliza Augusta (Partridge) Powers (b. 1848, Peachan. Vt.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Pres., Cosmopolitan Club; Univ. Band; Interschol.; Orat. Soc; V. P., .Adelphic: Illini Staff. Farmer; Missionary, Madura Mission, India, 1910-11; do., Kamuthi, India, 1912-13; Dindigul, India, 1914-15; do., Madura, India, 1916 — . Mem., Am. Bd. of Comns. of Foreign Missions. Chm., Madura Mission, 191 5. Married Johanna Metzyer, F 9. 1916, Madura, India. Died Mr 3, 1916, Madura, South India. 3143- LIN WILLIAM PRICE Lawyer: LL. B. ; b. N 17, 1886, Champaign; s. John F. and Sarah B. (McConnell) Price. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Delta Upsilon; Van Twiller Court; Pres., Sr. Law Class. Lawyer; Asst. U. S. Atty., Chicago, 1913-17. War Dept., Chicago Ordnance Dist. Invented Eyeglass Receptacle, Pat. No. 993,404, 1910. Mem., Taft Club of 111.; Pres., Nat. Young Men's Repub. League. Married ,E1- vera Brodene, Je 28, 1909. Chicago. Address, 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 3144. JOHN LOSSEN PRICER Professor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1907; b. Ja 10, 1871, Fithian, III.; s. James H. (b. Jl 27, 1842, Greenfield, O.) and Arminta Jane (Abbott) Pricer (b. .\g 14, 1844). Prepared in Potomac, 111. H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1894-6, 11898-9. Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Prin., Marshall Tp. H. S., 111., 1907-9; Asst. in Botany and Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Prof, of Biol. Sc, 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1910 — . Auth.: Life History of the Carpenter Ant, Biol. Bui., Vol. XIV. No. 3, 1908. Mem., A. A. A. S.; 111. St. Teachers' .\ssn.: 111. Acad, of Sc; Bloomington Coll. Alumni _ Club; III. Schoolmaster's Club; Sec. of 111. .St. Acad, of .Sc, 1916 — . Married Dora Elizabeth Tomm, Ag i, 1900, Delavan, 111. (died Jl 4, 1912); Laura Fowler Hayes, Jl 28, 191 5. Children: Dorothy, b. N 16, 1903 (died My 2, 1912); Anna, b. S 4, 1905; John Hayes, b. Ag 24, 191 7. Address, 803 Broad- way, Normal, 111. 3145- FORREST ALLEN PRUITT (Brother of No. 3920) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F i, 1883, Hickman, 111.; s. Elias (b. F 12, i860, Iroquois Co., 111.) and Arabella (Wise) Pruitt (b. Je 29, 1863, do.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. C. E. Club; Aztec Club. Alignment and In- spection, Pa. R. R., 1907-9; Insp., Detroit River Tunnel, 1909-10; Designer, Steel and Rein- forced Concrete, Arch, office, Mich. Central R. R., 1910-11; Insp., R. R. Sta., Ofiice Bldg., Detroit River Tunnel Co., 1912; Supt. Gen. Const., McClintic Marshall Co., Pittsburgh, 1913-15; Supt. Gen. Const., Hughes-Foulkrod Co., Philadelphia. Mem., Christian Church. Married Julia Wheatly Briggs, S 8, 1909, New York City. Children: Forrest Allen, Jr., b. D 10, 1910; J. Briggs, b. N 15, 1912. Address. 122 Benner St., New Brunswick, N. J.; bus. add., 2339 Eldridge St., Pittsburgh. 3146. JAMES RANDALL Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 13, 1881, Elmwood, 111.; s. C. C. Randall. Prepared in Bradley Poly, Inst., Peoria. Married Deborah Orchard, Jl 7. 1910, Schenectady, N. Y. Ad- dress, Baker Iron Works, Los Angeles. 3147. ARTHUR EVANS RAY Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 11, 1886, Huron, S. Dak.; s. R. E. Ray. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Address, Rockford, Ill.t 1907J Baccalaureate Alumni 291 3148. ARTHUR JAY RAY Telephone Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. F g, 1886, 111.; s. David S. (b. do.) and Susan E. (Jackson) Ray (b. do.). Prepared in Cuba H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu. Engineer, Automatic Telephone Mfg. Co., Ltd. Married Blanch Boyer, Ag 1907, Urbana. Address, 43 Oxford St., Liverpool, Eng. 3149. CHARLES CARROLL REARDON (Brother of Nos. 1398, 3150, 4377) Stock Raiser; A. B. in Sc. ; s. Bryan (b. Tip- perary Co., Ire.) and Annie (Flemming) Rear- don (b. Bonmabon, do.). Prepared in Del- avan H. S. Adelphic. Agr. and Stock Rais- ing. Supvr., Town of Boynton, 1913-17; Chni. of Tazewell Co. Bd. of Supvr., 1916-17; Chm., U. S., War Saving Stamps Com.; Mem. of the local Liberty Loan Organization. Address, Delavan, 111. 3 1 so. CLARENCE HENRY REARDON (Brother of Nos. 1398, 3149, 4377) Real Est. and Law; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 6, 1880, Delavan, 111.; s. Bryan (b. Tipper- ary Co., Ire.) and Annie (Flemming) Reardon (b. Bonmabon, do.). Prepared in Delavan H. S. LL. B., John Marshall Law Sch., 1912. Phi Alpha Delta; Delta Sigma Rho; Phoenix; Spalding Guild: Adelphic; Baseball squad; De- bating team, Ill.-O. St. Entry Mgr., J. M. Smyth's, 191 1; in charge of Cost Div., West. Elec. Co.; Real Est. and Law, Jerseyville, 111., 1912-18. Married Julia McGinnis, Je 30, 1914, Chicago, Child, Lyman Joseph Lamar, b. Ja 28, 1916. Address, Fieldon, 111. 31S1. ERNEST HUN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; wa. 111.; s. Peter W. (b. Sun, Ind.) and Clarissa (b. Je 6, 1862, Tiskilwa, Tiskilwa H. S. Acacia, ence Bacon, D 26, 1909, dren: Clarissa Helen, b. Bacon, b. Mr 29, 1914. Sacramento; Calif, TER REYNOLDS b, S 6, 1884, Tiskil- Ja 12, 1854, Rising (Hunter) Reynolds , 111.). Prepared in Married Ada Flor- Tiskilwa, III Chil- Ap 27, 19 12; Robert Address, 2015 T St., 3152. FRANK HOWARD REYNOLDS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 16, 1882, Port Byron, 111,; s. Hugh M. and Carrie S. (Howard) Reynolds. Prepared in Moline H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Yoxan: Capt., Univ. Regt.; Cheer Leader. Supt. of Const^, St. Engng. Dept,, San Jose, Calif,, 1907; Struct. Engr., Sacra- mento, do., 1908-10; Civ. Engr., pvt, practice, 1910 — . Mem,, Bd. of Governors, Sacramento Univ. Club; Sutter Club. Married Florence Elise Grau, O 10, 1912. Child, Frank Howard, Jr., b. Jl 6, 1914. Address, 2051 T. St., Sac- ramento, Calif.; bus. add., 328 Foreen Bldg., do. 3153. DANIEL HOMER RICH (Brother of Nos. 2796, 5896) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 25, 1884. Metamora, 111.; s. Albert R. (b. do.) and Mary E. (Slemmons) Rich (b. do.). Pre- pared in Metamora H. S.; Eureka Coll., 1900- i; Columbia LTniv., 1909-10. Alpha Delta Phi; Fresh-Soph. Debate; Pres., Glee Club; Eng. Club; Scribbler's Club. Teacher, H. S., Bill- ings, Mont.; do., Barringer H. S., Newark, N. J.; do.. Central Cml. and Man. Tr. H. S., Newark. N. J., 1912 — . Ed., Globe Theater Shakespeare, Harper Bros.; Julius Caesar, 1916; Merchant of Venice, 1917. Married Mae A, Rich, Jl 6, 191 5. Newark, N. J. Address. 26 Park Ave., Maplewood, N. J.; bus. add.. Cen- tral H. S., Newark, N. J. 3154. MABEL KINGSLEY RICHARDSON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Lodi, S. Dak.; d. George William (b. New Brunswick) and Anna (Kingsley) Richardson (b. Hamilton, 111.). Prepared in Yankton Coll. Acad. A. B., Univ. of S. Dak., 1902. Asst. Libn., Univ. of Wash., 1907; Libn., Univ. of S. Dak., Lib., 1907—. Mem., D. A. R. ; S. Dak. St. Lib. Assn.; Com. for Carnegie Pub. Lib, Address, Vermilion, S, Dak. 3155- WILLIAM HADDON RICHARDSON Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 27, 1882, Black River, N. Y.; s. Seth (b. Jl 19, 1852, Black River, N. Y.) and Elnora (Per- kins) Richardson (b. Je 17, 1853, do.). Pre- pared in Black River H. S. ; Clarkson Sch. of Tech., Potsdam, N. Y,, 1902-3. Track Team. Supt., Bldg. Const., Chicago. Address. 12238 Fairfield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1625 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. 3156. NORMAN SUMNER ROBERTSON A. B. in Bus., L. & A.; b. Mr 20, 1882, Beardstown, 111.; s. Jake Robertson. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Address, Snow Belt, Mont.t 3157. FRANKLIN GRIFFITH ROGERS Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 17, 1886, Chicago; s. Frank D. (b. Flushing, Long Is- land, N. Y.) and Ella (Griffith) Rogers (b, Chicago). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. S, and Man. Tr. Sch.; Armour Inst, of Tech.. 1903-5. Beta Theta Pi. Engr., Brunswick Balke Cullender Co., do., 1907-9; Kewanee Private Utilities Co., 1909-16; do.. Under Feed .Stoker Co. of Am., C'hicago, 1916 — . Ed., Pub' licity Mag., House Organ, Under Feed Stoker Co. of Am. Married Marie Baker Rogers, O 18, 1913, Chicago. Address, 137 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 523 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago. 3158. ROY VAN ROSS Agent; .\. B. in L. & A.; b. S 29, 1883, Faber, Mo.; s. Elliott Ross. Prepared in White Hall H. S. Agt., Frank Waterhouse & Co., Van- couver, B. C, 1918 — . Address, c/o Frank Waterhouse & Co., Vancouver, B. C., Can. 3159. KILE EDWARD ROWAND Farmer; LL. B. ; b. O 26, 1879, Sidell, 111.; s. Isaac (b. Ja 12, 1855, Springfield, O.) and Ida Jane (Patterson) Rowand (b. Ja 28, 1858, Indianola, 111.). Prepared in Sidell H. S.; Lincoln Coll. of James Millikin Univ. Phi Delta Phi; Phi Gamma Delta; Adelphic; Van Twiller Court; Harker Debating Club. Mar- ried Elsie Witherspoon, Je 27, 1907, Catlin, 111, Children: Arnold Bracton, b. Mr 13, 1909; Ida Leone, b. Mr 7, 191 1. Address, Fairmount, Ill.t 3160. CHARLES ALBERT RUMP (Brother of No. 2233) Contractor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 9, 1884, Quincy, 111.; s. John Henry (b. do.) and Mary (Geisel) Rump (b. do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Delta LTjisilon; Varsity Football Team; Pres., Fresh. Class. Engr. and Contr., San Luis, Cuba; Chicago; Wagner, Mont.; Denver; Delta Farms. La.; Norwood, Colo., 1906 — . Married Viola Anna Rump, Ja i, 1908. Chil- dren: John S., b. D 5, 1909; Billy, b. Je 30, 1912. Address, R. 4, Englewood, Colo.; bus. add., 706 Kittredge Bldg., Denver, Colo. 3161. JESSIE RYAN (LUCKE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 19, 1885, Paris, 111.; d. John Miller (b. Mr 19, rSsi, Franklin Co., Ind.) and Carrie Drusilla (Parish) Ryan (b. Ap 28, i860, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; Prelim. 292 University of Illinois [1907 and Final Honors. Teacher, Mattoon, 111., two yrs.; do., Tacoma, Wash., two yrs. Sec- Treas., Tacoma Branch of Coll. Alumnae, 1910-11. Married Rev. Robert O. Lucke, O IS, 1912, Paris, 111. Children: Jessie Ryan, b. My 28, 1914; Robert Ormond, Jr., b. Ag 8, 1917. Address, 110 Misenheimer Ave., Concord, N. C. 3162. ALFRED HARVEY ST. JOHN B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 17. 1883, New Holland. 111.; s. V. R. St. John. Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S., Grandin, N. Dak. Address, Grandin, N. Dak. 3163. HARRY SAVIDGE VVrite-Up Man; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 14. 1882; s. John Thomas (b. D 3, 1851, Farmer City, 111.) and Margaret Jane (Thomas) Sa- vidge (b. D i, 1853, do.). Prepared in Far- mer City H. S. Write-Up Man for G. N. P. R. Pres., B. R. C. of A., Great Falls, Mont., 1918 — . Married Rose May McDaniel, Ja 2, 1915. Address, 211 sth St., North Calvert, Mont. 3164. ALBERT JAMES SCHAFMAYER Civ. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1914; b. Ap 3, 1883, Council Hill Sta., 111.; s. Charles Julius (b. D 21, 1856, New York City) and Mary Ann (Buck) Schafmayer (b. O 20, 1854, Council Hill Sta., 111.). Prepared in Scales Mound, 111., H. S.; Univ. Acad. C. E. Club, Pres.; Tau Beta Pi; Technograph Bd., Pres. and Bus. Mgr. ; Asst. Ed., lllini; Prelim, and Final H )nors. Asst. Engr., Downers Grove, 111., 1907; Rodman, Chicago, 1907-8; Asst. Engr., City of Chicago, 1908-11; Div. Engr., Bd. of Local Improvements, do., 1911 — . Auth. : A Creosoted Wood Block Pavement with a Cement Grout Filler, Engng. and Contracting Vol. XXXVII, 1912. Mem., 111. Soc. Engrs. and Surveyors; Assoc, mem.. West. Soc. of Engrs.; M. E. Church. Married Alta Myrtle Berry- man, 1907, Scales Mound, 111. Child, Miriam Myrtle, b. N 25, 1918. Address, 5716 Maryland Ave., (Chicago; bus. add.. Room 207 City Hall, do. 3165. ALWIN LOUIS SCHALLER (Brother of No. 7926) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1912; b. Ag 8, 18S6, Mendota, 111.; s. John (b. do.) and Bertha (Gross) Schaller (b. do.). Prepared in Blackstone H. S., Mendota, 111. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Shield and Trident; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Pres., Jr. class; Ed. -in-chief Technograph; Sr. Ball Com. With Canadian White Co. Ltd., 1908; Asst. to Chief Engr., Central Coal & Coke Co., 1910; Instr. in M. E., Univ. of 111., 1911; Supt., McEwen Bros, ist Lt., Ord. R. C, Sandy Hook, 1917; Aberdeen, 191S; Capt., 1918. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Wellsville Country Club. Married Fan- nie E. McEwen, My 26, 1917, Wellsville, N. Y. .4ddress, 30 Jefferson St., Wellsville, N. Y. 3166. JOSEPH WILLIAM SCHERTZ (Brother of No. 3533) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 18, 18S2, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ger.) and Cathe- rine (Stouffer) Schertz (b. do.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. HI. Steel Co., 1907-8: Am. Bridge Co., 1908-9; 111. Steel Co., 1909-12; Am. Bridge Co., 1912-13; 111. Steel Co., 19131S; Bridge Designing Engr,. City of Chicago, 1916 — . Married Elizabeth O. Oidway, O., 1911. Child, Elizabeth May, b. Ap 11, 1913- .■iddress, 2944 S. Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1319 Wabansia Ave., do. 3167. HERMAN ALBERT SCHOLZ Chemist; B. S. in Chem. ; b. O 2, 1885, Montague, Mich.; s. Joseph (b. Ja 26, 1857, Davenport, la.) and Elizabeth (Lehnhardt) Scholz (b. D I, 1864. Ger.). Prepared in Bur- lington (la.) H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Chem. Club; Hawkeye Club. Chem., J. H. Matthes, Chicago, 1907-14; do., Devoe & Reynolds Co., Inc., do., 1914 — . Mem., Am. Chem. Soc. Married Ella Marie Schwieger, S 5, 1911, Burlingtpn, la. Children: Marie Elizabeth, b. My 9, 1913; Donald Albert, b. Ap 28, 1918. Address, 2114 Tripp Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 720 N. Halsted St.. do. 3168. OTTO WILLIAM KARL SCHREIBER (Brother of No. 2236) Banker; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 2, 1880, Chicago; s. Heinrich Friedrich (b. O 26, 1848, Hanover, Ger.) and Augusta Louise (Schulz) Schreiber (b. Ag 2, 1852, Berlin, Ger.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Zeta Psi; Delta Chi; Mask and Bauble; Pres., Der Deutsche Verein; Pres., Cml. Club; Pres., Coll. Dancing club; Philomathean; Stage Mgr., Univ. Opera (^lub; Orat. Assn.; Asst. Ed. lllini; ed. of Dope Sheet; Soph. Cotillion and Anti-Hazing Coms. Law Sch., Univ. of Chicago, 1907-8. Contin- ental and Cml. Bank, 1910-12; Real Est. Bus., 1912-18; Nat. City Bank, Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., Co. E, 4th Regt., 111. Reserve Militia, Chicago. Married Edith Marguerite Roehrborn, Je 29, 1918, Chicago. Address, 3051 Blaine PI., Chi- cago. ^ 3169. WILLIAM FREDERICK SCHROE- DER, JR. Rancher; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 24, 1885, Rock Island, 111.; s. William F. (b. Ger.) and Margaratha (Mueller) Schroeder (b. do.). Prepared in H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Yoxan; Capt., Swimming and Water Polo team; Class Championship Football; Class Baseball; Sr. Memorial Com. Bank Clerk. N. Y. ; Rancher, S. Dak. Chm. Bd. Co. Comn., Harding Co., S. Dak., 1916. 111. Nat. Reserves, 1901-3; Capt. 341st Inf., Camp Grant, 1917 — . Married Amy R. Brokken, Mr 6, 1913, Harmony, •Minn. Children: William F., b. D 29, 1913; Amy R., b. S 24, 1915. Address, 532 Elm St., Rock Island, lU. 3170. LOUIS GUSTAV SCHUMACHER (Brother of No. 3956) Constr. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 15, 1885, St. Joseph, Mo.; s. Gustav (Ger.) and Wilhelmina (Hanssen) Schumacher (b. Daven- port, la.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., St. Joseph, Mo. Sigma .-Klpha Epsilon. With Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Sales Dept. Sales Engr., Kansas City Light & Power Co., 1913-16; Sec. and Mgr., Const. Dept., Denton Engng. & Const. Co., Kansas City, Mo., 19 16 — . Mar- ried Alice May Emeis, O 10, 1911, Daven- port, la. .Address, c/o Denton Engng. & Const. Co., 315-19 E. 17th St., Kansas City, Mo. 3171. JAMES ROBINSON SCOTT, JR. Consulting and Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 25, 1886, Champaign; s. James Robinson and Lou Emma (King) Scott. Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Beta Theta Pi: C. E. Club. Asst. Engr., B. & B. Dept. of I. C. R. R. Co.; Bridge Engr., Denver Tram- way Co.; Assoc. Engr., H. C. Crocker; Con- sulting Engr., The C. S. Lomber Co.; Chief Engr., do.; Consulting and Contracting Engr., Colo. Bldg. Supply Co., Denver, Colo. Mem. A. S. C. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Colo. Assoc. A. S. C. E.; Colo. Soc. C. E.; Lakewood Country Club; Colo. Consistory and El Jebee Shrine; Y. M. C. A. Address, The Huntington, 1624 Grant St., Denver; bus. add., 1534 Blake St., do. . A 3 172. MIRIAM E. SCOTT (DILLON) (Wife of No. 2639) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 25, 1883, Red Oak, la.; d. Samuel LeRoy (b. My 9, 1852, Amboy, 111.) and Leonora E. (Barger) Scott (b. D 20, 1853, Milford, Ind.). Prepared in Engle- 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 293 wood H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Alethenai; Chi Onieea; Phi Beta Kappa; Household Sc. Club. Teacher of Home Econ., 1907-9. Mem., Am. Home Econ. Assn.; Inter-Coll. Soc. of S. C. ; Civic Club of Charleston, S. C. Married Fred Paul Dillon ('06), O 12, 1909. Children: Edward Scott, b. N 18, 1910; Kathleen, b. Ja 31, 1913; Merrill Barger, b. Ja 17, 1917. Ad- dress, Garrison Apts., Baltimore. 3173. WILLIAM RENICK SCOTT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 18, 1885, Seymour, 111.; s. A. S. Scott. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Winifred Johnson, Ja 10, 1912, Seymour, 111. Address, Seymour, 111. 3174. AMOS POTTER SCRUGGS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 16, 1875, Shipman, 111.; s. M. and Eliza Scruggs. Prepared in Litchfield H. S. Salesman, 1907-14; admitted to Neb. Bar, 1914; Sealer Weights and Meas- ures for City of Omaha, 1916-18. Married Mary Fitzpatrick, S 6, 1906. Address, 3807 Camden Ave., Omaha; bus. add., Room 4, City Hall, do. 317s. HENRY ROSCOE SHADE (Brother of No. 3176) Farmer and Stock Breeder; B. S. in Agr.; b. N I, 1880, Dale Tp., 111.; s. John Kissinger (b. F 2. 1850, Turbotville, Pa.) and Anna Re- becca (Bower) Shade (b. Mr 3, 1850, Mifflin Co., Pa.). Prepared in III. Wesleyan Univ. Prep. Sch.; Bloomington H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho; Prelim. Honors; Coll. Dancing Club; Ed. Staff, ///. Agr. Salesman, Internat. Harvester Co., 1907; Farmer and Breeder of Duroc Jersey Swine and Holstein Friesian Cattle, 1909 — . Co. Supvr., Champaign Co., 1915-17. Auth. : The Angora Goat in the U. S., ///. Agr., Vol. VIII, 1904; Some of the West, do.. Vol. IX, 1904; The Ind. State Fair, do.. Vol. X, 1905. Sec, Somer Tp. Telephone Co., 1911-12. Mar- ried Mary Ann Thornburn. D 24, 1906, Ur- bana. Children: Genevieve Frances, b. Ap 26, 1908; Richard Norman, b. Ap 15, 1912; I?etty Jean, b. Ap 26, 19 18. Address, R. i, Urbana. 3176. IMOGENE SHADE (SHOULTS) (Sister of No. 3175) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 13, 1885, Covel, 111.; d. John K. (b. F 2, 1850, Tur- botsville, Pa.) and Rebecca Anne (Bower) Shade (b. Mr 3, 1850, Mifflin Co., Pa.). Pre- pared in Bloomington H. S. Delta Gamma; Grad. Scholarship in Math.; Prin. H. S., Ar- eola, 111., 1908-11; Head of Dept. Math., Mar- quette, Mich., 1911-12. Auth.: Passion Play of 1910, Anchora of Delta Gamma, 191 1; Cor- relation of Efficiency in Math, and Efficiency in Other Subjects (with H. L. Rietz), Uni- I'ersity Studies, N 1908. Mem., Detroit Branch A. C. A.; Xi Zeta Alumnas Assn. of Delta Gamma; Pres., Richardson Missionary Soc, Mich., 1Q17. Married C. A. Shoults, 30, 1912. Address, 744 14th Ave., Detroit. 3177. NINA REBECCA SHAFFER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 5, 1876; d. M. S. (b. Je 13, 1844) and Almira L. (Beattie) Shaffer (b. Ja i, 1844). Prepared in Iowa City H. S. Ph. B., Univ. of la. Alpha Chi Omega; Vice Pres., Class. Teacher, la. City Schs., 1900-5; Libr., Vinton, la., 1907-8; Cataloger, 1908-10; Ref. Asst., Univ. of la., 1910 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Pres., Young Woman's Guild; V. P., C. E.; Pres., Lib. Club, 1909-10, V. P., 1911-12. Address, 314 N. Dubuque St., Iowa City, la.t 3178. HAZEL YEARSLEY SHAW Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. Ag 13, 1885, Urbana; s. William Talbot (b. N 2, i860, do.) and Clara Olive (Yearsley) Shaw (b. O 6, 1864, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Chi Omega. Teacher in Wis., 1908-9; do., Kentucky, 1910; do.. 111., 1910-12; Libn., Econ. and Soc. .Seminar, Univ. of 111., 1913 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 609 W. Green St., Urbana. 3179. JEROME KENNETH SIMER Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 12, 1886; s. Ilarve (b. Ja 13, 1854, Divide, 111.) and Laura (Mercer) Simer (b. My 27, 1851, Salem, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. t,L. B., Univ. of Minn., 1910. Adelphic; Eng. Club. Ad- dress, Gray Gables, Minneapolis; bus. add., 346 McKnight Bldg. do.i 3180. LAWRENCE EDWIN SINCLAIR Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 19, 1883, Ash- land, 111.; s. William Ollen (b. Mr 1855, do.) and Eva (Tomlin) Sinclair (b. Mr 1855, do.). Prepared in Ashland H. S. Address, Ashland, Ill.t 31 81. WILLIAM KENNETH SKINNER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 24, 1884, Griggsville, 111.; s. William O. (b. Ja i, 1847, Franklin Co., Pa.) and Sarah Francis (Brown) Skinner (b. My 27, 1851, Griggsville, 111.). Co. Atty., Rooks Co., Kan. Mem., Kan. Bar Assn. Married Ethyl McLaughlin, O 16, 1908, Palmyra, Mo. Children: Jane Isabell, b. S 5, 1909; William Robert, b. N 2, 1914. Address, Stockton, Kan. 3182. ROBERT HUGH SLOANE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 9, 1883, Missoula, Mont.; s. John L. (b. Mr 27, 1847, New York City) and Elizabeth A. (Mansfield) Sloane (b. Ja 4, 1864, Sidney, 111.). Prepared in Missoula, Mont. Indian Allotment, Flat- head Agency, 1907-8; Engr., C. M. & P. S., 1908-9; Engr., Yakima Reservation, Wash., 1909; Contr., Flathead Reservation, 1910-12; Asst. Engr., C. M. & St. Paul Ry., Great Falls, Mont., 1912-14; Jr. Civ. Engr., Div. of Valua- tion, Interst. Commerce Comn., 1915 — . Mar- ried Ulah Marsh Woodman, Je 21, 1910, Helena, Mont. Children: Emma Elizabeth, b. F 19, 1912; John Tylar, b. S 12, 1916. Ad- dress, 523 E. Front St., Missoula, Mont. 3183. JOSEPH ANTON SMEJKAL, JR. (Brother of No. 6573) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 23, 1885, Chicago; s. Joseph A., Sr. (b. Ag 7, i860, Bohemia) and Barbara (Belchin) Smejkal (b. O 31, 1864, do.). Prepared in Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Bd. of Supervising Engrs., Chicago Traction, C. M. & St. P. R. R. Address, 1227 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago.! 3184. CLAUDE E. SMITH Farmer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 24, 1883, Cham paign Co., 111.; s. Thomas W. (b. O 4, i8S7. Sangamon Co., 111.) and Margaret Ruth (Camp- bell; Smith (b. My 27, 1861, Wayne Co., la.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Tau Ome- ga; Yoxan. Engr., I. T. S., 1909; Din, Pvt. Sch.; Farmer, Flora, 111., 1910 — . Address, Flora, Ill.t 3185. SIDNEY BENJAMIN SMITH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 7, 1885; s. Elbert S. (b. Mr 8, 1847, Solon, O.) and Elsie Jane (Kinsley) Smith (b. Ja 3, 1845). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Philomathean; Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Farmer, Springfield, 111., 1907-18; Emergency Dist. De- monstration Leader, 1917-18. Mem., Am. Shorthorn Breeders Assn.; Percheron Soc of Am.; Am. Berkshire Assn.; Sec, two yrs., 111. Live Stock Breeders' Assn.; Dir., 111. St. Dairyman's Assn., 1915-17; Sec.-Treas. 111. Jer- sey Cattle Club, 1918; 111. Country Club. Mar- ried Madeline Babcock, N 22, 1910, Springfield, 111. Children: Elbert Sidney, b. O 27, 191 1; Eunice Louise, b. S 2, 1915- Address, 1053 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add.. Room 19, Court House, do. I ' NIVKKSI rv OK Il.l.l \OIS |n)07 10 1 I 1.. Mr .(1 iiSo. ll.OKKNCK SOMKKS iWll.l.lAMS) (.VVilc ol No. 1 /•'>.(» Mis.sioiiarv; A. H. in L. & A.; b. F i.». "«?«'. I'aiiolii, ill,; il. Kilwiii K. (h- I'" -:4. '>^-l.S. I'liuia) nmi C'ailifiiiu' lUiivt-ii.ulit) Someis ili. S u), iS.sii, titiu SpiiiiK r>ay, 111.). I'lcnarcil ill Kl r.isi. 11. S. I'n-s., Hliola; I'hi IVll.i I'si; Phi lul.i Kappa; rroliiii. aiul Final Hon ins; I'lfs., I'lilaKOniiMl lust.; Sr. Brt-akfast Com. iMissionaiy, Ft. Doilge, la., 11)078; I'lu'nRtii, West hulia, looyu; Ft. DoiIrc, la., n)ij-i,); l.awn'nif. Kan,, 1913-14; Vi'utuia, t'alif., n)i.| 17; ."^an l''fiiiainlo, I'lllif., n)!?-!^!, M.mifil Klruk Williams (,'oj), F ^, moy, t'luinKliinu, W, t'hina, .lildirss. .).■,( Mac Neil .St., San Fciiianilo, (."alii. J187. Jt)llN CLVDK Sl'lTFFK Farnur; I?. S. in Agr.; b. O s. i88j, Mont- rose, 111.; s. Daviil (h- O jj, 1S4J, Jaspi-r Co., hul.) and Mary Elizalieth Spitlcr (b. Ap j<), iS.s.t, jaspor t'o., Ind.). I'fi'paicil in INlont io.sc Fill), .Sells, anil I'niv. Acail. Acacia; Alpha /.Ota; Sinma Xi; Akv. Club; Track Team. States Uelalions Service, V. S. Dcpt. of Akl. Maiiifil lleniiella Downey, N i.s, I'ntiiian, lU. CliiUl, MiKlrea F.li/abeth, 11)1(1. Aililii'.is, Montrose, 111, u.ss. l-I.DKFNCK Ol.lVK Sl'UAC.CF CWINSIUI') (.Sister of No, 44-'S) A. U. in 1.. \ A.; b. My 17, iSS.i, Dnl'aKC, HI,; d. Frank (h. II, iS^o, Du FaKc. 111.) ami FloreiKC K.stellc (.Tripp) Spraniie (.b, O, i8sy, l.oekport, ./.'.). Frcparcl in Joliet I'p. 11, >. ; Delta liamnia; Aletlieiiai; I'lii Delta I'si; I'rcs,, Woiuens" LeaKiie, Teaelier, l.oekport Tp. 11, S. Married Ueiijaniiu W. Winsliin, II 31. igij. Children: licni.uiiin Weseo, b, Ar 31. 1013; Florence Fli/abetli, b. .11 -'o, njio. Ad dress, 4Jt) Si)riicc St., Steelton, I'.i. 3i8g. KDITU l.ll.l.l.VN Sl'KAV (S.WW KUi (Wife of No. J50J) 1'., 1.. S,; A. 1!. in 1.. & A.. igoS; b. O 18, iSS.), I'liiiaKo; d. John Campbell (\k iS4,s, UiidKcporl, Ind.) and Mary Ann (.liiiniit .Spr.iv (.li. iSs-t, Caleilonia, t.'an.). I'rep.ircd ill llvdc Park 11. S,; Lewis Inst. I'i Uela IMii; Mask and Uanble; Dramatic Club; l.ib. I'hib. .\sst. Loan I.ibii., Ihiiv. of 111., igo7-». Married I'rcd Scott Sawyer CoO, F (>, u)00, Arlington lleisbts. 111. Child, Fred Cninii, b. Ja 30, 1011. Address. 407 White l?ldg., Sialtle. 3u)o. FKKD MFKWYN STAKKK Fublieity Manager; 1.1.. I?.: b. Ja i8, iSS.s. Clavton. 111.; s, lames 1.. (.b. My Jo, i8.sS, ItaiVy, 111.) and Fli/abetli Jane (Montgomery) Staker (.b. iStiS, Clavton, Ul.K Frepareil in Clayton II. S." l*i I'lict.i: Thela Kappa Nu; Ailelphic; I'ol. Sc. Chib; Witeiiagcmote Court. Mgr., I'ublicity Depi,. Southwest Nat. Kauk 01 Commerce and Civiumcrce Trust Co., Kans.is Citv, Mo. Married Ulanchc F. Melville. (.) 1, igoD, Hogard, Mo. Child, Dorothy J.mc. b. 11 .'S, u)io. Addii-ss, 1007 K, 4.'nd, Kansas City, Mo. 3101. FAUl. DOWN INC STFARNS Ftiginccr; li, S. in M, F. ; b, S 14, 1886, K.inkiii, 111.; s. 1.. D. U'. Kilbourn City, \Vis.> ami Adda (.liarner) Stearns (b. Milford, 111.). I'rcpared in Henry Kendall Coll.; Champaign 11. S. M. F, ,. F.n.nr,, 1008; -Sales Fugr., iQo8-o; i^>.. New York t itv, 1000: Mgr., Hiauch ofTice. New York Citv, 100011; Partner. Fort Pitt F.ngng. C^l,. Pittsburgh, 1011 — . 1st It,, Signal R. C. Aviation Section, 1017; Mustered out. la -•-■, 1019. Married Idadvs Kugenia Whithaiii. Je iJ, lytJ. Child. Sarah Jane, b. My -•-■, 1013. Addri-ss. 1317 Lancaster .\ve.. Swi.s.svalc, Pa,; ^i/,t. (i(/./., 0064 W'oodwell St., Pittsburgh. 3101A. ANNIK II, STEVFNSON U, S. in II, Se,; b. Ja ^7. i88^. Nebraska Citv. Neb,; il, F', H. Stevenson, i'rep.ircd in Nebraska City II. S. I.ibn., Pub. Lib., Nebrask.i City, Neb. Address, Nebraska City, Neb. 319:!. WALTKR M(M, 1S85; s, John !•■. (.b. Mr 19. 18.(9, Monroe, W'is.)"aiid Alay (.Mien) Stewart (.b. le 30, 18.(9, Hrecks- viUe, (),). Prepared in Kvanston II. S, Phi CJaiiima Delta; Phoenix; K. K. Club; Class baseball; Cap Com.; Jr. .Smoker; Clini., Sr. Ball. .Salesman, la. Keniielt Co., 1907-10; Manufaclurer's Agt., 191011; Mgr., Vacuuiu I'leaiier Dept., Kellogg Mackav Co., igii — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; W. O. W. 'Married ICIiza- licili Uiugliam, .S ui, 1009, Daylona, l"la. Child, Charles T)(Uiald, b. () Ji, 1910. Address, loio Lake St., Kvanston, 111. 319.!, MARSHALL CHILDS STOOKEY (.llrother of No, .'.'Sp) Farmer; 11, S. in C. K. ; b. On, 1881, War renburj;. 111.; s. Lewis (b. O jo, 1848, St. Clair Co., 111.) anil l.eona (.Childs') Stookey (h. F .'0. i8";(i, Sangamon Co., 111,'). Pre pared in Decatur H, S. Delta Upsilon; Shield and Trident; C. K. Club; Orange and liluc Dancing Club. With C. vS: N. W. R. R., White- hall and Deer Lodge, Mont., 1907; With C. M. iS: l". .S. R, R,, 1008-9; Farmer, 1909 — . In ch.irge of tp. Liberty Lo;in, Red Cross, Army Y, M. C. .v. Campaigns. Mem., M. F. Church; Decatur Cluli; A. V. .'i. M,; K. T. ; 'Treus, Macon Co, I'"arin Itiir,, 1918, Married Mildred Wilkinson, S 1, 1913, Milwaukee. Children: M.iig.iiet (."aroiine, b. Jl 9, 1914; M;iry Eliza- beth, b. S 0, i9il>. Address, llarristown. 111. 3194. IIALVER RliFUS STRAIGHT (Husband of No. 3409; Hrother of Nos. 3.=;i\S, S443> Manufacturer; 11. S. in M. K.; b. .\g .•4, 1884, El Paso, 11!,; s. Lee S, (b. D -•-•, i8(.3. (."ropsey, HI.) iind ld;i Maude (Tiinner) Straight (b. Ap 1.=;, i8t>3. near F;iirbnry, 111.). Pupared 111 l-'oiuhi (.Li.) 11, S,; Ciriiinell .\cad.; ,Sliulied ;it Cornell, la,; Iowa Coll, Siguui \i, Mem., Pub. Service Keseive, 1917; lien. Mgr., Add (!'lay I'rod. Co., 1918 -. Crantcd 14 patents on various clav working m:ichiiies ;iiid designs of bldg, tile "and bhlgs, .\uth.: Individual Motor Drives for Clay Working M;ichiuery, their Ftliciency and S;iving Involved; Hriclt, My 1907; The Ceramics .Svliool Presented be- fore Iowa Hrick and 'Tile .\ssii. J a 1908 and Pub, in liriek ; Dryer (.'(uistructioii Presented before Iowa Hrick and Tile .Vssn. and Pub. in rroeeediiiiis of above; Clay Mining, presented at Chicago, F" 16, igii, before Interstate Hrick and Tile Assn.; V. P., la. .St. Clay M fgrs. Assn., iqio-ii; Treas. la. St. Clay Mfgrs. Assn., 191 1-1 j; Sec. and 'Tro;is., la. St. Silo Assn. Married l.iira h'.thel lloge ('08), Ja I, 1909, Cliiciigo. C'hildreii: Lee lloge, b. Ap JO, igii; Dorothy, b. Je t, 1915; Eliziibeth, b. 1' 3. 1918. Address, Adel, la,; bus. add., Rrick & Tile l""actory, do. 3195, JAMES Al.HERT STRAWN Heating F'ngr, ; H. S. in M. E. ; b. J a 2j, 188 (, Forrest, 111,; s. loel R. (b. Ja 8. 184J, llttawa, HI.) and Mary Francis (Brown) Strawn tb. Mr 30, 1851, Hiowusville, N. Y.). Pre- iKired in" Ponli;ic Tp, 11, S, Pi Theta; Tau lieta Pi; Phoenix. Col., I'niv, Regt., 1006-7. Instr. in Mil. I'niv. of 111., 1906-7; Draftsman, Link Helt Mach. Co.. 1907; ./o., Stephens Adam- son Mfg. ("o., 1007-8; F'ruit Crower. Colo. 19081 3; Heating Dept, Cent. HI. Light Co.. Peoria, 1913 iti; Siipt., do., igio — . ftLirrie.d Kernie M. Delatour, ja 12, 19H. Forest. 111. Child. Max Delatour, b. .\it 14. 1914- Address, 3it'> S, JetTerson St.. Peoria. igo7J Baccalaureate Alumni 295 3196. GEORGE MAURITZ 5 TROMBECK Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 3, 1880, Moline, 111.; s. John (b. Ag 31, 1851, Sweden) and Emma Augusta (Ekeblad) Strombeck (b. S 8, i860, do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Tau BetaPi; Y. M. C. A.; Scandinavian Club; Sigma Xi. With the Root & Vandervoort Engng. Co., 1907-18; Strombeck, Becker Mfg. Co., 1918 — . Mem., Free Swedish Evang. Church. Married Amanda C!hri.stian Nelson, My 30, 1907. Children: Vernon Mauritz, b. O 8, 1908; Reuben Emmanuel, b. O 25, iqio. Ad- dress, 1 133 13th Ave., Molin«, 111.; bus. add., Strombeck Becker Mfg. Co., do. 3197. ELMER EMERSON STULTS (Husband of No. 3506) Broker; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 19, 1883, West Liberty, la.; s. Allen Sylvester (b. Deland, 111.) and Carrie Eliza (Ilaynes) Stults (b. Frankfort, O.). Prepared in Evanston T[). H. S., West Des Moines (la.) H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Phoenix; Univ. Track Team; Class Baseball and Football. Grocery Bus., 1907-9; Farmer, 1909-12; with E. R. Hasse & Co., Real Est. and Mortgage Brokers, 1912 — . Married Minnie L. Parker ('08), Mr 27, 1909, Taylorville, 111. Children; Margaret Caroline, b. N 16, 1910; Allen Park- er, b. Je 13, 1913; Helen Louise, b. .S 5, 1914. Address, 463 Willow St., Winnetka, 111. 3198. MARY KATHARINE SWARTZ (CARSON) (Wife of No. 1835; Sister of No. 8802) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 14, 1885, Piatt Co., 111.; d. B. F. (b. Pa.) and Minnie E. (Schuk- necht) Swartz (b. Wis.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Athenean. Teacher, Pt. Byron H. S. one yr. Married F. T. ('arson ('03), 1909, Urbana. Children: Mary Annt-, b. Ja 1910; Thomas Bur'ice, b. Je 191 1; Dorothy Joy, b. Je 13, 1914; Joseph Robert, h. Mr i_'. 1916. Address, 510 W. Mai"-, Urbana. 3199. VINCENT WESTFALL SWITZER Treasurer, Baker- Vawter Co.; b. Ag 0, 1885, Shawnee Mound, Ind.; s. George Washington (b. N 2, 1854, Otterbein, Ind.) and Lida (Westfall) Switzer (b. Ap 28, 1858, Montmorenci, Ind.). Prepared in La Porte (Ind.) H. S. ; Purdue Univ., 1003-5. Beta Theta Pi. With Baker-Vawter Co., 1907; Asst. Supt., dn., 1910-12; Efficiency Engr., do., 1912-13; Sales Mgr., do., 1913-16; Dir., do.; Comptroller, do., 1916-18; Treas., do.. iqi8 — . Mem., Univ. Club, Chicago. Mar- ried Eila Graves, Ag 8, 191 1, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Address, Benton Harbor, Mich. 3200. MAURICE COLE TANQUARY Professor; B. S. in Sc. ; A. M., ipo8; Ph. D., 1912; b. N 26, 1881, Lawrenceville, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. Ja 17, 1841, do.) and Flora A. Cole (b. S 3, 1852, Miami Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Lawrenceville H. S.; Vincennes, Ind. Univ. Acacia; Gamma Alpha; Delta Sigma Rho; Ionian; Represented 111. in Hamilton Orat. Contest, 1907; Scholarship, 1908; Fellow- ship, 1909. Asst. in Entomol., 1908-12. Grad. work, Harvard Univ., 1910. Insp. and Econ. work in Minn., 191 1, Instr., Entomol., Kan. Agr. Coll., 1912-13; Zoologist, Crocker Land Arctic Expedition, 1913-16; Asst. Prof., Ento- mol. Kan. Agr. Coll., 1916 — . Auth. : .\ Prelim. List of the Ants of Illinois, Proc. St. Acad. Sc, 191 1 ; Experiments on the Adoption of Lasins, Fjormica, and Polyergus Queens by Colonies of Alien Species, Biol. Bui, Vol. XX, 1911; Biolo- gical Studies of Formicidae, Bill. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX, My 1913. Mem., Entomol. See. of Am.; A. A. A. S.; St. Acad. Sc. Mar- ried Josephine W. Perry, Jl i. igi6. Child, Jean, b. Aj) 7, 1917- .Address, Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. 3201. EDWARD ROMAINE TARNOSKI (Brother of Nos. 3202, 7256) Contr. and Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 26, 1884, Chicago; s. Stephen (b. Ja i, 1852, Warsaw, I'oland) and Mary (Skora) Tarnoski (b. Ag 10, 1864, t/o.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Man. Tr. Sch. C. E. Cluh. Struct. Draftsman. 1907; Insp., 1908; Asst. Engr., 1909; Supt. of Const, and Engr., The Rodgers Co., Chicago, 1909-14; McManis & Tarnoski, Contr. and Engr.. 1914 — . Address, Y. M. C. A. St. Paul; bus. add., 298 Endicott Bldg., do. 3202. PAUL THADDEUS TARNOSKI (Brother of Nos. 3201, 7256) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. S i, 1885, Chicago; s. Stephen (b. Ja i, 1852, Warsaw, Poland) and Mary (Skora) Tarnoski (b. .\g 10, 1863, do.). Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S., Chicago. Chem. Club; Varsity Track Team; X'arsity Football Team. Chem., C. R. I. & P, R. R, Co., 1907; Swift & Co., 1908; Great West. Cereal Co., 1908-9; .\rmour & Co., 1909; Sec. and Treas., Com. Chem. Lab., 1910 — ; Sec. and Treas., Chem. Engng. Co., 1910 — . Auth.: Reaction of Methyl Malonicester (with Richard Sidney Curtiss), Jour. .4. C. S., 1908. Mem., A. C. S.; Wheaton Golf Club; May- wood Golf Club; Chicago Camera Club. Ad- dress, 181 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., R. 1625 Manhattan Bldg., 431 Dearborn St., do. 3203. FRED COE TAYLOR Sales Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja i6, 1886, Water Valley, Miss.; s. John M. and Mary (Yeager) Taylor. Prepared in Hyde I'ark H. S., Chicago. Beta Theta Pi. Instrument- man, Grand Trunk Pacific K. R.; Material Insp., I. C. R. R.; Chief Engr., Conley Frog & Switch Co.; Dept. Mgr., H. \V. Johns- Manville Co., St. Louis Branch, dn., Nash- ville, Tenn. Married Nancy Lane I'usey, Je 10, 191 I, Chicago. Children: Mary X'irginia, b. D 22, 1913; Jane Pusey, b. S 14, 1916. .Ad- dress, c/o H. W. Johns-Manville Co., St. Louis. 3204. INEZ THISSELL (FOSDICK) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. Prepared in E. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Harvard II. S., 1907-8: San Diego, Calif., 1908-12. Married A. M. P'osdick, Je i, 19 16. Address, 2439 Capitan Ave., San Diego, Calif. 3205. EMMET COLLINS THOMPSON Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 8, 1886, Franklin Grove, 111.; s. J. C. and Martha (Hanger) Thompson. Prepared in Byron H. S. Mech. and Constr. Work with C. C. I. Co., Ishpeming, Mich., 1907-15; Mech. Engr., Cop- per Range Co., Painesdale, Mich., 1915-16; do., Harrison Bros. & Co., Philadelphia, iqi6: Supt., do.; Gen. Supt., Harrison Works, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Philadelphia, 1918. Married Mary Nelson Thompson, Ap 30, 1913, (Jwinn, Mich. Child, Robert Jerome, b. Jl 21, 1915. Address, 1108 S. 46th St., Phil? delphia; bus. add., Harrison Works, £. I. (lu Pont de Nemours & Co., do. 3206. FRED NEWTON THOMSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 8. 1886, Per- dueville, 111.; s. S. ^.arvey (b. Mr 18, 1856, Thorntown, Ind." and Bessie J. (Carson) Thomson (b. O 22, 1862, New Holland, O.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Engaged in dredg- ing swamp land. Address, Bercail, Mont.t 3207. CHARLES HERMAN TORNQUIST (Brother of No. 8826) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 3- i8«4. Donovan, 111.; s. Andrew (b. Sweden) and Mathilda (Johnson) Tornquist (b. do.). Pre- pared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, TH. Engr. for Stone & Webster: with Phoenix 296 University of Illinois [1907 Const. Co. of N. Y., Idaho, 1913-16; Supt. of Const., Ut., Calif, and Wash., :9i6-i8; with Atlantic Loading Co. of N. Y., near Hani- monton, N. J., 1918 — . Married Enimil Hutchinson, Je 17. 191 1, Portland, Ore. Child, Marian Jane, b. My 3, 191J, Portland, Ore. Address, c/o Atlantic Loading Co., Hammon- ton, N. J. 3208. THEODORE HERMAN TRAMS (Brother of No. 2530) Consulting and Min. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 9, 1879, Kolbcrg, Ger. ; s. Charles Fred- erick (b. F 10, 1856. Belgard, do.) and Bertha Caroline (Borth) Trams (h. F 8, 1846, Kolberg, do.). Prepared in Loda and Paxton H. Sclis. C. E. Club. Concrete Insp., 1907; Instr., Mo. Sch. of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo., 1907-8; Concrete Insp., D. L. & VV. R. R., 1909-11; Bldg. Ins])., do., Montclair, N. J., 1911-12; Concrete Insp., do.. Nicholson, Pa.; Asst. City Engr., Lewiston, Pa., 1914-17; Civ., Consulting and Min. Engr., Heath, Mont., 1017-18- rfo., Lewiston, Mont., 191S — . Married Pearle Geneve Laylield Hiatt, S 15, 1902, Cham- paign. Children: Charles Herman, b. N is, 1904; Garnet Elizabeth, b. Je 18, 1912; Claude Albert, b. My 18, 1914. Address, Lewiston, Mont. 3209. MERLE JAY TREES (Husband of No. 2474) V. P., Chicago Bridge and Iron Works; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 191 1; b. Je 14. 1883; Mayview, 111.; s. George Washington (b. My 16, 1846, Clermont Co., O.) and Jennie May (Ray) Trees (b. Williamsport, Ind.). Pre- pared in Frankfort, Ind., H. S. Phi Delta rheta; Phoeni.x; C. E. Club; Univ. Band: Class Football; Chm., Sr. Invitation Com. Cupola Foreman, Foundry Griffin Wheel Co., 1907: Engr., Kelly-Atkinson Const. Co., 1908; Bldg. Insp., John Deere Plow Co., igo8; Contr. Engr., Chicago Bridge & Iron Works; Esti- mator., Contr. Engr., Mgr., Chicago Contr. Office; Gen. Contr. Mgr.; V. P. in charge Operation, Sales, Engng., and Purchasing, do., 1908 — . Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. ; Chicago Engrs. Club; Univ. Club, Chicago; Illini Club, Chicago; Engrs. Club. N. Y.; A. S. C. E.; Pres., Nat. R. R. Appliances Assn. Married Emily Lavinia Nichols ('05), Ja 2, 1909, Chi- cago.' Children: Katherine, b. O 28, 191 1; George Spencer, b. Ja 16, 1916. Address, 9921 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 105th and Throop Sts., do. 3210. HENRY GEORGE TREICHEL Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 15, 1880, Chicago; s. Ernst Henry (b. O 22, 1855, Ger.) and Fredericka (Berwitz) Treichel (b. Ag i, 1857, do.). Prepared in Internal. Cor. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Capt., Univ. Regt. With the Arnold Co., Engrs. and Consts., Chicago. Married Clara Brahm, Je 9. 1909, Chicago. Children: Regina Brahm, b. M>' 28, iQio; Henry Brahm, b. D 8, 191 1. .Address, 595 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe, 111.; bus. add., c/o The Arnold Co., 105 LaSalle St., Chicago. 321 1. EDNA TRUMAN Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Urbana; d. John Tarleton (b. 1857, do.) and Emily L. "(Frankenberg) Truman (b. 1858, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Illiola. Teaching, 1907-18. Co. Chm.. Home Econ., San Matso Co., Calif. Address. Redwood City. Calif. 3212. CARL CLINTON VAN DOREN (Brother of Nos. 447'. 6633, 6634) Head Master and Author; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 10, 1885, Hope, 111.; s. Charles Lucius (h. My 21. i"8<;7, Grand Ridge, 111.) and Eu- dora Ann (Butz) Van Doren (b. My 4. 1863, Hope, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Ph. D., Columbia, 191 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Piii Beta Kappa; Phoenix; Adelphic; Scribb- lers; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Scholarship in English, 1907-8; Class Poet; Ed., ///. Mag., 1905-7. Asst., Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1907-8; Scholar, Columbia, 1908-9; Fel- low, do., 1909-10; Instr., Eng., do., 1911-14; .■\sst. Prof., Eng., do., 1914-16; Assoc. Prof.. Eng., do., 1916 — ; Head Master, The Brearley School, 1916-19. Auth.: The Life of Thomas Love Peacock, J. M. Dent & Sons, London, 1911;^ Shakespeare on His Art, in Shakespear- ian Studies by Mems. of the Dept. of Eng. and Comparative Lit. in Columbia Univ., The Columbia Univ. Press. 1916; Fiction I, Brown, Cooper, Chap. VI; Fiction II, Contemporaries of Cooper, Chap. VII, Book II, The Cam- bridge Hist, of Am. Lit., Vol. I, 191 7. Trans- lator: Ilebbel's Judith in Poet Lore, Vol. XXV. No. IV, 1914; Co-ed, The Cambridge Hist, of Am. Lit., G. P. Putnam's Sons, Vol. I, 1917; Vol. II, 1918. Ed.: Tales by Washington Irving, Oxford Univ, Press, London, 191S; The Vicar of Wakefield, Ginn & Co., Boston, 1918; Con- tributor of articles and reviews to various periodicals. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Faculty Club, Columbia; Authors' Club, N. Y. ; Trustee, Children's Aid Soc, 1917 — . Married Irita Bradford, Ag 23, 1912, Tallahassee, Fla. Children': Anne, b. D ii, 1915; Margaret, b. O 21, 1917. Address. 351 W. 114th St.. N. Y. City: bus. add., 60 E. 6ist St., do. or Colum- bia LTniv. 3J13. HARRY WALTER VANNEMAN Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1909; b. Jl 23, 1882 Sidell, 111.; s. Franklin M. (b. Mr 3, i860. Ridge Farm, 111.) and Margaret (Canaday) Vanneman (b. Ap 4, 1861, do.). Prepared in Sidell H. S.; Hedding Coll. Prep. LL. M., Yale Law School, 1910 (cum laude). Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer, Urbana, 1910-11; Instr., Law, LTniv. of S. Dak., i<.)ii-i5; Prof, of Law, do., 19 15 — . Auth.: Reviews in Jour, of Criminal Law and Crimi- nology, 1911. Sec, Co. Chap., Am. Red Cross, 1917—. Married Winifred M. Campbell, Je 22, 1912, New Haven, Conn. Address, 311 Canby St., Vermilion. S. Dak. 3214. ALBERT ALEXANDER VAN PETTEN (Brother of No. 3587) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 9, J883, Cramer, 111.; s. William Johnston (b. Ap 6, 1854, Elmira, N. Y.) and Margaret E. (Buch- anan) Van Petten (b. F" 4, 1858, Congruity, Pa.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Glee Club; Band. Civ. Engr., Ciuanico Centrale, Porto Rico, 1907-9; Asst, Const. Engr., Central Fortuna, 1906-10; Civ. Engr., Central Pagan, 1910-12; Supt. Const.. Porto Rico Const. Co., 1912-15; Chief Engr., I'unta Alegre Sugar Co., Cuba, 1915-16; Mgr., Punta Alegre Sugar Co.. do.. 191 6 — . Assoc. Mem. A. S. C. E. JNIarried Jessye Douglas Gurney, N 6, 1907, Ensenada, Porto Rico. Children: William Douglas, b. Ap 22, 1910; Willa Margaret, b. S 2, 1912; Alberta Gurney, 1>. Je 13, 1917. Address, Punta, San Juan, Cuba. 3215. MAURICE ESCHNER VASEN Secretary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 21, 1885. Ouincy, III.; s. Benjamin George (b. Jl 2, i'S58, Philadelphia) and Julia (Eschner) Vasen (b. Mr 16, i860, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; M. A.. N. W. Univ., 1909; LL. B., do. Zcta Psi; Pol. Sc. Club. Atty. at Law, Chi cago. 1909-13; Sec, Quincv Bldg. and Home- stead Assn. Ed. and Compiler, 37th and 38th .•\nnl. Proc, Convention, Bldg. Assn., League of 111.; Ed., Am. Bldg. Assn. News, Cincin- nati, 1916-17; Assoc. Ed., 111. Suppl., Bide. .Issn. News, Cincinnati. Mem., ist Inf. 111. 1907] Baccalaureate Alumni 297 ff Nat. Guard, 1009-12. Chicago Bar Assn.; St. Sec, 111. Bldp. Assn. League, igi6 — . A. F. A. M.; Hamrlton Club; Illini Club; Rotary Club; B. P. O. E.; Quincy Motor Club; Quincy Country Club. Married lone Ellis Vasen, N 5. 1913. Quincy, III. Address, 517 Main St., Quincy, III. 3216. NATHAN RUTHVEN WAKEFIELD. JR. Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 25, 1883, Chicago; s. Nathan Ruthven, Sr. (b. F 22. 1830, Kingsville, O.) and Mary Jane (White) Wake- field (b. Ja 4, 1841, Tallula, 111.). Prepared in W. Div. IT. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1 910. Alpha Kappa Phi; Cosmopolitan Club; Scribblers Club. Atty. and Councelor at Law, iqio — -. Mem., Chi- cago Congr. Club; Illini Club, Chicago. Mar- ried Mabel II. Strawbridge, S 27, 191 3, Chi- cago. Address, 833 S. Carpenter Ave., Oak Park, III.; bus. add., 10 S. La Salle St., Chi- cago. 3217. RICHARD JAMES FRANCIS WALL Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 16, 1885, Auburn. N. Y. ; s. Patrick Joseph (b. 1857, Navan Co., Meath, Ireland) and Azzlie (Gardi- ner) Wall (b. i86,:;, Prescott, Can.). Pre- ared in Robert Waller LI. S., Chicago. Theta elta Clii; Sr. Ball Com.; Pres., Arch. Club. Arch., The Bion J. Arnold Co. and Dean Ik Dean, Arclis., Chicago, 1907-8; Ilolabird & Roche, 1908-14' Arthur Heun, 1914-15; Shep- ley, Rutan & Coolidge, 1915-16; C. M. & St. P. R. R., 19 1 6 — . Address, 2330 N. Halsted St., Chicago. 3218. RALPH CORE JENNINGS WALLACE Farmer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D i. 1883, Homer, 111.; s. Charles H. (b. Elyria, O.) and Effie O. (Core) Wallace (b. Homer, 111.). Prepared in Homer II. S.; N. W. Univ., 1903- 6; Delta Tau Delta. Ins. Solicitor, 1907-8; Dist. Agt., 1908-9; Cashier, Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., Spokane, 1909-10; Farmer, 1910 — . Married Bess Linder, Mr 11, 191 1, Salt Lake City. Address, Jerome, Idaho. 3219. BERTHA EVELYN WALTERS (GREEN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 1885, Richmond, 111.; d. Frederic A. (b. 1865, do.) and Anna E. (Rawson) Walters (b. 1862. Wauconda, 111.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Alpha Chi Omega: Phi Delta Psi; IlUo Bd. Mem., Woman's Club, 1907-9; A. C. A. Married Howard S. Green, My 20, 191 1, Woodstock, 111. Child, Howard Frederic, b. D 29, 1913, Address, 918 S. Cannon St., Spokane. 3220. HENRY BEN POPE WARD Merchant; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Je 21, 1885, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. George F. M. (b. On, 1854, Harrington, Conn.) and .Sarah Elizabeth Ward (b. Jl 31, 1857, Franklin Co., 111.). Prepared in Mt'. Vernon IT. S. Plii Delta Theta: Egyptian Club; Univ. Band; Mgr., 1907 Illio. 111. Nat. Guard; 4th Regt. Band, 1890-1900. Married Aline Emerson, My 12, 1914, Mt. Vernon, 111. Child, Louis Emer- son, b. Ja 18, 1918. Address, 819 Maple St., Mt. Vernon, III. 3221. OWEN MARTIN WARD Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 10, 1885 Champaign Co., 111.; s. Patrick (b. 1843, Ire land) and Mary (Williams) Ward (b. do.) Prepared in St. Mary's II. S., Champaign Emerson Elec. Mfg. Co., 1907-8; Union Elec Light & Power Co., 1908-16; Operating Engr. The Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Light Co., 1916 — Married J. Elizabeth O'Brien, Ja 26, 1909 Champaign. Children: Mary Gertrude, b. F 20, 1911; Virginia, b. Mr 27, 1913; Doloras Agnes, b. S 9, 1915; Owen Morgan, b. O 28, 1917. Address, 304 26th St., Milwaukee. 3222. CHARLES EUGENE WATERHOUSE City Engr.; A. B. in Sc; B. S. in C. E., 1908; b. S 28, 1874, Oakville, la.; s. Taylor E. and Louisa E. (Harkleroad) Waterhouse. Prepared in la. Wesleyan Univ. Acad., Ml. Pleasant, la. Phi Delta Theta; Triangle; Math. Club; Y. M. C. A. Drainage work, 1908-9; City Engr., Mt. Pleasant, la., 1909-11; Drainage Const, work, 191 1; with C. B. & Q. R. R., 1911-16; Citv Engr. Burlington, la., 19 1 6—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Mildred Elliot, Je 30, 191 o, Burling- ton, la. Children: William Taylor, b. Ap 12, lyii; Mary, b. N 19, 1914. Address 1201 S. i-'th St., Burlington, la.; bus. add., (jity Hall, do. 3223. HOWARD GRAFTON WEAKLEY Salesman; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1886, Shelbyville, 111.; s. James Thomas (b. S 9, 1841, Lancaster, Fairfield Co., O.) and Ann Eliza (Durban) Weakley (b. Mr 13, 1848, do.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Treas., Soph. Class. Gen. office work with Selz Schwab Shoe Co., 1907; Lord & Thomas Advertising Agency, 1907; Salesman, Oliver Typewriter Co., 1907-13; Traveling salesman. Mayo Skinner Mfg. Co., 191 3 — . Detachment, Med. Dept., Base Hosn., 19th Co., Sth Tr. Bn., Camp Gordon, Ga. ; Mustered out, Mr 5, 1919. Mem., JUini Club of Chicago. Address, c/o Mayo-Skinner Mfg. Co., 2115 Els- ton Ave., Chicago. 3224. FRANK MARSHALL WELCH Engng. Salesman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 23, 1881, Mt. Pleasant, la.; s. Charles Clinton (b. 1845, Whalensburg, N. Y.) and Mary (Mar- shall) Welch (b. 1849, do.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Univ. Band. Link Belt Co., Chicago, 1907-8; Stephens- Adamson Mfg. Co.; do., Engr. Salesman, 1908-9; Roberts & Schaefer Co., do., 1909-11; Webster Mfg. Co., Tiffin, O., 1911-18; V. P. and Gen. Mgr., The Greenville Mfg. Co., Engrs. and Machinists, Greenville, O., 1918 — . Auth.: Sand and Gravel Plants, Rock Products, Jl 22, 1915; (iround Storage Plants, do., Ja 7, 1916; Location of Sand and Gravel Plants, do., S 22, 1916; Standardization of Sand and Gravel, do. Married Lucile Nyman Knott, Je 18, 1913. Children: Marshall Knott, b. N 14, 1914; James Nyman, b. Ja 18, 1916. Address, Greenville, O. 3225. NELLE F. WELLES (PARR) A. B. in Sc.; b. Ag 9, 1885; d. W. T. (b. S 1850, French Grove, 111.) and Laura A. (Parsell) Welles. Prepared in Elmwood H. S. ; Knox Coll., Galesburg, 1902-4; Univ. of Calif., summer, 1910. Pi IJcta Phi; Varsity Basket- ball. Teacher, Collinsville, 111., H. S., 1907-8; do., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1908-9; do.. Home Econ. and Man. Arts, St. Norm. Sch., Santa Barbara, 1909-12. Mem., Y. W. C. A. Mar- ried P'rank Willis Parr, O 29, 1912, Elmwood, 111. Child,, Barbara Katherine, b. Jl s, 191 7. Address, 115 Ayres Ave., Peoria. 3226. PORTER ROYAL WEST Engineer; B. S. in M. E.- b. D 3, 1884, Wat- seka, 111.; s. William (b. Je 14, 1846, Attica, Ind.) and Emma Rebecca (Moore) West (b. D 29, 18^7). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Class Football. Boiler room Engr., N. W. Sta., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 75 Degree Club of Chicago; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Illini Club. Address, 3903 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3401 Elston Ave., do. . 3227. CURTIS CORNELIUS WESTFALL Bridge Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 14. 1886, Bushnell, 111.; s. Dr. E. K. (b. fa 8, 1839, Thorntown, Ind.) and Irene R. (Wann) Wes^- fall (b. Jl 19, 1856). Prepared in Bushnell H .'()S r M\I'.KS11\' (11 lu)07 S.; LiMiib.iul roll., ii)0.v.|. X'aisily U.iski'tball and liasflmll. l>iafisiiiaii, HimiIrc PiTt., I. C. R. R., 1(307-11; Asst. EpRr., Jo.. Track Eleva lidii, 1911-13; I'liitf Enci'., ulidlaiul I'oiitiiu'tital K. K., Tamt'stowii, N. Dak., ii)i,,i; Assl. Kiigr., r. C". X\. U., H)i.j-i5; KiiKi-. ot liiidRi's, (/.'.. i()vs — . Mai'iicd Odiotliy SlolTcl. S 4, 101. •. Adihfss. t>oi.i Stonv Island Ave, t'liicami; bus. luid.. lUWh'c nopt.". 1. C. R. K., I'aik Row Sia., ./.'. ^.•-■8. KRKI) 11. Wlllll'. (Urother of No. 40J3) Faniur; B. S. in Agr.; h. Ap 6, i8-(>, Uidad- lands. Ill,; s. l>avisou (h. N 15. i8.i.\ Wi-stliold. Ind.) and Virginia (.Ouiokt White (.!>■ Ja 10. 185--). ritpaifd in Alan. Tv. 11. S., Indian- apolis. .\lph;i Zita; Ciystal Uanoing Clnli. Cnpt., Co. M., winning Co. in coinpolitivc drill. Marrifil Rose 1 Icgcnbart, 1-' u, 1013. Cliani paign. . li/(/>c\«.<. Ivroadlands, lU.i 3--J0. \VI1.L1.\M HL.MKk Wliri'K.^^lDl': l.awvcr; LL. B.; b. Ja 15, i8f<5. Joslin. 111.; s. William 11. (b. f 7, i85(>. Moline. 111.) and Mary lane (.Mien) Whiteside (h. iSo.u Coal Valley" HI.). Prepared ii\ .Moline 11. .^. Theta Kappa Nil. Village .\tty. Carbon ClilT. 111., KjoS; Asst., Attv. tSen. OtViee, Springheld, jgoo; Asst. St. .\ttv., Roek Island Co., 111., iQi--—- . Exalted Ruler, Moline Lodge, U. l'- O. E. No. 550. Married t'ora Aliee Whiteside, .■\p 0, 1010, Des .Moines. .-(./J) i-.v.c. i6jo I.ove. Moline, 111.; i'li.'. (i; Sch. Masters Club, 1008; Am. Lib. Assn.. 101-'—. AJJifSS. 573.1 McVherson Ave., St. Louis. 3.-.V. ANNA WALLER WILLIAMS (Sister of Nos. i(>i5, 2--87) Instructor; A. K. in U & A.; A. M.. igi-; b .\p --8 i88^, Kenuev. lll.;'d. James .Alex- ander (b 11 .'-•. 1840, Roekford, N. C.) and Annie lane" (Waller) Williams (b. Mr 4. '^5>\ Louisville, Kv.). Prepared in Urbana 11. S. ; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Ale thenai; V. W. C. A. cabinet; 11. ^c.Uuh; Eug. Club, liistr.. Kail. St. Coll., Manhattan. Kail.. 101?: Jo.. Home Econ.. ITiiiv. ot Calil., Berkelev." Calif. Mem. M. E. Church. .-(./ . 184=;, Columbus, O.). Prepared in Canton II. "s 'B S.. la. Norm., 1001; C. E., Univ. of Colo 10(^0. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Ti; Sigma Xi- Fin.al Honors. Rodman & Instrument- III in D l. S: W. R. R.. 1007: Instr. in Civ. Engng., Univ. of Colo., i(jo7-8; Draftsman, (ieol. Sur., Colo., igo8; Instr., 1008-9: Supt. (.'oiistr.. ioo(); Acting Prof, of Civ. Engng.. Univ. of Colo., i()oi)-io; -Asst. Prof., Jo., njio 14; Prof, of Ry. Engng., Ihiiv. of Kan.. n)H; Consulting Engr. on Bridges, Bldgs. and Pavements; Kxiierl for Sis. of Neb. and .Mich, on Ry. Rale Litigation; Supervising l'".ngr. on (."oust.; U. S. Covl. Exniosives Plant. Charleslon, \\'. \'a., 1018; Jo.. Nilro, VV. Va.. 11)18; I'rof., Civ. E.ngng., Univ. of Kan., 1018 ..\ulh.: Design of Railway Location, John Wiley \- Sons, i()i7; Mun. Water Supplies of Colo.; Sewage Disposal at Boulder, .lour. 0/ liiuniil.. iyo8; lost .Analysis, l:)uiii<;. Contract- iiuj: Raising a \'iadiut l'[uler Tratlic, .lour, of liiujn<7.. loii; b'low of Water in Irrigation Dit- ches, Univ. of Colo.; Econ. Location of Irriga- tion Caiuils, Proc, .Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs.. 101 1; Various other articles. Mem., .\m. Ry. Engng. .Assn.; Kan. Engng. Soc.; Soc. Prom, of Engng. Kdnc; Mem., A. S. C. K.; M. E. Church. Married Crace Josephine Black ('10), Ag ji. 1010, Urbana. .tJJrrss, I'niv. of Kan., I.aw- I eiice, Kan. ,u\M. DJ ALMA DC^WNEV WILLIAMS Manager: B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 14, 1884, Kennev, 111.; s. Joel 11. (h. la »i, 18s and I'Moreiice Belle Davenport (b. Je J5, 1857. Ken ney. 111.). Prepared in I'armer City H. S. .Sigma Xi; I'inal Honors. .Asst. Engr., M. K. T. R. R., 11)07-10; With Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Chicago, 1010-18; Mgr.. Erection, Jo., i()i8— . Married De Nova Black, D 15. 1910, ("liiiton. 111. .-/(/i/rr.v.\-. lotus Prospect Ave., (hicago; bu.t. iiJJ., io5tli and Throop Sts., do. 3J35. GEORGE ANNIS WILLIAMS B. S. in E. E.; b. F 28. 1881. Aledo. 111.; s. G. W. Williams. Prepared in Aledo H. S. .\cacia. .-tJJrrss, 50J Tatt Blvd., San Antonio. Tex.t .i-jo. \AC\ PARKE WILLIAMS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. .Ap 5, 188.', Blootn- ingtoii. 111.; d. Robert Ebenezcr (b. i8js, Green Co., Pa.) and Martha Jane (Smith) Williams (b. Maury Co., Teiin.). Prepared in Bloomington 11, S.; Lucy I'obb Inst., .\thens, Cii. B. ,*^., HI. Wcsleyan Univ., uioo. Kappa Kappa tiamnia. Libii., Withers Pub. Lib., Bloomington, HI., u)o8 — . AJJrrss, SoiVi E. JelTerson ,">l., Bloomington, lll.t 3J37. BESSE EVERETT WILSON Librarian; B. L. S.; d. Wm. Craig (b. Ind.) and Emma Everett Wilson (b, Chicago). Prc- l>are(l in Chicago Pub. Sclis.; .A. B., Lewis Inst., 11)05; I.ibn., St. Norm. Sch., Spcartish, S, Dak,, 1008; ./()., Delos K. Diggins Lib., Harvard, 111., 1008-11; Asst. Libn., St. Norm. .Sch.. Valley Citv, N. Dak., loii-u; Libn,, .'^t. Norm. Sell., C'arbondale, 111., igu-i,?; John Crerar Lib,, 1013 — . Mem., Chicago Woman's Chy Club; Am. Lib. .Assn.; Chicago Lib. Club, (i/i/rt\w, 5078 New Hampshire .Ave., Norwood Park, Chicago. 3.-38. JOHN DEAN WILSON (Son of No. 122) Business; .A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Je 27, 1885. Indianapolis; s. W. Bent (h. Tippecanoe Co.." Ind.) and Nettie uAdams) Wilson ('77). (b. Champaign Co.. lll.V Prepared in Lafayette IL S.; Purdue I'niv,. 1003-4; I'eta Theta Pi. Sec.. Lafayette Packing Co., 1007-11; Asst. to Pres,, The' Estcrline to., 1011-14: Proprietor, Wells Medicine Co.. Lafayette. Ind.. 1914 — . Married Jessie Baugh. Je 10. looS, Lafayette, 111. Children: lane. b. -Ap 28. 1009; William P.augh, b. .Ap 8. loii; Marv, b. Ja 24. iOif>- AJdrcs.<:. 6^0 Ferry St,. I.afavette, Ind.; bus. odd.. 8 N. "2nd St., (/('. Baccalaukkai !•; Al.U M M >()<) 3J.V). IJiS'JKK KOy WILSON Ins. Agt. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S a8, i8«^', WaBliington. III.; s. Nathan (\t. Ag 4, 1850, Mt, Pk-asanl, N. J.; and Lydia Ann (Mitcliell) Wilson (I). Mr 9, 1852, Mackinaw, 111.). Pre pared in Foo.sland li. S. ; llniv. Acad. Ion lan; Capt., Univ. Kegl. Jirjokkccper, 1908-ri; Life Ins. Agt., 191 1 — . 2nd Lt., Co. I"", Fifth 111. Kfscrvc. Married Hester Cameron, Je -7, iQ'S, Lincoln, 111. Address, Gibson City, in. .3240. llAkkY WOODIIAM Instructor; A. I', in Sc.| b. S 1882, Gray- ville. 111.; s. Coniplon (b. S i, i83fj, Edwards Co., 111.) and Ann (I'otter) Woodhain (b. D 28, 1842). I'rejjarcd in Gray ville Ji. S.; No. Ind. St. Norm., Valparaiso, Ind. Ionian. Teacher, TI. S., I'axton, 1907-8; Stevens i'oint. Wis., 1908-10; Merced, Calif. II. S., iyio-12; Ukiah, Calif. 11. S., 1912-14; Instr., Ilort., Ore. St. Agr. Coll., (Jorvallis, Ore., 1917-18; do.. Selma Ihiion II. S., Calif., 1918— . Married Edna Clara Banks, 27, 1914, Ukiah, Calif. Address, 2423^ B St., Selma, Calif.; bus. add., Union High School, Selma, Calif. 3241. EUNEST C. WOODIN (Brother of No. 2870) Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 9, 1885, St. Joseph, 111.; s. T. J. (b. S 6, 1842, Georgetown, III.) and (Carrie A. (Hunt) Wood- in (b. O IS, 1834, Albany, N. V.). Prepared in St. Joseph H. S. and Univ. Acad. Drafts- man, 1907-8; Salesman, 1908-10; Conlr. in concrete work, 1908-9; Chem. Works Lab. P. & L. Co., 1909-11; Cadet Eiigr., 1911-12; Asst. Sui;t., Gas Mfg. Works, Pitney Court, 31st St., 1912 — . Mem., III. Gas Assn., Supts., Meet- ings. Married Virga Lee l'"unk, Je 29, 19 'o, St. Joseph, Mich. Addre.'is, i<^(> Eugenie .St., Chicago; bus. add., 31st and Pitney Court Sta., (fo.t 3242. KUTll KLEAXOK WOKK ((API'S) Princijjal; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 6, 1884, Keosau'iua, la.; d. William Alexander and Hinda (Marlowe) Work. Prepared in Ot- tumwa (la.) II. S.; la. Wesleyan Univ., 1903- 4; Univ. of Colli., 1904-3. Pi Beta Phi. Asst. Prin., Bagley (Minn.) H. S., 1910-11; I'rin., Chaska (Minn.) II. .S., 1911-12. Married .\rlh- ur L. Cai>))S, S 4, 1913. Address, 219 (jara .St., (Jttumwa, la. 3243. JEANNETTE LAMB WORTH EN (.Sister of No. 2299) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. 11 13, 1887, Warsaw, III.; d. John Burnham Kimball (b. !•" 4, 1855, Warsaw, III.) and Isabella Sackett (Connor) Worthen (b. Jl 29, 1857, l.uray, Mo.). I'repared in Warsaw H. S. Alethenai; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Davenport, la. Ad- dress, Warsaw, 111.; bus. add., 171 1 Brady St., IJavenport, la. 3244. HELEN c;KkTKUDE WKIGIIT (Sister of No. 2302) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 22, 1884, Toulon, 111.; d. William Wilberforce (b. S 10, 1842, Canton, III.) anrl Mary (Hopkins) Wright (b. D 30, 1846, Granville, 111.). Prepared in Tou- lon Acad. Wellesley Coll., 1902-3. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Art Inst., Chicago, 1909-11. Address, Toulon, 111. 3243. "WILLIAM PRICE WRIGHT A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 4, 1885, Liberty- ville, III.; s. Caleb Frank (b. Mr 15, 1856, Fort Jackson, N. Y.) and Emma Jane (Price) Wright (b. Mr 8, 1856, Chicago. Preiiared in Deloit Coll. Acad. Ionian; Volunteer Band; Y. M. C. A. Preaching; Banking, 191 1 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Nat. Citizens League for Prom, of Banking Reform. Died Ajj 20, 1914. 324''. RAYMOND CLIFF YANT Knginefr; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 8, 1883, Can Ion, O. ; s. (jeorge W. (b. do.,) and Amy A. (Wesifall) Vaiil (b. Minerva, O.). Prepared in Ko.kiik (la.) IL S. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nil Epsilon; C. E. Soc; Capt., Sr. Baseball leain, 1907; Jr. Prom. Com.; Class Football, hngr. Const, for Rilpoctric Bros.; do., Hugh Murphy, Om.-iha; Murjjhy Const. Co., Louis- ville, Neb., 1918-- . Married Josephine Blair, N -'.S, 1909, Pij,er City, 111. 'I wu children. Ad- dress, c/o Miiriiliy Const. Co., Louisville, Neb.t 3247. JOHN WILLIAM YATES (Brother of No. 2875) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 11, 1879, Du- bu(|ue, Ja. ; s. Thomas and Jean (Lal-"rance) N'.ites. Prepared in Dubutiue H. S. Address, 8039 Bennett Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Chicago Junction R. R., Union Stock Yds., do. 3248. Fl. F 17. 1887. Nauvoo, 111.; s. Kinil I. (b. My 13, 1853. Newark, N. J.) aiul F.ugenie A. (Dadaiit) Ha.xtcr (b. France). Prepared in Nauvoo and Keokuk II. Schs. Mcch. Engr., Kolierls & Schaefer, Chicago, ujoo- u> ; With West. Klec. Co., Des Moines, 1910-11; with Stone and Web- ster, Keokuk, 1911-1,3; Kollins ^v- NWstover, Kansas City, Mo., 10 1,); .Stone & Webster, Pig Creek, Calif., 191J-16; Fruit I'arnier and Bee Keeper, 1910 — . Adilrc'SS, R. .?, Leavenworth, Kan. 3277, DANIFL MIDDI.KKACFF BKAI. (Brother of No. 7.571) Automobile Business; b. Ag 21, 1887, To- ledo, la.; s. .Albert Milton (b. Moline, 111.) and Elizabeth (MiibllekaufT) Ileal (b. Polo, 111.). Prepared in Moline II. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Salesman, Moline .Auto Co., 1909- 10; do., Omaha Neb., 1910-11; Mgr., do., 1911- 18. Addres.f, 935 2Sth St., Moline, 111. 3278. ARTHUR LINN BEAK (Brother of No. 1810) Contracting Engr.; B, S. in C. E. ; b. F 20, 1886, Bearsdale, HI.; s. Samuel E. (b. 1856, Pa.) and Minerva J. (Cox) Bear (b. 1857, llarristown. 111.). Prepared in Hcca- tur II. S. Contr. Engr., Seattle. Married Mary Agnes Ritchie, Je 2, 1912, \Vclch, Okla. Ad- dress, 1020 Henry Bldg., Seattle. 3279. FRED PARKER BENJAMIN Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A., 1016; b. D 12, 1S84, near Watseka, HI.; s. Fred (b. Ja 27, 185s. N. Y.) and Melissa 1. (Parker) Ben- jain'in (b. I) 10, iSs8, Watseka. 111.). Pre- oarcd in Watseka l"l. S. Phi Beta Kappa; belta Sigma Kho; Theta Kappa Nu; Pros., Philomatheaii; Pres., lohn Marsiuill Law Chili; Prelim, and Final llonors; Ill.lnd. debate, 1908. 2nd Lt., Inf., Ag 15, 1917; Camj) Boure, Tex., 1917; At Camp (Jrant, iiust Dept. Brig., 1), 1917. Addii-ss, Watseka. 111. 3280. SOLOMON MILTON BEROI.ZHEIMER (Brother of Nos. 3281, 4073) Drafting Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 8, 1887, Shelbina, Mo.; s. Otto Henry (b. My 25, 1848, Furth, Ger.) and I'lertrude (Solo- mon) BeroUheimer (b. S 27, iSdi, Keokuk). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S. Pres., M. E. Soc. Engr. with Swift & Co., 1908-9: Draft- ing Engr., .Austin Mfg. Co.; do., Kennicott Co.; an Juan, Porto Rico, iqij^. 1.1. S. (."ommikSsioner, 191 S. Co. A., 6th Re^t. Inf., 111. Nat. (niard, 1902-8. .Iddrcss, Box 225, S;ui Juan, I'orto Rico. 3372. WALTER LEE GAINES Professor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1910; b. Mr 17, 18S1, Crete, HI.; s. Horatio N. and ^L'irtha Ann Gaines. Prepared in Chicago Heights Tp. H. S.; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1015. Alpha Zeta. Farming, Crete, 111., 1915- 18. Assoc. Prof., Mills Production, Ui\iv. of 111., 1918 — . Auth. : Contribution to I'liysiol. of Lactation, .Im. Jour, of rii.vsiol., \'ol. jS. 1915- Alarried Alta Moore Hooper, S --8, 1914, Bloomington, 111. Children: John Karl, b. S 23, 1915; Robert William, b. Mr 17, 1917. Address, 618 Michigan Ave., Urbana. I 3373- ROBERT EDWARD GARNETT (Brother of Nos. 950, 1504, 209S, 3745, 4670) Internal Revemic Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 7. 1885, St. Mary's, 111.; s. Robert Kirtley (b. Ag 4,^ 1844, do.) and Annie Elizabeth (Hunter') Garnett (b. (.■) 19, 1845, Catasaumia. Pa.). Prepared in Carthage Coll. Acad. Phi (iamma Delta; Class Football; 111. Dancing Club. Fanner, 1908-9; Bank Clerk, 1909-10; Cashier, Farmers' and Merchants' St. Bani<, Prague, Okla., 1911-14; U. S. Internal Reve- nue Agt., 1915 18. Mem., Okla. C. P. A. Soc, 1018. ALirried Hazel Laurel Tones, Te 4. 1912, Shawnee, Okla. Child, Edward Joiies. b. 'Mr 29, 1913. Address, itiis N. McKinley St., Ok- lahoma City, C)kla. ; bus. add., c/o Revenue Agt., Little Rock, Ark. 3374. VIDA CELINDA GENTSCH V COCHRAN) (Sister of No. 2991) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ta 4, 18S3. New Phila- delphia, O.; d. Daniel Conrad (b. N iS, 1844, do.) and Elizabeth Ilawley (Powlison) Gentsch (b. D J!;, 18.17, .). Prepared in New Phihi- ilelphia 11. b.; We.st. Reserve Univ. .Mpha Xi Delta. Mem., Coll. Club, Pittsburgh. Rlar- ried Ray ClitTton Cochran, S 17, 1913, New Philadelphia. O, Children: Richard Austin, b. Mr 12, 1015; Jidin D;iniel, b. Ag 12, 1917. Address. 215 S." Braddock Ave., Pittsburgh. 3375. EGBERT GEORGE GESELL Manufacturer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 2.1. 1884, Rice Lake. Wis.; s. Charles A. (b. Cincinnati) and Matie M. (b. do.). Prepared in Phillips Exeter Acad,, Exeter. N. II,; Univ. of Wis., 1904-07. Phi Kappa Psi; Class Foo^ ball. Dealer in Ins., Lands, Mdse., etc.. C. A. Gcsell Co.; Sec. & Treas., The Washington Plow Co., Washington, Ind. Address, Wash- ington, Ind. 3376- PAUL GILLESPIE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 26, 1884, Atlantic, la.; s. Alfred lames (b. S 5. 1840, Butler Co., O.) and Estlier Lncinda (Hall) l-.illespie (b. Ag 4, 1844, Guelph, Ont.). Pre- pared in Atlantic (la.) 11. S.; la. St. Coll. Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Waterloo, la., 1908-9; do., Dcs Moines, 1909-10; do., Atlantic, la., 1910-12; do., Omaha, Neb., 191 2 — . Ad- ilress, 103 W. 9th St., Atlantic, la. 3377- EUGENE FRANKLIN GILSTRAP Architect; B, S. in Arch.; b. My 8, 1881, Normal, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Ap 24, 1S49, KtTingham, III.) ami Eunice (Dcnman) Gilstrap (b. Je 22, 1851, O.). Prepared in Tacoma (Wash.) II. S. Ilus Club. With Heath & Twiichell, iyoS-9; West. Engr. Co., 1909; R. C. Sweatt, Arch., 1909-10; Thompson- Starrett Const. Co., 1910-u; Chief draftsman, Whidden and Lewis, Archs., Portland, Ove., 1911 15; WUU C. D. Mcl.ane, Arch., Rock Island, 111., 1915 — . Assoc, with R. S. M.ason, awarded fust prize, competition for Municipal Dock, Tacoina, Wash., 191 1; Assoc, with Rus- sell & Riley, awarded third prize by Am. Inst. .\rchs. for Portland .'\miitorium. Married Elma Myrtle Anderson, F 9, 1910, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Eunice Louise, b. An 5, 1917. Address, 301 Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, III. 337»- HUGH GLASGOW (Brother of No. 3379) Entomologist; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 17, 1884, Tennessee. 111.; s. Douglass (b- Mr 1, i83(), C'ovington, Ky.) and Margaret Matilda (Walk- er) Glasgow (b. Ap 18, 1850, Tennessee, III.). Prepared in Tennessee II. ^. Scholarship, 1908- 09; Fellowship, 1909-11. Asst. in Entomol., 1911-12; rfc>., summers, 1910-11; Asst,, Ento- mol,, N. Y. Exp. Sta., 1914 — . Mem., Sigma Xi. Address, c/o In. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y. 3379. ROBERT DOUGLAS GLASGOW (Husband of No. 3071; Brother of No. 3378) Instructor; A. B, in Sc, ; Ph, D,, 1913; b. Ap 3, 1879. Tennessee, 111.; s, Douglass (b, Mr i, 1836, Covington, Ky.) and Margaret Matilda (Walker) Glasgow (b. Ap 18, 1850, Tennessee, 111.). Prepared in Tennessee H. S. Final and Special Honors; Scholarship; Sigma Xi; ist Lt., Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. in Entomol., 1009-11; Fellowship, 1911-12; zVsst. in Zool., summer, 1009; Instr. in Entomol., 1913 — . Brevet Capt., III. Nat. Gnard. Married Jo- sephine E. Burns ('09), Je 15, 1016, Macomb, 111. Address. 924 W. Illinois St„ Urbana, nSo. HARRISON FREDERICK GONNER- MAN Research Assoc; B, S, in C. E,; A. M,, 191 3; h, Ag 24, 1S85, Dixon, 111.; s, Conrad (b, S a8, 1845, Heinebach, Ger,) and Catharine Elizabeth (Fernau) Gonncrman (b. O 6, 1846, Edmund- hausen, Ger.), Prepared in Dixon IL S. Psi Upsilonj Tan Beta Pi; Triangle; Sigma Xi; t.'. E, C lub; Prelim, and Final Honors. Asst. in Mech. Engng. Exp. Sta. and T. and A. M. Dcpt.. i908-io; Instr. in T. and A. M., i9io- 12; First .\sst., Engng. Exp. Sta., 1914-17; Research Assoc. Engng. Exp. Sta., 1917-18. With concrete shii' division. Emergency fleet Corp., Philadelphia and South Bethlehem, ,0,8—. Mem., M, K. Church; A. F. A, M,; .-\m, Soc, for Testing Materials, Married Ger- trude Tamison, D 23, 191 1, Aledo. HI, Child, I'redenck, Jr,, b. Ap 5, 1914. Address, SoS Iowa St., Urbana, 3381, PAUL L, GRADY Engineer; B, S, in C, E.; b. S 24, 1884, Huron, S. Dak,; s, Eugene J. (b, .\g 7. '859. LaSalle) and Catherine (Schneckcnbcrger) lirady (b, F 12, i866, Ger,), Prepared in lUooiiiincton 11, S.; .-Vrinour Inst, Constr, i9o8] Baccalaukeate Alumni .3" En^r., 1908-9; 111. Steel Bridge Co., 1910-12; Estimator and Supt. of Const., John M. Kwcn Co., Chicago, 1912; Engr., Kan. St. Pub. Utili- ties Comn. Address, Topcka, Kan. 3382. RAY AUSTIN GRAHAM business; H. S. in Agr.; 1). My 28, 1887, Washington, Ind.; s. Ziba Foote ami Margaret (Cabel) Graham. Prepared in Sp. Mary's Coll., Kan.; St. Simons Parochial Sch., Washington, Ind. Kapna Sigma; Delta Klio Sigma; Spald- ing Guila. Gen. Mgr., The Graham I'arms, Washington, Ind., i. in H. Sc; b. Ag 31, 1884, Lafayette, Ind.; d. Charles (b. N 7, 1853, Ver- milion Co., Ind.) and Rosanna (Roberts) Har- rison (b. Je I, i860, St. Phillip, Quebec, Can.). Prepared in Danville H. S. M. A., Columbia, 1 91 8. Sec, Athenean; Eng. Club, Sec-Treas. ; H. Sc. Club; Final Honors; Advisory Bd. Women's League; Corresponding Sec, Athe- nean Alumnae Assn. Teacher, Centralia Tp. H. S., 111., 1008-9; do.. Champaign H. S., 1909- 10; Exten. Work. Home Econ., Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Supvr., Prac. Teaching and Assoc, H. Sc. Dept., do., 1913 — . Auth.: (with Ol- ive Percival) The Rural School Lunch, Exten. Circular No. 4, Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111. Address, 445 N. Walnut St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., 105 Woman's Bldg., Urbana. 3399. MARK ROSS HAYNES Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 20, 1885, Ocova, III; s. Mark Raymond (b. S 24, 1S63, Mich.) and Maude M. (Ross) Haynes (b. D 6. i8(>3, Bloomington, III.). Prepared in La- Salle tp. H. S. Aztec Club; Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Der Deut.sche Verein; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Chm., Sr. Breakfast Com- Transitman, Seattle; Draftsman, East Auburn, Calif. Address, East Auburn, Calif. t i9o8] Baccalaureate Alumni 313 3400. HERBERT AUGUSTUS HAYS Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 14, 1881, Elkville, IlL; s. John Dudley (b. Ja 22, 1851, O.) and Kllcn (Schwartz) Hays (b. Ag 22, 1850, near I'-lkville). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Univ. I'hi Alpha Delta; Theta Kappa Nu; Egyptian Club. Cashier, Carbondale Trust and Savings Bank, igoSio; Schwartz & Hays, lawyers, Carbondale, 1910 — ; Judge, City Court, do., 1912-16; Y. M. C. A. Work in France. Mem., Christian Church; Sec., Jackson Co. Bar Assn. Married Johannah McCarthy, S 23. igog, Car- bondale. Child, John Herbert, b. My 6, 1912. Address, 306 N. Springfield St., Carbondale, HI.; bus. add., iii N. West St., do. 3401. LEE HERBERT HAZARD Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap ii, 1886, Mendota, 111.; s. Charles Delbert (b. Birming- ham, O.) and Marion (Holeston) Hazanl (b. Ogdensburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Eta Kappa Nu. Ad- dress, 1220 nth St., Moline, 111. 3402. ARTHUR NOBLE HEANEY Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 6, 1882, Mendon 111.; s. Noble Morton (b. Jl 7, 1851, Mendon) and Mary Alice (Sproat) Heaney (b. Ja 25, 1853). Prepared in Mendon and Ouincy H. Schs. Acacia; Triangle; C. E. Soc; Sigma Xi. City Engr., Enid, Okla., Muskogee, Okla. Married Minnie Utter, Je 28, 191 i. Child, Arthur Noble Jr., b. Ap 17, 1913. Ad- dress, Enid, Okla. 3403- KLAUS EDWARD HELLSTROM Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 27, 1887, Chicago; s. Klaus (b. Ag 17, 1861, Sweden) and Eva (Mattson) Hellstrom (b. N 23, 1863, do.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Chi Psi; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; E. E. Soc., Pres. Engr., J. W. Butler Paper Co., Chicago. Treas., Chicago Chi Psi Alunnii Assn. .Sergt., Bat. E., 333rd F. A., Camp Grant, 111.; 2nd Lt., C. A., Bat. D., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 2514 Pioneer Rd., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 223 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 3404. HOPE HERRICK (HENRY) (Wife of No. 2692; Sister of Nos. 699, 1893, 5719) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 21, 1884, Farmer City, 111.; d. George Washington (b. O 6, 1839, Newville, Ind.) and Dora Olive (Knight) Herrick (b. S 2, 1853, Farmer City, 111.). I're- £ared in Farmer City H. S.; Agnes Scott Coll., • ecatur, Ga., 1902-3. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Married John Earl Henry ('06), D 16, 1909, Farmer City, 111. Children: Herrick Hi, b. ,Mr 28, ign; Helen Louise, b. ,S II, 191 8. Address, 2213 Aha Ave., Louis- ville, Ky.t 3405. GEORGE BOYER IIERRIN Struct. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 29, 1882, St. Jacobs, 111.; s. William Franklin (b. Jl 5, 1857) and Sallie Maxey (Boyer) Ilerrin (b. Ag 24, 1854). Prepared in Bunker Hill H. S. E. E. Soc. Draftsman, Commonwealth Steel Co., igo8-9; Engr., I. T. S., 1909-12; Drafts- man, Fulton Iron Works, 1912-13; Engr., H. H. Morrison, Const. Engr., 1913-14; Struct. Engr., Aluminum Ore Co., 1914 — . Married Edna May Varnum, Jl 4, 1914. Address, 2447 D St., Granite City, 111. 3406. JUAN FERNANDO HILARIO Customs Service; LL. B.; b. My 27, 1888, Batangas, P. I.; s. Agapito (b. S 20, 1864, do.) and Josefa (Legaspi) Hilario (b. Ag 17, 1865, Santa Cruz, Manila, P. I.). Prepared in Ba- tangas H. S.; Santa Clara Coll., Calif. Cos- mopolitan Club. Clerk in Court of First In- stance, Manila, 1908; Clerk in office of Re-" porter. Supreme Court, 1908-11; Clerk in Ex. Bur., 1911-14; Law and Passport Clerk, do., 1914-15; Pvt. Sec. to Sec. of Finance, 191 7; Deputy Bank Examiner, Treas. Bur., 1918: Sec, Bd. of I'rotests and Appeals, Bur. of Customs, 191 8 — . Mem., Philippine Columbian Assn., Sec, do., 1908-g. Address, 328 Mayhali- gue St., Manila, P. I.; bus. add., c/o Bureau of Customs, do. 3407- CARRIE MARSH HILL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 12, 1877, Wallingford, Vt.; d. Charles Erwin (b. 1850, \'t.) and Laura (Marsh) Hill (b. 1855, do.). I'repared in Denver H. S. Studied 3 yrs. abroad, tutors and governesses. Teacher, Ply- mouth II. S., S. Dak.; do.. Concord II. S., N. LL, 1910-11; do., Marquette, Mich., II. S., 191 1 — . Address, New Summit House, Mar- quette, Mich. 3408. HORACE GAYLORD IIOBBS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 30, 1884, Pontiac, 111.; s. Henry C. (b. S i, 1846, Belle- fontaine, O.) and Cecelia A. (Hughes) Ilobbs (b. S 15, 1855, Northville, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. II. S. E. E. Soc. Asst. Engr., Cjen. Engng. and Const, work; Engr. and De- signer, Experimental Turbine Dept., Gen. Elec. Co.; do., Elec. Auto. Dept.. Columbus Buggy Co.; do.. Gen. Motors Co. Assoc Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 164 Charlotte Ave., Detroit. 3409. LURA ETHEL HOGE (STRAIGHT) (Wife of No. 3194) A. B. in Lib. Sc; b. S 15, 1885, Wenona, 111.; d. George Wise (b. Ap i, 1842, Wash- ington Co., Pa.) and Tabitha Ella (McBride) Iloge (b. Ag 1849, Ind.). Prepared in Wenona and Wichita (Kan.) H. Schs.; N. W. Univ., 1904-5. Sigma Kappa. Married Halver Rufus Straight ('07), Ja i, 1909, Chicago. Children: Lee Hogc, I3. Ap 20, igii; Dorothy, b. Je 3, 1915; Elizabeth, b. F 3, 1918. Address, Adel, la. 3410. CLARENCE IRVIN HOGUE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 31, 1885, Vincennes, Ind.; s. John I), (b. N 27, 1862, do.) and Martha Emma (Simpson) Ilogue (b. O 3, 1866, do.). Prepared in Vincennes H. S. Grad., Vincennes Univ., 1905. Phi Kappa .Sigma; Yoxan; Shield and Trident; Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A. Supt., Davis Marble Co., Chicago, igo8-g; Mgr., do., 1909-10; in Con- tracting Dept., D. II. Burnham & Co., Chicago, 1910; Supt. Bldg. Const., do., igii — . Mem. Presby. Church; Univ. Club, Chicago; Past-time Club, Vincennes, Ind. Address, Univ. Club, Chicago. 3411. SIDNEY VIEL HOLT (Husband of No. 642g) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. : b. My 22, 1883, Oneida, 111.; s. Martin Sidney (b. 1836, O.) and Martha (Pittard) Holt (b. 1843, Eng.). Prepared in Oneida H. S.; Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Work on St._ Soil Sur., igo7-i7; Farmer, 1917 — . Married Minnie Isabel Milne ('14), Ag 21, 1915, Lockport, 111. Child, James Martin, b. S 7, 1916. Address, Rio, 111. 3412. CHARLES RAY HOLTON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je i, 1886, Colchester, 111.; s. Charles Lindsay (b. O 26, 1863, do.) and Addie May (Schoopman) Hol- ton (b. 1865, Plymouth, III.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, igio. Phi Alpha Delta; Pres., Adelphic; Fuller Moot Court; Class Sec. Lawyer, Chicago, igio — . Mem. Chicago Bar Assn.; Illini Club, Chicago; 111. Bar Assn.; Park Ridge Country Club; City Club of Chicago. Married Nina Yeoman, O 14, 1910, Avon, 111. Children: Margaret, b. F 6, 1916; Helen, b. N 25, igu- Address, 4303 Lancil Ave., Chicago; bus. add., no S. Dearborn St., do. 314 University of Illinois [1908 3413. HYMAN JACOB IIOODWIN Sec, BIdg. Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 17, 1S86, Russia; s. Louis (b. N 1852, Prussia) and Goldie (Karno) lioodwin (b. N 15, 1854, Russia). Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Chicago: Armour Inst, of Tech., 1904-5. Pres., Ivrim. Draftsman, J. O. Heyworth, Gen. Contr., Chi- cago, 1908-y; Bridge and Struct. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1909-11; Draftsman, Noelle Richards Iron Works, Indianapolis, 191 1 ; Draftsman, Purdy & Henderson, Civ. Engrs., 1911-12; Bridge Designer, Strauss Bascule Bridge Co.. Chicago, 191 2-13; Pres., City Engng. Const. Co., 1913-16; Sec. of Nat. Bldg. Co., Chicago, 1916-18. Jr. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs.; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; Buena Share Club, Chicago. Married Elsa Cohen, My 9, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 1523 Hollywood Ave., Chicago. 3414. THERON ROBINSON HOWSER Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 20, 1885, Lakota, N. Dak.; s. Joshua P. (b. i860, Lincoln, 111.) and Emma (Robinson) Howser (b. 1865, Virginia, 111.). Prepared in Lincoln II. S. Sigma Pi; Treas., C. E. Club; Ionian. Transitman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1909-10; Resi- dent Engr., Madeira-Mamore R. R., igio-12. Address, Caiza 304 Manos, Brazil. 3415. HARRY HENRY HUDSON Citv Controller; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, 1883, Strcator, 111.; s. Thomas (b. My 22, 1846, Northumberland, Eng.) and Elizabeth (Hug- gans) Hudson (b. Ag 2, 1853, Freehold, N.J.). Prepared in Galva H. S.; Brown's Bus. Coll., Peoria. With St. Highway Comn., 1908-10: Asst. Cashier, Bank, Galva, 111., 1911-12; City Controller, do., 1916 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; R. and S. M.; K. T.; B. P. O. E. Married Janet Higelow, N 3, 1908, Galesburg, III. Child, Harry Bigelow, b. N 11, 19 16. Address, Galva, 111. 3416. ALBERT PHILLIP HUECKEL Engr. and Supt.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 14, 1883, Caseyville, III.; s. John Frederick (b. F 28, 1846, Hatten, Alsace) and Josephine Dora (Baldus) Hueckel (b. D 10, 1853, Schwyz, Switzerland). Prepared in McKendree Coll.; Univ. Acad. Egyptian Club; Illio Bd.; Pres., Crystal Dancing Club; Jr. Prom. Com.; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Sr. Ball Com. .Ksst. City Engr., Cairo, 111., 1908; Chief Engr., West. Engng. and Constr. Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Engr. and Gen. Supt., Smith & Sherbome, Contrs. Auth. : Modern Reinforced Concrete Cold Storage Bldg., Vancouver, B. C, Pacific Builder and Engr., Seattle, Vol. XII, No. i, i9U- Married Clarabelle Cool, O 16, 1909, Tacoma, Wash. .Address, 1322 12th Ave. E., Vancouver, B. C. ; bus. add., Rooms 514-15 Bank of Ottawa, do. 3417. WILLIAM CLEMENS HUECKEL Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 25, 1884, Caseyville, 111.; s. William Hatten (b. Ap 13, 1852, do.) and Anna Maria (Maise) Hueckel (b. F 16, 1857, St. Louis). Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch., St. Louis; Washington Univ., 1902-4. Theta Xi. Asst. Citv Engr., Cairo, 111., 1911: do.. E. St. Louis, 1911-14; Asst. Engr. to Engr. Maintenance of Way, E. St. Louis & Suburban Ry.. E. St. Louis. 111., 1914-18; Asst. Engr., Camp Knox, Ky.. 191 8 — . Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Elizabeth Mary Kelley, S is, 1915, E. St. Louis, 111. Child, .Anthony Wil- liam Kellev, b. Ag lo, ioi6. Address. Casey- ville. 111. 3418. WALTER WILLIAM HUFF Const. Engr.; B. S. in O. E.; b. N 24. 1883. Capt., Const. Div., Q. M. C. U. S. A. Address, 4038 Virginia Ave.. Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 717 Shubert Bldg., do. 3419. EVA ELLEN HUFFMAN (Sister of No. 3789) Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ag 22, 1877, Charleston, 111.; s. John Thomas (b. Ap 26, 1843, do.) and Amanda Ellen (Redden) Huff- man (b. S 14, 1853, Oakland, 111.). Prepared in Charleston H. S.; East. St. Norm. Sch. A. M., Univ. of Mich., igii. Teacher, H. S., Lovington, 111., 1907-10; Instr., Zool., Milwau- kee-Downer Coll., 1911-12; Instr., Biol., H. S., Anaconda, Mont., 1912 — . Address, 701 Oak St., Anaconda, Mont. 3420. A. FRAZIER HUNT (Brother of No. 3042) Reporter; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D i, 1885, Rock Island, 111.; s. Jasper Newton and .\manda Elizabeth (Frazier) Hunt. Prepared in Mich. Mil. Acad., Orchard Lake, Mich. Theta Delta Chi; Ed., lUio, igoS. Adv. Writer, 1908-9; Sugar Cane Planter, 1909-12; Ed. and Pub., Alexis Argus, Alexis, 111., 19 12-16; Re- porter, New York Sun, 1916-18; Staff Writer, Red Cross ISIag., France, 1918; In Europe as Correspondent of Chicago Tribune and other papers, 19 18. Lt., Am. Red Cross. Auth.: Blown in by the Draft, Doubleday, Page & Co. 1918; Many Mag. Articles. Married Emma Kern, My 17, 191 1, Ridge Farm, 111. Child, Robert Frazier, b. N 28, 1914. Address, 71 Post Ave., N. Y. City. 3421. AGNES HUNT (CADE) (Sister of Nos. 5740, S445) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 12, 1883, Ridott, 111.; d. William (b. S 9, 1853, do.) and Jennie .\delaide (Burdick) Hunt (b. Ap 25, 1857). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Alethenai; Omicron Nu; Pres., H. Sc. Club. Organizer, Dom. Sc. Dept., Coll. of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1908-10; Prof., Dom. Sc. Mich. Agr. Coll., 1910-1915. Married Claude Marshall Cade, Je 10, 1915, E. Lansing, Mich. Children: Sarah Jane, b. Ap 22, 1916 (died); William Marshall, b. Mr 3, 1917. Address, East Lansing, Mich. 3422. RALPH KENT HURSH (Husband of No. 2665) Professor; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 21, 1885, Woodstock, 111.; s. Samuel B. (b. S 24, 1848, \\'elsh Run, Pa.) and Alice S. (Kent) Hursh (b. O 25, 1852, Suffield, Conn.). Prepared in Streator and Macomb H. Schs. ; West. 111. St. Norm. Gamma Alpha; Keramos; Acacia; Sigma Xi; Tecluiografh Bd. Grad. Stud., Ceramics, Univ. of 111., 1908-9; with O. Min. & Mfg. Co., Shawnee, O., 1909; U. S. Geol. Sur., Techno- logic Branch, Pittsburgh, 1909-10; U. S. Bur. of Standards, do., 1910-1 1 ;. Asst.. Ceram., Un- iv. of 111., 1911-13; Instr., do., 1913-14; Assoc. do., 1914-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1016 — . Auth.: (with R. F. Stull), Tests on Clay Materials .Available in 111. Coal Mines, Bui. 18, Co- operative Coal Min. Series. III. St. Geological Sur., 1017; Note on the Dissociation of Cal- cium Hydrate, Transactions .-iin. Ceramics Soc, Vol. XIV, 1912; Note on Relation of Prelieating Temperature and X'olume Shrink- age, do.. Vol. XIV, 1912; Designs of ' Seven Test Kilns, do.. \'ol. X\T, 1914; Note on Estrich Plaster, do.. Vol. XVII, 1915; Heat Balance on a Continuous Chamber Kiln, do., Vol. XX, 19 18. Treas., Am. Ceramic Soc, 1917 — . Mem., A. C. S. .Married Frances Marguerite Feind ('06), Je 28, 1914. Chicago Heights, 111. Child, Robert William, b. Mr 3, 1916. Address, 205 Indiana Ave., Urbana. 3423. MARGARET IIUTCHINS Librarian: B. L. S.; b. S 21, 1884, Lan- caster, N. H.; d. Francis Dorr (b. Ja ii, 1850, Putnev, Vt.) and Anna Caroline (Carleton) Hutch'ins (b. Ap 25, 1850, Haverhill, N. IL). Prepared in Lancaster (N. H.) H. S. A. B., Baccalaureate Alumni 315 Smith Coll., 1006. Athenean; Lib. Club; Choral Soc. ; Phi Hcta Kappa; Final Honors. Ref. Asst., Univ. of 111., lyoS — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Address, looi W. Oregon St., Urbana. 3424. RUTH IIYNDMAN (CUTLER) (Wife of No. 2629; Sister of No. 7644) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 28, 1885, Cincinnati; d. Robert John (b. S 22, 1855, Cincinnati) an^l Lottie Emma (Leopoltl) Hyndman (b. Ja jX, 1857;. Prepared in Hugh H. S., Cincinnati; VVellesley Coll., 1903-5. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher, Lockland H. S., iqio- 13; do., Cincinnati Pub. Sch., 1914-16. Mem., Wyo. Study Club; Coll. Club of Cincinnati: Cincinnati Aluninae of Kappa Alpha Theta. Married Asa Bryant Cutler ('06), N 25, 1916, Wyoming, O. Child, Dorothy, b. N 5, 191 7. Address, 351 E. loth St., Portland, Ore. 3425. CORA ANNA JACOBS Seed Analyst; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1909; b. Ap 13, 188s, Rock Falls, 111.; d. Frank H. (b. 185s, Ger.) and Sophia (Dietz) Jacobs (b. 1865, Rock Falls, 111.). Prepared in Sterling H. S. Prelim. Honors; Sigma Xi. Teacher, H. S., Paris, 1909-11; Scientific Asst. in U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1911-17; Sted Analyst, A. Dickinson Co., Chicago, 191 7 — . Address, c/o A. Dickinson Co., Chica- go. 3426. EDA AUGUSTA JACOBSEN (Sister of Nos. 2707, 4232, 6981) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 9, 1883, Niantic, 111.; d. Henning (b. Ja 6, 1846, Schleswig, Ger.) and Laura Dolly (Boone) Jacobsen (b. Mr 28, 1853, Bourbon Co., Ky.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Athenean. Studying for M. A. at Columbia Univ., 1917-18. Address, 2940 Broadway, Farnold Hall, New York City. 3427. GEORGE EMILE JAQUET Employment Mgr. ; B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. F 2, 1885, St. Imier, Switzerland; s. August E. (b. Ja 14, 1858, St. Imier, Switzerland) and Adele (Fete) Jaquet (b. Ag 28, i860, Cortebert, do.). Prepared in Falls (,'ity H. S.; Armour Inst., 1904-6. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; .Sigma Xi; E. E. Soc; Final Honors; Chief P3ngr., Elec. Show. Timekeep er on Ranch; Asst. under Engr. of Tests, N. Y. C. & H. R. Ry.; Testman, Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co.; Salesman's Asst., P. & M.. Dept., Gen. Elec. Co.. Chicago Office; Appara- tus Salesman, P. & M. Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Minn.; Const. Foreman, Mun. Contracting, Gen. Engng. & Const. Co., Rockford, 111.; Re- search Engr., Univ. of 111. Rj;. Engng. Dept.: City Engr., Supt. Water & Light iJept., Falls (Zity, Neb.; Employment Mgr., Shawingan Wa- ter & Power Co. and Subsidiaries, Shawingan. Falls, Quebec, Can. Mem., K. T. ; M. E. Church. Address, Cascade Inn, Shawingan Falls, Quebec, Can. 3428. ALFRED AT WOOD JOHNSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 22, 1886; s. George W. (b. O 12, 1848, Montgomery Co., Ind.) and Mary Jane (Atwood) Johnson (b. Jl iq, 1848, Pilot, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Lawyer, Danville, 111., 1908 — . Mem., Redmen; A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Ruby Leah Fairchild, Je 15, 1912, Danville, 111. Children: Janet Elaine, b. Mr 9, 1913; Mir- iam Ruby, b. F IQ, 1 91 7. Address, 1502 Wal- nut St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., Daniel Bldg., do. 3429. GEORGE KOSER JOLINSON Merchant; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.: b. Mr 1887, McLeansboro, 111.; s. John Nelson (b. Jefferson Co., 111.) and Emma L. (Koser) Johnson (b. Mt. Carmel, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Egyptian Club. Married Mary lurncr Smith, Ja 12, 1910, Mt. Vernon, 111. Children: J(dm Nelson, Jr.; Martha Louise, b. D 12, 191 i; Robert Smith, b. Jl 10, 19 13. Address, Mt. Vernon, 111. 3430. HORACE NORMAN JONES, JR. (Brother of No. 3810) Draftsman and Detailer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 2, 1884, Batavia, 111.; s. Horace N. (b. Ag 28, i860, Warrensville, 111.) and May E. (Schall) Jones (b. S 28, 1862. Allentown, Pa.). Prejjared in West Batavia H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1903-4. Seymour Guild; ist Lt., Univ. Regt.; Jr. Class Football. Mcch. Drafts- man and Estimator, 1908; Struct. Draftsman; Contracting Kngr.; .Struct. Draftsman and De- tailer. Invented Circular Slide Rule (Pat. Ap- plication rejected), ist Lt., Aviation .Section, .S. C, France. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Ruth A. Duty, S 21, 1912. Child, Ruth Burton, b. Mr 19, 1914. Address, 240 Taney St., Gary, Ind. 3431. ERWIN BYRON JORDAN (Husband of No. 3898) ■ Farmer and Stock Breeder; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 26, 1884, Rock Island Co., 111.; s. Byron (b. Je II, 1842, Richland Grove, III.) and Mary Anna (Blackfan) Jordan (b. O 23, 1841, Orion, 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Y. M. C. A. cabinet. Draftsman and Rodman, Minn. & Ontario Power Co., 1909; Field Clerk, Roberts &_ Schaefer Co., Chica- go, 1910; Farmer and Stock Breeder, 1910 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Lura Elizabeth Parsons ('09), Je 18, 1911, Des Plaines, III. Child, Robert Eastburn, b. My 19, 1912, Row- lesburg, W. Va. Address, Deerfield, 111. 3432. OSCAR JOSEPH JORDAN Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 4, 1881; s. Joseph L. (b. Amherst Co., Va.) and Martha Ella (Taylor) Jordan (b. Lynchlnng, Va.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Y. M. C. A.; C. E. Club, N. W. Univ. Prof., Math, and Drawing, 190810; Engng. Work, Chicago, 1910-11; Prof., Math. Arch, and Mech. Drawing, A. and M. Coll. Norm., Ala., igii. Mem., Ala. St. Teachers' Assn. Address, 11455 Watt Ave., Chicago. 3433. HERBERT EDWARD KAHLERT (Brother of No. 7669) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 23, 1885, Carlyle, 111.; s. Edward August (b. i860, do.) and Harriet Ann (Grain) Kahlert (b. 1864, Augusta, 111.). Prepared in Carlyle II. S. E. E. Club. Capt., Univ. Regt. Elec. Engr., Frank Adam Elec. Co., St. Louis, 1910; do., Herman Andrar Co., Milwaukee, 191 1; do., Cuthbert Elec. Co., Chicago, 191 1; Asst. Mgr., Insulation Dept., II. W. J. M. Co. Capt., Co. K, 1st Regt., Mo., 1910. Pres., Milwaukee IJniv. of 111. Alumni Assn.; Chm., Member- ship Com. A. I. E. E. Married Jane Carmont Bell, Ag 4, 1914, Huron, S. Dak. Child, Jane Bell, b. S 13, 191 7. Address, 1807 Ham- line Ave., S. E. Minneapolis. 3434. WILLIAM WADDELL KAUTZ (Brother of No. 4249) Steel Milling Bus.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 6, 1884, Moweaqua, 111.; s. George Adapi (b. Ja 27, 1834, Georgetown, O.) and Fannie (Hall) Kautz (b. Ag 6, 1843, Taylorville, 111.). Pre- pared, Moweaqua H. S. M. E. Soc; Tennis Team. Elec. Wiring, 1909; Const, work, 1909- 12; Steel Milling. 1912. Co. H, 23rd Encrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 246 Cliff Ave., Tacoma, Wash.t 3i6 University of Illinois [1908 343S. FRANKLIN THOMPSON KEGLEY, JR. Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 25, 1886. Colfax, la.; s. Frank T. (b. Ames, la.) and Nettie (Ross) Kegley (b. Cincinnati). Pre- pared in Princeton Tp. H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Aztec Club; Tennis. Arch. Draftsman; Arch., 191 1 — . Married Maude Beckon, D 7, 19H, Ocean Park, Calif. Adiir'css, 540 S. Hope St., Los Angeles; bus. add., 330 Consolidated Realty Bldg., do. 3436. RUTH KELSO Y. W. C. A. Clerk; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1909; b. O 27, 1885, Columbus, O.; d. Charles Corwin (b. 1859, Hadley, Pa.) and Nellie B. (Hard) Kelso (b. 1862, N. Y.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Athenean; Scribb- lers'; Class Poet; Phi Beta Kappa. Asst., Eng., Univ. of HI., 1909-18. Clerk. Y. W. C. A., Camp Lee, Va., 1918 — . Address, 1425 N. Dearborn, Chicago. 3437. WALTER WASHINGTON KERCH (Husband of No. 3517) Engr. and Contr.; b. F 22, 1884, Stephenson Co., 111.; s. Jacob Henry (b. Ger.) and Eliza (Giddings) Kerch (b. Stephenson Co., 111.). Prepared in Freeport H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Class Football. C. & A. R. R., 1908-9; Engng. and Contracting, 1909-18; Asst. Supt. L. Rich Const. Co.. Road Contractors, Camp Knox. Mem. 111. Sec. Civ. Engrs. ; 111. Assn. Contrs. Married Nellie Mildred Porterfield ('08), Je 8, 191 1, Fairmount, 111. Children: Barbara Louise, b. O 12, 1912; Richard Walter, b. S 17. 1916. Address, 241 1 C St., Granite City, 111.; bus. add., First Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 3438. SARAH ELVIRA KIRBY (RUFLE) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap i, 1883, Berthoud, Colo.; d. Theodore A. (b. F 28, 1844, Huntley, 111.) and Nellie Josephine (Win- ship) Kirby (b. Mr 20, 1857, Tomah, Wis.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Colo., 1904-5. Delta Gamma. Teacher H. S., Ches- ter, 111., 1907-8; Berthoud, Colo., 1908-9; Denver, Colo., 1909-12; Berthoud, Colo., 1912- 18. Married Robert E. Rufle, N 28, 1909, Berthoud, Colo. Address, Berthoud, Colo. 3439. PEARL ELIZABETH KINDIG ^^•^^ (SHAVER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 23, 1880, Secor, III.; d. David H. (b. Stuarts Drafts, Va.) and Salina Frances (Lemon) Kindig (b. Va.). Prepared in Roanoke H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Teach- er, Goodsprings, Nev.. 1909-10; Los Angeles, Calif., 1910-11. Auth. : A Golden Eagle in Virginia, Bird Lore, Vol. XVIII, 1916. Mar- ried B. F. Shaver, D 28, 191 1. New Orleans, La. Children: Maxlield, b. and died X 25, 1912; Helen Elizabeth, b. N 29, 1915; Kathryn, b. N 17, 1917 (died N 21, 191.7). Address, Huntingburg, Ind. 3440. GEORGE EMMETT KNAPPEN- BERGER (Brother of No. 7700) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 17, 1884, Sciota, 111.; s. H. (b. F 6, 1851, Pa.) and Anna E. (Smith) Knappenberger (b. Je 26, 1859, Mass.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch. M. D., Rush. Med. Coll., 1909. Phi Gamma Delta. Phys. Exam. State Civ. Service, ist Lt., Med. Corps; Mustered out, D II, 191 8. Married A. Katherine Knap- penberger, Ja 25, 1911, Aetna, Ind. Child, Kath- ryn, b. N 3, 191 1. Address, Macomb, 111. 3441. CARL FRED KNIRK Farm Expert; A. B. in So.; b. Je 11, 1880, Hillsdale Co., Mich.; s. Charles (b. D 27, 1845, Ger.) and Minnie (Steffen) Knirk (b. F 22, 1854, do.). Prepared in Central St. Norm., Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-7. Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Asst., Geol. Dept., 1907-8; Teacher, Tech. H. S.; Dir., War Gardens, Cleveland, 1917 — . Auth.: Indus. Geog., Its Aim, Scope and Content, Jour, of Geog., 191 1; Farm articles for Sun- day Mag., Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mem., Cen- tral Assn. of Sc. and Math. Teachers; N. E. O. Assn. of Sc. and Math. Teachers. Married Olive Hafer, Je 25, 1909, Shepherd, Mich. Child, Carl Hafer, b. Ap i, 1911. Address, 1437 Mars Ave., Cleveland. 3442. MARY ELIZABETH LAFLIN (EISNER) B. Mus.; b. N 21, 1886, Springfield, Mass.; d. William (b. Ap i, 1S50. Southwick, Mass.) and Jennie (Morse) Laflin (b. Jl 31, 1858, Nashua, N. IL). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Pvt. Teacher, Voice and Piano; Instr., Piano, Univ. of 111., igio- II. Married Albert Eisner, Jr., Jl 191 1. Cham- paigrn. (Zhildren: Janet Elizabeth, b. My 10, 1912; Edith Regina, b. N 15, 1914. Address, 802 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 3443. IDA LOUISE LANGE (PARKER) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S.; b. Mr 11, 1886, Miiskegon, Mich.; d. Paul William (b. Ja 31, 1864, Bromberg, Ger.) and Margaret Mont- gomery (Cleghorn) Lange (b. Je 15, 1862, Can.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chi- cago. Pi Beta Phi. Lib. Asst., Armour Inst., 1908-9; Accession Asst., Univ. of 111., 1909; Cataloger, do., 191 o; Organizing Libn., la. Lib. Comn., Des Moines, 1910; Ref. Libn., in Traveling Lib., la. Lib. Comn., Des Moines, 1910-12. Married Addison M. Parker, Je 22, 1912, Clarksburg, W. Va. Child, Addison M. Parker, IV, b. Ja 22, 1916. Address, 141 37th St., Des Moines. 3444. ROBERT LOUIS LATZER (Brother of Nos. 1243, 1371, 2733) Milk Condensing Bus.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 18, 1887, Highland, 111.; s. Louis (b. N 11, 1848, do.) and Eliza (Luehm) Latzer (b. Mr 12, 1852, do.). Prepared in Highland H. S. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors. M. S., Cornell. Married Cora W. Awlett, O 7, 1915, Willsboro, Pa. Address, Elkland, Pa. 3445. FIDEL VIDAL LARRACAS Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. O 4. 1884, Boac, Marinduque, P. I.; s. Alfonso y Mal- lorca (b. do.) and Tomasa (Vidal) Larracas, y Villarnel (b. do.). Prepared in Liceo de Manila, Manila, P. I.; Santa Paula (Calif.) H. S.. James Millikin Univ.; Purdue Univ., 1905-6. "jr. San. Engr., Manila, P. I., 1908; Surv., Manila, 1910-11; Asst. Engr., Bur. Pub. Works, 191 1 — . Address, Marinduque, P. Lt 3446. JULIA ANNA LAWLESS A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 15. 1883; d. Orville H. and Mary J. (Henry) Lawless. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Address, Paloma, Ill.t 3447. FRANK EARL LEIDENDEKER (Husband of No. 3370) Irrigation Engr. and Rancher; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 17, 1886, Champaign; s. Henry J. (b. 1841, Bunde, Ger.) and Amelia Leidendeker (b. 1854, Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Engng. force of Calumet and Ariz. Copper Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 1909-10; Ranching, 1910-17. Sergt.-Maj., 33rd Co., 164th Depot IJrig., Camp Funston, Kan., 1917. Married Annebell Eraser ('08), D 20, 1916, PhoenLx, Ariz. Child. Mary Jean, b. F 3, 1919. Address, Welton, Ariz. [QOS] Baccalaureate Alumni 317 3448. *THOMAS BEACH LEWIS LL. B.; b. N 12, 1884, Fairbury, 111.; s. Dr. Geo. C. (b. Millersbuig, O.) and Ella L. (Beach) Lewis (b. Fairbury, 111.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1902-4. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Ku Klux; Mask and Bauble; Glee and Man- dolin Club; Jr. Prom. Com.; Band; Dramatic Club. Married Jeannette E. Schmoldt, Ja 12, 1910, Beardstown, 111. Died Mr 16, 191s, Fhiir- bury. 111. 3449. FREDERICK MANLEY LIGGETT Lumber Bus.; B. S. in A. E.; b. F 25, 1883; s. Manley (b. near Shelbyville, Ind.) and Lena (Sliger) Liggett (b. Ind.). Prepared in Ham- burg (la.) H. S. Mem., B. P. O. E. Address, York, Neb.t 3450. JENNIE MAE LLOYD (BOUNELL) (Sister of No. 4783) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 21, 1885, Girard, 111.; d. William Henry (b. D 2, 1854, Virden, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Meyers) Lloyd (b. Mr 4. 1 861, Pa.). Prepared in Girard H. S. Teacher, 1908-n. Mem., Christian Church. Married Everett Shannon Bounell, Jl 3, 1912. Children: Elizabeth Elva b. My 31, 191 3; Mary E., b. and died N 17, 1915; William Shannon, b. D 23, 1916. Address, 212 West Ridge St., Ishpeming, Mich. 3451. FRED STERLING LODGE (Brother of No. 1548) Chem. Engr. ; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Je 9, 1884, Monticello, 111.; s. William Edmund (b. D 8, 1834) and Frances Ann (Piatt) Lodge (b. My 14, 1843, Monticello. 111.). Prepared in Monticello PI. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; (Them. Club, Pres. ; Band; Orchestra. Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., 190S-10; Asst. Chief Chem., do., 1910; in charge, Chem. Control, Armour Fertilizer Works, 1910 — . Mem., A. C. S.; Illini Club, Chicago; A. A. A. S.; La Grange Country Club. Married Louise Julia Retz, Jl 6, igii, Ottawa, 111. Child, Fred Retz, b. Ja 25, 1916. Address, 409 S. Ashland Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add.. Armour Fertilizer Works, Stock Yards, Chicago. 3452. CLARENCE CHESTER LOGAN Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap i, 1878, Flora, 111.; s. Isaac (b. Ja 21, 1842, do.) and Martha (Ballard) Logan (b. S 27, 1845, Iron- ton, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Asst., Soil Phys. and extention, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. at Flora, 111.; Farm Adviser, Crawford Co., 111. Auth. : Limestone Shell and Marl grinding on Farm, N. C. Agr. E.vp. Sta. Bid., 1917. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Minnie Catherine Britten- back, O 12, 1907, Flora, 111. Children: Helen Mildred, b. Ag 20, 1909; Mary Martha, b. O 2, 191 1 ; Lilly Catherine, b. Jl 11, 1914; Clar- ence Isaac, b. Ap 18, 191 7. Address, Robin- son, 111. 3453. GRACE BELLE LOGAN (Sister of Nos. 2740, 3077) Dietitian and Chief Cook; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 2, 1886, Edinburg, 111.; d. David (b. F 22, 1840, Flora, 111.) and Martha E. (Sprinkel) Logan (b. Ap 21, 1852, Ark.). Prepared in Edinburg and Urbana H. S. Basketball. Teacher, H. S., 1908-9; Dietitian, I,incoln St. Sch. and Colony, 1909-11; do.. Gen. Hosp., 1911-12; do., St. Hosp., Kankakee, 111., 1912- i5; Chief cook and dietitian, Anna St. Hosp., 1916 — . Address, Edinburg, 111. 3454. ARTHUR THEODORE LONG Supervising Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 31, 1884. Morrilton, Ark.; s. James Henrv (b. S. C.) and Mattie (Buckner) Long (b. Ja 25, 1852, Greenville, S. C). Prepared in Sumner H. S., St. Louis; Univ. of Chicago; Indiana Univ. Exten. work, Butler Coll., In- dianapolis; Prin., Crawfordsvillc, Ind., 1908- 9; Indianapolis Dept. (irade Sch., 1910; Asst. Prin., Indianapolis, 1911-15; supervising prin., do., 1915 — . Address, 407 Muskingum St., Indianapolis. 3455- JOSEPH AYRES LONG (Husband of No. 3961) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 30, 1882, Sublette, 111.; s. W. P. Long. Prepared in Amboy H. S. Acacia. Mem., First Congr. Church. Married Alice Faye Seller ('09), Ap 2, 1914, Washington, D. C. Address, Sublette, 111., R. F. D. 3456. ERNEST HARBIN LOUTZENHISER (LOTZ) (Brother of No. 5791) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 20, 1885, South Whitley, Ind.; s. Harbin H. (b. N 18, 1856, New Westville, O.) and Hersa S. (Spangler) Loutzenhiser (b. Ap 19, 1855, Dan- ville, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. M. E. Soc; Le Cercle Francais. Engng. and Constr. work; Chief Mech. Engr., Clark Min. Mach. Co., Seattle, 1911-12; Operating Engr., Steam Power Plant, C!ent. Am., 191 2-1 3; Con- sulting and Gen. Engr., Los Angeles, 1917; Mech. and Elec. Engr., Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., New York City, 1917-18; E. H. Lotz, Designer, Draftsman and Engr., Los .Vngeles, 1918 — . Mem., Christian Church; Y. M. C. A. Name legally changed to E. H. Lotz. Address, Hotel Santa Rita, nth and Main Sts., Los Angeles. 3457. ROBERT JAMES LOVE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 28, 1885, Hoopeston, 111.; s. James (b. S 4, i860, Glarry- ford. Ire.) and Grace (Caldwell) Love (b. Ap 21, 1864, Killagan, do.). Prepared in Hoopes- ton H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final and Special Honors. Arch., Chicago, 1908-10; Instr. Arch., Univ. of 111., 1910; Arch., Chi- cago, 1910-15; Mem., Firm Love & Richards, Arch., Chicago, 1915-17. 1st Lt., Aviation Section, S. R. C., U. S. A. 191 7 — . Address, 116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 3458. THOMAS GROVER LOWRY Foreman and Millwright; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 5, i886, New Douglas, 111.; s. Robert Larkin (b. Mr 10, 1855, Alhambra, 111.). Prepared in Upper Alton H. S. Triangle; C. E. Cliub; Class baseball. Asst. Engr., Maintenance of Way, Bridge and Switching Yard Const. Inst., Steel Bridge Erection, C. N. W. Ry., Pelsin, 111., 1913; Foreman, St. Ry. Const., do., 1914; Supt., Walbridge Engng. Co., 1915; Instrumentman, S. Adams St. Viaduct Const., Peoria, 1916; Chief Engr., Peoria Ry. Terminal Co., Peoria. 1917; Foreman and Mill- wright, Machine Shop, Holt Mfg. Co., do., 1918. Married Julia Bird Machin, O 24, 1912, Alton, 111. Children: Edith Adele, b. Mr 15, 1914; Caroline Sawyer, b. N 27, 1915. Address, 132S Park Ave., Pelsin, 111.; bus. add.. Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria. 3459. ARTHUR LUMBRICK Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 11, 1882, Charleston, 111.; s. James S. (b. S 14, 1843, do.) and Clementine (Nicholson) Lumbrick (b. Je 3, 1854, Lewistown, 111.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1899-1903. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Asst. (Trop Production, Univ. of 111., 190S-12; Mgr., The Epps Farms, 191218; Consulting Agr., Vermilion Co. Farm Bur., 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in farm papers. Mem., LTnitarian Church; Am. Soc, Agron. ; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Myrtle Mae Hus- otS Univeusitv ok Illinois I1908 (oil, D 22, i<)yi), I)co:itur, HI. Cliililrcn: M;u- gaict Mac, h. Mr n), loii; Mary Elizabeth, b. F 23, 11)13; Kutli Kathorino, b. S j<), 191.1; Marlha Louise, b. My 5, 1916. Address. ,<,m N. Gilbert Sl, Danville, 111. 3.(60. UUFUS KDVV.NRU l.YBAKC.KK r.L. ]t.: b. U 9, iK;(s .Xdair, 111. I'rep.ir^d in Bushnell II. S. Address, Uushiiell, U\.\ 3.j6i. RALPH ATKINSON LYNCH (Itrolher of No. 4-'«3) Salesman; A. B. in Sc. ; 1). fa is, i»S(), Sheklon, 111.; s. Henry VVhiteonib (b. .11 -'(>, 1857, Magnolia, HI.) ami Franees Maria (.Bald- win) Lyiuli (b. () jt, 1SO7, 0.\foril, liul.). I're- ii.ireil m Bradley l\)ly. Inst., I'eoria. Beta riiela I'i; I'hi Lambda Upsilon; I'hoenix. t'iieni., West. Sugar (.0., looS-u.); C'liief Cliem., n)o<)-ii; Salesman. 11. W. Lynch, lyu-u; Uan- eher, Alamosa, Colo., I9i."-i7; Salesman 11. \V. Lynch, I'eoria, 1917 — . Married Hazel M. I'oiiper, I) 19, 1912, C'hieago. Child, Helen hranees, b. My i.|, 1917. .Iddrcss, 100 Koanokc Ave., I'eoria. 3.(('-'. MVKTLE B. McCAlN (Itl.ACK) A. B. in 11. Sc; h. S 22, 1880, Delnlii. Iiul.; d. GeorKC C. (b. S 27, iSOo, Delphi, liul.) and Anna Mary (Mitehell) McCain (b. Ap 311, 1862, Garner, la.). Prepared in Blooming- l(Ui 11. S. Teacher, 11. Sc, II. S., Lawrence, Kan., 1008-9. Married LaH T. Black, O 18, 1909, Ulica, Mo. Children; Mildred Catlier- ine, b. 1) 8, 1910; Glatlyis Matilda, b. Ja 1. 1013; Donald William, b. Ja 15, 1918. Address, Baldwin City, Kan. M(M. Wl'-NHLA lUSTlTlA McCASKKY ■ ■ (BAkDWELL) (.Wife of No. 3030; Sister of No. 3849) A. B. in L. & A.; d. Alfred Samuel (b. My 13, iSs-i, Ihicyrus, O.) and Justitia U'arsons) McCas"l-9; Insiruinentin,in, O. S. L. R. R., 1909- 10; Asst. Engr.. O. S. L. R. R., 1910-13; . O. W. R. & N. Co., 1 M3-14; Surveyman, U. S. Reclamation Service, 1914-1.';; Ji- t"iv. Engr., Div. Valuation, 1. C. C, I9i,s-i, I'ocalello, Idaho. Child, Robert Wcir, Ir., b. Ja 17, 1918. .Idilress, 455 S. Grant .Vvc. Poeatello, Idaho. 3466. ALICE BIRDIE McDONALD (WINtiER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. la 10, 1884, Lerna, 111.; d. Newell Stout (b. Ag 2, 1849, Coles Co., 111.) and Saniantha Isabella (Love) McDonald lb. My 25, 1853). I'rcparcd in East. 111. St. Norm. Sell., 1899-1903. Atheiicnn; Eng. Club. Teacher, .Anderson, Ind., 190910; do., Chai les- ion Pub. Sch., 1910-11; do., Charleston 11. S.. 1911-12; do., ilrbana II. S., 1912-13; Attcndcil Univ. of Chicago, 1913-14; Leaclier, Francis Shinier Sell., Mt. Carroll, 111., 1914-15. Mar- ried Dr. R. M. Winger, Jc 12, 1915. Child, Margaret, b. Ag 17, 1916. Address, Oniversity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 3467. LEWIS McDONALD Sales Engr.; A. B. in L. & A.: B. S. in C. I'-.; b. O 19, 1884, Brownstown, 111.; s. George (b. 1853, do.) and Lizzie (Carson) McDonald (b. 1856, do.). Prepared in McKendree Coll. Acad.; AlcKendree Coll., 1901-5. Triangle; Tan Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Adelphic; Final Hon ors. Asst., Cliem. Engng., Lfniv. of 111. to 1910; Chief Draftsman, Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, 1011-14; Sales Engrs.. do., 1914-18. 1st Lt., 9th Engng. Tr. Regt., Camp Fremont, Calif.; Mustered out. D 17, 1918. Address. 2010 W. loist I'l., Chicago; bits, add., 105th and Throop .Sts., do. 34('8. ELLA ELLIOTT McINTIRE (Sister of No. .^748) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1909; b. Jl 18, 1886, Sparta. 111.; d. William Arthur (b. S 3, 1852, Marissa. 111.) and Tirzah (Callicart) Mcliitire (b. My 18, 1857, Sjiarta, 111.). Prepared in Sparta H. S. Lib. Club; Der Deutsche Vcrein. Libn., Huron Coll., Huron, S. Dak. Address, Huron, S. Dak.t 3469. GRACE DOROTHY McM.MION (Sister of No. 3092) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 31, 1885, May- wood, 111.; d. George (b. Out., Can.) and Rachel McMahon (b. do.). Prepared in .Aus- tin II. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst. Asst., Joh-n Crerar Lib., 1008-10; do., Newberry Lib., 1910- 11; Asst. Libn., Lewis Inst. Lib., 1911 — . .Iddrcss. 403 N. 2nd Ave., Maywood, HI.; hiis. add., Lewis Institute, Chicago. 3470. MATTHEW' HUNTER McMILLAN Elec. Engr.; 1!. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap i, 1878, Culler, 111.; s. J. W. McMillan. Prepared in Sparta 11. .'-1. .hldre.'is. c/o Pub. Service Co. of Northern 111., Chicago. 3471. GEORGE MADISON Editor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 20, iSSh, Savanna, 111. Preiiared in Savanna Tp. H. S. Teacher, Ottawa Tii. II. S., 1908-11; Ed., Reilly & Brilton Pub. Co., loii — . .\uth.: CoUeelioii of verse called Sweethearts, Reilly & Brilton, Chicago, 1912; Ed., large no. tech- nic;il books and fiction. Married Josejihine I'hipps Shore, O i, 1911, Champ;iigii. Child, tleorgia E., b. N 20, 1916. Address, 8128 Evans Ave, Chicago. 3472. HOWARD STAAT MALCOLM (Brother of No. 1735) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S i;, 1885, Roseville, 111.; s. Tohn Wesley (b. 1830, Mich.) and Emma (Staat) Malcolm (b. 1835, 111.). Prepared in Roseville Tp. II. S. Address, Rose- ville, 111. 3473. LYMAN SAMUEL MANGAS (.PM-olher of No. 2169) l.awver; .\. B. in L. S: .'\.; T. D., 1010; h. Mr '24, 1887, llartsbuvg. 111.; s. Samuel (b. I:i 18, 184S. Union C^ity, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Hopkins) Mangus (h. O 9, 1855, Loogootee, i9o8] BaCCAI.AUIUCATE Ai.UMNI .UO liul.). rrcpnied in Lincoln II. S.; l^incoln fcill. I'lii Delta I'lii; Thcla Kaiipa Nu; Coll. l>ancing Club; John Marshall Law Club; liand. Master in Chancery, Logan Co., i()i2-ii;; Piac- lising Ally., lyis — . Married Amelia Line Harding, ja i, 191.3, Assumption, 111. Cliild, Amelia Jane, b. Ja 15, 191 5. Address, 105 N. Union St., Lincoln, 111. 3474- IIOWAUI) LESLIK MANN Manufacturer; 1!. S. in Ky. E. E. ; b. O j8, 1884, Kankakee, 111.; s. Warren Leslie (b. Mr 3, 1856, Kcickville, HI.) and Jennie (Stevens) Mann (b. Jl 4, uSfo, Marteno, 111.). Prepared in Kankakee II. S. E. E. Soc. Signal Main- tenance for S. P. R. R., ioo8-(); Motor car bus., Kankakee, 111., :qo()-i3; Works Mgr., Chicago Pneumatic Tool C"o., njij-is; Pres. and Cen. Mgr., Mfg. Corji., Manufacturing Mach. Tools, 1915 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; Soc. Automotive Engrs. ; Am. Soc, Testing Materials. Married Nellie May Easton, Je 28, 1911, llerscher, 111. Child, Katharine Easton, b. D 16, 1914. Address, 6j8 S. Ever- green Ave., Kankakee, 111. 3475- ROGER DEARBORN MARSDEN Ollice Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 22, 1881, St. Charles, 111.; s. Robert (b. D 7, 1843, Ilawes, Yorkshire, l'".ng. ) and Ethel (Dear- born) Marsdcn (b. My 18, 184J, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Evanston Acad., N. VV. Univ.; N. W. Univ., 1904-6. Delta Tau Delta; Sigma \i. Asst. Ollice Engr., 1908-11; Oflice iuigr., 191 1 ; In Drainage Investigation, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Address, 910 Westminster St., Washington, D. C.t 3476. NELLIE P1':ARL MATTHEWS (JORDAN) (Wife of No. 3813) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 19, 1885, Clinton, 111.; d. George L. (b. Mr 29, 18(14, Eureka, 111.) and Sarah (Collins) Matthews (b. D jo, 1865, Clinton, HI.). Pre^jared in Clinton, 111., IL S. Math. Club. rencher, Farmington H. S., 1908-9; Miss. St. Women's Coll.. Co- lumbus, Miss., i909-[o; Muskegon High and Ilackley Man. Tr. Schs., Muskegon, Mich., 1910-11. Married Myron Kend;dl Jordan Cov), Ap 7, 1912, Champaign. Child, ICIkn iVlary, b. Ag 13, 1917. Address, 7600 Champlain Ave., Chicago. 3477- EVERET ANDY MAZE Elec. Contr. ; B. S. in E. K.; b. D 21, 1885, Anna, 111.; s. Robert and Susan (Mowery) Maze. Prepared in Ann;i II. S. E. E. Soc. Elec. Light Plant, 1908-10; Elec. (Tontr., 191 o — . Married i5ernice 1,. Krest, Je, 1909, Anna, 111. Child, Leslie Robert, b. Ja 29, 1912. Address, 12 W. 2nd St., Fond du Lac, Wis. 3478. DAVID STANLEY MEADOWS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 21, 1883, Davenport, la.; s. Frederick W. (b. S 11, 1852, lirook, Derbyshire, Eng.) and Angeline S. (McFarlane) Meadows (b. V 24, 1848, Warren, O.). Prepared in Austin II. S., Chicago. C. E. Club. Rodman, C. & N. W. Ry., 1908-9; In- strumentman, Asst. Engr. and Draftsman, O. S. L. Ry., 1909 — ■. Married Lcona A. Loh- man, .'\g 5, 1909, Salt Lake City. Child, Frederick L., b. O ij, 19M. Address, 1448 S. loth St., Salt Lake City; bus. add., 606 Dcseret News Bldg., do. 3479. BERTHA ALICE MILLER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 31, 1873, Paris, 111.; d. Henry Ross (b. Jl 19, 1827, Preble Co., O.) and Amanda Elizabeth (Reed) Miller (b. O 27. 183.;, Berks C:o., Pa.). Pre- pared in Paris II. S.; Coates Coll.; The West. ().xford Coll., O.; Summer Sch. of the South; Cook Co. Norm. Srh. A. M. Univ. of Chicago, 1913- Prin., II. S,, Paris, 1912. Teacher, Morgan Park II. S., Chicago. Mem., .\m. Hist. Assn ; Nii. Cent. Hist. Teachers Assn.; Nat. Geog. , )oc. Address, 436 Normal Parkway, Chicago. 3480. CLARENCE BENWELL MILLER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 28, 1883, Boswell, Ind.; s. J. C. Miller. Prepared in Univ. A'.ad. Address, c/o Gea. Elec. Co., 311 Tyler St., Pittslield, Mass.t 3481. NELLE GRANT MILLER (MILLER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 22, 1886, Centcrville. la.; d. Oscar Eugene (b. Ja 2, 1856, Agency, la.) and Florence Helen (Hullstutter) Miller (b. Ag 25, 1857, Centerville, la.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. J'i Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Married John Glenn Mdlir, My 3, 1910, Champaign. Children: John Cilenn, Jr., b. D 20, 1 91 3; Barbara Ann, b. Ap 17, 1917. Ad- dress, 1323 Park Ave., Springfield, III. 3482. ADA MAE MINER (CIIAPIN) (Wife of No. 1644) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8, 1886, Champaign, d. Daniel W. (b. Pa.) and Mary A. (Cobiun; Miner (b. Can.). I'repared in Champaign 11. S. Teacher, 1908-11. Married Arlo Chapin ('02), Jl 6, 1911, Champaign. Children: Mil- dred Ruth, b. D 1, 1912; Margaret Mae, b. () 12, 1914- Address, Sullivan, 111. 3483- JOHN BEVERLY MOORE Surgeon; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ap 15, 1884, Benton, 111.; s. John B. Moore. Pre|)ared in lietiton IL S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll. Phi Kho Sijfma; Alpha Tau Omega. Mem., House StalT, Cook Co. Ilosp.; tlhief .Surgeon for Coal Operators Assn., I'Vanklin Co. and Supt. of Zeigler Ilosp. Address, c/o Robertson C'lay Products Co., Canal Dover, O.t 3484. JOSEPH KENNEDY MOORE B. .S. in Ceram.; b. Ap 29, 1854, Yorkvillc, 111.; s. Charles K. (b. Je 17, 1849, Oswego, 111.) and Gertrude H. (Teller) Moore. Pre- pared in Yorkvillc H. S. Sigma Xi; Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club. Ceram. Engr., Denney Renton (lay and' Coal Co., Seattle, 1908-11; Asst. Mgr., West. Clay Co., I'ortland, igii. Auth.: Pyro-('hemical I'^lTect of Clays, Am. Ceram. Soc, Vol. IX; The Influences of Flux- es ;ind Non-Fluxes upon Changes in I'orosily of Some Clays, Atn. Ceram. Soc., Vol. X. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc: Am. Soc. Testing Materials; A. C. S.; l-'ng. Ceram. Soc. Married Myrtle K. Jones. Je 27, 1911, Seattle. Address, 2008 Peoples Gas Bldg., C'hicago.t 3485. HARRY CUM MINGS MORAN Judge; LL. B.; b. S 29, 1869, Canton, 111.; s. Richard Lyon (b. Ap 15, 181s, Baltimore) and Svbil (Cvniunings) Moran (b. My 25, 1829, Dunkirk, Mass.). Prepared in Canton II. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Clerk, Moot Court. Practicing law; Judge, City Court, Canton, 111. Mem., St. Bar Assn.; A. V. A. M.; B. P. O. V..; K. P. Married Ida May Weaver, O 10, 1894 (died Je 17, 1907); Helen M. Sloss, Je 17, loi.s. Child, Murlea Mae, b. O 15, 1898. Addres.i. Canton, III. 3486. MERYL STANLEY MORGAN Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1885, Gala, 111.; s. John Norris and Mary Morgan. Prepared in Galva II. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. Address, Galva, Ill.t 3487- JAMES EDWIN MORRIS (Brother of No. 4320) Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 23, 1884, West Brooklyn, 111.; s. W. O. (b. D 3'], i860, And)oy, III.) and Isabella (Morcy) Morris (b. 320 University of Illinois [1908 Je 28. 1 86 1, I.ee Center, III.). Prepared in Kast Aurora II. S. Operator, Commonwealth Kilison Co., Chicago, iQog; Draftsman, Pa. Ky., 1010; do., New York. Edison Co., iq:i; do.. Pa. Ry., 1Q11-16; Draftsman, The Arnold Co., Kngrs., Chicago, 1916 — . Address, Congress Park. 111. 3488. JOHN EMERY MORRISON Lawyer; LI-. I?.; b. S 19, 1886, Heyworth, 111.; s. Jacob Edward (b. Je 10, 1866, Dan- vers, 111.) and Jennie (Bethel) Morrison (b. O 26, 1864, do.). I'reparcd in Danvers 11. S. Phi Alpha Delta; John Marshall Law Court; Varsity Baseball. Lawyer, Kloomington, 1908- 10; Sec. and Mgr., The Peoples' Abstract Co., Joliet, III., 1910-17. ist Lt., Inf. Reserve List, 1916: Capt., Inf. O. R. C., 1917; Instr., First R. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1917; Sr. Tnstr. in Musketry, Div. Sch. of Arms, 89th Div., Camp Funston, Kan. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Joliet Cml. Club; Country Club, Joliet. Married Villa Gray Morrison, Je 18, igi.l. Bcecher City, 111. Child, b. Ag 2, 1914 (died do.). Address, 206 Eastern Ave., Joliet, 111. 3489. WALTER ROSS MOULTON (Brother of No. 31 19) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr i, 1886, I'hiladelnhia; s. Charles Lewis (b. Je 7, i860, Ilartfora Co., Md.) and Maria Ross (llarper) Moulton (b. Mr i, 1S58, Philadelphia). I're- pared in Lewis Inst. Band; Sec, Ath. Assn. Electn., Ry. Maintenance, 1908; Power Sta. Operator, Commonwealth Edison Co., 1908-9; Nat. X-Ray Reflector Co., 1909-12; Supervising Engr., do., 1912-14; Supt. Elec. Sales and Engng. Const., C.as^ & Elec. Co., Baltimore, 1914-17; Robertson-Cataract Elec. Co., ButTalo, 1917 — . Auth. : Several articles for Lighting Jour; Paper on Store Lighting /. /;. S. Trans- actions; Rpt., Res. Lighting Com., N. E. L. A. Mem., Ilium. Engr. Soc; Glenoak Country Club; Nat. Elec. Lt. Assn., Com. Section, 1914-16; Baltimore Ath. Club, 1914-17; Am. Gas Inst., 1916-17. Married Rose Naomi Sal- lade, Je 1917, Philadelidiia. Child, Walter Ross, J"r., b. F 2, 1918. Addt'ess, 643 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 3490. CHARLES JOSEPH MOYNIHAN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 23, 1884, White Hall, 111.; s. John Joseph (b. Millstreet, Ire.) and Ellen (Dclehanty) Moynihan (b. N. Y.). Pre- pared in White Hall H. S. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Phoenix; Football; Coach, freshman football; Ath. Ed., lUini; do.. Illio: O.-lll. Debate; Lit. Soc. debating team. Mem., LTiiiv. Club, Denver; Colo. Bar Assn. Married Marguerite Kath- erine Catlin, N 8, 1910, Montrose, Colo. Chil- dren: Charles John. b. Ag 17, 191 1; Alice Mae, b. Ag 4, 1913; Frank Dale, b. Ap 23, 1918. Ad- dress, Montrose, Colo. 3491. GUY ELMER MUNGER Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 31, 1886. Oregon, 111.; s. James Frank (b. O 17, 1856, Kendall Co., 111.) and Celestia Elizabeth (Cro- well) Munger (b. F 15, 1802 Ogle Co., 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Deere & Co., 1908-9; Piece Rate Dept., do., 1909-12; Piece Rate and Employ- ment Dept., Dain Mfg. Co., Ottumwa, la., 191J-18. Co. G, 4th Tr. Regt., Camp Pike, Ark., 191S; Mustered out, Ja 15, 1919- Address, 110 S. Adam Ave., Ottumwa, la.; bus. add., Dain Mfg. Co., do. 3492. GRACE ELEANOR MURPHY (TAYLOR) (Wife of No. 3571) A. B. in L. & A.: b. Jl 22, i88^;, Tuscola, 111.; d. William Edward (b. My 8, "iS=;8, Tus- cola, 111.) and Laura Alice (Fisher) Murphy (b. N 19, 1858, Champaign). Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; F"erry Hall Sein., 1904-5. Delta Gamma; Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Married Roy Elmer ^ Taylor ('08), N 2(>, 190S, Tuscola, 111. Children: Roy Elmer, b. Ap 20, 1910; George Edward, b. F 15, 1912; Howard Gwinn, b. My 26, 1917. Address, Maple Crest Farm, Towanda, 111. 3493- ETHEL NATION (PARK) (Wife of No. 3505) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je II. 1884, Chebanse, 111.; d. William (b. Je 28, 1831, Eng.) and Anna Maria (Easoii) Nation (b. Jl 27, 1842, I'a.). Prepared in Chebanse II. S.; Grand I'rairie Sem. ; N. W. Univ., 1904-5. Sigma Kappa. Married Jay Boardman Park ('08), Ag 31, T909, Chebanse, 111. Children: Robert Nation, b. S 14, 1911; Jean E-loise, b. Ap 16, 1916. Address, 315 i6th Ave., Columbus, O. 3494. MARK EDMOND NEBEKER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 22, 1885, Clinton, Ind.; s. Henry (b. Clinton, Ind.) and Ida M. (Wilson) Nebeker (b. Montezuma, Ind.). Pre- pared in Culver Mil. Acail. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta I'hi. ist Lt.. U. S. A. S., 1917— . Married Edna Louise Nerotin, Ag 26^ 1916. Address, Clinton, Ind. 3495- JOHN ADAMS NEUMAN Manager; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 12, 1881. Springlield, 111.; s. John Charles (b. Ap 6, 1853, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (.'Vdams) Neuman (b. My 4, 1853, Fredericksburg, Md.). Prepared in Springfield II. S. Acacia; E. E. Soc; V. P., Sr. Class. Sta. Clerk, Springlield Lt. Heat & Power Co., 1908-9; Asst. Electn., St. of 111., 1909; Traveling Salesman, Am. Fuse Co., 1909; do.. Gen. Elec. Co., 1909-10; Mgr., J. C. Neuman, 1910 — . Married Mary Esther Earn- est, S 16, 1912. Address 322 S. Douglas Ave., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 304 E. Monroe St., do. 3496. JESSIE RUTH NEWCOMB (AVEY) (Wife of No. 4055; Sister of No. 2194) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 12, 1882, Fisher, 111.; d. William Kendall (b. Ap 6, 1857, Lyons la.) and Eliza Cassandra (Durbin) Newcomb (b. D 26, 1856, Edinburgh, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. Married Daniel Manning Avey ('10), F 7, 1912, Champaign. Child, Mary Martha, b. Mr 6, 1913. Address, 1727 Bryn Mawr Rd., East Cleveland. 3497. MARION STARR NICHOL (Sister of Nos. 2773, 3125, 6454, 8622) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 25, 1885, Granville, O.; d. Edward A. (b. Mr 22, 1852, do.) and Lydia (Greene) Nichol (b. My 20, 1858, Angola, Ind.). Prepared in Granville, (). Illiola; Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Teacher, Ueinent, 111., 1908-11; do., Clinton, 111., 1911- 14; do.,^ Tp. II. S., Murphysboro, 111., 1914-16; C^rad. Stud., O. St. Univ., 1916-17; Teacher, Lake Geneva, Wis., 1917; do., II. S., Decatur, 1918 — . Address, 98 E. 12th Ave., Columbus, O.; bus. add., 302 W. Main St., Decatur, 111. 3498. GERTRUDE NIEDERMAN (SCOTT) Instructor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1014; b. D 21, 1887, Austria-Hungary; d. Benjamin (b. ; 'IrVorm shall. 111.), rreparea m East. 111. St. IVorm. <;ch Ionian; Frehm. Honors; C. t. tluD, ^. ^.;r^r^£' .V.o? {^ra?;in,a^. H: S-. Sa^heit Screen & Chute Co.. J910-:-;; Draftsman Mm. Point Zinc Co.. i9«-'3; *-^li'^='""\^..„^'\f.';; North Piatt, Neb., iQi.^-iS; Engr.. Canadwn Copper Co. Copper Cliff Ontario, 191 5-1^: Fnsr , The Internat. Nickel Co. of tan., r^'^fA Mem.. Copper Cliff Club. . Marr ed osephine Harker, Ag.15. >9>o, P«o"»- Cj^'l^^ Ven. Charlotte JosepWe, b. 1-5. '9U. .lohn Harold, b. Ap^ 13. J9i7. Address. Copper ClitT, Ontario, Can. 3561. ROSS McGEHEE STIFF Chemist; B. S. i" Chetn.; b. F 25. ;|S5. Hnrri^bxtrvr, 111.; s. Daniel (*>-. »ir 4. i'>-H. Sine Co.'"lll.) and Manha .Lou.sa^McC.ehee^ <5tirT (b D to, 1S4S. Oalatia. 111.'. ^ reparea fn ?Hrrislnirg Tp. H. S.; HI. Coll.. 1003-5. Phi \loha Cl.em Cub. Analytical Chem.. 1911: m}I^ Chein V9.i-7r. Analytical Chem . 1913— M^m V C S Married Gertrude A. Upton, Stslchicago.^- Address. 3S05 W. 64th Place, Chicago. 3562. SPENCER A. STINSON (Brother of Nos. 7^38. 798i") Consulting Engr.; B. S in <^- ^.j »>• S i^. ;|^-ai:^^:vinl?^LraSiftt^-^-(i!nl?> gferin^Vi^^pif'A^^: j^S,^^v larl Park Und.) H. S Ath Ass..; ^ • t • Club. Draftsman. N. \. C. | « ^ R. K.^ a^ rT'ooSi'.: br^aftLan: N. V.'C. & H R- R." R.", New York Citv, 191--M; A^st Engn, .S; consulting Engr^B. ^^^^.-"oiga May cSbes.''-N\^;. .9.6. New York City Child. Suencer Dav s. b. D 30. 1917., AaiUtsi. c o a. 11 Davis, Whitehall Bldg.. New \ork City. .:;o3 PAUL PRIME STONE Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 17. J^SS. 1 • ,i„ 111 • c l^nie'* Patterson (b. Je -, io3/' 'r) and Cordal" Adelaide (Taylpr) Stone (b iSaT Kv.-). Prepared m Lincoln H. b., Co Gen. Merchandise Store, 1910— Mem 16 O F ; M. W. A.: Presby. Church. Mar- ried " Ussve M. Slatery, S '^>. /*^"-. -\« '*'^' ' daho. Children: Marj one Helen, bjl lo. 1912; Mary Elizabeth, b. Mr 12, 1914. --«" dress. Ashton, Idaho. -<;64 ELIZABETH TEN EYCK STOUT Librarian; B. L. S.; A B >9'>9: b- ^ J^' 18S4; d. Francis Evarts (b. ->? 30, iS.;'. Lak? Conio, Pa.) and M.-iry ^Keeler^ Mout . a>. N M. °S.i. Auburn, N. Y.). Prepared m I et- ^-1-4 '^\Iich> 11 S.; Univ. of Mich.. 19034. \wtt Coll 1904-^. Athenean. Ref. Libn.. Pub Ubn.: Si'oux- City la. Mem.' Presby. Church. Address. i40t. Pearl St., Sioux City. ^^' „6s FLEDA DEVERE STRAIGHT •*^ ^' cMYERS) (Wife of G 490: Sister of Nos. 3194. 544?) A. B. & B. L. S.; b. S J2, .886, El Paso, HI.: d. Lee Smith (b. D 23. '850, Croosey. Ilk"* and Ida Mary tTanner-> Straight ^b. Ap 20. 3566. BERNARD ANDREW STRAUCH (Husband of No. 500S; Brother of Nos. 2831. 39S6, 39S7, 5444) p;'.ign. 3S69. *LOIS EDNA SWIGART (HINSDALE) A. B. ill L. & A.; b. S n, iSS6, Fanner City, 111.; d. Otto H. (.b. do.) and Sarah (,Heaton> Swigart (b. Delavan, 111.). Pre- 3570. NELLIE FLORENCE TAYLOR Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8. i88o; ~ - c" .., .0,- n ^ .....1 ■VT™^^.. leacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8. i88o; d. .Xbraham B. (b. F 22, 1825, O.) and Nancy U^ill) Taylor (b. S 12, 1842. Milford, Ky.). Prepared, Lake View H. S_y Chicago;^ Chicago 35; I. ROY ELMER TAYLOR (.Husband of No. 3492) Farmer; B. S. in .-\gr. Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Illini Staff: Sec. Ath. Assn.; Class Baseball; Baseball Squad. Married Grace Eleanor Murphy, ('o8\ N 2t>, 1908, Tuscola, in. Children: Roy Klmer, Jr., b. .\p 20. igio; George Edward, b. F 15, 1912; Howard Gwinn. b. Mv 26, 191 ,"■ Address, Maple Crest Farm, Towanda, 111. 357--. CARLON TEN BROECK (Husband of No. 8700) Physician; A. B. in Sc; h. S 3, 1885, Par- sons, Kan.; s. .Andrew (b. S 2$. 1853. Pa.l and Carrie D (.Mdrich) Ten Broeck (b. Ag [9o8] Baccalaureate Alumni 30, 1857, la.). Prepared in Parsons H. S. M. ])., Harvard Aled. Sell., 1913. Lt., Med. Corps, Camp Upton, N. Y., 1918. Married Janet Kinaker ('i?>. Ap 27, :9i7. Address, 10 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. 3573- FRED TERRILL Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 8, 1884, Col- chester, III.; s. Henry and Martha Terrill. Prepared in Macomb 11. S. Bus. Mgr., Techno- graph, 1908; Mgr., Class Baseball Team, 1907. Married Mrs. Jennie Terrill, Mr 19, 1909, Seattle. Children: Margaret Lucile, Ij. Jl 16, 1910; Louis Henry, b. Ja s, 1912; Robert May- nard, b. O 19, 1913- Address, Colchester, 111. 3574. HUGO J. THAL (Brother of Nos. 3997, 8001) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 26, 1883, Carlyle, 111.; S. John (b. 1848, Petrograd, Russia) and Mary Elizabeth (Wulfman) Thai (b. 1858, Breese, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Euller Moot Court. Lite Ins., 1909. Atty. at Law, 1909-14; City Atty., Arlington Hgts., 111., 1914 — . Mem., Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago; Gcr. Evang. Church; Illini Club, Chicago; Bd. of Educ, Chicago, 1917 — . Married Minnie Emma Munds, Tl 14, 1907, Champaign. Children: Donald Edwin, L. Ag 29, 1909; Mildred Marie b. la 27, 191 1. /i(/(ire.r.y, Arlington, III.; bus. add., 1040 Otis Bldg., Chicago. 3575. JANE INSLEY THOMAS (MANGOLD) A. B. in Sc; b. F 10. 1886, Homer, 111.; J. Moses Cyrus (b. O S, 1846, do.) and Jane (Insley) Thomas (b. Mr 13, 1848, do.). Pre- pared in Homer H. S. Address, Homer, 111. 3576. ELMER A. TILDEN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 10, 1887, Canton, O.; s. Guy (b. My 11, 1858, Youngs- town, do.) and Belle La Grande (Sanford) Tilden (b. Ap 18, 1861, Rootstown, do.). Pre- pared in Canton (O.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi. Arch., 1908-9; Const. Supt., 1909-11; Acting head of Arch, course and in charge of starting course. Wash. St. Coll., Pullman, Wash., 191 1- 12; Jr. Mem., Guy Tilden & Son, Archs., Canton, O.; Supt., Const., Timken KoUer Bearing Co., Canton, 111., igi8 — . Mem., U. S. Pub. Service Reserve, 1912; B. P. O. E. Married Nettie E. Parsons, Mr i, 1913, Detroit. Child, Elmer Ashley Jr., b. Ja 11, 1917. Address, looi 22nd St., N. W. (Janton, O.; bus. add., 334 Scharger Blk. do. * 3577. JESSIE MAY TOLAND Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 15, 1884, Charleston, 111.; d. George Anderson (b. Mt. Sterling, Ky.) and Jane (Parker) Toland (b. F 10, 1854, Clark Co., 111.). Prepared in Charleston H. S. Athenean; Y. W. C. A. Teacher. H. S., Clinton, III., 1908-10; do., H. S., Pekin, HI.; do., Bisbee, Ariz., 1914-17; Asst. in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Grad. Stu- dent, Univ. of HI., 1919 — . Address, 1105 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 3578. MICHAEL STREWEY TOOPS (Brother of No. 2842) Transitman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 24, 1884. Seymour, 111.; s. M. S. and S. T. (Long) Toops. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Ad- dress, c/o Y. M. C. A., Pocatello, Idaho. t 3579. BURTON FLOYD TUCKER (Brother of No. 3580) Gen. Supt.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 8, 1884, Stockton, Kan.; s. William Henry (b. Je 2, • 853, Jo Davies Co., 111.) and Theo. Ernestine (Moore) Tucker (b. F 24. 1862, Salem, III.). Prepared in Damar Coll., Mo.; Union Acad., Anna, 111. Eta Kappa Nu; Scholarship; Capt., .327 Univ. Regt., 1908; class football. Bonding I'/^''-*^'"^"' '^o^-o; Substation and Power Plant Maintenance, 1909-10; Supt. Substation Const.,- 191 o; Supt. Substation & Overhead Lines, 191 1 ; >Mgr. and Stockholder, Virden Elec. Light Co Virden. III., 1911-12; Dist. Supt.. Central 111. Pub. Service Co., 1912-13; Asst. Gen. Supt., do., 1913-15; Gen. Supt., do., 1 9 IS — . Married Ella Nora Hileman, N 23, 1909, Anna, 111. Children: Burton Allan, b. N 18, 1910; Arthur Lee, b. D 21, 1911; Howard Lewis, b. F 10, 1917. Address, 1008 Edgar Ave., Maltoon, HI.; bus. add., Avery Bldg. do. 3580. JESSE ORRIN TUCKER (Brother of No. 3579) Dist. Supt.: B. S. in E. E.; b. S 12, 1881, Rooks Co., Kan.; s. William Henry (h. Je 2, 1853, Jo Davies Co., 111.) and Ernestine (Moore) Tucker (b. F 24, 1862, Salem, III.). Prepared in Union Acad.; Univ. Acad. Eta Kappa Nu. Scholarship. Instrumentman and Res. Engr., Cent. 111. Const. Co.; Supt. do., 1908-10; Supt. Const., Champaign Power House, 1910-11; Operating Elec. Engr., I. T. S., 1910-13; Supt. Const., Cen. 111. Pub. Ser- vice Co., 1913-14; Dist. Supt., do., 1914 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Jessie Edith Smith, Je 28, 1911, Streator, III. Child, William Ramsay, b. Mr 15, 1912. Address, 412 E. Pleasant St., Taylorville, 111. 3581. WILBERT EUGENE UNDERWOOD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 14. 1886: s. Fred George (b. S 26, i860, St. Charles, III.) and Maude Emma (Peirce) Underwood (b. S 12, 1867, Geneva, do.). Substation Oper- ator, 1909; Dept. Starting Engr., Common- wealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1909-10; Nat. Elec. lamp Assn., Cleveland, 1912; Gen. Elec. Co., do., 1914 — . Address, Gen. Elec. Co., Cleve- land. 3582. HARVEY BENJAMIN URBAN Adv. Mgr.: A. B. in Sc: b. Ap 12, 1873, Sa](lbrook, HI.; s. Jacob Marshal (b. O 11, 1838, Lancaster Co., Pa.) and Fannie Stoner Urban fb. Mr i, 1837, Millersville, Pa.). Pre- pared in St. Norm. Sch. Supt. Schs., Pales- tine, 1908-13; do.. Polo, 1913-15; Newspaper Adv. Work, 1915^. Married Carrie Estelle Travis, Jl 15, 1901, Normal, 111. Child, Harold Travis, b. Mr 21, 191 1. Address, 508 S. Race St., Urbana. 3583. GEORGE ATHOL VAN BRUNT Research Chem.; B. S. in Chem.; A. M., 1909; b. S 20, 1885, Galesburg, 111.; s. George Franklin (b. Je 26, 1858, Augusta, III.) and Jean Ashburton (Kinnear) Van Brunt (b. S 18, 18C0. Newfoundland). Prepared in Ke- wanee H. S. Chi Beta; Chem. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Up- silon; Scholarship in Phys. Asst. Chem., Water Works, 1909; Chem., Engng. Exp. Sta., 1 910; Research Chem., West. Elec. Co., New York City, 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Lelah Clara Wilson, Je 12, 19 13, Cicero, III. Address, 142 St. Pauls Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3584. CORA MAY VAN GALDER (HART) A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 27, 1884, Sycamore, 111.; d. Frank O. (b. Ja 6, 1855. Janesville, Wis.) and Florence M. fTalbot) Van Galder <\i. Ja 17, 1861, Cortland. HI.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Alethenai; H. Sc. Club; .Mpha Chi Omega. Married Walter E. Hart, Je 8. 1910, Rock Island, HI. Children: Charles Edwin, b. Ap 7, 1912; Robert Talbot, b. F 20, 1915 (died D 3, 1916); George Fredrick, b. Mr 2, 1917. Address, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 328 University of Illinois [1908 3585. VERNON VANIMAN Agr. Demonstrator; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 3, 1884, Virden, III.; s. Mrs Louise Vaniman.' Prepared in McPherson (Kan.) Coll. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Sec, Virden Grain Co., Sec, Virden Creamery Co.; V. P., Mutual Ins. Co., Virden; Dir. Mutual Tel. Co.; Emer- gency Dist. Demonstration Leader, U. S. Dept Agr., 1918 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Mar- ried Nora Showalter, F 24, 1909. Child, Vera, b. Ja 3, 1912 (died Mr 12, 1912). Address, 1209 W. Edwards St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., Extension Service, Univ. of 111 , and U S. Dept. of Agr., Springfield, 111. 3586. FRANK VAN INWAGEN Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl i, 1886, Hmsdale, 111.; s. Fred (b. i860, Chicago) and Lucy Jane (Irish) Van Inwagen (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Hinsdale H. S.; Momence, H S Varsity Track, 1905-7; Mgr. Track, 1908. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phoenix. V. P. 111. Engng Co.; Sergt. 2nd Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1918; Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 1918 — . Mem., Hins- dale Club; mini Club of Chicago; Country Tennis Club, Hinsdale; A. F. A. M.; Shriner; Golf. Address, 121 S. Washington St., Hins- dale, 111.; bus. add., c/o 111. Engng. Co., do. 3387. ROBERT MILTON VAN PETTEN (Brother of No. 3214) Chief Engr.; B. A. in C. E.; b. O 31, 1886, Cramers, 111.; s. William Johnston (b. Ap 6, 1854. Elmira, N. Y.) and Margaret E. (Buch- anan) Van Petten (b. F 4, 1858, Congruitv, Pa.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Band. Merchant, 1908-9; Engng. Dept., Oregon Short Line R. R., 1909-12; Const. Engr., LTt. Const. Co., 1912-13; Bates & Rogers Const. Co., Ashland, Ky., 1913-14; Cleveland. 1914-16; McKinney Steel Co., 1916; Const. Engr., 1916-18; Chief Engr., Cleveland Constr. Co., Cleveland. Married Inez Turrell, Ap 25, 1914, Champaign. Child, Margaret Tur- rell, b. N 16, 1917. Address, 1619 Elsinore St., Cleveland; bus. add., c/o Cleveland Constr. Co., do. 3588. FRITZ WAGNER, JR. (Husband of No. 3541; Brother of No. 7278) Salesman; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 7, 1886, Chicago; s. Fritz (b. Ger.) and Felizitas (Ellersdorfer) Wagner (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. H. S. and Man. Tr. H. S., Chicago. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoenix. Asst. Supt., N. W. Terra Cotta Co., Chicago, 1908-15; Hydro Atone Co., 1915-16; Sales, Am. Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., Chicago, 1916— . Mgr., Chicago Arch. Exhibition, 191 7. Mem., (Thicago Arch. Club; Chicago Press Club; Illini Club, Chicago. Married Louise Shipman ('08), Jl 30, 1910, DeKalb, 111. Child, Louise, b. Ja 8, 191 5. Ad- dress, 561 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka, 111. bus. add., 2010 Peoples Gas Bldg., do. 3589. WILLIAM JED WARDALL (Brother of No. 1996) Investment Banker; A. B. in Sc; b. F 22, 1885, Tuscola, 111. ; s. Xenophon Leonidas (b. Je 4, 1844, Cincinnati) and Emma (Sawyer) Wardall (b. Je 17, 1850, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoenix; Mgr. Football; Glee and Mandolin Club; Class treas. Publisher, 1908-9; Investment Bond Bus.. 1909. Married Mary Sherrill Burry, Ap 20, 1912, Chicago. Address, 311 The Rookery, Chicago. 3590. *JAMES MADISON WARNER B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 4, 1882, Syracuse, N. Y. ; s. William Henry (b. N 3, 1840, New Bos- ton, N. Y.) and Electa (Pease) Warner (b. Jl 26, 1851, Syracuse, N. Y.). Prepared in Syra- cuse H. S.; Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Yox- an; C. E. Club. Rodman, R. R. Const., 1908- 9; Res. Engr., R. R. Const., 1909-10; Mfg. and Contr., 1910-16. Jr. Mem., A. S. C. E. Died Mr s, 1916, Syracuse, N. Y. 3591. JAMES MERTON WATTERS Student; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 188=;. Crescent City, 111.; s. John Henry (b. S 12, 1848. Liverpool, Eng.) and Martha Ellen (Parker; Watters (b. Ag 22, 1852, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Watseka II. S. Ionian. Prin., H S., Palestine, 111., 1908-12; do., Oblong 111. 1912-13; Supt., Sch., Palestine, III., 1913-17; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Wis., 1917 — . Married Clara Belle Hotchkiss, D 23, 1909, Palestine, III. Address, 405 N. Frances St., Madison, Wis. 3592. ROBERT WILLIAM WAUGH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 30, 1881, Belvidere, 111.; s. James R. (b. Jl 5, 1858, do.) and Katie Ellen (Murray) Waugh (b. O 4, i860). Pre- pared in S. Belvidere H. S. Attended 111. Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1905-6. Married Ruth Fran- ces Pollard, N 22, 1911, Chicago. Children: Robert William, b. F 14, 1913; Mercedes Lu- cille, b. Ja I, 1914; Lawrence Richard, b. Je 26, 1915; James Mathew, b. Ja 26, 1917. Ad- dress, Belvidere, III. 3593- GEORGE FRITZ WAY (Husband of No. 2419) Physician; A. B. in Sc; M. D., 191 1; b. D II, 1884, Proctor, 111.; s. Virgil Oilman (b. Mr 17, 1846, Rutland, Vt.) and Sarah Dorcas (Proctor) Way (b. Mr 12, 1848, do.). Prepar- ed in Gibson City H. S. Attended Knox Coll., 1904-5; Chem. Club; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Phi Gamma Delta; Mil. Scholarships; Capt., Univ. Regt. Ed., Plexus, 1910-11. Interne, Univ. Hosp.; Phys., Buffalo, 111., 1911-14; Phys., Ur- bana, 1914 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; Champaign Co. Med. Soc; Twin City Clinical Soc. Married Ida Myrtle Hill (05), Je 10, 1908, Champaign. Child, Joselyn Sarah, b. Ap 17, 1909. Address, 1318 S. (Or- chard, Urbana. 3594. DRURY LEE WEATHERHEAD Chief Chem.; B. S. in Chem. Engng.; M. S., Chem, 1909; b. D 10, 1887, Barstow, 111.; s. Drury Able (b. Jl 23, 1850, do.) and Adaline Amanda (DeWolf) Weatherhead (b. Ap 19, 1855, Burghill, O.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Ujjsilon; Prelim., Fin- al and Special Honors; Grad. scholarship. In Chem. Lab. U. P. R. R., 1909; with U. S. Food and Drug Insp. Lab., New York City, 1909-11; Mont. St. Food and Drug Lab., 1912; c!hief chem., Tenn. St. Food and Drug Dept., 1914- 17. First Lt., San. C. N. A., Food Div., Surgeon Gen. Office; Capt., do., Mr 1918 — . Auth.: (With S. W. Parr and B. Mears) The Chem. Examination of Asphaltic Ma- terial, Jour, of Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. I, N II, 1909. Address, c/o Food Division Sur- geon Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. 3595. WILLIAM BARNETT WEBBER, JR. (Brother of No. 1997) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja ii, 1884, Urbana; s. William B. (b. O 31, 1836, do.) and Sallie D. (Barnett) Webber (b. Je 8, 1844, Shelby villa, Ky.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Draftsman, Deering Plow Co., Cedar Rapids, la.; do., Deering Plow Co., Mo- line, 111. Address, 1841, 13th St., Moline, 111. 3596. EMIL AUGUST WEBER Superintendent; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 28, 1883, Menominee, Mich.; s. William (b. Mr 12, 1852, Ger.) and Emily Augusta (Kopnlin) Weber (b. N 5, i860, near Fall River, Wis.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Asst., City Engr., Green Bay, Wis., 1908-9; Drafts- man and Engr., .Greiling Bros. Co., Green Bay, Wis., 1909-11; Supt. do., 1911-18; Sec. Treas., do., 1918 — . Mem., Ger. M. E. Church; B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Esther Marie Krueger, O 16, 1915, Green Bay, Wis. Child, Ruth Winifred, b. My 25, 1917. Address, 604 W. Walnut St., Green Bay, Wis.; bus. add., 124 N. Adams St., do. igoS] Baccalaureate Alumni 329 3597. ROBERT LORENZO WEBSTER Entomologist: A. B. in Sc. ; b. O 4, 1885, Lafayette, Ind.; s. Francis Marion (b. Ag 8, 1849, Lebanon N. H.) and Maria Antoinette (Potter) Webster (b. My 12, 1849, Little Rock, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Asst. Ento- mol., la. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1908-14; Acting Ento- inol., do., 1914-17; chief in Entomol., do., 1917 — ; St. Entomol., la., 1917 — . Auth. : The Lesser Apple Leaf-roller, Bui. ioj. la. .-igr. E.yp. Sta., 1909; The Apple Leaf-Hopper, Bui. Ill, do., 19 10; The Wheat Head Army Worm, Bui. 132, do., 1911; The Pear Slug, Bui. 130, do., 1914; The Coddling Moth in Iowa, Bui. 147, do., 1914; Potato Insects, Bui. 155, do., 1915; Two Strawberry Slugs, Bui. 162, do., 1915; The Box Elder Aphid, Bui. 173, do., 191 7; also numerous circulars and articles in Entomol. Jours. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Fellow la. Acad. Sc; Mem., Am. Assn. Econ. Ento- mol.; Entomol. Soc. Am. Married Loretta Florence Williams, D 22, 1908, Ames, la. Ad- dress, 314 Russell Ave., Ames, la.; bus. add., la. St. Coll., do. 3598. NINA MARY WEINBERG (GREENWOOD) (Sister of Nos. 4485, 8052, 8871) A. B. in L. & A.; Teacher; b. F 3, 1887, Augusta, 111.; d. M. (b. Ja s, i860, do.) and Flora Jane (Bolton) Weinberg (b. Ap 29, 1862, Pa.). Prepared in Rushville, H. S. ; Univ. of Colo, summer sch., 1908; Univ. of Calif., summer sch., 191 1. Alpha Alpha; Alpha Delta Pi; Eng. Club; Scribbler's Club. Prin., H. S., Adrian, Minn., 1908; Teacher, H. S., S. Belvidere, 1909; do., Rushville H. S., 1909-11; do., Santa Cruz, Calif., 1911-12. Mem., Calif. Federation, Women's Clubs, 1912-17; N. Y. P'ederation, Women's Clubs, 191 7; Panhellenic Assn., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1917; Nat. officer. Alpha Delta Pi, 1915-18. Married Rev. Wil- frid Greenwood, Je 30, 1912, Santa Cruz, Calif. Child, Wilfrid Farrar, b. O 29, 1918. Address, 208 West N. Y. Post Road. St. Bar- tholomew's Rectory, White Plains, N. Y. 3599- LEVERETT CHASE WESTERVELT Cashier; LL. B. ; b. Mr 9, 1887, Shelbyville, 111.; s. John Chase (b. Je 7, i8=;^. Westerville, O.) and Mary Lorette (Webster) Westervelt (b. My 31, 1857, Shelbyville, 111.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu.; John Marshall Law Club. Cashier, Shelby Loan &• Trust Co., Shelbyville. Mar- ried Donald Davidson Faught, O 24, 1910, Altamont, 111. Children: Mary Louise, b. Mr 23. 1913; Josephine \'irginia, b. Ap 13, 1917. Address, Shelbyville, 111. 3600. EARL ARCHIBALD WHITE Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 17, 1883, Antioch, 111.; s. David M. and Margaret (Mc- Credie) White. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Gamma Alpha; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Foot- ball, 1906-7. Instr. Agron. and Farm Mech., Univ. of 111., 1908-11. Stud., Univ. of Wis., 1913-14; Instr. in Farm Mech., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1916; Asst. Prof., Farm Mech., Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Auth.: A study of the Plow Bottom and its action upon the furrow slice, Jour, of Agr. Research, Vol XII, 191 8. Married Helen Johnston, Ag 18, 191 7, Rochester, N. J. Ad- dress, 907 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 3601. HORACE CLINTON WHITE (Brother of No. 8060) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 28, 1885, White Heath, 111.; s. Vincent Isaac (b. Ap 20, 1853) and Amanda Elizabeth White (b. O 6, 1861, White Heath, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Claims Atty., 111. Traction Co., 1909 — . Mar- ried Nora Marie White, Je 8, 1915. Address, 125 E. Marietta St., Decatu', 111.; bus. add., 125 E. Wood St., do. 3602. LENA LEE WHITE (Sister of No. 1789) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 2, :868, Pana, 111.; d. James Dunwell (b. Ag 7, 1836, Duncanon, Pa.) and Nina Sophia (Dunwell) White (b. Mr 9, 1842, Solon, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mem., Presby. Church; O. E. S.; Woman's Club, Flemet, Calif.; Coll. Club, Monterey, Calif. Address, Charter Oak, Calif. 3603. WIEBE ALICE WHITE Librarian; A. B. in Lib. Sc; b. Forreston, 111.; d. William (b. S 21, 1855, Vinton, la.) and Sarah Catherine (Keck) White (B. O 16 1,855, Columbiana, O.). Prepared in Austin H S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1898; Cataloger, Whit man Coll., Walla Walla, Wash., 1908-9; do. Ryerson Lib., Art. Inst., Chicago, 1910-12; Asst Libn., Ryerson Lib., Art. Inst., Chicago. 1912 — . Address, 746 N. Central Ave., Austin Sta., Chicago. 3604. CLARENCE EDMUND WICKERSHAM State Agt.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 20, 1880, Roseville, 111.; s. Ellis I. (b. Hillsboro, O.) and Abbie L. (Pratt) Wickersham (b. Attle- boro, Mass.). Prepared in Roseville H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Eta Kappa Nu. Teacher and Supvr., Man. Tr., 1908-11; Traveling Salesman, Nat. Man. Tr. Corp., Plana, 111., 1911-13; la. St. Agt., Scott Foresman & Co., Chicago. Married Henrietta H. Congdon, D 21, 1912, Chicago. Child, Helen Gladys, b. N 16, 1914. Address, 1622 W. 8th St., Des Moines, la.. 3605. STANLEY EASTBURN WILKINSON Coal and Ice Dealer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A. ; b. My 22, :886, Sheldon, 111.; s. Robert W. (b. Sturgis, Mich.) and Emma J. (Eastburn) Wilkinson. Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Glee Club. Married Zella Brooks, Je 16, 1910, St. Anne, 111. Children: Dorothy Jean, b. Mr 10, 1914; Virginia Lois, b. D 17, 1915. Address, 553 S. Greenwood .Vve., Kankakee, 111. 3606. HOWARD WILLIAMS (Brother of Nos. 4497, 5501) Manager; b. Ja 27, 1885, Elgin, 111.; s. John Howard and Mary (Foss) Williams. Pre- pared in Elgin H. S. Phi Kappa Psi. With Omaha Bee; Cleveland Plain Dealer; Asst. Mgr., Am. Surety Co., N. Y., Cleveland office. Mem., Cleveland Ath. Club. Married Anne Hackman, O 31, 1914. Child, Robert Hackman, b. D II, 191 5. Address, 2090 Stevens Road, Cleveland; bus. add., 816 Garfield Bldg., do. 3607. FLORENCE WILLIAMSON (BEST) (Sister of Nos. 4026, 6012) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 6, 1886, Lodge, 111.; d. George E. (b. F 18, 1855, Dayton, O.) and Flora E. (Chandler) Williamson (b. Mr I, 1858, Weldon, 111.). Prepared in Jackson (Minn.) H. S. Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; Sec, Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H. S.. Marna, 111., 1908-9; do., Palacia, Tex., 1909- 14. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Harry William Best, O 31, 1914. Children: George Harry, b. O 18, 1915; Vera Maude, b. D 9, 1917. Address, Blessing, Tex. 3608. EDWIN LEONARD WILSON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1910; b. Mr 7, 1884; s. Leonard George (b. Ag 7, 1847, London, Eng.) and Ella Buffington (Mason) Wilson (b. O 2, 1851, Lockport, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Eng. Club. Traveling Salesman, 1910-11; Atty. at Law, 191 1 — . .iddress, 700 4th Ave., Joliet, Ill.t >v^^^ I'mvi-ksuv .^^og. I.Kl.lA SAKA Wll.SDN Y. \V. C. A. Scoretiuv; A. »!. in 1., ,«v A.; h. N JO. >SS(>, Mason C'iiv, 111.; il, I'liarles William (h. .la m. >Ss«, luocn Vrtlloy, 111.^ unJ Alary KUa (l*\(slO \Vil.>ion (l>, N J4, 1850. Havana, lll.V l'ic|>a(e>l in M.ison Tity II. S, Tencher, .Harris H. S,, IVtt'rsluu'K, 111",, iqoo- >4; Sec. V. \V, t\ A,. Ann Arlior. Mich,, J!)JS-«7; «'•'.. MnskoRon, Mich., igtr — . .lit iitwu, 10$ \V, Clay Ave,, Miiskefion, Mich. .UMo. Will AHKI.I K r.KRNlCK Wll SON CTOWKUS) 15. S.; 1.. O .-.i, 1.^.^4, rhioaco. 111.; ^\. lolui I. U>. .11 ."ti, iS,»o. Watcitown, IvJ, Y.I anil Kra\i- cina (Ailams) Wilson {.h. Ja 15. i8.(o. Teouni sch, Rlich.). rrcpnroil in Kookvik (,l!»>^ H, .">. lUiola; Y. P.. Wou\an"s l.cn.nne; I'lnn,. Ul. Sons l>ook roni. Toachor, Oom. Sc, Ijacoloil, l">ociilcntal Nc.svos, V. I., lyii. M.ir- vicil Civile \"olnov Powers, D j. hju, liaco- loil, iKviiUntal Ncsios, P, I. Children: Jane .ViUuus, b. N 1(1, \o»j; \"iola Ann, b. .-Xp -'t>, igjs. AdiirfSf, c/o Bur, Pub, Works, Manila, r. 1. 36H. Cl.Al'nK ETHKl.BKRT WINN Engineer; 15. S. in l\ K.; h. 1> 17. 18S4, lirooton. 111.; s. Marion I'irnian vl>. .11 -, iS.>;o. Kansas. Ul.\ and Allelic cPayue) Wtnn (h. O \i, i,^t>.t. SiH-ncer. Inil.'). Prepared in Paris H. S. Phi Kapi>« Psi; Theta Nn Kpsiloii; Yarsijy Track, >i)o,? 4. lnstr\»nicntuian. Hydro- Klec, (OoSo; Field^ Orat'tsnian, Internrban. )000-io; Irriijation Kn.nr.. loio-ii; Coal Min- ing, ii)u; U, P, R. K. Co., lotj-u; Kncuvltoii Const. Co.. 101."; C H. Sethnian Consnltins F.ugr. ; Asst. Kn.nr., char.ne Hydranlic Const.. io\J-i,?; Asst. F.nsr. Maintenance Railroad, IV R. 0. R, R,, 11)14 -; Knsr., West. Ihtion Telegraph Co., Chica.iro, .Assoc. Mem., A. 1. K. ft.; Mem,. M. K. Church, AJJt^ss, j.10 Eijuitable Hldij,, Denver, Colo. 36U. BKl'I-AII MILES WOOn (.Sister of No. 301. O Teacher; A. 15, in E. & A.; b. Ar >j, iSS,;, Petersbnr.si, N. Y.; d. Horace Alanson (h. |o 30, 184.-, Cuba, N. Y.) and li.'rle Ney (.Milesl Wood t.b. Mr 14. 1850, Petersbnr.i;, 111.1. Pre- pared in Petersbnr.u II. S. (leol. Clnb; Wat- cheka. Teachii\i* Eni;!., Pctersbnr.ij 11. S, Mem. Christian Church; Petersburg Players' Chib; Woman's Club, .-/(Ji/rvw. Petersburg, 111. Il 1 INOIS 111)09 .ici.i. c, iiAUi.iNt; ION woon ^ Kiolhei of No. .(lu .•) lawyer; Ul., 1!,; b, ,le -'. 1S84. lVieislinr«, 111.; s. Horace vManson tb. le ,{o, iS.iJ. Cnlia, X. V."l and l.iA.'ie Nev (.Miles') Wood (b. Mr i.l, \8.so. PcIcisImuk, Ill.K Prepared ii\ Peters- luMK H, S. IK-lta Ivipp.i lM>silon: I'hi Helta Phi; \"an 'rwiller l^ourt; Pliilomatliean; X'arsily Track. I awver, IVterslnirK. Ul., 1000; ., t>kla. I'ity. (.)kla,, 1010; ./.>,, Sprin.nfield, 111., i;)ii— . Mem,, (."hristian CItnrch; Sansanton 1 Inb; I5d, of Supvrs^, San,ijan\on l"o, ; Dir., N. M. I", .-v.; \'. P., Sangamon Co. I5ar .\ssn, M.irricd Marie Cireen, Ap .-o, 1018, Spring- liold. Ill, .Uidii-ss. JJO S. Grand Ave., West SprinRtield, 111.; bus, Oiid., aajjij S, 6th St., do. JCM4. MARY EMH.Y WOOHHRIlHiE Seed .\nalyst; .-V. 15. in Sc; b. K 16, 1870, Sarcoxie, Mo,; d. Williant .Austin (.b. II 8, 1851)1 and Maria l.ansini- tllulibard) \\'ood- hridne (.b. .Aii !o. i8.!;i, l.aliiani^e, IV). Pre- pared in Paris H. .S. S. M., I'niv. of Chicago, J'cacher, Mortoit ^^>. H. S.. Ul.. too8-io; Sub- stilnte teacbiiij!, (. liica.no. ioi-'-i,K Teacher, -Sc. Tp. H, S,. Hantilton. Mont.. iot.5-i4; Seed .\nalyst. Yaushan's Seed Store, Chica,«o, 1014-. Adiiri\w, $^64 Woodlawn Ave,. Chi- ea.uo. ,u.i5. HENRY HANNA ZllCSlNl^ ^Son of Xo. ."o-') Su\>crintendent ; Iv. S. in C, E,; b, Mr 31, 1880, Chicago; s, August ('7*'^> (b. F iQ. i8.s8. Peru, II1.1 and .Mice Olaunal /ie.sing (b. 11 j8, i8o.\ Wooster, O.t. Prepared in l.nke View and New Trier H. Sclis, ; .Vrnunir .\cad. Delta Tan Delta; Phoenix; Yoxan; Encns. Dept., C. & N. W.^ Ry,, Yalentiue, Neb.. 1008; Kn.i;ng. aiul Const. Dent.. Am. l»riilt;e Co., i>)Oi); A-sst. Msr.. Am. Plant, Am. UriuRe Co,, loii-i.s; M.ST., Force Dent,, Am. Bridge Co.. ioi.s-t(>; Supt,, Cottst., I. & ^O, l.untber Co.. Prookinns. Ore., lott^; i/i'., Coatsville Works, Midv.ile Steel & Ordnance Co., Coatsville. Pa., 101 r—. Ul. Nat. Cuard. Uat. C., tst F.^ A., 101,=;; ist It., Co. 6, Enurs. (.1. T. Sch.. Camp \. A. Huntphreys. Ya. : [flustered out. O 1918. Mem., Cniv. Cli\b of Chicago; West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Marybdle Peyton, .Te ?8. 1910, I-os .Vngeles.^ (."hiUlren: Henry II., ,lr., b. An J.', 1017; Charlotte .-\nne, b. Ag .-o. 1018, Address, jot Midland Ave., Wavne, Pa.; bus. add., c/o M. S. & O. lo.. Coatsville, Pa. CLASS OF 1000 (^416 LIVING. 13 DEAD) j6i6. HFNKV C. ACKKMANN A, B. in C, E.; b. Ap 0, i88.>, Cer, ; s. llenrv F. t.b. N II, 1S54. (fo.t and Minna ^Schllel Ackemau ^b. .Ta if. 18,^71. Prepared in EJ^in II, S. ; Beloit Coll. 1004-0. Alarried Ionise HoltJ, le ij, 1010. Child, Horothv, b. F >, 1018. Addr.s's. no Hill St.. Elgin. HI, 3617, .TAMES EDWARD ACKERT t, Husband of No. 54,5 j1 Profes.sor; A, B. in Sc; A. M.. ion; Ph. D., 101.^; b. Ag ,'51, 1870. Woosuug, 111.; s. Abraui tb. Mr 18, ^8,^^, Kingston, N, Y.'* am! Eva (NowelD Aekert (.b. H Jt>. i8«i3. Cherrv tield, Ale.1. Prepared in N*. 111. St. Norm, Sch. Ionian; Iris; Camnia .\lnha. Prin., .•Mgoiuuiin II. ,S,, 100,?-": Asst,. /.ool.. 1000-1 1 ; Asst. Prof,. Zool., Kan. St. Agr, Coll., 101,^10; Assoc. Prof., rfi>., loitv- . .-Vuth.: Some Observations l^pon a Family of White Footeil Mice. Xattir,- Study Refiext; \o\. 6, No. ,<;, 1010: On a Tactile Or- gan in the Cheek of the Mole, Scalops .-Vnuati- cus, .•iuati^viischrr At::,'i^i-r. Yol. 41. No. i.", loi.-; The Innervation of the Integument of Chiroptera. Jour. Mor('h.. Yol. js. 1014; Ex- periments on Cysticerci of Taenia Pisiformis Bloch and of Taenia Serialis Gervais. .lours t'orasit. \'ol. I. igi,';; On the Effect of Selec- tion in Parainecinm, Gi-iie-ficf, \'ol, i. ioi6; .\nother Cestode from the Young Cat. Tran.i. .-tm. Micr. Soc. \'ol. .j6. 1017; A Means of Traii.siuittiug the Fowl Neiu.itode, Hetera- kis Papillosa Bloch, Soit-nc<\ H, S., N'ol. 46 igi7. Mem., Ul. Acad, of Sc; Am. Micro- scopic Soc; I'VHow, .-V. .-V. A. Sc; .-Vm. .Soc Zool,; Sigma Xi. Married Florence Mae Tan- ner ("t^T, .-\g i.s, 1014, .'Vurora. 111. .-{i/./rt-.M. Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. .?oi8. LLOYD IIUBER ALMY (.l5rother of No. 45^1) Fish Pathologist; B. S. in Chem. V^ngng. ; h. D 14, i88.,, Mendota. 111.; s. William 11. tb. i8,=;i, Cooperstown, N. Y.l and Mary Louise .Mmy ;,b. 18.;;.^, Marcus Hook Pa."). Pre- oareil in Sterling Tp. H. S, At, S,. Geor§x> Washington I'uiv., 101, >;; Ph. D.. Columbia Ciiiv.. 1017. Scabbard and Ulade: Cym Team; t."apt.. I'uiv. Regt. Asst. Chem.. Mo. Pac. R. R. Co.. St. Louis, looo-ii: Chem., N'amlalia R. iQog] Baccalaureate Alumni 331 R. Co., Tcrre Haute, Ind., 191 1-12; Asst. Chem., Bur. Chem., Dept. Agr., Washington, D. C, 1912-14; Asst. Chem., Food Research Lai)., r.ur. Chem., Dept. Agr., Philadcli;hia, 1914-15; I'^ish Pathologist, Bur. Fisheries, Dept. Com- merce, Washington, D. C, 1916 — . Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Wash. Chem. Club; A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Presby. Church. Married Anna Van Duyn Hanson, Ag 28, 1913, Havana, 111. Child, Josephine Louise, b. Je 14, 1014- Ad- dress, Bur. of Fisheries, Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 3619. MAUDE LENA ALVERSON (Sister of Nos. 2554, 4047, 8919) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 17, 1886, Stonington, 111.; d. Elbridge Monroe (b. li^.si, Schuyler Co.. Mo.) and Amelia Caroline (VV'eis- er) Alverson (b. 1863, Beardstown, 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Illiola; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship. Teacher, Urbana, 1909 10; do., Biggsville, 111., 1910-13; do., Equality 111., 1913-14; do.. Oblong, III., 1914 — ;. Mem., Classical Assn. Address, 705 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 3620. ALBERT WILSON AMES City Elec. Insp.; B. S. in M. E. ; B. S. in E. E., 191 1 ; b. N 16, 1885, Palatka, Fla. ; s. J. G. and E. M. (Wilson; Ames. Prepared in Robert A. Waller H. S., Chicago. Eta Kaj)- )ia Nu; Univ. Band. Engr., Chicago R. R. Co.; Traveled with Innes Band; Motorcycle sales- man and theatre musician. City Elec. Insp., 1916 — . Address, 3416 Elaine Place, Chicago. 3621. FLORENCE ELIZABETH ANDERSON (Sister of Nos. 2877, 3622) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 0, 1888, Alexis, 111.; d. Perry (b. O 5, 1853, Nasun, Sweden) and Catherine Augusta (Burt) Anderson (b. O 6. 1862, Oneida, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. Athenean; Phi Delta Psi; H. Sc. Club. Address, 806 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 3622. HOWARD ERASER ANDERSON (Brother of Nos. 2877, 3621) Lumberman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 9. 1886, Alexis. 111.; s. Perry (b. O 5, 1853, Nasun, Sweden) and Catherine Augusta (Burt) An- derson (b. O 6, 1862, Oneida, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S.; Knox Coll., 1904. Scab- bard and Blade; Arch. Club; Crystal Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Mem., Hoo hoo Lumber Organization, 191 1 — . Married Blanche E. Franklin, F 5, 1912. Children: William Ho- ward, b. Mr IS, 1913; Catherine, b. Jl 20, 1916; Martha Belle, b. D 4, 1917. Address, Riverton, la. 3623. MARTIN JOEL ANDERSON Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 8, 1883, Moline, 111.; s. Charles Peter (b. O 2, 1840, Fothspar. West Gothland, Sweden) and Anna Stina (Larson) Anderson (b. Ap 6, 1846, Erby, do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Scand. Club, Pres., 1908-9. Designer, Riter Conley Steel Const. Co., Pittsburgh, 1909-10; Draftsman, Rock Island Arsenal, 1910 — . Mem., Engng. Soc. of West. Pa„ 191 1 — ; Ex. Com., Tri City Luther League, 1910. Married Edith E. John- ston, S 25, 1912, St. Paul. Child, Merrill James, b. Je 30, 1915. Address, 1820 i6th St., Moline, 111. 3624. ANGEL SEVERO ARGUELLES Chemist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 2, 1883, Bat- angas, Batangas, P. I.; s. Mariano (b. 1865. do.) and Rita A. Arguelles (b. 1867 do.). Pre- pared in Batangas H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chi- cago. Agr. Club; Cosmopolitan Club. Teach- er, 1909-10; Asst. Chem., Bur. of Sc, 1910-15; Chem., do., 1915 — . Auth.:The Soils of the Island of Luzon, Philippine Jour. Sc, Vol. IX, No. I, 1914; Galvanized Iron in the Philippines, do.. Vol. XI, No. 4, Sec. A, 1916; The Com- position and Moisture Content of the Soils in the Types of Vegetation and Different El- evations in Mt. Maquiluy, do., Vol. XII, No. 5, Sec. A, 1917. Mem., I'hilippine Columbian Assn., 19 10; Philippine Soc. of Tech. Agr., 1917; Aero Club of the Philippines, 1917. Ad- dress, 127 Cortada, Manila, P. I.; bus. add.. Bur. of Science, do. 3625. ROSS HARPER ARNOLD Elec. Draftsman; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 20, 1883, Leland, 111.; s. John W. and Anna Mary (Harper) Arnold. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Elec. Sub. Sta. Operator, 1909-10; Elec. Draftsman, 1910 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Clara Sprinkle, Jl 5. 1909, Gilman, 111. Address, 1602 Maumee Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; bus. add., M. P. Drafting Room, Pa. R. R. 3626. EDWARD HENRY ASHDOWN Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. D 8, 1886, Port Byron, 111.; s. Edward (b. 1861, Hillsdale, do.) and Ida (Flickinger) Ashdown ( b. O 12, i860. Port Byron, do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; C^apt., Univ. Regt. Drainage Engr., 1909-10; City Engr., 1910-11; Constr. Engr., 1911-12. Married Marguerite N. Nichols, S 30, 191 1, Chicago. Address, Chicago Heights, lll.t 3627. JOHN HENRY BAIRD (Brother of Nos. 2566, 5536) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 9, 1883, Lake Co., 111.; s. James Moffett (b. 1840, Glasgow, Scotland) and Anna Elizabeth (Alcock) Baird (b. Jl 8, i8s6. Wis.). Prepared in DeKalb Tp. H. S. Agr. Club; Choral Soc; Scholar- ship. Traveling Salesman, Internat. Harves- ter Co.; 111. St. Entomol. Dept.; Arcady farm at Lake Forest, 111.; Supt., Keewaydin Farms, Gates Mills, O., 1911-16; Owner, Westview i-"arm, Lake Co., 111., 1916 — . Married Edna Minard, Ap 28, 1915, DeKalb, 111. Address, R. I, Waukegan, 111. 3628. RUTH MARSH BAKER (LEONARD) (Daughter of No. 162; Sister of No. 2889) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 29, 1887, Savoy, 111.; d. Edward J. ('78), (b. Ap 25,1857, Mannsville, N. Y.) and Alice R. (Beebe) Baker (b. Ag 28, 1857, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Prelim. Honors. Teacher, Battle Creek, Mich., 1909-10; do., Santa Ana, Pasadena, Los Angeles, 1910-17; do., Edge- mont, Nev., 191 7—. Married Charles Henry Leonard, Jr., My i, 1910., Los Angeles. Chil- dren: Lucille Ray, b. D 11, 191 1; Helen, b. 1 912. Address, Edgemont, Elks Co., Nev. 3629. FRANK BOYD BALDWIN (Brother of No. 5015) Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 27, 1884, Ellisville, 111.; s. Boyd fb. My 6, 1854, N .Y.) and Josephine, (Kline) Baldwin (b. S 24, 1858, Ellisville, 111.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Clii Psi. Instrumentman, A. T. & S. F. Ry., 1909; Draftsman and Asst. Engr., Mo. Valley Bridge and Iron Co., 1910; Bridge Insp., 111. St. Highway Comn., 1910-11; Drafts- man, A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., 1912; do., G. C. & S. F. Ry., 1912-15; Transitman, do., 1915; Asst. Engr., do, 191517; do, A. T. & S. F. Ry _ ,917 — . Married Eui^hemia A. Burkhalter, Jl 19 19H, Galesburg, 111. Child, John Huff- man, ' b. Ag I, 1912. Address, 5851 Prairie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1033 Ry. Exchange Bldg., do. 332 University of Illinois [1909 3630. ROBERT COUSINS BARDWELL (Husband of No. 3463; Brother of Nos. 4060, 7362) Chemist; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja i, 1888, Tip- ton, la.; s. C. M. (b. Northampton, Mass.) and Anna L. (Woleben) Bardwell (b. Maren- go, 111.). Prepared in Aurora H. S. Psi Up- silon; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Shield and Tri- dent; Track Mandolin Club. Chem., Dixie Portland Cement Co., i9>o; Mo. Pac. R. R., 1910 — . Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Ry. Engng. Assn. ; Am. Waterworks Assn. Married Wend- la J. McCaskey ('08), My 26, 1912, Chicago. Children: Robert C, Jr., b. S 11, 1913; Richard Alfred, b. F 191 5. Address, 4234 Virgiiiia Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 627 Mid- land Bldg., do. 3631. ORIS BARTH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 7, 1886, Chrisman, 111.; s. Henry (b. Columbus, O.) and Arabella (Dalrymple) Barth (b. Pa.). Prepared in Chrisman H. S. Theta Kappa Nu. One-half scholarship Adjective Law, 1906-7; full schol- arship, do., 1907-8. Practice of law in Ark.; with H. T. Green, Atty., Urbana; Atty. Gen. Office, Springfield, 111. Married Mayme Barth, D 25, 191 1, Staunton, 111. Address, Springfield, Ill.t 3632. FREDERICK CHARLES BAUER (Husband of No. 5676; Brother of Nos. 4545, 6073) Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 7, 1886, Blue Mound, 111.; s. Charles R. (b. N 26, 1848, Nazareth, Pa.) and Alice K. (Wall) Bauer (b. Ag 19, 1854, Wadsworth, O.). Prepared in Blue Mound H. S.; James Millikin Acad. Supvr., Agr., Pub. Schs., Boise, Idaho, 1909- 11; Instr., Soil Fertility and Asst., E.xp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Assoc, do., 1914 — • Auth. : Bui. 193, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta.; Various Articles. Mem., Presby. Church; Pres., C. E. Soc; V. P., mini Club of Idaho. Married Louise Wallace Garrett ('13). Ag 13, 1913. Champaign. Children: Alice Elizabeth, b. Je 8. 1914; Frederick Charles, b. Ja 19, 1918. Ad- dress, 715 S. Prairie St., Champaign; bus. add.. Coll. Exp. Sta., Urbana. 3633. BAYARD MACKNET BEACH (Son of Nos. 257, 278) Sec. Loan & Savings Co.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 31, 1888, Huron, S. Dak.; s. Bayard Edwards ('81), (b. N 30, i860, Mahomet. 111.) and Metta Mary Irene (Macknet) Beach ('81). (b. N 25, 1859, Girard, 111.). Prepared in Huron H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Glee and Mandolin Club; Class Sec; Ed., Techno- graph. Elec. Solicitor, Quincy Gas, Elec & "Heating Co., Quincy, 111., 1909-10; Ins. Dept., Beach. Bryant & Dickinson, Huron, S. Dak.; Sec, Dak. Savings & Loan Co., do., 1910 — ; Sec, Beach & Dickinson Co., do., 1910 — . Mem., The Idlers, Huron; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Congr. Church. Married Elise Hassert Put- nam, D 6, 1916, Mt. Pleasant, la. Child, Mary Elise, b. D 12, 1917. Address, Huron, S. Dak. 3634. GEORGE DAVIS BEARDSLEY (Son of Nos. 204, 265; Brother of No. 2898) Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Ap 11, 1887, Kansas City, Mo.; s. Henry Mahan ('79), (b. O 20, 1858, Milford Tp., O.) and Marietta (Davis) Beardsley ('81), (b. My 11, 1858, Vienna, Ind.). Prepared in Man. H. S., Kansas City, Mo. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Ku Klux; Shield and Trident; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Chm., Inter- schol. Com. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Kansas City Ath. Club; City Club of Kansas City; Westminister Congr. Church. Married Ella Whitnel, Mr 26, 1912, East St. Louis, 111. Children: Melville Whitnel. b. O 10, 1913; Henry Lindorf, b. N 27, 1916. Address, loii West 39th St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 1107 Commerce Bldg., do. 3635. RALPH OSBORNE BECK Proprietor, Garage; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 2, 1885; s. F. F. (b. Wisbech, Eng.) and Kath- erine (Hughes) Beck (b. Elora, Ont.). Pre- pared in Sioux City H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Instrumentman, C. & N. W. R. R., 1909-10; Private practice, Skeele and Beck, 1910-11; West. Agt., The Elkhart Bridge & Iron Co., 1911-13; Proprietor, R. O. Beck Co., Bldg. Material, 1913-16; do., Beck Motor Co., Auto- mobile Garage, 1916 — . Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Bessie A. Rasmusson, Mr 20, 1913. Children: Ralph Osborne, Jr., b. F 18, 1914; Betty Mary, b. N 26, 1917. Address, 1418 Jackson St., Sioux City; bus. add., 1415 Jackson St., do. 3636. RODNEY LINTON BELL (Brother of No. 8137) Highway Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1915; b. O 29. 1884, West York, III.; s. Charles Lowell (b. D 22, i860, do.) and Dollie (Lindley) Bell (b. S 13, 1865, do.). Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Sigma Xi; Final Honors; Capt., Varsity Polo. With St. Highway Comn., Experimental Road Work, 1909-13; Acting Dist. Engr., do., 1913 — . Married Zilpah Richards, D 10, 1910, Charleston, 111. Address, West York, 111. 3637. *EVA MARION BENEFIEL B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl S, 1884, Mattoon, 111.; d. J. B. (b. Ap 22, 1847, Vincennes, Ind.) and Ellen Flora (Aldridge) Benefiel (b. Ag 2, 1849, Pine Blue, Ark.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S.; Baker (Ore.) H. S. Alethenai; W. A. A.; H. Sc. Club; Scholarship. Instr.. Dom. Sc, Har- risburg Tp. H. S., 111.; do., Redlands, 111.; Co. Adviser, H. Sc, Kankakee Co., 111. Mem., Home Econ. Assn.; A. C. A;. Presby. Church. Died, Jl 31, 1 916, Kankakee, 111. 3638. HARVEY CHILDS BENNETT (Brother of No. 6739) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. Engng.; b. F ii, 1886, Aurora, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. Earl- ville. 111.) and Viola A. (Childs) Bennett (b. Mendota. 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Chem. Club; Phi Lambda LTpsilon; Prelim, and Final Honors. Chem., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1910; Chem. Engr., Mark Mfg Co., Zanes- ville, O., 191 1 ; Chem., Union Pacific R. R., Omaha. 191 2; Chief Chem., Los Angeles Soap Co., Los Angeles. Married Lucy B. Spooner, Je 14, 1917, Council Bluffs, la. Address, 211 S. Burlington Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., Los Angeles Soap Co., do. 3639. DALEY GEORGE BEVIS Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i, 1886, New- ton, 111.; s. George Franklin (b. Columbus, Ind.) and Emma (Lutz) Bevis (b. Springfield, O.). Prepared in Newton H. S. Phoenix; Jr. Base-ball Mgr. ; Com. Stud. Union. Supt., Const. 111. Field, 1909; Masonry Insp., Wabash R. R., 1909; Asst. Supt., F. O. EngsromCo., Los Angeles, 1910-11; Engr. and Asst. Sales Mgr., Parrott & Co., San Francisco, 1911-12; Mgr., Edward R. Bacon Co., Los Angeles, 1912-15; D. G. Bevis & Co., 1915— . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Ethel M. Dubbs, F 19, 1913. Santa Monico, Calif. Child, Jennie M., b. Ag 8, 1915. Address, 3736 Dalton Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., 236 Marsh-Strong Bldg., do. 3640. WILLIAM HERBERT BEYRER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 18, 1885, Vera Cruz, Ind.; s. Charles C. (b. Ger.) and Priscilla M. (King) Beyrer (b. Johnstown, Pa.). Pre- pared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors; Pres., Arch. Club. Arch. Engr., Dayton, O., 1909-12; do., Hamilton, O., 1912-13; do., Duluth, Minn., 1913-17. ist Lt., 109th Engrs., Camp Cody, N. M., 1917 — • Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Duluth Boat Club; Duluth 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 333 Arch. Club; Cml. Club; A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Tysce E. Davison, Je 9, 1918, Deming, N. M. Address, 507 Lyceum BIdg., DuUith, Minn. 3641. MARY ANDREWS BICKEL (WHITE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 24, 1886, Geneseo, 111.; d. William August (b. My 17, 1855, Wein- garten, Ger.) and Emilie Annis (Anderson) Bickel (b. F 8, 1855, Geneseo, 111.). Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Phi Delta Psi; Athenean. Teacher, Union H. S., Phoenix, Ariz., 1909-13. Married Frank M. White, Je 18, 1913, Moline, 111. Child, Frank Marshall, Jr., b. Jl 17, 1916. Address, Madison, Wis. 3642. WALTER EMERSON BILLINGS Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 10, 1885, Geneseo, 111.; s. Henry Pomeroy and Emma Amelia (Classon) Billings. Prepared in Gene- seo H. S. Married Maebelle Irene Billings, S 27, 1909, Morgan Park, 111. Children: Paul Walter, b. Ag 31, 1911; Elizabeth Jane, b. Jl 27, 1913; Gilbert Ralph, b. Jl 25, 1915; Inez Irene, b. My 17, 191 7. Address, 942 Dufferin St., Toronto, Can.; bus. add., 409 Dominion Bank BIdg., do. 3643. KATHERINE MAY BLAKE (HARKINS) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 7. 1887, Watseka, 111.; d. Edmund J. (b. Je 11, 1848, Nantucket Island, Mass.) and Rebecca Mar- gart (Wise) Blake (b. O 20, 1857, Goodwine, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Alpha Xi Delta. Married Claude Howard Harkins, O 6, 1909, Watseka, 111. Address, 601 E. Lincoln Ave., Watseka, Ill.t 3644. ROSE BLAND Sch. Prin.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 14, 1876, Hopedale, 111.; d. Ambrose (b. 1834, O.) and Pernecia Jane (Miner) Bland (b. D 17, 1851, Windsor, Jo.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S., 111. St. Norm. Univ. Grad. work in Educ, LIniv. of Chicago, summers, 1912, 13, 14; Tea- chers Coll., Columbia, 1914-15; M. A., do., i9i5- Supt. of Tr. Sch., Dept. of Educ, Univ. of Ark., 1907-13; Prin., Teachers Tr. Sch., Youngstown, O., 1915 — . Auth. : Various arti- cles for the Ark. Sch. Jour. Supt. S. Sch.; Bi- ble class Teacher, Y. W. C. A. Address, 196 St. Louis Ave., Youngstown, O. 3645. ROBERT R. BOOKWALTER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 8, 1885, Danville, 111.; s. Ferdinand (b. Attica, Ind.) and Hannah M. (Meeke) Bookwalter (b. do.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1903-4- Kapna Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan. Address, 1012 N. Vermilion, Danville, Ill.t 3646. SIMEON E. BOOMER Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. O 14, 1874, Buncombe, 111.; s. George Bollman (b. Ag 3, 1836, Scottsburg, Ind.) and Martha Jane (Peterson) Boomer (b. Ag 25, 1841, Belknap, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Univ. Instr., Univ. Acad., 191 1; Head Dept. of Physics, So. 111. Norm Sch, 191 1 — . Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Married May Kaiser, Ag 15 1906, Tonica, 111. Address, Carbon- dale, 111. 3647. GAIL LESLIE BORTON Farmer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ja i, 1888, Deland, 111.; s. Joshua Lincoln (b. Jl 4, 1861, do.) and Marv Belle (Wilson) Borton (b. S 25, 1864, Atlanta", 111.). Prepared in Deland H. S.; Univ. Acad. Salesman, 1910; Farmer, Tower Hill, 111. Address, Tower Hill, Ill.t 3648. NAPOLEON HIRAM BOYNTON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 27, 1885, (Minneapolis; s. A. R. (b. D 2, 1865, Kings- ton, Wis.) and Anna Mary (Brown) Boynton (b. N 17, 1865, Dunington-on-Bayne, Lincoln- shire, Eng.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chi- cago. P2ta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Scholarship; Track Sqiiad. Engr., Nat. Lamp Assn., 1909; Publicity Dept., do., 1909; Publicity Mgr., do., 1912; Gen. Mgr., Buckeye Elec. Div., Nat. Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co., 1918 — . Auth.: Pamphlets and articles on Lamps and Illumi- nation. Mem., Nat. Elec. Light. Assn.; I. E. S. ; Cleveland Advertising Club; Cleveland Elec. League; Cleveland Ath. Club; Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Sons of Jove; Cleve- land mini Club, 1916. Married Winifred Car- oline Valer, S 25, 1909. Child, Marguerite Elizabeth, b. My 12, 1916. Address, 1954 Woodward Ave., Cleveland. 3649. BENJAMIN A. BRACKENBURY Asst. Engr.; B. S. in M. and S. E. ; b. Je 29, 1882, Waterloo, la.; s. W. A (b. Lincoln, Eng.) and Ellen (Oades) Brackenbury (b. Chicago). Prepared in Elgin Acad. Engr. in charge of sewers, Spokane, Wash., 1910-14; Asst. Engr., R. R. Const., St. of Ore., 1914-15; do., St. of Calif., 1915-17. Capt. Engrs., Re- serve Corp, 1917; A. E. F., France, 1918. Auth.: Several Articles in Engng. Record, Elec. World, etc. Address, San Francisco. 3650. JOHN JAY BRADLEY Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 19, 1885, Bay City, Mich.; s. Russell Morris and Eliza- beth A. (Conderman) Bradley. Prepared in Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Deha Upsilon; Fresh. Base-ball and Foot-ball; Var- sity Foot-ball, 1905-6-8; Freshman Cap Com. Salesman, Milwaukee, 1909-10; do., Philadel- phia, 1910-12; do., Stevens-Duryea Co., Al- bany, N. Y., 1912-17. Class 4, R- O. C, U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md.; apptd. Ensign to Fleet, S 19, 1918. Address, 327 N. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 3651. JESSIE DELIGHT BRAKENSIEK Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 25, 1880, Quincy, 111.; d. Henry (b. F i, 1849, do.) and Mary Ellen (Harvey) Brakensiek (b. S 22, 1853, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Eng. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Math., H. S., Quincy. Ad- dress, Quincy, 111. 3652. HOWARD DIXON BRALEY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 26, 1886,. Virden, 111.; s. George E. and Amy (Holli- day) Braley. Prepared in Virden H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Elec. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. Co., Pittsburgh, 1909-18; Westinghouse Lamp Co., Bloomfield, N. J., 191 8—. Married Pearl Helen Braley, Je 4, 1913, Wauseon, O. Child, William Walker, b. Ag 13, 1917- Address, 297 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, N. J.; bus. add., Westinghouse Lamp Co., Bloomheld, N. J. 3653. ROYDEN EARL BRAND (Brother of No. 3291) Garden Supvr.; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1912; b. N 18, 1882, Danville, 111.; s. W. F. (b. Ap 22, 1851, Meinberg, Ger.) and Fannie Harriet (Kitchener) Brand (b. Je 7, 1859, Montreal, Can.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Asst., Dairy Hush., tjniv. of 111., 1909; Instr., do., 1910; Assoc, do., and First Asst., Dairy Hush., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1911- 15; Garden Supvr., Danville, 111., 1915 — . Auth.: (with C. H. Yates) Clean Milk, Agr. Exp. Cir., No. 147; (with W. J. Eraser) Four Systems of Dairy Farming and the Profits on each, do.. No. 151; (with W. J. Fraser) Dairy Suggestions from European Conditions as seen in the British Isles, Holland and Denmark, do.. No. 140. Married Ethel R. Sharp, Ag. 1918. Address, 1218 N. Vermillion St., DanvUle, 111. 334 University of Illinois 1 1 909 3054. LVDIA INIARIE BRAUER Teacher: A. B. in L. & A. Prepared in San Jose, II. S. Eng. Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; Valedictorian, 1909. Teacher. Hist, and Ger.. Chilton (Wis.) H. S., 1909. Address, San Jose, Ill.t 365s. GLADYS BRECKENRIDGE (FINCH) (Daughter of II2; Wife of No. 3365) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 19, 188S, Beth- lehem, Pa. ; d. Lester Paige (b. Meriden, Conn.) and May (Brown) Breckenridge. Pre- pared, Moravian Seni., Bethlehem, Pa. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Married Earl De- ^'e^e Finch ('oS). D 2S, 1910, New Haven, (ionn. Child, Richard Breckenridge, b. N 8, 1914. Address, Redlands, Calif. 3656. MABEL BREDEHOFT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. la 20, :88s, Danville, 111.; d. George W. (b. Danbury, O.) and Julia (Eichlenian) Bredehpft (b. Berlin, Ger.)". Prepared in Danville II. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Ger. Club. Teacher, Danville, 111., 1910; do., Moline, 111., 1912. Received Am. Red Cross Service uadge for 800 hours service. Ad- dress, 309 Walnut St., Danville, Ill.t 3657. CHARLES EMERY BRESSLER, JR. Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 26, 1882, South Bend, lud. ; s. Charles, Sr. (b. .\g 20, 1850, Perry Co., Pa.) and Viola t\\ilson) Bressler (b. O 26, 1855, Kosciusko Co., Ind.). Prepared in South Bend H. S. Supt., J. F. Hill Paving Contr. Address, 732 Bronson St., South Bend, Ind.t 3658. VERNA BROOKS Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 18, 1S85. Macon, 111.; d. William Henry (h. S 1846. Madison, Ind.') and Viola (Frazee) Brooks (b. Mr 1850, Macon, 111.). Prepared in Macon H. S.; Univ. .\cad. ; Miliikin Univ.; Harvard Summer School, 1908-00. Phi Delta Psi; W. A. A. Asst., Phys. Educ. for Women, Univ. of 111., 1900-12; Instr., do., 1912 — . Mem,, Am. Phys. Educ. .Assn.; Central 111. Phys. Tr. Teachers' .\ssn.; M. E. Church. Address, 1104 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add.. Woman's Gymnasium, Univ. of 111., do. 3659. AVERY BRUND.-^GE Contr. and Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 28, 1887, Detroit; s. Charles (b. Campbelltown, N. Y.) and Minnie (Lloyd) Bruudage (h. ButTalo, N. v.). Prepared' in Chicago Eng., and .Man. Tr. 11. Schs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phoeni.x; Varsity Track and Basketball: Class football; Scribblers; Ed.- in-chief, Scribblers Mag.; Mgr., Track. Supt. (Tonst., Holabird & Roche, Archs., 1000-12; Supt. Const., John Gritfiths & Son Co.. Contrs^, 1912-is; ContV. Engr., 1016 — . Mem., .V. F. A. M.'; M. W. S. E.; Sec. Intercoll. Coiif. Ath. Assn. 1915 — ; Chicago Ath. Assn. Ad- dress, no S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 3660. LEONARD BUCK Cashier; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. .\p i.?, 1884, Ipava, 111.; s. George Wesley (b. S 16, 1859, Vermont, 111.) and Mary Belle (Frazier) Buck (b. Tl i6, i860, Jc"). Prepared in Ver- mont H. S. Sec. Cml. Club. With Cml. Nat. Bank, Chicago, 1909; Asst. Cashier, X. W. Halsey and Co., 1909-16; Cashier, Halsey Stu- art &' Co., Chicago, 1916-17; do., New York City, 1 91 7 — . Married Marie Pierce, Ap 28, 1 91 7, Chicago, .-iddrcss. Forest Hills, X. Y. ; bus. add., Halsey Stuart & Co., 49 Wall St., New York City. 3O61. RUTH IRENE BUFFUM (MAUCKER) A. B. in L, & A.; b. Jl 12. 1886; d. Almon A. (b. Ag 26, 1849, Knox Co., 111.) and Amanda (Weaver) Buffum (b. N 18, 1851, Dark Co., O.). Prepared in Rock Island 11. S. ; Lhiiv. of Calif. Aljjha Chi Omega: Pres., -Melhenai; I'hi Beta Kappa; Scribblers; Eng. Club; Final Honors; Class Prophet. Teacher, Eng., Lex- ington H. S., 111., 1909-11; Univ. of Chicago Coll. of Educ, summer of 191 o. Married James William Maucker, O 2, 1911, Macomb, 111. Children: James William, Jr., b. S 16, 1912; Robert Buft'uni, b. Mr 19, 191 5. Address, 1 33 1 42nd Ave., Rock Island, 111. 3662. CLARK WESLEY BULLARD (Son of No. 166; Brother of Nos. 2339, 2599) Assistant: B. S. in Arch.; b. O 21, 1885, Springheld, HI.; s. Samuel Alexander C?^"), (b. Mr 25, iS!;3, Mechanicsburg, 111.) and Elsie (Elliott) Billiard (b. S 26. 1855, Tonica, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Springfield, 111., 1909-15; do.. Champaign, 1915; Arch. Oesigner, office of Supervising /Vrch., Lhiiv. of 111., 1915-18; .\sst.. Farm Mechanics, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Mem., L^ S. Pub. Service Reserve. 1917 — ; Mem., L^niv. of 111. Club; Gamma Club, Springfield, 111.; lUini Club, Chicago. Married Nina Summers, Mv 3, 1916, Spring- field, 111. Child, Clark Wesley, Jr., b. Je 25, 1917. Address, 504 Chalmers St., Champaign; bus. add., 256 Administration Bldg., Urbana. 3663. AGNES IRENE BULLOCK (Sister of Nos. 1313, --yio. 3664, S^^s) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1880, Eureka, III.; d. Wingfield Minor (b. O 24, i8?6. Versailles, 111.) and Marv Marsalenia (McCullough') Bullock (b. Ag 26, 1850, Jef- ferson Co., W. \'a.). Prepared in 111. St. Xorm. Univ.; L'niv. of Chicago, 1908. Teacher, Saybrook 11. S., 111., 1909-10. Address, 634 S. '2nd St.. Missoula, Mont. 3664. EDITH R.\Y BULLOCK (CARPER) (Sister of Nos. 1313, 2919, 3663, 3665; Wife of No. 3677) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 6, 1889, Eureka, 111.; d. Wingfield Minor (b. O 24, 1836, Versailles, 111.) and Mary Marsalenia (McCullough) Bullock (b. Ag 26, 1850, Jefferson Co., \V. Va.). Prepared in El Paso H. S. Sec, Soph. (Tlass; Soph. Class Hist. Teacher, H. S., Say- brook, 111., 1909-10; do., 1910-12; do.. Buckley, Wash., 1912-13: do., Kent, Wash., 1913-14; do., Cairo, 111., 1914-15. Married lohn Fisher Car- per ('09), O 24, 191 s. Child, f"lorence Bullock, b. Mr 2. 1918. Address, Buda, 111. 3665. LELA MAY BULLOCK (Sister of Nos. 1313, 2919, 3663, 3664) Emergency Home Demonstrator; .\, B. in L. & .\.; b. Mv 26, 1885. Eureka, 111.; d. Wing- field Minor (b. O 24, 1836, N'ersailles, 111.) and Marv Marsalenia (McCullough) Bullock (b. Ag 26. 1850, Jefferson Co., W. Va.). Prepared in Jefferson Park IT. S., El Paso, 111.: 111. St. Norm. LTniv. ; Stout Inst.; Chicago, Univ. B. S.. Kan. St. Norm. Tr. Sch., 1914- Teacher, Tacoma, Wash., 1909-10; Wenatchee, Wash., 1910-12: Freeport, 111. H. S., 1912-13: Flathead Co. H. S., Kalispell, Mont., 191 5-1 7; Emergency Home Demonstration Agt., V. S. Dept. .\gr. and Univ. of Idaho. Ext. Div., Co-operating under Food Prod. .Act, Ag 10, 191"- Address. Pocatello, Idaho. 3666. IRMA MARIE BUMGARNER (Sister of No. 8180) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1886, McNabb, 111.; d. Oscar (b. F 24, Washington Co., Pa.) and Mary Louisa (Mills) Bumgarner 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 335 (b. Ja T4, 1851, McNabb, 111.). Prepared in Center Sch., Putnam Co., 111.; James Millikin L'niv., 1904-7. Teacher, Stockland, Tp. H. S., 111. Civilian service, Signal Corps., Washing- ton, D. C. Address, McNabb. 111. 3667. GEORGE FRANCIS 13URCII Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 20, 1885, Taylorville, III.; s. G. F. and Susie L. Hurch. Thela Nu Epsilon; Sigma Xi. Bridge Engr., 111. Highway Comn. Address, 1124 S. Walnut St., Springfield, Ill.t , '', '' 3668. WILLIAM HARRISON LURCH Motor Dealer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 24, 1881, Morrison, 111.; s. Thomas J. and Rebecca (Stin- ton) liurch. Prepared in Morrison II. S. Phi Delta Theta. With Nordherg Mfg. Co., Mil- waukee, iqof)-i^o; Midland Motor Co., Moline, 111., 1010-11; Grain and Coal Dealer, 1911-16; Dodge Bros., Detroit, igi6-iS; Elgin Motor Car Corp., Argo, 111., 191S — . Mem., III. Nat. Guard, l899-jgo4. Married Zoda Mae Viner, My 25, 1912, Morrison, 111. Address, Argo, III. 3669. FRANK M. BURGESS (Brother of No. 3302) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 16, 1887, Tonjca, 111.; s. Lucian Ashley (b. Ja 20, 1852, do.) and Iila Arvilla (Mudge) Burgess (b. F 3, 1855, Cedar Point). Prepared in Tonica H. S. Agr. Club; Sigma Pi. Address, Douglass, Butler ^o., Kan. 3670. PAUL BURKE Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 4, 1887, Duhuh, Minn.; s. William Ilenry (b. Ja 16, i8:;7, Racine, Wis.) and Flora (Coulter) Burke (b. F 25. 1859, Woodstock, Pa.). Prepared in Evan.ston Tp. II. S. Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Engr., AUis-Clalmers Co., Milwau- kee; do., Bromsee Storage Co., Detroit, 1914; do.. I'alm Vacuum Cleaner Co., do., 191 5. Ad- dress, c/o Palm Vacuum Cleaner Co., Detroit. 3671. JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH BURNS (GLASGOW) (Wife of No. 3379; Sister of Nos. 2922, 4579) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M. 1911; b. Jl 22, 18S7, Greenville, III.; d. James Clinton (b. S 13. 1850, Harveys, Pa.) and Ida Jane (Garey) Burns (b. Ja 18, 1856, Xenia, O.). Pre- pared in Monmouth and Macomb H. Schs.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1904-6. lUiola; K;ii)))a Delta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors; Scholarship, Math., 1910-11. Fellowship Math., L'niv. of Wis., 1911-12; do., Univ. of 111., 1912- 13. Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Aut!;.: Founda- tion Period in the Hist, of Group Theory, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. XX; The Abstract Defini- tions of tl-.e Substitution Groups of Degree 8, Am. Jour, of Math. Vol. XXXVII; Daniel P. Cook, Jour. III. St. Historical Soc. Vol. VI. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; A. A. A. S. Married Robert Douglas Glasgow ('08), Je 15. 1916, Macomb, 111. Address, 924 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 3672. COMFORT STRAIGHT BUTLER (Son of No. 206; Brother of No. 6133) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 1, 1887, Cairo, III.; s. William Nichols ('79), (b. Ag 16, 1856. Berlin, Wis.) and Mary (Mattoon) But- ler (b. Je 10, 1858, Arkright. N. Y.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Aljjha Tau Omega; Phi Delta Phi; Egyptian Club; iqcq Illio Ed.; 1908 Illini Ed. LL. 13., George Washington Univ., Coll. of Law, 1912. iDept. of Interior Bur. of Indian Affairs, iqio-11; Law Clerk, Washington, D. C, 1911-12; Patent and Trademark Law. St. Louis, 1912-17; Lawyer, New York City, 1918 — . O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 4Sth U. S. InL, D 1917-18; Capt., France, 191S; Mustered out. p 12, 1918. Mem., Univ. Club, Washington, D. C; Univ. Club, St. Louis; City Club, do.: St. Louis Amateur Ath. Club. Address 2036 Walnut St., Cairo, Hi.; bus. add., 4705 Wool- worth Bldg., New York City. 367 ^ WILLIAM ARTHUR BUTLER Engineer; B. S. in Rv. E. E.; b. O 2, 1886, Kenosha, Wis.; s. Henry George (b. Jl 17, 1859, Liverpool, Eng.) and J. (Ilatton) Butler (b. Ta 21, 1867, Stoorbridge, Eng.). Prepared in Da'n- vdle H. S. Class Basket Ball. Football. Mccli. and Elec. Test Man., 1909; Superior Burnt Bal- last Co., Wellington, Kan.; Foreman, EIcc. Test. Dept., do., igioj.Time Keeper, do., 1910; -Vsst. Sujit.. do., 191 1 ; Supt., do., 1912; Sec- Treas. Southwest Ballast Co., Hillsboro, Tex., '913— ■ ]\larried Beth Swartlout, O 1910, Fairchild, Wis. Children: Etta Jane, b. F 26, 1915; William Brown, b. Ag 5, 1916. Address, 300 Craig St., , Hillsboro, lex. 3674- RICHARD McPHERREN CABEEN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 11, 1887, Seaton, 111.; s. Joshua (b. My 19, 1855, Aledo, 111.) and llattie S. (McPherren) Cabe'en (b. O I, 1859. Sunbeam, III.). Prepared in Seaton H. S.; Hedding Coll., 1903-5. Arch. Club; Pen & Brush Club; Gregory Guild; Phi Kappa Sigma; Final Honors; Jr. Prom. Com. Architect, Hola- bird & Roche, 1909-17. Equipment Div., Signal Corps, 1917 — . Mem., Am. Philatelic Soc; Chicago Philatelic Soc. Married Blema E. Meagher. O 28, 1910, Chicago. Address, 1433 1-. 67th' Place, Chicago. 3675. ALLAN BERRY CAMPBELL Professor; B. S. in E. E. ; b. tj 20, 1884, I.ynnville, 111.; s. Clinton Samuel (b. Ja 22, 1839, Winchester, 111.) and Mary Ann (Eyre) C.-.mpbpll (b. N 4, 1840, Yorkshire, Eng.). Pre- 1,'ared in La Harpe H. S. ; Univ. Acad. E. E. .Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Class Football; Class Base- ball. Apprenticeship course for Allis-Chalmers Co., Norwood, O., 1909-10; Irrigation Work, Ft. Stockton, Tex., 1910-12; Telephone Work, do., Chicago and Macomb, II!., 1912-15; Instr., Engng. Ext. Dept., la. St. Coll., iqi^-'S; Assoc. Prof., 1918 — . Married Mary Alma Butler, O 15, 1909, La Harpe, 111. Children: Allan Bouham. b. N 26, 19x3; Kenneth Butler, b. Jl II, 1916. Address, 1118 Kellog Ave., Ames, la. 3676. CARL BERNHARDT CARLSON Superintendent; B. S. in A. E. ; b. D 26, 1886, Moline, 111.; s. Charles G. and Anna L. Carlson. Prepared in Moline H. S. Aztec; Glee and Mandolin Club. Address, Moline, 111. 3677. JOHN FISHER cARPER (LIusband of No. 3664) Proprietor Auto. Co.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 17, 1886, Buda, 111.; s. Fredrick (b. 1842, Pa.) and Mary (Fisher) Carper (b. 1848, Broad Top, Pa.). Prepared in Buda H. S.; Univ. Acad. Eta Kappa Nu; V. P. Class, 1908; Class Baseball. Elec. Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1909- 11; 111. Concrete Const., 191 1-14; Proprietor, lUida Auto. Co., Buda, 111., 1914 — . Married Edith Ray Bullock ('09). O 24, 1915. Child, Florence Bullock, b. Mr 2, 1918. Address, Buda; -HI. 3678. CHARLES GASHEM CARRELL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 2, 1884, Greenup, III.; s. Ennis Bedford (Tarrell (b. Martinsville, Ind.) .•md Margaret Ann (Williams) Carrell (b. do.). Prepared in Greenup H. S. Address, Lemmon, S. Dak.t 3679. EARLE CHESTER GARY With Surety Co.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. My 3. 1886, Rantoul, 111.; s. Peter V. (b. 1846, Catskill, N. Y.) and Henrietta (Ilalstead) Gary (b. 1852, do.). Prepared .in Rantoul H. 336 University of Illinois [1909 S. Cml. Club. Asst. Cashier, Armour Grain Co., Chicago, 1909-14; Am. Surety Co. of N. Y., 1914 — . Meni., mini Club, Chicago. Ad- dress, 3614 Michigan Blvd., Chicago. 3680. HERVEY RICHARD CAWOOD Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 23, 1886, Palestine, III.; s. James M. and Adda (Richey) Cawood. Prepared in Palestine H. S.; Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll. Scabbard and Blade; 1st Lt., Maj., Univ. Regt. Address, Palestine, Ill.t 3681. EMILY ELLIS CHICHESTER Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. F 12, 1887, Brim- field, 111.; d. Harry Elsvirorth (b. Mr 27, 1864, Brimfield, do.) and Clemmie Maria (Tucker) Chichester (b. F i, 1866, Brimfield, do.). Pre- pared in Brimfield H. S. Address, Blooming- ton, 111. 3682. CARL CHRISTOPHER Professor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S. in 191 1; b. Ja 20, 1886, Auburn, 111.; s. Joseph and Mar- garet Elizabeth (Utt) Christopher. Prepared in Auburn H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ. Asst., An. Husb.; Prof., An. Husb., Univ. of Ark., 1911 — . Married Leah Baune, Ag 3, 1912, Fayetteville, Ark. Address, Auburn, 111.; bus. add., Fayetteville, Ark. 3683. FAITH ANGELINE CLARK (Sister of Nos. 1842, 2614, 5074, 6157) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 17, 1884, Carthage, 111.; d. Lot Bozarth (b. N 25, 1848, Buchan- nan, W. Va.) and Matilda Jane (Jackson) Clark (b. Ja 16, 1856, Warsaw, 111.). Prepared in Carthage H. S.; Carthage Coll. Address, 108 W. Clay Ave., Muskegon, Mich. 3684. *FRANCES EMMA CLARK A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 2, 1888, Milwaukee. Prepared in DeKalb Norm. Sch. ; Univ. Acad. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Elgin, 111. Died O 31. 1909. Elgin, 111. 3685. CARRIE LOUISE CLARKE (BLOOD) (Sister of No. 1646) A. B. in Sc; b. S 24, 1886, Momence, 111.; d. Joseph Lorenzo (b. My 6, 1832, Naples, N. Y.) and Mary Louise (Wooster) Clark (b. Mo- mence, 111.). Prepared in Momence H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Class Basketball; W. A. A.; Varsity Basketball. Married Lyle Albert Blood, Je 30, 1909, Momence, 111. Child, daughte^r, b. Ag 22, 1917. Address, P. O. Box, 154, Sheridan, Wyo. 3686. AMOS TOWNSEND CLAYCOMB Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 29, 1886, Coldbrook, 111.; s. Frank Erwin (b. My 6, 1857, Monmouth, 111.) and Anna (Townsend) Clay- comb (b. F 9, 1865, Malta, 111.). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Wildorado, Tex., 1909-12; Farmer, Marengo, 111., 191-^-14; do., Wayne, Neb., 19 16 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Chap. Council Commandery and Shrine. Married Ruth Bressler, Je 15, 1912. Children: John Bressler, b. 191 3; Frank Edwin, b. 191 5'. George Edward, b. 191 6. Address, Wayne, Neb. 3687. JOHN SIMEON CLEAVINGER Associate; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1910; b. D 3, 1880, Springfield, 111.; s. Robert T. (b. S 26, 1850, Logan Co., Ky.) and Emma A. (Bearce) Cleavinger (b. O 6, 1852, Decatur, O.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; Glee Club, Dir., 1907-10. Libn., Jackson, Mich., Pub. Lib., 1910-18; Assoc. Univ. of 111., 1919 — • Camp Libn., U. S. Camp Custer, Mich., 1917-19- Married Cora Whittingham Todd, F 15, 1919- Address, 315 Washington Blvd., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111. Library, do. 3688. *PAUL McKINNEY CLENDENEN (Brother of No. 2357) Stock Clerk; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Mr 9, 1887, Cairo, 111.; s. Taylor Clinton (b. F 13. 185s, Kingston, O.) and Mary Rebecca (McKinney) Clendenen (b. Ag 21, 1858, Cen- tralia. 111.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Chi Beta; Egyptian Club; Choral Soc. Bank Clerk, Alexander Co. Nat. Bank, 1909-10; Spe- cial Agt., Census of Mfg., Mines and Quar- ries, 1910; Stock Clerk, Branch House Acctg. Dept., Armour & Co., 1910 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 1908-11. Mem., Alexander Club, Cairo, 111. Entered U. S. A., 1917; Second Lt., 17th Inf. A. E. F., France, 1918; Citation and Croix de Guerre. Killed in Action, S 12, 1918. 3689. RAYMOND GROVER CLINITE Topographic Aid; A. B. in Sc; b. O 6, 1883, Cherry Valley, 111.; s. Charles Wesley (b. 1854, do.) and Lillie Bell (Taylor) Clinite (b. Irene, III.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt. Prin., H. S., Cherry Valley, 111., 1909-10; Topo- graphic Aid, U. S. Geol. Sur., 1910-12. Mar- ried Lois Agnes Davidson, F 28, 1909, Monti- cello, 111. Address, Cherry Valley, 111. 3690. GRACE MIRANDA CLOW Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 24. 1882, Wheatland, 111.; d. Adam Seaton (b. F 19, 1858, do.) and Caroline Esther (Parker) Clow (b. D 23, 1856, Charleston, Mass.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma; Alethenai; Eng. Club; Prelim. Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Plainfield, 111., 1911-12; do.. Woodstock, 1913-14; do., Joliet Tp. H. S., 111., 1914-18. Address, Plainfield, 111. 3691. FRANCIS ALBERT COFFIN Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 15, 1879. Salem, 111.; s. Albert (b. N 24, 1851, Rich- mond, Ind.) and Florence Viola (Stevens) Coffin (b. F 12, 1856, Brownsville, do.). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst.; Central Y. M. C. A. Evening Sch., Chicago. Adelphic; Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Asst. Sales Mgr., Milwaukee Elec Ry. & Light Co. Mem., A. I. E. E., 1916; Milwaukee Ath. Club, 1917. Address, 623 Maryland Ave., Milwaukee. 3692. MYRTLE ROSE COKER (COMBE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 1889, Harrisburg, 111.; d. John Wilson (b. My 22, 1859, Mc- Leansboro, 111.) and Addie (Rose) Coker (b. F 8, 1864, Elizabethtown, 111.). Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma. Teacher, H. S., Robinson, 111., 1909-10; do., H. S., Equality, 111., 1910-12; do., So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1913-16. Married Charles Emil Combe, O i, 1916. Address, 200 E. Walnut St., Harrisburg, 111. 3693. RAY ARTHUR COLLINS Surveyor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag i, 1888, Plainville, Kan.; s. James Alexander (b. Jl 26, i860) and Anna Julia (Koupal) Collins (b. Te 10, 1862, Prague, Bohemia). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Triangle; C. E. Club; Sigma Xi. Asst. Surv. and Chief of Party, Bur. of Lands, P. I., 1910-11; Supt., E. & W. McShafifrey Co., Akron, O., 1917- Mem., Philippine C. E. Soc. Married Anna R. Royer, N 19, 1915. Child, Ray Royer, b. F 6, 1918. Address, i Doyle Court, Akron, O. 3694. FRANK SAMUEL COOK Supt. of Highways; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 22, 1886, Mackinaw, 111.; s. David Millard and Lucy Luella (Judy) Cook. Prepared in Mack- inaw H. S. Instr., Math., Mech. drawing and Man. Tr., Roseville, 111., 1909-10; Struct. Draftsman, Chicago, 1910-11; Contr., Mack- inaw, 111., 1911-16; Co. Supt. of Highways, 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 337 do._ 1914 — . Married BeuUa Madeline Cook. Mr 2. 1907, Moline, 111. Children: Anna Luella, b. S 20, igog; Marjorie Louise, b. N 13, 1912; Frank Samuel, Jr., b. Ja 29, 1918. Address, Mackinaw, 111. 3695- CLOYD EDWARD CORRINGTON Garage Mgr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 7, 1889, Moweaqua, 111.; s. William Fletcher (b. N 15, 1867, Nilvvood, 111.) and Edna V. (Greaves) Corrington (b. N 21, 1859, Moweaqua, 111.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S. Apprentice, Westinghouse Mfg. Co., 1910; Testing Dept., do., 191 1 ; Supt. Sub. Stas., Central Ga. Power Co., Macon, Ga., 1911-13; Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., San Francisco, 1913-15; Corrington & Son, garage, Clinton, III., 191 5 — . Married Regina Crowe, Mr 21, 1917. Address, 208 E. Main St., Clinton, 111.; bus. add., 206 E. Main St., do. 3696. GEORGE DELWIN CORWINE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 6, 1884, Eden, S. Dak.; s. Jacob Regan (b. S 1857, Lincoln, 111.) and Eva Alice (Perry) Corwine (b. S i860, Armington, 111.). Prepared in Delavan H. S. C. E. Soc. Rodman, C. E. & P. S. R. R., N. Dak., 1909; with N. P. R. R., Minneapolis, 191 1; Portland, Ore., United R. R. Inst., Const, work, 191 1; Resi- dent Engr., Blind Slough, Ore., 1911; Inst, for G. N. Ry., Gold Bar, Wash., 191214; Insp., G. N. Ry., Seattle, 1914-15; Insp. and party chief, U. S. Reclamation Service, Meadow Creek, Wash, and Sunnyside, Wash., 1915-17; Jr. Civ. Engr., Interst. Commerce Comn., Div. of Valuation as Instrumentman, Computer and Recorder on I. C. C. party, N 12, 1917; Com- puter and Draftsman, O. S. L. Ry., Salt Lake City, Ut., 191 7; Office of Pub. Rds., Denver, 191 7; First Asst. on Location Party, 191 7; Chief of Party on Const., 1918 — . Three yrs., 5th Regt., Co. K., 111. Nat. Guard. Address, 2458 High St., Denver. 3697. OLLISON CRAIG Professor; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 21, 1888, Sullivan, 111.; s. F. M. (b. D 25, 1850, Louis- ville, Ky.) and Effie (Hampton) Craig (b. Bethany, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Instr., M. E., Univ. of Colo., 1909-11: Asst. Engr., Forest Products. U. S. Forest Service, 1911; Acting Prof, of Mech. Engr., Vanderbilt Univ., 1912-13; Instr., Univ. of Tex., 1913-14; Combustion Engr;, Laclede Christy Clay Prod- ucts Co., St. Louis, 1914-15; Asst. Prof., Mech. Engng., la. St. Coll., Ames, la., 1915—. Mar- ried Bertha Shelton, Ag 26, 1909. Decatur. Child, Francis Albert, b. .^g 2, 1911. Address, c/o la. St. Coll., Ames, la. 3698. HAROLD E. CRISTY Engineer; :M. E.; b. O 22, 1883, McHenry, 111.; s. William Abbott (b. Je 6, 1858, North Hyde Park, Vt.) and Nina Gordon (Walker) Cristy (b. Je 16, 1861, Ringwood, 111.). Pre- pared in McHenry H. S. M. E. Soc; Univ. of 111. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Test Engr. and Draftsman, C. & A. Mining Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 1909-11; Mill man, Federated Mines & Milling Co., Joplin, Mo., 191 1 — . Address, 2506 Pennsylvania Ave., Joplin, Mo. 3699. BARBARA CROW (DENISON) A. B. in L. lS: A.; b. D 31, 1886, Salisbury. 111.; d. James G. (b. Cotton Hill, 111.) and Susan (Harrison) Crow (b. Salisl)ury, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; W. A. A.; Girls' Varsity Basketball. Teach- er, Lawrenceville, 111. Married Raymond R. Denison, Je 30, 191 1, Springfield, 111. Ad- dress, Lawrenceville, 111. 3700. FRED DWIGHT DANFORD Draftsman and Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 19, 1882; s. Melville Cox (b. S 22, 1847, New Boston, 111.) and Dora (Noble) Danford (b. Ap 11, 1853, do.). Prepared in Hedding Coll., Prep. Dept. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Draftsman, C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 1909; do.. O. S. L. R. R., Salt Lake City. 1910; Drainage Engr., Vandalia, 111., 1911; Chief draftsman. Bridge Engr., Office Engr., T. &• P. R. R., Dallas, Tex., 19 1 2—. Address, Office Chief Engr. T. & P. Ry., Dallas, Tex. 3701. SUSAN LA RUE DAYTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. N 28, 1881, Newman, 111.; d. John Dayton. Prepared in Paris H. S. Teacher, Eng., Assumption, 111. Address, Assumption, 111. 3702. HAROLD CHURCHILL DEAN Superintendent; B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. Mr 25, 1888, Canton, S. Dak.; s. Frank M. (b. Jl 31, 1863, Philadelphia) and Charlotte Georgiana (Paxton) Dean. Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Tail Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Constr. Dept., Com- monwealth Edison Co., 1909; Engr. Dept., Pub. Service Co. of Northern 111., 1909-12; Constr. Dept., San. Dist. of Chicago, 1912-13; Efficiency Engr., Civil Service Comn., Chicago, 1913-14; Elec. Engr., Dept. of Gas & Elec, do., 1915-16; Gen. Supt., N. Y. & Queens Elec. Lt. & Power Co., New York City. Ed. and Mgr.. Bent of Tau Beta Pi, Vol. V, No. 4; Vol. VI, No. 4. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Mem., Collegiate Dancing Club, Chicago; Illini Club of Chicago; Nat. Elec. Lt. Assn.; N. Y. Elec. Soc. Married Katherine Ellery French, Je 7, 1913, Chicago. Child, Charlotte, b. Ag 14, 1917- Address, 200 Brown Ave., Flushing, New York City; bus. add., 444 Jackson Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. 3703. CLARENCE MARTIN DE LANY Public Acct.; A. B. in L. & A.; C. P. A., 1910; b. Mr 9, 1887, Chicago; s. Martin Andrew (b. O 4, 1844, Lake Co., 111.) and Kate (Wet- zel) De Lany (b. Ja 8, 1846, Lorraine, France). Prepared in Robert Waller H. S., Chicago. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 1910. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Address, 919 Edgecomb Place, Chi- cago; bus. add., 1310 Corn Exchange Bank BIdg., do. 3704. HOMER ROSCOE DE WITT Field Repr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 28, 1884, Monroeville, O. ; s. Roscoe William (b. Je 21, 1854, do.) and Abbie Maria De Witt (b. Ja 21, 1858). Prepared in Jefferson H. S.. Chicago. Asst. Engr., Mo. Pac. R. R.; Res. Engr., Gen. Steam Shovel Foreman; Field Repr.. Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland, Orgn. and Promotion of Govt, financial program in 5 counties of Reserve Dist., 1917 — . Sec, Hoboken Bd. of Trade. Address. 41 17 Lowell Ave., Chicago; bus, add., 310 (juardian Bldg., Cleveland, O. 3705. IRA WILMER DICKERSON Editor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 1, 1874, Saluda, Ind. ; s. William Hugh (b. F 23, 1840. do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Shellcut) Dickerson (b. N 16, 1843, Uniontown, Pa.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Gamma Alpha; Scribblers; E. E. Soc; Prelim. Honors. Instr., Univ. of 111., 1911-17. Mgr., Tractor Econ. Dept., Hart-Parr Tractor Co., Charles City, la., 1917; Assoc Ed. Tlie Farmer, Prairie Farmer, Wallace's Farmer, IVis. Agriculturist. Mem., Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs.; A. F. A. M. ; R. A. M.; Universalist Church. Married Bernice Evangeline Wright, Je 24, 1914, Charles City. la. Child, Frances Wright, b. Ap 7, 1916. Address, Charles City, la. Univeusity ok Illinois U(,IOU 3706. BENJAMIN HENRY DIETRICH (BvotluT of No. 4130, G179) Real EsL IHaUr; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; !>. .la --6, 18K1, nUuk River Falls, Wis.; s. Henry (b. 1835, Hc-sseii, l);iriiisiadi, Gcr.) and Susan- na (Witling) Dittrich (li. 11S40, Gcr.). Pre- Harcd in UlacU J^ivcr l'',ills II. S. Alpha Sifim 1 I'hi; Ionian. Real Ivst. lUisiness, Vancouver, B. C. .'Iddress, 204 W. 52111! PI., Los Angeles. 3707. LEE AMOS I)n.LON (Brother of No.s. i 1 _v, 149J) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 10, 18S5, Iroquois Co.. 111.; s. Henry (b. 1841, Vermilion Co., do.) .ami Rachel (Wagner) Dillon (I). 1S-15, Iroquois Co., (^11.). Prepared in Sheldon II. S.; (Jrad. Stud., Univ. of Ore.; do., Univ. of Calif. Adclnhic. Teacher, 11.^ S,, Newman, 111., looo- 10; (/(>., N'ancouver, Wash., kjio-i.c iI(>., II, .S., lunclion City, Ore,, 1914-1 s;(/(),, Franklin 11. S,, Portland, Ore,, 1915-18. C. 0. T. S„ lolh Tr. Bat,, F. A.. 191S— . Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Claudia Gcisberg, Ag 2, 1916, Jefferson City, Mo, Address, 328 E, McCarty, JefTerson City, MoJ 370S. WILLIAM PIlILir DOERR (Brother of No. 5636) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 30, 1888, Chi- cago; s, Jacob iMederie (b, O 15, 1851, Bons, Kreis Goarlouis, Rhein Prov,, Gcr,) and Eninia Caroline (Neliring) Doerr ' b, Ja 23, 1865, New \'ork City), Prepared in Cliicago Man. Tr. Sell,; Armour Acad. Honorary mention, Plym I'Y'Uowship. Arch., Chicago, 1010 — . Mom., Univ, Club, Chicago; Mentor Club. Address, 6.) 3 E. sofh Place. Chicago. 3709. ROBERT ERNEST DOHERTY Elec. Engr.; B. S, in E, E. ; b. Ja 22, 1885, Clay City, 111.; s. Anthony (b. 1850, la.) and Clara (Sauther) Dohcrly (b. 1850, Salem, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Theta Delta Chi; Tau Beta Pi; I'.ta Kainia Nu; Sigma Xi; Egyptian Club; E. E. Soc; Varsity Band; Chm., Sr, Hat Com,; Cap and Gown Com, Married Pearl Mills, Je 20, ign, Sherodsville, O, Address, Engineering Dept. Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. , 3710. HAZEL DELL DOLLINGER (PARKS) A. B. in L. & A. I b. Jl iS, 1887, Maryville, Mo.; d. Adolph Louis (b. Jl 24, i8(>i, Chicago) and Rose Ann (Swart wood) Dollinger (b. My 21, 1800, Mason City, lU.L Prc|iarcd in Cham- paign H, S, W. A. A.; Knpjia Delta Pi; \ arsiiv B.askctball. Teacher. 11. S.. Griggsville. 111.; do.. H. S., Gieentield, HI, Mem,. H, So. Clul.; O. E. S.; Epis. Church. Married William I'^anklin I'arks, Jl 20, 1914. Greent'ieM. HI. Child. Willa Dell, b. My 12, 1915. Address, Greenticld. 111. 371 1. DE.\N STANLEY DOUMAN (Brother of No. 2077) Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 3, i88t), Taylorvillc, 111.; s. Martin Luther (b. My I, 1839, Ky.) and Susannah (Phillips) Dornian (b, O 25. 1856, Plymouth, Eng, ), Prepared in Tavlorville Tp. 11, S. Pliiloiii.it li- ean; Delta Sij^iiia Rho; Neb.-lll,, 1907; Ind.-Ill.. looS; Adelphic-Philo Debate, 190S. .sth 111, Nat, Guard; 3rd Anuv C, 33rd Div, (Prairie) A, E. F., France. Addnss, 221 E. Poplar St., Taylorville, 111. 3712. ELZY FR.\NKLIN DOWNEY Teacher; A. B, in Sc; M. S.. loio: s. Robert Franklin (b. F 15, 1840, Streator, 111.) and Luella I'rances (Parker) Downey (b. F 14, i8t;2, Abingdon, do.). Prepared in Mag- nolia \\. S,; Gvad,, 111. St. TLirm. Univ., 1902; Ihiiv. of Chicago, i9oji-7. Phi Latnbda Up- siloin Kapjia Delta Pi. Elected full Asst., Ihiiv. of 111., 1910; Teacher, New Trier Tp. II. S., 1910-11; do., Lucy L. Flower Tech. H. S., Chicago, 1911-1G; do., Harrison Tech., M)ui-i7; do., Crane Tech., 1917 — . Mem,, Nat, Geog, Soc, Married Lucile Westbrook, 1902, Onarga, 111. Child, Robert Hull, b. D 2, 1905. .Iddr(\ts_ 21 N. Austin Ave, Chicago. 3713- WALTER U. D REN NAN Land Dealer; A, B, in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1888, Taylorville, 111.; s. John G. and Mar- garet S. (Slater) Drennan. Prepared in Univ. 11. S., Chicago. Beta Theta Pi; Yoxan; Shield and Trideiil; Helmet; Mgr., Football. With Riley tS: Drennan, Real Ivst. and Ins., Out- look, Saskatchewan, Can., 1911-18. Second Ll., Isockwell Field, San Diego, Calif., 1918 — . Ad- lirrss, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan, Can. 3714. JOSEPir ALLEN DREW (Brother of Nos. 2645, 2959, 5638) Horticulturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 18, 1885, Clifton, 111.; s. Washington (b. Ag 20, 1846, Chatcmgav, N. Y.) and Mary Alice (Hunt) Drew (b. S 23, 1850, Charleston, N. IL). Pre- paieil in Watscka IT. S. Agr. Club. .\sst., Poiiiol., .Agr, Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1909-11. Hort., Fairlleld, 111.. 1012-17; do.. OInev. 111., 1918—. Mem,. Ill, St. Hort. Soc; Y. M. C. A.; Presbv. Church, Married Hester Delilah Ashlock, S 29, 1912, Flora, 111. Children: Harold Ernest, b. My 31, 1914; Robert Bud, b. S .(, 1015; Onier Dale, b. D 27, 1916. Ad- dress, Ohiey, 111. 3715. NORA BETZ DUNLAP (RODGERS) A. B. in L. it A. 5 b. My 24, 1SS2, Savoy, 111.; d. Earnest Lane (b. Je 25. 1851. 111.) and b'annie Dunkel (Betz) Diinlap (b. Jl 20, i8';3, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. H. Sc. Club. Married Robert Beam Rodgers, D 37, 1909, Champaign. Children: Frances B., b. U 21, lOio; Dorothy Kathcrine, b. O 2, 1916. Ad- dress, 5178 Cotes Ave., St. Louis. 3716. WILBUR LAWRENCE DUNN Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. An 24, 1880, Peoria; s. William Wallace (b. S 2, 18.10, Cambridge, Mass.) and Helen A. (FiiUorton) Dunn (b. 11 19, 18.J2, Louisville, Ky.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Triangle, Engr., Hed- rlck & Cochran, Consult, Engrs., Kansas City, Mo.; do., Internat. Lead Relining Co., Peoria, 1918. Marricil Martha Toole, Je 18, 1913, Macon, Ga. CbiUlren: l.ila Fullcrton, b. O 22, 1915; Willnir Lawrence, b. O 12, 1917. Ad- dress, c/o Internat. Lead Reluiing Co., Peoria. 3717. CHARLES ELMER DURST Farm .'Vdviser; B. S. in .Agr.; M. S., 1012; b. My 3, 188.1. Knox City, Mo.; s, II. (b. Oii'"ey. HI.) and Carrie (Layman) Durst. PreiKired in Univ. Acad. Acanthus; .\gr. Club; Hort. Ed., ///. Aur. Asst., Olericulture, Univ. of HI,, 1909-11; Instr., do., 1911-12; Assoc, do.. Coll, of Agr, and 111. Agr, Exp. Sta., 1912-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1017-18; Co, .-Vdviser. Union Co., 1918 — . Anth. : Master's Thesis on A Study of Eggplant, Buls., 174 and 188 and Circulars 182. 198, 200, 201, 215, 216 of ///. Ayr. H.\[<. Sta.; .Studies in Lettuce Hreeding, Hort. Soc. Kefort, 1915; Experiments in Se- lecting Tomatoes for Wilt Resistance, do., i<»i7; Numerous popular articles in Morket Grower's .four.: Nat. Food Maci.; Breeder's Gacettc; Country Gextlemaii ; Orange Judd Fanner; Prairie Farmer; Farmer's Review; III. Agr.; Nat. Fruit Grozver; Two Circulars on Home Gardening for 111. St. Council of Defense and for Dcot. of Agr.' E.xt,, Univ, of HI. Mem., Am. Soc. for Hort. Sc; A. A. A. S.; 111. St. Hort. Soc: Veg. Growers Assn. of Am.; A. F. A. M.; Christian Church. Mar- ried Bertie Good, S 4, 1912, Urbana. Children: Charles William, b, Ta 31, 1915; Ruth Jose- l)liine, b. Ag 1918. Address, \iu.a, HI. icjoq] Baccai.a ukkate Alu M N I 339 J7'8- O'ns MILKS EASTMAN Supvr.. Till). Sells.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. la i(), 1887, INirvard, JU.; s. Otis Sawyer ("b. !■■ 10, 1833, Ucnloii, N. II.) and Harriet Maria (Miles) Kasliiiaii (b. O 25, 1X51, ISoston). i'repaicd in Harvard II. S. Principal, H. S., lUetiir, Minn., lyoQ; do., Sycamore, 111., 1910; dc, Harvard, 111., 1911-13; Siipt. Sells., Aniboy, HI., 19131,';; Teaclu-r and Prin., H. S., DridRC- liort, 111., 191. ■;; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916; Tcaehcr, H. S., HriL City, la., 1910-12; do., Kalispell, Mont., 1915-16; with Redway and Ellison-White Chautauquas. Address, El Paso, 111. 3741. ELMER OTIS FURROW Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 29, 1884, Potomac, 111.; s. William Henry (b. do.) and Helena (Ray) Furrow (b. Kankakee, 111.). Pre- pared in Danville H. S. LL. B., Univ. of Colo., 1910. Phi Delta Theta. Address, Steamboat Springs, Colo. , 3742. JULIUS SIVERINE GANGSTADT Dairyman: _B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 15, 1883, Deerfield, Wis.; s. Edward (b. Ap 21, 1849, Christiania, Norway) and Martha (Christian- son) Gangstadt (b. O 16, 1858, Deerfield, Wis.). Prepared in Deerfield H. S.; Albion Acad. Agr. Club; Scandinavian Club; Mgr., Agr. Baseball Team; Chm., First Agr. Roundup. Local Insp. and Mgr., Hammond, La., Co-op- erative Creamery Assn.; Mgr., Hammond Woodland Dairy Co., 191 1; Supt. and Mem., Bd. of Dir., Woodland Dairy Co., Ltd., 1911^-. Auth. : How to Prevent the Washing of Soils, /;/. Agr.. Mr 1908. Pres.. Bus. Men's Bible Class, Hammond, La. Married Hazel Har- riet Gere, N 22, 1910, LIrbana. Child, Mar- garite Elizabeth, b. N 29, 191 1. Address, c/o Capitol City Creamery, Baton Rouge, La. 3743. LION GARDINER Sales Manager; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 19, 1884, Chicago; s. Frank H. (b. Ja 7, 1852, Mil- waukee) and Helen C. (Root) Gardiner (b. Ap 30, 1856, North Reading, Mass.). Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Phoenix; Phi Gamma Delta; Yoxan; Helmet; Capt., Football; Track Team; Sr. Class Pres.; Mem., first Council of Stud. Union. Deputy Insp., Smoke Dept., Chicago, 1910; with Consulting Engr., reporting and appraising, 1910-12; Supt., Dredging Co., 1909-12; West. Mgr., Engng. News-Record, 1912-17; Dir., Engng. News-Rec- ord, 19 17-18, N. Y.; Mgr., Field Sales. Lake- wood Engng. Co., Cleveland, 191 8 — . Married Pauline Dodgshun, Mr 25, 1915, Chicago. Child, Helen Root, b. S 23, 1917. Address, 11713 Lake Ave., Cleveland; bus. add., c/o Laicewood Engng. Co., do. 3744. CLARENCE ORAN GARDNER Professor; A. B. in L. & A. ; A. M., 191 1; b. Ap 19, 1885, Clay Co., Neb.; s. Clarence Clay (h. Je 26, 1854, Shelby Co., 111.) and Laura Susan (Gilbert) Gardner (b. D 29, 1864, Grayville, do.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Philomathean; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Cir- culation Mgr., Asst. Bus. Mgr., and Bus. Mgr., mini. Asst., Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111.. 1909-11; Harrison Fellow, Pol. Sc, Univ. of Pa., 191 1- 12; Bur. Mun. Research, Philadelphia, 1912- 14; Asst. Prof., Pol. Sc, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1914 — . Auth.: The Working of the State- Wide Referendum in Illinois, Am. Pol. Sc. Review, Ag 191 1; The Initiative and Ref- erendum in Commission Cities, Annals of the Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc, Vol. 38; Problems of Percentages in Direct Govt., Am. Pol. Sc. Review, Ag 1915; Public works. Parks and Buildings, a report for the III. Efficiency & Economy Comn., 191 6. Mem., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn., 1910; Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc, 191 1. Address, 224 Loraine Ave., Cincinnati. 37,45. PERCIE ELLEN GARNETT (Sister of Nos. 950, 1504, 2098, 3373, 4671) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 30, 1882, St. Mary's, 111.; d. Robert Kirtley (b. Ar 4, 1844, do.) and Annie Elizabeth (Hunter) Gar- nett (b. O 19, 1845, Catasauqua, Pa.). Pre- pared in Carthage H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Dom. Sc. and Art, Ply- mouth, 111., 1909-10; do., Pratt, Kan., 19:0-12. Address, Plymouth, III. 3746. CLARK LEE GIBBS Missionary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 8, 1879, La Moille, 111.; s. J. R. and Hannah M. (.Stanard) Gibbs. Prepared in Greencastle (Ind.) H. S.; Sioux Falls Baptist Coll.; Ewing Coll. Missionary, Am. Sunday Sch. Union, Casselton, N. Dak., 1909-10; do., Urbana, 1910- 11; do., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1911-12; (Sen. Missionary, do., 1913 — . Ordained Minister, Jl 23, 1913, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Married Edith Rebecca McCord, Jl 28, 1904, Arthur, 111. Address, 1014 W. 8th St., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 3747. MARY GIBSON (VANCE) (Sister of No. 7541) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 27, 1887, Newport, Ind.; d. Oscar Bruce (b. Toronto, Ind.) and Harriet (Elder) Gibson (b. Dana, Ind.). Pre- pared in Dana, (Ind.) H. S. ; Hanover Coll. Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, H. S., Farmer City, 111., 1909-10. Married William F. Vance, My 4, 191 1, Chicago. Child, Martha, b. Ap 5, 1912. Address, 107 N. 9th St., Caldwell, Idaho. 3748. MILES OTTO GIBSON Mech. Engr; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. N 26, 1887, Urbana; s. J. A. Gibson. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Married Grace Lilian Smythe, S 26, 1910, Albany, N. Y. Address, 107 N. 9th St., Caldwell, Idaho. 3749. LUTIE AZUBA GOFF (CALLAN) (Wife of No. 2928; Sister of Nos. 1687, 4170) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 9, 1884, R^ntoul, 111.; d. Arthur Middleton (b. 1848, Elmira, N. Y.) and Clara Belle (Hall) Goff (b. 1848, JVIiddleton, Vt.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. lUiola. Married John A. Callan ('07), Je 30, 191 1, Champaign. Address, R. i, Newark, 111. 3750. FRANK GOODSPEED Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 2, 1884, Joliet, 111.; s. Charles F. (b. do.) and Hester Ann (Beedy) Goodspeed (b. Peotone, 111.). Prepared in joliet Tp. H. S. Kappa Sigma; Shield and Trident. Supt. for Arch., 1909; Engr., Coke Oven Const., 1909-11; Supt. for Arch., 1912 — . Address, Concrete Ship Dept., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia. 37SI. INEZ DOROTHY GORDON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 20, 1885, Chillicothe, Mo.; d. David (b. D 30, 1850, do.) and Margaret E. (Baker) Gordon (b. O 23, 1858. Columbus, O.). Prepared in Chillicothe H. S. ; Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles, Mo.; Univ. of Mo. Teacher, Chillicothe, Mo., H. S. Address, Chillicothe, Mo.f 342 University of Illinois llQOQ 3752. MARGARET TRAVIS GOURLEY (Sister of No. 3753) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 9, 1887, Paxton, 111.; d. John McNeal (b. 1S47, In- diana Co., Pa.) and Mary Martha (Lantz) Gourley (b. 1848, Brookville, Jefferson Co., Pa.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onar- ga; Univ. Acad.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Mich. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Moweaqua, 111., 1909-10; do., Alexis, 111., 1910-12; do., Ab- ingdon, 111., 1912-14; do.. Paxton, 111.. 1914-15; do., Hibbing, Minn. Jr. Coll. and H. S., 1915 — -. Mem., O. E. S. Address, 534 S. Vermillion St., Paxton, 111.; bus. add., Jr. College, Hib- bing, Minn. 3753. MARY JANE GOURLEY (Sister of No. 3752) Teacher; A. B. in So.; M. A., 1914; b. D 29, 1885, Paxton, 111.; d. John McNeal (b. Ag 3, 1847, Indiana Co., Pa.) and Mary Martha (Lantz) Gourley (b. S 24, 1848, Brookville, Pa.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, Pax- ton II. S., 111., 1909-13; do., Mount Morris Coll., Mont., 1914-16; do., Lincoln H. S., 111., 1916-17; do., Hibbing, Minn. Jr. Coll., 1917-18. Alem., Presby. Church. Address, Paxton, 111. 3754. MARY ADELAIDE GRAHAM (Sister of Nos. 1338, 2403) Assistant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 1885, Springfield, 111.; d. James M. (b. Ap 14, 1852, Castleblayney, Ireland) and Kate (Wallace) Graham (b. Ag 13, 1857, Rantoul, 111.). Pre- pared in Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield; Univ. Acad. Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club; Scribblers; Choral Soc. Asst. in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Mem., Assn. of Coll. Alumnae. Address, 413 S. 7th St., Springfield, lU.t 37SS. LENNA MABEL GREGORY (WALKER) (Wife of No. 8034; Sister of No. 2682) Prin. H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. S 27, 1884, Moweaqua, 111.; d. Frank (b. Mr 30, 1854, Tobensport, Ind.) and Amanda (Smith) Gregory (b. S 5, i860, Moweaqua, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, Eng., Newman fp. H. S., 111., 1909-10; Prin., Cor- dova H. S., 111., IQ17-18. Auth.: Sir John Johnson, Loyalist, Miss. Valley Historical Re- view, D, 1916. Married Clifton James Walker ('16), Mr 5, 1910, 111. Address, 19 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, O. 3756. MABEL A. GRIDLEY (KRESSMANN) (Wife of No. 3831) B. S. in Chem. ; b. F 11, 1887, Morrison, 111.; d. John (b. Je 7, 1859, do.) and Mary Ann (Ward) Gridley (b. Je 6, j86o, Sanborn, N. Y.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Teacher, Chem., Emporia, Kan., 1909-10; Instr., Chem., Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 1910-12. Married Frederick W. Kressmann ('09), Je 20, 1912, Morrison, 111. Children: Frederick W. Jr., b. Je 6, 1913; Elsa Mae, b. Jl i, 1917- Address, Fullerton, La. 3757. LELAND STANFORD GRIFFITH Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 8, 1887, McNabb, 111.; s. Walter G. (b. F 25, 1861) and Fannie (Smith) Griffith (b. Ag 1867, Mag- nolia, 111.). Prepared in (Tlear Creek Sch. Agr. Club: Y. M. C. A.; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Coll. Baseball Team. Farmer, 1909-16; Farm Ad- viser, Amboy, Lee Co., 111., 1916 — . Married Martha Jane Caldwell, Ag 12. 1914. Child. John Stanford, b. O 3, 1918. Address, Amboy, in. 3758. SANFORD LACKEY GROVE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; A. B., 1910; b. N 2, i88s, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. Thomas (b. 1823, Clarksburg, O.) and Emma (Yinger) Grove (b. 1862, Urbana). Prepared in Cerro Gordo H. S. Farmer. Cerro Gordo, 111. Married Mary S. Adams, Mr 10, 1914. Cerro Gordo. 111. Child, Prances Ruth, b. Je 24, igi6. Address, Cerro Gordo, 111. 3759. MADGE K. GUNDY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja i, 1886, Bismark, 111.; d. Francis Marion (b. My 17, 1843, Myresville, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Smith) Gundy (b. S 30, 1854).^ Prepared in Danville H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Capt., Freshman Basketball. Teacher, H. S., Dan- ville, 111. Address, Bismark. 111.; bus. add., 207 W. Seminary, Danville, 111. 3760. HOMER LANGDON IIADLEY Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. F 21, 1887, Latham, 111.; s. Charles Lewis (b. My 8, 1845, W'aitsfield, Vt.) and Florence Maria (Oilman) lladley (b. N 22, 1848, Woburn, Mass.). Pre- pared in Hadley Dist. Sch. and Maroa H. S. Engr., Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, igoq — . Married Emma Neuhaus, Je 20, 1912, Nashville, 111. Child, Homer Langdon, Jr., b. .\g I, 1915. Address, 576. 68th Ave., West Allis, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee. 3761. FRANKLIN EUGENE HAGIE Phys. and Surg.; A. B. in Sc; M. D., 191 1: b. F 22, 1886, Elizabeth, Ill.;'s. Fred and Martha (Bateman) Hagie. Prepared in Eliza- beth H. S. Alpha Omega Alpha. Interne, LJniv. Hospital, Chicago, ist Lt., Med. Corps; Mustered out, D 7, 191 8. Address, Elizabeth, 111. 3762. JOSEPH WILLIAM HAKE Instructor: A. B. in Sc. : b. O 7, 1882, Hoyleton, 111.; s. Fred W. (b. 1832, Hanover, Ger.) and Sophia (Hartman) Hake (b. 1841, Wurtzburg, do.). Prepared in Nashville H. S.; Scholarship, N. W. Univ.; B. S., Central Wes- leyan Coll. Instr., Phys., Wheaton Coll., 1909-10; In charge, Jr. Phys. Lab., 1910-15; Instr., Astronomy, Wesleyan Univ., Bloom- ington. 111., 1 91 5 — . Mem., M. E. Church; V. M. C. A. Address, c/o Wesleyan Univ., Hloomington, Ill.t 3763. ETHEL LOTTIE HALL (BEEBY) (Sister of No. 3010) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 16, 1885, Hoopeston, 111.; d. Ervin Stevens (b. F 14, 18^5, Tonica, 111.) and Violetta (Richardson) Hall (b. Je iq, 1852, Peoria). Prepared in Hoopeston and Urbana H. Schs. Stenographer in Civ. Engng. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Married Frank F. Beebv, Je 19, 1912, Urbana. Children; Richard Ellis, b. Mr. 8, 1913; Robert Hall, b. Te 17, 1014. Address, 943 N. Lombard Ave., l.ak Park, 111. 3764. WILLIAM CLYDE HANDLIN Biologist: A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ap 11, i88s; s. Daniel D (b. Ja 14, 1842. Albany, N. V.) and l.ucinda Marguerite (Buckles) Handlin (b. S 10, 1846, Mt. "Pulaski, 111.). Prepared in Lake Fork and Mt. Pulaski H. Schs. Chem. Club; Baseball. Supt. of Schs., New Holland; Ath. Coach and Instr., Biology, Lincoln H. S.; Head, Biology Dept. and Ath. Dir., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., two yrs.; with U. S. Entomol. Dept., Forest Grove, Ore., 191 7. Ath. Dir., Y. M. C. A., Camp Lewis, Wash.; Mustered out, D. 1918, Mem., A. F. A. M.; Commandery, K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. S., Springfield, 111.; Logan Co. ' Teachers' Assn.; Lincoln Teachers' Club; Ath. Chm., Rose Fes- tival, Portland, Ore., 1917. Address, Lake Fork, HI. igog] Baccalaureate Alumni 343 3765. DE ALTON HAYWARD (Brother of No. 2415) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 26, 1887, Ottawa, 111.; s. George (b. Ap 19, 1843, Ottawa, 111.) and Nettie (Strickland) Hayward (b. O 21, 1847, Adams, N. Y.). Prepared in (ittawa H. S. Theta Nu Epsilon. Co. 29, Inf., Central 0. T. Sell., Camp Lee, Va. ; Mustered out, N 23, 1918. Address, 284 Washington St., Hart- ford, Conn.; bus. add.. Travelers insurance Co., do. 3766. WILLIAM EVERETT HEDGCOCK (Husband of No. 5329; Brother of Nos. 6944, 7595, 9124) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. F 4, 1885, Plymouth, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. N 3, 1861, do.) and .Anna Elizabeth (Wade) Iledgcock (b. S 17, 1863, do.). Prepared in Plymouth H. S. Sigma Pi; Agr. Club; Football. Teacher, Agr., I.aSallePeru Tp. II. S., 1910-12; Head of Agr. Dept.. Assn. St. H. S., Albert Lea Sch., Albert Lea, Minn., 191 2; Farm Adviser, Peoria Co., 191 7 — . Mem., Assn. of Commerce, Peoria, 1918; Congr. Church. Married Nellie Irene Mourning ('12), D 25, 1912, Macomb, 111. Child, Margaret E., b. Tn 8, 1917. Address, 206 Archer Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 231 S. Jefferson Ave., do. 3767. DONALD ALISON HENRY (Brother of No. 4704) Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 9, 1887, Newton, Kan.; s. John Douglas (b. Jl 17, 1855, Vermilion Co., 111.) and Mary Emma (Alison) Henry (b. Jl 7, 18O0, Winchester, O.). Pre- pared in Neosho (Mo.) H. S.; Lincoln Coll. of Law, Springfield. Sigma Xi. Engr. Appren- tice, Westinghouse E. & M. Co., 1909; Clerk, E. E. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Sub-Station Operator, San. Dist., Chicago, 1910-11; Asst. Operator, Terminal Station, do., 191 1; Dynamo Tender, Power House, do., 1911; Asst. Opera- tor, Hydro-Elec. Power House of San. Dist. of Chicago, 1911-12; Part owner and Mgr., Con- crete Staple Post Co., 1912-13; Meter E.xpert, 1. T. S., Springfield, 111., 1913-15; Service Insp., St. Pub. Utilities Comn. of 111., 1915; Asst. Engr., do., 1915-17; Utility Rate E-xpert, do., 1917; Asst. Elec. Engr., do., 1917 — . Sergt. at Arms and Mem., E.x. Com., Springfield Engrs' Club; Mem., M. E. Church. Married Eliza- beth Conover, Je 7, 1911, Champaign. Children: Helen lola, b. Mr 23, 1912; Douglas Alan, b. N 19, 1914; Donald, Jr., b. Ag 23, 1916. Ad- dress, 1208 W. Edwards St., Springfield, 111. 3768. JULIUS CHARLES HERBSTMAN Professor; LL. B.; b. Ag 11, 1879, Summer- field, 111.; s. C. Herbstman and Angeline (Helmnkamp) Herbstman. Prepared in Sum- merfield Sch. A. B., McKendree Coll., 1901. Witenagemote; Adelphic; Egyptian Club; Illini Staff. Prof., Head of Pub. Speak. Dept., Univ. of Wash.; Lyceum Work for Ellison-White Co., Seattle. Address, 6307 i6th Ave., Seattle. 3769. GEORGE ALBERT HERRMANN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 2, 1887. Peru, 111.; s. F. Julius (b. Ag 11, 1851, Ger.) and Ida (Hammerick) Herrmann (b. Ag 12, 1851, do.). Prepared in LaSalle-Peru Tp. II. S. Tau Beta Pi. With Sargent & Lundy, Chicago, 1909-10; III. Steel Co., South Chicago, 1910-15; San. Dist. of Chicago, 1915-17; Standard Oil Co., Chicago, 1917 — . Married Ida Mae Cono- ver, N 16, 1909, Chicago. Child, Marjorie Jane, b. Mr 2, 1916. Address, 7643 S. Park Ave., Chicago. 3770. HARRY BRYANT HERSHEY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Mr 8. 1885, MifHin, O. ; s. F. B. and Anna (Gongwer) Her- shey. Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, ign- Alp'a Delta Phi; Phoenix; Philomathean; Delta Sigma Rho; Scholarship for Debating, Coll. of Law, 1909; Pres., Fresh, class; Mem., Class Day Com.; Hatcliet Orator, 1908-9; Ill.-Minn. Debate, 1900; 111. -Ohio Debate, 1907; ill. -Wis. debate, 1909; three intersociety deljates. City Atty. Bn. Adj., 111. Nat. Guard, iyo8. Married Leah Stapleton, Taylorville, 111. Address, Taylor- ville. lU.t 3771. FRANCIS CRAIG HERSMAN (Brother of No. 5206) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 29, 1885, liersnian, 111.; s. George Jacob (b. O 9, 1853, do.) and Alice Leslie (McGaw) ilcrsman (b. Je 29, 1865, Elvastou, ill.). Prepared in JSIt. Sterling H. S. Ali)ha Zeta; Pres., Agr. Club; I'inal llonors; Sigma Xi; Research Stud., chem., Univ. of So. Calif., 1915-16. I^armer, Hersman, ill., 1910-12; Teacher, Agr., H. S., Yreka, Calif., 1912-13; do., lone, Calif., 1913- 14; do., Gardena, Calif., 1914-16; Farmer, Piers- man, 111., 1916 — . Auth. : Three (jenerations on One i''arm, Wallaces' Farmer, Vol. 42, No. 51, D 21, 1917. Trustee, Presby. Church; Treas., C. E. Soc. ; Brown Co. Farmers' Inst., Sec, 1909-10, Pres., 1911; Pres., Hersman Ath. Assn. Married Wilma Belle Curry, My 19, 1910, Mt. Sterling, ill. (died Mr 17, 1916); Florence Josephine Curry, S 20, 1917, Wynne- wood, Okla. Address, Hersman, 111. 3772. CLARENCE AGNEW HERTEL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 27, 1886, Free- burg, ill.; s. Charles (b. S 15, 1847, Lorraine) and Josephine Louisa (Wildernian) Hertel (b. My 14, 1847, Freeburg, 111.). Prepared in pvt. study; Cent. Wesleyan Coll., 1906-7. Teaclier and farmer, Freeburg, 111., 1909-12; Farmer, Lolita, Tex., 1912 — . Married Ethel Clara Car- ter, D 4, 1912, Freeburg, 111. Address, Lolita, Tex. 3773. *FRANK: THEODORE HEYLE B. S. in C. E.; b. O 2, 1884, Peoria; s. F. P. and Adda E. Heyle. i^repared in Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. Died F 8, 1911, Porto Bello, Brazil. 3774. HARRY S. HILL , Chemist; B. S. in Sc.; b. D 2, 1886, Loda, ill; s. James Albert (b. S 10, 1851, Prince- ton, 111.) and Mary Ellen (Mock) Hill (b. N 17, 1849, do.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Chem. Club; Stud. Branch, Am. Chem. Soc; Jr. Cap Com.; Mgr., Class Football; Treas., Sr. Ball Com.; V. P., Stud. Council. Asst. Chem., A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co., 1909-10; do., San Bernardino, Calif., 1910- 11; do.. Ft. Madison, la., 1911-14; do., San I'.ernardino, 1914 — . Auth.: Keto Ester Ad- dition Products with Aryl Amiens and Alco- hols, Jour, of the A. C. S., Vol. XXXill, No. 3, Mr 1911. Mem., A. S. M. E.; B. P. O. E. Married Ethyl Ollun Jones, Mr 20, 1912, Topeka, Kan. Address, 828 D St., San Ber- nardino, Calif.; bus. add., Chem. dept., A. T. & S. F. R. R.. do. i77S. NORMAN HADEN HILL Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 25, 1881, Valeene, Ind.; s. Charles (b. S 30, 1858, do.) and Nancy Elizabeth (Cook) Hill (b. D g, 1862, do.). Prepared in Central Norm. Coll., Danville, ind.; East 111. St. Norm. Sch. Sigma Xi; Arch. Club; Choral Soc. Struct. Designer and Arch. IDraftsman, I. T. S., Decatur & Big Four R. R., Indianapolis, igog-io; Supt., Temple & Burrows, Archs., Davenport, la., 1910-14; do., Gra' am & Hill, Archs., Indianap- olis, 1914 — . Address, 1022 Hume-Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis. 3776. OSCAR GEORGE HIVELEY Co. Supt. Highways; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 18, 1886, Ackley, la.; s. George (b. O 23, 1859. Wriphtsvil'e, Pa.) and Theresa (Oppold) Iliveley (b. Ag 29, 1858, Philadelphia). Pre- 344 University of Illinois 1 1 909 pared in Freeport H. S. Tau Lambda; Chi Psi. Asst. Engr., IlL St. Highway Comn., 1909-10; Draftsman, Waddell & Harrington, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-1:; Mem., Trunck-Hiveley Co., Engr. and Constr., Freeport, 111., 1911-14; Co. Siipt. of Highways, Stephenson Co., 111., 1914 — • Auth. : Report of Co. Supt. of Highways to the Bd. of Supvrs. of Stephenson Co., 111., of work completed 1914-18, Freeport Bui., 1918. Mem., K. C. ; B. P. O. E. Married Marguerite Wright, D 27, 191 1, Frankfort, S. Dak. Child, George Edgar, b. Je 8, 1915. Address, 357 S. Carroll St., Freeport, 111.; bus. add., Court House, do. 3777. NELS REUBEN HJORT Instrumentman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 26, 1887, Chicago; s. Axel F. (b. Gottenberg, Sweden) and Charlotta Maria (Mellin) Hjort (b. do.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Draftsman, Am. Locomotive Co., 1909-10; In- strumentman, Big Four, 1910-11; Instrument- man, Const., C. M. & St. P. R. R., Maxwell, la., 1912 — . Address, Room 303, 33rd St., Mar- shalltown, la. 3778. LUCY VIRGINIA HOFF (WHALL) (Sister of Nos. 1896, 2697) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 24, 1887, Deer Park, Md.; d. Theodore (b. S 21, 1843. Bucks Co., Pa.) and Lucy May (Naisby) Hoff (b. My 12, 1855, Philadelphia). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S., Chicago Heights. Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, H. S., 1909-11. Mem., Unity Presby. Church; R. N. A.; O. E. S.; Tolono Dom. Sc. Club. Married George William Whall, N 24, 19 10, Chicago Heights. Child, Leila Constance, b. O 27, 191 1. Address, Tolono, 111. 3779. PAUL ALEXANDER HOFFMAN (Brother of No. 5725) Hydraulic Engr.; B. S. in Agr. ; M. S., 1910; s. Paul Herman (b. O 29, 1849, Breslau, Ger. )^ and Margaret (Hetherington) Hoffman (b. F 18, 1852, Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch. ; Lewis Inst. Cos- mopolitan Club; Sigma Xi. Grad. Scholarship, 1909-10; Fellowship, 1911-12. Res. Asst., An. Nutrition, 1910-11; Engr., Chicago Bd. of Lln- derwriters, 1912-14; Hydraulic Engr., do., 1914- 16; Chief Engr., The Barrett Co., 1917; Engr., Central Actuarial Bur., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; O. E. S.; R. A. M.; R. and S. M.; K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. S.; Universal Craftsman, Council of Engrs. of the World; A. C. S.; Am. Soc. An. Nutrition. Married Lillian Martin, Jl 23, 1913, Chicago. Child, Paul Martin, b. Jl 22, 191 7. Address, 710 Roscoe St., Chicago. 3780. CARL HENRY HOGE Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Mr 9, 1886, Wenona, 111.; s. H. D. (b. D 10, 1858, do.) and Isabella (Patterson) Hoge (b. Mr 13, 1854, Waynesburg, Pa.). Prepared in Wenona H. S. Iris; E. E. Club. Motorman, Seattle Elec. C^o., 1909-10; Asst. Engr., 1910-11; Distribution Engr., 1911-19; Appointed St. Engr., Ja 6. 1919 — . Mem., The Stone and Webster Club of Wash.; The Seattle Elec. Club; Puget Sound, Trac. Lt. & Power Co., Seattle. Married Flor- ence Mary Thompson. S 3. 1912, Seattle, Wash. Address, 918 26th Ave., Seattle. t 3781. FRED NELSON HOLMQUIST Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 28, 1884, Weldon. 111.; s. Lars (b. D 15, 1845, Lanskrona, Sweden) and Kate (Dressier) Holmquist (_b. D 25, 1857, Vinningeu, Ger.). Prepared in Weldon H. S. Acacia. Mech. helper, C. & A. Mining Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 1909; Asst. City Engr., Phoenix, Ariz., 1909-12; City Engr., do., 1912-14; Pvt. Practice, Civ. Engng., do., 1914- 19; Appointed by Gov., St. Engr. of Ariz., 1919. Mem., Ariz. Club; Bachelor's Club; A. F. A. M. Married Louise Ross, S 24, 1918, Columbia. Mo. Address, c/o Arizona Club, Phoenix, Ariz. 3782. HARRY STIRLING HORNER Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 15, 1884, Madison, Wis.; s. Frank S. (b. D 25, 1856, Harrisburg, Pa.) and Anna L. (Stirling) Horner (b. F 28. 1858, Marseilles, 111.). Pre- pared in Rockford H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Helmet; Yoxan. Married Grace Worthington, Je 11, 191 3, Rockford, 111. Ad- dress, 715 Bank Bldg., St. Paul.t 3783. *EZEKIEL EDWARD HOSKINS (Husband of No. 5314; Brother of Nos. 5216, 5733) R. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 22, 1882, Norris City, 111.; s. William Franklin (b. N 4, 1841, near Herald, 111.) and Catharine (Spence) Hoskins (b. F I, 1852, near Norris City, 111.). Pre- pared in Carmi H. S. ; So. 111. St^ Norm. Sch., igoo-i. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Teacher. LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S., 1909-10; Asst. in Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., iqio-i6. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Mary Ethel Miner ('12), Ja I, 1913, Adair, 111. Children: Dorothy Eliza- beth, b. My 8, 1914; Harriet Louise, b. S 24, 1915. Died Ap 29, 1916, Norris City, 111. 3784. JOHN VERNON HOUSTON Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 14, 1887, Atkinson, Neb.; s. John William Bayliss (b. Ja 30, 1859, Dudley, Eng.) and Clara Grace (Riggle) Houston (b. O 28, 1866, Onarga, 111.). Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa Psi. With Ajax Forge Co., Chicago, 1911-17. First Lt., Bat. F., 149th U. S. F. A., France, 191 7—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 4041 Lowell Ave., Chicago. 3785. MARY HOWE (BEBB) (Wife of No. 4065; Sister of Nos. 2131, 2702, 3033, 6323, 9143) B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 5, 1886, Chicago; d. Edward G. (b. 1849, Brookline, Mass.) and Mary E. (Barnard) Howe (b. 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Pres., H. Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Dom. Sc, Rock- ford, 111., 1909-10; do., Indianapolis, 1910-12; Head of Dept., Home Econ., Univ. of N. Dak., 1912-16. Mem., Home Econ. Assn. Married Herbert Bebb ('10), Je 30, 1916, Chicago. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. Jl i, 1918. Address, 1652 W. i02d St., Chicago. 3786. WENFU YIKO HU Judge; LL. B.; b. Jl 1876, Ningpo, Cheki- ang; s. Chihtsing Zaenchang (b. D 1853, do.) and Luna (Van) Hu (b. Jl 1852, do.). Prepar- ed in Prep. Dept., St. John's Univ., Shanghai, China; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-8; Univ. of Calif. Cosmopolitan Club; Sec, Chinese Studs'. Club; Orat. Assn., 1908-9; Reynolds Club, 1907-8. Sec. and Legal Adviser of Communi- cations, Peking; Prof, of Law, Imperial Univ., do., 1909-12; Dean, Nanyang Coll., Shanghai, 1912-13; Justice, Supreme Court of China, Pe- king, 1913 — ; Mem., Comn. on Desciplinary Punishment of Judicial Officers, 19 17 — ; Judge of High Prize Court, 1917^ — ; Examiner of Judicial Officers, 1918. Auth.: (Translator) Green's History of the Eng. People; Pocket Eng. and Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary, Commercial Press, Shanghai; _ Jury System, Chinese Law Mag., Jl 1914; Chinese Judiciary, St. Johns' Echo, My 1915. Mem., Am. Univ. Club and St. John's Univ. Club, Peking; Y. M. C. A.; Chinese Law Club; Am. Coll. Club; Chinese Soc. and Pol. Sc. .\ssn.; European and Am. Returned Stud. Club. Decorated by Pres. Yuan Shi Kai, 1916; Decorated by Pres. Li Juan Hung, 1917. Address, 27 San- tiao Hutung, Morrison St., Peking, China; bus. add., Ta Li Yuan (Supreme Court), do. 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 345 3787- CURTIS CLAY HUBBART Min. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 28, 1887, Joslin, 111.; s. Curtis Mitchell ( b. S 29, 1859, Erie, do.) and Clarissa (Searle) Hubbart (b. D 28, 1859, Osborne, do.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. C. E. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Swimming Team. Engr., R. R. Const., 1910; Engr., Bldg., Const., 1910; Civ. Engr., Mc- Lane Engng. Co.; Min. Engr., Superior Coal Co., Gillesijie, 111., 191 5-18: Mission Coal Co., Danville, 111., 191 8 — . Pres., Toastmaster's Club; Y. M. C. A.; A. F. A. M. ; B. P. O. E. ; 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. Married Lura Agnes Strebel, D 28, 1915, Danville, 111. .4ddress, 313 Harmon Ave., Danville, Ill.t 3788. FRANKLIN ROSCOE HUCKIN Physician; A. B., in Sc. ; b. Jl 31, 1885, Ogden, 111.; s. Edward (b. Eng.) and Caroline Julia (Hayes) Huckin (b. Ogden, 111.). Pre- pared in LTniv. Acad. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 191 1. Phi Beta Pi. St. Mary's Hosp., Mil- waukee; pvt. practice, 1912 — . Mem., Al. E. Church. Married Beulah Beatrice Rawlinson, S 14, 1910. Child, Virginia Caroline, b. Ag 30, 191 2. Address, Mansfield, Ill.t 3789. JESSIE FRANCES HUFFMAN (Sister of No. 3419) Prin., II. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 188s, Charleston, III; d. John T. (b. 1854, do.) and Amanda Ellen (Redden) Huffman (b. 1844, Hindsboro, 111.). Prepared in Charles- ton H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher in grades, Mattoon, 191 1; do., E. St. Louis, 1912; do., Paris, 111., 1912-14; Teacher, H. S., Hume, 111., 1914-15; do., H. S., Reddick, 111.. 1915-16; Prin., H. S., do., 1917-18. Mem., Y. W. C. A. Address, Charleston, 111. 3790. SEAVER SANFORD HUMPHREYS (Brother of No. 3040) Grain Bus.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. My 29, 1887, Sheffield, 111.; s. David Franklin (b. Mr 15, 1861, do.) and Nellie Jeanie (Seaver) Humphreys (b. O 3, 1863, do.). Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Sigma Nu; Yoxan; Helmet; Class Baseball. In Ins. Bus., Spokane, 1909- 10; Cost Acct., Chicago, 1910-11; Grain Bus., Atkinson, 111., 191 1 — . Address, Atkinson, Ill.t 3791. ANDREW FRANKLIN HUNSAKER Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1909; b. Ag I, 1880, Cobden, 111.; s. John F. and Martha (Anderson) Hunsaker. Prepared in Cobden H. S.; So. 111. Norm. Sch., 1899-1903; Univ. of Wis., 1909-10; Columbia, 1914-15. Ionian. Instr., Hist., Univ. of N. Dak., 1910- 14; Asst., Econ., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Auth. : Civics in the Secondary Schools, Education, Boston; Local Government in the Panama Canal Zone, Quarterly Jour., Univ.. of N. Dak., 1912; Factors in Teaching, H'estland Ediic., Lisbon, N. Dak., 191 1; Schools in Panama Canal Zone, Western Educ, 191 1. Mem., Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sc. ; K. P. Mar- ried Florence Wilson, S 12, 1910, Champaign. Child, Imogene, b. My 1913. Address, Rantoul, 111. 3792. STELLA EVANGELINE HUTSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 4, 1885, Ben- ton, 111.; d. Dr. E. G. (b. O 6, 1850, do.) and Margaret E. (Ford) Hutson (b. Ja 20, i8i;i, do.). Prepared in Russ H. S.. San Diego, Calif.; Univ. Acad. H. Sc. Club (charter mem.); Treas., Womans' League; Sr. Basket- ball. Teacher, H. S., Benton, 1910-11; do., San- ta Fe, N. Mex., 1911-14; do.. Home Econ., Sel- ma, Calif., 1914-18; On leave to study Dietetics. Univ. of Calif. Hosp., 1918 — . Address, Ben- ton, 111. 3793- GEORGE MARTIN ALLOYSIUS ILG Structural Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; M. S. in C. E.. 1916; b. N 26, 1881; s. John (b. My 21, 1840. Einbach, Ger.) and Christine (Schneb- elen) Ilg (b. Je 8, 1846, Alsace. France). Pre- pared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Spaulding Guild. With Am. Bridge Co., 1909; C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1909-11; Engr., Holabird & Roche, Archs., 191 1; Structural Engr., Jar- vis Hunt, Arch., Chicago. Served with 111. Nav- al Reserves, 1903-9; Capt., Engrs. Reserve Corps, 7th Provisional Regt., Hog Island Ship- yard. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Mane Sophie Marguerite Zeit. Je 27, 1910. Ad- dress, 1332 East Marquette Road, Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. 3794- ERNEST THOMPSON INGOLD (Brother of No. 5745) Mgr., Elec. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 26, 1885, Chicago; s. Arthur Johnson (b. Eng.) and Maggie (Thompson) Ingold (b. Ireland). Prepared in Acad., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis.; Lawrence Coll., 1904-6. Phi Delta Theta; Phoenix; Mgr., Interschol.; Pres., Technograph Bd.; Chm., Sr. Mem. Com.; Sec, Ath. Bd. of Control; Alumni Quarterly Staff. Grad. Mgr. of Ath., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Pub. Mgr. and Asst. to Pres., Los .Angeles Invest- nient Co., Los Angeles, 1910; Gen. Mgr. and Sec, Planada Development Corp.; do., V. P., Jenner-Ingold Co.; Mfr., Elec. Equipment Co., Los Angeles and San Francisco. Mem., City Beautiful Com. of Los Angeles; Chm., Pub. Com. for St. Univ. of So. Calif.; do.. Feder- ation of Improvement Assns. of Los Angeles; Gamut Club; Sec, Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn.; Pres., Advertising Club; Sec, Real Est. Ad- vertisers Assn.; V. P., Outdoor Art League. Married Gene Cox. N 25, 191 1, Los Angeles. Address, 12th and (jrand, Los Angeles. 3795- EDWARD FRANKLIN IRVING Min. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 14, 1886, Buffalo Hart, 111.; s. J. T. and Sarah (McCue) Irving. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Class baseball; Sr. Memorial Com. Asst. to Supt. of Mach., Calif, and Ariz. Min. Co. Mem., Nat. Assn. Stationary Engrs.; B. P. O. E. Married Bess M. Irving, Ag 18, 1915, Covina, Calif. Child, Hoyt Gwen, b. N 29, 1916. .Address, Warren, Ariz. 3796. WILLIAM WRIGHT IRWIN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 10, 1886, Danville; s. F. G. Irwin. Prepared in Danville H. S. With Armour & Co., E. St. Louis, 111. Address, 728 N. loth St., East St. Louis, III. 3797- GEORGE RHINE JACKSON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; Asst. in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1908-11; Lawyer, Chicago. Mar- ried Virginia Jones, 191 7, Champaign. Address, Covington, Ind.t 3798. ZITA ELIZABETH JACKSON (LEONARD) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 5, 1887, Streator, 111.; d. John Llanley (b. D 16, 1853, Roscom- mon Co., Ireland) and Mary Elizabeth Camp- bell (Reed) Jackson (b. My 28, 1857, Wash- ington, 111.). Prepared in Streator H. S. W. A. A.; Basket Ball. Teacher, H. S., 1909-10; Asst. Prin., H. S., Auburn, 111., 1910-11; Prin., H. S., Illiopolis, 111.. 1911-14. Married Charles Edward Leonard. F 18, 1914, Streator, 111. Children: Mary Agnes, b. My 5, 191 5; Teresa Elizabeth, b. O i, 1916. Address, Harristown, 111. 3799. CHARLES AUSTIN JAMES Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 4, 1886, Minneapolis; s. Charles (b. Ap 12, 1861, Har- risonville, 111.) and Jessie E. (Horine) James (b. My 6, 1866, Waterloo, do.). Prepared in 34^ University of Illinois 1 1 909 Chester H. S. Egyptian Club: Sigma Xi. Const. Engr., U. S. P. O. Bldgs., Ashtabula and ilassilon, O.; Chickasha, Okla.; Aniaril o, Tex.; Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; Hoopeston, 111.; Const. Engr., Clarke Const. Co., Danville, 111. Mem B P O. E. Married Eva Lucile Dugan, F 24,'iQi5, Boulder, Colo. Child, Lillie Eliza- beth b. F 24, 1916. Address, c/o Clarke Const. Co.,' Danville, 111. 3S00. DELOSS LAWRENCE JAMES Market Specialist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 22, 1885, Huntley, 111.; s. Arlo Lawrence and Margaret Louise (Munshaw) James. Prepared in Crystal Lake H S. Alpha Zeta; g.gma Xi. Instr., Storrs Agr. Coll., Conn., 190/-8, Instr. in Dairy Dept., Lniv. of 111., i9o8-'o. Supt. Milk Dept. and Farm, Hershey Choco- late Co., Hershey. Pa., 1910-13; Co. Agr .Ad- visor, McHenry Co., 111.. '913-16; Supt Linnisapp Farm, Oregon, 111.. iqi6; East Pa. Rep., Hunt, Helm, Ferris ic Co., Harvard, 111 I9I7- Asst., Marketing Dairy Products, U''S Bur. of Markets, Washington. D. C, ,(,'i8— . Married Emma E. Walter, Je 4, i9.i3. Hummelstown, Pa. Children: Marion Louise, h \d 12 igis; Walter Lawrence, b. A 9. 1916 Address. Bur. of Markets, Washington, D. C. 3801. McNEAL COLE JAMES Professor; B. S. in Agr.; A B. in Sc.; b^ Ag 27, 1S87, Crestline, O. ; s. Jerry A. (b. D W^ 1856, do.) and Lucinda Jane (Cole) James 7b An 22, i860, do.). Prepared in. Streator Tn H S- 111. St. Norm. Univ. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; V. M C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Miami Univ., Oxford, O., summer, 1009; Head, Dept.. Elementary Agr., St. Norm. Sch., Valley City, N. Dak., 1909-16. Co \gr. Agt., Barnes Co., X. Dak., i9i6-iS>, Prof:, Agr. Educ, Univ Ky., 1918-. Auth^: Svllabus of Course in Agr. for St. H. Schs. of N. Dak., St. H. S. Bd., Grand Forks X Dak, 1910. Ed., Elementary Agr., Dept. of Weslland Educ. Lisbon, N. Dak., i9'0-i3. Mem., Nat. Educ. Assn., 1909-16; X Dak. Educ. Assn., 1909-16; K P;;„^I- E Oiurc 1; Official Bd.. M. E. Chuch, Valley City. Mai ried Eva Ratekin, Ag 18, i?09. Swan Creek. 111. (died 1913); Emma EUingson, 1915, Val- ley City, N. Dak. Children: Margaret Ger- trude, b. Ag 6, iqio; Joseph Ratekin, b U 2.-,. iQi^- Alice Winifred, b. Je 3, 191?; Addresi. 149 Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky. 3802. GEORGE LEONARD JENSEN (Brother of No. 271 1) Arch. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 17, 1SS2, Chicago; s. Ole S. (b. Ap 21, 1845. Skudesnes, Norwav) and Anna G. (Isaacson) Jensen (b. S 26, '1851, Farson, do.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1904-7- Sigma Xi. Asst on Corps St. L. I. M. & S. R. R., 1909: Rein- forced Concrete Designer, Builders Material Supplv Co., Kansas City, Mo^ 1910: do.. L. M & St. P. R. R.. 1910-11: Bldg. Insp.. Ex- aminer of Efficiency and Arch. Engr., Chicago, 191 1 ; Arch. Engr., Bd. of, Educ Chicago, ist Lt., Engrs., 554th Bn., Camp Humphreys. Va.; Mustered out, Ja 2, 1919- Auth.: Ke-Kun- ning Curves, Eng>ig. Record. 1909; Continuous Concrete Beams with Restrained Ends do... 1910; Wing Abutment Formulas, Engng. A ens. 1912; Maximum Moments at Two ft. Intervals under Class E 50 Loading, do., 1912; A Design of a Wing Abutment, Technograph. 1912; Ue- sign of a Built-in Brick Chimney, Engng. Neu's, 191 4. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Married Anna E Olsen, Je 5, 191-'. Chicago. Child, George Leonard. Jr. b. Ap 9. i9i6. Addre'ss 4^)2-^ ^■ Robey St.. Chicago; bus. add., Bd. of Educ, do. 3803. PAUL MARTIN JOHANNING Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 7, 1885, Tamestown, Mo.; s. C. L. (b. Waterloo, 111.) and .\gnes (Scholz) Johanning. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Engr., Vaughn & Meyer, Mil- waukee. Married Cecelia Huber, Ag 8, 1911, Milwaukee. Child, Bernice Agnes, b. Mr 24, 1916. Address, 770 Superior St., Milwaukee; bus. add., 502 Security Bldg., do. 3804. PRESTON KING JOHNSON (Brother of No. 3806) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr i, 1885; s. Preston King (b. 1854, near Lafayette, Ind.) and Belle (Chance) Johnson (b. My 6, 1857, Lester, 111.). Prepared in Salem H. S.; Univ. Acad. Philo- mathean; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Phoenix; 111. -Ind. Debate; Stud. Union; Assoc. Ed., mini; Theta Kappa Mu, Permanent Sec. .A.sst. St. Atty. of St. Clair Co.; Lawyer, Belle- ville, HI. Mem., M. W. A.; A. F. A. M.; K. T.; Pres., Illini Club of Belleville; Belle- ville Bar Assn.; Sec.-Treas., Belleville Daily .4dvocate. Married Celia H. Alexander, TI 16, 1912. Belleville, 111. Children: Mildred Glossel, b. My 8. 1913; Preston King, BII, b. Ap 23, 1915. Address, 221 Wabash Ave., Belleville, 111.; bus. add.. First Nat. Bank, do. 3805. ROXANA GALLETLY JOHNSON Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Spencer, Ind.; d. Levi Smith (b. do.) and Matilda A. (GalletW) Tohn- 3on (b. do.). Prepared in Spencer H. S. A. B., Ind. St. Univ., 1903. Instr., Winona Tech.; Instr., Lib. Sch., Indianapolis, 1908-9; Univ. of 111. Lib., 1909; Cataloger, Washington St. Coll., 1910-12; In charge of cir. and instr. in Dept. of Lib. Sc, Univ. of Wash., S 1912 — . Address, 551S Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., Los Angeles Co. Free Library, Los Angeles. 3806. WILLIAM CHANCE JOHNSON (Brother of No. 3804) Engr. and Contr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag II, 1883, Altamont, HI.; s. Preston King (b. Mr I. 1854, Linden, Ind.) and Belle (Chance) Johnson (b. My 3, 1858, Kinmundy, III.). Prepared in Salem H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; C. E. Club; Technograph Bd.; Special Honors. Asst. Bridge Engr., 111. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111., 1909; Div. Engr., C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., Evansville, Ind., 1910-11; Engr., and Contr., Salem, 111., 1911- 12; do., Belleville, 111., 1913—- Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Etta Hoisington Johnson, Ag 26, 1907, Walshville, 111. Children: Richard Lester, b. My 5, 1909; Jane, b. Mr 8, 1914. Address, 510 S. High St., Belleville, 111. 3807. JAMES MILTON JOHNSTON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 3, 1885, Milan, III.; s. John C. (b. do.) and Sadie W. (Davis) Johnston (b. Rock Island, 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Glee and Mandolin Club; Class Football; Pres., Law Class, 1909- City Atty., Moline, 111. Mem., Moline Club. Address, 3309 Park 1 6th St., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 310 Peoples Bank Bldg., do. 3808. *BL.\NCHE JONES (WESTERN) \. B. in L. & A.; b. Ta 15, 1889, Deers, m.; d. William Matthew (b. D 8, 1849, Sidney, do.) and Nora B. (Cooper) Jones (b. Jl 16, 1S63, Philo, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Athenean. Married Lea Miron Western, O 5, 1910. Died S 24, 191I1 Urbana. 3809. BRUCE LEROY JONES Surv. and Asst. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. N 20, 1886, Wheeler, Ind.; s. Charles Fran- cis (b. S 22, 1846, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.) and Sophia (Vader) Jones (b. Ag. i, 1847. iqoq] Baccalaureate Alumni 347 Cattaraugus Co., do.). Prepared in Valpara- iso (Ind.) H. S. triangle. Mem.^ M. E. Church. Married Agnes Ziga Hams, S 2, 1909, Urbana. Address. Union, IlLf 3810. FRANK SCFIALL JONES (Brother of No. 3430) Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 2, 1887, Balavia. III.; s. Horace N. (b. Ag 27, 1859) and May E. S. Jones (b. S 27, 1861). Prepared in VV. Batavia H. S. With Doherty Operating Co., 60 Wall St., New York City; Asst. Supt., do., acting as Mgr. of Coke Sales. Mem., Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Nat. Cml. Gas Assn. Address, c/o Union Carbide Co., Niag- ara Falls. N. Y. 3811. JOHN LLOYD JONES (Son of No. 239; Husband of No. 4569) Banker; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O 16, 1887, near Henry, 111.; s. Robert Davis ('80), (b. O 22, i860, Lacon, 111.) and Minnie Prudence (Miller) Jones (b. D 21, i860, Peru, III.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Tau Beta Pi. Bookkeeper, First Nat. Bank, Henry, 111., 1909-10; Cashier, do., 1910 — -. O. T. C. Ft. Sheridan, 1917; ist Lt., 114th M. G. Bn., France, Ja 1918 — . Married Elizabeth M. Broad- dus Cn), O 21, 1912, Henry, 111. Children: Robert Clark, b. Ja 12, 1917; John Lloyd, Jr., b- Je 5, 1918. Address, Henry, 111. 3812. TRUMAN NATHANIEL JONES Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1910; b. D 6, 1881, Leland, 111.; s. C. B. and Anna (Barnes) Jones. Prepared in E. Aurora. Scholarship in Hist. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Moline. Address, 2401 12th Ave., Moline, 111. 3813. MYRON KENDALL JORDAN (Husband of No. 3476) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i, 1881, Malvern, la.; s. James Corington (b. Mr 31, 1845, Rockport, O.) and Mary Ellen (Dunlap) Jordan (b. F 10, 1856, Leyden, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club; Triangle. Civ. Engr., Crocker & Ketchum; do., H. S. Cracker, Const, of Viaducts and Subways; Struct. Engr., K. C. Struct. Steel Co.; Checker, Struct. Steel Am. Bridge Co., 191 2 — . Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Nellie Pearl Mathews ('08), Ap 7, 1912, Champaign. Child, Ellen, b. Ag 13, 1918. Address, 7600 Champlain Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add.. Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. 3814. JOHN LARIMER KAGY Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; J. D., 1912; b. F 22, 1888; s. Levi Monroe (b. D 15, 1855, Seneca Co., O.) and Alice (Larimer) Kagy (b. Mr 14. 1861, Salem, 111.). Prepared in Salem H. S. Scholarship in Law, 1910-n; Master in Chancery, Marion Co., 1915-18. 303 Ammunition Train, ist H. Q. Bn., France, 1918— . Mem., I. O. O. F. Married Eva Murray, D 4, 1914. Child, John Murray, b. Ap 19, 1917. Address,. Salem, 111. 3815. LUCILE EMMA KAYS (MILLAR) (Daughter of No. 214; Sister of No. 2717) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 19, 1S85, Buda, 111.; d. Emery ('79), (b. O 10, 1853, Magnolia, 111.) and Emma C. (Trask) Kays (b. S 6, 1854, Bu- da, 111.). Prepared in Phoenix (Ariz) H. S. Al- pha Xi Delta; Athenean; H. Sc. Club. Teach- er, Dom. Art, 1909-10; (Charge of Home Econ. Dept. in H. S., Phoenix, Ariz., 1911. Married Charles Ernest Millar, Je 11, 1912, Phoenix, Ariz. Child, Margaret, b. Mr 1913. Address, East Lansing, Mich. 3816. VICTOR C. KAYS (Brother of No. 5240) Pres., St. Agr. Sch.; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 24, 1882, Magnolia, 111.; s. John A. (b. Mr 7, 1 85 1, do.) and Mary A. (Hartenbower) Kays (b. Ag 8, 1862, Minn.). Prepared in Henry H. S.; No. III. St. Norm. Sch., 1899-1902; B. S. A. and M. S. A., St. Agr. Coll., N. M. Basketball Capt. ; Football. Agr. and charge of Exp. Sta., St. Agr. Sch., Wetumpka, Ala., 1910-11; Pres., St. Agr. Sch., Jonesboro, Ark., 191 1 — • Address, Jonesboro, Ark. 3817. TRUMAN LEE KELLEY (Brother of Nos. 1909, 5242) Professor; A. B. in Sc; M. A., 191 1; b. My 25, 1884, Whitehall, Mich.; s. Marshall Charles (b. 1842, Vt. ) and Mary Strong (Smith) Kelley (b. 1853). Prepared in Mus- kegon_ (Mich.) H. S.; Minnesota, 1903-04. Ph. D., Columbia, 1914. Gamma Alpha; Cosmo- i^olitan Club; Special Honors; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi; Pres., Educ. Club (Later Kappa Delta Pi). Teacher, Ga. Sch. of Tech., 1909- 10; H. S., Fresno, Calif., 1911-12; Consulting Psychologist, Culver Mil. Acad., 1913-14; Instr., Educ. Psych., Univ. of Tex., 1914-15; Adj. Prof., Educ. Psych., do., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1017 — . Auth. : Educational Guidance, Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1914; Tables to Facilitate the Calculation of Partial Coefficients of Correlation and Re- gression Equations, Univ. of Tex., 1916; Men- ial Aspects of Delinquency, Univ. of Tex., 1 91 6; The Assn. Exp., Psych. Review, Vol. 20, No. 6, N 1913; Comparable Measures, Jour, of Educ. Psych., D 19 14; The Colony Plan for the care of the Feeble-minded, Bui. of Tex. St. Conf. of Charities and Correc- tions, Vol. 2, No. I, Ja 1915; A Study of H. 5. and Univ. Grades. Jour". Educ. Psych., Vol. 6, No. 6, 191 5; A Constructive Ability Test, do., Ja 1916: A Simplified Method of LIsing Scaled Data for Purposes of Testing, Sch. and Soc, Vol. 4, Jl 18, 1916; Further Logical Aspects of the Binet Scale, Psych. Review, Vol. 23, No. 5, S 1916; Thorndike's Reading Scale Alpha 2 Adapted to Individual Testing, Teachers Coll. Record, Vol. 18, No. 3, My 191 7; Effect of Malaria and Hookworm upon the Physical and Mental Development of School Children. El. Sch. Jour., Vol. 18, No. i, 1917; Individual Testing with Completion Test Ex- ercises, Teachers' Coll. Record, Vol. 18, No. .1, S 1 917. Mem., Am. Psych, .'^ssn.; N. E. .\.; A. A. A. S. Married Mrs. Lura Osgood Rogers, Ag 26, 191 1, Los Angeles. Address, 'I'eachers Coll., Columbia Univ., New York City. 381S. LOUIS RALPH KELLY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 2, 1883, DuQuoin, III.; s. Thomas B. (b. S i, 1839, Aberdeen, O.) and Nannie Belle (Fleming) Kelly (b. Ja 26, 1849, Rome. O.). Prepared in DuQuoin H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; Egyptian Club; Jr. Prom. Com. Lawyer and U. S. In- ternal Revenue Collector; Co. Judge, Perry Co., lib; Chm. Legal Advisory Bd. ; Connected with office of the U. S. Revenue Collector for So. 111. with hdqtrs. at E. St. Louis. Ad- dress, 359 E. Park St., DuQuoin, 111. 3819. BARTLETT MARTIN KERR (Brother of No. 3059) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 21, 1886, Urbana;" s. Thomas Wesley (b. Chattanooga, Tenn.) and Elizabeth (Ellrod) Kerr (b. May- view. 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Class Football and Baseball. Draftsman, P. & E. Shops, Urbana. 1909-10; Insp., Commonwealth .Steel Co., Granite City, 111., 1910-11; Drafts- man, Velie Motor Vehicle Co., Moline, HI., 1911-12; Designer, Mercer Auto Co., Trenton, N. J., 1913-15; Exp. Engr., Automobiles and 348 University of Illinois [1909 Gas Tractors, J. I. Case Motor Co., Racine, Wis., 191 5—. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; A. F. A. M. Married Nellie S. Roughton, Ag 12, 191 1, Urbana. Child, Bartlett, Jr., b. D 29, 1917. Address, 1727 Park Ave., Racine, Wis.; bus. add., J. I. Case Motor Co., Racine, Wis. 3820. MERCEDES KILNER (REID) (Sister of No. 2722) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 10, 1887, York, Neb.; d. John Caleb (b. Je 6, 1855, Yorkshire, Eng.) and Lenna (Hammond) Kilner (b. Ag 17, 1853, la.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., 1905-8. Mem., Math- eon Club of Chicago; Assoc, of Coll. Alumnae. Married Hugh McClurg Reid, Jl 12, 1909, Chi- cago. Child, Hugh McClurg, Jr., b. Jl 4, 191 1. Address, 1107 N. Park Ave., Chicago; bi(s. add., 662 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C.t 3821. JOHN KENNEDY KINCAID Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 29, 1885, Athens, 111.; s. John Henry (b. Jl 9, 1848, do.) and Ellen Jane (Culver) Kincaid (b. Jl 31, 1849, do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Acacia; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Farmer, 1909 — . Precinct Food Administrator, Menard Co.; Seed Corn Administrator, St. Council of Defense. Mem., Presby. Clnirch; A. F. A. M.; Commandery, K. T. ; Shrine, Ansar Temple, Springfield, 111.; Sec.-Treas., Menard Co. Farmers' Inst., 1914 — •. Married Edith Mae Painter, S 12, 1918, Carrollton, 111. Address, Indian Point, Athens, 111. 3822. BRUCE ADAMS KING Manufacturer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 28, 1887; s. M. B. (b. Huntsville, 111.) and Emily N. King (b. Perry, do.). Prepared in Augusta H. S. Zeta Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club. Farmer, 1909-10; Asst. Mgr., Plow Dept., Deere & Co., 1910-12; Supt., Deere & Co. Midland Works, E. Moline, 1912-17; Mfr., Combat Wagons for U. S. A., 19 17 — •. Mar- ried Rhoda Margaretha Reinhardt, Je 11, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Bruce Adams, Jr., b. Ap 22, 1913. Address, 2404 nth St., Moline, 111.; bus. add., c/o Deere & Co., do. 3823. HOWARD BAKER KINGSBURY Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. O 13, 1879, Joplin, Mo.; s. Charles M. (b. D 23, 1840, Bangor, Me.) and Amelia E. (Baker) Kingsbury, (b. Mr 6, 1848, Calhoun, 111.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1903. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1909- 10; Head of Math. Dept., West Division H S., Milvi'aukee, 1910 — . Mem., Church Bd., Wesley M. E. Church. Married Ethel Alice Walser, D 30, 1903, West Salem, 111. Children: Charles Howard, b. Ap 4, 1905; Harold Nelson, b. My 13, 1912; Herbert Kenneth, b. Ap 5, 19 1 6. Address, 383 31st St., Milwaukee. 3824. ELIZABETH KIRK (ROBINSON) (Sister of Nos. 5248, 8488) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 28, 1886, near Ma- con, 111.; d. Orlando T. (b. Mr 22, 1857, Warsaw, Ind.) and Mary S. (Cummings) Kirk (b. Ja 8, i860, Blue Mound, 111.). Pre- pared in Decatur H. S.; 111. St. Norm. L^niv., 1904-5. W. A. A.; Class Basket Ball'; Tennis Mgr.; Swimming Leader; Volunteer Band; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, S. Dak.; Home- steader, do; Prin., Pub. Sch., Sadorus, 1912- 13; Teacher. White Hall, 1913-15. Married Ewell W. Robinson, Je 28, 1915, Omaha, Neb. Children: Ewell Kirk, b. Je 2, 1916; Mabel Elizabeth, b. My 12, 1918. Address, R. 2, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 3825. WARREN EMERSON KNAPP Chem. Engr.; B. S. ii\ Chem. E.; b. Je 16, 1885, Kan.; s Harry S. (b. Jl 9, i860, Mich.) and Anna Emerson (Waddell) Knapp (b. My 31, 1861, Mich.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1904-6. Sigma Nu; Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Chem., Gen. Chem. (^o., (Ilhi- cago, 1910; First Asst. Chem., do., 1911-12; Research Chem.. do., 1912; Works Chem., do., 1913-18; do.. Gen. Chem. Co.. Pulaski, Va., 1918—. Mem., A. C. S.; Epis. Church. Mar- ried Ethel Cowles, S 16, 1912, Burlington, la. Children: Caroline, b. 19x3; Katherine, b. 1915; Harry Lamonto, b. 1917 (died 1917). Address, General Chemical Co., Pulaski, Va. 3826. SAMUEL MILES KNOX Live Stock Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 5, 1888, Humboldt, Kan.; s. Anson H. (b. O 8, 1855, Wyanet, 111.) and Annie Louise Dewey (Whipple) Knox (b. Ap 24, 1856, Boston). Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Agr. Club; Schol- arship from Bureau Co.; Track, 1909. Farmer, La Harpe, Kan., 1909-14; Cattle and Hog Breed- er, Humboldt, Kan., 1914-18. Tp. Bd., 1910- 14; Sch. Bd., 1912-16. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Chap Commandery; Sec, Kan. 'Mulefoot Hog Assn.; Sec, Allen Co. (Kan.) Short Horn Breeders Assn. Married Mabel Lula Davis, D 10, 1912, Independence, Mo. Children: Samuel Miles, III., b. Ap 5, 1914; Anna Mary, b. Je i, 1917. Address, Humboldt, Kan. 3827. AMUND MARIUS KORSMO (Brother of No. 4756) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 4, 1886, Elgin, 111.; s. Gunnar (b. Norway) and Thea (Olsen) Korsmo (b. do.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Triangle; Class Football. Address, 6226 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. f 3828. JOHN CLINTON KOST Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F i, 1875, Bushnell, III.; s. John William (b. 1847, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Crowl) Kost (b. 1850, 111.). Pre- pared in West. 111. Norm. Coll. and Bus. Inst., Bushnell, 111. Atty. at Law and Justice of the Peace, Galesburg, 111. Mem., I. O. O. F. Married Elsie M. Copeland, F 20, 190 1, Galesburg, III. Children: John Clinton, b. F 10, 1902; Victor R., b. My 12, 1905; Mary Virginia, b. Ag 25, 1914. Address, Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., 109 E. Main St., do. 3829. EUGENE WILLIAM KRAFT Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 25, 1886, St. Louis; s. Louis P. Kraft (b. St. Louis). Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis; Grad. Stud.. Konigliche Technische Hochschule Zu Charlottenburg, Berlin, Ger. ; Konigliche Wurttembergische Polytecknikum, Stuttgart, Ger. Mgr., Kueffel & Esser Co. of New York, Chicago Branch. Auth. : Directions for Math, and Similar Instruments Manufactured by above Co.; Descriptive Catalogs, etc., pub. by the Co. Mem., Chicago Engrs. Club. Address, 520 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 3830. CHRISTIAN HERMAN KRlEILING Drainage Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 26, 1885, Bishop, 111.; s. Herman Gehard (b. 1839, Han- over, Ger.) and Mary (Budke) Kreiling (b. 1845, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors. Drainage Engr., Chandler- ville, 1909-14; do., Havana, 111., 1914-18. Patented Dredge, 191 1. Married Ruby Flor- ence Ellenberger, D 30, 1916. Child, Dortha Jane, b. Je 22, 1917. Address, 622 N. Broad- way, Havana, 111. 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 349 3831. FREDERICK WILLIAM KRESSMANN (Husband of No. 3756) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; M. S., 1910; b. F 6, 1888, Chicago: s. Fred (b. 1859, do.) and Minna (Hink) Kressman (b. 1862, near Lincoln, Neb.). Prepared in Crane ^Tech. H. S., Chicago. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Prelim., Special and Final Honors. Fellow- ship, Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Asst. Chem., For- est Products Lab., U. S. Forest Service Bur., Dept. of Agr., 1910-11; Chem. do., 1911-16; Gen. Mgr., Plant of Internal. Alcohol Corp., Fullerton, La. Devised New Improved meth- ods for mfg. ethyl alcohol from wood waste; yellow dyestuff in Osage Orange wood used for dyeing khaki colors at present time. Auth.: (With S. W. Parr) The Spontaneous Combus- tion of Coal with Special Reference to Bit- uminous Coals of the 111. Type, Univ. of 111. Engng. Exp. Sta. Bui., No. 46, 1910; Many articles relating to use of wood and sawmill waste for alcohol production.. Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem.; articles describing dyestuffs in Osage Orange for dyeing army goods, published in Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem. and Jour. Am. Leather Chem. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Leather Chem. Assn.; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Mabel Alberta Gridley ('09), Je 20, 1912, Morrison, 111. Children: Frederick Wil- liam, Jr., b. Je 6, 1913; Elsa Mae, b. Jl i, 1917. Address, Fullerton, La.; bus. add., 59 Pearl St., New York City. 3832. LEROY LANG Manager; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 191 1; b. Mr 13, 1886, Monticello, la.; s. Horatio James (b. 1851, Cornwall, Eng.) and Mary (Wolfe) Lang (b. 1856). Prepared in Monticello H. S. Sigma Pi; Alpha Zeta. Instr., Dairy Mfrs., and Asst., Exp. Sta., Univ. of HI., 1911-13; Assoc, 1914-16; Field Mgr., Chapin-Sacks Mfg. Co., Washiniton, D. C. Married Margaret Hope Hallett, My 5, 191 5, Springfield, 111. Children: Carl Leland, b. Ag 21, 1914; Margar- et Ellen, b. Ja 2, 1917. Address, Jacksonville, Fla. 3833. GEORGE PENCE LARGE Instrumentman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 9, 1885, Owaneco, 111.; s. George E. and Daisy D. (Pence) Large. Prepared in Taylorville H. S. Instrumentman, C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Address, R. i, Box 17, Owaneco, 111. 3834. ELY VAILL LAUGHLIN Dean of Lenox College; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ta 16, 1875, San Antonia, Tex.; s. Charles H. (b. Ja 23, 1836, Quincy, III.) and Mary S. (Waldo) Laughlin (b. Je 14, 1837, Osceola, Mo.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Prin., H. S., Monticello, 1908-9; Teacher, Sc, H. S., 1909-10; Farmer, 1910-11; Prof., Lenox Coll., Hopkinton, la., 1911; Dean, do., 1915 — . Auth.: At the Helm of a Small College, Unpopular Review, Jl 191 5; Articles in farm publications. Married Anna Hawker, Je 1905, Griggsville, 111. Children: Charles Vaill, b. My 30, 1907; Fran- ces Aileen, b. O 23, 1909. Address, Hopkin- ton, la. 3835. CHARLES BOPES LEE (Son of No. 218; Brother of Nos. 3071. 4769. (7030, 7732) With Armour Grain Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 17, 1886, Hamlet, 111.; s. Elisha ('79), (b. Ap 6, 1856, Hamlet, 111.) and Lena (Bopes) Lee. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Adelphic; Ed. Agr.; Maj., Univ. Regt. Farmer, 1909-10; Instr., Univ. of Nebr., and Exp. Sta. work, 1910; Dept. of An. Husb., do., 1910-16; Armour Grain Col, Chicago, 1916. Married Jessie Gretchen Beghtol, Mr 18, 1916. Address, Armour Grain Co., Chicago. 3836. GERTRUDE ANN LEE (McKELVEY) (Wife of No. 3088) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 17, 1885, Pesotum, 111.; d. Noah (b. My 29, 1853, do.) and Mary Caroline (Hart) Lee (b. D 8," 1858, Neoga, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; H. Sc. Club. Married Frank Hotchkiss McKelvey ('07), F 9, 1910, Cham- paign. Children: Mary Frances, b. D 17, 1911; Frank Hotchkiss, Jr., b. Ap 5, 1917. Address, R. 3, Sparta, 111. 3837. EDWARD FERDINAND JACOB LINDBERG (Brother of Nos. 4278, 5271) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. N 9, 1887, Cherokee, la.; s. Karl (b. Ja 26, 1846, Wexio, Kronoberg, Sweden) and Hannah (iVy- stroni) Lindberg (b. S 1S46, Fahlum, Koppar- berg, do.). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; E. E. Soc ; Hawkeye Club; Scand. Club; Stud, mem., A. I. E. E.; Track; Class Pres. ; Class Football, Mgr.; Sr. Mem. Com.; Jr. Smoker Com. Const. Dept., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1909; San. Dist. of Chicago, 1909-10; Mem., Assn. of Steel Elec. Engrs., Central Elec. Co., 1910-14; Mgr., The Reliance Elec. and Engng. Co., Cleveland, 1914. 111. Nat. Guard, 1909-10; Lt., O. R. C, IQ18; Aeroplane armament officer, Air Service, 1918; Commander, 3rd Ord. (Cas- ual Co., A. E. F., France, 19 18 — . Mem., Chi- cago Ath. Assn. Address, Chicago Athletic Assn., Chicago; bus. add., 343 S. Dearborn St., do. 3838. FLEETWOOD HERNDON LINDLEY . City Clerk; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ap 4, 1887, Springfield, 111.; s. Joseph P. (b. Mr 20, 1842, Mansfield, O.) and Julia A. (Herndon) Lindley (b. Je 10, 1854, Spring- field, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt. Dept. Mgr. and Buyer, R. F. Herndon and Co., Springfield, 111., 1909-16; do.. Green- house Vegetable bus., 1916; City Clerk, Spring- field, 111., 1919— . Second Lt., M. G. Co., Camp Hancock, Ga.; Mustered out, D 10, 1918. Pres., Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn., Springfield, 111., 1916-17; Mem., Bd. of Mgrs. of Oak Ridge Cemetery, 1918. Address, 904 S. Sth St., Springfield, HI. 3839. JAMES HOWARD LINN Bond Salesman; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Mr 28, 1887; s. James C. Linn (b. Harrisburg, Pa.). Prepared in New Trier H. S. Shield and Trident; Phi Gamma Delta; Yoxan. Harris Trust and Savings Co., Calif.; Bond Salesman, Lee Higginson & Co., The Rookery, Chicago. Capt., U. S. A. Address, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add, c/o Lee Higginson & Co., Chicago. 3840. MARGIE LINTON A. B. in L. & A. ; b. S 17, 1885, Lewistown, 111.; d. George K. (b. 1859, Johnstown, Pa.) and Elizabeth A. (Fahnestock) Linton (b. 1859, Lewistown, 111.). Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Eng. Club. Address, 920 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 3841. NELL EVELYN LLOYD (ALLUM) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 19. 1886, Hubbard Woods, 111.; d. Llewellyn H. (b. 1863, Chi- cago) and Ellen Theresa (Taylor) Lloyd (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in New Trier H. S.; N. W. Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1905-6. Delta Gamma. Married George Frederick Allum, Je 30, 1914, Wheaton, III. Children: Nancy Evelyn, b. Je 18, 1916; Dorothy, b. Ap 10, 1918. Address, 704 Gary Ave., Wheaton, III. 35° University of Illinois [1909 3842. WALTER CONTANT LOCKE (Husband of No. 4965) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 29, 1 836, LaSalle, 111.; s. William Anderson (b. O 2, 1854, near Dayton, O.) and Sarah Jane (Contant) Locke (b. F 15, 1861, Belle Vernon, Pa.). Prepared in LaSalle-Pcru Tp. H. S. Triangle. Min. and Irrigation, Boise, Idaho, 1909-14; Highway Engrs., As.st. Engng. Dept. of Pub. Works and Bidgs., Div. of Highways, St. of HI., Peoria, 1915-1S; Asst. Engr., Salime Co. Coal Co., Harrisburg, 111., 1918 — . Married Lois Rebecca Webber ('11), Ja i, 1912, Indian- apolis. Children: Virginia, b. Je 8, 1913; Wil- liam Webber, b. My 12, 1916. Address, 407_ E. Locust St., Harrisburg, 111.; bus. add., Salime County Coal Co., do. 3843. HARRY STEPHEN LOFQUIST Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 12, 1885, Bur- lington, la.; s. Olof Ludwig (b. Ja 8, 1859) and Hannah Christine (Norling) Lofquist (b. N 23, 1858). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Final Honors; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Engr., Engng. Dept., Nat. Lamp Works of Gen. Elec. Co.; Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Div., Nat. Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co., Fostoria, O. Ad- dress, Y. M. C. A., Fostoria, O. 3844. GEORGE DURWARD LONG Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 11, 18S3, Reinbeck, la.; s. Simeon Dimend (b. Ja 18, 1845, Somer- setshire, Eng.) and Marjorie May (Durward) Long (b. Je 6, 1853, Aberdeen, Scotland). Prepared in Fulton H. S. Adelphic. With Kimball & Blake, Attys., Mason City, la., 1909- 11; with Alder'son & Breckinridge, Attys., Sum- mersville, W. Va., 1911-13; Jr. Mem. of Law Firm, S. E. and George D. Long; Mfrs. St. Bank Bldg., E. Moline, 111., 1913-18; City Atty. of E. Moline, 111., 1917 — ■ Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Mfrs. St. Bank Bldg., East Moline. 111. 3845. MAURICE FRANKLIN LORD Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O s. 1887, Piano, III.; s. Franklin William (b. Ag 31, 1848, Little Rock, 111.) and Lida (Van Emon) Lord (b. D 21, 1857, Yorkville, 111.). Pre- pared in Piano H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Adelphic. Class Baseball; Class Football. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1912. Lawyer, 1912 — . 2nd Lt., F. A., Camp Taylor. Ky. ; Mustered out, D 21, 191 8. Mem., Peoples Church of Aurora; Aurora Bar Assn.; Jerusalem Temple No. 90, A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Anna Mack, Je 16, 1917- Address^ 25 S. 4th St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 342 Coulter Block, do. 3846. FREDERICK AYRES LORENZ, Jr. Pres., Binding Co.; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. F 26, 1886, Lansing, Mich.; s. Frederick A. (b. O 2, 1862, Ontario, O.) and Florence May (Ayres) Lorenz (b. My 10, 1864, Kalida, O.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1904-5. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Insp. Engr., C. & N. W. R. R., 1909; Oper- ating Engr., Republic Iron & Steel Co., 1910; Steel Wheel Expert, Am. Steel Foundries, 1910-16; Mgr., Wheel Dept., Am. St. Foun- dries, 1916-17; Pres., The Hill' Binding Co., Chicago, 191 7 — . Mem., West. R. R. Chib. Address, 5621 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1056 Van Buren St., do. 3847. JAMES CHARLES LUND Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; M. S., ign; b. D 21, 1886, Paxton, 111.; s. Carl F. (b. Je 10, 186s, Motala, Sweden) and Anna (Peter- son) Lund (b. My 3, 1862, Sodertelje, do.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Scandinavian Club; M. E. Soc. Instr. in Metal Working, Univ. of 111.. 1909-10; Asst. in G. E. D., do., 1910-11; Const. Engr., 111. H'phway Comn., i9>i; with the Jackson Milling Co., Jackson. Minn., 1912; with Deere & Co., Piece Rate Dept., Moline, 111., 1912-17; Joiin Deere Plow Works of Deere & Co., Moline, 111.; Asst. Supt., do., 191 7-1 S; Dain Mfg. Co.. Ottumwa, la., 191S — . Married .Sue W. Oilman, Je 8, 1912, Hoopeston, III. Child, Margaret Sue, b. F 5, 191S. Address 311 North Wapello, Ottumwa, la.; bus. add., Dain Mfg. Co., do. 3848. JOHN, ELLIOTT LYNN Statistician; A. b'. in L. & A.; b. N 7, 1883, Lockridge, la.; s. John S. (b. Mr 14, 1858, do.) and Emma J. (Holt) Lynn (b. Ag 21, 1859, do.). Prepared in Washington, la., H. S.; Washington Acad.; St. Univ. of la., 1905-6. Agent, Passenger Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1909-18; Statistician, C^entral Western Region, U. S. Railroad Admin. Married Agnes V. Nord, O 9, 1912. Child, John Ward, b. O 31, 1913. Address, 3125 "Oak Park Ave., Berwyn, 111.; bus. add., 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 3849. *CLARE PARSONS McCASKEY (Brother of Nos. 3463, 47S8) Salesman; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. D 9, 1886, Eldorado, Kan.; s. Alfred Samuel (b. My 13. 1854, Bucyrus, O.) and Justitia (Par- sons) McCaskey (b. Ap 23, 1856, LaGrange, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Helmet. Class Football, Bas- ket ball. With Univ. Portland Cement Co., 1909-10; Salesman, LT. S. Printograph Co., 1910- ii; do., Sewell Clapp Mfg. Co., 1911 — . Lt. Inf., U. S. R. Unassigned A. E. F., France; Capt., do. Killed in action, N 191,8, France. 3850. WILLIAM THOMPSON McCLENA- HAN Asst. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. My 24, 1880, Arkansas City, Kan.; s. Robert Ste- wart (b. Je 1838, Fairview, O.) and Martha (Thompson) McClenahan (b. D 26, 1S48, Clin- ton, Pa.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Asst. City Engr., Excelsior Springs, Mo., 1909-11; City Engr., Water Works Design and Const., Salem, 111., 191 1- 12; Asst. Engr., Chester & Flemming, Pitts- burgh, 1912-13; Supt., Kensington Water Co., New Kensington, Pa., 1913-16; Asst. Engr., Pearse & Greeley, Chicago, 1916-18. Auth. : Articles in Engng. Record, 1910, 1911, 1916; Engng. and Contracting, O 1916. Address, 349 E. 5 8th St., Chicago; bus. add., 64 W. Ran- dolph, do. . 3851. HUGH ALLEN McCREA Superintendent; B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. Jl 29, 1886, Bethalto, 111.; s. H. T. (b. Scotland and Hannah L. (Chandler) McCrea. Pre- pared in Alton H. S. Class Football; Mgr., Class Basketball; Zeta Psi. 111. Traction Co., Car Shops, Const. Dept.; Gen. Elec. Co., Test, Power and Min. Engr. Dept.; Asst. Elec. Supt., Ashland Iron & Min. Co., Ashland, Ky., 1917 — . 111. Naval Reserve, Alton, 111., 1903- 07. Married Mary Agnes Dare. F 17, 191 7. Schenectady, N. Y. Address, Ashland, Ky. 3852. HARVEY DOUGLAS McGINNIS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My ig, 1886, Lone Tree, la.; s. Jolm Charles (b. Mr 14. i860, Mendota. 111.) and Anna Elizabeth (Mun- die) McGinnis (b. S 22, 1863. do.). Prepared in Mendota and Kirksville (Mo.) H. Schs. In Testing Dept., H. B. Smith Co. Address^ 476 Downer Place, Aurora, Ill.t 3S53. JOHN VERNER McINTYRE Cashier; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. My 3, 1R87, Newman, 111.; s. Tohn B. (b. Muirkirk, Ont., Can.) and Isabelle Porter (McAllister) Mclntyre (b. Newport, Ind.). Prepared in Newman H. S. Cashier. First St. Bank. Mar- ried Nellie Byran Mofhtt. D 29, 1910, New- man, 111. Addtess, Eagle Point, Ore. 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 351 3854. ARTHUR WILSON McKELVEY (Brother of No. 308S) Real Est. Bits.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 1, 18S3, Sparta, III.; s. Sidney A. (b. do.) and Hattie T. (Hotchkiss) McKelvey (b. Sharon Valley, Conn.). Prepared in Sparta H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1908. Phi Delta Theta. Mar- ried Gaye E. Edwards, F 2.;, ign, Murphys- boro, 111. Child, daughter, b. D 17, 191 1. Ad- dress, Los Angeles. 3855. JOSEPH LYONS McLAUGHLIN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 28, 1883, Salem, Hi.; s. Joseph Knox and Tirzah Elvira (Morton) McLaug:hlin. Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Delta Sigma Rho; Theta Kappa Nu; Adelphic; Egyptian Club; ist Scholarship in Coll. of Law, 1907-8; Ilalf Scholarships, 190S-9; Lead- er, HI. -la. Debate; Leader, Ind.-Hl. Debates. Lawyer, Sullivan, HI., 1915 — -. Married, Nel- lie I'^erne Whitchurch, Ag 28, 1912, Salem, 111. Children: Joseph Knox. Jr., b. Ag 28, 1913; Jack Whitchurch, b. Ja 11, 1915. Address, Sullivan, 111. 3856. , EUGENE CAMPBELL IS^cMILLAN Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 26, 1886, Denver, 111.; s. C. M. (b. Ag 21, i8=;3, West Point, 111.) and Clara Ann (Campbell) Mc- Millan (b. Ap 8, 1859, Lewistown, 111.). Pre- pared in Carthage Coll. Sigma Xi; Varsity Water Polo. With R. W. Hunt & Co., Insp., R. R. Equipment, 1909-11; Mech. Engr., Am. Bur. of Inspection and Tests, 1911-13; Branch Sales Mgr., Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, O., 191 3 — . Married Margaret Mosher, Je 3, 191 1, Columbus, O. Child, Robert Campbell, b. Ja 12, igi8. Address, 1221 W. 24th St., Minneapolis. 3857. SARAH GRACE McMILLEN (JOR- GENSEN) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; b. Pitts- burgh; d. Hugh (b. Scotland) and Elizabeth Jane (McCleary) McMillen (b. Ireland); Pre- pared in Macomb H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Champaign. Mar- ried F. A. Jorgensen, S 3, 1913, Urbana. Ad- dress, 308 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 3858. NORAII McNEILL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 4, 1876, Garden Grove, la.; d. Stanfield Pinkard (b. F 14, 1827, Washington, Ky.) and Nancy (Arnold) Mc- Neill (b. Ja 29, 1837, Tifhn, O.). Prepared in Garden Grove (la) H. S. ; la. Agr. Coll., Ames. 1895-6; la. St. Univ., 1896-8; Univ. of Neb., 1905-6; Univ jf Mich., 1906-7. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 190/. Libn., Club Lib., head S. Dak. H. S. Lib., 1909-11; Head Loan & Ref. Dept., Rosenberg Lib., Galveston, Tex., 191 1 — . Mem., Epis. Church; D. A. R. Address, Galveston, Tex.t 3859. SANTOSH CHANDRA MAJUMDAR Dairy Farmer and Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 21, 1886, Calcutta; s. Svish Chandra (b. 1858, Rajshahy, Bengal) and Sm Jugalmohini Devi (Gupta) Majumdar (b. 1868, Bengal). Prepared in Shantinikelan Bramha Chanyash- ram (also called Branihavidyalaya of Bolpur). Agr. Club; Cosmospolitan Club; Pres. of House Com.; Unity Club; Social Sc. Club. Worked in Cheese Factory, Wis.; Dairy farming and teaching of Eng. and Sc. in Bramhachany- ashram Inst., Shantiniketan, Bolpur, 1910. Auth.: Dairy Cows of India, Agr., 1908; Fer- tility of Soils, Bangadarsan Magazine, 1909; Bacteria, Gangadarsan Magazine of Calcutta, 1909; The Immured Monks of Tibet (transla- tion), Prabashi Mag. of Calcutta, 191 1; The Psychology of a Hope, The Prabashi, 191 1. W'ith the exception of the first, all articles are in Bengal. Mem. Ex. Com. of Shantiniketan Bramhachanyashram; Ashramic Sangha of Shantiniketan. Married Sitabala Mullick, F 6, 191 1, Calcutta. Address. Shantiniketan, Bolpur, E. I. Ry. Loop Line, Bengal, India. 3860. JESSIE VALENTINE MANN (WADDELL) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 14, 1887, Nora Springs, la.; d. Orville Carleton (b. Jl 22, 1859, Swiftwater, N. H.) and Emma Ida (Knapp) Mann (b. N 20, 1863, Nora Springs, la.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Y. W. C. .\. ; Alpha Chi Omega; Class Basketball; (Jlass V. P. and Sec. Mem., Home Study Circle of Vandalia; Pres., do., igii-12; Treas., Home Missionary Soc. ; O. E. S.; Bd. of Educ, 1917-20; Treas., Vandalia Woman's Club, 19 17- 18; Presby. Church. Married Tames Vance WaddeH, Je 22, 1909, Oak Park, 111. Children: Ruth Emma, b. Ap 4, 1910; Jessie Frances, b. Jl 14, 1912; Thomas James, b. Mr 2, 1914. Address, 230 S. 7th St., Vandalia, 111. 3861. MARY ELIZABETH MANN (HEPBURN) (Daughter of No. 108; VVife of No. 3025; Sister of No. 2170) A. B. in L. & A.; B. Mus., 1910; b. Ja 28, 1886, Gilman, 111.; d. Frank Irving ('7(1), (b. iVIy 8, 1854, Marshall Co.. 111.) and Fan- nie (Judson) Mann. Prepared in Gilman H. S. Alethenai; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Married Nelson William Hepburn ('07), D 29, 1910, Gilman, 111. Children: Elizabeth, b. Jl 13, 1912; Ruth Eleanor, b. D 6, 1915. Address, 806 Iowa St., Urbana. 3862. WARREN MOORE MANSFIELD Engineer; B. S. in M. E. & A. B. in Sc.; b. O 7, 1882, Rio Tp., 111.; s. Amos W. (b. Mr 15, 1853, Knox Co., 111.) and Frances Elizabeth (Tilden) Mansfield (b. Ag 3, 1852, White River Junction. Vt.). Prepared in Woodhuli H. S.; Acad, of Drake Univ.; Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111., 2 yrs. Sigma Xi. In testing Lab., Deere & Co., Moline, 111., 1911 — . Jr. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Mar- ried Beula Mae Mansfield, Je 21, 191 1, Battle Creek, Mich. Address, Williston, N. Dak.t 3863. *LEW'IS VINTON MANSPEAKER, JR. (Brother of Nos. 2171, 5295) B. S. in C. E.; b: My 26, 1887, Champaign; s. Lewis Vinton (b. N 27, 1852, Bedford, Pa.) and Emma (Gruver) INIanspeaker (b. N 29, 1858, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in (Thanipaign H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Prelim. Honors. Rail- road Locations and Const., 1909-10; Engr., M. O. & G. R. R., Muskogee, Okla., 1910-11; do., L. & A. R. R. Tex., Ark, 1911; do, Mad- eira-Mamore R. R., Brazil, 1911-15. Capt. U. S. A., 1917-18. Died F 8, 1918, Camp Lee, Va. 3864. ALBERT LEROY MARSH Gen. Mgr.; B. S. in Cheni.; b. Ag 6, 1877, Pontiac, 111.; s. John Alanson (b. O 16, 1855, North Brookfield", N. Y.) and Ardena Ellen (Hake) Marsh (b. N 29, 1858, Peoria). Pre- pared in Pontiac and Pana H. Schs. Phi Lamb- da Upsilon; 111. Rifle Team. Asst. Chem., 111. St. Water Sur., 1901; with Porter Storage Battery Co., Waukegan, 190 1-2; Tech. Writer, Internat. Corres. Sch., 1901-2; with Chicago .Storage Battery Co., 1903-4; with William A. Spinks & Co., 1904-5; with Hoskins Co., 1905- 9; Sec. and Chief Engr., Hoskins Mfg. Co., Detroit, 1909; Gen. Mgr., do., 1913 — . Patents granted for Thermo Elec. Element, Elec. Re- sistance Element, Elec. Stove, Elec. Gold An- nealer (Dental), Elec. Muffle Furnace (Den- tal) ; Thermo Elec. Element, Elec. Furnace, Thermo Elec. Couple, 1905-10; other patents pending, also foreign patents. Published var- ious articles relating to storage batteries, the Nickel-oxide cell, solid electrolyte cells, elect- rode terminology, etc. Mem., Am. Electro- chem. Soc; Soc. of Detroit Chem.; A. C. S.; Am. Inst, of Metals; Ingleside Club of De- 352 University of Illinois [1909 tioit; Detroit Ath. Club; Detroit Bd. of Com- inerce; Detroit Y. M. C. A.; Alumni Assn. of Detroit. Married Minnie Hayward, Je 25, 1900, Chicago. Children: Ruth, b. Ag 9, 1901; Alice, b. Ag 18, 1905 (died Ag 23, 1905); John Al- l>ert, b. N 29, 1906; Arthur Willis, b. O 21, 1908; Charles Edward, b. S 14, 1913. Address, 144 Atkinson Ave., Detroit; bus. add., 453-471 Lawton Ave., do. 3865. DANIEL MARSH Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1886, Weldon, III.; s. Robert (b. My 23, 1850, DeWitt 111.) and Catherine (BossernianJ Marsh (b. D 5, 1852, O.). Prepared in Wel- don H. S.; Univ. Acad. Onyx Club; C. E. Club. Insp., 111. Highway Comn., 1909; Draftsman, C. W. Humphrey, Chicago, 1910; Supt. of Constr., Interlocking Concrete Court Co., 1910; Draftsman, U. S. R. S., 1910; Instrumentman,^ do., 1910-11: Jr. Engr., d<}., 19T1-17; Co. Surveyors Office, Los Angeles, 1917 — . Mem., 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Sur- veyors; Ariz. Club, Phoenix, Ariz. Married Mary Gertrude Costley, S 12, 191 1, Fresno, Calif. Child, Patricia Catherine, b. Jl 22, 1 913. Address, 130 S. 6th St. Alhambra. Cabf. 3866. WILLIAM CHRISTOPH MARTI Chemist; B. S. in Chem. Eng.; b. My 23, 1887, Chicago; s. Werner (b. My 18, 1861, Matt. Canton Glarus, Switzerland) and Agnes (Itzel) Marti (b. Mr 9, 1862, Obernburg, Bavaria, Ger.). Prepared in Lake View and Crane Tech. H. Schs., Chicago. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Chem. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Choral Soc; Phi Xi; Prelim. Honors; 111. Crane Alumni of Univ. of 111. Asst. Chem., Big Four R. R., 1909-11; do., Francis Phar- macy Co., Indianapolis, 191 1; Asst., Chem., Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta., E. Lansing, Mich., 1911- 13; Chem., Mo. Geol. Sur., Rolla, Mo., 1914: San. Chem., Chicago Dept. of Health, 191 4-1 5; Chem., Bur. of Waste Disposal, Dept. of Pub. Works, Chicago, 1915 — . Chem., Chicago Ven- tilation Comn. Auth.: Treatment of Waters with Boiler Compounds, Bui. No. 8, ///. S. Water Stir.; A Peculiar Disease in Horses, Breeders Ga::ettc, S 1913; A Simple Method for Preparing Neutral Ammonium Citrate Sol- ution, Jour, of Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. 5, No. 7, Je 1913; A Determination of the Relative Efficiency of the Various Methods of Formaldehyde Fumigation, 191 5, to be pub- lished. Mem., Am. Electro-Chem. Soc; A. C. S.; Marion Club., Indianapolis; Res. Club, Mich. Agr. Coll.; Grand Recording Scribe, Phi Lambda Upsilon; A. F. A. M.; Square Club, Chicago. Married Leta Fay McCreary, Je 14, 191 1, Indianapolis. Children: William Alexander Werner, b. Je 23, 1913 (.died Je 23, 1913); Marjorie Virginia, b. N 28, 1916. Ad- dress, 1649 Haviland Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Municipal Reduction Plant, 39th and Iron Sts., do. 3867. ARSELIA BESSIE MARTIN (SWISHER) (Wife of No. 4447) B. S. in Arch.; M. S., 1910; b. Mr 18, 1883, Atlantic, la.; d. Williams Briggs (b. 1856, Portsmouth, R. I.) and Ruth Alice (Reeves) Martin (b. 1857, Warren Co., la.). Prepared in Atlantic (la.) H. S. Arch. Club; Pen and Brush Club; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Res. Scholarship. Arch. Drafting for H. V. Von Hoist, 1910; do.. Arthur Henn, Chicago, 191 1 -12. Married Ele D. Swisher ('10), Ap 18, 1912, Atlantic, la. Children: Alice Abby. b. Ja 10, 1913; Ele Martin, b. S 29, 1915- Address, Ronan, Mont. 3868. LUTA MARTIN (RAMP) A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 10, 1882, Oakland, 111.; d. Flora (Sargent) Martin (b. S i, 1848). Prepared in 111. Woman's Coll. Phi Delta Fsi; Alpha Alpha; Athenean. Traveled in Europe. Married Waldo Lester Ramp, O 18, 1911. Address, Williamsiield, Ill.t 3869. ELMER FAUNTLEROY MARYATT (Husband of No. 5049) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 14, 1887, Weiser, Idaho; s. David Pendleton (b. O 12, 1846, Milton, O.) and Cora (Dickerson) Mary- att. Prepared in Intermountain Inst. Iris; Class Football; E. E. Soc; A. I. E. E. With Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Seattle, 1909-10; with Stone & Webster Engr. Corp., power plant Const., Snoqualmie, Wash., 191 o- 1 1 ; Engr., Buckley and Derringer, Washing- ton, 1911-12; Keokuk and Hamilton, 111., 1912- 15; do., Grandview, Wash., 191 5 — . Mem., A. I. E. E.; A. F. A. M.;' Plymouth Congr. Church. Married Eugenia Bradley ('12), My 14, 1913, Loda, 111. Children: David Pendle- ton, Ap 10, 1914; Bradley, b. Ag 7, 191 5; Rachael, b. D 31, 1916. Address, 4014 Holly St.. Seattle. 3870. JOHN WARNE MATHEWSON Inspecting Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 27, 1886, Elburn, 111.; s. A. T. Mathewson (b. do.). Prepared in Elburn II. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Eta Kappa Nu. Insp., North Shore Elec. Ry., 1909-10; Engr., F. J. Postel & Co., 1910-11; Insp. and Engr., Interst. Telephone Co., .\urora. 111., 1911-12; Insp., Pub. Service Co., Waukegan, 111.; with Remy Elec. Co., Ander- son, Ind., 1918 — . Address, c/o Remy Elec. Co., Anderson, Ind. 3871. BESSIE GLENN MATTHEWS (BARTON) (Sister of No. 1739) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 30, 1886, Monmouth, 111.; d. John William (b. Jl 7, 1848, Macon, Miss.) and Mary Gertrude (Stevens) Mat- thews (b. N 23, 1843, Peterboro, N. Y.). Pre- Itared in jNIuncie, Ind. H. S. Chi Omega; llliola. Sub. teacher, Sacs and Fox Indian School, Toledo, la., 1910; Sec to Pres., Knox- ville Bus. Coll., 1911-12; Stenographer, Henry Hudson. Lawyer, 1912-13. Sec. Lafollette, Chap., Am. Red Cross, 191 7—. Mem., Knox- ville Alumnae Chap, of Chi Omega; So. Assn. of Coll. Women. Married William David Barton, My s, 1914, Knoxville, Tenn. Ad- dress, Lafollette, Tenn. 3872. WILLIAM WYMAN MAY (Brother of Nos. 1152, 4809) Advertiser; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Mr 17, 1887, St. Paul; s. Henry Ritter (b. Ed- meston, N. Y.) and Ida Althea (Monroe) May (h. do.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phoenix; Yoxan; Helmet; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Track; Bus. Mgr., IlHo. With Butler Bros., 1909-10; Continental Ins. Co., 1910-11; Advertiser, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1911-17. 1st Lt., 332nd F. A., Camp Grant, 111.; Instr., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, Rochelle, 111. 3873. JAMES LESLIE MELTON Branch Mgr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 13, 1880, Madisonville, Kv'. ; s. Aron Casby (b. D 15, 1859, Hopkins Co., Ky.) and Margueret Eliza- beth (McCord) Melton (b. Ja 14, i860. Provi- dence, Ky.). Prepared in Marion H. S.; Ky. St. Coll.,' 1905-6. Foreman, Brick Work, 1909- 10; Designer, Reinforced Concrete, 1910-11; Struct. Draftsman, 191 1 — ; Bldg. (Contract- ing, Denver, 1912-13; Designer, Reinforced Concrete Truss Const. Steel Co., Oklahoma City, 1914-15; Chief Draftsman and Designer, do., 1916-17; Dist. Mgr., do., 1917-18; Branch iQog] Baccalaureate Alumni 353 Mgr., Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, O., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Oklahoma City Rotary Club. Married Gustava Ilaynes, My 4, 1910, Marion, Ky. Child, Glen Adair, b. Mr 17, 191 1 ; Gordon Keith, b. Ap 22, 1913. Ad- dress, 716 Colcord Bldg., Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, O. 3874. JOSEPH RRFXKENRIDGE MESSICK (Husband of No. 3297) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 4, 1885, E. St. Louis, 111.; s. Joseph B. (b. F 28, 1847, Carlinville, HI.) and Sarah P. (Woods) Messick (b. O 8, 1857, Des Moines). Prepared in Smith Acad., St. Louis. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Yoxan; Jr. mem., Messick and Messick, Attys. ; Sec, Alonzo K. Vickers, Justice of HI. .Supreme Court; Sec, to Grand Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. Elks. Married Flor- ence Brundage ('08), S 9, 191 1, Muskegon, Mich. Child, Joseph Breckenridge, IH, b. S i, 1913. Address, 3016 Linden Place, East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 538 Murphy Bldg., do. 3875. CHARLES ERNEST MILLAR (Brother of Nos. 763, 1063) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 191 1; b. Te 23, 1885, Coles Co., 111.; s. Adam (b. 1839, W. Va.) and Fannie Bowen (Knowles) Millar (b. 1843, O.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. B. S. in Agr., Kan. St. Agr. (Toll., 1915. Adelphic; Chem. Club; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Zeta. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Asst., Chem., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1910-11; Asst. Chem. in Soil Investigation, Exp. Sta., do., 19H-14; Instr. in Soils, do., 1914-15; Asst. Prof, of Soils, Mich. Agr. Coll., 1915 — . Auth.: Extent and Composition of the Incrustation of some Filter Sands, Jour, of Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. Ill, No. 2, 191 1 ; A Modification of the Parr Total Carbon Apparatus, do.. Vol. 5, No. 3, 1913; Notes on the Colorimetric Determination of Phos- phorous in Soil Extracts,' do., Vol. VII, No. 7, 191 5; The Water Content of the Soil and the Composition and Concentration of the Soil Solution as Indicated by the Freez- ing Point Lowering of the Roots and Taps of Plants, Soil Science, Vol. Ill, No. 2, 1917. Married Lucile Emma Kays, 191 2, Phoenix, Ariz. Child, Margaret, b. Mr 24, 1913. Ad- dress, East Lansing, Mich. 3876. ALVIN CHARLES MILLER Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 31, 1884, New Athens, 111.; s. Charles M. (b. Ja 21, 1859, do.) and Anna A. (Shaer) Miller (b. Ag 24, 1862, do.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. Onyx Club. Lab., Am. Carbon Battery Co., 1910-11; < )wner and Mgr., Monticello and Bement Ice Co., 191 1 — •. Elder, Presby. Church. Mfr., Monticello and Bement Ice Co., 191 1 — . Mar- ried Minnie E. Miller, S 3, 1910, Urbana. Children: Mary J., b. Je 23, 191 1; Kathryn, b. S 3, 1913; Robert C, b. Ag 11, 1915; Ruth A., b. Ag 29, 191 7. Address, Monticello, 111. 3877. JOHN J. MILLER (Brother of Nos. 2762, 4309) Manager; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 29, 1887, Ida Grove, la.; s. Jay D. (b. S 12, 1854, Lanark, 111.) and Mary Julia (Jacob) Miller (b. D 22, 1855, Wheeling, W. Va.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chem. Club; Adelphic; Prelim. Honors; Sr. Basket- ball; Sr. Football; Mandolin and Glee Club; mini Bd. of Control; Mgr., Sti(d. Dir., Assoc. Ed., Chem. Abstracts, 1909-14; Ed., do., 1915; Sales Mgr., J. F. Humphreys & Co., Bloom- ington. 111., 1915-16; Gen. Mgr., do., 1917-18. Auth.: Conservation of Nat. Resources in Re- lation To Bus., Jour, of Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. VI, No. 4, 1914. Chemical Ab- stracting, do.. Vol. VI, No. 5, 1914. Mem., A. C. S. ; Nat. Pres., Phi Lambda Upsilon; Pres., Civic League of Bloomington and Normal, 111., 1917-18; Pres., Adv. Club, Bloomington, 111., 1917-18. Married Ruth Marie Coffman, Je 8, 1910, Columbus, O. Child, Byron Coffman, b. Je I, 19 1 7. Address, 54 Whites Place, Bloom- ington, 111.; bus. add., c/o J. F. Humphreys & Co.. do. 3878. CLIFFORD PUSEY MILLS (Husband of No. 4343; Brother of Nos. 2181, 7809) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 21, 1887, Mc- Nabb, 111.; s. Willis B. (b. 1855, do.) and Mar- tha E. (Benjamin) Mills (b. 1859, Holder, 111.). Prepared in Center Sch., McNabb, 111. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Agron. Soc. ; Agr. Club; Philomathean. Teacher, Agr., Williams and Vashti Coll., Aledo, 111., 1909-11; do., H. S., Mt. Vernon, 111., 1911-12; Farmer, 1912— . Married Florence M. Parrett ('10), Je 28, 1 911, Homer, HI. Child, Wallace Parrett, b. N 23, 1913. Address, Homer, 111. 3879. WILLIAM ALONZO MILLS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 9, 1882, Salem, 111.; s. Edward Clarence (b. D 26, 1841, do.) and Rebecca M. (Horton) Mills (b. S 14, 1854, near Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Salem and Robinson II. Schs. Van Twiller Law Club. Lawyer, Salem, 111. Army Field Clerk, France. Address, Salem, 111. 3880. HAROLD HANSON MITCHELL Professor; A. B. in Sc; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 1915; b. Ja 22, 1886, Evanston, 111.; s. Charles Page (b. 1854, Liverpool, Eng.) and Clara Minerva (Hanson) Mitchell (b. 1856, New- bury, Vt.). Prepared in Hyde Park and Aus- tin H. Schs., Chicago. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Assoc, An. Nutrition, Coll. of Agr. and Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1915- 18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: Studies in Nutrition; An Investigation of the Influence of Saltpeter on the Nutrition and Health of Man with Ref. to its Occurence in Cured Meats; (With H. S. Grindlcy) Discussion and Interpretation of the Biochem. data, pub. by Univ. of HI., 1918, 8 vol.; (With H. L. Rietz) On the Metabolism Experiment as a Statistical Problem, Jour, of Biol. Chem., Vol. 8, 1910. (With H. S. Grindley) The Element of Uncer- tainty in the Interpretation of Feeding Experi- ments, ///. Agr. E.rp. Sta. Bui., 165, 1913; (With R. A. Nelson) The Preparation of Pro- tein-free Milk, Jour. Biol. Chem., Vol. 23, 191 5; (With H. A. Shonle and H. S. Grindley) The Origin of Nitrates in Urine, do.. Vol. 24, igi6; Feeding Experiments on the Substitution of Protein by Definite Mixtures of Isolated Amino .Acids, do., Vol. 33, 1918; (With H. C. Eckstein) A Foam Inhibitor in the Van Slyke Amino Ntirogen Method, do.. Vol. 33, 1918. Married Ethel Opal Kilbury. Je 8, 1910, Ur- bana. Children: Donald Stanley, b. S 3, 191 1; David Kilbury, b. Mr 21, 1913; Robert Hanson, b. O 9, 1915; Marguerite Evelyn, b. O 26, 1917- Address, 804 S. Busey Ave.. Urbana; bus. add., SS6 Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111. 3881. MARY LODUSKA MORRIS A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 25, 1882, Harlan, la.; d. E. J. Morris. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Alethenai. Address, 516 High Ave., East Oska- loosa, la. 3882. BENJAMIN HARRISON MOSBY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 27, 1886, Brighton, HI.; s. Benjamin Lambert (b. JI 22, 1846, New London, Can.) and Ellen Mosby (b. Mr IS, 1849, Jackson, Ala.). Prepared in Carlinville H. S.; Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 1904-7. Championship, Class Football, 1909. First Asst. Prin», Summer II. S., Cairo, 111., 1909-11; Summer H. S., St. Louis, 191 1 — . Mem., St. Louis Soc. of Pedagogy; Head of Dept. of Hist.; Nat. Grand Lecturer of the A. LT. K. and D. of A., Forward Movement for Men. Address, 4280 St. Ferdinand Ave.. St. Louis. 354 University of Illinois [1Q09 3883. FRANK STANLEY MUSSER Designer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 29, 1887, Lena, 111. Prejiared in Lena H. S. Triangle. Designer, Br. Dept.. C. B. & Q. R. R.; Ship- work, Emergency Fleet Corp., Chicago. Mar- ried Irene Erb, Je i, 1911, Lena, III. Child, Emma Elizabeth, b. Ja 28, 1914. Address. 811 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. 3884. HAROLD LARRANCE MYERS Gen. Agent; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 1887, Chicago; s. Myron Andrew (b. Ap 30, 1S55, New Boston, 111.) and Mary Eldora (Rhodes) Myers (b. N 30, 1857, Webster City, la.). Prepared in Hinsdale H. S. Delta Kap- pa Epsilon; Varsity Swimming; Class Cham- pionship Football; Capt., Class Basketball; Gen. Agt., Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N. Y., Hinsdale, III. ist 111. F. A., 191S-.17; Capt., F. A. R. C, 1917; 331st F. A., Commanding Battery F., 1917 — . Mem., Hinsdale Club. 1909; Hinsdale Tennis Club, 1910; Hinsdale Men's Club, 191 0; Congr. Church. Address. Hinsdale, 111. 3885. THOMAS DOUGLAS MYLREA Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 17, 1886, Liverpool, Eng. ; s. Philip Came (b. Ap 27, 1853, Kirk-Mitchell, Isle of Man, Eng.) and Elizabeth (Dickenson) Mylrea (b. O 12, 1854. Back-Barrow, Lancashire, do.). Prepared ni R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. C. E. Club; Y. M. C. A. 111. St. Highway Comn.. 1009; Timekeeper, Am. Bridge Co., New York City, 1910-11; Draftsman, do.. i9ii-:2; Chief Drafts- man, Dominion Bridge Co., 1912; Testing Engr., City Arch. Dept.. Toronto, Ont., 1917- 18; Chief Engr., Trussed Concrete Steel Co., do., 191 8 — . Auth. : Report of the effects of fire on a concrete building at the Quaker Oats Plant, Peterboro. Ont., Pamphlet pub. by Brit- ish Fire Prevention Assn., London, Eng.; do.. Canadian Engineer; Engng. News-Record; Jour, of West. Soc. of Engrs., 1917; Construc- tion Robert Simpson Mail Order Bldg. ; (with Prof. Peter Gillespie) article upon the results of extensometer tests conducted for the City of Toronto, Jour, of the Engng. Inst, of Canada, Mr 1919. Assoc. Mem.. West. Soc. of Engrs.; Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Cornelia V. Hark- ness, S 3, 1913, Chicago. Children: Ruth Jean- ette. b. Jl 8, 1914; Dorothy Noel, b. D 25, 1915; Philip James, b. Ap 26, 191 8. Address, 764 Lo- gan Ave., Toronto, Ont. 3886. CHARLES ANSON NASH Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; b. S i, 1886, Elizabeth, 111.; s. Anson H. and Maggie J. (Price) Nash. Prepared in Elizabeth H. S. Sigma Xi. Gen. Elec. Co., Testing Dept., 1909-10; Sales Dept., 1910-12; Instr. in Elec. Engr., Univ. of Me., 1912-13; do., Agr. and Mech. Coll., College Station, Tex., 1913-14; do., Armour Inst., Chicago, 1914 — -. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Edison Club. Schenectady; Sec. and Treas., lUini Club of Schenectady, 1910-12. Married Ella M. Toms, Ag 30, loii, Elizabeth, 111. Address, 3318 Wilson Ave., Chicago. 3887. WILLIAM CONRAD NEIN Engineer; B. S. in E. £.; b. Ag 16, 1885, Decatur, 111.; s. George (b. 1834, Frankfort, A. M., Ger.) and Katherine (Brand) Nein (b. 1852, Heidelberg, do.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; James Millikin Univ.; Armour Inst. With Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1909-11, Pittsburgh; Engr., Interboro Rapid Transit Co., iQii — . Assoc, mem., A. I. E. E. ; A. F. A. M. Address. 44 Pinehurst ^ve., New York City; bus. add., 165 Broadway, Room 2608, do. 3888. LLOYD FRANCIS NICKELL Chemist; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1911; Ph. D., 1913; b. F 6, 1884, Padua, 111.; s. Elias Doli- son (b. Ag 30, 1857, near Zaleski, O.) and Ida May (Lewis) Nickell (b. Je 18, 1861, near Cadiz, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Iris; Sigma Xi; Adelphic; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Alpha; Final Honors. Asst., Organic Chem., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Asst. Prof., Chem., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1913-17; Chem., Monsanto (jhem. Works, do., 1917- — ■. Assoc. Mem. for Mo. of Com. on Industrial Preparedness of the Naval Consulting Bd. of U. S., 1916. ist Lt., Co. I, Mo. Nat. Guards, 1917— . Auth.: Ethyl Cyano- tartronate and its Reactions with Amines (with R. S. Curtiss) Jr. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. XXXV, 191 3; Derivatives of Isocamphoric Acid (with W. A. Noyes) do.. Vol. XXXVl. 1914; Acidimetric Standardization of lodimet- ric Solutions (with I. H. Oetting) Wash. Univ. Studies, Vol. IV, pt. I, No. 2. Mem., A. C. S.; 111. Acad, of Sc, St. Louis Acad, of Sc. ; A. A. A. S.; M. E. Church. Married Evalena r.Qwen, D 25, 1915, Grand Rapids, Mich. Child, Charlotte, b. F 23, 1917. Address, 6176 Berlin Ave., St. Louis. 3889. FREDERICK BOWMAN NICODEMUS Missionary; B. S. in C. E.; b. J 19, 1884, Forreston, 111.; s. Frederick F. (b. 1850, Pa.) and Rebecca (Bowman) Nicodemus (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Forreston H. S. C. E. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Orchestra. Teacher, Eng., Japanese Govt. H. S., Osaka, Japan, 1909-11; do., Formosan Govt. H. S., igii-i6; do.. North Japan Coll., 1916 — . Missionary, Bd. of For- eign Missions, Reformed Church, 1916 — . Mar- ried Ella Neubauer, O 12, 1910, Osaka, Japan. Children: Frederick Edwin, b. Jl 25, 191 1; David Bowman, b. Jl i, 1916. Address, 60 Kwozenji Dori, Sendai, Japan. 3890. CHARLES BEACH NOLTE Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 28, 1885, .Mattoon, 111.; s. Richard B. (b. Beardstown, 111.) and Anna T. (Miller) Nolte (b. do.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. 111. Motor Car l"o., and J. C. Thorpe, Urbana, 1909; Mgr., Inspection Dept., Robert W. Hunt & Co., Consulting Engrs., Chicago.' Mem., A. S. M. E.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Chicago Engrs. Club. Married Maude A. Bacon, N 8, igii. Champaign. Children: Margaret A., b. Ja 7, L914; Richard B., b. My 16, 1917. Address, 1112 E. 65tli St., Chicago; bus. add., 2200 Ins. F.xchange Bldg., do. 3891. MARY ELIZABETH NUCKOLLS (BARNETT) (Sister of No. 2475) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 24, 1883, .Vuburn, 111.; d. Charles William (b. My 27, 1848) and Margaret Julia (Moore) Nuckolls (b. O 24, 1850). Prepared in Urbana II. S. VV. A. A.; Alpha Omicron Pi; Varsity Basket- ball; Pres., Woman's League; Sr. Mem. Com. Married Calvin O. Barnett, Je 15, 1912, Ur- bana. Address, Bridgeport, Ill.t 3892. ISABEL MARY OSBORNE (HOLCOMB) (Wife of No. 2126) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F ig, 1886, Des Moines; d. William (b. 1855, Cornwall, Eng.) and I'".mma (Knight) Osborne (b. 1S56, Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, 111., 1903-3- Delta Gamma; Phi Delta, Psi. Teacher, H. S., Uelavan, 111., 1909-11: do., /Logan. la., 1913- 14; do., la. St. Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la., 1914-15. Married Clarence Eugene Hol- cnmb ('04), F 5, 1916. Galesburg, 111. Child, Timothy Osmond, b. Ag 31, 1917- Address. 36 Robinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 355 3893. AUDRIE MAY PALMER (SHARPE) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 6, 1888, Hicksville, O.; d. William E. (b. O 2, 1853. do.) and Alice J. (Platter) Palmer (b. Ag 7, 1862, Defiance, O.). Prepared in Englevvood II. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1905-7. Assoc, Univ. of Chicago. Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1909-10; Teacher, Chicago Pub. Schs., 1910-11; 1913-18. Married Donald A. Sharpe, Ag 16, 191 o. Child, Kenneth Palmer, b. .'Xg 17, 1911. Address, 6640 Normal Ave., Chicago. 3894. JENNIE WILSON PAPWORTH Organist; B. Mus. ; b. Lockport. N. Y. ; d. Robert Reed (b. Chatteris, Eng. ) and Mary Fering (Lund) Papworth (b. Kendall, do.). Prepared in Cleveland H. S. and Norm. Mus. Teacher; Organist and Choir Dir., Epis. Church; Associateship, Am. Coll. of Musicians. Address, 32 Strathmore Ave., East Cleveland. 3895. JOHN IRA PARCEL Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 24, 1878, Westfield, 111.; s. Samuel Newton (b. Ap 13, 1850, do.) and Helen Marshall (Rigg) Parcel (b. D 31, 1842). Prepared in Westfield H. S.; Westfield Coll. Acad.; B. S., Westfield Coll., 1903; Univ. of 111., 1908-9. Zeta Psi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa., 1906-7; With Bridge Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago, 1907-8; With Bridge Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago, 1909; Instr., Struct. Engng., Univ. of Minn., 1909-13; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Assoc. Prof., do., Univ. of Minn., 1914-18. Concrete Ship Div., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia and South JBethlehem, 1918 — . Married Florence Mary Kirkup, Ag 14, 1915, Portland, Ore. Address, 518 7th St., S. E. Minneapolis; bus. add., Univ. of Minn. 3896. WALTER HARRAH PARKIN Manufacturer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 29, 1887, Calva, 111.: s. Walter Henry (b. Je 13, 1836, Sheffield, Eng.) and Mary D. (Harrah) Parkin (b. My 21, 1847, Newton, la.). Pre- pared in Galva H. S. Acacia; Scabbard and Blade; Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Sec. and Treas., Nat. Standard Co., and Treas., W. C. Shinn Mfg. Co. Mem., A. F. A M.; Epis. Church. Married Blanche Willard, Ja 18, 191 3. Address, 602 Main St., Niles, Mich. 3897. HARVEY A. PARKS Farmer; B. S. in Sc; b. F lo, 1885; s. Alvah H. (b. O 18, 185:, E. Grafton, N. Y.) and Sarah (Melchert) Parks (b. S 12, 1862, Sand- wich, 111.). Prepared in Minonk H. S.; Shurt- leff Coll., 1905-6. Class Football. Farmer, Minonk, 111. Married Alice Leona Beck, D 25, 1912, Odell, 111. Children: John, b. D 11, 1913 (died F 29, 1916); Edith Lee, b. F 29, 1915. Address, Minonk, 111. 3898. LURA ELIZABETH PARSONS (JORDAN) (Wife of No. 3431) A. B. in Sc; b. S 9, 1883, Arlington Heights, 111. ; d. Charles Alfred (b. My 10, 1852, Deerfield, 111.) and Rose Davidson (Goodfellow) Parsons (b. O 27, 1855, Han- nibal, Mo.). Prepared in Colo. Springs H. S., Colo.; Jefferson H. S., Chicago; Pres., IHiola; V. P. and Treas., Y. W. C. A; Sigma Xi; Final and Special Honors. Asst., Bot., 1907- 9. Teacher, H. S., Portage, 111.; do.. Assump- tion, 111., 1909-11. Married Envin Byron Jordan ('08), Je 19, 191 1, Des Plaines, 111. Child, Robert E., b. My 19, 1912. Address, Deerfield, 111. 3899. WALTER COFFMAN PATON Const. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 24, 1881, Urbana; s. John (b. S 1844, Taunton, Mass.) and Margaret Orilla Paton (b. Jl 28, 1850, Columbus, O.). Prepared in Kansas City. (Kan) H. S. Draftsman, Co. Engr. Of- fice, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Res. Engr., M. O. & G. R. R. Bridge over Red River; Const. Supt., Water Works system, Calif., Mo.; Const. Supt., Sewer System and Septic Tank, Sed- alia , Mo.; City Engr., Excelsior Springs, 1912-18. Capt., 412th Engrs.. Camp Sherman, O., 191 8 — . Married Pearl Hope Paton, F 27, 1908, Kansas City, Mo. Address, Excelsior Springs, Mo. 3900. LEIGH KLUMB PATTON Interne; A. B. in L. & A.; M. D., 1913; b. S 14, 1887, Chicago; s. Joseph Mclntyre, M. D. (b. D 8, i860, Ralston, Pa.) and Grace (Khimb) Patton (b. My 9, 1862, Chicago). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Delta Kap- pa Epsilon; Scribblers; Mask and Bauble; Sr. Class Pres., Coll. Med., 1913; Alpha Omega Alpha. Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1913-15. Auth.: book and lyrics "The Dad of the LTndergrad" (Union Opera, 1912). Ad- dress, 336 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. 3901. IRA PEARCE Transitman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 21, 1886, Champaign Co., 111.; s. Joseph H. (b 1847, Ross Co., O.) and Rebecca Ann (Manville) Pearce (b. 1845, Fayette Co., O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Rodman, Mo. Pac. Ry., 1909; do, C. C. C. & St. L., 1910; Transitman, Pere Marquette, 1910-11. Lt., Engrs., O. R. C, Washington, D. C; do., 302nd Engrs., 77th Div.. A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 312 S. Randolph St., Champaign. 3902. ELVA MAUDE PEASE (PETTIGREW) (Wife of No. 3908) Dir. of Phys. Tr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1886, Harvey, 111.; d. William H. (b. i860, Madison Co., N. Y.) and Mary Aurilla (Wads- worth) Pease (b. 1862, do.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111.; Lake Forest Coll.. 1905-6. Alpha Omicron Pi; W. A. A.; V. P., Sr. Class. Dir., Phys. Tr., Joplin, Mo., 1909-10. Married James Quinton Petti- grew ('09), Je 17, 1910, Harvey, III. Child, James Gordon, b. Ag 24, 1912. Address, 97 154th St., Harvey, HI. 3903. LOUISE JOSEPHINE PELLENS Teacher; B. S. in Arch.; b. Rochester, Ind.; d. Joseph B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Cobb) Pellens. Prepai^ed in Ft. Wayne (Ind.) H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Draftsman, Wildwood Builders Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1911-12; do., W. B. Griffin Arch.. Chicago, 1912; Teacher, Mech. Draw., H. S., Rockford, 111. Address, Lo Lo, Mont.; bus. add., 623 N. Church St., Rockford, 111. 3904. ALBERT PENN Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 15, i88i, Camden, Ind.; s. Silas I. (b. Je 23, 1848, do.) and Mary (O.'Leary) Penn (b. New York City). Prepared in Camden H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1902-4. Delta Upsilon; Phoenix; Baseball; Capt. Coach, Freshman Basketball. Comnion- wealth Edison Co.; Chicago Telephone Co.; Kinley Mfg. Co.; Ft. Wayne Elec Works; Gen. Elec. Co., 1910-18; Special Representa- tive, do., la., 1918 — . Mem., Hyperion Field and Motor Club. Married Blanche Genevieve Baker, Je 18, 1914, Chicago. Child, Lois Mary. b. Mr 17, 1918. Address, 671 38th St., Des Moines; bus. add.. Hippee Bldg., Gen. Elec. Co., do. 356 University ok Illinois [1909 3005. *VKRE nOROTIIY PERRING (I.ANGDON) (Wife of No. 4762) A. I?, ill L. & A.; A. M., igio; h. V 25, 1889, iRantoiiI, III.; d. Henry Robert (b. Ag 25, 1848, Salem, Iiul.) and I'hilcna Victoria (Dodge) I'erring (b. S 24, 1858, Mary.sville. O.). Prepared in Gifford and Rantoul II. Schs. ; Univ. of N. Dak., 1905-6. Phi Delta Psi; Scholarship in Psych. Teacher, Gifford, 111., 1910:1; do., Danville, 111., 1911. Mem.. Chicago Drama League; May wood Twontielh Century Club; Choir, First Congr. Church; Pres Esther Circle, Congr. Church. Married Roy Monroe Langdon ("ii), D 26, xgii, Cham paign. Died O, 1918, May wood. 111. 3906. EDNA MAUDE PERRY (Sister of Nos. 2483, 3511) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 10, 1878, Cornell, 111.; d. Ebenezer (b. O.) and Almina h. D., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1913. Kappa Delta Pi; Omicron Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; l'"iiial Honors; Scholarship in Econ.. 1909-10. Head of Dept., Pol. and Soc. Sc, Rockford Coll., Rockford, 111., 1914-10; Assoc, II. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Special Agt. Expert, V. S. Bur. of Labor Statistics. 1914. Auth.: A Study of Woman in Industry, Loiupnatts Green. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; (Chicago Coll. Club. Address, 1016 W. California St., Ur- bana. 3908. JAMES QUINTON PETTIGREW (Husband of No. 3902) Foundry work; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 1 j, 1886; s. James (b. Jl 1853, Scotland) and Eliz- abeth (Swanson) Pettigrcw (b. S 1861, do.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Ilus Club; Freshman and Varsity Football; Varsity Track; Jr. Smoker and Sr. l>all Coins. With Petti- grew Foundry. Trustee and Treas., Presby. Church. Married Elva Maude Pease ("o)), Je 17, 1910, Harvey, HI. Children: James Gor- don, b. Ag 24, 1912; Donald Ross, b. Mr 22, 1919. Address, 97, 154th St., Harvey, Ill.f 3909. I-AWRENCE CLIFFORD PHILLIPS Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 17, 1885, Strealor, 111.; s. William Arthur (b. O 3, 1854, Smithdale, do.) and Katherine Isabelle (Par- cell) Phillips (b. My 8 1857, Westf^eld, do.). Prepared in Streator IT. S. Alpha Delta Phi. Married Vernal L. Sbeibley, Ja 9, 1918, Streator, 111. Addre.<:s, Manville, 111. 3910. FRANCIS ELMORE PINKERTON, JR. Publisher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 16, 1885; s. F. E. (b. 1850, Pottstown, Pa.) and Lucy (Boise) Pinkcrton. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Cml. Club; Agr. Club; Ed., ///. Atjr.; V. 1;., Jr. Class; Illuii Stall. Agr. Ed., Chicago banners ond Drovers Jour.; Mgr., Pres. Bur 111. Coll. of Agr.; Mgr. Ed.. Monmouth Daily . I lias: Publisher, Rossville Press.; do., Jersey- ■rille Republican. Address, Jerseyville, 111. 3911. HENRY POLLARD (Brother of No. 4364) Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 20, 1883, Rogers Park, 111.; s. John Z. (b. 1855, Charlotte, N. Y.) and Julia Lillian (Torking- toil) Pollard (b. iSoo, Rochester, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Ilus; M. E. Soc; Class Football; Class Tennis. Draftsman and Mech. Engr., L. A. Becker Co., 1909-11; Internat. Harvester Co., Deering Works, Asst. to Mech. Engr., designing new tools, igii; .Sui)t. of Fidelity Brass Mfg. Co., 1912-13; Supt., Benjamin Elec Mfg. Co., Chicago, '013^- Capt., Ordnance Dept., 1917; Com- manding Officer charge of experimental work for A. F,. F.. 1917; Mustered out, F 28, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 32° Shrine; Speedway Park Assn.; Mach. Club; lllini Club; West side Co-ed Club; Chicago Motor Club. Mar- ried Lillian Toles, My 25, igii (died S 26, 1914). Address, 3056 N. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 128 N. Sangamon St., do. 3912. EMMA PONZER (Sister of Nos. 1391, 4366) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 14, 1883, Henry, 111.; d. Carl August (b. Je 7, 1844, Ger.) and VVilhelmina (Kruger) Ponzer (b. 1' 24, 1842, do.). Prepared in Henry II. S. Illiola; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; Sr. Basketball Team; Y. W. C. A. cabinet; Der Deutsche Verein. II. S. Teacher. Mem., Classical Assn. Address, Henry, 111.; bus. add., Little Rock, Ark. 3913. AMY rOORMAN (JENSEN) (Sister of No. 3141) B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 22, 1885, Altamont, 111.; d. George Warren (b. S 30, 1838, Massil- lon, O.) and Eliza Jane (Watson) Poornian (b. Ja 26, 1842, Vandalia, 111.). Prepared in Altamont H. S. ; Univ. Acad. H. Sc. Club; Sigma Xi. Teacher, Centralia Tp. II. S., 1909- 10; do., H. Sc. Dept., Placer Co. II. S., 1910- 13. Mem., Am. Home Econ. Assn.; Am. Sch. of Home Econ. Married George Henry Jen- sen, Jl 31, 1914, Berkeley, Calif. Children: (leorge Henry, jr., b. Ap 17, 1916; Barbara Ellen, b. Ja 23, 1918. Address, 3818 Eastern Ave., Seattle. 3914. CHARLES SAMUEL POPE (Brother of No. 7137) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 19, 1887, St. Louis; s. Charles IL (b. Ap 16, 1849, Genoa, N. Y.) and Sara M. (Baxter) Pope (1). Ap 9, 1851, Cincinnati). Prepared in Mo- line II. S.;" Culver Mil. Acad. Phi Delta Tlieta: Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Jr. Prom. Com. Engaged in design and manufacture of automobiles and gas engines, Moline, 111., 1909-12; do., Grinnell, la., 1912- 14; do., Detroit, Mich.; do.. Riverside, 111.; Chief Engr., Elgin Motor Car Corp., Chicago, 1917 — . Mem., Chicago Motor Club; Soc. of Automotive Engrs. Married Hazel Mae Mc- Coy, N 13, 1914, GrinneU, la. Address, River- side. 111. 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 357 391S. GEORGE EARL POST Editor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 26, 1886, Fithian, 111.; s. George Hazelton (b. F 3, 1847, Melville, Ont., Can.) and Clara Ann (Dalbey) Post (b. Mr 29, 1857, Fithian, 111.). Prepared in Fithian H. S.; Univ. Acad. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1909-10. Eng. Club; Scribblers; Shield and Trident; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Clerical work, 1910-18; Ed., Lincolnian, plant mag. of Lincoln Motor Co., 1918 — . Married Jessie Josephine Andrevifs, Ap 6, 1914, Detroit. Children: Richard George, b. D 5, 1914; Sher- vi'in Seward, b. Mr 9, 1916. Address, 944 4th Ave., Detroit. 3916. CHARLES PRUITT POTTER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 16, 1887, Claytonville, 111.; s. Joseph Henry (b. D 14, 1856, Good Intent, Pa.) and Lillian Isabel (Brown) Potter (b. S 27, 1854, Columbia City, Ind.). Prepared in Hooi)eston H. S. E. E. Soc. ; Eta Kappa Nu; A. E. E. ; Final Honors. Apprentice and Transformer Engr., Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co. Mem., Wagner Engrs. Club. Married Hazel Dell Berry, My 19, 1909, Bloomington, HI. Child, Wilfred Charles, b. Ja 29, 1912. Address, 6025 Bartmer Ave., St. Louis. 3917. CLURE MORRIS POWELL Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 18, 1882, Topeka, 111.; s. L. A. Powell. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Div. Engr., Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 1910-16. Mem., Port- land Cement Assn. Address, Room 1433, 11 1 W. Washington St., Chicago. 3918. MARK ELMER POWERS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S i, 1887, Champaign; s. Elmer F. (b. Dresden, O.) and Florence H. (Nelson) Powers. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Engr., Gas Plant and Coke Oven Operation, Chicago. Address, 6017 Har- per Ave., Chicago. 3919. CLYTUS ILUS PRATHER Asst. R. R. Atty.; LL. B.; b. Ja 9, 1887; s. John Marque (b. 1845, Flemingsburg, Ky.) and Lovina (Heath) Prather (b. 1859, Olney, 111.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Egyptian Club. Lawyer, Gooding, Idaho, 1909-10; O. W. R. & N. Ry. Co., 1910; do., Pac. Telephone Co., 1910-13; Asst. Contract Agt., Chicago Tele- phone Co., 1913-15; Asst. Atty., C. & E. I. Ry. Co., 1916— . Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Mary Jane Alcorn, O 17, 1916, Olney, 111. Ad- dress, 5452 Indiana Ave., Chicago; bits, add., Law Dept., C. & E. I. R. R., 724 McCormick Bldg., do. 3920. GLENN JAMES PRUITT (Brother of No. 3145) Merchant; LL. B.; b. Ja 2, 1888, Cissora Park, 111.; s. Elias (b. F 12, i860, Goodwine, 111.) and Elizabeth (Wise) Pruitt (b. Ap 29, 1864, Fountain Creek, 111.). Prepared in Wat- seka H. S. Psi Upsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Men's Furnishing Business. Married Grace Amos, Ja 12, 191 1, Owasso, Mich. Address, R. 2, Cissna Park, 111. 3921. JOSEPH HENRY PURSIFULL Sch. Supt.; LL. B.; b. O 5, 1883, Hidalgo, III.; s. Charles Jefferson (b. Ap 30, 1859, Frankfort, Ind.) and Asa (Dulgar) Pursifull (b. F 20, 1862, Rose Hill, 111.). Prepared in Newton H. S. Varsity Baseball; Class Foot- ball and Baseball; Pres., Fuller Moot Court. Admitted to the Bar, O 28, 1912; Supt., Schs., Roodhouse, 111., 1915-18. Pres., Greene Co., III., Teachers' Assn., 1918-19; Pres., Fellow- ship Club, 1915-16. Married Lulu Bea Kasser- man, Ja, 1915, Effingham, 111. Child, Richard Henry, b. O 18, 191 5. Address, Newton, 111. 3922. FAY DILLON RAILSBACK Farmer and Percheron Breeder; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 12, 1885, Minier, 111.; s. James Melvin (b. S \6, 1857, do.) and Lillie May (Dillon) Railsback (b. O 24, 1859, Normal, 111.). Prepared in Normal H. S. Alpha Zeta; Football and Track. Married Marietta Rohr- bach, S 6, 191 1, Urbana. Children: Evelyn Faye, b. Jl 12, 191 2; James Eckhard, b. Jl 6, 1915. Address, Mackinaw, 111. 3923. EDWARD CLEVELAND RAINEY Editor; A. B. in L &. A.; b. Ag 15, 1884, Salem, 111.; s. James Kell (b. Randolph Co., do.) and Emma (Stevens) Rainey (b. Ap 26, 1854, Union Co., Ind.). Theta Delta Chi; Shield and Trident; Scribblers; Eng. Club; Ed., Illini; Assoc. Ed., Illio. City Ed., Mt. reman Daily Nczvs, 1909-10; .\sst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Ed., Mai-ion Co. Democrat, 19H-12; Co. Clerk, Marion Co., 1912-14; Ed., Centralia Daily Review, 1914-16; Ed., Boston Chronicle, Morgantown (W. Va.), 1916-17; .\ssoc. Ed., The Furrow, 1917-18. Married Katherine Larimer, My 28, 19 13, Salem, 111. Children: James Larimer, b. Mr 17, 1914; Louise Elizabeth, b. Je 30, 1917. Address, Dept. of Publicity, Deere & Co., Moline, 111. 3924. CHARLES ERNEST RAMSER (Brother of No. 8686) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N i, 1885, Montezuma, la.; s. Paul (b. Berne, Switzer- land) and Mary Angeline (Retz) Ramser (b. Marshalltown, la.). Prepared in Newton H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Instr., Civ. Engng., Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 1909-11; Asst. Engr., N. Y. Bd. of Water Supply^ 1910; do., Knoxville Power Co., Chilhowee, Tenn., 1911-12; Asst. Drainage Engr., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1913-15;. Drainage Engr., do., 1917 — •. Auth.: Prevention of the Erosion of Farm Lands by Terracing, U. S. Dept. of .4gr., Bui. No. 512. Co-Auth.: Methods and Cost of Reclaiming the Overflowed Lands along the Big Black River, Miss., do., Bui. No. 181; Determination of Roughness Coefficient for Kutter's Formula for Dredged Ditches in Bolivar Co., Miss., Engng. and Contracting, Vol. XLVI, No. 11, .S 1916; Studies of Dredged Drainage Ditches before and after clearing, Engng. News, Vol. XLVII, No. 3, Ja 1917. Mem., Knights of the Round Table, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Treas., Instructor's Club, Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 191 o- 11; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Address, Office of Pub. Rds. and Rural Engng., Washington, D. C. 3925. WILLIAM HORACE RAYNER (Husband of No. 4770) Associate; B. S. in C. E., 1913; b. F 16, 1884, Ewing, Neb.; s. William Harris (b. Mr 22, 1846, Piqua, O.) and Celia Julia (Rock- well) Rayner (b. N 14, 1852, Rutland, N. Y.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon, la., H. S.; Acad., Cornell Coll., la. Sec, C. E. Club; Iris Club; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. U. S. Geol. Sur., 1910; Draftsman, C. & N. W. R. R., 1910; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of III., 1910- 17; Assoc, do., 1 91 7 — . Jr. Topographer, U. S. Geol. Sur., 1909-10. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Frances Bostwick Leonard ('11), Ag j8, 1912, Rockford, 111. Child, William Leonard, b. Ag 24, 1913. Address, 915 West Green St., Urbana. 3926. GAIL REBMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 28, 1881, Frederick, 111.; d. Benjamin Franklin (b. Ja II, 1848, Pleasant View, HI.) and Louisa (Mes- serer) Rebman (b. Ja 3, 1844, Frederick, 111.). Prepared in Eureka Coll. Teacher, H. S., Colfax, HI., 1908-9; do., Ogden, III., 1909-10; Matron, St. Tr. .Sch. for Girls, Geneva, 1910; Teacher, H. S., Stonington, 111., 1912-13. Ad- dress, Frederick, 111. 358 University of Illinois I1909 3927. WADE W. REECE (Husband of No. 4542) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 25, 1884, Rossville, 111.; s. William Wilson (b. O 3, 1S47, North Liberty, Ind.) and Alice Adelaide (Hoi- loway) Reece (b. S 12, 1849,^ do.). Prepared in Rossville H. S. Treas., Class; ist V. P., Stud. Union; Varsity Football; Class Football; Crystal Dancing Club; Ath. Assn.; M. E. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Power House Engr., 1909- n; Efficiency Engr., W. H. Zimmerman Co., Consult. Engrs., 1911-12; Supt. Const., Kreh- biel Co., Chicago, 1913-16; Chief Engr., Schulze Baking Co., Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., lUini Club, Chicago; A. F. A. M. Married Sarah Anita Barrett ('11), Je 29, 1911, Butler, 111. Child, Anita Rose, b. My 25, 1912. Address, 6725 Chappel Ave., Chicago. 3928. LOIS ANTOINETTE REED (Sister of No. 4869) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 13, 1S81, Rochester, N. Y.; d. Avery L. (b. do.) and Carra E (Otis) Reed (b. do.). Prepared in Nichols Sch., Rochester; Univ. of Rochester, 1900-02. B. L. S., N. Y. St. Lib. Sch. Sigma Kappa. Libn., West Coll., 1905-7; Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1907-10; Asst. Libn., Univ. of Rochester Lib., 1910-13; Libn., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1913 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Ad- dress, Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. 3929. RALPH HOWARD REGAN Production Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 6, 1882, Morris, 111.; s. Levi T. (b. D 30, 1842, Salt Creek, do.) and Margaret E. (Hunter) Regan (b. D 5, 1845, Goodings Grove, do.). Prepared in Englevvood H. S., Chicago. Capt., Univ. Regt. Draftsman, Weir & Craig Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1908-9; Am. Car & Foundry Co., 1909-10; Insp., Finished Materials, Isthmian Canal Comn., 1911-14; U. S. Engr. Office, Chi- cago, 1915-16; Ford Motor Co., do., 1916-17; Production Engr., Sanderson and Porter, New York City, 1917—. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Sevena May Mitchell, Ja 8, 1910, Chi- cago. Address, 52 William St., New York City. 3930. ROSALIE MARY RETZ (BELL) (Wife of Gso) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ottawa, 111.; d. John Hubert (b. 1855, do.) and Elizabeth (Suppes) Retz (b. 1859, Somonauk, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Phi Delta Psi; Prelim. Honors. Married James Edgar Bell (g'13), Je 26, 1915. Child, Louise Jean, b. Ag 7, 1916. Address, 254 S. Meredith Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 3931. PERCY McCLURE RICHARDS Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; E. E., 1915; b. D 5, 1885. Eureka, 111.; s. L. C. (b. Metamora, 111.) and Ida (McClure) Richards (b. Hand- cock Co., 111.). Prepared in Centralia and Peoria H. Schs. E. E. Soc. Electn. Decatur, 111.; Engr. and Bus. Mgr., I. T. S., Cairo, 111.; City Engr., Supt. Water & Light Dept., City of Metropolis, 111.; Sales Engr., Chuse Engine & Mfg. Co., Mattoon, 111. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Ina Buel, F 25, 191 1, Cairo, 111. Child, Mary Buel, b. O 26, 1912. Address, 1410 La Fayette Ave., Mattoon, 111.; bus. add., c/o Chuse Engine & Mfg. Co., do. 3932. EDITH MARION RICHARDSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.: b. Jl 14, 18S7; d. Dr. Francis M. (b. O.) and Fannie (Buch- anan) Richardson (b. Ind.). Prepared in En; glewood H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-8. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Chicago Norm. Coll., 1910; do., Bryn Mawr, Chicago. Address, 7438 In- diana Ave., Chicago. 3933- CLARA AGNES RICKETTS Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 191 1; b. My 28, 1885, Fisher, 111.; d. Andrew Dun- can (b. Ja 29, 1843, near Findlay, O.) and Nancy Jane (Taylor) Ricketts (b. Ja 19, 1845, do.). Prepared in Champaign and Wendell Phillips, Chicago, H. Schs. Delta Gamma. Asst. at Loan Desk, 191 1; Loan Desk Lib., Univ. of N. Dak., 1911-12; Asst., Order Dept., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1912 — . Address, 701 S! Coler Ave., Urbana. 3934. ROBERT HERMAN RIESCHE Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 18, 1886, Chicago; s. Louis (b. O 15, 1859, Arnstedt, Saxony, Ger.) and Emilie Augusta (Weiland) Riesche (b. Ap 20, 1862, Bredow, Stettin, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Concrete Insp., C. & N. W. R. R., 1909-10; Mgr., Chicago Rys., 1910; West. Elec. Co., 1910-11; Asst. Bldg. Insp., Sioux City, 1911-14; Bldg. Supt., Beuttler & Arnold, Archs., do., 191416; Gen. Contr., 1916 — . Address, 3716 ^th Ave., Siou.x City; bus. add., 502 Trimble Block, do. 3935- CHARLES TRESCOTT RIPLEY Gen. Mech. Insp.; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; M. E., 1912; b. Ap 20, 1886, Oak Park, 111. Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Tau Beta Pi; Phoenix; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim, and Final Honors. Gen. Mech. Insp., A. T. & S. F. R. R., Chicago. Address, 925 Ry. Exchange, Chicago. 3936. RALPH GRANVILLE RISSER Govt. Crop Appraiser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 30, 1886, Kankakee, 111.; s. Ralph Gilman (b. 1846, Ashland, O.) and Eva (Dunlap) Risser (b. 1S60, Savoy, 111.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Farmer, 1909-10; Teacher, Agr., H. S., Stockton, Calif., 1910-12; Supt., Farming Dist., Calif., 1912-16; Crop Appraiser, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1916 — : Pres. Bay Sec. S. W. Order of Am. Assn. for Adv. of Agr. Mem., The Grange. Married Juliet Bennet, Ag 1913, Placer- ville, Calif. Address, Kankakee, 111. 3937. ELIZABETH PROPHET RITCHIE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. N 6, 1880, Glouces- ter, N. J.; d. William (b. 1842, Monifleth, Scot- land) and Mary Anne (Canning) Ritchie (b. Maghera, Ireland). Prepared in Cotner Univ., Lincoln, Neb. A. B., Cotner Univ., 1900. Libn., Pub. Lib. Address, 136 sth Ave. E., Kalispell, Mont.t 3938. GLEN LEWIS ROBBINS B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 10, 1888, McCool, Ind.; s. L. H. and Mary (Stacy) Robbins. Prepared in Valparaiso II. S., Northwestern Acad., Pur- due Univ. Sigma Nu; Alpha Gamma Rho. Ad- dress, McCool, Ind.t 3939. JOHN ALCIDE ROBERT (Brother of Nos. 2799, 6519) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 31, 1886, Locle, Switzerland; s. Paul Henry (b. Je 26, 1858, Coiselle, Suisse, do.) and Louise Adele (Brandt) Robert (b. Mr 13, 1857, Planchette, do.). Prepared in Lacon H. S. Engr., Mc- Gillivray Creek Coal & Coke Co., Ltd., Coleman, Neb.; Engr., Fairfax Mine of Tacoma Smelting Co.; do., Republic Iron & Steel Co., Birming- ham, Ala., 1919 — . C. A., 220th Field Signal Bn., Camp Sevier, S. C. ; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, Lacon, 111.; bus. add.. Republic Iron and Steel Co., Birmingham, Ala. 3940. CHARLES JASON ROBINSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 28, 1884, near Manteno, 111.; s. Jason A. (b. N 13, 1848, do.) and Alethea M. (Grimes) Robinson (b. D 6, 1853, do.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Sig- ma Pi; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; igog] Baccalaureate Alumni 359 Final Honors. Dairying, 1909-11; with Exten. Dept. Mass. Agr. Coll., 1910-11; Farmer, 191 1 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Mary E. Shreffler, O 26, 1910, Manteno, 111. Child, Jason Ellis, b. Ja 16, 1914. Address, Manteno, 111. 3941. CARL DAVID ROBSON Designer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My i, 1883 Elyria, O. : s. W. H. and Eliza Jane (Robin son) Robson. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Chicago. Acacia. Designer, Hegler Bros. Danville, 111. Address, 731 S. Grove St., Oak- Park, Ill.t 3942. ROBERT BEAM RODGERS Govt. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. R. R.; b. Ag 26, 1886, Riverton, 111.; s. S. D. (b. N 26, 1836, do.) and Emma (Yocom) Rodgers (b. Sher- man, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Sigma Pi. Instr., Wolfe Trade Sch., San An- tonio, Tex., igog-ii; part owner and Gen. Mgr., So. Welding & Mach. Co., do., 1911-13; Head of Mech. Arts Dept. Santa Monica H. S., Calif., 1913-18; Govt. Engr., St. Louis, 1918 — . Invented automobile power pymp, 1912. Married Nora B. Dunlap, D 27, 1909, Champaign. Children: Frances B., b. D 3, 1910; Dorothy K., b. O 2, 1916. Address, 1138 1 2th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 3943. MINNIE GENEVIEVE ROHRER (FISHER) (Wife of No. 4651) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 31, 1884; d. Celestin (b. 1832, Alsace, Ger.) and Sophie Emily (Kostler) Rohrer (b. 1843). Prepared in Som- onauk H. S.; N. W. Acad. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. Married Ward Herbert Fisher ('11), O 14, 1911, Birmingham, Ala. Address, 5937 (Carpenter St., Philadelphia. 3944. EARL ELI ROSE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 29, 1881, Mt. Erie, 111.; s. N. B. Rose. Prepared in Olney H. S. Co. Prosecuting Atty., Perry Co., Miss. Ad- dress, New Augusta, Miss. 394S. JAY FREDERICK ROTH Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 18, 1886, Henry, 111.; s. John (b. F 16, 1850, Halle, Ger.) and Anna Roth (b. O 15, 1853, Saxony, do.). Prepared in Henry H. S. Elec. Crane Steel Detailer, 1910; Gen. Draftsman, Avery Co., Peoria, igio-ii; Chief Draftsman, Peoria Gas & Elec. Co., 191 1—. Married Lillian P. Pierce, Ag 10, 1912. Address, 185 Kirby Ave., Detroit. 3946. CLAUDE KERLIN ROWLAND Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; LL. B., 1911; b. Mr 16, 1884, Broadlands, 111.; s. George Thomas (b. D 31, 1852, Louisville, Ky.) and Allie Alice (Steel) Rowland (b. S 26, 1858, Chillicothe, O.). Prepared in Martinsville H. S. Mem., Law Firm. Collins, Barker & Brit- ton, St. Louis; do.. Carter, Collins and Jones, do. Mem., St. Louis Bar Assn.; City Club, St. Louis. Married James Agnes McKinley Jl 7, 1915, Unionville, Mo. Address, 93 Euclid Ave., St. Louis; bus. add.. Suite 1425 Boatman's Bank Bldg., do. 3947. FORREST SEILER RUSK Architect; A. B. in Arch.; b. N 10, 1885, Hanover; s. Charles C. (b. 1854) and Edith (Seller) Rusk (b. i860). Prepared in O. St. Univ., 1904-8. Address, 555 Linwood Ave., Columbus, O.; bus. add., Brunson Bldg., do. 3948. RALPH LESLIE RUSK Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 11, 1888. Rantoul, 111.; s. William Humphrey and Anna Lucinda (Renner) Rusk. Prepared in Fran- cesville (Ind.) and Windsor (Mo.) H. Schs. ; Univ. of Mo., Summer Session. A. M., Colum- bia Univ., 1912. Chi Beta. Teacher, Wind- sor H. S., Mo., 1909-10; Head, Eng. Dept., Ft. Smith, Ark., H. S., 1910-11; Instr., Eng., Univ. of the Philippines, 1912-14; do., Univ. of Ind., 1915 — . Mem., Grad. Eng. Club, Columbia Univ. Married Clara E. Gibbs, D 25, 1915. Address, 605 University St., Bloom- ington, Ind. 3949. GEORGE SILAS RUSSELL Consulting Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b.' Ag 11, 1885, Baltimore; s. Lewis Derr (b. O 2, 1866, do.) and Frances Rebecca (Phelps) Russell (b. O 10, 1863, do.). Prepared in Baltimore City Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors. /Vsst. Engr., K. C. S. Ry., 1909-11; Field Engr., K. C. Sewer Div., 1911-15; Interstate Com- merce Comn., 1914-16; Consulting Engr. 1916- 17. 1st Lt. E. O. R. C, 1917-18; Capt., 314th Engrs., A. E. F,., France, 1918 — . Married Mabelle Florence Housekeeper, N 12, 1909, (3Iathe, Kan. Children: Jesse Lewis, b. S 7, 1910; Frances Louise, b. Ap 19, 1913. Ad- dress, 2524 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 3950. WILVAN JESSE RUSSELL A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. D 4, 18S6, Taylor- ville. 111.; s T. F. Russell. Prepared in Pana H. S. Address, Pana, Ill.t 3951. INEZ FLOYANCE SACHS (COLBY) Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 7, 1882, near Alta- mont, Kan.; d. Hans (b. N 30, 1853, neat Gettysburg, Pa.) and Martha Jane (Moats) Sachs (b. N 9, 1856, near Towanda, 111.). Pre- jiared in Towanda H. S.; Acad., Westfield Coll. A. B., Westfield Coll., 1903. Final Hon- ors. Cataloger. Workingmen's Inst. Lib., 1909; Asst. Cataloger, Ind. Univ. Lib., 1909- 11; Ref. Libn., Ind. Univ. Lib., 1911-13; Ref. Libn., Wash. St. Coll., 1913-14; Sr. Asst., Cat- alog Dept., Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1914. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Married William Somerville Colby, Je 28, 1916. Address, 2119 Addison St., Berkeley, Calif. 3952. MABELLE OLETTE SAEMANN B. L. S.; b. S 17, 1881, Plymouth, Wis.; d. William Christopher (b. Ag 18, 1841, Beth- lehem, O.) and Pauline (Gehler) Saemann (b. O 22, 1849, Two Rivers, Wis.). Prepared in Plymouth H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1905. Address, 103 Reed St., Plymouth, Wis. 3953. THOMAS WALTER SAMUELS Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; J. D., 1914; b. Ap I, 1886, Carrollton, 111.; s. John D. (b. 1850, Hamburg, III.) and Emma S. (Abrams) Samuels (b. 1853, New York City). Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Delta Upsilon; Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Egyptian Club; Order of the Coif; Philomathean; Ma-wan-da; Cosmopolitan Club; Bryan Prize: Varsity Debating Team; Pres., Soph. Class; Class Baseball Mgr.; V. P., Y. M. C. A.; Pres., Univ. Rep. Club. Supt., Schs., Atwood, 111., 1909-11; Lawyer, 1914 — . Mar- ried Pauline Flickinger, O 29, 1914, Atwood, 111. Child, William John, b. Ag 20, 1915. Ad- dress, c/o Le Forgee, Black & Samuels, Deca- tur, 111. 3954. PAUL VINCENT SCHAEFER (Brother of No. 1415) Bank Clerk; LL. B.; b. F 20, 1886, Carlyle, 111.; s. Philip (b. Jl 24, 1832, Hesse, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Heil) Schaefer (b. Ap 22, 1841, St. Louis). Prepared in Irishtown Sch.; Catholic Parochial Sch.; Carlyle H. S. Loyola (I"lub; Spaulding Guild; Varsity Baseball. Bank (Tlerk and Asst. Cashier, Farmers' and Mer- cliants' Bank, Carlyle, 111. Mem., K. of C. Married Helen Berger, My 7, 1913. Carlyle, 111. Children: Dorothy Mary, b. Je 25, 1914; John Philip, b. Je 15, 191 6; Paul Vincent, b. D 21, 1917. Address. Carlyle, 111. 36o University of Illinois I1909 3955. WILLIAM HENRY SCHULZKE (Brother of No. 4406) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 9, 1885, Springfield, 111.; s. J. William (b. My 8, 1855, Saxony, Ger.) and Elizabeth G. (Miller) Schutzke (b. My 24, 1856, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Scabbard and Rlade; Shield and Tri- dent; Pres., Arch. Club; Maj., Univ. Regt. Draftsman, J. M. \\'hite, Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1909; Draftsman and Supt., IT. W. Whitsitt, 1910-14; Whitsitt and Schulzke, Arclii- tects, Moline, 111., 1914 — . In charge. Pack- ing and Boxmg Signal Corps Material, Ship- ment of Airplanes and i\irplane Engines to France; Capt., Air Service, liur. Aircraft Pro- duction. Mem., Molinc Cml. Club; Rock Island Club; Rotary Club, Moline; A. I. A. Married Florence McCandless, O 7, 1914, Rock Island. Children: Marian, b. .\g 15, 1915; William licnry, Jr., b. Jl 5, 1917. Address, Whitsitt & Schulzke, Architects, Peoples Bank Bldg., Moline, 111. 3956. RAMON SCHUMACHER (Brother of No. 3170) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 4, 1887, St. Joseph, Mo.; s. Cms (b. N 9, 1854, Kalten Kirche, Schlcsvig Holstein, Ger.) and Wilhel- mina (Hanssen) Schumacher (b. Mr 9, i85(), Davenport, la.). Prepared in St. Joseph, (Mo.) II. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Arch. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Architect, Henry Hoit, Kansas City, Mo., 1 909-1 j; Travel, Europe, Studying Arch, of Eng., France and Italy, 191 2; Trowbridge and Livingston, Archs. New York City, 1912-15; Pvt. Practice, Kansas City, Mo., 191 5 — . Address, 3212 Bellefon- taine, Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 216 Scarritt Bldg., do. 3957. FLORENCE ANTOINETTE SCHWARZKOFF (DONAIIO) (Wife of No. 3349) A. B. in H. Sc; b. St. Louis; d. Henry G. (b. Berlin, Ger.) and Florence Adelia (Miller) Schwarzkoft' (b. Newark, N. L). Prepared in Toneka, Kan., H. S.; Hyde Park II. S., Chicago. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Yo Ma. Teacher, Des Moines 11. S. Mem., Kappa Alumni Club; Daughters of King; la. St. Teachers' .\ssn.; la. St. Home Econ. Assn. Married Earl Willoughby Donaho ('08), O 12. 1912, Chicago. Address, 6100 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 3958. BERENICE SCOGGIN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 21, 1887, Millington, III.; d. Charles Matson (b. S 18, 1845, Cleaves, O.) and Irene (Finnic) Scoggin (b. 'S 10, 1848, Millington, 111.). Prepared in Wheaton Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1905-6. Chi Omega. Teacher, Piano, 111., igog-io; do., Millington, 111., 1910-11. Address, Millington, 111. 3959. ESSIE MAY SEED (ROGERS) (Wife of Gs72) A. B. in Sc; b. S 2y, 1885, Belmont, 111.; d. George Andrew (b. O 12, 1852, Bridgeport, 111.) and Mary Frances (Plotner) Seed (b. My 17, i860, Bible Grove, 111.). Prepared in Sparta and Ilutsonville H. Schs. ; 111. St. Norm. Ihiiv., 1903-6. Final Honors. Mar- ried Jerome Stanley Rogers (g'09), A^ 30, 191 1, Forest Home, Newaygo. Mich. Child, Frances Parker, b. F 12, 1917. Address, Mor- ganton, N. C. 3960. JOHN GORDON SEELY (Brother of No. 1269) Organist and Choir Master; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 10, 1882, Las Vegas, N. Mex. ; s. Thomas Jennings (b. Ag 16, 1848, Chester, N. Y.) and Anzolette E. (Teller) Seely (b. Jl 13, 1852, Fonda, N. Y.). Prepared in Oswego and E. Aurora H. Schs. Grad. in Mus., N. W. Univ., 1905. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors; Accompanist of Glee Club. Organist, Presby. Church, Champaign; do,. Champaign and Urbana Hebrew Congr. ; do., Presby. Church, Aurora, 111.; Organist and Choirmaster, St. Paul Episcopal Church, .\kron, O., 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Assoc. Mem., Am. Guild of Organists. Address, 109 N. Union St., Akron, O. 3961. ALICE FAYE SEILER (LONG) (Husband of No. 3455) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 27, 1881, Shawnee, O.; d. Albert Pierce (b. Ag 3, 1848, Bloom- field, Pa.) and Alice Elizabeth (Carpenter) Seiler (b. N 10, 1854, Newville, O.). Pre- pared in Mansfield (O.) H. S.; O. Wesleyan Univ. .Methenai; 11. Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A., Treas. and Mem. .-\dv. Bd. ; Kappa .Alpha Theta. Substitute Teacher, Pub. Sch., Wash- ington, D. C, 1909-10; Organized four yrs. course of H. Sc, Placer, Co. H. S., Auburn, Calif.; Teacher, do., 1910; Pub. Schs., Wash- ington, D. C, 1910-14. Bur. Engraving, Civ. Service, 1905-07; Census Bur. Civ. Service, summer, 1910. Auth. : Article, ///. Agr., F 1 910. Mem., .'\m. Home Econ. Assn.; Home Econ. Assn., Wash., D. C. ; Alumni Assn., Univ. of 111.; O. E. S.; Kochov Co. Chm., Food Conservation, St. Council of Defense; Sec Women's Club, .Amboy, 111., 1917-18; Congr. Church. Married Joseph Ayres Long ('08), .\p 22, 1914, Washington, D. C. Ad- dress, R. I, Sublette, 111. 3962. ROBERT ROSS SEYMOUR (Brother of Nos. 2239, 3963) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 24, 1888, Thomasboro, 111.; s. William Reynold (b. O 10, 1S48, Newark, do.) and .Mice Florence (Case) Seymour (b. My 4, 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club. St. Soil Sur., 1909; Farmer, Henning, 111., 1909-12; do.. North Bend, Neb., 1912 — . Address, North Bend, Neb. 3963. WALTER ALFRED SEYMOUR (Brother of Nos. 2239, 3962) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 4, 1886, near Thomasboro, HI.; s. William Reynold (b. O 10, 1848, Newark, 111.) and Alice Florence (Case) Seymour (b. My 4, 1856, Newark, 111.). Prepared in LIniv. .\cad. Agr. Club. Farmer, 1910-11; do., North Bend, Neb., 1912-18; do., St. Helena Parrish La., 1918 — . Address, Gloster, Miss. 3964. (3UY RAY SHAW Gen. Contr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 30, 1886, Maquoketa, la.; s. A. F. (b. My 2, 1850, do.) and Isadore (Ray) Shaw (b. Ja 8, 1854, White- side Co., 111.). Prepared in Vinton, la., H. S.; Univ. of la., 1905-6. Contracting Engr.. Cook Constr. Co., Gen. Contrs., Des Moines, 1909-14; Special Representative, James B. Clow & .Sons, Chicago, Des Moines, 1914 — . Mar- ried Erma Runyon, S 12, 1916, Des Moines. Address, 2827 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines. 3965. EDITH OLGA SHIVELY (WEGENG) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 5, 1887; Ivesdale, III.; d. Daniel Webster (b. Ja 6, 1858, Bowling Green, O.) and Minerva Katherine (Watts) Shively (b. F 26, 1857, Somerset, O.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. .S. Delta Gamma; Y. W. C. A. Married Philip Joseph Wegeng, S 27, 191 1, Mahomet, 111. Address, 807 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 3966. FRANK KAY SHRADER Bond Business; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. My 24, 1S86, Bushnell, 111. Prepared in Knox- ville, H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Special Honors; Final Honors. Address, c/o Halsey, Stuart & Co., Chicago. iqoq] Baccalaureate Alumni 361 3967. HAROLD HOYT SIMMONS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 14, 1888, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Albert N. (b. 1) J2, 185.S, Jersey Co, 111.) and Etta R. (Hoyt) Simmons (b. D 18, 1858, Crawford Co., 111.). Prepared in Blue Mound II. S.; James Millikin Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. lUis. Mgr. and Ry. Maintenance Engr. Auth. : Railway Signal Dictionary. Married Charlotte (Jottsciialk, Je 10, 1913, Chicago. Child, Shell)y Warren, b. O 22, 1914. Address, 5328 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 3968. FRED S. SIMMS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 8, 1882, Mt. Clemens, Mich.; s. J. W. (b. Cady, Mich.) and Katherine (.Shepard) Simms (b. Mt. Cle- mens, Mich.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Iris; Y. M. C. A. With Allis-Chambers Co., Cincinnati; Elec. Engr., Avery Co., Peoria. 111. Nat. Guard Co. G, 5th Regt. Mem., Illini Club, Peoria. Married Laura E. Geach, S 12, 191 1, Peoria, 111. Address, 118 Pennsylvania Ave., Peoria.t 3969. FRANCIS MARION SIMPSON (Husband of No. 5015) With Am. Live Stock and Loan Co.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 26, 1887, Vienna, III.; s. Fran- cis Marion (b. Ja 23, 1838, do.) and Margaret Ann (Beal) Simpson (b. Mr 11, 1849, Clarion ('o.. Pa.). Prepared in Vienna H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Shield and Trident; Alpha Gamma Rho; Var- sity Club; Egyptian Club; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt. Dairy Farming, Vienna, 111., 1909-11; Asst. in Agr. Ext., Univ. of 111., 19H-13; Instr. in An. Husb., Univ. of 111,. 1913-14; Specialist Marketing Live Stock and Meats, U. S. Bur. of Markets, 1914-18; Am. Live Stock and Loan Co., 1918 — . City Alderman; Sec, Farmers' Inst.; 4th Regt. Staff, 111. Nat. Guard. Served on Mex. border, 19 16. Auth.: The Meat Sit- uation in the U. S., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bui. Various articles on production and maintenance of live stock and rr Walworth, Wis.). Prepared in Hebron H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Final Honors; Glee and Mandolin Clubs. Assoc, Soil Survey, Univ. of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1909-15; Asst. Prof., Soils, Univ. ot Wis., 19 1 5—. Mem., Am. Soc. of Agron. ; Presby. Church. Married Margery Nichols, D 28 1910, Lake Geneva, Wis. Children: Richard Henery, b. Ap 14- t9M; Wilson Nichols, b. D 7, 1917. Address, 2010 Monroe St., Madi- son, Wis. 3983. JAMES SAMUEL STEWART (Brother of No. 1598) Farmer; b. F 22, 1887, Kewanee, 111.; s. Samuel Parrish (b. 1846, do.,) and Nancy Jane (Robson) Stewart (b. 1850, do.). Pre- pared in Toulon H. S. and Acad. Draftsman, 1909-11; Cost-keeping and Drafting, 1911-1-^; Farming, 191 2—. Married Ruby F. Scott, Ja 6, 191 2. Children: Mary, b. N 12, 1912; Irene, b. N 4, 1914. Address, Scranton, la. 3984. CORNELIUS STOCKER Mgr., Milk Condensing Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 8, 1885. Highland, III.; s. Augustus (b. Ag 20 1857, do.) and Minnie (Branger) Stocker (b. Mr 5, 1857, do). Prepared in Highland and Greenville H. Schs.; Univ. Acad. Farmer, 1909; Mgr., herd Holstein, Streator, 1909-10; Mgr., Farm, Highland, 1910-11; in charge Cow Testing Assn.. Univ. of 111, 1911-13; Farm Advisor, Helvetia Milk Cond. Co., Lamar, Colo., 1913-17; Mgr do., iqiy—. Married Stella Irene Stocker, S 22, 1 91 5, Highland, 111. Address, 109 N. 50th St., Lamar, Colo.; bus. add.. Box No. 22, do. 3985. JOHN PHILEMON STOUT (Husband of No. 4428; Brother of No. 4923) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 21, 1887, Cotton Hill, 111.; s. Joab Philemon (b. Ap 3. i860, do.) and Ida Frank (Sawin) Stout (b. Ag 14, 1863, Lo.xa, 111.). Prepared in Spring- field H. S. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; Maj., Univ Regt., Prelim and Final Honors. Farmer, Glenarm, 1910-13; Chatham, 1913—- Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Villa Mae Sprague ('10), S 10, 191 3, loliet, 111. Children: R. Philemon, b. Je 5. 1916; Elizabeth Frank, b. D 18, 1917- Address. Chatham, 111. 3986. CLARA MARIE STRA.UCH (Sister of Nos. 2831, 3566, 3987, 5444) Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Chadwick, 111.; d. A. A. (b. Ja i, 1854, Ger.) and Mar- garet (Queckborner) Strauch (b. F 8, 1856, 111.). Prepared in Chadwick H. S.; Cornell Coll. Prep. Dept.; Frances Shimer Acad.; Grad. Stud., Sch. of Dom. Arts and Sc, Chicago, 1914; Athenean; Achoth. Teacher, H. Econ., II. S., Murphysboro, 111., 1 909-11; do., Joliet, 111., 1911-12; do.. Alberta, 111., 1912-14; Mgr. I'niv. Cafeteria, Univ. of N. Dak., 1914-15; Dining Room Instr., Glenwood Man. Tr. Sch., 1916-17. Address, 541 W. Missouri St., El Paso, Tex. 39S7. HILDA LOUISE STRAUCH (Sister of Nos. 2831, 3566, 3986, 5444) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 7, 1888, Chadwick, III.; d. .\. A. (b. Ja i, 1854, Ger.) and Margaret (Queckborner) Strauch (b. F 8, 1856, 111.). Prepared in Chadwick H. S. Athenean; Phi Delta Psi; II. Sc. Club. Teacher, H. Sc, Carrington, N. Dak., 1909-10; do.. Central H. S., Minneapolis, 191 1 — . Ad- dress, 3341 2nd Ave., South Minneapolis. 3988. ALBERT PAUL STREFF Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 9, 1886, Chicago; s. Paul A. (b. Ap 17, 1853, Port Washington, Wis.) and Celestine A. (Wetzel) Streff (b. Mr 12, 1853, Alsace-Lorraine, France). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chi- cago. Theta Delta Chi. Const. Supt., Swift & Co., Montevideo, Uruguay, 1911-13; Chief Engr. of Const.; do., La Plata, Argentina, 1913- 16; Struct. Engr. do., Chicago, 1916 — . Mar- ried Mary Esther Kelly, Je 2, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 6560 Winthrop Ave., (Chicago; bus. add.. Swift & Co., Union Stock Yards, do. 39S9. OSCAR JOSE SUMAY (Brother of No. 4443) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 30, 1882, Chascomus, Argentina; s. Jose Faustino (b. Galicia, Spain) and Ermilia (San Marting) Sumay, (b. Chascomus, Argentina). Prepared in Sch. of Mech. Apprentices. Cosmopolitan Club; Spanish Literary Club. Argentine Re- public Navy Yards, 1901-3; Electn., La Ar- gentine Republic's Navy, 1903-5; Asst. Supt., West. Ry. Telegraph, Argentina, 1909-14; Asst. Engr., Mains and Substations, West. Ry., do., 1914 — . Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Am. Church of Buenos Aires. Married Iva Mirthle Miller, Je 28, 1911, Champaign. Children: Iva Julia, b. Ja 23, 1913; Edith Mirthle, b. Ap 20, 1916. Address, Ramos Mejia, F. C. O.. Argentine Republic. 3990. WILLIAM CLAUDE SWETT Designer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 3, 1883, Elgin, 111.; s. Albert R. (b. Belfast, Me.) and Francis Elizabeth (Childs) Swett (b. Spring- field, Mass.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. In- struinentman. Standard Steel Car Co., 1909; Rodman, C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1909; Drafts- man, O. S. L. R. R., 1910;^ Asst. Engr., do., 1910-16; Designer, Kansas City Terminal Ry., 1916; do., C. & N. W. Ry. 1916; do., Chicago Union Sta. Co., 1916-18. Married Clara Louise Kaufman, Je 19, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. Ad- dress, 1904 Ainsiie St., Chicago. 3991. ELIZABETH ANDREWS SWIFT Editor; A. B. in L. & A. Asst. Ed., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.; Ed., 111. St. Dept. of Factory Inspection. Address, 5021 Prairie Ave., Chicago. 3992. CHARLES LEE SWISHER (Brother of No. 4447) Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 27, 1880, Watseka, 111.; s. William H. (b. Ja 10, 1838, Williamsport, Ind.) and Nancy Jane (Evans) Swisher (b. S 4, 1846, West Lebanon, Ind.). 1909] Baccalaureate Alumni 363 Prepared in Univ. iVcad. ; Grand Prairie Sam., Onargo. M. S., Univ. of Mich., 1913. Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 1917. Ionian; Iris Club; Sigma Xi; Special Honors in Physics. Jnstr., Phys., Ca. Tech., Atlanta, Ga., 1909-10; do., Griiineil Coll., Grinnell, la., 1910-13; Instr. and Grad. Stud., Cornell Univ., 1913-16; Prof., Phys., St. Sch. of Mines, Rapid City, S. Dak., 1916 — . Instr., Radio Work, S. A. T. C, St. Norm. Sch. of Mines, Rapid City, S. D. Auth. : (with Prof. F. Bedell and R. Brown) Distortion Factors, A. I. E. E. Proc, Je 1915; S[)ecific Resistance and Thermo-electric Power of Metallic Calcium, Physical Review, Ser. 2, Vol. 10, 191 7. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc. ; St. la. Teachers' Assn. Married Jessie Sibbitt, Ag 30, 1910, Hoopeston, 111. Children: Forest My- ron, b. Ap 14, 1913; Flora Ruth, b. O 22, IQ17. Address, Wellington, 111.; bus. add.. State Sch. of Mines, Dept. of Physics, Rapid City, S. Dak. 3993. RATHINDRA NATII TAGORE Agr. Expert; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 28, 1888, Calcutta, India; s. Rabindra Nath (b. My 6, 1850, do.) and Mrihalini (Devi) Tagore (b. 1870, Khulna, India). Prepared in Brahma- Vidyalay, Bolpur; Univ. Calcutta. Agr. Club. Mgr. and Agr. E.xpert of landed estates, India; Dir., Brahma-Vidvalay Inst. Mem.j Literary Soc, Bengal. Married Protima Devi, Ja 1910, Calcutta. Address, 6 D. N. Tagore's Lane, Jorasanko, Calcutta, India. t 3994- KENNETH HAMMET TALBOT (Son of Nos. 271, 29s; Brother of Nos. 5451. 9432) Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 7, 1887, Champaign; s. Arthur Newell ('81) (b. N 21, i8=;7, Courtland, 111.) and Virginia Mann (Hammet) Talbot ('81) _, (b. Mr 6, i860, Camargo, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Sig- ma Xi; Scabbard and Blade; C. E. Club; Capt., L'niv. Regt. ; Chm. Jr. Smoker Com. Rodman, C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1909-11; Timekeeper, James O. Heyworth, 191 1; Asst. Engr., Univ- sal Portland Cement Co.. 1911-14; Div. Engr., Promotion Bur., do., 1914-18; Constructing Warehouses for Govt., New Cumberland, Pa.. 191S — . Auth.: Concrete Warehouses — . Pre- sented before Nat. Warehousemen's Assn.. Chicago, D 8, 191 1. Mem., Oak Park Y. M. C. A.; mini Club of Chicago; Jr. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Am. Concrete Inst.; Engrs. Soc. West. Pa.; Pittsburgh Ath. Assn.;_ Baptist Church. Married Gertrude Louise Phillips, Ag 18, 1914, Elgin, HI. Children: William Phil lips, b. Je 7, lois; \'irginia, b. My 12, ioi8. Address, 1511 Hillsdale Ave., Dormont, Pitts- burgh; bus. add., 524 Prick Bldg., do. 3995. SADAKICHI TANIYAMA Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O s, 1884, Okayam.a, Japan; s. Kisoji (b. N 10, 1845, do.) and Ryo Taniyama (b. Ag 12, 1S52). Prepared in Univ. of Colo., 1906. Married Miyoko Taniyama, Ap 12, 191 1, Okayama, Japan. Children: Misao, b. Mr 28, 1912; Toshio, b. Ja 26, 191 7. Address, 138 Higashi Suma, Mukogun Hyogoken, Japan; bus. add.. 99 Kitamachi, Kobe, do. 3996. ETHEL NICHOLS TAYLOR (HIGGINS) Missionary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 16, 1883, Bellmont, 111.; d. Josiah E. (b. Ja i, 1851, Olney, 111.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Cot- tereli) Taylor (b. Jl 3, 1854). Prepared in Olney H. S. Glee Club. Teaching; Mission- ary, Songdo, Korea. Married Daniel Frank- lin Iliggins, Je i6. 1910, Claremont, 111. Child. Mary Elizabeth, b. Ap 2, 191 1. Address, Am. Legation, Peking, China. t 3997. OTTO SAMUEL THAL (Brother of Nos. 3574, 8001) ..A. B in L. & A.; b. F 20, 1885, Carlyle, 111.; s. John (b. 1848, Petrograd, Russia) and Mary Elizabeth (Wulfman) Thai (b. 1858. Breese, 111. Prepared in Concordia Coll. Ad- dress 507 S. 6th St., Champaign; bus. add., Manhatten, Nev. 3998. CHARLES MANFRED THOMPSON Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., loio; b N 10, 1877. Fairfield, 111.; s. Elisha Penny •^n- 1836, Preble Co., O.) and Margaret Ross ilaberj Thompson (b. 1834, Ind.). Prepared in Fairfield H. S.; Hayward Coll., 1895-7; Austin Coll., 1903. Ph. D., Harvard, 191 1. .Adelphic; Beta Phi; Kappa Delta Pi. Instr, Univ. Acad., 1909-10; Asst., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Asst., Econ., do., 1912-13; Instr., do., 1913-14; Assoc, do., 1914-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916-17; Assoc. Prof., do., 1917— . Corp. Co. E., 9th Regt., 111. Voluntary Inf., 1898-99; .Served in Cuba. Auth.: (With Evarts B. Greene) Governor's Letter Books, Vol. VII, of 111. Hist. Collections; A. Study of the Adminis- tration of Governor Thomas Ford; Preliminary Report on the Lincoln Way; Final Report on the.Lmtoln Way; The 111. Whigs before 1846; (With E. L. Bogart) Readings in the Economic History of the U. S.; Hist, of the U. S.; Hist of 111.; The Democratic State (With E L Bogart) Vol. IV of 111. Centennial Hist.; Principles of Econ. Monetary System of Nou- velle France, Jour, of the III. St. Hist. Soc; An Early Character Sketch of Abraham Lin- coln, do.; Early Election Machinery in 111., do.- iMnding the Lincoln Way in 111., Unitv; The Lincoln Way Investigation, ///. Mag. of Hist.; Attitude of the Western Whigs toward the Convention System. Proc. of the Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.; Genesis of the W^hig Party in 111., Transactions of the III. St. Hist. Soc. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn., 1909; 111. St. Hist. Soc, 1909; Miss. Valley Hi.st. Assn.; Am. Econ. Assn.; Univ. Club. Married Ella May Brown. Jl 23, 1899, Fairfield, 111. Children: Charles Woody, b. F 8, 1902; Joseph Manfred, b. Ja 20, 1914. Address, 607 W. Elm St., Urbana. 3999. SAMUEL MATTHEW THOMPSON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; J. D., 191 1; b My 5, 1887; s. John L. and Sarah Thompson. Prepared m Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Theta Kap- pa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; Egyptian Club; Scribblers; Philomathean; John Marshall Law Club; Prehm. honors; Final honors; 111. -Neb. debate, 1909. Atty. at Law. First Lt.. 373rd Inf.. Camp Las Casas, Porto Rico. Address, Harrisburg, Ill.f 4000. ANDREW THOMSON Merchant; B. S. in Sc. ; b. Ap 12, 1886, Mon- treal, Can.; s. Andrew (b. Ag 7, 1844, do.) and Jessie (Urquhart) Thomson (b. F 12, 1852, Glasgow, Scotland). Prepared in S. Chicago H. S.; Armour Inst. Alpha Delta Phi; Scab- bard and Blade; M. E. Soc; Class Football; Baseball; Basketball. With Universal Port- land Cement Co., 1909-10; Monarch Type- writer Co., 1910-11; Pvt. Bus., 1911; Propri- etor. Produce Store, Gary, Ind. Address, 2958 E. 8ist St., Chicago. 4001., PRESSON WAVERLY THOMSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 9. 1870, Knox Co., III.; s. Bresson Wheeler (b. Je 24, 1832, Mar- ion Co., O.) and Mary Susannah (Lapham) Thomson (b. Ap 18, 1833. do.). Prepared in Knox Coll., Acad. A. B. Knox Coll., 1897. John Marshal! Law Club. Mem., Municipal League, Los Angeles. Married Vera Margaret Bradshaw, Je 1902. Children: Frederick David, b. Je 1904; Robert Edward, b. Ja 1906. Address, 828 Burck PI., Los Angeles; b%is. add., 51: O. T. Johnson Bldg., rfo.f 364 University of Ti.ijnois 1 1 009 4002. EVERT IIOMKU TICE Lawytr; LI.. B.; b. O 10, 1885, Grccnvicw, 111.; s. Homer J. (b. F s. '86-', Athens. 111.) and Kmilie (VVarn.sinK) 'I'iee (b. Ja 27, i86j, Grcenview, 111.). I'reparcd in Oreenview II. S. Sigma .'\lpla Epsilon; I'hi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nil. l.awyer, (Ireenview, 111. Married Mary Arstell.i l'"ldred({e, S 7, igio, (ireenview, 111. ChihU Homer Whitney, b. My 5, 101 J. Address, Greenview, Ill.t 4003. MABEf, li. TOBIAS (IIEITMAN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jc 26, 1886, I'eoria; .1 George F. (b. N 1854) "and Sophia (Menford) Tobias (b. Mr 18, 1854). Prepared in Wasli- iuglon H. S.; Carthage Coll., 1905-08. Y. W. ('. A. Married Alfred (i. lleilman, Je 28, igii, i'axtoii, 111. Address, 215, joth St., Sioux City, la. 4004. C1.AR.\ BKl.r.E TOUZALIN (STONE) B. L. S.; b. 1885, Chicago; d. .Anthony (b. 1818, Jamaiea) and Aliigail (Eaton) Tonzalin (b. 1842, Tolland, Ctnui.). Prepareil in Hyde Park and lohn Marsb.dl 11. Sebs., Cbieago; Michigan City (liid.) 11. S.; Lewis Insl., Chicago. Asst., John Crerar Lib., Cliieago, 1909-13. Married Porter lMlwarhia, i<)ii; la. Homestead Co., igii-12. Address, San Iteiiilo, Tex, 4006. TINPIT WEITSEN TH Engineer; B, S. in Ry. C. E. ; b. Soocliow, China. Prepareil in Nanyang Coll., Sliai, China; Univ. of Cal., 1905-7. Cosmopolitan Club. Transilman, Chicago; .\sst., do.. Kansas City, Mo.; Asst. Engr., Shanghai, China. Address, Box 912, Am. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. t 41K.7. ALLISON LEE TULL (Brother of No. 1605) Dentist; A. B. in L. & A.; 1). 1). S., 191 2; 1). S 25, 1888, l'\ariiier City, 111.; s. Nelson (b. 1) 10, 1837, ("larksbnrg, ().~l and Margaret ( kie- men) Tiill (b. Ag 8, 1848, yellowl)ud, (/<>.). Prepared in I'armer City II. S. Alpha Delia Phi. Student Dentistry, Univ., i9o<)-i2. Mar- ried Lois F. Lanktree, jl 15, 1913, E. Orange, N. Y. Address, 6328 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 4008. ROSCOE TVGETT Lawyer; LL. B.; (b. Tl 28, 1886, Williamson Co., 111.) s. W. F. (h.'do.) and Alma Tygett (b. Jackson Co., 111.). Prepared in S. 111. St. Norm. Univ. Phi .Mpba Delta; ICgyptian Club; John Marshall Law Club. Ally., Christoplier, 111. Married Iva Tygett, N i6, 1908, Newtmi, III. Children: James Roscoc, b. My 31, 1909; Katheriiie, b. N 1 i, 1910. Address. Cliris- topber. 111. .p.oo. JOSEPH IN'K \'AN DOKS'l'KN (IIOLCH) (Wife of No. 2125) Prill. II. S.; A. B. in Sc; b. .\|i 5, 1880, Three Rivers, Mich.; d. I'ranklin Homer (b. .\p 9. 1855, Stark Co., O.) and Alice Celia (Messenger) Van Dorslen (b. O 7, 1863, 'Poii- togany, ().). Prepared in Frederick .Scb., Poiitiac, Mich.; Oakland Co. Norm., do.; Hills- dale Coll., Hillsdale. M(ich., 190.5-7. Prin., IT. S., Sheldon, 1909-12; do., Libertyvillc, 1913-17; do., Elmhurst, 1917-18. Nieiii., Pvlliian Sisters; 1). .\. R. Married iMcderick Leidy llolch ("04"), D 25, 1909, Urbana. Child, Samuel, b. Ag 19, 1915. Address, Elmhurst, 111. 4010. FOREST CLYDE VAN HOOK (Husband of No. 5309) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. D 3, 1886, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; s. Uriah (b. Broadhead, Ky.) ,111(1 I.ouvina (Copeland) Van Hook (b. Mt. I'ulaski, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Pulaski 11. S. i\l. 1)., N. W. Univ., 1913. Tan Lambda; I'hoenix; Varsity Football, 1905-8; Capt., 1908; Track Sipiad. Physician, Mt. Pulaski, 111., 1914 — . Married Marie Maude Miller ('12), la I, i9i(), Lincoln, 111. Address, Ml. Pulaski, "111. 4011. KATHKYN CRAIG VOORIIEES (StJUIRES) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 13. 1887, Bushnell, 111.; d. James E. (b. An 5, 1800, Raritan, 111.) and Ellen (Sinionson) Voorhees (b. Ja 26, 1858, Canton, III. Prepared in Bushnell II. S. .\cbotli; Prelim. Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Latin Teacher, II. S., Bushnell, 111., 1909-11. Mar- ried Harry G. Sipiires, Tc 28, 191 1, Bushnell, III. Children; Alargaret Kliene, b. 11 17, 1912; llarrj; Rollins, b. My 3, 1915. Aditress, 822 S. Illinois St., Springfield, 111. 4012. FRANK JONES VOSBURGII .Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 23, 1886, Rochester N. Y.; s. William R. (b. S 5, 1854, Ovid, N. Y.) and Annie L. (Jones) V'osbiirgb (b. Ag 16, i860, Oswego, N. Y.). Prep.iretl in Oak Park H. S.; Univ. of Wis., u)04-(>. Alpha Delta Phi; Class Football; Baseball; Basketball; Varsity Football Squad; X'arsity Swimming. Asst. Testing Engr., Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chicago, 1909- 10; Dept. Siipt., Nat. Lead Co., do., 1910-11; Asst. Testing Wngr., Union (Carbide Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1911-12; Mgr., Am. Oxbydric Co., Miil\i|auked, 1912-16; Engr., Star Elec. Co., Niagara Isills, N. Y., 1916-17; Snpt., Star Electrode Works, Nat. Carbon Co., do., 191 7 — . Married Meda Dean, O a, 1913, Milwaukee. Children: Dean Richard- s(ui, b. 1) 26, 1914 (died, Ja 14, 1917); Jean Isabella, b. J a 4, 191 8. Address, 687 Chil- ton Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y.; bus. add.. Star Electrode Works, do. 4013. HARRY DWIGHT WAGGONER Instructor; A. B. in Sc, ; A. M., 1914; Ph. I), ii)i6; b. F I, 1877, Godfrey, III.; s. Samuel ( b. Knoxville, Tenn.) and Helen (Ferguson) Waggoner (b. Godfrey, III.). Prepared in 111. .St. Norm. Univ. Sigma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi. .^sst., Bol., Univ. of III., 1913-16; Prof., Biol., Macalister Coll., St. Paul, i9i()-i7; Instr., Biol., West. 111. St. Norm., Macomb, 111., 1917 — ■• Married Mabelle /Mice Denning, D 29, igo6. Normal, 111. Child, Dorothy Louise, b. .An 21, 1912. .'\ddress. 335 S. Ecol Ave., Gale Park, 111.; bus. add., Macomb, III. 4.u.|. ROBERT CHARLES WAGNER, JR. (Brother of No. 7279) Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 17, i886, Charleston, Mo.; s. Robert Charles 11. (b. 1858, Chicago) and Mary A. (Brown") Wagner (b. 18(10, Champaign). Prepared in St. Mary's 11. S., Texarkana, Ark. Triangle; Ionian; C. E. Club, Pres.; Mgr., Terliiioprat'h Bd.; Spanlding Guild. Contracting and I'uel, R. C. Wagner \- Son; I'"ield Supl., Cbanute Aviation F«eld; do., Camp Grant, Rockford; Contr., Transport Service, U. S. Q. M. Hept., do. M.arried Josephine Catherine Hughes, Jl 10, 1912, Cham- paign. Address, 307 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 4015. "JESSE JACOBSON WALLEDOM Contracting Engr.; B. S. in C. E.'; b. F 22, 18S6, Chicago; s. John C. (b. Ap 29, 1857, Scbleswig, Cvr.) and Maria Johanna (Moller) Walledom (b. D 26, 1859, .). Prepared in Crane Tech. II. S., Chicago. LL. B., John iqoq] Baccalaureate Alumni 365 Marshall I-aw Sch., iQrs; Hus. Course, Alex- ander Hamilton Inst., N. Y., 1917. C. E. Club; Hrev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard; Glee and Mandolin Clul), igo6-g; Sigma Xi. Engr., Am. Bridge ('o., lyoej-io; Asst. Resident Engr., McKinley Bridge Co., St. Louis, igio-ii; Engr., Am. Bridge Co., igii-i6; Contracting Dept., do., igi6; Contracting Dept., do., 191 7 — . Ed.: The Paper Book of Delta Theta Phi Law Frater- nity. Jr. Mem., West. See. Engrs. ; Jr. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Cluirch of Christ Scientist; Delta Theta Phi; Chicago and St. Louis mini Clubs. Married Ivillian Minna Simon, N 24, igio, Chicago. Children: Ken- neth J. R., b. N 5, 191 1 ; William Henry, b. Ap 24, 1 91 5 (died F 6, 1916); I-illian Marie, b. () II, 1917. Died N 17, 1918, Chicago. 4016. WILLIAM JOSEPH WALSH B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 28, 1885, Gibson City, la.; s. P. J. Walsh. Prepared in Monticelio H. S. Address, c/o Mo. Pac. R. R., Pueblo, Colo.t 4017. TIIERON LLOYD WARRICK Student; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 30, 1886, Utica, 111.; s. Robert Moore (b. N 7, 1850, Beaver Falls, Pa.) and Pruella Anna (Esmond) War- rick (b. Ja 15, 1857, Utica, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa 11. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Traveling Expert, Collector and Sales- man, Internat. Harvester Co., 1910; Farmer and Contr., Rouleau, Sask.; Expert and Demon- strator, Internat. Harvester t'o., Argentina, Rep., 1910-1 1 ; Stud., Palmer Sch., Chiropractic, Davenport, la. Mem., Unitarian (Jhurch. Married Lena Maye French, Je 30, 1914, Mar- seilles, 111. Address, Utica, 111. 4018. ROSA WAUGII (BROWER) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 8 1872, Dahlgren, 111.; d. Louis K. (b. 1848, Gallipolis, O.) and Martha Ellen (Zellers) Waugh (b. 1848, Zanesville, do.). Prepared in Union Acad., Anna; H. S. Dept. of 111. St. Norm. Univ.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1890-4; Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1890, 1904, 05, 06, 10, 11; Univ. of Calif., 1913-1S, summers. Asst. in H. S., Dixon, 111., 1894-7; Teacher in grades, Elgin, 111., i8g8; Prin. H. S.,^ New Harmony, Ind., i8g8-i90o; do., 11. S., Cobden, 1901; Teacher, Union Acad., 1902; Prin. H. S., Naperville, 1902-8; Teacher, Latin, H. S., Champaign, 1909-12; do., in IL S., Ilemet, Calif., 1912-16; Teacher of Eng., Kern Co. Union II. S., Bakers- field, Calif., 191 7 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married John Brower, Je 15, 1914, Button Willow. Kern Co., Calif. Address, 924 C St., Bakersfield, Calif. 4019. MAUD WEAVER (DORRIS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 5, 1885, Harrisburg, 111.; d. Jacob (b. My 30, 1851, do.) and Susan Martha (Blake) Weaver (b. Mr i, 1856, do.). Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. II. S. Teacher, 1910-11; Shelbyville, 191 2-1 3; Mt. Carmel, ■9i3''7; Salem, 1917-18. Mem., Y. W. C. A. Nlarried Jonathan T. Dorris, Je 18, 1912, Har- risburg, III. Children: Herbert Vincent, b. My 21, 1913 (died Mr 31, 1914); Donald Hugh, b. D 19, 1914; Mary Esther, b. D 14, 1916. Ad- dress, Salem, III. 4020. JOHN FRANK WEISS Inspector; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 15, 18S6, Hinckley, 111.; s. John (b. My 15, 1854, Ger.) and Mary (Ilartman) Weiss (b. Ap 25, 1861, Hinckley, 111.). Prepared in Hinckley H. S.; Univ. Acad. Material Insp., Burlington, R. R., 1909-10; Material Insp., Santa Fe R. R., 1910- 12; Employed, C. B. & Q. R. R. hdqtrs., St. I^ouis, 191 2 — . Address, 277 Seminary Ave., Aurora, 111. 4021. HARRY JOHN WERNSING Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 30, 1885, Greenview, III.; s. Henry (b. Ap 21, 1859, Badbergen, Ger.) and Anna (Marbold) Wern- sing (b. Ag 22, 1861, Greenview, 111.). Pre- pared in Greenview II. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Yoxan; Shield and Trident; Football; Sec, Soph, class; Jr. Cap Com. Cliief Clerk, U. S. Bd. of Health, igog-i i ; Govt. Sur., 191 1; Merchant, 2d Lt.. 1917; 1st Lt., Co. L., 341st Inf., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mabel C. Sisson, F 4, 19 15, Springfield, 111. Address, Greenview, 111. 4022. FRED LOUIS WHAM (Brother of Nos. .S494, 7300) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 15, 1884, Salem, III.; s. II. B. (b. Mr 19, 1848, Marion Co., 111.) and Nancy J. (Stoneciphcr) Wham (b. Je 18, 1856, do.). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Univ. Adeljihic; Egyptian; Phi Alpha Delta; Theta Kappa Nu; John Marshall Law Club; Varsity Football; All- Western Tackle, igo8. Atty. at Law, Fayetteville, Ark., 1909-11; Asst. Solicitor for Ark. for St. L. & F. R. R. Co., 1911-15; Asst. Solicitor, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washing- ton, D. C. 19 1 5-1 7; Mem., Law firm of Wham & Wham, Centralia, 111., 1917 — . Mem., Elks; A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Married Carrie Clifton Hitch, Je 16, igog, Terre Haute, Ind. (died Je 16, igi7). Child, Fred Louis, Jr., b. Mr 14, igio. Address, Centralia, 111. 4023. BURT T. WHITE (Brother of No. 3228) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 27, 1881, Long View, HI.; s. Davison (b. N 15, 1842, West- field, Ind.) and Virginia (Quick) White (b. Ja 16, 1852). Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; Mooney Acad., Murphrecsboro, Tenn. Agr. Club. Farmer, Carmen, Okla. Clerk, Eagle Chief Tp.; Pres., Carmen Auto Co. Married Allie Cobb, D 22, 1912, Carmen, Okla. Child, Mildred Lucile, b. D 27, 191 7. Address, Car- men, Okla. 4024. FRANK M. WHITE Editor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 21, 1885, Dewey, 111.; s. M. E. and Mary Josephine (Harless) White. Prepared in Shelbyville IL S. ; Univ. Acad. M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1916. Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; Sigma Xi; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. Prof., Agr. Engng., Univ. of Wis., and Head of Engng. Dept., 1913-18; Engng. Ed., Orange Judd Co., 1918 — . Auth.: Gen. Purpose Barns, Rural Sewage Disposal Sys- tems, Univ. of Wis. Bui. Mem., Madison Ro- tary Club, 1917-18. Married, Moline, 111., 1913. Child, Frank Marshall, Jr., b. Je 17, 1917. .iddrcss. Orange Judd Co., Chicago. 4025. WARREN STEPHEN WILLIAMS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap i, 1886, McLean, 111.; s. Robert Thomas and Annie Elizabeth (Morley) Williams. Prepared in Canton IT. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Chem. Club. Ceram. Chem., Bur. of Standards, Pittsburgh. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Ceram. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married Helen Voss, D 16, 191 1, Kansas City. Mo. Address, Bur. of Standards, Pitts- burgh. 4026. MAUDE WILLIAMSON (Sister of Nos. 3607, 6012) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F i, 1885, Lodge, 111.; d. George E. (b. F 18, 1855, Day- ton, (3.) and Flora E. (Chandler) Williamson (b. Mr I, 1859, Weldon, HI.). Prepared in Jackson H. S. ; Teacher, Dept. Household Phys., Norm, and Indus. Coll., Milledgeville, Ga. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma; Illiola; Educ. Club; Prelim. Honors. Instr., Math., Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo., igog-ii. Address, Palacios, Tex. 366 University of Illinois 40J7. FREDERICK ALEXANDER WILSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 22, i886, Gibson City, 111.; s. A. F. Wilson. Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Address, 312-15 Katz Bldg., San Ber- nardino, Calif.t 402S. HUGH EDWARD WILSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 2\, 1886, Mason City, 111.; s. Cornelius Richard (b. Ag 23, 1858, Green \'alley. 111.) and Florence Luella (Mc- liarry) Wilson (b. O 6, 1863, Mason City, 111.). Prepared in Mason City II. S. I'si Upsilon; Philomathean; Van Twiller Court; Soph. De- bating Team. Mem., Creve Coeur Club; Univ. Club of Peoria; Kickapoo Golf Club; Peoria Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar Assn.; Psi Upsilon Club of Chicago. Address, 207 W. McClure Ave., Peoria; bus. add., Tichenor, Todd & Wilson, 319 Central Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 4029. EARL WINEMAN Lawyer; LL. B.: b. Ja 10, 1886, Auburn, 111.; s. Iladen S. (b. N 9, 1834, do.) and Dorcas L. (Lipe) Wineman (b. D 27, 1856, Irving, 111.). Prepared in Auburn H. S.; Univ. Acad. Fuller Law Club. Married Elva Rue Winter, O 27, 191 1, Great Falls, Mont. Address, Stan- ford, Mont. 4030. JOHN EMERSON WOLF Supervisor; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 7, 1885, Lanark, 111.; s. Amos (b. Ja i, 1845, do.) and Susan (Sword) Wolf (b. N, 1846, Welsh Run, Pa.). Prepared in Lanark H. S. Sigma Xi. Erecting Engr.. Allis-Chalmcrs Co., igii; Op- erating Engr., Municipal I'umping & Lighting Sta., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1911; Supvr., Man. Tr., Whiting, Ind. Married Myrtle Braun Pollock, Mr 7, 191 1, Milwaukee. Address, Lanark, Ill.t 4031. HARRY CLARK WOOD WORTH Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 9, 1885, Leslie, Mich.; s. F. C. (b. D 23, 1851) and Martha (Walker) Woodworth. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Alpha Zeta. Agr., St. H. S.; Farmer. Auth. : Several pamphlets for near-by farmers. Address. Alexandria, Minn.t 4032. ROBERT CHARLES WRAY Chief Insp.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 18, 1883, Quincy, HI.; s. John (b. S 1833, Londonderry, Ireland) and Tressa (McCune) Wray, (b. je 1852, Adams Co., 111.). Prepared in Quincy JL S. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rbo. Traveling Expert, Deere & Co. Mfrs., 1910-12; Chief Insp., do., 1912 — . Married Mary La- Beaune Richardson, N 9, ign, Quincy, 111. Child, Robert R., b. Ja 23, 1914. .4adrcss, 1S47 W. 41st Drive, Los Angeles; bus. add., c/o John Deere Plow Co., do. 4033. *SAMUEL ROSS WREATH B. S. in Chem.; b. N 12, 1881, Hillsdale, 111.; s. Hamilton (b. Ag 11, 1828, Co. Antrim, Ireland) and Sarah Catherine (McConnell) Wreath (b. Jl s, 1845, Westmoreland Co., Pa.). Prepared in Port Byron Acad.; Beloit Coll., Beloit, Wis. Aliiha Chi Sigma. Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1909-10; Armour S: Co., Union Stock Yds., Chicago, 1910-11; Victor Chem. Works. Chicago, 191 1 — . Auth.: Fast- ing Studies, IV Studies on Water Driiikiug, VII; AUantoin and Purine Excretion of Fast- ing Dogs, Jour, of Am. Chem. Soc, Vol. 33, 191 1. Married Helen Faye Woodward, N 23, 1910, Chicago. Child, Allyn Rodger, b. O 12, 191:. Died N 13. 1914, Chicago. 4034. SIDNEY B. WRIGHT Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja i, 18S7, Rock Falls, 111.; s. Joseph (b. D 29, 1S45, Philadelphia) and Ada B. Wright (b. N 26, 1857, Rock Falls, 111.). Prepared in Sterling 1 1 900 Tp. H. S. Varsity Football. Corn Product* Kelining Co., Argo, 1910-11; Peoples' Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chicago, 1911-14; The Texas Co., do., 1914 — . Mem., 111. Gas Assn. Mar- ried June M. McNeill, S 9, 191 2, Prophctstown 111. Child, William J., b. S 28, 1917. Address, 77 '4 Lagoon Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 332 S. Mich. Ave., do. 4035- THOMAS JUDSON WRIGHT, JR. Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. N 9, 18S6, Churchland, Va. ; s. Thomas Judson (b. S 2(>, 1845, Waverton, Va.) and Mary Ella (Johnson) Wright (b. Mr 1852, Marlbrook, Va.). Prepared in Churchland II. S. and Acad. B. S. and C. E., Va. Poly. Inst., 1907. Sigma Xi. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Mar- ried Ruth Porter, N 18, 1914, Charlotte, N. C. .-Iddress, 424 Westover Ave., Norfolk, Va. 4036. AUGUST FRANK DANIEL WUSSOW Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1911; b. Ag 27, 18S4, Chicago; s. August (b. Ag 7, 1842, Prussia) and Wilhelmine (Labes) Wus- sow (b. S 10, 1842, do.). Prepared in Calu- met H. S., Chicago. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Special Honors. Analyst, Chicago Lab.; Referee, Bd. of (Ton- suiting Sc. Experts, V. S. Dept. of Agr., 1909 lo; Chem., I'cllagra Conui. of 111., 1910-11; do., Psychopathic Inst., Kankakee, 111., 191 1- 12; Asst., Dept. Nutrition, O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1912-13; do.. Armour & Co., Glue & Soap Works, Chicago, 1913-18. 1st Lt., San. Corp, U. S. A., 1918—. Mem., A. C. S.; A A A. S. Auth.: (With H. S. Grindley) Dietary Studies at the Peoria St. Hosp., Report of the Biochemical Work of the III. Pellagra Comn.; The Corn Meal from the St. Inst., do.. The influence of Molds on Corn Meal, do.; Metabolism Studies in Dementia Praecox, The Iiisiitntion Quarterly, Vol. IV, Metabol- ism in Pellagra, do. The Chem. Analysis of the Brain of a Pellagrin, do.. Vol. IV. (With E. B. Forbes). Report on Inorganic Phos- phorus Estimation in Plant and Animal Sub- stances, Jour, of the Assn. of Official Agf. Chemists, Vol. i. Married Willo Boulton. My 27, 1916, Chicago. Address, 5812 S. Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 318 Mills Bldg., Washington, D. C. 4037. ROSCOE D. WYATT Cml. Sec; A. B. and LL. B.; b. Mr'ii, 1883. Salem, 111.; s. Robert Alexander (b. Jl 4, 1852, Fayetteville, Tenn.) and Loura Eva- line (Wham) Wyatt (b. F 27, 1857, Salem, ill.). Prepared in South 111. St. Norm. Sch. Acacia; i'hi Alpha Delta; Egyptian Club; .Vdelphic; Whitenagemote court; Univ. Foot- !:all; Glee and Mandolin Club; Ath. Ed., Illini. Land Law Clerk, U. S. Gen. Land Office, 1909- 10; do.. Forest Service, 1910-12; Lawyer, Salem, 111., 1912-13; Mayor, Salem, 1913-15; Investigator, Bur. of Municipal Research, New York City, working through iVcad. of Pol. Sc, Columbia Univ.; Managing Sec, Chamber of ("omnierce, Hoboken, N. J., 1915 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Christian Church. Mar ried Lillian Toler, Te 11, 1908, Carbondale, 111. Child, Francis "D., b. N 26, 1910. Ad- dress, 312 N. Walnut St., East Orange. N. J.; bus. add.. Am. City Bur., Tribune Bldg., New York City. 403S. "ALBERT CHARLES YEHLING B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 24, i888, St. Johns, 111.; s. Charles Yehling. Prepared in_ Sparta 11. S. Died O 22, 1909, near St Louis. 4030. THOMAS E.\RL YOUNG B. S. in M. E.: b. Ag 10, 1SS6, Lewiston, 111.; s. F. A. Young. Prepared in Lewiston II. S. .iddress, Vancouver, B. C.f i9io] Baccalaureate Alumni 367 4040. EDWARD FORDE ZAHROBSKY Secretary; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 26, 1887, Chicago; s. Anton J. (b. Mr 11, 1865, Chi- cago) and Josephine E. (Pollensj Zahrobskv (b. N 25, 1866). Prepared in Joseph Mcdifl H. S., Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi; Arch. Club; Komenian Soc; Prelim. Honors. Div. Engr., George W. Jackson, Inc., 1909-11; Bldg. Supt., James Shedden & Co., 1911-13; Sec, Cerny Pickas & Co., Inc., 1913 — . Mem., I. O. O. F. ; 111. Club of Chicago; Hamilton Club, do.; Neosho Club, do. Married Lillian J. Ptacrk, My 8. 1915. Child, Ralph E.. b. O 19, igiy. Address, 1932 S. 57th Court, Cicero, 111.; bus. add., 3321 S. Crawford St., Chicago. 4041. *JOSEPH HAZEN ZEARING (Brother of No. 4991) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 20, 1887, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Louis Fremont (b. S 27, 1854, Dover, 111.) and Emily Trimmer (Hazen) Zearing (h. My 30, 1856, Stark Co., 111.). Prepared in Princeton Tp. H. S. Acacia; Delta Sigma Rho; Ionian; Winner Etjual Suffrage Contest, 1907; Class orator, commencement, 1909. Bank Teller, ist Nat. Bank, Champaign, 1909. Died Jl 1913, Edinburgh, Scotland. 4042. MARIE LOUISE ZILLY (Sister of No. 1099) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 14, 1886, Petersburg, 111.; d. Charles (b. F ii, 1842, Berne, Switzerland) and Plelen Louisa (Me- Kinley) Zilly (b. F 19, 1850, (jriggsville, 111.). Prepared in Champaign Ii. S. Kajipa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Champaign, 1910-12; With Nat. Tube Co., Pittsburgh, 1914; Teacher, Stock- vyell, Ind., 1915-18. Address, 617 W. Church St., Champaign. t CLASS OF 1910 (457 LIVING, 13 DEAD) 4043. BAYARD TAYLOR ABBOTT See Class of 191 1 4044. FRANCES DORCAS ABBOTT (Daughter of No. 416; Sister of Nos. 4043, 6687, 8909) Teacher; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 5, 1889, Morri- son. 111.; d. Alfred Noyes ('85), (b. N 2, 1862) and Sarah (Green) Abbott. Prepared in Morri- son H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Pres., Illiola; Second Cabinet Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Class Sec; (^hm. Com. to interest legislators in dormitories for girls. Asst. in Chem., St. Soil Sur., 1910-11; teacher, Clinton, 111., 1911 — ; Head of Science Dept. H. S.. Clinton, 1913. Mem., D. A. R.; O. E. S. Address. 709 N. Center St., Clinton, lU.t 4045. LAURIE LEE ALLEN Physician; A. B. in Sc. in Prep. Med.; b. Jc 15, 1884, Charlotteville, Va. ; s. James F. (b. 1838, Orange Courthouse, Va.) and Laura A. (Terrell) Allen (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Oberlin Acad, and Coll. M. D.. N. W. Univ., 1914. Interne, Provident Hosp., Chicago, 1914- 15; House Surg., do., 1915-16; Sr. Physician, Murdale Sanatorium, Wauwatosa, Wis., 1916- 17; Assoc. Med. Dir., do., 1917 — • First Lt., Med. R. C, U. S. A., D 19, 1917. Address, Murdale, Wauwatosa, Wis. 4046. IRA BLAIR ALTEKRUSE In Business; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 3', 1882, Muscatin, la. Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; A. S. M. E.; Onyc<; Ed., Technografh. Price Rate Dept., Deere & Co., 1910-11; Fac- tory Acct., John Deere Wagon Co., igii-12; Moline Wagon Co., Moline, 111., 1912; Partner, F. S. Eby Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1916. Ad- dress, c/o F. S. Eby Co., Kansas City, Mo. 4047. 'GRACE MARGARET ALVERSON (Sister of Nos. 2554, 3619, 8919) B. Mus. ; b. Ag 23, 1882, Stonington, 111.: d. Elbridge Monroe (b. Ag 27, 1851, Schuyler Co., Mo.) and Amelia Caroline (Weiser) Alver- son (b. Ja 10, 1863, Beardstown, 111.). Pre- pared in Taylorville H. S.; Univ. Acad. Illiola. Teacher, music. Died Ag 11, 191S. Asheville, N. C. 4048. ALPHON LESTER ANDERSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 5, 1889, Farmington, 111.; s. Taylor and Minnie M. (Baker) Ander- son. Prepared in Farmington H. S. Fuller Moot Court; Sigma Pi. Passed Bar Exam., Mr I, 1911; Collector, Accts.. 1911; Practice of law, Peoria, 191 1 — ; Asst. St. Atty., Peoria Co., iqi7_. Mem., Peoria Illini Club; B. P. O. E. No. 20; Peoria Bar Assn.; Peoria Consistory and Shrine. Married Dorothy M. Anderson, Ap 9, 1913, Farmington, 111. Child, Betty Elaine, b. S 19, 1914. Address, 226 Ayers Ave., Peoria; bus. add.. Room 2, Rehfuss Bldg., 125 N. Jefferson Ave., do. 4049. HAROLD BROTHER ANDERSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 12, 1887, Sweden; s. C. J. Anderson. Prepared in Joliet II. S. Triangle. Address, City Hall, Chicago. 4050. RUSSELL ADAMS McCURDY ANDERSON Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 26, 1886. Bloomington, 111.; s. Charles William (b. My 16, 1862, Oxford, O.) and Margaret (Wing) Anderson (b. D 25, 1862, do.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Acacia; E. E. Soc; Arch. Club; Stud. Asst. in Phys. Tr. Engr. in charge of Arch, work in City Engr. Office, Des Moines, 1911-12; Arch. Engr. with Condron Co., Struct. Engrs., Chicago, 1912-18. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; R. S. M.; K. T.; A. A. O. N. M. S. Married Susan H. Holmes, N i, 1913, Chicago. Child, Lauretta Elizabeth, b. D 30, 1914. Ad- dress, 342 W. 65th St., Chicago; bus. add., 1432 Monadnock Block, do. 4051. THOMAS CHESTER ANGERSTEIN Lawyer; LL. B.; Prepared in Hillsboro H. S.; III. Coll., Jacksonville, 111., 1903-07. Track team; Debating team; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Pres., Delta Sigma Rho; Pres., Adelphic; Honors in Law; Univ. Debating team, 1907-09; Illini Staff; V. P., 111. Union. Atty., Office, Scott, Bancroft & Stevens, Chi- cago; Atty. for Internat. Harvester Co., Chi- cago; Asst. Trial Atty. for Internat. Harvester Co., 1911-13; Assoc. Commerce Counsel for Internat. Harvester Co., 1913-14; Pvt. Practice, I9I5-I7; Mem. of firm, MacChesney, Becker, Angerstein, & Rollo, 1917. Mem., Illini Club; City Club of Chicago; Chicago Bar Assn.; Am. P.ar Assn. Address, 606 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 4052. FRED GEORGE ARENDS (Brother of No. 8105) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N i, 1887, Melvin, 111.; s. George Teis Cb. Ag 9, 1849, Peoria) and Talea (Weiss) Arends (b. S 5, T851, Hanover, Ger.). Prepared in Melvin H. S.; Grand Prai- rie Sem., Onarga, 111. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta. Address, Melvin, 111. 4053. WILLIAM H. ARNOLD, JR. Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 4, 1883, Tyre, Seneca Co., N. Y.; s. William H. (b. Tyre, Seneca Co., N. Y.) and Ellestine (Babbitt) Arnold (b. Seneca Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in 368 University of Tr.i.iNou Myiiderse Ac;ul., Seneca Kails, N. Y. ; Cornell Univ., ioo5-oS; Siininier Session, 1900. Teacli- er, Uiilings, Mont., loio-ii; ist. of Chicas>o, loto-ii; Asst. Chem., do., 101 1 ; San. Chem.. Calif. St. Bd. of Health, Berkeley, Calif., 1015—- ^ud Lt., Camp San. Engr., Camp Sherman, O. ; Mustered out, D19, 1918. Auth.: Uiooheinical Reactions in Test- ing Water Supplies (Thesis); Methods of Bacteriological Examination of Water, 7;/. lI'dfiT Supf-ly A.1S11. I'roc 1900; (witli Arthur Lederer), Fallacies in the Bacterial control of a Sewage Puritication Plant, do., 1911. Mem., .'\, C. S., 1007; Am. Water Works Assn. Married Munice Wells, Jl i, ipio, Chicago. Address, .-050 Parker St., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., loj C. E. BIdg., U. of C, do. 4057. ERNEST HENNING B.-\ILEY Transformer Specialist; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N i->, i88r, Piano, 111.; s. Charles Wilbur (b. 11 j8, 1851, Cicero, N. Y.) and Lillian G. (Hen- ning) Bailey (b. S ::3, i860. Piano, 111.). Pre- pared in Geneva H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Undergrad. Scholarship. Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., igii; Transformer, Engng. Dept., do., Pittsfield, Mass., 191 1-1 J; Traitsfornier Specialist, Chicago (.)fFice, do., ioi-'-i7. Corp., Bat. E., First Hi. F. A., 1916; First Lt., Engrs. R. C, U. S. A., 1917-18; Testing Dept., Gen. Engr. Depot, Washington. D. C, 1918; Capt., i/i>., 1918 — . Mem., A. I. E. E.; United Service Club. Washington, D. C, 1017 — ; Hlini Club of Chicago. Married Sarah Florence Nelson, S i, 1017, Chicago. Child, daughter, b. F 1919. Address. 1531 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 1505, Iklunitions Bldg., Washington, D. C. 4058. HENRY CLARKE BALCOM Landscape Arch.; B, S. in .-Vsr.; b. F j, 1887, Champaign; s. Stepheii Francis (b, J a 24, 1856, Greenwood, Miss.) and Eliza (Hall) Balcoin (.1). O 24, 185s. West ISloonitield, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Shortridge 11. S,, hulianapolis; Purdue Univ.; Mass, Inst. Tecli. Alnha Sigma Phi; Ionian; Agr. Club; Arch, Club. landscape -Arch., 1910 — J do., Indianapolis; (/<>., Kokomo, Ind., 1 91 6 — . Took jnd prize on paper entitled, riie Uses of K.^pUisives on the I'arm, for Dupont De Nemours Powder Co, Aulh.: The Yard Beautiful, Chamber of Connuerce Clean Up t'ampaign, Indianapolis, 1910. Mem., HI. Outdoor Jmproveinenl .Vssn.; .A, F. A. M.; Scout Master, Indianapolis, 1915-16; do., Koko- mo, Ind,, i9i()-i8. Married Ruth M. Kastcr, Je I-', 1917. hidianapolis. Address. 316 South- ueslern Ave,, Kokotno, Hitl. 4059. WILLIAM HENRY BALIS .\ssistant; B. S. in Agr.; b. ]l 31. 1885, St. Charles, 111.; s. Frederick XN'iiliain and Har- riet Esther (.Mattoon) Halis, l're^lared in St. I'liarles 11. S. Alpha Zeia; Prehni. Honors. .\s;r,. St. 11. S., Tangipahoa, La,, 1910-11; h'irst .Asst., Agr. Exten. Dept., 1911; Agr., I'.aton Rouge, La., 191 1 — , Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Florence Lohman, D jO, 1910, Urbana. I, liildreu: Harriet .Adelaide, b. Ag j. 191J; William Lohman. b, .Ag 13, 1917. Address, 0,-3 Mills Ave., Baton Rouge, La.; bus. add.. La, St, University, do. 4060. RICHARD WOLEBEN BARDWEl.L (Brother of Nos. 3630, 7362) Supt., Schs,; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 14, 1S89. Tipton, la.; s. Conrad Myron (b. O 9, 1 800, Northampton, Mass.) and Anna Louise (Woleben) Uardwell (b. D 11, 1867, Marengo, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora 11. S. Psi Upsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Supt., Pub. Schs., IHlavan, III.: do., Woodstock, 111. Married Gertrude Cane Smith, 11 10, igu. ChiUlren: Klizabeth, b. My 2. 1013; Richard Woleben, Jr., b. S Ji. 1915. Address, Woodstock, III. 4061. AGNES BARRETT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 30, 1S87. E. St. Louis, 111.; d, NN'illiam and Mary Bar- rett. I'repared in Mattoon H. S.; East. 111. Norm. Sell,. 1905-07. Head of Cml. Dept., Centralia Tp. H. S,, Ceittralin, 111. .Address, 1500 Richmond, Mattoon, 111,; bus. add., Tp. High School, Centralia. 111. 406J. GECM^GE ANDREW CHRISTIAN BARTH 0>rother of No. 7366) Civ. Engr,; B, S, in C. E.; b. My jo, 1SS5. Shelby Co., 111.; s. Albert Barth. I'repared in James Millikiii Lhiiv. Interst. Commerce Comn., 1910. Address, Interst. , Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 4063. GEORGE BERGEN BASHEN Engineer; B, S. in M. E.; b. F 22, 1887, Bowen, 111.; s. G. and Elizabeth Bashen. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Address, c/o Fisk St. Sta., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 4064. LOUIS RAYMOND BEAR (Brother of No. 8945) Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 28, 1SS7, Ludlow. 111.; s. L. N. (b. O 25, 1862, do.) and Elizabeth (Warrington) Bear (h. N i, 1861. Quincy. 111.). Prepared in Paxton, 111. Phi Kappa Psi. Q. M. Corps, U. S. Army, D 19. u)i8. Address, Ludlow, III. 4065. HERBERT BEBB (Husband of No. 3785; Brother of Nos. 5026, "374) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 3. 1887, Chi- cago; s. Edwin (b, O 19. iSs8, near Salem. Marion Co., 111.) and Marv Alice (Jones) Bebb (b. Ja 6, 1S59, near Rockford, Ogle Co., 111.). lOtol Baccalaureate Alumni 369 prepared in Caliinict II. S.; Univ. of Chicago, iyo6-o7. J. I)., Univ. of Chicago, I<;i3. Philo- malliean; Phi Hcta Ka|)i)a; Pliilo-Adclphic De- bate. Shepard, McCormick and Thomason, Chicago, igi3-i6; I.avi'yer, Chicago, igi6 — . Married Mai-y Howe Coq), Je .30, 1916, Chica- go.. Child, Mary Klizahetli, b. Jl i, 1918. Ad- dress, 1652 W. 102nd St., Chicago; bus. add., 69 W. Washington St., do. 4066. ALEXANDER WIIJ.IAM BEEMER Chemist; 15. S. in Chcni. E. ; b. D 10, 1886; s. Eevi (h. S 20, 18,56, Wilkesbarrc, Pa.) and Martha Elizabeth (Atkinson) Heemer (b. Ag 21, 1847, Comjiton, III.). Pre|)ared in Coinpton and South Dixon II. Schs. Mandolin Club. Chem., U. P. Ry., Omaha, Neb., 1910- 12; Chief Chem., The Texas Co., Asphalt Plant Port Neches Tex., 1912-13; Chem., The Ileppes Co., Chicago, 1913 — . Married Ada Larson, Je 20, 1911, Chicago. Address, 7151 Parnell Ave., Englewood Sta., Chicago. 4067. BERNIIARD AUGUST BEINLICH Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 28. 1877, Wheeling, III.; s. August (b. Alsace, France) and Adeline Henrietta (Thimme) Beinlich (b. 1832, Brandenburg, Ger.). Prepared in Bar rington II. S.; No. HI. St. Norm. A. M., Co- lumbia, 1917. Teachers' Coll. Diploma as Dir. of Indus. Arts and Vocational Educ., 1917 — . Asst. Foreman, West. Elec. Co., Chi- cago, summer, 1910; Asst. Prin., Tp. H. S., Murjihysboro, 111., 1910-11; Instr. in Shop Work and Meth. Drawing II. S., McKeesport, Penn. Mem., Alleghany Co. Man. Arts Assn.; Educ. Club; West. Drawing and Man. Tr. Assn. Auth.: Value of Man. Tr., Star of the Gulf; Tampa, Fla., Vol. 9, No. 7, 1909. Ad- dress, Barrington, III.; bus. add., Oakmont, Pa. 4068. CHARLES MANLEY BELL Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 12, 1887, Tolono, III.; s. Charles Henry (b. N 22, 1838, Hadley, Mass.) and Alice Viola (Manley) Bell (b. Ap 7, 1856, Buckley, III.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Prelim. Honors; Y. M. C. A.; Sec, Soph Class. Choral Soc. Rodman Bridge Dept, C. M. & P. S. Ry., to 1910; Civ. Engr., C. W. Fenn. Portland, Me., 1910-12; Civ. Engr., Ilackensack Water Co., Wechawken, .M. J., 1912-18; Valuation Dept., III. Central R. R., Chicago, 1918 — . Auth.: Baby Carriages and Street Intersections, Mun. Jour. \'ol. XLIII, 191 7; Water Companies Should Push Sales, Engno. News Record Vol. 80, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Fannie P. Mottier, Je 19, 1913. Child, William Charles, b. My 25, 1916. Address, 6952 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Valuation Dept., I. C. R. R., do. 40C9. HERBERT EUGENE BELL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 10, 1886, Sterling, 111.; .s. W. J. Bell. Prepared in Ster- ling Tp. H.' S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Ad- dress, 80S Avenue B, Sterling, 111. 4070. IRA JOHN BERKEMA Head of Dept.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1915; b. F 13, 1884, Onarga, III.; s. H. F. (b. Je 13, 1852, Province of Gronigcn, Nether- lands) and Catherine CAIberda) Berkema (h. Jl 30, 1861, do.). Prepared in Onarga II. S.; Onarga Grand Prairie Sem. Prin., Sheldon Schs., III., 1912-14; Head of Eng. Dept., Pe- kin H. S., III., 1916-18; Head, Dept. of Eng., Central II. S., Muskogee, Okla., 1918 — . Mem., Nat. Geog. Soc, Washington, 1916 — ; Pres., Pekin Teachers* Club, 1917; Supt., Presby. S. S., 1911-12; Tp. Sec, S. S. Assn.; 1912 — ; Belleville Illini Club. Address, c/o Central H. S., Muskogee, Okla. 407.. WALTER BERNREUTER Bacteriologist; A. B. in Chem.; b. S 27, 1884, Mt. Olive, III.; s. Lydia Bernreuter. Pre- pared in Central Weslevan Coll. .St. Water Sur. Office, 1910-12. Address, Mt. Olive, 111. 4072. MAX ARNOLD BERNS Publicity Representative; B. S. in C. E. ; b F 9, 1887, Milwaukee; s. Peter (b. Jl 18, 1853 Ger.) and Augusta (Meier) iierns (b. Ag 26, 1865, Prescott, la.). Prepared in M. F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Prelim. Honors Lt., Univ. Regt. Draftsman, C. B. & 9. R. R. Chicago, 1910; Instr., E. Tech. H. S., Cleve land, 1910-13, Publicity Representative, Uni vcrsal Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 1914-17 Capt., Engr. Reserve Corps, 191 7: Camp Lee Va., 1918; Instr., 3rd and 4th E. O. T. S.. Camp Humphreys, Va., Co. Commander, 212th Lngrs., Camp Beauregard, La.. 19 18; MuS' tered out, D 30, 191 8. Auth.: Tech. and Bus .Articles on Cemc-nt and Concrete Industry Ed., Triaiigle Review, 1914-17. Nat. Treas., Triangle, 1915-17. Married Genevieve Irene Francisco, Je 22, 1915, Cleveland. Child, Max Arnold, jr., b. N 4. 1917. .-'Iddress, 210 S. LaSalle St., Room 1520, Chicago. 4073. HANNAH BEULAH BEROLZIIEIMER (Sister of Nos. 3280, 3281) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 30, 1889, .Shelbina, Mo.; d. Henry (b. My 25, 1852, Nuernberg, Ger.) and Cjetty (Solomon) Ber- olzheimer (b. S 22, 1861, Keokuk). Prepared in Bloom Tp. li. S., Chicago Ilts.; Univ. of Chicago, 1915-16. Ivrim; iJeutscher Verein; Educ. Club; Prelim and Final Honors; Basket ball; Kappa Delta Pi; Teacher, Lovington Tp. H. .S. 111.; do., James Bowen H. S., Chicago, 1913 — . Mem., Women's City Club. Address. 6445 University Ave., Chicago. 4074. RAY CHAMBERLAIN BERRY A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. N 13, 1886, To- ledo, la.; s. C. E. Berry. Prepared in la. St, Coll. .Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Shield and Tri- 'lent; Delta Kappa Chi; Sr. Hat Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Married. Address, c/o Peck & Hill, Los Angeles. 4075. »GRACE JOSEPHINE BLACK (WILLIAMS) (Wife of No. 3233; Sister of No. 3284) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1885, Seymour, III.; d. John Leslie (b. S 10, 1857, Chicago, do.) and Minnie Eveline (Hartrick) Black (b. Ag 27, 1858, Quincy, III.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Athenean. Mem., Friday Musical Club. Boulder, Colo.; Woman's Club, do. Married Clement Clarence Williams ('07), Ag 31, 1910, Urbana. Died F 3, 1917, Lawrence, Kan. 4076. CHARLES EDMUND BLAINE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 5, 1882, Kittanning, Pa.; s. William Morrison (b. N 1844, do.) and Rebecca Ellen (Shield) Blaine (b. N 28, 1846, Freeport. Pa.). Prepared in Park Coll. Acad. A. B., Park Coll. Sigma Pi; John Marshall Law Club. Mem., Dramatic Club, Sec, Delta, Colo.; Chm. Rep. Co. Central Com. Married Mary Martha Haines, Ap 24, 1912, Champaign. Child, Charles Edmund, Jr., b. D 2, 1916. Address, Delta, Colo. 4077. ALICE LEDLIE BLAIR (CHAPMAN) A. B.; B. L. S.; b. O 9, 1887, Barry, 111.; d. George C. (b. Barry, 111.) and Nansie Kelley Blair (b. Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Barry If. S.; Warrensburg (Mo.) Norm. Sr.h., 1914; Univ. of Nevada (Ext.) Sch. of Mines 1918. Alethenai; Prelim. Honors. Phi Beta Kappa. Centro Literario Espanol; Der Deutsche Ver- ein. Libn., St. Norm. Sch., Warrenburg. Mo., 1910-16. Married Howard Alonzo Chapman, S 19, 1916, Barry, 111. Address, Barry, 111. 370 University of Illinois [1910 4078. EUGENE BLAND Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 21, 1882, Findlay. 111.; s. Eugene (b. Findlay) and Nancy Eliza- beth (Wright) Bland (b. do.). Prepared in Shelbyville II. S. Fuller Moot Court; Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer. Portland, Ore., iQii— ■ V P Univ. of 111. Club, Portland, Ore.; Pres. Ili. Soc. of Ore.; Treas., Sons of Veterans. Address. Virginia Hill Hotel, Portlarid, Ore.; bus. add., 823 Chamber of Commerce, do. 4079. ALLEN AXEL BLOMFELDT Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 5. 1889, Chicago; s. Peter A.xel (b. 1854, Kopmg, Swe- den) and Emily Charlotte (Samuelson) Blom- feldt (b. 1863. Stockholm, do.}. Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. -TccAno- grahh Bd.; Varsity Track. Mgr. Blomfeldtand Rapp Co., Mfrs.. Special Mach., and Air Wash- ers Air Conditioning Devices; . Mgr. and Owner, Lincoln Ventilating Co., Cliicago. 1-irst Class Pettv Officer, Mech. Const. Dept.. Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta.. Great Lakes Chicago Ventilation and Air W asher Dept Thomas .^c Smith, Chicago. Invented and Patented Ster; ling" Air Washing System. 1912; 'Special Process of Controlling Humidity and Refriger- ating Air; "Sterling" Automatic Thermo- Humidistate. Auth : Acme Air Ptinfying and Cooling Systems; Sterling Air Purif%Mrig and CoolinI Systems, Thomas and Smith Chicago; Air Purifving-Cooling and Humidifying Sys- tems. Address, 6523 Greenview Ave., Chicago. 40S0. HARRY CLOW BOARDMAN Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C E.; b Ap 29, 1887, Plainfield, 111.; s. George Bates (b. Ja 2/, 18^0. do.) and Mary (Clow Boardman (b. My 11. 186'; do.). Prepared in Plainfield H. S. lau Beta Pi^ Sigma Xi. Chief Draftsman and Asst. Engr Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, 1910-16. fs^ I F A. 111. Nat. Guard; duty on border, 91617; 2d Lt.. F. A.. U. S. A., 19.7; Capt do 1 91 7; Major. Bat. E., 33.2nd F. A. Ft. Sheridan,' 1917; do fj^^^P ^^'^''\^ :f% out, Mr 31, 1919. Address, Plainfield, 111. 4081. MINNIE JOANNA BOLLMAN Librarian; A. B. in L.. & A ; B. L. S., 1915; b. Mr 14. 1887, Champaign; d. Frederick Ger- ald (b. Ag 7, 1831, Oldenburg, Ger.) and Caro- line Sophia (Singbusch) Bollman (b. Je -m. 1847, Pomerania, Ger.). Prepared in Cham- naien H. S. Teacher, Dundee H. S., IH-, 1^91^0 tt; Catalog Asst., Univ. of HI- „L.b^. 1913-16. Address. 203 Armory Ave., Cham- paign. 4082. GEORGE THOMAS BOND Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 4. 1886; s. T. L. and Ella Dora (Linder) Bond. „ Prepared in Charleston H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm^ Alpha Zeta; Final Honors. Married Amy Slackt S 1915, Charleston, Mo. Address, Charleston, Mo. 4083. JOHN HENRY BORNMANN Chemist; B. S. in Chem ; M. S.. 1912; b- Tl 10 1888, Quincy, 111.; s. Henry (b. 1846, do.) and Hannah (Niehaus) Bornmann (b 1S60 do ). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Prelim. Honors, Grad. Asst Chem., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Asst., Chem., rfo., 1911- I,- U. S. Bur. Chem., Dept. of Agr. Mem., A.'C. S.; A. A. A. S. Address, 1847 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 4084. ALIDA CYNTHIA BOWLER Social Service Worker; A. B. in L. & A ; A M 191 1 ; b. N 29, 1887, Moro, IIU d. Benjamin Franklin (b. Ap 29, 1855. St. Clair Co 111.) and Carrie Jane (Peers) Bowler (b. D io, 1859, Hudson, Wis.) Prepared m Alton H S. Class Basketball; Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; W. A. A.; Scholarship in Psych., 1910, Washington Univ. Teacher, Math, and Sc, Alton 11. S.. 1911-15; Field Worker, O. Bur. of Juvenile Research, Columbus, 191 5-1 7; Instr. of Psych., O. St. L'niv., do., 1917; Social Service Work, A. R. C. Civilian Relief Dept., 4 rue de I'Elysee, Paris, France; Roumanian Comm., Am. Red Cross, Rome. Italy, 1918 — . Auth,.: The Trabue Completion Test as Applied to Delin- quent Girls, Jour, of Experimental Pehych., D 1916; A Picture A^rrangement Test, The Psych. Clinic, Ap 1917, Vol. XI No. 2, pp. 37-54; A Study of Delinquent Girls, Jour, of Deiinqiicncy, My 1917, Vol. II, No. 3. iviem., Sigma Xi. Columbus, 1918. Address, 623 E. 17th St., Alton, 111. 4085. HORACE DALE BOWMAN Supt. of Bldgs. and Grounds; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 5, 1887, South Bend, 111.; s. H. F. (b. Bourbon, Ind.) and Mary A. (Dale) Bowman (h. Bedford, Ind.). Prepared in Bourbon, Ind. H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1905-06; Armour Inst., 1906; Sigma Nu: Yoxan; H. H.; Class Foot- ball; Baseball. Timekeeper, Estimator, Supt. of Const., and Engr., James Steward & Co., 1910-14; Contractors, Colorado Springs, Denver and Salt Lake City, Ut.; Contracting Engr., (/c>., 1914-16; Supt. of Bldgs. and Grounds for Kd. of Educ, do., 1916 — . Auth.: Arch, and Kngng., Ut. Soc. for Engrs., Monthly Jour., Salt Lake City, 1915; Mem., Univ. Club, Salt Lake City, 1913-18; Trustee, do., 1917; Trustee and Treas., do., 191 8 — . Married Frances Cowan, O 16, 1915. Child, John Cowan, b. N 26, 1916. Address, 1503 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah; bus. add., 205 Joint Bldg., do. 4086. CLARENCE BOYLE, JR. Lumberman; B. S. in M. E.; M. E., 1916; b. Mr 15, 1888, Chicago; s. Clarence (b. 1861, Ind.) and Minnie (Hartwell) Boyle (b. 1861, Ottawa, Can.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Grad. Armour Sc. Acad., 1906; Ar- mour Tech. Inst., 1906-8. Sphin.x; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Chess and Checker Club; Class Treas.; Bus. Mgr., The Fulerum; Tennis Squad; Permanent Sec, M. E. Class, 19 10. Test. Engr. Dept., Ind. Steel (Jo., Gary, Ind., 1910-11; Sales Dept., Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel Co., High Bridge, N. J., 1911-12; Dis- trict Sales Mgr., Scranton. Pa., 1913-15; Sec, Clarence Boyle, Inc., Wholesale Lumber, Chi- cago, 19 1 5 — . Auth.: Series of Articles on Utilization of Hardwoods. Married Helen Schautz, My 4, 1916. Child, Janet Adele,^ b. F 15, 191 7. Address, 443 Belmont Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1205 Lumber Exchange Bldg., do. 4087. ARTTHUR EUGENE BRAMHALL (Brother of No. 40S8) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 24, 1884, La Porte, Ind.; s. Martin L. (b. O 22, 1839, Bradford Co., Pa.) and Clara R. (Bunnell) Bramhall (b. My 22, 1850, Wyoming Co., do.). Prepared' in Michigan City (Ind.) H. S. Draftsman. B. S. Brooks, Arch., 1910-11; Part- nership, Brooks, and Bramhall; Ai-ch., 19 n — • III. Reserve Militia, igiS. Mem., Presby. Church; Y. M. C. A.; Decatur Club; Chamber of Commerce. Married Florence Orr, D 31. 191 3, Michigan City, Ind. Children; Clara Emogene, b. F 23, 191 5; Arthur Eugene, Jr., b. Je 23, 1916. Address. 1451 W. Decatur St.. Decatur, 111.; bus. add.. Room 209 Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 40S8. RALPH ROGER BRAMHALL (Brother of No. 4087) Designing Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. O 8, 1887, La Porte. Ind.; s. Martin L. (b. T) 22, 18^,9 Wvoming Co., Pa.) and Clara (Bunnell) Bramhall (b. My 22. 1850, do.). Prepared in Micviigan City (Ind.) H. S. Final Honofs Draftsman, Roberts & Schaffer Co., Chicago, igioj Baccalaureate Alumni 371 1910; Decatur Bridge Co., Decatur, 1910-12; Draftsman, 1912-17; Designing Engr., Subma- rine Boat Corp., Newark, N. J., 191 7 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Submarine Boat Club. Mar- ried Belle Hardy, Je 3, 1916, Decatur, 111. Ad- dress, 311 Mt. Prospect Ave., Newark, N. J. 4089. SARA HAZEL BRAND (YEAGER) (Wife of No. 4987) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 26, 1888, Cincinnati; d. Edward Parish (b. Ag 9, 1854, Morgantown, W. Va.) and Vienna (Moore) Brand (b. Ap 20, 1862, Davistown, Pa.). Prepared in Nor- mal H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Delta Gamma. Teacher, Pub. Sch., Paw Paw, 111., 1906-07; do., LaGrange, 111., 1907-08; Reader, Wehrmann Concert Co., 1910-13. Married Oswald Karl Yeager ('11), O 10, 1913, Normal, 111. Child- ren: Elizabeth Ann, b. Ag 8, 1914; Philip Ed- ward, b. O 2, 19 16. Address, 201 School St., Normal, 111. 4090. THOMAS BREGGER Assistant; b. Mr 29, 1888, Quincy, 111.; s. John (b. 1857, do.) and Emilie (Mueller) Breg- ger (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; Univ. Acad. Agr. Club. Asst. in Plant Breed- ing, Univ. of 111.; Grad. Stud, and Asst. in Plant Breeding, Cornell, 1915-17. U. S. A., 7th Inf. Med. Detachment, A. E. F., 1917 — . Address, 1007 S. Wright St., Champaign. 4091. CLAUDE HAROLD BREWER LL. B.; b. S 21, 1883, Danville; s. George E. and Jessie E. (Smith) Brewer. Prepared in Riverside (Calif.) H. S. Address, Shelby, Miss.t 4092. EDWARD WEBB BROWN Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 10, 1885 Cobden, 111.; s. Wilson (b. D 5, 1845, Jones boro. 111.) and Mary Annie (Dodge) Brown (h Ap 5, 1858, Barrington Center, R. I.). Pre pared in Metropolis H. S. Varsity Track Teacher, Paducah, Ky., 1910; Turbine Re search Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., West Lynn Mass., 1912; Engng. Dept., Central 111. Service Co. Address, 2285 Monroe St., Moscow, Idaho. 4093. ROBERT ELLSWORTH BROWN Phj-feician; A. B. in Sc; b. N 29, 1886, Kan.; s. I. M. (b. Williamsport, Ind.) and Flora Bell (Randall) Brown. Prepared in Danville H. S.; Taylor Univ., Upland, Ind. Fellowship, Grad. Sch., Univ. of Mich., 1914-16; Sch. of Medicine do., 1914-18. M. S., Public Health, Univ. of Mich., 1916. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1910; Prin., Acad., Taylor Univ., Upland, Ind.. 1910- 14; Appointed by Board of Foreign Missions of M. E. Church to Hosp., Chengtu, WeSi China. Mem., Central Assn., Sc. and Math. Teachers. Married Mae C. Willis, D 24, 190/, Danville, 111. Children: Willis E., b. Ag 21, 1909; Harold P., b. My 8, 1912. Address, Up- land, Ind. 4094. LELAH BROWNFIELD (Sister of No. 8175) Stenographer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag i, 1888, Urbana; d. George (b. D 14, 1859) and Virginia Alice (Thomas) Brownfield (b. Jl 31, 1863, Urbana). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; W. A. A.; Spanish Club. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Armington, 111., iqio; do., Gibson City; do., H. S. Pana, 111., 1912; Clerk and Stenographer, Coll. of Commerce, Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Sec, Registrar's office, 1917; Stenographer, Emergency Fleet Corp., Wash- ington, D. C. and Philadelphia, 1918 — . Ad- dress. 505 W. High St.. Urbana; bus. add., 140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. 4095. WILBER L. BUCHANAN Lawryer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 31, 1887, Bridgeport, 111.; s. John M. and Nettie (Tamm) Buchanan. Prepared in Lawrenceville H. S. Philpmathean; Phi Beta Kappa. J. D., Univ of Chicago, 1912. 2nd Lt., Inf. O. R. C. 86th L>iv., Camp Grant, Rockford, III., 1917 Ad- dress 6209 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add 700 First Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 4096. EDWIN CORLISS ATLEE BULLOCK Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 21, 1888, Fort Kiley, Kan.; s. Edwin C. (Jacobstown, N. T) and Annie Augusta (Rapp) Bullock (b. Carbon dale, HI.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi. Arch., C. W. & G L Kapp, 1910— . Address, 6q W. Washington St. Chicago; bus. add., 100 Washington St., do. 4097. CHARLES MONTGOMERY BUNN Sales Engn;B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 28, 1886, o^^™^^' ^- -R?^-: ^- Romanzo Norton (b. F 10. 1856 Troy, N Y ) and Mary Majesta (Mur- dock) Bunn (b. My 15, 1857, Vt.). Prepared in Crane Tech., Calumet, and Morgan Park H i5Chs., Chicago. Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Var- sity Baseball; Varsity Basketball. Elec. Dept Pul man Car Works, 1910; Salesman Automatic Package Tier, 1910-11; Sales Engr., Nat. X-ray Reflector Co 1911—. Married Mae Elizabeth Wmgerter, N 18, 191 1, Chicago. Child, Muriel Kuth, b. F 3, 1914. Address. 9970 Charles St.. Chicago; bus. add., 235 W. Jackson St.. do. 4098. *CLAUDE EMANUEL BURGENER A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1911; b. D 21 1883, Noble, 111.; s. Fred (b. F 8, 1852, Olney III.) and Elizabeth (Shook) Burgener (b. Ag 8 1854). Prepared in Moweaqua, H. S. Pres Adelphic; Delta Sigma Rho; Gamma Alpha; Pres Kappa Delta Pi; Varsity Debating. Scholarship; Fellowship in psychology. Died Je 29, 1912, Urbana. 4099- HARLEY THOMPSON BURGNER Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 17, 1886, Carthage. 111.; s. William (b. Mr 7, 1854, do) and Ella R. (Thompson) Burgner (b. Ag 15 1854 do.). Prepared in Carthage H. S.; Carthage Coll., 1905-7- Engr., I. T. S., Pe- oria. Address, c/o I. T. S., Peoria. 4100. KINGSLEY ABNER BURNELL Student; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1884, Johet, 111.; s. William Pomroy and Rozilla Amelia (Lawrence) Burnell. Prepared in Lake Forest Coll., 1904-05. Triangle. Federal Creosote Plant, Springfield, Mo., 1910; Instru- ment man and Resident Engr., Madeira Manore Ry. Co., Brazil, S. A., 1910-14; Salesman and Stockholder, Union Bread-Wrapping Machine Co., Joliet. 111.; Rancher, Milford, Mont.. 1916- 17; Grad, Stud., Plarvard. Asst. to Div. Engr., S. P. D. Div. Engrs. Ofifice, Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore, Presidio Training Camp, San Francisco, Calif., 1917; 2nd Lt., Signal R. C. A. S.; Cantonment Ins. Office, 1918-19 Mem., A. F. A. M. Address. Claremont. Calif.; bus. add., Holyoke House, Cambridge, Mass. 4101. CLARENCE DAVID BUTZER (Brother of Nos. 5571, 6779, 6780) Auto Dealer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D g, 1886, Hillsdale, 111.; s. John Franklin and Christina (Roos) Butzer. Prepared in Univ, Acad. Auto Dealer, Hillsdale, 111. Married Lillian Grace Smith, Je 4, igii. Child, Roger Wil- liam, b. F 24, 1918. Address, Hillsdale, 111. 4102. JOHN W. BUZICK Sec. and Treas.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 11 1888, Roberts, 111.; s. Nelson (b. F 14, 1847, Mt. Sterling, O.) and Sarah Maria (Woolson- croft) Buzick (b. Ja 17, 1853, LaSalle Co., 111.). Prepared m St. Viateurs Coll.; Univ. Acad. Triangle; Shield and Trident; Varsity Base- ball, pitcher. 1000 Per Cent Championship Team; Pres., Sr. Class. Professional Baseball, 372. University of Illinois I1910 Boston Americans, 1911-12; City Engr., De- catur, 111., ign; Chief Engr., Conley Frog & Switch Co., 1912-16; Sales Mgr., do., 1916-17; Sec. and Treas., do., 1917 — . Married Alice Roberts, .Ta _>, 19 13, Roberts, 111. Children: Mary Alice, b. S i, 1Q15; John Jr., b. I\ 26, 1917- Address, 575 Mallory Ave., Memphis, Tenn.; bus. add., Conley Frog & Switch Co., do. 4103. NEIL NELSON CAMPBELL City Engr. and Plumbing Insp.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Ag 12, 1S85, Paisley, Ont., Can.; s. Dougal (b. Ja 2, 1844, Lanark, Ont., Can.) and Anna (McPliee) Campbell (b. Jl 26, 1850, Pais- ley, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Zion Prep. Sch., Zion City. Class Football. Water-polo, Asst. Engr., James Anderson, Jr., City Engr., Lake Forest, Lake Bluff and High wood. 111.; Co, Surv. Lake Co. Ill,; City Engr. and Plumbing Insp., do., 1917 — . Mem., 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs., 1910; Royal Arcanum: Young Men's Club, Lake Forest; K, P.; Am. Rd. Bldg. Assn. Married Helen Booth Fielden, D 15, 1910, Zion City, III. Children: Dorothy Fielden, b. Je 17, 1912; Vivian Margaret, b. Ag 28, 1917. Address, Lake Forest, 111, 4104, ORSON ALLEN CARNAHAN Professor; B, S. in M. E.; b. Ja 12, 1881, Bolivar, N. Y, ; s. Rufus Wheeler (b. Friend- ship. N, Y.) and Edith (Wixson) Carnahan (b, Ap 3, 1852, W. Clarksville, N. Y.), Pre- pared in Friendship II. S.; Alfred Univ., 1903- 07; Syracuse, 1907-8, Sigma Xi. Instr., Univ. of Pa., 1910-12; Assoc. Prof., M. E., Univ. of Ark,, 1912 — , Married Clara Jane Van Os- trand, Je 4, 1906, Richburg, N. Y. Address, Bolivar, N. Y.t 4:05. SARAH MYRTLE CASTILE (BRITTON) (Wife of G84) A. B. in L. & A.; b, Mr 6, 1888, Danville, 111.; d. William E. (b. Greencastle, Ind.) and Mary Ellen (Watts) Castile (b. Newton, 111.) Eng. Cluli; Phi Delta Psi; French Club. Mar- ried William K. Britton (G'lo), Jl 28, 1916, Danville, 111. Child, Kent, b. Je 18, 1918. Ad- dress, 1 00 1 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 4106, KIE CATTRON Salesman; B, S, in Agr, ; b. O 12, 1884, Fairview, 111.; s. John Milton (b. Ap 4, 1844, do.) and Alice (Abbadusky) Cattron (b. S 6, 1856 do.). Prepared in Knox Acad. Acacia; Agr. Club, Traveling Expert and Salesman, Acme Harvesting Machine Co.; Stock Bus.; Salesman, Animal Food Dept., Swift & Co., Chicago. Address, Fairview, 111. 4107. MAUD OPAL CESSNA Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N i, 1887, Grinnell, la.; d. N. W. (b. 1857, Rainsburg, Pa.) and Nancy (Skiles) Cessna (b. 1855). Prepared in Grinnell, la., H. S. Sigma Kappa. Teacher, Rockwell City, la., II. S., 1910-12; do., Grinnell, la., 1913-17, Mem., D. A. R. Address, Berkeley, Calif, 4108. JOSEPH FERDINAND CHINLUND Designing Engr.; B. S, in E. E,; E, E., 1914; b. D 22, 1886, Chicago; s. Charles G. (b. S 4, 1849, Sweden) and Wilhelmina C. (Nelson) Chinlund (b. Ap 24, 1851, Sweden). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man, Tr. Sch, Eta Kappa Nu: Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. ITonors. Flee. Designing Engr., Bur. of Engng., Chicago; 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, U. S, A„ Washington, D. C; First Lt., Constr. Div., Bethlehem Loading Plant, Mays Landing, N, J.; Mustered out, D 23, igi8, Mem., A. I. E. E, Married Enuny Koelsch, Je 25, 1913, Chicago, Child, Daniel Koelsch, Ag 25. 1916. Address, 1719 Arthur Ave,, Chicago; bus. add.. Room 403 City Hall, do. 4109. CAMILLO CHAPIN CHRISTENSON Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 31, 1889, Peoria; s, Carl C, Christenson, Prepared in Peoria H, S, Address, 731 Lumber Exchange Bldg, Chicago, t 41 10. HARRY HARMON COE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E, E.; b. Jl 28, 1887, Dixon, 111.; s, Henry M, (b. Sterling, 111.) and Harriet E. (Sox) Coe (b. do.). Prepared m Dixon H, S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc: Univ. Band; Cadet Hop Com.; IMilitary Ball Com, Signal and Telephone Insp., I, T. S., Decatur, 111., 191 1; Div, Supt., Ky, S. W. Elec. Ry, Light & Power Co., Paducah, Ky., 1911-12; Supt. Substations 111. Traction Co,, S^iringfield, 111,, 1912-1S; Local Representative, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., do., 1918 — . Auth.: Substation Records Increase Efficiency, Elec. Ry. Jour., Vol. 48, No. 9, Ag 1916. Mar- ried Eva Arnould, S 19, 1912, Ashton, 111. Child, Carolyn, b. Mr 24, 1917, Address, 838 S. State St,, Springfield, 111, 41 11, WILLIAM FRANCIS COLEMAN Salesman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 21, 1886, Eagle Grove la.: s. William John (b. i860, Pa.) and Catherine Elizabeth (Howell) Coleman (b. 1861.^ Nachusa, III.). Prepared in Austin H, S., Chicago. Tcchnograph Bd.; Pres., Stud, Br.anch, A. S. M. E. Cost Acct., Roberts & Scl'aefer Co., 1910-11; Salesman and Adv. Mgr., Piatt Co., 191 1 — . Married Sylvia M. Blievernicht, F 20, 1915, Austin, Tex, Address, 1724 N. LaSalle Ave., (Thicago. 4112, RICHARD OSBORNE COMPTON Planter and Stockraiser; B. S, in Agr.; b. Ja 16, 1887, Cleveland; s. John Carpenter (b. F 8, 1851, Watkins Glen, I\f. Y.) and Eva Marilla (Hill) C^ompton (b, i8.:;2, Wattsburg, Pa.), Prepared in Univ, H. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Alpha (lamma Rho: Helmet; Agr. Club; Sec.. Sr, Class, Planter, Fruit Grower and Field Supt., Tampa Bay Land Co., Orlando, Fla., 1912 — . Address, Orlando, Fla. 41 13, AGNES BOUTON COOPER Librarian; A. B. in L. & A,; b. S 27, 1879, Kansas City, Mo.: d. Clark Osband (b. Man- chester Center, N. Y.) and Susan Elizabeth (Seger) Cooper (b. Clarksfield, O.). Prepared in H. S., Kansas City. Phi Beta Kappa. Cor- responding Sec., Phi Beta Kappa, Iota Chap- ter, Ohio; Head Cataloger, Miami Univ. Lib., 1910-12; do., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1912-13; do.. Pub. IJb., Kansas City, Mo., 1913-16. Address, 411 3 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 41 14, GEORGE ALFRED COOPER Advertising Mgr.; B, S, in M, E, ; b. Ap 2, 1887, Derbyshire, Eng,; s. George (b, D 8, 1862, do.) and Gertrude (Hogg) Cooper (b. D 19, 1863, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A, S, M. E, C, B. & Q. R. R,, Dynamometer Car Service, 1910; Asst. Mgr., Corn Products Refining Co., 1910-12; Tech. Instr., Apprentices, I. C. R. R., 1912-14; Advertising Staff, Ry. .4ge Gas*ite, 1915-16; Advertising Mgr., U, S. Graphite Co,, 19 17 — , Married Nellie Leona Swartz, D 28, 1910, Urbana. Children: Rob- ert George, b, Mr 31, 1912; Frank Alfred, b. Mr 26, 1914. Address, 610 Emily St., Sag- inaw, Mich. 41 IS, EARL ZINK CORNWELL Manager; B. S, in C. E.; b, D 27, 1887, Kansas, 111.; s. John Emery (b. O 13, 1858, near Kansas, 111.) and Maggie Josephine (Zink) Cornwell (b, D 20. 1861, do.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Triangle; Y. M. C. A, With 111. St. Highway Comn,, Springfield, 1910; Civ. igio] Baccalaureate Alumni 373 Engr., Madeira Mamore R. R. Co., Porto X'elho, Brazil, S. A., 1Q10-12; Fruit grower, Washington, 1912-16; With Am. Assn. Portland Cement Mfrs., 1916-17; With Smith Form-a- Truck Co., Chicago; Salesman, W. R. Grace & Co., S. A., 1917-18; Mgr., Chicago office of the Youroveta Home & Foreign Trade Co., Inc., Exporters and Importers, Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., Christian Church. Married Nelle Kath- erine Ross, O 14, 1912, Stronghurst, III. Ad- dress, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. 4116. HAZEL lONA CRAIG A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Tolono, 111.; d. Cassius M. (b. S 26, 1857, Friendship, Ind.) and Carrie M. (Rice) Craig (b. Mr 18, 1867. near Sadorus, III.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pi Beta Phi; W. A. A.; Jr. Basketball. Address, 616 W. Hill St., Champaign.t 41 17. NELSON EARL CRAIG Inspector; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 10, 1886, Victoria, 111.; s. James R. Craig. Prepared in Wyoming H. S. Class Football. Insp. of bridges, St. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111., 1910. Address, Keokuk. t 41 18. HIRAM EDWARD CROSSLAND (Brother of Nos. 1487, 5623) Engr. and Surv.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Mr 29, 1884, Varna. 111.; s. Hiram Venton (b. Ap 29, 1848, do.) and Cynthia Lovenia (Broaddus) Crossland (b. My 6, 1847, Henry, 111.). Pre- pared in Watseka H. S. C. E. Club. Rodman, Kansas City So. Ry., 1910; Asst. Engr., Mun. Work, 191 1 ; Designing Reinforced Concrete Structures, 1911-12; Designing Reinforced Concrete Bridges, 1912; Supt., Bridge Const., 1912; Supt., Rd. (Tonst., 1912-14; Drainage Engr., 1914-16; Resident Const. Engr., Water Systems, 1916-17; Civ. Engr. and Surv., Wat- seka, 111., 1917 — . Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Presby. Church. Address, Watseka, 111. 4119. PAUL CALVIN CROWELL Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 15, 1885, Win- field, Kan.; s. Walter Leslie (b. 1858, Sagniore, Mass.) and Sarah Margaret Crowell (b. 1857, Cambridge, O.). Prepared in Norwood (Mass.) H. S.; Armour Sc. Acad., Chicago. Phi Sigma Kappa. Civ. Engr., Summers & Co., Chicago; Armour Fertilizer Works, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Address, Armour Fertilizer Works, (3en. Office, Stock Yards, Chicago. 4120. WATTS CYRUS CUTTER Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 7, 1887, Os- wego, 111.; s. Watts Devilke (b. F 1, 1863, do.) and Mary Louise (Colgrove) Cutter (b. O 4, 1864, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Phoenix; Yoxan; Ku Klux; Capt., Swimming Team; Pres., Sr. Class. Farmer, Oswego, 111.; Dir., Oswego St. Bank, do. Mem., Kendall Co. Agr. Inst.; Kendall Co. Non. Res. H. S. Trustee. Married Esther Louise Sundeen, Mr 14, 191 1, Oswego, 111. Children: Slade, b. D 17, 191 1; Frederick S., b. Mr 9, 1913; Watts C, Jr., b. Je 30, 1914. Address, Oswego, 111. 4121. JOHN BLANTON DABNEY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. and M. & S. E.; b. D 28, 1 886, Greenville, Miss.; s. John Blair (b. Jl IS, 1853, Roanoke, Va.) and Lola Angelique (Blanton) Dabney (b. N 7, 1854, Greenville, Miss.). Prepared in Greenville H. S.; Miss. Agr. and Mech. Coll., 1904-08. B. S., Miss. A and M., 1908. Local Engr. and Surv., 1910-11; Chief Asst. Engr. in charge of field work, Washington Co. Drainage Sur., 1911 — . Ad- dress, loi Edison St., Greenville, Miss.t 4122. WILLIAM WILBUR DALE Missionary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 9, 1884, Blue Island, 111.; s. William (b. 1854, Can.) and Alice (Walker) Dale (b. 1853). Prepared in Blue Island H. S.; B. D., Chicago Theological Sem., 1913. Adelphic. Home Missionary, Mc- intosh, Minn., 1913-18. Mem., Bd. Dirs., St. Conf. Congr. Churches, Minn. Address, Inter- national Falls, Minn. 4123. KARL M. DALLENBACH (Brother of Nos. 2630, 5087) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 20, 1887, Champaign; s. John J. (b. 1853, Ripley, O.) and Anna C. (Mittendorf) Dallenbach (b. 1854 Cook Co., 111.). Prenared in Champaign H. S. Delta Upsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta Kapoa; Cosmopolitan Club; Adelphic; Football; Track. Fellow in Psych., Univ. of Pittsburg, loio-ii; A. M., 1911; do., Cornell Univ., 1911-12; Instr., Psych., Univ. of Ore., 1913-15; O. St. Univ., 1915-16; Cornell Univ., 1916-18. Co. E. 18th Regt., Pa. Nat. Guard, 1911-13; Capt., S. C, N. A., 1918 — . Auth.: The Psychology of Blind- fold Chess, Titchener Commemorative Vol., 1917. Relation of Memorv Error to Time In- terval, Psych. Review, 1913; Measurement of Attention, Am. Jour, of Psych., 1913; The Effect of Practice upon Visual Apprehension, Jour, of Edtic. Psych., 1914; The History and Derivation of the Word "Function" as a Syste- matic Term in Psychology, Am. Journ. of Psych., 191c: Measurement of Attention in the Field of Cutaneous Sensation, do., 1916; Dr. Morgan on Measurement of Attention, do., 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Psych. Assn.; A. A. A. S. Married Ethel L. Douglas, Ag 22, 1914, Chicago. Children: Baby, b. Ag 29, 1915 (died Ag 30, 1915); John Wallace, b. Ja 22, 1918. Ad- dress, 116 Heights Court, Ithaca, N. Y. 4124. WILLIS CHESTER DANIELSON Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ag 18, 1887, Leland, 111.; s. O. M. (b. do.) and Carrie M. (Larson) Danielson (b. do.). Prepared in LTniv. Acad. U. S. Forest Service, Missoula, Mont., Ja 1916. Address, Missoula, Mont. 4125. GERTRUDE CURTIS DAVIS (Daughter of Nos. 251, 311; Sister of Nos. 3337. 5629, 8260) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 2=;, 1886, DeKalb. 111.; d. Jeptha Hartley ('82). (b. Ap 13, i860, Vienna, Ind.) and Ella (Watson) Davis ('80), (b. N 14, 1854, Bristol, 111.). Pre- pared in Miss Barstow's Sch., Kansas City, Mo. kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, Eng., Holton, Kan. Address, Holton, Kan. 4126. WARREN WILLIAM DAY (Husband of No. 4217) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 26, 1882, Peoria; s. John Wentworth (b. Ag 6, 1856, do.) and Kate "(Moore) Day (b. Ja 16, 1856, do.). Prepared in Peoria 11. S.; Univ. Acad. Theta Delta Chi; Cosmopolitan; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Pen and Brush Club; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Bus. Mgr., Glee and Mandolin Club; Leader, Mandolin Club; TechnograjJi Bd. : Bus. Mgr., Techiiograph; Sr. Stag Com.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Supt. of Const, St. of 111., 1910; Tour of World, 1910-11; Arch., 1911-18. Y. M. C. A. Work, France, 1918— . Mem., Congr. Church: Arch. League of Am.; United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, 1909-10; Optimists Club; Peoria Assn. of Com- merce; 111. Valley Yacht and Canoe Club.; Kickapoo Glolf Club; 111. Soc. of Arch.; Peoria Soc. of Arch.; Peoria Illini Club; Assn. Chari- ties and Philanthropies, do.; Peoria Betterman Assn.; Pres.. do.; Soc. of Allied Arts; V. P.. University Club of Peoria. Married Ethel Annetta Hollister ('10), S 7, 1910. Children: Shirley Wentworth, b. S 23, 1913; Muriel Hollister, b. O 3, 1917. Address. 606 N. Madi- son Ave., Peoria; btis. add., 527 Main St., do. 374 University of Iixinois [lOlO 41J7. JOHN EDWARD DEMMER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 32, 1874. Du Quo'". HI'; s. Frederick (.b. Ger.) and Mary (Wamser) Denimer (b. do.). rrepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1807-igoi. Teacher, i*. I., looi-ti; Supt. Sch., Auliurn, 111.; I'rin., Far- mer City Tn. H. S., 1011-13; Head Sc. Dcpt., Kankakee 11. S., 111.. 1013-17; In.str., Chem., Exist, il. S., Kav City; Mich., 1918 — . Mem., .\. F. A. M. Married Dai.sy A. Cro*ss, looj, Manila, P. I. Children: Arthur Harold, b. F 9, 1004; Hiit^h T.loyd, b. Ag 2, 1907. Address, Ray City, Mich. .p.-S. BERTHA El.lZABKTH DK.NNINC Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 23. 1*^76, Tonica, 111.; d. Tames Alexander lb. Mr is. 1845. HilLsboro, HI.) and Marv Ellon (Watson) Denning (b. Ja -i, 1854. Lci-h. I.anc.-ishire. Eng.). Vreiiared in Elmwood H. S. ; 111. bt. Norm, llniv. Teacher Eng., Clinton, HI., 191 1; Instr.. Eng., I'niv. Acad., ion; Teacher Eng., and Dean of tiirls, Moline H. S., 111.: Teacher, Eng., Joliet Ti). II. S.. 111., I9it>— . Mem., Moline Woman s Club; .\ssn. of Coll. .Mumni, Moline, Kock Island and Davenport la. Ad- dress, sot) N. School St., Normal. 111.; bus. add., 313 S. Eastern Ave., Joliet, 111. 4139. WALTER EDWARD DEUCHl.ER Struct. Engr.: B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 14, iSSo, Aurora, HI.; s. Herman (b. Acr i3, 1863. Achern, Ger.) and Miiia (Tcgtman) Denchler tb. D 3t). 18(14, Hanover, do.^. I'repareil in V\ . Aurora H. S. Onyx Dancing Club; Tau Beta Pi- Prelim, and Final Honors: V. P.. Jr. Clas.s; Engr. Dance Com. Engr., 111. St. Geol. Sur.. looS-io; Asst. City Engr., Marion. ^11., loio-ii; do., .-\nrora, HI., iou-15; Consulting Engr. in charge of luun. improvements, iou>-i7; Ires. W. E. Denchler & Co., Aurora, Ml., Specialists in City pavements. Waterworks, Sewerage, 1917-18; Struct. Engr.. Pres.. Mun lesting I.ab., do.. 1917-18; Plant and I.ab. Insp., Constr. materials; Licensed Struct. Engrs., St. of 111. Address. 3(14 Gartield Ave., Aurora, 111.: bus. odd., Mercantile Block, do. 4130. RUFUS SAMUEL DIETRICH (Brother of Nos. 3706, G179) Dairyman; LL. B.; b. Ag 20. 1885. Black River Falls, Wis.; s. Henry (b. 183s, Hessen, Darmstadt, Ger.) and Susanna (Witting) Diet- rich (b. 1840. do.). Prepared in Black River Falls H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Ionian. Mar- ried Edith J. Winchell, S 4. lO'^^- Address, Kennemick. Wis. 4131. EDW.ARD LELAND DILLON (Husband of No. 3339; Brother of No. 295-"^ Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Thomasboro, III.; s. William (b. Mr 27, 1849, Ridge Farm, 111.) and Miranda (Maurer) Dillon (b. Jl --8, 1859, Boyertown, Pa.). Prepared in LIrbana H. S.; Univ. .\cad. Agr. Soc, Pres.; Editorial Staff, ///. Agr. Farm Mgr., 1911 — ; Official Testing, Dairv Dept., HI. Exp. Sta., 1911; Farmer, Har- mon," 111., ii)i---i7: do.. Oslitemo, Mich., 1917 — • Married Hazel Katherine Cooper ("oS), Je 36, 1912, Sullivan, HI. Cliildren: Marion Dillon, b Je 13. 1013; lohn Robert, b. Je 3, 1914 (died Ag I, 1014). .\ddn-ss, Oshtemo, Mich. 4133. WILBUR JAMES DIXON Engineer; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. My 36. 1886, Glenmore, N. Y,; s. Adamson G. (b. Jl 1850, do.) and Eunice A. (Stanford) Dixon (b. Ag 1853, East Florence, N. Y.). Prepared in Clinton', N. Y. H. S.; Svracuse Univ.. 1906-9. Testing Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R., i9io-ii; Erie Ry.. 1911 — . Mem., A. F. A, M. Address, Boileau Place, Meadville, Pa.t 4i,t3- EDGAR D WIGHT DOYLE Asst. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. S 23, 1 886, Bloomington, 111.; s. Samuel Doyle (b. •■^g 13. 1857, do.) and Mollie (Lovenguth) lloyle (b. Je 14, 1S59). Prepared in lilooiii- ingn>n H. S. Tan Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; E. E. Soc; Prelim., Final and Spe- cial Honors; Technoi;rapli. Bd.; ist Lt., Signal Corps, LTniv. Regt. Stud. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., 1910-11; Tech. Asst., Elec. Testing Lab., 11)1 1 ; Asst. Engr., do., 1911 — . Mem., A. I. F.. E. ; Nat. Elec. Light .\ssn. Married Edyth .Nesslage Schumacher, Je 26, 1913, New York City. Child, Robert Dwight, b. Jl 29, 1914. .-Iddress. 3130 Mapes Ave., New York City; bus. add.. 80th St. and East End .\ve., do. 4134- LOUIS AUGUST DUMOND Manager; B. S. in M. and S. E.; b. Ap 21, 1888, Colby, Kan.; s. Criim David (b. Earlville, 111.) and &Iinuie (t.rimn) Dumond (b. Ger.). I'repartxl in Earlville IL S. Engr., West. Elec. Co., 1910; do.. Subway Comn., Chicago, 1911; 1/0., Chicago Telephone Co., 1911; do., Comn. of Down Town Sts., Chicago Assn. of Com., 1911-15: Sec. -Engr., Comn. on Downtown Mun. Improvements, 1913-15; Engr., Civic Indus. Comn., Assn. of Commerce, 1915-18; iMgr., Indus. Dept., Chicago Assn. of Com- merce, 1918 — •. Auth.: Progress Report to the Comn. on Downtown Mun. Improvements, on Relief for Sub-.Sijrface Congestion in the Downtown Chicago Sts., Pub. by City of Chi- cago, D 1914; Engng., Civic, and Industrial News. Chicago Commerce. Mem.. M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; Past ConsuL M. W. A.; Chicago Hlini Club; .\ssn. of Commerce; Maywood Golf Club; .■\iii. Highway Assn. Married Margaret .M. Diimond. O i6, 1915, Maywood, 111. Child, Lois Margaret, b. O 24, igi6. Address, 305 S. u)th Ave., Maywood, 111. 4135. LAN DALE WILLIAM DUNCAN Real Est. Promoter; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 3. 1887, Princeton, Ind.; s. William (b. O iS.i7, Gibson Co., Ind.) and Isabel (Brown) lUuican (b. Edinburgh, Scotland). Prepared in Princeton H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1905-6. Agr. Club; Al|iha Zeta. 13th F. A. Band, Coblenz, tier., 1918 — . Married Marie Griswald, O 16, 1917, Barton, Fla. Address, Barton, Fla. 4136. LEROY MORRELL DUNSIIEATH Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 8, 1886, Aurora, 111.; s. Thomas Judson (b. O 4, 1849, Meaford. Out., Can.) and JMary Ann (Clarke) Duusheath (b. F 3i, 1859, York, Ont., Can.). Prepared in W. Aurora II. S. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; M. E. Soc. Draftsman, C. B. & Q R. R., 1910-12: do., K. C. S. R. R., 1912- 14; Locomotive Boiler Insp., S. A. L. Ry., 1914-16; Cliief Draftsman, Powdered Coal Engng. and Equipment Co., 1916-18; Mech. Engr. in charge of Plants and Equipment, Kinvon Pulverized Fuel & Engng. Co., Chi- cago, 1918 — . Mem., .\. F. A. M.; R. A. M. .4ddress, 127 Galena Blvd., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 864 Irving Park Blvd., Chicafo. 4137. ALICE H.VRRIET DURLAND Teacher; .A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 1887, La(iran§:e, 111.; d. Densenbury (b. N 22, 1851, BridgeviUe, N. Y.) and Louisa Margaret (Vial) Durland (b. Ja 28, i8s6. Lyonsville, III.). Pre- pared in Lyons Tp. TI. Is., LaGrange; Univ. of Cliicago, I9i6-i,-. Prelim. Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, .\nna. 111., 1907-08; Prin., Tp. H. S., Georgetown, 111., 1008-11; Teacher, Ben- ton, HI., 1011-13: (/(>., .\nna. 111.; do., Eng., Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago, 1915 — ■ Address, 444 S. Madison Ave., LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. IQIO] Baccalaureate Alumni 375 4138. WARREN ERRETTEAST Combustion Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 2, 1888, Beincnt, 111.; s. Homer Ardcii (b. S 27, 1861, Taylorville, 111.) and Mary Rebecca (Thompson) East (b. My 13, 1865, 15uda, 111.). Prepared in liement H. S. ; Maroa H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; I'relim. Honors; Varsity Track (holds 2 mile record to date); Ex. Com., lyio K. E. Show. Engr. Apprentice, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, 1910-13; with Westinghouse Mach. Co., do., 1914; Efliciency Engr., Mineral Point, Wis., 1914-17; Pub. Service Co., do.; Combustion Engr., Toledo Ry. & Light Co., Toledo, O., 1917-18. Mgr., West- inghouse Club, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; Sec., 111. Alumni Assn., Pittsburgh. Married Rachel Jane Brown, 10, 1915, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ad- dress, 918 Virginia St., Toledo, O. 4139. HARRY DAVID EASTERBROOK Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. An i, 1887, Saybrook, 111.; s. Carey P. (b. Washington Courthouse, O.) and Livina Angeline (Hurley) Easterbrook (b. Farmer City, 111.). Prepared in Saybrook H. S. E. E. Soc; Capt., Univ. Regt. Ajjprentice, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, 1910-12; Supply Engng., do., 1912-14; Supply Sales, do., 1914-17; do., Los Angeles Dist. (jffice, 1917-18. Capt., 90th Co., Calif. Mil. Reserves. Married Anna Mar- garetlie Pound, Jl 25, 1909, Saybrook, 111. Children: Elbert Carey, b. O 25, 1910; Valerie Virginia, b. O 30, 1913. Address, 955 W. 46th St., Los Angeles; bus. add., Van Neyes Bldg., do. 4140. RANDOLPH EIDE (Brother of No. 2084) Telephone Traffic Sunt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 25, 1888, Lee, 111.; s. Tollef Torrison (b. D 12, 1852. Olen, Norway) and Christina (Greve) Eide (b. Ag 12, 1861, do.). Prepared in Lee II. S. ; Univ. Acad. Shield and Trident; Philqmathcan; Bus. Mgr., The Daily lllini. Special Insp., Traffic Dejjt., New York Tele- phone Co., New York (Jity 1911-13; Supvr., traffic Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., St. Louis, 1913-16; do., Michigan St. Telejjhone Co., Detroit, 1916-17; Traffic Supt., Central Union Telephone Co., Columbus, (j. Mar- ried, Edna Ruth Phillips, Ja 17, 19 17, St. Louis. Child, Catherine Christine, b. Ja 23, 1918. Address, 109 E. Oakland Ave., Colum- bus. O.; bus. add., 33 N. 3rd St., Room 201, do. 4141. ARTHUR WESLEY EISENMAYER, JR. Merchant and Contractor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 21, 1888, Hiawatha, Kan.; s. Arthur Wes- ley (b. Jl 12, i866, Clairmont, 111.) and Mamie Adeline (Johnson) Eisenmayer (b. Mr 23, 1868, River Styx, O.). Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Phoenix; Phil- omathean; Scribblers'; Eng. (Jhib; ///to Bd. ; ///. Mag.; Dope Sheet; Sr. Stag. Merchant, Granite City Lime & Cement Co., 111.; Carmi, 111.; Anna; Danville; Fairmont; Edwardsville. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Elizabeth Rosa- line Bickelhaupt, D 14, 1912, Edwardsville, 111. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. S 4, 1913; Faith Christine, b. F 26, 191 5. Address, 405 Center St., Edwardsville, 111. 4142. WALTER ELMER EKBLAW (Husband of No. 4260; Brother of No. 3721) Geologist; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1912; b. Mr 10, 1882, Rantoul, 111.; s. 'Andrew (b. My 10, 1854, Eksjo, Jonkopping, Sweden) and Ingry (Johnson) Ekblaw (b. Mr 3, r86o, Traheryd, Kroneberg, do.). Prepared in Austin Coll., Effingham, 111. Acacia; Shield and Trident; Gamma Alpha; Scribblers'; Alumnus Mem., Ma-Wan-Da; Sigma Xi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Prelim. Honors; Scholarship in Geol. ; Ed., The Daily lllini; Permanent Class Sec; Hon. Mem., 111. Union Council; Cabinet, Y. M. C. A.; Promoted First Annual Fall Home-Com- ing. Geologist and Botanist, Crocker Land Arctic Expedition, 1913-17; Staff Fellow, Univ. of 111., 1917 — ; Research Assoc, Am. Museum of Natural Hist., 1917 — . Explored, surveyed and mapped parts of Grant Land and Elles- niereland. Auth.: The Stratigraphy and Pale- ontology of the Devonian System in Rock island Co. 111.; Correlation of The Devonian System in Northwestern III., Annual Report, 111 St. Acad. Sc, 1911-12. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 111. St. Acad of Sc; A. A. A. .S. ; Wilson Orni- thol. Club; Am. Ornithol. Union; Am. Eco- logical Soc; Am. Geog. Soc. Married Augusta May Kneger ('10), F 28, 1918, Urbana. Ad- dress, 713 W. Washington Blvd., Urbana; bus. add., 255 Natural Hist. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 4143. CHARLES LYMAN ELLIS (Brother of No. 3358) Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. F 14, 1887, Wichita, Kan.; s. Samuel Edwin (b. Je 9, 1853) and Rebecca Maria (Hewes) Ellis (b. N 20, 1857). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S., Chi- cago Heights. Teacher, Decatur Co., H. S., Oberlin, Kans., 1910-13; du., Colfax Co., H. S. Raton, N. Mex., 1913-17; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Married Flossie Brown- field, D 27, 1910, Urbana. Child, Charles Lyman, Jr., b. Ag 13, 1912. Address, 505 W High St., Urbana. 4144- LLOYD KIRK ELLSBERRY (Husband of No. 2578) Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 31, 1887, Geneseo, 111.; s. John Carter (b. N 25, 1848) and Arista Althea Ellsberry (b. Ag 25. 1849). Prepared in Mason City H. S. Chi Beta; Philomathean; Delta Sigma Rho; Mem., winning team debating against O., 1910; Sec, Soph. Class; lllini Staff; Ed; Y. M. C. A. Handbook, 1909; Y. M. C. A. cabinet, Mgr.. Ear Corn Seed Co., 191 1; Mem., The G. D. Sutton Co.; Pres., L. K. Ellsberry & Co. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Effie Lucy Bauer ('06), N 18, 1914, Champaign. Child, William Gertus, b. Ag 25, 1815. Address, Ma- son City, 111. 414.';. MARIE VON ENGELKEN A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 6, 1889, St. Louis; d. L. H. Engelken. Prepared in ])ubu(|ue, la. H. S. Chj Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher, Eng. and Lib. Sc, Somerset H. S. Ky., 1910. Address, Oscala, Fla.f 4146. IGNACIO CEFERINO ENRIQUP:Z Civil Governor; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Chi^iuahua, Mex.; s. Ignacia Enriquez. Prepared, N. M. Agr. Coll. Civil Governor, Chihuahua St., Mex.; Revolutionist, participated in overthrow- ing of the Huerta Govt. Address, Chihuahua, Mex. 4147- CLIFFORD ERIK JOSEPH ERIKSON Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 24, 1888, Chicago; s. Charles Erik (b. Ap 19, 1854, Stockholm, Sweden) and Josephine (Miller) Erickson (b. Jl 25, 1865). Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Scabbard and Blade. Tracing, 1910; Plotting transmission Sur., 1910; Asst. Engr. and Res. Insp., Dike Const, for water power development, 1910-11; Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1911; Draftsman, Con- struction of two concrete dams at Grayson, Va. with H. M. Byllesby & Co., Engrs. and Mfrs., Chicago. Mem., Swedish Engrs. Soc. of Chicago. Address, 297 W. Park Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add. Insurance Exchange Bldg., Chicago. t 376 University of Illinois [iQio 4148. JOHN WESTON ESSINGTON (Brother of No. 2659) Real Estate and Ins. Bus.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ak i(), 18S7, Slrcator, HI.; s. John Essington. IMcparcd in Slrcator Tp. II. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; lllio Board; I'rcs. Cnil. Club. Address, b04 Broadway, Streator, Ul.t 4149- BR YON MACAULEY FAST (Brother of No. 3363) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. J a i. 1S83, Prineeville, 111.; s. Allen C. (b. Mv 31, 1848, Ashland Co., O.) and Ilattie (Callioun) Fast (b. F g, 1850.^ Monica, 111.). Prepared in Prineeville II. S. ; Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria, looj-t). Iris Cluli; Class Football. Illumina- tion and Power Salesman, Light, llcat 6i Power Co., Springfield, HI., iQoo-io; do., Empire Dist. Elec. Co., Joplin, Mo., 1910-11; do., and l?ns. Mgr., Pa. Pub. Service Co., Clearfield, Pa., ic)ij-i8: Gen. Mgr., Pa. Collieries Inc., Johns- town, Pa., 1918 — . .Vuth.: Storage Bat., Loc- omotives for Coal Mines, Aiutiial Rcf^ort of Coal Miitiiuj I)ist. of A»i., D 1917, Pittsburg. Chm., Co. Section, Nat. Elec. l.ight Assn. Clearlield, Pa., 1917. Married Frances Shack- lette, Ag 20, 191 1, Brandenberg, Ky. Chil- dren: Barbara Allen, b. Ag 23, 1912; Charles Edward, b. Ta 4, 191 5. .Iddrcss. Clearlield, Pa.; bits, athi., 900 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Johnstown, do. 4150. RUTH DAVIDA FELMLEV (MEEK) (Daughter of Hi 9; Wife of No. 4306; Sister of No. 5654) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 8, 188S, Carrollton, 111.; d. David (b. An 24, 1859, Sonierville, N. J.) and Aula (Stout) Felmley (b. O n, 1865, New Vienna, O.). Prepared in Norm. Univ. II. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.. igo8-io; Kappa Kappa Gannna; Illiola; Class Basketball; Women's Tennis Tournament. Married Alva Brace Meek ("lo), S i, 1914, Normal, 111. Child, David Felmley, b. My 19, 1916. Ad- dress, Carrollton, 111. 4151. J. FRANK FELTER Farmer; B. S. in .Agr. ; b. O i6, 1887. Eureka. HI.; s. Pierce Andrew (b. Jo.) and Eunice Adele (McCorkle) Felter (b. Wasliington, 111.). Prepared in Eureka II. S.; A. B., Kvireka Coll., 1908. Milk Tester, Univ. of 111. Dairy Dept.. loio-ii; Farmer, uni — . Married Hazel Beall Vanskiver, S 27, IQ13, Streator, 111. Child, Eunice Beall. b. Mr 28, 1918. Address, R. I, Eureka, 111. 41 S2. * IRWIN GLENN FERGUSON B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 9, 1890. Hartington, Neb.: s. Thomas Alexaiuler and Ella .\ugusta (Ritchey) Ferguson. Prepared in Univ. .Xcad. St. Hydrographer for Colo., 1910; Instr., G. E. Y>., 1911; Hydrographer for Costilla Estates, 1911-12. Died My 27, 1912, Chaiupaign. 4153. IRENE MARY FERRIS (TRAYLOR) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 5. 1887, Rosenberg, Tex.; d. Tohn Franklin (b. 1S60, Lawrence- burg, Ind.') and Mary Elizabeth (Brogan) Fer- ris (b. 1863, Dearborn Co.. Ind.). Prepared in Lawrenccluirg (Ind.) H. S. ; Ind. l^niv., 1905-8. Pi Beta Phi. Married Edgar Hobbs Traylor, Je 29, 1911. Children: William Franklin, b. N 28, 1013; Ferris Edgar, h. O 27, 1915; Mary Elizabeth, b. Jl 8, 1917. Ad- dress, jasper, Ind. 4154. ERWIN OLIVER FTN'KENRINDER (Husband of No. 4478) Teacher and Supvr. ; .\. B. in L. & A.; b. .\g 22, 1884. Kent, 111.; s. David Oliver (b. O 2. iSs7, near Carlvle, Pa.) and Emma Elizabeth (Werkheiset) Fiiikenbindor (b. D 27, 1857, Kent, 111.). Prepareil in Prep. Dept., Mt. Morris Coll.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1905-8. ]'"ellowship, Clark I'niv., 1910-13; A. M., Clark Univ., 11)11 ; I'll. 1)., do., 1913. Teacher, Psych. mid Edue., St. Norm. Sch., Milwaukee, 1913- 18; Supvr., Practice Teaching, do., 1917-18. Aulh. : The Curve of Forgetting. A))i. Jour, Fsych., Vol. 24, J a 1913; The Remembrance of Problems and of their Solutions, a study in Logical memory, do.. Vol. 24, 1914. Married Lena Althea Walworth ('10), Je 27, 1912, Ur- bana. Address, 432 Edgewood Ave., Milwaukee. 4155. ULYSSES SIMON FITZPATRICK (Husband of No. 5S29) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 2, 1887, Calif.; s. .Vrtluir (b. 1824, Isle of ^Ian, Eng.) and .\melia (Phipher) Fitzpatrick (b. Ger.). Prepared in Orange (Calif.) 11. S. LL. B.. Tlarvard Law Sch., 1013. Married Olga Fern JNloser ("13), Jl 2, 1917, Sigel. 111. .Iddress, Sigel, 111.; bus. add., c/o American Consulate, San Jose, Costa Rica. 4156. ROBERT BRUCE FIZZELL Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; h. S 20, 1889; s. James .'\lbert (b. My 28, i860, Simcoe, On- tario, Can.) and ^lartha Catherine (Allen) Fiz- zell (b. Je 21, i860. Walnut Cove, Stokes Co., N. C). Prepared in Taylorvillc Tp. H. S. LL. B., Harvard Univ., 1013. Philomathean; Phi Beta Kap()a; Delta Sigma Rho; On four iiiler-coUegiate debates; Winner of Inter-Soc. Declam. C-ontest. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1013 — . Married Florence Kdilh Hoover, N 27, 1916. Salt Lake City. Child, Robert Bruce Ir., b. D 30, 1918. Address, 1102 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 313 Fidel- ity Trust Bldg., do. 4157. HARVEY AIKEN FLANDERS (Brother of No. 3736) Teacher; A. B. in L. &- A.; b. S 10, 1886, Chicago; s. John lames (h. Je 30, 1848, do.) and Alicia (Aiken) Flanders (b. F 23, 1849). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago; Colo. Sch. of Mines, 1904-5. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Teacher, Math, and Sc, Morgan Park Acad., 111., 1910-15; Teacher. Math, and Ath. Coach, Hinsdale Tp. H. S., 111., 1915- — . Mom., Cen- tral Assoc, of Sc. and Math. Teachers; lUini Club of Chicago: Alumni Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Hazel Bennett, Je 10, 1912, Aurora, Ul. Children: Katherine, b. O 7, 1914; Mar- garet, b. My 30, 1917. Address, Hinsdale, 111. 415S. JOHN RENCHIN FORNOF Publisher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 23, 1889. Streator, 111.; s. John W. and Sarah Taiie (.Seavey) Fornof. "Prepared in Streator l!. S. Phi K.-ip|)3 Psi: Managing Ed.. Illiiii. Editor and Publisher Streator Free Press. Married Helen llonevvvell. S 14, 1910, lloopeston. 111. .■Iddress, 205 LaSalle St.. Streator, 111.; bus. add., Streator Free Press, do. 4159. EWELL GERDES FRANKEN A. B. in Sc; b. My 14, iSSq, Philadelphia, 111.; s. John Gerdcs and Ida Belle (Smith) Franken. Prepared in Chandlerville II. S.; Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111. Chi Beta; Chem. Club; Final Honors; Phi Beta Pi. Stud., Rush Med. Coll., 1910-11. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Chandlerville. 111. 4160. VICTOR BYRON FREDENHAGEN Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja n. 1888. Greggs, 111.; s. Victor (b. W^arrensville, 111.) anil Jane (Woodroofe) Frcdenhagen (b. Der- bvshire, Eng.). Prepared in Downers Grove, 111. Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blade; C. E. Club. Constr. Engr., 111. Highway Comn. Married Marjorie llamilton. ^Iy 24, 1915, Wynne, .\rk. .4ddress. c/o Morgan Engr. Co., Memphis. igio\ Baccalaureate Alumni 377 4i6i. OTTO FREDERICK (Brother of No. 4162) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 23, 1887, Sullivan, 111.; s. liciiry L. (b. Ja 23, 1840, Ross Co., O.) and Mary ("Miller) Frederick (b. My 13, 1851, Sullivan,^ III.). Prepared in .Sullivan II. S. Acacia; Tlicta Kappa Nu; Fuller Law Club. Lawyer, Galesburg, 111., 1910-11; Frederick & Frederick, Peoria, 191 1 — . Married Olive E. J. Clark, Je 24, 1914. Address, 712 Frye Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 424 Main St., do. 4162. ROSCOE CHARLES FREDERICK (Brother of No. 4161) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 11, 1885, Sullivan, 111.; s. Henry L. (b. Ja 23, 1840, Ross Co., O.) and Mary (Miller) Frederick (b. My 13, 1851, Sul- livan, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan IL S. Phi Alpha Delta; Fuller Law Club. Lawyer, Fred- erick & Frederick, Peoria, 191 1 — . Judge, City Court, 1912-13-17 — . Married Myrtle Russell, Ap 14, 1915. Address, 818 Knoxville Ave., I'eoria; bus. add., 424 Main St., do. 4163. AUGUSTUS HENRY FRIDRICHS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 15, 1883, Waterloo, 111.; s. William Christopher (b. Ja 27, 1849, do.) and Catherine Herring (Rein fait) Frid- richs (b. N 15, 1862, Aechshcim, Wuertcmberg, Ger.). Prepared in Waterloo II. S. Asst. Pros- ecuting Atty., E. St. Louis since 191 1; Lawyer, Waterloo, 111., 1915-17; City Atty., do., 1917 — . Sec. Legal Advisory Bd. for Monroe Co., 191 7 — . Married Anna Marie Fridrichs, Jl 29, 1908, Columbia, 111. Child, Augustus Henry, b. S 20, 1909. Address, Waterloo, 111. 4164. JOHN REED FUGARD Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 6, 1886, New- ton, la.; s. Judson II. (b. F 14, 1854, Bellville, O.) and Ella (Slemmons) Fugard (b. Ap 15, 1862, Prairie City, la.). Prepared in Newton H. .S. Kappa .Sigma; Glee Club. Arch, with Stanford IJall, Chicago, 1910; Supt., Const, of Est., Princeton, la., 191 1; In office, Emory Stanford Hall, Arch., Mr 1911^ — . Married Rowena Celestia Owen, Je 18, 1910, Piano, III. Child, John Reed, b. !■" 4, 1912. Address, 6200 Washington Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 508 Har- ris Trust Bldg., do. 4165. NAGENDRA NATH GANGULEE Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 2, 1888, Barisal, India; s. B. C. Gangulee. Prepared in B. M. Coll., Barisal, India. Apr, Club; Cosmo- politan Club; Social Sc. Club; Italian Club. Address, Shantiniketan Bolpur, E. I. Ry. Loop, Bengal, India. 4166. GARABED ARSIIAG ZACAR GARABEDIAN Physician; A. B. in .Sc. ; b. S 10, 1888, Con- stantinople, Turkey; s. Zacar (b. 1847, do.) and Virginia (Balian) Garabedian (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Bithynia II. S., Bardezag, Turkey. Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut, 1906-7; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913. Cosmopolitan Club. Phys., Chicago, 1913 — ; Asst., Pediatics, Rush Med. Coll., 1 914 — •; Health Officer, Dept. of Health, Chicago, 1915-18; Physician, Tulsa, Okla., :9i8 — . Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; Fellow, Am. Med. Assn. Married Estelle Garabedian, 1915, Chicago. Address, 719-720 Mayo Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 4167. JUAN IGNACIA GARZA Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 11, 1886, Monterey, N. I. eon, Mex.; s. Jesus Garza. With Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1910 — . Address, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mex. 4168. FRANK CALEB GATES Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. S 12, 1887, Chi- cago; s. William S. (b. S 17, 1855, do.) and Lillian Warrer (Pillsbury) Gates (b. My 3, 1863, Nashua, N. II. ). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Ph. D., Univ. of Mich., 1912. Sigma Xi; Prelim., Final, and Special Honors. Teachen Univ. of Philippines, 19 12-15; Prof., Biol., Carthage, 111., 1916-18; Asst. Prof., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1919—- 2nd Lt., San. C, U. S. A., Yale Army Lab.; Mustered out, D 17, 1918. .'\uth.: Com])arison of the Season at Chicago aixl Urbana, Am. Botany, Vol. 14, 1908; Relic Dunes; Life History, Transact. III. Acad. Sc, 1910; .Some Effects of Protracted Drought Ujjon Xerofytic Plants, Plant World, Vol. 13, 1910; Summer Bird Life in the Vicinity of Havana, 111., in its Relation to the Prominent Plant Assiis., IVilson Bull. Vol. 23; Vegeta- tion of the Beach Area, N. E. 111. and S. E. Wis. Bui. III. .St. Lab., Nat. Hist.. Vol. 9. 191-^; Vegetation of the Region in Vicinity, Douglas Lake, Mich., 14th Report Mich, .■lead., .S'c, Vol. 46, 1912; Pioneer Vcge- t;ition, Taal Volcano, Philippine Jour., Sc, Vol. 9, 1914; Winter as a Factor in Xeroph/ily of Certain Evergreen Plants, Botany Gazette, Vol. 61, 1916; The Relation Between Evapora- tion and Plant Succession in a (iiven Area, Am. Jour, of Botany, Vol. 4, IQ17, and num- erous other "articles. Mem., Jr. Research Club; 111. St. Acad, of .Sciences; Botanical Soc. of .\m.; Ecological Soc. of Am., Charter Mem. Mich. Acad, of Sc. ; A. A. A. .S. ivlarried Mar- garet Thompson, Je 11, 1915, Cleveland. Ad- dress, Carthage, ill. 4169. ORUS ETHAN GATES .Superintendent; B. S. in Ry. E. J:-.; 0. F 28, 1885, Tuscola, 111.; s. Perry J. (b. Gallia, O.) and Philena (Nelson) Gates (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acarl. With Commonwealth Edison Co., 1910; Cape Girardeau I'ortland Cement Co., (ape Girardeau, Mo., 191 1; Superior Portland Cement Co., Concrete, Wash., 1911-16; Asst. Supt., Cement Mfg. Co., 6604 Mich. Ave., St. Louis, 1916 — . Address, Hammett, Idaho. t 4170. CICELY SARAH GOFF (Sister of Nos. 1687, 3749) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 2, 1889, Ran- toul, ill.; d. Arthur Middleton (b. JI 31, 1848, Klmira, N. Y.) and Clara Belle (Hall) Golf (b. S 2, 1848, Littleton, N. H.). Prepared in Ran- toul H. S.; Univ. of Tex., 1915-16. Illiola, Pres., 1910; Phi Beta Kappa; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1908-09; Treas., do., 1909-10. Prin., H. S., Rantoul, 111., 1910-12; Teacher, Latin and Ger., H. S., Sycamore, 111., 1912-14; do.. Pub. Schs., Austin, III., 19 18 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 1305 W. 22nd St., Austin, Tex. 4171. FRANK CRAVENS GRANNIS Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 18, 1882, Chi- cago; s. George M. (b. Je 20, 1845, near Park Ridge, 111.) and Anna (Cravens) Grannis (b. S 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Lewis Inst.; Wino- na Acad.; Winona Coll., Agr., 1904. Alpha Zota. Scholarship in P>ot., 1910. Asst., Soil I'crtility, Univ. of ill., 1910; Prof., Agr. and (hem., McKcndree Coll., Lebanon, 111., 191 1; I'.xtcn. Lecturer in Soils, la. St. Coll., Ames, la., 1912-13; Co. Agr., Will Oj., 111., 1913-17; i'lof., Agr. and Supt., Tusculum ("oil.. Green- ville, Tenn., 1917 — . Co. Agt., U. S. Deiit., Agr., 1913-17. Auth.: Alfalfa in Will Co.. 1913; Alfalfa and Sweet Clover in Will Co. 1914; Will Co., Farm Monthly, 1916-17; Articles in I'rairie Farmer; Orange Judd Farmer; Country Centleman. Married Iris Elder, My 14, 1906, Chicago. Address, Tusculum Coll., Greenville, Tenn. 4173. NINA VIVIEN GRESHAM Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. 191 1; b. II 18, 1887, Champaign; d. Samuel Dudley (b. Mv 12, i8c5, Gentryville, Ind.) and Myra Jane (Wilson) Gresham (b. O 13, i860, Washington 378 University ok Illinois I1910 Co., Jnd.). Prtpared in Champaign H. S. Gamma Phi l>eta; Scribbler's; Illini Stall, looS- 11; V. \V. C. A. cabinet, igoS-ii; Woman's League Corns.; Scholarship, Grad. Sch., 191 1. Teacher, Champaign Pub. Schs., 1911-14; do., Eng., H.^ S., Mattoon, 111., 1914 — . Mem., l*resby. Church. Address, 20S W. Washing- ton St., Champaign. 4173. ARTHUR CARl. GRIEWAXK Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 6, 1SS6, I.a- Porte, Ind.; s. Charles F. (h. Ger.) and Mary (.Meader) Griewank (b. LaPorte, Ind.). Pre- pared in Michigan Citv II. S. So. Pac. R. R., 1910; Sacramento \alley Irrigation Co., Kngr. Dept.. 1010-11 ; A. L. Bobb Consulting Engr., Struct. Steel, 101 1; Calif. St. Uil., Harbor Comn., Engr. Dept., 1911 — ; Design Drafts- man and Engr., San Francisco, 1911 — . Mem., Jr. A. S. C. E. ; Calvary Presby. Church. Ad- dress, 2296 Broderick St., San Francisco.t 4174- DWIGHT GRIFFIN Statistician; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 19, 18S6, Clinton, 111.; s. Henry Clay and Lavina (Scott) GrifKn. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Draftsman and Mech., Nat. Malleable Castings Co.; Chief Clerk, Statistical Dept., Pub. Service Co., 1910 — . Married Margaret Weatherford, S 4, 1910, Champaign. Children: Gwendolyn Grace, b. O 21, 1913; Richard Dwight, b. S 2;, 1915. Address, 5300 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 4175. ROLAND WHEELOCK GRIFFITH Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My i, 18SS. St. Louis; s. William Edwin (b. D 24, 184s, Col- linsville, 111.) and Mary (Wheelock) Griffith (b. O 21, i8s>, Chicago). Preparer! in Granite City H. S.: Wash. Law Sch. St. Louis. Chi Beta; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Var- sity Debating; Hatchet Orator; Phoenix; Adelphic, V. P., 1908; Smoker and Law Sch. Dance Com. City Atty., Granite City, 111.; Corp. Counselor, City of Venice; Asst. St. Atty., Madison Co., 1012-16. Address, Granite City, 111.; bus. add.. Woolworth Bldg., do. 4176. WALTER ]MILO GRIFFITHS Mech. Eng.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 7. i88S, Pontoosuc, 111.; s. John and Elva Griffiths. Prepared in Univ. Acad. San Tooquin Light & Power Co., Barkersfield, Calif., 1912; Pon- toosuc, 111., 1915. Address, Box 1024, Miami, Ariz. 4177. ARTHUR SARIAH GROSSBERG Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. 18S6, Louesha. Russia; s. Joseph (.b. Posen, Poland) and Bon- nie Grossberg (b. do.). Prepared in McKin- ley H. S., Cnieago; Lewis Inst., 1904-oti. M. E. Soc. Ivrim Bucyrus Co., Ja 1910; Engin- eer, Mineral Point Zinc Co., Mr loio; do.. A. T. & S. Fe Ry. Co., Jl 1910; do., Link Belt Co., N 191 1 ; do., Isthmian Canal. 191 1 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 1905-10. Stud. mem. A. S. M. E.; Pres. Butterfly Assn. Addrc.'^s. 2343 W. Lake St., Chicago; bus. add., Gorgona, Canal Zone, Panama. 4178. NOAH GULLETT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 2, 1874, Elizabeth- town, 111.; s. Waitman (h. Aly 10, 1836, tfc.) and Julia Emma (Hungerford) Gullett (b. O 13. 1843, Wheelersburg, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Alpha Delta; John Marshall Law Club. Audited Strife Revenue for Audi- tor, Pub. Accts. of 111.: Lawyer and Sts. Atty., 1913; practicing law, Springfield, 111., 1913 — . Address, 516-1S Reisch Bldg., Springfield, 111. 4179. 'LAURENCE RICHARD GULLEY B. S. in M. E.; M. S., 1911; M. E., 1917; b. Ag 14, 18S8; s. Richard H. (b. Dearborn, Mich.) and Nellie M. (.Patrick) GuUey (b. Saginaw, Mich.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Man. Tr. H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Stud. ISranch, A. S. M. E.; Assoc. Mem., do.: Prelim, and Final Honors. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.. The I'nirr Company, Mach. and Struct. Iron Works, Champaign, 1910-18. Died O 24, 1918, Urbana. 4180. PERCY ELI GUMM Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 25, 1888, Peters- burg, 111,; s. J. W. Gumm. Prepared in Hyde Park II. S. Sigma Nu; Varsity Fullback; Sec, 111. Union. Attorney, Gumm and Garland, Portland, Ore.; Attv., King and Gumm, do.; .\tty., Boynton, Okla.; City Atty., Haskell, Okla. ; Snider, Shipley and Gumm. do. En- listed, A. S. S. C, 1) 10, 1917; Cbrp., 31st Balloon Co., Waco, Tex. Address, Haskell, Okla. 41S1. AI.rilEUS GUSTIN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 17, 18S4, Cave-in- Kock, 111.; s. Amaiiah Alpheus (b. do.) and Mary Frances (Frailey) Gustin (b. do.). Pre- pared in Valparaiso Univ. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.: M. E. Church. Married Rosa Hill, S -5. 1903. Children: Robert A., b. O 5, 1904; Charles Julian B., b. My 9, 1909. Address, 128 W. Lincoln Ave,, Harrisburg, Ill.t 4182. ADA OLIVE HAGGARD Librarian; A. B. in L, &• A.; b. Ag 6, 1885, Wahoo, Neb.; d. Chappel Green and Sarah Gertrude (Eyer) Haggard. Prepared in York (Neb.) II. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1905-8. Kappa Alpha Theta. Libn., York Pub. Lib., Neb. .Address, 633 E. 10th St., York, Neb. 4183. CHESTER IRVING HALL Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. F 13, 1888, Topeka, Kan.; s. M. Irving (b. Grand Rapids, Mich.) and Ella C. (Martin) Hall (b. do.). Prepared in Francis W. Parker Sch., (Thicago. Chief EngT., Minerallac Elec Co., and Gen. Mgr., Chicago Elec. Meter Co., 1010-13; Engr., Demand Meter Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Ft. V\'ayne. Ind., 1913 — . Twenty-eight patents granted; thirty-four pending. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Merchants' Section, N. E. L, A. Married Lilian Mess, 1912, Benton Harbor, Mich. Children: John Irving, b. F 14, 1913; Warren Chester, b. F i6, 1916. Address. 700 Packard .\ve.. Ft. Wayne, Ind.; bus. add.. Gen. Elec Co., do. 4184. MARGARET HOPE HALLETT (LANG) A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1911; b. Jl i6, 1886, Chicago; d. Robert Leslie (b. Mr 12, 1853, Hornell, N. Y.) and Mary Eliza (Bartlett) Hallett (b. Ap 12, 1853, New Brunswick, Me.). Prepared in Aspen, Colo.; Miss Wolcott's School, Denver, Colo. Alpha Delta Pi; Scrib- blers; Athenean; ///. Mag. Bd. ; Prelim. Hon- ors; Ed., in. Mag. Registrar. D. A. R. Mar- ried LeRoy Lang, My 5, 1913, Springtield, 111. Children: Carl Leland, b. Ag 21, 1914; Mar- garet Ellen, b. Ja 2, 1917. Address, Jackson- ville, Fla. 4185. RAYMOND FRANKLIN HAMMER Chemist; B. S. in Chem. ; b. .\p 16, 1882, Princeville, 111.: s. Milton (b. O 3, 1854, York, Pa.) and Amanda Dehlah (May) Hammer (b. Jl 27, i860, York, Pa.). Prepared in Prince- ville H. S.; Bradley Polytech. Inst., 1003-05. Chem. Club; 2 B's from Bradley Polytech. Inst, for service in baseball. Cleveland. loio-ii; Evergreen. Colo., Je 1911; on leave of absence, from L- A. and M. S. Ry. Co., Cleveland, 191 1 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 39 S. Grant St, Denver, Colo.t 4186. WILLIAM RAMBO HANES B. S. in Ry. E. E.; Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech., Chicago. Cosmopolitan Club; >I. E. Soc. Special Apprentice, L. & N. R. R. Co., 1912. Address, 1102 W. Michigan St., Evans- ville. Ind.t igio] Baccalaureate Alumni 379 4187. JAMES THOMAS HANLEY Manager; B. S. in C. E. : b. Ag 26. 1885, Grcencastle, Ind.; s. Cornelius M. (b. O 11, 1861, Bucker liill. 111.; and Bridget Ellen (Downs) Hanley (b. U 29, 1861, Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in Muncie (Ind.) il. .S. JJelta Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Phoenix; Egyptian; Ku Klux; Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Prelim. Plonors; Varsity Track; Capt., Conference Cliampionship, 1909; Class Football, 1906-8; Mil. Bali Com.; Sr. Stag Com.; Jr. Prom. Com.; Bus. Mgr., Illio, 1910. Asst. Engr., Track Evaluation of Chicago Consoli- dated Traction Co., JeO, 1910; Estimating and Designing Ke-concrete Bldgs., Leonard Constr. Co., Chicago, igio-ii; Sales Engr., Corrugated Bar Co., Chicago, 1911-16; Mgr., do., Chicago, 1916 — ; Sec, Treas., and Mem., St. Bd. of Examiners of Struct. Engrs., 1915-17. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Florence Mar- garet Kelley, Je 30, 1913, Chicago. Children: Marie Jean, b. D 12, 1914; Dorothy Margaret, b- Je 5, 1916. Address, 4719 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; bus- add., 20 W. Washington Blvd., do. 4188. C. LOREN HARKNESS (Husband of No. 4753) Ins. Insp. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 30, 1884, Adams, 111.; s. S. S. (b. Ja 21, 1850, Adams, 111.) and Elizabeth (Young) Harkness (b. My 20, 1851, Culpepper Court House, Va.). Pre- pared in Payson H. S.; Univ. Acad. Charter Mem., Ionian; Stud. Asst., Physics; Y. M. C. A., Cabinet, 1907-10, Pres., 1909-10. Asst. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Gen. Sec, do., Univ. of Neb., 1911-12; Sec, Y. M. C. A., Louisville, Ky., 1912-15; Ag^t., Pruden- tial Ins. Co., do., 1915-16; Traveling Insp., do., 1916 — . Marrted Mabel Alma Knight Cii), Je 26, 1912, Urbana. Child, Katherine Eliza- beth, b. Mr 20, 1918. Address, Prudential Ins. Co. of America, Division G, Newark, N. J. 4189. CHARLES HARRIS Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 6, 1882, Cannelton, Ind.; s. James Overton (b. Mr 4, 1849. do.) and Ann (Adams) Harris (b. Ag 28, 1853, do.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Married Leonora A. Kirk, F 6, 1910, Moweaqua, 111. Address, Moweaqua, 111. 4190. JOHN WOODMAN HARRIS (Brother of Nos. 5705, 839s) Merchant; LL. B; b. S ii, 1887, Cham- §aign; s. John Billingsly (b. Ag 30, 1848, pringfield, O.) and Sara (Woodman) Harris (b. Ja 7, 1859, Pliiladelphia). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Sigma; Yoxan. Wholesale Produce Bus., Champaign; do., In- dianapolis. Address, 1326 Knight Alabama St., Indianapolis. 4191. 'BENJAMIN HARRISON HARRISON (Brother of No. 3398) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. D 16. 1888, Danville, 111.; s. Charles (b. do.) and Rose (Roberts) Harrison (b. Montreal, Can.). Pre- pared in Danville H. S. Alpha Chi .Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chem. Club; V. P., 111. Un- ion; mini Staff. Chem. Engr., 1910. ist Lt., San. N. A. Auth.: Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in Water in the Presence of Hydro- gen Sulphide, Jour, of the A. C. S., Vol. XXXII, 1910. Mem., A. C. S. ; III. Water Supply Assn.; 111. Acad. Sc Died O 14, 1918, Camp McArthur, Tex. 4192. DONALD FREDERIC HARRISON Pres., Vegetable Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 10, 1887, Morrison, 111.; s. David George (b. Je 21, 1842, Beardstown, 111.) and Mary Jean- nette (Thomson) Harrison (b. D 22. i860, Tucker Co., W. Va.). Prepared in Morrison and Urbana H. Schs. Adelphic; Delta Sigma Kho; Equal Suffrage Orat. ; Neb.-IU. Debate (alternate), 1906-7. Draftsman, Velie Motor Vehicle Co., Moline, 111., 1910-11; do., U. S. Govt. Arsenal, Rock Island, 111., 191 i-u; Sec. Treas., The Davis-Harrison Co., Ottawa, 111., 1912-15; Pres., D. F. Harrison Co., Hot-house vegetables, Kankakee, 111., 191 5 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Ada Caroline Agor, S 30, 191 5. Child, Charles Agor, b. S 2, 1916. Address, 311 N. Harrison Ave., Kankakee, 111. 4193- 'WALTER MILLARD HASKELL B. S. in M. E.; b. F i, 1890, Rock Falls, 111.; s. Walter N. Haskell. Prepared in Sterling H. S. Died Je 25, 191 o, near Sterling, 111. 4194. CARL FREDERIC HASSEN STEIN In Business; B. S. in A. E.; b. Te 8, 1888, (Thicago; s. E. L. (b. Mr 17, 1844, Ruhla, Ger.) and Amanda (AustermanJ ilassenstein (b. My 10, 1854, Waukesha, Wis.). Prepared in Bowen IL S. Chicago. Sigma Nu. Drafts- man, Ritter and Mott Engrs., Chicago, 1910- 13; Bldg. Materials, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1913 — . Married Gladys Abbott, S 10, 1915, Bioux Falls, S. Dak. Child, Carl Frederic Jr., b. Je 10, 1916. Address Sioux Falls S. Dak. 419s. FRANK WYATT HATTEN Sales Engr.; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Jc 20, 1886, Plankington, S. Dak.; s. George Wash- ington (b. Rock Island) and Birdie Elizabeth (Parker) Hatten (b. 111.). Prepared in De- lavan H. S. Jr. Cap Com.; E. E. Soc; Water Polo. Apprentice in Elec Engng. Westing- house Elec. and Engng. Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, 1909-10; General Foreman and Testing Engr., I)iv. of Fortifications, Panama Canal, 1910-15; Sales Engr., Am. Hoist and Derrick Co., St. Paul, 1916-17; Chief Expediter and C,"hief Insj)., Cantonment Div., War Dept., 1917; Capt. O. M. C. N. A., in Charge of Inspection, Const"!-. Div., War Dept., 1918 — . Mem. A. I. E. E. Address, i459 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 4196 WARNER MADISON HATTREM Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. D 13, 1886. Marseilles, III.; s. Mathais (b. Ja 27, 1848, Norway) and Emilie E. (Anderson) Hattrem (b. N 19, 1847, do.). Prepared in Marseilles and Ottawa H. Schs. Chem. Club; Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., Certain-teed Products Corp., Marseilles Plant, Ja 1917 — . Married Florence E. Minott, Je 11, 1916, Aurora, 111. Address, Marseilles, 111. 4197- *ROLLIN MOULTON HAYES (Brother of No. 1352) Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Mr 3, 1887, Rankin, 111.; s. Thomas Boyd (b. 1853, Crawfordsville. Ind.) and Emma Jane (Cox) Hayes (b. 1853, Bu- chanan, Mich.). Prepared in Rankin H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. Asst. St. Atty., Belleville. 111. Married Madeline Davies, D 23, 1913. Belle- ville, 111. Died Ap 20, 1918, Belleville, III. 4198. CHARLES HENRY HEALY (Brother of No. 2687) Ins. Agt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 17, 1886, Rochelle, 111.; s. William (b. Ireland) and Mary Healy (b. Dutchess Co., N .Y.). Pre- jiared ia Rochelle H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Phoe- nix; Alpha Gamma Rho; Mgr. Baseball team, 1910. Special Agt., Aetna Life Ins. Co., Cas- ualty Dept. Sec, Bus. Man's Assn., Rochelle. Married Louise Williams, N 26, 19 14, Fayette- ville. Ark. Address, Rochelle, 111.; bus. add., Ins. Exchange Bldg., Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 38o University of Illinois [1910 4199. WALTER CARL HEIMBECK Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl i, 1886, Rock Island, 111.; s. August and Elizabeth (Kaizer) Ileimbeck. Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Married Zella Barrett, O 26, 1910, Rock Island. Address, 626 W. 6ist St., Chicago; bus. add., 7332 Phillips Ave., do.f 420Q. CLARENCE SPIUCK HEISLAR Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 14, 1886, Hutchinson, Kan.; s. D. C. and Hattie B. (Shuck) Heislar. Prepared in Urbana H. S. M. E. Soc. Mem., B. P. O. E.; P. H. C, Chi- cago. Address, Lowell, Ariz. 4201. MARGARET MAY HERDMAN (Daughter of No. 390; Sister of No. 6299) Librarian; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ap 27, 188S, Chi- caga; d. Frank Elmer ('84) (b. O 6, i86j, Chi- cago) and Mamie (Victor) Herdman (b. Ap 21, 1862, Milford, Conn.). Prepared in New Trier H. S., Winnetka. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alethenai; Pres. Y. \V. C. A. Asst. Libn., 111. St. Norm. Univ., igio-ii; Libn., Psych, and Educ. Seminar, Univ. of 111., 1912-16; Libn., Rockford Coll.. 1916-18; Alien Property Custo- dian's Office, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Mem., Mendelssohn Club, 19 16 — ; Chm. French War Orphan Fund, 1916-17. Address, 554 Oak Street, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add.. Alien Proper- ty (Custodian, i6th and P Sts., Washington, D. C. 4202. OBED LEWIS HERNDON (Brother of No. 4705) Merchant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 11, 1887, Springfield, 111.; s. Richard Fleetwood (b. Ky.) and Kate (Lewis) Herndon (b. do.). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Tau Lambda; Prelim, and Final Honors; Phi Beta Kappa. Address, 421 S. 6th St., Springfield, Ill.t 4203. ABIGAIL MARIA HESS (WHITCOMB) A. B. in So.; b. F 21, 1884, Plainfield, 111.; d. William Seward (b. Je 14, 1850, Madison Co., N. Y.) and Olive Isbel (Reynolds) Hess (b. S 19, 1854, Sugar Grove, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Pres., Household Sc. Club. Dietitian, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, igio; Instr., H. Sc, Mont. St. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, Bozeman, Mont., 1910- 13; do., Univ. of Ind., 1914. Married William Orr Whitcomb, Ag 15, 1914, Joliet, III. .Ad- dress, 205 S. 5th Ave., Bozeman, Mont. 4204. ALMA BERTHA HEUMAN (EKBLAW) (Wife of No. 3721) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 16, 1888, St. Peter, Minn.; d. Frederick E. and Augusta (Voss) Heuman. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Instr., Ger., H. S.. Redfield. S. Dak. Married Karl John Theodore Ekblaw ('09), Ag 14, 1913, El- gin, 111. Address, 1019 Houston St., Manhat- tan, Kan. 4205. LUCIE PEARL HICKMAN (Sister of No. 6952) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 2, 1887, Ash Grove, 111.; d. John Wesley (b. O 2, 1861, Wellington, 111.) and Emma Hope (Burr) Hickman (b. S 2. 1863, Williamsport, Ind.). Prepared in Hoopes- ton H. S. Teacher, H. S.. Ridgefarm, 111., 1910-12; Prin.. H. S., Milford, 111., 1912-17. Address, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 4206. INEZ FELTZ HIGHFILL (LAW- RENCE) , A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 18, 1887, Columbus, Kan.; d. Cary Milton (b. N 29, 1859, Cory- don, Ind.) and Lavina Alice (Grove) Highfill (b. D 22, 1863, do.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Granite City, 111. Married Harold Gaines Lawrence, Ag 29, 1914, Winona Lake, Ind. Address, Winona Lake, Ind. 4207. EUGENE STUART HIGHT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S. in Sc, 191 1 ; E. E., 1917; b. Ag 22, 1S88, Green Val- ley, 111.; s. J. S. (b. 1840, Guernsey Co., O.) and Bertha Julia (Troll) Hight (b. 1844, Bar- men, Prussia)'. Prepared in Delavan H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; E. E. Soc; Scribblers; Prelim, and Final Honors; Univ. Scholarship; Maj., Cadet Regt. Operating Engr., 111. Traction System, 1910-13; Elec. Engr., do., 1913-15; Chief Operating Engr., do., 1915 — . Mem., A. I. E. E., 1915. Univ. Club of Peoria, 1916; Creve Coeur Club, 1915. .Address, 317 Perry St., Peoria. 4208. FANNY WILDER HILL (GUTTING) (Wife of No. 4688; Sister of Nos. 2419, 4209, 6304) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 191S; b. Jl 3, 1888, Champaign; d. Celestin Sylvester (b. Ap 6, 1854, Epworth, la.) and Mary Luena (Stevens) Hill (b. D i, 1857, New Hartford, la.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Library Organizer, 191 5; Reviser and asst.. Lib. Sch., 1915-16. Married Leo Arthur Gutting ('11). Je 30, 191 6, Champaign. Children: Stephen Hill, b. My 23, 1917; Philip, b. Ja 9, 1919. Address, 138 W. Hendricks St., Shelbyville, Ind. 4209. NATHAN RICHARD HILL (Brother of Nos. 2419, 4208, 6304) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 7, 1886, Champaign; s. Celestin Sylvester (b. Ap 6, 1854, Epworth, la.) and Mary Luena (Stevens) Hill (b. D I, 1857, New Hartford, la.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Civ. Engr.. Bridge and Building Dept., I. C. R. R. Married May Warmbier, N 6, 19 12, Champaign. Address, 1 143 E. 66th St., Chicago. 4210. NEHEMIAH WILLIAM HILL Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. Eng. ; b. Mr 3, 1887, Mackinaw, 111.; s. Philip P. (b. Je 22, 1844, do.) and Leona E. (Lindsey) Hill (b. N 16, 1856, do.). Prepared in Mackinaw H. S. ; Eureka Coll. Prep. Chem. Club; Alpha Chi Sigma; Prelim, and Final Honors. Chem. ICngr., Armour & Co. Address, 624A N. 8th St., East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., Nat. Stock Yards P. O., St. Clair Co., 111. 421 1. WILLIAM GOTTLIEB HILLER Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 25, 1880, Enterprise, 111.; s. Michael and Caroline Kill- er. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. Copper Queen Consolidated Min. Co., Bisbee. Ariz. Address, Bisbee, Ariz. 4212. HENRY ELMER HOAGLAND With Pub. Service Comn.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1910; b. My 10, 1886, Prairie City, 111.: s. Okey Maple (b. Jl 7. 1839, Rushville, 111.) and Adeline (Foster) Hoagland (b. Je 21, 1859. Foster's Point, 111.)'. Prepared in l^rairie City H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1903-6; Univ. of Wis., 1910-11. Ph. D., Col- umbia, 1 91 2. Phi Kappa Tau; Adelphic; Pol. Sc. Club. Expert, Bur. of Statistics, N. Y. St. Indus. Comn., 1912-14; do., 1015-16: Special Investigator, U. S. Comn. on Indus. Relations, 1914-15; Chief, div. of Indus. Directory, N. V. St. Indus. Comn., 1916; Dir., Indus. Div., N. Y. St. Defense Council, summer 1917; Instr., Dept. of Econ., Univ. of 111.. 1Q16-18; Chief Div. of Statistics. Pub. Service Comn., First Dist. N. Y. St.. 1918 — . Auth.: Collec- tive Bargaining in the Lithographic Industry, Cnlumbia Univ. Studies in Econ., etc., 1917; Wage Bargaining on the Great Lakes., Univ. of igio] Baccalaureate Alumni 381 ///. Studies in Social Sc, 1917; Hist, of the movements in the U. S. (with Prof. Commons) and others in publication of two vol. history, 191S; numerous articles in Am. Econ. Review, Quarterly Jour, of Econ., Pol. Sc. Quarterly, Jour, of Pol. Econ., New York Times Annal- ist, Am. Industries; Govt, reports and publi- cations of various kinds. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation; A. F. A. M. IMarried Edna Hardie, S 2, 1916, Downsville, N. Y. Child, Mary Adeline, b. Je 25, 1918. Address, 4184 Ashland St., Wood- haven, Long Island; bus. add., 49 Lafayette St., New York City. 4213. OSCAR WILLIAM HOBERG Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 15, 1889, Peru, 111.; s. Frederick E. (b. D 29, 1862, do.) and Anna (Knapp) Hoberg (b. Mr 2, 1866, Dixon, 111.). Prepared in LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Theta Kappa Nu; Ionian; John Mar- shall Law Club. Lawyer, Holjerg & Hoberg, Attys., Peru, III. Auth. : Burden of Proof Where Mental Incapacity is Pleaded. Am. Law Revictv, Vol. XLIV. No. 4, 191 o; The Transi- tion of a Century, The Prairie St. Mag., Vol. I, No. 3, 1910; Is Every Man Presumed to Know the Law? West. Pub. Co. Docket, No. 19, 1911; Ed., Phi Ailpha Delta Quarterly. .Mem.. A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Married Ruth H. Williams, S 30, 1914. La Salle, 111. Children: J. Annabelle, b. Ag 18, 191S; Janice, b. O 6, 1917. Address, Masonic Temple, Peru, 111. 4214. JONATHAN' HUNTOON SAMUELS HODGSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 26, 1887, Kingman, 111.; s. Robert William (b. N 20, 1849, Spreatley. Yorkshire, Eng.) and Emma Sarah (Huntoon) Hodgson (b. My i, 1848, Moline, 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Cadet Engr., Philadelphia, 1910-11; do., Hammond, Ind., 1910-11; Mech. Engr., Moline, 111., 1911-17. Corp., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Rock Island Ar- senal; 2nd Lt., F. A., 14th Regt., Camp Jack- son, S. C. ; Mustered out, D 5, 1918. Address, 521 2ist St., Moline, 111. 4215. RALPH EDGAR HOLCH (Brother of Nos. 2125, 5728) Professor; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 30, 1886, Gilman, 111.; s. Frederick G. (b. 1849, Ger.) and Mary E. (West) Hokh (b. 1854, Pa.). Prepared in Gilman H. S. M. E. Club. Instr., M. E., La. St. Univ.; do., Christian Bros. Coll., St. Louis, 191 1 ; Supvr., Man. Tr., Alliance, Neb., 1016-17; Prof., Man. Tr., Chadron St. Norm. Sch., Chadron, Neb., 191 8 — . Address, Chadron, Neb. 4216. LEILA HOLLAND (FIELDS) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 15, 1885, Blackstone. 111.; d. Robert A. (b. 1851, Ind.) and Ella (Clark) Holland (b. 1855, do.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1905. H. Sc. Club. Instr., Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111, 1910-11; do., Pontiac Tp. H. S., 1911-15. Mar- ried Raymond R. Fields, Mr 13, 1917, Tarpon Springs, Fla. Address, Plainview, Te.x. 4217. ETHEL ANNETTA HOLLISTER (DAY) (Wife of No. 4126) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 21, 1888, Belleview, la.; d. Horace Adelbert (b. O 14, 1857, Man- chester, la.) and Emma Annetta (Satchwell) Hollister (b. F 9, 1859, Danville, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Tour around world, 1910-11. Mem., Peoria College Women's Club; Soc. of Allied Arts; Congr. Church. Married Warren William Day Cio), S 7, 1910, Cham- paign. Children: Shirley Wentworth, b. S 23, 1913; Muriel Hollister, b. O 3, 1917. Ad- dress, 606 N. Madison Ave., Peoria. 4218. JOSE MARIA HOMS Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 22, 1887, Vails (Tarragona) Spain; s. Juan Cas- ulleras and Teresa Garriga Horns. Prepared in Barcelona, Spain; Kankakee H. S. Cosrno- politan Club; Chess and Checker Club; Spanish Club; M. E. Soc; Pres., C. C. and Centro Lit- erario Espafiol. Instr., Spanish, Univ. of 111., 1908-9; translator of catalogs of the Univ. of 111. into Spanish; Cost and System Dept., Emer- son Brantingham Co.; Cost Acct., Rockford, 111., 1910-11; Asst. Mgr., Importing Offices, Mexico City, 1911-12; Asst. Export and Ser- vice Mgr., Auto factory, Racine, Wis., 1912-15, Export Mgr., Motor Truck Mfrs., Clintonville, Wis., 1915-17; Technical Mfr. Export Office, New York (iity, 191 7 — . Married Carolyn Dickerman, O 10, 1912. Child, Kathryn Fran- ces, b. D 30, 1914. Address, yyy Eastern Park- way, Brooklyn, N. Y.; bus. add., 44 Whitehall St., do. 4219. JOSEPH DOUGLAS HOOD Entomologist; A. B. in Sc; b. N 29, 1889, Laramie, Wyo.; s. Thomas Henry (b. S 9, 1867, Spring Green, Wis.) and Eva Maria Jose- phine (Dickson) Hood (b. D 18, 1872, Tren- holme, Can.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S. Alpha Sigma PHi, Grand Sec.;Theta Nu Epsilon; Scabbard and Blade, Grand Sec. and Treas.; Military Scholarship, 3rd and 4th yrs. ; Prelim. Honors; Scholarship in Entom.; Capt. and Regt. Adj., and Asst. Instr. in Mil. Sc; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard, recommend- ed to Adj. Gen. as Distinguished Cadet. Asst. to St. Entomol. of 111. and to 111. St. Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1910-12; Asst. Biologist, U. S. Biol. Sur., U. S. Dept. of Agr. 1912-16. Mexican Bor- der Service, 1916-17. Capt., Ord. Dept., N. A. .'\uth. : Forty-one articles on entomological sub- jects, published in the prin. entom. jours, of Am., (Tan., and Eng. Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc. (charter member); Entomolog. Soc. of Am.; Biol. Soc. of Wash.; Entomol. Soc. of Wash.; A. A. A. S. Address, 1427 Chapin St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 4220. ROBERT EDWARD HOPKINS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 14, 1886, Lons- dale, R. I.; s. Edward P. and Anna E. (Allen) Hopkins. Prepared in Pasadena (Calif.) H. S. Married Lue Giles, O 17, 1912. Child, Edward Jr., b. S 30. 1914. Address, Delavan, 111. 4221. BENJAMIN ALBERT HORN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 21, 1887, Chicago; s. Frank L. (b. Je 16, 1853, Ger.) and Martha (Wegener) Horn (b. O 30, 1863, Lapeer, Mich.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Iris; Pres., Arch. Club; Final Hon- ors; Class Basketball, Mgr.;, Class Football; Freshman Varsity and Varsity Basketball. .-Xrch. Draftsman, Rock Island, 111., 1910-11; Daven- port, la., 1911-12; Chicago, 1912-13; Rock Is- land and Moline, 1913-14; Chicago, 1915-17; Peoria, 1917; Rock Island and Moline, 19:7-18; Mem. firm, Cervin & Horn. Archs., 1918 — . U. S. Arch., Housing developments of Rock Is- land, Moline and East Moline, III. Mem., Rotary Club, Rock Island; Chicago Arch. Club; III. Valley Yacht Club; Evang. Luth. Church; Tri City Arch. Assn.; Sec, do., 1918. Mar- ried Elizabeth Walton, O 28, 1916. Rock Is- land. Child, Benjamin Walton, b. N 23, 1918. .'Iddress, 1823 13th St., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 310 Safety Bldg., do. 4222. DANIEL TILDEN HOSKINS, JR. (Husband of No. 4446) Traveling Salesman; A. B.; Bus. L. & A.; 1). Ap 10, 1889. E. Las Vegas. N. Mex. ; s. Dan- iel Tilden (b. S 19, 1852, Hillsboro, 111.) and Florence (Douglas) Hoskins (b. N 15, 1858, New Orleans, La.). Prepared in N. Mex. Norm. LTniv. Sigma Chi; Yoxan ; Scabbard and Blade. Traveling Salesman, Majestic Mfg. Co. St. Louis. U. S. A., 1918; Mustered out N 22, 382 University of Illinois [1910 1918. Married Alta Swigart ('10), Je 24, 1916, Lincoln, Neb. Child, Jean, b. N 10, 1917. Address, Bassett Apartments, S. ElnvSt., Cham- paign. 4223. RUSSELL SAMUEL HOWARD Asst. Mgr., Parrett Tractor Co.; B. S. in Sc; b. Ag 21, 1887, Veedersburg, Ind.; s. William Ernest (b. D 31, 1867, Fountain Co., Ind.) and Adaline (Gore) Howard (b. S 16, 1868). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Wis., summers, 1911-12-13. Ilus; Alpha Chi Sigma; Chem.^ Club. Instr., Chem., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y., igio-14; Sage Fellowship, do., 1915; Asst. Mgr., Par- rett Tractor Co., Chicago, 1915 — . Mem., A. C. S. Married Ethel Elizabeth Jacobs, Ap 28, 1917. Address, 4616 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 409 Fisher Bldg., 343 S. Dearborn St., do. 4224. ALEXANDER GIBBON HUGHES (Brother of No. 3035) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 25. 1888, An- tioch, 111.; s. Hugh David (b. Ap 24, 1853, do.) and Jessie Ann (Yule) Hughes (b. Mr 20, 1 85 1, Wadsworth, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Capt., Univ. Regt. Married Mabel Christopher, D 26, 1911, Urbana. Chil- dren: Helen Marie, b. S 8, 1914 (died S 23, 1917); Ruth Adelaide, b. D i, 1916. Address, Antioch, 111. 4225. WALTER JOHN HUGHES Manager; B. S. _ in M. E.; b. 1886, Table Grove, 111.; s. George F. (b. 1859, do.) and Lura D. (Bailey) Hughes (b. 1S59, Yates City, 111.). Prepared in Yates^ City H. S.; Univ. Acad. Lombard Coll., Galesburg,^ 111., 1904-6. Phi Delta Theta. Sales Engr., Kewa- nee Water Supply Co., Kewanee, 111., 1910-12; Blfrs. Representative, Los Angeles, 1912-17; Mgr. Tech. and Sales Dept., The Retinate Co., Omaha. Married Gladys Ann Soldwell, S 29, 1914. (jalesburg. 111. Address, c/o The Refinate Co., Omaha, Neb. 4226. ANNA LEO HULL (Sister of No. 4227) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. Ja 2, 1889; d. Albert H. (b. F 14, 1862, Martinsville, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Harri- son) Hull (b. S 12, i8s9, do.). Prepared in Martinsville H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., summer term. Teacher, H. S., Findlay, 111., 1910-13; Teacher, H. S., Findlay, 111., 1917-18. Address, Martinsville, 111. 4227. W.\LKER FRANCIS HULL (Brgther of No. 4226) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1911; b. F 9, 1887, Martinsville, 111.; s. Albert (b. F 14, 1862, Martinsville, do.) and Marv Eliza- beth (.Harrison) Hull (b. S 12. 1859, do.). Prepared in Martinsville H. S. Theta Kappa Nu; Varsity Football; Prelim. Honors in Law. Mem., Univ. Club, Rockford, 111.: B. P. O. E. Address, Elks Club, Rockford, 111. 4228. HALLIE WALKER HYDE Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 1. 1886, Garry. S. Dak.: d. Alfred W. (b. Ap 20, 1854, Birmingham, Ens;.) and Anna Ridge (Brum- back) Hvde (b. D ■;, i8s3, Pa.). Prepared in Brookings (S. Dak.) H. "S. B. S., S. Dak. St. Coll. Phi Delta Psi: Pres.. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Dom. Sc, Des ^loines Coll., Des Moines. Ad- dress, Brookings, S. Dakota. 4229. WILBUR GILPIN HYDE Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 15, i886. Rising, 111.; s. Samuel A. (b. N 21. 1836. Vigo Co., Ind.) and Catherine (Montgomery) Hyde (b. Ja :9, 1840, near Salem. N. J.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Choral Soc; Arch. Club. Auth., Draftsman and Supt., Emory Stanford Hall, 1910; Brubaker & Stean; Frank B. Hunter; Dunlap & Van Arman, 1911; Vonnegut, Bohn, Archs., Indianapolis, 1911-15; Asst., Supervising Arch's. Office, Univ. of III., i9i,s; Detroit, Mich., 1916 — . Married Bertha Arvilla Rundles, Ap 23, 191 1, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Child, b. Ag 11, 1913. Address, 22 Zinder Place, Detroit.t 4230. HAROLD STUART INGRAM Engineer; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 3, 1886, Chicago; s. William Ingram. Prepared in Lewis Inst. Address, 4536 N. Lincoln St., Chicago. t 4231. ORMA ARCHER INNIS (SMITH) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1887, Rushville, Ind.; d. Robert Alexander (b. Ja 25, 1859, Milroy, Ind.) and Cynthia Jane (Archer) Innis (b. O 31, 1862, Titusville, Pa.). Prepared in Rushville H. S.; Girls Classical School, In- dianapolis, 1905-7; Monmouth Coll., 1907-9. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Married James Chester Smith, O 4, 191 1, Rushville, Ind. Children: Robert Innis, b. Jl 23, 1912; Fletcher, b. O 5, 1915. Address, 317 N. 3rd St., Monmouth, 4232. CHARLES HENRY JACOBSEN (Brother of Nos. 2707, 3426, 6981) With Allis-Chalmers Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 2. 1887, Niantic, 111.; s. Henning (b. Ja 6, 1847, Schleswig, Ger.) and Laura Dolly (Boone) Jacobsen (b. Mr 28, 1853, Bourbon Co., Ky.). Prepared in LTrbana H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. In employ Allis-Chalmers Co., Milwaukee. Mem., Allis- Chalmers Univ. Club; A. S. M. E. Married Eula C. Jordan, D 25, 191 3, Los Angeles. Ad- dress, 1 61 5 S. New Hampshire Ave., Los An- geles. t 4233. HELEN DICKSON JAMES (FRAZER) (Sister of No. 2708) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M. in Ger., 1913; b. Jl 4, 1889, Halle, Ger.: d. Edmund Janes (b. My 21, 1855, Jacksonville, 111.) and Margarethe M. (Lange) James (b. Ger.). Prepared in N. W. Acad.; summer session, Harvard, 1907; do., Columbia, 1909. Grad. course, N. W. Univ., 1910-11; Univ. of Berlin, 1911-12; Univ. of Halle, 1912. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Ale- thenai; Phi Beta Kappa. Married Prof. (Jeorge E. Frazer, Je 9, 1915, Kvanston, 111. Children: Edmund Symaus, b. O 3, 1916; George En- lield, Jr., b. Je 3, 1918. Address, 5407 Green- wood Ave., Chicago. 4234. JAMES FRANK JANDA Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 22, 1883, Belc, Bohemia; s. V. (b. about 1856, Belc, Bohemia) and Frances (Placak) Janda (b. about 1864, Menanv, Bohemia). Prepared in Prague. Bohemia. Y. M. C. A.; M. E. Soc; Stud! Branch, .\. S. M. E., Komenian Soc Mech. Engr. Mem., 111. Nat. Guard. Married Minnie Engelthaler, Je 15, 191 1, Chicago. Children: Robert, b. Mr 28, 1914; John, b. Ja 9, 1917 (died Ja 19. 1917). Address, 101 Elmwood Drive, Aurora, 111.; bus. add., Stephens- Adam- son Mfg. Co., do. 4235. THOMAS McLEAN JASPER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1911; b. D 25, 1882, Tregunnon, Altarnum, Cornwall, Eng. ; s. Richard (b. O 1859, Polgray Al- tarnum, Cornwall, Eng.) and Lucinda (McLean) _ Jasper (b. 1861, Trenilk, do.). Prepared in E. Cornwall Coll.; Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Sigma Xi; Cosmopolitan; Soccer Football. Engr., Alvord & Burdick. Chicago, 1011-13; do.. Civil Service Comn., do., 1913-15. -Mid. Lt., 1Q15. Capt., Imperial Forces, British E. F., 19 1 7 — . Wounded, My and Ag, 1916; IQIO] Baccalaureate Alumni 383 Dir. of Sig., No. 2, R. G. A. Officer, Cadet Sell. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E., 1915; Mem., A. A. A. S.; A. F. A. M. Married Hilda (l. Julian, Ag 14, 1913, Liskeard, Cornwall. Child, McLean, b. 19 15. Address, Treviddo Liskeard, Cornwall, England; bus. add., c/o Sargent and Lundy, Chicago. 4236. FERDINAND JEHLE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 27, :888, Highland, HI.; s. August (b. Ag 21, 1851, St. Louis) and Augusta (EiJTerl) Jehle (b. D 24, 18C1, PHghland, HI.). Prepared in Highland H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch A. S. M. E. Pres., Der Deutsche Verein. Heine Safety Boiler Co., St. Louis, 1910-11; Gen. Motor Co., Detroit, 1911-12; Cml. Engrs. Lab., De- troit, 1913-14; Testing Lab., Automobile Club of Am., N. Y., 1914-16; Aluminum Casting Co., Research Dept., Cleveland, 1916 — . Test of Liberty Aviation Engine on Pikes Peak, S 1917; Asst. Designer and Installer of Altitude Lab. for Aviation Engine tests. Bur. of Standards, Washington, Nat. Advisory Com. on Aero- nautics, 1917-18. Auth. : Garlands Magnetic Absorption Dynamometer, S. A. E. Transac- tions, Vol. 8, Part i ; Are Barometric, Tem- perature and Humidity Readings of Importance in Comparative Motor Tests, 5". A. E. Transac- tions. Vol. 8, Part i. The Testing of Automo- bile Motors, Sibley Jour, of Engng., Ag 1916; Reports of Tests Made in The Auto Club of Am. Testing Lab., The Club Journal and Motor Travel. Mem., Soc. Auto. Engrs.; Research Div. of Standards Com. of S. A. E. ; Jr. Mem. A. S. M. E.; Assoc. Mem., Inst, of Auto Engrs.; A. A. A. S.; Orpheus Musical Soc, 1910-11 (in the ca[iacity of concert master of orcliestra) St. Louis; St. Louis Orchestral Club (First Violinist). Married Linda Susan Hermann, Ag 25, 1914, Highland, 111. Ad- dress, 11607 Tuscora Ave., Cleveland; bus. add.. The Aluminum Castings Co., do. 4237. PAUL FREDERICK JERVIS (Brother of Nos. 3049, 7656) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 7, 1887, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ag 30, 1833, Shropshire, Eng.) and Catherine (Sheargold) Jervis (b. Mr 31, 1844, Staffordshire, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Engr., N. Y. Central R. R., 1910-11; do., Kankakee and Ur- bana Traction Co., igii — . F. A., Camp Travis, Tex. Address, 307 S. State St., (Champaign. 4238. GEORGE GUY JETER Cml. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 20, 1888, Paris, 111.; s. George M. (b. near Louisville, Ky.) and Janettie (Sizemore) Jeter (b. Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Stud. Engr., Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1910-13; Cml. Engr., (]en. IlIcc. Co., Pittsfield, Mass., 1913-18; Transformer, Sales Dept., do.. 1919 — • Engng. Corps, U. S. A., 1918; Mustered out, N 27, 1918. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Class D. Mem.. Nat. Elec. Light Assn. Married Ruth E. Griffin, Je 2, 1915, Pittsfield, Mass. Address, 6 Maple- wood Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. 4239. ESLEY EBENEZER JOHNSON (Brother of No. 3428) With Furniture Works; A. B. in Bus. L. & A. ; b. D 21, 1887, Orion, 111.; s. George W. (b. O 9, 1857, Andover, 111.) and Carolina F. (Hagg) Johnson (b. N 21, 1858). Prepared in Augustana Acad.; Augustana Coll., 1906-7. Zeta Psi; Glee Club; Class Football; Pres., Jr. Class. Moline Furniture Works, Builders of Bank, Store & Office Fixtures. First Div. 111. Nat. Guards, 1905-9. Mem., Moline Club. Married Meta L. Siegel, O 25, 191 1, Cham- paign. Child, daughter, b. S 27, 1913. Address, 1421 12th St., Moline, 111. 4240. A[.BA ALLEN JONES Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 13, 1876, Long Creek, 111.; s. John Wesley (b. F 27, 1845, Sangamon Co., do.) and Catharine Alice (Johnson) Jones (b. Ja iS, 1853, Hillsboro, O.). Prepared in West. Norm. Coll., Bushiiell, 111. Adelphic; John Marshall Law Club; Treas., Sr. (jlass. Lawyer, Decatur, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shrine; B. P. O. E. ; K. P.; The Decatur Club; The Univ. Club of Decatur; The Consistory; Bd. Educ, Decatur, 111., 1914-17; M. E. Church. Married Martha Frances Cox, D 7, 1904, Ar- eola, 111. Children: Allen Monroe, b. Ag 19, 1906; Richard Newton, b. Ap 19, 1911; Flor- ence Mildre, 1916, Fort Wayne, Tnd. Address, 598 Dean St., Bushnell, 111.; bus. add., Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China. 4309. EDWIN MORTON MILLER (Brother of Nos. 2762, 3877) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 10, 1888, Ida Grove, la.; s. Jay D. and Mary J. (Jacobs) Miller. Prepared in Geneva H. S. M. D., Rush Med. (Joll., 1913. Delta Upsilon; Delta Sigma Phi: Phoenix; .^delphic; Class Pres.; St. igioj Baccalaureate Alumni 389 Peace Orat. Contest; N. O. L. Contest; III.- Minn. Debate; IlL-Wis. Debate; Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Rush Med. Coll. Capt., U. S. Med. Re- serve Corps, A. E. F., France. Address, 1553 North Clark St., Chicago. 4310. LAURA MAY MILLER (WILLIAMS) (Wife of No. 449S) B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 21, 1887, Dubuque, la.; d. Jacob R. (b. Switzerland) and Frances Ruth (Lockey) Miller (b. Dubuque, la.). Pre- pared in Dubuque Pub. Schs. ; O. St. Univ., : 906-8. H. Sc. Club. Teaclier. Centralia Tp. H. S., 111. Married Arthur E. Williams ('10), O 12, 191 2. Address, Pittsburgh. 431 1. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN MILLER Co. Supt. of Highways; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 27, 1889, Grimsby, Eng. ; s. William Charles Fredrick (b. F 14, 1865, Stuttgart, Ger.) and Catherine (Ilafele) Miller (b. O 19, 1863, Meinhardt, Ger.). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; C. E. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Sr. Breakfast Com.; Class Baseball. Designer, Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1910-n; Struct. Steel Dept., Madeira-Mamore, Ry., Porto Velho, Rio Madeira, Brazil; 1911-12; Asst. Engr., Dock and Wharf Const., do., 1912-13; Designer, Bridge Dept., C. B. & Q. Ry.. Chicago, 1913-14; Supt. of Highways and Bridges, DeKalb Co., 111., Sycamore, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Illini Club, Brazil. Married Florence Nelle Ander- son, N 18, IQ14, Chicago. Address, Sycamore, 111. 4312. LESLIE EARL MINER Instructor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr i8, 1887, Gibson City, III.; s. John Mottes (b. Mr 18, 1835, Ger.) and Julia Ann (Southworth) Miner (b. F 24, 1852, 111.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Triangle; Varsity Baseball; Sr. Smoker Com. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., Chicago, 1910; do.. C. B. & Q. R. R., do.. 1910; Ma- deira Mamore R. R., Brazil, 1910-13. De- signer, Witherspoon-Englar, Chicago, 1913; Estimator, Corn Products Refining Co., do.. 1913-17; Instr., C. E., Univ. of Colo., 1917 — . Married Ruth Maryanna Swenson, Je 17, 1916, Chicago. Address, Broadway and Green Mt. Ave., Boulder, Colo. 4313. PAUL IRVING MINER (Brother of Nos. 2182, 3114, 5314) Stock and Grain Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 7, 1887, Adair, 111.; s. Timothy Graham (b. Je 27, 1837, Fulton Co., do.) and Prudence Harriet (Russell) Miner (b. Ag 28, 1846, Mc- Donough Co., do.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. ; St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club; Mem., A. F. A. M.; Baptist Church. Address, Adair, 111. 4314. NOLAN DICKSON MITCHELL Arch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 16, 1883, Greenway, Ark.; s. David Anthony (b. 1847, Ashland, Tenn.) and S. (Dickson) Mitchell (b. 1858, Dickson, Tenn.). Prepared in Thomp- son's Class Inst., Paragould, Ark.; B. S., Univ. of Ark., igo6; B. C. E., Univ. of Ark., 1908. Sigma Xi. Arch. Engr., Chicago, 1910- 11; do., Tampa, Fla., 1911-13; do., Havana, Cuba, 1913-14; Clearwater, Ft. Myers and Tampa, Fla.. 1914-16; Washington, D. C, 1918. 1st Lt., 377th Aero Sqdn., A. P. O., 731 A. E. F., France. Mem., Presby., Church. Mar- ried Isabel de W'andelaer, Ap 10, 1913, Tampa, Fla. Children: Nolan, b. F 17, 1914; Francis S., b. Ap 2, 1915. Address, 3616 N. Hamp- shire Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. 4315. OLIVER WILLIAM MOJONNIER (Brother of Nos. 1564, 5318) Factory Mgr. ; B. S. in Chem. ; b. Ap 20, 1887, Highland, 111.; s. Jules (b. Ja 28, 1846, Vevey, Switzerland) and Emma (Beguelin) Mojonnier (b. My 23, 1851, Centiner, do.). Prepared in Champaign II. S. Chem. Club: Nutrition Club. Factory Mgr., Mojonnier Bros. Co., Chicago. Mem., M. E. (I^hurch. Married Grace May McQuillen, N 8. 191 1, Delta, O. Address, 518 Home Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 739 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 4316. ELLSWORTH MOORE Prin. of Sch.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja i, 1884, Huntsville, 111.; s. John Clark (b. Ap 7, 1838, New Harrisburg, O.) and Martha Ann (Smith) Moore (b. Ag 22, 1841, Centerville, O.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, H. S., Tucson, Ariz., 1910-11; Publishing a newspaper, Tlie Enterprise, Prairie City, 111., ly 11-13; Farmer, Sask., Can., 1913-14; Prin., Valley Sch., Kent. Washington., 1915 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; O. E. S.; Modern Woodman. Married Mae Randolph Miller, Je i, 191 1, Aurora, 111. Children: Donald Ellsworth, b. D 21, 1912; Bruce Randolph, b. N ig, 1915; Wayne Clark, b. Jl 8, 1917. Address, Kent, Washington. 4317. HARRY ALBERT MOORE Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 9, 1884, Oneida, 111.; s. Frank Lyman (b. F 14, 1858, do.) and Flora Evelyn (Hyde) Moore (b. Jl 1, 1854, Rockford, 111.). Prepared in Oneida H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Univ. Band. Engr. Dept.. Nat. Elec. Lamp Assoc, 1910-11; Gen. Mfg. Office, 1911-12; Engng. Dept.. Good- year Tire & Rubber Co., 1912-13: Phoenix Const. Co., Salt Lake City, 1913-18; Engr., Lion Coal Co., Rock Springs, Wyo., 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Ethel M. Harvey, S 1915. Child, Marjorie Irene, b. Jl 27, 1918. Address, c/o Lion Coal Co., Rock Springs, Wyo. 4318. FRANCES MILTON MOREHOUSE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; d. L. C. and Kate Henrietta (Wardall) More- house. Prepared in Tuscola and Wyoming H. Schs. Alpha Delta Pi. English Club; Final and Special Honors; Phi Beta Kappa; Class Poet. Teacher, Univ. Acad., 191011; East. III. St. Norm., summer, 1911; So. 111. Norm. Univ., 1917; do., Univ. of Minn. Auth. : Prac- tice Teaching in the School of Educ, Univ. of 111., pub. by Univ., 1912; The Discipline of the Sch., D. C. Heath, 1913; The Antiphony, Pub. by 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1916; Life of Jesse W. Fell, Univ. of III. Studies in the Social Sciences, 1916. Mem., D. A. R.; Baptist Church. Address, 723 7th St., S. E., Minneap- olis. 4319. HARRIET ALTA MORGAN Instructor; A. B. in* H. Sc. ; d. George Bliss (b. Northumberland, Pa.) and Lois (Koble) Morgan (b. Westville, Ind.). Prepared in Aledo H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll. Alethenai; H. Sc. Club. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Fuller- ton, Calif.t 4320. GEORGE MORRIS (Brother of Nos. 3487, 7094) Newspaper Reporter; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 28, 1888, Leland, III.; s. William Owen (b. D 31, i860, Amboy, 111.) and Sarah Belle (Morey) Morris (b. Je 27, 1861, Lee Co., 111.). Prepared in E. Aurora and Lyons Tp. H. Schs. Shield and Trident; Soph. Class Football; Capt., Sr. Football; Mgr., Soph. Class Basket Ball Teams; Glee Club; Ath. Ed., Daily Illini; 111. Mgr., Western Intercollegiate Mag. Mem., Epis. Church; Illini Club, Chicago. Married Rose Tschan, Ag 13, 1913, La Grange, 111. Children: Marjorie, b. Jl 8, 1914; Robert William, b. Je 8, 1917. Address, Western Springs, 111.; bus. add., Chicago Tribune, Chi- cago. 39° University of Illinois I1910 4321. HERMAN MOSCHEL Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 28, 1885, Chenoa, 111. s. Fred and Frederika (Roye-r) Moschel. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Iris; Tau Beta Pi; Der Deutsche Verein; Ionian; Stud. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Prelim. Honors. Night Supt., Republic Iron & Steel Co., Mo- line, 111., 1910-11; Engr., Time Study Dept., John Deere Plow Works, do., 1911-13; Supt., Dain Mfg. Co., Ottumwa, la., 1913-18. Mem., Molina Club; Ottumwa Country Club; Wapello Club; Ottumwa Cml. Club; Sec, Oltumwa Mfg. Assn.- Presby. Church. Married Laura Kra- mer, N 20, 1913, Des Moines. Address, no Ottumwa St., Ottumwa, la. ^322. ROYAL ROSS MOSS Pres. Holmes Disappearing Bed Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 21, 1886, Mulberry, Mo.; s. John B. (b. O 13, 1858, Harrison Co., Mo.) and Rachel A. (Beyer) Moss (b. Mr 12, 1863, Bates Co., Mo.). Prepared in Morris H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. With Butler Bros., Chi- cago, 1910: Chicago Tel. Co., 1910-11; Pres., Holmes Disappearing Bed Co., San Diego, 1911-18. 2nd Lt., S. R. C, A. S., Hdqtrs., ist Training Brig., Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex. Married Karoline Silliman Hammond, Mr 14, 1914, San Diego, Calif. Address, 4067 Falcon St., San Diego, Calif. 4323. CHARLES HALVATIOUS MOTTIER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 21, 1888, Gibson City, HI.; s. William Clarence (b. S 4, 1863, Cincinnati) and Catherine Cryder (Trail- er) Mottier (b. N 10, 1865, Princeton, 111.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Ionian; C. E. Club. Instrumentman, C. B. & Q. R. R.. 1910- 11; Masonry Insp., 1911-13; Designer and Esti- mator, Bridge Dept., Chicago, 1913-16; Asst. Engr., Bridge Dept. and Office of Chief Engr., 19 16 — . Married Myrtle May Robinson, Ag 12, 191S, Boyne City, Mich. Child, Kathryn Louise, b. Je 15, 1916. Address, Gibson City, 111.; bus. add. 1403 E. 69th Place, Chicago. 4324. CHESTER WRIGHT MUNSON (Husband of No. 4819) Efficiency Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 23, 1887, Morris, 111.; s. Joe! Augustus (b. Ag 26, 1838, Manchester, Vt.) and Alida Ellen (Walk- er) Munson (b. S 21, 1846, Ft. Edward, N. Y.). Prepared in Morris H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. Chief Electn., Corn Products Refin- ing Co.; Efficiency Engr., do., Granite City, 111. Married Mary Moore ('n), Tolono, 111. Child, John Chester, b. F 10, 1918. Address, 2163 C St., Granite City, 111. 4325. ROY KENNETH MURDUCK Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 20, 1886. Malta, O.; s. Samuel Adams (b. Ap 27, 1881, Malta, O.) and Carrie Agnes (Rogers) Mur- duck (b. Ap 20, 1863, do.). Prepared in Omaha (Nebr.) H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. M. E. Club; Stud. Branch A. S. M. E. Cadet Engr., Consumers' Gas Co., Reading, Pa. 1910-13; Asst. Engr., Sioux Falls Gas Co., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1914; do., Kansas City Gas Co., Kan- sas City, Mo., 1916— . Mem. M. E. Church. Married Emily Louise Timken, O S, ign. Peoria. Child, Jean Timken, b. My s, 1913- Address, 301 1 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 910 Grand Ave., do. 4326. THOMAS EDGAR MUSSELMAN Sec, Bus. Coll.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. Ap 28, 1887, Quincy, 111.; s. De La- fayette (b. Ap 21, 1842, Fulton Co., 111.) and Mary (McDavitt) Musselman (b. Jl 20, 1851, Macomb, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; Shattuck Mil. Acad., Faribault, Minn. Phi Gamma Delta; Kapna Delta Pi; Univ. Tennis Champion; Capt. of Tennis Team. Teacher, Gem City Bus. Coll.; Sec, do., 1918 — . Auth.: Nature Almanac, Quincy Jour. Mem., Quincy Country Club; A. F. A. M. Married Mary Locke Scripps, O 16, 1916, Rushville, 111. Child, Mary Margaret, b. F 16, 1918. Address, 124 S. 24th St., Quincy, 111. 4327. GEORGE HAROLD MYRICK V. P.. Elec. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 19, 1886, Chicago Heights, 111.; s. George M. (b. S 20, 1850, Brunswick, O.) and Anna Adelia (Solly) Myrick (b. Ja 29, 1853, New York City.). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S. Sigma Xi. Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co. Chicago, 1910-11; do., Chicago Elec. Meter Co., 1911-13; V. P., Geyser Elec. Co., 1913-18. Invented elec. meters. Clocks, parts of Washing Ma- chine, and Dish Washer. Married Hazel Lewis, My 15, 1912, East Gary, Ind. Child, Robert Lewis, b. D 23, 1914. Address, 5242 Montrose Ave. Chicago. 4328. ESSIE EDWINA NEAL (HAYES) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 16, 1885, Chicago; d. Charles F. (b. Pleasant City, O.) and Evalyn (Pete) Neal (b. la.). Prepared in Murray Tuley H. S., Chicago. Teacher, H. S., Effingham; do., Danville, 111., 1918 — -. Married Augustus W. Hayes ('07), Ap 4, 1912, Minn- eapolis (divorced F 6, 1914). Address, Dan- ville H. S., Danville, 111. 4329. SAIDEE ESTHER NELSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 27, 1888, Manlius, 111.; d. Peter (b. 1847, do.) and Ellen Nelson (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Princeton Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Phi Delta Psi. Prin., Wyoming H. S., 1910-11; Teacher, Pon- tiac H. S., 1912-15; do., Soldan H. S., St. Louis, 191 5-18. Address, 547 Park Ave., E. Princeton, 111.; bus. add., 5219 Enright Ave., St. Louis. 4330. *ROBERT EDWARD JOSEPH NIHAN B. S. in E. E.; b. N 29, 1887, Har- vard, 111.; s. Robert Amos (b. Ap 22, 1865, McHenry Co., 111.) and Catherine Lucinda (Madden) Nihan (b. S 22, 1862, Alden Tp., McHenry Co., 111.). Prepared in Harvard H. S. Spalding Guild; Loyola Club. Light & Power Line Const., Switchboard Const, and Installation of Elec. Mach. and Apparatus, Pax- ton, 111., 1910-11; Baraboo, Wis., 1911-12; Const., Engr. Power Plant and Distribution Line, Chicago, 1912; Asst. Designing Engr., Automobile Parts, 1912-13; Const. Engr., Argo- la, Ind., 1913-18; Gen. Supt., Ind. Utilities Co., do., 1913-18. Mem., K. C^.; Harvard Council; B. P. O. E. Died O 1918. 4331. ALMA NELL NOLLEN Teacher; A. B. in Sc; d. Paul (b. Coblentz, Ger.) and Ann Maria (Wohlfahrt) Nollen (b. Darmstadt, do.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S.; Grad., 111. St. Norm. Univ. Teacher, Sc, Normal H. S. Mem., Welirmann Quartet, two seasons. Address, Atlanta, Ill.t 4332. ELISHA POWELL NORMAN Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. F 9, 1886, Irishtown, 111.; s. Charles Christopher (b. S 6, 1861, Nor- man, 111.) and Roxilana (Myatt) Norman (b. Tamalco, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Spe- cial Master in Chancery of Bond Co., 111. Ad- dress, Tamalco, 111.; bus. add., Rayville, La. 4333. WILLIAM ATKINSON NORTH Bookkeeper; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 2, 1888, White Hall, 111.; s. Edward (b. Jl 31, 1851. do.) and Emma Naomi (Porter) North (b. F 21, 1857, Pekin, 111.). Prepared in White Hall H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Triangle; Prelim, and Final Honors. Fellowship in Engng., L^niv. of Wis., 1910; Cadet Engr. for Laclede igio] Baccalaureate Alumni 391 Gas Light Co., St. Louis, 1911-12; Bookkeeper and Teller, Merchantile Trust & Savings Bank, Evansville, Ind., 1912-15; do.. Citizens Trust & Savings Bank, 1915-17; Gen. Office, Texas Co., Houston, Tex., 1917. Tex. Nat. Guard, 1917; Corp., 117 Supply Train, 42 Div. U. S. A., A. E. F., France, 1917 — . Address, 11 10 Rosalie Ave., Houston, Tex. 4334. CHARLES ARTHUR NYE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja i, 1887, Smith Center, Kan.; s. Charles Clinton (b. 1862, Calif.) and Fannie (Knapp) Nye (b. 1865, 111.). Prepared in Illini Tp. H. S.; Milli- kin Univ., Prep. Dept. ; Millikin Univ., 1905-6. V. P., C. E. Club; Acacia; Cap and Gown Com. Asst. Mgr., Const., J. F. Hill Paving Carts, Chicago, 1910; Surv., Govt. Surv., Upper Miss., Rock Island, 111., 1910-11; Asst. City Engr., Decatur, 1911-12; U. S. Insp., Rock Island, 111., 1912-16; Asst. Engr., I. T. S., Springfield, I9i6' — . Asst. Engr. in charge of railroad const.. Camp Knox, Ky. Married Ethel Davis, O 6, 1915, Pesotum, 111. Child, Elizabeth Ann, b. Ap 28, 1 918. Address, Pesotum, 111. 4335. HENRY DIXON OBERDORFER Instructor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr i, 1888, Henderson, Ky.; s. Edward (b. My 20, 1853, Bavaria, Ger.) and Cecilia (Godshaw) Ober- dorfer (b. N 28, 1858, Lawrenceburg, Ky.). Prepared in Henderson (Ky.) and Marion (111.) H. Schs. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Supt. of Const., Univ. of 111.; Insp., Upper Miss. Riv. Improvement; Asst. Supt., Arch., Univ. of 111.; Instr., Accountancy, Univ. of 111. Capt., Ord. R. C, Ag 1917 — . Married Julia Etta Sinnock, 6, 1917. Address, 1210 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington, 111. 4336. CHARLES VINCENT O'HERN Lawyer; A. B. in Sc; b. O i, 1883, Vermont, 111.; s. John and Maria (Green) O'Hern. Pre- pared in Vermont H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1907-8; LL. B., Yale, 1912. Adelphic; Chi Tau Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; 111. -Ind. Debate; Al- ternate 111. -Wis. Debate; Adelphic-Philo. Debate. Lawyer, Peoria. Married Tressa Smith, Je 1913, Peoria. Address, 224 W. Virginia St., Peoria; bus. add., Jefferson Bldg., do. 4337. GEORGE FREDERICK ONKEN, JR. Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 2, 1888, Gibson City, 111.; s. Geo. Frederick (b. D 21, 1842, Hanover, Ger.) and Wilmina (von Brethorst) Onken (b. S 4, 1847, Ostfriesland, Ger.). Pre- pared in Gibson H. S. Agr. Club; 2nd Lt., Co. E., 3rd Bat., 1909. Married Jl 1914. Address, Gibson City, Ill.t 4338. MARTIN JACOB OVERHOLSER Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 3, 1889, Sterling, 111.; s. James P. (b. O.) and Elizabeth Overholser (b. do.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. On Students' Course, Pittsfield, Mass., one yr. ; Res. work under Wm. Stanley with Gen. Elec. Co. Performed the experimental work for a paper presented at the A. I. C. E. meeting, Boston and published by C. P. Ran- dolph. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 131 East St., Great Barrington, Mass.t 4339. NOAH WEBSTER OVERSTREET Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl i, 1888, Estabutchie, Miss.; s. Harvey Harvard (b. Jl 6, 1857) and Bettie Flora Overstreet. Prepared in Estabutchie Pub. Sch. B. S., A. & M. Coll. of Miss. Arch. Engr., 1910-11; Arch., 1911 — . Married Mabel Kinnear, S 18, 1912, Urbana. Child, Noah W., Jr., b. N 13, 191 3. Address, 1 and 2 Majestic Theater Bldg., Jackson, Miss. 4340. JOHN WILLIAM PALMER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 18, 1884, Independence, la.; s. Henry S. (b. Ja 26, 1855, Stockuridge, Mass.) and Jessie C. (Older) Palmer (b. Mr 13, '.?i5';' s-^"'^^P'^"'^«^"«"^' la-)- Prepared in Neligh (Neb^) H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 12th Tr. Bat., 4th Bn. F. A., Camp Zachary Taylor; Mustered out. N 26, 1918. Address, 1191 Vance Ave., Memphis, Tenn. ; bus. add, 1345- 50 Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. Bldg., do. 4341. BERNARD CARLYLE van PAPPEL- ENDAM Real Est., Ins. and Loans; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 15, 1884, Oskaloosa, la.; s. John Bernard (b. 1857, Holland) and Alice (McCollough) van Pappelendam (b. i860). Prepared in Keo- kuk H. S.; Armour Inst. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Tracer. Roberts & Shaffer Co., Chicago, 1910; Engr., Ingals Shepard Forging Co., 1910- 13; Real Est., Ins. and Loans, Keokuk, la., 191 3 — • Married Edna Huffman Armstrong, Jl 23, 1914, Harvey, 111. Children: Alice June, b. Je 18, 191 5: Edna Marie, b. D 13, 1916. Address, 722 N. gth St., Keokuk; bus. add.. 26 N. sth St., do. 4342- JAMES CLYDE PARMELY Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 12, 1887, Grant Park, 111.; s. Oliver Clark (b. Mr 26, 1852, Momence, III.) and Martha Jane (Mc- Kmstry) Parmely (b. Mr 23, i860, Grant Park, 111.). Prepared in Momence H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Supt., Belleville, III, dist. for St. Clair Co. Gas & Elec. Co., St. Louis, 111., 1915-17; Engr. in charge of erection, Luzerne Co. Gas & Elec. Co., Ply- mouth, Pa. Auth.: several practical articles on gas engine operation in Power and The Engineer. Married Alice Laura Beebe, Mr 12, 1910, Wheaton, 111. Child, Oliver Charles, b. S 11, 191 1. Address, 162 Church St., Plymouth, Pa.; bus. add., Luzerne Co., Gas & Elec. Co., Kingston, Pa. 4343- FLORENCE MAY PARRETT (MILLS) (Wife of No. 3878) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 22, 1886, Homer, 111.; d. John Wallace (b. O 8, 1857, Lyndon, O.) and Susan Jane (Peters) Parrett (b. Jl 18, i860, St. Joseph. 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Xi Delta. Married Clifford Pusey Mills ('09), Je 28, 191 1, Homer, 111. Child, Wallace Parrett, b. N 23, 1913. Address, Homer, 111. 4344- ALFRED RAY PATTON Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 6, 1883, Clarence, HI.; s. LaFayette (b. N 17, 1853, Veedersburg, Ind.) and Ella Elizabeth (McHenry) Patton (b. Ja 16, 1855, Sparta, 111.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111.; Univ. of Mich., 1905-7. Admitted to Bar, 1910. Address, Wheaton, Ill.t 4345- DAVID COLLINS PATTON Publisher; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 8, 1889, Cliicago; s. William Henry (b. 1847, Patton- ville, Mo.) and Anna M. Patton (b. D 18, 1865). Prepared in Assoc. Inst, of Y. M. C. A., Chicago. Phi Sigma Kappa; Onyx; Scab- bard and Blade; Pres., M. E. Soc; Capt., I'niv. Regt.; Basket Ball. Salesman and Engr., Columbia Tool Steel Co., Chicago Heights, 1911; Mgr., do., Philadelphia branch in charge of the East. Territory; Treas. and Mgr., Tlie World Press: Pres., Halliwell & Patton Pub- lishing Co. Mem., Ridge Country Club; A. S. M. E. Married Mary Pauline Halliwell, D 27, 191 1, Chicago. Children: David H., b. N 14, 1912; Alice H., b. Ja 29, 1914. Address, 21 10 N. 107th St., Chicago; bus. add., 815-17 Ex- change St., U. S. Yards, do. 4346. HARRY JOHN PAUL Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 9, 1884. Chicago; s. John C. (b. Je 16, 1854, Ger.) and Charity A. (Bennett) Pau' (b. Mr 22, 392 University of Illinois [1910 i860. 111.). Prepared in Armour Sc. Acad.; .Armour Inst., 1905-7- Phi Sigma Kappa; Chief Trumpeter, Univ. Regt. Engr., Home Brewery, 1910-11; J. C. Paul & Co., Mfrs. Metal Polish, 1910 — . 111. Nat. Guard, ist Inf., 190S-S. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Vera Ratto, Je 29, 1912. Address, 3117 Shef- field Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 930 Roscoe St., do. 4347- PAUL CHARLES PEINE (Brother of No. 3137) Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 16, 1885, Minier, 111.; s. George Edward (b. My 2, 1855. Tazewell Co., 111.) and Mary (Buehrig) Peine (b. Ja 8, 1863, Burlington, la.). Prepared in Minier H. S. Delta Kappa Chi. Bulter Bros., Chicago, 1910-11; Mem. The Caldwell Co., Inc. Gen. Merchandising, 191 1; Salesman, Three Forks, Mont., 191 1 — . Mem.. St. John's Evan- gelical Church. Address, Three Forks, Mont. 4348. CARLYSLE PEMBERTON Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 4, 1888, Oak- land, 111.; s. S. C. (b. Jl 9, 1858, do.) and Mary Pemberton (b. F 5, 1863). Prepared in Oak- land H. S.; Sigma Nu; Univ. Band. Capt., Class Baseball. Federal Creosoting Co., Rome, N. Y., 191 1 ; Pemberton & Lyons, 191 1; Surv., Oakland, 111., 1916-17. Sergt., Ord. Dept., Jl 4, 1917; I St Class Sergt., Camp Logan, Hous- ton, Tex., O 28, 191 7; 2d Lt., Ord. Dept., Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, F 28, 1918; Mustered out, D 19. 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. S. M. E., 1912. Married Jessie Rhodes, Ap 4, 1914, Chicago. Child, Carlysle, Jr., b. Mr 29, 1917. Address, Oakland, 111. 4349. OWEN EARLE PENCE Foreign Sec, Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 2, 1887, Keokuk; s. Owen Eli (b. Jl 4, 1853, Uniontown, Pa.) and Ella Sarah (Miller) Pence (b. N 12, 1856, Hamilton. 111.). Prepared in Keokuk H. S. Chi Beta; Scabbard and Blade; Philomathean; Mil. Scholarship, Maj., Univ. Regt.; Prelim. Honors. Glee Club; Treas., Class; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. St. Stud. Sec, 111. Y. M. C. A., 1910-14; Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Robert Coll., Constantinople. 1914-17. Sec. Y. M. C. A., A. E. F., France, 191 7; Invalided home D 191 7. Address, Hamilton, 111. 4350. HENRY PENN Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 19, 1887, Steinwyckerwold, Netherlands; s. Jacob (b. Ja 28, 1839, do.) and Annigje (Stobbe) Penn (b. Nil, 1854, do.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors; Varsity Base- ball; Class Salutatorian. Draftsman, Chicago, 1910-15; Farmer, Lamar, Mo.; Draftsman, Chi- cago, 1916-18; Engr. on Const., do., 1918 — . Married Ettie Broudt. S 25, 1912, Chicago. Children: John Jacob, b. O 22, 1915; William Henry, b. D 24, 191 7. Address, 244 W. io8th Place, Chicago. 4351. EUGENE STRODE PENNEBAKER (Husband of No. 4838) Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 14, 1886, Cairo, 111.; s. Charles B. Summers (b. F 7, 1852, Bardstown, Ky.) and Sallie Martin (Strode) Pennebaker (b. N 30, 1861. Hunts- ville, Ala.). Prepared in Denver (Colo.) IL S.; Cairo, 111., H. S. Chi Beta; Phoenix; Egyptian Club; Pres., C. E. Soc. ; Prelim. Honors; V. P.. 111. Union, Coll. of Engng. ; Staff, Illini; Illim Bd. of Control. Res. Mgr., W. H. Zimmerman Co., Lansing, Mich, and Chicago, 1910-11; Office Engr. and Asst. Chief Engr., Mobile & O. R. R. Co.. Mobile, Ala., 1911-12; Res. Engr., Union Ry. Co., Mernphis, 1913-16; Engr., Joint Facilities for Receivers, Tex. and Pacific Ry., New Orleans, 1916-17; Asst. Engr., do., Dallas, Tex., 1917 — . Jr. Mem.. West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Frances Robertson Ohrum ('11), O 20, 1912, Indian- apolis. Children: Faith, b. Jl 19, 1913; Gregory, '^- P, 13, 1914; Eugene S., Jr., b. My 29, 1916; William Francis, b. D 3, 1917. Address, 414 N Edgefield St., Dallas, Tex. 4352. OLIVE BELLE PERCIVAL (FOGLE) (Sister of No. 9316) Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ap 15, 1887, Urbana; d. Otis (b. Je 20, 1859, do.) and Anna Maria (Johnson) Percival (b. Mr 20, 1861, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 191 1. H. Sc. Club. Assoc, Home Econ. Demonstrator, LTniv. of 111. Auth. : (with Florence Harrison) The Rural School Lunch, Exten. Circular, No. 4, D 1916. Married Floyd E. Fogle, F 25, 1919, Urbana. Address-, R. I, Kimball, O. 4353. ALBERT MONROE PERKINS (Brother of No. 4354) Certified Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1S87, Farmington, Wash.; s. Albert Monroe and Emily (Niles) Perkins. Prepared in Thornburn H. S., Urbana. Beta Gamma Sigma; Cml. Club; Chess and Checker (ilub. \\'ith Haskins & Sells, Cert. Pub. Accts., 1910- 11; Pub. Acct., 1912 — . Mem., Am. Inst, of Accts.; N. Y. St. Soc. of C. P. A. Address. 527 Rosedale St., Pittsburgh. 4354. REBA NILES PERKINS (Sister of No. 4353) Teacher: A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 12, 1886, Tuscola, 111.; d. Albert M. and Emily W. (Niles) Perkins (b. Jl 8, 1861). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, Rossville H. S.; do., Eng. Union IL S., Pittsburgh. Address, 527 Rosedale St., Pittsburgh. 4355. HARRY VIGGO PETERSEN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 20, 1881, Racine, Wis.; s. Louis (b. Denmark) and Karen Sophia (Hanson) Petersen (b. Den- mark). Delta Upsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Married Fern Elaine Breckenridge, Oak Park, Ap 18, 1912. Address, 4307 Irving Park Blvd., Chi- 4356. DAVID PETRIE Dept. Mgr.; A. B. in Bus.; b. Ap 19, 1889, Greenview. 111.; s. C. A. (b. Ap 21, 1859, Mt. Carmel, Ky.) and Lorcy Belle Petrie (b. O 12, 1859, Mason City, 111.). Prepared in Ma- Fon City H. S. Delta Kappa Chi. Dept. Mgr., Butler Bros., Chicago. Married EUyn C. Gus- tafson, F 23, 1918. Chicago. Child, Ethel Ellyn, b. Ja 7, 1919. Address. 4309 N. Lincoln St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Butler Bros., do.\ 4357. DAVID COOK PETRIE Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 9, 1887, Inver- gorden, Scotland; s. James Guild (b. Dundee, Scotland, 1850) and Isabella Girdwood (Cook) Petrie (b. St. .\ndrews, do.). Prepared in Boise (Idaho) H. S.; Univ. of Idaho, 1906-9. Agr. Club. Landscape Gardening; Instr., Agr. Sc. H. S., Meridian, Idaho, 1910-11; do., H. S., Ontario, Ore., 1911-14; do., H. S., Harney Co., Ore., 1915-17; Farmer. 1917. Mem., Congr. Church; Illini Club of Southern Idaho. Ad- dress, Boise, Idaho. 4358. DONALD ALFRED PIERCE (Husband of No. 4587) Elec. Insp.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 20, 1883, Martinton, 111.; s. Charles Franklin (b. Mr 2, 1857, Mason City, la.) and Clara Eulelia (Goodfellow) Pierce (b. Ja 13, 1864, Papineau, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Eta Kappa Nu: Prelim. Honors; Class Football. Station Const., 1910; Asst. Insp., 1910-11; Insp., 191 1- 16; Div. Insp., 1916-18. Married Mary Clellah Caley Cii), O 18, 1913, Huntington, Ind. igioj Baccalaureate Alumni 393 Children: James Donald, b. O 9, 1914; Marian Elizabeth, b. Jl i, 1917. Address, 106 Fouser Ave., Joliet, 111.; btts. add., 310 Van Buren St., do. 4359. LAURA ESTELLE PIERCE (CAIN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 7, 1886, Verona, 111.; d. William T. (b. N 27, 1859, do.) and Lorena Estelle (VanDeusen) Pierce (b. Ta 25, 1865, Leland, 111.). Prepared in Giflford H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Der Deutsche Verein; Spanish Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., ish Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., 1910-11. Married Charles Downey Cain, O 8, 1914, Giflford, 111. Children: Robert Pierce, b. S 22, 1915; Joseph William, b. Ja 22, 1918. Address, Giflford, 111. 4360. LEONARD GEORGE PIERCE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 7, 1883. Meacheni, 111.; s. Charles (b. Ap i, 1859, Bloomingdale Tp., 111.) and Mary Jane (Bridge) Pierce (b. D 13, 1862, Hanover "Tp., Cook Co., 111.). Prepared in Elgin Acad. Philomathean; E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu; Technograph Bd. Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., Pittsfield. Mass., 1910- 11; do.. New York City, 1912; Elec. Testing Laboratories, New York City, 1913; Elec. Engr., N. Y. Edison Co., New York City. Mem., M. E. Church, Urliana. Married Anna Y. Grahn, Ap 30, 1914, Zenafly, N. J. Ad- dress, 2120 Mapes Ave., New York City; bus. add., 124 E. 15th St., do. 4361. FRANK LOYER PINCKNEY Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. S 20, 1884, Pon- tiac. 111.; s. Seymour V. (b. Palmyra, N. Y.) and Ida M. (Constable) Pinckney (b. Erie, Pa.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Iris; Varsity Foot- ball; Varsity Polo. Teacher, Man. Tr., Dun- dee, 111., 1910-12; do., Oak Park, 111., 1912-17. Sergt., Co. B, 314 Motor Supply Train, A. E. F., France, do., Army of (Occupation. Mem., 111. St. Acad, of Sc. Address, Pontiac, 111. 4362. ERMIN FAWCETT PLUMB Brick Manufacturer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 19, 1889; s. Fawcett (b. D 10, 1834, An- dover, O.) and Ermina (Ballard) Plumb (b. Peoria). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Alpha Delta Phi. 3rd O. T. C, Camp Pike, Ark.; 2nd Lt., F. A.; 1st Lt., 9th Regt., Camp Jackson, S. C. Mem., U^niv. Club of Chicago. Married Alma Virginia Ogden, N 22, 1916. Address, 106 Bluff St., Streator, 111.; bus. add., 323 E. Main St., do. 4363. FRED MADISON POE Elec. Designer; B. S in M. E. ; b. N 9, 1887, Buffalo, III.; s. William Madison (b. Ag 13, 1844, Owen Co., Ind.) and Malinda Frances (Yoke) Poe (b. O 12, 1845, Shelly Co., Ind.). Prepared in Sidney H. S.; Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch,^ A. S. M. E. ; Prelim. Honors. Chief Estimator, Am. Manganese Steel Co., Chicago Heights, 111.. 1910-17; Desig- ner, Edgewater Steel Co., (Dakmont, Pa., 1917 — . Married Gail Loreen Lantz, Ap 14, 191 1, Chi- cago Heights, 111. Child, Robert Madison, b. Mr 23, 1912. Address, Oakmont, Pa. 4364. ALBERT RUMBLE POLLARD (Brother of No. 391 1) Tool Manufacturer; A. B. in Sc; u. Ja 6, 1886, Chicago; s. John Z. (b. O 8, i8c;6, Char- lotte, N. Y.) and Julia Lillian (Torkington) Pollard (b. S 10, i860, Rochester, N. Y.). Pre- pared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Ilus.; Chem. Club; Class Football; Track Team. Ger. Am. Chem. Co., Milwaukee, igio; Asst. Chem. Engr., Chicago, ig 11-17; Salesman, W. H. Davis Machine Tool Co., 1917-18; Owner Am. Mach. Tool Co., Chicago, 1918—. Capt. Ord. R. C, Washington, D. C. Mem., Mach. Club, Chicago. Address, 3656 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago. 4365. ETHEL CLAIRE POND (KALLEVANG) A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 31, 1883, Sycamore, 111.; d. Charles C. (b. 1856, do.) and Rosetta (Harned) Pond (b. 1858, Mayfield, do.). Pre- pared in Sycamore H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Athe- nean; Kochov; Sigma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi; Pre- lim.. Final and Special Honors; Class Valedic- torian. Teacher, H. S., Sycamore, 111. Mar- ried Edwin J. Kallevang, D 30, 1915, Kilbourn, Wis. Child, Charles J., b. Ag 12, 1918. Ad- dress, 204 Hamilton St., Portage, Wis. 4366. KARL LEWIS PONZER " (Brother of Nos. 1391, 3912) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 7, 1885, Henry, 111.; s. Carl August (b. Ger.) and Wil- helmina (Kruger) Ponzer (b. do.). Prepared in Henry H. S. C. E. Club; Triangle; Fresh- man Football; Track; Varsity Track. Partner, Parks Engng. Co., Pine Blutf, Ark. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Grace Leona Short, Jl 2, 1910, Owensville, Ind. Children: Carl Robert, b. Ag 25, 191 1 ; Jolm Lewis, b. F 20, 1913. Ad- dress, 1520 W. 1 8th St., Pine Blufif, Ark.; bus. add., 203 Citizen's Bank Bldg., do. 4367. HENRY JOHN POPPERFUSS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 10, 1886, Tomah, Wis.; s. Mathew (b. Ger.) and Minie (Converski) Popperfuss (b. Poland). Prepared in St. Ignatius (iol!., Chicago. Delta Tau Del- ta; Shield and Trident; Ku Klux; Spaulding Guild; Fresh. Varsity Basket Ball and Track; Capt., Varsity Basket Ball. Concrete Const., Leonard Const. Co., Chicago, 1910; Bridge Dept.. I. C. Ry., Chicago. 1910; Const. Engr., Medeira Mamore Ry., Brazil, igio — . Prop., Hotel Newberry, Chicago, igig — . Air Service, Univ. of 111., igi7; ist Lt., A. E. F., France and Italy, 1918-19; Mustered out, F 8, 1919. Address, 819 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 4368. ARTHUR TUCKER PORTERFIELD Grain Dealer; B. S. in Arch.; b. S s, Sidney, 111.; s. Albert G. (b. S 4, 1848, Pa.) and Eliza T. (Tucker) Porterfield (b. O.). Prepared in Sidney H. S.; Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. Arch. Engr.. Chicago, 1910-15; do., Toledo, O., igis- 18; Grain Dealer, Hindsboro, 111., igi8 — . Mar- ried Nellie Wilson, Je 22, 1911, Broadlands, 111. Child, Lloyd Lawrence, b. Ag 25, 1914. Ad- dress, Hindsboro, 111. 4369. JAMES MICHAEL POWERS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O i, 1885, Mackinaw, 111.; s. James (b. 1820, Waterford, Ire.) and Mary (Mcivi.enamin) Powers (b. i860. Donegal, do.). Prepared in Mackinaw H. S. Y. M. C. A.; Theta Kappa Nu; John Marshall Law Club. Mem., Tazewell Co. Bar Assn.; 111. St. Bar Assn. Married Anna Beryl, My 10, 1907. Child. Raymond Arkle, b. S 25, 1908. Address, 1018 Bacon St., Pekin, 111. 4370. FRED CAMERON PRATT Utilities Manager; B. S. in E. E.; d. Ag 4, 18S9, Joplin, Mo.; s. E. J. and Kate (Cameron) Pratt. Prepared in Webb City H. S.; Kan. LTniv., 1905-7. Supt., Meter Dept., Spring River Power Co., and Empire Dist. Elec. Co.; Gen. Mgr., Alliance Gas and Power Co., 1918. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Nat. Elec. Light Assn. Married Rhea Lopp, S 20, igi3, Joplin, Mo. Child, Esther Kittv, b. Je 10, 1915. Address, 60 Wall St., New York City. 4371. FRANK DAVIS PRESTON Claim Adjuster; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 12, 1888, Utica, Kan.; s. Joel Millard (b. 1862, Bentley, 111.) and Emma Belle (Williams') Preston (b. i860. Elvaston, ill.'). Prepared in Carthage Acad., Carthage, 111. LL. B., Cincin- nati Night Law Sch., 191 7. Asst. Ed., Illini; 394 University of Illinois llQIO Capt., Univ. Regt. With B. D. Berry & Co., Chicago; Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati; Menil)er.ship Sec, Y. M. C. A., Cincinnati, 1915-16; Claim Adjuster, Travelers Ins. Co., do., iqi6-i7. Ex. Sec, Cincinnati Chap. Am. Red Cross, 1017; Ft. Benj. Harrison Training Camp; ist Lt., 353rd Inf., SgtTi Div., Camp Funston, Kan.; 48lh Co., 164th Depot Brig., do.; Sostli Pioneer Inf., A. E. F., c/o Cox & Co., 16 Charing Cross, I.onilon, Eng. Mom., Cincinnati Social Workers' Club; V. P., Cin- cinnati Illini Club. Address, Ncward, Mo. 4372. HAROLD BERTRAM PROUT Bond Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 23, 1888, VVhcaton, 111.; s. C. A. and Alice E. (Rudd) Prout. Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Delta Kappa Chi. Bond Salesman, Chicago. Married Elta Jewett Lewis, ,Mr 4, 191 1, Cham- paign. Address, 327 Marion St., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o Nat. City Bank, 137 S. La Salle, Chicago. 4373. CLARA PRUYN (MILLER) (Wife of No. 3109) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 19, 1888, Keithsburg, III.; d. William S. (New Boston. 111.) and Orinda V. (Emerson) Pruyn (b. D 21, 1852). Prepared in Keithsl)urg 11. S. Kochov. Mar- ried Chester Branch ^iiller ('07), 11 30, i<)io, Keitlisburg, 111. Children: Clara Marguerile, b. Je 29, 1911; Ruth Marian, b. O 12, 1917. Address, 5844 Von Versen Ave., St. Louis. 4374. WILLIAM JAMES PUTNAM Instructor; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 22, 1887, Pana, 111.; s. James (b. My 22, 1848, Hins- dale, Mass.) and Emma S. (Paine) Putnam (b. F 24, 1851, Springlield, HI.). Prepared in Rosamond II. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Scholarship in E. E., Grad. School; Class I'^oolball. Elcc. Engr., E. !•". Show, ujio; Eloc. Maintenance & Const. Foreman I. T. S., De- catur, 1910-12; Asst. Supt., Substations, I. T. S., Springfield, 111., 1912-14; Const. Engr., Omaha & Lincoln Ry. and Telephone Co., Omaha, 19:4; Const. Engr., I. T. S., Peoria, 1915; Instr., T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Nettie B. Smith, O 26, 1911, Clinton, 111. Children: Doris May, b. Ap 10, 1915; Katherine Louise, b. S 2, 1917. Address, 610 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., 204 Lab. Applied Mech., Univ. of 111., do. 4375. FRED HAROLD RAILSBACK. (Brother of Nos. 1260, 2217, 4866) Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. O 30, 1887, Hopedale, 111.; s. Benjamin Thomas (b. Minier, 111.) and Margaret Mae (Flcnniken) Railsback (b. Co- lumbus, O.). Prepared in Hopedale and Normal H. Schs. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; Adelphic; Van Twiller Court; Phoenix; Ku Klux; Hel- met; Prcs. Ath. Assn.; Hon. Mem., Stud. Council of III. Union; lU.-O. Debate; Var- sity Fresh. -Baseball; Capt., Class Baseball; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Bus. Staff, Illini. .Asst. City Atty. with G. A. Shalberg; City Atty., Silvis, 111.; Dir., The Mfrs. St. Bank, E. Mo- line, 111. Mem., Presby Church; A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Redmen; Cml. Club; Moline Club. Married Elizabeth Mae Johnson, O i, 19 13. Rock Lsland, Til. Child, ,lohn Bery, b. Je II, 1916. Address. E. Molme, 111.; bus. add.. Mfrs. St. Bank Bldg.. do. 4376. GEORGE WILLIAM RATHJENS Drainage and Constr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 3, 1880, Boston; s. Herman (b. Hamburg, Gcr.)"and Marie (Scherer) Rathjens (b. Nur- emburg, do.). Prepared in Mech. Arts II. S., St. Paul; Univ. Acad. Asst. Engr., C. M. & St. P. R. R.; Supt., Twin City Brick Co. and (ien. Mgr., Farmers Drainage & Const. (Jo. Lt. Col., 313th Engrs., Camp Dodge, la. Assoc. Mem., Am. Ry. Engrs. Assn.; C. E. Soc. of St. Paul; A. S. M. E.; A. I. M. E.; Am. Cera- mic Soc; Charter Comn., City of St. Paul. Married Marie Beltz, 1904, Indianola, la. Children: Marie Marguerite Ilulda, b. D 24, 1005; Louise Marie Marguerite, b. Jl 22, 1907; Martha Marie Marguerite, b. S 23, 1908. Ad- dress, 858 Cherokee Ave., St. Paul. 4377. FRANCIS GERALD GRIFFIN REARDON (Brother of Nos. 1398, 3149, 3150) Lawyer; A. B. in Sc; b. Boynton, 111.; s. Bryan and Anna (Fleming) Reardon. Pre- pared in Delavan H. S. ; John Marshall Law .Sch., 191 1. LL. B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1912. Phi Kappa; Chem. Club; 111. Union; Philo- mathean; Freshman-Soph. Debate; 111. -Nor. Debate; Philoniathean-Adelphic Debate. Ad- mitted to Bar, 1912; Associated in practice of law with Will T. Sumner, Jerseyville, 111., 1915^. Address, Jerseyville, 111. 4378. WILLIAM SEED REDHED (Brother of No. 5889) Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 11, 1887, Tolono, 111.; s. William (b. S 23, 1830, March, Caml)ridgeshire, Eng.) and Alice Eloise Red- hed (b. |c 12, 1850, Cletlieroe, Lancashire, Eng.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Delta Kappa Chi; Final and Special Honors; Fresh- man Track; Varsity Track; Treas. Class. Asst. Adjt. (Hdqtrs.) Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.; Capt., F. A., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, Tolono, Ill.t 4379- CLAUDE HAZLETT REEDER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 3, 1888, VVatseka, 111.; s. J. O. (b. do.) and Bell (Haz- lett) Reeder (b. Milford, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Engr., E. E. Show. Lineman, 1910; Sta. Operator, 191 1; Labor Efficiency Engr., 191 1- 12; Elec. Engr., specializing on Electrolysis, 1912-15; Engr., (3ity of (^hicago, 1915 — . Mar- ried (jertrude E. Sweeting, Mr 8, 1911, Chi- cago. Address, 444 W. 70th St., Chicago. 4380. HOWELL HIRAM REEVES (Brother of No. 908) Publicity Agt.; B. S. in Ry. E.; b. O 22, 1885, Tampico, 111.; s. Joseph Cunningham (b. Ap 26, 1840, Marion, N. Y.) and Frances Ro- sette (Brewer) Reeves (b. N 26, 1843, Mon- terey, Mass.). Pre]iarcd in Champaign H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Pres., E. E. Soc; Treas., Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Stud. Course, Gen. Elec. Co., iqio-ii; Street Lighting Specialist, 1911- 17; Publicity Agt., Philadelphia, 1917 — . Auth.: Constant Current Transformer, Gen. Elec. Re- fiew. Vol. XIV; Const, and Installation of Stage Lighting Equipment, do.. Vol. _ XVII; Incandescent Street Lighting Regulating Ap- paratus, do.. Vol. XIX; Phantom Circuit Re- mote (Control Svstem, do.. Vol. XX. Married Jessie Smith, S 10, 1913. Albany, N. Y. Child, Charles Howell, b. N 23, 1915. Address, Gen. Elec. Co., Witherspoon Blvd., Philadelphia. 4381. HARRY JASPER REIGER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; s. Fritz (b. Springlield, 111.) and Victoria (Phifer) Reiger. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Acacia. Drafts- man Oloy Cervin, Rock Island, 1910; Chief Draftsman, George H. Helmle, Arch., Spring- lield, 1910-11; Arch., 1912 — . Sergt., Saumur Art. Sch., France, Jl 18, 1918. Address, 601 W. Capitol Ave.. Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 42 Ridgelv Bank Bldg., do. igio] Baccalaureate Alumni 4382. AMANDA BARBARA RENICH (DAILEY) (Sister of Nos. 2221, 4871, 4872) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 11, 1886, Woodstock, lU.; d. Frederic (b. Berne, Swit- zerland) and Catherine (Stein) Renich (b. Chicago). Prepared in Woodstock H. S.; Berea Coll., 1006-7; Grad. Work, Univ. of 111., 1913-14. Teacher, Homer, H. S., 111., 1910-13. Married David Arthur Dailey, Ag 19, 1914. Children: Arthur Renich, b. Je 14, 1916; Mary Catherine, b. Ag 28, 1917. Address, McVeigh, Ky. 4383. WENDELL PHILLIPS RENNER (Brother of No. 6508) Bookkeeper; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 8, 1887, Urbana; s. Enos Henry (b. Rantoul, 111.) and Lou Ella Renner (b. Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Univ. Band. Bookkeeper, Auditor of Disbursements Office, I. i'. S., Champaign, 1910-12. U. S. A. Ord. Dept., 1918-^. Married Nina Jones, D 24. 1910, C!ol- linsville. 111. Child, b. Jl 1912. Address, 707 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 4384. PERCIE COBB RENTFRO Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 27, 1886, Williams- ville, III.; s. Robert C. (b. Ap 2, 1861, Effing- ham, III.) and Cassie (Pursel) Rentfro (b. F 23, 1869, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Mon- ticello H. S. Lawyer, Helena, Mont., 1912 — . III. Nat. Guard, 1909-11. Address, Helena, Mont. 4385. JAMES VERNE RICHARDS Struct. Engr. and Arch.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 30, 1889, Moline, 111.; s. William V. (b. 1862, London, Eng.) and Adeline Sophie (Haney) Richards (b. 1864, Streator, 111.). Pre- pared in Moline H. S. Zeta Psi; Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Phoenix; Jr. Councilman; Pres., 111. Union; Football; Capt., Track Team. Struct. Designer and Supt., Joseph C. Llewel- lyn, Arch., Chicago, 1910-15; do., Perkins, Fel- lows & Hamilton, 191 5-16; Love & Richards, 1916; III. Naval Reserve, 1903-8; Employ of Smith, Hauser and Maclsaac, Inc. on Const. of Curtis Bay Ordinance Depot, Baltimore. Married Margaret Dana Wilcox, je 14, 1916. Address, Booc 115, Landsdown, Md. 4386. CARL BARROWS RICHARDSON Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.: b. O 27. 1882. Tampico, 111.; s. Frederick Hill and Mary Etta (Barrows) Richardson (b. O 2, 1853, Avon, O.). Prepared in Loraine (O.) H. S.; Univ. Acad. Triangle; Mandolin Club, 1902-3. Bridge Insp., Erie Co., O., iqio-ii: Asst. City Engr., Sandusky, O., 1912; Asst. Engr. sewer const., Duluth, Minn., 1912-13; Draftsman, Best Mfg. Co., Duluth, Minn., 1914-iS; do.. Minn. Steel Co., 1915-16; do.. Am. Rolling Mill Co., 1916-18. Married Edith Brooks Brown, Ja I, 1912, Superior, Wis. Children: Betty Hunter, b. N i, 191-!; Carl Barrows, Jr., b. F 16, 1916. Address, 80s Lincoln Ave., Middle- town, O. 4387. EDWIN BROWN RIGHTER Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 23, 1881;, Saunemin, 111.; s. William H. (b. Lockport, 111.) and Clara O. CBrown) Righter (b. Carey, O.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Capt., Var- sity Baseball. Engr., Nat. Elec. Lamp Assn., Cleveland; Foreman, Photometer Dept., St. Louis Carbon Lamp VVorks, 1910-17; Salesman, Federal Mortgage Finance Co., 191 7 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Vera Pearl Ross, Jl 3, 1012, Saunemin, 111. Children: Edwin Ross, b. My IS, 1913; Janet, b. My 26, 1915 Cdied Mr 18, 1917; Jean Elizabeth, b. My 4. 1918. Ad- dress, 854 Colormade Rd., Cleveland; bus. add., Federal Mortgage Finance Co., Guardian Bldg., do. 39S 4388. OAKLEY BEEBE RIVES Farmer; B. S. in Agr. : b Te 21 tSH« fir'.^' /"-,^;^ Charles Villiam-^a^W 27: r ,'iri''-r'""-\n''° h\ ^^urtius) Rives (b. Ap fiHd tV ^"'"°'"°"v,/'-^-.,P^^P=>^^d in Green n i "• ?n ^«'"- '^'"''= Track. Farmer. Rock Bridge 111., igio-i8. Sec. Farmer's Inst!^ 1915: Crop Committeeman, Greene Co. Ill Farm Bur., 191 8; R. A. M.; O. E. S.; M W V;::r h^- f ,^^-T,.^^i'"'«^'l I^^la Bauer. S 2, 191S. Greenfield III. Child, William Bauer, b Ja I, 1918. Address, Rock Bridge, 111. 4389. FRANK ANSON ROBBINS Professor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja' 7. 1884. Rocky 11,11 Conn.) and Lucy (Kinney) Rob^ Cn"ll ^tJ A^'n'H'-^-, Prepared in Yankton Coll. Acad. A. B Yankton Coll.. 1907. E. E. Soc; Stud Branch, A. I. E. E. ; Final Honors Asst. Prof. E. E., la. St. Coll.. Ames. la.; Summers with Commonwealth Edison Co Chi- cago; do Gen Elec. Co.. Schenectady, N. Y : Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh rL ■ ?"?!,"•• |"P",'°'- Water, Light and Power I1/',ir\n' Synchronizmg with lamps, Elec. {Vorld, Vol. 70. Mem., Congr. Church" Assoc ^'";-o ^- kh \.>^f"\'^ Helen Hunting j'e 24, 1914. Child, Elizabeth, b. Ap 15, 191= ^rf. dress, 77?, W. gth St., Superior, Wis. 4390. JOSEPH ROBBINS (Brother of No. 7171) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b 71 si iSS/. J°'>et. 111.: s. Simeon Volney' (b. {a 11'. Ig.' fH.n^T1?^''M= ^-rJ-^ ^"^ Luella Josephine (Haney) Robbins (b. S 6, 1856, Marietta. 111.) C 1''n W^^r"%^''-iP-, ^^ LaGrange. * With Ti I • Vo.^,- ^- Fulton. 111., ,910; Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co.. Indianapolis, iqiil 16; do., Chicago 1916. Married Lola R. Kist- A ;J^ 5, 1915. Graysville. Tenn. Address. 121 A^^^ l^-' '^P"-a'"«s Park. 111.: bus. add.. Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co., Chicago. 439t. KENDALL EDWARD ROBINSON v^tV- ^"^lu' ^- x^T- '" C- E.; b. F 10. 1888, Rockford, 111.; s Normal Sylvester and Ade- laide Mary (Kendall) Robinson. Prepared in Rockford H.S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi^ Bridge Insp., 111. St Highway Comn.. 1910; Govt! .■surv., L!ur. ot Lands. 1910; Govt, work in P I 191 1—. Address SI 5 S. 2nd St., Rockford, 111.';' bus. add., Surv. Bur. of Lands, Manila. P. I. 4392. LOUIS ROCKWELL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 9, 1887. St. Charles, 'Vat F^^^JK "'■ ^ -"• "861, Plato Tp., III.) and Mabel (Van Patten) Rockwell (b. 1862, St Cl-arles, 111.). Prepared in St. Charles H. S.; Metropolitan Bus. Coll., Elgin, 111. Fresh.- Varsity Basket Ball; Class Basket Ball. Ad- mitted to Bar 1910. City Atty., St. Charles, 111.. 1911. .2nd Lt., 2nd Engrs., Co. C. Army ot Occupation, Ger. Address, St. Charles, 111. 4393. CARLOS NICHOLAS ROMERO Farrner; B. S^ in Agr.; b. N 4. 1889, Chihua- hua, Mex;s. D. C. Romero. Prepared in N. M. Agr. Coll. Agr. Club. Address, Chihuahua. Mex.T ^394. ELIZABETH IRENE ROSE (DITTMER) B. Mus.; b. Ja 24, 1888. Rankin. IlL; d. Wilham Willard (b. Mr 26, 1861, Wellsville, O.) and Jennie Belle (Hayes) Rose (b. My 28, 1864. South Bend. Ind.). Prepared in Rankin H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Yo Ma; Final Honors. Rankin. 111., 1910-14; Warren, O., 1914 — • Mem., Warren Afternoon Mus. Club. 1015 — . Married Harry Le Roy Dittmer, Je 16, 1 015, Warren, O. Child, Richard William, b. My 16, 19 1 6. Address, x6 Oak Knoll Drive, Warren, O. 39^ University of Illinois ligio 4395. WEBSTER BARCLAY ROSE Asst., Professional Educ; A. B. in Sc; b. My 2, 1884, Windsor, 111.; s. Benjamin F. (b. Mr 1856, do.) and Nancy (Townley) Rose (b. 1857, do.). Prepared in Gays H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Univ. of Cliicago, 1908; Columbia, 191.';. Acacia; Philomathean. Asst., Professional Educ, St. Dept. of Registration and Educ, Springfield, 111. Mem., Abingdon Country Club; Bus. Men's Cml. Club; Ansar Shrine. Address, 1450 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 4396. . LOUISE HENRIETTA ROSS Clerk and Typist; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 12, 1888; d. Norman J; (b. Je 11, 1861, Toronto, Can.) and Louise (Krutz) Ross (b. Ap 16, 1866 Berlin, Ger.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Delta Gamma; Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Memorial Com. Clerk and Typist, Chicago District Ord. Office, Finance Section. Address, Hotel May wood, Kenosha, Wis.; bus. add., 155 E. Superior St., Chicago. 4397. DANIEL MALTBY RUGG (Son of No. 326) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 27, 1S89, Champaign; s. Frederick Daniel ('82), (b. D 22, 1 86 1, Champaign) and Cora May (Maltby) Rugg (b. My 24, 1870, Warren, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Chi; Sr. Ball Com. 111. Steel Co., Gary, Ind., 1910-14; Supt.. Chat- tanooga Gas & Coal Products Co., Chattanooga, 1914-16; Coke Oven Engr., Gas Machinery Co., Cleveland, 1916-17. ist. Lt., 307th Engrs., A. P. O. 742, A. E. F., France, 191 7 — . Tr. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Assoc. Mem., Am. Iron and Steel Inst. Married Elizabeth Green, D 18, iqis, Chattanooga, Tenn. Address, 241 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. 430S. CARRIE LE VERNE RULE (COATS) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 12, 1888, Greenfield. Ind.; d. Jesse W. (b. N 13, 1S57, do.) and Ella (Glasscock) Rule (b. Ag 28, :865, do.). Pre- pared in Cairo H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma; Ath. Assn.; Varsity Basketball. Art Supvr., Cairo, 111., 1910-17. Married Gale Waite Coats, Je 20, 1917, (died F 24, 1918). Address, 416 26th St., Cairo, 111. 4399. GEORGE RUTLEDGE Instructor; A. B. in Sc; A. M., igia; Ph. D., Math., 1915; b. D 18, 1881, Jacksonville, 111.; s. William Newton (b. 1844, Greenville, 111.) and Emma I.acona (Hammel) Rutlc(l.:je (b. 1858, Morgan Co., 111.). Prepared in Whip- ple Acad., Jacksonville; Armour Sc. Acad., Chicago. Sigma Xi; Pres., Math. Club; Final and Special Honors. Adj. Prof. Math.. Ga. Sch. of Tech., 1910-11; .^sst.. Math., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Instr., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1915 — . Married Rella Eckler Casteen, 1905, Versailles, 111. Child, Philip Casteen, b. 1906. Address, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Mass. 4400. WILLIAM AMOS SAWTELL Ranchman; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 19, 1888, Chicago; s. Henry Francis (b. My 2, 1843. Bos- ton, Mass.) and Sophia Frances (Michel) Saw- tell (b. Dubuque, la.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ed.. III. Agn Ranchman, Powell, Wyo., 1010-16; do.. Miles City, Mont., 1917- Wyo. Militia, 1913; First Lt., Co. C, Wyo.; Border Service, 1916; Capt., Co. C, 1917; do., Bat. F, 148th F. A.. A. E. F., France. 1918; Maj., do.. Army of Occupation, Ger. Married Helen Mary Fiegenbaum, Je 27, 19 14. Chicago. Child, William Amos, Jr., b. F 5. 1916. Powell, Wyo. Address, Miles City, Mont. 4401. ALBERT BUTLER SAWYER, JR. (Husband of No. 5875; Brother of Nos. 6539, 9370) Mgr. of Ranch; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 4, 1888, Tuscola, 111.; s. Albert Butler (b. Ja 3, 1837, Milton, Vt.) and Fannie Maria (War- dall) Sawyer (b. F 26, 1862, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; Culver Mil. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoenix; Alpha Gamma Rho; Yoxan; Helmet; Orange and Blue Danc- ing Club; Prelim. Honors; 111. Union Council; V. P., Union; Soph, and Sr. Smoker Corns. Mgr., Sawyer Ranch. Married Agnes Nellie I'orter ('13), D 31, 1913, Olney, 111. Address, Norborne, Mo. 4402. WILLIAM FRED SCHALLER (Brother of No. 6544) Plant Engr. and Cml. Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1912; b. My 26, 1889, Mendota, 111.; s. Vert C. (b. F 25, i860. Clarion Tp., 111.) and Emelia F. C. (Faber) Schaller (b. F 4, 1859, do.). Prepared in Blackstone H. S., Mendota. Eta Kappa Nu; Gamma Alpha; Pre- lim, and Final Honors. Scholarship in Grad. -Sch. Testing Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., iqio-ii; Elec. Engr., Edison Elec. 111. Co., Brooklyn; Asst. Supt. of Power, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., 1914-16; Plant Engr. and Cml. Mgr., Engng., Supvr. Co.. N. Y., 1916-17. ist Lt. Ord. Reserve Corps, Div. Am. Ord. Base De- pot, France, 1917; 17th Provisional Ord. De- pot Co., Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, 1918; 1st Prov. Regt.. Camp Hancock, Ga. Mem., A. I. E. E.; United Service Club of Am. Ad- dress, 2S7 W. I20th St., New York City. 4403. BERTHA MABEL SCHNEIDER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 14, 1886, Colum- bus, O. ; d. Charles Preston (b. Ja 15, 1857, Dayton, O.) and Sarah Gay (Innis)' Schneider (b. Tl 25, 1861, Columbus, O.). Prepared in N. il. S:, Columbus, O. A. B., O. St. Univ., 1907. Alethenai; Pres., Lib. Club; Gamma Phi Beta. Libn. Asst., O. St. Lib., Columbus, O., 1910-11; Cataloger, O. St. Univ. Lib., do., 1911-13; Plead Cataloger, do., 1913 — . Mem., Columbus Lib. Club; O. Lib. Assn.; Am. Lib. .\ssn. Address, 1404 Wesley Ave., Columbus, O.; bus. add., O. St. Univ. Lib., do. 4404. CHARLES HENRY SCHNETZLER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 16, 1888, Fairbury, 111.; s. Henry (b. Ag 23, 1856, Mon- roe Co., O.) and Eliza (Verkler) Schnetzler (b. S 7, 1864, Canton Zurich, Switzerland). Prepared in Fairbviry H. S. Arch. Club; Pen and Brush Club; Tau Sigma Pi; Special Hon- ors; Sec, Arch. Club; Asst. Bus. Mgr., Tech- nograt'h. Supt., Const., summer, 1910; Arch. 1910 — . Mem., Arch. League of Am. Married Maude Martha Decker, Ja 28, 1911, Chicago. Children: Helen Louise, b. N s, 1911; Edyth Marie, b. N 26, 1914. Address, Fairbury, fU. 4405. GEORGE WILLIAM SCHOEFFEL Gen. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 27, 1880, Freeport, 111.; s. C. G. (b. do.) and Minnie (Brokhausen) Schoeffel (b. do.). Prepared in Freeport II. S. Delta Kappa Chi; Phoenix; Philomathean; Prelim. Honors; Illini StafT; Asst. Ed., Alumni Quarterly. Reporter, Cham- taign Gazette, 1910-11; Asst. City Ed., Peoria Jour., 1911-12; Adv. Mgr., do., 1912-14; Gen. Agt.. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., Central 111. and Northern Mo., 1914 — . Mem., Peoria Illi- ni Club; Peoria Canoe Club; Peoria Univ. Club; Kickapoo Golf Club; Peoria Assn. of Commerce; Peoria Life Underwriters; 111. Valley Yacht Club. Married Italene Pedrick, Ag 18, 1914, Peoria. Child, Helen Jane, b. N 24, 1917. Address, 301 North St., Peoria; bus. add.. 217-18-19 Jefferson Bldg., do. igioj Baccalaureate Alumni 397 4406. OTTO FRED SCHULZKE (Brother of No. 3955) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 16, 1888, Springfield, 111.; s. William H. (b. My 8, 1854, Saxony, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Miller) Schulzke (b. My 24, 1856, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.; Carthage Coll. Phi Gam- ma Delta; Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Chem., Mo. Portland Cement Co., St. Louis, 1910-12; do., Superior Portland Cement Co., Concrete, Wash., 1912-13; Chief Chem., Mo. Portland Cement Co., St. Louis, 1913-18. Mem., A. C. 5. Married Janette Gehlman, O 15, 1913, Springfield, 111. Children: Frederick W., b. Jl 20, 1014; Elizabeth V., h. D 2, 1915. Ad- dress, 8849 Portland Terrace, St. Louis; bus. add., Mo. Portland Cement Co., do. 4407. GEORGE SCHUSTER Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 13, 1887, Lincoln, 111.; s. Robert (b. Jl 28, 1858, St. Louis) and Barbara (Ziegler) Schuster (b. Ja 31, 1858, Lancaster, Pa.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch. A. S. M. E. Draftsman, Test. Dept., A. T. & S. F. Ry., 191 1 ; Shop, do.. 1912-13; Test. Dept., do., 1913- 17. Ca]5t., Ord. R. C, 191 7; Am. Ord. Base Depot, France, 1917-18; Commanding Officer, Co. C 1st Provisional Ord. Depot Bn., 1918; Ord. Dept., U. S. R., H. A. Div., France, 1918; Washington, D. C.. 1919 — . Mem., K. of C. Ad- dress, 5o8J/^ Broadway, Lincoln, 111. 4408. PETER WOLFF SEITER Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, 1882, Chicago; s. Anton (b. D 1837, Baden-Baden, Ger.) and Johanna (Wolflf) Seiter (b. Ag 1847, Prussia, Ger.). Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Chicago. Treas., Triangle; Prelim, and Final Honors; Mgr., Sr. Class Football. U. S. P. O., Chicago, 1901-2. Milk Insp., Dept. of Health. Chicago. 1909; Struct. Engr., 111. Steel Co., Chicago. 111. Nat. Guard, 2nd Regt., 1901- 4. Mem., I. O. O. F.; I Will Lodge. Mar- ried Verna Smith Nicholson. D 23, 1910, Cham- paign. Children: Florence Nicholson, b. Jl 24, 1907; Doris Jessie, b. N 26, 191 1; Louise Adell, b. Je 13, 1915. Address, 4212 Kildare Ave.. Chicago. 4409. BESSIE ESTELLE SHACKELL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; b. Ap 9, 1 888; d. Francis W. and Bessie 0. (Mar; vin) Shackell. Prepared in Galena H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Pre- lim, and Final Honors; Scholarship in Latin. Teacher, Farmer City, HI., 1911-13; do., Auro- ra, 111., 1913-15; do.. Central H. S., Omaha, Neb., 1915-18. Address, Soo S. i8th St., Lin- coln, Neb. 4410. BENJAMIN SHAPIRO Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S is, 1888, Chicago; s. I. (b. Russia) and Bertha Shapiro (b. do.). Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst., 1906-7. Ivrim; C. E. Club. Estimator and Draftsman, J. S. Mo- ninger, 1910-11; Designer, Continental Bridge Co., 191 1 ; Operator, Commonwealth Edison (To., 1912; Detail and Design, Worden Allen Co., 1912-15; Struct. Engr., Holabird & Roche, Archs., Chicago, 1915 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 1905- 6. Married Jleriam Bertha Howtover, D 31, 1913. Child, Eleanor Doris. Address, 1943 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1400 Monroe BIdg., do. 441 1. EDGAR JAMES SHAW (Brother of No. 8745) Sales Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 9, 1887, Milwaukee; s. Edgar Wells (b. Ag 29, 1848, Genesee Co.. N. Y.) and Margaret (Wood) Shaw (b. Mv 6, i860, Eng.). Prepared in Jefferson H. S., Chicago. Struct. Draftsman, Office Const. Engr., Union Pac. R. R., Chicago, 1910-11; Strauss Bascule Bridge Co., 1911- 12; C. M. & St. P. Ry., 1912-13; Sales Engr., Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 1914-18. Address, 6283 Louise Ave., Chicago. 4412. LEROY BRIGGS SHERRY Surgeon; A. B. in Sc. ; b. O 10, 1887, Chi- cago; s. Dr. Henry and Lillian (Briggs) Sherry. Prepared in Pasadena H. S.; Univ. of Calif., 1906-08. Delta Upsilon. M. D., Johns Hopkins Ltniv., Baltimore, 1914. Interne, Lakeside Hosp., Cleveland, 1914-15; Asst. Resident Surg., do., 1915-17; Resident Surg., do., 1917- 18. ist Lt., Med. R. C, U. S. A., 1916; Base Hosp., No. 4, U. S. A. with B. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 221 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. 4413. CHARLES CULVER SHIELDS B. S. in M. E.; b. D 31, 1885, Chicago; s. Tames H. Shields. Prepared in Deerfield Tp. "H. S. 2nd Lt., 58th F. A. Brig., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, Highland Park, IlLf 4414. RAYMOND JOSEPH SHIELDS Struct. Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 6, 1887, Harvard, 111.; s. James P. (b. 1852, Cherry Valley, 111.) and Mary (Sullivan) Shields (b. 1850, Alden, 111.). Prepared in Harvard H. S. Phi Kappa. Address, Har- vard, Ill.t 4415. HARRY ERLE SHINN B. S. in C. E.; b. O 2, 1887; s. Aaron and Sarah Caroline (Suitt) Shinn. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Triangle. R. R. Engr., Mattoon, 111., 1910; Civ. Engr.. Big Four R. R., Wabash, Ind., 1910-11; Civ. Engr. and Draftsman, K. C. S. R. R., Texarkana, Tex., 1911-13; Co. Supt., Highways, Coles Co., Mattoon, 111., I9i3;i8. Mem. Congr. Church. Married Pearl Eliza- beth Newcomb, Ap 10, 1912, Champaign. Child, Sarah Elizabeth, b. Jl 7, 19 14. Address, 11 13 Lafayette Ave., Mattoon, 111.; bus. add., 1807 Broadway, do. 4416. HENRY ELLIS SHIPLEY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 15, 1887, Petersburg, 111.: s. Clement Washington (b. My 6, 1864, do.) and Evelyn (Nance) Shipley (b. N 9, 1867, do.). Prepared in Petersburg Harris H. S. Sigm? Nu; Phi Delta Phi. Const. Work on Chicagu- New York Electric Air Line Ry., 1910; Law and Pacific States Secret Service Agency, 1910-11; City Atty., Haskell, Okla. Mem., Portland, Ore., Alumni Assn. Married Jess M. Richmond, Rockford, 111., O 3, 1912. Child- ren: Henry Richmond, b. D 18, 191 3; Robert Clement, b. D 3, 1914. Address, Haskell, Okla. 4417. ORIN EARL SHIRLEY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b.Jl i, 1887; s. Charles F. and Mary Ella (Shank) Shir- ley. Prepared in Paris H. S. Prelim, and Final Honors. In Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., 1910-12; Alternating Current Engng. Dept., do., 1912-18. Auth.: (with R. E. Doherty) Reactance of Synchronous Machines and its Application, 1909, A. I. E. E. Proceedings, Jl 1918; Analysis of Short Circuit Oscillograms, Gen. Elec. Review, F 1917. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Mem., Edison Club, Schenectady, N. Y. Address, 706 South Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. 4418. ARCADIE JACOB SHKLOWSKY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 18, 1885, Zitomir, Russia; s. Jacob Shklowsky. Pre- pared in Univ. of Kiev. Civ. Engr., D. L. R. R., Hoboken, N. J. Address, 3737 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. 4419. JOHN RAYMOND SHULTERS Instructor; A. B. in L. A.; A. M., 1911; Ph. D., 1918; b. F 10, 1881, Bristol, N. Y.; s. Julius (b. S 3, 1832, Mendon, N. Y.) and 398 University of Illinois [1910 Maria Louise (Woolstoii) Shulters (b. Ap 18, 1844, Mendon, N. Y.). Prepared in Canan- daigua Acad., Caiiandaigua, N. Y.; Syracuse Univ., 1901-2. Kaslerncrs' Club; Prelim. Honors; Phi Beta Kappa; Univ. Band; Scholarship; Fellowship; Instructor, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 1203 VV. Springfield Ave., Urbana. 4420. R015ERT LKK SllUTE (Husband of No. 4432) Factory Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 21, 1887, Ottawa, 111.; s. J. II. (b. Eng.J and Ella (Francis) Shute (b. 111.). Prepared in Ottawa II. S. Ilus. ; E. E. Soc. Factory Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1911-16; Bus. for self, 1910-17; Production Mgr., Briggs & Stratton Co., Milwaukee, 191 7-18; Factory Engr.. Trostil Leather Co., do., 1918 — . Mem., City (Jlub, Milwaukee; Milwaukee Illiiii. Mar- ried Laura Annette Stephens ('10), Je 5, 1912, Champaign. Child, Janet Hazel, b. Ap 3. iQiO. Address, 251 Mower Court, Wauwatosa, Wis. 4421. RUTH IIUSTED SIG.VOR (Sister of No. S4is) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. .\p 6, iS8;, Urbana; d. George J. (b. Jl 4, 1858, Clarks- field, O.) and Margaret S. (Geiger) Signor (b. F II, 1 86 1, Agency City, la.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Asst., Urbana Kindergarten, 1917-18. Address, 501 W. Green St., Urbana. 4422. HARRY HERBERT SLAWSON Adjuster; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 6, 1885, Harvard, 111.; s. Jerome (b. Jl 8, 1847, Dunham, 111.) and Adelaide (Smitli) Slawson (b. N 18, 1849, N. Y.). Prepared in Harvard II. S. Ad- juster, Sears, Roebuck & Co. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 3210 Arthington St., Chicago. 4423. ARTHUR LLOYD SMITH Director; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 17, 1887; s. Charles Clarence (b. My 15, 1854) and Har- riet (Baker) Smith (b. Ag 20, 1852). Pre- pared in Paw Paw H. S. LL. B., Am. Exten. Univ., Los Angeles, 191 8. Ionian; Educ. Club; Alpha Sigma Phi. Teacher, H. S., Sullivan, 111.; Vocational Dir., Muncie Vocational Sch., Muncie, Ind. Mem., Nat. Educ. Fraternity; A. F. A. M. Married Genevieve Laura Stcb- bins, Ag 2, 191 1, Marseilles, III. Auth.: Volumetric and Gravimetric Iron Ore Analysis, Evening Wisconsin; Elec. Engng. for Indus. Schs., Appleton Press; Indus. Chem., Paper- making, Applcton Vocational Sch. Pub. Ad- dress, Muncie Vocational Sch., Muncie, Ind. 4424. GEORGE HAROLD SMITH Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 10, 1888, Rockford, 111.; s. George Eddie (b. S 6, 1856, Durand, 111.) and Nellie (Foote) Smith (b. S 9, 1856, Rockford, 111.). Prepared m Rock- ford H. S. Class Football. Civ. Engr., 1910; do., Rockford and Interurban Ry. Co., 191 1 — . Married Laura Eleanor Brown, O 25, 1911, Rockford 111. Address, R. 9. Rockford, Ill.t 4425. ARTHUR HENRY SONNTAG Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 28, 1887, Alton, 111.; s. William Sonntag. Prepared in Alton H. S. Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1910 — . Address, 123 Nott Terrace, Schenectady, N. Y.t 4426. FRANK EARL SPERRY Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E.; b. S s, 1886, Aurora, 111.; s. George Earl (b. Mr 28, 1858, St. Charles, 111.) and Anna Kame (Ruggks) Sperry (b. O 28, 1858, S. Groton, Mass.). Prepared in E. Aurora II. S. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. S. -M. E. With Aurora Auto- matic Mach. Co., 111.; Mech. Devices Co., Aurora, HI. Married Elsie Jane Banks, D 24, 1908, Aurora, 111. Children: Bertha Mae, b. Mr 19, 1916; Emma Lee, b. My 4, 1917. Ad- dress, Batavia, 111., R. i.; bus. add.. Mechanical Devices Co., Aurora, 111. 4427. ARTHUR OTTO SPIERLING Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 29, 1889, ("hicago; s. Ernest John (b. Ag 9, 1856, Dolgcn, Ger.) and Caroline A. (Behr) Spier- ling (b. Ag I, i860. Chicago). Prepared in Armour Scientific Acad.; Armour Inst, of Tech., 1906-7. Asst. Chem., Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chicago, 1910-11; Boiler House Foreman, Corn Products Refining Co., Wau- kegan, HI., 1911-12. Asst. Fuel Engr., Arthur 1). Little, Inc., Consulting Engrs., Boston, 1913-15; Asst. Mech. Engr., Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa., 191 5 — ; Svipt. of power, do., 1919 — . Temporary Ensign, U. S. N. R. C, 4th R. O. T. C, Annapolis Naval Acad.; Mus- tered out, D 1918. Mem., lUini Club of Chica- go; Univ. Club of Erie; Tech. Assn. of Am. Paper and Pulp Industry; Engrs. Soc. of North- western, Pa. ^Nlarried Evelyn Inez Caddoo, Je 10, 1916, Boston. Address, 618 E. 6th St., Erie, Pa.; bus. add., Hammermill Paper Co., do. 4428. VILLA MAE SPRAGUE (STOUT) (Wife of No. 398s; Sister of No. 3188) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ap 15, 1885, Lockport, 111.; d. Frank (b. Jl 1859, Du Page Co., 111.) and Florence Estelle (Tripp) Sprague (b. O 1859, Lockport, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. 11. S.; Univ. of Mo., 1905-6. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Class Day Program Com. Dietitian, Passavant Hosp., Jacksonville, 111., 1910; Head of Dom. •Sc. Deiit., McKendrce Coll., Lebanon, 111., 1910- 13. Mem., Am. Home Econ. Assn., 1916 — . Married John Philemon Stout ('09). S 10, 1913, Lockport, 111. Children; R. Philemon, b. Je 5, 1916; Elizabeth Frank, b. D 18, 1917. Address, Glenarm, 111. 4429. ROBERT MICHAEL SPURCK Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 2, 1888, Nelson, Neb.; s. Charles James and Martha Washington (Bescman) Spurck. I'repared in r.radley Poly. Inst., I'eoria, 111.; A. S., do.; I'-lec. Co., igio-12; Switchboard Engr., do., M. S., Union Coll., 1913. Testing _Dept., Gen. 1912-17; Engr. in ("harge Special Engng. Div., Switch Board Dept., do., 1917 — . Mem., Edi- son Club., Schenectady, N. Y. Married Ger- trude Veronica Wells, Ag 29, 1918, Newport, N. Y. Address, 138 Brandywine Ave., Schen- ectady, N. Y. 4430. ELMER ROY STAHL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; 1). S 20, 1881, Fowler, 111.; s. Hanby and Ella (Thayer) Stahl. Prepared in Ouincy H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1904-6. Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship. Hist. Teacher, Cairo II. S., 111. Mem., N. E. A. Address, 318 Grand Ave., Storm Lake, la.t 4431. SEYMOUR STANDISH Bridge Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 28, 1886, Lima, O.; s. Seymour Myles (b. Je i, 1858, Woodstock, O.) and Henrietta Cecile (Bailey) Standish (b. O 6, 1863, Mutual, O.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., and Treas., C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors; Mem., Winning Co. in Competitivt Drill. Steel Bridge Insp., Santa Fe System, 1910-14; Pres., Standish and Allen, Bridge Engrs. and Contrs., 1914 — ; In charge rebuild- ing Sibley Bridge over Mo. R. Auth.: Raise Sunken Bridge Span with Jacks and Long Threaded Rods, Engng. News-Record. Vol. 79, No. 14, O 4, 1917. Mem., Illini Club Chi- cago; Lincoln Park Boat Club; A. S. C. E.; Church of the Covenant. Married Annetta Margaret Hendrickson, My 28, 1917. Mar- quette, Mich. Address, 6926 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. IQIOj Baccalaureate Alumni 399 4432. LAURA ANNETTA STEPHENS (SHUTE) (Wife of No. 4420: Sister of Nos. 4920, S434) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1888, Sadorus, 111.; d. Thomas Alvin (b. Ag 31, 1856, Parkers- burg, VV. Va.) and Lucy V. (Sewell) Stephens (b. Je 12, 18O1, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Ur- bana 11. S. I'hi Delta I'si; Alpha Omicron Pi. Married Robert Lee Shute Cio), Je 5, 1912, Champaign. Child, Janet Hazel, b. Ap 3, 1916. Address, 251 IVlower Court, Wan- watosa, Wis. 4433. JAMES DONALD STERLING Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 2, 1890, (Maroa, 111.; s. James Hood (b. D 17, 1852, Steubenville, O.) and Emma Louise (Seylxjld) Sterling (b. O 28, 1856, do.). Prepared in Maroa H. S. E. E. Soc. ; Cap and Gown Com. Engr., E. Pittsburgh Works. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Address. Grey Apts., Wil- kinsburg, Pa. 4434. GRACE ESTHER STEVENS (Sister of No. 1977) A. B. in H. Sc.; b. D 8, 1885, Marengo. 111.; d. Frank Ernest (b. Ap 27, 1852, Friend- ship, N. Y.) and Rosalie (Barber) Stevens (b. My 20, 1848, Java V'illage, N. Y.). Prepared in Marengo, 11. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; McHenry Co. Club; IL Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A.; Prelim. Honors; Scholarship in Bot. Asst., Zool. and Zool. Res. Asst.; Instr., Dom. Sc. and Art. Mich. Agr. Coll., 1910-12; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of III., 1912-16; Chicago Presby. Hosp. and at home, Marengo, 111., 1916 — . Auth.: Articles in III. Agr. and Jour, of Home Econ. Local Registrar of women, 1917; Chm., Food Conservation for Coral Tp., 111., 1918 — . Mem., Idlers Club; Trinity Church; Omicron Nu Council. Address, Marengo, 111. 4435. JAMES ROSS STEVENSON Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 31, 1885, Monmouth, 111.; s. Calvin (b. S 17, 1839, Brown Co., O.) and Caroline B. (Robe) Stevenson (b. N 14, 1843, do.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll. Acad.; Monmouth Coll., 1903-4. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi. G. E. Stud, course, 191 1; Transformer, Engng. Dcpt.. Gen. Elec. Co., 1912; Mgr., Monmouth Pub. Service Co. Married Laura Alice Worrel, Jl 9, 1914, Chicago. Address, Box 517, Mon- mouth, 111. 4436. MILTON LEONARD STEVENSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 19, 1886; s. Leonard and Julia (Griggs) Stevenson. Pre- pared in Mason City H. S. Varsity Track. Teacher. H. S., Cairo, 111., 1911-13; Dept. Teacher, Indianapolis, 1913-18; Teacher, H. S., St. Louis, 1918 — . Married Grace Virginia Christopher. Children: Milton Leonard, b. Mr 7, 19.14; Howard Stanley, b. D 9, 1917. Ad- dress, 4424 W. Belle Place, St. Louis. 4437. MYRON BOYD STEWART Advertising; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 27, 1887, Denver; s. John Samuel (b. Jl 17, 1857, Gen- esee, Wis.) and Emma (Boyd) Stewart (b. Lima Center, Wis.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., (Thicago. Phi Sigma Kappa; Pres., Soph. Class; Bus. Mgr., Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Illio, Illini and Agr. Staffs; Jr. Prom. Com. Contract Dept., Auto. Phone Co., Chicago, 1910-11; Stock and Bonds Sales- man, St. Louis, 1912; Salesman, Holmes Bed Co., San Diego, 191 3; Advertising, The H. K. McCann Co., San Francisco, 1914 — ; do.. Pacific Marine Review, 1918; Eastern Repr.. do., New York City. Auth.: Unconstructive Solicitations, The Printing Art. D 1917; The Kind of Service Expected of the Printer. The Inland Printer. Married Nancy Marie Fischer, N 28, 1914, Lyons. Kan. Address, Room 339 Hudson Terminal Bldg., 30 Church St., New York City. I 4438. EDISON HARRIS STONE (Brother of No. 2238) Clerk; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 4, 1886, Quincy 111.; s. Llbridge Kimball (b. N 14, 1850 Quincy, 111.) and Cora (Edison) Stone (b. S 23, ICS51, do.). Prepared in Quincy II. S. Ilus ; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Married Alta Kirk- Patrick, Ag 1912. Child, Wilma Lenora, b O 9, 1914- Address, 229 Forest Ave., Cincinnati. 4439- THOMAS RALPH STROBRIDGE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 30, 1886, Aurora, 111.; s. Rev. Thomas Ransome (b. Je 3, 1840, Can.) and Nellie Maud (Smith) Stro- bridge (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Harvard and Rockford H. Schs. Engr., Peoples Gas. Co. Chicago, 1910; do., L. IL Gardner, Const. Engr., 1910— . Married Dorothy Helen God- dard. Je 7, 1910, Harvard, 111. Address, 603 South St., LaSalle, 111. 4440. JOHN STROM Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 19, 1887, Geneva, 111.; s. Nels (b. D 16, 1852, Sweden) and Cecelia (Pearson) Strom (b. Mr 22, 1856, do.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Draftsman, .\mbridge, Pa., 1910; Asst., C. E. Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Engr., Erecting Dept., Am. Bridge Co., 1911-13; Draftsman, do., 1913-16; Engr., Ind. Steel Co., Gary, Ind., 1916-1S; do., La- Salle Engng. Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Married Mabel Nuckolls, N 27, 1912, Springfield, 111. Child, Mary Cecelia, b. Je 6, 1914. Address, c/o LaSalle Engng. Co., Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. 4441- WALTER GOTTFRID STROMQUIST San. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O s, 1884, Fremont, Kan.; s. Charles John (b. S 27, 1842, Sweden) and Johanna Mathilda (Isaacson) Stromrjuist (b. Jl 31, 1849, do.). Prepared in McPherson fKan.) H. S.; IJethany .\cad. A. B., Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan., 1905; Univ. of Kan., 1905-6. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. With Champaign-Urbana Water Co., 191 0; Asst. City Engr., Excelsior Springs, Mo., 1910-11; Asst. Engr., St. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1911-13; San. Dist. of Chicago. 1913-16; San Engr., U. S. Pub. Health Ser- vice, Sanitation of extra cantonment zones. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; A. F. A. M.; Am. Water Works Assn. Married Erma Kellogg, N 16, 1916, Chicago. Child, Walter Kellogg, b. O 20, 1917. Address, U. S. Pub. Health .Service, Florence, Ala.; bus. add., 3640 Marine Ave., St. Louis. 4442. EARL KELLOG STUART Chemist; B. S. in Sc. ; b. Mr 4, 1886, Jack- sonville, 111.; s. John W. (b. Jl 2, 1848, W. Va.) and Mary (Fisher) Stuart (b. F 5, 1855, Payson, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Chi Beta; Shield and Trident; Scabbard and Blade; Philomathean; Col., Univ. Regt. Sc!iol- arship, Ceramics. Sergt. Maj., 111. Nat. Guard. Roodhouse Novelty Pottery (io., ist Lt. and Rn. Adit.. 344th Inf. R. C Camp Grant, Rock- ford, 111.; Mustered out. Mr 14, 1919. Married Ciertrude McMackin. O 26, 19 11, Wyoming, 111. Child, Robert McMackin, b. Ag s. 191 5- .-iddress, 109 N. 5th St., Springfield, 111. 4443. FELIX JOSE SUM AY (Brother of No. 3989) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 23. 1889, Chascomis, Argentina Rep.: s. Jose Faustino (1). Galicia, Spain) and Ermilia (San Marling) Sumay (b. Chascomis, Argentina). Prepared in Argentine H. S. Address, Chascomis, Argen- tina Rep., S. A.f 400 University of Illinois [1910 4444. HUGO EWALD SURMAN Highway Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F :;, 1S85. Carliuville, 111.; s. William (b. Ap 18, 185-', (."ajnnelton, Iiul.) and Pauline (Loehr) Sunyan (b. Mr 6, 1858, rfi>.). Prciiared in CarlinviUo H. S.; Blackburn Coll., 1903-5. Philomatheau. Civ. Engr., St. Highway Conui., 1910; Eiigr., Keokuk Dam, Keokuk, 1910-11; do., HI. Higli- way Dcin., 1911-18; Dist. Engr., in cliarge of Moline Office, do., 191S — . Mem., St. High- way Transport Comn., Nat. Council of Defense. Addii-ss, Moline, HI.; bits, add., 610-613 Peoples' Bank, do. 4445- ELDER LOUTSA SWANSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 20, 1S88, Paxton, 111.; d. John A. (b. S 15, 1864, Swe- den) and Anna iilathilda (Olson)" Swanson (b. Ag I, 1864, do.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, H. S., Rutland, 111., 1910-12; do., Paxton, 111., 1912-14^ do., Calumet, Mich., 1914 — . Ad- dicss, Paxton, 111. 4446. ALTA CAROLINE SWIGART (HOSKINS) (Wife of No. 4222; Sister of No. 8804) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S.; bl Ap 20, 188S, Morrison, 111.; d. Edwin Stanton (b. D 11, 1861, Farmer City, do.) and Nellie (I.aphani) Swigart (b. D 26, 1866, Morrison, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign II. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Yo Ma. Married Daniel Tilden llos- kins ('10), Je 24, 1916. Champaign. Child, Jean, b. N 10, 1917. Address, liassett Apart- ments, Elm St., Champaign. 4447- ELE D. SWISHER (Husband of No. 3S67; Brother of No. 3992) Minister: A. B., in L. & A.; b. D 23, 1S77, Hedrick, Ind.; s. William II. (b. Ja jo, iS^S, WillianisiJort, Ind.) and Nancy Jane (Evans) Swisl'.er (b. S 4, 1846, West Lebanon, Ind.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., On.irga, III.; N. W. Univ., 1905-7. Ionian. Pastor, M. E. Church, Ronan. Mont. Mem., Mont. Confer eiice. ^tarried Arsella Bessie Martin ('09), Ap 18, 1912, Atlantic, la. Address, Ronan, Mont. 4448. WILLIAM JAMES SWISHER Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 20, 1887, Mendota, 111.; s. John Albert (b. Ag 15, 1848, Osceol.-i, O.) and Sarah Jane (Porter) Swisher (b. Bristol, Eng.). Prepared in E. IMcndota H. S. C. E. Club; Ionian. Ry. Engr, Breck- enridge, Colo., 1010; do., Porto Velio, Brazil, 1911-12; Const. Engr. I. C. Ry., 1912-17. 17th Rv. Engr., Co. F., A. E. F., 1917 — . Mem., Illini Club, Brazil. Address, Mendota, 111. 4440. FRANCIS HOWARD SWITS Sec. Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 2S, 1885, Cherry Valley, 111. ; s. Frank P. (b. 1852, Schenectady, N. Y.) and Mary L. (Ilovey) Swits (b. 1862, Flora Center, 111.). Prepared in Rockford IL S. Chi Beta: Ionian; Class Pres.; Class Basket Ball; Y. M. C. A.; Cabi- net Symphony Musical Club, Kankakee, 111.; Y. M. C. A., Kansas City, Mo.; Ex. Sec, Com- munity Y. M. C. A., Austin. Chicago, 1013 — •. Married Mvrtle May Rix. S 26. 1913, Belvi- dere. 111. Child, Helen Jane Louise, b. .\p 22, 1916. Address, 5S18 West Erie St., Chicago. 4450. WARREN L. TALBOT Supervisor; A. B. in L. & A.; h. Mv 31, 1883, Roberts, 111.: s. John (b. Te 28, 18s i, Preston, Eng.) and Mary (Hurst) Talbot (b. N 19, 1857, JNIalden, 111.). Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., (Tnarga; N. W. L^niv.. 1906-7. Kappa Delta Pi : Football Squad. Teacher, Sycamore H. S., 111., 1910-11; i/t>.. Dubuque, la., 1911-12; Supvr. of Correspondence, Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1913-18. Married Claudyne Afyrtle Wilkinson, Jl 19, iqis, Biloxi, Miss. Child, Janice, b. D 2, 1916. Address, 430 Ar- lington Ave., Elnihurst, 111. 4451. FRED REEVES TATE (Brother of No. 4928) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1913; b. Jl 29, 1882, Ilagarstown, 111.; s. John Scott (b. 1S58, Fayette Co., 111.) and Lydia Artnelia (keeves) Tate (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Van- daha H. S. Capt., Univ. Regt. Lawyer, Billings, Mont., 1913—- 111. Nat. Guard. Auth.: First .\ttempts to Locate the St. Indus. LTniv., The .-llumiii Quarterly, Vol. VIII, Ap 1914. Mar- ried Marguerite -Munn, O 22, ujn, Waukesha, Wis. Child. Naomi Edith, O 16", 1915. Ad- dress, 722 Division St., Billings, Mont.; bus. add., 314 Staplieton Bldg., do. 44S2. DALLA ALICE TAYLOR Teacher; A. B. in L. & .X. Prepared in LTiiiv. Acad. Alethenai; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Decatur, 111.; Valparaiso, Ind.; Teacher, Tr. Work, Univ. of Valparaiso, do. Address, 311 E. Daniels St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Ind. 4453- WARD HASTINGS TAYLOR .\. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. My 10, 1882, .\von. 111.; s. Linus (b. Ag 26, 1849, Uichville, N. Y.) and Roselthia Almsbury (Frederick) Taylor (b. Ja 9, 1S59, Lewiston, HI.). Prepared in Prairie City ll. S. ; West. 111. Norm. Sell., Macomb. Kappa Delta Pi. Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Instr., 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1913-17; Grad. Stud., Univ., of Wis.. Mich., and 111., 1917-18. Address, 111 E. Healy St., Champaign. 4454- WILLIAM HOMER TERREY Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 2, 1889, N'iola. 111. J s. William (b. do.) and Lettie Jane (Morey) Terrey. Prepared in Viola II. S.; LTniv. Acad. E. E. Soc Draftsman, West. I'-lec Co.; Dispatcher, Deere & Co., Moline, 111. Mem.. M. E. Church. Address, 1864 S. Cen- tral I'ark Ave., Chicago. 4455- HENRY SPAFFORD TH.\YER (Brother of No. 5454) Sales Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 16, 1887, Chicago; s. William Parker (b. My 22, 1845, Greenbush, Vt.) and Olive Anna (Whiting) Thayer (b. My 25, 1848. Hingham, Mass.). I'repared in Lake View II. S. Prelim. Honors; Final Lienors. Electriciati, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1910-11; Draftsman, do., 101 1 ; Solicitor, do., 1911; Salesman, Hazard Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1912 — ; Sales Engr., Roth Bros. & Co., Chicago. 1914 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 4449 Sidney Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1400 W. Adams St., do. 4.ts6. ELMER JOHN THOMPSON Professor; B. .S. in Agr.; b. Ap i, 1886, Nanieoki, 111.; s. John W. (b. Alhambra, 111.) and Frances Jane (Cain) Thompson (b. Ind.). Prepared in Granite City H. S. Agr. Club; Phi Sigma Kappa; Class Baseball; Phi Kappa Phi; .\lpha Gamma Rho. Asst., An. Ilusb., .'\gr. Coll., Fargo, N. Dak., 1910-13; Asst. Prof., do., 1913-14; Prof., do., IQ14 — . Sec, N. Dak. Stallion Registration Bd., 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Blue Lodge; Shiloh. Mar- ried Ethvle Clarice Peterson, Ag 26, 191 5. Child, Martha Wesley, b. S 18. 1916. Ad- dress. 1118 9th St., Fargo, N. Dak. 4457. MILTON WINFIELD THOMPSON Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b. S 17, 18S3, Ogden, 111.: s. William H. (b. Mr 7. i84(>. Pa.) and Lizzie (Hayes) Thomp- son (h. F 23, 1854, O.). Prepared in Ogden iQio] Baccalaureate Alumni 401 II. S. Ionian; Kappa Delta Pi. Instr. in Acad., 1910-11; Teachei-, St. Norm. Sell., I.aCrosse, Wis. Prof., Econ. and Finance, Marquette Univ., Milwaukee. Mem., M. E. Church; Pol. Sc. Assn. Married Beatrice ITazel Rogers, S IS, 1903. Address, 306 14th St., Milwaukee. 4458. THOMAS EUGENE THOMPSON Manufacturer; B. S. in Chem.; b. S 13, 1885. Chicago; s. Thomas C. and Selina (Marlow) Thompson. Prepared in New Trier Tp. II. S. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Helmet; Shield and Trident; Basketball; Chm., Sr. Ball Com. Grad. Mgr. Ath., Univ. of 111., igii-12; Mfr. of glass enamels, Wilmetle, 111., 1912-17. Address, 735 Prairie Ave., Wilmette, 111.; bus. add., 1419 Central Ave., do. 4459. JOHN WILLIAM THOMSEN Contracting Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. O II, 1888, Lyons, la.; s. Peter (b. S 11, 1859, Winnert, Ger.) and Anna Margaret (Roeh) Thomsen (b. Mr 14, 1864). Prepared in Ful- ton H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident; C. E. Club; Treas., Sr. Memorial Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Engr. and Salesman, Clin- ton Bridge & Iron Works, Clinton, la.; Con- tracting Engr., Stupp Bros., Bridge & Iron Co., St. Louis, 191 3 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Engrs. Club, St. Louis; City Club, do. Married Lora M. Herbel, My 11, 1918, St. Louis. Ad- dress, 5001 Raymond Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., c/o Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co., do. 4460. RALPH EARLE TIEJE (Brother of G677) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A.. M., 1912; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ja 24, 1887, Dayton, O. ; s. Henry August (b. N 10, 1847, Cincinnati) and Katherine Caroline (Bell) Tieje (b. F 15, 1854, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Steele (O.) H. S.; Dayton (O.) H. S. ; Urbana H. S. Scribblers; Dcr Deutsche Verein; Scholarship; Final and Special Honors; ///. Mag. Bd. Asst., Eng., Univ. of III., 1910-12, Instr.. Eng. and Pub. Speaking, Okla. St. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 1912-13; do., Washington St. Coll., Pullman, Wash., 1913-14; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Fellow in Eng., Univ. of III., 1916-17; Head of Eng. Dept.. St. Norm. Sch., Cheney, Wash., 191 7 — ■. Married Helen Virginia Nourse. N 29, IQ17, Spokane. Address, Box 717, Cheney, Wash. 4461. DELBERT MAYO TILSON Traffic Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 26, 1886, Buffalo Hart, 111.; s. Caswell Taylor (b. F 13, i860, Athens, 111.) and Flora May (CounciD Tilson (b. O 7. i860, Cantrall, 111.). Prepared in Williamsville H. S. ; Evanston Acad. Chi Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta. Farmer, Athens, 111., 1911-15; Supplv Clerk, Sec. of St. office. Springfield. 111., 1916-17; Traffic Mgr., The Lafayette Smith Grocer Co., do.. 191 7. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Sangamo Club. Married Hazel Mary Montgomery, Je 16, 191 5, Spring- field, 111. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. N 26, 1917. Address, 1348 Whittier Ave., Springfield, 111. 4462. NELLE EDITH TILTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 14, 1885, Pilot, 111.; d. Andrew Baker (b. F 25, 1847, Elrod, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Craig) Tilton (b. Ap 25, 1849, Pilot, 111.). Prepared in Thorn- burn H. S., Urbana. Achoth; Mem. Sr. Break- fast Com. Teacher, Urbana H. S., 1910-11; do.. Lewiston, Idaho, 191 1; do., Calumet, Mich., 1912-18; do., McKeesport, Pa.. 1918-19; do., Detroit, 191 9 — . Address, 706 S. 4th St., Detroit. 4463. NANNIE PEARL TIPTON (THOMPSON) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 19, 1886, Macomb, 111.; d. John (b. Ag 26, 1832, New Albany, Ind.) and Nancy (Skiles) Tipton (b. My 21, 1842, Rushville, Ill.)._ Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Married S. Arthur Thompson, Mr 6, 191 1, St. Louis. Children: Robert Ar- thur, b. Ja 22, 1913; Sarah Marguerite, b. O 29, 1914; Elmer Tipton, b. My 6, 1918. Ad- dress, Macomb, 111. 4464. HAROLD EUGENE TOBEY Draftsman and Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 28, 1883. Waseca. Minn.; s. E. S. and Mattie (Storer) Tobey. Prepared in Vinton, la., H. S. ; Galesburg H. S. B. S., Knox Coll., 1906. C. E. Club; Track; Baseball Mgr.; Gale Bd. Rodman, I. S. & M. S. R. R., 1910-11; Level- man, do., 1911-12; Asst. Engr. with R. B. Slippy, Waterloo, la., 1912-14; Civ. Engr., do., 1914-15; Draftsman and Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., Bridge Dept., 1916 — . Mem. Woodlawn Park M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; Tabernacle Chap. No. 52 R. A. M.; K. T., Waterloo, la. Married Lillian Mae Reaney, N 17, 1914, Wa- terloo, la. Child, Harold Eugene. Jr., b. Ag 17, 19 1 6. Address, 6604 Greenwood Ave., Chi- cago. 4465. KHOO-DIN SU-PEH TSIANG A. B. in L. & A. ; B. S., 191 i;b. Shanghai, China. Prepared in St. John's Univ., Shanghai, China. Address, Bur. Oil Adm., Peking, China. t 4466. ALyiN TRUESDELL TUMBLESON B. S. In Arch.; b. My 12, 1876, Berwick, la., s. J. Taylor. Prepared in Thornfield Norm. Coll. Address, 831 Dearborn St., Chicago.! 4467. ELKAN TURK (Brother of No. 4940) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 21, 1889, Carthage, Mo.; s. Abraham Samuel (b. S 17, 1855, St. Louis) and Hannah (Sternberg) Turk (b. Ap 17, 1858, Chicago). Prepared in Litchfield 11. S. LL. B., Columbia Law Sch., 1913. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Scholarship; Prelim. Honors; Winner of Phi Beta Kappa prize; Rep. Univ. of 111. in St. Peace Orat. Contest, 1909; Cajit. LTniv. Regt. Lawyer. Ed. on Bd. of Columbia Law Review. .Address, 54 Morningside Drive, New York City; bus. add., 120 Broadway, do. 4468. HUBERT MICHAEL TURNER (Husband of No. 3265) Professor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 20, 1882, Hillsboro, 111.; s. Pryor Lee (b. N 27. 1848, do.) and Jessie I. (Barry) Turner (b. Ag 23, 1864, do.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Asst., Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Instr., E. E., Univ. of Minn., 1Q12; Asst. Prof., Radio and Advanced Electro-Physics, Yale Un- iv., 1919 — . In charge of U. S. Army Emer- gency Tr. in Radio Signaling. Univ. of Minn.; Asst. Prof.. Yale. U. S. Radio Sch. for officer candidates. New Haven, Conn.. 1918-19. Auth. : (with Morgan Brooks) Engng. E.vp. Sta. Bui. No. 53. Inductance of Coils, 80 pp., F i, 1912; Articles: with Antonio Guell, Test of a 3-kw Westinghouse Type S. Transformer, Techno- graph No. 23, 1908-9. Married Jessie E. Bald- win ('08), Ag 22, 1912. Children: Elizabeth Barry, b. Ag 17, 1915; Richard Baldwin, b. O 7, 1916. Address, 382 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. 4469. LAWRENCE CHARLES TURNOCK Consulting Chem. and Electro-Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 9, 1887; s. E. Hill (b. 1855, London, Eng.) and Matilda (Tour- ville) Turnock (b. 1863, Montreal, Can.). Pre- pared in Lyons Tp. H. S., LaGrange. Ch. E., ITniv. of Wis., 191 1. Zeta Psi. Head of 402 University of Illinois [IQIO Electro-Clicm. Engng. Dept., Pa. St. Coll., St. Coll., Pa., 1911-14; Electro-chem. Engr., Charge of Research and Development Work, Edison Storage Bat. Co., Orange, N. J., 1914; Chief Chem. and Metallurgist, Willys-Overland Co., Elyrea.ipis; in charge courses in Electro- chem. Engng. and Physical Chem., Dept. Chem. Engng., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pittsburgh, and Consulting Chem. and Electro-chem. Engr., Pittsburgh, 19 18 — . Auth.: Effect of Tem- perature upon Capacity of Edison Storage Bat., Transactions of the Am. Electro-chem. Sac, Vol. 30, 1916; The Active Materials and Elec- trolyte of the Alkaline Storage Bat., Metallur- gical and Chem. Engng., Vol. 15, 1916; Effect of Lithium Upon the Capacity of the Edison Storage Bat., Transactions of the Am. Electro- chem. Soc, Vol. 30, 1917. Mem., Am. Electro- chem. Soc; A. C. S.; Chm. Excursion Com., Convention of Am. Electro-chem. Soc. Pitts- burgh Meeting, 191 7. Married Mary Thomas Rucker, 1890. Child, Mary Thomas, b. Jl 31, 191 3. Address, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh. 4470. LEON FRANCOIS URBAIN (Brother of No. 8022) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 21, 1887, Brazil, Ind.; s. F. J. (b. France) and Eugenie (Vignon) Urbain (b. do.). Prepared in Rock- ville (Ind.) H. S.; Depauw Univ., 1905-7. Ph' Gamma Delta; Le cercle Frangais; Arch. Club. Arch, work, Firm of Leon F. Urbain, Chicago. Capt. Engr., U. S. R.. A. E. F., France. Mar- ried Nell B. Davis, D 5. 191 1, Duquoin, 111. Child, Leon Dean, b. Ap 13, igiS- Address. 2434 Nordion Ave., Chicago. 4471. ROBERT GUY VAN DOREN (Brother of Nos. 3212, 6633, 6634) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 3. 1887, Hope, 111.; s. Charles Lucius (b. My 21, 1857. Grand Ridge, 111.) and Endora Ann (Butz) Van Doren (b. My 4, 1863, Hope, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Arch. Club; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Arch., Smith, Parr & Van Doren, Muskogee, Okla. Married Verla E. McCray, O 18, 1910, Danville, 111. Child, Mary Eliza- beth, b. Ag 14, 1 911. Address, 611 La Salle Gardens, South Detroit.! 4472. IRMA ELIZABETH VOIGT Dean; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 n Ph- D., 1913; b. S I, 1882, Quincy, 111.; d. Henry C (b. O 28, 1854, Marine, 111.) and Mary Tuffli Voigt (b. 1856). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1900-2. Achoth; Sigma Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Sigma Rho; Illiola; Grad. Club; Social Chm., Wo- man's League; N. O. L. Representative, 1910, 2d place; Inter-Soc. Declamatory winner, 191 7; Scholarship, 1910-11; Fellowship, 1911-12, 1912-13. Dean of Women, O. Univ., 1913 — • Sec, Assn. Coll. Women of O.; Grand Treas., A U. P.; Mem.. St. Com. Educ. Propaganda, Nat. Council of Defence, Speakers Bur.; M. E. Church. Address, Box 453, Athens, O. 4473. CLAUDE LEVERN WAGNER Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ja 2, 1886, Long Point, 111.; s. Anson W. (b. O 7. 1856, Centerville, Ind.) and Emma (Foster) Wag- ner (b. Ja 20, i860, Fairbury, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Iris; Alpha Chi Si^ma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Prelim Hon- ors; Special Honors; Univ. Band: Chem.. Cape Ciirardeau Portland Cement Co., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1910-11; Chem., Superior Portland Cement Co., Concrete, Wash., igii- 12; Chief Chem., do., 1912-17; Chief Chem. and Engr., do.. 1917-18; Supt.. do., 1918—. Mayor, City of Concrete, Wash. Mem M. E. Church; A. C. S.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M.; Coll. Club, Seattle. Address, Concrete, Wash. 4474- JAMES ROBERT RATHIE WALDIE Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ag 27, 1887, Kel- so, Scotland; s. James Waldie. Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Farmer, Jones- boro, 111. Address, 6946 Normal Blvd., Chi- cago, t 4475. CHARLES M. WALKER Sec. and Asst. Mgr. Lumber Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 8, 1886, St. Joseph, 111.; s. Isaac Newton (b. My 17, 1865, Liberty Center, Ind.) and Nancy Elizabeth (Strong) Walker (b. S 22, 1866, St. Joseph, 111.). Prepared in St. Joseph H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Thornburn H. S. Acacia; M. E. Soc. Chief Estimator, W. W. Walls & Co.; Sales and Adv. Mgr., E. M. Burroles, 1910-12; Asst. Mgr. and Estimator, W. W. Walls & Co., 1912-18; Sec, do., 1918 — . Married Fay Messinger, Ja 7, 191 1, St. Joseph, 111. Children: Isaac Newton, b. N 3, 1912; Richard Shelton, b. Ja 24, 1914. Address, 407 S. Neil St., Champaign; bus. add., 33 E. University Ave., do. 4476. ERNEST DEWITT WALKER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 12, 1887, Ten- nessee, 111.; s. Matthew Henry (b. Jl 24, 1842, do.) and Sarah Frances (Thompson) Walker (b. S 2, 1844, Payson, 111.). Prepared in Ten- nessee H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors; Final Honors. Farmer, Tennessee, 111., 1910 — -. Married Nellie Batt- son, Je 12, 1914, Tennessee, 111. Children: Ernest Warren, b. Je 13, 1915; Richard Batt- son, b. O 24, 1916. Address, Tennessee, 111. 4477. THOMAS WILLIAM WALTON (Husband of No. 4485) Educ. Director, Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1911; b. S 30, 1883, Rice's Landing, Pa.; s. William Andrew (b. S 23, 1852, Wash- ington, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Willis) Walton (b. O 26, 1859, Rice's Landing, Pa.). Pre- pared in Waynesburg (Pa.) Coll.; S. W. St. Norm. Sch., California, Pa. Iris; Adelphic; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Asst. Educ. Sec, Detroit Y. M. C. A., 1911-14; Dir. of Educ, Washington, D. C. Y. M. C. A., 1914 — . Married Margaret Weinberg ('10), Ag 12, 1913. Child, Thomas William, Jr., b. D II, 1914. Address, 1723 Church St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 4478. ALTHEA WALWORTH (FINKEN- BINDER) (Wife of No. 4154) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 16, 1880, Mexico, N. Y.; d. Edward Willard (b. My 12, 1855, New York) and Estella Sophia (Dewey) Wal- worth (b. S 28, 1S58, Mexico, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Mazon H. S.; 111. St. Norm^. Univ. Married Erwin Oliver Finkenbinder ('10), Je 27, 1912, Urbana. Address, 7432 Edgewood Ave., Milwaukee. 4479. ALWIN EUGENE JOHN WAN- DERER (Brother of No. 4960) Grocer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 11, 1888, Chi- cago; s. Thomas Alwin (b. Jl 8, 1863, Thur- ingen Wald, Sachsen, Ger.) and Mane Theresa (Brodt) Wanderer (b. N 22, 1862, Zechlin, Pommern, do.). Prepared in McKmley H. S^, Chicago. Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; C. E. Soc; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Engr., 1910-11; Grocer, 191 ' — Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, 1909—. Married Lydia Regina Herzog, O 11, 1911. Oak Park, 111. Children: Alwin Edward Oscar, b. Ag i, 1912; Margaret Marie, b. Ag 26. 1915. Ad- dress, 412 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 102-104 W. Madison St.. do. IQIO] Baccalaureate Alumni 403 4480. GEORGE SNYDER WARD (Brother of No. 1995) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 30, 1888, Benton, 111.; s. William Riley (b. Ag 11, 1848, do.) and Imogene (Snyder) Ward (b. S s, 1857, Osage, 111.). Prepared in Benton H. S.: Phillips Exeter Acad., Exeter, N. H. LL. B., Columbia, 1913. Phi Delta Theta; Delta Kap- pa Chi; Egyptian Club. With Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Piatt, Atty's., Chicago, 1913-18; with Alien Property Custodian, Bur. Trusts, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; B. P. O. E. Address, Benton, in. 4481. DAVID WALLACE WARNOCK Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Keswick, la.; s. William (b. Ireland) and Jane (Campbell) Warnock (b. do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Chem. Club. Chem., Lab. Great West. Sugar Co., Loveland, Colo., igio-ii; do., Liberty Bell Gold Mining Co., Telluride, Colo., 191 1- 12; do., Bettendorf Steel Co., Bettendorf, la., 1912-15; do.. Anaconda Copper Min. Co., Ana- conda, Mont., 1916 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 910 12th Ave., Moline, 111.; bus. add.. Box 721, Anaconda, Mont. 4482. LUDLOW JOSEPH WASHBURN Merchandise Buyer; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 8, 1888, Chicago; s. William Dow (b. Ap 4, 1854, Plattville, Wis.) and Jean (Peck) Washburn (b. Je 8, T865, Coshocton, O.). Prepared in Lawrenceville H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Helmet Club; Yoxan; Phoenix; Alpha Gamma Rho; Track and Basketball; Tennis Championship. Truck Gardner; Auto Bus., igii-15; Buyer, Marshall Field, Wholesale, 1915-18. Ensign Sch., Regt. 5, 8th Div,, Pelham Bay, N. Y.; Ensign, do., 1918. Address, 1014 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 219 W. Adams St., do. 4483. MARGUERITE WATSON Teacher; A. B. ip L. & A.; b. Jl 30. 1887, Foster, Ky. ; d. James Ferdinand (b. Ap 17, 1847, Falmouth, Ky.) and Claire (Schoolfield) Watson (b. S 18, 1854, Foster, do.). Prepared in Delavan and Urbana H. Schs. Athenean; Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Eng. and Hist, in Minonk, 111., 191 1; do., Bisbee, Ariz. H. S. Address, Williamsville, Ill.t 4484. LYNN ANDRE WATT Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Je 9, 1886, Pontiac, 111.; s. William (b. O q, 1830, Zanes- ville, O.) and Mary (Huston) Watt (b. O g, 1839, Easton, Pa.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Iris; Am. Chem. Soc; Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., 191 1; First Asst. Chem., do.. 191 1 — . Married Pearl Ethel Morrison, Je 18, 1913. Pontiac, 111. Address, 1218 W. 8ist St., Chicago. 4485. MARGARET WEINBERG (WALTON) (Wife of No. 4477; Sister of No. 3598) A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja 4, 1889, Augusta, 111.; d. M, S. (b. Ja 5, i860, do.) and Flora Jane (Bolton) Weinberg (b. Ap 29, 1862, Pa.). Prepared in Rushville H. S.; LTniv. of Calif, summer sch., 191 1. Alpha Delta Pi. Substi- tute, Pub. Sch., Santa Cruz, Calif., 1911-12; Teacher, H. S., Somerset. Ky., 1912-13. Mar- ried Thomas William Walton Cio), Ag 12, 1913. Child, Thomas William, Jr., b. 1) 11, 1914. Address, 1723 Church St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. 4486. GEORGE RICHARD WELCH Asst. Supt.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 22, 1882, Joliet, 111.; s. George Francis (b. Ag 13, 1852, do.) and Margaret Loretta (Conlon) Welch (b. Mr I, 1852, Honeoye Falls, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Joliet H. S. Zeta Psi. Const. Work, II!. Street Co. and Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago; Asst. Supt., American Car Co., Kenil- worth, N. J. Address, 410 S. Ottawa St., Jol- iet, III.; bus. add., c/o American Car Co., Kenilworth, N. J. 4487- JACOB WENDLING Estimator; B. S, in C. E.; b. Ap 12, 1883, Elran, Ger.; s, Jacob (b. S 21, 1847, do.) and Anna Katharina (Richert) Wendling (b. D 4, 1845, do.). Prepared in Williamsville H. S. Insp., Water Works Const., 1910-11; Estimator, Ornamental Iron, 191 1 — . Address, Williams- ville, Erie Co., N. Y.; bus. add., 152 Terrace St., Buffalo, N. Y. 4488. FREDERICK WILLIAM WESTON (Son of No, 297) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je i, :888, Topeka, Kan.; s. William Sumner ('81), (b. Je 22, i860, Champaign) and Elizabeth Jane (Towlson) Weston (b. D 25, 1861, Eng.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt.; Estimator, Moravia Const. Co., 1910; Draftsman, Purdy & Henderson, Engrs., Chicago, iqn; Time- keeper, Pamley & Nethercut Co., Ft. Worth, Tex., 1912. 15th Co., 2nd P. T. Regt., N. Y„ 1917 — . Address, Houston, Tex. 4489. BURTON CYRENIUS JOB WHEATLAKE Manager; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 10, 1884. Cleveland; s. Samuel Kennedy (h. F 24, 1856, Kingston, Ont.) and Emma (Burnap) Wheat- lake (b. Ag 7, 1857, Cherry Valley, N. Y.). Prepared in (Greenville Coll. Prep. Sch. B. S., Greenville Coll., 1907. Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E.; Sec, E. E. Soc. Test Man, Gen. Elec. Co., 1910-11; Transformer Engr., do., 1911-12; Transformer Specialist, Denver Office, 191 2- 14; Mgr., Supply Dept., Jo., 1914 — . Mem., Sons of Jove. Married Florence Louise Joy, O 10, 1912, Greenville, 111. Children: Ruth Joy, b. F I, 1914; Burton Kennedy, b. Ja 27, 1917. Address, 2357 Dahlia St., Denver; bus. add.. Gen. Elec. Co., do. 4490. JOHN EZRA WHITCHURCH Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 25, 1866, Centralia Twp., Marion Co., 111.; s. Lewis Thomas (b. F 7, 1834, do.) and Lydia Caro- line (Holaday) Whitchurch (b. F 26, 1845, do.). Prepared in Salem H. S.; No. Indus Norm. Sch., Valparaiso, Ind. ; So. 111. St. Norm. Univ., Carbondale. 111. Agr. Club; .'\Ipha Zeta. Assoc, Soil Fertility, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. Married Lulu Parker, Ag 30, 1893, Blue Island, 111. Children: Helen, b. Ag 19, 1894; Louise, b. D 8, 1899. Address, Salem, 111. 4491. FLORENCE LEONE WHITE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. D 27, 1888, Rantoul, 111.; d. Joseph Smith (b. 1840, Derry, Ireland) and Jane (Osborne) White (b. 1846, Griggsville, 111.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Class Basketball. Prin., Rantoul H. S., 1910-11; Teacher, Math., Sheldon H. S., 111., 1912-13. Address, Rantoul, Ill.t 4492- OTIS GUNN WHITEHEAD Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 24, 1885, Lawrence, Kan.; s. Herbert Clarkson (b. Brampton, Can.) and Vara (Gunn) Whitehead (b. Wyandotte, Kan.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Helmet; Jr. Prom. Com. Drafts- man, Ritter & Mott, Engr., 1910-n; Insp., Leonard Const. Co., 1911-12; Insp., Schenck & Williams, .\rchs., Cleveland and Canton, O., 1912-13; Struct. Draftsman. The Republic Struct. Iron Works, and Insp., Walker & Weeks, Arclis., Chicago, 191 3-14; Draftsman, Corrugated Bar Co., Charlotte, N. C, 1914-16; 404 University of Illinois llQIO Struct. Engr., So. Engng. Co., Amhritlge, Pa., 1916; Struct. Draft-sman, Am. Bridge Co., 1016; Engr., Corrugated Har Co., 1916 — . Mem., Presbj'. Churcli; Dayton Country Club. Mar- ried Anna JUanche, F 7, 19 14, Dayton, O. Child, Thomas High, b. Je 19, 191 5. Address, 57 Wakefield Ave., ButTalo, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Corrugated Bar Co., Mutual Life Bldg., do. 4493. DONALD FLETCHER WILEY (Brother of No. 2286) Sales Mgr.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Mr II, 1SS6, Peoria; s. William Rodney (b. O 4, 1850, Saxton's R., Vt.) and Nellie (Day) Wiley (b. Je 11, 1851, Townsend, Vt.). Pre- pared in Peoria H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst.; Univ. of Wis., 1907-08. Alpha Tau Omega; Glee Club; Tennis, Doubles championiship. Chem. 111. Steel Co., 191 o; Sales Mgr., Flex- lume Sign Co., Chicago, 191 1 — '. Mem., Baptist Church; Gyro Club; St. Lukes Choir, Evanston, 111.; Prcs., Chicago Assn. Sign Mfrs. Married Mercy Miller, Ap 29, 191 1, Peoria. Children: Donna Judith, b. Mr 3, 1912; Barbara Day, b. N 16, "1916. Address, 2761 Woodbine Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 4494. CHARLES JULIUS WILLARD Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; M. S., 191 7; b. F 14, 1889, Manhattan, Kan.; s. Julius T^ (b. 1862, Wabaunsee, Kan.) and Lydia (Gard- iner) Willard (b. Mo., 1863). Prepared in Manhattan (Kan.) Citv Sobs.; B. S., Gen. Sc, Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1908; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Agr. Club; Final Honors. Farmer, Bradford, Kan., 1910-13; Williamsburg, Va., 1913-16; Asst. Prof., Farm Crops, O. St. Univ., 1917 — . Married Vivien Madeline Ullnier, O 28, 191 1, Chicago. Address, 1758 N. High St., Columbus, 0.;bus. add., O. ot. Univ., do. 4495. ARTHITR EDWARDS WILLIAMS (Husband of No. 4310) Cerani. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram.; M. S., 1916; b. Je 21, 1886, Cleveland; s. Nicholas (b. S 15, 1851, N. Y.) and Alice May (Ed\yards) Wil- liams (b. Jl 24, 1861, London, Eng.). Pre- pared in Cleveland II. S.; Univ. Acad.; O. St. Univ. Ceram Soc. Supt., Moinnouth Brick & Tile Co., 1910-11; Ceram. Engr., West Brick Co., Danville, 111., 1911-12; Factory Supt., do., 1912-14; Inst. Ceram., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Assoc. Ceram. Chem., U. S. Bur. of Standards, Pittsburgh, 1916 — . Auth.: Investigation of Iron Ore Cement, Trans. Am. Ceinriit Users' Assoc, 1902. Menv Am. Ceram. Soc; 111. Brick Makers' Assn. Married Laura M. Mil- ler ('10), O 12, 1912. Child, son, 1). Ag 1913- Address, c/o Bureau of Standards, Pittsburgh. t 4496. CLARENCE FOSS WILLIAMS (Brother of Nos. 3606, S5oO Salesman; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. D 30, tS86, Elgin, 111.; s. John Howard and Mary Elizabeth (Foss) Williams. Prepared in II. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Shield and Trident; Theta Nu Epsilon. Editorial Dept.. Cleveland Leader and Cleveland Netvs, 1910-12; Assoc. Ed., The Iron Trade Review. Pittsburgh, 1912-17. Salesman. The Allen S. Davison Co., do., 191 7 — . Married Ruby Woods, S 5, 191 1, Belvidere, 111. Chil- dren: Mary Louise, b. O 14, 1912; Jane Kllen, b. Ap 25. 1017. Address. 116 Savannah .\ve., Edgewood, Pittsburgh; bus. add., c/o Iron Trade Review, 2148 Oliver Bldg, do. 4407. EX'KRETT WILLIAMS Teacher: B. S.; .\. B.; b. Mr 30, 1S81, Har- mony, Ind.; s. Thomas (b. Ag 6, 1843, d''-^ and Rachel Ann (Thompson) Williams (b. S 5, 1853, Indianola, 111.). Prepared in Vermilion Acad., Vermilion Grove; Earlham Coll., Rich- mond, Ind. Ionian; Sec, Y. M. C. A. Prin., H. -S., Bement, 111., 1910-12; Teacher, Sc, Ar- eola, 111., 1913; do.. Mt. Vernon, 111., 1913. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Ora Lou Rob- inson. D 30, 1908, Urbana. Address, Mt. Ver- non, III. 4498. GLENN RICHARD WILLIAMS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 26, 1887, Dennison, la.; s. Richard Edward (b. 1864, Iowa City, la.) and Mary Elizabeth (Camp- bell) Williams (b. 1S64, Chicago). Prepared in Jefferson 11. S.; I.ewis Inst. Triangle. Asst. Engr. ,• Chicago Ilgts. Land Assn., 1910; Asst. City Engr., (Chicago Ilgts., 1910 — . Ad- dress, 23 19th St., Chicago Heights, 111. 4499. FRANK WILLS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 20, 1884, Mackinaw, 111.; s. James M. Wills. Prepared in Mackinaw H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Acacia; .Mjiha Chi Sigma; Sr. Hat Com.; Pres. Chem. Club. Married Ada Lathrop, Ag 27, 1913, Cham- paign. Address, 225 Florida Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 4500. LUCY GRAY WILSON (ERRETT) B. L. S.; b. Ap 14, 1887, Washington, la.; d. Frank Louis (b. F 20, 1863, do.) and Harriet Frances (Williams) Wilson (b. Je 14, 1864, W. Newton, Mass.). Prepared in Washington II. S.; Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass., 1904- 06; Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Libn., Ke- wanee Pub. Lib., 1910-11. Mem., D. A. R. Married Albert Widney Errett, Jr., O 11, 191 1, Washington, la. Address, 524 S. Chestnut St., Kewanee, 111. 4501. NELLE MAE WILSON (SCOTT) B. L. S.; b. F 6, 1886, Ashland, 111.; d. Ed- mund James (b. S 22, 1857) and Harriet Ca- therine (Iline) Wilson (b. Ja 4, 1863). Pre- pared in Macomb H. S.; Cent. Prep Sch.; N. W. Univ., 1905-07. Delta Gamma. Libn., Monticello Sem., 1910-11; Asst. Libn., West. III. St. Norm. Sch., Macomb, 1911-13. Married Ray Scott, S 25, 1913, Macomb, 111. Child, Dorothy June, b. F 21, 1915. Address, Jackson- ville, Ill.t 4S02. HULDA CATHERINE WITTE Teacher; A. B. in L. &• A.; b. Ag 12, 1886, Pekin. III.; d. Henry C. (b. S 30, 1854, Berlin, Ger.) and .\nna Rose (Handley) Witte (b. Mr I, 1856, Stuttgart, do.). Prepared in Pekin H. S. .\thenean; Phi Beta Kappa. Address, 5430 Cornell Ave., Chicago. 4503. OTTO FRED WOLF Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; Civ. Engr.; A. M. in C. E., 1916; b. S 15, 1885, Niles Center, 111.; s. Henry (b. 15 30, 1856, Augsburg, Ger.) and Louise (Wurtz) Wolf (b. N 8, 1862, West Chi- cago). Prepared in Elmhurst, H. S. Prosemi- nary Concrete Sub-foreman, Timekeeper and Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co. Address, Elm- hurst, 111. 4504. GEORGE VERNON WOOD Graindealer; LL. B.; b. S 8, 1884. Gilford, 111.; s. Robert (b. D 14, 1861, Pentield, HI. ) and Prudence Eve (Stewart) Wood (b. N 25. 1861, Charleston, 111.). Prejiared in Rantoul H. S. Acacia: John IMarshall Law Club; Circu- lation Mgr.. The Daily Illini; Chm., Sr. Com., 1910. A. F. A. M.: M. E. Church; Nat. Geog. Soc .Address, Gifford, 111. 4505. HENRY CLAY WOOD Auditor; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 26. 1884, De- Kalb, 111.; s. Edward Olin (h. S 27, 1850. Gilbertsville. N. Y.) and Amelia L. (Mason) Wood (b. Mr 21. 1854. Berlin Heights, O.). Prepared in DeKalb H. S. ; Univ. of Chicago, 1902-3. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Chi Psi. Audi- tor, The Valley Bank, Phoenix, Ariz.; .10., The Gile Valley Bank & Trust Co., .\riz. Ad- dr-ess. The Valley Bank, Phoenix, Ariz. IQIll Baccalaureate Alumni 405 4506. MARGARET CROWELL WOOD (DICK) (Wife of No. 2951) B. L. S.; b. Ja 10, 1885, Mt. Pulaski, 111.; d. Zeno Kelley (b. 1841, West Yarmouth, Mass.) and Sarah Jane (Chase) Wood (b. 1844, Macomb, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Pulaski H. S.; A. B., St. Marys Sch., Knoxville, 111., 1905- Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Married Carl Rankin Dick ('07), D 11, 1912, Champaign. Address, 649 W. North St., Decatur, 111. 4507. STEPHEN GASKELL WOOD B. S.; b. D 28, 1884, Evanston, 111.; s. E. W. Wood, i'repared in Evanston Tp. H. S. With Am. Creosoting Co., Chicago, 1912. Ad- dress, Maywood; iU. 4508. *WILLIAM STRONG WRIGHT Business; A. B. in L. and A.; b. N 29, 1886; s. Alvin (b. Easthampton, Mass.) and Caro- line (Trimble) Wright (b. Crown Point, N. Y.). Prepared in Gushing Acad., Mass.; Univ. of Vt., 1906-08. Alpha Tau Omega; Delta Kappa Chi; Varsity Football; Class Football. V. P., Flexlume Sign Co.; Treas., do., Buffalo, N. Y. Mem., Univ. Club, Buffalo, N. Y.; Westminster Club; Gyro Club. Married Mabel Dorcas Stanton, Ja 2, 1912, New York City. Children: Prudence Stanton, b. F i, 191,3; William Strong, Jr.. b. Ap 18, 1914. Died O 10, 191 8, Buffalo, N. Y. 4509. MINNIE YONGE Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. D 14, 1882, Rich- land Co., 111.; d. Zebulon I. (b. F 14, 1851, Rising Sun, Ind.) and Margaret J. (Dickerson; Yonge (b. N 24, 1861, Jasper Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Industrial Arts H. S., Sterling, Colo.; Univ. of Colo.; Univ. of Calif., 1914. Teacher, Biol., Indus. Arts H. S., Logan Co., Sterling, Colo.; do., H. S., Carthage, Mo.; do., Seima Union H. S., Selma, Calif., 1914-18. Pres., Westminster Guild, ion; Pres., Christian En- deavor, 191 1 — . Address, 2451 N. McCall Ave, Selma, Calif. 4510. ROSE JANE Y^OUNG (BALLOU) A. B. in Gen. Sc; b. Ag 21, 1879, Grafton, Neb.; d. Robert J. (b. Rushville, 111.) and Mary (Harrison) Young (b. Waymart, Pa.l. Pre- pared in Rushville H. S. Married Fredtric Herbert Ballou, Ag 18, 191 0, Rushville, 111. Address, Tempe, Ariz. 4SII. JOHN BENNETT YOWELL Ceramist; A. B. in Ceram.; b. Ag i, 1887, Dudley, 111.; s. Edmund k'o. S 2, 1863, Clark Co., 111.) and Clara Frances (Bennett) Yowell (b. S 9, 1862, Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. With Ark. Brick & Mgr. Co., 1910; Dudley, 111., 191 1 — . B. P. O. E.; A F. A. M. Address, Reynoldsville, Pa. 4Si^. JUEDAN TUN-SHON ZHEN Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; B. S. in R. R. C. E., 191 1 ; A. M., 1911; b. 1880, Soochow, Shanghai, China. Prepared in Nanyang (ioll., .Shanghai, China; Univ. of Calif., 1905-07; Univ. of Wis., 1907-8. C. E. Club; Cosmo- politan Club, Asst. Prof., Math. Coll. of Fin- ance; Accountant, Div. Ry. Accts. and Statis- tics, Ministry of Communications, Peking, China. Mem. Trinity M. E. Church, Urbana. Address, No. 6 Chia Yuan, Huting, West City, Peking, China. 4513. AARON WILBUR ZIMMERMAN Inspector; B. A. in M. E.; b. O 14, 1885, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Je 18, 1858, Pe- oria) and Katherine (Albrecht) Zimmerman (b. Ap 3, 1858, Tiskilwa, 111.). Prepared in Tiskil- wa H. .S. Testing Engr., Gary, Ind., 1910-11; Insp. Engr., do., 191 1 — . Married Co-ro Tor- ene, N 28, 1912, Tiskilwa, 111. Child, Louise Charlotte, b. O 27, 1913. Address, 650 Polk St., Gary, Ind. 4514. GEORGE FULTON DANIEL ZIMMERMAN Salesman; LL. B.; b. Ag 3, 1883, Mason City, 111.; s. Albert Randolph (b. 1853, do.) and Anniah Belle (Walker) Zimmerman (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Mason City H. S.; Univ. Acad. Psi Upsilon; Fresh, football. With Contract Dept., Cent. Union Tel. Co., Rock Island, 111., 1910-11; Lawyer, Peoria, 1912-17; Salesman, Leader Iron Works. Deca- tur, 111.. 1917-18; do., Urbana, 1918 — . Married Tulia Gale Barrett, Je 27, 1910, Cincinnati. Children: Elizabeth Gale, b. Je 13, 1911; Julia Barrett, b. O 17, 1913; George Fulton Daniel, b. O 17. 1914 (died Je 24, 1915); John Barrett, b. D 19, 1915. Address, 514 Michigan Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. Central Ave. and Wabash Tracks, Urbana. CLASS OF 1911 (473 LIVING, 7 DEAD) 4515. ALFRED NALLE ABBOTT (Son of No. 121; Brother of No. 4516) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag i, 1887. Saltillo, Mex.; s. Theodore Sperry ('77), (b. S 21, 1855, Morrison, 111.) and Aurelia (Nalle)' Abbott (b. New Orleans, La.). Prepared in Woodberry Forest, Orange, Va.; W. Texas Mil. Acad., San Antonio, Tex. Triangle. Civ. Engr. in irrigation projects. Address, Santa Marta, Columbia, S. Am. 4043. BAYARD TAYLOR ABBOTT (Son of No. 416; Brother of Nos. 4044, 6687, 8909) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 5, 1887, Mor- rison. 111.; s. Alfred Noyes ('85), (b. N 2. 1862, Union Grove, 111.) and Sarah G. (Green) Abbott. Prepared in Morrison H. S.; Univ. Acad. Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club: Agr. Club; Crystal Club. Mgr.. Stock Farm, Morrison, 111. Address, Morrison, 111. 4516. THEODORA SARA ABBOTT (Daughter of No. 121; Sister of No. 4515) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 11, 1890, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mex.; d. Theodore Sperry i'77), (b. S 21, 1855, Morrison, 111.) and Aurelia (Nalle) Abbott, (b. Ag I, i860, New Orleans. La.). Pre- pared in Fairmount Acad., Wichita, Kan. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Address, Saltillo, Coa- huila, Me-x. 4517. WILLIAM ALBERT ALBRECHT (Brother of No. 7333) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 12, 1888, Flanagan, 111.; s. John (b. N 20, 1833, Ger.) and Barbara (Nafziger) Albrecht (b. Ag 28, 1851, Zweilbriicken, do.). Prepared in Acad., Rluft'ton Coll., O. Ionian. Teacher, Bluffton Coll.. Bluffton, O., 1911-12; Instr., Soils. Univ. of Mo., 1916 — ■. Auth. : Changes in Nitrogen (Tontent of Stored Soils, Jour. Am. Soc. of .■igronomy. Vol. X, No. 2. F 1918. Mem., Classical Assn. of Middle West and South; Am. Soc. of Agronomy; Soc. Am. Bacteriol- ogists; Mennonite Church. Address, Columbia, Mo. 4518. WILLIAM SELBY ALLAN Instrumentman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 6, 1888, Toronto, Can.; s. Selby. Gundry (b. Jl 6, 1851, Brigus, Newfoundland) and Agnes Oliver (Rutherford) Allan (b. Ag 19, 1861, Harbor Grace, do.). Lewis Inst. Freshman Basket- 4o6 University of Illinois [1911 ball; Baseball; Class Football. In Engng. Camps of Madeira-^Mamore Ry., Jungles of Brazil; Levelman, 191 1; Instrumentnian, 191^ — . Ad- dress, 648 E. Cornelia Ave., Chicago. 4519. GEORGE B. ALLEN Chief Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 8, 1886, Roodhouse, 111.; s. Alonzo (b. D 8, 1837, do.) and Ellen Elizabeth (McCracken) Allen (b. My 25, 1842). Prepared in Roodhouse H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors; Illini Staff, 19 10. Draftsman, Hastings Motor Shaft Co., 191 1; with Hudson iMotor Car Co.. Detroit, 1912-13; With Chalmers Motor Co., do., 1913-15; Exp. Engr., do., 191 5; Asst. Chief Engr., Liberty Motor Car Co., do., 191 5-1 7. First Lt., Ord. Reserve Corps. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, Roodhouse, 111. 4520. RAY CLIFFORD ALLEN Employment Mgr. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My . 27, 18S6. Waterman, 111.; s. Fred Lincoln (b. S 30, 1869, do.) and Ella Pearl (Sawyer) Allen (b. F 12, 1861, Pierce, 111.). Prepared in Winfield (Kan.) H. S. Record Clerk, Com- monwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1911-15; So- cial Investigator, do., 1915-16; Vocational Ad- visor, do., 1916-17; Employment Mgr., do., 1917 — . Mem., Employment Mgrs. Club, Chi- cago. Married Bectha Edna Shealy, Je 17, 1916, Chicago. Child, Charles Edward, b. iSIr 27, 1917. Address, 5918 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4834 S. Halsted St., do. 4S2I. WILLIAM HERBERT ALMY (Husband of No. 4532; Brother of No. 3618) Farmer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 14, 1881, Galesburg, III.; s. William Hoffman (b. Ap 1 85 1, Philadelphia) and Mary Louise (Shull) Almy (b. 1854, New York). Prepared in Sterling and Coloma Tp. H. S.; LIniv. Acad. Charter Mem., M. E. Soc. ; Gym. Team; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Chm., Cap and Gown Com. Dir., Man. Tr., Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111.; Farmer, Indianola, 111., 1916 — . Scout Master of Boy Scouts of Am. Married Flor- ence Baird Cii), D 21, 1912, Indianola, 111. Children: Jean Baird, b. N 23, 1913; Lo's Winifred, b. Ap 28, 191 5. Address, R. i, In- dianola, 111. 4522. ARVID ROBERT ANDERSON Engr. and Mfr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1912: b. O I, 1890, Chicago; s. Lars Gustav (b. D S, 1858, Orebro, Sweden) and Augusta (Gus- tavson) Anderson (b. Ag 25, 1861, Boxholm, do.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Prelim. Honors; Final Honors; Special Honors; Grad. Scholarship. Pres., The Auto- matic Reclosing Circuit Breaker Co. Columbus, O. Bat. F., 324th F. A.. Camp Sherman, O. Address, 239 19th Ave., Columbus, O. 4523. CHARLES THOMAS ANDERSON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1912; b. Mr 12, 1888, Taylorville, 111.; s. Arche- laus (b. O 16, 1 85 1, Green Co., Ind.) and Leah Grace' (Chapman) Anderson (b. My 4, i860, (Dgle Co., 111.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Gen. Assembly under-grad. Scholar- ship. Gen. research, Elec. Co., Pittsfield, Mass., ig 12-16; do.. LTnion Switch &• Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa., 1916-17. Lt. Jr. Grade U. S. N. R.; Radio officer, U. S. S. Minnesota; do.. V. S. S. New Mexico. Address, 628 E. Franklin St., Taylorville, 111. 4524. CLAIR ELMORE ANDERSON Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 1913; b. F 19, 1886, Summer Hill, 111.; s. H. L. and EHza Anderson. Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. E. E. Soc. Sales Dept., Gen. Elec. Co. Lamp Works, Harrison, N. J., 1913-17; do., H. W. McCandless & Co., 1917; Asst. Sales Mgr., do., 1917-18; Mgr., Miniature Lamp Sales, Am. Ev- eready Works. Long Island City, N. Y. Ad- dress, 44 Bleecker St., Newark, N. J.; bus. add., American Eveready Works, Long Island City, 4525. WILLIAM CORNELISON ANTHONY Testing Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 26, 1890, Peoria; s. Mark (b. Washington, 111.) and Carrie Hester Anthony (b. Centralia, do.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. M. E. Soc. Instr., Tulane Engng. Coll., 1911-12; Engr., Chicago office of White Co.; Cleveland Motor truck and car builders, 1912-15; Visited Europ- ean truck and gas engine plants, 191 5; Special Work, White Co., 1915; Experimental work in h I5d. Jr. Engr., 111. St. Highway C'omn.; Engr., Cirant Smith & Co., Seattle; Gen. Supt., Porter Ship Co., Portland, Ore. and Aberdeen. Built 40% of all wooden ships of ICmergency Fleet Corp. in District 11. Address, 1130 Henry Bldg., Seattle. 4593. HARRY YOUNG CARSON Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ap 3, 1888. Danville, 111.; s. J. M. (b. 1845, Edin- burgh, Scotland) and A. Marie (Young) Car- son (b. 1854. Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Danville H. S. C. E. Club: Pres., Cosmopoli- tan; Mgr., ist Jnter-coll. Soccer. Gen. Mgr., 412 University of Illinois [1911 The Carson Payson Co., Contracting Engrs.; Capt., Engrs., American Red Cross, Palestine Comn., Jerusalem. Auth. : Soccer Football, IVest.-Intercoll. Mag., 191 1; various articles in Trade Journals on Plumbing. Charter Mem., 111. Club. Address, Indianapolis, Ind. 4594. GRACE CHALLAND (POLLOCK) A. B. in Sc; b. F 19, 1887, Shabbona, 111.; d. Reuben (b. Mr 3, 1849, Eng.) and Mary Emily (Cutts) Challand (b. D 13, 1856, Lee, 111.). Prepared in Shabbona H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Oak Park, 1911-13; do., H. S., Morris, 111., 1913-15. Married Charles Pollock, Je 16, 1915, Detroit. Child, Margaret Marie, b. N 3, 1917. Address,. 1409 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago. 4S9S. CHESTER RAYMOND CHAMBERS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 23, 1S88, Pier- son Sta., 111.; s. Owen Thomas (b. N i, 1843, Vigo Co., Ind.) and Sarah (Wildman) Cham- bers (b. S 13, 1S54, Pierson Sta., 111.). Pre- pared in Shurtleff Coll. Acad.. Upper Alton, 111.; Shurtleff Coll., Agr. Club. Farmer, Pier- son Sta., 111. U. S. N. A., S 4, 1917; Bugler, Co. L, 349th Inf., O I, 1917; 3rd O. T. Sch., 1918 — , Camp Dodge, la. Address, Pierson Sta.. 111. 4596. PHILENA CLARKE (Sister of Nos. 5075, 6160) Supt. Sch.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Noblesville, Ind.; d. John Osenbach (b. do.) and Mary (Wiiite) Clark (b. Westtield, Ind.). Prepared in Noblesville (Ind.) H. S.; Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1905; Ind. St. Norm., 1914. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., summer, 191 5. Kap- pa Delta Pi; Final Honors. Prin., Hamilton H. S., 1911-17; Supt. do., 1917 — . Address, 211 E. Conner St., Noblesville, Ind.; bus. add., Hamilton, 111. 4597. SCOTT WILLIAM CLEAVE (Husband of No. 5695) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 28, 18S6, Ottawa, 111.; s. J. F. and Luberta M. Cleave. Prepared in Ottawa H. S.; Univ. Acad. Acacia; Shield and Trident; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho. Married Mabel Haines ('13), F 9, 191 5, Urbana. Address, 224 Catherine St., Ottawa, 111. 4598. CHARLES CARROLL COBB, JR. Gen. Foreman; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 26, 1889, Chicago; s. Charles Carroll (b. N 26, 1862, Abingdon, Mass.) and Ida Elizabeth (Allen) Cobb (b. Mr 31, 1864, Hendersonville, N. C). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Technograph Bd. ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Sec, M. E. Soc. Engr., 111. Central Ry., 191 1; do., Nat. Tube Co., 1911-17; Gen. Foreman, Steam & Gas Power, Amherst, O. 111. Nat. Guard; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Helen C. Power, O 2. 191 3, Kewanee, 111. Address, 241 Spruce St., Elyria, O. 4599. GEORGE OWEN COGSWELL (Brother of No. 4600) Pres. and Mgr.; A. B. in A. E.; b. Ap 28, 1887, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. George Elmer (b. Ja 6, 1849, Towanda, Pa.) and Czarina Eve- lyn (Coman) Cogswell (b. Jl 17, 1S49. Leroy, N. Y.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Mil. Scholarship; Capt., L^niv. Brig.; Tennis Team. Ouantitv Engr., Calif.: with F. K. Vaughn Bldg. Co., Hamilton, O.; Pres. and Mgr., Cogswell Bldg. Co., Springfield, O., 1918 — . Estimator, Q. M. Interior Storage De- pot. Columbus. O. Lt., A. F. A. M.; Champaign County Country Club. Married Katherine Sax- ton, Ja 19, 1913, Pueblo. Colo. Children: Eve- lyn, b. D 12, 1913: Ruth. b. N 19. 1916. Address, 1004 S. Center .St., -Springfield. O. ; bus. add., Cogswell Bldg. Co., do. 4G00. ROBERT COMAN COGSWELL (Brother of No. 4599) Secretary; B. S. in Arch. E. ; b. Ap 28, 1887, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. George Elmer (b. Ja 6, 1849, Towanda, Pa.) and Czarina Evelyn (Coman) Cogswell (b. Jl 17, 1849, Leroy, N. v.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Univ. Band. Sec, F. K. Vaughn, lUdg. & Gen. Contrs., Hamilton, O. Married Louise Cogswell, Ap 8, 1916. Child, Robert Coman, Jr., b. Mr 22, 1917. Address, Hamil- ton, O. 4601. MARTIN FRANCIS CONNELLY Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 29, 1888, Chi- cago; s. Martin (b. do.) and Mary A. (Nick- son) Connelly (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago H. S.; Lewis Inst. Triangle; Spalding Guild. Engr., Bldg. Const.; Asst. Engr., N. Y. St. Highway Comn. Address, 4509 Washington r.lvd., Chicago. 4602. SAMUEL SAMPSON COOK Advertiser; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. O 14, 1889, Clinton, la.; s. Ward Williams (b. S i, 1866, Dunleith, 111.) and Mary (Sampson) Cook (b. O 26, 1S65, Sterling, 111.). Prepared in Clin- ton H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; C. E. Club; Var- sity Dancing CIul); Cadet Hop Com.; Class Baseball; Class Smoker Com.; Chm., Sr. Break- fast Com. Supt. Ry. Const., Donald Jeffrey Ry. Contr., Delraor, la. Adv. Mgr., Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Clinton, la., 1915-16; do., Curtis Co., do., 191 7 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Julia Scott, My 24, 1916, Camanche, la. Child, Ward Scott, b. My ^o, 1 91 7. Address, 300 Chandler St., Clinton, la. 4603. MARK AMENT COOPER Farmer; B. S. in Agr. and Bus.; b. F 7, 1890, Farmingdale, 111..; s. William Knox and Kathryn Stites (Van Paten) Cooper. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Chi Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; X^arsity Baseball; Jr. Class Baseball; Sr. (lass Baseball. Farmer, Farmingdale, HI. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Farmingdale, 111. 4604. EVA RETTA CRANE A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 9, 1888, Rantoul, 111.; d. Earl Nerse (b. 1S46, Peoria Co., 111.) and Lucinda Frances (Mahaffey) Crane (b. D 20, 1844, Brown Co., O.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Kappa Delta Pi. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Rantoul, 111. 4605. CLAY EVERETT CRAPNELL B. S. in Agr.; b. S 12, 1887, Joy, 111.; s. William (b. Je 16, 1861, do.) and Emma (Miller) Crapnell (b. F 23, 1866, Aledo, 111.). Prepared in Hedding Prep., Abingdon, 111. Phi Sigma Kappa: Four year Scholarship; Hedding Coll. Male Quartette; Univ. Glee Club. Address, 364 Lingling Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 4606. JAMES WASHINGTON CRESS Farmer and Stock Raiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 31, 1889, Hillsboro, 111.; s. Henry A. (b. Ag 8, 1859, do.) and Anna (Clotfeller) Cress (b. Jl 17, 1850, do.). Prepared in Hills- l)oro H. S. Sigma Pi; Agr. Club. Dairy Dept., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Farmer, Hillsboro, 111., 1912-18. Married Essie Webster, Air 3, 1915, Chicago. Child, Lillian Louise, b. Jl 31, 1916. .iddress, Hillsboro, 111. 4607, PRESTON WIRUM CUMMINGS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 30, 1884, Buda, 111.; s. S. Cummings. Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Elec. Engr., Elevator Supplies Co., Hoboken, N. J. Married Frances Bengo- ton, My I, 1915, Coloma, Mich. Child, Sher- wood Preston, b. Mr 5, 1916. Address, Leonia, N. J. igii] Baccalaureate Alumni 413 460S. FLORENCE RISING CURTIS Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; d. General Newton Martin (b. My 21, 1835, Depeyster, N. V.) and Emeline (Clark) Curtis (b. Ag 20, 1S38, Fancy Creek, 111.). Prepared in Ogdensburg Free Acad.; Wells Coll., Aurora, N. Y. B. L. S., N. Y. St. Lib. Sch., 191 1; A. M., Univ. of Minn., 191 7. Asst., Osterhout Free Lib., Wilkesbarre, Pav, 1896-97; Libn. and Sec, N. Y. St. Norm. Sch., Potsdam, N. Y., 1900-6; Libn., Athenaeum Lib., Saratoga, N. Y., 1906-8; Instr., Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 190S-13; Assoc, do., 1913-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918^. Auth.: List of the Lib. Reports and Bui. in the Collection of the Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1912; The Collection of Social Sur. Ma- terial. 191 5; The Libraries of the Am. St. and Nat. Institutions of Defective Dependents and Delinquents, 1918. Address, 908 W. Nevada, Ur- bana. 111. 4609. PETER DALENBURG Farmer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 18, 1886. South Holland. 111.; s. William (b. F 9, 1857, Rose- land, 111.) and Henrietta (Van Oostenberg) Dalenburg (b. Jl 29, 1862). Prepared in Thorn- ton Tp. H. S. Arch. Supt., 1911-15; Farmer, South Holland, 191 5 — . Married Anne \'an Erden, N 16, igii. South Holland, 111. Child, William Robert, b. Mr 21, 1913. Address, South Holland. 111. 4610. IDA BELLE DAVIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 4, 1873; d. Aaron (b. Ja 17, 1837) and Abigail E. Davis (b. Mr 18, 1842). Prepared in Valparaiso, Ind.; Univ. Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1903-5; Grad., Cumnock Sch. of Orat. Instr., Phys. ; Teach- er, Yankton Co. Coll., Yankton, S. Dak., 1905-8; do., Pub. Speak., Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore., 1913-14; Salem H. S., 1914-16; do.. East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Charleston, 111., 1917 — . Ad- dress, Salem, 111.; bus. add., c/o 111. St. Norm. Sch., Charleston, 111. 4611. REBA DAVIS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 7, 1886. Sun Prairie, WTs. ; d. John R. (b. 1846, do.) and Sarah Jane (Chase) Davis (b. 1849, do.). Pre- pared in Spokane, Wash., H. S.; Univ. of Wash., 1904-6; Univ. of Minn., 1907-8. Delta Gamma. Libn., la. St. Traveling Lib.; do.. Base Hosp., Ft. Bliss, Tex. Address, c/o State Historical Bldg., Des Moines. 4612. LEON MORTON DECKER Business; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Je 15, 1888, E. Stroudsburg, Pa.; s. Morton (b. jfl 16, 1858) and Anna Margaret (Lantz) Decker fb. My 8, 1862). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phoenix; Yoxan; 111. LTnion Dramatic (Zlub; Mgr., Var- sity Baseball; Class Baseball; Class Sec; Jr. Cap Com.; Sr. Ball Com.; Traveling Salesman, Standard Separator Co., 1911-12; Asst. Sales Mgr., do., 1912; Trade Mgr., Cushman Motor Works, Lincoln, Neb., 1913-14; Sec, Lincoln Box & Mfg. Co., do., 1915—. Mem., 111. Nat. Guard. Married Elizabeth Hays, N 15, 1916, Boise, Idaho. Address, 1460 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb. 4613. EMMA ETHEL DE WITT Home Demonstration Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Wickliffe, Ind.; d. William F. (b. 1861, Crawford Co., Ind.) and Pheby E. (Eckerty) De Witt (b. 1862, Canal Dover, O.). Pre- pared in Long View and Tuscola H. Schs. Al- pha Omicron Pi; Treas., Illiola; H. Sc Club; Bethany Circle. Teacher, H. S., Villa Grove, 111., 1913-15; do., Klein, Mont., 1915-17; Home Demonstration Agt., Jamestown, N. D., 1917-18. Mem., O. E. S. Address, Broadlands, 111. 4614. GRACE ELLA DEXTER (Sister of No. 6202) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ag 12, 1888, Benton Harbor, Mich.; d. Arthur Glen (b. Che- noa, 111.) and l.ora Belle (Gallup) Dexter (b. Niles. Mich.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Athenean; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Kinmun- dy H. S., 111., 1913; do., Homer, 111., 1914-15; Univ. of 111., 1916; Kan. St. Norm. Sch., Em- poria, Kan., 1917-18. Mem., D. A. R.; Assoc, of Coll. Alumnae. Address, 614 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., 1225 Rural St., Emporia, Kan. 4615. ROSCOE CLARK DILLAVOU (Brother of No. 6837) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 1913; b. Ja 2, 1890, Lodge, 111.; s. Samuel Elmer (b. Ap 29, 1865, Macon Co.. 111.) and Mary M. (McDaniel) Dillavou (b. S 16, 1868, Wabash Co., Ind.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Soph. Debating Team; John Marshall Law Club. Lawyer, Champaign, 1913- 14; do., Billings, Mont.. 1914 — . House of Rep- resentatives, State of Mont., 16th Legislative Assembly. 1919-21. Mem., III. Nat. Guard. Co. M., 4th Inf., 1908-12. Married Louise M. Brad- ford, Je 14, 1916, Champaign. Address, 44 Grand Ave., Billings, Mont.; bus. add., 206-208 Power Bldg., do. 4616. NOAH MATHENY DIXON Bond Broker: A. B. in Bus. L. S: A.; b. N 15, 1889, Springfield, 111.; s. John Norman (b. S 26, 1854, Zanesviile. O.) and Fanny (Matheny) Dixon (b. Ja 23, 1862, Springfield, 111.). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S., St. Johns Mil. Acad., Delafield, Wis. Phi Kappa Psi; Yoxan; Hel- met. Bond Broker, Springfield, 111. 1st Lt., Inf., O. R. C, Camp Lee, Va. Address, 825 S. 6th St., Springfield, 111. 4617. IRA BURTON DOLE Agent; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 12, 1888, Man- teno. 111.; s. Ira Burton (b. do.) and Amelia Izetta (Barnard) Dole (b. do.). Prepared in Manteno H. S. ; Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Gre- gory Guild. Asst. Retort Foreman, Rome Plant. Federal Creosoting Co., 1911-12; Retort Fore- man, Paterson Plant, N. J., 1913-17; Agt.. Federal Creosoting Co., Bayonne Plant, N. J.. 1917-iS. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. S. M. E. Married Margretta Elizabeth McCausland, Je 14, 1916, Paterson, N. J. Child, Ira Burton, III, b. Ap 18, 1917. Address, 67 W. 45th St. Bayonne, N. J.; bus. add., c/o Federal Creosot- ing Co., Bound Brook, N. J. 4618. MAX ROBERT DORMITZER Manager; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 24, 1888, New Orleans; s. Charles (b. Ger.) and Louise (Reichardt) Dormitzer (b. Boston, Mass.). Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst. Alpha Sigma Phi; Sr. Invitation Com. Mgr., Latin-Am. Dept.. Peerless Internal. Corp., New York City, Signal Branch, Co. 3, O. T. Bn., Camp Vail, N. J.; Mustered out, N 30, 1918. Address. 45 W. 74th St., Chicago; bus. add., 54 W. Kinzie St., do. 4619. ETHEL LEILA DOUGLAS (DALLENBACH) (Wife of No. 4123) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 8, i888, Chicago; d. Wallace N. (b. My 19, i860, Como, HI.) and Elizabeth Harris (Kemp) Douglas (b. Mr 18, 1862, Mahomet, 111.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Grad.. Chicago Froe- hel Assn.; Kindergarten training sch., 1910. Pi Beta Phi. Kindergarten Teacher, Evanston, 111.. Pub. Sch., 1912-14. Married Karl M. Del- lenbach ('10). Ag 22, 1914, Chicago. Children: Child, b. Ag 28, 1915 (died Ag 29, 1915); John Wallace, b. Ja 22, 19 18. Address, 7346 Luella Ave., Chicago. 414 University of Illinois [1911 4620. ELMO SAMUEL DRAKE (Brother of No. 4621) Banker; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. My 30. 1888, Grove City, 111.; s. Cornelius (b. i8s4. Wadsworlh, O.) and Estella Viola (Sadler) Drake (b. 1855, Grove City, 111.). Prepared Wadsworth, O.) and Estella Viola (Sadler) Drake (b. 1855, Grove City, 111.). Prepared in Stonington H. S. ; James Millikin Univ. Sigma Pi; Delta Kapna Chi; Coml. Club; Var- sity Track. Enlisited 1917; Honorably dis- charged. Married Blanche A. Linnwiler, N 30, 1917, St. Louis. Address, Stonington, 111. 4621. WALDO HIRAM DRAKE (Brother of No. 4620) Teacher; A. B. in Bus. L. & A. ; b. My 30, 1 888, Grove City, 111.; s. Cornelius (b. 1854. in Stonington H. S.; James Millikin Univ. Sigma Pi; Delta Kappa Chi; Coml. Club; Var- sity Track. Teacher, Cleveland H. S.^ St. Louis, 1914-17. Lt., Sch. of the Line, Grout A. K. 31, Camp Sherman, O. ; Mustered out, D 14, 1918. Address, Grove City, 111. 4622. LILLIAN BEATRICE DREW (VAN GRAMMER) (Sister of No. 7488) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1887, DeKalb, 111.; d. Edward (b. F 21, 1845, St. Clements, Eng.) and Elizabeth Jane Drew (b. O 26, 1845, Milor, Eng.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Scribblers' Club. Married Maurice Van Grammer. Address, c/o Mildred Drew, 620 W. 122nd St., New York City.t 4623. ETHEL REYNOLDS DRUMMOND (CHASE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl i, 1889, Omaha, Neb.; d. Ralph A. (b. Glasgow, Scotland) and Mary Maude (Reynolds) Drummond (b. Pawtucket, R. I.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. Teaclier, Eng. and Hist., H. S., Nash- ville, 1911-12. Mem., Irmena. Married Frank M. Chase, O 8, 1913. Chicago. Child, Frank Reynolds, b. Je 9, igi.S- Address, 106 Broad- moor Ave., Topeka, Kan. 4624. BERTHA CATHERINE DUERKOP Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Jl 14, 1881, Elderville, 111.; d. Henry (b. N 24, 1833. Hil- desheim, Gcr.) and Catherine (Satori) Duer- kop (b. F 5, 1849, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Der Deutsche Verein; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Prin., H. Sch., Win- chester, 111., 1912-14; Teacher, Pekin H. S., 111., 1914 — . Address, Sutter, 111.; bus. add.. Buena Vista Apts., Pekin, 111. 4625. ARTHUR BARRETT DUNHAM (Brother of No. 6849) Architect; B. S. in, Arch.; b. S 9, 1887. Chi- cago; s. Arthur Henry (b. Mr 30, 1861. Stock- bridge, Mass.) and Margaret Evans (Barrett) Dunham (b. F 8, 1863, do.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S. ; LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Scarab; Prelim, and Final Honors; Illio; Sr. Memorial Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Arch. Draftsman, Hewitt & Brown, Archs., Minne- apolis, 191 1 ; do., Hewitt & Emerson, Peoria, 1 91 2-1 3; Practising Arch., Sund & Dunham, Minneapolis, 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Minneaiiulis Civic and Conmierce Assn. Mar- ried Eleanor Louise Mason. .'Vp 26, 1916. Child, William Barrett, b. Ja 20, 1918. Address, 2507 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis; bus. add., 514 Essex Bldg., do. 4626. ANDREW MELVIN DUNLAP (Brother of No. 4627) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 20, 1877. Aledo, 111.; s. Albert Middleton (b. Connels- ville. Pa.) and Mary (Helmle) Dunlap (b. Cherry Fork, O.). Prepared in Aledo H. S.; Armour Inst. Acad. E. E. Soc. Stud. Appren- tice, West. Elec. Co. Married Fern E. Morri- son, Ja 14, 1913, Aledo, 111. Address, 3940 W. 15th St., Chicago. t 4627. ERNEST ALBERT DUNLAP (Brother of No. 4626) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 12, 1889, Aledo, 111.; s. Albert Middleton (b. Connels- ville. Pa.) and Mary (Helmle) Dunlap (b. Cher- ry Fork, O.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. E. E. Soc; Class Baseball. With West. Elec. Co. .-iddress, Aledo, Ill.f 4628. ROBERT MURATT DUNLAP (Son of No. 423; Brother of No. 7492) Chief Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 23, 1887; s. Robert Livingston ('85), (b. N 17, i860. Savoy, 111.) and Charlotte Rebecca (Jutkins) Dunlap (b. Ap 5, 1S64, Albany, N. Y.). Pre- Iiarcd in Urbana H. S. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., 1911; Rate Dept., 1911; Assembling Struct. Steel, Noelbe-Richards Iron Wks., Indianapo- lis, 1912; Struct. Engr., Chicago Steel Pro- ducts Co., Westcott Engng. Co. and Griffin Wheel Co., Chicago. 1912-14; Chief Engr., Fed- eral Cement Tile Co., Chicago, 1914 — . ist. Lt., Q. M. Corps, O 1918; mustered out, :9i8. Mem., Congr. (Thurch; A. F. A. M.; West. S9C. of Engrs.; Struct. Engrs. Assn., 111.; lllini Club, Chicago. Married Bessie Laurie Wise- hart, N 30, 1911, Champaign. Address, 1411 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago. 4629. WILLIAM BENJAMIN DUNNING Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 17, 1886. Aurora, 111. Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Triangle. Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago; Am. Bridge Co., Lassing Plant, Chi- cago. Address, Room 1832 72 W Adams St., Chicago.t 4630. MATI LAL DUTT Instructor; B. S. in M. E. ; M. S.. 1912; b. S 17, 1885, Calcutta, India; s. Madhav Chandra Dutt. Prepared in Cent. Collegiate Sch., Calcutta, India; Univ. of Calcutta; Univ. of Calif., 1912; Asst. Steam Engr., Lacka- wanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1912-13; Test House Asst., Loco-Supt. of Water Works, Bengal Nagpur Ry., Bengal, India, 1913-15: Prof., Mech. and Elec. Engng., Kala-Bhavan Tech. Inst.. Baroda, India, 1916 — . Married My 1914. Child, son, b. N 30, 1916. Address, 78 Maniktola St., Calcutta, India. 4631. JOHN WILLIAM ECK (Husband of No. 6387; Brother of No. 4632) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 7. 1886, Troy Grove, 111.; s. John A. and Magdalena (Dorf- ner) Eck. Prepared in Troy Grove II. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi; Final Honors. Teacher, Man. Tr., Minn. St. Norm. Sch., Moorhead, Minn. Married Bess Mae Lindley ('14), Ag 24, 1915, Urbana. Address, Moorhead, Minn. 4632. JOSEPHINE ANTOINETTE ECK (STEWART) (Wife of No. 4922; Sister of No. 4631) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. F ?■ 1889, Troy Grove, 111.; d. Tohn A. (b. S 7. 1855, Peru, 111.) and Ellen (Dorfner) Eck (b. Ap 26, 1857. (Chicago). Prepared in Troy Grove H. S. and No. 111. St. Norm. Teacher, Murphysboro Tp. H. S. Mem.. Woman's Club. Married LeRoy Stewart Cii). Je 17, 1914. Murphysboro, 111. Address, Murphysboro, Ill.f 4633. GEORGE CHRISTIAN EDLER Market Specialist; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 13, 1889. Chicago. 111.; s. Fred C. (b. F 17, 1857. do.) and Adele Louise (Groll) Edler (b. Je IQIl] Baccalaureate Alumni 415 24, 1865, do.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. II. S., LaGrange, 111. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta; Tri- angle; Y. M. C. A.; Prelim. , Honors; Varsity Freshman Basket ball Squad, 1907; Jr. Class Basket ball; Sr. Class Basket ball Team (class Championship) ; Sr. Class Tennis (class Cham- pionship); Univ. Tennis, 191 1; Singles Representative, West. Intercoll. Tennis Conf.. Chicago, 191 1. Mgr., Kenmare Flax Farm, Kenmare, N. Dak.; Traveling Salesman. Dick- inson Co., Minneapolis, 1912-16; Investigator in Seed Marketing, Bur. of Markets, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1916 — . Auth.: The Uses of Explosives in Blasting Stumps, Boulders, Breaking up Hard Pan, and in Tree Planting, awarded ist prize of $100 by DuPont Powder Co.; The Farm Boy of Tomorrow, The Farm Home Mag., Je igii. Mem., 111. Corn Grow- ers' Assn. Address, 1137 Allison St., Wash- ington, D. C. 4634. WILLARD CLARKE EELLS Chief Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1913; b. O 27, 1885, Mazon, 111.; s. George and Celeste (Sinclair) Eells. Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Fel- lowship with T. & A. M. Dept. Trk. Kiev, for C. R. I. & P., 191 1 ; With Julian S. Nolan & Co.. Fireproofing Engrs., Chicago, 1913-14; Detailer, checker, head checker, chief drafts- man, Truxcon Steel Co., Youngstown, O.. 1914-18. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Rilla McElmurry, Ja 20, 1914. Children: Richard Arden, b. N 18, 1915 (died D 3, iqi6); Robert Myron, b. S 18, 1917. Address, 216 Au- burndale Ave., Youngstown, O. ; bus. add., Truscon Steel Co., do. 4635. BESS HAMILTON EIKER (Sister of No. 2653) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 15, 1885, Sparta, 111.; d. William David Mahan (b. Pa.) and Anna Jane (Gaud) Eiker (b. Toronto, Can.). Prepar(?d in Sparta H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, H. S., Newton, 111. Ad- dress, Sparta, III.; bus. add., Newton, Hit 4636. CHARLES COURTNEY ELLISON Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B.; b. O 16, 1884, Marine, 111.; s. Charles Monroe (b. Ag 14, 1852, Marine, III.) and Helen Inez (Mc- Kee) Ellison (b. Je 6, 1856, Fruit Station, 111.). Prepared in Alton H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Shurt- leff Coll. Adelphic; Delta Sigma Rho; John Marshall Law Club; Univ. Debating, 1907-09; Class Football, 1906-11; Class Orator, 191 1. "Mgr., Star Lecture Course, 1909-10; Mgr., May Festival Concerts, 191 1. Teacher, Danville, 111., 1911-12; Lawyer, Granite City, 1912-17. Capt. Inf., 311th Field Sig. Bn., Camp Grant, 111., Ag IS, 1917; Major, 3nth Field Signal Bn., Depot Brigade, Camp Upton; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Address, Alton, 111.; bus. add., Piasa Bldg., do. 4637. GEORGE EDGAR ELLISON Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; s. A. Ellison. Prepared in R. T. Crane Man. Tr. Sch. With Automatic Tel. Co., Chicago, 1912 — . Address, 3047 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. t 4638. EVAR EMANUEL ELM Fire Protection Engr.; B. S. in Chem. Eng. ; b. S 13, 1885, Chicago; s. John (b. Jl 15, 1854, Stockholm, Sweden) and Hildegard (Lager- holm) Elm (b. Ag 10, 1858, do.). Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1905-6. Sigma Xi; Chem. Club; Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago, 1911-12; do.. 111. Steel Co., Gary, Ind., 1912; do., Peoples Gas, Light & (Toke Co., Chicago, 1912; do., Morris & Co., Chicago, do., 1912-14; Fire Protection Engr., Chicago Bd. of Underwriters, Chicago, 1914 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 710 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 4639. ARTHUR LUDWIG ENGER (Brother of No. 2656) Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Je 18, 1886, Decorah, la.; s. Lauritz M. (b. Norway) and Bertha (Myran) Enger (b. Decorah, la.). Prepared in Decorah (la.) li. S.; Decorah Inst. Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Capt., Cadet Regt. With Champaign & Urbana Water Co., 191 1 ; Instr., Poly. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 19 1 2; Asst. Engr., Agr. Exp. Sta., Tucson, Ariz., 1912-17. Capt. Engrs. R. C, 1917-18; Zone Supply Office, El Paso, Tex., 1918 — -. Mem., 23d Regt., N. Y. Nat. Guard, N 191 1—. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Garth Baird, Ap 9, 1913, Urbana. Address, 1024 N. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. 4640. THORBJORN KJUS ENGER ^ Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 13, 1886, Christiania, Norway; s. Johan J. Kjus and Olava Enger. Prepared in Throop Poly. Inst., Pasadena, Calif. E. E. Soc. ; Lt., Univ. Regt. Apprentice, Gen. Elec. Co. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Thomson Club, Lynn, Mass. Address, 127 N. Burlington St., Los Angeles. t 4641. NEWTON EDWARD ENSIGN Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 3, 1882, Altamont, 111.; s. Frederick Delano (b. Ag 18, 1846, So. Warsaw, N. Y.) and Jennie (Young) Ensign (b. O 7, i860, Mason, 111.). Prepared in Altamont H. S. A. B., McKendree Coll., 1905; B. A., Oxford Univ., 1908. Phi Kappa Tau; Tau Beta Pi. Instr., Univ. Acad., 1909- 10; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., igio- 15; Assoc, do., 1915 — . Married Flossie Bun- dy, Jl 25, igo8, Oxford, Eng. Child, Richard Bundy, b. F 22, 191 1. Address, 213 E. Gregory St., Champaign; bits, add., T. and A. M. Dept., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 4642. ABRAHAM SOLOMON EPSTEIN Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 24, 1887, Kieff, Russia; s. Solomon (b. S 18, 1867, do.) and Mary (Roth) Epstein (b. Ja 22, 1867, do.). Prepared in Rischellie Gymnasium of Odessa. Cosmopolitan Club; Ivrim. Detailing, Design- ing and Estimating with Nat. Fire Proofing Co., Chicago; Designer and estimator. Nat. Fire Proofing Co., Chicago, 1911-13; Struct. Engr., Marshall .S; Fox, Archs., 1913-14; Struct. Engr., Central Mfg. Dist. of Chicago, 1914 — . Married Janet Robin, Mr 25, 1916. Child, Rayrnond, b. Ja 12, 1918. Address, 6163 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1118 W. 3Sth St., do. 4643. HARRIET CLAIRE ERLBACHER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. 1890, Kanka- kee, 111.; d. Leonard (b. 1850) and Matilde (Robbie) Erlbacher (b. i860, Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago; Morris H. S. Sigma Kappa. Asst. Prin., H. S., Ran- toul', 111., 19H-12. Address, Golden, Colo. 4644. LAWRENCE TURNER FAIRHALL Instructor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1912; b. Ag 30, 1888, Chicago; s. Joseph (b. F 7, 1853, E. Farleigh, Kent, Eng.) and Elizabeth (San- dys) Fairhall (b. F 5, 1853, Ashford, do.). Prepared in Danville II. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Alpha. With 111. St. Water Sur., sum- mer, 191 1 ; 111. St. Geol. Sur.. summer, 1912. Instr., Physiol. Chem., Jeflf. Med. Coll.; do., Boyleston Chem. Lab., Harvard Univ. Mem., A. C. S.; Sec, New Eng. lUini Club. Mar- ried Florence G. Wade, Ap 2, 1Q18, Cambridge, Mass. Address, 82 Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass. 4645. WILLIAM ALEXANDER FAISON Supt., Steel Casting Co.; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Ag 6, 1889, Goldsboro, N. C; s. Wil- liam (b. Ag 16, 1857) and Susan Virginia 4i6 UNJVERSrTV OF ILLINOIS [19II Faisoii (b. Jl 13, i860). Prepared in Cluster Springs Acad., Cluster Springs, Va.; Golds- boro (N. C.) H. S.; Va. Mil. Inst., Lexing- ton, Va.; N. C. A. and M., Raleigh, N. C. B. E. N. C. A. and M. Kappa Sigma; Eastern- ers' and Southerners' Clubs; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Cen. Foundry Work, Am. Steel Foundries; Supt., Atlantic Steel Casting Co., Chester, Pa. Married Miriam Ellison, D 2, 1916. Address, c/o Atlantic Steel Casting Co., Chester, Pa.t . 4646. GUY DORR FAULKNER Farmer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O s, 1887, South Dansville, N. Y. ; s. John Lemen (b. Je 15, 1 85 1, do.) and Rosalie (McCurdy) Faulkner (b. My 20, 1855, Livingston Co., N. Y.). Pre- pared in Hornell PL S.; Genesee Wesleyan Sem. ; Univ. of Syracuse. C. E. Soc. Mem., M. E. Church. Struct. Draftsman, Detroit, 1911-12; Struct. Draftsman, Cleveland, 1912- 14; Farmer. Arkport. N. Y., 1014 — . Address. R. 3, Arkport, N. Y. 4647. JAMES PHILLIPS FELLOWS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 31, 1889, Kan- kakee, 111.; s. James Herbert (b. D 7, 1852, Plainfield, 111.) and Flora A. (George) Fellows (b. Richmond, Me.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Philomethean; Capt., Univ. Regt. Auto- mobile Salesman, igii; Farm Mgr., 1912-1S. Sec, Pedigreed Swine Breeders Assn., Kanka- kee, 111. Married R. Maree Patterson, D 11, 1915, Clinton, 111. Address, Manteno, 111. 4648. CHARLES WILLIAM FENDER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; M. S., 1913; b. Ja 26, 1886, Westfield. 111.; s. W. C. Fender (b. F 26, 1856, Ind.) and Martha (Goble) Fender (b. Ap 16, 1886, Westfield, 111.). Pre- pared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Adelphic: Lambda Chi Alpha. Asst., Zool., Univ. of Calif., 191 1 ; Instr., Sc. Lowell H. S., San Francisco, 1912-18; Head of Dept., P.iol. Sc, do., 1918. Married Gladys Amber, 1913, Berkeley, Calif. Child, Doris Aileen, b, Mv 8. 1914. Address, 1918 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., Lowell H. S., San Francisco. 4649. CHARLES FRANCIS FERRIS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1912; b. N 27, 1887, Erie, Kan.; s. Francis Marion (b. My 17, 1S60, St. Joe. Mo.> and Adelaide Louise (Watt) Ferris (b. Ag i8, 1867, Keokuk). Pre- pared in Danville H. S. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Scholarship, Grad. Sch. Farmer, Middle Inlet. Wis., 1912 — . Mem., Wis. Exp. Assn. Married, Alpha Mildred Williams, Jl 9, 1913, Jamaica, 111. Children: Lillian May, b. My i, 1914; Elizabeth Louise, b. S 10, 1917. Address, Mid- dle Inlet, Wis. 4650. FORREST ADDISON FISHER Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 25, 1888, Greenup, 111,; s. Louis Addison (b. O 19, 1857, Center Point, 111.) and Susan Catherine (Brewer) Fisher (b. Jl 23, 1857, do.). Pre- pared in Greenup H, S. Final Honors; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Pres,, Agr, Club. Asst., Soil Sur., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1911; Asst., Soil, Pliys.. and Agr., Exp. Sta., 1912; Instr., do., 1915; Assoc, do., 1917— . Married Victoria Holt Thomen, My 12, 1912, Greenup, 111. Child, Lewis Thomen, b. O 7, 1915. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Urbana, 111, 4651, WARD HERBERT FISHER (Husband of No, 3943) BIdg, Supt,; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 29, 1886, Mt. Comfort, Ind.; s. Daniel (b. F 13, 1843, Clarksville, Ind.) and Jennie (Davidson) Fisher (b. Ja 27, 1857. Hull, la.). Prepared in Short- ridge H. S., Indianapolis; De Pauw Univ., T 905-7. Scarab; Arch. Club; Phi Kappa Psi. Bldg. Supt. Married Genevieve Rohrer ('oq), O 14, 191 1, Birmingham, Ala, Address, Mc- Cordsville, Ind. 4652. ROSE GRAHAME FLEMING (ST. JOHN) (Sister of Nos. 5131, 5132) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 4, 1886, Engle- wood. 111.; d. George Wallace (b. Ag 15, 1859, Chicago) and Ellen Grahame (Goodfellow) Fleming (b. D 12, i860. Council Bluffs, la.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Final Honors, Teacher, Eng,, Olney H, S., 191 2-1 5. Married Jacques Harvey St. John, O 20, 1916. Olney," 111. Address, 229 1 8th St,, Miami, Fla. 4653. ELIZABETH BLAIR FLETCHER Tournalist; A, B, in L. & A.; b. Mr 6, 1889, Bunker Hill, 111.; d. Samuel Anson (b. S 26, 1824, Antrim, N. H.) and Helen Wiley (Mc- Cambridge) Fletcher (b. Je 9, 1844, Larne, Ire- land). Prepared in Bunker Hill H. S. ; Univ. Acad. A. M., Washington Univ., 1913. Pre- lim, Honors. Teacher, Areola, 111., 1911-12; do.. Little Rock, Ark., 1913-18; Journalist, St. Louis Star, St. Louis Mo., 1918 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 3809 Flad Ave., St, Louis, 4654, FREDERICK JOHN FOERSTERLING Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1916; b. D 12, 1886, Grundy Co., 111.; s. Charles Ernst (b. F 25, 1845, Madgeburg, Prussia) and Barbara (Wiecker) Foersterling (b. S 16, 1844, Hahn, Hessen Darmstadt, Ger.). Pre- pared in Dwight H, S, Eta Kappa Nu; Onyx Club; E, E, Soc; Prelim, and Final Honors; Mgr., Class Football; Chm., ist Engng. Dance Com. Electn., Peoria Gas & Elect. Co., Peoria, 1911-12; Supt., Meters and Transformers, Cen- tral 111. Light Co., do., 1913-15; Elec Operat- ing Engr., do., 1916-17; Sales Mgr., Diamond Elec. Supply Co., do., 1917-18. Mem., Univ. Club, Peoria; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Bertha P. Busch, Je 19, 1912, Urbana. Children: Virginia Grace, b. My 20, 1914; F. Jack, b. Mr 2, 1916. Ad- dress, 108 Alice Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 311 S. Washington St., do. 4655. LAWRENCE EARL FOGLESONG (Husband of No. 4793) Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 17, 1887, Milton, la.; s. Sylvester (b. Mr 7, i860, Lan- caster, Mo.) and Louisa Jane Foglesong (b. D 20, 1861, Pulaski, la.). Prepared in Prep. Sch., Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of Idaho, 1905-7; .Scholarship, Harvard Univ., 1914-16. Acacia; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; 111. Glee Club; Bus. Mgr. ///. Agr., 1908-09. Land- scaije Exten, Dept,, Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Chief Draftsman, Pond & Robinson, Land. Arch., Boston, 1916-17; Land. Arch., Boston, 1917-18; do., Des Moines, 1918; do.. Capital Exten. Grounds, do. Sec. 111. Alumni Assn., Des Moines. Married Jessie Barbara McRobie Cii), Jl 16, 1913, Montclair, N, J. Child, Suzanne F., b. Je 3, 1914. Address, c/o Capi- tal Extension Grounds, Des Moines. 4656. JOHN WARNER FOLEY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 20, 1885, Wapella, 111.; s. Nickolas (h. D 12, 1838, Hampshire Co,, Va.) and Emma (Thorpe) Foley (b. Jl 24, 1858, Wapella, 111.). Pre- pared in Clinton H. S. Prelim. Honors. Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., N. Y. Married Ellen S. McCarthy, Je 9, 1913. Urbana. Children: John Warner and Edwin Nickolas. b. F 19, 1916. Address, c/o West. Elec. Co., N. Y. 4657. LEROY STEWART FOLTZ Professor; B. S. in E. E.; M. S. in E. E.; b. N 27, 1884, Chandlerville, 111,; s, Horace Newton (b. Mr 4, 1854, Lycippus, la.) and Effie (Stewart) Foltz^ (b. 1862, Fowler. III.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Treas., E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Operat- IQIl] Baccalaureate Alumni 417 ing Engr., I. T. Co., Springfield, 111., 1911-12; Testing and Consulting Engr., Excelsior Stove & iNIfg. Co., Quincy, III., 191J-1.3; Instr. Elec. Engng. & Phys., Colo. Agr. Coll., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1914-16; John W. Mackay, Jr., Fellow in Elec. Engng., Univ. of Calif., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., Elec. Engng., Colo. Agr. Coll., 1917-18; Prof.. Elec. Engng. and Dept. Head, do., 1918 — . Mem., Soc. for Promotion, Engng. Educ. ; I St Presby. Church; Supt., Sunday Sch. Married Emily Proctor, Jl i, 1915, Loveland, Colo. Children: Elva Lea, b. Ag 18, 1916; Erwald Newton, b. F 21, 1918. Address, Ft. Collins, Colo. 4658. BERNICE FORD (VAN CLE.VVE) (Wife of G692) A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 3, 1888, Lincoln, Neb.; d. George W. (b. Rockford, 111.) and Jessie L. (Corey) Ford (b. Mr 4, 1865). Prepared in Rockford H. S.; Rockford Coll., 1904-6. Kap- pa Delta Pi; Special and Final Honors. Teacher, H. S., Farmer City, 111., 1911-13; do., Rockford, III., [912-14. Married Harley Jones VanCleave (g'lo), Ag i, 1914. Child, Dorothy Lucile, b. My 20, 191 7. Address, 1107 S. Busey St., Urbana. 4659. CARLOTTA MARKS FORD Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. N 26, 1883, Geneva, 111.; d. George Putman (b. Ag 30, 1854, Little Falls, N. Y.) and Clara Estelle (Angle) Ford (b. Ap 22, 1859, Mendon, N. Y.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Sigma Xi; H. Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Asst., Dom. Sc, Kan. Agr. Coll., 191 1-13; Instr., do., 1913-14; Instr. Home Econ., Montana Coll., Agr. and Mech. Arts, 1914-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916-18. Address, Bozeman, Mont. 4660. ALVIN OLAUDE FOREMAN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 30, 1886, Pitts- field, 111.; s. A. R. Foreman. Prepared in Pitts- field H. S. Farmer, Pittsfield, 111. Address, Pittsfield, Ill.f 466J. JOHN DELAVAN FRAZEE Surety Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 28, 1885, Cedar Rapids, la.; s. Delavan Delos (b. Ag 4, 1857, do.) and Mary Ann (Cooper) Frazee (b. Ag 13, 1858, Grinnell, la.). Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Delta Tau Delta; Helmet; Yoxan; Ku Klux; Scabbard and Blade; Scholarship from Capt. Univ. Sig. C. Resident Asst. Sec, Am. Surety Co., of New York, Louisville, Ky. ; do., Des Moines, 1918 — ^. Address, 2834 Rutfand Ave., Des Moines; bus. add., Am. Surety Co., Equi- table Bldg., Des Moines. 4662. CHESLEY BARBER FREELAND B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1886, Dalton City, 111. Prepared in Acad., James Millikin Univ. Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta; Varsity Track. Farm- er, Dalton City, III. Address, Dalton City, Ill.f 4663. LUCIUS AUGUSTUS FRITZE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. N 25, 1888, Peoria; s. James P. (b. Jl 12, i860, Somerset, Pa.) and Madora (Weber) Fritze (b. Ja 22, i860, Beardstown, 111.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. Chem. Club. Chem., Am. Water Works Guarantee Co., Pittsburgh. Chem. and Supt. Water Purification. Address, Moline. Ill.t 4664. MILTON HECKSCHER FROEHLICH Draftsman and Designer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O II, 1887, Chicago; s. Michael (b. My 25, 1841, Wurtemburg, Ger.) and Jennie (Heck- scher) Froehlich (b. F 9, i860, Ratisbon, Ger.;. Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Ivrim. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind., 1911-13; do., Chicago Steel Products Co., Chi- cago, 1913-14; Draftsman and Designer, Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chicago, 1914 — . Sec, Chicago Assn., Jewish Religious Teachers, 1912 — . Address, 308 E. S3rd St., Chicago. 4665. GIKAN FUJIMURA Scientist; B. S. in Sc; M. S. in Bot., 191 1; b. Ja 16, 1885, Mirumai, Shiwagun, Iwateken, Japan; s. Chiyokichi (b. 1862, Morioka, do.) and Misa (Suzuki) Fujimura (b. 1867, do.). Mich. Agr. Coll., 1907-09. Formosan Govt. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1911-13; F. W. Home Co., 1913-17; Imperial Zootech. Exp. Sta., Japan, 1918 — . Mem., Univ. of 111. Club, Japan; Am. Univ. Club, do.; Tokyo Eng. Speaking Soc. Married Kiku Funakoshi, Ap 26, 191.^, Morioka, Japan. Address, Morioka, Japan. 4666. WILFRED TRUMAN FULLENWIDER (Brother of Nos. 1132, 1676) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 26, 1888, Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. Henry Thomas (b. Mr 1, 1846, do.) and Sarah Connet (Lindsly) Fu!- lenwider (b. O 21, 1849, Grove City). Prepared in Mechanicsburg and Springfield. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club. Bus. Mgr. 111. Agr., III. St. Soil Surv., 1913- Farmer, Mechanicsburg, 111. Address, Mecha- nicsburg, 111. 4667. CHARLES BUSHNELL FULLERTON Lawyer; I,L. B.; b. Je 24, 1887, Ottawa, 111.; s. Thomas Coxey (b. Ag 21. 1839, Montgomery Co., Pa.) and Vincy Tuttle (Bushnell) Fuller- ton (b. Mr I, 1859, Ottawa, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Alpha Delta; Shield and Trident. Lawyer, Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw, Chicago, 1911-17. 2nd Lt., 26th U. S. Inf., A. E. F., France; with Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Ger., 1919 — . Mem., Loyal Legion; Illini Club of Chicago; 111. Bar .\ssn. Militia, 1903-6. Address, 622 Pearl St., Ottawa, 111. 4668. WILLIAM KENNETH GALEENER (Husband of No. 6140; Brother of No. 2671) Horticulturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 11, 1884, Tunnel Hill, 111.; s. William Edwin (b. O 30. 1842, Warren Co., O.) and India B. (Perkins) Galeener (b. 1852, Vienna, 111.). Prepared in Vienna H. S. Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Salesman for W. E. Galeener & Sons, Nursery- men, Vienna, 111.; Reclaiming Neglected Orchards. Fairfield, 111. Mem., M. E. Church; Sec, Wayne Co. Farmer's Inst. Married .Vdela Pauline Carrier ('14), Je 17. 1914. Ur- bana. 111. Address, R. 2, Fairfield, 111. 4669. JAMES LEWIS GARDNER Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 24, 1882. Aurora, 111.; s. William Edward (b. Je 24, 1849, Newark, N. T.) and Anna Electa (Freeman) Gardner (b. Mr 12, 1857, Aurora, 111.). Pre- pared in East Aurora H. S. Alpha Zeta; .\gr. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors: Treas., Class of 191 1. Live Stock Man, Manhattan Co., Manhattan, Mont.; Exten. Dept.. Coll. of .\gr., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Mgr., Walnut Grove Farm, Virginia, 111., IQ13 — • Married Anna Ruth Carr, Mr 5. 191 3. Climax, Mich. Address. R. 4, Virginia, III. 4670. HARRIET ELIZABETH GARNETT (SHAW) (Sister of Nos. 9.=;o, 1504. 2098, 3373. 3745) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 23. 1887, Plymouth. 111.; d. Robert Kirtley (b. Ag 4, 1844, St. Mary's, 111.1 and Annie Elizabeth (Hunter) Garnett (b. O 19, 184';, Catasauqua, Pa.). Pre- pared in Piano and Prescott (Ariz.) H. Schs. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Kanpa Delta Pi; Sr. Breakfast Com. Teacher, H. Sc, Charleston, II!.; do., Pratt, Kan., igU-i.S- Mem., Coterie; Cro-totem Club. Married Ced- ric Hadawav Shaw, S 20, 191 5. Plymouth, 111. Child. Robert Ernest, b. Je 27, 1916. Address, Pratt, Kan. 4i8 University of Illinois [1911 4671. FRANK WILLIAM GARRETT Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 10, 1885, Momence, 111.; s. William Richard (b. Ap i, 1856, do.) and Anna May (Dayton) Garrett (b. O 7, 1861, do.). Prepared in Momence H. S. Gregory Guild. Asst., Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., 1911-17; Assoc, Soil Jrertility, 1917 — . Married Martha Emma Baechler, O 17, 191 2, Momence, 111. Children: William Andrew, b. O 7, 1913; Frank Eugene, b. O 22, 1915 (died O 6, 1916). Address, mo Arbor St., Cham- paign. 4672. EARL GARVER Dairy Specialist; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 11, 1885, Rockford, 111.; s. John Cormany (b. N 16, 1843, Pecatonica, 111.) and Sara A. (Segur) Garver (b. Ap 6, 1855, Pine Meadows, Conn.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Official Testing, Dairy Dept., Univ. of 111. Address, 725 Ash- land Ave., Rockford, 111. 4673. MIRIAM GERLACH vSister of No. 9090) Dean of Women; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja 9, 1886, Chester, 111.; d. John Daniel (b. Ap 24, 1858, Sparta, 111.) and Mary Phonetta (Neville) Gerlach (b. Ja 24, i860, Chester, 111.). Prepared in Chester H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Scribblers' Club; Ed., ///. Mag.; III. Mag. Bd.; lUio Bd.; Daily lllini Staff; Sec, Woman's League; Jr. Cap Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Class Poet. Teacher, Eng., Doniphan H. S., Doniphan, Mo., 1912-14; Grad. work in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Teacher, Eng., Man. Tr. H. S., Indianapolis, 1916; Asst. Dean of Women, Univ. of Mich.. 1916-17; Head Resident, Willard Hall, N. W. Univ., 1917-18; Dean of Women, S. Dak. St. Coll., Brookings, S. Dak., 19 18 — . Bus. Mgr., The Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta, 19 18 — . Address, State College, Brookings, S. Dak. , 4674. NELLIE MAGRUDER GLEASON (CORT) (Wife of G138; Sister of No. 1505) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 27, 1888, Dalton City, 111.; d. Henry Milton (b. Ag 21, 1838, Akron, O.) and Alsina Belle (Magruder) Gleason (b. D 13. 1858, Coshocton Co., O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors; V. P.. Woman's League; Pres., Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Cab- inet; Sec-Treas., Eng. Club; lllini Staff. Teacher, H. S., Stonington, 111., 1911-12; Instr., Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health. Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Married William Walter Cort (g'n), Je 18, 1913, Champaign, 111. Children: Helen Louise, b. Ap 8, 1916; [Margaret Jean, b. O 20, 1917- Address, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. 4675. LAWRENCE ARTHUR GLENN (Brother of Nos. 1336, 1337. 2996) Lawyer; L. L. B.; b. N 23, 1887, Mattoon, 111.; s. Joseph Chamberlain (b. F 10, 1848, Coles Co., 111.) and Mary Catherine (Ferguson) Glenn (b. Ja 14, 1856, do.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan. City Atty., 1913-17; Asst. St. Atty., Jackson Co., 111. Mem., Masons; K. P.; B. P. O. E. Married Marie Schneider, F 22, 1917. Ad- dress, Murphysboro, 111. 4676. M.^RIE CHRISTINE GOEBEL (KIMBALL) (Sister of Nos. 5157. 5i=8. 6903) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1889, Hacken- sack, N. J.; d. Julius (b. My 23, 1837. Frank- furt-am-Main, Ger.) and Kathryn Idell (Vree- land) Goebel (b. D 3, 1861, do.). Prepared in Palo Alto (Calif.) H. S.; Cambridge (Mass.) Latin Sch.; Radcliffe Coll.; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Scribblers' Club. Instr., Ger. and Eng., Champaign H. S., 1912-13. Writer, 1907- 08; Ed., Das Holskneckthaus, Oxford Univ. Press, 1914- Married Fiske Kimball, Je 7, 1913, Urbana. Address, Ann Arbor, Mich. 4677. WILLIS OWEN GORDON Chief Chem.; B. S. in Chem., 191 1; b. Ag 2, 1887, Grandview, 111.; s. George Hudson (b. My 3, 1850, Indiana, Pa.) and Helen Augusta (Fravel) Gordon (b. N 16, 1861, New Albany, O.). Prepared in Paris H. S. ; Grad. work, George Washington Univ., 1912-13. Chem. Club; Alpha Chi Sigma; Pres., Chem. Club; Sr. Class Treas., ist semester. Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bur. of An. Indus., 1911-16; Head of Baking and ^Milling Dept., Siebel Inst., 1916-17; Chief Chem., Ind. Appliance Co., Chi- cago, 1917 — . D. C. Nat. Guard, 1913-16. Auth.: Siebel's Record and JNIanual for Bakers and Millers, 191 7. Mem., Am. Chem. Soc. ; Am. Soc Alilling and Baking Technology; Am. Assn. of Cereal Chemists. Married Lillian May Fissel, Ag I, 1916, Lancaster, Pa. Child, Marian Francis, b. Je 12, 1917. Address, 7739 X. Paulina, Chicago; hus. add., 1102 Postal Telegraph Bldg., do. 4678. EDWARD DOREMUS GORHAM (Brother of No. 2107) Treas. and Office Mgr.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. F 12, 1890, Homer, 111.; s. Henry (b. D 10, 1S49, Jacksonville, 111.) and Mary (Dore- mus) Gorham (b. O 17, 1853, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; X'anderbilt Univ. Production Dept., The Cadillac Motor Co., 1911; Cost Acct. Dept., Studebaker Corp., 1911-14; Treas. and Office Mgr., The Gen. Realty Co., Detroit, 1914-18; Sergt. Q. M. Corps, Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111.; Sergt., Q. M. C, Camp Meigs, l^ld., 1918; 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, Gen. Hosp., Dansville, N. Y. ; Mustered out, Mr 20, 1919. Mem., Komoko Club, Detroit; V. P., lllini Club, do. Address, 617 W. Spring- field Ave., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Gen. Realty Co.^ Detroit. 4679. PAUL JOHN GRAHAM (Brother of No. 744) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 24, 1889^ -Aledo, 111.; s. Richard J. (b. My 22, 1848) and Caroline (jraham. Prepared in Aledo H. S. Chi Beta; Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Varsity Track, (^ity Atty., Aledo, 111. Mem., 111. St. Bar Assn. Married Frances M. Graham, Ap 29, 191 6, Davenport, la. Address, Aledo, 111. 4680. CARL RAYMOND GRAY, JR. Pres. and Local Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. .Ap 14, 1889, Wichita, Kan.; s. C. R. (b. S 28, 1867, Princeton, Ark.) and Harriette Flora Gray (b. S 17, 1869, Oswego, Kan.). Prepared in Springfield (Mo.) H. S.; West. Mil. Acad.; Washington Univ.; Univ. of Wis. Sigma .•Mpha Epsilon; Obleisk; Lock and Chain. Car Order Clerk, Frisco System, St. Louis, 191 1; .\sst. Engr., O. E. Ry., Portland, Ore., 1911- 12; Asst. Supt., do., 191 2-1 3; Insp. of Trans portation, C. B. & Q., Chicago, 1913-14; do. Frisco, Springfield, Mo., 1914-16; Pres. and Local Mgr., B. P. B. S. Corp., Baltimore, 1916-17. Capt., Q. M. R. C, U. S. A., Charles- ton, S. C, 1917-18; do., Atlanta, Ga., Ja 1918 — . Married Gladys Evans Beach, O 16, 191 1, St. Louis. Children: Gladys Ethel, b. S 25, 1912; Carl Raymond, III, b. Ja 6, 1914- Address, m Deepdene Road, Baltimore; bus. add., c/o De- pot Q. M., Atlanta, Ga. 4681. FRANK BROWNFIELD GRAY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja lo, 1889, Elgin. 111.; s. Ellis Asbury (b. F 19. 1854. St. Charles, 111.) and Rachel Searight (Brownfield) Gray (b. Jl 12, 1855, Unioutown, Pa.). Pre- iQii] Baccalaureate Alumni 419 pared in St. Charles H. S. Arch. Club; Scarab; Bus. Mgr., Arch. Annual, 191 1; Engng. Dance Com. Arch. Draftsman, W. G. Zimmer- man, Chicago; do., Aurora, III. Machinist Mate, i-'th Regt., Div. of Pub. Works, Great Likes, 111.; Mustered out, Ja 4, 1919. Address, 82 6th St., St. Charles, 111.; bus. add., 344 Coulter Block, Aurora, 111. 4682. FRED JAY GRAY Inspecting Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 191J; b. Je 14, 1890, Nettle Creek, 111.; s. John (b. Ag 18, 1852, do.) and Nettie (Pleasant) Gray (b. D 25, 1856, Rutland Tp., 111.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Testing Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1912-13; Stud., Consulting Engng;. Dept., do., 1913-14; Jr. Engr., Pub. Service Comn., N. Y., 1914-16; Insp. Engr., Elec. Testing Lab., do., 1916^. ist Bat. R. O. T. C, Camp Taylor, Ky.; 2d Lt., F. A., Bat. A, 1 6th Bn., Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, S. C; Instr., F. A., Central O. T. S., 1918; Mustered out, D 23, 1918. Ad- dress, 107 Halsey St., Newark, N. J.; bus. add., c/o General Electric Co., Harrison, N. J. 4683. MARION WILLIAM GRIGSBY (Brother of No. 4684) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 8, 1886, Cuba, 111.; s. George Nathaniel (b. Ag 3, 1859, do.) and Flora Annetta Grigsby (b. N 27, i860). Prepared in Peoria H. S. ; Bradley Poly. Inst., Peoria. C. E. Soc. With la. Mausoleum Co., Waterloo, la. ; Rock Island R. R., 191 1 ; Davenport-Muscatine R. R., 191 1; Civ. Engr., Costa Rica-Panama Comn., 1912 — . 1st Lt. Engrs., with Camp Judge. Advocates Office, Hdqtrs., Camp Humphreys, Va. Address, 222 Stewart Ave., East Peoria, 111. 4684. OWEN EUGENE GRIGSBY (Brother of No. 4683) Sec, Elec. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1912; b. My 6, 1888, Garden Grove, Calif.; s. George Nathaniel (b. Ag 3, 1859, Cuba, 111.) and Flora Anneta (Snively) Cirigsby (b. N 27, i860, do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. E. E. Soc; Winner of Chess Trophy; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1912-13; Consulting Dept., do., 1913-14; Elec. Engr. and Factory Mgr., Benjamin Elec. Ltd., London, Eng., 1914-17; Sec, Anderson Elec. Specialty Co., Chicago, 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Illuminating Engr. Soc, London. Married Maude Elma Meneley, N 10, 1914, Champaign. Children: Helen Louise, b; Ag 9, 1915; Robert Eugene, b. Ja 31, 1917. Address, 5763 Dorchester Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 118 S. Clinton St., do. 4685. CHESTER HAYWARD GROVE Elec. Engr.'; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 24, 1888, Ottawa, 111.; s. D. L. and Emily J. (Hayward) Grove (b. N 5, 1846, Dayton Tp., 111.). Pre- pared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. U. S. N., U. S. S., Columbia, 1918 — . Address, 529 E. 50th St., Chicago. 4686. PAULINt TRABUE GROVES (Daughter of No. 234) Acting Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b D 7, 1889, Kankakee, 111; d. Charles Wesley ('80), (b. Jl 28. 1857, Shelbyville, 111.) and Dora (Trabue) Groves (b. F 13, i866, Stanford, Ind.). Prepared in Marengo H. S.; Special Grad. work, Univ. of 111., 1912-14. Al- pha Delta Pi; Kappa Delta Pi; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Chm., Sr. Breakfast Com. Teacher, Petersburg H. S., 111.. 1911-12; Stud. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1914-16; Educ. and Publicity Sec, Y. W. C. A., Louisville, Ky., 1916-18; Acting general Sec, do., summers, 1917-18. Mem., Faculty Woman's Club; K. S. A. C. ; Story Tellers Club, Louisville, Ky. Address, 701 W. Church St., Champaign; bits, add., 135 E. S2nd St., New York City. 4687. ALFRED JOSEPH GUNDERSON Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 7, 1889, Chi- cago; s. Peter (b. My i, 1865, Stockholm, Sweden) and Matilda (Kelley) Gunderson (b. S 22, i868, Londonderry, Ire.). Prepared in Robert A. Waller H. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Varsity Track, 1907-10. Instr., Pomology, Univ. of 111., 191 1—. Co-Auth.: 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., BuL, 8s; do.. Circular 194. Married Marjorie Shutts, N I, :9i3, Joliet, 111. Child, Dorothy Gladys, b. F 5, 19 16. Address, 309 W. Wash- ington Blvd., Urbana; bus. add. 411 Univ. Hall do. 4688. LEO ARTHUR GUTTING (Husband of No. 4208) Manager; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 29, 1890; s. John Frank (b. Mr 25, 1861, Brooklyn, N Y.) and Amelia (Arnold) Gutting (b. O 8, 1863, Mendota, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. E. E. Soc; Cap and Gown Com. Elec. Engr., Muskogee, Okla, 1911-12; do.. West Alhs, Wis., 191J-14; Canal Zone, Panama, 1914-18; Mgr., Interst. Pub. Service Co., Green- held, Dist., Shelbyville, Ind. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Congr. Church; A. A. A. S. Married Fanny Wilder Hill ('lo), Je 30, 1916. Children: Stephen Hill. b. My 23, 1917; Phillip, b. Ja 9, 1919. Address, 138 W. Hendricks St., Shelby- ville, Ind.; bus. add.. Interstate Public Service Co., do. 4689. ETHEL GWINN (Sister of Nos. 3007, 6268, 6924) Entertainer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 9, 1889, Oakland, 111.; d. Oliver Munsell (b. Je 23, 1858, do.) and Sara (Wells) Gwinn (b. O 12, i860). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Gam- ma; Yo Ma. Columbia Sch. of Music; Lyceum Arts conservatory, Chicago. Teacher, Ridge- farm H. S., 1912-14; Concert singing, 1917 — . Address. 806 Goodwin Ave., Urbana. 4690. JOHN GEORGE HAEFFNER Master Mechanic; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 16, 1888, Chicago; s. William (b. Ag i, 1859, Cleve- land, O.) and Rose Katherine (Utting) Haeff- ner (b. F 20, 1869). Prepared in Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. Schs. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; C. E. Club; Final Honors. Inspec- tion Bur. of Universal Portland Cement Co., 1911-12; Bridge and Val. Dept., Chicago, Mil- waui-ee & St. Paul R. R., 1912-14; Chief Draftsman, Mech. Dept., Swift & Co., Chicago, 1914-17; Asst. Master Mechanic, do., 1917 — . Mem., Struct. Engrs. Assn. of 111. Married Lillian Dorothy Grant, Je 17, 1914, Chicago. Address. 329 No. Lorel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Swift & Co., U. S. Yds., do. 4691. FREDERICK ARTHUR HAGEDORN (Brother of No. 1692) Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 24, 1889, Rock Island, 111.; s. Frederick (b. 1850, Ger.) and Audine (Breede) Hagedorn (b. 1857, do.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Tau Beta Pi; .\. S. M. E.; Scholarship; Prelim. Honors. Supt., General Products Co., Chicago Heights, 111., 1911-12; do., Mineral Products Co., Marys- ville, Utah, 1912-15; Asst. Engr. in charge Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., Engrs. and Contrs., New York City, 191 5 — . Married Joanna Ellen Henry, D 31, 1912, Salt Lake City. Child, Helen Audine, b. F 4, 1914. Address, 222 Franklin Ave., Hasbrouch Heights, N. J.; bus. add., 37 Wall St., New York City. 469c. EDWIN S. HAMILTON Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 30, 1890, Emington, 111.; s. Edwin C. (b. S 2, i860, Brownsville, O.) and Emma Jane (Stump) Hamilton (b. Jl 12, 1865, Hanover, O.). Pre- pared in Kankakee H. S. ; Rush Med. Coll., 1913. Phi Beta Pi; Alpha Omega Alpha. 420 University of Illinois I1911 Phys. and Surg., Kankakee, 111;' First Lt., Med. R. C. Mem., Kankakee Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; A. F. A. M. ; Mys- tic Shrine; B. P. O. E. Address, 585 S. Chi- cago Ave., Kankakee, 111.; bus. add., 511 Cobb Bldg., do. 4693- MARVIN TERRY HARMON (Brother of No. 3015) Manager; B. S. in Agr. ; (b. Je 10, 1887, Easton, 111.; s. Josiah G. (b. Ap 2, 1858, OIney, 111.) and Emma L. (Marvin^ Harmon (h. D 21, 1862, Bible Grove, 111.). Prepared in Flora H. S. ; McKendree Coll. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoe- nix; Alpha. Gamma Rho. Dist. Mgr., Standard Separator Co. Address, Box 37 Milwaukee. t 4694. LOUIS ARTHUR PETER HARMS Superintendent; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Tl 25, 1887, Bloom Tp., 111.; s. John H. E. (b. Mr 28, 1858, do.) and Theresa (Frederick) Harms (b. S 16, 1866, do.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Cosmopolitan Club. Grad. work, Washington Univ., St. Louis, loii. Prin., H. S., Kirk- wood, Mo.; Supt. of Sells., Normangea, Tex. Mem.. Acad, of Sc, St. Louis. Married Florence Van Deursen, Jl 25, 1912. Address, 322 Lincoln Ave., Dolton, 111. 4695. LEILA DOROTHY HARRIS (HOBSON) (Daughter of No. 469) A. B. in L. & A.; b. JI 15, 1890, Urbana; d. C. F. (b. Champaign) and Nettie (Elder) Har- ris ('86), (b. Jl 5, 1843, Urljana). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Emerson Sch. of Oratory, Bos- ton, 1913. Phi Mu Gamma. Teacher, Aurora, 3 yrs. ; Supvr., Gym. and Dramatic Work. Mem., Work-shop Players, Chicago; V. P., Chicago Dramatic Soc. Married Norman T. Hobson, Je 22, 1916, Chicago. Child, son b. N 10, 191 8. Address, 5132 Cornell Ave., Chicago. 4696. WAYNE FLOYD HARSHMAN B. S. in E. E.; b. N 23, 1889, Griggsville, 111.; s. Perry (b. 1842, New Paris, O.) and Laura Edna (Quick) Harshman (b. 1859, Bay- lis. 111.). Prepared in Griggsville H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1907. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Lambda. Address, Griggsville, Ill.t 4697. WILLIAM EDWARD HART Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.: b. Ap 21, 1888, Miles Sta., 111.; s. William Henry (b. D 19, i8ss, Guilford, (ionn.) and Alice Annette (Con- verse) Hart (b. F 18, 1866, Brighton, 111.). Prepared in Brighton H. S.; Blackburn Coll., 1906-07. Cosmopolitan Club; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Hort. Club; Agr. Club, Pres.; Final Honors: Capt., LTniv, Regt. Dist. Leader in Farm Adviser Work, U. S. Dept. of Agr.. Marion. 111. Married Hallie J. Miller, Je 7, 191 6, Waynesboro, Va. Child, Robert Talbot b. F 20, 1915. Address, 712 N. Harper St.. Marion, 111.; bus. add.. City Hall, do. 4698. WILLIAM MAER HASBERG Agent; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 26, 1887, Deni- son, Tex.; s. Ben and Dora (Goldsol) Hasberg (b. Je I. 1864, St. Louis). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst, of Tech., do., 1907-08. Contract Mgr. and Bldg. Supt., Sears Roebuck & Co.. Chicago, 1011-14; N. Y. Dis- trict Mgr. of The Alvey Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 1914-15; Special Representative, Lamson Co., Boston, 1915-18. Cant.. Ord. Dept.. N. A., Je 28, 1918. .Address, Chicago Beach Hotel, Chi- cago. 4699. EDITH IRENE HATCH (ALLEN) (Daughter of No. 237; Wife of No. 2310; Sister of No. 6290) A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 14. 18S9, Richmond. HI.; d. Frank Waite ('80), (b. Ja i, 1857, Spring Grove, 111.) and Agnes May (Kimball) Hatch (b. F 17, 1857, do.). Prepared in Wilmot and Elgin H. Schs. Rockford Coll., 1906-7. Phi Delta Psi; Athenean; Prelim, and Final Hon- ors; Class Basket] ball. Teacher, 1911-12. Mem., D. A. R. Married Paschel Allen ('05), 5 9, 1913, Richmond, 111. Children: Franklin Hatch, b., Jl 8, 1914; Ada Mary, b. Ap 5, 1916. Address, R. i, Richmond, 111. 4700. RALPH SNYDER HATCH Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 4, 1884, Elgin, 111.; s. Albert Tilden (b. S 4, 1848, Montpelier, Vt.) and Regina (Snyder) Hatch (b. Ja s, 1853, Naperville, III.). Prepared in Elgin H. S.; Armour Sc. Acad.; Armour Inst, of Technology, 1907-9. E. E. Soc; Ath. Assoc; Final Honors. Power Station Designer, Sargent 6 Lundy, 1708 Ry. Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 1911-13; Asst. Elec. Engr., do., 1412 Edison Bldg., do., 1913-14; Designing Engr., 1404 Edi- son Bldg.,^rfo., X014-1C; Asst. Elec. Engr., Sar- gent & Lundy, 1412 Edison Bldg., do., 1915-17; Chief Draftsman of Elec. Dept., do., 1918 — . Mem.. A. I. E. E. Address, 4347 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1412 Edison Bldg., do. 4701. ELMER FRANKLIN HEATER Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 19, 1887, Champaign Co., 111.; s. Charles M. (b. Cham- paign Co., 111.) and Louise (Gundlach) Heater (b. do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Capt., Univ. Regt. Engr., Gen. Elec. Lamp Co., Harrison and Newark, N. J., 191 1- 12; Insp., P. S. Co. of N. I., Chicago Heights, 111.. 1913-16; Asst. Supt., H. W. McCandless Lamp Co., New York City, 1916-18; Draftsman, Engng. Exp. .Sta., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Married Sue Carson, My 31, 1913, Mahomet, 111. Child, Richard Carson, b. N 20, 1914. Address, 602 Stoughton St.. Urbana; bus. add., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. 4702. HENRY RICHARDSON HELMLE Architect; B. S. in .\rch. ; b. D 11, 1889, Sjiringfield, 111.; s. George Henry and Minii ( Whitehurst) Helnile. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Scarab; Arch. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors; Maj., L^niv. Regt. Arch., Helmle & Ilelmle, Springfield. 111.; Sec, Examining Com. for Archs., St. of 111., 1917 — . Inf., Co. C, 5th Kegt., i6ist BrL, Camp Grant, 111.; Mustered out, Ja 18, 1919. Address, 430 S. sth St., Spring- field, 111. 4703. CHRISTIAN NICHOL.\US HEMSEN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 17, 1871, Gliicksburg, Ger. ; s. Friedrich Ilemsen (b. D 22, 1840, Sie- gam, do.) and Maria (Claussen) Ilemsen (b. Mr 21, 1829, Flemburg, do.). Prepared in Gliicksburger Ger. H. S. and Real Sch. Cosmo- politan Club. Lawyer, Harrisburg, 111., 191 1- 12; rfo.,, Champaign, 1912 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Josephine Cresap Flemsen. N 22, 1913. /Iddfess, 208 W. Park St.', Champaign. 4704. CECIL DOUGLAS HENRY (Brother of No. 3767) Engineer; B. S. in E. E., iqii; b. Je 14, 1889. Newton, Kans. ; s. John Douglas (b. Jl 17, 1855, Vermilion Co., 111.) and Marv Emma CAlison) Henry (b. Jl 7, i860, Winchester. O.). Prepared in Neosha and Urbana H. Schs. Mem., Varsity water polo. 1909-11; Capt., do., 1911. Operator, C. C. R. Co., 1911-12; do.. Great West. Power Co., San Francisco, 1912- 13; Salesman, Gen. Elec Co.. Schenectady, N. Y.. 1913-14; Power Engr., Metropolitan Edi- son Co., Reading, Pa., 1918 — . Married Ger- trude Krinkle. S 15, 191.';. Child, Gertrude Jane, b. Jl 20, 1916. .Address, 16 S. 5th St., Reading, Pa. igii Baccalaureate Alumni 421 4705. RICHARD FLEETWOOD HERNDON (Brother of No. 4202) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 11, 1890, Springfield. 111.; s. Richard Fleetwood (b. Ken- tucky) and Kate (Lewis) Herndon (b. Spring- field. 111.). Prepared in Springfield 11. S. B. S., Univ. of Chicago; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1914. Tau Lambda; Ali)ha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha. Prelim. Honors; Varsity Track, igio. Instr. and Stud.. Univ. of Chicago, in connection with Rush Med. Coll.; Interne Cook Co., Hosp. Practice limited to Internal Medi- cines, ist Lt., Med. Corps, Base Hosp., Camp Merritt. N. J.; Mustered out, F 5, 1919. Ad- dress, 421 S. 6th St., Springfield, 111. 4706. ERNEST ARTHUR HERRCKE Supt., Mach. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 30, 1888, La Salle, 111.; s. Arthur Julius (b. My 6. 1 861. Danzig, Prussia) and Adele (Moeller) Herrcke (b. Jl 11, 1867, Mineral Point. Wis.). Prepared in LaSalle Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Maj., Univ. Regt. Locomotive Testing. I. C. R. R., Chicago, 191 1; Instr., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 191 i; Supt., LaSalle Mach. & Tool Co., LaSalle, HI., 191 1 — . Capt., Ord. Officers Reserve Corps. Jl 1 91 7 — . Mem., A. S. M. E.; Deer Park Coun- try Club; B. P. O. E. Address, 1339 5th St., LaSalle, 111.; bus. add., LaSalle Mach. & Tool Co. 4707. GRACE EMMA HERRICK Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 5, 1873; d. Leonard Ephraim (b. Essex. Vt.) and Susan Bruce (Coflren) Herrick (b. Ackworth, N. H.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. A. B., Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1895. Address, Wes- leyan Coll., Oxford, O.t 4708. ELEANOR DEMUZEEN HESELTINE Supervisor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 24, 1888. Banktop. York, Eng. ; d. William Seamer (b. D 12. 1852. do.) and Rose Anna (DeMuzeen) Heseltine (b. F 28, i860). Prepared in South Chicago H. S.; Chicago Norm. Sch. of Phys. Educ. Ath. Club; Basket-ball. Teacher, Jubi- lee Coll., 1912-13; do., Chehalis, Wash.. 1913-14; Instr. Gym., Chicago, 1914-17; Supvr., Phys. Educ, do., 191 7. Address, 6608 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. 4709. WILLIAM ELLSWORTH HICKS Farmer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Jl 12. 1887, Hardinville, 111.; s. Green Berry (b. Hardin- ville, 111.) and Nancy Ellen (Sanders) Hicks (b. do.^. Prepared in Colo. St. Prep. School; Univ. Acad.; Univ. Wis. summer term, 19 10. Scabbard and Blade; Beta Gamma Sigma. Farmer. 1911-18. Pvt., U. S. A. Ja roi8; 2nd Lt., Inf., Camp Hancock. Ga.. 1918; Mustered out, D 13, 1918. Address, Hardinville, 111.; bus. add., 719 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, Ind. 4710. »HAROLD VATER HILL B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 29, i88g. Indianapolis; s. Edwin and Leola B. (Vater) Hill. Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Glee and Mandolin Clubs; Orchestra. Composed (with H. R. Green) "Oskey- Wow-Wow;" "Hail to the Orange. Hail to the Blue". Died Je 29, 1917, Indianapolis. 471 1. DORRIS NELSON HITCH (Husband of No. 4997) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; LL. B., 1912; b. O 1887. West Liberty, HI.: s. John J. (b. Je 23, 1856, O.) and Cora Clifton (Jessup) Hitch (b. Mr 27, 1866. Friendswood, Ind.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Adelphic. Law- yer. Forest Grove. Mont. Meim., Presby. Church. Married Rhoda G. Adriance ('12), 1914, Johnstown. Pa. Children: Quinlan, b. 191 5; Margaret C, b. 191 7. .id dress. Forest Grove. ISIont. 4712. OLGA VERA HOFACKER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Decatur, 111.; d. John George (b 1823, Cologne, Ger.) and Susan (Rubin) Hofacker (b. Interlaken. Swit- zerland). Prepared in (Tarroll Coll. Acad., Waukesha, Wis. Attended Carroll Coll., 1903- 7. Le Cercle Prancais; Philomathean (Carroll Coll.). Prin., Minier H. S., 1911-14; Teacher, Eng., Hittle Tp. H. S., 1014-15; Armington H. S.. 1915-17; Morton Tp. H. S.. 1917; Teacher, French, North East H. S.. Kansas City, Mo. Mem., Y. W. C. A. Address, 317 Behrends Ave.. Peoria; bus. add.. North East High School, Kansas City, Mo. 4713- *ALMEDA MAY HOLM AN B. L. S.: b. Ap 10, 1883, Rockwell, la.; d. David Horn (b. Genesee Co., N. Y.) and Sarah (Sencebaugh) Holman (b. W. Va.). Prepared in Mason City H. S.; Univ. of la., 1905-10. Mem., Baptist Church; Y. W. C. A., Pres. Died Je 10, 19 12, Rockwell, la. 4714. MARY MORTON HOPKINS (Sister of No. 7625) Critic Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 27, 1881, Homer, III.; d. Francis Oscar (b. N i, 1855, Roodhouse, 111.) and Franc Morton (Conkey) Hopkins (b. Jl 22, i86o, Homer, 111.). Prepared in Acad, for Young Women, Jack- sonville, 111.; Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1903. Teacher, Champaign Pub. Schs., 1911-13; do., H. S., Orange, Tex., 1913-15; Critic Teacher, St. Norm. Sch.. Magville, N. Dak., 1915-18; Teacher, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1918 — . Auth. : Series of ten articles, Applied Physiology, IVestland Educator, 1916-17. Mem., D. A. R.; O. E. S.; Presby. Church. .Address, 509 S. Lynn St., Champaign; bus. add.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 4715. LEONARD WOODS HORR Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 21, 1890; s. George Barker (b. S 30, 1863) and Francie (Woods) Horr (b. S 2, 1865). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Lyons Tp. H. S. .-Mpha Sigm.a Phi. In Insulation Dept.. H. W. Johns-Manville Co., Chicago; Sales Dept., do. 0. M. Base Spare Parts Depot, No. 2, A. E. F. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Mar- ried Charlotte Louisa Woods, Je 9, 1917. Ster- ling, 111. Address, 131, 8th Ave., LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., 322 N. ^lichigan Ave., Chicago. 4716. ANTON EDWARD HORST Gen. Contr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 19, 1885, St. Louis; s. Henry William (b. My 3, 1864, Rendsberg, Ger.) and Mollie (Empke) Horst (b. O, 1864. Moline, 111.). Prepared in Night Schools and by pvt. tutors. Iris; M. E. Soc; Der Deutsche Verein; Class Football. Sec- Treas., Henry W. Horst Co., Rock Island, 111. Mem., German Lutheran Church; Pres., St. John's German Lutheran Young People's Soc. Mem.. A. S. M. E. Married Maynie Dina Langhoff, O 25, 191 r, Champaign. Address, 3925, sth Ave., Moline, 111. 4717. HARVEY WILLIAM HOWE Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 25, 1887, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; s. Clarence D. (b. Forest, O.) and Emma Mary (Higgins) Howe (b. do.). Prepared in S. Chicago H. S. E. E. Soc; A. 1. E. E. Salesman, Central Elec Co., Chicago, loii; do.. West. Elec Co., Dallas, Tex., 1912 — . Mem., Y. M. C. A.; Chm., Stud. Bd. at West. Elec. Co.; Univ. Club, Dallas. Married Myrtle Maledon, O, i, 1913. Child, Harvey William, Jr., b. Ap 4, 191 7. Address. 526 S, Willomet St.. Dallas, Tex.: bus. add., 517 Internrban Bldg., do. 422 IIniversitv ok Illinois liQii 4718. LUCY FRANCES UOV Sell. Prill.: A. IJ. in L. & A.; d. Rufus 1!. (b. N 6, 1850, Fiiuilay, O.) aiul Maitlm J. (Arrington) Hoy (b. N 30, 1851, Greenfield, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana II. S. Prin. Pub. Sch., Mattliews, Mo., 1912 — . Address, 411 W. Elm St., Urbana. 4719. JAMES ORTON HUFF (Rrotlier of No. 2704) Seb. Suijt.; A. R. in L. & A.; A. M. in Eng., IQ12; b. S 6, 1870, Center, 111.; s. Lawrence Oliver (b. S 4, 1848, Cloyton, 111.) and Alice Anne (Tlionipson) Huff (b. F 21, 1851). Pre- pared in Kennedy's Norm, and Bus. Coll., Rush- ville. 111.; Univ. Acad. Kappa Helta Pi. Teacher, 1002-4; 1005-7; Supt., Potomac Schs., IQ12-13; Teacher, Urbana II. S., ioij-14; Prin., Divernon Tp. II. S., 1914-18; Supt., Abingdon, 1918 — . Married Elizabeth Enieline Eagelston, Je 16, 1909, Castleton, 111. Children: IMary Elizabeth, b. My 22, 1912; \'irginia Belle, b. Jl 26, 191 5. .-liidrcss, Abingdon, 111. 4720. HERBERT KAY HUMPHREY Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1917; b. My 27, 1889, Covington, Ind.; s. William Rod- gers (b. .11 31, i86t, tluntsville, Ala.) and Nellie Jackson (Espy) Humphrey (b. My 27, 1864, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; M. S. in E. E., Union ITniv., 1914. Tan Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim, and Final Honors; Class Basket Ball.^ Testing Engr. and Asst. Consulting Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., 1911-14; Instr. (in charge) Elec. Engng., Rice Inst., Houston, Tex., 1914 — . Assoc, A. I. E. E. Married Blanche Theresa Meyer, Ag 5, 1916, Winnetka, III. Addri-ss, 909 Ala- bama Ave., Houston, Tex.; bus. add., The Rice Institute, do. 4721. CARROLL SOWLES HUNTINGTON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 4, 1889, Onawa, la.; s. Charles Henry (b. 1855,, Frank- lin Grove, 111.) and Anna K. (Harris) Hunt- ington (b. 1857, Portage, Wis.). Prepared in Onawa (la.) 11. S. Acacia. Engr., Insulation Dept., H. W. lohns-IManville Co., 1911-12; Engr.. Raymond W. Dull Co., 1912; do., Link- Belt Co., Chicago, 1919 — -. Married Elsie Tan- ner, S 25, 1915, Chicago. Address, 1428 Lunt Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Link-Belt Co.. Chicago. 4722. MARY ANNE HUTCHINSON (BROWNE) A. B. in Sc; b. F 2, 1889; d. David (b. Ja 12, 1847, Armagh, Ireland) and Martha^ (Mc- Clure) Hutchinson (b. Ap 13, 1866, Genoa, Wis.). Prepared in Harvard H. S. Cap and Gown Com. Teacher. Griggsville II. S., 191 1- 14. Married C. G. Browne, Ag .^2, 1914, Ca- pron, in. Address, :8i Park St., Detroit. 4723. HUGH ANTHONY IMLAY Landscape Designer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mv I, 1887, Zanesville, O.; s. John (b. Ja 24, 1859, do.) and Elizabeth Imlay (b. D 12, 1859, Perry Co., O.). Prepared in St. Thomas .\cad., Zanesville, O. ; O. St. Univ., igoSv- Sigma Pi. Address, Zanesville, O. 4724. JAY LAWRENCE IRWIN Engineer; B. S. in C. E. : b. D 3, 1887, Mar- seilles, 111.; s. William Hopkins (b. Jl 4, 1857, Camanche, la.) and Anna Liiella (Lawrence) Irwin (b. Ap 17, 1859, Mission Tp., La Salle Co., III.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Geii. Engr., Je, 1911; Const, work on Elec. Ry., between "Morris and Yorkville, Ilk, 1911- 12; Bd. Local Imi>rovements, City of Chicago, 1912-13; Bur. of Engng., do., Bridge Div., (ic>.. 1913-16; Const. Div., do., 1916; Water Pipe Exten., 1916 — . Married Frencie Clare Rob- ertson, O 9, 1 9 1. '5; Chicago. Address, 5549 Maryland Ave., Chicago. 47-\S. RALPH NATHANIEL JACKSON Chief Engr.; B. S. in K. E. ; b. .\p 30, 1888, -Aurura, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Essex, Eng) ;uul Lsabell Griffin (Stevens) Jackson (b. White- hall, N. \.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. lestman. Gen. Elec. Co.; Chief Engr., Gen. Combustion Co. Address 351 Marion Ave , Aurora, 111.; bus. add.. Gen. Combustion Co!, Monadnock Bldg., Chicago. 47-;6. SEYMOUR ALEXANDER JACOBSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. ]a i, 1891. Chicago; s. E. 1. Jacobson. Prepared in R. T Crane Man. Ir. 11. S., Chicago. Address. .S048 Chainplain Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2001 139 N. Clark, do. 47-7- LOUISE ANN JAMES (FORSYTHE) (Wife of G231; Sister of Nos. 1708, 2709) T,/^- P-i", L- ^^ ^■' ^- ^P --. 1890, Amboy, 111.; d. Peleg Miner (b. Jl 14, 1850. Exeter, R. I.) and Lottie Louise (Vaughan) James (b. .\p 17, 1858. Amboy, 111.). Prepared in Amboy H. b. Sigma Kappa; W. A. A.; Jlliiii staff; Lrcas., Woman's League; Class Basket Ball, leacher, Amboy II. S., 1911-13. Married Ches- ter Hume Forsythe (g'lo), Je 14, 1913. Ad- dress, Hanover, N. H. 4728. MARTHA GERTRUDE JAMISON (GONNERMAN) " (Wife of No. 3380) B. L. S.; b. My 10, 1887, Smithshire, 111.; d. Michael Van Tuyl (b. 1850, Biggsville, 111.) and Velma (Brent) Jamison (b. 1855, Smith- shire, 111.). Prepared in San Diego, Calif., and Monmouth, H. Schs.; Monmouth Coll., 1906- oS. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Lib. Club. Marrieil Harrison Frederick Gonnerman ('08), D 23, 191 1 Aledo, 111. Child, Harrison Fred- erick, Jr., b. Ap 5, 1914. Address, 808 Iowa -St., Urbana. 4729. EDWARD MIRON JASPER Efficiency Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 6, 1889, Newton, 111.; s. G. T. Jasper. Prepared in Newton H. S. Efficiency Engr., Eng. .Id- dress, c/o Sargent and Lundy, Edison Bldg., Chicago. 4730. ELMER LEROV JOHNSON Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je r6, 1890, .\urora. 111.; s. Charles J. (b. Ja 15, 1867, Sweden) and Ida (Carlson) Johnson (b. Je 28, 1868, do.). Prepared in VVest Aurora H. S.; Onyx Club; Eta Kaiipa Nu. Salesman, West. Elec. Co. Married Helen E. Hehn, S 22, 1915. Address, 609 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis. 4731. WILLIAM BLUFORD JOHNSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 24, 1884, Rural Hill, 111.; s. Charles Marian (b. Ja 2, 1842, Hamil- ton Co., 111.) and Elizabeth (Thomiison) John- son (b. Ag 12, 1844, Posey Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Ewing Coll. Adelpliic; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; 111. -Wis. Debate. Dem- ocratic Candidate, Co. Judge, Benton, 111., 1 9 14. Married Irma W'ebb, Mr 29, 1906, Ewing, HI. Children: William Webb, b Je 13, 1912; Walter Carlteton, b Je 26. 1918. .^5- dress. 532 E. Main St., BeiUon, 111. 4732. BERTHA MARIE JONES (Sister of No. 8464) Instructor: A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ta 12, 1889, Cisco, 111.; d. P. G. (b. Ag 11, 185S, McLean Co, III.) and Anna E. (Loveless) Jones. Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. A. M., Teachers' Coll. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; W. A. A.; Dcr Deutsche Vercin; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Champaign H. S. ; Instr., Home Eco- nomics, Llniv. of 111.. 1018; do., L^niv. of Kan., 1918 — . Address, c/o Univ. of Kansas, Law- rence, Kan. iQii] Baccalaureate Alumni 423 4733- EDWARD WALTER JONES Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 10, 1889; s. Lewis Edwards and Margaret Cecilia (Goss) Jones. I'repared in Deerfield Tp H. S. Ad- dress, Ravinia, HI. 4734- RAYMOND HARRISON JONES B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 30, 1886, Bement, 111.; s. U. G. Jones. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Married Winifred Kibbrcy, My 22, 1912, St. Joseph, 111. Address, 1410 N. Franklin Ave., Danville, 111. 4735- HELEN MARGAR£T JORDAN (TRUITT) (Wife of No. 4938) B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 29, 1890, St. Joseph, Mich.; d. Orville Olcutt (b. Jl 2, 1855, Chi- cago) and Emily Caroline (Reder) Jordan (b. S 17, 1858, Michigan Co., Ind.). Prepared in St. Joseph II. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Mar- ried Henry Truitt Cii), S 4, 1912, St. Joseph, Mich. Children: Henry Jr., b. O 10, 19 13; Jordon, b. Je 7, 1915. Address, Chillicothe, 111. 4736. ROBERT JAMES JORDAN Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 7, 1890, Minneapolis; s. James F. (b. F 18, 1855, Deca- tur, Mich.) and Mary S. (Clayton) Jordan (b. Ja 19, 1857, Plymouth, Mich.). Prepared in Central H. S., Minneapolis, and Phillips Acad., Exeter, N. H. Theta Delta Chi; Yoxan; Shield and Trident; Ku Klux; Stud's. Union; Ass't. Mgr., mini, 1909-10; Mgr., do., 1910-11; Jr. Prom. Com.; Pan. -Hellenic Smoker Com., 1910; Roast Ed., Illio ; Official at Track meets, push ball contest, etc. ; Leader, Hobo Band, 1911. Traveling Creuit Adjuster, 191 1; Bank- er, 1911-12; Fire Ins. Adjuster and St. Agt., 1912-17. First Lt., Inf. U. S. A.; Capt., 131st Inf., A. P. O. No. 714, A. E. F. ; with Army of Occupation, Ger. Invented, with partner, coin box, 1911. Auth.: various newspaper articles and contributions to Shield of Theta Delta Chi. ^lem., A. F. A. M., Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Blue Goose; Minneapolis Ath. Club; Univ. Club, Minneapolis; Antlers Club. Address, 126 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. 4737. HOWARD WILLIAM KAAR Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 30, 1887, Princeton Tp., 111.; s. William (b. Je 14, 1857, N. J.) and Fannie M. (Strahl) Kaar (b. Ap 17 1863, Marietta, O.). Prepared in Princeton H. S. Ry. Surv., Madeira Mamore Ry., Brazil, 1911-12; Struct. Steel Drafter, Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind., 1912-15; do.. Wis. Bridge and Iron Co., Milwaukee, 1915-17. Ship Drafting, Emer- gency Fleet Corp., Newark Bay, Shipyard, 1917 — . Married Wilhelmina Miller, D 31, 1912, Princeton, 111. Children: Howard Wil- liam, Jr., b. N 28, 1913 (died Mr 8, 1917); Paul Harry, b. Ag 22, 1916. Address, 66 N. 9th St., Newark, N. J.; bus. add., c/o Emer- gency Fleet Corp., do. 4738. OLIVER KAMM (Husband of G708; Brother of Nos. 7670, 7671) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; M. S.. 1913; Ph. D., 1915; b. D 6, 1888, Highland, 111. s. Robert Kamm (b. do.) and Leonie (Meyer) Kamm (b. do.). Prepared in Highland H. S. Special Honors in Chem.; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1911-15; Instr., Chem., do., 1915-16; do., Univ. of Mich.. 1916-17; Assoc, do., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: a Study of Cabaltinitrites, Joitr. C. S., Vol. 34. 1912; The Mechanism of the Grignard Reaction, do.. Vol. 36. Structure of B-Naphthoric Acids, do., Vol. 38, 1916; Structure of a-Naphthoric Acids, do., Vol. 38, 191 6; Correlation of Ionization and .Structure, do., Vol. ?9, 1917; Synthesis in Naphthalene Series, do.; Tetranhenylmethane, do. Married Minnie Elizabeth Watson (g'13), Ag 30, 1916, New York. ChOd, Robert, b. F 3, 1919. Address, 1003 S. Race St., Urbana. 4739. ANDREW SOREN KARKOW (Brother of No. 5752) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.: b. Je s, 1889, Chi- cago; s. Andrew (b. S 15, 1859, Ribe, Denmark) and Catherine (Petersen) Karkow (b. F 26, 1863, Slesvig, Ger.). Prepared in Ribe Cathe- dral Sch., Den.; Morgan Park Acad. Treas., Scandinavian Club; Fresh. Class Baseball- Capt. Regt. ; Capt. Soccer Football. Rouman, C. M. & St. Paul Ry., Jl-N, 191 1; Traveling 1911 — . Address, 3717 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. 4740. JOHN KARMAZIN Works Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 23, 1884, Prague, Bohemia; s. James (b. do.) and Josephine (Prejsler) Karmazin (b. do.). Pre- pared in Royal Indus. Sch., Prague, Bohemia. Draftsman, Internat. Harvester Co., McCormick Works, Exp. Dept., 1911-15; Mgr., Siemens & Shuckert, Petrograd, Russia, 1915-16; Works Mgr., Moscow Automobile Works, Moscow, Russia, 1916-18. Capt., W. D. Mil. Intelligence Div., Gen. Staff, Washington, D. C. Mem , A. S. M. E.; A. F. A. M. Married Rose Mares, Je 25, 1913, Chicago. Address, 67 Quincy Place, Washington, D. C. 4741. PERRY ELMER KARRAKER (Brother of No. 7674) Professor; B. S. in Agr.; M. A., 1914; b. N 14, 1886, Dongola, 111.; s. Henry Wilson (b. Mr 13. 1858, do.) and Ina Arminta (Davis) Karra- ker (b. O 5, 1865, do.). Prepared in Ewing Coll. Acad.; Ewing Coll.; M. A., Univ. of Mo., 1914. Y. M. C. A.: Agr. Club; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Asst., Soil Sur., Univ. of 111., 191 1- 12; Research Fellow in Agron., Univ. of Mo., 1912-13; Research Asst., Soils, Mich Agr. Coll., 1913-14; Asst. Prof., Soils and Agron., Univ. of Ky., 1914 — . Auth.: Soils-Study Course for Boy's Agr. Club, Exten. Circular, Univ. of Ky., D 191 7; Effect on Soil Moisture of Changes in the Surface Terrene of the Soil Solution brought about by the addition of Soluble Salts, Jour, of Agr. Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 191 5; Lining of Land, Circular, Univ. of Ky. ; Some Trials as to the value of blue litmus paper from different sources as a test for soil acidity. Jour, of the Am. Soc. of Agron. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Lydia Adell Mendenhall, Ag II, 1917. Lexington, Ky. Address, 462 Rose Lane, Lexington, Ky.; bus. add., Exp. Sta., do. ' 4742. EDWARD RAYLOR KENT Asst. Supt.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 6, 1888, Passaic, N. J.; s. William (b. Mr s. 1851, Philadelphia) and Marion Weild (Smith) Kent (b. Ag 23, 1851, Jersey City. N. J.). Prepared in Syracuse, (N. Y.) H. S.; Mohegan Lake Sch., Mohegan, N. Y. ; Syracuse LIniv., 1907-08. Psi Upsilon; Arch. Club; Easterners' (jiub. Fan Tester, Am. Blower Co., summer, igii; Constr. Bus., Frank B. Gilbreth, Inc., 1911-12; Asst. Engr., C. A. P. Turner, Minneapolis, 1912-13; Asst. Supt., Brush Dept., The (Cellu- loid Co., Newark, N. J., 1914-17. 2nd Lt.. Ord. O. R. C, Rock Island Arsenal, 111., 1917; ist Lt., do., Rock Island Arsenal, I9i8'i9; Mus- tered out, F 4, 1919. Jr. A. S. M. E. Address, 745 St. Nicholas Ave., New York City. 4743. MORRIS WILBUR KERCHNER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 22, 1887, Wal- nut, 111.; s. Henry W. (b. Mr i7, 1854. Mifflin, Pa.) and Millie A. (Burke) Kerchner (b. D 10, 1864, Walnut, 111.). Prepared in Walnut H. S. ; Kalamazoo Coll., 1907-00. Gregory Guild; Agr. Club. Teacher, Agr.. H. S., Ventura, Calif., 1912-13; Mich. Agr. Coll., 1913-14; Asst. Prof., Soils, Ky. St. Univ., 1914-15; Farmer, Walnut, 111., 1915 — . Married Edith Louise Putnam, F 10, 191S, San Bernardino, Calif. Child, Morri; James, b. N 2, 1917. Address, Walnut, 111. 424 University of Illinois I1911 4744. GRACE ALICE KERR Tonclier; A. B. in L. & A.; d. James (b. Edin- burgh, Scotland) and Elizabeth (Cuiininghani) Kerr (b. do.). Prepared in 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111.; Millikin Univ. Teacher, H. S., Winchester, 111. AdJrcss^ Colorado Springs, Colo. 4745. HENRY PEARSON KETTRON Manager; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 19, 1889, Macomb, 111.; s. Charles William (b. Ag 4, i8ti2, i.euanon, Ind,) and Jessie (Cummings) Kettron (b. D 29, 1864, Macomb, 111.). Pre- pared in Macomb II. S.; \\'est. 111. St. Norm,. 1905-8. C. E. Club; McDonough Co. ^lub; Kappa Phi Eta. Draftsman, Pr.uge ana Bldgs. Dept., C. G. W. R. R,, 191 1: Head Shipping Dept. and Consulting j-ngr.. 111. Elec. Porcelain Co,, Macomb, 111., 1911-13; Asst. Mgr.. do., 1913 — • Married Georgia Carnduff, O 14, 1914. Aetna, Ind. Child, P>arbara, b. Mr 3, 1017. Ad- dress, 629 N. Randolph St., Macomb, 111.; bus. add., 512 N. Pearl St.. do. 4746. EOUESA JANE KEYS Dir.. Home Econ.; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 4, 1875, Logan Co., Ill; d. James H. (b. Tl 18, 1846, Pittsfield, 111.) and Sarah (Dunnuck) Keys (b. N 22, 1S49, ButTalo Hart, 111,). Pre- pared in Armington Tp. H. S.; Norm. Sch., Normal, III. H. Sc. Club; .•\choth. Teacher, Ala. Girl's Tech, Inst., Montevallo, Ala,, 191 1- 17; Dir., Home Econ., Ala. Univ., Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1917-18; Teacher, Dietetics. Ohio Univ., Athens, O. Mem., Studiosis, Women's Club of Montevallo; Ex. Bd., Ala. Home Econ. Assn. Address, 6 Church St., Athens, O. 4747. EDWARD AUGUST THEODORE KIRCIIER Instructor; A, B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; Ph. D,, 1914; b, Mr 21, 1890, Chicago; s. Rev. Julius (b. N 15, 1859, Vincennes, Ind.) and Emma A. (Bandovv) Kircher (b. Je 3, 1867, Milwaukee, Wis,). Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa prize, 191 1; I.t. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Scholarship, Math,, Univ, of III,, 1911-14. Teacher, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1914- 15; do.. Harvard Univ., 1915-17; Foreign Dept., Nat. City Co., New York City, 1919 — . Auth. : Group Properties of the Residue Classes of Kronesky Modern Systems and some related Generalizations in Number Theory, Transactions of Am. MatJi. Soc., 191 5; Some Properties of Finite Algebras. Am. Jour, of Math., 191 7. U. 5, A,, Ft. Strong, Mass., 1917-18; Capt., Bat. 1'. 55th Art., C. A. C, 1918; Honor Grad. Am. 11. A. Sch., Mailly, Aube, France; Mustered out, D 28. 1 91 8. Address, 2009 W. 22nd Place, Chicago; bus. add.. 55 Wall St., New York City. 4748. PAUL KIRCHER (Husband of No. 6481) Engineer; A. B. in Sc. ; B. S. in C. E., 1912; C. E., 1918; b. Tl 27, 1S90, Chicago; s. Rev. J. a (b. F 15, 1857, Freelandville, Ind.) and Louise C. (Niemann) Kircher (b. Ag 28, 1864, Chicago). Prepared in Francis W. Par- ker Sch. Grad. Work., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; Sigma Xi; Cadet Coll., Univ. Regt.; Mil. Scholarship. Engng. Dept., I. C. R. R., 1912-16; Promotion Bur.. L'niversal Portland Cement Co., 1916-17; Office Engng., C. F. Massey Co., Chicago, 1917-18; Chief Engr., 191S — ; Licensed Struc- tural Engr., 111. Mem., Chicago Engng. Club; A. F. A. M.; Assoc. Mem,, A. S. C. E, : Am. Ry. Engng. Assn. Married Catharine Plank ('14), O 28, 1914, Chicago. Children: Paul, Jr., b. Jl 21. 1915; Joan, b. Jl 24, 1918. Ad- dress. 2746 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o C. F. Massey Co., Peoples Gas Bldg,, do. 4749- DONALD DEE KIRK (Brother of Nos. 6358, G388) A, B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913: b. D 23, 1885, Eureka, 111.; s. Tames (b. Je 29, 1846, Belfast, Ireland) and Mary Ellen (Cundiff) Kirk (b. Mr 17, 1849, Dayton, O,). Prepared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Acacia; Egyptian Club; P.and; Orchestra; Cnil. Club; Grad. Club. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; B. P. O. E. Emergency Fleet Corp., Hdqtrs., Philadelphia. Address, 319 Evergreen St,, Kankakee, 111.; bus. add., 14S S. Broad St., Philadelphia. 4750. ROBERT JUDSON KIRKPATRICK Traveling Salesman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 25, 1S87, Benton, 111.; s. Reuben Dee (b. Mr 30, 1841) and Martha Elizalieth (Penny) Kirk- patrick (b. O 14, 1846). Prepared in Benton H. S.; Culver Mil. Acad.; Ewing Coll. Egyptian Club; Theta Nu Epsilon. Address, c/o Sulli- van Machinery Co., St. Louis.t 4751. WILLIAM JULIUS KLEIN Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 12, 1889, Cincinnati; s. Henry A. and Regina Klein. Prepared in Madison (Ind.) H. S. Pres., Technograph Bd. ; Pres., Ivrim; Sec, Arch. Club. Chief Draftsman, A. L. Levy, Arch., Chicago. Mem., I. O. B. B,, Champaign-Ur- bana, 1910. Married Hortense Cahn, Je 24, 1914. Address, 6214 Eberhart Ave., Chicago; bus. add., i66o Conway Bldg., do. 4752. •DOUGLAS STANLEY KNAUSS Engineer; B. S. in M.. E.; b. F 14, 1890, Bethlehem, Pa. ; s. Charles Christian and Mary Blanche (IBrovvn) Knauss. Prepared in Mora- vian Parochial Sch,, Bethlehem. M. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E, ; Easterners' Club; Y, M. C. A. Engr., United Gas Improve- ment Co., Philadelphia. Mem. Nat. Cml. Gas Assn.; Phela Section Moravian Church. Died O II, 1915, Philadelphia. 4753. MABEL ALMA KNIGHT (IIARKNESS) (Wife of No. 41S8; Sister of No. 1720) A. B. in L. A.; b. S 29, 1882, Prairie Home, 111.; d. George E. (b. Mr 13, 1846, Middle- town, N. Y.) and Katherine (Merrill) Knight (b. N I, i8s2, la.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.: West. Coll., Oxford, O. Alelhenai; Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors; Bot, Cluli; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Ex. Com. of Grad. Club, Asst., Bot., L'niv. of 111. Married C. Loren Harkness ('10), Je 26, 1912, Urbana. Children: daugh- ter, b. My 2X, 1914; Katharine Elizabeth, b. Mr 20, 1918. Address, c/o Prudential Ins. Co. of Am., Div. G., Newark, N. J. 4754. CHARLES HARRISON KNOWLES Contr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 16, 1888, Philadelphia; s. John Henry (b. N. H., 1845) and Nettie C. (Stewart) Knowles (b, 1854, Nova Scotia). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors; Final Honors; Clim., Sr. Memorial Com.; Tr. Smoker Com.; Sec, C. E. Club; ///i«i Staff. Engr., 111. St. Highway Com., 191 1; do., Carson-Payson Co., Indianapolis; Proprietor, Knowles Plumbing & Heating Co., Champaign; Supt., installation plumbing, Chanute Flying Field, Rantoul, 111., 1917; Engr., Gen. Hospital. No. 3, Colonia, N. T. Married Fern Truman, Jl 17, 1912, Ur- "bana. Child, Robert Charles, b. F 17, 1913. .-IJdrcss, 510 E. Green St., Champaign. 4755. FLORA MAREA KOCH Librarian; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja 31, 1883, Beardstown, 111.; d. Frederick (b. 1858, Ger.) and Marea Eleanor (Steinkuehler) Koch (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S.; 111. St. Norm, L'niv,; Univ. of Washington; igiil Baccalaurkate Alumni 425 Columbia Univ. Teacher, Hist, and Eng., 11. S., La Grange, Ore., 191 1; Instr., H. S., Walla Walla. NVash.; Libn., St. Norm. Sch., Gunni- son, Colo. Address, c/o Library, St. Norm. Sch., Gunnison, Colo. 4756. EDWARD OSWALD KORSMO (Brother of No. 3827) Office Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 23, 1887, Elgin, 111.; s. Gunnar (b. Norway) and Thea (Olsen) Korsmo (b. do.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Triangle; Shield and Trident; Pre- lim. Honors. Draftsman, Toltz Engng. Co., 1911-13; Asst. Engr. and Estimator, Butler Bros., 1913-14; Office Engr., Toltz Engng. Co., 1 91 8. Mem., C. E. Club. St. Paul; St. Paul Ath. Club. Married Bertha Wolff, S 8, 1916, St. Paul. Address, 466 Portland Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., St. Paul Athletic Club, Room 1 1 18, St. Paul. 4757. DANA WALTER KREIDLER Automotive Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 17, 1884, Harnell, N. Y.; s. Walter (b. Mr 10, 1852, Arkport, N. Y.) and Laura (Clark) Kreidler (b. S 29, 1865, Rodgersville, N. Y.). Prepared in Hornell H. S. Easterners' Club; Stud. mem., A. S. M. E. ; M. E. Soc. Engr., Lozier Motor Co., 1911-14; Development work. Motor and Cars, 1914-17; Experimental Engr., Detroit Lubricator Co., 1917; Chief Engr., Carburetor Div., Detroit Lubricator Co., 1917 — . INIera., Soc. of Automotive Engrs.; A. S. M. E. Mar- ried Bernice Rose Pierce, O 3, 1917, Hornell, N. Y. Address, 669 2nd Ave., Warwick Apts., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Detroit Lubricator Co., do. 4758. JOHNSTON NOBLE LA BELLE Sales Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 9, 1887, Bloomington, 111.; s. Eugene (b. Ja 25, 185s, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Rebecca (Noble) La Belle (b. Ag 2, 1857, Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ. Phi Kappa Sigma. 111. Engr. with Nat. X-ray Reflector Co., 1911-14; Sales Engr., Multi Refillable Fuse Co., 1914-17; do., Chicago Fuse Mfg. Co., 191 7. Ord. Dept., Camp Hancock; Experimental work and operation of Nitrate Plant, Sheffield, Ala.; Mustered out. Ja 8, 1918. Address, 1142 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Chicago Fuse Mfg. Co., 1014 W. Congress St., do. 4759. DAVID REUBEN LAGERSTROM Supt., Elec. Co.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 9, 1889, Dundee, 111.; s. Oscar (b. Ja 3, 1849, Sweden) and Elizabeth Ellen (Soderstrom) Lagerstrom (b. Ap 10, 1848, do.). Prepared in Dundee H. S. E. E. Soc. Test Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1911-13; Asst. Supt., Dept. Light, Heat and Power, do., 1913 — . Mem., Edison Club, Schenectady, N. Y. Address, P. O. Box 482, Schenectady, N. Y. 4760. ISABELO JpMENO LAGNITON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 19, 1886, Jaro, Iloilo, P. I.; s. E. Lopez. Prepared in Cin- cinnati Tech. H. S. Address, Jaro, Iloilo, P. I.t 4761. WALTER A. LANDOR Contr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b.' My 5, 1889. Canton. O. ; s. Edward John (b. My 19, 1855, Norwich, Eng.) and Mary Landor. Prepared in Canton H. S. Theta Delta Chi. Pa. Steel Co., Steelton, Pa., 1912-14; Contr. Engr., Can- ton, O., 1914-18. Nat. Guards, 1918 — . Mem., North East. Ohio Engng. Soc. Married Sarah Roberts, O 7, 1914, Harrisburg, Pa. Address, 1139, 18th St., N. W, Canton, O.; bus. add., 634 Renkert Bldg., do. 4762. ROY MONROE LANGDON (Husband of No. 3905) Superintendent; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1887, Chicago; s. John Sylvester (b. My 7, i86i. Constable, N. Y.) and Mary Jane (Van- natta) Langdon (b. S 24, 1807, Chicago). Pre- pared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago; Littleton (Colo.) H. S. Zeta Psi; Sr. Ball Com. Cor. Sec. Active Head, Butler Bros., Chicago, 1911-16; Asst. Supt., Com. of Fifteen, do., 1915 — . Mem., 111. St. Hist. Soc; 111. .\udubon Soc; Sec, Maywood Bird Club; Scoutmaster, Maywood Boy Scout Comn.; Chm., do.; Congr. Church. Married Vere Dorothy Perring ('09), D 26, igii. Champaign (died O 19, 1918). Address, 709 N. 3rd Ave., Maywood, 111.; bus. add., 807, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. 4763. SOPHIE LANGE Tutor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 27, 1856; d. Roderick (b. My 8, 1815, Guerfurt) and An- tonie (Gerlach) Lange (b. Ja 27, 1820, Halle, a S.). Prepared largely by private work; studied in several institutions in Ger. Address, 354 E. 69th St., Chicago. 4764. ALBERT FREDERICK LAURENCE Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 18, 1887, Paxton, 111.; s. Augustus (b. D 12, 1849, Grenna, Sweden) and Jennie (Egnell) Laur- ence (b. Ja 7, 1859, Moline, 111.). Prepared in Paxton H. S.; Augustana (Toll., 1909. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Scandinavian Club; Hort. Club. Teacher, Norwood, Minn., 1911-16; do., Fairmont H. S., Minn., 1916-18; Co. Agt., Carver Co., P. O. Waconia, Minn., 1918 — . Married Frances Swanson, Jl 16, 1913, Paxton, 111. Child, Evelyn Margaret, b. Mr 21, 1915- .4ddress, Norwood, Minn. 4765. CARL JOHN LAUTER Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. S 18. 1889; s. Charles H. (b. F 16, 1861, St. Louis) and Julia (Schott) Lauter (b. Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Phi Lambda Up- silon; Prelim. Honors. Chem., Water Works, St. Louis, 1912-13; Chem. Engr.. Mo. Pacific Ry. Co.. 191 8. Civilian Insp., Naval Ord. Dept., Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 1428 Keritucky St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee. 4766. CHARLES WESLEY LAWRENCE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 15, 1886, Rantoul, 111.; s. John Wallace (b. Jl 10, 1846, Beaver, Pa.) and Martha Jane (Wood) Law- rence (b. Ap 22, 1858, Potomac, 111.). Pre- pared in Rantoul H. S. Civ. Engr., Concrete Constr., 191 1; Struct. Steel Drafting, Gary, Ind., 191 1—. 2nd Lt., F. A., Ft. Thomas, Ky.; Corozal, C. Z. ; do.. Camp Taylor; Mustered out, D II, 1 91 8. Address, Rantoul, 111.; bus. add., Gary, Ind. 4767. HUGO LAYER Engineer; A. B. in Arch.; b. O 17, 1887, Chicago; s Frank C. and Bessie (Kucera) Layer. Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech., Chi- cago. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Helmet; Ku Klux; Yoxan; Freshman Varsity and Class Football. Engr., L. JL. Rodgers Engng. Co.; Asst. Plant Mgr., Clay Products Co., 1916. Married Hazel Hodge Berg. S 4, 1912, Bloom- ington, 111. Child, b. My 21, -1916. Address, Brazil, Ind.f 4768. GEORGE BRATTEN LEAR Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 9. 1883, Chicago; s. Ed. (b. i8=;8. E. St. Louis, and India Belle (Bratten) Lear (b. i8.s8. Rush- ville, Ind.). Prepared in Mt. Hermon Sch.; T. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1914. Prelim, and 426 University of Illinois [1911 Final Honors; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Chi; Iliini staff; Sec, Cml. Club; do., Lincoln League; Ed. staff. Siren; Winner, Illio Roast Contest. Lawyer, Chicago, 1916. Address, Suite 1126-28 Association Bldg., 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. t 4769. OTIS HOIT LEE (Son of No. 218; Brother of Nos. 3071, 3835, 7030, 7732) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 3, 1888, Hamlet; s. Elisha ('79), (b. do.) and Ellena (Bopes) Lee (b. do.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Chi Beta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Scabbard and Blade. Farmer, Aledo, 111. ist Lt., R. O. T. C, Ag 191 7. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; Presby. Church. Married Mabelle Hester Whisman, Ag 23, 1917, Mt. Pleasant, la. Child, Otis, Jr., b. Ja II, 1919. Address, Aledo, 111. 4770. FRANCES BOSTWICK LEONARD (RAYNER) (Wife of No. 3925; Sister of No. 5266) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 23, 1888, Rockford, 111.; d. Josiah Sloane (b. 1848, Syracuse, N. Y.) and Mary Malvinia (Bostwick) Leonard (b. 1851, Otisco, N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; W. A. A.; Pres., Woman's League. Married William Horace Rayner ('09). Ag 28, 1912, Rockford, 111. Child, William Leonard, b. Ag 24, 1913. Address, 915 W. Green St., Urbana. 4771. HAROLD RAYMOND LEONARD Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 15, 18SS, Chicago; s. Frank (b. Dundee, 111.) and Ellen (Duff) Leonard (b. do.). Prepared in Engle- wood H. S.. Chicago. Alpha Zeta; Ionian; Agr. Club. Supt., Lewiston Consolidated Sch., 1911-13; Co. Agr. Agt., Lakefield, Miss., 1914- 15; do., Stillwater, Minn., 1915-18; Asst. St. Co. Agt. Leader, }ilinn.. 1918 — . Married Alice M. Brown, O i, 1913. Children: Norma May, b. Mr 20, 1915; Lois, b. My 14, 1916. Addr'ess, 1492 Como Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., Univ. Farm, do. 4772. FRANK MILLS LESCHER Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 7, 18S3, Topeka, Kan.; s. Theodore Herman (b. 1829, Easton, Pa.) and Augusta (Wood) Lescher (b. 1839, Frederick, Ky.). Prepared in Topeka (Kan.) H. S. Band; Orchestra; Pres.. Mgr. and Asst. Dir., do. Draftsman, J. W. Royer, Arch., Urbana, 1911-12; do., A. H. Hubbard, Champaign, 1912-14; do., Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1 9 14 — . Married Virginia Ches- ter Odernheimer, Ag 10, 1912, Champaign. Child, George Frederick, b. Je 21, 1918. Ad- dress, 1005 S. ist St., Champaign. 4773. CHARLES SAMUEL LE SURE Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 14, 1884, Olney, 111.; s. Charles Martin (b. Vincennes, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Proctor) Le Sure (}>. Vincennes, Ind.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Land. Arch. Soc. Land. Arch., A. Washburn & Sons, Bloomington, 111., 1911-14; do.. Peoria, 1914-18. Auth.: Articles on Land. Arch, in various mags. Mem., Rotary Club. Peoria; Univ. Club, do. Married Lulu M. Littler. Ag 19, 191 1, Bloomington, 111. Child, Betty Louise, b. F 24, 1916. Address, 506 Chester St., Peoria; bus. add., 220 Central Nat. Bank Bldg., do. 477^. RICHARD WALTER LEUTWILER (Brother of No. 1246) Chief Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 15, 1888, Highland, 111.; s. Adolph (b. Ag 8. 185s. do.) and Celestina (Seeger) Leutwiler (b. O 7, 1857, Winterthur, Switzerland). Prepared in Highland H. S. Stud. Branch. A. S. M. E.; Prelim. Honors. Mech. Engr., D. II. Burn- ham & Co., Chicago, 1911-13; Chief Engr., 111. Engng. Co., do., 19 13 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Stella Mueller, D 26, 191 1, St. Louis. Children: Richard Walter, Jr., b. Ja 7. 1913; James Kenneth, b. Jl 31, 1916. Address, 926 Harry Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 111. Engng. Co., W. 2ist St. and Racine Ave., do. 4775- CLARENCE JOHN LEVEY Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 28, 1888, Toronto, Ont., Can.; s. John (b. 1858, do.) and Agnes Jane (Rodgers) Levey (b. 1867, do.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Phoenix; Final Honors; .Engng. V. P., 111. L'nion; Fresh. \'arsity Basketball; Sr. (Tlass Basketball; ist Home-Coming Com. Sullivan Machinery Co., Chicago and Claremont, N. H.; Sheffield Machine Works, Chicago. Address, Sheffield Machine Works, Sheffield and North .\ve., Chicago. 4776. JULIAN HERMAN LEWIS (Sister of No. 6382) A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1912; b. My 26, 1891, Shawneetown, 111.; s. John Calhoun (b. Ja i, 1858, Vine Grove, Ky.) and Cordelia Ophelia Lewis (b. Jl 4, 1868, Mt. Sterling, Ky.). Pre- pared in Summer H. S., Cairo, 111.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of III., 191 1. Pres., Iliini Club; Pres., Baraca Bible Class. Address, 612 12th St., Cairo, 111. 4777. LUCY ELFA LEWIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 30, 1887, Danville, 111.; d. Chauncey E. (b. F 12, 1856, Kirkland, N. Y.) and Minnie M. (Rambo) Lewis (b. F 26, 1854, Ft. Wayne, Ind.). Pre- pared in Danville H. S. Alpha Chi Omega. Address, 302 The Holland, Danville, III. 477S. JUNE LINDLEY (CHURCHILL) (Sister of No. 6387) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 29, 1888, Philo, 111.; d. Orville B. (b. Jl 5, 1857, Fredericktown, O.) and Ruth (Edwards) Lindley (b. Ap 3, 1861, Peoria). Prepared in Urbana II. S.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1912. Classical Club. Teacher, H. S., Paxton, 111., 1911-12. Married Guy F. Churchill, O 8, 1913, Urbana. Address, 808 S. Race, Urbana. 4779. ARTHUR WILLIAM LINDSTROM Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 27, 1890; Varna, 111.; s. John Peter (b. My s, 1849, Morlunda, Sweden) and Hilma Sophia (Olson) Lindstrom (b. D 18, i859_,, Freslo, Sweden). Prepared in Varna H. S.; Univ. Acad. Consulting Engr., W. L. Fergus & Co., Chicago, 1911-16; Mech. Engr., Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich., 1916-17. Capt., Coast Defense, Chesapeake Bay, Ag 15, 1917; Engr., Coast Defense Artillery, Ft. Monroe. Va.; Mus- tered out, Ja 13, 1919. Address, 216 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., Marquette Bldg., Chicago. 4780. LE ROY LEWIS LITTLE (Husband of G330; Brother of No. 3076) Assoc. Ed.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; b. S 16, 1888, Tolono, 111.; s. Egbert Phelps (b. S 3, 1856, Tonica, 111.) and Matilda (Merry) Little (b. Mr 21, 1857, Tolono, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. B. L., Columbia, 1 91 5. Alpha Delta Phi; Philomathean; Fresh- man Football and Indoor Track; Varsity Foot- ball; Asst. Coach, Fresh. Varsity, Football; V. P., Fresh. Class. Instr., and Coach Rockford H. S.. 111., 1912-13; Instr.. Lewis and Clark H. S., Spokane, 1913-14. Reporter, NewYork Tribune, 19 15-16; Special Correspondent in the Balkans, do., 1916; Reporter, do.. New York City, 1916-17; Assoc. Ed., Outing, New York, 1917. S. O. T. S., Camp Dix, N. J., Ap 1918; igii] Baccalaureate Alumni 427 Mustered out, F 3, 1919. Autli.: The Open Road, Outing: Various Contributions to other mags. Married Emma Holmer (g'ir),Ap igi8. New York City. Address, 905 S. Wright St., Champaign; bus. add., Outing Publishing Co., New York City. 4781. SHERMAN HENRY LITTLER Prin. H. S.; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1912; b. Ag II, 1879, near Fithian, 111.; s. Cyrus Reed (b. D s, 1842, Vermilion Co., 111.) and Mary Ellen (Flaugher) Littler (b. S 1850, do.). Prepared in Potomac H. S.; 111. St. Norm.; Charleston St. Norm. Sch., 1901-3. Kappa Delta Pi; Scholarship in Grad. Sch., 191 1- — . Dir. and Ath. Mgr. of Y. M. C. A. Prin., Tp. H. S. Sergt., Home Guards. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; Christian Church. Married Mabel Dunham, O 15, 1908, Mackinaw, 111. Child, Mark Dunham, b. S 3, 1911. Address, Coal City. 111. 4782. RUTH LLEWTELLYN (Daughter of Nos. 143, 148; Sister of Nos. 2738, 2739) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 21, 1888, Monticello, 111.; d. Joseph Corson (,'77), (b. Jl 22, 1835, Philadelphia) and Emma Clarinda (Piatt) Llewellyn {'77), (b. Je 23, 1857, Monticello, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Yo Ma; Illiola; Scribblers; V. P. Class; ///. Mag. Bd.; W. A. A. Teacher, Mary Wood Chase Sch., Musical Arts, Chicago. War Work, France. Mem., Chicago Coll. Club. .Address, 324 6th Ave., LaGrange, 111.; bus. add., Soo Lyon & Healy Bldg., Chicago. 4783. JAMES HENRY LLOYD (Brother of No. 3450) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 3, 1889, Girard, 111.; s. W. H. (b. D 2, 1854, Virden, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Myers) Lloyd (b. iMr 29, 1858, Pa.). Prepared in Girard H. S. Sigma Pi; Scribblers. Instr., Agr., William and Vashti Coll., Aledo, 111., 1911-14; do., Crops Dept., Purdue Univ., 19 14; Farm Ad- viser, Hancock Co., 111., 191 6 — . Mem., Aledo Club. Married Bernice Ruth Peters, Jl 31, 1913, Aledo, 111. Child, James Henry, Jr., b. S 4j 19 16. Address, Carthage, 111. 4784. FREDERICK CHARLES LOHMAN City Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 26, 1884, Gibson City, 111.; s. Louis (b. Ger.) and Etta (Harnack) Lohman (b. D 25, 1853, do.). Pre- pared in Gibson H. S.; Univ. Acad. City Engr., Champaign. Married Edith L. Kennedy. Address, City Hall, Champaign. EDWARD ROY LUDWIG B. S. in Arch.; M. S., 1912; 4785. Architect. D 6, 1886, Minneapolis; s. Charles Henry (b. 1853, Ger.) and Anna (Parsons) Ludwig (b. 1855, Sweden). Prepared in Central H. S., Minneapolis. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Final Honors; Scholarship; Sigma Xi; Illio Staff; Ed., do.; First Arch. Year Book; Award- ed Plym Traveling Fellowship in Arch. — Sub- ject, Water Gate to a Pan-Am. E.xposition. Arch., Minneapolis, 1914-18. Co. C. 43rd Engrs., Road and Bridge, Camp Washington Univ., Washington. D. C. ; Sergt., 48th Co.. 2oth Engrs., A. E. F., France. Auth.: Transcrip- tion of the March from "Aida" by Verdi, arranged for piano solo. Mem., M. E. Church; Orator of Hennepin Council Royal Arcanum, Minneapolis. Married Mary Harriet Gable, Je 24, 1916. Child, Margaret Eleanor, b. Ja 23, 1918. Address, 44 Clarence Ave., S. E., Min- neapolis; bus. add., 915 New York Life Bldg., do. 47S6. RAYMOND RUDOLPH LUNDAHL (Brother of No. 2445) City Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 9, 1889. Gibson (:,ty. Hi.; s. Peter (b. Sweden) and Lmnia Augusta Otillia (Svenson) Lundahl 4- V, l-*- c^^''«P?''ed m Gibson City H. S. C. h.. Uub; Scandinavian Club. Asst. Engr., 111. bt. Highway C^m 1911; Gen. Foreman, Con- crete Const., (: M. & St. P. Ry., 1912-14; Special Const Milwaukee Co., Highway Coran. 1915; Insp Res. Engr., Div. Engr., Milwaukee Sewerage Comn., 191 6-1 8; Asst. City Engr..; M.lwauke, 1918--. U. S. A., Mustered out 1 918. Mem., Milwaukee Illini Club; Alumni Assn. Married Evelyn Anna Fichtner, O 13 1917, Milwaukee. Address, 203 23rd St. MU- waukee; bus. add., 7th floor. City Hall, do. 4787. THOMAS EDWIN LYONS Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A., 1911; b. Je 29, 1S90 Areola, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Ja 19, 1852 Loughrea, Galloway Co., Ireland) and Marie Sulhvan) Lyons (b Je 14, 1833, Rantoul, 111.). Prepared in Areola H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1907-8. LL. B., Harvard Law Sch., 1914. Phi Kappa Sigma; Shield and Trident • \oxan; Varsity Football. Atty., Champaign, Ar^'^fn^c.^-b ^*-. 2^"k, Areola, 1917-T8 Mem 111.. St.. Bar Assn., 1916-18; Champaign County Country Club, 1914-18; Champaign City Club 1910-18; B. P. O. E., 1914-18. Married Eulah Armstrong. S i, 1915, Areola, 111. Child daughter, b. Jl 25, 1918. Address, 306 N. State M Champaign; bus. add., 202 Citizens Bank Bldg., do. 478S. PAUL ALFRED McCASKEY (Brother of Nos. 3463, 3849) With Montgomery Ward & Co.; A. B. in L. ic A.; b. Je 12, 1889, Eldorado, Kan.; s. Alfred Samuel (b. My 13, 1854, Bucyrus, O.) and Justitia (Parsons) McCaskey (b. Ap 23 1856 La Grange, (/o.). Prepared in Englewood H. b. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Helmet; Shield and Indent; Class Football; Varsity Water Polo With Butler Bros., wholesale Cml. House Chi- cago; with Montgomery Ward & Co., 191 7— Address, 7337 Emerald Ave., Chicago. 4789. ISHMAEL WORTH McDOWELL Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E. b. F 2, 1884. Gentraha, 111.; s. Edgar Marion (b. S 15, 1857 Dayton, O.) and Jeannette Leah (Cunningham) McDowell (b. Mr 22, 1859). Prepared in Cen- traha H. S Ilus.; E.E. Soc; Egyptian Club Icchnograph. Bd. Elec. Engr., West. Elect. Co Married Jane, Bell Tierney, N 28, 1912, Cham paign. Address, 336 S. Sacramento Blvd., Chi cago.t 4790. JESSIE McHARRY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b D 16. 1885. Ludlow Tp., 111.; d. William (b. F 16, 1856, Wigtonshire. Scotland) and Margaret (Tweedy) McHarry (b. D 6, 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Rantoul H. S. Athenean; Kanpa Del- ta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; L. and A. Scholarship; Sr. Memorial Com.; Class Day Com.; Salutatorian. Grad. Stud., Univ. of HI., 1911-12; Prin., Rantoul H S., 111., 1912; Teacher, Hist. Tp. H. S., Pontiac! 111., 1912-16. Address, 307 E. Springfield, Champaign; bus. add., Pontiac, 111. 4791. EVA LYLE McINTYRE (GAUGER) (Wife of No. 5679) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 14, 1888, Brocton, 111.; d. Daniel Pollard (b. Je 3, 1858, London, Ont., Can.) and Annettie Olive (Cooley) Mclntyre fb. S 13, 1865, Newman, 111.). Prepared" in P.roadlands H. S.; Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alethenai; Yo Ma: W. A. A.; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; Pres., Woman's League; Illini staff. Studied music, Univ. of 111. Married Paul 428 University of Illinois [1911 Charles Ganger ('13), Jl 29, 1914, Champaign. Child, Paul Charles, Jr., b. An 23, 1915. Ad- dress, 945 Osceola Ave., St. Paul. 4792. EARLE CLARENCE McKINNIE (Brother of No. 3089) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. O i, 18S8, LeRoy, 111.; s. Virgus Ulysses and Elizabeth McKinnie (b. Eng.). Prepared in LeRoy H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Band and Orchestra. Engr.. Nat. X-Ray Reflector Co., Chicago. Aeroplane Mechanic, Wright Field, Dayton, O. Address, 235 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 4793. JESSIE BARBARA McROBIE (FOGLESONG) (Wife of No. 4655; Sister of No. 1924) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 21, 1888, Alameda, Calif.; d. John (b. F 15, 1856, Montreal, Can.) and Susan Isabel (Musgrove) McRobie (b. Ap 3, 1856, Hamilton, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago. Delta Gamma; Basketball; W. A. A. Married Lawrence Earl Foglesong ('11), Jl 16, 1913, Montclair, N. J. Child, Suzanne, b. Je 3, 1914. Address, Des Moines, la. 4794- IRWIN ARTHUR MADDEN ,j (Brother of No. 4795) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 22, 1884, Freeport, 111.; s. William James (b. 1849, Chi- cago) and Elizabeth Dickey (Murdaugh) Mad- den (b. 1852. Freeport, 111.). Prepared in No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-8. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Prof., Agr., No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1911-18; Farm Advisor, Sangamon Co., Springfield, 111., 1918 — . Auth. : Rural Arithmetic, Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1916. Married Isabelle Mclntyre, Jl 24, 1912, Hanover, 111. Child. Margaret Isabella, b. Je 7, 191 5. Address, 1368 Whittier Ave., Spring- field, 111. 4795. JOSEPH WARREN MADDEN (Brother of No. 4794) Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 17, 1890, Damascus, 111.; s. William James (b. 1850. Free- port, 111.) and Elizabeth Dickey (Murdaugh) Madden (b. 1850, do.). Prepared in Freeport H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-08; Har- vard Law Sch., 1912-13; J. D., cum lande, Univ. of Chicago, 1914. Delta Unsilon; Adelphic. Prof., Law, Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla., 1914-16; Lawyer, Rockford, 111., 1917; Prof., Law, O. St. LTniv., Columbus. O., 191 7 — . Mar- ried Margaret Bell Liddell, Jl 16, 1913, McAles- ter, Okla. Children: Mary Esther, b. Jl 18, 1914; Joseph Warren, b. S 9, 191 5; Robert Lid- dell, b. My 28, 1917. Address, 393 East IMay- nard Ave., Columbus, O. ; bus. add.. Law Sch., O. St. Univ., do. 4796. EUGENE FREDERICK MAIL Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b Ja 4, 1890, Robinson. 111.; s. Albert Thomas (b. F 2, 1858, Palestine, 111.) and Nettie May (Hedden) Mail (b. D I, 1862. Hutsonville, 111."). Prepared in Robinson H. S. Sr. Class Baseball. Instru- ment Man, M. M. Ry., Brazil, S. A., 1911-12; Asst. Co. Engr., Highway and Bridge Const., Marion, Ind., 1015-16; Gen. Civ. Engng. Prac- tice, Robinson, 111., 1917. ist Lt., Engr. R. C, 4th U. S. Engrs. ; A. E. F., France; Wounded in Action; Mustered out, F 12, 1919. Married Jessie A. Maxwell, Ag 22, 191 7, Robinson, 111. Address, Robinson, 111. 4797. MEREDITH MALLORY (Brother of No. 9248) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 21, 1889, Wichita, Kan.; s. Albert Douglas (b. Ja 9, 1861, Batavia, 111.) and Susan (Kubitchek) Mallory. Prepared in W. Batavia H. S.; Univ. of Chi- cago. 1910. M. D., Harvard, 1915. Chi Psi; Jr. Basketball; Mgr. Sr. Basketball; Chm., Sr. Stag. Interne, la. M. E. Hosp., Des Moines, 191S-16; Physician, Des Moines, 1916-17. ist Lt., Med. R. C, 1917 — . Married, Mary Stiles Jones, N 11, 1916, Batavia, 111. Address, Bata- via, 111. 4798. RAE IRENE MALONE A. B. in H. Sc; b. Stella, Neb.; d. Edward and Flora (Hall) Malone. Prepared in Okla- homa City (Okla.) H. S. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Address, 400 W. 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.f 4799. ALBAN WHITFORD MANN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; E. E., 1978; b. Je 12, 1889, Elgin, 111.; s. Alban Leo (b. S 22, 1859, do.) and Bertha Sophia (Kohn) Mann (b. Ja 8, 1856, Cook Co., III.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors. Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1911-13; do., C. I. P. S. Co.. Mattoon, 1913-18. Mar- ried Olga Carolyn Mann. O 10, 1917, Elgin, 111. .iddrcss, 392 Chicago St., Elgin, 111. 4800. MARY ELLA MARKS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Je 12, i886, Daven- I3ort, la.; d. Watson H. and Grace H. Marks; Prepared in Davenport H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1904-06; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-08. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Asst., Davenport Pub. Lib., la., 191 1 ; Private cataloging, 191 1 — . Ad- dress, 222 E. loth St., Davenport, la.f 4801. MAYNE SEGUINE MASON (Brother of No. 7791) Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 191 3; b. Je 3. 1890, Buda, 111.; s. Parker Noyer (b. O 4, 1862, Buda, 111.) and Emma Gertrude (Se- guine) Mason (b. O 19, 1870, do.). Prepared in Buda H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Rutgers Scarlet Club; (jregory Guild; Philomathean; E. E. Soc; Prelim, and Final Honors; Mil. Band, Drum Maj.; Lt., Univ. Regt.; Class Baseball; Illio Bd.; Class Finance Com.; Y. M. C. A. cabinet. Research Fellow, 1911-13; Stud. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady. N. Y. and Pittsfield, Mass.. 191 3- 15; Instr., Elec. Engng. and Phvs., Rutgers Coll., 1915-17; Indus. Fellow. Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, 1919. Head of Gun Dept., U. S. S. M. A.. 1917; Sec, U. S. S. M. A., 1917; ist Lt., U. S. A. S.. 191 7; Instructor, S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; Mustered out, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. W. A.; Assoc, A. I. E. E. ; Baptist Church. Address, Buda, 111.; bus. add., Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh. 4802. EARLE ROBINSON MATH Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 20. 1889, Chicago; s. Henry Clark and Mary (Covert) Robinson, adopted by John B. and Mary K. (Raynor) Math. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst, of Tech., 1907-8. Arch. Club; Mil. Scholarship: Cadet Hop Com.; Sr. Stag Com.; 1st Lt., Signal Corps; Capt. and Regt. Commissary, do.; Class Baseball. With C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Chicago, 1911; W. C. Zimmerman, Arch. Engr., 1911-13; Supt., Bldg. Const, and Asst., Arch. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1Q13-17: Engr., M'est. Elec. Co., Chicago, 191 7. First Lt., Co. C, 317th Engrs., A. E. F., France; returned to states Mr 7, 1919. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Marion Martin, Je i, 1912, Chicago (died O 26, 191 5); Esther Nelson. D 24. 1917, Urbana. Child, Helen, b. Ap 13, 1913. Address, 408 N. Willis Ave., Champaign. 4803. LEE VERNE MATHENY Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 25. 1887, Hubbell, Neb.; s. Alva (b. Ja 21, 1857, Lawndale. III.) and Elsie I. (Chase) Matheny (b. N 16, 1856, Janesville. Wis.). Prepared in Chenoa IT. S. Kappa Delta Pi. Prin., Albion H. S.. 111., 4 yrs.; Supt., Albion Pub. Schs., 111., 1915 — . Married Edna H. Harris, Je 12, 1912, Albion, 111. Address, Albion, 111. igii] Baccalaureate Alumni 429 4S04. JAMES OTIS MATTIIEWSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 6, 1888, DeKalb, 111.; s. Otis Wing (b. My 12, 1839, Smyrna, N. y.) and Flora (Zehner) Matthewson (b. Ja 10, 1864, Muncie, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta. Farmer, DeKalb, III. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Florence Ethel Leonard, D 25, 191 1, Chicago. Address, R. 3, DeKalb, 111. 4805. OLIVE MAY MATTSON (Sister of No. 5303) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 28, 1886, Chicago; d. Nels Mattson (b. F 15, 1842, Sweden) and Georgiana (EUerson) Mattson (b. My 6, 1863, La Porte, Ind.). Prepared in Englevvood II. S., Chicago; Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1905-7. Athenean. Teacher, Kinder- garten, Chicago. Address, 6428 Stewart Ave., Chicago. 4806. LEONARD MAUEL Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 11, 1887, Minneapolis; s. John Leonard (b. S g, 1859, Ashford, Wis.) and Mary (Bott) Maiiel (b. Je 13, 1865, Fond du Lac, Wis.). Prepared in N. Division H. S., Chicago. Univ. Fencing Team. Engr. on Constr., Madeira Mamore Ry., Brazil; Draftsmaru Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind., 1913; Jr. Engr., City of Chicago, 1913-18. Mem., West. Soc. Engr. Married Annie Leavitt, O 9, 191 6, Chicago. Address, 2308 W.' Walton St., Chicago. 4S07. LEO A. MAUTNER Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. F 17, 1890, Chicago; s. Siegfried (b. F 12, i860, Austria) and Elenore (Horner) Mautner (b. Jl 31, 1865, do.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst, of Tech., 1907-8. Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago; Applied Chem., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-13; do., B. D. Eisendrath Tanning Co., Racine, Wis., 1912 — . Address, Racine, Wis. 4808. *LESTER CHARLES MAXEY A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 9. 1889, Mt. Vernon 111.; s. James Henry (b. My 26, 1865, do.) and Mary Jane (Keller) Maxey (b. N 10, 1866, do.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Shield and Trident; Ed., Daily mini. Merchant, Mt. Vernon, 111. Mem., B. P. O. E. Married Leila Wilson, Je 10, 1913, McLeansboro, 111. Died Ag 6, 1914, Mt. \''er- non. 111. 4809. HELEN BUCKINGHAM MAY (Sister of Nos. 1152, 3872) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; d. Henry Ritter (b. 184s, N. Y.) and Ida Althea (Monroe) May (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, HI.; Vassar Coll. Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Crawfordsville, Ind., H. S.. 1908-11; do.. Great Falls, Mont., 191 1 — . Ad- dress, Ft Wayne, Ind. 4810. JOHN GEORGE MENCH Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 4, 1888; s. John CJeorge (b. Je 11, 1862, Nimburg, Bad'en, Ger.) and Rosa (Bocherer) Mench (b. Mr 19, 1866, do.). Prepared in Monticello, III, H. S.; I. C. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors. Testing Engr., Chicago, 19TI-12; Power Sta. Designer, do., 1912-14; Elec. Engr., City of Chicago, 1914 — . Married Lillian Olga Hassig, N 13, 1913, Chicago. Child, John Warren, b. My 13, iqi6. Address, 4630 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 860 McCormick Bldg., 332 S. Michigan Ave., do. 481 1. HARRY MICHAEL A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 4, 1882. Bristol, Eng.; s. A. Michael. Prepared in Chicago Norm. Address, 4135 Monroe St., Chicago.! 4812. LAURENCE HURSH MILES (Brother of No. 5307) Cashier; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 18, 1889, Savanna, 111.; s. Charles K. (b. S i, 1865, Mt. Carroll. 111.) and Metta K. (Zuck) Miles (b. D 22, 1864, Bushnell, 111.). Prepared in Savanna Tp. IL S. Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Gamma Sigma, V. P., Cml. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors; Pres., Gregory Guild; Class Football. Teller, First Nat. Bank, Savanna, 111., 1911-12; Asst. Cashier, do., 1912-17; Cashier, do., 1917 — -. Married, Lauretta Finlay, Ja 4, 1917, Burling- ton, la. Address, Savanna, 111. 4813. ROBERT ARTHUR MILLER Designing Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 3, 1888, Bethany, 111.; s. Rufus and Martha N. (Cline) Miller. Prepared in Bethany H. S.; James Millikin Acad, and Coll. Designing Engr., Miller, Holbrook Engng. Co., Decatur, 111. Married M. Madge Miller, N 9, 1913, Chicago. Child, Isabella Ann, b. Ag 5, 1914. Address, Decatur, III.; bus. add., 418 Millikin Bldg., do. 4814. HELEN MARGARET MILLIGAN Director; A. B. in L. & A.; b. St. Joseph, Mo.; d. Frank (b. Philadelphia) and Adah Jose- phine (Brewster) Milligan (b. Erie, Pa.). Pre- pared in Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Yo Ma; Illiola; French Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Y. W. C. A. Cabi- net; Teacher, Grade Schs., S. Belvidere, 111., 1911-12; do.. La Grange, 111., 1915-17; Dir. of LI. S. Girls Social Service Club. Mem Chi- cago Coll. Club; Infant Welfare Soc; Clongr. Church; Sec, King's Daughters. Address, 109 S. Washington St., Hinsdale, 111. 4815. CECILE MONTGOMERY (PAYNE) (Sister of No. 5321) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 20. 1888, Bloomington, 111.; d. Alfred and Esther Elizabeth (Wadding- ton) Montgomery (b. Ap 20, i860, LeRoy, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1907-8. Kappa Delta Pi; Illiola. Teacher, Benton H. S., 111., 1911-12; do., Centralia, 111., 1912-14. Married John Lewis Payne, Je 11, 1914, Herrin, 111. Address, Benton, 111. 4816. IDA MAE MOON (THIMLAR) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 12, 1887, Lexington, 111.; d. John Almarion (b. Ap 9, 1858, do.) and Phoebe Jane (Ilarpole) Moon (b. Mr 11, 1866, Cottonwood Falls, Kan.). Prepared in Lexing- ton H. S.; 111. Wesleyan, Bloomington, 111., 1905-6. Teacher. LeRoy H. S.. 111. Mem., M. E. Church; O. E. S.; White Shrine; Classical Assn. Married Hugh Thimlar, Je 1914, Lex- ington, 111. Address, New Haven, Ind. 4817. CLARIBEL BURTON MOORE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 30, 1886, Wabash, Ind.; d. Aquilla F. (b. Mr 29, 1845, O.) and Louise (Brockway) Moore (b. Ag 10, 1861, Howard, Ind.V Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis; Ind. Univ., 1907-8. Teach- er. Y. W. C. A., Indianapolis; Shortridge H. S. Indianapolis; (Conductor, Summer European tours, 1915. Mem., Assn. of Coll. Alumnae; D. A. R. Address, 1525 N. Meridian St., Indi- anapolis. 4818. GENEVIEVE MOORE Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. My 24, 1886 Char- leston, 111.; d. Albert and Laura (Harvey) iNIoore. Prepared in Charleston and Urbana H. Schs. Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Varsity Basketball. Teacher, Taylorvdle H. S., 111.; Mattoon H. S., 111., 1912-18. Address, I 521 Lafayette Ave., Mattoon, 111. 4.SO Univkrsity of Illinois I1911 4H19. MAUV KICUKCCA MUOKE (MUNSON) (Will- of No. .i3-'-i; Sister of No. yoo) A. U. in I.. & A.; b. 11 8, 1H87, ToK.no, IIL; il. loliii 'riu.ni|j.soii (1). Ml- 7, 1H43, Kiiilcy, O.) and .Xiiuli.i Mliuivu (MycrsJ Moore (I). O 7, 1847, (iii.KUiiliulKii, U.). l'rui)arfil in Tolono 11. S.; N. W. Univ. K;i|i|)a KMopa tiannna. Marrii-d Clicslcr VVriK'lit Miinson (10). Child, John (hcslcr, li. V 10, loiH. .lildifss, ji(){ C St., (iianilf Cily, 111. .1830. LI.OVl) MOKEY ConiptrolKr; A. 11. in I,, it A.; IJ. Mu.s.; C. i*. A.; h. Ja 15, iS8(., l.aildonia, Mo.; s. llirani (1). i84(), New Canton, 111.) ami Kniily (Cur- ler) Mi.rcy (h. 18.18, IsoiUport, ill.). I'reiiand in Laddonia (Mo.) 11. .S.; Univ. Acad. I'hi Beta Kappa; I'relini. and l'"inal Honors. OrK'a- nist and 'reaeher; liookkeeper, lUis. office, Univ. of 111., 191 113; Auditor, do., i()i3-iO; ;\cting CouiplroUer and Instr. Accountancy, 1910-18; ( onipl roller, 1918 — ; (.'lioir Dir., 'i'rinity M. V.. Church, Urli.ina, 191 1 -. Anlli.: Comptroller's Keporl. Univ. of ill., 1917-18; 1'aI., Assn. 0/ t oMiWid <■ Bui., 1017; C. P. A. I'roblenis and Solutions, l.a Salic I'^xlen. Lliiiv., Cbicago; Audi- ting I'rocedure, (with W. U. Castenholz), do., 1918; Ideals in Choir OrKani/.ilion and Methods, Tlic Uiapason, Chicago; I'Miiancinl Keiiorts of I'ntilic lnstituli(uis, Jour, of Accountancy. Jl 1918. Mem., Assn. Mus. (Jlliccrs of St. Univs.; Soc. of C'hurch Organists, ChanipaiK'i Ji'id llrbana; ill. Soc. C. I". A.; Hopt. Chm., Assn. Commerce. Married Eiliia Elizabeth Cox, Ar 6, 191.', IVndlclon, Ind. Addfcss, 1302 W. Clark St., Urbana. .18.M. KOCKR l.l'-.UOV MOKUISON t^onsullinn Imik'-; A. It. in Se.; H. S., Uy. C. IC., 191.'; C. E., 1917; h Ajt jS, 1883, Win- iirtka. 111.; s. Dr. (IcorKe 11. (b. Ap is. iRs-'. Elgin, 111.) and Delia M. (Haker) Mcnrisc.n (1). At) 5, 1857, Lansing, Mich.). Prepared in New Trier 'Pp- H. S. M. A., Columbia, i9i.t. (\ I'".. Club, luslr., C. 1''.., Univ. of Tenn., ujii- 1.'; jr. Eugr., 111. Highway D<'pt., loi-'; Supi., l\d. Depl., United (!as. Improvement Co., I'liil .uielphia, 1 1) 1 J ; Sales Engr., do., 1913; Prof., Highway ICngug., Coll. of Tex., I9i4-is; Con- .suiting Engr., JJra/.os Co., Tex., i9i.S'7- C.ilit., Engrs. U. C., i()i7iS. Auth. : Discus- sion of paper on I'ioneer Railway Development in the U. S., Proc. of the .-lin. .Soc. Cir. liiuji-.w, Vol. X.XXVll. 1911; Earth Koads. l!ul. A. .'v M. Coll., Tex., 191.S; Demonstiation Uoads at A. S: M. Coll., Tex., "(/()., 191(1; Highway Engng. at A. &■ M. Coll., Tex., (/('., loK.; Maintenance of Earth, Sand, Clav. and Cr.-ivel Koads. do.. 1917; various articles for ("(i»ia(/i. Address. Box i, Harrisbnrg, HI. 48J8. HARRY FOl.SOM NEAL Attorney; A. H. in L. & A.; b. F 28, 1889, Charleston, HI.; s. Henry .Augustus (b. D 13, 1849, Tnftonboro. N. II.) and Louise (Weiss) Neal (b. Ag 1 J, i8()o. Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared iu Phillips Exeter Acad. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., J913. Phi Delta Phi. Atty., Imcsiio, C:ilif., 1913-18. 19th Provisional Co., C.imp Kearney, Calif., 1918. Mem.. ITntv. Club, Eresno. Address. First National P>auk Bldg., Fresno, Calif. 48.'9. EDNA ELIZAP.ETH NEFF (HULL) (Wife of No. s-'-\s) A. B. in L. & A., 1911; b. N 6, 1887, Pelens- burg. 111.; d. David (b. Ag J5, 1852, Rocking- ham Co., W. Va.) and Marg:iret Von Teldcn (Park) NetT (b. My -•-•. 1857, Peter.sburg, HI.). I'repaied in Petersburg H. S. Teacher, 19 11- 11. Mem., V. P. Banner Social Club; M. E. Clinrch. Married Homer Boys Hull ('12) My (>, 1915, Catchings. Miss. Child. William David, b. Jl 10, 1910. Address. Forrest, HI. IQIl] Baccalaurkate Alumni 431 48J0. AI.ONZO liEDA NKININGER Siiperinlcndcnt; U. S. in C. E. ; b. F 10, i«. (b. Ja 21. 1S57. Granville. 111.) and Lucie Alzira (Hall) Parr ('84), (b. My 12, i860. Felicity, O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Pres.. Alethenai Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Franklin Wales Marquis ('05). Te 12 1912. Urbana. Children: Franklin Parr, b. Jl I, 1913; Donald Hall. b. F 20, igi"- --id- dress, 412 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O, 4840. HUGH RICHARD PARTRIDGE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 3, 1891, Effingham, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Jl 26, 1S32, Brandenburg, Ky.) and Alice (Smith) Partridge (b. O 20, 1854, St. Louis). Prepared in EfKngham II. S.; Fordham L'uiv. Prep., New York City. Phi Delta Phi; Order of the Coif; Ionian; John Marshall Law Club; Varsity Tennis. With Bouvier i*v: Dugro, Attys., New York City, 1912- 13; Lawyer, New York City, 1913 — . Seaman, V. S. N. R. F.; Ensign; Mustered out, F 1919. Addn-ss, 60 Wall St., New York City. 4S50. CARRIE CADE PATTON (CLARK) (Wife of Gn9; Sister of Nos. 1750, 5863) ^ B. L. S.; A. M. in Soc. 1916; b. Ag 11, 1886. Clarence, 111.- d. William Thomas (b. 1845, Veedersburg, Ind.) and Frances Maria (Flagg) Patton (b. 1847, Surrev. iMe.). Prepared in Paxton H. S.; DePauw,' 1904-6. A. B., N. W. L"niv., 1909. Alpha Chi Omega; Final Honors. Asst., Univ. of Mont. Lib.. 1911-13; Head Cata- loger of Texas, 1914-1^. Mem., Assoc. Coll. .\lumnae; ^I. E. Church. Married Fred Emer- son Clark (g'13), Ag 17, 1915. Urbana. Child. Frederick Eugene, b. Jl 21, 1917. Address, 528 Elm St., Ann Arbor, "Mich. 4851. PIERRE JOSEPH PELOQUIN Valuation Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Mr 17, 1886, St. Robert, Quebec, Can.; s. Pierre (b. S 7. 1S55, do.) and Marie Lucy Elsie (Beaudrault) Peloquin (b. O 20, 1865. do.). Prepared in Elem. Sch. of St. Roberts, Quebec, Can.; Classic Course. St. Hyacinthe's Sem., St. Hyaiicinthe. Quebec, Can. A. B., Univ. Laval. Quebec. Can. LL. B., Chicago. Kent Coll. of Law. Phi Kappa; Prelim. Honors. Surv., Civ. and San. Engr.. William P. Feeney, Surv., and Slarr Green & Co., Chicago, 1911-17; do., H. H. Bremer, do.. 1917-18; Ry. Valuation Engr., Interst. Commerce Comm., do., 1018 — . Mar- ried Marie .Angelina Caroline Bessette, N 30, 1911, Chicago. Children: Marie Jeanne Rence b. Mr 23, 1013: Joseph Louis Robert, b. Ja 23, lois; Pierre Gerard Theodore, b. N 2, 1916. .Address, 395S Archer Ave.. Chicago; bus. add.. Interstate Commerce Comn., 910 Michigan Ave., do. 4852. JOHN BERNARD PETERSEN Chem. Analyst; B. S. in Sc: b. S 2, 1884, Chicago; s, John Petersen. Prepared in Oak Park H. S. "Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem.. Oak Park. 111. Mem., Congr. Church. .Address, 153 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111. 4853. CHAREES ALOYSIUS PETRY Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 8, 1886, Cincinnati; s. John (b. Mr 29, 1856, Schneppen- bach, Ger.l and Josephine (Schlarb) Petry (b. Ag 16, 18^6. London. Eng.). Prepared in Englew'ood H. S.. Chicago. Phi Kappa: Fresh. N'arsitv Football and Basketball: Jr. Council- man, 111. ITnion. 111. St. Highway Comn., 191 1; Swift & Co., 1912 — ; Struct. Engr., Office Su- pervising Arch. LTniv. of 111., 19 16 — . Married Josephine Tyrrell, O 6, 1915. Children: Charles, b. D 17. 1916; Robert, b. Je 22, 1917. .Address. 210 E. Green St., Urbana. 4854. CHARLES RUSH PHIPPS Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 14. 1885 : Charleston, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. 1856, do.) and Alice Christina (Martin) Phipps (b. 1857, do.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club: G. L. Club. Instr., Agr., Kan. St. Norm. Sch., Emporia. Kan.; Head of Dept. Agr.. do.. 1913. Auth.: Ornamental and Vege- table Planting on Sch. grounds. St. Printing office, Topeka. Kan., 1912; A One Year Course in H. S. Agr., Exten. Div.. Kan. St. Norm. Sch., Emporia, Kan.: The Sch. Garden, do.; Outside Eqi(ipmet}t for a Country Sch., do.. Baccalaureate Alumni Xo. 20, 1916. iMeni., A. F. A. M.; Rotarian, 1917; First M. E. Church; Chm., Agr. Com. for I-yon Co. Annual Farm Produce Show. 'Married Orvetta Wilson, My 28, igio, Macki- naw, 111. Children: Orvetta Florinc, b. My 20, 1913; Walter Harold, b. Ap 12. 1910. Ad- dress, 923 Const. St., Emporia, Kan.'; bus. adj., Head Dept. Agr., Kan. St. Norm. Sch., do. 4835- ROY ERNEST PICKETT V. P., Const. Co.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 10, 1886, Chicago. Prepared in Assoc. Inst., Chi- cago. Carter, Halls, Aldinger Co., Gen. Con- trs., Winnipeg, Can.; V. P., Covell Const. Co., Ionia, Mich. Assoc. Mem., Manitoba Assn. of Arch. Address, Covell Const. Co., Ionia, Mich. 4856. THIRZA MAY PIERCE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. 1917; b. Jl 4, 1869, Hanover, 111.; d. William (b. Mr 3, 1823, Ashwater Parish, Devonshire, Eng.) and Ann Semmins (Philips) Pierce (b. Je 10, 1824, Cornwall, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ.; N. W. Univ. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher. Univ. of Nanking, China. Address, Univ. of Nanking, Nanking, China. 4857. EERNHARD HENRY PISTORIUS Struct. Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i, 1889, Chicago; s. Henry and Thekla (Mann- heim) Pistorius. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Pre- lim. Honors. Struct. Engr., Swift & Co., U. S. Vards, Chicago; Fabricated Ship Con)., Mil- waukee. Address, 700 Melrose St., (Jhicago; bus. add.. Fabricated Ship Corp., Milwaukee. 4858. THOMAS MERRITT PITTMAN, JR. Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1917; b. Ag 14, 1887, Henderson, N. C; s. Thomas Merritt and Harriett (Thrower) Pittman (b. Mr 22, 1856, Warrenton, N. C). Prepared in Henderson H. S.; Univ. of N. C. Alpha Tau Omega; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Final Honors. Civ. Engr., Springlleld, 111., 191 1; do., Fulton, Ky., 1911-15; do., Chicago, 1915 — . Mem., Am. Ry. Engng. Assn. Married Dixie Paschall, Je 2, 191 5, I'ulton, Ky. Address, 1456 E. 54th St., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 706 Central Station, do. 4859. ERNO BAKER FLETCHER (Brother of Nos. 1574, 5872, 5873, 7867) Y. M. C. A. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 16, 1889, Hoopeston, 111.; s. David Smith (b. Jl 24, 1857. Howard, Pa.) and Elizal)eth Celesta (Pease) Fletcher (b. F 14, 1862, Washington, Pa.). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. Iris; Adelphic; Mask and Bauble; Class Fres.; Mgr., Star Course. Salesman, Rochester, Ind., 1911-12; Sec, Y. M. C. A., Detroit, 1912-14; do., St. Paul, 1914 — ■. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Agnes Havill, b. Je 20, 1916, De- troit. Child, Joseph Havill, b.^ My 13, 1917. Address, 694 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., Y. M. C. A., do. 4860. FRANK HAYWARD FOND, JR. Engineer: B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 23, 1888, St. Louis; s. Frank Hayward (b. Jl 31, 1850, Woonsocket, R. I.) and Elizabeth Campbell (Cliappell) Fond (b. Ja 2, 1850, Cincinnati). Prepared in Lewis Inst. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident; Yoxan; Helmet; Fresh- man Varsity Base Ball; Class Base Ball and Basket Ball; Jr. Mem., 111. Union Council; Sr. Stag Com. Stevens Inst., Hoboken, N. J. Ad- dress, 343 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 4861. RAY BOYD PONDER (Brother of Nos. 5363, 5874) Farmer; B. S. in M. E. ; M. S., 1912; b. Je 24, 1S88, Hammond, 111.; s. J. R. (b. D j8, 1855, Washington Co.. Tenn.) and Elizabeth 433 E. (Bolin) Ponder (h. Mr 2, 1866, Sullivan, III.). Prepared in Hammond H. S.; James Milhkin Univ. Acad.; Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc; Univ. Band; Draftsman and Designer, Chuse Enguie & Mfg. Co. Mattoon, 111.; Farmer, Hammond, 111., Pratt Co. Married Minnie Louise Yates, Ja 7, 1914, Urbana. Child, Jo- seph W., b. N 21, 1915. Address, Hammond, 4862. PAUL FRED POPP A.sst. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 3, 1886, Chicago; s. Robert (b. Jl i, 1854, Leipzig, Ger.) and Minnie (liarr) Fopp (b. Ap 16, 1861, Stolp, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Designer, Strauss Bascule Bridge Co., Chicago; Asst. Engr., III. Central R. R. Co. v\uth.: A Characteristic Equation of Super- heated Steam, Tcchnograph, No. 24, 1909-10. Married Hazel E. Sagert, Je 10, 1913, Chicago. ( hild, Bernice E., b. F 21, 19 14, Chicago. Ad- dress, 5938 S. Maplewood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Room 1000 III. Central R. R. Co., 135 E. Park Row, do. 4863. ALLAN JULIUS POSTEL (Son of No. 367; Brother of Nos. 6488, 8671) Manufacturer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 21, 1889. Mascoutah, 111.; s. Julius E. ('83), (b. N 29. 1862, do.) and Amalia Fostel (b. Je 26, 1862, do:). Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch., St. r^ouis. Delta Kappa Chi. Address, Mascoutah, 111. 4864. EMMETT VINCENT POSTON Brick Mfr.; B. S. in Sc; b. Je 23, 1888, Nelsonville, O.; s. Irwin Gilroy Boston. Pre- pared in Crawfordsville II. S. Shield and Trident: Beta Theta Pi; Football squad; Basket- ball. Sjiringfield Water Works, City Hall. Springfield, 111. Brick Mfr., Martinsville, Ind., 1914-18. jnd Lt., Camp Gordon, Ga., 1918 — . Married Beryl Nutter, S 2, 1914, Martinsville, Ind. Address, Martinsvelle, Ind. 486s. ELLEN CATHERWOOD POWEL (LOCKE) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1887, Taylor- ville. 111.; s. Richard and Emma (Catherwood) Powel. Prepared in Taylorville H. S. Phi Beta; Athenean; Woman's League Adv. Bd,; Jr. Cap Com.; V. P.. Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Hit- tie H. S., Armington, 111. Married Arthur Locke, Taylorville, 111. Address, Taylorville, III. 4866. HOWARD MARION RAILSBACK (Brother of Nos. 1260, 2217, 4375) Advertising Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Je 6, 1885, Hopedale, 111.; s. Benjamin Thomas (b. 1843, Mackinaw, 111.) and Margaret Mae (Flennikcn) Railsback (b. 1846, Columbus, O.). Pre|iared in Hopedale and Normal H. Schs. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoenix; Ed. in Chief, Illio; Bus. Mgr.. The Scribbler; lUini StaiT; Class Historian: Class Baseball. Ed., The Furrow, Deere & Co., Publishers. Married Eva E. Wiggins, D 30, 1913. Child, George Howard, b. N 23, 1913. Address, 1611, 27th St., Mo- line, 111. 4867. EDWIN ARTHUR RANDALL (Brother of No. 2488) Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 18, 1890, Cambridge, 111,; s. Samuel Benjamin (b. Ap i, 1 83 1, Rutland, Vt.) and Anna Louise (Carl- son) Randall (b. D 25, 1864, Sweden). Pre- pared in Cambridge H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Prelim. Honors. Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Draftsman, Gary, Ind. ist Lt. Engr. R. C, Je, 1917: Mustered out, Ja 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Henrietta Werno, Jl 3, 1913. Child, Florence Louise, b. O 12, 1917. .4ddress, 66 6th Ave.. La Grange, 111. 434 University of Illinois I1911 4868. ROBERT WILLIAM RAY Supt., Const.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 24, 1886, Vera, 111.; s. Alexander (b. O 30, 1855, Vera, 111.) and Charlotte Isabell (Burcham) Ray (b. N. C). Prepared in Blue Mound and Decatur (111.) H. Schs. Eta Kappa Nu; Phoenix; \'ar- sity Football Mgr. ; Sr. Stag Com.; Sr. Invita- tion Com.; V^arsity Track. Elec. Meter Tester, Danville St. Ry. & Light Co.; Asst. Supt., M. Yeager & Sons, Builders, Danville, 111. Ad- dress, 213 W. Harrison St., Danville, 111. 4869. CHESTER OTIS REED (Brother of No. 3928) Adv. Agt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 26, 1885, Gates, N. Y.; s. Avery LeFerre (b. S 19, 1851) and Carra Ella (Otis) Reed (b. Mr 24, 1S48.). Prepared in Rochester and Pittsford (N. Y.) H. Schs. Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Gamma Alpha; Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Sr. Ball Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; ///. Agr. Staff; Illini Staff. Asst., Farm Mechanics, Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 191 1 ; Instr., do., 1912; Assoc, do., 1917; Repr., George Batten Co., Inc., Ad- vertising, Chicago, 1 91 5. Auth. : Binder and Mower Troubles and Their Remedies, Farm Supplement News Co., 191 5; Articles in Agr. papers. Mem., Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs. Mar- ried Helen Gertrude Agate, Je 30, 1914, Pitts- ford, N. Y. Child, Barbara A., b. Ap 30, 191 5. Address, 1801 McCormick Bldg., Chicago. 4870. ERNA MARIE RELLER Prin., H. S. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 4, 1888, Beardstown, 111.; d. Charles (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Pank) Reller. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omicron Pi; Der Deutsche Verein; V'arsity Basket Ball Team; VV. A. A.; Sec, Classical Club. Prin., H. S., Peoria; do., Maroa. Ad- dress, 309 W. 8th St., Beardstown, 111.; bus. add., Maroa, 111. 4871. KATHARINE LOUISE RENICH (Sister of Nos. 2221, 4382, 4872) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. My 21, 1887, Woodstock, 111.; d. Frederick (b. 1842, Switzerland) and Catherine (Stein) Renich (b. 1846, Chicago). Prepared in VV'ood- stock H. S. Y. W. C. A. Teacher. H. S., LeRoy, 111., 1911-12; do., H. S.. Qinton, 111., 1914-18. i\Iem., Am. Hist. Assn. Address, 474 Judd St., Woodstock, 111.; bus. add., Clin- ton, HI. 4872. MARY EMMA RENICH (Sister of Nos. 2221, 4382, 4871) Assistant; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1912; b. N 15, 1877, Woodstock, 111.; d. Frederick (b. Mr 19, 1842, Berne, Switzerland) and Catharine (Stein) Renich (b. Mr 24, 1846, Chicago). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1902. W. A. A. Teacher, H. Schs., 1902- 8; Under Mission Bd., Tenn., 1908-10; Instr., Math, and Phys., Maryville Coll., Tenn., 1912- 14; do.. Math., Tusculum Coll., Tenn., 1914-15; Clerk, Order Dept., Lib.. Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Asst., Botany, Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Address, 474 Judd St., Woodstock, 111.; bus. add., 917 W. California St., Urbana. 4873. CHARLES CLYDE RICE B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 7, 1886, Bone Gap, 111.; s. O. S. Rice. Prepared in St. Coll. Inst. Ad- dress, Bone Gap, Ill.t 4874. JAMES KING RICHIE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 20, 1887, Georgetown, 111.; s. Benjamin (Tanaday (b. D 5, i860, Georgetown. 111.) and Mary Caroline (Leaverton) Richie (b. S 22, 1864, Chatham, 111.). Prepared in Georgetown H. S.; Univ. Acad. Undergrad. Work, Univ. of Colo. Phi Delta Theta; Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Var- sity Track Team; Capt., Class Championship Football Team; Varsity Football. Elec. Engr., I. T. S., Georgetown, 1911-13; do.. Pacific Light and Power Corp., Los Angeles, 1914-16; V. P., Spang lii Co., Butler, Pa., 1916. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Lillian Braudon Spang, Ap 12, 1917, Butler, Pa. Address, 803 Walker Ave., Butler, Pa.; bus. add., Spang & Co., Etna St., du. 4875. RAYMOND JEFFERSON ROARK (Brother of No. G569) Instructor; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1912; b. Jl 25, 1890, Greenville, Ky.; s. Ruric Nevel (b. 1859, do.) and Mary Caroline (Creegan) Roark (1>. la.). Prepared in South H. Sch., Worcester, Alass. ; East Ky. St. Norm. Sch.. Richmond, Ky. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Ciym. Team. Engr., L. & N. & C. M. and St. Paul R. R.; Draftsman, Conlin Co., Chicago; Instr., M. E., Univ. of Wis. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 1st Lt., F. A., France. Auth.: Strength of Out- standing Flanges in Beams and Columns, Engng. Record, 68, 191 3; Canoeing for a Mixed Bag, Outing, S 191 5; Grouse of the Upland Marsh- es, do., O 1916. Address, Richmond Ky.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 4876. ANNA SOPHIE ROGERS Demonstrator; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1917; b. Jl 3, 1889, Bushnell, 111.; d. Dietrich Frederick (b. Ag 27, 1856, Ger.) and Anna Sophie (Kunst) Rogers (b. O 14, 1S57, do.). Prepared in Bushnell H. S. Achoth; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., H. S., La ]\loille. 111., 19:1-12; Instr., Latin and Ger., Bellflower Tp. H. S., 111.; Asst., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Demonstrator, Biol., Bryn Mawr Coll. Auth. : An Analytic Study of Visual Perception, Am. Jour, of Psych., 1917; Address, Bushnell, 111. 4877. CARL JAMES ROHRER Dist. Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 14, 1886. Prepared in Canton H. S. Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Phi Kappa; Phoenix; Capt., Fresh, and Varsity Track; Sr. Ball and Jr. Cap Com.; V. P., 111. Union. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1911-16; Sales Mgr., Matthews Co., Port Clinton, O., 1916; do., Stromberg Elec. Co., Chicago; Dist. Mgr., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916 — . Auth.: Electricity in Agriculture, Gen. Elec. Rev. Address, 124 3rd St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; bus. add., 315 Mu- tual Life Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. 4878. FRANK LOUIS ROMAN Engineer; B. S. in Chem. : b. Jl 26, 1888, Highland, 111. Sigma Xi. Div. of Highways, Dept. of Pub. Works and Buildings. Address, 219 W. Cook St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., S20 E. Adams St., do. 4879. FRANK G. ROMIG Boiler Foreman; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 6, 1884, Elk City, Kan.; s. Owen T. (b. Mr 31, 1846, Tuscarawas, O.) and Sarah (Gram) Rom- ig (b. F 25, 1843. Uhrichsville, O.). Prepared in Coffeyville (Kan.) H. S.; Montgomery Co. H. S., Independence, Kan. Testing & Steam Engr., Ind. Steel Co., Gary, Ind.; Boiler Fore- man, do. Married Jessie Luella Dean, N 24, 1910, Champaign. Child, Kenneth T., b. Jl 8, 191 1. Address, 712 Harrison .St., Gary, Ind.; bus. add., c/o Ind. Steel Co., Gary, Ind. 48S0. FRED BARNUM ROSENCRAiNS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 1. 1886, Geneva, 111.; s. B. Rosencrans. Prepared in Waukegan H. S. Address, 310 McKinley Ave., Waukegan, III. I9IIJ Baccalaureate Alumni 435 48S1. HARRISON AUGUST RUEHE (Brother of No. 7912) Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 26, 1888, Oilman, 111.; s. August H. and Sarah (Wil- liams) Ruehe. Prepared in Waukegan H. S. Sig:ma Pi; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Instr., Dairy Husb., Univ. of Calif., 1911-12; Assoc., Dairy Mfr., Univ. of 111., 1912-18; Asst. Prof.. do., 1918 — ; Asst. Chief, Dairy Mfr., Exp. Sta., 1918 — . Auth.: Circulars 188, 190, 191, 192, 195, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1916-17. Address, 1014 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. 4882. HOMER RUNKEL Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Je 14, 1884, Shelbyville, 111.; s. J. V. Runkel. Prepared in Greenup H. S.; Univ. Acad. Chem. Club., V P. Asst. Chem., Bur. Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr. Auth.: Errors in Weight of Print But ter, U. S. Def't. of Agr., Cir. 95. Mem., A C. S.; Petworth Citizens Assn. Married Mary Mann, Je 30, 1912, Effingham, 111. Child, Eliz abeth M., b. O 26, 1913. Address, 529 Shep pard St., N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add. c/o Bur. of Chem., Washington, D. C. 4883. WILLIAM HENRY RUSKAMP Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 11, 1883, Quincy, 111.; s. John Henry (b. O 28, 1857, do.) and Alice J. (Hartley) Ruskamp (b. Mr 19, 1854, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Phi Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors. Jr. Engr., III. Highway Comn., 1911-12; Struct. Engr., Const. Dept., Swift & Co., Chicago, 1912 — . Married Edith Edna McCool, Je 10, 191 1, Peoria. Children: William Henry, Jr., b. Jl 31, 1912; Mary Ellen, b. S 18, 1913; John Arthur, b. S 21, 1914; Walter, b. Ja 28, 1916 (died Ja 28, 1916); Edna Louise, b. Mr 21. 1917. Address, 8134 S. Throop St., Chicago; bus. add.. Const. Dept., Swift & Co., U. S. Yards, do. 4884. JOHN TYNDALL RUSSELL Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 24, 1886, Denver; s. John L. (b. Baltimore) and Mary Jane (Devine) Russell (b. do.). Prepared in Denver Man. Tr. IL S. Phi Kappa; Lieut, and Capt., scholarship for 2 yrs. service as such. Draftsman, Engng. Dept., Internat. Smelting Co., Tooele, Ut., and Lt., 144th F. A., Camp Kearney CaUf. Mem., K. of C. Address, Tooele, Ut. 4885. WILLIAM EMMETT RUSSELL Pub. Acct.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 11, 1888, Seattle; s. Thomas Alexander (b. F 21, i860, Decatur, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Dernprey) Russell (b. Ja 9, 1S66, do.). Prepared in De- catur H. S. Accounting and Auditing, Mc- Gregor, Chase & Co. Married Blanche F. Gross, Ja 22, 1914, Chicago. Address, 11 12 Columbia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 208 S. La Salle St., do. 4886. BERTHA SALSICH BAIRD (See No. 4S3ia.) 4887. GEORGE PILLSBURY S.\WYER (Brother of No. 7191) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 24, 1888, Lynn Centre, III.; s. William Arthur (b. S 23, 1857 Kendallville, Ind.) and Louise Anna Sawyer (b. Je 18, 1861, Lynn Centre, 111.). Prepared in Monmouth Coll., 1905-7. Eta Kap- pa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Repair Engrs. and Sales Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1911-13; Milwaukee, Sales Dept., do., 1913-17; Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., New York City, 1918. Married Edith O'Beirne, S 28, 1914, Chicago. Child, Jean MacBeth, b. Ag 20, 191 5. .-iddress. 35 Carolin Road, Mont- clair, N. J.; bus. add., Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., IS Broad St., New York City. 4888. JACK ADDISON SCANLAN Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 2, 1887, Ida Grove, la.; s. P. Scanlan (b. Ireland) and Fanny M. (Caswell) Scanlan (b. Boone, la.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. Phi Kappa Sig- ma; Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Engng. Dept., I. C. R. R., Miss, and Ind., 1911-13; Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Chicago, 1913; Struct. Engr., Des Moines; do., Washington, D. C. Assoc. Mem., West Soc. Engrs. Mar- ried Carrie Luella Schneider, Je 16, 1915, Chi- cago. Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. Mr 31, 1916; Jack Addison, Jr., b. S 25, 1917. Ad- dress, 2534 Aubert Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. 1506 Garland Bldg.. do. 4889. EDWARD JOHN SCHELL Struct. Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Keo- kuk: s. George and Elizabeth (Heineman) Schell. Prepared in Keokuk H. S. Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Struct. Draftsman, Waddell Harrington, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 1012 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 4890. SIMON AARON SCHICKEDANZ (Husband of No. 5326; Brother of No. 7929) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 30, 1884, Chenoa, 111.; s. Jonathan and Emma Schicke- danz. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H.S. Iris; Class Treas. Married Margaret Moschel ('12). Address, 614 Oak St.. Danville, 111. 4891. GERTRUDE BENDER SCHILL Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 15, 1888, Chicago; d. Anthony Martin (b. Mr 17, 1849, Wittenberg, Ger.) and Margaret (Bender) Schill (b. Ap 16, 1850, Frankfort-on-Main, do.). Prepared in S. Chicago H. S. Certificate, Hy- giene and Phys., Wellesley Coll., 19 15. W. A. A. Settlement worker, Chicago, 1911-12; Teacher, Phys. Tr., South Park System, Chi- cago, 1912-13; Dir., Phys. Educ, Chicago Latin .Sch., 1915-17; Instr.. Phys. Educ, Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis. 1917 — . Address, 9948 .\ve. L, Chicago; bus. add., Univ. of Minne- sota. 4892. WILLIAM GEORGE SCHOCH Homesteader and Surv. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 26, 1887, Tower Hill, 111.; s. George (b. O 9. 1840, Get.) and Mary E. (Widely) Schoch (b. N 16, 1851, O.). Prepared in James Mil- likin Univ. Acad.; Univ. Acad. Address, Tow- er Hill, Ill.t 4893. ISIDORE MORRIS SHAW (SCHOLNITZSKY) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D i, 1880, Russia. Prepared in Univ. Acad. With Del., Lackawanna & West. Ry. Co., 191 1; Jr. Asst. Engr., Pub. Service Comn., N. Y. City, 191 5 — . Legally changed name to Isidore Morris Shaw, 19 1 7. Address, 2159 Maples Ave., Bronx, N. Y. 4894. LLOYD SCHWARTZ Highway Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S i, i88g. Golden, 111.; s. John Gav (b. Summer Hill, 111.) and Martha Jane (O'Neil) Schwartz (b. Columbus, Mo.). Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Varsity Baseball. With III. St. High- way Comn., Springfield, 111.; Acting Dist. Engr., 111. Dept. of Pub. Works and Bldgs., Div. of Highways, Aurora, 111.. 1914; Master Gunner, Hdqtrs. Co., 72nd Regt., C. A. C, A. E. F.. France, 19 18 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 138 Fox St., Aurora, 111. 4895. FRANCES MARIE SCOTT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.: b. Jl 22, 1888, Veray, Ind.; d. Samuel Lewis (b. Ghent, Ky.) and Arabella Stevens (Hulett) Scott (b. 1870, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kapi^a; Mask and Bauble; Athenean. Teacher, Oak Park II. S. Address, 1013 Erie St., Oak Park, 111. 43'"' UNIVERSiTY OF Il.T.INOIS llOII 4896. I.UCIAN WARE SCOTT Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 20, 1886, Beinent, 111.; s. Matthew Thompson (b. 1830, Leocington, Ky.) and Mary Kathryn (Williams) Scott (b. 1841, Harrodsbiirg, Pa.)- Prepared in Bement H. S. Adelphic; Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; mem. Bd. of Dirs. do. Stud., Auburn Theol. Sem., 191 1-14. Asst. Pastor, Calvary Presby. Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; Pastor, 2nd Presby. Church, Genoa, K. Y. ; Assoc. Pastor, ist Presby. Church, Auburn, N. Y. Y. M. C. A. War Work, Camp Merritt, N. J., 1918. Married Anna Clay Downard, My 14, 1914, Bement, III. Child, Jack Downard, b. Je 15, 1918. Address, 6 Nelson St., Auburn, N. Y. 4897. JOHN CLINTON SEARLE (Brother of No. 9376) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 10, 1889, Washta. la.; s. J. C. (b. 1861, Cleveland, 111.) and Minnie M. (Osborn) Searle (b. 1866, Rock Island Co., 111.). Prepared in Geneseo II. S. J. D., Univ. of Chicago. Ionian; John Marshall Law Club; Pol. Sc. Club; Minn. -111. and O.-Ill. Debates; No. Orat. Rep.; Bryan Essav prize. Lawyer, Rock Island, 111., 1913 — • 4th O. T. Sch., Camp Taylor, Ky., 1918; 2nd Lt., 158th Depot Brig., Camp Sherman. O., 1918; Mustered out, D 5, 1918. Mem.. Rock Island Club; A. F. A. M.; Trio Lodge No. 57, Rock Island; R. A. M. ; Amor Grotto. No. 57; B. P. O. E.; Presby. Church. Address, Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, 111. 4898. EUGENE CHARLES SEIB Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ta 23, 1889, Chicago; s. Charles F. (b. 1856, Belleville, III.) and Emilia (Chipback) Seib (b. i85o). Pre- pared in Belleville H. S. Engr., Century Elec. Co., St. Louis. Address, 2920 Greer Ave., St. Louis. 4899. RUPERT JOHN SERCOMBE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Rv. C. E.; b. S i, 1889, Elgin, 111.; s. William James (b. Ja 21, 1855, Liverpool, Eng.) and Anna Louise (Schlager) Sercombe (b. D 16, 1861, Elgin, 111.). Pre- pared in Elgin H. S. Asst. Instrumentman, C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., 1911-14; Div. of Valua- tion, Interst. Commerce Comn., Chicago. Ad- dress, 769 Highland Ave., Elgin, 111.; bits, add., 910 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 4900. PHILIP RAY SESLER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 17, 1889, Uniontown, Pa.; s. Phil (b. do.) and Ruth Francis (Yocum) Sesler (b. Ridge Farm, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. ; Madison Acad., LTnion- town. Pa., 1901-2. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. City Atty., Pontiac, 191 3 — . I St. Lt., 111. Nat. Guard, 191 5-1 7! Trial Tudge Advocate, 12th Div., Camp Wilson, Ft. S"am Houston, Tex., 1916-17. Married Gladys Coe, D 25, 1915, Pontiac, 111. Child. Barbara Coe, b. N 2, 1917. Address, Pontiac, in. 4901. BENJAMIN BRUCE SHAW Div. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. F 21, 1886, Canton, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Ja 23, 18-18, Dublin, Ire.) and Emma Arabella (Burrell) Shaw (b. O 30, 1849, Wolcot, N. Y.). Prepared in Canton H. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Nu; Helmet Cli^b. Asst. Engr., St. P. & Kansas Citv Short Line R. R., 191 1- 13; Asst. and Div. Engr., C. R. I. & P. Ry., Mc.'Mister. Okla., 191 3-16; Div. Engr., do.. Little Rock, Ark., 19 16 — . Auth.: The Im provement of an Old Line, Rv. Maintenance Engr., Vol. XII, D, 1916. Mem., Am. Ry. Engng. Assn. Married Elizabeth Henkle, Ag 4, 191 3, Canton, 111. Address, c/o C. R. I. & P. Rv., Little Rock, Ark. 4002. JUSTIN WINFRED SHRADER Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 29, i88q. Mattoon, 111.; s. Jonas \\. (b. S 2, 1852, Charleston, 111.) and Elizabeth Priscilla fjonesl Shrader (b. O 4, 1859, Pana, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. LL. B., Boston Univ. Sch. of Law, 1915; LL. M., do., 1916. Psi Upsilon; Aztec Club; Pres., Mask and Bauble; Choral Soc. ; Diamond and Scroll; Chm., I'ost Jixani. Jubilee Program Com. Admitted Supremo Judicial Court, Mass., 191 5; do., U. S. Dic-t. Court, and U. S. Circuit Court for District of Mass., igi6. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Masters Club, Boston Univ. Sch. of Law; Me.-is Club of All Souls Church, Braintree, Mass.; Alui.ini .\ssn. Married Dorothea Damon Powers. Je 17, 1914, Braintree, Mass. Children: Carl Winston, b. D 11, 191 6; Janet, b. Ja 2, 191 9. Address, 225 West St., Braintree, Mass.; bus. add., 1140-2 Tremont Bldg., 73 Tremont St., do. 4903. SATYASARAN SINHA Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 10, 1887, Cal- cutta, India; s. Radha Raman and Raj (Coomari) Sinha (b. Saktighur, Bengal). I'rc- pared in Bhagulpore Govt. Sch.; Univ. of Cal- cutta; Agr. Coll., Univ. of Toronto, 1907-9. .\gr. Club; Plort. Club; Scholarship, .^ssn. for the advancement of Scientific and Indus, cduc. of the Indians. Field experimentalist, Dcjit. oi Field Husbandry, Can.; Field Asst.. 111. Corn Breeding Sta., Univ. of IlL, sunnner, 1910. Dir., Salboni Agr. Exp. Sta., Dist. of .Mednapore, Bengal, 1912-13; Prof., Bot., Berhanipur Coll., Berhampur, Bengal, 1913- 15; E.xaminer in Bot., Univ. of Calcutta, 1915 — • Auth.: Articles in ///. Agr.; Modern Review, 1911, 1912, 191 4, 1915; Presidency Coll. Mag., J 91 6, Calcutta; Dacca Review, 191 7; The Wealth of India, 1915; Jour, of Heredity, 191 8; Amriia Bazar Patrika, Calcutta. 1914; Ani. Jour, of Theology, 1914; Hindusthan Re- -■icw; B Laratfarsha; various Bengalee articles. Mem., Sadharan Brahma Samaj, 1915; Am. Soc. of Agron.; Royal Agr. Soc. of Eng.; Am. Gen- etic Assn.. 1910 — . Married Susama Bose, My 8, 1915. (jiridih, India. Child, Flora, b. N 8, 19 18. .-iddrcss, 47 A Sri Gopal Mallik Lane, Calcutta, India. 4904. MARCUS SKARSTEDT Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 8, 1884, Chicago; s. Ernst and Anna Skarstedt. Prepared in Acad., Augustana Coll. A. B. and A. M., Aug- ustana Coll. Libn., Augustana Coll., 1911-17; do., Evanston Pub. Lib.. 191 7 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Chicago Lib. Club; Evanston Univ. Club. Camp Libn., Camp Pike, Ark.. 1918; do.. Great Lakes Tr. Sta., 1918 — . Married Bes- sie Carolyn Lockhart, 1914, Moline. 111. Ad- dress, 2312 Grey Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add.. Public Library, do. 4905. WILLIAM BRISTOL SLAUGHTER Mech. Engr. and Garage Mgr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 3, 18S7. Omaha, Neb.; s. William Bcnoni (b. D 1861, Blue Island, 111.) and Clara (Kepler) Slaughter (b. D 1862, Mt. Vernon, la.). Prepared in Princeton Tp. H. S. ; De Pauw LJniv., 1906-7; Lewis Inst., 1907-8. Delta Upsilon; Dramatic Cluo; Capt.. Univ. Regt. Automobile Garage Bus. Address, 2124 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. t 4906. ROBERT LYON SLOSSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 23. 1886, Chicago; s. William E. (b. 1S58, Pa.) and Kath- erine (Lyon) Slosson (b. 1866. Conn.). Pre- pared in Armour Acad. With Pittsburgh Steel Products Co., Chicago, 1911-13; U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., 1913-17; do., 1919 — • Sergt. 'of Ord., Ord. Dept., N. A., c/o Insp. of Ord.. Aluminum Co. of Am., New Kensington, Pa.. 191 7: Mustered out, Ja 28. 1919- Address, 831 Wilson Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 612, Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., do. iQii] Baccalaureate Alumni 437 4907. DWIGHT LEAD SMITH Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 13, iSgo; s. Alden Everett (b. D 2, 1859, Cedar Springs, Mich.) and Idelle May (Bellman) Smith (b. Mr 20, 1863, Davis, 111.). Prepared in Free- port H. S. Chi Psi; E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Electn.. Elevated Rys., Chicago. Mex. War, 1916; ist 111. F. A., 111. Nat. Guard; Capt., Art.. Field Hdqtrs. Co., 149th F. A., 42nd Div.. Rainbow, France; Army of Occupa- tion, i9i8' — . Address, Freeport, 111.; bus. add., 1343 Edison Bldg., Chicago. 4908. GERTRUDE CA v E SMITH (BARD- WELL) (Wife of No. 4060) A. B. in H. Sc; b. N i, 1886, Chicago; d. Townsend (b. Eng.) and Charlotte (Whidle) Smith (b. do.). Prepared in N. W. Acad.; Lewis Inst. Chi Omega; Basket Ball. Supt., Lunch Room, H. S., Rockford, 111., 1911-12. Married Richard Woleben Bardwell ('10), Jl 10. 1912, Evanston. 111. Children: Elizabeth, b. My 2, 1913; Richard Woleben, Jr., b. S 21, 191 5. Address, Woodstock, 111. 4909. PAUL ARDELL SMITH Salesman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 2q, 1887, Plaintield, III.; s. George B. (b. N 14, 1852, Plainfield, 111.) and Clara Emma (Bucks) Smith (b. Je 2i, 1855, do.). Prepared in Plainfield H. S. M. E. Soc; Sigma Xi. Engr. and Draftsman, Am. Steel & Wire Co., E. & W. Works, DeKalb, 111.; Salesman, Henry Holt & Co., Washington, 111. Address, Washington, 111. +910. ROSE SMITH Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1916; b. F 8. 1886. Saybrook, 111.; d. Austin (b. Ap 16, 1863, Funks Grove, 111.) and Mary (Barnes) Smith (b. Ap 20, 1859, Heyworth, do.). Pre- pared in Gibson City H. S. Alethenai. Grad. Stud., Bot.; Asst. Prin., Staunton H. S., 191 1- 15; Instr., Biol., Coll. of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn., 191 5 — . Address, c/o Coll. of St. Ter- esa, Winona, Minn. 491 1. WILLIAM SNODGRASS Farmer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 28, 1S66, Frankfort, Ind.; s. James Snodgrass. Address, Sheridan, Ind. 4912. VERA JESSIE SNOOK Libn. and Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b. S IS, 1888, Seneca, 111.; d. John. (b. Mr 22, 1838, Dor.setsliire, Eng.> and Edith Hannah (Hiscock) Snook (b. Ap 11, 1858, do.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Libn. and teacher of Eng., Grandview Norm. Sch., Grandview, Tenn. Address, 714 Chapel St., Ottawa, 111. 4913. CHARLES HOWARD SNOW Mgr., Milk and Cream Bus.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ag 26. 1889, McLean, 111.; s. Willis D. (b. My 2, 1856, Westboro, Mass.) and Ella Maria (Howard) Snow (b. x\p 2, 1858, Providence, R. I.). Prepared in iiloomington H. S.; Ar- mour Inst, of Tech. Alpha Zeta; Final Hon- ors. Gen. Mgr., Snow & Palmer Co., Bloom- ington, 111., 1913 — . Corp. Co. M., Inf., loth Regt.; Chief Q. M., LTnit 4, Naval Avia. De- tachment. Minneapolis; Inactive duty, N 1918 — . Mem., First Presby. Church; Blooming- ton Young Bus. Men's Club. Married Emily Brandicon, Ag 12, 1913, Bloomington, 111. Child, Wilbur Dean. b. F 4, 1918. Address, 512 E. Taylor St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add., 507-509 W. Washington St., do. 4914. MARY MARGARET SPANGLER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. O 30, 1887, Joliet, 111.; d. Samuel D. (b. Centre Hall, Pa.) and Anna Elizabeth (Van Zandt) Spangler (b. Lewistown, Pa.). Pre- pared m Johet Tp. II. S.; Knox Coll. Teacher, Kirkland H. S., igii; Libn., Joliet Tp. H. S.. 1913. Address, 123 2nd Ave.. Joliet, 111. 4915. EDWIN ROLLIN SPENCER Assistant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 13, 1861, near Rushville, 111.; s. Egbert (b. 1833, Port- age Co., O.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Van Ormer) Spencer (b. Ja 14, 1841, Schuyler Co., 111.). Prepared in Rushville H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Supt. of Waverly Schs, 1911-12; Prin.,H. S., Bellflower, 111., 1913-14; Asst. Prin., H. S., Palestine, 111., 1914-15; do.. Farmer City 111., 1915-16; Supt., Schs., Ridgefarm, 111., 1916-17; Asst. in Bot., Univ. of 111., 1917— . Married jMartha Myers, Je 14, ipii. Champaign. Ad- dress, 1302^ W. Stoughton St., Urbana. 4916. LEWIS WILMER SPENGLER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 27. 1885, Bolivia, 111.; s. Henry (b. D 16, 1853, Spring- field, 111.) and Elizabeth Anne (Hazlett) Spengler (b. D 14, i860, do.). Prepared in Edinburg (111.) H. S. ; Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. Engng. Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R. Ad- dress, 914 Karpen Bldg. Chicago. t 4917. JOHN GRAY SPONSEL Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 21, 1888, Chicago; s. John George (b. Jl 28, 1861, Cincin- nati) and Birdie Tyler (Gray) Sponsel (b. Ap 14, 1866, Indianapolis.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Chi Beta; Pres., Chris- tian Sc. Soc. Mfr's Sales Agt., Burke Efec. Co., Erie Pa., and Kerr Turbine Co., Wells- ville, N. Y. ; Asst. Engr., Burr Co., Champaign, 1912-13; Asst. Master jNIechanic Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind., 1913-15; Mech. Engr., do., 191 5 — ■ Designed a double deck steel stock car for West, live Stock Car Co., Chicago. Surveyman, LI. S. Reclamation Service, Powell, Wyo., 1912. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; First Church of Clirist Scientist. Married Eleanor Purdy Aldrich, Je 13, 1912, Billings, Mont. Child- ren: Rachel Aldrich, b. N 16, 1914; Eleanor Marie, b. D 24, 191 6. Address, 268 Chase St., Gary, Ind. 4918. CLARK BEEBE STAHL (Brother of No. 5432) Engineer; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ag 22, 1888, Galena, 111.; s. William H. (b. Ag 12, 1853, Galena, 111.) and Ella Charlotte Stahl (b. Ap 30, 1854.). Prepared in Galena H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Civ. Engr., Redding, Calif., 1912- 13; do., Oakland, Calif., 1913 — . Married Vio- let D'Egilbert, Ag i, 1914. Children: Joyce, b. My 10, 1915; Clark Beebe, Jr., b. S 24, 191 6. Address, 434 s8th St., Oakland, Calif.; bus. add., c/o Rialto Bldg., San Francisco. 4919. JOSEPH NATHAN STEINGARD B. S. in E. E.; b. O 10, 1888, Odessa, Russia; s. S. Steingard. Prepared in M. F. Tuley H. S. Address, 725 E- 17th St., Minneapolis. 4920. ROBERT BRUCE STEPHENS (Brother of Nos. 4432, 5434) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 10, 1885, Sadorus, 111.; s. Thomas Alvin (b. Parkers- burg, W. Va.) and Lucy V. (Sewell) Stephens (b. Paris, 111.). Prepared in Champaign and Urbana H. Schs. Y. M. C. A.; 111. Union. Farm Mechanics, 191 1; Clerk, 1011-12; Ranch- er, Calif., 1912-13; Farmer, Pesotum, 111., 1913-17; do., Kenney. 111., iqi8— . ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 19 17. Mem.. M. E. Church. Mar- ried Sarah Irene Allen, Mr 5, 1918, Urbana .4ddrcss, Kenney, 111. 438 University of Illinois [1911 1 4921. EDITH ELIZA STEWART (SCOVILL) (Wife of No. 3535) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Bethany, 111.; d. John A. and Mary Elizabeth (Thompson) Stewart. Prepared in Prep. Dept. Wesleyan Coll., Ox- ford, O. ; Univ. Acad. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Married H. T. Scovill ('08), Ag 31, 1912, Urbana. Children: William Stewart, b. Jl I, 1913; Mary Josephine, b. F 13, 1915; Janet Ruth, b. O 31, 191 8. Address, 60s Michi- gan Ave., Urbana. 4922. LE ROY STEWART (Husband of No. 4632) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ava, 111.; s. Lorenzo Taylor (b. 1851, Bowling Green, Ky.) and Clara (Husband) Stewart (b. Somerset, Pa.). Prepared in Ava H. S.; So. 111. Norm. Sch. Adelphic; Theta Kappa Nu; John Marshall Law Club; Final Honors; Law Dance Com.; Clerk, Moot Court; Law Libn. ; Scholarship in Substantive Law, 1910-11. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; Jackson Co. Bar Assn.; Presby. Church. Married Josephine Eck ('11), Je 17, 1914, Mi:rphysboro, 111. Child, John Le Roy, b. D 4, 1915. Address, Murphysboro, 111. 4923. FRANK LEWIS STOUT (Brother of No. 3985) Farmer; B. Sv in Agr.; b. F 3, 1890, Cotton Hill, 111.; s. Joab Philemon (b. Ap 3, i860, do.) and Ida Frank (Sawin) Stout (b. Ag 14, 1863, Loxa, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Chi Beta; Phoenix; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Sigma Xi; Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; ///. Agriculturist Staff; Lt. Col.. Cadet Regt. ; Prelim. Honors. Pvt. 2nd. Co. 3rd O. T. C, 85th Div. N. A. Camp Grant, 111., 1918; 2nd. Lt. Camp Hancock, Ga., 28th Co., Depot M. G. ; Mustered out, 1919. Mem., Univ. of 111. Club. Springfield; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; Ansar Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. of Spring- field, 111.; Sangamon Co., Bd. of Supvrs., 1917. Address, R. i, Chatham, 111. 4924. ALBERT FREDERICK STUBBING Gen. Foreman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 24, 1889, Lewiston, Me.; s. Carl Frederick Aug- ust (b. S 9, 1847, Plaue, Prussia, Ger.) and Minna Mary (Hohn) Stuebing (b. My 23, 1854. South Hadley Falls, Mass.). Prepared in Chi- copee (Mass.; H. S.; Cornell Univ., 1907-10. With Pa. Lines, West., 191 1-15; Gen. Fore- man, R. I. Line Amarillo, Tex., 1917. Ad- dress, Amarillo, Tex. 4925. WARD WILLIAM SULLIVAN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 7, 1883, Tamaroa, 111.; s. Silas (b. Thompson, 111.) and Rhoda J. (Stull) Sull,ivan (b. do.). Prepar- ed in Mankato (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. St. Norm. Head of Dept. of Hist., Kan. St. Norm., 1912; Asst. Prof., Exten. Div., Univ. of Kan- sas, Lawrence, Kan. Sergt.. nth and 49th C. A. C, Co. K, Tr. Camp, Ft. Monroe; Mus- tered out, N 22, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church; Kan. St. Hist. Soc. Married Ethel Helena Pierce, Je 17, 191 1, Hays, Kan. Address, 1007 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., Univ. of Kansas, do. 4926. LEON EUGENE SUTHERLAND (Brother of No. 7991) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 22, 1889, Little Rock, Ark.; s. Jolm Cors (b. F 18, 1863, Blooming- ton, 111.) and Ruth Eva (Mills) Sutherland (b. Ap 21, 1868, Magnolia, III.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer, Peoria. Mem., Creve Coeur Club; Univ. Club, Peoria; Sec. do., 1915-18; Peoria Bar Assn.; Sec. do., 1916-19; A F. A. M. Married Estelle Van Home, O 21 1914, Pekin, 111. Child, James Eugene, b. Tiiy 10, 1917. Address, 302 Bigelow, Peoria; bus. add., 1029-30 Jefferson Bldg., Peoria. 4927. PERRY WESTON SWERN (Son of Nos. 451, 454) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 23, 1889, Champaign; s. William C. ('85), (b. i860, Perry, O.) and Abbie (Weston) Swern ('85), (b. 1864, Champaign.). Prepared in (irane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club;Col., Regt., 1910-11. W. C. Zimmer- man, 1911-12; D. H. Burnham, 1912-18; Mem., Berlin, Swern and Randall, Archs. and Engrs., 1918— . Capt., E. O. R. C, ist Div., ist 111. Engrs.; Maj., 2nd F. A., 108 Engrs., Camp Logan, Tex., 191 7 — . Married Carolyn Edith Osbornson, Je 24, 1911, Berwyn, 111. Child, Edith Swern, b. Jl 29, 1912. Address, 417 S. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 19 S. La Salle St., (Chicago. 4928. HARRY LAWSON TATE (Brother of No. 4451) Prin. H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 18, 1887, Vandalia, 111.; s. John Scott (b. 1858, Fayette Co.. 111.) and Lydia Amanda (Reeves) Tate (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Prin., Homer H. S., 1911-12; do., Vandalia H. S., 1 91 2-14. Address, Planp, Ill.t . 4929. LOIS LEOTA TEAL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. My 27, 1887, Arcadia, Ind. ; d. John Carl (b. My 15, 1849, Stockholm, Sweden) and Mary Elizabeth (Knause) Teal (b. Ja 2, i860, Arcadia, Ind.). Prepared in Arcadia H. S.; Univ. of Ind., 1905-7. Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Ale- thenai; Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Walnut Grove H. S., 1910-11; Arcadia H. S., 1912-15; Mason City H. S., 1916-18. Mem., Nat. Assn. Acad. Pub. Speaking. Address, 225, 3rd St., Mason City, la. 4930. JULIA FRANCES TEAR (Sister of No. 6612) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl g, 1887, Delavan, 111.; d. John Henry (b. N 5, 1856, Saybrook, 111.) and Mary Ross (Gaston) Tear (b. Je 7, i860. El Paso, do.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S.; Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1904-6. H. Sc. Club; Prelim. Honors. Teach- er, St. Norm. Sch. of Man. Arts and Home Econ., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1911-12; do., Hyde Park H. S., Chicago, 1913-17; do.. Coll. of Indus. Arts, Denton, Tex._, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 5467 Greenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Coll. of Indus. Arts, Denton, Tex. 4931. GEORGE WILLIAM THATCHER Supt., Paving Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 8. 1887, River Forest, 111.; s. G. L. (b. Chicago) and Martha A. Thatcher (b. Vt.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst.; Lewis Inst. Kappa Sigma. Supt., Standard Paving Co.. Chicago, 191 1 — • Mem., Oak Park Country Club. Married Agnes O. Thatcher, F 8, 1913, Morris, 111. Child, Virginia, b. N 29, 1914. Address, 235 Thatcher Ave., River Forest, 111.; bus. add.. Room 858 No. 29 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. 4932. JOSEPH NATHANIEL THOREN Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 13. 1883, Chicago; s. Otto (b. Sweden) and Amelia (Blad) Thoren (b. do.). Prepared in Lock- port, 111., and Chicago Night Sch. Chief Draftsman, Morava Const. Co., Chicago. Mar- ried Esther Ostrom, Je 1913. Child, son b. Mr 191 5. Address, 7923 Princeton Ave., Chi- 4933. HARRY MAXWELL THRASHER Educ. Sec, Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b Ap 22. 1886, Pontiac, 111.; s. Joseph Max- well (b. Ap 6, 1859, Troy. N. Y.) and Mary (Bruckner) Thrasher (b. My 4, i860, Peru, do.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp H. S. Ionian; igii] Baccalaureate Alumni 439 Volunteer Band; Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Sigma Rho; Prelim. Honors; 111. Rep., St. Peace ( )rat. Contest, 191 1; Second Honors in N. O. L. Contest, Univ. of III., 191 1. Prin., Stock- land Tp. H. S., 1911-12; do., Hutsonville Tp. H. S., 1912-16; Agt., Allyn & Bacon Pub., 1916-17; Educ. Sec, Y. M. C. A., Chicago, 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Alice Irene Misenhimer, Ja 6, 1912, Urbana. Chil- dren: Harry Kay, b. O 20, 191 2; Dorothy Alice, b. O 16, 1914. Address, 3705 N. Cent- ral Park Ave., Chicago. 4934- SYLVAN MORSE TRAVERS Ice Dealer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Jl 31, 1 888. Fairview, 111.; s. Thomas Hunt (b. F 10, 1839) and Augusta (Turner) Travers. Pre- pared in Fairview H. S.; Univ. Acad. Ice and Cold Storage Bus. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Deborah Chase Akers, F i, 1912, Long Beach, Calif. Address, 2754 E. Broadway, Long Beach, Calif. 4935- LLOYD SIDNEY TRENTHARB B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 18, 1886, Niota, Neb. Prepared in Knox Coll. Address, 422 Lyceum Bldg., Duluth, Minn.t 4936. CARLETON THOMPSON TRIMBLE Farmer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. N 2, 1887, Trimble, 111.; s. John Dunlap (b. F 17, 1850, do.) and Mary (Thompson) Trimble (b. Jl 14, 1849, Greenville, O.). Prepared in Win- ona Acad., Winona Lake, Ind. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Delta Kappa Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Mgr., Illio, 191 1; Mgr., Intersch. Circus; Cir. Mgr., Illini. Farming and Stockraising. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Lettie Louise Busey, Ja 11, 1912, Urbana. Address, Homewood Farms, Trimble, 111. 4937- MYRTLE TROWBRIDGE (Sister of Nos. 5978, 7272) Hist. Critic; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1884, Green Valley, 111.; d. Benjamin Frederick (b. Jl 17, 1851, do.) and Mary Luella (Giffin) Trowbridge (b. Jl 1855, Galion, O.). Pre- pared in 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Univ. of Wis., 1917-18. Prin., Green Valley Pub. Schs.; Teacher, Eng., H. S., Rock Island, 1912; Supt., Green Valley Schsi, 1912-15; Hist. Critic, La Crosse, Wis., 1918 — . Mem., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Address, 326 S. 17th St., LaCrosse, Wis. 4938. HENRY TRUITT (Husband of No. 4735) Banker; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 11, 1887, Chillicothe, 111.; s. RoUin Henry (b. Ap 13, 1866, do.) and Lillian (Johnson) Truitt (b. Ja 24, 1868, Peoria). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Beta Theta Pi. Mgr. of Farm and teller in Bank. Married Helen Jordan Cii), S 4, 1912, St. Joseph, Mich. Children: Henry, Jr., b. O 10, 1913; Jordan, b. Je 7, 1915. Address, Chillicothe, 111. 4939- JONATHAN HALL TRUMAN B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 6, 1888, Bushnell, III; s. J. G. Truman. Prepared in Bushnell H. S. 2nd Lt., Flying Div., Air Service, Dallas, Tex.; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Married Ona Floy Benjamin, Je 6, 1913, Chillicothe, 111.; Ad- dress, Bushnell, 111.; bus. add., New Philadel- phia, O. 4940. BELLA SELMA TLIRK (Sister of No. 4467) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 6, 1887, Aurora, 111.; d. Abraham Samuel (b. S 17, 1855, St. Louis) and Hannah (Sternberg) Turk (b. Ap 17, 1S58. Chicago). Prepared in Litchfield H. S. Illiola; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Farmer City, 111., 1911-13; do., H. S., Macomb, 111., 1913-18; do., H. S., Boise, Idaho, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 1403 N. State St., Litchfield, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Boise, Idaho. 4941. CLARENCE CICERO TWIST (Brother of No. 4942) Grain Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 25, 1889, Rochester, 111.; s. Ira F. (b. S 4, 1857, do.) and Julia (Atkinson) Twist Cb. Jly 28, 1862. Taylorville, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Phoenix; Voxan; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet. Varsity Baseball. Grain Dealer, Rochester, 111. Married Edith Giltner, Springfield, 111.. Je g. 1913. Children: Ira Francis, II.; John Giltner. Address, Roches- ter, 111. 4942. JOHN FRANCIS TWIST (Brother of No. 4941) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl s, 1887, Roch- ester, 111.; s. Ira F. (b. S 4, 1857, do.) and Julia (Atkinson) Twist (b. My 28. 1862, Tav- lorville. 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Ku Klux; Shield and Trident; Alpha Gamma Rho; Stud. Council. Varsity Football. Cotton Farming. Address, Twist, Ark. 4943- CHARLES VERNON TYLER Credit Man. and Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 26, 1885, Piano, III.; s. Frank P. (b. N i, 1852, Dryden, N. Y.) and Sarah Emma (Hughes) Tyler (b. Je 12, 1853, Parksburg, Pa.). Prepared in Piano H. S. Acacia. Credit Man and Mgr., Collection Dept,, Independent Harvester Co., Piano, 111., 1912 — . Married Linna I. Baldwin, O 31, 1914, De Kalb, 111. Child, Marjorie Lucile, b. N 8. 1915. Ad- dress, Piano, 111. 4944- EMILIANO ELIZECHE VALLEJOS B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 26, 1884. Asuncion, Paraguay; s. Adolpho Elizeche. Prepared in la. St. Coll. Address, Ca Callero 264, Asun- cion, Paraguay.t 4945- ARTHUR TALLEY VAN CLEVE (Brother of No. 5466) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 27, 1886, Carmi, HI.; s. Joseph W. (b. F 19, 1859, Macoupin Co., 111.) and Rachel (Talley) Van Cleve (b. Mr 4, 1863, Wabash Co., 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; A. B., Tames Millikin Univ., iqo8. Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Delta Phi; Glee Club. Atty., Decatur, 111., 1911-16; Legal Dept., Liquid Carbonic Co., Chicago, 1916-17. ]3n. Interpreter, Bat. E. 149th F. A., A. E. F., France. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A M. Ad- dress, 1 63 1 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. 4946. ENGEL BERT VAN DE GREYN Chief Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ja 2'^, 1882, Muskegon, Mich.; s. Dirk (b. 1839, Netherlands) and Zientje Van de Greyn (b. 1845, do.). Prepared in S. Division H. S., Englewood and John Marshall H. Schs., Chi- cago. Tau Beta Pi. City and Civil Engr., Excelsior Springs, Mo., 191 1; Res. Engr., Waddell & Harrington, 1911-12; City and Co. Consulting Engr., Denver. 1912; Chief Engr., do., 1912-14; Mem., Bd. Pub. Works, Denver; Consulting Engr.j Houston, Tex., 1914-17; Chief Engr., Beaumont Ship Bldg. and Dry Dock Co., Beaumont, Tex., 191 7 — . Supt., Plant Const, of Ship Yards and Plant for In- stallation work on Govt, boats undertaken bv B. S. B. and D. D. Co., for U. S. Emergency Fleet Corp. Address, Beaumont, Tex. 4947- JAMESON VAN DERVOORT Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 11, 1887, Omaha. Neb.; s. Warren Clarke (b. S 30, i860, Bloomington, 111.) and Myttie Anne (Dort) Van Dervoort (b. Je 18, i860. Muscatine, la.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Tri- 440 University of Illinois angle; Tan Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim. Honors. Engineer, Railroad Const., Sidney, Neb., 1911- 12; do.. Reinforced Concrete Const., St. Louis, 1911-15; do., 1015-17. ist Lt., Co. A., 33rd Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 425. i6th Ave., North Seattle, Wash. 4948. ISABEL MOREHOUSE V'ANDERVORT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 23, 1887, Tonica, 111.; d. Franklin C. (b. Ag 5, 1859, Cedar Point, 111.) and Hattie E. (Morehouse) Vandervort (b. D 15, 185S, Bloominpton, do.). Prepared in Bloomington II. S. ; So. 111. Norm. Sch. Prin., El Paso H. S., 111., 1911-13: Teacher, Belvidere H. S., 111.. 1913-1S. Ad- dress, 1005 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111. 4849. ELMER HOLMES VAN SCHOICK Superintendent; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Je 14, 1889, Bloomington, 111.; s. Samuel Holmes (b. 1843, Dayton, U.) and Alice Carrie (.Woi- cott) Van Schoick (b. 1855, Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Ceram. Soc, Treas. and Sec. Ceram., Chicago Retort and Firebrick Co., Ottawa, 111.; .Vsst. Snpt., do.; Gen. Supt. do., Pvt., Co. D 30th Engrs. A. E. F.. France; Mustered out, Mr i, 1919. Mar- ried Marion Ashley, Ja 3, 19 14 (died Mr i, 1917). Address, 913 S. Main St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add.. Chicago Retort and Fire Brick Co., Ottawa, 111. 4950. ARTHLTl GIBSON \ESTAL Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. S 10, 188S. LaGrange, III.; s. Morton H. (b. N 5, 1861, Bedford, Ind.) and Charlotte E. (Gibson) Ves- tal (b. O 9, 1862, White Rock, Mich.). Pre- pared in Crane Man. Tr. II. S., Chicago. Final and Special Honors; Sigma Xi. Instr., Biol., Univ. of Colo. Address, Elmhurst, 111. 4951. SARAH ADELIA VIAL (WRIGHT) (Sister of Nos. 5477, 9457) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 23, 18S5, LaGrange, 111.; d. Joseph (b. Ap 10, 1852, do.) and Carrie Delight (Craignile) Vial (b. Ap 23, 1859, Hins- dale, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S.; No. 111. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Dom. Art., Man. Tr. St. Norm.. Pittsburg, Kan., 1911-12. Mem., Woman's Club, Highland Park; Sec, Ravinia Civic Club: Presby. Church. ^ Married Clark Gage Wright, Ag 24, 1912, LaGrange, 111. Ad- dress, 436 Oakwood Ave., Highland Park, 111. 4952. MATHILDA CAROLINE VOSS (Sister of Nos. 2534, 6636) Teacher; A. B. in L. S: A.; b. .\p 28, 18S7, Thomasboro, 111.; d. John Albert (b. Ja 10, 1855, Alt Roebel Mecklenberg-schwcrin, Ger.) and Caroline (Lingrenn) Voss (b. F 20, 1858, Sarrenteen, New Vorpomern, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Chi Omega. Teacher, H. Sc, Champaign H. S. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 405 S. State St., Champaign. 4953. GILBERT FREDERICK JOHN WAGNER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 16, 1887; s. J. F. and Hannah Mollen Wagner. Prepared in Princeton H. S. Kappa Sigma; Shield and Trident; Yoxan; Ku Klux; Varsity Club; Chm., Law Dance. lawyer, Spring Valley, 111., 1912- '3! City Atty. do.. 1913-16; .\tty., .Vdjnslment Bur. Assn. Credit Men, Chicago, 19 16 — . Mem., Moose; A. F. A. M.; K. P. Married Francis H. Wagner, S 15, 1913, Glencoe, III. Child, Gilbert F., Jr., b. Ap 13, 191 5. Address. 383 Park Ave., Glencoe, 111. 4954. LESLIE MARION WAKELEY Dairyman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 22, 1S91, Hartland, 111.; s. Milo Marion (b. Ja i, 1858, Harvard, 111.) and Lottie Eliza (Smith) Wake- ley (b. N 2, 1859. Randall, Wis.). IMcpared in Harvard H. S. Alpha Zeta; Philomathean; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors; Ed. 111. Agr. Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1911-16; Dairyman and Breeder, 1916 — . Address, Maple Lawn Farm, Harvard, 111. 1955. FRANCIS WILLIAM WALKER, JR. Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. S 29, i88S, New Brighton, Pa.; s. Francis Wil- liam, Sr. (b. My 7, 1853, Industry, Pa.) and Lilia Frances (Good) Walker (b. Jl 19, 1857, Athens, O.). Prepared in New Brighton H. -S. B. S. in M. E., Pa. St. Coll., 1910. Sigma .\lpha Epsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Sigma Xi. Oram. Engr. and Supt., Beaver Falls Art Tile Co., Beaver Falls. Pa. 1st Lt., Anti Air- craft Art., 36th Bat., 4th A. A. Sector, A. E. F., France; Mustered out, Ja 20. 1919. Mem.. Pres- by. Church. Address. Patterson Heights, Beaver Falls, Pa.; bus. add., Beaver Falls Art Tile C'o., do. 4956- ROBERT ALLYN WALKER Student; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 24, 1891. Stone- tort, 111.; s. Urban Lloyd (b. Ap 23. 1867, New Burnside, 111.) and Oda (Arnold) Walker (b. Mr 20, 1873, Crcal Springs, do.). Prepared in Ilerrin H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111. Phi Chi; Iris; Adelphic; Sigma Mu Rho; Sc. V. P., 111. Union; Home-coming Com. Stud., Univ. of HI.. Coll. of Med., 1 919 — . Med. Reserve Corps, 1918; Mustered out, D 1918. Married Avis Louise McNeill, D 25. 191 1, Los Angeles. Children: Helen Mae, b. O 4, 1912; Dorothy Louise, b. Ap 8, 1914. Address, 3832 West End Ave., Chicago. 4957- FRANK MILLER WALLACE Superintendent; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. My 4, 1889, Chicago Heights, 111.; s. Robert P. (b. 1S52, do.) and Mairie Annie (Miller) Wallace (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Ceram., 191 1-12; Insp., Pacific Face Brick Co., Portland, Ore., 1912- 13; Asst. Supt., do., 1913-14; (ieram. Mgr., Paving Brick Co., Clinton, Ind., 1914; Farmer, .Aliddle Inlet, Wis., 1914-17; Asst. Supt., Nat. Onion Salt Co., Chicago Heights, 111. (jo. F., 311th Engrs., A. E. F. Auth.: Relative Amounts of Barium Compounds to Produce and Prevent Efflorescence on Brick; Function of Lime in Vitrification of a Shale, Trans. Ceram. Soc. and ///. Clay U'orkers Mag. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 608 E. Green St., Champaign. 4938. WILLIAM ARTHUR WALLACE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 4, 1885, Baraboo, Wis.; s. William Gibson (b. Ap 13, 1858, Lynn, Mass.) and Anna Martina Wal- lace (b. Jl II, 1862, Shelbyville, III.). Pre- pared in Baraboo (Wis.) H. S.; Clinton, (la.) H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1904-07. Asst. Retort Foreman, Am. Creosoting Co., Kansas ^ity. Mo., 1911; Foreman, do., 1911-12; do.. Fore- man Hugo, Okla., Shreveport, La.; Represen- tative Am. Steel Foundries Chicago, 1912. Mar- ried Lynne Ramsey, S 8, 1917. Knobnoster, Mo. Address, Box 1191, Knobnoster, Mo. 4959. CHESLEY MATTHEW WALTER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 19, 1887, Savanna, 111.; s. John (b. Jl 25, 1858, Dalls Co., la.) and Catherine (DuiTy) Walter (b. N 10, 1861, Sligo Co., Ireland). Prepared in Savanna Tp. H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Grand Trea.s.. Order of Coif; Delta Sigma Rho; John Mar- shall Law Club; 111. -la. Debate; Ill.-Minn., De- bate; Philomathean. City Atty., Savanna, 111., 19 17. Detachment 2, Finance Div. B60, New York City. Address. Savanna, 111.; bus. add., c/o First Nat. Bank, do. lyiij Baccalaukeate Alumni 441 4960. OXCAR WILLIAM RUDOLPH WANDERER (Brother of No. 4479) Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 6, 1889, Chicago; s. Thomas Alwin (b. Jl 8, 1863, Thur- ingen Wald, Sachsen, Ger.) and Maria Ther- esa (Brodt) Wanderer (b. N 22, 1862, Zech- lin Pommern, do.). Prepared in McKinlev H. S.; Central Y. M. C. A., Cliicago. Scabbard and Blade; Maj. Univ. Regt.; V. P., Pres., C. E. Club; Cadet Hop Com.; Engrs. Dance Com.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Drafts- man, Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. ; do., A. T. & S. F. Ry. System, Oak Park, 111.; Struct. Engr., Leonard Const. Co., Chicago; Pres., Wanderer Const. Co., Oak Park. 111. Struct. Engr. Bur. Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C, term of war. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; Buil- ders' Assn.; Illini Club, Chicago. Married Ma- bel Hester Bankes, My 2, 191 7, Oak Park. 111. Address, 309 S. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 414 S. Lombard Ave., do. 4961. FRANK ANTHONY WARD (Brother of No. 5991) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 24, 1888, Sterling, 111.; s. Henry Clay (b. N 16, 1850, Belmont Co., O.) and Catherine (Anthony) Ward (b. Je 13. 1856, Sterling, 111.). Pre- pared in Sterling and Coloma Tp. H. Schs. ; Univ. Acad. Glee Club; Pres., Arch. Club; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Designer, Frank S. Baker, Arch., Chicago; Supt., The Guarantv Const. Co., do., iqii; Arch., Los Angeles, 1912; do., Frank T. Kegley and Witliey & Davis, do., 1912-13; do., Reginald T. Johnson, Arch., Pasadena, Calif., IQ14; do., Fugard & Knapp, Arch.. Chicago, Sterling, and Moline, 111. 191 7-18. Pvt., ist Class, 311th p-ield Sig- nal Bn., Co. A. (Radio) A. E. F., France; Mus- tered out, F 9, 1919. Married Myrtle Edna Bar- kow, D 29, 1917, Pittsburgh. Address, 807 B Ave., Sterling, 111. 4962. FREDERICK MARTIN WILLIAM WASCHER Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 26, 1S89, Champaign; s. Frederick Martin (b._ Ap 26, 1857, Vekeritz Province, Pomerania, Ger.) and Louise (Schnuecke) Wascher (b. D 24, 185S, Schrotinghousen, Westphalia, Ger.). Prepared in (Champaign H. S. Alpha Zeta. Asst., Soil Sur., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., igii-13; First Asst.. do.. 1913-17; Assoc, do., 1917 — . Mem., St. John's German Luth. Church. Mar- ried Frances Eugenia Leiter, Je 24, 1915. Maroa, 111. Address, 505 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign; bns. add., Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 4963. *EVART MONTGOMERY WATKIXS Cml. Traveler; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 12, 1886, Richmond, Ky. : s. Clay R. (b. Ag 21, 1861. do.) and Emma (Madden) Watkins (b. F 17, i860, Ky.)., Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Rodman, Boundary Arbitration Comn., Costa Rica; Asst. Engr., N. R. R.. Port Limon, Costa Rica. Married Ethel Frances Bryant, Je 14, igii, Champaign. Drowned Ag i, 1913, Port Limon, Costa Rica. 4964. LAURA ARMENIA WATT frUL- TON) A. B. in Sc; b. My 27, 1886, Bruceville, Ind.; d. Robert Gordon (b. Mv 6, 1856, Cedar- ville, O.) and Hannah (Keithecker) Watt (b. N 2, i860, Freelandsville, Ind.). Prepared in Princeton (Ind.) H. S. ; Monmouth Coll., 1905-08. Married Lawrence W. Fulton. Ag 14, 191 2, Princeton, Ind. Children: Robert Arm- strong, b. Ja 20. 1914: Joseph Patton. b. Jl i, 1 91 8. Address, Ellsworth, Wis. 4965. LOIS WEBBER (LOCKE) (Wife of No. 3842) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 27, 1888, Minneap- olis; d. James Henry (b. 1843, Urbana) and Amanda (Farson) Webber (b. 1846, Newcastle, O.). Prepared in Shelbyville, H. S.; John iSIarshall H. S., Cuicago. Married Walter Coutant Locke ('09), Ja i, 1912, Indianapolis. Children: Virginia, b. Je 8, 1913; William Webber, b. My 12, 1916. Address, 407 E. Lo- cust St., Harrisburg, 111. 4966. CHARLES ELMER WEEKS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 13, 1883, Streator. 111.; s. Thomas (b. Mr 25, 1850, Staffordshire, Eng.) and Sarah (Jenkins) Weeks (b. O 2S, 1S59, Pendleton, O.). Pre- pared in Colfax H. S. Eta Katipa Nu; Pres., E. E. Soc. Salesman, Gen. Elec. Co., Chi- cago. Address, 923 Addison St., Chicago. 4967. GEORGE BATES WEISIGER Prin. H. S.; LL. B.; b. S 30, 1886, Fair- mont, 111.; s. John W. (b. Mr 15, 1842, Indian- ola, 111.) and Mary Jane (Draper) Weisiger (b. S 27, 1851). Prepared in Fairmount H. S.; 111. Norm. Sch., Normal, 111. Ionian; John Marshall Law (iourt; Theta Kappa Nu; Scholarship. Supt., Atwood Schs., 111., 1914- 15; du., Homer, 111., 1915-17; Prin., Oakwood, 111., Tp. H. S., 1917— . Mem., AI. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Hazel Terpen- ing, Ja 20, 1912. Children: Benjamin Wil- son, b. N 8. 1912; David Eugene, b. Jl 12, 1014; James Richard, b. Ja 5, 1918. Address, Oakwood, 111. 4968. ORPHA MAY WELLMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; A. M., 1913; b. S 17, 1880, Dana, Ind.; s. William Browne (b. S 22, 1846, near Hamilton, O.) and Mary Maria (Taylor) Wellman (b. My 27, i860, near Clinton, Ind.). Prepared in Dana, Ind., H. S.; Ind. Sf. Norm. Phi Beta Kappa; Der Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Francais. Teacher, H. S., Memphis, Mo., 1914-16; do.. Arming- ton, 111., 1917-18. Address, 1107 Williamson St., Champaign; bus. add., Armington, 111. 4969. WALTER WILLIAM WENHOLZ Ry. Signal Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 7, 1886, Algonquin, 111.; s. Louis H. (b. Jl 31, 1856, Crete, Ind.) and Amelia (Labahn) Wen- holz (b. Mr 18. 1866, Chicago). Prepared in Elgin Acad. Iris. Designing and Drafting Switchboards and Panel Boards, Oak Park, 111., 1912-13; Ry. Signal Engr., Gen. Ry. Sig- nal Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1913-18. Co. D, 510th Engrs., Service Bn., A. E. F., France. Address, Dundee. 111.; bus. add., c/o Gen. Ry. Signal Co.. Rochester, -N. Y. 4970. ALBERT FRANK WESTLUND Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 17, 1888, Chicago: s. Frank G. (b. 1855, Sweden) and Emma C. (Larsen) Westlund (b. 1859, Swe- den.) Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chi Phi; M. E. Soc; Prelim. Hon- ors; Ed.. Techno^raph. Mech. Engng. Dept., 111. Steel Co., Chicago. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Nellie Walsh, S 18, IQ12, Mt. Zion, 111. Address, 601 S. 4th St., Champaign. 4971. ARTHUR WAYNE WHEELER (Brother of No. 2541) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Te 26, 1886, Bellflower, 111.; s. Thomas Metcalf (b. O 4, 1855, Kalamazoo Co., Mich.) and Laura Belle (Garst) Wheeler (b. Ja 21, 1859, Clark Co., O.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Xi; Cant., Univ. Regt. Civ. Engr., Chicago, 1011-17. Capt., Engr. O. R. C; Ft. Leavenworth, 1917; iiith Engrs., 1917; Office Chief Engr.. ist .Xrmy, A. E. F. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Delta Mabel Rosencrans, Je 27, iQo6, Farmer City 111. (died My 24, 1917). Address, 1105 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 442 University of Illinois [1911 4972. EARLE JUDSON WHEELER Supt., Bldg. Const.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 9, i8yo, Chicago; s. Alonzo S. (b. Mr 10, 1856, Hudson, HI.) and Ella M. (Nichols) Wheeler (b. F ?<•, 1S56, Hustonville, Ky.). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Cliicago. ling. Club; Sr. Ball Com. Draftsman, Am. Bridge Co., 1911-12; Struct. Engr., Stone iS< Webster Corp., 1912-13; do., Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 1913-16; Supt., Bldg. Const., Wells Bros. Const. Co., Chicago. Married Maud Barnes, S 19, 1914, E. St. Louis, 111. Child, Robert Barnes, b. Je 5, 1917. Address 6940 Perry Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 914 Monadnock Bldg., do. 4973. KINGSLEY BARBOUR WHITE Const. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. My 17, 1885, Boston; s. Willard (b. My 30. 1844, Can- ton, Conn.) and Emma Frances (Nightingale) White (b. Je 2j, 1846, Boston). Prepared in Boise, (Idaho) H. S. ; Evanston H. S. llus. Engs., Municipal Engng., 1911-13; do.. Rein- forced concrete design and const., 1913-14; Const. Engr., Intlus. Bldg. Design and Const., 1914-18; do., Gardner S: l.iiidberg, Engrs., Chi- cago. Mem., Unitarian Church; A. F. A. M. Married Euphemia Pitkethly Kiddie, Je 3, 1916, Chicago. Child, Marilynn Louise, b. jl 29, 191 7. Address, 7407 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., H35 Marquette Bldg., do. 4974. CLARENCE ARTHUR WHITNALL Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 25, 1885, Troy, O.; s. Clarence Washington (b. D 17, 1855, Elbridge ill.) and Sarah Jane (Gross) Whitnall (b. N 9, 1853, Casstovvn, O.). Pre- pared in I'coria H. S. Mech. Engr., Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria. Address, 814 Biglovv St., Peoria; bus. add., Holt Mfg. Co., do. 4975. JOHN HAMH/rON WHITTEN (Brother of No. 2866) Assistant; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1912; Ph. D., 1914; b. .0 3, 1873, Bradford, 111.; s. Wil- liam H. (b. D 25, 1819, N. Y.) and Ellen (Schuyler) Whitlen (b. O 20, 1831, N.J.). Prepared in 111. So. Norm. Univ. Sigma Xi. Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111. Mem., A. A. A. S. Married Lillian May Catterlin, Ag 18, 1903. Address, 711 Normal Ave., Chicago. 4976. FRED HORACE WHITTUM (Brother of No. 4977) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Jl 27, 1886, Hersher, 111; s. Frank Balis (b. My 28, 1856, Phelps, N. Y.) and Sarah Maria (Richards) Whittum (b. Ja 11, 1852, Clarkshill, Ind.). Prepared in Hersher II. S.; Univ. Acad. Chem. Club. Saturator Boss,- 111. Steel Coke Plant, Gary, Ind., n)ii; Chem., 111. .St. Geol. Sur., 1911-16; Chem., Allegheny By-Product Coke Co., McKcesport, Pa., 1916-1S; do., Clairton By-Products Coke Works, Clairton, Pa., 1918 — . Mem. A. C. S. Married Ora Littletield, Ag 28, 1915, Chamiiaign. Children: George Frank, b. 11 13, 1916 (died Jl 15, 1910); James B., b. Mr 10, 1918. Address, 73 1) St., Wilson, Pa.; bus. add., c/o Clairton By-Products Coke Works, Clairton, Pa. 4977. SAMUEL HARRIE WHITTUM (Brother of No. 4976) A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ap 27, 1888, Hersher, 111.; s. Frank Balis (b. My 28, 1856, Phelps, N. Y.) and Sarah Maria (Richards) Whittum (b. Ja 11, 1852, Clarkshill, Ind.). Prepared in Hersher H. S.; Univ. Acad. Beta Gamma Sigma. With Butler Bros., Chicago, 1911-18; Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., 1918 — . Camp E.xamining Bd., Camp Jackson, S. C. 1918; Camp Sevier, S.^ C, 1918-19; Mus- tered out, F 7, 19 1 9. Married Hazel Kathryn Surkanier. My 21, 1918, Glen Ellyn. 111. Ad- dress, Box 341, Glen Ellyn, 111.; bus. add.. State St. Bridge, Chicago. 4978. LESLIE LEROY WILBOURN (Brother of No. 5499) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 15, 1888; s. W. W. and Julia (Coakley) Wilbourn. I'repared in Jackson Mil. Acad., Jackson, Mo. Phi Alpha Delta. States Atty., Alexander Co., Cairo, 111., 1916 — . Address, 402 Washington Ave., Cairo, 111.; bus. add., Halliday Estate Bldg., do. 4979- JOSEPH P. WILEY (Brother of No. 2285) A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ap 4, 1887, Sulli- van, 111.; s. J. B. (b. S 1837, do.) and Pauline Jeannette (Phillips) Wiley (b. Mr 6, 1848, do.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. .4ddress, Sullivan, lll.t 4980. ROSS BERT WILSON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 28, 1890, Hyde, Colo.; s. William Henry (b. Ja 22, 1859, Kankakee, 111.) and Clara Pauline (Roth) Wil- son (b. Ap 19, 1863, New York City). Pre- pared in Kankakee H. S. Engr., Wohner & Wilson, Kankakee, 111., 1915 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mabel Murphy, D 29, 1910, Chicago. Child Mabel Ross, b. S 28, 1911. Address, 656 E. Court St., Kankakee, III. 4981. CLEMENT BERNARD WISSING Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 6, 1887, V'incennes, Ind.; s. Herman (b. My 5, 1859, do.) and Mary (Ebner) Wissing (b. D 22, i86o, do.). Prepared in Vincennes Univ.; IJniv. Acad. Phi Kappa Sigma; Yoxan; Ind. Club; Cap and Gown Com. Mgr., Citizens' Ice & Cold Storage Co., X'incennes, Ind., 1911-12; With Ebner Ice ii Cold Storage Co., Vincennes, Ind., 1912-17; Nordyke & Marmon Co., In- dianapolis, 1917 — . Married Imo Hartwell, O 20, 1915, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Child, John, b. My 10 1917. Address, 1845 N. Talbot St., Indian- apolis. 4982. ADALINE ELIZABETH WITT (DAVIS) (Sister of No. 5506) A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 25, 1887, Kane, 111.; d. George Washington (b. Ap 21, 1841, do.) and Loueza Ann (Williams) Witt (b. My 15, 1856, (io.). Prepared in Carrollton H. S. Teacher, It. S., Assumption, 111., 1911-12. Mem., Pres- by. Church; O. E. S. Married George Wil- liam Davis, Je 19, 1913, Kane, 111. Child, (ieorge William, Jr., b. D 27, 1916. Address, 32J N. Chelsea, Kansas City, Mo. 4983. JOHN BYRON WRIGHT Supt. and Dir. ; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 24, 1880, Tallula, 111.; s. Samuel (b. 1843, Morgan Co., 111.) and Roxanna (Conlee) Wright (b. 1848, |o Daviess Co., 111.). Prepared in Ashland H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Delta Pi. Supt. and Dir. Agr., Westbrook (Minn.^ Pub. Schs. Married Fannie E. Wilson, Je 9, 1916. Ad- dress, W^estbrook, Minn. 4984. WALTER HEALD WYETH Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in Sc. ; b. My 27, 1887, Canton, HI.; s. Newton (b. O 28, 1854, Newark, O.) and Adelaide (Heald) Wyeth (b. .S 12, 1859, Canton. 111.). Prepared in Lake View H. S.. Chicago. Phi Kappa Sigma; Arch. Club; Ku Kliix; Scarab. Arch. Drafts- man. Springfield, 111., 191 1; do., Chicago, iQii — . Address, 4730 Dover St., Chicago; bus. add., 105 S. Dearborn St., do. 4985. WILLIAM WODIN YAPP Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1914; b. Te 30, 1888, Mansfield. HI.; s. Charles Wes- ley (b. Ap t8, 1850) and Martha Ann (Gard- ner) Yapp (b. Ag 8, i8s6, Pittsfield, 111.). Pre- pared in Manstiold IT. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Adelphic; Agr. Club; Var- igii] Baccalaureate Alumni 443 sity Track; Varsity Soccer Team. 111. St. Soil Survey, 1911; Official Testing, 1912; Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Instr., do., 1915-17. Auth.: Kill., A Study of the Rela- tive Reliability of Official Tests of Dairy Cows. Mem., M. E. Churcli. Married Charlotte Rose Gordon, O 6, 1914, Havana, 111. Cliild, Robert Gordon, b. S 21, 1916. Address, iiii W. Springfield Ave., Urbana. 4986. ROBERT RALEIGH YATES Civ. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Warrenton, Va. ; s. Henry Clay (o. Flint Hill, Va.) and Elizabeth Clay (DeShields) Yates (b. Jl 12, 1848, Alexandria, Va.;. Prepared in Central H. S., Washington, D. C. ; George Washinrton Univ. Easterners' Club; Sigma Nu. Engng. Draftsman, Waddell & Harrington, Const. Engrs., Kansas City, Mo.; two years as Chief of Engng. party for liridge Engr., Washing- ton, D. C.; Engr. Harrington, Harvard & Ash, Consulting Bridge Engrs., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-17; City Bridge Engr., Dayton, O., 1917 — . Lt., Civ. Engrs. Corps, U. S. N.. R. F., Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. Mem., Kansas City Engrs. Club. Address, 1012 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City. Mo. 4987. OSWALD KARL YEAGER (Husband of No. 4089) Bldg. Const.; B. S. in Sc; b. F s. 1888, Danville, 111.; s. Oscar P. (b. O 25, 1868, do.) and Martha Ellen (Smith) Yeager (b. S 3. 1868, do.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; De Pauw Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Rlio Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Varsity Football. Served two enlistments in 111. Nat. Guard; Capt. O. M. C, Frankfort Arsenal, Philadelphia. M?m., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Univ. C^lub, Cliicago. Married Sara Hazel Brand ('10), O 10, 1913. Cliildren: Eliza- beth Anne, b. Ag 8, 1914; Phillip Edward, b O I, igi6. Address, 803 N. Vermilion St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., Baum Bldg., do. 4988. CHUAN PONG YIN Managing Ry. Dir.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 22, 1882, Soochow, China; s. T. F. Yin. Prepared in Univ. of Calif. Mgr. and Dir., Shanghai-Nanking Ry., Shanghai, China. Ad- dress, Shanghai, China. 4989. GERTRUDE IRENE YORK (Sister of No. 499°) Dir., H. Econ. Dept.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Thackeray, 111.; d. Rev. Charles Logan (b. My 20, 1862, Enfield. Wliite Co., 111.) and Clara Amanda (Hamill) York (b. My 20, 1862, Belle- ville, III.). Prepared in Granite City H. S.; III. Woman's Coll. A. M., Columbia, 1916. H. Sc. Club. Asst. Prin. and Prin., H. S., Barry, 111., 1905-9; Teacher, H. Sc. and Eng., Tempe Union H. S., Tempe, Ariz., 1912-15; Head, H. Econ., Agnes Scott Coll., 1916-17; Acting Dir., H. Econ. Dept., Fla. St. Coll. for Women, Tallahassee. 191 7 — . Auth.: Economy of I'"ood, fla. Health Notes, O 1917. Address, St. Coll. for Women, Tallahassee. Fla. 4990. MATTIE AGNES YORK (MEYER) (Sister of No. 4989) A. B. in Sc; b. My 26, 1890, Thackeray. 111.; d. Charles Logan (b. My 20, 1862, En- field, White Co., 111.) and Clara Amanda (Ham- ill) York (b. My 20, 1862, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Brighton H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll. Final Honors. Asst., Dr. W. J. Mac- Neal, St. Pellagra Com., summer 191 1; Asst., Bacteriol. Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich., 1911-12; Teacher. Sc, Glendale, Ariz., 1913-14; do., Sc. and Math., Tempe, Ariz., 1914-17. Married Harry P. Meyer, N 21, 1917, Albany, N. Y. Child, Dorothy Jane, b. Ja 2 1919. Address, 5 Henry .St., Schenec- tady, N. Y. 4991- LOUIS ANDREW ZEARING (Brother of No. 4041) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 13, 1888, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Louis Fremont (b. S 27, 1854, Dover, 111.) and Emily Trimmer (Hazen) Zearing (b. My 30, 1856, Toulon, 111.). Prepared in Princeton H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho; Ionian; Scholarship; Prelim. Honors; Mem., 111. -Minn. Debating Team ; Sec, Jr. Class; Trcas., Sr. Memorial Com.; V. P., 111. Union. Lawyer, Princeton, 111. 2iul Lt., I-". A., A. E. F., i>"rance; Mustered out, F 14, 1919. Address, Princeton, III. 4992. LEIGH F. W. ZERBEE Art. Engr., U. S. A.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. My 21, 1889, Jackson, Mich.; s. I". J. (b. D 2, 1851, St. Augustine, Pa.) and Mary A. (Riffel) Zerbee (b. Je 19, 1859, Bedford Co., I'a.). Prepared in H. S., Bellefontaine, O. Triangle; C. E. Club; Spalding Guild; Pres., C. E. Club; Corda I'ralres; Winner of Co. Competitive Drill. 2nd Lt., C. A. Corps, U. S. A., 1911; ist Lt., C. A. Corps, 1916; De- tailed in Signal Corps, 1916; Capt., Signal Corps, 1917; Built Radio Sta., Ft. Huachuca, Ariz.; Service on Border and in France, Com- manding Signal Bn. and Gen. Supply Depot. Auth.: Articles in Sc. Atfi., and Jour. U. S. Art. Mem., Ft. Monroe Club; Art. Club. Galveston; Oleadner Country Club. Address, 403 E. Columbus St., Bellefontaine, O. 4993. JAMES ZETEK Govt. Entomologist; A. B. in Sc; b. D 12, 1886; s. Vaclav (b. O i, 1861, Bohemia, Aus- tria-Hungary) and Johanna (Vecker) Zetek (b. Ap 10, 1871, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Komenian Soc; Cosmopoli- tan Club; Inter-Foreign Soc; Sigma Xi; F"inal Honors. Asst. Pastor, Unitarian Church, Ur- bana, 1910-11; Grasshopper Specialist, Office St. Entomol., Minn.; Govt. Entomologist, Isth- mian Canal Com., Ancon, Canal Zone, 191 1- 13; St. Entomologist, Rep. of Panama, 1913- 15; Dir. Gen., Nat. Exposition, do., 1915-16; Prof. Biol, and Hygiene, Nat. Inst, of Pana- ma, 1916-18; U. S. Censor, Panama Canal Zone, 1918; Entomologist, Bd. of Health Lab., Ancon Hosp., Panama Canal, 1918— . 4 Minute Man, Panama Canal Zone; U. S. Mail Censor, tech. branch, do., 1918. Auth.: (with Gir- ault) F'urther Biological Studies on the Com iiion Colo. Potato Beetle, Annals Entomol. Soc. Am., Vol. XI, 1910; Determining the Flight of Mosquitos, do.. Vol. VI, 1913. Ovi- position in Aedes Calopus (Meigen), The Can- adian Entomologist, D 19 13; The F'light of Musca Doinestica, Linne, Annals Entomolog. Soc. Am., Vol. VII, 1914; Mosquitos and Cobwebs, Jour. Entomol. and Zool., 1914; Be- havior of Anopheles Albimanus Wiede and Tarsimaculata Goeldi, Annals Entomol. Soc. .-im. Vol. VIII, 1915; Reducing Malaria by Reducing the Numljer of Anopheles within Houses, do., Vol. IX, 1916. The Ecology of Bubonic Plague, do.. Vol. X, 1917; Los llabi- tos de los Mosquitos del Genero Anopheles que Transmiten la F'iebre Malaria en Panama, con Ciertas Indicaciones para la Reduccion de Aquella en el Interior de Panama. Rev. Colegio La Salle de Panama, 1918. In Press: The Mollusks of I'iatt, Champaign and Ver- milion Cos., 111.; The Ecology of Forest-In- habiting Snails of the U. S.; Los Moluscos de la Republica de Panama. Mem., Entomol Soc. Am.; Ecological Soc. Am.; 111. St. Acad. Sc; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Fellow, A. A. A. S. .Married Maria Luisa Gutierrez, D 3, 1913, Panama, Rep. of Panama. Address, Ancon, Canal Zone, Box 245. 444 University of Illinois [1912 CLASS OF 1912 (514 LIVING, 9 DEAD) 4994. ARTHUR WILLIAM ABBOTT (Son of No. 373; Brother of No. 5515) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 21, 1890, Chicago; s. W. L. ('84). (b. Llnion Grove, 111.) and Carrie (Entwhistle) Abbott (b. Jo Daviess Co., 111.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Gamma Delta; Scabbard and Blade; Maj., LTniv. Regt.; Varsity Track. Far- mer, 1912-17. R. O. T. C., Ft. Sheridan, 111.; ist Lt., Inf., U. S. R. C; 42nd Inf., 1917- Married Helen Amanda Hood, Je 24, 19 14, Eau Claire, Wis. Child, William Lament, II., b. D 30, 1915. Address, Downers Grove, 111. 4995. M. D. ABNEY Teacher; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 11, 1890, Har- risburg, 111.; s. Albert G. and Gertrude (Rob- inson) Abney. Prepared in Llarrisburg Tp. H. S. ; Ewing Coll. Philomathean. Teacher, Sullivan, 111.; Ath. Dir. and Physics Instr. ist Lt., 4th Regt., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out, Ja 19 19. Married Grace Eleanor Thorn, Jl 22, 1914. Children: Frances Gertrude. b. Je 20, 1915; Grace Elizabeth, b. O 14, 191 7. Address, Galatia, 111. 4996. HERBERT AUGUSTUS ACER (Brother of No. 6038) Manufacturer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ag 18, 1889, Medina, N. Y.; s. Herbert A. and Ella (Whedon) Acer. Prepared in Medina (N. Y.) H. S.; Univ. Acad. Psi Upsilon. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Elizabeth Brennan, Je 26, 1916, Medina, N. Y. Child, Mary E., b. Ag 10, 1917. Address, 804 W. Center St., Medina, N. Y. ; bus. add., Acer and Whedon, Inc., do. 4997. RHODA ADRIANCE (HITCH) (Wife of No. 471 1 ) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 12, 1889, Brook- ville, Ind.; d. Edward H. (b. D 31, 1858, Owasco, N. Y.) and Margaret J. (Hyndmare) Adriance (b. Je 5, 1867, Cincinnati). Pre- pared in Bellefontaine (O.) H. S.; Wilson Coll., 1907-08. Teacher, H. S., Johnstown, Pa., 1912-14. Mem., Presby. Church. INIarried Dorris Nelson Hitch ('11), Mr 5, 19141 Johns- town, Pa. Children: Quinlan A., b. Mr 22, 1915; Margaret C, b. Jl 27, 1917. 'Address, Forest Grove, Mont. 4998. WALTER WILFORD AINSWORTH Manager; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 13, 1889, Chandlerville, 111.; s. C. W. Ainsworth. Pre- pared in Whipple Acad.; III. Coll. Chi Beta; Glee Club; V. P., Y. M. C. A.; Varsity Track; Class Football; ^'arsity Football; Onl. Club; Lincoln League. Sales jMgr., Wm. R. Compton Co., St. Louis; Asst. INIgr., Chicago branch, do. 2nd Lt.. Co. C, 39th M. G. Bn., 13th Div., Camp Lewis, Wash.; Mustered out, D 28, 1918. Address, Chandlerville, 111.; bus. add., William R. Compton Co., Detroit. 4999. ARTHUR JOSEPH ALBRECHT Lawyer; A. B. in L. A.; b. O 24, 1887, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. Joseph W. (b. D 9, 1845, do.) and Jennie (Butler) Albrecht (b. N 7, 1S48, Me.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Acacia; Pres. and Bus. Mgr., Univ. Band. Lawyer, Drury & Albrecht, Lawyers, Kenosha, Wis., 1913 — . Married Julia E. Halleck, F i, 1917, Ann Arbor, Mich. Address, Kenosha, Wis. 5000. HAZEL ELLEN ALKIRE Prin., H. S.; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 15, 1887. Greenview, 111.; d. S. W. Alkire. Prepared in Greenview H. S. Prin., H. S., Greenview, 111. Address, Greenview, 111. 5001. EDWARD DEWALT ALLEN Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. O 25, 1889, Free- port, 111.; s. Edward H. (b. 1858, Lena, 111.) and Gertrude (Dewalt) Allen (b. 1866, Free- port, 111.). Prepared in Freeport H. S. M. D., N. W. Med. Sch., 1914. Chi Psi; Prelim. Honors. Interne, St. Lukes Hosp., 1914-16; Physician, 1916 — . Mem., Phi Rho Sigma, 1912; Alpha Omega Alpha, 1914; la. St. Med. Soc. Married Helen Houghton Thomson, Jl 22, 1916, Chicago. Child, Jean, b. My s, 1918. .4ddress, Hampton, la. 5002. RALPH ALLEN, Jr. (Son of No. 92; Brother of Nos. 1800, 2310, 2876, S096) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 3, 1889, Delavan, III.; s. Ralph (,'76), (b. Ap 7, 1856, Seekonk, Mass.) and Ada Mary (Eaton) Allen (b. Ag 13, 1858, Philo, 111.). Prepared in Dela- van H. S. Agr. Club. Farmer, Delavan, 111. Married Mary Emma Giles, Ap s, 191 7, Dela van. 111. Address, Delava ?s, Ap n, IlL 5003. ORR MILTON ALLYN (Husband of No. 1877; Brother of No. 8098) Rancher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 29, i886, Modesto, 111.; s. John Milton (b. S 30, 1854, do.) and Flora (Davidson) Allyn (b. Mr 4, 1862, do.). Prepared in Waverly H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Agr. Club. Asst., Crop Production, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1912-17; Rancher, Fergus, Mont., 1 917 — . Auth. : with Dr. W. L. Burlison; Prices and Shrinkage of Farm Grains, Agr. E.xp. Sta. Bui., N 1 91 5; Yields of Different Varieties of Corn in 111., do., Ag 191 6; Soy Beans and Cowpeas in 111., do., Ap 1917; Yields of Spring Grains in 111., do., Ja 1917; Yields of Winter Grain in 111., do., Je 191 7. Married Frances Gilkerson ('03), Je 10, 191 1, Marshall, Mo. Children: Orr Milton, Jr., b. Ja 6, '914; Portia, b. D 26, 1916. Address, Box 5, Fergus, Mont. 5004. GUY VERNON ANDERSON Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 4, 1889, Chicago; s. D. R. Anderson. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chi Phi; Varsity Swimming. 2nd Lt., U. S. Inf. Address, 2639 N, Winchester Ave., Chicago. t 5005. LEO MAHLON APGAR Purchasing Asst.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1913; b. Ag 4, 1890, Elgin, 111.; s. John M. (b. Ap 15, 1856, Mt. Pleasant, N. J.; and Mary M. (Roth) Apgar (b. Jl 31, i860, Ger.). Prepared in Elgin PI. S. E. E. Soc; Capt., Univ. Rest.; Prelim. Honors; Mgr., Inter- schol. Circus; Treas., Sr. Class; Mgr., 111. Union Opera; Sr. Ball Com.; Engng. Dance Com.; Asst. Treas., 111. Union. Engng. and Valuation Dept., C. M. & St. P. Ry., 1913-14; Stocks and Bonds, John Burnham & Co., Chi- cago, 1914-18; Purchasing Asst., Emergency Fleet Corp., Germantown, Philadelphia. Ad- dress, 620 Home Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 41 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. S006. GROVER SAMUEL ARBUCKLE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 16, 1888, Brocton, 111.; s. R. E. Arbuckle. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Sigma Phi; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Prelim. Honors; Class Basket- ball; Class Baseball. 2nd Lt., 4th O. T. S., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ag 1918; do., 30th F. A., Camp Funston, Kan., 1918-19; Mustered out, Ja 16, 1919. Married Elsie Benner, Je 30, 1917, Chicago. Address, 6032 Winthrop Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add.. Const. Dept., H. W. johns- Manville Co., do. 191-'] Baccalaureate Alumni 445 5007. LOUISE CHRISTABEL ARMSTRONG Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 17, 1886, Fenton, Mich.; d. E. M. Arnistrori/g. Pre- pared in Mich. Cent. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Chi Omega; Illiola; Phi Deha Psi; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Hist, and Ger. Address, Fenton, Mich.f ■;oo8. 'pearl WINIFRED ASTITON (STUAUCH) (Wife of No. 3566) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja ii, 1S84, Kalamazoo, Mich.; d. Albert (b. 1839, do.) and Sarah (Hydorn) Ashton (b. 1846, do.). Prepared in Kalamazoo (Mich.) Norm. Sch., 1905-6; Co- lumbia, summer, 1910. Teacher, Benton, 111., 1912-13. Married Bernard A. Strauch ('08), Je 25, 1 91 3, Urbana. Children: Barbara Ruth, b. RIy 8, 1914; Robert Ashton, b. F i, 191 7. Address, iioi S. Busey Ave., Urbana. 5009. CHARLES WILLIAM ATTEBERY (Brother of Nos. 6058, 7350, 8932) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 7, i8go, Hills- boro. 111.; s. W. J. (b. do.) and Lula (Bailey) Attebery (b. Walshville, 111.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. Agr. Club. Farmer, Hillsboro, 111. Address, Hillsboro, Ill.t Soio. BEULAH WINIFRIED BACH (FAUCETT) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 10, 1890, Farmer City, 111.; d. Jacob (b. Je 10, 1844, (jer.) and Minnie Bishop (Woodward) Bach (b. S 29, 1859, Farmer City, 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S.; Univ. Acad. Married Philip I). M. Faucett, N 5, 1913, L^rbana. Child, Philip Dren Matson, Jr., b. Mr 28, 191 7. .-Iddrrss, 906 W. Oregon St., Urbana. SOU. GLEN DAVID BAGLEV Research Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 1913; E. E., 1917; b. S 20, i8go, Elgin, 111.; s. Geo. R. (b. Nashua, N. H.) and Jennie L. (Pingree) 13agley (b. Pingree Grove, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Class Treas.; Treas., E. E. Soc. Testing Dept. and A. C. Engng. Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; Pittsfield, Mass., 1913-16; Research Engr., Mellon Inst, of Indus. Research, Pitts- burgh, 1916-18; with Electro-Metallurgical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1918 — . Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Jennie Blanche McMullen, S 2, 1914, Urbana. Child, Marcia Lois, b. Mr i, 1917. Address, 455 7th St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; bus. add., c/o Electro-Metallurgical Co., do. 5012. OSCAR ROLAND BAINES Wholesale Tobacconist: A. B. in Bus.: b. O 10, 1888, Chicago; s. Oscar O. (b. Mr 5, 1866, Zanesville, O.) and Ida Jane (Christie) Baines (b. S 8, 1866, Martintown, Ont.-). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Scribblers Club. Wholesale Leaf Tobacco bus., Janesville, Wis., 1912-17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 191 7; 2nd Lt., Inf. U. S. R. C, Camp Custer, Mich.. 1918; Mustered out, N 191 8. Address, c/o Y. M. C. A., Janesville, Wis. 5013. LAURA MINERVA BAKER A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 15, i88g. White Hall, in.; d. William C. (b. Ag 18, 1848, Winchester, 111.) and Alice (Griswold) Baker (b. Ag 6, 1S49, White Hall, 111.). Prepared in W'hite Hall H. S. Y. W. C. A. Address, White Hall, 111. S014. ERNEST ROBERT BALDWIN Salesman: B. S. in Agr.; b. N 24, 1888, Port Austin, Mich.; s. James Baldwin. Prepared in Bad Axe (Mich.) H. S. Salesman. Ad- dress, Bad Axe, Mich.; bus. add., 117 N. Canal St., Chicago. t 5015- MAYME ANNA BALDWIN (SIMPSON) (Wife of No. 3969; Sister of No. 3629) .\. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl 12, 1886, Elisville. 111.; d. Boyd (b. My 6, 1854, New York City) and Josephine (Kline) Baldwin (b. S 24, 1858, N. J.). Prepared in Englcwood H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Mgr., H. S. Lunch Room, Rockford,_ 111., 1912-15. Married Francis Marion Simpson ('og), O 26, 191 5. Address, 539 E. 1 2th Ave., Denver. S016. GENEVA MAE BANE (Sister of Nos. 5017, 6719) Demonstration Agt.; B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 14, 1886, Dana, 111.; d. Milton M. (b. F 20, 1885, Proctor, W. Va.) and Florence May (Clegg) Bane (b. S i, 1856, Lasalle Co., 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S.; Millikin Univ., 1907-09. Gamma Phi Beta; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; H. Sc Club. Teacher, H. Sc, Bridgeport, 111., 1912-13; do., Benton, 111., 1913-14; do., Tel- luride, Colo., 1914-17; Home Demonstration Agt., Govt. Food C^onservation Work, .Spring- field, 111., 191 7 — . Address, 1004 N. Chicago St., Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., 11 17 S. 5th St., Springfield, 111. S017. JULIET LITA BANE (Sister of Nos. 5016, 6719) Asst. St. Leader, Home Econ.; B. S. in H. ■Sc; b. S 15, 18S7, Dana, 111.; d. M. Milton (b. F 20, 1855. Wheeling, W. Va.) and Flor- ence May (Clegg) Bane (b. S i, 1857, Dana, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S.; iMillikin Univ., 1907-09; Univ. of Chicago. Gamma Plii Beta; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; H. Sc. Club; ///. Agr. Staff; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Dir., Household Arts, Y. W. C. A., Omaha, Neb., [912-14; Instr., Home Econ., St. Coll. of Wash., 1914-15; Asst. Prof., do., igis-17'. Scholarship, Chicago Univ., 1917; Fed. Home Demonstration Agt., War Emergency Work, Wash., D. C, 1918 — ; Asst. St. Leader, Home Econ., 1918 — . Auth. : Simple Forms of Table Service. Address, Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., 709 W. Nevada, Urbana. S018. ORLEY GLEN BARRETT Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 21, 1885, Hudson, Mich.; s. D. F. Barrett. Prepared in Hudson (Mich.) H. S. Agr. Agt., Steubon Co., Angola, Ind. Address, Angola, Ind. so 1 9. MARY CORDELIA BARRY (LATTIN) (Wife of No. 5780; Sister of No. 8942) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 6, 1891^ Chicago; d. Thomas and Georgia Anna (Lee) Barry. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai ; Y. W. C. A.; Pres., Womens' League; Illio Bd.; Class Historian. Teacher, Eng.. H. S., Cham- paign, 111. Married Robert Thomas Lattiu, ('13), S 22, 1917, Champaign. Child, Miriair Lane, b. Ap 3, 1919. Address, 107 Chalmers St., Champaign. 5020. CYRUS WHITE BASSETT Manager; B. S. in Elec. Ry. E. ; b. D i 1888, Ashton, 111.; s. George Milton (b. Rus .'■■ellville, O.) and Phonetta (White) Basset, (b. Waukesha, Wis.). Prepared in Lewis Inst. igo8-io. Engr., Elevator Supply & Repair Co. Chicago, 1912-16; Asst. Mgr., Budd Whee. Corp., Philadelphia, 1916 — ;. Address, 212c W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia. 5021. STACY COLLINS BATES Fruit Grower; A. B. in Sc; b. O 2, 1889, Carpenteria, Calif.; s. Charles B. (b. Eng.) and Katherine (Mitchell) Bates (b. do.). Pre- pared in Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass.; 446 Univekshv ok Illinois I1912 Worcester Acad.; Ringe Man. Tr. Sch. ; Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1907-11. Alpha Tan Omega. Fruit Grower, Littleton, Mass. Married Wini- fred Newbury, N 15, 1917, Chicago. .-Iditrcss, Concord Junction, lilass. 5022. FRANKLIN WILLIAM BAUER Real Estate; A. B. in L. & A.; b. A^ 31, 1891, Coinpton, 111.; s. John (b. 1S44, tier.) and Anna M. (lUiottncr) Bauer (b. Ger.). Prepared in Conipton IL S. ; N. W. Acad.; Paw Paw 11. S. Chi Psi; Ma- Wan-da; Delta Kappa Chi; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Mgr., Varsity Football; Pres., Cnd. Club. Real Estate, Mortgage, Loans and Investments, 1912 — . Married Mazel Jane Preston, N i, lyi.i, St. Charles, 111. Child, Phyllis Jane, b. 1) ^3, 1917. .lihiicis, 1306 Boilwin Ave., Rock- ford, 111.; bus iuld., 304 Trust Bldg., do. 5023. ARTHUR EDWARD BAUM Indus. Repr.; A. B. in Bus.; b. D 26, 188S, Morris, 111.; s. II. II. Bauni. Prepared in Morris II. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. Indus. Repr., Weslingliouse Air Brake Co., Chicago. Ad- dress. 4609 Sheridan Road, Chicago; biis. add., 827 Railway E.xchange, do.\ S024. THEODORE ANDREW BAUMANN Phys. and Surg.; .A. B. in Sc; b. Mr lO, 1889, Cherry Valley, 111.; s. Casper Carl (h. O 20, 1859, Morris, 111.) antl Susie Ette (Mc- Kenney) Baumann (b. Jl 31, 1871, Anson, Me.). Prepared in Cherry \'allev and Rock- ford H. Schs. M. D., N. W. Med. Coll., 1914- Omega Epsilon Phi; Chem. Club. Phys. and Surg., 191 s—; Health Officer, De Land, 111., 191 7 — . Fellow, A. M. A.; Mem., Piatt Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; M. E. Church. ^larried Mabel Ida Prentice, Je 2, 1916. Child, Winiield Prentice, b. Ag 19, 1917. Address, De Land. 111. 5025. Cll.\RLES WESLEY BE.M.L (Brother of No. 6731) Manufacturer; A. B. in t5us. L. & A.; b. O 9, 1889, Alton, 111.; s. James Wesley tb. Mr 23, 1867, do.) and Elizabeth (Percival) Beall (b. la 19, 1867, do.). Prepared in Alton IT. S. Sigma Chi. Pres., Beall Supply Co., Mfrs. of Miners' Tools and Supplies. Mar- ried Mary Catherine Beale, O 30, 1912, Ver- sailles, Mo. Children: John Wesley and Mar- jorie Flick, b. O s, 1918. Address, 634 E. Kith St., Alton, 111. 5026. KENNETH liEBB (Brother of Nos. 4065, 7374) Dairy Farmer; B. S. in .Vgr.; b. N 26, 1S89. Englewood, 111.; s. Edwin (b. O 19, 1858, Paris, 111.) and Mary Alice (Jones) Bebb (b. Ja 6, 1859, Ogle Co.. 111.). Prepared in Calumet 11. S. Scabbard and Blade; Onyx Dancing Club; Lincoln Lciigue Senate; Glee and Mandolin (Hub; Class Basketball; Capt., Univ. Regt. Mgr., Dairy Farm, WillouKhby, O. Camp Mc Arthur, Waco, Tex.; Mooreland Farm, Mentor, O. Married Gertrude Corlctt, Ag 13, 1914. Child, Edwin, b. My. 1915- -'^<'- dress, Mooreland Farm, Mentor, O. S027. MABEL BEBB (POTTER) (Wife of G541; Sister of Nos. s.';42. 737.';) A. B. in II. Sc; b. Ja 10, 1890, Chicago; d. Robert (b. Ag 20. 1862, Washington, D. C.) and Florence A. (Pine) Bebb (b. Mr 10. 1862, Long Island). Prepared in Calumet II. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Teacher, Home Econ., II. S., Muskogee, Okla., 191213. Married Ralph Sydney Potter (g'li), D 25, 1913. Muskogee, Okla. Children: Dorothy, b. Jl 29. I9i.s; Janet, b. S 15, 1917. Address, 202 Russell Ave., Ames, la. S028. OLIVE RUTH BECKINGTON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 15, 1882, Belvidere, 111.; d. Mrs. Rosa Beckington. Pre- pared in San Jose (Calif.) H. S. Teacher, Stanley Hall, Minneai)olis; do., II. S., May- wood, 111. Address, 311 S. 3rd Ave., May- wood, Ill.t 5029. CYRENIUS BEERS, JR. Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 7, i8gi, Chicago; s. C. Beers. Prepared in Crane Tech. II. S., Chicago. Agr. Club. Farmer, Charlevoix, Mich. Address, Charlevoix, Mich.'l" 5030. BENJAMIN RUDOLPH BELSLEY Land. Gardener; A. B. in Sc; b. D 8. 1886, Roanoke, 111.; s. P. Belsley. Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Land. Gardener, Peoria. Lt. Col.. U. S. N. R., Peoria; Lt., U. S. N., U. S. S., Kan- sas, c/o Postmaster, N. Y. City. Address, 113 N. Maplewood, Peoria. t 5031. JEFFERSON HALL BELT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1915; h. N 10, i888, Gibson City, 111.; s. J. IL Belt. Prepared in Saybrook II. S. Prelim. Honors. Eiigrs., io()th C o. C, Camp Wheeler^ Macon, Ga.'^ 111. (/(>., A. E. F., France. Address, Saybrook, S032. CHARLES HENRY BELTING (Brother of No. 5033) Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 9, 1885, llliopolis. 111.; s. Theodore (b. F 15, 1S46, Tet- zel, Prussia) and Elizabeth (Council) Belting (b. N 6, i8s4. Williamsville, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Chi Psi; Alpha Zeta; Varsity Football; All Conference and All West. Football: Track. Instr., Agr., Kan. St. Norm. Sch., Emporia, 1912-16; Head, Agr. Dept., 5th Dist. Norm. Sch., Maryville, Mo., 1916—. Married Harriet Priest, N 30, 1916. Emporia, Kan. Address, 1015 Oak St., Maryville, Mo.; bus. add., Dept. of .Agr., 5th Dist. Norm. Sch., do. S033. PAUL EVERETT BELTING (Brother of No. 5032) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S s. 1886, llliopolis. 111.; s. Theodore (b. F 15, 184O, Tctzel. Prussia) and Elizabeth (Conned) Belt- ing (b. N 6, 1854, Williamsville, 111.). Pre- pared in Mattoon II. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sell., 1907-9. .'\. M., Columbia, 1918. Chi Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Delta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa: Final Honors; Fresh. Varsity Foot- ball; Varsity Football. Prin., TI. S., Globe, Ariz., 1912-13; 2, Schmiehcim, Ger. ). Prepared in N. Belvidere 11. S. Sigma Xi; Kap|)a Delta Pi; Omicron Nu; Final Honors; Scholarship. Asst., H. Sc, Lhiiv. of 111., sum- mer, 1913; Instr., Home Econ., I^urdue Univ., 1913-15; Asst. Prof., Nutrition, Div. of Home Econ., Univ. of Minn., 1913 — . Auth.: (with Ruth Wheeler) A Study of the Nutritive Value of Some Proprietary Infant Foods, Am. Jour. Diseases of Children, Vol. 7. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1160 Raymond Ave., St. Paul. 5038. DE WITT BILLMAN Lawyer; LL. W.; b. Ag 13, 1889, Tuscon, Ariz.; s. II. Billman. Prci)ared in East St. Louis H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Order of the Coif; Egyjitian Club; I'hilomathean; John Mar- shall Law Club; Jr. Cap Com.; Prelim. Honors. Address, Edgemont Sta.. East St. Louis, 111.; bvs. add., 250-3 Arcade Bldg., rfo.t 5039. ROBERT OVERTON BLACK Designer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 30, 1890, Grecncastle, Ind.; s. Robert Miller (b. D 14, 1845, Mt. .Sterling, Ky.) and I-aura Catherine (Moore) Black (b. !\ly 18, 1864, Areola, 111.). Prepared in Todd Seni., Woodstock, 111.; Univ. Acad. Theta Nu Epsilon. Mem., Williams and Black, designers and decorators. Cham- paign; The Pilot Industrial Oil Co., Houston, Tex. 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., Ellington Field, Houston, Tex.; Mustered out, Ja 4, 1919- Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. ; S. A. R., Aero Club of Am. Married Margaret Fleda Hinson, Mr 23, 1918, Memphis. Address. 525 Calhoun St.. Alcoma Ajits. # 3, Houston, Tex.; bus. add., The Pilot Industrial (Oil Co., 401 Carter Bldg., do. 5040. EVA BLAIR Teacher; B. S. in II. Sc.; b. Ja 23, 1886, Arthur, 111.; d. Geo. (b. 1852, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Ellen (Martin) Blair (b. 1861. Mar- tinsburg, Ind.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. H. Sc. Club; Advisory Bd., Women's League. Columbia, Summer, 1914. Address, 226 Judd St., Woodstock, 111. 5041. EDWARD BROW BLAISDELL Manager; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 16, 1890, Fall River, Mass.; s. Jesse (b. do.) and Sarah Edith (Watters) Blaisdell (h. do.). Prepared in B. M. C. Durfee II. S., Fall River, Mass. Alpha Tail Omega; Helmet; Ku Klux; Shield and Trident; Charter Mem., Ma-wan-da; Fresh Varsity Basketball; Class Baseball; lllio Staff Glee C^lub. Mgr., Warner Bros. Co., Bridge port. Conn, ist Lt. Co. TI, 4th Regt. C. H. G Married Elizabeth Rector, S 23, 1916, Bridge port. Conn. Cl'ild, Edward Brow, Jr., h. Jl 21, 1917. Address, 1312 Iranistan Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.; bus. add., Warner Bros. Co., do. S042. ELMER R. BLOCK (Brother of No. 8140) Real Est.; A. B. in Bus.; b. N 15, 1887, .Sidney, 111.; s. Edward F. (b. My 17, 1859, Champaign) and Katherine (Hartzig) Block (b. Ag 7, 1 86 1, Detroit). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S.; Univ. of Colo., 1908-09; Univ. of Wis.. 1910-11. Alpha Tau Omega. Real E.St., Chicago, ist Lt., U. S. A., 346th F. A., Camp Lewis, Wash. Address, Sidney, 111. S043. AUGUSTA ELEANOR BOND (SMITH) (Sister of No. 2029, 2586) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 23, 1889, Mattoon, 111.; d. Charles G. (b. S 18, 1851, Circleville, O.) and Malinda E. (McNutt) Bond (b. S 13, 1854, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Urbana li. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1912. Alpha Delta Pi; Women's League Council; Glee Club. Pri- mary Teacher, Cary, 111., 1912-13; do., Met- calf, III., 1913-14; do., Champaign, 1914-15. Pres., Illin^c Club, St. Louis. 1917-18; Mem., Bd. of City Pan Hellenic, St. Louis, 1916-18. Nat. Sec, Alpha Delta Pi. Married Rhea Gordon Smith, O 30, 191S, Urbana. Address, 3.:2 High St., Passaic, N. J. 5044. GRACE MAY BOOKWALTER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1886, Gardner, 111.; d. M. Bookwalter. Prepared in Gardner H. S. Der Deutsche Verein. Ad- dress, Joliet, Ill.t S045 RALPH WALKER BOOZE (Brother of No. 6751) Elect. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 15, 1890, Sullivan,. lib; s. Charges Jackson (b. My 21, 1S64, Gays, 111.) and Cora M. (Walker) Booze (b. Je 21, 1869). Prepared in .Sullivan H. S. Si^ma Nu; Ku Klux. Elec. Engr., 111. Traction Co., Bloomington, 111., St. Louis and Peoria, 1912-15; Supt., Madison Co. Light and Power Co., Granite City, 111., 1915-17; Elec. Engr., United Cias. Imp. Co., Philadelphia, 1917- 1st Lt., Detailed Aviation Section, U. S. A., Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1918; A. E. I'., France; Wounded, 1918. Ad- dress, Sullivan, 111. 5046. LESTER EDWARD BOWER Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. O 27, 1888, Chi- cago; s. C. E. Bower. Prepared in Lake View H. S.; N. W. Med. Univ. Address, 3821 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. t 5047. LANG FULTON BOWMAN Interne; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 14, 1884, Man- chester, ().; s. T. C. Bowman. Prepared in Olney H. S.; Rush Med. Coll. Sigma Mu Rho. Interne, Wash. Blvd. Hosp., Chicago. Ad- dress, 2449 Washington Blvd., Chicago. t 5048. EUGENE PATRICK BRADLEY Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 23, 1883, Denver; s. J. T. (b. Je 5, 1859, St. Louis) and Emma (Ensmingcr) Bradley (b. Ap i, 1863, Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. .Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Helmet. Engr., Irociuois Engng. Co., St. Louis, 1912-13; Mgr., Iro(|uois Engng. Co., New York City, 1913-14; Hester-Bradley Co., Sales and Engrs., St. Louis. 1914-18. Consulting Engr., Aviation Fields, Belleville, 111., do.. Ft. Sill, Okla., 1917; Govt. Engr., Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark;, 1917; Capt., Q. M. C, N. A., 1918—. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Am. Soc. of Heat- ing and Ventilating Engrs.; St. Louis Engrs. Club; St. Louis Archs. Club. Address, 5327 Maple Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., 4212 Chein. Bldg.. do. 5049. EUGENIA BRADLEY (MARYATT) (Wife of No. 3869) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 2, 1891, Emporia, Kan.; d. William Henry (b. N 13, 1864, I.oda, 111.) and Fannie (.Slocum) Bradley (b. Je 18, 1863. Kewanee, 111.). Prepared in Loda H. S, ; Univ. Acad. Asst. Prin., H. S., Lena, 111., 44S Univkksitv o\- Illinois [iQi: 191213. Mem., Congr. Church. Married El- mer Fauntleroy Maryatt ('09), My 14, 1913, Loda, 111. Children: David Pendleton, b. Ap 10, 1914; Bradley, b. Ag 7, 1915; Rachael, b. D 31, 1916. Address, 4014 Holly St., St-attlc, Wash. Soso. CHARLES WILLIAM BREMNER Purchase Agt.; B. S. in C. E.; b. 1e u, 18S9, Red Oak. Ta.; s. George 11. (b. D 17. i8tij. Mar- shalltown, la.) and Louise A. (.Stephenson) Bremner (b. Ja ;;5, 1S70, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange. Alpha Sigma Phi; Dramatic Club; C. E. Club. Engr. and ("ontr. Govt. Work, New Cumberland, I'a.; Purchase Agt., Hates & Rogers Const. Co., Chi- cago, 1918 — •. Married Rulh Boyd, S 25, 1913, Glen Ellyn, 111. Child, Robert Boyd. b. Jl lo. 1914. Address, Glen Ellyn, 111.; b^is. add., c/o Bates & Rogers Const. Co., Chicago. 5051. CLARA MABEL BROOKS (BENNITT) (Wife of No. 5544; Sister of Nos. 2916, 6763) B. L. S.; b. Ag 29, 1880, Saunemin, 111.; d. George W. (b. F 14, 1850) and Anne Augusta (Gray) Brooks (b. F 22, 1852). I'repared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma; lUiola. Childrcns Lib., Pub. 1-, '.. Ft. Worth, Te.\.; Pub. Lib., Iloopeston, 111. Married Ralph A. Bennitt ('13), My 1, 1915. Address, Chuqui- comata. via Autofogasta, Chile Exploration, Chile. S. A. 5052. ROBERTA MARGARET BROWN Teacher; A. B. in 11. Sc; b. O S, 1887. Newark, 111.; d. Robert M. (b. Jc 8, 1852, do.) and Margaret A. (Nettlcion) Brown (b. Jl 11, 1853, Ashton, 111.). Prepared in .Ashton 11. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher. H. Sc, Har- risburg. 111., 1912-15; do., Ashton, 111., 1915-16; do., Belvidere, 111., 1910. Address, Ashton, 111. 5053. LEWIS ALLEN HRUB.\KER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 10, 1890. Lan- caster, Pa.; s. Henry Clay (,b. 1843, do.) and Mary (Tucker) Brubaker (b. 1851, Pa.). Pre- pared in Yeates Sch. Lancaster, Pa.; Franklin and Marshall Coll., Lancaster. Pa. Phi Kappa Psi. Supt., Bldg. Const., Washinglon, 1ml., 1912; Arch. Draftsman and Engr., A. L. Pills burv. Arch., Bloomington, 111., 1913; do.. Hewitt & fimerson, Peoria, 1914-15; Jo., llolabird & Roche, Chicago, 1916-17; do., Leonard Engng. Co., Chicago, 1917-18; Chester Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa., 1918 — . Married .\my Gere, .\g 30, 1913, Urbana. Children; Rulh Annette, b. My 1914; Margaret Mary, b. My 1916. Ad- dress, Chester, Pa.; bii.f. add., Chester Ship- building Co., do. 5054. OSCAR E. BULKELEY Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 2. 18S5, Oneida, 111.; s. John A. (b. S 23, 1842, Canton, O.) and Emma II. (Copley) Bulkeley (h. Je 9, 1850, Liberty, Pa.). Prepared in Grand Junc- tion (Colo.) H. S.; Riverside (Calif.) II. S. B. S., Knox Coll., 1905. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi. Enijr., City Water Dept., Rockford, 111, 1912-16; Supt., City Water Dept., Jack- son, Mich.,' 1916-18; Engng. Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.. Nashville, Tenii.. 1918; Engr.. Rockford, 111., 1918 — . Aulh.: Water and Water Meters, 1917, Proc. Lcdi/K.' of Mich. Municil^alitirs. 1917; Water Works Management, Am. City, 1917. Mem., Am. Waterworks Assn.; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Edna S. Best, D 21, 1912, Clyde, 111. Child, Mary Louise, b. Mr 20, 19 16. Address, 502 College Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 20S trust Bldg., do. 5055 ARIIIUR ERNES r UURWASH (Husband of No. 7315; Brother of Nos. 5569, 8185) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 7, 1S89, Champaign; s. Daniel A. (b. Ag 9, 1851, St. An- drews, E. Quebec. Can.) and Sarah E. (Berry) Burwash (b. O 12. 1857. So. Wis.). Prepared in Chami)aign H. S. Track. St. Soil Sur., L'niv. of 111. 1913-14; Farmer, Chami'aign, igi.j- 19; Farm .\dviser, Piatt Co., Monticello, 111.. 1919—. 1st Lt. Inf.. U. S. R., 1918; Discharged for physical disability. Married Mabel C. Wom- acks C'15), Je 30, 1917, Chicago. ChiUl, Richard lUnry, b. Mr 20. igi8. Address. R. 2, Champaign; bus. add., Monticello, 111. 5056. HOWARD MONREAU BUTTERS Sales Engr.: B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 24, 1888, Chicago; s. Francis M. (b. do.) and Clara C P-artholomeu) Butters (b. Libertyville, -111.). Prepared in Crane Tech. II. S., Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi. Sales Engr., Middle West terri- tory. Mem., A. F. A. I\I. Married Florence L. Danneil, Ja 16, 1018, Chicago. Address, 4343 Van Buren St., Chicago. 5057. DONALD ERSKINE BIVKRS (Brother of No. 331 1) Efficiency Engr., B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 27, 1884, Gait, 111.; s. John (b. Mr 2, 1834, Lan- caster Co., Pa.) and Frances Anna (GalO Buyers (b. Ja 23, 1S43. Buyerstown, Pa.). Pre- pareil in Sterling Tp. 11. S. Stud. Branch. A. S. M. E.; Sterling Club. Engr.. 111. Steel Co.. Gary, Ind., 1912; Deere & Co., Moliiie, 111., 11)12-13; liistr., Ore. Agr. Coll., 191:5-14; Battle (reek, Mich.. 1916-17; Efficiency Engr., Key- sinne \\'orks, International Harvester Co.. Riickfalls. 111. Mem., Soe. for Promotion of Kngii.a;. Educ, 1914-17. Married Gertrude l-'lizabeth Langsdon, S 7, 1911, Sterling, 111. .iddrcss, 1202 W. 3rd St., Sterling, 111. 5058. CHARLES EDWIN CALDWELL, JR. Manager; A. li. in Sc. ; b. N 12, 1887, Chi- cago; s. C. E. Caldwell. I'repared in Univ. H. S., Chicago. Mgr., Washington Branch of Lib. Bur. Address, 743 15th St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. 5059. MORTON RUSSELL CARLSON Dairy Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 13, 1888, Moline, 111.; s. Oscar F. Carlson. Prciiared in .Moline H. S. Agr. Club; Class Football; Sr. .'^tag Com. Dairy Farm. Deere & Co., Moline, 111. Sergt., 12 Ord., A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, 1132 22nd St., Moline, Ill.t 5060. JOSE ORIOL CARRERO Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; h. Mr 23, 1S90, JIayagiiez, P. R.; s. Jose A. (,b. Rcncon, P. R.) and Josefa (Brito) "Carrero (b. Mayagiiez, P. R.). 'i'repared in Mayagiiez (P. R.) II. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Chem., Bur. of Clieni., Charlottesville, Va., 1913-14; Dept., .Vgr., Mayagiiez, P. R., 1914 — . Mem., A. C. S. .Iddress, 57 Sol St., Mayagiiez, P. R. S061. ROY RUDY CARTER With Rockford Const. Co.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 2 1, 1888, Olathe, Kan.; s. W. L. Carter. Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Asst., G. E. D., Univ. of 111.; Instr., do., 1910-12; With Rock- ford Const. Co., Rockford Highway Dept. Ad- dress, 32S Kent St., Rockford, Ill.t 5062. FLORA MARGARET CASE Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., i9i.'?- Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Treas., Y. W. C. A. Asst., Catalog Dept., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1912-13; Sell. Libn., Salem, Ore., 1913-17; Libn., do., 1917 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Pacific N. West. Lib. Assn. Address, Public Lib., Salem, Ore. 1912J Baccalaureate Alu mm 449 S063. HAROLD CLAYTON M. CASE Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr i, 1890, Dunlap, III.; s. C. M. Case. Prepared in Dunlap H. S. Alpha Zeta; ///. Agr. Staff; Agr. Club. Asst., An. Ilusb., Univ. of 111. 1912-13; Asst. St. Leader, Farm Advisory work, do., 1913-18; Assoc., Farm Orgn. and Mgmt., do., 191S — . Address, 1410 W. University Ave., Urbana. 5064. HAROLD SMITH CASH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 13, 1890, Har- vard, III.; s. David Edson (b. D 22, 1853, do.) and Sarah (Smith) Cash (b. Jl 28, 1859. do.). Prepared in Harvard H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Agr. Club. Farmer, Harvard, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Harvard, 111. 5065. •ELIZABETH HENRIETTA CASS A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1913; b. My 30,, 1880, Olympia, Wash.; d. James F. Cass. Pre- pared in Tacoma (Wash.) H. S. Kappa Kapjia Gamma. Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1913- 14; Lib. Sch., West. Reserve Univ., Cleveland; Asst. Instr., Lib. Sch., do.; Libn., Portland Cement Assn., Chicago. Died O 25, 191 7, Chi- cago. 5066. SHERMAN CASS Supt., Schs. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 10, i8j54; s- James (b. My 15, 1834) and Emma C. (Glascock) Cass (b. O.). Prepared in East. III. St. Norm. Sch. Siipt., Iloopeston, 111.; do., Sidell, 111.; do., VVestville, 111. Auth.: Partici- ples and Infinitives, pamphlet. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Cassie Maude Evans, J I 8, 1887. Address, R 8, Danville, III. 5067. LUCIUS ORVILLE CHAMBERLAIN Civ. Engr.; B. S. irt Ry. C. E.; b. Jl 21, 1885, Eldara, 111.; s. Alfred Veil (b. D 12, 1858, do.) and Mary Emma (Coley )Chamber- lain (b. Jl 23, 1861, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Prin. Organizer, Ry. Club. Draftsman, C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1912-13; Asst., Engng. Corps, New Castle, Pa., 1913; Draftsman, D. L. and West. R. R., 1914; Draftsman, Hy. Const., Vermilion Co., Dan- ville, 111., 1915; Draftsman, Rock Island, R. R. Co., Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., Am. Road Builders Assn., 1916; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, 191 7; Univ. Place Christian Church. Married Sadie Margaret Virden, 1) 25, 19 15, Springfield, III. .-iddress, 5521 Kinibark Ave., Chicago. 5068. EDWIN VAN METER CHAMPION Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 18, 1890, Mansfield, 111.; s. Dr. Joseph Van Rleter and Minnie (Smithson) Champion. Prepared in Mansfield H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; Shield and Trident; Ma-wan-da; Pres., Ath. Assn. Lawyer, Peoria, 1912-17; Asst. .it. Atty., Pe oria Co., 1917. O. T. C., Ft. Sheridan; 1st Lt., 341st Inf., Camp Grant, 111., 1917; Cant., Blackhawk Div., A. E. F., France, 19 18; Re- turned to V. S.j 191 8. Address, 549 Woolner Bldg., Peoria. 5069. VUN-DIN CHINZUN CHANG Asst. Field Dir.; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1913; b. Je 8, 1880, Slianghai, China; s. Vun Dah Chang. Prepared in St. John's Univ. Prep., China. Agr. Club; Chinese Stud. Club. Asst. Field Dir., Chinese Nat. Oil Adni. in coopera- tion with the Standard Oil Co., New York, 1 914 — . Address, Yen An Fu Shcnsi, China. 5070. DENISON WILLIAMS CHAPMAN Engr. and Salesman; P.. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1890, Cliicago; s. Charles Edward fb. Mr 20, 1864, Hudson, Mich.) and Phebe (Pound) Chapman (b. F 12, 1864, Chicago.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; Armour Inst. Chem., Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Co., Chicago; Engr. and Special Salesinan, Indus. Dept., do. Address, 5602 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 5071. ARTHUR MELTON CHAVOUS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 2, 1885, Urbana; s. C. A. Cliavous. Prepared in Cen- tral H. S., Columbus, O.; O. St. Univ. Ad- dress, 417 Wheatland Ave., Columbus, O. 5072. HOWARD LOWELL CHENEY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 12, 1889, Chicago; s^ E. S. Cheney. Prepared in Engle- wood ir. S.; Armour Inst. Delta Kappa Epsi- lon; Tau Beta I'i; Arch. Club; Fresh. Varsity Football; Capt., Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Var- sity Football; Varsity Track. io6th Engrs., 31st Div. F. A., Camp Zachary Tavlor, Kv. Address, 841 Ainslie St., Chicago; bus. add., 208 S. La Salle St., do. 5073. ALTA FERNE CHIPPS (COOL) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jc 13, 1888, Sullivan 111.; d. A. Chipps. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. ; Forest Park Univ. Alpha Chi Omega; Sr. Cap and Gown Com. Married Sid M. Cool, Ja 25, 19 1 7. Address, Hammond, Ill.t 5074. WILLIAM GLADSTONE CLARK (Brother of Nos. 1842, 2614, 3683, 6157) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1886, Car- thage, 111.; s. Lot Bozarth (b. N 26, 1848, W. Ya.) and Matilda Jane (Jackson) Clark (b. Ja 16, 1856, Warsaw, 111.). I'repared in Carthage H. S. Alpha Zeta; Scal)l)ard and Blade; Agr. Club; Ed. ///. Agr.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Farmer, Idylwilde, 1912 — •. Sec, Co. Livestock Assn.; Sec. and Dir., Farm Bur. Married Elizabeth Elsie Sprague, Ag 31, 1917- Joliet, 111. .-Id- dress, Jdylwilde, Carthage, III. 5075. ROBERT RAYMOND CLAKKE (Brother of Nos. 4596, 6159) Engineer; 15. S. in Ry. E. E.: b. N 17, 1889, Noblesville, Ind.; s. John O. (b. N 25, 1851, Hamilton C^o., Ind.) and Mary (White) Clarke (b. Je 4, 1855, Hamilton Co., Ind.). Prepared in Noblesville (Ind.) II. S. Elec. Engr., Wag- ner Elec. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 1912-13; do. Cleveland. 1913 — . Mem., Jovian (3rder, 1914 18; Elec. League of Cleveland, 1914-18. Mar ried Erna S. Clarke, N 12, 1914, Elmhurst, III Child, Barbara, b. Mr 31, 1918. Address, 124; Webb Road, Lakewood, C3.; bus. add., 701 Union Bldg., Cleveland. 5076. JOEL SIMMONS COFFEY (Brother of No. 2617) Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 8, 1884, Rugby, Ind.; s. Calvin Allen ""b. D i, 1839, Knoxville, Tenn.) and Joseohine (Simmonds) Coffey (b. Ag 17, 1852, Westport, Ind.). I'repared in Hope (Ind.) H. S.; Greensburg (Ind.) II. S. Acacia; Alpha Zeta. Instr., An. Ilusb., Purdue Univ., 1012-14; Lecturer, Univ. 'of la.; Asst. Prof., An. Ilusb., do., 1914-17. Auth.: Judging Swine for Beginners, 1914; Care and Mgmt. of P.rood Sow and Litters, 1917. Address, 181 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O. ^077. JOHN ROBERT CtJLVlLLE Engnj;. Writer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 17, 1890. Galesburg, 111.; s. George William (b. Scotland) and Julia Estclla (Sage) Colville (h. Conn.). Prepared in Galesburg II. S. Tau Beta I'i; Eta Kai)pa Nu; Final Ilonors. Tech. Writer, Nat. Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co., 1912 — . Auth.: Engng. Buls.; articles in Ulec. IVorld, Iron Af/c, Factory, and others. Mem., Illuminating Engng. Soc. Married Georgia Frances King, Jl 20, 1914, Mason City, la. Child, John Robert, Jr., b. My 2, 1015. Ad- dress, 14.S30 Strathmore Ave., Cleveland; bus. add., Nela Park. do. 45° University of Illinois [1912 S078. CARL COLVIN Professor; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 3, 1889, Olney, 111.; s. W. E. (b. O 8, 1848, Hicrhland Co., O.) and Lydia J. (Jackson) Colvin (b. Jl 21, 1852, O.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Phi Delta Kappa; Delta Kappa Pi; Adelphic; Agr. .Club; Univ. Club; Class Sec. Instr., Bloomington, 1912-13; do., Blackburn Coll.. Carlinville, 111., 1913-15; do., Norm. Sch., Charleston, I!!., 1915-18; Assoc, Apt. Educ, Univ. of 111., 19 1 8—. 111. Nat. Guard. Auth. : Course in Act. for Rural Schs., Normal Sch. Bui.; Series of Articles in Sch. News. Mem., Christian Church. Married Helen Schmidt, D 21, 191 2, Champaign. Addt'ess, 317 Washing- ton Blvd., Urbana; bus. add., Room 553 Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 5079. VALENTIN CONFESOR Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N i, 1888, Cabatuan, P. I.; s. Julian Confesor. Prepared in Iloilo (P. I.) H. S. Cosmopolitan Club. E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E.; Philippine Govt. Stud. Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Omaha, Neb. Address, Cabatuan, Iloilo, P. I. 5080. ARTHUR FOSTER CONNARD Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 12, 1886, Elwin, 111.; s. Milton Allen (b. N 30, 1859, do.) and Eva Luella (Foster) Connard (b. Ag 4, 1865, do.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Onyx. Draftsman, Aurora. 111., 1912-14; Draftsman and Designing Engr., Riverton, Minn., 1914-16; Draftsman and Estimator, Du- luth, Minn., 1916-17; Struct. Draftsman, Chi- cago, 1917; Hull Draftsman, Emergency Fleet Work, Savannah, Ga., 1917-18. Struct, and Mech. Draftsman, Hull Dept., U. S. Shipping Bd., Cleveland. .Xuth.: The Rowe Mine Ore Washer, The Labor Saz'cr, 1916. Address, R. 4, Decatur, 111. S081. EDWIN LEWIS CONNELL Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 14, 1889, Joliet, 111.; s. Lewis Wheeler (b. 1864, Water- loo, la.) and Lulu (Stearns) Connell (b. 1861, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Joliet To. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Ener., Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co.. St. Louis, 1012-17; Chief Engr., Van Dorn Elec. Tool Co.. Cleve- land, 1917 — . Address. 2978 Woodhill Road, Cleveland; bus. add.. Van Dorn Elec. Tool Co., Cleveland. 5082. DELMAR GROSS COOKE Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 1; Ph. D., 1917; b. Jl 26, 1888, Piper City, 111.; s. James Allen (b. New Berlin. Pa.) and Minnie (Gross) Cooke (b. do.). Prepared in Culver Mil. Acad. Instr., Eng., H. S., Cham- aign, 1912-14; do., Univ. of Tex., 1917. Med. De- tachment, Base Hosp., Camp Taylor, Ky., 1918-19. Address, Piper City, 111. 5083. LEON JOSEPH CORBEY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. N 23, 1889, Elgin, 111.; s. Edward Salem (b. F i8, 1863, do.) and Angel Tillie (Meier) Corbey (b. Mr 26, 1866). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Arch. Club: Univ. Orchestra. Arch., Weary & Alford Co., Chicago, igi2 — . Mem., Illini Club, Chi- cago, 1912; 111. Chap., A. I. A., 1915. Ad- dress, 22$ Villa St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., Weary & Alford Co., 1907 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 5084. JAMES HENRY COULTER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 7, 1888, Hersman, 111.; s. George (b. Brown Co., 111.) and Lena (Aber) Coulter (b. do.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Civ. Engr., Am. Creosoting Co., 1913; do., Can. Creosoting Co., Trenton, Can., 1914; do., Canadian Tar Products Co., Ltd., Montreal, Can., 1914 — . Married Frances Edith Watson, Ag 18, 1913, Champaign. Chil- dren: James Henry Jr., b. Jl 16, 1914; Mary Lena Elizabeth, b. N 24, 191 6. Address, 610 Madison Ave., Montreal, Can. 5085. LUVERN HENRIETTA CRAWFORD (FRANKLIN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 12, 1886, Bondville. 111.; d. J. W. (b. Ap 30, 1840, O.) and Julia Anna (Stoker) Crawford (b. Ag 20, 1845, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Grand Prairie Sem. Married Richard Franklin, Je iS, 1913, Champaign. Children: Richard Crawford, b. N II, 1915; Julia Ann, b. D 29, 1917. Address, 1720 E. 13th Ave., Spokane. 5086. WILLIAM LESLIE CROW Student; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 22, 1889, Chatham, 111.; s. O. B. Crow. Prepared in Springfield H. S. A. M., Milliken Univ., 1914. Delta Omega; Le Cercle Frangais; Ionian. Prin., H. S., Humboldt, Neb.; Univ. of Chicago Law Sch. Address, 6103 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. t S087. LOUIS EDWIN DALLENBACH (Brother of Nos. 2630, 4123) Farmer; A. B. in Sc; b. S 13, 1889, Cham- paign; s. John Jacob (b. Je 7, 1856, Ripley, O.) and Anna C. (Mittendorf) Dallenbach (b. Jl 6, 1857, Cook Co., 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. M. A., Cornell, rgi^. Delta I'psilon; Scabbard and Blade; 1st Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Farmer, Champaign, 1913-17. Mem., Bat. F., ist 111. F. A., 1915-17; ist Lt., F. A. R. C, 1917; Capt., do., 1917; Mustered out, F 10. 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 127 W. Park Ave., Champaign. S088. JOHN WALKER DAVIS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 18, 1888, Poseyville, Ind.; s. John B. (b. Mr 12, 184s, do.) and Lucy (Walker) Davis (b. Ja 21, 1848, do.). Prepared in Poseyville (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1907-8. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi. Foreinan and Engr., Am. Creosoting Co., 1912-14; Asst., Gen. Supt., Am. Tar Products ('o., Chicago, 1914 — . Rlarried Ethel E. Law- ler, Je 22, 191 7, Chicago. Child, Lucy Jane, b. Je 7, 1918. Address, 733 E. Marquette Road, Chicago; bus. add., 1092-208 S. LaSalle St., do. S089. FRANK CLIFFORD DEAN Agr. Ed.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 3:, 1887, La Moille, 111.; s. George Benton (b. Ap 5, 1S52, Dover, 111.) and Grace Laura (Cross- man) Dean (b. Peru, 111.). Prepared in Prince- Ion Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1914-15. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi; Managing Kd., The Daily Illini. City Ed., The Kankakee Daily Gazette, 191 2-1 4; Agr. Ed., The Univ. of Neb., 1914-16; Asst. Ed,, The O. St. Univ. Coll. of Agr. Exten. Service, 1916 — . Auth.: .Articles contributed to a number of Agr. and Gen. Newsnapers. Mem., Baptist Church. Mar- ried Iva Marie DeRose, Ja 14, 1914, Princeton, 111. Child, George Maurice, b. My 9, 1915. .-Iddress, 1496 Belmont Ave., Columbus, O. 5090. ARTHUR DECHMAN Sales Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. My 22, 1888, Chicago; s. Mathias (b. Ger.) and Augus- ta (Sperling) Dechman (b. do.). Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago; Valparaiso Univ. Alpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; V. P., Jr. Class; Sr. Class Football; Sr. Smoker Com.; Chm., Chem. Dance Com.; Sr. Memo- rial Com.; Asst. Mgr., Circus. Sanitary Dist., Chicago. 1913; Steel Bus., Champaign, 1914-15; Sales Engr., Permutit Co., N. Y., 1916-17. Married Ida Mae Shotwell, D 17, 1913, Evans- ton, 111. Address, 2793 Avondale Ave., Cleve- land. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 451 5091. EVA AMES DEDRICK A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 19, 1890, Geneseo, 111.; d. John Dedrick. Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Alpha Xi Delta. Address, 527 S. Center St., Geneseo, Ill.t 5092. CHARLES EDMUND DE LEUW Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; C. E., 1916; b. Jl 3, 1891, Jacksonville, III.: s. Oscar Anthony (b. 1848, Ger.) and Mary Elizabeth (Tribbey) De Leuw (b. S 14, 1850, Winchester, 111.). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Mech. and San. Engr., Central Engng. Bur., Chicago, 1912-14; Engr., Ewing & Allen, do., 1915-16; do.. Gales & De Leuw do., 1917 — . Pvt. and Corp., ist III. Cavalry, 191 6-1 7; ist Lt., 4th U. S. Engrs., Camp Greene, N. C, 1917; Capt., 4th Engrs.. A. E. P., France, 1918; VVounded S 29, 191 8; Awarded service cross, Ag 1918; Mustered out, Ja 22, 1919. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs.; A. S. C. E.; Illini Club of Chicago. Married Martha Guthrie, Ag 21, 1917, Riverside, 111. Address, Riverside, 111.; bus. add., Monadnock Block, Chicago. 5093. IRVING POLHEMUS DE MOTT (Husband of No. 3348; Brother of No. 6198) Mgr., Real Est. and Ins. Bus.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. O 20, 1881, Bushnell, 111.; s. Rich- ard Ray (b. Mr 25, 1847, Stanton, N. J.) and Mary Helen (Polhemus) De Mott (b. My 9, 1 85 1, Fairview, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mgr., Real Est., Loans and Ins. Bus., 1912-18. Pvt., Co. A., nth Bn., Minn. Home Guards, 1917 — . Mem., Onyx Club. Married Mary Gertrude Doherty ('08), Ja i, 1916, Cham- paign. Children: John Irving, b. N 8, 1916; Margaret Aileen, b. Jl 21, 1918. Address, Box 136, Crookston, Minn.; bus. add., Crookston St., Bank Bldg., do. 5094. HERBERT GLENN DERRY Merchant; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 2, 1888, Vermont, 111.; s. William Louis (b. N 3, 1858, do.) and Laura (Kirkbeide) Derry (b. O 29, 1859, do.). Prepared in Vermont H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Stud., Telephone Engng., Educ. Dept., The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co., Denver. Gen. Elec. Lamp Works, Harri- son, N. J., 1912-13; Farm Implement Dealer, Vermont, 111., 1915; Mountain States Tele- phone and Telegraph Co., Denver, 1915-17; Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co., Miami, Ariz., 1917-18; Farm Implement Dealer, Ver- mont, 111., 1918 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Marcaret Hewett, N 10, 1917, Globe, Ariz. Address, Vermont, HI. 5095. JOHN JOSEPH DESMOND Salesman; B. S. in ii. E.; b. Jl 31. 1885, Woodstock, 111.; s. William d. do.) and Mar- garet (Nolan) Desmond (b. do.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Phi Kaiipa; Jr. Prom. Com.; Pres., Sr. Class. Cml. Dept., West. Elec. Co., 1912-14; Salesman, Line Material Co., S. Mil- waukee, 1914 — . Mem., Illini Club of Chicago, 1913 — . Married Elvira J. Lokay, O 30, 1916, Chicago. Child, Sylvia Susan, b. D 14, 1917. Address, 3951 Waveland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Line Material Co., South Milwaukee. 5096. FRED ROBERT DEWEND Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 1 1, 1887, Davenport, la.; s. C. F. Dewend. Prepared in Moline H. S. Address, 2028 6th Ave., Moline, Ill.t 5097. WILLIAM HOVEY DEWEY (Brother of No. 2637) Grain Commissioner; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 5, 1890, Sheffield. 111.; s. William W. (b. Jl 14, 1851, Lunenburgh. Vt.) and May (Williams) Dewey (b. F 6, 1855. Lakesville, Tnd.). Pre- pared in Henry H. S.; Bradley Poly. Tech. Inst., 1909-10. Beta Theta Pi. Clerk, W. W. Dewey & Sons, Grain Commissioners, Peoria, 1912-14; Mem., firm, do., 1914 — . Capt., Q. M. U. S. R., 1917; Asst. Camp Q. M., Syracuse, N. Y. ; Gen. Hdqtrs. A. E. F., France. Mem., Univ. Club of Peoria; Creve Coeur Club; Auto Club; Peoria Bd. of Trade. Address, 119 N. Elmwood Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 26 Bd. of Trade, do. 5098. ROBERT WILLIAM DICKENSON Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 21, 1887, Paris, III.; s. W. W. (b. 1840, do.) and Eliza- beth K. (Rigg) Dickenson (b. Reading Pa.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Agr. Club; Track Team. Asst., Soil Physics, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1912-17; Farm Adviser, Cass Co., 111., 1919— . 2nd Lt., Inf. Sec, O. R. C; ist Lt., Inf., Ind. O. R. C; ist Lt., Signal Corps, Nat. Guard. U. S. ; ist Lt., A. S. S. C. Photographic Section; Mustered out, D ii, 1918. Married Gladys Blanche Wilson, Je 9, 1917, Chicago. Address, Paris, 111.; bus. add., Virginia, 111. S099. HARRY ALLEN DOANE Const. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 6, 1889, Malta, 111.; s. A. C. Doane. Prepared in Syca- more H. S. E. E. Soc. Address, 121 Alma St., Sycamore, Ill.t SI 00. WILFRED M. DOHERTY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 7, 1890, St. Charles, 111.; s. James T. (b. do.) and Julia (Moran) Doherty (b. do.). Prepared in St. Charles H. S. Order of the Coif; Fresh. Honors; Prelim, and Final Honors; Class Football. Law prac- tice, Bulkley, Gray, and More; do., Bulkley, More, and Talmadge, Chicago. 1012 — . Mem. and Dir., St. Charles Club; Chicago Bar Assn. Address, 116 W. Main St., St. Charles, 111.; bus. add., 137 S. La Salle St., Chicago. 5101. OTIS BOND DORSEY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 23, 1890, Perry, 111.; s. John Wilson (b. Mr 22, 1853, do.) and Elizabeth Ellen (Bond) Dorsey (b. F 22, 1861, do.). Prepared in Perry H. S.; Univ. Acad. E. E. Soc. Engng. Dept., Edison Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co., 1912-16; Power Supt. and Elec. Engr., Hopkins & Allen Arms Co., Norwich, Conn., 1916-17. Corp., Co. A. 301st Mach. Gun Bn., Camp Devens, Mass.; Sergt., Co. A, 301st Mach. Gun Bn., 76th Div., A. E. F., France; do., 14th Co., A. C. S.. Camp de la Valbonne. do. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; A. F. A. M., 32nd Degree. Address, 41 Boswell Ave.. Norwich, Conn. 5102. THOMAS DUNN Merchant; A. B. in Bus.; b. N 30, 1889, Moline, 111.; s. George D. (b. do.) and Vera (Tegeler) Dunn (b. Manchester. Eng.). Pre- pared in Moline ?T. S. ; Mil. Stores Service Course, Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Tau Omega; Yoxan. Hardware Bus., San Diego, Calif., 1912-15; do., Moline, 111., 1916-17. U. S. A. S., 1917 — . Mem., Univ. Club, San Diego, Calif., 1913-15. and Moline. 111.; Moline Cml. Club; Rock Island Cml. Club. Address. 1524 3rd Ave., Moline, 111. 5103. PHILLIP R. DUNTON Transportation Engr.; B."S. in M. E.; b. Mr 24, 1885, Salem, Kan.; s. George William (b. S 22, 1853. Farmington Falls, Me.) and Lydia (Schenck) Dunton (b. Ap 4, 1851, Fond du Lac, Wis.). Prepared in Kan. St. Agr. Coll. Trans- portation Engr.. 1912-13; Supt.. Water and Elec. Power Plant, McPherson, Kan., 1913-14; Supt., Water and Elec. Power Plant. Ponca City, Okla., 1914-18- Pvt.. Co. A. 326 Bn., Tank Corps: Sergt., Tank Corps.. Hdatrs. Co. 326 Bn. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Jovian Order, Address, Ponca City, Okla. 452 Univeksitv of Illinois [1912 5104. ELAIR DILWORTH DUVAL Sales Engr. ; B. S. in Ry. C. E. ; b. Ja 4, 1888; s. Jean Cl'arles Eugene (b. Jl 26, 1862, Can.) and Estelle (Carter) Duval (b. S 28, 1865, Bluff City, III.). Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) II. S.; Univ. of Neb., 1906-08. Ilus. Sales Engr., Am. Radiator Co. for Tidewater section of Va. Supt., Const. Q. M. Corps. U. S. A.; Capt. and Adjt., Norfolk Regt., Norfolk Protective League. Married Grace Hartman, Te 4, 1914, New Albany, Ind. Address, 32 Bedford Apts., Norfolk Va. ; bus. add.. P. O. Box 1 163, do. Sios. EDWARD LOUIS EAGLE Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Ag 25. 1889, Streator, 111.; s. Isidore (b. D 8, 1853, Ger.) and Cathe- ine (Whalen) Eagle (b. Ireland). Prepared in Streator H. S. Order of Coif; Philoniathean; John Marshall Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Lawyer. Moline, 111., 1913-16; Asst. St. Atty., Rock Island Co., III., 1916 — . Married Elsie E. Snook, O 28, 1916. Atlanta, 111. Child, Edward Louis, Tr., b. D 23, 1917. Address, 2916 i2th Ave., Moline, 111. 5106. MELVILLE JOSEPH EAMES Chiropractor; A. B. in Sc; b. D 6, 18S9, Garden City. Kan.; s. E. P. Eames. Prepared in Blue Island H. S.; Rush Med. Coll. Chiro- practic Phys., Chicago. Address, 1458 Argyle, Chicago.! Sio;. CLARA ECKHARDT (EVANS) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 28. 1883, Toledo, O.; d. George B. (b. D 31, 1851, Auburn, Ind.) and Mary (WaldvogeD Evans (b. S 15, 1852, Toledo, O.). Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S.; Univ. of Mo.. 1908-09. Alpl'a Xi Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Phi Delta Psi; XL Sc. Club; Soph. Honors. Instr.. Textiles and Sewing. Univ. of Wis., 1912-17. Married Frank Caradoc Evans, Ag 27, 1917, Toledo, O. Address, 20 Ramsay Ave., City Point, Va. S108. LOUISE EISZNER (MAGEE) (Wife of No. 5802; Sister of Nos. 3356, 3720) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Chicago; d. August W. (b. do.) and Elsie M. (Scheurmann) Eiszner (b. Merkenfritz, Ger.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. ; Lewis Inst.. 1908-9. Married Elon C. Magee ('13), S i, 1917, Chicago. Address, Geneseo, 111. 5109. PHILIP R. ELFSTROM Ry. C. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 15, i8qi, Batavia, 111.; s. Axel and Ida (Redborg) Elf- strom. Pre|iared in W. Batavia H. S. Ry. C. Engr.. C. & W. I. R. R., Chicago, 1912-15; C. M. & St. P. R. R., do., 1915-17- 1st Lt., Co. D, 311th Engrs., Camp Grant. 111., 1917-18; do., A. E. F., France, 191S— . Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Address. 215 McKee St., Batavia. 111.; bus. add., C. M. & St. P. R. R., Chicago. 51 10. CHARLES JOHN ELLIOTT (Husband of No. 5762; Sister of No. 5643) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 28, 1889, Toni- ca. 111.; s. Arthur (b. 185S, do.) and Antoinette Emma (Hoffman) Elliott (b. O 20, 1865, do.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. 8. Farmer, Tonica, 111. Married Lillian May King ('13), S 2, 1914, Plymouth, III. Child, Donald Rodnev, b. S 30, 1916. Address, Ton- ica, III. 51 II. ORLAND I. ELLIS Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 16, 1889, Ancona, 111.; s. Orlando I. (b. i860. 111.) and Sadie S. (Armstrong) Ellis (b. D 15, 1869 Pontiac, 111.). Prepared in Dwight and Pontiac Tp. H. S. Asst., Soil Phys. Agr. E.xp. Sta.. Univ. of 111., 19:3-16; ist Asst., do., 1916-18: Assoc, Soil Phys.. do., 1918 — . Address, 1208 \V. Clark St., Urbana; bus. add.. 656 Agr. BIdg.. dv. S112. *EDITH MAE ELMENDORF .\. B. in H. Sc; b. F 28, 1889, Morrison, HI.; d. George Elmendorf. Prepared in Morri- son H. S. Teacher, H. Sc, Stockland, III. Died S 8, 1916, Muncie. 111. 5 1 13. JOHN L. ERNST Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. D 3, 1888, E. St. Louis, 111.; s. Henry (b. My 18, 1863, Sim- mershausen, Hessen Cassel, Ger.) and Anna Helen (Seeger) Ernst (b. D 28, 1S65, do.). Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Arch. Club. Oraftsnian, Estimator and Engr., Hiram Lloyd 15. & C. Co., St. Louis, 1912-1-: Contractor's Kngr. on reconst. of Compton Hill Reservoir, (/<)., 1915-16; Kresse & Ernst. Archs., 1917-18; Cost Engr., U. S. West. Cartridge Plant Exten., East Allen, 111. Mem., St. Louis Arch. Club; Immanuel Evangelical Church: V. P., So. 111. Evangelical Sunday Schs. Address, 906 N. 17th St.. East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 419 \'ictoria Bldg., St. Louis. 5114. ALEXANDER WATMAUGH ERSKINE (Brother of No. 3724) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 26, 1888, Eagle Grove, la.; s. Robert (b. Ap 10, 1847, Gallashiels, Scotland) and Mary (Goodspeed) Erskine (b. F 28, 1S58, Constantia, N. Y.). Prepared in Oak Park II. S. Triangle. Engr., C. & N. W. Ry., 1912-is; U. S. Govt. Valuation Div., Interst. Commerce Dept., 1915-17. ist Lt., E. O. R. C, A. E. F., r ranee, 1917 — . Married Maude Underwood, Jl 13, 1912. Chi- cago, Child, James A., b. My 1913 Address, 304 N. East Ave., Oak Park, 111. SI 15. NELLIE ERSKINE (BENJAMIN) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 16, 1890, Chicago; d. Frank David (b. N 14, 1863, Mo.) and Mary Jane (Shurtz) Erskine (b. Je 17, 1864, Laze- well Co., 111.). Prepared in McKinley, John Marshall, and Hyde Park H. Schs., Chicago. .Mpha Omicron Pi; Der Deutsche Verein. Mem., Univ. Place Church of Christ. Married Robert Bernard Benjamin, D 21, 1914, Hawarden, Can. Addrcs.^, Hawarden, Sas- katchewan, Can. 51 16. ARTHUR THOMPSON EVANS In.structor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. My 22, 1888, Wellington, 111.; s. R. M. Evans. Prepared in Univ. Acad. A. M., Univ. of Colo., 1915; Ph. D., Univ, of Chicago. 1918. Iris; Class Foot- ball; Class Baseball; Illini Bd. of Control; Sergt.. Univ. Regt. Prin., H. S., Wakefield, \^*is.; Instr., Univ. of Colo.; .Asst. Pathologist, Cereal Investigation, Bur. of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Purdue Exp. Sta., La- fayette, Ind., 191 8 — . .Vuth. : Dragon Flies of the Douglas Lake Region. Mich.; Breedings Habits of Common House-Fly; Jour, of Econ. EiitoDwl., Vol. 9: The Morphology of the Fron- tal Appendage of the Male in the Phyllopod Crustacean Thamnocephalus Platyurus Packard, Reprinted from Jour, of Morhliology, Vol. 26, 191 5. Married 1914. C-hild, Margaret Louise, b. S 26, 1915. Address, Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind. 5117. JOHN EDWARD EVANS Chief Inspector; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 15, 1890. Chicago; s. John H. (b. 1S63, Belmont, Wis.) and Margaret E. (Hughes) Evans (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Asst. Boiler Room Engr.. Fisk St. Sta., Com- monwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1912-13; Kngr., Underwriters Labs., Inc., do., 1913-18; Chief Inspector, Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co., Sp)-ingfield. Mass., 191S-19; Mech. Engr., Wells & Xewlon Co., New York City. Married Leta Anna Whiting, Mr 21, 1913, Washington, la. Child. Richard Walter, b. D 28, 1918. Address, 843 W. 179th St., New York City; bus. add., 292 .\ve. B, do. IQIJJ Baccai.aukkatk Alu mni 453 51 18. WILLIAM HOWARD FARNUM Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 4. 1889, Danville, 111.; s. William E. (b. 0.) and Katie (I'ullcr) Farnum (b. Kent, O.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Arch. Club. Bldp. Supt., Dan- ville, 111., 1912; Struct. Engr., Chicago, 1913- 17; Arch. Engr., Cleveland, 1918 — . Married Cornelia Dammers, Je 23, 1915, Chicago. Child, William Howard, Jr., b. D iS, 1917. Address, 1840 Van ]?uren Road, East Cleveland; bus. add., lOiiJ Euclid Ave., East Cleveland. S118A. ALBIN ISAAC FARR A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 21, 1882, Flanagan, 111.; s. J. Farr. Prepared in No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, 301 S. Main St., Kewanee, 111. SI 19. PER ALEXANDER FAUST Master Mcch.; B. S. in M. E.; b. J,i 2, 1878, Sweden; s. Sven Johanson (b. D 1831, do.) and Anna (Kajsa) Johanson (b. 1833, do.). Prepared in Augustana Coll. Draftsman, Bet- fendorf Axle Co., Bettendorf. la., 1912-13; Shop Foreman and Master Mech., Ark. Valley Smelter, Leadvillc, Colo., 1913-17; Master Mech., United Verde Exten. Min. Co., Clark- dale, Ariz., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Mary Louesa Ilalcomb, S 4, igu, Moline, 111. Address, Clarkdale, Ariz. 5120. LOUIS EUGENE FAYART Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 21, 1889, Springfield, III.; s. Eugene C. Fayart. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Plii Alnha Delta ;^ Illini StatT. Mem., firm of Eugene E. Fayart & Son, Gen. Ins. and Mortgage Loans. 2nd Lt., 9th F. A., Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 15. 1918. V. P., Springfield Illini Club. .'Iddress, 1201 S. 4th St., Springlield, 111.; btts. add., Illinois National Bank Bldg., do. 5121. HARRY FEDDE (Brother of No. 7508) Merchant; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 5, 1890, Peotonc, 111.; s. E. IT. (b. F 13, 1867, Mom- mcnce. 111.) and Elizabeth (Conrad) Fedde (b. F I, 1866, Peotone, 111.). Prepared in Peotone II. S.; Univ. Acad. Sales Engr., Chicago, 1912-13; Furniture Dealer, Peotone, 111., 1913 — . Married Edith M. Craig, Ag 12, 1913, Chicago. Children: Joan E., b. Ap 23, 1913; daughter, b. Je 25, 1918. Address, Peotone, 111. 5122. WINIFRED FEIIRENKAMP Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Milwaukee; d. George (b. Oldenburg, Ger.) and Eleanor (J'Neill (Wil- son) Fehrenkamp (b. Waterloo, N. Y.). Pre- pared in S. Division II. S., Milwaukee; Univ. of Wis.; Milwaukee Norm. Sch. Delta Delta Delta. Lecturer, Lib. Sch. and Arch. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1912 — . .Address, 916 Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., Ricker Lib. of Arch., Univ. of 111., do. 5 1 23. EMMA FELSENTHAL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 8, 1S75, Chi- cago; d. Bernhard (b. 1822, Ger.) and Hen- rietta (Blumenfield) Felsenthal (b. 1837, do.). Prepared in W. Division II. .S., Chicago. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Univ. of 111. Libr. Club, 1911-12. Honors, Eng. and Gen. Literature, Univ. of Chicago. Reference Asst. and Instr., Lib., Univ. of 111., 1912-18; Libn., Lib. of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C, 1918 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 1912 — ; 111. Lib. Assn.; Woman's Cosmopolitan Club, Univ. of 111.; Menorah. Address, c/o Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 5124. CLARENCE WILLIAM FICK Asst. Foreman; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 30, i8qo, St. Joseph, Mo.; s. Julius B. (b. S 10, 1866, do.) and Lillie Amelia (Slecter) Fick (b. Mr 1867, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Aurora H. S. and James -Sterling Morton H. S. Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. ; Class Basketball. Chicago Telephone Co., 1912-13; Tester, Spe- cial Section Foreman, Asst. Gen. Foreman, Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Co. Mem., Edison Club; Bd. of Dirs., 1916-18; Chm., Member- ship Com., A. I. E. E., 1916-18. Address, Ballston Lake, N. Y.; bus. add.. Box 4S2, Schenectady, do. 5125- J.\MES STU.ART FINDLEY Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 3, 1889, Peabody, Kan.; s. Stuart S. (b. 1845, O.) and Mary E. (Hawlcy) F'indley (b. 1855, Vt.). Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. A. 15., Friends Univ., iqu. Concrete and Bldg. Insp., K. C. Terminal Ry., Kansas Citv, Mo., 1912-13; Bldg. and Bridge Insp., M. K. & T. R. R., Parsons, Kan., 191^-16; Instrumentman, C. B. and Q. R. R., Denver, 1916-18; Div. Engr., do., Greybull, Wyo., 1918 — . Mem., Colo. Soc. C. E. .Married llattie B. Codington, O 16, 1915, Falls City, Neb. Child, Gerald Codington h. N 5, 1916. Address, P. O. Box 735, Greybull, Wyo. S126. CHESTER OWEN FISCHER Ins. Agt.; LL. B.; b. Jl 25, 1891, St. Louis; s. Charles Owen (b. Mr 12, 1868, Bloomfield, Mo.) and Emmeline (Raub) Fischer (b. Jl 11, 1870, St. Louis). Prepared in McKink-y II. S., St. Louis. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Sigma Delta Chi; Shield and Trident; Ma-wan-da; Yoxan; Ku KIux; Pan-Hellenic Council; (jlass Football; Fresh. Baseball Mgr.; Soph. Cotil- lion Com.; Bus. Mgr., Illio; .\th. Ed., lUini; Pres., Lincoln League; Jr. Prom Com.; Sr. Stag Com.; Homecoming Com. Law Prac- tice, Pooria, 1012-13; Mgr., Miss. Valley Se- curities Co., 1913-14; Gen. Agt., Mass. Mut. Life Ins. Co., Peoria, 191.1— . Mem., Univ. Club; Peoria Illini Club; Peoria Bar Assn.; Life Underwriters Assn. of Peoria. Married Catherine Faber, O 14, 1915, Peoria. Child Catherine Meyers, b. D 25. 1916. Address 1015 N. Glen Oak Ave., Peoria; bus. add. Suite 604 Lehmann Bldg., do. S127. HAMILTON RODELL FISHBACK (Brother of No. 3734) Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 10, 1890, Marshall, 111.; s. Joseph Sexton (b. 1841, Clark Co., 111.) and Elizabeth (Flesher) Fishback (b. 1847, do.). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. M. S., Jeflersoii Med. Coll., 1915; M. D., do., 1916; Sc. D., do., 1917. Insir., Chem., Med. Stud., Biochem. Research Worker, Jefferson .\lcd. Coll., 1912-17; Res. Phys., Jefferson IIosp., Philadelphia, 1917 — . Mem., I'hi Beta I'i, 1912 — . Married Nellie May Dutton, Ag 20, 1913, St. Joseiih, Mo. Child, Hamilton Rodell, jr., b. D 14, 1915. Address, Altamont, III.; bus. add., Jefferson IIosp., Philadelphia. 5 1 28. LAURA ESTELLE FISHER Exten. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 29, 1883, Kinmundy, 111.; d. 1). E. Fisher. Pre- pared in Kinmundy II. S. Phi Beta Kappa; I St Cabinet V. W. C. .\.; Volunteer Band; Le Cercle Frangais; El Circula Espanol. Exten. See., Y. W. C. A., Des Moines; Supt., H. S., Kinmundy, 111., 1914-17. Address, Kinmundy, ■' S129. LEWIS NEBINGER FISHER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1914; b. Je I, 1890, Decatur, 111.; s. G. W. Fisher. Pre- pared in Decatur H. S.; Milliken Univ. Tau Beta Pi; Triangle. Const, of a sewer system, Baltimore, ist Lt., F. A. .\minunition Trains; 3rd Div., Chickamauga I'ark, Ga. ; do., 3rd .\rmy Tr. Camp, A. E, F., France. Address, 1177 W. Forrest Ave., Decatur, Ill.t SI 30. HARRISON OBI AH FLATT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 2, 1888, Carrollton, 111.; s. Damon and Susan Flatt. Prepared in Carrollton H. S. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Potomac, HI.; do., Eng. and Latin, H. S., Metronolis, 111.; do., Louisville, Ky., 1918 — . Address, 1022 S. 2nd St., Louisville, Ky. 454 University of Illinois I1912 5131- GEORGIA ELIZABETH FLEMING (Sister of Nos. 4652, 513-, 5i33) Associate; B. S. in H. Sc.; b. Ap 2, 1884, Arlington Ilgts., IlL; d. George Wallace (b. Ag 17, 1S59, do.) and Ellen Grahame (Good- fellow) Fleming (b. D 12, i860, Council Bluffs, la.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; (Columbia, 1912-13, summer 1916. Instr., H. So., Univ. of 111., 1913-18; Assoc^ Home Econ., 1918 — . Auth. : Suggestions for (jarment Making, Extcn. Circular No. 14, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Agr., 1917. Address, 1107 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., H. Sc. Dept., Univ. of 111., do. S132. GERTRUDE WALLACE FLEMING (CRICHTON) (Sister of Nos. 4652, 5131. 5133) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O s, 1888, Arlington Hgts., 111.; d. George Wallace (b. Ag 17, 1859, do.) and Ellen Grahame (Goodfellow) Fleming (b. D 12, i860. Council Bluffs, la.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; Scrib- bler's Club. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Herrin, 111., 1912-14; do., Pekin, 111., 1914-16; do.. Olney, 111., 1916-17; Instr., So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1917-18. Married George K. Crichton, S 19, 1918, Olney, 111. Address, Herrin, 111. S133. JOHN GOODFELLOW FLEMING (Brother of Nos. 4652, 5131, 5132) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 21, 1S91, Arlington Hgts.; s. George Wallace (b. Ag 17, 1859, do.) and Ellen Grahame (Goodfellow) Fleming (b. D 12, i860. Council Bluffs, la.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Agr. Club; Pliilo- mathean. Arch., San Francisco. Address, 409 Banders Invest. Bldg., San Francisco. 5134. HERBERT EDWARD FOSTER Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. My 12, 1890, Attica, Ind.; s. Geeorge Edward (b. Mr 9, 1861, do.) and Hattie Grace (Mosier) Foster (b. O 3, 1865, do.). Prepared in Attica (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Chi; Helmet; Ku Klux; Scarab; Shield and Trident; Ma-wan-da; Chm., Jr. Prom Com.; Interschol. ^Igr. Const. Engr., Central Mfg. Dist., Chicago, 1912-15; West. Mgr., Fenestra Const. Co., Chicago, 1915-17. 2nd Lt., N. A., Insp., Materials for Military Rys., Cleveland. Address, 1924 East 105th St., Cleveland. 5135. VIOLA CONSTANCE ERASER (VAUGHAN) (Wife of No. S474) A. B. in Sc.; b. N 17, 1888, Lead, S. Dak.; d. R. S. (b. Scotland) and Mary Louise (Sum- mers) Eraser (h. Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Lead (S. Dak.) H. S.; Yankton Coll., 1908-09; Lib. Sell., Univ. of 111. Asst. Loan l^ibn., Univ. of 111., 191 2-1 5. Married Lynn B. Vaughan, ('12), N 16, 1915, Downers Grove, 111. Chil- dren: Vivian, b. O 23, 1916; Robert Berton, b. O 8, 191 7. Address, Hurley, S. Dak. 5136. PAUL BUCHER FRITCHEY (Brother of No. 5669) Sales Representative; A. B. in L. & A.; b Mr 7. 189 1, Olney, 111.; s. Theodore A. (b Rose Hill, O.) and Lydia (Bucher) Fritchey Prepared in Olney H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1908 09. Kappa Sigma; Bus. Mgr., ///. Mag.: Y M. C. A. Cabinet; Recorder, Y. M. C. A.; Mem bership Com., Lincoln League; Egyptian Club Commercial Club; Chm., Sr. Ball Com.; Pres. Salesmanship Class. Sec, Chamber of Com merce, Jacksonville. 111., 1912-14, Sales Repre sentative, Alexander Hamilton Inst., New York City, Peoria, 1914 • — ■ .Army Y. M. C. A. Sec. Ft. Meyer and Ft. Ethan Allen; A. P. O. 726 A. E. F., France, 191 7. Mem., A. F. A. M B. P. O. E. Address, Olney, 111. 5137. IRENE MASON FUNK (ROYCE) (Sister of No. 8336) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 4, 1891, Kernan, 111.; d. Milton Phillips (b. Ap 24, 1838 Lynn- ville, 111.) and Evolene (Scovell) Funk (b. My 25, 1855 Hornellsville, N. Y.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Classical Club. Teacher, Latin. Kirkland, 111. Married J. A. Royce (died Mr i, 1919, Naperville, 111.) Address, Xaperville, 111. 5138. RALPH JOHN GARBER .\sst. Agronomist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 24, 1890, Deer Creek, 111.; s. John (b. S 7, 1856, Washington, 111.) and Lena (Oswald) Garber (h. Ja 1857, Morton, 111.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S. M. S., Univ. of Minn., 1917. Acacia; Gamma Sigma Delta. Farmer, Gibson eitv. 111., 1912-13; Teacher, H. S., Morgan, Minn., 1913-15; do., Monticello, 111., 1915-16; Asst. Agronomist, L^niv. of Minn., 1917 — . Married Mildf-ed E. Fitschen,Jl 19, 1917, (Dlivia, Minn. Address, 2176 Scudder St., St. Paul; bus. add., Univ. Farm, do. 5139. DANIEL WEBSTER GASKILL A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 24, 1882, Woodlawn, III.; s. E. F. and E. A. Gaskill. Prepared in Ottawa Univ.. Kan. Address, Kell, 111. 5140. RALPH ^^LLSBURY GATES Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Jl 30, 18S9, Wilmette. 111.; s. W'illiam Spaulding (b. Chi- cago) and Lillian Warner (Pillsbury) Gates (b. \. H.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chi: cago. Phi Gamma Delta; Helmet; Alpha Chi Sigma; Varsity Basketball; Class Baseball; V. P., Stud. Union Council. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago; Chem., Victor Chem. Co., Chi- cago Hgts., 111. Pvt. Co. B, 30th Engrs.. A. E. F., A. P. O. 170, France; Mustered out F 3, 1019. Mem., Chicago lUini Club; Ravenswood Golf Club; Chicago Hgts. Golf C"lub; Chicago Hgts. Indus. Club. Address. 40 W. 15th St., Chicago Heights, 111.; bus. add., Victor Chem. Co., Chicago Heights, 111. 5141. ROSA LEE GAUT Pianist; B. Mus. ; b. Ag 27, 1886, Knoxville, Tenn. ; d. J. W. Gaut. Prepared in Knoxville (Tenn.) H. S. Pianist, Dept. of Phys. Tr. for Women, L'uiv. of 111., 1913-18. Address, King- ton Pike, Knoxville, Tenn. 5142. AMELIA LOUISE GAY (Sister of No. 2675) Teacher: A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1915; b. Je 9, 1892, Rockport, 111.; d. James Clark (b. do.) and Tosepliine LTdell (Horton) Gay (b. Horton, 111.). Prepared in Pittslield H. S. Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; Der Deut- sche Verein; Sr. Breakfast Com. Teacher, German, H. S., Elmwood, 111. Address, Rock- port, 111. 5 143. HARRY FOREST GEIST Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; E. E., 1916; b. S 2, 1887. Aurora. 111.; s. Frank A. Geist. Pre- pared in E. Aurora H. S. Varsity Gym. Team. Testing Dept., West. Elec. Co., Pittsburgh; Webster Elec. Co., Racine. W'is. Address, 2230 1 6th St., Racine, W'is.t S144. WaLLIAM SUMNER GENTRY, JR. (Husband of No. 4552) Salesman; B. S. in A. E.; b. F 8, 1889, Frankfort, Ind.; s. William Sumner (b. F 7, 1851, do.) and Etta Albertyne (Cappey) Gen- try (b. Ag 20, 1867, Montmorenci, Ind.). Pre- pared in Valparaiso Univ.; L^niv. Acad.; De Pauw Univ.. 1907. Delta LTpsilon; Helmet; Ku Klux; Mil. Band. Draftsman, Metropolitan St. Ry. Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Instr., Arch., Univ. of 111.; Salesman The Barrett Co.. Kansas City, Mo.; Salesman, The Barrett Co., Madison, Wis. Married Adda Elizabeth Berger ('11), Ja 4, 1914, Dolton, 111. Child. William Berger, b. O 5, 1916. Address, Omaha, Neb. S145. IVALOO GENUNG Asst. Postmaster; B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 31. 1884, Rantoul, 111.; d. Z. R. Genung. Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Asst. Postmaster, Rantoul, 111. Address, Rantoul, 111. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 455 5146. BEN GEST Architect; B. S. in A. B. ; b. Mr 24, 1883, Rock Island, 111.; s. W. H. Gest. Prepared in Augustana Coll. Acad. A. B., Augustana Coll., 1903. Cosmopolitan Club. Arch., Augustana Coll., Canton, S. C. Address, 1203, 2nd Ave., Rock Island, III.; bus. add., c/o Augustana Coll., Canton, S. C. 5147. ARTHUR S. GIDDINGS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 16, 1885, Sterling, 111.; s. Solomon P. (b. N 2, 1837, Vt.) and Emaroy (Capen) Giddings (b. Jl 9, 184^, Vt.). Prepared in Sterling H. S. Transfor- mer Tester, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co., Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1912-14; Concrete Tester, Sish»yon Elec. Light and Power Co., Copco, Calif., 191 7; Engng. Clerk, Northwest. Elec. Co., Portland, Ore., 1918 — : Married Mildred Emmons, My 24, iqi7. Atascadero, Calif. Ad- dress, 639 E. 65th St., North Portland, Ore. S148. PAUL EARNED GILLAN Publisher; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 22, 1887, Milwaukee; s. Silas Young (b. My 21, 1850, Lilly, III.) and Elizabeth (Harned) Gillan (b. Evansville, 111.). Prepared in West Division H. S., Milwaukee.; Univ. of Wis., 1907-8, 1909- 10. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Educ. Publisher, Milwaukee. Mar- ried Marian Elizabeth Ward, Je 22, 19 16. Ad- dress, 420 Jefferson St., Milwaukee. 5149. WINFIELD CORWIN GILMORE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 3, 1890, Pontiac, 111.; s. W. S. Gilmore. Prepared in Gibson City H. S. Iris; Ionian; John Marshall Court Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Class Baseball; Class Foot- ball; Class Bowling. Y. M. C. A. Staff, Wash- ington, D. C. Hdqtrs. Co., i4qth F. A., A. E. F. France. Address, Kiowa, Okla.t 5150. DELBERT GEORGE GIRTON A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 26, 1892, Colorado Springs, Colo.; s. G. N. Girton. Prepared in North Dixon H. S. Delta Upsilon; Delta Kappa Chi; Helmet; Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Class Football; Class Baseball; Class Bowling. With Swift Beef Co., Ltd., London. Address, 58 W. Smithfield, London, E. C. 5151. HARRY FRANKLIN GLAIR Asst. Supt.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 28, 1888, Chicago; s. Louis C. (b. Mr 5, 1864, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Emma K. (Olskey) Glair (h. Jl 8, 1864, do.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Zeta Psi; Ku Klux; Helmet; Mgr., Glee and Mando- lin Club; Fresh. Varsity Baseball. Draftsman, St. Louis, 1912; Engr., Const, and Plant Main- tenance, Whiting, Ind., 1912-14; Asst. Supt., Dept. of Paraffine Oils, Wax, and Candles, Standard Oil Co., do., 1914 — . Married Hor- tense Oliver, N 10, 191.S. Address, 1342 Amy Ave., Whiting, Ind.; bus. add.. Standard Oil 5152. GRACE GLASGOW (Sister of No. 5153) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc. ; M. S., 1913; b.. F 14, 1883, Tennessee, 111.; d. D. Glasgow. Prepared in Tennessee H. S. Dept. of Bact., St. Agr. Coll. and Exp. Sta., Manhattan, Kan. Address, Manhattan, Kan. 5153. RUTH GLASGOW (Sister of No. 5152) Instructor; B. S. in H. Sc; M. S., 1913; b. O I, 1887, Tennessee, 111.; d. D. Glasgow. Pre- pared in Tennessee H. S. Instr., Bact., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Instr., Mellon Inst., Univ. of Pittsburgh. Address, c/o Mellon Inst., Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. 4 5154. LEONARD WOOD GLOVER (Brother of No. 7547) Dir. of Mus.; A. B. in L. & A.; B. Mus., 1914; b.Jl 6, 1887, Urbana: s. John Adams (b. Jacksonville, 111.) and Clara Lobdell (Wood) Glover (b. Ann Arbor. Mich.). Prepared in Urbana U. S. Mu Kappa Alpha; Glee Club. Voice Teacher and Dir., Mus., ist Congr. Church, Cadillac, Mich., 191 5; Voice Teacher, Conservatory of Central Coll., Pella, la., 1915- 16; Dir., Dept. of Voice and Pub. Sch. Mus., S. West. St. Norm. Sch., California, Pa., iqi6- 17; Dir., Dept. of Voice and Pub. Sch. Mus. and Dir. of Chorus, Danus Mus. Inst., Warren, O., 1917—. Auth.: Mus. Tr. for Grade Teachers, Bui., pub. by Commnnwealth, Pa. Mem., Maccabees. Married Bessie Judith Haines, N 25. 1915, Gibson City, 111. Child, John Leonard, b. S i, 1916. Address, 407 Paige Ave., Warren, O.; bus. add., Dana's Mus. Inst., do. 5155- GALEN VAN RENSSELAER GLOYD Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 29, 1884, Macomb, 111.; s. Stephen V. R. (b. Plainfield, Mass.) and Mary Emily (Metcalf) Gloyd (b. Carthage, 111.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Scarab; ^nxan. Arch., Whitsitt & Schulzke, Archs., Moline, 111. Married Betty Ilittle, Jl 5, 19 15, New Palestine, Ind. Address, Moline, 111. 5156. PEARL HAZELETTE GOBEN (TILEY) B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 13, 1889, Crawfords- ville, Ind.; d. John L. Goben. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Charge of G. W. C. A. Cafe, Decatur, 111.; Mgr., Cafeteria, H. S., Champaign. Married Lester F. Tiley, Ap 17, 1918, Danville, 111. Address, 109 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 5157- JULIUS LUDWIG GOEBEL, JR. (Brother of Nos. 4676, 5158, 6903) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. D 3, 1892, Menlo Park, Calif.; s. Julius (b. My 23, 1857, Frankfurt-A-Main, (jer.) and Kathryn (Vreeland) Goebel (b. D 3, i860, Hackensack, N. J.). Prepared in Palo Alto (Calif.) H. S. and Cambridge (Mass.) Latin Sch. Ph. D., Columbia, 1915. Phi Eta: Adel- phic; Lambkins; V. P., Soph. Class; Emblem Com.; Class Poet; Varsity Swimming; Illini Staff; Ed. and Founder, Siren: Harris Pol. Sc. Prize. Research Asst., 111. Efficiency and Econ. Com., 1913-14; Cutting Travelling Fellow in Diplomacy, Columbia, 1915-17; Legal Adviser to Legation of Switzerland. 191 7; Limited service, Ft. Thomas, Ky., 191 8; Mustered out, D 7, 1918. Atty., Mem., Dist. of Columbia Bar, 1917 — . Auth.: The Recognition Policy of the U. S., Longmans Green & Co., 1915; The Increase of Crime in the LT. S., Jour, of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1913; A Politi- cal Prophecy of the Forty Lighters, Yearbook of the Gcr. Am. Hist. Soc. of III., 1912; The Internal. Responsibility of States for Injuries Sustained by Aliens. Am. Jour. International Law, 1914; also many book reviews for scienti- fic jours. Mem.. Cosmos Club. Address, Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C; bus. add., 1439 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. 5158. LOUISE GOEBEL (BECK) (Sister of Nos. 4676, 5157, 6903) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 7, 1890, Hackensack, N. J.; d. Julius (b. My 23, 1857, Frankfurt-A-Main, Ger.) and Kathryn (Vree- land) Goebel (b. D 3, i860, Hackensack, N. J.). Prepared in Palo Alto (Calif.) H. S. and Cambridge (Mass.) Latin Sch.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1914-17. Phi Beta Kappa; Fresh., Prelim., and Final Honors; Alethenai. Sub- stitute, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1915-16; Reader, do., 1916-17; Pvt. Tutor, 1914-18 Instr., The Ship- ley Sch., 1916-18. Married Jean Baptiste Beck, Je 15, 1912. LTrbana. Address, 227 Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. SI 59. FRANK ELWOOD GOODING Chemist; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap i, 1886. Hanna City, III.; s. L. R. Gooding. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. A. S. E. E.; Bradley 4S6 University of Illinois [1912 Club. Asst. Chem., People's Gas, Light, and Coke Co., Chicago; Ed. Staff, Factory Maga- zine. Married Esther Elsie Householder, S rS, 191 5. Address, 4618 S. Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago.t 5 1 60. BYNE FRANCES GOODMAN Assistant; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 191 3; b. F 6, 1890, Bondville, 111.; d. Frances Smith (b. Ag 21, 1859, Peoria Co., 111.) and Lydia Belle (Gaddis) Goodman (b. My i, 1863, Dermitt Co., 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Fellow, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1913-14. Alpha Xi Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Hist. Soc; Special Honors; Harris Pol. So. Prize. Head Asst., Hist. Dept., H. S., Champaign, 1914-18; Asst., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 816 W. Hill St., Champaign. S161. CHARLES GORDON Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; My 5, 1890, Indianapolis; s. Samuel Gordon. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Prelim. Honors. Testing Engr., Chicago Ry. Co.; Engr,, Equip- ment Dept., Chicago surface lines. Married Rinda Morgan. Child, daughter, b. D 15, 1912. Address, 5435 Augusta St., Chicago. t 5162. FRED GUYON GORDON (.Brother of No. 1506) Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. Ag 5, 1891, Port Collins, Colo.; s. Joseph Allen (b. F 2, 1847, Vandalia, 111.) and May Abby (Hinck- ley) Gordon (b. Ag 5, 1854, Boston). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Tan Beta Pi. D. H. Moury, Consulting Engr., Chicago; Office of Canton- ment Const., Washington, D. C. Address, 15th and M Sts. N. W., Washington, D. C. 5163. WILLIS GAYLORD GORDON Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 20, 1889, Towanda, Pa.; s. Alfred Sumner Gordon (b. F 12, 1856). Prepared in Towanda (Pa.) H. S.; Syracuse Univ., 1907-08. Eta Kappa Nu. Sales Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Harrison, N. J. and San Francisco, 1912-16; Dept. Mgr., Pacific Sts. Elec. Co., San Francisco, 1916-17. En- listed Signal R. C. ; Sergt.. ist class, Co. C, 316th Field Signal Bn., Lewis Branch, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 6131 University Ave., Chicago. 5164. JOHN EUBANKS GOSSETT Mgr., Ins. Co.; A.B. in Bus.; b. Ag 26, 1889, Norris City, 111.; s. William H. (b. do.) and Laura L (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Capt., Swimming; Class Football. Butler Bros., Chicago, 1912; Kieckhefer Box Co., Milwaukee, 1913; Travelers Ins. Co., do., 1913-16; Mgr., do., Toronto, Can., 1916-18. Married Aura V. Cos sett, D 15, 1 91 4, Waukegan, 111. Address, Standard Bank Bldg., Toronto, Can. 5165. LOUIS HILL GOURLEY Am. Vice Consul; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 17. 1889. Springfield, 111.; s. Albert F. (b. do.) and Tennie (Craig) Gourley (b. Guelph, Can.). Piepared in Springfield H. S. A. M., George Washington Univ., 1916; Columbia, summer. 1015. Lambda Chi Alpha: Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Prof., Colegio de San Luis, San Luis Potosi, Mex., 1912-13; Am. Consulate, \eracruz, Mex., 1913-15, 1916— . Address, Consulado Americano, Veracruz, Mex. 5166. FLORENCE HARRIETT GRABBE (STEWART) (Sister of No. 755^) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 14. i88q, Philo, 111.; d. John Christian (b. Je 21, 1827, Litsbuttel, Ger.) and Laura Belle (Shephard) Grabbe (b. F 22, 1870, Scotland, Ind.). Prepared in Philo H. S. H. Sc. Club. Married Charles E. Stewart, S 21, 1915, Urbana. Addi'ess, 2229 Oregon Ave., St. Louis. 5167. CHARLES WARREN GRAINGER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 4, 1889. Chi- cago; s. John Grainger. Prepared in Armour Night Sch. Asst. Chief Engr., the Concrete Steel Products Co. Address, 6514 LaFayette Ave., Chicago. S168. LESTER HERBERT GRAVES Secretary; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 19, 1889, Milwaukee; s. Herbert G. (b. Sparta, Wis.) and Luella E. (Morse) Graves (b. do.). Pre- pared in E. Div. H. S., Milwaukee and Lake View' H. S., Chicago. Zeta Psi; Phoenix; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Class Basketball. Sec, X-Ray Reflector Co., New York City. Mem., Illuminating Engrs. Soc, Bd. of Mgrs., N. Y. Section. Mar- ried Helen Mann, Je 15, 1915, Chicago. Child, Lester Herbert, Jr., b. Je 18, 1917. Address, . 933 Washington Ave., Pelham Manor, N. Y.; bus. add., 31 W. 46th St., New York City. 5169. JOSEPH PEACOCK GREEN Ins. Agt.; B. S^ in Agr.; b. S 3, 1890, Chi- cago; s. A. B. Green. Prepared in Armour Acad. Delta Upsilon; Helmet; Soph. Cotillion Com. With The Excelsior Liability Co., Chi- cago. Married Ethel Vivian Beadell, 1914. Address, c/o Excelsior Liability Co., Chicago. 51 70. LONSDALE GREEN, JR. (Brother of No. 6914) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 31, 1889, Anniston, Ala.; s. Lonsdale (b. Ja 22, 1864, Montreal, Can.) and Nellie (Wilder) Green (b. N 12, 1863, College Hill. Cincinnati). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Fresh. Football; Fresh. Swimming; Varsity Swimming; Class Football. Engr., Brown Portable Elevator Co.. Chicago, 1912-14; Jo., H. W. Johns-Man- ville Co., do., 1914-15; Acoustical Engr., do., N. Y. branch, New York City, 191.5-17. Flving Ca- det. A. S. S. C, U. S. A., 1917; 2nd Lt., Reserve Mil. Aviator, Gerstner Field, Lake Cliarles, La., 1918; Camp Dick, Tex; Langley Field, \'a., 1918; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Address, 296 Madis&n Ave., New York City; bus. add., H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New York City. 5 1 71. SAMUEL ELZA GREGG Farmer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 11, 1888, Ludlow, 111.; s. S. M. Gregg. Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Married Julia E. Pontius, S i3> 1913. Rantoul, 111. Address, Rantoul, 111. 5172. LOGAN GLASSGOW GRIFFITH Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 21, 1887, Pana, 111.; s. Samuel E. (b. S 25, 1847, Dresden, O.) and Bell (Glassgow) Griffith (b. N 14, i860, Noko- mis, 111.). Prepared in Pana H. S.; Univ. of Mich., Summer, 1911. Lawyer, Pana, 111.; Master in Chancery, Pana City Court; Coun- sel for Bd. of Local Improvement, 1913-17; Counsel for Tp. of Pana, 1915-17; Elected Co. Judge of Christian Co.. 111.. N iqi8 — . Mem., M. E. Church; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; K. P. Married Effie P. Rasmussen, Jl 22, 1915, Pana, 111. .Address, S. Fair Ave., Pana, 111.; bus. add., Kitchell Block, do. 5173. DONALD KAREL GROVES Mfrs. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 14, 1888, Williamsville, 111.: s. J. W. Groves. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Theta Lambda; Class Baseball; Dramatic Club; Mask and Bauble Cast; Bus. Mgr., 111. Union Dram- atic Club. Mfrs. Agt. Married Louise Hoo- ver, D 24. 1916. Address, 28 S. Jefferson St., Chicago; bus. add., 259 Fullerton Ave., De- troit. S174. EVANGELINE EUNICE GROVES (HUNTER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 20, 1888, Mahomet. 111.; d. J. R. (jroves. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Athenean; ist and 2nd Y. W. C. A. Cabinets. Married Dr. Merlin H. Hunter, D 24, 1918, Champaign. Address, 501 E. Green St., Champaign. I9I2] Baccac.aureatk Alumni 457 5 1 75- PERCY WLLCOX GUMAER Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; A. B.; b. D ;, 1887, Buffalo, N. Y.; s. A. G. Gumaer. Pre- pared in Martin Park H. S., Buffalo, N. Y. Easterner Club; Water Polo. Instr.. E. E., A. and M. Coll. of Tex.; Dept. of E. E., Univ. of Mo. Address, Columbia, Mo.t 5176. *CHARLES LE ROY Gl'STAFSON Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 28, 1885, Boone, la.; s. Charles (b. 1862, Sweden) and Eva Gager (Pike) Gustafson (b. 1864, Glenn Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in Boone (la.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Scarab; Yoxan; Glee Club. Draftsman, Office, Supt. Arch., Univ. of 111.; ist Lt. Signal Corps, A. E. F., France; Adjt., Aero Sell., do.; Capt., do. Kilk'd in accident in France, F 24, 1919. S177. MARY ANNA HAAN (Sister of No. 6926) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. Jl 22. 1892, Marysville, Kan.; d. George W. (b. 1864, Crown Point, Ind.) and Jane Ellen (Osborne) Haan (I). 1864, Eng:). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Teacher, II. S., Monticello, 111., 1913-16; do., Aurora, 111., 1916 — . Ad- dress, 344 Marion Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add.. West. H. S., do. 5178. VALENTINE BERNARD HABRYL B. S. in E. E.; b. N 27, 1889. Chicago; s. Stanley Habrylwicz. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Class Football. Address, 3112 Davlin Court, Cliicago.f 5179. THOMAS LLOYD HAINES, JR. Atlas Ed.; A. B. in Bus.; b. N 29, 1887, Chicago; s. T. L. Haines. Prepared in Lewis Inst.; Occidental Coll. Beta Theta Pi. Atlas Ed., Film Co. Address, 636 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco. t 5180. ALBERT LEANDER HALL Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 25, 1889, Worcester, Mass.; s. John E. (b. Mr i, 1866, Sweden) and Augusta (Olson) Hall (b. N 5. 1863, do.). Prepared in Waukegan IL S. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Varsity Football and Basket- ball. Lawyer, Honolulu, H. I., 1912-13; do.. Chicago, 1913-18. F. A., Central O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky. ; Mustered out, D 1918. Married Orpah Starratt, Ag 25. 1915, Chicago. Address, 1305 Farwell Ave., Chicago; bits, add., lo S. La Salle St., do. 5 1 81. HOMER HALL Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. My 30, 1887, Belvidere, IIU; s. Fred and Nellie (Bowen) Hall. Prepared in Belvidere {a. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-8. Ionian; Scribblers'; ///. Mag. Staff. Master's Scholar- ship. Eng. Instr., H. S., Rockford, 111., 1913- 14; do., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1914-15; do., Okla. Mech. and Agr. Coll., 1918. Address, 223 West St., Stillwater, Okla. 5182. AMY IRWIN HAMPTON (MEYER) (Sister of No. 3393) B. Mus.; b. My 16, 1887, Eliza, 111.; d. Mil- lard F. (b. S 11, 1856, Rock Island Co., 111.) and Nora (Irwin) Hampton (b. D 5. 1859, do.). Prepared in Hedding Coll., Univ. Acad. Ach- oth; Athenean. Married Henry Carl Meyer. N 7, 1914, Muscatine. la. Child, Henry Carl, Jr., b. F 27, 1917. Address, Muscatine, la. S183. ALFRED CHESTER HANFORD Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. Ap 12, 1891. Makanda, 111.; s. G. C. Han- ford. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Philomath- ean; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Scholarship in Hist., Univ. of 111.; Asst., Pol. Sc; Instr., Govt., Harvard Univ. Q. M. Dept., Norfolk, Va. Address, 3 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 5184. JOHN PAUL HANNA (Brother of 5185) Arch, and Farmer; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 8, 1889, Los Angeles; s. Tames Carswell (b. 184^, Salem, N. Y.) and Idella M. (Hawley) Haniia (b. 1857, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in W. Aur- ora H. S.; Univ. of Tex., 1908-09. Phi Kappa Psi; Tau Beta Pi; Yoxan; Scarab; Pres. Glee and Mandolin Club. Arch., Chicago, 1912-13; do.. Chicago and Pittsburgh, 1914; do., Chi- cago, 191 5; Arch, and Farmer, Chicago and Union, 111., 1916 — . Address, 2 W. Walton Place, Chicago. 5185. PHILIP SYDNEY HANNA (Brother of 5184) Bank Examiner; A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 9, 1887, Aurora, 111.; s. James Carswell (b. 1843, Salem, N. \'.) and Idella M. (Hawley) Hanna (b. 1857, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in W. Aur- ora H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Helmet. Economist, 1912-14; Country Bank, 1914-17; Bank Exam- iner, Lansing, Mich., 1917 — . Married Marion Bartlett, N 22, 1913, Detroit. Children: Eliza- beth, b. S 19, 1914; Barbara, b. N 10, 1916. Address, Bay City, Mich.; bus. add., c/o Com- missioner of Ranking, Lansing, Mich. 5186. VIGGO HANSEN Asst. Quarterman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 19, 1889, Morris, 111.; s. James (b. F 10, 1853, Denmark) and Marie (Christensen) Hansen (b. 0_2o, 1853, do.). Prepared in Morris H. S. Phi Sigma Kajjpa; Jr. Smoker Com. Concrete Foreman, C. M. and St. P. R. R., Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1912; Struct. Engr., la. Steel and Iron Works, Cedar Rapids, la., 1912-18; Asst. Quarterman, Cramps Shipyard, Philadelphia, 1918 — . Married Mary C. jewctt, Mr i, 1913, Cedar Rapids, la. (Divorced). Child, William James, b. D 29, 1913. Address, 1417 N. 13th "St., Philadelphia; bus. add., Wm. Cramps Ship and Engine Bldg. Co., do. 5187. CLAUDE LYNN HANSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 24, i8go, Batavia, 111.; s. John J. (b. Ag 12, 1853, Swed- en) and Emma (Lynn) Hanson (b. Jl 16, 1861, do.). Prepared in W. Batavia H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Engr., Kansas City, Mo., 1912-13; do., Mandan, N. D., 1913-14; do., Batavia, 111., 1914 — . Address. 215 Elm St., Batavia, 111.; bus. add., 138 Fox St., Aurora, 111. 5188. JOSEPHINE ALICE HAPPER Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 19, 1889, Morrison, 111.: d. Joseph Finley (b. My 9, 1849, Albany, 111.) and Alice Margaret (Ben- nett) Happer (b. D 9, 1849, Newton, 111.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Achoth. Pupil Dietitian, 111. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, summer, 1912; Dietitian, St. Hosp., do., Jamestown, N. Dak., 1912-13; do.. City Hosp., Akron, O., [913-16; do., Presby. Hosp., Chicago, 1917-18; U. S. A., do.. Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C: do., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 1750 W. Congress St., Chicago. 5189. GEORGE A. HARNOCK Office Mgr.: B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 8, 1889. Chicago; s. Charles F. (b. 1864, Loda, III.) and Lina (Baker) Harnock (b. 1864, Milford, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Corre- spondent, Sales Dept., Universal Portland Cement Co., 1912-13: Tech. Investigator, Efficiency Bur., Chicago, 1913; Dist. Sales Mgr., Success Co., Branch Office, Danville, 111., 1Q14-17; Branch Office Mgr., Auto Vacuum Freezer Co., Denver, 1917 — . Married Ethel Mary Johnson, Jl 12, 1917, Denver. Address, 423 N." Jefferson St., Dallas, Tex. 5190. BERNICE HARRISON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 15, 1891, Sadorus, 111.; d. Benjamin (b. Je 1849, do.) and Martha Jane (Cook) Harrison (b. D 12, 1855, Ivesdale. 111.). Prepared in Champaign 458 University of Illinois [1912 H. S. Grad. Work, Univ. of 111., 1914. Achoth; Kappa Delta Pi; Sec. Sr. Class. Teacher. Math., H. S., Homer, 111.; do., Mt. Carmel, 111.; do., Decatur, 111. Address, 707 W. Hill St.. ChampaigTi. 5191. H.\gEL CHARLOTTE HART A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 2, 1887, Boswell; d. A^ E. Hart. Prepared in Rockford II. S. Le Cercle Frangais; Spanish Club. Address. 1516 E. 65th St.. Chicago. t 5192. SUSAN ALICE HASH (HUBBARD) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 2, 1887, Boswell, Ind.; d. WiUiam H. (b. S 22, 1847, Mt. Vernon, Mo.) and Elizabeth (Bonewell) Hash (b. Ag 21, 1850, Shawnee Mound, Ind.). Pre- pared in Boswell (Ind.) H. S.; Oberlin Con- servatory of Music, 1907-8. Alpha Omicron Pi; W. A. A.; Basketball. Married Dale Hubbard, Ja i, 191 4, Boswell, Ind. Child WHliam Clark, b. S 22, 1917. Address, Bos- well, Ind. 5193. EGBERT JOSHUA HASSELQUIST Mach. Designer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 24, 1884, Rock Island, 111.; s. Joshua (b. Gales- burg, 111.) and Margaret (Leaf) Hasselquist (b. Sweden). Prepared in Augustana Acad., Rock Island, 111. Tool and Special Mach. De- signer, Deere and Co., Moline, 111., 1912-13; do., Rock Island Arsenal, 1914: do., Barge iSc Beek, Moline, 111., 1914; do., Rep., Iron and Steel Co., 1914-15; do., Moline Auto Co., 1915; do., R. & V. Engng. Co., 1915-16; Jeffrey Mfg. Co., Columbus, 19 1 6 — . Mem., Engrs. Club of Columbus; A. S. M. E. Address, 76 W. 2nd Ave., Columbus. 5194. ELIZABETH MARY HATCH Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b. My 22, 1899, Chicago; d. Robert James and Emma Honora Hatch. Prepared in N. W. Div. H. S.; Lewis Inst. Sigma Xi. Teacher, Math., Farmer City, 111., Tp. 11. S., 1912-13; Prin., Yorkville, 111., 1914-16. Mem.. Chicago Coll. Club; Chicago .Vssn. of Collegiate Alumnae; Alliance Francais of Chicago; V. P. and Treas., Univ. of 111. Alumnae -Assn. Address, 3905 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. S195. KOICIII HATTORI Teacher; li. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 6, 1880, Sap- poro, Japan; s. Korenori Ilattori. Prepared under pvt. tutor. Teacher, Sapporo Agr. Coll., Japan. Address, No. i, Naebo Sapporo Hok- kaido, Japan. t S196. CLARENCE I. HAVEN Farmer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O i, 1888, Greenfield, 111.; s. A. R. (b. F 14, 1866. do.) and Sally A. (Vandaveer) Haven (b. F 20, 1862, do.). Prepared in Greenfield H. S. Tri- angle; C. E. Club. Asst. Engr., Baltmiore Sewerage Comn., 1912-15; Supt. and Engr., James Ferry & Sons, Gen. Contrs., Atlantic City, N. J., 1915-17; Farmer, Greenfield, 111., 191 7 — . Married Helen D. Haven, N 11, 1914, Baltimore. Child. Dorothy Claire, b. Ap 27, 1917. Address, Greenfield, 111. 5197. WILLIAM HAWKES Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 14. 1874, England; s. William (b. do.) and Anne (Har- dy) Mawkes (b. O 20, 1840, do.). Prepared in Hedding Coll. Acad.; St. Norm. Univ. Supt., Schs., Litchfield, 111., iqi2-i6; do., Lincoln, 111., 1916 — ; Instr., Math., St. Norm. LIniv., summers 1913-18. Address, Lincoln, 111. 5198. JOHN BALDWIN HAWLEY Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 4, 1888, Peabody, Kan.; s. Theodore Simon (b. 1858, Carthage, 111.) and Margaretta M. (Miller) Hawley (b 1856, do.). Prepared in Trinidad (Colo.) II. S.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1906-07, 1908-09. Arch. Draftsman, Santa Ana, Calif., 1912-14; Practicing Arch., do., 1914-15; Mech. Draftsman, St. Dent, of Engng., Sacramento, Calif., 1915-16; MTech. Insp., 1916-17; Chief Mech. Draftsman, St. Dept. of Engng., Sac- ramento, Calif., 1917 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Gen. Cihm., 1918 Calif. St. Christian Endeavor Convention. Married Nellie Edna Bacon, Ag 19, 1914, Santa Ana, Calif. Child, Juanita May, b. My 13, 1916. Address, 1522 Que St., Sacramento, Calif. 5199. DON LLEWELYN HAYS Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 28, 1888, Cleveland; s. George M. (b. 1864, Pa.) and Jennie (Jones) Hays (b. Je 14, 1870, No. Wales). Prepared in Helena (Mont.) H. S.; r.illings, (Mont.) H. S.; Armour Inst, of Tech., i9<>9- V. P., E. E. Soc. With West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1912-13; West. Elec. Co., Omaha, Neb., 1914-15; Sales Mgr., M. F. Shafer & Co., Omaha. Neb., 1916-17. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; Mt. Calvary Commandery, K. T.; Tangier Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Y. M. C. A.; Trinity Cathedral. Address, 440 Y. M. C. A. Hldg.. Omaha, Neb. 5200. HARRY NORMAN HAYS I'armer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 13, 1889, Be- irient. 111.; s. H. M. Hays. Prepared in Be- raent H. S. Address, Bement, Ill.t 5201. LLOYD LANNES HELM (Brother of Nos. 3023, 8410) Wholesale Tobacconist; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 28, 1890, Metropolis, 111.; s. Douglas W. (b. Jl 23, i860, Johnson Co., 111.) and Mary (Hornell) Helm (b. F 17, 1863, do.). Pre- pared in Metropolis II. S. Egyptian Club. Ins. Agt., Crane Ins. Agency, St. Louis, 1913; Bus. Mgr., Massac Jour. Rep., Metropolis, 111., 1914-15; With Fred Opp, Wholesale Leaf To- bacco Co., St. Louis, 1916-17. 2nd. Lt., Co, C, 310 Ammunition Train, 85th Div., A. E. F., France, 1917 — . Address, Metropolis, 111. 5202. HENRY B. HENLEY (Brother of No, 5203) Florist; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 7, 1889, Car- thage, Ind.; s. W. P. (b. 1847, do.) and Ida (Steere) Henley (b. 1S50, .\driaii, Mich.). Prepared in Carthage (Ind.) H. S.; Ann Ar- bor (Mich.) H. S.; LTniv. of Mich-, 1908-09. Class Bowling Team. Morist, Richmond, Ind., 1912-14; do., llartford City, Ind., 1914-18; do., Terre Haute, Ind.. 1918 — . Pres.. Christian En- deavor; do., Brotherhood of Presby. Church. Married Kathcrine Newsom, Je 27, 1917, Car- thage, Ind, Address, 1018 S. 17th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 5203. ROBERT MORROW HENLEY (Brother of No. 5202) Florist; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 7, 1889, Carth- age, Ind.; s. William P. (b. 1847, do.) and Ida (Steere) Henley (b. 1850, Adrian, Mich.). Prepared in Carthage (Ind.) H. S.; Ann Ar- bor (Mich.) II. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1908-09. .\gr. Club.; llort. Club. Florist, Carthage, Ind.; do., Richmond, Ind.; do., Cincinnati; do., Dayton, O. ; do., Hartford City, Ind. Married Mary Kenworthy, N 1015, Richmond. Ind. Child, Marion Elizabetlli. b. O 1, 1916. Address, Hartford City, Ind. 5204. OTHO MANSON HENN Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 16, 1886, Redmon, 111.; s. J. Henn. Prepared in Univ. .\cad. Psi Upsilon. .'Iddress, 1218 Corby Forsee Bldg., St. Joseph, Mo. 5205. HAROLD HARVEY HERBERT Professor and Ed.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 30, 1888, Freeport, 111.; s. Edwin Day (b. Mr. 10, 1854, Lancaster, N, Y.) and Annie Rachel (Mitchell) Herbert (b. O 23, 1846. Freeport, 111.). Prepared in Interior Acad., Dakota; Freeport H. S.; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1918. 191-'] Baccalaureate Alumni 45 9 Chi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Delta Kappa Chi; Shield and Trident; Ma-wan- da; Scribblers; Assoc. Ed., Illio; Managing Ed., Asst. Ed., and Ed., Daily Illini. City Ed., Daily Jour., Freeport, 111., 1912; Telegraph Ed., Even- ing Jour., Peoria, 1912-13; Instr., Jour., Univ. of Okla., 1913-14; Asst. Prof, of Jour., do., 1914-15; Assoc. Prof., do., 1915-17; l)ir. of Sch. of jour, and I'rof., do., 191 7 — ; Part owner. Transcript, Norman, Okla. Mem., Am. Assn. of Teadhers of Jour. Address, 712 Asp Ave., Norman, Okla.; bus. add., Dept. of Jour., Univ. of Okla., do. 5206. BESSIE EDNA HERSMAN (Sister of No. 3771) Sec, Y. W. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 25, 1890, Hcrsman, 111.; d. George Jacob (b. 1853, do.) and Alice Leslie (Mcdaw) Hersman (b. 1862, Roseville, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Ale- thenai. Asst. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Rock- ford, 111., 1912-13; do.. Cedar Rapids, la., 1914-17; Teacher, II. S., Hersman, III, 1918 — . Address, Hersman, 111. 5207. CHARLES KAY HEWES (Husband of G383; Brother of Nos. 2693. 2694) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; M. S., 1914; b. Je 3, 1889, Quincy, 111.; s. (."harles Travis (h. Je 18, 1857, Payson, 111.) and Mary Ktta (Sinnock) Hewcs (b. l'" 24, 1859, do.). Pre- pared in Quincy IL S. Alpha Chi .Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Prelim, and Special Honors. Research Chcm., Lab. of Petroleum Tech., Throop Coll. of Tech., I'asadena, Calif., 1914-16; Chem., Gen. Petroleum Corp., Los Angeles, igi6 — . Mem., Com., So. Calif. Section of A. C. S.' on standardization of tests of petroleum products, 1918: A. C. S., 191 1 — . Married Frances Marjorie Kilburne (g'12). Jl 29, 1914, Pasadena, Calif. Address, 716 W. 30th St., Los Angeles. 5208. JAMES HERBERT HEWITT Contr. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 13, i«88, Summerbeld, 111.; s. J. H. Hewitt. Prepared in McKendree Coll.; A. B., do., 1908. Ad- dress, 126 Collinsville Ave., East St. Louis, Ill.f 5209. GEORGE EDWARD HINCHLIFK Contractor; A. B. in Sc ; b. Je i, 1890, Evanston, 111.; s. George HinchlifF. Prepared in McKinley II. ,S. Phi (Jamma Delta; Hel- met; Scarab; Glee CIul); Orange and I'due; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Hat Com.; Class Base- ball. Bldg. Contr.; Associated with a con- tract ma.son, Chicago. Address, 1408 Security Bldg., Chicago. 5210. CLYDE MONROE IIOBART A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. Te 16, 189.1. Decatur, 111.; s. C. M. Hobart. Prepared in Gilman II. S.; Cornell LIniv. Married Elsie Ferguson, O 10, 19 13, Ithaca, New York. Ad- dress, 2956 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 521 1. ATHERTON WELLS IIOBLER Advertiser; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 2, 1890, Austin, 111.; s. Edward G. (b. S 8, i860, Batavia, III.) and Harriet E. (Wells) Hobler (1). Ag 14, i860, Geneva, 111.). Prepared in Batavia H. S. Chi Psi; Glee and Mandolin Club; Class Basketball; Class Football; Class Baseball; Sr. Ball Com. Gen. office work, .\ppleton Mfg. Co., Batavia, 111., 1911; Credit Mgr., do., 1912; Gen. Sales Mgr., do., 1913-17; Gardner Advertising Co., 55(t. Louis, 1917. .^uth.: A number of articles in Implement Trade Paper. Mem., Mo. Ath. Assn.; City Club of St. Louis; Sec.-Treas., Sales Mgrs. Dept., Nat. Imijlement and Vehicle Assn.; Sec.-Treas. Windmill CIul) of .Am. Married Ruth Charles Windsor Mr 30. 1914. Batavia, 111. Child, Edward Windsor, b. Mr 12, 1917. Address, 17th and Locust, St. Louis. 5212. EDMUND G. HOEPPNER Const. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 15, 1889, Eau Claire, Wis.; s. Frederick J. (b. F 4, 1854, Ger.) and Bertha (Krueger) IIoej)pner (b. .'\g 26, 1859, do.). Prepared in Eau Claire (Wis.) H. S. Phi Sigma Kapua; Scabbard an (Smith) Kelley. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; L'niv. of Chicago. Cosmopolitan; PhilomatheaU; Mask and Bauble. Correspondent. Sears Roe buck & Co.. 1913-15; Cml. Teacher, 1915 — , Address, 528 S. Lacondale Ave., Chicago. 5243. ABXER FRED KENDALL Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 12. 18S6, Watseka, 111.; s. A. T. Kendall. Prepared in Watseka H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Fuller Moot Court; Coll. Dancing Club: Jr. Cap Com.; Law Dance Com.; Lincoln League; Sr. Ball Com. 3rd O. R. T. C; 2nd. Lt., Camp Hancock, Ga. Ad- dress, Watseka, 111. ♦ 5244. GEORGE BROPHY KENDALL Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 17, 1876, Adams Co., 111.; s. Charles A. (b. N 22, 1835, Philadelphia) and Mary (Frame) Ken- dall (b. S 15, 1848, Adams Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Chaddock Coll. Acad., Quincy; Pvt. Norm., Bushnell: 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1902-4. Kappa Delta Pi; Agr.. Club; Hort. Club. Teacher. Phys., Agr., and Rural Sociol., St. Norm. Sch., Moorehead, Minn. Mem., Christ- ian Church; A. F. A. M.; Poly. Soc. of N. D. Agr. Coll.; Univ. of 111. Club of N. D.; Am. First Assn. Married Erma Hannah Rickart, Je 27, 1906, Barry, 111. Children: Chestine, b. Ag 16, 1907; Jean b. Je 9, 1913; Ruth, b. D 29, 1917. Address, 1000 Grove St., Jackson- ville, 111. S244A. CHARLES MARSHALL KENNAN Y. M. C. A. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 9, 1885, Maysville, Ky.; s. Charles (b. 1831, Flemingsburg, Ky.) and Phoebe (Coryell) Kennan (b. 1845, Tolesbora, Ky.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ionian; Delta Sigma Rho; .Mask and Bauble. Inst., H. S. Newport, Ky. ; Sec, Central Y. M. C. A., Cincinnati. ist Lt., Signal R. C. A. S. 1917 — . Address, Central Y. M. C. A., Cincinnati. 5245. WILLIAM RIDDLE KENT Engineer; A. B. in Sc: b. Mr 28, 1890, Pas- saic, N. J.; s. R. D. Kent. Prepared in Pas- saic (N. J.) H. S.; St. John's Sch. Engr., Passaic, N. J. Married Olive Louise Burrows, S I, 1913, Passaic, N. Y. Address, 150 Blvd. St., Passaic, N. J.; bus. add., 38 Randolph St., do. 5246. HARRY EDWARD KERKER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 30, 1885, Tolono, 111.; s. George Kerker. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Sigma Pi. Address, 903 W. Oregon St., Urbana.; bus. add., 49 N. Neil St., Cham- paign. 5247. ALFRED HENRY KERNDT Mun. Vehicle Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 10, 1S90, Salida, Colo.: s. Moritz J. and Anna B. (Weachter) Kerndt. Prepared in Salida (Colo.) H. S. Dramatic Club; 111. Union. Sales Engr.. E. Goldman & Co.^ Chicago, 1912; Chief Draftsman, Sherwin \\'illiams Paint. Co., Ken- sington, 111., 1912; Asst. Supt., Chicago Coated Bd. Co., Chicago, 1912-14; Supvr. Engr.. Dunn's Service Co., do., 1914; Mech. Engr., Nat. Standard Co., Niles, Mich., 1915-16; Draftsman, Studebaker Corp.. South Bend, Ind., 1916; Mun. Vehicle Engr., do., 1916 — . Kappa Alpha Pi^ igi3 — ; Elk's Club, 1916 — ; Studebaker Club, 1918—; Y. M. C. A., 1918; Chicago mini Club, 1914—. Address, 333 N. Mam St., South Bend, Ind. 462 University of Illinois 5248. JOSEPHINE KIRK (Sister of Nos. 3824; 848S) Teacher; A. B. in L. '& A.; b. F 15, 1888, Macon, III.; d. O. T. (b. Mr 22, 1857, War- saw, Ind.) and Mary S. (Cummings) Kirk (b. Ja 8, i860. Blue Mound, 111.). Prepared in De- catur H. S. Sec, W. A. A.; Women's League Advisory Bd.; Class Basketball. Dir., Phys. Tr., Decatur, 111.; Teacher, Le Grande, Ore. Address, 461 S. Siegel St., Decatur, 111. 5249. FRANCES KIRKWOOD Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 27, 1890, Lawrenceville, 111.; d. R. M. Kirkwood. Pre- pared in Lawrenceville H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; W. A. A.; Prelim. Honors; Basketball. Teacher, Settle- ment Sch., Birmingham, Ala. Address, Edge- water Mines, Ensley, Ala. 5250. CLARENCE A. KLOOSTER Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 3, 1891, Chicago; s. A. H. and Jane Klooster. Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Scarab; Chm., Sr. Smoker Com. Bldg. Const., Peoria; Mobile, Ala.; Chicago; Washington, D. C; Baltimore; Durham, N. C. Engng. Dept. Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta. Address, 21b Linden Ave., Oak Park, 111. 5251. HARRY JOHN KLOTZ Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 22, 1890, Orion, Mich.; s. John (b. N 16, 1847, Hack- ettstown, N. J.) and Henrietta (Hall) Klotz (b. Mr 12, 1849, Danville, N. J.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., 1908-10. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Class Tennis; Mandolin Club. Instr., Mech. Engng., Rens- selaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 191 2-14; Oper- ating Engr. Dept., I. T. S., Peoria and Decatur. 111., 1914-17; with Keystone Steel & Wire Co., do., 1918 — . Instr., Engines, U. S. S. M, A., Univ. of 111., 1917; Mustered out, D 7. 1918. Auth. : Some Aspects of Boiler Efficiency. Read before 111. Elec. Assn., 1916. Married Natalia Jobst, S 28, 1915. Peoria. Child, Paul- ine, b. S 25, 1916. Address, 215 N. Underbill St., Peoria; bus. add., Keystone Steel and Wire Co., do. 5252. AURELLA KNAPP (DERSHEM) Lib. Asst.; B. L. S.; b. Ja 29, 1881, Wat- seka. 111.; d. William Carter (b. Mr 10, 1833, N. H.) and Matilda (Myer) Knapp (b. Ap j6, 1839, O.). Prepared in Normal H. S. A. B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1909. Asst., LTniv. of 111. Lib., 1910 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn. Married Dr. Elmer Dershem, D 21, 1918, Chicago. Address, 917 W. California St., Urbana; bus. add., 105 Library Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 5253. MYRTLE ELIZABETH KNEPPER (WENIGLER) B. L. S.; b. F 19, 1886, Peoria; d. George E. (b. Somerset Co., Pa.) and Laura Ann Bossemeyer Knepper (b. Dixon, 111.). Pre- pared in Walla Walla (Wash.) H. S.; Idaho St. Norm. Sch. B. S., Highland Univ., 1907. Asst. Libn.. Ore. Agr. Coll., 1909-11; Sc. Asst., Lib. Sc, Lib. of U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1912-18; Cataloger, Masonic Lib., Boise, Idaho; Libn., Alaska Exp. Sta. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; D. C. Lib. Assn.; III. Lib. Sch. Assn. Married Willibald Wenigler, My 13, 1918, Washing- ton, D. C. Address, Box 1446, Boise, Idaho. 5254. GUY JINK KOONS Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 14, 1874, Isabel, 111.; s. Thomas Pelly (b. 1844. Monroe Co., Ind.) and Mary Jane (Lauber) Koons (b. 1844, Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Oakland H. S.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1899-1901; Univ. of 111. Phi Delta Kappa. Prin., Tp. H. S., Murphysboro, I1912 111., 1912-17; Prin., Tp. H. S., Pontiac, 111., ■9 '7 — • Mem., M. E. Church; Schoolmasters' ( lub. Married Josephine Wright, Ag 16, 1905, Franklin, 111. Children: Lawrence Wright, b. Ap 18, 1908; Mary Josephine, b. Ap 8, 1910. .4ddress, 922 N. Chicago St., Pontiac, 111. 5255. HERMAN CHARLES KRANNERT Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 5, 1886, Chi- cago; s. Charles Krannert. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chi Phi; Capt., Univ. Regt. Consulting Engr., William A. Beahr, Chicago; Mgr., Sefton Mfg. Corp., Anderson, Ind. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Ind. Engng. Soc; Ind. Mfg. Assn.; Rotary Club; Chamber of Commerce, Anderson, Ind. Address, 925 W. 7th St., Anderson, Ind.; bus. add., c/o Sef- ton Mfg. Corporation, do. 5256. ELWIN VALENTINE KRATZ (Brother of Nos. 3065; 4259) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; M. S., 1913; b. Mr 31, 1890, Champaign; s. Dr. Edwin A. Kratz (b. Jl 12, 1844, Bucks Co., Pa.) and Annie Mary (Bradley) Kratz (b. Mr 7, 1849, Ver- sailles, Ky.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Acacia; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors. Arch., Champaign, 1914 — . Gov. const, work, Ancon, Panama, C. Z. Address, 315 S. State St., Champaign; bus. add., 402 Lincoln Bldg., do. 5257. EMMA AUGUSTA KRAUSE Correspondent; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 12, 1890, Sadorus, 111.; d. Herman Ferdinand (b. Mr 30, 1850, Freienwalde, PommiCrania, Ger.) and Lydia Dorothea (Scholz) Krause (b. O 29, 1854, New Minden, III.). Prepared in EI Paso Tp. H. S. Teacher, Ger. and Eng., Tp. H. S., Sterling, 111., 1912-16; Correspondent, Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago, 1916 — . Address, 3605 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Scott, Foresman & Co., 623 S. Wabash Ave., do. 5258. GEORGE DRIVER LAING (Brother of No. 8so8) Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 5, 1889, Chicago; s. I. F. Laing. Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klux; Class Baseball; Varsity Base- ball; Sr. Memorial Com. Address, 283 Frank- lin Ave., River Forest, Ill.t 5259. CHARLES AUGUSTUS LAMB, JR. (Brother of Nos. 5260, 6373. 8509) Clerk; A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 2, 1889, Paxton, 111.; s. C. A. Lamb. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Cml. Club; Lincoln League; Sr. Ball Com. 2nd Lt., Q. M., Camp Johnston, Fla.; Mustered out, D i9~8. Address, 911 S. sth St., Champaign. f 5260. NELLIE ELY LAMB (Sister of Nos. 5259, 6373, 8509) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 13, 1886, Paxton, 111.; d. C. A. Lamb. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Address, 911 S. 5th St., Cham- paign. t 5261. ALBERT FABIAN LANDSEA Telephone Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 2, 1890, Pullman, 111.; s. H. Landsea. Prepared in Bloom Tp. II. S. Class Baseball. Tele- phone Engr., West. Elec. Co. Address, P. O. Box 244, Riverside, Ill.t 5262. MARGIE ETHEL LANGDON Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. N 14, 1881, Odell, \eb. ; d. Florace (b. Mr 11, 1851, Vernon Co., Wis.) and Helen F. (Wood) Langdon (b. Ap 1, i8ss, Mt. Sterling, la.). Prepared in Beatrice (Neb.) H. S. A. B., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1907. Asst. Libn., Neb. St. Norm. Sch., Kearney, Neb., 191 o — . Mem., Am. Lib. .\ssn., 1913-17; Neb. Lib. Assn., 1912 — : Y. W. C. A., 1910 — . Address, Kearney, Neb. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 463 5263. PAUL BLISS LAUHER Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 13, 1887, Isabel, 111., s. Evan Lauher. Prepared in Paris H. S. mini Staff; Lincoln League; Ionian; Class Sec; Sr. Cap and Gown Com. Lawyer, Paris, 111. Hdqtrs. Co., 310 F. A., A. E. F., France. Address, 609 S. Central Ave., Paris, III. 5264. HERBERT THAL LEO Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 21, 1889, Alton, 111.; s. John Waldemar (b. D 16, 1842, Denmark) and Charlotte (Meister) Leo (b. 1862, Ger.). Prepared in Yeatman H. S., St. Louis. Chi Beta; Scabbard and Blade; Phoenix; Major, Univ. Regt. ; V'arsity Track and Basketball. Chem., Plants Mfg. Ciders, Vinegars, and other Fruit Products, Pullman, Wash., 1912- 13; do., Moscow, Idaho, 1913-18; do., St. Joseph, Mo., 19 1 8 — . Mem., A. C. S. Mar- ried Hazel Mary Burdin, N 2, 1913. Children: Edith Mary, b. Mr 21, 1914; Herbert Burdin, b. N 24, 1917. Address, 800 Grand Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. 5265. FRANK BONNER LEONARD, JR. Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; J. D., 1916; b. Je 14, i8gi, North Manchester, Ind.; s. Frank B. (b. Ag 2, i860, Gertnantown, Ind.) and Allie (Cleveland) Leonard (b. My 14, 1862, South Whitley, Ind.). Prepared in Metropolis H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rhn; Phi Delta Phi; Adelphic; Law Scholarship; Debating Team; Class Orator. Auth. : An In- troduction to the Drainage Laws of 111., ///. Law Bui., 1918. Married Frances Quante, Jl 6, 1912, Clayton, Mo. Address, Metropolis, 111. 5266. RUTH LEONARD (Sister of No. 4770) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ja 20, 1890, Rockford, III.; d. Josiah Sloan (b. 1850, Syra- cuse, N. Y.) and Mary Malvinia (Bostwick) Leonard (b. Je 26, 1852, Onondaga, N. Y.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Capt., Basketball. Phys. Tr. Instr., Y. W. C. A., Elgin, 111., 1912-13; Instr., New Trier Tp. H. S., Kenilworth, 111., 1913-16; Stud., N. W. Univ., 1915-16; Univ. of III., Coll. of Med., 1916. Address, 1700 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 5267. EDNA LEWIS Principal; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 18, 1889, Harrisburg, 111.; d. A. W. Lewis. Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Address, Mounds, Ill.t 5268. FRED DICKERSON LEWIS (Brother of No. 4276) Asst. Dean; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 29, 1889, Chicago; s. Frederick G. (b. My i, 1859, Clin- ton, 111.) and Harriet D. Lewis (b. F 13, 1861, do.). Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Sergt., Univ. Regt. Farm Supt., Marietta, Ga., 1912-13; Salesman for Stock food and Compil- ing books, Wheaton, 111., 1914; Asst., Dean of Agr., Madison, Wis., 191 5-17. ist Lt., A. E. F., France. Auth.: Articles in farm papers. Mem., Episcopal Church; Univ. Club, Madison, Wis., 1915-17. Married Mildred G. Lewis, S I, 1917, Wheaton, 111. Address, 613 N. West St., Wheaton, 111. 5269. KATHARINE LEWIS Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 191S; b. Ap II, 1 89 1, Chicago; d. Henry Foster (b. F 15, 1864, do.) and Minnie (Dows) Lewis (b. Jl 4, 1865, Bangkok, Siam). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; West. Coll., Oxford, O., 1908-9. Alethenai. Libn., Chicago Health Dept. Lib., Chicago, 1915-17; do.. 111. Lib. Exten. Comn., Springfield, 111., 1917 — : Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 1915 — ; 111. Lib. Assn., 1917 — . Ad- dress, c/o 111. Lib. Exten. Comn., Spring:field, 111. 5270. RALPH RICE LEWIS Business; B. S. in Sc; b. Mr 31, 1889, Urbana; s. John Melville (b. Somerset, Ky.) and Frances Mary Lewis (b. Edwardsville, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Fremont (Mich.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi. Sales Agt. Contrs. Equipment, Philadelphia, 1913-17; Ralph R. Lewis Co., Philadelphia, 1919 — . Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. C, Pensacola, Fla., 1917; 2nd Lt., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, F 6, 1919. Addre'ss, Fremont, Mich.; bus. add., Ralph R. Lewis Co., Philadelphia. 5271. RUTH MARIE REBECCA LIND- BERG (MORRISON) (Sister of Nos. 3837, 4278) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 3, 1891, Cherokee, la.; d. Charles (b. Ja 25, 1846, Hvetlanda, Sweden) and Johanna (Nystrom) Lindberg (b. S 21, 1846, Mora, Sweden). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S.; la. St. Teachers Coll., 1907-8. Chi Omega; Yo Ma. Instr., Eng. and Latin, Aurelia, (111.) H. S., 1912-14; Prin., H. S.; Garner, la., 1914-17. Married Dr. Jef- ferson Code Morrison, S i, 1917, Cherokee, la. .4ddress, Garner, la. 5272. LULU LEAH LITTLEJOHN Librarian; A. B. in L & A.; b. O 27, 1892, Farmer City, 111.; d. Henry Clay (b. Ind.) and Josephine (Dayhoff) Littleiohn (b. Worthing- ton, Ind.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S.; Colo. Coll., 1907-08; Los Angeles Pub. Lib. Sch., 1913-14. Delta Gamma. Lib. Asst., Pub. Lib., Los Angeles, 1914 — -. Mem., Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles. Address, 5644 Ash St., Los Angeles. 5273. ANANIAS CHARLES LITTLETON Instructor; A. B. in Commerce; A. M., 1918; b. D 4, 1886, Bloomington, 111.; s. R. C. (b. Va.) and Mary (Sholtey) Littleton (b. 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Beta Gamma Sigma. Pub. Acct., Deloitte, Plender, Grif- fith & Co., Chicago; Instr., Accountancy, Univ. of 111., 1915 — . Married Bonnie Ray, Ag 21, 1916, Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Barbara Rae, b. Ja 28, 1918. Address, 905 S. Coler Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 305 Commerce Bldg., do. 5274. LYMAN LIONEL LIVINGSTON Contractor; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 17, 1888, Fillmore, 111.; s. Timothy M. (b. My 31, 1851, do.) and Alpha B. (Gatwood) Livingston (b. My 2, 1862, Ramsey. 111.). Prepared Jn Fill- more and Ilillsboro H. Schs. Sigma Xi; Pre- lim, and Final Honors. Engr., Wabash R. R., 1912; Instr., C. E., Poly. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-13; Engr., Pneumatic Foundation and Underpinning work, docks, dams, and harbor improvements, 1913-16; Supt., Underpinning Constr., Broadway and 7th Ave. Subway, New York City, 1916-17; Contr., 1917 — . Stor- age Engr.. War Dept., Div. of Storage & Traffic. Married Grace G. Lackaberry, O 4, 191 3, St. Louis. Child, Dorothy Louise, b. Mr 12, 1917. Address, 3049 N. i6th St., Philadelphia. 5275. WILLIAM CECILE LORENZEN Salesman; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O 14, 1S89, Chicago; s. C. J. Lorenzen. Prepared in Lewis Inst. With Chester & Fleming, Consult- ing Engrs., Pittsburgh; Salestiian, Eubly & Lor- enz, Chicago. Address, 2721 N. Troy St., Chi- cago.t 5276. CAROLINE LUTHER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 15, 1890, LTrbana; d. Charles Luther. Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Address, Savoy, Ill.t 464 University of Illinois [1012 S277. NELLE IRENE McCLURG (Sister of No. 4287) Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 6, 1888. Eldorado, Kan.; d. William Rudolf (b. D 25, 1857, Pekin, 111.) and Anna (Lapsley) Mc- Clure (b. O 12, 1857, Cedar Falls, la.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. A. M., Univ. Wis., 1918. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Omi- cron Nu; H. Sc. Club; Illiola. Supvr., Dom. Sc, E. Aurora, 111., 1912-14; Asst., H. Sc; Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1914- 16; Instr., do., 1916-17; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Wis., 1917-18; Dietitian, Lakeside Hosp., Cleve- land, O., 1918 — . Address, 108 E. High St., Urbana; bus. add., Lakeside Hospital, Cleve- land. 5278. ANDREW HENRY McCONNEL (Brother of No. 6398) Bank Clerk; A. B. in Bus.; b. My 27, 1890, Reynolds, 111.; s. J. B. McConnel. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Chi. Address, Reynolds, Ill.f 5279. WALLACE ROBERT McCONNELL Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. O 4, 1881, Brown Co., III.; s. James (b. 1833, 111.) and Mary Ann (Gabbert) (McConnell (b. 1838, Ky.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1918. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago, 1912-13; Asst., Geog., St. Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis., 1913-14; Head, Geog. Dept., St. Norm. Sch., Platteville, Wis., 1914-18; Prof., do.. Teachers Coll., Miami Univ., 1918 — . Auth.: Mineral Resources of Southwest. Wis., bul. ; Nitrate Indus, of Chile, Jour, of Geog., 1918. Mem., Master Mason, 1916; Nat. Educ. Assn., 1918. Married Delia Edith Bennett, Je 26, 1918, Chicago. Address, Oxford, O. 5280. DWIGHT WESLEY McCOY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 10, i888, Versailles, 111.; s. Barlow A. (b. 1844, Ind.) and Mary J. (Law) McCoy (b. 1846, 111.). Pre- pared in Versailles H. S.; Univ. of Colo. Teacher, Math., Lincoln, 111., 1912-13; do., Po- catello, Idaho, 1913-14; Head, Math. Dept., Sioux City, la., 1914-17. Y. M. C. A. Sec, France, 1917-18; 2nd Lt., 6th Regt., F. A., R. D., Camp Taylor, 1918 — . Address, Versailles, 111. 5281. RUDOLPH McDERMET Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1914; E. E., 1916; b. Mr 24, 1888, Danville, 111.; s. Charles Wesley and Stella May (Rudolph) Mc- Dermet. Prepared in Logansport (Ind.) H. S.; M. E., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1916. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Prelim. Honors. Fellowship Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Re- search Engr., Mellon Inst, of Indus. Research, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1914-18; Exp. Engr., Elliott (]o., Pittsburgh, 1917 — . Pa. Nat. Guard, Co. E. i8th Regt., 1915-16. Assoc. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Muriel Katherine Kaye, Ag 9, 1916, Elgin, 111. Child, Eileen Virginia, h. Ag 3, 1917. Address, Welty Court, Greens- burgh, Pa.; bus. add., Elliott Co., Frick Bldg., Jeannette, Pa. 5282. EUGENE HARRIS McFARLAND Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 28, 1889, Scotland, S. D. ; s. G. A. McFarland. Prepared in Norm. Sch., Valley Citv, N. Dak. Theta Delta Chi; Helmet; Class Football; Arch. Club. Supervising Arch., El Paso Southwest R. R. ; Arch. Married Cora E. Thronson, Jl 3, 1917, Mankato, Minn. Address, Valley City, N. Dak.t 5283. ELIZABETH ROBERTS McGILL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 11, 1890, LaGrange, 111.; d. David Barker (b. Ag 7, 1855, Dublin, Ireland) and Marion Gibson (Roberts) McGill (b. Jl 21, 1864, Wellsville, O.). Pre- pared in Austin II. S. Alpha Xi Delta. Teach- er, Lowell Sch., Chicago. Address, 3845 Gladys Ave., Chicago. 5284. FRANCIS XAVIER McGRATH Superintendent; A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 25 1888, Jerseyville, 111.; s. John C. (b. Mr 10 1861, Janesville, Wis.) and Mary ((3race) Mc Grath (b. O 14, i860, Jersey Co., 111.). Pre pared in Jerseyville H. S. Psi Upsilon. Supt. Bonding Dept., Aetna Casualty 6; Surety (5o. St. Louis. Married Winifred O'Donneli, O 31 1916, St. Louis. Address, iiii N. A. Hamil ton Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., 601 Pierce Bldg., Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., do. 52S5. HALBERT PIRIE MacGREGOR Metallurgist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. N 6, 1887, Estes Park. Colo.; s. A. Q. and Clara M. (Heney) MacGregor. Prepared in N. Den- ver (Colo.) H. S.; Vanderbilt Univ. Chem., Mariner & Hoskins, Chicago; Consulting Chem. Engr., Denver; Metallurgist, Berkeley, Calif., 1915 — •• Invented Gold cyanide recovery; Zinc residue silver recovery. Mem., A. C. S.; Ro- tary Club; A. F. A. M. Married Ethel O. Michael, Ja 25, 1913, Champaign. Address, 970 Ventura St., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., 121, 2nd St., San Francisco. 5286. LIESETTE JANE McHARRY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 20, i886, Rantoul, 111.; d. A. McHarry. Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim. Honors. Teacher, H. S., Elmwood, 111.; do., Rantoul, 111.; do., Urbana. Address, 307 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 5287. WILLIAM RAPHAEL McINTIRE Supt. Const.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 14, 1889, Houston, Texas; s. J. W. Mclntire. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Capt., Univ. Regt. (1911-12); Varsity Swimming 1909-10; 1910-11. Supt. Const., D. H. Burnham & Co., Chicago. .iddress, 123 S. Center Ave., (Chicago.! 5288. PAUL HARMON McKEE Y. M. C. A. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 5, 1887, Marengo, 111.; s. M. McKee. Prepared in Mason City H. S. Chi Beta; Ionian; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Sr. Smoker Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Sec, Y. M. C. A. Marshalltown, la. Address, Marshalltown, la.t 5289. RAY CLARK McLARTY Traveling Representative; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 8, 1891, Kokomo, Ind.; s. Daniel F. (b. Te 12, 1858, Marietta, O.) and Ella N. (Clark) McLarty (b. Ja 2, 1859, Monroe Center, 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Chi Beta; Delta Kappa Chi; Sigma Delta Chi; Ionian; Shield and Trident; Hatchet Orator; Ed. Illio; Illini staff. Traveling Representative, sales circu- lation and vocational div.. The Curtis Pub. Co. Married Josephine S. Messier, Jl 24, 191 7, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 3031 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., c/o The Curtis Pub. Co., Philadelphia. 5290. FORREST C. McNARY Dept. Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 20, 1891 Martinsville, 111.; s. Ebenezer N. (b. Ag 22, 1856, Ind.) and Cornelia (Cline) McNary (b D 3, 1858, Pittsburgh). Prepared in Martins ville H. S. Dept. Mgr., Aetna Accident & Lia bility Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1916-17; Aetna Life Ins. Co., Cleveland, 1917 — . Address, Gates Mills, O.; bus. add., 622 Leader News Bldg., Cleveland. 5291. JOHN JOSEPH McQUAID Farmer; .\. B. in Bus.; b. N 27, 1889, Pen- field, 111.; s. T. McQuaid. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa. Bank Clerk, Champaign. Farmer. Address, Penfield, 111. igi; Baccalaureate Alumni 465 S292. ITSU MAKI Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Ap 15, 1884, Shimoda. Japan; s. S. Maki. Prepared iii Hiros- hima Norm. Coll., Japan., Columbia. Teacher, Hiroshima Norm. Coll., Shimoda, Japan. Ad- dress, c/o Hiroshima Norm. Coll., Shimoda, Japan, t 5293- ELIAS MANDEL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 22, 1889, Chicago; s. S. Mandel. Prepared in M. F. Tul- ley H. S. With Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1916. Address, 1825 S. Troy St., Chicago. t 5294- ALFRED EDGERTON MANIERRE Architect; B. S. in Arch.: b. Ag 13, 1878, Chicago; s. George (b. F 5, 1845, do.) and Ann Eliza (Edgerton) Manierre (b. Te 4. 1849, Hicksville, O.). Prepared in Univ." H. S., Chi- cago.^ A. B., Yale Univ., 1902, Arch,, Chicago. Married June Griffin Parkinson, Mr 20, 1907, Chicago. Children: Barabara Drake, b, Ag 24, 1908; Jeannette Leigh, b. Ag 14, 1914, Address, 335 Belden Ave., Cliicago. 5295. WELCH WALKER MANSPEAKER (Brother of Nos. 2171, 3863) Const. Engr.; B. S. in C. E, ; b. S 28, 1890, Champaign; s. Lewis Vinton (b, N 27, 1852, Bedford, Pa.) and Emma (Gruver) Manspeaker (b. N 29, 1858, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. C, E. Club. Draftsman. L T. S., Decatur, 111.: Const. Engr., Pa. R. R., Pittsburgh. Engrs. Corps, Ft. Beniamin, Har- rison. Ind., 1918; Mustered out, D 20. 1918. Address, 74 N. Emily St., Pittsburgh, Pa.; bus. add., 625 Pennsylvania Sta., Pittsburgh Branch, Pa. 5296. HARRY ELLIS MARQUETTE Special Apprentice; B. S. in Ry. M. E. ; b. S 26, 1888, Roodhouse, 111.; s. J. L. Marquette. Prepared in Slater (Mo.) H. S. Apprentice, Santa Fe R. R. ; Special Apprentice, Mech. Dept.. Rock Island R. R. Married Irma Ala- thea Davies, F 19. 1914, Mankato, Minn. Ad- dress, 230 N. Market St., Shawnee, Okla.t 5297. SIDNEY GRISWOLD MARTIN Asst. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 11, 1888, Chicago; s. William Herbert (b. N 20, i860, Fredonia, N. Y.) and Nellie Moseley (Lyon) Martin (b. D 29, 1861, Hartford, Conn.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Chi Psi; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt,; Brev. Cant., 111. Nat. Guard; Pres. C. E. Club. Engr., Leonard Const. Co., Soo Line Freight Terminal, Chicago, 1912-14; Asst. Engr., Soo Line R. R., Minneapolis, 1914-18. ist Lt., Q. M. Corps, Constr. Div., Richmond, Va.; do., San Antonio Arsenal, Tex., 1918 — . Married Clare Hemman, D 24, 1913, Chicago. Child, Glen Webster, b. My 23, 1916. Address, 4543 Magnolia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1521 First Nat. Soo Bldg., Minneapolis. 5298. CHARLES WILLARD MATHEWS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 10, 1887, Marissa, 111.; s. A. J. Mathews. Prepared in Monmouth Coll. Address, Marissa, Ill.t 5299. LEIGH MERYL MATTHEWS Bank Cashier; B. S. in M. E, ; b. O 28, 1884. Dysart, la.; s. R. Matthews. Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago. Varsity Gym. Team; M. E. Soc. ; Engng. Dance Com.; Mask and Bauble Play; Lt. and Maj., Univ. Regt.; 111. Union Dramatic Club; A. S. M. E.; Fechet Memorial Com.; Sr. Stag Com. Address, McClure, 111. 5300. FRANCES WILLARD MATHIS (Sister of No. 5301) . Librarian; B. L. S,; d. Robert E. and Men- tie Eliza (McFatridge) Mathis. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Asst., Pub. Lib., Santa Bar- bara, Cahf., 1913-14; Cataloger, Co. Free Lib., Los Angeles, 1914— . Address, 336 Loma Urive, Los Angeles; bus. add., Los Angeles Pree Co, Lib., do. S30I. VICTOR ALVIN MATHIS (Brother of No. 5300) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Je 3 1886, Vienna, 111.; s. Robert Erwin and Montie Eliza (McFatridge) Mathis. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Acacia: Band; Orchestra. Material Insp., N. Y. Central R. R., CoraopoHs, Pa., 1912-17; Mech. Engr., Duquesne Steel Foun- dry Co., do., 1917-18. Bugler, Co. E., 3rd Pa. Reserve Militia, 1918— . Married Mable Paul- ine Hamilton, S 25, 191 5, Canonsburg, Pa. Children: Frederick Clifford, b. Jl 3, 1916; John Hamilton, b. F 21, 1918. Address, 1123 Hiland Ave., CoraopoHs, Pa.; bus. add. Du- quesne Steel Foundry Co., do. 5302. *CHARLOTTE MATTOON (SMITH) (Wife of No. 7224; Sister of No. 7078) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 13, 1887, Calhoun, 111,; d. Charles Edwin (b. Ja 13, 1852, New Harmony, Ind.) and Mae (Whitaker) Mattoon (b. Ag 3, 1866, Calhoun, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Missionary Chm.. Y. W. C. A. Married Stewart Tracey Smith ('15), Jl 17, 1912, Champaign. Children: Vera Ruth, b. Mr 14, 1916 (died Ap 9, 191 7); Leslie Stewart, b. Ag 23, 191 7. Died Ap 6, 1919, New York City. 5303. EARL NELS MATTSON (Husband of No. 7220; Brother of No. 4805) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 15, 1890, Chicago; s. Nils (b. F 15, 1842, Sweden) and Georgiana (Ellerson) Mattson (b. My 6, 1863, LaPorte, Ind,). Prepared in Englewood H. S. A. S. M. E.; Class Basketball. Mech. Engr,, Ind. Steel Co., Gary, Ind.; Mech. Engr., E. C. Van Keuren, Consulting Engr. Married Eliza- beth M. Smith ('15), Je 30, 1915, Urbana. Address, 1325 N. 24th St., Birmingham, Ala. 5304. DAVID BLAIR MAVER Engineer; B. S. in C. E,; b. Mr 10, 1888, Detroit; s. David (b. Arbrough, Scotland) and Maria (Blair) Maver (b. Ottawa, Can.). Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S. Triangle; Onyx Dancing Club. Masonry Insp., I. C. R. R., 1912; Draftsman, do., 1912-13; do.. Corrugated Bar Co., 191 3; do., C. M. & St. P. R, R., 191 3- 14; Asst. Research Engr,, Grand Trunk R. R., 1914-15; Moving Picture Proprietor, 1915-16; Valuation Engr., I, C. C, 1916; do., W. J. Hagenah, York Mfg. Co., 1916 — . Married Anna Cecelia Bruhn, Je 16, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 7442 Eberhart Ave,, (Zhicago; bus. add., Mark Mfg. Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind. 5305. CARL ELMER MERRIS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 14. 1888, Hume, Mo.; s. Elmer Elsworth (b. Ja 3, i860, Macon, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Blevans) Merris (b. Ag 26, 1858, Cass Co., Mo.). Pre- pared in Victor (Colo.) H. S.; Colo. Coll,, 1906- 07. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Min. and Mill- ing Work, Victor. Colo., 1912-13; Stud. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1913-15; Instr., E. E., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1915-17; Subdiv. Engng. Dept., Gen. Elec. Co., Schen- ectady, N. Y.. 1917 — . Married Grace StanclifF Murphy, S 9, 1916. Child, Julia Stancliff, b. Mr 28, 1918. Address, 334 Germania Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. 466 University of Illinois [1912 5306. WILLIAM MEYER Teacher; B. S. in Sc. ; b. O 7, 1884, Russia; s. I. Meyer. Prepared in Central H. S., Minn- eapolis; Univ. of Minn. Address, Porterville. Tex.t 5307. PAUL KEITER MILES (Brother of No. 4812) B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 14, 1891, Savanna, 111.; s. Charles K. (b. S i, 1S65, Mt. Carroll, 111.) and Metta K. (Zuck) Miles (b. D 22, 1864, Busiinell, 111.). Prepared in Savanna Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi. With Deere & Co., Moline, 111.; Asst., M. E., Rensselaer Poly. Inst.; V. P. and Mgr., Savanna Const. Co.; Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111. Lt. Engrs., Lake Charles, La. Address, Savanna, 111. 5308. MABEL LUCILE MILLER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 6, 1891. Tower Hill, III.; d. W. F. Miller. Prepared, in Urbana H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Prelim. Honors. Teacher, H. S. Henderson, Ky. ; do., Bridgeport, III.; do., Milwaukee. Address, 647 Cass St., Milwaukee. t 5309. MARIE MAUD MILLER (VAN HOOK) (Wife of No. 4010) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 23. 1886, Hartsburg, III.; d. J. E. Miller. Prepared in Lincoln Univ. Teacher, H. S., Lincoln, 111. Married Dr. F. C. Van Hook ('09), Ja i, 1916. Children: Harold; daughter. Address, Mt. Pulaski, 111. S3I0. MILO KIRK MILLER Surgeon; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Je 27, 1889, At- lanta, 111.; s. W. A. and Alice (Hieronymus) Miller. Prepared in Atlanta H. S. M. D.. Johns Hopkins, 1916. Nu Sigma Nu. Intern., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1916-17; Surgeon, U. S. Naval Service, 191 7-18. Lt. Surgeon, do.. U. S. S. Wyoming, U. S. S. Tucker, and Base Hosp., No. 6. Address, 4702 Maiden St., Chi- cago. 531 1. SAMUEL LESLIE MILLER Instructor; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. F 25, 188=;, Timewell, 111.; s. S. T. Miller. Prepared in tTniv. Acad. Active Mem., 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs. With D. H. Maury, Consulting Engr., Chicago; Instr., Mun. Engng., Carnegie Inst. Tech. Address, c/o St. Highway Com- mission, 428 W. Vine St., Springfield, Ill.t 5312. JOHN EDSON MILLIZEN (Brother of No. 7086) Treasurer; A. B. in Bus.; b. F 8, 1890, Minn- eapolis; s. Henry M. (b. Je 26, 1847, Circle- ville, O.) and Myrtle (Varner) Millizen (b. Jl 2, 1857, Freeburg, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Sigma Nu; Class Football. Buyer, R. R. Donnelley S: Sons, Chicago, 1912-14; Buyer Printing Dept., Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1914- 17; Treas., Physicians Lab. Supply Co., Chi- cago, 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Chicago Surgi- ca; Trades Assn.; Colonial Club, Oak Park, 111. Address, 104 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago. 53:3. GUY G. MILLS Acting Dist. Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 12, 1889, Palestine, 111.; s. Daniel B. (b. O.) and Margaret (Daugherty) Mills (b. Palestine, 111.). Prepared in Palestine H. S.; Univ. Acad. El (iirculo Litcrario Espanol; Lt., Univ. Regt. Draftsman Am. Bridge Co.. Toledo, O., 1912; Engr., Brookville Bridge Co.; Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111. 1913-14; Insp., Concrete Rds.; Div. Engr., Portland Cement Assn.; Acting Dist. Mgr., S. East. Branch, do. Pvt., Troop B, ist Cavalrv HI. Nat. Guard; ist Lt., E. R. C, T017-18: Capt.. Engrs.. N. A., 1918 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Address, Palestine, 111. 5314- MARY ETHEL MINER (HOSKINS) (Wife of No. 3783; Sister of Nos. 2182, 3114, 4313) B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 12, 1889, Adair, 111.; d. Timothy G. Miner (b. Je 27, 1837, Table (Jrove, III.) and Prudence Harriet (Russell) Miner (b. Ag 28, 1846, do.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. H. Sc. Club. Mem., Ladies Home Economics Club; Pres., Local Community Club. Married Ezekiel Edward Hoskins ('09), Ja I, 1913, Adair, III. (died Ap 29, 1916). Cliildren: Dorothy Elizabeth, b. IMy 8, 1914; Harriet Louise, b. S 24, 1913- Address, Adair, 5315. EVA MITCHELL (Sister of Nos. 6431, 7813) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 9, 1886, Ripley, O.; d. Isaac (b. Je 24, 1850. Russleville, O.) and Eva (McConaughy) Milcliell (b. Ja 15, i860, Ripley, O.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. II. S. Illiola; Mask and Bauble; \V. A. A.; Kappa Delta Pi; Sec, Sr. Class. Teacher, H. S. (Jentralia, HI., 1912-15; do., Bloomington, 111., 1915 — ■. Address, 1007 N. McLean St., Bloomnig^on, 111. 5316. FLOYD WILLIAM MOHLMAN (Brother of No. 7815) Physician; B. S. in Chem. ; M. S., 1914; Ph. 1)., 1916; b. Mr 6, 1890, Beardstown. 111.; s. Henry J. (b. do.) and Mary E. (Bolle) Mohlman (b. My 12, i860, do.). Prepared iri Beardstown H. S.; Kappa Sigma; Alpha Chi Sigiiia; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; 111. Union Dramatic Club; F"inal and Special Honors; Glee Club; Band; Composer of Music for The Prodigal Prince. Asst. Chem., 111. St. Water Sur., Urbana, 1912-16; Chief Chem. and Instr., San. Chem., Univ. of HI., 1916-17; Chem. and Engr., New Haven Sewage Exp. Sta., 1917-18; Conn. St. Bd. of Health, 1918 — . .\uth. : (with Edward Bartow) Purification of Sewage by i\ctivated Sludge, Jour. Indus, and Etigng. Chem. and Engng. News; Contributions to Rpts. of 111. St. Water Sur.; New Haven Sewage Exp. Sta., Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem. and Engng. News Record. Mem., Am. Water Works Assn. C. S.; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Mary Franklin Savage, Je 19, 1916, Belleville 111. Children: John William and Robert Henry, b. My 29, 1918. Address, 548 Orange St., New Haven, Conn.; bus. add., St. Bd. of Health, do. 5317. HERMAN MOHR Lawyer; LL.B.; b. O 21, 1883. Ger.; s. Carl (b. O 14, 1855, do.) and Mina (Henn) Mohn (b. F 14. 1855, do.). Prepared in Chicago Night Schs. ; Chicago Univ., Summer, 191 1. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Fresh. Football; Fresh. Track. Atty., Albuquerque, N. M., 1916-18; San. Insp., do., 1918. Mem.. Albuquerque Lawyers Club. Alarried Rossi Fell, S 18, 1912, Roswell N. M. Address, Albuquerque, N. M. 5318. JULIUS JOHN MOJONNIER (Brother of Nos. 1564. 4315) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 16, 1889, Highland, 111.; s. Jules (b. Ja 28, 1846, Vevey, Switzerland) and Emma Julia (Bequelia) Mojonnier (b. ^.ly 23, 1851, St. Imer, do.). Prepared in Yeatman H. S., St. Louis. Phi Lambda Psi; Chem. Club; Ionian. Chem., Hel- vetia Milk (Jondensing Co., Delta. O.: Inventive Chem., Oak Park, HI.; Pres., Mojonnier Bros. Co., Chicago. Married Eleanor L. Mench. N 27, 1912, Urbana. Child, son, b. My 1916. Ad- dress, 739 W. Washington Blvd.. Chicago. 5319. RALPH MONROE Lawyer: LL. B.; b. N 4, 1888. Sullivan. 111.; s M. T. Monroe. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Law V. P., 111. Union; Chm., Law Dance Com. Lawver, Decatur, III. Address, 706-10 Mullikin Bldg.. Decatur, Ill.t I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 467 5320. HARRY EDGAR MONTGOMEJiY Supt., P'ub. Serv. Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 2, 1891, Mt. Auburn, 111.; s. Clinton Levi (h. Ap 6, 1867, do.) and Lida (Curl) Montgomery (b. My 9, 1867, Hidalgo, 111.). Prepared in Blue Mound H. S.; Decatur H. S. Kta Kappa Nu. F^ngr., Gen. Engng. Lamp Works, Ilarrison, N. J., 1912; Insp., Central III. Pub. Service Co., Mattoon, 111., 1912-13; Insp., do., Taylorville, 111., 1913; Insp., do., Beardstown, 111., 1913-14; Supt., do., Beardstown. 111., 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M., 1916— ; S. W. F. A. M., 1917. Married Grace Mable Flack, Jl 17, 1913, De- catur, 111. Child, Grace Elizabeth, b. Jl 5. 1914. Address, 11 12 Adams St., Beardstown, in. 5321. MAX ALFRED MONTGOMERY (Brother of No. 4815) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 7, 1887, Vermillion, Kan.; s. Alfred and Esther Eliz- abeth (W'addington) Montgomery (b. Ap jo, i860, LeRoy, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sr. Mem. Com.; Scarab; Arch. Soc. Francis John Plyro Scholarship; Arch., Peoria. Engng. Corps, U. S. A.; 2nd Lt., Signal Corps, 1918. Married Mary Veron- ica Mayne, Ag 28, 1918, London, Eng. Ad- dress, 728 14th St. N. W., Washington, D. C.f S322. JAMES RALPH MONTIGEL Contractor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 16, 1886, Alma, Mich.; s. F. Montigel. Prepared in Alma (Mich.) H. S. Glee and Mandolin Club. Irri- gation Contr. ist Lt., 511th Bn. Co., Engr. Corps, A. E. F., France. Address, 105 Myrtle St., Redlands, Calif.t 5323. FREDERICK LINDLEY MORGAN Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 6, 1889, Loda, 111.; s. J. S. Morgan. Prepared in Pax- ton H. S. Arch. Club. Draftsman, Louisville, Ky. Address, Chesterfield Apts., Louisville, Ky.t 5324. GUY LYMAN MORRILL Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 27, 1889, Fairfield, Neb.; s. Charles A. (b. Ja 24, 1859, North Danville, Vt.) and Anna M. (Ander- sen) Morrill (b. D 23, 1867, Bornholm, Den- mark). Prepared in Kewanee II. S. A. M., Univ. of Mich., 1913. Delta Upsilon; Varsity Track team; Glee Club; Pres. 111. Dramatic Union; Y. M. C. A. Asst. Instr., Univ. of Mich., 1912-13. With H. S. Johns-Manville Co., Chicago, 1913-14; Engr. and Traveling Salesman. York Mfg. Co. Seattle, 1914-17. Engng. Dept., Walworth Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1919 — . Sergt., Ice Plant Co., No. 301, A. P. O., No. 713, A. E. F., France, helping build and operate a Refrigeration plant for the U. S. A., 1917; Lt., Tours, France. 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Mem., A. S. M. E.; A. F. A. M. Address, Kewanee, 111.; bus. add., 220 Des- plaines St., Chicago. 5325. MARY GERTRUDE MORTON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 25, 1882, Monte- zuma, la.; d. H. F. Morton. Prepared in Mon- tezuma (la.) H. S. Asst., Branch Lib., Minne- apolis. Address, 3304 Elliott Ave., Minne- apolis.! 5326. MARGARET MOSCHEL (SCHICKEDANZ) (Wife of No. 4890) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8, 1887, Chenoa. 111.; d. F. Moschel. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Teacher, Ger., Richmond, Va. Married S. A. Schickedanz ('11). Address, 616 Oak St., Dan- ville, Ill.T 5327. LEE ELWOOD MOSER (Brother of No. 5829) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 13, 1889, Sigel, 111.; s. Albert Franklin (b. N 17, 1859. St. Joseph, Mo.) and Annie (Butcher) Moser (b. D 23, 1870, Sigel, 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S.; Univ. Acad. Engr., The Toronto Tlydro-Elec. System. Toronto, Can., 1912; Engr., Sargent & Lundy, Chicago. 1914; Engr., I. T. S., Peoria, 1915; Elec. Engr., United Verde Copper Co., Clarkdale, Ariz., 1917. 37th U. S. Engrs., 1918 — . Mem., Catholic C"hurch; A. I. E. E. Address, The United Verde Copper Co., Clarkdale, Ariz. 5328. CLEDA VIRGINIA MOSES Teacher; A. B. in Mus.; b. Ag i, 1885, Belle- ville, 111.; d. William Moses. Prepared in Des Moines H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, 218 N. Main St., Normal, 111. 5329. NELLIE IRENE MOURNING (HEDGECOCK) (Wife of No. 3766; Sister of No. 4823) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 14, 1888, Portis, Kan.; d. Charles Samuel (b. Je 16, 1855) and Margaret Ann (Smith) Mourning (b. S 5, 1862.;. Prepared in Augusta II. S. . Illiola. Married William E. Hedgecock ('09), D 25, 1912, Macomb, 111. Address, 311 E. Williams St., Albert Lea, Minn. 5330. CIRILO JOSEPH MULLEN A. B. in Bus.; b. Jl 9, 1885, Buenos Ayres, S. A.; s. Michael Mullen. Prepared in Jesuit Coll. Address, Buenos Ayres, Argentine, S. A.f 5331. NORRIS FEY MURRAY (Brother of No. 7100) Chemist; B. S. in L. & A.; b. My i, 1890, Mazon, 111.; s. Louis Ross (b. Mr 6, 1859, do.) and Lillie (Hamilton) Murray (b. F 1865). Pre- pared in Mazon Tp. H. S.; Grad. work. West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1914-15. Organizer. Co- operative Grocery Houses. O. T. C., Ft. Sher- idan; do., Ft. Monroe; do., San Antonio; 2nd Lt., Aero Sqn. 658; Reporting Officer, Am. and British Supply Dept. near London, Eng., 1918 — . With 4 other officers was received by King and Queen at Windsor Castle, Ap 28, 1918. Address, Mazon, 111. 5332. HOWARD DIMICK MYERS Instructor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 30, 1890, Lockport, 111.; s. William S. (b. O 29, 1815, Troy, N. Y.) and Augusta (Voight) Myers. Prepared in Lockport H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pre- lim. Honors. With 111. Highway Comn., and Lincoln Park Comn., 1912-14; With C. M. & St. P. R. R., Bridge Dept., 1915-16; Instr., Draw- ing, Univ. of Minn., 1916-17. Lt., E. O. R. C, A. E. F., France, 191 8 — . Address, 408 loth St., Lockport, 111. 5333- HENRY NAFZIGER (Husband of No. 5957) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 23, 1888, Rohrback, St. Odessa, Russia; s. T. Nafziger. Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Elec. Engr., Link-Belt Co., Chicago. Married Marie Jenny Stoltey ('13), Ag 27, 1914, Champaign. Child, Mary Margaret, b. Jl 29, 19 15. Address, Drafting Dept., Link-Belt Co., Chicago. 5334- *CHARLES SOL NARKINSKY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 7, 1892, Little Rock, Ark.; s. S. Narkinsky. Prepared in Little Rock (Ark.) H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Elec. Engr., Emerson Elec. Co., St. Louis. Capt., U. S. Inf., 5th Trench Mortar Bat. Died N 28, 1918, Luxemburg, Ger. S33S- ROBERT HAROLD NAU Engineer; B. S. iri C. E.; b. Jl 13, 1889, Chicago; s. O. A. Nau. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Triangle; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Mgr., Soph. Baseball; Jr. Smoker Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Smoke Abatement and Electrification Com., Chicago; Asst. Engr., Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Address, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. University of Illinois [1912 5336. JOSEPH RAY NAY Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. F i, 1889, Ashmore, III.; s. George Bennet (b. Je i. 1848, Kansas, III.) and Sarah Ellen (Kirby) Nay (b. My 30, 1852, do.). Prepared in Kansas H. S. Engr., Surv., Insp., and Supvr., Gary, Ind,, 1912-16; Insp., Struct. Steel, do., 1917. Co. F, ist Ind. Inf.; ist Lt., isist Inf., Camp Shelby. Miss., 1917 — . Address, 700 Pennsyl- vania St., Gary, Ind. 5337. CARRIE ISABEL NEEDHAM (Sister of No. 9291) A. B. in 11. Sc. ; b. Ja 28, 1890, Champaign, Neb.; d. William Alexander (b. Elizabethtown, Ky.) and Alice Rosella (Brown) Needham (b. Annapolis, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Univ. 111., 1917-18. H. Sc. Club; Composer: Melodies for Chaplet of Pan. Auth. : Kitchen Waste, ///. Agr., 191 1. Address, 1210 Uni- versity Ave., Urbana. 5338. IDRIS NELSON ' (Husband of No. 7835) Ceram. Chem.; A. B. in Sc. ; B. S., in Ceram., 1915; b. Ap 7, 1889, Canton, 111.; s. Reginald (b. Mr 7, 1858, do.) and Alice (Hines) Nelson (b. S 21, J857, do.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Acacia; Keramos; Ceram. Soc. Ceram. Chem., C. W. Raymond Co., Dayton, O., 1912-13; do., Purington Paving Brick Co., Galesburg. 111., 1913— . Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Am. Ceram. Soc. Married Ruth Isabell Mus- senden ('16), Je 14, 1917, Urbana. Address, 260 S. Academy St., Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., c/o Purington Paving Brick Co., do. S339- JOSEPH COLBY NELSON Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 26, 18S7, Mexico, Mo.; s. J. T. Nelson. Prepared in Hannibal (Mo.) II. S. Arch. Club. Married Marie Wright, Je 19, 191 5, Hannibal, Mo. Address, 215 S. Maple Ave, Hannibal, Mo.; bus. add., Webster Groves, St. Louis. 5340. RAYMOND ANDREW NELSON (Husband of No. 5526) With Armour & Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 2, 1889. De Kalb, 111.; s. August E. Nelson. Prepared in De Kalb Tp.. H. S.; Beloit Coll., Beloit, Wis. Phi Sigma Kappa. In Grain Bus., Maple Park, 111., 1912-14; do., Jefferson, la., 1914-15; do., Des Moines, 1915-18; With Armour & Co., El Paso, Tex^ 1918 — . 2nd Lt., Tank Corps; do., Mach. Gun Div.; Hon- orable discharge, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Peach Helen Andrews ('13). S 19, 1914, Macon, 111. Address, c/o Armour & Co., El Paso, Tex. 5341. JOSEPH ALLAN NEVINS (Brother of Nos. iiS9, 584°) Journalist; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. 1913; b. My 20, 1890, Camp Point, 111.; s. J. A. (b. Pa.) and Emma (Stahl) Nevins. Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Iris; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Scribbler's; Ionian; Home- coming Com.; Ed. -in-Chief, ///. Ma<7. Chief News Ed., mini: Asst. Ed., Alumni Quarterly; Mgr., Summer Illini; lllio P>d.; Prelim. Hon- ors. Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Writer on New York Evening Post and The Nation, New York, 1913 — . Auth.: The Dogs of Joe Gone, New Republic; Hist, of Univ. of 111., 1917. Ed., Pouteach, with biography and notes. Married Mary Fleming, S 30, 1916, Larchmont Manor, N. Y. Address, 192 Claremont Ave., New York City. S342. CHARLES IVAN NEWLIN Asst. Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; M. S.. 1914; ^■ Ag 28, 1889, Kokomo, Ind.; s. Charles E. (b. N 24, i860, New London. Ind.) and Harriet (Bogue) Newlin (b. Mr 4, 1861, Spiceland, Ind.). Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S.. Indianapolis. Pi Pi Rho. Instr., An. Husb.. Univ. of 111., 1912-17; Asst. Mgr., Feed and Oil Dept., Clinton Sugar Refining Co., CHnton, la., 191 7 — • Auth: Digestion Est. with Swine, Univ. of 111. Bui., 191 7; Articles in farm papers and Agr. Mags. Married Melissa Seward, Ag 5, 1914. Indianapolis. Child, Charles Albert, b. Jl 17, 1915. Address, 415 Sth Ave., Clinton, la.; bus. add.. Feed and Oil Dept., Clinton Sugar Refining Co., do. 5343- FRANCIS STANLEY NICKI Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 17, i883, ("hicago; s. S. Nicki. Prepared in Crane Tech. II. S., Chicago. With LaSalle Machine & Tool Co., LaSalle. 111.; Mech. Engr., Indiana Har- bor, Ind. Pvt., Co. D, 2nd Bat., Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md. Address, 2920 Vir- sinia Place, East St. Louis, 111. 5344- WILLIAM NIEHAUS, JR. Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 5, 1890, (jhicago; s. William Niehaus, Sr. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Prelim. Honors. Address, 1442 Edgewater Ave, Chicago. 534S. LOUISE MINNIE NIERSTHEIMER (STEVEN) A. B. in L. & A.: b. Ja 7, 1891, Pekin, 111.; d. Adolph (b. S 5. 1852, Wallertheim. Hessen-Darmstadt, Ger.) and Barbara Margaret (Pfanz) Nierstheimer (b. Ja 5, 1853, Pekin, 111.). Prepared in Pekin II. S. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher, Beardstown, 111., H. S., 1912-13; do., Pekin 111., 191 5-18. Married Fred Karl Steven, Ja s. i9i5i Pekin, 111. Address, Sa- dorus. 111. 5346. LILLIAN NOTH (HEDMAN) (Sister of No. 6437) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S II, 1888, Davenport, la.; d. George William (b. N 4, 1862, Quincy (111.) and Katherine I. (Healey) Noth (b. Jl 19, 1863, Covington, Ky.). Prepared in Daven- port (la.). H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. Married Herbert R. Hedman, Je 20, 1916, Dav- enport, la. Child, Catherine Maria, b. Ag 20, 1917. Address, 2910 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago. S347. FRED MELVIN NOURSE Technical Writer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 22, 1886, Springfield, O.; s. Lyman A. (b. Boston, Mass.) and Minnie B. Henry (b. Springfield, (>.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sales Engr., 111. No. Utilities Co., Mendota, 111.; Asst. Engr., Contracting Dept., Pub. Service Co., Northern 111., Chicago; Sales Engr., Roth Bros. & Co., Chicago; Div. Supt., Wis. Power, Light it lleat Co., Portage, Wis.; Technical Writer, The Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. .\uth.: Numerous articles in elec. trade jours. Married Marie B. Mooy, D 8, 191S, Chicago. .Iddress, 1053 39th St., Milwaukee; btis. add., I'he Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., do. S348. CATHARINE S. OAKS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Mr 26, 1886, Oaks Corners, N. Y.; d. Thaddeus (b. D 14, 1850, do.) and Isabel (Mclntire) Oaks (b. Mr 13, 1853. Geneva. N. Y.). Prepared in Geneva (N. Y.) H. S.; Wells Coll., 1906-08. A. B., Wm. Smith Coll., 1912. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; do., Miami Univ. Lib., Oxford, O., 1914-15; do., O. Weslevan Univ. Lib., Delaware, O., 1915 — ■ Address, O. Wesleyan Univ. Lib., Delaware, O. 5349. CHAUNCEY BRISTOL OLIVER Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 3. 1889. Milwaukee; s. E. Oliver. Prepared in Morgan Park H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phoenix; Class Football; Varsity Football; Basketball and Swimming. With Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago; Sales Engr., Salt Lake City. Address. 953 ist Ave., Salt Lake City; bus. add., c/o O. J. Salisbury, 321 Felt Bldg., do.t I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 469 S350. FLORENCE ARMINA OLSON (STALLINGS) (Wife of G629) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 13. 1885, Weldon, 111.; d. John (b. Je 3, 1845, Malmo, Sweden) and Nellie (Paulson) Olson (b. My 23, 1852, do.). Prepared in Pratt Co. H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1902-03, 1905-07. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Final Honors. Teacher, Eng., Eastern H. S., Bay City, Mich., 1912-15. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Wil- liam Henry Stallings (g'li). My 15, 1916, De- Land, 111. Address, Rua Venancio Rodrigues 1 1 A., (ioimbra, Portugal. 53SI. HAROLD A. OTIS Asst. Supt.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D i, 1888, Chicago; s. Henry A. and Anna F. (Stacy) Otis. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., LaGrange. Class Basketball. Elec. Engr., Elevated R. R., Chicago; Asst. Supt., Shops and Equipment, do. Married Grace Virginia Angersinger, Ap 15, 1913, LaGrange, 111. Child, Grace Virginia, b. My s. 1913- Address, 1759 Jarvis Ave., (Chi- cago; bus. add.. Room 1341, 72 W. Adams St., do. 5352. AMY MARIE OVERLAND A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 31, 1887, Minneapolis; d. T. Overland. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; W. A. A.; Prelim. Honors. Address, 3739 Windsor Place, St. Louis. t 5353- CYRUS E. PALMER (Brother of No. 6469) Associate; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 26, 1888, Augusta, 111.; s. George P. (b. Ag 3, 1858, Knoxville, 111.) and Geneva (Harmon) Palmer (b. Je 21, 1867, Greenup, W. Va.). Prepared in Augusta H. S. M. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1916. Sigma Pi; Sigma Xi; Gargoyle; Scarab. Instr., A. E., Pa. St. Coll., 1912-16; Instr., A. E., Univ. of 111., 191C-18; Assoc, do., 1918 — . T^at. Treas., Sigma Pi, 1916 — . Married Sylvia Stockton, 191 1, Palmyra, Mo. Address, 11 17 Euclid, Champaign. 5354. MATTHEW SIMPSON PARKHURST Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 15, 1888, Green- castle, Ind.; s. Rev. Matthew M. (b. Jl 13, 1834, Albion, N. Y.) and Mary Anne Christian (Thomson) Parkhurst (b. Mr 28, 1846, Stirling, Scotland). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Daily lllini Staff; Illio Bd.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Jr. (Council; Jr. Cap. Com. Corn Breeder, Greensboro, Ala., 1912 — . P^es., Hale Nat. Farm Loan Assn.; Pres., Hale Co. Cooperative Marketing Assn. Married Erin Marie Hogue, Je 5, 1918, Newbern, Ala. Address, Cedarhurst Farm, Greensboro, Ala. 5355. HARRY McLAUCHLAN PARSONS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 25, 1889, Chi- cago; s. Dr. Harry (b. Ja 21, i8';9, Chicago) and Martha Branch (5lcLauchlan) Parsons (b. O 18, 1870, Cleveland). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Prelim. Honors. Chi- cago Telephone Co., Chicago, 1912-15; Farmer, Cantril, la.; do., Eagle Grove, la. Land In- vestigation, Chicago, 191 6; Farmer, Regan, N. Dak., 1917 — . Address, Regan, N. Dak. 5356. ANNA LORINE PECK Dir. Phys. Tr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 8, 1892, Mattoon, 111.; d. Cornelius G. (b. Mr 17. 1853, Brookfield, Conn.) and Nancy Jane (Conway) Peck (b. Ja 31, 1858, Henderson Co., Kv.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Pvt. Sec, Chicago, 1914-15; Dir., Phys. Tr., H. S., Alton, 111., 191 6 — . Address, 6236 Lake wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Alton, 111. 53S7. BENJAMIN SALISBURY PFEIFFER (Husband of G705) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; M. S. in E. E., 1913; b. N 16, i8go, Peoria; s. Rudolph (b. Ja 28, i860, do.) and Marion Ida (Salisbury) Pfeiffer (b. Ja 8, i860, do.). Prepared in Brad- ley Poly. Inst., 1908-10. Alpha Tau Omega; A. S. M. E.; Fresh. Varsity Football. Sales Engr., New Departure Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1919— . 1st Lt., O. R. C, Ord. Dept., 1917; Mustered out, Ja 28, 1919. Mem., S. A. E. [Married Margaret Washington (g'13), S 9, 19 16. Child, Francis Washington, b. Ag 17, 1917. Address, Clarendon Beach Hotel, Chica- go; bus. add., c/o New Departure Mfg. Co., do. 5358. GEORGE WEST PHILLEO Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 20, 1877, Red Wing, Minn.; s. E. B. Philleo. Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. Supt., motive power Arkansas Valley Smelter, Leadville, Colo.; Master Mechanic Pueblo, (Tolo.; Burma Mines Co., India. Address, 43 Laurent St., Santa Cruz, Calif.; bus. add., c/o Burma Mines Co., Ltd., Namtu, Northern Shore States, Burma, India. 5359- JOHN BREEN PHILLIPS Chemist; A. B. in Sc; A. M., igiS; b. O 14, 1888, Sullivan, 111.; s. A. J. (b. D 23, 1845, do.) and Sarah (Hanson) Phillips. Prepared in East. III. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Deta Pi; Phi Delta Kappa. Chem. Dept., Big Four R. R., Beech Grove, Ind. Address, Y. M. C. A., Indianapolis. 5360. LESTER LEROY PHILLIPS Chief Insp.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 28, 1887, Sterling, 111.; s. John I. and Laura V. (Hawk) Phillips. Prepared in Sterling H. S. Machine Work, Springfield, Mass., 1912-13; do., Rich mond, Va., 1913; Tool Work, Detroit, 1913. Asst. Chief Insp., Machine parts^^ Remy Elec Co., Anderson, Ind., 1913-is; Special Insp.. Model Parts, Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1915; Chief Insp., Machine Work, Stenotypc Co., Indianapolis. Married Ida Mahala Chris tiann, Jl 30, 1913, Dixon, 111. Children: Eliza- beth, b. S 4, 1914; Lester LeRoy, Jr., b. Ja 17, 1917. Address, Sterling, III. 5361. HONOR LOUISE PLUMMER Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Mr 29, 1883, Water- ford, Me.; d. C. L. Plummer. Prepared in Idaho Springs (Colo.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Colo., 1907. Address, Idaho Springs, Colo.; bus. add.. War Dept., Washington, D. C.t 5362. HARRY POLKOWSKI Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 19, 1888, Belda-Russian Poland; s. Paul J. (b. i86i, Tajno, Russian Poland) and Leokadija Polkow- ski (b. 1866 Sczuczyn-Russian Poland). Pre- pared in Crane Tech. Inst., Chicago. Gym. Team; Water Polo, ist Inf., III. ISfat. Guard, Chicago. Address, 15 18 W. Washington St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Major E. C. Stew- ard, Const. Q. M., San Juan, Porto Rico. 5363. WILMA EDITH PONDER (Sister of Nos. 4861, 5874) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 11, 18^0, Hammond, 111.; d. John R. (b. Wash. CTo., Tenn.) and Elizabeth (Bolin) Ponder (b. Sul- livan, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1914-15; Chi Omega. .Address, 909 W. California Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 318 S. 6th Ave., Maywood, 111. 5364. HATTIE MILDRED POOR (Sister of Nos. 1753, 8669) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 12, 1890, Streator, 111.; d. Thompson (b. Ja 3. 1849, Hop- kinton, Mass.) and Helen Jane (Lindsay) Poor 470 University of Illinois I1912 (b. Ag 9, 1854, Shippcnsburg, Pa.). Prepared in Streator Tp. II. S. Classical Club. Teacher, II. Sc., Palestine, 111., 1912 — . Address, 217 Monroe St., Strealor, 111.; bus. add., Palestine, 111. 5365- JUAN MIGARES Y PORTUONDO (Brother of No. 6487) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap $, 188S, Santiago, euba; s. Juan Portuondo. pVepared in El Divino Maestro; Jefferson Mil. Coll. Cosmopolitan Club; S. II. A.; Spanish Club. Address, Aguilera St. 8 Santiago, Cuba.t 5366. LEWIS LAWRENCE POWELL Struct. Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 26, 1888, Chicago: s. Lewis Badollet (b. O 21, 1850, Lawrenceville, 111.) and Mary Adeline (Badollet) Powell (b. My 7, 1856, Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips II. -S., Chicago; Armour Inst., 1907-09. C. E. Club. Struct. Draftsman, I. C. R. R., Chicago. Mar- ried Lucille Prince, Ja i, 1916, St. Louis. Ad- dress, 5650 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 5367. LUELLA FLORENCE POWERS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 5, 1887, Sterling, 111.; d. A. Powers. Prepared in Ster- ling II. S. Teacher, Ger. and Sc, H. S., Mor- rison, 111. .iddress, R. i. Sterling, Ill.t 5368. SAMUEL RALPH POWERS (Brother of No. 8674) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. My 16, 1887. Tice, 111.; s. John W. (b. 1841, Maysville, Ky.) and Nancy T. (Erwin) Powers (b. 1843, Petersburg, 111.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm., 1908-10; Univ. of Minn., 1916-19. Phi Delta Kappa. Head, Sc. Dept., Garfield 11. S., Terre Haute, Ind., 1912-16; Critic Teacher, Sc, Univ. H. S., Univ. of Minn., 1916-18. Auth.: Report of Chem. .Sur., Sell. .Sc. and Math., Vol. 15, 1915; A Discussion of a Re- port of a Chem. Sur., do.. Vol. 16, 1916. Mem. Chem. Sub. Com. of Nat. Educ. Assn., 1 9 18; Chm., Chem. Section of Central Assn. of Sc. and Math. Teachers, 191 7. Married Eda May Olds, O 10, 19 10, Urbana. Child- ren: Philip Nathan, b. Ag 17, 1912; Merrell E., b. N 12, 1913. Address, 621 Beacon St., S. E., Minneapolis. 5369. TIRRIE OSTIN PRATHER Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 15, 1888, West Liberty, 111.; s. C, S. Prather. Prepared in Newton H. S. Address, Newton, Ill.t 5370. DAVID CHANDLER PRINCE Case Man: B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1913; b. F s. 1 891, Springfield, 111.; s. Arthur E. (b. Jacksonville, 111.) and Charlotte H. (Hitch- cock) Prince (b. Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1908-10. Chi Psi; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pj; Football. Testing Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., IQ13-14; Case Man, IlL Pub. Utilities Comn., Si)ringfield, 111., 1914-17; Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. ist Lt., Ord. Dept., N. A., Air Service, A. E. F., France, 917 — . .Assoc Mem. A. I. E. E. ; Illini Country Club. Married Winifred Notman, My 14, 1918. Paris. France. Address, 502 S. 2nd St., Springfield, 111. 5371. CHARLES ALEXANDER PURCELL Farmer; B. S. in .\gr.; b. My i <;, 1888, Brooklyn, N. Y. , s. A. 11. Purcell. Prepared in Evanston, H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Hel- met; Jr. Prom. Com. Married Grace Bacon, Ja 7, 1914, Lockport, 111. Child, William Bacon, b. D 15, 1915. Address, Areola, La. 537::. ROBERT JOHN QUINN Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. F 5, i8go, Chicago; s. Thoma.s Joseph (b. do.) and Georgianna (McLean) Ouinn (b. Ogdensburg, N. Y.). Prejiared in 'Calumet H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Jr. Class Treas.; Class Baseball; Class Basketball. Chem., Re- search Chem., Div. Supt. and Chief Chem., Morris & Co., Chicago, 1912-16; Mgr., Pack- ing House Dept.. Wahl-llenrius Inst., do., 1917; Asst. Supt., Midland Chem. Co., do., 1918; Sales Mgr., A. Daigger & Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Temporary Ap[)ointment Q. M. Dept., Inspec- tion Cantonment Equipment, 19 17. Ed. Bd., Chicago Chem. Bui., 1917-18. Sec. Chicago Section, A. C. S., 1917-19. Married Matilda C. Jansen, N 22, 1915. Address, 151 1 Jonquil Terrace Chicago; biis. add., 54 W. Kinzie St., Chicago. 5373- ISIDOR D. RAFFIN Supt. of Const.; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 31, 1890, Chicago; s. Wolf (b. Kovno, Russia) and Deborah (Arine) Raffin (b. do.). Prepared in VVaukegan H. S. Pres., Menorah. Asst. Chief Engr., Julian S. Nolan Co., 1912-14; Supt. of Const., A. W. Stoolman, Gen. Contr.. 1914-18; Gen. Supt., Const, of Camp McClellan, Ala., 1 91 8 — . Married Florence L. Raffin, D 30, 1916. Child, Bennett Lyon, b. Ja 3, 1918. Address, Walden Apts., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., 602 Terre Haute Trust Bldg., do. 5374. GEORGE ERWIN RAMEY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. D i, 1889, Pax- ton, 111.; s. H. B. Ramey. Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Yoxan; Shield and Trident; Scarab; Helmet; Orange and P.lue; Arch. Club. Arch., Zimmerman & Saxe, Chicago; with Snencer & Temple, Champaign; Arch., do. i.st Lt., Engrs., 491st Aero Sqdn., A. E. F., France; Returned to states, Mr 24, 1919. Married Nclle Holland, O 8, 1913, Free- port, 111. Address, ioi5 W. Hill St., Cham- paign. S375. GEORGE AUDAS RANSON (Brother of Nos. 2218, 5885) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 13, 1887, Kilbourne, 111.; s. George Washington (b. D 17, 1847, do.) and Sarah Ellen (Ainsworth) Ranson (b. S 28, 1850, Saidora, 111.). Pre- pared in Havana II. S. A. S. M. E. Drafts- man, Westinghouse Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa. .Iddress, General Delivery, East Pittsburgh, Pa. 5376. CHARLES RASCHER Sales Mgr.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. N 4. 1890, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Switzerland) and Anna M. (Kurtz) Rascher (b. Chicago.). Prepared in Lake View H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1908-og. Chi Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Up- silon. Chem., Chicago, 1912; Instr., Chem., Washington, ID. C, 1912-14; Chem., Bur. of Chem., do., 1914-15; do., BulTalo, N. Y., 1915; do.. Reading, Pa.. 1915-16; .Salesman. Chicago. 1916-18; Sales Mgr., "Lali. Supply Dept., A. Daigger & Co.. Chicago. Pvt., C. A. C. nth Co., Ft. McKinley, Me., 1918; Sergt., C. A. C, Ft. McKinley; Mustered out, D 11, 1918. Mem., A. C. S. Address, 5425 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago; bus. add.. Lab. Supply Dept., A. Daigger & Co., do. 5377. SYDNEY C. RATHFON (Brother of No. 7150) Estimator and Supt. Const.; B. S. in A. E.; b, Jl 18. 1891, St. Anne, 111.; s. Elmer O. and Minnie Sue (Hatton) Rathfon. Prepared in South Chicago H. S. Draftsman, West Const. Co., Chicago, 1912-14; Estimator and Supt. Const., Iowa City, la.. 1914-18. Pvt., U. S. N. A. Camp Pike, Ark., 1918. Address, 6415 Normal Ave., Chicago. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 471 5378. RAYMOND GEORGE REAL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 4, 1888, Sterling, 111.; s. Michael (b. 1851, do.) and Catharine (Bro- gan) Real (b. Gait, 111.). Prepared in Ster- ling H. S. Phi Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; De- bating Team. Lawyer, Mattoon, 111.; City Atty. do., 1915-17; Asst. St. Atty., Coles Co., 1917 — . Auth.: Easements of Necessity, Cen- tral Law Jou)'., Vol. 85, 1917. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; K. of C. ; Nat. Sec. and Treas., Phi Kappa. Married Myrtle Bowers, My 18, 1914, Urbana. Child, b. and died D 22, 1916. Address, 31 17 Prairie Ave., Mattoon, 111.; bus. add., 1613 Broadway, do. 5379. MYRTLE ANNA RENZ (ROBERTS) (Wife of No. 5901) B. L. S.; b. Mr 4, 1891, Cissna Park, 111.; d. Frank E. (b. O 17, 1859, Mt. Palatine, 111.) and Katie (Krown) Rcnz (b. Je 14, 1866, Claysville, Pa.). Prepared in Ilenning H. S.; Univ. Acad. Athcncan. Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib., 1912-17; Libn., East, 111. St. Norm. Sch., summer 1913. Married Elmer Roberts ('13), Ag II, 1917, Henning, 111. Address, 1008 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. 5380. FRED DeLONG REXWINKLE (Brother of No. 6510) Const. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 8, 1890, Oskaloosa, la.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. Fay- ette Co., 111.) and Ruth Emily (DeLong) Rex- winkle (b. Westlield, 111.). Prepared in Van- dalia H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Engng. Dcpt., 111. No. Utilities Co., Dixon, 111., 1912-13; Asst. Engr., Dabney II. Maury's office, Chi- cago, 1913-16; Engr. in Charge of Const., Stan- dard Oil Co. of Ind., Whiting, Ind., igi6 — •. Mem., M. E. Church. Address. 6212 Ihiivcr- sity Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Whiting, Ind. 5381. NELLE MELISSA RIETZ (TAYLOR) A. B. in Sc; b. Je 24, 1888, Port Washing- ton, O.; d. Jacob (b. () 11, 1847, Frolinbach- Hof, Kusel, Bavaria, Ger.) and Tabitha Jane (Gray) Rietz (b. D 17, 1852, Gilman, O.). Pre pared in New Comerstown (O.) H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Sigma Xi; Athenean; H. Sc. Club; Final and Special Honors. Married Thomas Smith Taylor, Je 16, 1912, Port Washington, O. Children: Elizabeth, b. Jl 18, 1914; Thom- as Smith, V, b. Je 28, 1918. Address, 579 East End Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 5382. CHARLES S. ROBERTS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 4, i8go. Eureka, 111.; s. James A. and Margaret (Baird) Roberts (b. do.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Yoxan; Phoenix; Ma-wan-da. Ensign, Pelham Bay, Naval Tr. Sta., New York City. Address, 5454 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 5383. CHESTER CORWIN ROBERTS Farmer; A. B. in Bus.; b. D 31, 1888, Chi- cago' s. Frank H. (b. 1858, Crawford Co., O.) and Ellen (Mapes) Roberts (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago; Dartmouth Coll., 1907-08. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klux; Yoxan; Ma-wan-da; Phoenix; Capt., Football; Interschol. Mer. Farmer, Grain and Stock Dealer, Marion, O. Ord. Reserve, 1917; Capt. Inf., 1918; Mustered out, D 7, 1918. Mem., Ath. Club, Columbus, O.; Del- ta Kappa Epsilon Club, N. Y. Married Alice Mildred Christian, Ap 20, Marion, O. Address, Marion, O. 5384. ANNA BELLE ROBINSON Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc.; b. Peru, 111.; d. Andrew J. (b. Mr 12, 1850, do.) and Ellen Holton (Barnard) Robinson (b. O 22. i860, Ppru. Vt.). Prepared in Granville H. S. ; N. W. Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1906-08; Univ. of Chicago, sununer, 191 7. Cianuiia Phi Beta; Illiola; IL Sc. Club. Educ. and Dom. Sc. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Indianapolis, 191 2-1 5; Inslr., Dom. Sc, II. S., St. Petersburg, Fla., 1915-17; do., Springfield, 111., 1915-18; Instr., Home Econ., Univ. of la., Iowa City, 1919 — . Mem., D. A. R. ; Assn. Coll. Alumni 1917-18. ■■iddrcss, Granville, 111.; bus. add., c/o Spring- field II. S., Springfield, 111. 5385. GRACE MAY ROBINSON (APPLEGATE) (Wife of No. 6055) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 7, 1886, Emporia, Kan.; d. William Robinson. Prepared in Gil- man II. S. Athenean; Y. W. C. A., Cabinet. Teacher, Eiig., Illiopolis, 111.; In Charge of Eng. and I'ub. Speaking, Roswell, N. M. Mar- ried Albert Angelo Aiijilegate ('14), Jl 11, 1917, Roswell, N. M. Address, Atlanta, 111. 5386. PAUL THOMAS ROBINSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 23, 1892, Greenville, 111.; s. W. E. (b. do.) and Clara Abbey (White) Robinson (b. Mt. Carroll, 111.). Prepared in Springfield PI. S. Ilus; V. P. Sr. C'lass. Farmer, Ilalstad, Minn., 1912 — . Ad- dress, Ilalstad, Minn. 5387. *THOMAS LEO ROBINSON B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 27, 1888, Streator, 111.; s. II. Robinson. Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S.; Purchasing Engr.; Engng. Steel Ry. Cars and Trucks, Chicago; With McGuire Cummings Co., Street Car Builders, Winni- peg, Can. Died at Winnepeg, Can., O, 191 8. 5388. EMILY ROBISON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 31, 1886, Blooms- burg, I'a.; d. J. B. Robison. Prepared in Bloomsbiirg (Pa.) St. Norm. Sch.; (llolumbia. A. B., Temple Univ., 1909. Libn., Temple Univ. Address, 121 North St., Bloomsburg Pa.t 5389. WALTER ROMAN, JR. (Brother of No. 6524) Manager; A. B. in Bus.; b. My 13, 1890, Granite City, 111.; s. Walter Sr. (b. Switzer- land) and Augusta (Frieburg) Roman (b. St. Louis). IVejiared in Granite City II. S. I'hi Sigma KaiJjia; lllio Bd. Sales Reprensentative, Roman Bush Pig Iron Coke Co., St. Louis, 1912-15; Mgr., Roman Co., 1915-16; Mgr., St. Louis Branch, Goheen Mfg. Co., Canton, O., 1916-17. 1st Lt., A. S. S. E. R. C, 1917; Capt., Instr., Army Balloon Sch., Arcadia, Calif., 1917 — . Address, Granite City, 111. 5390. PEARL lOLA ROPP Pvt. Sec; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 3, 1890, Carlock, 111.; d. David S. (b. N 14, 1840, Mack- inaw Dells, 111.) and Barbara (King) Ropp (b. Je 8, 184^-, Carlock, 111. Preijared in Car- lock H. S.; Univ. Acad., Blooniington Con- servatory, 1900-06, 1912-14. Alpha (3micron Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim. Honors; W. A. A. Mus. Work, Bloominglon, 111., 1912-18. IVt. Sec Mem., Amateur Mus. Club, 1913-18; Treas., City Pan-Hellenic Assn., 1914-16; M. E. Church. Address, 1209 Clinton Blvd., Bloomington, 111. 5391. ERNEST JEROME ROSSBACK Bus. Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 3. 1890, Milwaukee; s. Gustav A. (b. Ja 22, 1859, Cross Plains, Wis.) and Hulda Elenore (Brendler) Rossback (b. Jl 17, 1866, Saux Center, Wis.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Glee Club. With Sullivan Mach. Co., Claremont, N. H., 1912-13; Sales Engr., do., St. Louis Branch, 1913-16; Mgr., do., Paris Office and in charge of bus. in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, and their possessions, igi6 — . Auth.: Tunnel Const, on the Mill Creek Sewer, Mine and Quarry, Vol. IX, 1916. Mem., Am. Inst. Min. Engrs.. 1914. Address, c/o Compagnie Sullivan, 18 Ave. Parmentier, Paris, France. 47^ Univkrsity of Illinois llQI- S392. FLOYD ELZA RUSHER (Husband of No. 6335) Branch Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 9, 1888, Martinsville, 111.; s. Joel P. (b. My 24, 1864, Sullivan, Ind.) and Mary Belle (Fry) Rusher (b. Ja 24, 1868, Nokomis. 111.). Prepared in Sullivan (Ind.) H. S. With the Advance- Rumely Thresher Co., Indianapolis, 1912-17; Branch Mgr., Acme Harvesting Machine Co., Omaha, Neb., 191 7 — . Married Dorette Thay- er John ('14), Ja I, 1918, Clinton, la. Ad- dress, Hunter Inn, Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., 1215-19 Leavenworth St., do. 5393. LEWIS MELVIN RUSSELL Adv. Mgr.; A. B. in Bus.; b. Ap 16, 1891, Taylorville, 111.; s. T. F. Russell. Prepared in Pana H. S. Adv. Mgr., Chicago Daily Nezvs. 2ist Inf., U. S. A., Camp Talliaferro, Calif., 1918. Address, 3634 Michigan Ave., Chicago.! 5394. GRACE ANN RUST Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. N 17. 1883, Brownstown, Ind.; d. Henry (b. Jl 21, 1846, near Leipzig, Ger.) and Clara (Robertson) Rust (b. N 9. 1854, Brownstown, Ind.). Pre pared in Brownstown (Ind.) H. S. Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1905-8. Kappa Delta Pi; Athe- nean; Bethany Circle; V. P., Math. Club. Teacher, Math, and Supvr. of Girls, H. S., Washington, Ind., 1913-18; Teacher, H. S., Mason City, la., 1913-18; Head of Cafeteria, Kan. St. Norm. Sch., Emporia, Kan.; Teacher, Math., iVIiss Barstow's Pvt. Sch. for Girls, Kan- sas City, Mo. Address, Brownstown, Ind.; bus. add., 104 Westport Ave., Kansas City, Mo. S39S. REUBEN L. SANDBERG Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 26, 1886, Chicago; s. Andrew (b. N 8, i860, Sweden) and Amanda (Wenstrom) Sandberg (b. 1862 do.). Prepared in Central Y. M. C. A., Chi cago; Univ. Acad. Draftsman and Designer Struct. Steel and Reinforced Concrete, C. M & St. P. Ry., Union Sta. Co., Chicago, 1912— Married Henrietta E. Elofson, Ap 16, 1914 Chicago. Child, Lucille E., b. Ja 2, 1916. Ad dress, 4452 Bernard St., Chicago; bus. add 600 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 5396. HARRY OGDEN SAUNDERS Telephone Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 26, 1886, Springfield, 111.; s. Henry A. (b. do.) and Sarah W. (Riddle) Saunders (b. Barclay, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Acacia. Toll Line Engr.. Cent. Union and Chicago Telephone Cos., Chicago, 1912-14; Toll Plant Engr., Cent. Union Telephone Co., Springfield, 111., 1914-18. Married Florence Margurete Saunders, O 6, 191 5. Child, Harry Ogden, Jr., b. D 4, 1916. Address, 8ss S. State St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add.. Room 630 Reisch Bldg.. do. 5397. THEODORE JAMES SCHANCE Draftsman; B. S. .n M. E.; b. Jl 7, 1886, Chrisman, 111.; s. Clarence Erwin (b. Ap 13, 1847, do.) and Helen (Riddle) Schance (b. 184s, Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Chrisman H. S.; Winona Tech. Inst., 1906-7. Teacher, Chem., H. S., Kenyon, Minn., 1912-14; Prin. H. S., Heyborn, Idaho, 1914-iS; Supt., Pub. Schs., Twisp, Wash., 1915-16; Draftsman, Cushman Auto Tool Co., Champaign, 1916— . Married Ella Henderson, Ag i, 1912, Paris, 111. Address, 208 W. Church St., Champaign. 5398. CHESTER SCHENCK Elec. Designer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 30, 1887. LeRoy, Kan.; s. George (b. Algona, la.) and Jerusha (Bispham) Scbenck. Prepared in LeRov (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1908- 9. Final Honors. Const. Supt. and Chief Engr., B. & N. Ry. & Light Co., Bloomington, 111., 1912-14; Elec. Distribution Dept., T. M. E. R. & L. Co., Milwaukee, 1914-16; Elec. De- signer, Stone & Webster, Boston, 1916-17; Elec. Designer and Scjuad Chief, Hog Island Shipyard, U. S. Shipping Bd., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia. 1917 — . Address, 5310 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 5399. FREDERICK JOHN SCHLINK Physicist; B. S. in M. E.^ M. E., 1917; b. O 26, 1891, Peoria; s. Valentine Louis (b. Ag 26, 1830, Bensheim, Hesse Darmstadt, (jer.) and Margaret Henrietta (Butcher) Scblink (b. S 1849, Kickapoo, 111.). Prepared in Peoria II. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Xi; Stud. Branch, A. S. IVj.. E.; Prelim. Honors. Drafts- man, M^ch. Designer, and Asst. Mech. Engr., Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Co.. La Salle, 111., 1912-13; do., Goldschmidt Detinning Co., East Chicago; Testing and Designing Railroad Track Scale Installations, Bur. of Standards, 1913; Asst. and Assoc. Physicist, Engng. In- vestigation and Research and Specializing in Bus. Mgmt. Practice and Systematization; Scientific Work, U. S. Bur. of Standards, Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D. C, 1913 — : Patented: A Novel Type of Stabilized-Platform Weighing-Scale; Improved Means of Notch Provision for the Weigh-Beams of Scales. Anth.: Articles in Technologic Paper, No. 81 of the Bur. of Standards; Rpt. of loth Annual Conf. of the Weights and Measures of the U. S.. Scale Jour., Mach.; Indus. Mgmt.; Contri- butions to numerous other magazines. Mem., Wash. Alumni Chapter Sigma Xi; The Philo- sophical Soc. Wash.; Univ. Club, Wash. Ad- dress, 1426 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 5400. ALEXANDER LOUIS SCHOLZ Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 23, 1890, Chicago; s. P. B. Scholz. Prepared in R. T. Cjrane H. S. Address, 3517 Evergreen Ave., Chicago. t 5401. LEO VINCENT SCHUNDNER Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 19, 1888, Savanna, 111.; s. John (b. S 25, 1863, Galena, 111.) and Margaret (Beggins) Schundner (b. Ap 14, 1864, Jo Daviess Co., 111.). Prepared in Savanna Tp. H. S. Capt., Univ. Regt. Engr., West. Union Telegraph Co., New York City, igi2-i6; do., Dallas, Tex., 1916 — •. Married Edith R. Applegate, O 4, 1916. Address, Dal- las, Texas; bus. add., 301 Trust Bldg., do, 5402. TENJES HENRY SCHUTTE Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. O I, 1883, Wilsonville. Ore.; s. Henry Schutte. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Herrin, 111.; Prin., H. S., Lenzburg, III. Address, Lenzburg, Ill.t 5403. OTTO JULIUS SCHWARTZ Correspondent; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 31, 1 891, Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Simon (b. D 1864. Minsk, Russia) and Fannie (Berebitsky) Schwartz (b. S 1870, do.). Prepared in May- wood and Melrose Park H. S.; Univ. of Wis., summer, 1912. A. M., Univ. of Chicago. 1918. Ivrim; Agr. Club. Asst. Dir., Agr., H. S., Lea, Minn., 1912-13; do., Graceville, Minn., 1913-14; Prin., Consolidated Sch., Monclova, O., 1914-16; do., Littlefork, Minn., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., Southwest Tex. St. Norm. Sch., San Marcos, Tex., 1918; Correspondent, Sears Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 1229 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Sears Roebuck & Co., do. 5404. ERICH WILHELM SCHWARTZE Pharmacologist; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 14, 1891. Cairo, 111.; s. Erich Wilhelm (b. New Orleans) and Clara Antonette (White) Schwartze (b. do.). Prepared in Cairo H. S.; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1911-12. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1914. N. Y. Univ., 1914-15. Phi Beta Pi; Chem. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 473 Club; 2nd Lt, Univ. Regt. Instr., Physiol. S4ii. JOHN P. SHEAY m'^a ^r''u"'^^j°h Vt"'^- ^"'^ Belleyire Hosp., | Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 31. 1891. Med. Coll NY. Umv 191416; Jr. Pharma- Bement, 111. s. John M (b. Cork, Ireland) ""h ^- a\^^^\ °f Agr., Bur. of Chem., ^^d Ardilla (Davis) Sheay (b. O 21. 1854). TOTfi— Anth • Arnr1« ,n Tnur nf Phnr«,a. prepared in Bement H. S.; Univ. of Wis.; summer, 1912; Univ. of Minn., 1913. Ionian; Agr. Club; Hort. Soc; Dixie Club. Exten. Worker and Instr. Agr., Stewart, Minn., 1913; Instr., Hutchinson, Minn., 1913 — . Married Emma Olive Nelson, Jl 20, 191 5, Litchfield, Minn. Address, Hutchinson, Minn. S412. VINAYAK YESHAWANT SHEWADE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Indore, In- dia. Prepared in Indore (India) H. S. Chem. Club; Cosmopolitan Club. Chem., Gary Pro ducts Coke Plant, Gary, Ind. Address, In- dore City, India.t 5413. WILLIAM ANDREW SHIRK Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 6, 1886. Murdock, 111.; s. Joseph Nelson (b. Ap 25, 1857, Silverwood, Ind.) and Nancy Ella (Ten- brook) Shirk (b. Je 19, 1854, Bloomingdale, Ind.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma. Ranching, Montana, 1910-11; do.. Al- berta, Can., 1912-13; With Sears Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 1913-15. Commonwealth Mort- gage Co., Minneapolis, 1915-16; Sales Repre- sentative, Colgate Co. in Northwestern States, also ranching and farming, 1916-18. F. A., Central Officers Tr. Sch., Camp Zachary Tay- lor, Louisville, Ky. Address, Murdock, 111.; bus. add., 218. 160 N. Wells St., Chicago. 5414. LYNN CALLSEN SIEBERNS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 8, 1889, Gridley, 111.; s. Walter H. (b. Ag 19, 1862, Farney, 111.) and Caroline (Freidinger) Sieberns (b. Jl 3, 1861, Groveland, 111.). Prepared in Gridley H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1908-09. Law Club; Debating Club. Lawyer, Peoria, 1913-17; do., Gridley, 111., 1917-18. U. S. A., 1918— . Ad- dress, Gridley, 111. 5415. NELLIE MARIE SIGNOR (Sister of No. 4421) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1917; b. Je 4. 1890, Urbana; d. George J. (b. Jl 4, 1858, Clarksfield, O.) and Margaret S. (Gei- ger) Signor (b. F 11, 1861, Agency City, la.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Cata- loger. Lib., Univ. of 111.; Libn. Hist. Seminar, do., 1918 — . Address, 501 W. Green St., Ur- bana. 5416. JOHN WILHELM SIMMONS, JR. Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 4, 1888, Keithsburg, 111.; s. J. W. Simmons. Prepared in Keithsburg H. S. Acacia; Band. Engr., Stewart Engng. Co., New York City. Ship Re- pair Div., Q. M. Dept. Address, Keithsburg, 111.; bus. add., c/o Stewart Engineering Co., 61 Broadway, New York City. S417- PAUL CHARLES SIMONINI Const. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 23, 1883, Chicago; s. F. L. Simonini. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Mech. Engr. West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne, 111. Const. Engr., H. W. Johns- Manville Co., Chicago, 1919 — . Insp. Dept., Const. Div., Q. M. C, Washington, D. C, 1918; do., Chicago, iqiS-19; Mustered out, Ja i, IQ19. Address, 4409 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Johns-Manville Co., do. 1916 — . Auth. : Articles in Jour, of Pharma- col. E.vper. Therapeutics, and Proceedings for Soc. of E.vp. Biol, and Med. Sec, Assoc. Char- ities, 1916. Married Annie Andrews, Je 5, 191 S, San Antonio, Tex. (3hild, George Mc- Neurer, b. S 26, 1917. Address, 1129 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add.. Bur. of Chem. do. 5405. ROBERT S. SEESE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1913; b. S 23, 1890, Petersburg, 111.; s. J. H. (b. do.) and Minnie Belle (Bowers) Seese (b. Harrison- burg, Va. ). Prepared in Petersburg H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1913; West. Elec. Co., St. Louis, 1914-16; Smith Co. Elec. Co., Carthage, Tenn., 1917-18. Ensign, U. .S. N., Submarine Unit; Inactive duty, F 5, 1919 — . Address, Carthage, Tenn. 5406. JOHN FRANCIS SEIFRIED (Brother of No. 7941) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 13, 1891, Chicago; s. William (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Best) Seifried (b. do.). Prepared in Mav- wood H. S. Theta Delta Chi; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors; Class Football. 2nd Lt., C. A. C, Co. I, O. T. C. 5, Ft. Monroe, Va, Address, 4218 Washington Blvd., Chicago. 5407. OTTO ERWIN SEILER (Brother of Nos. 5932, 9378) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 21, i88u Woodstock, 111.; s. Gustav (b. Saxony, Ger.) and Lena (Bertschy) Seiler (b. Alsace Lor- raine). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Phoenix; Varsity Football; L. & A. V. P., 111. Union. Teacher and Ath. Coach, Lake Forest Acad. Married Leila 1. Lawrence, Ag 13, 1913, Woodstock, 111. Ad- dress, 1827 Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. 5408. JOHN ARMSTRONG SELLARDS (Brother of No. 7942) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl i, 1889, Greenup, Ky.; s. A. J. W. (b. i860, Greenup, Ky.) and Jennie Rosalie (Armstrong) Sellards (b. N 18, 1863). Prepared in Cliampaign H. S. Real Est. Bus., San Diego, Calif.; Instr., Rom. Lang., Stanford Univ., Calif. Ensign, \]. S. Navy Base, Brest, France; Aid to Vice Ad- miral Wilson. Address, 920 8th St., San Diego. Calif.; bus. add., U. S. S. New Mexico, c/o Postmaster, New York City. 5409. ISIDORE MAX SHAPIRO Factory Mgr.; A. B. in Bus.; b. Ap 1,-,, 1889, Russia; s. A. Shapiro. Prepared in M. F. Tuley H. S. Delta Kappa Chi. Factory Mgr., Ath. Shoe Co.. Chicago. Sergt., Bn. 229, Signal Corp, Camp Mead, Ind. Address, ,1410 Hayne Ave., Chicago. S4I0. CECIL JAMES SHAPLAND (Brother of No. 6557) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 22, 1888, Saunemin, 111.; s. John S. (b. Eng.) and Char- lotte (Page) Shapland (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Civ. Engr., Valuation Dept., Grand Trunk R. R., Palmer, Mass., 1912-15; N. Y. Central R. R., Cleveland, 1915-17; Lake b. S 12, 1891, Chicago; s. T. Simons. Erie & Western R. R., Indianapolis, 1917 — . pared in Crane Tech. H. S. 5418. ALEXANDER McDOUGALL SIMONS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1913; Simons. Pre- , __ _ _ _. __ Cosmopolitan; 'Married Violet Benner, Ap 15", 1916, New ivrim. Math. Club; E. E. Soc. Engr., Lee York City. Child, a daughter, b. Ap 18, 1917. Elec. Radiator Co., Chicago; Simons & Co. Address, c/o Lake Erie & Western R. R., Firm, do. Address, 11 Board of Trade Bldg., Indianapolis. Chicago. 474 University of Illinois [1912 5419. CHARLES LEROY SIMONS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 25- 1889, Kent- land, Ind.; s. Fred Simons. Prepared in Pur- due Univ. Theta Delta Chi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Shield and Trident; Yo.xan; Ku Klux; H H. Club; Agr. Club; Class Treas. ; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Jr. Prom. Com.; Agr. Dance Com.; Stud. Council; Homecoming Com.; Sr. Ball Com.; Circulation Mgr., Illini. Farmer, Kentland, Ind. Address, Kentland, Ind. 5420. GEORGE AUGUSTINE SIMONS Sec; A. B. in Bus.; b. Jl 9, 1889, Chaska, Minn.; s. H. Simons. Prepared in Adrian H. S Phi Sigma Kappa. Sec, Henry Simons Co., Minneapolis. Address, 912 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis.f 5421. COLIN CAMPBELL SIMPSON V. P., Const. Co.; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 24, 1889, Denver; s. William M. (b. D 30, 1850, New Brunswick, Can.) and Annie F. McHardy (Chatham) Simpson (b. My 25. 1849. do.). Prepared in N. Denver H. S.; Univ. of Colo., 1908-10. Alpha Tau Omega. V. P., William Simpson Const. Co. Naval Aviation, 1918 — . Mem., Univ. Club, San Diego, Calif. Address, Loma Portal P. O., San Diego, Calif.; bus. add., 526 Marsh Strong Bldg., Los Angeles. 5422. CLARA SINCLAIR Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 29, 1876, Ashland. 111.; d. Samuel Watson (b. 1849, do.) and Mary Anne (Bowers) Sinclair (b. 1851, Beardstown, 111.). Prepared in De Pauw Univ., Acad.; De Pauw Univ., 1895-96; 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1904- A. M., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1917. Kappa Delta Pi. Prin., H. S.. Sullivan, 111.. 1912-1^; Instr., Chicago Tr. Sch. for Missions, Chicago, 1913 — ; Teacher, So. Side Comnrunity Sch. for Religious Workers, do., 1916-17. V. P., Religious Educ. Club, Univ. of Chicago, 1917-18. Address, 4949 In- diana Ave., Chicago. 5423. VICTOR ROBERT SLADEK (Brother of No. 8761) Salesman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 25, 1891, Chicago; s. Adolph (b. Je 15, 1863. Austria- Hungary) and Anna (Layer) Sladik (b. Ag 10, 1868, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Sigma Alpha EpsHon; Scabbard and Blade; ist. Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Salesman, Chicago, 1912-17. ist. F. A., 111. Nat. Guard, 1915-17; ist. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, III., 1917; Grad., Sch. for Aerial Observers, 1918; ist. Lt., 8^rd F. A.. U. S. A.. 1917-18; Stud., Sch. of Aerial Gunnery, Selfridge Field. Mt. Clem- ens, Mich., 1918; do.. Art. Aerial Observer, A. E. F., France; with Army of Occupation. Address, 2242 S. Marshall Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., American Steel & Wire Co., do. 5424. WILLIS DANIEL SLONNEGER Adv. Agt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 28, 1888, Morton, 111.; s. J. Slonneger. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Address, 5494 Cornell Ave., Chicago. t 5425. CLOYD CLAYTON SMITH Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 7. 1890. Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. O. C. Smith. Prepared in Lanark H. S. Iris. Farmer; With Wagner Elec. Co., St. Louis. Address, Mt. Carroll, 5426. ALDEN EUGENE SNYDER (Husband of No. 4S47) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 29, 1883, Kankakee, 111.; s. A. Snyder. Prepared m Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Agr. Glee Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Co. Agr. Adviser, Montgomery Co., 111., 1918 — . Married Florence Gabnelle Baxter ('11). O 22, 1913. Nauvoo, HI. Child, Lillian. Address, Hillsboro, 111. 5427. RAFAEL ARCANGEL SOTO Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; A. B. in L. & A., 1915; A. M., 1917; b. O 24, 1888, Porto Rico; s. Ramon and Margarita (Gelabert) Soto. Prepared in Norm. Dept., Univ. of Porto Rico. Spanish Club; Le Cercle Fran- cais; Cosmopolitan Club; Latin-Am. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Rom. Lang.. (Tlub; Philological Soc In.str., Spanish and Math., West Tex. Mil. Acad., San Antonio, Tex., 1913-14; Asst. Instr., Rom. Lang., Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Address, 901 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., 309 University Hall, do. 5428. CHARLES HERBERT SPAULDING San. Bacteriol. ; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. My 25, 1888, Springfield, 111.; s. Lewis Her- bert (b. 1850, N. Y.) and Mary Frances (Johnson) Spaulding (b. 1848, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Chem. Club. Chem., A. T. & S. F. R. R. Topeka, Kan., 1912-13; Asst. Chem., St. Water Sur., Urbana, 1913-14; Chem., Water Purification, Panama Canal, Canal Zone, 1914- 16; Mo. Pacific Ry., Kansas City, 2^Io., 1917; San. Bacteriol., U. S. Pub. Health Service, 1 91 7 — •. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Pub. Health Assn. Married Kathleen Margaret Stein- bauer, Jl 5, 1917, Logansport, Ind. Address, R. 4, Columbia, S. C. ; bus. add. 1123 Gervais St., do. 5429. AUBREY DAYTON SPENCE Ins. Bus.; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 16, 1885, Lib- erty. 111.; s. J. T. Spence. Prepared in Maple- wood H. S., Camp Point. Acacia. Gen. Ins. Bus., Camp Point, 111. Address, Camp Point, Ill.t 5430. JOHN McCLURE SPONSLER Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 31, 1886, Aledo, 111. ; s. G. W. Sponsler. Prepared in Aledo H. S. A. S. M. E. ; M. E. Soc. With Ohl and CJregory, Birmingham, Ala.; Mech. Engr., Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Co., do. 1st Lt.. Co. I, E. O. T. S., Camp A. A. Humph- reys, Va., 1918-19; Mustered out, F 15, 1919. Married Grace E. Derr, Jl 191 5, Aledo, 111. Address, 1121 N. 23rd St., Birmingham, Ala. 5431. OTTO SPRINGE Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. N 21, 1886, St. Louis; s. C. Springe. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Shield and Trident; Ceram. Soc; Varsity Football; Varsity Track; Sr. Stag Com. Ceram. Engr., Purington Paving Brick Co. Address, 224 N. Seminary St., Galesburg, Ill.t 5432. AMBROSE CARL STAHL (Brother of No. 4918) Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 4, 1890, Galena, 111.; s. William Hempstead (b. Ag 14, 185 1, Hot Springs, Ark.) and Charlotte Ella (Stillman) Stahl (b. Ap 30, 1853, Mendon, 111.). Prepared in Galena H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Sales Engr., Detroit, 1912-14; do., Kenosha, Wis., 1914-16; do., Buffalo, N. Y., Niagara Falls. N. Y.. and Lockport, N. Y., 1916-17; do., Detroit, 191 7; do., New Depart- ure Mfg. Co., Galena, 111., 1917-18. Married Leota Smith, D 30, 1914, Champaign. Child, Robert Louis, b. My 17, 1917- Address, 205 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 5433. *AMANDA EMMA STAPEL A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 27, 1884, Chicago; d. Henry Stapel. Prepared in N. Div. H. S., Chicago. Died Ag 10, 1914, Silver City, N. M. 5434. CARL STEPHENS (Brother of Nos. 4432, 4920) Editor; A, B. in L. & A.; b. Je 17, 1884, Sadorus. 111.: s. Thomas Alvin (b. Ag 31, 1856, Parkersburg, W. Va.) and Lucy V. (Sewall) Stephens (b. Je 12, 1861, Pans, 111.). 1912] Baccalaureate Alumni 475 Prepared in Univ. Acad. Shield and Trident: Sigma Delta Chi; Graphomen; Scribblers' Club; Daily IlHni staff; 111. Mag.; Illio ; Dope Sheet; Class Prophet. Newspaper reporter, 1912-13; Asst. Ed., Alumni Quarterly and Fort- nightly Notes, Univ. of 111.; 1913-17; Ed., do., 1917 — ; Asst. Sec, Alumni Assn., Univ. of 111., 191.^ — . Mem., Univ. Club; Illini Club, Chicago; M. E. Church. Address, 803 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign; bus. add., 358 Administration Bldg., Urbana. S435. DANA HUGH STEVENSON (Brother of No. 941 1) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 10, 1889, Elvas- ton. 111.; s. Hiel C. (b. Ja 20, 1849, Hunts- ville. 111.) and Louisa Jane (Sprigg) Steven- son (b. My 22, 1852, do.). Prepared in Carth- age H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Final Honors. Farm Accountancy Route Fieldman, Hancock Co., 111., 1912-13; Farmer, Hamilton, 111., 1913 — ; Worked for Increased Pork Pro- duction Campaign in Henderson, Warren, Mc- Dougal, Schuyler, Pike, and Brown Cos., 1918. Mem., Presby. Church; Hancock Co. Farm Bur. Married Laura O' Harra, My 15, 1915. Child, Kenneth O'Harra, b. F 7, 1916. Address, R. I, Hamilton, 111. 5436. JAMES VAIL STEVENSON Farmer; A. B. in Sc; B. S. in Agr., 1913; b. N 12, 1889, Streator, III.; s. Ernest E. (b. O 18, 1863, do.) and Mamie (\'ail) Steven- son (b. Ja 20, 1865, Geneseo, 111.). Prepared, in Streator H. S. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Delta Sigma Rho; Phoenix; Adelphic; Varsity Debat- ing; Repr., No. Orat. League; Pres., Jr. Class; Sec, 111. Union; Sr. Memorial Com. Farming; Streator, 111. Married Lucile Needham, O 12, 1916, Urbana. Child, Margaret Ruth, b. S 23, 1 91 7. Address, Streator, 111. 5437. GLENNVILLE EDWARD STEWART Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 22, 1886, Ottawa, Kan.; s. M. L. Stewart. Prepared in Ottawa Univ. Acad. Test Engr., Gen. Engng. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Address, 706 South Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.f 5438. IRA BROKAW STIEFEL Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 17, 1889, Litchfield, 111.; s. T. A. (b. O 21. 1858. do.) and Carrie (Brokaw) Stiefel (b. S 20, 1862, do.). Prepared in Litchfield H. S. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burgh, Pa. Sec, Treas., and Pres., Illini Club, Pittsburgh; Mem., Presby. Church; Westing- house dub, Bd. of Dir., 1916. Address, Clover Club, Swissvale, Pa. : bits, add., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh. 5439. CLARENCE MILLER STITZEL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 21, 1889, Nel- son, 111.; s. James Buchanan (b. Ja 25, 1857, Chambersburg, Pa.) and Hattie D. (Stillman) Stitzel (b. S 4, 1855, Sterling, 111.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Chi Phi; Varsity Track. Mem., A. F. A. M., 1914; R. A. M. 1914; K. T., 1914; Shrine, 1915. Married Hazel Elzine Donagh, Ag 26. 1916, Rochelle, 111. Address, Nelson. 111. 5440. LAWRENCE ORVILLE STOCKER Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 26, 1889, Pana, 111.; s. C. S. Stocker. Prepared in Pana H. S. Sigma Pi; Scarab; Sr. Smoker Com. Arch., Foley Mfg. Co., Greenhouse Archs. Address, 115 Sherman St., Pana, Ill.t S44I. JOHN WILLIAM STOKES Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 24, 1887, Stokes, 111.; s. William Frederick (b. do.) and Mary Jane (Clark) Stokes (b. Brownsville, 111.). Prepared in Morris City H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Special Honors. Engr., Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City, Mo.. Dist. offices, Gen. Elec. Co., 1912-18; do., Philadel|ihia, 19 19 — . 1st Lt., Signal Corps, do- ing Special Liaison, France, 1917; Mustered out, Mr 1, 1919. Address, 1865 Noble Road, East Cleveland; bus. add., c/o General Electric ('ompany, Philadelphia. 5442. EDNA LOUISE STONE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 6, 1888, Gardenplain, 111.; d. Albert D. (b. S 7, 1863, do.) and Mary E. (Burghardt) Stone (b. Je 10, 1863, Denver). Prepared in Morrison H. S.; Knox Coll., 1908-10. Teacher, H. S., Aledo, 111., 1912-14; do.. Grand Forks, N. Dak., 1914- 16; do., Clinton, la., 1916 — . Address, Bluff Blvd., (Zlinton, la. 5443. GLADYS LEE STRAIGHT (WOOD) (Sister of Nos. 3194, 3565) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 7, 1888, El Paso, 111.; d. Lee Smith (b. i860, (dropsy. 111.) and Ida Mary (Tanner) Straight (b. i860, Pontiac, 111.). Prepared in Fonda (la.) H. S. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma; Phi Delta Psi. Married Lucien Alexander Wood, O 28, 1913, Fonda, la. Children: Janet, b. Ja 9. 1916; Kathryn, b. Ag 18, 1918. Address, Fonda, la. 5444. BERTHA HENRIETTA STRAUCH (Sister of Nos. 2831, 3566, 3986, 3987) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ag 22, 1890, Chadwick, 111.; d. Andrew A. (b. Ja 1, 1854, Ger.) and Margaret (Quickhoerner) Strauch (b. F 8, 1856, 111.). Prepared in Chadwick H. S. Athenean; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Fonda, la., 1912-13; do., Muncie Norm. Inst., Muncie, Ind., 1913-14; do., Lewistown, Mont., 1914-17; Supvr., Doni. Sc, Great Falls, Mont., 1917 — . Address, Great Falls, Mont. 5445. EDWARD B. STYLES Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 22, 1889, Waverly, 111.; s. J. Styles. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Chicago. Chi Beta; Tau Beta Pi; V. P., Union Dramatic Club; 111. Union V. P. from Engng. Coll.; Capt., Gym. Team; West. Intercoll. Gym. Champion; Home-Coming Com.; Post Exam. Com.; C. E. Club; Mask and Bauble. Concrete work, I. C. R. R. Chicago; Engng. Dept., Memphis Terminal Co.; Bridge Dept., I. C. R. R. Sergt., Co. C. Chicago Fed. Tr. Camp Reg^. ; N 1918, Capt. Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 6143 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. t 5446. CHARLES MICHAEL SULLIVAN (Husband of No. 5652) District Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 8, 1889, Cherokee, la.; s. John (b. F i, 1848, Glengarrif, Ireland) and Norah (Cronen) Sullivan (b. Ja I, 1852, Scranton, Pa.). Prepared in Free- port H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Ma- Wan-Da; Spaulding Guild; Bus. Mgr. and Asst. Mgr., Daily Illini; Pres., Demo- cratic Club; Assoc. Mgr., lilio. Elec. Engr., Pub. Service Co. of No. 111., Chicago, Streator, and Kankakee, 111., 1912-14; Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co., Chicago and Milwaukee, 1914-18; Dist. Mgr.; Milwaukee Elec. Crane Co., Pittsburgh, 1918 — . Mem., K. of C. Mar- ried Hazel Elizabeth Fancher ('13), S 14, 1915, Evanston, 111. Child, Shirley Elizabeth, b. Je 28, 1917. Address, 5880 Darlington Road, Pitts- burgh; bus. add., 2201 Farmer's Bank Bldg., do. 5447. JOHN BRUCE SUTHERLAND, JIL Designer: B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 26, 1887, Syracuse, N. Y. ; s. John B. (b. Woodstock, Ont., Can.) and Emma Jane (Porter) Suther- land (b. Syracuse, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. of Wash. Prep. Sch.; Univ. of Wash. De- signer and Traveling Salesman, Jewell Water Implement Co., Chicago, 1912-16; Designer and 476 University of Illinois [1912 Checker, Withersnoon-Englar Co., Chicago, 191 7; Reinforced Concrete Designer and Esti- mator, Jas. Stewart Co., 1918. Sergt., Co. G., ist. 111. Reserve Militia, 1917 — . Married Margaret M. Paddon, O 25, 1916, Chicago. Address, 1504 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago. 5448. HORACE CONRAD SWANNELL (Son of No. 222) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 9, 1889, Kan- kakee, 111.; s. Arthur ('79), (b. N 14, 1858: do.) and Florence (Misencr) Swannell. Pre pared in Kankakee H. S. Phi Kappa Psi Auto truck bus., Chicago; Alabama Power Co. Birmingham, Ala.; J. A. Serine & Co., Green ville, S. C, 1917 — . Address, c/o J. A. Serine 6 Co., Greenville, S. C. 5449. FRED EARL SWEITZER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 22, 1889, Mor- ton, 111.; s. P. Sweitzer. Prepared in Wash- ington H. S. Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Scabbard and Blade. Ionian; Agr. Club; Pre- lim. Honors; Capt. Univ. Regt.; Agr. Dance Com.; Sr. Invitation Com. Address, Morton, lU.t 54SO. THOMAS AUGUSTAS SYMONS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 22, 1889, Mazon, 111.; s. S. B. Symons. Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi; Kansas Club. Address, 42; Jennings St., Bartlesville, Okla.t S4SI. MILDRED VIRGINIA TALBOT (Daughter of Nos. 271, 29s; Sister of Nos. 3994, 9432^ Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 6, 1891, Champaign; d. A. N. ('81), (b. 1857, Cortland, 111.) and Virginia (llammet) Talbot ('81;, (b. 1859, Camargo, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Pratt Inst.; N. Y. Sch. of I'ine and Ap plied Arts; Columbia Univ. Chi Omeg^; Yo Ma; Alethenai. Instr., Okla. A. and M. Coll.. 1915-17; Instr., Art, O. St. Univ., 1917 — • Address, ion California Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 212 \V. loth Ave., Columbus, O. 5452. FLORENCE MAE TANNER (ACKERT) (Wife of No. 3617) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 19, 1883, Eskridge, Kan.; d. Geo. W. (b. D 19, i«S4, Aurora, 111.) and Mary (McClain) Tanner (b. S s, 1857, Oswego, 111.). Prepared in Sugar Grove H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1904-06. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Joliet, 111., 1912-14. Married James Edward Ackcrt ('09), Ag 15, 1914. Aurora, 111. Address, 1422 Poyntz St., Manhattan, Kan. 5453. WILLIAM LINCOLN TAYLOR (Brother of No. 5965) Land. Arch.; A. B. in Sc; B. S., 1913; b. Ag II, 1884, Montford, Wis.; s. S. H. (b. Mont- ford, Wis.) and Mary Elizabeth (Lincoln) Taylor (b. do.). Prepared in Lancaster (Wis.) H. S. Land. Gard. Club. Address, Lancaster, Wis.t 5454. ALICE GARY THAYER (LYON) (Brother of No. 4455) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 11, 1889, San Francisco; d. William Parker (b. My 22, 1845, Greenbush, Vt.) and Olive Anna (Whiting) Thayer (b. My 25, 1848, Hingham, Mass.). Prepared in Wendell I'hillips H. S., Chicago; Chicago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy, Summer, 19 11. Alpha Delta Pi; Scribblers Club; Alethenai; Woman's League Council. Visitor, Chicago United Charities, 1912-13; Resident, Hammond Settlement House,^ Ham- mond, Ind., 1913-14; Truant Officer, (Compul- sory Educ. Dept., Chicago Bd. of Educ, 1917 — . Married Dr. Will Person Lyon, S 24, 1915, Chicago. Child, Helen Thayer, b. O 16, 1916. Address, 4449 Sidney Ave., Chicago; bus. add 7 S. Dearborn St., do. 5455. RAYMOND ROGERS THOMAS Business; A. B. in Bus.; b. F 3, 1888, Cobb, Wis.; s. E. F. Thomas. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Upsilon; Phoenix; Fresh. Var- sity Basketball; Varsity Baseball; Class Basket- ball. With Swift & Co., Union Stockyards, Chicago; Fairbanks Morse Co., Beloit, Wis. Address, 1251 Garrison Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., c/o Fairbanks Morse Co., Beloit, Wis.t 5456. JOHN PAUL THOME Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 21, 1890, Cor- cova, Argentina; s. John M. Thome. Prepared in Jackson (Mich.). H. S. Address, 11 12 5th Ave., Peoria; bus. add., 389 Crisostoma .\lverex Tucaman, Argentina, S. A. 5457. CHRISTIAN BERNHARP THVEDT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 23, 1886, Bergen, Norway; s. Board J. (b. do.) and Martha (Tosseland) Thvedt. Prepared in So. H. S., Minneapolis; Univ. of Minn., 1907- 09. Elec. Insp., Public Service Co. of No. 111., Evanston, 111., 1912-13; Instr., Elec. Engng., Univ. of Pa., 1913-14; Sales Engr., Cjen. Illuminating Co., N. Y. City, 1914-17; Asst. Engr., Elec. Const. Dept., Interborough Rapid Transit Co., N. Y. City, 1917 — . Mem., Internat. Bible Students Assn. Address, 975 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. V.; bus. add., 621 Broadway, New York City. 5458. JOHN VICTOR TINEN Teacher; B. S. in Chem.; b. My 12, 1888, Park Ridge, 111.; s. W. J. Tinen. Prepared in M. T. Tuley II. S., Chicago. Teacher, Sc. and Math., H. S., Tuscola, 111. Address, Tus- cola, 111. 5459. JOHN NELSON TODD Mech. Designer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 2, 1885, Genoa, Neb.; s. Quintus Curtius (b. D 9, 1849, Clarksfield, O.) and Harriet Sophia (Ellis) Todd (b. Je 8, 1855, W. Bergen, N. Y.). Prepared in Tabor Acad, (la.) Supervising Draftsman and Designer, Seattle Port Comn., Seattle, 1912-18; Mech. Designer, .Seattle Const, and Dry Dock Co., do., 1918 — . Designed several new machine appliances for speeding up shipbuilding work. Assoc. Mem., Pacific Northwest Soc. of Engrs. Married Margaret May Fordyce, D 21, 1912, Seattle. Children: Margaret Ruth, b. O 22, 191 3; John Fordyce, b. Ja 4, 191 5; Harriet Martha, b. Ag 3, 1 91 7. Address, Floods I^anding, Meircer Island, Seattle; bus. add., Seattle Const, and Dry Dock Co., do. 5460. LOUIS A. TOHILL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. O 8, 1877, Flat Rock, 111.; s. Mrs. J. E. Simmons. Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. .Sch., 1905-8; Columbia, 191 6-1 7. Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; History Club. Supt. Schs., Ridge Farm, 111., 1912-16; Teacher, Hist, W;est. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1917 — . Married Irma Ethel Maxwell, 1903, Flat Rock, 111. Address, Macomb, 111.. 5461. HUGH HARRISON TOLMAN Farm Mgr. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 23, 1888, Hawthorne, la.; s. Fayette Cahill (b. 1855, Keene, N. H.) and Mame E. (White) Tolman (b. 111.). Prepared in Shattuck Sch., Faribault, Minn. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Farm Mgr., Red Oak, la., 1912— . (Japt., Q. M. R. C, 191^ — ; First Troop Convoy, Motor Transport Service, A. E. F., France, 1917 — ; Capt., Am. Rep., M. T. S., Q. M. R. C, A. P. O., 702, A. E. F., France. Mem., B. P. O. E.; 32d Degree A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Marthena Elizabeth Lumb, Mr 31, 1915, Red Oak, la. Address, Red Oak, la. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 477 5462. ORLA ALAMON TOWNS Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; M. A., 191 7; b. Je 2T, 1874, Cisne, 111.; s. Judge Durnham (b. Ap 21, 1844, do.) and Mariah Jane (Stine) Towns (b. Jl 31, 1847, Columbiana Co., O.). Prepared in Haywood Coll.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., iqoS-io. History Club. Prin., H. S., Flora. 111., 1912-14; Supt. City Schs., Louisville, 111., 1914-16; do., Carterville, 111., 1916-18. Auth.: Sixth Grade Hist., C. S. Coddington, 1918; Sixth Grade Hist., eight articles, Practical Sch. Juur., Litchfield, 111., 1915-16; Seventh Grade Hist., do., 1916-17; Eighth Grade Hist., do., 191 7-1 8; Recent His- tory (Wilson's Adm. — to S 1917), do., 1917- 18. Mem., Coml. Club; Shooting Club; Pres., Williamson Co. Sch. Master's Club. Married, Mabel Ellen Roberts, Ap 2, 1902, Fairfield, 111. Address, Carter-ville, III. S463. MARGARET JANE TREAT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 6, 1888, Harvard, 111.; d. C. R. Treat. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Teacher, H. S,, Gridley, 111. Address, Harvard, 111. 5464. ERNEST DeWITT TURNER Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 11, 1889, Wenona, 111.; s. C. M. Turner. Prepared in Wenona H. S. Teacher, Agr., Union H. S., Phoenix, Ariz.; Farmer. Address, R. 3, N. Judson, Ind.f 5465. WALTER VAN TURNER Journalist; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 4, 1887, Indianapolis; s. David S. (b. F 18, 1848, Virginia, 111.) and Amanda (Lowden) Tur- ner (b. N II, 1 85 1, Louisville, Kv.). Pre- pared in Toledo (O.) H. S.; Univ. Acad. Ilus. ; Crystal Club. Asst. Gas Engrs., Henry S. Lea, Chicago, 1912-13; Mgr., Belt Gas Co., Deadwood, S. Dak., 191 3; Tech. and Managing Ed., The Gas Record, Chicago, 1913 — ; V. P., Petroleum Age, do., 1918 — . Auth.: Scientific Gas Rates, Pamphlet, Henry I. Lea, 1914; Articles in The Gas Record. Married La Delia Strong, Ap 29, 19 13, L^rbana. Children: Mary Lowden, b. Jl 10, 1914; Ralph Strong, b. Mr 19, 1916. Address, 553 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add.. Great Northern Bldg., Chicago. 5466. EDITH JOY VAN CLEVE (ALLEN) (Sister of No. 4945) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 6, 1890, OIney, 111.; d. Joseph W. (b. F 19, 1859, 111.) and Rachel A. Van Cleve (b. Mr 4. 1863. do.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. ; James Milliken Univ., 1907-8. Teacher, H. S., Bement, 111., 1912-14. Mem., Coll. Club, Decatur, 111., 19x5- 18. Married Edgar H. Allen, N 30, 1916. Cbild, Mary Hester, b. S 15, 19 17. Address, 135 Summit Ave., Decatur, 111. 5467. EDWARD EVERETT VAN CLEVE (Father of Nos. 5468, 6631) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1912; b. N I. 1864, Chester, 111.; s. William (b. Mr 5, 1834, Bergen Co., N. J.) and Sarah Ellen (Callaway) Van Cleve (b. F 14, 1839, Jersey Co., 111.). Prepared in Bunker Hill H. S.: So. 111. Coll., 1884-86. Dir. Exten. Work, West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Auth.: Norm. Sch. Exten. in West. 111., Normal Sch. Quarterly, 1913, 1914. Mem. M. E. Church, 1885 — . Married Laura Ella McCurdy, S i, 1887, Enfield, 111. (died Je 22, 1917). Children: Laura Lillian ('12), b. Ag 4, 1891; Mildred May ('14), b. N 21, 1893. Address, 316 N. Johnson St., Macomb, 111. 5468. LAURA LILLIAN VAN CLEVE (HANNA) (Daughter of No. 5467; Sister of No. 6631) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 4, 1891, Carmi, 111.; d. Edward Everett ('12), (b. N i, 1864, Ches- ter, 111.) and Laura (McCurdy) Van Cleve (b. O 15, 1869, Grayville 111.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon Tp. H. S. ; Murphysboro Tp. H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., summer, 1915; Col- umbia, Summer, 1916. Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean. Teacher, H. S., Batavia, 111., 1913- 15; do., Rockford, 111., 1915-17. Mem., Fort- nightly Club, 1917. Married Claude Clark Hanna, Je 9, igi8. Macomb, 111. Address, 316 N. Johnson St., Macomb, 111. 5469. ARCHIBALD BEEBE VAN DEUSEN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 191 3; b. F 16, 1889, Chicago; s. Arthur Stowe (b. Worchester, Mass.) and Lydia (Beebe) Van Deusen (b. Chicago). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1914-15. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Scabbard and Blade; Freshman Varsity Basketball; Class Basket- hall. Elec. Engr., Cien. Elec. Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. 1913-14; do., C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Butte, Mont., 1915-17; do., Seattle, Wash., 1917-18. 2nd Lt., U. S. A. Signal Corp. Ad- dress, 1613 Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. S470. HARRIE EARL VANDEVEER Engineer; B. S. in E, E. ; b. Ja 21, 1890, Edin- burg, 111.; s. C. W. Vandeveer. Prepared in Edinburg H. S. Chi Phi; Onyx Dancing Club; Univ. Band; Jr. Prom. Com.; Techno- graph Bd.; Cadet Hop. Cora. High Tension Dept., Thordarson Elec. Mfg. Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of III., 1918. Address, Edinburg, 111.; bus. add., 501 S. Jefferson St., Chicago. S47I. CLAUDE VAN GUNDY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 9. 1889, Ellsworth, 111.; s. William (b. Ross Co., O.) and Sarah Ella (Irwin) Van Gundy (b. Craw- fordsville. 111.). Prepared in Ellsworth H. S.; Loda H. S. Shield and Trident; Ma-wan-da; Freshman Baseball; Capt., Varsity Baseball. Nat. Lamp Works, Nela Park, Cleveland, 1912- 17; Federal Mortgage Finance Co., do., 1917- 18; with Glass Coating Co., do., 19 18; — . Home Guards. Mem., Jovian Order. Married Edna Mae West, Ag 5, 19 15, Loda. 111. Child, Wil- liam Weston, b. b 26, 1916. Address, 1832 Man- nering Road, Cleveland; bus. add., c/o Glass Coating Co., Leader News Bldg., do. 5472. ROY LAWRENCE VANIMAN Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 12, 1880, Girard, 111.; s. Daniel B. and Emma (Snell) Vaniman. Prepared in Girard H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Eta Kapra Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim. Honors; Treas., Soph. Class. Engr., A. T. and T. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912; Testing Engr., Elec. Testing Lab., New York City, 1Q12-13; Designer and Const. Engr., Starrett and Van Vleck, Long Island, 1913-14; Assoc. Engr. and West. Representa- tive, P. R. Moses, Consulting Engr., Van- couver, B. C, 1914-15; Mech. Engr., Union Stock Yards and Transit Co., Chicago, 1915; Pres., Produce and Terminal Corp., Unioa Stock Yards, Chicago. 1915 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E., 1914; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1915; Mem., Saddle and Sirloin Club, 1915; Assoc. Mem.,' Kenwood Club, 1917. Married Helen Francis, N.14, 1914, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 1 1 34 East 46th St., Chicago. 478 University of Illinois I1912 5473. ARNOLD CYRUS VAN ZANDT Supervisor; A. B. in Bus. L. & A. ; b. S 25, 1888, Farina, III.; s. Cyrus Marriam (b. O.) and Carrie (Gutheridge) Van Zandt (b. 1852, Ky.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Yard Clerk, Chief terminal car tracer, Chief Clerk to terminal Trainmaster, and to Supt., C. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago, 1912-16; Traveling Representative Operating V. P., Baltimore & Ohio R. R., 1916-17; Supvr., Bur. Terminal Facilities, Staflf of Operating V. P., do., 1917- 1st. Lt., Ord. R. C, acting as Train Master, Transportation Corps, 1917 — . U. S. A. P. O. # 713 c/o G. S. T. S., A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, Office Vice President, B. & O. Ry., Baltimore. 5474. LYNN B. VAUGHAN (Husband of No. si35) Phvsician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. D 4, 1887, Vilas, S. Dak.; s. B. F. (b. Minn.) and Mary (Long) Vaughan (b. Pa.). Prepared in Yankton Coll. Acad.; Yankton Coll., 1907-9. B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1913; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., ipU- Mem., S. Dak. Med. Soc; A. M. A. Mar- ried Viola Fraser ('12), Downer's Grove, 111., 1915. Children: Vivian b. O 23, 1916, Robert Berton, b. O 8, 191 7. Address, Hurley, S. Dak. 547S. MINNIE VAUTRIN Missionary; A. B. in Sc; b. S 27, 1886, Secor, 111.; d. E. L. Vautrin. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Delta Pi; Jr. and Sr. Basketball; Athenean; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Missionary, Teacher, Girls Sch., China. Address, Lu Chow Fu, via Wuhu, China. 5476. CHARLES EDWIN VEAR Adv. Agt.; A. B. in Bus.; b. My 11, 1888, Washington Hgts., 111.; s. Taylor (b. Horn- castle, Eng.) and Ida (Paynton) Vear. Pre- pared in Calumet H. S.; Assn. Inst., Chicago. Beta Gamma Sigma; Dailv IlUni Staff. Adv. Agt., Chicago, 1912-17; Milwaukee, 1917-18; Chicago, 1918 — . Married Margaret Elizabeth Badenock, O 18, 1917, Chicago. Address, 6457 Sante Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1606 Bor- land Bldg., do. 5477. JOSEPH MCNAUGHTON VIAL (Brother of Nos. 4951. 9457) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 12, 1889, La Grange, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ap 10, 1852, do.) and Carrie D. (Craigmile) Vial (b. Ap 23, 1859. Hinsdale, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., LaGrange. Mem., M. E. Church; Pres., Bd. of Educ. of Consolidated Independent Sch. Dist., Ware, la., 1913 — • Pocahontas Co. Farm Bur. Married Ruth Merriam Je 26, 1912, LaGrange, 111. Children: Jane, b. Jl i, 1913; Joseph McNaughton, Jr., b. D 28, 1915- Address, Ware, la. 5478. GREGORY VIGEANT, Jr. Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 19, 1888, Chicago; s. G. Vigeant. Prepared in Robert Waller H. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phoenix; Scarab; Helmet; Varsity Track; Leader, Univ. Glee Club; Partnership with Lebenbaum & Marx, Chicago; Arch. Supt. Acting Capt., Co. C. Chicago Federal Train- ing Camp Regt.; Co. 11, 14th Regt., Ft. Riley, Kan. Address, 1216 Astor St., Chicago. 5479. ARCHIE LEWIS VOIGHT Min. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. N 4, 1889, DuOuoin, 111.; s. S. L. Voight. Prepared in DuQuoin Tp. H. S. Mining, Eldorado, 111.. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Great .Lakes, 111. Address, Eldorado, 111. 5480. WALTER CHARLES VOSS Arch. Engr. and Teacher; B. S. in A. E. b. N 16, 1887, Chicago; s. Charles (b. D 27 1842, Ger.) and Theresa (Seefurth) Voss (b Ja 29, 1855, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech H. S.; Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1906-07. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Concrete Detailer and De signer, Chicago, 1912-13; Struct. Steel Esti mator, Chicago, 1913; Struct. Steel Designer, Chicago, 1913-14; Head of Dept. of Arch Const., Wentworth Inst., Boston, 1914 — . Mem., Am. Soc. Testing Material, 1915; A. S C. E., 1918. Married Loretta M. Kensella S I, 1915, Oak Park, 111. Address, 22 Garri son Road, Brookline, Mass; bl^s. add., Went- worth Institute, Boston. 5481. HARVEY FRANKLIN WAGNER Appraisal Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 20, 1885, Girard, 111.; s. Daniel Webster (b. Jl 3, 1850, Pyrmont, Ind.) and Elizabeth M. (Rif- fey) Wagner (b. S 25, 1853, Salem, Va.). Prepared in Virden H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Valedictorian. Insp., Baltimore Sew- erage Comn., Baltimore, 1912; Insp. and Re- search Engr., Stone & Webster Engng. Corp., Keokuk, 1912-14; Engr., St. Louis Elec. Ter- minal Ry. Co., Granite City, 111., 1914-15; Appraisal Engr., I. T. S., Peoria, 1915 — . Married Ruth Kendall Gillham, Je i, 1915, Springfield, 111. Child, Charles Daniel, b. N 27, 1917. Address, 509 Maryland St., Peoria; bus. add.. 111. Traction System, do. 5482. HARMON EBERT WAITS Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. S 6, 1872, Elizabethtown, Ind.; s. Reuben Waits. Pre- pared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, Prince- ton, 111. 5483. PETER CHARLES WALTERS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 29, 1881, Dearborn Co., Ind.; s. John (b. F 22, 1842, Alsace) and Catherine (Altherr) Walters (b. Trenton, O.). Prepared in Grayville H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Lawyer and Co. Judge, Edwards Co., 111. Married Ethel F. Farnsworth, Ap 8, 1909, Mt. Carmel, 111. Children: Richard Farns- worth, b. Ag 31, 1911 (died O i6, 1911); Charles J., b. My 16, 1914. Address, Albion, 5484. ANTHONY W. WAND Professor; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 18, 1887, Elizabeth, 111.; s. Andrew (b. D 27, 1863, Woodbine, III.) and Emma (Baumgartner) Wand (b. O 6, 1865, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Asst. Supt., Const., Gen. Cement Gun Co., Chicago, 1912-14; Instr., Assoc. Prof., and Prof., Civ. Engng., Univ. of N. M., 1914 — . C. A. C. Service, 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E., 1917. Phi Kappa Phi, 1916. Address, Albuquerque, N. M. 5485. CHARLES H. WARNOCK Agriculturist; A. B. in Bus.; b. Je 19, 1887, Onarga, 111.; s. Lawrence D. (b. O 9, 1838, Guerney Co., O.) and Amanda (Hollingsworth) Warnock (b. F 3. 1845. Gilmore, O.). Pre- pared in Onarga H. S.; Grand Prairie Sem. Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Kappa Chi; Shield and Trident; Ma-wan-da; Fresh. Varsity Foot- ball; Class Football; Pres., Soph. Class; Jr. Prom. Com; Sr. Ball Com. St. Agt. and Sales- man, Miss., 1912; Auditing Dept., I. C. R. R., Chicago, 1913; Plantation Owner and Mgr., Onarga, 111. and Shaw, Miss., 1914-18. U. S. N. A., 1st Prov. Co., 1st Prov. Bn., 156 Depot Brig., Camp Jackson, S. C, 1918; Bn. Sergt. 'Major, do., Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 12, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Onarga, 111. I9I2] Baccalaureate Alumni 479 5486. GEORGE EDWARD WARREN (Brother of No. 6646) Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1917; b. N 19, 1890, Pawpaw, III.; s. James A. (b. O 24, .1858, Can.) and Anna C. (McBride) War- ren (b. Pawpaw, 111.). Prepared in Pawpaw H. S. Triangle; Pres., C. E. Soc. Sewage Comn., Baltimore, 1912-13: Engr. and Supt., James Ferry & Sons, Inc., Contr., do., 1913-15; Asst. Engr., Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago, 1915 — . Married Helen Pratt, O 10. 1914, Pawpaw. 111. Child, Patricia Ann, b. N 18, 1916. Address, 5903 Race Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., Universal Portland Cement Co., 210 S. LaSalle St., do. 5487. EDWARD E. WATERS Salesman; A. B. in Bus.; b. N 2, 1887, Pal- myra, 111.; s. Tilford C. (b. S 21, 1855, Carlin- ville. 111.) and Ina Waters (b. Mr 10, 1856, Waverly, 111.). Prepared in Jacksonville H. S.; 111. Coll., 1908-10. Chi Beta; Fresh Var- sity Football; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Var- sity Basketball; Sr. Football. Retail Merchant, Wellington, Kan., 1912-13; Salesman and Asst. Mgr., M. L. Rothschild, Clothier, Chicago, 1913 — . 108 San. Train, Hdqtrs. Field Hbsp. Section, 33rd Div., Camp Logan; Supply Sergt., :9i7-i8; 6th Bat., F. A., Camp Stanley, Tex., 1918 — . Address, 1124 E. 64th St., Chicago. 5488. CHARLES PROVINE WEBB Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 26, 1887, Benton, 111.; s. D. R. Webb. Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Egyptian Club; Philomathean; John Marshall Law Club; Prelim. Honors; Var- sity Cheer Leader. Address, 555 N. i8th St., E. St. Louis, 111. 5489. WALTER HARRY WEBER Foundrvman; A. B. in Bus.; b. Ja 21, 1887, Tower Hill, 111.; s. Fred G. (b. do.) and Eli- zabeth (Eberspacher) Weber (b. Pana, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Ep- silon; Phoenix; Baseball; Pres., Stud. Union. Salesman Nat. Tube Co., Chicago, 1913-14; do., St. Paul, 1915; do., Chicago, 1916-17; Foundry Practise, Walworth Mfg. Co., Kewa- nee. 111., 1918 — -. Married Elizabeth Bannis- ter, Ap 3, 1915, Kewanee, 111. Child. Janet Elizabeth, b. Ja 11, 1918. Address, 221 S. Tre- mont St., Kewanee, 111. 5490. MELVIN EICHBERG WEIL Salesman; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 2, 1890, Chicago; s. Simon (b. Te 4. 1861, Ann Arbor, Mich.) and Belle (Eichberg) Weil (b. F 26, 1866, Atlanta, 111.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Chi Phi; Adelphic; ist Lt., Univ. Regt.; V. P., Soph. Class; Sr. Ball Com. Equipment Insp., Am. Telegraph and Tele- phone Co., Engng. Dept., Chicago, 1912-14; Salesman, Simon Weil and Co., Chicago, 1914 — . Married Mabel Weil, N 8, 1916, Chi- cago. Child, Melvin Stuart, b. F 23, 1918. Address, 4404 Maiden St., Chicago; bus. add., 231 W. Lake St., do. 5491. JOHN RICHARD WELLS Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 16, 1890, Har- vard, 111.; s. F. C. and Kate (Lanning) Wells. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Chi Beta; Scab- bard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Farmer, 1914 — . Address, Harvard, HI. 5492. RALPH RAY WELLS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 15. 1889, Wenona, 111.; s. D. B. and Martha (Foster) Wells. Prepared in Wenona H. S. Iris; Ion- ian; Ag. Club; Debating. Instr., Mont. St. Coll., Bozeman, Mont., 1912-13; Farmer, Wenona, 111., 19 13 — . Auth. : Articles in Agr. Jours. Address, Wenona, 111. 5493- , LAWRENCE MARTIN WENTER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 9, 1890, Chi cago; s. F. Wenter. Prepared in (^rane Tech H. S. Tau Lambda; Tau Beta Pi; Mandolin and Glee Club; Class Basketball. Address, 6254 Glenwood Ave., Chicago. 5494- CHARLES WHAM (Brother of Nos. 4022, 7300) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag i, 1887, Cartter, III.; s. H. B. (b. 1848, do.) and N^ancy Jane (Stonecipher) Wham (b. 1856, Foxville, 111.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; So. HI. St. Norm. Sch. Sigma Chi; Adelphic; Theta Kappa Nu; Delta Sigma Rho. Shield and Trident; Egyptian Club; Prelim. Honors; Debating; Football; Pres.,^ Sr. Class. Capt., Co. I, 9th Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 191 7 — ; Camp Taylor, Ky.. 19 18 — . Married Pauline Bundy. N 27, 1915, Centralia, 111. Address, 612 Broadway St.. Centralia, 111.; bus. add., 212 J/^ E. Broadway St., do. 5495- JESSE RAYMOND WHEATON Contractor; B. S. in A. E.; b. F 3, 1883, Libertyville, III.; s. J. M. Wheaton. Prepared in Eng. and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Bldg. Contr. and Arch. Engr., Wheaton, 111. Ad- dress, 121 Seminary St., Wheaton, 111. 5496- CLIFFORD E. WHEELOCK Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 28, 1885, Tampico, 111.; s. E. E. Wheelock. Prepared in Tampico H. S.; Shurtliff Coll. Equitable Powder Mfg. Co.; Farm Mgr.. Ft. Smith, Ark.; do., Jerseyville, 111. Married Myrtle Louise Lewis, N 15, 191 1, Tampico, 111. Children: Gwyneth Louise, b. F 2. 1913; Lewis Truman, b. Je 13, 1915. Address, Jerseyville, 111. 5497- RUTH LINCOLN WHITAKER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 24, 1888, Chicago; d. Alton E. (b. W. Windsor, Vt.) and Jennie L. (North) Whitaker (b. Boston). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago; Certificate, Chicago Teachers' Coll., 1913. Alpha Xi Delta. Teacher, Chicago Pub. Schs., 1913 — ; Grad. Stud., Columbia, 1918 — . Address, 536 E. 41SI St., (Chicago; bus. add., 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York Clity. 5498. COURTLAND KIRKE WHITE Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 9, 1889, Columbia, Wis.; s. Merrick Lee (b. Ja i, 1848, Ilornell, N. Y.) and Maud Kate (Turney) White (b. Sligo, Pa.>. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Adelphic; Mask and Bauble. Finan- cial Accounting, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Married Ruth Keller, My 17, 19 1 7. Brooklyn, N. Y. Child, Court- land Kirke, Jr., b. Mr 29, 1918. Address, 942 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; bus. add.. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., do. 5499. ASA J. WILBOURN (Brother of No. 4978) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 16, 1891, Olive Branch, 111.; s. W. W. Wilbourn. Prepared in Jackson Mil. Acad., Mo. Address, Olive Branch, 111. 5500. GEORGE GLENN WILEY (Brother of No. 8064) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 26, 1887, Hardy, Neb.: s. G. E. Wiley. Prepared in Warren H. S. Draftsman, Loew-Victor Gas Engine Co., Chicago. U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of 111. Address, 1134 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. f 48o University of Illinois [1912 5S0I. *LLOYD GARRISON WILLIAMS (Brother of Nos. 3606, 4496) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 7, 1890, Elgin, 111.; s. John H. (b. 1857, Wis.) and Mary E. (Foss) Williams (b. 1858, Campton, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Phi Kappa Psi. City Atty., Elgin, 111., 1915-17. 2d Lt., Inf., Co. 8, A. E. F., France. 1917-181. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Died Ja 1919, France. 5502. BEN WILSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 16, 1886, Keithsburg, 111.; s. J. A. Wilson. Prepared in Lewis Inst. Delta Tau Delta. Civ. Engr., 111. St. Highway Comn^, Springfield, 111.; with J. W. Butler Paper Co., Chicago. Address, loio Ft. Dearborn Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. cqo3. FRANK HARLAND WILSON Agriculturist; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 24, i8gi. Champaign; s. Thomas Alfred (b. Je 25, 1854, Washington Co., Ind.) and Blanche (Ayres) Wilson (b. Ja 2, 1859, Champaign). Prepared in Champaign H. S. With Gen. Elec. Co., Newark. N. J., 1912-14; Fruit and Poviltry Farm, Kaleva, Mich., 1914-18. 5th Training Camp. C. A. C, Ft. Monroe, Va. ist Class Electn. Sergt., C. A. C, 41st Railroad Art., Ft. Monroe, 1918 — -. Mem., Baptist Church. Ad- dress, 312 W. Washington St., Champaign. 5504. HORACE SMITH WILSON Mgr., Art Service; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 19, 1889, Joliet, 111.; s. John Frances (b. Candia, N. H.) and Phoebe A. (McGuire) Wilson (b. Albany, Vt.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Yoxan; Sr. Ball Com.; Glee Club. Mgr., Wilson Adv. Agency, Cham- paign, 1913-15; Newhoff, Byers and Wilson, Music Publishers, 1915-16; Partner, Charles L. Johnson, Music Publishing Co., do.; Owner, Wilson Art Service, do., 1916-17. ist Lt., C. A. R. C, Ft. Levett, Me., 1917; 72nd Art., C. A. C, Ft. McKinley, Me., 1918: France, 191 8 — . Address, 7226 Euclid Ave., Chicago. 5503. EDWARD KITCHELL WITCHER Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 21, 1891, Olney, 111.; s. Robert Bledsoe (b. Ap 15, 1855) and Bertha (Kitchell) Witcher (b. N 23, 1861). Prepared in Olney H. S.; Vanderbilt Univ., 1911-12. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Upsilon; Commodore Club; Philomathean; Phi Beta Kappa. Fraternity jewelry Salesman, 1912- 13; Gen. Sec, Y. M. C. A., 1913-16; Med. Stud, and Instr., Eng., Univ. of Okla., 19 15 — . Address, Norman, Okla.. 5506. WILLIAM PAXTON WITT (Brother of No. 4982) Cashier; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 11, 1891, Kane, 111.; s. G. W. Witt. Prepared in Carrollton H. S. Asst. Cashier, Kane Trust & Savings Bank., Kane, 111. Address, Kane, Ill.t 5507. COLLETT EVERMAN WOOLMAN (Husband of No. 6222; Brother of Nos. 2^71, 8076, 8077) Dist. Supervising Agt.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 8, 1889, Bloomington, Ind.; s. Albert Jef- ferson (b. My 31, 1861, Ind.) and Daura (Campbell) Woolman (b. Ag 17, 1865, Ky.). Prepared in Univ. of 111. Acad. Asst. Planta- tion Mgr., Pantigo, N. C, 1912; Plantation Mgr., Allendale, La., 1913; C)o. Agr. Agt., Mon- roe, La., 1914-16; Dist. Supervising Agt. Baton Rouge La., 1916 — . Married Helen Fairiield ('14). Ag 8, 1916, Champaign. Ad- dress, 524 Middle St., Baton Rouge, La.; bus. add., University Station, do. SS08. WALTER BOATMAN WORSHAM Manager; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 28, 1888, Pana, III.; s. G. W. Worsham. Prepared in Paris II. S. Acacia; Shield and Trident; Sec, E. E. Soc. ; Treas. Aero Club; Cadet Hop Com. Daily Illini Staff; Art Ed., Illio. Mgr., A. L. Schaeffer's Book Store, Paris, 111. Address, 127 E. Washington St., Paris, 111. 5509. ETHEL WEST WRIGHT Secretary; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 20, 1883, Hillsdale, la.; d. E. L. Wright. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Address, 403 Dechman .\ve., Peoria. t 5510. GEORGE ELLERY WRIGHT Designer; B. S. in Arch.; b. D 18, 1886, Odell, 111.; s. Marcellus Ellery (b. Farming- ton, Me.) and Ada (Hoadley) Wright (b. Ottawa, 111.). Prepared in Odell H. S. Scarab. Arch. Designer, Office of Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1912-17. 1st Lt., A. S. S. C, A. E. F., France. Mem., Univ. Club, L'rbana, 1913. Married Sarah Louise Nixon, Je 24, 1918, Indianapolis. Address, 1009 S. 3rd St., Champaign; bus. add., 256 Adm. Bldg., Univ. of 111. 55 1 1. JOHN EDWARD WRIGHT Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 23, 1884, Herscher, 111.; s. E. P. Wright. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Elec. Engr., Parsons Min. Co., Parsons, N. M. ; Contract Dept., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. Address, Herscher, 111. 5512. ROBERT GARDNER YOUNG Mech. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 6, 1890. Harvard, 111.; s. A. W. Young. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Mech. Engr., Oak Park, 111.; Efficiency Engr., Pub. Service Co., Chicago; with Diamond Power Specialty Co., Detroit. "Married Margaret Clendening, D 1914, Beard- stown. 111. Child, Lucie Gardner, b. S 13, 1916. Address, 473 Pallister Ave., Detroit; bus. add., Diamond Power Specialty Co., De- troit. 5513. GEORGE JOHN ZIMMERMAN With Gordon & Ferguson Co.; A. B. in Bus.; b. Ja 17, 1890, Peoria; s. M. Zimmerman. Pre- pared in Peoria H. S.; Concordia Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Chi; Der Deutsche Verein. With Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago; Supervising Teacher, Hilongos Leyte, P. I.; with Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul, 1918 — . Address, 311 Mackulin St., St. Paul; bus. add., c/o Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul. 5514. ADOLF EDWARD ZUCKER (Husband of No. 4308) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1913; b. O 26. 1890, Ft. Wayne. Ind.; s. F. (b. S 2, 1842, (ier.) and Marie (Kremmer) Zucker (b. Jl 13, 1857, Madras, S. India). Prepared in Concordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1917. Teacher, Clifton Coll., 1910-11; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; .\sst., do., Univ. of Pa.; Instr., Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China, 1917 — . Married Maria Lois Miles ('10), S 6, 1916, Bushnell, 111. Ad- dress, Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni CLASS OF 1913 (508 LIVING, 14 DEAD) SSiS. HELEN ABBOTT (RANDOLPH) (Daughter of No. 373; Wife of No. 5884; Sister of No. 4994) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl s, 1891, Chicago; d. William Lamont ('84), (b. F 14, 1861, Union Grove, III.) and Carrie (Entwhistle) Abbott (b. Jl 27, iSs9, Elizabeth, 111.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Yo Ma. Married Otto CotTeen Fitz Randolph ('13), Je 16, 1917, Chicago. Address, 4616 Beacon St., Chicago. S5i6. SETH DAVID ABBOTT Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 9, 1891, Crete, Neb.; s. Guy Lett (b. Je 12, 1862, Sheridan, 111.) and Elizabeth (Lamham) Abbott (b. D 3, 1863, Mudford, Eng.). Prepared in Yorkville H. S. Farmer, Florence, Neb., 1913-15; do., Malaga, N. M., 1915-16; Municipal Hail Insp., Kegina, Sask., Can, 1916. U. S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, S. C. and Quantico, Va., 1917; A. E. F., 1917; Commended for bravery at Chateau Thierry; with Army of Occupation, N 191 8 — . Address, Sheridan, 111. 3517. LILLIAN MAY ALBAND (MOHAN) (Sister of No. 6692) A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 18, 1890, Streator, 111.; d. John (b. Alden, N. Y.) and Mary (Gleim) Alband (b. Streator, 111.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S.; Beloit Coll. 1908-11. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Co. Probation Officer, Streator, 111. 1914-17; Asst. Sewing Teacher, Pub. Schools, do., 1916-17. Married John Jay Mohan, Je 14, 1917, Chicago. .4ddress. 804 S. Park St., Streator, 111. 5518. ROSCOE H. ALBRIGHT (Brother of No. 6041) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 10, 1888, Armington, 111.; s. Jerome Albright. Pre- pared in Hittle Tp. H. S. Phi Delta Theta; C. E. Club; Class Fencing; Varsity Fencing; Sr. Ball Com. Div. Engr., Pa. Ry. Co. Mar- ried Ruth Grisson, My 8, 1914, Armington, 111. Address, c/o Div. Office, Pa. Ry. Co., New Castle, Pa. SS19. HARRY GLEN ALDRICH Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 30, 1889, Pasadena, Calif.; s. Norman Kellogg (b. 1857, Tampico, 111.) and Christine (Stepper) Aid- rich (b. 1861 Atlantic, la.). Prepared in Gales- burg H. S. B. S., Knox Coll.. 1910. Phi Delta Theta; Scarab; Class Basketball; Class Tennis. With W. B. Griffin & F. E. Davidson, Archs, 1913; Aldrich & Aldrich, Archs., 1914 — . Ad- dress, 1255 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, 111.; bus. add., Mail Bldg., do. 5520. LOUIS ALLEN Professor; A. B. in L. & A. ; A. M., 191 5; b. N 20, 1887, Penetanguishene, Can; s. W. H. Allen. Prepared in Clinton H. S.; Univ. of Paris. 19 1 3. Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim. Honors; Le Cercle Frangais. Asst. Rom. Lang., Univ. of 111., 1915-16. Section 94, U. S. A. A. S., A. E. F., France; Awarded Croix de Guerre, Mr, 1918. Address, 905 W. Clay St., Clinton, 111. 5521. RUBY ALLEN (BOYER) (Wife of No. 6103) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 29, 1886, Carlyle, 111.; d. James (b. Ap 12, 1844, do.) and Sarah (Lamb) Allen (b. Jl 12, 1852, Belfast, Ire- land). Prepared in Carlyle H. S. ; 111. State Normal Univ. 1903-05; Univ. of Chicago, sum- mer 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Salutatorian. Prin.. H. S., Monti- cello, 111., 1913-16; Teacher, Eng., Tech. H. S., Indianapolis, 1916-17. Married Walter Howard Boyer ('14), Jl 21, 191 7, Leavenworth, Kan. Child, William Howard, b. S 6, 1918. Address, Carlyle, III. 5522. CARL WALTER ALLISON Principal; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 22, 1886, Olney, 111.; s. C. W. (b. Painesville, O.) and Ermina (Creek) Allison (b. Louisville. 111.). Prepared in Olney H. S. (Tlass Treas. Prin., Schs., Hib- bing, Minn. R. O. T. C, Ft. Snelling, Minn., 1917; 2d Lt., Q. M. C, 1917. Mem., B. P. O. E. ; A. F. A. M; Nat. Geo^. Soc. Married Janet Mitchell, D 27, 1913, Chicago. Child, Carl Walter, Jr., b. O i, 1915. Address, 2154 F St., Washington, D. C; bus. add.. Room 98, Sub. Div., Q. M. G. O., do. 5523. CLARENCE FELIX ANDERSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 18, 1886, Flora, 111.; s. William (b. 1845, Decatur Co., Ind.) and Froelah (McGrew) Anderson (b. 1861, Flora, 111.). Prepared in Flora H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Eng., Houghton, Mich., 1912-14; Cent. H. S., Mus- kogee, Okla., 1914-16; Head of Dept., Eng., do., 1916-18. Mem., M. E. Church; Okla. Council, Teachers of Eng. Married Ruth I. McCreery, Je 12, 1912, Thompsonville, 111. Children: Margaret, b. My 20, 1913; Donald Felix, b. My 20, 1916. Address, 447 North K St., Muskogee, Okla. 5524. ISABELLA ANDERSON Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. Monroe Co., 111.; d. John (b. 1831, Scotland) and Jane (Rook) Anderson (b. 1830, Eng.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Supt., Schs., Arenzville, 111., 191S — . Address, Arenzville, 111. 5525. JAMES BURTON ANDREWS Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 29, 1890, Washington, 111.; s. Charles Woodson (b. Jl 12, 1858, do.) and Anna Augusta (Jacquin) Andrew (b. Ag 20, 1858, Metamora, 111.). Pre pared in Walnut H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club Hoof and Horn Club. Farm Mgmt., Field work Univ. of 111., Elvaston, 111., 1913-14; Instr and Asst., Farm Orgn. and Mgmt. do., Ur bana. 1914 — . U. S. Navy, Seattle, Wash. N 1918; Mustered out, Ja ii, 1919. Address 12 1 1 W. Main St., Urbana. 5526. PEACH HELEN ANDREWS (NELSON) (Wife of No. 5340) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 11, 1892, Washington, 111.; d. Robert Burton (b. 1858, do.) and Ma- tilda (Hopkins) Nelson (b. 1859, Sibbertoft, Eng.). Prepared in Macon and Decatur H. Schs. Delta Gamma: Athenean; W. A. A.; Class Basketball. Instr., Math., Stephens Coll., Columbia, Mo. Married Raymond Andrew Nelson ('12), S 19, 1915, Macon, 111. Ad- dress, El Paso, Te.x. 5527. WILLIAM ORUS ANDREWS Designer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 15, 1887, Oak Park, 111.; s. Charles Jonathan (b. Jl 7, 1849, Wigan, Eng.) and Harriet Emily (Hitchcock) Andrews (b. Mr 23, 1848, Campton, 111.). Pre- pared in Oak Park H. S. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Instr., Dept. of Mech., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 1913-17; Designer, Stone & Webster, Boston, 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Soc. of Engrs. of E. N. Y., 1915-17; Baptist Church. Married Nellie Marie Ott, Je 20, 1917, Brunswick, N. Y. Address, 80 Blake St., Boston: bus. add., 147 Milk St., c/o Stone & Webster, do. 482 University of Illinois I1913 5528. NOBLE ARNOLD (Brother of No. 6056) Branch Mgr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ag 30, 1889, Iowa City, la.; s. Edwin Hunter (b. Cresco, la.) and Emma (Noble) Arnold (b. do.). Prepared in Calumet H. S. Treas., Sr. Ball Com. Engng. Lab. Asst., Chicago, 1913- 17; Branch Mgr., Holland Furnace Co., Clin- ton, la., 1917 — . Married Helen Gardner, S 25, 1914, Chicago. Child, Gardner, b. Ag 19, 191 7. Address, 1015, 5th Ave., Clinton, la.; bus. add., 424 N. 2nd St., do. 5529. ALBERT KING ATKINSON A. B. in Sc; b. O 2, 1889, Toledo, O.; s. C. H. Atkinson. Prepared in Toledo Central H. S. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Class Football. With Oliver Typewriter Co. .-iddress, 5542 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 5530. FREDERICK MORTIMER ATKINSON, JR. Real Est. Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 10, 1887, Chicago; s. Frederick Mortimer (b. F 22, 1845, Ontario, Can.) and Sarah R. (Morse) Atkinson (b. S 14, 1850, Rochester, N. Y.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. Capt. and Regt. Commissary, Univ. Regt.; Varsity Tennis. Address, 2827 Pine Grove Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 7 S. Dearborn St., do. 5531. CHARLES AUSTIN ATVVOOD Asst. St. Leader; B. S.' in Agr.; b. F 15, 1889, Peoria Co., 111.; s. Charles Lincoln (b. 1862, do.) and Harriet (Gordon) Atwood (b. S I, 1864, do.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Ed., ///. Agr. Farmer, Alta, 111., 1913-18; Agr. Demonstra- tion Service, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Asst., St. Leader, Co. Advisory Work, do.^, ,1918 — . Charter Mem., Univ. Club, Peoria; Sec, Peoria Co. Farm. Bur. Married Myrtle B. Cromwell, S 19, 1918, Momence, 111. Address, 508 W. Iowa St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 1210 Springfield Ave., do. 5532. ROBERT BACH Tailor; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. D 13, 1889, Chicago; s. Joseph Bach. Prepared in Crane Man. Tr. H. S. Chi Psi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Prelim. Honors; Sergt. and ist Lt., Univ. Regt.; Baseball. With U. S. Bur. of Mines, Dept. Interior, Washington, D. C, 1913; Tail- or, Chicago, 1913 — . Married Maud Thielke, Ag 28, 1913, Omaha. Child, Robert Joseph, b. F 16, 1916. Address, 3344 Broadway, Lake- view Sta., Chicago; bus. add., 16 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 5533. HENRY STILLMAN BADGER Chief Electn.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 23, 1886, Delavan, Wis.; s. Charles E. and Frances Lillian (Cooper) Badger (b. Woodstock, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Eta Kappa Nu; Final Honors. Testing Dejit., Ge^n. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1913-14; Chem. Engr., Kenicott Water Softener Co., Chicago Hgts., 111., 1914-16; Asst. Div. Insp., Pub. Service Comn. of No. 111., do., 1916-17. Instr., Magneto Dept., Mech. Sch., Aviation Sta., 1917; Chief Electn., U. S. N. R. F., 191 7; Mustered out, Ja 13, 1919- Address, 434 Pacific St., Appleton. Wis.; bus. add., c/o Pub- lic Service Co., Chicago Heights, 111. 5534. ROSCOE EDWARD BAILEY Bus. Supt.: B. S. in E. E.; b. S 19, 1891, Neoga, 111.; s. Otis C. (b. D 21, 1869, Mon- soria, Ind.) and Anna E. (Estes) Bailey (b. D 3, 1 87 1, Neoga, 111.). Prepared in Milford and Newman H. Schs. E. E. Soc. Stud., Central Sta. Practice, Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1913-14; Special Salesman, 111. N. Utilities Co., Dixon, 111., 1914; Salesman, Utah Power and Light Co., Salt Lake City, 1914-16; Supt., Power Sales, do., 1916 — . Mar- ried Clara Hope, S 9, 1915, Salt Lake City. Child, Helen Louise, b. Mr 25, 191 7. Address, 1474 S. 15th St. East Salt Lake City; bus. add., 132 S. Main St., do. 5535. GLENN CLIFFE BAINUM Dir. of Mus.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 6, 1888, Olney, 111.; s. Osci Jay (b. Ja 26, i860. do.) and Ida Elizabeth (Cliflfe) Bainum (b. Mr 22, 1 86 1, do.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Delta Tau Delta; 111. Union Dramatic Club; Lamb- kins. Head, Engng. Dept., W. Aurora H. S., 1914; Dir. of Mus., So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., Carbondale, 111., 1915-17. 2d Lt., Inf. R. C, 1917; 342d Inf., N. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1917; ist Lt., Hdqtrs. Co., 71st Inf., nth Div., Camp Meade, Md., 1918-19; Mustered out, Ja 24, 1919. Mem. B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; K. P.; M. E. Church. Married Manta Wilson Put- camp, Je 9, 1 916, Carbondale, 111. Address, 717 S. Washington St., Carbondale, 111. 5536. ETHEL MAY BAIRD (WEAVER) (Sister of Nos. 2566, 3627) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 28, 1891, Benton, 141.; d. James M. (b. O 21, 1839, Glasgow, -Scotland) and Anna E. (Alcock) Baird (b. Jl 9, 1856, Wis.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. H. Sc Club. Married Lana Weaver, Ag 12, 1913, Urbana. Children: Jean Elizabeth; James Baird. Address, 310 W. Church St., Harris- burg, Ill.t 5537. JULIA MINNETTA BARBER (Sister of Nos. 5538, 7361) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; M. A., 1915; b. My 16, 1889, LaFox, 111.; d. Carroll A. (b. N 5. 1854, LaFox, 111.) and Mary (Anderson) Barber (b. Jl 2, iSOo, Virgil Tp., Kane Co., 111.). Pre- pared in Geneva H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Pre- lim. Honors; Teacher, Eng., Oswego H. S., 191517. Address, LaFox, 111. 5538. LESLIE CARROLL BARBER (Brother of Nos. 5537, 7361) Journalist; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 15, 1891. LaFox, III.; s. Carroll A. (b. N 5. 1854, LaFox, 111.) and Mary V. (Anderson) Barber (b. Jl 2, i860, Virgil, 111.). Prepared in Geneva H. S. Cosmopolitan Club; 2nd Lt. Univ. Regt. Re- porter, Aurora Beacon Neius, Aurora, 111., 1913-16; Farmer, LaFox, 111., 1916-17. Co. I., i6th Inf.; Instr., Army Candidates Sch., A. P. O., 714, A. E. F., France; ist Lt., Co. I, i6th Inf., A. E. F., Artois Section, 1917 — . Address, LaFox, 111. 5539. HENRY HARRISON BARTELLS Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Sc; b. Jl 3, 1888, Camp Point, 111.; s. George Case (b. Jl 1, 1841, Ger.) and Christina (Walters) Bartells (b. F I, 1843. New York City). Prepared in Maple- wood H. S., Camp Point, 111. Acacia; Theta Nu Epsilon; Fresh. Baseball; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Ball Com.; Jr. Smoker Com. Ceram. Engr., N. M. Fire Brick Co., Streator, 111.; Bessemer Limestone Co., Youngstown, O. ; Supt. of Plant, do. ist. Class Pvt., 1918; Sergt., 1918; 2nd Lt., 2ist Co., 6th Tr. Bn., 158th Depot Brig., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out, D 17, 1918. Mem., Streator Club; A. F. A. M. Address, New Castle, Pa.; bi(s. add., 714 Stambaugh Bldg., Youngstown, O. 5540. BARTOW STRANG BASCOME Const. Supt.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 16, 1886, Plainfield, N. J.; s. Geo. D. and Ada (Strang) Bascome. Prepared in Elinira (N. Y.) Free Acad. Engr., N. Y. Subways, 1912-13; N. Y. St. Barge Canal, 1913-14; N. Y. St. Highway Comn., 1914-16; Supt., Const., United Service Co., Scranton, Pa., 1916-18. 2nd Lt. Engrs., N. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1918 — . .Address, 405 Lake St., Elmira, N. Y. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 483 SS4I. LOUIS PETER BAUMAN (Husband of No. 5603) Rancher; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 26, 1888, Seattle, Wash.; s. Peter (b. i86o, Springfield, 111.) and Mary, Louise (Perkins) Bauman (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Far- mer, Peoria, 111., 1914; Fieldon, 111., 191S; Supt., Thunder Mountain Ranch, Crivitz, Wis., 1916 — . Married Eleanor Marie Combe ('13), Jl 4, 19 14, Champaign. Address, Crivitz, Wis. 5S42. MAURICE ROBERT BEBB (Brother of Nos. 5027, 7375) Florist; B. S. in Agr.j b. S 22, 1891, Chi- cago; s. Robert (b. Ag 20, 1865, Washington, D. C.) and Florence Alma (Pine) Bebb (b. Mr 10, 1865, Staten Island, N. Y.). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Prelim, and Final Honors. Fresh. Varsity Track: Varsity Track; Varsity Tennis. Mgr., Greenhouses of Muskogee Car- nation Co., Muskogee, Okla., 1Q13-17. Stud. R. O. T. C, Ft. Roots, Little Rock, Ark., 1917; 2nd. Lt., Inf., R. C, 1917; 312th Ammunition Train, Camp Pike, Ark.; ist. Lt., Inf., N. A., 1917; Capt., S. M. A. Austin, Tex. Address, 1 1 19 Fremont Ave., Muskogee, Okla.; bus. add., Muskogee Carnation Co., do. 5543. MORRIS LOUIS BECKER Mine Supt.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. F 22, 1889, Russia; s. Julius Becker. Prepared in Medill H. S. Asst. Supt., Guggenheim Mine. Mar- ried Sarah R. Frankel, F 15, 1914, Chicago. Address, Guggenheim Mine, Rancagua, Chile, S. A. 5S44. RALPH ANDERSON BENNITT (Husband of No. 5051) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; C. E., 1917; b. O 20, 1888, Sandwich, 111., s. C. C. Bennitt. Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Zeta Psi; Pres., C. E. Club; West. Soc. of Engrs; Fresh. Varsity Swimming; Class Swimming; Class Treas. ; Homecoming Com.; Engng. Dance (Tom. City Engr., Chicago, 1913; De- signing and Const. Engr., Factory Bldgs. ; Chile Exploration Co., Chile, S. A. Married (Tiara Brooks ('12), My i, 1915, Saunemin, 111. Address, C^huquicomata, via Antofogasta, Chile Exploration Co., Chile, S. A. 5545. FREDERICK EDWARD BERGER (Brother of No. 8950) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 16, 1889, Davenport, la.; s. Edward (b. Ap 14, i860, Chicago) and Elise (Lorenzen) Berger (b. Ag 18, 1862, Davenport, la.). Prepared in Daven- port (la.). H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Scarab; Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Chicago, 1913- 14; Asst. Mgr., Arch. Dept., Gordon Van Tine Co., Davenport, la., 1914 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Tri-City Arch. Club; Davenport Cml. Club; Sec, Davenport Alumni Chapter Delta Tau Delta; Presby. Church. Married Agnes Zilly, Ja 12. 1916, Champaign. Child, Thomas Edward, b. My 11, 191 7. Address, 626 Brown St., Davenport, la. 5546. WALLACE BERGER Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 3, 1883, Chicago; s. William G. (b. Jefferson, Wis.) and Minnie (Schoenberg) Berger (b. Wheeling, 111.). Prepared in Lake \'iew H. S.; LIniv. Acad. Cosmopolitan Club. Arch. Engr., Gard- ner & Lindberg, Engrs. Married Grace Louise Schloerer, S 15, 1917, Chicago. Address, 1851 Cornelia Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1135 Mar- quette Bldg., do. 5547. ROBERT EDWIN BLACKBURN Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 24, 1889, Salina, Kan.; s. J. E. (b. Mr 12, 1856, Brook- lyn, 111.) and Flora (Kidder) Blackburn (b. F 12, 1861, Durango, 111.). Prepared in Qaincy H. S. M. S. A., Univ. of Ga., 191 5. LamWa Chi Alpha; Glee and Mandolin Club. Inslr., Ga. St. Agr. Coll., 1913-15; Farmer, LaFayette, Ga., 1915-17; Adj. Prof., Hort., Exten. Ser- vice, Ga. St. Agr. Coll., 1917 — . Married Ruth Callaway, O i, 1915, Atlanta. Children: Ruth, b. Ag 13, 1916; Edna, b. N 5, 191S. Address, Athens, Ga. 5548. WALTER ARTHUR BLAKESLEE Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 23, 1892, DuQuoin, 111.; s. Frank B. Blakeslee. Pre- pared in Kansas City (Mo.) Man. Tr. H. S. With Ford Motor Car, Branch Assembly Plant, Kansas City, Mo., 191 5; Rice Inst., Houston, Tex., 1916. Married Z. C. Blakeslee. D 28, 1917, Little Rock, Ark. Address, 524 Trenton St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 5549. WILFRED FRANCIS BLATHER WICK Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Je 7, 1890, Chat- tanooga, Tenn.; s. Wilfred F. (b. Je 12, 1847, Hiram, O.) and Mary (Reckner) Blatherwick (b. Mr 10, 1851, Holmes Co., O.). Prepared in Vincennes, (Ind.) H. S. Acanthus. Arch. Draftsman and Designer, Cincinnati. 3d O. T. C, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., 1918; ist Lt., 3rd Co., 13th Repl. and Tr. Bn.. (Tamp Pike, Ark.; Mustered out, D 15, 1918. Address, 235 S. 4th St., Vincennes, Ind. 5550. PAUL THEODORE BOCK Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 31, 1889, Chicago; s. Christopher H. and Wilhelmina (Eheling) Bock. Prepared in N. Div. H. S., (Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. Engng. Dept., C. & N. W. Ry., 1913; Bur. of Bridges and Harbor, Chicago, 19 13-15: East River Tunnels, N. Y. 2d and ist Lt., U. S. Primitive Expe- dition, Mex., 1917; 2d U. S. Engrs.; Border Patrol, 5th U. S. Engrs.; Coast Guard, 4th Engrs., Training Regt., Camp Humphreys, Va., 1918; Sr. Instr., Engrs., O. T. C., do. Ad- dress, 2930 Burling St., Chicago. 5551. MARTHA ELIZABETH BONHAM Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 16, 1889, Raub, Ind.; d. Cassius Milton (b. 1856, Mount Carmel, Ind.) and -Anna Mary (Chan- cellor) Bonham (b. 1857, Carlyle, O.). Pre- pared in Watseka H. S. Teacher, Eng. and Hist., Delavan, 111., 1913-15: do., Remington, Ind., 1915-17; Prin., H. S., do., 1917; do., Kent- land, Ind. Address, Watseka, 111.; bus. add.. Remington, Ind. 5552. BERTHA BOURDETTE (HENDRIX) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 13, 1888, Miles City, Mont.; d. Henry Edwin (b. F 28, 1866, 111.) and Cora Maud (Conroy) Bourdette (b. .\g 14, 1870, 111.). Prepared in Hyde Park and Wendell Phillips IT. Schs., Chicago; Spo- kane, (Wash.) H. S. Athenean; Scribbler's Club; Bethany Circle; French and Spanish Clubs; Class Poet. Lived in Spain, summer, 1Q13. .^uth.: Raison d'aimer, Te.r. Review, Vol. II, 1916; The Half Wit, do., 1917; Rose Dreams, The Madrigal, Vol. I, 1917; Do I Love Thee? Vol. I, 191 7. Married W. S. Hendrix, Je 25, 1913, Chicago. Clhildren: Edith Bourdette, b. S 5, 1914; William Edwin, b. O 29, 1916. Address, Box yj, Univ. Sta., Austin, Tex. 5553- FRANCES JOSEPHINE BOYD Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 4, 1892, Cisco, 111.; d. W. A. (b. Ilallsville, HI.) and Florence Adelaide (Read) Boyd (b. Cham- paign). Prepared in Decatur and Ashland H. Schs.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1909-11. Pi Beta Phi; Athenian: Advisory Bd. Women's League: Y. W. C. A., 2d Cabinet; Classical Club. University of Illinois [1913 Teacher, Hist, and Latin, H. S., Bellflower, i9i3-:4; do., Onarga, 1914-17; Prin., Com- munity H. S., Leroy, 111., 191 7-18; Teacher, Hist., H. S., Champaign, 1918 — . Address, 606 W. Green St., Champaign. S554. BESS BOYERS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 30, iSgo, Decatur, Ind.; d. James S. (b. Jl 17, 1850, Morgantown, W. Va.) and Eva Elizabeth (Musson) Boyers (b. S 13. 1859, Champaign). Prepared in Decatur (Ind.) H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., :909-ii. Kappa Kappa Gamma; H. Sc. Club. Pres., Decatur Civic League, Decatur, Ind., 1913-is; Supvr., H. Sc, Pub. Schs., Decatur, Ind.; Supvr., H. Arts and H. Sc, St. Norm. Sch., San Jose, Calif. Mem., Ind. St. Fraternity Kappa Kappa Kappa. Ad- dress, 929 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif. 55S3. LUCY CENTER BRADRICK Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 26, 1889, Crescent City, 111.; d. Borter (b. My 26, 1846, Muncie, Ind.) and Isabella (Robison) Bradrick (b. Jl 4, 1846, Darlington, Wis.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Alc- thenaj; Fresh, and Prelim. Honors; Sec, Sr. lUinae; V. P., Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Farmland, Ind., 1913-14; do., Watseka, 111., 1914-15; do., Ind., 1913-14; do., Watseka, 111., 1914-15; Jc Burlingame, Calif., 191 5-16; Watseka, 111., 1916 — . Address, 302 N. 5th St., Watseka 111. 5556. ALEXANDER RUDOLPH BRANDNER Architect; B. S. in Arch., M. S., 1914; 1» N 15, 1 89 1, Bucharest, Roumania; s. Ludwig (b. Je 3, 1863, Ratisbon, Bavaria, Ger.) and Marie (Scharschmidt) Brandner (b. N 20, 1868, Jassy, Roumania). Prepared in North Division H. S., Chicago; Arch. Design (Even- ing Work) Atelier Rebori, Chicago, 1914-17. Tau Beta Pi: Sigma Xi; Alpha Rho Chi; Adel- phic Arch. Club; Prelim. Honors; Post. Grad. Scholarship; 5th F. J. Plym Fellowship in Arch., 1915- Arch, and Draftsman, Chicago, 191 3-1 8. Co. C, 333d Mach. Gun Bn., Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Interpreter and Topographer, Intelligence Dept., 33d Div. Address, 1437 Berteau Ave., Chicago. 5S57. IRVING MYRON BR.AZIER Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 6, 1887, Bos- ton, Mass.; s. C. Brazier. Prepared in Calif. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Calif. Prin., H. S., Ukiah, Calif. Address, Ukiah, Calif. 5SS8. WILLIAM JAMES BROADHEAD Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 25, 1890, Fulton, 111.; s. J. W. Broadhead. Prepared in Sedgwdck (Colo.) H. S.; Colo. Agr. Coll. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Gamma Rho; Hel- met; Ku Klux; Yoxan; Class Football; ist Sergt., Univ. Regt. Address, Sedgwick, Colo. 5559. EDWIN JOHN BROCKMEYER Arch, and Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 5, 1 89 1, Palestine, Tex.; s. Edward F. and Lula Brockmeyer. Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Egyptian Club; Fresh. Var- sity Football; Capt., Varsity Water Polo. Lt., Pioneer Engrs., (lo. D, 314 Engrs., 89th Div., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, D 10, 1918. Ad- dress, 21S-16 Arcade Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. 5560. FRANCIS Andrew brown Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 10, 1885, Minneiska, Minn.; s. George W. Brown. Pre- pared in Lake City H. S., Univ. of Minn. Arch. Club. Address, 2523 i6th Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn.f 3561- JAMES FEARON brown (Brother of Nos. 4573, 7416) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; J. D., 1915; b. My 21. 1 89 1, Belleville, 111.; s. Hugh White (b. F 20, 1841, Cedar Springs, Pa.) and Emma Rosalind (Alexander) Brown (b. O 16, 1853, Reedsville, Pa.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. and Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Phi; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Scabbard and Blade. Lawyer, New York City, 1915-17; with Kellogg, Emery & Cuthell, Attys., New York City, 1919 — . Capt., Inf., O. R. C, 1917; 341st Inf. N. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1917-18; Special duty as Command- ing Officer Co. 2, 3d O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111.; Maj., Central O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va.; mus- tered out D 1918. Address, 52 Brodway, New York City. 5562. MARY VIOLA BRUNER (TEHON) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. Jl 2, 1889, Mattoon, 111.; s. George H. (b. F 11, 1855, Louisville, Ky.) and Martha Etta (Stephens) Bruner (b. N 7, 1862, Sigel, III.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher, Latin, Urbana H. S., 1913-15 and iqi6-i8; Instr., Latin, LTniv. of Wis., 1918 — . Married Leo R. Tehon, Ap 1918, Indianapolis. Address, 1609 Edgar Ave., Mattoon, 111.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 5563. ARTHUR MAXWELL BRUNSON Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 26, 1891, Joliet, 111.; s. Dr. Gay Ma.xwell (b. F 23, i860, Lockport, 111.) and Rose (Stopp) Brunson (b. Jl I, 1867, Buckinghamshire, Eng.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Gamma Alpha; Prelim, and Final Honors. Asst., Agron., Univ. of 111., 1913-17; Assoc, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. Instr., U. S. S. M. A., do., 1917; Pvt., ist class. A. S., S. E. R. C, 1917. Married Martha Taft, F 15, 1919, Gloucester. Mass. Address, 1204 Western Ave., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., 107 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. 5564. EDWARD WESLEY BULLARD Inspector; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 26, 1889, Mechanicsburg, 111.; s. John Nelson (b. O 29, 184S, do.) and Lillie May (Pinckard) Bullard (b. F 9, 1856, Alton, 111.). Prepared in Mechanicsburg and Springfield H. Schs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ma-wan-da; Capt., Cross Country Team; Capt., Track Team. Insp., 111. St. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111., 1913-14; Concrete Insp., I. C. Ry., Chicago, 1914-17. ist Lt., Engrs. Corps., A. E. F., France, 191 7; Capt., do.; Director of Const, and Forestry, Tours, do. Auth. : Article in Engng. News; Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Mechanicsburg, 111. 5565. NIXON LAWRENCE BUNN Civ. Engr. B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 10, 1891, Springfield, 111.; s. Joseph F. Bunn. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Class Football. Civ. Engr., Div. of Highways, Springfield, 111. Bat. C, 71st F. A.. Camp Taylor and Camp Knox, Ky.; Mustered out, F i, 1919. Address, 823 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111. 5566. STEPHEN WIILLIAM BURSTROM Elec. Insp.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 13, 1885, Milwaukee; s. G. B. Burstrom. Prepared in Idaho St. Norm, and Armour Inst. E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Mayme Blair Crawford, D 27, IQ13, Urbana. Address, 4922 Christiana Ave., Chicago. 5567. CLARENCE FLETCHER BURWASH (Brother of Nos. 2602, 3304, SS68, 6131, 7427) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 27, 1887, Plain- view, 111.; s. T. M. Burwash. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Farmer. 2d Lt.. 343d Inf., Camp Grant, 111.; 343d Inf.. Sch. Detachment, 86th Division, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Mar- ried Myrtle Heater, Jl 2, igi8, Urbana. .4d- dress, Alvin, lU.t I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 485 Ss68. 'MABEL ESTELLE BURWASH (Sister of Nos. 2602, 3304, 5567, 6131. 7427) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 19, 1S91, Plain- view, 111.; d. Thomas Nathaniel (b. Ag 15, 1847, Can.) and Sarah Margaret (Boswell) Burwash (b. Mr 27, 1855, Shipman, 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, H. S., Champaign. Died S 25, 1918, Champaign. SS69. MARY GLADYS BURWASH (Sister of Nos. 5055, 8185) Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1916; b. My 16, 1891, Savoy, 111.; d. Daniel Adam (b. yVg q, 1 85 1, St. Andrews, Quebec) and Sarah Elizabeth (Berry) Burwash (b. O 12. j8s8, Somerset, Wis.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Catalog Asst., Lib., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Libn., Coll. of Agr., do., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn. Ad- dress, 711 S. Elm St., Champaign. SS70. ROLAND GLENN BUTLER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 9, 1888, Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; s. J. L. and Jessie C. Butler. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Mech. Engr., 111. Pub. Service Co., Mattoon, 111., 1914; Supt., Light Co. 2d Lt., Camp Grant, 111., 1918. Ad- dress, Paris, 111. 5571. GLENN DOUGLAS BUTZER (Brother of Nos. 4101, 6779, 6780) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1888, Hillsdale, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. do.) and Christena Butzer {do.). Prepared in Erie H. S.; Univ. Acad. Shield and Trident; Capt., Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball. Co. Supt. of Highways, Pontiae, 111. Address, Pontiac, 111. 5572. HELEN CECILIA BYRNE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 12, 1888, Chicago; d. James Byrne. Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S.; Chicago Norm. Address, 4337 W. Wilcox Ave., Chicago. 5573. WILL M. CANNADAY, JR. Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 25, 1890, Danville, 111.; s. G. C. Cannaday. Prepared in Danville H. S. Address, Paxton, 111. 5574. WILBUR JEROME CARMICHAEL (Brother of No. 2344) An. Husb. Specialist; B. S. in Agr., 1913; M. S., 1916; b. Je 15, 1888, Rochelle, 111.; s. Tames (b. S 29. 1849, Ireland) and Alma Louise (Knight) Carmichael (b. Lafargeville, N. Y.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Agr. Club; Ionian; Scabbard and Blade; Gamma Alpha; Prelim. Honors; 2d Lt. and Maj., Univ. Regt. ; Bus. Mgr., ///. Agr.; Illio Staff Assoc, An. Husb. Univ. of 111.. 1916-17 (on leave); Agt. Exten., An. Husb., U. S. Dept. of Agr.. 1917-18; Exten. An. Husb., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1918-19; Sec, Nat. Swine Grower's Assoc, 1919 — . ist Lt., 111. Nat Guard, 1914-17; Expeditionary Service, Mexican Border, 1916. Auth.: (with Gridley and Newlin), Digestion Experiments with Pigs, ///. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui., ■No. 200; The Self Feeder in the Pork Produc- tion, _///. Sta. BuL, No. 21S. Married Florence Jennie Varns, N 23, 1916, Middlebury, Ind. Child, Ellsworth Varns, b. Mr 24, 1918. Ad- dress, 630 Library Place. Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 37 West Van Buren, Chicago. 5575- WILLIAM CHARLES CARR Retailer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 11, 1890, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Ontario Can.) and Agnes Carr (b. do.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Ben. Franklin Club. Bus. Mgr. 111. Agr. Retail Hardware Dealer. Limited Service, Jefferson Barracks; Mustered out. D 18, 1918. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 1400 E. 53d St., Chicago; bus. add., S3 1 1 Lake Park Ave. do. 5576. S.\RA BLANCHE ELIZABETH CARTWRIGHT (FOULON) Demonstration Agt.: A. B. in Sc; b. S 6, 1S89, Alton, 111.; d. William H. (b. 1856, Alton, 111.) and Brilla (Hudson) Cartwright (b. 1859, Carrolton. 111.). Prepared in Alton H. S. ; Shurtleff Coll. Teacher, Tp. H. S. Princeton, III., 191 3-1 5; do., Blackburn Coll., Carlinville, 111., 191 7; Emergency Home Demonstration Agt., E. St. Louis, 111., 1918. Temporary Instr., Blackburn Coll., 1919 — . D. A. R. ; Mem., Bap- tist Church. Married Dr. Irenaeus L. Foulon, 11 I, 1916, Alton, 111. Address, East St. Louis, 111. =;577. VICTOR HAROLD CARTWRIGHT Paving Bus.; A. B. in Sc; b. F 11. 1887, New Harmony, Ind.; s. R. P. Cartwright. Pre- pared in Wadesville H. S. Acacia; Ed., Illio; Chem. Club; Ceram. Club; Sec, Dem. Club; Class Baseball; Color Sergt., Sr. Regt. Pav- ing Bus. Address, 438 E. Washington St., East Peoria.t 5578. JOHN RUGGLES CASE, JR. Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 31, 1889, Evanston, 111.; s. John R. (b. Mr 16, i86i, Chicago) and Bessie (Bradley) Case (b. Mr 13, 1863. Evanston, 111.). Prepared in Chico (Calif.) H. S.; Chico St. Norm. Sch. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Capt., Track, 1913: Internat. Meet, Stockholm. Stud., Univ. of Calif., S 1913-14; Teacher, Agr., H. S., Centerville, Calif., 1914; Head of Agr. Dept.. H. S.. San Jose, do., 1915-17; Ath. Dir., 40th Div.; War Dept. Comn. Tr. Camp Activi- ties, Camp Kearney, Calif., 1917-18; Capt., do., 1917 — • Married Marion Calkins, Je 6, 1914, Berkeley, Calif. Address, Centerville, CaVii. 5579- FLORENCE ADELAIDE CASSING- HAM (EDWARDS) A. B. in L. &. A.; b. D 22, 1892, La Harpe, 111.; d. Ora Walker (b. 1854, Grundy Co., 111.) and Elmira Rebecca (Burns) Cassingham (b. i860, Marshall Co., 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; W. A. A.; Le cercle Francais. Married Roy Vincent Ed- wards, S 3, 1913, Champaign. Children: Dor- othy Jane, b. O 9. 1914; John Andrew, Jr., b. N 26, 1917. Address, R. 2, Tolono, 111. 5580. HUBERT ARTHUR GATE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 22, 1891, Camp Point, 111.; s. William Arthur (b. Ja 2, 1852, Adams, 111.) and Charlotte Helena (Booth) Gate (b. Ja 20, 1852, Liberty 111). Prepared in Maplewood H. S., Camp Point. 111. Scribbler's Club; Agr. Club; Class Baseball. Official Testing, Dairy Dept., Univ. of 111., sum- mer, 1913; Tester, Cow Test Assn., Thomson, 111., 1913-15; Farmer, do., 1915-18. 3rd R. O T. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1918. Address, Thom- son, 111. 5S8i. CONRAD LEE CATTRON (Brother of Nos. 1836, 5582) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 18, 1888, Ellis- ville. 111.; s. Josiah A. (b. do.) and Margaret Ann (Markley) Cattron (b. do.). Prepared in Fairview H. S. ; Knox Acad. Delta Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho. Address, Ellisville, 111. 5582. THOMAS HEZEKIAH CATTRON (Brother of Nos. 1836, 5581) Chief Clerk; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 14, 1885, Ellisville, 111.; s. Josiah A. (b. do.) and Mar- garet Ann (Markley) Cattron (b. do.) Pre- pared in Knox Acad.. Galesburg, 111. Address, 6215 Drexel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Room 1000, 212 W. Washington St., do. University of Illinois L1913 5583. BRAHMA NATH CHATTERJEE B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 12, 1887, Calcutta, India, s. F. C. Chatterjee. Prepared in Univ. of la. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Minn. Address, 14 Flor- ence Court, Minneapolis, Box 292; bus. add., 4 IBank Road, Allababor, India. 5584. JOSEPH HARVEY CHECKLEY Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 10, 1889, Mattoon, 111.; s. William Milton (b. 1864, Yorkshire, Eng.) and Lucinda Del- phine (Price) Checkley (b. 1862, Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Ku Klux; Q. M., Commissary and Lt.. Univ. Regt. ; Pres., 111. Union; Mask and Bauble; Class Football. Assoc, Agr. Exten. Dept., Univ. of 111.. 1913- 18; Agt., An. Husb.. Bur. of An. Husb.. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 1918-19; Asst., Farm adviser, in live stock, Vermillion Co., 1919 — . Married Martha E. Trogdon, O 4. 1913, Mattoon, 111. Children: Martha Elizabeth, b. 1914; Thomas Spencer, b. 1916. Address, II 16 N. Sheridan Drive, Danville, 111.; bus. add.. Farm Bur., Chamber of Commerce, do. 5585. HUANG CHEN B. S. in Chem. E.; b. N 14, 1889, Canton. China; s. Dr. U. Kwai. Prepared in Engng. and Min. College, China. Grad. Stud., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1 91 6. Chinese Club. Address, 2006 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C.t 5586. KING YAOU CHEN Teacher; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 19, 1888, Shanghai. China; s. Chan Chin. Prepared in Imperial Poly. Inst. Grad. Stud. Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1916. Address, c/o Government Teachers' College, Shanghai, China. SS87. HOMER ELDON CHENOWETH Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1915; b. O 10, 1888, S. Charleston, O.; s. W. B. (b. Mr 21, 1853, S. Charleston, O.) and Jeanette (Prugh) Chenoweth (b. Ag 5, 1856, Summejr- ford, O.). Prepared in Harmony Tp. H. S., Plattsburg, O. Instr., Sc, H. S., Paxton. 111., 1915-17; do., Gibson City 111.. 1917-18. R. O. T. C, 1918; A. E. F. France, 1918 — . Auth. : The Reactions of Certain Moist Forest Animals to Air Conditions and its Bearing on Problems of Mammalian Distribution, Biol. Bui. Married Hazel Marie Geip, Jl 29, 1918, Cincinnati. Address, South Charleston, O. 5588. CO CHING CHU B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 27, 1891, Shoa Hing, Chi-Kiang Province, China. Prepared in Tong- shan Engng. Coll., Chili, China. M. A., Har- vard, 1915. Cosmopolitan Club; Townsend Scholarship, Harvard, 1917; Emerson Scholar- ship, do., 1918. Enlisted in Harvard R. O. T. C. Auth.: Chinese Contributions to Meteor- ologx; Geog. Review; Rainfall in China, Month- ly Weather Review; Typhoons of the year, do. Mem., Am. Seismological Soc. Address, 64 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass. 5589. VEE GIH CHU B. S. in Chem. Engng.; b. Ja 22, 1891, Nan- hui, China; s. P. S. Chu. Prepared in Law- rence Acad., Groton, Mass. Phi Lambda Up- silon; Chinese Stud. Club; Der Deutsche Vere- in; Chem. Club; Stud. Mem., A. I. E. E. Stud. Columbia Univ., 1916. Mem., A. C. S. Ad- dress, 422 115th St., New York City.f SS90. CLARENCE FARNSWORTH CHURCHILL Farmer; A. B. in Agr.; b. Ag 17, 1891, Chenoa, 111.; s. E. D. Churchill. Prepared in Chenoa H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Farmer, Boswell, Ind. Address, Boswell, Ind.t 5591. WILLIAM HENRY CLARE Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 28, 1889, Glen Ellyn, 111.; s. C. E. Clare. Prepared in ^^'heaton H. S. Scarab; Arch. Club. Address, Glen Ellyn, Ill.t 5592. *CLIFTON WIRT CLARK A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1915; b. Ag 29, 1888, Pratt, Kan. ; s. E. D. Clark. Prepared in Pratt Co. H. S. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Calif., 191 5 — . Univ. Gun Club; Geol. Jour. Club. Died Pratt, Kan. 5593. ERNEST McCHESNEY CLARK Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 23, 1890, Sherrard, 111.; s. James Gregg (b. 1840, Swed- ona, 111.) and Emma (Kinsey) Clark (b. D 1, 1849, do.). Prepared in Sherrard and Rock Island H. Schs. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Asst., Dairy Husb.; Univ. of III., 1^13 14; Farmen, Sherrard, 1914-15; do., Cam bridge, 1915-16; First Asst., Milk Production Dept. of Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1916-18 Assoc, Dairy Products E.xten., do., igif Auth.: Cow Testing Assn., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., Cir. 192. Address, 510 E. Chalmers St. Champaign; bus. add.. College of Agriculture Univ. of 111., do. 5594. ARTHUR WILLIAM CLAUSSEN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 16, 1891, Dalton, 111.; s. Asmus and Emily (Heiden) Claussen. Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111. Ilus. Mech. Engr., W. H. Schott, Const., Chicago, 1913-15; do.. Underwriters' Labs., 1915-16; do., W. H. Schott, Const., 1916- 17; do.. Am. Steel Foundries, 1917-18. 65th Regt., Engrs. Tank Units, 1918 — . Married Helen Anita Decklar, D 30, 1916 (died S 12, 1917). Address, 227 138th St., Riverdale, HI. 5595. HAROLD DUDLEY CLAYBERG (Brother of No. 7448) Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 24, 1892, Chi- cago; s. George M. Cb. 1842) and Anna K. (Jones) Clayberg (b. 1869, Sycamore, 111.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Chicago. M. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1914; Ph. D., do., 1917. Asst. Prof., Bot., Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., 1917 — . Auth.: Reaction of Fish to Ether and Chloroform, Biology Bui., 191 7; Physiographic Ecology of Walloon Lake-Petoskey Region in Mich., Botany Gazette. Address, 214 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o Davidson College, N. C. 5596. KATHLEEN MARCELLA CLYNE Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 6, 1892, Maple Park, 111.; d. Lewis Charles (b. Mr 23, 1862, Co. Longford, Ireland), and Hannah Elizabeth (Keenan) Clyne (b. Ag 15, 1868, Kaneville, 111.). Prepared in Geneva H. S.; Mt. St. Joseph Coll., Dubuque, la., 1908-09. Sr. Memorial Com.; Sr. Cap and Gown Com. Tract Index Dept., Kane Co.; Libn., Legislative Reference Bur., Springfield, 111., 1913-18. Auth.: Senatorial Disputes resulting from the Apportionment Act of 1841, Jour, of III. St. Historical Soc, Mem., Am. Lib. Assn. Ad- dress, Maple Park, 111. 5597. HARRY RUSLING COCHRAN B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ap 24, 1890, Sand- wich, 111.; s. E. J. Cochran. Prepared in Sand- wich H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma. Foundry Fore- man, Rost & Vanderwoort Engng. Co., Mo- line, 111., 1916. Married Iva Fruiland, Je 23, 1913. Address, Sandwich, 111. 5598. ELMER WASHBURN COFFEY (Brother of No. 6169) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 26, 1891, Chicago; s. William Martin (b. Mr 13, 1856, Bloomington, 111.) and Mary Ann (McClure) I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 487 Coffey (b. Ap 18, i860, Ireland). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Class Baseball. Illuminating Engr., Nat. X-Ray Reflect Co. Ensign, 22nd Regt., Co. G, Great Lakes, 111.; Mustered out, Ja 6, 19 19. Married Laura Mabel Nickerson. Je 15, 1918. Address, 6709 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. 5599. GUERNEY HILL COLE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 17, 1890, Richmond, Va. ; s. Rev. Ellsworth II. (b. Ag 5, 1861, Bentonville, Ind.) and Rosella Amanda Cole (b. Je 14, 1862, Connersville, Ind.). Pre- pared in Washington and Jeffeirson Acad.. vVashington, Pa. Eta Kappa Nu. Research Elec. Engr.. West. Elec. & Mfg., Co., E. Pitts- burgh. Nat. Guard of Pa., 1909-17; Mex. Bor- der Service, 191 6-1 7. Auth. : Harmonic Analy- sis of Oscillograms. Elec. Jour. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Julia Jennings. My 2. 191 7, Washington, Pa. Child, Zilpha Christine, b. D 22, 1917. Address, Lenox Apt., R. s, Wilkins- burg, Pa. 5600. ROBERT McFARLAND COLE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. D 26, 1891, Chicago; s. J. P. Cole. Prepared in Armour So. Acad. Consulting Chem., Block Labs., Chi- cago. Address Glenview, III.; bus. add.. Block Laboratories. Chicago. 5601. JAMES HENRY COLOMBO Manager; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 10, 1891, Cambria, 111.; s. Bart (b. D 18. 1863, Cug- giono, Italy) and Celestia (Miramonti) Colombo (b. Jl 24, 1865, do.). Prepared in Herrin H. S. Wrestling Team. Mgr., Bottling and Ice Cream Factory, Johnston City, 111. Married Mary Fern Colombo, N 27, 1913, Chicago. Children: Mary Celesta, b. F 22, 1915; James Henry, Jr.. b. My 6, 1916. Address, Johnston City, 111. 5602. JAY AUSTIN COLVIN Pres., Triangle Motors., Inc.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ja i, i8go, Chicago; s. Edwin M. (b. Buchanan, Mich.) and Clara (Fuller) Col- vin (b. do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S. Pan Hellenic Council; Theta Delta Chi; Asst. Supt., W. F. Hall Printing Co., Chicago, 1913- 15; Pres., Triangle Motors., Inc., 1915-17. Lt. Supply Co., 4th Regt. 111. R. M., 191 7—. Married Agnes McDowell, S 26, 1914, Chi- cago. Address, 1248 Rosedale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 22 1 1 Michigan Ave., do. 5603. ELEANOR MARIE COMBE (BAUMAN) (Wife of No. SS41) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 16, i888. Highland. 111.; d. John Louis (h. Jl 26, 1836, Switzerland) and Marie Earnestine (Rogier) Combe (b. N 9, 1843, France). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Married Louis Peter Bauman ('13), Jl 4, 1914. Champaign. Address, Crivitz, Wis. 5604. JOSEPHINE CONLEY (Sister of No. 7452) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap g, 1891, Streator, 111.; d. Dr. David S. (b. Jl 14, i860, Richmond Co., O.) and Elizabeth (Green) Conley (b. S 16, 1863, Mich.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Teach- er, Streator, 111. Address, 115 W. Kent St., Streator, 111. 5605. CASSIUS BANNISTER CONRAD Sec, Abstracts Co.; A. B. in Bus.; b. N 22, T890, Chicago; s. Cassius M. (b. Mr 27, 1845, Northeast, Pa.) and Nattie (Bannister) Con- rad (b. Ja I, 1865, Cortland, 111.). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Sec, De- Kalb Co. Abstract Co. Married Helen Swasey, Je 20, 1916. Child, Cassius Sheldon, b Jl 23, 1918. Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Address, Sycamore, 111. 5606. META CONSOER (Sister of No. 8227) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 23, 1888, Chicago; d. F. Consoer. Prepared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., Chicago. Alpha Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; Alethenai; Teacher. II. S., Hoopeston, 111., 1913-16; do., Taylorville, 111., 1916-18; do., Oak Park 111., H. S., 1918— . Address, 716 S. Ken- ilworth. Oak Park, 111. 5607. HERBERT HARPER CONSTANT Manufacturer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 30, 1889, Dawson, 111.; s. S. W. Constant. Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Mfr., Springfield, 111. Address, 1341 Whitten St., Springfield, 111. 5608. HARRY B. COOLEY Const. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 7, 1890, Chadron, Neb.; s. W. M. and Nellie (Ensmin- ger) Cooley. Prepared in Chadron (Neb.) H. S.; la. St. Coll., 1908-10. Sigma Xi; Final Honors. Const. Engr., Allen & Garcia Co., Chicago, 1913 — . Married Flora A. Daboll, N 28, 1915, Chadron, Neb. Address, 1450 Edge- water Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 955 McCor- mick Bldg., do. 5609. NORMA COOLEY A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 18, 1890, Maywood, 111.; d. Stoughton (b. Ap 23, 1861, Savanna, 111.) and Nellie (Wilson) Cooley (b. S 3. 1861, Mawyood, 111.). Prepared in Proviso Tp. H. S. W. A. A. Maywood, 111., 1912-17; New York City, 191 7 — . Address, $75 Riverside Drive, New York City. 5610. ELWTN RAY COOLIDGE Designer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 5, 1889, Win- nebago, 111.; s. C. P. (b. My 4. 1863, do.) and Sarah Jane (Smith) Coolidge (b. Mr 25, 1865, do.). Prepared in Winnebago and Rockford H. Schs. Delta Omega; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim, and Final Honors; 2nd Lt., Univ. Regt. Chief Tool Designer, Racine Salt ley Co., Springfield, 111., 1913-14; with S. F Bowser & Co., Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1914 — Married Gladys Beverlin, Ag 18, 1914, Urbana Child, Elizabeth Ann, b. Ag 23, 1918. Address. 915 (Jneida St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; bus. add., c/o S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc., do. 5611. WALTER ALLEN COPE (Brother of No. 8231) Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 16, 1889, Tonti, 111.; s. Walter L. Cope. Prepared in Cen- tralia H. S. Iris; Varsity Track; Capt., Cross Country. Class Bowling. Teacher, St. Agr. Sch. Address, Jonesboro, Ark.t 5612. MURRAY COPENHAVER (Brother of No. 8232) Farmer; B. .S. in Agr.; b. Mr 5. i88g, Polo, 111.; s. Robert K. (b. S 18, 1846, Greenbrier, O.) and Maggie C. (Murray) Copenhaver (b. O 15, 1863, Claremont, Ontario, Canada). Prepared in Polo H. S. Farmer, Polo, 111.. 1913 — . Married Margarite Gorman, S 10, 1913, Chicka- sha, Okla. Address, Polo, Ill.t 5613. GEORGE RAYMOND CORKE (Brother of No. 8233) B. S. in E. E.; b. D 3, 1890. Evanston. 111.; s. Geo. L. (b. Mr 12, 1859, Lockport, III.) and Lizzie (Pilditch) Corke (b. F 27, 1869, Chi- cago). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. E. E, Soc; Stud. Mem., A. I. E. E. With West. Elec. Co. Married Margaret Rambler, O 22, 1914. Evanston, 111. Address, loii Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. University of Illinois I1913 5614. HOWARD CORLEY (Brother of No. 6815) Const. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 7, 1892, Decatur. 111.; s. DeWitt Qinton (b. D 24, 1852, Shelby Co. 111.) and Laura (Fulton) Cor- ley (b. Ap 4, i860, New Brunswick, Mo.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Const. Engr., Creosote Co., Kansas City, 1913-14; do., Bir- mingham Gas Products Co., 1914, do., Stone & Webster 19 15; do.. Scarf e & Sons Co., Pitts- burgh, 1915-18. Co. A., 33rd U. S. Engrs., F 1918; A. E. F., France. Address, 805 N. College St., Decatur, 111. 5615. FREDERIC BOYDEN CORTIS Salesman; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 29, 1891, Chicago; s. William Percy and Annie Kingsbury (Boyden) Cortis. Prepared in Hinsdale H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Ma- Wan-da; Varsity Track, ign-13. ist F. A., III. Nat. Guard, 1915-17; ist Lt., 52nd Pioneer Inf., U. S. R., Camp Wadsworth, S. C, 1917; do., France, 1918 — . Married Dorothy Davis, N 9, 1916, Hinsdale, 111. Child, Anne Boyden. Ad- dress, Hinsdale, 111. 5616. HARLAND WINN CORZINE (Brother of No. 7459) Dir. Man. Arts.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N i. 1886, Assumption, 111.; s. John J. and Celia R. (Winn) Corzine. Prepared in Isabel H. S.; E. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Instr., Man. Tr. and Sc. Dundee H. S.. 1913-15; Dir., Man. Arts, St. Norm. Sch.. Minot, N. D.; Brev. Capt., S. M. A., Univ. of 111. Address, St. Norm. Sch.. Minot, N. Dak. 5617. LLOYD COSTAR Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 30, 1888, Chico, Cal.; s. W. J. Costar. Prepared in Chico (Calif.) H. S.; Chico St., Norm. Sch., Calif. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Varsity Track. Flying Cadet, Rockwell Field, San Diego, Calif. Address, 807 5th St., Chico, Calif.t 5618. CHARLES JAMES CRAIGMILE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 27, 1889, Gifford, 111.; s. Alexander (b. Aberdeen, Scot.) and Agnes (Calder) Craigmile (b. Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Pres., Sr. Class, 1913. C. Engr., Morgan Engng. Co.. 1913-14; Jr. Signal Engr., Interst. Commerce Comn., 1915-16; Pilot Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R.. 1916-17. 1st Lt., Inf., O. R. C, Transportation 305th Cavalry, N. A., Camp Stanley, Tex.; Ft. Sill, Okla., 191 &—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, Rantoul, III. 5619. HAROLD HAMILTON CRAWFORD Mgr., Arch. Office; b. Ap 6, 1888, Beaver Creek, Minn.; s. Frank (b. N. Y.) and Carrie (Seytnour) Crawford (b. Minn.). Prepared in Rochester (Minn.) H. S. M. A., Harvard. 1916. Acacia; Scarab. Arch., James B. Dibel- ka, Chicago, 1913-14; Mgr., Arch. Office, Ro- chester, Minn., 1916-17. 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. N. A., Training Div., Camp Johnston, Jack- sonville, Fla., 1917; C^apt., Q. M. C, Const. Div., Camp Joseph E. Johnston; Mustered out. Ja 2, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; 32nd degree Mason; Harvard Club of Minn.; Shrine, r^rf- dress, 621 W. Zumbro St., Rochester, Minn.; bus. add., 630 Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Min- neapolis. 5620. EDWARD BERNARD CRIST Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 13, 1890, Kankakee, 111.; s. Adam Crist. Prepared in Waukegan H. S. Acacia. With The Corn Products Refining Co., 191 6. Address, 318 S. 4th St., Pekin, Ill.t 5621. MICHELE FRANCISCO CROCE Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 16, 1888, Panni, Italy; s. Matilobe Monte Colvo. Pre- pared in Milford (Mass.) H. S. Chem., Ar- mour & Co., 1913-15- Address, 633 Oalvwood Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Armour & Co., do.-i 5622. PAUL REVERE CROLL (Brother of No. 7466) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja i, 1892, Schuylkill Haven, Pa.; s. Rev. P. C. (b. O 2, 1S52, Berks Co., Pa.) and Sarah Amelia (Greiss) Croll (b. Ja 5, 1854). Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Chem., New Jersey Zinc Co. Address, Box 511, Palmerton, Pa.t 5623- VIOLA JUNE CROSSLAND (Sister of Nos. 1487, 4118) Treacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 10, 1888, Varna, 111.; d. Hiram Venton (b. Ap 29, 1848, do.) and Cynthia Lovinia (Broaddus) Cross- land (b. My 6, 1847, Henry, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S.; Univ. of Wis.. 1915. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, H. Sc, Tp. H. S., Bridgeport, 111., 1913-16; do.. Central H. S., St. Joseph, Mo., 191 7. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, E. (Dak St., Watseka, 111. 5624. BENJAMIN HARRISON CROWDER (Husband of No. 6205) Salesman; LL. B.; b. D 19, 1887, Bethany, 111.; s. William Ellsworth (b. 1872, Bethany, 111.) and Mary Ellen (Jordan) Crowder (b. Enfield. 111.). Prepared in Bethany H. S. ; James Millikin Univ., 1908-9. Acacia; Phi Delta Phi; Sec, Jr. Class. With Dobbins & Dob- bins, Champaign, 1913-14; Benj. H. Sanborn & Co., Chicago, 1 914-17; Salesman, G. M. Co. Motor Trucks for Eldridge Buick Co., Seattle, 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Eva Dodds ('14), Mr 8, 1917, Champaign. Child, Richard Jordan, b. Ja 19, 1918. Address, 2303, 19th Ave., North Seattle; bus. add., Eldridge Buick Co., do. 5625. THOMAS ALBRIGHT CUNNINGHAM Asst. Gen. Mgr.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 26, 1891, Rossville, 111.; s. W. T. (b. D 1, 1856, Rossville, 111.) and Orrie L. (Albright) Cun- ningham (b. N 17, 1866, do.). Prepared in Rossville and Danville H. Schs. Phi Alpha Delta; Comitatus; Sr. Ball Com.; Correspond- ent, Sears Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 1913-14; Office Dept., Mgr., Charles William Stores, New York City, 1914-15; Operating Branch Mgr., B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron. O. and Kansas City, Mo., 1915-16; Asst. Gen. Mgr. and Purchasing Agt., The Victor Rubber Co., 191 7 — . Mem., Columbus, O., Ath. Club. Mar- ried Madeline F. Stutzmann, S i. 1017, Long Island, N. Y. Address, 280 S. Belmont St., Springfield, O. 5626. HOMER WALSTON DAHRINGER B. S. in C. E.; b. My 28, 1890, Lattington, Mich.; s. H. W. Dahringcr. Prepared in Wau- kegan H. S. Kappa Sigma; Ma-wan-da; Capt. Varsity Basketball; Class Football; Varsity Soccer; Homecoming Com. ist Lt., Aerial Ob- server, A. E. F. ; with Am. Army of Occupa- tion in Germany; Missing in action, S 1918 — . .Address, 424 Genesee St., Waukegan, 111. 5627. EVERETT LESLIE DALBEY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 10, 1889, Muncie, 111.; s. V. R. Dalbey. Prepared in Danville H. S.; Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Phi; Prelim. Honors; Fresh. Honors; Scholarship in Law. Address, 506 The Temple, Danville. Ill.t 19131 Baccalaureate Alumni 4S9 5628. JUANITA ELIZABETH DARRAH Instructor; A. B. in Sc; M. S., 1915; b. Jl I, 1S89. Sadorus, 111.; d. VV. H. (b. O.) and Mary Annis (Craw) Darrah (b. i8j9, IIlJ. Prepared in Champaign H. S. A. M., Columbia, 191 7. Sigma Xi; Bethany Circle; Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim. Honors; V. P., Sr. Class. Asst. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1912-15; do., Columbia, 1915-17; Dietitian, Mooseheart Vocational Sch., summer, 1917; Instr., Food Chem. and Dietet- ics, Purdue, 1917-18; Asst. Prof., St. Women's Coll., Tex., 1919. Auth. : Nitrogenous Constit- uents of Lecithin, Jon?-. A. C. S., Ap 1916. Charter mem., Bethany Circle. Address, R. i, Box 42, Ivesdale, 111. 5629. CHESTER WATSON DAVIS (Son of Nos. 251, 311; Brother of Nos. 3337. 4125, 8260) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 16, 1889, Kan. City, Mo.; s. Jeptha Hartley ('82), (b. Ap 13, i860, Vienna, Ind.) and Ella Maria (Watson) Davis ('80), (b. N 14, 1854. Bristol, 111.). Pre- pared in Holton (Kan.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Phoenix; Ma- wan-da; Varsity Football; Water Polo. Mar- ried Martha McLean, Ag 26, 1914, Macomb, 111. Children: Chester McLean, b. S 20, 1916; Barbara, b. O 31, 1918. Address, Holton, Kan. 5630. MALLIE LEONA DAVIS (GOHN) (Wife of No. 5686) A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 25, 1888, Fairmount, 111.; d. Ira Grant (b. Je 10, 1863, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Palmer) Davis (b. D 3. 1867. Homer, 111.). Prepared in Homer H. S.; Univ. Acad. Achoth. Married Lloyd Elias Gohn ('13), S 13, 1913, Fairmount, 111. Address, Mansfield, Ill.t 5631. RUTH DAVISON (LANGELIER) (Wife of G398) A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 23, 1891, Marshall, 111.; d. John Harrison (b. Je 25, 1868, do.) and Zetta Emma (Cork) Davison (b. Ag 4. 1867, do.). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Kappa Delta Pi; Mask and Bauble; Alethenai. Teacher, Flora Tp. H. S., 1913-14; Marshall Tp. H. S., 1914-16. Married Wilfred Francis Langelier (g'li), JI 19, 1916, Marshall, 111. Address, 2327 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. 5632. PHILLMER WYMOND DAY Chemist; B. S. in Chem. Engng. : b. Mr 10, 1891, Vincennes, Ind.; s. P. Day. Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis. Sigma Chi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., 111. Glass Co. Ad- dress, Y. M. C. A., Alton, Ill.t 5633. MAUDE AROMA DENNY Dir., Mus. ; B. Mus. ; b. Ag 25, 1887, Lincoln, 111.; d. James Edgar (b. 1856, do.) and Josephine (Campbell) Denny (b. 1858, White- hall, 111.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S.; Lin- coln Coll.; Bush Temple Conservatory, Chi- cago. Sigma Kappa; Illiola. Dir., Mus., Univ. of Nev., 1913-18. Address, 747 N. Virginia St., Reno, Nev.; bus. add., Univ. of Nev., do. 5634. CHESTER CHARLES DILLON Ath. Coach; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 14, 1887, Normal, 111.; s. A. A. Dillon. Prepared in Normal H. S. Capt., Fresh. Varsity Football; Varsity Football. Ath. Coach., Dak. Wesleyan Univ., Mitchell, S. Dak. Married Pearl Mc- Neil, Ag 11, 1915, Melville, 111. Address, Mitchell, S. Dak.f 5635. JAMES RUSSELL DILWORTH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N q, 1890, Table Grove, 111.; s. William H. (b. Mr, 1855, Ver- mont, 111.) and Helen Rozelle (Montgomery) Dilworth (b. Je 16, 1857, Berwick, Mo.). Pre- pared in Table Grove H. S.; Knox Coll. Alpha Zeta; Final Honors. Farmer, Table Grove, 111. Address, Table Grove, 111. 5636. HAROLD FliANCIS DOERR (Husband of No. 6252; Brother of No. 3708) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 26, 1892. Chicago; s. Jacob Frederick (b. O 15, 1852, (^er.) and Emma (Nehrling) Doerr (b. Ja 23, 1866, New York City). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Scabbard and Blade; Scarab; Varsity Swimming and Water Polo; 2nd Lt.. Univ. Regt. Draftsman with Doerr Bros., Archs., 1913-16; Arch.. Sherwin Wil- liams Co., 1916 — . Mem., Olympic Fields Country Club; West. Soc. of Engrs. Mar- ried Delia A. Gaskill ('14), Ag 26, 1913, Joliet, III. Child, Helen Frances, b. Je 25, ^917- Address, 5210 Cornell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Sherwin Williams Co., Pullman Sta., do. 5637. LESLIE ABIJAH DOLE (Brother of Nos. 6843, 6844, 9039) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr i, 1891, Manteno, 111.; s. Theopolis Packard (b. Te 12, 1849. Shelburn, Mass.) and Emma Rhoda (Viall) Dole (b. F 7, 1851. Elk Co., Pa.). Pre- pared in Kankakee IL S. Eta Kappa Nu Stud. Union Dramatic Club. Salesman, Elec Contr. & Mfg. Co., 1913-16; Elec. Engr. and -Vsst. Master Mech.. Federal Ice Co., 1916-17; Const, and Elec. Engr., Nat. Malleable Cast- ings Co., 1917 — . Married Edna M. Fitzsim- mons, Ag 15, 1916, Chicago. Child, Elizabeth Margaret, b. D 28. 1917. Address, 729 Clar- ence Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., Nat. Mall Castings Co., Melrose Park, 111. 5638. EDGAR NATHAN DREW (Brother of Nos. 2643, 2959, 3714) Teacher; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 12, 1888, C^Iifton, HI.; s. Washington (b. 1850, Chategnee, N. Y.) and Mary A. (Hunt) Drew (b. 1852, la.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Alpha Rho Chi. Draftsman and Teacher, Man. Tr., Chi- cago; do., Watseka, 111. Married Nellie S. R. Kirby, Jl 3. 19 14, Crown Point, Ind. Children: E. Leo, b. My 7. 1915; Carol E., b. D 25, 1917. Address, Watseka, 111. 5639. "JOHANNES PETONS du BUISSON A. B. in Sc; M. S., 1914: b. Mr 13, 1882, Senekal, S. Africa. Prepared in Prince Albert Cape Colony, S. Africa. Fought in Boer War, 1899-1902. Died D 1917, Senekal, Orange Free State, S. Africa. 5640. GLADYS EADE (Sister of No. 8289) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 29, 1889, Elizabeth, 111.; d. J. C. Eade. Prepared in Elizabeth H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; III. Mas. Staff; ist and 2d. Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Class Historian. Ad- dress, Elizabeth, Ill.t 3641. HENRY CLARENCE EALES Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b- N 22, 1890, Car- lisle, Ky. ; s. James Frazier (b. 1839, Cynthiana, Ky.) and Sadie (Remington) Eales (b. i860, Paris, Ky.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ. Phi Gamma Delta; Class Football and Baseball; Mgr., Glee and Man- dolin Club; Dramatic Club. Farmer, Saybrook, 111. Married Florence Louise Hatch, N 2, 1913, Newaygo, Mich. Child, Luther Parker, b. O 27, 1916. Address, Saybrook, 111. 4642. RALEIGH JOHN EHRHART Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 20, 1889, Areola, 111.; s. J. M. Ehrhart. Prepared in Areola H. S. Varsity Football; E. E. Soc. Cml. Engr. Address, Areola, lU.f 49° University of Illinois [1913 5643. *GERTRUDE LOUISE ELLIOTT (GOODYEAR) (Wife of No. 5687) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 4, 1891, Streator, 111.; d. Arthur (b. S 3, 1858, do.) and Antoinette Emma (Hoffman) Elliott (b. O 20, 1865, do.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Treas., Illiola; H. Sc. Club; Pres. and Treas., Women's League. Lunch Room Mgr., Man. Tr. H. S., Indian- apolis, 1913-14; Dir.. Univ. Commons, Seattle, 1914-15; do., Univ. Commons and Dormitories, 191 5-1 7; Dir., Tea Room, Dept. Store, Seattle, 1917-18. Mem., Sch. Woman's League; A. C. A.; Exec. Com., Bon Marche Woman's Club; Faculty Woman's Club, Univ. of Wash.; Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Married Henry Good- year ('13), S 4, 1918. Died O 13, 1918, Camp Sherman. 5644. ALEXANDER ELSTON (diGHILINI) (Brother of No. 5645) Mun. Engr.; A. B. in Sc; b. N 22. 1888, Nevv' Braunfels. Tex.; s. L. F. Elston. Prepared in Marquette Univ. Zeta Beta Tau; Menorah ; Wrestling Coach. Mun. Engr., Janesville, Wis. Dropped last name. Address, 410 Hayes Bldg., Janesville, Wis.t 5645. LEO WEISS ELSTON (di GHILINI) (Brother of No 5644) B. S. in Agr.; M. S.. 1915; b. N 22, 1888 New Braunfels, Tex.; s. L. F. Elston. Prepared in Marquette LTniv.; B. S., Rutgers, 1914- Indus, and Agr. Dept., South. Ry., Washington, D. C. Dropped last name. Address, Box 495, Nevf Brunswick, N. J.f 5646. LEWIS BROWN ERMELING Dir., Indus. Mgmt. Council; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 13, 1890. Chicago; s. Lewis Reinhart (b. S 18, 1852, Naperville. 111.) and Elma M. (Brown) Ermeling (b. S 16, 1858, De Pere, Wis.). Prepared in Crane Tech. and Lane Tech. H. Schs., Chicago. Zeta Psi; Scabbard and Blade; Helmet; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Sr. Memorial Com. With Deere & Co., Harvester Works, Moline, 111., 1913-15; Exec. Club Bd. of Commerce, Detroit, 1915-16; Dir., Indus. Mgmt. Council, Rochester, N. Y., 1916-17. ist. Lt., Ord. R. C, 191718; . Capt., do., 1918; Went to France on special trip with Asst. Sec. of War, 1918; Mustered out, ja 15, 1919- Address, 4516 N. Robey St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o The Upson Nut Co., Cleveland. 5647. GUILLERMO FILIBERTO ESCABOSA Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 22, 1888, San Dimas, Durango. Mex.; s. G. Escabosa. Pre- pared in Liceo de Varones, Mex.; Man. Tr. Sch., St. Louis. Cosmopolitan Club. Sugar Cane Farmer. Address, Ave. Libertad 1000, Guadalajara, Mex.f 5648. JAMES EVERETT ETHERTON Asst. Cashier; LL. B.; b. F 21, 1889, Pomona. 111.; s. J. M. Etherton. Prepared in Shurtleff Coll. Phi Alpha Delta; Egyptian Club; Illio: Jr. Smoker; Law Dance Com. Asst. Cashier, Carbondale Nat. Bank. Ad- dress, 708 Normal Ave., Carbondale, Ill.t S649. EMMA MARGARET FAHRNKOPF (BORDEN) (Wife of G71; Sister of No. 5650) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 21, 1S90, Champaign Co., 111.; d. John (b. Mauer Baden, Ger.) and Matilda (Riess) Fahrnkopf (b. F 24, i860, Mascoutah, 111.). Prepared in Atwood H. S. H. Sc. Club Teacher, H. Sc, Mazon. 111., 1913- is; do.. Urbana, 1915-17; do., Boise, Idaho, 1917-18. Married Raymond F. Borden (g'lB), Jl 4, 1918, Newton, 111. Address, 1212 Univer- sity Ave., Urbana. 5650. HARRISON FREDERICK THEO- DORE FAHRNKOPF (Brother of No. 5649) Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 6, 1888. Ives- dale. 111.; s. John Charles (b. Mauer, Baden Ger.) and Matilda (Riess) Fahrnkopf (b. F 24, i860, Mascoutah, 111.). Prepared in At- wood H. S. Sigma Xi. Asst., Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., 1913-16; ist. Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1916; Assoc, Soil Fertility, do., ioi8 — . O. T. S., F. A., Camp Zachary Taylor; Mustered out. D 17, 1918. Address, 811 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana. 51,51. EURIPIDES FAJARDO Y M.\YMIR Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 19, 1888, Santiago de Cuba; s. Jose D. Fajardo Y Tamayo (b. Mr 19, 1S60, Guisa, Orienta, Cuba) and Trindad Maymir Y Lopez (b. Ap 18, 1868). Prepared in Institute de Segunda Ensenanza de la Provincia de Oriente, Cuba; Univ. of O., 1909-11. C. E., Univ. of Havana, 1915. Cosmopolitan Club; Club Literaris Es- panol; C. E. Club. Engr., Trussed Concrete Co., Prado 44. Havana, Cuba, 1913-15; ist. Engr., Pub. Work for Province of Oriente, 191516; Way Engr., Cuba R. R. Co., Cama- guey Cuba, 1916-17; Chief Engr., Pub. Work of the Province of Oriente, 1917 — . Mem., Club San Carlos Santiago de Cuba, Club Nau- tico; A. F. A. M. Address, Sagarra Alta 19, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 5652. HAZEL ELIZABETH FANCHER (SULLIVAN) (Wife of No. 5446) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 30, 1888, Evanston. ill.; d. James Albert (b. D 11, i860, Kenosha, V\'is.) and Ida (Wilson) Fancher (b. My 25, 1863 Racine, Wis.). Prepared in Evanston H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Sr. Gown Com. Instr., H. S., Chrisman, 111., 1913-14: Prin., H. S., Piper City, 111., 1914-15. Married Charles M. Sullivan ('12), S 14, 191 5, Evanston, 111. Child, Shirley Elizabeth, b. Je 28, 191 7. Ad- dress, 5880 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh. 5653. CLARIBEL FEHRMAN (Brother of No. 6871) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 13, 1892, Pekin, 111.; d. Adolph (b. Mr 31, 1856) and Eva Mae (Van Deusen) Fehrman (b. Ag 10, 1864). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Address, 706 Wash- ington St., Pekin, Ill.t 5654. MILDRED HELEN FELMLEY (Daughter of H19; Sister of No. 4150) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 22, 1890, Carrollton, 111.; d. David (b. Ap 24, 1859, Som- erville. N. J.) and Auta (Stout) Felmley. Pre- pared in Normal H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Illiola; Mask and Bauble; Stud. Teacher, Eng.. 111. So. Norm. Univ., 1918. Address, Normal, 111. 5655. LOUIS SMITH FERGUSON Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 7, 1890, Annawan, III.; s. Louis A. (b. D 23, 1866, do.). and Lillian E. (Gouchenour) Ferguson. Pre- pared in Rock Island H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Engr., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1913-16; do.. Indiana- polis, 1916-17; Dist. Engr., The Permutit Co., Water Rectification, 191 7 — . Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Lida J. Pruitt, S 15, 1914. Urbana. Child, Robert Smith, b. N 24, i9i5- .Address, 415s Windsor St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., 921 Union Arcade, do. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 491 5656. DENT FERRELL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 11, 1889, Carterville, 111.; s. 11. V. Ferrell. Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Lewis Inst. Stud., Harvard. Elec. Engr., J. K. Bering Coal Co., Eldorado, 111. 2nd Lt., Air Service, Toul, France; Mustered out, Ja 27, 1919. Address, Carterville, 111. 5657. FERDINAND AUGUST P. FISCHER Instructor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 10, 1885, Chicago; s. George (b. Ag 6, 1853, New York City) and Emma (Krueger) Fischer (b. F 22, 1856, Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Chicago Norm. Coll., 1908. Arch. Soc. Instr., Engng. Drawing, Chicago. Mem., Chicago Geog. Soc; Prairie Club of 111. Address, 3242 Clifton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Senn High School, do. , 5658. CHARLES HARRISON FLETCHER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 11, 1888. Ridgefarm, 111.; s. John (b. F 23, 1865, do.) and Grace (Butler) Fletcher (b. D 12, 1868, do.). Pre- pared in Ridgefarm H. S.; Chicago Kent Coll. of Law. Acacia; Ma-wan-da; Phi Delta Phi; Adelphic; John Marshall Law Club; Varsity Baseball; Pres.. Soph. Class; Class Football; Alternate, Varsity Debate. Lawyer, Mattoon, 111., 1913-17. ist Lt., Inf. R. C, 1917 — ; Co. G, 52d Inf., U. S. A., 1917; with Army of Occupation, France. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. ; Court of Honor; M. W. A.; Congr. Church. Married Blanche Thompson, Ag 10, 1916, Tiskilwa, 111. Address, Mattoon, III. 5659. WILBUR EARL FLOOD Metallurgist; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 10, 1891, Peoria; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. O 27, 1865) and Luella (Garside) Flood (b. Je 4, 1867). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., 1909-11. Draftsman, Morgan Engng. Co., Memphis, 1913-14; Const. Engr., Internat. Harvester Co., Chicago, 1914-15; Sales Dept.. do., Aurora, 1915-16; Metallurgist, Internat. Harvester Corp., Chicago. 1916 — . Married Marguerite Ring- ness, D 29, 1914, Peoria. Child, Dorothy Eleanor, b. Mr 11, 1916. Address, 338 W. 73rd St., Chicago. 5660. TRENNACE FLOVVERREE Teacher: B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1916; b. D 27, 1889. Easton, 111.; s. William Hume (b. F 22, 1856, Marshall, Va.) and Sarah Frances (Duckett) Flowerree (b. O 21, 1859, Peters- burg, 111.). Prepared in Havana H. S. Teacher, Easton, 111., 1913-14; Dir.. Agr., Redwood Falls, Minn., 1917-18. U. S. A., 1918 — . Address, 605 Daniel St.. Champaign. 5661. EDITH HARLEY FORD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap S, 1887, St. Paul; d. Nathan (b. Jl 13, 1849, Sidon, Syria) and Alice Lucina (Howell) Ford (b. Jl 26, 1849, Geneseo, 111.). Prepared in Des Moines H. S. ; Norwalk (O.) H. S. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910. Libn., Pub. Lib., Rockford, 111., 1913-16; The Filger Lib., Minonk, 111., 1916 — . Address, Minonk, 111. 5662. GUSTAV GEORGE FORNOFF Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 5, 1890 Ger. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors. Elec. Engr., The Indus. Elec. Furnace Co., Chicago. Address. 1941 Eddy St., Chicago; bus. add., 53 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 5663. LYMAN MARION FORT Prin.. H. S.; A. B. in Sc; b. My 24, 1887. Stronghurst, 111.: s. C. E. (b. i860. Olena, 111.) and Anna M. (Marshall) Fort (b. 1862, do.). Prepared in Stronghurst H. S. Delta Sigma Rho; Kappa Delta Pi; Pres., Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Univ. Debate Team: Hatchet Orator; Illio Staff. Y. M. C. A. Work, Chi- cago, 1913-14: Teacher, H. S., Mitchell, S. Dak., 1914-18; Prin., II. S., do., 1918 — . Auth. : Argumentation and Debate, Mitchell Pub. (To., 1917. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mildred Dunsworth, Ag 19, 191 5, Galesburg, 111. Child, Donald Marion, b. N 21, 1916. Address, Mitchell, S. Dak. 5664. HARRY LLEWELLYN FOSTER Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 2, 1886, Big Rapids, Mich.; s. John Hamlin (b. Franklin, Me.) and Georgina (Dykins) Foster (b. Haver- straw, N. Y.). Prepared in Waukesha (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1906-08. Alpha Delta Phi. Foreman, Const, of Sch. Bldg., Trenary, Mich., 1915. Pvt.; Corp.; Sergt.; Master Engr., Sr. Grade, 4th Engrs., Tr. Regt., Hdqtrs. Co., ^ Barracks C. 26, Camp A. A., Humphrys, Va.; 2d Lt.. Engng. Corps., Camp (duster, Mich. Married Ruth Archibald, 191 7, Ashland, Wis. Child, John Archibald, b. Ap 17, 1918. Ad- dress, 522 Lake Drive, Apt. 13, Milwaukee. 5665. JOHN RAYMOND FOSTER Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 7, 1884, Sac City. la.; s. Thomas M. (b. Je 12,^ 1843, Md.) and Harriet Ann (Groves) Foster (b. My 23, 1849). Prepared in Buena Vista Coll. Acad.; Buena Vista Coll., 1908-09. Agr., H. S., Le Sueur, Minn.; Life Ins. Agt., Worthing- ton, Minn., 1916-17; Co. Agr. Agt., Sibley, la., 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Marie Luida Schonhood, O 4, 19 16, Dodge Center, Minn. Child, Janet Elizabeth, b. O 9, 1917. Address, Sibley, la. 5666. THEODORE JOHN FRANZEN Engng. Estimator; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 19, 1890, Peoria; s. Henry (b. Ger.) and Franke (Reuken) Franzen (b. Livingston Co., 111.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., 1905-11. Struct. Draftsman, West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1913-14; Instr., Math, and Mech.. Wendell Phillips H. S., 1914; Draftsman and Estimator, Lanquist & Illsley Co., 1914-17; Engng. Esti- mator and Correspondent, Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chicago. T917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married May Elizabeth McCuniber, N 16, 19 16, Chicago. Address. 5649 Maryland Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., c/o Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, do. 5667. MARIE E. FREEMAN Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 9, 1891, Danville, 111.; d. Charles James (b. O 2. 1856, Rensselaer, Ind.) and Carrie (Porterfield) Free- man (b. Je 2S, i860. Champaign). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; James Millikin Univ., 1908-11. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Decatur, 111.. 1913-14; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Asst. to Lunchroom Dir., H. Sc. Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Asst. Dir., do.. 1916-17; Instr., Home Econom- ics, O. St. Univ.. 1917 — . Address, 75 W nth St., Columbus, O. . 5668. RUTH MAE FREEMAN Sec, Y. W. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je II, i886, Bloomington, 111.; d. Alexander Theodore (b. do.) and Nancy (Brigham) Free- man (b. do.). Prepared in WesTeyan Univ. Prep.; Wesleyan L^niv., 1908. Grad., Moody Bible Inst., 1910. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Stock- land, 111., 1913-14; Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Helena, Mont., 1914-15; Teacher, Eng., H. S., Canton, 111., 191 5-17; Religious Work Sec, Y. W. C. A., Cincinnati, 1917-18. Address, 20 E. 8th St., Y. W. C. A., Cincinnati. 5669. THEODORE AUGUSTUS FRITCHEY, JR. (Brother of No. 5136) With Comn. Merchants; A. B. in Bus.; b. ■ Ag 6, 1892, Olney. 111.; s. Theodore Augustus and Mary Lida (Bucher) Fritchey. Prepared in Olney H. S. M. B. A., Harvard, 1915. Kappa Sigma; Ma- Wan-Da; Ku Klux; Beta 492 University of Illinois U913 Gamma Delta; Egyptian Club; Mgr., Varsity Base Ball; Illini Trustee; Illto Staff; Pres., Pan-Hellenic Council; Lincoln League. Fore- ign Trade Dept., Lawrence & Co., Comn. Merchants, New York City, 191 5-17; Comn. on Supplies, Council of Nat. Defense, Washing- ton, D. C, 1Q17; Lt., Aviation Sec, S. O. R. C, A. E. F., France; do.. Army of Occupation, Bad Bertrich, Ger. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; K. T. Address, Olney, 111. 5670. ELIZABETH FRUIN (Sister of No. 3740) A. B. in Sc; b. Je 23, 1S92, El Paso. 111.; d. John (b. Ap 5, 1840, Tipperary, Ireland) and" Mary Elizabeth (Doherty) Fruin (b. My 12, 185^. Brooklyn. N. Y.). Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S., El Paso, 111.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of VVis., 1916-17. Spaulding Guild; Home Econ. Club; W. A. A.; Capt., Class Basket Ball. Teacher, Onawa, la., 1913-14; Alien Property Custodian, Washington, D. C. Address, El Paso, 111.; bus. add., i6th & P St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. 5671. ALBERT STEVENS FRY Designing Engr and Asst. Sec; B. S. in C. E.: C. E. and M. S., 1918; b. Mr 13, 1892, LeClaire, la.; s. James Montgomery (b. 1853, Davenport, la.) and Adelaide (Stone) Fry (b. 1855, Le Claire, la.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Nu; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. Draftsman and levelman, Oil Belt R. R., Bridgeport, 111., 1913; Mixer Insp., Ala. Power Co., Clanton, Ala.; Chief Designing Engr. and Asst. Sec, .Morgan Engng. Co., Memphis. Auth. : A Method of Computation for Excavation, Engng. and Contracting, Ap 22, 1914; A Graphical Sol- ution of the Problem of Storm Flow through a Reservoir, do., Ap 19, 1916; Scraper dragged from Extension Boom Cleans Berm of Ditch, Engng. Record, Je 5, 191 5; Wheel Scrapers dumped through bridge over wagons, do., Jl is. 1916; Flooding Concrete Concrete Lining of Channel Bed Flooded to Protect it from Freez- ing, do., F 3, 1917; Pat Levee — Slope Concrete Smooth with Plank before Finishing, do., Mr 10, 1917; Compact Building Concreting Plan; Contractors Devise 5,000 Cubic Yards Concret- ing Plant for Close quarters in City Business District, Contractor's Review: Resurfacing Con- crete Base for Repaving; Method of Building up thin Concrete Base for New Pavement Foundation, do., D 16, 1916; Railway fill with Banquette Floodgiiard (approach to Miss. River Bridge) The Contractor, F 2, 191 7. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Virginia Ferguson, Ap 27, 1917, Covington, Tenn. Address, 1682 Glenview Ave., Memphis; bxts. add., 622-631 Goodwyn Inst., do. 3672. HARRY CATLIN FULKS Cashier; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 16, 1891, Beardstown, 111.; s. Frank M. (b. N 8. 1859, do.) and Maggie E. (Sample) Fulks (b. Ag 23, 1862, Morgan Co., 111.). Prepared in Beard- stown H. S. Chi Psi. Asst. Cashier, Beard- stown St. Bank, Beardstown, 111.. 1913-16; Coal and Iron Nat. Bank, New York City, 1916-17. Sergt., Am. Ord. Dept., Base Depot, France, 191 7—. Mem., B. P. O. E.; M. E. Church. Address, loi W sth St., Beardstown, 111. 5673. CHARLES MALCOLM FULLER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. N 28, 1889, Vincennes, Ind; s. Homer (b. 111.) and Alice (Kensler) Fuller (b. do.). Prepared in Vincennes H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1907-9. Triangle. Insp., Baltimore Sewerage Comn., 1913-14; Jr. Civ. Engr., Interstate Commerce Comn., 1914-17. Lt., (To. G. Provisional Of- ficers, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 19T7; Capt., Co. B. 5th Engrs., Corpus Christi, Tex., 1917; Capt,, Corps of Engrs., Camp A. .\. Humphreys, Va.. 1918; do., Manila, P. I. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Address, 317 State St.. Little Rock, Ark. 5674- SOZABU FURUKAWA Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 13, 1889, Japan; s. Kyujiro (b. Japan) and Keiko (Ter- azaki) Furukawa (b. do.). Prepared in San Rafael (Calif.) H. S.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1913-14. Cosmopolitan Club; Arch. Club. Designer, The Peeresses' Sch. of Japan, 1915- 17; Arch., Tokyo, Japan, 1917^. Auth.: -Arch. Student Life in American Univ., Arch. World, Vol. 9, Mr 191 5; Landscape Arch., do.. Vol. 9, S 1915. Mem., Inst, of Japanese Archs. Married Sidzuko Nakata, N 3, 1917, Tokyo, Japan. Address, 47 Kita-Machi 4- Chome, Aoyama, Tokyo. Japan; bus. add., 32 Dote-San Ban-Cho, Kojimachi, do. 5673. HENRY ELISHA GADDIS (Brother of No. 6246) Statistician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 24, 1891, Modoc, Ind.; s. H. A. (b. Ap 10, 1853, Rand- olph Co., Ind.) and Ettie (Wright) Gaddis (b. N I, 1862, Wayne Co., Ind.). Prepared in Winchester (Ind.) H. S. Phi Alpha/ Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma: Prelim. Honors. Clerk, Life Ins., Milwaukee, 1914.-15; Statistician, do., Chicago, 1915 — . Married Juanita For- quhar, D 26, 1916, Winchester, Ind. Child, Marjorie Mae, b. N 30, 1917. Address, 4728 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 900-209 S. LaSalle St., do. $676. LOUISE WALLACE GARRETT . (BAUER) (Wife of No. 3632) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 15, 1892, Anaconda, Mont.; d. James H. (b. Rochelle, 111.) and Eliza Jennings (Scott) Garrett (b. O.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. W. A. A.; Ale- thenai; Le Cercle Francais; Capt., Girls Basket- ball. Mem., Presby. Church: Alliance Chap.. D. A. R. Married Frederick Charles Bauer ('09), Ag 13, 1913, Champaign. Children: Alice Elizabeth, b. Je 8, 1914; Frederick Charles, Jr., 1). Ja 19, 1918. Address, 715 S. Prairie St., Champaign. 5677. CARLETON WILLARD GATES Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 7, 1890, Elgin, 111.; s. Charles W. (b. Ag 20, 1S42, Slateville, N. Y.) and Arabella (Stover) Gates (b. My 16, 1852, Lisle, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., 1913 — . Address, no Ann St.. Elgin, 111.; bus. add., c/o West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., Chicago. 5678. MARGUERITE ELSTON GAUGER Cafeteria Mgr.; A. B. in H. Sc; A. M., 1917; b. Ag 4, 1893. Xenia, III.; d. Jacob Henry (b. i860, Louisville, Ky.) and Lulu F. (Tully) Ganger (b. 1864. Xenia, III.). Prepared in Flora H. S. B. S.. McKendree Coll., 1912. Omicron Nu; Sigma Xi. Teacher, Coll. of Indus. Arts, Denton, Tex., 1917-18; Cafeteria Mgr.. Y. W. C. A., Cleveland. Address, 808 S. 5th St., Champaign; bus. add., Y. W. C. A., 1 710 Prospect Ave., Cleveland. 5679. PAUL CHARLES GAUGER (Husband of No. 4791) Const. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 10, 1886, St. Paul; s. Augustus F. (b. F 10, 1852) and .\Ibertine O. (Nitschke) Ganger (b. Ap 27, 1855 Sheboygan Wis.). Prepared in St. Paul H. S. ; Univ. of Minn., summer, 1910. Chi Beta; Arch. Club; Cml. Club; Pres., Jr. Class; Lincoln League Senate: Illio Bd.; ist Sergt., Univ. Regt.; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Home-Coming Com. Foreman, Const., Butler Bros., Engrs. & Contrs., St. Paul, 1913-14; Supt. of Const., I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 493 C. H. Johnston, St. Arch., do., 1914-16; Engr. and Supt.. George J. Grant, Const. Co., do., 1916 — . Sec, C- E. Soc, St. Paul, 1918 — . Married Eva Lyle Mclntyre Cii), JI 29, 1914, Champaign. Child, Paul Charles, Jr., b. Ap 23, 191 5. Address, 945 Osceola Ave.. St. Paul; bus. add., c/o Geo. J. Grant Const. Co., 904 Exchange Bank Bldg., do. 5680. STRAWN ALDRICH GAY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 13, 1891, Ottawa, 111.; s. Joseph Wilkinson ( b. Alexan- dria, Mo.) and Belle E. (Strawn) Gay (b. Ottawa, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Ilus; Scarab. Arch., Charles L. Wallace, Arch., Joliet, 111.; do.. Temple & Burrows. Archs., Davenport, la.; 111. Fireproof Co., Chicago; Arch. Designer, Jolin Hamfen, Arch., Nertney Bldg., Ottawa, 111., 1914-18. U. S. S. M. A., Urbana, 1918; Cadet Flyer, Carruthers Field, Ft. Worth, Tex. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T.; Ottawa Boat Club; Congr. Church. Address, 640 Illinois Ave., Ottawa, 111. 5681. GEORGE EDWARD GENTLE Assistant; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 6, 1888, Farm- ington. 111.; s. Thomas Smith (b. Je 26, 1845, Cincinnati) and Mary Lillian (Kessler) Gentle (b. O 25, 1853). Prepared in Farmington H. S. Alpha Zeta; Prelim. Honors. Asst., Soil Phys., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; ist Asst., do., 1916-18. U. S. A., Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo.; Signal Platoon, H. I. Co.. S5th Inf., Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex.; Mustered out, O 22, 1918. Married Anna Louise Mc- Lean, D 17, 1918, Maroa, 111. Address, Farming- ton, 111. 5682. PAUL HEDGES GIBBS Supt.. Mfg. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 6, 1890, Westfield, ^lass. ; s. William Edson and Ada Bancroft (Hedges) Gibbs. Prepared in Staunton (\'a.) Military Acad. Alpha Tau Omega. Mech. Engr., Belknap Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 1913-15; Supt., Ashcroft Mfg. Co., 1915-17., Capt., Insp. Div., Ord. Dept., K. A., Washington, D. C, 1917; Mus- tered out, D 7, 1918. Married Augusta Kimber, Je 9, 19 1 7, Bridgeport, Conn. Address, 3 Mill St., Westfield, Mass. S683. WILLIAM CARSON GIESSLER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E. ; b. O 3. 1889, Trenton, Mo.; s. M. C. Giessler. Prepared in Bradley Polytech. Inst. Acad. Address, 617 N. Fulton Ave., Baltimore. t 5684. HARRY CHARLES GILKERSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 30, 1887, Marengo, 111.; s. Charles Thomas (b. Te 12, :864, do.) and Libbie Paulina (White) Gil- kerson (b. S 30, 1866, do.). Prepared in Ma- rengo H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1908-9. Philoma- thean. Instr. and 1st Asst.. Soil Fertility, Agr. Coll. and Exp. Sta.. Univ. of 111.; Assoc, do., 1918; Farmer, Marengo, 111.. 1918 — . Address, Pleasant Grove Farm, Marengo, III. 568s. EDWARD ANTON GLENZ Mgr., Packing Co.; B. S. in Chem. Engng. ; b. F 14, 1891, Chicago; s. A. Glenz. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Phi Kappa; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Treas., Chem. Club; Chem. Dance Com. Fore- man, Swift & Co.. Stock Yards, Chicago; Mgr., Egyptian Packing Co. Married Madge Virginia Ward, Ag ii, 1915. Address, Olney, lU.t 5686. LLOYD ELIAS GOHN (Husband of No. 5630) Supt. of Sch.?.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 21, 1890. Fairmount. 111. ; s. Jacob Charles and Kizzie (Driscol) Gohn. Prepared in Rochester Coll. Kappa Delta Pi. Supt. of Schs., Met- calf. 111., 1913-15; do., Mansfield, 111., 1915 — . Mem., N. E. A. Married Mallie Leona Davis ('13), S 13. 1913. Fairmount, 111. Address, Mansfield, 111. 5687. HENRY MARKS GOODYEAR (Husband of No. 5643) Physician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 21, 1889, Morton, 111.; s. Alfred W. (h. O 14, 1857, do.) and Lutie A. (Burhaus) Goodyear (b. S 27, 1857, Chicago). Prepared in Morton Tp. H. S. M. D., N. W. Med. Coll., 191 5. Chi Beta; Nu Sigma Nu; Sigma Mu Rho; Sergt., Univ. Regt. House Surgeon, Seattle City Hosp., summer 1915; Physician, Somers, la., 1915- 16; House Staff, Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; Specialist. Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital, New York City, 1917-18. Lt. Med. Corps, 1918 — . Married Gertrude Louise Elliott ('13), S 4, 1918 (died O 13, 1 91 8). Address, Morton, 111. 5688. JAMES REILLY GORMLEY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b Ag 26, 1888, Austin, 111.; s. J. F. Gormley. Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Address, 239 N. Aus- tin Ave., Chicago. 5689. RICHARD SEATON GREGG Arch. Engr.; B. S. in Arch. E.; b. F 28, 1891, Peoria; s. James Barnes (b. Carmaechels, Pa.) and Emma (Bender) Gregg (b. Peoria). Pre- pared in Peoria H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Scarab; Sec, III. Stud. Union; Pan Hellenic Council. Arch. Engr., Temple & Burrows, Archs., Davenport la., 1913-16. 2nd Lt., Bat. B, la. Nat. Guard, Tex., 1916; ist Lt., Aide-de- Camp, 50th F. A. Brig.; Capt., F. A. Hdqtrs., S9th Brig.; Camp Cody. N. M., 1917; Ft. Sill. Okla., 1918; A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, Ja 21, 1919. Address, 412 Parkside Drive, Peoria; bus. add., Hewitt and Emerson, Archi- tects, do. 5690. LEWIS THROCKMORTON GRE- GORY Med. Stud.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 23. 1891, Chicago; s. Dr. Louis Lincoln (b. O 18, 1859, Rockford, 111.) and Sarah Richards (Throckmorton) Gregory (b. Bryn Mawr, Pa.). Prepared in Lake View H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Univ. of Wis., 1914-15. Phi Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; (^ast. Stud. Opera. Real Est. and Ins. Agt., Urbana, 1013-14; Med. Stud., N. W. Univ.. Med. Coll., 1915—. Med. Reserve Corps; Mustered out, D 1918. Mem., mini Club, Chicago; Epis. Church. Mar- ried Isabel Emma Culver, Je 11, 1917, Chicago. Address, The Lessing Annex, 559 Surf St., Chicago. 5691. GEORGE LOTHAINE GREVES Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 6, 1885, Angus, la.; s. George Wesley (b. la.) and Jennie Ross (Beadle) Greves (b. Kewanee, 111.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. M. S., Univ. of CaliL, 1916. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Instr., Elec. Engng., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, 1913- 15; Course for Teachers, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., summer, 1914; Central 111. Light Co., summer, 1913; Instr., Elec. Engng., Univ. of Calif., 1916 — -. Assoc Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Neva May Wesner, Je 30, 1915, Nap- panee, Ind. Child, Glenda Lois, b. Jl 17, 1916. Address, ifio8 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., Elec. Dept., Univ. of Calif. 5692. JOSEPH CARPENTER GROUT A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 9, 1890, Winchester, 111.; s. A. P. and Percie (Carpenter) (jrout. Prepared in Winchester H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon. With Armour & Co. Address, Quincy, 111. 494 University of Illinois I1913 5693. PEARL FOREST GROVE Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. JI 3. 1881, Fisher, III.; s. Lewis M. (b. N 1852, Ind.) and Lucretia (Parr) Grove (b. 1858, Quincy, O.)- Prepared in Potomac H. S. Prin., Schs., Prophetstown, 111., 1913-14; Supt., Schs., Shel- don, III., 1914-16; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Teacher, Potomac H. S., 111., 1918 — . Married Janie Hathaway Kissack, Jl 11, 1906, Armstrong, 111. Children: Alma Evelyn, b. O 18, 1907; Donald William, b. S s, 1910; Eugene Forest, b. Jl 26, 191 5. Address, 1104 Carle Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Potomac H. S., 111. 5694. HUGO JOSEPH HAHN Land. Arch.; A. B. in Agr.; b. Je 18, 1889, St. Cloud, Minn.; s. A. H. Hahn. Prepared in Dyersville (la.) H. S. Sigma Chi; Land. Club. Land. Arch. Sergt., 457t_h Squadron, Clatsop, Ore. Address, 1104 N. Park St., Bloomington, 111. 5695. MABEL HAINES (CLEAVE) (Wife of No. 4597; Sister of No. 7574) A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 14, 1887, Forrest, 111.; d. Edward Casper (b. Ap 19, 1862, Joliet, 111.) and Rosamond (Burry) Haines (b. Ja 5, 1868). Prepared in Forrest H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; ist. Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Permanent Class Sec. Mem., Ottawa Club; Congr. Church. Married Scott William Cleave ('11), F 9, 1915, Urbana. Child, Rosamond Haines, b. D 13, 1918. Address, Prairie View, Marseilles, 111. 5696. PAUL JOHNSON HALDEMAN Treas. Advertising Co.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 18, 1891, Springfield, Mo.; s. R. P. (b. D 1S60, Centralia, 111.) and L. Ella (Johnson) Haldeman (b. Jl 22, 1869, Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Drury Acad., Springtield, Mo.; Smith Acad., St. Louis; Washington Univ., do. Phi Delta Theta. Treas., The Horsting Co., advertising, Chicago. Married Marguerite Dodds, Je 15, 1915, Champaign. Address, ist. Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. 5697. LAWRENCE MELVILLE HALL Telephone Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 8, iSgi, Kewanee, 111.; s. Charles Henry and Liz- zie Bellanger (Smith) Hall. Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors. Stud., Telephone work, Southwest Bell Telephone System, St. Louis, 1913-14; Equipment Telephone Engr., Central Office, do., Oklahoma City, Okla.. 1Q14 — ■ Married Hazel Hadsell, Je 6. 1917. Guthrie, Okla. Address, 1535 W. 29th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.; bus. add.. Room 309 Pioneer Bldg., do. 5698. WALTER FREDERICK HANDSCHIN Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 10, 1880, Calumetville, Wis.; s. Jacob (b. Mr 30, 1830, Busle. Switzerland) and Pauline (Bertschi) Handschin (b. Mr 20. 1839, Zurich, do.). Pre- pared in Wis. St. Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis.; Univ. of Wis., 1903-05; Univ. of Minn.. 1908- 11. Farm Manager, 1905-07; Prin., County School of Agr., Marinette, Wis., 1907-08; Instr., An. Husb., Univ. of Minn., 1908-10; Asst. Prof., do., 1910-11; Asst., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1911-13; Assoc, do., 1913-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., Farm Organ, and Mgmt., do., 1917-18; Prof., do., 1918 — ; Vice- Dir. Agr. Exten., do., 1914-18. Auth. : (With J. B. Andrews) The LIse of Farm Labor During the War, Univ. of 111. Exten. Circular, No. 20, 1918; miscellaneous articles in farm magazines. Mem., Am. Economics Assn.; Am. Farm Mgmt. Assn.: Univ. of 111. Club. Mar- ried Edith Knott, Ag 21, 1909, Maywood, 111. Children: Robert, b. Ap 21, 191 1 1 Margaret, b. Jl 31, 1912. Address, 1401 S. Orchard St., Urbana. 5699. MURRAY SAMUEL HANES (Brother of No. 6276) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 9. 1887. Springfield, 111.; s. Samuel Jackson (b. Mr 31, 1S62. Williamsville, 111.) and Ida May Murray (b. Ap 18, 1862, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Acacia. Arch., Springfield, 111., 1914-15; Arch. Engr., Chicago, 1915-17; Arch., Springfield, 111., 1917 — . 1st Lt., Engrs., U. S. R., A. E. F., France. Address, 821 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 205}^ S. 6th St., do. 5700. HARRY INGALLS HANNAH Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 191 5; b. Je 12. 1890, Fithian, 111.; s. John F. (b. do.) and Emma Jane (Donaldson) Hannah (b. do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Lawyer, Mattoon, in., 1915—. Central O. T. S., 25th Tr. Bat., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; Mustered out, D 9, 191S. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; K. of P.; Christian Church. Married Cary Vivienne Brit- ton, Je 29, 1915, Ashley, 111. Address, Mattoon, 111. 5701. MERRITT RASMUS HANSEN Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 10, 1890, Rogers Park, 111.; L. R. Hansen. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Class Baseball; Class Basketball; Class Football. Asst. Production Engr. Address, 1564 S. High St., Columbus, O.; bus. add., Buckeye Steel Casting Co., rfo.t 5702. FAY CHARLES HARE Principal; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 17, 1891, Pittwood, 111.; s. Jacob Henry (b. Ap 6. 1838, Stark Co., O.) and Louisa (Brandenburg) Hare (b. Ag 17, 1855, Watseka, 111.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Adelphic; Class Treas. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Newton, 111., 1913-14; do., Benton Tp. H. S., 1914-15; do., Cebu Provincial H. S., P. I., 1915-16; Prin., Misamis Provincial H. S.. Cagayan de Misamis, P. I., 1916-17; Bulacan Provincial II. S., Malo- los, Bulacan P. I., 1917-18. Sergt. -Maj.. 246th .'\ero Squadron, A. S. S. C, R. A. Philippine Civil Service, 1918; Mustered out, Ja 29, 1919. Address, Oilman, 111. 5703. GEORGE MADISON HARNER Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 19, 1877. St. Tohns, O. ; s. J. C. Harner. Prepared in Wapa- koneta (O.) H. S. Agr. Club. Address, Cloquet, Minn.t 5704. JULIA ALBERTA HARPER (RHODE) .•\. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 8, 1891, Granville, III.; d. J. A. Harper. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Gamma; W. A. A. Ed. Asst., Dept. of Hort., Univ. of 111., 1913-18. Married Chris Simeon Rhode, N 7, 1918, Urbana. Address, 1 1 03 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 5705. ROSCOE CONKLING HARRIS (Brother of Nos. 4190, 8395) Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 4, 1890, Champaign; s. John Billingsgate (b. Ag 30, 1848. Springfield, O.) and Sarah (Hahn) Harris (b. F 7, 1859, Philadelphia). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Sigma; Helmet; Yoxan. With Standard Oil Co., Whiting. Ind.. 1913-17; Supt., Paraffine and Lubricating Oil Dept., Sugar Creek Refinery, Standard Oil Co., Independence, Mo., 1917-18. Naval Tr. Sta., Pelham Bay. Mem., Y. M. C. A., Kansas City, Mo. Address, 10 1 S. Pleasant St., Indepen- dence, Mo. 3706. CLARA BELLE HARSHBARGER (Sister of No. 5707) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja i, 1886, .A.rcola, 111.; d. C. B. Harshbarger. Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Pocatello, Idaho. Address. Areola, 111. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 495 5707. *JAMES FRANCIS HARSHBARGER (Brother of No. 5706) A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 12, 18S8, Areola. 111.; s. C. B. Ilarshbarger. Prepared in Areola II. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Philomathean. Head of Norm. Dept. of H. S., Sioux City, la., 1916. Married Grace E. McDougle, Ag 24, 1916, Humboldt, 111. Died N 17, 1916. Sioux City, la. 5708. HERRICK HOPKINS HARVVOOD (Brother of No. 7589) V. P. and Mgr.; LL. B.; b. D 6, 1888, Carroll- ton, III.; s. George W. (b. Trenton, Tenn.) and Jennie Mae (Simpson) Herrick (b. Carrollton, 111.). Prepared in Carrollton H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Philomathean; Bus. Mgr., Daily mini; Mgr., Stud. Directory; V. P., Jr. Class; lUio Bd.; Stud. Council; Pan-Hellenic Council; Pres., Univ. Republican Club. Credit Mgr., Frederick & Nelson, Inc., Seattle. 1913-16; Mgr., Truck Tractor and Trailer Depts., Eldridge Buick Co., do., 1916; Sales Mgr., Rogers Brown & Co., New York City, 1918; V. P. and Mgr., Exten. Div., Rog:ers Brown & Co., Seat- tle, 1919 — . Auth. : Various articles in Cinl. Ve- hicle; Cinl. Car Jour.; West Coast Lumberman; Tlie Timbcrman ; St. Loiiis Lumberman ; Wash- ington Fanner; Seattle Times. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; B. P. O. E.; Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Married Clara Prosser, Mr 6, 1913, Marshall, Mich. Children: Jane Elizabeth, b. Je 30, 1914; Stuart Prosser, b. S 26. 1915. .4ddress, 1247 2ist Ave., North Seattle, Wash.; bus. n^'id., Rogers Brown & Co., Hoge Bldg., do. 5709. WALTER SAMUEL HATCH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 10, 1890. Avon, 111.; s. Arthur E. (b. Ja 9, 1861) and Adaline (Yeoman) Hatch (b. A). /-^, 1863). Prepared in Avon H. S.; Knox Coll. Phi_ Delta Theta. Farmer and Stockman. Avon, IV_ Mem., A. F. A. M. ; K. of P.; Avondale Country Club; Universalist Church. Address, Avon, 111. 5710. RALPH ROSCOE HAWKINS Designer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 26, 1890, Palestine III.; s. George W. (b. Crawford Co., 111.) and Rose (Wesner) Hawkins (b. do.). Prepared in Palestine H. S. Acanthus. Mech. Draftsman, Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1913-14; do., Terre Haute, Ind., 19 14-15; Designer, Ports- mouth. O.j 1915; do., Cleveland, 1915-16; do., Indianapolis, 1916-17; do.. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1917—. Cadet, U. S. S. M. A., Rich Field, Waco, Tex., 1917 — ■. Address, Palestine, 111. 571 1. CLAIR EDWARDS HAY Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 27, 1890, Kankakee, 111.; s. Leon (b. My 11, 1864, Ot- tawa, 111.) and Marie Josephine (De Lagneau) Hay (b. Je 12, 1864, do.). Prepared in Ot- tawa Tp.'H. S. Alpha Zeta; Adelphic; Agr. Club; Le Cercle Francais; Prelim. Honors. Farmer, Kankakee, III., 1913-1S; Agr. Adviser, Christian Co. Farm Bureau, Taylorville, 111., 1918 — . Married Grace Edith Trobaugh, Mr 12, 1913, Murphysboro, 111. Child, Constance Edith, b. Ap 10, 1915. Address, 313 W. Web- ster St., Taylorville, 111. 5712. HENRY COLLINS HAY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 30, 1890, Springfield, 111.; s. Nathaniel (b. N 20, 1856, La Grange, Mo.) and Kate (Ridgely) Hay (b. Ap 17, i860, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.: Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa Psi- Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Yoxan. Lawyer, Grand Junc- tion, Colo., 1913-17; V. P. and Gen. Counsel, Union Farm Mortgage Co., St. Louis, 1917 — . Married Josephine Bainbridge, F 6, 191 5, St. Louis. Address, 5743 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis; bus. add., 300 La Salle Bldg., do. 5713- EMMETT JOSEPH HEALY E.stimator; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 11, 1891, Chicago; s. M. J. Healy. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. C. E. Club. Estimator, Bldg. Dept., Chicago. Address, 2948 Congress St., Chicago. 5714- NATHANIEL PINCKARD HEATH (Son of No. 352) Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 30, 1891, Champaign; s. William Ames f'83), (b. 1863, Ind.) and Clara G. (Owens) Heath (b. 1865, Catonsville, Md.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. Sigma Chi; Jr. Councilman, Stud. L'uion; Championship Class Basketball. Elec. Lngr., Southwest. Elec. Co. :st Lt., 63rd C. A. C. D 24, 1917; do., A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out. F 27, 1919. Mem., B. P. O. E.; Jovians; M. E. Church. Married Helen Eliza- beth Callaway, My 26, 1917, Shreveport, La. Address, P. O. Box 543, Shreveport, La. 5715. ARTHUR FLOYD HECK Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1915; b. Je 18, 1885. Oblong, III.; s. D. P. Heck. Prepared in Westfield Acad. Agr. Club. Asst., Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., 191314. Address, Ob- long, lil.t 5716. ROBERT LUCIUS HEGNAUER (Brother of No. 2688) Instructor and Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N II, 1887, Prairie City, Mo.; s. Leonard (b. Ap 25, 1843, Igis, Switzerland) and Susan Kath- erine (Hirschi) Hegnauer (b. My 15, 1846, Araseldingen, do.). Prepared in Appleton City Mil. Acad. Agr. Club. Instr., Agr. Dept., St. Agr. H. S.. Wells, Minn, and Sec. and Mgr., Minn. Seed Corn Co.. do., 1913 — . Married Lotta Donnell Hegnauer, 1910, Mar- shall, Mo. Child, Robert Lucius, Jr., b. Ja 25. 1 91 6. Address, Wells, Minn. 5717. ALBERT JOHN HERBOLSHEIMEK Director; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 12, 1886, Hallo- wayville. 111.; s. John B. (b. Bureau Co., III.) and Margaretta (Erhart) Herbolsheimer (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Valparaiso Univ. Dir., Agr., Stevens Sem., Glencoe, Minn.. 1913-17. U. S. M. R. C, Ft. Snelling, 191 7; Mustered out, D 16, 1918. Address, Princeton, 111.; bus. add., 423 Oak St., Minne- apolis. 5718. EDGAR PAUL HERMANN .\dv., Mgr.; B. S. in Sc. ; b. My 17, 1889, Lyons, la.; s. Christian G. (b. Ger.) and An- netta (Daudel) Hermann (b. Andrew, la.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S.; John Marshall Law Sch., 1917-18. Asst. Ed., La Salle Exten. I'niv., 1913-16; Managing Ed., do.. 1916; Stud., ITniv. of Chicago, 1916-17; Exten. Sec, La Salle Exten. Univ., 1917-18; Adv. Mgr., Tan- ner & Oilman Co., Chicago, 1918— . Auth.: Pamphlets, Making Letters Work; Efficiency in Reading; Motives and Personal Efficiency; Preparedness and Personal Efficiency; Action and Personal Efficiency. Address, 5737 Ken- wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2626 S. Mich. Ave., do. 5719. GEORGE WIRT HERRICK (Brother of Nos. 699, 1893, 3404) Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 8, i88q. Farmer City, 111.; s. George Washington (b. O 6, 1839. Newville, Ind.) and Dora Olive (Knight) Herrick (b. S 2, 1853. Farmer City, 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Sigma Chi: Phi Delta Phi; Ma-wan-da; Yoxan; Illini Staff; Varsity Track Team; Sr. Ball Com. Sergt., Hdqtrs. Co.. 333d F. A., Camp Grant, Rockford, 111. Address, Farmer City, 111. University of Illinois [1913 5720. ROSCOE IIERJMAN HICKS A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 5, 1886, Tremont, 111.; s. A. M. Hicks. Prepared in Colfax H. S. Address, Colfax, 111. 5721. CHARLES NELSON HILL Farmer; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ag 29, 1889, Cave-in-Rock, 111.; s. R. H. Hill. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Address, Cave-in-Rock, 111. 5722. STANLEY HILL Teacher; A. B. in So.; b. S 24, 1890, Lerna, 111.; s. Robert Cummings (b. My 25, 1859, White Co., Va.) and Anna (Jones) Hill (b. Je 25, 1865, Coles Co., 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Chi Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; Varsity Football. Teacher, Batavia, 111., 1913-14; do., St. Louis, 1914-18. Mem., Acad, of Sc, St. Louis; St. Louis H. S. Men's Club. Married Mary Crum, S i6, 1915, Mattoon, 111. Child, William Frederick, b. D 23, 1 91 6. Address, 4028A, Natural Bridge Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., c/o Yeatman H. S., do. 5723. FRED ALBERT HINRICHSEN Sales Mgr.; A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 29, 1890, Davenport, la.; s. John (b. F 23, 1859, do.) and Anna (Westphal) Hinrichsen (b. S 5, 1861, do.). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Delta Upsilon; Helmet; Ku Klux; Orange and Blue Dancing Club; 2d Lt., Univ. Brig.; Beta Gamma Sigma; Algr., Sr. Class Bast-ball; V. P., Stud. Union. Salesman. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Davenport, la., 1913; Timekeeper, Bettendorf Steel Car Works la., 1913-14; Sales Mgr., Gordon Van Tine Co., Davenport, la., 1914 — . Mem., Daven- port Cnil. Club; Davenport Outing Club. Ad- dress, Corner West 8th St. and Mississippi Blvd., Bettendorf, la.; bus. add., c/o Gordon Van Tine Co., Davenport, la. 5724. JOSEPH HOWARD HINSHAW Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A.; LL. B., 191 6; b. S 19. 1890. Stone Fort, 111.; s. W. R. Hinshaw. Prepared in Harrisburg H. S. Delta Sigma Rho; Philomathean; Mgr. Star Lecture Course; Rep- resentative No. Oratorical League; Sr. Class Orator; Debating Team. Lawyer, Harrisburg, 111. R. O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111. ist Lt., 5th Co., ist Bn., Central O. T. S.; ist Lt., Inf. Sect., Reserve Corps, 1919 — . Address, 411 N. Granger St., Harrisburg, III. 5725. ROBERT W'lLLIAM HOFFMAN (Brother of No. 3779) Supt, Const.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 15, 1887. Chicago; s. Paul H. (b. N 12, 1849, Chicago) and Margaret (Hetherington) Hoffman (b. F 26, 1852, Toronto, Can.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Sigma Chi; Land. Arch. Soc; Scholarship Harvard Land. Arch. Sch..; Instr., Design and Const., Dept. of Land. Arch., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Supt., Land. Const., Henry Ford Estate, Detroit, 1914-16; Gen. Supt., Const., Louis Brandt, Land. Arch., Cleveland, 1916-18. Lt., S. R. C, Aviation Sec.. 434 Aero Const. Squadron (Spruce Production Div.), Clatsop, Ore., 1918 — . Address, 4130 N. Greenview Ave., Chicago. 5726. HOWARD CHRISTOPHER HOHMANN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 16, 1800. Blue Island, 111.; s. Fred (b. Jl 9, 1845, Albany, N. Y.) and Rose (Ehrhardt) Hohmann (b. Je 20, 1847, Ger.). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Lt. Col. Univ. Regt. Elec. Engr., Marquette Elec. Engng. Co. & H. A. Porter Inc., Blue Island, 111. 2d Lt.. 342d Inf., Camp Grant, 111. Address, 223 New St., Blue Island, 111. 5727. JOSIAH CAMPBELL HOKE Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 22, 1870, Sullivan, 111.; s. Josiah (b. O 23, 1830, Louis- ville, Ky.) and Adaline (Matherson) Hoke. Prepared in Sullivan H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Asst. St. Leader of Co. Agts., and Asst. Dir. of Exten., N. D. Agr. Coll.. Ellendale, N. 1)., 1913-15; Mgr., Baldwin Corp. Farms & Ranches, do., 191 5 — . Married Dora Drew, Je 17, 1908, Slater, Mo. Child, Adalene, b. Ag 22, 1909. Address, Ellendale, N. Dak. 5728. ARTHUR EVERETT HOLCH (Brother of Nos. 2125, 4215) Prin., H. S.; B. Mus. ; b. Ap 8, 1891, Gil- man, 111.; s. T. G. (b. 1850, Wurtemburg, Ger.) and Mary E. (West) Holch (b. Ap 18, 1856, Susquehanna, Pa.). Prepared in Oilman H. S. A. B., Univ. of Colo., 1913. Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Sigma Rho; Mu Kappa .Alpha; Special Honors; Debating. Supt., Schs., (Tortez, Colo., 1913-14; Teacher, Sc, H. S., Cripple Creek, Colo., 1914-17; Prin., H. S., do., 1917-18; Prin., H. S., Scottsbluff, Neb., 1918. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; I. O. O. F. Mar- ried Hazeldean Shirley, Je 8. 1915, Manitou, Colo. Child. Mary Shirley, b. S 25, 1917. Address, Scottsbluff, Neb. 5729. EMERY FORD HOLT (Brother of No. 6314) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 14, 1890, Norwood, O.; s. Emery Wilson (b. 1865, Con- cord, N. H.) and Bessie (Cole) Holt (b. 1867, Cincinnati). Prepared in Walnut Hills H. S., Cincinnati; Shawneetown H. S.; Univ. Acad. Chi Psi; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; 2d Lt.. Univ. Regt. Sales Engr., Elec. Appliance Co., Chicago, 1913-16; Sales Mgr., Bates Expanded Steel Truss Co., do., 1916 — . Married Lucinda Morrill Norton, D 26, 1916, Macomb, 111. Address, 1432 Lunt Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 208 S. LaSalle St., do. 5730. CARYL AMES HOLTON Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 28, 1890, Sidell, 111.; s. Henry C. (b. O 23, 1853, Indianola, 111.) and LTrania Howell (Ames) Ilolton. Prepared in Sidell H. S. Univ. Band. Asst. on Engng. Corps, C. & E. I. R. R. ; Div. Engr., Vermilion Co. Bond Roads. 2nd Lt., R. C, 1917; 1st I-t., E. R. C, 32nd Engrs., U. S. A., 1917; do., A. E. F.. France. Married Celia Sconce Cathcart, Ta 16. 1918, Sidell, 111. Address, Sidell, 111. 5731. MARTIN ROBERT IIORNUNG Ceramist; B. S. in Sc; b. Mr 14, 1889, Chi- cago; s. Martin (b. do.) and Dora ( Pfaender) Hornung (b. (/<).). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma. Ceram., Pitts- burgh; do.. Newton, N. J.; do.. Wheeling, W. Va.; do.. Chicago. Pittsburg District Ordnance Corps; Mustered out, F i, 1919. Address, 8838 .S. Alorgan .St.. Chicago. 5732. CHARLES RUSH HORRELL Sales Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 15, 1889, Stockville, Neb.; s. John D. (b. S 29, i860, Macomb, 111.) and Margaret Anne (Rush) Hor- rell (b. Mr 1. i860, Macomb, 111.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Chi Psi; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; .Scabbard and Blade; E. E. Soc; Prelim. Honors; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Class Baseball; Sr. Stag Com.; Engng. Dance Com.; Bus. Mgr., E. E. Show. Sales Engr.. Elec. Appliance Co., Chicago, 1913 — . Married Del- la Mae Ullrich, Ap 19. 191 7. Macomb, 111. Child, Helen Louise, b. Mr 2. 1918. Address. 16(10 Farwell Ave., Chicago; bits, add., 701 W. Jackson Blvd., do. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 497 S733- MARY MILDRED HOSKINS (Sister of Nos. 3783, 5216) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 28, 1879, Norris City, 111.; d. William Franklin (b. N 4, 1841, Herald, 111.) and Catherine (Spence) Hoskins (b. F i, 1852, Norris City, 111.). Pre- pared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, Norris, City, 111. S734. EDWARD A. HRIBAL Elec. Engr.: B. S. in A. E.; b. D 5, 1891, Chicago; s. D. Hribal. Prepared in South Chicago H. .S. Triangle. Address, 10409 Cor- liss Ave., Chicago. 5735- LAURA M.VRY HUBBARD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 8, 1875, Lockwood, O. ; d. Joseph Warren (b. Je 29, 1840, do.) and Lucretia Ann (Williams) Hubbard (b. D 31. 1833). Prepared in Lockwood H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1904. A. B., West. Coll. for Wo- men, 1896. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Mt. Vernon, O., 1900-11; Asst. Ref. Libn., Univ. of Wash. Lib., 1913-17; Ref. Libn., Spokane Pub. Libn., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn. Address, Pub. Lib., Spokane, Wash. 5736. LUCY ELEANOR HUBBARD (Sister of No. 6970) Sec, Y. W. C. A.; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 25, 1888, Boswell, Ind.; d. A. G. (b. Jl 10, 1845, do.) and Rhoda Frances (Anderson) Hubbard (b. Mr 2, 1852, Hillsboro, O.). Pre- pared in William Woods Coll., Fulton, Mo.; Drexel Inst., 1909-10. Dietitian, Vaughan Memorial Hosp., Selma, Ala., 1913-14; do., S. Highland Infirmary, Birmingham, Ala., 1914- 17; Economic Sec, Y. W. C. A., Cleveland, 191 7 — • Charter Mem.. Am. Dietetic Assn.; Mem., Woman's City Club, Cleveland; Am. Hosp. Assn. Address, Y. W. C. A., Cleveland. 5737. CLYDE WHITTAKER HUDELSON Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; M. S., 1914; b. O 26, 1888, Chambersburg. 111.; s. Robert (Tooper (b. My 20, 1862, do.) and Katherine Emma (Whittaker) Hudelson (b. Ja 26, 1868, Perry, 111.). Prepared in Chambersburg H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Colo. St. Agr. Coll. Zeta Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta: V. P., Agr. Club; Grad. Club; 111. Union; Y. M. C. A.; Corp. Univ. Regt.; Fresh. Varsity Foot- ball; Varsity Football; Capt., Class Basket- ball; Soph., Sr., and Grad. Class Basketball; Soph. Cotillion Com. Teacher, Biol, and Agr., West. 111. St. Norm., Macomb, 111., 1914^. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P.; Idaho Soc, Sons of Am. Rev.; Macomb Club. Married Bertha Louise Reynolds, S 10, 1914; Chicago. Child, Paul Voorhees, b. Ag i, 1915. Address, 509 W. Murray St., Macomb, 111.; bus. add., c/o West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., do. 5738. JOHN HARVEY HUGHES Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 18, 1889, Gessie, Ind.; s. John Hughes. Prepared in Clinton (Ind.) H. S. Pres. Ionian; Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Married. Child, Wayne Alexander, b. D 3, 1 916. Address, R. i, Perrysville, Ind. 5739. DANIEL RAY HULL Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 29, 1890, Lincoln, Kan.; s. O. U. Hull. Prepared in Manhattan (Kan.) H. S. Philomathean, Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Bd. Dir. Y. M. C. A.; Pres. Kan. Soc; Landscape Club; Hort. Club. Mar- ried Emma Dorothy Kammeger, Manhattan, Kan. Address, 2415 Bath St., Santa Barbara, Calif. 5740. ADA ELEANOR HUNT (Sister of Nos. 3421, 8445) Dietitian; A B in H. Sc; b. Ja 26, 1888, Ridott, 111.; d. William (b. S 9, 1853, do.) and Jennie A. (Burdick) Hunt (b. Ap 25. i8s8 ^"O- „. Prepared in Freeport H. S. ; Phi Delta i'si; bigma Xi; Illiola. Dietitian and Instr.. Dietetics^ Battle Creek Sanitarium, 1912-13 Instr. Dietetics, Mont. St. Agr. Coll., Bose- man Mont., 1913-14; Grad. Stud, and Instr., l;ood Economics, Univ. of Wis., 1914-18. Dieti- tian, Med. Dept., U. S. A., Posi Hosp., Jef- a^''*^"t:-^'"T''/>' ^^°- 1918; Hosp. Unit 56, A. E. F. Address, Ridott, 111. 5741. RUSSELL FIELD HUNTER (Brother of No. 9149) Lumber Buyer; A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 26. 1890, Henry, 111; s. Elmer F. (b. N 12, 1861, Bur- eau Co., Ill ) and Maud Mary (Field) Hunter (P-.F 21,. 1 86s, Leverett, Mass.). Prepared in Chilhcothe H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau P"?ega. Lumber Buyer, H. E. F. Hunter, Chilhcothe, 111., 1913-17. Co. E., 313 Engrs 191 7; Sergt Detachment O. M. C, Camp Dodge, la O 1917; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Address, Chillicothe, 111. 5742. CORA HUTTON (SISAM) (See No. 5942-A) 5743- RICHARD FREDERICK HUXMANN Sales EngT.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 8, 1888, Chicago; s. Dr. F. W. (b. 1848, Hanover. Ger.) and Emma (Remke) Huxmann (b. 1855 Chi- cago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S • N Division H S., Chicago. Iris; Football; Base- ball; Ilho Art Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Engr., N. Y. C. R. R., Cleveland, 191317; Sales Eiigr., Gen. Inreproofing Co., Youngstown, O., 191 7- 18; do., Chicago, 1 918 — . Mem., A. F. A M. Married Joyce Eloise Denner, N 24. 1915 Cleveland. Address, 4608 N. Leavitt St Chi- cago; bus. add.. Gen. Fireproofing Co., 3^s W Madison St., do. 5744- TADASHI IIDA Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N i, 1883, Tokyo, Japan; s. Naoyuki lida. Prepared in Johoku Middle Sch., Y. M. C. A. Eng. Sch Tokyo, Japan. Elec. Engr., 111. Steel Co., Joliet. 111. 1916. Address. Imperial Stock Breeding Sta.. Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. 5745. VIVIAN JOHNSON INGOLD (Brother of No. 3794) Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 16, 1888, Malta, 111.; s. Arthur J. (b. Te 15, 1857, Black- heath, Eng.) and Maggie (Thompson) Ingold (b. Ap 10, 1861, Belfast, Ireland). Prepared m Lawrence Coll. Acad.; Lawrence Coll.. 1907-8. Arch., Office of Louis Kamfer, De- troit. 2d Lt., Co. A,' 1 6th Regt. Rv. Engrs. Corps, A. E. F., France, 19 17 — . 'Address, 469 College Ave.. Api)leton, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Louis Kamfer, Fine Arts Bldg., Detroit. 5746- JOSE LEDESMA JALANDONI A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 24, 1889, Jars, P. I.; s. J. A. Jalandoni. Prepared in Calif. Coll. Acad. Address, Jars Iloilo, P. I. 5747- HARVEY JUDD JOHNSON (Husband of No. 5863) Chief Clerk; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 26, 1890, Sycamore, 111.; s. Gustave Peter (b. Jl 17, 1859, Sweden) and Ida Natalie (Anderson) Johnson (b. S 25, 1S62, do.). Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Sigma Pi. Chief Clerk, Dir., Cml. Supt., The Southwest. Telephone & Telegraph Co., St. Louis, 1913-14; do., Ft. Worth, Tex., 191 4 — . Married Elsie Patten 49^ tJNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS [1913 ('13). Ja 5. I9I4) Urbana. Children: Natalie Jane. b. Mr 6, 1915; Robert Loren, b. D 20, J916. Address, 171 1 S. Henderson, Ft. Worth, Tex.: bus. add., The Southwestern Telephone & Telegraph Co., do. 5748. NELLE IRENE JOHNSON X-Ray Technician; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 26, 1889, Norris City, 111.; d. Albert Cummings (b. do.) and Elizabeth (Weiranch) Johnson (b. Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Carmi H. S.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-09. Teacher, Lev- ington H. S., 111., 1913-14; do., Pvt. Sch., Magdalena, N. M., 1914-15; do., South Bend, Ind., 1915-17; X-Ray Technician, Pittsburgh, 1917 — . Address, 407 S. Highland Ave., Pitts- burgh. 5749. ANDREW JOHN JOHNSTONE (Brother of No. 2430) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 16, 1891, Bloomington, 111.; s. Andrew John (b. do.) arid Dora (Karr) Johnstone (b. do.). Prepared in Bloomington "H. S. Sigma Chi. Married Helen Amsbary, Ap 6, 1914, Champaign. Ad- dress, Bloomington, 111. 5750. GEORGE RUFUS JOHNSTONE Instructor; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 21, 1888, Wethersfield Tp., 111.; s. Henry Clay (b. Ag 9, 1853, do.) and Elizabeth (Murchison) John- stone (b. D 5, 1858, do.). Prepared in Kewa- nee H. S. M. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1917- Chem. Club; Chess and Checkers Club. Instr., Mich. St. Agr. Coll., 1913-16. Q. M.. 7th Aviation Inst. Centre. Q. M. Detachment, A. P. O. 723, A. E. F., France, 1917 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address R. 2, Box 32, Galva, 111. 5751. RUPERT FORREST JONES Equipment Insp.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 26, 1886, Wamego, Kan.; s. Edward H. (b. Mr 23, 1858, Havana, 111.) and Edith Olive (Eaton) Jones (b. O 4, 1862, St. Louis). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Equipment Insp., Central Union Telephone Co. 111., 1913-14; Equipment In- staller and Tester, Chicago Telephone Co., Chicago, 1914-16; Telephone Engr., do., 1916- 17; Equipment Insp., Central Union Telephone Co., Columbus, O., 1917 — • Mem., Episcopal Church. Address, 401 1 Lake Park Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 40 Central Union Telephone Co., Columbus, O. 5752. WALDEMAR KARKOW (Brother of No. 4739) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 8, 1892, Chicago; s. Andrew (b. S 15, 1859, Ribe, Den- mark) and Catherine (Peterson) Karkow (b. F 26, 1863, Slesvig, Ger.). Prepared in Mor- gan Park Acad.; Lewis Inst., Chicago; Univ. Acad. C. E. Club; Class Baseball; Varsity Tennis. Address, 3717 Wrightwood Ave., Chi- cago. 5753. WALTER V.\LENTINE KAUN (Brother of No. 6344) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 6, 1891, Chicago; s. Robert H. (b. D 14, 1863, Ger.) and Gertrude (Greene) Kaun (b. D 12, 1865, do.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Ad- dress, 625 W. Madison St., Ottawa, 111. 5754. CHARLES JOHN KAY (Brother of No. 575s) Supervisor; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 27, 1891, Aurora. 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ag 28, 1847, Roch- dale, Eng.) and'Christina (Hem) Kay (b. Ap 2. 1856, (Dswego, HI,). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Varsity Baseball; Class Baseball and Basketball. Supvr., West. Elec. Co., Inc., Chi- cago, 1913— . Address, 388 Maple Ave.. Aurora, 111.; bus. add., c/o West. Elec. Co., Inc., Chi- cago. 5755. GEORGE JOSEPH KAY (Brother of No. 5754) Production Analyzer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 27, 1 89 1, Aurora, 111.; s. Joseph (b. Ag 28, 1S47, Rochdale, Eng.) and Christina (Hem) Kay (b. Ap 2, 1856. Oswego, 111.). Prepared in E. Aurora H. S. Class Baseball. Production -Analyzer. West. Elec. Co., Inc., Chicago, 19 13- 14. 1Q15 — ; Personal Bus.. 1914-15. .4ddress. 338 Maple Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., c/o West. Elec. Co., Inc., Chicago. 5756. LAURENCE PRESCOTT KEITH Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Je 18, 1887, Denver; s. C. R. Keith. Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Denver. Chi Beta; Tau Beta Pi. Arch. Engr., Oliver Min. Co.. Duluth. Minn., 1915. Co. I, Ft. Sheridan, 111.; 329th Inf., Co. B, A. E. F., France; Wounded; and Awarded Military Cross for Gallantry. Ad- dress, Duluth, Minn. 5757- MAE ELIZABETH KELLEY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 12, 1890. Loda, 111.; d. J. B. and Agnes (Middleton) Kelley (b. Scotland). Prepared in Loda H. S. ; N. W. Sch. of Oratory. Illiola; Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Pillsbury Acad., OVvatonna, Minn., 1914-15; do., II. S., Morris, 111., 1915- 17; do., Tucson, Ariz.. 1917-18. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 720 E. 3rd St., Tucson, Ariz. 5758. LEE CARSON KENT (Brother of No. 8475) Engineer; B. S. in E. E,; b. F 27, 1890, Gridley, 111.; s. Edgar Frank (b. Ja 2y, 1852, Milton, Mass.) and Mary Eliza (Carson) Kent (b. Je 30 1861. Epworth, la.). Prepared in Gridley H. S.; Univ. Acad. E. E. Soc; Eta Kappa Nu,. Illuminating Engr., Nat. Lamp Works, Cleveland. O., 1013. 2nd Lt.. Radio Sch., Carnegie Tech., Pittsburgh; Mustered out, Ja 17, 1919. Address, 1883 Belmore Road, East Cleveland, O.; bus. add., Nela Park, do. 5759. EVANS SHERWOOD KERN (Brother of No. 6351) Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 30, 1892, Rock- ford, 111.; s. Ollie J. and Jessie Cora (Allen) Kern. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; V. P.. Agr. Club; 111. Union; Sr. Memorial Com. Married Irene Henderson, My 19, 191 7, Bloomington, 111. Address, Bloom- ington, 111. 5760. CLARENCE HENRY KESSLER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 13, 1889, West Point, 111,; s, Phillip William (b. Mr 30, 1862, do.) and Nora Ellen (Hunter) Kessler (b. Mr 25, 1866, Warsaw, 111,). Prepared in Kirkwood H, S.; Univ. Acad. Eta Kappa Nu. Dist. Traffic Chief, Southwest. Bell Telephone Co., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo.. 1913-14; do., Wichita, Kan., 1914-15; do., Hutchinson, Kan., 1916-18. Married Enid Evelyn Steele, S I. 1915, Kirkwood. III. .Address, 310 N, Maple. Hutchinson, Kan.; bus. add., c/o South- west. Bell Telphone Co., do. 5761. ARTHUR WILLIS KIMBELL Secretary; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 20. 1890, Chicago; s. Martin N. (b. Chicago) and Annie (Craigmile) Kimbell (b. Aberdeen, Scotland). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Delta Theta; Helmet; Sigma Xi; Mgr. Interschol. Sec, Kimbell Hill Brick Co., Chicago; do., Automatic Carburetor Co., do. Sec, Park Ridge Country Club. Mem., Bd. Dirs., Chi- cago Arch. Club; Illini Club, Chicago, Mar- ried Alice Raymer, Ap 22, 1914, Chicago. Children: Mary Ann, b, F 26, 1915: Abigail Ruth, b. Je 29, 1916. .iddress, 1623 Chase Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1422 Bryan Place, do. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 499 5762. LILLIAN MAY KING (ELLIOTT) (Wife of No. 51 10; Sister of No. 3822) B. S. in H. Sc; b. My i, 1890, Plymouth, 111.; d. Milton B. (b. 1844, New York) and Emily (Noyer) King (b. 1857, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Avigusta Tp. H. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Married C. J. Elliott ('12), S 2, 1914. Plymouth. 111. Child, Donald Rodney, b. S 30, 1916. Address, Tonica, 111. 5763- ROGER CHARLES KIRCHIIOFF Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 26, 1890, Milwaukee; s. Charles Kirchhoff. Prepared in W. Div. II. S., Milwaukee. Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Scarab; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Engng. Dance Com. Arch., KirchofF & Rose. Archs. 2nd Lt.. F. A., France. Address, 1312 Majestic Bldg., Milwaukee. 5764. MARTHA WINIFRED KNAPP Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 19, 1876, Monroe- ville. O.; d. Albert Daniel (b. Je 12. 1842. Woon- socket Falls, R. I.) and Mattie T. (IJeecham) Knapp_(b. Je i, 1847, Plymouth, O.). Pre- pared in Acad., Univ. of Ky. ; Transylvania Univ. A. B., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1899. Cata- loger in Charge, Ind. Univ. Libr. Address, Graystone, 3 University Courts, Bloomington, Ind. 5765. RAYMOND KENNETH KNOX Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 28, 1889, Griggsville. 111.; s. Samuel Knox. Prepared in Pittsfield H. S. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 5766. CHARLES WILLIAM KNUDSEN Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 9, 1890, Daw- son, 111.; s. Christian Knudsen. Prepared in Eureka Coll. Acad. Acanthus; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Cap and Gown Com. Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago, 1916; Chem., Dept. of An. Husb., O. Exp. Sta. Address, Wooster, O. 5767. JEROME FRANCIS KOHOUT (Thief Chem.; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 15. 1887, Chicago; s. Joseph F. Kohout. Prepared in Lewis Inst. Alpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Capt., Univ. Regt. Chief Chem., Cml. Testing and Engng. Co. Address, 1785 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. 5768. STUART FARNSWORTH KOSTERS Engineer; B. S. in C. F. ; b. Mr 21, 1891, Chicago; s. H. A. Kosters. Prepared in St. Ignatius Coll. Sr. Ball Com. Engng. Dept., I. C. R. R. Address, 3628 Janssen Ave., Chicago. t S769. JOHN FRANKLIN KRAEGER Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 2. 1888, Pekin. 111.; s. John (b. N 28, 1832, Sandbach, Hesse-Dormstadt, Ger.) and Marie (Harget) Kraeger (b. Hergetzhausen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Ger.). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Chi Psi; Chem. Club; Chem., Wm. S. Merrell Chem. Co., Cincinnati, 1913; do., Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, 1913-16; do.. United Chem. & Organic Products Co., Hammond. Ind., 1917 — . Married Elenor Elizabeth Reuling, Je 17, 1915, Morton, 111. Address, 40 Ruth St., Hammond, Ind. 5770. JESSE C. KRAMER B. S. in E. E.; b. N 24, 1891, Chicago; s. I. Kramer. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Zeta Beta Tau; Menorah. ist Lt., H. C. A., Ft. Monroe, Va.; Mustered out, D 6, 19 18. Address, 5948 Calumet Aye., Chicago; bus. add., 445 Rush St., do. 5771. WILLIAM SAMUEL KREBS Professor; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. N 28, 1SS9. Albert Lea. Minn.; s. W. S. Krebs. Pre- pared in Oak Park H. S. Beta Gamma Sigma; Cml. Club. Asst. Prof., Econ., Univ. of Me., 1916-17; Instr., do., Univ. of Mich., 1917-18; Assoc. Prof., do.. Wash. Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1918 — . Address, 5544 Pershing Ave., St. Louis. 5772- JOHN HENRY KUHL, JR. Contractor; B. S. in Arch. Engng.; b. F 9, 1891, Peoria; s. John Henry (b. O 12, 1864, Beardstown. 111.) and Linna Eleanor (Brace) Kuhl (b. Ap 4, 1865. Elmira, 111.). Prepared m Bradley Poly. Inst. Beta Theta Pi. With R. H. Arnold Const. Co., Los Angeles, 1913- 14; Bldg. Contr., 1914-17. Co. M, 23rd Engrs., 191 7; Sergt., do., 19 18; do., A. E. F., France. Address, 140 S. Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles. 5773- ERNEST MICHAEL RUDOLPH LAMKEY Plant Physiol.; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. Ja I, i8go, Riverton, 111.; s. ?c^,-,P'\ C^- Danzig, Ger.) and Catherine (Schiller) Lamkev (b. Springfield, 111 ) Pre- Pf'ied m Springfield H. S. Sigma Pi; Kappa Delta Pi; Gamma Alpha; Final Honors; Fellow- ship. Asst. and Instr.. Univ. of 111.. 1913-17- Head of Dept., Plant Physiol., Delaware Coll and Agr. Exp. Sta., 1917. Address, c/o Dela ware College Agricultural Experiment Sta. Newark, Del. 5774- COR.A MAE LANE (WIEDMAN) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. O 27 1885, Lovington, 111.; d. Cicero (b. Ag 3, 1858 Dewitt Co.. 111.) and Margaret Emma (Zorger) Lane (b. S 10. 1862, do.). Prepared in Sul- liyan H. S.; Ferry Hall Coll. Alpha Omicron Pi; Le Cercle Francais; Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Eng., Washington Sch., Danville 111. Mem.. Music Cycle; Danville Art Assn.; Pres., Teacher's Club, 19 16-17, Danville, 111. Married Emmanuel G. Wiedman, Jl 31, 1918, Danville. Address, 415 Franklin St., Danville, 5775- CYRUS WILLIAM LANTZ Asst. Prof.; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M. 19 14; b. Je 27, 1889. Brooklyn. 111.; s. Thomas .Mbert (b. 1852, Urichsville, O.) and Clara Jane (Horney) Lantz (b. 1857. Brooklyn. III). Prepared in Brooklyn H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi; Final Honors; Grad. Scholarship. Asst. Bot., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Instr. do.. 111. St. Norm. Univ., sum- mers 1915-17: Head, Biology Dept., Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., Bot. and Hort., Univ. of Nev.. Reno, Nev., i?i7 — •■ Laboratory, Cer., Metchnikoff, Med. Corps, U. S. A., Ft., Sam Houston, Tex. Auth.: A Biography of Non-parasitic Diseases of Plants, L'niv. of 111. Agr. E.vp. Sta. Circu- lar, 183. Mem.. Am. Microscopical Soc; Am. Phytopathol. Soc; Bot. Soc. 'of Am.; West. Soc. of Naturalists. Address, Med. Corps U. S. A., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. ' 5776- FRANCIS DU LUDE LARKIN Contractor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 22. 1888, Chi- cago; s. J. F. Larkin. Prepared in (irane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi; Lt., Univ. Regt.; Class Baseball. Bldg. Contr. ist Lt., E. O. R. C; Capt.. 23rd U. S. Engrs., A. E. F.. France. Address, 719 S. Lyman St., Oak Park, Ill.t 5777. IDA CLEMENTINE LARKIN Teacher: A. B. in L. & .A.: b. Ag 26, 1888, Larkinburg, Kan.; d. Michael E. (b. My 26, 1858, Chicago) and Hanna Larkin (b. Je 18, i860, Chicago). Prepared in Leavenworth (Kan.) H. S. Teacher, Eng., McAlester, Okla., 1913-15; do.. El Reno. Okla.. 1915-17: do., Marquette, Mich., 191 7-18; da., Waukegan, 111., 1918 — ; do.. Sacred Heart Acad.. Springfield, III., Summer. 1918. Address, 5338 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. University of Illinois I1913 5778. WILLIAM JAMES LARXIN, JR. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. J4 12, 1891, Chicago; s. William James (b. Ap 12, i86j, Dunkirk, N. Y.) and Josephine (Duhamel) Larkin (b. Jl 30, 1866, Chicago). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Engr., Designing and Erect- ing Grain Elevators, Chicago; Chief Dratts- man, Burrell Engng. Const. Co., do. Address, 415 W. 60th St., Chicago. 5779. LESTER REGINALD LARSEN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 22, 1892, Chicago; s. Martin (b. 1864, Denmark) and Julia Larsen Cb. 1870, Wis.). Prepared in Lewis Inst. Tau Beta Pi. Experimental Engr., Moline, 111., 1913-15; do., Milwaukee, Wis., 1915-17. 2nd Lt., 107 Engr. Train, 32nd p\v.. A. E. F., France, 1917. Address, 545 >J. Le Claire Ave., Chicago. 5780. ROBERT THOMAS LATTIN (Son of No. 432; Husband of No. 5019) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 30, 1888 Chicago; s. Judson ('85), (b. Sycamore, III.) and Fannie (Thomas) Lattin (b. Kickapoo, 111.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Underground Conduit Const., Hamilton, Ont., Can., 1913-is; Elec. Valuation, Chicago, 1915- i6- Distribution Div., Commonwealth Edison Co do., 1916-17; 1st Class Electn., Nat. Naval Volunteers, Grant Park Camp, Chicago, 191 7; Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. Married Mary Cor- delia Barrv ('12), S 22, 1917, Champaign. Child, Miriam Louise, b. Ap 3, igip- Ad- dress, 107 Chalmers St., Champaign. 5781. *THEODORE EDMOND LAYDEN (Brother of No. 4270) Farm Mgr. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 3. 18S7. Cheney ville. 111.; s. Tade (b. My 15, 1849, Tulla, Ireland) and Martha (Thompson) Lay- den (b. N 16, 1855, Bethlehem, Ky.). Pre- pared in Hoopeston II. S. Phi Kappa. Died O 1918, on board an Am. Transport bound for Europe. 5782. MARGARET LEACH (PITTS) (Wife of No. 6479) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 27, 1891, Kenosha. Wis.; d. Cephas H. (b. Benton, 111.) and Fannie B. (Whitaker) Leach (b. Kenosha, Wis). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chi- cago; N. V/. Univ. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi. ' Married John Joseph Pitts. Jr. ('i4)- D 29, 191 7, Chicago. Address, Maple Crest, McLean, 111. 5783. EVERETT SAMUEL LEE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 19, 1891, Chicago; s. Edward Samuel (b. Ja 13, 1870, do.) and Lucy Emma (Gray) Lee (^b. Aji 5, 1872, Leicester, Eng.). Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S., Kenilworth. 111.; M. S., Union Coll., 1915. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Ionian; Pres., E. E. Soc; Prelim, and Final Honors; Sr. Smoker Com.; Chm.. Engng. Dance Com.; Asst. Bus. Mgr., E. E. Show. Instr., Elec. Engng., Union Coll., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1913-16; West. Dist. Engr., Locomotive Stoker Co., Pittsburgh, 1916-17; Instr., Gun., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 1917-18; Armour's Sch., Fairfield, O. ; Mustered out, D 16. 1918. Auth. : "Measurement of Power in LTnbalanced Polyphase Circuits," Ge7i. Engng. Rcvieiu, Mr 1916. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Louise Geiger. My 10, 1917, Schenectady, N. Y. Child, Dorothy Louise, b. My 30, 1918. Address. 941 Maple Ave., Schen- ectady, N. Y. ; bus. add.. Gen. Elec. Co., do. 5784. EUGENE HENDRICKS LESLIE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. Engng.; b. Ag 28, 1892, Ottawa, 111.; s. Judson O. (b. Sheboygan Falls, Wis.) and Florence (Hendricks) Leslie (b. Princeton, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Ph. ])., Columbia Univ., 1916. Chi Beta; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Scab- bard and Blade; Prelim, and Final Honors; Cadet Col., Univ. Regt.. 1913. Grad. Stud, and Instr., Columbia Univ., 1913-16; Chief Chem. and Dir., Developmental Work, Gen. Petroleum Corp., Los Angeles, 191 6-1 7; Asst. to Pres., U. S. Indus. Alcohol Co., New York City, 191 7 — . Auth.: Hydrocarbon Decom- position and Influence of Hydrogen in Car- buretted Water Gas Manufacture, Eschenbach Printing Co., Easton, Pa. and Jour. Indus. Engng. Chem., Vol. 8, 19 16; Thermal Reactions Ethane-Propane. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 38, 1916; Hydrocarbon Decomposition, Proc. Am. Gas Inst., 191 6. Mem., Univ. Club. Los Angeles; Chem. Club, New York City; Ph. D. Assn., Columbia Univ. ^Married Emily Gene- vieve Ebner, N 10, 1917, Los Angeles. Ad- dress, 780 Riverside Drive, New York City; bus. add., 27 William St., do. 5785. WILLIAM EDWARD LEVIS (Husband of No. 6285; Brother of No. 4275) Manufacturer; LL. B. ; b. D 14. 1890. .\lton, 111.; s. Charles (b. O 7, i860) and Harriet (Parker) Levis (b. Je 9, 1864). Prepared in Alton H. S.: Culver Mil. Acad. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Yo.xan. Mfr., 111. Glass Co., Alton, 111. 2nd Lt., Inf., U. S. R., A. E. F., France; D. S. C. for heroism in action, Bois D'Aigremont, Jl 15, 1918. Married Margaret Harris ('14), Je 29, 19 15, Champaign. .■iddress, 611 State St., Alton, 111. 5786. CLARA EDITH LOCKE Supervisor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. S S, 1870, Waverly, O.; d. William Russell (b. Ap 19, 1843. Cincinnati) and Sarah (Conkling) Locke (b. O 8, 1842, Milford. O.). Prepared in Terre Haute H. S.; Coates Coll. Acad.; Ind. St. Norm. Head. Dept., Domestic Sc. Garfield H. S., Terre Haute, Ind., 1913-15; Dir., Girls Vocational Sch., do., 1915 — . Address, 1609 S. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. 5787. FRANK XAVIER LOEFFLER Sec. and Treas.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 4. 1892, Chicago; s. Frank Xavier (b. 1849, Munich, Ger.) and Clara (Wittmann) Loeffler (b. Ag 13, 1859, do.). Prepared in Curtis H. S. Treas. C. E. Club; Capt. Univ. Regt.; Prelim. Hon- ors. Sales Engr., St. Louis, 1914-15; Branch Mgr., Consolidated Engng. Co., Oklahoma City, Okla., 1916-18; Sec. -Treas., Federal Steam Specialties Co., do., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Soc. Heating & Ventilating Engrs. ; Lake Country Club. Oklahoma City; Kirvanis Club; A. F. A. M. Married Mary Louise Isherwood, D 28, 1916, Chicago. Child, Betty Louise, b. My 4, 1918. Address, 17 N. Dewey St., Oklahoma City, Okla.; bus. add., 415 Majestic Bldg., do. 5788. THEODORE EDWIN LOEHR A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 17, 1889, Carlinville, 111.; s. Theodore C. (b. do.) and Minnie Stein- meyer) Loehr (b. St. Louis). Prepared in (Carlinville H. S. Kappa Sigma: Tennis Team. Cadet, Aviation Sec, Signal Enlisted R. C, F 7, 1918 — . Address, 4627 Magnolia Ave., Chi- cago. 5789. PAO KAN LOH Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl i, 1889, Chang shu, (Zhina; s. S. R. Loh. Prepared in Law- rence Acad. Cosmopolitan Club. Teacher, Chem. Address, Shantung Provincial Norm. Sch., Tsin-Nan, China. 5790. LOUIS WARREN LOHR Asst. Supt.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ja 5, 1892,, Pana, 111.; s. Rudolph George (b. S 25, 1869. Pana, 111.) and Marv (Schilling) Lohr (b. D 30, 1859, Peru, Ind.). Prepared in Pana H. 5. Correspondent and Credits, Chicago, 191 3- I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 501 14; With Smith Lohr Mining Co., Pana, 111., 1914-15; Instr., Commerce II. S.. Winnemucca, Nev.. 1915-16; do., Beaumont, Tex., 1916-18; Asst. Supt., Smith Lohr Coal Mining Co., Pana, III., 1918— . Mem., B. P. O. E. ; Neches Club, Beaumont, Tex. Address, 6o5 Kitchell Ave., Pana, 111. 5791. SARAH EULA LOUTZENHISER (Sister of No. 3456) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 11, 1890, Danville, 111.; d. Harbin H. (b. N 8, 1857, New Richmond, Ind.) and Hersa S. (Spang- ler) Loutzenhiser (b. An 19, 1855, Balestovv'n, 111.). Prepared in Danvdle H. S.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago. Bethany Circle; Kappa Delta Pi; Illiola; W. A. A. Teacher, H. S., Flora, 111., 1913-16; do., Ashland, Wis., 1916- 18. Address, 322 7th St., Ashland, Wis. 5792. EDWARD ROSS LUNEY (Brother of Nos. 3081, 7051) Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 2. 1891, De Kalb, 111.; s. Thomas A. (b. Jl 2, 1853, Rock- ford, 111.) and Anna A. (Solon) Luney (b. Ap 14, 1856, Malta, 111,). Prepared in De Kalb H. S. Corp. Univ. Regt.; Chm. Sr. In- vitation Com. With Ritter-Conley Co. Petrol. Prod., Port Arthur, Tex., 1916. Ad- dress, 232 N. 4th St., De Kalb, 111. 5793. MARGARET McCLINTOCK Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. N 17, 1891, Chicago; d. Alexander C. McClintock (b. Je 28, 1863, Pittsburgh) and Minnie (Sass) Mc- Clintock (b. Mr 13, 1866, Chicago). Prepared in Wm. McKinley H. S. Sigma Kappa. Teacher, H. Sc, Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. Address, 152 N. Lotus Ave., Chicago. 5794- JOSEPH McCRARY McCUNE (Son of No. 361) Attorney; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. My 27, 1891, Kansas City, Mo.; s. Henry Long ('83). (b, Je 28, 1862, Ipava, 111.) and Nellie (McCrary) McCune. Prepared in Westport H. S., Kan- sas City. Mo.; Colo. Coll., summer, 191 2; LL. B., Kansas City Sch. of haw, 1915; Columbia Coll., 1916. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan; Ma-Wan-Da; Ku Klux; Mgr., Track Team. Atty., McCune, Caldwell & Downing, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-18; do., Sin- clair Oil & Gas Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1918 — . Married Shirley Cole, Je 30, 1915, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Bettie Cole, b. S 25, 1917. Ad- dress, 1639 S. Cincinnati St., Tulsa, Okla.; bus. add.. Legal Dept., Sinclair Oil & Gas Co., Box 131 2, do. 5795. DANIEL HUNT McGORRISK Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 11, 1890, Har- lan, la.; s. W. B. McGorrisk. Prepared in W. Des Moines H. S. Zeta Psi; Arch. Club; Varsity Football; Sr. Footliall; Sr. Hat Com. With J. C. Mardis Co. Address, 1710 Crocker St., Des Moines. C796. CHARLES BABCOCK McGREW Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 3, 1890, Lew- istown, III.; s. George W. and Kittie R. (Babcock) McGrew. Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Scarab; Arch. Club; Prelim. Honors; Francis J. Plym Fellowship. Arch., Chicago, 1913-14; do., Toledo, O., 1914- 17; do., Detroit, 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Hazle Irene Tuttle, N 25, 1916, Toledo, O. Address, 71 Linsdale Ave., 13etroit; bus. add., 403 Moffat Bldg., do. 5797. HAROLD STANTON McINTOSH Contracting Engr. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 31, 1891, Geneva, 111.; s. Homer L. (b. 1867, do.) and Robina S. (Stanton) Mcintosh (b. 1868, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in Geneva LI. S. Auto. Mfg., 1913-14; Surveying and Bridge Const., 1914-15; Estimator and Contr., 1915 — . With Burr Co., Champaign. Address, 406 E. Spring- field Ave., Champaign. 5798. GEORGE EDWARD McINTYRE " Struct. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 20, 1885, Monmouth, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Jl 10, 1835, do.) and Anna L. (Arthur) Mclntyre (b. Ag 16, 1847, Johnstown, Pa.). Prepared in Mon- mouth Coll. Acad.; Monmouth Coll. Alpha Sigma Phi; Scarab; Arch. Club; Ath. Assn. Struct. Engr., Davenport, la., 1913-14; do., Chicago. 1914-16; Arch., Hastings, Neb., 1916- 17; Struct. Engr., Smith, Rea & Lovitt, Kansas City. 1917. ist Lt., E. R. C, U. S. A., France. jNIarried Grace Elenore Miller, Je 30, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 602 Finance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 5799. MABEL McINTYRE (HLIBBARD) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 9, 1890, Longview. 111.; d. Angus Campbell (b. Ja 1851, Ecford Tp.. Ont., Can.) and Nora (Coolley) Mclntyre (b. F 27, 1863, Newman, 111.). Prepared in New- man H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; V. P., Jr. Class; Sr. Memorial Com.; V. P., Women's League; Cap and Gown Com. Married Lawrence Reid LIubbard, S i, 19 16, Newman, 111. Address, 1506 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 5800. HENRY THEODORE McKINNEY Principal; A. B. in L. & A.; M. A., 191 5; b. Jl 17, 1879, Hudgens, 111.; s. James LI. (b. Mr 15. 1842, Miss.) and Minerva Jane (Dunn) McKinney (b. F 7, 1852, Hudgens III.). Pre- pared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Colo. B. S., Valparaiso LTniv., 1904. Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Prin.. Tp. H. S. and Supt., Schs., Gibson City, 111., 1913-17; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Mem., 111. St. Teacher's Assn.; 111. Sch. Master's Club. Married Norah Ferrell. Ag 16, 1909, St. Louis. Child, James Ferrell, b. Je 10, 1915. Address, 1005 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 5801. HENRY EVAN McMULLAN Instructor; A. B. in Chem.; b. N 14, 1886, Romulus, Mich.; s. William (b. Mv 27, 1853, Detroit, Mich.) and Hannah M. (Owen) Mc- Mullan (b. Ja 18, 1855. Wyandotte, Mich.). Prepared in Belleville (Mich.) H. S. and Mich. St. Norm. Coll. M. A., Univ. of Mich., 1916. Head, Sc. Dept., H. S.. Little Rock. Ark., 1913- 16; Instr., Physics, Med. Coll., Univ. of Ark., 191 5-16; Instr., Chem., Cass Tech. LI. S., De- troit, Mich., 1916 — . Married Zara G. Soop, Ap 7, 1917. Belleville, Mich. Child, Phyllis Maurine, b. F 4, 191 8. Address, Belleville, Mich.; bus. add., Cass Tech. H. S., Detroit. 5802. ELON CHARLES MAGEE (Husband of No. 5108) Farmer; P>. S. in Agr. ; b. O 7, 1888, Geneseo, 111.; s. C. Magee. Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Married Louise Eiszner ('12), S i, 1917, Chi- cago. Address, Geneseo, 111. 5803. EDWARD HAROLD MANN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 14, 1889, Ross- ville, 111.; s. Abraham Mann. Prepared in Rossville IT. S. Sigma Chi; Alpha Gamma Rho. Class Football. Address, Rossville, 111. 5804. LELAND STANFORD MARKLEY B. S. in Agr.; b. O 10, 1890, Mound City, Kan.; s. D. O. Markley. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) Central H. S.; Mich. Agr. Coll. Class Football. With H. J. Heinz Co. Address, Zeeland, Mich. 502 University of Illinois U913 5805. FRANK EDWARD MARSHALL Pies., Lumber Co.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 21, 1889. Serena, III; s. J. D. (b. i860, do.) and Julia O. (Retz) Marshall (b. Jl 16, 1865, do.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. With Common- wealth Edison Co.. Chicago, 1914-15; Sec. and Treas., Fertile Valley Farm Land Co., 191 5-16; Pres., Marshall-Malaise Lumber Co., 1916 — . Address. Beulah, N. Dak. 5806. JOHN HOWARD MASTERS Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 28, 1889. Frankfort. Ind.; s. E. W. Masters. Pre- pared in Frankfort H. S. Stud. Mem., A. S. M. E. Mech. Engr., Deere & Co., Moline, 111.. 1916. Address, 558 Main St., Frankfort, Ind. 5807. CORNELIA GRACE MATHER (Sister of Nos. 2456, 3102) Y. W. C. A., Sec; A. B. in H. Sc; b. N 29, 1889, Plainfield. Ill; d. George Phelps (b. 1853, do.) and Rachel Cornelia (Scarret) Mather. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; H. Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Gen. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Univ. of 111., Champaign, 1917 — . Ad- dress, 801 S. Wright St., Champaign. 5808. LESLIE EUGENE MATHERS (Brother of No. 5809) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 24, 1890, Teheran, III.; s. Eugene and Tena Celestian (Bonham) Mathers. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Farmer, Sharpsburg, 111. Address. Sharpsburg. in. 5809. MANLEY BONHAM MATHERS (Brother of No. 580S) Farmer and Veterinary; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 13, 1889, Teheran. 111.; s. Eugene and Tena Celestian (Bonham) Mathers. Prepared in Univ. Acad. D. V. M., Chicago Veterinary Coll., 1915. Trac3< and Wrestling Team. Farmer and Veterinary, Mason City, 111. Mar- ried Blanch Fay Merrit, D 31, 1914. Mason City, 111. Child, Merrit Eugene, b. Ap 12, 1916. Address, Mason City, 111. 5810. JOHN HOWARD MATHEWS Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; M. S., 1914; b. Jl 27, 1889, Yates City, III.; s. John Joseph (b. do.) and Barbara C. (Clesson) Mathews (b. Elinwood, 111.). Prepared in Yates City H. S. and Univ. Acad.; Knox Coll. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim, and Final Honors; Grad. Scholarship. Asst. Engr., HI. Pub. Utilities Comn., 1915-17; Transmission Insp., Bell Telephone Co. of Pa., 1917; Sys- tem and Efficiency Engr., Arthur Young & Co., Chicago,i9i7-i8. Expert, Bus. Adm., Ord. Dept., War Dept., 1918 — •. Tr. Sec, Signal Corps, N. S., 1918; 2nd Lt., Signal Corps, Camp Meade; Mustered out, D 17, 1918. Auth.; Rectification of High Electromotive Forces, Elec. World. Address, Yates City, III.; bus. add., Engng. Dept., Public LItilities Commis- sion,, Springfield, 111. S8ii. JOHN ALVIN MAURY (Brother of No. 6417) B. S. in E. E.; b. D i, 1889, Chicago; s. J. E. Maury. Prepared in Rossville H. S. E. E. Soc. Address, Rossville, 111. 5812. GEORGE WILLIAM MAYES Farmer; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 17, 1890, Staley, 111.; s. Joseph (b. D 5, 1848, Rutlandshire, Eng.) and Mary Elizabeth (Alderson) Mayes (b. D 24, 1857, Sadorus, 111.). Prepared in (Champaign H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc, Prelim, and Final Honors. Elec. Engr., Bloom- ington, 111., 1913-16; Farmer, Bondville, 111., 1916-18; do., Champaign, 1918 — . Married Iva Mae Cross, My 6, 1914, Champaign. Child, Kenneth George, b. My 16, 1915. Address, R. I, Champaign. 5813. CHARLES THADDEUS MEEK (Brother of Nos. 4306, 8585) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 7, 1891 Carroll- ton, 111.; s. J. W. and Ella Meek. Prepared in Carrollton H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Mgr., Interschol. Cir- cus; Sr. Smoker Com. Farmer, Carrollton, III. U. S. N. R. F., Municipal Pier, U. S. S. Commodore, Grant Park, (Chicago; Mustered out, F 9, 1919. Address, Carrollton, 111. 5814. THEODORE DECATUR MESERVE Advertiser; A. B. in Sc; b. O 2, 1889, Rob- inson, 111.; s. A. S. Meserve. Prepared in Culver Mil. Acad. Phi Kappa Psi. Advertis- ing Bus. O. R. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 1st Lt., 5th Co., Inf.; Mach. Gun Co., U. S. Inf., Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; A. E. F., France, 1917; with Army of Occupation, Sinzia on the Rhine, Ger., 1918 — . Address, 504 W. Locust St., Robinson, 111. 5815. WALTER STANLEY MIDDLETON Operator; B. S. in Min. E.; b. Je 13, 1889, Assumption, 111.; s. Amos and Sarah Elizabeth (Breeding) Middleton (b. Paris, 111.). Pre- pared in Assumption H. S. Theta Nu Epsilon; Pres., Sr. Class. Min. Engr. and Salesman, 1913-15; Coal Operator, 1915 — -. Married Jose- phyne McKee, Ja 6, 191 7, Fairbury, 111. Ad- dress, Canton, 111. 5816. JESSIE FAY MILLER Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. N 16, 1S90, Gilman, 111.; d. David Warren (b. S 1, 1854, Springfield, O.) and Clara Evelyn (Raney) Miller (b. O 25, 1S64, Blue Ridge, 111.). Prepared in Gilman H. S. Achoth; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; .Alethenai; Prelim. Honors; 1st Cabinet, Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Latin and Ger., Herrin Tp. H. S., HI., 1914-16; do., Robinson Tp. H. S., 111., 1916 — . Mem., (Classical Assn.; Presby. Church. Address, 403 W. Main St., Robinson, III. 5817. WILBY WEST MILLER (Brother of No. 5310) Accountant; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 8, i8gi, Atlanta, HI; s. W. A. and Alice (Hieronymus) Miller. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Chief Acct. LTniv. of Mo.; Bookkeeper, Bus. Office, Univ. of 111., 1915. Address, 4702 Maiden St., Col- umbia, Mo. 5818. LOYAL LEONARD MINOR Grad. Stud.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 19. 1886, Aledo, 111.; s. Milven O. (b. 1852) and Mary E. (Miller) Minor (b. 1854). Prepared in Aledo H. S. and William and Vashti Coll. Grad. Stud., L^niv. of Chicago, summers, 191 6 — , 191 7. Teacher, Agr. and Sc, H. S., Carthage, HI., do., Morrison, 111.; Grad. Work, Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1919 — ■. Chem. Warfare Service; Co. M, 3rd Bn., Edgewood Arsenal; Mustered out, D 31, 1918. Address, 503 N. Sycamore St., Aledo, 111.; bus. add., 6047 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 5819. HARRY RUGEE MIRICK Manager; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 13, 1888, Milwaukee; s. A. A. Mirick. Prepared in Aus- tin H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Fresh. Honors; Prelim. Honors; Philomathean; Assoc. News Ed., lUini; III. Mag. Staflf; Post-Exam. Jubilee Com.; Cml. Club. With Daily Jour., Sheboygan, Wis., 1913; Mgr., Coke Dept., St. Joseph Gas & Fuel Co. Address, 347 Pipestone St., Benton Har- bor, Mich.; bus. add., St. Joseph Gas and Fuel Co.. do. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 503 5820. FRANCIS DE SALES MISNER Manager; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 20, 1891, Peoria; s. Charles H. (b. Des Moines) and Isabelle Carrigan (b. Auburn, N. Y.)- Pre- pared in Spalding Inst. A. B., Holy Cross Coll., 1910. Phi Kappa; Eta Kappa Nu. Stud., Allis-Chalmers Co., 1913-14; Mech., Elec. Test- ing Co., Peoria, 1914-15; Mgr., do.. Blooming- ton, III., 1915-17. 2nd O. T. C, C. A., Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 3rd O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Pvt., Hdqtrs, Co., 331st F. A., U. S. N. A., 191 8 — . Address, 612 Parkside Drive, Peoria. 5821. JOE ORLANDO MITCHELL Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. F 15. 1889, Marshall, 111.; s. O. and Mary L. Mitchell. Prepared in Marshall H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Scarab; Helmet; Class Football; Class Basket- ball; Emblem Com. Address, 4205 Grand Blvd., Chicago. 5822. MARTIN IRA MIX Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 28. 1890, Chicago; s. Robert F. Mix. Prepared in Crane 11. S. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Swimming Relay Team; Capt.. Varsity Water Polo; Sr. Invitation Com. Address, 3210 Vernon Ave., Chicago. t 5823. ROBERT CHARLES MIZE Laywer; LL. B.; b. My 17, 1890, Chicago; s. G. W. Mize. Prepared in Monticello H. S. Law Scholarship; Varsity Track. Married Eleanore Rhode, Mr 21, 1914, Santa Ana, Calif. Address, 602 W. 3rd St., Santa Ana, Calif.; bus. add., 409 N. Main St., do. 5S24. HSIANG YUEH MOII Din, Cotton Exp. Sta.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 18, 1876, Shanghai, China; s. W. N. Moh. Prepared under pvt. tutor; Univ. of Wis.; St. Xavier's Sch. M. S., A. and M. Coll., Tex., 1914. Cosmopolitan Club; Agr. Club. Mgr., Teh Dah Cotton Spinning Co., and Hau Sung Cotton Mill. Ltd.; Dir. Moh's Cotton Exp. Sta.; Sec. Cotton Improving Assn. of China. Auth.: How to Improve Chinese Cot- ton Fibres, 1915: Translation in Chinese of Dr. F. W. Taylor's Principles of Scientific Mgmt. ; and W. A. G. Clark's Cotton Goods in JajDan. Married King Ya Chui. igoo, Shanghai. China. Children: Chai-tsing, b. Ap i, 1904; Chai Chi, b. Je 27, 1907; Pao-yen, b. Je 29, 1915; Pao- Shun, b. O 8, 1916; Chai-yih, b. Je 7, 1918. Address, 78 Ward Road, Shanghai, China. 5825. HARRY CLAY MOORE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 7, 1889, Humbolt, III.; s. George William and Minnie R. (Watson) Moore. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Lawyer, Billings, Mont. Mem., B. P. O. E._ Married Mary Kesough, S i, 191 7, Superior, Wis. Address, 206 Electric Bldg., Billings, Mont. 5826. HARRY EDWARD MORGAN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 21, 1S91, Du Ouoin, 111.; s. Charles Edward (b. 1864, Ashle^^ 111.) and Ida Martha (Thimming) Morgan (b. O 14, 1872, Tamatoa. 111.). Prepared in Du Ouoin Tp. H. S. City Atty. Christopher 111., 1916-18; Asst. State's Atty., Franklin Co., 111., 1917 — . Married Lela Pearl Martin. Ja 18, 1916, Chris- topher, 111. Child, Robert Edward, b. Mr 24, 1917. Address, 404 S. Thomas St., Christopher, 111.; bus. add.. City Hall, do. and Hart-Williams Bldg., Benton. 111. 5827. ALICE ELVIRA MORRIS Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; "l. F 25, 1874, Pre-emption, HI.; d. Edmund (b. Je 17, 1849, Chardon, O.) and Martha Vashti (Hubbard) Morris (b. Mr 27, 185 1, Joy, 111.). Prepared in Viola H. S. West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Seaton. 111., 1914-15; Supt. of Schs.. Matherville, 111., 1915 — . Mem., United Presby. Church; Home Improvement Assn. of Mercer (To.; W. C. T. U. ; 111. St. Assn. of Teachers. Address, Aledo, 111.; bus. add., Matherville, 111. 5828. ARTHUR MARVIN MORRIS (Husband of No. 6180) Merchant; LL. B.; b. Ap 16, 1887, Oskaloosa, la.; s. Elmer James (b. Ap 3, i86i, Warsaw, N. Y.) and Mary Jeanette (McCagg) Morris (b. Ag 27, 1865, Canastota, N. Y.). Prepared m Oskaloosa H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan; Pres. Ath. Assn. (Jlothing Mer- chant. Married Clara Gladys Cronk ('14), S 12, 1914, Chicago. Child, Elmer James. II, b. Je 14, 1915. Address, c/o Hub Clothiers, Mitchell, S. Dak. • 5829. OLGA FERN MOSER (FITZPATRICK) (Wife of No. 415s; Sister of No. 5327) B. Mus.; A. B., L. A. & S., 1916; b. O 5, 1890, Sigel, 111.; d. Albert Franklin (b. N 17, 1859, St. Joseph, Mo.) and Annie (Butcher) Moser (b. D 23 1870. Sigel, III.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Champaign H. S. Achoth; Mu Kappa Alpha. Mem., M. E. Church: O. E. S. Married Ulyssus Simon Fitzpatrick ('10), Jl 3, 1917, Sigel, 111. Address, c/o American Con- sulate, San Jose, Costa Rica. 5830. GEORGE MOUNCE Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. N 14, 1879, Dan- ville. Ky.; s. W. H. Mounce. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, La Salle, 111. 5S31. MARJORIE EVELYN MOUNTS (MOISE) (Sister of No. 7827) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 14, 1890, Carlin- ville. 111., d. William Lindsey (b. Ag 30, 1862, do.) and Effie M. (Anderson) Mounts (b. Je 18, 1864. do.). Prepared in Mary Inst., St. Louis; Blackburn Acad.. Carlinville; The Misses Shipley's, Bryn Mawr. Pa.; Smith Coll., North- hampton, Mass. Pi Beta Phi; Treas., Pi Beta Phi Alumni Assn., 1914-17. Married Lionel Moise, Mr 25, 1914, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child, Mary Jane, b. Ag 27, 191 7. Address, George- town, Tex. 5832. COURTLAND LEROY MUNROE Food Chem.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. S n, 1887, Chicago; s. Frank L. (b. N 7, i860, 111.) and Lydia Isabell Munroe (b. Mr 7, 1866, Peru, 111.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; River Forest Tp. H. S. Food Chem., Cincin- nati, 1913-14; Cml. Lab., Chicago, 1914-16; Haynes Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. 1916-17; Cml. Chem. Co., Chicago, 1917. Heavy F. A., Camp Grant, 111. Address, 349 Franklin Ave., River Forest, 111. 5833. KENDALL TUTTLE MURPHY Contractor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 13, 1890, Sterling, 111.; s. D. W. Murphy. Prepared in Sterling H. S. V. P. Sterling Club; Bowling Team. Gen. Eng. Contr. Address, Box 237, Penniman, Va. 5834. ARTHUR LESLIE MYERS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 24, 1889, Wellesvilla. Mo.; M. H. Myers. Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Iris. Efficiency Engr., La Crosse, Wis.; Production Mgr., La Crosse Plow Co., do. Married Ethel M. Hutchinson, O 6, 191 1. Windsor, Ont., Can. Child, Dorothy June. b. Je 20, 1914. Address, 950 Cass St.. La Crosse, Wis. S04 University of Illinois I1913 3835. CHARLES EVERETT MYERS Principal; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 6, 1888, Wayne, W. Va.; s. Martin M. and America Francis (Mansfield) Myers (b. 1849, Wayne, W. \'a.). Prepared in Oakview Acad., Wayne, W. Va. ; Marshall Coll. St. Norm. Sell., Huntington. \V. Va. B. S., W. Va. Univ., 1914; Columbia Univ., summers, 1916-17. Agr. Club; Y. ;\1. C. A.; Educ. Club; Country Life Club. ^ Asst.. Agr., W. Va. Univ., 1913-14; Prin., Nicholas Co. H. S., 1914-17. Phi Delta Kappa, Teach- ers' Coll., Columbia Univ. Address, Sumniers- ville, W. ^'a. 5836. LENA JOSEPHINE MYERS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M.. 1918; b. Mr 2. 1890, Macomb, 111.; d. Edward Charles (b. Mr 14. 1862, Crawfordsville, Ind.) and Georgia (Provine) Myers (b. Mr 10, 1868, Macomb. 111.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sell. Phi Beta Kappa; Illiola; . Final Honors; Phi Beta Kappa Essay Prize. Instr.. Eng. and Math., HutsonviUe Tp. H. S., 111., 1913-17; Asst., Eng.. Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Mem., East. 111. Eng. Club. Address, 2231 Hampshire St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 920 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 5837. *MERLE LOUIS NEBEL (Husband of No. 7838; Brother of Nos. 6448, 7102) Geologist; B. S. in Min. E. ; M. S., 191 5; Ph. D.. 1917; b. Mr 27. 1892, Clinton, 111.; s. Henry Louis (b. Ap 1850, Hanover, Ger.) and Bessie Emma cRundle) Nebel (b. Ag 3, i860. Clinton, HI.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade. Geologist, 111. St. Geol. Sur., 1914; Petroleum Geologist, Kan., 191S-16; Asst. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur., 1917- i8;>rof., Geol,, W, Va. Univ., 1918— . Auth.: Specific Gravity Studies of 111. Coal. Bui. 89, bniz-. of III. En.^ng. E.vp. Sta., Sigiiia Xi. Married Veta Melsena Thorpe ('16), S 6, 191 5, Clinton, 111, Children: Merle Louis, Jr,, b, Ag I, 1917; Samuel Frank, b, S 14, IQ18. Address, 1010 Garfield Ave., Urbana; fci(.5. add., c/o St, Geological Survey, do. Died O 12, 1918, Morgantown, W. Va. 5838. JOHN LYNDE NEELY Farmer; B. S, in Agr,; b, Ag 17, 1892, Se- ward, 111,; s, William M, (b, Medora, Ind.) and Harriett (Shout) Neely (b. O 5. 185s. Seward, 111.). Prepared in Pecatonica H. S. Seed Iiisp., Evaiisville, Ind., 1913-14; With Hamilton Seed Co., Cedar Rapids, la., 1914-15; Farmer, Se- ward. 111., 1915 — . Address, Seward, 111. 5839, ALMA JESSIE NEILL Assistant; A, B, in L. & A. ; A. M., 191 5: d. Snowden Sargent (b. Ap 27, 1853, Chillicothe, HI.) and Ellen Frances (Shepard) Neill (b. Ap 27, 1855, Charlestown, JNlich,). Prepared in Chillicothe II. S,; 111, St, Norm, U^niv, Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi; Iota Sigma Pi; Final Hon- ors, Asst. Physiol.. Univ. of 111,, 1913 — , Rep, Candidate for Co. Supt. of Schs., Peoria Co., III. Auth.: (with W. E. Burge) Protection of the Normal Crvstalline Lens Against the Harmful Effect of Ultra-VioIet Light, Archires of Op- thahnology. vol. 44; The Comparative Rate at which Fluorescent and Non Fluorescent Bac- teria are Killed by Exposure of Ultra-\'iolet Light. .4m. Jour, of Physiol., vol. 38; Destruc- tions of Lorniones, Proenzymes and Enzymes by LHtra- Violet Radiation, do., vol, 40; Compari- son of the Amount of Catalase in the Muscles of Large and Small Animals do., vol. 42; Effects of Starvation on the Catalase Content of the Tissues, do., vol. 43; Effect of the Thyroid Feeding on the Catalase Content of the Tis- sues, do., vol. 43; Role of Catalase in Shock, do., vol, 45: The Mechanism of the .\ction of Anaesthetics do., vol, 4=;; Mode of Action of Food in Incre.Tsiu!;,' Oxidation do., vol, 45. Pres,, Norm, Sch. Club. 1914-16; Sec, Kappa Delta Pi, 1913-14, Address. Chillicothe, HI,; bus. add., c/o Physiology Dept., Univ. of 111., L^^rbana. 5S40. ARTHUR SEYMOUR NEVINS (Brother of Nos. 1159. 5340 Coach and Instructor; A, B. in L. & A. ; b. Jl 19, 1891, Camp Point, 111.; s. Joseph .\llan and Emma (Stahl) Nevins. Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Iris; Ionian; Scribbler's; Var- sity Track; Varsity Baseball; Class Base- ball and Basketball. Ath. Coach and Math. Instr., Oklahoma City. Okla.. 1913-14; Spring- field, 111.. 1914-17. U. S. A. ist Lt., 57th Inf., Orange, Tex,, 1917; Capt., Co. L, 57th Inf., Camp Stanley, Camp Taliaferro, Camp Pike, Ark. Married Ann Louise Stacy, Ag 16. 1917, Springfield, 111. Address, 1404 Whittier Ave,, Springfield, 111, 5841. FANNY NEWMAN Social Service Work; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 5, 1891, Indianapolis; d. Henry (b. 1852, Austria) and Matilda Kuhn (b. 1866, do.). Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S.. Indianapolis. Delta Pi Omega. Teacher,, H. S., New Salis- bury, Ind., 1913-14; do.. New Castle, Ind,, 1914-15; Social Service Worker, Bur, of Per- sonal Service, Chicago, 1916 — . Reconst. work. Welfare Bd. , Paris, France. Address, 5491 Drexel Ave., Chicago. 5S42. LEONARD VICTOR NEWTON Superintendent; B, S, in Min. E.; b. F 21, 1891, Chicago; s. Peter (b. S 29. 1854, do.) and Belle A. Newton (b. D 26, 1862). Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Delta I'psilon; Pres., Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Supt., Shops and Equipment. Chicago Telephone Co., 1909-17; Supt., Equipment. Chicago Dist., Texas Co., 1917 — . Auth.: Magazine Articles on Internal Combustion Engines and Automo- bile Lubrication. Mem., Advisory Council, Truck Owner's Conference. Married Mabel E. Dennis. Je 26, 1916, May wood, HI. Child, Pauline A,, b, Ja 10, 1918, .Address, 5456 Glen- wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 1350 Mc- Cormick Bldg., do. 5842-A. JAMES LAWRENCE NICHOLS A. B. in L. & A,: b. D 9, 1890, Naperville, III,; s, James Lawrence Nichols. Prepared in Phillips Exeter Acad. 3rd R. O, T, C., Camp Grant, 111., 1917. Address, 100 Chicago Ave., Naperville, lU.t 5843. RALPH ULINE NICHOLS Contractor; B. S. in A. E.; b, O 21, 1890, Elgin, 111,; s, W, U. Nichols. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; L^niv. Glee and Mandolin Club; Leader, Mandolin Club. Bldg. Contr,, Wieboldt Const, Co. .Address, 4828 Hutchinson St., Chicago; bus. add., 1534 West Van Buren St., do. 5844. JAMES ARTHUR NOON Prin. H. S.; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 27, 1891, Cambridge, Mass.; s. Alfred Noon, (b. D j, 1854, Eng.) and Jennie (Taylor) Noon (b. S 25, 1865, Dunstable, Mass.). Prepared in Ever- ett (Mass.) II. S. Ionian; Easterner's Club; Fresh. -Soph. Debate; 111. LTnion Dramatic Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Volunteer Band; Mask and Bauble Cast. Teacher, Philippines, 1913 — . Married Helen M. Betterley, S 2, 1916, Brattleboro, Vt. Address, Bureau of Edu- cation, Manila, P, I, 5845, GEORGE SINCLAIR NUTT Chemist: B, S, in Chem,; b. Jl 7, 1888, Buck- ingham, 111,; s, Levi Gamble (b. D 10. 1865, Norton Tp.. III.) and Mary Eulalia (.\rmitage) Nutt (b. N 8, i866, do.). Prepared in Kanka- I9I3] Baccai.aukicate Alumni S05 kee n. S.; Gcoigc VVashington Univ. I'lii I-amb- da Upsilon; Chein. Soc. Chein., Synthetic Prod- ucts Co., Chicago. 1913-14; Lab. Asst., Mint Bur. Wa.sliiiiglon ]). C., 1914; Asst. Chem., In- ternal Revenue Uur., rfo„ 1915-17; Charge, Butterine Lab., Wilson & Co., Stockyards. Chi- cago, 1918 — . Evac. Ilosp., No. 20, Camp Grant, III. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married (irace C. Middleton, O 6, 1914, Washington 1). C. Child, Donald Sinclair, b. N 21, 1915. Address, 5738 Drexcl Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Wilson & Co., Stockyards, do. 5846. CLAUDE LESLIE OATIIOUT (Husband of No. 6627; Brother of No. 3130) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 5, 1888, Cissna Park, 111.; s. Charles Fletcher (b. 1854, N. Y.) and Ellen Jane (Willis) Oathout (b. 1858, Loda, 111.). Prepared in Loda II. S. Farmer, Cissna Park, 111. Married Bessie Irene Turner ('14), D 29, 191 s, Loda, 111. Child, Charles Harvey, b. F 10, 1917. Address, Cissna Park, 111. 5847. CHARLES ANDREW O'CONNOR Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. D 24, 1890, Findlay, O.; s. 11. O'Connor. Prepared in DeKalb Tp. JL S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Yoxan; Pan-Hellenic Council; III. -Neb. Debate; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Sr. Ball Com.; Law Dance Com. Address, Aurora, III. 5848. THOMAS EDWARD O'DONNELL Instructor; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 5, 1885, OIney, 111.; s. Edward (b. do.) and Emma E. (Boyd) O'Donnell (b. do.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Soc. Arch, with Prof. N. A. Wells, Europe, 1912; Arch., Santa Ana, Calif., 1913; do., Cleveland, 1913-14; do., Sandusky, O., 1914-17; do., Elyria, O., 1Q17- 18; Instr., Arch., Univ. of III., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Dorothy May Miller, O 19, 1914, Wheeling, W. Va. Children: Robert Merrill, b. Mr 18, 191 6; David Boyd, b. Mr 14, 191 8. Address, 810 Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., 402 Engng. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 5849. MARTIN FREDERICK OEHMKE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 31, 1888, Penfield, 111.; s. John Frederick (b. Ja 31, '^47^ Meck- lenbcrg-Schwerin, Province, Ger.) and Caroline Dorothea (Schultz) Oehmkc (b. My 31, 1854, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Philomathean; John Marshall Law Club; Scribblers; Bd., ///. Mag.; Law V. P., III. Stu- dent's Union. Lawyer, E. St. Louis, 111., 1913— . Pvt., U. S. A., Camp Dodge, la.; Sergt., Co. E, 45th Inf., Camp Gordon, Judge Advocate Gen. Dept., Cam|) Sheridan, Ala.; Mustered out, N 29, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; O. E. S.; Treas. E. St. Louis Bar Assn. Ad- dress, 559 N. 13th St., East St. Louis, III.; bus. add., 600 Cahokia Bldg., do. 5850. PHILIP LANGWORTHY OGDEN Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 10, 1891, Chicago; s. II. I), and Julia Ogden. Prepared in Tiskilwa IL S. Pi Omicron; E. E. Soc; Stud. Mem.. A. I. E. E. Address, 804 Wood St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 5851. ARTHUR HOOK OGLE (Brother of No. 5852) Journalist; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. My 3, 1892, Belleville, 111.; s. A. B. Ogle. Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Ma wan-da; Prelim. Honors; Ed., Illini; Assoc. Ed., do.; Pres., Alliance of West. Coll. Dailies. Newspaper work, St. Louis, 191 3-1 6; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Portland Cement Assn., Chicago, 1916-17. ist Lt., O. R. C, 1917; Capt., 341st Inf. N. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1917 — . Mem., Illini Clubs. Chicago and St. Louis. Address, 617 East B St., Belleville. Ill, 5852. CHARLES ROBERT OGLE (Brother of No. 5851) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 17, 1891, BelUville, 111.; s. A. B. Ogle. Prepared in St. Louis Man. Tr. H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kaiipa; Delta Ka!)pa Chi; Ma-wan-da; Prehni. Honors; 1 liini Stall; Homecoming Com. Estimator, Contr. and Mech. Engr. Address, bi7 East B St., Belleville, III. 5853. 'BENITO RENE ORDONEZ Engineer; B. S. ifi M. E.; B. S. in Ry. E. E., 1914; M. S. in Ry. E. E., 1917; b. F 24, 1890, Sallillo, Mex.; s. Benito (b. Ap 3. 1856, do.) and Felicitas Garcia Ordonez (h. Jl 8, 1859, San Nicolas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mex.). P're- Ijared in Nat. Prep. Sch. of Mex.; Univ. Acad. Spanish CIul); Latin-Am. ('lub; Ry. Club; Stud. Branch A. S. M. E.; Fellowsliip. Designer, Burr Co., Champaign, 1914; Scientific inves- tigator, Ry. Dept., Univ. of III., 1915-17; West- inghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1917-18. Died Je .;(., 1 01 8, East Pittsburgh. 5854. HARLEY PARIS OTTMAN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 3. i89,'?, Chicago; s. Wm. Oltman. Prepared in Hyde Park II. S., Chicago. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Stratford Poultry Farm, Roselle, III., 1917. Corp., Ildritrs., Inf. 55, A. E. F. France, 1918. Ad- dress, c/o Mrs. Wm. O. Ottman, 5652 Mary- land Ave., Chicago. t 5855. EMMONS OVERMIER (Brother of No. 4844) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 25, 1889, Christian Co., III.; s. T. G. (b. S 21, 1859, Warsaw, III.) and Rachel (Davidson) Over- mier (b. S. 2, 1857, Mt. Auburn, III.). Pre- pared in James Milliken Univ. Acad. Stud. Mem. A. S. M. E. Special Apprentice, Pack- ard Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1914-16; Mech. Engr., do., 1916-17; Asst. Supt., Burr Co.. Champaign. 1917-18; Mech. Engr., Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind., 1918 — ■. Assoc. Mem., Soc. Automotive Engrs. Married Bessie Hen- rietta Austin, Je 15, 1914, Blue Mound. III. Child, Richard Austin, b. Je 13, igi8. Address, 7201 Lal'^ayette Ave., Chicago. 5856. MARGARET PACK (Sister of No. 9307) Teacher; A. B. in L. &• A.; b. D 8, 1889, Independence, Mo.; d. William Francis (b. 1847, Cincinnati) and Mary Belle (Ferguson) Pack (b. 1861, Liljerty, Mo.). Prepared in Oak Park and River ]'"orest Tp. II. S. Class basketball. Playground Dir. ami .Story-teller, River P'orest, 111.; Teacher, Hamilto?i, 111., 10 18. .4ddress, 360 Franklin Ave., River Forest, III.; bus. add., 232 S. Randolph St., Macomb, III. 5857. WILLIAM KING PALMER, JR. Florist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 2, 1892, Chi- cago; s. W. K. Palmer. Prejiared in J. S. Morton II. S.. Cicero. -Scabbard and Blade; ("apt., Univ. Regt.; Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A. Cai)inet; Class Basketball. Instr., Floriculture, I'niv. of III., 1915-16; Florist, igi6 — . ist Lt., Co. K, 3 1 2th Regt., Div. 78, A. E. F., France. Address, 6424 Fairfield Ave., Berwyn, III. 5858. CHARLES JOHN PANKOW (Husband of No. 5219) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 3, 1892, Detroit; s. Charles C. (b. F 16, i860, Conow, Mecklenburg, Ger.) and Mary E. (Stelzle) Pankow (b. Ap 28, 1863, Oshawa, Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Elgin II. S. Arch. Club. Arch., Urbana, 1913-17. ist f-t., 465 Aero S.|dn., A. S. S. C. A. E. F., via N. Y., 1917—- Mem., B. P. O. E.; Shriner. Married Bessie Busey Hoult ('12), O 8, 1917, Detroit. Ad- dress, 112 W. Hill St., Champaign. So6 University of Illinois I1913 5S59. HELEN LUCY PARKER (Sister of No. 7122) Teacher; B. Mus.; b. D 24, 1890, Terra Haute, Ind.; d. A. A. Parker (b. S 16, 1854, Aurora, O.) and Ella L. (Cone) Parker (b. Mr II, 1859. Madison, O.)- Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Advisory Bd., Woman's League. Address, Chatham, lll.t 5860. HARRY GLENN PARKINSON B. S. in Agr.; b. My 16, 1890, Deerlick, 111.; s. John L. Parkinson. Pijepared in Waynes- burg (Pa.) Acad. A. B., Waynesburg Coll., 191 1. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Eastener's Club. Address, Hickory, Pa.f 5861. CLYDE HARRISON PARR (Husband of No. 6261) Attorney; LL. B.; b. D 5, 1885, Xenia, 111.; s. George Hamilton (b. O 26, 1864, Meggs Co., O.) and Dora Belle (Tate) Parr (b. Jl 3, 1865, Xenia, 111.). Prepared in Granite City H. S. Theta Chi; Philomathean. Atty. 1913 — ; Asst. St. Atty., Macoupin Co., 111., 1917 — • I"f- Co. G, 3rd Repl. Regt., Camp Gordon, Ga. ; Mus- tered out, Ja 2. 1919. Married Helen Winifrede Grant (14), jl 5, 1916, Urbana. Address, Benld, 111. 5862. NEWTON LYMAN PARTRIDGE B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1914; Ph. D., 1917; b. D 10, 1890, Chicago; s. Newton A. (b. Mr 23, 1852 Peacham, Vt.) and Nellie (Hammond) Partridge (b. Mr 27, 1858. Watertown, Wis.). Prepared in New Trier Tp. and Lake View H. Schs. Acanthus; Sigma Xi; Ionian; Hort. Club; Agr. Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Pvt., Corp., Sergt., Bat. F, ist 111. F. A., i9i4-i(); ist Lt. F. A. R. C; Asst. Instr. at ist and 2nd Tr. Camps, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 19th F. A.J 1918; Capt., 5th Brig., 5th Div., 3rd Army Corps, Lorraine, France, 1918; with Army of (Occupation, Luxemburg, 1918 — . Mem.. Nat. Geog. Soc. ; A. A. A. S. ; Mich. St. Hort. Soc; 111. St. Hort. Soc. Address, 1 60 1, 69 W. Washington St., Chicago. 5863. ELSIE PATTON (JOHNSON) (Wife of No. 5747; Sister of No. 1750) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 18, 1888, Paxton, 111.; d. William T. and Frances M. (Flagg) Patton. Prepared in Paxton II. S.; De Pauw Univ., 1908-9. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Harvey Judd Johnson ('13), Ja S, 1914, Urbana. Children: Natalie, b. Mr 6, 1916; Robert Lawren, b. D 20, 1916. Address, 5128 N. Lincoln St., Chicago. 5864. WILLIAM HENRY PEARSON Clerk; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N i, 1883, Lena, 111.; s. Henry (b. Hewhurst, Sussex, Eng.) and Sarah (Newble) Pearson (b. do.). Pre- pared in Lena H. S. Clerk, Lena Casket & Supply Co., Lena, 111. Address, Lena, 111. 5865. JOHN GEORGE PENN Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 29, 1887, Coal City, 111.; s. James W. (b. Ag 10, 1857, Eng.) and Kate (Trotter) Penn (b. S 15, 1862, Wilmington, 111.). Prepared in Morris H. S. Toll Line Engr., Chicago Tel. Co., 1913-ih; do., Mich St. Tel. Co., Detroit, 1916— . Battery D, ist 111. F. A. Border Service, 1915-17- Assoc, A. I. E. E. ; Chm., Bd. of Governors, Mich. St. Engng. Club. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Married Florence Alona Hunger- ford, Ag 30, 1917, Joliet, 111. Address, 314 Hogarth Ave., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Engng. Dept., Mich. St. Tel. Co., do. 5866. HAROLD PETERSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 13. 1888, Chicago; s. Hans (b. My 10, 1853, Aarhus, Denmark) and Clara (Clausscn) Peterson (b- N 17, 1858, Porsgrund, Norway). Prepared in Lewis Inst. C. E. (ilub. Office and Field Engr., Alvord & Burdick, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1913-15; Valuation Work, Chicago Great Western Ry., 1915-16; Detailed investi- gation for Report of Chicago Traction and .Subway Comn., 1916-17; Asst. Engr. to Lt. Col. D. H. Mawry, Consulting Water Works Engr., War Dept., 1917 — . Married Serena Natalie Jensen, My 19, 191 7, Chicago. Ad- dress, 1113 C St., N. E., Washington, D. C. 5867. HERBERT CHRISTIAN PETERSON Ci,v. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 19, 1890, Chicago; s. C. D. J. Peterson. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. C. E. Club. Teacher, Man. Tr., Chicago, 19 15. Address, S^3i S. Carpenter St., Chicago. 5868. LOLA MAUDE PETERSON (ROGSTAD) A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 20, 1890, Hillsboro, N. Dak.; s. P. S. Peterson. Prepared in Ililh- boro H. S.; Wolfe Hall, Denver; Long Beach, Calif. H. S. Chi Omega. Married F. J. Rog- stad. Address, Detroit, Minn. 5869. RALPH GERALD PETERSON B. S. in C. E.; b. Je i, 1889, Chicago; s. F. T. Peterson. Prepared in N. Div. H. S., Chi- cago; Waller H. S., Chicago; Attended Armour Inst. C. E. Club. Address. R. 4, Paw Paw, Mich. 5870. CLARK CULBERTSON PIPER (Brother of No. 5871) Physician; A. B. in Sc; b. O 18, 1886, Sum- ner, 111.; s. Herbert A. (b. 1807, do.) and Lou A. (Culbertson) Piper (b. 1854, do.). Pre- Eared in LIniv. Acad.; So. 111. St. Norm. M. >., Rush Med. Coll., 1915. Interne in Hospi- tals of Chicago. Lt. Base Hospital Unit 14, O. R. M. C, Camp Merritt, N. J. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 93 Hogarth St., Detroit; bus. add., Kresge Bldg., do. 5871. HARRY BRUCE PIPER (Brother of No. 5870) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 17, 1890, Sumner, 111.; s. Herbert A. (b. F 19, 1854, Clmmbersburg, Pa.) and Lou A. (Culliertson) Piper (b. Ap 1, 1858, Sumner, 111.). Prepared in LIniv. Acad. Agr. Club. Teacher, So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1913-18; Co. Agt.. Richland Co.. Olney, 111., 1918— . 111. Nat. Guard, Car- bon'dale. 111., 1917-18. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Nettie Pearl Lathrop, Jl 30, 1913, Sumner, 111. Children: Harry Bruce, Jr., b. Ja 23, 1915; Gale Lathrop, b. D 23, 1916. Ad- dress, Olney, 111. 5872. LYLE JAY PLETCHER (Brother of Nos. 1574, 4859, 5873, 7867) Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. F 28, 1891, Hoopeston, 111.; s. David S. (b. Jl 24, 1851, Pittsburgh) and Elizabeth C. (Pees) Pletcher (b. F 14, 1857, do.). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. M. S., la. St. Coll. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Adelphic. Instr., Chem.. la. St. Coll., 1013-15; Asst. Prof., Univ. of Miss., Oxford, Miss., 1915-16; Asst. Prof., Chem., So. Metho- dist Univ., Dallas, Tex., 1916-18; Research Chem., Tex. Co. Refinery. Mem., A. C. S.; A. F. A. M. Married Margaret Hill, Je 12, 1917, Chicago. Address, 205 Lake Shore Apts., Port .Arthur, Tex. 5873. OPHA BELLE PLETCHER (PICKETT) (Sister of Nos. i574, 4859, 5^72, 7867) A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S. ; b. F 5. 1887, Hoopeston, 111.; d. D. S. (b. Jl 24, 1851, Pitts- burgh) and Elizabeth C. (Pees) Pletcher (b. F 14, 1857, do-). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 507 IT. S. Alpha Delta Pi. T.i1)n.. Rochester, Ind., 1916. Married R. E. Pickett. Address, Sandusky, Mich. 5874. WILBUR IIOMKR PONDER (Brother of Nos. 4S61, S363) Banker; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. F 11, 1890, Hammond, 111.; s. John R. (b. Washing- ton Co., Tenn.) and Elizabeth (Bolin) Ponder (b. Sullivan. 111.). I'repared in Univ. Acad. V. P., Cml. Club; Treas. Sr. Class; Univ. Band. With No. Trust Banking Co., Chicago. Mem., B. P. O. E. Address, 909 W. California Ave., Urbana; bus. add., c/o Northern Trust Banking Co., Chicago. 5875. AGNES PORTER (SAWYER) (Wife of No. 4401) A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap 22, 1890, Salem, 111.; d. John B. (b. D 16, 1865, do.) and Mar- garet B. (Pfeffer) Porter (b. Ag 8, 1869, Ports- mouth, O.). Prepared in Olney II. S.; Forest Park Univ., St. Louis. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Illiola. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Albert Butler Sawyer, Jr. ('10), D 31, 1913, Olney, 111. Children: Margaret Ellen, b. D 22, 1914; Albert Butler, III, b. JI 6, 1916. Address, Norborne, Mo. 5876. CHARLEY LYMAN PORTER Teacher; A. B. in Agr.; b. F 22, 1889, Mackinaw, 111. I'repared in Mackinaw H. S. Instr., Biol., Parsons Coll. Address, 602 N. 3rd St., Fairfield, la. 5877. WILLARD BLAINE PORTERFIELD (Brother of Nos. 2788, 3517) Banker; A. B. in Bus. L. & A. ; b. S 4, 1892, Fairmount, 111.; s. Millard Filmore (b. F 17, 1849, Worthington, Pa.) and Isabclle Julia (Cole) Porterfield (b. .\g 28, 1863, Worthing- ton, Mass.). Prepared in Fairmount H. S.; Univ. Acad. Alpha Delta Phi; Sigma Delta Chi; Alpha Kappa Psi. Bn. O. M. L'niv. Regt. ; Class Baseball; V. P., 111. Union; Varsity Club; Asst. Ath. Ed., Daily lllini. Banker, Fair- mount, 111. 2d Lt. 32d Regt., C. A., Camp Eustis, Va., 1918. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M. Address, Fairmount, 111. 5878. ALVA LE ROY PRICKETT Assistant; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; A. M., 1918; b. Ja 30, 1890, Auburn, 111.; s. Frank (b. My 6, 1850, N. J.) and Mary Elizabeth (Wood) Prickett (b. Mr 20, 1851, Springfield, in.). Prepared in Litchfield H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Eta; V. P., Sr. Class. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Sales Correspondent, Mail Order House, Chicago, 1914-15; Asst. Sales Mgr., Educational Dept., Rand McNally & Co., Chi- cago. 1915-17; Asst., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1917- 18; In charge Econ. Dept., Junior Coll., Hib- bing, Minn., 1919 — . Married Sarah Bonnie Stevenson, D 31, 1917, Chicago. Address, 814 W. Main St., Urbana. 5879. FORD SMOOT PRINCE Farrn Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 14, 1887, Ballou, O.; s. W. H. Prince. Prepared in Miami Univ. Prep. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Varsity Football. J)ept. of Soils, Lansing, Mich., 1914. Asst., Agronomy Farm Adviser, Xenia, O. Married Alice Fletcher, D 27, 1917, Concord, N. H. Address, Xenia, O. 5880. MERWIN LOGSDON PRINDLE Contractor; A. B. in Sc; b. S 18, i8go, Chicago; s. W. J. Prindle. Prepared in Engle- wood H. S., Chicago. Alpha Delta Phi. Real Est. and Contr., Chicago. Capt., Supply Co., 341 Inf., 8r,th Div., .\. E. F., France. Address, 5908 Normal Blvd., Chicago. 5881. FREDERICK JOSEPH PROUT Engineer; B. S. in Ry. M. E. ; b. Mr 4, i8go, Troy, N. V.; s. Thomas Edwin (b. Ag 31, 1865, Birmingham, Eng.) and Annie (Paynter) Prout (b. My I, 1866, Troy, N. Y.). Prepared in Topeka (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan., 191 o. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Pres., Ry Club. Asst., Test Dept., A. T. & S. F. Ry, Topeka, Kan., 191 3-1 8; Asst. Engr., do., 19 18 — . Mar- ried Grace Marie Eldridge, Je 19, 191S, Topeka, Kan. Child, Mary Louise, b. Ja 27, 19 17. Ad- dress, 2073 Van Buren St., Topeka, Kan.; bus. add.. Motive Power Bldg., do. 5882. STUART ALBERT RALSTON Electrician; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 17, 1889, Caledonia, 111.; s. J. C. Ralston. Prepared in Bcloit Coll. Acad. Chi Beta; E. E. Soc. ; Glee Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Class Baseball; Jr. Prom. Com. 2nd O. R. C, Ft. Sheridan. 111., 1917; 2nd Lt. Signal Corps, A. P. O. 702, A. E. F., France, 1918^. Address, Caledonia. 111. 5883. CHARLES CLAFLIN RAND Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram.; b. Je 8, 1892, Lombard, 111.; s. Herbert Stone (b. F 18, 1866, Cliicago) and Mary Alice (Clafllin) Rand (b. F 18, 1866, do.). Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Special Honors. Lab. Asst., Univ. of 111., 191 3- 14; Lab. Asst., Bur. of Standards, Pittsburgh, 1914-16; Salesman, E. A. Wilcox Co.; igi6-i8; Asst. Ceram. Chein., Bur. of Standards, 1918- 19; Ceramic Engr., 1919 — . Pa. Nat. Guard, 1015-16. Married Isabel Eva Collom, Mr .s, 1913, Covington, Ind. Children: Alice Isabel, b. D 17, 1913; Robert Collom, b. Ag 24, 1917. Address, 1037 E. 141st St., Cleveland; bus. add.. Ceramic Engng. E.xp. Lab., National Lamp Co., do. 5884. OTTO COFFEEN FITZ RANDOLPH (Husband of No. 5515) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 27. 1890, Arkansas City, Kan.; s. Jackson Fitz (b. I'.loom- ington, Ind.) and Lacy (Coffeen) Randolph (h. Homer, 111.). Prepared in Wendell Pliillijis IL S. Chicago. Phi Gamma Delta; Football Team. P.ridge Insp. and Engr., Detroit, 1913-17. 2nd Lt., i6th Regt. Engrs., 1917; ist Lt., N. A., 1018; Maj., special duty, Washington, D. C. ; Mustered out, D 13, 1918. Mem., Detroit Engng. Soc. 1916; A. F. A. M., 1914; Pres. mini Club, Detroit, 1916. Married Helen Ab- bott ('13). Je 16, 1917, Chicago. Address, 1629 E. 86th St., Cleveland, O.; bus. add., 6523 Euclid Ave., do. 5885. ETHEL ALICE RANSON (Sister of Nos. 2218, 5375) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 23, 1891, Kilbourne, 111.; d. G. W. (b. 1849, do.) and .Sarah Ellen (Ainsworth) Ranson CI). 1851. .Sai- dora. 111.). Prepared in Havana H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Athenean. Teacher, Mansfield, 111:, 1913-17; do., Bement, 111., 1917 — . Address, Bement, 111. 5886. ACORS EARL RATHBUN Buyer; A. B. in Sc; b. My 18, 1889, River Forest, 111.; s. Acors Wells (b. D 7, 1863. Bloomingdale, 111.) and Annie Louise (Parker) Rathbun (b. O 14, 1863, Chicago.). Prepared in Wheaton H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Delta Theta; Yoxan; Alpha Gamma Rho; Mgr., Varsity Football. Asst., Sears Roebuck & Co., 1913-i.S; Buyer, Drug Sundries, do.. 1915 — . Tst. 111. F. A. 111. Nat. Guard, 1915-17; ind Lt., Avia. Sec, Signal O. R. C, Ft. Worth, Tex.; Mustered out, D 12, 19 18. Address, Glen Ellyn, III.; bus. add., 925 S. Iloman Ave., Chicago. 5887. BYRNE LUCAS RAY A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 25, 1892, Mason City, la.; s. William Ray. Prepared in Mason City H. S. Chi Beta. .Iddress, Gambrills, Md. 5o8 University of Illinois U913 5888. EDWARD ERNEST REDDERSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. D 16, 1888, Milwaukee; s. John Henry (b. about 1830, Hanover, Ger.) and Emily Caroline (Sendel- bach) Redderson (b. about 1848, Ger.). Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Tri- angle; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Ry. Club; Pre- lim. Honors; Final Honors. Engr.. Const., Chi- cago Surface Lines, 1913-14; Plan Examiner, and Struct. Engr., Chicago, 1914-17; is't Lt., Ord. Dept., 1918 — . Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs., 1913 — ; Birchwood Country Club, 191 7 — . Address, 121 7 N. Shore Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Nitrate Div., Box 337, U. S. Nitrate Plant 2, Muscle Shoals, Ala. 5889. ALICE REDHED (Sister of No. 4378) Plavground Dir. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 3, 1889, Tolono, 111.; d. William Redhed. Pre- pared in Tolono H. S.; Oxford Coll. Kappa Kappa Gamma; ist Cabinet Y. W. C. A. Dir. Ward Sch. Playground, Port Arthur, Tex.. 1916-17. Address, Tolono, Ill.t 5890. ERWIN AMBROSE REED Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 17, 1890. Chi- cago; s. John A. (b. F 12, 1865, Rittersville, Pa.) and Paulina (Koenig) Reed (b. Jl 25, 1868, Ger.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chi- cago. C. E. Club; Rv. Engrs. Club. Drafts- man, C. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago; Bridge Engr., Co. Highway Depts., Iowa, 1914-15; do., Peru, 111., 1916; Highway Bond Issue, Co Highway Dept., Chicago, 1917 — . Address, 1930 N. Kenneth Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Co. Highway Dept., Cook Co., do. 5891. HARRY PAYNE REEVES Professor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., i9U; b. O 7, 1 886. Carmi, 111.; s. I. R. and Mary E. Reeves. Prepared in Carmi H. S. II Cen- tre Literario Espanol; Der Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Frangais; Treas., Mask and Bauble. Assoc. Prof., Spanish, O. Wesleyan Univ., 1917; do., Cornell, Summer, 1917. Address, Dela- ware, O.t 5892. FRITZ REIN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 13, 1887, Rem- ington, Ind. ; s. F. Rein. Prepared in Gilman H. S. Address, Urbana.f 5893. CHARLES LEONARD REISNER Advertiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 22. 1890, Sterling, 111.; s. J. L. Reisner. Prepared in Sterling II. S. Agr. Club. Milk Tester, Univ. of 111., 1914; Agr. Advertiser. Address, 1007 -and Ave., Sterling, 111. 5894. WALTER RICHARD REITZ Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 10. 1891, Chicago; s. Jacob and Elizabeth Celia (Pender- ■gast) Reitz. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. ist Lt., Ord. Dept., U. S. A.; Capt., do.. A. P. O. 717, A. E. F., France. Address, 41 16 Park Ave., Chicago. 5895. HOPE EDWIN REUM Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 29, 1892, Chicago; s. Oscar August (b. Jl 15, 1867, Janes- ville Wis.) and Lizzie Francis (Beck) Reum (b. Baltimore, J\id.). Prepared in Lane H. S. Sigma Nu. Supt., Zander Reum Co., Contrac- tors, Chicago. 1913-18; Asst. Engr., Carolina Shipbuilding Corp., 1918. — . Mem., Chicago Tennis Club. Address, 429 Roslyn Place, Chi- cago; bus. add., 1603, 105 W. Monroe St., do. 5896. ERNEST ALBERT RICH (Brother of Nos. 2796, 3153) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O r8. 1887, Metamora, 111.; s. Albert R. (b. S 22, 1845. do.) and Mary Ellen (Slemmons) Rich (b. Jl 4, 1845, O.) Prepared in Washington H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Delta Phi; Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig. Lawyer, Washington, 111., 1913- 17; do.. El Paso, 111., 1917 — . Married Alice Mead, F 2, 1911. Children: Virginia Alice, b. F I, 1912; Mary Elizabeth, b. D 9, 1915. Ad- dress, El Paso, 111. 5897. ARTHUR LOUIS RICHE Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b._ D i, 1885, Nora Springs, la.; s. E. A. (b. Ap 29, 1855. Indiana) and Marion (Patterson) Riche (b. O 21, 1855, O.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Delta Sigma Rho; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Ionian; E. E. Soc; Final and Special Honors; Debating. Coml. Engr., S. W. Bell Tel. Co., St. Louis, 1913-17; Efficiency Engr., Ralston Purina Co., 1917-1S. Married Grace E. Mil- holland, Je 24, 1914, St. Louis. Child, Eliza- beth Ellen, b. F 7, 1916. Address, 401 1 Shaw Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., 8th and Gratiot Sts., do. 5898. LILLIAN RIDDLE (Sister of No. 2225) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 15, 1889, Mattoon, 111.; d. Harvey Scott (b. Mr 25, 1850, Terra Haute, Ind.) and Lillie Rose (Looker) Riddle (b. D i, 1854, Piqua, O.). Prepared in Mattoon, H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Address, Mattoon, 111. 5899. TEMPLE ELLIOTT RIDGELY Capt., U. S. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ag 15, 1S90, Springfield, 111.; s. Franklin (b. do.) and Hallie (Elliott) Ridgely (b. do.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad. Phi Kappa Psi. Mexican Border Service, 1916; Pvt., Troop D. ist 111. Cav.; ist Lt., Bat. E, 79th F. A., 1917; Capt., do., 1917. Address, 1219 S. 6th St., Spring- field, 111. 5900. NELLIE PAULINE RIGHTER (HUNTER) A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 19, 1890, Atwood, 111.; d. George Floyd (b. 1863, Clarksburg, W. Va.) and Florence Luella (Birchfield) Righter (b. 1867, Sullivan, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma. Married Charles Madison Hunter, O i, 1913, Champaign. .•iddress, 508 W. Jackson St., Abingdon, HI. 5901. ELMER ROBERTS (Husband of No. 5379) Associate; B. S. in Agr.; Ph. D., 1917; b. Je 29, 1 886, Burnside, Ky. ; s. Missouri (b. D 22, 1837, Somerset, Ky.) and Lucy Helen (Meece) Roberts (b. F 25, 1850, do.). Pre- pared in Berkeley H. S. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Adelphic; Prelim, and Final Honors. Asst. and Instr., Genetics, Univ. of 111., Urbana; Assoc, in Genetics, do., 1918 — -. Auth. : (with H. L. Rietz) Degree of Resem- blance of Parents and Offspring with Respect to Birth as Twins for Registered Shropshire Sheep, Jour. Agr. Researcli, Vol. IV, 191 5. Mem.. .\. A. A. Soc; Am. Genetic Assn. Mar- ried Myrtle Anna Renz ('12), Ag 11, 1917, Henning, 111. Address, 1008 S. Lincoln Ave., I'rbana; bus. add.. 103 Genetics BIdg., Univ. of 111. 5902. HARRY VIVIAN ROBERTS Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 18, 1882, Morning Sun la.; s. A. L. Roberts. Prepared in Morning Sun (la.) H. S. Supt. of Const. and Struct. Design on Sch. Bldgs., Louisville, Ky. Address, Louisville, Ky. 5903. NELLIE READ ROBERTS Librarian; A. B. in L. & A.; B. L. S., 1915; b. N 25, 1891, Pittsburgh; d. Dryden Heath (b. J! 24, 1851. Allegheny, Pa.) and Alice Hall "(Read) Roberts (b. Jl 14, 1866. Auburn, Me.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Mask and Bauble; Scribbler's; Illiola; Asso- 1913] Baccalaureate Alumni 509 ciated Univ. Players; Asst. Ed., Illio; Ed. Staff, ///. Mag.; Libn., Eng. Seminar, Univ. of 111. Libr., 191 5 — ■. Auth. : Magazine Articles of Interest to Teachers of Secondary Eng., ///. Assn. of Teachers of Eng. Bui. Vol.' VIII, No. 5, 1916. Mem^, Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn.; Libr. Club; Eng. Jour. Club; Epis. Church. Address, 403 S. Wright St., Champaign; bus- add., 204 Lincoln Hall, Urbana. 5904. EVA LOVE ROBERTSON Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 27. ^^9^' Morrison, 111.; d. William John (b. D 1865, do.) and Mary Eva (Ogsbury) Robertson (b. D 1865, Prophetstown, 111.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Teacher, Eng.. H. S., Newton, 111., 1914-16; do., Lewistown, 111., 1917-18. Ad- dress, 204 W. John St., Champaign; bi(s. add., Lewistown, 111. 5905. NELLIE MABEL ROBERTSON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 24, 1879, Deputy, Ind.; d. James Dempster (b. O 8, 1842, Paris, Ind.) and Sarah Rebecca (Miller) Robertson (b. O I, 1844). Prepared in Moores Hill Coll. Acad. A. B. Moore's Hill Coll., 1900. Order Asst. Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Cataloger, do., 1913-17- Address, Deputy, Ind. 5906. FLORENCE ELINOR ROBINSON A. B. in L. & A.; b. Je 29, 1S91, Wahpeton, N. D.; d. M. H. (b. D 7, 1817, Meredith, N. H.) and Elinor (Corse) Robinson. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Chi Omega. Address, 1016 W. California Ave., Urbana. 5907- "FRANK CHARLES ROHRBOUGH B. S. in C. E.; b. D 16, 1891, Garden City, Kan.; s. L. C. Rohrbough. Prepared in Du Quoin Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Died S 6, 1914. 5908. CLARENCE SAMUEL ROSS Geologist; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1915; b. S 29, 1880, Eldora, la.; s. James S. (b. 1852, Province Quebec, Can.) and Martha H. (Daniels) Ross (b. 1844. Brown Co., O.). Prepared in Eldora (la.) H. S.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll. Sigma Xi; Bushnell Guild. Asst., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1913-17; Geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur., Washington, D. C. 191 7 — . Married Helen Frederick, N i, 1918, Paxton, 111. Ad- dress, 105 E. Green St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o tJ. S. Geological Sur., Washington, D. C. 5909. RUSSEL CURTIS ROTTGER Gen. Mgr. and Treas. ; A. B. in L. & A.; b. My 16, 1891, Jacksonville, 111.; s. Curtis H. (b. Ta 16, :86i, do.) and Jessie Agnes (Wilbur) Rottger (b. Jl 27. 1863, Exeter, 111.). Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Psi Upsilon; Illio Staff, 191 3; St. Cashier and Paymaster, Central Union Telephone Co., Springfield, 111.. 1913-15; Gen. Mgr. and Treas., Vermilion Co. Telephone (3o., Danville. 111., 1915 — . Sec, Danville Rotary Club; Mem. Sangamo Club, Springfield, 111.; Country Club, Danville, 111.; Jovian League, Indianapolis. Married Florence Mil- dred Smith. N 21, 1914, Oak Park, 111. Child, Rosemary Jane, b. D 17, 1918. Address, 1507 N. Franklin St., Danville, 111.; bus. add., c/o Vermilion County Telephone Co., do. 59 10. RICHARD YATES ROWE Sec. and Agency Mgr.; A. B. in L. &. A.; b. D 12, 1889, Jacksonville, 111.; s. F. H. (b. 1855, Vt.) and Marietta (Mathers) Rowe (b. Jacksonville. 111.). Prepared in Whipple Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1907-9. Delta Ka]ipa Epsi- lon; Phi Delta Phi. Asst. Sec, Delta Kappa Epsilon, New York City; Sec. and Agency Mgr., (Tlover'Leaf Casualty Co., Jacksonville. 111. Ensign. U. S. N. R. F.. Newport, R. I. and Pelhain Bay Sta.; Mustered out, D 30, 1918. .Address, 11 52 W. State St., Jacksonville, 111.; bus. add., Clover Leaf Life and Casualty Co. do. 591 1. IRVING RANDOLPH RUBY (Brother of No. 7175) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. S 11, 1890, Aurora, 111.; s. George Nelson (b. 1864. Neb. I and Julia Elizabeth (Randolph) Ruby (b. 1867, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in Yorkville H. S. Chi Beta; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Scabbard and Blade; (japt., Univ. Regt. ; Capt., Football. Chem., Mishawaka Woolen Co., (Mishawaka, Ind., 1913-16; B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O., 1916-17; Research Chem., New Zer- sey Zinc Co., Palnierton, Pa., 19 17 — . Mar- ried Marguerite White, N 25, 1915, Misha- waka, Ind. Child, (jeorge Benjamin, b. S 14, 1917. Address, Palmerton, Pa. 5912. HERBERT JUDSON RUCKER Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 21, 1888, Literberry, III.; s. Greenberry William (b. do.) and Ruth Anna Elizabeth (Griffin) Rucker Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. B. S.. 111. Coll., 191 1. Instr., Sc, Geneseo Collegiate Inst.. IPI3-15; Instr., Agr. and Chem. Blackburn Coll., Carlinville, 111., 1915-18; Farm Adviser, Effingham, 111., 1918 — . Married Hazel Glenn, Ag 27, 1913, Jacksonville, 111. Address, Effing- ham, 111. 5913. FAY A. RUMERY Dairyman; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 22, 1890, Oregon, 111.; s. LaVerne (b. O 18, 1855, Lock- port, N. Y.) and Alice M. (Fahrney) Rumery (b. F II, 1862, Oregon, 111.). Prepared in (Jregon H. S.; Beloit Coll. Dairyman, Ohio Dept. U. S. Service, 1918 — . Ord. Tr. Sch., Camp Hancock, Ga. Married Beryle Lupien. Ag 15, 1 91 7, Rochester, Minn. Address, Ore- gon, 111. 5914- EARL RUNDLES (Brother of Nos. 7179. 7180, 7915, 8720) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 20. 1883, Huntertown, Ind.; s. J. J. and Mary Rundles. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Civ. Engr., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Address, c/o Wilbur Hyde, 555 Baldwin St., Detroit. 5915. WALTER CLIFFORD SADLER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E. ; b. F 15. 1891, South Elgin, 111.; s. Walter Lincoln (b N. Y.) and Elizabeth Bertha (Walter) Sadler. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Grad. work, Mass. Inst, of Tech.; do., Harvard 191 5-1 6. Tau Beta Pi; Ionia; Pres., Ry. Club; C. E. Club: Prelim. Honors; Chm., Rodman, Insp.. In- strument Man, Chief Insp. and. Office Engr. of Const.. Great No. Ry. Co. ist Lt., i8th Engrs., A. E. F., France. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Harriet Pearl Jamieson, Jl 21, 1917, Tacoma, Wash. Child. Walter Robert, b. Ap 5, 1918. Address, 136 S. Porter St., Elgin. 111. 5916. ETHEL IMOGENE SALISBURY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 28, 1886, Ridgefield. 111.; d. Charles Albert (b. S 9, 1851,. do.) and Winnie (Simmons) Salisbury (b. S I. 1854 do.). Prepared in Crystal Lake H. S. A. U., Columbia Univ., 1017- Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; Scribblers: Illiola. Elementary Supvr., Rockford Pub. Schs., 1913- 17; Supvr., Duluth Pub. Schs., 1917 — . Auth.: Administrative Uniformit>; of The Curriculum, Ednc., Adm. and Superzision, My 191 7. Ad- dress, 445 Judd St., Woodstock, 111.; bus. add., c/o Bd. "of Educ. Office, Duluth, Minn. 5917. ERNEST EUGENE SAND ALL Farmer: B. S. in Agr.; b. O 10, i8go, Bur- lington, 111.; s. Frank Ezra (b. Ag 17. 1866, Herbert, 111.) and Georgiana (Mann) Sandall (h. F 3 1867. Burlington. 111.). Prepared in Genoa H. S. Agr. Club: Philomathean. Farm- Sio University of Illinois [1913 er, Burlington, III., 1913-iS; ^o-> DeKalb, III., 191S-16; do., Burlington, 111., 1916-18; do Genoa, 111., 1918 — . Musician, 3rd. 111. Inf., 1916-17. Married Nellie Ford, N 30, 1917, Rockford, 111. Address, Genoa, 111. 5918. GEORGE STANLEY SANGDAHL Designer and Estimator; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 13, 1889, Milwaukee; s. Lauritz E. (b. Mr 7, 1856, Norway) and Elizabeth (Saveland) Sangdahl (b. D 12, i860, Milwaukee.). Pre- pared in Calumet H. S.. Chicago; Assn. Inst., Chicago; Armour Inst., Chicago. Triangle; Pres., C. E. Club. Design and Insp. Engr., Purdy and Henderson, Engrs., Chicago, 1913- 15; Sales Engr., Chicago Bridge & Iron Works 1915-16, Chicago; do., N. Y. office, igi^-ii^j Sales Design and Estimating work, Specialized in Elevated and Storage Tanks and other Plate metal work. 2nd Lt.. Ord. Res. Corps, Washington, D. C, 1918; 2nd. Lt., Ord. Dept., A P O 717, A. E. F., France. Auth.: Sev- eral Articles for IVater Tower Chicago Bridge & Iron Works; do., Mgr., Triangle Review. Sec and Treas., New Illini Club, 1917; Mem., Chicago Illini Club, 191 2-16. Address, 2407 Irving St., N. E. Washington, D. C; bus. add., 1800 E St., N. W., do. =;9i9. SOUTHWORTH SAMUEL SARGEANT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 9, 1890. Sprague, Neb ; s L. S. Sargeant. Prepared in Geneva, H. b. 2nd Lt., Army Transport Service, Newport News, Va., 1919 — . Address, 603S Harper Ave., Chicago. 5920. CHARLES BOVETT SAYRE Auto, bus.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 3, 1891. Chi- cago; s. Charles Edward (b. Mr 8, 1862, Orange Co , N. J.) and Evaline (Bovett) Sayre (b. S 3, 1870, Chicago). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S , Chicago. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Scab- bard and Blade; Prelim, and Final Honors; 1st Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Varsity Fencing; West Intercollegiate Fencing Champion, 191 3; Class Swimming. Grad. Work. Hort. and Plant Pathology, Purdue. Instr., Olericulture, Umv. of 111., 1914; Instr. and Prof., Vegetable Gard- ening, Purdue Univ., 1914-17; Auto, bus., 1919—. ist Lt., F. A. R. C, 1917; Maj., 326th F. A., 1917; Adjt., iS9th F. A. Brig.; Lt. Col., do 1918; mustered out of service. 191 8. Auth.: Coml. Onion Growing, Ind. E.xperiment i>ta- tion Circular, S7; Mint Growing in Ind., do. Mem., Soc. for Hort. Sc, 1913-18; A. A. A. S., 1916-18; Vegetable Growers Assn. of Am., 1913- 18; St. Florists Assn. of Ind., 1916-17; Ind. Hort. Soc, 191S-18. Address. 6428 Drexel Ave Chicago; bus.' add., Sayre Motor Co., 146 N. Main St., Canton, 111. 5921. EDWARD MICHAEL SCHALCK Entomologist; A. B. in Sc; b. S 2^ 1884 Chicago; s. Michael (b. 1847. Alsace. France) and Louise (Berkes) Schalck (b. i860, New Orleans, La.). Prepared in Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Sch.. Chicago; Univ. of Mich. Asst. St. Entomologist, No. 111., Rockford, 111., 1917-18; do. Chicago, 19 18 — . Mem., Am. Assn. Econ. Entomologists; Nat. Agr. Soc. Address, Rock- ford, 111. 5922. JACOB PHILIP SCHEID Supt.. Schs.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 16, 1875, Freeburg, 111.; s. Charles (b. Nassau, Ger.) and Margaret (Heigele) Scheid. Prepared in III. St. Norm. Univ. Supt. of Schs., Greenview, 111., 1912-17; do.. Mason City, 111., 191" — • Chm., Membership Com.. Red Cross. Greenview, Til. Married Flora C. Hertel, Mr 19. 1902, Freeburg, 111. Children: Flora H., b. Mr 12, 190?; liarold R., b. Mr 5. 1906; Dorothy E., b. Ag 20, 1913. Address, Mason City, 111. 5923. OTTO PAUL SCHINNERER Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. N 5, 1S90, Ocheydan, la.; s. John (b. 1865, Wilshire, O.) and Anna (Evers) Schinnerer (b. 1861, Llanover, Ger.). Prepared in Concordia Coll., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Concordia Sem., St. Louis, 1909-11; Columbia, 1916-17. Instr., Ger., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, Cleveland, 1914-16; Teacher, Riverdale Country Sch., New York City, 1917-18; Instr., Ger., Bowdoin Coll., 1918 — . Translator, Bur. of Investigation, Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C, 1917; Corp. Co. M, 22nd Inf., 1918; i6th Co., C. O. T. S., Camp Lee, \^a., 1918 — . Address, c/o Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. 5924. LOUISE GUSTAVE SCHLUTIUS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 3, 1892, Medaryville, Ind.; d. Rev. Gustave (b. 1855, Berlin, Ger.) and Emllie Sohns (Hermann) Schlutius (b. 1859, Mo.). Prepared in Gilman H. S.; Harris Teachers Coll., St. Louis, 1910- 12; LTniv. of Chicago, 1918. Teacher, H. S., Catlin, 111.; do., Fremont Sch., St. Louis. Address, 6263 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis. 5925. LORENTZ SCHMIDT Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 25, 1884; s. Bernhardt (b. Denmark) and Magdalene (Gram) Schmidt (b. do.). Prepared in Clyde (Kan.) H. S. and Kan. St. Norm., Emporia, Kan. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. Arch., Chi- cago, 1913-15^ do., Wichita, Kan.. 1915 — . Y. M. C. A. Christian Coll., Chicago, 1918 — . Address. 336 S. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add., 121 N. Market St., do. 5926. ERWIN ANTHONY SCHMITZ Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 30, 1889, St. I-ouis; s. Otto Schmitz. Prepared in McKinley H. S., St. Louis. Address, 21 14 S. Compton Ave., St. Louis. t 5927. JOHN FRANCIS SCHNELLBACH (Husband of No. 6626) Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Jl 7, 1888, Dixon, 111.; s. Joseph V. (b. Chicago) and Ella (Lookingland) Schnellbach (b. Hagerstown, Md.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Engr., St. Water Survey, Univ. of 111., 191 3 — . Mem., Univ. Baptist Church. Married Phoebe Tuck- er ('14), D 30, 1914, Roseville, 111. Address, 806 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 5928. CARL ARTHUR SCHOESSEL Rate Setter; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 8, 1890, Rock Island, 111.; s. John Baptiste (b. Ag 9, 1863, Columbus, Ind.) and Minnie (Yeager) Schoessel (b. Ja 30, 1865, Rock Island, 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Iris; Sec. and Pres., Stud. Branch A. S. M. E.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Rate setting and betterment work, Deere Plow Works, Moline,- 111., ion-17; In Charge of rate setting and betterment work, do., 1917 — . Mem., Rock Island Club; Moline Cml. Club; Lutheran Church. Married Elsie /\nne Knorr, F 23 1916, Rock Island, 111. Ad- dress, 2832 7th Ave., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., c/o John Deere Plow Works, Moline, 111. 5929. CLARENCE E. SCHOLL Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; M. S., 1914: Ph. D., 1916; b. My 3, 1891, Hondo, Tex.; s. Tohn (b. Ta 11, i8so Fayette Co., Ind.) and Emma (Schultz) Scholl (b. Ag 12, 1867, Star Co., O.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Scholarship, 1913-14; Fellowship, 1914-16. Chem., U. S. Bur. of Mines, Golden, Colo., 1916-17; do., Pittsburgh Radium Co., Denver, 191 7 — • Auth.: The Com- parative Value of a Calcium Lime and a Mag- nesium-Calcium Lime for Water Softening, Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. 6. No. 3, Mr 1914, in. St. Water Survey Bui. No. 11, My 19 14; The Perchlorate Method of Deter- I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni S" mining Potassium as applied to Water Analy- sis, Jour. Clicin. Soc, Vol. 36, No. 9, O 1914. ///. St. Water Survev Bui. No. 11, My 1914. {Mem., The Teknik Club of Colo., 1916. Mar- ried Mary Etta Wills, Je 2, 19 17, Watseka, 111. Child, Lloyd Willis, b. Ag 22, 19 17. Address, 51 S. Ogden St., Denver.; bus. add., 505 S. Broadway, do. S930. PLASCIE LAFAYETTE SCHOOL- CRAFT Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 28, 1889, Farmington, Mo.; s. P. L. Schoolcraft. Pre- pared in Chester H. S. Address, 749 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago. 5931. RALPH CLELAND SCOTT Foreign Sec. Y. M. C. A.; A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 3, 1885, Oskaloosa, la.; s. Orion Cotton (b. Jl 14, 1851, Belmont, O.) and Mary (Flag- ler) Scott (b. N 16, 1850, Rovalton. N. Y.). Prepared in James Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero, 111. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1916. Cosmopolitan Club; Phoeni.x; Scabbard and Blade; Philomathean; Stud. Volunteer Band; Capt. Univ. Regt.; Soph. Debating^ Pres., Y. M. C. A. Foreign Sec, Internal. Com. Y. M. C. A., Montevideo, Uruguay, and Santiago, Chili, 1916 — . Married Genevieve Dupuy, Je 4, 1914, Chicago. Children: Jean Flagler, b. N 24, 1915; David Dupuy b. Je i, 1917 (died O 23, 1917). Address, 4526 N. Paulina St., Chicago; bus. add., Casilla 1717, Santiago, Chili. 5932. GEORGE WILLIAM SEILER (Brother of Nos. 5407, 9378) Indus. Engr.; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 3. 1887, Clinton, la.; s. Gustav (b. Saxony, Ger.) and Lena (Bertschy) Seiler (b. Alsace, France). Prepared in Woodstock H. S.; Beloit Coll.. 1907-08. Al[)ha Delta Phi. Supt., Time and Motion Study and rates. Standard Aircraft Co., Elizabeth. N. J. 111. Nat. Guard, 1905-08. Married Daisv Edith Allen, Je 24, 1914, Chi- cago. Child, Phyllis, b. Tl 18, 1915. Address, 6s Parker Road, Elizabeth, N. J. 5933- SENTARO SERINE Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; A. B., 1914; Ph. D., 1917; b. Mr IS, 1886, Miyauchi, Kanaya, Saitama, Japan; S. H. Sekine. Prepared in Iwakura-Tetsudo-Gakko Sch., Tokyo, Japan; St. Univ. of la.. 1908-09. Gov. official, Tokyo, Japan. Married lyoko Nemoto, D 22, 191 7, Tokyo, Japan. Address, 15 Mitashikoku-machi, Shiba-ku, Tokyo, Japan. S934. EDITH IRENE SEKDENBURGH (SWENEY) (Wife of G660) A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1916; b. Ja 18, 1891, Champaign; d. George William (b. i860, St. James. Slich.) and Sylvia Elizabeth (Hardy) Sendenburgh (b. 1862, Urbana). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Prelim. Honors; Treas., Woman's League; Y. W. C. A. Cab- inets. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Dwight, III., 1913-14; do., H. S., Clinton, Ind., 1915. Mar- ried Merle Arthur Sweney (g'i5), D 25, 1916, Champaign. Child, Eleanor Sylvia, b. D 31, 19 1 7. Address, R. 6, Champaign. 5935. MILTON GEORGE SEVERINGHAUS Printer; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Mr 25, 1892, Chicago; s. George (b. F 16, 1858, Batesville, Ind.) and Louise (Clade) Severinghaus (b. F 14, 1863, Ger.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Cosmopolitan Club; Philomath- ean; Glee Club; Dramatic Club; Capt., Univ. Regt. Printer, Severinghaus Printing Co. Capt., 111. Volunteer Tr. Unit. Married Vivian Helgesen. Ag 12, 1916, Chicago. Child, Hope, b. F 27, 1918 (died F 28, 1918). Address, 5840 Race Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2141-9 Ogden Ave., do. S836. MILDRED SEYSTER (SORENSEN) (Wife of No. 5952; Sister of No. 7205) A. B. in Sc; b. Kempton, 111.; d. Jonathan Edward (b. Pine Creek, 111.) and Isabel Mey- nell (Clayton) Seyster (b. Morris, 111.). Pre- pared in Farmington H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phi Delta Psi; Bethany Circle; Pres. Athenean; Final Honors; Woman's League Advisory Bd. ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Religious Worker among Univ. Girls, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1914-15: Nat. Dir. of Work among Univ. Girls under Internal. Christian Woman's Bd. of Missions, 111., Mich., Kan., Ind., Mo., I9IS-I7- Nat. Pres., Bethany Circle, 1914-17- Mem., Collegiate Alumnae, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1914-15; do., Detroit, 1917-18. Ed., Athenean Alumnae News Letter, 1916-17. Married Niels Chester Sorensen ('13), Ag 2, 1917, Champaign. Address, 103 E. Green St., Champaign; bus. add., 42s Montclair Ave., Detroit. 5937. *WEN YII SHEN B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr i, 1887, Chang-Lo. Shantung, China; s. Hsu Ting Shen. Prepared in Shantung Provincial H. S. Died D 1914, Tsinan City, China. 5938. WALTER ANDREW SHEWHART Engineer; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1914; b. Mr 18, 1891, New Canton, 111.; s. A. T. (b. do.) and Esta (Barney) Shewhart (b. Barry, 111.). Prepared in Barry H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Cahf., 1917. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi. Research Fellow in Phys., Univ of Calif., 1915-16; Head, Physics Dept., Wis. St. Norm. Sch., La Crosse, Wis.. 1917-18; Transmission Engr., West Elec. Co., New York City, 1918 — . Auth.: A Study of Ripple Wave Motion, Phys. Review. Vol. VII; A Study of the Accelerated Motion of a Small Drop through a Viscous Medium, do.. Vol. IX; The Role Played by Generalization in Phys. (In Press). Mem., A. A. A. S.; Assoc. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; A. I. E. E. Married Edna Elizabeth Hart, Ag 4, 1914, Barry, 111. Address, S4 Woodruff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.; bus. add, 463 West St., New York City. 5939. EDITH ADELINE SHULTZ Stenographer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Mr 31, 1889, Doniphan, Neb.; d. M. E. Schultz. Pre- pared in Ottawa H. S.; Ottawa Univ. Acad. Alpha Omicron Pi. Address, 5824 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. S940. BERTHA ANNA SIEMEN Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 9, 1889, Woodbine, 111.; d. George (b. 1845, Ger.) and Mary (Horsch) Siemen (b. 1854, Woodbine, 111.). Prepared in Stockton H. S.; Univ. of Wis.; Univ. of Chicago. Columbia Univ., sum- mer, 1917. Teacher, H. S., Galena, 111.; 1913- 15; do., Watertown, S. Dak., 1915—. Address, Stockton, 111.; bus. add., Watertown, S. Dak. S94I. ARTHUR MOULTON SIMPSON Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 4, 1889, St. Johns, Can.; s. Benjamin Franklin and Alice Mary (Northrup) Simpson. Prepared in Morgan Park Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Phi Gamma Delta; Helmet; A. S. M. E. Engr., Goodman Mfg. Co., Chicago; do., Milwaukee E. L. & R. R. Co.; do.. Fan Dept. Oneida Steel Pulley Co., Oneida, N. Y. : do.. The Wood Equipment Co., Chicago. Married Jete- sie E. Gale, N 20, i9i,S, New York City. Ad- dress, 642. 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1432 McCormick Bldg., do. 512 University of Illinois [1913 5942. GEORGE ERIC SIMPSON Research Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. D 15, 1889, San Francisco; s. John Henry (b. 1858, do.) and Almira Jenny (Parker) Simpson (b. Eureka, Calif.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Student, Yale Univ., 1917-18; M. A., West. Reserve Univ., 1915. Teacher, H. S., Herrin, 111., 1913-14; Research work and Teach- er, Med. Sch. Cleveland, 1914-16; Research in Chem., Washington, D. C, 1916-17; do., in Physiol. Chem., New Haven, Conn., 1917 — . Jr., Physiol. U. S. Gas Investigation, Bur. of Mines. Address, 105 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, Conn. S942-A. CORA HUTTON SISAM A. B. in L. & A.; b. D i, 1876, Milford, N. Y.; d. Lorenzo (b. F i, 1847, Burlington, la.) and Etta (Devine) Ilutton (b. Mr 5, 1857* Aurisbille, N. Y.). Prejjared in Dolgeville H. S., Fairtield Sem. ; N. Y. St. Norm. Sch., 1900- 02. Mem., D. A. R.; Assn. of Collegiate Ahun- nae. Married Charles Herschel Sisam, Je 27, 1906, Utica, N. Y. Child, Cora Lowell, b. Ja 24, 1913, Urbana. Address, 1304 S. Orchard St., Urbana. 5943. JAMES ROY SKILES Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 4, 1881, Troy Grove, 111. ; s. James Spires and Elizabeth (Steve) Skiles (b. S 14, 1857, Mendota, 111.). Prepared in Troy Grove H. S. and No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., Norm. Practice Sch.. DeKalb, 111., 1913-18. Married Florence Marie Williams, N 28, 1907, Bloom- ington. 111. Address, 336 Augusta Ave., De- Kalb, 111. 5944. CARL AUGUST SKOGLUND Mech. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 3, 1891, Ishpeming, Mich.; s. John Skoglund. Pre- pared in Ishpeming (Mich.) H. S. Stud. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 401 E. Ridge St., Ish- peming, Mich. 5945. ALFRED DALE SMITH Sec. and Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 15, 1891, Indiana; s. J. Will and Minta M. (Tom- linson) Smith. Prepared in Poseyville (Ind.) H. S. Stud. West. Electric Co., 1913-14; Mfg. Engng. Research Work, West. Electric Co., 1913-14; Mfg. Specialist on Semi-Mechan- ical Telephone Equipment and Automatic Print- ing Telegraph Equipment, West. Elec. Co., 1914-17; Sec. and Gen. Mgr., The Sherman- Klove Co., Chicago, 19 17 — . Married Margaret Potter Sherman, .\p 5, 1917, LaGrange, 111. Address, 4657 W. Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., 4519 23 W. Harrison St., do. 5946. CECIL WELDON SMITH Min. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. S 29, 1890, Clifton, 111.; s. Weldon Charles (b. McHenry, 111.) and Allie (Colby) Smith (b. do.). Pre- pared in Hillside (Wis.) Home Sch. Phi Kap- pa Sigma; 111. Union Dramatic Club; Jr. Mem., A. I. M. E. Min. Engr., Nokomis Coal Co., Nokomis, 111., 1913-17; Jr. Engr., U. S. Biir. of - Mines, Pittsburgh, 1917; Designer. H. S. Frick Coke Co., Scottdale, Pa., 1917-18; Min. Engr., Hason Coal Co. and Nokomis Coal Co., 1918 — . Married Lucile Heskett, Jl 28, 191 7, Pittsburgh. Address, 13S0 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. 5947. LLOYD GASTON SMITH Efficiency Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 27, 1891, Normal. 111.; s. Edmund Burke (b. N 17, i8s9, Peoria C5., 111.) and Florence Met- calf (Gaston) Smith (b. Ag 27, 1867, Normal, 111.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Efficiency Engr., Standard Oil Co.. 1913 — . Jr. Mem., A'. S. M. E. Married Lucy Winnifrid Fairhall, 5 2, 1916, Danville, 111. Child, Winnifrid Eloise, b. O 19, 1918. Address, 1348 Amy Ave., Whiting, Ind. 5948. RAYMOND STRATTON SMITH Instructor; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 9. 1880, Andover, O.; s. J. E. Smith. Prepared in Po- mona Coll. Prep. Sch.; B. S., Pomona Coll., 1907; M. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1916; Final Honors. Instr. in Soils. Pa. St. Coll.. 1913-17; Asst., Cornell, 1917-18; Assoc, in Soil Physics, Univ. of 111.. 1918 — •. Address, c/o Univ. of 111., Urbana. 5949. ROSCOE RAYMOND SNAPP Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; A. B. in Sc; b. D 13, 1889. Findlay. 111.; s. Charles C. (b. Ja 13, 1862, Mattoon, 111.) and Millie A. (Foster) Snapp (b. Ja 13, 1864, Findlay, 111.). Pre- pared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Chicago. 1910-11. Gamma Alpha; Alpha Zeta; Final Honors. Prin., John Svvaney H. S., Mc- Nabb, 111., 1913-14; Instr., An. Hush., Univ. of W. Va., 1914-15; do., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Asst. Instr., O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; do., Camp Stanley, Tex., 1917 — . ist 111. F. A., 1915-17; Capt.. F. A. O. R. C, Ag 1917 — . ;\Iarried Edith L. Hamilton, S 22, 1917, Chi- cago. Address, Findlay, 111. 5950. HOWARD JOHN SNIDER Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 25, 1884, Jeffcrsonville, Ind.; s. Lewis and Sarah Jane Snider. Prepared in Ripley H. S.; Univ. .Acad. Asst., Soil Fertility, Coll. of Agr. and Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; ist Asst. do., 1916-18; Assoc, do., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Unitarian Church. Married Lucy Caro- line Fischer, D 29, 1915, Elmhurst, 111. Chil- dren: Madge Adair, b. O 14, 1916; Elane, b. D IS, 1917. Address, 1107 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 59SI. ANDREW FREDERICK SODERBERG Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 14, 1887, Florence, Wis.; s. K. Soderberg. Prepared in Florence H. S. Arch. Engr. for C. B. and Q. R. R., Designer of freight depots. Emer- gency fleet Corp., Gary, Ind. Address, 7414 Harvard Ave., Chicago. t S9S2. NIELS CHESTER SORENSEN (Husband of No. 5936) Arch. Designer; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 2, 1885, Silver Creek, Minn.; s. Jens Sorensen and Anna (Christiansen) Sorensen. Prepared in Mon- ticello (Minn.) H. S. ; Poly. H. S., Los Angeles; Univ. of Minn., 1908-10. M. A. in Arch., Harvard, 1916. Alpha Rho Chi; V. P., Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Arch. Club Play. Arch. Draftsman, Minneapolis, 1913-14; Head of .\rch. Dept., Dunwoody Inst., do., 191 4-1 5; Chief Designer, Malcomson and Hig- ginbotham. Archs., Detroit, 1916-18. Mem., Illini Club, Detroit; Harvard Club, do. Mar- ried Mildred Clayton Seyster ('13), Ag 2, 1917, Champaign. Address, 425 Montclair Ave., Detroit; bus. add., 300 Moffat Bldg., do. 5953- MARSHALL ANKENY SOUERS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 19, iSgi, Des Moines; s. Webb (b. Akron, O.) and Eunice .\urila (Clark) Souers (b. do.). Prepared in W. Des Moines H. S. Zeta Psi. Address, An- keny, la. 5954. CLARK H. SPITLER Cml. Dir.; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Ag 27. 1891, Sullivan, 111.; s. Frank (b. 1855, Salem, 111.) and Mae (McCaig) Spitler (b. i860, Ur- bana, O.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Chi Phi: Alpha Kappa Psi. With Sears Roebuck 6 Co., Chicago, 1913-15; U. S. Dept. of Com- merce. .Maska, igi6; Dir., Cml. Work. Mont- rose Co. H. S., Montrose, Colo., 1917; do., Trinidad, Colo. Address, 311 W. Topeka Ave., Trinidad, Colo. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 513 59SS. LELAND STANFORD STALLINGS Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 30, 1890, Alhambra. 111.; s. Thoinas (b. My 22, 1868) and Mary Louisa (Pearce) Stallings (b. Ja 17, 1S70, Alhambra, 111.). Prepared in Granite City H. S.; Goshen Coll. Prof., Agr., Goshen Coll., summer, 1913: Dir.. Agr., H. S., Steward. Minn., 1913-14; Breckenridge, Minn., 1914-17; Blue Earth, do., 1917-1S; Co. Agr. Agt., Wilkin Co., do., 1918 — . Home Guard, Breckenridge, do., 1917 — . Married Elsie Marion Ahlers. D 29, 191 S. Steward, Minn. Child, Marion Pearce, b. D 30, 1917- Address, Breckenridge, !Minn. 5956. FRANK VERNON STIPP (Brother of No. 7239) Missionary; A. B. in Sc; b. N 9, 1891, Dan- ville, 111.; s. T. L. (b. D 24. 1848. 111.) and Emma P. Stipp (b. N 28, 1854, 111.). Pre- pared in Rossville H. S. A. M., Phillips Univ., 1 91 4. Acanthus; Math. Club; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors. Ed.: The Philippine Chris- tian; Ilocano Dialect Weekly. Pres., Philippine Christian Mission; Supt., Evangelistic, Laoag- Aparri, District of Philippine Christian Mis- sion. Married Myrtle E. Wilson, Mr 2, 1916. Laoag, P. I. Child, Frank Wilson, b. Ag 11, 1917 (died Ag 13, 1917). Address, Laoag, Ilocos Norte, P. I. 5957. MARIE JENNIE STOLTEY (NAFZIGER) (Wife of No. 5333) A. B. in H, Sc; b. Ap 10. 1890, Champaign; d. C. A. Stoltey. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Henry T. Nafziger ('12). Ag 27, 1914, Champaign. Child, ?^Iary Margaret, b. Jl 29, 191 5. Address, 7809 S. Peoria St., Chicago. 5958. O. RAYMOND STONE Field Sec; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 31, 18S5, Le Claire, la.; s. William M. Stone (b. D i, 1858, do.) and Alice Tallman (b. F 22, 1859. Camanche, la.). Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S.; la. St. Coll., 1904-6. Arch. Club. Engr. and Draftsman, Paget Engng. Co., San Fran- cisco, 1913-15; Engr., Armour & Co., Kansas City, Mo., summer, 1916; Dir., Research and City Planning, Chamber of Commerce, do., summer, 191 7; Head of Dept., Mech. and Arch. Drawing H. S., Kansas City, Kan., 191 5; Field Sec, The Am. City Bur., New- York City. Auth. : St. Course of Study in Indus. Drawing for H. Schs. of Kansas, State Course of Study for H. Schs. of Kan. Mem., Cham- ber of Commerce, Kansas City, Kan.; City Planning Com., do.: Nat. Soc for Promotion of Indus. Educ. Married Florence Nelson. Ag 31, 1910, Albia, la. Child, Alice Florence, b. Je 7, 1914. Address, 2111 Central Aye., Kan- sas City. Kan.; bus. add., The American City Bureau, Tribune Bldg., New York City. 5959. GLENN HOWENSTEIN STOUGII Engineer; B. S.; b. D 15, 1890, Vernon, Kan.; s. Alphonso S. (b. My 10, 1855, O.) and Clara B. (Parker) Stough (b. Jl 18, i860, Ind.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Technograph Bd. Mun. Engr., Chicago, 1913- 14; Com. on Stresses in Track of A. S. C. E., 1914-15; Dept.. Pub. Service and Bridge Div., Dept., Pub. Works, Chicago, 19 15-17. Corp., Bat. D, 1st 111. F. A., 1915-17; ist Lt. Engrs., O. R. C. My 1917-N 1917; ist. Lt., C. A. C. R. A., 1917-18; Capt., C. A. C, R. A., Ft. Monroe and Coast Defenses of San Diego. My T918; Maj., C. A. C. Ft. Rosecrans, Calif. Married Grace Margreth Lynch, Je 25, 1914. Address, 6416 Lowe Ave., Chicago. , 5960. PAUL VALENTINE STREHLOW Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 15, 1891, Peoria; s. R. Strehlow. Prepared in Bradley Polv. Inst. Beta Theta Pi; Scarab; Arch. Club. Sr. Smoker Com. Contr., V. Jobst & Sons, Gen. Contr. Address, Lehmann Bldg., Peoria. 5961. GEORGE FRED SUTHERLAND A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1914; b. Jl 6, 1892, Ottawa, Kan. ; s. George Sutherland. Prepared in Grand Island (Neb.) Coll. Psi Delta; Adelphic. Address, Grand Island, Neb. 5962. EDWIN HENRY SWENSON Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 10, 1889, Milwaukee; s. William Swenson. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Triangle, ist Lt., 114th Engrs., Argonne Forest. France. Address, 2309 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Board of Local Improvement, do. 5963. BAYARD FREE]VL\N TABER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. S 15, 1889. W^endallville, Ind.; s. Homer H. (b. My 11, 1865, do.) and Alice L. (Beck) Taber (b. C 25, 1865). Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Indi- anapolis. Alpha Tau Omega; Scarab; Capt., Swimming Team. Arch., Decatur, 111., 1913- 14; do., Minneapolis, 1915-17. loist Aere Squadron, A. E. F., France. Address, Minne- apolis. 5964. CHARLES NELSON TARBLE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 9, 1883, Martins- ville, 111.; s. M. A. Tarble. Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club; Agr. Dance Com. Farmer, Martinsville, 111. Address, Martinsville, 111. 5965. EVERETT HARVEY TAYLOR Chemist; A. B. in Sc. ; M. S., 1915; b. Jl 25, 1888, Lancaster, Wis.; s. S. W. (b. Mont- ford, Wis.) and Mary Elizabeth (Lincoln) Taylor (b. do.). Prepared in Lancaster (Wis.) H. S. Prelim, and Final Honors. Grad. Stud. LTniv. of 111., 1913-15; Research Chemist, Mel- lon Inst., Pittsburgh, 1915-17. Address, Lan- caster, Wis.; c/o Mrs. S. W. Taylor; bus. add., 48 N. Broad St., Pennsgrove, N. J. 5966. HAZEL EMMA TAYLOR Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ap 19, 1890, Chicago; d. Calvin Fremont (b. 1861, Canton, III.) and Minnie Ruth (Smith) Taylor (b. O I, 1866. Aurora, 111.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. H. Sc. Club; Women's League .\dvisory Bd. ; Cap and Gown Com. Teacher, Dom. Sc. Chicago Norm. Sch., Chicago. Ad- dress, 5404 Washington Blvd., Chicago. 5967. MARCUS PREVOST TAYLOR Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 11, 1891, Denver; s. Truman Ashley (b. Ap 20, 1844, Pelham, Mass.) and Lucy (Breckinridge) Tay- lor (b. O 15. i866, Alton, 111.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Triangle; Sigma Xi; Scabbard and Blade; Crystal Club; Prelim. Honors; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Mgr., Class Basketball; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Hat Com.; Sr. Smoker Com. U. S. Sur.. Kansas City, Mo., 1913-14; Engr., Ewaig & Allen, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1914-15; do., Drainage Contracting Bus., do., 191S-16; do., Engng. Dept.. C. B. S: Q. Ry., do.. 1916-17. ist Lt., 3rd U. S. Engrs., Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Capt., Engrs., W'ashington Barracks, Washington, D . C. Ad dress, 800 Franklin St., Alton, 111. 5968. SCOTT CHAMPLIN TAYLOR Chemist; B. S. in L. & A.; M. S., 1915; b. My 25, 1889; s. James Henry (b. 1847, New Castle, Ind.) and Elizabeth Lee (Strawn) Tay- lor (b. 1849, (Dttawa, 111.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem., I'niv of 111.. 1913-17; Research Chem., Pack- ard Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1917—-^ Mem., A. C. S. Address, c/o Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit. 514 University of Im.inois [1013 5969. CLEAVER THAYER Salesman; A. B. in Bus.; b. Mr 18, 1890, Chicago; s. II. J. Thayer. Preiiared in Hill- side Home Sch., VV^is. Phi Kaiijia Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Helmet; Scabbard and Blade; Capl. and Regt. Q. M., Univ. Kegt.; Varsity Cheer l^eader; HI. Union Dramatic Club; Class Bowl- ing. Married Frances Inglis, Ja 20, 1915, Morgan Park, HI. Address, 4458 Lake Park Ave., Chicago; bus. luld., 913 W. Van Burcn St., do. 5970. MARGARET KATIIKRIN THl^LEN (RUCKMICll) Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; .\. M., 1914; b. N 16, 1890, Coatsburg, 111.; s. John Christ- ian (b. Te 21, 1845, Oldenburg, C.cr.) and Helena ('rickcn) Theilen (b. O 19, if^(>-% do.). Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Athenean; Grad. Schol- arship; Fresh, and I'relim. Honors. Teacher, II. S., Washington, 111., 1914-15; Asst.. Mist., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Married Christian Alban Ruckmich, Je 7. 19 iS. Camp Point, 111. Ad- dress, 702 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 5971. JAY FRANCIS THOMASON Orchardist; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 13, 1887, Waterman, 111.; s. Francis M. and Rosa I. Thoniason (b. 1866, Campbellsburg, Ind.). Pre- pared in Calumet M. S., Chicago; Mich. Agr. Coll., 1009-10. Hort. Club; Agr. Cluli; Class Basketball. Land. Card., Chicago, I9i3-i<>; Orcharding, New Burnside, 111., 1916-18; do., Ozark. 111., 1918— . Inf., 12th Co., Rcpl. and Tr. Troops. Canip Grant; Mustered out, Ja 7, 1919. Address, Ozark, 111. 5972. HARWELL CLOUD THOMPSON Cashier; A. B. in Bus. L. v"!; A.; b. Jl 16, 1 89 1, New Haven, Conn.; s. Wilder Bowles (b. N 17, 1063, Romncy, W. Va.) and Laura (Cloud) Thompson (b. Mr 26, 1865, Chester. Pa.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S., Har- vey, 111. Iris; Phi I'.eta Ka])pa; Beta Gamma Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Philomathean; Ma-wan-da; Prelim. Honors; Maj., Univ. Regt.; Univ. Gold Medal; Track; Cross Country; Valedictorian. In Flour and I'ced Bus., Har- vey, 111., 1913-16; Cashier, First Trust and Savings Bank, Riverdale, 111., 191(1-17- ^'- 'I"- C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; N. A., Camp Grant, 1017; U. S. A. S., Austin, Tex., 1917-18; do., Ellington Field, Tex., 1918; 2nd Lt., 100th Aero Sqdn., A. E. F., France, Address. Har- vey, 111. 5973. HERBERT PERCY THOMPSON Banker; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 28. 1880, Wheatland, 111.; s. Jesse Eno (b. Ap 1853, Sutton, St. James, Eng.) and Deborah (Betters) Thompson (b. O 7. 1854, Terrington, Eng.), Prepared in Plainfield H. S. E. E. Soc; Fool- ball; Wrestling; Water Polo. With Automatic Co., Chicago-, Proprietor, Garage, Naperville, 111.; Banker, Harvey, 111. U. S. A. S., France; with Army of Occupation. Address, Du Page Co,, Naperville, III. 5974. MABEL ELIZABETH THORNE (Sister of No. 7266) Statistician; A. I^. in Sc; A. M., 1914; ^■ O 18, 1887, Columbus City, la.; d. Charles An- drew (b. S 21, 1864, Huntington Co.. Ind.) and Ella Margaret (Gray) Tliorne (b. Mv 27, 1864, do.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; I'hi Delta Psi; Prelim, and I'inal Honors; Coll. of Sc. Scholarship. Statistical Clerk, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C, and Madison, Wis., 1014-17; Statistician, Pa. I.ines West of Pittsburgh, 191S — . AiUh.: Relation between Average Life of Ties and Percentage Renewals, A'v. Ke'^■iczv, Vol, (u, 1918. Address, Huntington, Ind.; bus. add., 1 1 13 Pennsylvania Sta., Pittsburgh. 597.5. CLYDE HOLLIS THRELKELD (Husband of No. 7158) Business; A, B, in Bus,; b. S 25, i88q, Labo, Kan,; s, J, G. Threlkeld, Prepared in Decatur II, S, Pi Omicron; Sec, LIniv. Band; Univ. Orchestra; Sr. Ball, Com, Cashier, Mueller Mfg. Co., San I'rancisco; with Cudahy Pack- ing Co., Bloomington, III., 1917 — . Married Julia Elizabeth Rentier ('15), Je 28, 1915, San Francisco. Address, Bloomington. 111. S076. ALICE M. TIMMIS (GREENE) B. S. in II. Sc; b. My 8. 1887, Elkhart, Ind.; d. Fr.ink (b. My 27, 1857, White Pigeon, Mich.) and ICvelyn (Clycns) Timmis (b. 1855. N. Y.). Prepared in Englewood II. S.. Chicago; Chi- cago Norm. Sch. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; 11. Sc Club. Prcs., Women's Club, Choteau, Mont. Married lohn Joseph Greene, Ag i. 1914, Elhridge, Mont. Children: Alice Joan, 1). My 16, 1915; Frank Timmis, b. Jl 9. igi6; John Jose])h, Jr., b. Ja 20, 1918. Address, Choteau, IMoiit. 5077. MARY TORRANCE I.ilirarian; B. L. S.; b. Harrodsburg, Ky.; d. William (b. Lanarkshire, Scotliind) and Frances Caroline (Chamberlin) Torrance (b. Switzerland Co., Ind.). Prepared in LaCrosse (Wis.) IL S.; A. B., Hanover Coll., 1900. Kappa Alpha Theta. Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Libn., Muncie Pub. Lib., 1917 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 191 i — ; Ind. Lib. Assn., 1017 — . Address, 623 Ashland Ave., Muncie, Ind.; hits, add., c/o Muncie Pub, Lib., do. 5o;S. TESSIE ELIZABETH TROWBRIDGE (HARTMANN) (Sister of Nos. 4937, 7272) U. S. in H. Sc; b. S i. 1886, Green Valley, 111.; d. Benjamin Frederick (b. Jl 17, 1851, do.) and Mary Luclla (Giffin) Trowbridge (b. Jl 17, 1855, Marion, O.). Pre|iared in HI. St. Norm. Univ., 1902-04; 1905-06; 1907-08. H. Sc, Club. Mem., Current Events Club; Presby. Churcli. Married Miner Louis Hartmann, Ap 2, 1915, Green Valley, 111, Child, Robert Trowbridge, b, Ap 8, 1917. .Iddress, 106 St. joe St., Rapid City, S. Dak, 5979. ROBERT EDGAR TURLEY, JR. Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; M. S.. 1915; b. S 2, 1892, Riclunond, Ky.; s. R, E. (b. N 15. do.) and Idella Duff (Spears) Turley (b, D 25, 1871, Nicholasville, Ky,). PreiKired in East Ky, St, Norm, Sch. Triangle; C. E. Club; Class Football. x\sst. Engr., Baltimore Sewer- age Comn., 1913-14; do., Boggs & Forbes, Civ. Engrs., Richmond, K>;., 1015-16; do., on Ry. Car Wheel Tests. Univ. of 111.. Engng. Exp. Sta., 1916. 1st Lt.. C. A. Corps, U. S. A., N 31), 1016; Capt.. Fort Monroe, Va.. Ag 5. 1017 — . Auth. ; After Bob White Down in Alaliam', Field and Stream, S 1916. Mem., Ft. Monroe Club. Married Lydia Cabell Elmore, Jl 4, 1918. Lancaster, Ky. Address, 505 S. 2nd St., Richmond. Ky. 5980. "REUBEN RAYMOND TURNER Clicmist; A. B. in Chem.; b. Ap i. 1887, Tay- lorville. 111.; s. James Riley (b. D 4, 1836, Green Co., Ind,) and Euphema Malvina (An- derson) Turner (b, N 5. 1843, Litchfield. 111.), Prepared in Taylorville Tp, H. S.; Millikin I'niv.. 1905-9, Analytical Chem, Mem,, A. C. S.; Navy Chem, Assn, Married Jessie Bruce Gibbs, Je 23, 1914, Galva, 111, Died Ja 28, 1919, Philadelphia, 5981, HAROLD WERTZ UNDERHILL Architect; A. B, in A, E,; b, N 11. 1891. Onavva. la.; s. Charles E. (b. 1857. Cambridge, 111.) and Minnie (Wertz) Underbill (b. 1867. Steamboat Rock, la.). Prepared in Onawa H, I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni S15 S.; Drake Univ., la. Chi Phi; Vignola Club; Soph. Cotillion; Color Sergt. Staff; Bus. Mgr. and Ed., Technograph. Arch. Draftsman, Chi- cago, 1913-15; do.^ Kansas City, Mo., 1915-18. Govt. Civ. Service, Arch. Design and In- spection. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Married Syle Welles, 1912, Kansas City, Mo. (divorced S 1917). Address, Onawa, la. 5982. HOWARD DeWITT VALENTINE B. S. in Chem. E.; M. S.. 1915; b. S 3. 1891, Chicago; s. William C. (b. S 2, 1866, Milwau- kee) and Clara (Buschmann) Valentine (b. N 29, 1871, Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; ist Lt., Univ. Regt. U. S. Rubber Co., Naugatuck, Conn., 1915-16; Instr., Chem. Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1916-17; do., 1919 — . ist Lt., Engrs. Corps, Chief Gas Offi- cer, 89th Div., Camp Funston, Kan., N 1917; A. E. F., France. 1918. Address, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 5983. WILLIAM CARL VAUBLE B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 18, 1888, Crown Point, Ind. ; s. C. Vauble. Prepared in Washington H. S. Agr. Club. Address, Mooreton, N. Dak. 5984. EMIL JOSEPH VERLIE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N 7, 1891, Centeryille Sta. Tp., St. Clair Co., 111.; s. Jule Albert (b. M 8, 1854, 'do.) and Marie Theresa (Grimont) Verlie (I3. S 8, iS56, do.). Prepared in East St. Louis H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Egyptian Club; Philomathean; Order of the Coif. Law- yer, East St. Louis, 111. Auth. : Constitutional Conventions in 111., Legislative Reference Bur., 1918; 111. Constitutions, 111. St. Historical Lib. Married Blanche Nan Pew, Ja 14, 1918. Address, 558A Veronica Ave., East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., Murphy Bldg., do. 5985. CHESTER ANDRUS VINCENT Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap i, 1889, Troutdale, Ore.; s. Arthur W. (b. Ag 5, 1865, Croswell, Mich.) and Hannah (Ross) Vincent (b. Ap II, 1870, do.). Prepared in Union (Ore.) H. S.; B. S., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1910. Instrumentnian, R. R., Buffalo. N. Y., 1913-14; Civ. Engr., Rancogua, Chile, 1914-17; Ship Draftsman, Portland, Ore., 1917-18; G. M. Standifer Const. Corp., 19 18 — . Married Nellie E. Vincent. Je 15, 1918, Damascus, Ore. Address, 1280 13th St., North Van- couver, Wash.; bus. add., G. M. Standifer Construction Corporation, do. 5986. WILLIAM RICHARDSON VOS- BURGH, JR. Salesman; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. D 16, 1890, Oak Park, 111.; s. William Richardson (b. S 5, 1854, Ovid, N. Y.) and Annie Louise (Jones) Vosburgh (b. Ag' 16, i860, Oswego, N. Y.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Ma-wan-da; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Swim.ming Team. In Bus. Mgr's. Office, Chi- cago Herald; Coal Salesman. Sterling Midland Coal Co., Chicago. JNIarried Marie Louise French, Je 2, 1917, Chicago. Address, 153 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 1507 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. 5987. ARTHUR MELLINGER WAGGONER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 18, 1887, Decatur, 111.; s. C. L. (b. Je 15, i860, do.) and Elizabeth Barbara (Mellinger) Waggoner (b. D 31, 1859, Burlington, la.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. Arch., Decatur, 111. Mem., Decatur Rotary Club. Married Zoe Marie Kennedy, Jl 16, 19 13, Decatur, III. Child, Mary Catherine, b. Ag 21, 1914, Decatur, 111. Address, 125 Summit Ave., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 225 Citizen's Title and Trust Bldg., do. 5988. *EDWARD WALLACE B. S. in C. E.; b. F 9, 1890, Chicago; s. Henry Wallace. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball; Class Football; Mgr., Class Football; Soph. Fob Com.; Jr. Smoker Com. C. A. C, A. E. F., France. Died of wounds, S 13, 1918, Paris, France. 5989. WELLINGTON JAMES HAMILTON WALLACE Arch. Draftsman; B.' S. in Arch.; b. S 18, 18S3, Monticello, Mo.; s. Thomas Coleman (b. S 10, 1856, Falmouth, Ky.) and Mary Elizabeth (Lillard) Wallace (b. My 15, i860. Canton, Mo.). Prepared in LaGrange Coll., La Grange, Mo. Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Galesburg, 111., 1913, Chicago; Centerville, la.; 1913-14; Farmer, Monticello, Mo., 1915; Arch. Drafts- man, St. Louis; Evansville Ind., 1916; Har- vard. 111., 1917; Bartlesville, Okla., 1918. ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111. Address, Monti- cello, Mo.; bus. add.. Room 310, First Na- tional Bank Bldg., Bartlesville. Okla. 5990. EDWARD HARVEY WALWORTH (Brother of Nos. 7286, 9467) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. N I, 1888, Mazon, 111.; s. Edward Willard (b. My 12, 1855, Oswego, Co., N. Y.) and Estella S. (Dewey) Walworth (b. S 28, 1858, N. Y.). Prepared in Morris H. S. Asst., Crop Pro- duction Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Instr. do., 1916-18; Co., Agt., Martinsville, 111. Auth.: (With L. H. Smith) Variation in the Development of Secondary Rootlets in Cereals, Jour, of Am. Soc. of Agronomy, Vol. 10, No. I, 1918. Married Frances E." Hinds, O 24, 1 9 13, Tuscola, 111. Children: Lois Nelle, b. Ag 23, 1914; Willard Hinds, b. Ja i, 1917. Ad- dress, Martinsville, 111. 5991. PHILIP HENRY WARD (Brother of No. 4961) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 28, 1891, Sterling. Ill; s. Henry C. Cb. Hendrysburg, O.) and Mary C. (Anthony) Ward (b. Sterling, III.). Prepared in Sterling H. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Bus. Mgr., Siren; Illini Trustee; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Jr. Prom. Com.; Chm., Irish Banquet; Coll. Dancing Club; Home-Coming Com.; Sr. Ball Com., Ben Franklin Club. City Atty.. Ster- ling, 111. Married M. Edith Jamison, Ja 15, 1 91 6, Sterling, 111. Address, 406 B Ave., Sterling, 111.; bus. add., Lawrence Bldg., do. 5992. CHAUNCEY BROWN WATSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 22, 1889, Elva Station, 111.; s. L. Watson. Prepared in De- Kalb H. S. Chi Beta; Philomathean; Agr. Club; Varsity Football; \'arsity Water Polo; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Home-coming Com. Farmer, DeKalb, 111. Address, R. 3, DeKalb, 111. 5993. CLAUDE HARRISON WATTS Instrvictor; A. B. in Bus. Adm.; b. O 26, 1S88. Saunemin, 111.; s. John S. (b. D 29. 1863, 111.) and Minnie (Spafford) Watts (b. S 19, 1864, do.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Acacia; Ma-wan-da; Phi Delta Phi; Freshman Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball: Capt., Baseball. Teacher, H. S., Pontiac, 111., 1914; do., San- dusky, O., 1915; do.. Elgin, 111., 1916-17; Instr., L'niv. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark., 1917-18. Married Ruth Dalley, D 29, 1914, Cincinnatus, N. Y. Children: Claude Harison, Jr., b. O 3, 1915: Charles Dalley. b. Jl 13, 1917. Address, c/o Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. Si6 University of Illinois I1913 5994. HERMAN WILLIAM WEIS (Son of No. 371) Mgr., Paper Plant; A. B. in Chem.; b. My 18, 1891, Chicago; s. Joseph B. ('83), (b. Peru, 111.) and Isabel G. Weis (b. Montreal, Can.). Prepared in Franklin H. S.; Amherst Coll. Beta Theta Pi; Ed., Siren. Selling Paper, New York City, 1914-15; Mgr., Paper Plant, To- ronto, Can., 1915-17. Capt., 340th F. A., N. A., Camp Funston, Kan., N 27, 1917; do., with Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Ger., 1918 — . Married Adela Grace Rolph, Je 30, 1917, To- ronto, Ontario, Can. Address, 25 Cleveland St., Holyoke, Mass. 5995. LEO HAROLD WEISFELD Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 24, 18S9, Chicago; s. D. Weisfeld. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Arch. Draftsman. Mar- ried Thelma Silverburg, Je i5, 1918, Chicago. Address, 1802 Millard Ave., Chicago. 5996. CHARLES MINER WIIAITE Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 29. i8go, Glenbury. III.; s. Walter Watt and Elizabeth Jay (Harper) Whaite. Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, 1913-15; do., Philadelphia, 19^5-16; West India Mgmt. and Consultation Co., Cupey, Cuba, 1916; Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1916-18. Ord. Dept., U. S. N. A., D II, 1917; Mustered out, F 7, 1919. Address, Hoopeston, 111. 5997. IRENE BURCHARD WHEELER Home Demonstrator; b. Je 10, 1890. Grant Park, 111.; d. Thomas Jewett (b. Jl 19, 1859, do.) and Celestia Buell (Burchard) Wheeler (b. Jl 10, 1859, Earlville, N. Y.). Prepared in Kankakee, H. S. Sigma Kappa; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H. Sc, Fonda, la., 1913-14; do., Kankakee, 111., 1914-17; do., Lewistown, Mont., 1917-18; Home Demonstrator, Jones Co., Wyoming, la., 1918 — . Address, Laurens, la.; bus. add., Jones Co., Wyoming, la. 5998. LYMAN GAGE WHEELER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, 1890, CarroUton, 111.; s. E. E. Wheeler. Prepared in CarroUton H. S. Prelim, and Final Honors. Gov. Employment, Elk Point, S. Dak.; U. S. Eng. Office, Kansas City, Mo. Address, Car- roUton, 111.; bus. add., 704 Postal Tel. BUlg., Kansas City, Mo. 5999. JAMES MARION WHELAN, JR. Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 2, 1891, Chicago; s. James M. Whelan. Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S. Prelim. Honors. Address, 151 7 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, 111. 6000. CALVIN WILLIAM WHITE Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 10, 1890. Barry, 111.; s. G. W. White. Prepared in Galesburg H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic; Scribblers; Assoc. Ed. Siren; Mask and Bauble; 111. Union Dramatic Club. Teacher, H. S., Springfield. 111. Address, 609 West Stoughton St., Urbana; bus. add., c/o High School, Springfield, 111. 6001. JAMES GORDON WHITE Salesman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 21, 1891, Chicago; s. James (b. Banbridge, Ireland) and Jane (Fryar) White (b. do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S.. Chicago. Phi Kappa Sigma; Varsity Basketball. St. Highway Comn. of III., 1913; Bd., Local Improvements. Chicago, i9i3-i4;Salesman, Liquid Carbonic Co., 1914; Engr., Harbor Bd.. Chicago, 1914; Salesman, James White Paper Co., 1914-17. Aviation Section, U. S. A., 1917-18; 2nil Lieut.. U. S. Marine Corps, 1918 — . Address, 527 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. 6002. MARY LOUISE WHITE Instructor; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 4, 1889, Lena, Ind.; d. William Henry (b. N 22, 1865, do.) and Susan Ellen (Irwin) White (b. S 6, 1863, do.). Prepared in Chrisman H. S. W. .-\. A. Instr. Latin and Eng., Metcalf, 111., 1913-14; do., Muskogee, Okla.. 1914-18; Spon- ser for Pantheon Classical Club, Muskogee, Okla. Address, 1633 E. Okmulgee, Muskogee, Okla. 6003. CHARLES EARL WHITNEY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 11, 1889, Sweet Water, 111.; s. C. F. Whitney. Prepared in Central H. S., Washington, D. C. Alpha Delta Phi. Address, Silver Springs, Md. 6004. HELEN WOODROW WHITNEY Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. O 31, 1891. La Grange, 111.; d. Charles A. (b. 1854, Gar- rettsville, O.) and Carrie A. (Rood) Whitney (b. 185S, Marengo, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. and Chicago Norm. Coll. Alpha (^micron Pi; Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, La Grange, 111., 1915-17; do., Chicago, 1917-18. Treas. and V. P., Chicago Alumnae Chapter, Alpha Omicron Pi. Address, 64S Grace St., Chicago. 6005. HARRY ANTHONY WIERSEMA JJridge Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 8, 1892, Grand Rapids, Mich.; s. Anthony (b. My 20, 1856, Holland, Mich.) and Reka (Verbeek) Wiersema (b. Ap 16, 1867, do.). Prepared in James Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero, 111. Tau Beta Pi; Arcus Club; Prelim., Final, and Spe- cial Honors; Engr., Concrete Elevators, Fort William, Can., 1913; Asst. Engr., New Memphis Bridge, Memphis, Tenn., 1914-16; Inspecting Engr. of Bridges, St. Louis, 191 7; Insp. Const., Portsmouth, Va., 19 17 — . Address, 622 Goodwyn Inst., Memphis, Tenn. 6006. JAMES ELMO WILEY Stock Raiser and Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 14, 1891, Colfax, 111.; s. J. J. (b. 1847, do.) and Sarah R. (Harpole) Wiley (b. 1870, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Agr. Club. Stock Raiser and Agr., Stone Ranch, Cedarvale, Kan. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Colfax, 111.; bus. add., Cedarvale, Kan. 6007. MAUDE HARRIET WILLARD (CHURCH) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 22, 1884, Belvidere. 111.; d. Luther Cyrus and Hattie Jane (Allen) Willard. Prepared in Belvidere H. S. and N. W. Univ. Alpha Xi Delta; Athenean. Teacher II. Sc, McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., 1913- (4; Asst., II. Sc, Columbia Coll., 1918 — . Mar- ried Frank Martin Church, Jl 18, 1914, Belvi- dere, 111. Children: Ellen Harriet, b. Je 10, 1915; George Luther, b. O 18, 1916. Address, Columbia, S. C. 6008. FAY WILLERTON A. B. in L. & A.; b. N 23; Farmer City, 111.; d. Albert Taylor (b. Oswego, N. Y.) and Laura Elizabeth (Kimler) Willerton (b. Le- Roy, 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. ; (])xford Coll. for Women. Kappa Alpha Theta; -Advisory Bd., Woman's League; 2nd Cabinet V. W. C. A.; Pan Hellenic Delegate. Address, Farmer City, 111. 6009. ALFRED LE ROY WILLIAMS Lawyer and Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 26, 1889, Ontario, Can.; s. Mark Guy (b. Can.) and Arabella Susan (Ilaslam) Williams (b. do.). Prepared in Medford (Ont.) H. S.; Ont. .\gr. Coll. B. A., Queen's Univ., 1914; Grad. Stud., Osgoode Hall, Toronto, 1914-16. Ion- ian; Agr. (ilub; Hoof and Horn Club. Lawyer, Toronto, Ont., 1917-18; Farmer, 1918 — . Mar- ried Louise Nichols, Je 1917, Toronto, Can. Address, Elrose, Sask., Can. I9I3] Baccalaureate Alumni 517 6010. LULU HAZEL WILLIAMS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Ap i, 1891, New Holland, 111.; d. T. B. Williams. Pre- pared in Sidell H. S. Phi Beta Kappa. Teach- er, Sidell, 111. Address, Sidell, 111. 601 1. ROY CAMPBELL WILLIAMS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 4. 1890, Norwood Park, 111.; s. R. E. VVilliams. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Trian- gle; Golf Champion, Golf Team. City Rodman. Address, 5735 Talcott Ave., Norwood Park, Chicago. 6012. BELLE WILLIAMSON (Sister of Nos. 3607, 4026) Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. D 18, 1889, Rock Rapids, la.; d. George E. (b. F 18, 1855, Dayton, O.) and Flora E. (Chandler) William- son (b. Mr I, 1859, Weldon, 111.).^ Prepared in Houston (Tex.) H. S. Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; lUiola; Sec, Woman's League; ist. Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; W. A. A. Teacher, H. S., Houston, Tex., 1916. Address, Bartlett, Te.x. 6013. ELSA WINTERMEYER (WESSEL- HOEFT) (Wife of No. 1787) A. B. in Sc; b. O 18, 1889. Chicago; d. J. C. Wintermeyer. Prepared in McKinley fl. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst.. Chicago. Sigma Kappa; W. A. A. Married Charles D. Wessel- hoeft ('02), Ap 28, 1914, Chicago. Child, Flora Henrietta, b. O 31, 1918. Address, Bo.x S, Lake Bluff, 111. 6014. *FRED PETER WITTICH, JR. B. S. in E. E.; b. O 9. 1889, St. Louis; s. Fred Wittich. Prepared in Yeatman H. S. Acacia; Eta Kaijpa Nu; E. E. See; Stud. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Class Football; Sr. Smoker Com. Efficiency Engr., Bell Telephone Co. Died Ap 21, 1916, St. Louis. 6015. CHARLES ABRAHAM WOLD Engr. and Contr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 24, 1887, Colorado Springs, Colo.; s. Louis A. (b. Ag 5, 1851. Bergen, Norway) and Mary Martha Wold (b. D 12, 1849, Norway). Prepared in Douglas Co. H. S., Castle Rock, Colo. Tri- angle; C. E. Club; Scabbard and Blade; Philo- mathean; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Drainage Engr. and Contr. Address^ Windom, Minn. 6qi6. HERMAN CARL WOLF Supt. Water Co.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1914; b. O 28, 1891, Edwardsville, 111.; s. Her- man E. (b. Ag 25, 1850, Philadelphia) and Mary H. Wolf (b. F 10, 1862, Troy, 111.). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S. Acacia; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi. Asst. Engr., St. Pub. Utilities Comn. of 111., 1914-16; Supt., Edwards- ville Water Co., Edwardsville, 111., 1916-17. ist. Lt. Engrs., U. S. Reserves, 191 7; 447th Aug. Detachment, A. E. F., France; ist Lt., D. of C. and F., Tours, do. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 113 Springer Ave,, Edwards- ville. 111. 6017. WILLIAM SIDNEY WOLFE (Husband of No. 6935; Brother of No. 7314) Instructor; B. S. in A. E. ; M. S., 1914, b. Mr 21, 1889, Williamsfield, 111.; s. Nelson Livermore (b. Jl 29, 1864, Truro, 111.) and Grace (Armstrong) Wolfe (b. D 10, 1862, Waterside, Ayrshiu, Scotland). Prepared in Williamsfield H. S.; Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Alpha Rho Chi; Prelim, and Final Honors. With Morey Newgard & Co., Chi- cago, summer 1913; With an Efficiency Engr., do., summer 1914; With Leonard Const. Co. New York City, summer 1915; Steel and Rein- forced Concrete Designer, I. C. Ry. summer 1916; do.. Smith Hinchman & Grills, Detroit, summer 191 7; Instr., Arch. Engng. Univ. of 111., 1914-18; Concrete Ship Designing, 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in Engng. Record; Engng. and Contracting ; Engng. News-Record. Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; M. E. Church. Married Lois Myrtle Harris ('15), Ag 28, 1916, Urbana. Child, Robert William, b. F 25, 1918. Address, Box 65, North Glen- side, Pa.; bus. add., 140 N. Broad St., Phila- delphia. 6018. WING FOOE WONG Actuary; A. B. in Bus. L. & A.; b. Je 19, 1890, Canton, China; s. Hong Wong. Pre- pared in Cascadilla Sch., Ithaca, N. Y. Cml. Club. Teacher, Y. M. C. A. H. S., Shanghai, China. Acct. with Venus Life Ins. Co. Actuary with Venus Fire & Marine Ins. Co. Address, Kiachow Road, Shanghai, China. 6019. TSING TOO WOO Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; A. B.; b. S 8, 1892, Tachow, China; s. S. P. Woo. Prepared in Lawrence Acad. E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Elec. Engr., Peking, China, 191 5. Telegraph Dept., President's Office, do. Ad- dress, c/o President's Office, Peking, China. 6020. WAX SHUN WOO B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 10, 1890, Canton, China; s. C. T. Tsai. Prepared in Madison, Wis. H. S. Cosmopolitan Club. Address, Hankow, China. 6021. DANIEL CHARLES WOOD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 8, 1889, Pekin, 111.; s. Charles Stephen and Mary (Belach) Wood. Prepared in Pekin H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Pres., E. E. Soc; Mgr., E. E. Show. Asst. Engr., Central 111. Light Co., Peoria, 1913; Pub. Utilities Comn., 1914-16; Service Engr.; St., 111. Pub. Utilities Comn., Springfield. 111., 1917-18. 5th C. A. O. T. C. Ft. Monroe, Va.; 2d Lt., do. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Springfield Engr. Club; N. E. L. A. Ad- dress, 700 S. 8th St., Pekin, 111. 6022. ARDIE GERALDINE WOODS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 2, 1884, Macomb, 111.; d. M. Woods. Prepared in Ma- comb H. S. Address, Sullivan, 111. 6023. GEORGE EDWARD WOODS Lawyer; A. B. in L. & A. ; b. Mr 22, 1891, Hume, 111.; s. Archie Edgar (b. Columbus, O.) and Mary Thomas (Bowen) Woods (b. Paris. 111.). Prepared in Hume H. S., LL. B.; Harvard, 1917. Phi Kajjpa Sigma; Yoxan; V. P. Soph. Class; Varsity Track; Class Foot- ball; Class Baseball. Lawyer, Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt, Chicago, 1917 — . Address, 5733 University Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Room 2010, 208 S. La Salle St., do. 6024. FAY MORSE WOOLDRIDGE Druggist; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 21, 1891. Gifford. 111.; s. William Alonzo (b. Ag 30, 1 85 1, Bridgeport, N. Y.) and Hattie Maria (Morse) Wooldridge (b. Ag 22, 1862, Lisbon, 111.). Prepared in Rantoul H. S. Druggist. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, Gifford, 111. 6025. WILLIAM HENRY WOOLSTON Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ja 18, i8qi, Geneva, 111.; s. Joseph L. (b. Victor, N. Y.) and Isabella (Newton) Woolston. Prepared in Geneva H. S. Cornell Univ., 1908-9: M. D., N. W. Univ., 1915. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Yoxan; Football. Capt., 1913; Basketball, Capt., 19 13. House Phys., St. Luke's Hosp., 1915; do.. Cook Co. Hosp., 1915- 17; Lt., Army Med. Service, France, Base Hosp., No. 36, 1917— . Address, 1232 Chase Ave., Chicago. 5i8 University of Illinois I1914 6026. JOSEPH LOYD WORRELL Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 24, 1887, Bowen. IlL; s. Robert E. and Lillian T^ (Smitn) Worrell. Prepared in Bowen H. S.; Knox Coll. Adelphic; Agr. Club; Bushnell Guild. Teacher. Agr., H. S., Hastings, Mich., 1913- 14; do.. Enterprise, Ore., 1914-17; Stud., Univ. of 111. 1917; Teacher, Agr. H. S., Anola, Minn.. 1917. Pvt. ist. Bat. 3rd R. O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Camp Le Cormeau, France; Mustered out, Ja 19. I9i9- Address, Bowen, 111.; bus. add.. Falls City, Neb. 6027. MABEL FERN WORRELL Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; b. Jl 16, 1886, Bowen, 111.; d. James W. (b. N 24. 1844. Pa.) and Nancy E. (Forsyth) Worrell (b. Je 3. 1848, Adams Co., 111.). Prepared in Carthage H. S.; Knox Coll. Teacher, E. Chicago, Ind., 1914-15; Monmouth H. S., 1915-16; Tp. H. S.. Industry, 111., 191 7-18. Address, West Point, 111.; bus. add.. La Grange, 111. 6028. ALLAN THURMAN WRIGHT A. B. in L. & A.; b. F 28. 1888, Franklin. 111.; s. Wm. Wright. Prepared in Jacksonville H. S. Address, Franklin, 111. 6029. SAMUEL ANTHONY WRIGHT Minister; A. B. in L. & A.; b. S 26, 1884, Rome, Ga. ; s. William A. (b. do.) and Lucy F. Wright (b. Washington, Ga.). Prepared in Mount Hermon H. S. M. A., SocioL, Co- lumbia Univ., 1914. Stud., Union Theol. Sem., 1913-16. Y. M. C. A. Minister. Alarried Margaret Elizabeth Neilson, My 1916, E. Northfield, Mass. Address, Hayden, Col. 6030. CHAI KOO WU Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 27, 1889. Soo Chow, China; s. B. S. Wong. Prepared in Nan Yang -H. S., Shanghai, China. Cosmopolitan Club; Chinese Students" Club; Ry. Club. Teacher, Govt. Inst, of Tech., Shanghai, China, 1915. Teacher, Teacher's Coll. Address, c/o Teacher's Coll., Nanking, China. 6031. CHIA CHEOW YEN Professor; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 11, 1889, Foochow, China. Prepared in Wesleyan Acad.; Cornell; Univ. of Wis.; Univ. of Mich. A. M., Harvard, 1914. Cosmopolitan Club; Math. Club; Final Honors. Prof, of Math., Tangshan Engng. Coll. Mem. Am. Math. Soc; Math. .\ssn. of Am. Address, c/o Tangshan Engng. Coll., Tangshan, China. O032. EVERETT GILLHAM YOUNG Estimator; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Je 19, 1888, Geneseo, IlL; s. Thomas Shields (b. Mr iS, 1863. Davenport, la.) and Nancy Dean (Gillham) Young (b. Jl i, 1862, Alton, 111.). Prepared in San Jose (Calif.) and Topeka (Kan.) H. Schs., Univ. of Kan. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Mil. Band; Univ. Orchestra; Ry. Club. Draftsman and Insp., Kansas City, Kan., 1913-14; Research Asst.. Ry. Engng. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Estimator, Calculator, Am. Locomotive Co., Scotia, Schenectady. N. Y., 1916 — . Married Charlotte Anna Eldridge, S 2, 1914, Topeka, Kan. Child, Charlotte Vir- ginia, b. Ag 23, 1916. Address, 24 Forest Road, Schenectady, N. Y. 6033. *YUNGYEN YOUNG A. B. in Sc; B. S., M. S., 1914; b. Mr 15, i8go, Nanziang, China; s. Y. Kivei. Prepared ■n Lawrence Acad., Groton, Mass. Died 1915. 6034. HENRY CHARLES ZEIS Teacher; A. B. in L. & A.; A. M., 1915; b. Jl 24. 1885, Waterloo, III.; s. Lorenz (b. N 10, 1845, do.) and Catherine (Reichert) Zeis (b. Mr II, 1849, do.). Prepared in Waterloo H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Asst. Math., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Teacher, McKinley H. S., St. Louis, 191 5 — . Married Teresa M. Roseman, S II, 191 3, Waterloo, 111. Children: Leander Bernard, b. N 8. 1914; .Anthonelle Hermina, b. Jl 30, 1916; Dolores Marie, b. JNIr 29, 1918. Address, 4142 Walsh St., St. Louis; bus. add., 2156 Russell Ave., do. 6035. ROBERT PAUL ZIMMERMAN A. B^ in L. & A.; A. M., 1917; b. Ja 27, 1S80. Ger. ; s. R. A. Zimmerman. Prepared in Scientific and Literary Inst., Eddy, Tex.; Elmhurst Coll. Cosmopolitan Club. Address, R. 2, Waco, Tex. CLASS OF 1914 (634 LIVING, 15 DEAD) 6036. ARTHUR HILDERMAN AAGAARD Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 14, 1890, Chicago; s. Julius (b. N 28, 1856, Hadersleben, Schleswig-Holstein, Ger.) and Abbie Thomp- kins (Moses) Aagaard (b. N 21, 1858, Racine, Wis.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Philo- mathean; Scabbard and Blade; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Instr., Steam and Gas Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1915-17; do., Mech. Engng.. Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 6647 Perry Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Rice Inst., Houston, Tex. 6037. BERTRAM ABNEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 20, 1892, Har- risburg, 111.; s. Albert G. and Gertrude (Rob- inson) Abney. Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho. Married Leah Hine. Jl 28, 191 6, Harrisburg, 111. Address, R. i, Galatia, 111. 6038. DONALD WINCHESTER ACER (Brother of No. 4996) With By-Products Steel Co.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 28, 1893, Medina, N. Y.; s. Her- bert Augustus (b. Je 19, 185S, do.) and Ella L. Whedon (b. Mr 20, 1858, Albion, N. Y.). Prepared in Medina (N. Y.) H. S. Psi Upsi- Ion. With Acer-Whedon Co., Medina, N. Y., 1914-16; By-Product Steel Co., Steubenville, O. Address, Box 428, Steubenville, O. 6039. KATHARINE EDITH ACER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 6, 1892, Medina, N. Y.; d. V. A. (b. F 28, 1864, Shelby, N. Y.) and Katharine E. (Bowen) Acer (b. Ja 22, 1870, Medina, N. Y.). Prepared in Medina (N. Y.) H. S. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma; Illiola; H. Sc. Club. Address, c/o Mission Vineyard Co., Cucamonga, Calif. 6040. «EUGENE FRANKLIN ADAMS Instructor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 22, 1890, Topeka, Kan.; s. H. J. Adams. Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis. Arcus; Arch. Club. Instr., Steam and Gas Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1915-17; Instr., Rice Inst., Houston, Tex., 191 7. Deceased. 6041. RAYMOND BEAN ALBRIGHT (Brother of No. 5518) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 9, 1890, Arming- ton, 111.; s. J. F. Albright. Prepared in Hittle Tp. H. S. Classical Club; Fresh. Honor List; Prelim. Honors; Der Deutsche Verein; Cap and (jown Com. Address, Minier, Ill.t 6042. JOHN LESLIE ALDEN (Husband of No. 6679) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 16, 1892, Chicago; s. Fred H. (b. Ap 22, 1869, Syca- more, 111.) and Maude Marion (Kelley) Alden I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 519 (b. S 25, 1869, Little Falls, N. Y.)- Prepared in Austin and Lake View H. Schs.. Chicago; Kalamazoo (Mich.) H. S. ; Case Sch. Ap- plied Sc, 19 1 3. ' Zeta.Psi; Helmet; Ku Klux; Jr. Councilman and Engng. V. P.. Stud. Union. Sales Engr., Dust Collecting and All-Condi- tioning Apparatus, Steel Pulley Co., N. Y., 1914-16; Asst. Supt., Power and Maintenance, Ludlow Mfg. Assocs., Ludlow, Mass., 1916-17. ist. Bat., ist Prov. Tr. Regt.. 1917; 2nd Lt., Ord. Dept., N. A., 1917; ist Lt., Chem. Serv. Section, N. A., A. E. F., France, 1918; Capt. do.; Mustered out, Ja 23, 1919. Invented Centrifugal Air Washer, Patented, Ja 1918. Auth: An LTnusual Dust Collecting System, Atn. Machinist, 191 6; Pressures Used in Fan Testing, Pozver, 1917; Automobile Front Axle Design, Machinery, 1913; Cam Shaft Drive, do., 1914. Jr. Mem., Soc. of Automo bile Engrs., 1916; A. S. M. E. Married Ber nice Wright ('14), S 4, 1917, Sycamore, 111 Child, John, b. Je 28, 1918. Address, 119 W, Exchange St., Sycamore. 111.; bus. add., Lud low Mfg. Associates, Ludlow, Ma.ss. 6043. SARAH LOUISE ALESHIRE Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 29, 1891, Chicago; d. O. E. Aleshire. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma. Teacher, Chicago; Dietitian, LI. S. A. Gen. Hosp. No. 6, Ft. McPherson, Ga.. 1918. Address, 6519 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. t 6044. RUBEN C. ALLEN B. S. in Agr.; b. D s, 1888, Montfort, Wis.; s. John P. Allen. Prepared in Montfort (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Address, Montfort, Wis.t 6045. ARTHUR SAMUEL AMBROSE Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 24, 1889, Downers Grove, 111.; s. Samuel Lincoln and Helen (Todd) Ambrose. Prepared in Down- er's Grove H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Mgr.. Virden Creamery Co., Virden, 111., 1914-15; Asst., Dairying, Coll. of Agr. and Mechanic Arts, Durham, N. H., 1915-17; Assoc. Prof., Dairying, Miss. A. & M. Coll. Married Clara Van Pragg, S 22, 19 13, Springfield, 111. Child, Warren Arthur, b. O 25, 1914. Addtess, Ag- ricultural College, Miss. 6046. HARLOW AYDELOTT AMSBARY Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 17, 1892, Little Rock, Ark.; s. Frank Clifford and Addia Adelia (Avdelott) Amsbary. Prepared in Champaign 'H. S. Phi Delta Theta. Const. Engr., Peoria, 1915-16; do., Detroit, 1916-17. 2nd Lt., C. A. C, U. S. R., Foreign Service, 1917; ist Lt., France, 1918; Capt., 1918, re- turned from France, N 26, 1918; Mustered out, D, 1918. Mem., Detroit Alumni Club, 1916- 17. Address, 512 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 6047. EMIL JOSEPH ANDERLE Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram.; b. Mr 22, 1893, Chicago; s. Joseph (b. 1869, Bohemia) and Frances (Triner) Anderle (b. 1870, Chi- cago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chi Psi; Class Basketball; Mil. Band. Ap- prentice Mach., C. W. Raymond Co., Dayton, 1915; Ceram. Engr., Dover, O., 191617; Sales Dept., Internat. Clay Mach. Co., Dayton. O., 1917-18. Naval Flying R. C; Pilot, do., Pen- sacola. Fla. ; Mustered out, D 28. 191S. Auth.: The Producer Gas Fired Metallic Radiation Dryer, Clayzvork, Mr 1918. Married Annette Seeling, Je 6, 1917, Dayton, O. Address, 132 Hudson Ave., Dayton, O. 6048. CLARENCE SCOTT ANDERSON (Brother of No. 6050) Agriculturalist; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 15, 1892, Sterling, 111.: s. James R. and Isabelle (Cross) Anderson. Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Agr. Club. Prof., Am. Ilusb., Colo. St. .^g^. Coll., 1914-16; Agr., Saguache Co., Saguache, (Tolo.. 1917. Ord. Dept., U. S. N. A. 1918— . Married Ethel Todd, F 16, 1918, Wakeman, O. Address, 5427 L^niversity Ave., (Chicago. 6049. JOHN HENNING ANDERSON (Husband of No. 7222; Brother of No. 6051) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 24, 1889, Rock Island, 111.; s. Peter John (b. 1848. Sweden) and Anna (Swanson) Anderson (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tri- angle; Sigma Xi; C. E. Soc. Engr., Chicago, 1914-15; Pittsburgh, 1915-17; Washington, D. C, 1917; Field Engr., Lakewood Engng. Co., 1919 — . ist Lt., Engrs. Corp., U. S. A.. 1917; R. O. T. C, Am. Univ., Washington, D. C, 1917; Capt., 2i2th Engrs., Camp Devens, Mass., 1918; Mustered out, Ja 17. 1919. Mar- ried Gladys May Smith ('15), Je 26, 1917, Pittsburgh. Address, 14808 Clifton Blvd., Lake- wood, O. 6050. RENA ANDERSON (McDONALD) (Sister of No. 6048) A. B. in L. & A.: b. Sterling. 111.; d. James R. (b. Ja 5. 1842, Lanarkshire, Scotland) and Isabelle (Cross) Anderson (b. Je 2, 1847, do.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S.; 111. Wesleyan L^niv., 1912-13. Kappa Delta. Teacher, H. Sc, Tp. H. S., Newman. 111., 1914-16. Mar- ried Alexander Ray McDonald. Ag 16, 1916, Polo, 111. Address, Newman, III. 6051. WALTER SEIGFREID ANDERSON (Brother of No. 6049) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 16, 1890, Rock Island. 111.; s. Peter John (b. Ja 19, 1849, Smolen, Sweden) and Anna C. (Swanson) Annderson (b. Jl 3, 1853, Sweden). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Triangle; Sigma Xi; C. E. Club. Asst. Dir. and Engr., Universal Port- land Cement Co., 1914-17; Pres. Nat. Container Co., Detroit, 1917-18. Cadet, Aviation Sec- tion U. S. A., St. Univ. O.; Pilot 55, do. Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex. ; mustered out of service, 1918. Auth.: Articles in Engng. Con- tracting. Married Helen B. Anderson, Jl 28, iQiS, Chicago. Address, 6519 Kimbark Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Lakewood Engng. Co., Chicago. 6052. CHAUNCEY BLISS ANDREWS Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 4, 1889, Chicago; s. M. J. Andrews. Prepared in Cur- tis H. S. Alpha Zeta; Land. Club; Agr. Club; U. L. A. S.; Hort. Club: Class Swimming. Ensign, Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 1918 — . Address, 815 Steinway Hall, Chicago. 6053. CHARLES BECHT ANTHONY Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 29, 1892, Chicago; s. George D. Anthony. Pre- pared in Lane H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. Mar- ried Anna Margaret Walsh, Mr 10, 191 7. Ad- dress, 6569 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. 6054. CHARLES HENRY APPLE (Husband of No. 7706) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 23, 1891, Peoria; s. Frank H. (b. Brimfield, 111.) and Wilhemina (Krumple) Apple (b. Peoria). Pre- pared in Bradley Polv. Inst. Asst. St. High- vvav Engr.. Paris, III. F. A., O. R. T. C. 12th Bat., Camp Taylor, Ky., My 1918; 30th F. A.; Camp Funston, Kan.; Mustered out, Ja 14. 1919. Married Frieda Elizabeth Korth ('16), F 2. 1918, Trivoli, 111. Address, R. 2. Peoria; h\(s. add., 510 Metropolitan Bldg., East St. Louis. 111. University of Illinois [1914 6055. ALBERT ANGELO APPLEGATE (Husband of No. 5385; Brother of Nos. 2558, 3258, 4-526) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 9, 1889, Atlanta, III.; s. Albert (b. My 8, 1849, 111.) and Clara (Miller) Applegate (b. My 6, 1851, do.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Married Grace Rob- inson ('12), Jl 11, 1917, Roswell, N. M. Ad- dress, Atlanta, 111. 6056. HOWARD CLINTON ARNOLD (Brother of No. 5528) Instructor; B. S. in Ceram. ; b. O 28, 1891. Chicago; s. Edwin Hunter (b. Cresco, la.) and Emma Mary (Noble) Arnold (b. do.). Pre- pared in Lake Univ. H. S.. Chicago; Univ. of Mich., 191 7; M. A., O. St. Univ., 1916. Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Ceram. Club; Keramos Club; Prelim, and Special Honors; Mgr., Basketball, 1913. Instr.. Ceram. Engng., L^niv. of 111., 1916-17. Gas Defense Service, U. S. N. A., Secret Proriuctions Dept., 1917-18. Auth.: Ternary System, A)n. Ceram. Soc. 1917; Richardson Continuous Kiln, Brick & Clay Record, F 191 7; Refractories in Metall- urgical Indust.. Avi. Foundry man's Jour., 191 7; Plastic Enamels, Am. Ceram. Soc. Trans., 191 6. Address, 8824 Morgan St., Chicago. 6057. CLARENCE MARCELLUS ASHBURN Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 12, 1883, W. Union, W. Va.; s. W. Ashburn. Pre- pared in Salem (W. Va.) Coll., 1906-10; Univ. of W. Va., 1910-13. Prin., H. S., Reader. W. Va. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, West iJnion, W. Va.; bus. add., Tp. H. S., Reader, W. Va. 6058. CLARA MABEL ATTEBERY (Sister of Nos. 5009, 7350, 8932) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc.; b. Hillsboro, III.; d. W. J. (b. do.) and Lula (Bailey) Atteberv (b. Walshville, 111.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Herrin Tp. H. S., 111., 1914-16. Mem., Food Conservation Com., Montgomery Co., 1918 — . Address, R. 4, Hillsboro, 111. 6059. EARL KIRKWOOD AUGUSTUS Associate; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 23, 1892, Cis- co, 111.; s. Howard Clifton (b. Mr 13, 1859, Macon Co., 111.) and Jennie E. (McKay) Aug- ustus (b. Mr 27, 1866, Piatt Co., 111.). Pre- pared in .Chaddock Acad., Quincy. Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors; Capt., Univ. Regt. Asst. and Instr., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Assoc, do., 1018 — . Married Margaret Foss, Je 18, 1914, Champaign. Child, Mary Marga- ret, b. N 17, 1916. Address, 1306 S. Orchard St., LTrbana. 6060. JOHN MADISON AVERY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 23, 18S2. Johnston City. 111.; s. R. A. Avery. Pre- pared in So. 111. Norm. Sch. Teacher, H. S., Hillsboro, 111. Married Minnie C. iSkinner. My 20, 1909. Children: Mildred; Esther. Address, c/o H. S., Hillsboro, Ill.t 6061. ROBERT MILLS BAILIE Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 22, iSoi, Storm Lake, la.; s. A. D. Bailie. Prepared in Storm Lake (la.) H. S. Arch. Club. Address. 229 Cayugua St., Storm Lake, la.f 6062. ALICE ELIZABETH BAINES Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap s, 1891; d. Oscar O. (b. Mr 5, 1S63, Zanesville, O.) and Ida J. (Christie) Baines (b. S 8. 1866, Martinstown, Ont., Can.). Prepared in LTr- bana H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Yo Ma; W. A. A. Teacher, Dom. Sc, H. S., E. Au- rora, 111., 1914-18; Dietitian, Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la. Address, 132 S. Lincoln Ave., Aurora, 111. 0063. AMELIA WEST BAKER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F i, 1889, Batavia, 111.; d. John Baker. Prepared in W. Batavia H. S . Teacher, Oshkosh, Wis. Ad- dress, 401 Jackson St., Oshkosh, Wis.t 6064. JOSEPH LADD BALLOU Inspector; B. S. in M, E. ; b. S 6, 1890, Wheaton, 111.; s. L. E. Ballou. Prepared in Elmhurst H. S. Insp., C. T. Co., Wheaton, HI. Sergt., Co. C, 342nd Inf.. U. S. N. A.; Lt., 306th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 215 Cross St., Wheaton, 111. 6065. HARRY TRUMAN BARBER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 2, 1890, Pitts- field, 111.; s. C. A. Barber. Prepared in Pitts- field H. S. Atanthus; Hoof and Horn Club; Class Basketball. Overseer, Pure Breed Here- ford Farm. Married Neva Wilk. O 24, 1914. Child. Buford. Address, Pittsfield, Ill.t 6066. PHIL CHASE BARBER Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 30, 1890, Chicago; s. Albert Hall (b. D 22, 1844, Pasten- kill, N. Y.) and Mary (Pennell) Barber (b. F 26, 1850, Granville, 111.). Prepared in Wen- dell Phillips H. S.; Lewis Inst., Chicago. Del- ta Kappa Epsilon; Helmet. Engr., A. H. Bar- 1)er Creamery Supply Co.; V. P., A. H. Bar- ber & Co., Chicago Wholesale Produce. 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C; 5th Regt., C. A. C, A. E. F., France, 191S; Mustered out, Ja 29, 1919. Ad- dress, .S437 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 306 W. Austin Ave., do. 6067. CLARENCE BARBRE Chemist; B. S. in L. A. & S. ; M. S., 191S; b. My 15, 1890, Taylorville, 111.; s. William E. (b. Curan, 111.) and Florence Louisa (Lewis) Barbre (b. Breckenridge, 111.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. LI. S. A. B., Eureka Coll., 1913. Acanthus; Chem. Club; Mgr., Sc. Bas- ketball. Asst. Prof., Organic and Biol. Chem., Lhiiv. of So. Calif., Med. Sch., 1915-16; Biol. Dept., H. S., Pasadena, Calif., 1916; Research Dept., Gen. Petroleum Corp.. 1916-18; 2nd Asst. Supt,, Production U. S. Indus. Chem. Co.. S. Baltimore. 1918 — . Address, U. S. Indus. Chem. Co., South Baltimore. 6068. GEORGE HOLBROOK BARGH Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 30, 1892, Kinmundy, 111.; s. Edwin Charles (b. F 7, 1857, Leeds, Eng.) and Nellie (Holbrook") Bargh (b. S 12, 1869, Farina, 111.). Prepared in Centralia H. S. ; Univ. of III., 1915. Chi p.eta; Sigma Delta Chi; Mgr. Ed., Daily Illini; .\sst. Ed.. Illio; summer Illini, 1913; Dope Sheet Staff, 191 2; Home-Coming Com., 1913; Tr. Cap Com.; Cadet Hop, 1011-12; Cml. Club; "p.en Franklin Club. Journalist, Centralia, III.; do., Mt. Vernon. 111., 1914-17- Q- M. R. C; Camp Custer. 1917; O. M. Sergt., R. O. T. C, Camp Johnston, Fla., 1918; Q. M. C, 6th Army Corps, A. E. F., France. Mem.. A. F. A. M.; Sbriner. Address, Kinmundy, 111. 6069. NELLE ELIZABETH BARRICK (EWAN) (Wife of No. 2970) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 9, 1890. Villa Grove, 111.; d. John Byrd (b. N 30. 1855) and Mary Catherine (Davis) Barrick (b. My 11, 1850, Canton 111.). Prepared in Villa Grove H. S.; Urbana H. S. .\lpha Chi Omega. Teacher, Kewanee. 111., 1915-17. Mem., O. E. S.; ladies Reading Club of Kewanee; Congr. Church. Married William Clayton Ewan ('07), Je 16, 1917, Villa Grove, 111. Child. John Clayton, b. and died, Mr 22, 1918. Address, 319 McKinley Ave., Kewanee. 111. IQI4] Baccalaureate Ai.umni 6070. HENRY WILMONT HARTLING B. S. in E. E.; b. D 28, 1892. Litchfield, 111.; s. II. W. Bartling. Prepared in Alilliken Univ., 1910-12. Mem., E. E. Soc; Lutheran Church. 327 F. A., Hdqtrs. Co., Camp Taylor, Louis- ville. Ky. Address, 911 N. Jackson St., Litch- field, III.; bus. add., 464 63rd Ave., West Allis, Wis. 6071. FEDERICO BASADRE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 22, 1890, Tacna, Peru, S. A.; s. Carlos Basadre Forero (b. Jl 1859, do.) and Olga (Grohraan) Basa- dre (b. Mr 1864, do.). Prepared in H. S., Lima, Peru, S. A.; Sch. of Engng., do., 1907- 09. C. E. Club; Spanish Club. Engr., Peru, 1915; do., Argentina, 191 6-1 7; do. Brazil, 1918 — . Address, 174 Libertad St., B^lenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. 6072. GLENN WALLACE BASS Health Commissioner; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. My 3, 1890. Walnut, III.; s. Wallace Bass. Pre- pared in Walnut H. S. Sigma Tau; Prelim. Honors. Supt., Central 111. Pub. Service Co., Lawrenceville, 111.; Health Commissioner, Val- paraiso, Ind. Address, 3324 Harold Ave., Berwyn, 111. 6073. HARRY LLOYDE BAUER (Brother of Nos. 3632, 4545) Irrigator; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 14, 1892. Blue Mound, 111.; s. Charles R. and Alice K. (Wall) Bauer (b. Wadsworth. O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Ionian; Agr. Club; Hort. Club; Chess and Checker Ch:b; 2nd Lt. Cadet Regt. Teacher, Englewood H. S., Chicago; Field Work, Great West. Sugar Co., Ft. Col- lins, Colo.; Irrigation on Govt. Exp. Farm. Bell Fourche Project, Newell. S. Dak. 3rd O. R. T. C, Camp Dodge, la.; 2nd Lt., Co. K., Inf. 330, 32nd Div., A. P. O. No. 762, A. E. F., 1918 — . Address, 1005 S. 4th St., Champaign. 6074. LEO MICHAEL BAUER (Brother No. 4546) Arch. Designer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 30, 1892, Horton. Kan.; s. Victor (b. Ag 14, 1857, Hansen, Ger.) and Mary Anna Marie (Lenz) Bauer (b. Ta 9, i860, do.). Prepared in Hor- ton (Kan.) H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arcus; Kan. Soc; Arch. Club; Pres., Spalding Guild, 1913; Univ. Band, 1911-13- Bus. Mgr., Arch. Year Book, 1914; Chm., Engng. Dance Com., 1914. Sec.-Treas., V. Bauer & Sons Con- tract. Engrs. Horton, Kan.; Arch. Designer, Detroit, 1917 — . Officers' Material Sch., Muni- cipal Pier, Chicago. Nat. Pres., Alpha Kho Chi 1914-17. Married Eva Regina Stroh, Je 2. 191 7, Detroit. Address, 79 Seebaldt Ave.. Detroit. 6075. ARTHUR WILLIAM BAUMGARTEN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 27, 1889. Milwaukee; s. Carl Henry (b. Ap 1864, Michi- gan City, Ind.) and Minna (Schaar) Baum- garten (b. Ger.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Brev. Capt., Univ. Regt. Elec. Engr., Chicago & Joliet Elec. Ry. Co., 1914-17. ist Lt., Engrs. R. C, 310th Engrs., Camp Custer, Mich., 191 7 — -. Married Louisa M. Kurd, Ja 25 1918, Joliet, 111. Ad- dress, 1 70 1 Washingtpn St., Joliet, 111. 6076. VAUGHN BUTLER BAXTER Agriculturalist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 18, 1891, Ottawa. 111.; s. Isaac Newton (b. Ja 20, 1862. Troy, Pa.) and Josephine (Butler) Bax- ter (b. Ja 30, 1867, Prairie Centre, 111.). Pre- pared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Ilus. Sergt., Co. Admin., Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla. ; 2nd Lt., Q. M. Corps, do., 1917 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, Ottawa, 111. 6077. AMY ADALINE BEACH (Sister of No. 7370) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1918; b. My 13, 1893, Watertown, N. Y.; d. Herman Goodrich (b. F 28, 1862. Pittsfield, Mass.) and .'Vlice (Becker) Beach (b. Mr 27, 1867, Water- town, N. Y.). Prepared in Antwerp PI. S. Athenean; Bethany Circle; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim. Honors; Scholarship. Teacher, Lang- uage, H. S., Bement, 111. 1914-15; do., Eldorado, 111., 191S-17; do.. Champaign H. S,, 1918 — . Address, 511 E. John St., Champaign. 6078. GEORGE WILSON BEATTIE Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; A. M., 1915; b. Ag 20, 1873: s. W. J. (b. O 15, 1847, Hebron, N. \.) and Elizabeth (Sherman) Beattie (b. Ag 17, 1852, Salem, N. Y.). Prepared in Ripon Coll. Acad. A. B., Ripon Coll., 1901. H. S. Suprvr., 1901-12; Instr., Agr., Bowling Green, O., 1914—- Mem., Baptist Church. Address. Bowling Green, O. 6079. GEORGE STANLEY BEAUMONT Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 7, 1890, Chicago; s. George (b. 1855, Leeds, Eng.) and Harriet (Wood) Beaumont (b. 1858, do.). Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Zeta Psi; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Varsity Swim- ming, 1911-14; Capt., Univ. Regt., 1913-14. 111. St. Soil Sur., 1914-16; Consulting Agr., Beaumont & Dunham, 1916-17. ist Lt., L Co., 54th Pioneer Inf., Camp Wadsworth, Spartan- burg, S. C, 1 918; do., A. E. F., France, 1918; Army of Occupation, 1918 — . Address. 1226 Fullerton Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 25 N. Dear- born St., do. 6080. CHRISTOPHER KEENLY BEEBE Chemist; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. S 29, 1891, Denver; s. Christopher Keeney (b. Chicago) and Mary Ellen (Collins) Beebe (b. Eng.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. .Mpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Cbem., 111. Dept. of Agr., 1914-17; Chem., Franklin Mac Veagh & Co., Chicago — . Sergt.. Food Div., San. Corps., U. S. A., 1918; 1st Lt., Engng. Co., Gas Tr. Sch., Camp Humphreys, Va.; Mustered out, D 10, 1918. Address, 1441 Farwell Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Franklin Mac Veagh & Co., Lake and Market Sts., Chicago. 6081. LEO RICHARD BELL Min. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. Ap 13, 1891, Stapleton, N. Y. ; s. Anthony Bell. Pre- pared in Curtiss (N. Y.) H. S. Cosmopolitan Club; Jr. Mem., A. I. M. E. Min. Engr., Bolivia. Chem., Warfare Service, Casual Dept. 2, A. P. O., 706, A. E. F., France. Address, 167 McKeon St., Stapleton, N. Y. ; bus. add., Norton Lab., Lockport, N. Y. 6082. NUEL DINSMORE BELNAP Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; T. D., 1916; b. My 8, 1892, Mattoon, 111.; s. Hiram Wil- liam (b. Je 21, 1866, Nokomis. 111.) and Sadie Annette (Dinsmore) Belnap (b. D 21, 1865, Chrisman, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Yoxan; Rep. Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Special and Final Honors; Order of the Coif; Varsity Track. Interst. Commerce Atty., Chicago; Law- yer; Borders. Walter and Burchmore (Chicago. Sergt., Bat. B, 4th F. A., N. A.; R. O. T. C, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.; Lt., S. A. S., A. P. O., riS, France; Mustered out, F 20, 19x9. Mem., Chicago mini Club. Address, 5733 University .\ve., Chicago; bus. add., 1630 First National Bank BIdg., do. 6083. HARRY WEBB BENJAMIN Physician; A. B. in Sc. ; M. D., 1917; b. Jl 29, 1S91, Kempton, 111.; s. W. D. Beniamin. Prepared in N. W. Acad., Address, 102 S. Ro- mine St., Urbana.f 522 University of Illinois [1914 6084. MERRILL G. BENJAMIN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.: b. D 22, 1889, Webster, S. Dak.; s. M. A. Benjamin. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., do. Address, 168 Lina Ave., St. Paul. 6085. NANCY LOUISE BENNETT Stenographer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 7, 1889, McPherson, Kan.; d. John B. (b. Urbana) and Missouri (Carman) Bennett (b. do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Le Cercle Francais. Stenographer, Registrar's Office and Coll. of L. A. & S. Office, Univ. of 111., 1914- 17; Q. M. General's Office, War Dept., Wash- ington, D. C, 1 91 7 — . Address, 1104 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. Apt. 31, 1372 Kenyan St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 6086. ROBERT LEWIS BENTLEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 17, 1888, Lockport, 111.; s. B. F. Ingersoll. Prepared in Lockport H. S. A. B., Wheaton Coll., 1911- Agr. Club; Congr. Guild; 111. Agron. Soc; Choral Soc. Married Floy Way, N 29, 19 16. Address, Lockport, III. 6087. FLOYD HARRISON BERGLAND Broker; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 12, 1892, Wasco, 111.; s. George (b. Sweden) and Louise (Swanson) Bergland (b. do.). Prepared in St. Charles H. S. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Scab- bard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt. Lumber, Grain, and Coal Dealer, Wasco, 111.; Broker, San Francisco, 1919 — . 2nd Lt.. 166th Depot Brig., Camp Lewis, Am. Lake, Washington; Mustered out, F 12, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 511 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco, CaliL 6088. ADOLPH L. BERGMANN (Brother of No. 6741) Contr. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 13, 1S91, Chicago; s. Adolph (b. Austria) and Mary (Taborshy) Bergman (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Estimator, West. Elec. Co.; Contr. Engr., Mead-Morrison Mfg. Co. Address, 2040 State St., Chicago. 6089. LESLIE COSBY BERNARD Teacher; B. S. in A. E. ; Jl 14, 1890. Boyle Co., Ky.; s. W. S. Bernard. Prepared m Steele H. S., Dayton, O. Phi Kappa Sigma; Yoxan; Scarab; Ku Klux; Helmet; Ath. Ed., Illio, 1913; Soph. Cotillion Com. Draftsman, Univ. of 111.; Teacher, Arch. Draw., Tech. H. S., Indianapolis. Address, c/o Tech. II. S., Indianapolis. 6090. *EDWARDS HALL BERRY B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 19, 1892, Oak Park, 111.; s. John Bennington (b. D 14. 1851, Pater- son, N. J.) and Rachel (Allerton) Berry (b. Je 14, 1859, New York City). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Ma-wan-da; Scabbard and Blade; Pres., 111. Union; Capt. and Adjt., Univ. Regt.; Chm., Sr. Memorial Com. Nat. Carbon Co., 1914-15; Quayle Lock Co., 1916-17—. Sergt., Bat. E, ist III. F. A.; 1st R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan; 2nd Lt., 1917; 83d F. A.. Ft. Russell; 1st Lt., 1918 — . Radio Officer, 8th F. A. Brig. Died N 7, 1918, Camp Mills, N. Y. 6091. FAY HELEN BICKNELL Social Worker; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 21, 1891, Lovington, 111.; d. James S. Bjcknell. Prepared in Champaign and Lovington Tp. H. Schs.: West. Coll. for Women. Social Service Work, United Charities. Address, Lovington, 111.; bus. add., 4728 Langley Ave., Chicago.t 6092. WALTER EDWARD BILHORN Instrumentman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 12. 1 89 1, Chicago; s. Walter Edward Bilhorn. Pre- pared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Instru- mentman, C. B. & Q. R. R., Prairie Du Chien, Wis. Address, 364 North Ave., Aurora, 111. 6093. JOHN EARL BLACK Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 26, 1890, Chicago. Prepared in Blackstone 11. S., Men- dota. Alpha Chi Rho; Ionian; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Instr., M. E., Univ. of Idaho; Mech. Engr., Buda Motor Co., West. Elcc. Co., igi6-i8. 2nd Lt., Signal R. C., A. Engr. Sec- tion, Ellington Field, Houston, Tex. Address, 504 W. 6th St., Mendota, 111. 6094. FREDERICK JACKSON BLACK- BURN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 28, 1889, Hills- boro. 111.; s. James R. (b. O 15, 1856, Litch- field, 111.) and Mary Alice (Hartgroves) Black- burn (b. Ja 16, 1868, HiUsboro, 111.). Pre- pared in Ilillsboro H. S. Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Alpha Zeta; Prelim, and Final Honors. Investigator, Sys- tems of Live Stock Farming in So. 111. for Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Asst., Home Econ., Demonstration Car, Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Far- mer, Hillsboro, 111., 1916 — . Sec, Montgomery Co. Farm Bur.; Dir., Montgomery Co. Far- mers Inst. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M., 1916. Married Emma Luella Rose, Ag 2g, 1 91 7, Collins, O. Address, Hillsboro, 111. 6095. EARL BLAINE BLOUGII Elec. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 22, 1884, Ilalstead, 111.; s. Philip Blough. Prepared in LaGrange II. S. Class Football, 1912-13. Mov- ing Picture Operator, Petrolia, 111. Address, Camp Grove, 111.; bus. add., Petrolia, Ill.t 6096. WALTER JOSEPH BLUM Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 28, 1891, Chicago; s. W. T. Blum. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Chi Phi; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; Pan-Hellenic Council; Cadet Hop. Com.; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Sales Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., Inf., U. S. R., A. E. F., France, 1918. Wounded, My 1918. Address, 2522 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. 6097. LOUIS ANGELO BOETTIGER Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 3, 1891, Chicago; s. Adam C. (b. F 18, 1868, do.) and Emma (Dalle) Boettiger (b. 1870, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Chi Phi; Ma- wan-da; Adelphic; Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Pres., Y. M. C. A. Instr., Sch. of Commerce, Univ. of Beirut, Syria, 1914-17; Stud.' and Fellow in Econ., Univ. of Minn., 1917 — . Married Berdjouhi Ilaroutunian, My 28, 1917, Beirut, Syria. Child, Rosalind, b. Tl 4, 1918. Address, 512 Delaware St., S. E., Minneapolis. 6098. HAROLD BENJAMIN BOLANDER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 17, 1888, Chicago; s. H. M. Bolander. Prepared in (irane Tech. H. S. Designer, Auto Telephone (To., Chicago; Elec. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chicago. Address, c/o West. Elec. Co., Chi- cago.t 6099. GEORGE INGLES BOONE Merchant; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 25, 1891, Sidney, 111.; s. G. D. Boone. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Sigma: Univ. Band, 1910-14. Sales Dept. of B. F. Goodrich Rub- ber Co.. Akron, O.; Retail Hardware, Sidney, 111. Musician, 149th F. A. Band, A. E. F., France. Address, Sidney, Ill.t IQU] Baccalaureate Alumni 523 6100. SAMUEL p. BOONSTRA Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 9, 1884, Goodland, Ind.; s. August (b. Je 9, 1845, Hol- land). Prepared in La Fayette (Ind.) II. S. Alpha Rho Chi. Draftsman, 11. Z. Dietz, Evansville, Ind.; Arch. Engr., Watseka, 111., 1915-16. Address, Watseka, 111. 6101. KUMUDINI KAUTA BOSE Lecturer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Tezpur. Assam, India; s. M. K. Bose. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Lecturer, Bengal, India. Ad- dress, 71 Bose's Bazar, Dacca, Bengal, India. t 6102. WARREN EDWARD BOW (Brother of No. 6754) Teacher; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Je 2, 1891, Detroit; s. Sandy (b. Plymouth, Mich.) and Anna (Gushing) Bow (b. Detroit). Prepared in Detroit East. H. S. Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Ceram. Club; 19 13 Homecoming Com.; 1 914 Cap Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Capt., Univ. Regt. Teacher, Mil., Detroit H. S. Mexican Border Service; Capt. and Adjt., 31st Mich. Inf.; F. A., A. P. O. 7-'2, A. E. F., 1918. Address, 185 Pallister Ave., Detroit. 6103. WALTER HOWARD BOYER (Husband of No. 5521) Inspector; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 20, 1889, Carnegie, Pa.; s. Elmer Ellsworth (b. F 4, 1 86 1, Washington Co., Pa.) and Elizabeth Jane (McClure) Boyer (b. Jl 15, 1865, do.). Prepared in Carlyle H. S. Triangle; C. E. Club; Fresh. Track; Varsity Track. Eldg. ' Insp., Office Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1914-17. Capt., Engrs. R. C, 310th Engrs., Camp Custer, Mich.; do., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Married Ruby Lititia Allen ('13), Jl 21, 1917, Leavenworth, Kan. Child, William Howard, b. S 6, 19 18. Address, Carlyle, 111. 6104. JOSEPH MANDEL BRANDSTETTER Struct. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 28, 1893. New York City; s. I. M. Brandstetter. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Cosmo- politan; Menorah; Class Baseball. Struct. Engr., Chicago. .4ddress, 3827 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 402 City Hall, do.j 6105. HERBERT FRANKLIN BRANNON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 1 1-, 1892, St. Louis; s. J. I. Brannon. Prepared in Streator II. S. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. Yoeman. U. S. N. R. Address, 705 N. Jefferson St., Peoria. t 6106. DOROTHY MAE BRAYTON A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 12, 1892, Blue Island, 111.; d. I. S. Brayton. Prepared in Blue Is- land H. S.; attended Univ. of Chicago. Sig- ma Kappa. Address, 20 Lindero Ave., Long Beach, Calif.t 6107. LINCOLN BALES BREEDLOVE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 11, 1890, Nashville, Tenn.; s. Dr. George B. (b. My 18, 1865, Mooresville, Ind.) and Jessie (Pointer) Breedlove (b. S 9, 1868, Indianapolis). Pre- pared in Martinville (Ind.) H. S.; Purdue Univ., 1909-11. Phi Kappa Sigma; Masonic Soc; M. E. Soc; Sigma Xi; 2nd Lt., ist Lt., and Capt., LTniv. Brig. Supt., Mech. Equip- ment and Instr., M. E., Roberts Coll., Con- stantinople, Turkey, 1915-16; Tester of Steam Turbines and Alternators; Designer of Elec. Power Plants; Mech. Engr., Nat. Tub Co., Pittsburgh, 1916. ist Lt., Ord. R. C, Engng. Bur. 1918; Capt., Ord. Corps. Mem., A. S. M. E.; A. F. A. M.; Scottish Rite; Mystic Shrine; Yiougheny Country Club; In.str., Y. M. C. A. Schs. Married Elizabeth A. Platts, Je 2. 191 7, Wilkinsburg. Pa. Address, 7930 Tioga St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., 1718 Frick Bldg., do. 6108. WINTRESS BRENNAN Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. L. S., 1917; b. Ogden, 111.; d. Patrick (b. 1845, Ire- land) and Cornelia (Terrell) Brennan (b. 1848, (jeorgetown. 111.). Prepared in St. Mary- of-the- Woods, Ind. Libn., Bailey Brancli Lib., Gary, Ind., 1917-18. Address, Ogden, 111. 6109. JOHN FRED BRETON Baseball; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 15, 1891, Chi- cago; s. G. A. Breton. Prepared in Lake II. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball. Baseball. Pilot, Aviation Corps, S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918. Address, 1267 W. 72nd St., Chicago. t 61 10. JAMES SAMUEL BROCK Fruit Grower; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 11, 1892, Wapello, la. ; s. Margaret Brock. Prepared in Keithsburg H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club. Fruit Grower. Ad- dress, Batavia, Ill.t 61 1 1. WAYNE GOTTLIEB BROEHL Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 26, 1893, Pana, 111.; s. Julius Broehl. Prepared in Pana Tp. H. S. Chi Phi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Cml. Club. Auto Salesman, Chicago. 3rd R. O. T. C. Address, 210 E. Ontario St., Chica- go.! 61 12. CLIFFORD ALLEN BROWN (Brother of No. 61 13) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 25, 1891, Hol- der, 111.; s. Allen Brown. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch. Plii Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Class Football; Class Baseball. Address, 701 S. Broadway, Normal, Ill.t 61 13. EDWARD SUTHERLAND BROWN (Brother of No. 61 12) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 7, 1889, Hol- der, 111.; s. Allen Brown. Prejjared in Norm. H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Gannna Rho. Farming, Holder, III. Ad- dress, Normal, III.; bus. add.. Holder, Ill.t 6114. HORACE TROWBRIDGE BROWN Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 15, 1887, Quincy, 111.; s. W. E. Brown. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis. Engr., Miss. River Power Co., Keokuk. Corp., 20th Engrs., 47th Co., A. E. F., France. Address, 819 N. 5th St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., c/o Miss. River Power Co., Keokuk. t 6115. HOWARD DEXTER BROWN Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. D 7, 1891, Selma, 111.; s. John J. (b. i860, do.) and Iva Eldora Brown (b. 1867, Bucyrus, O.) Prepared in Chenoa H. S. Hort. Club. Instr., Univ. of 111., :9i4-i8. Lt., Q. M. C, in charge of production of vegetables^ France, 1918 — . Auth.: Sodium and Potassium Cyan- ide for Greenhouse Fumigation, Market Grow- ers Jour., Vol. 21; Nico-fume vs. Cyanide for Greenhouse Fumigation, do. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Elsie Beulah Stillwell, S 10, 1915, Urbana. Address, 402 E. Green St., Urbana. 61 16. NORMAN FERDINAND BRUNKOW Architect; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; B. S. in A. E., 1918; b. Ap 9, 1890, Nelson, Wis.; s. Ferdinand William (b. Ap 12, 1861, Wau- kesha, Wis.) and Julia (Haisch) Brunkow (b. Mr 15, 1867, Dubuque, la.). Prepared in Dubuque (la.) H. S.; Stout Inst.. 1914; Univ. of Minn., 1915. Iris; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Tau: Gargoyle; Philomathean; Prelim. Honors; V. P., Sr. Class; 2nd Lt., Univ. Regt.; Glee and Mandolin Club; Wrestling, 1912-13; (jym- nastic, 1914; Class Basketball, 191 7-1 8; Jr., Track Mgr., 1913. Instr., Arch. Drawing and 5 -'4 University of Illinois [1914 Track Coach, Tech. H. S., 1914-16; do.. Arch. Drawing in Man. Tr. H. S. and Vocational Xight Sch., Indianapolis. 1916; Arch., Miller, Fullenwider and Dowling, Archts., Chicago, 1918 — . E. O. T. S., Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va., S 14, 1918; 2nd Lt.. do., 1918; Mustered out, D, 191S. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, 747 Grand View, Dubuque, la.; bus. add.. Miller, Fullenwider, and Dowling, Archts., Chicago. 61 17. WALTER JOHN BUBLITZ Superintendent; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 28, 1893, Chicago; s. Karl Ernest (b. Ger.) and Wilhelniina (Panton) Bublitz (b. do.). Pre- pared in Y. M. C. A. Prep. Sch., Chicago. Phi Kappa Signia; Scabbard and Blade; Capt.. Winning Competitive Co., Univ. Brig. Supt.. George A. Fuller Co., Kansas City, Mo.; do.. New Orleans, La. Supt.. Const. 14th Nat. Army Cantonment, Camp Funston, Kan. Mem., A. ^F. A. M. Married Mary Louise Zimmer- schled, Ap 7, 19 17, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Dorothy Elaine, b. Je 23, 1918. Address, 3715 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., George Fuller Const. Co., New Orleans, La. 61 18. PHILIP ELIOT BUCK Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 28, 1887, Summerville, Mass. ; s. H. C. Buck. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Scabbard and Blade; C. E. Club; Varsity Gym., 1911-14; Capt., Soph. Gum., 1911-14. Civ. Engr.. I. C. R. R. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Address, Municipal Bldg., c/o I. C. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.f 61 19. ADOLPH OTTO BUDINA Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 25, 1891, O'Fallon, 111.; s. G. Budina. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Arcus; Arch. Club. Teacher, C. H. Harrison H. S., Chicago. Draftsman, Chicago. Address, 3210 Arthington St., Chi- cago.! 6120. MICHAEL BUHAI Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 29, 1892. Chicago; s. S. Buhai. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Zeta Beta Tau. Arch. Drafts- man, Bd. of Educ, Chicago. Asst. Chief Insp., Small Arms .Vmmunition, Pompton Lakes, N. J.; Mustered out. Ja i, 1919. Address, 400 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago;' bus. add., 720 Tribune Bldg. 6121. GERALDINE ALICE BULLARD (NEWCOMB) (Wife of No. 2194) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 19. 1892, Me- chanicsburg, 111.; d. William S. Bullard. Pre- pared in Decatur H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; First Cabinet, Y. W. C. A., 191 1-13. Married Dr. C. F. Newcomb ('01), Je 17, 1915. Me- chanicsburg. 111. Address, 2I.-5 W. Park St., Champaign.! 6122. FRANCIS HENRY BULOT Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Je 23, 1890, Chicago; s. Gaston (b. Nashville) and Emma Bulot (b. Chicago). Prepared in Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Final and Prelim. Honors; Scholarship. San, and Civ. Engr., Chicago; Suring, Wis.; Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Washington, D. C. Council of Nat. De- fense, Washington, D. C. Auth. : Land De- velopment, IVildzvood Magazine; do.. Am. City; do., Town Planning. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Grace Kennet Finnegan. Child, Robert Gaston, b. S 10, 1918. Address, 3336 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. 6123 ALICE AMELIA BUMSTEAD (Daughter of No. 131; Sister of Nos. 2601, 3300) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 26, 1884, Dundee, 111.; d. James Edward V77). (b. O 30, 1848, do.) and Justina Adelaide (Pingree) Bumstead (b. S 29, 1847, Southport, Me.). Prepared in Dundee H. S. H. Sc. Club. Address, 2163 S. Fillmere St., Denver. 6124. MAMIE BUNCH Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 10, 1871; d. Thaddeus INIorehouse (b. 1S36, Olney, 111.) and Elizabeth (Edmiston) Bunch (b. 1842, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Areola H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900. H. Sc. Club; V. VV. C. A.; Exten. Lecturer, 191 2-14. In Charge of Home Econ. Exten., Univ. of 111., 1914-17. Leader, Home Econ. Demonstration Service, 19 17 — . Address, 1107 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 6125. RALPH WILLIAM BUNGE Traveling Salesman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 29, iSqi, Chicago; s. .-August H. Bunge. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Sr. Class Football. Traveling Salesman, Fleischman Yeast Co., Chicago. Address, 3328 Park St., Chicago.! 6126. LYMAN JESSE BUNTING Manager; B. S. in Agr. Prepared in Yakima, Wash. Alplia Tau Omega. Teacher, Agr., H. S., 1914-17. V. P. and Mgr., Yakima Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co., Yakima, Wash. R. O. T. C, Presidio, Calif., Jl 1917; ist Lt., H. A., 1917; do., A. P. O. 733, France, 191 8. Address, Yakima, Wash. 6127. CARL IRVEN BURGGRAF Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 28, 1883, Dan- ville, 111.; s. George William (b. 1S52. Colum- bus, O.) and Anna Henrietta (Rupprecht) Burggraf (b. i8=;6, do.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. C. E. Club; Mil. Band. 111. Pub. Works Dept., Div. of Highways, E. St. Louis, 111. Engrs., R. O. T. C, Camp Lee. Va. ; ist. Lt., Engrs. U. S. R., 527th Engrs., Camp Dodge, la. .Address, Tuscola, 111. 6128. RALPH BURKE B. S. in M. E.; b. S 9, 1891, Chicago; s. W. H. Burke. Prepared in Three Rivers H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Address, Three Rivers, Mich.! 6129. WILLIAM BURNETT JR. Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 28. 1S92. Chicago; s. Willram Burnett. Prepared in Decatur H. S. E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Address, loii Main St., Decatur, 111. 6130. FRANKLIN BARNHART BURNS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 29, 1891, Grand Rapids, Mich.; s. Wilbur S. Burns. Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) Central H. S. Delta Upsilon Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scarab. Agr., Fidelity & Casualty Co., Chicago; Gen. Ins. Bus., Chicago. Sergt., Med. R. C., Hosp, Unit No. 2. A. E. F., France. Address, 710-134 S. La Salle St., Chicago.! 6131. THOMAS CLIFFORD BURWASH (Brother of Nos. 2602, 3304, 5567, 5568, 7427) Cashier; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 21, 1889, Plainview, 111.; s. Thomas Nathaniel (b. .-\g IS, 1845, Can.) and Sarah M. (Boswell) Burwash (b. Mr 27. 1855, Shipman, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Cml. Club. Cashier. Citizen's St. Bank, Tab, Ind., 1914. Corp.. O. M. C, Camp Dodge, la.; Sergt., Pay RolT Auditor, do. Mem., B. P. O. E.; A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Address, 1303 W. Univ. Ave., Champaign. 6132. JEWELL C. BUTLER B. S. in E. E; b. Mr 15. 1892, Havana, 111.; s. William Henry and Jennie Louise (Ermejing) Butler. Prepared in Havana H. S, Eta Kappa Xu; Sigma Tau; E. E. .Soc. Married Lillian I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 525 G. Ruple, Ap 8, 1917, San Jose, 111. Address, 1439 E. S3rd St., Chicago; bus. add., 746 Edison Bldg., 72 W. Adams St., do. 6133. WILLIAM GLENN BUTLER (Son of No. 206; Brother of Nos. 3672, 6133) Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 24, 1890, Cairo, 111.; s. William Nichols ('79). <''• Ag 16, 1856, Berlin, Wis.) and .Mary (Mattoon) But- ler (b. Je 10, 1852, Chataqua Co., N. V.). Pre- pared in Cairo H. S. Egyptian Club. Farm- ing, 1914-16; Instr., Naperville, 111. 2nd. Lt., Q. M. C. N. A., Field Remount Sqdn., 305, Camp Johnston, Fla.; do., \. E. F., France. Address, 2036 Walnut St., Cairo, 111. 6134. HARLEY MARION BUTT Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 5, 1891, Gibson, 111.; s. C. I. Butt. Prepared in Knox- ville H. S. Ma-wan-da; Triangle; Varsity Track, 1911-14; Sr. Home-Coming Com., 1914; Jr. Class Pres. ; Sr. Stag Com. Knox Co., Court House, Galesburg, 111., 1916. 3rd. R. O. T. C. Address, Gilson, Ill.t 6135. "MARK ADOLPH BUTTON- MAKER Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Jl 21, 1892, Chicago; s. S. Buttonmaker. Prepared in Lane H. S. Chi Phi; Ceram. Club; Class Baseball, 1912-14; Sr. Ball Com. Died F i, 1917, Tiffin. O. 6136. EMMA BERTHA BUTZOW A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 11, 1883, Well- ington, 111.; d. L. G. Butzow. Prepared in Greer Coll., Hoopston, 111.; Ind. Univ. Ad- dress, Wellington, Ill.t 6137. HARRIET ANNE BYRNE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 4. 1892. Chicago; d. George (b. F 11, 1846, Orland, 111.) and Alice E. (^IcGinnis) Byrne (b. Ja 18, 1858, do.). Prepared in Lorfetto Acad., Chi- cago; Lewis Inst., igii-12; Univ. of Chicago, 1909-11. Grad. Stud., Chicago Norm. Sch., 1914-15. Dietitian, Cook Co. Hosp., 1915-16. Teacher, Chicago Pub. Schs., 1916 — . Address, 432 W. 63rd St., Chicago. 6138. GRACE AMELIA CAMPBELL (DANIELSON) (Wife of No. 6187) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 10, 1892, Urbana; d. James Alfred (b. Metuchen, N. J.) and Carrie Eudora (Loomis) Campbell (b. Cold- brook River, Conn.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Mem., D. A. R.. 1916; Chicago Alumnae Assn. of Univ. of 111., 1917. Married Ralph Raymond Danielson ('14), Mr 26, 1916, Chi- cago. Child, James Campbell, b. Mr 17, 191 7 (died Mr ^i, 1917). Address, Des Plaines, 111. 6139. RUTH MAE CANFIELD Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. JI 22, 1891, Holton, Kan.; d. Robert (b. O 10, 1842, Mass.) and Emma (Kratzer) Cantield (b. Ap 26, 1863, Shannon, 111.). Prepared in Holton (Kan.) H. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Teacher, Holton, Kan. Address, Holton, Kan. 6140. ADELA PAULINE CARRIER (GALEENER) (Wife of No. 4668; Sister of No. 6141) B. Mus.; b. S 21, 1888, Adrian. Mich.; d. William Henry (b. Mr 15, 1858, McDonough Co., 111.) and Martha Elbertine (Wilcox) Car- rier (b. N 2, 1862, Palmyra, Mich.). Prepared in Anderson and Richmond (Ind.) H. Schs.; De Pauw Univ., 1908-9; Adrian Col!., 1909- 10. Delta Delia Delta; Achoth; Phi Delta Psi; Mu Kappa Alpha; Gregorian; Choral Soc. ; ///to Staff, 1914; Woman's League, Advisory Bd.; Mus. Com., Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Mus., Fairfield Pub. Sch., 111. Mem., M. E. Church; O. E. S. Married William Kenneth (ialeener ('11), Je 17, 1914, Urbana. Child, William, b. and died Mr 15, 1917. Address, R. 2, Fair- field, 111. 6141. GERALD VINCENT CARRIER (Brother of No. 6140) Gen. Auditor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 6, 1890, Adrian, Mich.; s. William Henry (b. 111.) and Martha E. Wilcox (b. Palmyra, Mich.). Prepared in LaFayette (Ind.) H. S. Cml. Club. Acct., Ind. Lighting Co., LaFay- ette and Indianapolis, 1914-16; No. Ind. Gas & Elec. Co., Hammond, Ind.; Asst. Sec. and Gen. And., Chicago, South Bend & No. Ry. Co. and So. Mich. Ry. Co., South Bend, Ind.; Cost Acct., Diamond Chain & Mfg. Co., Indianap- olis. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Blanche M. Smith, Je 11, 1914, Urbana. Children: Helen Pauline, b. Ag 12, 1915; Gerald Mirvin, b. Jl 10, 1917. Addi'ess, 319 N. Euclid Ave., Indianapolis. 6142. ISAAC RAY CARTER Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 22, 1891, Thomasboro, 111.; s. Isaac (b. Bismark, 111.) and Eliza A. (Faulkner) Carter (b. Ports- mouth, N. H.). Prepared in Rossville H. S. J. D., LTniv. of Chicago, 1914-16. Acanthus; Delta Sigma Rlio; Ionian; Debating. Asst. St. Atty. ; Danville, 111. 2nd Lt., Ord. Dept., Camp Hancock; Mustered out, D 29, 191 8. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, RossvUle, 111.; b}is. add.. Court House, Danville, 111. 6143. CHARLES FINDLAY CARTWRIGHT Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 16, 1883, Collierville, Tenn.; s. Monroe Giddins (b. Franklin, Tenn.) and Laura Annette Cart- wright (b. Collierville, Tenn.). Prepared in Collierville (Tenn.) H. S. Triangle. Civ. Engr., Frisco R. R., St. Louis, 1915-16; Asst. Engr., Dept. Pub. L'tilities, St. Louis, 1916-17; Prin. Asst. Engr., Brenneke & Fay, (Consulting Engr., St. Louis, 1918 — . ist Lt., Engrs. R. C 34th Engrs., Camp Dix, N. J. Address, Collierville, Tenn.; bus. add., c/o Brenneke & Fay, 1204 Fullerton Bldg.. St. Louis. 6144. SIDNEY CASNER Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 22, 1890, Chicago; s. Phillip and Ida (Masser) Casner (b. do.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1918. Zeta Beta Tau; Menorah; Varsity Track; Mgr., Track; Sporting Ed., Dailv Illini; Mem., Dope Sheet Staff, ///. Mag.; tllio; Sec, Tribe of Illini. Instr., Play and Play grounds, Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Asst. Track Coach, Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Dir., Mark White Square, South Park Commissioners, Chicago. Lt., 111. Volunteer Corp, 1917. Reynolds Club, L^niv. of Chicago, 1915; Conference of Chicago Community Workers, 191 7; Boy Workers .'\ssn., 19 16 — -. .Address, no E. 58th St., Chicago; bus. add., Mark White Square, do. 6145. HOLLAND MULLIKEN CASSIDY Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 3, 1889, Flora, 111.; s. J. G. and Edna Cassidy. Prepared in Flora H. S. Acacia; Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer, Belle- ville, 111., 1914-17. 2nd Lt. A., Sig. R. C, Ja 1918; Instr., U. S. A. S., Columbus, O. Mem., .A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, 321 N. Jackson St., Belleville, 111. 6146. CARLOS CASTILLO Instructor; B. S. in Ry. C. E. ; b. N 4, 1890, Spain; s. Jose Onofre (b. do.) and Concepion C. del Castillo (b. do.). Prepared in Mexico City. Spanish Club; Latin Am. Club. Instr.. Romance Lang., St. Coll. of Wash., 1914-15; Asst. Prof., do., 1915-17; do., Ind. Univ., 1917- 18; Instr., do.. Chicago Univ., 1Q18 — . Ad- dress, Box 42, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago. 526 I'NIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS I1OI4 6147. DEAN CHASE Salesman: B. S. in M. &■ S. E.; b. My 5, iSgo. St. Louis; s. C. A. (b. do.) and S. M. (llarnion') Chase (h. do.). Prepared in Wil- liam McKink-y 11. S., St. Louis. Kappa Sig- ma; SwiniiniuK; Pres., Soph. Cla«s. Salesman Certain-teed Produets Corp., New Oiieaiis, 1015-17; Presidio of San Franeisco. ist Lt., C. A. K. C. 1017: jst Lt.. Bat. K, 62nd Ke.irt.. C. A. C. A. E, P., France. Address. ^S'.o . Hartford St., St. Louis. 6i.(S. K.\THERINE TRUSDELL CHASE Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My -'-■, 1S02, Diiluth, Minn.: d. Henry Howlami (b. O 7. iS^i;, Ambov, 111.) and Adelaiile EuReuia (Trusdell) Chase (b. Jc iS, 185S. New York City). Prepared in Rock Island it. S. Siijtua Kappa; Yo Ma; lUiola; Scribblers' Club; French Club; Spanish Club; W. A. A.; Class Basket Ball; ///i<. Bd, ///. Man. Staff. Instr., Eug. and Phys. Tr., Mt. Carmel, 111., 1914-1(1; d.K. Rock Island, 111., igi6-i7; Instr., Ens. and Spanish. Sprinctield. ill., 1917; do.. Span- ish, do., 191S — . Alcni.. Assn, of Collegiate .Muninae, 1016; D. A. R.. 1916; Rock Island Woman's Club, 1910-17. Address, 815 :;oth St., Rock Island. 111. 6140. RALPH COOKMAN CHFSNUTT Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O i, 1SS7, HuBois, Pa.; s. W. R. Chestnutt. Prepared in Crane Tech. 11. S.; .'\rmour Inst. Chief Oe- signer. Thor Motorcycles, .•\urora Auto. Mach. Co., Chicago. Address, 3713 Flournoy St., Chi- cago. 6150. LEO MORELLE CHESROWN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.: b. Mr ;o. 180,5, Olney, 111.; s. S. V. Chesrown. I'repared m Olnev H. S. Engr., Chile, S. A. Address, Olney, 111. 6151. SUNG SHU CHIFN Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; b. N 18, iSoi, Shanghai, China; s. K. C. Chien. do. Pre- pared in Nan Yanij H. S. ; l^niv. of Chicago. C. S. C. Corda hratrcs. Instr., Nan Yang Acad. Address, Shanghai, China. 6152. ERWIN OTTOMAN CHRISTENSEN instructor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 23, 1800, St. Louis; s. Otto (b. 1849, Ger.) and Ida (Schnuhr) Christensen tb. St. Louis'). Pre- pared in Realgymnasium, Dresden, Ger.; .\r- mour Inst, of Technol., 1910-12; Harvard Univ. Instr., Art. O. St. Univ., 1915-18; Univ. of Wis., summer. 1918. Chief Draftsman, Photo Unit 84, Camp McClcllan, Ahr; Mustered out, Ja 17, 1919. .-Iddress, (1149 Greenwood .\ve., Chicago; bus. add.. Art Dept., O. St. Ihiiv., Columbus, O. 6153. BESSIE FERN CHRISTOPHER (McTAGGART) B. S. in 11. Sc. ; b. Mr 20, 1891, Auburn, 111.; d. J. Christopher. Prepared in .-Vidiurn H. S. Achoth. Married George McTagKart, F 16, 1916, Auburn, 111. Address, Auburn, Ill.t 6154. TSIN CHUANG Instructor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Shan,ghai, China. Prepared in Tong Shan Engng. C'oll.. China. I. C. S. Club; .\rch. Club. Aicli.. Tsing Una Coll. Peking, China. Address, 2006 Columbia Road, Wash., D. C. ; bus. add., c/o Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China. 6155. JAMES ERROL CHURCHILL Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 7, 1893, Alliion, 111.; s. Samuel (b. Ta 3, 1864. do.) and Etta (Jawk) Churchill (b. S 26, 1807). Prepared in Mt. Carmel H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Eta Kappa Nu; Prelim. Honors; 2nd Lt., Bat., Univ. Reg;t. Illuminating Engr., Com- monwealth lulison Co., Cliicago, 1014-17; Engr., M. of W. Dent., C. C. C. O. & St. L. R. R., Ml. Carmel, 111.. 1917-18. 1st Lt., Co. F. 9th 111. Inf., 1918 — . Address, 214 E. ,uil St., Mt. Carmel, ill.; bi(s. add., loo.- N. Mulberry St., do. 6156. STEPHEN THURSTON CLAFLIN Advertiser; A. B. in Sc; b. 11 .;i. iSo^, Lom- bard, 111.; s. William Clatliii. PrcnaVed in Wheaton H. S. Zeta Psi; Helmet; Kn Kliix; \ arsity Tennis; StatY, Jtlio; )t. Smoker Com.; -Mil. Hall Com.; Home-Coming Com.; Sr. Ball Com. PottsTurbuU .-Vilvertisement Co., Kansas City, Mo. O. T. C, Ft. Riley. Kan. Address. -•00 1 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (U57. CHESTER ARTHUR CLARK (Brother of Nos. 1842. 2014, 3683, 5074) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 23. 1880. Carth- age, 111.; s. Lot lUigarih (b. N '26. 1S47) and Matilda .1. (Jackson) Clark (b. Ja i9, 1856, Warsaw, 111.). Prepared in ("arthage II. S. b'armer. Honorably discharged from 149th F. A. Address, R, 4, Carthage, 111. 6158. DAVID ROLAND CLARKE lawyer; .A. B. in L, A, & S. ; b. Ja 8, 1892, .•\shland. 111.; s. Dan B. and A. Jcanneite (Hurdick) Clarke. Prepared in Whipple .Vcad.; Cniv. Acad. LL. B., Harvard, 1917. Chi Psi; Coll. l">ancing Club. Mem., InlercoUegiate Club. Married Zada Rowena Walker, D 28, loii;. Child. Zada Rowena, b. Jl 13, 1917. .-Iddress. 1917 E. 54th St., Chicago; bus. add., 1 1 I W. Monroe, do. 6159. ETHEL CLARKE (Sister of Nos. 4590, 5075) Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ag 3, 1887, Noblesville, Ind. ; d. John Osenback (b. N 35, 1851, do.) and Mary" lane (White) Clarke (b. (e 4. 185s. Westlield. ind.). I'repared in Noblesvilln (Ind.) H. S. .'^igma Xi; Omicron Nu; Jamesonian; II. Sc, Club; Country Life Clidi. Dietitian, Presby. llosp., Chicago, 1914- 17; do., Univ. ilosp., iowa City. la.. 1917-18; do., U, S. General Hosii., Biltmore, N. C. 1918 — . Address, Noblesville. ind. 6160. ELIZABETH JOHANNA CLAUSEN (WILf.IAMS) li. S. in H. Sc; b. F 5, 1803, Chicago; d. Clans J. (b. Jl 3, 1S47, Denmark) and Maria 1 . (Larsen) Clausen (b. .\g 19. 186.";, do.). PreiKired in Hyde Park H. S. Sigma Kappa. Insir., H. Sc, Kankakee. 111., 1915-10; no., Chicago, 1916-17; do., Dietetics, Am. Red Cross, Cliicago. 1917-18. .Xntli.: Tlie Wrong and Right Way in Cooking, MeCall's Ma^ac^ine : I'quipment for a Dietetics Laboratory, Hosti- till .\lanaeement. Married Herbert Franklin Williams, Jl 13, 191 i^, Chicago. Address, 39 S. .St. l.ouis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 6 N. Michi- g.m .Ave., Room 601. do. (.161. 'LEILA BEI.l.K Cl.KGHORN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 28, 1878, Kan- kakee, 111.; d. William Cleghorn. Prepared in Kankakee II. S. Died Ag 4, 1915, Colorado Springs, Colo. 6162. OLEN ROltFRT CLEMENTS Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. K: S.; LL. B.. 1916; b. D 15. 1 89 1, West York, 111.; s. Rush M. (b. Ag 20, 1808, Casey, 111.) and Emma (Xi.loy) Clements (b. O 1874, West York. 111.). I'repared in Marshall Tp. 11. S. .\cacia; Ionian; llliiii Club; Fresh, and I'rclini. Honors; Bron/e Medal, Artillery Drill, 1912; Capt., Varsity Water-Polo; Class Football; Alter- nate, "ill. -la. i:)ebatc: Asst.-Ed., lllio: Uliiii Staff. Lawyer, Marshall, 111., 1916; St. Atty., Clark Co,, 1916. Federal Fuel Administrator I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 527 for Clark Co., 1917-18; Sec. of Red Cross, Marshall, 111.; Gov. Appeal Agt.. Local Ex- emption Bd., 1917; 2nd Lt., C. O. T. S., Camp Gordan. Ga. ; Mustered out. D igi8. Mem., Christian Church; A. F. A. M., 1913; I. O. O. F., 1916; M. W. A., 1917; K. P., 1917; O. E. S.. 1917. Married Fayette Hamill, N 15, 1916, West Union, 111. Child, Robert Hamill, b. O 10, 191 7. Address, Marshall, 111. 6163. MARY ELLA CLIMER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 22, 1890, Palestine, 111.; d. Albert (b. Ap 5, 1862, do.) and Jennie (Higgins) Climer (b. S 8, 1862, do.). Prepared in Palestine H. S. Teacher, vSullivan H. S., 1914-16; Grad. Stud., Oshkosh, Wis., 1917; Teacher, Fond du Lac, Wis., 1916 — . Address, Palestine, 111.; bus. add., H. S., Fond du Lac, Wis. 6164. BESS FLORENA CLINE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 31, 1889, Monticello, 111.; d. Jacob Clarkson (b. S 6, do.) and Amanda Matilda (Class) Cline (b. F II, do.). Prepared in Monticello H. S. Achoth; W. A. A. Teacher, Math., H. S., Urbana. Mem. and Treas., Bd. of Trustees, Congr. House, Urbana. Address, 802 S. Matthews Ave., Urbana. 6165. LAWRENCE ALBERT CLINE Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 28, 1892, Marion, 111.; s. Albert L. (b. N 8, i860, Ky.) and Florence (McCowan) Cline (b. O 6, 1863, Marion, 111.). Prepared in Marion H. S. Triangle; Egyptian Club; Class Water Polo; Sr. Hat Com.; Regt. Color Sergt. Contr. on Highway and Bridge Const.; Los Angeles and So. Calif. Mem., M. E. Church, South. Mar- ried Ella Lee Herbert, N 15, 1915, Los Angeles. Child, Reon Cline, b. S 15, 1916. Address, 816 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles; bus. add., 231 Marsh-Strong Bldg., do. 6166. FRANCIS MARION COCKRELL Manager; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 8, 1887, Norborne, Mo.; s. Simon (b. Jl 30, 1848, Kin- mundy, HI.) and Angeline (Prewett) Cock- rell (b. Ag 30, 1851, do.). Prepared in Mar- shall Tp. H. S. Sec, Acacia; Pres., Theta Nu Epsilon; Pres., Alpha Delta Sigma; Pres., Ionian; E. E. Soc. ; Ben Franklin Club; V. P. Soph. Class; Mgr., ///. Mag.; Pres., 111. Assn. of Lit. Soc; Sr. Ball Com. Chicago Publicity Mgr., Westinghouse Elec S: Mfg. Co., 1914; Mgr., Chicago Service Dept., McGraw Pub. Co., Chicago, 191 6; Cleveland Mgr., Elec. World and Eiec. Merchandising, McGraw- Hill Co., Inc., Cleveland, 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. ; Jovian Order. Married Margaret Ben- bow, O 28, 1914, Ft. Madison, la. Child, Margaret Helen, b. Je 13, 1917. Address, 2769 Hampshire, Cleveland; bus. add., 657 Leader News Bldg., do. 6167. HARRY ELLSWORTH CODLIN (Husband of No. 7056) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 28, 1892, Pontiac, 111.; s. Charles (b. Chenoa, 111.) and Sarah E. (Elson) Codlin (b. do.). Pre- pared in Chenoa H. S. Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Treas., Jr. Class, 1914. Employee of Univ. of III. dairy dept., 1914; Farmer, 1915; Flarm Adviser, Dallas Center, la. Married Carrie L. McColley ('15), S i, 1915, Shelbyville, 111. Children: James Burton, b. N 13, 1917; Ruth Elizabeth, b. D 22, 1918. Address, Dallas Center, la. 6168. GEORGE CLEVELAND COFFEY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 16, 18S4; s. William Wallace (b. O 5, 1835, Hopkinsville, Ky.) and Helen Baily (Knight) Coffey (b. O 8, 1846, Elktown, Ky.). Prepared in Ewing Coll.; Univ. of Mo., 1907-08. Lawyer, Mt. Vernon, 111., 1914-16; Benton, 111., 1916 — . Married Maud Williamson, O 24, 1908. Address, Ben- ton, 111.; bus. add., Williams, Lewis & Coffey, do. 6169. HAZEL BELLE COFFEY (GIEHLER) (Wife of No. 625s; Sister of No. 5598) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 19, 1893, Chi- cago; d. William Martin (b. Mr 13, 1856, Bloomington, Ind.) and Mary Ann (McClure) Coffey (b. Ap 18, i860, Ireland). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Achoth; W. A. A.; Winner of Ath. "1." Teacher, Math, and Hist., H. S., Richmond, 111., 1914-15; do.. Math, and Ger., Reddick. H. S., 111., 1915-16. Married Frederick John Giehler ('14), Ag 30, 1916, Blue Island, 111. Child, Marjorie Jean, b. Ag 13, 191 7. Address, 617 Pearl St., Ottawa, 111. 6170. ALEXANDER EUGENE COHN Catalog Expert; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 29, 1893, Warsaw, Russia; s. Jacob (b. Brest, Russia) and Tobie (Kahan) Cohn (b. Warsaw, Russia). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1915. Kappa Sigma Delta; Menorah; Varsity Foot- ball; Basketball. Dir. of Sc and Ath. Coach, Tp. H. S., Morton, 1914-16; Correspondent, Sears, Roebuck & Co., 1916-17; do.. Critic and Efficiency Expert, Philipsborn Catalog House; Asst. office mgr., do., 1918 — . Mem., Assn. Sch. Sc. and Math. Teachers. Married Kate C. Dohry, Ag 12, 1916, Buffalo, N. Y. Child, Kenneth Morton, Jl 12, 1917. .4ddress, 4655 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 900 W. Van Buren St., do. 6171. JAMES RUBIN COLBERT Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.: b. F 13, 1S90, Burnt Prairie, 111.; s. S. W. (b. do.) and Jennette (Renfro) Colbert. Prepared in Fairfield H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Ionian; mini Bd. of Trustees. Instr., H. S., Waverly, 1915; Asst. Prin., Tp. H. S., Waverly, 1916- 17; Prin., do., 191 7-18. Married Ura Richard, Je 24, 1914, Urbana. Children: Harold R., b. Tl 28, 1915; Lois Ester, b. D 1917. Address, Waverly, 111. 6172. HUGH LEON COLE Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 12, 1891, Gen- esee, 111.; s. Hugh W. Cole. Prepared in Geneseo H. S. Sigma Nu. Teacher. Agr. and Sc. H. S., Oconto Falls, Wis. Married Marion Cole. Child, Mary Jane. .Address. 103 S. College Ave., Geneseo, 111.; bus. add., Oconto Falls, Wis.t 6173. HELEN BELL COMSTOCK Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. F 26, 1891, Chicago; d. J. J. Comstock. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Phi Delta Psi; V. P., H. Sc. Club; Treas., Sr. Illinae; Woman's League Advisory Bd.; Girls Sr. Council. Teacher Batavia. III.; Teacher, H. S., Rock- ford, 111. Address, Reliance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6174. LOURDE JOSEPH CONBOY Teacher; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 21, 1891. Sterling, 111.; s. Thomas Conboy. Prepared in Sterling H. S. Phi Kappa; Homecoming Com. Teacher, Man. Tr., Franklin Sch., Du- buque, la. Address, 507 ist Ave., Sterling, 111.; bus. add., 140 W. 14th St., Dubuque, la.j 6175. FLORENCE AVIS COULTAS Principal; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 21, 1890. Thawville, 111.; d. William Wallace (b. ."Xp 8, 1861, 111.) and Florence Eva (Purinton') Coultas (b. S 28, 1862, 111.). Prepared in De- Kalb Tp. H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch.. 1007-9. Alpha Omicron Pi; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Norm. Club; Math. Club; Sec, 528 University of Illinois :[i9i4 W. A. A. Dir. of ungraded schs., Rockford, 111., 1914-is; Asst. Co. Supt., DeKalb Co. Pub. Schs., Sycamore, 111., 1915-18; Elementary Supvr. and Co-Prin., Murrary Hill Sch., Cleve- land, 1918 — . DeKalb Co., Sec., War Savings Com., 1918. Mem., N. I. T. A.; Athena-Syca- more Woman's Club; DeKalb Sycamore Pan- Hellenic Assn. Address, 503 S Main St., Syca- more, 111.; bus. add., 11432 Mayfield Road, Cleveland. 6176. ARETE CAROLINE COVEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 26, 1892, Farmer City, 111.; d. C. C. (b. S 11, i860, do.) and Elizabeth Letitia (Savage) Covey (b. Mr 23, 1866, Virginia, 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Instr., Macon, Miss., 1912-15; Stud., St. Louis, 1915-16; Cml. Teacher, Champaign, 1916-18; do.. Capital City Cml. Coll., Charleston, W. Va., 1918— . Ad- dress, goyi W. Green St., Urbana. 6177. ANNA ETHEL COX Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 8, 1887, Sandwich, 111.; d. T. J. Cox. Prepared in Sand- wich H. S. Teacher, Sandwich, 111. Address, Sandwich, Ill.t 6178. REX WARFIELD COX Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 12, 1888, Cerro Gordo, 111.; s. John G. and Clara (Warfield) Cox. Prepared in Bement H. S. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Pana, 111., 1914 — . Address, Pana, 111. 6179. GLENN ERVING CRAFT Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 3, 1891, Bur- lington, III.; s. E. E. Craft. Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S. Hoof and Horn Club. Married Helen Fitzgerald, O 2, 1915, Rantoul, 111. Ad- dress, Burlington, Ill.f 6180. CLARA CRONK (MORRIS) (Wife of No. 5828) B. S. in H. Sc; b. D i, 1889, Aurora. 111.; d. Riley D. (b. do.) and Addie (Smith) Cronk (b. Sandwich, 111.). Prepared in E. Aurora and Birmingham (Ala.) H. Schs.; Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111. II. Sc. Club; Sec, Wo- man's League; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; 1 1 Ho Bd. Married Arthur Marvin Morris ('13), S 12, 1914, Chicago. Child, Elmer James II, b. Je 14, 1915. Address, 311 N. ist St., Aber- deen, S. Dak. 6i8r. MYRTLE AMY CRUZAN (GEYER) (Wife of G249) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; d. Joseph William Cruzan. Prepared in Mattoon H. S., and Indianapolis H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. 1906-07. Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. Work, Univ. of 111., 1915-17. Instr., Eng., Coving- ton H. S., Ky., 1914-15; Asst., Eng. Dept., Univ. of 111., 191S-17; Teacher Eng. Pvt. Sch., Houston, Tex.; Teacher, Eng., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1 91 8 — . Auth.: Articles in School News and Primary Educ. Married Denton Loring Geyer (g'14), Jl 1917, Urbana. Address, 5714 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 6182. JOHN CUTLER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 19, 1S90, Pana, 111.; s. Cassius Deloss (b. Ja i, 1848, Troy, O.) and Mollie (Dickey) Cutler (b. O 13, i860, Pana. III.). Prepared in Pana H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Wrestling. Asst. Foreman. Chicago Portland Cement Co., Oglesby, 111., 1914-15; Steam Ex- pert, 111. Steel Co., Joliet, 111., 1916; Chief Engr.. Corn Prod. Refg. Co.. Pekin, 111., 1916- 17. U. S. N., D II, 19 1 7, U. S. S. Canand- aigua. c/o Postmaster, N. Y. Address, 306 E. 8th St., Pana, 111. 6183. RUDOLPH WALTER CUTSHALL Arch. Designer; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 25, 1888, Brazil, Ind. ; s. J. M. Cutshall. Prepared in Brazil (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ. Scarab; Kappa Sigma. Arch, and Mfr., Brazil, Ind.; Arch. Designer, Indianapolis. Address, 21 16 College Ave., Indianapolis.! 6184. FRED EDWIN DACE Production Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. N 3, 1S89, Rushville, 111.; s. Henry Mattison (b. F 17, 1843, Edina, Mo.) and Mary Catherine (DeLapp) Dace (b. Ag 31, 1S50, Rushville, 111.). Prepared in Rushville H. S. Sec, E. E. Soc. Cost Acct., Chicago, 1914-15; Stud., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1915-16; Elec Engr., Milwaukee. 1916-17; do., Akron, O., 1917-18; Production Engr., Peoria, 1918 — . 2nd. Lt., Ord. R. C, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.; Mustered out, D 23. 19 18. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Helen Le Conte Crooks, S 6, 191 7, Rushville, 111. Address, 925 Columbia Terrace, Peoria; bus. add., Appraisal Dept., Holt Mfg. Co., do. 6185. HERVEY MILLER DALE Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 14, 1887, Chicago; s. W. B. Dale. Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Address, 519 E. Ash St., Win- netka, Ill.t 6186. *JOHN HENRY DALLANBACH (Brother of No. 8255) B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 23, 1891, Champaign; s. George A. (b. S 3, 1863, do.) and Anna Marie (Schulz) Dallenbach (b. Ag 1, 1863, Black Hawk, Wis.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Class Basketball. Bldg. Const., Champaign, 1915; Elec. Engr., Pittsburgh, 1915-16; U. S. A., El Paso, Tex., 191 6-17; do., Ridgway, Pa.; do.. Ft. Sill, Okla.; do., Augusta, Ga., Ap 1918; M. G. Co., iiith Inf., 2Sth Div., A. E. F. Killed in Action, O 3, 1918, France, 6187. RALPH RAYMOND DANIELSON (Husband of No. 6138) Ceram. Chem.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; M. S., 1916; b. Je 3, 1892, Chicago; s. Christopher Edmund (b. Norway) and Minnie (Amundsen) Danielson (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Acacia; Keramos. Asst., Ceram. Engiig., Univ. of III., 1914-16; Ceram. Chem., Benjamin Elec. Mfg. Co., Desplaines, 111., 1916 — . Auth.: The Effect of Variation in the Composition of Ground Coats for Sheet Iron Enamels, Trans. Am. Ceram. Soc. Vol. 18. Assoc. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married Grace Amelia Campbell ('14), Mr 26, 1916, Chicago. Child, James Campbell, b. Mr 17, 1917 (died Mr 21, 1917). Address, Desplaines, 111.; bus. add., Benjamin Elec. Co., do. 6188. HARRY OTTO DANZ -Asst. Sales Mgr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 30, 1891, Peru. HI.; s. Charles and Emma (Loekle) Danz. Prepared in LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S. .\cacia; Scabbard and Blade; Lt. Capt., Univ. Regt.; Winner Soph. Gold Medal. 1912. Stud. Sales Course, Am. Blower Co., Detroit; Asst. Salesmgr., do. Meln., Congr. Church. Mar- ried Constance Varine Hoyt, O 5, 1915, De- troit. Child, Dorothy Viola, b. "N 14, 1916. Address, 871 Ferry Park Ave., Detroit; bus. add.. Am. Blower Co., do. 6189. BANSEVAR DASS Chem. Engr.;- B. S. in Chem.; b. Je 15, 1888, India; s. Nadhabch (b. do.) and Mahanami Saba Dass (b. do.). Prepared in Malda, Ben- gal, Inclia; LTniv. of Wis., 1911-12. Chem. Clul); Cosmopolitan Club; Hindustan Assn. Draftsman, C. H. Stollting Co., Chicago, 1914- 16; Chief Chem., Nat. Synthetic Co.. Perth Amboy, N. J., 1916; Chief Chem.. Carbolic I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 529 Acid & Coal Tar Products, Div. of T. A. Edi- son Inc., Silver Lake, N. J., 1916-17- _ Success- fully developed an economical modification in the mfg. process of carbolic acid, greatly in- creasing the efficiency of the plant. Research Chem., Central Lab.. T. A. Edison Co., 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S.; Hindustan Assn. of Am. Ad- dress. 305 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.; bus. add.. Central Lab., T. A. Edison, Inc., Silver Lake, N. J. 6190. HALE PLALIN DAUGHERTY Adv. Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 15, 1892, Peru, S. A.; s. Aquilla John (b. Hamil- ton, O.) and Jennie Lousley (Plahn) Daugher- ty (b. Beardstown, 111.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Delta Chi; Yox- an; Ku Klux; Ben Franklin Club; Ed., Daily mini. Reporter, The Peoria Transcript, 19 14- is; Adv. Mgr., George La Monte & Son, 1915- — . Address, c/o George La Monte & Son, 61 Broadway, New York City. 6191. ALICE VICTORIA DAVENPORT Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 7, 1890, Chicago; d. Joseph Davenport. Prepared in W. Mendota II. S. W. A. A.; Class Bas- ketball. Phys. Din, Chicago Heights, 111.; Libn., Lib., H. S., Wheaton, 111. Address, 275 W. South St., Galesburg, 111. 6192. RAYMOND EVAN DAVIES Physician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 2, 1889, Bement, 111.; s. William E. (b. N 1854, Jack- sonville, 111.) and Alice M. (Allison) Davies (b. Ja 10, i860, Lincoln-Shire, Eng. ). Pre- pared in Bement H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1912; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1917. Adelphic; Al- pha Kappa Kappa. Stud., Interne, Chicago, 1915-16; do., Durand Hospital, 1917; do., St. Luke's, Chicago, 1917-18. M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan., 1918; Orthopedic Surgery, N. Y.; Lt., Base Hospital, Camp Sheridan, Montgom- ery, Ala. Mem., Assn. of Mil. Surg. Ad- dress, Bement, 111.; bus. add., 4047 Aspen St., Philadelphia. 6193. ELIZABETH HAMILTON DAVIS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 31, 1887, Fairfield, 111.; d. W. B. Davis. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sell. A. B., 111. Woman's Coll., 1909- Asst. Ref. Libn., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Man- hattan, Kan.; War Dept., Washington, D. C. Address, c/o Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Manhattan, Kan.t 6194. THOMAS ANDREW DAVIS Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl g, 1890, Bethany, 111.; s. Andrew W. (b. Je 8, 1863) and Martha (Younger) Davis. Prepared in Bethany H. S.; Millikin Univ. Philomathean; C. E. Soc. Draftsman, Empire & Fuel^ Co. Married Blanche H. Hayes, 26, 1916, Guth- rie, Okla. Child, Theodore Emerson, b- D 2=,, 1917. Address, 520 E. nth St., Bartlesville, Okla. 6195. BEATRICE EARLE DEAN (Sister of No. 9031) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 27, 1891, Harrisburg, 111.; d. John William (b. Ag 4, 1866, Posey Co., Ind.) and Isabel (Lcbo) Dean (b. D 2, 1869, Carrier Mills, 111.). Pre- pared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Instr., Eng. and Ger., Lovington, 111., 1914-16; do., Robin- son, 111., 1916 — . Address, Harrisburg, 111.; bus. add., 601 E. Main St., Robinson, 111. 6196. HAROLD BURTON DEETS Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O n, 1888, Sidney, Neb.; s. A. B. (b. Mr 31, 1862, N. Hen- derson, 111.) and Ruth (Jones) Deets (b. Mr 29, 1867, Nesquehoning, Pa.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. Mgr., Champaign and Streator. 111., Dairy Farm, 1914-17. Army Nurse Evacuation Hosp. A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, Galesburg, 111. 6197. LEMUEL DE FOREST Apprentice; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 9, iSgi, Toledo, O.; s. Amy J. DeForest. Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S. Apprentice. C. C. C. & St. L. R. R., Bellefontaine, (J. Married Juanita Hammer, Ag 30, 1914, Urbana. Ad- dress, 221 Oakland Square, Bellefontaine, O. 6198. *ROY VAN LIEW DeMOTT (Brother of No. 5093) A. B. in Bus.; b. O s, 1887, Fairvitw, 111.; s. Richard Roy (b. Mr 25, 1847, Stanton, N. J.) and May Helen (Polhemus) DeMott (b. My 9, 1851, Fairview, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Cnil. Club. Bus. Mgr., DeMott Loan Co., Crookston, Minn. Died Mr 6, 1917, De- troit. 6199. HERBERT DEVINE Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 10, 1891, Ishpeming, Mich.; s. P. II. Devine. Prepared in Ishpeming (Mich.) H. S. Engr., Kenova, W. Va. ; Stud. Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Meteor Div., Signal Corps, A. E. F., France. Address, Chester, Ill.t 6200. VIVIAN PERSIS DEWEY Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 16. 1891, Kenosha, Wis.; d. Courtland Ernest (b. Mr 21, 1861) and Mary Louise (Dexter) Dewey (b. F 3, 1864). Prepared in Kenosha (Wis.) H. S.; Chicago Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Expression, summer, 1915; Chicago Norm. Sch. of Dancing, summer, 1916. Delta Gamma; Alethenai; W. A. A. Instr., Aesthetic dancing, 1917; office work. 1918; Society editor, 1919 — . Auth. : Dance Courtesy, L. Hausmann, 1918. Address, S77 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wis. 6201. MARY ESTELLA DE WOLFE (Sister of No. 7480) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 29, 1890, Assumption, 111.; d. William De Wolfe. Prepared in Assumption H. .S. .iddress, 341 Center St., Decatur, IlLf 6202. LULA BELLE DEXTER (Sister of No. 4614) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. Mus., 1915; b. N II, 1890, St. Joseph, Mich.; d. Arthur Glen (b. Ap 2. 1861, Chenoa, 111.) and Lora Belle (Gallup) Dexter (b. Ag 7, 1858, Niles, Mich.). Prepared in Urbana FI. S. Mu Kappa Alpha; Athenean. Pvt. Teacher, Violin, Urbana. Address, 614 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 6203. HARRY KIMBALL DICK (Brother of No. 2951) Supt., Bldg. Const.; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 12, 1888, Bloomington, 111.; s. G. F. Dick. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Tau Omega, Supt. Bldg. Const., Bloomington, 111. Married Pauline Whitmer, My 19. 1917. Address, 705 E. Walnut St., Bloomington, IlLt 6204. EARL BURRUS DICKERSON Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 22, 1891, Canton, Miss.; s. Edward (b. 1850, Everett, Mass.) and Emma Gertrude (Gar- rett) Dickerson (b. Ja 4, 1857, Canton, Miss.). Prepared in Evansfon Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1909-10; Univ. of Chicago Law Sch., 1915-17. Kappa Alpha Psi. Instr., Eng., Tuskegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala.,; 1913-14; Prin., H. S., Vin- cennes, Ind., 1914-15. 2nd Lt., O. R. T. C, Camp Dodge, la., 1917; 65th Inf. Regt., Camp Grant, 111. Married Inez Moss, Je 7, 1912, Peoria. Address, 3142 S. Part Ave., Chicago. 53° University of Illinois [1914 6205. EVA DODDS (CROWDER) (Daughter of No. 468; Wife of No. 5624; Sister of No. 8274) A. B. in L. A. & S.: b. O 3, 1892, Denver; d. Joseph Chambers ('86), (b. Utica, N. Y.) and Mary Armina (Brown) Dodds (b. Newport, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Chi Omega. Mem., Alumnae Chapter of Chi Omega, Seattle. Married Benjamin Harrison Crowder ('13), Mr 8, 191 7, Champaign. Child, Richard Jordan, b. Ja 19, 1918. Address, 2303 19th Ave., North Seattle. 6206. EDWARD ADELBERT DOISY (Husband of No. 8910) Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 13. 1893, Hume, 111.; s. Edward Perry and Ada (Alley) Doisy. Prepared in Hume H. S. M. S., Harvard, 1916. Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Final and Special Honors. 2nd Lt., Med. R. C, 1917; ist Lt.; Walter Reed Hosp.. Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Married Alice Nowell Ackert ('18), Jl 20, 1918. Address, 248 E. 68th St., New York City. 6207. JOHN THOMAS DONAHOE Electrolvsis Investigator; B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 30, 1891. Chicago; s. P. J. (b. Ag 4, 1856, do.) and Catharine (Cahill) Donahoe (b. Ja 6. 1859. Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S.. Chicago. Eta Kappa Nu. Engr., of Tests, Chicago Surface lines, 1914-17; Electrolysis investigator, Chicago, 191 7 — . Mem., A. I. E. E.; Illini Club, Chicago. Ad- dress, 3416 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 614 City Hall, do. 6208. ELIZABETH FRANCES DONALD- SON Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 22. 1884, Philo, 111.; d. James Donaldson. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sell. Prin. Sch., Thomasboro, 111., Teacher, Bot., Hindsboro, 111.; do., Shelby- ville, Ind. Address, Shelbyville, Ind.t 6209. RAYMOND THOMAS DOUGLAS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 29, 1889, Southampton, Mass.; s. George S. Douglas. Prepared in Williston Sem. Address, South- ampton, Mass.t 6210. GEORGE HAROLD DUBIN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ap 5, 1890, Denver; s. A. J. Dubin. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Cliicago. Cosmopolitan Club; Arch. Club; Varsity Basketball. Address, 3648 Lexington, Garfield Sta., Chicago. t 621 1. RAYMOND STARR DUNHAM . Agriculturalist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 12. 1890, Binghamton, N. Y.; s. Edward Judd (b. Dun- kirk, N. Y.) and Leona Mary (Green) Dunham (b. Almond, N. Y.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Zeta. With 111. St. Soil Survey. 1914-16; Beaumont & Dunham, Consulting Agr., 1916 — . Address, 1519 Highland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 19 S. LaSalle, do. 6212. MATTHEW ELBRIDGE DUNLAP (Son of No. 63; Brother of No. 7493) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 10, 1891, DeSmet, S. Dak.: s. Burleigh A. ('75). (b. D 5, 1852, Leyden Tp., Cook Co., 111.) and Clara J. (Busey) Dunlap (b. Ap 13, 1865, Champaign). Prepared in May wood H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. Draftsman, Holabird & Roche, Archs. and C. B. & Q. R. R. Bldg. ; Engrs.' Office, 1914-16; Arch. Asst. in Forest Products Lab., Madison. Wis., 19 16 — . U. S. Dept. of Agr., Forest Service, MadisoiT| Wis.. 1916 — . Invented: Transit Plugs for Shrapnel Shells; A Method of Moisture-Proofing Aeroplane Propellers. Mem., Univ. Club, Madison, Wis. Address, 803 State St., Madison, Wis. 6213. WILLIAM GUY DUNLAP Cashier; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 8, 1892, Abingdon, 111.; s. William Belt and Ida (Lati- mer) Dunlap. Prepared in Abingdon II. S.; Hedding Coll., 1910-12. Congr. Guild; Fresh. Varsity Track. Cashier, First Nat. Bank, Abingdon. 111. Married Leona K. Schmidt. Ag I, 191 7, Champaign. Address, 504 N. Mon- roe St^ Abingdon, 111.; bus. add.. First Na- tional Bank, do. 6214. JESSIE EDMUNDSON (GIER) Farm Adviser; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl 29, 1888, Balbec, Ind.; d. William (b. O 5, 1856, do.) and Elizabeth S. (Paxson) Edmundson (b. Mr 8, 1861, do.). Prepared in Penn Tp. H. S., Pennville, Ind.; West. Coll., Oxford, O., 1908- 09. Alpha Omic on Pi; H. Sc. Club. Instr. H. Sc, Moore Tp. H. S., Farmer City 111., 1913-15; Univ. c/ la.. Summer. 1915-16; High- land Park, 111 H. S., 1915-16; Co. Adviser, Kankakee Co., 111., 1916-18. Ed., Home Im- provement Bull. Married William Jewett Gier, N 28, 1917, Kankakee, 111. Address, 927 Court St., Kankakee, 111.; bus. add.. Room 306, Court House, do. 6215. GEORGE CURTIS ELLIS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 29, 1890. Alta- mont. 111.; s. W. A. Ellis. Prepared in Alta- mont H. S.; Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Nu; Class Baseball. Stud., Rush Med. Coll. Ad- dress, Altamont, 111. 6216. ARMIN ELMENDORF Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 8, 1890, San Antonio, Tex.; s. Edward (b. do.) and Mary (Staffel) Elmendorf (b. do.). Prepared in San Antonio (Tex.) H. S.; Univ. of Tex., 1910. Univ. of Mich., 1915; M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1917. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Cos- mopolitan Club; Ed.. Technograph; Prelim., Special, and Final Honors. Instr., Mechanics, Univ. of Wis., 1914-17; Engr., Forest Products, U. S. Forest Products Lab., 1917; Forest ser- vice, testing aeroplanes, Ag 1917 — . Desig- ner of a differentiating machine. Auth. : Various Articles on Engng. subjects in Am. Machinist, N 5, 1914; JTis. Engr., Mr 1915, Ja 19 1 6, Ap 1917; The Pyramid of Sigma Tau, The Transit, Univ. of Neb.; The Scientific Am. Suplmt., Ag 11, 1917, F 12, 1916; Am. Math. Monthly, O 1916; Jour, of the Franklin Inst., D 1916, Ja 1918, F 1918; Canadian E)igr., Ag 23, 1917; Concrete, S 1917. Address, Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. 6217. HUBERT MORTON ENGLISH Physician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 30, 1890, Marshall, 111.; s. John Abel (b. Ag 21, 1847) and Marietta (Clemings) English (b. O 28, 1848). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. M. D., Harvard, 1918. Sigma Xi; Ionian; Special Honors. Physician, Foxboro St. Hosp., Fox- boro, Mass. M. R. C, 1917 — ; Lt., Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga.; do., St. Elizabeth Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C. Address, St. Elizabeth Hospital, Washington, D. C. 6218. CALLISTUS JAMES ENNIS Real Est.; A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 4, 1S91, Chicago; s. Callistus Sexton (b. O 14, 1863, do.) and Clara F. ' (Ceperly) Ennis (b. Ja 20, 1868, do.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Sigma Chi; Ma-V/an-da; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Beta Gamma Sigma; Yoxan; Pan- Hellenic Council; Ath. Bd. of Control; Cml. Club; Class Football; Mgr., Inter-schol.; Chm., Alumni Homecoming Smoker; Stud. LTnion Opera; Chm., Breakfast Com. Real Est. Dealer and Broker, Chicago. 1st Lt., 149th F. A.. France, 1917 — . Address, 1437 Pratt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 79 W. Monroe St., do. 1914] Baccalaureate Alumni 531 6219. ARTHUR VERXON ESSINGTON Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Jl 11, 1889, Clifton, III.; s. George (b. O 1840, Lincolnshire, Eng.) and Bertha Holland (b. S 15, 1855, Norway). Prepared in Grand Prairie Seni. Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Mask and Bauble; Adelphic; Debating, 191 1- 12. Instr., H. S., Rockford. 19 14-16; Lawyer, 1916 — . Mem., Univ. Club; Young Men's Bus. Assn. of Rockford. Married ^Lnbel Field- ing, Je 25, 1915, Champaign. Child, .\rthur Vernon, Jr., Mr i5, 1916. Address, 2121 0.\- ford St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 406 Brown BIdg., do. 6220. RALPH LEE EYMAN (Husband of No. 6351) Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 3, 18S5. Golden, 111.; s. D. F. (b. S 10, 185-f) and Sarah Emily (Shank) Eyman (b. Mr 4, 1861). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., igio. Zeta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; Alpha Zeta; Final Honors. Instr., Dept. of Agr., Kent St. Norm. Coll., 1914-18; Head of Dept., 111. St. Norm. Univ., Norm. 111., 1918. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Esther Allen Kern ('14}, Ag 20, 1914, Greencastle, Ind. Child. David Russell, b. Ja 21, 1917. Address, 910 W. Honey Ave., Normal, 111. 6221. DANIEL BALDWIN FAGER Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag IS, i860, Murphysboro, 111.; s. S. Fager. Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S. : So. 111. St. Norm. tjniv. Prin., Tp. H. S., Palestine, 111. Ad- dress, Palestine. Ill.f 6222. HELEN FAIRFIELD (WOOLMAN) (Wife of No. SS07) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 17, 1893, Peters- burg, Mich.; d. George Day (b. My 6, 1866, Hillsdale, O.) and Mary Adelaide (Peters) Fairfield (b. My 23, 1867). Prepared in Omaha (Neb.), Urbana, and Ames (la.) H. S. ; la. State (Toll., 1910; Beloit Coll., 1910-11. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, H. Sc, E. Aurora H. S., Aurora. 111., 1914-16; Head of Dom. Sc. Dept., Elgin, 111. H. S., 1916. Married Collett Everman Woolman ('12), Ag 1916, Baton Rouge, La. Address, 524 Middle St., Baton Rouge, La. 6223. MYRLIN STEIN FALLIS Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 18, 1891, Denver; s. Montana S. (b. My 30, i860. Grays Summit, Mont.) and Katherine (Stein) Fallis (b. N 28, 1S70, Mt. Carmel, 111.). Prepared in West Denver H. S.; Univ. of Colo., 1910- 12. Working on U. S. A. Recuperation Hosp., Aurora, Colo. Married Aileen E. Cornforth, My 6, 1918, Denver. Address, Apartment 28, 1530 Grant St., Denver; bus. add., 900 Ideal Bldg., do. 6224. SAMUEL JAMES FARLOW B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 29, 1892, Augusta, 111.; s. Cornelia Farlow. Prepared in Augusta H. S. Pi Omicron. Married Miss Doeherty, S 30, 1917. Address, 377 W. High St., Hunt- ington, Ind. 6225. LESLIE WILLIAM FAULKNER (Brother of No. 6869) Manager; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1915; b. N 8, 1891, Champaign; s. W. S. Faulkner. Prepared in (Thampaign H. S. Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Signal Corps, Univ. Regt. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; Mgr., Watson Faulkner Drug Store, Champaign. Radio Instr., Univ. of 111., U. S. S. M. A. Auth. : The Nitrogen-Filled Lamp, Tcchno- graph. Married Gladys Ladd, O 2, 19:6, Champaign. Address, 806 S. 3rd St., Cham- paign. 6226. MARY EMMA FELTER Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 22, 1889, Fureka, 111.; d. P. A. Felter. Prepared in Eureka H. S.; Eureka Coll. Bethany Circle; Geneva Club. Teacher, H. S., Washburn, 111. Address, Eureka, 111. 6227. JOHN MOFFAT FETHERSTON (Husband of No. 8147; Brother of No. 7513) Engineer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Je 28, 1891, Chicago; s. Edward Beecham (b. Michaels- town Co., Cork, Ireland, Ag 5, 1852) and Jen- nie (Mulholland) Fetherston (b. Ap 2, 1867, Cobourg, Ont., Can.). Pfrepared in Cobourg (Can.) Coll. Inst.; Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1915. Theta Chi; Pi Omicron; Fresh. Varsity Soc- cer; Varsity Soccer Football, 191 1; Pres., Ry. Club; E. E. Soc. ; A. I. E. E. Signal Engr., Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. 1914-17. 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1917; ist Lt., C. A., 2ist Co., Narragansett Bay, Ft. Wetherill, R. I., 191 7 — . Married Katherine Lois Born ('17), Je 29, 1918, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Address, 502 E. John St., Charnpaign. 6228. FTiANK CHRISTIAN FEUTZ Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 16, 1891, Olney, HI.; s. Edward Philip (b. Mr 13, 1864, do.) and Anna Elizabeth (laggi) Feutz (b. My 31, 1867, do.). Prepared in Olney H. S. C. E. Club; Univ. Band and Orchestra; Prelim. Honors. Civ. Engr., 111. St. Highway Dept., Je 19 14 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Nellie Julia Hubert, N 25, 1914, Watseka, 111. Child, Frank Hubert, b. S 5, 1915- Ad- dress, 706 S. Marshall St., Paris, 111.; bus. add., Buchanan Link Bldg., do. 6229. WILLIAM FULLER FIELDER Accountant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 27. 1 89 1, Chicago; s. Fred A. (b. Dansville, N. Y.) and Josephine (Wilson) Fielder (b. London, Can.). Prepared in Lake Tech. H. S. Psi Up- silon; Helmet; Ben Franklin Club; Chm , Sr. Ball Com.; Bus. Mgr., Siren; Ed., Stud. Direc- tory. Asst. Mfg. Acct., Liquid Carbonic Co., Chicago. Corp., ist 111. Cav., 1916; Federal Nat. Guard, border service, Brownsville, Tex., 1916; ist. Lt., Ord. R. C, Inf., A. E. F., Je IS, 1917-18; Returned to states. 1918. Auth.: A Graphic Comparison of Truck Costs and Work, Factory., Mr 191 7. Mem.. A. C. S. Address, 4642 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Liquid Carbonic Co., 31st and Kenzie St., do. 6230. ELMER E. FIERO A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 17, 1890, New York City; s. W. I. Fiero. Prepared in Lacon H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Jr. Prom. Com. 2nd Lt., 77th Div.. Camp Upton, L. I., N. Y. Address, 77 Div., Camp Upton, L. I., N. Y. 6231. CHANCY LAWRENCE FINFROCK Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mv 19, 1892, Urbana; s. John H. (b. Waynesboro, Pa.) and Jordena M. (Johnson) Finfrock (b. Je 27, 1850, Clifton, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Lawyer, Little & Finfrock, Urbana, 1914 — . Married Grace Dallenbach, Je 29, 1916, Champaign. Child, Lawrence Johnson, b. Jl 20, 1917. Address, 407 W. Elm St., Ur- bana; bus. add., 107-109 Main St., do. 6232. HENRY LAWRENCE FISCHER Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 24, 1888, Wheaton, 111.; s. William H. (b. Addison, III.) and Geraldine Cecilia (Blanchard) Fischer (b. Galesburg, HI.). Prepared in Wheaton H. S.; Wheaton Coll., 1906-10. Congr. Guild. Con- sulting Ensrr., St. Paul, 1914-17; Production Engr., E. Moline, 111., 1917-18. Co. E, 113th Engrs., Camp Shelby, Miss.; do., 38th Div., A. E. F., France; Sergt., Co. B, 126th Engrs., Brest France. Address, 113 Centre St., Wheaton, Hi. S3-' University of Illinois [IQ14 6233. BENJAMIN SIDNEY FISHER Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Je 13, 1890, Anderson, Ind.; s. Thomas C. (b. 1840, Pa.) and Eliza- beth (Craig) Fisher (b. 1850, Ind.). Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Ci:i; Phi Delta Phi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Hoof and Horn Club; Helmet; Class Football; Basketball; Mgr., Employment Bur. ; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Lawyer. Marsh- field, Ore., 1914-17. 1st Sergt.. nth Co., Ore. C. A., 1916-17; 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, Lt., 47lh A., C. A. C, A. E. F., 1918; Mustered out, Mr 13, 1919. Mem., Presby. Church; Coos Co., Ore. Bar Assn.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; Pres.. Men's Fellowship Club, 1916; Millicoing Club, 1916-17. Address, Marshfield, Ore. 6234. WALTER LLOYD FISHER Engineer; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. D 31, 1889, Hebron Neb., s. Amanda Greider. Prepared in Union City H. S. Engr., Vandalia R. R., In- dianapolis. Address, R. 38, Box 125. Union City, Ind.; bus. add., 1726 E. Washington St., Indianpolis.f 6235. CASSIUS PAUL FLETCHER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap i, 1890, Ridgefarm, 111.; s. A. 1. Fletcher. Prepared in Univ. H. S.; U. S. Mil. Acad. Psi Upsilon. Civ. Engr., Interest. Commerce Com., Div of Val., La. and Tex. Capt., 311 Engrs., Camp Grant, Rockford, 111.; A. E. F. Married Esther Owen, F 8, 191 7, Hickory Valley, Tenn. Ad- dress, Ridgefarm, 111. 6236. JOHN ARCHIBALD FLETCHER Agr. Mgr.; B. S. in An. Husb.; b. Jl 13. 1 89 1, New York City; s. Jo'm A. Fletcher. Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Hoof and Horn Club. Agr. Mgr.. Deerfield, 111. Address, 2053 Monroe St., Chicago; bus. add., Deerfield, 111. 6237. EDMOND ROY FOSTER Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 31, 1893. Chi- cago; s. Robert F. (b. Catlin, 111.) and Bertha (Domensk) Foster (b. Watertown. Wis.). Pre- pared in May wood H. S. Theta Chi; Scabbard and Blade; Bat. Capt., Univ. Regt. ; Class Football; Class Baseball. Appraisal Engr., Chicago, 1914; Draftsman, George C. Nimmons, Chicago, 191s; Draftsman, B. & O. C. T. R. R., do., 1915; Engr., W. A. Baehr, do.. 1916-17. ist. Bat. 3rd, O. T. C. Camp Grant, III. Mar- ried Florence C. Danieken, Je 2, 1917, Chicago. Address, 914 17th Ave., Melrose, 111. 6238. ORA FRENCH FOSTER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 8, 1892, Green- field, 111.; s. B. E. Foster. Prepared in White Hall H. S. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; A^r. Dance Com., 19:4; Capt. and Regt. Commissary, Cadet Regt.; Y. M. C. A. Address, Puxico, Mo. 6239. LESTER EUGENE FRAILEY Broker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 29, 1891. Rossville, 111.; s. F. L. Frailey. Prepared m LTrbana H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Delta Sigma Rho; Helmet; Pres., Mask and Bauble: 111. Union Dramatic Club; Ionian; Scribbler's Club; Ben Franklin Club; Coll. Dancing Club; Class Tennis; ///. il/o.cr. Stafif; Stud. Opera Play Com.; 111. -la. Debate, Ill.-O. Debate; Bd. of Oratory and Debate. Teacher. H. S.. Cham- paign; Head, Pub. Speaking Dept., Culver Mil. Acad., Culver, Ind.; Brokerage bus.. New Or- leans, 191 7 — . Married Luella Mackie, D 27, 1916, New Orleans. Child, Lester Eugene, Jr., b. D 27, 191 7. Address, 1578 Calhoun St., New Orleans. 6240. WILLIAM LEONARD FRANK Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 13, 1 89 1, Chicago; s. Leonard M. (b. F 17, i860, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Caroline Rosa (Meider) Frank (b. D 6, i860, do.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. Farmer, El Campo, Tex. Married Julia Louise Mattier, Je 20, 1917, El Campo, Tex. Child, boy, b. Mr 15, 1918 (died Mr 20, 1918). Address, El Campo, Tex. 6241. RUSSELL CARD FRAZEE Tester; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 9, 1892, Seneca, 111.: s. F. F. Frazee. Prepared in Morris H. S. .\lpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Hoof_ and Horn Club; Prelim. Honors. Testing Gasoline Engines, Cicero, 111. Address, 329 Jefferson St., Morris, 111.; bus. add., 2244 50th Ave., Cicero, lU.t 6242. JAMES B. FRAZIER (Brother of Nos. 5886, 9075) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 9, 1890. Paris, 111.; s. J. B. Frazier. Prepared in Paris H. S. Sr. Ball Com. Teacher, Agr., Albion, 111.; Farmer, Oakland, 111. Married Ida Craig, Ag 21, 191 5, Paris, 111. Address, Marshall, Ill.t 6243. HENRY HELM FRENCH Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. M. E. ; b. Ag 4. 1 891, Chicago; s. M. R. French. Prepared in Armour Acad. Address, 9203 Pleasant Ave., Chicago. t 6244. RALPH WALDO FRENCH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1889, Mag- nolia, 111.; s. Marion J. (b. O 19, Marshall Co., Ill,) and Mary Elizabeth (Stratton) French (b. N II. 1859, do.). Prepared in John Swaney Consolidated Sch. Alpha Tau Omega; Glee Club. Farmer, Magnolia" 111. U. S. Army, Camp Grant, 111. Sergt. Maj., Hdqtrs,, ist Bn., i6ist Depot Brig,, 1918-19; Mustered out, Mr 15, 1919, Address, Magnolia, 111. 6245. GEORGE ELMORE GABLE . Draftsman, B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap 24, 1892, Center Point, la.; s. Elmore E. (b. Je 10, 1868, Marion, O.) and Cora E. (Newland) Gable (b. D 29, 1869, Center Point, la.). Prepared in Cedar Rapids (la.) H. S.; la. St. Coll., 1910-11. Phi Sigma Kappa; Glee Club; Arch. Club; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Mgr., Fresh. Aths. Chief Draftsman, Arch. Designer, and Struct. Supt., Cedar Rapids. la., 1014-17; Arch. De- signer and Struct. Designer, Detroit, Jl 191 7 — . Mem., Crescent Lodge 25, A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Esther Gertrude Bushnell, O 12, 191 2, Urbana, Address, 114 Wilson Ave., Detroit. 6246. ALBERT MACY GADDIS (Brother of No. 5675) Mgr., Pub. Service Co.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 30, 1892, Modoc. Ind.; s. H. A. Gaddis. Pre- pared in Winchester H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Eta Kappa Nu; Soph. Smoker (Zoni.; Coll. Dancing Club. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago; Salesman, Inter St. Puis. Service Co., New Castle, Ind.; Mgr., St. Cloud Pub. Service Co., St. Cloud, Minn. Married Agnes Arter- burn. My 24, 1917, St. Cloud, Minn. Address, St. Cloud, Minn. 6247. ROBERT PERCY GAGE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 17, 1891, Elgin, in,; s. M. Gage. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1912-14; Prelim. Honors. Married Ruth Green, F 5, 1916. Address, R. 8, Waterloo, la.t 6248. ANNA MARIE GALLAGHER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 14, 1892, Beaver Dam, Wis.; d. Thomas (b. 1850. Lime- rick, Ireland) and Mary (Hartt) Gallagher (b. 1845, Beaver Dam, Wis.). Prepared in Bowen H. S., Chicago. Classical Club; Spalding Guild, Teacher, Eng. and Latin, Martinsville, 111,, 1914-16; Delta (Colo.), H. S., 1916-17; Sedg- wick Co. H. S.. Julesburg, Colo,, 1917 — • Ad- dress. 2831 E. 76th Place, Chicago. I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 533 6249. STELLA BELLE GALPIN Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 23, 1890, Williams- field, 111.; d. Thomas L. (b. Jl 12, 1856, Galena, 111.) and Jennie M. (Callahan) Galpin (b. O 9, 1 86 1, Yates City, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., ign. Alpha Chi Omega. Loan Asst. Libn., Univ. of 111., Ur- bana, 1914 — . Address, 916 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 6250. DONALD TUNNICLIFFE GAMBLE (Husband of No. 8863) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 28, 1891, Ke- wanee. 111.; s. J. N. Gamble. Prepared in Ke- wanee H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Class Baseball; Class Basketball; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1913. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Kewanee, 111. Married Mary E. Water- man ('17), F 20, 1919. Address, R. 2, Kewanee, Ill.t 6251. JAMES FRANKLIN GARRETT (Husband of No. 6497) Chem.; B. S. in Chem. Eng. ; b. Ja 23, 1890, Kinmundy, 111.; s. Benjamin (b. Jl 26, 1851, do.) and Fina (Howell) Garrett (b. F 24, 1861, do.). Prepared in Kinmundy H. S. ; Valparaiso Univ. Alpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Varsity Baseball. Factory Mgr., Permutit Co., New York City, 1913-16; Chief Chem., Gen. Chem. Co., Cleveland, 1916; Chief Chem., Dela- ware Works of Gen. Chem. Co., Warcus Hook, Pa. Mem., Chemists' Club, New York City, 1916 — ; A. C. S., 1914 — . Married Bernice Mae guinn ('14), O 5, 1914, La Fayette, 111, Child, orothy Marilyn, b. Je 9, 191 5. Address, 907 Jefferson St., Wilmington, Delaware; bits, add., Delaware Works of General Chemical Co., Warcus Hook, Pa. 6252. DELLA GASKILL (DOERR) (Wife of No. 5636) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F i. 1891, Joliet, 111.; d. Lyman Hooper (b. Mr 4, 1834, Lisbon, O.) and Cornelia Ann (Whittlesey) Gaskill (b. F 18, 1851, N. Y.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. ; Univ. of Chicago, 1910-11. Omicron Nu. Teacher, H. Sc, Assumption, 111., 1914-15. Married Harold Francis Doerr ('13), Ag 26, 1915, Joliet, 111. Child, Helen Frances, b. Je 25, 191 7. Address, 5210 Cornell Ave., Chicago. 6253. HELEN BEATRICE GERE (BEN- SON) A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 21, 1892, Urbana; d. Chester Clark (b. Mr 30, 1865, do.) and Nellie Pauline (Strachan) Gere (b. O 5, 1870, Oshawa, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma; Omicron Nu; W. A. A. Married Elbert Colin Benson, Je i:, 1 9 18, El Paso, Tex. Address, 120 N. High St., Albuquerque, N. M. 6254. ROY LYLE GETMAN Div. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 3. 1891 Fullerton, N. Dak.; s. L. H. Getman. Pre pared in Harvard LI. S. C. E. Club; K. O T. B. Div. Engr., Vermilion Co. Bond, Dan ville, 111. 313th Engrs., Co. E., Camp Dodge la., 1918 — . Address, 504 Hazel St., Dan- ville, Ill.t 6255. FREDERICK JOHN GIEHLER (Husband of No. 6169) Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 17, 1891, Ottawa, 111.; s. William (b. (ler.) and Augusta (Lemke) Giehler (b. do.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Theta Chi; Scabbard and Blade: Capt. and Regimental Quartermaster, Univ. Regt. Appraising Engr., Chicago, 1914-15; Const, work, Ottawa, 111., 1915-16; do., Chicago, 1916; Instr., la. St. Coll., Ames. la.. 1916-17; .\sst. to Supt., Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co., Ottawa, 111., Je 1917 — . Married Hazel B. Coffey ('14), Ag 30, 1916, Blue Island, 111. Child, Marjorie Jean Giehler, b. Ag 13, 1917. Address, 617 Pearl St., Ottawa, 111.; bus. add., Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co., do. 6256. MARY ELSIE GILDERSLEEVE Co. Home Adviser; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 15, 1885, Hudson, 111.; d. James T. (b. Mr 9, 1861, do.) and Nettie Annie (Ham) Gilder- sleeve (b. Mr 26, 1865, do.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch. Omicron Nu; Phi Delta Psi; Kappa Delta Pi; H. Sc. Club; Country Life Club. Teacher, H. Sc. and Biol., Tp. H. S., Pawnee, 111., 1914-17; Emergency Home Demonstration Agt. for U. S. l3ept. of Agr. and Univ. of 111. Co-operating, Ja 1918; Co. Home Adviser, F 1918 — . Address, Aledo, 111. 6257. PHILIP HILTON GOLDBERG Jeweler; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 6, 1893, Chicago; s. Hyman (b. Saval Russia) and Anna Goldberg (b. Mnisch, Russia). Pre- pared in Evanston Acad. Jeweler, Lewy Bros. Co., Chicago, 1914 — . Married Bertha Lewy Silverberg, Je 11, 1916, Chicago. Address, 5728 S. Park Ave., Chicago. 6258. RAE A. GOLDMAN Social Worker; A. B. in L. A.^ & S. ; b. S 14, 1891, Indianapolis; d. David Goldman. Pre- pared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S. Social Service. Address, 920 S. 6th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 6259. ALBERT GONSIOR Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Je 4, 1890, Chicago; s. Nathaniel (b, do.) and Eleonora Treeridder (b. do.). Prepared in Crgne Tech. H. S. Chi Phi; Sigma Tau; Theta Nu Ep- silon; Fresh. Football and Track; Varsity Track Squad. Asst. Facility Engr., Chicago Telephone Co.; Engr., Lehigh Portland Cement Co., 1916-17. 1st Lt. Engrs., R. C, 311th Engrs., Camp Grant, 111. Bus. Mgr., Pyramid of Sigma Tau, Quarterly Mag., 1914-16. Ad- dress, 5455 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 6260. LEOLA GOODMANN (SCALES) (Wife of No. 6540) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag i, 1891, Sadorus, 111.; d. Joseph Otto (b. Ag 28, 1861, do.) and Lizzie Jane (Styan) Goodmann (b. N 21, 1867, Eng.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club. Mar- ried Walter Howard Scales ('14), Je 9, 1915, Champaign. Children: Elizabeth Ann, b. Ag 10, 1916; Miriam Joan, b. S 20, 1918. Ad- dress, 35 Lisbon Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 6261. HELEN WINNIFREDE GRANT (PARR) (Wife of No. 5861) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 26, 1892, Cin- cinnati; d. William Robert (b. Jl 16, 1862, London, Eng.) and Florence (Blair) Grant (b. Mr 28, 1868). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher. Arthur, 111., 1915-16; do., H. S., Gillespie, 111. Mem., Red Cross; Com. Chm. in Council Nat. Defense. Married Clyde H!ar- rison Parr ('13), Jl 5, 1916, Urbana. Address, Benld, 111. 6262. GEORGE MANNERS GRANTHAM Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 5, 1889. Ladoga, Ind.; s. Thomas Jefferson (b. S 21, i860, do.) and Lillie May (White) Grantham (b. Mr 22, 1863, Linden, Ind.). Prepared in New Richmond (Ind.) H. S.; Waveland (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1907-8; Alpha Zeta. Soil Survey, Univ. of 111., 1914; Instr., Soils, Mich. .■\gr. (Toll., East Lansing, Mich., 1914 — . Mar- ried Martha Jeanette Hagen, D 22, 1914, Ma- homet, 111. Children: Dawn, b. N 17, 1915; George Richard, b. O 24, 1916. Address, East Lansing, Mich. 534 University of Illinois I1914 6263. BERTHA AGNES GREEN B. Mus.; b. F 13, 1888, Ivesdale, 111.; d. P. Green. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mu Kappa Alpha. Address, Ivesdale, 111. 62C4. ARTHUR RITCHIE GREENE (Brother of Nos. 2404, 3385) Fanner; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 24, 1891, Lisle, 111.; s. William Spencer (b. Ap 6, 1856, do.) and Jessie (Hibbard) Greene (b. Jl 18, i860, Chicago). Prepared in Ellsworth H. S., Naper- ville H. S.; N. W. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klux; Jr. Councilman, Stud. Union. Farmer, Lisle, 111.; Pres., Du Page Co. Agr. Improvement Assn.; Pres., Bd. of Educ, Non H. S. Dist. of Du Page Co. Mem., Epis. Church; Sec.-Treas., Du Page Co. Cow Testing Assn.; do., Du Page Co. Farmers Protective Assn.; St. Council of Defense. Mar- ried Rebecca Alice Brown, O 21, 1915, Decatur, 111. Address, Naperville, HI., R. F. D.; bus. add., Lisle, 111. 6265. ERWIN GRIESBAUM Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 17, 1891, New Baden, III. ; s. X. Griesbaum. Prepared in Univ. Acad.; McKendree Coll. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 4545 Chouteau Ave., St; Louis. 6266, WILLIAM LEROY GRIFFIN Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 15, 1890. Depue, 111.; s. Daniel W. (b. 1841, Vt.) and Elizabeth (Spangler) Griffin (b. Mr 4, 1847, Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Atkinson H. S.; Univ. Acad. Fencing Team. Reporter, Geneseo News, Geneseo, 111., 1914-15; City Ed., Geneseo Republic, do., 1916-17. 2nd Lt.. R. C. i6ist. Depot Brig., Camp Grant, 111. Address, Geneseo, 111. 6267. CLARENCE PATRICK GRIFFITH Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 7, 1889, Carthage Mo.; s. W. A. Griffith. Prepared in Carthage H. .S. ; Univ. of Wis. Arcus; Arch. Club. Supt., Bldg. Constr., Gilman. 111. Mar- ried Ruth C. Burt, Ag 5, 1915. Address, Gilman. Ill.t 6268. AVIS GWINN (Sister of Nos. 3007, 4689, 6924) Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 4, 1885, Oakland, 111.; d. Oliver (b. Je 23, 1858, Oak- land, 111.) and Sara (Wells) Gwinn (b. O 12, i860). Prepared in Oakland H. S. Delta Gam- ma; Yo Ma; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Ridge Farm, 111.; Instr., Home Econ., Univ. of Kan. .Address, 806 Goodwin Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Manhattan, Kan. 6269. RICHARD HARTLOFF HABBE Solicitor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 23, 1889, Evansville, Ind. ; s. John F. and Emma C. (Hartloff) Habbe. Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Indianapolis; Earlham Coll., 1908-9; Wahash Coll., 1910-11. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Class Basketball; Baseball. Solicitor, Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Indianapolis. 2nd Lt., R. O. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Harrison; 2nd Lt., F. A., U. S. R., A. P. O. 704, A. E. F., France; do., D Bat., 15th F. A., A. P. O. 716, do., Ja 1918; Hdqtrs. Co., F. A., Army of Occupation, Ger. Mem., Presby. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, 2351 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis; bits, add., 704 Fletcher Trust, do. 6270. STANLEY BEAR HADDEN (Husband of No. 6508) Min. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 26, 1892, Penfield, 111.; s. G. W. Hadden. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Married Sylvia P. Renner ('14), Penfield, 111. Child, Eliza Jane, b. N 1915- Address, Penfield, Ill.t 6271. RUSSELL PRITCHETT HALL Farmer and stock-raiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1892, Niantic, 111.; s. Charles Albert (b. N 28, 1847, Lexington, Ky.) and Laura (Averitt) Hall (b. My 29, 1854, Harristown, 111.). Prepared in Niantic H. S. ; Transylvania Univ., 1908-10. Alpha Delta Sigma; Acacia; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Univ. Band; Ben Franklin Club; Sr. liall Com.; Bus. Mgr., Agr. Farmer and Stock-raiser, Niantic, 111. O. M. Sergt., Field Remount Squadron 305, A. E. F. Address, Niantic, 111. 6272. THOMAS DENNISON HALL Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 20, 1890, Burghersdorf, Cape Province, S. Africa; s. C. D. Hall. Prepared in Rhodes Univ. Coll., Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope, S. Africa. Asst. Cham., Coll. of Agr., Potchefstroom, Union of S. Africa. Address. Box 91, Lady- brand, Union of S. Africa; bus. add., P. O. Box 181, Potchefstroom, do. 6273. RUTH HALLIDAY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 17, 1888, Hancock, Mich.; d. J. D. Hialliday. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Delta Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Illiola; Mask and Bauble; Pres., Sr. Illinae. Teacher, Ger., Jr. H. S., Binghamton, N. Y. Address, 315 Sylvan Court, Flint, Mich. 6274. PAUL ALBERT HANDKE Ceramist; B. S. in Ceram.; b. Ja. 20, 1886, St. Louis; s. August Philip and Fredericka Becker. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Fresh. Varsity basketball; Soph, and Jr. Class basketball; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Chm., Sr. Hat Com.; V. P. Stud. LTnion, and Home- coming Com., 1912-13. Ceram.. Purington Pav- ing Brick Co. Mem., Rotary Club; Elks Club. Married Myra Eberhart, O 10, 1916, Newton, la. Child. Jean Eberhart, b. N 29, 1917. Ad- dress, 260 S. Academy St., Galesburg, 111. 6275. ERNEST FLOYD HANES Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 20, J891, Mt. Morris. 111.; s. Dr. W. W. (b. J 13, 1861, Oregon, 111.) and Georgiana (Rohrer) Hanes (b. Mr 23, i860, Mt. Morris, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Morris Coll. Acad.; Mt. Morris Coll.. 1910- 12; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa; Le Cercle Frangais. U. S. N. R. F., Yeoman Sch., Great Lakes, 111., 1918. Address, Mt. Morris, 111. 6276. HELEN LEIGH HANES (OLIN) (Wife of G516; Sister of No. 5699) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N i, 1889, Spring- field, 111.; d. Samuel Jackson (b. Mr 31, 1862, Williamsville. 111.) and Ida May (Murray) Hanes (b. Ap 18, 1862, Dayton, O.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.; Columbia Univ., summer 1915. Gamma Phi Beta; H. Sc. Club; Choral Soc; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Spring- field, 111.. 1915; do., Nebraska, igi6; do., Springfield, 111., 191 7. Married Hubert Leon- ard Olin (g'14), Je 2, 1917, Springfield, 111. Child. Ida Helen, b. O 16, 1918. Address, 233 29th St., WoodcliflF, N. J. 6277. ORVILLE GERBER HANKINS Superintendent. Dept. of Agr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 9, 1892, Decatur, 111.; s. C. S. Hankins. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Supt., Dept. of J\gv., La. Indus. Inst., Ruston, La. Address, c/o La. Indus. Inst., Ruston, La.t 6278. MABEL LAURINE HANSEN Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ja 28, 1893, Jackson, Minn.; d. Peter (b. 1858, Denmark) and Laurina (Larson) Hansen (b. 1857, do.). Prepared in Jackson (Minn.) H. S.; Carleton I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 535 Coll., 1910-11. Sigma Kappa; Alpha Beta Phi. Teacher, Alexis, 111.; Roseville, 111. Mem., O. E. S., 1915. Address, Jackson, Minn. 6279. ROY HANSEN Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1918; b. Ag 14, 1889, Elgin, 111.; s. H. (b. Norway) and Martha (Nelson) Hansen (b. Bergen, do.). Prepared in Belvidere and Rock Island H. Schs. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. Research Work, Univ. of 111.; Instr., Univ. of 111. C. A. C, 2nd Co., 5th Tr. Camp, Ft. Monroe. Va., 1918; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Auth.: (with Dr. T. J. Burrill), Is Symbiosis Possible between Legume Bacter- ia and Non-legume Plants? E.vp. Sta. BiiL, Jl 1917. Address, 914 14th St., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add., 1002 S. 2nd St., Champaign. 6280. ROY WALFRED HANSON Contractor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 20, 1891, Oakland, Neb.; s. J. M. Hanson. Prepared in Oakland (Neb.) H. S. Contractor. Address, Oakland, Neb.t 6281. RALPH WILBUR HARBINGER Physician; A. B. in Med. Sc; b. Je 3, 1890, Mattoon, 111.; s. Dr. John Daniel (h. Lincoln, 111., 1870) and Niza E. Ilardinger (b. Mat- toon, 111., 1870). Prepared in Mattoon II. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915. Phi Rho Sigma; Phi Sigma Kappa. Interne, Cincinnati Gen. Hosp., 1915-16; Resident Surg., 1916; Asst. to Dr. C. A. L. Reed, Cincinnati. 1916-17. ist Lt., M. R. C, 191 7 — . Married Helen Venard, Je 17, 1916. Address, Gays, III. 6282. HARRIS JACOB HARMAN Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja i, 1891, Peoria; s. Jacob A. (b. Mr 7, 1866, Randolph Co., Mo.) and Emma (Flagg) Harman (b. O 13, 1865, Iroquois Co., 111.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Beta Theta Pi. Asst. Engr., Har- man Engng. Co., 1914-16; Branch Mgr., United Engr. Co., Flint, Mich., and Battle Creek, Mich., 1917; V. P. and Treas., Elliott & Har- man Engng. Co., Ja 1917 — . Mem., Univ. Club, Peoria; Kickapoo Golf Club. Married Lily Lucile Keithley, My 25, 1916, Peoria. Child. Amy Louise, b. Ag 8, 1918. Address, 146 Fredona Ave., Peoria. 6283. EDWARD CLARKE HARPER B. S. in A. E.; b. O 20, 1888, Minneapolis; s. J. C. Harper. Prepared in Enderlin (N. Dak.) H. S.; Univ. of N. Dak. ist Lt., Den- tal Corps., Arch. Dept., War dept., Washington, D. C. Address, Enderlin, N. Dak. 6284. HANNAH JEWELL HARRIS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 31, 1886, Lee, 111.; d. M. P. Harris. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Gamma; Alethenai; Le Cercle Frangais; Jr. Illinae Treas.; Sec, Woman's League; Class Day Com. Teacher, H. Sc, Waukegan. 111. Address, 230 Commonwealth Ave., Elgin, III. 6285. MARGARET RAY HARRIS (LEVIS) (Wife of No. 5785) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 10, 1892, Cham- paign; d. Henry Payne (b. Jl 24, 1855, Spring- field, O.) and Janet (Abdill) Harris (b. S 22, 1855). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Champaign Pub. Sch., 1914-15. Married William Edward Levis ('13), Je 29, 1915, Champaign. Address, 5ii State St., Alton, 111. 6286. WILLIAM HARRIS Superintendent; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 26, 1879; s. J. O. (b. Mr 6, 1849, Cannelton, Ind.) and Anne (Adams) Harris (b. Ag 28, 1 85 1, do.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Liniv. of 111., summers, 1911-14. Supt. of Schs., Altamont, 111., 1908- 16; do., Carlinville, 111., 1916-17; do., Shelby- ville,^ 111., 1917 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Laura A. Parks, Dexter, 111., 1904. Children: William Russell; Charles Overton; Raymond Parks; Dorothy Winifred. Address, Shelbyville, 111. 6287. PAUL MATHEW HART Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 3, 1891, Clinton, 111.;, s. J. Hart. Prei^ared in Clinton H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Class Base- ball, 1910-12. Air Brakeman, Clinton, 111. 2d Lt., Ord., U. S. R. Address, 221 S. George St., Clinton, 111. 6288. NELLE MAE HARTSOCK Cafeteria Mgr.; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ja 3, [891, Clinton, 111.; d. Charles Milton (b. D 31, 1861, O.) and Anna Lingle (Walker) Hartsock (b. Ap 10, 1870, 111.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Omicron Nu; W. A. A.; Class Basket ball. Cafeteria Mgmt., Columbia Univ., Summer, 1917; Mgr. Pub. Sch. Lunch Rm., Decatur, 111., 1914 — . Address, R. 3, Clinton, 111.; bus. add., Decatur H. S., Decatur, 111. 6289. *EDWIN LAURIE HASKER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 23, 1890, Chicago; s. W. S. Hasker. Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Scabbard and Blade; Pres., Ionian; Ben Franklin Club; Lincoln League; Daily Illini Staff; Illinois Mag.; Illio Staff; Dope Sliect; Treas., Illini Pub. Co.; Jr. Cap Com.; Capt., 1914; Winner of Peace Contest, 1914; Class Day Com. Ed., Kankakee Gazette, Kankakee, 111. Died Mr 12, 1916, Chicago. 6290. ALICE RUTH HATCH (Daughter of No. 237; Sister of No. 4699) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 15, 1891, English Prairie, 111.; d. Frank Waite ('80), (b. Ta 1, 1857, Spring Grove, 111.) and Agnes Mary (Kimball) Hatch (b. F 17, 1857, do.). Pre- pared in Wilmot (Wis.) H. S.; Crystal Lake H. S.; Rockford Coll., 1909-10. Athenean; H. Sc. Club; Omicron Nu. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Crystal Lake, 111., 1914-15; do.. Math., do., 1918. Address, Antioch, 111. 6291. ROBERT ELIJAH HATTIS (HAT- OWSKI) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 12, 1894, Chicago; s. Philip (b. Minsk, Russia) and Lillian (Sager) Hattis (b. Ger.). Prepared in Joseph Medill H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Beta Phi; E. E. Soc; Menorah Soc; Fresh. Prelim., Spe- cial and Final Honors; Salutatorian; Sr. Stag Com.; Technograph Bd. Elec Engr., W. L. Fergus & Co., Chicago, 1914-16; Illuminating Engr. and Salesman, Central Elec. Co., Chi- cago, 1917-18; Outside Engr., Am. Telegraph & Telephone Co., and Asst. Chief Electn., Three Forks Portland Cement Co., Trident, Mont., 1918 — . Legally changed name from Hatowski to Hattis, Je 1916. Address, Tri- dent, Mont. 6292. ALFRED DEWITT HAWLEY Brass Merchant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 15, 1891. Pittsford, N. Y.; s. Frank Willis (b. Ogdensburg, N.' Y.) and Estelle Flora (Ives) Hawley (b. St. Louis). Prepared in Pittsford (N. Y.) H. S.; E. H. S.^ Rochester, N. Y. C. E. Club; Min. E. Club. Dairy Mgr., Pittsford, N. Y., 1914-15; Export Bus., New York City, 1915; Brass Bus., Waterbury, Conn., 1915-17. 2nd Lt., A. S. S. R. C, Cam]) Dick, Tex., 1917 — . Married Ella MacKinnon, D 31, 19 18, Dallas. Tex. Address, Pittsford, N. Y.; bus. add., Waterbury, Conn. 536 University of Illinois I1914 6293. PAUL HAYHURST Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 14, 1878, Kansas City, Mo.; s. Edward M. Hayhurst. Prepared in N. Y. St. Norm. Sch., Fredonia, N. Y. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1904. Mgr., Fruit Farm, Sabot, Va. Address, Sabot, Va.t 6294- AUGUST GEORGE HECHT Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 6, 1892, Overland, Mo.; s. John (b. Bremen, Ger.) and Mary (Krueger) Hecht (b. Waterloo, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Der Deutsche Verein; Floricultural Club. Instr., Univ. of III., 1914-17; Head, Dept. of Floriculture, Mass. Agr. Coll., Amherst, Mass., 191 7 — . 2d Lt., Inf., 4th Camp, Camp Sherman, O. ; Mustered out, D 24, 1918. Married Olive M. Neville, D 10, 1917. Child, son, b. Ja 1919. Address, 5946 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis. 6295. EMIL N. HEIDKAMP Salesman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 26, 1890, Chicago; s. E. M. Heidkamp. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. O. R. T. C, Camp Sheridan, 111., 1918; 2nd Lt., Inf., 1918 — . Address, 2125 Wilson Ave., Chicago. 6296. FRED HENDERSON (Brother of No. 7603) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 28, 1890, Camden, Ala.; s. William (b. Scotland) and Hettie (Lossing) Henderson (b. Can.). Pre- pared in Monmouth H. S. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klu.x; Mawan-da; Fresh. Varsity Track; Sr. Hat Com.; Home- coming Com. Postmaster, Miller's Ferry, Ala.; Raising cotton and cattle, do. 2nd Lt., Co. M, 5th Inf.. Repl. Regt., Camp Gordon, Ga.; Mus- tered out, D 31, 1918. Address, Miller's Ferry, Ala. 6297. HENRY HARRISON HENLINE Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 12, 1889, Colfax, 111.; s. Henry Calvin and Sarah Lucinda (Wiley) Henline. Prepared in Colfa.x H. S. ; Chicago Central Sta. Inst., 1915-16. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Instr., Sc. and Math.. H. S. (Jktaha, Okla., 1914-15; 111. Maintenance Co., Chicago; 1916-17; Instr., Elec. Engng., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., Stanford Univ., Calif., 1917 — • 3rd Recruit Co., Camp Taliaferro; San Diego, Calif.; 2nd Lt., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out 1918. Married Adele Poole. Ja 26, 1915, Berkeley, Calif. Child. Henry Harrison. Jr., b. Ja 4, 1919. Address, Box 114, Colfax, 111.; bus. add.. Box looi Stanford University P. O., Calif. 6298. THOMAS McDONALD HEPBURN (Brother of No. 3025) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. F s, 1888, Emmettsburg, la.; s. J. G. and Jessie McDon- ald Hepburn. Prepared in Genoa H. S. L. & A. R. R. Co., Stamps, Ark.; Civ. Engr., Genoa. 111.; Engng. Dept., P. C. C. & St. L. R. R., Terre Haute, Ind. Married Marjorie Goebel. Ja 19, 1918, Terre Haute, Ind. Address, Genoa, 111.; bus. add., 815 N. oth St., Terre Haute. Ind. 6299. CARRIE BELLE HERDMAN (Daughter of No. 390; Sister of No. 4201) A. B. in Sc; b. F 27, 1892, Indianapolis; d. Frank Elmer ('84), (b. O 6, 1862, Monmouth, 111.) and Mary Tilden (Victor) Herdman. Pre- pared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kappa Delta Pi; Yo Ma; Alethenai; Scribbler's Club; W. A. A.; 1914 Illio Staff; III. Mag. Bd. ; Cap and Gown Com. Presby. Hosp. Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Chicago. .4ddress, 554 Oak Ave.. Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., 1750 W. Congress St., Chicago. 6300. CHARLIE BROWN HERSHEY Coll. Pres.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 14, 1878, Gettysburg, O. ; s. Adam Baer (b. Ja 9, 1846, Lancaster, Pa.) and Susan Mary (Brown) Hershey (b. O 25, 1850, Gettysburg, O.). Pre- pared in Union Christian Acad, and Coll., 1^905-7. Pastor, Inst. Country Church, Farmer City, 111.; Pres.. Union Christian Coll., Merom, Ind. Married Zare Hope Faught, Ag 20, 1007, Annapolis, 111. Address, Merom, Ind. 6301. CAROLINE ELIZABETH HESSELBAUM Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ta 11, 1888, Mallington, 111.; d. John F. (b. My 7, i860, Gothenburg, Sweden) and Bertha (Barker) Hesselbaum (b. Jl 22, 1864, Stavanger, Norway). Prepared in \V. Aurora H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1904-06. Teacher, Evanston 111., 1914-16; do.. No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1916-18. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 190 River St., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., 185 W. Lincoln Highway, DeKalb, 111. 6302. MAX BROWN HIGGINS Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 8, 1889, Joliet, 111.; s. Daniel Frank (b. My 2. 1848, Naperville, 111.) and Mary (Brown) Higgins (b. Je 16, i860, Elmwood, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Triangle; Arch. Club. Chief Engr., The Texas Co., Dallas. Tex.. 1914-15; Houston Tex., 1915; Port Arthur, Tex., 1915- 17; Port Neches, Tex., 1917-18. Chra., 2nd Liberty Loan Com., Port Neches, Tex. Married Lisetta Neukom, Je 23, 1917, Beaumont, Tex. Address, Port Neches, Tex, 6303, CHARLES FRANCIS HILL Teacher; A. B. in Sc; A. M., 1916; b. Ag 12, 1887, Janesville, 111.; s. Douglas (b. My 8, 1858, do.) and Mamie (Hedden) Hill (b. Ap 18, 1863, Oaktown, Ind.). Prepared in East III. St. Norm. Sch. .-Xsst. in Physics and Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., Urbana, 1914 — . Address, 1 1 07 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 6304. CHAUNCEY STEVENS HILL (Brother of Nos. 2419, 4208, 4209) Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 17, 1890, Champaign; s. Celeston Sylvester (b. Ap 6, 1854, Epworth, la.) and Mary Luena (Stevens) Hill (b. D I. 1857. New Hartford, la.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Delta Upsilon; Helmet; Univ. Soc. Land. Arch. Head, Dept. of Land. Gard., Univ. of Wis.; Land. Arch., Peoria. Address, .311 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign; bus, add., 402 College St., Apt. B, Peoria. 6305. JOHN W. HILL Inspector: B. S. in C. E.; b. N 16, 1888, Chicago; s. William Hill. Prepared in Engle- wood H. S. Address, 6064 Sangamon St., Chicago, 6306. WILMA MARIE HILL (BAKER) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 21, 1891, Dayton, Ind.; d. Samuel C. (b. Ja 20, 1862) and Mary (Hildebrandt) Hill (b. Je 20, 1864, Lafayette, Ind.). Prepared in Lafayette (Ind.) H. S.; Prep. Dept. Oxford Coll. for Women, 1909-11. Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Plib. Schs., Lafayette. Ind., 1915-16. Married Dwight Robert Baker, Ap 25, 191 7, Dayton, Ind. Address, Dayton, Ind. 6307. ARTHUR BURGESS HILLMAN Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 24, 1889, Chicago; s. Frederick (b. Eng.) and Elizabeth (Burgess) Ilillman (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Track Elevation and Const., C. & W. I. Ry., Chicago; Asst. Engr., Maintenance of Way and Structure, Belt Ry, Co., do. 2nd Tr. Camp, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; rst Lt., Inf. R. C, 159th Depot Brig., Camp I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 537 Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1917-18; ist Lt., 801 Pioneer Inf. R. C, do. Capt., 41st Div., Inf., A. E. F., France; Mustered out. Mr 16, 1919- Mem., Am. Assn. of Engrs. Married Anne Williamine Balling. Ap 19. 1918, Chicago. Ad- dress, 334 W. 58th St., Chicago. 6308. HAZEL ELIZABETH HINSHAW (LUEBBEK) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 21, 1886; d. Dr. Dougan Clark (b. Ap 22, 1858, Hortonville, Ind.) and Effie (Dicken) Hinshaw (b. Mr 1862, Ridge- farm, 111.). Prepared in Ridgefarm H. S.; Glendale Coll. Delta Gamma; Sr. Council; H. Sc. Club. Dir., Dept., H. Sc, Mont. St., LTniv., Normal Div., Dillon, Mont., 1914-16. Mem., Shakespere Club. Married Thomas Eilert Luebben, S 27, 1916, Ridgefarm, 111. Child, Thomas Eilert, Jr., b. S 20, 1917. Ad- dress, 514 S. Pacific St., Dillon, Mont. 6309. *JACKSON EDWARD HIRSCHL B. S. in A. E.; b. F 6, 1890. Grant Tp., la.; s. F. Hirschl. Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Ilus; Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Davenport, la. Bat. B, la. Nat. Guard. Died My 31, 1917, Davenport, la. 6310. AXEL MAGNUS HJORT Physiologist; A. B. in Sc; M. S., 191 5; b. N 28, 1889, Chicago; s. Axel F. (b. Ja 15, 1858, Sweden) and Charlotte M. Mellin (b. S 9, 1857, do.). Prepared, in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Muskegon (Mich.) H. S. ; Univ. of Chicago, 1909-10; Yale, 1915-18. Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu. Stud. Instr., Yale Med. Sch., 1917-18: Asst. Physiol., V. S. Gas Investigation, Bur. of INIines, 191 7 — . Med. Reserve Corps. New Haven, Conn.; Mus- tered out, D 14, 1918. Address, 434 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. 6311. WILLIAM BROOKS LIODGINS Farmer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 22, 1890, Texarkana, Ark.; s. W. J. Hodgins. Prepared in Little Rock (Ark.) H. S. Address, 700 Sum- mit Ave., Little Rock, Ark. 6312. FRANK JOSEPH HOFFMAN Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 28, 1890, Sharpsville, Ind.; s. Michael (b. North Vernon. Ind.) and Mary Antoinette (Mullarkey) Hoff- man (b. Franklin, Ind.). Prepared in Dayton, O.; Ind. Univ., 1909-10. Phi Kappa Sigma; Scarab. Arch., Davenport, la.; Lafayette, Ind.; Indianapolis. O. R. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Har- rison, Ind., 191 7; ist Lt. Q. M. C, N. A., Camp Zachary Taylor,- Ky., 1917 — . Address, Sharpsville, Ind. 6313. , *WALTER EDWARD HOLMES B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Je 28, 1890, Chi- cago; s. Matthew M. Holmes. Prepared in Lake H. S. Tech. copywriter, Engng. Record. Chicago. Died O 1916. Chicago. 6314. ARTHUR PARKER HOLT (Brother of No. 5729) Pomologist; P>. S. in Agr.; b. D 7, 1892, Cincinnati; s. Emery Wilson (b. .Ap 21. 1864, Concord, N. H.) and Bessie Ford (Cole) Holt (b. Ja 27. 1866, Cincinnati). Preparetl in Ur- bana H. S. Chi Phi. Growing apples. Flora, 111., 1914. 2nd Lt., LI. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111.; 2nd Lt., Fjt. Worth, Tex.: Honorable discharge, 1919. Address, 1606 A Belcourt Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 6315. FRANKIE HOLTOX (BURKE) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 20, 1887, Hill City, S. Dak.; d. Frank D. (b. Jl 28, 1830, Indian- ola. 111.) and Jennie (Shed) Holton (b. 1868, Warrensburgh ]Mo.). Prepared in Sidell H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; Pres., Y. W. C. A., 1913-14; Pres., Jr. Illinae, 1912-13. Acting Sec, Y. W. C. A., Univ. of 111., 1914-15. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Gordon Burke, M. D., S 2. 1915, Sidell, 111. Child, Herbert Caryl, b. Mr 25, 1917. Address, c/o C. W. Onton, Sumner, Wash. 6316. FERDINAND HOMANN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 18, 1879, Mattoon, 111. Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Address, Mattoon, Ill.t 6317. ISABEL HOOVER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 8, 1892, Bushnell, 111.; s. P. C. Hoover. Prepared in St. Mary's Sch., Knoxville, 111. Delta Gamma. Address, 207 N. Hail St., Bushnell, Ill.t 6318. ELLIOTT BUDD HOPKINS .\utomobile Dealer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 3 1889, Chicago; s. George Emory (b. Jl 31, 1862, Utica, N. Y.) and Nellie (Deane) Hojjkins (b D 10, i856, Peoria). Prepared in Racine (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Delta Phi; Ma-wan-da; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Councilman, 111. Union; Sec. Sr. Class; Class Football. Insp., Fin- ished Cars, Lozier Motor Co., Detroit, 1914; Exp. Engr., Dodge Bros., Detroit, 1914; Dist. Salesman, Dodge Bros., Cleveland, 1914-16; Owner, Hopkins Motor Co., Wheeling. W. Va., 1916-17. Capt., F. A., Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 1917; 342nd F. A., Camp Funston, 1918; Com- manding ist Bat. O. T. C, do.; Capt., 342nd F. A., A. E. F., France; Army of Occupation, Ger. Address, Wheeling, W. Va. 6319. ROY ARTHUR HORNING Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Ap 4, 1893, Hutsonville, 111.; s. Arthur W. (b. Jl 2, 1854, Dayton, O.) and Mary Allice { Baber) Horning (b. Mr 7, 1864, Kansas, 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Ceram. Club; Jr. Cap Com. Ceram. Engr., Armstrong Cork Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. ist Lt., C. A. C, Bat. B, 50th Artillery, A. E. F., France. Developed new method of transmitting heat thru solid bodies. Auth.: Articles pub. by Am. Ceram. Soc Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc .-Iddress, Paris, 111. 6320. LOUIS JULIUS HORWJCH (Brother of No. 9140) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. My i, 1893, Chicago; s. Harris (b. Russia) and Sarah Hor- wich (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Cosmopolitan Club: Arch. Club. Ad- dress, 1428 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. 6321. HELEN ELIZABETH HOUGH (BRANYAN) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1890, Atlanta. 111.; d. Dr. C. F. Hough. Prepared in Ward Belmont Coll., Nashville. Pi Beta Phi. Mar- ried Hugo Branyan, O 14, 1914. Child, Nancy ^Margaret, b. My 1, iqi6. Address, Clude, N. Dak. 6322. JOHN SMITH HOUSMAN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. Ag 6, 18S8, Burnside, 111.; s. A. Housman.^ Prepared in L'niv. Acad. Mech. Engr., Goodman Mfg. Co., Chicago. Address. Llalsted and 48th Place, (Thicago. 6323. EDWARD GARDINER HOWE. JR. (Brother of Nos. 2131, 2702, 3033, 3785, 9143) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N i, 1891, Chi- cago; s. Edward Gardiner (b. 1849. Brook- line, Mass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Barnard) Howe (b. 1855, Chicago). Prepared in LIrbana H. S.; Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Univ. Acad. Agr. Club. Married Elsie Hudson, University of Illinois [1914 Je 21, 1916, Hammond, Ind. Child, Helen Louise, b. Mr 20, 1918. Address, R 4, Crown Point, Ind. 6324. HAROLD JAMES HOWE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 11, 1892, Galesburg, 111.; s. James Robert (b. Mr 12, 1863, Aurora, 111.) and Hattie Viola (Page) Howe (b. O 2, 1S70, Galesburg, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg II. S., Knox Coll., 1909-10; Mo. St. Univ., 1910-11. Ilus; Delta Sigma Rho; Ionian; Ill.-Minn. Debate; Staff, 111. Magazine; lllio ; 111. -Ind. Debate, 1913; Pres. 111. Assn. of Literary Soc, 1914; V. P. Northern Ora- torical League. Lawyer, Chicago. Mem., M. E. Church, 1918; Chicago Bar Assn., 1915; A. F. A. M., 191 5; mini Club, Chicago; Wood- lawn Shakespeare Club, 19 14. Married Mae Hazen, S 30, 191 7, Galesburg, 111. Address, 1008 E. Marquette Road, Chicago. 6325- HERBERT EDWARD HOWES Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 6, 1890, High- land Park, 111.; s. Ralph Atherton (b. Green- field, Mass.) and Fanny Etta (Blasier) Howes (b. Williamsburg, la.). Prepared in Curtis H. S., Chicago. Scabbard and Blade; j\Iajor, Univ. Regt. ; Class Football. Farmer, Wheaton, 111., 1914-15; Nashville, Tenn., 1915-16; Pros- pect Sta., Tenn., 1916 — . Married Rhoda Hiestand, D 26, 1916, Chicago. Address, R 2, Prospect Sta., Tenn. 6326. TSUNY HAN HSU Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 8, 1886, Shan- tung, China; s. Pen Hsu. Prepared in Shan- tung Prov. H. S. Cosmojiolitan Club; Chinese Student's Club; Geol. Jour. Club. Teacher, Tsi-Nan-Fu, Agr. Coll., Shantung, China. Ad- dress, c/o Agr. Coll., Shantung, China. t 6327. CECIL A. HUGHES Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 23, 1889, Hinds- boro, 111.; s. Cecil A. Hughes. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; 111. Soc. of Agron.; Country Life Club; Agr. Dance Com., 1913-14; Prelim. Honors. Address, Al- ton, lU.t 6328. JAMES ALBERT HUNTER Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1890, Seward, 111.; s. George Francis (b. 1S55, Pay- son, 111.) and Abbie (Ayres) Hunter (b. 1862, Galesburg, 111.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Theta Delta Chi; Ma-wan-da; Adelphic; Varsity Track; Pres., Y. M. C. A. Instr., Govt. Norm. Coll., Peking, China, 1914-16; Stud., McCormick Theological Sem., Chicago. Address, Heading Ave., Peoria,; bus. add., 2330 N. Halsted St., Chicago. 6329. JOSEPH ALFRED HUSTON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 19, 1885, Gibson City, 111.; s. John Huston. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Lawyer, Equitable Life Ins. Co., Chicago. Ad- dress, 628 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago. t 6330. RUTH HUTCHINSON (SOMERS) A, B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 20, 1891, Carroll, 111.; s. Philip Hutchinson. Prepared in Hamp- ton (la.) H. S.: Grinnell Coll. Pi Beta Phi. Married Leslie V. Somers. Address, 34th and IngersoU Ave., Des Moines. t 6331. NOBTARO IN.\GAKI E.xporter; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1914; b. O 27, 1884, Tokyo, Japan; s. Seyiro (b. do.) and Sumi (Yamada) Inagaki (b. do.). Pre- Iiared in Whitworth Coll., Tacoma. Wash. Pres., Japanese Club: Cosmopolitan Club. Ex- port Dept., Masuda & Co., Kobe, Japan, 1915- 16; do., Yokohoma. Japan, 1910. ist Inf Regt.. Tokio, Japan. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Satoko Okano, O 7, 1916, Tokio, Japan. Child. Yanko. b. Jl 19, 19:7. Address, 1267 Mina- misenw, Tokyo-fu, Japan. 6332. EDA AUGUSTE JACOB Home Demonstration Agt.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 23, 1891, Quincy, 111.; d. Ernst W. and Auguste (John) Jacob. Prepared in Ur- liana H. S. H. Sc. Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Omicron Nu; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-14. Home Demonstration Agt., Advisor to Home Improvement Assn.. Granite City, 111. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Murphysboro, 111.; bus. add., 1904 D St., Granite City, 111. 6333. MARVIN EDWARD JAHR Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 31, 1881, Neillsville, Wis.; s. Emil Jahr. Prepared in Neillsville (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1905. Asst., Soils, Univ. of Wis., 1910-11; Asst. and Assoc, Farm Mech., Univ. of 111., 191 1 — . Auth.: 111. Farmers' Inst., Circular No. 7; Principles and Practices of Land Drain- age. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Emma Selbeinagel, Ag 20, 1912, Madison, Wis. Child, Helen Gertrude, b. N 7, 1916. Address, 1003 S. 6th St., Champaign. 6334. JOHN MOLLER JANSON Cliemist; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Ag 22, 1889, New- York City; s. Peter Janson. Prepared in E. Orange (iST. J.) H. S. Chem. Club; A. C. S.; Congr. Guild. Address, East Orange, N. J.f 6335. DORETTE JOHN (RUSHER) (Wife of No. 5392) .\. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 23, 1888, Des Moines; d. Milo G. (b. Jl 27, 1865, Springfield, O.) and Maude E. (Thayer) John (b. Jl 15, 1864, Mus- catine, la.). Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Delta Gamma. Teacher, H. Sc, Pub. Schs., Clinton, la. Married Floyd E. Rusher ('12), Ja I, 1918, Clinton, la. Address, 209 S. 33rd St., Omaha, Neb. 6336. WILFORD ESPIN JOHNS (Husband of G176) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 9, 1891, Rock- ford, 111.; s. Frank (b. My 30, 1862, do.) and Ada May (Sauber) Johns (b. Jl 29, 1869, do.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Zeta Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta; Ma-wan-da; Agr. Club; Ben Franklin Club; Crystal Dancing Club; Bus. Mgr., IHio; Ed. Staff, III. Agr.; Chm., Fresh. Stag Com.; Homecoming Com.; Prelim, and Final Honors. Farmer, Rock- cliffe farm, Rockford, 111., 1914 — . Auth.: Ar- ticles in Current Agr. Jour. Mem., A. F. R. M.; Univ. Club, Rockford, Hi.; Univ. of 111. Club. Married Ida Belle Dewey (g'14), Ag 22, 1914, Rockford, 111. Children: Elizabeth Dewey, b. My 2, 1915; Clarice Ida, b. Jl 18, 1916; Margaret Eveline, b. Je 27, 1917. Ad- dress, R 6, Rockford, 111. 6337. ROBERT CARL JOHNSON Teacher; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 17, 1892, Pana, 111.; s. Robert Sanders (b. 1863, do.) and Mamie (Monts) Johnson (b. 1867, Zanes- ville. O.). Prepared in Pana H. S. and Pana Tp. H. S. Cml. Club. Cml. Teacher. Illiopolis, 111., 1915-17; Centralia, 111., 1917 — . Detach- ment No. 6, Aircraft Prod., Detroit. 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Address, 408 E. 2nd St., Pana, 111. 633S. ROBERT ULYSSES JOHNSON With Standard Oil Co.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 8, 1888, Chicago; s. J. T. Johnson. Pre- pared in Lewis Inst. Fresh. Varsity Base- ball; lllio Art Staff, 1913: Arch. Club. Texas Co., Houston, Tex.; Standard Oil Co., Chicago. Address, 1712 Francisco St., Chicago. 6339. HERBERT W. JORY Asst. Foreman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. O 25, 1892, Hobart, Ind.; s. Thomas A. Jory. Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 53Q Club. Asst. Foreman, Chicago. 2nd Lt., Cen- tral O. Tr. Sch., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, 7318 Everhart Ave., Chicago.t 6340. 'CHEN CHI KAN B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. D 6, 1893, Shanghai, China. Prepared in Nan Yang Acad. Cos- mopolitan Club; Cml. Club. Died Ag 13, 1915, White Haven, Pa. 6341. ROY ALEXANDER KANE Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 13, 1889, Bimghar, la.; s. A. Kane. Prepared in Ga. Sch. of Tech. Acanthus; Arch. Club; Fresh. Varsity Swimming; Jr. Svi^imming and Water Polo. Address, 408 N. 22d St., Omaha, Neb.f 6342. FRANK JOSEPH KARCHER A. B. in Sc; b. Je 7, 1890, Herscher, 111.; s. Frank Karcher. Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Rush Med. Coll. Address, Herscher, 111. 6343. HENRY GILBERT KARGES Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. F s, 189 1, Evansville Ind.; s. Henry J. (b. S 8, 1866, do.) and Edith Zetta (Canter) Karges (b. D 23, 1872, do.). Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) H. S. Theta Chi; Class Basketball; Sr. Breakfast com. Draftsman and Supt., W. E. Russ, Arch., Indianapolis, 1914-1915; Supt. of Const, of Hotel McCurdy. Evansville, Ind., 1915-17; Head of Evansville, Ind. office of W. E. Russ, Arch., 191S — . Married Bess Ethel Milnor, Ja 10, 1917, Indianapolis. Child, John Milnor, b. My 14, 1918. Address, 814 Adams Ave., Evansville, Ind. 6344. ROBERT FERDINAND KAUN (Bother of No. 5753) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 21, 1889, Chicago; s. Robert H. (b. D 14, 1863, Ger.) and Gertrude (Greene) Kaun (b. D 12, 1865, do.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S.; Armour Acad. Champion Class Baseball. Engr. , Com- monwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 1915; Am. Steel Foundry Works, 1916-18, Hammond, Ind., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 1918 — . Address, Ottawa, 111. 6345. ARCH FLOYD KEEHNER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 19, 1891, Jerseyville, 111.; s. John (b. do.) and Sarah (Dawn) Keehner. Prepared in Jersayville H. S. C. E. Club. Jr. Engr., 111. St. Highway Comn., 1914-16; Const, and Office Engr., Division i, 1917-18. U. S. A., Camp Bradley, Peoria, 1918 — . Address, Jerseyville, 111. 6346. BESSIE OPAL KELLER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 31, 1892, Bondville, 111.; d. Peter (b. N 27, 1864, Logan, O.) and Ella Bell (Flowers) Keller (b. S 21. 1867, Bondville. 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; O. St. Univ., 1912-13. Teacher, Eng. and Math., H. S., Sandusky, O.. 1918 — . Address, Bondville, III.; bus. add., 421 Franklin St., Sandusky, O. 6347. RALPH LEVERETT KELLEY (Husband of No. 6406; Brother of No. 7682) Supt. Const.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 27, 1889, Elgin, 111.; s. Walter Scott (b. Pingree Grove, 111.) and Nellie A. (Guptill) Kelley (b. Je 30, 1868, Elgin, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Asst. Supt., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1914-17; Supt. Const., S. R. C, A. S., 1917 — . In Mil. Service, F 7, 1918; In charge Aviation Fields, Lake Charles, La. ist Lt., Gen. Supt. of Const., Seattle. Tex. and La. Married Olivetta McKee ('14), N 25, 1915. Fairbury, 111. Address, 783 South St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., c/o Alexander Lumber Co., Fort Worth, Tex. 6348. FREDERICK NEWCOMB KENYON Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 27, 1890, Shell Rock, la.; s. Theodore S. (b. O 30, 1856, Kenton Co., Ky.) and Minnie (Newcomb) Ken- yon (b. S II, 1859, Butler Co., la.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst., igog-io. Farmer and fruit grower, Yuba City, Calif., 1914 — . Mar- ried Inez Mabel Hewitt, Je 15, 1918, Yuba City, Cal. Address, Yuba City, Calif. 6349. OSCAR B. KERCHER (Brother of No. 6350) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 27, 1890, Goshen, Ind.; s. Abraham (b. Mr 23, 1853, Lancaster, Pa.) and Anna (Buzzard) Kercher (b. My II, 1855, Warren Co., Pa.). Prepared m (ioshen (Ind.) H. S. Adelphic; C. E. Club. 111. St. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111. 3rd O. R. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1917; Mustered out, N 21, 1918. Address, 1203 S. 8th St., Goshen, Ind. 6350. OTIS KERCHER (Brother of No. 6349) Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 9, 1892, Go- shen, Ind.; s. Abraham (b. Mr 23, 1853, Lan- caster, Pa.) and Anna (Buzzard) Kercher (b. My II, 1855, Warren Co., Pa.). Prepared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S. Adelphic; Agr. Club; Alssoc. Ed., 111. Agr.; Agr. Dance Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; Sergt.-at-arms, Jr. Class; V.. P., Sr. Class. Agr. Exten. Work, Lexington, Ky. Married Genevieve Williams, D 31, 1914, Sid- ell, 111. Address, 326 Grosvenor Ave., Lexing- ton, Ky. ; bus. add., Kentucky Experiment Sta- tion, do. 6351- ESTHER ALLEN KERN (EYMAN) (Wife of No. 6220; Sister of No. 5759) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 31, 1891, Cherry Val- ley, 111.; d. Ollie J. and Jessie Cora (Allen) Kern. Prepared in Rockford II. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1908-10. Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; H. Sc. Club; Final Honors. Head of II. Sc. Dept., Norm. Sch., Kent, O., 1914-15. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Ralph Lee Eyman ('14), Ag 20, 1914, Green Castle, Ind. Child, David Russell, b. Ja 21, 1917. Address, 910 W. Honey Ave., Normal, 111. 6352. PAUL FRANCIS KERRIGAN Engineer; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 8, 1892, Chi- cago; s. J. J. Kerrigan. Prepared in Michigan City (Ind.) H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Scarab; Hoof and Horn Club. F. A. C. O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky. ; 2nd Lt., 46th Class Sch. of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 14. 1918. Ad- dress, Washington St., Michigan City, Ind.; bus. add.. Sears Roebuck & Co., Chicago. 6353. RAYMOND BLAINE KESSLER Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Jl 30, 1891, Robinson, III.; s. George Edward (b. Je 24, 1848, O.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Stevens) Kessler (b. Slielbyville, 111.). Prepared in Robinson H. S. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan. Atty., Carter Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1914-17. 2nd O. T. C, Leon Springs, Tex.; ist Lt., 336th Machine Gun Bn., 87th Div., N. A., Camp Pike; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, Roliinson, 111. 6354. ALBERT EUGENE KIDD, JR. Manufacturer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 5, 1891, Mt. Jewett, Pa.; s. A. E. (b. 1862, Burns, N. Y.) and Inez Alice (Davis) Kidd. Prepared in Lake H. S. Iris; Sgt., Univ. Brig. Mfr. of Peanut Butter, Chicago. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Elizabeth Ayres, D 14, 1916, Chicago. Address. 5456 Greenwood Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 1844-46 W. Van Buren St., do. 540 University of Illinois [1914 6355. HUBERT ST. CLAIR KILBY Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 31, 1891, Minier, 111.; s. Phillip St. Clair (b. Mackinaw, 111.) and Anna Belle (Shaw) Kilby (b. Tre- mont. 111.). Prepared in Mackinaw H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Acacia. Asst. Engr., Op- erating Engng. Dept., I. T. S., 1914-15; Oper- ating Engr., St. Louis Elec. Terminal Ry. Co., North Mo. Light & Power Co.; do., Madison Co. Light & Power Co., 1915 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Miss. Valley Consistory, A. A. S. R., 1916; Granite City C apter, R. A. M., 1917- 10th Regt. Barracks, U. S. N. Tr. Sch., Pel- ham Bay Park. N. Y., 191H; Ensign, U. S. N., Reserve Officers Quarters A, Rm. 242, U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md., 1918; Mustered out, Ja 22, 1919. Address, Mackinaw, 111. 6356. FLORENCE BEESON KING Instructor; B. S. in H. Sc; b. D 5, 18S9. Richmond, Ind.; d. James E. (b. do.) and Lulu (Beeson) King (b. Milton, Ind.). Prepared in Richmond (Ind.) H. S.; Earlham Coll., 1907- 9; Ind. LTniv., 1909-10. Kappa Alpha Theta; Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Richmond (Ind.) H. S., 1915-17; Instr., Ind. Univ., 1917 — . Address, 701 E. 8th St., Bloomington, Ind. 6357. WAYNE ISAAC KIRBY Architect; B. S. in Arch.; A. B., 191 5; b. Ag 16, 1890, Litchtield, 111.; s. Jessie Ellen Kirby. Prepared in Cerro Gordo H. S. Acacia; Lamb- kins; Scarab; Delta Kappa; Asst. Leader, L^niv. of 111. Band; Prelim. Honors. Arch., Ciiica- go, 1914; do.. Supervising Arch. Office, Urbana. 2nd Lt., Ord. R. C, 127th Ord. Depot Co., Camp Bowie, Ft. Worth, Tex. Address, 1454 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111. 6358. BONUM LEE KIRK (Husband of No. 6961; Brother of Nos. 4749, G388) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 23, 1885, Eureka, 111.; s. James (b. Ireland) and Mary Ellen (Can- diff) Kirk (b. O.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; James Milliken Univ. 191 1. Aca- cia; Ionian; Egyptian Club; 111. Union; Glee and Mandolin Club; LTniv. Band; Univ. Or- chestra. Lawyer, Champaign. Married Anna C. Hoffert ('15), S 16, 1916, Champaign. Child, Colleen Jean, b. S 7, 1918. .Address, ion W. Clark St., Champaign. 6359. GEORGE GODWIN KIRK (Brother of No. 700S) Farm Adviser; B. S. in .\gr.; h. O 13, 1S89. Bellflower, 111.; s. George (b. Ag 24, 1843, Maysville, Ky.) and Naomi Alice (Godwin) Kirk (b. Jl 6, 1858, Mt. Auburn. 111.). Prepared in Bellflower Tp. H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Class Baseball; Mgr., Class Foot ball; Mgr., Class Baseball; Sr. Stag Com.; Agr. Ed. 1914, lllio. Grocery Bus., Cham- paign, 1914-15; Farmer, Chillicothe, 111., 1916- 17; Farm Adviser, Mason Co., Ky. Married Ada Wheeler, Je 10, 1913, Bellflower, 111. Child, George III. b. Ja 29, 1918. Address, Mays- ville, Ky. 6360. *ANNIRENE KIRKLAND A. B. in L. A. S: S.; b. Ag 8. 1893, Palmers ville, Tenn. : s. R. S. Kirkland. Prepared in LTrbana H. S. Teacher Harrisburg Tp. H. S.; Redlands. Calif.; Adviser. H. Sc, Kankakee Co.. 111. Died S 7, 1916, Marion, 111. 6361. FRANK ALLEN KIRKPATRICK Physicist; B. S. in Ceram. E.; M. S., 1916; b. N 4. 1887; s. L. W. (b. 1859. Ontario, Can.) and .Mice R, Kirkpatrick (b. 1865. O.). Prepared in LTnionville (Mich.) H. S.; Albion Coll., 1905- 06; Spokane Coll.. 1910-11. Keramos; Sigma Xi; Fellowship, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. Asst. Physicist, U. S. Bur. of Standard, Pitts- burgh, 1 91 6 — . Auth. : An Attempt to Fit Enam- els to Plastic Clay Bodies; Trajis. Am. Ceram. Soc, Vol. 18, 1916; A Fusion Study of the Min- eral Systems, Feldspar. Calcite and Feldspar Magnesite, do., Vol. 18, 1916; The Mechanical Strength of Fire-clay Bodies after Repeated Heating, do.. Vol. iS, 1916; Effect of the Size of Grog in Fire Clay Bodies, do.. Vol. 19, 1917; Reprint in Technological Paper A^o. 104, U. S. Bur. of Standards. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc, 1 9 12; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, 191 7; Nat. Fire Protection Assn., 1917. Address, 5914 Margaretta St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., U. S. Bureau of Standards, 40th and Butler Sts., do. 6362. NELL KIRKPATRICK (WESTCOTT) (Wife of No. 6657) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 27, 1891, St. Jdseph, 111.; d. Austin Wilson (b. 1836, O.) and Sarah Anne (Dilling) Kirkpatrick (b. 1849. 111.). Pre- pared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Chi Omega; I'hi Delta Psi: H. Sc. Club; V. P., Woman's League; 2nd Cabinet, Y. W. C. A. Instr., H. Sc, Gibson City, III., 1914-17. Married Clif- ford Harper Westcott ('14), Jl 17, 191 7, Deca- tur, 111. Address, 1321 Otis Place, N. W. Washington, D. C. 6363. GEORGE M. KLEIN (JONES) (Wife of No. 6992; Brother of No. 8491) A. B. in H. Sc; d. J. C. J. (b. Mr 10, 1866, Muscatine, la.) and Emma Eliza (Plith) Klein (b. N 16. 1866, do.). Prepared in Muscatine (la.) H. S. FI. Sc Club; W. A. A. Instr., H. Sc, Sidell Tp. H. S.. 111., 1914-17; Supvr., of H. Sc, Urbana H. S., 1917-18. Mem., O. E. S., 1918. Married Milton D. Jones ('15), Ja 26. 1 918. LTrbana. Address, 11 28 Rocton Ave., Rockford, 111. 6364. BERNIE LLOYD KLEINSCHRODT B. S. in Agr.; b. N 23, 1891, Morrison, 111.; s. M. Kleinschrodt. Prepared in Morrison H. S. Co. G, 709th Inf., 78th Div., A. E. F., France. Address, 509 N. Orange St., Mor- rison, 111. 6365. ELIZABETH KNOWLTON (MORGAN) (Wife of No. 6436; Sister of No. 6366) A. B. in H. Sc; b. N 8. 1892. Urbana; d. Everett Melvin (b. N. Wardsboro, Vt.) and Harriett Isabelle (Bennett) Knowlton (b^ Ur- bana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Kappa Kapi)a Gamma; Illiola; W. A. A. Married Charles Leon Morgan ('14), Ag 12, 1915- Child, Betty Knowlton. b. Je 2, 1917. Address, 1745 E. 71st Place, Chicago. 6366. MIRIAM KNOWLTON (Sister of No. 6365) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 16, 1891, LTrbana; d. Everett Melvin (b. North Wards- boro, Vt.) and Harriett Isabella (Bennett) Knowlton (b. Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Mask and Bauble; Illiola; lllio P.(l.: Class Day Com.; Prelim. Lienors. Teacher, H. S., Illiopolis, 111.; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1 9 18 . Address, 302 W. High St., Urbana. 6567. PHILETLTS CLARKE KNOWLTON, JR. Architect; B. S. in A. E. : b. Je 16, 1892, Memphis; s. Philetus Clarke (b. My 1861, do.) and Mary (Abbey) Clarke (b. O 1871, Chicago). Prepared in Werts and Rhea Sch., Memphis Univ. of Tenn., 1909-10; M. S., Harvard, 191 7. Phi Delta Theta; Scarab; 111. Union Dramatic Club; Arch. Club; LTnion Operas; Received Julia Appleton fellowship. Harvard. Arch., Boston, Mass., and Memphis. Am. volunteer field ser- vice, A. E. F., France. Address, 1174 Poplar Ave.. Memphis. igi4] Baccalaureate Alumni 541 6368. VI TSING KOO Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 16, 1891, Kiangsu, China; s. A. Z. Koo. Prepared in Imperial Poly. Coll.; M. S., Boston Tech.; M. S., Harvard. Cosmopolitan Club; Chinese Student's Club; E. E. Soc. Elec Engr., Tsai Down Wei Wu Sih, Kiangsu. China; Instr., Waterways, Engng. Coll., Nanking, China. Ad- dress, 63 Ning Po Road., Shanghai, China; bus. add., c/o Engineering Coll., Nanking, do. 6369.- SAM KORSHAK Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr $, 1891, Chicago; s. Max J. and Genesee (Posner) Kor- shak. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; Armour Tech., 1910-11; Univ. of Wis. 1913. Zeta Beta Tau; Class Football. Agt. Hdqtrs. Co., H's'd Amm. Div. Tr., S 191 7 — . Address, 5340 Mich. Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 10 N. Mich., do. 6370. EDWARD MAX KRABBE Elec. Contr. ; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. D 30, 1887. Champaign; s. F. A. Krabbe. Prepared in Univ. Acad. E. E. Soc; Ry. Club; '1 echno- graph Bd. Elec. Contr., Johnson & Krabbe, Champaign. Address, 404 N. Willis St., Cham- paign. 6371. TSONG LIN KU A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. 1888, Shac-Shing, China; s. C. P. Ku. Prepared in Ching Hua College. Address, c/o Y. M. C. A., Shanghai, China. 6372. HENRY HARRISON KUHN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 27. 1889 Alton, 111.; s. Jacob (b. Switzerland) and Eli- zabeth (Jouhel) Kuhn (b. Albany, N. Y.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. 1st. Sergt., 309 Mob. Ord. R. S. Ad- dress, 617 Spring St., Alton, 111. 6373. EDITH JANE LAMB (Sister of Nos. 5259, 5260, 8509) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 27, 1892, Paxton, 111.; d. C. A. Lamb. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Martinsville 111. Address, 911 .S. 5th St., Champaign; bus. add., Martinsville, 111. 6374. HERBERT UPDIKE LANDON Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 22, 1890, Jersey- ville, 111.; s. W. D. Landon. Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Gamma Rho. Farmer, Jerseyville, 111. Mar- ried Dorothy Bull, O 12, 1916. Address, R. 6, Jerseyville, Ill.t 6375. ETTA MABEL LANZ (TRIPLETT) A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 15, 1890, Carlock, 111.; d. M. P. (b. Ap II, i860, do.) and Lydia Ropp (b. Mr 7, 1870, Bloomington, 111.). Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Omicron Pi; Phi Delta Psi; II. Sc. Club. Teacher, Bluffton Coll., 1914-16. Married Ray L. Triplett, Je 8, 1916, Carlock, 111. Child, Margaret Mabel, b. S 15, 19 1 7. Address, Bluffton, O. 6376. EVA LILLIAN LARSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. My i, 1892, Chicago; d. Carl V. (b. Sweden) and Mathilda (Magnuson) Larson (b. do.}. Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 191 1. Teacher, Chicago Sch. Address, 2256 Giddings St., Chicago. 6377. JOSEPH CONRAD LAWLESS (Brother of No. 7723) Merchant; B. S. in Agr.; A. B. in Agron.; b. Ja 25, 1889, Bowen, 111.; s. J. T. Lawless. Prepared in West. Mil. Acad. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Pan Hellenic Council, 1912-14; Soph. Emblem Com. Seed Merchant, Champaign. Capt., Q. M. C, Ft, Thomas, Ky,, 1918; Co, D, 46th Inf., Camp Gordon, Ga. ; Camp Sheridan; Mustered out, N 29, J918. Address, Lake Bluff. 111. 6378. ERNEST DREW LAWRENCE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 17, 1888, Hudson, 111.; s. William (b. An 11, 1861, do.) and Mary Louisa (Patterson) Lawrence (b. 11 31, 1859, Smithville, 111.). Prepared in Shurt- leff Coll. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn; Class Football. Prin. John Svvaney Sch., McNabb, III., 19 14-17; Instr., Agr., Bowling Green, Norm. Coll., Bowling Green, O., Summer 1916; Temporary Mgr., Lawrence Grain Co., Hudson, 111., 1917-18; Farming, .\rrowsmith, 111., 19 18 — . Married Mary Lil- lian Curlee, Ag 12, 1914, Ashley, 111. Child, Helen Louise, b. Je 16, 1915. Address, Arrow- smith, 111. 6379- WILLIAM HAMILTON LEE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ja 4, 1890, Urbana; s. William James and Nona Salona (Ikins) Lee. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Order of the Coif. Lawyer, Urbana. Pvt., Co. L, 349th Inf., Camp Dodge, la., 191 7; Corp,; Sergt,; Regt. Sergt. Major, Hdqtrs. Detachment, 88th Div., Camp Dodge, la., 1918— . Mem., B. P. O. E,, 191 5; A. F. A. M., 1916; 111. St. Bar Assn. Address, 504 Cun- ningham Ave,, Urbana. 6380. YING NAN LEE Teacher; A. B. in Sc. ; b. O 22, 1882, Can- ton, S. China; s, Yan Lee Ling, Prepared in Queen's College, Hong Kong, Chjna; Pei Yang Univ., do. Teacher, Govt, Teacher's Coll., Canton, China. Address, 16 Feung Loi, West Canton, China; bus. add., c/o Govt. Teacher's Coll., Canton, do. 6381. WILLIS LERICHE Construction Engr.; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. S 10, 1891, Highland, 111.; s. Ferdinand (b. France) and Laura (Mellera) Leriche (b. High- land, 111.). Prepared in Highland H. S. Tri- angle; Min. Soc. Asst. Supt., Const., Va., 1914-15; Asst. to Prof. A. N. Talbot. Univ. of 111., 1915; Supt. Const, and Engr., Cement Gun Const. Co., Chicago, 191 5-1 7, ist Lt,, .'\rt., U. S. A,. Stud, and Instr., Samur, France; do., F. A. R. C, A. P. O., 718, A. E. F,; Army of Occupation, Ger, Assoc, Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Address, Highland, HI. 6382. CLARA VESTA LEWIS (Brother of No. 4776) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 2, 1893, Cairo, 111.; d. John Calhoun (b. Ja i, 1857, Hardin Co., Ky. and Cordelia O. (Scott) Lewis (b. Jl 4, 1867, Mt. Sterling, Ky,). Pre- pared in Cairo H, S.; Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Kappa Alpha. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Murphys- boro, 111., 1914-15; Carbondale, 111., 1915-17; Cairo, 111., 191 7-18; conducted summer sch. in Food Conservation, Carbondale, 111., 1917. Ad- dress, 612 1 2th St., Cairo, 111. 6383. JOHN EDWIN LEWIS B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Mr 28, 1891, Hyde Park, Chicago; s. F. G. Lewis. Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Delta Upsilon; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Varsity Basketball; Class Basket- ball; 1914. Itlio ; Tr. Prom.; Lt., Univ. Brig. ist Lt.. F. A., U. S. A., A, E. F., France. Address, 613 West St., W^heaton, 111. 6384. LAURA LOUISE LEWIS (YOUNG) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 28, 1891, Cairo, 111.; d. J. L. Lewis. Prepared in Sumner H. S. Married R. M. Young. Address, 40 Catherine St., Detroit. t 542 University of Illinois U914 63S5. LESLIE ALVIN LIGGETT Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 22, 1892, Wyoming, 111.; s. Cumberland Strawbridge (b. Jl 24, 1864, Bradford, 111.) and Lida Al- niina (Stephens) Liggett (b. Ap 29, 1863, Brad- ford, III.). Prepared in Wyoming H. S. Sig- ma Tau; C. E. Club; Sr. Memorial Com. Liv- ingston Co., Highway Dept., Pontiac, 111., 1914- 15; Pa. Portland Cement Assn., Philadelphia, 1915-16; St. Highway Dept., Springfield, 111., 1916; Aurora, HI., 1916-18; Peoria, 1918. Elec- trician for Radio, U. S. N. R. F., 1917 — . Mem., mini Club, Peoria. Address, 806 N. Monroe St., Peoria; bus. add., 304 Apollo Theater Bldg., do. 6386. LEWIS S. LINDER (Brother of No. 8531) Clothier; A. B. in Sc. ; b. Jl 13, 1892, Char- leston, 111.; s. George A. and Blanch (Sefton) Linder. Prepared in East. III. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Kappa. Address, Charleston, 111. 6387. BESS MAE LINDLEY (ECK) (Wife of No. 4631; Sister of No. 4778) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 14, 1892, Philo, 111.; d. Orville B. (b. Jl 6, 1858, do.) and Ruth (Edwards) Lindley (b. Ap 3, 1862, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Illiola. Married John William Eck ('11), Ag 24, 1915. Urbana. Child, daughter, b. Jl 16, 19 18. Address, 614 loth St., Moorhead, Minn. 6388. OSCAR LIPPMAN LISS Struct. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 15, 1885, Zgierz, Russian-Poland; s. Lippman (b. do.) and Jennie Besser (b. do.). Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Cosmopolitan Club; Ivrim Soc. Draftsman, Kenwood Bridge Co., Chicago, 1914-16; Struct. Engr., Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; O. E. S.; B'nai B'rith. Address, 2048 Le Moyne St., Chicago; bus., add., lot S. Wells St., do. 6389. WALLACE BRIGHT LIVESAY Instructor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 20, i885, Frankfort, W. Va. ; s. John Granvil (b. do.) and Emma Elizabeth (Robinson) Livesay (b. Lewisburg, W. Va.). Prepared in Pvt. Sch. B. S., Va. Poly. Inst., 1909; C. E., do., 1909. Sigma Pi; Arch. Club; Final Honors. Engr., Park Comn., Zanesville, O., 1914-15; Engr., design and constr.. Pyrites Co., Ltd., Wilming- ton, Del. and Roanoke. Va., 1915-17; Rich- mond Struct. Steel Co., Richmond, Va., 1917; Asst. Bridge Engr., Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co., Norfolk, Va., 1917-18; do., Doullut & Wil- liams Ship-building Co., Roanoke, Va., 1918; Instr., Arch., Univ. of III., 1918 — . Married Julia Payne Bryan, Mr 22, 1917, Indianapolis. Address, 402 E. Green St., Champaign. 6390. ASCUNCION LOPEZ Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 15, 1889. Durango City, Mex. ; s. M. Lopez. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Cosmopolitan Club; Latin-Am. Club; Centro Literario Espafiol; C. E. Club. Married Nellie Goddard, Ja 29, 1915, Cham- paign. Address, Champaign. f 6391. PAUL ELTON LOWER Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 6, 1891, Chi- cago; s. Elton Lower. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Salesman, Gen. Motor Truck Co., Chicago. Address, 921 Castlewood Terrace, Chicago. t 6392. COEN L. LUCKETT A. B. in Sc; b. Jl i, 1892, French Lick, Ind. ; s. L. P. Luckett. Prepared in Wiley H. S. Sr. Ball Cora. Stud., Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., Baltimore. Address, 818 S. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 6393- ERWIN MOSES LURIE (Brother of No. 8553) Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 23, 1888, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Mr 3, 1859, Austria) and Theresa (Loeffler) Lurie (b. Ja 21, 1862, Bohemia). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Menorah; Ionian; C. E. Club; 2nd Lt., Univ. Regt. ; Soph. Pin Com.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Stud. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Mgr., Lurie Concrete Pfroducts Co., 1914-16; Field Engr.,. Gen. Refractories Co., 1917; Const. Engr., Union Paciiic Coal Co., 1918; Engr. and Draftsman Designer of furnace for heat-treat- ing shrapnel and munitions. Auth. : Concrete Hand Railing, Concrete, F 1916; Ornamental Concrete on Municipal Pier, do., Mr 1916. Mem., Am. Assn. of Engrs. Married Reeva Alpert, N 15, 1916, Chicago. Child, Cynthia May, b. Mr 15, 1918. Address, 1632 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 760 Monadnock Block, do. 6394. ROY JACOB LYONS (Brother of No. 7765) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N i, 1891, Greenup, 111.; s. Thomas Marian and Etta Barbara (Sherwood) Lyons. Prepared in Greenup H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club; Final Honors. Farmer, Greenup, 111. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Greenup, 111. 639s. CLAUDE LEE McCABE Superintendent; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 22, 1884, Robinson, 111.; s. William A. (b. 1847, Granville, 111.) and Mary E. (Young) McCabe (b. 1849, Robinson, 111.). Prepared in Oneonta (N. Y.) St. Norm. Sch. Supt. of Schs., Mound City, 111. Married Alma Louise Schuler, F 28, 1917, Mound City, 111. Ad- dress, Willow Hill, 111.; bus. add.. Mound City, 111. 6396. KENNETH ALEXANDER McCASKILL Dist. Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 16, 1890, Taylorville, 111.; s. Thomas Edward and Eva (Clawson) McCaskill. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Dist. Mgr., H. J. Heinz Co., Grand Rapids, Miclu, 1914-17; do., Greeley, Colo., 1917; Libby, McNeill & Libby, Rock Ford, Colo., 1917 — . Married Martha Maud Ale-xander, O 20, 1917, Grand Rapids, Mich. Address, Libby, McNeill & Libby Co., Rocky Ford, Colo. 6397. 'LOUIS DOUGLAS McCAUGHEY Electrician; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap s, 1890, Macomb, 111.; s. D. and Julia McCaughey. Prepared in Macomb H. S. Electn., Wilkins- burg, Pa., 1913-14; do.. Great Falls, Mont., 1914-15; do., Thompson Falls, Mont., 1915; Elec. Foreman, Butte, Mont.; do.. Anaconda, Mont.; Elec. Installer, Holter, Mont.; Elec. Foreman, Philadelphia; Foreman, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Ship Yard, Oakland, Calif.; Elec. Installer, Reward, Calif. Limited Ser- vice, U. S. Navy Yard, Died O 30, 1918, Oakland, Calif. 6398. ISAAC MARION McCONNEL (Brother of No. 5278) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 2, 1892, Reyn- olds, 111.; s. J. R. Mc(ionnel. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, R 2, Reynolds, Ill.t 6399. ELMER McCORMICK Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 3, 1890, Saunemin, 111.; s. Seth (b. Ja 4, 1862, Tonico, 111.) and Louisa (Drake) McCormick (b. S 16, 1863, Chillicothe, 111.). Prepared in Pon- tiac Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1908-9. Tau Beta Pi; A. S. M. E. ; Prelim, and Final Honors. Draftsman, Moline, 111., 1914-15; Engr. and Shop Foreman, do., 1915-16; De- I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 543 signer of Motor for heavy duty, do., 1916-17; Chief Engr. and Supt., Tractor Works, Deere & Co., do., 1917 — . Mem., Soc. Automotive Engrs.; Moline Cml. Club; B. P. O. E. Ad- dress, 612 2oth St., Moline, 111.; bus. add., c/o Tractor Works of Deere & Co., do. 6400. HOWARD ORR McCRACKEN (Brother of No. 7772) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 25, i8go. Pax- ton, 111.; s. Robert Ansley (b. N 19, 1854, Pittsburgh) and Luella BelJ (Kemp) Mc- Cracken (b. O 12, 1867, Marshall Co., 111.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klux. Farming near Cissna Park, 111. 2d Lt., Bat. E, 25th F. A., Gamp McClellan, Ala:; Central O. T. C, Camp Taylor, Ky., Ft. Sill, Okla.. 1918; Mus- tered out, Ja 13, 1919. Address, Cissna Park, . 111. 6401. james edward william McDonald Engineer; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. O 22, 1890, Chicago; s. Martin (b. i860, Shamokin, Pa.) and Ellen (Tobin) McDonald (b. N 11, 1870, Granville, Wis.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa; Sigma Tau. Engr., Crane Co., Chicago, 1914- 16; do.. Am. Tar Products Co., 1916; Power Plant Designer, Swift Ji Co., 1917; In charge of Mfg. of Navy Valves, Edward Valve & Mfg. Co., E. Chicago, Ind., 1917; Chief Engr., do., 1 91 8—. Mem., A. I. M. E.; K. C. Married Hazel Williamson, S 6, 1916, Chicago. Ad- dress, 5488 University Ave., Chicago. 6402. ELLIS DEAN McFARLAND (Husband of No. 2455) Secretary; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 12, 1889, Camp Point, 111.; s. James W. (b. Ja 10, 1863) and Fannie (Pierce) McFarland (b. Mr 16, 1861). Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Hoof and Horn Club. Asst. Sec, Percheron Soc. of Am. Auth. : Articles in Breeders Gazette and Agr. Papers in U. S. and Can. Married Esther Massey ('05), D 25, 1914, Jacksonville, 111. Children: Helen Francis, b. and died, Ap 10, 1917: Francis Emily, b. F 21, 1919. Address, 7919 May St., Chicago; bus. add., 828 Ex- change Ave., do. 6403. EDNA AMELIA McGEE (BARNHART) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.;'b. F 5, 1888, St. Joseph, 111.; d. J. W. McGee. Prepared in St. Joseph H. S. Math. Club; Jamesonian. Teacher, H. S., Rollo, 111.; do., St. Joseph, 111.; do., Phys. and Math., Oblong Tp. H. S., 111., S 19 1 8 — . Married S 21, 191 5. Address, Oblong, III. 6404. JAMES MILES McGRATH Prin., Schs. ; A. B. in Sc; b. Ja 6, 1890, Crab Orchard, Neb.; s. Patrick McGrath. Pre- pared in Springfield H. S. Prin., Schs., Latham, 111. Address, 215 W. Monroe St., Springfield, 111. 6405. KATHERINE LESLIE McGRAW Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 7, 1892, Urbana; d. Stephen (b. Ja 6, 1859, Dun- kirk, N. Y.) and Laura (McKenzie) McGraw (b. N 3, 1862, Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1914-15, Illiola. Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1915 — . Address, 206 W. University Ave., Urbana. 6406. OLIVETTA McKEE (KELLEY) (Wife of No. 6347) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 12, 1892. Fair- bury, 111.; d. A. L. (b. N 22. 1850, Brownsville, Pa.) and Florence (Crouch) McKee (b. Ap 24, 1852, Fairbury. 111.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S. H. Sc. Club. Married Ralph Leverett Kelley ('14), N_ 25. 1915. Fairbury,_ 111. Ad- dress, 226 Warwick Blvd., San Antonio, Tex. 6407. JAMES WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 17, 1890, Paris, 111.; s. J. W. McLaughlin. Prepared in Paris H. S. Spalding Guild. Engr., People's Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chicago. Address, Paris, 111.; bus. add., 6354 Maryland Ave., Chi- cago. 6408. THOMAS NEWKIRK McVAY Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Sc; b. F 16, 1891, Homestead, Pa.; s. E. D. McVay. Prepared in Georgetown H. S. Ceram. Engr., Streator Face Brick Co., Streator, 111. Married Leta Lock- wood, F 15, 1919, Streator, 111. Address, Streator, 111.; bus. add., Basic Production Co., Kenova, W. Va. 6409. DANIEL VALENTINE McWETHY Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 18. 1889, Aurora, 111.; s. James McWethy. Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Ins. Agt., Aurora, 111. Address, 122 N. Lake St., Aurora, 111. 6410. CLAYTON LEE MALAISE Lumber Merchant; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 4, 1893, Serena, 111.; s. P. J. (b. 1865. France) and Mercy Elizabeth (Hoxie) Malaise. Pre- pared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Sec-Treas., Marshall-Malaise Lumber Co,. Beu- lah, N. Dak., 1914 — . 2nd Lt., 213th Engrs., Camp Lee. Humphreys; Mustered out, Ja 6, 1919. Address, Beulah, N. Dak. 641 1. EDITH MEL VINA MANN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 31, 1887, Kankakee. 111.; d. W. L. (b. Mr 3, 1856, do.) and Jennie M. (Stevens) Mann (b. Jl 4, 1858, do.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Teacher, Eng. and Latin, Herscher, III., 1915-16; St. Joseph, Mich., 1916-17; Watseka. 111., 1917 — . Address, 152 S. Greenwood Ave., Kankakee 111.; bus. add., 519 S. sth St., Watseka, 111. 6412. DU BOIS MARQUIS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1890, Bloomington, 111.; s. Chalmers Connover (b. Ag 25, 1852, Elmwood. III.) and Nellie (Harpole) Marquis (b. Ag 30, 1S54, O.). Prepared in Bloomington, H. S. B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1912. Phi Gamma Delta. Farmer, Colfax, 111. Married Margaret Raymond. Mr 9. 191 5, Evan- ston. 111. Child, Alice Ruth, b. Ja 29, 1916. Address, Thorn Creek Farm, Colfax, 111. 6413. ROBERT HASKELL MARSHALL Instructor; A. B. in Sc. ; A. M., 1916; b. D 25, 1881, Gamaliel, Ky.; s. G. W. Marshall. Prepared in West. Ky. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Chicago. Instr., Math., St. Man. Tr. Norm., Pittsburg. Kan. Address, 3022 Woodland Ave., Louisville, Ky. 6414. A.\RON MATHERS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 20, 1892, Laura, 111.; s. L. T. Mathers. Prepared in Galesburg H. S.; Knox Coll. George Lamonte & Co., New York City. Central Mach. Gun. O. T. Sch., Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga.: Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Address, Laura. 111.; bus. add., 61 Broadway, New York City. 6415. WILLIAM BRASHER MATTINGLY Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 21, 1891, Sample, Ky. ; s. J. M. Mattingly. Prepared in Cairo H. S. Egyptian Club; Comitatus. Ad- dress, Nezperce, Idaho. f 6416. CHARLES FONTAINE MALTRY Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 29, 1888, Palestine, Tex.; s. William Lerwis (b. N 30, 1 85 1, Washington, D. C.) and Cora Wells (Sears) Maury (b. Ja 2. i860. St. Louis). Pre- pared in Palestine (Tex.) H. S.; A. and M. 544 University of Illinois [1914 Coll., Tex., 1907-08; Purdue Univ., 1908-10. Alpha Tau Omega; Scaiab; Alternate Plyni Fellowship. Mem., Atelier Ware & Atelier Wynkoup, New York City; Arch. Draftsman, New York City, 191 5; Arch., Houston, Tex., 1915-16; do., New York City, 1916-17. ist O. T. C, Fortress Monroe, Va.; 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Scott, Calif.; 2nd Lt., 62nd Regt. C. A. C, A. E. F., France, 1918; ist Lt., do., 1918 — . Ad- dress, c/o W. L. Maury, 407 Hawthorn Ave., Houston, Tex. 6417. THOMAS EDWARD MAURY (Brother of No. 581 1) Manager; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 25, 1891, Chi- cago; s. John E. Maury. Prepared in Ross- ville H. S. Mgr., Rossville Elec. Light Co., Rossville, 111. Address, Rossville, 111. '"^'' 6418. WALLACE WILLIS MEHL Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. Ja 6, 1892, Goshen, Ind. ; s. A. C. Mehl. Prepared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; Ind. Club; Fresh. Varsity Football. Lawyer, Goshen, Ind. Address, Goshen, Ind. 6419. ARTHUR FRANKLIN MELLEN Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 6, 1885, Amboy. 111.; s. Walter Clayton (b. Jl 10, 1848, Greenwich, Mass.) and Louise (Thompson) Mellen (b. D 4, 1851, Adrian, Mich.). Pre- pared in Amboy H. S. Grad. Stud., Water Purification and Sewage Disposal, Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Cham. Club. Chem., San. Dist., Chi- cago, 1911-13; Chem., charge of Water Purifi- cation Plant for City Water Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., Jl 1914 — O 1917; City Chem., Moline. 111., O 19:7-18; Asst. Supt., Filtration, Min- neapolis, 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S., 191 1; Am. Water-works Assn., 1914- Married Edna Coates, Jl 10, 1912, Amboy, 111. Child, Flor- ence Ella, b. Ja 23, 1918. Address, 941 14th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis. 6420. WALTER WITCHELL MERCER (Brother of No. 9266) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl s, 1889, Vermont, 111.; s. A. L. (b. S 4, i860, do.) and Martha Burr (Witchell) Mercer (b. Ag 3, i860, do.). Pre- pared in Vermont H. S.; Univ. Acad. Ver- mont, 111., 1914; Roundup, Mont., 1914 — ; County Atty., Musselshell Co., Mont., 19 16. Address, Roundup, Mont. 6421. INA VALERIA MEREDITH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja s. 18S3, Perry, 111.; d. Joseph Cockill (b. F 2, 1X^9, St. Louis) and Melissa Jane (Bradbury) Mere- dith (b. Jl 17, 1849, Perry, 111.). Prepared in Perry H. S.; Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Phi Beta Kappa; Final and Prelim. Honors. Teacher, H. S., Sheldon, 111., 1914-16; do., Shelbyville, 111., 1917; do., Math., H. S., Reno, Nev., 1917 — . Address, Eureka, Calif.; bus. add., 210 Maple Ave., Reno, Nev. 6422. THOMPSON ARLENE MERRILL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 24, 1890, Astoria, 111.; s. Sherman Merrill. Prepared in Beards- town H. S. Address, 213 W. 3rd St., Beards- town, Ill.t 6423. MARSHALL CRITTENDEN MERRILLS (Brother of G463) Civ. Engr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl i, 1891. Belleville, 111.; s. F. B. Merrills. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Civ. Engr., Const, of Belleville To. H. S., Belleville, 111. Address. Belleville, 111. 6424. GEORGE MEYER, JR. Estimator; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 9, 1892, New York City; s. George (b. D 3, 1868, Bavaria. Ger.) and Maria (Wells) Meyer (b. S 30, 1869, Hessen, Ger.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Sigma Tau; Sigma Xi; Scabbard and Blade; Prelim, and Final Honors; Brevet Ca])t., LIniv. Regt. Elec. Estimator and Treas., Chicago Switchboard Mfg. Co., Chicago. Mem., Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Chicago. Married Amye Zuckerman, Ap 22, 1916, Elgin, 111. Address, 3604 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 426 Clinton St., do. 6425. JOSEPH PORTER MILES Salesman; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 19, 1889, Lewistown, 111.; s. E. C. Miles. Prepared in Lewistown H. S. Salesman and Field Expert, Inlernat. Harvester Co., Davenport, la. Ad- dress, Lewistown, 111.; bus. add., Davenport, la. 6426. CLAYTON ALLEN MILLER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 26, 1888, Tiffin, O.; s. A. A. Miller. Prepared in Tiffin (O.) H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Jr. Mem., A. I. E. E.; E. E. Show Com. Elec. Engr., Denver Gas & Elec. Co., Denver. Mar- ried Martha G. Williams, Jl 1915. Marion, 111. Address, 81 Circular St.. Tiffin, O.; bus. add., 206 Denver Gas & Elec. Light Co., Denver. 6427. MARCUS GILBERT MILLER B. S. in A. E.; b. My 31, 1890, Girard, O.; s. J. M. Miller. Prepared in Rayden H. S., Youngstown, O. ; Hiram Coll. Sigma Pi; Arch. Club. Address, E. Main St., Girard, O.t 6428. OLIVE FIEDIELLE MILLER (CLARK) A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1915; b. F 11, 1891, Atlanta, 111.; d. Arthur P. (b. 1850, Del- avan, 111.) and Olive (Ewing) Miller (b. 1851). Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Bethany Circle. Teacher, Spanish, H. S., Shawnee, Okla., 1915- 16; do., Erie, Kan., 1917-18. Married Clifton W. Clark, Je 28, 1918, Atlanta, 111. Address, Call Field, Wichita Falls, Tex. 6429. MINNIE ISABEL MILNE (HOLT) (Wife of No. 3411; Sister of No. 7087) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O i, 1888, Lockport, 111.; s. James Alexander (b. S 27, 1862, do.) and Kate Ophelia (Read) Milne (b. O 6, 1862, Rose- mond. 111.). Prepared in Lockport H. S.; Joliet Tp. H. S., 1910-11. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Eldorado Tp. H. S., 1914-15. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Sidney Viel Holt ('08), Ag 21, 1915, Lockport, 111. Child, James Martin, b. S 7, 1916. Address, R i, Rio. 111. 6430. LESTER WARD MINER Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 3, 1891, Shel- byville, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Shelby Co., 111.) and Minnie (Ward) Miner (b. do.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho; Comi- tatus; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Staff; Mgr., Class Basketball; Mil. Ball Com.; Agr. V. P., 111. Stud. Union. Salesman, Chi- cago, 1914-15; Farmer, Shelbyville, 111.. 191S- 16: Teacher, Belleville, 111., 1916-17. 111. Nat. Guard, 1908-12; U. S. A., 1917; ist Lt., Co. C. 38th Inf., A. E. F., France, 1917; Wounded in action, 19x8. Mem., A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, Shelbyville, 111. 6431. HELEN MITCHELL (McEWEN) (Sister of Nos. 5315, 7813) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 24, 1893, George- town, O.; d. Isaac (b. Je 24, 1850, Russelville, O.) and Eva (McConanghy) Mitchell (b. Ja 15, i860, Ripley, O.). Prepared in Buchanan Collegiate Inst.; Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Illio Staff. Teacher, Eng., 11. S., Homer, 111., 1914-16. Married Rev. John A. McEwen, Je 28, 1916, Georgetown, O. Child, John Mitchell, b. My 4, 191 7. Address, Homer, 111. I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 545 64:^2. GUNDAYER MIZOGUCHI Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1915; b. My 9, 1SS7, Saga, Japan; s. llaiipci Mizoguchi. Prepared in Mt. Tamalpais Mi!. Acad., Calif. E. E. Soc; Japanese Stud. Club; Y. M. C. A. Married Je 24, 1918, Tokya, Japan. Address. c/o Frazer & Sale, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. 6433. ROBERT BURRELL MOIR B. S. in C. E.; b. My 14. 1891, Chicago; s. Robert Moir. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Water Polo. Address, 2821 E. 26th St., Minneapolis. 6434. MARGARET ELLEN MOLT Artist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; d. Theodore Felix (b. Plattsburg, N. Y.) and Margaret Augusta (Rea) Molt (b. Urbana). Prepared in Clinton (la.) H. S.; Milwaukee Downer Coll., 1910-11; Grad., Art Inst., Chicago Acad, of Fine Arts, 191 8. Pi Beta Phi. Studying art and doing cnil. art, Chicago, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 441 St. James Place, Chicago. 6435. RUBY FRANCES MOORE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 8, 1891; d. Clarence F. (b. F 7, i860, Areola, 111.) and Mary Anna (Johnston) Moore (b. Mr 14, 1863, Coles Co., 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Gamma; Pres., W. A. A.; V. P., Jr. lllinae; Class Basketball. Teacher, Phys. Tr., H. S., San Diego, Calif., 191 5 — . Ad- dress, 2824 Granada Ave., San Diego, Calif. 6436. CHARLES LEONARD MORGAN (Husband of No. 6365) Instructor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. O 13, 1890, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. M. W. Morgan. Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Arch., Chicago, 1914- 18; Instr., Arch. Draw., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Married Elizabeth Knowlton ('14). Ag 12, 1915. Child, Betty Knowlton, b. Je 2, 1917. Address, 302 W. High St., Urbana. 6437. GRACE BUSEY MORGAN Nurse; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 23, 1891, IMinneapolis; d. William Pitt (b. North Yar- mouth, Me.) and Augusta (Busey) Morgan (b. Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Le Cercle Frangais. Nurse, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. Address, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. 6438. DONALD KENNETH MORRISON Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 6, 1892, Winnetka, 111.; s. George Herbert (b. 1852, Elgin, 111.) and Delia Miltana (Baker) Mor- rison (b. Ap 5, 1857, Lansing, Mich.). Pre- pared in Drury Coll. Acad., New Trier Tp. H. S. Zeta Psi; Univ. Band; Mandolin Club; Mask and Bauble. Salesman and Sales Pro- moter, Chicago, 1914-17. R. O. T. C, 1917; 2d Lt.. 331st F. A., Camp Grant, 111.; 8th Bat., F. A. R. C. Camp Jackson, S. C. 191S; 45 (Zlass Sch. of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Capt., do.; Mustered out, D 16, 1918. Address, 475 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass.; bus. add., c/o R. L. Morrison, College Station. Te.x. 6439. JESSIE MORSE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 20, 1892, Mackinac Island, Mich.; d. Lt. Col., B. C. Morse. Prepared in Deerfield Tp. H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Yo Ma. Address, c/o Col. B. C. Morse, 13th U. S. Inf., Manila, P. I. 6440. HARRIE STEVENS MUELLER I and. Arch.; B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. Je 15, 1891, Wichita, Kan.; s. Charles Paul (b. Je 13, 1862, Williamsville. N. Y.) and Esther Elizabeth (Summey) Mueller (b. Je 22, t868, Harris Hill, N. Y.). Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. Acanthus; Alpha Zeta; Scab- I bard and Blade; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; Agr. Club; Hort. Club; ist Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Capt., Rifle. Kan. Nat. Guard, I9i3-iti; 2d Lt., 1913; 1st Lt., 1913; Capt., 1915; Transferred to Reserve, N 15, 1916. 2d Kan. Inf. on Mexican Border Service, 1916; 2nd Lt., li. A., C. A. C, Ft. Columbia, Wash., 191 8 — . Counselor Mem., Am. Civic Assn., 1917; Mem., Nat. City Planning Conf., 191 7; U. S. Inf. Assn., 1915; Wichita Rotary Club, 1914; Kan. Club, 1917. Married Ina Belle Wilson, N 10, 1915, Wichita, Kan. Child, Clif- ford Max, b. Ap 20, 1918. Address, 1631 Fairview Ave., Wichita, Kan. 6441. CARL WESLEY MULFINGER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. F 27, 1889, Champaign; s. J. A. Mulfinger. Prepared in Waller H. S. Address, 3713 Sheffield Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Ill W. Washington St., do. 6442. CHARLES STEWART MULVANEY Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 21, 1892, Chicago; s. L. C. Mulvaney. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi; Varsity Swimming, 191 1; Class Swim- ming; Gov. Memorial Com., 1912. Address, 933 La Fayette Parkway, Chicago. 6443. MILTON MURR Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 29, 1892, Marshall, Tex.; s. J. Murr. Prepared in Waller H. S. Zeta Beta Tau. Civ. Engr., C. & N. W. Ry., Ironwood, Mich. 47th Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 710 E. Ayer St., Iron- wood, Mich. 6444. ODESSA MADGE MYERS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1915; b. Je 27, 1891, Mahomet, 111.; d. William Harrison (b. Concord, Ky.) and Lucelia Adelaide (Webb) Myers (b. Jl 7, 1861). Prepared in Mansfield H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1909-10. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Pres., Athenean 1913-14; Sec. Y. W. C. A.; 1910-11; Advisory Bd., Women's League, 1914-15. Teacher, Latin and Math., H. S., Tuscola, 111., 191 5; do., Streator, 111., 1918 — . Address, Mansfield, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Streat- or, 111. 6445. MARCELLA ELIZABETH NAGEL (LUNDGREN) (Wife of No. 7049) B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 4. 1892, Terre Haute, Ind.; d. Clemens Wilhelm (b. S 24, 1858, Cen- ter Point, Ind.) and Anna E. C. (Held) Nagel (b. D 30, 1864, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Wiley H. S.. Terre Haute, Ind. Alpha Xi Delta. Married Fred G. Lundgren ('15), S 191 5. Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Clemens Fred- erick. Address, 39 Hazelwood Ave., Detroit. 6446. FRANK JOSEPH NAPRSTEK Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 15, 1890. Chi- cago; s. J. A. Naprstek. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne, III. 3rd O. R. T. C; 2nd Lt., Inf., 1918; 2nd Lt., Bat. E., 56th Regt., C. A. C, A. E. F., France; Mustered out, F i, 1919. Address, 1300 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. West. Elec. Co., Hawthorne Sta., do. 6447. MYER OSCAR NATHAN Draftsman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. S. in A. E.; b. F 12, 1891, Carson, la.; s. Abe Nathan (b. D 18, 1863. Vilki, Koivne, Russian Poland) and Mollie (Siegel) Nathan (b. O 7, 1869, Skidel, Grodno, do.). Prepared in Boone (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la.. 1908-10. Zeta Beta Tau; Sigma Delta Chi; Illio Roast Ed.; Sr. Class Historian; Sr. Smoker Com.; Prelim. Honors. .Arch. Draftsman. Des Moines, 1914; Supt. Arch., Watertown, 111., 1914-15; Draftsman, City of Chicago Bridge Dept., Chicago, 191 5; 546 University of Illinois [1914 Draftsman Supt. A. L. Levy, Chicago, 1918; Draftsman, Gov. Work, Detroit, 1918. Carpen- ter's Mate, ist Class. U. S. N., 1918; Mustered out, F 1 9, 1919. Address, 5226 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., i66ti Conway Bldg.. do. 6448. DORA MYRTLE NEBEL (Sister of Nos. 5837, 7102) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1914; b. Ja iS, 1884, Clinton, 111.; d. H. L. Nebel. Prepared in Clinton H. S. Address, 212 E. Jefferson St., Clinton, Ill.t 6449. HELEN MONTGOMERY NEEDLER (WETZEL) (Sister of No. 8618) B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Ja 8, 1892, Kansas City, Kan.; d. David Wesley and Fanny Ella (Quig- gle) Needier. Prepared in Robert Waller H. S.; Chicago Norm. Sch. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Surgical dressing Supvr., Hammond, Ind., 1917; In charge of First Aid and Chem. Lab., plant in the Calumet Region, 19 18 — . Mar- ried Guy F. Wetzel, S 23, 1916, Chicago. Ad- dress, 6242 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. 6450. PETER SWAN NELSON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 2, 1881, Malmo, Sweden; s. Swan Nelson. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Engr., Link Belt Co.. DeKalb, 111. Address, 1203 Pleasant St., DeKalb, Ill.t 6451. TSUNYOONG NEW B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 20, 1891, Ningpo, China; s. Yung Kwai. Prepared in St. John's Prep. Sch. 111. Soc. of Agron.; Y. M. C. A. Cab.; Corda Fratres. Address, Ming Ngoh Chang Sze Chi, Chekiang, China.t 6452. NAOMI OLIVE NEWBURN Home Econ. Extension; A. B. in H. Sc; b. N 24, 1892, Hoopeston, 111.; d. Oliver Chranston (b. Ap 7, 1855, Metamora, III.) and Rhoda Ellen (Keena) Newburn (b. Jl 22, i860, Jasper Co., Ind.). Prepared in Hoopeston and Urbana H. Schs. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu.; Per- manent Sec, 1914. Studied H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1914-15. Asst. St. Leader. Home Econ. Exten., Univ. of 111. Auth. : Home Canning. Mem. M. E. Church. Address. 1006 W. Main St.. Urbana; bus add., 325 Woman's Bldg.. Univ. of 111., do. 6453. GEORGE ARTHUR NEWELL, JR. Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 2, 1892, Medina, N. Y.; s. George A. (b. Medina, N. Y.) and Anna E. (McGrath) Newell (b. do.). Prepared in Medina (N. Y.) H. S.; Jiobart Coll., 1910-11. Theta Delta Chi; Hel- met; Ku Klux; Lambkins; III. Union Dramatic (ilub; Pan-Hellenic, Pres. ; Post Exam. Jubilee; Easterner's Club. Sec. Senate Pub. Service Com., N. Y. St. Legislature, Albany, N. Y., :9i4-i6; Dept. Sales Mgr., Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Buffalo, N. Y., 1916-17. Material Engr., civilian Q. M., U. S. Army. Address, 127 W. Center St., Medina, N. Y. 6454. FRANCES ALCETTA NICHOLS (Sister of Nos. 2773, 3125, 3497, 8622) Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Mr 8. 1892, Granville, O. ; d. Edward A. and Lydia (Greene) Nichol. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; O. St. Univ., 1911-13. Kappa Alpha Theta. Asst. Dieti- tian, Presby. Hosp., Chicago. 1915-17; Dietitian, Wellesley Hosp.. Toronto. 1917-18; do.. Camp Pike, Ark., 1918— . Address, 98 12th Ave., Columbus, O. ; bus. add., Wellesley Hosp., Tor- onto, Can. 6455. JOHN MINERT NICKELSEN Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. F 13. 1892, Mediapolis, la.; s. Antone A. (b. Ap 7, 1862, Ger.) and Anna (Jensen) Nickelseri^(b. Jl 3, 1871, do.). Prepared in Mediapolis (la.) H. S.; Univ. of la., 1910-11. Alpha Chi Rho; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Jr. and Sr. Class Foot- ball. Instr., Mech. Drawing, H. S., Cloquet, Minn., 1914-16; Asst. Engr., D. S. S. C. & I. Co. Smelter, Isabella, Tenn., 191 6; Instr., Engng., Univ. of Mich., 1916-17. ist Sergt.. Ambulance Section, Med. Div., U. S. A. Address, 1210 D St., Washington, D. C. 6456. JOHN ELIOT NOON Phys. Dir.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 27, 1 89 1, Cambridge, Mass.; s. Rev. Dr. Alfred (b. D 9, 1846, Eng. ) and Jane Louise (Taylor) Noon (b. S 18, 185^. Dunstable, Mass.). Pre- pared in Everett (Mass.) H. S.; Boston Univ., 1911-12. Theta Delta Chi; Pres., Philomathean, 1915-14; V. P.. Y. M. C. A.. 1913-14. Fellow- ship Sec, Hyde Park Y. M. C. A., 1914-15; Boys Sec. and Swimming Instr., Y. M. C. A., Danville, 111., 1915-16; Phys. Dir. and Coach. Football and Basketball, Riverside Pub. Schs., 1916 — . Pres.. Vermilion Co. Illini Club, 1915- 16; Mem., M. E. Church; Grad. Club, Chicago. Married Leila Myrtle Edwards. Ja i, 1916, Danville, III. Address, Riverside, 111. 6457. EDWIN FRANCIS NOTH (Brother of No. 5346) Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 7, 1890, Davenport, la.; s. George William (b. N 4, 1S62, Ouincy, 111.) and Katherine (Healey) Noth (b. Jl 19, 1863, Covington, Ky.). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Scarab; Ku Klux. Draftsman for Prof. F. M. Mann, Minneapolis, 1914-15; do., Clausen & Kruse, Davenport, la., 1915-16; do., A. H. Stern, St. Paul, 1916-17. Corp., Bat. B, isist F. A., A. E. F., France; Army of Occupation, Ger. Address, 738 E. 14th St., Davenport, la. 6458. ALLEEN HALL O'BAR (BRILLHART) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 24, 1892, Pt. Townsend, Wash.; d. Mrs. H. M. Chesbro. Prepared in Broadway H. S., Seattle, Wash.; Washington Univ.; N. W. Univ. Delta Delta Delta. Mem., Epis. Church. Married Howard Brillhart, Je 23, 1914, Chicago. Address, 531, (3th St., Oakland, Calif. 6459. AGNES MILDRED OLSON Welfare Worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 13, 1892, Ga^esburg, 111.; d. Peter T. and Caro- line C)harlotte (Edoff) Olson. Prepared in Clalesburg H. S.; Knox Coll., 1910-12. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Wis., Summer, 1916. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenian, Pres., Sr. Council. Teacher, H. S., 1914-17; Indus., Social and Investigative Work, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1917-18. Y. M. C. A. reconstruc- tion work, Paris, France, 1919 — . Address, 909 Sheridan Road, Chicago. 6460. ARTHUR HENRY ORCUTT B. S. in Agr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; M. D., 1918; b. Ap 23, 1892, Areola, 111.; s. Samuel Henry (b. 1840, Mass.) and Cordelia Jayne fChapman) Orcutt (b. Je 12, 1850, Elmira, N. Y.). Prepared in Areola H. S.; Knox Coll., 1909-11. Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Univ. Band, 1911-14; Univ. Orchestra, 1912-14. Med. Stud., Univ. of 111. Coll. of Medicine, Chicago, 1914-18. Lt., R. M. C., Naval Hosp., Great Lakes, 1918 — -. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Areola, 111.; bus. add., 145S Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 6461. LELIA MAE ORMSBY Principal; A. B. in Sc; b. Ap 16. 1887, Greenup, 111.; d. E. A. Ormsby. Prepared in Greenup H. S. Basketball. Teacher, Mt. Ster- ling, 111.; Prin. H. S., Greenup, 111. .4ddress, Greenup, 111. I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 547 6462. CLARENCE ORR Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 17, 1891, Girard, 111.; s. Wiley Edgar (b. F 17, 1866, Auburn, 111.) and Georgia A. (Lewis) Orr (b. D 23, 1868, Sharpsburg, Md.). Prepared in Auburn H. S.; Highland Park Coll.; Millikin Univ., 1911-12. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; Class Baseball, 1913-14. Prin., H. S., Virden, 111., 1914-15; Hist. Dept., East II. S., Aurora, 111., 1915-17; Prin., Tp. II. S., Catlin, 111., 19 1 7 — . Mem., M. E. Church; St. Teach- ers' Assn., 1915-18; Chm.,, Catlin Tp. Teachers' Orgn. Married Edith Marie Kneckler, Ag 24, 1916, Alvin, 111. Child, Donald Wiley, b. O 20, 1917. Address, Catlin, 111. 6463. HAROLD BAUGHAN ORR Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 25, 1892, Pontiac, 111.; s. W. H. Orr. Prepared in Cov- ington H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Upsilon Beta Pi; E. E. Soc. ; Gym. Team. Address, 10 S. Burton Bldg., Covington, Ky.t 6464. MARY ELIZABETH ORR Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 4, 1891, Pekin, 111.; d. Samuel T. (b. Mr 16, 1865, do.) and Isabella M. (Young) Orr (b. N 15, 1871, do.). Prepared in Pekin H. S; Teacher, Sc.. Tp. H. S., Atwood, 111., 1915 — . Address, Pekin. 111.; bus. add., Atwood, III. 6465. LELAND GEORGE OSBORN Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. D 12, 1891, Sum- merfield. 111.; s. G. H. Osborn. Prepared in Alton H. S.; Shurtleff Coll. Teacher, Wake- field, Mich. Address, 103 Elm St., Anton, Ill.t 6466. HAROLD PAUL OUSLEY Manager; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 29, 1890, Redmon, 111.; s. Charles H. (b. 111.) and Rebecca (Myers) Ousley (b. Pa.). Prepared in Brocton and Paris H. Schs. Chi Beta; Ma- wan-da; Scabbard and Blade; Bus. Club; Ry. Club; Maj., Univ. Regt. ; Capt., Jr. Basketball Team; Soph. Pres.; Chm., Homecoming Fi- nance Com., 1913-14. Sales Mgr., W. T. Raw- leigh Co., Freeport, 111., 1914-17; do.. Am. Mul- tigraph Sales Co., St. Louis, 1917; Mgr., W. I. Rawleigh Co., Memphis, Tenn., 1918 — ■. Mo. Nat. Guard; O. R. C, F't. Sheridan, 1917; Camp Grant, 111., N 1917; Mustered out, D 5, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Freeport Coun- try Club; Ft. Sheridan Assn. Address, 602 S. Central rvve., Paris, 111.; bus. add., 139 W. Illinois Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 6467. RAYMOND WILLIAM OWENS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 191S; b. F 5, 1892, Morris, III.; s. Joseph Doane (b. N 10, i860, Urbana, 111.) and Carrie (Stocker) Owens (b. My 18, 1861, Morris, 111.). Pre- pared in Morris H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi. Designing Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1915 — . Married Katharine Boyd, S 23, 1918,/Wilkinsburg, Pa. Address, 514 Trenton Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa.; bus. add., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh. 6468. OLIVE ALLEN PAINE Prin., Sch.; B. S. in L. A. & S.; M. A„ 1915; b. Je II, 1881, North Woodstock. Conn.; d. Albert A. (b. do.) and Ellen (Smith) Paine (b. Lebanon, Conn.). Prepared in Woodstock Acad.; Mass. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi. Asst. Prin., City Norm. Sch., Rochester, N. Y. Address, Rochester, N. Y. 6469. JULIUS CLARK PALMER (Brother of No. 5353) Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 24, 1893, Augusta, 111.; s. George Pierson (b. Ag 2, 1859, Knoxville, 111.) and Geneva Lee (Harmon) Pal- mer (h. Te 27, 1867, W. Va.). Prepared in Augusta H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; ist Lt., Univ. Regt. Instr. Descriptive Geometry, Engr. Mech., Univ. 01 Mich., 1914 — •; City Engr's olfice, Jackson, Mich., Summer 1916; do. Detroit, Summer 1917. Address, 102 S. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, Mich.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Mich., do. 6470. JOHN WALLACE PARK Teacher; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 26, 1887, Mahomet, 111.; s. A. L. Park. Prepared in Thornton Tp H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Scarab; Arch. Club; Asst. Ed. Arch. Year Book; Asst. Mgr., Varsity Baseball 1913; Sr. Memorial Com.; Prelim. Honors. Teach- er, Arch., Boy's Tech. H. S., Milwaukee. Lt., Art. Service, Camp Custer, Mich.; do., Colum- bia, S. C. Address, 815 Grand Ave., Apt. 60, Milwaukee. t 6471. EARLE HENDERSON PARKINS. Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 18, 1891, Chicago; s. William G. (b. Jl 4, 1866, London, Can.) and Nettie Louise (Henilerson) Parkins (b. Ja 28, 1868, Chicago). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma. With Baker Packing Co., Chicago; ist. 111. F. A. III. Nat. Guard, 1915-17; 1st. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., My-Ag 1917; U. S. N. R. F., 1917; Ensign, 1917; Lt. (Jr. Grade); Receiv- mg Ship, Norfolk, Va., 1918 — . Married Mary Johnstone, D 8, 1918. Annaiiolis, Md. Address, 5532 Harper Ave., Chicago. 6472. LLOYD HERJ4AN PASEWALK R. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 5) 1891, Norfolk, Neb.; s. II. A. Pasewalk. Prepared in Norfolk (Neb.) 11. S.; N. W. Univ. Address, Onawa, la. 6473. HILDING REGNAULT PATTERSON (PETERSON) Merchant; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 21, 1891, Chicago; s. Gust. R. (b. Jl 16, i86i, Kalmar, Sweden) and Ida (Johnson) Peterson (b. S 12, 1868, do.). Prepared in I^ne Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Kho; Class Treas., 1914. Dealer in ice and coal, S 1914 — . Address, 5547 Princeton Ave., Chicago. 6474. VEDA LOUISE PAYNE (MacDONALD) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 8, 1890 Chicago; d. Douglas Amos (b. My 30, 1857, Warrenton, Va.) and Mary Parthenia (Thompson) Payne (b. Mr I, 1856 Nottingham. N. H.). Prepared in Stephens Coll.; Va. Coll.; N. W. Univ. 1911-12. Married Joseph Jardine MacDonald, My 12, 1916, Chicao'o. Child, William Douglas, b. Je II, 191 7. Address, 148 St. Paul's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 6475. EARL D. PEADRO (Brother of No. 7859) B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 28, 1888, Sullivan, 111.; s. R. M. Peadro. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. .■Iddress, 713 Hamilton St., Sullivan, Ill.t 6476. WILLIAM McCORD PEEPLES Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 2, 189 1, Shawneetown, 111.; s. William A. (b. Ja 11. 185 1, do.) and Ada (Woods) Peeples (b. F 24, 1853, Centerville, Ind.). Prepared in West. Mil. Acad., 1910-11. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Chi Sigma. Salesmgr.. Freeport, III., 1915-16; Chem., Waterworks, Evansville, Ind., 1916-17. 2d Lt., 76th F. A.. A. E. F., France; with Army of Occupation. Ger., 1918 — -. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Evansville, Ind.; bus. add., Freeport, 111. 6477. CARRIE MAY PERVIER (POWERS) (Wife of No. 7140) Toacher; A. B. in II. Sc. : b. D 5, 1890, Sheffield, 111.; d. Clayton Corell (b. Mr 4. 1858, Mineral, 111.) and Jessie May (Curtis) Pervier 548 University of Illinois [1914 (b. O 19, 1857, Sheffield, 111.)- Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Achoth; Omicron Nu. Married Fred Richmond Powers ('15); S 14, 19 15, Sheffield, 111. Children: John Clayton, b. S 2, 1916; Maynard Henry, b. Mr 10, 1918. Ad- dress, Tiskilwa, 111. 6478. JOHN CARNE PHELPS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 15, 1891, Chicago; s. Gregor William (b. Ap 16, 1861, Miss.; and Emily Blanche (Carne) Phelps (b. Ag 31, 1867, Eng.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Ma- wan-da; Sigma Tau; Capt., Varsity Baseball; Varsity Track. Salesman, Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, 1914-15; Designing Engr., Am. Spiral Pipe Works, 191 5 — . 111. Reserve Militia. Married Frances Ruth Wood, N 23, 1916, Chi- cago. Address, 341 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111. 6479. JOHN JOSEPH PITTS, JR. (Husband of No. 5782; Brother of Nos. 1751, 2210) Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. S. in Agr., 1915; b. N 21, 1891, Bloomington, 111.; s. John J. (b. O 20. 1853, McLean, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Roberts) Pitts (b. O 30, 1858, Bat- tle Creek, Mich.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Ku Klu.x; Class Swimming; Polo; Chm., Jr. Prom. Com.; Asst. Ed., Illio, 1913; Sr. Ed., Illio. Farming, Maple Crest farm, McLean, 111. Married Margaret F. Leach ('13), D 29, 19 1 7, Rogers Park, Chicago. Address, Maple Crest Farm, McLean, 111. 6480. THEODORE PLACK Min. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 7, 1887, Oak Hill, 111.; s. George (b. Ger.) and Eliza- beth (Jeiden) Plack (b. do.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Jr. Engr., 111. St. High- way Dept., Peoria, 1914-18; Asst. Min. Engr.. Harrisburg, 111., 19 18 — . Married Johanna Anderson, O 4, 1915, Oak Hill, 111. Address, 200 N. Webster St., Harrisburg, HI. 6481. CATHARINE PLANCK (KIRCHER) (Wife of No. 4748) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 7, 1891, Peoria; d. Arthur F. (b. N 26, 1867, Washington, 111.) and Nellie Vickers (Emerson) Planck (b. D 16, 1868, McConnellsville, O.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 19 1 3. Kappa Alpha Theta: Yo Ma: Sigma Xi; Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club; Psych. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors; Sr. C^lass Sec. Married Paul Kircher ('11), O 28, 1914. Chil- dren: Paul, Jr., b. Jl 21, 1915; Joanne Louise, b. Jl 27, 19 1 8. Address, 2746 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. 6482. CASPER PLATT Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 6, 1892, Danville, 111.; s. L. Piatt. Prepared in Danville H. S. Stud.. Law Sch., Univ. of Chi- cago. Lawyer, Danville. 111. 2d Lt., Co. 16, 151st Depot Brig. Camp Devens, Ayer. Mass.; Mustered out. D (>. 191 8. .Address, 419 Temple Bldg., Danville. III. 6483. PAUL WRIGHT POGUE Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 26, 1892, Findlay, 111. ; s. W. M. Pogue. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Delta Upsilon; Helmet; Fresh. Varsity Baseball. Stud., Law Sch., Columbia Univ. Lawyer, Decatur, 111. .Address, 518 W. Prairie St., Decatur, Ill.t 6484. STANLEY LANDON POGUE (Brother of No. 7868) Lawyer: LL. B.; b. Ja 31, 1891, Sullivan, 111.; s. John Robert (b. Shelby Co.. 111.) and Ella (Landon) Pogue (b. Auburn, 111.). Pre- pared in Sullivan H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Delta Phi; Yoxan; Ku Klux; Order of the Coif; Pres., Law Club; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Hat Com.; Prelim, and Final Honors. Lawyer, Decatur, 111. Mem., Rotary Club; Decatur Club; Univ. Club. Married Lois Bos- ton, Je 18, 1915, Yorkville, 111. Address, 501 Powers Bldg., Decatur, 111. 6485. LEILA JEAN POLLARD Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 8, 1889, Milwaukee; d. Charles Seth (b. do.) and Annie (Lee) Pollard (b. St. Charles, III). Prepared m St. Charles H. S. Achoth. Grad., Chicago Norm. Coll., 1917. Mem., Univ. 111. Alumnae Assn., Chicago. Address, 6235 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 6486. HENRY ROBB POLLOCK Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 15, 1885, Clin- ton, III.; s. A. (b. N 20, i860, do.) and Hattie (Robb) Pollock (b. Jl 14, 1868, Lincoln, 111.). Prepared in Clinton II. S. Teacher, Chrisman, I'JK, 1914-16; do.. Oblong, 111., 1916 — . Mar- ried Mora Brownfield, Ag 25, 1914, Champaign. Child, Mary Helen, b. Jl i, 1915. Address. Oblong, 111. 6487. MIYARES PORTUONDO (Brother of No. 5365) ^ B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 5, 1888, Santiago de Culja; s. Juan Portuondo. Prepared in El Di- vine Maestro and Jefferson Mil. Coll. Address, .\quilera. No. 8, Santiago de Cuba.t 6488. MERTIE AMALIA POSTEL (Daughter of No. 367; Sister of Nos. 4863, 8671) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 25, 1891, Mas- coutah. 111.; d. Julius ('83), (b. N 29. 1862, do.) and Anialia Postel (b. Je 26, 1862, do.). Pre- pared in Mascoutah H. S.; B. S., Milwaukee Downer Coll., 1911. Address, Mascoutah, II' 6489. FLOYD EMERSON POSTON Manager; .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 10, 1893, Nelsonville O.; s. Clarence E. (b. O 25, 1857, do.) and Ella (Dill) Poston (b. Je 15, 1858, Bainbridge, O.). Prepared in Crawfordsville (Ind.) H. S. Sigma Chi; Helmet; Ku Klux; Ind. Club; Class Baseball, 1912-14. Mgr., C. E. Poston Brick Plant, Attica, Ind. Married Eleanor Edna Orr. F 3, 1917, Attica, Ind. Ad- dress, Attica, Ind. 6490. BERNICE POWELL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 9, 1893, Atlantic, la.; d. George P. (b. Ag 25, 1863, Minn.) and Harriet E. (Williams) Powell (b. My 5, 1865, O.). Prepared in North Des Moines H. S.; Drake Univ., 1910-11; Univ. of Wis., 1916. Sigma Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Dixon, 111., 1914-17; Teacher, Tp. H. S., Fair- bury. 111., 1917 — . Address, Fairbury, 111. 6491. LEROY TALLMAN POWERS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 12, 1882, Prai- rieville. 111.; s. Austin A. (b. O 18, 1857, do.) and Adella (Tallman) Powers (b. Ja 10, 1859, Camanche, la.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Agr. Club; Hort. Club; Country Life Club. Farming, Sterling, 111., 1916 — . Mem., Hort. Soc. of No. 111., 1Q16-18. Address, R 1, Ster- ling. 111. 6492. ANTON PRASIL Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Ja 11, 1889, Chicago; s. George (b. 1864, Bohemia) and Anna (Strelec) Prasil (b. 1869, do.). Prepared in Medil H. S. and Y. M. C. A. Prep. School. Phi Lambda LTpsilon; Chem. Club; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Sigma Xi. Asst. Chem., Nutrition Lab., Univ. of III.; -Agr. Exj). Sta., 1914; Chem. Examiner. U. S. Civil Ser- vice Com., Washington, D. C. 1914-1918; Re- search Chem., Nat. Aniline & Chem. Co., Buf- 1914] Baccalaureate Alumni 549 falo, N. Y., 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S. Married Mary Elsie Cizkovsky, Ag 19, 1916, Chicago. Address, 108 Pries Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 6493. PAUL RUDOLPH ARCTANDER PREUS Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 19, 1890, Viroqua, Wis.; s. H. N. Preus. Prepared in Viroqua (Wis.) H. S. C. E. Club; Baseball. C. Engr., Div. Survey,' Chicago. 5th Obser- vation Bat., F. A. C, O. T. S., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, c/o M. M. Moen, Cal- mar, la.t 6494. EDWIN CHESTER PROUTY Office Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 9, 1892, Chicago; s. Edwin S. and Sarah M. (Brewer) Prouty. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Tri- angle; Sigma Tau; Scabbard and Blade; Alpha Delta Sigma; Ben Franklin Club; 111. Union Dramatic Club; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt., 1913-14. Office Mgr., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York City, 1914 — . Married Bernardetta McKean, Je 24. 191 5, New Rochelle, N. Y. Child, Eliza- beth Sarah, b. Ja 22, 1917. Address, 141 25th St., Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y. ; bus. add., 239 West 39th St., New York City. 6495. WILLIAM SING-CHONG PUNG Draftsman; B. S. in Ry. C. E. ; M. S., 1915; b. D 25, 1892, Honolulu, Hawaii; s. Wing Ming (b. S 29, 1850, Canton, China) and Det- Yin (Ching) Pung (b. Je 19, 1857, do.). Pre- pared in Oahu Coll., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1909; Stanford Univ., 1910-12. Chinese Stud. Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Ry. Club; Grad. Club; C. E. Club; Class Track. Chm., Santa Fe Ry. Co., Gushing, Okla., 1915; Rodman, do., 1915- 16; Acting Res. Engr., do., Drumright, Okla., 1916; Transitman. 1916-17; Draftsman, Barton Co. and Santa Fe Ry. Co., Holyrood, Kan., 1917. Pvt., U. S. A., igif ; Sgt., Co. D, 357th Inf., 1918; Instr., Co. 2, E. O. T. S., Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. Jr. Mem., A. S. C. E. Address, 827 Clayton St., Honolulu, Hawaii. 6496. GEORGE EDWARD QUICK (Brother of No. 8681) Supt., Const.; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 22, 1892, Joliet, 111.; s. George Wesley (b. O 22, 1866, Tiskilwa, 111.) and Carrie (Gossler) Quick (b. S 2, 1868, do.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Theta Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Foreman on Sub-Sta. , E. St. Louis, 1914; Efficiency Engr., Chicago, 1914; Supt., Gen. Const., Tiskilwa, 111.. 1914-16; Engr., Uni- versal Portland Cement Co., Mr-S 1916; Gen. Supt., M. J. Hoffman Const. Co., Evansville, Ind.. S 1916 — . Auth.: LTnit Const. Canopies, Engineering News Record, Vol. 78, No. 4, Ap 26, 1917. Married Anna Ruth Hare, Je 14, 1916, Tiskilwa, 111. Address, c/o M. J. Hoff- man Const. Co., Evansville, 111. 6497. BERNICE MAE QUINN (GARRETT) (Wife of No. 6251; Sister of No. 9327) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 7, 1891, La Fayette, 111.; d. Frank F. (b. Ap 16, i86i,iToulon, 111.) and Nellie Mae (Jones) Quinn (b. D 21, 1861, La Fayette, 111.). Prepared in La Fayette H. S.; Knox Coll., 1910-12. Alpha Chi Omega. Married James F. Garrett ('14), O s, 1914, La Fayette, III. Child, Dorothy Marilyn, b. Je 9, 1 91 5. Address, 907 Jefferson St., Wilmington, Del. 6498. LEONIDAS WILLING RAMSEY Land. Arch.; B. S. in Land Gard.; b. My 22, 1891, Hazlehurst, Miss.; s. J. L. (b. do.) and Carrie (Willing) Ramsey (b. do.). Prepared in Marion Inst.; Hazlehurst H. S.; Millsaps Coll. Kappa Sigma; Scarab; Ma-wan-da; Sigma Delta Chi; 111. Dramatic Club; Lambkins; Land. Gard. Club; Ed.. Siren; Circus Mgr.; Co-Auth., Prod- igal Prince; Class Poet; Mgr.. Ath. Assn. Land. Arch. Ensign, U. S. N. Auth.: Articles on Land. Gard. Address, 902 Marquette St., Dav- enport, la. 6499. HALLIE BURNSIDE RANDOLPH Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 30, 1891, Covington, Ind.; s. Fred E. and Ora B. (Burn- side) Randolph. Prepared in De Pauw Acad.; De Pauw Univ., 1910-11. Phi Kappa Psi; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Mil. Band; 111. Agr. Staff; Agr. Dance Com. Instr., Agr., Drummer Tp. H. S., 111., 1914-17; Vocational Agr. Teacher, Noblesville, Ind., 1917-18; Co. Agr. Agt., do., 1918. Maj., U. S. A., Washing- ton D. C, 1 918 — . Mem. A. F. A. M.; Ind. Pure Bred Live Stock Assn.; Ind. Corn Grow- er's Assn. Married Gail Wise Bushy, Ag 19, 1914. Anderson, III. Child, Halfred Fre- mont, b. Je 27, 1915. Address, Covington, Ind.; bus. add., Noblesville, Ind. 6500. CARL KING RANG Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; LL. B., 1916; b. N 16, 1 89 1, Freeport, 111.; s. C. H. Rang. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Lawyer, Spring- field, 111. 2nd Lt., R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan. 111. ist Lt., Mil. Police Bn., Trier, Ger. Address, 610 Park Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add.. Box 486, Springfield, 111. 6501. BENJAMIN JULIUS RAPPAPORT B. S. in A. E.; b. O 29, 1892, Chicago; s. J. Rappaport. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Beta Phi Pi; Ionian; Arch. Club; Menorah Soc; Class Basketball; Class Foot- ball; Mgr., Class Track; Mgr., Class Ath. Ad- dress, 2128 Crystal St., Chicago. 6502. ALFRED RAUT Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 17, 1874, St. Louis; s. Julius (b. Mr 29, 1850, do.) and Anna (Nictor) Rautenstrauch (b. Ap 4, 1854, do.). Prepared in Sedalia (Mo.) H. S. Agr. Club; Dairy Ed. ///. Agr. Co. Agr. Agent, Nottoway and Amelia Cos., Va., 1914-17; Dist. Agr. Agt.. Southeast. Ozarks, 1917 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Married Lillie Maud Bowen, S 10. 1899, Hoopeston, 111. (died, My 7, 1911); Nora L. Silger, D 23, 1918, Grandin, Mo. Child, Earle Jewell, b. F 18, 1910. Address, Perryville, Mo. 6503. CARL ERIC REDBORG With Mfg. Co.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 26, 1889, Gothenburg, Sweden; s. Carl (b. S 23, 1834, do.) and Josephine (Wanin) Redborg (b. Ap 24, 1854, do.). Prepared in Gothenburg. Sweden; Batavia H. S. Worked for Sears, Roe- buck & Co.; Appleton Mfg. Co., Batavia, 111. 135th F. A., A. E. F., France. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Odd Fellows. Address, 265 Hueston St., Batavia, 111. 6504. HERMAN THORNTON REEVES Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 3, 1890, Normal, 111.; s. L. Reeves. Prepared in Univ. Mil. Sch., Mobile, Ala. Arch. Club; Land. Gard. Club; Dixie Club; Univ. Soc, Land. Arch.; Engr. Dance Cora. Land. Arch., Daven- port, la. Address, 515 Putnam Bldg., Daven- port, la.f 6505. ERNEST ALEXANDER REID Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1915; b. J.e 28, 1888. Oxford, Ind.; s. Alexander T. (b. D 31, 1852, Rushylvania, O.) and Louisa (Mc- Gee) Reid (b. Mr 21. 1853, College Corner, Ind.). Prepared in Grand Rapids (Minn.) H. S.; Miss. A. & M. Coll., 1910-11. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc; Final Honors. Instr., Elec. Engng.. Univ. of Minn., 191 5-17: do.. Univ. of 111.. 1917-18. Auth.: Pull and Flux, Characteristics of a Solenoid, Techno- graph. Vol. XXX, No. 2, 1916. Married Nel- lie Williams, Ag 30, 1916, Grand Rapids, Minn. .Address. 609 Indiana Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111., do. 55° University of Illinois 6506. RAYMOND THOMAS REILLY Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ja 29, 1890, Lake Co., 111.; s. Thomas S. (b. South Bend, Mich.) and Rose G. (Moran) Rcilly (b. Lake Co., 111.). Prepared in Waukegan IL S. Asst. Engr., Alvord & Burdick, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 19 14- 17. Pvt., Co. A, 111. Nat. Guard, service on Tex. Border 1915-16; I St Lt., Engrs. R. C, U. S. A., fe 19 17—. Address, 138 North St., Waukegan, 111. 6507. ROBERT RUTTER REIMERT, JR. Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 20, 1891, Carthage, Mo.; s. Robert Rutter (b. D 10, 1864, Franklin, Pa.) and Ada Mae (Lowey) Reimert (b. Mr 20, 1870, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis; Hyde Park H. S. Chi Beta; Scarab; Varsity Water Polo; Engr. V. P., 111. Union; Pres., 111. Union Dramatic Club; Jr. Prom. Com.; Homc-Coming Cora. Sr. Memorial Com. Arch., Miami, Fla., 1914-15; Insp. of Const, on Residence and Est., James Deering, Miami, Fla., 1915-17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1917; R. O. T. C, Ft. Monroe, Va.. 1917; 2d Lt., C. A. R. C. Ft. Dade, Fla.; Assigned to Bat. B, 64th Regt., C. A. C; 2d Lt., do., A. P. O., 733, A. E. F., 1918. Address, 1127 E. 62nd, Chicago; bus. add., c/o James Deering E^t., Miami, Fla. 6508. SYLVIA PEARL RENNER (HADDEN) (Wife of No. 6270; Sister of No. 4383) B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 14, 1891, L^rbana; d. Enos H. (b. Rantoul, 111.) and Lou Ella Renner, (b. Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. H. Sc. Club. Married Stanley Bear Hadden ('14), D 31, 1914, Urbana. Address, Pentield, Ill.t 6509. RUTH MARGARET RENWICK (Sister of No. 7889) Supervisor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 19, 1891, Harvey, 111.; d. Frank W. (b. F 5. 1867, Elgin, 111.) and Margaret A. (Concannon) Renwick (b. Ja 15, 1868, Clinton, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Englewood H. S. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1913. Delta Gamma. Supvr., Art, Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey, 111., 1915 — . Address, 5450 E. View Park, (Jhicago. 6510. DAPHNE MARGARET REXWINKLE (Sister of No. 5380) Secretary; B. Mus.; b. F 20, 1889, Oska- loosa, la.; d. Benjamin Franklin (b. Fayette Co., 111.) and Ruth Emily (DeLong;) Rex- winkle (b. Westfield, 111.). Prepared in Van- dalia H. S. Sigraa Kappa; Mu Kapjia Al])ha. In charge of Pub. Sch. Mus., Lorenz, la.; Sec. for Salesmgr., U. S. Printing 6s: Litho- graph Co., Chicago. Address, 212 Gallatin St., Vandalia, 111.; bus. add., 6212 University Ave., Chicago. 651 1. GROVER COLVIN RICE Supt., Schs. and Farmer; A. B. ita L. A. & S.; b. Je 23, 1883, McVey, 111.; s. Charles F. (b. Ja 6, 1852, Atwater, 111.) and Clara Estella (Fite) Rice (b. S 25, 1862, do.). Pre- pared in Hillsboro H. S. Homesteading a ranch, Dubois, Idaho, Supt., Schs., during winter seasons, 1914 — . Address, Dubois, Idaho. 6512. HUGH MONROE RICE B. S. in Agr.: b. N i, 1891, Gillespie, 111.; s. Henry Rice. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ad- dress, Gillespie, 111. 6513. PAyUL COBB RICH (Brother of No. 7163) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. N 6, 1890, Chicago; s. Evert and Marie (Rlieinbold) Rich. Prepared in Calumet II. S., Chicago. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi I1914 Sigma; Sigma Xi; Final Honors; ist Lt. and Maj., Univ. Regt 1912-14; Class Basketball; Mandolin Club. Submarine contracting, 1914- 15;. Research Chem., Parke, Davis & Co., De- troit, 1915-16; Chem. and Asst. F"oreman, Gen. Chem. Co., Hegewisch, HI., 1916 — . Mem., A. C. S., 1914. Address, 10420 Prospect Ave., Chicago. 6514. HELEN MARIE RICHARDS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 3, 1887, Johet, 111.; d. Charles W. (b. 1855, Chicago Junction, O.) and Agnes B. (Keir) Richards (b. 1862, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Grad. work, N. W. Univ., 1916-17; do., Columbia Coll. of Expression, 1917-18. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma I'si; Math. Club; Final Honors; Phi Delta Psi. Math. Teacher, Austin H. S., Chicago, 1914 — . Mem., Universalist Church. Address, 5538 W. Race Ave., Chicago. 6515. CHARLES RICHARDSON Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1890, Shelbyville, Ky. ; s. C. C. Richardson. Pre- pared in Louisville H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Fresh. Varsity Football; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Class Foot- ball; Capt., Bowling, 1914; Sr. Ball Com. Football Coach. Blair Acad., N. J.; Salesman, Internat. Harvester Co., Trenton, N. J. Ad- dress, Cook Y. M. C. A., Trenton, N. J. 6516. FRANK ERWIN RICHART (Husband of No. 7660) Instructor; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1915; b. My II, 1892, Lena, 111.; s. C. K. (b. N 18, 1853, Orangeville, Pa.) and Ida Florence (Gam- bler) Richart (b. N 17, 1856, Winslow, 111.). Prejiared in Lena H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Reinforced Con- crete Designing, Chicago, 1915-16; Instr., T. & A. M., Urbana, igiB-i8. With Concrete Ship Div., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia and .South Bethlehem. Pa., 191 8 — . Married Mary Fern Johnson ('16), S 11, 1917, Urbana. Ad- dress, 1 00-' 14 W. California St., Urbana; bus. add., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111. 6517. FRIEDEL CHAPIN RICKEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 7, 1890, Chi- cago; s. Friedel Lincoln (b. Ja 17, 1863, Mar- seilles, 111.) and Ella Laura Reynolds) Richey (b. F II, 1857. Chicago). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta; Gamma Alpha; Tribe of Illini; Mgr., Varsity F'ootball, 191 SI Mandolin Clul); Sr. Memorial Com. Asst., Coll. of Agr. and Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of II!., 1914-16; Farmer, Downers Grove, 1916 — . Ad- dress, Downers Grove, 111. 6518. DAVID MORRIS RIFF Sales Mgr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 20, 1891, St. Louis; s. Samuel (b. Hungary) and Nettie (Zuckerman) Riff (b. do.). Prepared in Tuley JI. S., Chicago; Univ. of Minn., 1914-15. Men- orah; Adelphic; Prelim, and Final Honors; Capt., LTiiiv. Regt.; Sigma Xi. Engr., Flat Slab Products Co., Chicago, 191 4; M. St. P. & S. S. M. Ry., Minneapolis, 1914-15; Webster Engng. Co., 1915-17; East. Sales Mgr., Am. Steam Con- veyor Corp., 1917 — . Mem., B'nai Brith, 1913. Address, 1139 N, Mozart St., Chicago; bus. add., 2102-21 10 W. 40th St., New York CZity. 6519. JULES HENRY ROBERT (Brother of Nos. 2799, 3939) Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 13. 1893, Lacon, 111.; s. Paul H. (b. Je 26, 1858, Coiselle. Switzerland) and Louise Adele (Brandt) Robert (b. Mr 13, 1857, Planchette, do.). Prepared in Lacon H. S. Upsilon Beta Pi; M. E. Soc. .\sst., M. E. Dept.. Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y.; Instr.. Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Co. E, 353rd Inf., 89th Div., Camp 1914] Baccalaureate Alumni 551 Funston; Bn. Sergt. Maj., Ildqtrs. G 3, 4th A. C, A. E. F.. France; Army of Occupation, Ger. Address, Lacon, 111.; bus. add., c/o Kan- sas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 6520. ERMA DOROTHY ROBERTS (HENDERSON) (Wife of No. 7602) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ap 19, 1892, Springfield, 111.; d. George Frank and Elizabeth (Adamson) Roberts. Prepared in Curtis H. S., Chicago. Teacher, Marshalltown, la., 1914-15; do., Syca- more, 111., 191 5-18. Married Frank Spoor Hen- derson ('16), Ag 31, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 11948 Stewart Ave., Chicago. 6521. KENNETH EDWARD ROCKHOLD Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. N 18. 1891, Burlington, la.; s. J. D. Rockhold. Pre- pared in Burlington (la.) H. S. Mech. Engr.. L. E. Rodgers Erigng. Co., Chicago; do., Mark Mfg. Co., Zanesville, O. Address, 24 Convers St., Zanesville, O. 6522. ALFRED ROBERT ROHLFING (Brother of No. 7902) Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja i, 1891, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; s. Louis (b. D 31, 1859, Weisburg, Ind.) and Sophia (Hillman) Rohl- fing (b. F 4, 1867, Lawrenceburg, Ind.). Pre- pared in Morton Tp. H. S. Chi Beta; Sigma Delta Chi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Mask and Bauble; Hatchet Oration. Bond Salesman, St. Louis, 1914-is; Farming, 191 5 — . Married Evalyn Van Home, O 11, 1916, Roswell, N. M. Child, Ralph Walter, b. Ag 20, 1918. Address. R. I, Farmington, 111. 6523. VERN ANTON ROLAND Gen. Contr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 8, 1891. Champaign; s. Anton (b. O 25, 1858, Urbana) and Mae (Weeks) Roland (b. Mr 18, 1864, Champaign). Prepared in Champaign H._ S. Arch. Club; Scholarship. Contr. Champaign. Arch. Engr., Ord. Corp., Terre Haute, Ind.; do.. Rock Island, 111.; do.. Governor's Island, N. Y. ; do., Eng. ; do.. Advance Ordnance De- pot 4, A. E. F., France- Mustered out, F 13, 1918. Married Anna Katherine Hurst. D 14, 1916, Champaign. Address, loi E. Green St., (Champaign. 6524. OSCAR B. ROMAN (Husband of No. 7168; Brother of No. 5389) Real Est. Agt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 7, 1891, Granite City, III.; s. Walter (b. Switzerland) and Augusta (Freiburg) Roman (b. St. Louis). Prepared in Granite City H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. Agr. Real Est., Granite City, 1914-17. I St Lt., Sig. R. C, Aviation Sec, Omaha. Neb., Je 1917; ist Lt., Commanding i6th Balloon Co., France, 1918 — . Married Dorothy Sue Rina- ker ('15). D 5, 1917, Omaha, Neb. Address, R I, Granite City, 111. 6525. CARRIE LEE ROOTH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 4, 1888, Joy. 111.; d. Edward Rooth. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, Eng. and Hist., II. S., Han- over, 111. Address, Joy, 111.; bus. add., Han- over, 111. 6526. WILFRED CROUCH ROPIEQUET (Husband of No. 6912) Compensation Expert; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 7. 1891, Belleville, 111.; s. Richard William (b. Mr 23, 1865, do.) and Mamie (Crouch) Ropiequet (b. Mr 25. 1870, do.). Prepared in Belleville H. S.; Evanston Acad. Philomathean; Ben Franklin (ilub; Chess and Checkers Club; Ed. -in-Chief. 1914 Illio; City Ed., Daily IlUni; Mgr.. Star Course; Chm., Sr. Invitation Com.; Dope Sheet Staff. Ins. Adjuster. T. H. Mastin & Co., 1914-18; Compensation E.xpert, 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Married Alta Green ('15), Je 17, 1915, Urbana. Children: Edith, b. Ap 13, 1917;^ Katherine, b. Ag s. 1918. Ad- dress. 379 N. Taylor, St. Louis; bus. add., 401 Murphy Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. 6327. GLENN THOMPSON ROSS (Brother of No. 6528) Cashier; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 7, 1891, Rossville, 111.; s. William C. (b. Fairmount, 111.) and Lillian (Meneley) Ross (b. Rossville, 111.). Prepared in Rossville H. S. Sigma Al- pha Epsilon; Sr. Smoker, 1913. Asst. Cashier, IJusey St. Bank, Urbana. U. S. S. C, San Antonio, Tex., 1918; 2nd Lt., A. S. S. R. C, 507 Aero Sqdn.; Mustered out, F 22, igig. Address, 401 Washington Blvd., Urbana. 6528. ROY MENELEY ROSS (Brother of No. 6527) Mgr., Oil Co.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; s. Wil- liam C. (b. Fairmount, 111.) and Lillian (Mene- ley) Ross (b. Rossville, 111.). Prepared in Rossville H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi; Bus. Staff, Daily Illini. Bus. Office, Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Meneley-Ross Co., Cham- paign, 1915-16; Std. Oil Co., New York City, Jl-O 1916; do., Hankow, China, N 1916 — . Am. "Volunteer Corp. Mem., M. E. Church; Elks Lodge; A. F. A. M.; Hankow French Club; Hankow Race Club. Address, 401 Washington Blvd., Urbana; bus. add., Hankow, China, c/o Socony. 6529. JESSIE BLANCHE ROTHGEB (Sister of No. 2497) Manager; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 3, 1891, Wellington, lU.; d. John D. (b. Luray, Va.) and Annie B. (Austin) Rothgeb (b. Welling- ton, 111.). Prepared in Hoopeston H. S.; Co- lumbia. Gamma Phi Beta; W. A. A.; H. Sc. Club; Class Basketball. Asst. Mgr., Y. M. C. .'\. Cafeteria, Univ. of III., summer, 1916; Asst. Mgr., Cafeteria and Dormitory, Univ. of Wash., 1917; Dietitian, Seattle General Hosp., sum- mer, 191 7; Mgr., Cafeteria and Dormitory, Univ. of Wash., 1918 — . Address, Clarke Hall, Univ. of Washington, Seattle. -6530. ENOS MARION ROWE Asst. Supvr. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. F S, 1890, Martinsville. 111.; s. G. H. and Stella V. (Mil- ler) Rowe (b. do.). Prepared in Sidell H. S. Kappa Si^ma; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Varsity Baseball, 1912; Capt., Varsity Football, 1913. With H. J. Heinz & Co., Pittsburgh, 1915-16; St. Charles Sch., St. Charles, 111., 1916- 17; Asst. Supvr., E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Plant Co., 19 17 — . Married Cora E. Newton, N 25, 1917. Crystal Lake, 111. Ad- dress, 709 sth Ave., Carneys Point, N. J. 6531. FLOYD ELBA ROWLAND Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1918; b. D 18, 1885. Hartwick, la.; s. Alva Elsworth (b. N 4. i860, Hagerstown, Md.) and Ella (Clingman) Rowland (b. Ap 9, 1859, Cedarville, 111.). Prepared in Corvallis (Ore.) H. S. B. S., Ore. St. Agr. Coll., 1907. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1915; Instr., Ore. Agr. Coll., Corvallis. Ore., 1918 — . Lt., Gas Defense Dept., Washington, D. C; Mustered out, 1918. Mem., A. C. S., 1916. Married Clauda Leola Anderson, Je 17, igo9, Portland. Ore. Address, Oregon Agr. Coll.. Corvallis, Ore. 6532. SURYA KANTA ROY Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 16, 1884, Taki, India; s. Manmotha N. and Shikhan Bashim Roy. Prepared in Reid Christian Coll., Lucknow, India. Cosmopolitan Club; Hindu- stan Assn.; Agr. Club. Agr. Adviser, Luck- now, India, 1915-17; Prof., An. Husb. and 55^ University of Illinois [1914 Dairying, Allahabad Coll., do., Mgr., Dairy farm, Gavalier, Central India. Auth. : Canning Industry, The Hindustance Stud. Married Biva Roy, Taki, Bengal, India. Child, Pushpa, b. Ja 5, 1917. Address, Satinrth Villa, La Touche Road, Lucknow, India. 6533- JOHN GARLAND RUCKEL Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 21, 1889, Springfield, 111.; s. John H. (b. do.) and Cora G. Ruckel (b. do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. .Alpha Tau Omega. Specialty Salesman and Bank Bookkeeper, Birmingham, Ala., 1914-16; Ins., Springfield, 111., 1916-17. Ft. Sheridan, R. O. T. C, 1917; U. S. A., Ag 29, 1917; 2nd Lt., 342nd Inf., Camp Grant, 111.; Hdqtrs. Co., 342nd Inf.. 86th Div.; Wounded N 8, 1918; Returned to Camp Grant, 111., 1919. Address, 848 S. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111. \ 6534. CAROLINE NONDAS RUSSELL (GOLDING) A. B. in L. A. oc S.; b. N 5, 1890, Omaha, Neb.; d. Reginald Charles (b. London, Eng.) and Estelle Vivien (MacLeod) Russell (b. Mon- treal, Can.). Prepared in Providence Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1912-14. Chi Omega; Yo-Ma. Married Marvin Earle Golding, Ap 8, 1916, Ciiicago. Address, 316 McKee Place, Pitts- burgh. 6535. JOSE URBANO SALAZAR B. S. in Agr.; b. My 25, 1890, Cusihuriachic, Hex.; s. T. M. Salazar. Prepared in Univ. Acad., Ariz. Cosmopolitan Club; Phi Delta Epsilon; Agr. Club; Spanish Club; Latin-Am. Club; 111. Soc. of Agron.; Class Baseball. Ad- dress, 2100 Libertad St.. Chihuahua, Mex.f 6536. LAURA MARIE SANDERS A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 10, 1889, Pana, 111.; d. G. W. Sanders. Prepared in Pana H. S. H. Sc. Club. Address, 603 Armory Ave., Cham- paign.t 6537. RALPH LLOYD SANDERS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 7, 1888, Glasford, 111.; s. Daniel Theodore (b. Ap 12, 1865, do.) and Ellen (Brisendine) Sanders (b. 1859, Leaksville, N. C). Prepared in Glasford H. S.; Univ. Acad. Acacia; Ma-wan-da; Capt., Track; Sr. Hat Com.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Home- Coming Com. Surv., 111. Rivers & Lakes Com., Chicago; 111. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111.; Bridge Insp., Vandalia R. R.. St. Louis; Bridge Insp. and Designer, 111. Central R. R., Chicago; Computer for Truss Const. Co., do. Co. C. 313 Engrs., Camp Dodge. 1917; Co. E, 4th Bn., 20th Engrs., 1917; A. S. S. C, 1918. Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex. 2nd Lt., R. M. A., Air Service, Memphis; Mustered out, D 9, 1918. Address, Glasford, 111.; bus. add., 4723 Sheri- dan Road, Chicago. 6538. LILLIAN WATERS SAVAGE (Sister of No. 8729) Superintendent; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N I. 1890, Baltimore; d. William Penn (b. 1855, Hardin Co., Ky.) and Anne Elizabeth (Waters) Savage (b. 1865, Montgomery Co., Md.). Pre- pared in Mt. Vernon, Belleville, and E. St. Louis H. Schs. Gamma Phi Beta; Athenean; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Onarga, 1914-17; do., H. S., Vermilion. S. Dak., 1917- 18; Supt. Schs., Lennox, S. Dak., 1918 — . Ad- dress, 325 Portland Ave., Belleville, 111.; bus. add., Lennox, S. Dak. 6539. MARGARET SAWYER (Sister of Nos. 4401, 9370) Dietitian; A. P.. in H. Sc; b. D 16, 1891, Tus- cola, 111.; d. Albert Butler (b. Ja 3, 1837, Mil- ton, Vt.) and Fannie (Wardall) Sawyer (b. F 26, 1862, Springfield 111.). Prepared in Nor- borne (Mo.) H. S.; Girl's Classical Sch. Kappa Alpha Theta; Yo Ma; H. Sc. Club. Stud., Cornell Med. Sch., 1914-1915; Instr., H. Sc, St. Univ of la., 1915-18; Dietitian, Office of Sur- geon Gen., U. S. A., 1918; Post Hosp., Rock- well Field, San Diego, Calif. Auth.: Fourth Measurements of the Surface Area of Adults and Children, The Archives of Internal Medi- cine, Vol. 17, 1916; Studies of Acid Production: I. Varying Susceptibility of Children to Acid- osis, Am. Jour. Diseases of Children, Vol. XV; II, The Mineral Loss during Acidoses, Jour. of Biol. Chem., Vol. XXXIII, 1918. Address. 210 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, la. 6540. WALTER HOWARD SCALES (Husband of No. 6260) Arch. Engr. ; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 22, 1890, Fond du Lac, Wis.; s. Charles Edward (b. Ap 10, 1868, do.) and Lena Anna Katherine (Wick- ert) Scales (b. Ag 31, 1871, do.). Prepared in Ft. Worth (Tex.) H. S. Dixie Club; Arch. Club; ist Lt., Univ. Regt. Sec. and Chief Engr., Blackhawk Const. Co., Waterloo, la., 1914-16; Ft. Worth, Tex., 1917; Champaign, 1917; Designing Struct. Engr., U. S. Fuel Co., Danville, 111., 1917 — . Struct. Design, Lacka- wanna Bridge Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Mem., Tech. Soc, Waterloo, la.; A. A. E.; Epis. Church. Married Leola lone Goodman ('14), Je 9, 1915, Champaign. Children: Elizabeth Anna, b. Ag 10, 1916; Miriam Joan, b. S 20, 1918. Ad- dress, c/o Lackawanna Bridge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 6541. EMIL FERDINAND SCHAARMANN Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1915; b. Ap 20, 1884, Edgington, 111.; s. Henry (b. Ag 18. 1839, Emsbach, Baden, Ger.) and Lena (Freymark) .Schaarmann (b. My 12. 1847, Ber- lin, Ger.). Perpared in Lutheran Pedagogical Sem., Forest Park 111. Der Deutsche Ver- ein. Dir., Sch. of Mod. Lang., Champaign. Address, 204 W. Church St.. Champaign; bus. add., 412-414 Lincoln bldg., do. 6542. MABEL EVA SCHADT Manager; B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 26, 1882, Grand Rapids. Mich.; d. John F. (b. O.) and Magdelene (Bertch) Schadt (b. Ger.). Pre- pared in Goshen (Ind.) H. S. ; Chicago Univ.; Valparaiso LIniv. H. Sc. Club; Omicron Nu. Teacher, H. Sc, Y. W. C. A., St. Louis, 1914- 16; Mgr., Cafeteria, do., 1916 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 410 N. 6th St., St. Louis. 6543. OTTO GEORGE SCHAFFER Land. Arch.; B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. F 25, 1S86, Lake Geneva, Wis.; s. George Gottlieb (b. Ja 23, 1861, Ger.) and Wilhelmina (Meister) Schaffer (b. D 10, 1865, do.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; Lake Forest Coll.. 1909-10. land. Arch, with A. D. Taylor, Cleveland and Detroit, 1914-15; do., Schaffer & Hornal, Lake Forest, 111. Married Anne Georgene Caspersen, '^ 17, 1917, Chicago. Address, Lake Forest, 111. 6544. EMMA EUGENIA SCHALLER (MILLARD) (Wife of G471; Sister of 4402) A. B. in I-I. Sc; b. N 13, 1892, Mendota, 111.; d. Veil C. (b. F 25, i860. Clarion, 111.) and Emily (Faber) Schaller (b. F 4, 1869, do.). Prepared in Blackstone H. S., Mendota. Sig- ma Kappa. Married Floyd Hays Millard (g'12), Mr 18. 1916, Mendota, 111. Address, 5048 Slieridan Road, Chicago. 6545. EMIL PAUL SCHREIER Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 26, 1891, Verdigris. Neb.; s. E. Schreier. Prepared in Peru St. Nortii. Sch. Arch Club. Draftsman, Omaha, Neb. Address, 1922 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb.j igu] Baccalaureate Alumni 553 6546. GLENN WILSON SCHROEDER (Brother of No. 2506) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 11, 1891, Joliet, 111.; s. Ferdinand W. H. (b. 1846, Gar.) and Abbie Churchill (Ward) Schroeder (b. 1853, Joliet. III.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Alpha Zeta; Prelim, and Final Honors; Varsity Wrest- ling. Farmer. McHenry Co., 1914-15; do., Ford Co., 1915 — . Married Luella Eliza Dun- nan, Mr 7, 1916, Paxton, 111. Child. Hugh Churchill, b. S 14, 1917 (died O 16, 1917). --Id- dress. Box 276, (jibson City, 111. 6547. HAZEL MARGUERITE SCHULTZ B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 10, 1890, Stockton, 111.; d. H. B. Schultz. Prepared in West H. S., Minneapolis. Address, 830 N. Main St., Rock- ford, Ill.t 6548. HARRY GEORGE SCHURECHT Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. O 20, 1892, Chicago; s. C. Schurecht. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Ceram. Club; Capt., Varsity Fencing, 1913-14. Address, 1500 Otto St., Chicago. 6549. LOUISE FENIMORE SCHWARTZ Librarian B. L. S.; b. O 6. 1885, Knoxville, 111.; d. Edwin (b. Galesburg, 111.) and Sarah Alice (Riordan) Schwartz (b. Gibson, 111.). Prepared in Knoxville H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., 1907. Libn., Univ. of Wash., 1914 — . Address, 1408 E. 42nd St., Seattle; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Washington, do. 6550. ERNEST SOMERS SCOTT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 26, 1890, Pittsburg; s. Earnest K. Scott. Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Up- silon; E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Elec. Engr., Raynold Elec. Co., Chicago. .4d- dress, 202 N. Central, Chicago. 6551. OLGE HESSE SEARS Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 24, 1892, Oblong, 111.; d. Jacob (b. Mr 19, 1837, Edgar Co., 111.) and Maria Catherine (Hess) Sears (b. My 12, 1850, Morgan Co., Ind.). Prepared in Oblong H. S.; Westtield Coll., 1909-10. M. S. A., Purdue Univ., 1917. Instr., Soils, Pur- due Univ., 1914 — . Married Helen Louise Troop, Je 15, 1915, West La Fayette, Ind. Address, West La Fayette, Ind. 6552. ROSE ROBERTS SEARS Librarian; B. L. S., 1914; b. F 18, 1877, Chicago; d. Peter C. (b. Mr 15, 1842, Matta- poisett, Mass.) and Rose Ann Tree (Rob- erts) Sears (b. N i, 1840, Bangor, Me.). Prepared in St. Margaret's Sch. A. B., Fair- mount Coll., 1909. Y. W. C. A. Asst. Libn., Chicago Theol. Sem., 191 6; Asst. in Charge of Divinity Lib., Univ. of Chicago, 1916-17; Cataloger, McCormick Theol. Sem.. 1917-18; Asst., Catalog Dept., Newberry Lib., 1918 — . A. L. A. Lib. War Service, Lib. of Congress. Washington. D. C. Auth. : Like an anthem or refrain. Public Libraries; Roman Togas on the Lake Shore Drive, Survey; Gold Beads and Mince Pie, The Continent, Vol. 40. Address, 1305 Astor St., Chicago; bus. add., Newberry Library, do. 6553. EDMUND CLAY SECOR Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 30, 1888, Car- rollton. 111.; s. A. T. (b. My 25, 1857, do.) and Adela Myrtilla (Black) Secor (b. F 18, 1858, do.). Prepared in Winona Acad. Farmer, Carrollton, 111. Address, R 2, Car- rollton. 111. 6554. ESTHER BEULAH SEELEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 26, 1884, Littleton, 111.; s. Lewis Cass (b. Ja 14, 1854, Rushville, III.) and Cynthia Maria (Davis) Seeley (b. S 19, 1856, Littleton, 111.). Pre- pared in Normal H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Columbia L'niv., Summer, 1914; Chicago Univ., Summers, 19 15, 1916. Teacher, Normal, 111. Address, 215 N. School St., Normal, 111. 6555. SENTARO SERINE B. S. in M. E.; A. B., 1914; Ph. D.. 1917; b. Mr IS, 1886, Japan; s. H. Sekine. Prepared in Univ. of la. Address, c/o Dept. Motive Power and Equipment, Tokyo, Japan. 6556. SIDNEY ISAAC SEWELL With U. S. Bur. of Standards; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Ag 11, 1889, Belvidere, 111.; s. Frank (b. 1858, do.) and Mary C. (Shaffer) Sewell (b. 1S61, New Hampton, la.). Pre- pared in N. Belvidere H. S. With Nat. Sew- ing Machine Co., Belvidere, 111., 1914-16; With U. S. Bur. of Standards, Pittsburgh, 1917 — . Address, 501 1 Maple Ave., St. Louis. 6557. EARL PAGE SHAPLAND (Brother of No. 5410) Superintendent: B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 27, 1891, Griswold, 111.; s. John S. (b. Devonshire, Eng.) and Charlotte (Page) Shapland (b. do.). Prepared in Univ. Acad., Varsity Football. Asst. Co. Supt., Highways. Pontiac, 111., 1914- 16. 3rd 111. Inf., San Antonio, Tex., 1917; 129th Inf., Houston, Tex., 1917 — . Mem., K. P.; A. F. A. M. Married Lois Ross, Jl 14, 1917, Saunemin, 111. Address, Saunemin, 111. 6558. BERTHA LEE SHARP (SCHROEPPEL) (Wife of No,. 8736) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 2. 1890, Taylor- ville. 111.; d. David Miller (b. 1861, Auburn, 111.) and Elsie Amelia (Lamb) Sharp (b. 1862, Wis.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S.: Bucknell Univ., 1907-8. Cataloger, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1914-17; Sr. Asst., New York Pub. Libr., New York City, 191 7 — . Married Harold H. Schroeppel ('17), My 12, 1917, Monticello, 111. Address, 1707 Nelson Ave., Apt. 6 B, New York City. 6559. FRANK THOMAS SHEETS Asst. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. O s, 1890. La Fayette, O. ; s. Edgar Wilson (b. Jl 21, 1863, Bloomingburg, O.) and Gertrude (Williams) Sheets (b. Jl 13, 1868, Sedalia. O.). Prepared in Springfield (O.) H. S.; and Spring- field (111.) H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; C. E. Club; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. Asst. Engr., St. of 111., Div. of Highways; Bridge designer, constr. road designer, road promotion; Asst. Maintenance Engr., 1915 — . Co. D, 5th "Inf., 111. Reserve Militia. Reader, Church of Christ. Married Naomi Gault, N i5, 1914. Springfield, 111. Child, Frank Thomas, Jr., b. F 5, 1916. Ad- dress, Palmyra, Mo.; bus. add., 511 S. State St., Springfield, 111. 6560. WARREN MAXWELL SHELDON (Brother of Nos. 1964, 1965, 7951) Farmer; B. S. in Agr,; b. O 5, 1888, Sharps- burg, 111,; s, Salmon Maxwell (b. F 17, 1847, do.) and Mahala Hosmer (Kellog) Sheldon (b. S 18, 1855, Shelburne, Mass.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Farmer, Sharpsburg, HI. Married Rose Sharp, Je 16, 1915, Sharpsljurg, 111. Address, Sharpsburg, 111. 6561. WILMA LOY SHELTON Librarian; A. B, in L. A. & S,; B, L. S., 1918; b. O 25. 1889, Champaign Co.; d. Wil- liam (b, 1862, do.) and Lorena May Shelton (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Arkansas, 1913-14. Asst. Lib., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Reviser and Lib. Sch 554 University of Illinois [1Q14 Asst., do., 1916-18; Libn., Philos. Psych, and Educ. seminars, do., 1918 — . Mem. M. E. Church; Am. Lib. Assn.. 1916 — . Address, 1228 S. 11^ St., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., 806 S. sth St., Champaign. 6562. JAMES DOUGLASS SHEPPERD Asst. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 2, 1890, Bristol, Va. ; s. Dr. James H. (b. F 22, 1865, Lynchburg, Va.) and Sarah F. (Gott) Shepperd (b. Je 7, 1870, Jonesboro, Tenn.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. E. E. Soc. Acct., 111. Half-cen- tury exposition, Chicago, 1915-16; Asst. to Chief Engr., Galesburg Ry. Lighting & Power Co., Galesburg, 111., 1916 — •. U. S. A.; Co. A. 809th Pioneer Inf., A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, 1209 2nd Ave., Peoria; bus. add., Gales- burg Elec. Co., do. 6563. WILLIAM DAVIS SHIPMAN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 19, 1888, St. Paul; s. B. T. Shipman. Prepared in Mech. Arts H. S., St. Paul. Upsilon Beta Pi. R. R. Acct., Evanston, III.; Civ. Engr., C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago. Married Helen MacLeod, Ap 29, 1916. Address, 548 Elmwood Ave., Evans- ton, 111. 6564. FRANKLIN DILLING SHOBE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 23, 1889, Philo, 111.; s. F. P. Shobe. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Philomathean; Pan-Hellenic Council; Chess and Checker Club. Abstracter and Title Examiner, Vermillion Co. Abstract Co., Danville, III.; Lawyer. N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Chicago. Married Adelaide Lohman, Ja 15. 1915, Urbana. Child, daughter, b. F 15, 1918. Address, 171 1 E. 72nd St., Chicago. 6565. FRED GLEN SHOEMAKER Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 7, 1889, Abingdon. 111.; s. J. K. Shoemaker. Prepared in Abingdon H. S.; Hedding Coll. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Foreman. Garage and Machine Shop, Abingdon, 111. Address, Abingdon, 111. 6566. NIM CHI SHUM Chemist; B. S. in Sc; M. S., 191 5; b. D IS, 1890, Canton, China; s. S. N. Shum. Pre- pared in Cook Acad. H. S., Montour Falls, N. Y.; Univ. of Wis. Chem., Hong Kong. China. Address, c/o Kwan Tye, 102 Queen's Road, Hong Kong, China. 6567. CARL WILLIAM JOHN SIEVERT Chem. Engr.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 24. 1891, Cook Co., 111.; s. Frank Sievert (b. F 19, 1864, Worth, 111.) and Wilhelmina (Benck) Sievert (b. Mr 23, 1873. Oak Lawn, 111.). Pre- pared in Blue Island H. S. Chem. Club; Der Deutsche Verein. Chem., Arcady Farms Mil- ling Co., 1914-16; Asst. Supt., do., 1916; Chem. Engr., do., and Affiliated Companies, 191 8 — . Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S. Married Laura Doerman, S 2, 1917, Blue Island, 111. Ad- dress, 506 Griffith Road, Lake Forest, 111.; bus. add., c/o Arcady Farms Milling Co., Chicago, or c/o Golden Grain Milling Co., East St. Louis. 6568. WILFRED CARL SIGERSON Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 22, 1892, Mason City, 111.; s. Willard Elsworth (b. D 10. 1856, O.) and Emily Augusta (Seward) Sigerson (b. Jl 24, 1863, Mason City, 111.). Pre- pared in Mason City H. S.; Harvard, 1914-15: N W. Univ., 1915-16. Chi Beta; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Cml. Club; Fresh. Honors. Asst. Gen. Auditor, Montgomery Ward & Co., 1916-17: Chief Acct., six Hercules Com- panies, Evansville, Ind., 1917-18; Asst. Treas., Tones & Laughlin Steel Co., 1918— . Married Bertha Gauble, Ag 2, 191 4, Harvel, 111. Chil- dren: Wilfred Carl, b. and died, Mr 19. 1916; Charles Willard, b. Ja 25, 1917; William Carlyle, b. F 9, igiQ- Address, 5853 North- umberland St., Pittsburgh. 6569. JOHN LAWRENCE SIMONICH Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1915; b. F 22, 1888, Tower, Minn.; s. J. Simonich. Pre- pared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Address, Midland, Pa. 6570. JOHN KNOX SKINNER Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. O 12, 1878. Kell, 111.; s. Albert Carter (b. F 21, 1846. Preble Co., O.) and Martha Blair (Telford) Skinner (b. Mr 5, 1853, Kell, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Chicago, 1914 — . Mar- ried Winnifred Helen Voorhees, Ap 26, 1912, Salem, 111. Address, 2923 W. 24th St. Blvd., Chicago. 6571. *FRANK CLIFTON SLATER A. B. in L. A. & S.; J. D., iqi6; b. My 24, 1892, Cherry Valley, 111.; s. W. J. Slater. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Sigma Rho; Adelphic; Ed. Staff. Illio; Debate; St. Peace Contest; Mgr., Star Lecture Course; Sr. Invi- tation Com. Died F 16, 1918, San Diego, Calif. 6572. ROBERT LEROY SMART Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i, 1891, Man- teno. 111.; s. Frank Leroy (b. O i, 1863, Gallon, O.) and Martha Hathaway (Foster) Smart (b. N 16, 1868, Lowell, Ind.). Prepared in Daven- port (la.) H. S. Delta Upsilon; Orange and Blue. Asst. Engr.. Monon R. R., Chicago, 1914- 15; 111. , Ind. ,0., Field Engr. Const. Co. ,1916-17; Ry. Valuation, Chicago, 1917. Hdqtrs. Troop, 88th Div., Camp Dodge, la., 1918; Sergt., Co. A., 544th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918. Ad- dress, 2407 Pershing Ave., Davenport, la. 6573. FRANK JOHN SMEJKAL (Brother of No. 3183) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 13, i88q, Chicago; s. Joseph A. (b. Ag 7, i860, Bohemia) and Barbara (Belchin) Smejkal (b. O 31, 1864, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chi Phi. Baseball Player, Ottawa, Can.; Live Stock Insp., Chicago; Farm Sanitation Adviser, St. of 111. ist Sergt., Ord. Dept., 33rd Div., Camp Logan. Houston, Tex,; Mustered out, F 19, 1919- Address, 1327 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. 6574. CHARLES ROGER SMITH Inspector; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 25, 1892, Hartville, O.; s. I. Smith. Prepared in Canton (O.) H. S.; Pa. St. Coll. Alpha Zeta. Farm- ing, Hartville, O.; Insp., do. Address, Hart- ville, O.t 6575. DONALD JENCKES SMITH Superintendent; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 24, 1892, Normal, 111.; s. Edmund Burke (b. Peoria Co., III.) and Florence M. (Gaston) Smith (b. Normal. 111.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Eta Kaiipa Nu; E. E. Soc. Mgr., R. W. An- drews (To., Chicago, 1914-16; Supt., Standard Oil Co. of Ind., Tulsa and Drumright, Okla., igi6 — . Mem.. A. F. A. M., 1918; Rotary Club, 1918. Address, Box 548, Drumright, Okla. 6576. MARQUIS JOSEPH SMITH Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 2, 1891 Bennettsburg. N. Y.; s. H. C. Smith. Prepared in Cook Acad., N. Y. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Ben Franklm Club; Staff, ///. Agr. Instr., An Husb., Univ. of Ky Lexington. Ky. Married Margaret Oaks, D'26, 1916. Address, 815 College Ave., Colum- bia, Mo.t 6577. REUEL LHAMON SMITH Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 24, 1891, Tokio, Japan; s. George Thomas (b. 1844, O.) and MaVtha Hannah Candace (Lhamon) Smith (b. 1857, O.). Prepared in Champaign 11. S. 2nd Lt., Univ. Regt. Instr., Drawing, Syracuse I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 555 Univ., N. Y., 1915-17; Draftsman, The Burr Co., Champaign, 1917 — . Mem., A. A. E. Married Alberta Maude Daugherty, Ag 31, 191 6, Champaign. Child, Reuel Lhamon, Jr., b. Ja 17, 191S. Address, 216 Harwood St., Joliet, 111. 6578. ROBERT SMITH Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 27, 1888, Chicago; s. Robert (b. S 29, 1856, New York City) and Abbie (Gelano) Smith (b. N 23. 1867, Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Draftsman, Chicago, 1914-15; Estimator, 1915; Mech. Engr., Chicago. U. S. Interst. Commerce Comn., Div. of Valuation, 1915 — . Mem., West. Ry. Club; Illini Club, Chicago. Married Elinor D. Wakefield, D 29, 1015, Chi- cago. Address, 6S08 East End Ave., Chicago. 6579. STANLEY CHRISTOPHER SMITH Manager; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 21, 1890, Camp Point, 111.; s. C. H. (b. Je 27, 1866, do.) and Louise (Henning) Smith (b. Jl 16, 1867, Fowler, 111.). Prepared in Clayton H. S. Beta Gamma Sigma; Cml. Instr.. H. S., Elgin, 111., 1914-16; Mgr., Grocery Store, Clayton, 111., 1916 — . Mem., Tri-St. Mutual Life Assn. Married Doris Sines, Ja 1, 1913, Clayton, 111. Child, Doris Dolores, b. Ag 6, 1914. Address, Clayton, III. 6580. WILSON MARSHALL SMITH Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ap 29, i8"8i, Waverly, 111.; s. Robert D. (b. 1846, Scott Co., 111.) and Irene (Marshall) Smith (b. 1849, Brown Co., 111.). Prepared in Waverly H. S.; 111. Coll., 1898-99. Acacia. Ed., Waverly Jour., Waverly, 111. Army Y. M. C. A. Sec, Camp Sherman, O 1918 — . Married Helen Henry, Je 23, 191 7, Peoria. Address, Waverly, 111. 6581. ALBERT THORNTON SMITHSON Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 25, 1888, Rawdon. Eng. ; s. Thomas (b. Eng.) and Frances (Milner) Smithson (b. do.). Prepared in Lacon H. S. Arch. Draftsman, Chicago. Married Nell E. Guede, Jl 29, 1916, Pekin, 111. Child, Albert T., Jr., b. Jl 26, 1917. Address, 2413 S. S3d Ave., Cicero, 111.; bus. add.. West. Elec. Co., Chicago. 6582. LOGAN ABRAHAM SNYDER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 9, 1886, Kan- kakee, 111.; s. Abraham Snyder. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem. Pres., Agr. Club, 1914; Pres., Adelphic, 1914; Mask and Bauble; In- tersociety Declamation Contest. Married Grace Pope, O 14, 1 914. Address, Manteno, Ill.f 6383. ELSIE TRAVILLA SPEAR Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 26, 1888, Rock Falls, 111.; s. Harry William (b. My 15, 1862, do.) and Altna De Lisle (Wakeman) Spear (b. My 16, 1869, do.). Prepared in Sterling H. S.; Washburn Coll., 1907. Jame- sonian; Adv. Bd., Women's League; Y. W. C. A.; Omicron Nu. Substitute Dietitian, la. St. Hosp., Des Moines, 1914; Dietitian, Battle Mt.- Sanitarium, Hot Springs, S. Dak., 1914-15; do., Cook Co. Hosp., 1915-16; L. I. Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn. N. Y., 1916-17; do., Sea View Hosp., Staten Island, N. Y.; U. S. N. A., do.. Base Hosp., Upton, N. Y., 1918 — . Mem., N. Y. Assn. Dietitians, 1916. Address, Rock Falls, 111. 6584. LEWIS WOLFGANG SPORLEIN Merchant; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 8, 1888, Chi- cago; s. Louis G. (b. do.) and Ida (Kuehne) Sporlein Cb. do.). Prepared in Armour Inst.; Univ. Acad. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Arch. Club; Ionian. Wholesale and Retail Merchandising, Chicago, 1915-17. Aviation Ground Sch., 1917; Flying Sch., Kelly Field, 1918; 2d Lt., A. S. S. R. C. Mem., Illini Club. Chicago; A. F. A. M.; Presby. Church. Address, 805 Crescent Place, Chicago. 6585. HAROLD GREENE SPRAGUE Instr. and Arch.; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 22, 1888, Paullina. la.; s. F. W. Sprague. Fire- pared in W. Des Moines H. S.; Drake Univ., 1909. Arch. Soc; Prelim. Honors; Ed., Arch. Year Book, 19 14. Arch. Draftsman, Des Moines; Instr., Arch. Engng., Ames, la. Mem., Soc. of Friends; la. Soc. of Archs.; Hon. Mem., Lambda Sigma Phi. Married Lydia Akers Keates, Je 22, 1915, Des Moines. Address, 704 Crawford Ave., Ames, la. 6586. HERBERT STANLEY LEVIN STAFFORD Superintendent; B. S. in Min. E.; b. D i, 1891, Chicago. Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Delta Omega. Supt., Stafford Crandall Packing & Fishing Co., Long Beach, Calif. Address, Hubbard Woods, 111.; bus. add.. Long Beach, Calif. 6587. MYRTLE LOIS STAHL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 29, 1888, Fowler, 111.; d. H. S. Stahl. Prepared in Augusta H. S. Teacher, Manteno, Toluca, and Farmer City, 111.; do., Galesburg, 111., 1918 — -. Address, 809 E. Maine St., Galesburg, 111. 6588. FRED MINTON STAMBAUGH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 2, 1890, Blaine, Ky.; s. J. H. Stambaugh. Prepared in Marion H. S. .iddress, Deland, Ill.t 6589. LAWRENCE VINCENT STARKEY Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 27, 1888, Ravenswood, W. Va. ; s. Isaac (b. i8s4, Berry- ville, Va.) and Alice (Gather) Starkey (b. 1861, Marietta. O.). Prepared in Marshall Coll., 1907-10; la. St. Agr. (Zoll.; W. Va. Univ., 1912-13. M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1913. Sigma Nu. Teacher, Norm. Sch., 1914-16; Specialist, Exten. An. Husb., W. Va. Univ., 191 7 — . Ad- dress, Morganstown, W. Va. 6590. BERNICE FALLIS STARR Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 16. 1894, Decatur, IIJ. Prepared in Decatur H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1910-u. Payroll Clerk, The Hub, Chicago. Address, 905 Lincoln Ave., Decatur, III.; bus. add., 4424 N. Robey St., Chicago. 6591. CECIL GARNER STEARNS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 6, 1893, Danville, 111.; s. L. D. Stearns. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Col., Univ. Regt.; Iris; Phi Beta Kappa; Ben Franklin Club; Ionian; Assoc. Ed., 1914 Illio; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Fresh. Honors; Prelim. Honors; Debating. With Burlingham, Montgomery & Beecher, New York City. 2d Lt., nth Bn.. F. A., Replace- ment Dept., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Ad- dress, 27 William St., New York. 6592. LOTTIE EMILY STEELE (STETSON) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 7, 1890, Aldan, la.; d. Louis L. (b. My iS, 1863, Dover, 111.) and Alice R. (Carter) Steele (b. My 17, 1864, do.). Prepared in Knox Acad.; Knox Coll., 1908-11. Pi Beta Phi. Mem., Congr. Church. Marrier Ezra R. Stetson, S 10, 1914, Galesburg, 111. Children: Margaret Jane, b. O 6, 191 5; John Louis, b. Ja 15, 1918 (died Ja 17, 1918). Address, Neponset, 111. 6593. ROGER LEWIS STEPHENS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N i, i8qo. Robinson, 111.; s. L. E. Stephens. Prepared in Robinson H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; SS6 University of Illinois [1914 Pan Hellenic Council; Siren Staff; John Mar- shall Law Club. Address, 206 W. Locust St., Robinson, 111. 6594. HUBERT VINCENZ STEPHENSON Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 5, 1892, Woodlawn, 111.; s. Frank Lincoln (b. Ag 5, 1861, Ashley, 111.) and Anna Amanda (Piercy) Stephenson (b. F 25. 1871, Woodlawn, 111.). Prepared in EwingColl.; Milliken Univ., 1909- 10. Sergt., Univ. Regt. ; Final and Special Honors. D. L. & W. R. R., Buffalo, N. Y., 1914; Townsend & Fleming, do., to Ja 1915; Am. Park Bldg., Chicago, 1915 — . Assoc. Mem.. West. Sec. Engrs. Address, Woodlawn, 111.; bus. add., 1728 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. 6595. RAYMOND MONROE STEVENS Draftsman; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 15, 1887, Syracuse, N. Y. ; s. George W. (b. 1851, Mexico, N. Y.) and Adell (Mathewson) Stevens (b. 1859). Prepared in Onondaga Acad.; Wash. St. Coll., 1909-10. Cosmopolitan Club. Drafts- man and Arch., Seattle. 1914-16; do., and Supt., Detroit, 19 16 — . Co. E. 310th Engrs., Camp Custer. Battle Creek, Mich. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 21 Woodward Ave., Terrace, Detroit. 6596. LAVINIA SHRIVER STINSON Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Macomb, 111.; d. W. J. Stinson. Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Alpha Theta; H. Sc. Club; Executive Bd. of Women's League; Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Council; Cap and Gown Com. Teacher, No. and West. 111. St. Norm. Schs. Address, 348 W. Calhoun St., Macomb, Ill.t 6597. - TOM CANDY STONE Instructor; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 28, 1890, Stonington, 111.; s. Richard James (b. O 23. 1851, Eng.) and Frances Salome (Livergood) Stone (b. Jl 21, 1852, Stonington, 111.). Pre- pared in Stonington H. S. M. S., O. St. L'niv., 191 7. Sigma Pi; Acacia; Alpha Gamma Rho; Hoof and Horn Club; Ionian; Prelim. Honors; Sec, Soph. Class. Instr., O. St. Univ., 1914 — ;. Auth.: Series of lessons on Sheep Raising; arti- cles in farm jours.; Chapter in Successful Farming. Mem.. A. F. A. M. Address, iSi W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O. 6598. JUDITH ELSIE STREED (KLINEFELTER) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 14. 1891, Milwaukee; d. C. V.(b. Ap 26,1858, Sweden) and Anna Ma- tilda (Anderson) Streed (b. Ja 6, 1855. do.). Prepared in Waukegan H. S., N. W. Univ., 1910-11. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, pub. Schs., Waukegan, 111., 1914-16; Dir., H. Sc, Elizabeth Mather Coll.. Atlanta, Ga., 1916-17. Mem.. So. Assn. Coll. Women. Married Lee M. Kline- felter, D 20, 1917, Portsmouth, Va. Address. 85 Lafayette Blvd., Norfolk, Va. 6599. ARTHUR CRIST STRONG Lawyer: LL. B.; b. Ja 28. 1891, Pontiac, 111.; s. S. W. (b. D 7, 1850, Lebanon, Ind.) and Elizabeth (Stewart) Strong (b. Mr 15, 1861, La Fontaine, Ind.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Ilus; Ionian; Alpha Delta Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Ouo Vadis; ist Sergt.. Univ. Brig, loth Co., Ft. Wright 1918 — . Address. 905 W. (jreen St., Urbana; bus. add., 406-9 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Champaign. 6600. HARRY DANFORD STRONG (Brother of No. 8797) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap i, 1890, Keiths- burg, 111.; s. J. M. Strong. Prepared in Keiths- burg H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club; Wrestling Team. 1910-11; ///. Agr. Staff. S. A. T. C, Univ. of 111. Mem., Mercer Co. Finance Com. Address, Keithsburg, 111. 6601. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS STRONG A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 15, 1892, Joliet. 111.; s. C. W. Strong. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Emergency Engng. Corps. Q. M". Corps., Washington, D. C. .-Uldrcss, 2817 27th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.t 6602. *EMILY KINGMAN SUNDERLAND A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 14, 1879. Delavan, 111.; d. W. Norman (b. My 28, 1842, Zanes- ville, O.) and Mary Frances (Scriven) Sunder- land (b. F 4, 1840, Grioveland, 111.). ' Prepared in Delavan H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1902-3. Kappa Delta Pi; Omicron Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Coun- try Life Club; H. Sc. Club; Jamesonian. H. Sc. Sec, Y. W. C. A., Chattanooga, Tenn.; Grad. Course in the Nat. Tr. Sch. of Y. W. C. A., New York City, 1917. Mem., M. E. Church; Local Treas., Assn. Coll. Alumni. Died D 5, 1 918, Chattanooga, Tenn. 6603. IZZET BASILI SURYIEH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 28, 1890, Man- soura, Egypt; s. Basili and Jean (Khuri) Sury- ieh. Prepared in Govt. Sch., Egypt. A. B., .Am. Coll., Beerut, Syria. Final Honors. Ariz. Agr. Sta. and Colo. Agr. Sta., 1914-15; Univ. of Calif. Substa., 1915-17; Agronomist, Tamarack Ranch Co., farming 2000 acres. Imperial Val- ley, Calif., 19 1 7 — . Address, P. O. Box 567, Imperial, Calif. 6604. EARLE RAY SUTER Sales Mgr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 8, 1887, Golden. 111.; s. Newton (b. Ag 2, 1864, Adams Co., 111.) and Low (McCjinnis) Suter (b. Jl 5, 1870, La Prairie, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Acacia; Fresh. Class Baseball; Varsity Baseball. Elec. Engr., Nat. Lamp Works, Cleve- land, 1914-15; do.. United E. Co., Canton, O., 1916; Sales Mgr., Hoover Suction Sweeper Co., Chicago, 191 7. 9th Prov. Recruiting Co., Camp Forrest, (ja., 1918; do., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, F 24, 19 19. Address, Golden, 111. 6605. CLAUDE MAGNUS SWANSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 21, 1890, Sibley, 111.; s. C. R. Swanson. Prepared in Gibson H. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Lawyer, Gibson City, 111. 3rd R. O. T. C, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111. Address, 514 S. Mathews, Urbana; bus. add., Gibson City, 111. 6606. FREDERICK CURTIS SWANSON (Brother of No. 7993) A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 191S; b. S 7, 1892, Galesburg, 111.; s. Frederick Lewis (b. N 25, i860, Sweden) and Hannah Mathilda (b. Ag 5, 1867, Monmouth, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S.; Kno.x Coll., 1909-10. Phi Beta Kappa; Philomathean. Fellowship, Hist., 1914- 15; Currier fellowship, Yale Univ., 1915-18. 3rd R. O. T. C. Camp Grant, 111., 1918: Gen. Hdqtrs.. A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 514 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. 6607. LESLIE WELLS SWETT Engineer; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. Jl 22, 1889, Blue Island, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Ames- bury, Mass.) and Addie Frances (Morrill) Swett (b. do.). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Triangle. With Brick Co., Chicago, 1908-9; Mining work in Siberia, 1909-11; Mining work, West Frankfort, 111. and Herrin, 111., 1914; Roads and Pavement, Anderson, Ind., and Ft. Wayne. Ind., 1915-16; Field Engr., Portland Cement Assn.. Pittsburgh,- 1017. ist Lt., R. O. T. C, N 27. 191 7; Camp Greene, N. C. : Adjt., 2nd Bat., 60th Inf.; do.. Replacement Bn., A. P. O. 769, A. E. F. Address, Blue Island, 111. I9I4] Baccalaureate Alumni 557 6608. FRANK TAGGART, JR. (Brother of Nos. 7999, 8805) Farmer; 15. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 8, iSgi, Woos- ter, O.; s. Frank Taggart. Prepared in VVoos- ter Acad. Beta Tlieta Pi; Agr. Club; Mil. Com., 1912-13. Farmer, 1916 — . Address, 826 E. Bowman St., Wooster, O.f 6609. ALEXANDER ELI TARRACCIANO Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. My s, 1890, Chi- cago; s. Angelo Tarracciano. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. E. E. Soc. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chicago. Married. Two children. Address, 1938 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. 6610. JAMES ALFRED TATE Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 15, 1883, Belleville, 111.; s. John (b. Je 6, 1805, St. Clair Co.)and Martha Jane(Reynolds) Tate (b. N 14, 1845, St. Louis). Prepared in Chillicothe (Mo.) Norm, and Univ. Acad. Agr. Club; Debating. Supt., Tp. H. S.. Rollo, 111., 1914-18; Farm Adviser, Moxiroe Co., 111. 1918 — -. Address, Waterloo, 111. 661 1. MARGARET TAYLOR Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 27, 1883, Aberdeen, Scotland. Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Henger H. S., Chicago. Address, 342 Normal Parkway, Chicago. 6612. HARRY RAYMOND TEAR (Brother of No. 4930) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N s, 1892, Chi- cago; s. John Henry (b. N 5, 1856, Saybrook, 111.) and Mary Ross (Gaston) Tear (b. Je 7, i860. El Paso, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Prelim. Final and Special Honors. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Gladys E. Warwick, Ap 7, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 5467 Greenwood, Hyde Park Sta., Chicago; bus. add. Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. 6613. KWANG TANG TENG A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 28, 1885, Canton, China; s. S. P. Teng. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Pel Yang Univ. Address, Canton, China. t 6614. JOHN MIFFLIN THOMAS (Brother of No. 8817) Mech. Designer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 6, 1891, Vincennes, Ind.; s. Mifflin Kennedy (b. S 9. 1848, Minerva, O.) and Nora Ellen (Glass) Thomas (b. N 11, i860, V'incennes, Ind.). Prepared in Vincennes (Ind.) H. S.; Vin- cennes L^niv., 1910. Iris; A. S. M. E.; Univ. Band. Appraisal Engn and designer, Potomac Elec. & Power Co., Washington, D. C, 19 14- 15; do., Pub. Service Elec. Co., N. J., 1915-17; Elec. Bond & Share Co., N. Y., 1917 — . ist Lt., Ord. R. C. ; Aerial Observers Rating, Jl 15, 1918. Tech. Sec, Dept. of Mil. Aeronautics on Aeroplane Armament; do., Dayton O.; Mustered out, Mr 10, 1919. Address, 825 N. 6th St., Vincennes, Ind. (Forward); bus. add.. Room 821, Air Bldg., Dayton, O. 6615. LYLE THOMAS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 16, 1892, Lewis- town, 111.; s. K. Thomas. Prepared in Lewis- town H. S. Law Stud., N. W. Univ., 1916. Married Francis Meeks, F 5, 1916. Child, Elizabeth. Address, Lewistown, 111. 6616. MELAIN THOMAS Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 12, 1885, Letart, W. Va. ; s. William H. (b. Ja 9, 1848, Zanesville, O.) and Louise J. (Wil- son) Thomas (b. Ap 6, 1850, Letart. W. Va.). Prepared in Mason City H. S. (W. Va.) ; Marshall Coll. Sigma Xi; Agr. Club. Agr. Adviser, Coles Co., 111. Married Margery Helen Scriven, O 6, 1915, Beloit, Wis. Child, Robert Osborne, b. S i, 19 16. Address, Charleston, 111. 6617. CHARLES HENRY THOMPSON Sales Mgr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ja 17, 1891 Chicago; s. Oscar Allen (b. 1846, Old Towne, Me.) and Lizzie May (Ingraham) Thompson. Prepared in Tilden Tech. H. S. Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; Tribe of the Illini; Sigma Xi; Capt., Univ. Regt.; .Swimming. Mgr., Steel Cut Expanded Metal Co., Chicago, 1914- 16; Engr., Assoc. Metal Lath Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 1916-17; Asst. Chicago Sales Mgr.. W. Bagley Co., Mfrs., 1917; Asst. Chicago Mgr., The William-Bayley Co. of Springfield. O. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Mary Elizabeth Van Ornum, D 8, 1915, Chicago. Children: Mary Louise, b. Ja 7, 191 7; Charles Henry, Jr., b. Mr 18, 1918. Address, 129 W. 74th St., Chicago. 6618. HAROLD EARLE THOMPSON Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 25. 1892, Chicago; s. J. H. Thompson. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Upsilon Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Jr. Mem. A. I. E. E.; E. E. Soc. Jr. Elec. Engr., Dept. of Engng., Chicago; Res. Engr., Sinde Air Products Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Ad- dress, 140 Hodge Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 6619. DOUGLAS DE FOREST TIBBITS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 7, 1890, Mus- kegon, Mich.; s. Geo. N. and Edith C. (Wright) Tibbits. Prepared in Big Rapids (Mich.) H. S.; Greenville Coll., 1909-10. Farmer, Remus, Mich., 1 914- 18; do., Corwith, la., 1918—. Mar- ried Florence Ehler, O 28, 19 14, Champaign. Children: Alberta June, b. My 27, 1916; Edith Lucile, b. Mr 22, 1919. Address, Cor- with, la. 6620. KENNETH DALE TILTON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 9, 1891, Des Moines, la.; s. H. Tilton. Prepared in Moline H. S. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Foreman, R. & V. Engr. Co., E. Moline, 111. Address, 1620, i2th St.. Moline, 111. 6621. GEORGE LEINER TITUS Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 30, 1891, Sullivan, 111.; s. W. R. Titus. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Address, 1504 Monroe St., Sullivan, 111. 6622. EDWARD FRITCHOFF TORGER- SON Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 28, 1888, Chicago; s. O. Torgerson. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Agr. Club; Agr. Glee Club, 1912-13. Asst., Soil Phys., Univ. of 111.; . Instr., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1918 — . Married Helen Jackson. Address, Corvallis, Ore. 6623. HARRY JACK SHULTS TRESSEL Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 3, 1892, Poland, Ind.; s. E. Tressel. Prepared in Terre Haute H. S. Chi Beta; Comitatus; Philoma- thean; Grad. Stud., Law Sch., Univ. of Chi- cago; Lawyer. Address, 118 S. 13th -St., Terre Haute, Ind. 6624. LEON ALVIN TRIGGS Life Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S i. 1892, Elgin, 111.; s. Alvin Charles (b. My 23, 1867, Chicago) and Mary Jane (Martin) Triggs (b. Jl 18, 1868. Kent, Eng.). Prepared in Elgin H. S.; O. St. Univ., 1913-14. Lambda Chi Alpha. Const. Acct., C. & N. W. Ry. Co., Camp Grove, 111., 1914-15; Additions and Bet- terment Acct., do., Chicago, 1915; Land Valu- ation Acct., do., 191 5-16; Asst. Gen. Mgr., (3rown Elec. Co.. St. Charles, 111., 1917-18; Spe- cial Agt., Berkshire Life Ins. Co., Elgin, 111. and 558 University ok Ii.i.inois [1014 C'hicngo; do.. Miniiennolis, i<)iS — . Mom., A. F. A. M. MMViioil lU'ss Louise t^rigsby, Ap -M. iDi.s, IMwiirilsvillo, 111. Ad dress, 40.10 Aldiicli Ave, South Minnoaiioli.s. oo.'s. I'KANCKS lIlil.KN TKOST (.Sister of No. Soio'i 'l'o;ului; A. U. in L. A. & S.; b. II 10, iSo.i. .i'hilo, 111.; d. .1. C. (b. iS^,!. Ccv.) ;uKi Muiuio (Doss) Trost (b. 1853, do.). Vvi'pnrcd in I'r- baua 11. S. Alpha Omicioit I'i; .\thcni'au. Teacher. Hist, auil Gcr., Tp. 11. S.. Sidcll, 111. Addii-ss, 5TI \V. lliKh St., Urbana. 66j6. PIIOKIU': CAUDl.TNE TUClvlCU (.SCUNKl.l.lJACH) (Wife of No. 50-'7) A. 1^. in L. A. S: S.; b. N J2. iSSS, Kose- ville. 111.; il. Ueorjre (h. V 2J, 1840, ii Quoin. 111.; s. William N. (b. N j->. 1850. Sey- mour. Mo.) and Mary l''.lleu (llarri.ss) Turner (b. la ^t. 1S57, Pn O'loin. 111.). Prepared in HI. "St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club; Hon. Club; C'onnlrv Life Club. Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of HI..'ioi4->/~- 'S' i^- ^^- '^- t;., 1917; -'"J Lt., 33Jiul F. A., Cami) Crant, HI., 1017-18; Camp Robinson. Wis., i<)i8; Mustered out. F' -'8, loiQ. .Iddrcss, R 4, l)u Quoin. HI.; bus. add., Dairy Dcpt.. Univ. of HI. oojo. RHODOLPHUS KIF.KE TURNER Farmer; 1!. S. in Agr.; b. Ap -'6, ;8oo. liullcr. HI.; s. John 1?, Turner. I'reiiared in llillsboio H. S. "Sr. Stag Com. Farmer. Married l'\'rne Busby, D ij. 1015. Addrc.is, Rutler, 111.1 6630. JOHN KLINE TUTHILL Instructor; R. S. in E. E.; b. My 18. iSSs. I.eRov. HI.; s. John Arthur and Lyda (Kline) Tut hill. Prepared in LeRoy H. S.; Rose ^Poly- Inst., ioos-7. Acacia, Pres.. 1913-14; Sigma Tan; E. E. Soc; Jr. Mem., A. I. E. E. Supt., Cheuoa Elec. Light Co., 111., 1914-16; do., EI Paso Elec. Light & Power Co.. Hi., 101(1-17; Instr., Radio and Signalling. U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of HI., 1017-18. Married Florence Mil- dred Kiucaid. Je Ji. 1014. Le Roy, III. Child. John Jay. b. and dioil H 31. ioi6. Address, 504 E. ("halniers St.. Clianipaigu. 6631. MIU)REn VAN CLEVE (Daughter of No. 5467; Sister of No. 5468) Med. Student; A.R. in L. A. & S.; b. N 21. 1803. Carlvle. HI.; d. Edward Everett ('u). (b. N I, iS(i. do.) and IClsic" Isabelle ( I'ierce) Vandcrcook (b. Mr 8. iSdS, (ieneva, HI.). Prepared in .Vuslin 11. S.. Chicago. Phi Sigma Ka|)pa; Ku Klux; Thcla Nu l''.psiIoii; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn C'lnb; I'inal Honors; Inf. t."apt., Univ. Regt. Live- stock, (u-neva. HI.. 1014; Traveling Salesman, .Vrmour & Co.. Chicago. loi";-!?. Mess Sergt., (."o. C. 34Jnd Inf., 80th Div.'. tamp Crant. 111., 101 7- 18: 3rd K. O. T. C, do., 19 1 8; A. E. F., France, 1917-10; Mnstereil out, la 31. loio. .■Iddross, Lombard. HI.; bus. add.. Armour b'ertilizer Works, Chicago. tu^^^. FRANK EUCH-ZNE VAN DOREN (Itrother of Nos. 3.;i-', 4471, 6(134) I'armer; U. .S. in .'\gr. ; b. Ja ^4, i8<).', Fitliian, 111.; s. Charles Lucius (b. My -m, 1857, I'aiin- ington, HI.) and F.udora Ann (Rutz) Van Uoieii, (b. My 4, 1803, Hoiie, HI.). Prepared in Urbana 11. S. Agr. Chili; Hoof and Horn Club; llort. I'lub; (.'lass Track; Class Raseball. 101-'; Agr. Club Raseball. 101J-14; Agr. (ilee Club, 10I--I3; Sr. Rail Com. Farmer. Mar- ried (^race A. (^av. Ap i.\, loi";. Qiiincy. HI. Addrr.'ss, Villa Criivc. HI. (.(134. MARK Al.RERT VAN DOREN U'liother of Nos. 3212, 4471, 6(133) Student; A. R. in L. A. & S.; A. M.. 1915; b. Je 13. 1804, Hope, HI.; s. Charles Lucius (li.My -'I. 1857. Farmington. HI.) and Endora .\nne (lUitz) Van Doren (b. Mv 4, 1863, Hope, 111.). Prepared in Ihliana 11. 'S.:_Crad. Stud., Columbia. 1015-17. Phi Reta Kappa; .Sigma IK'lta Chi; Ma-wauda; Scribblers' Club; Cirad. .Seholarship, 1914-15; Pros.. Sr. Class, 1913-14; Ed.. 111. Man., 1913-14; Feature Ed., lllio, 1 01 -'13. ("irad. work, Columbia. 1017; do., 1010—. Rn. Sergt. Major. 3d O. T. C. Camp Dodge, Des Moines: IMustered out, 1910. .\uth.: Henry David Thoreau, Houghton, Mif- Ilin Ci.1., Roston. loiti. .-Iddrrss, 710 W. Ore- gon .St., Urbana. 6t.3.';. CHARLES R. VELZY Isngineer; R. S. in M. E. ; b. O 9. iSoi, La- nioiU, Mich.; s. Frank A. and Luella (Angell) \ el.'v. Preiiared in Thornton Tp. 11. S. Iris; r.iu llela Pi; Scabbard and Rlade; Pres.. M. E. Soc; Major, Univ. Regt.| l^Iass Football. Engr., ilarvey. 111.. 101415; readier, Howe, Ind., 1015; Efliciency Engr., Moline, 111.. 1015-17; (/,)..■ Mich. Motor Co.. F}int. Mich., 1017. Mem., HI. Naval Militia. Moline, 111.. 101(1-17; V. S. Navy. 1017 — ■. Mem., M. E. Church. Addro.is, 15606 l.exington .■\vc., Harvey, HI. (.636. El-IZARETH ANN VOSS (Sister of Nos. i\534, 495-^ Teacher; A. R. in H. Sc. : b. D 8, 1893, iiasboro, 111.: <1. John Albert (b. J.i 10, , MecklenbnrgScIiweriii. Ger.) and Caro- (l.ingreen) Voss (b. F .'o. 1858, New Vor- crn. iii;-ii. (!bi Jicla; I'"{'ncin({; <>yni; i'uH. iVlKr., 111. Union Urani.ilic t'hib; du., Suiniiu-r llliiti. Heal KM. Ajid.s, Mich. Address, 6j.;6 Woodlawn Ave. Chicago; hus. add., Y. M. C. A. Apts., (irand Kapids, Mich. 66,)9. "CIlAKI.I'iS I,(MJIS VVAIJJUCK U. S. in Ccr.im. I'.,; b. Jl 17, 1800, (!hica^;o; S. Charles VV. Waliliuk. I'leijared in (ham- 'I'cch. II. .S., ChiciKo. licla 'lIuMa I'i. Siipl., Paducah I'ollcry Co., Paihicali, Ky. Died () '.?. "J 18, Worcester, MaHH. 6640. VICrOXIA WAI.KI'.KI.Y (.Sister of Nos. 7283, 8850; Dietitian; A. M. in IJ. ,Sc.; b. N 21, 1892, Crete, 111.; d. Willi.im (b. Jc 21, 1850, do.) and iVIaKdalcna (Herder J W.dUcrly (b. Je 24, r8s5, Oolton, III.). Prepared iji 'flKjrnton T|). II. S. ; ('hii-.iKo Norm. Coll., 1909 i 1. (Cafeteria Mgr., Decatur, 111., i9i4;is; Kcsidencc IJictj tian, .St. I.uhc's Ilosp (Jhicaxo, 19115 18. Dieti- tian, Uasc I losiiit.il. Unit 11, Camp \Vadsworth, S. C, 1918; do., A. P. O. ■7(>7, A. !•:. I'., France, 1918 — . Address, Itase Ilosp., Unit ij. Camp Wadsworth. S. C. 6641. AlAin-:!, CLARK WAI.I .At I', 'J"eachcr: H_. .S. in II. Sc; b. Ap jj, i89(j, Chicago; 11. Cieorf^c William Ransom tb. Jc 2, 1864, Natchez, Miss.) and Mary iMiima (Ktn- ncdy) Wallace (b. Jl _■, 1867, Chicago). I'rc pared in Cyons Tp-. Radnor, ,'ind ITyde Parl< II. .Sehs. Alpha Omicron Pi; Omicron Nuj W. A. A.; IF. Sc. Club. Teacher, ll.-irrison 'lecb. IT. S., Chicago. Address, 7000 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 6642. JKS.SK NOniJ-: WALTERS Farmer; ]3. S. in Agr.; b. My 17, 1889, Sul livan, Ind.; s. Samiison Walter.s. Prepared in Carlisle H. S. Agr. Club; Class Football, 1910 14; Cl.iss llaslus. add., c/o Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chi- cago. 6708. WALTER CLARK ARMSTRONG Manufacturer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 26, 1893 Chicago; s. Samuel rb. Ag 13, 1864, Morris, til.) and Emma L. (Burnside) Armstrong (b. F I 1865, Wauconda, 111.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H S., Chicago. Thela Delta Chi; Scab- bard and Blade; Lt. Col., Univ. Regt. ; Agr. y. P., 111. Union Council, 1914; Homecoming (om., 1914. Mfr., Sheet Metal Specialties, '917. 2nd Lt.. U. S. A., 1917; ist Lt., do., 44th U. .S. Inf., Camp Lewis, Wash., 1917; capt.. Regt. Adjt., do., 1918— . Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 1420 Farwell Ave., Rogers Park Sta., Chicago. 6709. EDWARD LAURENCE ATKINS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 10, 1893. Rock I" alls. III.; s. Edward Lyle (b. N 29, 1S70 do ) and Sarah Lestina (Brown) Atkins (b. S 3, 1873, do.). Prepared in Rock Falls IL .S'. ; Knox Coll., igii-13. Phi Delta Tlieta; Alpha Xeta. Farmer, Rossville, Ind., loi.^;; do., Smithshire, 1916 — . Married Irene Genevieve' McBroon, O 7, 191 5. Geneseo, 111. Children: Margaret Madeline, b. Jl 18. 1016; Jean Irene, b. F 22, 1918. Addre.ss, R i, Smithshire, 111. 6710. BARTON SLADE AUSTIN (Brother of G20) Land. Arch.; B. S. in Land. Card.; b. Mr 28, 1891, Woodstock, 111.; s. Barton Slade (b. Jl 29, 1846, Salem, N. Y.) and Alice Almcda (Schryver) Austin (b. F 11, 1856). Prepared in Woodstock II. S. Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; Scarab; Prelim. Honors; Corp.. Univ. Brig. Asst., Paul Mueller, Minneapolis; with Perl Bros., do.; with Am. Park Builders, Chicago; with Louis Branrlt. Cleveland. Mem., Congr. Churc'i. .Iddress, 1924 E. loist St., Cleveland; bits. add.. Room 608 Euclid Bldg., do. 564 University of Illinois [1915 671 1. HAROLD EMERY AUSTIN Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 4, 1893, Round Grove, III.; s. W. J. (b. N 21, 1855, Mansfield, Pa.) and Cora Belle (Simonson) Austin. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Prelim, and Final Hon- ors; Pres., Jr. Branch A. S. M. E. Engr., Am. Tar Product Co., Chicago. Married Elsie Mc- Kinney, S 2, 1916, Chicago. Address, 649 W. 73rd St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Am. Tar Pro- duct Co., 208 S. LaSalle St., do. 6712. ALICE GRACE AXELSON (LANE) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 6, 1893, Moline, 111.; d. A. C. Axelson. Prepared in Moline H. S. Sec. and Treas., St. Louis Alumni, 1916; Certainteed Products Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1917 — . Married J. L. Lane, O 21, 1915. Address, c/o Certainteed Products Corp., Niag- ara Falls, N. Y.t 6713. HOLLAND ROBERT BACHER Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Je 6, 1890, New York City; s. Mary Bacher. Pre- pared in Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) H. S.; Columbia Univ. Address, Bronxville, N. Y.t 6714. CHARLES HENRY BADE (Brother of G24) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 6, 1891, Wahpeton, N. Dak.; s. Charles G. (b. Ger.) and Anna W. Bade. Prepared in Royal Bldg. Acad., Vienburg, Ger. Arch, work, Fargo, N. Dak., 191 5-1 7; Engr., U. S. A., Ft. Leaven- worth, 1917-18; 2nd Lt., 407th Engrs. Depot, 1918 — . Address, Wahpeton, N. Dak. 6715. ALEXIS MATTHEW BAGUSIN A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. S 10, 1885, Odessa, Russia; s. Matthew Bagusin. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Le Cercle Frangais; Rifle Club. Attending Med. Sch., Harvard. Address, 2, Wigglesworth St., Roxbury, Mass.f 6716. *JOHN WILLARD BAILEY B. S. in Arch.; b. My 18, 1892, Lovington, 111.; s. J. Y. Bailey. Arch. Draftsman, Loving- ton, 111. 36th Aero Squadron Constr. Dept., A. E. F., O 1917-18. Married Grace Franklin 1917, Urbana. Died of disease, D 4, 1918, France. 6717. LA FORCE BAILEY Instructor; B. S. in Arch.; M. S., 1916; b. Ap 17, 1893, Gardner, 111.; s. Richard Lincoln (b. Morris, 111.) and Katherine (La Force) Bailey. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi; Art Staff and Ed., Siren. Asst. Instr., Arch. Design, Univ. of Kan., 1016-17; Instr., Arch. Design and Freehand Drawing, do., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Willetta Goodspeed, Jl 6, 1918, LTrbana. Address, 1714 Indiana St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., Mar- vin Hall, Univ. of Kan., do. 6718. ALFRED MICHAEL MARK BAKER, JR. Farm Manager; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 29, 1894, St. Louis; s. A. M. Baker. Prepared in Yeat- man H. S. Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Ionian; Mask and Bauble; Hoof and Horn Club; Mgr., Class Track; Capt., Univ. Brig. Mgr., Stock and Grain Farm, St. Charles, Mo., 1915; do., St. Louis, 1916; do., Netherlands, ■ Mo., 1916 — . Address, Netherlands, Mo.f 6719. FRANK MILTON BANE (Brother of Nos. 5016, 5017) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 15, 1892, Dana, 111.; s. M. Milton (b. F 20, 1855. Mar- shall Co., W. Va.) and Florence May (Clegg) Bane (b. S i, 1856. Dana, 111.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Alpha Zeta; Ma-wan-da Tribe of mini; Baseball, 1913-15; Basketball, 1914-is. With H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburgh, 1915-16; Dir., An. Husb., St. Charles Sch. for Boys, St. Charles, 111., 1916-17; Asst. Co. Agr. Agt., Pon- tiac, III., 1917; Farm Adviser, Brown Co., Minn.. 1917 — . Married Lillian May White- man, O 15, 1916, Prairie City, 111. Child, Florence Catherine, b. Ja 22, 1919. Address, -'Sleepy Eye, Minn. 6720. HAROLD EDWARD BARDEN Elec. Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 25, 1892, South Pasadena, Calif.; s. Edward Everett (b. S 19. 1867, N. Attelboro, Mass.) and Mary Ella (Wood) Barden (b. F 25, 1863, N. Y.). Prepared in . outh Pasadena (Calif.) H. S.; LTniv. of So. Calif. Eta Kappa Nu; Scab- bard and Blade; E. E. Soc; 2nd Lt., :st Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig.; Fresh. Varsity Tennis; Class Track. Elec. Draftsman, So. Calif. Edison Co., Los Angeles, 1915-17. Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard; Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 1917-18; U. S. N. Acad., 1918; U. S. Submarine Sch., New London, 1918. U. S. S. N-2. Mem., A. I. E. E., U. S. N. Inst.. 1915-17; S. Coast Yacht Club, 1915; M. E. Church. Address, 406 Monterey Road, South Pasadena, Calif. 6721. BYRL A. BARKER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 5, 1892, Mazon, 111.; s. Joel H. (b. Ja 31, i860, Putnam Co.) and Maude E. (Robinson) Barker (b. S 1865, Mazon, 111.). Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Farmer, Mazon, 111. Married Hazel A. Thomas, O 14, 1915, Harvard, 111. Child, Carolyn Mil- dred, b. F 14, 1917. Address, Mazon, 111. 6722. CHARLES PRUDEN BARKMAN Clergyman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. JI 2, 1892, Fairmount, N. J.; s. William R. (b. 1858, Parker, N. J.) and Sarah (Welsh) Barkman (b. i860). Prepared in Princeton Tp. H. S. San Francisco Theological Sem. Address, San Ansel- mo, Calif. 6723. RALPH LINDEN BARLOW Mgr. and Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ag 28, 1892, Urbana, O. ; s. Linden Chauncey (b. Mr 24, 1864, Plain City, O.) and Cornelia (Sowers) Barlow (b. N 4, 1868, Lanesville. O.). Pre- pared in Urbana (O.) H. S.; Law Coll., Univ. of Mich., T914. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Delta Chi; Ben Franklin Club; Helmet; Daily Illini Staff; Ed. in Chief, Siren; 1915 Illio; Dope Sheet Staff; Sr. Memorial Com.; Jr. Smoker Co. Sales Correspondent, Fort Wayne Corrugated Paper Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., 1916-17; O. Repr., do., 191 7; Mgr., New York City Sales office, 1917 — . Address. 40 E. 40th St., New York City; bus. add., 501 5th Ave., do. 6724. SOMENDRA CHANDRA BARMAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 19, 1894, Agartola, India; s. Col. M. D. Barman. Prepared in Univ. of Calcutta. Cosmopolitan Club; Cml. Club; Le cercle francais; Hindustanee Assn. Address, Argartola Tippesah, Bengal, India. t 6725. ALLEN LITTLER BARNES (Brother of No. 6726) B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 11, 1888, Texas City, III.; s. George Dallas (b. i860, Centerville, O.) and Winnifred (Phillips) Barnes (b. 1850, Tur- ner, Me.). Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Address, Harrisburg, Ill.f 6726. NELL BARNES (Sister of No. 6725) Actress; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b.-Ag 17, 1891; d. George Dallas (b. i860, Centerville, O.) and Winnifred (Phillips) Barnes (b. 1850, Turner, Me.). Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Grad., Cumnock Sch. of Oratorv. N. W. Univ., 191S- 16. Alpha Xi Delta; Class Historian; Class Bas- ketball; Hockey; Swimming; Bowling. Theatri- I9I5] Baccalaureate Alumni 56s cal profession; Studying voice, Chicago, 1918 — . Address. 511 S. Babcock, Urbana; bus. add.. c/o Clifton Mallory Players, White Entertain- ment Bur., 100 Boyleston St., Boston. 6727. ROBERT OLNEY BARNES A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 20, 1892, Chicago; s. William Alexander and Isabel (Oman) Bar- nes. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Lamda Tau Rho; Univ. Orchestra. Valuation Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R., 1915-18. Pvt., 3rd. Prov. Co., 32nd. Engrs. Address, 307 S. Ashland Ave., La Grange, 111. 6728. AUGUST MATTHEW BARREAU Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 24, li Ger. ; s. Edonard (b. Paris, France) and Ma thilde (Rogister) Barreau (b. Lige, Belgium.) Prepared in Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago. Brev Capt., Inf., 111. Nat. Guard. Arch. Engr., Uni versal Portland Cement Co., 1916-17. 2nd Lt. U. S. Engrs., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 191 7; sth U. S. Engrs. Texas, 1917-18; 319th Engrs., 8th Regular Div., Camp Fremont, Calif., 1918 — . Address, 2351 Milwaukee, Ave., Chicago. 6729. EDNA BARRINGER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 11, 1887; d. S. E. Barringer (b. Hillsboro, 111.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S.; East. III. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher H. S., Witt, 111., 1915; do., Hillsboro, 111., 1916; do., Coffeen, III., 1918 — . Address, Witt, Ill.t 6730. ALEXANDER FRASER BARRON Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 21, 1891, Ord, Neb.; s. John F. and Adelaide Louise (McCarthy) Barron. Prepared in East Side H. S., Denver. Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma. Engng. Dept., Am. Smelting & Refining Co., Perth Amboy, N. J., 1915-17; Va. Ry. Co., Princeton, W. Va., 1917; U. S. Metal Refining Co., East Chicago, Ind., 1917 — . Camp Lee, W. Va.; 305th Engrs.. Co. F, 8oth Div., A. E. F., France. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 2316 E. 70th Place, Chicago; bus. add., c/o U. S. Metal Refining Co., East Chicago, Ind. 6731. JOHN PERCIVAL BEALL (Brother of No. 5025) Accountant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 23, 1892, Alton, 111.; s. James Wesley (b. Mr 23, 1867, rfo.) and Elizabeth (Percival) Beall (b. Ja 19, 1867, do.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Cost Acct., Alton, 111., 1916 — . Ad- dress, 1700 Liberty St., Alton, Ill.t 6732. WARD POWERS BEARD Teacher; B. S. in Agr; b. Ag 8, 1892, Milledgeville, 111.; s. L. C. (b. N 5, 1858, Chews- ville, Md.) and Ida E. (Fiske) Beard (b. Mr 7, 1869, Somerset, Pa.). Prepared in Milledge- ville H. S.; Knox Coll., 1911-13. Alpha Zeta. Teacher, Mt. Carroll, 111. Married Marion Eliza- beth Miller, Ag 15, 1917, Milledgeville, 111. Ad- dress, Mt. Carroll. 111. 6733. MARTHA SELMA BECK Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ap 15, 1894, Wabash, Ind.; d. William P. (b. S 1858, Har- risburg. Pa.) and Lettie Violet (Belle) Beck (b. Ja 1870, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Short- ridge (Ind.) H. S.; Butler Coll., 1911-13. Alpha Kappa Alpha; Y. W. C. A. Teacher. Indianapo- lis Ptab. Sch., 191S — . Mem., A. M. E. Church. Address, 1019 N. West St., Indianapolis. 6734. EDWIN LOUIS BEIFUSS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 24, 1893, Chica- go; s. Herman (b. F 17, 1847, Strausburg, Ger.) and Fredericka (Fischer) Beifuss (b. Je 14, 1856, Wurtenburg, Ger.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., do., 1911-13. Grad. work, Univ. of III., 1915-16. Al- pha Chi Rho. Mech. Dept , Am. Car & Foundry Co., Chicago, 1915-18; Farming. igi8. 318th F. A., Veterinary Detachment, A. E. F., France. Address, 5805 W. Ohio St., Chicago. 6735. EMERSON DE WITT BELL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 16, 1890, Pontiac, 111.; s. J. E. Bell. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. E. E. Soc. Elec. Engr., Evanston, 111., 1915; do., Edwardsville, 111., 1917 — . Address. Elec. Light & St. R. R. Co., Edwardsville, Ill.t 6736. MARY BELL (SLOAN) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 6, 1892, WelU- ville, Mo.; d. Rev. Hay (b. Jl 2, 1853, Rose- bud, 111.) and Lillian (Sloan) Bell (b. Mr i. 1870, Ivandale, Mo.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm.; Millikin Univ., 1912-13. Chi Omega. Teacher, Eng., Carbondale, 111., 1915-16. Mar- ried Dr. Edwin Plummer Sloan, O 25, 1917, Wellsville, Mo. Address, 901 N. Main, Bloom- ington. 111. 6737. ARTHUR JACOB BENNER Ceram. Engr.; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 9, 1894, Chicago; s. Jacob (b. 1854, Hesse, Ger.) and Harriet Pomella (Volkman) Benner. Pre- pared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Alpha Sig- ma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Ceram. Engr., Tow- er, Minn., 1916; With Jacob Benner Cigar Mfg., Chicago, 1916-17; Ceram. Engr., Hebron, N. Dak., 1917. 333rd Machine Gun Bn., Camp Grant, 1917; Corp., do., 1917. Sergt., do., 1918; 4th O. T. C, ist Bat., Section A, Camp Grant, 111.; R. O. T. C, Mach. Gun Sch., Camp Han- cock, Ga. ; mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, 5532 Lakewood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 653 Willow St., do. 6738. WILLIAM JACOB BENNER A. B. in Sc; b. Ag 26, 1892, Chicago; s. Wil- liam Benner. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. With Hebron Fire & Pressed Brick Co., Hebron, N. Dak. Sergt., Co. B, 333rd Ma- chine Gun Bn., Carnp Grant, Rockford, 111.; Corp., Machine Gun (To., 344th Inf., 86th Div., A. E. F., France; Sergt., 2nd Prov. Labor Bn., do., 19 1 8 — . Address, 6032 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. 6739. WILLIAM HARRISON BENNETT (Brother of No. 3638) Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 7. 1892, Aurora, 111.; s. John Franklin ''b. Earlville, 111.) and Viola Alferetta (Childs) Bennett (b. Men dota, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora H. S. Del ta Kappa Epsilon; Helmet Club; Lambkins Glee Club; Stud. Union Dramatic Club; Com poser, Musical score. Maid And A Myth. Sales man, B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., 1915-17; Sun Oil Co., Columbia, Tex.. 1919 — . 2nd Lt., Inf.. R. C, 1917; Detailed, Special Duty, AgT. & Mech. Coll., Texas, 191 7; 342nd Inf., Camp Grant, 111.; Mustered out, F 12, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Hinsdale Club. Address, 52 N. Pine St., Hinsdale, 111.; bus. add.. Sun Oil Co., Columbia, Tex. 6640. ARTHUR EDWARD BENSON Draftsman; B. S. in Arch. E. ; b. Mr 15, 1892, Chicago; s. Edward Benson. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. Arch. Draftsman, Chicago, 1915-17; do., Detroit, 191 7 — . Address, 112 Kipling Ave., Detroit. t 6741. FRANK BERGMANN (Brother of No. 6088) Designer; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 23, 1892; s. Adolph (b. Austria) and Mary (Taborshy) Rergmann (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. 6.. Chicago. Reinforced Concrete designer, Vitz- thum & Teict Co., Archs.; dh., H. M. Heinz Concrete Engr.; do., Burlington R. R.; Design- 566 University of Illinois [191S er, Estimator, and Salesman Weber Chimney Co. Address, 11 51 ^l-nt?" Ave Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o Weber Chimney Co., Chicago. 6742. PEARL ANNA MARIE BERNHARDT (Sister of No. 7388) Chemist; A. B in H Sc.- b. Jl 20, 1893, Collinsville, 111.; d. .'red (b. F 12 §66 Troy, 111.) and Anna (Hess) Ber;??^a''4 , ^^U ^Y 24, 1876, do.). Prepared in Collinsville Tp.H. b. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma; Omicron Nu; Treas.. Women's League. Teacher, Sc, Ridge Farm, 111?, T916; do.,-Dom. Sc., Baltimore St. Norm., Towson, Md., 1917; Emergency Demonstration Work, Md. Agr. Coll., Baltimore, I9i7-ib, As'it U. S. Food Adm., Washington, D. C, Bur. Chem.. Dept Agr., do., i9i8-. Mem Friend's Soc., Baltimore, 1916; JJ. Js. t^ooa Adm Club. Address, 1708 I St., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. 6743 HARRIET JOSEPHINE BERNINGER Dean- A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 18, 1874, jLanctst'er, 111.; d. Amos (b, O x8 1844) and Mary Rose (Baker) Berninger (b. Mr 10, I836^ R-epai-ed in Ind. St. Norm.. iQOS-6. kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Ass , Educ TTniv- nf 111 ioi'^-i7; Teacher, Pub. ^cns., Lancaster, lit :9i7-:8;' Dean Blackburn to 1 Carlinville 111., 1918—. Address, I.ancaster, liulns add., c/o Blackburn Coll., Carlinville, 111. 6744 CHARLES HARRY BERWALD Flee Engr ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 5, 1892, Dalks Tex^, s. Mrs R. Berwald P^pared ui Dallas rTex ) H. S. Menorah Soc; E. t.. Soc -Lt. and Q M, Univ. Brig. Elec. Engr., ChUkgo, jgis Address, 11210 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 6745. VERA BEYER (Sister of No. 7390) Probation Officer; A. B. in L. A & S.; b. N 23 1891, Danville. 111.; d. Peter (b do.) and Ifary '(6under) Beyer (b ^868, Fau^noun . 111.). Prepared in Danville H.-S. Vi.itor United Charities, Chicago, ig 6-18 Probation Officer, Juvenile Court Cook Co. Chicago, 1018— Address, 6102 Kenwood Ave., Chica- go- bus. add.. County Building, do. Worthington, Mr 10, 1917, Oak Park, 111. Ad- dress, c/o Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co., Ottawa, 111. 6749. GEORGE WASHINGTON BLAKE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 7, 1893, May- wood, 111.; s. C. E. Blake. Prepared in Pro- viso Tp. H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Tau Rho; C. E. Club; Class Football; Swimming; Water Polo; Class Basketball; Sec, Sr. Class. Engr., Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago, 1917—. 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, A. E. F. Ad- dress, c/o Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chi- cago. 6750. EDITH ELLIOTT BOGGESS Missionary; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 16, 1886, Catlin, 111.; d. E. P. (b. Jl 17, 1837, do.) and Hannah Jane (Elliott) Boggess (b. D 11, 1846, Paxton, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1914-15. Omicron Nu; Y. W. C. A. Norm. Sch. Dept., Isabella Tho- burn Coll., Lucknow, India, 1916-17; Head- Mistress, H. S. Dept., do., 191 7 — . Mem., North India Conf., M. E. Church; Missionary Conf. Addt'ess, c/o Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, India. 6751. MACDONALD CHARLES BOOZE (Brother of No. 5045) Engineer; B. S. in Ceram.; b. D 10, 1892, Bethany, 111.; s. Charles Jackson (b. My 21, 1864, Gays, 111.) and Cora Mabel (Walker) Booze (b. Je 21, 1869). Prepared in Sullivan H. S.^ Sigma Nu; Ma-wan-da; Alpha Chi Sig- ma; Kii Klux; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Football. Supt. and Efficiency Engr., Medal Paving Brick Co., CarroUton, O.; do., Malvern, O., 1915-16; do., Wooster, O., 1915-17; Ceram. Engr., U. S. Govt. Bur. of Mines, 1917 — . Married Mary Gladys Hudson, D 31, 1915, Joliet, 111. Child, .Mack Hudson, b. S 25, 1916. Address, 108 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, O. 6752. CLARA MARIE ELIZA BORGELT Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. JI 26, 1887, Havana, 111.; d. H. L. Borgelt. Prepared in Havana H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Achoth. Teacher, H. S., Flora, 111., 1915; do., Havana, III., 1916. Address, Havana, 111. 6746. HARRY EDWARD BIGLER (Husband of No. 7825) Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b S 21, 1891, Sigel H ; s. Alexander VV. (b Ap 24, 1863, DuDage Co 111.) and Elizabeth (iolch) Big- ^rTb Ja 23, T865, Teutopolio, 111.). Prepared n East HI. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-10; Univ of Chica-o 191.. Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Del- ta Sigma; Ben Franklin Club; Cml. Club; Norm Sch Club; Bookkeeper and Bus. Mgr., gaX///i'i. Auto. Salesman Packard Mo^. Par Cn Chicago, 1915 — • 2nd Lt., Heavy Ari^ Cfmp Taylor Ky.,Agi9i8; Mustered out, D 1918 Married Leota Irene Mosier (16), O 4 916, Urbana. Child Ruth Elizabeth b. Mr 30, 918. Address. 6830 R'dgeland Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 24th and Michigan Ave., "■5747 ARTHUR BARNES BINGHAM Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 21. 1891, Chi- cago sB. H. (b. 1865. Hartford, Conn ) and Ulr; (Barnes) Bingham (b 1867. St^diad • 111 ). Prepared m Oak Park H. S. Acantmis. Married Marion Ruth Groves, O 21, 1916, Riv- er Forest, 111. Address, R. 6, Champaign. 6748 GEORGE FRANCIS BISSEL Ceramist; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. F 25, 1891. Chicago s Frank R. Bissel. Prepared in New Trier H S. Ceramist, Chicago Retort & Fire Br ck Co., Ottawa. 111., 191S. Married Miriam 6753. CANUTO OCTAVIO BORROMEO Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 19, 1891, Cebu, Cebfl, P. I.; s. Jose Maria (b. Ap 12, 184S, do.) and Margarita (Reynes) Borromeo ■ (b. Tl 20, 1858, do.). Prepared in Cebu, Cebfl. (P. 'I.) and Manila (P. I.) H. Schs.; St. Char- les Coll.; Univ. of Calif., 1912-14. A. _B., Univ. of Philippines, 1912. Cosmopolitan Club. ' Engr., Vilter Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, 1015-16; Mgr., Cebu branch. Engng., Mech. Dept., Pacific Cml. Co., Cebu Cebti, P. I., 1917; Asst. Engr. Mindoro Sugar Co., San Jose, Min- doro, P. I.. 1917-18. Mem., Mactan Lodge; A. F. A. M.; Jr. mem., A. S. M. E. Address, No. 2, Asamblea St., Cebu, Cebtl, P. I. 6754. LOREN GUSHING BOW (Brother of No. 6102) Instructor; B. S. in Ceram.; b. Je 6, 1893, Detroit; s. Sandy (b. Plymouth, Mich.) and Anna (Gushing) Bow (b. Detroit). Prepared in E. Detroit H. S. Sigma Pi; Keramos; Scabbard and Blade; Homecoming Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Instr., Math., N. W. H. S., Detroit, ist Lt., Aid-de-Camp, U. S. Nat. Guard; Staff Brig. Gen. Louis C. Covell, 63rd Inf. Brig., 32nd Div., Am. E. F., France. Married Annabel Frances (Zoleman, O 28, 1916, Detroit. Ad- dress, 222 PSacific Ave., Detroit. I9I5] Baccalaureate Alumni 567 675s. HAZEL W. BOWLUS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 29, 1894. Williamsport, Ind.; d. William W. (b. S 1858, Warren Co., do.) and Dora (Dick) Bowlus (b. Mr 31, 1864, do.). Prepared in Williamsport (Ind.) H. S. Achoth; (Jlassical Club. Teach- er, Latin and Ger., Bement, 111., 1915-17; do., Hoopeston H. S., 1917— . Address, 410 E. Dan- iel St., Champaign; bus. add., 309 S. Market St., Hoopeston, 111. 6756. HAROLD SMITH BRADLEY Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ja 22, 1891, Rockford, 111.; s. Charles Wyman (b. Ap 7, 1863. do.) and Carrie Bell (Smith) Bradley (b. Ja 18, 1864, Whitewater, Wis.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Omega. Arch. Engr., Rockford, 111., 1915; Grain Elevator Engr., James Stewart & Co., Chicago, 1916; Chief Draftsman, Sherwin Williams (Zo., Ken- sington, 111., 191 7-18; Canadian Leonard Const. Co.. Peterboro, Ontario, Can., 1918 — . Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. Married Helen Frances, My 26, 191 7, Chicago. Address, 5334 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Leonard Const. Co., do. 6757. *GEORGE RAYMOND BRANNON B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 10, 1889, Lowell, Ind.; s, William Perry (b. Mr 22, 1859, do.) and Sarah Ellen (Barber) Brannon (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Univ. of N. Dak. Acad.; Univ. of Wis., 1914, A. B., Univ. of N. Dak., 1911. Cow Tester, various dairy farms. Died S 15, 1918, Great Lakes Naval Training Station. 6758. LESLIE ORVILLE BRIGHT Principal; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O s, 1889, LeRoy, III.; s. E. W. Bright. Prepared in Foosland H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Class Baseball; Football. Prin., Sch., Foosland, 111. Married Mary DeLong, D 25, 1916. Address, Foosland, Ill.t 6759. FLOYD E. BRITTON (Brother of G84) Asst. Atty. Gen.; LL. B.; b. D 24, 1890, Marion, 111.; s. Rev. Joseph Walter and Lucre- tia Ada (Morgan) Britton (b. Bonegap, 111.). Prepared in Medora H. S. ; Univ. Acad., 1909- 10. Phi Alpha Delta; Sec, Fresh. Class, 1910- 11. Atty., Mounds, III., 1915-17; Asst. Atty. Gen. of III., Springfield. 111., 1917 — . Mem., M.' E. Church. Married Gladys Gaunt, D 25, 1912, Mound City, III. Children: Robert Gaunt, b. S 16, 1914; James William, b. Ag 1, 1917. Address, 1444 Dial Court, Springfield, 6760. WILLIAM SANFORD BROCK Associate; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 17, 1888, W. Va. ; s. .Sanford Columbus (b. Mr 16, 1862, Wayne Tp., Greene Co., Pa.) and Jessie (Scott) Brock (b. Ja 1867, Waynesburg, Pa.). Prepared in Waynesburg (Pa.) Acad. A. B., Waynesburg Coll., 1910.. Instr., Pomology, Univ. of III., 1915-18; Assoc, do., 1918 — . Married Nell E. Lewis, My 15, 1912, Waynes- burg, Pa. Child, Christine Jessie, b. Ag 30, 191 6. Address, 708 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana. 6761. NATHAN BROMBERG Tool Designer; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. O 22, 1891, Pinsk, Russia; s. Charles (b. 1871, do.) and Cecelia Bromberg (b. 1871, Drohitsen, Russia). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., Chicago, 1911-13. Ceram. Club; Menorah Soc; Class Football; Varsity Wrestling; Varsity Fencing. Cost Analyst, Chicago Water Dept.. Chicago, 1915-16; Ceram. Chem., Des Moines Clay Co., Des Moines, 1916; Asst. Engr., Moscow Auto Co., _ New York and Chicago offices, 1916; Tool Designer, Goddard & Co., Chicago, 1917; Partner in firm, Chicago Tool Reclaiming Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Married Esther Slon, F i, 1919, Chi- cago. Address, 1330 Washburne Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 147-149 West Austin Ave., do. 6762. ELIZABETH MAUDE BROOKS (Sister of No. 4571) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My i, 1891, Bethlehem, Pa..; d. John Pasdal (b. S 24, 1861, Kittery, Me.) and Maude Pepperrell (Perkins) Brooks (b. F 6, 1863, Atchison, Kan.). Pre- pared in Champaign and Urbana H. Schs. : Potsdam Norm. Sch., N. Y., 1914-15. Delta Gamma; Alethenai; W. A. A. Asst. Instr., H. S., Eliot, Me., 191S-16; do., Potsdam, N. Y., 1916-17; North Woodstock, N. H., 1917— . Ad- dress, Potsdam, N. Y.; bus. add.. North Wood- stock, N. H. 6763. FANNIE M. BROOKS (Sister of Nos. 2916, 5051) Instructor; A. B. in H. S.; b. Ap 4, 1880; d. George W. (b. F 14, 1850) and Anna Au- gusta (Gray) Brooks (b. F 22, 1852). Pre- pared in Saunemin H. S.; Diploma, Nurses Tr. Sch., South Bend, Ind.; Columbia, summer, 1 91 6. Achoth; Sigma Kappa; Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; H. Sc Club. Registered Nurse, Spring- field, 191 5; Instr.. Home Econ. Exten. Service, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Am. Red Cross Nurse, France. Address, 016 W. Nevada St.. LTr- bana; bus. add.. Hotel Galilee, 41 Rue de Galilee, Paris, France. 6764. OSCAR FRANKLIN BROOKS (Brother of No. 8166) Manager; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 3, 1890, Paris, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. My 27. 1861, Albany, Ky.) and Beatrice (Stearns) Brooks (b. Mr 28, 1869. Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Gen. Mgr., Dak. Coal Co., Minot, N. D. M. G. Corps, 46th Inf., Camp Sheridan, Ala.; Sergt., 27th Engrs., A. E. F.. France; Returned to states. Address, 1008 W. Green St., Urbana; bus. add.. Box loi, Minot, N. Dak. 6765. ELMER ALFRED BROWN (Brother of No. 2591) Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 24, 1891, 'St. Louis; s. C"harles H. and Arena I. (Tanner) Brown. Elec. Engr., Clark Mfg. Co., Cleve- land; South. Acid & Sulphur Co., St. Louis. Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 1287 Sut- ter Ave., St. Louis, 6766. ELMER ARTHUR BROWN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. S 6, 1891, Kempton, 111.; s. Mrs. Louella Brown. Pre- pared in Kankakee H. S. Engr., Harrison Cu cumber Co., Kankakee, III., 1915 — • Address 554 S. Rosewood Ave., Kankakee, III. 6767. JOHN BERNIS BROWN Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; M. S., 1917; b. D. 25, 1893, Rock Falls", III.; s. Frank Turner (b. Grand 'Tower, 111.) and Katherine B. (Robb) Brown (b. Rock Falls. 111.). Prepared in Ster- ling Tp. H. S. Chem. Club; Phi Lambda LTp- silon. Chem., Dept. of Chem., Univ. of 111.. 1018— . Food Div., Sergt., San. C. N. A., 1917; 2nd Lt., do., Washington, D. C. 19 18 — . Mar- ried Bertha States, O 9, i9i8, Champaign._ Ad- dress, 1005 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 6768. LLOYD WARFIELD BROWN V. P., Elec. Co.; B. S. in Sc; b. My 6, 1891, Morgan Co., 111.; s. William Barr (b. S 4. i860. Lexington, Ky.) and Fannie E. (McCoy) Brown (b. N 27, 1850, Paris, Ky.). Prepared in Whipple Acad.; III. Coll.. Jacksonville, 111. Phi Kappa Psi: Alpha Gamma Rho. Farmer, 191 5-16; Service Mgr., Central III. Elec. Co., Mr 1916-JI 16: V. P., do., Jl 1916-N 17- Ord. Supply Sch., San Antonio Arsenal, Ja S68 University of Illinois UQiS 19171-Mr 1917; Officers Supply Sch., Camp Mead, Md., Mr 1917-Je 1917, Camp Hancock, Ga., Je 1917-JI 1917; San Antonio Arsenal, Jl 1917—- Mem., B. P. O. E., 1913; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T., 1917. Address, Jacksonville, 6769. PEMBROKE HOLCOMB BROWN Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 26, 1885, Rockford, III.; s. Caroline E. Brown. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Acacia; Mu Gam- ma Rho; Philomathean; Prelim. Honors. Grad. Stud., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1915-17. Address, 1619 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass.f 6770. *WALDO REINHART BROWN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 21, 1892, Niles Center, 111.; s. J. W. Brown. Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. ssth Inf., France. Killed in action, 1918, France. 6771. EVERETT ROBERT BRUNSKILL (Brother of No. 8177) Chemist: B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 18, 1894, Pontiac, 111.; s. Robert (b. 1863, Cayuga, 111.) and Anna (Pearson) Brunskill (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Mgr., Football; Special Honors. Married Marie F. Pruett, Ap 29, 1916, Indianapolis. Child, James Robert, b. My 22, 1918. Address, 3948 Lindley Ave., Norwood, O.; bus. add., c/o Cult & Wiborg, Cincinnati. 6772. ROY IRVING BUCHANAN Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 14, 1883, St. Francisville, 111.; s. A. B. Buchanan. Pre- pared in Darlington (Ind.) H. S.; Wabash Coll.; Hanover Coll. Address, St. Francisville, Ill.t 6773. ERMANE GAYLORD BUCHER Teacher; B. S. in Ceram.; b. S 8, 1890, Pon- tiac, 111.; s. Nicholas (b. Ag 1847, Syracuse, N. Y.) and Emma (Hartman) Bucher (b. Ap '3. 1853, Ger.). Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, Summer 1916; Univ. of Wis., 1917; Univ. of Chicago, Summer, 1918. Chi Beta; Lambda Tau Rho. Pres., ist. Regt. Band, 1914-15; Gym. team, 1912-15; Univ. Or- chestra 1911-15; Solo Clarinet 1913-15. Teach- er, Math., St. Petersburg, Fla., 1915-16; Dir., Municipal Concert Band, do.; In Charge Sc. Dept., Tp. H. S., Streator, 1916-18; Classifica- tion Div., Personnel Office, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1918; Mustered out. D 14, 1918. Mem., Arrw Ceram. Soc; A. F. A. M. Address, 203 Sherman Ave., Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., Streator, 111. 6774. CARL WILLIAM BUCKLER (Brother of No. 8976) Teacher and Dir.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 14, 1887, Metcalf, 111.; s. William Martin (b. F 9, 1843, Ky.) and Elizabeth Jane (Jennings) Buckler (b. N 16, 1862, Harrisburg, Ky.). Pre- pared in Paris H. S. Ionian. Dir., Agr., Man. Tr. Sch.. Glenwood, 111., 1915 — . Address. Glenwood, 111. 6775. KATHERINE M. BUENGER (Sister of No. 3299) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 24, 1892, Granite City, 111.; d. William (b. Jl 25, 1853, Ger.) and Amelia (Neimeyer) Buenger (b. Je I, 1857, Granite City, 111.). Prepared in Granite City and Edwardsville H. Schs.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1911-13. Alpha Omicron Pi. Address, R. i. Granite City, 111. 6776. MAUDE EMILY BULL Home Demonstration Agt. ; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. My 10, 1893, Union Grove, 111.; d. Wilson B. (b. Je 25. i8^;5. Fulton, 111.) and Eva May (Baker) Bull (b. N 28, 1856, Union Grove, 111.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Yo Ma. Teacher, Union Grove, 111. Home Demonstration Agt., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Morrison, 111. Address, 907 W. Ore- gon St., Urbana; bus. add., Morrison, 111. 6777- FRANK AVERY BUSH (Husband of No. 8253) Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 8, 1892, Peoria; s. Frank Hendenburg (b. Ag 7, 1865, do.) and Harriett Maria (Avery) Bush (b. Mr 22, 1866, Troy, N. H.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Acacia; Alpha Kappa Psi; Cml. Club; Illio Staff. Salesman in Dry Goods Store, Peo- ria, 1915-16; do.. Wholesale Silk Dept., Mar- shall Field & Co., Chicago, 1916-17. ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, III., 191 7; 2nd Lt., Inf., 4th Co., Camp Grant, 111., 1918 — . Married Har- riette Gabrielle Dadant ('17), N 10, 191 7, Ham- ilton, 111. Address, 1140 2nd Ave., Rockford, 111. 6778. GEORGE HOWLAND BUTLER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 6, 1894, Chi- cago; s. H. W. and Alice (Carter) Butler (b. O 12, 1873, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Beta Theta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Ku Klux; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Chicago LTniv. Scholarship for four yrs. work. Const. Engr., Ind. Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, 1916. Border Service, 111. Militia, 1916; ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 191 7; Capt., N. G., Co., 38th Inf., France; Wounded in Ac- tion; Received Croix de (juerre; Instr., Inf. Sch. of Weapons, Chatillon, France. Auth.: The Man's Prayer, Athena Mag. and Chicago Herald. Address, 5410 Giddings St., Chicago. 6779- BYRDIE BLYE BUTZER (Sister of Nos. 4101, 5571, 6780) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 2, 1892, Hills- dale. 111.; d. John Franklin (b. My 17, 1858) and Christina (Roos) Butzer (b. Ja 6, i860). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Address, Hillsdale, Ill.t 6780. VERNA VIOLA BUTZER (Sister of Nos. 4101, 5571, 6779) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr i, 1894, Hillsdale, 111.; d. John Franklin (b. My 17, 1858) and Christina (Roos) Butzer (b. Ja 6, i860). Prepared in Urbana H. S. W. A. A.; Bethany Circle; Final Honors in Ath. Teacher, Hillsdale, III., 1915-16; do., Moline, 111., 1916- 17; do., Hillsdale, 111., 1917 — . Address, Hills- dale, 111. 6781. HERBERT WILLIAM BYE Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Ap 3, 1893, Chicago; s. Elmer C. (b. S 19, 1866, Christiania, Norway) and Annie I. (Hanson) Bye (b. O 19, 1866, Chicago). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; K. O. T. B.; Prelim. Honors; Varsity Fencing; Varsity De- bating, 191 5; Pres., Jr. Class, 1914. Asst. St. Atty.. Urbana, 1915-16; Lawyer, Chicago, 1916- 18; Treas. and Sec, G. J. Henry Mfg. Co., do., 191 8 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 2820 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 3264 W. Grand Ave., do. 6782. LLOYD RAYMOND CALDWELL Investigator; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 10, 1891, Neoga, 111.; s. J. C. Caldwell. Prepared in Neoga Tp. H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Asst. Investigator, An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 191 5 — . Address, Ewing, Ill.t 6783. LORA ALICE CANADY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 7, 1886. Winchester, Ind.; d. S. A. Canady. Prepared in Winchester (Ind.) H. S.; De Pauw Univ. Alpha Chi Om.ega; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H. S., Indianapolis. Address, 257 E. Franklin St., Winchester. Ind.; bus. add.. Manual Training H. S., Indianapolis. I9I5] Baccalaureate Alumni 569 6784. ARNOLD WILMORE CARLSEN Engineer; B. S. in Arch. E. ; b. S i, 1892, Chicago; s. C. A. Carlsen. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Arch. Club; Jr. Prom. Com.; Homecoming Com. Address, 4830 St. Anthony St., Chicago.! 6785. MARY VANCE CARNEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 1 1, 1889, Oklahoma City, Okla. ; d. James (b. D 31, 1856, Trim Co., Meath, Ireland) and Elizabeth (Lyons) Carney (b. D 29, 1864, Summerset, la.). Prepared in Marseilles H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-8; Columbia, summer 1915-17. Scribblers' Club. Teacher, H. S., Hibbing, Minn., 1915-16; St. Paul, Minn., 1916-17; do., Farmer City, 111., 1918 — . Auth. : Minnesota, the Star of the North, D. C. Heath, 1918. Mem., Universalist Church. Address, Marseilles, III. ; bus. add.. Farmer City, 111. 6786. CHARLES KNEELAND CARPENTER Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 18, 1891, Faribault, Minn.; s. Charles A. and Anna Mar- garet (Kneeland) Carpenter. Prepared in Faribault (Minn.) H. S. Scarab. Arch. Draftsman, Minneapolis, 1915-17; Designer, In- terior Fixtures, do., 191 7-18. U. S. M. A., Univ. of Minn., 1918 — . Married Margaret Grant, Je 8, 1918, Faribault, Minn. Address. Faribault. Minn. 6787. DANIEL BERNARD CARROLL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 23, 1886, Hadley, 111.; s. Michael Louis (b. N 11, 1850, Pittsfield, 111.) and Mary Ann (McGary) Carroll (b. Ap 5, 1S58). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. LTniv., 1908-12; Univ. of 111., 1915-16. Basketball; Baseball. Teacher and Ath. Coach, Tech. H. S., Indianapolis, 1915-17. O. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., 1917; O. T. C, Harvard, 191 7; Instr., Phys. Tr., Inf., Sch. of Arms, 84th Div., Camp Zachary Taylor, 191;?- 18; Commanding Officer. Co. Q, 309th Ammuni- tion Tr., do., 1918 — . Capt., Art. 309 Ammu- nition Train, A. E. F., France; Mustered out, F 28, 1919. Address, Pittsfield, 111.; bus. add., c/o Technical H. S., Indianapolis. 6788. ALICE CARTER Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 26, 1892, Chicago; d. Consider B. (b. N. Y.) and Alice Louisa (Treat) Carter (b. Claridon, O.). Pre- pared in Morris H. S., New York City. Gam- ma Phi Beta; Phi Delta Psi; Omicron Nu; Ale- thenai; Pres., Y. W. C. A. Asst. to Pastor, Presby. Church, 1915-17; Teacher. H. S., Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., 1917-18; Dietitian, City Hosp., Indianapolis, 1918 — . Address, 115 S. Ritter Ave., Indianapolis; bus. add.. City Hospital, Indianapolis. 6789. LUCILE CARTER Clerk; B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 13, 1890 Danville, Ind.; d. Ward (b. Ap 5. 1856, Plain- field, Ind.) and Laura (Rellum) Carter (b. i860, Friendswood, Ind.). Prepared in Dan- ville (Ind.) H. S.; Earlhani Coll., 1909-12. H. Sc. Club; Fresh. Hockey. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Ben Davis, Indianapolis. Clerk, Ord. Dept., Supply Div., Washington, D. C 1918— . Ad- dress, 3839 Carrolton Ave., Indianapolis; bus. add., 3650 Warder, N. W. W. shington, D. C. 6790. JOSEPH BERNARD CASSERLY (Brother of No. 2347) Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 9, 1890, Cham- paign; s. John Tully (b. Galway, Ire.) and Mar- garet (Condon) Casserly (b. Syracuse, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; LTniv. of 111., 191 5- 16. St. Bd. of Health, Champaign, 1917; Teacher, Agr., H. S., (Champaign, 1917 — . Ad- dress, 108 Daniel St., Champaign. 6791. WILLIAM HAROLD CHAMBERS Dairy Bacteriol.; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. Mr 2, 1894, Evanston, 111.; s. Willaam Ells- worth (b. Mr I, 1862, Mt. Pleasant, O.) and Minnie Winston (McGill) Chambers. Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. .Mpha Zeta; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Agr. Club; ///. Agr. Staff; Chm., Agr. Dance Com. Grad. Asst., Dairy Bacteriol., Univ. of 111., 1915-17. Sergt., Med. De]it., Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la., 1917; 2nd Lt., Evacuation Hosp. No. 8, A. E. F., France, 1918; Army of Occupation, Mayen, Ger., 1918 — . Auth.: Agr. BuL, No. 204. .'iddress, 131 9 Main St., Evanston 111. 6792. HARI CHAND B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 10, 1890, Sial Kote, District, India; s. L. Gunpat Roy. Prepared in Randhiv Coll., Univ. of Panjob. E. E. Soc; Cosmopolitan Club; Hindustanee Assn. Ad- dress, Partanivali Sial, Kote, Dist., India. t 6793. EDWARD NEAL CHAPMAN Mfg. Chem.; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. O 4, 1892. Chicago; s. C. E. Chapman. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Chem. Club; Swimming. Mfg. Chem., Chapman Mfg. C^o., 1 91 6 — . Address, 5528 Kenwood Ave., Chica- go. t 6794. RALPH DWYER CLINTON CHAPMAN Banker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 8, 1892, Vienna, 111.; s. P. T. B. Chapman. Prepared in Central H. S., Washington, D. C. Phi Kappa Psi; Varsity Football Capt., 1912-13; Pres., Ma-wan-da; Helmet; Ku Klux; Alpha Kappa Psi. Banker, Chicago, ist Lt., Co. G, 9th Inf., 2nd Division, A. E. F., France; Wounded, Jl 25, 1918, France. Address, Vienna, 111. 6795. BL.\NK 6796. YUN TIN CHENG Export Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. 1891, Kwong Tung, China; s. Y. T. Cheng. Prepared in St. Stephens Coll.; Univ. of London; Univ. of Birmingham. Chinese Stud. Club; Cosmo- politan Club; Ry. Club. Export Mgr., R. R. Transportation, Hong Kong,^ S. China, 191 5 ; Yu-Kee Hong, Hongkong, China. 1918. Ad- dress, c/o Yu-Kee Hong, Hong Hong. 6797. GLEN CHRISTY B. Mus. ; b. N 2, 1892, Harrisburg, 111.; s. Mildred Christy. Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Nu Kappa Alpha; Glee Club; Philoma- thean. ist Lt., Ord. Engng. Div., Washing- ton, D. C. Address, 42 Orleans St., Newark, N. J. 6798. ELMER ALLEN CLAAR Y. M. C. A. Worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b O IS, 1892, Altoona, Pa.; s. Jacob Claar. Prepared in Moline H. S. Y. M. C. A. Work, Moline, 111., 1917—- Address. Y. M. C. A., Moline, IH. 6799. HELEN BEULAH CLARKE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. Mus., 1917; b. Ag 5, 1890, Libertyville, HI.; d. Francis E. (b. Je 19, 1864, Cedar Falls, Wis.) and Sarah Emily Clarke (b. O 24. 1865, Hainesville, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Illiola; Choristers, Choral Soc. Teacher, H. S., and Supvr., Pub. Sch. Mus., Desloge, Mo. Y. M. C. A., France. Address, 31 Prospect St., Cortland, N. Y. 6800. IRL REUBEN CLINE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 5, 1892, Jer- sewille. III.; s. Emanuel (b. i8s4, Lenoir, N. C.) and Mary E. (Alward) Cline (b. 1864. Fidelity, 111.). Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. 570 University of Illinois [1915 Tau Deta Pi; Valedictorian; Capl., Inf., Univ. lU'gt. Civ. Engr., West. Biicl^ Co., Danville, 111., 191S— . Address, Y. M. C. A., Danville, III.; bus. add., c/o Western Brick Co., do. 6801. IRA' NEWTON CLOVER Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ag 5, 1S92, Gardner, 111.; s. Elmer E. (b. Mr 17, i860, Reddick, 111.) and Lovina (Shelley) Clo- ver (b. F 2g, i860, do.). Prepared in Gardner H. S.; Hastings (Neb.) H. S.; Joliet Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi; Lambda Tau Rho. Instrument Man., C. R. I. t^- P. R. R., Chicago and Joliet, 111., 1915-16. Asst. Engr., Wildwood Bldg. Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1916-17; do., for R. W. Pratt, Consulting Engr., Barberton, O., 1917-18; do., Detroit, 1918. Sergt., Camp (jrant, 111., 1918; mustered out, 1919. Married Alta Green, Je 6, 1918, Gardner, HI. Address, 10506 En- glewood, Cleveland, 0.; bus. add.. 716 Hippo drome Bldg., Cleveland. 6802. DAVID CLYMAN Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 15, 1890, Grand Rapids, Mich.; s. Isaac Clyman. Pre- pared in N. W. Division H. S., Chicago. Me- norah Soc. ; Class Football. Traction Tester, Chicago; Arch. Engr., Swift, & Co.. Chicago, 191 8—. 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, III; 2nd Lt., (ird.. Aberdeen, Md.; Mustered out, D II, 1918. Married Mr 16, 1919. Address, c/o Gladstone Hotel, Chicago. 6803. MILDRED LEANN COBURN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 6. 1886, McLean, 111.; d. Charles C. (b. Ag 16, 1854, O.) aiid Sarah Frances (Alsop) Coburn (b. Ap 4, 1859, Ky.). Prepared in McLean H. S.; 111. St. Norm. 1902-05. 1907-08. Summer, 1906-07. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, El Paso, lib, IQ15 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, McLean, 111.; bus. add., 121 W. 92nd St., New York City. 6804. CHARLES BLAKE COCHRAN Lumber Dealer; A. B. in L.^ A. & S.; b. Jl 21, 1892, Benton, 111.; s. W. G. Cochran. Pre- pared in Marion H. S.; Univ. of Tex. Delta Tau Delta; Scarab; Arch. Club. Retail Lum- ber Dealer. Address. 405 S. Market St., Mar- ion, Ill.t 6805. HARRY FRANK COGDAL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 14, 1891, Aus- tin, 111.; s. George B. (b. Petersburg, 111.) and Fannie May (Povver)^ Cogdal (b. do.). Pre- pared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha G.-imma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Alpha Zeta; Prelim. Honors; Baseball Capt. Farmer, South Haven, Mich., 1914; West Chicago, 111., 1915-16; Supt., Alexandria Dairy Farms, Au- rora, 111., 1 01 7; Farmer, S^uth Haven, Mich.. 1917 — . Address, South Haven, Mich. 6806. *FRANK MAYNARD COLCORD (Brother of G128) Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 6, 1890, Greenville, 111.; s. G. A. Colcord. Prepared in (Ilreenville Prep. Sch. Instr., Agr., Ainsworth, Neb., iqi6; Grad. Work and Asst.. Dairy Dept., Univ. of Neb.. 1917-18; Dairy Expert., Agr. Coll., Pullman, Wash. Insp., Dairy Herds, Camp Lewis. Died O 21, 19 18, Pullman, Wash. 6807. PAUL WAYNE COLEMAN • B. S. in Agr.; b. O 29. 1893, Lcwistown, 111.; s. J. O. Coleman. Prepared in Lewistown H. S.; Eureka Coll. Address, Ipava, Ill.t 6808. MARY ELIZABETH COLLOM Research Asst.; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 18. 1894, Chicago; d. Arthur Elden (b. Jl 4, 1867, Oxford, Pa.) and Eva (Day) Collom (b. Jl 26, 1862, Niles, 111.). Prepared in Oxnard Union (Calif.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; .\lpha Theta Chi; Final Honors; H. Sc. Ed., ///. Agr. Grad. Stud., Infant Nutrition, Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Lab. Asst., 1915-16; Literary work, Boston, 1916-17; Research Asst., Schen- ectady, N. Y., 1917^. Address, 704 Michigan .\ve., Schenectady, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Re- search Dept., Bldg. 4, General Electric Co., do. 6809. HAROLD EDWARD COLSON Merchant; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 5, 1892, St. Charles, 111.; s. J. F. Colson. Prepared in St. Charles H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho. Merchant and Land. Gard., St. Charles, 1916 — -. ist Lt., .\sst. to Depot Q. M., Jefferson. Ind.; Mustered out, Ja 18, 1919. Address, 185 W. Main St., St. Charles, 111.; bus. add., 50 West Main St., do. 68x0. DANIEL FRANKLIN COMSTOCK Conductor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 15, 1891; Big Ra-ids, Mich.; s. C. W. Comstock. I'repared in Evanston II. S. Psi Upsilon; Helmet; Ku Klux; Fresh. Varsity Baseball and Basketball. Conductor, I. C. R. R., Carbon- dale, 111., 1916 — . Address, 2408 Hartzell Ave., Evanston, Ill.t 6811. MABEL LOUISE CONAT Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Je 24, 1888, Detroit; d. Wilmot and Jane (Wittet) Conat. Prepared in Western H. "S., Detroit. A. B., Univ. of Mich., igog. First Asst. Reference Dept., Pub. Lib., Detroit. Final Honors. Auth. : Bibliography Municipal Periodicals, Special Li- braries, O, 1917. Address, 751 Campbell Ave., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Public Library, do. 6812. BEATRICE VIRGINIA COPLEY Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & Sv ; A. M., 1917; 1). F 3, 1893, Joliet, 111.; d. Harry (b. 1863, Paris, Can.) and Jose[)hine (lenkins) Copley (b. 1865, 111.). Prepared in Joliet H. S. Kap- |ia Alpha Theta; Yo Ma; Plii Beta Kappa; Ale- Ihenai; Mgr., Girls' Stunt Show; Y. W_. C. A. Cabinet; Fresh, and Prelim. Honors; Sr. Me- morial Com.; Advisory Bd., Woman's League. Grad. Asst. in English, Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Asst., do., 1917 — . Address, 2501 E. Cass St., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., 322 University Hall, Ur- iiana. 6813. LYNN S. CORBLY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 8, 1893, Paxton, 111.; s. W. S. (b. Ja 17, 1863. Champaign) and Mary (Yeule) Carbly (b. Mr 31, 1865, Green Valley, 111.). Prepared in Paxton II. S. Phi Alpha Delta. Lawyer, Cliamiiaign, 1915-17. Pvt., ist Class, Q. M. R. C, Chicago, 1917; Sergt., O. M. R. C. 1917; A. E. F., France. 1917 — ."Married Marguerite Clark. My 28, 1917, Paxton, 111. Address, Paxton, 111. 6814. EULA ETHELYN CORDELL (EARNER) (Sister of No. 7458) Asst. Prin., Sch.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. .\p 23, 1891, Industry, 111.; d. Robert McMurry (b. F 22. 1861, Waupakaneta, O.) and Lucy Ethelvn (Vail) Cordell (b. Te 24- i86n. Indus- try, ill.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Acad., 1907-09. Prin., Pub. Sch., Ells- worth, 111., 1915-16; Newspaper Reporter. Ma- comb, III.. 1916-17; Asst. Prin., Pub. Sch.. Tnplin. Mo., 1917-18. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Frank Earner, Je 8. 1017. Starved Rock, 111. Address, 424 N. Johnson St., Ma- comb, 111. 6815. SEYMOUR CORLEY (Brother of No. S''i4) Engineer; B S. in C. E.; b. D 13, 1804, De- catur, 111.: s. De Witt Clinton (b. D 24, 1852, Shelby Co., 111.) and Laura (Fulton) Corley IQIS] Baccalaureate Alumni 571 (I). Ap 4, i860, New ]'.runswick. Mo.). Pre- pared in Decalur H. S. Kngr., Dcs Moines Bridge & Iron Co., rgis-iG; do., Scaife &. Sons, Pittsburgh, 1916-17. Sergt., Co. F, istli Engrs., A. E. I'"., France, 19 17 — . Address, 805 N. College St., Decatur, 111. 6816. CHESTER McELFRESII GRAIN Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. An 17, 1889, Waverly, 111.; s. J. O. and Mary Grain. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Grad. Stud., Har- vard Univ., 1915; Mutual Motor Stores Co., Chicago, 191 7. Naval Reserves, Washington, D. C.. Address, 1458 S. Michigan Ave., Ghi- cago.t 6817. CHAr.MKKS WOODRUl'F CRAWFORD Manag;er; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 8, 1891, Eldor- ado Springs, Mo.; s. George A. and Martha Emily (Woodruff) Crawford. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Alpha Zeta. Mgr., I'ure Bred Percherons, Gregory Farm, White Hall, III., 1915-16. Med. Dept., U. S. N. A., Field Hosp. 336, San. Train 309. Camp Taylor, Ky. Ad- dress, White Hall, 111. 6818. HEEEN LUGILE CRAWFORD (Sister of No. 8243) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D i, 1892. Lincoln, Neb.; d. Clark Mehany (b. Crown Point, Ind.) and Almira J. (Bunday) Craw- ford (b. Linesville, Pa.). I'repared in Shaw- nee (Okla.) If. S. Sr. Breakfast Com. Grad. Stud., Educ. Univ. of 111. Teacher, Sc, Mel- vin, 111., 1915-16; Chebanse, 111., 1916-17; Pax- ton, 111., 1 91 7 — . Address, 50S S. Race St., JJ rhuna; bus. add., Paxton, III. 6819. EDWARD WOODEN CREIGHTON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 18, 1891, Fair- field, III.; s. Jacob Reed (b. Ag 4, 1848, Carmi, 111.) and Lucretia Elizabeth (lionham) Creigh- ton (b. Ap 6, 1865, Fairfield, 111.). Prepared in Fairfield H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma. Married Anna Walters, N 20, 1917, Eldorado Springs, Mo. Address, R 8, Ftiirf^eld, 111. 6820. LUCRETIA CRESSEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 16, 1889, Moro, 111.; d. Roger F. (b. 1866, Collinsville, III.) and Emma (Goally) Cressey (b. Belle- ville, 111.). Prei)ared in Jacksonville H. S.; 111. Coll., 1907-9. Phi Beta Kappa. 'J'eacher, Sc, Tuscola, 111., 191S — . Address, Wenona, 111.; bus. add., Tuscola, IlL 6821. EDWARD CRISS B. S. in Agr.; b. S 7, 1887, Nebo, HI.; s. William Criss. Prepared in Pleasant Hill Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Corn Products Refining Co., Pekin, 111. Address, Pekin, Ill.f 6822. HAROLD LANE CUMMINGS Secretary; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 5, 1892, Freeport. III.; s. Ossian E. (b. D iC, 1852, E. Douglass, Mass.) and Bertha (Love) Cummings (b. Mr i, 1865, Rockford, 111.). Pre- pared in Clinton H. S. Chi Beta; Beta Gamma Sigma. Sec. to V. P., I. C. R. R.. Chicago, 191 5- 16. Bn. Sergt. Maj., Div. Trains, 86th Div., Camp Grant, 111., 1917-18; Detached Service, 3rd O. T. C. Camp Grant, 1918— . Mem., R. A. M., Chicago; Freejjort Consistory, Tebola Shrine, Rockford. III. Address, 1526 E. 6sth Place, Chicago; bus. add., 633 Conway Bldg., do. 6823. WESLEY ERETT CUMMINS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 4, 1888, Reevesville, 111.; s. Jermiah Smith (b. do.) and Nancy (Rice) Cummins (b. do.). I'repared in Murphyshoro Tp. H. S., 1006. A. B., McKendree Coll., 1910. Phi Aliiha Delta; Order of the Coif; Scholarshin: Prelim, and Final Honors. Lawyer, Cairo. 111., igi.S-ifi- U. S. A., 1917; Sergt., Q. M. C, I'"rance, 1918 — . Address, Cairo, 111. 6824. MARGARET LUCILE DAUBER- MAN (RINEHART) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 8, 1892, Mans- field, 111.; d. C. N. Dauberman. Prepared in .Mansfield H. S. Bethany Circle; Y. W. C. A. (^'iliinet. Married Ross Rinehart, Jl -'5, 1916, Deland, 111. Address, Deland, lll.t 6S25. ANNA ELIZABETH DAUGHERTY A. B. in L. A. St. S.; b. D 20, 187^, Sullivan, 111.; d. J._ D. and Elizabeth Daugherty. Pre- pared in Sullivan II. .S. Address, Stevensville, Mont. 68-^.. SAMUEL SYLVESTER DAVIS (Husband of No. 7475) I'arm .Xdviser; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. F 28, 1 891, Newport, Ind.; s. J. N. (b. My 25, 1848, do.) and Rose B. (Manion) Davis (1). Mr 17, 1852, do.). Prepared in Newport (Ind.) II. S.; Jnd. St. Norm., 1909-10. Agr. (^liib; Hoof and Horn (Jlub; Capt., Univ. Brig.; V. P., (^lass; Class football, 1912-1.1;. Emer- gency Demonstration Co. Agr. Agt. Married Clara Elizabeth Davis ('16), Ja 27, 1917, Ur- l)ana. Address, Kentland, Ind. 6827. HELEN MARY DAWSON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 16, 1894, Morris, III.; d. James Burns (b. 1848, Ayrshire, Scotland) and Mary Ann (Sulhi-r- land) Dawson (b. 1865, Aberdeen, .Scotland j. Prepared in Morris H. S. .Sigma Kappa; Kap]ia Delta Pi; Yo-Ma; llliola; Der Deutsche Verein; Fresh. Honors. Teacher. H. S., Divcrnon, 111., 191 5-17; do.. Crystal Lake, III., 1917 — . Ad- dress, 206 Benton St., Morris, 111.; bus. add.. Crystal Lake, 111. 6828. HOMER WARD DEAKMAN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Je 27, 1804, Chicago; s. G. A. (b. do.) and Elizabeth (Hall) Deakman (b. Lowell, Mass.). Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; 111. Union Dramatic Club; Bus. Mgr.. Lambkins; Varsity Track Mgr.; Ath. Bd. of Control; Bus. Mgr., Mask and Bauble Play SoT>h. Cotillion Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Civ. Engr., Grain Eleva- tor Const., Kansas City. 191s; Supt. of Const., Concrete Bldg.. New York City, iQi.";-'?; do., Co](l Storage Bldg. Const., Chicago, 1917 — . I St Engrs. O. T. C, Ft. Leavenworth, 1917' ist Lt.. Engrs. R. C. Co. F, 311th Engrs., Camp (Irant, 111., 1917 — . Jr. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. Married Leila Bloomfield Robinson, S 30, 1917, Tenent, N. J. Address, 448 W. 6oth Place, Chicago. 6829. BENJAMIN HARRISON DECKER Salesman; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 3, 1888, Brazil, Ind.; s. Jesse Austin (b. Ja 7, 1841, But- ler Co., O.) and Angeline (Gonter) Decker (b. Mr 22, 1853, Tuscarawas Co.. O.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Scabbard and Blade; E. E. Soc; Class Basketball; Class Football, 1913; Varsity Football. 1914; Lt., and Capt.. Univ. P>rig. Sales Dept., Nungesser Carbon & Bat. Co., Cleveland, 1915-16: do., Nat. Carbon Co., do., tQi6 — . Pub. Speaking Chm.. Elec. League, Cleveland. 1918 — ; Univ. of 111. Club. Cleve- land, 191 8 — . Married Adele Gisella Juergens, Je ir. 1915. Montieello. 111. Child. Dr-an Ger- ard, b. Ja 14, 1917- Address, 1327 W. 105th St., Cleveland; bus. add., c/o Sales Dept., Nat. Carbon Co.. do. 6830. WILLIAM CHARLES DEISS Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 12, 1892, ("arlin-villc. HI.: s. William Deiss. Prepared in Carlinville IT. S. E. E. Soc. Engng. Dept., Curtiss Aeroplane Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. 191 5; Engr.. Carlinville, 111.. 191=; — • Address, 402 W. North St., Carlinville, lll.t 572 University of Illinois [191S 6831. JACK ERWIN DEMUTH Civ. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 28, 1892, St. Louis; s. Mrs. Louise Demuth. Prepared in McKinley H. S. Aloha Delta Sigma; Tri- angle; Class Swimming; Technograph Bd. ; Crystal Dancing Club. R. O. T. C., 1917; ist Lt., Co. B, 333rd Bn.; Capt., do.; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, c/o The Parsons Co., Newton, la. 6832. BLANK 6833. CLARENCE GORDON DE SWARTE Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 8, 1891, Englewood, Chicago; s. Garrett De Swarte. Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi. Engr., Sargent & Lundy, Chicago. Address, 6220 Sangamon St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Sargent & Lundy, do.f 6834. OSCAR CASPAR DETERING A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 7, 1891, St. Louis; s. C. H. Detering. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ry. Club; Cml. Club; Class Fencing; Class Swimming; Water Basketball. Hdqtrs. Co., Embarkation Camp, Bordeaux, France. Ad- dress, 2918 Palm, St. Louis. t 6835. THOMAS WILBUR DIECKMANN Office Engr.; A. B. in L, A. & S.; b. F 27, 1 89 1, Vandalia, 111.; s. Carl Dieckmann. Pre- pared in Vandalia H. S. Ed., ///. Highways, 1916; Portland Cement Assoc, 1917; Office Engr., Paving Dept., Lakewood Engng. Co., Cleveland, O., 1919 — . Address, 11857 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, O. ; bus. add., Paving Dept., Lakewood Engng. Co., do. 6836. ALICE DIETZER (BRODD) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 25, 1891, Buffalo, N. Y.; d. John W. (b. Mr 22, 1862, do.) and Mary (Clendening) Dietzer (b. Ag i, 1864, Batavia, N. Y.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange. Chi Omega; Omicron Nu; Yo-Ma; H. S. Club; W. A. A. Teacher, Dom. Sc, Morris, 111., 1915-16; Chicago, 1916-17. Married Lawrence Samuel Brodd, D 20, 1916. Child, Lawrence Samuel, Jr., b. O 10, 1917 (died O 14, 1 91 7). Address, 560 Astor St., Milwaukee. 6837. ESSEL ROY DILLAVOU (Brother of No. 4615) Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; J. D., 1917; b. O 29, 1893, Bondville, III.; s. S. E- (b. Ap 20, 1866, 111.) and Mary M. (McDaniel) Dillavou (b. S 16, 1869). Prepared in Champaien H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Pi Kappa Alpha; Beta Gamma Sigma; Innes of Court; Order of Coif; Lt., 1913-14 and Capt., 1914-15, Univ. Regt.; Prelim. Honors. Farmed claim, Newell, S. Dak., I yr. Lt., nth Co. C, M. G. O. T. S., Camp Hancock, Ga., 191 8; Mustered out. Ja 1919. Married Vivian Priest, Ag i, 1917. Del- avan, Wis. Child, Samuel Essel, b. My 10, 1918. Address. 304 W. Maple St., Champaign; bus. add., Newell, S. Dak. 6838. IRA WILBUR DINGLEDINE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 7, 1886, Thaw- ville. 111.; s. L. Dingledine. Prepared in Normal H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, 421 Peoria Ave., Peoria, Ill.t 6839. BERNARD ERNST GEORGE DIRKS B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr g, 1894. Koetzshen- broda, Ger. ; s. H. B. Dirks. Prepared in Groessel sche Realschule. Dresden. Ger. Tau Beta Pi; Cosmopolitan Club; Prelim. Honors. Research Work. Harvard Univ., Chicago, igi8. Address, 1166 Diversey Park, Chicago. t 6840. EARL JOSEPH DIX Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag i. 1891, Leaf River, 111.; s. Marshall Edward and Min- nie H. (Spicer) Dix. Prepared in Marseilles H. S. E. E. Soc; Asst. Adv. Mgr., E. E. Show, 1915- Stud., C. C. S. I., 1915-16; Power Sales Engr., P. S. Co., Evanston, 111., 1916-17; Sales- man, Elec. Appliance Co., Chicago, 1917-18. Heating Engr., Camp Grant, 1917 — . Married Elsie L. Long, O 13, 1917, Marseilles, 111. Ad- dress, 809 W. Taylor St., Kokomo, Ind.; bus. add., 701 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 6841. VERNE FOSTER DOBBINS Salesman; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 20, 1894, Dewey, 111.; s. Foster Dobbins. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Eta Kappa Xu; Sigma Tau; E. E. Soc; Adv. Mgr., E. E. Show; Sr. Hat. Com. Sales Dept., Nungesser Carbon & Bat. Works, Cleveland, 191 7; with National Carbon Co., do., 1919 — . Aviation, Call Field, Tex., 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 7121 Euclid Ave., Cleveland.! 6842. MARGARET ISABELLA DOHERTY (Sister of No. 3348) Librarian; B. Mus.; A. B. in L. A. & S., 1Q17; b. S 29, 1893, La Grange, 111.; d. Wil- liam John (b. O I, 1848, St. Johns, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) and Margaret Eliza- beth (Doyle) Doherty (b. Jl 24, 1854, Dubu- que, la.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. ; Am. Conservatory of Mus., 1908-12. Mu Kappa Al- |)ha. Teacher of Piano, Urbana. 1914; Lib. Asst.. Bur. of Educ. Research, Univ. of 111. Address, 905 W. California St., Urbana. 6843. ETHEL MARY DOLE (Sister of Nos. 5637, 6844, 9039) Demonstrator; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Mr 22, 1880, Manteno, 111.; d. Theophilus Packard (b. Te 12, 1849, Shelburn, Mass.) and Emma Rhoda (Viall) Dole (b. F 7, 1851, Elk Co., Pa.). Prepared in Manteno H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1897-98, 1902-4. A. M., Columbia l^niv., 1916. Omicron Nu; Final Honors. Temporary Teacher, Dom. Arts, jth Ave. H. S., Pittsburgh, 191 7; Home Demonstration Agt., Kent Co., Del., 191 7-1 8; do., Geneva, 111., 1918 — . Address, Manteno, 111.; bus. add.. Room 58, Court House, Geneva, 111. 6844. LILLIAN DORA DOLE (KENNEDY) (Wife of No. 7003; Sister of Nos. 5637, 6843, 9039) A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., Zool. and En- tomol., 1916; b. Je 6. 1884, Manteno. 111.; d. Theophilus Packard (b. Je 12, 1849, Shelburn, Mass.) and Emma Rhoda (Viall) Dole (b. F 7 1 85 1, Elk Co., Pa.). Prepared in Manteno H. S.; 111. St. Norm. LTniv., 1902-05. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Final Honors; Sr. Breakfast Com. Teacher, Zool., 111. St. Norm. L^niv., 1916-17; do., Sc, Evanston Tp. H. S.. Evanston, 111., 1917-18. Married Lu- ther E. Kennedy ('14), Je 7, 1918. Champaign. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Manteno, 111. 6845. JUSTIN ALOYSIUS DOMAS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 7, 1892- -Assumption. 111.; s. S. D. Domas. Prepared in Shelbyville, H. S. Address, Shelbyville, Ill.t 6846. HENRY DUBIN (Brother of No. 6210) Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 11, 1892, Chicago; s. A. J. Dubin. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Cosmopolitan Club; Menorah Soc; Arch. Club; Class Football; Itlio Staff; Asst. Art Ed., Arch. Yr. Book; Sr. Smoker Com.; Prelim. Honors; Plym Fel- lowship. Arch., Gov. Service, Panama. Q. M. C Canal Zone, Panama. Married Anna Green- iQiSl Baccalaureate Alumni 573 baum, F 4, 1919, Washington, D. C. Address, c/o Quartermaster Dept., Army Hdqtrs., Canal Zone, Panama. 6847. FRED ALAN DuHADWAY Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. My 31, 1890, Jersey- ville, 111.; s. Charles W. (b. do.) and Lucia O. (Schattgen) Du Hadway (b. do.). Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. Theta Chi; Order of Coif; Prelim. Honors; Chm., Soph. Cotillion; Sr. Ball Com.; V. P., 111. Union. Lawyer, Jerseyville, 111., 1915-17; Asst. St. Atty., Har- din, 111., 1917; Govt. Appeal Agt., Calhoun Co., 1917; Law firm. Chapman & Du Hadway, Jer- seyville, 111. Mem., 111. Bar Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Cornelia Powell, O 17, 1917, Jersey- ville, 111. Child, Helen Margaret, b. N 3, 1918. Address, Jerseyville, 111. 6848. SVEN DUNER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr i, 1892, Pull- man, Chicago; s. J. C. Duner. Prepared in Wheaton H. S. Delta Upsilon; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Capt., Varsity Basketball; Capt., Univ. Brig. Address, Wheaton, Ill.t 6849. LAWRENCE HENRY DUNHAM (Brother of No. 4625) * Metallurgist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Ag 21, 1891, Chicago; s. Arthur Henry (b. Pittsfield, Mass.) and Margaret Evans (Barrett) Dunham (b. Stockbridge, Mass.). Prepared in La Salle Peru Tp. H. S. Phi Lambda LIpsilon; Scab- bard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig. Metallur- gist, Inland Steel Co., Ind. Harbor, Ind. ; do., Am. Steel & Wire (To., Cleveland. Married Alsia May Strode, Ap 16, 1918, Urbana. Ad- dress, 17 2y Bryn Mawr Ave., East Cleveland; bus. add., c/o Newburgh Steel Works, do. 6850. BLANK 6851. 'DAVID WOODS DUNLAP (Brother of 6852) B. S. in Agr.; b. F 5, 1892, O'Fallon, Mo.; s. Marcus Fulton Dunlap (b. S 25, 1848, Chi- cago) and Sarah Ellen (Woods) Dunlap (b. N 26, 1850, Fairfield, la.). Prepared in Wood- lawn Inst.; Central Coll. Alpha Zeta; Hort. Club; Agr. Club; Class Baseball. Stud., Bos- ton, Univ., 191 5. Army Y. M. C. A.; 177th Inf. Brig., Camp Funston, Kan., 1917. Died Camp Funston, D 19, 1917. 6852. FANNY DUNLAP (Sister of No. 6851) Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Ja 20, 1883, O'Fal- lon, Mo.; d. Marcus Fulton (b. S 25, 1848, Chicago) and Sarah Ellen (Woods) Dunlap (b. N 26, 1850, Fairfield, la.). Prepared in Wood- lawn Inst. (Mo.). Ph. B., Univ. of la. Libr. Club. Head Cataloguer, Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 191S— . Mem., D. A. R.; M. E. Church. Ad- dress, 14 1 2 Laramie St., Manhattan, Kan.; bus. add., c/o Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, do. 6853. ELIZABETH MOORE DUNN (PRINS) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Cornland, 111. ; d. Frederick J. (b. Springfield, 111.) and Clarice Elizabeth (Bell) Dunn (b. do.). Prepared in Bellflower H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm., DeKalb, 1905; M. A., Univ. of Wash., 1917. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Tacoma, Wash., 1914-16; Asst. Hist. Dept., Univ. of Wash.. Seattle, 1916-17; Teacher, H. S., Twin Falls, Idaho, 1917-18. Married Johan Willem Prins, S 25, 1918, N. Y. Address, c/o J. W. Prins, Ed. Dir., Y. M. C. A., Hog Is- land, Penn. 6854. MARSHALL SIMEON DUTTON (Brother of No. 8287) Superintendent; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. My 20, 1891, Morton Park, Chicago; s. B. B. (b. Ag 4, 1862, Racine, Wis.) and Emma (Het- zel) Dutton (b. Ap 15, 1868, do.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Ep- silon; Sigma Tau; Lambkins Club; 111. Union Dram. Club; Glee and Mandolin Club. Supt., Central 111. Pub. Service Co., Lawrenceville, 111. Address, Lawrenceville, Ill.t 68ss. HENRY CHARLES ECKSTEIN Nutrition Expert; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 18, 1890, Sheboygan, Wis.; s. Robert Charles Eckstein. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Stud, and Asst., An. Nutrition. Univ. of 111., 1916. Address, 100^ W. Illinois St., Urbana. 6856. EDITH EDGAR Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 19, 1891, Bellefontaine, O. ; d. Rev. George Edward (b. D II, 1863, Ireland) and Blanche Augusta (Os- born) Edgar (b. Ag 12, 1864, lola. Wis.). Pre- pared in Antwerp (N. Y.) H. S. Athenean; Phi Delta Psi. Teacher, Latin, French, and Hist., Tp. H. S., Villa Grove, 111., 1915—. Ad- dress, Villa Grove, 111. 6857. ALWIN CLYDE EIDE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Ap 28, 1893, Lee, 111.; s. To-llef T. (b. D 12, 1853, Olen, Norway) and Christine (Greve) Eide (b. Ag 12, 1862. Bergen, Norway). Prepared in Lu ther Coll. Acad. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lamb da Upsilon; Chem. Club; Prelim. Honors. Asst Chem., Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind.. 1915; U. S. Metal Refining Co., 1915-16; Sales Dept., Patton Paint Co., Milwaukee, 1916 Chem., Am. Zinc, Lead, & Smelting Co., Hills boro. 111., 1916-18; do., St. Louis, 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 1415 Conway Bldg., Chicago. 6858. MILDRED ROACH ELDER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ja 31, 1890. Virginia, 111.; d. Rev. J. W. Elder. Prepared in James Millikin Acad.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, Argenta, Ill.t 6859. ARAM MOVSES ELEAZARIAN B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 10, 1887, Teheran, Per- sia; s. Movses Eleazarian. Prepared in Ar- menian Nat. Coeduc. Sch.; French Am. Acad., Springfield, Mass.; Univ. of Wis. Cosmopoli- tan Club; Le Cercle Frangais. Address, Te- heran, Persia. 6860. EDWARD CHARLES ELLES Supt., Coal Co.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 23, 1892, Carterville, 111.; s. Albert K. (b. Belle- ville, III.) and Orian J. (Brown) Elles (b. Carterville, 111.). Prepared in Herrin Tp. H. S. Iris; Pres., Beta Gamma Sigma, 1914-15; Scabbard and I?lade; Cml. Club; 1st. Lt. and Major, LTniv. Brig. Asst. Gen. Mgr., Herrin Supply Co., Herrin, 111., 1915-17; Supt. Carter- ville and Big Muddy Coal Co., 1916-17. 2nd. Lt. F. A. U. S. A., France, 1917. Married Ea telle Lee Perry, My 4, 191 7, Herrin, 111. Ad- dress, Herrin, 111. 6861. GRACE ADELAIDE ENGLAND Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 14, 1890, Detroit; d. William Edwin (b. 1844, Wiltshire, Eng.) and Hannah (Proctor) England (b. 1854, De- troit). Prepared in Detroit Central H. S. A. B., Albion Coll.. 1910. Libn., Pub. Lib., De- troit, 1915 — . Mem., Coll. Club of Detroit; Am. Lib. Assn.; Mich. Lib. Assn. Address, 651, 14th Ave., Detroit; hits, add., c/o Public Library, do. 574 University of Illinois liQiS 6862. JEANNETTE MORRISON ENGLE (Sister of No. 8296) A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1916; b.My 26, 1891, Bloomingdale, Ind.; d. W. J. Engle. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Bethany Circle; Gre- gorian; Y. W. C. A. Address, R 10, Urbana.l 6863. RUTH ERNEST Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. D 21, 1889, Mil- ford, la.; d. John Harvey (b. Mr 31, 1864) and Lillie Gelina (Davis) Ernest (b. Ap 29, 1863). Prepared in Parsons (Kan.) H. S.; Urbana H. S. Teacher, H. S., Sibley, 111., 1915-17; do., Sparta. 111., 1917-18. Address, 1 104 W. Stoughton St., Urbana; bus. add., Tp. High School, Sparta, 111. 6864. WALTER BOYNTON ERWIN Production Mgr. ; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 6, 1892, Chicago; s. Orlando Richard (b. Bethany, N. Y.) and Mary Elizabeth (Parsons) Erwin (b. Newark, N. J.). Prepared in McKin- ley H. S., Chicago. Cml. Club; Varsity Base- ball and Basketball. Efficiency Dept., Mont- gomery Ward S: Co., Chicago; Mech. Rubber Dept., B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Los Angeles; Asst. Sales Mgr., Triplex Action Spring Co., Chicago; Prod. Mgr., Bemidji Box Co., Bemidji, Minn. Mem., Illini Club, Chicago; Mystic Ath. Club, Chicago; Los Angeles Ath. Club. Married LeOra Margaret Manning, Ag 3, ipii?. Waukegan, 111. .4ddress, Box' 287, Bemidji, Minn. 6865. LEO ESLICK Paper Mill Specialist; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 21, 1892, Lead, S. Dak.; s. S. R. Eslick. Pre- pared in Lead (S. Dak.) H. S. Jr. Smoker Com.; Prelim. Honors; Stud. Mem., A. S. M. E. Specialist pvilp and paper mill work; F. E. Smith Indus. Co. Address, Grantwood, N. J.-f 6866. PHILIP HIRAM EVERHART (Son of No. 66) Custom Officer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1894. Toledo, 111.; s. Winfield Scott ('75), (b. N 18, 1850, Coshocton, O.) and Clara (Carr) Everhart (b. S 7, 1861, Rome, Ind.). Prepared in Neoga Tp. H. S. Adelphic; Law Club. Stud., Custom's Coll., Muckden. Manchuria, China, 1916; Custom's House, Shanghai; Chi- nese Maritime Custom's Service, Samshui, South China, 1918. Address, Samshiti, South China; bus. add., c/o Chinese Maritime Cus- tom's Service, do. 6867. FRANK WEBSTER FARLEY Expert in An. Husb. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 3, 1888, Jonesboro, Ark.; s. William Lewis (b. F 8. 1856, Tuscaloosa, Ala.) and Elizabeth Ophelia (Hardin) Farley (b. Ja 7, 1858, North Port, do.). Prepared in Pub. Sch., Craighead Co., Ark.; N. E. Ark. Norm.; St. Agr. Sch., Jonesboro, Ark., 1910-13. Farm House; Hoof and Horn Club. Exten., Jackson, Miss., 1915- 17; Beef Cattle Investigation and Exten., Bur. of An. Husb., U. S. Agr. Dept., 1917—- Auth.: Growth of Beef Cattle Industry in the South. U. S. Dept., Agr., Washington, igi8; Econ- omy of Good Blood in Beef Production, Here- ford Jour., Kansas City, 191 8; Growing Beef Cattle in Miss.. ///. Agr., 1915. Married Ruth Bettersworth, S 6. 1916. Jackson, Miss. Child. Frank Webster, Jr.. b. Jl 7, 1917. Address, 209 Willow Ave.. Tokoma Park, Md.; bus. add.. c/o An. Husb., U. S. Dept. Agr., Washington, D. C. 6868. ORENA FARMER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 23, 1880. Hutchinson. Kan.; d. J. A. Farmer. Prepared in Monticelln Sem. Address, 326 Parkland Ave., Belleville, Ill.t 6869. FAY EDWARD FAULKNER (Brother of No. 6225) Statistician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1893, Champaign; s. Watson (b. Ap 18, 1854, Racine, Wis.) and Emma Bertha (Dellenback) Faulkner (b. F 20, 1855, Pittsburgh). Pre- pared in Champaign H, S. Prelim. Honors. Statistician, Cost Acct., Packard Motor Co., Detroit, 1915; West. Elec. Co., do., 1916-17. Sergt., 329 F. A. 85th Div. Camp Custer; 2nd Lt., A. O. T. C, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1918. Married Maude Price, N 1915. Ad- dress, 33 Peterboro St., Detroit. 6870. GUY COLUMBUS FAUROTE Supervising Arch.; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 22, 1893, Niles, Mich.; s. G. L. Faurote. Pre- pared in Niles (Mich.) H. S. Phi Gamma Del- ta; Scarab; Orange and Blue Dancing Club; Mgr., Sr. Athletics; Bus. Mgr., Arch. Yr. Book. Asst. Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1915. Address, 604 S. 5th St., Niles, Mich.t 6871. FLORENCE FEHRMAN (Sister of No. 5653) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1894, Pekin, 111.; d. Adolph (b. Mr 31, 1856, do.) and Eva May (Van Deusen) Fehrman (b. Ag 10, 1864). Prepared *in Pekin H. S. Address, Pekin, 111. 6872. KAIMIN KAY FENG Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1916; b. O 8, 1893. Pei-lui, Kwangsi, China; s. Chang and Luk-Tse Feng. Prepared in Nanyang Coll., Shanghai, China, 1909-12. Engr. Asst., C. & E. I. R. R., Chicago, 191 7 — . Address, Nanyang Club. Shanghai, China; bus. add., 4008 Grand Blvd., Chicago. 6873. CLARENCE MILFORD FERGUSON Land. Arch, and Engr.; B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. O 19, 1 89 1, Aberdeen, S. Dak.; s. J. A. Ferguson. Prepared in Charles City (la.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Ma-wan-da; Ku Klux; Helmet; Scarab; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; Tribe of Illini; 111. Union Dram. Club; Land- scape Club; Siren Staff; Homecoming Com.; Mgr., Varsity Baseball. Mem., Austin-Fergu- son, Land. Archs.. Aurora, 111., 191 5. Address, S04 N. 4th St., Grand Forks, N. Dak.t 6874. STELLA BELLE FINNEY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 7, 1886, Bismark, 111.; s. T. W. Finney. Prepared in Danville H. S.; "N. W. Univ. Address, Bismark, Ill.f 6875. JULIAN LOUNDSBURY FISH B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 13, 1893, Ashtabula, O. ; s. T. Fish. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La- Grange. Phi Gamma Delta; Tribe of Illini; N. Atlantic Club; Varsity Track: Final Hon- ors. Otis Elevator Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916 — . Address, 6 Granger Place, Buffalo, N. Y.t 6876. ABIGAIL ELIZA FISHER (Sister of No. 7518) Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 30, 1892; d. Hendrick Vastine (b. O 15. 1847. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) and Abbie Frances (Steele) Fisher (b. Ja 24, i860. Geneseo, 111.). Pre- pared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma; Fresh. Honors. Libn., Pub. Lib., Davenport, la., 1916-17. Address, Geneseo, 111. 6877. HAROLD LEO FLODIN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap i, 1892, Chi- cago; s. Claes (b. Jl 6. 1848, Sweden) and Emma (Larson) Flodin (b. Mr 12, 1854, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Phi Sigma Kanna. Efficiency Engr.. Adams^ & Westlake Co., 1915-16: Exp. Engr., Griffin Wheel Co., 1915-17; Mech. Engr., Edward iQiS Baccalaureate Alumni 575 Valve & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 191 7—- Address, SS20 Glenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Ed- ward Valve & Mfg. Co., East Chicago, Ind. 6878. ALDEN KNOWLTON FOGG (Husband of No. 8445) Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 27, 1892, Lowell. Ind.; s. C. E. (b. Ja 31, 1854, Water- town, Me.) and Olla V. (Smolt) Fogg (b. N 30, 1856, Geneva, 111.). Prepared in Wenom, H. S. Acanthus; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Baseball; Jr. Class Pres. ; Sec, 111. Union. Jr. Engr., St. Highway Comn., Peoria, 1915-17; Asst. Civ. Engr., Quar- ters IL, U. S. N. Yard, Portsmouth, N. H.; Pub. Works Officer, U. S. N. Mem., A. F. A. M.; A. S. C. E.; Army and Navy Club. Mar- ried Florence Hunt ('17), Je 25, 191 7, Urbana. Address, c/o C. W. Kemp, Wenona, 111. 6879. GOOEY YEN FONG B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 1, 1891. Canton, China; s. C. Fong. Prepared in Kwang-Tung Province H. S., China; Boones Univ. Sch., Berkeley, Calif. Address, 616 Grant Ave., San Francis- co. 6880. EVERETT ORREN FONTAINE Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 26, 1892, Momence, 111.; s. Elizabeth Fontaine. Prepared in Momence H. S. Spalding Guild; Y. M. C. A. Asst., Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch., 1916-18. Select U. S. Aviation Section Ser- vice, 9th Co., Ft. Wright, N. Y., 1918. 2nd Lt., C. A. S., Ft. Monroe, Va. Address. Front St., Momence, 111. 6881. FRANK ALFRED FORTY (Brother of No. 9070) B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 14, 1893, Chicago; s. Joseph Forty. Prepared in Tuly H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Fresh. Fencing; Class Swimming; Final Honors. With West. Elec. Co., Wilkinsburg. Pa., 1916. Co. E, i8th Inf., 7th Div. Nat. Guard, U. S. C. Mem., A. I. E. E.; N. O. T. B. Address, 842 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. 6882. DONALD DEVERE FOSTER Ins. bus.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 7, 1891, Boswell, Ind.; s. C. D. Foster. Prepared hi Boswell (Ind.) H. 'S. Syracuse Recruit Camp, Washington Barracks; Tr. Co., 71st Regt.; Mustered out, Ja 13, 1919- Address, Boswell, Ind. 6883. WILEY MARION FOWLER Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 2, 1891, Penfield, 111.; s. U. G. Fowler. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Address, Penfield, Ill.t 6884. DISK SYLVESTER FRAYER Rodman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 18, 1892, Maywood. 111.; Ward of C. C. Stannard. Pre- Eared in Maywood and Melrose Park H. Schs. ; ewis Inst., Chicago. Pi Omicron; Sr. Smoker Com. Rodman, C. & N. W. R. R., Chicago, 1916— . U. S. A., A. E. F.. France. Address, c/o Mrs. C. C. Stannard, 1607 S. First Ave., ,M|aywood, 111. 6885. GEORGE CARLYLE FRAZER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 21, 1892, Lock- port, 111.; s. John D. (b. Mr 29, 1858, Lock- port, 111.) and Bernice (Garrison) Frazer (b. D 29, 1857. Wheaton, 111.). Prepared in Lock- port Tp. H. S. Farmer, Lockport. 111. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Lock- port, 111. 6886. ARTHUR OWEN FRAZIER (Brother of Nos. 6242, 9075) Superintendent; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag II, 1894, Paris, 111.; s. James B. (b. D 25, 1854, Charleston, 111.) and Dora Isabella (Zimmer- ly) Frazier (b. D 10, Paris, 111.). Prepared in E. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Adelphic. Supt. of Schs., Atwood, 111., 191S-16; Prin. Daly Sch., Anaconda, Mont., 1915-17. 3rd O. T. C, Camp Pike, Ark.; 2nd Lt., N. A., 1918. Auth.: Impressions of Montana, III. Agr.. Mr 1917- Mem., Anaconda Club; Christian Church. Ad- dress, Paris, 111. 6887. MARY HAZEL FRYE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1889, Fairbury, 111.; d. John Blake (b. N 8, 1854, Lisbon, 111.) and Mary Frances (Morns) Frye (b. D 7, i860, Fairbury, 111.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1906- 08. Chicago Univ., Summer, 191 1. Achoth. Teacher, Eng., Chrisman Tp. H. S., 1915-17. Address, 113 W. Elm St., Fairbury, 111. 6888. ELIZABETH GENEVIEVE FULLER Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 8, 1888, Vinton, la.; d. A. W. Fuller. Prepared in El Paso H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1909-11. Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Scribbler's; Ed. Staff, ///. Mag. Instr., Eng., la. St. Coll., Ames, la. Ad- dress, 2121 Lincoln Way, Ames, la.; bus. add., c/o Eng. Dept., la. St. Coll. 6889. HAROLD COULON FULLER Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl S. 1891, Indianapolis; s. Frank Elmer (b. Jl 11, 1863, Cambridge, Mass.) and Julia C. Fuller (b. Mr 8, 1871, Indianapolis). Prepared in Shortridge (Ind.) H. S.; Butler Coll., Indianapolis, 1909- 10. Scarab; 111. Union Dramatic Club. Engr., C. W. Nicol, Arch., Lafayette, Ind., 1915-16; Supvr. Bldg. Const. Engng. Dept., Mich. St. Telephone Co., 1916 — • Address, 3048 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Engng. Dept.. Mich. St. Telephone Co., do. 6890. CLARE CURTISS GAMBLE Audit and Credit Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 3, 1893, Herkimer, N. Y. ; s. Angus Siierry (b. Ap i, 1853, Westdale, N. Y.) and Addeline Marie (Curtiss) Gamble (b. O 25, i860, Camden, N. Y.). Prepared in Franklin Acad., Malone, N. Y. Ry. Club; Easterner's Club; Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Gamma Sigma; Varsity Baseball. R. R. Ticket Agt., Old Forge, N. Y., 1915; Asst. Treas.; New Eng. Steamship Co., New York City, 1915- 16; Mgr., Russian Branch Allied Mach. Co.. Am., 1916-17; Mgr., Auditing and Credit Dept., F. W. Hoone Co., Japan, 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Russian-Am. Club, 1916. Mar- ried Hazel Jerome Abbott, My 26, 1917, Yoko- homa, Japan. Address, Branch Mgr. American International Corporation, Yokohoma, Japan. 6891. JOHN LOW GARDINER Steel bus.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 17, 1892, Chicago; s. J. C. (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Margaret A. (Low) Gardiner (b. Edin- burgh, Scotland). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Mask and Bauble. Steel bus., Chicago, 1915-17. R. O. T. C, 1917; Sergt., 8th Ord. Field Depot., A. E. F., 1918. .Address, 4645 Beacon St., Chicago. 6892. EDWARD FRANKLIN GEHRIG Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 31, 1890, Grand Fork, 111.; s. Mrs. Mary Gehrig. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; V. P., Jr. Branch, A. S. M. E. : Homecoming Com.; Capt., Pushball. Sales Engr., Cadillac Motor Co., Detroit, 1915 — •. Address, 571 2nd St., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Detroit Stove Co., do. 6893. CHARLES FRANCIS GEIGER Engineer; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Je 3, 1893, Chicago; s. Charles H. (b. O 21, 1862, Ft. Wayne, Ind.) and Julia J. (Parrot) Geiger (b. D 24, 1870, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. 576 University of Illinois I1915 S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1911-13. Final and Special Honors. Research Asst., Cerani. Engr., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Instr., Cerani., Rutgers Coll., New iJrunswick, N. J., 1916-18; The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1919 — . 307th F. A., Bat. A, Camp Dix, N. I., 1918; Dist. Ord. Office, Uur. of Standard, Ceramic Research; Mustered out, Ja J4, 1919. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc, 1915; N.J. Clay Work- ers Assn., 1916. Address, 704 Buena Ave., Chicago; hiis. add., 1627 Linwood Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 6894. LESLIE GODFREY GEORGE Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; J. D., 191 7; b. Mr 21, 1893, Staunton, 111.; s. William Rob- inson (b. N 6, 1 85 1, Ft. Recovery, O.) and May (Godfrey) George (b. Ja j6, 1859, Staun- ton, 111.). Prepared in Staunton H. S. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi. jnd Lt.. Fort Sheridan, 111., 191^; ist Lt., Bat. B, 133rd F. A., Camp Bowie, lex,, 1917; Capt., do., A. E. F.,^ France; •Mustered out, Ap 3, 1919. Address, Staunton, 111. 6895. CHARLES RANNELLS GIBSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 13, 1886, Pis- gah. 111.; s. (leorge C. (b. D 3, 1850, Franklin, 111.) and Lavina Mills (Carlile) Gibson (b. O 3< '855, (/<;.). Prepared in De Pauw Acad., Greencastle, Ind.; 111. Coll., Jacksonville. 1907- 8; A. H., De Pauw Univ., 1912. Delta Upsi- lon. Fanner, Franklin, 111., 1915-18. U. S. N. A., 1918. 14th Observation Bat., F. A., C. O. T. S., Camp Taylor; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Married Jennie A. McNayr, O 9, 1917, Hanover Center, Mass. Address, Franklin, 111. 6896. MABEL HELEN GIBSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 28, 1885, Guelph, Ont., Can.; d. John (b. Ap 21, i860. New Foundland, do.) and Emily Ash (Lons- dale) Gibson (b. Mr i, 1865. Ont., do.). Pre- pared in Woodstock H. S. II. Sc. C'lub; Omi- cron Nu. Teacher, Tp. II. S., Mazon, 111., 1915-17; Clinton, 111., 1917 — . Auth.: Home Canning, 111. Agr. Mem., Presby. Church. Ad- dr'ess, 223 S. Tyron St., Woodstock, 111.; bus. add., Clinton, 111. 6897. GEORGE THALLON GILL Land. Arcli.; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 28, 1887, Lake BlutT, III.; s. J. (lill. Prejiared in Evan- ston H. S. Sigma Chi; Scarab; Siroi Staff. Land. Arch. Office, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Aurora, 111., 1916; Evanston, 1918. Address, 618 Church St., Evanston, 111. 6898. LEONARD NASON GILMORE Manager; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 31, 1889, Mo- line, 111.; s. Timothy (b. My 5, 1851, Clare- mont, N. H.) and Harriett (Mason) Gilmore (b. My 15. 1854, do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Plantation work, Ferriday, La., 1915-16; Libertyville, 111., 1916-17; Mgr., Dairy and Poultry, 1/0., Ravinia, 111., 1917; Mgr., do., Rosenwald Est., 1917—. Lt.^ O. T. C, Fort Sheridan, 1917; do., Camp Grant, 111., 191 7; do.. Camp Beuregard, La.; Commanding Offi- cer, Motor Truck Co., 338, do. Address, 1815 14th St., Moline, 111. 6899. ROY THOMAS GLASCO Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 7. 1883, Tuscola, 111.; s. George M. Glasco. Prepared in East 111. St. Norm. Sch. Agr. Club; Hoof an.l Horn Club; Agr. Dance Com. Mgr.. farm. Geneva, 111., 1916; Teacher, Agr., Rockford, 111., 1918. Married Verna M. Alvcrson, Ag 28, 1918, LTr- bana. Address. Rockford, Ill.t 6900. RODNEY CHAMPLAIN GLOVER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 30, 1890, Ottawa, 111.; s. Clarence Chaniplain (b. do.) and Anna (Cushman) Glover (b. Middleboro, Mass.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S. Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer, Chicago, 1915-17. 111. Nat. Guard, R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 191 7; 2nd Lt., O. R. C., Camp (ir.ml, 1917; ist Lt., 342nd Inf., Camp Gram, 111. .Iddress, 804 Chapel St., Ottawa, 111. 6901. WALTER EARL GLOVER Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. My 29, 1889, Terrc Haute, Ind.; s. W. S. Cdover. Prepared in Topeka (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll. Phi Delta Phi; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Memorial (Jom.; Homecoming Com. Bldg. Insp., A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1917 — . Address, 1268 College Ave., Topeka, Kan.t 6902. ELEANOR GODFREY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 8, 1868; d. David (b. Je 17, 1827, Clyde, N. Y.) and Sarah Frances (Gillette) Godfrey (b. Mount Hope, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Mem., O. E. S.; Home Improvement Soc; M. E. Church; Dom. Sc. Club. Address, Tolono, 111. 6903. IRMA GRETCHEN GOEBEL (Sister of Nos. 4676, 5157, 5158) Student; A. B. in Mus.; b. Ag 18, 1894, Menle Park, Calif.; d. Julius (b. My 23, 1857, I'raiikfurt-.X-Main. (Jcr.) and Kathryn (Vree- land) Goebel (b. 1) 3, i860. Hackensack. N. J.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. lUiola; Jamesonian; Der Deutsche Verein; Championship Basket- ball; L. & A. representative. Woman's League Council. Stud., Music, Chicago Musical Coll., 1918 — . Address, 918 Nevada St., Urbana. 6904. ANTOINETTE HELEN GOETZ Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Iowa City; d. John Anthony (b. Ger.) and Elizabeth Agatha (Clair) Goetz (b. Lewiston, N. Y.). Prepared in Iowa City (la.) Acad.; A. B., Univ. of la., 1906. Epsilon Tau. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1915. Libn., Minneapolis, 1915 — . Ad- dress, 624-4th St., S. E. Minneapolis. 6905. ROY ALLEN GOFF Superintendent; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 21, 1890, Maplcville, Neb.; s. Herbert William (b. Je 11, 1851, Utica, N. Y.) and Lillian A. (Fitch) Goff (b. Mr 16, 1850, do.). Prepared in Galesburg IT. S.; B. S., Lombard, 1913. Sigma Nu. Teacher, Agr., Hilo Boarding Sch., Hilo, Hawaii, 1915-17; Supt., Glenwood Exp. Sta., 1917 — . Address, Glenwood, Hawaii, T. H. 690SA. WALDO EMERSON GOLDEN (Brother of No. 6906) A. B. in Sc; b. Je 9, 1893 Klora, III.; s. S. B. (^lolden. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Stud., Univ. of 111. Med. Coll. Sr. Lt., Asst. Surg., U. S. Navy, Brest, France, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 105 E. Healey St., Champaign.t 6906. WESLEY BARTON GOLDEN (Brother of No. 690SA) Clerk: A. B. in L. A. & &.; b. Ja i, 1891. Flora. 111.; s. S. B. Golden. Prepared in Beardstown II. S. Clk., C. 15. & 6. R- R., Savanna, Ga., 1918. ist Lt., Inf., A. E. F., bVance. 1918 — . Address, 105 E. Healey St., Champaign.t 6907. ELUS RALPH GOLDMAN Insp. Eng. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 27, 1891, Rockford, 111.; s. I. Goldman. Prepared in Rockford II. S.; Armour Inst. Zeta Beta Tau; C. E. Club. Address, 513 John St., Rockford, Ill.t 6908. ARZAPALO ERNESTO GOMEZ B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 4, 1890, Gaudalazara, Mex.; s. Luis B. Gomez. Prepared in Mex. St. Prep. Sch. B. S., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee. iQiS] Baccalaureate Alumni 577 Attending Mass. Inst., Tech., Boston. Address, c/o Dr. A. J. Oschner, 2106 Sedgwick St., Chicago. t 6909. VERA OPLE GOSSETT Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 8, 1893, Cas- ey, 111.; d. John L. (b. S 23, 1866, do.) and Rachel (Cartright) Gossett (b. D 19, 1868). Prepared in Casey H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-12. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu. Teacher, Econ., H. S., Farmer City, 111., 191 S- 16; do., Princeton, 111., 1916 — . Address, 304 N. Central St., Casey, 111.; bus. add., Prince- ton, 111. 6910. ELIZABETH ELLEN GRAHAM Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 9, 1893. Galena, 111.; d. John Graham (b. do.) and ,Mary Ann (Smith) Graham (b. do.). Pre- pared in E. Dubuque H. S.; Monmouth Coll., 1912-14; Upper la. Univ., 1911-12. Der Deutsche Verein; Basketball; Hockey; Tennis. Teacher, Alexis, 111., 1915-17; Springfield, III., 1917 — . Address, 615 E. Spruce St., Spring- field, 111. 691 1. PERRY HENRY GRAVES Lumber Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 6, 1889, Rockford, 111.; s. Isaac and Frances (Parker) Graves (Watertown, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Rockford H. S. Lhiiv. of Pittsburgh, 1911-12; Chi Beta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball; Tribe of Illini; Cml. Club. Representative Natalbany Lumber Co., Springfield, 1915; do.. Champaign, 1916 — -. Address, Box 282, Champaign. 6912. ALTA GREEN (ROPIEQUET) (Wife of No. 6526; Sister of No. 9100) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 29, 1893, Oakwood, 111.; d. Lincoln Hamlin (b. Ap 6, 1863, Xenia, O.) and Mary Esther (Cranston) Green (b. My 18, 1867, Champaign Co., 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Athenean; Jamesonian; Pre- lim, and Special Honors; Pres., Jr. Illinae. •Mem., M. E. church; Woman's Illinae Club, St. Louis. Married Wilford Crouch Ropie- quet ('14), Je 17, 191 5, Urbana. Children: Edith, b. Ap 13, 1917; Katherine, b. Ag 5, 1918. Ad- dress, 379 N. Taylor, St. Louis. 6913. EULALIE GREEN (HAAG) (Wife of No. 6925; Sister of No. 8367) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 7, 1893, Oakwood, Illy d. Wilbert Grant (b. Ja 27, 1868, West. Jefferson, O.) and Lucy Roxanna (Cranston) Green (b. N 21, 1870, Gibson City, 111.). Pre- pared in Oakwood H. S., 1908-10; Danville H. S., 1910-11; Santana (Calif.) H. S.. 1907-08; 111. Wesleyan U^niv., 191 1. H. Sc. Club; Gre- gorian. Married Vernon William Haag ('15), D 24, 1915, Oakwood, 111. Child, Vernon Wil- bert, b. S 26. 19 16. Address, 2300 W. 1 1 2th St., Morgan Park, Chicago. 6914- RALPH GREEN (Brother of No. 5170) Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 2, 1893, Chicago; s. Lonsdale (b. Ja 30, 1864, Mel- bourne, Can.) and Nellie (Wilder) Green (b. N 8. 1863, Cincinnati). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; (Tapt., Swimming Team; Civ. Engr., Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., igii^-i?. Lt.. Engrs., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.; Ft. Worth, Tex.; A. E. F., France, 191 7 — -. Auth.; Articles, The Water Tower, pub. bv Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Designer, Title Cover, do. Address, 5639 Kenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. West Chi- cago Bridge & Iron Co., do. 6915- ROLAND EVERETT GREENBURG Engineer: B. S. in M. E.; b. F 5. 1892, Tal- bot, Ind.; s. Mrs. J. C. Greenburg. Prepared in New Richmond (Ind.) H. S. ; Ind. Univ., 1910-11. Ilus; Univ. Band; Prelim. Honors. Foreman, Pipe Dept., Standard Oil Co., VVhiting, Ind., 19 16; Engr., Ludahy Refining Co., do., 1917. Married Marie Green, Jl 1916, Whiting, Ind. Address, 318 Cleveland Ave., Whiting, Ind. 6916. JOSEPH NATHANIEL GREENE Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. F i, 1893, Fort Logan, Colo.; s. Lewis D. tireene. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Sigma Nu; Ma-wan- da; Scabbard and Blade; Pan Hellenic Coun- cil; Gridiron C'lub; lllio Staff; Col. and Regt. Commander, Univ. Regt. In charge, Woodstock Farms, Widewater, Va., 1915. Capt., 7th U. S. inf.. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.. 1917. Married Nannie Pond, Jl 21, 1917, Milford, Conn. Ad- dress, 215 N. Washington St., Gettysburg, Pa.f 6917. JOHN MITCHELL GRIFFIN Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 30, 1892, Evanston, 111.; s. William N. (b. Chicago) and Nellie L. (Brown) Griffin (b. Geneseo, 111.). Prepared in Mercersburg Acad. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Track; Capt., Swimming. Salesman, Am.' Radiator C'o., Milwaukee; do., Chicago. 1915-17. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 1917; U. S. S. Olympia on shore duty in Archangel Dist., Russia, 1918 — . Address, 1127 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. 6918. MILDRED ELIZABETH GRIFFITH (Daughter of No. 300; Sister of No. 9102) Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 26, 1893. Ashton, 111.; d. J. C. (b. Ja 6, 1862, Upper Sandusky, O.) and iPora A. (Andrus) Griffith ('82), (b. My 5, 1863, Ashton, 111.). Prepared in Ashton II. S.; Smith Coll., 1913- 14. Alethenai. Prin., H. S., Maynard, la., 19 18 — . Address, Ashton, 111.; bus. add., May- nard, la. 6919. JAMES HOWARD GRIFTNER Engineer; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. S 28, 1891, Franklin, 0.\ s. C. H. Griftner. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Kanpa Sigma. Asst. Engr., Morgan Engng. Co., Dayton, O.; Johnston City (111.) Coal Co., 191 7 — . Address, Johnston City, Ill.t 6920. GEORGE DURFEE GRISWOLD Bridge Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 24, 1893, Decatur, 111.; s. Charles L. Griswold. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Mandolin Club; I-t., Q. M., and Capt., Univ. Brig. With Am. Bridge Co., 1915. Address, 5403 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. t 6921. AUGUSTUS HENRY GRUNEWALD, JR. B. S. in Agr.; b. F 27, 1893, Chicago; s. Augustus Henry, Sr. (b. N 25, 1851, Blue la- land, 111.) and Emma F. (Baumgartner) Grune- wald (b. F r, 1861, Mokena, 111.). Prepared in Armour Acad.; Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Zeta Psi; Alpha Zeta; Scabbard and Blade; Prelim. Honors; Lt. Col., LTniv. Brig.; Fresh. Varsity Swimming; Capt.. Sr. Class Football. -■nd Lt., F. A., U. S. R., A. E. F., 1917; Army of Occupation. Address, 2134 Sedgwick St., Chicago. 6922. LILLIAN IRENE GUFFIN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 12, 1889. Oak Park. 111.; d. Edwin Lester (b. My 14, 1852, N. Y.) and Minnie Amelia (Van Valken- burg) Guffin (b. Ag 23, 1858. La Crosse, Wis.). Prepared in Geneseo H. S. ; N. W. Univ., 1907- II. Athenean; Winner, Inter-literary Soc. De- clamation Contest. Teacher, Expression, Dixon, 111., 1915-16; Teacher, P'ub. Speaking and De- bate, Salem, Ore.; Coach, Champion H. S. De- bate Team, Ore., 1918 — . Address, Salem, Ore. 578 University of Illinois [iQiS 6923. PALMER McKENSIE GUNNELL Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. My 7, 1892, Great Bend, Kan.; s. M. P. and Mary GunnelL Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. Univ. Phi Alpha Delta; Law Smoker Com. Address, 707 105 W. Monroe St., Chicagcf 6924. EDITH GWINN (Sister of Nos. 3007, 4689, 6268) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 24, 1890, Oakland, 111.; d. Oliver Munsel and Sarah (Cuells) Gwinn (b. do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma. Teacher, H. Sc, "Mantorville H. S., Minn., 191 5-16; do., Waver- ly. 111., 1916-17; do., A. & M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 1917 — . Address, 806 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Stillwater, Okla. 6925. VERNON WILLIAM HAAG (Husband of No. 6913) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 31, 1894, Essex, 111.; s. Fred George (b. Mr 17, 1865, Mazon, 111.) and Addie Jane (Hunt) Haag (b. Ag 16, 1870. Essex, 111.). Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Pres., Chem. Club, 1915; Am. Chem. Soc., 1917. Asst. Chem., A. T. & S. F. R. R., La Junta, Colo., 1915-16; Operating Chem., Insecticide Dept., Sherman- Williams Co., Chicago, 1916. Mem. A. C. S. Married Eulalie Green ('15), D 24, 1915, Oak- wood. 111. Child, Vernon Wilbert, b. S 26,1916. Address, 40 Claredon Ave., Detroit. 6926. GEORGE WILLIAM IIAAN. JR. (Brother of No. 5177) Physician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 14, 1894, Wahoo, Neb.; s. Dr. George William (b. 1857, Crown Point, Ind.) and Jane E. (Os- borne) Haan (b. 1868, London, Eng.). Pre- pared in E. Aurora H. S. M. D., N. W. Univ., 1918. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Rho Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Medui; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Varsity Football. Address, 344 Marion Ave., Aurora, 111. 6927. ARTHUR HAGENER Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Jl 28, 1891, Beardstown, 111.; s. John Henry (b. Ja 6, 1850, do.) and Catherine Elizabeth (Pappmeier) Hagener (b. D 4. 1S53, do.). Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Tau I3eta Pi. Engr., Port- land Cement Assn., Lewis Inst.. Chicago, 1915- 17. 2nd Lt., Engrs. Co. B, 506 Service Bn., A. E. F., France 1917 — . Address, 218 E. 4th St., Beardstown, 111. 6928. WILLIAM STILES HAGGOTT Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 22, i8n,, Washington, la.; s. H. D. McDowell. Pre- pared in Keokuk H. S. Acacia; Sigma Tau; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E.; Treas., E. E. Soc; Treas., Elec. Show. Address, 618 Bank St., Keokuk.t 6929. LISLE GWYNNE HALL Supt.. Water Works; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 8, 1892, Downs, III.; s. Richard M. (b. D 15, 1866, do.) and Elizabeth A. (Craig) Hall (b. Jl 18, 1873, do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Theta Delta Chi. Asst. Engr. and Supt., Peoria Wa- ter Works Co., Peoria, 1915 — . Q. M. C. Util- ities Dept., 1917; Mustered out, Ja 15, tqi8. Mem.. Univ. Club, Peciria; Peoria Illini Club. Address, 414 Knoxville Ave., Peoria; bi(s. add., Peoria Water Works Co., do. 6930. HENRY JAMES HALTERMAN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 31, 1886. Anna, 111.; s. Abraham Jones (b. Ap 18, 1856, do.) and Mary Malissa (Hill) Ilalterman (b. N 8. 1863, Cobden, 111.). Prepared in .\nna H. S.; James Millikin LTniv., 1910-12. Egvp- tian Club; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Chief Engr., Central 111. Pub. Service Co., Carbon- dale, 111., 1915-16; Supt., do., Olney, 111., igi6- 17; Chief Engr., do.. Mounds, 111.. 1917; Efifi- ciency Engr., A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, III., 191 7 — . Married Ethelwyn May Davis, D 19, 191 5. Cairo, 111. Child, Henry James, Jr., b. Ja 24, 1918. Address, 1576 N. College St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., c/o A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., do. 6931. GERTRUDE HALUSHKA Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N i, 1893, Chicago; d. Peter and Leah Halushka. Pre- pared in Tuley H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1911-13; Teacher's course, Chicago Norm. Coll., 1916. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Chicago Sclis., 1916 — . Address, 1727 Kenilworth Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Norwood Park Sch., do. 6932. ANDREW BAKER HAMMITT Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. F 3, i8gi, Des Moines; s, Williams Downs (b. 1847, Philadel- phia) and Winona Cullin (Baker) Hammitt (b. 1853, do.). Prepared in W. Des Moines H. S. Ilus; Scarab; Ma-wan-da; Tribe of Illini; Home Coming Com.; Varsity Track; V. P., Sr. Class; lllio Staff, 1915. Struct. Engr. and Supt., Const., Syracuse, N. Y., 1915-17. O. T. C, Jiid Lt., C. A. R. C, 1917; Mustered out, Mr 17, 1919. Address, 440 N. Spring Ave., La Grange, 111. 6933. MAY MARGUERITE HANFORD Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 14, 1894. Makanda, 111.; d. George Chester (b. Jl 30, 1852, Waukesha, Wis,) and Anna (Pease) Ilanford (b. 1865, Corinth, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Radcliffc Coll.. 1912- 14. Delia Gamma. Critic teacher. So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1916-18; Instr., Sch. of Educ, Univ. of Chicago, 191 8 — . Address, Carbon- dale, 111.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Chicago, Chicago. 6934. HERBERT HENRY HARRIS Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 12. 1889, Olmsted. 111.; s. Albert and Sarah (Calhoun) Harris (b. Paris, Tenn.). Prepared in Sum- ner H. S., Cairo. 111. Agr. Club; Kappa Alpha Psi; Interclass Track. Instr., Creamery, Tus- kogee Inst.. 1915-17. R. O. T. C, 1917 — . Address, Jefferson (Jity, Mo. 6935. LOIS MYRTLE HARRIS (WOLFE) (Wife of No. 6017) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 18, 1891, Sheldon, 111.; d. Mary E. Harris. Prepared in Sheldon IL S. Prelim, and Final Honors. Married William S. Wolfe ('13). O 18, 1916, Urbana. .Address, 504 Chalmers St., Champaign.! 6936. EUGENE MILTON HARSCH Farm Manager; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 15, 1893, Peoria; s. Charles George (b. Mr 18, 1807, do.) and Eunice Mary (Faber) Harscli ( b. F 6, 1866. do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; I'.radley Poly. Inst., 1911-12. Livestock Mgr., Wakfield Farms, Cantril, la.; Lockport, la.; Swinebreeder. Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.. 1917; Sergt., Field Remount Sqdn., 305, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 513 Ma- chine St., Peoria. 6937. ROLAND EMERSON HART Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja 10, 1891, Cleveland; s. Elbridge Joseph (b. Ag 7, 1858, Delaware, Co., O.) and Ella May (Smith) Hart (b. My 10, 1863, Union Co.. O.). Pre- liared in East H. S., Cleveland; Stetson Univ., De Land, Fla.; Case Sch. of Applied be, four years. Eta Kappa Nu; A. I. E. E. Bus. Sec; Y. M. C. A., France, 1917 — . Mem., Baptist C^^hurch; Scout Master. Married Gladys Wright, Ap 25, 1916, De Land, Fla. Address, io6j2 C'olumbia Ave., Cleveland; bus. add., 12 Rue d'Aguesseau, Paris, France. I9I5] Baccalaureate Alumni 579 693S. NAOMI R. HARTFORD (ASHBECK) (Wife of No. 7349) A. B. in L. A. &• S.: b. N 3, 1892, St. Edwards, Neb.; d. William Hartfoid. Pre- pared in Champaign H. S.; N. W. Univ. Delta Delta Delta; Kappa Delta Phi; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A. Married William L. Ashbeck ('15), Ap 28, 1917. Address, 2712 Mildred Ave., Chicago.! 6939. ROY HARRISON HASLUND Architect: B. S. in A. E.; b. N 6. 1888; s. Wilhelm (b. Bergen, Norway) and Stina Petra (Leerberg) Haslund (b. Christiana, Nor- way). Prepared in S. Minneapolis H. S. Univ. of Minn., 1910-12. Sec, Arch. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Final Honors. Arch. Draft., W. C. Whitney. Archs., Minneapolis, 1915-16; Cliief Draftsman, A. H. Stens, Arch., St. Paul, igi/. Second prize, home-design, St. Art. Comn. Ord. C, U. S. A., 1917 — ■. Ad- dress, 1 70 1 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. 6940. CARL HAUBER Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap 13, 1890, Grant City, Mo.; s. Matt (b. 1845, Ger.) and Mary E. (Gunzleman) Hauber (b. 1855, Grant City. Mo.). Prepared in Springfield (Mo.) H. S. Arch. Club. Arch., Chicago, 191 5-1 7. En- sign, U. S. N. Bur. of Ord., 1917 — . Ad- dress, R. 3, Springfield, Mo. 6941. FRED ALBERT HEALY Ins. Agent; B. S. in Agr.; (b. Jl 7, 1889, Bristol, 111.); s. A. N. and Jennie E. (Palmer) Healy. Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Gamma Rho. Ins. Agt., Aurora, 111., 191 5-17; Chicago, 1917 — . Married Alice Riley. Mr 3, 191 7. Champaign. Address, 5476 University Ave., Chicago; bus. add., iioi Home Ins. Co., do. 6942. EDITH MARY HEATH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Jl 24. 1888, Rochelle, 111.; d. Addison Homer (b. Ap 21, i8=;9, do.) and Catherine Eva (Eisenberg) Heath (b. Ag 24, 1866. Franklin Grove, HI.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Gregorian; W.\. A. Teacher Eng., H. S.. Wilmington, 111., 1915-17; Prin., II. S., do., 1917 — . Mem., Will Co., Teachers' Eng. Assn. .Address, Wilming- ton, 111. 6943. TREVOR MORSE HEATH Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 27, 1890, Sparta, Mich.; s. W. H. Heath. Prepared in Crane Tech. II. S., Chicago. Chi Phi; Comi- talus; Illio Staff; Pushball Com.; Post Exam. Jubilee. Salesman, Warner Remedy Co., Chi- cago, ist Lt., C. A. C, A. E. F., France, 1917; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, $ Englewood Court, Toledo, O.t 6944. JOHN FRANKLIN HEDGCOCK, JR. (Brother of Nos. 3766, 7595, 9124) Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap a, 1889, Plymouth, 111.; s. John Franklin, Sr. (b. do.) and Anna Elizabeth (Wade) Hedgcock (b. do). Prepared in Plymouth H. S.; Knox Coll. Acad.. 1 91 0-12. Sigma Pi; Phi Delta Kappa; 2nd Sergt., Univ. Brig. Grad. stud., Univ. of 111., 1916; Co. Agr. Agt., Plymouth, 111., 1915; do., Albert Lea. Minn., 1916; do., Freeborn Co., Minn., 1917. Forestry Engrs., 28th Co., 20th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 191 7 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Albert Lea Business Mens' League. Address, Plymouth, 111. 6945. JOHN HARRISON HEDGCOCK Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 3, 1889, Ply- mouth, HI.; s. Robert Sloan (b. F 28, 1856, do.) and Laura Ann (Bolton) Hedgcock (b. Richmond, Va.). Prepared in Knox Coll. Acad., 1909-11. Beta Upsilon. Teacher H. S., Menominee, Mich., 1915-17. Co. D, loth Bn., -•0 Engrs., A. K. F., France. Address, Ply- mouth. III. 6946. ALFRED MARTIN HEINZELMANN Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. D 3, 1892, Aurora, III.; s. Alfred (b. 1863, Wurtemberg, Ger.) and Louise (Grass) Heinzelmann (b. 1861, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in W. Aurora II. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Prelim. Honors. Chem. Engr., U. S. Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C. Mem., A. C. S. .4ddress, Room. 621 Y. M. C. A., Washington, D. C; bus. add., c/o U. S. Bur. of Standards, do. 6947. LINN HELANDER Editor; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 28, 1891, Chicago; s. Henry August Bernhard (b. Ag 20, i86i, Stange, Norway) and Olive (Bredsvold) Helander (b. S 11, 1855. do.). Prepared in Yeatman H. S., St. Louis. Theta Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. Honors; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Smoker Com. Foreman, Engng. Test Dept., Pittsburgh Crucible Steel Co., Midland, Pa., 1915-17; Ed, Staff. Iron .4ge, N. Y., 1917-18. Asst, Engr., Ord. Dept.. U. S. A. Mem., A. Address, 2857 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 127 Drummond St., Montreal, Can. 6948. LILLIE ISABELLE HELGELAND Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. O 20, 1886, Elliott, 111.; d. P. Helgeland. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Teacher, II. S., South Haven, Mich., 191 5. St. Lukes Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Address, Elliott, 111.; bus. add., 1416 Indiana Ave., Chicago. 6949. CHESTER ABRAM HEMPHILL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 5, 1893; s. William T. (b. 1856, Amboy, 111.) and Ida (Smith) Hemphill (b. 1858, Jacksonville, 111.). Prepared in Jacksonville li. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Farm Mgr., Jacksonville, III. Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 1918; Sergt., 127th Ord. Depot Co., Camp Bowie; Mustered out, F 12, 1919. Married jeannette Taylor, S 16, 1916. Address, 825 W. College Ave., Jacksonville, 111. 6950. MARY ANNE HENRY Social worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 31, 1 89 1, Columbus, HI.; d. Charles Morgan (b. My I, 1857, Liberty, III.) and Elizabeth Margaret (Lawless) Henry (b. Ap 14, 1859, Columbus. 111.). Prepared in Camp Point H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1911. N. Y. Univ., 191 6. Gamma Phi Beta; V. P.. Gregorian; Advisory Bd., Y. W. C. A. Teacher H. S., .Streator, 111., 1Q15-16; Psychologist, Roches- ter, N. Y., 1916-17; do., Detroit, 1917; Social Worker, Iloosick Falls, N. Y., 1918; War Camp Community Service, Battle Creek, Mich., 1918 — . Address, Paloma, 111. 6951. RALPH LEROY HERMANN Cml. Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 24, 1S92, Woodbine. 111.; s. William Frederick (b. Mr 22, 1863, do.) and Margaret Ann (Evans) Hermann (b. Ag g, 1868, Linden, W'is.). Pre- pared in Stockton II. S. Acacia; Eta Kappa Nu; Scabbard and Blade; Ionian; E. E. Soc. ; 2nd Lt., Capt. and Adjt., LTniv. Brig.; Class Football; Sr. Ball Com. Grad. Apprentice, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, 1915; Cml. Elec. Engr., do., 1916-17. Corp. and Sergt., Co. E, i8th Pa. Nat. Guard, 1916- 17; 2nd Lt. Engrs. U. S. R., 1917; ist Lt., igi8; Capt.. 53Sth Engrs. Service Bn., Co. D, A. E. F., France. Mem., A. S. E. E. Married Mildred Moore, 1918, Stockton, 111. Address, Woodbine, 111. 58o University ok Illinois [ioi5 695J. JAMKS RURR HICKMAN Clirothcr of No. 4J05) Adv. Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. .\sj 10, 189J, lloopeston. 111.; s. John WcsK-yaii (.b. iS«3, di'.) and Hope CBurr) Hickman \l). 18(15, Williamsport, Ind.l. Prepared in lloopos- ton H. S. riii Kappa Sigma; Sr. Ball Com.; Class Ba.-;eball; Daily llliiii Reporter; ///i.> Adv. Staff, 1915. Auto Adv. Salesman, Chi- cago Daily Ncxcs, Chicago, 1915-17. Ambu- lance Co.. No. 0. U. S. A.. 1917-18; U. S. S. M. A., igiS; .'nd Lt., M. A.. S. C. N. A., 1018. Paris, France. AiUiress, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 6953- LOUIS JOHN HILLS Highway Kngr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. D 30, 1891, Joliet, 111.; s. William (b. Mr 17, 1850, Lockport, 111.) and Louise E. (Kron- meyor) Hills (b. F 13, 1858. joliet. III.). Pre- pared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi: V. P.. Soph. Class; Class Football, Ca^it.; Class Em- blem Com. Valuation Dept., hlgin, Toliet & East. R. R.. 1915-17; Asst. Co. ^Supt", High ways. Will Co., III., 191 7 — . Married \'ioIa Irene Hutchinson, Je J, 1917, Toliet, 111. Cliild, Jane Louise, b. My, 1918. A^drt'ss, iii Parks .-\ve., Joliet, III.; bus. adj., c/o Miami Con- servancy District, Englewood, O. 6054- ROBERT BRUCE HINMAN Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 29, 189J, Pundee, 111.; s. .\. W. Hinman. Prepared in Dundee H. S. Alpha Zeta; Cosmopolitan Club; Adelphic; Capt., Univ. Regt.; Prelim. Honors. Farm Mgr.; Dairy Farm, Eagle, Wis., 1915; do.. Dundee, 111., 1916 — . Address, Dundee, Ill.t 6955. CLARA LILLE HIRTZEL Teacher; .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D ^i, 1884, Miller. S. Dak.; d. G. W. Hirtzel. t'repared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, H. S., Winchester, 111.. 1917; (/<)., Altamont, 111., 1917 — . Address, EtTingham. 111.; lyiis. add., High School, Alta- mont, 111. 6956. EARL WILKIE HITCHCOCK Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O ji. 1880, Low- ell, Kan.; s. M. L. llitchcock. Prepared in Cherokee (Kan.) H. S. Alpha Zeta: .\delphic; Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Hort. Club; ///. Agr. StatL Teacher, H. S., Columbus, Kan. Married Adeline Chambers, 1917, Colum- bus, Kan. Address, 727 West Elm St., Colum bus, Kan. 695-- AGNES VIRGINIA HITT (.Sister of No. 7616) Home Demonstration .-Vgent; A. B. in L. .■\. & S.; b. Ja 8, 189-', Ramsey. 111.; d. Dr. .\shbv James (b. Je 28. i86j, Castleton, \'a.) and Olive (Owings) Hitt (b. Ja 6. 187J, Ramsey, 111.). Prepared in Ala. Girls Tech. Inst.; I'niV. of Chicago, sunnner, 1917. Tamesonian; W. A. A.; Capt., Basketball. Ass't. Instr.. Educ. Ala. Girls Tech. Inst., 1915-10; Asst. Home Econ., do., 1916-18. Co. Home Demonstration Agt., Shelby Co., Ala., 191S — . Address. Auburn, Ala. 6958. KATHERINE HITT Librarian: A. B. in L. A. & S. : b. .\p 1. 1894, Chicago; d. Willis Irving (b. 1S57, La Salle, 111.) and Juliet Anne (Wallace) Hitt (b. 1866. Ottawa, 111."). Prepared in Engle- wood H. S., Chicago; Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Gregorian. Jr. Asst., Chicago Pub. Lib., 19:7: Lilm. and Teacher, Winchester, 111. Ad- dress, Winchester, 111. 6959. NAT CHING HO A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 2, 1887, Canton, China; s. Lai Hong Ho. Prepared in Queen's Coll., China; Leland Stanford Univ. With Pan-Continental Cml. Exchange, Chicago, 1915. Address, 5486 Greenwood Ave, Chicago.! 6960. FRANK A. HOERNER Minister; A. B. in Sc; b. Mr 1 1, 1889, (.Irayville. 111.; s. John and Sicily (Spencer) lloerner. Prepared in Grayville H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Cniv. Phi Beta Kappa. Marrieil Mabel Klopp, S 10, 1914. Child, lohn Everett, b. Je 18, 1916. Address, Cedarville, 111. 6961. ANNA K.VTHYRN HOFFERT (KIRK) (Wife of No. 0358) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 7. 189--. Pekin, 111.; d. Tohn Midiael (b. Ag 30, 18(17, (Jcr.) and Lean (\olk) Iloft'ert (b. )e ii, 187.-, Pekin, 111.). Prepared in Pekin "IL S. Alpha Omi- cron Pi; \o Ma. Teacher, 1915-16. Married Bonum Lee Kirk ('14). S 16, 1916, Cham- paign. Child, Colleen Jean, b. S 7, 1918. Ad- dress-, 10 II W. Clark St,, Champaign. 6962. ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER HOFF- MAN Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 18, 1882, Mendota. 111.: s. Charles (b. 1856, Saxe Wei- mar Eisenack, Ger.) and Anna Dorothy (Schultz) llotYman (h. 1850, Guben, Old Prus- sia. Cler.). Prepared in Ktuixville II. S. A. B., Lombard Coll., 191J. Alpha Zeta; Cosmo- politan Club. Instr., Norm. Sch., Bowling Green, O., 191 5; do., .-Vrsenal Tech. Schs., 1915 — . Hon. Mem., Am. Electro-platers Soc. Married Grace Harmonv, S j. 190S, Knox- ville. 111. Child. Ruth Alice, b. O 30, 1917. .Address. 9-'o3 Drive Woodruff Place, Indian- apolis, Iiul.; bus. add., c/o Tech. H. S., do. 6963. MAC RICK ELON HOIT (Son of No. Jij; Husband of No. 7813) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Te 23, 1S93. Gen- eseo. III.; s. Otis Willis ('79)," (b. M^ 24, 1857, i/,>.) and Henrietta Philleta Mary (Schroeder) lloit (b. O 13, 1803, (/().). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Chi Beta: Scabbard and Blade; Agr. Club; Motorcycle Club; 1st Lt., Univ. Brig., 1913-14; Capt., 1914-15. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Grace Mitchell ('16). Ag i6. 1916, Georgetown, O. Child, Elizabeth Mitchell, b. My 10, 1918. Address, Geneseo, 111. 6964. HENRY WALTER HOLLARD Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 10, 18S9, Highland, 111.; s. Eugene (b. Ap 3, 1843, I'erne, Switzerland) and Louise Susan ( Bal- ziger) Hollard (b. Je 7, 1S49. Highland, III.). Prepared in Highland H. S. -Agr. Club; Univ. Gold Medal in Soph. Competitive. Chief, Dairy Dept., St. Agr. Sch., Jonesboro, Ark., 1915 — . Married Georgia Becker, Ja i, 1917, liloomington. 111. Adaress, Jonesboro. Ark.; bus. add., c/o Dairy Dept., State Agricultural School. i/<>. 0905. NOBLE PARKER HOLLISTER Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 24, 1892, -■Vrgeutine, Kan.; s. Horace A. (b. Manchester, la.) and Emma .\nnetta (Satchwell) llollistcr. Prepared in Champaign H. S. : Univ. of III.. 1015-16. Scarab: I'niv. Land. Arch. Soc; Final Honors. Instr., Lake Forest Coll., 1916; land .\rch., Chicago, 191O-18. Co. .\. 8th Div. Mil. Police, Camp Fremont, Calif.; Div. Ildotrs., Intelligence Staff, do. Address, 159 N. State St., Chicago. 6966. MAX HOLMBURGER, JR. Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 30. 1888, Chicago; s. Max (b. Havana, Ger.) and Wal- burga ( Heckenstaller) Holmburger (b. do.). Prepared in Eng. High and Man. Tr. Sch., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Link-Belt Co., Chicago, lootli Engrs., Co. B. A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address. 2237 S. Keeler Ave., Chicago: bus. add., c/o Link-Belt Co., 39th St. and Stewart Ave., do. iQiSl Baccalaukeatk Alumni 581 6967. CLIFF(JRD FIKOVEl) HO(nJ Engr. and SalLsnian; 15. S. in I'".. IC. ; b. F 8, 1894, Cameron, Jll.; s. Kilwanl l-lvcrctt (1). 1K68, da.) anil Ida (Firovcdj llood (h. 1870, Mcchanicsljurg, I'a.). J'rcparcd in (JalesburK II. S. (Jlii I'lii; Sigma 'i"au; Kta Kappa Nu; Scaltbard and I'.lade; Ionian; E. K. .Soc; Class I'.askL-tball; liiis. Mgr., K. K. Show; Mil. Hall Com.; I-l. and Maj., Univ. Hrig. Sales Dept., J'ackard Elcc. Co., Warren, ()., 1915-17; Am. .Steel and Wire Co., Worcester, Mass., 19 17. U. S. Sig. Corps, 1917; O. T. C, Ft. Monroe, V'a., 1917; 1st Lt., U. S. K., C. A. C. Ft. Mc- Kinley, Me.. 1918; do., 72n(l Keg., C. A. C, I',at. C, A. E. F., France, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Emilie K. Tener, D 8, 1917, Cleveland. Address, Warren, O. 6968. WILLIAM IIOKNAL Land. Arch.; B. S. in Land. Arch.; b. My 3, 1886, E. St. Louis, 111.; s. Willifim (b. Scot- land) and Jeannie (Maurice) Ilornal (b. I-'rance). Prepared in Pvt. Sch., Nashville, Tenn.; Man. Tr. Sch., Wash. Univ., .St. Louis, 1907-09. Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; .Scarab; Sigma Chi. Land. Arch., .Schaffer ik Ilornal, Lake F'orest, 111. Chief Carjjenter's Mate, U. S. N. R. F., fJreat Lakes, III., 1917; Ensign, do.. 191 7; Kegt. Adjt., 12th Kcgt., U. S. N. Tr. Sta., Great Lakes, 191 8. Address, Lake Forest, III. 6969. CHARLES DEAN HOWK Teacher; A. H. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 7, 1894, Neoga, III.; s. John Howk. Prepared in Mo- mencc H. S. Teacher, Momence, 111., 1915 — . Address, Moinence, IllLt O970. MARIE ESDA HUBBARD (Sister of No. 5735) Secretary; A. H. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 22, 1891, Boswell, Ind.; s. A. G. and Frances (An- derson) Ilulibard (b. 1853, Ilillsboro, ().). Preijarcd in lloopeston H. S. ; William Woods Coll.. Fulton. Mo. Sec, Lib., Univ. of III., 1917; Red Cross Civilian Relief, Cleveland, 1917-18; Circulation Dept., Cleveland Plain Dealer. Aide in Occupational Theropy U. S. A. Reconst. IIosp. No. 10, Boston, Mass. Ad- dress, Stuttgart, Ark. ; bus. add., U. S. Gen. Hosp. No. 10, Boston, Mass. 6971. ARTHUR HERMAN HUISKEN Instructor; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. O i, 1891, San F'rancisco; s. H. J. Huisken. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; .Scabbard and Blade; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Brig.; A. C. S. ; Chem. Club. Grad. Stud, and Asst., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1915; Research Asst., Div. of St. Chem. Research, Univ. of Kan., 1917 — . Address, 1731 Indiana .St., Law- rence, Kan.t 6972. SIDNEY M. HULL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 21, 1893. Montello, Wis.; s. O. H. (b. do.) and Elizabeth (Suitor) Hull (b. Ashland, O.). Prepared in Montello (Wis.) H. S.; Carroll Coll., Wauke- sha, Wis., 1910-13. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi I.ambda Upsilon; .Sigma Xi; Chem. Club; Spe- cial Honors. Chem., U. S. Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1915-17; Ault & Niborg Co., Cincinnati, 1917 — . Married Nina Belle, 1916. Waukesha, Wis. Child, Elizabeth Ann, b. A(? 17, 1917. Address, 1540 Marlowe Ave., Cincinnati; bus. add., c/o Ault & Niborg Co., do. 6973. GUY HAROLD IIUSTED (Brother of No. 6974) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 5, 1893, Rood- house, 111.; s. Edgar Husted. Prepared in Roodhouse IT. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Tribe of mini; Varsity Track; Class Football. Ad- dress. Roodhouse, lU.t 6974, LEE ALFRED HUSTED (Brother of No. 6973) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 8, 1891, Rood- house, 111.; s. Edgar I lusted. Prepared in Roodhouse II. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Farmer, Roodhouse, 1915 — . Married Ethel E. Thomp- son, \) 1, 1915, Roodhouse, 111. Address, Rood- house, Ill.t 6975. MARJORIE HUTCHINS B. Mus. ; b. () 5, 1892, Chicago; d. F. L. Hutchins. Prejiared in Clrbana II. S. Ad- dress, 301 .S. Coler .St., Urbana.t O976. •EDITH HYDE B. L. S.; b. Ag 5, 1886. Lancaster, O.; d. Eber Hyde. Prepared in O. St. Univ. B. A., (). .St. Univ., 1914. Libn., O. Bus. Legislative Reference Dept., Columbus, O., 1917. Died Je 16, 1917, Columbus, (). 6977. NOEL CAKLYSLE ICE (Husband of No. 8454; Brother of Nos. 1043, 1044) Surgeon; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 31, 1890, Clifford, III.; s. James K. (b. Ap 8, 1844, Mannington, W. Va.) and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice (b. Jl 11, 1846, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign il. S.; Tex. A. and M. Coll.; Univ. of Chicago, 1914. M. D., West. Reserve Univ. of Med.. 1917. Sigma Pi; Phi Rho Sigma; 1st Lt., Univ. Brig.; Bus. Mgr., Illio. Resident .Surg., Charity HosiJ., (Cleve- land, 1917 — : .'\cting Asst. Surg., U. .S. Pub. Health Service, U. S. Govt. Exjilosives Plant C, Nitro, W. Va., 1918 — . Married Zelma Jockisch ('17), Je i, 1918, Beardstown, III. Address, Nitro, W. Va.; bus. add., c/o (j. S. Public Health Service, do. 6978. .STANLEY PIEFFER IRVIN Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ap 4, 1893, Hebron, Ind.; s. Isaac A. and Katharine (I'iefifer) Irvin. Prepared in Hammond (Ind.) H. S. .Scribblers CJlub; Sigma Delta Chi.; Class Baseball. Journ., Chicafjo Daily News, 1915-16; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O., 1916-17; Correspondent; Salesman, 1917- 18; Corp., N. A., 1918 — . Address, c/o Auto Tire Dept., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. 6979. THOMAS RALPH ISAACS Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 12, 1891, Sorento, HI.; s. T. W. Isaacs. Prepared in McKendree Coll. Instr., H. S., Decatur, 111., 1916; Co. Agr. Agt., Benton Co., Ind., 1918 — . Married Nettie Delaney, F 22, 191 7, Decatur, 111. Address, Fowler, Ind.t 6980. MABEL CLARE JACKSON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Jl 22, 1882; d. James Benjamin (b. O 28, 1854, Martinsville, Ind.) and Mary (Harris) Jackson (b. Ag 13, 1851, Sijringfield, O.). Prepared in Danville If. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Alpha Omicron Pi; W. A. A.; Capt., Basketball, 1911; Capt., Champion Bowling, 191 5 ; Mem., ist Cab., Y. W. C A. Grad. Stud. Univ. So. Calif., iQiC). Supvr., Eng. L. A. St. Norm. Sch. .Address, 911 Vermilion St., Danville; bus. add., 5653 Virginia Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 6981. WALTER HERMAN JACOBSEN (Brother of Nos. 2707, 3426, 4232) Advertising; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 9, 1892, Niantic, HI.; s. Henning (b. Ja d, 1846, Denmark) and Laura D. (Boone) Jacobsen (b. Mr 28, 1853). Prepared in Urbana H. S. I'si Upsilon; Mask and Bauble; Cml. Club Retail Shoes, Urbana; Adv., 3428 Jackson lilvd.. Chicago. Address, 906 W. Illinois St., Urbana. S82 University of Illinois [1015 6982. RANJIT SINGH JAIN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 3. 1892, Dellie, India; s. .Moti Lall (b. do.) and Bhoi (Mithel) Jain (b. do.). Prejiarcd in St. Stephens Coll., Dellie, India; Univ. of Calif., 1912-14. Cosmopoliton Club; E. E. Soc. Asst. Engr., Reliance Elec. & Engng. Co., Cleveland, 1915 — . Mem., (Assoc.) A. I. E. E. Address, 914 E. 150th St., Cleveland; bii.^. add., c/o Reliance Elec. & Engr. Co., do. 6983. EDWARD ALLEN JAMES (Brother of Nos. 1708, 2709, 4727, 8452) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. F s, 1893. Aniboy, 111.; s. P. M. (b. New Eng.) and Lottie I. James (1). Amboy, 111.). Prepared in Amboy 11. S. Acacia; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kap|^)a Nu; Technograph Bd. ; E. E. Soc; Prelim., Final and Special Honors; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig. Engr.; Comnionwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 191 5 — . 2nd. Lt., C. A. R. C, 1917, II. A., A. E. F., France, 1917; ist Lt., C. A. C, do.; Mustered out, F 17, 1919, Married Evelyn Alicia Hackett, Ag 26, 19171 Jerseyville, 111. Address, Amboy, 111. 6984. LENTOM WILLIS JAMES Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 2, 1890, Can- ton, 111.- s. D. W. James. Prepared in Canton H. S. Delta Omega. Address, 355 S. Avenue A, Canton, Ill.t 6985. WILLIAM BANCROFT JARVIS, JR. Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 14. 1893, Chicago; s. William Bancroft, Sr. (b. Madi- son, Wis.) and Lyde I. Jarvis (b. Wheeling, W. Va..). Prepared in Calumet H. S., Chi- cago. LL. B., N. W. Univ., 191 7. Delta Up- silon; Phi Delta Phi; 111. Dramatic Union. Lawyer, Chicago, 1917. Sergt., Q. M. Dept., A. E. F., France, 1917 — . Address, 9836 Van- derpoel Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 707 Straus Bldg., do. 6986. WALTER WILSON JENNINGS Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1916; b. Ap 9, 1887, Carmi, 111.; s. Rienzi Walter (b. F i8, 1863, Grayvillc, 111.) and Gertrude y\nnetta (Wilson) Jennings (b. Je 24, 1865, Carmi, 111.). Prepared in Grayville and Carmi H. Schs.; East. 111. .St. Norm._ Sch., iQoo-ii. Kappa Delia Pi; Phi Delta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa; Honor Degree in Hist., 1915; Phi Beta Kappa Prize, 1915; Hist. Scholar- ship, 1915; Fellowship, 1916. Asst., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Address, 907 S. 5th St., Champaign. 6987. MILTON OWEN JENSEN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 19, 1892. Chi- cago; s. William Jensen. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Psi tJpsilon; Alfriia Kappa Psi. With Vitrolite Const. Co.. Kansas City, Mo., 1916. Address, 402 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo.t 6988. *HUBERT JESSEN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1891, .Mto Pass, 111.; s. C. (b. Ap 28, 1843, Denmark) and Eunice (Brown) Jessen (b. Mr 3, 1867, Cobden. 111.). Prepared in Alto Pass H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, H. S., Armstrong, 111., 1915-16; Farmer, 1916-18. 4th Regt., Co. I, Naval Service, Newport, R. I., 1918; U. S. Naval Radio Scb., Cambridge, Mass. Died D 3, 1918, Cambridge, Mass. 6989. HAROLD SUCESE JOHNSON Draftsman; B. S. in Arch; b. Jl 27, 1890. North Vernon, Ind. ; s. Alfred Jay and Jose- phine (Sucese) Johnson. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Delta Upsilon; Helmet; Ku Klux. Arch. Draftsman, 0{\s & Clard, Chicago; Chief Draftsman, F. D. Chase, do. Ensign and Asst. Civ. Engr., U. S. N. ; Lt., do., Bur. of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C, 191 7 — . Married Jan Kimberly Ripley, Jl 8, 1916, Chicago. Address, 1620 W. 102nd .St., Chicago. Cngo. FLORENCE RUBY JOHNSTON (ELLIOTT) B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 30, 1892, Dewey, 111.; d. Charles Henry and Evaline (West) John- ston. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Chi Omega. Married Arthur Roland Elliott, Je 5, 1917, Champaign. Address, 913 Filmore St., Topeka, Kan. 6991. CLIFFORD CROUCH JONES Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 6, 1891, Keo- kuk; s. F. W. Jones. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis; Univ. of Mo. Traveling Sales- man, Jones Woodenware & Paiier Co., St. Louis, ist Lt., Co. D, 3S3rd Inf., 89th Div., .'\. E. F., France; Army of Ocucpation, Ger. Address, 5330 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 6992. MILTON D. JONES (Husband of No. 6363) Teacher; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 26, 1883, Ray- mond, 111.; s. Albert M. Jones. Prepared in Raymond II. S.; Lake Forest Coll., 1908-11. Supvr., Man. Tr., Rockford, 111. Married Georgia M. Klein ('14), Ja 26, 1918, Urbana. .■Iddress, 11 28 Rocton Ave., Rockford, 111. 6993- PAUL ERASTUS JONES Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 10, 1888, VVeatherby, Mo.; s. S. F. Jones. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Scarab; .Arcli. Club. Arch., Tulsa, Okla., 1917; Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, 1918 — . Married Hazel DcEtte Chorin, Brookville, Ind. Address, Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago. t 6994. JOOK IIING JUE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 9, 1891; Canton, China; s. C. B. Jue. Prepared in Berkeley (Calif.) H. S.; Univ. of CaliL Stud., N. Y. Univ., 1915 — . Chinese Stud. Club; Cosmo- politan Club; Cml. Club. Address, Canton, China. t 6995. MARJORIE MARIE JUNE A. B. in 11. Sc. ; b. Ja 24, 1892, Belvidere. 111.; d. Henry Clay (b. Brandon, Vt.) ana Margaret Anne (Brown) June (b. Morris, 111.). Prepared in N. Belvidere H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; .^dvisory Bd., Woman's League; Sec., Sr. Class. Address, Wenatchee, Wash. 6996. RUTH AMANDA KAAR (Sister of No 4248) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 19, 1892, i'riiicelon. 111.; d. Jacob (b. Je 21, i860, do.) and Urilla Katharine (Walter) Kaar (b. Cessna, Pa.). Prepared in Princeton Tp. 11. S.; N. W. Univ., 1911-13. Alpha Chi Omega; Athen- ean. Teacher, Latin and German, H. S., Pax- ton, 111., 1915-17; do., Tp. II. S., Fairbury. 111., 1917-18; Tp. H. S.. Princeton, 111., 1918 — . Address, 437 N. Euclid Ave., Princeton, 111. C997. GUY WILFORD KARRAKER Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 28, 1893, Dongola, 111.; s. W. W. (b. Ap 5, 1851, do.) and Sarah (Richardson) Karraker (b. Ta II, 1853, do.). Prepared in Dongola H. S.; So. HI. Norm. Univ.. 1909-13. Egyptian Club; Univ. Orchestra. Salesman, Shafer Invest- ment Co., Champaign, 1915; Stiiies & Ilecker, Cliampaign, 1915; U. S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, 1915-17. Address, 853 Montrose Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., c/o U. S. Gypsum Co., do. I9I5] Baccalaureate Alumni 583 6998. RUTTT FARWKM, KKKFER (MATHEWS) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 7, 1891, Amboy, 111.; (1. Addison E. Kcefer. I icpared in Am- boy H. S. Mem., Congr. Church. Married J. M. Mathews. Address, 804 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 6999. FRANCIS FORD KEEN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 25, 1893, Pueblo, Colo.; d. Perry M. Keen. Pre- pared in Pueblo (Colo.) Central 11. S. Pi llcta Plii; Phi Delta Psi ; Yo Ma; Mask and I'.auble; Y. W. C. A., Membership Com. Ad- dress, in W. Adams Ave., Pueblo, Colo.f 7000. ALBERT WILLIAM KEESE Ceramist; I',. S. in L. A. & S.; b. N 23, iSgi, Litchfield, 111.; s. Pilcher G. (b. do.) and Fran- ces S. Keese (b. do.). Prepared in Litchfield IT. S. Psi Delta; Ceram. (^lub; Class Baseball. Ceram., Medal Paving Brick Co., (Cleveland, 1915-17. Gas Defense Service, San. Corps. Med. Dept., Nela Park, Clevclantl; Mustered out, F 28, 1919. Address, 1262 E. luth St., (Cleveland; bus. add.. National Lamp Works, Nela Park, do. 7001. FLORENCE KELLER A. B, in L. A. & S. ; b. N 15, 1880, Fort Wayne, Ind." d. F. E. Keller. Prepared in S. Chicago IT. S. Address, 2315 Fox Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind.f 7002. AMELIA LUCINDA KELLOGG Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 4, 1893. Aurora, 111.; d. Frank D. (b. I) 6, 1849, Oswego, 111.) and Maime K. Kellogg (b. Ap 28, 1861, Janesville, O.). Prepared in E. Aurora II. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Illiola; W. A. A.; Special Honors; Fellowship, Hot. Grai S. .sth St., Decatur, Ind. 7032. CARL IIELGE SAMUEL LEKBERG Principal; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 12, 1891. Melned, Sweden; s. C. O. Lekberg. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. E. E. Soc ; Class Foot- ball; Class Basketball; Class Baseball. Prin., II. S., Exira, la., 1915. Address, 9643 Ave. M, South Chicago. t 7033. GLADYS A. LEONARD Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 5, 1892, Savanna, 111.; d. Jeremiah (b. F 21. 1859) and Patty (Youngman) Leonard (b. Mr 20, 1869). Prepared in Savanna Tp. H. .S. Teach- er, H. S., Laurel Neb., 1915-17; do., Anacortes, Wash., 191 7 — . Address, Savanna, 111.; bus. add., Anacortes, Wash. 7034. WILLIAM NATHAN LEONARD With Heinz Pickle Corp.; B. S. in Agr. ; b. 29, 1892, V'ienna, 111.; s. E. C. Leonard. Pre- pared in Anna H. S. Egyptian Club; Bus. Mgr. ; Mil. Band. With Heinz Pickle Cor- poration, 191 5. Div. Trains, Camp Grant, Rockford, III.. 1918 — . Address, 6202 Green- wood Ave., Chicago.t 7035. ROLAND E. LEOPOLD Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 4, 1892, Belleville, 111.; s. Edward and Emily (Lengfekler) Leop- old. Prepared in Belleville II. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Lawyer, .Scott. Bancroft, Martin & Stephens, Chicago; do.. Champaign. 191 7 — . Asst. Dir., Div. of Films, Com. on Pub. Infor- mation, U. S. Govt. Address, 1620 Corn Ex- change Bank Bldg., Champaign. 7036. ARTHUR CHARLES GUSTAV LEVERENZ Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. S 27, 1891, Elgin, 111.; s. J. F. Leverenz. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Draftsman, Chicago Ry. Signal & Supply Co., 1916; do.. Am. Steel Foundries, Chicago. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 104 Commonwealth Ave., Elgin, Ill.t 7037. THURLOW GIRARD LEWIS Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 6, 1886. Benton, III.; s. Adam Franklin (b. do.) and Louisiana Isa- bella (Galloway) Lewis. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Ewing Coll. Scholarship, Law; Law Club. 1913; Order of the Coif, 1915. Lawyer, Benton, 111. Married Edna R. Moore, Ap 8, 1908, Benton, 111. Children: Loren Elmer, b. 1910; Frieda Ethel, b. 191 2; Wayne Thurlow, b. 1914; Lila Edna, b. 1916. Address, Benton, 111. 7038. TU HUNG LIANG B. .S. in Agr.; b. S i, 1886, Canton, China; s. Ju Feng Liang. Prepared in Tientsin Agr. Coll. Chinese Student's Club; Cosmopolitan. Stud.. Univ. of Wis., 1915. With Lein Cbang and Co., Tientsin, China. Address, c/o Lein Chang and Co., Tientsin, China. 7039. CURTIS RAY LIGHT Supt., Const.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 24, 1889. Brook, Ind.; s. Byrd (b. O i, i860, Freedoni, Ind.) and Martha Ellen (Corbin) Light (b. S 18, i860. Brook, Ind.). Prepared in Brook H. S.; Bloom Tp. H. S.; Chicago Hgts. II. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ku Klux; Ind. Club; Fresh. Varsity liaseball; Varsity Baseball; Pres., Soidi. Class; Supt., Const. Dept., Cedar Rapids, la., 1915-16; do., Chicago, 1916-17; H. W. Johns Manville Co., Indianapolis, 1918 — , Married Margaret Kanlz Snyder, N 22, 1916, Moweaqua, 111. Child, Jean Snyder, b. Ja 14, 19 18. Address, 2153 Broadway, Indianapolis; bus. add., 209-217 W. Washington, do. 7040. SILAS CARL LINBARGER Engineer; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. S 21, 1892, San Jose, 111.; s. Silas Clark (b. Mr 8, 1857 Plainfield, N. J.) and Rose C. (Leoni) Lin barger (b. Ag 26, 1856, San Jose. 111.). Pre pared in Champaign H. S. Phi Kappa; Kera mos; Special Honors; Mgr., Class Baseball 1914- Chief Research Engr.; Carborundum Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y., 191 5 — . Patents pend ing relating to abrasive wheels, and refractory materials. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc; A. C. S. Buffalo Engng. Soc. Married Helen Garwood Je IS, 191 8, Chicago. Address, 433 7th St. Niagara Falls, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Carborun dum Co., do. 7041. GEORGE ISADORE LINDBERG Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 7, 1889, Ishpeniing, Mich.; s. John A. and Hedvig Sophia (Isaacson) Lindberg. Prepared in Gwinn (Mich.) H. S. Draftsman, Pickands, Mather & Co., Duluth, Minn., 191 5-1 7; Engr., Duluth l?oiler Works, do., 191 7 — . Tr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Clara Mathilda Wil- son, S 16, 1916, Marquette, Mich. Child, Doris Astrid, b. S 22. 1917. Address, 914 E. 5th St., Duluth, Minn.; bus. add., c/o Duluth Boiler Works, do. 7042. GRACE LINDER Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; d. George W. and Mary M. (Cassell) Linder. Prepared in Charleston H. S.; N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1912- 13. Omicron Nu. Asst., Univ. of 111., sum- mer, 1915; Mgr., Demonstration Car, do., 1915-16; Instr., O. St. Univ. 1916; do., Dept. of Home Econ. and Exten. Service, O. St. Univ. Auth.: (with Anna R. Van Meter) Sav- ing Wheat, but., O. St. Univ.; Preservation of Food, do.; Utilization of Food; Effect of Gas Pressure on Natural gas cooking Operations in the Home, do. Address, Charleston, 111.; bus. add., c/o Dept. Home Econ., O. St. Univ., Columbus, O. 7043. IDA HUBBARD LINDLEY (FISHER) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 5, 1893, Albu- querque, N. M. ; d. Austin M. (b. S 10, 1856, C'rnodtenhutten, O.) and Minnie Woodruff (Hubbard) Lindley (b. Mr 13, 1858, Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. V. P., Jamesonian, 1014-15; Women's League Advisory Bd., 1913- 14. Mem., M. E. Church; Savoy Dom. Sc. and Neighborhood Club; Dir., Champaign Co. Home Improvement Assn. Married Guy Henry Fisher, Ja 12, 1916, Urbana. Address, R. 2, l!ox 95, Champaign. 7044. GEORGE HEATH LINDSEY Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 27, 1889, Rock Island, 111.; s. C. E. Lindsey. Prepared in McKinley II. S., St. Louis. Acanthus; E. E. Soc; Jr. Smoker Com. Salesman, St. Ix)uis, 1915; Dist. Sales Mgr., Century Elec, Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1917; do., St. Louis. Ensign, U. S. N., Stevens Inst.; Mustered out, F 20, 1919. Married Ag 28, 1917. Child, daugh- S86 Univeusitv ok Illinois IiQiS ter, b. S 26, 19)8. Address, 4461 Olive St., Apt. 511, St. l,ouis, Mo.; bus. add.. Sales Dept., Century Elec. Co., do. 7045. HILAH JANE 1.1 NK (KIRK) (Wife of No. 7008) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. A]) 29, 189.5, I'aiis, 111.; d. Rue M. (b. 1855, do.) and Hilah Jane (Warner) Link (b. 1863, Danville, 111.). Pre- pared in Paris H. S.; Palmer Acad., Pans, 111. Grad. Work, Ypsilanti Mich. St. Norm. Kappa Alpha Theta; Mask and Banlile; W. A. A.; Sr. Council. Teacher, Ro<;kford, 111., 1915-16; H. S.. Rantoul, ill., igibiy. Mar- ried Haddon Spurgeon Kirk ('15), Jl 3. i9i,7. Champaign. Address, 22b Sheriff St., Pans, 111. 7046. THOMAS HAROLD LLOYD (Husband of No. 7537; Brother of Nos. 3450, 4783) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 10, 1892, Guard, 111.; s. William 11. (b. D 2, 1850, Virden, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Myers) Lloyd (b. Mr 4, i860. Pa.). Prepared in Guard II. S. Sigma Pi. Grad. Stud., An. Husb., Univ. of 111.; Farmer, Guard, 111. Married Evelyn Gehant ('16), Mr 24, 1917. Dixon, 111. Child, Robert Harold, b. Mr 14, 191 !^- Address, Guard, 111. 7047. FERN MARGUERITE LOING (LONSCHE) Prin., H. S.: A. B. in L. A. & S.; b Ja 3, 1892. Prepared in Belvidere II. h.; N. W . Univ., 1911-13. Acholli; Phi Delta Psi; Athe nean. Scholarship, N. W. Univ. Teacher, Tp. H. S.. Chebanse, HI., 1916-18; Pnn., (/<)., 1917— . Mem., O. E. S.; Baptist Church. Married Albert Lonsche, Ag 10, 19x8, New York City. Address, Chebanse, 111. 7048. JOSEPH CHARLES LONGUEVILLE B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. D 2, 1891, Dubuque, la.; s. Elizabeth Longueville. Prepared m Dubuque (la.) H. S.; Leland Stanford Univ. Phi Kappa Psi; Scarab. Address, Hotel Schulcr, Long Beach, Calif.t 7049. FRED GUNARD LUNDGREN (Husband of No. 6445) Const. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je i, 1884 Kalniar, Sweden; s. Fred Martin (b. 1850, do.) and Jennie Marie (Carlson) Lundgren (b. i8';7, do.). Prepared in Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago. Local Engr., Am. Car & Foundry Co., Terre Haute. Ind., 1915-16; do., Milton, Pa., 1917; do., Detroit, 1918. Mem., A. S. M. E. Married Marcella Adelade Nagel ('i4'>. S 9, 1915, Terre Haute, Ind. Child. Clemens Frederick, b. S 25, 1916. Address, 39 Hazel- wood, Detroit; bus. add., c/o American Car and Foundry Co., do. 7050. ROY SIMEON LUNDIN Orcliardist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 19, 1891. Chicago; s. S. O. Lundin. Prepared m Lane H. S. Chi Delta. Orchardist, Simng Grove, Va., 191s; do., GrigKsville, 111., 1916; Pitts- field, 111., 1917. Address, S3o6 Wayne Ave., Chicago. 7051. RAY TIMOTHY LUNEY (Brother of Nos. 3081, 5792) Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 21, 1891,, DeKalli. 111.; s. Thomas A. (b. Jl 2. 1853, Rockfonl, 111.) and Anna A. (Solon) Luney (b. .\p 14, 1856, Malta, 111.). Prepared in DeKalb IL S. With Dixon & Dixon. Y. M. C. A., Dixon, 111., 1915. Inf.. nth Recruit Co., Columbus Bar- racks, Columbus, O, ; Mustered out, D s, 1918. Address, 232 N. 4th St., De Kalb, 111. 7052. ROBERT STOOKKY LUTZ Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. .\k u. i8<)4, Itccatur, 111.; s. Samuel Milton (ii. Pa.) and h'lorencc (Stookey) Lulz (b. Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. ; Va. Mil. Inst., 1911-12. Lambda Chi Alpha. Insp., Elec. Mach., Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., Mil waukee, 1915-17. 2nd Co. 107th, U. S. Enj^rs., A. E. F. France, 1917; Army of Occupation. Address, Oak Crest, Decatur, 111. 7053. LEWIS THORNTON LYMAN Farm Mgr. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 20. 1891, Ililo, Hawaii, T. II. ; s. Henry T. Lyman. Pre- pared in Hilo (T. H.) H. S.:"Univ. of Calif. Agr. Club; Class Baseball. Mgr., Dairy Ranch. Sfa. A, Kainniki, Honolulu, T. H., 1916. 1st l.t.. Ft. Shaftner. Honolulu, T. II. , 1917. Address, Ft. Shaftner, Honolulu, llawaii, T. Il.t 7054. CHARLES HARTMAN McCAULEY Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 15, 1893, Chicago; s. Cliarleis IT. (b. 1865, Hagerstown, Md.) and Mary Grace (Sliafer) McCauley (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. 11. S., Chicago. Arch. Draftsman and Teacher, Pub. F.vening Sclis., Chicago, 1915-17; .\rcli. Drafts- man, Canal Zone. Panama, 1917-18. Auth.: Illustrations in connection with Stone MUlis Geometries and Higher Arith., B. 11. .San- born, Co., 1016. Address, 418 St. James Place, Chicago; bus. add., Balboa Heights, Canal Zone. 7055. HARRY BRUCE MeCLUGGAGE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 17. 1892, Wash- ington, 111,; s. Mrs. A. E. McCluggage. Pre- pared in Peoria II. S. Varsity Water Polo. Grad. Stud., Chem., Univ. of 111., 191S-16. .iddrcss, 406 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 7056. CARRIE McCOLLEY (CODLIN) (Wife of No. 6167) A. 15. in H. Sc; b. .Ag 21, 1891, Indian- apolis; (1. Rev. William Grant and Etta Eliza- beth (Walden) McColley. Prepared in Pontiac II. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.. 1908-10. Gam- ma Phi Beta; Omicron Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors. Married Harrv El. Codlin ('14), S 1, 1915, Shelbyville, 111. Children: Tames Burton, b. N 13, 1916; Ruth Eliza- beth, b. D 22, 1918. Address, Dallas Center, la. 7057. GLENN WILLIAM McCUEN B. S. in Agr.; b. Tl 14, 1888, Chebanse, 111.; s. J. F. Mc(iuen. Prepared in Kankakee 11. S. With Dept. Agr. Engng; O. St., Univ., 1916. Address, Chebanse, Ill.t 7058. HARRY WEBER McCULLOCH Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 12, 1887, Freenort 111.; s. H. G. and Mary E. (Cheney") McCulloch. Prepared in Freenort H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa. Supt., Schs., Mil- ford, 111., 1909-18. Co. M, 5th Reg., 111. Re- serve Militia. Married Katheryn I. Toler, Je 4. 1012, Milford, 111. Children; Harry Weber, Ir., b. le 15, 1913; Mary ICatheryn, b, D 2, '191s; Waller Edwin, b. Ag 15, 1917. Ad- dress. Milford, 111. 7059. ORA MAC McGHEE Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 16, 1888, Norris Citv, III; s. l^ee (b. N 23, i8j8, do.) and Bell Zora (Pearce) McGhee (b. do.). Pre- ])ared in I'niv. Acad. Agr. Club. Teacher, Carmi Tp. H. S., 1915; Farm Adviser, John- son Co.. 111. Married Ruby Martin, Je 24, 1Q15, Mt. Vernon, Ind. .Address, Carmi, 111. I9I5J Baccalaureate Alumni 587 7060. EDNA BELLE McKEE (Sister of No. 9-39) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 9. 1890, Kankalcee, 111.; d. Leroy (b. Ag 2, 1850, Minersville, Pa.) and Augusta F. (Lemkie) McKee (b. F 19, 1886, Ger.j. Prepared m Kankakee H. S. W. A. A.; Classical Club; Basketball; Class Hockey. Teacher, Kanka- kee H. S. Address, Kankakee, 111. 7061. JOHN LATIMER McKEOWN Gen. Contractor; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 1, 1892, Chicago; s. J. C. McKeown. Arch., Chicago. 2nd Lt., Aviation Instruction Cen- ter, A. E. F., France; Severely vi^ounded in aeroplane fall; Returned to States, 1919. Ad- dress, 5125 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. f 7062. TIMOTHY IRLE McKNIGHT Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Je 10, 1891, Oblong, 111.; s. William E. (b. F 2, i8s3, Paducah, Ky.) and Lucy Emily (Wilkin) McKnight (b. F 13, 1859, Oblong, 111.). Prepared in Mc- Kendree Coll. Acad., Lebanon, 1907-12. A. B., McKendree Coll., 1916. Phi Alpha Delta; V. P., Law Club. Lawyer, Carrollton. 111., 1915-17; City Atty., and Atty., C. & A. R. R. and Carrollton Bank, do., 191 7—. Mem., M. E. Church; 111. Bar Assn.; lUini Club. Mar- ried Lucile Britton, D 25, 1912, Mound City, III. Children: Richard Morgan, b. O 19, 1913; William Irle, b. Jl 13, 191 5. Address, Car- rollton, HI. 7063. GEORGE BURR McMILLEN Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. Ag 21, 1890, Mt. Sterling, 111.; s. George W. (b. Jl 3, 1842, do.) and Lucy M. (Burr) McMillen (b. Ap 30, 1851, Winchester, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Acan- thus; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Pi Rho; Beta Gam- ma Sigma; Prelim. Honors; Univ. Mil. Barid, igio — . Asst., Econ. and Accountancy, Univ. of 111,, 1915-16; do.. Accountancy and Trans- portation, do., 1916-17; Clerk, C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago, 191S; Instr., Ry. Administration. Univ. of 111., 1918. Personnel Div., Camp Grant, 1918; Mustered out, Mr 11, 1919. Mem., Christian Church. Address, 606 E, Springfield Ave., Champaign. 7064. MARY CECELIA McNALLY (Sister of No. 7782) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 22. 1887, Kankakee, 111.; d. John J. (b. Ag 29, 1S59, To- lono. 111.) and Rose Elizabeth (Anderson) Mc- Nally (b. My 12, i860, Mattoon, 111.). Pre- pared in Central H. S., Pueblo, Colo.; Univ. of Colo., 1914. Alpha Chi • Omega; Charter Mem., Yo Ma. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916. Teacher, Central H. S,, Pueblo, Colo. Mem., Pan Hellenic Club; Pueblo Assoc, of Collegiate Alumnae; Alpha Chi Omega Alum- nae Club. Address, 6 Carlile Place, Pueblo, Colo. 7065. NELLIE FRANCES McVEY (KUSKA) A. B, -in L. A. & S.; b. D 15, 1887, Hill City, Kan.; d. George W. (b. S 11, 1857) and Linda M. (Hatch) McVey (b. D 27, 1859). Prepared in Ft. Hays (Kan.) Norm.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1912. Y. W. C. A. Prin., H. S., Bunk- er Hill, Kan., 1915-17. Married Joseph B. Kuska, Je 3, 1917, Hill City, Kan. Child, Nor- man, b. Mr 2, 1 91 8. Address, Colby, Kan.; bus. add., c/o Bur. of Plant Indus., Washing- ton, D. C. 7066. GRACE MACBETH (WALWORTH) (Wife of No. 72S6) B. Mus. ; b. D 16, 1885, Somerset, Ky. ; d. Joseph William (b. Ja 7. 1848, do.) and Ne- veda (Jones) Macbeth (b. O 23, i8s7, Bour- bon, 111,). Prepared in Tuscola H. S. Mu Kappa Alpha. Teacher, H. S., Villa Grove, 111., 191O. Married Ralph Waldo Walworth CiS), Mr 6, 1917, Champaign. Address, R 2, Berlin, Wis. 7067. EARLE STEELE MacPHERSON Auto Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 6, 1890, Highland Park, 111.; s, Arthur Grant and Emma (Eckhardt) MacPherson. Prepared in Deerfield Tp. H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1910-11. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma. Engr., Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, 1915-17. Capt,, A. S. S. C, LI. S. R. France, 1917, Civ- ilian Employee Sig. Corps, France. Address, Highland Park, 111. 7068. HELEN LOUISE MADDEN (Sister of No. 8568) Instructor; B. Mus.; A. B., 1916; b. Ag 27, 1893, Astoria, 111.; d. Frederic B. (b. Jl 26, 1865, Hiawatha, Ont., Can.) and Josephine (Read) Madden (b. D 5, 1865. Champaign). Prepared in Carlinville and Champaign H. Schs. Mu Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Psi; Athe- nean; ist Cab., Y. W. C. A.; Adv. Bd., Wo- man's League; Univ. Orchestra; Chora! Soc; Final Honors. Instr.. Yankton Coll., Conser- vatory of Mus., Yankton, S. Dak. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 414 W. 121st St., New York City; bits, add., Yankton Coll., Yankton, S. Dak. 7069. AUGUST MADER Contractor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Mr 7, 1890, Schworyenburg, Switzerland; s. John Mader. Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Contr., Far- mer City, 111.; Akron, O. Married Bertha Outhout. Child, Ellen Augusta, b. N 5, 1916. .4ddrcss, 109 Alabama Ave., Kenmore, O.t 7070. ROBERT CARLETON MALEY Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 7, 1893, Madison, Wis,; s. William B. (b. Mr 4, 1865, Milan, III.) and Catherine Ellen (Katon) Mal- ey (b. F 14, 1865, Malta, 111.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S,, M. E, ; Sr. Hat Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; Chm., Sr. Stag Com. Asst. Mech., Corn Pro- ducts Refining Co.. Pekin, 111., 1915; Sales Engr.. Kennicott Co., Chicago, 1915-16; do., George D. Whitcomb Co., Wonham Bates & Goode Inc., 1916-17. 2nd Lt., Ord, R. C, U. S. R., 191 7. Address, Rochelle, 111. 7071. HENRY ADAM LEWIS MARBACH Civ. Engr.: B. S. in C. E.: b. Ap 23, 1891, Chicago; s. W. C. Marbach. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Triangle. Civ. Engr., Interst. Comn., Chicago. Address, 3702 N. Robey St., Chicago. 7072. MARGARET ANNE MARBOLD (ARMOUR) (Wife of No. 6705; Sister of No. 8577) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 22, 1892, Green- view. 111.: d. Harmon John (b. Ap 17, 1865, do.) and Emma Eugenia (Miller) Marbold (b. Ta 25, 1867. do.). Prepared in Greenview H. S.; Rockford Coll.. 1910-12; N. W. Univ.. 1912-13. Delta Gamma. Married Phillips Fletcher Armour ('15), D 18, 191S. Green- view, 111. Address, 711 W. Nevada St., Ur- bana. 7073. SARAH ANN MARKS Principal; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 18, 1871, Pecatonica. 111.: d, Nathaniel (b, Ap 26, 1834, Easton, Pa.) and Mary Ann Miller (b. O 16, 1829. Elimsport. Pa.). Prepared in Pecatonica H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1900- 2; Univ. of Chicago, 1906-7; Kappa Delta Pi, Prin,, H. S., Pecatonica, 111. Address. Peca- tonica, 111. 588 University of Illinois [1915 7074. LEO DANIEL MARQUIS Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 3, 1890, Lebanon, Neb.; s. William E. (b. Ja 7, 1863) and Maria Rossie (Newell) Marquis (b. My I, 1868). Prepared in Milford H. S. Psi Delta. Insp.. Bldg. Const., St. Paul; Arch. Draftsman, Minot, N. Dak. Co. C, 313 Engrs., Camp Dodge, la.; Hdqtrs. Co., 320th F. A., Camp Gordon, Ga.; do., A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, Milford, 111. 7075. FREDERICK AUGUST KUHS MARX Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 28, 1893. St. Louis; s. Frederick William (b. N 10, 1863) and Matilda (Kuhs) Marx (b. Ag 1.4. 1867). Prepared in McKinley H. S., St. Louis. Tau Beta Pi. Instrumentman, Maintenance Dept., Rock Island Lines, Des Moines, 191. SI Instrumentman and Field Engr., Marsh-Cleary White Constr. Co., Indianapolis, 191510; Draftsman, Timekeeper, and Field Engr., Am. Bridge Co., Pittsburgh, 1916-18; do., ^at. Bridge Co., Indianapolis, 1918; Civ. Engr., Curtis Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 1918. Engng. Div., Ord. Corps, Washington, D. C, 1918— . Address, 1044 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis. 7076. GLENN HARLOW MATTESON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 15, 1891, F'jr- reston. 111.; s. Harlow Leander (b. Ag 2, 1840. Petersburg, N. Y.) and Henrietta (Fagcr) Matteson (b. O 30, 1853. Forreston, 111.). Pic- pared in Fairfield, 111. H. S. Farmer. Married Lura Mae Owens, Mr 27, 1918, Fairfield, 1'!. Address, R. 3, Fairfield, 111. 7077. JOHN DWIGHT MATTISON Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 27, 1893, Oregon, 111.; s. J. C. Mattison. Prepared in Oregon H. S. Triangle; C. E. Club; Mil. Band. Jr. Engr., St. Highway Comn., Peoria, 1916; Engr., Mt. Vernon, 111., 1917; do., Sin- clair Cudahy Pipe Line Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1917. 2nd Lieut., C. A. C, 100, E, 5th, Ft. Monroe, Va. Address, Oregon, 111.; bus. add., 306 Sinclair Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 7078. EDWIN WHITAKER MATTOON (Brother of No. 5302) Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. My 27, 1892, Galatea, Colo.; s. Charles Edwin (b. Ja 13, 1852, New Harmony, Ind.) and Mae (Whit- aker) Mattoon (b. Ag 3, 1866, Calhoun, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Stud. Volun- teer Band; Philomathean; Special Honors. Teacher, Olathe, Colo., 1915-17; 2nd Lt., F. A. U. S. R., 1917; do., A. E. F., trance, 1918 — . Married Annie E. Crathorne. Address, 306 Daniel St., Champaign; btis. add., Olathe, Colo.t 7079. MARGARET MILDRED MEHLHOP Teacher; A. B. in L. A. &S.; b. Ag 6, 1889, Astoria, 111.; d. John August (b. Havana, 111.) and Elizabeth (Bargelt) Mehlhop (b. do.). Prepared in Havana H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-09. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Final Honors. Auth. : A Florida Smut, Ustilago Sieglingiae, 111., Report of Acad, of Sc. of 111., i9'5- Teacher, Casey, 111.. i9i,';- 18; do., Havana, 111., 1918— . Mem., M. E. Church; East. 111. St. Teacher's Assn. Ad- dress, 72S N. Broadway, Havana, 111. 7080. NATHAN MELTZ Chemist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 15, 1889, Rega, Russia; s. Benjamin Meltz (b. Hamburg, Ger.). Prepared in New York City H. S.; Cooper Union Coll.; Woodbine (N. J.). Agr. Sch. Agr. Club; Intercollegiate Soc. ; Final Honors. Grad. Stud., Chem., Univ. of 111., 191 5 ; Chem., Union Malleable Iron Co., Moline, 111., 1916. Address, Granite City.t 7081. GEORGE HENRY MENGEL (Husband of No. 6706) Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 6, 1891, Davenport, la.; s. Henry and Anna (Thoem- ing) Mengel (b. F 2, 1868, do.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Pres., Chem. Club. Chem., Rockford, 111., 1916; do.. Granite City, 111., 1916; do., Pittsburgh, 1916 — . Married Delia E. Armstrong ('15), D 10, 1916, Newton, la. Address, 302 44th St., Pittsburgh; bus. add., c/o U. S. Bur. Mines, do. 7082. HARRY GEORGE MENKE Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. D 19, 1889, Quincy, 111.; s. J. P. Menke. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Delta Omega. With Harmon Engr. Co., Quincy, 111., 1915; Sales Engr., Norwood Engng. Co., Florence, Mass., 191 7. 2nd Lt., Co. D, 526th Engrs., Camp Lee, Va., 1917; Camp Pike, Ark., 1918; A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Married Fanny M. Wyman, 5 20, 191 7, Milwaukee, Wis. Address, 1626 Broadway, Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 431 S. Dear- born St., Cnicago. 7083. CARL ALTGELD METZ Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 30, 1892, Tolono, 111.; s. Philip William (b. 1863, do.) and Emma (Albrecht) Metz (b. 1873, Philo, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. C. E. Club. Struct. Designer, Chicago, 191 5-1 7; do., De- catur, 111., 1917; Const. Engr., Harrisburg, Pa., 1917-18; Engr., A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111., 1919 — . Rate setter on piece work, U. S. Emergency Fleet, 1918-19; Mustered out, N 27, 1918. Married Lelia Grace Shaw, S 17. 1917, Chicago. .4ddress, 153 N. Church St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., c/o A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., do. 7084. JOHN HAROLD MILLER Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 6, 1893, Oak Park, 111.; s. John Calvin (b. Je 18, 1865, Gardner, Mass.) and Katherine Schuler (Mc- Clure) Miller (b. Middletown, Pa.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Ionian; E. E. Soc; Prelim, and Final Honors; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. 6 Mfg. Co., Wilkinsburg, Pa., 1915-17; Engr., Jewell Elec. Instrument Co., Chicago. 1919 — . SignaL Corps, 1917; Radio Div. Dept., S. C, Washington, D. C, 1918; 2nd Lt., do.; Mus- tered out, 1919. Address, 420 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., 1646 Walnut St., Chicago. 708s. ORA LUCILE MILLER A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 11, 1891. Atlanta, 111.; d. A. Miller. Prepared in Atlanta H. S. Ad- dress, Atlanta, Ill.t 7086. EDNA VARNER MILLIZEN (Sister of No. 5312) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1892, Minneapolis; d. Henry M. (b. 1847. Cir- cleville, O.) and Myrtle (Varner) Millizen, (b. 1857, Freeburg, 111.). Prepared in Cham- paign, H. S. Teacher, H. S., Lewistown, 111., 1915-17; do., Elmwood. 111.. 1917 — . .Address, 104 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111; bus add., Elmwood, 111. 7087. AGNES M. MILNE (Sister of No. 6429) Mgr.. Dairy; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 13, 1892, Lockport, 111.; d. Tames A. (b. S 27, 1863, do.) and Kate Ophelia (Read) Milne (b. O 6, 1863, Rosemond, 111.). Prepared in Lockport and Joliet Tp. H. Schs. Sigma Xi; Omicron Ku: H. Sc. Club; Gregorian. Instr., Tex. St. Coll. for Girls, 1915-17; Mgr., Re- tail Dairy, Lockport, 111., 1917 — . Address, Lockport, 111. iQiSl Baccalaureate Alumni 589 7088. GROVER IRA MITCHELL Instructor; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 25, 1888, Streator, 111.; s. David A. (b. O.) and Jose- phine C. (Morrison) Mitchell (b. Streator, 111.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Acad.; N. W. Univ., 1909-10. Motorcycle Club; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Sales Engr., Am. Bur. of Engrs., Chicago, 19:5-16; Instr., Mil. Transformation and Gas Engines, La. Indus, Sch., Ruston, La., 1916 — •. Married Pearl Albertson, D 2, 1916, Jackson, Miss. Child, Lois Jeanette, b. D 32, 1917. Address, La. Indus. School, Ruston, La. 7089. ALBERT RICHARDSON MONTAGUE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 30, 1884, Davenport, la.; s. A. Judson (b. My 31, 1845, Lamott, la.) and Laura R. (Richardson) Mon- tague (b. Je 19, 1847, Three Rivers, Mich.). Prepared in Englewood H. S.; Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Triangle; Jr. Council; Stud. LTnion, 1911-12. Gen. Civil and Constr. Engr. I St E. O. T. C, 191 7; Capt., Topographical Officer, 309 Engrs. Regt., 84th Div., N. A. Assoc. Mem., West. Soc, Engrs. Address, 343 W. 64 St., Chicago. 7090. HERBERT JACKSON MOORE B. S. in Agr.; b. F 18, 1893, Chicago; s. C. E. Moore. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Theta Delta Chi; Varsity Dancing Club. Address, 19 N. State St., Chicago. 7091. CHESTER ARTHUR MORGAN B. S. in Min. E.; b. F 23, :886, Dawson, 111.; s. Dr. T. W. Morgan (b. Virden, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Address, Dawson, Ill.t 7092. WILLIAM ALGERNON KINGS- MILL MORKEL Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1916; b. N 14, 1891, Pretoria, S. A.; s. William Morkel. Prepared in Cape of Good Hope Univ., S. Africa. Cosmopolitan Club; Agr. Club; Pres., Internat. Agr. Soc. Asst., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Sch. of Agr., Orange Free St. Province, S. Africa, 19 17 — . Address, Sch. of Agr., Orange Free Province, Union of S. Africa. t 7093. RALPH LEONARD MORRELL Adv. Salesman; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 18, 1892, Augusta, 111.; s. C. G. Morrell. Prepared in Crane High School. Tau Beta Pi; \'arsity Baseball; Prelim. Honors. Adv. Salesman, Grain Dealer's Jour., Chicago, 1916. Address, 4301 Adams St., Chicago.! 7094. VERNON LESLIE MORRIS (Brother of Nos. 3487, 4320) Inspector; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl i, 1893, Mendota, 111.; s. William Owen (b. D 31 1856, Amboy, 111.) and Sarah Isabell (Moray) Morris (b. Je 27. i860, Lee Center, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S.. La Grange, 111. Triangle; Scarab; Ionian. Draftsman. Pa., Ry. Co., Pittsburgh, 1915-16; do.. 111. C. R. R., Chicago, 1916-17; Bldg. Insp., do., 1917 — . Corp., Co. B, 1 06th Engrs., 31st Div., Brest, France. Ad- dress, Congress Park, 111. 7095. HELEN SINCLAIR MORRISON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 2, 1892, Joliet, 111.; d. R. C. Morrison. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Omicron Nu; Phi Delta Psi; H. Sc. Club; Sr. Hat Com.; Sec, Jr. Illinae; V. P., Sr. Illinae; Final Honors. Teacher, Alexis, 111., 1916; do.. H. S., Rockford, 111., 1917 — . Address, 607 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., Rockford, Ill.t 7096. EDWARD HENRY MORRISSEY Advertiser; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 28, 1892, Champaign; s. John and Monica (Henry) Morrissey. Prepared in St. Mary's Sch., Champaign. Phi Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Alpha Delta Psi; Comitatus; Lambkins Club; Ben Franklin Club. Advertiser. Chicago. En- sign, Pelham Bay, N. Y., 1918; Lt. (jr. grade), Bordeaux, France; Mustered out, 1919. Ad- dress, 302 W. White St., Champaign. 7097. JOHN HAMILTON MORSE A. B. in Commerce; b. D 29, 1892, Urbana. ; s. E. P. Morse. Prepared in Troy (Pa.) H. S.; Lehigh Univ. Address, Troy, Pa.f 7098. GLADYS lONE MOSS Director; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 11, 1892, Chicago; d. R. C. (b. Mr 6, 1859, Worth, 111.) and Maria H. (Farquharson) Moss. Prepared in Calumet H. S.. (Chicago. H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Advisory Bd., Woman's League; Grad., Chicago Norm. Coll., 1918. Dir.. H. S. Cafe- teria, Chicago, 1916. Address, 7334 Yale Ave., Chicago. 7099. RENZO EDMOND MUCKELROY Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 10, 1876, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. G. W. Muckelroy. Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Head, Dept. of Agr., So. 111. St. Norm., Car- bondale. 111. Address, Carbondale, 111. 7100. FORREST HAMILTON MURRAY (Brother of No. 5331) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 28, 1892, Mazon, 111.; s. Louis Ross (b. Mr 6, 1859, do.) and Lillie (Hamilton) Murray (b. F 1865). Pre- pared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Prelim. Honors; Special Honors, Math., 191 5; Final Honors. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111.. 191 5-16; Grad. Sch., Harvard L-niv., 191 6 — . Master Gunner, H. A., C. A. C. Sch., Ft. Monroe, Va. ; Mustered out, N 23, 19 1 8. Address, Mazon, 111.; bus. add., Cambridge, Mass. 7101. RACHEL FLOSSIE MYERS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 16, 1884 Wayne, W. Va. ; d. Mrs. A. F. Myers. Pre pared in Oak View (W. Va.) Acad. Y. W. C A; Jamesonian; H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Coun try Life Club; Pres., Sewanee Circle. Teacher H. S., Princeton, W. Va., 1917 — . Address, 315 4th St., Huntington, W. Va.; bus. add. Princeton, W. Va. 7102. CLARENCE ARTHUR NEBEL (Brother of Nos. 5837, 6448) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 15, 1894, Clinton, 111.; s. Henry Louis (b. My 12, 1850, Ger.) and Bessie (Rundle) Nebel (b. Ag 3, i860, Clinton, 111.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig., 1914-15; Swimming, 1915. Farmer, Clinton, 111., 1916 — . Married Irma I. McGoldrick, My 3, 1917, Springfield, 111. Child. Clarence Arthur, Jr., b. Jl 19, 1918. Address, R 6, Clinton, 111. 7103. MILTON NELS NELSON^ Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; M. A., 1917; b. Jl 7, 1891, Chicago; s. Andrew (b. Sweden) and Augusta (Napthalera) Nelson (b. do.). Prepared in Curtis H. S. Iris; Philomathean. Instr., H. S., Green Bay, Wis., 1915-16; Grad. Stud, and Asst., Econ., 1916-17; Fellowship, 191 7. Pvt., Q. M. C Camp Custer, 191 7; 2nd Lt., do., 1918 — . Married Lorine Edith Mae Nelson, D 24, 1917, Westfield, 111. Address, 26 Greenwood Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. 7104. RALPH AUGUSTUS NELSON Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ag 31, 1888, Galesburg, 111.; s. Charles A. (b. My 4, 1859, Sweden) and Jessie (Holt) Nelson (b. O 9, 1863. do.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chi- cago; M. A., N. W. Univ., 1916. Chem., An. Nutrition Lab., LTniv. of 111., 1915; Research 59° University of Illinois [1915 Chem., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916. Auth.: The Pre- paration of Protein Free Milk (with H. H. Mitchell), Jour, of Biol. Chem., Vol. 23; On the Composition and Digestive Activity of Different Fractions of the Pancreas (with J. H. Long), Jour., Am. Chem. Soc, Vol. 39. Phi Lambda Epsilon; A. C. S.; Presby. Church. Married Maida Phoenix, F 5, 1918, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, Carlton Court, Buffalo, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Nat. Aniline & Chem. Co., do. 7105. FLORENCE EDITH NEVILLE (ANDERSON) A. B. in L. A.. & S.; b. My 16, 1891, Kewanee, 111.; d. P. H. (b. do.) and Frances Anna (Tassell) Neville (b. London, Eng.). Prepared in Kewanee H. S. Jamesonian. Univ. of Wash., 1915; Asst. Prin.. Wethersficld Tp. H. S. Auth.: Consolidation of Rural Schs., la Homestead; Do Street Carnivals Boost the City? and various editorials, do. Ivlem., M. E. Church. Married, Anton N. Anderson, D 25, 1917. Kewanee, 111. Address, R 6, Ke- wanee, 111. 7106. MOSES ELMER NEWELL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 23, 1878, Farmers- villa, 111.; s. Moses A. (b. O 25, 1847, Car- rollton. 111.) and Samantha Emily (Green) Newell (b. O 28, 1850, Fairfiekl Co., O.). Pre- pared in 111. Norm. Univ.; B. Pd., Greer Coll. Hoopeston, 111., 1902. Lawyer, Newell Ji Brown, Edwardsville, III., 191 5 — ; Acting Postmaster, do., 1917. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married, Frances S. Carriker. Ag 17, 1904, Irving, 111. Address, 3 Logan Place, Edwards- villa, 111. 7107. RAE CRAMPTON NICHOLS Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 2, 1894, Manhattan, Kan.; s. Ernest R. (b. S 11, 1858, Farmington, Conn.) and Marguerite (Rae) Nichols (b. Ap 7, i860, Aberdeen, Scotland.). Prepared in Manhattan (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Chicago H. S.; Univ. of Chicago 1911-13. Sr. Football. Teacher, and Football Coach, H. S., Hannibal, Mo. 1915-16; do., Kendalville, Ind. 1916-17. Ensign, Naval Acad., Annapolis, 191 7 — . Address, 5716 Blackstone Ave., Chi- cago. 7108. WALTER LESTER NICHOLS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 5, 1891, Toledo, O.; s. Walter (b. Ft. Thomas, Ky.) and Laura Belle (McConahay) Nichols. Prepared in Central and Soldan H. Schs., St. Louis. Beta Theta Pi; Class baseball; Homecoming Com. Engr., \'aluation Engng. Dept., C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., Cincinnati, 1915-18. Lt., 34th Art,, C. A. C, Camp Eustis, Va.. 1918; Mus- tered out. 1919. Address, 3423 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati; bus. add., 25 Conestoga Bldg., B. & O. R. R., Valuation Dept., Pittsburgh. 7109. PETER JACOB NILSEN Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 2, 1891, at sea; s. Peter Alfred (b. 1859, Porsgrund, Nor- way) and Milla (Nielsen) Nilsen (b. i860. Arendal, do.). Prepared in Skiensfjorden's Mekaniske Fagskole, Porsgrund, Norway, 1907- 09. Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Ma-wan-da; Adelphic; Tribe of Illini; Final and Special Honors; Capt., Gym. Team; Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Class Orator. Asst. Engr., St. Pub. Utilities Comn., 191 5; Instr., E. E. lab., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Efficiency Engr., Arthur Young & Co., Chicago, 1917 — , Auth.: Engng, Econ. and the Small Plant, Elec. Review and West. Elec., My, 19 16. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Employment Mgrs. Assn., Chicago. Married Sofie Andreasen, S 2, 1915, Champaign. Chil- dren: Peter Alfred, b. Jl 11, 1916; William Russel. b. Mr 28. 1919. Address, 615 S. East Ave., Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 116 S. Michi- gan Blvd., Chicago. 71 10. CARL RAGNAR NILSSON Gen. Systematizer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 28, 1887, Gothenburg, Sweden; s. Nils (b. 1851, Bostad, Sweden) and Maria Carolina (Jonas- son; Nilsson (b. 1854, Alingsis, do.). Pre- pared in Hogra Real Skolan, Gothenburg, Sweden. Engng. Draftsman, Frantz Premier (To., 1915-16; Am. jNIultigraph Co., 1916-17; Gen. Systematizer and Efficiency Engr., War- ner & Swasey Co., 1917 — . Married Lillian Violet Anderson, Mr 15, 1916. Urbana. Ad- dress, 1763 Eddy Rd., East Cleveland; bus. add., Warner & Swasey Co., do. 7III. *ROE NIVER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 8, 1891, Center- town, O.; s. Theodore F. Niver. Prepared in Norwalk (O.) H. S.; O. St. Univ. Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Omicron; Scabbard and Blade; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig.; Final Honors. Died Jl 5, 1915, Fairfield, O. 71 12. EMILIE MARIE NOACK ^ Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 9, 1889, Chicago; d. Herman Carl (b. D 18, 1858, Ger.) and Libbie Yetta (Hastings) Noack (b. 1856, Oswego, 111.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1911-13; Grad. Stud., Chicago Teacher's Coll., 1915-16. Teacher, Eng. and Hist., H. S., Greenfield, 111., 1917- 18; do., W. Aurora H. S., Aurora, 111., 1918 — . Address, 81 s Windsor Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., W. Aurora H. S., Aurora, 111. 7113. WESLEY KAYLOR NORRIS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 18, 1889, West Chicago, 111.; s. Alfred J. (b. 1861, do.) and Jennie (Lyons) Norris (b. 1863, Harlan, la.). Prepared in West Chicago H. S. Chi Psi; C. E. Club; Capt., Lhiiv. Brig. Designing Engr., Folwell Ahlskog Co., Chicago, 1915-18. Sergt., ist Inf., 111. Nat. Guards, 1916; 33rd Engrs., Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., 1918 — . .-iddress. West Chicago, 111. 71 14. PROCTOR ALBERT NOWLEN Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 2, 1890, Morri- son, 111.; s. Dr. James Albert (b. Ap 6, 1863, do.) and Louise (Honclair) Nowlen (b. My 18, 1858, New York City). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Sigma Pi. Teacher, Agr. U. S. S. M. A., Ithaca, N. Y. Mem., A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Address, Morrison, 111. 71 15. ARTHUR ALLEN ODELL Ath. Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 21, 1S88, Chicago; s. Samuel Abraham (b. Odell, 111.) and Carrie (Allen) Odell (b. Mr 6, 1850, North Bay, N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi; Ma-wan-da; Theta Nu Epsilon; Pres.. 111. Union; Track; Cross Country. Grad. Mgr., Ath., Univ. of 111., 1915-17, ist !.t., Inf.. R. C. 1917; do., 343d Inf., Camp Grant, 111.; Capt., Camp Pike, Ark., 1918. Ad- dress, 756 Wasco St,, Portland, Ore. 7 116. IRENE BALFOUR OLIN (Sister of No. 8630) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 26, 1892, Chicago; d. Samuel Olaf (b. Ag 24. 1867, do.) and Mary Jane .(Irwin) Olin (b. D 10, 1862, Janesville, Wis.). Prepared in Carl Schurz II. S., Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean. Teacher, H. S., Clayton, III., 1915-16; do., Gary, Ind.. 1916 — . Mem., Coll. Club, Gary, Ind. Address, 830 Forest Ave., Evanstdn, 111.; bus. add., 600 Jefferson St., Gary, Ind. 7 II 7. ANNA MARGARET OLSEN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. S 6, 1889. Chicago; d. Niels Peter (b. Denmark) and Catherine (Proyla) Olsen (b. Fo.xford, Ire- land). Prepared in Medill H. S.; De Paul IQIS] Baccalaureate Alumni 591 Univ., 1912-14. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1915-18; Teacher, Nobel Sch., Chicago. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Nat. Geog. Assn.; A. C. S. Address, 421 1 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 7118. HARRY CHRISTIAN OLSENG Clerk; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 17, 1889, Chica- go; s. Christian W. (b. N 10, 1853, Norway) and Helen (Christiansen) Olseng (b. F 12, 1858. do.). Prepared in Y. M. C. A., Chica- go; Univ. of Idaho Prep. Sch.; Univ. of Ida- ho, 1911-12. Agr. Club. Farmer, Grand Ha- ven, Mich., 1915; Clerk, Boal's Farmers In- formation Bur., 1916; do., Internal. Harvester Co., Chicago, 1916 — . Mem., Illini Club of Chicago. Married Violet Charlotte Erickson, Ap 22, 1916, Lemont, 111. Address, 2030 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago; btis. add., c/o Inter- nat. Harvester Co., do. 71 19. ROBERT HAROLD OLSON Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 28, 1891, Chicago; s. Charles C. (b. Norway) and Jen- nie (Anderson) Olson (b. Chicago). Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Scarab. Draftsman, H. L. Emerson, Chicago, 191 5; do.. Am. Tar Products Co., Chicago, 1916 — . Married Cora Belle Zink, Je 24, 1916, Chicago. Address. 2838 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Am. Tar Products Co., do. 7120. HENRY AKI PANHOE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 27, 1886, Huang Shan, China; s. Pan Chack Aki and Wong Sun. Prepared in Pomona Coll., Prep.; St. Louis Coll., Honolulu, T. H. C. E. Club; Ry. Club. Instr., Eng. and Math., Canton Indus. Coll. and Pearl River Acad., Canton, China, 1915-16; Asst. Engr., Chu Chin Line. Chinese Govt. R. R.„ 1916-17; Engr. and Partner, The Pacific Trading Co., Hong Kong, China, 19 18 — . Address, c/o The Pacific Trading Co., 22 Queen's Road, Hongkong, China. 7121. FREDERICK WILLIAM PANHORST Draftsman; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 14, 1893, Mexico, Mo.; s. Fred William (b. Jl i, 1857, Staunton, 111.) and Emma M. (Braun) Pan- horst (b. Je 19, 1862, Jacksonville, 111.). Pre- pared in Staunton H. S. Triangle; Final Honors; C. E. Soc. Pres. Engr., Bridge Dept., Vandalia R. R., St. Louis, 1915-17; do., Engng. Dept,, A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111., . 1917. Ship Draftsman, Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash., 1917 — . Address, 645 Burwell Ave., Bremerton, Wash. 7122. *RAYMOND WEBB PARKER (Brother of No. 5859) Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 29, 1893, Champaign; s. Alison A. (b. S 16, 1854, Aurora, O.) and Ella L. (Cone) Parker (b. Mr 11, 1859, Madison, O.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; 2nd Lt., Univ. Brig. Elec. Engr., St. Clair Clas & Elec. Co., Belle- ville, 111. 2nd Lt., Artillery Observer, La- fayette Escadrille, France, 1917; Prisoner in Germany, 1918. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Jovian Order. Killed in Action, My 4, 1918, France. 7123. WARREN KINDER PARKER Contractor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 12, 1893, Chicago; s. George L. (b. S 13, i860, do.) and Maude Emma (Kinder) Parker (b. N 23, 1864, Arlington Heights, 111.). Prepared in Arling- ton Heights H. S. Farmer, Arlington Heights, 111., 1915; Bldg. Contr., do., 1916-17. R. O. T. C, Ft Sheridan, 111., 1917; 2nd Lt.. Inf. R. C, 1917; ist T. R. B.. 161 Depot Brig.. Camp Grant, 111. Address, Arlington Heights, 111. 7124. WILMA GAY PARKS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 8, 1892, Cooperstown, 111.; s. Daniel A. (b. Mr 10, 1865, do.) and Susannah (Howell) Parks (b. O 5, 1867, Rushville, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Teacher, Perrysburg (O.) H. S., 1915-17; do., Illiopolis H. S., 1917; do., Mt. Sterling, 111. Address, Cooperstown, 111. 7125. NORMAN BOND PATTEN, JR. Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 20, 1892, St. Peter, Minn.; s. Dr. N. B. and Alma (Kaiser) Patten. Prepared in Univ. of Minn. Alpha Tau Omega; Scarab. Engr., James H. Brown Co., Minneapolis. Sergt., Co. 7, E. R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va. ; 2nd Lt., Co. A, 522nd Engrs.. A. E. F., France, 19x8- — -. Address, 1012 Logan Ave., N., Minneapolis. 7126. CHARLES ROY PATTERSON Lawyer; LL.B.; b. D 26, 1891, Sullivan, 111.; s: Charles (b. Mr 14, 1863, do.) and Laura Bell (Barnes) Patterson (b. S 13, 1861, do.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Pi Kappa Alpha; Comitatus. Lawyer, with E. J. Miller, 1916; St. Atty., Moultrie Co., 1916 — . Address, Sullivan, 111. 7127. NORMA LEE PECK Librarian; B. L. S.; b. N 19, 1891, Ottawa, Kan.; s. Frederick Benjamin (b. N 5, 1853, Richland. Mich.) and Emily Esther (Robb) Peck (b. Mr i6, 1859, Aledo, 111,). Prepared in Ottawa (Kan.) H. S. A. B., Ottawa, Univ., 1913. Children's Libn., Pub. Libr., Daven- port, la., 1919 — . Address, 2 Douglas Court, Davenport, la.; bus. add., c/o Pub. Libr., do. 7128. WILBUR OTIS PENDARVIS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 22, 18S8, Media, III.; s. Henry B. (b. O 3, 1840, Augusta, 111.) and Serena Adeline (Cherry) Pendarvis (b. D 21 1853, Scottville, 111.). Prepared in Wever Acad.; West. HI. St. Norm. Sch., 1908-11. Acacia: Sigma Delta Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Assoc. Univ. Plavers; Philomathean; Order of The Coif; Phi Beta Kappa. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Managing Ed., Daily Illini. Grad. Stud.. Univ. of 111. Law Sch., 1915-16; Harvard Law Sch., 1916-17. 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 1st Lt., C. A. R. C, 191 7 — . Address, Media, 111. 7129. ALMA MERIBA PENROSE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S 25, 1878, Chicago; d. Hannah G. Penrose. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1901. Libn., West. H. S., Minneapolis, 1916—. Address, Grinnell, la.t 7130. MARION PERCIVAL (MILLS) (Sister of No. 8654) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 4, 1891, Cham- paign; d. Orin L. (b. N 20, 1861, do.) and Mary (Pratt) Percival (b. Ag 3, 1865, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Chicago .Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy. Kappa Alpha Thet-i; Y. W. C. A. Mem., M. E. Church. Married James Evan Mills, O 24, 1916, Champaign. "Child, Mary Jean, b. Jl 21, 191 7. Address, 4007 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 7131. MARGARET CAMPBELL PERRY (Sister of 7132) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; A. M., 1917; b. Ap 9, 1894, Joliet, 111.; d. Joseph Ferris (b. Je 21, 1846, Fairfield, Conn.) and Elizabeth (Bond) Perry (b. F 15, 1856. Wilmington, III.). Prepared in Toliet Tp. H. S. Alpha Delta Pi; Alpha Theta Chi; Chem. Club; H, Sc. Club; A. C. S., 1917. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Teacher. Tp. H. S., Joliet. 111., 1917 — . Address, 108 Ma- comber St., Joliet, 111. 7132. RALPH GROVER PERRY (Brother of No. 7131) Min. Engr.; B. S. in Min. E.; b. F 25, 1892. Joliet, 111., s. Joseph Ferris (b. Je 21, 1847. Bridgeport, Conn.) and Elizabeth lola (Bond) 592 University of Illinois [191S Perry (b. F 15, 1856, Wilmington, 111.). Prepared in JoHet Tp. H. S. Chi Psi; Ku KIux; Sigma Tau; Illio Rd., 1915. Min. Engr., Lead, S. Dak., 1915-17; do., Ray, Ariz., 1917. Corp. Hdqtrs. Co., 144th F. A., Camp Kearney, Calif., 1917; Lt., F. A., Central O. T. Sch., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Inst. Min. Engng. Address, 218 Hunter Ave., Joliet, 111. 7133. HORACE HOWARD PHELPS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 11, 1893, Me- nominee, Mich.; s. Horace Henry (b. 1858, N. Y.) and Mary (Willey) Phelps (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Escanaba (Mich.) II. S.; Mich. Agr. Coll., 1911-13. Alpha Tau Omega. Far- mer, Peoria, 1915-16; do.. Bark River, Mich., 1917; do., Plainfield. 111., 1918—. Married Edna Cryder, Je 16, 191 7, Plainfield, 111. Ad- dress, Plainfield, 111. 7134. GEORGE HYDE PIKE Instrumentman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 17, 1892, ITorton, Kan.; ,s. John Weeks (b. D 12, 1852, Trowbridge, Kng.) and Ella (Hyde) Pike (b. N 11, i8s7, Chicago). Prepared m Moline H. S.; Baker Univ., 1907- Beta Gamma Sigma; Bd. of Dir., Y. M. C. A.; Sec, Ry. Club, 1914; Pres., do., 1915- Engng. Dept., C. R. I. & P. Ry., Manly, la., 1915; do., Mason City, la., 1915; do., Silvis, 111. 191 5-16; do.. Champaign, 1916; do., Des Moines, 1916; do., Chicago. 191 6; do., Goodland, Kan., 1917; Acting Roadmaster, do., Peoria, 1917-18; Instrumentman, do., Rock Island, 111., 19 18 — . Asst. Engr., R. I. & P. Co., Davenport, la. 2nd Lt., Engrs. Co. I, Camp Humphreys, Va. Address, Silvis, 111.; bus. add., 125 3rd Ave., Davenport, la. 7135. LOUIS CLOVIS PINAULT Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. D 29, 1890, St. Joseph, Minn.; s. H. A. Pinault. Prepared in St. Cloud (Minn.) U. S. Co. A, 313th Engrs., Camp Dodge, la., 1918—. Address, St. Joesph, Minn.t 7136. ERNEST HOWARD POOL Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.: LL. B., 1917; b. Je s, 1894, Ottawa, 111.; s. Carlisle M. and Louise E. (Fogg) Pool. Prepared in Ot- tawa Tp. H. S. Delta Tau Delta: Phi Delta Phi; Scabbard and Blade; Innes of Court; Maj., Univ. Brig.; V. P., 111. Union; 111. Rifle. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., A. E. F., France, 1917- ist Lt., Co. F, 26th Inf., 1st Div., do.; Army of Occupation, Ger. Address, 411 State St., Ottawa, 111. 7137. LAWRENCE ARTHUR POPE (Brother of No. 3914) Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 27, 1892, Moline, 111.; s. Charles II. (b. Ap 16, 1849, Genoa, N. Y.) and Sara Margaret (Baxter) Pope (b. Ap 9, 1851, Cincinnati). Prepared in Moline 11. S.: Sliattuck Mil. Sch., Faribault. Minn. Plii Delta Theta. Production Dept., Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, ist Lt., A. S. S. O. R. C, A. E. F., France. Married Blanche Ch. Lucas de Lasalle, Je i, 1918, Paris, France. Address, c/o C. S. Pope, River- side, 111.; bus. add., 51 Ave. Montaigne, Paris, France. 7138. FREDERICK WILLIAM POSTEL Sales Mgr.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 13. 1892, Mascoutah. 111.; s. George (b. do.) and Medora Teckla (Jansen) Postel (b. Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Mascoutah H. S.; Univ. Acad., 1909-11. Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Cml. Club; Treas., 111. Union; Ath. Bd. of Control; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Ball Com. Sales Mgr., William R. Compton Co., St. Louis, i9i5->S. U. S. A., Camp Dix, N. J., 1918 — . Mem., Univ. Club, St. Louis; Ilhni Club, do.; Bellerive Country Club, do.; Mid- land Valley Country Club, do.; Ath. Assn.; Bond Men's Club of St. Louis; Shriner. .Address, Mascoutah, 111.; bus. add., 408 Olive .St., St. Louis. 7139. EMERY VERN POTTER (Brother of No. 7870) Sales Kngr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 7, 1892, Kenton, 111.; s. John Farnworth (b. Jl 11, i866*, do.) and Eva Leona (Thompson) Potter (b. Jl 5, 1868, do.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. .Sigma Pi; E. E. Soc. Sales Engr., Wagner Elec, Mfg. Co., St. Louis, 1916 — . Mem., Elec. Club, Kansas City, Mo.; Jovian Elec. Club. Married Elsa Marie Lagerstrom, Mr 9, 1916, Elgin, 111. Child, Albert Emery, b. Ag 22, 1918. Address, 1139 Benton Blvd., Kan- sas City, Mo.; bus. add., c/o Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co., St. Louis. 7140. FRED RICHMOND POWERS (Husband of No. 6477; Brother of No. 3142) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 5, 1891, Tis- kilwa, 111.; s. John (b. N. Y.) and Eliza Augusta (Partridg*-) Powers (b. Vt.). Pre- nared in Tiskilwa II. S. Acanthus; Mil. Band. Farmer, Tiskilwa, 111. Mem., A. F. A^ M., 1915. Married Carrie Pervier ('14), S 14, 1915, Sheffield, 111. Children: John Clayton, b. S 2, 1916; Maynard Henry, b. Mr 10, 1918. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. 7141. ♦ADA ROBERTA PUGH Land. Gard.; A. B. in H. Sc; B. S. in Land. Card., 1917; b. Warrenton, Va. ; d. John William (b. Moorsfield, Va.) and Ada Caroline (Jennings) Pugh (b. Warrenton, Va.). Pre- pared in Franklin (Ind.) H. S. ; Terre Haute St. Norm. Sch. H. Sc.Club; Le Cercle Fran- cais; Alliance Francaise; Jamesonian. Land Gardener^ Champaign, 1917 — . Instr.i, Red Cross, 1917-1S. Died Ap 7, 1919, Champaign. 7142. RAYMOND HARRY PURDY Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. My 9, 1893, Vincennes, Ind.; s. Charles Enos (b. S 6, 1850, Beloit, Wis.) and Josephine (Conner) Purdy (b. Ap 20, 1859, Rockton, 111.). Prepared in \iiicennes (Ind.) H. S. IIus; Scarab; Arch. Club; Mil. Band; Varsity Track. Engr., Valua- tion Dept., Big Four Ry., Cincinnati, 1915; do., I'.lzixer an-i8. Corp., 68th Regt., Art., C. A. C, A. E. F., France; Mus- tered out, Mr 6, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Mystic Worker; Nat. Geog. Soc. Address, Hennepin, 111.; bus. add., Fillmore, 111. 7317. HENRY SOLOMAN WOOLF B. S. in Agr.; b. O 6, 1887, Cyphergat, S. Africa; s. W. R. Harvey. Prepared in Univ. of Cape of Good Hope; Univ. of Calif. Address, 75 St. Georges Road, East London, C. P. S. .-\frica.t 7318. LENORA MARY WORCESTER Professor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl i, 1894, Genoa, 111.; d. Fred M. (b. O 2, 1854, Wheaton, 111.) and Eleanor (Patterson) Worcester (b. Je 5, 1S53, Genoa, 111.). Prepared in Genoa H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1911-13. Achoth. Teacher. Monmouth, 111., 1915-17; do., Clear- water, Fla., 191 7; do., Alton, 111., 1918; Prof., Home Econ., Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, 111. Address, Genoa, 111.; bus. add., 3122 Lev- erett Ave., Alton, 111. 7319. NEWTON ANTHONY WRIGHT Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 15, 189 1, Findlay, 111.; s. Samuel Henry (b. F 29, 1844) and Nannie Susan (Shouse) Wright (b. Ag 26, 1855). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S.; Bus. Coll.; Univ. of Calif., 1913. Delta LIpsilon; Aljjha Gamma Rho; Tribe of Illini; Track; Cross Country; Farmer, Findlay, 111., 1915 — . Married Zenith Hazel Schwartz. O 31, 1917, Findlay, 111. Address, R. F. D., Findlay, 111. 7320. BENJAMIN HARRISON WYCOFF Dairy Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 29, 1888, Laura, 111.; s. Aaron DeWitt (b. D u, 1858, do.) and Agnes (Armstrong) Wycoff (b. F II. 1854, Darhead, Scotland). Prepared in Williamsfield H. S. ; Knox Acad.; Univ. Acad.; la. St. Coll., 1913-14. Grain Farmer, Laura, 111., 1915-17; Dairy Farmer, Nye, Wis., 1917 — . Married Frances Sandquist. Mr 7, 1917, Peoria. Child, Harland D., b. D 28, 191.7. Address, Nye, Wis. IQl6] Baccalaureate Alumni 60s 7321. RAY ORION WYLAND Minister; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ap 15, 1890, Jewell City, Kan.; s. W. W. (b. O 23. 1856, Warren, Minn.) and Ella (Howard) Wyland (b. N 28, 1854, Shenandoah, la.). Prepared in Danville H. S.; Peniel Univ., Tex. B. D., Garrett Biblical Inst., 1918. Honors in Psych.; ist Sergt., Univ. Brig. Pastor, M. E. Church, Maywood, 111. Mem., Rockriver Conference, M. E. Church. Mar- ried Rubv Arnold, O 12, 1915, Pcnicl, Te.x. Addre\sS{, Majywood, Ul 7322. WALLACE WYMAN B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 13, 1889, Norfolk, Neb.; s. D. F. Wynian. Prepared in Mans- field H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Scarab; Glee and Mandolin Club. Address, Mansfield, Ill.t 7323. JAMES FOOK ONN YAPP B. S. in C. E.; M. S., 1916; b. O 14, 1891, Makapala, Honolulu; s. M. F. Yapp. Pre- pared in McKinley (Honolulu) H. S.; Stan- ford Univ. Address, 726 Hustace Ave., Hono- lulu, H. I.t 7324. FLORENCE TERESA YOCH Land. Gard. ; B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. Jl 15, 1890, Santa Ana, Calif.; d. Joseph and Katherine (Isch) Yoch. Prepared in Santa Ana (Calif.) H. S. ; Univ. of Calif., 1910-12. Cornell Univ., 1912-13. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Land. Gardener, Los Angeles, 1915 — . Address, 1125 W. 28th St., Los Angeles; bus add., 605 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles. 7325. RUTH ELIZABETH YOUNG Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O lo, 1892, Casey, 111.; d. Doit (b. S 2, 1861, do.) and Lula (Crane) Young (b. Ag 27, 1869, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in Casey H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1910-12. Univ. of Wis., summer, 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Omicron Nu; Teacher, H. S. Altamontj 111., 1915-16;^ Teacher, Domestic Sc. and French, Tp. H. S., Casey, 111., 191 6 — , Co. Chm., Food Adm., 1918 — . Address, 402 E. Main St., Casey, 111. 7326. CLYDE CHARLES YOUNGLOVE Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 18, 1891, Sioux City, la.; s. John F. (b. 1859, Wood- man, Wis.), and Augusta E. (Gard) Young- love. Prepared in Mason City (la.) H. S.; Grinnell Coll. la.. 1909-11. Sigma Xi; Special Honors. Designer, Younglove Const. Co.; Engr., B. E. Short Cont.; Asst. Bldg. Insp., Sioux City, la. Engr., Beuttler & Arnold, Archs., do. Mem., Lions Club; Engng. Club; Jr. Mem., West. Soc. Engrs. First Congr. Church, S. S. Supt. Married Hazel Eulela Ramsay, O 6, 1915, Mason City, la. Child, Clyde Ramsay, b. Jl 25, 1917. Address 112H Maine St., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., 610 Security Bank Bldg., do. 7i27. FRED RAYMOND ZAUN Engineer; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ap 30, 1883, Jefferson Co., 111.; s. Joseph and Ella Zahn. Prepared in Chester II. S.; Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. Timekeeper, Mt. Vernon, 111., 1 91 5-16; Engng. Draftsman, Pub. LUilities Comn., 1917 — . Mem., Universalist Church. Address, 934 S. 4th St., Springfield, 111. 7328. HARRY MOYER ZETER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 26, 1889, Lincoln, 111.; s. John (b. Ja 17, 1858, Cin- cinati) and Sarah Jane Zeter (b. My 12, 1862, Lincoln, 111.). Prepared in Lincoln Coll. Fanner, Lincoln, 111. .4ddress, R. s, Lincoln, 111. 7329- WILLIAM WALTER ZIEMAxN Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. D 9, 1892, Chicago; s. Fred Zieman. Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. With Chicago Feed & Fer- tilizer Co., Plant, Osborne, Ind., 1916. Gas De- fense, Chem. Warfare Service; Mustered out, F 1919. Address, 1019 Columbia Road, Wash- ington, D. C. 7330. ANTHONY URiBAN ZIMMERMAN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 13, 1892, Peoria; s. R. Zimmerman. Prepared in Peoria H. S. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. With the Kennicott Co., Chicago; The Rust Engng. Co., Chicago, 1918—. 2nd Lt.. F. A. R. D., Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 15, 1918, Address, no W. Park Place, Peoria; bus. add., The Rust Engng. Co., 625 New York Life Bldg., Chicago. 7331. ROY RICHARD ZIPPRODT Inspector; B. S. in A. E. ; b. My Si 1890, Highland, 111.; s. Fred A. (b. Mr 11, 1862, do.) and Elsie (Combe) Zi^prodt (b. O 28, 1864, do.). Prepared in Highland H. S. Triangle; Scabbard and Blade; ist Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig. Asst. Engr., Tests, R. R. Stress, 1917-18; Insp. and Engr., U. S. Ship- ping Bd., Emergency Fleet Corp., Washing- ton, D. C, 1918-19; Assoc. Engr., U. S. Bur. of Standards, Ja 1919 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Edna Bradley, Ap 30. 19 16, Urbana. Address, 33 N. sth Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. 7332- JAMES EDWARD ZOLLINGER S.alesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 8, 1891, Alliance, Neb.; s. William Edward and Eunice (Robbins) Zollinger. Prepared in Polo H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Corp., Univ. Brig.; Treas., Jr. Class; Chm., Sr. Ball Com. Stud., Common- wealth Edison Co., 1915-16; Instr., Chicago Central Sta. Inst.; Power Salesman, Common- wealth Edison Co., Chicago, 19 19 — . 2nd Lt., 76th Inf. Brig., H. Q., Camp Shelby, Miss.; 4th Observation Bat., F. A. C, O. T. C, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Mem., Presby. Church; Assoc, mem., A. I. E. E. ; N. E. L. A. Address, 1409 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. CLASS OF 1916 (741 LIVING, 16 DEAD) 7333- DANIEL ARTHUR ALBRECHT (Brother of No. 4517) Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F i6, 1894, Flanagan, 111.; s. John (b. N 22, 1833, Bavaria, Ger.) and Bertha (Nafziger) Albrecht (b. Ag 28, 1 85 1, do.). Prepared in Flanagan H. S.; Central Mennonite Coll., Sluffton, O., igii-13. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Bridgeport, III. Chem., Ord. Corps, War Gas Investigation, Bur. of Mines, Washington, D, C, 1917; Pvt. E. O. C. N. A., Bur. of Mines, War Gas Investigation; Sergt., Chem. Warfare Service, Am. Univ. Exp. Sta. Address, 709 S. ist St., Champaign; bus. add., Apts. 44 Westover, 2501 Pennsyl- vania Ave., Washington, D. C. 73M- JOHN ALVA ALEXANDER Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 11, 1880, Franklin, Ind.; s. S. B. Alexander. Pre- pared in Whiteland (Ind.) H. S. Teacher, H. S., Hutsonville, III. Address, Amorita, Okla.t 7335- EUGENIE ALLAIS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 26, 1893, Brazil, Ind.; d. Edward (b. Mr 30, 1866, Marie, France) and Irma (Caudron) Allais (b. Jl 6, 1867, Bouverie, Belgium). Prepared in Brazil (Ind.) and Du Quoin Tp. H. S.; De Pauw Univ., 1912-14. Sigma Kappa. Address, 114 N. Washington St., Du Quoin. 111. 6o6 University of Illinois ligi6 7336. ALICE ALEXANORIA ALLKN A. R. in L. A. & S. Address. 1107 VV. Oiigon St., Urbana. 7337. ERNEST VICTOR ALLEN (Brother of No. ::549) Engineer; R. S. in Min. E. ; b. F 14, i88o, Pana, 111.; s. John Daniel (b. Ag 15, 185.}, Rantlolph Co., N. C.) and Mary Margaret (Mulholland) Allen (b. D 2, i8s<', Kaskaskia, 111.). Prepared in Pana Tp. IL S. Mil. Rand. Engr., Steel Co.. Gary, Ind. Address, Pana, 111.; bus. add., c/o Steel Co., 741 Pennsylvania St., Gary, Ind.t 7338. FR.\NK OSCAR ALLEN (Rrothcr of No. 6694) Prin., H. S.; A. R. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 5. i8go, Penetangushine. Ontario, Can.; s. W . 11 (b S 4, 1865, <((>.) and Mercy (Williams) Allen (b. Ag g, 1864, Rrislol. Eng.). Prepared in Clinton 11. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., igio-ii. Prin IL S.. Piano, HI.; Tc.icher, Clinton, 111., 1918— . Otricers" Sch.. Ft. Wright, N. Y.; Mustered out. N -■-', 1918. Address, Clinton, 111. 7339. PAUL GLEN ALLEN Pres., Fertilizer Co.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 18, 1893. Chicago; s. Alexander Crowell (b. Lichfield, Conn.) and Katherine Gertrude (Reelmond) Allen (b. Philadeliihia). Prepared in Niagara Univ., Niagara I'alls, N. \ ., El Paso (Tex.) IL S.; ITniv. High, Chicago. Alpha Delta Phi; Ku Klux; Mgr., ///. A/<"^. ; Fresh. Varsity Rasketball; Class Raseball. (Ml business, Billings, Mont.. 1916-17; With Swift and Co., Kansas City. Mo., 1917: Pies., Kaw Vallev Fertilizer Co., Kansas City, Mo. Engr.. Ft. Rilev, Kan., 1017: U. S. A. S., Austin, Tex. Mem., Hamilton Club, Chicago. Address, 6539 Yale Ave., Chicago. 7340. WORTH ARTHUR ALLISON Live Stock Specialist; R. S. in Agr.; A. B in L. A. & S.; M. S.. 1917; b- N .'8, 1891, Mattoon, HI.; s. Andrew B. (b. My 1804. ^nvm- ington. 111.) and Minnie Anne (Pophani) Al- lison (b. Ic 1867, Charlestown, 111.). Prepared in East. "ill. St. Norm. Sch. Asst., An. llusb.. Univ. of 111., 1917—. Address, 310 H- Daniel St., Champaign. 7341. GENEVIEVE RAYMOND ALVt)RD (.Daughter of G7) Teacher; .\. R. in L. .\. & S.; b. Ap 9. 1894. Berlin, Ger.: d. Clarence Walworth (b. My 21, i8ti8. Grcentield, Mass.) and Jane (Parrott) Alvord (b. N 9, i86o, Roston). Prepared in ITrkuia IL S. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, II. S.. Peoria; do., M.nth. and French, Ilarrisburg, 111. ]\Iem., Bd. of Dir., Women's Teachers Club, Peoria; Sec, Peoria Coll. Club; Sec, Peoria Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club. Address. 1008 Lincoln Ave., Urbana; bus. add., c/o High School, Ilarrisburg, 111. 734->. LOUISE AMBORN (PAGIN) (Wife of No. 7S54) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 11, 1S92, Ft. Madison. la.; d. Conrad John (b. S 2j, 1853, do.) and Ruth (Woodward) .\mborn (b. Jl 13. 1867, Dubuque, la.). Prepared in Ft. IMadison (la.) H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Yo Ma; W o- m,in's Ed., DniVv 7//i»ii'. Grad. work. N. W. Univ., 1916-17. Married John Beitner P.agin ('16), Ag 8, 1Q17, Ft. Madison. la. Address, 91 S 4th St., Ft. Madison, la. 7343. DOUGLAS JACQUE AMOS Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 25, 1892, Cairo, III ; s. Jacob and Mary E. Amos. Prepareil in Sumnur H. S., Cairo, 111. Kappa Alpha Psi. Dairy Bacteriol., 1916-17; Teacher, Pub. beh., Cairo, 111. Address. Cairo, 111. 7344. PAUL DONALD AMSR.\KY (Husband of No. 7248) .Salesman; R. S. in A. E.; h. Ja 15. 1804, Mattoon, 111.; s. George Edward (b. Ag J.i, iSoo, Pekin, 111.) and Lola (Stout) Amshary (I). Ja 10, 1870, Napoleon, O.). Prepared in I'rhana IL S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Gargoyle; Theta Nu Epsilon; Rus. Mgr., Siren; lA., Univ. Rrig. Arch., Reinforced Concrete Work, Milwaukee, i9i(>; do., Chicago, IQ17; Sales- man, Home Mfg. Co.. Decatur, 111., 1918 — . Married Marjorie SutclitTc ('i__5), My 26, 1917. Urbana. Address, 7054 Greenview Ave., Chicago. 7345. OWEN HUNTINGTON ANDERSON Engineer; R. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 22, 1893, (~)sseo. Wis.; s. James /, Anderson. Prepared in DeKalh II. S." Pi Tan Sigma; Stud. Branch, .\. S. M. E. Engr., West. Elec. Co., Haw- thorne, 111. Address, 1340 N. Central Ave., Chieago.t 7346. HARRY LEE ANDREWS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 7, 1888, Cazenovia, 111.; s. C. D. Andrews. Prepared in Washburn IL S. and 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Monmouth II. S., 111. Address, Wash- burn, 111. 7347. ROSCOE CRUM ANDREWS Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. 11 30, 1893, Mattoon, 111.; s. Emery (h. Rose Hill, Jasper Co., 111.) and Melvina (Crum) Andrews (b. Cooks Mill, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon 11. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Kajipa Psi; I'hi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Fresh. Pushball, C^apt.; Sr. Invitation Com.; Chm., Sr. Memorial Com.; Sr. Stag Com.; Soph. Smoker Com.; Class Track Team, Capt. Lawyer. Chicago, 1916-17: Mattoon, 111., 1917 — . Ord. Enlisted Corps. U. S. N. A., 1918; Ord. Tr. Sch.. Univ. of Chicago; .muI l.t. Ord. F. A.. Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out. Ja 14, I9i9- Married Doro- thy Merle Wallace. N 17, 1917. Lincoln, 111. .■Iddress. 5417 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111.; bus. add., 10 S. La Salle St., do. 7348. FREDERICK VERNE ARRER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 28. 1804. Urim- lield, til.: s. Fred Arber. Prepared in Brim- lield II. S. Phi Delta Phi; Lambda Tan Rho; Ituies of Court); Graphoiuen; 'Staff, Duilv mini: Canit'us Scout: III. Mag.; Mil. Band. Addre.is, Brimtield, Ill.t 7349. WILLIAM LOUIS ASHBECK (Husband of No. 6938) Estimator; B. S. in A. E.: b. S 30, 1892, Chicago; s. Louis Ashbeck. Prepared in Lane Tech. II. S. Theta Delta C"hi; Sigma Tan; Scarab: Sachem; Helmet; Lambkins; 1016 Illio, Staff; Mgr.. Intersehol. Circus Home Coming Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; Stud. Union Opera; Mask and Bauble: En^r., Vice Pres., Stud. LInion. Married Naomi Hartford ('15^. Ap 28, 1917, Chicago. Address, 2712 Mildred Ave., Chieago.t 7350. HOMER FRANKLIN ATTEBERY (Brother of Nos. 5009. 6058, 8932) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 11, 1893. Hills- boro. 111.; s. William lacob (b. Mr u., 1861) and Lulu (Bailev) Atteberv (b. Mr 17. 1856). Prepared in Hillsboro IL S. Farmer, Hillsboro, IlL 3oqth Engrs., Co. A, Camp Taylor, Ky., 1918; Corp., Co. A, 309th Engrs., 84th Div., .\. E. F., France. Address, Hillsboro, 111. 7351. R.\LPH EDGAR AUGUSTUS (Brother of No. 8ni) Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag -■5. 1805, Cisco, 111.; s. Edgar Lewis (b. S 23. 1805. .\rgenta, 111.) and Atta Estella (Kile) Augustus (b. F 27, 1869, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, Fulton, Mo. Address, Cisco, Ill.t I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 607 7352. JOHN THOMPSON AUTEN Salesman; B. S. in Ari-. ; b. N 6, 1887, White Hall, Hi.; s. Wiiliani Alexander A. {h. F J J, i8.j->, Sominerset, N. J.) and IVIartlia Anne (Tfioniijson) Antcn (1). My 20, 1855, Wheciing. W. Va.). Prepared in White Hall H. S. Cosmopolitan Club; Alpha Zela; Adel- phic; Y. M. C. A. Representative, Virginia- Carolina Chem. Co., Ind., Mieh., HI. U. S. N. A. Ord. Corps, 1917; Co. M, Ord. Tr. Camp, Camp Hancock, Ga. Address, White Hall, HI. 7353. JENNIE MAY BABCOCK Home Demonstration Agt.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 8, 1803, Tamesbur^, HI.; d. Henri S. (b. Ak 2(), i86q, Warren, J-'a.) and Mabel (Buck) Babcock (b. D 25, 1874, Cheboygan, Mich.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma; W. A. A.; Pres., Class: Treas., Woman's League; Y. W. C. A.; Class Hockey and Bowling. Teacher, Home Econ., Tp. if. S., Longview, HI., 1916; Emergency Home Demonstration Agt., W. Va., 1918 — . Emergency Worker, Food Administrator, W. Va., 191 8; Co. Home Demonstration A^t., Wood Co., W. Va. Address, 1503 Avery St., Parkersburg, W. Va. 7354. ROBERT HAMILTON BACON (Husband of No. 8960) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 30, 1891, La Prairie, 111.; s. Edward H. (b. do.) and Jennie (Walden) Bacon (b. Hamilton, Mo.). Prepared in Kalamazoo (Mich.) H. S. E. E. Soc; JIlio staff; Techiioc/raj^h Bd. Asst. Elec. Engr., Copper Range Co., Painesdale, Mich. Capt. 552nd, Mich. St. Troops, 1918. Mar- ried Mabel Helen Bolen ('18), Je 12, 1018, Urbana (died Ja 3, 1919). Address, Painesdale, Mich. 7354A. ELSIE LOUISE BAECIITOLD Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Mr 2, 1885, Cannellon, Ind.; d. Albert (b. S 4, 1857, Berne Switzerland) and Anna Mary (Ploch) Baechtold (b. Je 6, i860, Cannelton, Ind.). Prepared in Denver II. S.; Isbell Coll., Ala., 190 1-2; la. Coll. Acad., 1905-6. A. B., Grinnell Coll., igii. Gamma Phi Beta; Illiola; I-ib. Club; Di.xie Club; Y. W. C. A.; Glee Club. Law Stud., office S. II. Crosby, Denver, 1911-12; Lib, Asst., Grinnell Coll., 1912-13; Lib. Asst., Univ. of HI., 1913-16; Libn., Coll. of Engng., do., 1916 — . Auth. : The Engng. Lib., Technograph, Vol. 32; several short Poems. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; III. Lib. Assn. Ad- dress, I 103 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., Engng. Lib., Univ. of 111., do. 7355. WALLACE BOTHWELL BAIN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 24, 1891, Mar- tinsville, Ind.; s. Donald (b. Jl 24, 1853, do.) and Mary (Bothwell) Bain (b. O 11, 1861, do.). Prepared in Martinsville H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1910-12 Acacia; Alpha Zeta. Farmer. Mar- tinsville, Ind., 1916-17; Super.. Official Test- ing, Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Address, Martins- ville, Ind. 7356. WALTER EARL BAKER Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. O 31, 1892, ]5ement, 111.; s. Benjamin L. (b. Mr 28, 1867. do.) and Lucy (Moore) Baker (b. Mr 17, 1870, do.). Prepared in Bement H. S. Phi lieta Kappa; Beta tiamma Sigma; Prelim, and Final Honors; Bookkeeper Uaily llli>n._ Instr., Accounting, Bus. Law, and Econ., la. St. Coll., 1916-17; Acct., Anderson, De Lany Ji Co., Chi- cago, 1917 — . Address, Box 234, Bement, III.; bus. add., c/o Anderson, De Lany & Co., Chi- cago. 7357. SARVA RUPA BAKHSHI Engineer; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. D 19, 1893. India; s. Dalip Chand (b. do.) and Dhanwanti ]?akhsbi (b. do.). Prepared in Albert Victor Anglo Sanskrit II. S.; .'\bboltabad and Sri Par- tap Coll., India; la. St. Univ., 1913-16. Cos- mopolitan Club; Ry. Club. C. B. & Q. R. R., Valuation Dept.. Lincoln, Neb., 1916-^18, (Chi- cago, igi8 — . Address, 36.12 Flournoy .St., Chi- cago; bus. add., 547 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 7358. JANET CHRISTINE BALDWIN (Sister of No. 1455) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 27, 1890, Paris, 111.; d. John H. (b. 1852, Danville, Ky.) and Frances .Anna (I>amb) Baldwin (b. i860, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Paris II. .S. Teacher, H. S. Albion, 111. Address, 202 E. Madison St., Paris, Ill.t 7359. LEO STARR BALDWIN Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 5, 1883, Freeport, HI.; s. Louis II. (b. Ag 6, 1850, Wyota, Wis.) and Rose (Griffin) Baldwin (b. S 8, 1852, Sharon, Wis.). Pre- pared in Whipple Acad.. Jacksonville,^ Ilk; 111. Coll., 1910-12. Sigma Pi. Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard; Instr., S. M. A., Univ. of HI. Address, Freeport, 111.; bus. add., ioyi (jreen St., Champaign. 7360. SALLY BALKEMA (SMART) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 7, '895. Muskegon, Mich.; d. John and Katberine (O'Brien) Balke- ma. Prepared in St. Xaviers Acad, and Hyde Park H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Married Samuel Chipman Smart, O 20, 1917- Chicago. Ad- dress, 3945 Lake Park Ave,, Chicago. 7361. JOHN KENNETH BARBER (Brother of Nos. 5537, 5538) Reporter; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 17, 1892, La Fox, HI.; s. Carroll A. (b. N 5, 1853, do.) and Mary (Anderson) Barber (b. Jl 2, i860, Virgil, 111.). Prepared in (jeneva H. S. Cos- mopolitan Club; Sigma Delta Chi; Scribblers' Club; Graphomen; Comitatus; Prelim. Honors; Class Football; Uailv lllini, Staff; ///. Mag., Staff; Ed., Siren; 1917 lllio Staff; Dope Sheet, Staff; Jr. Prom Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; Horne coming Com. Reporter, Springlield St. Regis- ter, 1916; do., Aurora Beacon News, Aurora, 111.', 1917. U. S. Regulars, i9'7; Go. I, i6th Inf., 1917; Army Specialists' Sch., A. P. O., No. 714, A. E. v., France; Returned to U. S. as Instr. ist Lt., 101 Div. Camp Shelby, Miss.; Mustered out, D i, igi8. Address, La Fox, HI. 7362. LAURA ANNA BARDWELL (CRANE) (Wife of No. 7463; Sister of Nos. 3630, 4060) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 4, 1893, Canton, 111.; d. Conrad Myron (b. O 9. i860, Deer- field, Mass.) and Anna Louise (Woleben) Bard- well (b. D 9, 1867, Marengo, 111.). Prepared in East H. S., Aurora, 111. Kappa Kappa Gam- ma; Omicron Nu; Phi Delta Psi; Yo-Ma; Illiola; H. Sc. Club; W. A. A. Teacher, H. Sc, Newman, 111., 1916-17. Married Dudley Win- thrope Crane ('16), Je 30, 1917, Aurora, HI. Child, John Dudley, b. Ag 20, 1918. Address, R 8, Fulton, N. Y. 7363. OTIS AVERY BARNES Assistant; B. S. in L. A. & S. ; A. M., 1918; b. Ap 15, 1894, Auburn, 111.; s. Ezra Barnes. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Phi Lambda Up- silon; Chem. Club; Choral Soc; Prelim. Hon- ors. Asst., Chem., Univ. of HI., 1916 — . Ad- dress, 604 S. 6th St., Champaign,t 6o8 University of Illinois [1916 7364. RUSSELL DANIEL BARNES (Husband of No. 8103) Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 21, 1893, Taylorville, III.; s. Charles Edward (b. D 10, 1842, Springfield, III.) and Jeannette (Over- and) Barnes (b. Hartford, Conn.). Prepared in Taylorville Tp. II. S. Lambda Chi Alpha; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Brev. Capt., III. Nat. Guard. Asst. Engr., Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Chicago. Tools Exam, for Prov. 2nd Lt., Inf. U. S., 1917; 2nd Lt., Eng. R. C, 1917; 2nd Lt., nth U. S. Inf., Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan,, 191 7; nth Inf. 1st Lt., Camp Forrest, Ga., nth U. S. Inf., Co. L, A. E. F., 1918. Wounded three times; Returned to states, Ja, 1918. Married Olive Mathilda Anderson ('17), O 13, 1917, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 6840 Union Ave., Chicago. 7365. NELLIE FLORA BARTELS Teacher: A. B in L. A. & S.; b. S 16, 1894, Edwardsville, 111.; d. Charles Henry (b. Ja 8. 1863, Hanover, Ger.) and Emma (Hang) Bar- tels (b. F 12, 1861, Edwardsville, 111.). Pre- pared in Edwardsville H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Athenean. Teacher, Eng., Tp. H. S., Sullivan, 111.. 191 6—. Address, Sul- livan, 111. 7366. EDWARD FRED BARTII (Brother of No. 4062) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 5, 1890, Pana, 111.; s. Albert Barth. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Class Baseball. Farmer, Pana, 111. Ad- dress, R 5, Pana, Ill.t 7367. JAMES SUMMERFIELD BARTHOLOW (Husband of No. 8052) Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 9, 189-', South Norwalk, Conn.; s. O. F. Bartholow. Prepared in Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) IT. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Clerk, Champaign. Married Flora Jane Weinberg ('16), Je 15, 1916, Rushvillc, 111. Address, 1001 W. Springfield Ave., Ur- bana.t 7368. JOHN SOLOMON BARTLEY Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 4, 1892, Princeton, 111.; s. John S. (b. D 23, 1858, do.) and Anna Isabelle (Shettel) Bartley (b. Mr 18, 1856, York, Pa.). Prepared in E. Water- loo (la.) H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Soc. Arch., Centerville, la.; do., Waterloo, la. Ail- dress, 219 Clay St., Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 603 First Nat. Bank, do. 7369. HARRIET THOMPSON BARTO (Daughter of No. 2575; Sister of No. 8127) Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 17, 1S94, Oak Park, 111.; d. Daniel Otis and Lucy (Murray) Barto. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Univ. of Wis., summer. 191 5. A. M., Columbia, 1917. Kappa Kapiia Gamma; Omicron Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim. Honors. Asst., Teacher's Coll., Columbia, 1917-18; Instr., do., 1918 — . Address, 919 Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., c/o Columbia Univ., New York City. 7370. FRANK HERMAN BEACH (Husband of No. 7239; Brother of No. 6077) Cashier; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 24, 1895, Watertown, N. Y. ; s. Herman G. (b. F 26, 1862, Pittsfield, Mass.) and Alice (Becher) Beach (b. Mr 19, 1867, Antwerp, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Antwerp (N. Y.) H. S.; Champaign H. S. Pi Pi Rho; Le Cercle Francais. Book- keeper in Bus. Office, Univ. of 111., 1916; Cost Acct. and Bookkeeper, do.; Cashier, Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Bursar, doL, 1918 — . Married Blanche Slipp dO. Je 9, 1917, Champaign. Address, 604 Chalmers St., Champaign. 7371. WALTER HUBERT BEAL (Brother of No. 3277) Inspector; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 12, 1894, Toledo, la.; s. Dr. Albert Milton (b. 1853, Zuma, 111.) and Carrie Elizabeth (Middlekauf) Bcal (b. 1862, Polo, 111.). Prepared in Molina IL S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Ku Klu.x; Adel- phic; Mask and Bauble; Grad. Scholarship; Class Football, Capt. Chief Insp., Root and Van Dervoort Eng. Co., E. Moline, 111.; do., T. McAvity & Sons, St. John, Can. ist Lt., Ord. R. C, U. S. A., 1917 — . Address, 2601 ()th Ave. Moline, 111.; bits, add., 1710 Market St., Philadelphia. 737-'. EDWARD CORBYN OBERT BEATTY Circuit Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 2i, 1894, Quincy, 111.; s. Erde William (b. My II, 1859, do.) and Anna Catherine (Wild) Bcatty (b. S i, 1864, do.). Prepared in Quin- cy H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Loyante; Phrene- con; Scabbard and Blade; Ionian; Der Deutsche Verein; Phi Beta Kappa; Prelim, and Final Honors; Lt. Capt., Univ. Brig.; Salutatorian; Sr. Memorial Com. Sec, Hist. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Deputy Circuit Clerk, Adams Co., Quincy, 111., 1917. Troop B, 1st 111. Cav- alry, Nat. Guard, Mexican border service, 1916-17; Corp., Hdqtrs. Co., 5th III. Inf. Nat. Guard, 1917; Sergt., 341st Inf., N. A., Camp Grant, 111.; 2nd Lt., 1917; 1st Lt., do. Mem., Epis. Church; A. F. A. M. Address, Quincy, 111. 7373. WARREN PLATT BEAUBIEN Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 14, 1892, Whiting, Ind.; s. Henry E. (b. My 18, 1864, Ottawa, 111.) and Bertha T. (Robinson) Bcau- hien (b. D 23, 1869, Morris, 111.). Prepared in Whiting (Ind.) H. S. Ilus; Scarab; 1916 Hlio Staff; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Jr. Prom Com.; Arch. Engng. Soc; Capt., Univ. Brig. Engr., Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind., 1916- 17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 1917; do.. Ft. Monroe, Va. ; 2nd Lt.. Ft. Revere, Roston; Bat. A, ssth Art. C. A. R. C, France, 1918. Address, Whiting, Ind. 7374. EDWIN ADAMS BEBB (Brother of Nos. 4065, 5026) Floriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. 71 4. 189.S. Chicago; s. Edwin (b. O 19, 1858, TParis, 111.) and Mary Alice (Jones) Bebb (b. Ja 6, 1859)- Prepared in Calumet H. S.. Chicago. Alpha Zeta; Phi Kappa Tau; Adelphic; Prelim, and Final Honors; Varsity Water-Basketball; Glee and Mandolin Club; Treas.. Jr. Class. Com- mercial Floriculture, Chicago, 1916-17. B. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan. 1917; U. S. A. S., 1017; Lt., U. S. A. S., Effington Field, Tex., 1918; 2nd Lt., looth Sqdn., Avia., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 1652 W. 102nd St., Chicago. 7375. FORREST BEBB (Brother of Nos. 5542, 5027) Floriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 10, 1894, Chicago; s. Robert (b. Ag 20, 1863, Washing- ton, D. C.) and Florence Alma (Pine) Bebb (b. Mr 10, i86s). Prepared in Calumet II. S., Chicago, and Central H. S., Muskogee, Okla. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Glee and Mandolin Club; Floriculture CTlub; Prelim, and Final Honors; General V. P., 111. Union; jr. Prom. Com.; Asst. Mgr., Varsity Track. Commercial Floriculture, Muskogee, Okla. Flv- ing Cadet, U. S. A. S., 1918; Barracks K 101, U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of Tex.. Austin, Tex. 2nd Lt., A. S. S. R. C, Cadet Detach., Barron Field, Ft. Worth. Tex.; Mustered out, F 26, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 11 19 Fremont Ave., Muskogee, Okla.; bus. add., 310 W. Broadway, do. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 609 7376. LEWIS MICHAFJ. UKCKER With Curtiss Engng. Corp.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag IS, 1894, Quincy, 111.; s. Christ (b. My 9. 1868, do.) and Bertha Barbara (Bochl) Becker (h. Mr 4, 1868, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Tan Beta Pi; Sigma Xi ; Class Baseball; Mgr., Class Basketball; Pre- lim. Honors. Mech. Engr. Curtis Pneumatic Maeh. Co., 1916; Struct. Engr., Quincy, 111., 1917; Instr., tJniv. of Colo., 1917- Capt. Instr., K. O. T. C, Univ. of Colo., 1917; With Cur- tiss Engng. Corp., Research Lab. Auth.: Air as a Condensing Medium in a Surface Con- denser, Power Mag., My 1918. Address, 43 Columbia St., Hempstead, L. I., N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Curtiss Engng. Corp., Garden City, do. 7377. HERBERT RICHARD BEHR Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 6, 1893. Chicago; s. Ernest Theodore (b. 1862, Reich- enbach, Ger.) and Alina M. (Anderson) Behr (b. 1868, Stockholm, Sweden). Prepared in Lane Tech. II. S., Chicago; Univ. of Wis. -Mpha Chi Rho; Stud. Branch.. A. I. E. E. Testing Engr., Testing Dept., Commonwealth Edison Co.. Chicago. 1916-17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan. 111., 191 7; 2nd Lt., Q. M. C, N. A.; Utilities Dept., Q. M. C. Refrigeration, Cam]) Grant, 111.; ist Lt., do. Address, 1622 Sherwin Ave.. C'hicago; bus. add.. Commonwealth Edi- son Co., do. 7378. HELEN BEHRENSMEYER (JOHNSON) (Wife of No. 7662) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 3, 1891, Quincy, 111.; d. Henry P. eta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., H. S., Paxton, 111., 1916-17. ist O. T. C. 1Q17; 2nd Lt., 344 Inf., N. A., Camp Grant, HI.; 2nd Lt., M. P. Co., 265 Inf., Nantes, France. Ad- dress, Crystal Lake. 111. 7387. MARIE VALENTINE BERLIN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 14, 1892, Chi- cago; d. Robert C. (b. Granville, 111.) and Agnes A. (Dodge) Berlin (b. Chicago). Pre- pared in Lake View H. S. and Frances Shimer Sch., Mt. Carroll; Univ. of Chicago, 1912-14. Alpha Xi Delta. Address, 4500 N. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. 7388. JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH BERN- HARDT (Sister of No. 6742) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. S 19. 1894. Collinsville. 111.; d. Fred (b. F 12. 1866, Troy, III.) and Anna (Hess) Bernhardt (b. 1876, do.). I'repared in (Collinsville Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Yo Ma. Teacher. II. S., Salem, 111., 1916-17; do., Tp. H. S., Collinsville, 111., IQ17. Address, Troy Road, Collinsville, 111. 6io University of Illinois [1916 7389. ALBON LEDRU BEVIS Secretary; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 24, 1893. Macomb, III.; s. Phileman (b. Ap 26, 1865, Virginia. III.) and Leura (Palmer) Bevis (b. Ap 20. 1869, Lawrenceberg, Ky.). Pre- pared m Duluth (Minn.) Central H. S. Alpha Kappa Psi; Glee and Mandolin Club, Mgr. ; Commercial Club. Sec. Central Y. M. C. A., St. Louis. Sec, Aviation Y. M. C. A., Ft. Sill, Okla., 1917; do., 1918 — . Address, 5667 Waterman St., St. Louis. 7390. ELIZABETH GUNDER BEYER (Sister of No. 6745) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 3, 1894, Springfield, 111.; d. Peter, Jr. (b. Dan- ville, 111.) and Mary (Gunder) Beyer, (b. 1868, Fairmount, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club; Stud. Council; Class Hockey; W. A. A.; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Belleville, III. Entertainer and Canteen Work- er, New York; do., France, 1918. Address, Logansport, Ind. ; bus. add., 12 Rue d'Agues- seau, c/o American Y. M. C. A., Paris, France. 7391. ELLIOTT BILLMAN Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 18, 1893, Tuscon, Ariz.; s. Howard Billman. Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Lambda Tau Rho; Comitatus; Egyptian Club; Fresh. Var- sity Track; Varsity Cross Country; Varsity Track; Trustee, Illini Publishing Co.; Law Club Dance Com.; Law Club Smoker; Home- coming Com.; Prelim. Honors; Grad. Scholar- ship. Lawyer, E. St. Louis, 111. 2nd Lt., Avia- tion, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, Edge- mont Sta., East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 251 Arcade Bldg., rfo.t 7392; JESSIE ELIZABETH BISHOP Librarian; B. L. S.; d. Seth Scott and Jessie A. (Button) Bishop. Prepared in Lewis Inst.; A. B., Smith Coll., 191 1. Final Honors. Head of Circulation Dept.. Pub. Lib., Cedar Rapids, la. Address, 1726 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. 7393. MARIE TERESA BLEUEL A. B. in L. A. & S.: b. My 20, 1892, Chi- cago; d. J. G. Bleuel. Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. Address, Norwood Park, Chi- cago. t 7394. EDWARD STEVENSON BLOCK Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 3. 1895. Chi- cago; s. Louis E. Block. Prepared in Wen- dell Phillips H. S. Chi Phi; Helmet; Ku Klux; Sachem; Comitatus; Soph, Cottilion Com.; Sr. Invitation Com.; Homecoming Com.: Jr. Councilman, Stud. Union. With The Paper Specialties Co., 1916. Sergt., loSth San. Tr Corps, Canip Logan. Tex., 19:7; do., 33rd Div.. Diekirch, Ger. Address, 5912 S. Park Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., 160 N. Wells St., do. 7395. CLINTON L. A. BOCKEMOHLE Designer and Const. Insp. ; B. S. in A. E. ; b. My 21, 1893; s. Henry W. and Anna E. (Schrepel) Bockemohle (b. F 26, 1848, New Bremen, O.). Prepared in Ellinwood (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan., 1911-12. Draftsman and Designer, A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Chicago, 1916-17; Insp. of Const., Gallup, N. M., 1917- 18; do., Los Angeles, Calif., loiS — . Mem., Am. Assn. of Engrs. Address, Ellinwood. Kan.; bus. add., c/o Stone & Webster, 147 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 7396. HSI FAN BOGGS A. B. in Commerce; b. F 16. 1890, Chikiang, China; s. Bas Young-ching. Prepared in Nan Yang Middle Sch.. China. 111. Chinese Stud. Club; Commercial Club; Ry. Club; Le Cercle Frangais. Address, 154 Tien Pas Lu, Shang- hai, China. t 7397. EMERSON FRANKLIN BOLLINGER Salesman; B. S. in E. E.; b. ^Ja 23, 1893, New Holland, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. N 3, 1856, Scioto Co., O.) and Leonora Elizabeth (Douglass) Bollinger (b. Ja i, 1866, New Hol- land, 111.). Prepared in Lincoln H. S. ; Lin- coln CoH.. Lincoln, 111., 1912-13. Sigma Tau; E. E. Soc Grad. Apprentice Course, West- inghouse Elec. & Mfg. C^o., Pittsburgh, 1916-17; Salesman, do., Detroit, 191 7 — . Married Pearl Imogene Gale, Je 2. 191 7, Lincoln, 111. Child, \yaIdon Pearson, b. F 18, 1918. Address, 98 Linsdale Ave., Detroit; bus. add., 1205 Dime Savings Bank Bldg., do. 7398. WALTER FRED BOYE Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 2, 1894, St. Paul, 111.; s. John H. (b. 1847, Washington Co., 111.) and Hannah (Rheiner) Boye (b. 1855, Osage Co., la.). Prepared in Spring- field H. S.; LL. B. and J. D., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1918. Acacia; Phi Delta Phi; Ionian; Innes of Court; Repr., 111. Assn of Literary Soc; Fresh. Soph. Debate O. T. S., U. S. N. R., Municipal Pier, Chicago. Married Helen Little, S s. 1917, Kingsley, la. Address, 5721 Kenwood Ave. Chicago. 7399. JOHN THOMAS BRADLEY, JR. Recreation Dir. ; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 20, 1893, Denver; s. John Thomas (b. St. Louis) and Emma Ensminger (b. Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi; Ma- wan-da; Helmet; Sachem; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Baseball, Capt,, Sr. Ball Com. With Cleveland Baseball Club; Salesman, St. Louis, 1916; Asst. Dir. of Recreation, Nat. Lamp Works of Gen. Elec. Co., Cleveland. Married Mildred Reid, Mr 18, 1917, Champaign. Child, John Thomas, III, b. Ja 18, 1918. Address, 2320 Murray Hill Road, Cleveland. 7400. GEORGE KEYPORTS BRADY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 16, 1893, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.; s. Col. Jasper E. Brady. Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S.; Har- vard Univ. 1st Lt., U. S. A. A., A. E. F., France; Returned to states. Address, 1270 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.f 7401. EMIL GEORGE BRANDNER Travelling Representative; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. S 10, 1893, Bucharest, Roumania; s. Lud- wig (b. Regensburg, Bavaria) and Marie (Schaischmidt) Brandner. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Travelling Representative for Am. Cocoanut Butter Co., Chicago. Address, 1437 Berteau Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2531 W. iSth St., do. 7402. JOSEPH FRANKLIN BRANDON Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 19, 1891, Washington, Ind.; s. Joseph Franklin (b. 1838 Switzerland Co., Ind.) and Harriet (Bounell) Brandon (b. 1845, Broad Ripple, Ind.). Pre- pared in Washington (Ind.) H. S. Acanthus; Am. Soc. of Agron.; Fresh Varsity Football; Bus. Mgr., Stud. Directory, 1916. Stud, em- ployee, Montgomery Ward Co.. 1916; Asst. in Dry Land Agr., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Akron, Colo, and Washington. D. C, 1916. 2nd Lt., Air Service, Love Field. Tex.; Mustered out, Mr 7, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 201 E. (jeorge St., ^Washington, Ind. 7403. JOHN BREEDIS Chemist: B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. N 10, 1886, Russia. Prepared in Russian Sch. Chem., The Barrett Co., Chicago, 1916-17; do., Rohn & Haas Co., 1917. Pvt., Chem. Service. N. A., 1917 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 310 Washing- ton St., Bristol, Pa. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 6ii 7404. EMMA MATILDA BREITSTADT (Sister of Nos. 1635, 7405) Dir., Phys. Tr.; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. N 4, 1893, Quincy, 111.; d. John (b. 1843, Marburg, Ger.) and Louise M. CReisel) Breit- stadt (b. 1852, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Delta Psi; Mask and Bauble; Illiola; W. A. A. Din, Phys. Tr., H. S., Champaign, igi6 — . Address, 325 S. 9th St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., 806 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 7405. HULDA CHARLOTTE BREITSTADT (Sister of No. 1635, 7404) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 20, 1889, Quincy, 111.; d. Jolin (b. 1843, Ger.) and Lou- ise M. (Reisel) Breitstadt (b. 1852, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1909-11. Alpha Xi Delta; Illiola; Hockey Team, 1915. Asst., H. Sc., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Teacher, H. Sc, Univ. of O., Athens, O., 1917-18; Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Lirvcoln, Neb., 1918 — . Address, 325 S. gth St., Quincy, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Lincoln, Neb. 7406. AMOS LLOYD BRENEMAN B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 4, 1894, Holton, Kan.; s. W. N. Breneman. Prepared in Emporia H. S., Kan. Kappa Sigma; Tribe of the Illini; Fresh. Varsity Football; Class Track; Varsity Football. Co. B, 6th Engrs., Washington Bar- racks, Washington, D. C. Address, R. 5, Em- poria, Kan.t 7407. CLELL McARTHUR BRENTLINGER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 10, 1893, Freelandville, Ind.; s. Emmett P. (b. Ja 20, 1865, Carlisle, Ind.) and Carrie (McArthur) Brentlinger (b. Jl 13, 1870, Freelandville, Ind.). Prepared in Carlisle (Ind.) H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Eng. Asst. to Vice-Pres. of Traffic, West. Union Telegraph Co., New York City. Mar- ried Mary Louise States, Je 25, 1918, Urbana. Address, c/o Western Union Telegraph Co., New York City. 7408. VERNE WILLIAM BRINKERHOFF B. S. in Sc; b. Jl 3, 1889, Rock Island, 111.; s. Sherman S. Brinkerhoff. Prepared in Rock Island H. S. Address, 902 22nd St., Rock Is- land, Ill.t 7409. ROGER BECKWITH BRONSON With Packard Motor Co.; A. B. in Com- merce; b. F 25, 1894, Lu Verne, Minn.; s. William Spenser (b. LuVerne, Minn.) and Myra Evelyn (Beckwith) Bronson. Prepared in West Des Moines II. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Ma-wan-da; Alpha Kappa Psi; Bus. Mgr., 1916 Illio. With Packard Motor Co., Rockford, 111. Capt., Inf. Reserve Corps, ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan. 111. Married Madeline Josephine Petritz, O 6, 1917, Fort Worth, Tex. Address. 955 N. Main St., Rockford, 111. 7410. ETHEL ISABEL BROOKS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 6, 1891, Beecher City, 111.; d. Daniel (b. Mr 20, 1844) and Sarah Catherine (Arbogast) Brooks (b. Ja 3, 1847). Prepared in Charlestown H. S.; Sel- ma (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, H. S., Arm- strong, 111., 1916 — . .Address, Beecher City, 111.; bus. add., Armstrong, 111. 7411. RAYMOND HARRISON BROOKS Traffic Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 4, 1891, Oakville. 111.; s. William Larkin (b. Ag 14, 1865, Makanda, 111.) and Minnie (Lilley) Brooks (b. Ap 22. 1873, do.). Prepared in Marion H. S. Agr. Club; Prom. Com.; Sr. ifemoriai Com. Asst. Traffic Mgr., Chicago Telephone Co., 1918—. Married Petchians Marie Becker, S 15, 1916, Woodstock, HI. Ad- dress, 121 Calender Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add., 212 W. Washington St., Chicago. 7412. *BAYARD BROWN (Son of No. 58) B. S. in Agr.; b. My 21, 1891, Genoa, 111.; s. Dillon S. ('75), and Emily E. (Pond) Brown. Prepared in Genoa H. S. Agr. Club. Farmer, Libertyville, 111. Lt., Co. K, 26th Inf., ist Div., A. E. F., France; awarded Croix de Guerre; Gassed Je 4, 1918; Wounded Ag 25, 1918. Died from wounds O 11, 1918, Firance. 7413- CLAIR WILLIAM BROWN Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 18, 1891, Fair- view, Ind.; s. Henry H. and Antionnette (Newton) Brown. Prepared in Aurora (Ind.) H. S.; Moores Hill Coll., 1911. Grad. Work Univ. of Minn., 1916. Agr. Club; Country Life Club. Teacher, Agr., Greensburg, Ind. Address, Greensburg, Ind. 74J4- KENNETH GEORGE BROWN Bond Trader; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 12, 1893, Brazil, Ind.; s. John M. (b. My 5, 1862, Sheldon, 111.) and Martha (Deffibaugh) Brown. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; De Paul Univ., Chicago, 1916. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Lambda Epsilon Phi; Bus. Mgr., Daily mini. Bond Trader, Babcock Rushton & Co., Chicago. 1st Lt., C. A. C, U. S. A.; Capt., C. A. C Nice, France, 1918; Returned to states; Gen. Hosp. No. 36, Detroit. Address, 402 W. High St., Urbana; bus. add., 137 S. La Salle St., Chicago. 7415- LISBETH BROWN Dietitian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 11, 1893, Batavia, 111.; d. Edward Chapin (b. N 27, 1862, Greenfield, Mass.) and Jessie Miller (Yates) Brown (b. D 5, 1861, Geneva, 111.). Prepared in West Aurora H. S.; Milwaukee-Downer Coll., 1912-15. Delta Gamma; Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club. Dietitian, Colonial Hosp., Geneva, lU., 1916-18. U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. No. 2, Ft. McHenry, Md.; Mustered out, F 5. 1919. Ad- dress, 151 Batavia Ave., Batavia, 111. 7416. ROBERT REA BROWN (Brother of Nos. 4573, 5S6i) Business; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 27, 1893, Belleville. 111.; s. Hugh White (b. F 20, 1841, Lock Haven, Pa.) and Emma Rosalind (Alex- ander) Brown (b. O 24, 1856, Belleville, Pa.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Kappa Psi; -Sachem; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Varsity Baseball; 1916 Illio Staff; Sr. Smoker Com.; Class Treas. Export and Import House, New York City, 1916-17. 14th Co., 8th Reg., Platts- burg, N. Y., N 1917; ist Lt., Inf. U. S. R., .\. P. O. 714, A. E. F., France; In charge of Automatic Guns, France; 23rd Inf., A. R. C, M. H. I., Neuilly, France, 1918; Severely wounded, O 4, 1918; Capt.. Army of Occupa- tion, 19 19. Address, 605 W. Oregon St., Ur- bana. 7417. EARL VIVIAN BRUINGTON Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 22, 1894, Cameron, 111.; s. A. D. (b. Mr 13, 1868, do.) and Addie Blanche (Hall) Bruington (b. F iq, 1872). Prepared in Galesbvirg H. S. Al- pha Zeta; Pi Pi Rho; Phi Kappa Tau; Agr. Club: Farm House; Graphomen; Hoof and Horn Club: Country Life Club; Ed., ///. Agr.; Class Football; Prelim, and Final Honors. Farm accounts work for Univ. of 111. and O. S. Dept. of Agr., 1916-18; Co. Chm., Food Pro- ductions Com. of St. Council of Defense; Co. Seed Com. Adm.; Co. Farm Labor Adm., 1 018 — . Auth.: Articles in Farmer's Review. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Christian Church; Pres., Coldhrook Country Life Club; Pres.. Warren Co. Farm Bur. Address, Cameron, 111. 6l2 University of Illinois [1916 7418. ORELLO SIMMONS BUCKNER Ceram. Eiigr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Ag 27, 1893, Urbana; s. Rev. F. F. Buckner. Pre- pared in Newark (N. Y.) H. S. Keramos; Ceram. Club; North Atlantic Club. Ceram., Worcester, Mass. Address, 3 Mason St., New- ark, N. J.; bus. add., 2 Harvard Place, Wor- cester, Mass.t 7419. TEMPLE HOYNE BUELL Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 9, 1895, Chi- cago; s. Charles Clinton Buell. Prepared in Lake Forest Acad. Chi Psi; Arch. Club; Class Swimming; Varsity Swimming; Mask and Bau- ble. 2nd Lt.. C. A., France. Address, 406 Laurel Ave., Highland Park, Ill.t 7420. ABRAHAM SAMUEL BUHAI Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. O 29, 1895, Chicago; s. Samuel Buhai. Prepared in W. McKinley H. S. Zeta Beta Tau; Lambda Epsilon Phi; Ceram. Club; Menorah Soc. ; Tribe of the mini; Varsity Tennis; Class Basketball. Ceram. Engr., Des Moines. Address, 1329 Tvirner Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Brown Apts., Des Moines. t 7421. LLOYD DANIEL BUNTING A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 11, 1891. Ellery, 111.; s. Daniel Bunting. Prepared in S. Colle- giate Inst. Sigma ^\lpha Epsilon; Innes of Court; Philomathean; Egyptian Club; Fresh. - Soph. Debate; Staff, Dailv Illini; Soph. Smok- er Com. Sergt., 338 Co. C, M. G. Bat., Camp Dodge, la. Address, Ellery, IlLf 7422. DAVID WARNER BURGOON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. 11 10, 1893, Philadelphia; s. William Upton (b. Ag 2i. i860, Pittsburgh) and Mary (Foley) Burgoon (b. D II, 1868, Ireland). Prepared in E. St. Louis H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Adelphic; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E.; Varsity Track. Cross Country. Elec. Engr., Railroad Springs, Pittsburgh, 1916; Mfg. 4 R. R. Springs. Philadelphia, 1916-17. R. O. T. C, 1917; 2nd Lt., C. A. C; Army Trench Mortar Sch., A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, 1911 N. 19th St., East St. Louis, 111. 7423. PAUL HENRY BURKHART Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 16, 1896, Henry, 111.; s. Henry Charles (b. Ag 4. 1862, St. Louis) and Mae (Crompton) Burkhart (b. D 23, 1873, Rock Island, 111.). Prepared in Henry H. S. Grad. work, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Asst., E. Engng., do., 1916-18; Research work. do., 1918 — . Eta Kappa Nu. Address, Henry, 111.; bus. add., c/o Mass. Inst, of Tech., Boston. 7424. CLIFFORD CLARE BURNS Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 3, 1S86, Louis- berg, Wis. Prepared in Platteville (Wis.) Norm. .Sch. Agr. Club; Country Life Club. Teacher in Agr. Norm. Sch., Platteville, Wis. Address, East Dubuque, 111.; bus. add., 517 W. Main St., Platteville, Wis.t 7425. OWEN McINTOSH BURNS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 6, 1892, Danville, 111.; s. W. C. Burns. Prepared in Danville H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Innes of Court; Comitatus; Chm., Sr. Smoker Com.; Home- coming Com.; Stud. Council. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; Capt., Inf., Rockford, 1917; Capt.. Co. L, 341 Inf., Bar 60, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., 1918. Address, 429 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111. 7426. THOMAS HENRY BURRELL Designer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. O ir, 1893, Albion, 111.; s. William Thomas (b. Eng.) and Charlotte (Annias) Burrell (b. do.). Pre- pared in Albion H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Prelim. and Final Honors. Reinforced Concrete Es- tirnator, A. J. • Widmer, St. Louis, 1917-18; Reinforced Concrete Designer, Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, O., 1918. Sergt., Home Guards, Youngstown, O.; Pvt., 70th Co., 6th Inf., Camp Gordon, Ga. ; 539th Engrs., do.; E. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va.. 1918; Mustered out, Ja s, 1919. Address, Albion, 111.; bus. add., Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, O. 7427. RALPH SAMUEL BURWASH (Brother of Nos. 2602, 3304, 5567, S568, 6130) Farmer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. D 23, 1892, Plainview, 111.; s. Thomas Nathaniel (b. Ag 15, 1847, Can.) and Sarah Margaret (Boswell) Burwash (b. Mr 27, 185^, Shipman, 111.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Stud. Branch, A. S. ISI. E. Drafting work for Burr Co., Cham- paign, 1916; Farmer, Alvin, 111., 1917 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Alvin, 111. 74-8. KENNETH BURMAN BUSH Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 4, 1893, Danville, 111.; s. Clement James (b. N 18, 1866, Bristol, Eng.) and Susan Marie (Burman) Bush (b. S 4, 1874, St. Louis). Prepared in Ouincy H. S. Theta Chi; Pi Omicron; Lt., Univ. Brig. Civ. Engr., Indian Grave Drain- age Work, Quincy, 111. ist Lt., Inf., Camp Greene and Camp Stewart; France, 1918; Capt., Co. E, 4th Regt., do.; Army of Occupa- tion. Mem., A. F. A. M.; 111. Soc. of Engrs. .'id dress, 1225 Park Place, Quincy, 111. 7429. CHESTER JUNIUS CADLE A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 2, 1894, Charles- town, 111.; s. John (b. O 1848, New Haven, nil) and Desdamona (Wheatly) Cadle (b. D 1859, Charlestown, 111.). Prepared in Wash- ington and Jefferson Acad., Washington, Pa. Phi Kappa Psi. Harvard Grad. Sch. of Bus. Adm., 1916-17. U. S. N. R., 1917; Chief Q. M., II. S. Naval Flying Corp., Rockaway Beach, L. I., N. Y. Address, Charlestown, 111. 7430. DAVID JOSEPH CAMPBELL Chemist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 12, 1888, Olney, 111.; William J. (b. Olney, 111.) and Mary Elian (Krichbaum) Campbell (b. Can- ton, 0.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; Norm. Univ., Summer, 191 1. Instr., Sc, H. S., Westville, 111., 1916; Harvey, 111., 1917. Chem., San. Corps, U. S. A. Laboratory, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn, .-iddress, 601 S. Walnut St., Urbana. 7431. CARRIE ESTHER CARLSON Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 21, 1893, Chicago; d. Charles John (b. 1861, Sweden) and Karin (Larson) Carlson (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Teacher, Amboy H. S., 111., 1916-17; do., Pinckneyville, 111., 1917-18; Prin., do., 1918 — . Address, 1030 Mansfield Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Pinckneyville, 111. 7432. LEE RUSSELL CARLSON Prin., H. S.; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 6, 1893, Clarence, 111.; s. Fred and Emma (Stray- er) Carlson. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Alpha Chi Rho. Teacher, Tp. H. S.. Auburn, 111., 1916-18; Prin., do., 1918 — . Married Emily J. Apland, N 18, 191S, Paxton, 111. Child, Lee Russell, Jr., b. S 28, 1917. Address, Auburn, 111. 7433. FRANKLIN OTIS CARROLL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. F 10, 1893, Washington, Ind.; s. Erwin T. (b. N 18, 1 871, do.) and Lillie Mae (Bawldin) Carroll (h. My 30, 1S76, Wheatland, Ind.). Prepared in Benton (Ind.) Tp. H. S. Ry. Club. Elec. Engr., O. Elec. R. R.. Columbus, O., 1916-17. I St Lt., U. S. A. S., Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex., 1918 — . Address, Jerseyville, III. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 613 7434. RUSSELL D. V. CASTLE Auditor; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 23, 1892, Kempton, 111.; s. Lyman D. V. (b. Camden, N. Y.) and Ada (Brown) Castle (b. Paint Creek, W. Va.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Asst. Auditor, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 202 S. Romine, Urbana. 7435. GRACE ELIZABETH CIIAMPLIN B. S. in H. Sc; b. D 24, 1892, Chicago; d. Sherman Harrison (b. Mr 17, 1865, Sycamore, 111.) and Anna (Gerald) Champlin (b. Je 27, 1869, Sweden). Prepared in McKinley H. S. ; Lewis Inst., 1912-13. Delta Gamma; Phi Del- ta Psi; H. Sc. Club; Sr. Breakfast Com. Ad- dress, 3947 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 7436. TIEN TSAI CHANG B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 20, 1891, Canton, China; s. Chung Shu Chang. Prepared in Prep. Sch., Peking LTniv., China. Chinese Stud. Club. Ad- dress, Kwang Yick Yuen & Co., No. 12 Wilmer St., Kong Kong, China. t 7436A. JOHN BAPTISTE CHARTRAND Sales Mgr. ; B. S. in. E. E. ; b. Ap 29, 1890, East St. Louis, 111.; s. George Chartrand. Pre- pared in East St. Louis H. S. Sales Mgr., Chicago District, Moloney Elec. Co. Warrant Officer, U. S. N.. Steam Engng. Sch., Stevens Inst., Hoboken, N. J. Address, 1470 St. Louis Ave., East St. Louis, 111. 7437- CARNEY EDWARD CHATTEN Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. Je 21, 1884, Flora, 111.; s. G. W. Chatten. Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, Flora, Ill.t 7438. LAN-SUNG CHEN A. B. in Commerce; A. M., 1917; b. O 10, 1890, Tientsin, China; s. T. P. Chen. Pre- pared in Tientsin China) Middle Sch. Cos- mopolitan Club; Chinese Stud. Club; Cml. Club; Ry. Club. Address, Peking, China. t 7439. DOROTHY CHEW Dietitian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 15, 1894, Pueblo, Colo.; d. Edward Reynolds (b. Ja 3, 1853, Lexington, Ky.) and Mary Ella (Shepherd) Chew (b. Jl 30, 1868, St. Louis). Prepared in Centennial H. S., Pueblo, Colo. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher, Spanish, Cen- tennial p. S., Pueblo. Colo. ; Dietitian, U. S. A., Gen. Hosp. No. 21, Denver, 1918 — ^ Ad- dress, 2028 Court St., Pueblo, Colo. 7440. OTTO CHRISTY B. S. in Agr.; b. D 15, 1883, Riley, Ind.; s. J. E. Christy. Prepared in Youngstown (Ind.) H. S. Address, Riley, Ind.f 7441. EDMUND CIESLIK Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 21, 1891, Ger. Prepared in German H. S. Der Deutsche Verein. Inspecting Engr.. Highway Dept., Cook Co. Address, 1941 Thomas St., Chica- go.! 7442. GEORGE CLARK Professor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 20, 1894, Carthage, 111.; s. V. E. Clark. Prepared in Carthage H. S. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Ku KIux; Sachem; Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball: Fresh. Varsity Basketball and Track. Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of Kan. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; 2nd Lt., U. S. Inf., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., 191 7; A. E. F. Address, 327 Main St., (Tarthage, 111. 7443. HAROLD EDWARD CLARK Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. O 13, 1894. Sterling, 111.; s. Charles A. Clark. Pre- pared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Keramos. Ceram Engr., Robinson Clay Product Co., Akron, O.; Monmouth Clay Mfg. Co., Monmouth, 111.; with Scovell Willington & Co., Springfield, Mass., 1919 — . U. S. A., Sch. of Aerial Photography; Mustered out, D 17, 1918. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. Address, 84 Spring St.. Springfield, Mass.; bus. add., c/o Scovell Willington & Co., do. 7444. MERIBAH ELIZA CLARK Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 9, 1887, Meade, Kan.; d. Edward Everett (b. Mt. Ster- ling, 111.) and Meribah Eliza (Ritchey) Clark (b. do.). Prepared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Teacher, Shelby ville, 111. Address, Mt. Ster- ling, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Shelbyville, 111. 7445. JAMES RUSSELL CLARKE Teacher; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ag 31, 1892, Libertyville, 111. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, Mech. Draw., H. S., Rock Island, 111. Co. B, 315th Supply Train Hdqtrs., Camp Travis, Tex.; Army of Occupation, Ger. Ad- dress, 1302 S. 4th St., Charleston, 111.; bus. add., loio 22nd St., Rock Island, Ill.t 7446. ALBERT JAY CLARKSON Designer; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Ag 4, 1893, Bloomington, 111.; s. Berta Jay (b. Scotland) and Nellie Gertrude (Reeder) Clarkson (b. Wapella, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. E. E. Soc. Draftsman, Elec. Dept., N. Y. Central R. R., New York City, 1916-18; De- signer, Air Nitrates Corp., New York City, 1918 — . Mem., Christian Church. Marriea Eva Blanche McDaniel, D 25, 1916, Champaign. .4ddress, 3038 Hull Ave., New York City; bus. add., 360 Madison Ave., do. 7447- CLARA ALICE CLAUSEN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 21, 1891, Rl Paso, 111.; d. Lewis (b. Ap 6, 1847, Emden, Ger.) and Anna (Harms) Clausen (b. Mr 9, 1853. Peoria). Prepared in El Paso H. S. Teacher, German in Tp. H. S., Lovington, 111., 1916-17; do., Ger. and Spanish, East Chicago, Ind., 191 7 — . Mem., German Lutheran Church. Address, Secor, 111.; bus. add., 1208 Beacon St., East Chicago, Ind. 7448. DOROTHEA MARION CLAYBERG (HAMILL) (Wife of No. 7579; Sister of No. 5595) B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 27, 1893. Oak Park, 111.; d. George M. (b. O 16. 1842) and Anna (Jones) Clayberg (b. F 10, 1869). Prepared in Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. Schs. Arch. Club; V. P., Fresh. Class. Arch, drafting Oak Park, 1916; do., Bloomington, 111., 1917; Mech. drafting, Chicago, 191 7. Married Eugene Carl Hamill ('16), Ag 24, 1917. Oak Park, 111. Ad- dress, Joachim Valley, Calif. 7449. HOWARD JOHN CLINEBELL Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 14, 1889, Glasford, 111.; s. John (b. D 19, 1854, do.) and Anna L. (Peters) Clinebell (b. D 22, 1862. do.). Prepared in Glasford H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1912-14. Co. Agr. Agt., Terre Haute, Ind. Married Clem L. Whittenburg, Je 29, 1916. Address, 2104 N. nth St., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., Room 45, Court House, do. 7450. FRIEDA COBB Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 2, 1889, Sydney, Australia; d. Nathan Augustus (b. Je 30, 1859, Spencer, Mass.) and Alice Vara (Proctor) Cobb (b. Ap 22, 1854, Spencer, Mass.). Prepared in English H. S., Cambridge, Mass., and West. H. S., Washington, D. C. ; Radcliffe Coll., 1909-12. Fellow in Bot., Univ. of Mich., 1916-18. Address, 1002 Cornwell Place, Ann Arbor, Mich. 6 14 University of Illinois [1916 74SI. RUSSELL SMITH COLTON Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. F 19. 1892, Racine, Wis.; s. Albin Bradford (b. Mr 24, 1859. Athens, Mo.) and Lillie (Sniitli) Colton (b. Galesburg, 111.). Prepared in Central H. S.. Kansas City, Mo. and Kemper Mil. Sch., Boonville, Mo. Phi Gamma Delta. Supervising Engr., Ft. Madison, la., 19,16; Inspecting Engr., U. S. Engrs., Kansas City, Mo., 19:6-17; Sales Engr., Allied Const. Ma- chinery Corp., N. Y., 1918. ist Lt., R. O. T. C, San Juan, Porto Rico, 1918; do., Co. D, 375th Inf., Camp Las Casas, do., 1918; Mus- tered out, D 12, 1918. Address, c/o Allied Const. Mach. Corp., 120 Broadway, N. Y. 74S2. DAVID ORIS CONLEY (Brother of No. 5604) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 25, 1894, Streator, III.; s. Dr. D. S. (b. Jl 14, 1S60, Richmond Co., O.) and Elizabeth (Green) Con- ley (b. S 16, i860, Mich.). Prepared in Streator H. S.; N. W. Univ. Address, 115 W. Kent St., Streator, Ill.t 7453. RICHARD NEWELL COOLIDGE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 18, 1892, Plattsmouth, Neb.; s. Henry Pomeroy (b. Mr 18, i860, Glenwood, la.) and Elizabeth Mon- day (Newell) Coolidge (b. N 5, i866_, Platts- mouth, Neb.). Prepared in Lead (S. Dak.) H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Prelim. Honors. Civ. Engr., Streator, 111., 1916; do., Chicago, 1916-17; do., Whiting, Ind., 1917; do.. New York City, 1917 — . Mar- ried Dorothy Gray Mulford, S 23, 1918, Streat- or, 111. Address, 270 E. 176th St., New York City; bus. add., 39 Whitehall St., do. 7454. GABRIEL VICTOR COOLS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 12, 1892, Panama; s. M. Gabriel (b. St. Lucia) and Aziraide St. Clair (Victor) Cools (b. do.). Prepared in St. Mary's Coll., St. Lucia and Prep. Sch.; Lincoln Univ., 1912-13; Clark Coll., Wor- cester, Mass., 1913-14. A. M., Univ. of la., 19 18. Kappa Alpha Psi; Cosmopolitan; Catholic Stud. Soc. Grad. Stud., Econ., Coll. of New York City, 1916-17; Grad. Stud., Univ. of la., 1917-18. Address, c/o Morgan, 2453 7th Ave.. New York City. 7455. CHARLES EDWARD COOPER Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 10, 1892, Car- lisle, Ind.; s. J. W. Cooper. Prepared in Car- lisle (Ind.) H. S. Address, Carlisle, Ind.t 7456. DAVID WILLIAM COOPER Agent; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 26, 1894. Astoria, 111.; s. W. S. Cooper. Prepared in Astoria H. S. Agt., Auto. Co., Astoria, 111. Address, Astoria, Ill.t 7457. EDWARD ALDEN COOPER Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 21, 1893, Chicago; s. George Spooner (b. O 7. 1868, Marietta, O.) and Anne Seaton (Croth- ers) Cooper (b. O 22, 1868, Exeter, Eng.). Pil-epared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange, 111. Alpha Delta Phi; Helmet; Class Basketball. Factory, Maxwell Motor Car Co., Detroit, 1915-16; Wholesale Salesman, Sales Investi- gator, do., 19 16-17; Factory Representative, do., 1917; Special Representative, do., 1917-18. ist Class Machinist Mate. Aviation Sect., U. S. N., Great Lakes, 111., 1918 — . Address, 6807 Green- view Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Maxwell Motor Sales Corp., Detroit, Mich. 7458. VAIL CORDELL (Brother of No. 6814) Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 9, 1889, Industry, 111.; s. Robert McMurry (b. F 22, 1861, Waupakaneta, O.) and Lucy Ethelyn (Vail) Cordell (b. Je 24, i860. In- dustry, 111.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Supt., Schs., Barry, 111. Address, 424 N. Tohnson St., Macomb, 111.; bus. add., Barry, "Ill.t 7459- BRUCE HERBERT CORZINE (Brother of No. 5616) Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 26 1893. Isabel, 111.; s. John J. (b. Jl 27, 1852 O.) and Celia R. (Winn) Corzine (b. N 28 1855, O.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm, Sch. Chi Psi; Phi Delta Kappa; Psych. Club Fresh. Varsity Football. Asst. Supt. Schs. Evanston, 111., 1916-17. 333rd F. A., 1917 191 8; Psych. Examiner, Co. i. Camp Green- leaf, Chickamauga Park, Ga., 1918. Address 1402 3rd St., Charleston, 111. 7460. MANOEL FERREIRA da COSTA B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 10, 1893, Brazil; s. Lysinvaco F. da Costa. Prepared in S. Am. Sch. Address, 156 Muricy St., Cortiba, Pa- vana, Brazil. t 7461. LICINIO DA SILVA COUTO Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 10, 1892, Brazil; s. Antonio da Silva Couto. Prepared in Drexil (Brazil) Inst. Address, 9 Rua Je S. Bras Meyer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. t 7462. CLINTON HARRIMAN COWGILL Instructor; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 6, 1890, Sterling, Kan.; s. E. B. Cowgill. Prepared in Topeka (Kan.) H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. Instr. Arch., Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll. .Address, 1273 College Ave., Topeka, Kan.; bus. add., 603 Lewis St., Stillwater, Okla.t 7463. DUDLEY WINTHROPE CRANE (Husband of No. 7362) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 11, 1892, Mont- clair, N. J.; s. Frank S. (b. Jl 4, 1861, do.) and Sarah Sounds (Crolius) Crane (b. O 26, 1863). Prepared in Montclair (N. J.) H. S.; Rutgers Coll,. N. J., 1911-12. Psi Upsilon; Alpha CJamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Ku Klux; Hel- met; Comitatus; Capt.. Univ. Brig.; Varsity Basketball and Swimming; Pres., Jr. Class. Farmer. Troop B, First 111. Cavalry, 1916. Married Laura Bardwell ('16), Je 30, 1917, .Aurora, 111. Child, John Dudley, b. Ag 20, 1918. Address, R 8, Fulton, N. Y. 7464. THOMAS CARL CRAVENS Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 14, 1893, Bloomfield, Ind.; s. John A. (b. do.) and Cora (Williams) Cravens (b. do.). Prepared in Bloomfield H. S.; Wabash Coll., 1912-14- Al- pha Gamma Rho; Phi Delta Theta; Fresh. Varsity Football. Exten. work for Purdue Univ., 1916; Farmer, 1917; Co. Agr. Agt., Morgan Co., Ind., 1918 — . Married Gaynell Bland, D 26, 191 7, Indianapolis. Child, Thom- as C. Jr., b. O 3, 1918. Address, Bloomfield, Ind.; bus. add., Martinsville, Ind. 7465. JOHN POWELL CREBS Travelling Representative; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 16, 1893, Carmi, 111.; s. J. M. Crebs. Pre- pared in (Accidental Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Helmet; Ku Klux; Sachem; Egyptian Club; Comitatus; Homecoming Com.; 111. Union; Jr. Councilman; Pres. Stud. Council. Travelling Repr., Ouaker Oats Co., New York City. 3rd O. R. T. C, 19 18; 2nd Lt., Camp Grant, 111. .Iddrcss, Carmi, 111. 7466. HILDA MARION CROLL (Sister of No. 5622) Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; A. M., 1917; b. Ag 31, 1895, Lebanon. Pa.; d. Rev. P. C. (b. O 2, 1852, Berks Co., Pa.) and Sarah Amelia (Greiss) Croll (b. Ja s, i8S4). Pre- I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 615 pared in Lebanon (Pa.) H. S. and Beardstown H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Alpha Theta Chi; Sigma Xi; Jamesonian; II. Sc. Club. In.str., Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., Pliiladelphia, 191 7 — . Farmerette at Whitford Lodge, Pa., Chester Valley, Unit of Woman's Land Army of America, 1918. Address, 264 Matlier Road, Jenkintown, Pa.; bus. add., 21st St. and N. College Ave., Philadelphia. 7467. HAROLD FORDYCE CROOKS A. B. in Sc; M. S., 1918; b. Je 6, 1889, Mankato, Minn.; s. Henry David (b. My 12. i860, Lima, Ind.) and Lucy A. (Goodman) Crooks (b. Je 28, 1859, Thorntown, Ind.). Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S. ; Columliia Univ., 1 91 5. Sigma Xi; Geol. Club; Fresh. Varsity Track; Class Swimming and Polo; Mgr., First Annual Water Carnival; Technograpli Bd. Sergt. 23rd Engr. Corps, 1918; France; Gen. Hdqtrs., 143rd Engrs., A. E. F., France; 2nd Lt., ii6th Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 1009 S. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, III. 7468. HENRY PAY CROSBY Agr. Supvr. ; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 2, 1887, Greenville, Mich.; s. George Washington anci Mary (Satterlee) Crosby. Prepared in Central H. S., Detroit. Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Prin., II. Sch., Armstrong, 111., 1916-18; Agr. Supervisor in H. S., Paris, 111., 1918 — . Married Anna Mary Burton, Ap 19, 1916, Danville, 111. Address, 207 S. Jefferson St., Paris, 111. 7469. GEORGE ARTHUR CROSS Life Ins. Agent; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 28, 1893, Polo, 111.; s. Gavin Cross. Prepared in Polo H. S. Alpha Zeta; Farm House; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club. Life Ins. Agt., Indianapolis. Co. G, 3rd Provisional Tr. Regt., Le Mans, France. Ad- dress, Polo, 111.; bus. add.. Suite looi, Hume Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis. t 7470. WILLIAM CRUTCHFIELD, JR. Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 13, 1889, Chattanooga, Tenn.; s. Thomas William (b. Ap 2, 1850, do.) and Sarah (Lovenian) Crutch- field (b. 1853, Mich.). Prepared in Chatta- nooga (Tenn.) H. S.; Colo. St. Agr. Coll., 1908-09. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Scarab; Ku Klux; Pan-Hellenic Council; Pres. ; Arch. Club. Practicing Arch., Chattanooga, Tenn., 1916-18. U. S. N. R. F., 1918; Chief Carpen- ters Mate, 1918; Irish Aviation Const. Unit. Address, 3 Battery Place, Chattanooga,. Tenn. 7471. JOHN De WITT GULP Mail Order Supvr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. N 16, 1891, Chicago; s. Ira H. (b. Ja 9, 1861, Bell- fountain, O.) and Kate (Bradfield) Culp (b. S 9, 1861, Fairfield, O.). Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst, of Tech., 191 1. Psi Upsilon; Track Team. With St. Highway Dept., Springfield, 111., 1916; Supvr., Stock records and Purchase Control, Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, 191 7 — . Married Mary Margaret Quick, Ag 25, 1917, Chicago. Ad- dress, 713 1 Parnell Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Office, Supt. of Merchandise, Montgomery & Ward Co., do. 7472. GEORGE CURTISS (Son of No. 310) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 4, 1893, White Hall, 111.; s. William Goss ('82), (b. S 16, 1859, Waterloo, N. Y.) and Lora Belle (Giller) Cur- ti.ss (b. F 9, 1869, White Hall, 111.). Prepared in Stockton H. S. Acacia; Alpha Zeta; Alpha (jamma Rho; Scabbard and Blade; Alpha Delta Sigma; Prelim. Honors; Major, Univ. Brig.; Scholarship; Circulation Mgr., ///. Agr., Jr. Prom. Com.; Mil. Ball Com. Registry and Cost Accounting work, Univ. of 111.; Farmer, Stockton, 111. Address, Stockton, 111. 7473- DOROTHY LUCILE CUTHBERT (AUSTIN) Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 19 17; b. D 10, 1890, Gilsum, N. W. ; d. Albert Nichols Cuthbert. Prepared in Kimball Union (N. H.) Acad. Congr. Guild; Choral Soc. ; Classical Club; Psych. Club. Libn., Classics Seminar, Univ. of 111. Married James C. Austin, Ja 7, 1 9 19, Champaign. Address, 714 W. Green St., Urbana. 7474- JOHN WILLIAM DAMMERS A. B. in Sc; b. Jl 13, 1890, Chicago; s. B. W. Dammers. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Lambda Chi Alpha. Address, 1626 S. Iloman Ave., Chicago.! 7475- CLAR.\ ELIZABETH DAVIS (DAVIS) (Wife of No. 6826) B. Mus.; b. Mr 5, 1894, Homer, 111.; d. George W. Davis. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Married Samuel Davis ('15), Ja 27. 1917, Urbana. Address, Kentland, Ind.f 7476. MARTHA LAURAFRED DAVIS (STROHEKER) (Wife of No. 7244) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 13, 1896, Pitts- field, 111.; d. Washington Beatty (b. S 18, 1858, Millville, O.) and Eudora Olivia (Hamil- ton) Davis (b. Je 14, 1858, Hamilton, O.). Prepared in So. III. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-14. Athenean. Teacher, H. S.. Houston, Tex., i'-'i6-i7. Married Frank Sewell Stroheker, ('15). Je 4. 1917, Houston, Tex. Child, Eliza- beth Virginia, b. Ja 12, 1919. Address, 1801 fVshland, Houston, Tex, 7477- WALTER THOMAS DAY Lawyer; LL. B. ; b. N 9, 1892, Springfield, 111.; s. C. D. Day. Prepared in Springfield H. S. 2nd Lt., Inf. 104, Co. F, A. E. F., France, O 1918; Capt., Co. F, 104th Regt., 20th Div., Inf., do. Married Frances Atteberry, D, 1917. Springfield, 111. Address, 1326 E. North Grand Ave., Springfield, Ill.t 7478. LISTER ALWARD DEAVER Development Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. O 24, 1892, Columbus, O.; s. Sabert Cassius (b. Jl II, 1861, Greenfield, O.) and Lillian Belle (Iloefel) Deaver (My 27, 1863, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. ; B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1913. Phi Gamma Delta; .Stud. Branch, Am. Ceram. Soc Ceram. Engr. and Asst, Supt., Robinson Clay Products Co., Akron, O., 1916-18; Development Engr.. B. F. Goodrich Co.. Arkron, O., 1918 — . Married Bernice Welch, F 24, 1917, Bloomington, 111. Address, 29 Dodge Ave., Akron, O. ; bus. add., c/o B. F. Goodrich Co., do. 7479. RAYMOND EDWARD DENZ A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 5. 1895, Decatur, 111.; s. Edward A. and Mina (Chodar) Denz. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Zeta Psi; Helmet; Glee Club; Jr. Prom. Com., Chm.; ist Lt. Univ. Brig. Grad. Stud., Law, Harvard. In- terpreter Hosp. Unit. "W", U. S. N. A.; Corp., do.; do., Hosp. Corps, Liverpool, Eng. Ad- dress, 470 Ewmg Ave., Decatur, 111. 7480. LUCY LEONARD De WOLFE (Sister of No. 6201) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 6, 1880, Assump- tion, 111.; d. William De Wolfe. Prepared in Assumption H. S. Address, Assumption, Ill.t 6i6 University ok Illinois [1Q16 7481. HARRY CHARLES DIBELL (.Mrother of G177) A. B. in Commerce; b. Mv 16, 1801, Wol- colt, Ind.; E. B. Dibell. rreparecl in Wolcott (Ind.) i\. S.; Indianapolis (Ind.) Man. Tr. H, S. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Kappa Psi. Ad- Jrcss. Wolcott, Ind.t 748J. CLARENCE RICHARD DIETMEIER Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. F 17, iSqj. VVinslow. 111.; s. Joseph W. Dietmeier. Prepared in Freeport II. S. Salesman with S. Hudson Co., St. Louis. Married Verna L. Garrison, D 22, 1915. Address, Winslow, 111.; bus. add., 3636 VV. Pine Blvd., St. Louis. t 7483. LOIS ELLEN DODDS (GOODKICll) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 30, 1894, Beatrice, Neb.; d. Charles A. (b. Ap 23, 1838, Byron, HI.) and Eva (Mix) Dodds (b. Mr jo, 1840, do.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. II. S. Chi Omega. Married Robert Goodrich Jl 27, 191 ». Byron, 111. Address, Byron, 111. 7484. JOHN RILEY DON.M.DSON Civ Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 10, i8go, VVatertovvn, S. Dak.; s. W. H. (b. Baraboo, Wis.) and Anjcla (Stanley) Donaldson (b. Rutland Co.. Vl.). Prepared in Joliet Ip. H S. Triangle. Asst. Co. Supt. ot High- ways, Champaign Co., 111. igif'-i?; <^'iy- l-'ig""- with Stanilard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind., 191 ?• Capt., Engrs. Corps., U. S. A., 1917; do., A F F., France, Major, do. Address. 104 sml Ave., loliet, HI.; bus. add., Standard Oil Engiig." Office, Whiting, Ind. 7485. ALLEN DOUGLAS DONNEI.L Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 18 1894. «Mattoon, 111.; s. Thomas (b. Ireland) and Latelia (Kyle) Donnell (b. Bethel, Lpnn.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma. Shop Engr.; I. and G. N. K. R.. Palestine, Tex ; do., San Antonio, Tex., i9'7- -"d l-t., F A , 8th Trench Mortar Bat., Ft. Sill, Okla. Mem A F. A. M. Married Anita Louise Roth,'D I, 1917. Address, 2520 Western Ave., Mattoon, 111. 7486. MARY ELVA DORSETT Teacher; B. S. in II. Sc; b. O 12, 1892, Brooklyn, 111.; d. \\. E. (b. Ja 8, 1867, Hunts- ville. 111.) and Lillian E. (Iledgcock) Dorsctt (b N 8 1871, Plymouth, 111.). Prepared in Augusta'H. S.; Knox Coll., 1912-14. Omicron Nu- Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League. Ked Cross work, 191 7-18. Address, Huntsville, 111. 7487. JOHN FRANCIS DOYLE Hardware Bus.; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 27 1892, Longview, HI.; s. John II. (b. D i^, 1862, Wenona, 111.) and Mary A. (Sherry) Doyle (b. Te 17, 1870, Lacon, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Kappa. Hardware Bus., 1916-17. Corp., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., France. Address, 303 S. Elm St., Champaign. 7488. HENRY EDWARD DRALLE B S in E. E.; b. O 17, 1892, Coatsburg, HI • s Henry Dralle. Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Class Football. Address, Coatsburg. lll.t 74S9. MILDRED EV.\NGELINE DREW (Sister of No. 4622) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My n, 'S91, Chicago; d. Edward W. (b. F 21, 1845, St. C^leni- ents, Eng.) and Elizabeth Jane Drew (b O 26 1845, Milor, Eng.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips 11. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kappa Delta Pi; Alethenai; Scribblers Club; Sr. Council; Stall, III. .^rag. Teacher, 1 p. II. Sch., Hume, 111. Address. 1823 Ilmman Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 716 Foster St., Hume, lU.T 7490. FRANK JAMES Du FRAIN Prin., IT. S.; A. I?, in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 2, 1889, Momence, 111.; s. Peter A. (b. Ag 14, i860, do.) and Mary E. (l.oghry) Du Frain (b. O 7, 1S69, Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Alomcnce II. S.; Norm. Univ., 1908-10. Grad. work, Educ, Math.. Pol. Sc. 1916-17. Phi Delta Kappa. Teacher, H. S., Rockford, 111., lyio; Asst. Prin., dc, 1 916-1 8; , Milton, Ind.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; Wosclyn Univ., 1910-11. Acanthus; Tau Beta Pi; Lambda Tau Rho; Ionian; Arch. Club; Prelim., Pinal, and Special Honors; Class Basketball. Engr. Draw- ing, Decatur, 111., 1916-17. ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; ist Lt., Inf., France; Returned to states, 1919. Married Dorothea M. Clay- berg ('16), Ag 24, 191 7. Oak I'ark, 111. Ad- dress, Stratford, Calif. 7580. PAUL HANNUSH B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 15, 1886, Turkey; s. Shannon Hannush. Prepared in Am. Internat. Coll. Acad., Mass. With Swift Co., Chicago. Address, 21 Montclair Ave., Paterson, N. J.; bus. add., 4327 Emerald Ave., Chicago.! 7581. STANLEY L. HANSSEN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. D 6, 1892, Chicago. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. Alpha Chi Rho; V. P., Jr. Class. With Assoc. Factory Neutral Fire Ins. Co., Inspection and Eng. Dept., Boston. Enlisted in U. S. N. R. O. S., 1918. Ensign, do.; Mustered out, Ja 21, 1919- .■iddress 6909 N. Ashland Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 525 N. Ada St., do. 7582. TSO CHANG HAG A. B. in Commerce; A. M., 191 7; ^- Ja '.S- 1 888. China; s. Yim Hao. Prepared in Tient- sin Middle Sch. Chinese Stud. Club; Cml. Club. Address, W^uchinghsien, China.f 7583. ALBERT AUSTIN HARDING Professor and Band Dir.; B. Mus.; b. F 10, 1880, Georgetown 111.; s. Conway Augustus and Jennie (Stewart) Harding. Prepared in Paris II. S. Phi Kappa I'si. Dir. and Instr., Univ. Band, Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Instr., Band Instruments, 1906-18; do. and Asst. Prof., Music, do., 1918 — ; Dir., Assoc. Musicians Band, Champaign and Urbana, 1913-16. Autb.: The Band as a Community Asset, Proceedings of Music Teacher's Nat. Assu.. Vol. 10, and Sch. and Home Edtic, Vol. XXXV, No. 10. Mein., Am. Federation of Musicians; Univ. Club; B. P. O. E.; Music Teachers Nat. Assn.; 111. St. Mus. Teachers Assn. Married Margaret Rog- ers, Te 11, 1913, Champaign. Child, Jane Aus- tin, "b. F 7, 1919. Address, 308 N. State St., Champaign; bus. add., 217 Univ. Hall, Univ. of 111., Urbana. 7584. ELODIA FERNE HARRIS Home Demonstration Agt.; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 2, 1894. Crcal Springs, 111.; d. W. T. (b. (/().) and Emma (Shafer) Harris (b. do). Pre- pared in Marion H. S. Teacher, H. S., Herrin, 111., 1916-17; Dist. Oriranizer, So. 111.; Otiicial Hdqtrs., Univ. of 111. and U. S. Dept. of Agr., Marion. 111.; Emergency Home Demonstration Agt., do. .'Iddress, 105 S. Van Buren St., Marion, 111. 7583. LEO GABRIEL HARRIS Auditor; vv. B. in Commerce; b. Je i, 1894, Sharon Springs, Kan.; s. William D. (b. Mr 7, 1863, Wilton Junction, la.) and Elgira M. ((labriel) Harris (b. An 18, 1863, do.). Pre- pared in Wilton (la.) H. S. Alpha Chi Rho; Beta Gamma Sigma. Auditor, First Nat. Bank, Davenport, la.. 1916-17. Am. Ord. Base Depot, h'rance, 1917-18; Prov. Co. R. O. T. C, Camp II.Tiicock, Augusta, Ga., 1918 — . .-iddress, Wil- ton Junction, la. 7586. WaLLIAM WARD HART Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 19, 1894, Benton, 111.; s. W. H. Hart. Prepared in Benton Tp. H. S. Phi Delta Thcta; Phi Delta Phi; Helmet; Tribe of mini; Comitatus; Egyptian Club; Pan Hel- lenic Council; Varsity Track; Ilomc-coming Com.; Jr. Prom Com.; Sr. Memorial Com. Address', S. Main St., Benton, IlLt 7587. LAURA ELLEN HARTMAN (TAPPING) (Wife of No. 7-^55) A. B. in L. A. & S.r b. Ap 11, 1892, Wel- lington, 111.; d. George Ilartman. Prepared in Wellington H. S. Married C. H. Tapj'ing ('i5)> O II, 1916, Kankakee, 111. Child, Charles II., Jr., b. Ag 8, 1917. Address, 237 S. Maplewood Ave., Peoria. t 7588. RALPH FRAME HARVEY Milk Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 7, 1890, Converse, Ind. Prepared in Shortridge II. S., Indianapolis; Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Lt., Univ. Brig. With Condensed Milk Co.. Cary Sta., 111. .4ddress. 2=; W. 24th St., Indianapolis; bus. add., Cary Station. Mc Henry Co., Ill.t 7589. SYLVAN DIX IIARWOOD (Brother of No. 5708) Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 24, 1893, Carrollton, 111.; s. George W. (b. Tren- ton, Tenn.) and Jennie Mae (Simpson) Ilar- wood (b. My 13, 1856, Carrollton, 111.). Pre- pared in Carrollton H. S.; Univ. of Mo., 1912- l^. Sigma Delta Chi; Mgr., Daily Illini; Assoc. Ed.. ///. Mag.: Sachem; Siren Staflf; Scribbler's Club; Co-Auth., I'm Neutral. Reporter, Cleve- land Press, 1916; Sunday writer, Dayton Jour., 1917, Camp Sheridan, .Ma., 1917-18; Hdqtrs. Co., Motor Supply Train, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, Carrollton, 111. 7590. EMIN WITHERSPOON HAWKINS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Air 23, 1894. Fair- mount, 111.; s. William C. (b. Mr 21, 1857, do.) and Mable ( Witherspoon) Hawkins (b. My 19, 1859, do.). Prepared in Fairmount and Danville H." Schs. Alpha Gamma Rho; Agron. Soc. 2nd Lt., U. S. X. S. U. S. A., Pilot, Post Field. Ft. Sill. Okla.; Mustered out, Ja 6, 1919. Ad- dress, Fairmount, 111. 7591. CARL OTTO HAWKINSON Salesman; B. S. in A. E.; b. N 25, 1892, Mc Pherson, Kan.; s. O. E. Hawkinson. Pre- pared in Marquette (Kan.) H. S. LTniv. Band. Sales Dei)t., Kawneer Mfg. Co.. Indianapolis. Sertrt., Hdqtrs. Co., 334th Inf., Camp Taylor, Louisvilk, Ky. Address, Marquette, Kan.; bus. add., 705 Merchants' Bank Bldg., Indian- apolis. t 1916] Baccalaukkate alumni 623 7592. FRANCIS LEO IIEADLEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je i6, 1894, Paris, 111.; s. Stephen I. (b. Jl 4, 1861, Oblong, 111.) and Lillian Mary (Jiarr) Ilcadley (b. Je 8, 1870, Paris. 111.). Prepared in I'aris 11. S. Beta Phi. Farmer, Paris, 111., 1916 — ; Justice of Peace, do., 1917 — . 17th Co., 5th Bn., iS9th Depot Brig., Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. ; Mustered out, D 24, 1918. Grand Master, Beta Phi; A. F. A. M.; B. P. O. E.; Am. Federation o£ Mus. Married Anna Louise Bull, O 17, 1917, Iloopeston, 111. Address, R. 7, Paris, 111. 7593. DWIGIIT FREDERICK HEATH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 20, 1894, Chicago; s. Frederick W. (b. N 22, 1861, Dixon, 111.) and Charlotte Ruth (Richmond) Heath (b. My 31, 1859, Adams, Mass.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1913-14. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Gamma Al- pha; Capt.. Univ. Brig. Grad. Stud.. Univ. of 111., 1916-17. ist 111. Artillery, Tex., 1916; Bat. F, 149th F. A.; Regimental Telejjhone Officer, 2nd Lt., 149th F. A., A. E. F., I'Vance; ist I.t.. F. A., Ger. Mem., Baptist Church; Pres., mini Club, Rainbow Div., L. I. Address, 2937 Wilcox St., Chicago. 7594. ROY THOMAS HECKETSWEILER Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 6, 1885, Rockefeller, 111.; s. Jacob (b. Mr 15, 1851, Alsace, France) and ; arah Jane (Thomas) Ilecketsweiler (b. Ag 25, 1863. Pemhrookshire, Wales). Prepared in Beloit Coll. Acad.; Univ. Acad. Bushnell Guild. Teacher, H. S.. Pekin, 111., 1916-17. 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111.. 1917; Small Arms Firing Sch., Camp Perry, O. ; 2ncl Lt., Inf., N. A., Camp Sherman. O., 1917; do., Richmond, Va., 1918— -. Mem., Epis- copal Church. Address, Area, 111. 7S9S. NELLIE MAY HEDGCOCK (Sister of Nos. 3766, 6944, 9124) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Jl 25, 1892, Plymouth, 111.; d. John F. (b. N 3, 1861, do.) and Anna E. Hedgcock (b. S 17. 1863, do.). Prepared in August II. S.; Knox Coll., 1912-14. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher, H. Sc, Ortonville. Minn., 1916 — . Address, Plymouth, 111.; bus. add., Ortonville, Minn. 7596. BERTRAM ATKINSON HEDGES Prin. Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 2, 1893, Ainsley, Neb.; s. Thaddeus A. (b. 1858, Ky.) and Mary Virginia (Atkinson) Hedges (b. 1861, Parkersburg, W. Va.). Prepared in Canton (Mo.) H. S.; Lancaster (Mo.) H. S.; Christian Univ., 1912-13; Coe Coll. 1913-14. Pi Pi Rho; Kappa Delta Pi; Adelphic. Teacher, H. S., Cham]jaign. 1916-17; Prin.. Schs., St. Joseph, 111., 1917-18. Pvt., U. S. M. C. 244th Co., Paris Island, ,S. C. Auth.: The Slacker, Boy Life. Married Edith Marion Wight. S 8, 1917, Champaign. Address, St. Joseph, 111. 7597. EDNA MAY HEDRICK (Sister of No. 7=;98) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 11, 1893, Le Roy, 111.; d. Frank Hcdrick. Prepared in- Le Roy H. S. Athenean. Teacher, H. S., Pawnee, 111. Address, 403 Finch St., Adrian, Micl).; biis. add.. Pawnee, Ill.t 7598. GEORGE SAMUEL HEDRICK (Brother of No. 7597) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 28, 1895, Le Roy, III.; s. Frank Hedrick. Preoared in Le Roy II. S. Farm House; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Jr. Entertainment Com. Farmer, Hol- loway, 111. Address, Holloway, Ill.t 7599. JOHN HAROLD HEINDEL Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 18, 1893, Elgin, 111.; s. George A. (b. Ap 29, 1861, Wnghtsville, Pa.) and Ella Elizabeth (Johnson) Ileindel (b. Ap 20, 1865, Sweden). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Phi Sigma Kapiia; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau; Psi Mu; Prelim. Honors; llliu Staff; Asst. Ed., Dope Sheet. Draftsman, G. E. Morris, Arch., Elgin, 111., igi6; Draftsman and Engr., jjouglas Co., Cedar Rapids, la., 1916-17; do., Leonard Const. Co., Chicago and Cedar Rapids, la^ 191 7 — . Address, 648 N. Spring St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add.. Cedar Rapids, la. c/o Leonard Const. Co. 7C00. AGNES JOHANNA SOPHIA HELMREICH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 16, 1892, Crescent City, 111.; d. Rev. Christian (b. Ap 10, 1866, Afaltathal, Bavaria, Ger.) and Augus- ta (Brueckner) Helmreich (b. Je 13, 1872, Lex- ington, Mich.). Prepared in Crescent City H. S.; III. St. Norm. Univ., 1908-10, 1911-12. Gam- ma Phi Beta. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Springfield, 111. Address, Crescent City, III.; bus. add. 1126 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111. 7601. ALEXANDER SWIFT HENDERSON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 21, 1890, Pitts- burgh; s. J. R. Henderson. Prepared in Lewis Irist., Chicago. Lambda Chi Alpha. Married Nina May Brecount. Ap 21, 1917, Chicago. Address, 17 Fountain St., Sewickley, Pa.t 7602. FRANK SPOOR HENDERSON (Husband of No. 6520) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 12, 1893, Sterling, Colo.; s. Fremont and Jennie (Spoor) Henderson^ Prepared in Sterling (Colo.) H. ,S.; Agr. Coll., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1911-12. Al- pha Chi Rho; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Elec. Engr., Westinghouse Co., Pittsburgh. U. S. N. A., Corp. Co. M, 320 Regt., Camp Lee, Peters- burg, Va., 1917; Lt., Depot Brig., Camp Lee, Va., 1918; 388th Inf. Camp Cody. Deming, N. Mex., N 1918. Married Erma Dorothy Roberts ('14), Ag 31, 1917, Chicago. Address, 11948 Stewart Ave., Chicago. 7603. JAMES BRUCE HENDERSON (Brother of No. 6296) Farm Mgr. ; B. S. and M. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 26, 1892, Mobile, Ala.; s. William (b. Scot- land) and Hettie (Lossing) Henderson (b. Can.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S. ; Mon- mouth (JolL, 1910-13. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Dixie Club; Track Team. Asst., An. Ilusb., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Mgr. of Brook- water Farm, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1918 — . Mar- ried Ethel Mae Gabby, S ii, 1917, Little York, 111. A-ddress, Brookwater Farm, R. 7, Ann Ar- bor, Mich. 7604. ELFREDA VIOLA HENNINGS A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 29, 1894, Barrington, 111.; d. Henry J. (b. Jl 24, 1852, Ger.) and Mary (Brasel) Hennings (b. N 7, 1858, do.). Prepared in Elgin H. S.; Lake Forest Coll., 1912-14. Governess, Iron River, Mich.; Sante Fe R. R.. Mojave, Calif. Address, 1017 Cen- ter St., Elgin, 111. 7605. RAY DAVID IIENSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N i, 1893, Vergennes, III.; s. David Hadley (b. Ja 17, 1854) and Carrie Jane (Campbell) Henson (b. O 23, 1855, Camliridge, O.). Prepared in Johnston Citv H. S.; So. HI. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Delta 'Phi; ivgyptian Clul). City Atty., Johnston City, III.. 1916-17. R. O. T. C., Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, Camp Grant, Rockford, 111. Ad- dress, Johnston City, III. University of Illinois 624 7606. OKI-A HAROLD IIERSIIMAN Merchant; H. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 26, 1890, Sheridan, Ind. ; s. W. H. (b. do.) and Henrietta Hershman (b. do.). Prepared in Tipton (Ind.) 11. S.; Purdue Univ., igii-14. Phi Kappa Sig- ma; Stud. Hranch, A. S. M. E. V. P., W. K. Wheeler Co., Wholesale Auto. Accessories, In- dianapolis, 1916-18. 1st Lt., Ord. Reserve Corps, U. S. A., 1918; 6th Heavy Mobile Ord. Re- pair Shop, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, Tipton, Ind.; bus. add., 426 N. Meridan St., Indianapolis. 7607. LEONARD B. HIEBEL Land. Arch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 4, 1S87, Waterloo, Wis.; s. Frank Hiebel. Prepared in Waterloo (Wis.) H. S. Land. Arch. Soc; C.lee and Mandolin Club; Univ. Band. Orchestra. Land. Arch., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. (jrcat Lakes Naval Training Sta., 1918; Mustered out, i<)i9- Address, Waterloo, Wis.; bus. add., Ft. Atkin- son, Wis.t 7608. IRMA MAY IIIGGINS (REVELS) Demonstration Agt.; A. B. in II. Sc; b. Ja 16, 1892, Springfield, 111.; d. Charles Mont- gomery (b. F 22, 1868, do.) and Mary Weston (Jackson) Higgins (b. Jl 8, 1871, Oakland, Calif.). Prepared in Gibson City li. S. leach- er, Pub. Sch., Sarasota, Fla., 1916-17; Extcn. Work, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Hillboro Co., Fla., 1918. Married A. B. Revels. Address, 125 E. 5th St., Jacksonville, 111. 7609. FRED JAMES HILL B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. D 17, 1892, Harvard, 111.; s. S. P. Hill. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Address, Harvard, lU.t . 7610. JAMES EDWARD HILL Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 4, 1893, Luna, 111.; s. R. C. Hill. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Chi Psi. Address, 1824 Pratt St., Mattoon, 7611. *LUCY BELL HILL B. Mus.; b. Mr 11, 1885, Kingston, Mich.; d. E. L. Hill. Prepared in Univ. Acail. Bethany Circle; Le Cercle Frangais; Univ. Choristers; Self-Govt. Com. Teacher, Ann Arbor, Mich., Head of Musical Dept., Bristol, Ind. Died O 31, 1918, Bristol, Ind. 7612. WARREN ELLIOT HILL Road Commissioner; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 29, 188^, New Athens, 111.; s. M. F. Hill. Prepared in Marissa Tp. II. S. Commissioner, St. High- way Dept., Springfield, 111. Address. 1310 Col- lege Ave., East St. Louis, 111.; bus. add., 509 Brighton Place, Springlield, Ill.t 7613. JOSEPH HOWARD HINSHAW Lawyer; LL. B.; b. S 19. 1890, Stone Fort. 111.; s. W. R. Ilinshaw. Prepared in Harris burg II. S. Iris; Delta Sigma Rho; Philomath- ean; Mgr., Star Lecture Course; 111. -Ind. De- hate; Repr., No. Oratorical League. K. O. T. C, Camp Grant, 1918. Address, 411 N. Grain- ger St., Harrisburg, Ill.t 7614. EDWARD GEORGE HIRT, JR. Contractor; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Je 5. 1891. St Cloud, Minn.; s. Edward Hirt, Sr. Prepared in St. Cloud (Minn.) IL S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Spalding Guild. Contractor, St. Cloud, Minn. Address, 901 4th Ave., South St. Cloud, Minn.t 7615. LAURA EDNA HIRTII Instr. and Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 20, 1891, Quincy, 111.; d. William John (b. S i.s. 1859, do.) and Amanda M. (Pfanschmidt) Ilirtli (b. S 18, 1857, do.). Prepared in Quincy II. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Omicron Nii; lUiola; H. Sc. (Jlub; Prelim. Honors; Basketball Team; [1916 [r. Prom. Com. Instr., Home Econ., La "Grange, Coll., La Grange, Mo.; Dietitian and Instr., Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1916. Ad- dress, Lombard Hall, Galesburg, 111. 7616. MABEL HITT (Sister of No. 6937) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. &S.; b. Ag 19, 1894, llerrick. 111.; d. Dr. Ashby James (b. Jc 29, i8<2, Castleton, Va.) and Ollie (Oweings) Hitt (1). Ja 7, 1862, Herrick, 111.). Prepared in Ala. Girl's Tech. Inst., Montevallo, Ala. Teacher, Reereation and Sewing, Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. K. Co., Blocton, Ala., 1916-18. Address, Her- rick, 111.; bus. add., c/o Tennessee Coal, Iron K. R. Co., Blocton. Ala. 7617. FREMONT JOHN HOEHN Supt., Tile Plant; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Ag 25, 1888, Carlinville, 111.; s. Jacob (b. do.) and Katherine (LeVora) Hoehn (b. do.}. Prepared ill Carlinville II. S. Ceram. Club; Keranios. Supt., Hollow Tile Plant, I'eoria, 1916; East Palestine, O., 1916-18. U. S. N. A., Ord. Dept., 1918; Scrgt., (Jhem. Plant, Dept. of interior, Saltville, Va. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. Ad- dress, 384 Alice St., East Palestine, O. 7618. ELMO PAUL IIOHMAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M.. 1917; b. Ja 27, 1S94, Salem, 111.; s. John Albert (b. My 10, 1807, Nashville, 111.) and Emma Pauline (Stef- fen) Hohmaii (b. Mr 9, 1866, do.). Prepared in Nashville 11. S.; Elmhurst Coll., 1911-12. Iris; I'hi Beta K.nppa; Ma-wan-da; Sachem; Kappa Delta Pi; Philomathean; Egyptian Club; Fresh. ;ind I'relim. Honors; Stud. Council; Varsity Track Team; Cuad. Scholarship. Assoc. Field I'ir., Am. Red Cross, Travis, Tex., 1919 — . Y. .M. C. A., U. S. A., 1917; 3rd O. T. C, N. A.. (amp (jrant, Rockford, III., 1917; 2nd Lt., Co. (!, 387th Inf., Camp Cody; Mustered out, ic)i8; Assoc. Field Dir., A. E. F., France, Kjio -. Address, Nashville, III. 7619. ARNOLD CARL HOLINGER Arch. Engr. ; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 3, 1894, (hicago; s. Arnold Ilolinger. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Ilus; Tau Beta Pi; I)er Deutsche Verein; Prelim. Honors. Arch I'ngr., Steel Products Co., Chicago. Address, 639 Wright wood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Strauss Bldg., c/o Concrete Steel Products Co., Chicago. t 7620. JOSEPHINE BLANCHE LOUISE IlOi. LANDS WORTH (LARSON) (Wife of G400; Sister of No. 8425) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 10, 1891, Canton, 111.; d. Charles Wesley (b. Ja 10, 1858, Fulton Co., 111.) and Martha Louise (Chitty) Hollands- worth (b. My 5, 1868, Yates City, 111.). Pre- pared in Canton H. S.; Knox Coll. 1909-11. Aclioth; Woman's League; Y. W. C. A., 191 1- 13; 1916-17; Math. Club; Choral Soc; Celtic Club. Asst. Recorder. Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Married Louis John Lasron (g'17), Je 26. 1918, Canton, 111. Address, 229 North Ave. A, Can- ton, 111.; bus. add., 37^9 Jocelyn St., Chevy Chase. Washington, D. C. 7621. DAVID PRESTON IIOLLIS Exten. Dir.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 17, 1873. Nebro, 111.; s. David (b. Ap 6, 1824. Gib- son Co., Tenn.) and Sarah Mellissa (Mason) llollis (b. Mr 22, 1849, Gasconade Co., Mo.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1898-99. Exten. Dir., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 191.S — . Married Minnie Bella I'lelds, Ap 30, 1902, Meredosia, 111. Children: Vida Fields", b. S 11, 1903; Zera Elizabeth, b. .■\g 14, 1908. Address, 525 W. Adams St., Ma- I comb. 111. I9i6] Baccaj.aukeate Alum ni 625 7622. DORIS JEAN HOLLOWAY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 22, 1893, Caro, Mich.; d. Ross L. (b. Ja 19, 1866, Nor- walk, O.) and Sarah Anne (Anderson) Ilollo- way (b. Ap 22, 1872, Can.). Prepared in Cen- tral H. S., Detroit. Gamma Phi Beta; Omicron Nu; Alethenai; Phi Delta Psi; H. Sc. Club; Phi Betta Kappa; Sr. Council. Teacher, H. Sc, Detroit, 1916 — . Mem., Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae, 191 7-18; Home Econ. Assn., Detroit Branch, 1916-18. Address, iBi Atkinson Ave., Detroit. 7623. CHARLES VERNON HOLMES Milk Business; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. S 10. 1894, Manteno, 111.; s. Fred W. (b. Ag 9, 1862, Oswego, 111.) and Ethyln P. (Stocksdalc) Holmes (b. Ja 25, 1861, Momence, 111.). Pre- pared in Manteno and Kankakee II. Schs. Grad. Stud,, Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Asst. Mgr. and Corporation Mem., Champaign Sanitary Milk Co., Champaign, 1917, ist Class Signal Q. M,, U. S. N,, N. Y, Harbor; Mustered out, Mr 14, 1919. Mem,, A, F. A. M. Address, Manteno, 111. 7624. HARRY STEVENS HOLTZE B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap 20, 1893, Sioux City, la.; s. Samuel Iloltze. Prepared in Sioux City (la.) II. S. Arch. Club. ist Lt., Engrs. Ad- dress, 1 92 1 Douglas St., Sioux City, la. 7625. GOLD SAMUEL HOPKINS (Sister of No. 4714) A. B. in Commerce; b. Je i, 1891, Homer, 111.; s, F, O. Hopkins. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Sigma Nu; Ku Klux. Co. 22, Bat. 6, Syracuse Recruit (ianip, N. Y. ; Mustered out, D 1918. Address, 509 S. Lynn St,, Champaign,! 7626, DOROTHY STEWART HORMEL (Sister of No. 7627) Settlement Worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 9, 1894, Austin, Minn.; d, William H. (b. Jl 4, 1862, Buffalo, N, Y.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Stewart) Ilormel (b. F 8, 1863, Elkin, Pa,). Prepared in Ottumwa (la.) H, S, ; Albert Lea Coll. Acad.; Albert Lea Coll., 1912-13. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alethenai. Settlement Work, New York City, 1916-17; Visitor for Italian Dist., Assoc. Charities, Milwaukee, 1917-18. Address, 1530 Grand Ave., Apt. 6, Milwaukee, 7627. OLIVE DEANE HORMEL (Sister of No, 7626) Instructor; A, B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 12, 1893, Chicago; d. William Henry (b. Jl 4, 1863, Buf- falo, N. Y.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Stewart) ITormel (b. F 1864, Elkin, Pa.). Prepared in Ottumwa (la.) H. S.; Wooster Acad., 1910; Wooster Coll., 1910-11. B L., Linderiwood Jr. Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1912-13. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alethenai; Scribbler's Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Asst. Ed., ///. Mag. Grad. Stud, in Eng., 1917-18; Ed. Asst., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 1916; Asst. in Eng., do., 1917-18. Address, 351 Indiana Ave., Wichita, Kan. 7628. SUSAN EUNICE HOSFORD Teacher; A. B. in L. A, & S.; b. Ag 22, 1894, Gencseo, 111.; d. William Henry (b. Ap 6, 1858, do.) and Myrtle Eunice (HoiTstalter) Hosford (b. Ap 13, 1868, do.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H, S,; Rockford Coll,, 1912-13, Alpha Xi Delta; Omicron Nu; Illiola; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Pub, Schs., Geneseo, 111., 1916-17; Teacher of H. Sc, H, S., Galva, 111., 1917 — , Address, Geneseo, 111,; bus. add., Galva, 111. 7629. BRUCE OWEN HOSKINSON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 7, 1876, West York, 111.; s. E. Hoskinson. Prepared in Norm. Sch., Ind. Address, West York, Ill.t 7630, CHARLES FRANCIS HOUGH paign II, S, Sigma Chi; I'hi Delta Phi. At- K"'n?^o^' '■'''^- '^'I'toon, 111,, 1916-17, 1st R, O. 1. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 2nd Lt. 342- nd Inf., Camp Grant, Hi., 1917 — ; Inf. ' Sch of Arms, Ft. Sill, Okla., 1918. Address. Dan- vers. 111. 7631. WALDERN HENRY HOUGH Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap i8, 1892, Morgan Park, 111.; s. Claudia Sutherland. Pre- pared in Oak Park Tp. H. S. Chi I'si; Sigma lau; Scarab; Ku Klux; Helmet; Jr. Smoker Com.; Capt., Univ. Brig. Address, 227 S, Ken- ilworth Ave,, Oak Park, 111,; bus. add.. Gen. Delivery, Huron, O.t 7632. IRMA L. HOUSER (FITCH) (Wife of No. 8322) A. B in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 28, 1894. Farmer City, 111.; d. iM-ank E. (b. 1869, do.) and Emma (Nydegger) Ilouser (b. 1872, Switzerland). Prepared in Moore Tj). H. S., Farmer City. Athenean; Classical Club; Y W. C. A. Teach- er, H. S., Monticcllo, 111.; do.. II, S,, Laurel, Mont, Married Howard J. Fitch ('17), My 24, 1 91 8, St, Louis. Address, R. 4, Rockford, 111 7633. CHARLES RALPH HOWE (Brother of No, 7634) Farmer; B. S, in Agr.; b. Je 3, 1894, Blue Springs, Neb,; s, Charles Rosecrans (b, Ap 19 1863, Tuscola, 111.) and Sadie A. (Brian) Howe (b An 27, 1865, do,). Prepared in Champaign and luscola H. Schs. Corp., Water Tank Irain, A, E. F., France, 1918- — . Address, 202 L, John St., Champaign. 7634- WILLIAM THOMAS HOWE (Brotiier of No. 7633) Farmer; B. S. in Agr,; b, Ja 31, 1891, Barn- ston. Neb.; s. Charles Rosecrans (b, Ap 19, 1863, Tuscola, 111,) and Sadie A, (Brian) Howe (b, Ap 27, 1865, do.). Prepared in Tus- cola H. S, Farmer, Tuscola, 111. Married Redith Goodson, My 19, igi8, Tuscola, lU Address, R. 3, Tuscola, 111. 7635. GRACE LAURA HOWELL (COR- DELL) (Sister of No. 3034) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 24, 1888, Winfield, Kan,; d. John J. (b. D 2, 1854, Rushville. III.) and Ellen (Dillon) Howell (b. Ap 20, 1856, do.). Prepared in Ipava II. S.; Whipple Acad.; 111. Coll., 1907-09. Married Ralph Vail Cordel!, Ag 14, 1916, Monmouth, 111, Child, Harriet Ruth, b. Jl I, 191 7. Address. Farmington, 111, 7636, WILLIS WILKINSON HUBBARD B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 27, 1890, Wellington, Kan.; s. T. B. Hubbard. Prepared in Beloit (Kan.) H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Scarab; Arch. Club; Bus. Mgr., Arch. Year Book. Capt., 17th Heavy F, A., A. E. F., France, 1918; Wounded 1918; D. S. C, cited by Gen. Pershing for bravery. Address, Beloit, Kan. 7637. CHARLES THURMAN HUFFORD Assistant; B, S. in Agr,; b. O 28, 1890, Carmi, III.; s. John A. (b. Herald, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth Ilufford. Prejiared in Omalia H. S. Asst. in Soils, Univ. of 111., 1916-18. 2nd Lt., O. T. S., 2nd Co., Inf., Camp Sherman. O, ; ■Mustered out, D 15, 191 8. Address, 1208 W. Clark St. Urbana; bus. add., 656 Agr. BIdg., Univ. of 111., do. 626 University of Illinois [1916 7638. KENNETH BLAINE HUMPHREY Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 6, 1892. Waterloo, Wis. Prepared in Waterloo (Wis.) H. S. Radio Sch., College Park, Md.; 2nd Lt., Am. Avia., Acceptance Park, No. i, France; Mustered out, F 18, 1919- Addresss, 219 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; bus. add., 60 Wall St., New York City, c/o Henry L. Doherty & Co. 7639. CHARLES EVERETT HUNGERFORD Const. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Ja 1 1, 1894, Loda, 111.; s. Everett Marion (b. Ja 8, 1848, Painesville, O.) and Mamie Fletcher (Knapp) Hungerford (b. S 6, 1863, Memphis). Prepared in Loda H. S. Triangle; Sigma Tau; Bus. Mgr., Univ. Band. Traveling Engr., Weber Reinforced Concrete Chimmey Co.. Chi- cago, 1916-17; Engr., Larrowe Const. Co., De- troit, in the Const, of beet sugar factories, Brighton Colo., 191 7; do., Sunnyside, Wash.. 1918— . Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Ella Marie Wuerzinger, S 3, 19 ' 7- Loda, 111. Address, Loda, 111.; bus. add., Sunnyside, Wash. 7640. FRANK SUMNER HUNT Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Ag i, 1888, Hancock, N. H.; s. William N. (b. Ap 15, 1862, Haverhill, Mass.) and Florence Nightin- gale (Tyler) Hunt (b. N 25, 1862, Concord, N H.). Prepared in Winona (Ind.) Acad.; Lake Forest Coll. Phi Pi Epsilon; Keramos; Am. Ceram. Soc. Ceram. Engr., Beaver Falls Art Tile Co., Beaver Falls. Pa., 1916-17- Hdqtrs. Co., 323rd F. A.. N. A., 1917-18; 3.rd 0. T. C, 83rd Div. ; Camp Jackson. Columbia. S. C. 19 1 8. Married Grace Keiller Brown, Ag 1, 1917. Address, North Brookfield, Mass. 7641. LESLIE LYMAN HUNT Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 7, 1894, Henry. 111.; s. Ola G. (b. Ap 26, 1872, White- field, 111.) and Eliza C. (Cornell) Hunt (b. Je II, 1S75. Steuben, 111.). Prepared in Sparland H. S. Farm House; .^gr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Farm Mgr., Darlington, Ala. 2nd O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., 156th Depot Brig., Camp Sherman. 1917- Mem.. M. E. Church. Address, Sparland, 111. 7642. HOMER IRVING HUNTINGTON Asst., Public Health Service: B. S. in Agr.: b. Ag 3, 1892. Edison Park, Chicago; s. E. J. Huntington. Prepared in Maine Tp. H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho; .\gr. Club; Philomathean: Choral Soc; Glee Club; Varsity Track; Food and Milk Commissioner. Cumberland, Md. ist Lt.. U. S. Public Health Service. Little Rock Ark., 1918 — . Married Mabel Frances Stoddard. Washington, D. C. Address, 6808 Osceola Ave., Chicago. 7643. OLIVER CROMWELL KEMP HUTCHINSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 21, 1891, Menominee, Mich.; s. R. S. Hutchinson. Pre- pared in Menominee (Mich.) H. S. Pi Tau Sigma; Sigma Tau; Scabbard and Blade; Ionian; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Rifle Team; Shop Mgr., M. E. Open House; Capt.. Regt. LTniv. Brig. Mech. Engr., Ry. Specialty Co.. Atchison, Kan. Address, 21 Stryker Ave., Wood- side, Long Island, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Ry. Specialty Co., Atchison, Kan.f 7644. ROBERT JOHN HYNDMAN, JR. (Brother of No. 3424) Draftsman: B. S. in E. E. ; b. Jl 12, 1892, Wyoming. Cincinnati; s. R. John (b. S 22, 1S55, Cincinnati) and Lottie Emma (Leopold) Hynd- man (b. Ja 28, i8s7, do.^. Prepared in Wyom- ing (O.) H. S. U. S. Marine Corps, 96th Co., 6th Regt., A. E. F., France. Address, 324 Mills Ave., Wyoming, Cincinnati.! 7645. CORA EDNA JACKSON HYPES (Wife of No. 7647) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 7, 1879, Organ Cave, W. Va. ; d. A. R. Jackson. Prepared in Lewisburg (W. Va.) Seminary. Married J. L. Hypes ('16), Ag 8, 191 1, Washington, D. C. Iddrcss, Ronceverte, W. Va.t 7n46. GEORGE WILLIAM HYPES (Brother of No. 7647) Prin., LI. S.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 12, 1887, Poe, W. Va.; s. S. W. (b. My 29, 1861, Clay Co., W. Va.) and Althea (Dorsly) Hypes (b. D 23, 1867, Bruce, W. Va.). Prepared in Sum- merville (W. Va.) Norm. Sch. Prin.. H. S., -Vnsted, W. Va. Address, Poe, W. Va.; bus. add., Ansted, W. Va.t 7647. JAMES LOWELL HYPES (Husband of No. 7645; Brother of No. 7646) Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1916; b. D 22, 1885, Bruce, W. Va.; s. S. W. (b. My 29. 1S61, Clay Co., W. Va.) and Althea (Dorsly) Hypes (b. D 23, 1867, Bruce, W. Va.). Prepared in Marshall Coll. St. Norm.; W. Va. Univ., 1913-14, summers, 1912-13, 1913-14. En- tomol. Soc. of America. Prin., H. S., Ronce- verte, W. Va., 1916-18. Agr. Exten. Work. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Cora Edna Jackson ('16), Ag 8, 1911, Washington, D. C. .■Iddrcss, Ronceverte, W. Va. 7648. OLIVER STAPP IMES (Brother of No. 8449) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 6, 1886. Macomb, 111.; s. Charles I. (b. S 1853, do.) and Mary A. lines (b. 1858, McDonough Co., 111.). Prepared in Macomb Norm. Sch. Elec. Engr., The Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Light Co., 1916-17. ist Lt., 311 Field Signal Bn., Camp Grant, 111.; Capt., Sig. Bat., A. E. F., France. Married Stella Lippert, Ag 3, 191 8, Rockford, 111. A(J^ dress, 402 W. Calhoun St., Macomb, 111. 7649. HORACE BALLOW INGALLS Cashier; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 4, 1S88. Urbana; s. Willie Melvin (b. Ap s. 1858, Hamilton Co., O.) and Emma J. (Irwin) Ingalls (b. S 12, 1863, Scioto Co.. O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club; Floricultur- al Club. Bookkeeper, Urbana Banking Co.; Cashier. Bus. Office, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Mar- ried Esther Condit, F 4, 1916, Urbana. Child, Robert Condit, b, D 25, 1917. Address, 209 W. Oregon St., L^rbana. 7650. SHERMAN INGELS Land. Gardener; B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. O 7, 1893, La Fayette, 111.; s. Irwin (b. 1859, do.) and Elizabeth (Ryder) Ingels (b. 1857, Toulon, 111.). Prepared in La Fayette H. S.; Toulon .Vcad.; Eureka Coll. Corp., 313th Engrs., Co. A, Camp Dodge, la.; do., France; Army of Occupation, Ger. Address, La Fayette, 111. 7651. CHARLES HAROLD JACKMAN Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 5, 1893, North Crystal Lake, 111.; s. Charles Frederick (b. N 20, 1868. do.) and Emma Anna (Collen) Tackman (b. D 13, 1867, Barrington. 111.). "Prepared in Elgin H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Prelim, and Final Honors. Engr., Am. Bridge Co., Gai-y. Ind.. 1916; Sales Engr.. Jos- eph T. Ryerson & Son. Chicago, 1916. Aviation Section, S. E. R. C, Univ. of Calif.. Berkeley. Calif., 1917; 2nd Lt., 344th Handley Page Service Sqdn,, Garden City, N. Y. : Mustered out. D II. 191 8. Married Frances Eliza Smith, F 9, 1918, Berkeley, Calif. Address, 4245 Wil- cox Ave.. Chicago; bus. add., c/o Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, do. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 627 7652. ROBERT L. JARNAGIN Lawyer; LL. ]}.; b. O 15, iStjj, Shelbyville, 111.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. S 22, 1856, do.) and Julia F. Jarnagin (b. Je 17, 1861, do.). Prepared in Shelbyville li. S. Practicing Law, Shelbyville, 111., 1916; do., Bradstreet's, St. Louis, 1016-17. I St Sergt., Marine Barracks. Paris Lsland, S. C. 19 17; ist Lt., A. K. F.. France. Mem., Shelby Co. Bar Assn. Address, 2312 S. 4th St., Shelbyville, 111. 7653. ROWLING JARVIS (Husband of No. 9100) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 27, 1893. Winchester, Mass.; s. Walter James (b. N 3. 1863, Burlington, la.) and Sarah Jane (Sow- den) Jarvis (b. Mr 23, 1863). Prepared in Hinsdale 11. S. and Lewis Inst., 1909-10. Elec. Engr. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago; Const. Work, Chazy, Plattsburg, Lyon Mt., an(i Minneola, N. Y. Govt. Const. Work, San Antonio. Wichita Falls, Tex. and Dayton, O.; Const. Div., U. S. Signal Corps, Civilian Asst. Supt., 1 91 7; Er|uii)ment Div., Signal Corps, U. 5. A.. Asst., Sr. Insp., West. Elec. Co., Haw- thorne, 111., 1918; With Allis Chalmers Sales Co., Detroit, 1918 — -. Married Esther Cranston Green ('18), Je 20, 1918, Oakwood, 111. Ad- dress, 8 Otsego Ave., Detroit; bus. add., c/o Allis Chalmers Sales Co., 1829 Ford Bldg.. Detroit. 7654. JOHN BENJAMIN JEFFERSON Draftsman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. My 7, 1891, ("hicago; s. Fred A. Jefferson. Prepared in Crane H. S. Married Bertha Pritchard, Je 1917, Champaign. Address, 4332 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. t 7655. CARSON GARY JENNINGS (Husband of No. 8367) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 6, 1891. Fayette, 111.; s. John D., (b. O 24, 1865, Bryantsville. Ky.) and Emily Eve (Gary) Jen- nings (b. Fayette. 111.). Prepared in Green- field H. S. Bushnell Guild; C. E. Soc; Pre lim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Brig. Civ. Engr., Springfield, 111.. 1016; do., Joliet, 111.. 1916-17. ist Lt., C. A. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1917; Qtrs. 77, Ft. Screven. Ga., 1917-18; Capt., Tr. Co. 6, do., 1918. Mem., Presby. Church. Mar- ried Gladys Green ('17). S 18, 1918, Oakwood. .'Iddt'ess, R. 6, Carlinville, 111. 7656. FLORENCE MAY JERVIS (Sister of Nos. 3049, 4237) B. Mus. ; b. My 26, 1890, Champaign; d. Joseph (b. Ag 30, 1833, Shropshire, Eng.) and (^'atherine (Sheargold) Jervis (b. Mr 31, 1844, Staffordshire, dn.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Geneva Club. Address, 307 S. State St., Champaign. t 7657. CHARLES LEO JEZ Land Gardener; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 6, 1890 I'ohemia; s. Francis (b. 1844, Bohemia) and Catharine (Slavicek) Jez (b. 1849). Prepared in Imperial Royal Higher Gymnasium, Bohemia and Hyde Park II. S., Chicago. Floricultural Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Grad. work. Floriculture and Land Gard. In charge of grounds of City of Chicago Municipal Tuber- culosis Sanitarium. Auth. : Articles in Has- podar. Address, 5601 N. Crawford Ave., Chi- cago. 7638. EDNA LOUISE JOHNSON Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 18, 1887, Brimfield, 111.; d. H. R. (b. My 4, 1851, do.) and Frances (Snider) Johnson (b. My 9. 1856. Boonville, Mo.). Preiiared in Brimfield H. S.; P.. P., Colo. St. Teacher's Coll.. 191 1. Supvr., Grammar Schools, Ironwood, Mich.. 1916-17; Instr. of Biol., do., 1917-18. Address, Brimfield. 111.: bits, add., 119 N. Curry St., Ironwood, Mich. 7659. MARCUS LEONARD JOHNSON ?•■ ^- ^^S- ^'•' '^- ^^ i^' '893. Chicago; s. Oeorge A. Johnson. Prepared in Evanston Acad. Address, 2136 Berteau Ave., ist Apt, Chicago. t 7660. MARY FERN JOHNSON (RICH ART) (Wife of No. 6516) A. B in L. A. & S.; B. Mus., 1917; b. JI 28 1894, Rantoul. 111.; d. A. P. (b. D 16, 1862 Georgetown, Dei.) and Effie (Obenchain) John son (b. Mr 6, 1866, Cerro Gordo, 111). Pre pared in Urbana H. S. Aciioth; Athcnean Married I'rank Erwin Richart ('14) S 11 1917. Urbana. Address, 936 W. Illinois St. Urbana. 7661. MAURICE CARL JOHNSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 14, 1898, Omaha, Neb.; s. C. F. Johnson. Prepared in Oniaha (Neb.) IF. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; c 1?" S'ema; Scabbard and Blade; Ionian; Sr. Memorial Com.; Univ. Brig.; Prelim Hon- ors; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Mech. Engr, Cleveland Clilf Iron Co., Ishpeming, Mich Capt., Motor Train Dept., Camp Grant, 111., lO}?. Address, 155 N. Oak St., Ishpeming, Mich.t 7662. MAYNARD WAYNE JOHNSON (Husband of No. 7378) Broker; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 14, 1895 Casey 111.; s. Charles F. (b. Je 27, 1867, do.) and Rose (Lee) Casey, (b. Je 3, 1866, do.). Prepared in Casey II. S. Central H. S., St Louis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Beta Gamma Sigma. Development and improving of farm properties, securities. Twin Falls, Idaho. Mar- ried Helen Beiirensmeyer ('16). Ap 23, 1917 Quincy, III. Address, Twin Falls, Idaho. 7663. DWIGHT IRWIN JOHNSTON A. B. in Commerce; b. D 8, 1893, Seymour, 111.; s. Robert Johnston. Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Alpha Kappa Psi. Address, Seymour, lU.t 7664. DAVID ROBERT JONES Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 9, 1892, Pittsburgh; s. John A. (b. Ja 8, 1865, do.) and Lillie E. (Harrington) Jones (b. Ja i, 1869, 'i?-\i Prepared in Streator Tp. II. S. Acanthus; C. h. Soc. Civ. Engr., Detailing Struct. Steel, Kansas City, Mo., With Am. Bridge Co Gary Ind., 1916-17. U. S. A. S., Champaign; Lt., u! S. Sig. Relief C, A. E. F., France, 1918; Re- ceived Lc brevet de pilot from Federation Aeronautique Internationale. Address, 572 Connecticut St., Gary, Ind. 7665. J. RUSSELL JONES Revenue Collector; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 28, 1894. Springfield, 111.; s. Morris Ashton and Rose (Mclntire) Jones. Prepared in Springfield II. S. Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Kaiipa Psi; Ma-wan-da; Mem. Ath. Bd. of Control; Mgr. 1916, Interschol. Deputy Internal Reve- nue Collector, 8th Dist., 111. 2nd Lt.. Heavy F. A. R. C, Camp Grant, 111. 1917; do., 69th Heavy F. A., West Point, Ky., 1018; Mustered out, Ja 30, 1919. Address, 437 W. S. Grand Ave., Springfield, 111. 7666. MILDRED JOYNER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. JI 22. 1894. Ridgway, 111.; d. Clarence Edward (b. Te 29. i8r)8, Stonefort, 111.) and Lucinda Ann (Wiede- mann) Joyner (b. D 19, 1868, Harrisburg, 111.). Prepared in Harrisburg Tp. H. S. W. A. A. Teacher, Anna. 111. 1916-17; Paducah, Ky., 1917-18. Address. Harrisburg, HI.; bus. add., 1325 Broadway, Paducah, Ky. 628 University of Illinois [1Q16 7667. LOUIS FREDERICK JUNGKUNG Purchasing Agt.; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 22, 1894, Freeport, 111.; s. Louis Robert (b. do.) and Georgia Anna (Gilbert) Jungkung (b. Lanark, 111.). Prepared in Freeport H. S. Sigma Alpha Kiisilon; Beta Gamma Sigma; Al- pha Kappa Psi; Cml. Club; Ku Klux. With Purchasing Dept., W. T. Rawleigh Co., Free- port, 111. Tr. Detachment, Indianapolis, 1918; Med. Corps, 164th Depot Brig., Camp Funston, Kan.; Mustered out, Ja 7, igiQ- Address, 153 Carroll St.. Freeport, 111.; bus. add., c/o W. T.^ Ramleigh Co., do. 7668. MAX JOSEPH KADIN (KADINSKY) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Je 23, 1893, Sebastopol, Russia; s. Joseph (b. Russia) and Sophie (Zeitlin) Kadin. Prepared in Sch., Sebastopol, Russia; Armour Inst, of Tech., 1911-14. Ry. Club; C. E. Club; Menorah. Civ. Engr., Grain Elevator Const. Jr. Mem.. West. Soc. of Engrs. Name Kadinsky, legally changed to Kadin. Address, 2550 Potomac Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. Room 813, 108 S. La 6alle St., do. 7669. THOMAS DEBENHAM KAHLERT (Brother of No. 3433) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 29, 1892, Car- lyle. 111.; s. Edward A. (b. do.) and Harriet A. (Grain) Kahlert (b. Augusta, 111.). Prepared in Carlyle H. S. Agr. Club; Agron. Soc. U. S. A., 1918. Address, Carlyle, 111. 7670. RUFUS MAURICE KAMM (Brother of Nos. 4738, 7671) Chemist; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 4. i893- Highland, 111.; s. Robert (b. do.) and Leonie (Meyer) Kamm (b. do.). Prepared in High- land H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chem. Club; Rifle Team; Gym. Team. Chem. Highway Dept.. Springfield, 111., 1916; do. U. S. Geol. Sur., Washington, D. C, 1917; do.. 111. Potash Co., Cairo, 111., 1918. Address, looi Walnut St., Cairo, 111. 7671. WILBUR FRED KAMM (Brother of Nos. 4738, 7670) Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 14. 1891, Highland. 111.; s. Robert (b. do.) and Leonie (Meyer) Kamm (b. do.). Prepared in High- land H. S. Rifle Club; Class Baseball; Class Basketball; Rifle Team. Research Chem., Park Davis and Co., Detroit. Address, 634 Con- gress St., Detroit.! 7672. ROBERT CLAIR KANE B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 7. 1893. Warren, 111.; s. E. K. Kane. Prepared in Warren H. S. Eta Kappa Nu. Address, Warren, Ill.t 7673. JAMES M. KANTOR Mech. Draftsman; B. S. in E. E.; b. S 28, 1893, Chicago; s. Charles (b. Ja 25, 1865. Bohe- mia) and Augusta (Benda) Kantor (b. Ag 18, 1867, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.; Crane Coll.. 191 3-14- E. E. Soc; Univ. Band; Sr. Baseball. Mech. Draftsman, Liquid Car- bonic Co., 1916-17; Chief Draftsman, do. Designing of Special T. N. T. Shell Filling Ma- chine, U. S. Gov. Mem., Illini Club, Chicago; Federation of Musicians; Musical Club. Ad- dress, 2237 Clifton Park Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 3100 S. Kedzie Ave., do. 7674. ALVA HUGO KARRAKER (Brother of No. 4740 Soil Surveyor; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 25, 1889, Dongola, 111.; s. Henrv Wilson (b. Mr 13, 1858. do.) and Ina Arminta (Davis) Karraker (b. O 5, 1865, do.). Prepared in William Jewell Acad. Agr. Club. Soil Survr., Dongola, 111. Corp., 159th Depot Brig., 14th Co., 4th Tr. Brig., Camp Taylor, Ky.; do., A. E. F., France. Address, Dongola, 111. 7675. WILLIAM HENRY KASTEN B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 15, 1891, Schenectady, N. Y. ; s. Charles Henry (b. Schenectady, N. Y.) and Josephine Caroline (Smith) Kasten. Pre- pared in Schenectady (N. Y.) H. S.; Mich. Agr. Coll. Adjt., Capt., Univ. Brig. ist Sergt., ist 111. F. A., Bat. F, 1915-16; 2nd. Lt., do., 1916; Capt., 14th Cavalry, Eagle Pass, Tex., 1917 — . Address, 1219 State St., Schenectady, N. Y. 7676. TANA KAWAMOTO Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; M. S., 1916; b. F 18, 1887, Kyoto, Japan; s. Yashuke Okuda and (Hana Kawamoto. Prepared in Middle Sch., Kyoto, Japan; Univ. of N. Dak., 1911-12. Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Psi. Transmission Engr., Telephone, Chicago, 1916-18; New York City, 1917-18. Married Kiku Tanaka, S 20, 1917, New York City. Address, 682 Academy St., New York City; bus. add., 463 West St., do. 7677. WALTER MOORE KEACH Fruit Grower; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 23, 1894, Brownstown, Ind. ; s. James F. (b. do.) and Elizabeth A. (Moore) Keach (b. Floyd Knobbs, Ind.). Prepared in Brownstown H. S.; Wabash Coll., 1912-13. Sigma Chi; Pi Pi Rho. Mgr. of Apple Orchard, Clay City, 111. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Christian Church. Married Berna Lee Benham, Jl 3, 1917, Crothersville, Ind. Ad- dress, Clay City, 111. 7678. ORA SYLVESTER KEENER B. S. in Chem E. ; b. Ap 3. 1880, Macomb. 111.; s. H. A. Keener. Attended West 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, Macomb, Ill.t 7679. SAKAI KEITOKU Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; M. S. in 1917; b. Ag 20, i8gi, Japan; s. Shichiro Keitoku. Prepared in Central H. S., Washington, D. C. Asst.. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1916. Address, 1 01 1 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana.f 7680. ARTHUR RAYMOND KELLER C. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 26, 1891, Mt. Carmel, 111.; s. J. B. Keller. Prepared in Mt. Carmel H. S. Triangle. C. Engr., Kansas City, Mo. 2nd Lt., Co. A, S28th Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, 331 E. 4th St., Mt. Carmel, 111.; bus. add., 511 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 7681. FRANCIS HUGH KELLEY Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 20, 1891, Simp- son, 111.; s. J. R. Kelley. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, East Lynn, 111. Married Nelle Lemmon, Champaign. Address, 1304 Clark St., Urbana. t 7682. HENRY PHILLIPS KELLEY (Brother of No. 6347) Farm Adviser; B. S. in x\gr. ; b. F 25, 1892, Elgin, 111.; s. Walter Scott (b. Pingree Grove, 111.) and Nellie (Guptil) Kelley. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Theta Nu Epsilon. With Exten. Dept., Internat. Harvester Co., Chicago; Farm Adviser, Cedar Rapids, la., 1917-18; do., Gris- wold, la., 1918 — . Married Mildred Wilde, D 26, 191 7, Elgin, 111. Address, Griswold, la. 7683. SAMUEL ADAMS KELLOGG Herdsman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 11, 1889, Wheaton. 111.; s. Henry L. (b. 1845, White Pigeon. Mich.) and Nora E. (Blanchard) Kel- logg (b. 1853, Galesburg. 111.). Prepared in Wheaton Acad. A. B., Wheaton Coll., 1914- De Laval Cup, Stock Judging, 1915; E. C. Stone Watch, do., 1916. Herdsman, Brookwater Farm. Mich. Address, Brookwater Farm, Ann Arbor, Mich. igi6] Baccalaureate Alumni 629 7684. FRED HANFORD KELLY Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O i, 1894, Mattoon, III.; s. B. N. Kelly. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Lamba Epsilon Phi; Pushball Com.; Cotillion Com.; Smoker Com.; Law Scholarship. Lawyer, James W. & Edward C. Craig, Attys., Mattoon, III. 2nd Lt., F. A., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Address, 3409 West- ern Ave., Mattoon, 111. 7685. BYRON FLORENCE KENNER B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 3, 1892, St. Louis. Prepared in Pasadena (Calif.) H. S. Kappa Alpha Psi. Address, Glendora, Calif-t 7686. DANIEL RALPH KENSHALO LL. B.; b. D 9, 1890, Fairfield, III.; s. Tyra (b. D 1, 1856, Fairfield, 111.) and Mary Ann (Hall) Kenshalo (b. O 16, 1858, do.). Pre- pared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. 2nd Lt., Inf., Camp Devens, 1917 — . Married Edith Carolyn Schroeder, My 5, 1917, Salem, 111. Address, Johnston City, 111. 7687. YERON HARLOW KERN Teacher; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 9, 1890. Gays, 111.; s. J. A. Kern. Prepared in East 111. St. Norm. Sch. Acacia; Alpha Zeta. With Ex- tension Division, Univ. of Ark. Address, Gays, 111.; bus. add., Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark.t 7688. PAUL PETER KIESSIG Draftsman; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 27, 1887, San Diego. Calif.; s. Charles and Bertha (Stark) Kiessig. Prepared in San Diego (Calif.) H. S.; Univ. of Calif. Philomathean; Mgr., Star Course. Draftsman, Airplane Experimental Sta., McCooks Field, Dayton, O. Address, 1463 Viola Ave., Dayton, O. 7689. LEVETT KIMMEL Prin., H. S.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 13, 1887. Lawrenceville, 111.; s. William (b. Lawrence- ville, 111.) and Melissa (Martin) Kimmel (b. Bridgeport, 111.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Agr. Club. Teacher, H. S., Palestine, III., 1916-17; Prin., Chrisman Tp. H. S., 111., 1918 — . Married Josephine Canby, Ag 10, 1916, Newton, 111. Address, Chrisman, 111. 7690. DEWITT LEONARD KING Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 7. 1893, Tonica, 111.; s. G. C. (b. S 12, 1866, Minonk, 111.) and Ella E. (Swift) King (b. S 12, 1865, Tonica, 111.). Prepared in Tonica H. S., Ad- rian Coll., 1911-12. Alpha Tau Omega; Pi Tau Sigma. Mech. Eng., Locomotive Finished Mtl. Co., Atchison, Kan. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Submarine Service, Annapolis, Md.; Mustered out, F 5. 1919. Addrc'ss, Tonica, 111. 7691. VIVIAN KING Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1893, Centerville, Ind.; d. J. E. (b. 1856, Wayne Co., Ind.) and Lulu (Beeson) King (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Richmond (Ind.) H. S.; Earlham Coll., 1911-12. Kappa Alpha Theta; Illiola. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1918. Red Cross Work, Day Nursery Work, Chicago, 1917-18; Teacher, H. Sc, Pub. Schs., South Bend, Ind.; Student, Univ. of Chicago, 19 18 — -. Address, 24 S. 9th St., Richmond. Ind. 7692. ARMIN MARTIN KIRCHER (Brother of No. 7007) B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 4, 1894, Chicago; s. Julius (b. N IS, 1859, Vincennes, Ind.) and Emma Agnes (Bandow) Kircher (b. Je 3, 1867, Milwaukee). Prepared in Crane H. S., Chi- cago. Corp., Camp Grant, D 1917. Address, 2009 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. t 7693. SIDNEY DALE KIRKPATRICK (Brother of No. 8489) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ap 2, 1894 Urbana; s. Fred Dilling (b. JI 3, 1867, May- view, 111.) and Virginia May (Hedges) Kirk- patrick (b S 12, 1875, Urbana). Prepared in Lrbana H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Sigma Xi; Sigma Delta Chi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lamb- da bpsilon; Ma-wan-da; Pierrots; Ed., 1916 Ilho and ///. Chem.; Prelim, and Special Hon- ors. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916-17 Asst Chem., 111. St. Water Survey, 1916-17; Chem" Expert, U. S. Tariff Comn., 1917-18. 2nd Lt San. Corps, 191S; Water Analysis, Lab., A. E.' F., 1918; Com. on Peace Comn. for resumption of trade, Ger. Auth.; Univ. Bull. No 13 St Water Survey (with W. A. Graham Clark) 'The Dyestuff Situation in the Textile Industries, y. S. Tariff Commission, Tariff Information, Series No. 2. Mem., A. C. S. ; Am. Water Works Assn. Address, 807 S. Goodwin Ave., Lrbana. 7694. ROBERT HERMAN KLAMT Horticulturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 30, 1893 Greiz, Ger.- s. Robert (b. D 4. 1863, do.) and Ernestine Georgi ( Waltersdorf) Klamt (b. Je 17. 1 86 1, Saxony, Ger.). Prepared in Ger. Schs. atid Lake H. S., Chicago. Cosmopolitan; Der Deutsche Verein. Agr. research work, Cornell 1916-17. Horticulturist, Fig Farm, Fresno, Calif., 1919 — . Sergt., 210th Sqdn., England; Mustered out, D 24, 1918. Address, 2948 Nor- mal Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o E. C. Fig- gins, R. A, Box 27s, Fresno, Calif. 7695. FRANCES GRACE KLANK Librarian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. L. S., 1918; b. Ja 23, 1894, Champaign; d. Albert Louis (b. Ger.) and Maud (Howse) Klank (b. Champaign). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Lib. Asst.. Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 6i8 W. University Ave., Champaign. 7696. CARROLL AARON KLEIN Architect; B. S. in Arch. E.; b. Mr 24, 1894, Washington, la.; s. Isaac (b. 1852, Ger.) and Ida (Heinsferter) Klein (b. 1864, Davenport, la.). Prepared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Zeta Beta Tau; Art Ed., Siren; Am. Inst, of Arch. Sch. Medal. With Clausan and Kruse Archs.. Davenport, la., 1916-17. U. S. Navy, Pub. Works, Rm. 12, Great Lakes, 111., 1917; Mustered out, F 17, 1919. Address, go? Persh- ing Ave., Davenport, la.; bus. add., 204 E. 4th St., do. 7697. EMMA ADELE KLEINAU Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 13 ,1885, Bloomington. 111.; d. Charles A. (b. Ja 22, 1858, Eingen. Ger.) and Lena (Kluess) Kleinau (b. O 28. 1863, Inselbrigen, Ger.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S. B. E., 111. State Norm. Univ., 1912. Kappa Delta Pi. Teaclier. Algebra. H. S., LTrbana, 1918-19; Expense Clerk, Paul F. Buih Co., Bloomington, 111., 1919 — . Address, 405 S. Clayton St., Bloomington, 111.; bus. add., c/o Paul F. Buih Co., do. 7698. ROLAND JOHN KLINGLER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Mr 7, 1894, Lead, S. Dak.; s. John Klingler. Prepared in Lead (S. Dak.) H. S. Address, 521 Addie St., Lead, S. Dak.t 7699. CHARLES GORR KLOPP Testing Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 30, i8q2. El Paso, Tex.; s. D. J. (b. Mr 4, 1858, Afolkey, 111.) and Emily C. (Gorr) Klopp (b. F 16, 1867. do.). Prepared in El Paso H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; A. S. M. E.; Pre- lim. Honors. Mech. Engr., Lewiston, Pa.; Testing Engr., Am. Engng. Co., Philadelphia. .Address, Streator, 111.; bus. add., Am. Engng. Co., Philadelphia. 630 University of Illinois [1916 7700. HARRY FARRAR KNAPPEN- BERGER (Brother of No. 3440) B. S. in A. E.; b. F 24, 1891, Macomb, 111.; s. H. (b. F 6, 1S51, Pa.) and Anna E. (Smith) Knappenberger (b. Je 26. 1859, Mass.). Pre- pared in Macomb H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Scarab. Address, 415 E. Jackson St., Macomb, Ill.t 7701. PAUL KENNETH KNIGHT A. B. in Commerce; A. M., 1917; b. F 9. 1893, Wabash, Ind.; s. E. G. Knight. Prepared in Wabash (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Beta Gamma Sigma. Address, 203 Stoughton St., Champaign. t 7702. GARY LEE KNODLE Surv. and Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 9, 1888, Dixon, 111.; s. Charles L. (b. 1845, Lightsville, 111.) and Majorie (Everts) Knodle (b. 1857, Can.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Sur. and Draftsman, Assoc. Factory Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Boston. Married Virginia H. Day, Je 1917. Boston. Address, 162 Allston St., Allston, Mass.; bus. add., Room 510, 31 Milk St., Boston. 7703. CORNELIUS WALTER KOEBELE Bridge Inspector; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 24, 1893. Chicago Heights, 111.; s. David Koebele. Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S. C. E. Soc. Insp., Am. Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. Address, 577 Tyler St., Gary, Ind.t 7704. HENRY MICHAEL KOLL Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 23, 1888, Denver; s. John Koll. Prepared in Lane Tech. Inst. Spalding Guild; E. E. Soc; A. S. E. E. Asst. Foreman, Roth Bros. & Co., Chicago. Address, 6538 Kimball Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1400 W. Adams St., do.t 770S. FRANK ALEXANDER KOPF Phys. Dir.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1890, E. St. Louis, 111.; s. Jean B. (b. D 23, 1857, Leavenworth, Kan.) and Mattie (Cun- ingiiam) Kopf (b. Ja 14, 1858, E. St. Louis. 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1910. Acanthus; Chem. Club; Tribe of lUini; Adjt. 3rd. Bn., ist Sergt., Univ. Brig.; Varsity Track; Fresh. Track and Basket Ball; Class Base Ball Mgr.; Chm., Jr. Cap Com.; Mil. Ball Com. Ath. coach and So. Instr.. Pratt Co. H. S., Kan., 1916-17; Mil. Instr. and Phys. Dir., Bisbee H. S., Arizona, 1917-18; Teacher, Phys. & Gym., Castle Heights Mil. Acad,, Lebanon, Tenn., 1919 — .Phys. Dir., Y. M. C. A., Jacksonville, Tenn., 191S; do., Nash- ville, Tenn., 1918; Mustered out, Mr 15, 1919- 111. Nat. Guard. Co. D. ■^th Inf., 1906-13. Mem., Christian Church; Y. M. C. A. Married Nora Clarkson, My 29, 1914, Peoria. Child, Frankie Virginia, b. Ap 2, 1915. Address, c/o Castle Heights Military Acad,, Lebanon, Tenn, 7706. FRIEDA ELIZABETH KORTH (APPLE) (Wife of No, 6034) A, B. in L. A. & S.; b, O 17, 1892, Brim- field, 111, Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Alpha Delta Pi; Der Deutsche Verein; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H, S,, Elmwood, 111. Married Charles H, Apple ('14), F 2, 1918, Paris, 111. Address, Trivoli, 111. 7707. AGNES ROSE KOUPAL Y. W. C. A. Sec; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b Je 6, 1889, Chicago; d. Jacob (b. 1858, Bohe mia) and Anna Koupal (b. i860, do.). Pre pared in Crown Point (Ind.) H. S. Office Sec. Y, W. C. A,, Champaign, Address, 801 S Wright St., Champaign. 7708. GARABET HOVANESS KOUYOUMJIAN Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Je 17, 1890, Armenia; s. Hagop Kouyoumjian. Prepared in St. Paul's Inst., Turkey, Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Address, Everek, Arme- nia; bus. add., S22 Poplar St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.t 7709. ARTHUR ENDRES KRAECKMANN Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 28, 1893, Chi- cago; s. Fred (b. N 17, 1868, do.) and Mathil- da (Endres) Kraeckmann (b. Mr 2, 1869, do.). Prepared in Lake View H, S. Farmer, Madi- son, Wis. Address, R 7, Madison, Wis. 7710. WILBUR EDWARD KREBS Lawyer; LL. B,; b. Ag 31, 1893, Chicago; s. A, E. Krebs. Prepared in Belleville H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Phi Delta Piii; Ma- Wan-Da; Ku Klu.x; Helmet; Egyptian Club; Varsity Baseball; Homecoming Com. Lawyer, Belle- ville, 111. I St Lt., 342nd Inf., A. E. F., France. Address, 211 S. High St.. Belleville, Ill.t 771 1. ELIE SPENCER KRIEGH B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 25., 1895, Springfield, 111.; s. W. M. Kriegh. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Homecoming Com.; Mil. Band. 2nd Lt., F. A., U. S. A., Heavy .\rt. Sch., A. E. F., France. Address, 4348 W. Madison St., Chicago. t 7712. RICHARD WALKER KRITZER A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 17, 1896, Newago, Mich.; s. Charles C. (b. F 19, 1863, Newago, Mich.) and Edith M. (Walker) Kritzer (b. Ag 23, 1871, Newago, Mich.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Ma- Wan-Da; Class Football; 1916 JUio Staff; Daily Illini Staff; Mgr. Varsity Baseball; Homecoming Com. Lt., Univ. Brig. Ambulance Corps, France. Ad- dress, 5514 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. 7713- LEO PETER KURT, JR. Merchant; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag i, 1894, Clifton, 111.; s. Leo Peter (b. Dubuque, la.) and Sabina (Coyne) Kurt (b. Dubuque, la.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Phi Kappa; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Merchant, Standard Oil Co,. N, Y., 1916; do., China, 1916 — . Married Helen James, S 30, 1918, Shanghai, China. Ad- dress, Shanghai, China, c/o Socony. 7714. KATE LACKEY Teacher; A. B. and M. A. in L. A. & S.; b. N 4, 1893, Lawrenceville, 111.; d. George W. (b. N 5, 1S63, Russelville, 111.) and Theresa (Whitnack) Lackey (b. My 7, 1866, North Salem, Ind,). Prepared in Lawrenceville Tp. H, S. Alethenai; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; W. A. A,; Capt., Biisketball and Hockev. Asst, Prin. and teacher, H. S., Alta- niont. 111.. 1916-18; do.. Pinckneyville, 111. Ad- dress, Lawrenceville, 111, ; bus. add., Pinckney- ville, 111, 7715, WILLIAM STANTON LADD Farmer; B, S. in Agr.; b, Ap 11, 1887, Tay- lorville. 111,; s, Curtis K. (b, 1852, do.) and Rosetta E, Winslow (b, 1862, Chatham, 111.). Prepared in Taylorville H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Philomathean; Final Honors. Grad. work, Cornell Univ., 1916-17; Farmer, Taylorville, 111., 1917 — . Address, Taylorville, 111. 7716. LLOYD E. LAMKINS Bank Cashier; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 29, 1892, Colfax, 111.; s. Milo W. (b. Ja 22, 1855, Sara- nac, N. Y.) and Mary Eliza (Broadwell) Lam- kins (b, S 21, 1858, do.). Prepared in Fair- bury H, S. Agr. Club; Sergt., ist Lt,, Lt. Col., Univ. Brig.; Cadet Hop Com. Teacher, Mt. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 631 Pulaski, 111., 1916-17; Chief Clerk, Personnel Office S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Asst. Cashier, First University Bank, Champaign, 1918 — . 1st Sergt., Troop B, ist 111. Cavalry; 2d Lt., Co. B, loth Inf., 111. Nat. Guard; Capt., do., 1918 — . Married Trenna Marian Evans, Mr 5, 1918, Decatur, 111. Address, 404 W. Washington, Champaign; bus. add. First Uni- versity Bank, 606 E. Green St., do. 7717. RUTH ELLEN LANCASTER Yeowoman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 29, 1894, Maywood, 111.; d. Frederick (b. 1862, Eng.) and Ada (Switzer) Lancaster (b. 1868, St. Charles, 111.). Prepared in Maywood H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 19 15. Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim. Honors; V. P., VVoman's League. Teacher, 1916-17, Atvvood, 111.; Stud., Gregg Bus. Coll., 1917-18. Enlisted in Navy, as 3d class Yeowoman, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Address, 812 S. 3rd Ave., Maywood. 111. 7718. ORAL ALBERT LANSCHE Engineer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 29, 1890, Brighton, 111.; s. Charles and Martha (Rogers) Lansche. Prepared in Brighton II. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Acacia; Eta Kappa Nu; Ionian; E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Union Council; Fresh. Var- sity Football; Varsity Football; Varsity Track; Basketball; Swimming Team. Engr., Westing- house Elec. & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh; Airplane Engine Testing Equipment, Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C. Married Fern M. Loing ('15), Ag 10, 1918, New York City. Address, 1231 Mt. Loyal Ave., Baltimore, Md. ; bus. add., 1769 Willard St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 7719. JESS CHARLES LARGENT Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 21, i8q3, Danville, 111.; s. Charles (b. 1870, Philo, 111.) and Laura (Wilier) Largent (b. 1868, Deca- tur, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Glee and Mandolin Club. Engr. Draftsman, 111. Central R. R., Chicago. Mem., A. S. C. E. Address, 61 18 Stony Island Ave., Chicago. 7720. IRVING NICHOLAS LARSON Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Mr xo, 1894, LaPorte, Ind.; s. Charles O. (b. N 13, 1865, Sweden) and Helen C. (b. Ja 12, i860, do.). Prepared in LaPorte (Ind.) H. S. Arch. Engr., Lima, O.; Bentley and Sons, Toledo, O. ist Lt., U. S. A. S., A. E. F., 1918; Mus- tered out, Mr 5, 1919, Mem., Swedish Luther- an Church; Elks Club. Address, looi Maple Ave., LaPorte, Ind. 7721. RAYMOND VICTOR LARSON Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 12, 1892, Hen- derson, Minn.; s. Peter (b. My 10, 1844, Nor- wa}') and Anna (Marmorine) Larson (b. S 25, 1861, Henderson, Minn.). Prepared in Hen- derson (Minn.) H. S.; St. Norm. Sch., Val- ley City, N. Dak., 1912-14. Agr. Club. Dir. of Agr. Dept., Taylors Falls n. S., Taylors Falls, Minn.; do., Agr. Exten. Div., Univ. of Minn., 1919 — . Scoutmaster, Troop I., Taylors Falls, Minn.; Chm., Taylors Falls Branch Am. Red Cross, 1916-18. Forest Pathological Div., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1918; Aviation Sch., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pittsburgh; Air Ser- vice, Mech. Sch., St. Paul; Mustered out, 1919. Address, Henderson, Minn.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 7722. CHARLTON PAGE LATHROP Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 191 7; b. Ag 28, 1895, Chicago; s. J. C. B. LathroD. Pre- pared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. Hort. Club; Agr. Club; Country Life Club; 111. Soc. of Agron. Chem. Warfare Service, Am. Univ. Exp. Sta. Address, 4418 Kildare Ave., Chi- cago.! 772Z. MARY JANE LAWLESS (Sister of No. 6377) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 24, 1891, La Prairie, 111.; d. J. T. Lawless. Prepared in Carthage Acad. Treas., Sr. Illinae. Address, 625 Cherry St., Carthage, Ill.t 7724. NELSON LAWNIN Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 13, 1894, St. Louis; s. Louis D. and Julia (Nelson) Lawnin. Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch., St. Louis. Sigma Chi; Ku Klux; Jr. and Sr. Class Com. Engr., Am. Steel Foundries, Granite City, 111., 1916-17. Flying Cadet Sergt., R. C. A. S., 1917-18; 2d Lt., R. M. A., Signal R. C. A. S., 1918; Mustered out, D 8, 1918. Address, 311 Jefferson Road, Edwardsville, 111.; bus. add., American Steel Foundries, Granite City, 111. 7725. *EDGAR ALFRED LAWRENCE Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 18, 1893, Chicago; s. Peters Lawrence. Prepared in Lane Tech. Sch. Jr. Highway Engr. Canadian Air Service, 1917; Lt., Aviation Section, Sig. Corps, A. E. F., France, 1918. Killed in action, Je 4, 1918, France. 7726. JOEL WILLIAM LAWS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1894. Don- nellson. 111.; s. Charles L. (b. do.) and Florence (Traylor) Laws (b. Coffeen, 111.). Prepared in Donnellson H. S. Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Club. Farmer, Donnellson, 111,, 1916-1918. 58 Co.. IS Batt., Camp Taylor, Ky., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Donnellson Community Club. Ad- dress, Donnellson, 111. 7727. JOSEPH DAYLE LAWYER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. O 20, 1891, Tenn.; s. A. M. Lawyer. Prepared in Macomb H. S. Law- yer, Chicago. Address, 841 Wilson Ave., Chi- cagct 7728. MAC E. LEACH A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. My 23, 1892, Bridgeport, 111.; s. Edward Leach. Pre- pared in Bridgeport H. S. ist Lt., Evacua- tion Ambulance Co. 7, A. E. F., France. 1918 — . Address, 326 W. 51st St., New York City. 7729. PAUL J. LEACH Co. Supt.; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 3, 1890, Ma- comb, 111.; s. A. J. and Bertha (Zander) Leach (b. Ger.). Prepared in Macomb H. S.; West. III. St. Norm. Agr. Club; Glee and Mandolin Club. Instr., Agr. and Sc, Urbana H. S.; City Leader, Boy's and Girl's Club Work, Urbana, 1916-18; County Supt., Schs., Rockford, 111., 1918 — . Married Gladys Hodson, Je 21, 1915, St. Paul. Child, Harriet, b. F 20, 191 7. Address, Rockford, HI. c/o County Supt. of Schools. 7730. LEROY WILLIAM LEDGERWOOD Engr. and Supt.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. S 17, 1887, Creston, la.; s. John M. Ledgerwood. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Prelim. Honors. Engr. and Supt., Southwest. Eng. Co., Spring- field, Mo. Address, c/o Southwestern Eng. Co., Woodruff Bldg., Springfield, Mo.t 7731. MARIAN LEATHERMAN Librarian; B. L. S.; d. William Myers and Margaret Jane (Young) Leatherman. Prepared in Pa. Coll. for Women. Prep. Dept., Pitts- burgh. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1907. Lecturer, Lib. Sch.; Lib. Asst., Hist, and Pol. Sc. Sem- inar Lib., 1913-19; Libn., Base Hosp., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. ; do.. Camp McPherson, Ga., 1918 — . Auth.: Municipal documents and other publications on municipal govt, in the Univ. of 111. Lib., Univ. of III. Bui. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn., 191 1 ; 111. Lib. Assn., 1914-18. Address, 6708 Thomas Blvd., Pittsburgh. 632 University of Illinois [1916 7732. ELLENA LEE (Daughter of No. 218; Sister of Nos. 3071, 383s, 4769, 7030) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 7, 1892, Hamlet, 111.; d. Elisha ('79), (b. Ap 6, 1856, do.) and Ellena (Bopes) Lee (b. D 7, 1855, do.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Omicron Nu; Illiola; Final Honors; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Keithsburg, 111., 1916-17. Address, R. i, Rey- nolds, 111. 7733. WILKIE WRIGHT LEGGETT Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 10, 1895, Leggett, Miss.; d. William Wright (b. Mr 15, 1857, do.) and Mary Emma (Brumfield) Leg- gett (b. Ap 15, 1857, do.). Prepared in Mag- nolia H. S.; B. S., Indus. Inst, and Coll. of Miss., Columbus, Miss., 1911-15. Alpha Xi Del- ta; Alethenai. Grad. work, Univ. of 111., 1917- Asst., Home Econ. Dept., Russelville, Ark., 1916-17; do., St. Norm. Coll., Greensboro, N. C, 1917-18; do., Colo. St. Teachers' Coll., Greeley, Colo., 1918 — . Dir., Red Cross Surgical Dres- sing, St. Norm. Coll., Greensboro, N. C. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, McComb, Miss.; bus. add., 1325 nth St., Greeley, Colo. 7734. ROY WALTER LEIBSLE Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 18, 1892, Conrad, la.; s. H. F. (b. Ger.) and Anna (Hei- fer) Leibsle (b. do.). Prepared in East Des Moines H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Scarab. With Frank E. Wetherell, Arch., Des Moines, 1916-17; Jr. Mem., Geib and Leibsle, Arch, and Engrs.. Bemidji, Minn., 1917-18. Pvt. Co. C, 313th Engrs., N. A., 1918; E. R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va.; 2nd Lt., Engrs., N. A., 1918. Mem., A. F A. M.; B. P. O. E. Address, 1320 E. 9th St., Des Moines. 7735. WAYNE SNYDER LEIGHTY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 26, 1893, Billet, 111.; s. George Leighty. Prepared in Lawrenceville H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Class Baseball. .Address, Billet, 111. 7736. ROY EDWARD LE KANDER Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Mr 17, 1893, St. Charles, 111.; s. Alfred Le Kander. Pre- pared in W. Chicago H. S. Civ. Engr., C. & N. W. Ry. Co., Fond du Lac, Wis. Address, 22 Western Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis.j 7737. EDGAR GUY LEMMON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 14, 1891, Neba, 111.; s. T. L. Lemmon. Prepared in Carroll- ton H. S. Address, Roodhouse, Ill.t 7738. NORMAN JESEPH LENHART Acct. and Auditor; A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 19, 1894, Mattoon, 111.; s. C. N. Lenhart. "Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Iris; Univ. Band; Glee Club. Acct. and Auditor, Anderson De- lany and Co., Chicago. Married Carolina Hackett, Jl s, 1916, Champaign. Address, 3515 W. Adams St., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Ander- son De Lany and Co., Harris Trust Bldg., do.f 7739. CLARENCE ALONZO LENTZ Life Ins. Agt.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My IS, 1887, Anna, 111.; s. Daniel (b. N 6, 1861. Cobden, 111.) and Mettie (Freece) Lentz (b. S 14, 1868, Anna, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Chicago, 1913. Life Ins. Salesman, Champaign, 1916-17; Gen. Agt. in Central 111. Cos., Reliance Life Ins. Co., Pittsburgh, 1917 — . Married Lela Geneva Gay, My 15, 1912, (I'arbondale, 111. Children: Zula Virginia, b. D 29, 1913; Geneva Gay, b. Ag 7, 1917. Address, 209 E. Green St., Cham- paign; bus. add., 205 Co-op Bldg., do. 7740. CHESTER WILLIAM LENZING ^ Chemist; B. S. in Cheni. E.; b. Ag 4, 1892, Chicago; s. Charles (b. 1859, Ger.) and Hen- rietta (Jones) Lenzing (b. 1864, do.). Pre- pared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chem. Club; Lt., Univ. Brig. Asst. Chera., Armour Soap Works, 191b; Chem., Armour Glycerine Plant, 1916 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 3054 Southport Ave., Chicago. 7741. EARL EMANUEL LIBMAN Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Ja 21, 1894, Chicago; s. Kalman M. (b. Mr 4, 1852, Poland) and Annie (Meyer) Libman (b. S 29, 1 86 1, Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Final Honors. Asst. Const. Engr., I. T. S., 1916-17; Asst., Ceramics, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Auth. : Kiln Arches, Brick and Clay Record, N 1916. Mem., Am. (Teram. Soc; Univ. Club, 1917 — . Married Bertholda Al Ehrlich, N i, 1916, Chicago. Address, 912 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 7742. IRENE LILLIAN LIGGETT A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 6, 1892, Camp Point, 111.; d. W. H. Liggett. Prepared in Camp Point H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Yo Ma; Alethenai; Pres., Women's League: Y. W. C. A. Social Work, Brooklyn Bur. of Charities, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 122 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y.f 7743. MARCELLO FRANCISCO DE LIMA B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 26, 1891, Brazil; s. Coriolano de Lima. Prepared in Mackenzie Coll., Brazil. Address, 105 Victorino Carmillo, Las Paulo, Brazil.! 7744. CLOVIS WARD LINCOLN Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ja 15, 1893, Rock Falls, 111.; s. Ward and Hattie E. (Coy) Lincoln. Prepared in Rock Falls H. S. Iris; Tau Beta Pi; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Pre- lim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Brig. Asst. Const. Engr., Aurora .\utomatic Mach. Co., Aurora, 111., 1912-13. Engng. Staff, Curtiss Aeroplane Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1915-17; Instr., Aeroplane Dept. U. S. A. S., 1917-18; Aeronautical Mech. Engr., Airplane Engng. Dept., Signal Corps, U. S. A.; Co. E, 3d Regt., Air Service Me- chanics Sch., St. Paul; Corp., do., Minneapolis; Bur. of Aircraft Production, Washington, D. C; Mustered out, F 3, 1919. Jr. Mem., S. M. E.; Soc. Arch. Engrs. Address, 216 4th Ave., Rock Falls, 111. 774S. CYRIL SVEN LINDER Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Jl 9, 1892, Chicago; s. Oliver A. (b. Alstad, Swe- den) and Theresa F. (Sennstrom) Linder, (b. Grisslehamn, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Supt., Pitts- burgh Plate Glass Co., Ford City, Pa., 1916; Ceramic Engr., do., Creighton, Pa. Mem., A. C. S., 1914. Address, c/o Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Creighton, Pa. 7746. HORACE WILLARD LINDSEY Editor; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 8, 1894, Rock- ford, 111.; s. A. E. Lindsey. Prepared in Rock- ford H. S. Assoc. Editor, Am. Builder. Address, 1431 Jarvis Ave., Chicago.! 7747. CARRIE EDNA LINNELL (BENSON) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 9, 1887, Belvidere, III.; d. Selwin C. (b. My 6, 1848, Rockford, 111.) and Carrie (Armstrong) Linnell (b. Jl 30, 1854, Harlem, 111.). Prepared in Belvidere H. S.; N. W. Univ.. 1905-6, 1907-8. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Teacher, Phoenix, Ariz., 1916-18. Mar- ried Earl Benson, Ap 22, 1918, Phoenix, Ariz. Address, 526 Linn St., Peoria. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 633 7748. CLYDE MAURICE LINSLEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 17, 1892, Fair- field, 111.; s. S. E. Linsley. Prepared in Fair- field H. S. Asst.. Soil Fert., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1916; Farmer, Fairfield, 111., 1916 — . Address, Fairfield, Ill.t 7749. CHARLES REEVES LITTLE Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 12, 1893, Duluth, Minn.; s. Edwin C. (b. 1863, Cleveland, O.) and Jennie E. (McCoy) Little (b. 1866, Washington, la.). Prepared in Duluth (Minn.) Central H. S. Phi Gamma Del- ta; Ma-wan-da; Pres., Ath. Assn.; Capt., Class Football; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Sec, Y. M. C. A., St. Louis, 1916-17; Salesman, Standard Oil Co., Chicago. Camp Sec, Y. M. C. A., Wichita Falls, Tex., 1917-18; 24th Co., 164 De- pot Brig., Camp Fuiiston, Kan., 1918; 2nd Lt., 1 8th Co.. Central Mach. Gun Officers' Tr. Sch., Camp Hancock, Ga., 1918 — . Address, 1702 N. La Salle St., Chicago; bits, add., 910 S. M!ichi- gan Ave., c/o Standard Oil Co., do. 7750. RUTH FLAGG LIVESAY Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 19, 1892, Nashville, 111.; d. Robinson Lorenzo Corring- ton (b. Je 19, 1851, do.) and Wylla Jane (Crih- field) Livesay (b. Ag i. 1861, Chillicothe, Mo.). Prepared in Nashville H. S. Gregorian. Teach- er, Newton, 111., 1916-17; Clerk. East St. Louis, 111., 1917 — . Address, 1632 N. 54th St., East St. Louis, 111. 7751. JOHN ORAS LONG (Brother of No. 9218) Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 19, 1895, Atwood, Kan.; s. Thomas Lincoln (b. Ap 19, 1865, Watseka, 111.) and Laura Elen (Gaunt) Long (b. Je 10, 1872, Breckenridge, Mo.). Pre- pared in Watseka H. S. Adelphic; Mgr., Univ. Dramatic Union Productions. Stud., Boston Univ. Sch. of Theology, 1916 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston. 7752. HAROLD BENJAMIN LOTZ Civ. Engr., B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 13, 1894, Madison, Ind.; s. H. B. Lotz. Prepared in Madison (Ind.) H. S. Univ. Band. City Civ. Engr., Madison, Ind. Asst. Bandleader, 325th F. A., Hdqtrs. Co., A. E. F., France; Mus- tered out, Mr I, 1919. Address, 216 E. Main St. Madison, Ind. 7753. CLIFFORD SHARON LOVE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 22, 1892, Sid- ney, 111.; s. M. E. Love. Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club. Farmer, Sidney, 111. Naval Aviation Sch., Pen- sacola, Fla., 1917; LI. S. N. Air Forces, 1918 — . Address, Sidney, Ill.t 7754. MARY ELIZABETH LOVE (MUNCIE) (Wife of G492; Sister of No. 4281) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 12, 1887. Pesotum, 111.; d. J. L. Love. Prepared in Urbana H. S. •Married Fred Weaver Muncie (g'13), Ag 15, igiS, Urbana. Address, Olney, 111. 7755- CHI TSING LU B. S. in Min. E.; b. O 19, 1889, Kiangsi, China; s. F. C. Lu. Prepared in Kiangsi Coll., China; Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1912-14. M. S., Colurnbia, 1917. Chinese Stud. Club; A. I. M. E. Mining prospecting trip, So. China, 1917- 18; Min. Engr. and one of organizers of Hua Hsen Tin Mining Co. and Lee Sun Tungsten Mining Co., discovered cassiterite and wolf- ramite deposits in Kan-Nan district, China. 1918 — . Mem., Sc of China; Engng. Assoc, of China. Addiess, Kan Chow, Kiangsi, China. 7756. BENJAMIN EDWARD LUDVIK (Husliand of No. 8001; Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. Ap 28, 1S93, Chicago; s. Frank (b. D 29, 1866. Bohemia) and Jose])hine (Karnold) Lud- vic (b. Ag 28, 1867, do.). Prepared in Medill H. S. • Class Basketball; Class Soccer; Cadet Hop Com. Head of Hist. Dept., Pekin, 111., H. S. 2d Lt., Inf., Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex.; do.. Camp Shelby, Miss. Married Olga M. Thai ('16), Ap 28, 1918, Arlington Heights, 111. Address, Dearborn, Mich. 7757- LESTER JOHN LUDWIG Acct. and Auditor; A. B. in Commerce; b. O 30, 1894, Ottawa, 111.; s. Christian (b. N IS, 1857, do.) and Berths (Lempii) Ludwig (b. F 15, 1862, do.)^ Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmopolitan; Der Deutsche Verein; Philomathean; Final Honors. Pub. Acct. and Auditor, Deloette, Plender, Griffiths & Co.. Ottawa, 111. Bat. E, 332nd F. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Co. B., 30th Eng., 111.; Bus. Mgr., Dir. Gen of Transportation, A. P. O. 717, A. E. F., France, 1918. Ad- dress, R. 28, Ottawa, 111.; bits, add., 1400 E. 53d St., do. 7758- LESLIE ROBERT LUMLEY (Son of Nos. 484, 548) Salesman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 23, 1893, Urbana; s. Dr. Clinton Grant ('86), (b. Je 14, 1S62, Ringwood, 111.) and Nellie (McLean) Lumlev ('88), (b. Ag 18, 1866, Urbana). Pre- pared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Alpha Delta Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Loyante; Philo- mathean; V. P., Stud. Union; Advertising Mgr., ///. Mag.; Capt., LTniv. Brig. Automobile Sales- man, Urbana. V. S. A. S., 191 7; Top Sergt., U. S. A. S., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; Aero Sqdn. Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111., 1918; Mus- tered out, D 1918. Address, 411 West Nevada St., Urbana. 7759. MERLE FRANCIS LUMMIS (Brother of No. 8549) Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 15. .1893, Quincy, III.; s. H. F. Lummis. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pi Omicron. Automobile Salesman, Quincy, 111. 2d Lt., F. A., U. S. R., 1 91 7. Address, 1601 Vermont St., Quincy, 111. 7760. GEORGE RICHARD LUNDE B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 20, 1892, Elgin, 111.; s. O. P. Lunde. Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S. Address, 3235 Fullerton Ave., Chicago.! 7761. ANDREW VICTOR THEODOR LUNDGREN Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. S 20, 1884, Sweden; s. C. J. (b. Je 1850, do.) and johona (Jonson) Lundgren (b. O 1845, do.). Pre- pared in Luther Coll., Wahoo, Nebr. ; August- ana Coll., Canton, S. C. Draftsman, Chicago. Mem., Lutheran Church. Address, 1508 Bal- moral Ave., Chicago. 7762. EDGAR EMMANUEL LUNGREN Engr.; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. D 25. 1893. Aurora, 111.; s. P. J. Lungren. Prepared in West Aurora H. S. Sigma Chi. Engr., West. United Gas & Elec. Co., Aurora, 111. 2nd Lt., R. M. A., Selfridge Field, Mich.; Mustered out. D 9, 1918. Address, iii Plum St., .Aurora, 111.; bits, add.. Western United Gas & Electric Co., do. 7763. RICHARD DANA LYMAN Chemist; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 5, 1888, Chi- cago; s. Francis Ogden (b. Ag 9, 1846, Hawaii) and Ruth Charlotte (Dana) Lyman (b. Je 30, i>!-i4, Boston). Prepared in Rugby Sch., Ken- ihvorth. 111., 1900-02; St. Paul's Sch., Concord, N. H., 1902-05. A. B., Harvard. 1909. Agr. 634 Universitv of Illinois [1916 Club; Hort. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Coun- try Life Club; Am. Soc. of Agron.; Seymour Leag^tie. Farmer, 1916-17; Chem., Millner Dairy Co., Norfolk, Va., 191 7; Montauk Ice Cream Co., 1917; Statistician, McLean and Egerton Ins. Agency, 1918; Sanitary Dairy Co., Houghton, Mich., 1918; Fenn Bros., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Dairy Bacteriologist, Kratzer Ice Cream Co., Montgomery, Ala. Auth. : Articles in ///. Agr. Mem., Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Christ Church. Address, 1042 Catalpa Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Kratzer Ice Cream Co., Montgomery, Ala. 7764. JOHN BOYD LYON Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. O 10, 1894, La Harpe, 111.; s. John M. (b. Burling- ton, la.) and Mary Dell (Cassingham) Lyon (b. La Harpe, 111.). Prepared in La Harpe H. S.; Indus. Efficiency with D. T. Farnham, St. Louis. Alpha Chi Sigma; Keramos. Ceram. Engr., Standard Brick Co., St. Louis, 1917 — . Married Roberta Hartrich, O 23, 191 7, Deca- tur, 111. Address, 4904 Euclid Terrace Apts., St. Louis; bus. add., c/o Laclede Christy Co., do. 7765. CARRIE FAY LYONS (Sister of No. 6394) Govt. Demonstrator; A. B. in H. So.; b. Ja 15, 1896, Greenup, 111.; d. Thomas Marion (b. D 12, i860, do.) and Etta Barbara (Sherwood) Lyons (b. F 16, 1867, do.). Prepared in Greenup H. S. Teacher, Greenup, 111., 191O- 18; Govt. Food Demonstrator, 111., 19 18 — . Address, Greenup, 111. 7766. HAZEL SIBYL LYONS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 27, 1894, Canton, 111.; d. Morris S. and Florence C. Lyons. Prepared in Soldan H. S., St. Louis. Der Deutsche Verein; Gregorian; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Loda, 111., 1916-17; do., Salem, 111., 1917-18. Address, 115 sth St., Savanna, 111. 7767. MAY' ELIZABETH McADAMS Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 10, 1881, Chicago; d. Andrew (b. F 22, 1849, London- derry, Ireland) and Julia (Hall) McAdams (b. O 7, 1859, Gloucester, Eng.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago; Armour Inst., 1899. Alethenai; W. A. A. Draftsman, War- ren Manning's landscape office, N. Billerica, Mass., 1916; Chicago, 1917; Melbourne, Fla., 1917-18; Instr., Land. (Sard. Dept., Univ. of 111.. 1918— . Address, 1303 E. 53rd St., Chi- cago; bus. add., Room 306, Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 7768. LEO GAY McAFEE Teacher; A. B. in Commerce; b. My 26, 1893, Ohlman, 111.; s. George S. Mc.\fee. Pre- pared in Springfield H.^ S. Prelim. Honors. Address, 175 9th Ave., New York City.f 7769. MILES JOHN McClelland Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 19, 1893, Park City, Summit Co., Utah; s. Robert Lee (b. N 18, 1869, Kansas City, Mo.) and Etta Elizabeth (Lindsay) McClelland (b. D 27, 1875, Salt Lake City). Prepared in Boise (Idaho) H. S. Arch. Club; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Univ. Band. Arch.. A. G. Zimmerman, Arch., Chi- cago; do., Grossman and Proskauer, Engrs. and Archs., Chicago: do., Chicago Telephone Co.. Chicago. Jr. Engr.. U. S. Reclamation Service, 1917. Mem., Lambda Sigma Phi, Chi- cago. Married, Ag 21, 191S. Address, 1642 Pearl St., Denver, Colo.; bus. add., Room 509, Tramway Bldg., do. 7770. WINIFRED LEO McCLURE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 16, 18S8, Chrisman, 111.; d. F. H. McClure. Prepared in Frances Shinier Sch. H. So. Club; Y. W. C. A.; Mem., Sr. Council; Sr. Memorial Com.; Sec, Sr. Illinae; Sec, Woman's League, leacher, Carlinville, 111. Address, Chrisman, 111.; btts. add., Carlinville, Ill.t 7771- ALVA ELISHA McCOY B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. Je 12, 1892, .Mtamont, 111.; s. James S. McCoy. Prepared in Altamont H. S. Am. Soc. of Agron.; 111. Soc. of Agron.; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors. With St. Bd. of Health, N. D.. 19 17—. Ad- dress, c/o St. Bd. of Health, Grand Forks, N. Uak.t 7772. WENDELL KEMP McCRACKEN (Brother of No. 6400) Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. My 5, 1894, Paxton, 111.; s. Robert Ainsley (b. N 19, 1854, Pittsburgh) and Luella B. (Kemp) McCracken (b. O 12, 1867, Marshall Co., 111.). Prepared ni Paxton H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Ma-wan-da; Ku Klux; Lambkins; Glee and Mandolin Club; 111. Union. Life Ins. Salesman John Han- cock Mutual Life Ins. Co., Detroit. U. S. A. S.; Flying Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111., 1918; Lt., do., N, 1918; Mustered out. Address, Paxton, 111. 7773- CHARLES WILLIAM McCUMBER Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Je 18, 1893, Chicago; s. William (b. 1861, Ind.) and Eliza- beth Katherine (Lancaster) McCumber (b. 1868, Chicago). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Scabbard and Blade; Scarab; Maj., Univ. Brig. Jr. partner, William McCumber and Son Gen. Builders, 1916-17. C. C. M., U. S. N. R. F., Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 111., Rm. 11, Pub. Works Dept. N. T. S., Great Lakes. 111.; Mustered out, Ja 23, 1919. Married Dorothy Eddington, D 22, 1917, Chicago. Address, 10350 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 140 S. Dearborn St., do. 7774- ALEXANDER PAUL MAC DONALD Lumber Dealer; B. S. in .^gr. ; b. N 11, 1893, Chicago; s. .-\. R. Mac Donald. Prepared in Morris H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Clamma Rho; .Alpha Zeta; Ma-wan-da; Varsity swimming; Prelim. Honors. With Morris Lumber Co., 111. Married Vivian Stephen, S 4, 1917, Morris, 111. Address, 715 Division St., Morris, Ill.t 7775. ROBERT E. McDOWELL Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 10, 1888, Char- lotte, N. C.; s. Frank N. McDowell. Prepared in Steele Creek (N. C.) H. S. B. S., David- son Coll., Davidson, N. C. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Zeta. Married Grace Bradford, F 28, id: 8, Huntersville, N. C. Address, R 3, Char- lotte, N. C. 7776. WILLIAM THOMAS McELVEEN, JR. B. S. in Sc; b. D 11, 1895, N. Y. City; s. William Thomas McElveen. Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. ; attended Dartmouth Coll. .Address, 802 Seward St., Evanston, Ill.t 7777. DUMAS MILLER McFALL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 12, 1S94, Mattoon, 111.; s. J. .\. McFall. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Innes of Court; Pan Hellenic Coun- cil; Home-Coming Com.; Sr. Smoker Com.; Gridiron Dancing Club; L. A. & S. V. P., 111. Union. Grad. Stud.. Ilarvard. Address, 1321 Charlestown Ave., Mattoon, 111.; bus. add., Washington C Apt., 51 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. igi6] Baccalaureate Alumni 63s 7778. GUY ENNIS McGAUGHEY Lawyer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 4, 1892, Lawrenceville, 111.; s. J. E. McGaughey. Pre- pared in Lawrenceville H. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Innes of Court; Comitatus; lilio Staff; Ath. Bd. of Control; Homecoming Com. Stud., Univ. of Wis. Lawyer, Jr. partner, Mc- Gaughey, Tohill and McGaughey, Lawrence- ville, -111., 1919 — . 2nd Lt., Inf. 4th Camp Sherman, O.; do.. Camp Lee, Va.; Mustered out, D 15, 1918. Married Margaret Kirtley Milton, F I, 19 1 8, Atlanta, Ga. Address, 913 E. State St., Lawrenceville, 111.; bus. add., 566 W. State St., do. 7779. FRANCES JEAN MacINNES (Sister of G439) Mycologist: B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 3, 1892, Salt Lake City; d. Duncan (b. 1858, Glasgow, Scotland) and Frances C. (Sayers) Maclnnes (b. i860, LiOrsham, Eng.). Prepared in Salt Lake Citv H. S. Grad. Stud, and Asst., Flori- culture, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Mycologist, Exp. Sta. and Instr., Plant Pathology, Univ. of Minn., 1917-18. Auth.: The Occurrence of Al- ternaria in a characteristic apple spot, and on apple rot caused by Gliocladium Viride, Trans- actions, III. Acad, of Sc, 191 7. Address, 1380 Raymond Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis. 7780. HARRY WOODINGTON MacKECHNIE Arch. Engr.; B. a. in A. E.; b. N 8, 1891, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; s. John Thomson ( ). Mr 25, 1847, Edinburgh, Scotland) and Mary i^izzie (Gardner) MacKechnie (b. Mr 16, i860, Brooklyn, N. Y.). Prepared in Jamaica (N. Y.) H. S.; Coll. of City of N. Y. igio-ii; Colum- bia, 1912. Delta Tau Delta; Scabbard and Blade; Scarab; North Atlantic Club; Lt., Univ. Brig; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Supt., George A. Fuller Const. Co., N. Y.; Office of Donn Barber, Arch., New York City. Plattsburg O. T. C, 1918; Am. Univ. Engrs. O. T. C, 1918; 2nd Lt., Engrs. O. R. C. ; 25th Engrs., Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass. and France; 2nd Lt., Engrs., Camouflage Sec, A. E. F., France, 1918. Address, 1164 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 7781. JOSEPH MOORE McKEON Draftsman; B. S. in M. and S. E.; b. Je 10, 1894, Elmira. N. Y. ; s. Francis Joseph (b. 1864, Ireland) and Mary Ellen (Moore) Mc- Keon (b. 1866, Scranton, Pa.). Prepared in Tech. H. S., Buffalo, N. Y. Triangle; Adel- phic; Prelim. Honors; Jr. Prom. Com. Jr. High- way Engr. for St. Highway Comn., Springfield, 111., 1916; Engr. and Tunnel Insp. for Milwau- kee Sewerage („omn., 1916; Draftsman on gar- bage reduction plants for C. O. Bartlett and Snow Co.. 1916-17. 2nd Lt., E. R. C; 33rd Engrs., Camp Devens, Mass., S 1917; Co. E. 33rd Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 68 Woodside Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 7782. JOHN LEO McNALLY (Brother of No. 7064) Exec. Asst.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. JI 1, 1892. Kankakee, 111.; s. John J. (b. i860, Tolo- no, 111. and Rose Elizabeth (Anderson) Mc Nally, (b. i860. Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Pueblo (Colo.) H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Grad. Stud., Liniv. of 111., 1916. Asst. to Pres. of Decatur Malleable Iron Co. Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc. ; Danville Country Club; Decatur Country Club; Decatur Club. Address, 6 Carlite Place. Pueblo, Colo.; bus. add., 345 VV. Prairie Ave.. Decatur, III. 7783. HARRY SAMUEL MAHOOD B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 6, 1892, Mt. Carroll, HI.; s. James Mahood. Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. C. E. Soc. 13th Engrs., A. E. F., France, Address,. Mt. Carroll, Ill.t 7784. PAULINE GERMAINfi MALOIT A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 24, 1894, Elm- hurst, 111.; d. Frank Maloit, Sr. Prepared in Elmhurst H. S. Girls' Sr. Hat Com. Address, 114 N. 3rd St., Richmond, Va.t 7785. CHARLES FREDERICK MANSFIELD Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 24, 1892, Mansfield, 111.; s. C. F. Mansfield. Prepared in Monticello H. S. Farm Mgr., Roodhouse, 111. Address, R. 5, Roodhouse, Ill.t 7786. HAZEL FRANCE^ MARKS (Sister of No. 9253) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. JI 22, 1892, Plymouth, Ind.; d. George Douglas (b. JI 28, 18O0, Culver, Ind.) and Jennie Mae (Thorn- Inirg) Marks (b. Je 6, 1868, Rutland, Ind.). Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. ; Ind. Univ. Ali)ia Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Alethenai; Scribl:)lers" Club; W. A. A.; Class Hockey and Basketball Teams. Teacher, H. S., South Bend, Ind., 1916 — . Address, 809 N. Michigan St., Plymouth, Ind.; bus. add., c/o High School, South Bend. Ind. 7787. RALPH WILLIAM MARSHALL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 2, 1893, \y. Chicago, 111.; s. William George (b. ivly 2, 1867, Millburn, N. J.) and Nellie (Neil) •Mar- shall (b. Mr 15, 1872, Richmond, 111.). Pre- pared in West Chica do.) and Louise (Maurer) Meyer (b. Jl 3, 1875, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Chi Phi; Psi Mu. Draftsman, Holme and Holme, Archs., Springlield, 111., 1916-17; Jr. Highway Engr., 111. St. Highway Dept., 1917; Insp. of Const, under Pub. Works Dept., U. S. Navy Yard. Norfolk, \'a., 1917 — ; Sta- tioned at U. S. Naval Am. Depot, St. Juliens Creek, Va. Married .-Vntoinette Peters, N 8, I0I7, Norfolk, Va. Address. 45 Court St., Portsmouth, Va. 7802. RUSSEL WARD MILLAR Teacher; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 15, 1895, Mattoon, 111.; s. David Knowles (b. N 30. 1865, do.) and Minnie M. (Travis) Millar (b. 1873, Morrisonville, 111.). Prepared in Mat- toon n. S. Phi Lambda Ujisilon; Chem. Club; Ionian; Bd., ///. Chem.; Capt., Univ. Brig. Grad. Stud, and Teaching Sc, Univ. of Mo., 19:6-17. 2nd Lt., Co. C, 30th Engrs., A. E. F., France; ist Lt., 1st Gas Regt., France; Mus- tered out, F 12, 1919. Address, 2309 Prairie .\ve., Mattoon, 111. 7803. DANIEL EDWIN MILLER Demonstrating Salesman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. F 5, 18S9, Millbrook, Kan.; s. George William (1)." N 19, 1855, Frederick City, Md.) and Julia M. (Price) Miller (b. O 25, 1857, Sewickley. Pa.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; Menominee, St. Agr. Coll., Mich. Maj., Univ. Brig. Demonstrating Salesman, Am. Hoist and Der- rick Co., 1916-17. Aviation section, U. S. A., Kelly Field, .San Antonio, Tex., iQiTJ do., Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, O.; do., (jarden City, Long Island, N. Y. ; ist Lt., Adjt. of Am. Post, England, 1917; Commanding Officer, i56th Aero Sqdn.; Army of Occupation, Treves, (jer. Address, 1519 N. 6th Ave.. Quin- cy, 111.; bus. add., American Hoist & Derrick Co., St. Paul, Minn. 7804. ELLIOTT STRONG MILLER A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 17, 1894, Evanston, 111.; s. Timothy Elliott (b. S 23, 1850, Cuya- hoga Falls, O.) and Fannie Chapin (Strong) Miller (b. Ap 23, 1856, Gambier, O.). Pre- pared in Oak Park H. S. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi; Final Honors; Ed., Siren. With Chicago Mill and Lumber Co., Chicago. 1916- 17. 2d Lt. Inf., R. C, 1917; do.. 344th Inf., 19:7; do., A. E. F., France. Address, 17s N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o C^hicago Mill and Lumber Co., Conway Bldg.. Chicago. 7805. ERWIN FRANKLIN MILLER Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 24, 1887, Onaga. Kan.; s. Franklin (b. Racine, Wis.) and Tosena (Koentz) Miller (b. Holland). PrepaVed in Onaga (Kan.) II. S. .\cacia. Draftsman, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1916-17; Supt. of Const., 14th N. A. Cantonment. 1917-18; Asst. Supervising Engr., Office of Const. Q. M., Camp Funston, Kan., 1918 — . Address, Onaga, Kan. 7806. FRED RANEY MILLER Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 2, 1X05, Gilman, 111.; s. David Warren (b. S i, 1S54, Springfield. O.) and Clara Evelyn (b. O 25," 1864, Blue Ridge, 111.). Prepared in Gd- man IT. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; .Vdelphic; Pan-Hellenic Council; Dailv Illini Staff; Mgr.. Class Baseball; Mil. Ball Com.: Jr. Prom. Com.; Hobo Band Com. City Salesman, Gen. I9i6j Baccalaureate Alumni 637 Firepioofing Co., Chicago. 1st Lt., Inf., U. S. R., 191 7; A. E. F., France, 1918; Administra- tive liaison service, Paris. Mem., A. F. A. M.; mini Club, Chicago; Mystic Ath. Club, Chi- cago. .Iddress, Gilnian, 111. 7807. JOSEPH IIARKI.S()N MILLER Civ. Engr.; 15. S. in C. E. ; b. Ag 2, 1891, Red Oak, 111.; s. Elias D. (b. 1850, Pa.) and Amanda A. (Fogel) Miller (b. 1856, Pa.). Prepared in Mt. Carrol II. S. C. E. Soc. With 111. St. Highway Dept., 1916 — . Address, Red Oak, III. 7808. RICHARD liARDWELL MILLIN Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 6, 189.;, Ridg- way, Pa.; s. Jose[)li Chalmers and Clarice El- vira (Uardwell) Millin (b. 1868, do.), Prepared in Ridgway (I'a.) II. .S. Farmer, do. U. S. Marines, A. E. F., France. Address, 215 Little Ave., Ridgway, Pa. 7809. JOHN TURNER MILLS (Brother of Nos. 2181, 3878) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 16, 1895, McNabb, 111.; s. Willis B. (b. do.) and Mat- tie (Benjamin) Mills (b. Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in John Swaney H. S., McNabb, 111. Chi Beta; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Agr. Club; Graphomen; Prelim. Honors; Mgr., Chamiiion Class Baseball Team. Stock farmer, McNabb, 111. Married Kathryn Griffith, S 8, 1917, McNabb, 111. Address, McNabb, 111. 7810. HENRY MINER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 28. 1886, Wa- verly 111.; s. W. F. Miner. Prepared in Wa- verly H. S. Hoof and Horn Club. Farmer. Address, Waverly, IlLf 78H. LEMUEL ERNEST MINNIS Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 13, 1890, Sa- lem, Wis.; s. William A. (b. Kenosha, Wis.) and Kate (Evans) Minnis (b. London, Eng.). Prepared in Crane H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Loyante; Track Team. Teacher, H. S., George- town. 111. ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan; 8th Co. Ft. H. G. Wright N. Y., 1918; 2nd Lt., C. A., 5th Camp, Ft. Monroe, Va. ; Mustered out, Ja 2, 19 19. Address, Georgetown, 111. 7812. ELSIE LOUISE MITCHELL B. S. in II. Sc; b. N 4, 1894, Havana, HI.; d. F. I. (b. do.) and Ellen (Forster) Mitchell (b. Hamilton, Can.). Prepared in Havana H. S. Address, 302 S. Orange St., Havana, 111. 7813. GRACE MITCHELL (HOIT) (Wife of No. 6963; Sister of Nos. 5315, 6431) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 31, 1895, George- town, O.; d. Isaac (b. Je 24, 1850, Russelville, (J.) and Eva (McConaughy) Mitchell (b. Ja 15, i860). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; Mask and Bauble; W. A. A.; Pres., Jr. Illinae. Married Maurice Elon Hoit ('15), Ag 16, 1916, Georgetown, O. Child, Elizabeth Mitchell, b. My 10, 19 18. Address, 425 S. Center St., Geneseo, 111. 7814. MARGUERITE MITCHELL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. S i, 1888. Wilming- ton, O. ; d. Oliver Augustus (b. Antioch, O.) and Ella May (Smith) Mitchell (b. D 7, 1859, Wilmington, O.). Prepared in Wilmington (O.) H. S.; A. B., Wilmington Coll., 1910; A. B., O. St. Univ., 1915. Phi Delta Psi; Lib. Club. Lib. Asst., O. St. Univ. Lib., Co- lumbus, O., 1914 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; O. Lib. Assn.; Univ. of 111. Lib. Sch. Alumni Assn.; Lib. Club, Columbus, O. Address, Wil- mington, O.; bus. add., c/o O. St. Univ. Lib., Columbus, O. 7815. ZENAS HARRY MOHLMAN (Brother of No. 5316) Clerk; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 21, 1894, Beards- town, 111.; s. Henry J. (b. S 10, 1859, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (BoUe) Mohlman (b. My 12, 1859, do.). Prepared in Beardstown 11. S.; McKinley H. S., St. Louis; Enid (Okla.) H. S. Kappa Sigma; Pan Hellenic; Class Football; Asst. Mgr., Inter. Class Ath. Florist, F. Dorner and Sons, La Fayette, Ind., 191618; Clerk, C. B. tS: Q. R. R. Office, Beardstown, 111. Mem., 15. P. O .E., 1917. Address, 217 Jefferson St., Beardstown, 111. 7816. RAYMOND MOONEY B. S. in E. E.; b. My 27, 1895, Chicago; s. William H. (b. O 12, 1871, Ontario, Can.) and Nellie (Morrison) Mooney (b. S 20, 1873, do.). Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Delta Upsilon. U. S. A. S., A. E. F., 1917; Royal Flying Corps, Shoreham By Sea, Eng.; 40th Aero Sqdn.; severely wounded, S 26, 1918, France. Address, 6900 Chappel Ave., Chicago. 7817. LEWIS ALBERT MOORE Farm Agent; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 28, 1893, Humbolt, 111.; s. Stanley B. Moore. Baker Univ., Kan. Farm Agt., G. R. Carr, Chicago. Chem. Warfare Dept., Edgewood Arsenal. Address, Craik, Sask., C^an.f 7818. WILLIAM ABNER MOORE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 19, 1892, St. Paul, Neb.; s. W. E. Moore. Prepared in Urbana II. S. Theta Delta Chi; Mask and Bauble; Innes of Court; Class Scrap Com.; .Sr. Invitation Com. 2d Lt., 4th Inf., N. A., Camp Dodge, la.; Mustered out, Ja 2, 1919. Address, 930 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 7819. PHARAOH TRUMAN MOOTE Civ. Engr. and Contr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 2, 1889, Manson, la.; s. Pharaoh (b. Can.) and Bell (McBeth) Moote (b. N. J.). Prepared in N. W. Acad., Carrier, Okla.; Okla. A. & M. Coll., 1906-10. Triangle. Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1916-17; do.. Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind., 1917-18; Civ. Engr. and Contr., Potosi, Bolivia, S. A., 1918 — . Address, Casilla 75, Potosi, Bolivia, S. A. 7820. JOHN W^ILLIAM MORGAN Furniture dealer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 24, 1868, Braceville, 111.; s. J. W. (b. Wales) and Helen Morgan (b. do.). Prepared in Daw- son II. .S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1913; Wash- ington Univ. In furniture bus.. Wood River, 111. Married Eva May Waters, .^g 15, 1901, Dawson, 111. Children: Evelyn Moselle, b. Je 8, ipo2; Helen Maurine, b. F 4, 1904; Parke Davies, b. D 15, 1906. Address, Wood River, 111. 7821. RALPH WALDO MORGAN Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. D 25, 1893, Prairie Creek, Ind.; s. W. P. (b. D 30, 1872, do.) and Effie J. (Elliott) Morgan (b. N 29, 1874). Pre)jared in Univ. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi .Sigma. With Swan Meyer Drug Co., Indianapolis, 1916; Ault Wiborg Dye Co., Cincinnati, 1916-17; C'osden and Co., Oil Re- finery, Tulsa, Okla., 191 7 — . 21 Recruit Co., 7th Div., Camp McArthur. Waco, Tex! 2nd Lt., 162nd Depot Brig., Camp Pike, Ark., 1918-19; Mustered out, Ja 28, 1919. Address, 304 N. Ward St., Macomb. 111.; bus. add., Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 7822. THOMAS SHERMAN MORGAN A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. My 29, 1894, E. St. Louis, 111. Prepared in East St. Louis II. S. Phi Alpha Delta; Spalding Guild: Ionian; Egyptian Club; Innes of Court. Ord. Sch., Camp Meade, Md. Address, 738 N. 22nd St., East St. Louis, Ill.t 6.^,^ University of Illinois [1916 7823. LESLIE SHERMAN MORRILL Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 23. 1894, Ft. Madison, la.; s. Cyrus Herbert (b. Port- land, Me.) and Bertha (Sherman) Morrill (b. Libcrtyville, 111.). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Final Honors; Glee Club. Mech. Engr., Durand Steel Locker Co., Blue Island, 111., 19 16-17. Candidate R. O. T. C, 1917; ist Lt., C. A. R. C 1917; Capt., C. A. R. C, 1 91 7 — . Address, 152 \\'alnut St., Blue Island, 111. 7824. ROBERT MOSES Business; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl m, 1894, Chi- cago; s. S. Moses. Prepared in Wendell Phil- lips H. S., Chicago. Zeta Beta Tau; Menorah Soc; Tribe of the Illini; Varsity Tennis Team, Capt.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Home-Coming Com.; Interschol. Com.; Fresh. Push-ball Com. With Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 2nd Lt., 4th Camp, Camp Grant, 111. Address, 4812 Calumet Ave., Chicago. t 7825. LEOTA MOSIER (BIGLER) (Daughter of No. 764; Wife of No. 6746) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 15', 1894, Urbana; d. Jeremiah G. ('93)- d). Ja 8. 1S62, Beaver, O.) and Lydia C. (Miller) Mosier (b. Ja 24, 1870. Boody, 111.). Prepared in Urbana II. S. Aljdia Omicron Pi. Married Harry Edward Bigler ('15), O 14. 1916, Urbana. Child, Ruth Elizabeth, b. Mr 30, 1918. Address, 5546 Mary- land Ave., Chicago. 7826. JULIA LOUISE MOTTIER (FRANK) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 15. 1893, Gibson City, 111.; d. Walter F. (b. Jl 17, 1S67, Cin- cinnati, O.) and Mamie Victoria (Rockwood) Mottier (b. Ja 31, 1866). Prepared in Drum- mer Tp. H. S. Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club; lainesonian; Women's League: Country Life Club; Y. W. C. A. Married William Leonard Frank, Je 20, 1917, El Campo, Tc.k. Child, son, b. Mr 15, 1918 (died Mr 20, 1918). Ad- dress, El Campo. Tex. 7827. WILL WALTER MOUNTS (Husband of No. 9169; Brother of No. 5831) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 15, 1892, Car- linville.IU.; s. William L. (b. Ja 30, 1862, do.) and Effie (Anderson) Mounts (b. Je iS. 1864, do.). Prepared in Carlinville H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. Farmer, Carlinville, 111. Chief Insp. of Refrigerators. Mich. District. Q. M. C: Instr.. Engines. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111. Married Edith Mowrine Kelley ('iS), Ag 31, 1918. Ad- dress, Carlinville, 111. 7828. *HARRY LOUIS MUELLER Chemist; B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 2, 189,3. Highland, 111.; s. Jacob Mueller. Prepared in Highland IT. S. Chemist. Branch Factory of Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. Died Mr 8, 1917, Lamar, Colo. 7829. HENRY ROLLO MUELLER Florist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 16, 1893, Sedg- wick. Kan.; s. Henry Samuel (b. N. Y.) and Jennie (Armantrout) Mueller (b. Ind.). Pre- pared in S|dgwick H. S. A. B., Baker Coll., 1914. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Floricultura! Club. With F. Oeschlin. Florist, Chicago. Bat F. Hdqtrs. Co., 130th F. A.. 3Sth Div., Camp Doni- phan, Ft. Sill, Okla., 1917; Siiecial Detachment, 3Sth Div. A. P. O. 730. A. E. F., France, Mr 1918; Sergt.. Hdqtrs. Co. 35. Coth Brig., .\. E. F., France. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Verna Floy McHenry, Je 29, 191 7, Baldwin City, Kan. Address, Wichita, Kan. 7830. HERBERT ZOLLER MUELLER Elec. Engr. and Co. Surv. ; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 26, 1894, Quincy, 111.; s. Fred Mueller. Pre- pared in Quincy H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha. Elec. Engr., Perkins Engng. Co. Married Tess Hec- kle. Ap ig. 1917. Ouincy, 111. Address, 726 No. i-'th St., Quincy, lil.t 7831. LOUIS EDWARD MULAC Elec. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 31. 1893. Chicago; s. Rudolph Mulac. Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Loyante; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Class Football and Baseball; Lt., Univ. Brig. Efficiency Engr., West. Elec. Co., Chica- go. Address, 2452 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. t 7832. EVERETT FRANKLIN MURPHY Educ. Suijervisor; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 21, 1890, Marshall, 111.; s. J. E. (b. O 23, i860, do.) and Minnie King (Kendell) Murphy (b. Je 7, 1S66, do.). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S.; Wabash Commercial Coll., Terre Haute, Ind., 1910-11. Supervisor of Agr. Education of Pub. Sch. System, Richmond, Ind. Auth.: Articles in Tlie Garden Magazine, Prairie Farmer, Indi- ana Farmers' Guide. Married Helen A. Prit- chard, O 2, 1912, Marshall, 111. Child, Dorothy v.. b. Je 29, 191 5, Urbana. Address, Rich- mond, Ind. 7833. HOWARD DAW'SON MURPHY Grain Buyer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag s, 1895, Chicago; s. Daniel Joseph (b. O 18, 1857, do.) and Annis S. (Dawson) Murphy. Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Beta Theta Pi; Helmet; (^omitatus. Grain Buyer, Chicago Bd. of Trade, 1916. Married Helen Alice Crane, Ja 22, 1917, CI icago. Child, Daniel H., b. D 29. 1917. Ad- dress, 1 1 14 Pratt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., 1600 Ry. Exchange Bldg., do. 7834. MARY AGNES MURPHY Instructor; H. Mus. ; b. Ap 8, 1891, Sullivan, 111.: d. John (b. D 18, 1859, London, O.) and Martha Carrie (Wiley) Murphy (b. Jl 7. i860, Sullivan, 111.) Prepared in Sullivan II. S. Grad., Chicago Norm. Sch. of Phys. Educ, 1918. W. A. A.: Basketball Team. As.st., Phys. Dir., Chi- cago Norm. Sch. of Phys. Educ, 1918; Instr., Phys. Tr., N. W. Univ., 191S— , Address, 718 Clark St., Evanston. 111. 7S35. RUTH ISABEL MUSSENDEN (NELSON) (Wife of No. 5338) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 6, 1891, lUiopolis, 111.: d. Charles N. (b. 1850, West Indies) and Anna A (Sutherland) Mussenden (b. i8s2, Louisville, Ky.). Prepared in Roswell (N. M.) H. S.; Univ. of N. M.. 1913-14. Alpha Delta Pi: Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Ob- long, 111., 1916-17. Married Idris Nelson ('12), Te 14, 191 6. Urbana. Address, 260 S. Academy, Galesburg, 111. 7836. WALDO RAY MYERS With Steel and Wire Co.; A. B. in Com- merce; b. N 7, 1894, Mahomet, 111. Prepared in Mansfield H. S. Phi Kappa Psi with Keystone Steel and Wire Co., Peoria. U. S. N.. Pay Div.. U. S. S., Connecticut. Address, Mans- field, 111, 7S37. NRIPENDRA KUMAR NAG Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 1801, Dacca, India; s. R. K. Nag. Prepared in Eng. Sch., Dacca, India. Eta Kappa Nu; Hindustan Assn. of America; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. .Ad- dress, Bengal India. t 7S38. VETA THORPE NEBEL (W^ife of No. 5837) A. B. in L. A. &• S.; b. Ja 11, 1895, Ken- ney. 111.; d. Samuel Le Roy (b. Ja 31. 1871, W'ajiella, 111.) and Winifred " (McHenry) Thorpe (b. Ag 19, 1870, Clinton, 111.). Pre- pared in Decatur PI. S. and Frances Shimer I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 639 Sch.. Chicago, 19 12-14. Phi Beta Kappa; Scribblers Club. Mem., D. A. li. Married Merle Louis Nebel ('13), S 6, 1915, Clinton, 111. (died O 12, 1918). Children: Merle Louis, Jr., b. Ag I, 1917; Samuel Frank, b. S 14, 19 1 8. Address, 1010 Garlield Ave., Urbana. 7839. ADOLPII LINCOLN NELSON Consulting Engr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 23, 1887, Oneida, 111.; s. Olaf (b. Ja 3, 1850, Kristlanstad, Siin, SwedenJ and Sigrid (Ben- nett) Nelson (b. F 17, 1857, do.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Pi Tau Sigma; Final and Special Honors. Experi- mental Engr., Premier Motor Corp., 191 7; Con- sulting Engr., Bur. of Aircraft Production, Airplane Engr. Dept., McCook Field. Inventeii and developed Nelson Sun Control, adopted by U. S. A. Auth.: Articles in Transactions, Soc. of Automotive Engrs. ; Automobile; Horseless Age. Mem., Soc. of Automotive Engrs. Address, Daytn, O. 7840. OLIVER JOHN NESLAGE Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 8, 1893. St. Louis; s. (Dtto William (b. 1863, do.) and Emma (Hurt) Neslage (b. 1865, St. Gene- vieve, Mo.). Prepared in McKinley H. S., St. Louis. Chi Phi; Prelim. Honors. Mech. Engr., Claremont, N. H., 1916; do., San Fran- cisco, 1916-18. 2nd Lt., 319th Engrs., 1918. Ad- dress, 3631 Juniata St., St. Louis; bus. add., 1509 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco. 7841. FLORIS WILSON NICHOLS Teacher; A. B. in Commerce; b. F 23, 1894, Natrona, 111.; s. Edgar F. (b. My 25, 1864, DeKalb Co., 111.) and Sylvia Alice (Wil- son) Nichols. Prepared in Wenona H. S. Metropolitan Clul); Adelphic; Sr. Memorial Com. Supt., Schs., Toluca, 111., 1916-17; Teacher, LaSalle Peru Tp. H. S., 19 19 — . 2nd Lt., R. C., A. E. F., France; Returned to states; ist Lt., 40th Mach. Gun Bn., 14th Div., Camp Custer, Mich.; Mustered out, ja 28, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shriner. Address, Lacon, 111.; bus. add., c/o LaSalle Peru Tp. High School, LaSalle, 111. 7842. YIN HSIANG NIU Ry. Mech. Engr.; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. O I, i888, Huchow, Chekiang, China; s. Yung Seng. Prepared in Drexel Inst., Pa.; G. I. T., Shanghai, China, 1910-13. With B. &• O. Ry., Pittsburgh. 1916-18; Ry. Mech. Engr., Peking- Suiguan Line, China, 191 8 — . Address, Huchow, Chekiang Province, China; bus. add., Kalgan Shops, P. S. Line, Kalgan, Peking, China. 7843. JOSEPH MORGAN NOBLE (Brother of Nos. 982, 983, 1938) Reporter; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 27, 1890, Shelbyville, 111.; s. Robert Cooper (b. F 21, 1848, Massilon, O.) and Jennie Elizabeth (Har- niount) Noble (b. New Haven, Conn.). Pre- pared in Wichita (Kan.) H. ,S.; Fairmount Coll. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi; Ben Franklin Club. Reporter and Ed.. Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kan., igi6— . Sec., Y. M. C. A., Ft. Leavenworth. Kan.; M. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Mustered out, Ja 3, 1919. Address, 1230 N. Waco Ave.. Wichita. Kan.; bus. add.. The Eagle Office, Wichita, Kan. 7844. ALBERT JOSEPH NOLAN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 26, 1893. Harvard, 111. Prepared in Harvard H. S. Phi Kappa; Class Baseball. Farmer, Harvard, 111. 2nd Lt., Co. C, 6th U. S. Inf., A. E. F., France. Address, 505 Dewey Ave., Harvard, Ill.t 7845. ALFRED NORBERG Valuation Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 14, 1871, Sweden; s. Andrew Norbcrg. Prepared in Pa. Coll. Acad. Treas., C. E. Club. Valuation Engr., No. Pacific, Y. M. C. A., St. I'aul. Address, Box 1212, Billings, Mont.f 7846. CLYDE JAMES NORTH Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 20, 1892, Win- chester, 111.; s. W. L. North. Prepared in Winchester H. S. Acacia; Agr. Club; Adel- phic; Bd. of Mgrs.. ///. Agr.; Cant., Univ. Brig. Farmer, Winchester, 111. Ralie's Auto and Tractor Sch., North Kansas City, Mo., 1918; 2nd Co., 2nd Battery, Inf., C. O. T. S., Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Mustered out, D 9, 1918. Address, Winchester, 111. 7847. CHIYOZI OH IN ATA A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 3, 1888, Japan; s. .S. Ohinata. Prepared in Broadway H. S., Seattle. Grad. VVork, Columbia Univ. Ad- dress, 516 Okadamura, Matsumoto, Japan.f 7848. CARLTON FREDERICK OLSEN B. S. in M. E.; b. My 5, 1891, Chicago; s. Lawrence Olsen. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Varsity Golf. Address, 6238 Evans Ave., Chicago. t 7849. GLEN ELIZABETH OPIE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Forrest, 111.; d. W. H. (b. Ag 12, Streator, 111.) and Katherine (Franey) Opie (b. N 28, Gales- liurg. 111.). Prepared in Forrest H. S.; B. S. Lewis Inst., 1914. Teacher, H. S., Cham- paign, 191 6 — . Address, Forrest, 111.; bus. add., 806 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 7850. PAULINE THEODORA OSBORNE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 13, 1892, Thomasboro, 111.; d. Franklin R. (b. F 24, 1859, Mahomet, 111.) and Lillian Elmyra n hiimpson) Osborne (b. Ja 28, 1864, Morris, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Achoth; Phi Delta Psi; .\thenean; Y. W. C. A. Grad. Slud., Eng., Univ. of 111., Summer, 1917. Ttacher, Eng., H. S., Mt. (Tarmel, 111., 1916- 18; do., Decatur. 111., igi8— . Address, 602 W. Healy St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o High .School, Decatur, 111. 7851. DAVID LEE OTT With Motor Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 17, 1893, Hoopole, 111.; s. Amos Ott. Prepared in Prophetstown H. S. Mil. Band. With Packard Motor Co., Detroit. Address, Prophets- town, Ill.f 7852. CHARLES NORTON OWEN (Brother of No. 9306) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. N lo, 1894, Chicago; s. Charles S. (b. McHenry, 111.) and Georgie B. P. Owen (b. Chicago). Pre- pared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Rho; Scabbard and Blade; 2nd Lt., Regt. Adjt., and Capt., Univ. Brig.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Univ. Orchestra. Mech. Engr., Burdett O.xygen Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., 57th U. S. Inf., My 13, 19 1 7 — . Address, 930 Argyle Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 557 W. Jackson Blvd., do. 7853. HARRY LEA OWEN (Husband of No. 7538) Salesman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl i >;, 1894, Piano, 111.; s. William Wallace (b. Ag 6. 1851, Orange Co., N. Y.) and Lillian May (Weeden) Owen (b. My 15, 1858, Sycamore, 111.). Pre- pared in Piano H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Theta Tau; Arch. Club; Staff, Daily Illini; Asst. Ed., 1915 Illio. With Kawner Mfg. Co., Niles, Mich., 1916; Salesman, Kawner Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, 19 16 — . Married Rosalie Florence Gehant ('16), N 10, 1916, Dixon. 111. Child, William Lea, b. My 29, 1917. Address, 2319 Dupont Ave.. South Minneapolis; bus. add, 509 Palace Bldg., do. 640 University of Illinois [1916 7854. JOHN BEITNER PAGIN (Husband of No. 734-) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 31, 1894. r.aGrange, 111.; s. Lewis Albert (b. 1S70, South Bend, Ind.) and Nannie (Beitner) Pagin (b. 1870, do.). I'repared in Ladrange H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Helmet. With Sherman-Klove Co., Chicago, 1916-17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; jnd Lt., Ord. Exp. Sta., Am. Univ., Washington, D. C; Mustered out, F 4, 1919- Married Louise Amborn ('16), Ag 18, 191. Davenport, la. Address, 234 N. Catherine Ave., LaGrange, 111. 7855. WILLLA.M LOVE PARISH B. S. in A. E.; M. S., 1917; b. My 12, 1894, Greenfield, 111.; s. W. T. Parish. Prepared in Greenfield H. S. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi. Air Service (Bombing), A. E. F., France. Address, Greenfield, Ill.t 7856. KENNETH WARREN PARKINSON Land Appraiser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja i, 1892, Waverly, 111.; s. F. W. Parkinson. Pre- pared in Centralia H. S. Agron. Soc; Agr. Club; Class Baseball. Land Appraiser for Loan Dept. of John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co., 19 17. Inf., Candidate C. O. T. C, Camp Gordon; Mustered out, N 30. 1918. Address. 191 2 Kenilworth Ave., Chicagp; bus. add., Harris Trust Bldg., c/o John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co., 11 1 W. Monroe St., Chicago.f 7857. MUKAND LALL PATHAK B. S. in E. E.; b. O 15, 1892, Mauko, Jul- lundur, India; s. Puran C. Pathak. Prepared in Mission H. S., JulUindur, India. Address, Dickkot Lyalpore, Punjab, India. t 7858. ADOLPH FREDERICK PAULI Librarian;. A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. June 12, 1893. Peoria; s. Frank Frederick (b. Jl 8, 1866, do.) and Helena (Lapp) Pauli (b. N 30, 1867, Germany). Prepared in Avery- ville H. S., Peoria. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim. Honors. Libr. Asst. in classics, Univ. of 111., 1917- Libn., war ser- vice. Camp Sherman. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 2922 N. Adams St., Peoria. 7859. BERNICE F. PEADRO (Sister of No. 6475) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 5, 1891, Sullivan, 111.; d. R. M. Peadro. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Illiola; Classical Club. Address, 713 Hamilton St., Sullivan, Ill.t 7860. RICHARD HENRY PERROTT A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 6, 1864. Delphos, O.; s. John Perrott. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, Sumner, 111. 7861. ELEANOR SARAH PETERSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 16, 1890, Galesburg, 111.; d. J. A. Peterson. Prepared in Galesburg H. S. Omicron Nu; Y. W. C. A.; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Clinton, Ind. Address, 453 E. Losey St., Galesburg, Ill.t 7862. 'WILLIAM CHANDLER PETERSON B. S. in A. E.; b. D 24, 1894, Crystal Lake, 111.; s. Frederick and Emma (Miller) Peterson. Prepared in Crystal Lake H. S. Beta LTpsilon; Scarab; Arch. Club; Class Baseball; Circula- tion Mgr., III. Magasine; Mil. Ball Com.; Jr. Prom. Com. Arch. Supt., Court House Bldg.. Eau Claire, Wis., 1916. Arch, with Leonard Const. Co., Chicago, 1916-17. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., Inf., France, 1918; Marines, sth Regt., do. Mem., Congr. Church; Mystic Workers Lodge. Killed in action, Je 7, 1918, Chateau Thierry, France. 7S63. JOHN FRANCIS PICKEN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1894, Ar- gyle. 111.; s. David (b. do.) and Margaret (.Montgomery) Picken (b. do.). Prepared in Rockville H. S.; Park Coll., 1912-14. Alpha Zeta. Farmer, Argyle, 111. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; do., Ellington Field; Mustered out, D 13, 191 8. Address, Argyle, 111. 7864. WALTER RAYMOND PIERSON A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 5, 1894, Prince- town, 111.- s. Fred Pierson. Prepared in Prince- town H. S. Sergt., S4th Bn., Engrs., A. E. F., France, Bordeau-x. 1918 — . Address, 920 S. Church St., Princetown, 111. 7865. 'ERIC FREDERICK PIHLGRAD Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap 9, 1893, Chicago; s. A. F. Pihlgrad. Prepared in Bowen H. S., Chicago. Sigma Nu: Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Ma-wan-da; Scaral; Scabbard and Blade: Ben Franklin Club; Gridiron Club; .\rch. Club: Ionian; Class Basketball; III. Magaslite Staff; Mil. Ball Com.; Sr. Memorial Com.; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim. Honors. Co. E., 61st Inf., A. E. F., France; Wounded in Meuse-Argonne drive. Died F 28. 1919, France. 7866. FRED THEODORE PINKEY Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 18, 1892, Chicago; s. William H. (b. Mr 26, 1859, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Clara (Stimming) Pinkey (b. Ag 8, 1865, Dubuque, la.) Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Chem., Columbia West. Mills, Chicago, 1916-17; Mineral Point Zinc Co., Depue, 111., 191 7 — . Married Bertha Privott, Je 12, 1915, Sullivan, 111. (died Mr 3. 1918). Address, 4710 N. W^inchester St. Chicago; bus. add., Depue, III. 7867. VELMA COE PLETCHER (Sister of Nos. 1574, 4859, 5872, 5873') Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 15, 1894, Hoopestown, 111.; d. David S. (b. Jl 24, 1S51, I'ittsburgh) and Elizabeth C. (Pees) Pletcher (b. F 14, 1857, do.). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Delta Pi; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H. Sc, Pub. Schs.. South Bend, Ind., 1918 — . Address, South Bend, Ind. 7868. HAROLD AUSTIN POGUE (Brother of No. 6484) Asst. Sec; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 25, 1893, Sullivan, 111.; s. J. R. (b. Shelby Co., 111.) and Ella (Landon) Pogue (b. Auburn, 111.). Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; -Mpha Kapiia Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Mawan-da; Sachem; Helmet; Ku Klux; Trustee, Illini Publishing Company; ("lass Football; Fresh. Varsity Track; Varsity Foot- ball; Varsity Track; Pushball Com.; Sr. Hat Com. Asst. Sec, .\ssn. of Commerce, Decatur, 111. Capt., Supply Co.. loth Regt., Canip Lincoln; 2nd Lt., -Mr Service, Balloon Div., O. St. Univ., Columbus, O.; Balloon Observer, Signal Corps, San Antonio, Tex. Address, 121 E. Main St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 369 S. Edward St., do. 7869. 'ALEXANDER HYMAN POLAKOW B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 10, 1893, Chicago; s. Hvman Polakow. Prepared in Medill H. S. Tribe of Illini: Chem. Club; A. C. S.; Varsity Track. Chem., Investigator with Arbuckle Bros., Chicago. Died Ja 19, 1917. Chicago. 7870. ELLIS J. POTTER (Brother of No. 7139) Supt. of Constr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 15, iSgo, Denrock, 111.; s. John Farnsworth (b Tl II, 1866, do.) and Eva Leona (Thomp- son)" Potter (b. Tl 3, ^$.68, do.). Prepared in I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 641 Morrison IT. S. Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Crystal Dancing Club; Lt., Univ. Hrig. ; Class Baseball and Track Team. Arch. Draftsman, Madison, Wis., 1916; Supt., Const, for St. of Wis., 1918 — . Mem., Christ- ian Church. Married Juanita Isabelle Holson, Jl 10, 1916, Farina, 111. Child, Frances Kathleen, b. N 11, 19 17. Address, 304 Breeze Terrace, Madison, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Dept. of Engng., do. 7871. BEATRICE PRALL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 17, 1888, Cold- water, Kan.; d. B. G. ^PralI. Prepared in ',Univ. of Ark. Catalog Libn., Little Rock Public Lib., Little Rock, Ark. Address, 220 N. Main St., Hoije, Ark.t 7872. JAMES BRUCE PRATT Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 24, 1894, Sheldon, la.; s. Fred W. (b. F 14, 1867, Waukon, la.) and Louise fBollman) Pratt (b. Ag 2/, 1868, I'ostville, la.). Prejiared in Sheldon H. S.; Univ. of la., 1912-15. Auditor, Central Passenger Assn., Chicago. U. S. Army. Address, 7400 Crandon Ave., Chicago. 7873. ALVIN F. PRESTON Ranch Foreman; B. .S. in Agr.; b. D 29, 1891, Montfort, Wis.; s. Thomas S. (b. JI 28, 1857, Tennimore, Wis.) and Hattie D. (Muender) Preston (b. Ap 22, 1867. Montfort, Wis.). Prepared in Montfort (Wis.) 11. S.; Piatt- ville Norm. Sch., Madison. 111. Foreman of ranch, Montfort, Wis., 5 Platoon, Co. A, Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Calif.; Corp., U. S. Marine Corps, Co. K, iith Regt., .^rd Bn., A. E. F., France. Address, Montfort, Wis. 7874. CHARLES BRADLAW PRICE Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 19, 1890, Vienna, 111.; s. J. M. Price. Prepared in Vienna H. S. Teacher, Roseville, 111.; do., II. S., Blue Island, 111., 1918— . Married. Child, Charles Bradlough, Jr., b. Ap 4, 1918. Address, 681 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island, 111. 7875. JAMES KELLY PRIMM (Brother of No. 7876) Entomologist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F s, 1888, Carrollton, III.; s. John White (b. N 1848, Belleville, 111.) and Mary Emilv (Kelly) Primm (b. Je 16, 1852, Carrollton, III.). Prepared in Springfield II. S. Field Asst., U. S. Bur. Entomol., North East, Pa., 1916; Supt. of land work William II. Moon, Nursery Co., Trenton. N. Y., 1916-17; Entomol., Pa. Bur. Econ. Zool., Philadelphia; do., Gleiiwood Nur- series, Morrisville, Pa.; Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Econ. Zool., 1917 — . Auth. : The European Poplar Canker in the Vicinity of Philadelphia, Jour. Econ. Entomol. Mem., Am. Assn. of Econ. Entomol.; A. F. A. M. Married Pearl Baker, Je 2, 1917, Chicago. Address, 601 Oak Lane Ave., Philadelphia; bus. add., Pa. Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Econ. Zool., do. 7876. PHILIP TIMON PRIMM (Brother of No. 7875) Land. Arch.: B. S. in Land. Card.; b. Ap 8. 1890, Carrollton, 111.; s. John W. (b. N 17, 1848, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Mary (Kelly) Primm (b. Carrollton, III.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Married Roslyn Nelson, Ta 2, 1918, Urbana. Address, 2768 Lancashire Road, Cleveland; bits, add., 1900 Euclid Ave., do. 7877. WILLIAM JASPER PRINCE Prin., Sch.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 15, 1884, Coin, la.; s. Jasper Prince. Prepared in Evanston Acad, of N. W. Univ. Prin. of Sch., LaFayette, Ind. Address, Coin, la.; bus. add., LaFayette, Ind.t 7878. DUANE WIILLARD PROPST Med. Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; B. S. in Med., 1917; b. O 14, 1891, Springfield, 111.; s. David Edward (b. N 9, 1855, Sweetwater, 111.) and Effie Elizabeth (Snodgrass) Propst, (1). Je 9, i860, Macomb, 111.). Prepared in -Springfield II. S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Chem. Club. Student of Medicine, Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111. Reserve Corps, Med. Section, Ja 16, 1918. Address, loio N. Grand Ave., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., 217 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. 7879. EUGENE FRANCIS PRUETT Instructor; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 24, 1891, Kinmundy, III.; s. F. A. Pructt. Prepared in Salem II. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Helmet; Jr. Councilman, III, Union; Jr. Prom. Com.; Class Football. Instr., LIniv. of Pa. 2nd Lt. F. A., U. S. R.; Divisional Hdrjtrs., A. E. F., France; Wounded, O 28, 1918. Address, Kinmundy, 7880. IRENE EMMA PULSIPHER Teacher; B. S. in II. Sc; b. Jl 21, 1892, Brinifield, HI.; d. Edmund C. (b. Ap 7, 1848, do.) and Emma C. (Gibbs) Pulsipher (b. F 4, 1859, Elmwood, 111.). Prepared in Brim- field H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1011-13. Omicron l^faj. Teacher, II. S., Mt. Carroll, 111., 1916-17; do., Le Roy, 111., 1917 — . Ad- dress, Elmwood, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Le Roy, III. 7881. RUTH QUESENBERRY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 19, if^95. Webster City, la.; d. Harry and Laura CSteele) Quesenberry, (b. Ap 28, 1868 Athens, III.). Prepared in Mansfield H. S. ; III. Wes- leyan Univ., 1912-13. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, H. S., Kinmundy, 111., 1916-17; do., Potomac, 111., 1917 — . Address, Potomac, ill. 7882. BENJAMIN HARRISON QUESTEL Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 3, 1888, Herald, 111.; s. Edmondson T. (b. Mr 26, 1857 White Co., 111.) and Lilly Ann (Marlin) Ouestel (b. N 16, 1859, do.). Prejjared in Carmi H. S. Alpha Zeta; Farm House; Pre- lim, and Final Ilonors. Soil Physics Dept., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111. 2nd Lt., Chem. Warface Service, Co. K, ist Gas Regt., Camj) Sherman, O. • Mustered out, D 19, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Carmi, 111.; bus. add., c/o Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 7883. ANITA EMMA R.\AB Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Je 11, 1S92, Belleville, III.; d. Earnest P. (b. O 20, 1862, do.) and Minna (Fleer) Raab (b. Phila- delphia). Prepared in Belleville H. S.; Two yrs. study in France and X^er. Alliance Fran- caise; Der Deutsche Verein; Woman's Ed., Daily Illini, 191 3-14. Teacher, Mod. Lang., H. S., Champaign; Reconst. Aide, Occupational Theropy, Camp Upton, N. Y., 1919 — . Address, iui S. High St., Belleville, III.; bus. add., c/o Base Hosp., Camp Upton, Yaphank, N. Y. 7884. FRANK RAFFOWITZ Alech. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 15, 1894, ^_/iicago: s. Hyman Raffowitz. Prepared in i^rane II. S., Chicago. Menorah Soc. ; Stud, tiranch, A. S. M. E. Mech. Engr., Chicago. Hddress, 1020 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. 788s. ROBERT CHARLES RAHN Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Je 3, 1894, Chicago; s. Henry C. (b. D 17, 1861, Chilton, Wis.) and Alida (Banka) Rahn (b. D 19, 1874, DeKalb, 111.). Prepared in Crane I'ech. H. S., (Chicago. Ceram. Engr., Ceram. Eng. Dept., West. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1916-17. Sergt., Hdqtrs. Co., 343rd Inf., Camp Grant, 642 University of Illinois [igi6 III., 1Q17-18; ii6th Engrs., A. E. F., France, Ap 1918 — . Address, 4642 West End Ave., Chi- cago. 78S6. CLAUDE RAIBOURN (Brother of No. 8684) Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 16, 1895, Bloomington, Ind. ; s. James Edward (b. Lynnville, Ind.) and Ida (Caswell) Rai- bourn (b. B-oonville, lad.). Prepared in Waterloo H. S. Grad. work, N. W. Univ., Sch. of Commerce, 19 17. Tan Kappa Epsilon; Beta Gamma Sigma. Bus. Acct., Arthur Young and Co., Eldorado, 111., 1916-17; do., New York City, 1918— . ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; U. S. A. S., 1917; 3rd Cadet Sqdn., Ellington Field, Houston, Tex., 1917; 2nd Lt., 52nd Aero Sqdn., ist Prov. Wing, Garden City, N. Y.; Mustered out, D 23, 1918. Address, 65 Central Park West, New York City. 7887. ISAAC LA GRANGE RATCLIFFE Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. F 19, 1894, Kansas City, Kan.; s. (jeorge Joseph (b. My 31, 1862, Canada) and Susan (La Grange) Ratcliffe (b. Ap 3, 1868, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Highland (Kan.) Acad. B. S.. Highland Coll., 1913. Mil. Band. Jr. Acct., Mainwaring, Raflfel, O'Brien Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1916-17. 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C, Citizens Tr. Camp, Fort Logan H. Roots, Ark., 1917. Ad- dress, 741 S. Denver Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 7888. LEAL WILEY REESE Law Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 27, 1894, Owaneco, 111.; s. Lindsay (b. Je 8, 1852, Fairmont, W. V.) and Nancy Louise (Wiley) Reese (b. Ag 21, 1857, Fair- mont, W. Va.). Prepared in Pana Tp. H. S. Grad. work in law, Univ. of 111., 19 16-17. Cos- mopolitan; Delta Sigma Rho; Philomathean; Graphomen; Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig.; De- bating Team; Ed., Summer Illini. Asst. Com- mandant, Western Mil. Acad., Alton, 111.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 19 19 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 191S-16; R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 2nd Lt., F. A., Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Address, 802 E. 2nd St., Pana, 111. 78S9. GEORGE W. RENWICK (Brother of No. 6509) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl i, 8194, Harvey, 111.; s. Frank Whipple (b. F 5, 1867, Elgin, 111.) and Margaret A. (Concannon) Ren- wick (b. Ja 15, 1868, Clinton, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Englewood H. S., Chicago; North- western Mil. and Naval Acad., Lake Geneva, Wis. Sigma Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors. U. S. M. C, Tr. (:amp, Quan- tico, Va., 191 7; 2nd Prov. Brig'., M. C, Dominican Rep., Santo Domingo, 191 7; ist Lt., do.; Capt., U. S. Marines. Co. F, 43rd Regt., A. E. F., France; Brooklyn Naval Hosp., U. S., 1918; Mustered out, Ap i, 1919. Ad- dress, 5450 E. View Park, Chicago; bus. add., 1109 Fisher Bldg., do. 7890. ORA EDGAR REYNOLDS Professor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 17, 1881, Guthrie, 111.; s. Thomas (b. 1848, Lex- ington, Ky.) and Malinda (Sumner) Reynolds (b. 1850, O.). Prepared in Gibson City H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1913-14. A. M., Teacher's Coll., Columbia, 1917. Phi Delta Kappa. Head of Dept. of Educ, Coll. of Puget Sound, Ta- conia, Wash., 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 614 S. M. St., Tacoma, Wash. 7891. CARLYLE SEEDS RHODES B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 21, 1894, Lovington, 111.; s. H. Rhodes. Prepared in Lovington H. S. Varsity Football. Lt., 95th Aero Sqdn., A. E. F., France, Prisoner in Baden, Ger. ; Re- ceived Croix de Guerre; Mustered out. Ad- dress, Lovington, 111. 7S92. GRANVILLE LEROY RIGG Y. M. C. A. Sec; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 13, 1 89 1, Goldengate, 111.; s. Millard Filmore (b. N 26, 1858, Maud, 111.) and Florence Vic- toria (Naylor) Rigg (b. Jl 24, 1859, Albion, III.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Agron. Soc. ; Choral Soc. Sec, Y. M. C. A.. O'Brien Co., la. Married Mabel Maud Lloyd, Je 8. 1916, Ramsey, 111, Address, Primghar, la. 7893- CHARLES LAWRENCE RITTS Supt., Const.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 11, 1891, Sparta, 111.; s. Barney Vencle (b. Clarion Co., Pa.) and Anna Elnora (Martin) Ritts (b. Nor- walk, O.). Prepared in Sparta H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; 2nd Lt., and Capt., L'niv. Brig. Arch. Draftsman, Whitsitt and Schulzke, Archs., Moline. 111., 1916-18; Supt. of Const., Temple and Burrows, Archs., Daven- jjort. la., 1918 — . Mhrried 'Alice Juanita Stephenson, D 20, 1916. Sparta, 111. Child, Charles Stephenson, b. Ag i, 1918. Address, 63 Davenport Saving Bank Bldg., Davenport, la. 7894. FRANCES ELLA ROBERTS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 21, 1894. Corinth, 111.; d. F. M. Roberts. Prepared in McKendree Coll. Acad. Teacher, H. S., Tohnston City, 111. Address, Thompsonville, Ill.t 7895. HUGH SCHUYLER ROBERTSON Ceramist; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. S 19, 1893, Chillicothe, 111.; s. Joseph Luper (b. Prairie City, 111.) and Eva Lena (Lerhnue) Robert- son (b. do.). Prepared in Chillicothe H. S.; A. S., Bradley Poly. Inst., 1914. Keramos. Ceram., Harbison Walker Refractories Co., Pittsburgh, 1916-18. U. S. A. S., Ithaca, N. Y., 1018. Married Helen Moon, Ap 9, 19 18, Oak Park, 111. Address, 7228 Thomas Blvd., Pitts- burgh. 7896. ALBERT WIILLIAM ROBBNSON (Son of Nos. 246, 268; Brother of No. 3524) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. My 27, 1894, Topeka, Kan.; s. Albert Fowler ('80), (b. O 12, 1S53, Henry, 111.) and Loretta Kate (Elder) Robinson ('81), (b. S 27, i860, Mattoon, 111.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Phi Gamma Del- ta; Tau Beta Pi; Helmet; Prelim. Honors; Class Basketball and Football. Asst.. Test Dept. of A. T. and S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan. ist O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan. and Ft. Monroe, Va., 191 7; 1st Lt., Ord. R. C. Frankford Arsenal and Camp Jackson, S C, 1917; 4th Anti Air Craft M. G. Bn., A. E. F., France, 1918; Mus- tered out, Ta 25, 1919. Address, 166 N. Sco- ville Ave., "Oak Park, 111. 7897. *JOHN LESTER ROBINSON LL. B. ; b. My 21, 1892, Mt. Vernon, HI.; s. J. T. Robinson. Prepared in Mt. Vernon Tp. II. S. Phi Delta Phi. Died F 24, 1917, Benton, 111. 7898. WILLIAM OTTO ROESSLER Farm .Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 12, 1890, Shelbyville, HI.; s. Philip (b. 1S37, O.) and Mary M. (Kull) Roessler (b. 1858, Strausbury, 111.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S.^ Alpha Gamma Rho. Instr., Marion Tp. H, S., 1916- 17; Co. Agr. Agt., la.. 1918 — . Address, S. First St., Shelbyville, 111.; bus. add., Sigourney Hotel, Sigourney, la. 7899. GARDNAR SPENCER ROGERS Insp. Engr. ; B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. Mr 28, 1S92, Duluth, Minn.; s. E. J. Rogers. Pre- pared in Evanston H. S. Beta Theta Pi; U. L. .-\. S.; Gridiron Dancing Club; Varsity Tennis; Tribe of Illini; Mgr., Post-Exam. Jubilee. Insp. Engr., Curtis Aeroplane Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ; Insp., Navy Yards, Philadelphia. Ad- dress, 1306 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 1703 Spruce St., Philadelphia. I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 643 7900. HARRY THOMAS ROGERS Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 14, 1894, Tolono, 111.; s. Edward B. (Mr 25, 1871, Tuscola, 111.) and Maud O. (Skinner) Rogers (b. Jl 5, 1S71, Tolono, 111.;. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Kai)pa Psi; Scarab; Theta Tau; Lt., Univ. Brig. With Engng. Dept., Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal, Canada, 1916; Port Huron, Mich., 1916-17; Const. Of- fice, Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. ist and 2nd R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111.; 2nd Lt., Inf., Camp Zachary Taylor, 1917; 1st Lt., do., 1918; A. E. F., Eng., 1918 — ; 814th Pioneer Inf., returned to states, D 1918; Mustered out, F 7, 1919. Mjem., Presby. Church. Address, 403 W. White St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. 7901. RUSSELL DAVID ROGERS Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 21, 1892, Peoria, 111.; s. David H. (b. 1844, Bethney, W. Va.) and Delila T. (Bates) Rogers (b. 1854, Akron, O.). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Bushnel Guild; Jr. Class, Foot- ball Team. Arch. Draftsman, Elgin, Joliet and East. Ry. Co., Joliet, 111., 1916 — . Mar- ried Lucille Madore Keill, Ap 2, 1915, Cham- paign. Child, Neill David, b. D 11. 1918. Ad- dress, 307 Sherman St., Joliet, 111.; bus. add., c/o E. J. and E. Ry. Co., do. 7902. WALTER LOUIS ROHLFING (Brother of No. 6522) Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. F 25, 1894, Grove- land, 111.; s. Louis (b. D 31, 1859, Weisburg, Ger.) and Sophia (Hillman) Rohlting (b. F 4, 1S67, Lawrenceburg, Ind.). Prepared in Mor- ton Tp. H. S. Chi Beta; Class Swimming; Jr. Prom. Com. Address, Groveland, Ill.t 7903. FRED ANDREW ROHN Arch. Engr. and Supt.; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 25, 1895, Chicago; s. Fred Henry (b. Ag 2i, 1870, Chicago) and Anna (Jensen) Rohn (b. Mr II, 1875, Chicago. Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Alpha Rho Chi; K. O. T. B. Engr. and Supt. for E. Norman Brydges, Arch., Chicago, 1916-17. 2nd Lt., Engr. R. C, Co. D, 311th Engrs., Camp Grant, 111.; ist Lt., 311th Engrs., A. P. O., 916, A. E. F., France. Address, 1325 Rosedale Ave., Chicago. 7904. VALENTINE KIMBALL ROOT Salesman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 11, 1891, Chicago; s. Walter Russell and Louise (Hinman) Root. Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Pres., 111. Union Dramatic Club; Lambkins; Orange and Blue Club; Glee Club. Salesman, Cable Piano Co., Chicago. Ensign, Navy, U. S. S. Prairie. Address, 491 Berkeley Ave., South Orange. N. Y. 7905. HAROLD BOONE ROSE Designer; B. S. in M. E., b. Jl 7, 1893, Jack- sonville, 111.; s. John Y. (b. F 4, 1864, Glas- gow, 111.) and Margarett L. Rose (b. Je 22. 1866, Milton, 111.). Prepared in Winchester H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha. Designer, Avery Farm Implement Mfg. Co., Peoria. Married Blanche Veda Waltrip, Ap 7, 1917, Blooming- ton, 111. Child, Edwin Boone, b. Ja 24, 1918. Address, 511 Park Ave., Peoria. 7906. FRANK ROSENBERG Ceramist; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Mr 25, 1894, New York City; s. Simon (b. Ag 9, 1861, Poland) and Yetta (Segallowitz) Rosen- berg (b. Ja 14, 1863, do.). Prepared in William McKinley H. S. ; Crane Jr. Coll. Menorah; Final and Special Honors. Blast Furnace Chem., 1916; Bat. Foreman, Inland Steel Co., Coke Plant, Indiana Harbor, Ind., 1916 — . Married Sadie Helen Barnett, Je 14, 1917, Chicago. Address, 4443 Hazel Ave., Chicago; h\ts. add., Baltimore Hotel, Indiana Harbor, Ind. 7907. KENNETH DWIGHT ROSS (Son of Nos. 256, 289) Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; A. M., 1917; b. S 17, 1893, Salt Lake City; s. Sprague Dwight CSi), (b. F 8, 1857, Reno, 111.) and Bertha Estella (Barnes) Ross ('81), (b. Ag 11, 1863, Norwood, Mass.). Prepared in Grand Is- land (Neb.) H. S^ Tau Kappa Epsilon; Beta (lamma Sigma; Cml. Club; Prelim. Honors. Cilee Club; Univ. Orchestra. Efficiency Dept., Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago; Accountant. Arthur Young & Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., Q. M. Corps, Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Tenn.; Fla. ; 1st Lt., Q. M. Purchase Records Dept. of Supply Control Bur., Washington, D. C; Mustered out, F 18, 1919. Address, 615 W. ist St., Grand Island, Neb. 7908. HOWARD MOORE ROTROCK Salesman; B. S. in C. E.; 1). Mr 12. 1891, Chicago. Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago. Salesman, The Barrett Co., Chicago. Address, c/o A. Lagerstrom, 7836 S. Peoria St., Chi- cago; bus. add., c/o The Barrett Co., 10 S. LaSalle St., do.t 7909. FRED GRAFTON ROUNDS Arch. Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 6, 1893, St. Paul; s. Jean Elmer (b. 1866, Maiden, Mass.) and M. Leona (Sanger) Rounds (b. 1867, Cambridge, Mass.). Prepared in St. Paul Central H. S.; Univ. of Minn. Alpha Rho Chi; Tau Beta Pi. Grad. Work, Univ. of Minn., 19 1 7. Arch. Draftsman, St. Paul, 1916-17; Billings, Mont., 1917. ist Sergt., 313th Engrs., Co. C, Camp Dodge, la., 1917- 18; Engrs., R. O. T. C, Co. 5 B, Camp Lee, Va., 1918 — . Address, 1531 W. Minnehaha St., St. Paul. 7910. ELLEN MARY ROURKE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap i, 1885, Springfield, 111.; d. William P. Rourke. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Address, 1600 E. Jackson St., Springfield, Ill.t 79 1 1. JOSEPH ALVIN RUEFF Designer and Estimator; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja 22, 1894, Ontario, Canada; s. Joseph August (b. Je 28, 1868, Wallingford, Conn.) and Katherine Josephine (Schlund) Rueff (b. Tl 7, 1869, Oak Park^ 111.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Designer and Estimator, Standard Oil Co. Ind., 1916-18. Co. L, 3rd Engr. Tr. Regt.. Camp Humphreys, Va. ist Sergt., Co. D, 542nd Engrs., A. E. F., France. Address, Hotel Metropole, Chicago; bus. add., Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. 7912. MABEL LOUISE RUEHE (Sister of No. 4881) Instructor; B. Mus. ; b. Ag 5, 1890, Gilman, III.; d. August Henry (b. Ger.) and Sarah (Williams) Ruehe (b. Wales). Prepared in Waukegan H. S.; Waukegan Conservatory of Music. Mu Kappa Alpha; Univ. Choristers. Instr., Carleton Coll. Conservatory of Music, Northfield, Mass., 1916 — . Mem., Congr. Church; Assn. Northfield Coll. Alumni, 1916- 18; Northfield Music Club, 1917-18. Address, 1014 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. 7913. MARY HILLIARD RUMSEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 13. 1891 Redlands, Cal. ; d. John Davies (b. F 2, i860 Wales) and Zilla Etta (Hilliard) Rumsey (b Mr 16, 1868, Pepin, Wis.). Prepared in Tp H. S.. Princeton; James Milliken Univ., 191 1 14. Teacher, H. S., Pipestone, Minn., 1916 18; Grad. work, Univ. of 111., summer, 1917 644 University of Illinois [1916 Teacher. H. S., Cedar, la., loiS — . Mem.. Baptist Church; B. Y. P. U. Address 804 E. 9th St., Mu-scatine, la.; bus. add.. Cedar, la. 7914. HOWARD ED\V*\RD RUNDLE B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. Ag 27, 1S91, Iron Mountain, Mich.; s. A. J. Rundle. Prepared in Iron Mountain (Mich.) H. S. Address, Iron Mountain, JMich.t 791 S. WILLIAM LOYD RUNDLES (Brother of Nos. 5914. 7179. 71S0) Land. Gardener; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 6, 1890, Huntertown, Ind.; s. John J. (.b. 1S46, do.) and Mary C. (McComb) Rundles (b. S 11, 1857, do.). Prepared in Ft. Wayne (Ind.) H. S. Lambda Chi .\lpha; 1915 Illio Staff; Jr. (Tap Cora.; Sr. Stag Com. Ensign, Submarine Chaser, U. S. Iv., 191S-19; Mustered out, Ja 28, 1919. Address, Huntertown, Ind. 7916. ROY LESLIE RUSH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 7, 1S90, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio; s. C. I. Rush. Prepared in Metropo- lis Central II. S. Loyante; Adelphic; Glee (]Iub; Choral Soc; Illinois Drama Federation. Officers Corps. Ft. Riley, Kan. Lt., 335th Inf., A. E. F., France; Wounded in battle of Argonne; Base Hosp., No. 114, 191S. Address, Mesa, Idaho.!. 7917. LOUIS JOHN RUST Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 16, 189-I, Pekin, 111.; s. Hielo John (b. O 31, 1869, do.) and Josephine Katherine (Roelfs) Rust (b. Mr 20, 1874. do.). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Elec. Engr., Research Dept.. Nat. Lamp Works. Cleveland, 191 6-1 7. Warrant Officer, U. S. Naval Steam Eng. Sch., Steven's Inst.. Iloboken. N. J.; France, 191S. Address. 717 Park Blvd., Pekin, 111.; bus. add., 57 Stanwood Road, Cleveland. 791S. THOMAS LENOR RUTH Lawyer; LL. B.; b. N S, 1889, Mason City. 111.; s. Richard B. (b. do.) and Tulia Anna (Well) Ruth (b. San Jose, 111.). Prepared in Havana H. S. Lawyer, Chicago 1916 — . Mar- ried Stella Amelia Williams. N 3, 1915, Chi- cago. Child, Stella May. b. My 14, 191 7. Ad- dress, 1718 W. 62d St., Chicago. 7919. BURTCH IRWIN RUTLEDGE Insp. and Operator; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 21, 1893, Thomasboro. 111.; s. George Wash- ington (b. Jl 2, 1853, Mt. Sterling. O.) and Minnie Isabel (My i. i860, Indianola, la.). Prepared in Chatsworth H. S. Insp.. Holt Mfg. Co., E. Peoria: Operator. T. P. and W. R. R., Farmdale, 111. Co. D, 3rd "Inf., Del Rio. Tex.; 17th Tr. Bat., F. A., O. T. S., Louisville, Ky.. 1918; Mustered out, N 27, 1918. Address, Chatsworth, 111. 7920. FREDA IRMA SAMUELS (KRAMER) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag ii, 1894. Chicago; d. Moses (b. N 26, 1869, do.) and Edith (Ex) Samuels (b. Jl 4. 1871, do.). Prepared in J. Marshall H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1012-14. Phi Beta Kappa; Le Cercle Frangais; Psych. Club. Teacher, Chicago, 1916-17. Married Milton M. Kramer, Te 6, 1917, Chicago. Ad- dress, 108 4th St., N." W., Madison, S.'Dak. 7921. HARRIET ADELAIDE SANFORD Teacher: A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 22. 1894, Decatur, 111.; d. Frank Sanford. Prepared in Danville H. S. H. Sc. Club; Class Basketball. Teacher, Mount Carmel, 111. Address, 106 Robinson St., Danville, Ill.t 7922. ALBERT MERRITT SANTEE A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 191 7; b. O 14, 187S, Altamont, Kan.; s. L. D. Santee. Pre- pared in Princeville (Va.) H. S. Address, Pasadena, Calif.t 7923. LEW R, SARETT Associate; LL. B,; b. My 16, 18S8, Chicago; s. Rudolph L. (b. Ag 1865, Russia) and Jeanette (Block) Sarctt (b. Je 1866, Lithuania). Pre- pared in Benton Harbor (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich. 1908-9; Harvard, Coll, of Law, 1911- 12. A, 1!., Beloit Coll., 191 1. Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Delta Phi. Lecturer, Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua System, 1916 — ; In charge of Divis- ion of Pub. Speaking. Dept. of English, Univ. of 111.. I9i6-i8; Assoc, do., 1918 — . Auth.: Pamphlets of a political nature; Articles in Quarterly Jour nf Pub. St>cakinp, Lyceu>u Mag- azine: English Jour.: Verses in The Outing Magacine; Sports Afield; Outer's Book and Re- creation; Motion Picture Maga:i>te; Am. Fores- try: Poetry and a Magazine of I'crsc; Poems, The Blue Duck, and Chippewa Flute Song, Poetry, iqiS. Mem., A. F. A. M.: International Lyceum Assn.; Nat. Sec, Nat. Assn. of Teach- ers of Pub. Speaking. iVIarried Margaret Hus- ted, Je 17. 1914, St. Joseph. Mich. Child, Lewis R., b, D 22. 1917. Address, iii E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 7924. EDGAR FREDERICK SCHAEFER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 20, 1896. Quincy, 111.; s. Christ Schaefer. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Class Basketball; Fresh. Varsity Base- ball; Sr. Memorial Com. Address, 1121 Ohio St., Quincy, Ill.t 7925. MICHAEL ANDREW SCHALCK Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 28, 1S83, But- ler, Ky.; s. J. W. Schalck. Prepared in Eureka Coll. Acad. Pi Pi Rho; Hoof and Horn Club; Volunteer Band. Instr., Man. Tr. and Agr., Tp. H. S., Casey, 111. Address, Butler, Ky.; bus. add., c/o High School, Casey, 111. 7926. GILBERT SIMON SCHALLER (Brother of No. 3165) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 29, 1894, Mendota, 111.; s. John (b. do.) and Bertha (Gross) Schaller (b. do.). Prepared in Blackstone H. S. Ionian; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Lt. Capt.. ITniv. Brig.; Sr. Ball Com.; Jr. Smoker Com. Mech. Engr., Niles, Mich., 1916-1917. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; Ord. Dept., Motor Works, loiS; 1st Lt., 6oist Mobile of Ord. Repair Shop, Camp Hancock, Ga. : do.. Ord., .-V. E. F., France. Mem., Niles Club, Mich.; Ft. Sheridan Assn.. Chicago. Address, 506 N. sth St., Mendota, HI. 7927. RALPH WENDELL SCHECTER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 28, 1893, Riola. 111.; s. S. F. Schecter. Prepared in Dan- ville H. S. Cosmopolitan; Philomathean; Mil. Band; Univ. Orchestra. Teacher. H. S., Dan- ville. 111. 23rd Engrs., Camp Meade, Md.; Band Master. 23rd Engng. C. Band. A. E. F., France; Army of Occupation. Address, 709 Robinson St., Danville, 111. 7928. DONALD CHARLES SCHEELE With Auto Mfg. Co.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 21, iSq2, Elgin. 111.; s. August Scheele. Prepared in Elgin H. S. With Jeffrey Auto Mfg. Co., Kenosha, Wis. Address, 821 Douglas Ave., Elgin, Ill.f 7929. LOUIS HERMAN SCHICKEDANZ (Brother of No. 4890) Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 4, 1887, Chicago; s. Jonathan and Emma Schickedanz. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. H. S. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Pres.. Techno- graph Bd. Asst., Mech. Dept., Cleveland ClitTs Iron Co., Mich. .-Iddress, 634 W. Grove St.. Pontiac. 111.; bus. add., c/o Cleveland Cliffs Iron (To.. Ishpeming, Mich. i9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 645 7930. RALPH LOUIS SCHIESSWOLD (Brother of No. 7193) A. B. in Commerce; b. O 16, 1894, Chicago; s. P. P. Schiesswold. Prejjared in Mercers- burg Acad. Chi Phi; Alpha Kajiiia Psi; Varsity Swimming Team; Capt., Univ. Brig. Lt., 23rd Co., 5th Kegt.. U. S. Marine Corps, New York City, 1917; N 1917, France; Capt., 23rd Co., 6th Mach. Gun Bn., Army of Occu- pation, Ger., 191 8; Received Croi.x de Guerre for gallantry in battle of Blanc Mont Ridge. Address, 3651 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago. 7931. EDWARD HOLMES SCHLADER (Son of No. 447) Ry. Engr.: B. S. in Ry. E.; b. N 10, 1892, Chicago; s. Thto. II. ('85), (b. Ap 11, 1856, Green Vale, 111.) and Mary L. (Holmes) Schla- der. Prepared in Oak Park Tp. II. S. In Mech. Dept., N. Y. St. Ry., Rochester, N. Y., 1916-17; Office of .Supt. of Shops and Equip- ment, Metropolitan West Side Elevated Ry., Chicago, 1917 — . Address, 237 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak. Park, 111.; bus. add.. Room 1341, Edison Bldg., 72 W. Adams St., Chicago. 7932. WALDO LAUFF SCHLUETER (Husband of No. 8069) Cml. Representative; A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 27, 1892, East St. Louis, 111.; s. A. G. Schlueter. Prejiared in Smith Acad., St. Louis. Phi Sigma Kappa; Helmet; Ku Klux; Lamb- kins; Sachem; Cheer Leader; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Sr. Smoker Com. Representative Stan- dard Oil Co., Shanghai, China, 1916 — . Mar- ried Helen Wilson ('16), O 18, 191 8, Shanghai, China. Address, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave.. East St. Louis, III.; bus. add., c/o Standard Oil Co., Shanghai, China. t 7933. KARL WILLIAM SCHMIDT Draftsman; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ap 23, 1892, Kansas City, Mo.; s. C. P. Schmidt. Pre- Eared in Man. Tr. H. S., Kansas City, Mo. • raftsman, K. C. Structural Street Co., Kansas City, Mo. Address, 3640 Virginia Ave., Kansas City, Mo.t 7934. RAYMOND STANLEY SCHOLL Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 23, 1890, Pitts- burgh; s. Louis August (b. do.) and Mary Ellen (Smith) Scholl (b. Wales). Prepared in Pittsburgh H. S. Theta Chi; Agr. Club; Pre- lim. Honors. Lecturer, Chicago, 1916-17; Teacher, Huntington, W. Va., 1917. ist Lt., U. S. Army, Ft. Niagara, N. Y. ; Cambridge, Mass., Camp Meade, Md., My 1917; Toul. France. 1918 — . Address, 67 Woodland Ave., Crafton, Pa. 7935- DON BUEL SCHULER Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 16, 1888, Englewood, Kan.; s. B. M. Schuler. Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. Pi Pi Rho; Tau Beta Pi. Address, 1519 N. Vassar Ave., Wichita, Kan.; bus. add., 149 N. Lawrence Ave., do.-\ 7936. ERNEST RUDOLF SCHULZ B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. D 31, 1888, Russia; s. Henry (b. do.) and Ernestine (Abold) Schulz (b. do.). Prepared in Sec- ondary Sch., Russia. Cosmopolitan; Alpha Zeta; Special and Final Honors; Scholarship and Fellowship. Grad. Work for Ph. D., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 1102 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. 7937. LINCOLN BAIN SCOTT Entomologist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 19, 1891, Hyde Park, Mass.; s. Jairus Hart (b. Nova Scotia) and Henrietta (MacClean) Scott (b. do.). Prepared in Melrose (Mass.) H. S.; Mass. Agr. Coll. Theta Chi. Field Agt., Bur. of Plant Industry, 191C-17; do., Bur. of Entomol., 1916 — . Address, Gypsy Moth Lab- oratory, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. 7938- SHIRLEY EDWARD SCOTT Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 14, 1886, Frankton, Ind. ; s. A. H. Scott. Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. Teacher, Ileyburn, Idaho. Address, Anderson, Ind.t 7939. WINFIELD SCOTT B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1918; b. Ag 12, 1888, Brownfieki, 111.; s. Robert (b. 1828, do.) and Jarfe (Hooper) Scott (b. 1846, Rock River, Tenn.). Prei)ared in 111. St. Norm. Univ.; la. St. Coll. Address, 1009 W. Oregon St.. Urba- na; bus. add.. Brownfield. 111. 7940. HERBERT FRANK SBIFERT Farmer; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. Ja 26. 1893, Thiensville, Wis.; s. Frank Gus- tav (b. F2S, i860, do.) and Wilhelmina (Scheun- ert Seifert (b. S 27, 1864, do.). Prepared in Cedarburg H. S. Milwaukee St. Norm. Sch 1912-14. Phi Beta Kappa; Grad. Scholarship Farmer. Address, Thiensville, Wis. 7941. AUTHUR GEORGE SEIFRIED (Brother of No. 5406) Land. Arch.; B. S. in Land. Arch.; b. F 22, 1893, Chicago; s. William (b. Ger.) and Eliza- beth (Best) Seifried (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S. Sigma Nu; Univ. Land Arch. Soc; Scarab; Theta Nu Epsilon; Jr. Asst. Mgr., 191S Circus; Bus. Mgr., Dope Sheet; Bus. Mgr., 1916, Land. Arch. Year Book. Land. Arch., Jens Jenson, Land Archs., Chi- cago, 19 16-17. Cantonment Const. Div., Wash- ington, D. C. ; Aviation Spruce Production Div., do.; Active Sergt., 434 Aero. Const. Sqdn., Clatsop, Ore., 1917; Mustered out. Ja 22, 1919. Auth.: Articles in Chicago Examiner. Mem., Chicago mini Club; Coll. Fraternity Club, Chicago; Chicago Chap., Sigma Nu Alumni. Address, 4218 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add.. Am. Park Builders, Marquette Bldg., do. 7942. WILLIAM HEINE SELLARDS (Husband of No. 8395; Brother of No. 5408) Asst. Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 17, 1892, Tuscalo, 111.; s. Dr. A. J. (b. i860, Greenup. Ky.) and Jennie Rosalie (Armstrong) Sellards (b. N 18, 1863). Prepared in Champaign H. S. and Oakridge Acad. Sigma Chi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Comitatus; Mask and Bauble. Asst. Mgr., By-Products Dept., Swift and Co., Louisville, Ky. 1916-17; do., N. Y., 1917-18. ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917. Discharged, phy- sical disability. Mem., lUini Club, Chicago and N. Y. Married Hannah Hahn Harris ('17), S 20, 191 7, Champaign. Child, Margaret Anne b. D 20, 1918. Address, 1224 Pacific St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; bus. add.. Office, Swift and Co., By-Products Dept., New York City. 7943. ARTHUR TRUMAN SEMPLE Farm Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 28, 189S. Dawson, 111.; s. James A (b. Ag 10, 1863, Cal- houn Co., 111.) and Hannah (Jackson) Semple, (b. Posey Co., Ind.). Prepared in Springfield H. S. Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Farm- house; Prelim, and Final Honors. Scientific Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 191 6-1 8; Asst. foreman. Columbiana Ranch, Eldred, 111. Address. U. S. Dept. of Agr., State Agr. Sch.. Jonesboro, Ark. 7944. LYLE ELWOOD SEVERANCE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 14, 1891. Alba, Mich.; s. Lucius E. (b. 1855. Plymouth, Mich.) and M. Rosa (Boston) Severance (b. 1864. De- troit). Prepared in Lansing (Mich.) H. S. 040 UnIVEKSITY ok ll.l.lNOl.- Mioh. Asr. Club. Wsetiil'le plant grower^ Far- mer and Klorist. l.ausinj;, Mich. j5oth V. A., Suiu'l.v Co., A. r. *.>. 711. A. E. v.. France. .l,Uli\-ss, Sj7 Jv. rinc St., l.ansins. Mich. 794S. MAE MAGIULEN SEX.U'ER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N .-7. iJ^o.^. Uolviilere. 111.; d. John Se.\auer. I'repaved in lielvidere U. S. Kai'ivi Kappa Ciainma; .Meth enai: Mask ami Uaublo. I'eacher, 11. S.. CVn- tralia. 111. .-Uid't-ss. l.onan .\ve.. Helviilere, 111.; t-iis. (-..ii<., C/O llish School. Centralia. Ill 7040. ROLL.\ FLEMMING SHAFFER Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja*4, iS;*--. lertVvsonville. 111.: s, John Hart vb. iSjo, New- castle. Pa.> and Sarali liarker vUean") Shatter U>. it^^-, Athens l.\>., 0.'>. Prepared in Fair- lield ll. S. .\sr. Clnb; Hoot" and Horn Club. Tester, l.asalle Co. Cow resting .\ssn,. loio: Asst. Farm Adviser, Woodford Co., Eureka, 111. Address, c/o 1. S. Uvooks. Ottawa, III. 7047. RAY IRIS SHAW I. -\sst.. Farm Mech.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr g. iSSo. t.>hio. III.; s. J. E. Shawl. Prepared in I'niv. .\cad. .Vcacia; Ma-wan-da; .\,v;r. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Kd. -in-Chief, 1015 lltio: Mil. Paud. Stud, and Asst.. Farm Mech., Cniv. of 111., ^o^^-l7; Jo., toio — . Ambulance Corps. 1017; Cueat Lakes. 111., igiS-i<); Mus- tered out, i<;)i9. Addr,-ss, 501 Daniels St.. Champaign. 794S. "A. VERON SHEETZ A, B. in Commerce; b. F i6, iSo.\ Freeport, 111.; .s. .\ugustus Valentine (b. H iS, 1^45, J.>, ) and Kittie Alice (.Ulanchard") Sheetr U>. F jq. il^po. Silver Creek Tp., 111.1. Prepared in Freeport H. S. Farmer, Freeport, 11'., ioit>- 17. Bat, F, 140th F, A., Ft, Sheridan; Rain^ bow Div., France. Drowned Ag 17, toiS while swintmiivg in Marne River, France. 7049. EDWIN SHEUn', JR. Enjsineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. My jo. 1895. New Orleans. La.; s. Edwin Shelby. Prepared in Sewanee Mil. Acad. (Tenn.). Zeta Psi; Scabbard and Blade; Ku Klux; Dixie (."lub; Col., I'niv. Bris-; Mil. Ed.. i//u>. En^r.. James Stewart and Co., BaUlwinsville. N, \., \01p-17. ist l.t.. Ft. Leavenworth. D 1917; 1st l.t,. Bat. v., 3rd F. A.. C. S. A.. Ft. Oglethorpe, t'.a.; I', S. A.. Bat. E. .\. E. F.. F'rance; Capt.. .;rd F. A.. A. P. O. 704, Jo. Addrtss. 0510 West End Blvd.. New Orleans; bus. adj.. c, James Stewart and Co., Port Arthur. Tex.t 7050. WALTER WILLIAM SHELDEN .-Vccountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Tl o. 1S04. Winnebaco. 111.; s. William David (b. Jl jo. iSoo, Jo.) ai\d Lillie May (.Stockburser") Shel- den (,b. D 7, iSoo, Pecatonica, 111.'). Prepared, in Rockford H. S. Iris; Beta Ganima Sivnna; Scabbard at\d lUade; Graphomen; Capt.. Univ. Briit. ; Assoc. Ed., loit) 7//ii>. Acct.. Barber- Colman Co.. Rockford, HI.. 1016-17. 1st R. O. T. C Ft. Sheridan. 111.: jnd Lt., 341st Inf., N, .-\.. Camp Gr.HHt. 111.; Di.strict Mil. Insp.. 8th District S. .-\. T. C. Minneapolis. Married Margaret Armstroinr. .-\p 13. 1017. W'innebago. 111. Addr.-ss, Winnebitgo, 111. 7051. HENRY KEU.OGG SHELDON (.Brother of Kos. 1964. 1965, 6560) F.lec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. .-Vp 13. iSo.', ."^harpsburg. 111.; s. Salmon Maxwell (b. F 1-. 1847. J0.I and Mahala tKelloggl Sheldon <.b. S 13. 1857. Shelburne Falls. Mass,\. Pre- p.ired in Taylorville T^>. H. S. Scribbler's Club: .^nd l.t.. I'niv. Bng. : Winner of liable- ton Medal. Elec. Engr.. Aurora. 111., 1916-17: do.. Contracting Engrs., St. Louis. 1917. tst R. O. T. C. Ft. Sheridan. III.. 1917: .'nd Lt.. KtiSiij;. Bur., Ord, Dept.. N. .\.. Wa>hincton, D. t^'., >oi8; ist Lt,, .Vir Craft Armament ^ect., Kn.ijnj;, Div,, iVd. Dept,; Mustered out, Ja 9, 1010, ^Lu•^ied Margaret Armstrong. Ap i^, ioi8, Winnebago. 111. Address, Sharpsburg. III. 705--. EARL FRANK SHELLEY' B. S. in C.^ E. ; b. S 5, i8o-\ Mt. Vernon. 111.; s. B. F. Shellev. Prepared in Mt. N'ernon 11. S. Address. R, 3. Mt. \ernoii. lll.t 70.<;j. JOHN FRWIN SHIELDS Farmer; B. S. in .-\gr.; b. Mv 8. 1894. Lewis- town, III.; s. E. C. (b. S ati. 1804. Maples Mill. HI.") and Minnie Ann (Black) Shields (b. Jl 1.'. 187 J. Ji>.L Prepared in (.'anion IL S. .\jjr. Club; Hoof and I lorn Club; Country I ife Club; Farm House; Choral Soc. Teacher, Chaddock Boy's Sch.. 0>i'ncy. III., 1016-17; F.unier, l.ew^istown. 111.. 1917 18. 117th F. .-V. ,\. E. K., France. 1018: Returned to states, 1919. Married Hazel Marie l.ingenfelter, F 7. 1918, l.ewistowii. 111. Child, John Erwin, Jr.. b. N .'i, 1918. .Iddress, Sunny \'iew F.irm, Lewistown, HI. 70.M. FRANK WILLLVM SHILLING Druss'^t; .-V. B. in Commerce; b. .\g i !. 1804, Decatur. 111.; .*. Charles F. and l.ncv N. (Shaw) Shilling. Prepared in Decatur ll. S. Sec. Shillin.t; Drug Co., Decatur. HI.. 1916; .-Vccountant. 111. iSib. I'lilitv t'omn.. Spring- tield. III.. 1917: Prcs.. Shilling Drug Co.. De- catur. 111.. 1018 — . Address. 904 N. Main St.. Decatur. 111.: bus. add.. 4,15 N. W'aier St., J<>. 70.^,^. J.VMFS WRlC.ll r SllOKM MxKK PhmuI Salesman; A. B. in L. .\. v^ S.; b. Ag 4. 1804. I'harleston. HI.: s. William Killus (.b. J,'.) and Florence Maria (Wright) Shoemaker (b. J.>.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Sigma Delta Chi; Psi Cp.silon; Phi Beta Kappa. Reporter. Cleveland I'ress, 10 ic; Bond Salesman, Nat. Citv Co., N. \'., 1016-1917; do., Nat. Citv Co. Dime Bank. Detroit. 1017- u)i8. 1st R. O. T. C. Co. 13 and 9, Ft. Sheridan. 111.. 1017; Pvt.. 3rd O. T. CH^o, -', Camp Grant. III. 1918—; Co. A, 344th Inf., Jo. Aletn., Bd. of Commerce, Detroit, loir, .■tddress, joio Dime Bank, Detroit. 7956. HOR.VCE .\BBOrr SIRIM K Chemist: B. S. in Chem,; M. S. 1017; b. My 14. if(i. Lewis- burg, Pa.'). Prenarcil in 'riuscola 11. S. Sigma Xi: I'hi Lambda I'psilon; Cosmopolitan: Prelim, and Special Honors: Grad. Scholarship. Biolog. Chem., I'. S. Dept. of .\gr., Iiidianai>olis. Chem. Warfare Service. Washington, D, C; N. Y. City, 1918 — . Address, Tuscola, 111. 7057. EDWARD OLAF SIEGFRIED Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. .\g 7, 189.-. (."liicago; s. George Siegfried. Prepared in Crane IL S. Draftsman, Graham i?iirnhani I'o., Chicago. Address. -■-•4.' l.arrabee St.. Chicago; bus. add., 1417 Rv. Exchange Bldg., Jo. 705S. OSCAR EMU. SII.BERMANN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. F. : b. N 17. 1893. Wichita. Kan.; s. John losei^di (.b. D j.t;. l8.^,!;. Basel, Swit/erlaiuD and Frida (.Sonderegger) Silberniann (b. Mr t. iSoj, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S.; Lane Tech. Jr. Coll., ioi.'-i4. Highway Engr., St. Highway Dept.. Paris, 111., 1916; Jo., Aurora, HI., 1017, 4Jnd Engrs., Camp .\ni. Univ., Washington, D. C, 1018; Sergt,. Co, A, 4.Mid Engrs., France. 1918 — . Address, Homewood, 111. HjlO] Baccalaukeate Alumni 647 7959. TIIKODOKE SWJTZKR SIMMONS Farmer- 15. S. in Agr.; b. F 28, /«94, St. Charleii, 111.; n. fjcorgc .Sirnnions. Prepared in St. Charles H. S. Address, St, Charles, in.t 7960. WIM.IAM IIKNKY Sl.MMS, JK. Farmer airl Inh. Aki. ; U. .S. in Agr. ; b. N z«, i«93, Gibson City, 111.; s. William H. Cb. Jl 18, 1845, Buchin^hamshirc. linfi.) and Kmma C. (Canterbury; Sinjmij 'b. .Mr 22, 1857, .Sbringlicld, ill.^. Prepared in Gibson Citv It. .S. ; Uoons .Sch. for Jioys, Jicrkclcy, Calii. JJelta Tau Delta; Helmet. Ins. Agt, and Agr., Gibson City. 111. Co. C, 3/4th F. H. S. C. A. F. F., France; Wounded in battle of Argonne. Married Martha Jane Goodell, Ag M, 1917, Loda, 111. Address, Gibson City, III. 7961. UAYMOND SAMUKL SIMONS A. li. in L. A. & S.; b. O 18, 1892, Norwood Park, 111.; s. J. Simons. Prepared in Crane H. S., Chicago. Address, 4644 I-ake Park Ave., Chicago.! 7962. *.MARY ALICE SI.MPSON B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. N 13, 1892. Bur- wick, Me.: d. G. U. .Simpson. Prepared in Hillside (Wis.) 11. S. Died D 22, 1916, Chi- cago. 7963. CIIAKLES LEONARD SKELTON Tire Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 31, 1882. Toluca, 111.; s. Samuel W. fb. Je 5, 1845, Morgan Co., Ind.) and Elizabeth H. GSteven- son; .Skelton (h. Ap 3, 1847, .Washington, Pa.J. Prepared in Toluca H. .S.; A. 15., Eureka Coll., 1005. Mgr., Pierre Branch, Gilreath Co., Wholesale Tires, S. Dak. Address, Box 394, Pierre, S. Dak. 7964. IIEKBEKT LEE SLACK I-nstrumcntman; B. S. in C. E.; b. O i^, 1889, Chicago; s. E. A. Slack. Prepared in (Jrane H. S. Mil. Band. Instrumentman, C. B. & Q. k. K., St. Louis. Address, 31401 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 4004 Defmar Blvd., St. Louis. 796s. WILLIA.M FINLAY SLOAN B. S. in Agr.; b. S 18, 1871, Ireland; s. Arthur Sloan. Address, 901 W. Green St., Urbana.t 7966. LIONEL DAVID SMILEY Elec. Engr. ; B, S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 25, 1894, Woodstock, 111.; s. David TemjJeten (b. 1860, Ireland; and Elizabeth flfendncks; Smiley (b. 1866, Spring Grove, III.;. Prepared in Wood- stock 11. S. Elec. Engr., Edison Common- wealth Co., Chicago, 1916-17; Grad., The Central .Sta. Inst. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., Engrs. Reserve, Ft. Leaven- worth; 2nd Lt., C. A.; ist Lt.. C. A., Ft. Mon- roe, Va., 1918; 49th F. A., A. E. F., France. Married Helen Dorothy Doten. Je 22, 19 18, Washington, D, C. Address, 226 Judd St., Woodstock, 111. 7967. CHARLES EUGENE SMITH Engineer; B." S. in C. E. ; b. Ap 26, 1890, Russia; s. Jacob .Smith. Prepared in Lewis Inst. Cosmopolitan; Menorah Soc; C, E. See. Engr., Chicago. L'. .S. .S. R. C. Address, 716 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago.f 7968. GLEN CALVIN SMITH Prin.. Sch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 8, 1889, Cuba. III.; s. W. F. Smith. Prepared in Cuba H. S. Prin., Schs., Muncie, 111., F 1917. Ad- dress, Cuba, Ill.f 79''^9. HELEN MAY SMITH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 23, 1890, Rock Falls^ III.; d. P. B. and Elizabeth M. (Fowler; Smilli. Prepared in Rock Falls H. S. and No. III. St. .N'orni. Sch.; L'niv. of .So. Calif., J914-15. Teacher, II, S., Morrison, HI., 1916-17; ac, Reno, Nev,, 1917-18. Address, Reno, Nev- 6m*, adrf,, 1432 Allston Way, Ber- keley, Calii. 7970. HERBERT EDGAR SMITH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F. 4, 1890, OnUrio, Canada; s. William Henry (b. Canada; and Bertha H^lizabeth .Smith Oj. Canada;. Prepared in Cobourg Collegiate Inst., (Canada; Quefn's L'niv., Kingston, Cana'ia, 19/1-12. 'I heta Chi; Kappa Delta i'i. Canadian Expeditionary forces, 1916-17; Canadian Naval Service, wire- less operator, 1917 — . Address, 196 Cotwurg Ontario, Canada. 7971. IRENE FERN .SMITH fSMITH) (Wife of No. 7972; Teacher; B. S. in Sc; M. S., 1917; b. Mr s, 1894, Bellmont, III.; d. C. (J. (b. Ja 29, 1869, West .Seneca, N. Y.) and Altha (Bockhousc) Smith (b. la 15, 1869, West .Salem, 111.;. Pre- pared in Red Bud and Sparta H. S. Alpha I'heta Chi; A. C. .S. Chcm., Victor Chem. Works, Chicago Heights, HI., 1917; Teacher, Chem. and .Math., Tp. H. S., Marion, 111., 1917- 1918; do., .Sparta, 111., 191 8—. Married Julian Francis .Smith C16;, Ag 22, 1918. Red Bud, m. Address, 366 Marifla St., Buffalo, N. Y. 7972. JULIAN FRANCIS SMITH f Husband of No. 7971; Brother of No. 7973) Librarian; B. S. in Chc-m.; b. N i, 1893, Lis- comb, la.; s. Rev. George Thomas (\>. O iG, 1843, Cincinnati, O.; and Martha Hannah Can- dace (Lhamon; .Smith (b. Mr 5, 1857, Gam- bier, O.;. Prepared in Liscomb (la.; H. S. and Urbana H. S. Chem. Club, 1914-16. Libr., Chem. research. Nat. Aniline and Chem. Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916 — . Mem., Central Church of Christ; A. C. .S. Married Irene Fern Smith, Ag 22, lUiH, Red Bud, III. Address. 366 Marilla St., Buffalo, N. Y. 7973- WILHELMA ZOE SMITH (Sister of No. 7972J Educ. Miss.; A. B. in L. A. & .S.; b. Ag 3, 1892, Tokio, Japan; d. Rev. George Thomas (b. O 16, 1843, Cincinnati; and Martha Hannah Candace CLhanion; Smith Cb. Mr 5, 1857, Mt. Vernon, O.;. Prepared in Urbana H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 191^. Bethany Circle; Stud. Volunteer Band. feacher, Pub. Sch.. Liscomb, la., 1916-1917; Grad. work. Coll. of .Missions. Indianapolis; Appointed Educ. Mis- sionary to Belgian Congo, 1918. Address, 603 ¥,. .Stoughton .St., Champaign; bus. add., Lotumbe, Belgian C!ongo, Africa. 7974. RAYMOND LEFFEL SNODDY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 21, 1891, Covington, Ind. : s. W. I. .Snoddy. Prepared in Perrysville Clnd.) H. S. Psi Delta. Teacher, Elkhart, Ind. Address, Perrysville, Ind.t 7975- GLENN SNYDER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N is, 1891, Law- renceville. III.; s. James Francis Cb. N 9, 1860, do.) and Annie CSeeds; Snyder Cb. O 22, r862. do.). Prefjared in Lawrenceville Tp. H. S. Egyptian Club; Agr. Club; Class Baseball. Farmer, Deaf Smith Co., Tex. Married Wane Gibson, D 6, 19 16, Evansville, Ind. Address, Hereford, Tex. 7976. WALTER ANDREW STAHL Demonstrator and Salesman; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 30, 1894. Chicago; s. Charles J. (b. 1864, Manitowoc, Wis.; and Augusta (Redeker) 648 University of Illinois [1916 Stahl (b. 1863, Two Rivers, Wis.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Class Basket Ball; Jr. Entertainment Com.; Fresh. Smoker Com. With Buda Co., Harvey, 111., 1916-1917. ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; U. S., S. M. A., Urbana; ist Lt., Royal Flying Corps, England. Address, 4120 N. Paulina St., Chicago; bus. add., Buda Co., Railway Exchange Bldg., do. 7977. JOHN EDWIN STARK Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 15. 1883, Oakland, HI.; s. L. A. Stark. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher. Tp. H. S., Chrisman, 111. Address, 60s E. Stoughton St., Champaign.! 7978. ALVIN GUSTAVE STEINMAYER (Brother of No. 7979) Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 4, 1894, LaSalle, 111.; s. C. (b. Ger.) and Katherine (Fever) Steinmayer (b. do.). Prepared in La- Salle-Peru Tp. H. S. Capt., Univ. Brig., igi6; A. I. E. E. Elec. Engr., Triumph Elec. Co., Cincinnati; Asst. Engr., Elec. Engng. Co., Chi- cago, 1917-18. Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 1918 — . Address, 3547 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 7979. REINHARD A. J. STEINMAYER (Brother of No. 7978) Valuation Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. F 14, 1892, La Salle, HI.; s. C. (b. Ger.) and Katherine (Feuer) Steinmayer (b. do.). Prepared in La Salle-Peru H. S. Sigma Tau; Scabbard and Blade; Maj., Univ. Brig. Ry. Civ. Engr., St. L. S. F. R. R.. 19 16-17; Valu- ation Engr., Interst. Commerce Comn., 191 7 — . R. O. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Coleman, Tex. Married Dorothy Gibbs, D 23, 1918, Beards- town, 111. Mem., Am. Soc. Ceram. Engrs. Ad- dress, 601 Interst, Commerce Commission, Kan- sas City, Mo. 7980. EDITH HASSELTINE STEVENS B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 29, 1892, Syracuse, N. Y.; d. George E. Stevens. Prepared in Sumner H. S. Address, 4265 Finney Ave., St. Louis. t 7981. RITA ELEANOR STINSON (Sister of Nos. 3562, 7238) Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. D 30, 1893, French Grove, 111.; d. Hiram A. (b. Je 16, 1850, Orange Co., Pa.) and Harriet Eleanor Stinson (b. Ag 30, 1856, Terra Haute, Ind.). Alpha Delta Pi. Prepared in Lincoln (Kan.) H. S.; Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1912-13- Teacher. Marshall, Ind., ig 16-18; Dietitian, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. Address 312 W. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago. 7982. JAMES CREAR STIRTON Highway Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 26, 1894, Chicago; s. Thomas (b. Canada) and Jessie (Crear) Stirton (b. Scotland). Pre- pared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Ma-wan-da; Tribe of Illini; Prelim, and Final Honors; Varsity Track. Grad. Work, La Salle Exten. Univ., Chicago. R. R. Engr., C. B. and Q. R. R., 191 7; R- R- Valuation, Interst. Commerce Comn., 191 7; Highway Engr., Office of Pub. Roads and Rural Engng., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Hdqtrs., San Francisco, 191 7. Engrs., O. T. S., Fort Leavenworth, Kan., S to N, 191 7; 315th Engrs., Camp Travis, Tex., D 1917 to Ja 1918; ist Lt., Co. B. 513th Engrs., A. P. O., 762, A. E. F., France. 1918 — . Married Edna Pauline Morris, Ja 12, 1918, San Antonio, Tex. Address, 641 Monticello Ave., Chicago. 7983. HARRY FREDERICK STOCKER Constr., Pres. and Mgr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 23, 1893, Highland, 111.; s. Fred Stocker. Prepared in Highland H.. S. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Stocker Gravel and Const. Co., Peoria. Address. Highland, 111.; bus. add., c/o H. W. Orvis, Peoria. t 7984. CLARENCE MILTON STOFFEL Engineer; B. S. in C. E. ; b. My 23, 1893, St. Louis; s. Remy J. Stoffel. Prepared in Christian Brothers Coll. and St. Vincents' Coll. Address, 3892 Humphrey St., St. Louis. t 7985- ALBERT GETTEN STONE Engineer; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 18, 1892, Chicago; s. Walter H. (b. Chicago) and (jrace E. (Sage) Stone (b. Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim, and Final Honors. Engr., Concrete-Steel Products Co., Chicago, 1916-17. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; ist Lt.. O. R. C, 80th Div., N. A., Camp Lee, Va., D, 1917-Ja, 1918; ist Lt., O. R. C, 52nd Pioneer Inf., (iamp Wadsworth, S. C, 1918 — . Married Esther J. Hughes, D 8, 1917, Chicago. Address, 1431 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. 7986. CHARLES HOLMES STONE Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. Ag 16, 1890, Athens, Ga.; s. Joseph Henry (b. Je 25, i86o) and Jennie Leslie (Harris) Stone (b. Ja 31, 1865, loundesviele, S. C). Prepared in Athens (Ga.) H. S.; B. S., 1912; M. A., 1913, Univ. of Ga. Lambda Chi Alpha; Sigma Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Libn., .\. and M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Lib. Publicity Din, U. S. Food Administration, Okla. St. Mem., M. E. Church, South. Married Willie Kate Wil- liams, Je 29, 1917, Barnesville, Ga. Child, Joseph Lesley, b. Je 12, 1918. Address, 405 Hester St., Stillwater, Okla. 7987. RAY MALCOLM STRICKLAND Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 26, 1890, Prince- town, Ind.; s. Charles W. (b. 1861, Prince- town, Ind.) and Lillian (Truscott) Strickland (b. 1870, Rochester, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Agr. Club; Efficiency Club. Farm Re- juvenation, Augusta, Ga., 1916; Blythe Ga., 1916 — : One Hundred Mounted Home Guard, Ga., 191 7; U. S. Marines, N. R. F., Puerto Plata. Mem., Nat. Agr. Soc. Address, Blythe, Ga. 7988. ELMER HENRY STUMPF Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 2, 1894, Chicago; s. Otto (b. F 27, 1863, do.) and Alma (Zimmerman) Stumpf (b. Ag 11, 1869, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Class Basketball and Baseball. Acct., Auditing Dept., Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, Chicago, 191 6 — . Ad- dress, 1442 Belle Plaine Ave., Chicago. 7989. ROYAL DEHM SUNDELL Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 17, 1891, Altona, 111.; s. John Carl and Nettie (Dehm) Sundell. Prepared in Oneida H. S.; Knox Coll., 191 1-13. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Pi Tau Sigma. Engr., Chicago, 1916-17. Lt.. 311th Engrs., Ag-N, 1917; Lt., 115th U. S. Engrs., N, 1917-My, 1918; Pilot Aviation Section Sig- nal C'orps, My 1918; Asst. Adjt., Rockwell Field, San Diego. (Talif. Address, Oneida, 111. 7990. DOROTHY SUTCLIFFE (Sister of Nos. 7248, 8800, G6s8) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 191 7: b. F 28, 1896, Fall River, Mass.; d. George Lincoln (b. Je 2, 1866, do.) and Sarah Alice (Taylor) Sutcliffe (b. My 6, 1869, do.). Pre- pared in Plymouth (Mass.) II. S. Head of Dept., Mod. Lang., Tabor Coll., Tabor, la., 1917-18; Teacher, H. S., Palestine, 111., 1918— . Address. Palestine, III igi6] Baccalaureate Alumni 649 7991. WILBOR MILLS SUTHERLAND (Brother of No. 4926) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 24, 1894, Mc- Nabb, 111.; s. Jolin C. (b. 1863, Iloldeti. 111.) and Ruth Eva (Mills) Sutherland (b. McNabb, 111.). Prepared in Chillicolhe (Mo.) 11. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Sachem; Ku Klux; Helmet; Final Honors; Football Mgr. Farmer, McNabb, 111., 1916 — . Married Margaret Eileen Davis, D I, 191 7, Chillicothe, Mo. Address, McNabb, III. 7992. FRANK HOWARD SUTTON Credit Man; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 3, 1894, Chicago; s. Thomas (b. England) and Maria (West) Sutton (b. Can.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago; Lewis Inst., Chi- cago. Delta Ui)silon. With Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Credit Dejtt., Chicago. Chief Yeo- man, Sta. Disbursing (jffice. Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 111.; Ensign, Pelham Bay, N. Y. Address, 3432 W. Adams St., Chicago. 7993. FRANCES ELEANOR SWANSON (Sister of No. 6606) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 18, 1894, Galesburg, 111;, d. Frederick- L. (b. N 25, i860, Sweden) and Hannah M. Swanson (b. Ag 5, 1867, Mon- mouth, 111.). Prepared in Urbana II. S. Ad- dress, 514 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. 7994. NORVID RAYMOND SWANSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 7, 1894, Wasco, 111.; s. Claus A. (b. Mr 10, 1857, Sweden) and Emma (Andrews) Swanson (b. Ag 25, 1866, do.). Prepared in St. Charles H. S. Chi Beta. Farmer. St. Charles, 111., 191 6 — . Address, R I, St. Charles, 111. 7995. EDGAR CHESSMAN SWARTWOUT Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 20, 1893, Mor- gan Park, III.; s. Walter R. Swartwout. Pre- pared in Elgin H. S. Agr. Club; Agr. Glee Club; Lt. Capt. and Regt. Commissary, Univ. Brig. O. R. T. C, Co. 7, nth Prov. Regt., Ft. Sheridan, 111. ist Lt., i6ist Depot Brig., Camp Grant, 111. Address, 33 N. Porter St., Elgin, Ill.t 7996. LEWIS WENTWORTH SWETT Salesman Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 14, 1892, Springfield, 111.; s. Wilbra W. Swett, Prepared in Springfield H. S. E. E. Soc. Salesman Engr.. Sangamo Elec. Co. Address, 1177 N. 3rd St., Springfield, Ill.t 7997. NELLIE MAY SWICK (Sister of No. 7251) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Broadlands, 111.; d. Christopher O. (b. 1849, Ger.) and Sarah J. (Kirchner) Swick (b. i85o, Scioto Co., O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Address, 504 S. Market St., Urbana. 7998. MARGUERITE MAUD SWITS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 30, 1891, Huron, S. Dak.; d. Harmon Abram (b. Mr 23, 1864, Scbenectady, N. Y.) and Maud Estella (Setzer) Swits (b. D 28. 1865, Red Rock, la.). Prepared in Wiley H. S., Terre Haute, Ind.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch. Alnha Xi Delta. Teacher, H. S., Terre Haute, Ind. Mem.. D. A. R. Ad- dress, 1422 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 7999. CLEMENTINE TAGGART (BARNETT) (Sister of Nos. 6608, 8805) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 25, 1893, Wooster, O.; d. Frank Taggart. Prepared in Wooster (O.) H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Sec, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1916. Married Joseph Henry Barnett, Ja 12, 1918, Wooster, O. Ad- dress, 824 Bowman St., Wooster, O.f 8000. ROBERT ISAAC TERRY B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 6, 1892, Omaha, Neb.; s. Frederick Terry. Prepared in Shortridge (Indianapolis) H. S. Sigma Chi; Alpha Gam- ma Rho; Mask and Bauble. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of Tex., Austin, Te.x.; ist Lt., 803rd Pioneer Inf., Camp Grant, 111. Address, 3736 N. Meridan St., Indianapolis. 8001. OLGA ELIZABETH THAL (Sister of Nos. 3574, 3997) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 6, 1894, Eberle, 111.; d. John (b. 1848, Petrograd, Russia) and Mary Elizabeth (Wulfman) Thai (b. 1858, Breese, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Der Deutsche Verein; Gregorian; Class Hock- ey. Address, Dearborn, Mich. 8002. ABNER ROYCE THOMAS (Brother of No. 8004) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 20, 1891, Big Rock, 111.; s. George W. (b. D 3. 1857. Aurora, 111.) and Helen (Royce) Thomas (b. Naperville, 111., 1859). Prepared in Westside H. S., Aurora. Alpha Zeta; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club. Farmer, Wheatland Tp., Will Co., 111., 1916 — . Address, Naperville, 111. 8003. CLAIR JOEL THOMAS Prin., Sch.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 19, 1882, Good Hope, 111.; s. C. M. Ihomas. Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Acad. Class Baseball; Prelim. Honors. Prin., Chaddock Boy's Sch., Quincy, 111. Address, La Harpe, Ill.t 8004. POLLY ELIZABETH THOMAS (Sister of No. 8002) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 30, 1892, Big Rock, 111.; d. George W. (b. D 3, 1857, Aurora, 111.) and Helen (Royce) Thomas (b. My 26, 1859. Naperville. 111.). Prepared in Westside H. S. Aurora, 111. H. Sc. Club; Country Life Club; Gregorian. Address, R. 4, Naperville, Ill.t 8005. RALPH RAYMOND THOMAS Accountant; B. S. in E. E. ; b. D 26, 1894, Pleasant Hill, 111.; s. W. S. Thomas. Prenared in Central H. S., St. Louis. Phi Delta Theta; Eta Kappa Nu ; Sigma Tau : Scabbard and Blade; Shomeez Club; Rifle Club; E. E. Soc; Ed., Technograph Bd. ; Mil. Ball Com.; Maj., Brig. Adjt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim. Honors. Acct., Fairbanks Morse & Co., Beloit, Wis. Sergt., Co. D, 333rd Mach. Gun Bn., A. E. F., France. Address, Beloit, Wis. 8006. LILLIAN MAUDE THOMPSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 16, 1893, Chicago; d. Arthur (b. England) and Naomi (Marlow) Thompson (b. do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Chi Omega; W. A. A.; Basketball and Hockey Teams; Cham- pion Hockey. Teacher, Dom. Sc, Pecatonica, 111., 1916-17; do., Clay Center, Neb., 1917; Teacher, Sewing, South Bend H. S.. Ind., 1918 — . Address, 7045 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., South Bend, Ind. 8007. FRANK HILTON THORNE Supt., Const.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 8, 1891, Chicago; s. Albion Paris (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Mary Hilton (Browne) Thorne. Prepared in James Sterling Morton H. S., Chicago. Sig- ma Nu; Scarab; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; Jr. Representative, Class Ath. Bd. of Control; Mandolin Club; Pan Hellenic Council. Built Olympia Fields Country Club, Golf courses; Supt., Const., Hegemann and Peets City Plan- ners. Milwaukee. Bat. B, 18 Bn., F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson, S. C. Married Edna Agatha Turck, N 24, 191 7, Berwyn, 111. Address, 3325 Irving Ave., Berwyn, 111. 650 Univeksitv of Illinois [igi6 S008. •WALTER JOSEPH TILTON B. S. in Chem. ; b. Je 23, 1894, Fairniount, 111.; s. Charles V. (b. 1863, Catlin, 111.) and Jeanette L. 'J'ilton (b. 1864. Fairniount, 111.'). Prepared in Fairniount II. S.; Danville 11. S. Chi Beta; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda l^psiloii; Prelim, and I'inal Honors. Chem., Hercules Powder C'o., Kenvil, N. J., 1916-17; do.. Flush- ing, L. I., 1917-18; do., Pershing, N. Y. Mar- ried Claire Troxler, Ja ' 3, 19 17, New York City. Died O 21, 1918, Pershing, N. Y. 8009. IRENE TOWSON (CHYNOWETH) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 26, 1894, Macon, 111.; d. William Mark (b. Ja 24, 1858, Monroe, Green Co., Wis.) and Minnie (Carter) Tow son (b. Licking Co., O.). Prepared in Macon H. S.; Decatur H. S. W. A. A.; Basketball; Girls Sr. Council. Married Ray I. Chynoweth, O 13, 1916, Macon, 111. Child, William Ray. b. O 2, 1917. .-Iddrcss, R. 3, Macon, 111. 8010. ELIZABETH LAIL TRACY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 12, 1S04, Laclede, Mo.; d. Frank Tracy. Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. Teacher, Logan, W. Va. Address, 204 W. loth St., Logan, W. Va.t 801 1. *GLADYS ANNIE TREAT (IIADDEN) (Wife of No. 7571) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. 1) 30, 1892, Spiritwood, N. Dak.; d. Arthur Chaucev (b. Claridon, O.) and Annie Marie (Palmer) Treat (b. 1880 Napolean, O.). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) li. S.: Oberlin Coll., 1910-ij. Gamma Phi Beta. Teacher, Doni. Sc, Mal- toon. 111., 1916-18. Married Chester Gilbert Madden ('16), D i, 1917, I-awrence, Ind. (died, Ap 3, 191S, Ft. Beniamin Harrison). Died D 4, 1918, Mattoon, HI. 8012. CHESTER TREISCHEL Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram.; b. S 27, 1894, Martintown, 111.; s. Charles (b. Ag i, 1864, Iroquois Co., 111.) and Corrinne (Lottin- ville) Treischel (b. D 4, 1872, do.). Pre pared in Monience H. S. ; Watseka II. S. ; Kankakee II. S. Ceram. Soc; Keramos; Tccli- nograph Bd. Const. Engr., Kankakee, 111., 1916-17; Ceram. Engr., Gen. Elcc. Co., Schen- ectady, N. Y., 1917 — . Address, 118 Nott Ter- race, Schenectady, N. \'. ; bus. add.. Office of Engr. of Insulations, Gen. Elec. Co., do. 8013. MAX RUDOLPH HENDRICH TREU B. S. in Agr.; b. N 20, 1885, S. Africa; s. H. A. F. Treu. Prepared in Johannesburg (S. Africa) H. S. Cosmopolitan. Address, Johannesburg, Transvaal, S. Africa. t 8014. FRANCES IRENE TRITT A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 7, 1893. Bloom- ington, 111. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Am- erican Red Cross, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Address, c/o Mrs. A. Savage, 8ro W. Church St., Champaign.! 8015. PHILIP THEODORE TROEGAR Land. Gardener; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 18, 1889, Storm Lake, la.; s. L. E. Troegar. Pre- pared in Storm Lake H. S. ; Lewis Inst. Scarab; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc. Address, 1258 Ardmore, Chicago. t 8016. OPAL WINIFRED TROST (Sister of No. 6625) B. S. in 11. Sc; b. Ap 13, 1S94, Philo, 111.; d. J. G. (b. 1843, Ger.) and Minnie (Doss) Trost (b. 1853, do.). Prepared in Urbana II. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Yo Ma; Athenean. Address, 511 W. High St., Urbana. t «oi7. OLIVER JOHN TROSTKR Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 3, 1894, Bell- flower, III.; s. John E. (b. Ag 6, i860, Harri- son, O.) and Sebra E. (Smith) Troster (b. J a 16, 1 86 1, Farmer Citv, 111.). Prepared in Bellflower, Tp. H. S. Iris; Alpha Zeta; Scab- bard and Blade; Maj., Univ. Brig.; Class Basketball and Football; Mil. Ball Com.; Rifle Club; Final Honors. 2nd l.t., ist Lieut., Co. M., Nat. Guards, Champaign, 1Q16; Capt., do., My 21. 1917, Champaign; Supply Officer, 130th Inf.. Camp Logan, Tex.; A. E. F., France, 1918. Maj., Inf., 33rd Div., Luxembourg, 1918; Asst. Chief of Staff, 33rd Div., do. Ad- dress, Bellflower, McLean Co., 111. 8018. CHARLES EDGAR TROWBRIDGE ^B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. My s. 1890, Agra, Kan.; s. W. B. Trowbridge. Preiiared in South Bend (Ind.) LI. S. Ilus. Address, 1220 S. Main St., South Bend, Ind.t 8019. FLOYD ELSWORTH TROXEL Elec Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. Je i, 1800, Minonk, 111.; s. Eli J. (b. Pa.) and Mary J. (1 burner) Troxel (b. Dayton, ().). Prepared in Minonk H. S. ; Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Stud. Branch. A. S. M. E. ; Prelim. Honors. Elec. Engr.. Chuse Engine and Mfg. Co., Mat- toon, 111. Invented: Designs for small vertical pumping engines for emergency fleet. Address, ncy r , 111. 1509 Wabash Ave., Mattoon 8020. SILAS MAX TRUMBO Arch. Engr.; B. S. in A. E. ; b. Jl 23, 1891, St. Marys. Kan.; s. Zachary Taylor and Ella May (Strong) Trumbo. Prepared in Pontiac Tp. II. S. Ilus. Heating and Ventilating Engr., Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, Boston and Chicago, 1916-17. Sergt., 313th Engrs., U. S. N. A., 1917-18: !•-• R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va., 1918 — . Married Katherine Nellie Kay, Ag 23, 1917, Pontiac, 111. Address, 504 S. Mill St., Pontiac. III. 8021. JAMES OLIVER TUPPER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 18, 1886, Cort- land, 111.; s. O. Tupper. Prepared in Henry H. S. Chi Psi; Hoof and Horn Club; Coun- try Life Club; Agr. Club; Fresh. Varsity Football; Varsity Football. Farmer, Wood- stock, HI. Married Carolyn May, D 25, 1918, Chicago. Address, Woodstock, Ill.t 8022. LOTTIE OCTAVIA URBAIN (Sister of No. 4470) Teacher; A. B. in IT. Sc; b. II 19, 1892. Brazil, Ind.; d. Frank J. (b. I- ranee) and Eugenia (Vignon) Urbain (b. do.). Prepared in Dui|uoin H. -S.; N. W. Univ., 1911. Sigma Kappa; W. A. A.; Basketball; Hockey. Grad. Work, Univ. of Wis., Summer, 1917. Teacher, II. Sc, Tp. II. S., Belleville, 111., 1917— . Ad- dress, oil Lake .\vc.. Wilmette, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Belleville, 111. 8023. MELVILLE CARLYLE VAN ALYEA (ALYEA) Claim Agent; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 2, 1892, Princeville, 111.; s. Dr. Thomas Edward and Ella (Moody) Van Alvca. Prepared in Earl- ville II. S.; Beloit Coll., 1912; Univ. of Wis., 19 1 3. Phi Kappa Sigma; L'niv. Band. Claim .\gt.. paper house, (Chicago, 1916-17. Sergt., 3_'9th F. A., Camp Custer, Mich., 1917; A. E. F., France; Mustered out, Ap 21, 1919. Mem., A. F. A. M. Received degree as Alyea. .Iddrcss, Earlville, 111. 8024. GERRY CHRISTOPHER VANDEN BOOM Sales Engr.; B. S. in M. E. : b. Jl 12. 1894, Quincy, 111.; s. G. W. (b. Holland) and Mar- garet (Wand) Vanden Boom (b. Melrose Tp., I9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 6si Adams Co., 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Stud. Council. Sales Engr., Prest-o-Lite Co.. Chicago, 1916-18; do., Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Special Insp., Cantonment Div., U. S. A., 191 7. Mem. Hamilton Club, Chicago, 1917; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Mar- ried, Helen lone Thuman, F 17, 191 7, Quincy, 111. Address, 5238 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. 8025. ELLIOT DUDLEY VAN FRANK B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 8, 1892, Elmira, N. Y.; s. W. A. Van Frank. Prepared in Danville H. S. Married Alice J. Sinsabaugh, Ap 7, 1917, Danville, 111. Address, Indianapolis.! 8026. FRANCIS MARION VAN NATTER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 12, 1892. Gaston, Ind., s. James B. (b. S 23, 1844, Circleville, O.) and Marilda (Hayden) Van Natter (b. Ag 25, 1852, Muncie, Ind.). Prepared in 'Muncie (Ind.) H. S. Theta Chi; Adelphic; Tribe of lUini; Lt. Colonel, Univ. Brig.; Capt., Varsity Fencing Team; Intercollegiate Cham- pionship, in dueling and broadswords, 1916. Indiana Militia, 1912-16; ist Lt.; Capt., 28th Inf., A. E. F., France, 1917; Wounded in action, France, 1918. Address, 1520 N. Broad- way, Muncie, Ind. 8027. RODMAN FLEMING VANSANT (Brother of No. 7276) Sales Mgr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 16, 1893. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia; s. William Riley (b. 1863, Fawn Grove, Md.) and Blanche (Flem- ing) Vansant (b. 1873, Philadelphia). Pre- pared in Staunton Mil. Acad., Va. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Hoof and Horn Club; Pres., 111. Union Dramatic Club; Bus. Mgr., Mandolin and Glee Club. With Swift & Co., Cattle Buyer's Dept., Chicago, 1916; Asst. Sales Mgr., Philadelphia Office. Am. Agr. Chem. Co., Philadelphia, 1916-17. U. S. Mil. Tr. Camp, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1917; Lt., 76th U. S. F. A., A. E. F., 1918— . Address, 241 S. American St., Philadelphia. 8028. MYRA VAUGHN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 19, 1892, Fifield, Wis.; d. Howard Ridgeway (b. New Egypt. N. J.) and Elizabeth Katharine (Bradley) Vaughn (h. New Haven, Conn.). Prepared in Eau Claire (Wis.) H. S. Alpha Theta Chi; Omicron Nu; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, Dom. Sc. and Art, Thompson, O., 1916 — . Address, 607 S. Race St., Urbana; bus. add.. Thompson, O. 8029. RALPH HOYT VIAL (Son of No. 413) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 12, i8go. West- ern Springs, 111.; s. Edmund Robert ('84), (b. Mr 19, 1 86 1, Lyonsville, 111.) and Hattie M. (Hoit) Vial. Prepared in Lyons Tp., H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Cow Testing work. La Grange, 111., 1916 — . Address, R. 2, La Grange, Ill.t 8030. SIEGFRED NATHANIEL VIBELIUS Architect; B. S in A. E.; b. Jl 29, 1890, South Bend, Ind.; s. John Vibelius. Prepared in Joliet H. S. Pi Omicron; Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Asst. Ed., Arch. Year Book. 1916. ist Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim. Honors. Address, 312 Landen Ave., Joliet, Ill.t 8031. HERBERT LOUIS VOIGT B. S. in C. E.; b. O 19, 1891, Milwuakee; s. H. Voigt. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Lambda Chi Alpha. Address, 143 1 Granville Ave., Chicago. t 8032. ALVIN CLAUDE VOLK ^?- ^J ',"r ,9- E-A ^- ^ 3, 1892, St. Louis; s. Edward Volk. Prepared in Yeatman H. S., St. Louis; Washington Univ. C. E. Club Address, 3715 Palm St., St. Louis. t 8033. LAURENCE ELMER VOORHEES With Bur. Standards; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Mr II, 1894, Chicago; s. E. C. Voorhees. Pre- pared ni McKinley H. S. Asst. Instr., Physics, Univ. of 111., 1 9 17; With Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Address, R. i, Alton, Ill.t 8034. CLIFTON JAMES WALKER (Husband of No. 3755) Plant Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 24, 1880, Carroll Co., Miss.; s. Wallace (b. 1855, do.) and Mollie R. (McCombs) Walker (b. 1856, Youngstown, O.). Prepared in Chicago H. S.; Lewis Inst., 1901-04. Surv. and Draftsman, Boston, 1916-17; Jr. Engr., St. Highway Dept., Moline, 111., 1916-18; Draftsman, Moline Plow Co., Tractor Branch, Rock Island, 111., 1918 — ; Asst. Plant Engr., Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co., Columbus, O., 1918 — . 2nd Regt.. 111. Nat. Guard, 1902-06. Married Lenna Mable Gregory ('09). 1910, Kankakee, 111. Address, 19 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, O.; bus. add.. c/o Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co., Columbus, 8035. ETHEL MARIE WYKLE (WALKER) (Sister of No. 6682) B. S. in Agr.; b. N 10, 1888, Danforth, 111.; d. William (b. Jl 28, 1863, Peoria) and Alice Stafford (Bolten) Wykle (b. Ja 24, 1861, Eng.). Prepared in 111. Woman's Coll. Mar- ried Lewis Walker, F 26, 1916, Mahomet, 111. Child, Donna Lucille, b. Mr 12, 1918. Ad- dress, Ridgeway, 111. 8036. GEORGE WILLIAM WALKER Instructor; A. B. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. D 25, 1893, Mackinaw, 111.; s. Frank Walker. Prepared in West. Mil. Acad. Instr., Chem., H. S., Oskaloosa, la. Address, 904 A Ave., East Oskaloosa, la. S037. JENNIE GRACE WALKER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 29, 1889, Capac, Mich.; d. Byron (b. Je 7, 1848, Romeo, Mich.) and Jennie A. (Warren) Walker (b. Mr 5, i860, Washington. Mich.). Prepared m J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910. Teacher, J. Sterling Morton H. S., 1916 — . Address, 6002 28th St., Cicero, 111. 8038. LEWIS BRYANT WALLACE Teacher; A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 24, 1892, Homer, 111.; s. C. H. Wallace. Prepared in Homer H. S. Teacher, Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Married Wintress Thompson, Ag 7, 1916, St. Louis. Address, Homer, Ill.t 8039- MARIE ELIZABETH WALLIN Optometrist; A. B. in L. A. &• S. ; b. Ja 30, 1890, Metamore, 111.; d. Samuel Martin Fred- erick (b. Ap 28, 1855, Amsterdam, Nether- lands) and Isabel (Henderson) Wallin (b. F 23, 1862, Osceola, Ark.). Prepared in Meta- more H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1907-08, 1910-11; Lincoln Coll., 1914-15. Bethany Circle; Der Deutsche Verein. Teacher, H. S., Gilman, 111., 1916; Optometrist, Champaign, 1917 — . Mem., Christian Church. Address, loSyi W. Healy St., Champaign; bus. add., igYz Rlain St., do. 8040. WESLEY BURNHAM WALRAVEN Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. O 23, 1894, Centralia, 111.; s. Jos. Edgar (b. Ap 29, 1862. 652 University ok Illinois [1916 Wheeling, W. Va.) and Luella (Clark) Wal- ravcn (b. Ag 11, 1S70, Cincinnati). Prepared in Centralia Tp. II. S. C. E. Soc. In Way Dept., I. C. R. R., Chicago. 1916-17; St. Geol. Survey, 1917. ist Lt., Co. E, 311th Engrs., Camp Grant, 111., 1918; do.. Army of Occupa- tion, Ger., 1918— . Address, 128 N. Maple St., Centralia, 111. 8041. EMILIE IDA WALZ Intructor; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Mr 16, 1893, Danville, 111.; d. George John (b. S ti, 1847, Ger.) and Christine (Theurer) Walz (b. N 15 1851, do.). Prepared in Walt her Coll., St. Louis; Pvt. H. S., St. Louis. Per Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Erancais. Teacher, Ger. and French, Little Rock Coll. for Women, Little Rock, Ark., 1916. Address, R. 5. Dan- ville, 111. 8042. TE CII.VNG WANG B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 1917; b. O 16, 1890, Soochow, China; s. Hen Chang Wang. Pre- pared in Coll. of Langs., Pekin, China. Ad- dress, 213 Bryant Ave., Ithaca, N. Y.t 8043. JAMES MARSHALL WANZER Business; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 7, 1893, Oak Park, 111.; s. Willets J. (b. Ja 1861, Chicago) and Florence (Loveday) Wanzer (b. Mr 1862, do.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1912-13. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Hort. Club; Capt., Fresh. Football; Var- sity Football. Mgr., fruit farm. Ft. Wayne. Ind., 1917. Head of Hort. Dept., Mdwaukee Co. Sch., Wis., 1917-18; with Swift & Co., Chicago, 191 8 — . Address. Bo.x E. Wauvvatosa, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Swift & Co., Chicago. 8044. AMY WARD Teacher; A. B. in II. Sc. ; b. El Paso, 111.; d. Darwin Addison (b. Moundsville, Va.) and Nel- lie S. (Cluts) Ward (b. Canton, 111.). Prepared in El Paso H. S. BcUingham Norm. Sch.. Wash., summer, 1918. Al|>ha Delta Pi; Gregorian; Jr. Hat Com. Teacher. H. Sc, H. S.. Northport, Wash., 1917-18; do.. Granite Falls, Wash., 1918—. Address, 625 Forest Ave., Bellingham, Wash. 8045. HARPER McDILL WARNOCK Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My s. 1893, Cedar- ville, O.; s. J. C. Warnock. Prepared in Penn. Coll. (la.) Acad.; Monmouth Coll. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Address. Little York, 111. 8046. JOHN WESLEY WATSON (Brother of No. 5992) Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 11, 1893. De Kalb, 111.; s. L. J. (b. do.) and Sarah Eliza- beth (Browne) Watson (b. Malta, 111.). Pre- pared in De Kalb Tp. H. S. Zeta Psi; Alpha Gamma Rho; Ma-wan-da; Capt., Football Teani. 1015; Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Prelim. Honors. Dir. of Ath.. Utah Agr. Coll., 1916; do.. Coached Rocky Mt. Conference, Championship Football Team, 1917; Farm Help Specialist, Exten. Dept., Utah Agr. Coll., 1918; State Dir.. U. S. Boys Working Reserve. O. T. Sch., Camp Pike, Ark.; 2nd Lt., do. Married Ella Tillotson, Ja i, 1917. Dc Kalb, 111. Address, De Kalb, 111. 8047. LEILA ETTA WATSON (GROSSMAN) (Wife of No. 7563) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 29, 1894, Urbana; d. Samuel Watson. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Psi; .\tbcnean; II. Sc. Club; Y. W. C A. Married Donald Grossman ('16), Je 20, 1918, Champaign. Address, R. F. D., Newell, S. Dak.t 8048. JASPER KENT WEBB Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 25, 1893, Niota, 111.; s. George Washington (b. Jl 4, 1850, do.) and Ellen Elizabeth (Lewis) Webb (b. Ap 11, 1853, Lionville, Pa.). Prepared in Carthage H. S.; B. S., Carthage Coll., 1914. Farmer, Niota, 111.. 1916- — . 46th Co., i6ist Depot Brig., Prov. Ambulance Co.. Camp Grant. Address, R. 1, Box 48, Niota, 111. 8049. HARRY EDWIN WEBBER Architect; B. S. in A. E. ; b. N 25, 1803, Chi- cago; s. W. G. Webber. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Ma-wan-da; Scarab; Engr. Vice- Pres., Stud. Union; Ben Franklin Club; Pan- Hellenic Council; Bus. Mgr., Dope Sheet; Bus. Mgr., Siren; Soph. Smoker Com.; Jr. Cap Com.; Homecoming Com. Capt., 17th F. A., A. E. F; taking instruction in England. Address, 4402 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. 8050. GERTRUDE T. WEBER Dietitian; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 21, 1895, Ingraliam, 111.; d. George Theodore (b. 1868, do.) and Elizabeth (Housner) Weber (b. 1874. N. Y.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Phi Delta Psi; .\thenean; Prelim. Honors; Sr. Illinae. Dieti- titian Tr., Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland; Dieti- tian, Olnev Sanitarium, 1918 — . Address, 402 S. Elliot St., Olney, 111. 8051. EDWARD GROVER WEILER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja 3. 1889, I attasburg, O.; s. C. A. Weiler. Prepared in Wooster (O.) Acad.; Wooster Coll. Eta Kappa Nu; Military Band; E. E. Soc. Address, West Salem. O.t 8052. FLORA JANE WEINBERG (BARTHOLOW) (Wife of No. 7367; Sister of Nos. 3598, 4486, 8871) B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. Mr 16, 1893, Augusta, 111.; d. Mose (b. ja 5. 1859, do.) and Flora Jane (Rolton) Weinberg (b. Ap 29, 1862. Du- shore. Pa.). Prepared in Rushville H. S.; Knox Coll. Delta Delta Delta. Married James S. Bar- tholow ('16), Je 15;, 1916, Rushville, 111. Ad- dress, 1 001 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana. t 8053. EMIL HJALMER WESTLAND (Husband of No. 8054) Secretary; A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 22, i8<)i. Chicago; s. F. G. Westland. Prepared in Crane Tech. IT. S. Chi Phi. Sec. Mgr., Lund- strom Mfg. Co., Chicago. Married Hazel Whea- ton ('16), Ap II, 1918, Galesburg, 111, Ad- dress, 4155 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. 8034. HAZEL DEAN WHEATON (WESTLAND) (Wife of No. 8053) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 19. 1894. Geneseo, 111.; d. Lemuel A. (b. O 7, 1870, Osco, 111.) and Inez G. (Pettit) Wheaton (b. Jl 24. 1874, Geneseo. III.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S.; Knox Coll., 1912-15. Married Emil H. West- land ('16), Ap II, 1918, Galesburg, 111. Ad- dress, 4155 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. 805s. MARY ELIZABETH WHEELHOUSE (Sister of No. 9483) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 18, 1894, lUica, N. Y.; d. George E. and Elizabeth E. (Lux) Wheelhouse. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Yo Ma; .\thenean. Teacher. Sa- vanna, 111., 1016-17; Kirkwood, Mo.. 1917 — . Address, 450 Ewing Ave., Decatur, HI. 8056. HELEN KATHERINE WHIPPLE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. &• S.; b. N 26, 1893, Medina. N. Y.; d. Francis H. (b. S 28, 1866, do.) and Laura B. (Scott) Whipple (b. Ag 19, i9i6] Baccalaureate Alumni 6S3 186?. N. Ridgeway, N. Y.)- Prepared in Me- dina (N. Y.) II. S.; Vassar Coll., 1912-13. Kappa Alpha Theta; Illiola. Teacher, Spanish and French, Medina 11. S., Medina, N. Y., 1Q16-18. Address, 70 Walnut St., Ridgewood, N. J. 8057. HELEN MARGARET WHIT- CHURCH Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 10, 1894, Odin, 111.; d. John Ezra (b. 1868, Ccntralia, 1)1.) and Anna Louise (Parker) Whitchurch (b. 1864,^ Wilkesboro, Pa.). Prepared in Salem II. S. Grad. work Columbia Univ., summer 1918. Illiola; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, II. S., Effing- ham, 111.; do., Georgetown, Ky., 1918 — . Chm. of Food Conservation, St. Council of De- fense, Effingham Co., HI., 19 18 — . Address, 316 E. Locust St., Salem, 111.; bus. add., Rucker Hall. Georgetown, Ky. 8058. FRANK HERBERT WHITE, JR. Elec. Engr. ; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My 25, 1894, Washington Heights, Chicago; s. Frank Herbert White. Prepared in Calumet II. S., Chicago. Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. ; E. E. Soc. ; Varsity Golf; Class .Soccer. Address, 10313 S. .Seelcy Ave., Chicago. t 8059. GEORGE RICHARD WHITE B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 27, 1894, Buffalo, N. Y. ; s. Charles White. Prepared in Masten Park H. S., Buffalo, N. Y. Triangle. Lt., Engrs. U. S. R., 312 Service Bat., Camp Lee, Va. Address, 153 Parkview Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.t 8060. LYDE EVANGELINE WHITE (Sister of No. 3601) Teacher and Dir.; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 7, 1887, White Heath, 111.; d. Vincent Isaac (b. Ap 20, 1853, Columbus, O.) and Amanda Elizabeth (Vinson) White (b. O 6, i860. White Heath, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Teacher, Crystal Lake II. S., 111., 1916-17; Teacher, Cml. Dept., Riverside H. S., 111., 1917-18; Dir. of Cml. Dept., do., 1918 — . Address, 1206 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Riverside, 111. 8061. PHARES LEMAR WHITE Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 11, 1891, Oxford, Ind.; s. Arch. T. (b. Ja 1868, Hamil- ton, O.) and Etta May (Phares) White. Pre- pared in Oxford (Ind.) II. S. ; Purdue Univ., 1910-14. With I'ittsburgh and Lake Erie Y. 'M. C. A., Youngstown, 1916-17; Yardmaster, Pittsburgh and 1-ake Erie R. R., do., 1917; Asst. Engr. Fuel Econ., Chicago Rock Island and Pacific, Cedar Rapids, la. Corp.. Co. E. 309th Engr., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., 191 7; Master Engr., 309th Engrs., 3rd E. R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va.; 2nd St., Tank Corps, Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa.; ist Lt., 337th Bn. Tank Corps, France, 1918— -. Address, Oxford, Ind. 8062. GUYON CARL WHITLEY Asst. Cashier; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 27, 189s, Webster, la.; s. Francis Edmund (b. F 23, 1857, Busti, N. Y. ) and Cora Adeline (Call) Whitley (b. My 7. 1863, Rowlesburg, W. Va.). Prepared in Webster City (la.) II. S. ; Univ. of la., 1912-14. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Kappa Psi. Asst. Cashier, Cml. Bank, Ames, la., 1916-17. Sergt. Maj., 109 Ammu- nition Train. Camp Cody, Deniing, N. M.; do., A. E. F., France. Address, Webster City, la. 8063. JOSIAH WHITNEL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 9, 1894, Vienna, 111.; s. Lindorf Osborn (b. F 4. 1S63, Ozark, 111.) and Amanda (Traiiimell) Whitnel (b. Je 18, 1869, Stonefort. 111.). Prepared in E. St. Louis IT. S. Phi Delta Phi. Atty. at Law, E. St. Louis, III., My 1917- ist R. O. T. C, I>-t. Sheridan, 111.. 1917; 2nd Lt., Inf. 333rd M. G. Bat., Camp Grant, 111., 1917 — •. .Address Signal Hill Place, East St. Louis, HI.; bus. add., 505-5 N. Cahokia Bldg., do. 8064. ROBERT ERNEST WILEY (Brother of No. 5500) B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 8, 1894, Warren, 111.; s. (,eorge E. Wiley. Prepared in Warren H. S. .iddress, Warren, Ill.t 8065. MARGARET STUART WILLIAMS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. F 23, 1890, Hamil- ton, Tex.; d. Ernest R. and Margaret M. (Tucker) Williams. Prepared in Thomas Ar- nold H. S., Salado, Tex.; A. B., Univ. of Tex., 1912. Catalog Asst., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Reference Asst., do., 1916 — . Address, 1106 W. California St., Urbana. 8066. MARY ETTA WILLS (SCROLL) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 18, 1892, Wat- seka, 111.; d. John Ellsworth (b. F 20, 1866, Jennings Co., Ind.) and Sarah Ola Wills (b. N ''. 1873, Iro(|uois Co., 111.). Prepared in Wat.scka H. S. AIi)ha Omicron Pi; Alethenai. Married Clarence E. Scholl Je 2, 1916, Wal- seka. III. Child Lloyd Willis, b. Ag 22, 1917. Address, 51 S. Ogden St., Denver, Colo. 8067. HAROLD EDWIN WILLSON Engineer; B. S. in Min. E. ; b. S 12, 1881, Lykens, Pa.; s. Edwin H. (b. Keene, N. H.) and Susanna (Keiser) Willson (b. Ilarrisburg, Pa.). Prepared in Baltimore City (Joll., Balti- more. 1 899-1 900. Pres., Stud. Branch, A. I. M. V..; Tcchnograph VA.; Y. M. C. A. Grad. work, Univ. of 111., 1916-1917. Superintending Engr., opening of new coal mine for M. Mining Co., Danville, 111., 1917-18; Supt. Mines, Rothwell Coal Co., Dubree, W. Va., 191 8 — . Mem., Epis. ("hurch; Mem., A. I. M. E. Address, Dubree, W. Va.; bus. add., c/o Rothwell Coal Co., do. 8068. ALFRED DAVID WILSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. S 5, 1892, Lostant, III.; s. John N. Wilson. Prepared in John Swaney II. S., McNabb. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Farmer, McNabb, 111. Address. McNabb, HI. 8069. HELEN MAY WILSON (SCIILUE- TER) (Wife of No. 7932) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 13, 1893, River Falls, Wis.; d. John F. Wilson. Prepared in Hyde Park II. S., Chicago. Delta Gamma. Mar- ried Waldo Schlueter ('16), O 18, 1918, Shang- hai, China. Address, 7226 Euclid Ave., Chi- cago.t 8070. ISABELLA CHILTON WILSON Demonstration Agt. ; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 19, 1893, Arbuckle, W. Va. ; d. John Reynor (b. Jl 31, 1869, Spring Hill, W. Va.) and Isa- bella (Armstrong) Wilson (b. Ag 27, 1870, Fraziers Bottom, W. Va.). Prejiared in Mar- shall St. Norm., Huntington, W. Va. Delta Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenean; Swanee Circle. Co. Home Demonstrator Agt., Logan Co., W. Va., 191 6-1 7; Welfare Worker. Logan Min. Co.. Logan, W. Va., 191 7 — . Address, Arbuckle, W. Va. 8071. ORION N. WING Supt. Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ap 28, 1891, Capron, HI.; s. H. N. (b. Je 7, 1865, Nor- way) and Emma Jane (Nelson) Wing (b. JI 10, 1866, Capron, 111.) Prepared in Capron II. S.; Grad., DeKalb Norm. Sch., 1912; Univ. of Wis., 191 3. Acacia. Supt., Schs., Windsor. 111., 1915- 17; do., Barry, 111., 1917 — . Dir., U. S. I'.oy's Working Reserve; Farm Labor Administrator, Pike Co., III., 1918. Co. 21. C. O. T. S., Camp 654 University of Illinois [1016 Gordon, Ga., 1918; Mustered out, N 30^ 1918. Mem., A. F. A. jM.; K. A. M. Address, Capron, 111.; bus. add., Supt. of Schs., Rochelle, 111. 8072. MORRIS CHARLES WINOKUR Instrumentman; B. S. iti Ry. C. E. ; b. Ak 25, 1 5585, Russia; s. Charles and Lea Winokur. Prepared in Russian H. S., Odessa; Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1012-14. C. E. Soc; Ry. Club. Engr., 111. St. Highway Dept.. 1916-17; Draftsman and Insp., Chicago, 1917- 18; Instrumentman, Baylis, 111.. 1918 — . Mem.. Am. Assn. of Engrs; Sec, Russian Soc. of Engrs. Address, 1248 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Baylis, 111. 8073. INGAL ENSER WOLD Business; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 19, iSgo. Malta 111.; s. Louis (h. N 29, 1853. Norway) and Anna (Erickson) Wold (b. 1802, do.). Prepared in Sycamore IL S.; Univ. of Minn., 1912-13. Beta Phi. Grad. \vork, Univ. of 111., summers 1916, 1917. Teacher, Sycamore, 111., 1916; Swift & Co. U. S. N. R. Tr. Sch., igiS; Ensign. Naval Auxilliary Reserve, Municipal Terry Terminal, N. V.; Mustered out. D lO, 1918. Address, 1217 Blaisdell St., Rockford, 111. S074. MITCHELL WOLTER Appraiser; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 21, 1892, Moline, 111.; s. William (b. Davenport, la.) and Kathryn (Fuey) Wolter (.b. Davenport, la.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Zeta Psi; ilask and Bauble; Union Dramatic Club; Lambkins; Adelphic. Appraiser, Dodge Bros., Detroit, 1916-17. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; Chief insp., U. S. A., Moline Forging and Mfg. Co., jNIobile, 111; 1917—. Mem., Cml. Club; De- troit E.xecutive Club. Production and Cost Groups. Address, 350 7th St., Moline, 111. 8075. ADELINE WOOD E. S. in H. Sc; b. N 14. 18S6, Sullivan. 111.; d. M. C. Wood. Prepared in Sullivan H. S. Achoth; H. Sc. Club; Y. W. C. A. Address, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.t 8076. RACHEL MARGARET WOOLMAN (Sister of Nos. 2871, 5507, 8077) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N i:, 1893, D"- luth, Minn.; d. A. J. Woolman. Prepared in Ur- bana II. S. Delta Gamma; H. Sc. Club; First Stud. Council. Teacher, H. S., Gardner, 111.; do., Rantoul, 191 8—. Address, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., H. S., Rantoul, 111. 8077. RICHARDINE WOOLMAN (C.\SEMORE) (Sister of Nos. 2871, 5507, 8076) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 4, 1895. Hot Springs, Ark.; d. A. J. and Anna Woolman. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Mask and Bauble; Alethenai; Ark. Club; Choral Soc: Choristers. Married Russell O. Casemore, S 1918. St. Louis. .-Iddress, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 8078. CHARLES WILLIAM WRAY (Brother of Nos. 1190, 2545) Farm Mgr. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 24. 1S93, Winnebago. 111.; s. S. T. (h. Pa.) and Martha (Scott) Wray (b. 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Agr. Club; Phi Kappa Tau; Jr. Class Pres. ; Cross Country Team; Varsity Track. Pinehurst Dairy Farm, Rockford, 111., 1916-17: Farm Mgr., Sisters of Mary Convent Farm, Lowellville, O. : Eagle Ehno Farm, Kouts, Ind. Tank Corps, Camp Greene, S. C. Address, Eagle Ehno Farm, Kouts, Ind. 8079. AGNES WRIGHT (DENNIS) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 10, 1892, Rus- selville, Ark.; d. Joseph Benjamin (b. N 28, 1867, Pettis Co., Mo.) and Ruth (McDaniel) Wright (,b. D 29, iS(>7. Marshall, Mo.). Pre- pared in Charles City (la.) H. S.; Kan. Wes- leyan L^niv., 1909-10. Pi Beta Phi; Athenean; Scribbler's Club; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sr. Council, VN'omen's League; Final Honors. Grad. work, Univ. of 111., 1917. Re- search Asst., 111. Hist. Survey. Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Married Herbert Knight Dennis, S ;, 191S, Urbana. Address, Houston, Tex. 8080. DOUGLAS WRIGHT, JR. Assistant; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 20, 1S91, Virginia, 111.; s. Douglas (h. Ag i, iSoi, Ha- vana, 111.) and Emma llortense (Cherryholmes) Wright (b. Je 8, 18112, Zanesville. O.). Pre- pared in Decatur H. S. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Glee and Mandolin Club; I'niv. Band and Orchestra. Grad. work, soil chem. and bacteriol., L'niv. of Calif., 1916. Asst., soil chem. and bacteriol., Univ. of Calif., 1916- iS. .4ddress, 2333 Channing Way, Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., Budd Plall, Univ. of Calif., do. 8081. EDWARD PAUL WRIGHT Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. My 3, 1894. Brocton, 111.; s. Henry Harrison (h. Mr iS, 1859, Redmon, 111.) and Rose (Folger) Wright (b. U 9, 1870, Oakland, HI.). Prepared in Oakland H. S. Civ. Engr., 1. C. R. R., 1916- 17. 17th U. S. Engrs., 1917 — . Address, Brocton, 111. 8082. JOSEPH FRANKLIN WRIGHT Mgr. and Ed.; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 17, 1892, Peoria; s. Onietta Francis (b. Te 25, 1S65. Farmington, 111.) and Mary Francis (.Kerr) Wright (b. S 13, 1863, St. Clair, Mo.). Prepared in Alton H. S. Sr. Ball Com.; Sr. Invitation Com.; Jr. Cap Com. Automobile Ed. and Publicity man, Houston Post 1916; Mgr., Service and Co-operative Dept., Houston Post, 1916: Ed. Houston Post Co-Operator, 1 91 6; do., Wichita Falls News Tribune, Wichi- ta Falls, Tex., 1916—; V. P., Internat. Oil & Refining Co., do. Married Myrtle Stook- ey, N 30, 19 1 8, Huntsville, Tex. .4ddress, VVichita Falls, Tex. 8083. GEORGE ALFRED WRISLEY Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. S 18, 1895, Chicago; s. Jonathan Burr (b. 1S60, Chicago) and Edith L.' (Pease) Wrisley (b. 1861, N. H.). Prepared in Carl Schurz II. S., Chicago. Sigma Pi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Adlephic; Chem. Club. Chem., Allen B. Wrisley Soap Co., Chicago, 1916-17; Experimental Sta., E. I. duPont de Nemours \- Co., Wilmington, Del., 1917-18. Ensign, U. S. N. R.^ F., Asst. Naval Insp. of Powder, New York City. 1918; Ensign, Navy High Explosive plant. Barkadale, Wis.; Mustered out, Ja 27, 1919. Auth.: Comments on the Krebitz Process of Soap Making and Glycerol Recovery, Jour, of Indus, and Engnq. Chem. Married Helen Blanche Michael, My 12, -19 18, Chicago. .Ad- dress, 5S72 Nina Ave., Norwood Park, Cnicago; bus. add., 913-23 S. Wells St., do. 8084. SOICHI YAMAMOTO B. S. in E. E.; b. D 22, 1S87, Japan; s. Rurakichi Yamamoto. Prepared in Wooster (O.) H. S. E. E. Soc. .iddress, X009 Liliha St., Honolulu, Hawaii. t 8085. CARL ALFRED ZELLE Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 9, 1894. Lake Fork, 111.; s. Louis (b. D 30, 1853) and Fred- erica (Gelbach) Zelle (b. Ja 20. 1854). Pre; pared in Springfield II. S. Acacia; .Mpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chem. Club. Chief Chem., Monarch Cement Co., Humboldt, Kan. Mem., A. C. S. Married Almira Helen CJ K 1917] liACCAI.AUKKATIC Al.lIMNI ^'55 Sams, Ja .ji_ 11)17, ChanutL', Kan. (Iiilil, l.miis l-'ninkliii, Ij." IJ 19, 1917. Address, 1 1 innlmlilt, Kan. 8„W,. AirrilUR CHARI-KS ZIMMKKMAN Arcli, Kiigr. ; H. S, in A. K. ; b. Mr S, 1893, Peru, 111.; s. Christian {!>. J a 3r^ 1858, I-1 Salli:, Jll.) and Anna (Lassig) /innncrnian (1). Ja 3, 1872). Prcijared in I. a .Sallc-l'i-ni 'I'li. II. S. I'si UpKilun; 'I'au IJeta I'i ; Mgr., Var sity Track Ti-ani; I'rclini. and l'"in;il lionois. Arch. Kngr., Am. Hridge Co., (iary, I ml. Ind. St. Militia, 1917. Address, Y. M. C. A., (i.iry, Ind.; bus. add., c/o American liridge CJi., dn. 8,.K7. KOISKKT UUUCE ZINSF.R Ins. y\Kt.; A. M. in Commerce; h. S ^5, 1K9), Washington, III.; s. Harry hinder (b. Jl 13, i8()(), do.) .and jiarriel S. Zinser (b. y\g 28, iK(.8, do.). I'reijared in Washington II. S. Chi Psi; Univ. liand. Ins. Agt. Northwest. Mutual Life Ins. Co., iyi6 17. .Seaman, i-nd class, [,'. .S. N.; Knsign, do.. Municipal i'erry Terminal, South and Whitih.ill St., New York City; do., U. S. S. Mt. Vernon; Keturned to Camp Slicdliy, Miss., 1918. Married Adelaide I'ocdmer, F 15, 1919, New York City. Address, Washington, III. CLASS OF 1Q17 (811 LIVING, 8 DEAD) 8088. ELLA ABRAMS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 14, 1890, New York City; d. Jacob (b. Mr 19, 1853, Russia) and Minnie (Ruben) Abranis fb. .S 26, 1862, do.). I'rcpared in Murray F. Tuley H. S., New York City; Univ. of Chicago, '9i3-'5- Menorah; Gregorian. Address, 2313 Iowa St., Chicago; bus. add., 554 W. 12th i'lace, do. 8089. KSTIIF.R .\IAF, ACKERSON Dietitian; A. W. in H. Sc: b. F 8, 1895, St. Jo.seph, III.; d. Nels (b. S 3, 1857, I-an- fariid, Sweden) and M.iry (Olson) Ackerson b. Je 6, 1859. Torsos, Sweden). Prepared in Washington Tp. II. S., Westfield, Ind. Phi Delta I'si; Omicron Nu; W. A. A. V. P. Sr. Class; Cant., Hasketball. Supvr., Infant Feeding and Dietitian. Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1917 — . Address, 2910 Ellis Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Michael Reese Hosp., 29th St. and Ellis Ave., do. 8690. BLANK 8091. ALLAN MADISON ADAMS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 30, 1895, Rock- ville, Ind.; s. Albert Monroe (b. Mr 29, 1858, do.) aiid Katherine (Bullock) Adams (1). N 2j 1H71, Rockport, Ind.). Prepared in Rock- ville (Ind.) II. S. Sigma Chi. Farmer, Stutl- g.irt, Ark. 1917. Lt., Inf., U. S. A., 1917; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, Stuttgart, Ark. 8092. LEON ABLER Chemist; B. S. in Chcm. E. ; b. Ag 9, 1895, Pana, III.; s. Herman (b. N 1866. Russia) and Rose (Ilorchilz) A and Minnie R. Alwood (b. Ag 27, 1873, do.). Prepared in Clinton II. S. Delta Gam- ma Rho; Alpl a Zeta; Capt., Varsity Basket- ball. Phys. and Ath. Dir., H. S., Bloomington, 111., 1917—- y. M. C. A. Work, Camp I'un- ston, Kan., 1918 — . Married Doris Keifcr, F 2, 1918, Marshall, 111. Address, Bloomington, ill. 8100. JOHN REA AMBRUSTER I'"armer; B. .S. in Agr.; b. N 5, 1895, Den- ver; s. Joseph H. (1). F 13, 1867) and Sarah Ennna (Kea) Ambruster (b. O 17, 186.S). Pre- pared in Roselle^ (N. J.) 11. S.; Lake View II. .S., Chicago. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Varsity Basketball; (^apt.. All Class Football. Farmer, .Sask., Can. 3rd O. T. ('.; .Sergt., Co. C, 342nd Inf.; 2nd Lt.. N. A.. Camp Pike, Ark.; Mach- ine Gun Tr. f'amp. Barracks io3_'. Camp Han- cock, Ga.. 1918; Mustered out. Ja 1919. Ad- dress, 4.s4(i Grcenview Ave., Chicago. 8 1 01. WALDO BOYNTON AMES A. B. in Commerce; b. Ap 3, 1894, Chicago; s. H. W. .Ames. Prepared in Oak Park H. .S. Delta Upsilon; Alpha Kappa I'si; Ma-wan-da; .Sachem; Helmet; Ku Klux; Jr. Smoker Com.; .Sr. Memorial Com.; Capt., Varsity track. Scrgt., O. M. Dept., U. S. A., Co. 320, Train 656 University of Illinois [1917 405, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis; 2nd Lt., Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F., France. Address, 331 Harvey Ave., Oak Park, 111. 8102. CHARLES WESLEY ANDERSON Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. My 15, 1894. Dix- on. 111.; s. O. B. Anderson. Prepared in North Dixon H. S. Prelim. Honors. Clerk. Order Dept., Lib., Univ. of 111.; Teacher, H. S., Neo- desha, Kan., 191S — . Address, 900 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del.; bus. add., 822 Osage St., Neodesha, Kan. 8103. OLIVE ANDERSON (BARNES) (Wife of No. 7364) B. S^ in H. Sc; b. N 2t, 1891, Fulton, N. Y. ; d. C. F. (b. Ja 17, 1866, Holmstad, Swe- den) and Catherine (Erickson) Anderson (b. S 20, 1866, Galva, 111.). Prepared in Engle- wood H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1916. H. Sc. Club; Class Basketball. Married Rus- sell Daniel Barnes ('16), O 13, 191 7. Kansas City, Mo. Child. Dorothy Olive, b. Ag 18, 1918. Address, 6840 Union Ave., Chicago. 8104. WILLIAM WILSON ANDERSON (Husband of No. 8770) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 28, 1891, Ohio, 111.; s. F. R. (b. 1852, do.) and Emma Morse (Wilson) Anderson (b. 1859, do.). Prepared in Ohio H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910- 13. Acacia; Varsity Football. Farmer, Ohio, 111. Naval Aviation, Great Lakes, 111., 1918 — . Married Gladys L. Smith ('17), N 17, 1917, Rochelle, 111. Address, Ohio, 111. 8105. ARTHUR B. ARENDS (Brother of No. 4052) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 9. 1892, Mel- vin. 111.; s. George Teis (b. Ag 9, 1849, Pe- oria) and Talea (Weiss) Arends (b. S 5. 1851. Hanover, Ger.). Prepared in Melvm H. S.; Minneapolis East Side H. S. Agr. Club. U. S. A.. Camp Dodge, la., 1918 — . Married Anna Francis Thompson, Mr 19, 191 8, Gary, Ind. Address, Melvin, 111. 8106. ALICE NONA ARMSTRONG (KIMMEL) (Wife of No. 8481) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 27, 1894. Tolono, 111.; d. Edward Barrett (b. Ap 12, 1865, Som erville, O.) and Isabelle (Blacks Armstrong (b Je 10, 1870, Ivesdale, 111.). Prepared in To lono and Champaign H. Schs.; Oxford Coll. 1913-16. Chi Omega. Married Clarence Eu gene Kimmel ('17), S 8, 1917, Tolono. 111. Ad dress, 5418 Sansom St., Apt. B, Philadelphia. 8107. JOHN HAROLD ARMSTRONG Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 21, 1896, Waterloo. O.; s. Robert Monroe (b. F 21, 1865, do.) and Lelia (Abranis) Armstrong (b. F 13. 1868, Rushville, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Ma-wan-da; Lambda Tau Rho; Comitatus; Adelphic; Delta Sigma Rho; Prelim. Honors; Ill.-Wis. debate; 111. -Mich, de- bate; Pres., No. Oratorial League; Bd. of Ora- tory and Debate; Sr. Ball Com. Stud., Coll. of Law, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 208 E. John St., Champaign. 8108. PAUL WILLIAM ARNDT Dairy Exten.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 5, 1894. Chester, 111.; s. Paul Gerhardt (b. Mr 24, 1872, Sheboygan, Wis.) and Justine Eve (Ochs) Arndt (b. F 22, 1874. Chester, 111.). Prepared in St. Louis and Sheboygan (Wis.) II. Schs., James Millikin Univ.; 1912-13. Agr. Club; Der Deutsche Verein. Dairy Extension and testing work, Univ. of 111.; Med. Dept., 339th M. G. Bn., Camp Dodge. la., 1917-18; A. E. F., France. Address, St. Charles, Mo. 8109. INGA IRENE ARNTZEN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 17, 1888, Sycamore, 111.; d. E. M. Arntzen. Prepared in Sycamore H. S. Teacher, Park Region Coll. Address, Sycamore, 111.; bus. add., Fergus Falls, Minn.t 81 10. SEIJI ASAI A. B. in Commerce; b. O 11, 1893, Kyoto, Japan; s. Seizaburo Asai. Prepared in Seattle II. S. With Moritani & Co., New York City. .4 d dress, Kyoto, Japan; bus. add.. Room 1002, 15 Park Row, New York City. 811 1. LALAH MARIE AUGUSTUS (Sister of No. 7351) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ap i, 1893, Argenta, 111.; d. Edgar Lewis (b. S 23, 1865, do.) and Atta Estella (Kile) Augustus (b. F 27. 1869, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, H. S., Cisco, 111., 1917-18; do., H. Econ., Elkhart, Ind., 1918 — . Address, Cisco, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Elkhart, Ind. 81 12. GUY THOMAS AVERY Superintendent; B. S. in M. E. ; b. O 9, 1894 Three Rivers, Mich.; s. George T. Avery. Pre pared in Three Rivers (Mich.) H. S. Phreno con; Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M E. Supt., Experimental Coke Plant. Address, 222 West St., Three Rivers, Mich.; bus. add. 6626 University Ave., Chicago. S113. ROWLAND ALONZO AVERY Tester; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 5, 1891, De- Kalb, 111.; s. Anson Alonzo (b. S 21, i860. Su- gar Grove, 111.) and Carrie May (Breese) Avery (b. O 2, 1857, Aurora, 111.). Prepared in DeKalb Tp. H. S.; Colo. Agr. Coll., 1912. Agr. Club; Class Football. Agr. Expert, Trac- tor Co., 1917; Official Tester, Dairy Dept.. Univ. of 111., 1917-18. U. S. A., 1918—. Ad- dress, DeKalb, 111. 81 14. EDWARD SPRINGER AXLINE A. B. in Commerce; b. S 22, 1891, Lacon, III; s. John Wesley (b. 1842, O.) and Hellen Louisa (Springer) Axline (b. 1842, Evans Tp., 111.). Prepared in Fulton (Ky.) H. S.; Ches- ter H. S.; Wenona H. S. Acanthus; Beta Gamma Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Final Honors, ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 191 7; 2nd Lt., Co. K, 343rd Inf., N. A., Camp Grant, 111.; ist Lt., do., 1918; do., 343rd Inf., 35th Div., France. Ad- dress, Wenona, 111. 8115. DAN BABCOCK B. S. in A. E.; b. O 2, 1894, Crown Point, Ind.; s. Robert G. (b. O 8, 1861, Pittsfield, III.) and Carrie May (Handley) Babcock (b. Ag 19, 1862, Lowell, Ind.). Prepared in An- derson (Ind.) H. S. Triangle. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917; ist Lt., 151 Aero Sqdn., Dayton, O.; A. E. F., France, 1918; Returned to states, Mr 6, 1919. Address, Anderson, Ind. 8 II 6. GERALD CLIFFORD BAKER Asst. Chem.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr i, 1894. Bement, 111.; s. Benjamin L. (b. Mr 28, 1S67. do.) and Lucy (Moore) Baker (b. Mr 17. 1871). Prepared in Bement H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma. Teacher, H. S., Petersburg, 111., 1914-15. Research Asst., San. Chem. St. Wa- ter Survey, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Enlisted, E. R. C, 1918 — . Address, Bement, 111.; bus. add.. 111. St. Water Survey, Urbana. 81 17. GUY BAKER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 4, 1882, Columbus, Kan.; s. Moses (b. Ag 19, 1834. Mo.) and Sarah Jane (Wilson) Baker (b. Ap 2, 1850, Gurnsey Co., O.). Prepared in Univ. of Okla. IQI?] Baccalaureate Alumni 657 Prep. Sell. A. B., Univ. of Okla., 1908. Elec. Engr., Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 190S-16; Supt., Lathan Plant of Ky. River Power Co., llazard, Ky., 1917-18; Local Engr., Indus. Engng. Corp., do., 1918 — . Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Certified Mem., Am. Assoc, of Engrs. Address, llazard, Ky. 81 18. MARGARET HELEN BALDWIN Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 23, 1893, Ot- tawa, 111.; d. Amos Clarke (b. Ag 7, 1S51, do.) and Elizabeth Rachel (Reynolds) Baldwin (b. F 15. 1856, Utica, 111.). Prepared in Ottawa Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Minn., 1913-14. Gamma Phi Beta; Omicron Nu; W. A. A.; Hockey Team. Teacher, Sc. and H. Sc, H. S., Gala- tia. 111.; Chm., Food Conservation Com., Sa- line Co^; Head Dietitian, Washington Blvd. IIosp., Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., Food Produc- tion and Conservation Com. of St. Council of Defense. Address, 2449 Washington Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Washington Blvd. Hos- pital, do. 81 19. MARY ELSIE BALL Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 11, 1894, Rossville. Ind.; d. William Oscar (b. N 7, i860, Eden, Ind.) and Effie May (Masters) Ball (b. F II, 1868, Rossville, Ind.). Prepared in Rossville (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1912-13. Class Bowling; Class Baseball. Teacher, H. S., Sedalia, Ind., 191 7 — ■. Address, Sedalia, Ind. Sijo. EDWIN FRANKLIN BARKER B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 14, 1892, Rock Island, 111.; s. George (Yorktown, 111.) and Ida May (Smith) Barker (b. Rock Island, III.). Pre- pared in Rock Island H. S. Asst. Paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1917; Ensign. U. S. S. Leviathan, 1917; Lt., 1918 — . Married Ida M. Weeks, Ja 1919, Brooklyn. N. Y. Address, 841 W. Red- gate Ave., Norfolk, Va.; bus. add., c/o Aide for Supply Navy Yd., do. 812 1. EDWARD CARL BARKSTORM Mech. Draftsman; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 11, 1894, Chicago; s. Eric Barkstorm. Prepared in Cra*ie Tech. Coll. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Mechanic Draftsman. Y._ M. C. A.. Aurora, 111. Address, 2710 S. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., Y. M. C. A., Aurora, 111. 8i22. EARL CONVIS BARNES Elec. Tester; B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Mr 2, 1896, Orland, 111.; s. George Allen (b. F 18, 1863, Wabasha Co., Minn.) and Hattie Ann (Convis) Barnes (b. Je 26, 1S63, Ellisburg, N. Y.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. ; James Milli- kin Univ. Eta Kappa Nu; Ry. Club; E. E. Soc Elec. Tester, Westinghouse Elec. Mfg., Co. Ensign, Naval Flying Corps, U. S. Forces, France. Address, 450 W. Eldorado St., Deca- tur, 111. 8123. *HAROLD JOHN BARNES Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 13, 1894- Jo- liet. 111.; s. John H. (b. do.) and Ida M. (Zor- ley) Barnes (b. do.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Arch. Club. Jr. Mem., Barnes and Barnes, Archs., Joliet. 111., 1917-18. 123 Ord. Dept. Co., Camp Mac Arthur, Waco, Tex. Married Gladys V. Norris, D 25, 1917, Joliet, 111. Died O 7, 1918, Officers Tr. Sch., Aber- deen, Md. 8124. HELEN MIRIAM BARNES Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 3. 1896, Washburn. 111.; d. Fred Calvin (b. F 13, 1874, do.) and Julia Lucretia (Short) Barnes (b. Mr 26. 1874, Lacon, 111.). Prepared in Wash- burn IT. S.; 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1913-15. Kappa Delta. Teacher, Eng., Tp. H. S., Washburn, 111., 1917 — . Address, Washburn. 111. 8125. FRANK NEWTON BARRETT Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 30, 18S7, Elkhorn, Wis.; s. John Elliott (b. D 19, 1845, Milan, O.) and Nancy Gemima (Crego) Bar- rett (b. S 19, 1854, Tonawanda Tp., N. Y.). Prepared in Univ. Acad.; Lewis Inst., Chicago- Cornell Univ.. 1913-14. Alpha Gamma Rho; Hoof and Horn Club; Country Life Club; ''''^'^^\AV- ^"'"'^' Winner, Sheep Judging Con- test Medal. Agr. Supvr., War Gardens, Oak Park, 111., and River Forest, 111., 1917; Agr Exten. Agt., Exp. Sta., U. S. Dept. of Agr! Lexington, Ky., 1918— . Co. B, ist Bn., 2nd. Regt., 111. Reserve Militia; Corp., Co. 18, 5th Bn., 163rd Depot Brig., Camp Dodge la.; Mustered out, N 25, 1918. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 2914 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago; bus. add., Exp. Sta., Lexington, Ky. 8126. MINNIE BARTELS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 7, 1895 Chicago; d. Louis Carl (b. My 3, 1862, do ) and Mmnie Anna (Preis) Bartels (b. Ag 7, 1862. do.). Prepared in Harrison Tech. H. S ' Chicago: Lewis Inst., 191315. Teacher, Cen- traha. 111. Address, 401 Melrose Ave., Cen- tralia. III. 8127. MARGARET MURRAY BARTO (Daughter of No. 2575; Sister of No. 7369) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; M. A. Columbia Univ., 1918; b. S 17, 1896 Oak Park. HI.; d. Daniel Otis ('06). (b. Mr 20. 1854, Tompkins Co., N. Y.) and Lucy (Murray) Barto. Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pin Delta Psi; Alethenai; W. A. A.; H Sc Club; Advisory Bd.; Sr. Illinae. Head Physical Educ. Dept., Stevens Coll.. Columbia, Mo., 1918— . Address. 919 Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., c/o Stevens Coll., Columbia Mo. 8128. SALLIE CATHERINE BATTAILE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 4, 1894, Ft. Worth, Tex.; d. William A. (b. Yazoo I7ity, Miss.) and Irene (Carmealich) Bat- taile (b. St. Louis). Prepared in Lawrence (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan., 1913-16. Teacher, H. S.. Illiopolis, 111. Address, 606 W. Green St., Champaign. 8129. BRADFORD REED BATTEY, JR. (Brother of No. 8130) A. B. in Commerce; b. O 4, 1895. Tiskilwa 111.; s. Bradford Reed (b. N 14, 1863, Foster R. I.) and Carrie (Curtis) Battey (b. Ta 16 1868, Sheffield. 111.). Prepared in Indian town and Arispie Joint Tp. H. S., Tiskilwa 111. Beta Gamma Sigma; Final Honors. Q M. C, N. \.. Camp Funston, Kan., 191 7 — , Address, Tiskilwa, 111. 8130. ZILPHA CURTIS BATTEY (Sister of No. 8129) Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; A. M., 1918; b. O 27, 1893, Tiskilwa, 111.; d. Bradford Reed (b. N 14, 1863, Foster, R. I.) and Carrie Belle (Curtis) Battey (b. Ja 16. 1868, Sheffield, 111.) Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Alethenai; Omi cron Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Iota Sigma Pi .Sigma Xi. Instr., Chem. and Home Econ. Fla. St. Coll., for Women, Tallahassee. Fla. 1918— . Address, 186 W. Park Ave., Talla hassee, Fla.; bus. add., c/o Fla. St. Coll. for Women, do. 8131. LEWIS AUGUSTUS BAUDER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 20. 1893. Chi cago; s. Aaron William (b. Elizabethville Pa.) and Ella Trembly (Ross) Bauder (b Philadelphia). Prepared in J. Sterling Mor ton II. S., Cicero, 111. .4ddress, North Lib erty, Ind. 658 University of Illinois I1917 8132. LILLIAN BERTHA BEAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 23, 1895, Blue Mound. 111.; Ward. Mrs. Mattie V. Garwood. Prepared in Taylorville Tp. H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Class Hockey; Sr. Hat Com. Ad- dress, Blue Mound, 111. 8133. PAUL BECKER Mech. Engr. ; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ap 23, 1894, Emporia, Kan.; s. Otto Matthew (b. La Moille, 111.) and Nellie May (Oxelson) Becker (b. Kan.). Prepared in J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero. Prelim. Honors. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. Asst. to Officer in Charge of Heating Plants, Util- ities Dept., Camp Grant. 111., 1917; ist Lt., do. Address, 3540 Harold Ave., Berwyn, 111. 8134. WALTER HENRY BECKER Business; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 11, 1895, Chicago; s. Christian C. (b. O 17, 1S60. Gro- mitz, Ger.) and Margaret (Neumann) Becker (b. S 5, 1866, Hamburg, do.). Prepared in Englewood IT. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1914- Beta Gamma Sigma; Capt.. Tennis Team: Ten- nis Championship; Scholarship, Econ. With Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chicago, 1918— ;. U. S. A., Camp Dodge, discharged for physi- cal disability, 191 7. Address, 6701 Union Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Franklin MacVeagh & Co., 333 W. Lake St., do. 8135. OTIS EDWARD BEERS Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. Mr 15. 1894, Elkhart, Ind. ; s. William Beers (b. Ja 28. 1871)- Prepared in Elkhart (Ind.) H. S.; Armour Inst., 1912-14. Engng. Dept., Bemis Bros. Bag Co., St. Louis. Address, 524 Middleburg St.. Elkhart, Ind. 8136. WESLEY ARTHUR BEHEL Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 3, 1894. Chicago; s. Vernon Wilbur (b. 1869, do.) and Carrie Edna (Genung) Behel (b. 1870, do.). Prepared in Edward Tilden H. S., Chicago. Psi Upsilon; Sigma Tan; Scarab; Ku Klu.x; Ma-wan-da; Pres., Ath. Assn. 2nd Lt.. Inf. R. C, U. S. A., 1917— . Address, Lake Bluff. 111. 8137. NORMA ELIZABETH BELL (Sister of No. 3636) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 9, 1891, West York, 111.; d. Charles L. (b. D 22, 1861. do.) and Dollie (Lindley) Bell (b. S 13. 1865. do.). Prepared in West York H. S.; Marshall Tp. H. S. Teacher, Math, and Ger.. H. S., Pinckneyville, 111.. 1917; do., Paris, 111., 19 18 — . Address, West York, 111.; bus. add., 517 N. Central Ave., Paris, 111. 8138. WILLIAM BIGEL, JR. Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 25, 1894. Gilbertson, Pa.; s. William Bigel. Prepared in Calumet H. S. Farmer, Regina, Sask., Can. Address. 8409 Kerfoot Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Regina, Sask., Can.f 8139. GEORGE FREDERICK BINDER Dairyman; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 3, 1895. Aurora, 111.; s. Jacob John (b. Ap 29, 1849, Ger.) and Barbara Helen (Schmidt) Binder (b. N 8. 1 8 '^4, Aurora. III.). Prepared in East Aurora H. "S. Alpha Zeta: Farm House; Agr. Club; Y. M. C. A., Cabinet; Class Basket- ball; ///. Agr., Staff. Dairyman, Aurora, 111., 1917-18. Sergt., U. S. A., Inf., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 133 S. 4th St., Aurora, 111. 8140. FRIEDA EMMA BLOCK (Sister of No. 5042) Music Dir.; B. Mus.; b. My 27, 1886, Sid- ney. 111.; d. Edward F. (b. My 17, '859, (Champaign) and Katherine (Hartsig) Block (b. Ag 7, 1861, Detroit). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Mu Kappa Alpha; Girls Glee Club; Univ. Choristers, Dir., Music, Geneseo, 111.; Teacher, Glenn Cove, L. I., N. Y., 1918 — . Red Cross Work, New York City. Address, Champaign; bus. add.. Glen Cove, Long Island. 8141. GEORGE CHARLES BLOHM Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 10, 1894, Chicago; s. Robert Charles (b. My 9, 1858, Riigen Island, Ger.) and Wilhelmine (Fritz) Blohm (b. Je 4, 1862, Ger.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S.. Chicago; Lewis Inst., Chi- cago, 1913-14; Yale Law Sch. Alpha Chi Rho. Bank Clerk, First Nat. Bank. Chicago, 1917; Teacher, Phys., Civics, Am. Hist, and Bus. Law, Glen Ellyn Tp. H. S., 1917— . Address, 1249 N. Paulina St., Chicago. 8142. HAROLD JOHN BLUHM Cbemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ag 9, 1895, Chicago; s. John Frederick William (b. Je 30, 1866, Waukesha. Wis.) and Emma (Goodmann) Rluhm (b. On, 186S. Chicago). Prepared in Lane Tech. IT. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Rho; Chem. Club. Chem., Brunswick Balke-Collender Co., Muskegon, Mich.. 1917 — . Address, 109 Muskegon Ave., Muskegon, Mich.; bus. add., c/o Brunswick Balke-Collender Co., do. 8143. EUGENE SONNENBERG BOERNER B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 22. 1894, Cedarburg, Wis.; s. Arthur (b. do.) and Hermine (Son- nenberg) Boerner (b. Frankfort, Ger.). Pre- pared in Cedarburg (Wis.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1911-12. Floriculture Club. U. S. S. M. A., Cornell, 1917; Camp Dick. Dallas, Tex.; 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., Eberta Field, Lonoke, .\rk. Address, Cedarburg, Wis. 8144. JESSE LOUIS BOLLMAN .\ssistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 19, 1S96, Springfield. HI.; s. George (b. D lo, 1 861, Rock Island, 111.) and Emma (Frichot) Bollman (b. S 17, 1863, do.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.; U. S. Naval Acad., 1914-15. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Mich., 1917-18. Asst., Bacteriol., Univ. of Mich., 1917 — . Midship- man. U. S. N., 1914-15. Auth.: (wfth B. Welch) The Mechanism of Infection, Jour. of Infectious Diseases, Vol. XXI, 1917. Mem., Phi Sigma. Address, 302 Liberty St., Ann .\rbor, Mich. 8145. LYMAN BOOTH B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 31, 1894, Marshall, 111.; s. Newton Truman (b. Ag 25, 1865, do.) and Edith (Shaw) Booth (b. 1868. do.). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. Acacia; Ionian. A. S. S. R. C, 1917; 2nd Lt., R. M. A., Pilot Barracks, Post Field, Ft. Sill, Okla., 1918; ist Lt., Taliaferro Field, Hicks. Tex.; Mus- tered out, Ja 6, 19 19. Address, Marshall, 111. 8146. MABEL MAE BORMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 28, 1886, Morrison, 111.; d. Charles (b. Ag 2, 1849, Castor, Lincolnshire, Eng.) and Hannah (Carter) Borman (b. Je 20, 1858, Monte Rose, Pa,), Prepared in Morrison H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher. Math., H. S., Mor- rison, III. Address, Morrison, 111. 8147. KATHERINE LOIS BORN (FETHERSTON) (Wife of No. 6227; Sister of Nos. 2032, 2911) B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 8, 1894, Lancaster, O.; d. (3eorge W. (b. N 17. 1852, Hammond, O.) and Fides Amelia (Halderman) Born (b. O 6, 1853, Lisbon, la.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Grad. Work, De Pauw Univ. Alpha Gam- ma Delta; Swimming Honors. Instr., H. Sc, igi/] Baccalaureate Alumni 6S9 De Pauw Univ., 1917-18. Married John Moff- ett Fetherston ('14), Je 29, 1918. Address, 506 Indiana St., Greencastle, Ind. S148. CECIL WALDEN BORTON A. B. in Commerce; b. S 5, 1895, Cowden, III.; s. Edson S. Borton. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Chi Beta; Scabbard and Blade; Grapho- men; Ry. Club; Staff, Daily Illini; Chm., Soph. Smoker. Com.; Soph. Picnic Com.; Capt., Univ. Brig, ist Lt., 40th Inf., Ft. Sheridan, 111.. 1917; do., Camp Custer, Mich., 1918 — . Married Helen Oblander, Je 19, 191 8. Bush- nell. 111. Address, 905 W. California St., Ur- bana. t 8149. PAUL McCAULEY BOSTON Lumber Dealer; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 16, 1894, Yorkville. III.; s. William Thomas (b. JI 24, 1857, Rollo, 111.) and Addie Maria (Woods) Boston (b. Je 2$, 1863, Ronoake, 111.;. Prepared in Yorkville H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Ku Klux; Alpha Kappa Psi; Pierrots Club; Final Honors; Drum Major, Univ. Band. Asst. Mgr., Lumber Yard, Belvidere, 111., 1917. O. T. C, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1917-18; 2nd Lt., 4.sth. Inf., U. S. A., Camp Taylor, Louis- ville, Ky.; Hdqtrs. Co., 45th Inf., Camp Sheri- dan, Ala. Address, Yorkville, 111. 8150. PAUL EUGENE BOWER B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 18, 1896, Olney, 111.; s. John (b. 1840, Chillicothe, O.) and Jemima Fuller (Hammatt) Bovver (b. 1S59, Batavia, O.). Prepared in Olney H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. A. S. A., 1917; 2nd Lt., do.. 1918; Pilot, Gunnery, Taliaferro Field, Tex.; Barron Field, Toronto, Ft. Wood, Gar- den City, L. I., 1918 — . Address, 3312 Hum- phrey St., St. Louis. 81 5 1. EMILY MAURINE BOWMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Jl 24, 1894, Anderson, Ind.; d. O. H. Bowman. Prepared in Warsaw (Ind.) H. S.; Winona Coll. Teach- er, H. S., Hutsonville, 111. Address, Pierce- ton, Ind.; bus. add., Hutsonville, IlLf 8152. MABEL INEZ BOWMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 22, i8qo, Beecher, 111.; s. H. V. (b. New Madison, O.) and Alice (Winders) Bowman (b. Savona, O.). Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; Knox Coll., igii- 12. Alpha Delta Pi. Teacher, Eng., Momence, 111.. 1917-18; do., H. S., Danville, 111., 1918—. Address, 505 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111. 8153. MARIAN CUMMINGS BOYD (Daughter of No. 261) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 30, 1897, Sheffield, 111.; d. Comma Nathaniel ('81), (b. la 18, i860, Sheffield, 111.) and .Addie M. (Humph- reys) Boyd. Prepared in Sheffield H. S. Al- pha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Yo Ma; Ale- thenai; W. A. A.; Class Basket-ball; First Coun- cil; Capt., Class Hockey. Teacher. H. S., Fisher, 111. Address, Sheffield, 111.; bus. add., Fisher, 111. 8154. LE ROY BRADLEY Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. F i, 1895, Ft. W^ayne, Ind.; s. Edgar O. (b. O 13, 1857. Crest- line, O.) and Cordelia (Fink) Bradley (b. S 2, i860. Ft. Wayne, Ind.). Prepared in Ft. Wayne H. S. Sigma Tau: Gargoyle; Epsilon Alpha. Mgr., Jr. Class Football; Sec, Sr. Class. Factory Engng. Dept., S. F. Bowser & Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Purdue Univ. Tr. De- tachment, N. A.. Co. 2.. Sqdn. 3, W. Lafay- ette, Ind.; Bat. A., 344th F. A., A. E. F.; Corp., S. A. S., U. S. A., Div. B. A. P. O. 718. A. E. F., Saumur, France. Address, 245 E. But- ler St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 8155. LOYD MARION BRADLEY ^„Lawyer; LL. B.; b. My 3, 189S, Mound City. 111.; s. Lewis Marion (b. O 14. 1851, Ava, 111.) and Mary E. (Williamson) Bradley (b. Mr 8 1855). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Delta Phi; Tennis Team. Attorney at Law. Carbondale, 111., 1917. Seaman, U. S N. R. Flying Corps. Married Mary E. Fraley, Jl IS. 1917, Carbondale, HI. Address, ^12 W. Oak St., Carbondale, HI. 8156. HUBERT BUTLER BRAMLET Research Chem.; A. B. in Chem. ; b. D 9, 1894, Eldorado, 111.; s. Joseph Edward (b. Ag 2b, 1873. do.) and Nellie Belle (Butler) Bramlet (b. Ag 7, 1874, do.). Prepared in Eldorado Tp. H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Chem. Club; Univ. Chora! Soc; Varsity Cross-Coun- try. Chem., E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Woodbury, N. J., 19 17. Co. M.. 33rd Inf., Camp Taylor, Ky., 191 7; 2nd Lt., Chem. War- fare Service Section, N. A., Unit F, Wash- ington. D. C, 1918; ist Lt., Adm. Dir., Chem. Warfare Service, do. Address. 210 N. First St., Eldorado, 111.; bus. add., 7th and B Sts., N. W., Washington, D. C. 8157. WILLIAM R.\LPH BRANCH (Brother of Nos. 1311, 2913) B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 5, 1894. Champaign; s. William Luther (b. Ag 23, 1838. Springfield, HI.) and Emily Uree (Yeager) Branch (b. JI 29, 1850, Lafayette. Ind.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Fresh. Var- sity Track; Bowling Team. Bat. F, 149th F, A., A. E. F., France, 19 17 — . Mem., Christ- ian Church. Address, 610 S. State St., Cham- paign. 8158. EUGENE FRANCIS BRAZEAU Manufacturer; A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 10, 1894, West Hoboken, N. J.; s. Henry Lester (b. O 31, 1869, New York City) and Eleanor Francis (Kerrigan) Brazeau (b. Jl 5, 1873, West Hoboken, N. J.). Prepared in Loyola H. S., New York City. Zeta Psi; Mask and Bauble; Pierrots. Mfr., New York City, 1917. Mach. Mate, U. S. N. R. F., Pelham Bay, N. Y. ; Brooklyn Navy Yard; U. S. S. Submarine Chaser 237; Mustered out, Ja 8, 1919. Address, 207 W. 85th St., New York City; bus. add., American Exporter, 17 Battery Place, do. 8159. CHARLES GAGE BRENNEMAN Prin.. H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 23, 1893, Murphysboro. 111.; s. Charles Donaldson (b. O 25, 1859, Conn.). Prepared in Thornburn May (Williams) Brenneman (b. Ava, HI.). Prepared in Ava H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Prin., Tp. H. S., Oakland, 111. U. S. S. M. A., Urbana, 1917; Flyer, 1918. Address, Ava, HI. 8160. FLORA EERNICE BRIGGS Scientific Asst.; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 16, 1894, St. Louis; d. Morris Eugene (b. D 20, 1853, Marion, N. Y.) and Jane (Rogers) Briggs (b. JI 13, i860, Marion. N. Y.). Pre- pared in Hyde Park H. S. Achoth; H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Class Hockey. Clerk, Bureau of Markets; U. S. Dept. of Agr.; Scientific Asst., H. Econ., do., 1918 — . U. S. A., Embark- ation Hosp., New York City. Mem., Illini Club, Washington, D. C. Address, 212 Willow Ave., Takoma Park, D. C; bus. add.. East Wing, Dept. of Agr., 13th and B Sts., S. W. Washington, D. C. 8161. GEORGE WASHINGTON BRISTOW A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 23, 1894, Grand Chain. 111.; s. John D. Bristow. Prepared in Metropolis H. S. Ord. Dept. Address, Met- ropolis, 111. 66o University of Illinois [1917 8162. CHARLES ALLEN BRITT Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 12, 1894, Pen- field, IIL; s. Morgan S. (b. N 4, 1853, Plats- burg, West Va.) and Nettie H. (Sutton) Britt (b. O 25. 1S59, Conn.). Prepared in Thornburn n. S., Urbana. Scabbard and Blade; 2nd Lt., ist Lt., and Capt., Univ. Brig. 2nd Lt., tJ. S. A. S.. A. E. F., France. Address, R. 28, Penfield, 111. 8163. WILLIAM ALLAN BRITTIN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 20, 1894, Florence, Kan.; s. Dr. W. A. Brittin. Pre- pared in Virden H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Soph. Picnic Com.; V. P.. Class. Address, Virden, 111.; bus. add., Buffalo-Hart, Ill.t 8164. ANGELINA LOUISE BROCKMEIER Agt., Children's Bureau; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Je 7, 1896. German Valley, 111.; d. Henry (b. O 10. 1857, Forreston, 111.) and Elizabeth (Zumdahl) Brockmeier (b. S 14. 1S62, do.). Prepared in Freeport H. S. Phi Delta Psi; Treas., Woman's League; First Council, Wo- man's League; Sr. Advisory Bd. Grad. Stud., Chicago Sell, of Civics and Philanthropy, 1917-18; Special Agt. Social Service Div., Fed. Children Bureau. Chicago, 1917-18; Investiga- tor, Child Welfare, Children's Bur., U. S-. Dept. of Labor. Washington, D. C, 191 8 — . Address, 250 Carroll St., Freeport, 111.; bus. add., Children's Bureau, U. S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C. 8165. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS BROOKS Airplane Designer; B. S. in E. E. ; b. My i, :89s, Minneapolis; s. Morgan (b. Mr 12, 1861, Boston) and Frona Marie Brooks (b. Ap 9, 1861, Tours, France). Prepared in Berkshire Sch., Sheffield, Mass. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Pres., E. E. Soc, Special Honors. Airplane Designer, Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Corp, Buffalo, N. Y. De- signer, Curtiss Model L B the fastest Liberty Motor Battleplane to date, ist Lt., Aircraft In- dustrial Service, 1918; do., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, N 31, 1918. Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Address, 1005 W. California Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Back Bay P. O. Box iii, Boston- Mass. 8166. VIOLA BROOKS (Sister of No. 6764) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 19:8; b. Ag 31, 1894, Chrisman, 111.; d. Thomas Jefferson (b. My 27, 1861, Albany, Ky.) and Beatrice (Stearns) Brooks (b. Mr 28, 1869, Chrisman, 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Teacher, Eng. and Hist.. H. S., Seaton, 111., 1 918 — . Address, 1008 W. Green St., Urbana; bus. add., Seaton, 111. 8167. ALBERT WILLARD BROWN Teacher: B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. O 10, 1894. Chenoa. III.; s. John (b. S 9. i860, Lexington, 111.) and Iva Eldora (Bartum) Brown (b. Ap I, 1867. Bucyrus, O.). Prepared in Chenoa H. S. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Divernon, 111. 3rd R. O. T. C, Camp Sherman, O., 191 8—. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Tiffin, O. 8168. ALLEN BROOKINS BROWN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 19. 1895, Guil- ford, Kan.; s. John P. B. and Minnie (Akin) Brown. Prepared in Muskogee (Okla.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan. Phi Gamma Delta: Sigma Delta Chi: Sachem: Y. M. C. A., cabinet; Bd. of Dir. ; Univ. Band; Staff, ///. Mag.; Man- aging Ed., Illiiti; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Memor- ial Com. Mem., First 111. Ambulance Unit, France, 1916-17; 2nd Lt.. 119th F. A., A. E. F., France. Address, c/o U. S. Indian Ser- vice, Phoenix, Ariz. 8169. DOROTHY SARGENT BROWN Teacher: A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 21, 1895, Geneseo, 111.; d. Fred Hees (b. Ag 6, 1870, Wyonet, 111.) and Jessie (Sargent) Brown (b. Je 28, 1871, Geneseo, 111.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Alpha Xi Delta; Pres., Jamesonian. Teacher, Mus. and H. Sc, H. S., Sheffield, 111. Address, Sheffield, 111. Si 70. HARLOW WOOD BROWN Bank Clerk; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 28, 1896, Modesto. 111.; s. Leonard Grayson and Ida A. (Vancil) Brown. Prepared in Jacksonville H. S.; 111. Coll., 1913-15. Final Honors. Official Tester, Modesto, III., 191 7; Bank Clerk, do., 1917-18. Ord. Tr. Course, Univ. of Chicago, 1918; Ord. Corps, U. S. N. A. Address, Modesto, 111. 8171. HELEN DORSEY BROWN (MUHLMAN) B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. N 8, 1887, Louis- ville. Ky. ; d. T. Barbour Brown. Prepared in Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis.; V^assar Coll. Kappa Kaiipa Gamma. Married Ralph Muhl- man. Address, 1443 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 8172. JOHN LAWRENCE BROWN Bank Clerk; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 26, 1894, Tiskilwa, 111.; s. George Rogers (b. My 27, 1856, Tiskilwa, 111.) and Ina (Welsh) Brown (b. O 6, i86i, Tiskilwa, 111.). Prepared in Tiskilwa Tp. H. S. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. 8173. IL\LPH POWERS BROWN Highway Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 22, 1894, Chicago: s. Richard Hunt (b. 1863, N. Y.) and Elva (Powers) Brown (b. Clyde, O.). Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. C. E. Soc; Capt., Univ. Brig. Construction Work, 1917-18; 2nd Lt., F. A. N. A.. Ft. Sill, Okla., 1918 — . Auth.: Strength of Monolithic Brick Paving, Dunn Wire Cutting Brick Co.. Con- neaut, O. ; Physical Properties of Paving Brick, Brick and Clay Record, Engng. Record, 1917. Mem.. A. F^ A. M. Address, 5827 Race Ave., Chicago. 8174. KATHRYN ELEANOR BROWNE Musician; B. Mus.; b. Je 26, 1895, Chicago Hgts., 111.; d. William H. (b. Australia) and Mary B. (Perry) Browne (b. Crete, III.). Prepared in Englewood H. S.; Chicago Norm. Sch. Pi Beta Phi; Athenean; Mu Kap|ia Alpha; Mask and Bauble; Univ. Choristers; Woman's Glee Club; Sang with Evan Williams, Univ. Star Course. Edison Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Hall, Chicago, 1918 — . Soloist. Y. M. C. A., Overseas Theatre League. Mem., Musician's Club of Women, Chicago; Chicago Coll. Club. Address, 6945 Stewart Ave., Chi- cago. 8175. GEORGIA BROWNFIELD (Sister of No. 4094) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 7. 1895, Tolono, 111.; d. George (b. D 20, i860, Ur- bana) and Virginia Alice (Thomas) Brown- field (b. Ag I, 1862, Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Pinckneyville, 111., 191 7; do., Mur- physboro. 111. Chm., Food and Fuel Conserva- tion Com., Perry Co.. 111.. 191 7-18. Address, 505 W. High St., Llrbana; bus. add., 2015 Walnut St., Murphysboro, 111. 8176. THOMAS SAMUEL BROWNING Ceram. Engr.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. N 5, 1893, Benton, 111.; s. T. S. (b. Ja 30, 1864, do.) and Juliette E. (Robertson) Browning (b. O 31, 1866. Marion, 111.). Prepared in Benton H. S. Alpha Tau Omega: Helmet; Keramos; Pres., Soph. Class. Supt., Dando Works, Pittsburgh and Ceram. Engr., McLain Fire I9I7J Baccalaureate Alumni 66] Brick Co., do. Assoc. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. Address, c/o McLain Fire Brick Co., Vaaport, Pa. 8177. EYL.\R WILLIAM BRUNSKILL (Brother of No. 6771) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 25, 1895, Pon- l^jac, 111.; s. Robert (b. 1863. do.) and Anna (Pearson) Brunskill (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in Pontiac, 111., 1917-18. 3rd O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1918. ist Lt., Co. D, 7th Repl. Bn., Camp MacArthur; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Address, 320 E. Polk St., Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., P. O. Box 410, Pontiac, 111. 8178. RICHARD BELL BUCHANAN B. S. in Agr.; b. D 16, 1892, Carbondale, 111.; s. George Victor (b. 111.) and Hattie (Starr) Buchanan (b. Kankakee, 111.). Pre- pared in Joplin (Mo.) H. S. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon; Theta Nu Epsilon; Helmet; Ivu Klux; Jr. Prom. Com. Capt., i24tih Co., 9th Regt., U. S. Marines. Address, 66 W Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. 8179. ELAINE LOUISE BUHRMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja i, 1895, Nashville, 111.; d. Henry C. (b. do.) and Caro- line (Lane) Buhrman (b. do.). Prepared in Nashville H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll., 1913-15. Alpha Omicron Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Latin, H. S., Mount Olive, 111. Address, Mount Olive, III. 8180. RUTH SABINA BUMGARNER (Sister of No. 3666) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 18, 1891, Mc Nabb, 111.; d. Oscar (b. F 24, 1842, Washington Co., Pa.) and Mary Louisa (Mills) Bumgarner (b. Ja 14, 1851, Mc Nabb, 111.), Prepared in John Swaney H. S.; James Milliken Univ. Signal Corps., Washington, D. C. ; Civilian Clerical Service, do. Address, Mc Nabb, 111.; bus. add.. 1527 Iowa Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. 8181. ALBERT HAROLD BURGER B. S. in Agr.; b, Jl 6, 1892, Elgin, 111.; s, Fred C. (b. 1863, Ger.) and Mary Burger (b, 1863, do.). Prepared in Elgin H, S. Agr. Club; Floriculture Club. U. S. A. S., Univ. of 111.; Taylor Field; Kelly Field; Mustered out, F 13, 1919. Address, 12 Walker Place, Elgin, 111. 8182. CLYDE HAROLD BURGSTON Lab. Director; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 14, 1893, Moline, 111.; s. F. A. (b. 1856) and Adda L. Burgston (b. 1861, Moline, 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Dir., Testing Labs., Deere & Co. Plow Works, 191 7- 18. 2nd Lt., F. A., Central O. T. C, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; do., 40th F. A., Camp Custer, Mich., 1918; Mustered out, F 7, 1919- Address, 836 15th St., Moline, 111.; bus. add, c/o Deere & Co., do. 8183. BEULAH BURRELL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 22, 1895, Effingham, 111.; d. Le Grand (b. S 15. 1848, do.) and Sarah Burrell (b. S 15, 1858, do.). Prepared in Effingham H. S. Chi Omega; Le Cercle Frangais. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Effing- ham, III., 1917 — . Address, Effingham, 111. 8184. CLIFFORD KETCHUM BURTON Contract Checker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 14, 1895, Oak Park, 111.; s. Charles Smith (b. N 9, 1852, Elyria, O.) and Phnebe Ann (Millard) Burton (b. Mr 3, 1856, Clyde, N. Y,). Prepared in Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Chicago, 1914-15. Alpha Delta Phi; Fresh. Varsity Football. Advertis- ing Salesman, Oak Park, 111., 1917-18; Cement (Contract Checker, Middle West Cement Bur., Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 311 N, Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111.; bus. add., c/o Middle West Ce- ment Bur., Ill W. Washington, Chicago. 8185. LOUIS STEPHEN BURWASH (Brother of Nos. 5055, 5569) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 12, 1894, Sav- oy, 111.; s. Daniel A. (b. Ag 9, 1851, Quebec, Can.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Berry) Burwash (1). O 12, 1858, Somerset, Wis.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Beta Phi. ist Lt., A. S. S. R. C, A. E. F., France; do.. Trier, Ger. Ad- dress, 711 S. Elm St., Champaign. 8186. JOSEPHINE K. BUSEY Cashier; A. B. in L. A, & S.; b. O 20. 1894, Fisher, III.; d. James B. (b. 1856, Urbana) and Katherine (Kaucher) Busey (b. 186:, Urbana). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Chi Omega. Bank Cashier, Mahomet, 111. Address, 914 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 8187. FRANCIS EUGENE BUTTERFIELD Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ag 16, 1894, Syiiieston, 111.; s. F. D. Butterfield. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.: Wilmington H. S. E. E. Soc. Elec. Engr., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. Address, Wilmington, 111.; bus. add., 542 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. 8188. GORDON FRANCIS CADISCH Student; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 30, 1894, New York City; s. John (b. Jl 25, 1869, Switzer- land) and Frances (Pelva) Cadisch (b. F 14, 1870). Prepared in East. Tech. H. S.. Cleve- land; Coll. of City of New York, 1918, Chi Phi. Food and Feed Propaganda work, U. S. Govt., Muskogee, Okla, 1917; Asst. (Cashier, Jones & Baker, Stock Brokers. New York City, 1917; Grad. Stud., N. Y. Univ., 1919 — . Ad- dress, 1730 Broadway, New York City. 8189. RUTH MARIE CALDWELL Prin., H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 12, 1894, Alliance, Neb.; d. Wilbur T. (b. D 8, 1866, Circleville, Neb.) and Emma (Loveless) Caldwell (b. F 29, 1868, Milford, 111.). Pre- pared in Milford Tp. H. S. Der Deutsche Verein. Asst. Prin., H. S., Wishek, N. Dak.; Sec, Indus, War Service Club, Carvey's Point, N. J., 1918. Address, Milford, 111. 8190. CHARLES WARREN CAMPBELL B. S. in Min. E.; b. Ja 2, 1894, Coal City, 111.; s. William Campbell. Prepared in Elgin H. S. 2nd Lt., 312th Engrs,, U. S. Army, France; Wounded in action; later instructed recruits, H Co., 3rd Engrs., Camp Hum- phreys, Va., 1918; Provisional Post Hdqtrs. C'o., Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Addresi, Coal City, lU.t 8191. DUNCAN McEVOY CAMPBELL Highway Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 8. 1894, ("hicago; s. James D. (b. S 10, 1855, New York City) and Elizabeth (McEvoy) Campbell (b. Jl 6, 1858, St. Louis). Prepared in Lake H. S., Chicago; Lane Tech. Coll. C. E. Club. In- spection Engr., Cook Co. Highway Comn., (hicago, 1917. 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C. Ft. Mon- roe, Va.; Army Anti-x'Mrcraft Artillery, A, E, F., France; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Address, 5456 Ingleside Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Cook County Highway Dept., County Bldg., Chicago. 8192. ELLA SEAVER CAMPBELL Librarian; B. L. S.; b. D 4, 1889. Humboldt Co., la.; d. Sherman Adelbert (b. Mr 26, 1849) and Hattie Ann (Seaver) Campbell (b. Ag II, 1855). Prepared in Morningside Acad., Sioux City, la. A. B., Morningside Coll., 1913. Libn., Catalog Dept.. Stillwater, Okla. Ad- dress, 303 West St., Stillwater, Okla. 662 University of Illinois [1917 8103. FLORENCE MAUDE CAMPBELL (FRAMPTON) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 9, 1894, Tolono, 111.; d. Archibald Blair, (b. Ag 4, 1870, Ayr- shire, Scotland) and Bertha Florence (Skinner) Campbell (b. Ap 25 1873. Tolono, 111.). Pre- pared in Tolono and Champaign H. Schs. Sigma Kappa; Vo Ma. Teacher, Tolono H. S., 1917. Married Eugene Gardner Frampton, D 8, 191 7, Tolono, 111. Address, Tolono, 111. 8194. MASON HERBERT CAMPBELL Assistant; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 8, 1894. Genoa, 111.; s. M. S. (b. Chenoa, 111.) and Ida Mary (Gilkerson) Campbell (b. Genoa, 111.). Prepared in Genoa and Elgin H. Schs. Alpha Zeta; Phi Sigma. Asst., Genetics, Univ. Wis., 1917; Dairy Dept., Univ. of 111. Mem.. M. E. Church; Phi Sigma. Address, 702 W. California St., Urbana. 8195. WILLIAM FRANKLIN CAMPBELL B. S. in Agr.; b. F 7, 1892, Olney, III.; s. W. J. Campbell. Prepared in Olney H. S. Instr., Machine Gun Bat., Camp Gordon, Ga. Address, Olney, 111. 8196. CHARLES COULSON CANON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 28, 1895, Sterling City, Tex.; s. J. W. Canon. Prepared in San Angelo (Tex.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Phi Kappa Sigma. Sergt., Co. 49, i3tb Bn., 165 Depot Brig., Camp Travis, Tex. Address, 439 W. Beauregard Ave., San Angelo, Tex. 8197. ANSGAR LILIUS CARLSON B. S. in Agr.; b. F 9, 1895, Batavia, HI-; ?. N. T. Carlson. Prepared in Batavia H. S. Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. U. S. N.. lieserve Tr. Sta., Charleston, Navy \ard, Regt. 3, Co. 3, Section 2, Charleston, S. C. ; Norfolk, Va., 1918; U. S. Submarine Chaser, 189, 1918-19; Mustered out, Ja 3, 1919- '*^f'- dress, 91 Washington St., Batavia, 111. 8198. HARRY LEONARD CARLSON B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 11, 1894, Arthur, 111.; s. J. E. (b. My 17, 1861, Algutsboda, Sweden) and Nellie M. (Johnson) Carlson (b. Ag i;, i860, Janesville, Wis.). Prepared in La Salle Peru Tp. H. S. Alpha Zeta; Prelim, and Final Honors; Varsity Track. Lt.. Casual Co. 70, 162 Depot Brig., Camp Pike, Ark.; ist Lt.. Co. M, 64th Pioneer Inf., Camp Taylor; Mus- tered out. D 17, 1918. Address. 247 12th St., La Salle, 111. / 8199. VERNON WESLEY CARR A. B. in Commerce; b. 'N i, 1894, Dow City, la.; s. C. W. Carr. Prepared in Denison H. S. Kappa Sigma; Helmet; Sachem; Comitatus. Address, 331 Main St., Denison, la.; bus. add., 200^ McCormick Bldg., Chicago. 8200. JAMES BERNARD CARROLL B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 31, 1892 Bradford, 111.; s. M. F. Carroll. Prepared in Bradford H. S.; Knox Coll. Phi Delta Theta; Psi Mu; 111. Union Dramatic Club: Glee and Mandolin Club; Stud. Union Opera. U. S. A. S., Mine- ola, N. Y.; Sergt. Maj.. U. S. A. S., A. A A. P., A. E. F., France; Pilot, 3rd A. I. C, do.: 1st Lt.. U. S. A. S., Orly, Seine. Address, Bradford. Ill.t 8201. NATALIA MARGARETTA CARSON (NELSON) (Wife of No. 8619) B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. O 5> 1894. Chicago; d. Charles Edward (b. F. 24, 1864, Oland, Russia) and Anna (Hallgren) Carson (b. Jl 26, 1868, Sweden). Prepared in St. Mary's Knox- ville; Waterman Hall, Sycamore; Evanston Acad.; N. W. Univ. Delta Gamma. Married Jesse Ward Nelson ('17), S 22, 1917, Chicago. Child, Jesse Ann, b. S 17, 1918. Address, 92S Argyle St., Chicago. 8202. DREW WILLIAM CASTLE Designer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. N 30, 1895, Gridley, 111.; s. William Daniel (b. Je 3, 1854, Mendota, 111.) and Elizabeth (Hamilton) Cas- tle (b. My 4, i860, Weston, 111.). Prepared in Gridley H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1913-15- Beta Upsilon; Pi Tau Sigma; Grad. Scholar- ship; Class Football. Designer, Motor Trucks, Minneapolis. Instr., U. S. S. M. A.; Univ. of 111.; Chief Mech., Ambulance Corps, 1917; Capt., Theory of flight Instr., Boiling Field. Married Mildred Strong, Ap 2, 1919, Magon, 111. Address, 709 S. 2nd St., Champaign. 8203. FRANCIS ERLE CAVETTE Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 8, 1893, Lacon, 111.; s. Scott Aster (b. Ky.) and Mary Frances (Jenkins) Cavette (b. D 25, 1865). Prepared in Lacon H. S. Chi Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma. Sales Dept., Sampson Tractor Co.. Janesville, Wis., 1919 — . Am. Red Cross -Vmbulance Service, France, 1917; 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., Chief Transportation Division, A. E. F., France; Saumur Art Sch., S. O. S., France, 1918; Mustered out, F 4, 1919. Ad- dress. Lacon, 111.; bus. add., c/o Sampson Tractor Co., Janesville, Wis. 8204. KATHLEEN MARTIN CHABOT Demonstration .Xgt.; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Jl 22, 1895, Kankakee, 111.; d. E. C. (b. S 2. 1S64, do.) and Catherine (Baskerville) Chabot (b. O 3, 1867, Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Kanka- kee H. S. "H. Sc. Club. Emergency Home Demonstration Agt., Kankakee, 111.; Asst. Home Improvement Advisor, do. Address, Kankakee, 111. 8205. LLOYD WALTON CHALCRAFT Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 22, 1891, Albion III.; s. Maurice (b. Ap 23, 1867, do.) and Mabel (Walton) Chalcraft (b. Ag 16, 1867, do.). Prepared in Albion H. S.; So. Collegiate Inst. Farm House; Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Club; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Brev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Agr. Field Dir., So. 111. for Farm Mgmt. Dept., Univ. of III., 1917 — . Deacon, Baptist Church. Address, Ewing, 111. 8206. HUNG LIEH CHANG A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 10, 1886, Ku Hsen, China; s. S. S. Chang. Prepared in Honan H. S., China; Baldwin-Wallace ColL .Address, Ku Shi Shin, China. t 8207. JU SHEN CHANG B. S. in Commerce; b. My 28, 1887, Chekiang, China; s. J. Y. Jun Chang. Prepared in Baldwin- Wallace Coll., Berea. O.; O. Univ. Chinese Stud. Club. Address, Chekiang, China. $ 8208. TZE-LI CHANG Instrumentman; B. S. in Ry. C. E. ; b. Je 28, 1895, Hunan, China; s. Ching-Lmg (b. Ja 7, 1864, do.) and Woo-Mo (Tuhg) Chang (b. D 20, 1875, do.). Prepared in Hunan Poly. Inst., Changsha, Hunan, China. Chinese Stud. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Instrument- man, Const. Dept., So. Ry. Co.. Kings Moun- tain, Ky., 1917— . Address, Hunan. China; bus. add., c/o Southern Ry., Kings Mountain, Ky. 8209. THOMAS W^HITE CHAPMAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag s- 1891, Denver; s T W. Chapman. Prepared in Belvidere H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, 820 Kish- waukee St., Belvidere, 111. IQI?] Baccalaureate Alumni 663 8210. QUEH KING CHEN A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., Pol. Sc. ; 1918; b. Mr 12, 1890, China; s. L. S. Chen. Prepared in Yale Coll. Prep. H. S.; Univ. of Mich. Chinese Stud. Club. Address, Sonzce City, Huna, China. t 821 1. HOWARD MARION CHILES Student; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Jl 2, 1894, Carlinville, 111.; s. Robert Ellsworth (b. Ag 19, 1861, do.) and Dora Alice (Hoblit) Chiles (b. D 22, 1867, Mc Lean, 111.). Prepared in Car- linville H. S.; Blackburn Coll., 1912-13. Asst., An. Husb., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1918; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1919 — . Leave of absence, Summer, 19 18, Army Service, Sc. and Research Div., Bur. Aircraft Prod., Wash- ington, D. C. Mem., A. C. S. Address, 1003 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 8212. ROBERT MEARLE CHITTENDEN B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Mr 14, 1893, Aurora, 111.; s. William Arthur (b. Ja i, 1806, Clinton, Conn.) and Mary Lienor (Quirk) Chittenden (b. Ag 15. 1865, Yorkville, 111.). Prepared in East Aurora II. S. Theta Delta Chi; Kera- mos; V. P., Stud. Union. I. T. C, Ft. Riley, Kan.; Camp Funston, Kan.; 2nd Lt., Supply Co., 345th F. A., N. A. 89th Div., A. E. F. Married Ruth Howard, N 17, 1917, Brook- field, Mo. Address, Beardstown, 111. 8213. WILLIAM CARL CHOISSER Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 10, 1895, Ozark, 111.; s. Ewing Everett (b. Jl 7, 1882, Eldorado, 111.), and Emma Parrish (b. N 12, 1883, Goreville, 111.). Prepared in Benton Tp. H. S. Law Club; Varsity Wrestling. Lawyer, Benton, 111. U. S. A. S., Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111.; Mus- tered out, N 25, 1918. Address, Benton, 111. 8214. LE ROY CHURCH Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. My 18, 1895. Pingree Grove. 111.; s. A. H. Urant Church. Prepared in West Chicago H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Gen. Elec. Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 191 8. 2nd Lt., Signal Corps, College Park, Md., 1918; do., 31st Service Co., 12th Depot Bn., Camp Vail, N. J.; Mustered out, Ja 20, 1 919. Address, 78 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J.; bus. add., 913 Lincoln Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 8215. FLORENCE HELEN CHURTON Associate; B. S. in H. Sc. Prepared in Vernon (N. Y.) H. S.; Cortland St. Norm. Sch., N. Y.; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn. N. Y., 1908- 09. Omicron Nu. Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1914-18; Assoc, H. Econ.. do., 1918 — . Address, 916 W. Nevada St., Urbana. 8216. LILLIE CILLEY Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. S 16, 1891, St. Jos- eph, Mo.; d. Jed Lee (b. Jl 12, 1853, East Ma- cliias. Me.) and Lizzie (Lillie) Cilley (b. D 18, 1857, Hazleton, la.). Prepared in Indepen- dence (la.) H. S. A. B., Grinnell Coll., 1914. l.ib. Asst., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Reference, I.ibn. Univ. of Kan., 1918; Head Cataloger, 1-ibn., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Address, 611 Michigan Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 1725 Fairchild Ave., Manhattan, Kan. 8217. TROY WAYNE CLARIDA Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 14, 1892, Mar- ion. 111.; s. R. O. Clarida. . Prepared in Mar- ion Tp. H. S. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Centralia, 111. .4ddress, 201 E. Allen Ave., Marion. 111.; bus. add., 309 Leafland Ave., Centralia, 111. 8218. BAYARD HAND CLARK (Husband of No. 8425) Manager; B. S. in Land. Card.; b. N 20, 1S93, Chicago; s. Ernest Grant (b. Syracuse, N. Y.) and Bertha Elizabeth (Hand) Clark (1). Winnetka. 111.). Prepared in De Kalb Tp. H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Phi Epsilon; ist. Lt. and Capt.. Signal Corps, Univ. Brig.; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc. Acct., Melville Clark Piano Co., De Kalb. 111.; N. Y. Mgr., Q. R. S. Co., Music Roll Factory, 1918 — . Married Helen Margaret Ann Hol- landsworth ('17), Ap 25, 1917. Danville, 111. Address, 314 Linden Place, De Kalb, 111. 8219. CHARLES M. CLARK B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Jl 4, 189s, West Chi- cago; s. Charles D. and Kate R. (Roundry) Clark. Prepared in West Chicago H. S. Al- pha Chi Rbo: Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau; Prelim, and Final Honors; Ry. Club; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; LTniv. Orchestra; Technograph Bd.; Homecoming Com. With C. & N. W. R. R., 1919—- 2nd Lt., C. A. C, U. S. R., Ft. Morgan, Ala.; Ft. Gaines, Ala., 1917-18; Anti-Aircraft Bn., A. P. O. 702, A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Married Dorothy Everett Pickard. Jl 14, 1917, Ft. Mon- roe, Va. Child, son, b. O 30, 1918, Wheaton, 111. Address, 820 W. Main St., Wheaton, 111. 8220. ESTHER CLEMENTS Assistant; B. S. in Commerce; b. F 28 1894, Urbana; d. Elmer (b. Je 14. 1866, do'.) and Carrie Belle (Dunn) Clements (b. Jl 3, 1870, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Chi Theta; Cml. Club. Teacher, Coll. of Indus. Arts, Denton, Te.x-., 1917-18; Asst. in Acct., Coll. of Commerce. Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 503 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 8221. JULIUS COHEN Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 29. 1896. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis; Grad. Stud., Cornell Univ., 191 7 — . Men- orah; Prelim. Honors. Address, 5204A Von Versen, St. Louis. f 8222. GLENN COLEY Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 8, 1891, Pittsfield, 111.; s. C. A. (b. Ag 8, i860. Summer Hill. 111.) and Emma (Harder) Coley (b. O 22, 1859, Pittsfield, 111.). Prepared in Pittsfield H. S.; James Millikin Univ., 1912; LTniv. of Mich., 1914; Chem., Pfanstiehl Co., Inc., North Chicago. H. F. A., Supply Co., Camp Dix, N. J., 1918; Sergt., 5th Regt., F. A. R. D., Camp Taylor; Mustered out, Ja, 1919. Mem., A. C. S. Address, 2191 Jefferson Ave., East Detroit, Mich. 8223. ETHEL ALICE COLLIER Prin.. H. S.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 29, 1896, Union Grove, Wis.; d. Joshua Zwingle (b. Je 26. 1855. Svlvania, Wis.) and Elsie May (Scofield) Collier (b. D 9. 1861, Bristol, Wis.). Prepared in Union Grove (Wis.) H. S. Y. W. C. A.; Math. Club. Prin.. H. S., Mansfield, III, 191 7 — . Address, Mansfield, 111. 8224. GRACE COLLINS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My i, 1893, Bloomington, 111.; d. Harney Colton (b. D 4, 1861, Decatur, 111.) and Cora M. (Green) Collins (b. S 22, 1861, Bloomington, 111.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1911-14; 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1915-16. Sigma Kappa. Teacher. II. S., Bloomington. 111. Address, 601 E. Olive St., Bloomington, 111. 664 Univeksitv of Illinois lioi; 8jj5. IRWIN BLISS COLLINS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 13, 1S90, Ogden. 111.; s. T. W. Collins. Prepared in Potomac H. S.; Oberlin Coll. Teacher, Onoka, Minn. Address, Potomac, Ill.t S226. PAUL STANLEY CONKLIN Teacher; B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 5. 1S93. Cherry Vallev, 111.; s. Oscar 11. (b. iSoS, da.) ami Marv (McArthur) Conklin (b. 1S64. Mid; dleton, O.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. Pi Tail Sigma; Chi Beta. Teacher, Phys., H. S., Champaign. 1917— • Mem.. 111. St. Teacher's Assn. .idJri'ss, Roscoe, 111.; bus. add., 206 E. Green St.. Champaign. S-'.'7. GEORGE OTTO CONSOER (Brother of No. 5606) B. S. in C. E.; b. N 26, 1893. Chicago; s. Fred Consoer, Ir. Prepared in Oak Park H. S.: River Fores't Tp. II. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tan; Prelim. Honors. Ft. Sheridan. 111.: 2nd Lt., C. A. C. Ft. Adams, Newport. R. I.; .. Co. B. 308th Engrs.. A. E. F.. France; Cohlenz. Ger. .-iddrtss, 716 S. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. 8228. EUGENE COOK Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E. ; b. D 8. 1S89. Anthonv, Kan.: s. Robert A. (.b. Ja 4. 1850. Blue Creek, O.') and Amanda J. (Hewett) Cook Cb. la 28, 1854. Stouts, O.). Prepared in Salem H! S. Fencing Team. Sergt.. 309th Engrs., U. S. N. A., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.. iqi/. Co. B, 309th Engrs.. A. E. F., 191&- 19: 2nd Lt., Engrs.. 1919—- Mem., Am. Assn. of Engrs. Address, Odin, 111. 8229. ROY CLAIBOURNE COOLEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F iS, 1895. Clinton. Ill • s C. Cooley. Prepared in Clinton IL S. Stock Feeder and Farmer. .Address, Walnut, Ill.t 8230. LEON MORTON COOPER Cheni. Engr.: B. S. in Chem. E.: b. Ja 13. 1895, Philadelphia; s. Moses Cb. Vilna. Rus- sia)' and Fannv (Mirsky) Cooper (b. ifo.). Prepared in McKinley H. S.. Chicago; Crane Jr Coll., iotm6. Menorah: Chem. Club. Cliem. Engr. .'Chicago. Mem., A C. S., igib— , mini Club of Chicago. 191S. Address. Soi S. Marshtield, Ave., Chicago: bus. add., 3014 Montrose Ave., do. S231. LORIN VAUGHAN COPE (Brother of No. 5611) Agriculturist: B. S. in Agr.; b. N 14. 1892. Tonti III; s. Walter Lincoln (b. F 27, 1863. do.) and Anna (Vaughan) Cope (b. 11 §■ iS*^-?' Odin 111."). Prepared in Centralia Ip. H. ^• Iris; Tribe of Illini; Capt.. Wrestling Team: Class Football. Fruit Grower, lonti. III. O. T C Ft Sheridan, 111.; 1st Lt. Inf., K. C. do.; Co. D. 336th Inf., Camp Zachary laylor, Ky.; do.. Co. C, 3f>-"d Inf., A. E. F., France. 191 8 — . Address, Tonti, 111. 8232. ROBERT GEORGE COPEXH.WER (Brother of No. 5612) Farmer: B. S. in .\gr.; b. My 27. 1804. "^^^lo. 111.; s. Robert K. (b. S 18, 1S46. ^Vest Lil^rtv. O ) and Masgie (Murray) Copenhaver (b. O IS 1865. Claremont. Out., Can.). Prepared in' Polo H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho: Comita- tu«- Y M. C. .\.; Agr. Club. Farmer. Polo, 111.,' 19 1 7. Sergt., Co. L. 34^nd I"'- V'""'? Grant, 111., 1917; 2nd Lt., do.. 1917; S.sth Guard Co., Bordeaux, France, 1917—. Address. Polo. lU. S233. HAROLD WINFRKD CORKE (Brother of No. 5613) A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 28, 1804, Evan- ston. 111.; s. George Luther (b. Mr 12. 1859, Lockport. III.) and Lizzie (Pilditch) Corke (b. F 27, 1S60, Chicago.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. II. S. Adelphic: Cml. Club: Her Deut- sche Verein; Phi Kappa Tau. Q. M. E. R. C. Detachment. O. M. C Camp Travis, Tex.; Mustered out, Sir 17. 1919. .-iddress, 3504 Elliott Ave., Berwyn. 111. 8234. DONALD SIDNEY CORNELL ^ B. S. in U. E.; b. F 11, 1896, Western Springs. 111.; s. Henry L. Cornell. Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. .Upha Chi Rho. Aviation Corps, ist Prov. Sqdn.. Ellington Field, Hous- ton, Tex. Address, Western Springs, Ill.t S235. IRVING BYRON COUNTRYMAN Farmer; A. B. in Commerce; b. Mv 4, 1S94. Dixon, 111.; s. Elmer J. (b. Rochelle,' 111.) and Alice L. (Sheaff) Countryman (b. Holcomb, 111.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Chi Phi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Helmet; Ku Klux; 2nd Lt., Univ. Brig.; Jr. Councilman; Treas., 111. Union; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Memorial and Invitation Corns. Farmer, Di.xon. 111., 1917. With Shipbuilding. Harlan Plant, U. S. Emer- gency Fleet Corp., 1917-18; Insp. and Mgr., Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Wilmington, Del. 1918 — . Co. 70, iSth Bat.. iS3rd Depot Hrig. ; Co. 2. Discharge Detachment, Camp Grant, 111,, and Camp Dix. N. J., 1918; Mus- tered out, F 1910. Married Avis Frances Thompson. Jl 22, 1017. Wilmington, 111. Child, Donald AUe'n. b. My 1918. Address, 905 West St., Wilmington, Del.; bus. add., c/o Beth- lehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Harlan Plant, do. S236. EDWIN LINNELL COVEY Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 15. 189s, Peoria; s. Ira H. (b. O 26, 1872, Belvidere, 111.) and Alta Fern (Linnell) Covey (h. Ja ixi, 1873, do.). Prepared in Bradley Polv. Inst., 19I3-1.S. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Stud., Law Sch., L^iiiv. of HI., 1918 — . Co. K. 7th Rcgt., Camp Perry, Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 1917-18; Ensign, U. S. N.. 1018: Mustered out, D iS, lOiS. Married Georgia Blackman, N 15, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 526 Linn St., Peoria; bus. add., 302 E. John St., Champaign. S237. CLARE FRANCIS COX Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 9, 188S. Hudson. 111.: s. Charles E. (b. Portland, Me.) and Effie (Dart) Cox. Prepared in Vandalia H. S.: 111. St. Norm. Univ. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher. Arsenal Tech. H. S., Indianapolis. Mem., Baptist Church. Address. R. 3i Vandalia, 111. S238. HENRY RAY COX R. S. in Agr.; b. D 29, 1S92. Nashville; s. John B. Cox. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Alpha Gamma Rho; Ku Klux; Comitatus; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Homecoming Com. Address, 2324 Tower Grove Ave., St. Louis. 8239. FLORENCE MARGARET CRAIG Librarian; B. L. S.: b. Ag 31. 1890. St. Paul: d. David C. (b. 1852, Ayrshire, Scotland) and Martha L. (Harrison) Craig (b. 185S. Prairie du Chien, Wis.). Prepared in East H. S.. Minneapolis; Oberlin Coll.; 1909-11. B. S.. Univ. of Minn., 1914. Cataloger, Lib., I'niv. of Minn.. 1917: Leland Stanford Univ.. Los Altos. Calif., 1917—. Address, Box 51, Los Altos, Calif. I9I7] Baccalaureate Alumni 66 = 8240. MARY AGNES CRAIGMILE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 19, 1879, Gifford, Jll.; d. Alex Craigmile. Prepared in Gifford H. S. Chi Omega; Athenean. Teach- er, H. S., Rantoul, III., 1917 — . Address, Ran- toul, 111. 8241. JAMES LOUIS CRAWFORD Ceram. Chem.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Ap 8, 1893, iVlacomb, 111.; s. Daniel (b. My 25, 1848 Co. Down, Ireland) and Frances Euphe- mia (Bowie) Crawfori7] Baccalaureate Alumni 6,So 8622. EDWARD STERLING NICHOL (Brother of Nos. 2773, 3125, 3497, 6455) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 14. 1895, Gran- ville, O. ; s. Edward Appollis (b. Mr 22, 1852, Granville, O.) and Lydia (Greene) Nichol (b. Ap 20, 1858, Jamestown, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. and North H. S., Columbus. O.; O. St. Univ. Phi Kappa Psi; Bus. Mgr., Daily mini. 1st Lt., Army Ambulance Service, 1917; Active Service, Command of S. S. U. s^t. French Front. Address, 98 12th Ave., "Co- lumbus, O. 8623. GEORGE WILLIAM NICHOL A. B. in Commerce; b. S 25, 1895, Anderson, Ind.; s. G. E. Nichol. Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. Address, 329 W. nth St., An- derson, Ind.t 8624. JOSEPHINE MARIE NICHOLS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 18, 1894, Tremont, 111.; d. Alfred H. (b. Jl 26, i860, do.) and Helen (Hayward) Nichols (b. F 3, 1863). Prepared in Tremont and Dixon H. Schs. ; Univ. of Wis. Sigma Kappa. Teacher, Eng. and. Hist.. Fulton, 111. Address, 618 S. Galena Ave., Dixon, 111. 862s. CECIL RICPIARD NICKOLLS (Husband of No. 8793) Dairy Chem. ; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 12, 1889, Henry, 111.; s. John (b. 1854, Devonshire, Ehr.) and Lizzie K. (HulTman) Nickolls (b. Mr 4. 1863, Henry, III.). Prepared in Wyoming H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Dairy Chem. and Field Man, St. Louis, 1917 — . Mo. Home Guard. Married Florence Thomas Stoutzen- berg ('17), Ag 18, 1917, Greenville, 111. Ad- dress, 3951 Hartford St., St. Louis. 8626. FRED CHRISTIAN NORLIN (Husband of No. 7270) Const. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 31, 1892, Chicago; s. Fred (b. Mr 4, 1865, Sweden) and Dora Knost (b. Je 30, 1859, Ger.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Theta Delta Chi; Sigma Tau; Helmet; Ku Klux; Comitatus; C. E. Club; Pres., Sr. Class; Fresh. Foot- ball; Sr. Memorial Com. Engr., U. S. Geol. Sur. Dept., Greeley-Howard, Norlin Co., Engrs. Chicago; Const. Engr. Dept., Chicago City Surface Lines. Sergt., Engrs. Corps, 1917 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Shrine. Married Ethel Todd ('15), Ap 24, 1917, Peoria. Ad- dress, 2744 Mildred Ave., Chicago. 8627. DWIGHT REED NORRIS Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja :8, 1896, Newman, 111.; s. Welton Rollie (b. My 18, 1858, Clinton, Ind.) and Jane F. Norris (b. Newman, 111.). Prepared in Newman Tp. H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; C. E. Club; Prelim. Honors. Sergt., (Jo. C, io8th Engrs., Camp Logan, Tex., 1917-18; Co. 6, E. R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.; 2nd Lt., Engrs., 1918; do., 2oth Engrs., 20th Co., A. E. F., France. 1918 — . Mem., Am. Assn. Engrs. Ad- dress, Newman, 111. 8630. IRWIN BLAINE OLIN (Brother of No. 71 16) Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 16 1895, Chicago; s. Samuel Olaf (b. Ag 24, 1867, a) ^"/^ ^'''"■y J^"'^ (Irwin) Olin (b. D 10, 1862, Jancsville, Wis.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H S., Chicago. Sigma Pi; ist Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig. Acct., 111. Steel Co., Gary Works, 1017; Correspondent, H. W. Johns- Manville Co., Chicago. 1917. 3rd Class Electn., 3rd Petty Officer, Co. Commander, 8th Regt., LI. S. K., Camp Decatur, (ireat Lakes, 111.; Chief Boat.swain Mate, Municipal Pier, Chicago, 191S; Mustered out, Ta 16, 1919. Address, 518 V\^a.shington Ave., Wihnelte, 111.; bus. add., Skinderviken Telephone Eriuipment Co., Chi- c.-igo. 8631. ARTHUR ALEXIS OLSEN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 11, 1883, Chi cago; s Hans E. (b. My 2, 1853. Christiana, Norway) and Lizzie (Anderson) Olscn (b. Je 1851, Chicago). Prepared in Chicago Y. M. C. A. Day School. Alpha Zeta: Farm House; Agr. Club; Final Honors. Co. Agr. Agt Crawford Co., Bucyrus, O., 1918— . Address, Newark, HI. 8632. ALLAN RICHARD OMEARA A. B. in Commerce; b. O 9, 1892, Chicago; s. J. J. Omeara. Prepared in Evanston Acad.- Lane Tech. II. S., Chicago. Delta Kappa Ep- silon; Alpha Kappa Psi; Ma-wan-da; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Track; Varsity Baseball; Jr. Prom. Com. Ord. Corps, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Address, 1232 Pratt Ave., Chicago. 8633. KURA OTANI Educator; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 4, 1885, Gunniaken. Japan; d. Takisaburo (0. do.) and Ino Otani (b. Ja 4, 1854, do.). Prepared in H. S., Mission Coll; Girls Higher Norm. Sch., Tokyo, Japan; Univ. of Calif., 1912-14. Educational Investigation, Burlingame, Calif. Address, 528 County Road, Burlingame, Calif. 8634. JOHN EKEM OTT B. S. in M. E.; b. My 13, 1896, Chicago; s. Herman A. (b. N 7, 1871, Chicago) and Emma (Ekem) Ott (b. Mr 14, 1873. Pigeon Falls, Wis.). Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chi- cago. Ilus; Theta Tau; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Capt., Water Basketball. U. S. Insp., Q. M. C, 1917-18; U. S. Engrs. Corps., Co. B., s6th U. S. Engrs., Washington Barracks, Washing- ton, D. C; Instr., Gas Defense, do.; Mustered out, Mr 1919. Address, 3757 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago. 8628. CHESTER ADAM OCHS A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 15, 1894, Chi- cago; s. Henry (b. S 23, 1871, do.) and Caro- line (Rauch) Ochs (b. D 29, 1873. Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Lane Jr. Coll., 1913-14. Alpha Tau Omega; Fresh. Varsity Basketball. Q. M. R. C, Camp Custer, Mich., 1917-18; 3rd R. O. T. C, 1918 — . Address, 1607 Belle Plaine Ave., Chi- cago. 8629. ERNEST ALLEN OLANDER B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 16, 1892, Topeka, Kan.; s. C. E. Olander. Prepared in Topeka H. S.; Washburn Coll. Address, 707 Gar-' field Ave., Topeka, Kan.f 8635- PERCY WRIGHT OTT P.. S. in M. & S. E.; b. S 24, 1889. Mt. Hermon. La.; s. Elbert Weston (b. do.) and Martha Leggett (Holmesville, Miss.). Pre- pared in Soule Coll., New Orleans; Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Philomathean; Mu- San; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. 2nd Lt. and Capt., Univ. Brig.; Sr. Ball Com. 2nd Lt., Engrs. Reserve Corps., Instr., nth Provi- sional Regt., Camp Grant, 111., 1917; 34th Inf., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1917; Instr., 2nd Engrs. R. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va., 1917-18; 305lh Engrs., Capt. Engr. Reserve Corps; Instr., 3rd Engrs. (J. T. C, Ft. Benjamin Har- rison; 603rd Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918. Address, Mt. Hermon. La. 8636. GORDON OTTO Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 9, 1885, Cold- water, Mich.; s. Benjamin Otto. Prepared in IT. S., Kansas City, Mo.: Bradley Poly. Inst. Delta Upsilon; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Basket- ball. Farmer, 19 17. Mess Sergt., Bat. I, 45th F. A., Camp Stanley, Tex. Address, 21 u W. logth St., (Jhicagn. 690 University of Illinois I1917 8637. HARRISON GEORGE OVEREND B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 13. 1S92, Edelstein, 111.; s. George (b. N 7, 1851, Peoria) and Lois May (Betts) Overend (b. My 7, :86i, Blue Ridge. 111.). Prepared in Ipava H. S.; Brad- ley Poly. Inst. Alpha Rho Chi: Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Arch. Club; Final Hon- ors. Capt., Univ. Brig, jnd I-t., 14th U. S. Inf., Vancouver, Wash., 1917; ist Lt., C. A. C, U. S. A., Ft. Warren, Boston, Mass.; Capt., -1st Artillery, C. A. C, A. E. F., France. 1918 — . Address, Edelstein, 111. 863S. RALPH MARION OVERTON B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 9, 1896, Winchester, 111.; s. James Marion (b. D 30, 1869, Manches- ter, 111.) and Kfiie Belle (Hayes) Overton (b. !•■ 17, 1S73, Manchester. 111.). rrcparcd in Winchester II. S.^ Tlieta Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Prelim. Honors; Pres., Stud. Branch A. S. M. E. 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. N. A., Camp Grant, 111.; M. S. T. 405, Co. 317, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind.; Adj., do., A. P. O. 701, A. E. F., France. Address, Winchester, 111. S639. SELA ISABEL PAISLEY Teacher; B. ^lu^. ; b. O 14, 1S91, Morrison- ville, 111.; d. Rev. Moses Fuller (b. N 2, 1843, Ilillsboro, 111.) and Harriet Louisa (Sineeton) Paisley (li. D 27, 1858, Ottawa, 111.). Prepared in Towanda H. S.; Grad., 111. St. Norm. L^niv., 1912. Mu Kappa Alpha; Jamesonian; Final Honors. Teacher, Music. Address, 910 W. Illinois St., Urbana. S640. JOHN ROBERT PALFREY Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 22, 1884, Ber- lin, Wis.; s. W. W. Palfrey. Prepared in LIniv. of Wis. Farmer, Omro, Wis., 1918 — . Address, Omro, Wis. 8641. CHARLES SHATTUCK PALMER (Son of Nos. 363, 671) Professor; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 11, 1895, Champaign; s. Arthur William ('83), (b. i8t>i, London, Eng.) and Anna Fletcher (Shattuck) Palmer ('91), (b. 186S, Urbana). Prepared in Irbana H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda LTpsilon; Philomathean; Chem. Club; Stud. P.ranch, A. C. S.; Asst. Ed., ///. Chem., Lt., ITniv. Brig. Prof., Chem., Greenville Coll., 1917. 8th Bat., C. A., O. T. C, Camp Tay- lor, Ky. Address, 1015 California Ave., Ur- bana. 8642. CATHERINE ELIZABETH PARKS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 8, 1894, Du Quoin. 111.; d. Walter W. (b. O 31, 1866, do.) and Kate A. (Iloin) Parks (b. Jl 28, 1870, 1/0.). Prepared in Du Quoin Tp. H. S. ; Chris- tian Coll., Columbia, Mo. Pi Beta Phi. Teach- er, Lang Tp. H. S., Du Quoin, 111. Address, Du Quoin, 111. S643. GLENN TILFORD PATCHILL A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 26, 1893, Corn- ing, N. v.; s. J. W. T. (b. Philadelphia. Pa.) and Anna (Calvert) Patchill. Prepared in Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. V.; Univ. of la., 1912-14. Ord. Tr. Sch., N. W. Univ.; do., San Antonio Arsenal, Tex.; Scrgt., Co. A., Curtis Bay Gen. Supply, Ord. Dept., S. Baltimore, Md.; Mustered out, Ap 3. 1919. Address, 128 Cedar St., Corning, N. Y. 8644. JOSEPH JULIAN PATTERSON Instructor; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 3, 1894, Danville, 111.; s. Jesse Julian (b. Jl 4, 1848, Athens, Tenn.) and Nancy Jane (Purkins) Patterson (b. D 25, 1854, Indiaiiola, 111.). Pre- pared in Danville II. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Lambda Tau Rho; Arch. Club; Glee Club. Draftsman, Chicago, 1917; Instr., Arch, and practicing arch.. Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 191 7 — . Address, Stillwa- ter, Okla. 864.S. NELLIE RAND PATTERSON Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Te 24, 1894, Chicago; d. John Ritchie (b. N 20, 1864, Chi- cago) and Emma (Rand) Patterson (b. S i. 1S68I. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chi- cago; Lewis Inst. Alpha Xi Delta; Phi Delta Psi; Mask and Bauble; lUiola: Sr. Class His- torian; Inter Soc. Declamation Contest winner. Teacher, Pub. Speaking, H. S., Abingdon, III. /iddress, 1425 Lunt Ave., Chicago. 8646. JOHN VEVERS PATTON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 7, 1894. Pittsburgh; s. Joseph Robinson (b. N 9, 18(18, St. Marys, Pa.) and Mary (Uhl) Patton (b. O 23, 1868, Somerset, Pa.). Prepared in Atlanta H. S.; Lewis Inst.; Univ. of Wis. Farmer, Aberdeen. Miss., 1917. Ildqtrs. Co., 17th, F. A.; Hdqtrs. 2nd F. A., A. E. F., France; driving car for Chief of Staff of the Division; Army of Occu- pation, Ger., 1918 — . Mem., M. L. Church. .iddress, Aberdeen, Miss. 8647. HOMER ARNOLD PEARSON Mech. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 7, 1895. Vermilion, 111.; s. Thomas B. and Mary F. (.Miller) Pearson. Prepared in Thornton (Ind.) H. S. E. E. Soc. Mech. Engr., Ed- wards Valve & Mfg. Co., East Chicago, Ind. Married Edna Stickler, Ag 15, 1918, Cham- paign. Address, 4508 Magoun Ave., East (Jlii- cago, Ind. 8648. VICTOR ANTHONY PECCHIA Civ. Engr.; B. S. in C. E.; b. S 20, 1894. Chicago; s. Joseph (b. Lucca, Italy) and Isa- bclle (Dinni) Pecchia (b. do.). Prepared in l.ane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Lane Jr. Coll. .Spanish Club; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Sec., C. E. Club; Sec, Stud. Branch, Am. Assn. Engrs. ; Mil. Ball Com.; Brcv. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Kxi)erimental work on Sewage San. Dist., Chi- cago, 19 1 7. Civ. Engr., Camp Custer, Mich., 1017; Topo.graphical Draftsman, U. S. De- partmental Service, 1918; Engrs. O. T. S., Camp Humphreys, Va., 1918; Mustered out, D 18, 1918. Address, 2910 Allen Ave., Chi- cago. 8640. ROY LEE PECK, JR. B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 16, 1894, Cleveland; s. R. L. Peck. Prepared in Wheaton II. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; C. E. Soc. Lt., C. A. C, Fort Constitution, New Castle, N. H. Address, 324 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t 8630. RUSSELL HENRY PEDLER B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 17, 1S95, Chicago; s. Edwin (b. O 23, 1862, London, Eng.) and Gertrude Mary (Davis) Pedler (b. D 15, 1866, do.). I'repared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chi- cago; Lane Jr. Coll. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ist O. T. C, Fort Sheridan, 111., 1917; Cadet Flyer, R. F. C, Ft. Worth, Tex.; ist Lt., i66th Aero Sqdn., A. E. F., France; Offi- cially credited with bringing down two German planes. Address, 4232 N. Kildare Ave., Chi- cago. S651. HARRY LOUIS PELZER A. B. in L. A. & S.: b. S 18, 1896, Murphys- boro. 111.; s. Louis W. Pelzer. Prepared in Murphysboro H. S. ; Carthage Coll. Address, 101 1 \Vest Main St., Urbana. 8652. HARRY FRED PENDARVIS Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 6, 1894, Chicago; s. Robert Ells- worth (b. O 30, iSdi, Henderson Co., 111.) and Leliz Vilmina (Rouse) Pendarvis (b. Morris. 111.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Alpha Sigma Phi: Eta Kappa Nu: Sigma Tau; Tribe of Illini. Varsity Track. Elec. Engr., Chicago. Lt., U. S. N., U. S. S. Maine, with battleship fleet at Guantanamo, Cuba, 1918 — . Address, 2602 Neva Ave., Chi- cago. I9I7] Baccai.aukkatk Alum ni fig I 865.3. MARY HONOKA PENDERGAST A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1918; b. Ap 24, 1890, Mattoon, 111.; d. Thomas M. Pender- gast. Prepared in Charleston H. S.; Colo. Coll. Address, 32 E. Green St., Chainpaigrn.t 8654. STELLA REBECCA PERCIVAI- (Sister of No. 7130) Musician; B. Mus. ; b. N i, 1892, Cham- paign; d. O. L. (b. N 20, 1861, do.) and Mary I'ratt (1). Ag 3. i86g. do.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Kappa Alpha Thcta; Mu Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Psi; Athenean; Y. W. C. A. Cal)inet; Prelim. Honors; Sr. Invitation Com.; •Sr. Memorial Com. Canteen Worker, Y. M. C. .\., France, igi8; do., Coblenz, Ger. Address, 314 S. Randolph St., Champaign. 8655. NELLE PERRY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. &■ S.; b. Jl 26, 1888 Franklin, Ind.; d. T. C. M. Perry. Prepared in Chrisman II. S. Teacher, Tp. II. S., Oblong, 111. Address, Ridge Farm. Ill.t 8656. CHESTER ALMON PETERSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag ig, i8g4, Gales- burg, III.; s. William Almon (b. Ag 21, 1868, do.) and Nellie ( Westervelt) Peterson (b. D 4, i86g, Buds, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg II. S. Cosmopolitan Clul); Agr. Club. Farmer, Inola. Okla., igiy. Merchant Marine, 1917 — . Address, Inola, Rogers Co., Okla. 8657. REUBEN WALTER PETERSON Milk Engr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 6, 1894, Minneapolis; s. Robert P. (b. i860, Sweden) and Emily C. (Youngren) Peterson (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Lake View II. S., Chicago. Prelim, and Final Honors; Scholar in Dairy Husb. Varsity Baseball ; Fresh. Varsity Base- ball; Class Basketball. Dairy Chem., Litchfield Creamery Co., Litchfield, 111., 1917. Milk Engr., Mojonnier Bros. Co., Chicago, :gi7. Lt.. C. A. C, Bordeaux, France, 1918 — . Address, 5331 N. Glenwood Ave., Chicago. 8658. TIMOTHY' EDWIN PETERSON Live Stock Dealer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 18, i8g5;. Mesa, Ariz.; s. J. G. (b. N i, 1870) and Leah E. Peterson (b. Ag 18, 1871). Prepared in Mesa (.^riz.) H. .S. ; N. W. Univ., igi3 15. .Sigina Alpha Epsilon. Live Stock Commis- sioner, Co-partner, J. G. Peterson Live Stock Comn. Co. Co. F., 314 ?2ngrs., 8gth Div., .\. E. F., France, 1918; Wounded in St. Mihiel Drive, Base Hosp. No. 27, 191H — . Address, Mesa, Ariz. 8659. FRANK HOWARD PETHYBRIDGE B. S. in Agr.; b. S 3, 1S94, Cliicago; s. John F. (La Cross, Wis.) and Mary (Livingston) Pethybridge (b. Ith.Tca, N. Y.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Gamma Rho; Helmet; Sachem; Tribe of Illini; Hoof and Horn Club; Varsity Base- ball; Varsity Football. With ITalsey Stuart & Co., Chicago, 191 7-18. Lt., O. T. C, F. A., Camp Jackson, S. C. Married Anne Voss, S 4, 1918, Champaign. Address, 5442 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. 8660. MANLEY ROSS PETTY B. S. in Agr.; b. S 11, 1892, Sumner, 111.; 8. George L. Petty. Prepared in Lawrencevillc Tp. H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Ma-wan-da; Tribe of Illini; Varsity Football. Naval Avia- tion Service, igi8 — . Address, R. 5, Sumner, lll.t 8661. LOUIS HERMAN PFEFFER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 27. i8g4, Leb- anon, 111.; s. L. L. Pfeffer. Prepared in Leb- anon H. S.; A. B., McKendree Coll., 191 5. Der Deutsche Verein; E. E. Soc; Varsity Gym. Team; 111. Drama Federation. Farmer, 1917. Address, Lebanon, 111. 8662. CONRAD LOUIS PFEIFFER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N :6, 1892, Chicago; s. Konrad (b. Ja 25, 1863, Allen- dorf, Hesse, Ger.) and Catherine (Marzin) Pfeir'fer (b. Mr 28, 1873, Saar., Louis, Lor- raine, Ger.). Prepared in Curtis H. S., Chi- cago. Der Deutsche Verein; E. E. Soc; (iym. Team. Stud.. Mich. St. Tel. Co., De- troit, 191 7; Jr. Elcc. Engr.. Pub. Service Comn., New York City. igi8--. 2nd Lt., 70th I'\ A.. Camp Taylor, Ky.; Camp Knox, Ky. ; Mus- tered out. F 6, 1919. Address, 238 E. 79th St., New York City; bus. add., 19 Lafayette St., do. 8663. RUDOLF SALISBURY PFEIFFER Mech. Engr.; B. S. in M. E.; b. My II, 1895, Peoria, 111.; s. Rudolf (b. Ja 28, i860, Peoria) and Marion Ida (Salisbury) Pfeiffer (b. Ja 8, i860, Peoria). Pre- pared m Bradley Poly. Inst. Pi Tau Sigma; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Pvt., Ord. Corps. N. A., 1917; Ft. Herring, Peoria; Corp., Ord., A. E. P., France. Address, 1108 N. Madison Ave., Peoria. .. LOIS PHILBRICK (Daughter of No. 403) Secretary; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 10, 1895, Champaign; d. Solon ('84), (b. Je 20, i860, liaileyville. 111.) and Caroline Josephine (Thom- as) Philbrick (b. F 8, 1867, Morris, 111.). Pre pared in Champaign H. S. Kappa .Mpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Athenian. Sec, International Harvester Co., Chicago. Address, 406 N. Mc Kinley Ave., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Inter- national Harvester Co., do. 866s. MINNIE ALICE PHILLIPS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 13, 1894, Sullivan, 111.; d. Andrew J. Phillips. Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Alpha Orni- cron Pi; VV. A. A.; H. Sc. Club. Address, K. I, Sullivan, lll.v 8666. JOHN PIEPER Assistant: B. S. in Agr.; M. S., 191 7; b. Ja 24. 1886, Granite City, III.; s. J. and Mary Pieper. Prepared in Granite City IT. S., Univ. of 111., Asst. in Crop I'roduction, 19 17 — . .Married Nellie Dawson, Ag'29, 1918, Urbana. .iddress, 905 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. t 8667. BENJAMIN ELMER PIERCE Salesman; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 11, 1894, Grayville, 111.; s. Rev. Reuben Forest (b. F 25, 1857) and Fannie Forest Gillham (b. My i, :86o, Wanda, 111.). Prepared in Castle Rock IL S.; North Denver H. .S.; South Denver H. .S.; Univ. of Denver. 1912-14. Beta Theta Pi; Y. M. C. A. Auto Salesman, igig — -. Sec, Y. M. C. A., 1917; U. S. N. R. F., 1917; Ensign, 1918; Mustered out, F 9, 1919. Address, 112 .Springer Ave., Edwardsville, III.; bus. add., 3107 I^ocust St., St. Louis. 8668. EDWIN IVAN PILCHARD 1!. S. in Agr.; b. O 3, T8gi, Farmer City, 111.; s. M. H. Pilchard. Prepared in Farmer City H. S.; 111. Wesleyan ITniv. Farm House; Glee and Mandolin Club; Univ. Choral Soc; .\gr. Club, .-iddress, Mansfield, Ill.t 8669. LEONARD SPROULE POOR (Brother of Nos. 1753, 5364) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 19. 1894, Streator, 111.; s. Thom|)Son (b. Ja 3, 1849, Hopkinton, Mass.) and Helen Jane (Lindsay) Poor (b. .\g 9, 1854, .Shippenburg, Pa.). Prepared in Streator IL S.; Knox Coll. Beta Theta Pi; Comitatus. ist O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., Inf., U. S. R. Address, 217 S. Mon- roe St., Streator, Ill.t f,9: L'niversitv ok Illinojs 8670. HARRY HUBERT PORTER B. S. in Min. E.; b. iJ 26, 1893. Gedaw, 111.; s. A. A. Porter. Prepared in Monmouth H. S. Delta Upsilon; Homecoming Com. 8. M. Training, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, erlaw, Ill.t 8671. URBAN STUART POSTEL (Son of No. 367; Brother of Nos. 4863, 6488) A. B. in Commerce; b. F 28, 1895, Mascou- tah. 111.: s. Julius C^y), (b. N 29, 1862) and Amalia Postcl (h. Je :(>, tS6j, Mascoutah, 111.). Prepared in Morgan Park Acad. Address, Mascoutah, 111. 86-2. HARRIET LEOTINE POSTLEWAIT B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 2, 1879. Monticello, 111.; s. James and Minnie Postlewait. Pre- pared in Univ. Acad. Address, 814 W. Main St., Urbana.t 8673. GLENN EDWARD POTTER Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 25, 1895, Cleveland; s. W. P. Potter. Prepared in Springfield H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Varsity Wrestling; Prelim. Honors. Insp., I. T. S., 1917-18; Asst. Engr., Pub. Utilities Comn. of 111., Springfield, 111., 191S — . Address, 551 W. Favette Ave., Springfield, 111.; bus. add.. 511 De" Witt-Smith Bldg., do. S674. JACOB ORUS! POWERS (Brother of No. 5368) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 191S; b. Je 19, 1800, Tice, 111.; s. Jolin William (b. 1838, Maysville, Ky.) and Nancy T. (Erwin) Powers (b. N 14, 1848, Petersburg, 111.). Pre- pared in Petersburg Harris H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Married Lucie Agnes Jenny, Ag 16, 1912, Jamestown, 111. Address, 107 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. 8675. JOHN HOWARD POWERS Farmer; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 23, 1895, xtecatur. 111.; s. Charles G. (b. Je 30, 1862, Jacksonville, 111.) and Effie (Rogers) Powers (b. O 4, 1867. Maroa, 111.). Prepared in De- catur II. S;. Tome Sch., Pt. Deposit, Md. Al- pha Tau Omega; Ma-wan-da; Scabbard and Blade; Helmet; Mgr., Class Baseball; Mgr. Class Ath.; Lt. Col., Univ. Brig.; Brevet Capt., 111. Nat. Guard. Farm Mgr., Decatur. 111., 1917. Instr., U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of 111., N 1917 — . Married Helen Lee Kenney, S 12, 1 91 7. Decatur, 111. Address, 357 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111. 8676. RAY AUSTIN POWERS B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 26. 1895, Braceville, 111.; s. George" F. and Alice Lindsay (McCall) Powers. Prepared in Toliet Tp. H. S. Const. Work, 1917-18. Bradley Poly. Inst.. U. S. A. Course, 1918 — . Address, 1226 S. Richard St., Joliet, 111. 8677. MELVILLE HALSEY PRICE B. S. in Chem.; b. Ja 30, 1896, Chicago; s. William R. Price. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Address, 6206 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago.! 8678. WILLIAM THOMAS PURCELL B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 12, 1S92, Minneapolis; s. Thomas Francis Purcell. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Fresh. Varsity Swim- ming. 108th Engrs., U. S. A. Address, iS5 N. Leamington St., Cnicago.f 8679. JOHN ELDER PYRON Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. F 27, 1S94. Chattanooga. Tenn.; s. Lee and Annie Lillian (McClure) Pyron. Prepared in Soldan H. S., St. Louis. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Asst. Chem., Certainteed Products Corp., E. St. Louis, 111., 1 1 g 1 7 1917-18. With Centerheed Co.. York, Pa. 3rd R. O. T. C. Camp Grant 111.. 1918; Sergt., U. S. A.; 2nd Lt., Anti-Aircraft Sch., Artil- lery Section, A. E. F., France; Mustered out, 1919. Married Ruth Anne Johnson, My 14, 1918, Columbia, S. C. Address, 6007 Berlin Ave., St. Louis. 8680. CORAMAE QUANDT Univ. Sec; B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 20, 1893- In- dianapolis; d. William Henry (b. 1864, Gallon, O.) and Mary (Bauer) Quandt (b. 1868. Pales- tine, Ind.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Asst. Registrar's Office, Univ. of 111.. 1917: Univ. Sec, L^niv. of 111. Press, 1918 — . Address, 202'/^ W. Green St., Urbana.t 8681. HARRY QUICK (Brother of No. 6496) B. S. in C. E.; b. F 11, 1894, Joliet, 111.; s. George Wesley (b. O 2, 1866, Tiskilwa, IIJ.) and Carrie (Gossler) Quick (b. S 2, 1868, do.). Prepared in Tiskilwa H. S. Theta Chi; Class Football; Class Baseball. Corp., (^amp Dodge, la.; Camp Lee, Va.; 2nd Lt., Co. C, 545th Service Brig., Engrs., Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va.; 1st Lt., do., A. E. F., France, 191 8 — . .4ddress, Tiskilwa, lll.f 8682. RALPH SHANCKE RAABERG Draftsman; B. S. in A. E.; b. My 19, 1895, Chicago; s. Sophus (b. Norway) and Olga (Shancke) Raaberg (b. do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1917. Ord. Corps., Const. Section, N. A., 1917; Sergt., Const. Sect., Ord. Dept., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Address, J424 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. 8683. IVAN RACHEFF A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 17, 1892, Bub garia; s. Neno Rachefl. Prepared in Sophi Univ. Cosmopolitan Club. Address, Saichera St., Lorech, Bulgaria.! 8684. PAUL ALBERT RAIBOURN (Brother of No. 7886) Elec Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 14, 1S96, Frankfort, Ind.; s. James Edward (b. Ap 15, 1871, Lynville, Ind.) and Ida (Caswell) Rai- bourn (b. Je 30, 1872, Boonville, Ind.). Pre- pared in Waterloo H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Egyptian Club; Prelim., Final and Special Honors. Elec Engr.. West. Elec. Co.. New York City, 1917-1S. Reserve Flying Corps, U. S. N., 191S — . Address, 65 Central Park West, New York City. 8685. CRAWFORD JOHN R.\MSAY Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 21, 1888, Martinsville, 111.; s. Crawford John (b. Ap 19, 1853, do.) and Marti)a Jane (Ramsay) Ramsay (b. Ap 29, i860, Plainfield, Ind.). Prepared in Olney H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-12; Grad. Stud. Univ. of 111., sum- mer 1917. Phi Delta Kappa. Supt., City Schs., Johnston City, 1)11. Married Pearl Jeanette Brown, Je i, 1914, Murphysboro, 111. Children: Helen Marie, b. Mr 15, 1915; Gordon Dale, b. O 29, 1916. Address, Johnston City, 111. 8686. JOHN HUBERT RAMSER (Brother of No. 3924) Engineer; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 7, 1891. Rock Island, 111.; s. Paul (b. Ja 29, i860. Tavannes, Switzerland) and Mary Angeline (Reta) Ram- ser (b. N 18, 1861, St. Charles, 111.). Pre- pared in West Des Moines H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Prelim, and Final Honors. Engng. Dept. Assoc, Fact. Mutual Fire Ins. Cos., Boston, 1917-18. U. S. N. R. F., 1918 — . Address, 316 Hunting-ton Ave., Boston. 1917] Baccalaukeate Alumni 693 8687. GRACE LOUISE RANDALL Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 14. 1893, Chicago; d. A. Lynn (b. D 7, i860, East Springfield, Pa.) and Martha A. (Thayer) Randall (b. Ap 8, 1S62. West Springfield, Pa.). Prepared in John Mar.-^hall H. S.; Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, lU.j N. \V. Univ., summer 1916; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917 i8. Address, 21 14 Estes Ave., Chicago. 8688. CORA CREAGER RANDOLPH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 26, 1893, Walnut, Kan.; d. T. E. (b. Ala.) and Rebecca Randolph (b. 111.). Prepared in Man. Tr. H. and Kenwood Private Schs., Kansas City, Mo. Chi Omega; Sec, Le Cercle Fran- Cais; Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Vandalia, in., 1918. Address, iioo E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 8689. WILLARD PARMINTER RANNEY Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 12, 1897, Caze- novia, III; s. Mark Joel (b. F 23, 1867, do.) and Lillie May (Parniinter) Ranney (b. Ap 14, 1870, Metaniora. 111.). Prepared in Meta- niora H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors; Class Soccer Team; Y. M. C. A.. Cabinet. Farmer, Cazenovia, 111., 191 7 — . Mem., Christian Union Church. Address. Cazenovia, 111. 8690. SAMPSON MILES RAPHAELSON (Husband of No. 8754) Writer: A. P.. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 30, 1894, New York City; s. Ralph and Annie (M.-irks) Raphaelson (b. N. Y.). Prei)ared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., Chi- cago. Sigma Delta Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Cosmopolitan Club; Scribblers Club; Grapho men; Ed.. Siren; Asst. Ed., ///. Mag.; Chm.. Gridiron Banquet. Copy Writer, Advertising Agency; Mag. Writer, New York City; Asst. Ed., Red, Green_ and Blue Book Mags. Pub- licity Dept., Navy, Chicago; Adv. Asst., Mc- [uncken Adv. Co. Auth. : The Happiness of Rebecca, Hearst's Mag., 1918; 'Aint You Comin' Back, Green Book, 1918; Paper Cuffs, Smith's Mag., 191 8; short stories in Chicago Snr.day Herald, 1917. Married Rayna de Costa Simons ('17), Ja i, 1918, Chicago. Ad- dress, Newberry Hotel, Chicago; bus. add., c/o Red Book, North American Bklg., do. 8691. EDAVIN WALLACE RAPP Med. Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 18, 1891, Aurora, 111.; s. George and Katherine Elizabeth (Brady) Rapp (b. Ottawa, 111.). Pre- pared in East H. S., Aurora, 111.; N. W. Med. Sch., 1915-16; Grad. Stud., Rush Med. Coll.. 1 91 6- 1 8. Medui; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Lambda Kappa Alpha. Med. Reserve Corps, 1918. Ad- dress, Aurora, 111. 8692. MARY RATHSACK A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 11, 1887, Green view, 111.; s. R. Rathsack. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, Greenview, Hit 8693. MAURICE EDWIN REAGAN (Husband of No. 8850) Inspector; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Mr 11, 1894. Bridgewater, la.; s. Dr. E. W. Reagan. Pre- pared in Canton H. S. .Sigma Nu. Insp., Elec. Equipment, Kansas City Rys. Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Instr., Gunnery, U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111. Married Margaret Walkerly ('17), Ag II, 1917, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Edwin Maurice, b. Je 2, 1918. Address, 4200 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., 1500 Grand Ave., do. 8694- FREDERICK JAMES REED Agriculturist; B. S. in Agr.-; b. O 3, 1893, Volant. Pa.; s. James Houghs Univeksitv of Illinois [1917 8737- JOHN A. SCHULZ (Brother of No. 9374) Chemist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 15, 1894, Elmwood, III.; s. John (b. Kassel-Hessia, Ger.) and Johanna (Oberer) Schulz (b. Vo- hingen, Wurtemberg, Ger.). Prepared in Elm- wood H. S. Cosmopolitan Club; Spalding Guild. Chem., Dept., Nutrition, O. Exp. Sta., Wooster, O., 1917 — . Mem., A. C. S.; M. W. A.; K. C. Address, Elmwood, 111.; bus. add., 343 Derr Ave., Wooster, O. 8738. DIXIE HARVARD SCHUMACHER Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 19, 1893, Rockport, Ind.; d. Samuel (b. F 17, 1861, do.) and Anna (Stevenson) Schumacher (b. Mr 29, 1869, do.). Prepared in Rockport (Ind.) H. S. Achoth; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, H. S., Pawnee, 111.; Army Dietitian, Base Hosp.. Camp Dodge, la. Address, Rockport, Ind. 8739. GERALD RUSSELL SCOTT Live Stock Commissioner; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 10, 1894, Chicago; s. Charles Brainard (b. Ap 20, 1859, Sheboygan Falls, Wis.) and Eliza beth Clara (Russell) Scott (b. D 19, 1867, Chi- cago). Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chi- cago. Final Honors. Live Stock Bus., Chicago. 1917; U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Markets, Lancaster, Pa., and Washington, D. C, 191 7- 18; Live Stock Commissioner, U. S. Bur. of Markets, Rocky Ford, Colo., 1918 — . Address, 3710 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., U. S. Bur. of Markets, Rocky Ford, Colo. 8740. RALPH A. SCOTT B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 2. 1896, Rock Falls, 111.; s. Philip S. (b. Ap 12, i866, do.) and Eva (Gushing) Scott (b. F 18, 1881, Green- top, Mo.). Prepared in Rock Falls H. S. A. S. S. C. 827th Aero Sqdn.. ]\Iineola, Long Island, N. Y., 1917; Chem. Warfare Service; Mustered out. Address, Rock Falls, 111. 8741. ROY SUNDERLAND SCOTT B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 3, 1883, Aurora, Neb.; s. Kate Y. Scott. Prepared in St. Norm., Spearfish, S. Dak.; Univ. of Minn. Address, 1208 W. Clark St., Urbana.t 8742. EDNA SELLNER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 15, 1892, Quincy, 111.; d. Albert Sellner. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Alpha Theta Chi. Address, 1238 N. 8th St., Quincy, 111. 8743. MATTIE ALICE SENSE Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 21, 1890, Alliance. Neb.: d. David L. (b. Ag 14, 1858, Milford, 111.) and Laura Edith (Moore) Sense ^b. O 14. 1886, Watseka, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S. Bethany Circle. Teacher, Gilman, 111., 1917 — . Mem., Christian Church. .4ddrcss, Watseka, 111.; 6u5. add., Gilman, III. 8744. JAMES C. SHARP B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 4, 1895, Rossville, 111.; s. Calet Edward (b. Ag 21, i86o, Camden, O.) and Malinda (Hamilton) Sharp (b. Ag 11, 1875, Rossville, 111.). Prepared in Potomac and Ur- bana H. Schs. Pi Pi Rho; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. U. S. A. A. S.; AUentown, Pa.; Sergt.. S. S. U. 611. Convois Automobile, A. E. F., France. Address, 403 E. White St., Urbana.} 8745. FREDERICK WOOD SHAW (Brother of No. 441 1) B. S. in C. E-; b. Mr 10, 1895, Chicago; s. Edgar Wells (b. Ag 29. 1848, Genesee Co., N. Y.) and Margaret (Wood) Shaw (b. My 6, r86o, Eng.). Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chicago. Address, 6283 Louise Ave., Chicagot 8746. MARY LUCILLE SHAY Editorial Asst.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 5, 1894, Atwood, 111.; d. Thomas (b. 1842. La Salle. 111.) and Mary Jane (Dickson) Shay (b. My 10, 1854, Rob Roy Tp. 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Ed. Asst., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 1147 Union St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 911 W. Illinois St.. Urbana. 8747- HAVEN McKENDREE SHEETS Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 7, 1893, George town, III.; s. Fred Buchanan (b. O 23, 1869 do.) and Martha Jane (Allen) Sheets (b. Jl 6 1 87 1, Westfield, 111.). Prepared in George town H. S.; De Pauw Univ. Delta Tau Delta: Cosmopolitan Club; Teacher, Oakwood Tp. H S., Muacie, 111.. 1917-1S. C. A., U. S. A. 1918. Address, Georgetown, 111. 8748. CHARLES HOWARD SHEPPARD B. S. in C. E.; b. N 17, 1895, Edwardsville, 111.; s. Charles Alfred (b. Eng.) and Olive (Morgan) Sheppard (b. 1874, la.). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S. Triangle; Theta Tau; Class Swimming. R. O. T. C, Fort Sheridan, 111.; Ft. Monroe, Va.. 1917; 2nd. Lt.. C. A. R. C, U. S. A.. Ft. H. G. Wright. N. Y.; ist. Lt.. C. A. N. A., 1918; do., A. E. F., France. Address, 805 St. Louis Ave., Edwardsville, 111. 8749. MARY BEALL SHERIDAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 17, 1893, Sullivan, Ind.; d. Charles H. (b. Cin- cinnati) and Anna M. (Thomas) Sheridan (b. Sullivan, Ind.). Prepared in Sullivan (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. St. Norm.; Univ. of Chicago. Delta Gamma. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1918; Teacher, Vincennes, Ind., 1917- 18; Instr., So. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1918 — . Address, Sullivan, Ind.; bus. add.. Carbon- dale, 111. 8750. JOHN CHAUNCEY SHERRICK Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. D 9, 1890, Little York, 111.; s. Chauncey (b. N 6, 1858, Decatur, 111.) and Ida (Dunlap) Sherrick (b. O 23. 1858. Va.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Gargoyle; Final Honors. Arch., Monmouth, 111. ist Lt., A. S. S. R. C, Detachment of Aerial Observers, No. i., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, Ja 7, 1919. Address, 317 E. Broadway, Monmouth, 111. 8751. RUTH ELM A SHOTT Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 16, 1896, New York City; d. Gideon Morgan (b. Ap 21, i8ss, Stanton, W. Va.) and Cora Elizabeth (Hunt) Shott (b. O 28, 1863, Olive Branch, O.). Prepared in Mannington (W. Va.) H. S.; Oak- mont (Pa.) H. S.; Urbana H. S. H. Sc. Club. Stud. Dietitian, Moosehart Vocational Inst.,' Aurora. 111., 1917-18. Dietitian, U. S. A. Nurses Corps. Base Hosp., Camp Jackson, 1918; Dietitian's Unit i, A. E. F., France. Ad- dress, 80 Walnut St., Aurora, 111. 8752. HUMPHREYS OLIVER SIEGMUND Instructor; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 24, 1893. St. Louis; s. Henry Otto (b. 1849, Suel, Ger.) and Lissette Elizabeth (Koch) Siegmund (_b. 1851. Hesse Darmstadt, Ger.). Prepared in McKinley H. S.. St. Louis. Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Sigma Tau; Eta Kappa Nu Scabbard and Blade; Helmet; Ku Klux; Pre lim.. Final and Special Honors; Capt., Univ Brig.; Pres., PanHellenic Council; Fresh. Var sity Swimming; Stud. Branch A. I. E. E. In str., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917-18 do., Elec Engng., Drexel Inst., Philadelphia 191 8 — . Married Leola Beth Meachum, O 5 1917, Urbana. .4ddress, c/o Drexel Inst., Phil adelphia. . i iQiy] Baccalaukkate Alumni 6g7 8753. MILTON CANS SILVER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 31, 1892, Clay- ton, N. J.; s. Samuel and Ida (Linton) Sil- ver. Prepared in Blair Acad., Blairstown, N. J. Theta Delta Chi; Sigma Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Ma-wan-da; Ku Klux; Helmet; Ed.. Daily Illini; Ath. Ed., Illio; Jr. Prom. Com.; Sr. Hat Com.; Homecoming Com.; Pre- lim. Honors; Jr. Covincilman; 111. Union. .\mbulance Corps. France, 191 7; F. A. Sell., do. 1918; 2nd. Lt., F. A. N. A. and 322nd. F. A. N. A., 1918; Candidates Detachment, Saniur, France. Address, Clayton, N. J. 8754. RAYNA DE COSTA SIMONS (RAPHAELSONJ (Wife of No. S690) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 23, 1894, Nor wood Park, 111.; d. Joseph Simons. Prepared in McKinley H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Phi Delta Psi; Aletl:enai; Scribbler's Club; Daily Illini, Staff, Woman's Ed.; Staff, Siren. Asst. Ed., Red Cross Bill.; Hon. Mem., Theta Signw Phi. Married Sampson Miles Raphael- .lon t'17"), Ja I, 1918, Chicago. Address, New- berry Hotel, Chicago, 8755. EARL BRUCE SIMPSON Lawyer; LL. B.; b. D 18, 1892, Eldorado, 111.; s. George Robert (b. Jl 25, 1864, do.) and Nancy Jane (Stricklin) Simpson (b. Harris- burg, 111.). Prepared in Eldorado Tp. H. S. Beta Phi; Stud. Ed., 111. Law Bui. 2nd. Lt., U. S. N. A., Camp Grant, 111. Address, 405 Glenwood Ave., Eldorado, III. 8756. LUTHER FRANKLIN SIMPSON Instructor; B. S. in M. E.; b. O 18, 1888. Fincastle, Va. Prepared in Moweaqua H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Prelim. Honors; Capt., Univ. Brig. Instr., Military Tactics, 1917. Ad- dress, Moweaqua, Ill.t 8757. NELLE LUCILE SIMPSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 23, 1894. In- dustry, 111.; d. James and Jane Elizabeth (Wat- son) Simpson. Prepared in Macomb H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, 524 E. Washington St., Macomb, HI. 8758. SEBASTIAN SOLON SIMPSON H. S. Prin.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1917; b. Ap 3, 1S66, Rosemond, 111.; s. Henry Asbury (b. F 26, 1840, Harrison Co., O.) and Mary Elizabeth (Carter) Simpson (b. Ag 10, 1842, Tuscarawas Co., O.). Prepared in No. 111. Norm. Sch. Phi Delta Kappa. Prin., Tp. H. S., Assumption, 111., 1917 — . Married Car- rie Bell Mechem, Ag 23, 1893, Dixon, 111, Chil- dren: Althea, b. (and died) Ja 4, 1895; Irene Elizabeth, b. Ap 9, 1897; Henry Mechem, b. Mr 5, 1899; Lloyd Wilson, b. My 28, 1905. Ad- dress, Assumption, 111. 8759. THOMAS MOORE SIMPSON P. S. in Agr. ; b. D 7, 1890, Alexis, 111.; s. A. Cunningham Simpson. Prepared in Central Y. M. C. A. Night Sch., Chicago. Agr. Club; 111. Soc. Agron. U. S. N. R. F., Boston. Ad- dress, Alexis, Ill.t 8760. CHARNJIT SINGH Priest; B. S. in E. E.; b. O 4, 1887, Lulia; s. Natha and Jawal (Kaur) Singh. Preparod in Khalsa Collegiate H. S.. India; Univ. of Punjab, India; Univ. of Calif. E. E. Soc; CosmoDolitan Club; Hindustani Assn., Univ. of III. Priesthood. Sikk Temple. Stockton, Calif. Mem., Pacific Coast Khalsa Diivan Soc. Inc.; Stockton Unity Good Words Club. Married Atter Kauer, Punjab, India. Child, Harnam, b. F iQio. Address, 1903 S. Grant St., Stock- ton, Calif. 8-6 1, GEORGE EDWARD SLADEK (Brother of No. 5423) B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Mr 30, 1896, Chicago; s. Adolph (b. Bohemia, Austria) and Anna (Layer) Sladek (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Keramos. U. S. A. Instr., Aerial Photographic Detachment, Camp Dodge, Des Moines; Langley Field, Va,; Ellington Field, Tex.; Rochester, N. Y.; Mustered out, D 20, 19 18, Address, 2242 Marshall Blvd., Chicago. 8762. AMELIA MARIE SLOAN Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 17, 1895, Golconda, 111.; d. Daniel W. (b. Ag 13. 1869, Harrisburg, HI.) and Katherine (Mittler) Sloan (b. Jl 3, 1871, Golconda, 111.). Prepared m Harrisburg Tp. H. S. Omicron Nu; Alpha Theta Chi; II. Sc. Club; Chem. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Teacher, Jr. H. S., Magna, Utah. Address, 268 C, Salt Lake City; bus. add., Magna, Utah. S763. J. P. SMALLWOOD Clerk; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 4, 1896, De- catur, 111.; s. Frank P. (b. Mr 17. 1870, do.) and Leora (Sanderlin) Smallwood (b. F 16, 1872, do.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Chief Clerk to Cml. Supt.. Mich. State Telephone Co., Detroit. Married Vera M. Davis, D 27, 1917. Shelbyville. 111. Address, 117 Henry St., Eliot Sta., Detroit, 8764. ALFRED SMART San. Engr.; B. S. in M. & S. E.; b. Je 17. 1894. Omaha, Neb.; s. Louis Smart. Pre- pared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Varsity Wrestling. Address, 4948 N. Troy St., Ravens wood Sta.. Chicago. 8765. CHAUNCEY HARRISON SMART Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. O 7, 1894, Hins- dale, 111.; s. W. II. Smart. Prepared in Dow- ners Grove H. S. Beta Ujisilon; Class Soccer; Class Football. Farmer, Hinsdale, 111. Ad- dress, Hinsdale, 111, 8766. EDWARD SMIDL B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 28. 1892, Chicago; s. Joseph Smidl. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Psi Mu; Arch. Club; Varsity Gym. Team. 2nd Lt., Inf., U. S. R. Address, 2521 Clifton Park Ave., Chi- cago. 8767. CLARA MABEL SMITH A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1918; b. Ag 19, 1880, Thornton, Mich.; d. W. H. Smith. Pre- pared in Cairo H. S. Address, St. Clair, Mich.t 8768, *CLARENCE WALTER SMITH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 20. 1896, Decatur, 111.; s. George M. Smith. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Pres., Philomathean; Glee and Mando- lin Club; Daily Illini staff; Capt., Univ. Brig. TSt. Lt., U. S. M. C, 6th Regt., A. E. F.. France. Cited for bravery by Gen. Pershing, S 9, 1918- Killed in action, Je 22, 1918, Battle of the Marne. 8769. GEORGE LESLIE SMITH (Brother of No. 8771) Farmer; B S. in Agr.; b. Ag 13, 1895, Gene- seo, 111.; s. John Frederick (b. 1854, Henry Co.. 111.) and Mary Elizabeth Smith (b. 1858, Md.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi; Capt., Univ. Brig. Farmer, Geneseo, 111., 1917- 2nd. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; I St. Lt.. 1 2th U. S. Cavalry, Columbus, N. Mex. .Address, Geneseo. 111. University of Illinois [1917 8770. GLADYS SMITH (ANDERSON) (Wife of No. 8104) A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 22, 1891, Rochelle, III.; d. Elmer (b. O 2, 1861, do.) and Georgia (Mills) Smith (b. N 8, 1866, do.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S.; West. Coll. for Women. 1910-11; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1911-13. Sigma Kappa. Married William Wilson An- derson ('17), N 17, 1917, Rochelle, 111. Ad- dress, Ohio, III. 8771. JOHN WESLEY SMITH (Brother of No. 8769) B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 13, 1895, Geneseo, 111.; s. John Frederick (b. 1854 Henry Co.) and Mary Elizabeth Smith (b. 1858, Md.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi; Scabbard and Blade; Pi Tau Sigma; Capt., Signal Corps, Univ. Brig. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111.; Royal Flying Corps, Toronto Canada, 191 7; 22nd. Aero Sqdn., Ft. Worth, Tex.; ist. Lt., Aero Sqdn., France. Address, Geneseo, 111. 8772. BARBARA BELLE SMOHL (WILSON) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 25, 1885, Van- dalia. 111.; d. H. W. (b. Jl 22, 1849, Pekin, 111.) and Martha Jane (Hamilton) Smohl (b. Mr 13, 1849, Hopkinsville, Ky.). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Married Levi Thomas Wilson, Ap 28, 1917, Vandalia, 111. Address, 312 West St., Annapolis, Md. 8773. WILLIAM EVERETT SMOOT Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ap 30, 1895, Curtis, 111.; s. Edward E. (b. Curtis, 111.) and Eva K. Summers Smoot (b. Petersburg, 111.). Prepared in Petersburg H. S. Alpha Gamma Rho. Farmer, Greenview, 111. Ad- dress, R. F. D., Greenview, 111. 8774. JOSE CUBE de SOUZA B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Ap 24, 1892, Sao Paulo, Brazil; s. Jose Fortunato de Souza. Prepared in Sao Bento Gymnasio, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Union Coll. Sigma Xi; Spanish Club; Ry. Club; Latin-Am. Club. Address, Caixa 1098, Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A.t 8775. CYNTHIA EUGENIA SPENCER Teacher; A. B. in Sc; b. S i, 1895, Van- dalia, 111.; d. Eugene J. (b. O 30, 1858, St. Louis) and Hattie I. (Leonard) Spencer (b. S 5, 1873, Williamsburg, O.). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Olney, 111.; Grad. Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1918; Teacher, Bot., H. S., Champaign, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 708 S. 4th St., Champaign. 8776. CENA LERINA SPRAGUE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Jl 6, 1891, Grafton, N. Dak; d. Horace G. (b. Brownsdale, Minn.) and Florence C. (Haynes) Sprague (b. Roches- ter, Minn.). Prepared in Grafton (N. Dak.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of N. Dak., 1913. Delta Gamma. Asst., Cataloger, LIniv. of 111., 1917- 18. Address, Grafton, N. Dak. 8777. RAYMOND ARTHUR SPROULL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 5, 1895, Mazon, 111.; s. Jerry Sproull. Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Address, Mazon. Ill.t 8778. GEORGE KASSON SQUIER B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 25, 1894, Rockford, 111.; s. Walter Castle (b. Mr 23, 1868) and Celia A. (Augur) Squier (b. Je 21,, 1863, Mich.). Prepared in Rockford H. S.; Hills- dale Coll. Alpha Tau Omega; Tau Beta Pi; Ma-wan-da; Fresh. Varsity Football; Basket- ball; Varsity Football. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheri- dan; Ft. Monroe; ist. Lt., C. A. C, U. S. R., 1917; Instr., Army Trench Art. Sch., A. P. O., 714, A. E. F., France. .4ddress, 528 College Ave., Rockford, 111. 8779- WILLIS PRESTON STALL (Husband of No. 8727) Farm Mgr. ; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 3, 1892, Huntington Co., Ind.; s. William O. (b. D 15, 1848, Canton, O.) and Matilda (Rusher) Stall (b. S 3, 1857, Huntington, Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Shelby (Mich.) H. S.; Indiana Univ., 1913-14. Agr. Club. Teacher, H. S., Paris, 111., 191 7-1 8. Mgr., Epps Farm, Metcalf, 111., 1918. 138th Reg^t., Co. E, 35th Div. Inf., Camp Wheeler, Ga. ; do., A. E. F., France. Married Juanita L. Sanford ('17), Jl, 1918. Mem., Edgar Co., Soil Improvement Assn. Address, Shelby, Mich. 8780. ELMER LEON STANLEY B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 6, 1890, Downer's Grove 111.; s. Elbert C. (b. Je 6, 1851, Down- er's Grove, 111.) and Edna (Davis) Stanley (b. Je 1866, Maiden, 111.). Prepared in Down- er's Grove H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Sergt., Q. M. C. N. A., 1917. Miscellaneous Co., Unit I, Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 2252 Rosedale Ave., Oakland, Calif. • 8781. VERNER STARNER B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 13, 1893, Carlisle, Ind.; s. Frank Starner. Prepared in Car- lisle H. S. Address, Carlisle, Ind.t 8782. FREDERICK LOUIS STEINHOFF Editor; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. S 3, 1894, Chicago; s. Ernst F. J. (b. Mr 24, i86o, Ham- burg, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Heine) Steinhoff (b. Jl 9, 1871, Reedsburg, Wis.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Lane Jr. Coll., 1013-15. Keramos; Stud. Branch, Am. Ceram. Soc; Sec, Chicago Branch, do.; Class Basket- ball. Asoc. Ed., Brick and Clay Record, Chi- cago, 1917-18; do., 1919 — . Auth.: Refrac- tories, Their Properties and Uses, Brick and Clay Record, Vol. 51, 1917; Spending a Week at HI. Largest Pairing Brick Plant, do.; Using Instruments for Dryer Regulation, do.; Bridging the Gap from Pit to Plant, do., 1918; Coal Handling Costs Cut, do.. Vol. 52. 1918. E. O. T. S., Ft. Monroe, Va.; Mus- tered out D I, 1918. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. Address, 1906 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago; bits, add., 610 Federal St., do. 8783. ETHEL GERTRUDE STEPHENS Teacher; A. B. in L .A. & S.; b. S 2, 1876. Murphysboro, 111.; d. R. J. (b. Ap 21, 1849, Clinton Co., 111.) and Addie (McGall) Stephens (b. F 28, 1855, Central City, 111.). Prepared in Murphysboro H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1905-7. Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Special Honors; Phi Beta Kappa prize. Teacher, Tp. H. S., El Paso, 111. Address, 114 S. 14th St., Murphysboro, 111.; bus. add., EI Paso, III. 8784. RICHARD WILLIAM STEVENS (Son of No. 410; Brother of No. 7235) B. S. in Agr.; b. F 2s, 1894, Chicago; s. Hubert Allen ('84), (b. Mr 10, 1864, Inland, la.) and Hattie (Thompson) Stevens. Pre- pared in Joliet H. S.; Univ. of Tex. Address, 301 Union St., Joliet, Ill.t 8785. WAYNE MAC KENZIE STEVENS Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agr.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 25, 1893, Des Moines; s. Dr. E. Luther (b. 1868, 111.) and Hattie (McKenzie) Stevens (b. 1869, do.). Prepared in Taylorville H. S. Agr. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Asst., Market Surveys, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Invented and Patented Stevens Grain Shocker. Address, Jio E. Adams St., Taylorville, 111. IQI?] Baccalaureate Alumni 699 8786. AILSIE MILLER STEVENSON Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. F 27, i8q6, Chicago; d. John Gorham (b. O 13, 1859, Jack- sonville, 111.) and Mary (Miller) Stevenson (b. Ja 17, 1861. Fairfield, la.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S. H. Sc. Club; Omicron Nu; Prelim, and Final Honors. Address, Fithian, 111. 8787. DOROTHY STEVENSON Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 3, 1896, Emporia, Kan.; d. William C. and Lena (Leon- ard) Stevenson. Prepared in Decatur H. S.; Bryn Mawr Coll.; James Millikin Univ. Pi Beta Phi. Dietitian, St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago. Address, Bois D'Arc Farm, Oilman, 111.; bus. I add., St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. 8788. CARL RUSSEL STEWART Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 27, 1892, Men mouth, 111.; s. John Cecil (b. Ag 31, 1867, Biggsville, 111.) and Louise Philippina (Schultz) Stewart (b. S 25. 1867, Ociuawka III.). Prepared in Monmouth H. S. B. S.. Monmouth Coll., 1915. Alpha Zeta: Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Farmer, Monmouth, 111. Mem., A. C. S. ; Presby. Church. Address. R. 6, Monmouth, 111. 8789. FRANK STEWART A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 19, 1890. Burnt Prairie, 111.; s. A. Stewart. Prepared in S. Coll. Inst. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Medui; Var sity Football. Address, 305 E. Green St.. Champaign. t 8790. THOMAS ELMER STOCKDALE Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 13, 1896, Chicago; s. Charles Warren (b. Ja 3. 1863, Elkhart, Ind.) and Bertha Alice (Salisbury) Stockdale (b. D 17. 1866. Waterloo, la.). Prepared in Bowen H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Pres., C^. E. Soc. ; Prelim, and Final Hon- ors. Engr., Mich. St. Telephone Co., Detroit, 1917; Engr., F. J. Bachelder, 1917-18. 2nd Lt., C. A. C, Co. I, O. T. C. 5. Ft. Monroe, Va. Address, Grand View, Idaho; bus. add., 1 3 14 Hartford Bldg., Chicago. 8791. GEORGE WELLINGTON STODDARD B. S. in A. E.; b. S 30, 1895. Detroit; s. Lewis M. Stoddard. Prepared in Detroit Cen- tral and Lake View (Chicago) H. Schs. Delta Tau Delta; Psi Mu: 111. Union Dramatic Club; .\ssoc. Mgr.. 111. Union Opera; .\sst. Mgr., Interscholastic Circus; Sr. Smoker Com.; Pres., 111. Drama Federation, ist Lt., 318th Engrs.. 6th Div. Co. C, A. E. F., France. Address, 138 Merrill Ave., Detroit. 8792. CHARLES ARTHUR STONE Ceram. Chem.; B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. Ag 17. 7893, Chicago; s. Abraham (h. Russia) and .\nna (Greber) Stone (b. do.). Prepared in William McKinley H. S.. Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Ceram. Chem., Basic Products Co., Kenova, W. Va. Auth.: A Note on the Re- fractory Dolomite, Transactions of the Am. Ceram. Sac, 1918. Mem.. Am. Ceram. Soc. Married Sylvia H. Stone, My 22, 191 5, Crown Point, Ind. Address, Kenova, W. Va. 8793. FLORENCE STOUTZENBERG (NICKOLLS) (Wife of No. 8624) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 26, 1891. Marine, 111.; d. Joseph (b. Mr 5, 1857, Columbia, 111.) and I'annie (Lehr) Stoutzenberg (b. N 13, 1861, Fiethalto, 111.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. Scribblers; H. Sc. Club; Gregorian. Married Cecil R. Nickolls ('17), Ag 18, igiy, Green- ville, 111. Address, 3951 Hartford St., St. Louis, Mo. 8794. GRACE BRUCE STRATTON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 28, 1894, Mt. Vernon, 111.; d. E. D. Stratton. Prepared in Evansville H. S. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Delta Gamma; Yo Ma; Alethenai; W. A. A. Research Asst.. 111. Centennial Comn., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Address, 212 James Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.f 8795. DONALD JAY STRAUCH Engineer; B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Jl :, 1892, Moorepark, Mich.; s. Winfield Anderson (b. Ag 17, i866, O.) and Grace B. (Krumm) Strauch (b. N 27, 1873). Prepared in North H. S.. Minneapolis; Bradley Poly. Inst. Theta Tau; Varsity Football. Engr.. Springdale Ce- meterv, Peoria; Engr. and Draftsman. E. & T. Fa'irbanks & Co.. East Moline, 111., 1917—- Married Frances Elnora Woost, D 30, 1916, Pekin, 111. Child. Grace Frances, b. Mr 2, 1918. .Address, 903 2Sth St., Moline, 111. S796. JOSEPH KENNETH STRINGER A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 12, 1893. Dubu- que, la.; s. H. H. Stringer. Prepared in Cuba City (Wis.) H. S. Phi Kappa; Comitatus; Jr. Prom. (Tom.; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Home- coming Com. 3rd O. R. T. C; 2nd Lt., U. S. A. ist Lt.. 333rd M. G. Bn., 86th Div., Camp Pike Ark.; Mustered out, F 20, 1919. Address, 1439 Bluff St., Dubuque, la. 8797. JAMES KIBBE STRONG (Brother of No. 6600) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 25, 1893, Keiths- burg, III.; s. Jos. M. (b. S I, i860, do.,) and Mamie (Miller) Strong (b. Ag 15, 1862, Her- kimer Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Keithsburg 11. S.; William and Vashti Coll., 1913-14- Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Keithsburg, III. 8798. TRUMAN JEFFERSON STRONG B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 26, 1890, Winfield, Kan.; s. Frank N. Strong. Prepared in Lewis and Clark H. S.; Wash. St. Coll. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Univ. Band. Naval Avia- tion, Bur. of Navigation, Washington, D. C. Address, Cheney, Wash.t 8799. ENLIN SUN B. S. in Agr.; b. S 26, 1893, Koaya, Kiangsu, China; s. Tien-chuan (b. 1854, do.) and Yang Sun (b. 1856. do.). Prepared in Tsing Hua. Peking. China. Prelim. Honors. Grad. Stud., Agr., Univ. of 111. Appointed by Chinese Govt, as China's delegate at the 12th. In- ternat. Farm Congress. Peoria, 1917- Auth.: Agr. Conditions in China, Agr. Review, S, 19 1 7. Address, 604 Boyd Ave.. Baton Rouge, La. 8800. CONSTANCE SUTCLIFFE (Sister of Nos. 7248, 7990, G6s8) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 22, 1897. Fall River, Mass.; d. George Lincoln (b. Je 2, 1866, do.) and Sarah A. (Taylor) Sutcliffe (b. My 6. 1869. do.). Prepared in Plymouth, (Mass.) H. S.; Urbana H. S. Teacher, Latin and Eng., Mound City, 111., 1917-18; do., Latin and Spanish, Atwood, 111., 1918 — . Mem. Epis. Church; Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Address. 624 Eastern Ave., Fall River, Mass.; bus. add., H. S., Atwood, 111. 8801. DONALD TYLER SWAIM A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 29, 1894. Danville, 111.; s. William Ellsworth and Olhe (Tyler) Swaim. Prepared in Danville, H. S. Scab- bard and Blade; 111. Union Dramatic Club; ist. Lt. and Capt. Univ. Brig.; Stud. Opera; Sec, Sr. Class. 2nd. Lt., Inf. U. S. A., Fort Sheri- dan, 191 7; Camp Bowie, Te.x.. 191 7; Camp De- vens. Aver, Mass., 1918. Address, 1230 N. Gil- bert St.', Danville, 111. 700 University of Illinois [1917 SS02. FAY WOOD SWARTZ (Sister of No. 3198) B. Mus.; b. Ap 9, 1896, Urbana; d. Benja- min F. (b. N 26, 1859, Shady Grove, Pa.) and Minnie E. (Schuknecht) Swartz (b. S 8, i86o, Muskegoo, Wis.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Mu Kappa Alpha; Athenean. Address. 801 S. Vine St., Urbana. 8803. CARL ELMER SWENSON B. S. in M. E.; b. N 17, 1893, Chicago; s. C. J. (b. Sweden) and Mary Swenson (b. do.). Prepared in Hvde Park H. S., Chicago. Pi Tau Sigma, ist. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; I St. Lt., Motor Supply Train; Capt., Motor Truck Div., France, 1918 — . Address, 6647 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 8804. FAITH GRETCHEN SWIGART (Sister of No. 4446) Secretary; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 27, 1S94, Deland, 111.; d. Edwin Stanton (b. D 11, 1861. Farmer City, do.) and Nellie (Lapham) Swigart (b. D 26, 1866, Morrison, do.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Executive Sec, War Camp Community Service Bd. Address, 610 W. Park Ave., Champaign. 8805. JOHN FINLEY TAGGART (Brother of Nos. 7999. 6608) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 16, 1895, Wooster, O.; s. Frank Taggart. Prepared m Wooster (O.) H. S. Beta Theta Pi. Farmer, Wooster, O. Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1917; F. A., Bat. F, 76th, A. E. F., France; Army of Oc- cupation. Address, 824 Bowman St., Wooster, O. 8806. THOMAS SHERIDAN TANNER B. S. in A. E.; b. S 5, 1893, Dwight, 111.; s. L. Tanner. Prepared in Dwight H. S. Alpha Rho Chi: Univ. Band; Arch. Club; Staff, Arch. Year Book. Q. M. Sergt., Ft. San Houston. Tex., 191 7; Hdqtrs. Co., Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F., France, 191 7 — • .■4ddress, 106 W. Seminole St., Dwight, lU.t 8807. GRACE DE ETTE TAYLOR B. S. in H. Sc; b. D 27, 1887, Green City, Mo.; d. Thomas C. (b. Ag 13, 1859, Belmont Co., O.) and Leona Jane (Edson) Taylor (b. D 3, 1861, Sullivan Co., Mo.). Prepared in Mo. Wesleyan Coll. Acad. H. Sc. Club; Scribbler's Club; Kappa Delta Pi. Dean of Women. Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111., 1917- 18; Exten. Dept., Univ. of lU., 1918 — . Ad- dress, IOCS W. Green St., Urbana. 8808. MARY ETTA TEETERS (SHUMAKER) A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 25, 1893, Auburn. Ind.; d. Franklin M. (b. Ja 12, 1859, do.) and Amanda T. (Ober) Teeters (b. O 26, i866, Bedford Co., Pa.). Prepared in Auburn (Ind.) H. S. V. P.. Jamesonian; Sec, H. Sc. Club. Sch. Dietetican, H. S., Urbana, 1917-18. Auth.: Conservation of Food in a H. S. Cafeteria dur- ing War Times, Report of III. St. Teachers' Convention Bui.; War Cook Book, pamphlet. Married Randall Neale Shumaker, Je 19, 1918, Auburn, Ind. Address, 471 N. Marshall St., Coldwater, Mich. 8809. EMILIO ALVES TEIXEIRA Engineer; B. S. in Min. E.; b. N 17, 1893, Cassia, Minas, Brazil; s. J. A. Teixeira. Pre- pared in Syracuse Univ. Cosmopolitan Club; Latin-Am. Club; Spanish Club; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Capt., Class Soccer. Asst. Engr., E. J. Lavino Co., Bolivia. Brazil. Address, Cassia Minas, Brazil. t 8810. FRANK HULIT TENDICK Research Chem.; B. S. m Chem. E. ; b. Jl 23, 1894, Canton. 111.; s. John S. (b. Jacksonville, 111.) and Louetta (Hulit) Tendick (b Canton. 111.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Sigma Xi. Research Chem., Am. Paper Co., Holyoke, Mass. 2nd.. Lt., Co. B., 349th Inf.. N. A.. Camp Dodge, la., 1917; do., sSSth Inf., Camp Shelby; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 246 W. Elm St., Canton, 111.; bus. add., c/o American Paper Co., Holyoke, Mass. 881 1. KATHERINE RANDALL TENER (LOWRY) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 4, 1895, Hazel- wood. Pa.; d. Stephen Wallis (b. Mr as, 1865, Co. Tyrone. Ireland) and Katherine Robinson (Randall) Tener (b. Je 23, 1866, Philadelphia). Prepared in Shaw H. S., East Cleveland; Wells Coll., Aurora, N. Y., 1913-14. Sigma Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa; Y. W. C. A.; Special Honors. Married Lt. Swift M. Lowry, My 14, 1918, Lake Charles, La. Address, 14032 Windlemere Hill Road, East Cleveland. 8812. ROBERT BYRON TERRY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 10, 1897. Girard, 111.; s. Charles Casper (b. O i, 1864, Cvrard Tp., 111.) and Nellie Bryant ((Jarter) Terry (b. Je 4, 1874, AVaverly, 111.). Prepared in Girard IL S.; Blackburn Coll., 1913-15. Sigma Pi; Chem. Club. Sergt. U. S. A. S., 1917 — . Address, 1006 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 8813. CHARLES BROOKS THACKER Representative, Truck Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap I, 1S92, Vienna, 111.; s. Francis B. (b. A^ 7, 1S41, do.) and Nancy C. (Peterson) Thacker (b. Ag 8, 1849, do.). Prepared in V'ienna H. S.; 111. Coll., 1014-15. Phi Alpha. Representative, Smith Form-A-Truck Co., Baltimore. U. S. A.. Jefferson Barracks. Mo.; Corp., Hdqtrs. Co., 3rd. F. A., A. E. F., France. Address, Vienna. 111. 8814. ROSS HENRY THIELE .Architect: B. S. in A. E.; b. D 18, 1892, Ramsey, 111.: s. Louis Carl (b. Ag 4, 1859, Jerseyville, 111.) and Julia L. (Ross) Thiele (b. D 12. 1S67. Magnolia, 111.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; Wash. Univ., 1912; Univ. of Minn., summer, 1915. Alpha Rho Chi; .\rch. Club. Arch.. Detroit. 1917-18. Mem.. M. E. Church. Married Helen Hurlburt, Je 5, 191 7, Chicago. Child, Elizabeth Jane, b. Ap 2, 1918. Address, Ramsey, 111. 8815. CHARLES FREDERICK THOMAS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 31, 1804, Argenta. 111.; s. Edward Harry Thomas. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Address, Argenta, Ill.f 8816. JOE LEE THOMAS B. S. in Land. Card.; b. O 15, 1890, Sutton, W. Va.; s. F. D. Thomas. A. B., Lake Forest Coll. 1912. Lt., C. A. C, A. E. F., France. .4ddress, Charleston, Ill.t 8817. STANLEY JEREMIAH THOMAS (Brother of No. 6614) Plumber; B. S. in M. & S. E.: b. Ag 22, 1804, Vincennes, Ind.; s. Mifflin Kennedy (b. S '29. 1848, Canton, O.) and Nora Ellen (Glass) Thomas (b. D 11. i860, Vincennes, Ind.). Pre- pared in Vincennes (Ind.) H. S. Iris; Sigma Tau; Mu San; Soph. Cotillion Com.; Hobo Band Com.; Engng. Dance Com. Plumbing and Heating Bus,, Vincennes, Ind., 1917- Co. A.. 309th Engrs., IQ17; Sergt. Bugler, do.; Engrs. R. O. T. C. Camp Lee, Va.; 2nd Lt.. 20th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 191 8 — . Address 825 N. 6th St., Vincennes, Ind. lyi?] Baccalaureate Alumni 8818. GEORGE SYDNEY THOMPSON A. B. in Commerce; b. My 18, 1893, Mar- shalltown. la.; s. J. T. Thompson. Prepared in Kankakee H. S.; Univ. of Mich. fheta Delta Chi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Comitatus; Mgr., Varsity Track. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111.; 2nd Lt., Kelley Field, 1918; do., France Field. Panama, C. Z.; Mustered out, D 31, 1918. Address, no N. snd St., Elkhart, Ind.f 8819. ORLANDO STEPHEN THOMPSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 26, 1894, Harvey, 111.; s. Wilder (b. W. Va.) and Laura (Cloud) Thompson (b. Chester, Pa.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S., Harvey. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Polly Anna Randall, D 30, 1916, Harvey, 111. Address, 15226 Columbia Ave., Harvey, 111. 8820. RUSSELL HOPKINS THOMPSON A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 24, 1896, Sullivan. Ind.; s. .Will Andrew (b. 1861, do.) and Zoe Eileen (Hopkins) Thompson (b. 1869, Rens- selaer, Ind.). Prepared in Sullivan (Ind.) H. S. Delta Upsilon; Pres., Cml. Club. With Am. Bridge Co., (jary, Ind., 1918 — . Tr. Camp, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind.; Ft. Mon- roe, Va.; 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, U. S. A., Ft. H. G. Wright, N. Y., 1917; ist Lt., C. A., 30th Art.; Mustered out, D 17, 191 8. Address, 413 W. VVashington St., Sullivan, Ind.; bus. add., American Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. 8821. WILLIAM WHITE THOMSON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 3, 1896, Rockville, Ind.; s. W. B. Thomson. Prepared in Rock- ville (Ind.) H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Univ. Band; Univ. Orchestra; Glee and Mandolin Club. Address, Rockville, Ind.f 8822. JAMES HOTCHKISS TICKNOR B. S. in A. E.; b. My 25, 1893. Peoria; s. Fred (b. Ag 16, 1868, Springfield, 111.) and Mary Tibbals (Hotchkiss) Ticknor (b. N 8, 1868, El Paso, 111.). Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Tau; Gar- goyle. Co. 2, nth Provisional Regt., Ft. Sheridan, 1917; Hdqtrs. Co., 341st Inf. N. A., Camp Grant, 111.; ist Lt., 86th Div., 341st. Inf., France, 1918; do., 49th Inf., Le Mans, France. Address, 205 Randolph Ave., Peoria. 8823. MALCOLM NEWTON TODD Supt., Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 24, 1877, Stonington, Ind.; s. William Gran- ville (b. Lawrence Co., Ind.) and Elizabeth (Miller) Todd (b. do.). Prepared in Mitchell (Ind.) Acad.: Ind. Univ.; So. 111. Norm. Coll B. S., Danville Coll. Phi Delta Kappa. Supt. Schs., Carlyle, 111. Auth. : Sch. Playground Am. Sch. Bd. Jour.; Spelling and Penman ship Contests by Counties, Jour, of Educ; Na ture Study, Practical Teacher's Jour.; Manual on Cigarettes. Mem., Christian Church. Mar- ried (jrace Julia Heitmeier, Je 29, 191 1, Car- lyle, 111. Children: Malcom Clifford, b. Ap 10, 1 91 3; Jean Elizabeth, b. F 12, 191 6. Address, Carlyle, 111. 8824. THOMAS WILLIAM TOLMIE B. S. in A. E.; b. Je 23, 1892, Rockford, 111.; s. John Tolmie. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Chi Beta; Lambda Tau Rho; Psi Mu; Pres., Arch. Club; Varsity Baseball; Varsity Gym. Team; Varsity Swimming. .4ddress, 1027 Locust St., Dubuque, la. 8825. TEH-CHANG YEE CHENG TONG A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 3, 1890, China; s. C. G. Tong. Prepared in Ming Tah (China). Middle Sch.; Hunan Norm., China. Address, Hunan, China. t 8826. ALPHA CAROLINE TORNQUIST (Sister of No. 3207) Registrar; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Donovan, 111.; d. Andrew (b. Jl 13, 1857, Sweden) and Matilda (Johnson) Tornquist (b. Jl 14, 1855, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Achoth; H. Se. Club. Registrar, Sch. of Dom. Arts and Sc, Chicago, 191 7 — . Address, 408 Chalmers St., Champaign; bus. add., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 8827. ALEXANDER McJUNKIN TOWER B. S. in Ry. E. E.; b. Ag 10, 1895, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; s. A. M. (b. Ja 6, 1854. Ft. Wayne, Ind.) and Annie Iceland (Smith) Tow- er (b. F 21, 1859, New York City). Prepared in Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Highland Man. Tr. Sch. Sigma Nu; Sigma Xi; Sigma Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Graphomen; Homecoming Com.; Ed., Technograph; Sales Engr., Allied Const., Mach. Corp., New York City, 1917-18. Ord. Dept., U. S. R. Ry. and Seacoast Section, 1918; Lt., Ord. R. C; Mgng. Div., Ord. Dept., c/o Chief Ord. Officer, A. E. F., France. Address, 2535 S. Webster St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; c/o Allied Machinery Co., 120 Broadway, New York City. 8828. CLEMENT EDDY TROUT Corn Investigator; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 11, 1 89 1, Lakewood, 111.; s. C. J. (b. do.) and Velmah (Eddy) Trout (b. Shelby ville. 111.). Prepared in Shelbyville H. S. Prelim. Honors. Teacher, Centralia, 111., 1916-17; Scientific In- vestigator, Office of Corn Investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1917 — . Mem., Am. Soc. of Agron. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Wash- ington, D. C. 8829. WILLIAM CHILTON TROUTMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1918; b. Ja 27, 1892, Charleston, 111.; s. Thomas Allen (b. Je i, 1868, do.) and Rena (Chilton) Troutman (b. My 2, 1871, do.). Prepared in Charleston H. S. ; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-12. Phi Kappa Tau; Phi Beta Kappa; Adelphic; Pierrots; Mask and Bauble. Teacher, Eng., Lake Forrest Coll., 1918 — . Address, Carl Junction, Mo. 8830. GUSTAVE MORTON TUCKER B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. My z, 1896, Chicago; s. Abraham Tucker. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Tech. Jr. Coll. Stud. Branch, Am. Ceram. Engng. Soc. Address, 1448 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. t 8831. ALEXANDER HARVEY TURNER (Brother of No. 6627) Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 11, 1894, Gifford, 111.; s. Harvey J. (b. My 31. 1838, Coshocton, O.) and Jennie (Craigmile) Turner (b. D 27, 1861, Hinsdale, 111.). Prepared in Loda H. S. Agr. Club; Prelim. Honors. Farmer, Tompkins, Sackatchewan, Can., 1917; do.. Loda, 111., 1917. F. A., O. T. S., i6th Bat., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; 2nd Lt.. Sch. of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 20, 191 8. Address, Loda, 111. 8832. CHARLES EDWARD TURNER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D i, 1894. Mt. Sterling, 111.; s. Charles Hall (b. My 8, 1865, Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Carrie Ella (Smith) Turner (b. F 23, 1862, Dwight, 111.). Pre- pared in Mt. Sterling H. S. Jr. Cap Com.; Treas., Jr. Class; Y. M. C. A. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt., Co. H., 166th Inf., Rainbow Div., A. E. F., France. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Mt. Sterling, 111. 702 University of Illinois llQI7 8833. CHESTER CHARLES TURNER Instructor; B. S. in Agr., b. Jl 2, 1892, Ur- bana; s. Charles (b. Mr 16, 1868 Paris, 111.) and Fannie (Miller) Turner (b. F 11, 1870, De- catur, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, Agr. and Biol., Mendota, 111., 1917-18; Instr., Vocational Agr. under Smith-Hughes plan, Gurnee, 111., 1918 — . Address, Gurnec, 111. 8834. JAMES PIERCE TUTHILL Civ. Engr. ; B. S. in C. E. ; b. Jl 10, 189:;, Omaha, Neb.; s. Samuel C. (b. Ag 13, 1857, Blooming Grove, N. Y.) and Mary (Pierce) Tuthill (b. Ap 30, 1857, Wayne, 111.). Pre- |)ared in Elgin H. S. Beta Phi; Theta Tau. Civ. Engr., Elgin, 111. 2nd Lt., Air Service; Mustered out, Ja 15, 1919. Mem., A. S. A. S. Address, 141 N. Porter Ave., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., 510 Metropolitan Bldg., East St. Louis, HI. 8835. BRUCE VAN CLEAVE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 28, 1895, Chicago; s. James R. B. (1). i860, Knoxville. 111.) and Josephine Helen (Sweich) Van Cleave (b. i860, Richmond. Mo.). Prepared in Spring- held H. S.; Howe (Ind.) H. S. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Psi. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheri- dan, 111.; 2nd Lt., Inf. R. C., 1917; 342nd Inf., Camp Grant, 111.; :st Lt., Inf., do., 1918 — •. Married Mary Durham Vennum, D I, 1917, Evanston. 111. Address, 11 19 S. 4th St., Springfield. 111. 8836. FRANK MACKNET VAN DEVENTER Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Mr 21. 1894, Carlinville, 111.; s. Clarence James (b. Ap 15, 186s) and Martha Florence (Macknet) Van Deventer (b. .Vg 17. 1869). Prepared in De- catur H. S.; James Millikin Univ., 1912-15. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. Asst. Operating Engr., I. T. S.; Engr.. Nat. Tube Co.. Pittsburgh U. .S. Steel Corp., Ord. Dept., Neville Island Ord. Works. Mem., Commons Club, Decatur, 111. Married Clora Mae Patterson, D 24, 191 8, Decatur, III. Address, 1271 Benton Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa.; bns. add., 1702 Fric Bldg., do. 8837- EARL HENRY VAN DYKE Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 20, 1893, Ken- dall Co.. 111.; s. Charles Albert (b. Ag 2, 1865, do.) and Ella E. Van Dyke (b. Ap 18, 1866, Grindy Co., 111.). Prepared in Plainfield H. S. Beta Upsilon. Married Bessie Marie Pike, Ag 2, 191 7. Address, Plainfield. 111. 8838. JAMES CRAIG VAN METER LL. B.; b. Ag 25, 1895, Charleston, 111.; s. John (b. My 26, 1858, do.) and Ina (Craig) Van Meter (b. Je 4. 1869, Mattoon, 111.). Pre- pared in Mattoon H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Order of the Coif. Two Schol- arships. 2nd. Lt., Inf. R. C, A. E. F., France, A. P. O., 714. Address, Mattoon, 111. S839. ALEX VAN PRAAG, JR B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 29, 1896, Little Falls, Minn.: s. Ale.x (b. D 12, 1854, Utrecht, Hol- land) and Rachel (Davis) Van Praag (b. N 18, 1855. .'\msterdam, Holland). Prepared in Decatur H. S.; James Millikin Univ., 1913-15. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd. Lt., 331st. M. G. Bn., Camp Grant, 111.. 1917-18; do., 332nd. M. G. Bn., Camp Grant, 111., 1918; ist Lt., 332nd M. G. Bn., A. E. F., France. Address, 1004 N. Monroe St.. Deca- tur, 111. 8840. PAUL KIETH VAN WINKLE Bond Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. F 17. 1S95, Sparta, Mich.; s. George J. and Ada (Baldwin) Van Winkle (b. Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., (Chicago. Iris. Invest- ment Bonds. Married Eleanor Bell. Address, 1253 Foster Ave., Chicago. 8841. EARL CHARLES VEDDER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 15, 1S94, Lock port, N. Y.; s. C. R. Vedder. Prepared in Hobart Coll. Address, R. 9, Lockport, N. Y. 884.-. MARIS HURFORD VERNON Engineer; B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 18, 1894. Mt. Cuba, Del.; s. Horace G. (b. do.) and Vir- ginia R. (Townsend) Vernon (b. Kimbleville, Pa.>. Prepared in Preslio and Moline H. Schs. Phi Gamma Delta. 73rd Spruce Pro- duction Div., B. A. P., U. S. A.. Camp i-B, Clatsop, Ore. Address, 812, 17th St., Moline, 111. 8843. W^LLARD LEWIS VEIRS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 4. 1S94, Mayview. 111.; s. Wesley (b. Elizabethtown, Ky.) and Betty (Mooreman) Veirs (b. Tip Top, Ky.). Prepared in Urbana H. S.; Hartford (Conn.) Public H. S.; Grove City Coll., Grove City, v Pa. Med. Stud.. Rush Med. Coll. Enlisted Med. Reserve Corps, U. S. A., 1918 — . Ad- dress, 702 W. Elm St., Urbana; bus. add., 79 Middle Divinity Hall, Univ. of Chicago. 8844. GOLDA WADSWORTH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 14, 1891, Odon, Ind.; d. John W. (b. Ja 29, 1866, do.) and F'lora Alice (Hattery) Wadsvvorth (b. S 18. 1867, do.). Prepared in Connersville (Ind.) H. S.; Earlham Coll.; De Pauw Univ., 1911-12. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher, Con- nersville, Ind., 1917 — . Address, R. 2. Box 118, Connersville, Ind. 8845. KARL MARSHALL W.\GGONER B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 19. 1894, Decatur, 111.; s. C. S. Waggoner. Prepared in James Milli- kin Univ. Address. 1276 N. Water St., Deca- tur, Ill.t SS46. GUY EARL WAKEL.\ND (Brother of No. 9464) Cereal Investigator; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 25, 18S9, La Jara, Colo.; s. Edwin Sumner (b. Ja 16, 1861, Marion Co., Ind.) and Lena Emeline (Chapman) Wakeland (b. Ag 29. 1865, Winnebago Co., 111.). Prepared in Iloopeston H. S. Field Asst., Office Cereal Invest., Bur. of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1917-18. Co. B, .315th Field Signal Bn., 90th Div., Berncastel, (Ter., 1918 — . Ad- dress, Hoopeston. 111. 8847. ABNER WESTON WALDO A. B. in Commerce; b. D 4. 1895. Highland Park, 111.; s. Albro Waters (b. Chicago) and Ella Wilhelmina (Hochschild) Waldo (b. Har- vard. 111.). Prepared in Deerfield-Shields Tp. H. S.. Highland Park; Beloit Coll.. Beloit, Wis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. U. S. N.. Great Lakes, 111.; Asst. Paymaster, Ensign. Supply Dept., Navy Yd., N. Y., 1917 — . Address, 360 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 8848. ABRAM FRANKLIN WALKER (Brother of No. 7282) Farmer: B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 29, 1894, Franks, 111.; s. Edward Samuel (b. Mr 20, 1866. Waterman, 111.) and Ella Sarah (StrahD Walker (b. F i. 1868, near Des Moines). Pre- pared in West Aurora H. S. Agr. Club. Far- mer, Wheat Ranches, Can.. 1917. A. S. S. C, Eng.. 1917; 370th .\ero Sqdn., France. Ad- dress, 105 Prairie St., Aurora. 8849. STANTON WALKER Concrete Research Work; B. S. in Mun. & San. E.: b. Mr 18, 1894. Vevay, Ind.: s. Har- vey E. (b. D 22. 1873, Rising Sun, Ind.) and Emma Deane (Williamson) Walker (b. Je 5, 1875, Florence, Ind.). Prepared in Peoria H. 1917] B ACCALAUKKAl E Al-U :\I X I 70.^ II.: Uriiaua H. S. ^ Mu San. Portland Cement .\ssn.. Research Concrete, Struct. Materials, Research Lab., Lewis Inst., Chicago. Married Amelia Bertha Ramseyer. Ag 12, 1916, Cham- paign. Child, Emil Stanton, b. (and died) S 12, 1917. Address, 434 N. Homan Ave., Chi- cago. 8850. MARGARET MAGDALENE WALK- ERLY (REAGAN) (Wife of No. 8693; Sister of Nos. 6640, 7283) A. B. in Commerce: b. Je 27, 1896, C.rete, 111.; d. Magdalena Walkerly. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Married Maurice Edwin Reagan ('17), Ag 11, 1917, Kansas City, Mo. Cliild. Edwin Maurice, b. Je 2, 1918. Ad- dress, 4200 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 8851. HARRIETT EDYTPIE WALL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 7, 1894, Staunton, 111.; d. W. P. Wall. Prepared in Staunton H. S.; Blackburn Coll. Delta Gamma. Ord. Dept., Washington, D. C; Q. M. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1919 — . Address, Staimton, 111. 8852,, EDGAR DEARBORN WALLACE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 19, 1892, Chi- cago; s. James F. (b. Mr 29, 1867, Portsmouth, O.) and Caroline Elizabeth (Edgar) Wallace (b. S 5, 1867, Howell, Mich.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. ; Mercersburg and Lake Forest Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, summer 1916. Delta Tau Delta. 2nd Lt., Co. L., 335 Inf., 84 Div., A. E. F.. France; ist Lt., Co. G., I St Div.. 28th Inf., do. Address, c/o Nat. Bank of the Republic, Chicago. 8853. JOSEPH CHARLES WALMER A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 9, 1893, Ludlow, Ky. ; s. Charles Walmer. Prepared in Cairo H. S.; N. W. Mil. Acad. Acacia. Address, 2701 Washington St., Cairo, Ill.t 8854. STEPHEN ALBERT WALSER (Brother of No. 7284) B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 3, 1894, Sussex Gardens, London, Eng. ; s. Conrad (b. Ja 9. 1852, St. Gall, Switzerland) and Alice (Kaltenbach) Walser (b. Jl 6, 1862, Singapore). Prepared in Tonbridge Coll.. Kent, Eng.; Aunen Gym- nasium, Dresden. Ger.; Bus. Coll., do. Cos- mopoitan Club; Le Cercle Francais; Der Deut- sche Verein; Agr. Club; Pres., Philomathean; Mask and Bauble. Grad. Stud, and Asst., Bacteriol., Univ. of 111., 1917. 2nd Lt., U. S. A., Interpreters Corps, c/o Hdqtrs., 31st Div., Camp Wheeler, Ga. Address, 296 .Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8855. JOHN EDWARD WALSH B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 25, 1889, Peoria; s. James Walsh. Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Peoria; Bradley Poly. Inst. Address, 200 N. Elizabeth St., Peoria. t 8856. LEO BERNARD WALSH Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 21, 1893, R=in« toul. 111.; s. M. A. Walsh. Prepared in Ran- toul H. S.; St. Viator Coll. Agr. Club: Var- sity Basketball. Farmer, 1917-18; Teacher. Agr., H. S., Sparta, 111., 1918. 2nd Lt., Inf., 74th Co., M. G. Bn.. Camp Dodge, la.; do., Camp Hancock, Ga.; Mustered out, D 13, 1918. Address, Rantoul, 111.; bus. add., Momence, III. 8857. PRENTICE THERMAN WALTERS Supt., Schs.: A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 17, 1888, Table Grove, 111.; s. M. C. (b. Je as, 1856, do.) and Addie (Taylor) Walters (b. D 22, 1869, Bernadotte, 111.). Prepared in West. 111. St. Norm. Supt., Schs., Loda, 111. Mar- ried Mabel West, Ag i, 1916 (died D 21, 1917). Child, Elizabeth lane, b. D 15, 1917. Address, Loda, 111. 885S. JA.MKS KELLY WALTON, JR. B. S. in Agr.; b. F 18, 1891, Jonesboro, 111.; s. James K. (b. F 12, 1866, do.) and Susan P (Storm) Walton (b. F 22, 1868, Decaturville. Tenn.). Prepared in Anna H. S.; Agr. Coll., Ames, Ta., 1912-13. R. O. T. C, Ft. Shcri dan. 191 7: .?nd T-t., U. S. R., 191 7 — . Address. Anna, III. 8850. *MANJKRRE BARLOW WARE B S. in Agr.; b. D 19, 1895, Kenilworth, 111.; s. Charles (b. Je 9. 1865, Plainfield, N. J.; and Fannie (.Manierre) Ware (b. F 15, i860. Chicago). Prepared in New Trier H. S., Win- netka. Theta Delta Chi; Scabbard and Blade; Maj. Univ. Brig.; I'relim. Honors, ist. Lt., 362nd. Inf., Camp Lewis, Wash., 1917-18. Killed in action, France, O 12, 1918. 8860. LAMBERTUS WARMOLTS, JR. A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 18, 1893, Chi- cago; s. L. Warmolts, Sr. Prepared in Ore- gon H. S. Capt., Univ. Brig. Address, Oregon, Ill.t 8861. DANIEL EDWIN WARREN Accountant; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 11, 1887, Belvidere, 111.; s. Edwin VV. (b. S 4, 1856, Akron, N. Y.) and Stella E. (Foote) Warren (b. My 24. 1856, Belvidere, 111.). Prepared in North Belvidere H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Choral Soc. F'arm Acct. Investigator, Dept. Farm Organization and Mgmt., Univ. of 111. in Hancock Co., 111., 191 7 — . Address, Elvaston, 111. 8862. LOUISE HALE WATERMAN (HESS) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 26, 1896, Morgan Park, 111.; d. Harry Plale and Ida May (Vier- ling) Waterman. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Pi Beta Phi. Married Paul David Hess, S 30, 1918, Chicago. Address, Rock Springs, Wyo. 8863. MARY ELIZABETH WATERMAN (GAMBLE) (Wife of No. 6250) A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ag 24, 1894, Lin- coln, Neb.; d. J. H. (b. Mr 5, 1853, Lisha's Kill, N. Y.) and Elizabeth (Lansing) Water- man (b. My 26, 1855, do.). Prepared in Lincoln and Galesburg H. Schs. A. B., Knox Coll., 1916. Red Cross Instr^ Surgical Dress- ing. 191S. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Donald Gamble ('13), F 20, 1919. Address, 926 N. Broad St., Galesburg, 111. 8864. RAY MARCUS WATSON B. S. in Agr.; b. O 15, 1891, Cobden, HI.; s. Able Jefferson (b. F 8, 1858, do.) and Lydia Louisa (Trees) Watson (b. S 17, 1861, do.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Pi Pi Rho. Wrestling Team. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1Q17; 2nd Lt., U. S. A., Camp Grant, 111., 1917. Address, Cobden, 111. 8865. LILLIAN RUTH WEAVER A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ag 17, 1895, Cumberland, la.; d. Dr. A. Weaver. Prepared in Drake Univ.; Univ. of Wis. Alpha Chi Omega. Ad- dress, Cimiberland, la. 8866. FREDERICK FARR.\R WEBSTER Foreman; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 21, 1891, Indianapolis; s. Frederick and Josephine H. (Farrar) Webster (London, O.). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) H. S.; Oberlin Acad.; Ober- lin Coll., 1913-14; Univ. of Wis., 1914. Tribe of mini; Varsity Track. Foreman, Anneal- ing Dept., Cleveland Wire Div.. Nat. Lamp Works, Gen. Elec. Co. Married Helen Wight- man Grommon, Je 19, 1918, Plainfield, 111. Address, 51 S. Professor St., Oberlin, O. 704 Univeksxtv of Illinois I191; 8867. GLADIS GILBERT WEBSTER Chemist; B. S. in Agr. ; b, Ag 22, 1893, Odon, Ind. ; s. Noah M. (b. S 18, 1865. Martin Co., Ind.) and Mary Elizabeth (Hayes) Webster (b. le 7, 1861, Greene Co., Ind.), Prepared in Washington (Ind.) H. S. Acanthus; Lambda Tau Rho; Agr. Club; Univ. Band. Benzol Still Operator, Benzol Plant, Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., Youngstown, O., 1917-18. Gas Defense Service, San. Corps, U. S. A., As- toria, Long Island, N. Y., 1918; Mustered out, D 14, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 2218 Logan Ave., Youngstown, O. ; bus. add., Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Benzol Dept., do. 8868. RUTH A. WEENINK B. S. in H. So.; b. Je 4, 1894. Dillon, Mont.; d. H. D. Weenink. Prepared in Beaverhead Co. H. S. Address, 409 Atlantic St., Dillon, Mont.t 8869. RUTH CARMEN WEIL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 7, 1895. Chicago; d. Louis (b. Mr 31, 1861, Ger.) and Lena (Seligman) Weil (b. Ap 25, 1871, do.). Prepared in Oelwein (la.) H. S.; N. W. Univ., 1913-14. Le Cercle Francais; Der Deutsche V'erein. Teacher, Eng. and Ger. Tp. H. S., Pawnee, 111., 1917 — . Address, 140 N. Fred- erick St.. Oelwein, la. 8870. LAURA ELIZABETH WEILEPP (Sister of No. 7293) A. B. in II. Sc; b. Mr 8, 1895, Cisco, 111.: d. F. S. Weilepp. Prepared in Decatur H. S.; James Millikin Univ. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Illiola; H. Sc. Club; ist. and and. Cabinet, Y. W. C. A. Address, 631 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur, 111. 8871. ELIZABETH WEINBERG (Sister of Nos. 3598, 4485, 8052) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 27, 1895, Augusta, 111.; d. Mose (b. Ja s, 1859, do.) and Flora Jane (Bolton) Weinberg (b. Ap 20, 1862, Dushore, Pa.). Prepared in Rushville H. S. Alpha Delta Pi. Sec, Sr. Illinae; Sr. Council, \Voman's League. Teacher, H. Sc, n. S., Oblong, 111. Address, Rushville. 111.; bits, add.. Oblong, 111. 8872. MARION VIRGINIA WEISS (OCHELTREE) A. B. in H. Sc, b. S 9, 1893, Pukwana, S. Dak.; d. Frank E. (b. My 30, 1862, Cassville, Wis.) and Nannie (Conaway) Weiss (B: My 5. 1870, Monticello, 111.). Prepared in S. Dak. Wesleyan Univ. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Married Maurice Ocheltree, Ag 22, 1918, Danville, 111. Address, 842 N. Main St., Rockford, 111. 8873. DAVID CHARLES WELTY • Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 10, 1895, Amboy, HI.; s. Charles Fremont Welty. Prepared in Amboy H. S. Class Basketball; Class Base- ball. Address, Amboy. Ill.f 8874. LINNIE WEST (DAVIS) (Wife of No. 8263) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 25, 1892, Watseka. 111.; d. James O. (b. do.) and Anna Mary (Warren) West (b. Woodland, 111.). Prepared in Watseka H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch.. 1911-13. Teacher, H. S., Monmouth, 111., 1017-18. Married Milton Russell Davis ('17), Mr 20, 1918, Chicago. Address, 1050 P St., Fresno, Calif. 8S75. JAMES HERRON WESTBAY Fuel Inspector; B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Mr 18, J 894, Monett, Mo.; s. Harry Herron (b. O 29, 1863, Duncan Falls. O.) and Mae (Lr)pp) Westbay (b. N 21, 1871, Humansville, Mo.). Prepared in Monett (Mo.) H. S.; Univ. of Mo., 1912-15. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Ry. Club. Special Apprentice, A. T. & S. F. Ry.. Chanute, Kan., 1917; Asst. Fuel Insp., C. C. C. & St. L. Ry.. Indianapolis, 1917 — • Corp., 350th Inf., Mach. Gun Co., A. P. O. 795, A. E. F., France. Address, Room 617 7th St., Monett, Mo.; bus. add.. Room 308 Majestic Bldg., Indianapolis. 8876. JESSIE BEATRICE WESTON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ag 13, i885. Red Bluff. Calif.; d. Henrv (b. 1840, Middleboro, Mass.) and Augusta S. (Barker) Weston (b. 1848, Montville Me.). Prepared in West La- fayette (Ind.) H. S.; Purdue Univ.. 1903-05. Ph. B.. LTniv. of Chicago, 1907. Final Honors. Lib. .Asst., Univ. of 111., 1917; Dir., Tr. Class, Pub. Lib., Milwaukee. 1918 — . Address, 2029 Grand Ave., Milwaukee. 8877. ADELAIDE CYNTHIA WHEELER B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 29, 1895, Grant Park, 111.; d. Thomas J. Wheeler. Prepared in Ft. Dodge (la.) H. S.; la. St. Coll. Sigma Kappa. Address, Laurens, la.f SS78. nVILLIAM ERASTAS WHEELER, JR. LL. B. ; b. F 10, 1894, Ann Arbor, Mich.; s. W. E. Wheeler. Prepared in East St. Louis H. S. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Bd. of Oratory and Debate; Egyptian Club. Q. M. Corps, loth U. S. Inf.. Damon, Tex., 1917. Died O, 1918, San Antonio, Tex. 8879. AGNES CHLOE WHITE Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Jl 10. 1895, Cereal Springs, 111.; d. George B. White. Pre- pared in Marion Tp. H. S. Alpha Delta Pi; Yo Ma: W. A. A. Asst. Dietitian, St. Lukes Hosp., Chicago. .Address, 600 S. Market St., Marion, 111.; bus add., c/o St. Lukes Hospital, Chicago. 8880. MARION KINGSLEY WHITE (Sister of No. 2542) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 26, 1894, St. Joseph, Mo.; d. Henry Kirke (b. Jl 16, 1840, Newmansville, Fla.) and Emily Gertrude (Blanchard) White (b. Ap i, i860, Blue Island, 111.). Prepared in Central H. S., St. Joseph, Mo. Pi Beta Phi; Yo Ma; H. Sc. Club; Kappa Delta Pi; Prelim, and Final Honors. Teacher, H. Sc. and Mgr., Cafeteria, Robidoux H. S., St. Joseph, Mo. Address, 503 S. nth St., St. Joseph, Mo. 8881. VIVIAN JUSTINA WHITING Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. D 14, 1894, Peoria; d. Elmer (b. Je 13, 1861. Kickapoo, 111.) and Emma M. (Dawson) Whiting (b. S 13, 1861, Oak Hill, 111.). Prepared in Elm- wood H. S. Teacher, H. Sc and Ger., Paris, Mo., 191 7 — . Address, Paris, Mo. 8882. JOSEPH LAFETON WHITNEY A. B. in Commerce; b. S 7, 1894, Hubbard, la.; s. Alexander F. and Grace Elizabeth (Marshman) Whitney (b. O 27, 1873, Galion, O.). Prepared in Eagle Grove (la.) H. S. ; Austin H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa Psi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Mgr., Interschol. Circus. Flying Cadet, U. S. A., 1917; Reserve Mil. Aviator; 2nd Lt., Flying Instr., Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex., 1 918 — . Address, 179 Linder Ave., Oak Park, 111. 8883. LEONARD HILLIARD WHITNEY B. S. in Min. E.; b. F 22, 1894, Downers Grove, 111.; s. George Whitney. Prepared in Downers Grove H. S. 2nd Lt.. F. A.; ist Lt., Bat. D. 331st F. A., Camp Grant, 111.; do., . A. E. F.. France; Mustered out, F 22, 1919. Address, Downers Grove, 111. Baccalaureate Alumni 1917I 8884. JENNIE ALMA WRITTEN A. B. in L. A. S: S.; A. M., 1918; b. Ja 3. 1894, La Prairie Center, 111.; d. Charles Wil- liam (b. Ag 6, 1871, Stark Co., 111.) and Hen- rietta (Leigh) Whitten (b. D 24, i873. Marshall Co., 111.). Prepared in De Kalb Tp. H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-13. University Choristers; Women's Glee Club. Address, De Kalb, 111. 8885. BERTHA HARRIS WILES A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 17, 1896, Sedalia, Mo.; d. Edgar Marshall (b. Plattsmouth, Neb.) and Marv (Harris) Wiles (b. Cottage Grove, Wis.). Prepared in Central and Westport H. Schs., Kansas City, Mo. A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1918. Phi Beta Kappa; Alethenai; W. A. A.; Cflass Hockey. Scholarship in Classics, Univ. of Wis., 191S-19. Address, 3319 Gillham Road, Kansas City, Mo. 8886. HARRY HOUGH ES WILEY Surveyor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. N 6, 1891, Sioux C;ity, la.; s. William E. (b. 1854. Free- port, 111.) and Frances Gray (Cox) Wiley (b. Lytton Cheney, Dorsetshire, Eng.). Prepared in Sioux City H. S.; Morningside Coll. R. R. Surveyor, B. & O. R. R., Chicago. U. S. Mili- tary Mapping Service, 1918-19. Address. 181 9 Pierce St.. Sioux City, la.; biis. add., 1508 Larrabee St., Chicago. 8887. ROBERT NICHOLAS WILFORD With Texas Oil Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 20, 1892, De Soto, Wis.; s. James Lewis (b. Ta 30, 1867 and Ellen Elizabeth (Angell) Wilford (b. Ag 23, 1868, Lansing, la.). Pre- pared in West Aurora H. S. Agr. Club; Acan- thus; Prelim. Honors; Class Football; Class Basketball. Tractor Demonstrator, Tex. and N. M., 1 91 7; With Texas_ Oil Co. Refiners, Port Arthur, Te.x. U. S. N. A., Camp (jrant. Rockford, 111., 1917; U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Flying Cadet, Rich Field. Waco, Tex., 1918; Mustered out. Married Marianne Earhart, S 4, 1918, Montgomery. Ala. Address, 2040 Proctor St., Port Arthur, Tex. 8888. CHESTER ALBERT WILLIAMS B. S. in Arch.; b. N 6, 1894, Sterling, 111.; s. A. A. Williams. Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Psi Mu; Arch. Club; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Class Football. Address, 205 19th Ave., Sterling, 111. 8889. ALLEN CENTER WILSON B. S. in C. E.; b. N 26, 1893, Chicago; s. Stephen R. (b. Ottawa, 111.) and (jenevieve ((Tenter) Wilson (b. do.). Prepared in Mc- Kinley H. S., Chicago; Lewis Inst., 1911-12. Sigma Pi: C. E. Soc; Capt. Univ. Brig. Lt., Inf., Ft. Sheridan, 1917; do.. Ft. Douglas, Salt Lake City, 1918; do.. Camp Funston, Kan., 1918. .Address, 225 Cossitt Blvd., La Grange, 111. 8890. GROVER C. WILSON B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 31, 1893, Holstein, la.; s. Thomas H. (b. S 27, 1S56, Oil Well City, Pa.) and Eva L. (Cox) Wilson (b. Ap 21, 1858, Prophetstovvn, 111.). Prepared in Walnut H. S. Eta Kappa Nu: E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Central Station Inst., Chicago, 1917- ist Class Gunner, C. A. C, Ft. MacArthur. Cal., 1917-18; 5th Co., R. O. T. C, C. A. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918. Ad- dress, Walnut, III. 8891. VERNA WIRT Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. F 20, 1890, Le- Roy. 111.; d. Edward M. (b. 1870, Ellsworth, 111.) and Mary Jane (Martin) Wirt (b. 1869, Le Roy, 111.). Prepared in Le Roy H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1908-09, 1010-12. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Kanpa Delta Pi, Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Valley City, 111., 191 7—. Ad- dress, Le Roy, 111.; bus. add.. Valley City, III. 705 8892. FREMONT RHILIP WIRTH A. B. in L. A. & S.; A. M., 1918; b. Ap 24 1890, Waterloo, 111.; s. Phillip (b. Millstadt 111.) and Mary (Metzger) Wirth (b. Waterloo HI.). Prepared in Central Wesleyan Coll. Warrentown, Mo.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Cos mopolitan Club; Kappa Delta Pi; Pres. Adel phic. 2nd Lt., Inf., is8th Depot Brig., Camp Taylor; do., Camp Sherman; Mustered out, D II, 1918. Address. Waterloo, la.; bus. add., 708 S. 4th St., Champaign. 8893. WALTER VALENTINE WIRTH Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. F 14, 1895 Mt. Carmel, 111.; s. Karl W. Wirth. Prepared in Mt. Carmel H. S. Alpha Chi Sigma; Ph' Lambda Upsilon; Univ. Band; Chem. Club Prelim. Honors. Chem., Newport Chem Works, Inc., Milwaukee, 1918. Married Flor ence Pepin, Ag 3, 1918, Gwinn, Mich. Ad dress, .\pt, 508, 459 Juneau Place, Milwaukee 8894. ELIZABETH PAULINE WISEGARVER Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ag 3, 1895, De Land, 111.; d. Smith (b. Je 20, 1868, do.) and Shelly Wynona (Campbell) Wisegarver (b. Ja 19, 1873), Prepared in De Land H. S.; Eu- reka Coll., 1912-1S. Bethany Circle. Teacher. H. Sc, H. S., Clinton, 111., 1918— . Address. De Land. 111.; bus. add., 223 S. Madison St., Clinton, Ill.f 8895. ELSA CAROLINE WOLF B. S. in Land. Card.; b. D 31, 1885, Ed- wardsville, 111.; d. Frederick William (b. Ap 30, 1840, do.) and Anna Caroline (Kohler) Wolf (b. Ag 7, 1854, Philadelphia). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S. ; Wilson Coll.; Randolph Macon Women's Coll.; Lowthorpe Sch., Gro- ton, Mass. Supt., Community War Garden, 1918. Reconst. Aide, Occupational Theropy, U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. No. 38. East View, N. Y. Address, c/o G. A. E- Kohler, 11 1 N. Jefferson St., Chicago; bus. add., Kenilworth, 111, 8896. YIN WOO A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 25, 1887, Pin Yen Dist.; s. Yon-nee Woo. Prepared in Kwang Tung Gov. H. S. Address, Kwang Tung, China. t 8897. HELEN ERNESTINE WOODCOCK Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b, Ag 13, 1892 Ogden, Utah; d. Ernest Castello (b. Jl 29, i860 Byron, 111.) and Jessie Amanda (Kirkpatrick) Woodcock (b. Je s, 1863, Fairbury, 111,). Pre pared in Boise (Idaho) H. S. H. Sc. Club. Teacher, H. Sc, Schs., Salt Lake City. Mem. M. E. Church. Address, 863 2Sth St., Ogden Utah. 8898. ANDREW CHEVALIER WOODS, JR. B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 2, 1894, Cincinnati; s. Andrew C. (b. D 6, 1865, West Baton Rouge, La.) and Leila Abi (Leonard) Woods (b. Mr 14. 1871, Cumberland, Md.). Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Sr. Hat Com.; Sr, Invi- tation Com.; Class Treas. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; Top Sergt., Engrs. Ord. Dept.; Camp Hancock, Ga. Married Alice N. Beh- rendt, Ja 10, 1918, Augusta, Ga. Address, 5334 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. 8899. LOIS MAY WOODS Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Ap 8, 1892, Maza, N. Dak.; d. William Jefferson (b. N 28 1853, Waverly, 111.) and Lucy (Henderson) Woods Cb. F 17, iif>A. White Hall, 111.). Prepared in Berkeley (Calif.) H, S. A. B., Univ. of Calif., 1915. Asst., Cataloguer, Stanford Univ., 1917. Address. Stanford Univ., Box 1274, Palo Alto, Calif. 7o6 University of Illinois [1918 8900. RALF CHARLES WOODS (Husband of Xo. 8441; Brother of No. 8901) Phys. Dir.; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 2, 1895, Hal- stead. Kan.; s. John David (b. Je 3, 1853, Va.) and Mary Belle (Guthrie) Woods (b. My 3, 1862, Blooniington, 111.). Prepared in Evan- ston H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Varsity Basket- ball; mini Trustee, Supt., H. S., Rollo, HI., 1917-18. Phys. Dir., Y. M. C. A., Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 1918. Married Edith E. Hud- son ('17), S 22, 1917, Chicago. Child, Eliza- beth Stanhope, b. Je 18, 191S. Address, 4447 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. 8901. RAY JAMES WOODS (Brother of No. 8900) A. B. in Commerce; b. F 2, 1895, Halstead, Kan.; s. John David (b. Je 3, 1853, Va.) and Mary Belle (Guthrie) Woods (b. My 3, 1862, Rloomington, 111.). Prepared in Evanston H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; !Ma-wan-da; Capt.. Varsity Basketball. 2nd Lt.. Inf. R. C; Sch. for Aerial Observers, Ft. Sill, Okla., 1917; 2nd Lt., 85th Aero Sqdn., Toul, France, 1Q17 — . Address, 822 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. 8902. HAROLD FRANCIS WOODYATT A. B. in Commerce; b. O 20, 1894, Dixon. 111.; s. A. C. Woodvatt. Prepared in Dixon H. S. Chi Phi; Helmet; Univ. Band; Stud. Council. U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of 111., 1918—; jnd Lt., do,; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 808 W. jnd St., Dixon, Ill.t 8903. JOSEPH WILLIAM WRIGHT Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. O 31, 1893, Herscher, 111.; s. Edward Philbrick (b. 1858, Pilot, 111.) and Mary B. (Brayier) Wright (b. 1853, Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Kappa Tau: Keramos. Ceram. Engr., L^ S. Bur. of Standards, Pitts- biirgh, 191 7: do.. Macbeth Evans Glass Co.. Charleroi. Pa.. 1918 — -. Ai:th. : A Study of Some Dental Cements, Joiir. of Dental Re- search. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. Address, 40th and Butler St., Pittsburgh. 8904. WEI YOH WU B. S. in E. E.; b. My 10, 1891, China; s. Yu Chu Wu. Prepared in Chu Sze .\cad. Chinese Club. Westinghouse Elec. Co., Wil- kinsburg, Pa. Address, Hunan, China. t 8905. TSAO SHING YANG B. S. in E^ E. ; b. O 9, 1893, Singhwa, Hunan, China; s. Shao-Yuen and Mei-Kwon (Lew) Yang. Prepared in Hunan Poly. Inst., Chang- sha, China. M. S., Syracuse Univ., 191 8. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmopolitan Club. Auth.: Prefatory Introduction, Chinese Essay Writing by S. P. Young, Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1918. Mem., A. I. E. E.; Chinese Eng. Soc; Pi Mu Epsilon. Address, 714 S. Crouse Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. 8906. GAN CHYO YEE Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Je 11, 1895, Hunan, China; s. Ize Ching (b. " Changning, Hunan, China) and Kwan (Nieh) Yee. Pre- l^ared in^ King-Tsin Middle Sch., Changsha. Hunan, China; Chinese Repub. Inst., Shanghai. China. Chera. Club. Chemist. Aetna Ex- plosives Co., Huntingdon, Pa. Address 503 1 2th St., Huntingdon, Pa. 8907. ARTHUR TATARIAN YOUNG A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 12, 1895, Chicago: s. William Foster (b. F 11, 1867, Memphis. Tenn.) and Laura (Pierce) Young (b. Ag 28, 1873, Blooniington, 111.). Prepared in Austin H. S., Chicago; LTniv. of Wis., summer 1916. Acacia; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi. ist Lt., U. S. A., Hdqtrs. Regt., A. E. F.. France. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 5506 Rice St., Chicago. 8908. JAN PAUL ZALESKI B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. Je 24, 1888, Zalesic, Russia: s. Frank Zaleski. Prepared in Rus- sia Schs. Cosmopolitan Club; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc. U. S. A.. 191S— . Co. L, 349th Inf., Camp Dodge, la.; Sergt., do.. France, 1918. Recovering from serious wounds re- ceived in action, base hospital, France. Ad- dress, 318 Indiana Ave., Kankakee, Ill.t CLASS OF 1918 (608 LIVING, 3 DEAD) 8909. HOWARD GREEN ABBOTT (Son of No. 416; Brother of Nos. 4043, 4044, 6687, 8909) B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 8, i8g6, Morrison, 111.; s. Alfred Noyes ('85), (b. N 2, 1862. Union Grove, 111.) and Sarah G. (Green) Abbott (b. Jules Prairie. 111.). Prepared in Morrison H. S. Address, Morrison, Ill.t 8910. ALICE NOWELL ACKERT (DOISY) (Wife of No. 6206) B. S. in H. S.; b. Mr 16, 1S94, Dixon, 111.; d. Abram Ackert. Prepared in Dixon H. S. Al pha Delta Pi; Yo Ma. Teacher, H. S.. Sidell. 111.. 191 7-18. Married Lt. Edward A. Doisy ('14), Jl 20, 1918, Atlanta. Address, 1223 3rd St., Dixon, Ill.t 891 1. LEOTA VALENTINE ADAMS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 14, 1895. Princeville, 111.; d. Francis Marion (b. O 30. 1857, do.) and Leoria May (Kackley) Adams (b. My 13, 1861. Stark, 111.). Prepared in Princeville H. S.: Bradley Poly. Inst.. 1912-14; Teacher, Home Econ.. Blackburn Coll., Carlin- ville, 111. Country Life Club; Y. W. C. A. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Hillcrest Farm, Princeville, 111. 8912. WARREN DAVID ADAMS B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 13, 1894, Scales Mound, 111.; s. J. A. Adams. Prepared in Scales Mound H. S., Wyland Acad.; Highland Park Coll. and Crane Coll. .4ddress, Scales Mound, Ill.t 89 1 3. MADALANE ZELOMIA AINS- WORTH Social Worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 24, 1898, Chicago; d. Elmer Stevens (b. Jl 24. 1863, Providence. R. I.) and Hannah Poole (Kave) Ainsworth (b. Ap 24, 1S69). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago; N. W. LTniv., 1915-16. Alpha Xi Delta; Mortarboard; Theta Sigma Phi; Mask and Bauble; lUiola; Jr. and Sr. Class V. P.; Chm., Sr. Pin Com.; Sr. Banquet Com.; Illini Staff; Itlio; III. Mag. Stud.. Law, Univ. of 111., 1918. Court Work and Social Service Work, Legal Aid Soc. Chicago; Office Mgr., Div. of Rehabil., Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1919 — . Address, 4243 Sheri- dan Road, Chicago. 8914. KATHRYN REBECCA ALBAUGH A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 6, 1896, North Man- chester, Ind. ; d. Henry Preston Albaugh. Pre- pared in Elmore (Mich.) H. S.; Mich. St. Norm. Sch. H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Class Hockey; Class Basketball. Address, 3524 Elliott ".\ve., Berwyn, 111. 8915. CHESTER LEON ALBEE B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 16, 1891, Pekin, 111.; s. C. W. Albee. Prepared in Crawford and Superior (Wis.) H. Scbs.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Hoof and Horn Club; Class football. Address, Muncie, 111. I9i8] Baccalaureate Alumni 707 8916. HESTER ADA ALLEN (CARRIER) (Wife of No. 8987) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ap 7, 1894, Delevan, 111.; d. Ralph (b. Ap 10, 1862, Rhode Island) and Ada \lary (Eaton) Allen (b. O 22, 1869). Pre- pared in Delevan H. S. Chi Theta; H. Sc. Club; Jamesonian; Basketball. Teacher, Math and Phys. Tr.. Atwood Tp. H. S., 1918. Mar- ried Earl Wesley Carrier ('18), D 24, 1918, Delevan, 111. Address, 806 S. 3rd St., Cham- paign. 8917. HARRY HAVENS ALMOND A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 23, 1891, Anderson, Ind. ; s. J. R. Almond. Prepared in Anderson (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta. 2nd Lt., Ord. Corps, Camp Doniphan, Ft. Sill, Okla., 1917; Rariten Ord. Depot, Metuchen, N. J., 1918. Address, 1521 Noble St., Ander- son, Ind.t 8918. MABEL GERDENA ALTPETER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 28, 1893, Chicago; d. Frederick William (b. Ap 18, 1865, Baraboo, Wis.) and Meta (Paulsen) Altpeter (b. D 8, 1873, Island Fohr, Schleswig Holstein, Ger.). Prepared in Jo'^n Marshall H. S., Chicago; Chi- cago Normal Coll.; Univ. of Wis.; Univ. of Chicago. Address, 1904 S. Millard Ave., Chi- cago. 8919. RUTH AMELIA ALVERSON (Sister of Nos. 2554, 3619, 4047) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 3, 1895, .Stonington, 111.; d. Elbridge Monroe (b. Ag 27, 1851, Schuyler Co., 111.) and Amelia Caroline (Weiser) Alverson (b. Ja 10, 1863, Beards- town. 111.). Prepared in "Urbana H. S. Illiola; Prelim. Honors. Mem., Presby. Church. Teach- er, H. S., Oblong, 111., 1918 — . Address, 705 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., c/o High School, Oblong, 111. 8920. BIRDINA MARGUERITTE ANDERSON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 13, 1891, Camp I'oint, 111.; d. Robert Dinwiddle (b. 1847, Paint Lick, Ky.) and Lilie May (Henry) Anderson (b. 1856, Columbus, 111.). Prepared in Camp Point (Ky.) H. S.; Monmouth Coll., 1914-17. .Address, 904 W. California St., Urbana. 8921. CARL LEONARD ANDERSON A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl s, 1895, Hudson, Wis.; s. John B. (b. D 17, 1862, Sweden) and Carrie Anderson (b. S 28, 1867, do.). Prepared in Hudson (Wis.) H. S. Iris; Beta Gamma Sigma; Y. M. C. A. cabinet; Staff Capt., Univ. Brig. 2nd.Lt., Personnel Dept., U. S. N. A., Tr. Camp. 1918— . Asst. Div. Personnel Adjt., 86th Div., do. Address, 1309 3rd St., Hud- son, Wis. 8922. EARL WILLIAM ANDERSON A.B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 13, 1897, Charles- ton, 111.; s. Albert Carman (b. S 22. 1871, Erie, Pa.) and Nellie Telly (Wright) Anderson (b. le 2. 1873, Charleston, 111.) Prepared in Charleston H. S.; East. HI. St. Norm. Sch., roi4-i6. Psi Upsilon; Capt., Varsity Basketball; Varsity Track. Grad. Stud., Univ. of III. In Ensign Sch., U. S. N., Pelhara Bay. N. Y., 19 1 8 — . Address, Charleston, HI. S923. EDLA VKTIORIA ANDERSON B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 23, 1894. Rockford, 111.; d. Magnus P. (b. My 11, 1864, Bleking, Sweden) and Ida Kristine (Swanson) Ander- son (b. Mr 16, 1865, Smaland, do.). Prepared in DeKalb Tp. H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1Q13-15. Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club; Woman's Glee Club; Gregorian; Country Life Club. Ad- dress. 820 N. 7th St., DeKalb, 111. 8924. JENNIE LOUISE ANDERSON (CECIL) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 3, 1896, Enid., Okla.; d. William Moses (b. Ja 3, 1866, .Spring- field, 111.) and Lillian (Benn) Anderson (b. N 27, 1873. Pittstield, 111.). Prepared in Oklahoma City (Okla.) H. S. ; Univ. of Okla., 1914-15 Bethany Circlej Chem. Club. Technician, Med. Corps, U. .S. N. A., Base Hosp., Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., IQ18. Grand Sec, A. F. A. M., of Okla. Married Lawrence (Tecil, D 23, 1918, Oklahoma City, Okla. Address, 313 W. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. 8925. ROY B. ANDERSON Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 15, 1893, Winnebago, III.; s. B. F. (b. Drakestown, N. J.) and Carolina (Bunn) Anderson (b. N. J.). Prepared in Rockford H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1914-15. Class Football; Track; Agr. Club. Farmer, Winnebago, 111., 1918 — . Married Rut-h I'aulkner, F 26, 1918, Winnebago, HI. Address, Winnebago, 111. 8926. MARY ALBERTA ANDREWS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 28, 189.6, Pana. III.; d. W. E. Andrews. Prepared in Pana Tp. H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, H. S., Clinton, III., 1918 — . Address, 211 E. 3rd St., Pana. 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Clinton, 111. 8927. RUTH HELEN ANDREWS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 22, 1895. Metamora, HI.; d. Charles Woodson (b. Jl 12, 1858. Washington, 111.) and Anna Augusta (Taquin) Andrews (b. Ag 20, 1858, Metamora, III.). Prepared in Walnut H. S.. N. W. Univ., 1914-15. Achoth; Math. Club. Choral See; Class Hockey; Capt. and Mgr., Class Basketball; V. P.. Sr. Illinae; Woman's- League Council. Teacher, Math., H. S., Ilarrisburg, III., 1918 — . .Address, 706 Gregory Place. Urbana; bus. add., J05 N. Webster St., Harrisburg, 111. 89-8. ROBERT HORATIO ANTOSZEWSKI A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 14. 1893, Glen- coe. III.; s. C. Antoszewski. Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S.; Wheaton Coll. Cosmopolitan; Adelphic; Scribbler's Club; Polonia; ist Place, I'niv. Oratorical Contest; Repr., No. Oratori- cal League Contest and St. Peace Contest; ist I.t.. Univ. Brig.; Scribblers; Delta Sigrna Rho; organized Polonia Club. U. S. N. Auxiliary Re- serve Sch., Great Lakes, 111.. 19 18; Mustered out, F 8, 1919. Address, 680 Bluff St., Glencoe, 111. 8929. ANNIS LILIAN ARENDS Teacher; B. S. in II. Sc; d. Remt. (b. F 22, i860, Hanover, Ger.) and Lilian (Wachs) .-\rends (b. Je 11, 1870, Monticello 111.). Pre- pared in Greenup H. S. Teacher, H. S.. Mon- roe, O., 1918 — . Address, 713 S. Neil St., Champaign; bus. add., High School, Monroe, O. 8930. CLARA GRACE ARMINGTON (Sister of No. 6704) Teacher; B. Mus.; b. O 28, 1894, Dixon. III.; d. Alfred Philo (b. N 12, 1864, Dunham. Ouebec, Can.) and Gracia Eliza (Laing) Arm- ington (b. Ap 14, 1868, Dixon, 111.). Prepared in Dixon H. S. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma; Mu Kaijpa .Mpha; Illiola; Stud. Council. Women's League; Prelim. Honors. Teacher. Spring Val- ley, III.. 1918 — . Address, 717 Hennepin Ave., Dixon, HI.; bus. add.. Spring Valley, III. 8931. JAMES LANDRETH ASH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 25, 1887, Philadel- phia; s. Frank Pierce (b. O 4. 1853, Alton, III.) and Eleanor (Adair) Ash (b. Je 6, 1859, Phila- delphia). Prepared in Mount Ilermon (Mass.) H. S. Commis.sary Dept., U. S. N., iqi8— . Ad- dress, 1201, N. 3Sfh St., Philadelphia. 70« Univeksitv of Illinois 893-'. HAZEL ATTEBERY (Sister of Nos. 5009, 605S, 7350) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 8, 1897, Hillsboro, 111.; d. William J. (b. Mr 18, i86i, do.) and Lula (Bailey) Attebery (b. Mr 17, 1866, Walshville, 111.). Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. Teacher, rural sch., Hillsboro, III., 1918 — . Address, Hillsboro, 111. S933. EUNICE LOUISE BADGER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 31, 1893, Tarvis Store, Ky.; d. William Henry (b. N _m, '1867, Toledo, O.) and Harriet Viola (Fritts) Badger (b. N 17, i868, Ithaca, N. V.). Prepared in Oak Park and River Forest Tp. H. Schs. Mortarboard; Alethenai; Pres., Sr. Illinae; V. P.. W. A. A.; Treas.. Jr. Illinae; Chm., Sr. Banquet (^om.; Class Hockey. Teacher, Phys. Educ, Grade Schs., Evanston, 111., 1918—. Address, 821 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. 8934. MATILDA MAY BAECHLER Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 11, 1879, Chenoa, 111.; d. Andrew (b. Ag 28, 1828, Lorraine, France) and Mary (llabecker) Baechler (b. Mv 8. 1842. Bavaria. Ger.). Pre- pared in Le Roy H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Preliim. Honors. Teacher, Wheaton, 111., 1918 — : Address. Momence, 111.; bus. add., 221 N. West St.. Wheaton. 111. 8935. EARL WILLIS BAILEY B. S. in Commerce; b. F 20, 1896, Boody, 111.; s. Willis F. (h. Mr 18, 1866. do.) and Emma (Nolle) Bailey (b. F 22, 1870.). Pre- pared in Decatur H. S. Theta Chi; Lt.. Univ. Brig. Pvt., 7th Co., 37th Inf., Ft. Mcintosh, Laredo. Tex.; mustered out, D 3, 1918. Ad- dress, Boody, 111. 8936. NELLIE ALLISON BALCH Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 29, 1895. Lcrna. 111.; d. George Theron (b. JI 9. 1848, Farmington. 111.) and Nancy Caroline (Allison) Balch (b. N 20, 1858, Charleston, 111.). Pre- pared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Alpha Delta P,i; Sr. Class Day Com.; Capt., Bowling Team. Teacher, Galacia. 111., 191 8 — . Address. Lerna, 111.; bus. add., Galacia, 111. 8937. TED ALBERT BALDERSON B. S. in A. E.; b. O 7. 1S03. Crete, Neb.; s. J. A. Balderson. Prepared in Wilber (Neb.) H. S. Address, Wilber, Neb.f 8938. VELDA CHRISTENA BAMES- BERGER Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 18, 1896, Marshall, 111.; d. Frederick T. (b. O 1, 1S70, do.) and Emma Jane (Spotts) Bames- berger (b. Tl 9, 1871, do.). Prepared in Mar- shall Tp. il. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Kappa Delta Pi: W. A. A.; Capt., Class hockey; Class basketball; Sr. Advisorv Bd. Grad. Stud., Educ, Univ. of 111., and Asst., Bur. of Educa- tional Research. LTniv^ of 111.. 1918 — . .4d dress, loio California St., Urbana. 8939. MARY GRACE BARNES Librarian; B. L. S., 1018; b. Mr 31, 1876. Battle Ground. Ind. ; d. Thomas Jefferson (b. Ag 21, 1S47, Piketon, O.) and Mary Havens (Mason) Barnes (b. Mr 13, 1850, Lafayette. Ind.). Prepared in Lafayette (Ind.) H. S. S. B., Purdue Univ., 1894. Alumni Sec, Pur- due Univ., 1907-00; Teacher. Mrs. Starrett's Sch. for Girls, 1909-10; Stud., Lib. Sch.. Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Lib. Asst., A. and M. Coll., Agr. Coll., Miss., 1014-15: Catalog Asst., Lib., Univ. of 111.. 1915-18; Libn.. LTniv. of Okla.. Norman, Okla., 1018 — . Address, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana: bus. add., Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla, 8940, RUTH LILLIAN BARNES A, B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 11, 1894. Leav- enworth, Kan.; d. O. P. Barnes. Prepared in Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Delta Pi. .■Iddres.K, 310 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park, lU.t 8941. WINIKRED BARNES Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 21, 1895. Kansas City, Mo.; d. William G. Barnes. Pre- pared in W'estport H. S., Kansas City, Mo. Alpha Gamma Delta; First Council, Woman's League; Treas., W. A. A.; H. Sc Club; Class Bowling and Baseball, ist Cabinet. Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Banquet Com. Teacher: H. Sc, H. .S., Edwardsville, 111., 1918 — . Address, 3623 Jefferson St., Kansas City, Mo.; bus. add., c/o High School, Edwardsville, 111. 8942. JENNIS EULALIA BARRY (Sister of No. 5019) Secretary; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 10, 180S, Champaign; d. Thomas (b. My 11, 1852. (iaUvay Co.. Ireland) and Georgia Anna (Leo) Harry (b. Jl 4, 1860. Ga.). Prepared in Cham- paign H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Alethenai; Mor- tarboard; Pres.. Y. W. C. A.; V. P., Fresb Illinae; Mgr., Girls Stunt Show. Univ. Sec, Univ. of 111., T918 — . Address, 107 Chalmers St., Champaign. 8043. RUTH PORTER BARTHOLOMEW Charities Worker; A. B. in L. A. k S.; b. Ja 5, 1897. Table Grove, 111.; d. Arthur (b. N -■7, 1867, do.) and Charlotte C. (Porter) Bar- tholomew (b. F 16, 1873). Prepared in Table Grove H. S.; Lombard Coll.. 1914-16. Alpha Chi Omega; Illiola; Scholarship in Sociology. (Tnited Charities W"orkcr. Chicago, 1918 — . Address, Table Grove, 111.; bus. add., 4404 (n-eenswood Ave., Chicago. 8944. HARRY OWEN BARTLETT B. S. in A. E.; b. Ag 26, 1S92, Eau Claire, Wis.: s. William Warren (b. Ja 23, 1861, Presque Isle, Me.) and Clara (Towner) Bart- lett (b. My 2, i8t),j, Trempealeau. Wis.). Pre- pared in Eau Claire (Wis.) II. S.; Univ. of Wis., 1911-12. Alpha Tau Omega; Gargoyle; .\.rch. Club. ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan. 1917; Asst. Designer, E. H. Bennett Const. .\rch.. Camp Grant, Rockford, 111.. 1017: 309th Field Signal Bn., do.. tqtS; 4th O. T. C. do.. 1018 — . Address, 431 Lake St., Eau Claire, Wis, 8945, CHESTER RANDALL BEAR (Brother of No. 4064) Business; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 29, 1891. Ludlow, 111.: s. Lou N. Bear. Prepared in Paxton H, S.; De Pauw Acad. Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Kappa Psi. With L. N, Bear & Co., Gen. Merchandise. Ludlow, 111., 1919 — • Lt., Inf.. U. S. A., Camp Stewart, Va. Address. Ludlow, Ill.t 8946. OWEN CHAUNCEY BEATTY Student; B. S. in Agr,; b. Ag 27, 1895. Wy- anet. 111.: s. Albert James (b. Jl 20, 1871, La Moille. 111.) and Mav Elizabeth (Schick) Beat- ty (b. F 2, 1874, Sterling, 111.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Sigma Pi. Grad. Stud,, Univ, of Kan.. 1019 — • P^'t., 6th Co., C, A. C Ft Wright, N. Y.; mustered out, 1918. Address. 4010 Windsor St.. Pittsburgh; bus. add.^ c/o Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. 8047. RUTH MARIE BECK Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc ; b. My 6, 1896, Champaign; d. Ida L. Beck. Prepared in Ch.impaien H. S. Aljijia Delta Pi. Teacher, IT, S.. Sidell, 111:. 1918— . Address. 206 W. Green St., Champaign; hu.t. add., c'o High School, Sidell, TU.I igiXj Bacxai-aukkate Ai.umni 70Q 8948. KDITH MAY BELL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 19, 1889, Milton, la.; d. Elias F. (b. Mr 10, 1847, Del- phos, 0.) and Alice Bell (b. S 22, 1851, Bloom- ington, 111.). Prepared in Milton (la.) H. S.; St. Norm., Chenev, Wash. Critic Teacher, Eng., 111. St. Norm. Sch.. Carbondale, 111., 1918. Address, Milton. la.; bus. add., c/o Illinois State Normal School, Carbondale, 111. 8949. BEULAH BEATRICE BENTLEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 13. 1895. Anna. Ill; d. E. B. Bcntley. Preparetl in Clinton H. S.; Worster Univ. Chi Theta; Ex. Council, Women's League. Teacher, Eng. H. S., Clinton, 111., 1918— . Address, 520 W. Adams St., Clinton, Ill.t 8950. CORA BERGER (Sister of No. SS45) Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 8, 1895, Davenport, la.; d. Edward (b. Ap 14, 1861, Chicago) and Elise (Lorenzen) Bcrger (b. Ag 18, 1862, Davenport, la.). Prepared in Daven- port (la.) H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Yo Ma; Pres., Le Ccrcle Frangais; Soph. Advisory Bd.; V. W. C. A. 2nd Cabinet. Clerk, West Elec. Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 626 Brown St., Davenport, la.; bus. add., 601 Fullerton Parkway, Chicago. 8951. LOUIS ROLLAND BERNER Chem. Engr. ; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Je i'>, 1896, Indianapolis; s. Frederick (b. Cincinnati) and Anna (Ott) Berner (b. Indianapolis). Prepared in Indianapolis Man. Tr. H. S. Theta Chi; Phi Lambda Psi; Prelim. Honors. Chem. Engr., Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind., 1918 — . F. A., 6th Observation Bat.; Mustered out, D 1, 1918. Address, 3420 Broadway, In- dianapolis; bus. add., c/o Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind. 8952. CARL BEUST B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 6, 1895, New Albany, hid ; s. D. Beust. Prepared in LaCrosse (Wis.) H. S.; LaCrosse St. Norm. Sch. Ad- dress, 508 S. sth St., LaCrosse, Wis.t 8953- ELMER ALFRED BIERBAUM B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 4, 189s, Alton, 111.; s. Frank A. Bierbaum. Prepared in Alton H. S. Hort. Club. Address, 1501 Central Ave., Alton, Ill.t 8954. BERTHA HELEN BING Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 10, 1897, Urbana; d. Louis L. (h. Ap i, 1863, do.) and Sarah (Loeb) Bin^ (b. O 16, 1868, Attica, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Staff, Daily Illini; W. A. A. Stud., Law Sch., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 105 N. Orchard St.. Urbana. 8955- JOHN WESLEY BIRCHARD (Brother of No. 8956) Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. My 13, 1896, Grafton, III.; s. Daniel A. (b. D 31, 1870. Waverly. 111.) and Ida Leola (Richards) Bir- chard (b. Ap 12, 1873, Little Rock. Ark.). Prepared in Whipple Acad.; Jacksonville, and Urbana H. Schs. Chem. Club; Cerani. Club. Research Chem.. Nat. .Aniline Dye Co., Marcus Hook, Pa., 1918 — . Address, 1906 Boulevard. Wilmington. Del.; bus. add., c/o National Aniline Co., Wilmington. Del. 8956. LEOLA MARY BIRCHARD (Sister of No. 8955) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 11, 1894, Grafton, 111.; d. Daniel A. (b. D 31, 1870, Waverly, 111.) and Ida Leola (Richards) Birchard (b. .\p 12, 1873, Little Rock, Ark.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 8957. BERYL A. BLACK Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 16. 1892, Paris, 111. s. John S. and Mary A. (Conk- lin) Black. Prepared in Paris 11. S. ; Rose Poly. Inst.. 1910-11; Univ. of Mich., summer 1917. Acacia; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Del- ta Pi; Cl.nss Basketball. 2nd Lt., Inf., 4th Tr. Bn., 157 Depot Brig., Camp McClellan, Ala., 1918; do., 52nd Co. 13th Rec. Bn.: Mustered out, D 18. Address, 302 E. Edgar St., Paris, 111. 8958. ABRAHAM BLACKSTONE Draftsman; B. S. in C. E.; b. O 6, 1890, Kharkov, Russia; s. Jacob (b. F 20, i86i, Bereza, do.) and Sophia (Retchin) Blackstone (b. O IS, 1867, Ecaterinoslav, do.). Prepared in Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago; Schs., Rus- sia; N. W. Univ., 1914-15. C. E. Soc., Men orah. Asst. Engr., Alabama & Vicksburg, Ry., 1918; Draftsman, Bridge Dept., C. R. I. & P. Ry., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Assoc. Engrs. Mar- ried Sophia Blackstone, Je 6, 1910. Child, Anna, b. My 30, 191 1. Address, 3137 Palmer Square, Chicago; bus. add., c/o C. R. I. & P. Ry., La Salle, St. Sta., Chicago. 8959. LOUISE BOEHMER Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc.; b. Ja s, 1897, Springfield, Mo.; d. Charles D. (b. 1857, Wright City, Mo.) and Katherine (Wolf) Boeh- mcr (b. 1866, Chester, 111.). Prepared in Springfield (Mo.) H. S., 1915-16; Drury Coll., 1914-15; St. Norm., Springfield. Mo,, 1915-16. Omicron Nu. Dietitian, St. Mary's Sch., Peeks- kill, N. Y. Address, 969 S. Jefferson St., Springfield, Mo. 8960. *MABEL HELEN BOLEN (BACON) (Wife of No. 7354) A. B, in L. A. & S.; b. O i6, 1894, Bor ton. 111.; d. James Isaac (b. Ind.) and Mary Matilda (Borton) Bolen (b. Ap 21, i86i, Quaker City. O.). Prepared in Westport H. S.. Kansas City, Mo. Kappa Delta Pi; Wo- men's Tennis Championship; ist Council, Wo- men's League. Married Robert Hamilton Ba- con ('16), Je 12, 1918, Urbana. Died Ja 3, 1919, Painsdale, Mich. 8961. RALPH WALDO BOLTON Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. N 27, 1872, Viola, 111.; s. Samuel J. (b. 1840, Oberlin, O.) and Sarah M. (Bridger) Bolton (b. 1838, Viola. 111,). Prepared in Viola H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Valparaiso Univ. Eta Kappa Nu. Elec. Engr., Champaign. Married Pearl M. Mullen. 1904, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Velma Olive, b. O 4, 1907. Address, 512 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 8962. WYMAN JESSE BOLTON B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 6, 1895, Nauvoo, 111.; d. N. P. Bolton. Prepared in Keokuk (la.) H. S. Pi Tau Sigma. 2nd Lt., C. A. C. Co. 1, O. T. C. 5, Ft. Monroe, Va. Address, Nauvoo, la.t 8963. CHARLES EDGAR BORN B. S. in Agr.; b. D 12, 1893, Milmine, III.; s. William T. (b. Ja 11, 1872, Columbia City, Ind.) and Mary Ellen (Charles) Born (b. Ag 2. 1870, Hamburg, O.). Prepared in Cerro Gordo H. S. Hoof and Horn Club; V. P., Pres., Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Stud. Union; Y. M. C. A. Pvt., Mach. Gun Co., 6th Inf. U. S. N. A.; Sergt., Inf., 46th M. G. Co., Hdcitrs., Detachment. Camp Sheridan. Ala.; Mustered out. F 5, 1919. Auth, : The Tenant Farmer as I Know Him, ///. Agr.; The Land Where the Spring Wheat Grows, Canadian Pacific Railroad Mag.; The Possibilities of Corp. Farming. ///. Agr.; The 1918 Univ. of 111. Students Stock Judging Contest, do. Ad- dress, c/o William 1. Born, Cerro Gordo, HL University ok Illinois [lyiS 8964. ANNE MORRIS BOYD Instructor; B. L. S.; b. Ja 13, T8S4. Areola. 111.; d. \\'ilsoii Porter (b. 1847, Flemiiigsburg, Ky.) and Enmia (Wyatt) Boyd (b. i8so, Day- ton. O.). Prepared in Areola H. S.: (^niv. of Ky. ; James Milliken Univ., A. B., 1004-6. Instr., Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . .\uth.: Graded List of Stories for Schools, Jl'lutcti Broadwell (b. S 22, 1S63, Byron, O.). Pre- j^ared in Fairbury H. S.; N. \V. Lhiiv. 1914-15. Sstenographer. Univ. of 111., 19 18 — . Address, Fairbury, 111.; bus. add.. Bureau of Ed. Re- search. Univ. of 111., Urbana. 8973. BRUCE KEITH BROWN Student; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. My 4. 1898. Columbus, O. ; s. B. F. Brown. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Phi Kappa Tau. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., igi8 — . .•iddress, 606 Washington Ave., Wilmette, III.; bus. add., 110 E. Green St.. Ch.impaign. 8974. ELMER ELLSWORTH BROWN Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. O 6, 1896, Nobles- ville, Ind.; s. Josiah Rufus (b. Cicero, Ind.) and Jennie l?ell (Lacy) Brown (b. Nobles- ville. Ind.). Prepared in Noblesville (Ind.) H. S.; Boulder (Colo.) H. S. ; Purdue LIniv.. 1914-15. Delta Tau Delta. Farmer, 191S — . Sergt.. Siith Aero Sqdn., Avia. Repair Depot, Speedway, Ind.; Mustered out, Ja 24, 1919. Ad- dress, Noblesville, Ind. 8975. ROBERT ALFRED BRYANT A. B. in Commerce; b. N 12, 1896, Bing- hampton, N. Y. ; s. Robert C. Bryant. Pre- pared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange, (ihi Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Treas. and Pres.. Mask and Bauble; Pros., Adelphic; Cml. Club; Siren Staff; Illio Stall; Bus. Mgr., Daily Iliini; Sr. Memorial Com.; Homecoming Com.; Pres., III. Drama Federation. lotli Observation Bat., F. A., O. T. S.. Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, 143 S. Ashland Ave., La Grange, 111. 8976. JOSEPH BRUCE BUCKLER (Brother of No. 6774) Supt.. Schs.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 17, 1S03. Metcalf, 111.; s. William Martin (b. F 9, 184,^, Ky.) and Elizabeth Jane (Jennings) Buckler (h. N 16. it^oi). Prepared in Met- calf and Paris H. Schs. Phi Delta Kappa; .\delphic. Supt., Schs., Minonk, 111.. ioi8— . Married Edna Glenn, lo 14. iou>, Mt. \'ernon. III. Child, Joseph Bruce, Jr., b. N 26, 1917. Address, Minonk. 111. 8977. WILLARD EDWIN BULL B. S. in E. E.: b. O 10, 1S96, Elgin, 111.; s. E. W. Bull. Prepared in Elgin II. S. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Tau: E. E. Soc; Prelim. Honors. U. S. N. Radio Sch., Cambridge, Mass.; Mustered out, Ja 31, 1919. Address, 854 S. Liberty St., Elgin, 111.; bus. add., Central III. Public Service Co., Mattoon. HI. S078. LAVERNE ARCHBOLD BURGAN Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 22, 1893, Ridgefarm, 111.; d. Joseph A. (b. Washington, Pa.) and Gertrude (Archbold) Burgan (b. i8(>o, Ridgefarm. 111.). Prepared in Ridge- farm II. .*>.; Frances Shinier Sch.. 1911-13. Gamma Phi Beta. Dietitian, New Haven, IIosp.. New Haven, Conn., 191S — . Address, Ridgefarm, 111. S979. INEZ LILLIAN BURLEIGH .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 13. 1896, Mazon, 111. Prepared in Crystal Lake H. S.; N. W. Lhiiv. Centro Literario Espanol. Address, Crystal Lake, Ill.t 89S0. REID ALBERT BL^RTNETT B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 10, 1892, Hoopeston. 111.; s. E. Burtnett. Prepared in Univ. Acad.; L'rbana H. S. Address, 6728 Clyde Ave., Chi- cago.f • 8081. WILLIAM HENRY HERMAN BUSCHMANN Reporter; A. B. in L. .\. & S.; b. Ap 30, 1S93, Pinckneyville, 111.; s. Frank John (b. O 14. '1856, Prescott, Wis.) and Martha (Klee- mann) Buschmann (b. Je 2, 1S5S, Hoyleton, 111.). Prepared in Elmhurst Coll., 1907-12. Acacia; Staff. Daily Iliini. Reporter, newspa- per, Edwardsville, 111., 1918 — . Co. C, 5th Regt., i6ist Brig., Camp Grant, 1918-19; Mus- tered out, F 21. 1919. Mem., Evangelical Church; A. F. A. M. .-Iddress, Edwardsville, 111. i9i8] Baccalaureate Alumni 711 8983. MARY LATIIROP CALDWELL (Sister of No. 4584) A. B. in L, A. & S.; b. Ta 23, i8qs, New Holland, 111.; d. Alexander \larslall (b. O 9, 1847, Scott Co., 111.) and Letitia (White) Cald- well (b. N 9, 1854, Marietta, O.). I'rcpared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Oniicron Pi; Yo Ma; Mask and Bauble; .\theiiean; W. .'\. A. Sr. lUinae. Advisory I'.d. Address, 301 W. Hill St., Champaign. 8983. GEORGE MARTIN CAMEROX R. S. in Agr.; b. Je t8. 1806, Dundee, 111.; s. William Cameron. Preparefi in Dundee H. S.; L'niv. of Wis. Med. Corps, Rase Hosp.; Yale Bacteriol. War Labs., 19 18. Address, Lib- erty St., Dundee, 111. 8984. ETIIELRED ERASMl'S ADOLPlIb'S CAMPRELL Student; B. S. in L. A. 6^: S.; b. S 30, 1888, Middle Quarter, St. Elizabeth. Jamaica, West Indies; s. Peter Archibahl (\i. 1842, do.) and Emma Wilhelmina (Green) Campbell (b. Car- mel, Westmoreland, Jamaica. West Indies). Prepared in Tuskegee Norm, and Indus. Inst., Ala.; Urbana H. S. Grad. Scholarship in Chem., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address. 1012 W. California Ave., Urbana. 8985. GEORGE ALBERT CAMPBELL Lawyer; LL. B.; b. Jl 8, 1894, Lead. S. Dak.; s. Malcolm C. (h. D 25, 1850) and Mar- garet (Kinney) Campbell (b. Ja 17, i860). Prepared in Lead (.S. Dak.) II. S. ; Univ. of Mich., 1913-15. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi^ Order of the Coif; V. 1'., 111. Union. Married Elizabeth T. O'Brien, X o, 1917. Wil- mette. III. Address, 109 S. Gold St., Lead, S. Dak. 8986. FLORENCE C.XRM.-XN A. R. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 8. 1894. Clayton- ville. 111.; d. William Alonzo (b. .\p 9. 1869, Linden, Ind.) and Annie Jennie (Kesterson) Carman (b. Je 27, 1872, Milford, III.). Pre- pared in Frankfort (Ind.) H. S. Address, Rushford, Minn. 8987. EARL WESLEY CARRIER (Husband of No. 8916) Instructor; B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 2, 1897, Minooka, 111.; s. Frank Wesley (b. Mr 12, 1856. Mich.) and Rosetta Frances (Wolff) Carrier (b. O 27, i8';8, O.). Prepared in loliet Tp. H. S.; Kansas City (Kan.) 11. S.; Lincoln rNeb.) H. S.; John Marshal! H. S., Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Prelim, and Final Honors; Honorary Engng. Grad. Scholarship. Instr., Sur. Dept.. C. E., ITniv. of 111.. 191S— . Auth.: Protective Coverings for Steel Struct- ures, Technogra[>h. Vol. 32. Married Hester Ada .Mien ("I'S). D 19:8. Address, 806 S. 3rd St. Champaign. 8988. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARTER B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Ja 13, 189,, High Cliff Wis.; s. F. R. Carter. Prepared in Brad- ley Poly. Inst. With Peoria Rrick & Tile Co.. Peoria. 111. C. A., O. T. C, Ft. Monroe. Va.. 1918; Mustered out, N 22. 19 18. Address. 565 Lynn St., Peoria; bus. add., c/o Peoria Brick & Tile Co., do. 8989. NEVA MAE CllADDERDON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 3. 1894, Adair, 111.; d. Alfred Chadderdon. Pre pared in West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Rockford, 111. 191 8—. Addre.ss, Adair, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Rock- ford, Ill.t 8990. AKHIL CHANDRA CHAKRAVARTY B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 1888. Fhoramara, Rajshahi, India; s. Arukukl Chandra Chakra- varty. Prepared in Presidency Coll., Calcutta, India. B. S., 1910, M. S. 1913, Univ. of Cal- cutta, India. Address, Ghoramara, Rajshahi, Bengal, India. t 8991. YE YOUNG CHAN \. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 24, 1893, Shin Xing City, China; s. Mrs. S. H. Chan. Pre- pared in >Janking Mil. Sch., China; Wheaton Acad.; Wheaton Coll.; Univ. of Wis. Chinese Stud. Club. Address, Sai Mon St., Hing Mir City, Car Yin, China. t 8992. DONALD VANDERBURG CHAPMAN B. S. in Land. Arch.; b. D 12. 1895, Milwau- kee; s. William A. (b. F 24, 1866, Skaneateles, N. Y.) and Nettie A. (Horn) Chapman (b. Ag 18, 1870, Barnston, Quebec. Can.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. II. S.; N. W. Univ., 1914-15. Alpha Sigma Phi; Gargoyle; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc.; Fresh. Varsity Track; Varsity Track; Cross Country Team. Pvt., 8th Co., Radio Section, C. A. C, Fort Wright, N. Y. Oiair- man. Illini Club, Ft. Wright, N. Y. Address, 827 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. 8993. EDITH MAE CHAPMAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 3, 1896, Colfax, la.: (1. Frank A. (b. S 7, 1868, Jasper Co., la.) and Rosetta (Cash) Chapman (b. Jl 31, 1873, Mo.). Prepared in Bisbee (Ariz.) H. S. ; Univ. of Ariz., 1914-17. Address, Bisbee, Ariz. 8994. VERNE DE VERE CHARLESTON Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 31, 1895, Brimficid, 111.; s. John Frederick (b. Jl 25, 1869, Brimfield, 111.) and Ora Eva (Claypool) Char- leston (b. O 5, 1873, Brimfield, 111.). Prepared in Central H. S., Peoria; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1914-16. Alplia Pi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., Ault & Wiborg, Cincinnati, 1919 — . Govt. Gas Chem., Washington, D. C, 1918-19. Address, 305 W. McClure Ave.. Peoria; bus. add., c/o -Vult & W^iborg, Cincinnati. 8995. JUNG-TING CHEN R. S. in Agr.; b. S 9, 1893, Canton, China. Prepared in Canton Christian Coll., Canton; Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China. Cosmopolitan Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Club; Chinese Stud. Club. Address, 2023 Kalorama Road, Washington, D. Ct 8996. JAMES BENNETT CHILDS Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 2, 1896, Van Buren, Mo.; s. Trail Bennett (b. Je 14. 1858, Fayetteville, Tenn.) and Mary Catherine (Michener) Childs (b. O 3, 1865, Marlboro, 0.). Prepared in Vandalia H. S. Phi Beta Kaijpa. Inf., Camp Grant, III., 1918; Mustered out. D 9, 1918. Asst. Lib., Univ. of 111., 1918. — . Address, 617 S. Wright St., Champaign. 8997. JUAN ORTIZ CHIOCO Student; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 21, 1895, Santo Domingo, P. I.; s. Adriano (b. P. I.) and Julia Ortiz (Luis) Chioco (b. do.). Pre- pared in San Isidro (P. I.) H. S.; Ore. Agr. Coll., 1913-15. Cosmopolitan Club; Sec, Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. Grad. Stud., La. St. Univ., 1918 — . Address, c/o La. St. Univ., Baton Rouge, La. 8998. LESTER HOWARD CHRISTEN .\rch. Engineer; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 13, 1894, Elgin, 111.; s. Gottfried (b. My 19, 1865, .Switzerland) and Augusta (Schrader) Christen (b. O 31. 1871, 111.). Prepared in Elgin H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Mgr., Class Base- ball. Arch. Engr. Production Dept., Am., Internal. Shipbuilding Corp., Hog Island, Pa., 1918 — . Address, 275 Bpook St.. Elgin, 111.; bus add., c/o American Internat. Shipbldg. Corp., Hog Island, Pa. 712 Univeksitv Of Illinois [igi 8999. ARTHUR BAILEY CHRISTOPHER B. S. iu Ceram. Eng. ; b. Ja 8, 1893, Can- ton, 111.; s. Austin Walker (b. Ag a, 1857, Peoria) and Mary Olive (Chicken) Christopher (b. Ap 16, 1863, Ipava. ill.). Prepared in Canton H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Address. 453 W. Elm St., Canton, 111. 9000. GRACE JEAN CHRISTY A. B. in H. Sc: b. S 2, 1894, St. Joseph, 111.; d. Delia Christy. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Omicron Nu; Illiola; W. A. A.; H. Sc. Club; Capt., Class Hockey; Prelim. Honors. Address, 709 W. High St., Urbana. t 9001. CHARLES HENRY CLARAHAN, JR. B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Je 8, 1896, Tilton. la.; s. Charles Henry (b. S 16, 1871, Chicago) and Amanda (Capehart) Clarahan (b. F 28, 1876). Prepared in Oak Park and River For- est Tp. H. Schs. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Soc; Prelim. Honors; Ed., Technograhh. Address, 822 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111. 9002. JAMES GLEN CLARK B. S. in Commerce; b. An 30, 1896. Mo- weaqua. 111.; s. John Clark. Prepared in Mo- weaqua H. S. Address, Moweaqua, Ill.t 9003. CARL CLEGG Engineer; B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ja iS, 1896, Chandlerville, 111.; s. Joseph John (b. Ag 23, 1853, do.) and Charlotte L. (Ainsworth) Cle§-g (b. Jl 14, 1861, Mason Co.. 111.). Prepared in Chandlerville and Danville H. Schs. Chi Beta; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma. 2nd Lt., Co. G, C. \. S. Troops, Ft. Monroe, Va.; Mustered out, 1019. With Am. Blower Co., Detroit, 1919 — . Address, Chandlerville, 111.; bus. add., 34 Gar- field East, Detroit. 9004. ORLIE MARTIN CLEM A. B. in L, A. & S.; b. Jl 3, 1891, Benton, 111.; s. Scott Clem. Prepared in Benton H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Sigma Rho; Adelphic; Mgr., Star Course; Debating Team. 2nd Lt., 'ith Replacement Bn., Inf., Camp Mac.'\rthur, Waco, Texas, 1918 — . Address, Benton, 111., R. i.t 9005. VIOLA MARGARET COE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 11, 1896, Ridge farm, 111.; d. Louis W'oodyard (b. S 12, 1866, do.) and Anna Cynthia (Canaday) Coe (b. F 18, 1873, Vermilion Grove, 111.). Prepared in Ridgefarm Tp. H. S.; Earlham Coll., 1914-16. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Ridgefarm, 111. 9006. ESTHER DORRIS COHEN Prin., H. S.; A. B., in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1896, Titusville, Pa.; d. Sisky and Fannie (Goralsky) Cohen (b. My 10, 1871. Indianap- olis). Prepared in Bridgeport Tp. H. S. ; 111. Coll., 1914-16. Menorah; Prelim. Honors. Prin., H. S., McLeansboro, 111., 1918 — . Address, Bridgeport, 111. 9007. BENJAMIN EMANUEL COHN Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. O i, 1897, Chicago; s. Jacob Cohn (b. D 15, 1853, Ober- pleis, Rhenish Prussiia, Gei).) and Fannie (\Vurzburg) Cohn (b. D 3, 1858, New Haven, Conn.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.; Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1914-16. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Menorah; Chem. Club- A. C. S.; Special honors. Address, 542 E. 62nd St., Cnicago. 9008. VIVIAN GERALDINE COLGROVE B. L. S.; b. Mr 22, 1887, Fayette, la.; d. Albert L. Colgrove. Prepared in Univ. of Minn., A. B., 1908. Address, S'7 Walnut St. S. E. Minneapolis.! 9009. DUANE CAMPBELL COLMEY Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 10, 1893, Chicago; s. James E. (b. F 2, 1854. Half Moon. N. Y.) and Tina A. (Grosvenor) Colmei (b. S 6, 1857, Attica, Ind.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.; Chicago Crane Jr. Coll. Acacia; Capt., Univ. Brig. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1019 — . Sergt., Bat. A, 333rd H. F. A., igi8; Mustered out Ja 19 19. Address, 5526 Augusta St., Chicago; bus. add., 501 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 9010. LEWIS JASPER CONANT Journalist; .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 29. i8q7, Kiiimundy, 111.; s. William Smith (b. S 22. 1854, Kinmundy, 111.) and .-\gnes Isabelle (Morgan) Conant (b. Ag 25, i860, Kinmundy, 111.). Prepared in Kinmundy. H. S. Acacia; Mil. Band; Staff, Daily Illini. Recruiting Officer, U. S. N. A. R. F., Univ. of 111., 1918; Great Lakes, 111., 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in St. Louis Globe Democrat, 1917. Mem., M. E. Church. .Address, Kinmundy, 111. 901 1. FR.\NK H.\ROLD CONGLETON Farmer; B. S. in Agr. ; b. D 17, iSqs, Peso- tum. 111.; s. W. C. Congleton. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Farmer, Pesotum, 111., 1918 — . Married Opal D. Herriott, Ja i, 1918, Cham- paign. Address, R. F. D., Pesotum, Ill.t 0012. WILLIAM FRANCIS COOLIDGE n. S. in .\gr.; b. D 7. 1893, Bloomington III.: s, Edward F. Coolidge. Prepared in University 11. S., Normal, 111.; 111. St. Norm. .Sch. Acanthus; 2nd Lt., Univ. Brig. 2nd Lt., C. A. C, U. S. A., 1918— . Address, R. 7, Bloomington, Ill.f 9013. PHILIP CORPER A. B. in Commerce; b. My 26. 1896, Chicago, s. Phillipina Corper. Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa Psi; Staff, Siren; III. Mag.; Mgr., Interseholastic Circus; Sr. Memorial Com. Capti., Hdqtrs. Co., Univ. Brig. 2nd Lt., Ord., Camp Rariton, Metuchen, N, J., X918 — . .iddrcss, 5847 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. t 9014. DALE CLAIR CORZINE B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap ig, 1895. Assumption, 111.; s. C. C. Corzine. Prepared in Assump- tion Tp. H. S. Agr. Club. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., T918; Camp Dick, Tex., 1918; Mustered out, la 1919. Address, Assumption, Ill.t 9015. MARY DELIGHT CRAIGMlLE (Sister of No. 9016) .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 21, 1896, La Grange, 111.; d. Samuel A. (h. Ag 14, i86o, Gower, 111.) and Mary L. (Vial) Craigmile (b. I) 27, 1859. Western Springs, 111.). Prepared in Lyons' Tp. H. S. Kappa Delta Pi; W. A. A.; Mgr., Class Hockey, Baseball, and Basket- ball. Teacher, H. S.. Champaign, 1918 — . .Address, R. i, Knox, Ind.; bus. add., looi S. t'th St., Champaign. 9016. ROBERT JAMES CRAIGMILE (Brother of No. 9015) Civ. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 26, 1894. l.a Grange. 111.; s. Samuel A. (b. Ag 14, i860. Grover. III.) and Mary L. (Vial) Craigmile (b. D 27, 1859. Western Springs. III.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Civ. Engr., U. S. N., Newport, R. I., 1918 — v Address, R. i, Knox. Ind. 9017. JOSEPH FRANCIS CREEDON Supt., Bldg. Const.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Mr 26, 1894, Omaha, Neb.; s. Daniel J. Creedon. Pre- pared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb. Supt., Bldg. Const., Omaha, Neb. 2nd Lt., C, ujiSI Ba( CALAUKEATE Al.UMNI 71.^ A., Ft. Monroe, Va.; Supply Officer Recruit Troops, North Cantonment Presidio of San Francisco; Mustered out. Ja 30, 1919. Address, 2839 California St., Omaha, Neb. 9018. ELDRED EVERETT CRESS Test Asst.; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ap 3, 1896, Litchfield, 111.; s. Everett Cress. Prepared in Carlinville II. S. Triangle; Sigma Tau; Scarab. Test Asst., T. & A. M. Dcpt., Univ. of III., 1918— . 2nd Lt., C. A. C. O. T. C. S, Co. I, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; Mustered out, D 4, 1918. Address, 410 E. First South St., Carlinville, 111.; bus. add., 112 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 9019. HARLAN RUSSELL CRILEY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 20, 1896, Ottum- sva, la.; s. J, R. Criley. Prepared in Decatur. .Address, 367 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 9020. ARTHUR OGAN CROSIAR B. S. in Agr.; b. F 23, 1896, Utica, III.; s Eli I. (b. N 29, 1873, do.) and Mary M (Ogan) Crosiar (b. S 15, 1873, Maiden, 111.). Prepared in I, a Salle-Peru Tp. H. S. Class Football and Baseball. U. S. A. S., 1918— . Address, R. 25, Utica, 111. 9021. MARY ANN CROSS Social Settlement Worker; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 27, 1896, Bainbridge, Ind.; d. .'Xndrew L. (b. Ag 26, 1866, Lebanon, Ind.) and Olive Ann (Batman) Cross (b. Ag 11, 1869, Green Castle, Ind.). Prepared in Roachdale (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 1914-15. Alpha Chi Omega; Chem. Club. Social Settlement Work. Chica- go, 1918 — . Address, Roachdale, Ind.; bus. add., 1442 E. S9th St., Chicago. 9022. GEORGE MADILL CULLILANE Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Ap 4, 1894, Denison, Tex.; s. John R. (b. Baltimore) and Elizabeth (O'Brien) Cullilane. Prepared in Soldan H. S., St. Louis. Lambda Chi Alpha; Sigma Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Varsity Baseball; Homecoming Com. Engr., Scullin Steel Co., St. Louis, 1918 — . Address, 5323 Maple Ave., St. Louis; bus. add., c/o Scullin Steel Co., do. 9023. ALTHEA ELIZABETH CURRIE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 15, 1893. Loda, 111.; d. Robert Currie. Prepared in Paxton H. S. Address, Loda, Ill.t 9024. MAJOR CUSKADEN Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 25, 1895. St. Paul, Ind.; s. Edward (b. do.) and Mollie (Reed) Cuskaden (b. do.). Prepared in Ar- eola H. S. Country Life Club; Capt., Univ. Brig. Farmer, Areola, 111. Instr.. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918. Address, looj .S. 3rd St., Champiagn. 9025. EDNA OTILIA DAHLIN B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 23, 1896. Geneva, 111.; d. Alfred Dahlin. Prepared in Geneva II. S. Address, Geneva, Ill.t 9026. GERALDINE DALY Editor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 6, 1895. Jcliet, 111.; d. Joseph James and Grace Eve- line (O'Reilly) Daly. Prepared in loliet Tp. ,H. S. Alpha Gamma Delta; Scribblers'; Can- terbury Club; Spalding Guild; Celtic Club. Ed., Joliet Herald News Joliet, III., 1918 — . Address, 201 S. Center St., Joliet, 111. 9027. FREDERICK ABRAM DAVIS Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. N 26, 1894, Cherry Valley, 111.; s. Abram Enoch (b. Jl 29, 1864, do.) and Carrie Avis (Whittle) Davis (b. N i, 1864. Rockford. 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. .S. Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Club. Farmer, Cherry Valley, 111., 1918 — . Capt., R. O. T. C, U. S. A. S., 294th Aero Squadron, Mather Field, Sacramento, Calif., 1918; Mustered out. N 26, 1918. Address, 121 S. Prospect St., Rock- ford, 111.; bus. add.. Cherry Valley, 111. 9028. HELEN GROSS DAVIS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 20, 1896, Los Angeles; d. Ferman E. Davis. Prepared in Atwood H. S.; N. W. Univ. Kappa Delta Pi; Sec, Illiola; Exec. Council. Womens' League; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A. With Bur. of Educ, Carnegie Inst., of Tech., Pittsburg, 1918 — . Address, 1372 Lucile Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., 5138 Woodlawn Ave., Oakland Sta., Pitts- burg.t 9029. JOHN EUGENE DAVIS A. B. in Commerce; b. N 7, 1895, Piqua, I.; s. J. F. Davis. _ Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Tribe of Illini; Mask and Bauble; Varsity Baseball. Address, 6212 Eberhart Ave., Chicago. f 9030. NEULON DEAHL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 19, 1892, Mar- tinsville. 111.; s. George B. Deahl. Prepared in Martinsville H. S. Grad. Stud, and Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1918; Chem., Parke, Davis Co., Detroit, 1919 — . Address, c/o Parke, Davis Co., Detroit. 9031. OLIVE GERTRUDE DEAN (Sister of No. 6195) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 7, 1893, Harris- burg, 111.; d. John William (b. Ag 4, 1866, Posey Co., Md.) and Isabel (Lebo) Dean (b. D 2, 1869, Carrier Mills, 111.). Prepared in Ilarrisburg Tp. H. S. Address, R. 2, Harris- burg, 111. 9032. EARL WILLIAM DEERING B. S. in C. E.; b. O 3. 1896. Chicago; s. Herman Deering. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.; Crane Jr. Coll. C. E. Soc. Address, 1408 N. Harding Ave., Chicago. f 9033. ROSE CAROLYN DENNIS (BOOTH) (Wife of No. C70J A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 25, 1895, Glen- coe. 111.; d. Charles Mulford (b. Ap 17, 1856, Nicolaus, Calif.) and Maria Garside (b. O 10. 1856, Chicago). Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Chi Omega. Married Harry Tyler Bootli (g'17)- Ja I, 1919, Glencoe, 111. Ad- dress, Stearns Park, Long Island, N. Y. 9034. CHARLES HACKETT DENSON Exten. An. Husbandman; B. S. in Agr.; b. .\g 26, 1884, Harperville, Miss.; s. James N (b. O 3, 1836, Ludlow, Miss.) and Mary Eliza- beth (Lee) Denson (b. N 15, 1844, do.). Pre- pared in Ludlow (Miss.) H. S. B. S., Miss, Coll,, Clinton, Miss., 1907. Exten. An. Hus- bandman, Bur. An. Indus., Div. An. Hus- bandry, Dept. of Agr., Little Rock, Ark., 1^918 — . Married Bera Elizabeth Waggener, S 2, 1916, Martin, Tenn. Address, c/o Bureau Animal Industrj-. Little Rock, Ark. 9035. KARL LUDWIG DERN B. S. in Chem. E.; b. D 24, 1894, Stan- ton, Neb.; s. Louis Dern. Prepared iti Stan- ton (Neb.) H. S. ; Armour Inst. Bushnell Guild. Address, 1612 Binney St., Omaha, Neb. 9036. GUSTAVE HERMAN DEUCHLER B. S. in A. E. ; b. Ag 7, 1895, Aurora, 111.; s. Heraman (b. Aachen, Baden Baden, Ger,) and Elizabeth (Tegtman) Deuchler. Prepared in West Aurora H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Varsity Track. With I. C. R. R., Cen- tralia. 111., 1918 — . Naval Aviation, 1918; mustered out Ja 1919. Address, 364 Garfield Ave,, Aurora, 111.: bus. add., c/o I. C. R. R., Centralia, 111. 714 University of Illinois [1918 0037. HELGE CHRISTOFFER DIESERUD B. S. in M. E.; b. D 18, 1896, Chicago: s. Juul Dieserud (b. Norway) and Inga Gustava ^Wellen) Dieserud. Prepared in Eastern H. S., Washington, D. C. Phi Kapjia Tan; Tan Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Pres.. Stud. Branch A. I. E. E.: 2nd Lt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim, and Final Honors. ^nd Lt., 54th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — ■. Address, L'i6 Maryland Ave., N. E., Washington, D. C. 9038. jOiiN WAMSER DIETZ A. B. in Commerce; b. D 17, 1896, Belle- ville, 111. Prepared in West. Mil. Acad. Phi Sigma Kappa; Alpha Kappa Psi; Skull and Crescent; West. Club; Homecoming Com.; Jr. Councilman; V. P., 111. Union. Med. Corps, A. E. F., France, 1918; Asst. to Attending Surgeon of Dist. of Paris. Address, 308 N. Richland Ave., Belleville, 111. 9039. LAURA EMILY DOLE (Sister of Nos. 5637, 6843, 6844) Supervisor; B. Mus. ; b. S 10, 1895, Man- teno, 111.; d. Theophilus Packard (b. Je 12, 1849, Shelbourne, Mass.) and Emma Rhoda (Viall) Dolq (b. F 7, 1851, Brockvvayville, Pa.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. Mu Kappa Alpha; Jamesonian; Prelim. Honors; Women's Glee Club; Choristers. Supvr. Mus., H. S., Genesee, 11!., 1918 — . Address, Manteno, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Geneseo, 111. 9040. HELEN LAURA DOOCY Statistician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 23, 1896, Pittstield, 111.; d. Edward (1). O 19, 1853, St. Louis) and Clara Louise (Butler) Doocy (b. S 10, 1865, Payson, III.;. Prepared in Pittstield H. S.; James Milliken Univ., 1914- 15. Le Cercle Frangais; Sr. Invitation Com. Teacher, French, Pittstield, 111., 19 18; Sta- tistician, Chem. Warfare Service, Washington, D. C, 1918— . Address, Pittstield. 111. 9041. DOROTHY LANNING DOTY (Sister of No. 9042) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ta 16, 1896. Oak Park, 111.; d. Marshall Lloyd", Sr. (b. Je 9, 1869, Darlington, Wis.) and Dora Lanning (Jones) Doty (b. Jl 7, 1874, Can.). Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Kappa .\lpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Mortarboard; Mask and Bauble; Alethenai; W. A. A.; Wo man's Ed., Illio; III. Drama Federation, Ex. Com.; Prelim. Plonors; Stud. Council. Asst., Home Econ., Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111., 19 18 — -. Acting Mess Sergt. and Camp Dietitian, Co. C, S. A. T. C. Unit, Lombard Coll., 1918; Mustered out, D 21, 1918. Address, loio Cen- tral Ave.. Wilmette, 111.; bus. add., Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111. 9042. HELENE ELEANORE DOTY (Sister of- No. 9041) Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 16, i8g6. Oak Park, III.; d. Marshall Lloyd, Sr. (b. Je 9, 1869, Darlington, Wis.) and Dora Lanning (Jones) Doty (b. Jl 7. 1874, Can.). Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Alethenai; Woman's Ed., Ilho; Stunt Show. Ex. Com.; Stud. Council; W. A. A.; Prelim. Honors. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111.. 1 9 18 — . Address, loio Central Ave., Wilmette. 111.; bus. add., 907 Oregon St., Urbana. 9043. EMILY MOTT DOWNING Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 17, 1804, Glen Head, Long Island, N. Y.; d. Hicks A. (b. D i, 1864) and Emily Cornwall (Mott) Downing (b. Ap i:, 1867, Glen Head, Long Island N. Y.). Prepared in Elburn H. S.; Ferry Hall, 1910-11; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1911-12. Chi Omega. Bus. Course, Champaign Cml. Coll., 1918 — . Address, El- burn, 111.; bus. add., 907 S. Wright St., Cham- paign. 9044. CHUIN DU A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 27, 1887, Wei Whei F\i, China; s. D. C. Du. Prepared in Honan Provincial H. S. A. B., Baldwin Wal lace Coll.. 1916; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1917. .iddrr.<:s, Wei Whei Fu, Honan, China.t 9045- MARIE MILDRED DU ROIS Secretary; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Mr 6, 1894, riliopolis. 111.; d. C. O. Du Bois. Prepared in Eldorado Tp. H. S.; James Milliken Univ. Omicron Nu. Sec, Office Dept., Agr. Educ, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 606 Pine St., Eldorado, 111.; bus. add., c/o Dept. of Agr. Kduc, Univ. of 111. 9046. VELMA BURDETTE DUMAS Teacher; B. Mus.; b. N 10, 1896, Cicero, ril.; d. Joseph A. (b. My 27, 1861, N. Y.) and Emma E. (Durdette) Dumas (b. O 27, 1861, Eng.). Prepared in J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero. Achoth ; Mu Kappa Alpha; Kappa Delta Pi; Illiola; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Woman's Glee Club; Choristers. Teacher, Mus.. H. S.. Marion, 111., 1918— . Address, 514 Thomas Place, Marion, 111. 9047. FAE DUVALL Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 17, 1890, Argenta, 111.; d. John William (b. Jl 14, 1848. Belmont, O.) and Alice (Vulgamott) Duvall (b. N I, 1854, Argenta, 111.). Prepared in James Milliken Acad.: 111. St. Norm. H. S.: 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1908-9, 1912-14. Chi Theta; Y. W. C. A. Teacher, H. S., Spokane, Wash., 1918 — . Address, Argenta, 111.; btis. add., 210 S. Adams St., .Spokane, Wash. 9048. VERA ORIENE EDDS Pastoral Asst.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 5, 1891, Lincoln, HI.; d. Thomas W. (b. Mr 12. 1862, do.) and Allie Ann (French) Edds (b. Ap 7, 1867, (/().). Prepared in Lincoln H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1910-12, summer 1 91 6. Kappa Delta Pi; Alethenai; Scribblers; I'ethany Circle; Treas. Y. W. C. A. Pastoral Asst., Univ. Place Church of Christ, Cham- paign, 1918 — . Nat. Pres., Bethany Circle .iddress, 402 E. Sycamore St., Normal, 111.; bus. add., 1108 W. Oregon, Urbana. 9049. GAIL PHILLIPS EDWARDS Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. O 4, 1895, Chi- cago; s. Otho Sheridan (b. Ja 25, 1868, O.) and Sara M. (Gilheely) Edwards (b. O 22, 1870, Chicago). Prepared in Waller H. S., Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Up- silon; Glee and Mandolin Club. Pvt., Chem. Service, U. S. A., 1918.; Water Analysis, Base Hosp. Bordeaux, France, 191 8; Chem., Water Supply Dept., do., 1918 — . Address, 1441 Jarvis Ave., Chicago. 9050. WILLIAM HIRSCHEL EICHORN B. S. in Agr.; b. D 30, 1896, Mound City, III.; s. George Eichorn. Prepared in Mound Citv H. S. Alpha Zeta; Pres., Agr. Chib; Hoof and Horn Club; .Menorah; Staff, III. Agr.; .\gr. Dance Com.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Sr. Hat Com. U. S. N., Great Lakes, 19:8; Ensign, 19 19 — . Address, Mound City, Ill.t 9051. EUGENE ROBERT ELESON Dentist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 27. 1895. Elkhart, Ind.; s. Robert Ernest (b. S 28, 1868, Three Rivers, Mich.) and Flora Vibelia (Christman) Eleson (b. S 22, 1868, Elkhart Ind.). Prepared in Elkhart (Ind.) H. S Medui; Gamma Sigma Kappa; Phi Chi. Den tal Asst., Dental Infirmary No. 2. Camp Mc Arthur, Tex. Address, 515 8th St., Elkhart Ind. lOiR] Baccalaukeate Alumni 715 P05J. FKRDLXAND ARTHUR ELL B. S. in E. E.; b. O 26, 1805. Chicago; s. F. H. C. Ell. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Address. 2306 War- ren Ave., Chicago.! 9053. EARLIE EDGAR ELLIOTT B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 11, 1880, Bono, Ark.: s. J. H. Elliott. Prepared in Woodland Coll.; Jonesboro Agr. Coll., Ark. Address, Bono. Ark.t 9054. JACOB HOWARD EUSTON B. S. in E. E. ; b. O 4, iSgr, Lebanon, Pa.; s. Jacob Weichel (b. Lebanon, Pa.) and Annie Minerva (Ranch) Euston (b. Berks Co., Pa.). Prejiared in Washington H. S., Portland, Ore. Tan Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nn; Sigma Xi; E. E. Soc. ; Prelim., Special, and Final Honors; Stud. Branch A. L. E. E. Pvt., Hdqtrs. Co., 337th F. A.. Camp Dodge, la.; Sergt.. Hdqtrs. Co., 33-th F. A., D. S., 88th Div., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 50 9th Ave., Newark, N. J.; bus. add., 802 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. 905s. FRED EVANS B. S. in A. E.; b. N 5, i.Sg;, St. Louis; s. Morris Evans. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. .S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Arch. Club; C. E. Soc. Address, 1837 W. 13th St., Chicago.! 9056. CAROLINE VIRGINIA EWAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 29, 18S6, Cuba, 111.; d. William Israel (b. Mr 12, 1847, Port Republic, Va.) and Regina Catbejine (Murchi- son) Ewan (b. Ap i, 1847, Darlington. S. C). Prepared in Cuba H. S.; DePauw Univ., 1907- 09. Kappa Delta Pi. Address, Cuba, 111. 9057. GEORGE EDWARD KIRCHNER EAGER Inspector; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 15, 1896, Mur- physboro. 111.; d. Philip (b. 1855, do.) and Emma Rebecca (Will) F/ager (b. 1862, do.). Prepared in Murphysboro Tp. H. S. Alpha Zeta; Hort. Club; Prelim. Honors. St. Nur- sery Insp., 1918 — . Address, Murphysboro, 9058. FAITH JEANNETTE FAIRFIELD (FISHER) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 7. 1896, Eaton Rapids, Mich.; d. Charles T. Fairfield. Pre- pared in Rutland (Vt.) H. S.; Oberlin Coll. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Athenean; Staff, Daily mini; ist (Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Advisory Council. Married Benjamin Fisher, Ag 1918. Address, 66 N. Main St., Rutland, Vt.t 9059. CHARLES FAIRMAN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 27, 1897. Alton, 111.; s. Willis Lee (b. Ap 6. 1859, Medina, N. Y.) and Helen Graham (Stelle) Fairman (b. My 4, 1857, Jerseyville, 111.). Prepared in Al- ton and East St. Louis H. Schs. Theta Chi; Ma-wan-da; Scabbard and Blade: Cadet Col., Univ. Brig.; Prelim. Honors. Bat. F, ist 111. F*. A., 1916-17; 4th R. O. T. C, 1918; 2nd Lt., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; ist Lt.. Observa- tion Bn.. Ft. Sill, Okla.. 1918; Asst. in Mil., Univ, of 111., 1919 — . Auth.: Military Tr. in Land Grant Colleges and Universities. Nat. Defense. Married Elizabeth Armstrong, N 23, 1918, Oklahoma City, Okla. Address, 31 12 Leverett Ave., Alton, 111.; bus. add., Mil. Office, Univ. of -111., Urbana. 9060. BERTHA LUCILLE FARNAM A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 28, 1894, Pawnee, 111.; d. H. E. and Hattie M. (Ferguson) Far- nam. Prepared in Pawnee H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Address, Pawnee, 111. 9061. ALICE MAUDE FERGUSON Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 4, 1888, Orion, 111.; d. George William (b. Je 18, 1847, Quin- cv, 111.) and Inez Eliza (Hitchcock) Ferguson (b. F 14, i8=;2, Farmington, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S.; Knox /Toll., 1908-10; Knox Conservatory of Mus., 1911-14. Omicron Nu. Teacher. H. S.. Bippus, Ind., 1918 — . Address, Orion, 111.; t,;.f. add., c/o High School, Bip- pus, Iml. 9062. M.'VRGARET ALICE FINLEY (Sister of No. 8319) Student: A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 30. 1895, Hoopeston, 111.; d. Charles R. and Addie (Rcece) Finley. Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. Achoth: Athenean; Scholarship in Classics; Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, Hoopeston, 111.; bus. add., 601 E. Chalmers St., Cham- paign. 9063. SOLOMON LEONARD FISHMAN Chemist; B. S. in Chcni. E. ; b. O 29, 1898, Chicago; d. Louis (b. Russia) and Elizabeth Fishman (b. do.). Prepared in Medill H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 191=5-16. Menorah; Chem. Club; A. C. S. ReseaVch Chem., Gas Defense Research, Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., Wash- ington. D. C, 1918 — , Address, Holly Grove, La.; bus. add., American Univ., Washington, D. C. 9064. (FRITZ) HARRIS D. FISK Lawyer: LI^ B.; b. Mr 8, 1894, De Kalb, 111.; s. Albert Wallace (b. O 21, 1857, Reeds- burg, Wis.) and Clara (Perry) Fisk (b. Ap 27, [861, Kaneville, 111.). Prepared in De Kalb Tp. H. S. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Fresh. Varsity Basketball; Stud. Ed., Law Bui. Lawyer, De Kalb. 111., 1919 — . Sergt. Maj., F. A., Sch. Det., Firing Center, Camp Jackson, S. C; Camp Knox, Ky.; Mustered out. Ja 15, 1919- Changed name to Harris D., 1918. Ad- dress, 323 College Ave., De Kalb, 111.; bus. add.. Room 20s. Odd Fellows Bldg., do. 9065. ANNETTE IIOYT FLANDERS Land Arch.; B. S. in Land Gard.; b. S 16, 18S7, Milwaukee; d. Frank Mason (b. 1854, do.) and Hettie Pamelia (Jones) Hoyt (b. 1858, Har- vard^ 111.). Prepared in Balliol Sch., Utica, N. Y., Milwaukee Downer Acad. .A.. B., Smith Coll., 1910. Telephone Operators Unit, Sig- nal Corps, 1918; Canteen Service, A. R. C, France, 1918 — . Married Roger Yale Fland- ers Je 14, 1913, Oconomowoc, Wis. Ad- dress, 686 Franklin Place, Milwaukee. 9066. EDNA HELEN FLEXER (WALSH) A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 12, 1894. Joliet, 111.: d. Dr. J. R. (b. S 22, i86s) and Helen Norton (Peck) Flexer (b. My 12, 1864). Pre- pared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; Tr. Coll., Joliet. Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Jame- sonian. Married Stewart P. Walsh, 1918. Ad- dress, 5838 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 9067. MARGUERITE PAULINE FLOCK (Sister of No. 8328) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 17, 1895, Deer Grove, 111.; d. John (b. Ja 31, 1863, do.) and Nettie Louise (Schlink) Flock (b. Je 24 1864. El Paso, 111.). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S. Alpha Delta Pi; Le Cercle Francais; W. A. A.; Jr. Advisory Bd.; Treas., Sr. Illinae; Class., Basket ball; Class Baseball; Class Hockey. Address, 904 W. Green St., Urbana. 9068. GRACE HAGGERTY FLOOD Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 23, 1895, Terre Haute, Ind.; d. George S. Flood. Pre- pared in Wiley H. S., Terre Haute, Ind. Ind. St. Norm. Sch. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, Eng., ■H. S., Clinton, 111., 1918 — . Address, 1125 S. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., c/o High School, Clinton. 111. University of Illinois [1918 9069. AUTHA MAYBELLE FLUKE Bank Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 13, 1896, Clyde. 111.; d. Autlia L. Fluke. Pre- pared in Englewood H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Clerk, bank, Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 6547 Normal Blvd., Chifiago.t 9070. DOMINIC FORTY (Brother of No. 6881) B. S. in M. E. ; b. Jl 13, 1895, Chicago; s. Joseph J. Forty. Prepared in Crane Jr. Coll. Address, 842 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. t 9071. FRANK WARD FOSTER B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 26, 1890, Alexis, 111.; s. Marriott Hays (b. My 7, 1859. Huntington Co., Pa.) and Katherine Elizabeth (Boggs) Foster (b. Je 2, 1861, Alexis, 111.). Prepared in Alexis H. S.; Monmouth H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Theta Tau. Engrs. R. C, U. S. S. C. Radio Sch., 1918; O. T. S., Columbia Univ., New York City, 1918; Post Field, Ft. Sill, Okla., 191 8 — . Address, Alexis, 111. 9072. RONALD EDWARD FOULKE Electrician; B. S. in E. E.; b. F 20, 1897, Aurora, 111.; s. William D. (b. Ap 1868) and Florence Mary (Officer) Foulke (b. 1867, Pa.). Prepared in West Aurora H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Pan Hellenic Council; Varsity Football; Prelim, and Final Honors. Illini Trustee. Electn., Aurora, 111., 1919 — • 2nd Lt.. 5th C. A. T. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; Ft. Sill, Okla., 1918; Mustered out, D i, 1918. Address, iii W. Park Ave., Aurora, 111.; bus. add., c/o Barber Greene Co., do. 9073. LUCIA BYRNE FOX Teacher; B. S. in Land. Card.; b. N 26, 1892, Madison. Wis.; s. A. O. Fox. Prepared in Wis. Acad.; Univ. of Wis.; Univ. of Calif. Delta Gamma. Teacher, Land Card, and Bot., Tech. H. S., Indianapolis, 1918 — . Address, 117 E. Gorham St., Madison. Wis.; bits, add., c/o Technical High School, Indian- apolis. 9074. ARTHUR LEWIS FRANCIS Advertising Mgr.; A. B. in Commerce; b. My 12, 1893, Chicago; s. John W. (b. Lincoln Co., O.) and Emma Bailey (b. Chicago, 111.). Pre- pared in Englewood H. S. Chi Beta; Pierrots. Advertising Mgr., Vacuum Co., Chicago, 1918 — . Q. M. Corps, Depot Q. M., Chicago; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Address, 6414 Yale Ave., (Chicago; bus. add., Advertising Dept., Vacuum Oil Co., do. 9075. JOHN ZIMMERLY FRAZIER (Brother of Nos. 6242, 6886) B. S. in Agr.; b. S 21, 1880, Paris. 111.; s. James B. (b. D 25, 1854, Charleston, 111.) and Dora Isabella (Zimmerly) Frazier (b. D 10, Paris, 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. Adelphic; Agr. Club. Address, R. 4. Pans. 9076. VINA FREITAG Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 31. 1891, Mackinaw. 111.; d. Frank (b. D 4, 1869, Arrow- smith, 111.) and Mary Frances (Wilson) Freitag (b. Ja 8, 1869, Rich Hill, Mo.). Prepared in Mackinaw H. S.; 111. St. Norm., 1910-12. Delta Epsilon Phi. Dietitian, Michael Reese Hosp., Chicago, 1918 — . Address, Mackinaw, 111.; bus. add c/o Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. 9077. HOLLIS OLDFIELD FREY B. S. in M. E.; b. O 29. 1895. Secor, 111.; s. Clarence W. (b. do.) and Geneva (Colburn) Frey (b. Eureka, 111.). Prepared in Secor H. S.; Eureka Prep. Coll.: Eureka Coll., 1913- 14 Acanthus; Theta Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. U. S. N., Stevens Inst., Hoboken. N. J.; do., A. E. F., France, 1918; Returned from overseas, 1919; Mustered out, F 10, 1910. Address, 309 S. McLean St., Bloomington, 111. 9078. ARTHUR HENRY FRICK Farm Adviser; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 11, 1895, Belleville, 111.; s. Henry J. (b. Je 11, 1850, Hecker, 111.) and Emily (Baumann) Frick (b. S II. 1857. Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Belleville H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Class Football; Class Baseball; Class Basketball; 2nd Lt., L^niv. Brig. Dir. of Agr., Strawberry Point, la., 19 18; do., Dist. No. 1, Itasca Co., Minn., 1918 — . Troop B, ist 111. Cavalry, 1915-16. Address, Grand Rapids, Minn. 9079. THEODORE HENRY PRISON Student; Entomologist; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Ja 17, 1895, Champaign; s. Joseph (b. D 6, i8.s8, Strassburg, Ger.) and Helen (O'Neil) Prison (b. S 23, 1858, Herman, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi; Sigma Xi; Adelphic; Univ. Orchestra. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111.. 1918— . 4th O. T. C, Camp Dodge, Des Moines; 2nd Lt. ; Mustered out, D 2, 1918. Auth. : Articles in .4m. Ent. Soc. of Am., 1917, 1918; Proc. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, 1916. Address, 503 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 9080. ROLF HAROLD JOSEF GAARDER Asst. Mgr.; B. S. in Commerce; b. N 9, 1896, Kristiana, Norway; s. Ole H. (b. D 14, 1857, Norway) and Camilla (Handberg) Gaarder (b. Je 18, 1873. Kristiana, Norway). Prepared in Frogner Hosere Almenskole, Kristiana, Nor- way. Cosmopolitan. Asst. Mgr., Overseas Co. of Brazil, Sao Lviiz. Maranhao, Brazil. 1919 — . Address, Professor Dahlsgata s, Kristiana, Norway; bus. add.. Overseas Co. of Brazil, Sao Luiz, Maranhao, Brazil. 9081. RALPH A. GALE Research Asst,; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 8, 1892, Palisade, Neb.; s. Harvey T. (b. Logan Co., 111.) and Mattie J. (Hogue) Gale (b. do.). Prepared in Lincoln Coll. Prepared in Lin- coln Coll., Neb., 1914-16. Acacia, Research Asst. and Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . ist Co., Inf., O. T. Sch., Camp Sherman, O. Mem.. Presby. Church. Address, 112 Hudson St., Lincoln, 111. 9082. AUGUSTA EMILIE GALSTER Research Asst.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 25. 1887. Tower Hill, III.; d. W. F. Galster. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Le Cercle Frangais. Research Asst., Office of the Dean of the Gradu- ate School, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, Tower Hill, 111.; bus. add., 109 Commerce Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 9083. McKINLEY GARDNER Tournalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 21, 1897. Eagle. Neb.; s. James Monroe (b. Ja 12, 1839, Akron, O.) and Margaret (Christopher) Gardner (b. 1859, Pawnee, 111,). Prepared in Auburn H. S. Sigma Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Delta Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi- Graphomen; Staff, Illini, III. Mag.; Prelim. Honors; War Com. On Advertising Staff, Wenatchee Daily World, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Jane Owen, D 24. 1918, Los Gatos, Calif. Address, Auburn, 111.; bus. add., c/o Wenatchee Daily World, Wenatchee, Wash. 9084. JESSE LEHMAN GARY B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 28, 1896, Carmi, 111.; s. G. Taylor (b. Ap 9, 1848, Bowling Green, Ky.) and Mary Magdalena (Earth) Gary (b. Je' 30, 1869, Carmi, 111.). Prepared in Carmi H. S. Prelim. Honors; C. E. Soc. Sergt., Topographical Sect., Hdqtrs. Co., 212th Engrs., Camp Forrest, Ga. ; do.. Camp Devens, Mass.; Mustered out, F i, 1919. Address. Carmi, 111. igi8] Baccalaureate Alumni 717 9085. ROMAN DE LA GARZA B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 14, 1891, Sabinas Hidal- go Nuevo Leon, Mex.; s. Roman (b. Gutierrez, Monterrey, do.) and Tuanita (Morales) Garza (b. Sabinas Hidalgo, ao.). Prepared in Greer ColL; Purdue Univ., 1912-13. C. E. Club. Ad- dress, Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mex. 9086. GAIL GAUNT (WINKLEMAN) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 24, 1894, Grand Chain, 111.; d. Charles M. (b. Jl i. 1865, do.) and Eleanor (Miller) Gaunt (b. N 3, 1866, Villa Ridge, 111.). Prepared in Ward Bel- mont, Nashville, Tenn. Alpha Delta Pi. Mar- ried R. E. Winkleman, Mr 27. 1919, Mound City, 111. Address. Mound City, 111. 9087. LESTER CHARLES GEIGER Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 20, 1895, Mendota, 111.; s. Frederick John (b. Pon- tine, 111.) and Minnie Mary (Klucker) Geiger (b. N 2, 1870, Mendota, 111.). Prepared in Men- dota H. S. With Ernst & Ernst, C. P. Accts., Chicago, 1919—- Bat. F, 337th F. A., N. A., 1918; A. E. F., France, 1918-19; Mustered out, F 5i I9I9- Mem., Am. Econ. Assn. Address, 500 Illinois Ave., Mendota, 111.; bus. add., 1038-50 Continental & Cml. Bank Bldg., Chi- cago. 9088. HAROLD EDGAR GEORGE B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1891, St. Peter, Minn.; s. Edgar (b. D 27, 1852, Lovettsville, V'a.) and Alice (Mendenhall) George (b. Ap 15, 1854, Darlington, Ind.). Prepared in Northfield (Minn.) H. S. A. B., Carleton Coll., Minn., 1915. Asst. Ed., Land. Arch. Yearbook. Petty Officer, ist class, U. S. N., Great Lakes, 111., 191 8 — . Address, 514 E. Pennsylvania St., Whittier, Calif. 9089. ROSCOE HARLAN GERKE Student; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. D i, 1896, Highland, 111.; s. Edward L. Gerke. Prepared in Greenville H. S.; Greenville Coll. Scholar- ship, Univ. of 111., 1919 — . Sergt., Chem. War- fare Service; 2nd Lt., do.. Am. Univ. E.xp. Sta., Washington, D. C; Mustered out, Ja 11, 1919. Address, 416 S. 5th St., Greenville, 111.; bus. add., 102 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 9090. ALMA GERLACH (Sister of No. 4673) Asst. Mgr.; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 5, 1895, Chester, 111.; d. John Daniel (b. Ap 24, 1858, do.) and Mary Phinetta (Neville) Gerlach (b. Ja 24, i860). Prepared in Doniphan (Mo.) H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; H. Sc. Club; W. A. A.; Hockey Team; Bowling; Baseball. Assistant Manager, Univ. Club. Urbana, 1918 — . Address, Doniphan, Mo. 9091. PENCO GHERG.ANOFF B. S. in M. E.; b. Jl 27, 1891, Kolideto, Bul- garia; s* Pencoff Gherganoff. Prepared in Nat. St. Coll., Bulgaria. Address, Bulevardna, 45 Lovetche, Bulgaria.! 9092. JOHN HOWARD GILLEN B. S. in M. E.: b. Ag 2, 1896, Beaver Falls, Pa.; s. John Gillen. Prepared in J. Sterling Morion H. S., Cicero; Lewis Inst. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau. Ensign, U. S. N., Pelham Bay, N. Y., 1918; Mustered out, Mr 1919- Ad- dress, 3331 Berkeley Ave., Berwyn, 111. 9093. HAROLD RAYMOND GIRHARD A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 21, 1892, New- ton, 111.; s. N. J. Girhard. Prepared in New- ton H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Address, Newton, Ill.t 9094. ETHEL FLORENCE GLIFdFE Statistician; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 24, 1898, Chicago; d. William A. (b. Jl 27, 1874. Chicago) and Mignonette (Burr) Glifife (b. N 30, 1874, Chicago). Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S.; Chicago Teacher's Coll., 1914-16. Alpha Xi Delta; Chm.. Woman's War Relief Com. Statistician, Purchasing Dept., Joseph T. Ryer- son & Son, Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 2424 N. Mozart St., Chicago; bus. add., i6tb and Rock- well Sts., do. 9095. WALTER ADOLPH GOELITZ Manufacturer; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 3, 1897, Richmond, Ind.; s. Adolph (b. My 30, 1870, Belleville, 111.) and Anna (Jun) Goelitz (b. Mr II, 1872, St. Louis). Prepared in Deer- field-Sheilds H. S., Highland Park; Rogers (Ark.) Acad. Farm House; Alpha Zeta; Tribe of mini; Agr. Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Varsity Football; Homecoming Com.; Class Sergt. at Arms; Prelim. Honors. Mfg. Con- fectioner, Goelitz Confectionery Co., North Chicago, 1918 — . Auth.: (with C. C. Sanborn) A Two-year Nesting Record in Lake Co., 111., Wilson Bill., 1915; A Strange Nesting of the Barred Owl and Reds'.iouldered Hawk., do., 1916; The Short-eared Owl in Saskatchewan, The Condor, 1918; Birds and Agr., ///. Agr., 1918. Mem.. Am. Ornithol. Union; The Wil- son Ornithol. Soc; Cooper Ornithol. Club. Address, 1622 Judson Ave., Ravinia, 111.; bus. add., Goelitz Confectionery Co., North Chicago. 9096. ERNA CLAIRE GOLDSCHMIDT (Daughter of No. 542) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl S- 1895, Dav- enport, la.; d. Alfred Gustave ('88), (b. Mr ^0, 1868, do.) and Anna Margaret (Bremer) Goldschmidt (b. D 21, 1868, Stolp, Ger.). Pre; pared in Davenport (la.) H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Mortarboard; Omi- cron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi; lUiola; H. Sc. Club; Prelim. Honors; ist Cabinet. Y. W. C. A.; Ex. Bd., Women's League. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Davenport, la., 1918 — . Address, 2010 Main St., Davenport, la.; bus. add., c/o High School, do. 9097. MARK EDWARD GRAHAM B. S. in E. E.; M. A., 1918; b. Ag 3. 1896, Chicago; s. Edward Mark (b. F 22, 1857, New York City) and Tillie (Yahn) Graham (b. Jo- liet. 111.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1914-16. E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. Instr.. U. S. S. Married Clara E. Stelter, O 31, 1918, Cham- paign. Address, 4203 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago. 9098. VICTOR HUBERT GRAMOUNT (GROSSBERG) LL. B.; b. F 14, 1895, Chicago; s. J. G. (b. Ap 10, 1870. do.) and Doris (Elkan) Grossberg (h. My 8, 1870, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. (ihi Phi; Mgr., Pierrots; Comitatus; 111. Drama Federation; Regt. Sergt. Maj. Capt., and Lt. Col., LTniv. Brig.; Fresh. Class Water Polo and Swimming; Treas., Bus. Mgr., Mask and Bauble; Nat. Pres., Associated Univ. Play- ers. R. S. S. R. C, 1917; Tactic Instr., U. S. S. M. A., 1917; Brev. Capt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1917; Capt.. 111. Nat. Guard, Mr 1918; 2nd Lt., Inf.. Depot Brig., Camp Logan. Tex., igi8 — . Name legally changed from Grossberg to Gramount S 6, 1918. Married Dorothy Marr Money. My 3, 1918, Biloxi, Miss. Address. Harvard Apts., 806 S. 3rd St., Champaign. 9099. JAMES MADISON GRAY A. B. in Commerce; b. O 12, 1897, Decatur, III.; s. J. M. (b. Te i, 1862, Fayette Co., 111.) and Liliie May (Belt) Gray (b. My 14, 1868, Fieldon, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Ilus; Tribe of Illini; Comitatus; Dolphins; Fresh. Varsity and Varsity Swimming; Class 7i8 UXIVERSITV OF IlLIXOIS [iQiS and Varsity Water Basketball; Varsity Foot- ball; Sr. Hobo Band Com.; ist Lt., Univ. Brig. Ensign's Tr. Sch.. U. S. N. R. V.. Municipal Pier, Chicago, 1918 — . Mem.. Chicago Ath. Assn. Address, 452 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur, 111. 9100. ESTHER CRANSTON GREEN (JARVIS) (Wife of No. -653; Sister of No. 6912) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 10, 1896, Oak wood. 111.; d. Lincoln Hamlin (b. Ap 6, 1S62, Xenia. O.) and Mary Esther (Cranston) (b. My iS, 1867). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu: Athenean; V. P.. .Soph. Illinae. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Rowling Jarvis ('16), Je 20. 1918, Oakwood. 111. Address, 8 Otsego Ave., Detroit. 9101. JOEL WARING GREENE (Brother of Nos. 3384, 8379) B. S. in Agr. ; b. Jl 26, 1895, Dubuciue, la.: s. Joel Henry (b. Jl 4. 1852, Franklinville, N. V.) and Martha (Thomas) Greene (b. F 24. 1859, Lansing, la.). Prepared in Dubuque (la.) H. S. Theta Delta Chi; Alpha Zeta; Ma- wan-da; Ku Klux; Graphomen; Staff, Daily mini; Staff, Illio; Jr. Prom. Com.; Home-Coni- mg Com.; Pres., Stud. Council; Illini Bd. of Trustees; Comitatus; Prelim. Honors. Ensign. U. S. N. R. F.. 191 8; Mustered out, Ap 191 9. Address, 907 California Ave., Urbana. 9102. STANWOOD JOHN GRIFFITH (Son of No. 300; Brother of No. 6918) Business; B. S. in .Agr.; b. Mr iS, 1807. Ash- ton. 111.; s. T. C. (b. Ta 8. 1S62, Obsanduskv. O.) and Dcfa A. (Andrus) Griffith ('82), (h. My 5. 1863. .\shton. 111.). Prepared in Ashton and Dixon H. Schs. .\lpha Gamma Rho; Class Football Mgr., Sr. Class Ath. Retail Lumber and Coal Bus.. .Ashton. 111. Instr., Carpenter Work, Chicago Tr. Detachment. IQ18; Avia. Sect. Mech. Sch., 8-oth Co.. Kelley Field; Mustered out, F 22, 1919. Address, Ashton. 111. 9103. ELMORE ALBERT GRIPP B. S. in Commerce; b. .\g 16, 1896, Moline. 111.; s. C. F. (b. Denmark) and Anna Maria (Sage) Gripp (b. Rock Island. 111.). Prepared in Moline H. S.; Univ. of Wis. Phi Delta Phi; Prelim. Honors. Address, i6o4-i2th St.. Moline, 111. 9104. EARL JEROME GRIMES B. S. in Agr,; b. Ja 15. i8q3, Russellville, Ind.; s. Chas. F. Grimes. Prepared in Rus- sellville (Ind.l H. S.; Purdue Univ. 2nd Lt.. Co. C, 334th Inf. 84th Div.. Co. C. ist Prov. Regt., A. E. F.. France. Address, Russellville. Ind. 9105. WALTER GRISEMER A. B. in L. .A. & S.: b. O 5, 1896. Louis- ville, Kv. ; s. T. H. Grisenier. Prepared in Bremen '(Ind.)" H. S.; N. W. Coll. Address, Royal Center, Ind.t 9106. HELEN WIGHTMAN GROMMON A. B. in H. Sc.; b. F 6, 1S94, Plainfield. 111.; d. Homer B. (b. My 1863. Coldwater. Mich.") and Helen (Wightman) Grommon (b. F 1874, Cherokee. la.). Prepared in Wheaton .\cad. ; Oberlin Coll., 1913-14. Address, Plain- field, 111. 9107. NINA GROTEVANT Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 16, 1805. Pekin. 111.; d. -Mbert (b. O 26, 1864. Peoria.) and Florence (Strickland") Grotevant (b. Ap 27, 1867). Prepared in Pekin H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher, H. S., Lake Charles, La.. 191S — . Address, Lake Charles, La. 9108. ERNEST WILLIAM GUERNSEY Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. My i, 1896. Kno.x Co., Ind.; s. John William (b. Jl j^o, 1868, do.) and Julia Grace (Owens) Guernsey (b. Ja 15, 1S70. do.). Prepared in Vincennes (Ind.) H. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Chem. Club; Final and Special Hon- ors. Research Chem., Brown Co., Berlin, N. H., 1 010 — . Govt. Chem., Research on War Gases, Washington, D. C, 1918; Sergt., U. S. A.; Mustered out, Ja 1919. Married Louisa Mar- garet Guernsey, Ja 30. 1918, Vincennes, Ind, Child, ^Mildred Louisa, b, F 21, 1919. Ad- dress, 830 Perry St., Vincennes, Ind.; bus. add., 1229 Jackson St., N. E. Washington, D. C. 9109. ORVILLE FRANCIS HAAS B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. Ja i, 1895, Panola. 111.; s. P. W. and Mary Anna (Hawk) Haas (b. New York Citv). Prepared in El Paso H. S. E. E. Soc:; Ry. Club. Address, El Paso, 111. 91 10. SARA M.\Y HAGGERTY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 5, 1889, Nauvoo, Pa.; d. John (b. Ap 16, 1852, do.) and Sadie (Heyler) Haggerty (b. D 5, 1854, do.). Pre- pared in St. Norm. Sch., Mansfield, Pa.; Bucknell Univ., Pa., 1912-14. Pi Beta Phi. .-Iddress, Lloyd. Pa. 91 1 1. EDITH ELIZABETH HAGUE Librarian; B. L. S.; b. Lee's Summit, Mo.; d. Reuben (b. O.) and Anna A. (Sandler) Hague (b. Fond duLac, Wis.). Prepared in Kingfisher (Okla.) H. S.; Kingfisher Coll. A. B.. Kan. Univ.. 1910. .-\sst, in charge of serials, Kan, St, Agr. Coll. Lib,, Manhattan, Kan., 191 3-17; Libn., Pub. Lib. Spokane, Wash.. 1918 — . Address, 709 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add.. Pub. Lib., Spokane, Wash. 9112. GRACE LOUISE HAHN Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 5. 1896, West Chicago. 111.; d. .\lbert E. (b. Mr 13. 1858, do.) and Rose (Berg) Hahn (b. Ap 12. 1864, Watertown, Wis.). Prepared in West Chicago H. S.; Lewis Inst., 1014-15. Achoth. Teacher. H. S., Stockton. 111., 1918—. Ad- dress, 10 Allen Ave., West Chicago, 111,; bus. add., c/o High School, Stockton, 111. 9113. GEORGE STANLEY H.\LAS Base-ball Player; B. S. in C. E.; b. F 2. 1895, Chicago; s. Frank John (b. Bohemia) and Barbara Halas (b. do.). Prepared in Crane H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon: Sachem; Ma-wan-da; Tribe of Illini; Sigma Tau; Var- sity Football; Baseball: Capt., Varsity Basket- ball. With N. Y. Am. League baseball. 1919 — . U. S. N., Pub. Works Dept., Great Lakes, 111., 1018-19. Mem.. Great Lakes Champion- ship Service Football Team, 1918; Ensign. I'. S. N. ; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 2700 W. 23rd Place, Chicago. 9 1 14. EDWARD KNIGHT HALL B. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 16, 1894, Bvirghersdorp, Cape Province, S. Africa; s. Charles Btennison Hall (b. Mr 6, 1863, Cape Province, S. Africa) and Lily von (Broembsen) Hall (b. .\g 10, 1869, do.). Prepared in Kingswood H. S., Cape Province, S. .Africa. Cosmopolitan: .Mpha Zeta; Agr. Club. Class Soccer. Ad- dress, Box 91, Ladybrand, Orange Free State, S. Africa. 91 1 5. KARL WILLI.VM H.ALL B. S. in M. E.; b. F 24. 180=;, Cherokee, la.; s. W. J. (b. O 8, Piper City, 111.) and .Amy (Boddy) Hall (b. Ap 2-. .Augusta, On- tario, Can.). Prepared in Cherokee H. S.; f.ake Forest Coll., Lake Forest, 111., 1913-15. Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Sr. Smoker Com. Nitrate Div. of Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 19 tS—. Address, 605 W. Cedar St., Cherokee, la. 191 81 Baccalaureate Alumni 719 91 16. LEONARD AYERS HAMMOND Fanner; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ag 6, 1896, War- saw, 111.; s. Miles Standish (b. Ag 27, 1870, do.) and Rose E. (Ayers) Hammond (b. O 7, 1871, do.). Prepared in Warsaw H. S.; Ham ilton H. S. Acacia. Naval Aviation, Ground Sch., Boston, 1918; Chief Q. M., Navy Detach- ment (Avia.) Cambridge, Mass.; Mustered out, D II, 19 1 8. Address, Warsaw, 111. 91 17. HARLAN CARL HARBICHT B. S. in Min. E.; b. Hannibal, Mo.; s. I'. J. Harbicht. Prepared in Hannibal (Mo.) 11. S.; Mo. Univ. Sch. of Mines. Sigma Nu; Sigma Tau: Tau Beta Pi; Stud. Brrinch, A. L E. E. ; Staff, Technograph. Co., 12, 6th E. T. R., Camp A. A., Humphreys, Va., 1918; 2nd Lt., Co. F., 217th Engrs., Camp Beauregard, La., 1918; Mustered out, F 4, 1919. Address, Eveleth, Minn. 9118. ROBERT BRUCE HARRIS . B. S. in Land. Card.; b. Ap 5, 1896, Gilman, 111.; s. George Lincoln (b. O 23, i860, Wenona, 111.) and Barbara Lenore (Scouler) Harris (b. Ap 23, 1864, Glasgow, Scotland). Prepared in Gilman H. S. U. S. N. R. F., 1918— . Ad- dress, Gilman, 111. 9119. BENJAMIN SAMUEL HARRISON Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 21, 1890, Du Quoin, 111.; s. Isham H. (b. 1848. do.) and Margery Ann (McElvaiii) Harrison (b. 1848, do.). Prepared in Milliken llniv. Phi Beta Kappa; Scribblers' Club; Adelphic; Le Cercle Franpais. Instr., Wentworth Mil. Acad.. Lexington, Mo., 1918; do., Columbia Univ., New York City. Address, Villa Grove, 111.; bus. add., Livingston Hall, Columbia LIniv., New York City. 9120. ARCHIE HARRISON HART Inspector; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 27, 1886, Hodges Park, 111.; s. Harrison R. (b. O 26, 1853. Hall Co., Ga.) and Nannie Belle (Young) Hart (b. F 4, 1869, Paris, Tenn.). Prepared in Sumner H. S., Cairo. U. S. Meat Insp., St. Louis, 1918 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Address, Grand Chain, HI.; bus. add., 21 17 Pine St., St. Louis. 9121. GODFREY HARTWELL B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 20, 1895, Michigan City, Ind. ; s. George Bannerman and Mary Belle (Miller) Hartwell. Prepared in Laporte (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Fresh. Class Track. 2nd Lt., C. A., U. S. .\.. Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918 — ; do., A. E. F., France. 1918 — . Address, yiy Michigan Ave., LaPorte, Ind. 9122. EDWARD BEAN HAYES Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 30, 1807, Blue Hill. Me.; s. Edward Gary (b. Lewiston. Me.) and Annie Lee (Bean) Hayes (b. Grey, Me.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Philo- mathean; Sr. Banquet Com.: Chm.. Sr. Class Day Com.; Debating Team. Grad. Stud.. Har- vard Law Sch., Cambridge, Mass., 1919 — . U. S. N., Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 1918: Mus- tered "lut, 1919. Address, 915 W. Nevada St., L'rbana. 9123. WALTER ELLIOi IIAYNE B. S. in £. E.; b. N 5, 1894. Chicago; s. James B. (b. Harcourt, Conn.) and Sophia C. (Steers) Hayne (b. Quincy, 111.). Prepared in Englewood H. S., Chicago. Psi Upsilon; Theta Tau; Helmet; Stud. Council; Cheer leader. With Du Pont Powder Co., Chicago. 1919— . U. S. A. S., Radio Officers Tr. Sch.; Squadron E., Post Field. Fort Sill. Okla.; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 7008 Normal Blvd., Chicago. 9124. MARTHA ELIZABETH HEDGCOCK (Sister of No. 3766, 6944, 7595) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 31, 1894, Plymouth, 111.; s. John Franklin (b. N 3, 1862, do.) and Elizaljeth Anna (Wade) Hedg- cock (b. S 17, i860, Plymouth, IlL). Pre- pared in Augusta H. S.; Kno.x Coll. Alpha Omicron Pi; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, H. S., Preston, Minn., 1918 — . Address, Plymouth, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Preston, Minn. 9125. MARTIN ANTON HEGSTED B, S. in A. E.; b. My 23, 1895. Chicago; s. .\nton (b. S 21, 1869, Stavanger, Norway) and Marie Catherine (Carlson) Hegsted (b. Ap 1870 Norway). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Lane Jr. Coll., 1914-15. Ensign Sch.. N. R. Mem., Aoers Ath. Club, Chicago. Address, 2258 N. Monticello .\ve., Chicago. 9136. JOE BUNN HEIDLER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 22, 1896. Ottawa, 111.; s. Samuel II. (b. S 6. 1861, Columbia. Pa.) and Delia (Bunn) Heidler (b. Spring- field, 111.). Prepared in S))ringfield II. S.; Knox Coll., 1914-16. Scholarship in Eng.. 1918- 19; Theme Asst., Dept. of Eng., Univ. of 111., 1919 — . 45th Inf., Med. Corps, (iamp Sheridan, Ala., 1918; do.. Camp Gordon. Ga., 1918; Mustered out. 1919. Address, 933 S. 5th St., Springfield, III.; bus. add., 1105 W. . Main St., Urbana. 9127. ANNA HAZEL HENDERSON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 3, 1896, Deputy, Ind.; d. John (b. D 13, 1856, Osgood, Ind.) and Clara Alice (de Lappe) Henderson (b. Mr 3. 1867, Dupont, Ind.). Prepared in West Lafayette (Ind.) H. S.; De Pauw Univ., 1914-16. Delta Delta Delta; Ex. Council, Wo- man's League. Teacher, London Mills, 111., 1918 — . Address, 916 W. California Ave., Ur- bana; bus. add., London Mills, 111. 9128. ELIZABETH HENRY B. L. S.; b. D 23, 1868, Quincy, HI.; d. A. H. Henry. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1900. Address, 109 Perry Ave., Peoria. t 9129. MARGARET EMILY HENSON B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. Jl 24, 1896, Villa Grove, 111.; d. Frank Henson. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Address, 13 16 Orchard St., Ur- bana. t 9130. MARY HANNAH BROADBELT HICKS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 2. 1883, Manoa, Pa.; d. Wilmer (b. JI 10, 1845. Media, Pa.) and Georgeanna (Kirk) Broadlielt (b. My 7, 1849, do.). Prepared in Philadelphia H. S. for Girls; Philadelphia Girls' Norm. Sch.. 1903-05; New Haven Norm. Sch. of Gymnas- tics, 1905-07. Mem., Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married To'n Frederick Gross Hicks, Sr., N 30. iqo6, Wilmington. Del. Children: John Frederick (^ross, Jr., b. Mr 28, 1908; Mary Margaret b. Ja 5, 191 1. Address. 610 S. Wright St., Champaign. 9131. WENDELL PHILLIPS HILTABRAND R. S. in Agr.; b. Jl 10. 1896, Tonica, 111.; s. G. D. Hiltabrand. Prepared in Tonica II. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Acanthus. 22nd Regt., U. S. Naval Auxiliary. Great Lakes, 111.; Mus- tered out, F 25, 1919. Address, 7250 Prince- ton Ave., Chicago. 9132. HERBERT STASSEN HINRICHS Assistant; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 31, 1895. Joliet. HI.; s. Chas. F. (b. Mr 29, 1866. Will Co., 111.) and Hannah C. (Stassen) Hinrichs (b. Ag 19, 1865, do.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Farm House; Alpha Zeta. Asst., Farm Univeksity of Illinois [19 1 8 Mechanics, Univ. of HI., 1918 — . Corp., iiitb Ord. Depot Co.. Camp Grant, 111., 1918; Sergt., do.. 1919 — . Address. 10 1 Knox Place, JoUet, 111.; buj. add., 1014 S. 6tli St, Champaign. 9133. HERBERT WILLIAM HOEHNKE Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. Ja 11, 1895, Sheboygan, Wis.; s. William Frederick (b. F 2, 1868, Ger.) and Bertha (Bartels) Hoehnke (b. Mr 3, 1869, do.). Prepared in Sheboygan (Wis.) H. S. Triangle; Class Basketball; Class Football. Const. Officer, U. S. Navy, Pub. Works Dept.. Great Lakes, 111. Address, 1127 N. 8th St., Sheboygan, Wis. 9134. CARL MONTA HOGAN Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 13, 1888, Rich Hill, Mo.; s. Joseph Walter (b. Ja IS, 1855, Shawneetown, 111.) and Lucy Agnes (Wilson) Hogan (b. My 5. 1857. Pecatonica, 111.). Prepared in St. Norm, and Indus. Sch., Ellendale, N. Dak.; Univ. of Wis., 1914-16; Grad. Stud., Harvard, 191 8—. Adelphic; Asst. Mgr. and Mgr. Star Course. Address. Ellendale, N. Dak. 9135. KENNETH MARION HOLADAY Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Jl lo, 1897, Mattoon, III.; s. Joseph William (b. Mr 26, 1S62, Danville, Ind.) and Emma (Godwin) Holaday (b. My 4, 1867, Anderson, Ind.). Pre- pared in Mattoou H. S. Bushnell Guild; Chem. Club. Chem., Public Service Co. for Central 111., 19 18—. Bat. F.. ist 111. F. A., 111. Nat. Guard; Offense Organic Research, Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., Washington. D. C. Address, 1 1 12 Edgar Ave., Mattoon, 111.: bus. add., c/o Public Service Co., Lawrenceville, 111. 9136. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 9. 1896, Greenfield, 111.; s. C. O. Holmes. Prepared in Greenfield H. S. Acacia; Class Basketball. Artillery, U. S. A., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, R. 4, Greenfield, HI. 9137. MYRTLE EVALINE HONEY Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. D i, 1892, Dix- * on, 111.; d. Eda Honey. Prepared in North Dix- on H. S. Stud. Council, Women's League. Teacher, Chem. and Phys., H. S., Urbana, 1918 — . Address, 503 E. Daniel St., Champaign. 9138. LOUIS LEE HOREN With Munition Plant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My I, 1897, New York City. Prepared in Madison H. S. Sigma Alpha Mu; Philo- mathean; C. E. Club; Spanish Club; Chm., Sr. Smoker Com., Menorah. With Munition Plant, St. Louis, 1918 — . Address, 311 Weaver Ave., Madison, 111. 9139- M. ETHEL HORTON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 24, 1891, Anthony, Kan.; d. T. A. (b. Jl 22, 1859, N. Y.) and Lizzie S. (McBeth) Horton (b. Mr 2, 1863, N. J.). Prepared in N. W. Acad. Carrier, Okla.; im. W. St. Norm., Alva. Okla., 1908-12. Jamesonian. Teacher, H. S., Hills- dale, Okla., 1918 — . Address, R. 4, Pond Creek, Okla. 9140. DAVID HORWICH (Brother of No. 6320) B. S. in A. E. ; b. F 22, 1897, Chicago; ». Harris (b. Russia) and Sarah Horwich (b. do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S.. Chi- cago. Cosmopolitan; Tau Beta Pi: Prelim. Honors. U. S. N. R., Pelham Bay, 111., 1918; Mustered out. 1919. Address, 1425 S. Clifton Park .\\e.. Chicago. 9141. WILLIAM BENTON HOSTETLER, JR. A. B. in Commerce; b. N 22, i8g6, Decatur, 111.; s. William Benton (b. 1843, Bedford. Ind.) and Minnie I. ( Waggoner) Hostetler (b. 1863, Decatur, 111.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Zeta Psi; Skull and Crescent; Alpha Kappa Psi; Lt., LTniv. Brig.; Emblem Com.; Chm., Fresh. Cap Burning Com.; Sr. Class Day Com. Q. M. C. Camp Grant, 111., 1918— . Addrest, 350 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur, 111. 9142. FLORA EMILY HOTTES (Daughter of No. 814) Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My ai, 1896, Champaign; d. Charles Frederick ('94). (b. • Jl 8, 1870, Mascoutah, 111.) and Flora (Guth) Hottes (b. Mr 20, 1873, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Alethcnai; Scribbler's; Pres., Soph. Illinae. Scholarship in English, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 915 California Ave., Urbana. 9143- ROGER FAXON HOWE (Brother of Nos. 2131, 2702, 3033, 378Si 6323) B. S. in Agr.; b. D 3, 1896, Urbana; s. Edward Gardiner (b. Ag 11, 1849. Brookline, Mass.) and Mary Elizabeth (Barnard) Howe (b. F 16, 1855, Chicago). Prepared in Engle- wood H. S. ///. Agr. Staff. Bat. F, :9iS-i6; A. S. S. E. R. C, 1917; Photographic div., A. S. S. C, U. S. S. M. A., Rochester, N. Y. ; do., Cornell Univ., 1918 — . Address, 10233 S. Wood St., Chicago. 9144. MARY GEORGIA HO WELLS (Sister of No. 9145) B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ja 22, iSgi, Staunton, 111.; d. Mary Howells. Prepared in Staunton H. S. H. Sc. Club; Gregorian. Address, 60s E. Olive St., Staunton, 111. 9145. RUTH COUND HOWELLS (Sister of No. 9144) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 12, 1895, Staun- ton, 111.; d. Mary Howells. Prepared in Staun- ton H. S. ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League Council; Sec, Jamesonian. Address, 60s E. Olive St., Staunton, Ill.t 9146. ARTHUR WESSELS HOWSON B. S. in C. E.; b. Ag 2, 1893, Folletts, la.; !. Thomas Henry (b. Ap 27, 1858, Camanche, la.) and Anna Cora (Wessels) Ho'wson (b. Ap i860, Geneva, 111.). Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago; Univ. of Wis., 1912- 15. Chi Phi; Scabbard and Blade; C. E. Club; Technoaraph. 2nd Lt., E. O. T. C, Camp A. A. Humphrey, Va.; do., A. E. F., Eng. ; Mustered out, 1918. Address, 5636 Drexel Ave., Chicago. 9147. HAROLD NORTON HUNGERFORD B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 29, 1893. Joliet, 111.; s. Alvah Leroy and Alice Esther (Norton) Hungerford. Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; Yankton Coll., S. Dak., 1912-14. Farm House; Glee Club; Hoof and Horn Club; Agr. Club. Address, 210 Hunter Ave., Joliet, 111. 9148. ALICE LILLIAN HUNSLEY Teachtr; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl ii, 1896, Champaign; d. Henry William (b. Ag 30, 1851, Lincolnshire, Eng.) and Emma Jane (Lktle) Hunsley (b. F 25, 1855, Dereham. Out., Can.) Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, near Sadorous, HI., 191S — -. Address, 902 N. Ran- dolph St., Champaign. 9149. MARGARET HUNTER (Sister of No. 5741) A. B. in H. Sc; b. N 24, 1896, Chillicothe, 111.; d. Elmer Frederick (b. Wyanet, lU.) and Maud Mary (Field) Hunter (b. North Hamp- 19 iH] DACCALAURliATE AlUMNI ton, Mass.)- Prepared in Chillicothe H. S.; Mrs. Lorings Sch. for Girls. Pi Beta Phi; V. P., Jr. Class; Y. W. C. A. Address, Chilli- cothe, 111. 9150. ALFRED HENRY INGWTERS B. S. in A- E.; b. Jl 6, 1693, Moline, 111.; s. John Henry Ingwers. Prepared in Moline H. S. Scarab. Address, 1841 17th Ave., Moline, in.t 9151. DOROTHY JOSEPHINE IWIG Teacher; B. S. in H. So.; b. N 13, 189S. Peoria; d. P. J. Iwig. Prepared in Monmouth and Peoria H. Schs.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Al- pha Omicron Pi. Teacher, Chem. and Gen. Sc, H. S., Canton, 111., 1918 — . Address. 313 N. Elmwood St., Peoria; bus. add., c/o High School, Canton, 111. 9152. THOMAS HENRY JACKSON B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 3. 1893, Pittsfield. 111.; s. A. T. Jackson. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Corp., ^lotor Sect., jMed. Corps; Mustered out, Mr 1919. Address, 507 E. Vine St., Champaign. 9IS3. HERBERT JACOB J.A.COBI B. S. in A. E.; b. O 13, 1S94, Milwaukee; s. Philip (.b. Jl 4, i86i, do.) and Antonette Jacobi (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in North Div. H. S., Milwaukee. Tau Sigma Delta; Gar- goyle. Bat. E., 68th Regt., H. S. C. A. C, N. A., Ft. Wright, N. Y., 1918— . Address, 1402 Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee. 9154. HENRY GEORGE MARTIN JACOB- SON B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 2, 1892, Chicago; s. .\xel H. Jacobson. Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago. 2nd Lt., 4th R. O. T. C, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, 801 Constance Ave., Chicago. t 9155. WENTWORTH CORY JACQUIN Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 9. 1896, Peoria; s. Nickolas Jacob and Lucia E. Jac- quin. Prepared in Bradley Poly. Inst. Beta Thela Pi. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1919 — • U. S. N. A. F., Sch. for Officers of Auxil. Fleet, 1918; Mustered out, 1918. Address, 99 Barker Ave., Peoria. 9156. HELEN IDA JAMES Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N i, i8g6, St. Cond, Minn.; d. Benjamin B. (b. Jackson- ville, 111.) and Clara Ida (Day) James _ (b. Portland, Me.1. Prepared in James Millikin Univ.; Univ. of Wis., 1915. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, French and Span- ish, Northern H. S., Detroit. igi8 — . Address, Whitewater, Wis.; bus. add., 117 Melbourne St., Detroit. 9157. ELMER THEODORE JANSSEN A. B. in Commerce; b. O 23, 1894, Ritzville, Wash.; s. H. T. Janssen. Chi Phi. Naval Radio Sch.. Harvard, 1918; Mustered out, F II, 1919. Address, loog Locust St., Sterling, 111. 9158. EDWARD ARTHUR JEUDE A. B. in Chem. E.; b. S 7, 1892, St. Louis; s. M. C. Jeude. Prepared in McKinley H. S., St. Louis; Washington Univ. .Address, 2427 S. 2nd St., St. Louis.t gisg. EVELYN GORDON JOHNS Lunch-room Mgr. and Instr. : A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. My 6, 1893, Danville, 111.; d. William Harri- son (b. Jl 14, 1845, Vermilion Co.. 111.) and Eva Gordon (Swannell) Johns (b. Ja 3, 1854. Danville, 111.). Prepared m Danville H. S.; De Pauw Univ., 1913-15. Alpha Chi Omega; H. Sc. Club; Stud. Council, Woman's League; Sr. Memorial Com. Home Econ. Exten. Worker, Danville, 111., 191819; Lunch-room Mgr. and Instr., Home Econ., H. S., Urbana, 111., 1910— . Address, 1320 N. Vermilion St.. Danville, TIL; c/o High School, Urbana, 111. 9 J 60. FLOYD HENNING JOHNSON A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 21, :89s, Kansas City, Mo. ; s. August Henning (b. Sweden) and Christine (Peterson) Johnson (b. do.). Prepared in St. Charles and West Aurora H. Schs. 111. Investment Banking. .Sergt.. Air Ser- vice. Camp Grant; Washington, D. C; Mus- -red out, Mr 14, 1919. Address, 299 Anderson Hlvd., St. Charles. 111. 9161. LILLIAN RUTH JOHNSTON Assistant; A. B. in H. Sc..; b. F 2, 1896, Fisher, 111.; d. Lee George (b. S 13, 1865, Champaign) and Annie (Jervis) Johnston (b. D 6, 1868, do.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Omicron Nu; Woman's (jlee Club; W. A. A.; Advisory Bd., Soph. lUinae. Asst., Physiol., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Ad- dress, 605 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. 9162. EARL JESSE JONES A. B. in Commerce; b. O 29. 1893, Story City, la.: s. Arthur and Matilda A. (Kramme) Jones. Prepared in Story City (la.) H. S.; Capital Citv Commercial Coll., Des Moines. Acanthus; Beta Gamma Sigma; Lambda "Tau Rho. Band, 339th F- A., U. S. N. A., Camp Dodge, la. Address, Gilbert, la. 9163. MACK MARQUIS JONES B. S. in E. E.; b. O 8. 1896, Edgerton, Mo.; s. William Thomas (b. O 27, 1865, do.) and Ella Artemesia (Marquis) Jones (b. D 22, 1872). Prepared in Univ. Prep. Sch., Ton- kawa, Okla.; Univ. of Okla., 19 14-15. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. ; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E. 14th Service Co., Signal Corps, Camp Jleade, Md.; Mustered out, D 20, 19 18. Ad- dress, Tonkawa, Okla. 9164. WARREN PAUL JONES B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr i, 1896, Chicago; d. William Price Jones. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. ist Lt., 341st Inf., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 2859 Warren Ave., Chicago. t 9163. ELIZABETH GLADYS JUDD Yeowoman; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 28, 1896, Wenona, 111.; d. Nelson P. (b. My 11. 1854, do.) and Elizabeth Thompson (Wilson) Judd (b. S 0, 1855, do.). Prepared in Urbana and Champaign H. Schs. 3rd class Yeowoman, U. S. N.. Washington. D. C; Mustered out. igig. Address, 130 N. Greenwood Ave.. Kan- kakee, III. 9166. JOSEPH JOHN KALIVODA B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 15, 1894, Svihov, Bohe- mia; s. Joseph (b. My 5, 1867, do.) and Anna (Mares) Kalivoda (b. Ja 9, 1870, Bezdekov, Bo- hemia). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1914-16. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. C. A. S., Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; 2nd Lt., do.; Mustered out, D 6, 1918. Address, 1436 S. Harding Ave.. Chicago. 9167. CLARENCE SAMUEL KAYSER B. S. in .A.. E.; b. Jl 2, 1893, Muncie, Ind., s. Philys Kayser. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Arch. Club. C. A. C, U. S. A.. A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 2003 E. William St., Decatur, Ill.t 9168. EMMA GENEVIEVE KEITH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 13, 1896, Ross- ville. 111.; d. Edward Everett (b. O 30, 1871, Elwood, 111.) and Margaret (Wieland) Keith (b. Mr 31, 1875. Joliet, 111.). Prepared in Hinckley H. S. Address, Yorkville, 111. UiMVEUsnv or Ti.i.ixojs Qif.Q. EDITH MAURIXE KELT.EY (MOUNDS) (Wife of No. 78- 7I A. B. in I.. A. & S.; b. Ja 31, 1898. Camp Point, 111. Prt-pared in Maplewood H. S.; N. W. Univ. ( hi OtueK'i- Married William Walter Mounds ('ifi'). Ag 31, loiS. Addrrss. Carlinville, Ill.t 9170. IV.V KKI.I-FA'" (Sister tist Church. Address, 1003 W. California Ave.. I'rbana; bus. add.. Box 329, Nogales. .\riz. gi8j. JOHN MEREDITH KNAPPEN- BERGER Ottice Mgr. ; B. S. in Commerce; b. N 17. 1895, Mendon, Mo.; s. Meredith Archer (b. O 15, 1886, Macomb, HI.) and Grace (Parker) Knappenberger (b. F 1873, Concordia. Mo.). Prepared in Central II. S., Kansas City, Mo. Phi Kappa Tau; Sigma Delta Chi; Pi Delta Ep- silon: III. Mag. Staff; Campus Scout, Daity mini; Mana^ine Ed., do.; Sr. Ball (^om.; dim., Sr. Stag Com.; Class Sec; Pres., L^niv. Band. Instr., SiErnalline, U. S. S. M. A., LTrbana. My. lOiS; Enlisted. U. S. A., A. S. S. C. Te 1918; Capt.. Staff Adj. Gen., 111. Nat. Guard, assigned 111. U. S. S. M. A.. Ag 1918: Entered Radio O. T. S. ; Columbia Univ.. Wt Service Sch.; Mustered out. D :91s. Office Mgr., Areno Bros. Confectionary Co.. Kansas City, !Mo., 1919 — . Grand Field Sec. Phi Kap- pa Tau. Address. 2502 E. 28th St., Kansas City. Mo.; bus. add., c/o Areno Brothers Con- fectionary Co., Kansas City, Mo. 9183. MARY JANE KNEESHAW Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. S 15, 1.896. Glendora. Calif. Prepared in Lincoln (Neb.) H. S.; I'niv. of Neb. Pi Beta Phi. Teacher, TL S., Walkerton. Ind.. 1918 — . Address, 201 X'. 4th St., Niles. Mich.; bus. add., c/o High School, Walkerton, Ind. 0184. EWART BROUGHTON KNIGHT B. S. in .\gr. : b. Tl 16. iSq6. Chicago: s. William Miller (b. 1870, Bristol, Eng.) and .•Vda Elizabeth Knight (b. 1873. Guernsey, Channel Islands). Prepared in Austin H. S.. Chicago. .Mpha Gamma Rho; Agr. Club; IIoof\and Horn Club; Tr. Ed.. ///. Agr. iSth Co.. Central O. T. S.. Camp Gordon. Ga., 1918; Mustered out, D i. 1918. Address,' 225 N. Central .-Vve., Chicago; bus. add., 226 S. La Salle St.. do. TOiSl Baccalaureate Af.umxi 723 9185. GLEXX KOEHLER B. S. in E. E.; b. N 30, 1894, Van Wert, O. ; s. Oscar Koehler. Prepared in Van Wert (O.) H. S.; O. St. Univ. Address. 4^5 Boyd Ave., Van Wert, O.t 9186. ROWENA AGNES KOHL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 28, 1897, Cen- tralia. 111.; d. Ferdinand (b. S 1865, do.) and Cora Belle (Row) Kohl (b. do.). Prepared in Centralia Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Colo. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mortarboard; Yo Ma; llliola. Address, 203 S. Sycamore, Centralia, 111. 9187. MERLE ARTHUR KOLB B. S. in M. E.; b. Ag 24, 1896, Chicago; s. Oscar Edward (b. JI 25, 18C8) and Eugenie (Larson) Kolb (b. Ap 5. 1877, Fort Dodge, la.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll.. 1914-16. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E.; Fresh. Track. Address, 911 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. 9188. REYNOLD RUDOLPH KRAFT B. S. in Min. E. ; b. Mr 29. 1895, Menominee, Wis.; s. J. P. and Anna Catherine (Meyer) Kraft. Prepared in Oak Park and Champaign H. Schs. Beta Theta Pi; Theta Tau; Ma-wan- da; Sachem; Tribe of Illini; Skull and Cres- cent; Varsity Football; Pres., Jr. Class. Naval Aviation. Cambridge, Mass.; Naval Air Sta., Key West, Fla., 1918; mustered out, D 1918. Address, 317 Marion St., Oak Park, Ill.t 9189. NORMAN WILLIAM KRASE B. S. in Chem. E.; b. Ag 16, 1895, Chicago, s. Herman C. (b. O 18. 1869) and Emily Sofia (Schnider) Krase (b. S 17, 1869). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1914-16. Alpha Chi Sigma; C)hem. .Club; Sig- ma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Special and Fin- al Honors. Chem. Research, Chem. Warfare Section. N. A., Washington, D. C. ; ist Sergt., do., 1918-19; Lt.; mustered out Ja 1919. Ad- dress, 4338 N. Lincoln St., Chicago. 9190. PHILIP LEON KRAUEL B. S. in M. E.; b. O 22, 1895, Danville, 111.; s. William, Jr. (b. My 25, 1871, do.) and Jen- nie (Fouteck) Krauel (b. D 26, 1875. do.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Pi Tau Sigma. Ord. Dept., Nitrate Div., Sheffield, Ala.; Mustered out, Ja 29, 1919. Address, 916 N. Jackson St.. Danville, 111.; fcji.r. add., 309 Oliver St., Whiting, Ind. 9191. CHESTER JAMISON KREIDLER B. S. in Commerce; b. O 11, 1896, Elgin, 111.; s. Deo Clare (b. Ag 5, 1869, Dansville, N. Y.) and Sarah (Jamison) Kreidler (b. N 14, 1869, Canisteo. N."Y.). Beta Theta Pi; Alpha Kap- pa Psi; Capt.. Univ. Brig.; Capt., Track Team; Sr. Smoker Com.; Sr. Ball Com. U. S. Naval Auxiliary Reserve Schs., Chicago and Cleve- land, 1918; Ensign, U. S. N. R., Pelham Bay. Address, 244 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park, HI. 9192. CHARLES FRANCIS KRUPAR Business; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. F 25, 1896, Chicago; s. Frank (b. O 11, 1870. Bohem- ia, Austria-Hungary) and Mary (Fasadil) Kru- par (b. N 19, 1872, Chicago). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. C, Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll., 1914-16. Class Varsity Baseball, 1918; Class Baseball. 1918. With Office Cost Dept., Nat. Malleable Iron Works, Chicago. Service Sch., Univ. of Chicago, 1918; Sergt., Bat. B, F. A., 27th Regt.. Camp McCIellan, 1918; R. O. T. C. Camp .Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1918. Mem., I. O. O. F. ; Enarc Club. Address, 5232 23rd Place, Cicero, 111.; bus. add., c/o National Malleable Iron Works, Chicago. 9193- ARTHUR DETLEF LADEHOFF B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 28, 1894, Lyons, la.; s. Oustave Ladehoff. Prepared in Lyons (la.) H. S. Triangle; Sigma Tau; Garpoyle; C. E. Soc; Glee and Mandolin Club. Co. B., 528 Bn., Engng. Corps, Camp Dodge, la.; Sergt., Co. B, S28th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918— . Address, iioi W, Main St., Clinton, la.f 9194- JOHN LAMB, JR. Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 7, 1894, Wor- iJen, ^,11-; s- John (b. F 4, 1863, do.) and Adelade May (Spicer) Lamb (b. N 15, 1862, Clarksburg, Mo.). Prepared in Edwardsville H. S. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Treas., Hoof and Horn Club; Final Honors. Farmer Wor-. den, 111. U. S. N. A., Camp Robinson, Sparta. Wis. Bat. D., 333d H. F. A., 1918— . Married Ethel Belle Hoxsev, S 8, 19 16, Granite City, 111. Address, Worden, 111, 9195. GREGORY VASSILEFF LAMBROFF B. S. in E. E.; b. Ag 8, 1890, Philippopolis, Bulgaria. Prepared in Madison H. S. Ad- dress, 13th and Madison Ave., Madison, Ill.f 9196. ALLEN H. LANCASTER B. S. in Agr.; My 16, 1892, Ridgefarm, 111.; s. Mrs Laura Linn. Prepared in Ver- milion Grove Acad.; Earlham (Toll. Address, Ridgefarm, Ill.t 9197- GEORGE LANDON A. B. In L. A. & S.; b. Je 21, 1896, Chicago; s. Benson Landon. Prepared in Carl Shurz H. S., Chicago. Naval Avia., Boston Tech., Cambridge, Mass., 1918; Mustered out, N 20, 1918. Address, 3812 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago; bus. add., no S. Dearborn St., do. 9198. CARL CLARENCE LARSON (Brother of No. 7023) B. S. in L. A. & S.; b. D 29, 1895, Mazon, 111.; s. Charles Gustaf (b. O 3, 1868, Sweden) and Anna S. Larson (b. Mr 26, 1866, do.). Prepared in Mazon Tp. H. S. Alpha Chi Sig- ma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; ist Lt.. Univ. Brig.; LIniv. Orchestra. Corp., San Dept., Water Analysis Lab., A. E. F., St. Nazarre, France, 1918 — . Address, Mazon, 111. 9199. ANGIE LA TEER A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. My 31, 1894, Hoopes- ton. 111.; d. William Jacob and Mary Elizabeth (Vennum) La Teer. Prepared in Paxton H. S.; Ward Belmont Coll.. 1914-15. Pi Beta Phi; Y. W. C. A. Address, Paxton, Ill.t Q200. FREDERICK ROULTON LAUDER A. B. in L. A. & S.: b. Je i, 1897, Bur- lington, la.; s. Charles E. Lauder. Prepared in Monmouth and Champaign H. Schs.; Mon- mouth Coll. Ensign. U. S. N., Pelham Bay, N. Y. Address, 304 N. 2nd St., Monmouth, Ill.t 9201. TSE LAUPHIT B. S. in Agr.; b. My 10, 1894, Nauchang, China; s. Tse-Chang Lauphit. Prepared in Nanyang H. S., Shanghai, China. Address, Shanghai, China. t 9202. MARION MARIE LAURITZEN A. B. in L. A.' &• S.: b. Ja 18, 1896, Chicago Heights, 111.; d. Paul P. (b. F 4, 1867, Copen- hagen, Denmark) and Emma (Christy) Lau- ritzen (b. Jl i, 1873, La Porte, Ind.). Pre- pared in Bloom. Tp. H. S., Chicago Heights. Mem.. O. E. S. Address, 407 E. Washington St., Bloomington, 111. ^24 I'KIVEKSITV OF ILLINOIS lioi.H 9203. CHARLES HENRV LAWRENCE B. S. in Land. Card.; b. S 20, 1896, May- wood, 111.; s. Edward Earl (b. Conn.) and Roma Belle Lawrence (b. Davenport, la.). Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Gargoyle; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc. U. S. X., Great Lakes, 111.. 1918-19; Mustered out, Mr s, 1019. Address. Woodstock, 111. 9204. BUnG FUNN LEE Merchant; B. S. in M. E.; b. N 16, 1896, Canton, China; s. Yew Tong (b. S s, 1866, do.) and Lynn (Locke) Lee (b. S 10, 1873, do.). Prepared in F.oone's Prep. Sell., Berke- ley, Calif.; Univ. of Calif., 1913-15. Chinese Stud. Club. Agr. Implement Business. Ad- dress, Grenloch, N. J. 9205. TAO NAN LEE B. S. in Commerce; b. Ag 26, 1896, Nan- king. Kiangsu China; s. Yuen Sheng Lee. Pre- pared in Univ. of Nanking H. S.; Univ. of Nanking. Chinese Stud. Club. Address, M. E. Mission, Nanking, China.t 9206. FRED WILLIAM LEGGITT B. S. in Agr.; b. S i, 1891, Carmi, 111.; s. T. C. Leggitt. Prepared in Paragould (Ark.) H. S.; Univ. of Mo. Aero Sqdn., Dunwoody Inst., Minneapolis, 1918; Mustered out, D 2, 1918. Married Alice Adair, My 21, 1918, Min- neapolis. Address, R. i, Paragould, Ark.f 9207. RUTH TOWNSEND LEHMAN Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ap 20, 1895, Lenox. la.; d. Charles E. (b. Ja 27. 1856, Os- wego, 111.) and Carrie Augnjsta (Neff) Lehman (b. Mr 14, 1868, la.). Prepared in Yorkville H. S.; Drake Univ., Des Moines. 1913-14. Kappa Delta Pi; Omicron Nu; Betliany Circle. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Elk Harte, Ind., 1918 — . .Address. Millington. 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Elk Harte, Ind. 9208. CLALTDE LEIST A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 16, 1888, Edgar. 111.; s. Jonas (b. Ja 28, 1850, Pickaway Co., O.) and Phebe Ann (Tweedy) Leist (b. Ap 13, 1853, Edgar Co., 111.). Prepared in Paris H. S. ■ LT. S. N. A.. 191S— . Address. 413 W. Edgar St.. Paris, 111. 9209. ELIZABETH LEITZBACH Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 16, 1896, Fairmount, 111.; d. A. J. (b. Ag 3, 1862, Robertsville, Conn.) and Clara Kirkpatrick (Dougherty) Leitzbach (b. Ag 23. 1S69, Fair- mount. 111.). Prepared in Fairmount H. S.; Ward Belmont Coll., 1913-15. Alpha Chi Ome- ga; Scribblers; Theta Sigma Phi; Poetry So- ciety: Illiola; Hist.. Fresh. Illinae; Advisory Bd., Fresh. Illinae: 2nd Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Class Poet. Reviewer of books, McClurg Pub. Co., Chicago. iqi8 — . Address, Fairmount, 111.; bus. add., McClurg Pub. Co., Chicago. 9210. HAMLET HARRISON LETT Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 29, 1895, Wash- ington, Ind.; s. Emery (b. do.) and Dora (Cfregory) Lett (b. do.). Prepared in Wash- ington (Ind.) H. S. Teacher. H. S., Sparta, 111. Mem. M. E. Church. Address. Sparta, 111. 921 1. ANITA LIBMAN Research Asst.; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 4. 1896. Vilna, Russia; d. Morris (b. 1870. Russia) and Leila Elizabeth (Oleskaia) Libman (b. 1875. do.). Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chi- cago. Phi Beta Kappa: Kappa Delta Pi: Me- norah; Woman's Cosmopolitan Club; Prelim. Honors; B'nai B'rith Prize. Research Asst., Illinois Historical Survey, L^niv. of 111., 1018 — . Address, 1001 S. 5th St.. Champaign. 9212. RUTH EVALINE LIEBER Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 22, 1897, Marinette, Wis.; d. Maurice Henry and Gertrude (Cook) Lieber (b. Somers. Wis.). Prepared in New Trier Tp. H. S.; N. W'. L'niv., 1915-16; L'niv. of Wis., summer, 191 6. Chi Omega; Alethenai; Daily Illini Staff. Re- porter, .Bo.jfon Transcript. 1918; St. Dir., Uni- ted War Campaign, Mich., 191 8; City News Bur., Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 988 Elm St., Winnetka, 111.; bus. add.. City News Bureau, Chicago. 9213. GEORGE LEONARD LINDEBERG B. S. in Arch.; b. My 17, 1894, Chicago; s. .\ugust (b. Ag 12, 1S65, Sweden) and Annie (Pierson) Lindeberg (1). do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club; Y. M. C. A. Const. Co. 5-18, Camp Paul Jones, Great Lakes. 111., 1918 — . Address, 191 7 La Crosse Ave., Chicago. 9214. NAI YU LIU A. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 14, 1893, Foochow, China. Prepared in Tsing Hua Coll. Chinese Stud. Club. Address, 2023 Kalorama Road, Washington, D. C.t 9215. HAZEL IRENE LLEWELLYN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 18, 1893, Sterling, 111.; d. William Eddie (b. Ap 25, 1868. do.) and Chloe Jane (Hill) Llewellyn (b. Ja 14, 1864, Ogle Co.. 111.'). Prepared in Sterling Tp. H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Cornell Coll.. Mt. Vernon. la., 1914-16. Al- pha Xi Delta. Teacher, Prophetstown, 111., iqi8 — . Address, R. i. Box 78, Prophetstown, 111. 9216. ISABEL KATHRYN LOCKWOOD Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 8, 1896, Chicago; d. Ozro John (b. My 7, 1864, Eaton, O.) and Katherine (Deppe) Lockwood (b. Mr 4, 1871. Chicago'). Prepared in Robert Waller and Nicholas benn H. .Schs., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1914-15. Alpha Chi Omega Clerk, R. R. Office. Chicago, 1918 — . Address, 718 Bit- tersweet Place, Chicago. 9217. PING KWAN LONG B. S. in .\gr. ; b. O 13, 1804. Hong Kong, China; s. King Pok Long. Prepared in Gush- ing Acad.; Purdue Univ. Cosmopolitan; Chinese Stud. Club; Agr. Club. .Address, 72 E. Woodruff Ave., Columbus. O.t 9218. RUTH IDA LONG (Sister of No. 7751) A. B. in L. .-V S: S.; b. S 9, 1896, Atwood, Kan.; d. Thomas Lincoln (b. .\p 19, 1865, Watseka, 111.) and Laura Elen (Gaunt) Long (b. Je TO, 1872. Breckenridge. Mo.). Prepared in 'U'atseka H. S. Country Life Club; Jameson- ian; Stud. Council, Woman's League. Ad- dress, R. 6, Box 14, Watseka, Ill.t 9219. JL'LIAN LAWRENCE LOONEY B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 8, 1804. Appleby, Tex.; s. Julian Antudor (b. Je i, 1S66, Shreve- port, La.) and Mary (McKinney) Loortey (b. Tl 17, 1868, Haughton, La.). Prepared in "Ga. Sch. of Tech. Prep. Dept., Atlanta; Pur- due Univ., 191 5-16. Stud. Branch, .\. .'^. M. E. .Addre-is. Minden. La. 9220. BERYL FRANKLIN LOVE f Daughter of No. 340") .\. B. in L. A. & S.: b. Te 0. iSq6, Danville, 111.; d. Isaac .Mhert (b. ^Iy 16. 1855, Belfast. Ireland) and Martha Harriet (Boggs) T ove ('83). (b. Ap 23, i860, O.). Prepared in Dan- ville H. S. Grad. Stud.. Univ. of 111.. 1918—. Sigma Xi; Athenean; Sr. Council, W^oman's League. .4ddress, 1214 N. Vermilion St.. Dan- ville, 111. I9i8] Baccalaukkate Alu M X I 72s 9221. CYRUS CHINGCHUNG LOWE Student; B. S. in Commerce; b. Mr S, 1896, Tientsin, China; s. Chi-Ming (b. Ag i, 1875, Peking, China) and Yu Ming Lowe (b. Mr 10, 1878, Kwang-Ping. China). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Methodist Peking Univ. and Tsing Hua Coll., Peking, China. Cosmopolitan Club. Grad. Stud., Harvard, 1918—. Address, 2023 Kalor- ama Road, Washington, D. C. ; bus. add., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 9222. HELEN LUDLOW (MESSENGER) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 14, 1895, Paxton, 111.; d. Samuel (b. Ap 27, 1866, Ludlow, 111.) and Adelle (Martin) Ludlow (b. Ag 7, 1870, Gifford, 111.). Prepared in Paxton H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Married Archibald Messenger, O 10, 1918, Paxton. 111. Address, 826 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. 9223. FLOYD EDWARD LUNDGREN B. S. in E. E. ; b. F 23, 1897, Magnolia, 111.; s. Richard (b. 1862, Sweden) and Char- lotte Lundgren (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Wenona and Lostant H. Schs. E. E. Soc; 2nd Lt. and Major, Univ. Brig.; Scabbard and Blade. Machinists Mate, U. S. N.. 1918 — . Address. Lostant, 111. 9224. MARY AGNES ADELAIDE LYMAN Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 10, 1895. Champaign; d. Thomas Martin (b. Vermilion Co., 111.) and Ellen Jane (Curtin) Lyman (b. (Thicago). Prepared in Acad, of Our Lady, Chi- cago. Pres., Jamesonian; Stud. Council, War Relief Com., Woman's League; Class Hockey; W. A. A.; Chm., Sr. Breakfast Com. Teacher. H. S., Blue Mound, III.. 191 8 — . Address, 502 S. Lynn St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o H. S., Blue Mound, 111. 9225. MARGARET LYNCH Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc.; b. O 6, 1893. Ur bana; d. Patrick (b. Je 8, 1848, Dublin, Ire- land) and Margaret Ann (Finnegan) Lynch (b. O 15, i8'57, Xenia, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Du- quoin. 111., 1918 — . Address, 1007 W. Spring- field Ave., Urbana; bus. add., c/o High School, Duquoinj 111. 9226. OSCAR IVAN LYONS B. S. in M. E.; b. Je 12, 1896. Attica, Ind.; s. J. O. Lyons. Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Eta Tau Sigma; A. S. E. E.; Prelim. Honors. Sergt., Co, A., 605th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 411 W. Washington St., Hoopeston, Ill.t 9227. MARTHA McCAMMON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 24, 1896, Mound City, 111.; d. George Edward (b. Mr 18, 1867, Metropolis, 111.) and Ella (Chi- cas) McCammon. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Athenean; Y. W. C. A. (Cabinet; V. P., Soph., Illinae. Teacher, Eng., H. S., DeLand, 111., igi8 — . Address, 911 W. California Ave., Urlsana; bus. add., c/o H. S., DeLand, 111. 9228. ELIZABETH ADELLE McCLURE B. Mus.; b. Ap 15, 1891, Gibson Citv, 111.; d. H. W. (b. Ag 16, 1855) and Harriet (Mont- gomery) McClure (b. My 4. 1865). Prepared in Atlanta H. S.; Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 1 918 — . Address, 1413 Clinton Blvd., Bloom- ingfton, 111. 9229. MARVIN GREER McCONNELL Advertising; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 11, 1893. Chicago; s. William (b. Innisrush, Ire- land) and Sara (Greer) McConnell (b. Ire- land). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Pi Kappa Alpha; Sigma Delta Chi: Dailv IlHm Staff; Wrestling; Fresh. Varsity Football. With Ad- vertising Agency, Chicago, 191 9 — . 4th O. T. C., Camp Dodge, la., 1918; Sergt., Hdqtrs. Dept., Bn. 17, 163rd Depot Brig.; 2nd Lt., do.; Mustered out Ja 1919. Address, 6244 Lincoln St., Chicago. 9230. VASHTI McCREERY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 14, 1893, Benton, 111.; d. Walker Williamson (b. O 10. 1858, Thomosonville, 111.) and Elizabeth Wilson (Swain) McCreery (b. D 24, 1858, Russell- ville, Ky.). Prepared in Benton Tp. H. S.: Bryn Mawr Coll., 1911-13, 1914-15. Address, Benton, 111. 9231. MARY ELIZABETH McCULLOUGH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. Je 10, 1895, d. John (b. D 5, 1862, Urbana) and Anna (Clark) McCullough (b. Ag 22, 1863, Urbana, O.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, Eng., French, and Zool.. H. S., Farmington, 111., 1918—. Address, R. 3, Urbana; bus. add., c/o H. S., Farmington, 111. 9232. GEORGIA HELEN McDONALD (.Sister of No. 4292) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Lerna, 111.; d. John Thomas (b. do.) and Nannie (Massey) Mc- Donald (b. Charleston, 111.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1908-11, 1912-13. Omicron Nu; H. Sc. Qub; ist and 2nd Cab- inet, Y. W. C. A. Address. Lerna, 111. 9233- RUTH McELHINEY (Sister of No. 4293) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 24, 1893. Hartsburg, 111.; d. George Murphy (b. O 12, 1856, Lincoln, 111.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Wo- detzky) McElhiney (b. D 24, 1857, Baltimore). Prepared in Kenney H. S.; James Millikin Acad. Gamma Phi Beta; Yo Ma; Illiola. Woman's Glee Club; Hist., Sr. Illinae. Teacher, Eng., H. S., El Paso, 111., 1918— . Address, Kenney, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School. El Paso, 111. 9234. MALCOLM EDWARDS Mac- GILLIVRAY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 31, 1895, Ithaca, N. Y. ; s. Alexander Dyer (b. Jl 15, 1868, In- verness (Highlandtown, O.) and Fannie Mary (Edwards) MacGillivray. Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Hosp. Corps, Main Hosp., Bar- racks 1071, Great Lakes, 111., 1918^. Address, 603 W. Michigan Ave., Urbana. t 9235. HELEN ANASTASIA McGINNIS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 14, 1896, Chicago: d. James W. (b. Orland, 111.) and Anastasia (Bremner) McGinnis (b. Chicago). Prepared in Acad, of Our Lady, Chicago; Chicago Norm. Coll., 1914-16. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Address, 6404 S. Peoria St., Chicago. 9236. THOMAS WILSON McGRATH B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ag 31, 1893, Chicago. Pre- pared in Austin H. S., Chicago. Hort. Club; Celtic Club. Address, 401 W. Liberty St.. Rome, N. Y. 9237. JOHN LANCASTER McGREGOR B. S. in M. E. ; b. Je 23, 1896, Chicago; s. John Donald (b. Ja 28, 1870, Stevens Point. Wis.) and Margaret Helen (Lancaster) Mc- gregor (b. D 25, 1873, Rondout, 111.). Pre- fared in St. Ignatius Acad., Chicago. Tribe of llini; Dolphin Club; Spalding (juild; A. S. iV. E.; Varsity Football: Capt., Varsity Water Basketball. O. T. C Camp Zacharv Taylor. Ky.; 2nd Lt., F. A. R. D. Motor Sch., Camp Jackson, S. C. ; 2nd Lt., 4th Inf. F. A.; Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address 2736 Congress St.. Chicago. 726 University of Illinois [1918 9^38. a:lexander McKay B. S. in M. E.; b. N II, 1893. Almira, Wash.; s. Peter (b. Belfast, Ireland) and Ellen (Wal- lace) McKay (b. do-). Prepared in Almira (Wash.) H. S. B. S., Whitman Coll., 1916. Beta Theta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma. Address, Al- mira, Wash. 9239. MARY ANNETTE McKEE (Sister of No. 7060) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ap 17, 1894, Kankakee, 111.; d. Leroy McKee (b. Ag 2, 1850, Minersville, Pa.) and Augusta (Lemke) McKee (b. F 19, 1866, Ger.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. W. A. A.; Gregorian; Country Life Club; Class Basketball. Address, R. i, Kanka- kee, 111. 9240. ROBERT EMMETT McKEEVER B. S. in E. E.; b. Mr 21, 1895, Ireton, la.; s. Hugh Francis (b. Howell, Mich.) and Mary Ellen (Kearney) McKeever (b. Pinckney, Mich.). Prepared in Jackson (Neb.) H. S.; Broadwater Co. H. S., Townsend, Mont. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Stud. Branch, A. I. E. E.; Prelim. Honors. Eng. R. C, 1918; Sig- nal R. C., 1918; Signal Corps. Radio Sch., 1918; Radio O. T. S., Columbia Univ., New York City, 191 8-19. Address, Jackson, Neb. 9241. EDWARD BROWN McLEE B. S. in A. E.; b. Jl 10, 1895, Rockford, 111.; s. Thomas J. (b. do.) and Johanna (Tynan) McLee (b. Vermont, 111.). Prepared in Rock- ford H. S. Phi Kappa; Fresh. Varsity Base- ball. U. S. N. A. R. Sch.. Municipal Pier, Chi- cago, 1918; Ensign, Eng. Div., 1919 — . Address, 204 S. Avon St., Rockford, 111. 9242. BERNIECE BOWER McNAIR Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 20, 1896, Tolono, 111.; d. Harlan Page (b. S 3. 1S68, Danville, 111.) and Grace Rebecca (Bower) Mc- Nair (b. Je 7. 1872, Tolono, 111.). Prepared in Tolono and Champaign H. Schs.; Oxford Coll., 19 1 3-1 6. Kappa Alpha Theta; Mask and Bauble. Clerk, Cost Acct. Office, Dairy Husb. Dept., Sch. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 1918— . Ad- dress, Tolono, 111.; bus. add., 901 S. Wright St., (Champaign. 9243. ANGELINE McNEILL B. L. S.; b. D 12, 1891, Galena, 111.; d. Thomas (b. Mr 18, 1851, do.) and Nora (Min- er) McNeill (b. Ag 16, 1856, do.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; B. A., Lake Forest Coll., 1916. Sigma Tau. Address, 500 Hill St., Ga- lena, 111. 9244. MARIE LINDSEY McWILLIAMS B. Mus.; b. Ag 25. 1891, Urbana, 111. Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Address, 704 W. Green St., Urbana.t 9245. EDWARD PAUL MACHOVEC B. S. in Ry. M. E.; b. Jl i, 1893, St. Paul; s. Edward E. (b. Ag 10, 1865) and Mary Kath- arine (Hake) Machovec (b. N 3. 1862). Pre- pared in Newton (Kan.) H. S.; Central H. S., Kansas City, Mo.; Rockingham Prep., Kansas City. Mo.; Kan. Univ.. 1Q12-13. Phi Kappa Sigma; Theta Tau. 17th Co., U. S. C. A. C. Ft. Williams, Me., 1918 — . Address, 2604 Lockridge Place, Kansas City, Mo. 9246. PAUL JAMES MACKIN B. S. in C. E.; b. F 2, 1893, Omaha. Neb.; s. John Mackin. Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S.; la. St. Coll. Address, 3849 Charles St., Omaha, Neb. ' 9247. LAWRENCE CHESTER MADISON B. S. in Agr.; b. D 7, 1887, Boone, la.; s. Z. H. Madison. Prepared in Quincy H. S. Address, 1105 California Ave., itrbana.t 9248. CLYDE MAKUTCHAN B. S. in C. E.- b. N 23, 1895, Buda, 111.; ». Charles A. (b. Ja 9, 1857, Providence, 111.) and Mary Frances (Beckwith) Makutchan (b. D 4, 1863, Buda, 111.). Prepared in Buda H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst., 1911-14. 2nd Lt., 33rd Engrs., Co. D., A. E. F., France, 1918; do., Sauner Art Sch., do., 1918 — . Address, Buda, 111. 9249. RICHARD HENDERSON MALLORY (Brother of No. 4797) With Supply Co.; B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 10, 1896, Batavia, 111.; s. Albert Douglas (b. Ja 9, 1 86 1, do.) and Frances (Hazen) Mallory (b. Ag 31, 1871). Prepared in Batavia H. S.; Rollins Coll. Acad., Winter Park, Fla. Chi Psi; Sa- chem; Ku Klux; Capt., Univ. Brig.; V. P., Stud. Council; Office Staff, Omaha Supply Co., Omaha, Neb., 1919 — . Lt., Naval Aviation, 1918; Chief Q. M., Naval Avia. Sta., Key West, Fla.; Mustered out, D i, 1918. Address, Omaha, Neb. 9250. GRACE ESTELLA MALSBARY (LATIMER) A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ag 22, 1883, New Rich- mond. Ind.; d. George Malsbary. Prepared in Valparaiso (Ind.) H. S. H. Sc. Club. Mar- ried Capt. G. G. Latimer, Je 28, 1918, Darling- ton, Ind. Address, 606 Chalmers St., Cham- paign. t 9251. MYR-\ FRANCES MANLEY Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 18, 1895, Tolono, 111.; d. George Manley. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Teacher, H. S., Blue Mound, 111., 1918 — . Address, 1201 W. Church St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o High School, Blue Mound, Ill.t 9252. THEODORE BERGEN MANNY B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 12, 1897, Chicago; s. Charles E. Manny. Prepared in Nicholas Senn H. S., Chicago. Address, 741 N. Central Ave., Chicago.! 9253. MAUDE IRENE MARKS (Sister of No. 7786) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 6, 1897, Plymouth, Ind.; d. George Douglas (b. Jl 28, 1860, Culver, Ind.) and Tennie Mae (Thorn- burg) Marks (b. Je 6, 1867, Rutland, Ind.). Prepared in Plymouth (Ind.) H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Mortarboard; Ale- thenai; Mask and Bauble; W. A. A.; Prelim. Honors; Class Basketball; Class Hockey; Ad- visory Bd., Sr. Illinae. Teacher, Eng., H. S., La Porte, Ind., 19 18 — . Address, Plymouth, Ind.; bus. add., c/o High School, La Porte, Ind. 9254. EDMUND ANTHONY MARTELL B. S. in Ry. E. E. ; b. F 23, 1897, Murphys- boro. 111.; s. Foss (b. do.) and Lillie (Richer) Martell (b. do.). Prepared in Christian Broth- ers Coll., St. Louis. Beta Phi; Spa'ding Guild; Ry. Club. 2nd Lt., Radio Div.. U. S. A., Camp Meade, Md., 1918 — -. Address, 308 N. 9th St., Murphysboro, 111. 9255. MARGARET LOUISE MARTENS A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 14, 1890, Anchor, 111.; d. Jacob (b. 1866. Hanover, Ger.) and Cornelia Grace (Saathoff) Martens (b. 1867, Benson, 111.). Prepared in Chatsworth H. S. Address, .\nchor. 111. 9256. FRANK ALBERT MARTIN Chemist; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. N 12, 1896, Chicago; s. Frank and Linna (Handel) Martin. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S.. Chicago. Chem. Club. Chem., Grasselle Chem. Co., East Chi- cago, Ind., 1918 — . Address, 4240 N. Robey St.. Chicago; bus. add., 21 Ruth St., Hammond. Ind. IQlS] Pmccalaureate Alumni 727 9257. GEORGE HAJIME MATOBA B. S. in Min. E.; b. My 19, 1887, Tokushi- ma, Japan; s. Shozabro Matoba. Prepared in Lewis and Clark H. S., Spokane, Wash.; Wash. St. Coll. Address, n Fuyacho-Gojo, Kioto City, Japan. t 9258. ALBERT OTTO MATTHEWS Chemist; A. B. in Chem. E.; b. Mr 6, 1893, Washington, D. C; s. Albert (b. Saalfeldt, Ger.) and Marie (Fiele) Matthews (b. Worms, Ger.). Prepared in Central H. S., Washing- ton, D. C. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Special Honors. Jr. Gas Chem., U. S. N. A.. Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., Washington, D. C, 1918- 19. Address, 382 St., N. E., Washington, D. C. 9259. VERONICA CATHERINE MATUS- ZEEVICZ Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 20, 1892, Minonk, 111.; d. Stanislas (b. Ap 21, 1864, Poland) and Catherine (Zulcz) Matus- zeevicz (b. N 25, 1868, Poland). Prepared in Minonk H. S. Teacher, Latin and Spanish, H. S., Maysville, Ky., 19 19 — . Address, Minonk, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School, Maysville, Ky. 9260. ERWIN WILLIAM MAUTNER B. S. in Chem. E.; b. O 17, 1896, Chicago; s. Henry Mautner. Prepared in Lake View and Lane Tech. H. Schs., Chicago. Cosmopolitan; Chem. Club. Nitrate Div., Ord., U. S. A., 1918 — . Address, 919 Addison St., Chicago. f 9261. RAYMOND JONES MAXWELL A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 10, 1895, Flat Rock, 111.: s. C. A. Maxwell. Prepared in Paris H. S. Lt., Inf., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Address, 1109 S. Main St., Paris, lU.t 9262. THOMAS BOLTON MAYO A. B. in Chem.; b. Je 24, 1896, Alton. 111.; s. Mattie Mayo. Prepared in Alton H. S. Kappa Alpha Phi. U. S. N. A., Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., 1918 — . Address, 911 Piasa St., Alton, Ill.t 9263. HENRIETTA MEDLAR A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Je 22, 1895, Omaha, Neb.; d. Irvin A. Medlar. Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S.; Rockford Coll. Address, 3327 Harney St.. Omaha, Nebr.f 9264. HAROLD TECUMSEH MEEK A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 30, 1897, Law- renceburg, Ind.; s. Tecumseh Henry (b. Law- renceburg, Ind.) and Nannie Belle (Meek) (b. Woodford Co., 111.). Prepared in Peoria H. S. Acanthus; 2nd Lt., Commandant's Staff, Univ. Brig.; Siren Staff. Sergt., sth Inf., 111. Nat. Guaro, '016-17; ist Lt., 5th Inf., 111. Nat. Guard; Muster^J out, 1917. Address, 505 Bige- low St., Peoria. 9265. CHARLES FRANKLIK MERCER B. S. in C. E. ; b. S 20, 1804, Kansas City, Mo.; s. Charles H. Mercer. Prepared in Kan- sas City (Mo.) Man. Tr. H. S. Class Baseball; Sr. Hat Com. Capt., Hdqtrs. ^0., Univ. Brig. Address, 1607 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Mo.i 9266. RALPH DILWORTH MERCER (Brother of No. 6420) B. S. in Agr.; b. Ta 22, 1895, Vermont, 111.; s. Abraham Lincoln (b. do.) and Martha Burr (Witchell) Mercer (b. Vermont, 111.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Agr. Club: Hoof and Horn Club; Fresh. Varsity Baseball; Sr. Memorial Com. U. S. N., Great Lakes, 111. Address, Vermont, 111. 9267. JANNETT LOU MEWHIRTER Nurse; B. S. in H. Sc; b. O 9, 1895, Bris- tol, 111.; d. George Mewhirter. Prepared in Yorkville H. S. City Hosp., New York City, 1918 — . Vassar Tr. Camp, 1918. Address, Yorkville, III.; btis. add.. Nurses Home, Black- wells Island, New York City. 9268. ALFRED WERNER MEYER Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ap 13, 1894, Blue Island, 111.; s. Albert Meyer. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Ad- dress, 6747 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. t 9269. ANTOINE FERDINAND ERNST HENRY MEYER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My i, 1893, Aux-Cayeo, Hayti, West Indies; s. Friedrich (b. Hanover. Ger.) and Marietta (Labastille) Meyer (b. Aux-Cayeo, Hayti, West Indies). Prepared in Real-Gymnasium, Har- burg, Ger. Cosmopolitan Club; Pres., Der Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Frangais; 111. Dramatic Federation. Capt., Instr., Western Mil. Acad., Alton, 111. Address, 766 Marion St., Waukegan, III. 9270. JULIAN GILBERT MIDDLETON B. S. in A. E. ; b. D 15, 1893. Amity, Mo.; s. Henry Charles (b. O 29, 1840, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Sarah Jane Middleton (b. Ap 20, 1848, Salem, Mo.). Prepared in Pomona H. S.; Univ. of So. Calif. Lambda Chi Alpha; Sigma Tau; Gargoyle; Glee and Mandolin Club. 4th E. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., 1918 — . Address, 650 N. Park Ave., Pomona, Calif. 9271. EVELYN MILES Student; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 25, 189s, La Grange, 111.; d. Francis Frederick (b. i860, Chicago) and Ada Eleanor (Harte) Miles (b. 1863, Hamilton, Ont.). Prepared in Lvons Tp. H. S., LaGrange, 111.; Wash. St. Coll., Pullman, Wash.. 1914-16. Kapna Alpha Theta; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi; Alethenai. Attended Woman's College, Plattsburg, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1918 — : Address, 106 N. Madison Ave., La Grange, 111. 9272. ARCHIE ROSCOE MILLER B. S. in E. E.; b. D 20, 1894, Mahomet. IlL; s. Wilson John (b. F 14, 1864, do.) and Bettie (Buicham) Miller (b. Jl i,' 1873, do.). Prepared in Mahomet H. S.; Champaign H. S. Stud. Branch A. I. E. E.; E. E. Soc. Engng. R. C, 1918; Signal Enlisted R. C, 191S— . Ad- dress, Mahomet, 111. 9273. DEAN ALBERT MILLER B. S. in C. E.; b. F i, 1897, Canton, III.; s. Michael James (b. N 19, 1856, Newport, Ky.) and Marie (Haberbusch) Miller (b. Ag 24, 1858. Alsace-Lorraine). Prepared in Canton H. S. C. E. Soc; Capt., Hdqtrs. Co., Univ. Brig. 1st Tr. Co.. C. A. C, sth Tr. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 19 18; Capt., C. A., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, 283 W. Walnut St., Canton, 111. 9274. WALTER PORTER MILLER r^~nier; B. S. in Agr.; b. F 14, 1889, Har- kers' Corners: s. James Smith (b. Ap 20, i860, Smithville, 111.) and Margarette Josephine (Walters) Miller (b. F 20, 1865. Limestone, 111.). Prepared in Monmouth Co'l. Acad.; Monmouth Coll., 1014-16. Alpha Zeta; Agr. Club; Country Life Club. Farmer, Hanna City, 111., 1918 — . Married Edna Belle Glasgow, My 22, 1918, Hanna City, 111. Address. Hanni City, 111. University of Illinois I1918 9275. DWIGHT L. MINK Salesman; A. B. in Commerce; b. S 11, 1896, Galva. III.; s. Frederick C. and Kathryn E. (Wedge) Mink. Prepared in Galva H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Glee Club; Daily I Hint, Staff; Tcchnoaral^h Bd. Salesman, Lafayette Tractor and Implement Co., Lafayette, Ind. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 319 N. \V. Third Ave., Galva, 111.; bus. add., c/o Lafayette Trac- tor and Implement Co., Lafayette, Ind. 9276. DONALD RICHARDS MITCHELL B. S. in Agr.; b. Ta 16, i88q, Evanston, IlL; S. Clara M. Mitchell. Prepared in Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago. Prelim. Honors. Ad- dress, 6252 Stony Island Ave., Chicago. t 9277. LEONARD OSGOOD MITCHELL B. S. in Agr. ; b. My 7, 1894, Alameda, Calif. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Pre- lim. Honors. Sergt., Hdqtrs. Co., i6ist Depot Brig., Camp Grant, 111., 1918 — . Address, Sii S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111. 9278. EDWIN STUART MOBERLEY B. S. in Agr.; b. O 21, 1897, Windsor, 111.; s. James A. (b. S 19, 1857, do.) and Ada Min- nesota (Bruce) Moberley (b. Ja 21, i860, do.). Prepared in Tallulah (La.) H. S. Iris; Staff Capt., Univ. Brig.; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. ///. Agr. Staff. Mem., Christian Church. Address, Tallulah, La. 9279. JAMES WEIR MONCRIEFF Ceram. Engr. ; B. S. in Ceram. E.; b. Je 19, 1896, Otsego, Mich.; s. Robert Moncrieff. Pre- pared in Otsego (Mich.) H. S. 2nd Lt., C. .A. C, Co. I. 5th O. T. C, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; do.. Coast Defenses of San Francisco, 1 91 8; Mustered^ out, D 28, 1918. Address, 1000 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 9280. ILA E. MONOHON B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ja 10, 1895, Greenup. 111.; d. Mark Twain (b. My 31, 1871, do.) and Ida Belle (Ewart) Monohon (b. Jl 17, 1S76, do.). Prepared in Greenup H. S. H. Sc. Club; Celtic Club; W. A. A.; First Council, Wo- man's League; Class Hockey, Baseball, and Basketball. Address, 912 W. Green St.. Ur- bana. 9281. ALLEN RAY MOORE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 20, 1893, Bloom- ingdale, Ind.; s. P. O. Moore. Prepared in Bloomingdale (Ind.) Acad.; Ind. Central Univ. A. E. F., France, 191S — ; Army of Occupation, Germany, 1919 — . Address, 1408 W. Park .Ave., Urbana.t 92S2. SARA ELIZABETH MOORE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 12, 1896, Dan- ville, 111.; d. Edward S. (b. D 1866, Fairmount, 111.) and Elizabeth B. (Johnson) Moore (b. Ap 1868, Danville, 111.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Pi Beta Phi. Address, 16 16 N. Vermilion St.. Danville, 111. 9283. nVAYXE KENNETH MOORE B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 21, 1891, Sheldon, 111.; s. Azur Beal (b. 1856, 111.) and Emma M. (Mantor) Moore (b. 1861. do.). Prepared in t'niv. H. S.. Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1909- 10. Agr. Club; Hort. Club; Floriculture Club. Soil Surv., Logan Co., 111.. 1918. Aviation Mechanics Tr. Sch., St. Paul, S 1918. Died O 13, 1918- 9284. HANYEMON MORITA A. B. in Commerce: b. S 29, 1888, Kisarazu, Kimitsa. Japan; s. Hanjiro Morita. Prepared in Chiba Provincial H. S., Japan. Address, 1622 Kisarazu, Kimitzu, Japan. t 9285. ALIDA HELEN MOSS (Sister of Nos. 2471, 2472, 31 18) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 9, 1896. L'rbana; d. Charles Melville (b. Te 8, 1853, New York Mills, N. Y.) and Frances Elizabeth (Hav- en) Moss (b. My 27, 1854, Ann Arbor, Mich.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Pres., Athenean; Prelim. Honors; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Classical Club. Teacher, H. S., Arthur, 111., 1918— . Address, 806 S. Mathews. Urbana; bus. add., Arthur, 111. 9286. RICHARD ADAM MUESSEL B. S. in Land. Card.; b. Mr 12, 1894, South Bend, Ind.; s. Adam Muessel. Prepared in South Bend (Ind.) H. S. ; Purdue Univ. Delta Tau Delta; Scarab; Varsity Baseball; Univ. Land Arch. Soc. U. S. N. A.. 18 Co., 5th Bn., S5 Div., Camp Custer, Mich,; Sergt., 143rd Aero Sqdn., Gerstmner Field. La., 1918 — . Ad- dress, 701 Cottage Grove Ave., South Bend, Ind.t 9287. MARTIN REUBEN MUNDORF A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 22, 1897, Elber- field, Ind.; s. John Mundorf. Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S.; N. W. Coll. Phi Alpha Tau. Address, Marshall, Ill.t 9288. GER.\LD EDSON MURRAY Merchant; B. S. in Commerce; b. Ja 26, 1895, Rensselaer, Ind.; s. George Edson (b. Ap 13, 1857, Leesburg, O.) and Charlotte O'Neal (Hester) Murray (b. Jl s. 1865, Char- lestown, Ind.). Prepared in Rensselaer (Ind.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis.. 1914-16. Delta Upsilon. Merchant, Rensselaer, Ind. 2nd Lt., Artillery, L'. S. A., 1918; Mustered out. D 3. 1918. Ad- dress, 208 Park Ave., Rensselaer, Ind. 9289. GLADYS LEORA NADEN Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 23, 1896, Newark, 111.; d. J. Darby Naden. Prepared in Yorkville H. S. Sigma Kappa; Yo Ma. Teach- er, H. Sc, H. S., Aurora, 111., 1918 — . Address, Newark, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Aurora, 111. 9290. SHIMAJI NAKANISHI Engineer; B. S. in E. E.; b. Je 29, 1888, Japan; s. Hikobe (b. F 20, 1836) and Yoneko (Susuki) Nakanishi (b. N 3, 1S53). Prepared in First Middle Sch., Aichiken, Japan; Waseda Univ., Japan; Cert., Univ. 01 Idaho, 191 S. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 24 Arako, Aichi, .Aichiken, Japan. 9291. CATHERINE NEEDHAM (Sister of No. 5337) Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 20, 189S. Champion, Neb.; d. William Alexander (b. iSd2, Hardin Co., Ky.) and Alice Rosella (.Brown) Needham (b. i860, Crawford Co., 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Valedictor ian; Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Sigma Phi; Mor- tarboard; Alethen.ai; Scribblers; Permanent Class Sec. Scholar in Eng., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Add>icss. 1 210 W. University Ave., L^rbana. 9292. HAROLD ALPHA NEFF A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 3. 1897. Leaf River, 111.; s. Emery Isaac (b. O 2, 1861, Mt. Morris, 111.) and Ada Jane (Bowers) Neff (b. Ap 25, 1871, Brookville, 111.). Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Adelphic; Glee Club. U. S. A., 1918-19. Address, Rochelle, 111. 9293. SEVERINA ELAINE NELSON A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 20, 1896, Chicago; d. N. S. Nelson. Prepared in Decatur H. S.; N. W. Univ. Omega Upsilon; lUiola; ist Council, Women's League; Dramatics. Address, 448 Washington Blvd., Oak Park. Ill.t I9i8] Baccalaureate Alum ni 729 9294. IVA FLORENCE NEWBURN (Sister of No. 6452) A. B. in H. Sc; b. S 3, 1895, Hoopeston, 111.; d. Oliver Chranston (b. Ap 19, i8ss, Meta- mora, 111.) and Rhoda Ellen (Keena) Newburn (b. Jl 22, i860, Mt. Pulaski, 111.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Athenean; 2nd Cabinet. Y. W. C. A.; Pres., H. Sc. Club; ist Council, Wo- men's League; ///. Agr. Staff; V. P., Jr. Illi- nae. Auth. : Housekeeping and Living. ///. Agr.; Matters of Economy, do.; The Why and How of Wheat Saving, do.; That He Who Runs May Read, do. Address, 1006 W. Main St., Urbana. 9295- WALTER HAINES NEWCOMB B. S. in Chem.; b. My 22, 1890, Saybrook, 111.; s. Chas. A. Newcomb. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Acad, and Univ. Chem. Club. Ad- dress, Fisher, lU.t 9296. WALTER ALLEN NEWLIN B. S. in Agr.; b. F i, 1891, Annapolis, III.; s. J. A. Newlin. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Un- ion Christian Coll. Sergt., Co. 17, Camp Gor- don, Ga., 1918 — . Address, Annapolis, Ill.t 9297. ROBERT KEITH NEWTON B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ja s. 189s, Jerseyville, 111.; s. Robert (b. My 25, 1836, Manchester, Eng.) and Flora (Keith) Newton (b. D 23, 1854). Prepared in Jerseyville H. S. Theta Tau; Eta Kappa Nu. Radio Div., Signal Corps, U. S. A., 1918; 2nd Lt., do., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif.; Mustered out, F 4, 1919. Ad- dress, Jerseyville, 111.; bus. add., 330 Waverley St.. Palo Alto, Calif. 9298. JOHN TIMOTHY NOLAN B. S. in C. E.; b. Ja 4, 1894, Pence, Wis.; s. Patrick J. Nolan. Prepared in Gilbert (Minn.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau; C. E. Soc; Spalding Guild; Treas., Sr. Class; Chm., Cap and Gown Com. U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 1, Sheffield, Ala. Address, Gilbert, Minn. 9299. ELLA BAXTER OAKES B. S. in H. Sc; b. Jl 21, 1889, Laura, 111.; d. William McDorman (b. Je 18, 1849, White Deer Valley, Pa.) and Robah Louise (Chap- man) Oakes (b. Ag 9, 1847, Elmwood, 111.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. H. Sc. Club; Jamesonian; Choral So.c. Address, Oak Lawn, I.aura, 111. 9300. LAURA ODELL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N s. iS?'!. Oakland, 111.; d. T. M. Odell. Prepared in Oakland H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ.; Chicago Polyclinic Tr. Sch. for Nurses. Address, c/o Mrs. W. S. Baichley, West Salem, Ill.t 9301. RUTH INGEBORG OHRMAN (RAHN) (Wife of No. 9330) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 28. 1893, Chicago; d. G. E. Ohrman. Prepared in Thornton H. S.; N. W. Univ. Gregorian. Married Rud- olph Rahn ('18), Jl 27, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 15024 (Columbia Ave., Harvey, Ill.t 9302. DWIGHT BROADNAX OHRUM (Brother of No. 4838) B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Jl 15, 1892. Delta, Pa.; s. S. C. Ohrum. Prepared in Cairo H. S. ; Dennison Univ. Tau Beta Pi; Pres.. Ry. Club; Pres., C. E. Soc: Technograph Staff. Lt., 544th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918. Ad- dress, 330 Windmere, Dallas, Tex. 9303. HAROLD LOEFFEL OLESON B. S. in E. E.; b. N 14, 189s, Highland Park, 111.; s. Olaf Lawrence (b. Norway) and Alma Carrie (Loeffel) Oleson (b. Chicago). Prepared in Deerfield Shields H. S., Highland Park, 111. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi- E. E. Soc; A. I. E E ■ Prehm. Honors; ist Lt., Univ. Brig. 2nd Lt.' Radio Sch., U. S. R. C, 1918; Mustered out, D II. 1919. Address, 369 Moraine Road, High- land Park. 111.; bus. add., Engng. Dept., Mar- coni Wireless Co., New York City. 9304. ROBERT GEORGE OLSON B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 6, 1895, Chicago; s. i.eorge Olson. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S • Crane Jr. Coll. Acacia; Pi Tau Sigma; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. Ensign Sch., U. S. N Stevens Inst.. Hoboken, N. J., 1918 — . Address, 1 23 1 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. t 9305- MABEL THELMA OSBURN Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 20, 189?, Ilutsonville, 111.; d. Mrs. J. F. Gallion. Pre- pared in Robinson H. S.; 111. Woman's Coll. Delta Epsilon Phi. Teacher, H. S., Marshall. 111., 1918— . Address, 106 S. Romine St., Ur- bana; bus. add.. High School, Marshall, III. 9306. HAROLD PATTERSON OWEN (Brother of No. 7852) B S in Ry C. E.; b. S 6, 1896, Morgan Park, 111.; s. Charles S. (b. McHenry 111.) and Georgie B. P. Owen (b. Chicago). Pre- pared in Lane Tech. H. S. Alpha Chi Rho; Theta Tau; Ry. Club; Fresh. Class Track; Soph. Picnic Com.; Jr. Smoker Com.; Sr. Memorial Com. Ensign Sch., Municipal Pier, Chicago, 1918; Wounded on board ship, 1918; Mustered out, Ja 24, 1919. Address, 930 Argyle St., Chicago; bus. add.. Western Elec- tric Co., 500 S. Clinton St., do. 9307- MARY PACK (Sister of No. 5856) Assistant; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Mr 8, 1896, River Forest, 111.; d. William Francis and Mary Bell (Ferguson) Pack. Prepared in River Forest and Oak Park H. Schs. Pres., Illiola; Treas., Y. W. C. A.; W. A. A.; Pres., H. Sc Club; Ex. Council, Woman's Leaeue. Asst., Home Econ. Exten., Univ. of 111., 1918; State Specialist, Sch. lunches, do., 1919 — . Address, 360 N. Franklin Ave., River Forest, 111.; bus. add., 311 Daniel St., Champaign. 9308. ALFRED ROBERT PASTEL Engineer; B. S. in Arch.; b. Ja 30, 1893, Chicago; s. Chas. R. (b. D 14, i856, Austria) and Anna Pastel (b. Mr 14, 1874, do.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., (Chicago. Arch. Club; Capt., Univ. Brig. Insp. and Expediting Engr.. Pensacola Shipbuilding Co., Emergency Fleet Corporation. Pensacola, Fla., 1918 — . Address, 1615 S. Homan Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Pensacola Shipbuilding Co., Pensacola, Fla. 9309. BERENICE MARIE PAUL A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 20, 1896, Chicago; d. V. F. Paul. Prepared in Waller H. S., Chi- cago; N. W. Univ. Spaulding Guild; Canterbury Club. Address, 2347 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. t 9310. MARGARET PEALE Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. Ta 27, 1896, Chicago; d. Charles M. (b. F 23," 1866. Belvi- dere. 111.) and Marietta (Parkhill) Peale (b. .\p 30, 1866, do.). Prepared in Belvidere H. S. Alpha Chi Omega; Yo Ma; H. Sc. Club; Jr. Hat Com.; Hockey. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S. Paxton, 111., 1918 — . Address, Belvidere, III.; bus. add.. High School, Paxton, 111. 931 1. FRANCIS H. PEARSON B. S. in M. E.: b. Je 20, 1896, Hinsdale, 111.; s. ivels (b. do.) and Maria (Anderson) Pearson. Prepared in Hinsdale H. S. Theta Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Stud. Council; Sr. Memorial; Chm., .Sr. Invitation Com. N. R. Flying Corps, 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 66 N. Clay St., Hinsdale. HI. 73° University of Illinois [1918 9312. WILLIS McGERALD PEIRCE B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Je 20, 1896, Buffalo, N. Y. ; s. Walter Merton (b. N. Y.) and Fran- ces Agnes (McGerald) Peirce (b. Canandaigua, N. Y.). Prepared in Kidgway (Pa.) H. S.; Pa. St Coll., 1914-17. Sigma Pi. Chem. Warfare Service, U. S. N. A., 1918 — . Address, 304 Metoxet Ave., Ridgway, Pa. 9313. MARY LUCILE PEIRSON A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl 4, 1896, Murphysboro, IlL; d. John James (b. 1853, Canaan, N. Y.) and Anna Katherine (Soams) Peirson (b. Ap 3, 1864, LTniontown, Pa.). Prepared in Mur- phvsboro Tp. H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Yo Ma; Mortorboard; Omicron Nu; Illiola; H. Sc. Club; Kappa Delta Pi; V. P., Women's League; W. A. A.; Y. W. C. A. Address, 2015 Wal- nut St., Murphysboro, 111. 9314. HAZEL MARIE PELL A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ap i, 1896, Urbana; d. James R. (b. Ap 9, 1862) and Rosalie (Ott) Pell (b. S 4, 1872). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, H. Sc, H. S., Tuscola. 111., 1918 — . Address, 103 W. Washington St., Ur- bana; bus. add., 55 S. Main St., Tuscola, 111. 9315. LAMBERT BENJAMIN PENHALLOW B. S. in M. E.; b. S 12, 1897, Denver; s. Arthur L. Penhallow. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jr. Mem., A. S. E. E. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., North Atlantic Transport Service, 191 7 — . Address, 6341 Kenvv-ood Ave., Chicago. 9316. RUTH PERCIVAL (Sister of No. 43S2) Social Worker; B. S. in H. Sc; b. N 8, 1805. Urbana, 111.; d. Otis (b. Je 20, 1859, do.) and Anna Johnson (b. Mr 20, 1861, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; H. Sc. Club. Social Seivice Work, Des Moine? 1 91 8; Sec. Home Service Sect., Champaign Co. Red Cross, Urbana. Address, 906 W. Green St., Urbana. 9317. FRANCES lANET PERKINS Psychologist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 19, 1894, Springfield, 111.; d. Charles Rufus aiid Katherine (Dunnuck) Perkins. Prepared in Laurel (Miss.) H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. Al- pha Xi Delta: Pres.. Fresh. Illinae. Asst. Psych., Juvenile Psychopathic Inst., 1918. Y. M. C. A. Reconstruction work in hospitals. France, 1918 — . Address, 7th Ave., Laurel, Miss. 9318. SILAS CARLISLE PETERSON With Tractor Co.; B. S. in Agr.: b. Ag 5, 1893, Buckingham, 111.; s. Goodman F. (b. 1838, Norway) and Carrie (Thorsen) Peterson (b. 1841, Morris, 111.). Prepared in Herscher H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Sch. Beta Phi; Varsity Base- ball. With Kraig Tractor Co., Cleveland, 1919 — . U. S. A. S., 1918; do., Camp Dick, Tex.; Chanute Field, 1918; Mustered out. N 30, 1918. Address, Herscher, 111.; bus. add., c/o Kraig Tractor Co., Cleveland. 9319. BERNICE IRENE PHILLIPS Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 11, 1895, Lostant, 111.; d. Richard William (b. Ap 23, 1866, do.) and Grace Blair (Hiltabrand) Phil- lips (b. D 3, 1870, Tonica. 111.). Prepared in Lostant and Bloomington H. Schs. ; 111. Wes- leyan L'^niv., 1913-16. Sigma Kappa; Sr. Me- morial Com.; Y. M. C. A. War Fund Com. Teacher, H. S., Streator, 111., 1917 — . Ad- dress, 1207 Clinton Blvd., Bloomingrton, 111.; bus. add., Higli School, Streator, 111. 9320. RUTH PHILLIPS A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 30, 1895, E. Cleve- land; d. P. A. Phillips. Prepared in Shaw (Cleveland) H. S. Sigma Kappa; Omicron Nu. Address, 1738 Holyoke Ave., E. Cleveland.! 9321. BETHA PLYMALE A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl 19, 1875. Dunleith, W. Va.; d. A. W. Plymale (b. Je 10, 1824, Dun- leith, W. Va.) and Malinda (Swanson) Ply- male (b. Ap 29. 1839, Virginia). Prepared in Norm. Sch., Huntington, W. Va. Baseball, Basketball, Hockey Teams; W. A. A. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1120 7th Ave., Hunt- ington, W. Va. 9322. EDWARD CHARLES POHLMAN B. S. in M. E. ; b. Ag 10, 1896, Chicago; s. Albert (b. Ap 22, i86i, Ger.) and Anna (Glom- ske) Pohlman (b. My 23, 186S, Chicago). Pre- pared in Loyola Acad.; Loyola Univ., Chicago, 1914-16. Spalding Guild; A. S. M. E.; Sr. Pi Tau Sigma Prize. Address, 2745 Logan Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Marcus Hook, Pa. 9323. WESLEY WILLIAM POLK B. S. in M. & S. E.; b F. 14, 1893, La Grange. 111.; s. Edmund R. (b. Mr 7, 1866, do.) and Agnes Mary (Little) Polk (b. My 13, 1869, Clinton, Ontario, Can.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S. Alpha Sigma Phi. Co. i, B., 4th Engrs.. O. T. C, Camp Lee, Va., 1918 — . Married Edith Azalia Riley, Je 7, 1916, Chicago. Ad- dress, 1004 Oregon St., Urbana. 9324. MARGARET LOIS PORTER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 7, 1:95, Gladstone, 111.; d. Frank Porter. Prepared m Knox Coll. Address, Gladstone, Ill.t 9325. KEELER DE WiTT PULCIPHER Journalist; A. B. in Commerce; b. O 14, 1896, Centralia, 111.; s. Charles Edgar and Caroline Frances (Beal) Pulcipher. Prepared in Centralia Tp. II. S. Pi Kappa Alpha; Sigma Delta CJhi; Pi Delta Epsilon; Pierrots; Ed., Daily I Hint; Asst. Ed., ///. Mag.; Sr. Ball Com.; Homecom- ing Com. U. S. N. A., 1918; N. A. O. T. Sch., ist Co., Inf., Camp Sherman, O. ; 2nd Lt., do.; Assoc Ed., Camp Sherman News. Address, 121 N. Maple St., Centralia. 9326. WILLIAM FRANK PURNELL B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 7, 1895, Muncie, 111.; s. Joseph Samuel (b. My 26. 1858, Hillsboro, Ind.) and Fannie Martha (Lucas) Purnell (b. O 8, 1S61, Veedersburg, Ind.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Farm House; .apt. Club; Hoof and Horn Club. U. S. A., 1918. Address, Muncie, 111. 9327. FLORENCE KATHERINE QUINN (HUMPHREYS) (Sister of No. 6497) B. Mus.; b. D 10. 1895, Lafayette, 111.; d. Frank F. (b. An 16 1861, Toulon, 111.) and Nellie Mae (Jones) Quinn (b. D 21, 1861, La Fayette, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg ^ H. S. .\lpha Chi Omega. Married Robert Humphreys, S 30, 1918. Address, Lafayette, Ill.t 9328. CLEMENT JOSEPH RAFINSKI B. S. in Commerce; b. N 25, 1S95, Thomaston, Conn.; s. Joseph Rafinski. Prepared in Thomas- ton (Conn.) H. S.; Univ. of Wash. Grad. Stud., Harvard Univ. ist Lt., Ord. Dept., Rock Island Arsenal; Mustered out, Ja 8, 191Q. Address, Center St., Thomaston, Conn. 9329. LESTER ADDISON RAHN B. S. in Agr.; b. D 19, 1896, Lanark, 111.; s. Clinton Addison (b. S 30, 1868, do.) and Anna Marie (Shaner) Rahu (b. Nov. 14, 1870, do.). Prepared in Lanark H. S. Musician, second class. Great Lakes Naval Band, 1918 — . Mem., Eng. Lutheran Church. Address, Lan- ark, 111. I9I81 Baccalaureate Ai.um xt 9330. RUDOLPH RAIIN (Husband of No. 9301) B. S. in M. E.; b. Ap 6, 1895, Thornton, 111.; s. John Rahn. Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Staff, Tcchnograph; Prelim. Honors. .2nd Lt., Search Light Div., Engng. Corps, L'. S. A. Married Ruth Ohrman ('iS), Jl 27, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 150J4 Columbia Ave., Harvey, 111. 9331. LESTER COURTNEY RAINES Instructor; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 23, 1896, Milford, 111.; s. Charles E. (b. 1861, Kentland. Ind.) and Mattie V. (Shepherdson) Raines (b. 1862, Dayton, Ind.). Prepared in Milford Tp. H. S. Celtic Club; Der Deutsche \'erein; 111. Drama Federation; Le Cerrle Frangais. 2nd Lt., Inf., Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1918; do., Personnel Adjt., O. Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O. ; Mustered out, D 24. igi8. Address, 903 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 9332. KATHRYN ROSE RAITHEL A. B. in L. A. &■ S.; b. Ja 31. 1897, Chicago; d. George William (b. 1863, do.) and Rose Spielman (b. 1867, Ger.). Prepared in Lake \^iew H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1914-15. Chi Ome^a; Mask and Bauble; Le Cercle Fran cais; Daily Illini and ///. il/ajr. Staffs; Sr. Council, Women's League. Address. 4450 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 9333. CHARLES EDWARD RANDA B. S. in E. E. ; b. S 23, 1895. Chicago; s. Joseph Randa. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. ,S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. E. E. Soc. Ad- dress, 3839 W. 26th St., Chicago. t 9334. FRANK JOHN RANDALL . B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 15, 1894, .Aurora, 111.: s. Lew Wallace (b. N i, 1861, do.) and Esther Elizabeth (Evans) Randall (b. S 12. 1S69. do.) Prepared in W. Aurora H. S. Alpha Chi Rho; Agr. Glee Club; Agr. Club. Corp.. 14th Int. V. S. N. A., 1918; Mustered out, Ja 1919- Ad- dress, 222 Cedar St., Am ora. 111. 9335. LURA JANE RANKIN A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 17, 1892, Payson. 111.; d. Charles H. (b. Ag 2. 1859, do.) and Henri- etta L. (Whittleton) Rankin (b. S 11, i860, do.). Prepared in Mountain View (Calif.) Tp. H. S. W. A. A.; H. Sc. Club; Capt.. Baseball; Hockey; Women's League Council. Address, Payson, 111. 9336. HUBERT HONENS RATHBUN B. S. in Land. Gard. ; b. Mr 31, 1893. Crab Orchard, Neb.; s. I. H. Rathbun. Prepared in La Salle-Peru Tp. H. S. Supply Sergt.. Co. B, S27th Engrs., Toul, France. Address, Spring Valley. 111. 9337. EMMA GRACE READER Chemist; A. B. in L. A. &■ S.; b. Jl 27, 1892, Centralia, HI.; d. Alfred Edmund (b. 1867, New York) and Anne (Parkin) Reader (b. 1870. Sheffield, Eng.). Prepared in Centralia Tp. H. S.; James Milliken Univ., 1911-12. Delta Delta Delta. Chem., William R. Warner Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1919 — . Address, 332 S. Maple St., Centralia, 111. 731 9338. CORDELIA REED Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 20. 1897, Lafayette. Ind.; d. Worth (b. D 9, 1853, Fountain Co., Ind.) and Delia Harriet Shaup (b. F 16, 1859, Monticello, Ind.). Prepared in Covington (Ind.) and Lafayette (Ind.) fl. Schs. Hamilton Coll., 1914-16. Chi Omega; Alethenai; Le Cercle Frangais. Grad. Stud.. Univ. of 111., 1918 — . .Address, Covington. Ind.; bus. add., 907 S. Wright St., Champaign. 9339. GEORGE HOSTER REID B. S. in Agr.; b. F 6, 1895, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. G. W. Reid. Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S. Agr. Club. Address, 513 S. isth St., Mt. Ver- non, Ill.t 9340. HAROLD SPEER REID E. S. in Land. Gard.; b. O 4, 1894, Bridge- port, O. ; s. E. W. Reid. Prepared in Mech. Arts H. S.; Coll. of St. Thomas, St. Paul. Al- pha Sigma Phi; Gargoyle; Univ. Land. Arch. Soc; Ensign, LT. S. N., 1918 — . Address, 834 Ashland Ave., St. Paul.t 9341. BERNHARD PAUL REINSCH A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 22, 1892, Malcom, la.; s. John F. (b. 1870, Ky.) and Anna M. (Ilulsebus) Reinsch (b. 1876, Wayne Co., la.). Prepared in Wartburg Coll., Clinton. la.; la. St. Univ., 1912-13. Scabbard and Blade; ist Lt. and (Tapt., Univ. Brig.; Rifle Team. ist R. O. T. C., Ft. Sheridan. 111., 1917; Instr., Tactics, U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918. .Uldrcss, 1 1 04 Mulberry Ave., Muscatine, la. 9342. MARIE CORZINE RHOADS Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 15, 1895, Isabel, HI.; d. Orra B. Rhoads. Pre- pared in Champaign H. S. Teacher H. S.. Homer, 111., 1918 — . Address, 411 E. Healy St., Champaign; bus. add., Plonier, lU.f 9343. PERRY MARION RHUE A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 21, i8g6, Brad- Ijury, 111.; s. Jessie William and Sidney Eliza- Iieth (Cochonour) Rhue. Prepared in Mattoon H. S. Co. A. 343rd M. G. Rn., A. E. F., France; wounded in action, 19 18. Address, 306 S. 4th St., Champaign. 9344. K-\THARINE GRACE RICE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 20, 1802, Philo. 111.; d. Clarence A. (b. Ap 7, i86i, Princeton, 111.) and Carrie B. (Hazen) Rice (b. Ja 22, 1863, Philo, 111.). Prepared in Philo H. S. Address, Philo, Ill.t 9345. OLIVE AREY RICHARDS B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 6, 1892. Jerseyville, 111.; d. John Harrison (b. Ap 14, 1843, Mar- quand. Mo.) and Olive Gertrude (Tiff) Rich- ards (b. S 8, 1857, Jerseyville. 111.). Prepared in Jerseyville, H. S.; 111. St. Norm. LTniv., 1911-13. .iddress, 537 Eiler St., St. Louis. 9346. BLANCHE BELLE RICHART A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 6, 1883. Lena. III.; d. John Erwin (b. Ja 26. 1846, Muncie, Pa.) and Ella Jane (Drew) Richart (b. F 18. i860, Lena, 111.). Prepared in Lena H. S. and Evanston Acad.; N. W. Univ.. 1904. Wo- men's League: Y. W. C. A.; Pres., Jamesonian. .-iddress, Mt. Sterling, 111. 9347. JEAN ELNORA RICHMOND A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ap 20, 1891, Waterman, 111.; d. William Richmond (b. Ag 19, 1862, Scotland) and Mary Dixie (Harvey) Richmond (b. N 0. 1862, do.). Prepared in^ No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1011-13. Omicron Nu; Women's League Council; H. Sc. Club. Address, Wa- terman, 111. 7,32 Univeksitv ok Illinois [191S 9348. GERTRUDE KATHERINE RICHTER B. S. in Commerce; b. S 24, 1893, Daven- port, la. Prepared in Univ. of Chicago. Gam- ma Epsilon Pi. Address, 1025 W. gth St., Davenport. la.t 9349. RUTH ANNA RIPPLE A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 8, 1897. Buffalo. N. Y. Prepared in Tuley H. S., Chicago; N. W. Univ. Address, 1333 N. Oakley Blvd., Chi- cago.! 9350. WALTER SCOTT RISSER Elec. Engr.; B. S. in E. E.; b. D 27, 1S94, Paris, 111.; s. J. B. Risser. Prepared in Paris II. S. Signal Corp, O. T. S., Camp Meade; Mustered out, D 24, 1918. With Kemy Elec. Co.. Anderson, Ind., 1919 — . Ad- dress, 520 Hendricks St., Anderson, Ind.; bus. add., c/o Remy Elec. Co., do. 9351. WALTER THEOBALD RITTER B. S. in M. E.; b. D 18, 1896, Chicago; s. Emil (b. do.) and Clara Elizabeth (Fischer) Ritter (b. do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. Zeta Psi; Theta Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; L'niv. Orchestra. 4th Tr. Co., sth Tr. C, C. A. C, Ft. Monroe, Va.: Lt. Instr. ; Gas Defense Work, do.; Mustered out, D 10, 1918. Address, 1640 Shervvin Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 223 W. Austm Ave., do. 9352. CLAUDE MORRILL ROBERTS A. B. in Commerce; b. Mr 25, 1894, Greene, Kan. Prepared in Decatur H. S. Address, 1 091 St. Louis Ave., Decatur, Ill.t 9353. ARTHUR BEEKMAN ROBERTSON B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ag 18, 1896, Petersburg, III.; s. Thomas M. (b. S 12, 1864, Tallula, 111.) and Lucy M. (b. D 20, 186;. Petersburg. 111.). Prepared in Petersburg H. S. Electn., Co. B, Camp Bradley, Peoria, 111. Address, Peters- burg, 111. 9354. ETMELYN CLYDE ROBINSON A. i}. in II. Sc: b. Ag 4, 1S95. La Salle, 111.; s^ Charles S. (b. Ap .^o, 1865, do.) and Emma Clyde (Hamel) Robinson (b. N 7, 1863, do.). Prepared in La Salle-Peru Tp. H. S. Address, The Oak, La Salle, 111. 9355- ANTONIO RODRIQUEZ B. S. in C. E.; b. My 10, 1896, Mata. Cuba; s. Fernando Rodriquez. Prepared in Loyola Univ. Address, 4602 Calle Comercio, Mata Uta, Clara, Cuba.t 9356. EDAR BERTRAM ROE Fruit Grower; B. S. in Agr.; b. S i, 1892, Union City, Ind.; s. Frank R. (b. Mr 14. 1863. do.) and Mattie E. (Coblentz) Roe (b. Ja 7, 1869, Greenville, O.). Prepared in Mt. Lincoln (Colo.) H. S.; LTniv. of Colo., 1911-15. Agr. Club; Class Baseball and Basketball; Varsity Track. Fruit Farmer. Palisade, Colo. Hdqtrs. Co., 135th Inf., Gun Crew, L^. S. N. A., Camp Cody, N. M. Married Jennie Goddard, Je 15, 1Q18, Fruita, Colo. Address, Palisade, Colo. 9357- NEWMAN ROMERO A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 30, 1895. Tennico, Chile; s. Indalecio Romero. Prepared in Urbana H. S. Phi Kappa Sigma; Ma- wan-da: Sachem; Pres., HI. Union; Daily mini Staff; Homecoming Com.; Glee and Mandolin Club. U. S. N. R., Radio, Norfolk. Va. Address, 436 N. Sheridan Road, Highland Park, Ill.t 9358. RUTH EDITH ROMPEL Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 22, 189s, Champaign: d. J. F. Roinpel. Prepared in ChampaiRn H. S. Teacher, Eng., H. S.. Chebanse, 111., 1918 — . Address. 1007 S. 2nd St., Chajnpaign; bus. add., Higlh 5^fchool, Chebanse, 111. 9359. ETHEL MAYE ROSE Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 30, 1890, Colton, Wash.; d. John (b. My i, 1849 Ports mouth, O.) and Mary J. (Lamb) Rose (b. Ap 2, 1864, Bement, 111.). Prepared in Bement H. S.; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Bethany Cir- cle; H. Sc. Club. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Deca- tur, 111., 1918 — . Address, Bement, 111. 9360. HERBERT BERNARD ROSENBERG B. S. in Agr.; b. O :6, 1893, Madison, III.; s. Julius (b. Ap 2, 1S63, Ger.) and Mathil- da (b. Jl 16, 1S70, Kingston, N. Y.). Prepared in Granite City H. S. Sigma Alpha Mu; Agr. Club; V. P., Hort. Club; Menorah. U. S. N. A., Camp Dix, N. J., 191S; Mustered out, D 20, 1918. Mem. A. F. A. M.. B'nai B'rith. Address, Clifton Terr,i:e, 111. 9361. NELDA GLENDORA ROSS Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc ; b. Je 18, 1894, Easton, III.; d. John (b. O 33. 1855, do.) and Margaret A. (Walder) Ross (b. F 11, 1861. do.). Prepared in Easton and Havana H. Schs.; Hedding Coll. Prep., Abingdon, 111. Teacher, H. Sc. and Chem.. H. S.. Drake, N. Dak., 1918 — . Address, Easton, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Drake, N. Dak. 9362. FLORENCE CATHERINE ROTH A. B. in H. Sc: b. Ja 29, 1895, Chicago; d. Jennie L. Roth. Prepared in Calumet H. S.; Rockford Coll. Delta Gamma. Address, 8647 Morgan St., Chicago, Ill.t 9363. RACHEL RUFFNER Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag ii, 1895, Vevay Park. 111.; d. A. L. (b. O 4. 1863, Greenup. 111.) and Annette (Tutewiler) Ruffner (b. N 13, 1863, do.). Prepared in Casey H. S. W. A. A.; IT. Sc. Club; Class Hockey; Basketball; Baseball; Sr. Advisory Bd. Cafeteria Asst.. Indiana Univ., Bloom- ington. Ind.. 1918—. Address, Marshall, 111.; bus. add., 218 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, Ind. 9364- ELMER THEODORE RUNDQUIST B. S. in Agr.; b. N 22, 1894, Harvey, 111.; s. S. M. Rundquist. Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Delta Upsilon; Ma- Wan-da; Sachem; Tribe of Illini; Fresh. Football and Basket- ball; Capt. Varsity Football; 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., 191S; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 15025 Main St., Harvey, Ill.t 9365. HOR.\CE ALONZO LEWIS RYDER B. S. in E. j:.. : b. Ap 14, 1895, Oshkosh, Wis.; s. Frank H. Ryder. Prepared in Baker (Ore.) H. S.; Univ. of Calif. Phi Sigma Kappa: E. E. Soc Address, 1510 3rd St., Baker, Ore.t 9366. FRANK SAILER B. S. in Agr.; b. F 4. 1897, Chicago; s. Voelar F. (b. O i, 1862, Bohemia) and Marie (Ruzicka) Sailer (b. My 23, 1868, do.). Pre- pared in Harrison Tech. Anubis; Sigma Kappa Zeta; Adelphic; Hort. Club; Agr. Club; Prelim, and Final Honors. Address, 2807 W. 22nd St., Chicago. 9367. THERESA M:INNA SAMUELS Journalist; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 12, 1897, Chicago: d. Max (b. S 24, 1870, do.) and Jennie (^Lewin) Samuels (b. Je 27. 1872, do.). Prepared in McKinley H. S., (Chicago, Mortarboard; Theta Sigma Phi; Alethenai; VV. A. A.; Class Hockey; Class Baseball; Class Basketball; Soph. Class Hist.; Sr. Class Sec; First Council, Women's League; Women's Ed., Daily Illini. Asst. Ed., The Woman's Weekly, Chicago. Address, 5216 Michigan Ave., Chi- cago; bus. add., 333 .S. Dearborn St., do. lOuS] Baccalaureate Alu m n i 7^ 936R. FRANCELIA PLUMLY SARGENT (Daughter of No. 492) A. B. in Commerce; b. D 24, 1890, Chicago; d. Charles Elliotte ('86), (b. S 12, 1862, Carlin- ville, 111.) and Hattie May (Boynton) Sargent (b. 1869, GofTstown, N. H.). Prepared in Ra- cine (Wis.) H. .S.; Shortbridge H. S.. Indian apolis. Pi Beta Phi; Mortarboard; Phi Beta Kappa; Gamma Epsilon Pi; Athenean; Wom- an's Cosmopolitan Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinets; Pres., Woman's Leagtie; Prelim, and Final Honors. Address, 2020 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis. 9369. KENOSKE SATO A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 16, 1892, Nagoza, Japan; s. Tadakazu (b. Japan) and Tsune Sato (b. do.). Prepared in Los Angeles Poly. H. S.; Univ. of S. Calif., 1914-17. Cosmopolitan Club; Pres., Japanese Stud. Assn. Auth. : The Am. Japanese Problem, The Japanese Stud.; The Modern Problems of Women, The Japanese Rafu Asalie; The Problems of Pop- ulation, do.; Citizenship for Japanese, The NichMi. Address, 747 E. 36th St., Chicago. 0370. GERTRUDE ELIZABETH SAWYER (Sister of Nos. 4401, 6539) Student; B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. Ap 2, 1895, Tuscola, 111.; d. Albert Butler (b. Ja 3, 1867, Grand Island, Vt.) and Fanny Marie (Wardall) Sawyer (b. F 26. 1862, Springfield, 111.). Prepared in Tudor Hall, Indianapolis. Kappa Alpha Theta; Mortorboard; Yo Ma; Illiola; Ex. Bd., Woman's League. Student, Civic design, Cambridge, Mass., igi8 — . Ad- dress, 48 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. 9371. WILHELMINA SCHEFFER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 15, 1896, At- wood. 111.; d. Henry (b. O 19, 1857, Gleichen, Ger.) and Sophia (Cramer) Scheffer (b. Je 10, 1858, Perrysburg, O.). Prepared in Atwood H. S. Address, Atwood, III. 9372. ARTHUR KRISSLER SCHIFRLIN B. S. in M. E.; b. S 6, 1896, Chicago; s. Philip H. (b. N 10, 1862) and Agnes (Kriss- ler) Schifflin (b. Ap 23, 1863). Prepared in Univ. H. S., Chicago. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Homecoming Finance Com.; Engr. V. P., 111. Union; Lt., Univ. Brig. U. S. N., 1918; Ensign, do., 1919 — . Address, 4942 Ellis Ave., Chicago. 9373- LOUIS HENRY SCHREIBER B. S. in Agr. ; b. N 15, Chicago; s. Jacob J (b. 1866, do.) and Gertie (De Young) Schrei ber (b. 1867, do.). Prepared in Curtis H. S. Chicago. Sigma Pi; Maj.. Univ. Brig. R. O. T C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1918; 2nd Lt., S. A. T C, Crane Jr. Coll.. Chicago, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 45 W. iioth Place, Chicago. 9374. FRANK J. SCHULZ (Brother of No. 8737) ,\. B. in Commerce; b. Ja 14, 1896, Elm- wood, 111.; s. John (b. Kossel-Hessia, Ger.) and Johanna (Oberer) Schulz (b. Vohingen, Wur- temberg, Ger.). Prepared in Elmwood H. S. Cosmopolitan Club. Corp., Inf. Mach. Gun Co., 149th Inf., A. E. P., France; Mustered out, F 27, 1919. Address, Elmwood, 111. 9375. ELLA SCHWAGMEYER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 3, 1892, Quincy, 111.; d. August (b.i8s8, do.) and Bertha (Weh- mever) Schwagmeyer (b. 1859, do.). Prepared in Quincy H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1908- 10. Univ. of Colo. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Quincy, 111. Address, 1022 Payson Ave., Quincy, 111. 9376. TRUMAN GORTON SEARLE (Brother of No. 4897) Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap i8. 1897, Washta, Ga.; s. John C. Searle. Pre- pared in Geneseo Tp. H. S.; Augustana Coll. Phi Delta Psi; Delta Sigma Rho: Philo- raathean; Varsity Debating Team. Stud., Law, Univ. of Columbia, New York City, 1919 — . Q. M., Ensign Sch.; Reserve list, D 13, 191 7. Address, 229 W. Pearl St., Geneseo, 111.; bi(.v. add., 307 Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, 111. 9377- HARRY RICHMOND SEAVEY B. S. in E. E.; b. D 24, 1893, Benton Har- bor, Mich.; s. Winfield Seavey. Prepared in Momence H. S. Address, Momence, Ill.t 9378. ERNA SEILER (Sister of Nos. 5407, 5932) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 22. 1891, Elgin, 111.; d. Gustav (b. Saxony, Ger.) and Lena (Bertschy) Seller (b. Alsace Lorraine). Pre- pared in Woodstock H. S.; Lake Forest Coll. Address, 203 E. Healy St., Champaign.t 9379- LOUIS JACOB SELZER (Husband of No. 9468) Architect; B. S. in Arch.; b. O 26, 1896, Evansville, Ind. ; s. George Selzer. Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) H. S. Phi Sigma Kappa; Gargoyle; Skull and Crescent; Glee and Man- dolin Club; Staff, ///. Mag. Arch., Cedar Ra- pids, Mich., 1918— . O. T. S., Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918. Married Adelaide May Wamsley ('18). .\g 5, 1918, Champaign. Child, Louis III. b. A\) 25, 1010. Address, 426 Vine St., Ouincy, 111. . - J-. 9380. HELEN CATHARBNE SHAW A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ja 28, 1895, Denver; d. William Shaw. Prepared in San Diego (Calif.) H. S.; Rockford Coll. Address, 4308 Valle Vis- ta. San Diego, Calif.t 9381. ROBERT PHINEAS SHEAFF B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 20, 1896, Holcomb, III.; s. J. C. Sheaff. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Chi Phi; Comitatus; Class Baseball; Capt. Hdqtrs. Co., Univ. Brig. S. M. A., Univ. of HI., 1918; 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., Southern Field, Americus, Ga. Address, Holcomb, 111. 9382. GERTRUDE ELIZABETH SHEERER A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 8, 1896, Hammond, Ind.; d. Geo. B. Sheerer. Prepared in Ham- mond (Ind.) H. S.; Rockford Coll. Address. 43 Warren St.. Hammond, Ind. 9383- WILLIAM HEBER SHEFFER B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 19, 1895, Auburn, Ind.; s. James W. Sheffer. Prepared in Auburn (Ind.) H. S.; De Pauw Univ.; Phi Gamma Delta. Address, 359 9th St., Auburn, Ind.t 9384- NELSON EDWARD SHELDON B. S. in A. E.; b. S 13, 1896, Seward Tp., 111.; s. E. J. Sheldon. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Philomathean. 2nd Lt., C. A., Ft. Mon- roe, Va.; Mustered out, N 22, 1918. Addre'ss, 404 Oakley Ave., Rockford, 111.; bus. add., 530 S. Clinton Ave., Chicago. 9383. WILMA LOY SHELTON Librarian; B. L. S.; b. O 25, 1889, Cham- paign Co., til.; d. William (b. 1862, do.) and Lorena Mav (Barnes) Shelton (b. 1866, do.). Prepared in Terre Haute (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Ark., 1914; Libn., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; M. E. CTiurch. Address, 300 N. i8th St., Terre Haute, Ind.; bus. add., 806 S. 5th St., Champaign. 734 University of Illinois [IQIS 9jS6. CHI TING SHING B. S. in Ry. C. E.; b. Jl ii, 1897, Siang Lu, District, China; s. Chang Liang ohing. Pre- pared in Hunan CChina) Terh. Inst, y^ddres.!. Changsha, Hunan, China. t 9387. FRANCIS LUCIAN SHONKWILER Mech. Engr.; B. S in M. E.; b. Ag 8, 1896, Monticello, 111.; s. F. M. Shonkwiler. Prepared in Monticello H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Treas.. Stud. Branch, A. S. M. E. ; Staff, Tcchnograph; Mgr., M. E. Open House; Sr. Banquet Com. Mech. Engr., Mon- ticello, 111, 2nd Lt., ist Co.. C. A.. Ft. Monroe. Va., 1918; Mustered out, Mr 10, 1919. Address. Carthage, 111. 9388. HELEN ELIZABETH SHRIVER Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Ag 8, 1892, Hoopeston, 111.; d. Alonzo L. and Ella (Pruts- man) Shriver. Prepared in Champaign H. S. Gregorian; Circulo Espanol. Teacher, East Lynn, 111.,; 191 8 — . AddreAs, 907 Gregory Place, Urbana.; bus. add.. East Lynn, 111. 9389. LAURENCE EDGAR SHUP A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 2, 1896, Newton, III.; s. Frank L. (b. Jl 4, 1854) and Nannie (Richardson) Shup (b. 1864. Lebanon, O.). Prepared in Newton H. S. U. S. N., 1918. Address, Newton, 111. 9390. FRANK SPAN SHY B. S. in Commerce; b. O 22, 1896, Olney, 111.; s. W. Cliff Shy. Prepared in Olney H. S. Beta Gamma Sigma; Ionian; Orchestra; Illini, Staff; Prelim. Honors. Address. 601 E. Chest- nut St., Olney, Ill.t 9391. DAMON CARL SIEGRIST B. S. in Agr.; b. My 7, 1897, San Jose, HI.; s. E. J. Siegrist. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Acad.; 111. Wesleyan Univ. Address, San Jose, Ill.t 9392. RAYMOND ERWIN SIPE B. S. in Land. Gard.; h. Jl 26, 1896, Rochelle, 111.; s. Robert E. Sipe. Prepared in Rochelle H. S. Address, 521 6th St., Rochelle, Ill.t 9393. WILLIAM SILAS SLACK B. S. in E. E.; b. Jl 30, 1896, Salem, 111.; s. William Silas, Sr. (b. Jl 24, i8=;6, Ky.) and Kate (Bandy) Slack (b. Je 9, 1868). Prepared in Salem H. S. Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; E. E. Soc. Radio Work, \J. S. N., Newport, R. I.; U. S. N., 1918— . Address, 406 Wash- ington Ave., Salem, 111. 9394- KATHERINE CLAIRE SLADE (Daughter of No. 292) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 18, 1896. Rock- ford, 111.; d. Byron A. ('81) , (b. S 27, i8.=;6. East Berne. N. Y.) and Cora Elisa (Black) Slade (b. Mr 6, i86i, Sycamore. 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. S.; Rockford Coll. Address, 1027 Spafford Ave., Rockford, 111. 9395. ROBERT BOHUMIL SLADEK B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 26, 1897, Chicago; s. Bohumil (b. S 5, 1S70, do.) and .\nna (Duffek) Sladek (d. Jl 26, 1872, Bohemia). Beta Phi; Class Swimming. Ensign Sch., U. S. N., 1918 — . .Address. 5002 W. 30th St., Cicero, 111. 9396. WILLIS FRANCIS SLAYTOX B. S. in Agr.; b. D 31, 1891, Keeler, Mich.; s. William P. Slayton. Prepared in Englewood H. S. Address. 714 Detroit Ave., Tulsa, Okla.t 9397. GLENN COLLINS SMITH B. S. in Agr.; b. Ag 8, 1896 Greenfield, 111.; s. Charles H. Smith. Prepared in Greenfield H. S. Scabbard and Blade; Capt., Univ. Brig. Great Lakes Naval Tr. Sta., 1018; 1st Class Gunner's Mate, Co. O. Platoon A, 15th Regt., Naval Avia.; Mustered nut. D 38, 1978. .Ad- dress, Greenfield, 111. 9398. LEONIDAS LOGAN SMITH Instructor; B. S. in Arch.; b. Mr 3, 1894, Effingham, 111. Prepared in Effingham H. S. Alpha Chi Rho; Arch. Club: Scarab. Instr., Kemper Mil. Acad., Boonville, Mo., 1918 — . Address, Toledo, 111.; bus. add., Kemper Mil- itary Academy, Boonville, Mo. 9399. MARY PARNELL SMITH Dietitian; B. S. in H. Sc. ; b. My 27, 1893, Cuba, 111.; d. Will F. (b. Jl 16, 1853, Delaware, O.) and Jennie Elizabeth (Holcomb) Smith (b. Mr I, 1861. Kirwood. 111.). Prepared in Cuba H. S. Dietitian. Barnes Hosp., St. Louis, 1918 — . Address, Cuba, 111. 9400. VALDA EVELINE SMITH Instructor; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 9, 1896, Flanagan, 111.; d. Rudolph G. (b. My 30, 1871, Flanagan, III.) and Hulda Marie (Mettie) Smith (b. Minonk, 111.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Alpha Theta Chi; Omicron Nu. In- structor, Chem., Ore. Agr. Coll., Corvallis, Ore., 1918 — •. Address, 541 E. Main St., Gene- seo. 111.; bus. add., Oregon A^r. College, Cor- vallis, Ore. 9401. CLARENCE EASTLAKE SNELL A. B. in Commerce; b. An 26, 1897, Chicago; s. William George (b. 1873, Eng.) and Mar- .garet lane (McElroy) Snell (b. 1872, Chicago). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Chi Phi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scabbard and Blade; ist Lt. and Maj., Univ. Brig. 4th O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111.; 2nd Lt., 803 Pioneer Inf., A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, 1919. Address, 600 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. 9402. HARRY STIRLING SNELL Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Ag 20, 1896, Chicago; s. Harry John (b. D 18, 1866, Craw- fordsville, Ind.) and Lettie Marie (Rice) Snell (b. S 30, 1872, Chicago). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Pres., Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem., Dye Works, E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Carney's Point, N. J. 2nd Lt., 803 Inf., A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, Ta 5, 1919. Address, 1021 Superior St., Oak Park. 111.; bus. add., 114 W. 19th St., Wilmington, Del. 9403. HAROLD HAYNES SORTWELL B. S. in Ceram. E. ; b. D 14, 1896, Lawrence- burg, Ind.; s. W. T. Sortwell. Prepared in Indianapolis Man. Tr. H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha; Keramos; Jr. Mem.. Am. Ceram. Soc. U. S. N., Pelham Bay, N. Y., 1918; Ensign, U. S. S. Saqua. Address, 39 W. 27th St., Indianapolis.!" 9404. JERRY SOTOLA B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 26, 1897, Chicago; s. Stephen Sotola. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Address, 2627 S. Ridgeway. Chicago.! 9405. CHARLES FOSKEY SPANGLER B. S. in Commerce; b. O 14, 189s, Amboy, 111.; s. O. Spangler. Prepared in Amboy H. S. ; Armour Inst. Sigma Nu; Ry. Club; Capt., Hdqtrs. Staff, Univ. Brig. Ensign School, U. S. N. R. F., Cleveland. Address, Amboy, Ill.t 940G. HELEN EUDORA SPEAR (PHILIPS) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 10, 189s. Rock Falls, 111.; d. William Spear. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Delta Gamma. Married Paul H. Philips, S 27, 1918, Houston, Tex. Ad- dress, 1402 W. State St., Rockford. t i9iS] Baccalaureate Alumni 735 9407. ROBINSOX SPENCER Librarian; B. L. S. ; b. N 10, 1881, Sterling, rU.; s. Eliza S. Spencer. B. S., Wesleyan Univ., 1903. Lib. Staff, Univ. of Wash., 1918 — . Address, loio Locust St.. Cincinnati; bus. add., Univ. of Wash.. Seattle. 9408. RALPH EDWARD SPERRY Accountant; A. B. in Commerce; b. N 10, 1895, Bushnell, 111.; s. Edward Clark (b. Je 25, 1867, Bushnell, 111.) and Nancy Frances (Pelley) Sparry (b. D 5, 1871, Bardolph, 111.). Prepared in Macomb H. S. Beta Gamma Sig- ma; Staff Capt., Univ. Brig.; Sergt., Bat. C, 68th Regt., Ft. Terry, N. Y.; do., A. E. F., France; Mustered out, Mr 6, 1919. Address, Macomb, 111. 9409. NORMAN ELLSWORTH SPRAGUE B. S. in C. E.; b. Ap 13, 1894, Chicago; s. Richard P. Sprague. Prepared in Piqua (O.) H. S. Triangle; Theta Tau. Address, 2663 Prairie Ave., Evanston, Ill.t 9410. BERTHA MARIE STEIN Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc. ; b. S 11, 1895, Blue Island, 111.; d. Edward Nickolas (b. S 22, 1861, Chicago)^ and Susan fBuss) Stein (b. Ap IS, 1869, Ger.). Prepared in Blue Island H. S. Alpha Omicron Pi; Mortarboard; Omicron Nu; H. S. Club; ^res., W. A. A.; Iota Sigma Pi; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A. Food Conservation Bur., Chicago. Teacher. H. Sc, H. S., Lovington. 111., 191S — . Address, 250 York St., Blue Island, 111.; bus. add., High School, Lovington, 111. 94H. EDWARD HILL STEVENSON (Brother of No. S43S) B. S. in Agr. ; b. Je 25, 1894, Elvaston. 111.; s. Hiel C. (b. Ja 20, 1849, Huntsville, 111.) and Louisa Jane (Sprigg) Stevenson (b. My 22, 1852, do.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. Agr. Club; Country Life Club; Staff, III. Agr. 2nd Lt., Inf., 1 6th Co.; Mustered out, N 30, 1919. Address, R. 2, Hamilton, 111. 9412. CLARA MARIE STIEGMEYER Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 28, 1896, St. Louis; d. August John (b. Ja g, 1859, do.) and Charlotte (Gellner) Stiegemeyer (b. D 25, i860, do.). Prepared in Yeatman H. S., St. Louis; Washington Univ., 1916-17. Teacher, H. S., Ellis, 111., 1918 — . Address, 2122 Ben- ton St., St. Louis; bus. add.. High School, tills. 111. 9413. ETHEL STIFF A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 14, 1891, Harris- burg, 111.; d. John L. (b. do.) and Nelia M. Crossland) Stiff (b. Benton, 111.) Prepared in Harrisburg H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Phi Beta Kappa. Address, Harrisburg, 111. 9414. GENEVIEVE MAUD STILL WELL (Sister of No. 9415) Teacher; B. S. in H. Sc; b. Mr 26, 1894, Urbana; d. W. R. (b. Ja 14, 1849, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Maud (Curkett) Stillwell (b. Ap 8 1862, Franklin Co., Pa.). Prepared in Ur- bana H. S. Teacher, H. Sc, High School, Anna, 111.; 1918 — . Address, 402 E. Green St., Urbana; bus. add.. High School, Anna, 111. 9415. HELEN STILLWELL (Sister of No. 9414) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 27, 1891. Oakwood, 111.; d. W. R. (b. Ja 14, 1849, St. Clair Co., 111.) and Maud (Curkett) Stillwell (b. Ap 8, 1862, Franklin Co.. Pa.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, French and Span- ish, High School, Ishpeming, Mich., 1918 — . Address, 402 E. (jreen St., Urbana; bus add., c/o High School, Ishpeming, Mich. 9416. BENJAMIN ANDREW STIRITZ Fellow; B. S. in Agr.; b. D 15, 1896, Mur- physboro, 111.; s. Henry (b. Ap 3, 1863, Alton, 111.) and Emma (Summers) Stiritz (b. Ja 14, 1869). Prepared in Murphysboro Tp. H. S. Beta Phi. Teaching Fellow, la. St. Coll., 1918- 19. Mem., B. P. O. E. Address, Murphys- boro, 111.; bus. add, Iowa State College, Ames, la. 9417- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STOLTEY A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 1875. Champaign; s. H. D. Stoltey. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mem., Church of Christ Scientist. Address, 308 W. Church St,. Champaign.! 9418. ETHEL LYNETTE STOLTEY Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Ap i, 1896, Champaign; d. Harry Carl (b. Je 22, 1872, do.) and Catherine R. (Terris) Stoltey (b. F 18, 1876, do.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Teacher, Champaign, 1918 — . Address, 206 W. Elm St., Urbana. 9419. ESTHER SUSAN STORER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 25, 1897, Centralia, 111.; d. Henry E. (b. My 31, 1862) and Bertha M. (Grosch) Storer (b. Je 3, 1868). Prepared in Centralia Tp. H. S. Sec, Jamesonian; El. Circulo Espanol. Mem., Assn of Collegiate Alumnae. Address, 153 W. 8oth St., New York City; btis. add., I^incoln School of Teacher's College, 646 Park Ave., do. 9420. ERNEST LAWRENCE STOUFFER Architect; B. S. in A. E.; b. O 27, 189S. Decatur, 111.; s. William Henry (b. D 31, 1868, Macon, 111.) and Frances Louis (Kraiger) Stouffer (b. Mr 27, 1873, Gobelville, Mich.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Sigma Pi; Tau Beta Pi; Pres., Tau Sigma Delta; Sec, and Pres., Gargoyle; Arcfi. Club; Capt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim, and Final Honors; Am. Inst., Arch, Medal. Arch. Designer, Office, Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1918. O. T. C, Ft Monroe, Va.; 2nd Lt., C. A. R. C, 1919; Mustered out, Ja 16. 1919. Address, 315 W. North St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., 1021 N.* Jefferson Ave., Peoria. 9421. ERNEST JOSEPH STRAUB B. S. in C. E.; b. Mr 7, 1893, Kansas City. Mo.; s. Joseph V. (b. Ger.) and Maria A. (Weth) Straub (b. do.). Prepared in Kansas City (Mo.) Man. Tr. H. S. Sergt., Aerial Photographic Sect. 27. Hazelhurst Field, Min- soha, Long Island, N. Y., 1918— . Address, 2320 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. 9422. WALTER FRED STRAUB Chemist; A. B. in Chem.; b. My 11, 1897, Chicago; d. John Phillip (b. Ag 12, 1847, Ger.) and Barbara (Pingle) Straub (b. Ag 12, 1862, do.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Ed., ///. Chem. Chem. Research, Abbott Lab., Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 613 Arlington Place, Chicago; bus. add., Abbott Lab., Chicago. 9423. JESSE WOODFORD STRONG A. B. in Commerce; b. O 17, 1895, Canton, 111.; s. J. W. Strong. Prepared in Canton H. S. Ensign, U. S. N., 1918 — . Address, 75 E. Side Square, Canton, 111. 9424. EDGAR ALBERT STUBENRAUCH B. S. in Arch.; b. Jl 9, 1894, Sheboygan, Wis.; s. Michael (b. Ap 6, 1865, do.) and Paula (Koepke) Stubenrauch (b. Jl 28, 1873). Pre- pared in Sheboygan (Wis.) H. S.; Boston Tech. Coll. Alpha Rho Chi. Hdqtrs. Dept., 62nd Engrs.. A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 1426 Maryland, Sheboygan, Wis. 730 University ok Illinois i()iS 942S- ALDEN HARWOOD SULGER B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap i8, i897i Terre Haute, Ind.; s. Jo'm E. Sulger. Prepared in Norm. Tr. n. S., Terre Haute, Ind. Phi Kappa Sigma; Home Coming Com. 2nd Lt., Art. U. S. A., A. E. F., France, 191S; Detached Service, Oxford. Ens?.. 1919 — . Address, 215 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 9426. ELSIE MABEL SUPPES Clerk; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 17. 1894. Somonauk, 111.; d. E. Suppes. Prepared in Knox Coll. Gamma Phi Beta; W. A. A.; Class Baseball and Hockey. Govt. Work, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Address, Somonauk, Ill.t 9427. EDMUND DE FOREST SWANBERG B. S. in E. E.; b. N 16, 1895, Worthington, Minn.; s. Gustavus (b. Sweden) and Hannah Swanberg (b. Davenport, La.). Prepared in Worthington (Minn.) H. S. Sec, Treas., E. E. Soc.; E. E. Show Com.; Mil. Band; Orches- tra; E. E. Soc; Stud. Branch. A. I. E. E.; V. M. C. A. Co. F, 2nd Inf., Minn. Nat. Guard, 19091 3; 2nd Lt., O. R. C, 1918; 31st Service Co., U. S. Radio Sch., Signal Corps, College Park, Md., 1918; 13th Service Co., Little Silver, N. J., 1918; Mustered out, D 14, 1918. Address, 911 5th Ave., Worthington, Minn.; bus. add., 1750 Washington St., Den- ver, Colo. 9428. MARION GOERZ SWANBERG Dietitian; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 12. 1896, Philadelphia; d. William H. (b. do.) and Mary Margaret (Goerz) Swanberg (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.). Prepared in Lake View and Nicholas Senn H. Schs., Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Iota Sigma Pi; Prelim. Honors; H. Sc. Ed., in. Agr.; Stud. Council; Chm., Red Cross Auxiliary, Women's League. Dieti tian, Am. Red Cross, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga.; Base Hosp.. do._ 1918-19. Address, 4750 Maiden St., Chicago. 9429. GERTRUDE LUCILE SWIFT Assistant; A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 24, 1896, Strealor, lU.; d. Ward E. (b. 1864, Vt.) and Margaret Genevive Boyd (b. 1863, Streator, 111.). Prepared in Streator Tp. H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Hockey Team; ist Cabinet, Y. W. C. A.; Sec, Gregorian; Pres.. Country Life Club; Illinae Advisory Bd. ; Pres., Geneva Club; H. Sc. Club. Asst., Lunchroom, H. Sc. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, Streator, 111.; bus. add., 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 9430. BLANCHE BELLE SWIGERT .■\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 25, 1S79, Rapatee, 111.; d. William H. Swigert. Prepared in Elm- wood H. S.; West. 111. St. Norm. Sch. Ad- dress, Rapatee, Ill.t 9431. GRACL DARLING SYLVESTER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 28, 1894, Chicago; d. Herman H. (b. Jl 28, 1863, Ger.) and Mary Louise (Anderson) Sylvester (b. S 3, 1866, Sweden). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chi- cago; Chicago A^orm. Coll., 1912-14; Univ. of Chicago, 1914-17; Univ. of Wis. Address, 4806 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 9432. RACHEL HARRIET TALBOT (Daughter of Nos. 271, 203; Sister of Nos. 399 », 545") A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, i8g6, Cham paign; d. Arthur Newell ('81), (b. O 21, 1857, Cortland, 111.) and Virginia Mann (Hammett) Talbot ('81), (b. Mr 6, i860). Prepared in Ur- bana ri. S. Univ. of Mich. Chi Omega; Yo Ma; Mortarboard; Mgr.. Bowling Team; V. P., Fresh. Illinae; Advisory Bd., Soph. Illinae; Sec, Women's League; W. A. A. ,4ddrcss, 1013 W. California Ave., Urbana. 94.13. CHARLES BAGWELL TAYLOR With 111. St. Highway Comm.; B. S. in C. E.; b. D 10, 1893, Manistee, Mich.; s. Henry (b. Eng.) and Emily (Hines) Taylor. Prepared in Manistee (Mich.) H. S. Triangle; Sigma Tau; Varsity Fencing Team. With 111. St. Highway Comm., 1919 — . U. S. A. S., Scott Field, Belleville, 111. Address, 1201 Beacon St., East Chicago, Ind.; bus. add.. State High- way Commission, Springfield, 111. 9434- LAURENCE RIGHTER TAYLOR Chemist; B. S. in Chem.; b. Mr 14, 1893, Columous, Ind.; s. S. R. Taylor. Prepared in Indianapolis Man. Tr. H. S.; Hiram Coll. Acad. Lambda Chi Alpha; Pi Pi Rho; Chem. Club. Chem., St. Water Survey, Indianapolis, 1918 — . .4ddress, 5318 Julian Ave., Indian- apolis.t 9435. NORRIS ONSLOW TAYLOR Assistant; B. S. in Chem. E.; b. O 7, jSos, Toulon, 111.; s. George Norris (b. Newton, O.) and Rubv Z. (Trickle) Taylor (b. Atkinson, 111.). Prepared in Geneseo Tp. H. S. Phi Kappa Tau; Scabbard and Blade; Phi Lambda L'psilon; Chem. Club; ist Lt. and Maj., Univ. Brigade. Asst.. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1919—. 163rd Depot Brig.; Bat. A, 337 F. A., Camp Dodge, la.; ist Class Pvt., 163rd Depot Brig. ist Bat., 4th O. T. S., do.; ist Class Pvt., F. A. Replacement Depot, Bat. 14, F. A., O. T. C Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; 2nd Lt., Bat. F, Qtli Keert., F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson: F. A., Sch. of Fire. Ft. Sill, Okla.; Mustered out, D 13, ioi8. Address, 251 E. Wells St., Geneseo 111.; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 9436. FREDERICK ROBERT THATCHER B. S. in Commerce; b. F 7, 1896, Elgin, 111.; s. Elbert Thatcher. Prepared in Elgin H. S. Beta Gamma Sigma; Treas., 111. Union. Address, 49 Commonwealth Ave., Elgin, Ill.t 9437. LILLIAN EUPHEMIA THOMSON CDE LONG) A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 28, 1894. Gales- burg, 111.; d. Robert Caldwell (b. F 10, 1863, Glasgow, Scotland) and Lillian Estelle (Gad- dis) ihomson (b. S 20, 1868, Galesburg, 111.). Prepared in Creston (la.) H. S.; Knox Coll. Chi Omega. Married Clarence H. DeLong, Ap 17, 19 19. Crescent, la. Address, 510 W. Montgomery St., Creston, la. 9438. ZADA GOFF THORNSBURGH Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 26, 1896, Marshall, HI.; d. Fred B. (b. S 23. 1873, do.) and Clara Belle (Goff) Thornsburgh (b. F II, 1878, Flat Rocik, III.). FVepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. Teacher, Eng., Moore Tp. H. S.. Farmer City, 111., 1918—. Address, 209 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add.. High School, Farmer City, 111. 9439. BERTHR.\N MARSHALL THORUD B. S. in .\. E.; b. F 2, 1895, Chicago; s. Marinuis (b. S 6, 1848, Christiana, Norway) and Hannah L. (Bergeson) Thorud (b. Jl 29, 18,51, Norway). Prepared in Lane fTech. H. S., Chicago. Alpha Rho Chi; Arch. Club. C. A. C, Co. 17, Coast Defenses, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hancock, ^. J., 1918; II. A. Sch. Detach- ment, France, igi8. Address, 3747 Fullerton .\ve., Chicago. 9440. JOSEPH DOW TIFFIN B. S. in Agr.; b. D 10, i8gt, Walshvillc, 111.; s. Albert Tiffin. Prepared in Greenville Coll. Acad. Address, Walshville, Ill.t 9441. OTTO GEORGE TINKEY Electrician; B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 13, 190 1, Janesville, 111.; s. George Henry (b. O 21, 1858, Charleston, 111.) and Hattie Ann (Berry) IQiS] BACCALAUKliATE AlU M N I 737 Tinkey (b. N 20, 1871. Beaidstown, 111.). Pre- pared in Mattoon H. S. Electn., Ideal Elec. Const. Co.. Champaign, 1918 — . Camp Dodge, la.; Signal Corps, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.; U. S. Radio Sch., College Park, Md.; Signal Corps. Camp Lee. Va.; 2nd Lt., ist Co.. O. T. Bn., Camp Vail, X. J.; Musteicil out, D 3, igi8. Address, 225 N. Main St., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., c/o Ideal Electric Construction Co., Champaign. 9442. GLEN DEACH TOMBAUGH B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 20, 1896, Pontiac, 111.; d. C. R. Tombaugh. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. Bushnell Guild; Agr. Club; Country Life Club. Address, 311 S. Vermillian St., Pontiac, Ill.t 9443- ELINOR EVANGELINE TRAXLER Student; A. B. in Commerce; b. My 20, 1894, Hammond, 111.; d. Joseph Mark (b. My 8, 1870, O.) and Eva Lena (Ward) Traxler (b. Mr 28, 1871, Atlanta, 111.). Prepared in Hammond and Urbana II. Schs. Gamma Epsilon Pi; El Circu- lo Kspanol; Class Basketball; Jr. lllinae Hat Com.; Soph. lllinae Advisory Bd. Asst. Farm Org. and Mgt., Univ. of 111., igiS — ; Grad. Stud., 1919 — . Address, 1:02 W, Oregon St., Urbana. 9444. SIDNEY BRIGGS TRELEASE Business; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 15, 1896 "St. Louis; s. William (b. F 22, 1857, Mt. Vern- on, N. Y.) and Julia M. (Johnson) Trulease (b. 1859, Kenosha, Wis.). Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis; Northampton (Mass.) II. S. Del- ta Upsilon. Instructor, U. S. S. M. A., Urbana. 1918-19. With Certain-teed Products Co., East St. Louis, 111., 1919 — . Address, 1004 S. Lin- coln Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. Certain-teed Pro- ducts Co., East St. Louis, 111. 9445. WILMA LOIS TRENCHARD Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 20, 1895. Boone, la.; d. William Henry (b. F 23, 1859, Piatt Co., 111.) and Eva Ivaloo (Badger) Trenchard (b. Mr 16. 1864. Bellefontain, O.). Prepared in Hardin (Mo.) H. S.; Mo. Wesleyan Coll., 1914-15. Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher. 191 8 — . Address, Hardin, Mo.; brcs. add., Altoona, Kas. 9446. MARION COLLIER TROSTER A. B. in Commerce; b. Jl 9, 1897, Bellflower, 111.; s. John E. (b. Ag s, i860, Harrison, O.) and Sebra E. (Smith) Troster (b. Ja 16, 1861, Farmer City, 111.). Prepared in Bellflower Tp. H. S. Zeta Psi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Ma-wan- da; Ku Klux; Class Football and Basketball; Asst. Mgr. and Mgr., Varsity Track. With Bonbright Co., Chicago. 4th Co., ist Div. U. S. N. K. F., Municipal Pier, Chicago; Ensign. 1918; Mustered out, F 15, 1919. Married Emily Kirk. Ap 15, 1918, Chillicothe, 111. Address, Bellflower, 111.; bus. add., c/o Bonbright Co., 209 S. La Salle St., Chicago. 9447. ROWLAND HENRY TUCKER B. S. in Agr.; b. S 9, 1894, Minonk, III.; a. William H. Tucker. Prepared in Minonk H. S. Address, Minonk, Ill.f 9448. HAROLD BR.\DFORD TUKEY B. S. in Agr.; b. S 30, 1896, Berwyn, 111.; s. James Bradford (b. My 7. 1866, New York City) and Armenia M. (Mehrhof) Tukey (b. F 25, 1868, do.). Prepared in J. Sterling Mor- ton H. S., Cicero. Theta Chi; .Mpha Zeta; Graphomen; Agr. Club; Pres., Hort. Club; 7//. Agr. Staff; Home-Coming Com.; Chm., Agr. Dance Com.; Lt., Univ. Brig.; Prelim. Honors. Kxp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1910—. Lt.. F. A. C, 0. T. S., Camp Zachary Taylor. Kv., 1918; Camp Jackson, S. C. ; Mustered out, F 5, 1919. Married Margaret Davenport. N 23, iqi8, Champaign. .Address, 807 .S. Wright St., Champaign. 9449. HAROLD EDWIN TURLEY Plant Pathol,; B. S. in Agr.; b. Jc 13, 1894, Aspen, Colo.; s. Mary Elizabeth (Layton) Tur- ley (b. S I, 1872, Westport, Ind.). Prepared in Greensburg (Ind.) H. S, Hort. Club; Agr. Club; Country Life Club. Plant Pathol, in fruit disease investigations, Washington, D. C. Married Zuleika Pearl Mitchell, Mr 29, 1918, Chicago. Address, 1421 Columbia Road, Wash- ington, D. C. 94SO. LUTHER MARTIN TURNER B. S. in E. E. ; b. Ap 23, 1895, Petersburg, 111. Prepared in Beardstown H. S. Address. Box 55, Beardstown, Ill.t 9451- ELMER NELS TUR\NQUIST Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Mr 2, 1895, Canton, III.; s. Nels Ludwik (b. Ja 22, 1851, Sweden) and Mary Louise (Carlson) Turnqui.st (b. N ti. 1S61, do.). Prepared in Canton 11. S. Gamma Alpha; Gamma Sigma Kappa; Hdqtrs. Staff, Univ. Brig. Asst., Phys- ics, Univ. of 111.. 1918— . Address, 430 S. 4th Ave., Canton, 111. 9452. WILLIAM PHILIP UDINSKY Student; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. S 21, 1894, Erazewa, Poland; s. M. Udinsky. Prepared in Evon Prep. Sch., New York City. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1919 — . Address, 386 Monmouth St., Jersey City, N. J.; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. 9453- FRANK WAYNE VALENTINE Superintendent; B. S. in Chem.; b. N 29, 1896, Mt. Vernon, 111.; s. James E. (b. Je 10, 1864, Sparta, 111.) and Kate (Rogers) Valen- tine (b. N 2, 1870, Belle Rive, 111.). Prepared in Mt. Vernon H. S., Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Supt., Dye Works, Wellington, Del.. 1918 — . Address, 1808 Broadway, Mt. Vernon, 111.; bus. add., igo6 Boulevard, Wellington, Del 9454 'SALLIE McCORMICK V.\UGHT B. L. S.. 1918; d. Granville J. (b. Ja 7, 1836, Somerset, Ky.) and Sarah E. (McCormick) Vaught (b. Ap 26, 1842, Waveland, Ind.). Prepared in Lebanon (Ind.) H. S. A. B., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1908. Libn., Hedding Coll., Abdington, 111.; Catalog Dept., Univ. of 111. Lib., 191 8. Died O 29, 1918, Cham- paign. 945S. MAURICE VERONDA A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 27, 1892, Carbon Hill, 111.; s. Anton Veronda. Prepared in N. W. Coll. Address. Carbon Hill, Ill.t 9456. HAROLD CRAIGMILE VIAL (Son of No. 453) B. S. in Agr.; b. F 5, 1896, La Grange, 111.; s. Frederick Ketchum ('85), (b. Ap 22, 1864. I.aGrange, 111.) and Fannie Ellen (Craigmile) Vial (b. Ag 12, 1866). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange. Delta Upsilon; Var- sity Swimming; Football. 2nd Lt., Inf., Ft Sill. Okla., 1Q18; Mustered out, Ja 29, igio. .Uldress, 312 Madison Ave., La Grange, 111. 9457. NATHANIEL SMITH VIAL (Brother of Nos. 4951, 5477) Teacher; B. S. in Agr.; b. Je 19, 1893. La Grange, 111.; s. Joseph, (b. 1852, do.) and Carrie Delight ''Craigmile) Vial (b. 1859, Hins- dale, 111.). Prepared in Lyons Tp. H. S., La Grange. Delta LTpsilon; Alpha Zeta. Teaciier, H. S., Monticello, 111., T919— . U. S. A. S.. 1918; Mustered out D 1918. Address, 404 S. ith Ave., La Grange, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Monticello, 111. 73>^ University of Illinois [1918 9458. ELMER BENNETT VLIET Student; B. S. in Chem. E. ; b. Ja 22, 1S97, Joliet, III.; s. Richard (b. S 12, 1862, Lainins;- ton, N. J.) and Loretta Elma (Bennett) Vliet (b. An 19, 1865, Tully* N. Y.). Prepartid in Joliet Tp. H. S.; Toliet Jr. Coll., 1914--S. Beta Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsik'.n; Chem. Club; Special and Final Honors. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1919 — . Ord. Dept., U. S. N. A., 19 18; I St. Class Sergt.. Chem. Service Section, 1918; 2nd Lt., do.; Mustered out, D 21, 1 9 18. Address, 417 Richards St., Joliet. 111.; bus. add., 1212 W. Main St., Urbana. 9459. ALFRED CHARLES VOGELE Botanist; B. S. in Agr. ; b. Ja 11, 1897, Assumption, 111.; s. Albert Charles (b. S 28, 1868, Highland, 111.) and Ella (Krieckha;.?) Vogele (b. F 25, 1875, St. Louis). Preoan.d in Assumption Tp. H. S. Agr. Club; Hurt. Club. Insp., Bur. of Plant Industry, Dept. 'f Agr. and Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., ly.S— -. Address, 602 W. High St., Urbana; bus. mid.. 302 N. H. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 9460. JOSEPH FRANCIS VOPAT B. S. in C. E.; b. D 3, 1897, Chicago; :;. James Vopat. Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Crane Jr. Coll. Tau Beta Pi: (". E. Soc. 2nd Lt., C. A. C, Co. I, O. T. C, s, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; do., A. E. F., France, 191 8; Mustered out. F 17, 191 9. Address, 816 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Ill.t 9461. ESTHER ANGELICA WAGNER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. S 14, 1897, Decatur. 111.; d. Markus Wagner. Prepared in Proviso Tp. H. S.; Lewis Inst. Address, 208 Marengo Ave., Forest Park, Ill.t 9462. ROBERTA JENNIE WAGNER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Jl 14, 1896, Chief go; d. Robert E. Wagner. Prepur-:d in Austin H. S., Chicago; Rockford Coll. Address, 62£ N. Leamington Ave., Chicago. t 9463. CHARLES DUDLEY WAGSTAFF B. S. in Land. Gard.; b. Ag 24, 1891, Clyde, Kan. Prepared in Tipton (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ. Phi Delta Theta; Pierrots; Capt., Gym. Team. U. S. N., nth Regt., Great Lakes, 111,. 1918 — . Address, 103 S. West St., Tipton, Ind.t 9464. FRED RAYMOND WAKELAND (Brother of No. S846) B. S. in Agr.; b. Mr 31, 1891, Polk Co.. Mo.; s. Edwin Sumner (b. Ja 16, 1861. Marion Co., Ind.) and Lena Emeline (Chapman) Wakcland (b. Ag 29, 1865, Winnebago Co., II!.). Pre- pared in Hoopeston H. S. Agr. Club. Sergt.. 15th Bn., Bat. C, F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson, S. C. Address, R. 4. Hoopeston, 111. 9463. HELEN WALKER (Sister of No. 7281) Cashier; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 2, 1895, Clin- ton. 111.; d. Charles (b. F 14, 18O0, Spring- field, 111.) and Clara Kate (Capron) Walker (b. Ja 19, 1869, Wapella, 111.). Prepared in Clinton H. S. Chi Theta. Asst. Cashier, Bank, Mansfield, 111.. 1918 — . Address, Clin- ton, 111.; bus. add., Mansfield, 111. 9466. OLGA LOUISE WALLER Assistant; B. L. S. ; b. Ag 3. 1892, Kewanee, 111.: d. P. A. Waller. Prepared in Smith Coll., A. B., do., 1914. Asst., 111. Lib. E.xten. Comn., Springfield, 111.. 1918 — . Address. 218 S. Tre- mont. Kewanee, 111.: bus. add., c /o 111. Exten. Comn., Springfield, Ill.t 9467. STANTON EUGENE" WALWORTH (Brother of Nob. 5990, 7286) B. S. in Agr.; b. D 25, 1896, Mazon. 111.; s. Edward Willard (b. 1853, Oswego Co., N. Y.) and Estella Sophia (Dewey) Walworth (b. 185S, Leyden. N. Y.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. Glee Club. U. S., N. A., 1918; Mustered out, D 3, 1918. Address, 1303 W. University Ave.. Urbana; bus. add., R 2, Berlin, Wis. 9468. ADALAIDE MAY WAMSLEY (SELZER) • (Wife of No. 9379) B. S. in H. Sc; b. My 21, 1890, Nebo, 111.; d. Edward Pearison (b. Mr 11, 1865, Louisi- ana, Mo.) and Emma Adaline (Sapp) Warns- ley (b. F 17, i8t>8, Pike Co., 111.). Prepared in Quincy H. S. Chi Omega; Yo Ma; Wo- man's League; Sec, Sr. Illinae. Mgr. Wo- man's Club, Urbana, 1918. Married Louis Ja- cob Selzer ('18), Ag 5, 1918. Champaign. Child. Louis III. b. Ap 25. 1919. Address, 426 Vine St., Quincy, 111. 9469. CECILIA BLAIR WARD (TANTON) A. B. in H. Sc; b. N i, 1893. Lincoln, Neb.; d. Henry Baldwin (b. Mr 4, 1865. Troy. N. Y.) and Harriet Cecilia (Blair) Ward. Pre- pared in Univ. .\cad. ; Urbana H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Married Glenwood Charles Tan- ton, Je 14, 1918, Urbana. Address, Washington,' 111. 9470. JANET WARD Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. Je 4. 1894. Chi- cago; d. Spencer (1). 1861. Washington, D. C.) and Hannah M. (Cawthorne^ Ward (b. 1862, Eng.). Prepared in Carl Schurz H. S., Chi- cago. Athenean; W. A. A.; Stud. Council. Woman's League. Teacher, Home Econ., H. S., Woodbine. la.. 1918 — . Address, 3925 N. Keeler Ave.. Chicago; bus. add.. High School, Woodbine, la. 9471. MARY MYRTLE WARD Student; A. B. in L. A. & S. ; b. D 30, 1873, Glasgow. 111.; d. John (b. 1842. Schenectady, N. Y.) and Mary Lucy (Dyer) Ward (b. 1841, Memphis). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1905-07, 1908-09. Grad. Stud., Lhiiv. of 111., 1918 — . Address, Glasgow, 111. 9472. MARY WINIFRED WARD Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 28, 1893. Melvin, 111.; d. Nathaniel Parker (b. 1862, White Co., 111.) and Cordelia (Martin) Ward (b. 1866, Grayville, 111.). Prepared in Say- brook H. S. Illiola. Teacher, H. S., Red Bud. 111.. 1918 — . Address, Saybrook, 111.; bus. add.. Red Bud, 111. 9473. ANNA MAY WARREN Teacher; .\. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My i, 1892, Mansfield, 111.; d. Thomas Henry (b. N i, 1867, do.) and Lizzie (Howe) Warren (b. D 2, 1868, Lincoln, 111.). Prepared in Mansfield H. S.; O. R. Skinner, Sch. of Mus., 1910-14; 111. Wesleyan Univ.. 1912-14. Ex. Council, Woman's League. Music Teacher. Mansfield. 111., 1918 — . Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Ad- dress, Mansfield, 111. 9474. RUSSELL A. WATT B. S. in A. E.; b. D 18. 1806, Fern, Wi=.: s. E. C. Watt. Prepared in Florence (Wis.) H. S. Address, 306 E. Springfield Ave., Cham- paign. t 9475. LESLIE IiRY.\N WEDGE A. B. in Commerce; b. S 11. 1896, Kewanee, 111.; s. Frank Murrav (b. Lafayette, 111.) and Sadie B. Wedge (b. Kewanee. 111.). Prepared in Kewanee, H. S. Acacia. 4th R. O. T. C Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1918; Lt., Instr., Depot Brig., Camp Sherman, O., 1918 — . Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Address, 403 McKinley Ave., Kewanee, 111. I9i8] Baccalaukeate Alumni 739 947(5. AMY AZALEA WEIR A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 29, 1896, West Union. 111.; d. John Weir. Prepared in Mar- shall Tp. H. S. Alpha Gamma Delta; 2nd Cabinet Y. W. C. A.; Gregorian. Addness, 75 W. Main St., Marshall, lU.t 9477- PEARL WEIR B. S. in H. So.; b. F 15, 1896, Chicago; d. L. J. (b. Jl 16, 1869, Sullivan Co., Ind.) and Fannie (Wilkin) Weir (b. Ja 29, 1873, Craw- ford Co., 111.). Prepared in Marshall Tp. H. S. Alpha Gamma Delta. Address, Marshall, 111. 9478. KATHRYN CLARE WELSH A. B. in 11. So.; b. Ag 17, 1891. Bradford, 111.; d. Edward John (b. 1862, New York City) and Alice Elizabeth (Driscoll) Welsh (b. 186:;. Bradford, 111.). Prepared in Bradford H. S.; la. St. Coll., 1916-17. Spalding Guild. Ad- dress, Bradford, 111. 9479. CAROLYN LOUISE WENZ A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. N 29, 1874, Paris. 111.; d. William and Sophia Wenz. Prepared in Univ. of Chicago. Address, Paris, Ill.t 9480. MARION ISABEL WEST B. S. in H. Sc; b. Je 23, 189S, Loda, 111.; d. W. J. West. Prepared in Loda H. S.; Mil- waukee-Downer Coll. Chi Omega. Address. Loda, Ill.t 9481. JOHN LEROY WESTENHAVER B. S. in Min. E.; b. Ja 13, 1895, Chicago; s. Samuel Rippie (b. F 9, 1855) and Julia (Hix- embaugh) Westenhaver (b. Je 26, 1865, Wes- terport, Md.). Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Phi Kappa Sigma; Theta Tau; Hel- met; Repub. Club; Stud. Council; Fresh. Var- sity Baseball; Ensign Sch., U. S. N., 191 8; Ensign, 1918 — . Address, 4510 Kimball Ave., Chicago. 9482. OREN LESLIE WHALIN B. S. in Agr. ; b. Mr 9, 1891, Rexford, Kan.; s. Solomon Thomas (b. D 30, 1866, Sunrise, Ky.) and Rose (Cummins) Whalin (b. Ag 3, 1867. Rose Hill, 111.). Prepared in East. 111. St. Norm. Sch. U. S. N. R. F., 1918— . Ad- dress. Rose Hill, 111. 9483. ELIZABETH LUX WHEELHOUSE (Sister of No. 8055) Teacher; A. B. in H. Sc; b. F 10, 1896, Utica, N. Y.; d. George E. (b. D 12, 1862, West Eaton, N. Y.) and Elizabeth E. (Lux) Wheelhouse (b. 1863, Utica, N. Y.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Pi Beta Phi; Yo Ma; H. Sc. Club; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, Sci., H. S., Neoga, 111.. 191 8 — . Address, 450 Ewing Ave., Decatur, 111.; bus. add., -High School, Neoga, 111. 9484. RUSSELL SHERMAN WHITE Advertising; A. B. in Commerce; b. Ap 4, 1896, Chicago; s. Nelson N. White. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Alpha Tau Omega; Ma-wan-da; Sachem; Mgr. Illio; Circulation Mgr., Daily Illini; Home-Coming Com. Adver- tising Dept., Decatur Herald, 1919 — . Sergt., Q. M. C, Camp Dodge, la., 1918; Mustered out, Mr 18, 1919. Address, 439 W. Wood St., Decatur, III. 9485. WINIFRED ELIZABETH WHITE Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 2, 1896, Chicago; d. Charles F. (b. Jl 13. 1871, Shamo- kin, Pa.) and Winnie (Carlin) White (b. Mr 8. 1865, Boscobel, Wis.). Prepared in Austin H. S.. Chicago; N. W. Univ., 1914-1C. Cap and Gown Com. Teacher, H. S. Address, 6315 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. 9486. MERLYN RULOFFE WHITNEY Sec, Chamber of Commerce; B. S. in Com- merce; b. D 24, 1893, Garettsville, O.; s. Hom- er R. (b. Ravenna, O.) and Adah (Fuller) Whitney (b. Garretsville, O.). Prepared in Marion (O.) H. S.; Wharton Sch. of^ Finance and Commerce; Univ. of Pa., 1914-16. Beta Gamma Sigma; Final Honors. Sec, Chamber of Commerce, Bellefontaine, O., 1918; do., Newark, O., 1919— . Address. Chamber of Commerce, Newark, O. 9487. MABLE DORIS WHITTEN A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. My 9, 1896, Varna, III.; d. Charles William (b. Castleton, HI.) and Henrietta (Leigh) Whitten. Prepared in De- Kalb Tp. H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1913- 15. Address, Mattoon, 111. 9488. HOWARD CLIFFORD WHITVER A. B. in Commerce; b. Ag 8, 1896, Walnut, 111.; s. Thomas Whitver. Prepared in Walnut H. S. Address, 701 W. University Ave., Ur- bana.t 9489. JULIUS HARRY WIEN B. S. in E. E.; b. Ja lo, 1897, Chicago; s. Isaac Wien. Prepared in McKinley H. S., Chicago; Crane Jr. Coll. Eta Kappa Nu; E. E. Soc. Address, 3647 W. Crenshaw St.. Chi- cago. f 9490. RUTH ISABELLE WIKOFF (Sister of No. 6664) Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Je 22, 1896, Chicago; d. Dr. Benjamin Debois (b. Ag 28, 1859) and Esther (Conklin) Wikoff (b. My 2, i860). Prepared in Austin H. S., (Chicago; Rockford Coll., 1914-15. Alpha Xi Delta; Mor- tarboard; Alethenai; W. A. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Class Advisory Bd.; V. P., Sr. Class; Sr. Council; Chm., Mardi Gras; Mgr., Stunt Show; Sr. Breakfast Com.; Chm., 111. Song- book Com. Teacher, H. S., Pinckneyville, III., 1918 — . Address, 5939 Race Ave., Chicago; bus. add.. High School, Pinckneyville, 111. 9491. JESSE ERNEST WILKINS Scholar; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F i, 1894, Farmington, Mo.; s. John Byrd (b. 1856, Miss.) and Susie Olivia (Douthit) Wilkins (b. Ja 9, 1869, Farmington, Mo.). Prepared in Lincoln Inst., Jefferson City, Mo. Phi Beta Kappa; Math. Round Table. Scholar in Math., 1918- 19. Sergt., Camp Dodge, la., 1918; 2nd Lt., Co. I, 809th Pioneers, A. E. F., France; Charge of Y. M. C. A. Hut, Camp Coetquidan, France. Address, 2825 Lawton Ave., St. Louis. 949^. GEORGE ALFRED WILLIAMS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 10, 1893, Parsons, Kan.; s. E. B. Williams. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. 2nd Lt., F. A., Bat. E, -th Regt., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Mus- tered out, D 14, 1918. Address, 11511 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland; bus. add., 901 Guardian Bldg., 9493. GRACE ETHEL WILLIAMS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 12, 1888, Wood- land, III.; d. John S. (b. Jl 17, 1853, do.) and Frances (Adams) Williams (b. D 27, 1861, Rensselaer, Ind.). Prepared in Onarga H. S. and Sem. ; N. W. Univ., 1910-11. Kappa Delta Pi; Choral Soc; Jamesonian; Woman's League. Address, Watseka, 111. 9494. HELEN JACKSON WILLIAMS Student; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ja 20, 1895, Streator, 111.; d. Charles Horton (b. D 25, 1865, LaSalle Co., 111.) and Mary Dunaway (Jackson) Williams (b. Mr 30, 1870, Seneca, 111.). Prepared in Streator, Tp. H. S.; Univ. of Colo. Gamma Phi Beta; Sigma Xi; W. A. A.; Prelim. Honors. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la., 1918 — . Address, 205 N. Vermillion, Streator, 111.; bus. add.. Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. 740 University of Illinois [191S 9495. IRENE WILLIAMS A. B. in H. Sc; b. D 14, i8p6, Ravanna, Mo.; d. Ira Williams. Prepared in Princeton, (Mo.) H. S. Alpha Delta Pi. Address. Rav- anna, Mo.t 9496. WARD MAURXCE WILLITS A. B. in Commerce; b. F 27, 1893, Galva, 111.; s. Clarence L. (b. Ap 4, 1859, New Boston, 111.) and Maud (McCluhan) Willits (b. 1862, Avon, 111.). Prepared in Thornton Tp. H. S. Ilus; Delta Sigma Rho; Beta Gamma Sigma; Philomathean; Prelim. Honors; Debating Team; ist Lt., Univ. Brig. 2nd Lt., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Address, IS516 Tur- lington Ave., Harvey, 111. 9497. WINIFRED WILSON Teacher; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. O 29, 1894, Atwood, 111.; d. Charles W. ( b. N 8, 1865. do.) and Thusnelda Margaret (Gross) Wilson (b. Ap 25, 1868). Prepared in Atwood H. S. ; East. 111. St. Norm. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Chi Theta; W. A. A.; E.x. Council, Woman's League; Jamesonian; Sr. Invitation Com.; Prelim. Honors. Teacher, H. S., Atwood, 111., 1918 — : Address, Atwood, 111. 9498. MARY ALAMEDA WINSHIP A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 21, 1894, Tiskilwa, 111.; d. Orville (b. F 22. 1858, Princeton, 111.) and Edna (Haskell) Winship (b. Ag 30, 1862, Bureau, 111.). Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. Q499. LAWRENCE MORSE WINTERS (Brother of No. 73^2) A. B. in Commerce; b. Je 6, 1896, Chicago; $. Andrew Ludwig (b. O n, 1863, Reading, Pa.) and Lillian (Prior) Winters (b. Ja 1861, Norwich, Conn.). Prepared in Morgan Park Acad., Chicago; Parker H. S., Chicago. Iris; Beta Gamma Sigma; Ma-wan-da; Sachem; Pierrots; Graphomen; Prelim. Honors; Ed., lllio. U. S. N. A. R. Sch., Municipal Pier, Chicago, 1 91 8; Ensign, 1918 — . Address, 10745 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. 9500. HELEN ELISABETH WITBECK A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 21, 189s; d- Olney (b. 1867, Belvidere, 111.) and Jennie June (Bennett) Witbeck (b. 1807, do.). Pre- pared in Belvidere H. S. ; 111. Woman's Coll., 19:4-16. Achoth; V. P., Illiola; ist Cabinet and V. P., Y. W. C. A.; Sr. Advisory Bd. Ad- dress, 934 S. State St., Belvidere, 111. 9501. LILLIAN HONENS WOERMAN (WARD) A. B. in H. Sc; b. My 8, 1897. Milan, 111.; d. John William (b. Ja 18. t868, St. Louis.) and Elizabeth Groff (Honens) Woer- man (b. F 27, 1867, Milan, 111.). Prepared in Soldan H. S., St. Louis. Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Nu; Iota Sigma Pi; H. Sc. Club; Staff, ///. Agr. Teacher. H. S.. Bement, 111., 1918-19. Married Raymond Ward, Mr 27, 19 ig, St. Louis. Address, 5108 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis; bus. add.. 1604 N. Water St., Decatur, 111. 9502. WILBUR TOVvNSEND WOLEBEN B. S. in Agr.; b. O 28, 1896, Tipton, la.; a. Harry (b. Ja 16, 1862, Marengo, 111.) and Anna Jane (Dean) Woleuen (b. N 17, 1864, Tipton, la.). Prepared in Bloom Tp. H. S., Chicago Heights; Dartmouth Coll., 1914-15. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Footoau Squad; ist Lt., Univ. Brig. U. S. N. A. R. F., 1918— . Ad- dress, 60 W. Hickory St., Chicago Heights, III. 9503. ALINE- JEANNETTE WOLFF A. B. in H. Sc; b. O 23, 1806, Cambridge, O.; d. Simon (b. Ja :, i860, Ger.) and Elise CStrouss) Wolff (b. O 30, 1861, do.). Pre- pared in Urbana H. S. Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. Address, S'o Iowa St.. Urbana. 9504. HERBERT F. WOLTER Supvr., Agr. Kduc; B. S. in Agr.; b. S 19, 1896, Danville, 111.; s. William (b. Cleveland) and Louisa (Houswalt) Wolter (b. Newport, Ind.). Prepared in Danville H. S. Supvr., Agr. Educ, Mt. Carroll, 111., 1918 — . 2nd Lt., Inf., Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1918; Mustered out, D 14, 191S. Address, 614 Wayne St., Danville, 111. 9505. MARVIN YIK HSEN WONG B. S. in Commerce; b. D 27, 1895, Canton, China; s. Wah Ying Wong. Prepared in Tong- shan Engng. Coll. Address, 1786 N. Szechuen Road, Shanghai, China. t 9So6. RAYMOND BURNS WOODROW B. S. in Agr.; b. Ja 19, 1895, Green Valley, III.; s. W. L. Woodrow. Prepared in Green Vallley H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Address. Green Valley, Ill.t 9507. FRANCES OCTAVIA WOODS A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ap 6, 1895, Little Rock, Ark. Prepared in Summer H. S.; Ober- lin Coll. Alpha Kappa Alpha. Address, 3537 Lawton Ave., St. Louis. t 9508. LENNA ADAIR BERYL WOODS Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. D 12, 1897, Areola, 111.; d. William Mason (b. Som- erset, Ky.) and Nettie Mae (Hunt) Woods (b. Areola, 111.). Prepared in Drummer Tp. H. S. Sigma Xi; Bethany Circle; Stud. Volunteer Band. Grad. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . .Address, 1007 S. ist St., Champaign. 9509. HENRY HAROLD WORNER Farmer; B. S. in Agr.; b. My 30, 1898, San Jose, 111.; s. Henry (b. F 20, 1868, Green Val- ley, 111.) and Mary Elizabeth (Kiesling) Wer- ner (b. Je 12, 1870). Prepared in Forest City Tp. H. S.; Havana H. S. Address. R. 2, San Jose, III. 9510. MILDRED WINIFRED WRIGHT B. S. in Agr.; b. Ap 23, 1891, Milwaukee; d. Arthur T. (b. Utica, N. Y.) and Laura (Butterfield) Wright (b. Milwaukee). Prepared in Milwaukee-Downer Sem.; Georgetown Visi- tation Convent, Washington, D. C. ; Milwau- kee-Downer Coll.; Milwaukee St. Norm. Sch. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Final Honors. .4ddress, Okauchee, Wis. 951 1. NORMAN WILLIAM WROBY B. S. in Chem. E.; b. O i, 1897, Chicago; s. Charles W. Wroby. Prepared in Lane Tech. H. S. ; Univ. of Chicago. Chem. Warfare Ser- vice, U. S. A., 1918; JSIustered out D 1918. Ad- dress, 1420 Thome Ave., Chicago. 9512. OTILLIA EMMA YACKEY A. B. in H. Sc; b. Jl 7. 1892, St. Louis; "i. Wilfred A. (b. N 10, 1S65, St. Louis) and Magdalen Barbara (Beck) Yackey (b. Mr s, 1867. Mascouta'i, 111.). Prepared in McKinley H. S.; Harris Teachers' Coll., St. Louis, 191 1- 12. Omicron Nu. Address, 4970 Columbia Ave., St. Louis. 9513. EDGAR G-A.BRIEL YAEGER A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. F 8, 1891, Summer- tield. 111.; s. Mrs. Caroline Yaeger. Prepared in Central Wesleyan Coll., Warrenton, Mo. Address. New Baden, Ill.t IQUSJ Ba( CALAUREATE AluM N1 r4i 9514. YASUZO YAM AD A B. S. in C. E. ; b. F 25, 1889, Kagoshima, Ken. J^pan; s. Yasuhichi Yaniada. Prepared in Higher Tech. Sch., Kumamoto, Japan. Ad- dress, Kagoshima, Ken, Japan. t 9515. LELAND EDWARD YEAGER Assistant; A. B. in L. A. & S.; b. Ag 10, 1896, Chicago; s. Everett Emlin (b. F 13, 1868, Coatesville, Pa.) and Grace Helen (Caldwell) Yeager (b. Ag lo. 1868, Cincinnati). Prepared in Proviso To. H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Tau; Scabbard and Blade; 1st Lt. and Lt. Col., Univ. Brig. Prelim. Honors. Asst. in Math., Univ. of 111., D 1918 — . Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; Capt., 111. Kat. Guard 1918. Address, 419 S. i8th Ave., Maywood. 111.; bus. add., 1002 S. Second St., Champaign. 9516. JOHN GEORGE YERINGTON B. S. in Agr. : b. Je 30, 1895, Watervliet, Mich.; s. George M. Yerington. Prepared in Benton Harbor (Mich.) H. S. Alnha Sigma Phi; Ku Klux. Address, R. 3, Watervliet, Mich.t 9SI7. MERLE Accountant; A. B. 1895, Versailles, 111. 2, 1874, Meredosia, (Lipcaman) YocKey 111.). Prepared in Beta Gamma Sigma ist Co., sth Officers Monroe, Va. ; 2nd 1918 — . Address, 131 town. 111. ALBERT YOCKEY in Commerce; b. Ag 17, ; s. Frank Albert (b. N 111.) and Nettie Amelia (b. O 30, 1874, Perry, Beardstown H. S. Ilus; Lt., Univ. Brig. Corp.. Tr. Camp, C. A. C, Ft. Lt., C. A., Co. I, do.. 4 Washington St., Beards- 9Si8. GEORGE ANDREW ZEHR B. S. in E. E.; b. O 2. 1896, Holbrook. Neb. Prepared in Washington H. S.; Bradley Poly. Inst. Eta Kap'^a Nu: E. E. Soc. U. S. S. C, Camp Meade, JVid. Address, Washington, Ill.t 9519. LAURENCE WILLARD ZELLER A. B. in Commerce; b. My 18, 1S95, Bra- zil, Ind. ; s. William M. and Mary (Herr) Zeller. Prepared in Brazil (Ind.) H. S. Ad- dress, 1 1 16 N. Meridian St., Brazil, Ind.; bus. add., American Coal Mining Co., Bick- nell. Ind. GRADUATE ALUMNI Those Who Have Received Higher Degrees After a Course of Graduate Study (702 Bachelor's Degrees, Univ. of 111.; 776 Bachelor's Degrees Elsewhere.) EDWINA EUNICE ABBOTT (roWAN) 1909. A. M. (See No. 3253.) WILLIAM LAMB ABBOTT 1904. Mech. Eiigr. (See No. 373.) THEODORE SPERRY ABBOTT 1911. C. E. (See No. 121.) Gi. MIKISHKI ABE Engineer; Ph. D., 1914; b. My 4, 1883, Ichinoseki, Japan; s. Tokushiro (b. 1856, Iwate, do.) and Ogino Abe (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in Ichinoseki (Japan) H. S.; B. E., Tohoku Univ., 1905. Stud., Hanover, Ger., 1 91 4; Engr.. Imperial Govt. Rys. of Japan, 19 14 — ; Designed and executed structures of Tokyo Elevated R. R. Auth. : Reinforced Con- crete Engng., 1916; On the Strength of Con- crete by Experimental Investigation, Proceed- ings of Imperial Japanese Ry. Assn., 1913; On Detail Designing in the Light of Modern Experiments, Proceedings of Inst, of Japan Architects, 19 16. Am. Rys. and Reinforced Concrete, Proc. of Imp. Japan Assn., 1915. Mem., Imperial Rys. Assn.; Hon. mem., Inst, of Japanese Archs. Married Tsuki Abe, 1909, Tokyo. Child, Misao, b. 1910. Address, 24 S. Temple St., Mita, Shiba, jiokyo; bus. add., C. E. Dept., Grand Central Div., Imperial (jovt. Rys. of Japan. Tokyo, Japan. DUFF ANDREW ABRAMS 1909. C. E. (See No. 2304.) JAMES EDWARD ACKERT 1911. A. M. (See No. 3617.) G2. WILLIAM SYLVESTER ADAMS Farmer; A. M., 1910; b. Je 11, 1885, Logan, Kan.; s. Rev. J. (b. Jl 24, 1845. O.) and Isabelle Jane (Baird) Adams. Prepared in Greenville H. S.; Greenville Coll. Prep. Sch. A. B., Greenville Coll., 1907. Scholarship, Hist., Univ. of 111., 1909-10. Head Officer, Anthony Bus. Coll. Kan., 1910-11; V. P., Ar- kansas City Bus. Coll., 1910-11; Instr., do., 191 1: Farmer, Republic Co., Kan., igii — . Address, 742 Giddings Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. G3. FREDERICK HENRY HERBERT ADLER Professor; A. M., 191 1; Ph. D., 1913; b. O 3, 1885, Chicago; s. Frederick (b. O 9, 1857, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Witt) Adier (b. My 31. 1863, do.). Prepared in Robert Waller H. S., Chicago. A. B., O. St. Univ., 1909. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholarship, 1909-10; Instr., Germanic Langs., O. St. Univ., 1909-10; Fellow. Ger., Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Instr., Mod. Langs., Case Sch. of Apnlied Sc, 1913-14; Instr., Ger., Dartmouth Coll., 1914-17; Prof., Ger., Wis. St. Norm. Coll., Oshkosh, Wis., 1917; Asst. Prof., Eng., Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 19:8 — . Auth.: Herder and Klopstock, A Comparative Study, G. E. Stechert and Co., 1914. Mem.. Mod. Lang. Assn. Married Mildred N. Leithold. Jl 25, 1918, La Crosse, Wis. Ad- dress, 490 College Ave., Appleton, Wis. MILTON KENT AKERS 1907. E. E. (See No. 2306.) G4. MIRIAM CYNTHIA AKERS Instructor;^ A. M., 1917; b. D 4, 1894, Cli>-emont, S. Dak; d. Edwin Wallace (1). 1863, Wis.) and Anna May (Wilson) Akers (b. i865. Lee, Mass.). Prepared in Atwater and Crook >Jew York City, 1914-17; do., Cincinnati. 1917-18. Hospital corps. Wis. Nat. Guard, ind. Regt., 1908-12. Auth.: The Oxidation of Branchc/ Chain, Fatty Acids, Jour, of Biol. Cliem., Vol. 27. Address, 1629 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati. LOUIS ALLEN 1915. A. M. (See No. 5520.) OTHO WILLIAM ALLEN 1916. A. M. (See No. 6694.) MAY ALLINSON 1907. A. M. (See No. 2550.) HARRY ORSON ALLISON 1913. M. S. (See No. 2552.) WORTH ARTHUR ALLISON 1917. M. S. (See No. 7340.) G7. CLARENCE WALWORTH ALVORD (Father of No. 7341) Professor; Ph. D., 1908; b. My 21, 1868; s. Daniel Wells (b. O 21, 1816, Greenfield, Mass.) and Caroline Betts (Dewey) Alvord (b. Mr 26, 1827, Northampton. Mass.). Pre- pared in Northampton (Mass.) H. S.; Phillips Acad., Andover, Alass. A. B., Williams Coll., 1891. Friedrich Wilhelm Univ., Berlin, 1893- 95; Univ. of Chicago, 189"; -96. Instr., Mil. Acad., Mass., 1891-93; do.. Prep. Sch., Univ. Graduate Alumni 743 of 111., 1897-1901; Instr., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1901-06; Assoc, do., 1906-07; Asst. Prof., do., 1907-08; Assoc. Prof., do., 1909-13; Prof., do., 1913—- Auth. : (with C. E. Carter) The Criti- cal Period, British Series Vol I, Vol. X; The New Regime, do.. Vol. II, Vol. XI; Invitation Serieuse aux Habitants des Illinois; (with Dr. E. B. Greene) Governors' Letter-Books, III. Hist. Collections, 1909; Kaskaskia Records, do., 1909; (with Lee Bridgwood) Early Explora- tions of the Virginians in the Trans-Alleghany Region, 1912; The Miss. Valley in British Poli- tics, 2 vols., 1916; Managing Ed., Miss. Valley Hist. Review, 1914 — ;Ed. in Chief. ///. Cen- tennial Hist., 6 vols. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Wis. Hist. Soc; 111.; St. Hist. Soc; Minn. Hist. Soc; Fellow of RoyaJ Hist. Soc; O. Val- ley Hist. Assn.; Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.; Mo., Neb., Hist. Soc; Chicago Hist. Soc; Mo. Hist. Soc. of St. Louis. Married Jane Kettell Blanch- ard Parrott. Jl 25, 1893 (died S 12, 191 1); Idress Head, Ap 10, 1913. Child, Genevieve Raymond ('16), b. Ap 9, 1894. Address, 1008 Lincoln Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 418 Lincoln Hall, Univ. of 111., do. G8. CHARLES AaUIERMAN A. M., 1897; b. N 5, 1870, Green Castle, Ind.; s. Philip Ammerman. A. B., De Pauw Univ. Address, Greencastle, Ind. THOM.\S HAMER AMRENE 1908. E. E. (See No. 2555.) G9. HARRY AMSTERDAM A. M., 1916; b. My 1889, Russia; s. Harry and Rebecca Amsterdam. Prepared in Pvt. Schs., Warsaw, Russia; Poland and U. S. A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 1915. Stud., Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1918. Post O. M. Detach- ment, U. S. A.. Ft. Bliss, Tex., 191S; Libn., Camp Shelby, Miss. Address, 511 S. Lynn St., Champaign. EDWIN ANDERS 1 9 18. A. M. (See No. 23 11.) Gio. ANDREW JOHN ALBERT ANDERSON Engineer; M. S., 1915;' b- Ag 13. 1892, Chicago; s. John Owen (h. Je 21, 1859) and Esther Espertine ''Jacobsen'> Anderson (b. Ag 29, 1869). Prepared in Lake View H. S. B. S., Lewis Inst., 1913. Sigma Xi; C. E. Club. With 111. Highway Comn., 1915; Civ. Engr., Grant Smith & Co., 1915-17; do., Leonard Const. Co., 1917; do.. Smith Hauser Mac Isaac Inc., 1917 — . Stud. Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. ; A. S. C. E. Address, 913 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago; bus. add., Curtis Bay, Md. ARVID ROBERT ANDERSON 1912. M. S. (See No. 4522.) Gii. BENJAMIN McALESTER ANDERSON Econ. Adviser; A. M., 1910; b. My i, 1886, Columbia. Mo.; s. Benjamin M. (b. D 1854, do.) and Mary Frances (Bowling) Anderson (b. D 1851, do.). Prepared in Columbia (Mo.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1906; Ph. D., Columbia, 191 1. Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Univ. of 111., 1909-10; do., Columbia, 1910-11. Prof., Hist, and Pol. Econ. and head of Dept., St. Norm. Sch., Springfield, Mo. 1907-11; Prof., Econ., Mo. Valley Coll., 1906-7; Instr., Econ., Colum- bia, 191 1; Asst. Prof., do., 1913; do.. Har- vard, 1913-18; Econ. Adviser. Nat. Bank of Commerce, N. Y.. 191 8 — . Auth.: Social Value, A Study in Econ. Theory, Critical and Con- structive, Houghton. Mifflin Co., 191 1; The Value of Money, Macmillan Co., 1917; various articles and reviews. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn. Married Margaret Louise Crenshaw, My 27, 1909, St. Louis. Children: Benjamin M., Ill, b. 1912; John Crenshaw, b. 1914; William Bent, b 191 7. Address, 16 W. 8th St., New York Citv. CHARLES THOMAS ANDERSON ic,i2. M. S. (See No. 4523.) CLAIR ELLMORE ANDERSON 1913- M. S. (See No. 4524.) G12. HARRY WARREN ANDERSON Associate; Ph. D., 1917; b. O 14, 1885, La doga, Ind.; s. William L. (b. 1848, Morgan town, Ind.) and Ora (Johnson) Anderson (b 1855, Ladoga, Ind.). Prepared in Ladoga (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Wabaih Coll., 1907; A. M., do.. 1910, Fellowship in Biol., Vanderbilt Univ.; Re search Fellow, Mo. Bot. Gardens, Washington Univ.; Teaching Fellow, Vanderbilt, 1907-8, Instr., Bot., Wabash Coll., 1908-10; Floricul tural Pathol., Univ. of 111., 1911; Rose Prof. Bot. and Head of Bot. Dept., Wabash Coll. 1912-17; Assoc, Pomol., Univ. of 111., 1917-18 .'\sst.. Barberry eradication. 111. Exp. Sta., do 1918-7. Auth.: Yeast-like Fungi of the Human Intestinal Tract, Jour. Infectious Diseases, Vol 21. Married Elsie Elenore Osborne, Ag 14, 1914, Crawfordsville, Ind. Address, 611 Mich' igan Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Dept. of Hort Univ. of 111., do. ISABELLA ANDERSON 1914. A. M. (See No. 5524.) MARY ANDERSON 1904. A. M. (See No. 1803.) G13. SAMUEL HERBERT ANDERSON Instructor; Ph. D., 1912; b. Ag 21, 1880, Berrien Springs, Mich.; s. T. W. Anderson. A. B., Park Coll., Mo., 1902; A. M., do., 1903; Univ. of Calif., summer, 1905; Univ. of Chi- cago, summers, 1908-09. Instr., Park Coll., 1902-03; do.. Salt Lake Coll. Inst., 1903-05; Prof., Albany Coll., 1905-07; Instr., Occidental Acad., 1907-09; Asst. Prof., Occidental Coll., 1909-10; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111.; Instr., do., Univ. of Wash., Seattle, ist Lt., Aero. Eng^g. Div., Langley Field, Va.; McCook Field, Dayton, O., 1918 — . Address, 5018, 20th Ave., N. E. Seattle, Wash.; bus. add., Univ. of Wash., do. G14. DEMETRIUS DON ANDRONESCU Professor; M. S., 1914; Ph. D., 1915; b. Mr 18, 1880, Targoviste, Roumania; s. Ion and Alexandrina (Vladescu) Andronescu. Diploma, Coll. Agr., Roumania. Prof., Agron., Ferma Model Studina, Roumania; Research Agron., Univ. of Bukarest, Roumania; Butler Bros., Export Dept., New York City, 1916 — . Auth.: The Physiology of the Pollen of Zea Mays, pub. by Dept. of Agr., Kingdom of Roumania; (with L. H. Smith) The Artificial Germination of Maize Pollen, Trans. 111. Acad, of Sc, Vol. IX. Mem., Univ. Club; Botanical Soc. of Am. Married Eleanor Louise Armstrong, F 5, 1916, Denver, Colo. Address, 47 Van Wageneu Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Gis. MAMIE ELIZABETH ANTHONY (SWARTZLANDER) A. M., 1911; b. S 15, 1883, Kittanning, Pa.; d. Simon Monroe (b. do.) and Mary Jane (Cunningham) Anthony (b. do.). Prepared in Kittanning (Pa.) H. S. A. B., Greenville Coll. Philomathean; Sec, Alumnae Assn. Teacher, Eng. and Greek, Sem.. Evansville, Wis., 1907- 09; do., Greenville Coll., 1909-10; Prof., Eng., Central Holiness Univ., Univ. Park, la. 191 1- 12; Teacher Eng., H. S., Urbana, 1912-17; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Instr., Latin, Wayne St. Norm., Wayne, Neb., sum- mers, 1914, 1915, 1917. Married Thomas H. Swartzlander, Je 26, 1918, Rochester, N. Y. Address 117 5th St., Aspinwall, Pittsburgh. 744 IJNlVERSiTY OF ILLINOIS LEO MAHLON APGAR igi3. M. S. (See No. 5005.) ANNE MARY APPLEGATE 1909. A. M. (See No. 3258.) CARL ELMER ARMELING 1908. A. M. (See No. 2015.) G16. ROSSLEENE MERLE ARNOLD Assistant; A. M., 1918; b. Mr 9, 1895. Cleve- land; d. Herbert Elmer (b. Je 4, 1864. Otego, N. Y.) and Emily Jane (Sessions) Arnold (b. Tl 10, 1867, do.). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) H. S.; A. B.. Oberlin Coll., 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Iota Sigma Pi. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Auth. : The Peptization of Fer- ric Arsenate and Phosnhate and the Forma- tion of Their Gels, Jour. A. C. S., Jl 1918. Mem.. First Congr. Church. Address, 603 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. G17. JUNE MAUD ASHLEY (ELMER) (Wife of 0^0 1 ) A. M., 1913; b. O 20, 1S86, Ithaca, Mich.; d. Edwin H. (b. 1850, Market Basis, Eng.) and Anne Eleanor ((ilarster) Ashley (b. 1854. Liverpool, Eng.). Prepared in Ithaca (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1905-7; B. E., Univ. of Colo.; A. B., do., 1912; Sch. of Fine Arts, De- troit. JSLirried Conrad Elmer (g'12), S 3. 1914. Child, Anne June. b. N 10, 1915- Ad- dress. Lawrence, Kan. LEVI PATTEN ATVVOOD 1916. C. E. (See No. 786.) G18. ALICE LOUISE AUSTIN (FARWELL) (Wife of No. 2973) A. M., 1914; b. Ap 27, 1890, New Wilming- ton, Pa.; d. T. Merrill (b. My 10, 1862, Green- ville, Pa.) and Effie Jane (Reznor) Austin (b. ID 17, 1861, do.). Prepared in Monmouth Coll. Prep. A. B.. Monmouth Coll., 1910. Married Stanley P. Farwell ('07), Ja i, 1915. Mon- mouth, 111. Child, Myra Jeanette, b. D 9, 19 1 7. Address, S434 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. CLEM C. AUSTIN I913. M. E. (See No. 2883.) G19. MINER MANLY AUSTIN Assistant; A. M., 1918; b. D 18, 1892, Wa- terloo, Wis.; s. Manly Harvey (b. 1S66, Dan- ville, Wis.) and Abbie (Wright) Austin (b. 1868, do.). Prepared in Columbus (Wis.) H. S. A. B.. Lawrence Coll., Appleton, \yis., 1916. Gamma Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem., Lawrence Coll., 1915-16; Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Asst., do., 1917-18. Encr., Enlisted Reserve Corps, i9«8 — , Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 907 S. 6th St., (ihampaign; bus. add., LTniv. of 111., L^r- bana. G20. VIDA ALMEDA AUSTIN (Sister of No. 6710) Teacher; A. M., 1911; b. Ja 24, 1885, Wood- stock, 111.; d. Barton Slade (b. Jl 20, 1845. Salem, N. Y.) and Alice Almeda (Shryver) Austin (b. F 11, 1855, Woodstock. 111.). Pre- pared in Woodstock H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch. B. S.. Northwestern Univ., 190S. Schol- arship in Educ. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Gary, Ind.; Instr., Biol., St. Norm. Sch., Valley City, N. Dak., 1918 — . Address, Woodstock, [II.; bus. add.. State Norma! School, \'alley Cilv. \. Dak. G21. ZELDA MAUDE AYRES (SCHELLIJSIG) A. M., 1910; b. Ap II, 1887, Leaf River, 111.; d. Fred Lemont (b. F 8, 1861, Cataract, Wis.) and Nancy Louise (Crombie) Ayres (b. Ap 20, 1 861, Oxford Mills, la.). Prepared in Leaf River H. S.; Mt. Morris Acad. A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 1909. Sciiolarship in Eng. Married John M. Schelling, S 5, 1913, Leaf River, HI. Child. Robert Ayres, b. My 23, 1917- Address, Leaf River, 111. G22. ALBERT BABBITT Professor; A. M., 1915; b. Ja 16, 1889, Rus- sia; s. Irvin (b. do.) and Slava (Gersheno- vitch) Babitsky (b. do.). Prepared in Real- shule, Arol. Russia. A. B., Pa. St. Coll., 1914. Phi Kappa Phi; Cosmopolitan Club. Asst., Math., Univ. of Minn., 1915-16; Instr., do., Univ. of Neb., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Auth.: articles in Sch. Sc. and Math.; Am. Math. Monthly; Russian Math. Jours. Mem., Am. Math. Assn.; Math. Club, Univ. of Neb., 1016. Married Sarah Potankin, D 27, 1914, Philadelphia. Child, Milton Byron, b. My 10, 1916. Address, 325 N. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., Univ. of Neb., do. G23. HAROLD EATON BABBITT Instructor; M. S., 1917; b. Ja 7, 1S88, Som- erville, Mass.; s. Charles Jacob and Corneilia (Jules) Babbitt. Prepared in Somerville (Mass.) H. S. B. S.. Mass, Inst, of Tech.. iQii. Instr., Engng., Univ. of 111.; Assoc, San. Engng., do.. 1919—- Capt., E. R. C. A. E. F., France; Mustered out, Ja 10, 1919. Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Ilelen Hayward Tainter, O 16, 1912. Address, 907 W. Oregon St., Urbana. IRWIN WOODWARD BACH igog. A". M. (See No. 3263.) G24. COURTLAND WALTER BADE (Brother of No. 6714) Mgr., Power Co.; M. S., 1915; b. Jl q, 1894, Wahpeton, N. Dak.; s. Charles G. Bade. Pre- pared in Oberrealschule, Hanover, Ger. E. E., Mitturida, Saxony, Ger., 1914. Electn., Ber- lin Hagen Storrage Battery Co.; Mgr.. Otter Tail Power Co., Sisselton, S. Dak. Address, Sisseltown, S. Dak.t GLENN DAVID BAGLEY 1913. M. S., 1917. E. E. (See No. 5011.) G2S. ERNEST WINFIELD BAILEY Pomologist; M. S., 1909; b. Mr 25, 1885, Worcester, Mass. ; s. Henry Densmore (b. N 24. 1849, Dudley, Mass.) and Ella Elizabeth (Ware) Bailey (b. Jl 24. 1850, Worcester, Mass.). Prepared in Worcester (Mass.) South H. S. B. S., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1908. Kappa Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi. Scholar- ship, Univ. of 111., 1908-9. Asst., Plant Breed- ing, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Instr., Pomol. and First Asst., Plant Breeding, do., igio-ii; Assoc, rfo., and First Asst., do., 1911-13; Asst. Prof., Pomol. and Asst. Chief, Plant Breeding, Agr. Kxp. Sta., 1914-16; Asst, Prof., Pomol., and Asst, Chief, Pomol., do.. 1916-18; Research Work, Plant Breeding and Plant Physiology, Citrus Exp. Sta.. Riverside. Calif., 1 91 8—. Auth.: The Peach Industry of Illinois, Trans. III. St. Hort. Soc., Vol. 48, 1914; Cold Storage Problems, do.. Vol. 50, 1916; Segregation in a Chestnut Species Hy- brid, do.. Vol. 51. 1917; Fundamentals that Determine Peach Pruning Practise, do.; var- ious other articles. Mem., Am. Soc. for Hort. Sc; Am. Pomol. Soc; Am. Genetic Assn. Married Edith Amy Bullock, S 14, 1910, Wor- cester, Mass. Children: Henry, b. Ja 7, 1914; Muriel Elizabeth, h. Jl 2, 1916. Address, 605 Michigan Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. Citrus Ex- perimental Station. Riverside. Calif. GkADI-ATE Al.UMNl 745 (0i6. LA FORCE BAILEY M. S. (See No. 6717.) G26. MARGARET LEWIS BAILEY Instructor; A. M., 1910; Ph. D., igiz; b. N 5, 1880, Wellsboro, Pa.; d. Lewis Llewellyn (b. 1840, Charleston, Pa.) and Elizalieth Cath- erine (Hill) Bailey (b. 1851, Genesco, N. Y.). Prepared in Wellsboro (Pa.) H. S. A. B., Cor- nell, 1903. Traveling Fellowship (Kng. and (ier.), Univ. of 111.. 1912-13; Instr.. Ger., Lake Erie Coll., Paincsville, O,, 1914; Instr., Ger., Smith Coll., Northampton. Mass., 1914- — . Auth. : Milton and Jacob Boehme: a study of German mysticism in 17th Century England, Oxford Univ. Press, 1914. Address, Wells- boro, Pa. WALTER THOMAS BAILEY 1910. M. Arch. (See No. 2018) G27. WILLIAM HARRY BAIR Assistant; M. S., 1914; b. D i6, 1879, Ruffsdale, Pa.; s. Jacob C. (b. 1848, do.) and Carrie (Hauser) Bair (b. 1856, Welty, Pa.). Prepared in Alverton (Pa.) H. S.; West. Pa. St. Norm. Sch., Indiana. Pa. B. S., O. No. Univ., 1908. Teacher, H. S., P'owler, Ind., 1908-09; do.. Canton, 111., 1909-12; Grad. Stud, and Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Instr., do., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1914-15; Asst. and Grad. Stud., do., Univ. of Calif., 1915 — . Ad- dress, Berkeley, Calif. G28. CLARENCE JAMES BAKER Assistant; M. S., 191 1; b. JI 22, 1S85, Canon City, Colo.; s. Samuel H. (b. S 26, 1857, N. y.) and Ada (Chick) Baker (b. Mr 29, i8ss)- Prepared in East Denver H. S. A. B., Univ. of Denver, 1907. Phi Lambda Epsilon. Teach- er, Chem., 1907-09; Asst., Lmiv. of 111., 1909- 10; Asst., Chem., do., 1910-12: Prin., H. S., Taylorville, 111. Married Lela Osborne, Ag 3. 1912, Urbana. Address, Taylorville, 111. IRA OSBORN BAKER 18-8. C. E. (See No. 36) G29. ROBERT EARL BAKER Mgr., Metal Co.; A. M., 1914; b. F 10, 1888. Columbus. Ivan.; s. Moses (b. Ag 19, 1834, St. Joseph, Mo.) and Sarah Jane (Willson) Baker (b. Ap 4, 1850. Guernsey Co., O.). Pre- pared in Okla. St. Prep. Sch. A. B., Univ. of Okla., 1912; Chem. E., Univ. of Wis., 1915. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Fellowship, Chem.- Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1914-15; Instr., Chem. Engng., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1915-16; Works .\Igr., Keokuk Electro Metals Co.. 1916 — . Mem., Am. Electro. Chem. Soc, 191 S; A. I. M. E., 1917 — . Married Nathal Patterson, Ag 16, 191 6. Kansas City, Mo. Child, Elizabeth Harrison, b. Je 21, 1917. Address, 503 N. 3rd St., Keokuk; bus. add., Keokuk Electro Metals Co.. do. G30. FRANCIS MAUSII BALDWIN Professor; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ja 16, 1885, West Upton. Mass.; s. Ellory Albee (b. 1845, Coventry, Vt.) and Rosa Arbella (Wood) Baldwin (b. 1851, West Upton, Mass.). Pre- pared in Upton Center (Mass.) H. S. A. B., Clark Coll., Worcester, Mass., 1906: A. M., Clark LTniv., igo-?. Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi. Instr., Norm. Sch.. Louisville, Kv., 1908-11; I'rof., Biol., West. Md. Coll., Westminster, Md.. 1911-15; Asst. and Grad. Stud.. Zool., Univ. of 111., 19x5-17; Asst. Prof.. Physiol., la. St. L^niv., 1917 — . Auth.: Diurnal Activity of the Earthworm, Jour. Animal Behavior, Vol. 7, 1917; Description of the Chem. Ele- ments, Mather Printing Co., 1914; Pharyngeal Derivatives of Amblystoma Jour, of Morphol., Mr 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Bessie May Seay, 1912, West Upton, Mass. Address, c/o la. St. Coll., Dept. Zool., Ames, la. JESSIE EMMA BALDWIN (TURNER) t9i2. A. M. (See No. 3265.) 1915- JOHN DUDLEY BALL E. E. (See No. 2891.) G31. THEODORE ROLLY BALL Professor; M. S., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. JI 29, 1883, Marshalltown, la.; s. Thomas Frank- lin (b. 1840, Salem, O.) and Emily Kerns (Whealen) Ball (b. 1847, O.). Prepared in Galva (la.) II. S. B. S., Drake Univ., 1908. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Gamma Alpha. Instr., Chem., Drake Univ., 1910-13; do., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., Washington Univ., 1917 — •. Auth.: The Determination of Titan- ium, Jour. A. C. S., S 19 14; Heterof^eneous Equilibrium between Aqueous and metallic Solutions, do., \'ol. 39. Mem., Sigma Xi. Mar- ried Laura Velma Downing, Je 16. 191 5, Des Moines. Child, (jloria Elizabeth, b. F 19, 1917. ■■Iddrcss, 6043 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis; bus. add., c/o Washington University, do. G32. ANNA MABEL BALLANS A. M., 1910; b. JI 19, 1887, Neponset. 111;, d. David (b. Ap 26, 1S31) and Sarah (Gould) Ballans (b. D 8, 1848). Prepared in Nepon- set and Springfield H. Schs. A. B., Knox Coll., 1909. War Work France, 1918 — . Address, Neponset, 111. G33. MARGARET ESTHER BALLEW Student; A. M., 1910; b. S 6, 1887, Ma- comb, 111.; d. Rev. R. T. (b. Ap 25, 1859, An derson _Co., Ky.) and Nancy Angeline (Guy) IJallew (b. F 25, 1859). Prepared in Roseville Tp. H. S.; A. B., Hedding Coll., 1909. ProL, Eng., Hedding Coll.; Grad. Stud., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Prin., H. S., Lexington, 111., 1917-18; Grad. Stud., Radcliffe Coll., 1918— . Address, Lexington, 111. G34. GEORGE JOHN BALZER Principal; A. M., 1909; b. JI i, 1878, Gutten- berg, la.; s. Frederick (b. Cologne, Ger.) and Eleanore (Henkel) Balzer (b. Butchbach, do.). Prepared in H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1902. Sigma Xi. Head, Sc. Dept., West. Div. H. S., Milwaukee, 1909-11; Prin., Washington H. S.. Milwaukee, 1911. Married Mena Leanore For- ton, 1904, Chicago. Children: Roland Forton. b. 1907; Eleanore Mari, b.' igii. Address, Washington, H. S., Milwaukee.! ALICE MAY BARBER (BENNETT) 1893. M. S. (See No. 678.) ELLA URSULA BARBER 1892. M. L. (See No. 377-) JULIA MINNETTA BARBER 191 5. A. M. (See No. 5537-) WILLIAM DAVIS BARBER T902. C. E. (See No. 679.) G35. PANZY LOUISE BARGER Teacher; A. M., 1912; b. D 29, 1889, Tar- kio. Mo.; d. Isaac and Lucy (Evans) Barger. Prepared in Tarkio (Mo.) H. S. B. S.. Tarkio Coll., 191 1. Sigma Xi. Scholarship, Univ. of 111.; Grad. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1912-13: Teacher, Sc, H. S.. Sullivan, 111., 1913-14; Prof.. Biol., William Woods Coll., Fulton, Mo.. 1914-18; do., Tarkio Coll., 1918— . Address. Tarkio, Mo. CLARENCE BARBRE 191=;. M. S. (See No. 6067.) 746 University of Illinois PERRY BARKER 1Q07. A. M. (See No. 2021.; G36. BRONSON BARLOW Botanist; M. S., 1913; b. N 2, 1872, Had- ley, Mich.; s. N. P. JJarlow. Prei>ared in Greenville H. S. B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1902. Lab. Asst., Bacteriol., Mich. Expi. Sta., 1902-04; Asst., Bacterid., Agr. Coll.. Guelph, Ont., Can., 1904-oq; Botanist, N. C. Dcpt. Agr., 1910-ir; Research Asst., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Research, Vaughan's Seed Store, Chicago. Address, Greenville, Mich.; bus. add., 31-33 W. Randolph St., Chicago.t G37. MILDRED BARNES (HAESSLER) (Wife of G276) A. M., 1917; b. O 18, 1890, Lansing, Mich.; d. Orlando F. Barnes. Prepared in Lansing n. S. A. B., Vassar Coll., 1912. Teacher, H. S., Ironwood, Mich., 1912-15. Married Carl H. Haessler (g'17), N 18, 1917, Eldorado, 111. Address, Apt. 4, 580 Van Buren St., Milwau- kee, t OTIS AVERY BARNES 191S. M. S. (See No. 7363-) CHARLES ANTHONY BARNHART 191 1. A. M. (See No. 2319.) JESSE MELANGTHON BARNHART 1912. M. S. (See No. 2573-) G38. OREN AUGUSTUS BARR Supt.. Schs.; A. M.. 1914; b. Je 12, 1872, Odin. 111.; s. Noah E. (b. 1850, do.) and Eliza- beth (Bundy) Barr (b. 1850, Centralia, III.). Prepared in Dixon Coll. B. Ed., 111. St. Norm. L'niv. Prin., Tp. II. S., Eldorado. 111., 1914- 16; Supt., Schs., Carthage, 111., 1916 — . Ad- dress, 409 N. Marion St., Carthage, 111. JAMES THEOPHILUS BARRETT 1907. A. M. (See No. 1808.) G39. STUART JEFFERY BATES Professor; Ph. D., 1912; b. My 9, 18S7, Toronto, Can. B. A., McMaster LIniy., 1907; M. A.; do., 1909. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Fellow in Chem., 191 o- 12; Research Assoc, Phys. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Prof., Phys. Chem., Throop Coll., 1914 — . Married .Hazel C. Hooper, Ag 1917, Toronto. Can. Address, Throop Coll. of Tech., Pasadena, Calif. PHILIP STEPHAN BARTO 1910. A. M. (See No. 2576.) ZILPHA CURTIS BATTEY 191 8. A. M. (See No. 8130.) FREDERICK CHARLES BAUER 191 S. M. S. (See No. 3632.) G40. RACHAEL ANN BAUMGARTNER Teacher; A. M., 1916; b. N 19. 18S9. Pre- pared in Bethel Coll.; Laurence (Kan.) H. S. A. B., Kjn. Univ.. 19 12. Grad. Asst., Biol, dept., LTniv. of 111., 1916-1S. Teacher. Great Falls. Mont. Address, Halstead, Kan.; bus. add., Great Falls, Mont. G41. PAUL LEVERN BAYLEY Assistant; A. M., 1914; b. D 12, 1890, Wich- ita, Kan.: s. Thomas Aldrich (b. 1S53, Rap- way, N. J.) and Minerva Elizabeth (Coffey) Bavlev (b. 18^9. Ky.l. Prepared in Ft. Smith (Ark.> H. S." A. B.. Univ. of Ark., 1013. Gamma Alpha. Asst.. Physics. Univ. of 111.. 1014-17; Instr., Signalling, S. M. A.. Univ. of 111.. 191 7-18; Instr., Cornell, 1919 — . Address, Rockefellow Hall, Ithaca, N. Y.; bus. add., Cornell Univ., do. FLORENCE GABRIELLE BAXTER (SNYDER) 191 ?. A. M. (See No. 4347.) AMY ADALINE BEACH igiS. A. M. (See No. 6077.) G42. WALTER SPURGEON BEACH Botanist; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ja 24, 1890. Brown- town, Minn.; s. Spurgeon S. Beach. B. S. A., Minn. Coll. of Agr., 1914; M. S., Mich. Coll. of Agr., 1915. Asst., Bot.. Univ. of 111., 1915. Exp. Sta., Bustleton. Philadelphia. Address, Hutchinson, Minn.; bus. add., Bustleton, Phil- adelphia. HENRY M. BEARDSLEY 18S0. M. L. (See No. 204.) GEORGE WILSON BEATTIE 1915. A. M. (See No. 6078.) G43- HARRY JAMES BEATTIE M. S., 1918; b. D 27, 1891, Denver, Colo.; s. Christinia Beattie. A. B.. Univ. of Denver, 1914; A. M., do., 1915. War Gas Investiga- tion Work, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 12700 Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D. C. G44. ALBERT JAMES BEATTY Dir., Educ; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1917; b. Jl 20, 1871; s. Francis Beatty (b. Ap 22, 1822, Ireland) and Katherine (Smith) Beatty (b. D 5, 1834. Shelburne Falls, Mass.). Prepared in Lamoille H. S.; No. 111. Norm. Sch., 1889-94; Univ. of Chicago, 1897. A. B.. Knox Coll., 1900. Sigma Pi; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Del- ta Pi. Supt. and Prin., Tp. 11. S., Geneseo, 111., :9ii-i4; Sec. to Director of Bur. of Sales- manship Research. Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1017-18; Dir., Educ, Am. Rolling Mill (Zo., Middletown, O., 1918 — . Auth.: Reports on -Schs.; The Corporation Sch., 1918. Married May E. Schick. D 25, 1894, Dixon. 111. Chil- dren: Owen Channing, b. Ag 28, iSq6; Grace Elizabeth, b. O 15, I899. Address, Middletown, O. ; bus. add., c/o American Rolling Mill Co., do. G45. CLYDE BYRON BECK Journalist; A. M., 1916; b. N 16. Frank- port, Ind. ; s. Charles B. < 0. Je 18, 1861. Burl- ington, Ind.) and Inez Louise (Cockayne) Beck (b. Ap 23, 1865, Geetingsville, Ind.). Prepared in Richmond (Ind.) H. S.; A. B., Earlham Coll., 1906; .\. M., N. W. Univ. Teacher, H. S., Noblesville. Ind., 1907 08; Prin. H. S., Upland, Ind., 1909-10; Teacher, IL S., Plant City, Fla., 1910-11; do.. High- land Park, 1911-12; Instr.. Eng., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1912-13: Asst., Eng., Univ. of HI., 1914-1S. Reporter, Richmond Item, Richmond, Ind., 1918-19; On Editorial Staff, Indianapolis Star, 1019 — . Address, 27 N. 13th St., Rich- mond, Ind.; bus. add., Room 214. Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Ind. G46. MARY LAVENIA BECK Prin., H. S.; A. M., 1915; b- Mr 15, 1886, Breckinridge, Tex.; d. Henry Harrison (b. Ag 28. iSi^t. Pleasant Grove, la.) and Frances Davis (Veale) Beck (b. O 15, 1861, Dresden, Tex.). Prepared in Corsicana (Tex.) H. S. B. S., Coe Coll., 1908. Kappa Delta; Y. W. C. A.. Cabinet; Cosmos Bd.: Jr. Annual Staff; Pres., Sec. and critic. Lit. Soc Teacher, Eng.. H. S., Somerset, Ky., 1915-16; Head of Jr. Coll. dept. and Teacher, Eng. and French, Cloquet. Minn.: Prin., H. S., Maquoketa, la., 1917; do., McKinley H. S., St. Louis, Mo., 1918— . Mem., Chautauqua Club. Somerset. Kv., 191 5-16; Tuesday and Art Clubs, Maguo- keta. la., 1917-18; Jour. Club, 1914-15; Coll. Club, Cloquet, 1916-17; Presby. Church. Ad- dress. Morning Sun, la.; bus. add., 5666 Vernon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Gkaduatk Ai.umni 747 G47- ALBERT JOHN BECKER Professor; Ph. D., 1915; b. O 6. 1877, Evansville, Ind.; s. Daniel \V. (b. N i, 1846, do.) and Julia E. (Ritterskamp) Becker (b. O I, 1856, P'reclandville, Ind.). Prepared in Evansville (Ind.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Midi., 1903; M. E., do., 1907. I'hi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi. Prof., Applied Math., Univ. of N. Dak., 191 5 — . Auth.: Formulas for the Design of Engine Parts, Power; The Action of Mild Steel under Combined Stress, Quarterly Jour., Univ. of N. Dak., Ap, 1916; Effect of Boilci Stock Gases on the Strength of Coiicrtte Engng., Contractincj, My, 1916; Temperature Effects in the Strength of Concrete, N. Dak. Soc. of Engrs., 191 7; On the Engng. Curric- ulum, Engng. Educ, N, 1917; Strength and Stiffness of Steel under Biaxial loading, Bui. 85, Univ. of III. Engng. Exp. Sta. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Soc. Promotion Engng. Educ; Sigma Xi; N. Dak. Soc. Engrs. Married Clara I. Beck- er, S 7, 1904. Children: Roger Kenneth, b. N 22, 1908; Richard Fenneman, b. S 4, 1912. Address, 911; Bement Ave.,, Grand Forks, N. Dak. G48. ETHEL LOUISE BEDIENT Inspector; A. M., 1917; b. D 22. 1892, Deck- erville, Mich.; d. Conrad K. (b. Jl 25, 1852, Corning, N. Y.) and Kate Lydia (Cooper) Bedient (b. My 30, 1868, Grass Lake. Mich,). Prepared in Deckerville (Mich.) II. S.; A. B., -Mbion Coll., 1916. Delta Eta .Sigma; Delta Sigma Rho; Sorosis Lit. Soc. Scholarship in Econ., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Asst. Insp., Child Labor Div., Children's Bur., U. S. Dept. of Labor, Spartanburg, S. C. Address, iio Hampton Drive, Spartanburg, S. C. G49. JOHN SHERMAN BEEKLEY A. M., 191 7; b. D 7, 1894, West Chester, O. ; s. William Harvy (b. My 12, 1859, Cin- cinnati) and Flora (Stein) Beekley (b. Ja 10, 1870, West Chester, O.). Prepared in Lock- land (O.) H. S. A. B., Miami Univ., 1915- Phi Kappa Tau; Gamma Alpha; Phi Beta Kap- pa. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1915-17. Bat. F, 1st 111. F. A 1915; 2d Lt.,. F. A., U. S- N. G., 1917; Bat. C., 149th F. A., 1917; Aeroplane observer, 191 7—. Address, West Chester, O. ARTHUR TIMOTHY BELL 1902. A. M. (See No. 1458.) G50. JAMES EDGAR BELL (Husband of No. 3930) Professor; Ph. D.. 1913; b. My 20, 1875, Gettysburg, O.; s. James B. Bell. B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1905. Teacher, H. S., Ottawa, 1905-08; Fellow, Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1909-10; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Wash., 1910- 11; Asst., Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1911-13; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Wash., Seattle. 1913; Assoc. Prof., Chem.. Throop Coll. of Tech. Mairied Rosalie Mary Retz ('09), Te 26, 1915. Child, Louise Jean, b. Ag 7, 1916. Address. 254 S. Meredith Ave.. Pasadena, Calif.; bus. add., Throop Coll. of Technology, do. RODNEY LINTON BELL 1915. C. E. (See No. 3636) JEFFERSON HALL BELT 1915. M. S. (See No. 5031.) .G51. CLAUDIUS EDMUND BENNETT Engineer; M. S., 1912; b. S 3, 1888. Ruby, Neb.; s. D. L. and M. E. Bennett. B. S., L'niv. of Neb.. 1909. Technical Apprentice, Westing- house Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1909; Elec. Engr., Utah Power & Light Co., Salt Lake City. Address, 423 Kearns BIdg., Salt Lake City. CLEAVES BENNETT 1893. M. L. (See No. 561.) G52. ELIZABETH RUTH BENNETT (GRENNAN) .•\. M., 1908; I'h. D.. 1910; b. O 9, 18S0, .Shawnee, Pa.; d. Daniel Tinsman (b. F 5, 1847. Easton, Pa.) and Emmeline (Loux) Bennett (h. Jl 9, 1852, Pii)ersville, I'a.). Prepared in St. Norm. Sch., East. Stroudsburg, Pa. A. r.., Ohio Univ. Sigma -Xi; .Scholarship and i'ellowship in Math. Instr.. Math., Univ. of Nel)., 1910-17; Auth.: Primitive Groups of De- gree 20, Am. Jour, of^ Math., 1912; Simply Transitive Primitive Groups whose Maximal Suligroup Contains a Transitive Constituent of order p- or pq, or a Transitive Constituent of Degree 5. do., 1914. Mem., Am. Math. Soc. Married John Grennan, Je 12, 1913, Lincoln, Neb. Address, 605 14 Indiana Ave., Urbana. RALPH ANDERSON BENNITT 1917- C. E. (See No. 5544.) Gs3. RUFUS CLARENCE BENTLEY Instructor; Ph. D., 1917; b. F 6. 1868, Clin- ton, la.; s. Charles Eugene (b. Ap 30, 1841, Onondaga Co., N. Y.) and Persis Orilla (Free- man) Bentley (b. 1839, La Grange Co., Ind.). Preijared in Adelplii Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1894; A. M., do., 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Kappa. Fellowship, Columbia, 1900-01; do., Clark Univ., 1901-02; ist Lt.. Nat. Guard of Neb. Cadet Comp., 1894. Dean of Clark Coll., Worcester, Mass., 1902-09; Asst. and Assoc. Prof., Secondai-y Educ. Stan- ford Univ., 1910-16; Instr., Dept. of Educ, Univ. of Neb., 1918 — . Married Lydia Ellen Hart, S 18, 1895, Hastings, Neb. Cnldren: Elizabeth Noel, b. D 25, 1901; Charis Eugenia, b. N 29, 1903; Lucie Freeman, b. My 11, 1905. Address, 2025 S. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., Univ. of Nebraska, do. Gs4. OLAF BERGEIM Instructor; M. S., I9i2;-h. N 6, 1888, Water- town, S. Dak.; s. P. G. Bergeim. Ph. G., S. Dak. St. Coll. of Agr. and'Mech. A"rts, 1906; B. S., 1908. Pharmacist, 1908-10; Instr., Jeffer- son Med. Coll., Philadelphia. Address, Brook- ings, S. Dak.; bus. add., Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia.! G5S. CARL JOSEPH BERGMAN A. M., 191 1 ; b. Ja 13, 1883, Sweden; s. Carl J. Bergman. A. B., Augustana Coll., 1910. Ad- dress, 903 W. Illinois St., Urbana. t IRA JOHN BERKEMA 1915. A. M. (See No. 4070.) HARRIETT JOSEPHINE BERNINGER 1917. A. M. (See No. 6743.) G56. HOWARD BROWN BERRY Farm Mgr.; M. S., 1907; b. F 22, 1879, Bloomington. 111.; s. Rodolph Fearing (b. O 24, 1851, O.) and Mary Elizabeth (Brown) Berry (b. Ja 17, 1853, Lowell, O.). Prepared in Prep. Sch.. Washington St. Coll. B. S., Wash. St. Coll., 1906. Alpha Zeta. Instr.. Agr., Washington St. Coll., 1907-0S; Exp. Sta. Staff, do.. 1909-10; Farm Mgr., 1910 — •. Mem., Presby. Church. Married May Evans Ap 30. 1907. Address, Big Lake, Wash. Gs7. PHILIP SHERIDAN BIEGLER Professor; M. S., 1917; b. Ja 30, 1880, St. Paul; s. Charles A. (b. 1850, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Marv Elizabeth (McClurg) Biegler (b. 1852. Lexington, Ky.). Prepared in Hyde Park H S., Chicago. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1905; E. E., do., 1915. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Lambda Chi Alpha; 74'"^ I'NlVEKtilTV OK IlI.KNOIS Debatine learn; V. P., Univ. of Wis., Engrs. Club, tngng. Dept., Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, jgo^-oo; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Elec. Engng., Univ. of la., 1906-09; Engng. I>ept., Washington Water Power Co., Spokane, tgo9-io; Asst. Prof., Elcc. Engng., Purdue Univ., loio-ii; Asst. Prof, ana Prof., do., Univ. of Mont.. 1911-13; Assoc, and Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 19x3—. Instr., S. M. A.. Univ. of 111., summer, 1917. On leave, 191S — . .-Vuth. : Notes on Electrically operated Deep Well Pumps. Tcclnipurapti. Vol. 30, IQ16; Some Tests of ElecUically Operated Deep Well l^^mps, Am. Ifatrr 11 crks Assn.. Vol. 3.;, 1917; Some Tests of Electrically Operated Deep Well Pumps 11, dc. 191S; Current and Voltage Re- lations in j-phase, 3-phase Transportation, 7Vr/i" nogra(-h. Vol. 33, 1917; Elec. Lab. Instruction For Large Classes, .S"<5r. Pt\>ino:ion of Ei'oi'.i). Ediic. Vol. 7, 1917; A I'roposed Course in £lec. Engng., VVii- Transit, 1007. Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Martha Irene Shipman, D 20, 1909, la. Falls, la. Children: Winifred Pearle. b. Ja .:. 1911; Shipman Sheridan, t>. D 24, 1013. Ad- dress, iio> S. Coler Ave.. Urbana; bus. add.. 30S Elec. Lnb.. Univ. of 111., do. ALICE BIESTER 1013. .\. M. (See No. S037-) BENJ.\MIN BING i8oi. M. S. (See No. 530.1 Gsi*. LEWIS ISAAC BIRDSALL Chemist; A, M.. 1009; b. O 16. 1SS4. Patter- son, N. Y.; s. Thomas Powell (b. Ja 13, 1850. Orange Lake. N. V.) and Cynthia Chase (Greenol Kirdsall (b. D 17. 1854. S. Starks- boro, Vt.>. Prepared in Patterson (N. Y.) H. S. A. B., Williams Coll., 1007. Signia Xi; Phi Lan\bda Upsilon; Gamma Alpha; V. P., Grad. Club. 1900. Chem. and Bacieriol., Al- vord and Burdick. consulting engrs.. Cjhicago, 1909-10; Asst.. San. Chem. and Chemist, 111. St. Water Sur.. 1907-9; Asst. to Dir. do., 19"; Supt. of Filtration, Rock Island. 111., 19U-12; ■Supt.. I'uritication Div.. Water Works Dept.. Minneapolis, 1913 — . Auth, : Composition and Treatment of I ake Mich. Water, Bui. S, Water Surxey Si-rits, Univ. of III.; Some Problems in Filtration Plant Operation, .h^iir. Am. Water Works AssH. Vol. 4, No, 4, 1017. Mem., Min- neapolis Engrs. Club; Minn. Mvcological Soc; A. C. S.: Am. Pub. Health Assn.: Am. Water Works Assn.; A. A. A. S.; Nat. Geog. Soc; Univ. Club. Minneapolis: Congr. Church. Mar- ried .A.imee Burr Cole. Ag -m. ton. Long Hill, Conn. Child, Lewis Cole. b. .\g 22. 1915- •-I''- and Hnrriett (Watsen~i Bi.\bv (b. Lancas'ire. Eng.). Prepared in John H. S'.. North Andover. Mass. B. S.. Tufts Coll.. !<3i6. Phi Beta Kai^pa. Staflf, 111. St. Water Sur., 1916-17; Asst.. Bacteriol., Federal .-Vnti- toxin Lab.. N. Y.. 1017: Dir.. Div. of Lab.. Dept. of Health. Bridgeport. Conn., 1917 — • Auth.: Articles for Health Dept. Bui.. Bridge- port Abstractor, Chemical Abstracts. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Water Works Societv. .-iddress. 70 Pleasant St.. N. Andover, Mass.; hu.i. add.. Health Dept., Bridgeport, Conn. .\LICE MARY BLACK (ARPS> 1001. A. M. (See No. 1461.) CHARLES DAY BLACK 10 1.-. M. S. (See Xo. 4556.) WILLI. \M WESLEY B1..\CK. iSog. A. M. (See Xo. 1107.) 1 St^o. CLARENCE H. BLACKAl.L M. Aroli. (See No. i.i6.) Goi. NORMAN ROBERT BL.\TIIERW1CK I'hysiol. Chem.; M. S., 1012; b. F 10. 1SS7. Hock \"alley, la.; s. lohn Henrv (b. O) and Janet (McArthur) Hlatherwick (b. 111.). Pre- pared in (irinnell Acad. B. S., Grinnell Coll., 1909: I'll. D.. Yale. 1Q14. .\lpha Chi Signna; Sigma Xi: Currier Fellow in Physiol. Chem., Yale. -Asst. Chem.. Montitiore Home, New York City, 1014-15; I'hvsiol. ("hem,. Dairy Div., U. S. dept. Agr.. Exp. Farm. Bettsvillc, Md.. 1915-17; 1/0.. u^iS — . ist l.t.. San. Corns. X. A., 1917-iS; Capt., Camp Xutrition Officer. Camp Oeveiis, Mass., 191S: do.. Camp Owens, Mass.; Mustered out, Ja 22, 1910. Mem.. Am. .^oc. Biol. Chem.; Am. Physiol. Soc; A. C. S. Married Barbara Stowe, Ap 17, 191:;, Phila delphia. Address, 2S21 28th St., 'X. W.. Washington. D. C. G02. LILLIAN B1..\YNEY Teacher; .-X. M., 1914; b. Je 24. 1S91, Mon- mouth, 111.; d. i~i. C. and Mary Virginia (Ivey) Ulayney. Prepared in Monmouth II. S. A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1Q13. Zeta Epsilon Chi; A. H. L. Soc; Hist. Club; German Club. Scholar- ship, Univ. of 111.. 1013-14; Teacher. Hist., Sullivan, 111.. 1914-15; Monmouth. 111., 1Q15- it>; Held of Hist. D'ept.. H. S., Villisca. la.. 1910 — 1. Address. 1040 E. Broadway, Mon- nioutli. 111.: bus. otid.. High School. Villisca. la. G63. CH.\RLES KIXG BLISS Teacher; A. M., 1900; b. Mr 8. 1S73. Kings- ton Furnace. Mo.; s. X. W. Bliss (b. Bradford. Vt."* and Mary (Andrews') Bliss (b. Warsaw. 111.). Prepared in Morgan Park Acad. A. B., Univ. of Clhicigo. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Kappa. Teacher. Moran Sch.. Rolling Bay. Wash. Married Adelle Clendenin, Ag 17, 1909. Urbana. Address, c^o Moran School. Rolling Bay. Wash, G64. FR.\NK WALKER BLISS Instructor; M. S.. 1009; b. Ja 0. 18S4, Chi- cago; s. W. C. and Mary E. Bliss. B. S.. Univ. of Mich., looS. Asst.. Phys. Chem.. Univ. of Nlich., 1907-08; Prof., Quantitative Chem., Iniv. of Minn. Address. 1010, 17th Ave., S. E.. Minneapolis; bus. add., Univ. of Minnesota, do. G65. ELIZABETH BODFISII (CLARKE) Instructor; M. S.. 191?; b. O 31. 1891. Bridgewater. Mass.: d. David Lewis (b. Ja 10. i8t>4r Wareham, Mass.) and Winifred (Ware^ Bodtish. (b. D 10. i860, Xorth Anson, Me.). Prepared in Palmer (Mass.) H. S.: Xorthlield Sera.. East Northtield. Mass. Ph. B., Brown. 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Scholar in Zool.. L'niv. of 111., 1016-17: Instr.. Sc. M. C. Wheeler Sch.. Providence. R. I.. 1914-16: do.. H. S.. Downers Grove. 111., 1917 — • . Mem.. Assn. of Coll. Alumnae. Married Edwin Lea- vitt Clarke. Ta i, 1918. Palmer. Mass. Address. 10 Holbrook St., Palmer, Mass.; bus. add., c /o High School. Downers Grove III. Graduate Alumni 740 066. FLORENCE ELSIE BOEHMER Teacher; A. M., 1918; b. Ap 15, 1890, Spring- field, Mo.; d. Charles D. Boehmcr. Prepared in St. Norm., Springfield, Mo. A. B., Drury Coll., 1912. Teacher, Aurora, Lebanon and Mound City, Mo., 1912-16; do., Central PL S., Kansas City, Mo.. 1917 — . Address, 969 S. Jederson, Springfield, Mo.; bus. add., 3603 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. MARTHA HARRIET BOGGS (LOVE) 1891. A. M. (See No. 340.) G67. SIMEON JAMES BOLE Professor; A. M., 1912; b. Mr 25 1875, Bianch Co., Mich.; s. Charles S. (b. Case (To., Mich.) and Zerirah (Blackman) Bole (b. 1855, Branch Co., Mich.). Prepared in Union City (Mich.) H. S.; Mich. Norm. Sch. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1902; Univ. of Wis., 1907-8. Fellowship, Educ, Univ. of 111., 1912; Supt., Pub. Schs., Durand, Mich., 1902-6; Instr., Math., H. S., Madison, Mich., 1906-7; Supt. Schs., Jefferson, Wis., i907-io' Instr., Math., Univ. .\cad., 1910-11; Assoc, Pomol., Univ. of III., 1912-18; Asst. Prof., Agr., Mo. Wes- leyan Coll., 1918 — . Mem., M. K. Church. Married Harriette May Vandercook, Je 1903, St. Louis, Mich. Children: Mildred Irene, b. Ag 3, 1904 (died F 6, 1906I; Charles Francis, b. F 27, 1906; Crystal Elaine, b. Mr 19, 1909. Address, Cameron, Mo.; bus. add.. Mo. Wes- leyan Coll., do. ANNA LOUISE BOND 1906. A. M. (See No. 1821.) (J68. JOHN DAVID BOND Professor; A. M.. 1915; b. S 16, 1883, Gal latin, Tenn.; s. J. D. (b. Jl 27, l86o, do.} and T. Lillie (Ramsey) Bond (b. Ja 24, 1861. do.). Prepared in Gallatin Sem.; B. A., Univ. of Tenn., 1909. Phi Kajjpa Phi. Fresh. Schol- arship; Allen Prize in Math.; Pres., Soph. Class; Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Class Poet; .\th. Council. Instr., Math., A. and M. Coll., Tex., 1911-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916 — . Mem., Math. Assn. of Am.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Leila McGregor, S 8, 1915, Houston, Tex. Child, Lora, b. My 17, 1917. Address, College Sta- tion, Tex. HALBERT EVANS BONER 1906. M. E. (See No. 2331.) FREDERICK GORDON BONSER 1902. M. S. (See No. i463-) 1913- SIMEON E. BOOMER A. M. (See No. 3646.) G69. GEORGE PAUL BOOMSLITER Professor; M. S., 1914; b. O 10, 1879. Grand Haven, Mich.; s. Marinus (h. F 10, 184.3, Zeeland, Holland) and Sarah (Vogel) Booms- liter (b. F 12, 1854, Alsace, France). Pre- pared in Grand Haven (Mich.) H. S. B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1906. Tau Beta Pi. Drafts man and designer. Phoenix Bridge Co., /hne- nixville. Pa., 1906-09; Instr., Univ. of 111., 1909-15; Assoc. Prof.. T. and A. M. do., ,0,5 — . Mem., Soc. Promotion Engng. Educ., 1914—. Married Alice Ella Colgan, 1910. Phil- adelphia. Children: Alice Colgan, b. My 12, 191 1 : Margaret Ella, b. Ta 12, 1914: Paul Colgan, b. O 24, 1915- Address. 612 W. In- diana Ave., Urbana; bus. add.. 210 Engineering BIdg., Univ. of 111., do. G70. HARRY TYLER BOOTH (Husband of No. 9033) Engineer; M. S., 1917: b- Mr 24, 180J, Richwood, O.; s. George H. and Mary M. (Nettleton) Booth. B. S., Carleton Coll., lOir.- TTniv. of Minn, Gamma Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Am. Phys. Soc; Scholar- ship, Univ. ot 111. ■ Instr., do. Summers, 1916- 17; Aeronautical Engr., Curtiss Engng. Corp., (jarden City, L. I., 1917 — . Auth.: Distribu- tion of Potential in a Corona Tube, Phys. Re- view, S, 1917; The Effect of Numbers in Aerial Warfare, Aviation, Je s, 1918; do.. Automotive Industries, Jc 20, 1917; Recent Developments in Aeronautics, III. Quarterly. Married Caro- lyn Rose Dennis ('18), Ja i, 1919, Glencoe, 111. Address, Stearns Park, Long Island, N. v.; bus. add., c/o Curtiss Engng. Corp., Gar- ikn City, do. G71. RAYMOND FRANKLIN BORDEN (Husband of No. 5649) In.structor; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 2, 1892, Portsmouth, R. I.; s. AlOrfV.o Edgar (b. 1863, do.) and Lillian Gardner (Collins) Borden (b. 1862, Apponary, R. I.). Prepared in Rogers II. S., Newport, R. I. Ph. B., Brown, 1914; A. M., do., 19 1 5. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst., Math., Brown, 1914 15; Instr., do.. R. I. Sch. of Design, 1914-15; Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Instr,, do igi8 — . Married Emma Margaret Fahrnkopt ('13), Jl 4, 191H, Newton, 111. Address, 1212 University Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 250 Natural History Bldg., Univ. of 111. JOHN HENRY BORNMANN 1912. M. S. (See No. 4083.) SUDHINDRA BOSE 1909. A. M. (See No. 2912.) G72. ERNEST LESLEY BOST Supt. Schs.; A. M., 1909: b. N 3^ 1880, Irving, 111.; s. D. E. and Margaret C. Bost. Ph. B., Greenville Coll., 1908. Married Ag 27, 1904. Children: Margaret Louise, b. D 10. 1906; Freaman Logan, b. O 23, 1908 (died Jl 21, 1909). Address, 221 S. 14th St., Murphys- boro. 111. ALIDA CYNTHIA BOWLER 1911. A. M. (See No. 4084.) G72A. ARTHUR CLIFTON BOYCE Teacher; A. M., 1907; b. S 24, 1884, Tuscola, 111,.; s. A. E. and Olive A. (Moore) Boyce. Prepared in Tuscola H. S.; Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa. Ph. B., Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa., 1907. Prin., H. S., Armington, 111., 1911- i;?. Address, Tuscola, 111. G73. CECIL WAYNF. BOYLE Teacher; A. M. 1917; b. N 26. 1888, Shoals, fnd.; $. (jeorge Richard and Addie (Ragle) Boyle. Prepared in Shoals (Ind.) H. S.; Ind. Univ., 190608. A. B., DePauw Univ., 1910. Phi Kappa Psi; Basketball Varsity; Glee Club; Band; Orchestra. Asst. Chem., Purdue, 191 >■ 12; Chem., Dupont Powder Co., Chester, Pa.. summer 1912; Teacher. H. S., Union City, Ind., 1912-13; Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1916- 17- Teacher, H. S., Kenilworth, 111., 1912-16. 1917-18. U. S. N. R. F., Municipal Pier, Chi- cago F 16 1918; Instr., Officer's Material Sch. Pelham Bay, N. Y.; Mustered out, Mr 4, 1919. Mem., Christian Church. Address, Kenil- worth, 111. CLARENCE BOYLE, JR 1916. M. E. (See No. 4086.) G74. RUSSELL STARKEY BRACEWELL Chemist; M. S., 1918; b. Jl 18, 1891 Line- ville, la.; s. John William (b. Ja i, 1865, Clio la.) and Emma Lalilia (Lawson) Bracewell (b. S 29, 1867, do.). Prepared in Kincaid (Kan.) H S • A. B., Univ. of Kan.. 1916. Gamma Alpha; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Research Chem., Am. Cotton Oil Co., Chicago, ,gi8_. Address, 6234 Harper Ave, Chicago; bus add., 225 W. i8th St., do. 75° University of Illinois G75. BERNICE MARGARET BRADFORD Instructor; A. M.. 1909; b. O 18, 1878, Bear Lake, Mich.; d. Joshua (b. 1830, St Andrews, New Brunswick) and Margaret McLaughlin (b. 1832, do.). Prepared in Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich. A. B.. L'niv. of Mich.. 1907. Mich. Alumnae Scholarship, 1906; Lucinda Stone Scliolarship, 1907; Jr. and Sr. Oratorical Contests. Teacher, Frankfort, S. Dakota, 1909- 10; Field Mgr., King Richardson Co., 1910-1^: Prof. Eng., Eureka Coll., 9i-'-i4; Prin. IL S., Villa tirove, Colo., 1915-16; Asst., Prin., Clyde- park, Mont., 1916-iS; Instr Pub. Speaking, Greeley, Colo., 191S — . Federal Food Adminis- trator, I'pptr Shields River Valley, 1917-18. Auth.: In Mich, and other Poems, 191S; The Trail of the Yellowstone, 1918. Mem., O. E. S. ; Women's Lib. Club, Clydepark, Mont. Ad- dress, Bear Lake, Mich.; bus. add., Greeley. Colo. G76. ST. ELMO BRADY Professor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. D 22, 18S4, Louisville, Ky.; s. Thomas Alexander (b. D 28, 1858, do.) and Celester (Parker) Brady (b. Mr 28, 1869. do.). Prepared in Louisville Colored H. S. B. A., Fisk Univ., 1 90S. Alpha Phi Alpha; Prof.. Chem. and Head, Dept. of Sc, Tuskegee Inst. Auth.: Three monogra-phs on Household Chemistry for Girls; (with G. D. Beal) The Hydro- chloric Method for the Determination of Alka- loids, Jour. Eng^ng. Client., 1915; Three ab- stract articles, Sc, 1914-15; (with Dr. C. G. Derick) Ionization Constants of Monobasic Paraffin Acids. Mem., Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; A. C. S. Married Myrtle Marie Travers, Ag 28, 1017, Denver. Address, Tus- kegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala. G77. JOSEPH MARVIN BRAIIAM Chemist: Ph. D., 1918; b. F i, 1891, Arte- sian, S. Dak.; s. Nels H. (b. S 5, 1849, Nor- way) and Gina Braham (b. F 7, 184S, do.). Prepared in Moscow I Idaho) H. S.; Prep. Dept., Univ. of Idaho. B. S., Univ. of Idaho, 1914. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Gas Chem., War Dept., Washington. D. C., 1918; Capt.. do.; Am. Univ. Exp. Sta.. Washington, D. C; Mustered out, F 18, 1919- Auth.: Heats of Dilution; I. A. Calorimeter for Measuring Heats of Dilution, II, The Heat of Dilution of Ethyl Alcohol, .four. .4. C. S., Vol. 39, 1917. Address, 3402 Macomb St., N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add.. Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., do. G7S. SILAS ALONZO BRALEY Instructor; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1917; b. D 10, 1889, Cherokee. la.; s. Ulysses Grant (b. Je 6, 1 868. Fond du Lac, Wis.) and Grace Per- kins (Lawrey) Braley (b. F 12. 1869, Dodge- ville. Wis.). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. A. B.. Morningside Coll., 1913. Fellow, Chem., Univ. of 111.. :9i6-i7: Instr., do., 1917 — . Auth.: (with G. Mc P. Smith) Heter- ogeneous Equilibria between Aqueous and Me- tSlic Solutions. Jour. .4. C. S., Vol. 39. 1917. Mem., Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon: Gamma Alp'.-a: A. C. S.; .\. A. A. S. Married Sara Rachel Whitehouse. S i. 1915. Cherokee, la. Children: Silas Alonzo. Jr., b. Jl 15, 1917; \'irgiuia Grace, b. Jl 23, 1918. Address, 710 "W. Nevada St., Urbana. 1912. ROYDEN EARL BRAND M. S. (See No. 3653) ALEXANDER RUDOLPH BRANDNER 1914. M. S. (See No. 55S6.) G70. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS BRAUN Instructor; Ph. D., 1900; b. Mr 28, 1S74. Pittsburgh, Pa.; s. Gustav (b. S 10, 1844, Klein Sanskau bei Monlau, West Prussia, Ger.) and Henrietta (Sontowsky) Brann (b. Nov. 13. 1846, Leistenau, West Prussia). Prepared in Columbia Norm. Acad., Columbia, Mo. Acacia; Studentenzirkel. Grad. Fellowship, Ger., Univ. of 111., looS: A. B., Univ. of Mo.. 1902; A. M., Harx-ard Univ.. 1907; Auth., Margaret Fuller and Goethe, Henry Holt & Co., New York City, 1910. P.apts. Church; A. F. A. M.; Mod. Lang. Assn.; Nassau Club; Am. Whig Soc. (Honor- ary) ; Triangle Club. Married Florence Fisch- er, .\g 14. 1912. Spring Lake, Minn. Address. 18 Bank St., Princeton, N. J. NELLIE MATHILDA BREDEHOFT 1911. A. M. (See No. 3292.) G80. C.\RL SHIPMAN BREESE Electrician; M. S., 1916; b. N 9, 1892, Man- hattan, Kan.; s. Claude M. Breese. Prepared in Manhattan (Kan.) H. S^.; Gen. Elec. Co. Sch. B. S., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1912. Electn.. A. T. and T. Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 56th U. S. Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . .iddress, 318 Leavenworth St.. Manhattan, Kan.; bus. add., 5714 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. WILLIAM CHARLES BRENKE 1899. M. S. (See No. 936.) G81. GARLAND ARMOR BRICKER Professor; A. M., 1910; b. Mr 20, 1881, Etna, O.; s David A. and Christiana A. (Ru- dolph) Bricker (b do.) Prepared in Etna (O.) H. S.; O. Univ. B. Ped., Lima Coll., 1907; O. St. Univ., 190^-8 Phi Kappa Phi: Acacia. Asst., Agr. Educ. Dept. of Agr. Exten., Coll. of Agr., O. St. Univ., 1910; Asst. Prof., Agr. Educ, (Tolls, of Educ. and Agr., do.. 191 1 ; Prof., Agr. Teaching. Syracuse L'niv., 1916 — . Auth.: The Teaching of Agr in the H. S., Macmillan Co., 191 1; Agricultural Education for Teachers, Am. Book Co., 19 14; Solving the Country Church Problem, Metho- dist Book Concern. 1913; articles in various educational perodicals. Married Edith Mable McCelland, Je 12. 1909.^ McArthur, O. Ad- dress, 85S Sumner Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. ; bus. add., Syracuse Univ., do. •EDWIN CRESSY BRIGGS 1909. yt. E. (See No. 1827.) GS2. REED OSHEA BRIGHAM Med. Student; M. S., 1914; b. D 20, 188S. Toledo, O. ; s. Oshea Stowell (b. Ag 17, 1852, Erie, Mich.) and Caroline (Mulhallen) Bric- ham (b. Ap 6, 1852, do.). Prepared in Toledo (O.) Central H. S. B. S., O. St. Univ., 1912: Ph. D., l'niv. of Mich., 1916. Sigma Xi; Gamma Aloha. .Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Instr., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1916-17; do., Winona Coll., Summer Sch., 1916-17; :Med. Stud., 1917-18. Enlisted in Jled. Re- serve of \J. S. Army, 191 8. .\uth. : Steriliza- tion of Pop Corn lilich. Acad, of Sc., 1915: Assimilation of Organic Nitrogen by Higher Plants and the Effect of Bacillus Subtilis on Slich Assimilation. Soil Sc., Vol. 3, F 1917. Address. 141. 21st St.. Toledo. O. GS3. CHARLES FRANCIS BRISCOE Professor: A. M., 1905: Ph. D., 1912; b. N I. 1868, DePauw, Ind. ; s. Anthony Wayne (b. do.) and ^Margaret Jane (Sappenfield) Bris- coe (b. Bradford, Ind.). Prepared in Val- paraiso Norm. Sch. .\. B.. Ind. L'niv., 1899- Sigma Xi. Teacher, Sc. and Math., O. X'alley Norm. Sch. 1896-07: Prin.. H. S., Hoopeston. 1S09-1903; Instr.. Bot., L'niv. of 111., and Asst., Soil Bacteriol.. 111.. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1904-12; Prof.. Bacteriol., Exp. Sta., Miss. Agr. Coll., iqi2 — . .\uth. : Numerous reports in Bui. 0/ Miss. Agr. E.rp. Sta. Mem., 111. Acad, of Sciences; A. -A. A. S. : Am. Bacteriol. Soc; M. E. Church. Married ^layme Louden. Jl i, 1900, Moberly, Ind. Child. Jlarguerite. b. My I, 1901. Addre. adopted and published by the Med. Dept -of the U. S. Army. Married Dfssau Wanda Duncan, S 1910, Mt. Sterling, 111. Child, Thomas Duncan, b. Ap 1918 Ad- dress, 25 Jefferson Road, Princeton, N. J.; bus. add Department of Animal Pathology, Rockefeller Institute, do. JOHN BERNIS BROWN 1917- M. S. (See No. 6767.) G89. LOIS ADELINE BROWN r.ur"u ^,i.-^-= ^- ^■' '914; b. N 30, 1891, Ofhkosh, Wis.; d. George Mervin (b. N 30 1857, Dana. Mass.) and Addie J. Gordon (b' c^ if,' '859, Waterford, Pa.). Prepared in So. III. St. Norm. Univ. A. B., James Milli- ken Univ., 1912. Pi Beta Phi; Y. W. C A • Kappa Soc Teacher, Eng., Union Acad., An- na, 111., 1914-16; Prin., Griggsville H. S 1916— . Address, Carbondale, 111.; bus. add Griggsville, 111. PEMBROKE HOLCOMB BROWN 1917- A. M. (See No. 6769.) RALPH LEE BROWN 1881. M. L. (See No. 59.) G90. ROBERT WESLEY BROWN M. S., 1913; b. Ap 29, 1890, Conde, S. Dak.; TT o ^, P'"own. Prepared in John Marshall H. S., Chicago. B. S., N. W. Univ., 191 1; Univ. of Chicago Summer sessions, 1910-11 Teacher, H. S., Hinsdale, 1911-12. Address P. O. Eo.x E., Bartlesville, Okla.t WALTERS BURROWS BROWN 1905. M. S. (See No. 1019.) HOWARD GRAY BROWNSON 1909. Ph. D. (See No. 2595.) G91. DANIEL MILTON BRUMFIEL Instructor; A. M.. 1913; b. Ja 20, 1890, Fay- ette Co., Ind.; s. Daniel Brumfiel. Prepared in Connersville H. S.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch. A. B., Lombard Coll., 1912. Instr., An. Biol.. Univ. of la., Iowa City, la. Address, 118 N. Johnson St., Iowa City, la.t MARY VIOLA BRUNER (TEHON) 1916. A. M. (See No. 5562.) G92. ELIZABETH PARNHAM BRUSH A. M.. 1912; A. B. Smith Coll., 1909. Asst., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1910-18. Address, Boul- der, Colo. G93- JOHN MYRON BRYANT Professor; M. S., 191 1; b. Jl 10. 1877, East Templeton, Mass.; s. John Artemus (b. 1832, Rutland, Mass.) and Clara Swan (Hale) Bry- ant (b. D 1836, Hubbardston, Mass.). Prepared in Templeton H. S.; Gushing Acad., Mass. Sig- ma Xi; Eta Kap]ia Nu. B. S., Worcester Poly. Inst., 1 90 1. Witlh Gen. Elec. Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1901-3; with Oriental Powder Co., 75 2 University of Illinois Fairchance, Pa.; Instr. Elec. Engr. Univ. 111., 1903-7; Instr. Summer School for Artisans, Univ. of Wis., 1904; Instr. in Elec. Engr., Univ. of 111., 1903-7; Assoc, do., 1907-9; Asst. Prof, do., 1909; Head of Elec. Engng. Dept., Univ. of Tex., Austin, Tex. Auth. : Electricity in the Manufacture of Powder, Technograph, 1904; assisted in publication of V. H., Sweiison & Frankenfield, Testing of Electro-Magnetic- Machinery, 191 1, Mficmillan, (with H. G. Hake) Street Lighting Engng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 51, 1911. Member M. E. Church; Assoc, mem., A. I. E. E. ; Soc. for the Promotion of Engng. Educ. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of Tex.. Austin, Tex., 191S. Married Lucinda Jane Rice, Ag 18, 1904, VVallon Lake, Mich. Child, Kathryn Hale, b. My 24, 1906. Address, 610 W. Oregon, Urbana, 111. G94. WILLIAM THOREAU BRYANT Supt., Oil Refinery; M. S., 1917; b. N 17, 1888, Hillsboro, Tex.; s. Isaac H. (b. Moores- ville, Tenn.) and Sarah C. (Lowler) Bryant. Prepared in Hillsboro H. S. B. S., A. & M. Coll., Tex., 191 1 ; Ch. E., do., 1913. Supt., La. Oil Refining Corp., Shreveport, La. Auth.: Lab. Manual of Agr. Chem., Ginn & Co. Mar- ried Lillion Botte, Ag 7, 1914, Bryan, Tex. Address, Shreveport, La. JOHN LEE BUCHANAN 1909. E. E. (See No. 2038.) Gqs. WALTHER BUCHEN Advertiser; A. M., 1913; b. D 22, 18S6, Ther- esa, Wis.; s. William (b. Mr 23, 1856, Cincin- nati) and Augusta (.Walther) Buchen (b. S i, 1858, Theresa, Wis.). Prepared in Mayville (Wis.) H. S. E. A., Univ. of Wis., 191 1. Phi Gamma Delta. Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 191 1- 15; Advertising Agency work, Chicago, 1915 — . Mem., Union League Club, Chicago. Married Margaret Head, O 25, 1915. Madison, Wis. Children: Elizabeth Potter, b. N 8, 1916; Esther Reed, b. N 21, 1917. Address, iioi Pratt Blvd., Chicago; bus. add.. Garland Bldg., do. G96. ALONZO MORRIS BUCK Consulting Engr.; E. E., 1917; b. Ja 17, 1881, Washington, D. C. ; s. Alonzo Morris (b. Ja 24, 1826, Glen Falls, N. Y.) and Marion Pollard (Douglas) Buck (b. N i, 1837, Beth- esda, !Md.). Prepared in Eastern H. S.. Wash- ington, D. C. ; Clarkson Sch. of Tech.; M. E., Cornell, 1904. Sigma Delta; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Tau; Senators. Engr., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., 1904-05; 1906-07; Instr., Elec. Engng., Cornell, 1905-06; Asst. Prof., do., N. H. Coll., 190S-10; Prof., do., Clarkson Sch. of Tech., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., Ry. Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111.. 1911-17; Consulting Engr., with John A. Beeler, New York City. 1916 — . De- signed several larger elec. motors and genera- tors. Invented time recording devices for ve- hicles or railway cars, 191S. Auth.: T'he Elec. Ry., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1915; Numerous :i'ticles in Sibley Joiir. of Engng.; St. Ky. Jour.; Clarkson Bill.; Univ. of III. Engng. E.x-p. Sta. Bill.; The Technograph ; Elec. Ry. Jour.; Elec. RcTie7i>; Western Electn. Mem.. Soc. for Pro- motion of Engng. Educ; A. A. .\. -S.; Am. Inst, of Elec. Engrs. : A. I. E. E.; Am. Elec. Ry. Assn.; Com. on Educ. Married Ada Grace Ad- kins. .Ag 3, 1910, Lockport, N. Y. Children; Brederic Morris, b. My 6, igi2 (died F 13, 1014): Ada Elizabeth, b. S 6, 1913; Dorothy May, b. F 6, 19 16. Address, 5 West End Place, Elizabeth, N. J.; bus. add., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York City. HENRY BUELLESFIELD 1915. A. M. (See No. 2598.) JOHANNES PETRUS DU BUISSON 1914. M. S. (See No. 5639.) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BULLARD 1S9S. A. M. (See No. 305.) GEORGE WESLEY BULLARD 189S. A. M. (.See No. 306.) HELEN ELIZABETH BULLARD (BATES) igo?- A. M. (See No. 2339.) SAMUEL ALEXANDER BULLARD 1903. M. Arch. (See No. 166.) JESSIE JANE BULLOCK (KASTNER) 1906. A. M. (See No. 1313.) G97. DOROTHY ETTA BUNDY A. M., 19x8; b. S 15, 1893, Centralia, 111.; d. V/. F. Bundy; A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1915. Address, 620 E. Broadway, Centralia, 111. G98. HENRY ALFRED BURD Instructor; A. M., 1911; Ph. D., 1915; b. Jl 12, 1889, Armstrong, 111.; s. William Frazee (b. My 20, 1838, O.) and Mary Eliza (Bass) Burd (b. Mr 19, 1851, Vermillion Co., 111.). Prei.ared in Rossville H. S. B. S.. 111. Wes- leyan Univ., 1910. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Eta; Scholarship and Fellowship in Eng., Univ. of 111. Prof, and Head, Eng. Dept., Hiram Coll., O., 1912-14; Instr., Eng., Univ. of Wis., 1915-17; Asst. Sec, Wis. St. Council of De- fense, 1917; do.. Federal Food Adm. for Wis., 191 7 — . Ex. Sec, Wis. St. Council of Defense. Auth.: Joseph Ritson, A Critical Biography, I'niv. of 111., 1916; English Literature Courses in Small Colleges, Eng. Jour., Vol. 3; Nemesis in Julius Caesar, Educ, Vol. 34, No. 9; The Golden Age Idea in Eighteenth Century Poetry, Sewancc Review, Vol. 23, No. 2; Jos- eph Ritson and Some Eighteenth Century Crit- ics of Shakespere, Shakespere Studies, Madison, 1910; Eight Unpublished letters of Joseph Rit- son, Transactions of Wis. Acad., Vol. 19, Part I. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Wis. Acad, of Scs., Arts and Letters. Married Jennie E. Heckerson, D 25, 1912, Armstrong, III. Chil- dren: Jacqueline, b. S 6, 1913; Miriam, b. F 4, 1916; Sherman Kay, b. Ja 28, 1918. Ad- dress, II S. Warren St., Madison, Wis.; bus. add., St. Capitol, do. CHARLES BAKER BURDICK 1912. C. E. (See No. 862.) GARY CLIVE BURFORD 1905. A. M. (See No. 2040.) •CLAUDE EMANUEL BURGENER 19:1. A. M. (See No. 4098.) G99. PAUL STEERE BURGESS Chemist; M. S., ign; b. Mr 17, 1885, Provi- dence, R. I.; s. Gideon Albert (b. 1853, do.) and Emma A. (Steere) Burgess (b. 1857, Greenville, do.). Prepared in Berea Acad. B. S., R. I. St. Coll., 1910. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi. Scholar, Univ. of 111., igio-ii; Asst., P.acteriol., do., 1911-12; Instr., Soil Chem. and Bacteriol.. Univ. of Calif., 1912-13; Asst. Prof., Soil Chem. and Bacteriol., do., 1913-iS; Chief Chem. and Bacteriol., Exp. Sta.. Hawaiian Su- gar Planter's Assn., 191S — . Auth.: Soil Bac- teriol. Lab. Manual, Chem. Pub. Co., Easton, Pa.. 1914; many scientific articles on Soil Chem, and Bacteriol. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc Agron.: Nat. Geog. Soc; Soc. Am. Bacteriol.; Hawaiian Chem. Assn.; A. F. A. M.; R. A. M. Married Frances Bernice DoU' gan, Ap 30. 1914, Berkeley, Calif. Address, Box 411, Honolulu, T. H. Graduate Alumni 753 Gioo. CHARLES ELDRID BURKE Professor; Ph. D. in Sc, 1911; b. Jl 7, 1881; s. Joseph J. (b. Hartford, Ont.) and EInora (Van Loon) Burke (b. do.). Prepared in Br;intford, Ont., Collegiate Inst. A. B., 1907; A. M., 1909; McMaster Univ.. Toronto, Ont. SiRma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Lambda Up- silin; Fellowship, C'hem., Univ. of 111., 1909- 11; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Calif.; Asst. Prof., Chtm., Univ. of Vt. Am. Chem. Soc; 111. Ac-»d. Sci. Address, Univ. of Vermont, Bur- linjcton, Vt. Gioi. WILLIAM LEONIDAS BURLISON Professor; M. S., 1908; Ph. D., 1915; b. S 3, 1882. Prepared in Univ. of Okla. Prep. Sch. B. S.. Univ. of Okla., 1905. Alpha Zeta; Aca- cia; Graphomen. Asst., Agron., Okla. A. and M. Coll. and Exp. Sta., 1906-10; Assoc. Prof., Crop Production, Univ. of 111., 1912-15; Assoc. Chief, Agr. Exp. Sta., do., igi6-i8. Chief in Crop Production, do., 1918 — . Auth., Several Buls., Okla. and S. Dak. Exp. Stas.; (with W. I. Brockson) Sweet Clover Production, Univ. of 111. Coll. of Agr.; Numerous articles on Agr. Topics. Married Flossy Belle Lewis, Bartlesville, Okla. Children: Mil- dred Eloessa. b. S 10, 1910 (died Jl 6, 1912); Lewis Eugene, b. My 22, 1913; Ruth Helen, b. S 7. 1917. Address, 1407 S. Orchard St., Urbana. JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH BURNS (GLASGOW) igii. A. M. (See No. 3671-) RUTH MITCHELL BURNS (LORD) 1913. A. M. (See No. 4S79-) OPAL BURRES 1909. A. M. (See No. 3303.) •MILDRED ANNA BURRILL (STONE) 1908. A. M. (See No. 1833.) HENRY JACKSON BURT 1914. C. E. (See No. 937.) LAURENCE VREELAND BURTON 1914. M. S. (See No. 4583.) LOIS IRENE BURWASH 1907. A. M. (See No. 2602.) MILO BENEDICT BURWASH 1892. M. S. (See No. 1.) *FRANK LYMAN BUSEY 1898. M. E. (See No. 864.) JOHN KENYON BUSH 1903. A. M. (See No. 1317.) G102. MINNIE MAY BUSH Sec, Associated Charities; A. M., 1909; b. D 12, 1882, Knoxville, la.; d. Benjamin (b. Ja 24, 1S41, Coshocton, O.) and Fidelia (Dick- erson) Bush (b. S 22, 1850, Richland Co., O.). Prepared in Knoxville (la.) H. S. A. B., Cor- nell Coll., 1908. Teacher, 1909-12; Visitor, Social Work, 1912; Asst. Sec; Acting Gen. Sec, Associated Charities, Des Moines. Ad- dress, Knoxville, la.; bus. add., Des Moines. HELEN BUTTERFIELD (SCHOONHOVEN) 1894. M. L. (See No. 636.) EMMA BERTHA BUTZOW 1918. A. M. (See No. 6136.) EDWIN WALKER BUXTON 1916. C. E. (See No. 2926.) HENRIETTA ANNE CALHOUN 1903. A. M. (See No. 1472.) G103. EUGENE VERNON CAMP Consulting Engr.; M. S., 1909; b. N 26, 1886, Dalton, Ga.; s. John Franklin (b. Ja lo, 1861, Cleveland, Tenn.) and Lillie M. (Jack- son) Camp (b. O 17, 1870, Spring Place, Ga.). Prepared in Hargis H. S., Dalton, Ga. B. S., Ala. Poly. Inst., 1908. Engr., Dalton, Ga., 1910-11; do., Bamberg S. C, 1911-12; Chief Engr., H. S. Jaudon Engng. Co., Savannah, Ga., 1912-17; Consultine Engr., Atlanta, Ga., 1917—- Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E. Married Myra P. Hooten, Ap 12, 191 1, Bamberg, S. C. Children: May Drew, b. and died, S 30, 1912; John Hooten, b. Mr 6, 1914. Address, Box 421, Atlanta, Ga. GEORGE HENRY CAMPBELL 1900. M. L. (See No. 866.) •WALTER GILBERT CAMPBELL 1897. E. E. (See No. 939.) G104. WILLIAM HEMPHILL CAMPBELL (Brother of No. .t?i6) Teacher; A. M., 1910; b. O 4, 1871, Marissa, III.; s. Samuel Wylie (b. S 5, 1839, Eden, 111.) and Sarah Janet (Hemphill) Campbell (b. O 19, 1842, Marissa, 111.). Prepared in Marissa Acad., A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1894. Teacher, Marissa Schs., 1895-7; do., Acad., Minneapo- lis, 1897-1900; Prin., H. S., and Supt., Marissa Sch., 1901-9; Supt., Schs., Toledo. 111., 1910- 11; Prin., Tp. H. S., Equality, 111., 1911-14; Supt., Pub. Schs., West Frankfort, 111., 1014- 16; Teacher, Tp. H. S., Pana, 111., 1917; do.. Physics and Chem., Tp. H. S., Belleville, 111., 1917 — • Mem., Presby. Church. Married Mary Marshall, Ag 25. 1903, Marissa, 111. Address, 115 N. Church St., Belleville, 111. EDWARD IKE CANTINE 1892. C. E. (See No. 499.) EARL VANHISE CAPPS 1896. E. E. (See No. 867.) BERTON EUGENE CARMICHAEL 1913- M. S. (See No. 2344.) WILBUR JEROME CARMICHAEL 1916. M. S. (See No. 5574.) DAVID HOBART CARNAHAN 1908. A. M. (See No. 940.) HUBERT VINTON CARPENTER 1899. M. S. (See No. 1022.) MAURICE LEROY CARR 191 1. E. E. (See No. 2343.) G105. WILLIAM ERNEST CARROLL Professor; M. S., 191 1; Ph. D., 1914; b. N 8, 1882, Orderville, Ut.; s. Charles William (b. O 7, 1859, Provo, do.) and Susan Amelia (Snyder) Carroll (b. Ap 25, 1863, Salt Lake City). Prepared in Brigham Young Univ., Pro- vo, Ut. B. S., Ut. Agr. Coll., 1909. Delta Theta Sigma; Sigma Xi. Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 1909-11, 1913-14. Prof., An. Husb., Ut. Agr. Coll.; An. Husbandman, Ut. Agr. Exp. Sta. Auth.: Protein as Factor in the Nutrition of Animals; A Comparison of First. Second, and Third Crop Alfalfa Hay for Milk Pro- duction, Bui. 126, Ut. E.vp. Sta.; Report of the Richmond Lewiston Cow Testing Assn., Bui. 127; do. Buls. and Circulars on selection of Dairy Bulls and distribution of licensed stallions in Ut., etc.; numerous arts, in farm papers. Mem., Am. Soc. of An. Production; A. A. A. S. Married Lenore Ure, S i, 1915, Salt Lake City. Child, William Robert, b. Je 9, 1916. Address, Utah Agr. Coll., Logan, Ut. 754 UNivkusiTY OF Illinois G106. GEORGE ERNEST CARSCALLEN Instructor; A. M., 1910; b. Ag 29, 1881, Frankfort, Ind.; s. Robert Dier (b. Mr 6, 1836, Ivanhoe, Ont., Can.) and Mary Elizabeth (Trowbridge) Carscallen (b. N 16, 1848, Clin- ton Co., O.). Prepared in Frankfort (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1906. Teacher, JMath. and Phys., H. S., Fairniount. Ind., 1906-07; Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1907-13; Prof., Math., Hiram Coll., 1913-17; Instr.. East Tech. H. S., Cleveland, O., 191"— • Mem., United Brethren Church. Married Em- ma Dare Millsaps. Ag 20, 191 1, Urbana. Child, Ernest Glen, b. O 14. 191-2- Address, 11 108 Quincy Ave., Cleveland. G107. LUCY HAMILTON CARSON Teacher; A. M., 1899; b. F 18, 1869, Litch- field, III.; d. John Dorat (b. Ag 31, '827, Chester Co., Pa.) and Jane (Perry) Carson (b. My 23, 1833, Londonderry, Ireland). Pre- pared in Beardstown H. S. ; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Ph. B.. Univ. of Chicago, 1S98. Phi Beta Kappa; Eng. Club Fellowship. Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111.. 1901; Prof., do., Mont. St. Norm. Coll., 1902 — . Auth. : Women as Professional Teachers, Mont. St. Norm. Coll., 1902; English in the School, do.; Minimum Requirements in English in the Elementary School, Intcrinonntain Educator, 1916; Ed., series of pamphlets. Mem., Y. W. C. A.; Mod. Lang. Assn., 1900; N. E. A. Address, Dillon, Mont. CHARLES WILLARD CARTER 1894. M. S. (See No. 732.) G108. CLARENCE EDWIN CARTER Professor; Ph. D., 1908; b. F 6, 1881, Jacksonville, 111.; s. E. R. (b. 1856, Morgan Co., 111.) and Anna E. (Rogers) Carter (b. 1859, Mo.). Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jack- sonville. A. B., 111. Coll., 1905; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1906. Delta Upsilon; Tau Kappa Al pha. Fellow, Hist., Univ. of 111., 1906-08; Instr., Hist, and Pol. Sc, 111. Coll., Jack- sonville, 111.. 1908-09; Asst., Prof., do., 1909- 10; Prof., Hist., Miami Univ., Oxford, O., 1010-12: do.. O. St. Univ.. Summer, igi2- 14: do.. Columbia, Summer, 191 3; do.. Univ. of 111., Summer, 191 5. Ed., Articles in Trans- action 111. St. Hist. Lib.; Am. Hist. Rcznew; III. Hist. Collections; (with C. W. Alvord) Reprints of Club for Colonial Reprints. Auth.: Some Aspects of British Administration in West Florida. l\Iiss. I' alley Hist. Review, \'ol. I. 1 91 4. The Beginnings of British West Flo- rida, do.. Vol. 4, 1917; British Policy Toward '.he American Indians in the South. 1763-68. hna. Hist. Review, Vol. 33, 1918; Some Ohio Historians, O. Hist. Teachers' Jour., Vol. 21, 1916; Ohio Historiography Since the Civil War, do.. Vol. 22, 1918: Great Britain and the Illi noi's Country, 1763-74, Winsor Prize Essay, 1910. Mem., 111. St. Hist. Soc. ; Miss. Valley Hist. Soc; O. Vallev Hist. Soc; Am. Hist. Assn.; M. E. Church. Married I.illie Robert- son, S S, 1905, Jacksonville, 111. Children: Wilfred Samuel, b. My 25, 19 10; Harold Edwin, b. Ag 23, 1914- Address, Oxford, O. ; bus. add., Miami Univ., do. G109. OMAR CASWELL Supt., Schs.; A. M., 1914; b. F 6, 1868, Boonville, Ind.; s. Christoiiher C. (b. Jl 15, 1844, do.) and Serilda (Caldwell) Caswell (b Mr I, 1845, Decatur Co., Ind.). Prepared in LyiinvUle (Ind.) and Boonville (ilnd.) H Schs.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1894- A. B., Ind. Univ., 1807. Kapiia Delta Pi; Y. M. C. A. Prin., Schs., West Point, Ind., 1901-6; Supt., do., Farmland, Ind., 1906-11; do., Mascoutah, 111' 1911-13; S^ip't.. Sells., Hinckley, HI., 1914—- Married Ada Baker, Ag 15, i90i, Boonville, Ind. (died F 12, 1918). Child, Ralph Waldo, b. S 21, 1902. Address, Hinck- ley, 111. EDWARD MARION AUGUSTUS 1917- M. S. (See No. 6791.) Giio. WILLIAM HAROLD CHAMBERS CHANDLER Chemist; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ap 10, 1887, •Ocala, Fla. ; s. Henry Wilkins (b. S 22, 1852, Bath, Me.) and Annie Matilda (Onley) Chandler (b. N 28, 1861, New York). Pre- pared in A. & M. Coll., Tallahassee, Fla. A. B., Howard Univ., 1913; A. M., (Tlark Univ., 1914. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Alpha Phi Alpha. Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Chem., Dicks, David & Heller Co., Chicago Heights, 111., 191 7 — . Mem., A. C. S.; Baptist Church. Married Arstella Marie Chandler, S 2, 1 91 5, St. Joseph, Mich. Child, Edward Thornton, b. Jl 20, 1917. Address, 12070 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, 111.; bus. add., Dicks, David & Heller Co., do. Gin. LUAN CHANG Engineer; M. S., 1913; b. Ja 1887, Canton, China; s. Chon S. Chang. Prepared in Canton Sch., China. B. C. E., Tangshan Engng. Coll., 1911. Instr., Government Sch., Canton, China, 1906; .Stud. Engr., Canton-Hankow Ry., 1911; ifydraulic Engr., Pub. Works, Canton, China, 1911-12. Assoc. Mem., Chinese Inst, of Engrs., 1912. Address, 2006 Columbia Road, Wash- ington; bus. add.. Pub. Works, Canton, China. t VUN-DIN CHINZUN CHANG 1913. M. S. (See No. 5069.) G112. ERNEST EDWARD CHARLTON Chemist; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1918; b. D 17, 1890, Meriden, la.; s. Edward Robinson (b. F 10, 1857, Belfast, Ireland) and Sadie (Anderson) Charlton (b. S 25, 1859, Dunbar- ton. Wis.). Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. .A. B., Grinnell Coll., 1913. Gamma Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Asst. and Stud., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Research Fellow, Engng. Exp. Sta., and Stud., Chem., do., 1918; Chem., Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del., 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, 510 E. Chalmers St., Champaign; bus. add., c/o Du Pont Co.. Wilmington, Del. G113. MARGARET ISABEL CHASE (KING) A. M., 1910; b. D 8, 1889, Wady Petra, 111 d. Heber (b. F 2. 1849, Jubilee, 111.) and Emma J. (Brain) Chase (b. S 18, 1855, Peor ia). Prepared in Toulon Acad. A. B.. Kno.x Coll., 1909. Alpha Xi Delta. Scholarship Math., Univ. of 111.; Teacher, Margaret Coll. Versailles, Ky., 1910-11; do., Bethany Coll. Topeka, Kan., 1911-13. Married Merton E King, O 6, 1 9 14. Children: Eleanor M., b. Ag 22, 191 5; Elwood, b. Je 30, 1917. Address, Potwin, Kan. LAN SUNG CHEN 1917. A. M. (See No. 7438.) QUEH KING CHEN 1918. A. M. (See No. 8210.) . HOMER ELDON CHENOWETH 1915. A. M. (See No. 5587-) ANN CHESTER 1913. A. M. (See No. 2350.) JOHN NEEDLES CHESTER 1909. C. E. (See No. 639.) G114. JAMES ALBURN CHILES Professor; Ph. D., 1908; b. Mr 6, 1877, Franklin Co., Mo.; s. Alburn (b. 1853, do.) and Emma Laura (Drace) Chiles (b. 1857, Graduate Alumni 755 do.). Prepared in Central Coll. Acad., Fayette, Mo. A. B., Central Coll., 1895; A. M., Vander- bilt Univ., 1.898. Sigma Nu. Asst., Ger., Van- derbilt Univ., 1897-99; do.. French, 1898-99; Stud., Univ. of Leipzig, 1899; do., Univ. of Paris, 1900; Instr., Ger., Washington Univ., 1900-01; do., Univ. of 111., 1905-10; Prof., Mod. Lang.s., So. Univ., Greensboro, Ala., 1910-13; Instr., Ger., Univ. of Wis., 1913-14; Prof., Ger. and French, Wofford Coll., Spar- tanburg, S. C, 1914 — . Auth. : German Prose Composition, Ginn & Co., 1914. Married Marie Therese Duenckel, 1905, St. Louis. Child, James Alburn, Jr., b. 1909. Address, Wofford Coll., Spartanburg, S. C. JOSEPH FERDINAND CHINLUND 1914. E. E. (See No. 4108.) G115. JESSE ROY CHRISTIE Assistant; M. S., 1918; b. S 17, 1889, New- Boston, N. H.; s. Herbert Maurice (b. do.) and xwila Ethel (Pinkney) Christie (b. Clem ents West, Nova Scotia). Prepared in New Boston (N. H.) H. S. ; N. H. Coll., 1909-13. 1914-15. Sigma Alpha EpsLlon; Gamma Alpha. Asst., Zool. and Entomol., Md. St. Coll., 19 15- 16; Grad. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Asst., do., 1917-18. 7th Co., Central Mach. Gun, O. T. S., Camp Hancock, Ga., 1918; 2nd Lt., 7th Co., Mach. Gun; Mustered out, D 13, 1918. Address, R. 2, Manchester, N. H. CARL CHRISTOPHER 1911. M. S. (See No. 3682.) G116. PAU SIEN CHUNG Student; M. S., 1918; b. Ap 13, 1891, Can ton, China; s. Man Tse (b. Heung Shan, Kwongtung Province, China) and Chang Yuen Chung. Prepared in St. John Univ., Shanghai, China; Canton Christian Coll. B. S., la. St. C^oll., 1917. Hawkeye; Delta Sigma Rho; Philo- mathean. la. St. and Kan. St. Coll. debate; Kennedy cup Peace Oratorical contest. Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Address, 206 E. John St., Champaign. G117. FRANK LESLIE CLAPP Professor; A. M., 1912; b. Ag 21, 1877, Forest Hill, Ind.; s. Elias (b. N 7, 1838. Ind.) and Mary Ann (Amick) Clanp (b. O 3, i8.?(i, Ind.). Prepared in Oakland City (Ind.) H. S.; Central Coll., Huntington, Ind. B. S., Lin- coln Coll., 1911; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1914. Scholarship, Univ. of 111.; Fellow, Univ. of Wis., 1913-14. Asst. Prof., Educ, Univ. of Colo., 1914-17; Prof., Sch. Adm., do., 1918 — . Address, Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. ANGIE RAY CLARK 1907. A. M. (See No. 2051.) CHARLES RICHARD CLARK 1914. M. Arch. (See No. 11 14.) *CLIFTON WIRT CLARK 1915. A. M. (See No. 5593-) G118. DARWIN ORLANDO CLARK Instructor; A. M., 1909; b. Mr 23. 1871, Carthage, Mo.; s. M. H. (b. Ludlow, Vt.) and Mary (Stbwel) Clark (b. do.). Prepared in Carthage (Mo.) H. S. ; Grinnell Coll. A. B., Drury Coll., 1896. Prin., Denmark Acad.. Den- mark, la., 1895-7; Teacher, Latin, H. S., Hamburg, la., 1900-02; do., Carthage Colleg- iate Inst., 1902-08; do., Latin, H. S., Carthage, Mo., 1906-08; Fellow, Hist., Univ. of 111.. 1909-11; Instr., Hist, and Politics, 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Mem. Am. Hist. Assn. Mar- ried Gertrude Green, Je 1897, Carthage, Mo. Child, Marian, b. D i, 1910. Address, Jack- sonville, 111. G119. FRED EMERSON CLARK (Husband of No. 4850.), Professor; A. M.. 1913; Ph. D., 1916; b. Ag 26, 1890, Parma Tp., Jackson Co., Mich.; s. Guy K. (h. .Mbion, Mich.) and Ida A. Leon- ard) Clark (b. Lindon, do.). Prepared in Al- bion (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1912. Delta Tail Delta; Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Eta. Scholarship, Econ., 1912-13; Fellowship. 1913- 14, 1915-16. Instr., Econ., Univ. of Ariz., 1914-15; do.. Commerce and Industry, Univ. of Mich., 191C-17; Asst. Prof., Bus. Adm., head of dept., Del. Coll., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Mich., 1918 — . Auth.: The Purposes of the Indebtedness of Am. Cities, 1880-1912. Municipal Research, N. Y., 1917. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Econ. Assn. Married Carry Cade Patton ('11), Ag 17, 1915, Urbana (Zhild, Frederick Eugene, b. Jl 21, 1917, Address, 528 Elm St., Ann Arbor, Mich.; bus. add., Univ. of Michigan, do. G120. HELEN CLARK Instructor; Ph. D., 1916; b. F 20, 1890, Cortland, N. Y. ; d. William Heermans (b. Ag 12, 1848, Lyons, N. Y.) and Helen (Street) Clark (b. O 28, 1859. Philadelphia). Prepared in H. S. Dept., St. Norm, and Tr. Sch., Cortland, N. Y. A. B., Vassar, 1913. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Scholar in Psych., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Fellow, do., 1914-16; Asst., and Instr., Psych., St. Summer Sch., Rutgers Coll., N. J., 1914-17; Instr., Psych., Vassar, 1916 — •. Auth.: Visual Imagery and Atten- tion — -. An Analytical Study, Am. Jour, of Psych., 1916; The Crowd, Psych. Monograph, No. 2, 1916; Cooperating Compiler, The Psych. Inde.x. Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Psych. Assn. Address, 31 Prospect St., Cort- land, N. Y. G121. KARL ADOLPH CLARK Geologist; Ph. D., 1916; b. O 20. 1888, Ont., Can.; s. Malcolm S. Clark. Prepared in Har- bord St. Collegiate, Toronto, Can.; A. B., Mc- Masters Univ., 1910; M. A., do., 1912. Geol. .Sur. Dept., Ottawa, Can. Address, c/o Dr. Reincke, Geol. Sur. Dept., Ottawa, Can.f »MARY EDITH CLARK 1906. A. M. (See No. 1207.) G122. SAMUEL CHAPIN CLARK Chemist; A. M., 1909; b. Jersey City, N. J. Prepared in Bedford (la.) H. S. ; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. S. B., Univ. of Chicago. Teacher, Pub. Schs. ; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1902-05; Instr., do., 1905-09; Asst., Respiration Calorimeter Lab., Office of Home Econ., Sts. Relations Service, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1909 — . 2nd Lt., Food Div., Chem. Warfare Section, U. S. N. A., 1917; 1st Lt., do., 1917; Mustered out, F 1919. Address, Box 102, R. 2, New York Ave. Sta., Washing- Ion. D. C. ; bus. add.. Office Home Econ., Dept. of Agr., do. WILLIAM ARTHUR CLARK 1907. A. M. (See No. 2353.) G123. JEAN PAUL CLAYTON Engineer; id. E., 191 1; b. O 3, 1888, Ster- ling, 111.; s. Gilbert Oliver (b. S 4, 1861, Free- port, 111.) and Mary Adeline (Robinson) Clay- ton (b. Je 10, 1867, Willoughby, O.).' Pre- pared in Boys' II. S., New Orleans, B. E., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, 1909. New Or- leans Agt.. F. E. Wallace & Co., 203 Broad- way, New York City, 1907-09. Research Fellow, Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Asst., M. E., do., 191 1; Cml. Engr., Union Gas & Elec. Co., Cin- cinnati. 1912; Mgr., Cml. Dent., Cent. 111. Pub. Service Co., Mattoon, 111. 1912; Cml. Mgr., Middle West Utilities Co., Chicago, 191 7; \. P., Mich. Gas & Elec. Co., Three Rivers, Mich., 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Sigma Xi. Address, 5425 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. 7S6 University of Illinois MORTIMER BURNHAM CLEVELAND 1915. M. Arch. (See No. 3323.) GEORGE PERKINS CLINTON 1894. M. S. (See No. 599.) G124. FRANK WARREN CLIPPINGER Teacher; A. M., 1917; b. Ap 17, 1895, War- rensburg. Mo.; s. Edward W. Clippinger. Pre- fared in Champaign H. S.; Shortridge H. S., ndianapolis. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1916. Teacher, Eng., H. S., Champaign, 1918 — . Address, 30 Central Ave.. Dayton, O.; biu. add., 804 W. Park St., Champaign.! Gi2S. HENRY LIVINGSTON COAR (Brother of No. 1647) Professor; Ph. D., 1903; b. Je 16, 1862, Eng.; s. Firman Wood (b. D 2, 1825, Phila- delphia) and Lucinda Elizabeth (Blake) Coar (b. N 4, 1842, Boston). Prepared in Gymnas- ium, Cologne, Ger. A. B., Harvard, i8c)3; A. M., do., 1894. Instr., Math., Univ. of I'll., 1898-1906; Prof., Math., Marietta Acad., Mar- ietta, O. Married D 29, 18S7, Ednor, Md. Children: Marjorie Bell, b. Ja 4, 1889; Helen Ruth, b. N 6, 1891; Henry Osgood, b. Ja 20, 1896. Address. Marietta, O. G126. MARGARET VARA COBB Psychologist; A. M., 1913; b. My 16, 1884, Easthampton, Mass.; d. Nathan Augustus (b. Je 30, i8s9, Spencer, do.) and Alice Vara (Proctor) Cobb (b. Ap 22, 1854, do.). Pre- pared in Eng. H. S., Worcester, Mass.; Schs. in Sydney, N. S. W. ; Oahn Coll., Honolulu. A. B., Radcliffe Coll., 191 o. Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Fellowship, ZooL, Univ. of HI., 1912-13; Fellowship, Univ. of Mich., Biol. Lab., summer 1913; do., Woods Hole Marine Biol. Lab., summer 1914; Univ. of Chicago, Sch. of Educ, summer 1915; Psych., Lab. of Social Hygiene, Bedford Hills, N. Y., 1916-17; do.. Division of Psych, of the Office of the Surgeon General, War Dept., 1918 — . Auth. : (with Dr. N. A. Cobb) Nema- todes of Douglas Lake and Vicinity, Joitr. Am. Micros. Soc, Ja, 1915; White Oaks of No. Am., Proceedings Am. Phil. Soc._ 191 5; Note on Occurrence of Twins, Sc, 191 5; Inheritance of Arithmetical Abilities, Jour. Ed. Psych., 1917- Mem., Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae, 1910-18; N. E. A., 1916-17; Nat. Soc. for the Study of Educ, 1918 — . Address, Falls Church, Va. ; bus. add., Div. of Psychol., Office of Surgeon General, War Dept., Washington, D. C. ARCHIBALD OSBORN CODDINGTON 1884. M. L. (See No. 262.) HARRY CLAY COFFEEN 1899. M. S. (See No. 1116.) WALTER COSTELLA COFFEY 1909. M. S. (See No. 2617.) BYRON KEMP COGHLAN 1916. C. E. (See No. 3325.) 6t27. ARTHUR SAMUEL COLBY Associate; M. S., 1915; b. Jl 4, 1887, Til- ton, N. H.; s. Alfred Hazelton (b. Ja i8, i860, do.) and Edna Louise (Tucker) Colby (b. Ag 5, 1862, Hill, N. H.). Prepared in Tilton (N. H.) Sem. B. S., N. H. Coll., 191 1. Gamma Theta; Agr. Club; Pres., Y. M. C A.; Mgr., Basketball; Fruit-judging team; Ivy Day Ora- tor. Instr., Agr. and Man. Tr., Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H., 1911-13; Asst., Pomol., Univ. of HI., 1913-15; Instr., do., 1915-18; Assoc, do., 1918 — . Ed., Dept. of Fruit Diseas- es in Green's Am. Fruitgrozver, 19 18 — . Mem., Phi Delta Kappa; A. A. A. S.; Soc. for Hort. Sc, 1917—- Married Marion Bullard, Ag i8, 191 S, Framingham, Mass. Child, Mary Edna, b. Ag 14, 1916. Address, 1308 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. G128. MARY ELIZABETH COLCORD (Sister of No. 6806) Teacher; A. M., 1916; b. F 4, 1888, Green- ville, 111.; d. George Ami (b. Ap 16, 1850, Temple, Me.) and Julia Longley (Maynard) Colcord (b. Je 6, 1855, /South Deerfield, Mass.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. A. B., Greenville, Coll, 1910. Teacher, Latin and Math., Spring Arbor Sem., Spring Arbor, Mich., 1910-12; do., H. S., Greenville, 111., 1912-15; Teacher, Latin, Forest Park Coll., St. Louis, 1916-17; do.. Math., Alvin, 111., 1917 — • Address, 500 N. Spruce St., Green- ville, 111. G129. CHARLES NELSON COLE (Husband of No. 922) Dean of Coll.; A. M., 1897; b. Mr 3, 1871, Bunker Hill; s. Luther Elliott and Sarah Catherine (Stout) Cole. Prepared in Wesleyan Univ. Prep. School A. B., Wesleyan Univ.; Ph. D., Harvard, 1901. Instr., Latin. Cornell, 1899-1902; Prof., Latin, Oberlin Coll., 1902; Dean of Coll. of Arts and Sciences and Prof., Classics, do., 1911 — . Member Am. Phil. Assn.; Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Married Mabel Stewart ('96), Ag 29, 1899, Chicago. Child, Kenneth Stewart, b. Jl 10, 1900. Address, 45 King St., Oberlin, O.t MARY MAUDE COLE (SCOTT) 1897. A. M. (See No. 943.) G130. GILBART HOOPER COLLINGS Professor; M. S., 1917; b. Ja 13, 1895, Crewe, Va.; s. T. J. Collings. B. S., Va. Poly. Inst., 1915. Asst. Prof., Agron., Clemson Agr. Coll., S. C. ; Asst. Agron., S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., Clemson Coll., S. C. Address, c/o Clemson College, S. C. EDGAR FRANCIS COLLINS 1913. E. E. (See No. 1117.) G131. VIDA LUCILE COLLINS Instructor; A. M., 1910; b. My 13, 1886, Bear Lake, Mich.; d. John (b. 1852, Milwau- kee, Wis.) and Martha Emmeline (Hopkins) Collins (b. Ap 4, 1853, W. Va.). Prepared in Bear Lake Schs.; Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Mich. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1907. Gamma Phi Beta; Omega Phi. Prin., H. S., East Jordan, Mich., 1907-08; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1908-13; Student, Columbia Univ., summer 1916-17; Instr., Eng., Mich. St. Norm. Coll., 1913 — •. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, Bear Lake, Mich.; bits, add., 316 W. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. G132. 'ESTHER MARGARET COLVIN A. M., iqis; b. Mr 24, 1894, Albion, Mich.; d. Carrie M. Colvin. Prepared in Pontiac H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1914. Died Mr 25, 1916. ARTHUR FRANCIS COMSTOCK 1913. C. E. (See No. 2620.) G133. JESSE LeROY CONEL Instructor; A. M., 1913; Ph. D., 1916; b. Ja 31, 1883, Mt. Auburn, 111.; s. William Rockwell (b. Ag 2, 1856. Taylorville, III.) and Estelle (Murphy) Conel (b. Ja 8, 1858, Sandford, Ind.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. A. B., James Millikin Univ., 1912. Tau Kappa EpsUon: Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi. Millikin Scholarship, Univ. of III., 1912-13; Fellowship, do., 1913-14; Teaching Asst., Dept. of Zool., do., 1914-16; Instr., Graduate Alumni 757 Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., igi6— . Auth.: (with F. W. Car- penter) Study of Ganglion Cells in the Sympa- thetic Nervous System, Jour, of Comp. Neurol- ogy, Vol. 24, 1914; The Urogenital System of Myxinoids, Joitr. of Morph., Vol. 29, 1917. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Assn. of Anatomists. Married Helen Mary Boughton, O 18, 1917, New York City. Address, 418 W. 118 St., New York City; bus. add., Dept. of Anatomy, Univ., and Beiievue Hosp. Med. Coll. ELLA CONNET (BABE) 1894. M. L. (See No. 535.) EDWARD CHAPMAN CONVERSE 1909. A. M. (See No. 2058.) WILLIAM ADELBERT COOK 1911. A. M. (See No. 1650.) DELMAR GROSS COOKE 1915. A. M. 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 5082.) G134. VERNA LUCILE COOLEY Teacher; A. M., 191 7; b. D 13, 1891, Toulon, 111.; d. Jonathan and Anna Cooley. Prepared in Toulon H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., 1913. Teacher, H. S., Toledo, la. Address, Toulon, 111.; bus. add., H. S., Toledo, la. Gi3S. ARTHUR REUBEN COOPER Instructor; Ph. D., 1917; b. O 30. 1888, Ontario, Can.; s. Reuben (b. Ja i, 1849, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Lamiour) Cooper (b. O 14, 1856, do.). Prepared in Iroquois (Ont., Can.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Toronto, 1910; A. M., do., 191 1. Asst., Zool., Univ. Toronto, 1910-12; Fellow, do., 191J-15; do., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Hon. Fellow, Zool., 1916-17; Instr., Zool., Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111., 19 17—. Asst. and Research Work, at Lake Biol. Sta., Georgian Bay, Go-Home Bay, Ont., 1909-n; Marine Biol. Sta., St. Andrews, New Bruns- wick, 1913-14; Marine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole, Mass.; Harpswell Lab., South Harpswell, Me., 1916; Douglas Lake, Mich., Biol. Sta.. 191 7. Auth. : On Systematic Position of Haplo- bothrium globuliforme. Trans. Royal Soc., Can., Vol. 8, 1 9 14; A New Cestode from Amia calva L., Trans. Royal Can. Inst.. 1914; Contributions to the Life History of Proteo- cephalus ambloplitis; A Parasite of the Black Bass; Contrib. to Can. Bio!., 47th Rep. Dept. Fisheries, Ottawa, Can.; Trematodes from Marine and Fresh-Water Fishes, including one Species of Ectoparasitic Turbellarian, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Vol. 9, 1915; (with T. T. Job) Notes on Porocephalus globicephalus. Jour. Parasitol, Vol. 3, 1917; A Slorphological Study of Bothriocephalid Cestodes from Fishes, do., Vol. 4, 1917. Mem., Sigma Xi; Am. Microscop- ical Soc. Address, 2146 W. Adams St., Chi- cago. BEATRICE VIRGINIA COPLEY 1917. A. M. (See No. 6812.) G136. DAVID WILLIAM CORNELIUS Professor; Ph. D., 1912; b. Ap 28, 1883, Linton, Ind. ; s. William Fletcher (b. Jl 30, 1844, Louisville, Ky.) and Alice Victoria (Os- born) Cornelius (b. O 4, 1852, Linton. Ind.). Prepared in Linton (Ind.) H. S. A. B., De Pauw Univ., 1906. Phi Gamma Delta. Fellow- ship, Phys., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; grad. work, Univ. of Calif., 1908-10; Prof., Phys. and Engng.. Ottawa Univ., 1912-13; Acting Asst. Prof., Phys. and Astronomy. Univ. of Kan., 1913-iS; Research, Univ. of Wis., summer, 191s; Instr., Phys., Univ. of Mo., 1915-17; Prof., Phys.. Alma Coll., 1917— . Auth.: Ab- stractor for Am. Chem. Abstracts; The Velocity of Electrons in the Photo-Electric Effect as a Function of the Wave-Length of the Light, Phys. Review, Ja, 1913; (with J. G. Kemp) A High Resistance as a Substitute for a Bronson Resistance, do. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; A. F. A. M. Married Orrelle Fidlar, Ag 17, 1912, Terre Haute, Ind. Address, Alma, Mich. G137. HARRY PEACH CORSON Chemist; Ph. D., 1915; b. S 30, 1887, La- conia, N. IL; s. Frank Herbert (b. Salisbury, N. H.) and Arabella (Peach) CorsOn (b. New- bury, Vt.). Prepared in Laconia (N. H.) H. S. B. S., N. H. Coll., 1910. Sigma Xi. Asst. to Ciiy Engr., Laconia, N. H., 1910; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; Chem. and Bacteriol., 111. St. Water Sur., 1914-is; Chem., U. S. Pub. Health Service, 1915-17; Research Chem., The Celluloid Co., Newark, N. J., 1917; Chem., Avery Chem. Co., Worchester, Mass. Auth.: (with C. L. Parsons) The Solubility of Barium Hydroxide and Barium Nitrate in the Presence of each other, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 32, 1910; (with E. Bartow) The Analysis of Chemicals Used in Water Purification, Pro- ceedings III. Water Supply Assn., 191 1; Man- ganese in Water Supplies, Bid. Univ. of III. St. Water Sur. Series, No. 13. Married Anna Colbath Batchelder, Je 23, 1913, Exeter, N. H. Child, Dorothy Louise, b. My 26, 1916. Ad- dress, 188 Custer Ave., Newark, N. J.; bus. add.. The Celluloid Co., do. G138. WILLIAM WALTER CORT (Husband of No. 4674) Prof, and Biolog. Dir.; A. M., 191 1; Ph. D., 1914; b. Ap 28, 1887. Leon, la.; s. William Carson (b. F 24, 1850, Monongehela, Pa.) and Mary (Smalley) Cort, (b. F 7, 185 1, Munsey, Pa.). Prepared in Colorado Springs (Colo.) H. S. A. B., Colo. Coll., igog. Phi Delta The- ta; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Zool., Colo. Coll., 1912-13; Prof., Biol., Macalester Coll., St. Paul, 1914-16; Asst. Prof., Zool.. Univ. of Calif., 1916 — ; Acting Dir., Biolog. Div. of Calif. St. Bd. of Health, 1917; Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health, Johns Hopkins Univ., Bal- timore, Md. Auth.: Articles in Trans. Am. Mic. Soc; Biol. Monographs ; Jour, of Parasit.; Special Bui. No. 27, Calif. St. Bd. of Health. Mem., Am. Microscopical Soc; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc of Zool.; West. Soc. of Naturalists. Married Nellie Magruder Gleason ('11), Je iS, 1913, Champaign. Children: Helen Louise, b. Ap 8, 1916; Margaret Jean, b. O 20, 1917. Address, c/o Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, G139. JAMES AUSTIN COSS Professor; M. S., 1910; b. N 7, 1872, Arrow- smith, 111.; s. Leander (b. D 12, 1842. Chilli- cothe, O.) and Sarepta (Arrowsmith) Coss (b. Ag 15, 1844, Arrowsmith, III.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Prep. Sch. B. S., 111. Wes- leyan, 1903; Attended Univ. of Chicago, sum- mer, 1906-08. Prof., Chem., Upper la. Univ., 1905-08; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Fellow, Clark L'niv., igio-ii; Prof., Chem., Morningside Coll., 1911— . Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S. Married Cora May Jones, S 6, 191 1, Chicago. Address, 2058 Nicolette Ave., Sioux City, la. G140. LOIS MIRIAM COULTAS Instructor; A. M., 1914; b. Ja 17, 1892, Winchester, 111.; d. Irwin Frost (b. O 27, 1855) and Eliza (Townsend) Coultas (b. S 18, i860, Eng. ). Prepared in Winchester H. S. A. B.. 111. Woman's Coll., 1913. Belles Lettres Soc; Y. W. C. A. Instr., Ger., HI. Woman's Coll., 1914-18; do., H. S., Winchester, 111., 1918 — . .4ddrcss, Winchester, 111. G141. SIDNEY HAYES COX Teacher; A. M., 1913; b. Ag 25, 1889, Lew- iston. Me.; s. Rev. Arthur Elmes (b. 1859, Eng.) and Elizabeth Anna (Hayes) Cox (b. 186:, Olneyville, R. I.). Prepared in Poland (N.. Y.) H. S. A. B., Bates CoU., 191 1- 7SS University of Illinois Teacher, Eng., H. S., Schenectady, N. Y., 191316. Commissioned in infantry, Piatts- burg, My 8, 1917; A. S. S. C, Recruit Div., Information Officer, Kelley Field, South San Antonio, Tex.; 337 Aero Sfiuadron, Sta. lios- combe Down, Amcsbury, Wilts, Eng.; Mustered out, Ja 6, ^917. Auth.: The Sincerity of Robert Frost, Nc7i' Republic. 19 iS; A Flea for a More Direct Method in Teaching Eng., Etig. Jour., Je, iqis. Mem., Econ. Club, Schenectady, N. Y. ; Eng. Club, Columbia. Married Alice Mary Ray, .Ag 25, 10 17, \\'averly, Mass. Address, New Hampton, N. H. ; bus. add., 420 W. 119th St., New York City. G142. JAMES PERRY COYLE Teacher; A. M.,^ 1914; b. O 20, 1888, Logans- port, Ind.; s. Ihia. B. S., Univ. of Pa., 1906. Instr., Chem., Medico-Chirurgical Coll., Phila- delphia, 1906-07; Instr., Villa Nova Coll., Villa Nova, Pa., 1907-08; Assoc. Prof., do., 1908-09; Prof., do., 1909-10; Works Chem., Barrett Mfg. Co., 1910-12; Chief Chem., Modoc. Co. Inc., 1912-14; Assoc. Prof., Chem., Okla. Agr. Coll., 1914-15; Asst. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915- 18; Asst. Prof., Chem., Ore. Agr. Coll., 191 S—. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mary Hannah Broadbelt, N 26, 1906, Wilmington, Del. Children: John Frederick Gross, Jr., b. Mr. 28, 1908; Slary Margaret, b. Ja 5, 1911. Ad- dress, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. G315. GEORGE MARSH HIGGINS Research Stud.; A. M., 1916; b. D 19, 1890, Elk Grove, 111.; s. William E. (b. Ap 17. 1836, Washington, Mass.) and Katherine M. (Cooley) Higgins (b. Jl 30, 1849, Elk Grove, 111.). Pre- pared in Maine Tp. H. S., Des Plaines. B. S., Knox Coll., 1914. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Eta. 2nd Lt., Inf.; ist Lt., do.. Camp Dodge; do., Camp Pike, Ark.; Mustered out, D 16, 1918. Address, 203 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana. EUGENE STUART HIGHT 1911. M. S. 1917. E. E. (See No. 4207.) G316. RUTH HIGLEY Ph. D., 1917; b. Je 16, 1885, Syracuse, N. Y.; d. D. T. Higley. Prepared in Muscatine Cla.) H. S. A. B., Grinnell Coll., 1909. Instr., Biol., Blackburn Coll., 1909-12; Instr.. Bot. and Zool., Grinnell Coll., 1912-15. Auth.: IMorphology- and Biology of Some Turbellaria from the Mississippi Basin. Address, Grand- view, la.; bus. add., Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. G317. ALVA JAY HILL Lawyer; A. M., 1909; b. My 10, 1880, Desh- ler, O.; s. Rufus (b. 1850, Wood Co., O.) and Laura (McClain) Hill. Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S. A. B., O. St. Univ., 1906; LL. B., O. No. Univ., 1912. Acacia. Instr., Math., Uiniv Acad., 1907-09; Teacher, Cml. Law, Phil- ippine Sch. of Commerce; Supvr., Schs., do., 1909-10; Chief Deputy Sheriff, Manila, P. I., 1910-11; Asst., Econ., 1911-12; i^dmitted to Bar in O., 1912; do., P. I., 1912; Asst. Atty., Bur. of Justice, P. I.; Consul, Philippine Nat. Bank, I9I2-17- Pvt., 6th O. Volunteer Inf., Cuba; Philippine Nat. Guard O. T. C, Manila; Fed- eral Service, 1918. Mem., A. F. A. M.; O. E. S. Married Jessie F. Harrison, My 30, 1907, Covington, Ind. Child, Josephine Rosalie, b. 11 4, 1912. Address, American Y. M. C. A , Manila, P. I. CHARLES FRANCIS HILL 1916. A. M. (See No. 6303.) G318. WILLIAM GRIFFITH HILL Instructor; A. M., 1913; b. O 12, 1891, Car- thage, 111.; s. W. K. Hill. A. B., Carthage Coll., 1912. Instr., Fine Arts, Drake Univ. Address, 3310 University Ave., Des Moines; bus. add., Drake Univ., do. FRANK WILLIAM HILLMAN 1909. C. E. (See No. 2420.) G3I9. WILLIAM CHARLES HILMER Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. My 11, 1871, Reinbeck, la.; s. Frederick E. (b. 1827, Ger.) and Aletta S. (Werner) Hilmer (b. 1829, do.). Prepared in Gladbrook (la.) H. S.; Charles City Coll. A. B., Ger. Wallace Coll., 1899; A. M., do., 1903. Teacher, Ger. and French, Upper la. Univ., 1900-06; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1906-08; Instr., do., Oberlin Coll., 1908- 10; do., O. Wesleyan Univ., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., do.. 1911-14; V. P. and Prof., Ger. Lit., Morningside Coll., 1914 — . Auth.: The Rime in Schiller's Poems, Jennings & Graham, 1911. Mem., M. E. Church; Mod. Lang. Assn. Mar- ried Emma E. Schmidt, 1S94, Charles City, la. Child, Katherine Melva, b. F 26, 1905. Ad- dress, 1504 Morningside Ave., Sioux City, la.; bus. add., Morningside Coll., do. G320. MILFORD EVERETT HINDS Chemist; M. S., 1914; b. O 19, 1888, Ells worth. Wis.; s. Nathaniel R. (b. Belfast, Ire land) and Emma A. (Johnson) Hinds (b. Pres cott. Wis.). Prepared in Amboy H. S.; Mt, Morris Acad.; Mt. Morris Coll., 1907-09. B S., N. W. Univ., 1912. Chief Chem., Tenn Food and Drug Lab., Nashville, Tenn. Mem.. M. E. Church. Address, Tenn. Food and Drug Lab., Nashville, Tenn. G321. EDWIN FREDERICK HIRSCH Physician; A. M., 191 1; b. Ag 18, 1886, ^Milwaukee; s. John Fred (b. Ja 25, 1851, Hazel Green, Wis.) and Maria Louise (Wei- land) Hirsch (b. Ag 14, 1852, Allegheny, Pa.). Prepared in Charles City Coll.; Wis. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1907-08. A. B., N. W. Univ., 1910; Ph. D., JTniv. of Chicago, 1014; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1915. Gamma Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi. Instr., Pathol., Univ. of Chicago, 1913-18; Interne, Presby. hosp., Chicago, 1916-17; Coroner's Physician, Chicago, 1917. ist Lt., M. R. C. 1917; Capt., do.. Camp Grant, 111. Address, Wauwatosa, Wis. G322. JONAS EWING KITE Farmer; M. S.. 1909; b. Je 19, 1883, Lan- caster, O.; s. R. P. (b. Ja 19, 1856, do.) and Martha .\. (Ewing) Hite (b. O 31, 1862, do.). Prepared in Gallatin Tr. Sch. B. S. A., Univ. of Tenn., 1904. Acacia; Sigma Xi. Dir., Dept. of Agr. Exten.. Ga. St. Coll. of Agr., o-it: Farmer, Sylvester. Ga., 19' i — • Mar- ried Stella M. Brown, N 15, 1911, Gallatin, Tenn. .-Iddress, Sylvester, Ga. AXEL MAGNUS HJORT 1915. M. S. (See No. 6310.) PIENRY ELMER HOAGLAND 1910. A. M. (See No. 4212.) Graduate Alumni 777 ALBERT CLAUDE HOBART 1898. C. E. (See No. 1039.) CLYDE MONROE HOBART 1913- A. M. (See No. 5210.) ARTHUR CASSON HOBBLE ipu- E. E. (See No. 1524.) G323. HARRIET WELLS HOBLER A. M., 1917; b. Ag 14, 1862, Geneva, 111.; d. Charles B. (b. Ag S, 181 3, No. Adams, Mass.) and Phoebe Mariette (Pierce) Wells b. 1828). Prepared in Geneva H. S. A. B., Rockford Coll., 1882. Teacher, Latin and Greek, Rockford, 111., 1884-87; Grad. Stud, and Sorority Chaperon, Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Mem., Epis. Church; D. A. R.; (Geneva Woman's Club; Prcs.. Rockford Coll. Assn.; V. P.. Chicago Coll. Club. Married Edward G. Hobler, Ag 13, 1887, Batavia, 111. (died F 19, 1914). Children: Ilarry Wells, b. Ag 20, 1888 (died F 8, 1890); Atherton Wells, b. S 2, 1890. Address, Batavia, III. G324. MARGARETHE CAROLINE HOCH- DORFER Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. O 31, i886, Cam- bridge, Mass.; d. K. F. Richard (b. Magde- burg, Ger.) and Hettie Frye (Bearce) Hoch- dorfer (b. East Hebron, Me.). Prepared in Wittenberg Acad., Springfield, O. A. B., Wit- tenberg Coll., 1906. Instr. GtT. and French, Vincennes Univ., 1907-08. Fellow, Ger., Univ. of 111., 1908-og: Attended Marburg Univ., Ger., 1909-10. Teacher, Ger., Rogers Hall School, Lowell, Mass., 1910 — . Address, Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass. G32S. MONA PEARL HODNETT Jeacher; A. M., 1918; b. N 16, 1894, Dan- forth, Me.; d. Albert and Annie (Butterfield) Hodnett. Prepared in Danforth (Me.) H. S. A. B., Bates Coll., 1916. Scholarship, Classics, Univ. of 111. Teacher, Elmwood, 111., 1918 — . Address, Danforth, Me.; bus. add,, Elmwood, 111. G326. RUTH ELIZABETH HODsDON Clerk; A. M., 1915; d. Alexander Hamilton and Mary Louise (Wagner) Hodsdon. Pre- pared in Sterling Tp. H. S. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 191 3. Editorial Asst., 111. St. Hist. Lib., 1915-17: Asst. Ed., do., 1917-18; Clerk, U. S. Labor Bur., Chicago, 1918; Special Agt., do., 1 9 18 — . Address, 6507 Greenview Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 877 Federal BIdg., do. G327. HANS JACOB HOPP Ph. D., 1908; b. S 22, 1872, Sweden; s. H. M. and Sarah Hoff. Prepared in Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan. A. B., do., 1901. Address, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash.t PAUL ALEXANDER HOFFMAN 1910. M. S. (See No. 3779.) G328. WILLIAM SAMUEL HOFFMAN Missionary; A. M.. 1917; b. Ap 20, 1891, Industry, Kan.; s. Farmer (b. D 2, 1852, Toliet, 111.) and Rose Blackmer (Millington) Hoffman (b. Jl 29, 1859, Gilmore, 111.). Pre- pared in Greenville Coll. Prep. Sch A. B., Greenville Coll., 1916. Aretanism Lit. Soc; Coll. Missionary Soc; Bus. Mgr., Vista, 1913- 14; Mgr., Class Basketball; Treas., Class, 1914- 16; Y. M. C. A.; Stud. Volunteer Band. Sergt.. Co. E. 4th Regt.. 111. Nat. Guard, 1910- 13; Deputy 111. St. Health Insp.. 1916-17. Govt, service, Camp Grant, 1917: Prin., H. S., Lind, Wash., 1917-18. iluuc. Missionary to S. Africa, 1919 — . Ordained Minister in Free M. E. Church. Married Mildred Lucile Cady, Ag 2. 1916, North Chili, N. Y. Child, Jesse Everett, b. F 2, 1918. Address, Lind, Wash. 1917. ELMO PAUL HOHMAN A. M. (See No. 7618.) G329. ELMER ALLEN HOLBROOK Mining Engr.; E. M., 1916; b. Je 23, 1880, Fitchl)urg, Mass.; s. John P. (b. Ap 23, 1843, Swanzey, N. H.) and Martha (Allen) Hol- brook (b. F 23, 1847, West Boylston, Mass.). Prepared in Fitchburg (Mass.) H. S. S. B., Mass. Jnst. of Tech., 1904. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Theta Tau. Supt. of Mines, Mont., 1904-06; Supt., Mining Co., British Columbia, 1906-og; Professional Work in Mex. and Can., 1909^10; Prof., Mining and Metallurgy, Nova Scotia Tech. Coll., Halifax, 1910-13; Asst. Prof., Min. Engng., Univ. of HI., 1913-17; Prof., Mineral Preparation and Utilization, do., 1917; Supervising Mining Engr. and Metallur- gist, U. S. Bur. of Mines, Urbana, 1917 — . (on leave of absence) Chief Min. Engr., U. S. Bur. of Mines, Washington, D. C. Auth.: Modern Gold Milling in Nova Scotia, 191 1, Transactions Nova Scotia Mining Soc; Dry Preparation of Bituminous Coal at III. Mines, Engng. E.rp. Sta. Bui. 88, 1916; Utiliza- tion of Pyrite in Illinois Coal, Engng. Exp. Sta. Bui. s, 1 91 7; Use of Wood Fuel in Mine Power Plants, Engng. and Min. Jonr., 1914; The Wendell Coal Drier, Coal Age, 1914; Layout of Mine Tipnle Tracks, Coal Age, 1915; Output of Gold, N. Y. Annalist, 1913; other articles. Mem., Nova Scotia Mining Soc; A. I. M. E. ; •Soc. Promotion of Engng. Educ. Married Sara .\gnes Kirby. 1905, Fitchburg, Mass. (died T007); Edith Laura Brookfield, 1912, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Children: Katharine, b. 1907; John Brookfield, b. 1013; Dorothy Mary, b. 19:5. Address. 9is_ W. Green St., Urbana; bus. add., 312 Ceramics Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. CHARLES ELMER HOLLEY 1913. A. M. 1915. Ph. D. (See No. 5213-) VERNON LEO HOLLISTER 191 1. E. E. (See No. 3032.) G330. EMMA HOLMER (LITTLE) (Wife of No. 4780) Teacher; A. M., 1911; b. Je 9, 1887, Alexis, 111.; d. Nels A. (b. 1862, Sweden) and Minnif (Bengston) Holmer (b. 1862. Alexis, 111.) Prepared in Knox Acad. A. B., Knox Coll.. 1908. Teacher, H. S., Alexis, 111., 1908-og; do., Waupun, Wis., 1900-10; Stud., Univ. of 111., igio-ii; Teacher, H. S., Quincy, 111., ign-i8. Married Le Roy Lewis Little ('11), Ap 1918, New York City. Address, Alexis, 111.; bus. add., Quincy, 111. G331. ALFRED WILLL\M HOMBERGER Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. My 18, 1886, Prairie du Sac, Wis.; s, Robert (b. Sauk City, do.) and Anna T. (Schoenberg) Homberger (b. Roxbury, do.). Prepared in Sauk City (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., igos. Alpha Tau Omega; C^amma Alpha; Phi Lambda Up- filon; Sigma Xi, Honors in Chem., Univ. of Wis., 1905; Fellow, Univ. of 111., igo7-o8, igog-io; Univ. of Gottengen. 1908-og; Instr., Chem., Rose Poly. Inst., 1905-07; do.. 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111., loio-ii; do.. 111. Wesleyan L^niv., 1911-18; Prof.. Chem., Univ. of Louis- ville, 1Q18 — . Govt. Food Work, 1918. Auth.: (with Victor Lenker) Quantitative Estimation of Tellurium, Jour. A. C. S.; (with W. A. Noyes) Molecular Rearraneements in the Cam- phor Series, do.; (with J, C. Mauch) Quantita- tive Estimation of Morphine in the various organs when injected into cats and rabbits, do.; ("with C. S. Marvel) Rate of Turbidity in Beverages containing Maltose, Glucose or Malt- ose and Glucose, do. Mem., A. C. S. Married Iva Lucile Ward, 191 5. Bloomington, 111. Ad- dress, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 778 University of Tlijnois FREDEIUC \V J LI. I AM IIONENS 17. C. K. (See No. 956.) t'llARl.KS FREDERICK ITOTTES 1805. M. S. (Sec No. 814.) Gi32. CKKTKUDE MELLEN TlOOl'ER Assistanl; A. M., 191 S; b. D 8, i8g2, Wcsl Somcrvillc, Mass.; d. William S. Hooper. A. B., Jackson Coll., lOiS- Teacher, II. S., West Tisburry, Mass., n;i5-i6; tirad. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., icjiO— . Address. 606 E. Stougb- ton St., Champaign; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. C.333. ADA VJOl.A HOOVER (ALKKICirr) a". M., mij; b. My 19. 1887; tl. Samuel K. (b My -'0, 1855, Scranton, Pa.) and hlla (Winter) Hoover "(b. S 4, 1865, Muscatine, la.). I'rcpared in Muscatine (la.) II. S. B. b., Car- thage Coll., 1911. Teacher, Southland hem., Gainesville, Fla., 101 --i 5- Married O. Kussel Albright, Je 15, lOC-;, Gainesville, CTa. Child, Russell George, b. S 7. 1916. Address, Box 728, St. Petersburg, Fla. G334. HERBERT ANDREW IIOri'ER (Husband of No. 2994) Professor; M. S., 1907; b. Je 10, 1879, Ithaca. N. y.; s. Andrew (b.Ag 27, 1834, Schoharie Co., do.) and Arvilla (Peckham) Hopper (b. 11 I--, 1841, fayi'Sa (-^o. do.). I'reparod in Ithaca (N. Y.) H. S. .B. S A.. Cornell, 1903. Sigma Xi. Instr., Dairy Ilusb., and Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of III, 1903- 07; Charge of Daii'y Exten., Purdue E.xp. Sta., 1907-08; Asst. Prof., Dairy Husb.. Univ. of Calif., 1908-11; Cinl. Dairying, Ithaca, N. Y., 191 i-n; Prof., An. Husb., Cornell, 1913 — • Auth.:' i3»/., 127, Purdue E.x-(<. Sta ■ Bui. 209, Calif. E.rh. Sta.; Bui. 3S7< Cornell Unn: Atjr. Erh Sta.: Cornell Readinti Course Bui. Jor Farm; also a number of 111. and Purdue Exp. Sta. circulars. Married Portia Eunice Gilkcr- son ('07), Jl 31. 1907. UiMiana. Chidren: Elizabeth, b. My 30, "joo; Tortia ArviUa. b. S 27, 1912; Herbert Andrew, Jr., b. Mr 24, 1914. Address, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. G33S. JOHN WESLEY HORNBECK Professor; A. M., 1909; Ph. D., 1913; b. My 21, 1881, Exeter 111.; «•, 'f Y' , Kl^- ,, ■^•'^• lacksonviUe, 111.) and Laura (Wright) Horn- beck (b. i860. Newark, N. J.). Prepared in Perry II. S. B. S., 111. Wcsleyan, i9o8\ Sigma Xi. Grad. Scholarship, Phy. Dept., Univ. of 111.. 1908-09; Cornell, 1910-11; Pnn., Sumner Hill 111., 1904-s; Teacher, Math., Park Coll., 1906-8; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111. 1909-10; do , Cornell, 1910-11; Instr.. Phys., Uiuv. of H .. 1911-13; Asst. Prof., Phys., f-'i'^'to" <^oll.. 1913-17; I'rof., do.. 1917— Auth.: Thermal and" Electrical Conductivities of tjie Alkali Metals, Ph\s. Reiicw. S 191 3. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; M. E. Church. .Married !• ranees Wolfe, Je 10, 191S. Parkville Mo. Child, Helen Frances, b. Jl ■;, I9i6. Address, Carle- luu College. Northfield. Minn. NELLIE NANCY HORNOR 1013. A. M. (See No. 5215.) P.RUCE OUIN HOSKINSON 1917. A. M. (See No. 7629.) G336. OTTIS HOSKINSON Teacher; A. M., .91s; b. Je 5. 18(^8, ITntson. ville. 111.; s. Elias (b, Jl •.,=;, 1827, Newark, O.) and Martha (Hand) Hoskinson (b Hiitsonville 111.). Prepared in Hulsonville IL S. ; I rep dept.. Union Christian Coll. A. B.. Union Christian Coll.. 1900; Ind. St Norm., 1901-02 Prin., Tp. H. S., Wellington, HI. Auth : Man ual Training in Agricultural High Schools Jour, of Sch. Adm. and Sul'er^nsion, N ioi6 Married Lucy Mae Newlin, S 17, .1893. <- bii dren: Harriet, b. Tl S. i^os; Francis, b. Ag 17 1897; Edwin, b. 1e 8, 1905: Ruth, b. Ag 15 1907. Address, VVellington. 111. JOSIE BATCHELLER HOUCHI iyi2. A. M. (See No. 2423.) ;ns C;337. HAZEL KATHERINE IIAUCK A. M., 1918; b. O 13, 189s, Greencastle, Ind.; d. E. B. Hauek. A. B., III. Woman's Coll., 1917. Address, St. Joseph, 111. G338. HAROLD ALLEN HOUSTON .'\.sst. Supt., Ry.; M. S., 1913; b. D 10, 1887, .Springlield, Mo.; s. James H. (b. Crawfords- ville, ind.) and Marian A. (Shepard) Houston (b. do.). Prepared in Springlield (Mo.) II. S. M. E., Purdue Univ., 191 1. Tlieta Xi; Tau lieta Pi; Sigma Xi. A. R. M. M. A. Schol- arship. Asst. Supt., C. R. I. & P. Ry. Capt.. Eiigrs., N. A., 1918. Auth.: Articles on Ry. Operation, Ry. Ac/e. Mem., A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 3636 Lexington St., Chicago; bus. add.. Office Chief Engrs., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. G339. DELTON THOMAS HOWARD A. M.. 1912; b. Mr 23, 1883. S. Bend, Ind.; s. E. W. Howard. A. B., Lawrence Coll., 1910; Lake Forest Coll.; Univ. of Wis. Address, 187 Washington St., Appleton, Wis. G340. JOSEPH WHITNEY HOWARD Instructor; A. M., ion; Ph. D., 1915; b. Je i8, 1889, Dixon, III.; s. John Fleming"(b. Mr 29, 1846, Frankfort, liul.) and Martha Eliza- beth (Regan) Howard (b. Jl 13, 1850). Pre- pared in Tremont II. S.; ShurllelT .^cad. A. B., ShurtlelT Coll., 1912. Phi Lambda Upsilon; .Sijjma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Fellow, 1913-is; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Mont.. 191,=; — . Mem., Baptist Church. Address, Univ. of Montaua, Missoula, Mont. PAUL EDWARD HOWE 1910. Ph. D. (See No. 2702.) G341. LLOYD B. HOWELL Chemist; M. S., 1918; b. Ag 29, 1887, ri(|ua, O.; s. Gilbert L. (b. 11 16, 1857, Fletcher, do.) and Louise Austin (llarthan) Howell (b. My 20. 1855, Pi(uia, do.). Prepared in Crawfords- ville (Ind.) II. S. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1909. Phi I.ambila Upsilon. Grad. stud., O. St. Univ., 1912; Teacher and coach, H. S., Rennington. Ind., 190910; (/()., IL S., Wauseon, O., 1910- 12; do., H. S.. Urbana, i9:3-i.s; Instr., Gen. and Analyt. Chem., Wabash Coll., 1912-13; Asst., Organic Chem., Univ. of III., 1916-18; Pellow, Chem., do., 1918 — . Inventor, Organic Chem. Manufactures, Univ. of 111., Summers, 191(1-17. Married lone Todd, Je 30, 1909, St. Marvs, O. Chililren: Jane Louise, b. Ag 14, 1910; Gilbert Todd, b. S 2, 1912; Irene Evelyn, 1). Jl 31, u)ts; K.itherine lone, b. Ja 25, 1919. .■tddress. 51(1 Michigan Ave., Urbana; bus. add., I'niv. of HI., do. G342. CHUAN-YENG HSU Kv. Traffic Sec; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1917: b. () 6, 188c;. Chih Chow, China; s. Pin-Chang Hsu (b. i860, do.). A. B., Nanking Univ., 1005. Sec, Tsin-Pu Rv., Traffic Dept. Ed., Chinese Ry. Mag. Address, Chih Chow, Aubui, (.'hina. TSUNG HAN HSO 1915. .\. M. (Sec No. 6326.) CIIING LEE HSUN 1918. A. M. (See No. 8438.) JIN JEE IISUN 1918. M. S. (See No. 8439.) GEORGE DAVID HUBBARD 1898. M. S. (See No. 958.) Graduate Alumni 779 GEORGE WALLACE HUBBARD 1912. M. E. (See No. 1233.) G343. OLIVER SHERMAN HUI515ART Teacher; A. M., 1910; 1>. Mr 23, 1873, Mon- ticello, III.; s. William C. (Ij. Hiekaway Co., O.) and Lucinda (Howe) llubliart (b. do.). Prepared in N. W. Univ. Acad. H. S.. N. W. Univ., 1905. Sec, Y. M. C. A., 1907; Teacher. 1907 — . Mem., St. Teachers' Assn. of 111.; St. Teachers' Assn. of Tenn. Address, 416 W. 3rd St., Chattanooga, Tenn. JOSEPH EARL IIUHER 1913. M. S. (See No. 5222.) CLYDE WHITTAKER HUDELSON 1914. M. S. (See No. 5737.) G344. HENRY LAWRENCE HUENINK Chemist; M. S., 1913; b. Ap it, i88g, Cedar Grove, Wis.; s. J. B. (b. Holland) and Hattie (Heinen) Hucnink (b. Milwaukee). Preiiared in Wis. Memorial Acad., Cedar Grove. A. P>., Carroll Coll., Waukesha, 191 1. Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., Dept. Am. Can Co., N. Y. ; Chem., Am. Can Co., Chicago, 1918 — . ist Lt., Med. Corps, Gas Defense, A. E. F., France, 1917; Capt., Chem. War Service, do.; Mustered out, D 30, 1918. Address, Cedar Grove, Wis.; bus. add., American Co., 104 Michigan Ave., Chicago. JAMES ORTON HUFF 1912. A. M. (See No. 4719.) G34S. CHARLES MORSE HUFFER Astronomer; A. M., 1917; b. Je 28, 1894, Edinburg, Ind.; s. Charles Emerson (b. Ap 27, 1867. Muncie, do.) and Nellie (Morse) Huffer (b. Mr 23, 1867, New Albany, do.). Prepared in Albion (Mich.) H. S. A. B.. Albion Coll., 1912. Ecclectic and Atheniades Lit. Soc; Delta Eta Sigma. Scholarship, Univ. of 111. Astronomer, Santiago, Chile, 1917 — . Address, Casilla 1219, Santiago, Chile. G346. RALPH WILLIAM HUFFERD Assistant; A. M., 1917; b. Ag 5, 1892, Cha- nute, Kan.; s. J. H. and Belle W. Hufferd. Prepared in Central H. S., St. Louis. A. B., Washington Univ., 191.=;. Asst. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-18. Chem., Med. Corps, Rockefeller Inst., 1918-19. Address, 506 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111., do. G347. RAY STILLMAN HULCE Instructor; M. S., 1913; b. Je 20, 1884, Mil- lard, Wis.; s. A. F. (b. Richmond, Wis.) and Ella (Weaver) Hulce (b. Millard, Wis.). Pre- pared in Whitewater (Wis.) II. S. B. S. A., Univ. of Wis., 191 1. Instr., Dairy Ilusb., Univ. of 111., 1911-17; Mgr., Medill McCormick es- tate, 1918; Instr., Dairy Ilusb., Univ. of Wis., Madison. Wis., 1918; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: (With Nevins) The Arrangement of Rectangular Dairy Barns, ///. Exp. Sta. Circu- lar No. 199, 191 7; Feed and Care of the Dairy Calf. Circular No. 202, 1917; Care and Manage- ment of Dairy Herd, Circular No. 204, 1917. Mem., Gamma Alpha. Married Lcnna Grace ilulce, D 30, 191 5. Address, Whitewater, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. ANNA LEO HULL 1914. A. M. (See No. 4226.) • ADAM ALBERT HUMMEL 1908. M. S. (See No. 3037). HERBERT KAY HUMPHREY 1917. E. E. (See No. 4720.) ANDREW FRANKLIN HUNSAKER 1909. A. M. (See No. 3791.) THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT 1892. M. S. (See No. 392.) G348. OLA ESTELLE HUSTON Teacher; A. M., 1910; b. Je 22, 1883, Blan- dinsvillc. 111.; d. Oscar Walter (b. My 18, 1858, do.) and Eliza Jane (Green) Huston (b. S 18, 1857, Burlington, la.). Prepared in Carthage H. S. A. B., Carthage Coll., 1909. Scholar- ,ship, Univ. of III., 1909-10; Teacher, Hist., Shenandoah, la., 191 1; do., Latin and Hist. H. S., Monmouth, 111., 1918 — . Address, 704 Buchanan St., Carthage, 111.; bus. add., High -School, Monmouth, 111. G349. JOSEPH GLADDEN HUTTON Professor; M. S., 1910; b. N 3, 1873, Monti- cello, Ind.; s. William Hill (b. 1842, McKees- port. Pa.) and Mary Jane (Gladden) Huttoii (b. 1852, Monticello, Ind.). Prepared in Mon- ticello (Ind.) H. S. Grad., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1899. B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1908. Phi Beta Kappa. Assoc. Prof., Agron., S. Dak. St. Coll. of Agr. Auth.: Soil Fertility Inves- tigations in S. Dak., S. Dak. Exp. Sta. Bui., 1913; A Tornado at Watertown, S. Dak., Pro- ceedings Ind. Acad, of Sc, 1914; Tornado Clouds at Great Altitudes, do., 1917; many minor articles on agron. subjects in daily press. Mem., ni. Acad, of Sc; Ind. Acad, of Sch.; Pre.s., S. Dak. Acad, of Sc; Am. Soc. of .\groii.; Am. Genetic Assn. Married Emelie Wilhehnina Fedderson, Je 15, 1904, Clinton, la. Cliildrcn: Helma Louise, b. My 29, loo.c; Mary l'>iie-Jean, b. My 4, 1913; Joseph Gladden, Jr., b. Je 15, 191 7. Address, State College, Brook- ings, S. Dak. JAMES LOWELL HYPES 1916. A. M. (See No. 7647.) G349A. WILLIAM HENRY HYSLOP " Instructor; A. M.. 191 1; b. D 15, 1883, Verona, 111.; s. Ernest F. (b. do.) and Julia I avina (Thomson) Ilyslop (b. Jl 30, 1862, do.). Prepared in Bloomington and .Streator H. Schs.; Knox Acad. A. B., Knox Coll. Kappa Delta Pi. Instr., Phvs., II. S., Decatur, 111. 1st Ft., A. S. A. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 19 1 8. .Address, Decatur, III. G350. YOSHII-USA 1 1 DA Govt. Officer; M. S., 1908;. b. D 22, 1876; s. Matsusaburo (b. Ap 4, 1847) and Kame Ilda (b. O 20. 1877). Prepared in Coll. of Agr., Imjierial Univ. of Tokyo. Officer, .Stock Breed- ing Sta., Dept. of Agr. and Com., 1908-16. Lt., .lapanese Army 1904; Russia-Jajian War, 1906. .\uth.: .Swine, Tokyo, 1911; Pork Packing, do., 1912. Mem., Sc. Agr. Assn.; Royal Agr. Assn. Married Hatsuko, 1898. Children: Takefusa, b. .V 7, 1899; Norifusa, b. Jl 2.s, 1903; Misusko, 1). F 18, 1907; Terufusa, b. O 6, 1913. Address, Imperial Zootechnical Exji. Sta., (ifhiba-Machi, near Tokyo, Japan. GEORGE MARTIN ALOYSIUS ILG 1916. C. E. (See No. 3793.) 1914. NOBTARO INAGAKI A. M. (See No. 6331.) G3S1. SIMON INGBERG Struct. Engr.; M. S., 1910; b. Je 24, 1877, Rengsager, Norway; s. Hans (b. Mr 10, 1844, do.) and Kristine (Ask) Iiigberg (b. Wermland. Sweden). Prepared in Ada (Minn.) H. S. ; Concordia Coll., Moorhead, Minn. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1909. Minn. Engrs. Soc; Y. M. C. A.; Sigma Xi. Stud. Asst., T. and A. M., llniv. of Miiin., 1908-09; Fellow, do., Univ. of 111. ,1909-10; Instr., C. E., Lehigh Univ., 1910- 11; Struct. Engr., James. Stewart & Co., Chi- 78o Uni\'ersity of Illinois cago, 1911-14; Assoc. Physicist, U. S. Bur. of Standards, 19x4 — . Auth. : Various technical papers and articles in Engng. Jours. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials. Married Blanche E. McManus, Je 18, 1912, Alexandria, Minn. Address, Elmhurst, 111.; bus. add., 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago. G352. NELLE LOUISE INGELS Statistician; A. M., 1014; d. Charles and Nelle L. Ingels (b. Greenville, 111.). Pre- pared in Greenville H. S. Ph. B., Greenville Coll.. 191 1. Scholarship, 1913-14. Univ. of Calif., summer 1915; Univ. of Colo., summer 1916; Prof., Math., Greenville Coll., 1914-18; Statistician, Ord. Bd. of Claims, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Address, Greenville, 111.; bus. add., 1 8 14 K St., N. W. Washington, D. C. G353. JOHN WEBB IRWIN Teacher; A. M., 1910; b. S 9, 1887, Cale- donia, O. ; s. John Calvin (b. Iberia, O.) and Rebecca Jane Irwin (b. Morrow Co., O.). I're- pared in Caledonia (O.) H. S.; East H. S., Clevelandj^ Tri-St. Norm., Angola, Ind. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1909. Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship; Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Head, Eng. Dept., Central H. S., Muskogee, Okla. Mem., A. F. A. M.; K. P. Address, Wadsworth, O.; bus. add.. Central High School, Muskogee, Okla. G3S4. PAUL WESLEY IVEY Instructor; A. M., 1913; b. Jl 5, 1890, Bes- semer, Mich.; s. James (b. 1851, Cornwall, Eng.) and Elizabeth Ann (Bonnett) Ivey (b. 1854, Rosendale, Wis.). Prepared in Ishpeming (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Lawrence Coll., 1912; Ph. D., Univ. of Mich., 1917. Delta Iota; Scholarship, Econ. Acting Prof., Social Sc, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1913-14; Instr., Pol. Econ., Univ. of Mich., 1914-17; Instr., I!us. Adm., St. Univ. of la., 1917 — . Auth.: The History of the Pere Marquette Railway Com- pa'ny, Mich. Hist. Comn., 1918; Skiing, Outers Book, 1908; The Significance of the Calumet Strike Situation. Rez'iezv of Rezncivs, 1914; Lake Navigation in a i6-Footer, Motor Boat, 1914. Mem., Tau Kappa Alpha, 1912. Mar- ried Stella M. Walker, Ag 30, 1915. Address, St. Univ., Iowa City, la. CORA ANNA JACOBS 1909. A. M. (See No. 3425.) G3S3. ANDREW JACOBSON Min. Chem.; M. S., 1910; b. O 18, 1878, Webster, Minn.; s. Ole Jacobson (b. do.). B. S., St. Olaf's Coll., 1906. Teacher, Pub. Sch., Idlewold, Minn., 1906-08; Min. Chem., Eve- leth Minn., summer 1907. Address, Webster, Minn. G356. EMMA GERTRUDE JAECK Professor; A. M., 1908; Ph. D., 1910; b. O 25, 1875, Neenah, Wis.; d. Ferdinand Leopold (b. Jl 14, 1862. Prussia) and Rosena Jane (Lloyd) jaeck (b. F 2, 1853, Fort Howard, Wis.). Prepared in Neenah (Wis.) H. S.; Oshkosh Norm. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1903- Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Ger., Univ. of 111., 1907-10; Univ. of Berlin, 1905-06; Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1912, 1914, 1915. 1917; Univ. of Calif., summer, 1916; Asst., Ger. and Latin, H. S., Brodhead, Wis., 1903-05; do., Ger. and Algebra, Monmouth. 111., 1906-07; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., summers, 1908, 1910; Sub. instr., Ger., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1910-11; Prof., Ger. and Spanish, Converse Coll., Spar- tanburg, S. C, 1911-15; do.. Oxford Coll.. Ox- ford. O.. 191 5 — : Auth.: Madame de Stael and the Spread of German Literature, Oxford Univ. Press, 1915: The Indebtedness of Madame de Stael to August Wilhelm Schleeel; John Oxen- ford as Translator, do.; A Few Notes on Goethe Bibliography, do. Mem., Assn. of Coll. Alum- nae; Mod. Lang. Assn.; Nat. Geog. Soc. Ad- dress. Oxford Coll., G-xford, O. HELEN DICKSON JAMES 1913. A. M. (See No. 4233.) HERMAN GERLACH JAMES 1910. A. M. (See No. 2708.) LEONARD VAUGHAN JAMES 1912. M. S. 1913. E. E. (See No. 2709.) G3S7- MICHAL VELMA JAMISON (CHARLES) Teacher; A. M.. 1916; b. Ap i, 1889, Elli- son, 111.; d. Michael Van Tuyl (b. 1850, Oquawka, 111.) and Velma Kossuth (Brent) Jamison (b. 1854, Ellison, 111.). Prepared in San Diego (Calif.) H. S.; Monmouth H. S.; Monmouth Coll., 1907-08; Univ. of Chicago, summer 1911. A. B., N. W., Univ., 1912. Chi Omega. Grad. work. Classics, Univ. of 111., summer 1913; Teacher, II. S., Negaunee, Mich., 1912-14; Teacher, H. S., Calumet, Mich., 1916-18. Married H. L. Charles, N 23, 1918, Twin Falls, Idaho. Address, Delta, Utah. G358. RACHEL MARION JARROLD Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. Jl 7, 1884, West- lield, Mass.; d. Thomas (b. 1838, Edmunds, Eng.) and Louisa Chapin (Collins) Jarrold (b. 1 85 1, Westfield, Mass.). Prepared in West- field (Mass.) H. S. A. B., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1906. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Grad. Scholarship; Teacher, Hist.. St. Norm., Fredonia, N. Y., 1909-19. Y. W. C. A. work, France, Ap 1919 — •. Address, W^estfield, Mass. THOMAS McLEAN JASPER 1911- M. S. (See No. 4235.) G359. ADELINE MIRIAM JENNEY A. M., 1908; b. N 10, 1874, Monaster, Tur- key; d. Rev. Edward Winthrop (b. D 8, 1843, Monticello, 111.) and Katherine Maria (Thrall) Jenney (b. Jl 3, 1846, Rutland, Vt.). Prepared in Boscobel (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1899. Y. W. C. A. Grad. Fellow, Eng., Univ. of 111., 1907-12; do.. Univ. of Neb.; do., Univ. of O. ; do., Univ. of Wis.; Univ. of Mun- ich, Ger.; Oxford, Eng., 1910-11; Newspaper work, Boston, 1904-05; Teacher, H. S., Win- ona, Minn., 1905-06; do., Yankton Coll., S. Dak. Auth.: An Old World Wooing, Century Mag.. 1901; numerous book reviews, articles on Sociol., stories, etc., in Congregationalist, Good Housekeeping, Modern Priscilla, Union Sig- nal, and others. Address, Yankton Coll., Yankton, S. Dak. WALTER WILSON JENNINGS 1916. A. M. (See No. 6986.) JOSEPH NORMAN JENSEN 1914. C. E. (See No. 2711.) G360. KATHERINE JENSEN Instructor; M. S., 1912; b. Mr 29, 1883, Buffalo, N. Dak.; s. Andrew Jensen. B. S., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1904- Instr., Dak. Pub. Schs., 1904-11; Instr., Home Econ.. N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1Q13 — . Address, 1106 College St., Fargo, N. Dak.; bus. add.. North Dakota Agr. College, do. G361. ARLANDUS LEON JERDAN Agr. Agt.; M. S., 1915; b. N 8, 1887, Red Bay, Ala.; s. Andrew C. Jerdan. Prepared m 6th Dist. Agr. Sch., Hamilton, Ala.; Ala. Poly- tech. Inst., .1909-13. B. S., Univ. of Mo., 1914- Agt., An. Husb.. U. S. Dept. of Agr., A. &• M. Coll., West Raleigh, N. C. Address, Red Bay, Ala ; bus. add.. Animal Industry Dept., A. & M. Coll., West Raleigh, N. C. KATHERINE BELLE JERVIS 1911. A. M. (See No. 3049.) Graduate Alumni 781 G362. MINNA ERNESTINE JEWELL Chemist; A. M., 1915; b. F 9, 1892, Irving Kan.; d. Lyman Leander (b. Mr 18, 1847, Odin, Pa.) and Mary Jane (Moores) Jewell (b. D 15, 1857, Newark, N. J.). Prepared in Irving (Kan.) H. S. A. B., Colo. Coll., 1914. Sigma Xi; Alpha Theta Chi. Fellow, Univ. of 111., 191S-18. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Wash. Biol. Sta., summer 1916; Chem., III. Water Survey, Univ. of 111., 191 8 — . Auth.: Cylin- drotaenia Americana Nov. Spec, from the Cricket Frog, Jour, of Parasitology; Vol. 2, 1916; (with Dr. H. B. Lewis) The Occurrence of Lichenase in the Digestive Tract of Inverte- brates, Jour, of Biol. Chem.. Vol. 3:^, 1918. Address, 605 E. Chalmers, Champaign; bxis. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. GENJIRO JINGUJI 1913. M. S. (See No. 5235-) G363. GERTRUDE AMELIA JOHNSON (MAC DONALD) M. S., 1913; b. F 4, 1889, Chicago; d. Charles (b. i860, Sweden) and Signe Andrea (Swend- sen) Johnson (b. 1863, Denmark). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago; Chicago Norm. Sch. ; B. S., N. W. Univ., 191 1. Scholarship, Cornell, 1914-16; Grad. Stud, and Asst., do., 1913-18. Married Neil Francis Mac Donald, F 3. 1917. Cortland, N. Y. Child, Lois Ermita, N 25, 1917. Address, 507 E. Buffalo St., Itha- ca, N. Y. ; bus. add., Cornell Univ., do. G364. MABEL CLARE JOHNSON (CARNAHAN) (Wife of No. 940) A. M.. 1908; b. Ag II, 1886, Tazwell, Tenn.; d. Andrew Graham (b. Ap 7, 1842, do.) and Lucy Susan (Pate) Johnson (b. F 20, 1846, Tazwell Co., Va.). Prepared in Meredith Coll., Raleigh. N. C. A. B., Onachita Coll., 1907. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Fellow, 1908-09. Married David Hobart Carnahan ('96), Je 19, 1909, Arkadelphia, Ark. Children: Margaret, b. Jl 25, 1910; Franklin Neil, b. F 19, 1912; Sarah, b. Ja 7, 1916. Address, 1006 VV. Nevada St., LTrbana. G36S. *JOSEPH HENRY JOHNSTON Ph. D., 1916; b. Jl 2S, 1889, Chapel Hill, N. C; s. Charles Wilson (b. Je 18, 1839, do.) and Agnes (Hughes) Johnston (b. Mr 10, 1847, Cedar Grove, N. C). Prepared in Bingham Sch., Mebane, N. C; Trinity Park Sch., Dur- ham, N. C. A. B., Univ. of N. C, 1910; A. M., do., 1914. Phi Delta Kappa. Asst. Prof., Educ. Adm., Univ. of N. C, 1916— . O. T. C, 1917; ist Lt., Inf., U. S. A.. 1918. Auth.: Articles on Educ. Adm. and Supervision, Educ. Reviezv, Sch. Revieiv, and A'^. C. H. S. Bui. Mem., N. E. A.; So. Soc. for Phil, and Psych. Killed in action, Argonne, France. 1918. G366. EASLEY STEPHEN JONES Instructor; Ph. D., 1918; b. O 2, 1884, Blue Springs, Neb.; s. Stephen (b. O 8, 1850, Pitts- burgh, Pa.) and Alberta Rosa (Easley) Jones (b. Jl II, 1855, Danville, Va.). Prepared in Boulder (Colo.) St. Prep. Sch. B. A., Univ. of Colo., 1907; M. A., do.. 1909; M. A., Har- vard, 1912. Austin Scholarship, Harvard. Asst., Eng., Univ. of Colo., 1908-og; Instr., do., 1909-12; do., LTniv. of 111., 1913-18; Re- search work. War Trade Bd., Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Auth.: (with Garland Greever) Century Hand book of Writing. Century Co., 1918. Address, 987 15th St.i Boulder. Colo.; bus. add., 1106 22nd St., N. W., Washington, D. C. G367. LESTER SEAMAN JONES Supt., Schs.; A. M., 1917; b. My 12, 1884, Reynolds, Neb.; s. G. M. Jones. B. S., N. W. Univ., 1905. Supt., Schs., Oblong, 111. Ad- dress, 126 Holly Court, Oak Park, 111.; bus. add.. Oblong, 111. G368. LLOYD THEODORE JONES Instructor; M. S., 1912; Ph. D., 1915; b. F 20, 1887, Raymond, 111.; s. Albert Milton (b. F 1850, O.) and Henrietta Christinia (Doerr) Jones. Prepared in Raymond H. S. A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 1909; A. M., do., 1910. Gamma Alpha. Asst., Phys., Lake Forest Coll., 1909-10; do., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; Instr., do., 1914-15; do., Univ. of Calif., 1915-17. Instr., Gunnery. U. S. S. M. A., Berkeley, Calif., 1917; ist Lt., A. S. S. R. C. 1917-18; Capt.. U. S. A. S., Berkeley, Calif.; do., March Field, Riverside, Calif., 1919 — . Originator qf_ a method of instructional mach. gun firing in arrny use. Auth.: Modified Meth- od of Measuring e/m for Cathode Rays, Phys. Review, 1914; Experimental Verification of Law of Mass Variation for Cathode Rays, do., 1915; The Mercury Arc Pump; Dependence of Rate of exliaustion on Current, do., 191 7; Method of Showing v=/r for Circular Motion, .Sch. Sc. and Math., 1915. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc, 1915; A. A. A. S., 1917; Sigma Xi, 1913. Married Freda Ozolla Stricklan, Ag 30, 1914. Urbana. Address, c/o Univ. of Calif., Berke- ley, Calif. G369. SADOCIE CONNELLE JONES Associate; M. S., 1909; b. An 13, 1880, Scott Co., Ky.; s. Thomas Kenada (b. 1845, do.) and Kathrine (Neale) Jones (b. 1847, do.). Prepared in Norm. Sch., Ky. St. Agr. Coll. A. B., Ky. St. Coll., 1906. Union Lit. Soc. 111. St. Soil Surv., 1907; Teacher, Ky. Agr. Coll. and Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1908; Assoc, Soils, Purdue tJniv. Exp. Sta., La Fayette, Ind., 1918 — . Married Florence Chaver, Ag, 1917, La Fayette, Ind. Child, Robert Kenada, b. Ag, 1918. Address, 523 N. 7th St., La Fa>ette, Ind.; bus. add., Exp. Sta., Purdue Univ., do. TRUMAN NATHANIEL JONES 1910. A. M. (See No. 3812.) G370. LOUIS JORDAN Chemist; A. M., 1917; b. My 28, 1894, Beth- el, Me. ; s. Israel Jordan. Prepared in Thorn- ton Acad., Saco, Mo.; Harvard Univ., sum- mer 1915. A. B., Bates Coll., 1915. Asst., Chem., Bates Coll., 1915; do., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Chem., Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chi- cago. Address, Woodford Sta., Portland, Me.; bus. add., Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. G371. VERA ELIZABETH JORDAN (Sister of No. G372) Teacher; A. M., 1917; b. Ja 23, 1888, Red Cloud, Neb.; d. C. E. and Olive E. (Gharrett) Jordan. Prepared in West Des Moines H. S. A. B., Drake Univ., 1909. Teacher, H. S., Hartley, la., 1909-10; do., H. S..' ^yoodward, la., 1910-13; do., H. S., East Des Moines, 1913- 16. Address, 1103 45th St., Des Moines; bus. add.. High School, East Des Moines. G372. WILLIAM GHARRETT JORDAN (Brother of No. G371) Chemist; M. S., 1917; b. Je 28, 1891, Or- leans, Neb.; s. C. E. and Olive E. (Gharrett) Jordan. Prepared in West Des Moines H. S. B. S., Drake Univ., 1913. Chem., Chicago; do.. Dairy and Food Comn., Des Moines. Mar- ried Leila Dodd, O 2, 1915, Des Moines. Child, Jean Margaret, b. Jl 3, 1918. Address, 1103 4Sth St., Des Moines; bus. add.. Dairy and Food Commission, do. G373. WALTER EDWARD JOSEPH Professor; Ph. D., 1912; b. D 22, 1881, Lov- ett, Ind.; s. John (b. F 1883, Bavaria, Ger.) and Anna S. (Zierer) Joseph (b. O 1852, Cin- cinnati). Prepared in Lovett (Ind.) H. S. B. S., Purdue Univ., 1907. Alpha Chi Sigma; 782 University of Illinois Alpha Gamma Rho. Asst, An. Husb., S. Dak. St. CoU. and Exp. Sta., 1908-09; Instr., An. Husb., 1912-13; Assoc, do., Univ. of 111., 1 91 3-16; Asst., An. Husbandman and Asst. Prof., An. Husb., Mont. St. Coll.. Bozeman, Mont., 1916 — . Collaborator in Buls. and Cir- culars of Univ. of 111. and Univ. of Mont. Agr. Exp. Stas. M. G. Co. 12. Camp Hancock, Ga. ; Mustered out, D. 191 8. Auth.: Articles in Nat. Wool Grotcer; Sziriric U'orld; Jour. A. C. S.; and several general farm periodicals. Mem.. Am. Soc. of An. Productions; Sigma Xi, 1912 — . Address, 313 S. 6th Ave.. Bozeman, Mont.; bus. add., Montana St. Coll., do. PETER JUNKERSFELD 1909. E. E. (See No. 887.) OLIVER KAMM 1913. M. S. 1915. Ph. D. (See No. 4738.) G374. WILLIAM GARFIELD KAMMLADE Instructor; M. S., 1917; b. Ag 11, 1892, Ban- gor, Wis.; s. lohn G. Kammlade. Prepared in Bangor (Wis.") H. S.; Sparta H. S. B. S. A., Univ. of Wis., 191 5. Asst., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Sergt., 302nd Supply Co., Q. M. C, A. P. O. 759, A. E. P,. Address, Spar- ta, Wis.; bus. add., 1003 W. California Ave., Urbana. HENRY WILBUR KAMP 1918. A. M. (See No. 8470.) G375. WALTER GERALD KARR Physiol. Cbem.; M. S., 1916; b. D 18, 1892, Almond, N. Y.; s. Walter Karr. Prepared in Almond (N. Y.) H. S.; Yale Univ.. 1917. B. S., Alfred Univ., 1913. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Physiol. Chem., Therapeutic Div., U. S. Gas Investiga- tion, 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in Jour. A. C. S.; Jour. Biol. Chem.; Am. Jour. Physiol. Ad- dress, IDS Ed.o^ewood Ave.. New Haven, Conn.; bus. add., 2 Hillhouse Ave., do. G376. SEBASTIAN K.\RRER Instructor; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ap 10, 1889, Rich Hill, Mo.; s. Frank Xavier and Theresa (Braun) Karrer. Prepared in Ellensburg (Wash.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wash., 191 1; M. A., do., 191 3. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Loretta Denny Fellow, 191 2. Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Fellow, do., 1916-17; Instr., do., 1917 — • Address, 1002 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., no Physics Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. TANE KAWAMOTO 1916. M. S. (See No. 7676.) G377. HUGH PRATT KEAN Instructor; A. M., 1909; b. S i, 1884, Chi- cago; s. David Watson (b. S 28, 1841, Craw- ford Co., Pa.) and Eliza Amelia (Pratt) Kean (b. D II, 1845, Lewis Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Buchanan (Mich.) II. S.; Benton Harbor Coll., 1903; Univ. of Chicago. A. B., Albion Coll., 1906. Asst.. Aslron., Univ. of 111., 1907; do.. Math., do., 1909; Prof., Math., Ripon Coll., 1910; do., Ottawa Univ.; do., McKen- dree Coll., 1916-17; Instr., Math., James Milli- kin Univ., 1917 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Ad- dress, James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 111. G378. DORA KEEN A. M., 1917; b. Ap 13, 1895, Burkcsville, Ky.; s. L. J. Keen. A. B., Georgetown Coll., 1916. Asst.. Educ, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Ad- dress, 707 S. 2nd St., Champaign; bus. add.. 206 Univ. Hall, Urbana. EDWARD SPENCER KEENE 1912. M. E. (See No. 608.) G379. ALBERT KEISER Minister; Ph. D., 1918; b. D 7, 1S87, Ger.; s. Johann Hinrichs (b. 1849, Firrel, East Fri- esea, Ger.) and Antje (Collmann) Keiser (b. 1S52, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Wart- Inirg Theol. Sem., Dubuque, la.; Prep. Dept., W'artburg Coll., CJinton, la.; Univ. of Neb., summer, 191 1; Wartburg Theol. Sem., 1911-13. A. B., Wartburg Coll., 191 1; A. M., Univ. of Mont., 1914-15. Pastor, German Lutheran Church. Beloit, Wis., 191 5 — . Auth.: Articles on religious, social, and historical questions in Lutheran Herald, Am. Lutheran Sur., and Scan- dinavian Studies and Notes. Address, Beloit, Wis. SAKAE KEITOKU 1917. M. S. (See No. 7679.) TRUMAN LEE KELLEY 1911. A. M. (See No. 3817.) •RUTH KELSO 1909. A. M. (See No. 3436.) JACOB GARRETT KEMP 1910. A. M. (See No. 2719.) JOHN EDWARD KEMP 1908. C. E. (See No. 1540.) G380. FORREST ELLWOOD KEMPTON Ph. D., 1918; b. O 5, 1883, Centerville, Ind.; s. William J. (b. Ja 2, 1840, New York City) and Savilla J. (Ellwood) Kempton (b. Mr 21, 1850, Centerville, Ind.). Prepared in Center- ville (Ind.) H. S. B. S., Earlham Coll., 1906; M. S., Univ. of Wis., 191 3. Ionian. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Wayne Co., Ind., 1906-10; Farm Mgr., 1910-11; Teacher, 1911-12; acting Prof., riol., 111. Coll., 1913-14; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1914-18; Plant Pathol., Smelter Smoke In- vestigations, St. Louis Smelting and Retining Co., Collinsville, 111., 191 7; Porto Rico Exp. Sta., Rio Piedros, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church; A. A. A. S.; Nat. Geog. Soc; Phytopathol. Soc. Address, Centerville, Ind. LUTHER EUGENE KENNEDY 1915. A. M. (See No. 7003.) GEORGE FR>EDERIC KENOWER 1880. M. L. (See No. 72.) G381. MORRIS JOHNSON KERNALL (Husband of No. 7004) Professor; A. M., 1914; b. S n, 1883, Will- mar, Minn.; s. John J. (b. Norway) and Per- nella (Mellem) Kernall (b. do.). Prepared in St. Norm. Sch., Valley City, N. Dak. B. A., Univ. of N. Dak., 1906. Sigma Xi. Fellow, Zool., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Grad. Work, L'niv. of 111., 1914-17; Head, Bur. of Teacher's Certitication, St. Dept. of Educ, Burleigh, N. Dak., 1917-18; Prof., Dept., Biol., Colo. Coll., 19 1 8 — . Married Pearle Keene ('15), Je 29, 191 o, Valley City, N. Dak. Address, Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, Colo. JOSEPHINE ELLROD KERR (ALLISON) 1909. M. S. (See No. 3059.) G382. JAMES KESSLER Instructor; A. M., 191 5; b. S 24, 1883, Port- land, Ind.; s. William (h. My 16, 1840, do.) and Ruey Anne (Pingry) Kessler (b. O 2, 1844. do.). Prepared in Bryant (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Ind., 1908. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Paris, 1911-12; do., Univ. of Chicago. Instr., French, Grinnell Coll., 1909-11; Asst., do., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; do., Univ. of Chicago, 1916-17; Instr., do., 191 7 — • Address. Port- land, Ind.; bus. add., Univ. of Chicago, Chi- cago. Graduate Alumni 783 MILO SMITH KETCHUM 1900. C. E. (See No. 889.) RICHARD BIRD KETCHUM 1900. C. E. (See No. 963.) G383. MARJORIE KILBURN (HEWES) (Wife of No. 5207) A. M., 1912; b. O 4, 1888, Rockford, HI.; d. James Heme (b. Ja 19, 1844, do.) and Alice Malvina (Blinn) Kilburn (b. F 23, 1846). Pre- pared in Rockford Prep. Sch. A. B., Rockford Coll., 191 1. Married Charles Kay Hewes ('12), Jl 29, 1914. Address, 716 W. 30th St., Los An- geles, Calif. G384. JESSIE JUNE KILE Teacher; A. M., 1914; b. Je 25, 1889, Mason City, 111.; d. Henry Kile. A. B., Rockford Coll., 1912. Asst., Hist. Sur., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Teacher. Jr. Coll., Elgin, 111. Ad- dress, 634 N. Church St., Rockford, HI.; bus. add.. Junior College, Elgin, 111. G385. JAMES ERNEST KINDRED Zoologist; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1918; b. O 20, 1893, South Boston, Mass.; s. Ernest W. (b. Ag 14, 1866, St. John, New Brunswick. Can.) and Etta J. (Woodburn) Kindred (b. JI 8, 1868, Boston). Prepared in South Boston H. S. A. B., Tufts Coll., 1914. Sigma Xi; Phi Eta. Scholar, Z06I., Univ. of 111., 1914- 15; Asst., Z06I., Univ. of III., 1915-17; Fellow. do., 1917-18; Instr., Histol., West. Reserve Med. Sch., 1918 — . Address, Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland. G386. JOSEPH LYONEL KING Entomologist; M. S., 1916; b. Ja 10, 1888, Cleveland; s. William Alexander (b. S 1844, London, Eng.) and Virginia Eliza (Ward) Ring (b. Je 3, 1S54, Cleveland). Prepared in Central H. S., Cleveland. B. S., O. St. Univ., 1914. Asst., Entomol., O. Exp. Sta., 1914-17; Sc. Asst., Bur. of Econ. Zool., Harrisburg, Pa., 191 7-18. U. S. N., Wissahickon Barracks, Cape May, N. J.; Mustered out, Ja 13, 1919. Auth. : The Lesser Peachtree Borer, O. E.vp. Sta. Bui. Address, 3233 Carnegie Ave., Cleve- land. G387. ROBERT HILLS KINGMAN Professor; A. M., 1917; b. Jl 18, 1890, To- peka, Kan.; s. Lewis (b. F 26, 1845, North Bridgewater, Mass.) and Alice (Newman) Kingman (b. S 14, 1869). Prepared in Wash- burn Coll. Acad. B. S., Washburn Coll., 1913. Sigma Xi. Prof., Biol., Buena Vista Coll.. Storm Lake, la., 1917 — . Married Mildred Hood Taliaferro, Ag 27, 1913, Topeka, Kan. Child, Virginius Winslow. b. Ag 9, 1914. Ad- dress, Buena Vista Coll., Storm Lake, la. HOWARD BAKER KINGSBURY 1912. A. M. (See No. 3823.) EDWARD AUGUST THEODORE KIRCHER 1912. A. M., 1914. Ph. D. (See No. 4747.) PAUL KIRCHER 1918. C. E. (See No. 4748.) DONALD DEE KIRK 1913. A. M. (See No. 4749.) G388. JAMES THORNTON KIRK (Brother of Nos. 4749, 6358) Supt., Schs.; A. M., 1911; b. Je 23, 1877, Eureka, 111.; s. James (b. Je 23. 1846, Belfast, Ireland) and Mary Ellen (Cundiff) Kirk (b. Mr 17, 1849, O.). Prepared in Springfield H. S.; So. 111. St. Norm. A. B.. Eureka Coll., 1900. Teacher, Tp. H. S., Pontiac, 111., 1902- 03; Supt., Schs., Neponset, HI., 1906-08; do., Toulon, HI., 1908-10. Married Mary Isabel Covington, My 7, 1901. Children: Thornton Robert Lee, b. Ap 13, 1902; Alfred Edward, b. Mr s, 1905. Address, Toulon, Ill.f FRANK ALLEN KIRKPATRICK 1916. M. S. (See No. 6361.) G389. TERNO KISIII Engineer; M. E., 1909; b. Mr 3, 1875, Mat- suyama lyo, Japan; s. F. Kishi. B. S.. Higher lech. Coll., Tokio, 1898. Asst. Engr., Kwan- sai Ry. Co.; do., Sango Ry., Imperial Govt., Japan. Address, Tokio, Japan.f G390. IPPEI KIYOHARA Cnil Engr.; M. S., 1913; b. O 23, 1887, lokusliima, Japan; s. Torazo (b. do.) and Mui Kiyohara (b. do.). Prepared in Japan. B. S. Wash. St. Coll., 191 1. Sigma Xi. Testing Dept. and Standardizing Lab. Dept., Gen Elec Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1913-17; Cml. Engr.] Frazer & Co., New York City, 1917 — . Mem., N. Y. Nippon Club, 1917; Assoc. Mem., A. I.' E. E., 1912 — . Address, Frazar & Co., so Church St., New York City. DAVID KLEIN 1907- A. M. (See No. 2726.) G391. HENRY GRANGER KNIGHT Dean of Agr.; Ph. D., 1917: b. JI 21. 1878, P-ennington, Kan.; s. Edwin Richard (b. S 14. 1849, Sandusky, O.) and Elva Maud (Edwards) Knight (b. Mr 11, i860). Prepared in Port Townson (Wash.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wash., 1902; A. M., do., 1904. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. Stud., Chem., Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04; Dean, Coll. of Agr. and Dir., Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wyo., 1910-18; do., Okla. A. and M. Coll., 1918 — . Chm.. St. Council of Defense, Wyo., 191 7-18. Married Nellie Elizabeth Dryden, Jl 25, 1905. Child, Richard Drvden. b. Jl 27, 1909. Address, Oklahoma A. and M. "Coll. Stillwater, Okla. PAUL KENNETH KNIGHT 1917- A. M. (See No. 7701.) G392. RICHARD ABNER KNIGHT Associate; M. S., 1917; b- S 8, 1885, Colum- bus, O.; s. William Abner (b. Ja 12, 1865. Delaware Co., O.) and Mary Ann (Wilbur) Knight (b. S 12, 1858). Prepared in Colum- bus (O.) H. S. M. E., O. St. Univ., 1909. Sigma Pi; Eta Kappa Nu. Const. Engng., Light Heat, & Power Co., Springfield, O.. 1909- To; Chief Electn., do., 1910-11; Instr., E. E., Univ. of Pa., 1911-13; do.. Univ. of III., 1913- 15: Assoc, do., 1915 — . Mem., A. I. E. E. Married Mable Cathers, Ag 24, 1909, Yellow Springs, O. Children: William Abner, b. D 28. 1912; Betty Ann Shirley, b. Je 28. 1916. Address, 307 W. Washington, LTrbana: bus add., 301-B E. E. Laboratory, Univ. of HI., do. 1900. FRED CONRAD KOCH M. S. (See No. 1241.) G393- PRUDENCE WINTER KOFOID A. M., 1903; b. Ag 24, 1866, South Coven- try, Conn.; d. Alpheus (b. F 17, 1838, Belcher- town, Mass.) and Flora D. (Thompson) Win- ter (b. S 25, 1834). Prepared in Hartford (Mass.) H. S. A. B.. Oberlin Coll., 1890. Phi Beta Kappa. Translated from the Russian Schwiakoffs' Monograpli of the Infusoria. As- pirotricha. Married Charles Atwood Kofoid, Te 30, 1894. Middlefield, Conn. Address, 2616 Etna St., Berkeley, Calif. 784 University of Illinois AMUND MARIUS KORSMO 1913. C. E. (See No. 3827.) G394- JOHN ANTON KOSTALEK Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. S 13, 1885, Pra- gue, Bohemia; s. .Anton Kostalek. Prepared in Milwaukee H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1907; A. M., do.. 1908. Phi Beta Kappa; Sig- ma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Scholarship, Univ. of Wis., 1907-08; Fellow, Chem., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Res. Chem., B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O., 1910-11; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Idaho, 1911-12; Asst. Prof., Chem., do., 1912-15; Assoc. Prof., Chem., do., 1915-18; Head of Organic and Phvs. Chem. Dept., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 191 8—. "Mem., A. A. A. S.; A. C. S. Married Helen Pitcairn, Ag 23, 1916. Child, Mary Elizabeth, b. S 18, 1917. Address, Moscow. Idaho; bus. add., c/o N. Dak. Agr. Coll., Fargo, N. Dak. GUSTAVE AUGUST KRAMER 1907. A. M. (See No. 2437.) ALONZO PLUMSTED KRATZ 1909. M. S. (See No. 3065.) ELWIN VALENTINE KRATZ 1913. M. S. (See No. 5236.) HENRY KREISINGER 1906. M. E. (See No. 2149.) G395. HARRY CLEVELAND KREMERS Chemist; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ja 28, 18S9, Springfield, S. Dak.; s. Lucas (b. N 23, 1856, Drenthe, Mich.) and Maggie (Grin- wis) Kremers (b. O 19, i860, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Hope Coll., Holland, INIich. A. B., Hope Coll., 1913. Asst., Chem., L^niv. of 111., 1917-18; Chem., Sansteel Mfg. Co., North Chicago, 111., 191 8 — . Auth. : The Rare Earths, Sell. Sc. and Math.; Observations on the Rare Earths, Vols. V and VI, Jour. A. C. S. Mar- ried Evelyn Jacobs, Je 30, 1915. Child, Howard Earl, b. S 21, 1917. Address, Lake Bluff, 111.; hits, add., Santeel Manufacturing Co., North Chicago, 111. FRED WILLIAM KRESSMANN 1910. M. S. (See No. 3831.) AUGUSTA MAY KRIEGER (EKBLAW) 1917. A. M. (See No. 4260.) MARTHA JACKSON KYLE 1898. A. M. (See No. 1054.) KATE LACKEY 1916. A. M. (See No. 7714.) G396. HURLEY FRANK LAMB Lecturer; A. M., 1914; b. My 29, 1886, Hillsdale, Mich.; s. Benjamin Soul (b. Rollin, Mich.) and Amelia (Lyon) Lamb (b. Hills- dale, Mich.). Prepared in North Adams (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1913. Grad. work, L^niv. of Pa., 1915-16; Lecturer, Radcliffe Chautauqua, 1916-17; Mgr., "Dry" Campaign, Scioto Co., O., 1918; Working for Bd. of Home Missions of M. E. Church, 1919 — . Mem., Ohio Conf. of M. E. Church. Married Mar- jorie Gertrude Coors, D 29, 1915, Bellevue, Mich. Child, Burjo Lemar, b. My 24, 1918. Address, 1426 2nd St., Portsmouth, O. ERNEST MICHAEL RUDOLPH LAMKEY 1914. A. M. 1916. Ph. D. (See No. 5773.) MARGARET HENRIETTE JOHANNE LAMPE 1900. A. M. (See No. 1055.) G397. LANE W. LANCASTER Teacher; A. M., 1918; b. D 9, 1892, Bellaire, O. ; s. Charles W'arren (b. Ap 7, 1866, Mari- etta. O.) and Josephine Crow Lancaster (b. N 12, 1869, Bellaire, O.). Prepared in Bellaire (O.) H. S. A. B., O. Wesleyan, 1915. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Rho. Scholarship, Hist., Univ. of 111.. 1917-18; Teacher, Languages, H. S., Huntington, W. Va. 1919 — • U. S. A., Camp Sherman, O., 1918. Auth. : Occasional Contributions of historical interests in Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, 1917-18. Married Mary Brown S :i, 1917, Cardington, O. Address, Huntington, W. Va. LE ROY LANG 1911. M. S. (See No. 3832.) G398. WILFRED FRANCIS LANGELIER (Husband of No. 5631.) Professor; M. S., loii; b. S 25, 1887, Nash- ua, N. H. Prepared in Nashua (N. H.) H.- S. B. S., N. H. Coll., 1909. Zeta Epsilon Zeta; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Chem., 111. St. Water Sur., 1909-16; Asst. Prof., San. Engng., Univ. of Calif., 1916 — . Married Ruth Leone Davison ('13), Jl 19, 1916, Marshall, 111. Address, 2327 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.; bus. add., Univ. of Calif., do. G399. BERTHA LANGWILL Professor; M. S., 1918; b. O 3, 1894. Rock- ford. 111.; d. James S. (b. Scotland) and Jane (Montgomerv) Langwill (b. do.). Prepared in Rockford'H. S. B. S., Rockford Coll., 1916. Sigma Xi, 1918. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Rock- ford. 111., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., Dept. of Chem., Sweet Briar Coll., Sweet Briar, Va., 1917 — . Address. 1413 W. State St., Rockford, 111.; bus. add.. Sweet Briar Coll., Sweet Briar, Va. CYRUS WILLIAM LANTZ 1914. A. M. (See No. S77S-) LAWRENCE FREDERICK LARSON 1904. A. M. (See No. 1916.) G400. LOUIS JOHN LARSON (Husband of No. 7620) Chief Engr.; M. S., 1917; b. Je 5, 1891, Heron Lake. Minn.; s. John (b. 1862, Norway) and Lena (Silnes) Larson (b. 1863, la.). Pre- pared in Windoni (Minn.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1914; C. E., do., 191=;. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Univ. Club; Rifle Club. Fellow, L^niv. of 111.; Asst. Engr. Physicist, Materials Testing Div., Bur. of Standards, 1917-19; Chief Engr., Lumber, Tie and Timber Vul- canizing Co. Invented an instrument for read- ing the tension in airplane wires or other wires of similar nature (patent applied for). |r. Mem., A. S. C. E., 1916 — . Married Jose- I)hine Blanche Louise Hollandsworth ('16), Je 26, 1918, Canton. 111. Address, 3739 Jocelyn St.. Chevy Chase, D. C; bus. add.. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. MARTHA SERENA LARSON 1914. A. M. (See No. 4268.) G401. GEORGE ROGER LA RUE Dir. Biol. Sta.; Ph, D., 191 1; b. Ja i, 1882, Pau- lina, la.; s. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (b. My 6, 1S50, O.) and Julia Olive (Dean) La Rue (b. S 13, 1858, Blairstown, la.). Prepared in Paulina (la.) H. S.; Acad, of Doane Coll. B. S.. Doane Coll., 1907; A. M., Univ. of Neb., ^1909. Pi Kappa Delta; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Instr., Zool., Univ. of Mich., 1911-13; Asst. Prof., do., 1913 — ; Dir., Univ. of Mich. Biol. Sta., 191 7 — ; "Temporary Asst., U. S. Bur. of Fish- eries, Alaska, summer 1009. Auth.: Articles in Transactions Am. Microscopic Soc; III. Biol. Monographs; Report Mich. Acad, of Sc. Graduate Alumni 785 Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc. ; Am. Microscopic Soc; Jr. Research Club; Mich. Acad, of Sc; Am. Soc. of Zool.; Congr. Church. Married Clara Cleone Marshall, D 22, 191 1, Panama, Neb. Children: Helen Margaret, b. My 27, 1914; John Marshall, b. N 3, 1915; Julia Ann, b. Mr 8, igi8. Address, 1078 Ferdon Road, Ann .Ar- bor, Mich.; bus. add., Univ. of Mich. Biologi- cal Station, do. CHARLTON PAGE LATHROP 1917- M. S. (See No. 7722.) G402. THOMAS ERWIN LATIMER Lawyer; A. M., 1909; b. Ap 6, 1879, Hill- iards, O.; s. Ezekiel (b. 1853, do.) and Anna (Van Schoyck) Latimer (b, 1854, do.). Pre- pared in Hilliards (O,) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wash., 1908. Scholarship. Asst., Econ., 1009- 10; Prin., Schs., Juneau, Alaska, 1910-11; Atty. at Law, Minneapolis, 1914 — . Married Elsie Henry, Ag 29, 1910, Seattle. Address, 2716 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis. JENNIE MARY LATZER (K/\ESER) 1901, M. S. (See No. 1371.) JOHN ALBERT LATZER 1900. M. S. (See No. 1243.) G403. WILLARD WOOD LAUER Engineer; M. S., 191 7; b. Ja i, 1894, Pitts- burgh; s. William J. (b. Ja 24, 1872, do.) and Jane Gray (Underwood) Lauer (b. Ap i, 1872. Roscoe, Pa.). Prepared in Central H. S., Pittsburgh. B. S., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1916. Engr., Flinn O'Rourke Co., Engrs., New York City. 1917. A. S. S. R. C, 1917; Scout Pilot, 29th* Sqdn., R. A. P.. 1917-18; Flight Commander, 25th Aero Sqdn., 4th Pursuit Group, U. S. A., A. E. F., France, 1918; Capt., do. Mem., First Presby. Church. Ad- dress, 3422 Parkview Ave., Pittsburgh. EDWARD GEORGE LAUTERBACH 1917. M. S. (See No. 7026.) G404. MATTHEW LAWRENCE Instructor; A. M., 1914; b. Mr 27, 1889, Hudson, HI.; s. William (b. Ap 11, i86t, do.) and Mary Louise (Patterson) Lawrence (b. Jl 31, 1858. Smithfield, 111.). Prepared in Shurt- leff Acad. A. B., Shurtleff Coll., 1913. Alpha Zeta. Grad. Scholarship. Head, Hist. Dept., H. S., Pekin, 111., 1914-15; Instr., Hist, and Govt., Washington Jr. H. S., Butte, Mont., 1915-17. U. S. A., 1917; A. E. F.. France, 1917. U. S. Artillery Sch.. France, 1917; 2nd Lt., F. A. R. C, 1918 — . Address, Hudson, 111. G405. EDWARD LOTAN LAWSON Professor and Acting Dean; A. M., 1914; b. My 20, 1871. Fairbanks, Ind.; s. William Jasper (b. D 6, 1841, do.) and Rachel Ann (Harrison) Lawson (b. Ja 18, 1846, do.). Prepared in De Pauw Univ. Acad.; De Pauw Univ., 1891-93. A. B., Union Christian Coll., igoi; Ph. B., do., 1902. Prof., Educ, Defiance Coll., O., 1914 — ; Acting Dean, do.. 191 7 — : Corp., Co. I, 159th Ind. Volunteer Inf., 1898. Married Ada Carp- enter Lauren, D 26, 1904, Muncie, Ind. Chil- dren: Virginia Lauren, b. My 18, 1906; Lois Lauren, b. Je 29, 1908. Address, Defiance Coll., Defiance, O. G406. THOMAS ERNEST LAYNG Associate; Ph. D., 1916; b. O 13, 1886, Smith's Falls, Can.; s. Henry (b. Je 3, 1849, do.) and Raechel (Hayes) Layng (b. Ag 10, 185s, do.). Prepared in Smith's Falls Colle- .giate. A. B., Mc Master Univ., 1909; A. M., do., 1012. Gamma Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsi- lon; Sigma Xi. Research Chem., Chicago, 1915-16; Research Chem., Urbana, 1917-18; Assoc, do., 191 8 — . Joint inventor of coking process. Auth.: Low Temperature Distillation of Coal (in Press). Married Winifred Annie Gray, Ag 28, 1916, Toronto, Can. Address, 701 Indiana Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 152 Chem. r.ldg., Univ. of 111., do. KATHERINE ALBERTA LAYTON (CRATHORNE) 1908. Ph. D. (See No. 1545.) G407. WARREN KENNETH LAYTON Teacher; A. M., 1918; b. O 27, 1889, Poto- mac, 111.; s. John (b. N 27, 1858, Binghamp- ton, N. Y.) and Luella (Copeland) Layton (b. S 20, 1865. Danville, 111.). Prepared in Po- tomac H. S.; Shortridge, H. S., Indianapolis; De Pauw Acad. A. B., N. W. Univ., 191 1. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Correspondent and adv. writer, .•911-14; Teacher, pub. schs., 1914-16; Asst., Educ, Univ. of 111.. 1916-18. M. O. T. C, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., 1918; ist Lt.. San. Corps, N. A., igi8 — . Auth.: Joint Reviser (with W. C. Bagley) of Dr. John Milton Gregory's Seven Laws of Teach- ing, Pilgrim Press; Vocational Placement, Educ. Adm. and Supervision, N, 1917; Train- ing and Control .of the Emotions, Sch. and Home Educ. N, 1917. Mem.. Nat. Soc. for Study of Educ, 1916; N. E. A., 1Q17 — ; N. E. A. Com. on Orgn. and Adm. of Secondary Educ. Address, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Ogle- thorpe, Ga. 191; MAC E. LEACH A. M. (See No. 7728.) G408. JOHN MARVIN LE CATO Instructor; A. M.. 1916; b. N 26, 1890, Ba- hama Islands; s. J. T. and I. S. (Shipley) Le Cato. Prepared in Baltimore City Coll. John Hopkins L'niv. A. B.. LIniv. of Mich., 1913. Asst.. Bot.. Univ. of Mich.. 1912-13; do., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Instr.. Biol., Marshall Coll., Huntington, W. Va. Address, Harmans, Md.; bus. add., Marshall Coll., Huntington, W. Va.t G409. HENRY RHODES LEE Chemist; M. S.. 1916; b. My 29, 1893, Wal- do. Wis. Prepared in Carroll Acad. A. B., Carroll Coll., 1914. Asst., Chem., Carroll Coll., 1012-14; Asst., Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Mun. Chem., Decatur, 111.. 1917 — . Address, 402 E Ave., Waukesha, Wis.; bits, add., De- catur, 111. G410. MA-LI LIANG TZE LEE Teacher; A. M.. 191 5; b. O 20, 1889, Tsin- nan Fu; d. Run Sheng Lee. Prepared in la. Wesleyan Coll. Prep. .Sch.; Columbia, summer 1913. B. S., la. Wesleyan Coll., 1914. Teach- er, Baldwin Memorial Girls Sch., Nanchang. China, 1906-07; V. P., Chinese Stud. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of Am., 1913-14. Address, Nanking, China. G411. BENJAMIN GEORGE LEHENBAUER (Brother of No. G412) Clerk; A. M.. 1910; b. Jl 12, 1884, Hanni- bal, Mo.; s. Frederick Andrew (b. D 3, 1831, Ottingen. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Koehler) Le- henbauer (b. Ja 4. 1841, Konigshafen, do.). Prepared in (5er. Parochial Sch.; Centenary and Van Rensselaer Acads.. Hannibal, Mo.; Westminister Coll., Fulton, Mo. A. B.. James Millikin Univ., 1909. Instr., Math.. Miami t'niv., Oxford, O.. 1910-13; Clerk, Actuarial Dept. of Union Central Life Ins. Co., Cincin- nati. 1Q14 — . Married Martha Hope Homan, Jl 9, 1913, Cincinnati. Address. 235 Albany Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati; bus. add.. Union Central Life Insurance Co., do. 786 University of Illinois G412. PHILIP AUGUSTUS LEHENBAUER (Brother of No. G411) Professor; Ph. D., 1914; b. N i, 1884, Han- nibal, Mo.; s. Frederick Andrew (b. D 3, 1831, Ottingen, Ger.) and Elizabeth (Koehler) Le- henbauer (b. Ja 4, 1841, Konigshafen. do.). Prepared in Van Rensselaer Acad., Mo. A. B., Westminster Coll., 1907; A. M.. Millikin Univ.. 1909. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., iqio; Asst., Plant Physiol., do., 191 1-12; Fellowship, do., 1913-14; Asst. Prof., Bot. and Hort., Univ. of Nev., 1914-17; do., Plant Physiol., Univ. of 111., 19 17 — . Auth. : Plant Growth in Relation to Temperature, Physiol. Researches. Address, 1107 S. Busey Ave., Urljana; bus. add., 203 Floriculture Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. EDITH LEONARD 1910. M. S. (See No. 2735.) G413. HAROLD DEAM LESLIE Ins. Agt.; A. M., 191 5; b. My 4, 1894, Day ton, O. ; s. George B. (b. 1863, Germantown O.) and Ida M. (Deam) Leslie (b. 1865, Lew isburg, O.). Prepared in Stivers H. S., Day ton, O. A. B., O. St. Univ., 1914. Corda Fra tres; Assn. of Cosmopolitan Clubs. Asst. Dept. of Ins. and Statistics, LIniv. of 111., 19 14 15; Actuarial and Statistical work, Northwes tern Mutual Life Ins. Co., Milwaukee, 1915 17; General Agt., Provident Life and Trust Co. of Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, 1917-18 U. S. Army, Washington, D. C, 1Q18 — Mem., Reformed Church of U. S^; Nat. Life Underwriters Assn.; Commercial Club of Salt Lake; Y. M. C. A. Address, 917 Creightor Ave., Dayton, O.; bus. add., 515 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City. OSCAR ADOLPH LEUTWILER 1900. M. E. (See No. 1246.) G414. HAROLD ALVIN LEVEY Indus. Chem.; M. S., 1916; b. O 14, 1889, New Orleans; s. Moses Edmond (b. Ap 6, 1S50, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Bella (Pokormy) Levey (b. Ag 3, 1865, New Orleans). Prepared in McDonough H. S., New Orleans. B. E., Tu- lane Univ., 191 1. Tech. Dir., plant for manu- facture of celluloid-like material. General Mfg. Co.. Sioux City, la. Div. of Sc. and Research, U. S. Signal Corp, Bur. of Aircraft Prod.; Mustered out, F i, 1919. Mem., Jewish Syna- gogue; Social. Club, Sioux City; Menorah. Address, 2846 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans; bus. add.. Hotel Martin, Sioux City, la. G41S. CHARLES DICKENS LEWIS Professor; A. M., 1917; b- Ja 30. 1875, Lew- is, la.; s. Isaac (b. O 27. 1836, Chester Hill, O.) and Rebecca Jane (Garretson) Lewis (b. O 12, 183s, York Co., Pa.). Prepared in Pvt. schs., Eubanks, Ky. B. Ped., Ky. St. Univ., 1901. Teacher, Theodore Harris Inst., Pine- ville, Ky., 1901-02; Prof., Biol., Norm. Sch., Berea Coll., Berea, Ky., 1902 — ; Grad. Stud., LTniv. of Wis., summer, 1908; Teacher, Pea- body Coll., summer 191 7; Teacher's Inst. Work, summers. U. S. Ambulance Corps, Allentown, Pa., 1917 — . Auth.: The Waterboys and their Cousins, J. B. Lippincott & Co.. 1918; Contrib- utor, So. Sch. Jour. Mem., Union Church; Kv. Acad, of Sc; Ky. Educ. Assn. Married Effie M. Godbey, D 25, 1902, Lexington, Ky. Children: Elizabeth Marguerite, b. Ag 24, 1905; Charles Wesley, b. F 2, 1907; Mary Llewellyn, b. Ja 22, 1909; Rowena May, b. My 8, 191 1. Address, Berea Coll., Berea, Ky. G416. HARRY FLETCHER LEWIS Research Chem.; Ph. D., 1916; b. My 27, 1891, Denver, Colo.; s. Benjamin Morgan (b. O 16, i860, Utica, N. Y.) and Jennie Noah (Potter) Lewis (b. Jl 22, 1862). Prepared in DeWitt Clinton H. S., New York City. B. S.. Wesleyan Univ., 1912; M. S., do., 1913- Sig- ma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Pharmaceutical Research Fellowship, Univ. of 111.; Research Chem., Color Lab., Bur. of Chem., Dept. of Agr., Washington. D. C, 1918 — . Auth.: Arti- cles in Jour. Industrial Engng. Chem.; Jour, .'im. Pharmaceutical Assn. Married Mildred Wilson Judd, Je 28, 1916, Champaign. Child, Harry Fletcher, Jr., b. My 27, 1917- Address, 15 Prospect St., Cherrydale, Va. ; bus. ,add.. Color Lab., Bur. of Chem., Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. JULIAN HERMAN LEWIS 1912. A. M. (See No. 4776.) G417. LESTER CLYDE LICHTY Instructor; M. S., 1916; b. Jl 15, 1891, Carle- ton, Neb.; s. W. W. Lichty. B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1913. Instr., LTniv. of Okla., 1916 — . Address, Carleton, Neb.; bus. add., Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla.t G418. WARREN LINCOLN Farm Mgr.; M. S., 1914; b. Mr 24, 1887, Council Grove, Kan.; s. George Cummings (b. Ag 22, 1856, Colrasset, Mass.) and Ara- bella May (Whitcomb) Lincoln (b. My 3, 1865, Altona, lU.). Prepared in Portland (Ore.) H. S. B. S. A., Wash. St. Coll., 1913- Alpha Zeta. Mgr. Farm, Prosser, Wash. Married Blanche Lincoln, D 14, 1916, Union, Wash. Address, Prosser, Wash. JUSTA MORRIS LINDGREN 1907. A. M. (See No. 1724.) ALMEDA V. LINDLEY (PARKS) 1906. A. M. (See No. 2442.) G419. RALPH HARLAN LINKINS Instructor; A. M., 1914; b. Ag 4, 1887 Naples, 111.; s. Mrs. R. C. Linkins. A. B.. Ill Coll., 191 1. Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111.,, 1913 15; Stud, and Instr., do., 1916-18. San. Corps, Yale, 1918 — : Address, 501 W. State St. Jacksonville, 111. HOMER ROBERTS LINN 1909. M. E. (See No. 968.) LE ROY LEWIS LITTLE 191 1. A. M. (See No. 4780.) SHERMAN HENRY LITTLER 1912. A. M. (See No. 4781.) ANANIAS CHARLES LITTLETON 1918. A. M. (See No. 5273-) G420. LEONIDAS ROSSER LITTLETON (Brother of No. G421) Chemist; Ph. D., 1912; b. Ag i, 1889, Belle Haven, Va.; s. Jesse Talbot (b. O 27, 1856, Portsmouth, Va.) and Lulie (Rosser) Littleton (b. D 6, :86i, Petersburg, Va.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Southern Univ. A. B., Southern Univ., 1907; A. M., Tulane Univ., 1910. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. Instr., Chem., Grinnell Coll.. 1912-13; Prof., Chem., Emory and Henry Coll., Emory, Va., 19 13-17; Asst. Chem., Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. J., 1917 — . Mem., M. E. Church; A. A. A. S., 191 7—; A. C. S.; Nat. Geo. Soc. Married Alice Lenore -Scott, Je 17, 1916, Emory, Va. Child, Rachel Bernard, b. O 4, 1917. Address. 186 N. Sus-. sex St., Dover, N. J.; bus. add., Picatinny Ar- senal, do. Graduate Alumni 787 G421. MARTHA ELIZABETH LITTLETON (BRADLEY) (Sister of No. G420) A. M., 1909; b. S 10, 1884, Portsmouth, Va.; d. Jesse Talbot (b. O 27, 1856, do.) and Louisa (Rosser) Littleton (b. D 6, 1861, Oak Hill. Va.). A. B., Southern LIniv., 1905. Head, Mod. Lang. Dept., Martha Washington Univ., 1906-08; Scholarship. Ger., Univ. of 111., igo8- 09; Head, Dept., Mod. Lang., Woman's Coll. of Ala., 1909-10; do.. Galloway Coll., 1911-13. Married Bret Beale Bradley, S 10, 1913. Chil- dren, Bret Beale Jr., b. Ag 14, 1915; Mary Louisa b. Mr i, 1918. Address, 'Bt^chwboA Farm, Columbia, Miss. G422. YI LIU M. S., 1918; b. Ja 19, 1893, Tientsin City, China; s. Feng Ying Hsu. A. T. E. C, Tang- shan Engng. Coll., 1916. G423. FLORENCE LONG Instructor; M. S., 1918; b. F s, 1889, Fierce- ton, Ind.; s. Charles Robert (b. O 31, 1851, Fredericktown. O.) and Emma Josephine (Ho- ver) Long (b. Ag 25, 1856, Pierceton, Ind.). Prepared in Pierceton (Ind.) and Warsaw (Ind.) H. Schs. B. S., Earlham Coll., 1913. Kappa Delta Pi; Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. Scholar, LIniv. of 111.. 1917-18; Grad. Stud., Bryn Mawr, 1913-14; Instr., Math., Earlham Coll., 1914-17. Mem., Y. W. C. A. Address, Pierceton, Ind. G424. MANUEL L. LOPEZ Assistant; A. M., 1918; b. Je 28, 1889, Gran- ada, Spain; s. Manuel (b. 1848, do.) and Manuela Delgado (Felui) Lopez Rodriguez (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in Licio de Aplicacion, Institute, and Cml. and Eng. Inst.. Sandiago, Chile, S. A. A. B., O. Wesleyan Univ.. 1916. Cosmopolitan Club; Latin-Am. Club; Spanish Club; French Club; Grad. Club; Latin Am. Scholarship. O. Wesleyan Univ. Asst., Ro- mance Languages, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Trans- lator; Articles in Spanish; Ed. of Spanish Am. Bui., 1918; Pamphlet on Chile, under auspices of Carnegie Endowment for Internat. Peace, 1918. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 409 E. Healey St.. Champaign; bus. add., 309 LIniv. Hall, Univ. of 111., Urbana. G425. ARTHUR RUSSELL LORD (Husband of No. 4579) Engineer; M. S., 191 1; b. Ag 8, i886, Ips- wich, Mass.; s. Aaron (b. do.) and Catharine Elizabeth (Underbill) Lord (b. do.). Pre- pared in Manning H. S., Ipswich, Mass. B. S.. Univ. of Me., 1907; C. E., do., 1910. Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi. Instr., C. E., Univ. of Me., 1907-08; do., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1908- 09; Res. Fellow, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Consulting Engr., 1911-17; Engng. Lab., Lehigh LIniv., Bethlehem, Pa., 1919 — . Capt., Engrs., O. T. C, 1917; Engrs. O. T. S., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1917; loSth Engrs., 111. Nat. Guard, Camp Logan, Tex., 191 7; with 513th Engrs.. N. A., Camp Travis, Tex., 1918; Major, 191 8; On special duty with Emer- gency Fleet (Torporation, Washington, D. C, 1918; do., Philadelphia and South Bethlehem, Pa., 1918-19. Made first test for actual stres- ses in a completed building. Auth. : Test of a Flat Slab Floor in a Reinforced Concrete Building, Proceedings, Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. 8, 191 1; A Discussion of the Basis of Design for Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs, do.; The Effect of Concrete Encasing Structural Steel Columns, Bui. 56, Univ. of III. Engng. E.vp. Sta.; Various other papers and articles on the testing of reinforced concrete buildings and on structural design. Married Ruth Burns Cii), S 22, 1915, Macomb, 111. Address, c/o Engng. Lab., Lehigh Univ., Beth- lehem, Pa. G426. JOHN MARSHALL LOWRIE (Brother of No. G427) Lawyer; A. M., 1909; b. Je 7, 1887, Elkhart, Ind.; s. James Gibson (b. O 28, 1848. Lancas- ter, O.) and Caroline Ferris (Gale) Lowrie (b D 28, 1853, Galesburg, 111.). A. B., Knox Coll., 1908. LL. B., Columbia 1912. Lawyer, New York City, 1912 — . Address, 158 Waverly Place, New York City; bus. add., 165 Broad- way, do. G427. SELDEN GALE LOWRIE (Brother of No. G426) Professor; A. M., 1908; b. Ag 13, 1884, Mt. Sterling, 111.; s. James Gibson (b. O 28, 1848, Lancaster, O.) and Caroline Ferris (Gale) Lowne (b. D 28, 1853, Galesburg, 111.). Pre- pared m Niles (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., 1907; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1912. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta. ASst., Pol. Sc, LIniv. of Wis., 1908-10; Instr., do., 1910-12; Asst., Wis. Legislative Reference Lib., 1908-11; Special Investigator, Wis. St. Bd. of Pub. Affairs, 1911-12; Acting Prof., Pol. Sc, L^niv. of Cincinnati. 1912-13; Prof., Pol. Sc, do., 19 1 3 — ; Dir., O. Legislative Reference Bur., Columbus, O., 1913-14; Dir., Municipal Refer- ence Bur., Cincinnati, 1914 — -. Capt., O. R. C, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Auth.: Corrupt Practices at Elections Wis. Lib. Comn., 191 1; The Budget, Wis. St. Bd. of Pub. Affairs, 191 2; New Form of the Initiative and Referendum, Am. Pol. Sc. Rev.. Vol. 5, 191 1; The Wis. Plan for the Initiative and Referendum, Annals Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc, N 1912; Notes on Current Legislation, Am. Pol. Sc. Review, Vol. 5, 191 1; Proposals for a State Budget. Proceedings Am. Pol. Sc. Assn., 1912; Municipal Revenue in Ohio, Nat. Municipal Rezncw. N 1915; Public Utility Problems in Cincinnati, Utilities Mag., Vol. i, No. 2; Rapid Transit Plan in Cincinnati, do., Jl 191 7; Cin- cinnati Plan for a LInion Depot, do., O 1917; A Municipally Owned LInion Depot, Am. Citv, Ag 1917. Mem., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Bus. Men's Club, Cincinnati; City Club, do.; O. St. Lib. Assn.. 1913 — ; Bd. of Dirs., (Cincinnati Associated Charities; Am. Sociol. Assn.; Am. Assn. for Lib. Legislation; Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs.; Bd. Dirs.. Cincinnati Legal Aid Soc; Madison Univ. Club; Cincinnati Tennis Club; Presby. Church. Address, 1616 Riggs Place, Washington, D. C. ; bus. add., Univ. of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati. BENJAMIN EDWARD LUDVIK 1917. A. M. (See No. 7756.) EDWARD ROY LUDWIG 1912. M. S. (See No. 4785.) G428. WILLIAM PENN LUKENS M. S., 1916; b. S 30. 1892, Philadelphia; s. J. Parry Lukens. Prepared in Ridley Park (Pa.) H. S. A. B., Swarthmore Coll., 1913. Exp. Dept., Chalmers Motor Car Co., 1913-14; do., Saxon Motor Car Co., 1914. ist Lt.. U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of 111.. 1918. Married Ethel I. Adams, S 22, 1918, Champaign. Ad- dress, Woodlyn, Pa. JAMES CHARLES LUND 1911. M. S. (See No. 3847-) RAYMOND RUDOLPH LUNDAHL 1917. C. E. (See No. 4786.) G429. ALFRED EDWIN LUSSKY Professor; A. M., 191 1; b. O 17, 1885, Ster- ling, 111.; s. Rev. Frederick (b. N 27, i8i;o, Buffalo, N. Y.) and Anna C. (Beyer) .Lussky (b. Ag 10, 1850, do.). Prepared in Ottawa H. S.; Acad, of Concordia Coll. A. B., Concordia Coll., 1906; B. D., Concordia Theological Sem- University of Illinois inary, St. Louis, 1910. Der Deutsche Verein. Instr., Ger., Univ. of Mich., 1911-13; Head, Ger. Dept., Lake Forest Coll., 111., 1913-14; do., Univ. of Ark., 1915-16; Asst. Prof., Ger., do.', 1916 — . Address, Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville, Ark. G430. GRETCHEN KATHERINE LUTZ Teacher; A. M., 1913; b. F 16, i8qo, Albion. Mich.; d. Frederick Lutz. Prepared in Albion (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1909. Stud., Univ. of Narburg, Ger.; Teacher, H. S.. Hillsdale, 111., iqog-ii; Instr., Ger., Rockford Coll., 1911-12; Teacher, Albion, Mich. Ad- dress, Albion, Mich. ERNEST BARNES LYTLE 1904. A. M. (See No. 1552.) WILLIAM PRIESTLY McCARTNEY 1900. M. S. (See No. 755.) GEORGE WASHINGTON McCLUER 1892. M. S. (See No. 399.) G431. ELZY VERN McCOLLOUGH Instructor; A. M., 191 5; b. Ag 24, 1884, Greenfield, la.; s. Robert Maxwell (b. D 15, :845. Washington Co.. Pa.) and Elizabeth (Weecle) McCollough (b. Je 30, 1848, do.). Prepared in Tarkio (Mo.) H. S.; Prep. Dept., Tarkio Coll. A. B., Tarkio Coll., 1908. Instr., Econ., Pa. St. Coll., 1915 — , Married Marga- ret Carson, Ag 25, 191 5, Washington, la. Child, Elzy Vern, Jr., b. Jl 18, 1917. Address, State College, Pa. G432. SAMUEL JAY LACON McCOMIS Supt., Schs.; A. M., 1917; b. Jl 17, 1876, Busseyville, Ky. ; s. James Franklin McComis. Prepared in Louisa (Ky.) H. S.; Ky. Univ.; Berea Coll. LL. B., Jefferson Univ., 1910. Prin., H. S., 1906-09; City Supt. of Schs., 1909-13. Address, Lacon, Ill.f G433. HARRY McCORMACK Professor; M. S., 1899; b. S 7, 1876, Spen- cer, la.; s. James T. (b. F 21, 1846, Vermillion Co., 111.) and Adeline (Gannett) McCormack (b. Ja 20, 1846. St. Joseph Co., Ind.). Pre- pared in Ruthven (la.) H. S. B. S., Drake Univ., 1896. Teacher, H. Schs., 1899-1904; Instr., Chem., Armour Inst., of Tech., 1904-06; Prof., Chem. Engng., do.. 1906 — . Dir., Re- search Lab., Chicago. Mem., Hyde Park Church of Christ; A. C. S.; x\m. Electro Chem. Soc; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Am. Inst. Chem. Engng.; Univ. Club; City Club. Married Mae Henderson, Je 10, 1898, Baxter, la. Children: John Thomas, b. My 6, 1899; Ralph Henry, b. Jl 24, 1907; Robert Craig, b. Ag I, 1909. Address, 5545 University Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Armour Institute of Tech- nology, do. x\LVA ELISHA McCOY 1917. M. S. (See No. 7771.) RUDOLPH McDERMET 1914. M. S. 1916. E. E. (See No. 5281.) G434. JANET MALCOLM MACDONALD Archaeologist: A. M., 1913; b. Mr 6, 1891, Hubbard, la.; d. William Thomas (b. Je 19, 1855, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland) and Margaret Jane Macdonald (b. D 12, 1854. do.) Prepared in Morningside Acad. A. B., Morn- ingside Coll., 1910; Ph. D., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1918. Asst. Prin. H. S., Aurelia, la., 1911-12; Instr.. Latin. Morningside Coll., 1913-15; Ar- chaeol. Fellowship to Classical Sch., Athens, 1917. Mem., Archaeol. Soc. of Am. Address, Storm Lake, la.; bus. add., Pembroke West, Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. G435. JENNIE McELWAIN A. M., 1918; b. O 3, 1880, Knoxville, 111.; d. Edward H. (b. F 6, iSss, Springfield, O.) and Laura B. (Lacy) McElwain (b. D 21, 1859, Gilson, 111.). Prepared in Knoxville H. S.; Knox Coll., 1899-igoi. B. S., Hedding Coll., 1905. Teacher, Elmwood, 111., 1909-12; do., Aledo, 111., 1912-16; do., Belleville, 111., iqi8 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Knox- ville, 111.; bus. add., 108 W. B St., Belleville, 111. G436. WALLACE MACFARLANE Chemist; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., IQ15; b. D 18. 1886. Silver Reef, Ut.; s. John M. Macfar- lane. Prepared in Univ. of Ut. Prep. Sch. B. S., LTniv. of Ut., 1910'. Grad. Stud., Ut. Agr. Coll.; Asst. Chem., Exp. Sta., Logan, Ut., iqio-ii; Instr.. Math., do., 1911-12; Chem. Ut. Fertilizer & Chem. Co., summer, 1908; In- vestigation Dept., Washington. D. C. Sergt., Camp Lewis, Wash., 1917-18; Camp Kendrick, Mo.; Mustered out. D 5, 191S. Address, 25 South St.. Salt Lake City; bus. Rdd.. Inves- tigation Dept., 3503 R St., N. W., Washington, D. C. MARY OLA McGINNIS 1910. A. M. (See No. 1732.) G437. *HAROLD HOSSACK McGREGOR Ph. D.. 1 9 14; b. O 16. 1884, Ottawa, Can.; s. R. McGregor. B. A., McMaster Univ., 1909; M. S. Univ. of Louisville, 1912. Died S 13, 191 5. Ottawa, Can. G438. HAZEL HOPE MacGREGOR (RICE) A. M., 1909; b. F 6, 1881, Valin, S. Dak.; d. Alexander (b. Ont.) and Eva (Mathews) Mac Gregor (b. Ap 27. 1856. Springville, N. v.). Prepared in Yankton (Toll. Acad. B. S., Yankton Coll.. 1906; A. M., do., 1907. Sigma Xi. Scho!., Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Fellow, Math.. Univ. of Kan., igio-ii; Instr., Math., Yankton Coll.. iqoo-io; do., Univ. of Kan., 1911-13. Married Martin Everett Rice, S 4, 1913, Yankton, S. Dak. Child, Hazel Eliza- beth, b. F 18, 1916. Address, 1538 Vermont St., Lawrence, Kan. JESSIE McHARRY 1912. A. M. (See No. 4790.) G439. DUNCAN ARTHUR MacINNES (Brother of No. 7779) Professor; M. S., 1909; Ph. D., 191 1; b. Mr 31, 1885, Salt Lake City; s. Duncan (b. Glas- gow, Scotland) and Frances Charlotte (Sayers) Mac Innes (b. Horsham, Eng.). Prepared in Acad.. Univ. of LTtah. B. S., Univ. of Utah, 1007. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Gamma .'\lpha. Scholar, L'niv. of 111., 1908-09; Fellow, do., 1900-11; Instr., Chem.. do., 1911-is; Assoc, Chem.. do.. 1915-18; Asst. Prof., Phys. Chem., Mass. Inst, of Tecti., 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in Jour. A. C. S. Address, 12 Ainsworth St.. Roslindale. Mass.; but. add., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. JAMES HARRY McKEE 1899. M. E. (See No. 970.) G440. CARL STONE McKELLOGG Teacher; A. M.. 1915; b. F 8, 1894, Wake- man, O.; s. Frank E. McKellogg. Prepared in Oberlin (O.) H. S. A. B.. Oberlin Coll., 1914. Teacher. H. S.. Bucyrus, O. Corp., Chem. Warfare Service. Add-ress, 53 W. Vine St., Oberlin. O. ; bus. add., Bucyrus, O. G441. EDWARD LAWRENCE McKENNA Assistant; A. M.. 1914; b. Je 7. 1893, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; s. William E. McKenna. A. B., Columbia. 1913. Asst., Econ., L^niv. of 111., 1014-16; Pa. St. Coll., 1916 — . Address, 23s McDonough St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Graduate Alumni 7S9 HENRY THEODORE McKINNEY 1915. A. M. (See No. 5800.) G442. HARRY CHARLES McKOWN Teacher; A. M., 1917; b. Ja 11, 1892, Peoria; s. Charles W. (b. Mr 12, 1840, Ind.) and Re- becca (Traxler) McKown (b. Ap 12, 1853, Pa.). Prepared in Haw Creek Tp. H. S., Gilson. B. S., Knox Coll., 1913. Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Teacher, H. S., Ottumwa. la., 1917- i8. A. S. S. C, Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex., 1918; 2nd Lt., Ellington Field, Houston, Tex., 1918- 19; Mustered out, F 25, 1919. One of three honor students in 66th Sqdn., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of Tex. Address, Gilson, 111. G443. MAUDE KATHERINE McLAUGHLIN Student; A. M., 1917; b. N 2, 1888, Omaha, Neb.; d. R. A. (b. Ag 3, i860, Toledo, O.) and Ida May (Mohler) McLaughlin (b. Jl 27, 1867, Mechanicsburg. Pa.). Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S.; Galesburg H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., 1909. Student, Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1917 — • Address, 806 W. Nevada St., Urbana. GEORGE BURR McMILLEN 1917. A. M. (See No. 7063.) SARAH GRACE McMILLEN (JORGENSEN) 1911. A. M. (See No. 3857.) NELLIE LOUISE McWILLIAMS (ENOCHS) 1901. A. M. (See No. 1374.) G444. KATHRYN MADDOCK Journalist; A. M., 1916; b. S i. 1892, Evan- ston, 111.; d. Henry S. (b. Je 3, 185 1, Chester, Pa.) and Anna Catherine (Loag) Maddock (b. D 25, 1855, Columbia, Pa.). Prepared in Evanston Tp. H. S. B. A., Rockford Coll., 1915. Delta Gamma; Scholarship, 1915-16. Reporter, Moniiug Star, Rockford, 111., 1916- 17; Reporter, la. Jour., Sioux City, 1917; Asst. Supvr.. Publicity Campaign Organization Work, Sch. Garden Movement, Cleveland. Ad- dress, 940 SheriTian Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., c/o Iowa Journal, Sioux City. WILBER CLINTON MADDOX 1909. M. S. (See No. 3096.) G445. THOMAS BYRD MAGATH Instructor; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ja 28, 1895, Ox- ford, Ga. ; s. Julius (b. i860, Vilna, Russia) and Eliza (Byrd) Magath (b. 1867, Tallahassee, Fla.). Prepared in Palmer Inst., Oxford, Ga. Ph. B., Emory Univ., 1913; M. S., James Milli- kin Univ., 1914. Nu Sigma Nu; Fellow, Zool., 1916-17. Scientific Investigator, U. S. Bur. of Fisheries, summer 191 7; Instr., Anatomy, Coll. of Med., Univ. of 111. Med. R. C, U. S. A., 1918; Acting Med. Sergt., S. A. T. C. Med. Sect., Univ. of 111., Chicago; Mustered out, D II, 1 9 18. Auth.: The Presence of Acido- philous Cells in the Adrenals, Transactions Am. Microscopic Soc, Vol. 34, 1913; Nema- tode Technique, cfo.. Vol. 35, 1916; (with H. B. Ward) Notes on some Nematodes from fresh water fishes. Jour. Parsitol., Vol. 3, 1917; The Morphology and life history of a new Trematode Parasite, Lissorchis Fairporti, Nov. Gen. et Nov. Spec, from the Buffalo fish, Ictiobus, do., Vol. 4, 1918; Are Zoologists go- ing to use the B. N. A.?, Sc. Vol. 49, 1918; The Catalase content in Ascaris suum. Jour. Biol. Chcm., Vol. 33, 1918. Mem., Am^ Micro- scopical Soc; A. A. A. S.; Sigma Xi. Ad- dress, Oxford, Ga. G446. A. ERNEST MAHANNAH Farmer; A. M., 1916; b. Ap 9, 1893, Monti- cello, 111.; s. Alva (b. O 3. 186S, Prairie Hall, 111.) and Fannie (Spangler) Mahannah (b. D 23, 1867, Sangamon, 111.). Prepared in Sedg- wick H. S. A. B., Fairmount Coll., 1914. Fel- low, Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Farmer, 1917- A. S. S. E. R. C, 191 7—. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Aerial League of Am. Address, Box 7, R. I, Sedgwick, Kan. JOSIAH MAIN 1910. A. M. (See No. 3097.) ROSCOE CONKLING MAIN 1907. A. M. (See No. 2751.) CHARLES WESLEY MALCOLM 1906. C. E. (See No. 1735.) G447- GEORGE ALFRED MANEY M. S., 1914; b. D 9, 1888, Minneapolis; s. Thomas A. Maney. C. E., Univ. of Minn., 191 1. Instr., Struct. Engng., Univ. of Minn. Concrete Ship Div., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia and South Bethlehem, Pa., 1918. Address, 2409 27th Ave., Minneapolis. ALBAN WHITFORD MANN 1918. E. E. (See No. 4799.) G448. HERSCHEL THURMAN MANUEL (Brother of No. G449) Psychologist; Ph. D., 1917; b. Freetown, Ind.; s. Asbury H. (b. Ja 1864, Ind.) and Sarah Jane (Brown) Manuel (b. O 1864, do.). Pre- pared in Brownstown (ind.) H. S.; Taylor Univ., 1905-07. A. B., De Pauw Univ., 1909; A. M., Univ. of Chicago. 1914. Sigma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi; Research Stud, under subsidy. Gen. Educ Bjd. ; Instr., Psych, and Educ, Colo. St. Norm. Sch., Greenison, Colo., sum- mer 1917; Psych. Examiner, U. S. A., 1917; 1st Lt., San. Corps. 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in Elementary Sch. Jour.; Sch. and Soc. Mem., Phi Delta Kappa; Phi Eta; M. E. Church. Ad- dress, 523 Anderson St., Greencastle, Ind. G449. WILLIAM ASBURY MANUEL (Brother of No. G448) Ranch Mgr.; M. S., 1915; b. Ja 18, 1891, Greentown, Ind.; s. Asbury H. (b. Ja 1864. Ind.) and Sarah Jane (Brown) Manuel (b. O 1864. do.). Prepared in Greencastle (Ind.) H. S. A. B., De Pauw Univ., 1912. Phi Lambda Up- silon; Glee and Mandolin Club. Fellow., Engng. Exp. Sta., LIniv. of 111. Asst. Mgr., The Trinchera Ranch Co., Fort Garland, Colo. Mem., Phi Beta Kappa, 1912; A. C_. S., 1 91 3. Address, Bethel Hosp., Colorado Springs, Colo. FRANKLIN WALES MARQUIS 1909. M. E.. (See No. 2453.) G450. STEWART DENT MARQUIS M. S., 1916; b. D 25, 1890; s. William S. Marquis. Prepared in Rock Island H. S. A. E., Lake Forest Coll., 191 1. Instr., Math.,. Marizanila Hall, Palo Alto, Calif., 1911-13; With Ervin & Wasey Co., Chicago. 2nd Lt., San. Corps, A. E. F., France, 1918; Mustered out, D 17, 1918. Address, 11 23 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., 58 E. Washington St., Chicago. THOMAS ALFRED MARSH 1909. M. E. (See No. 2174.) ROBERT HASKEL MARSHALL 1916. A. M. (See No. 6413.) G451. LESLIE RAY MARSTON A. M., 1917; b. S 24, 1894, Maple Ridge, Mich.; s. John Richardson (b. Jl 21, 1862, Hadley, Mich.) and Lucy A. (Sanderson) Mar- ston (b. O 6, 1867, Albion, N. Y.). Prepared in Coopersville (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Green 79° University of Illinois ville Coll.. 1916. Scholar, Univ. of 111., 1916; Fellow, do., 1 91 7. U. S. A., 1918. Assoc. Mem., Nat. Soc. for the Study of Edftc. Ad- dress, Lakeview, Mich. G452. JANE FRANCES MARTEN A. M., 1918; b. Ap 6, 1895, Chicago; d. John (b. Ap 3, 1858, Carbondale, 111.) and Jane Fletcher (Thompson) Marten (b. Ap 21, 1862, Albin, 111.). Prepared in Tolono H. S. A. B.. Oxford Coll., 1916. Kappa Delta Pi. Schol- arship, Oxford Coll., 191 2-1 6. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, Tolono, 111. ARSELLA BESSIE MARTIN (SWISHER) 1910. M. S. (See No. 3867.) JOHN MADISON MARTIN 1902. A. M. (See No. 974.) G453. OSCAR ROSS MARTIN (Husband of G288) Professor; A. M., 191 3; b. O 4, 1884, Farm- ington, la.; s. Peter (b. Pittsburgh) and Amelia (Ross) Martin (b. Warsaw, 111.). Prepared in De Soto (Mo.) H. S. A. B., Central Wesley- an Coll., 1907. Asst. Cashier, Ger. Am. Bank, De Soto, Mo.. 1901-03; Mgr.. Rental Dept., Niedringl aus Trustee Realty Co., St. Louis, 1903-04; Instr., H. S., Granite City, 111., 1907- 09; Instr., Bookkeeping, Cml. and Phys. Geog., Univ. Acad., 1909-10; Asst., Econ., do., igio- 13; Asst. Prof. Accounting and Bus. Adm.. Univ. of Neb., 1913-15; Assoc. Prof., do., 1915- 18; Prof., do., 1 918 — . Mem., Alpha Kappa Psi. Married Hazel Hardin (g'12), Ag 12 1913, Knightstown, Ind. Child, Edward Ross, b. My 21. 1916. Address, 1S08 S. 22nd St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add., Univ. of Neb., do. G454. CARL SHIPP MARVEL Chemist; A. M., 1916; b. S 11, 1894, Waynes- ville. 111.; s. John Thomas (b. Ag 25. 1865. Tabor, 111.) and Mary Lucy (Wasson) Marvel (b. F 27, 1867, Midland City, 111.). Prepared in Waynesville Acad. A. B.. Knoxville Coll., 191 5. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Gamma .Mpha; Al pha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Grad. Stud., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-18. Mfg. Asst., do.. 191 8 — . Auth.: (with A. W. Hom- beyer) Rate of Turbidity in Beverages Con- taining Maltose, Glucose or Maltose and Glu- cose; Jovr. A. C. S.. Vol. 39, 19T7; (with W. A. Noyes) Cyancarboethyl 3, 3. dimethylcyclo- pentanone. do.. Married "Nell Beggs, Je 4, 1918. Address, 907 S. 6th St.. Champaign; bus. add., 219 Chem. Bldg., Univ. of 111., LTrbana. MAYNE SEGUINE MASON 1913. M. S. (See No. 4801.) ESTHER MASSEY (McFARLAND) 1912. A. M. (See No. 2455.) G455. ADELE MASTEN A. M., 1918; b. S 6, 1891. Bolivar, Mo.; d. W. H. Masten. .'\. B.. Univ. of Wis., 1915- Address, 30 Williams St.. Pontiac, 111.; bus. add., Box 296, Leadville, Colo. MYRA MATHER 1905. A. M. (See No. 2175.) HOWARD MATHEWS 1914. M. S. (See No. 5810.) G456. LOUIS CLARK MATHEWSON Professor: A. M., 1912; Ph. D., 1914; b- Mendon, Mich. ; s. James W. and Cora .\. (Clark) Mathewson. Prepared in Mancelona (Mich.) H. S. A. B., All)ion Coll., 1910; A. M., do., iqii. Alpha Tau Omega; Delta Eta Sigma; Sigma Xi. Fellow, Math., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Instr., do., Dartmouth Coll., 1915- 17; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: Theorems on the Groups of Isomorphisms of Certain Groups, Am. Jour, of Math., Vol. XXXVIII, 1916; On the Group of Isomorphisms of a Cer- tain Extension of an Abelian group. Transac- tions of Am. Math. Soc. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; Math. Assn. of Am.; A. A. A. S. Ad- dress, Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N. H. G457. HENRY ALBRIGHT MATTILL Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. N 28, 1883, Glasgow, Mo.; s. Henry (b. Mr 2, 1849, Ind.) and Emma (Freyhofer) Mattill (b. My 4, 1849, do.). Pre))ared in Central H. S.. Cleveland. .\. B., Adelbert Coll., West. Reserve Univ.. 1906: A. M., do., 1907. Phi Beta Kappa; Sig- ma Xi; Ganuna Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Fellow, Phys. Chem., 1908-10; Asst., Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1906-07; do.. Gen. Morganic and Qualitative, 1907-08; Asst. Prof., Phys. and P vs. Chem., LTniv. of LTt.. :9io-ii; Assoc. Prof., do., igii; Prof. 1912-15; Asst. Prof., Nutrition, Univ. of Calif., igi.S — . Capt. Food Div. of San. Corps, U. S. N. A., 1917; do., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Auth.: (with P. E. Howe and P. B. Hawk) Fasting Studies, 3 and 4, Jour. A. C. S. and Jour. Biol. Chem., 191 1; (with P. B. Hawk) Method for the Quantita- tive Determination of Fecal Bacteria. Jour, fi.i-p. Med., 191 1 ; do., Studies on Water Drink- ing, 8, 9, and 10, Jour. A. C. S., 191 1. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. of Biol. Chems. : Am. Physiol. Soc. Married Heler Tsham. D 31, 1912. Address, Univ. of Calif. Berkeley, Calif. G458. HENRY GUSTAV MAY Zoologist; Ph. D., 1917; b. O 22, 1886, East Prussia, Ger.; s. August (b. Ger.) and Johanna (Stein) May (b. do.). Prepared in Ger-Am. .Acad.; Cook Acad.; Univ. of Mich., summer 1915. B. S., LTniv. of Rochester, 1913. Phi Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Baptist Sc' olarship. 1909-13; Chester Dewey Scholar- 'hip, 1912-13; ist Prize in Zool., 1910. Jr. Zool.. Bur. of An. Indus., Dept. of Agr.. Wash- ington, D. C, 1 91 7 — . Co. K, ist Army Hdqtrs. Regt., A. E. F., igiS; Central Med. Dept. Lab., U. S. P. O. 721. A. E. F., France. Auth.: Selection for Higher and Lower Facet Numbers in the Ear-eyed Race of Drosophila and the Appearance of Reverse Mutations, biol. Bui. 33, 1917. Mem., Baptist Church; Am. Microscopical Soc; A. A. A. S., 1916 — . .Address, Dallas, Ore. EDWIN LYMAN MAYALL 1906. M. E. (See No. 1378.) G459. ALICE EMMA MEIER Cas'ier; A. M. 191S; 1^- Je 30, 1888. Hub- bard, la.: s. E. H. (b. 1856, Ger.) and Dala (Hoetscher) Meier (b. i86^. Wis.). Prepared In Marshall (Minn.) H. S.; St. Norm.', St. Cloud. Minn. .\. B., N. W. Coll., 1914. Teach- er Springfield, 111., 1915-if'; do., Marshall, Minn., 1917-18; Cas'ier, G. N. Ry., do., iqiS — . Address, Marshall, Minn. G460. MARTHA LUCILE MELOY Teacher; A. M., 1918: b. F 7, 1S95, Daven- port, la.; d. John Templeton (b. Ja 19, 1864, Claysville, Pa.) and Sadie (Wilson) Meloy (b. O 6, 1865, Morning Sun. O.). Prepared in Hoopeston H. S. A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1917. Scholarship, 1917-18. Teacher, H. S.. Robin- son, 111., 1918 — . Mem., United Presby. Church. Address. 312 Honeywell Ave., Hoope- ston, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Robinson, 111. MARY HAZEL MELROSE 1916. A. M. (See No. 4307.) Graduate Alumni 791 G46i. JOHN HENRY MENEELY Teacher; A. M., 1896; b. Jl 16, 1886, Port Kennedy, Pa.; s. James (b. F 22, 1824, Helly- castle, Ireland) and Jane (Stewart) Meneely (b. D 21, 1835, The Castle, Hallintoy, Ireland). Prepared in Kinmundy and Alma II. Schs. ; So. III. St. Norm. Sch. A. B., Austin Coll., 1893; Ph. D., N. Y. Univ., 1911. Eng. Club; Y. M. C. A. Supt. of Schs., Monticello. 111., 1896-7; Grad. Stud., Univ. Chicago, 1901-02; Teacher, Chicago, 1897-1903; Teacher, Man. Tr., II. S., Brooklyn, 1903 — . Grad. work in Oxford Univ., summer 1905; do., N. Y. Univ., 1908-11. Auth. : A Study of Am. Drama prior to 1801; miscellaneous poems in various newspapers and minor mags.; Various lectures delivered be- fore schools, churches, and Teacher's Inst. Mem., M. E. Church; Pres., Chicago West. Dist. Epworth League, 1902-03; New York City H. S. Teachers Assn.; New York City Assn. of H. S. Teachers of Eng. Address, 220 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. G462. AMOS NEWLOVE MERRILL Professor; M. S., 1908; b. Mr 15, 1875, Rich- mond, Ut.; s. Marriner Wood (b. S 25, 1832, New Brunswick, Can.) and Sarah Ann (Atkin- son) Merrill (b. S 27, 1834). Prepared in Ut. Agr. Coll., 1891-7. B. S., do.. Prof. Agr., Brigham Young Coll.; Prin. of II. S., Head of Dept., Agr. and Prof, of Agr., Brigham Young Univ., 1909 — : Auth.: Agr. pajjers and articles in Uvh\ Quarterly, Deserct Farmer, and vari- ous state and local papers. Mem., Presidency, Ut. St. of Zion. Married Eliza Lewis Drys- dale, Ap 25, 1900. Logan, LU. Children: Amos Lyman, b. My 10, 1902; Vernon Newlove, b. O 24, 1905; Erma Jenett, b. My 28, 1907; Sar- ah Lucile, b. Je 27, 1909; David Marriner, b. Ag 12, 1912. Address, 279 N. 4th East, Provo, Ut. ; bus. add., Brigham Young Univ., do. G463. FREDERICK E. MERRILLS (Brother of No. 6423) Lawyer; A. M., 1912; b. Ja 14, 1889, Belle- ville, 111.; s. Fred B. (b. Ag 20, 1864, do.) and Virginia (Badgley) Merrills (b. D 5,. 1865, do.). Prepared in Smith Acad., St. Louis. A. B., Harvard Coll., 191 1. Fellowship. Atty. at Law, Belleville, 111. Auth. : Some Aspects of Judicial Control over Special and Local Legislation, Am. Law Revieiv, 1913. Married Mary Turner, Ag 14, 1915, Belleville, 111. Child, Mary Josephine, b. Ap 6, 1917. Address, Belleville, 111. G464. WILLIAM WALTER MERRYMON Physicist; A. M., 1917; b. Mr 16, 1887, Car- bondale, 111.; s. Harry (b. O 6, 1861, Paris, 111.) and Clara Jane (Buchanan) Merrymon (b. Mr 16, 1861, Mt. Carmel, 111.). Prepared in So. 111. St. Norm. Sch. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1912. Phi Beta Kapi)a. Teacher, Phys. and Chem., H. S.. Paris, Tex., 1912-13; Magnetic observer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur., 191 3- 16, Md., Ariz., Honolulu; Field work, terres- trial magnetism, Calif.; Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Field work. LT. S. Coast and Geod- etic Sur., 1917-18; Asst. Phys., Univ. of 111., 1 918 — . Married Mamie Emma Mcllvain, Jl 18, 1913, Los Angeles. Address, 511 E. Daniel St.. Champaign; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Ur- bana. G465. RUTH ELLIS MESSENGER Teacher; A. M., 191 1; b. F 29, 1884, N. Y. City; d. Joseph Ellis (b. D 29, 1853, Yarmout'i, Nova Scotia) and Anne Jane (Dudman) Mes- senger (b. D 16, 1852. do.). Prepared in H. S. Dept., N. Y. Norm. Coll. A. B.. N. Y. Norm. Coll., 1905. Teacher, H. S. Dept., N. Y. Norm. Coll. Social Dir.. Army Sch. of Nursing. Camp Wadsworth, S. C, 1918 — . Ad- dress, 853 St. Nicholas Ave., New York City, New York. LOUIS CHARLES FREDERICK METZGER 1911- C. E. (See No. 2463.) G466. IDO FRANKLIN MEYER Coll. Pres.; A. M., 1905; b. Ag 24, 1864, Colchester, III.; s. Franklin F. (b. 1832, Potts- ville. Pa.) and Mary Ann (Tomlinson) Meyer (b. Manchester, Eng.). Prei)nred in West. 111. St., Norm. Sch. M. Litt., Iledding Coll., 1895; Ph. B., Grinnell Coll., 1904. I'res., Ellsworth Coll., 1905—. Mem., M. E. Church; K. of P.; A. F. A. M. Married Susanna Justenia Meyer, .Ag 21, 1890. Children: Ivan Ido, b. Ag 26, 1891; Harold Blythe. Address, Ellsworth Coll., Iowa Falls, la. G467. FRIEND LEE MICKLE Bacteriologist; M. S., 1917; b. Ja 11, 1889; s. Zacheur and Flora Jennett (Birchard) Mickle. Prepared in Alden Acad., Meadville, Va. A. P>., Allegheny Coll., 191 1. (3rad. Stud., Wes- leyan Univ., 1912-13. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; -Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst. Chem., Conn. St. Bd. of Health, 1Q11-13; Chem., Henry Souther Engrig. Co.. Hartford, Conn.; 1913-14; Bacter- iologist, Newlander San. Lab., do., 1 914-15; do., Hartford Water Comnrs., do., 1913-15; Chem.. 111. St. Water Sur., 1915-17; St. Bac- teriologist, New Haven, Conn., 1917 — . Ad- dress, 135 Huntington St., New Haven, Conn. G468. GORO MIKAMI A. M., 1917; b. N 6, 1890. Kofu. Japan; s. .Arinaga Mikami. Prepared in Kofu" (Japan) H. S. B. C. S., Waseda Univ., 19 12. Address, Okamada, Japan. t LOIS MAIA MILES 1914. A. M. (See No. 4308.) ADAM VAUSE MILLAR 1901. M. S. (See No. 1063.) CHARLES ERNEST MILLAR 1911. M. S. (See No. 3875.) CLENDON VANMETER MILLAR 1894. M. S. (See No. 763.) G469. PAUL HARWOOD MILLAR With Cattle Co.; A. M., 1918; b. O 22, 1893, Conway, Ark.; s. Alexander Copeland (b. Pa.) and Elizabeth (Harwood) Millar (b. New York). Prepared in Little Rock (Ark.) H. S. A. B., Hendrix Coll., 1914; B. S., Agr., Univ. of Ark., 1917. C. A., tj. S. A., 1918-19. With Crossett Cattle Co., Crossett, Ark., 1919 — . 2nd Lt.. C. A. R. C; Mustered out. D 23, 1918. Address, 519 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark.; bus. add., Crossett, Ark. G470. EARL BOWMAN MILLARD (Brother of No. G471) Professor; Ph. D., 1914; b. Jl 17, 1888, Cen- tral City, Neb.; s. Howard Bruce (b. i860, Mich.) and Elizabeth (Hays) Millard (b. 1866, III.). Prepared in St. LTniv. Prep., Boulder, Colo. A. B., Univ. of Colo., 1910; A. M., I'niv. of Wis.. 191 1. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi. .Asst. Prof., Theoretical Chem., Mass. Inst., of Tech. Married Jane Raymond, Jl 25, 1916, Evansville. Ind. Address, 20 Prescott St., Cambridge, Mass.; bus. add., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. G471. FLOYD HAYS MILLARD (Husband of No. 6544; Brother of G470) Statistician; M. S., 1912; b. Jl 17, 1888, Cen- tral City. Neb.; s. Howard Bruce (b. Je 28, i860. Three Rivers, Mich.) and Elizabeth (Hays) Millard (b. D 2, 1866, Clayton. 111.). Prepared in St. Prep. Sch., Boulder, Colo. B. 792 University of Illinois S., Univ. of Colo., 1910; C. E., do., 1913. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Research Fellow, T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Expert with R. R. Comn., Madison, Wis., 1913-15; Rate case work in courts and before St. and Federal Comns., 191 5-16; Asst. Mgr., Statistical Bur., West. Trunk Lines, Chicago, 1916 — . Auth. : Influence of Temperature on Rail Failures, Jour, of Engng., Univ. of Colo., 1917. Mem., Am. Statistical Assn., 1916. Married Emma Eugenie Schaller ('14), Mr 18, 1916, Mendota, 111. Address, 5048 Sheridan Rd., Chicago; bus. add., 1920 Transportation Bldg., do. DONALD S. MILLER 1907. M. S. (See No. 2762.) GRANT CLARK MILLER 189s. A. M. (See No. 828.) G472. J. EARLL MILLER Instructor; A. M., 1913; Ph. D., 1917; b. N 9, 1889, Marysville, Kan.; s. E. L. Miller. A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1910; LL. B., do., 1912. Asst., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1914-18. Ensign Sch., 1918 — . Address, Marysville, Kan. JESSIE FAY MILLER 1914- A. M. (See No. 5816.) JOHN ALBERT MILLER 1888. M. S. (See No. 436.) G473. JOHN EZRA MILLER Editor; A. M., 1902; b. Mr 13, 1865, Mil- ledgeville. 111.; s. Daniel M. (b. N 22, 1829, Sommerset, Pa.) and Mary Lichty (Elklick) Miller (b. Ag 16, 1833, do.). Prepared in Mt. Morris Acad. B. L., Mt. Morris, 1892; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894. Instr., Univ. Acad., i9oo'-4; Pres., Mt. Morris Coll., 1904-15; Ed. Sunday Sch. Literature, Church of Brethren, 1915 — . Mem., Brethren Church; Assoc, mem.. N. E. A. R. E. A. Married Jeannette Blough, Ag 16, 1894, Waterloo, la. Address, Elgin, 111. G474. MARIE BREESE MILLER (COX) M. S., 1916; b. D I, 1890, Columbus, O.; d. E. C. Miller. Prepared in North H. S., Colum- bus. B. S., O. St. LTniv., 191 1. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Columbus, 1911-14. Married Lewis Clark Cox. Address, 2562 Glen Echo Drive, Columbia, O. ; bits, add., 1234 Crittenden St., N. W. Washington, D. C. OLIVE FIEDELLE MILLER igis- A. M. (See No. 6428.) G47S. ROLAND NORTON MILLER Chemist; M. S., 1913; b. Ag 13, 1889, Apple- ton, Wis.; s. C. L. and Henrietta (Pomeroy) Miller (b. Ap 12. 1852, Elmira, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Appleton (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Law- rence Coll., 191 1. Tau Kappa Epsilon. Chief Chem., U. S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, 1913-15; Jr. Chem., Dept. of Agr,. Washington, D. C, 191 5-1 7; Asst. Supt., Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co., Port Edwards, Wis. Address, Nekoosa- Edwards Paper Co., Port Edwards, Wis. G476. WILFORD STANTON MILLER I^ychologist; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ja 6, 1883, Raber, Ind.; s. Edwin (b. Whitley Co., Ind.) and Amanda Isabelle (Lewis) Miller. Pre- pared in South Whitley (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1910; A. M., do., 1911. Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Kappa Mu; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Ind. Univ.; 1910-11; Research Asst., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Sec. Sch. of Educ, do., 1912-16; Asst. Prof., Educ. and Prin., Univ. H. S., Univ. of Minn.. 1916-18. ist Lt., S. C. N. A., 1918; Capt., Div. of Psych., Camp Dodge; Chief of Educ. Service, U. S. Gen. Hosp., Ft. Snelling, Minn. Chief Psych. E.xaminer, In- firmary Bldg., 439, 163rd Depot Brig., Camp Dodge, Des Moines. Married Eva Ora Burwell, 1903, South Whitley, Ind. Children: Hvigo Eugene; Richard Dean; Donavon Lewis; Wil- ford Stanton, Jr. Address, 1205 7th St., Minneapolis. EDWARD LAWRENCE MILNE 1900. M. S. (See No. 977.) G477. ARTHUR CHESTER MILLSPAUGH Instructor; A. M.. 1910; b. Mr i, 1883, Au- gusta, Mich.; s. Hiram E. and Lydia E. (Ab- bott) Millspaugh. Prepared in Augusta (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion (Joll., 1908; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1916. Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholar in Hist. Teacher, Hist., Flat- head Co. H. S., Kalispell, Mont., 1910-12; do., Missoula Co. H. S., Missoula, Mont., 1912-14; Grad. Stud., Pol. Sc. , Johns Hopkins Univ., 1914-16; Fellow, do., 1915-16. Prof., Pol. Sc, Whitman Coll., 1916-17; Instr., do., Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1917-18; Emergency Work, Foreign Trade Adviser's Office, State Dept., Washing- ton, D. C, 1918 — . Auth.: Party Organization and Machinery in Michigan since 1890. Ad- dress, 124 5th St., Washington, D. C. ; bus. add., State Dept., do. G478. KOZABURO MISfi Professor; M. S., 1916; b. Mr 8, 1886, Awad- zu, Ehime, Japan; s. Kurajiro and Tsuru Mise. Prepared in Uwajima H. S., Ehime, Japan; Third Coll., Kyoto, Japan, 1905-08. C. E., Tok- yo Imperial Univ.. 1911. (Tosmopolitan Club. Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., C. E. Dept., Engng. Coll., Kyu Shu Im- perial Univ., Fukuoka, Japan. Mem., Japan- ese C. E. Soc, 1918. Address, 99 Kita Minato Machi, Fukuoka, Japan. HAROLD HANSON MITCHELL 1913. M. S. 191S. Ph. D. (See No. 3880.) G479. HAZEL M. E. MITCHELL Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. Ja 22, 1887, Au- rora, 111.; d. George P. (b. D 12, 1S56, Ont., Can.) and Nettie May (Clark) Mitchell (b. Ag 15. 1S59, Aurora. 111.). Prepared in Grand Island Coll. Acad.; Shurtleff Coll. Acad. A. B., Shurtleff Coll., 1908. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Teacher, H. S., Shenandoah, la. Mem., Shenandoah Echo Club; Bow-Knot Club; Girl's Tennis Club. Address, Shenan- doah, la. G480. JOHN HARRIS MITCHELL Teacher; M. S.. 1912; b. S 23, 1881, Zebu Ian, Ga. ; s. John Harris (b. 1833, Barnesville Ga.) and Rebecca (Wells) Mitchell (b^ 1842 Zebulon. Ga.). Prepared in Zebulan (Ga.) H 5. B. S., Ala. Poly. Inst.. 1903; M. S., do. 1904. Fellow in Chem.; Teacher, Chem., Clem son Coll., S. C, 1911^. Married Ethel Mary Blasingame, 1908, Auburn, Ala. Children: Jack Harris, b. S 15, 1911; Ethel Mary, b. S 6, 1913; William Alexander, b. My 29, 1917. Address, Clemson College, S. C. GUNDAYER MIZOGUCHI 1915. M. S. (See No. 6432.) G481. TSUNEKICHI MIZUNO A. M., 1917; b. Jl 10. 1881, Iwaki, Japan; s. Yligiri Mizuno. B. A., Hiroshima Norm. Coll., 1909. Address, 41 Koizumi, Tamura, Iwaki, Japan; bus. add., Fukushimaketi, do. FLOYD WILLIAM MOHLMAN 1914. M. S. 1916. Ph. D. (See No. 5316.) TIMOTHY MOJONNIER 1902. M. S. (See No. 1564.) Graduate Alumni 793 OLIVER STEPHEN MOLES 1S93. M. L. (See No. 579.) G482. JESSE EDWIN MONCRIEFF Missionary and Teacher; A. M., 1910; b. My 27, 1888, Pesotum, III.; s. Robert (b. D 13, 1859, Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng.) and Agnes (Condon) Moncrieff (b. Ag 10, 1867, Sidney, 111.). Prepared in Shurtleff Acad. B. S., Shurtleff Coll., 1909. Y. M. C. A.; Alpha Zeta. Foreign Teacher, Eng., Hagi Middle Sch., 1910-12; do., Yamaguchi Higher Cml. Sch., 1912-14; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 19.14-.15; Appointed by Am. Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. to work in Szechwan province, China; Prin., Munroe Acad., Suifu, Szechwan, China, 191 7 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Mar- ried Virginia Adelaide Merriam, Jl 7, 1913, Battle Creek, Mich. Child, Ruth Janet, b. Mr 14, 1917 (died S 9, 1917). Address, Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., I-pin-Hsein, Suifu, Szechwan, China. G483. JULIAN MONTGOMERY Engineer; M. S., 1915; b. My 2, 1889, White- might, Tex.; s. B. S. (b. 1857, Tex.) and Ra- chel (Montgomery) Montgomery (b. Savoy, Tex.). Prepared in Whitemight (Tex.) H. S. B. S., Grayson Coll.. igoS; C. E., Univ. of Tex., 19:2. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Research Fellow, Univ. of 111.; Engr., Sherman, Tex., 1915-16; City San. Engr., Aus- tin, Tex., 1916-17; Chief Office Engr., St. Highway Dept., do., 19 17-18; Div. Engr., Tex. St. Highway Dept., (Torpus Christi, Tex., 1918 — . and Lt., Engrs., Co. A, Camp Humph- reys; Mustered out, D 2, 1918. Auth.: Sewer Measurements, Austin, Tex., Engng. News, 1916; Building Storm Sewer in Creek Chan- nel, do., 1917; Contamination of Water Sup- ply, do., 1917; Mem., Rotary Club. Married Annie Dickson, Ja 2, 191 6, Sherman, Tex. Address, Whitewright, Tex.; btis. add.. Corpus Christi, do. G484. BLAINE FREE MOORE Professor; A. M., 1908; b. Ag 6, 1879, Re- public, O.; s. B. F. (b. O.) and Martha J. (Free) Moore (b. do.). Prepared in Cherry- vale (Kan.) and La Bette Co. (Kan.) H. Schs. A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1901; Ph. D., Columbia, 1913. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholar, Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111.; Curtiss Fellow, Pub. Law, Columbia; Instr.. Govt., Univ. of Mich.; Asst. Prof., Pol. Sc, Geo. Washington Univ.; Teacher and Prin., Bur. of Educ, P. I., 1901- 04; Prov. Supt., 1905-06; Assoc. Prof., Pol. Sc, Univ. of Kan. Special Investigator, U. S. Comn., Indus. Relations, 1914; Expert In- vestigator, War Trade Bd., Washington, D. C. Mem., local Civil Service Bd. ; Junta Provincial. Auth.: Cumulative Voting and Minority Rep- resentation in Illinois, Univ. Press., 1909; Su- preme Court and Unconstitutional Legislation, Columbia Univ. Studies in Hist., Econ. and Pub. Law, 1913; The Judicial \'eto and Pol. Dem- ocracy, Am. Pol. Sc. Review, 1916. Mem., Am. Pol. Assn.; Asst. Sec. Short Ballot Organiza- tion, N. Y. ; Foreign Service Club, Washing- ton, D. C. ; Univ. Club, Lawrence, Kan. Ad- dress, 113s Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., Univ. of Kansas, do. GRACE LILLIAN MOORE (COOK) 1900. M. S. (See No. 900.) G48S. JOEL ROSCOE MOORE Instructor; A. M., 1909; b. Jl 2, 1879, Litch- field, Mich.: s. William Wirt (b. Mr 2, 1852, Moscow, Mich.) and Emily Jane (Stiles) Moore (b. O 2, 1861, Hudson, Mich.). Pre- pared in Hillsdale (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1908. Asst., Econ., Lhiiv. of 111., 1908- 09; Instr., H. S., Blue Island, 111., 1909-10; do., H. S., Great Falls, Mont., 1910-11; Head of Dept., Rural Educ, St. Norm. Sch.. La Crosse, Wis., 191 1—. R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheri- dan. 111., 1917; Capt., Co. M., 339th Inf., Camp Custer, Mich., 191 7. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Mabel A. Olmstead, Je 23, 1903, Moscow, Mich. Child, Helen Emily, b. Jl 22, 1906 (died O 5, 1906). Address, 114 N. 9th St., La Crosse, Wis. G486. LAURA McAllister moore Prin., H. S.; A. M., 1916; b. Owen Co., Ind.; d. William D. (b. Carroll Co., O.) and Lucy C. (McAllister) Moore (b. do.). A. B., Ind. Univ., 1892; Grad. Stud., Hist, and Educ, L niv. of 111., summer sessions, 1912-16. Head, Hist. Dept., H. S., Corsicana, Tex., 1912-18; Prin., H. S., Wagoner, Okla., 1918 — -. Mem., Tex. St. Teachers Assn., 1912-18; Am. Hist. Assn., 19 1 7 — . Address, Wagoner, Okla. G487. LLEWELLYN ALEXANDER MOORHOUSE Agriculturist; M. S., 1906; b. Ap 26, 1875, Cairo, Ont., Can.; s. Robert (b. S 1840, do.) and Louisa Sage (Culham) Moorhouse (b. Mr 1848, Islington, Ont., Can.). Prepared in Ont. Pub. Schs. B. S. A., Ont. Agr. Coll., iqo2. Asst., Soils and Crops, Okla. A. and M. Coll., 1902-06; Prof., Agron., do., 1906-10; Agr., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Office of F>irm Mgmt., Denver, 1910-12; Prof., Field Husb., Manitoba Agr. Coll., 19 12-14; Agr., Farm Mgmt., U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1914 — . Auth.: Press buls., circulars and buls., Okla. Exp. Sta., 1902-10; also articles for Agr. Press. 1902-10. Mem.. Sigma Xi; M. E. Church; Life Mem., Am. Breeders Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agron. Married Mary Arnettie Coburn, D 26, 1910, Okarche, Okla. Children: Louise Ellen, b. Mr 12, 1915; Mary Mildred b. Jl 29 1916. Address, 1426 Decatur St., N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, do. FRANCES MILTON MOREHOUSE 1914- A. M. (See No. 4318.) G488. EFFIE MARGUERITE MORGAN Teacher; A. M., 1916; b. S 14, 1891, Spring- field, 111.: d. W. C. Wilson. Prepared in Springfield H. S. A. B., James Millikin Univ., 1013. Teacher, Sangamon Co. Schs., 1911-12; do., H. S., Clinton, III., 1913-15. Address, 1019 Governor St., Springfield, 111.; bus. add., c/o High School Clinton, 111. WILLIAM ALGERNON KINGSMILL MORKEL 1916. M. S. (See No. 7092.) ALICE ELVIRA MORRIS 1914. A. M. (See No. 5827.) G489. HARRY CLEVELAND MORRISON Surveyor; A. M., 1908; b. N 2, 1884, Hazel- ton, Ind.; s. David A. Morrison. Prepared in Oakland City Coll.; Taylor Univ. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1907. Co. Surv., Princeton, Ind. Ad- dress, Princeton, Ind. ROGER LEROY MORRISON 1917. C. E. (See No. 4821.) G490. EDNA MOSHER Instructor; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 1915. Pre- pared in Provincial H. S., Truro, Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia Normal Sch.; Nova Scotia Sch. of .\gr. B. S. A., Cornell, 1908. Sigma Xi. Teach- er, H. S., Clifton, 111., 1900-01, 1902-04; Prin., Lyon-Brook H. S., 1904-05; Teacher, H. S., Hampton, Va., 1908-10; do., H. S., Gary, Ind., 1910-12; St. Inst., Emory, Va.; Instr., Entomol., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Instr., do., O. St. Univ., 1918 — . Auth.: Classification of 794 University of Illinois the Lepidoptera based on characters of the Pupa, Univ. of IlL; articles in St. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bill. Mem., Entomol. Soc. of Am.; Am. Soc. of Zool. ; Entomol. Soc. of Nova Scotia. Address, Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia; bus. add., Ohio State Univ., Columbus. G491. *WILLIAM EARL MOSHER Engineer; M. S., 1913; b. Ja 10, 1888, Still- water, N. Y.; s. William Robbins (b. S 7, 1864, Galway, N. Y.) and Anna (Van Wie) Mosher (b. F 24, 1866. Vischer's Ferry, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Mechanicsville (N. Y.) H. S. Ph. B., Syracuse Univ., 1909; M. E. do., igii. Aca cia; Theta Nu Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Fellowship, Univ. of 111.; Travelled in Europe, 1913; Refrigeration Technologist, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1913-16; Re- frigerating and Consulting Engr., United Fruit and Fruit Dispatch Cos., New York City, Asst. Supt. Engr., U. S. A. Transport Service, in charge of Marine Refrigeration, Hoboken. N. J.; Under Chief of Embarkation, Gen. Stall of the War Dept., Washington, D. C. Auth. : (with G. A. Goodenough) Properties of Sat- urated and Supersaturated Ammonia, Engng. E.vp. Sta., Univ. of III. Bull. 66, Jour, of .4. S. HI. E. and Transactions of Am. Soc. of Re- frigerating Engrs., 1912-13; Various Articles in Fruit Dispatch, 1916-17. Mem., A. F. A. M.: Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Am. Soc. Refrigerating Engrs. Died O 12, 1918, Washington, D. C. G492. FRED WEAVER MUNCIE (Husbatid of No. 7754) Chemist; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 1915; b. Jl 31, 1887, Centerpoint, Ind.; s. W. R. Muncie. A. B., VVabash Coll., 1910. Asst. Chem., Univ. of 111., igii-12; Asst. Flor., do., 1912-15; Assoc. Flor. Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1915; Chem., Monsanto Chem. Co.. St. Louis, 1915 — . Married Mary Elizabeth Love. Ag 15, 1916, Urbana. Address, Olney, 111.; bus. add., Mon- santo Chemical Co., St. Louis. G493. WALTER THOMPSON MURDOCK Chemist; M. S., 191 1; b. Jl 23, 1883, La Fayette, Ind.; s. W. H. Murdock. Prepared in Parsons Coll.; Univ. of Chicago. B. S., Purdue L'niv., 1907. Teacher, Chem., Mercers- burg Acad.. Mercersburg, Pa., 1907-09; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1909; with Scientitic Sup- plies C'o., Pittsburgh. 1909 — . Mem., A. C. S. Address, Scientific Supplies Co., Forbes St., Pittsburgh. G494. MAURICE ELGIN MURPHY Supt. Schs.; A. M., 1916; b. Jl 13, 1884. Poseyville, Ind.; s. John C. (b. F 2, 1846, do.) and Sada Elizabeth (Lonibert) Murphv (b. Mr 12, 1859, Macedonia, 111.). A. B., Ind. Cen- tral Norm. Coll.; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1913. Asst., Coll. of Commerce. Ind. Univ., 1916-17; Supt., Schs., Clayton, Ind.; Grad. Stud.; LTniv. of 111., summer, 1918. Mem., Phi Delta Kapiia. Address, Eldorado, 111.; bus. add., Clayton, Ind. G495- ETHEL RUTH MURRAY Pfrin., H. S.; A. M., 1917; b. F 24, 1888. Woodlawn, 111.; d. George Washington (b. Ag 15, 1854, Terre Haute, Ind.) and Hattie Catli- erine Murray (b. S 3, 1864). Prepared in Schal- k-r (la.) H. S. ; Morningside Acad. A. B., Morn- ingside Coll. Prin., H. S.. Westside, la., 1909- 10; Instr., Latin, Rock Valley, la., 1910-11; Prin., H. S., Rock Rapids. la., 1911-16; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Prin., H. S.. Rock Rapids, la.. 1917 — . Mem., Women's Federated Clubs of la.; P. E. O. Address. Schaller, la.; bus. add., c/o High School, Rock Rapids, la. THOMAS EDGAR MUSSELMAN 1913. A. M. (See No. 4326.) G496. CLYDE HADLEY MYERS (Husband of No. 3565) Professor; M. S., 1910; b. F 6, 1883; s. J. J. (b. My 17, 1853, Randolph, 111.) and Jus- tina Lauretta (Hadley) Myers (b. S 9, 1856, CoUinsville, 111.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Acad. B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1907; Ph. D.. Cornell, 1912. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Gamma .Alpha; Sigma Xi. .\sst., Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Asst., Plant Breeding, do.. 1908-10; Instr., do., Cornell, 1911-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1912-13; Prof., do., 1913 — . Auth.: Etifect of Nutrition upon Variation and Correlation in Wheat, Am. Breeders Assn. Report, Vol. VI, 191 1. Married Fleda De Vere Straight ('08), Je 28, 1910, Okoboji, la. Address, WyckoflE Koad. Ithaca, N. Y. ; bus. add., Cornell Univ., ELMER JAMES MYERS T908. A. M. (See No. 3123.) GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS 1891. M. L. (See No. 551.) LENA JOSEPHINE MYERS 1918. A. M. (See No. 5836.) G497. NETTIE ELIZABETH MYERS (UDDEN) A. M., 1909; b. S 14, 1885, Farmer City, 111.; d. James Franklin (b. D 29, 1856, O.) and Sarah Jane (Jolmson) Myers (b. N 11, i860, McClean Co., 111.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. A. B., Augustana Coll., 1906. Class Prophet; Girls' Basketball. Ed., North. Star, official paper of North Star Benefit Assn. (fraternal insurance), 1906-08. .Auth.: Short stories in Middle West Advocate, North Star, and Olive Leaf. Mein., Presby. Church. Mar- ried Jon Andreas Udden, S 7. 1910, Rock Is- land, 111. Children: John Andreas, Jr.. b. N 30, 1911; David Myers, b. My 22, 1915; Eliza- beth Jane, b. Ap 26. 1917. Address, 2926 5th Ave., Rock Island, 111. ODESSA MADGE MYERS 1915. A. M. (See No. 6444.) G498. JONAS BERNARD NATHANSON Instructor; A. M., 1913; Ph. D., 1916; b. S 5, 1889, Vilna. Russia; s. Samuel (b. My 18, 1848, do.) and Edna (Rayman) Nathanson (b. fa 27, 185;;, do.). Prepared in Toledo (O.) H. S. A. B., O. St. Univ., 191 2. Zeta Beta Tau-; P'ii Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Up- silon. Instr., Phys., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1916 — . E. R. C, 1918— . Auth.: A Deter- mination of e/m and v by the Measurement of a Helix of Wehnelt Cathode Rays, Physical Re- viczv, Vol. 2, 1913; The Optical Properties of Rubidium, do.. Vol. XI, 1918; The Reflecting Power of the Alkali Metals, Ast.rophysical Jour., Vol. XLIV, 1916. Mem., Am. "Phys. Soc. Married Rose Marblestone, Je 27. 1917, Chi- cago. Address, 5537 Beeler St., Pittsburgh. DORA MYRTLE NEBEL 1914. A. M. (See No. 6448.) *MERLE LOUIS NEBEL 1915. M. S. 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 5837-) JOHN RALPH NEELY 1897. M. L. (See No. 318.) ALMA JESSIE NEILL 1915. A. M. (See No. 5839.) G499. JOHN HARLAND NELSON Professor; M. S., 1909; b. O 30, 1876, Wal- nut, la. Prepared in Harlan (la.) H. S. B. Graduate Alumni 795 S., S. Dak. St. Coll., 1905. Lt. and Capt., Univ. Regt.; Ath. Team; Tennis Team. Instr., Matli. and Mechanics, S. Dak. St. Coll., 1904- 08; Fellowship, Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Asst. Prof., Head, Dept. of Mechanics and Hydrau- lics, Case Sch. of Applied Sc, 1909-12; Prpf., Mechanics, Worcester Poly. Inst., 1912-16; Engr., Phys., Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1 91 6- 18; Research Engr., Wyman & Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass., 1918 — . Mem., Sigma Xi; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; A. S. M. E.; Soc. of Automotive Engrs. ; Soc. Steel Treating Research Club. Married Ina May Colegrove, 1904, Brookings, S. Dak. Child, James S., b. O 10, 1910, Cleveland, O. Ad- dress, II Haviland St., Worcester, Mass.; bus add., c/o Wyman & Gordon Co., do. 1917. MILTON NELS NELSON A. M. (See No. 7103.) ANDREW HENRY NEUREUTHER 1899. M. E. (See No. ii!;8.) Gsoo. WILLIAM BARBOUR NEVENS Professor; M. S., 1917; b. N 27, 1885, Win- nebago, 111.; s. William Henry (b. D 6, 1839, Concord, N. H.) and Jessie F., (Hunter) Nev- ens (b. Ap 7, 1844, Scotland). Prepared in Winnebago and Rockford H. Schs. ; Wheaton Coll. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1914. Alpha Zeta; Gamma Sigma Delta. Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1917; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Neb., 1917 — . Auth.: (with R. S. Hulce) Arrange- ment of Rectangular Dairy Barns, Univ. of III. Agr. E.vp. Sta. Bui. 199, 1917; Feed and Care of the Dairy Calf. Bui. 202, 191 7. Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Dairy Sc. Assn.; Bd. of Editors. Jour, of Dairy Sc. Married Martha C. Langwill, Ag 6, 19 14, Rockford, 111. Address, St. Univ. Farm, Lincoln, Neb. 1913- JOSEPH ALLAN NEVINS A. M. (See No. 5341.) REXFORD NEWCOMB 1918. M. Arch. (See No. 4833.) Gsoi. ANNA GRACE NEWELL Associate; Ph. D., 1916; b. D 23, 1876, Flint, Mich.; d. Minor S. (b. Jl 30, 1824, Corfu, N. Y.) and Sarah A. (Webb) Newell (b. S 16, 1840, do.). Prepared in Batavia (N. Y.) H. S.; LTniv. of Leipzig, Ger., 1906-07; Cornell, summers 1908 and 1909; Chicago Univ., sum- mer, 1914. A. B., Smith Coll., 1900; M. A., do., 1908. Teacher, Asst., Instr., and Asst. Prof., Zool., Smith Coll., 1908-16; Stud.. Bac- teriol. and Serol., Coll. of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York City, 1916-17; volunteer worker, Serol. and Bacteriol. Presby. Hosp., do., summer 1917: Assoc, Serol., Louisville Med. Sch. and City Hosp., 1917 — . Mem., Ecol. Soc. of Am.; Entomol. Soc. of Am.; A. A. A. S.; Smith Coll. Alumnae Assn. Ad- dress, 121 E. Gray St., Louisville, Ky.; bus. add., Louisville Medical School and City Hos- pital, do. MASON HARDER NEWELL 1901. A. M. (See No. 1254.) CHARLES IVAN NEWLIN 1914. M. S. (See No. 5342.) Gso2. GEORGE HILLIS NEWLOVE Accountant; Ph. D.. 1918; b. D 16, 1893, Crystal, N. Dak.; s. Samuel (b. F 29, i860, Hanover, Can.) and Vangie (Hillis) Newlove (b. Ap 20, 1869, do.). Prepared in Bathgate (N. Dak.) H. S. Ph. B., Hamline Univ., 1914; A. M., Univ. of Minn., 191 5. Statistician, 111. Centennial Comn., 1915-16; Asst., Accounting, Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Assn. of LTniv. Instrs. of Accounting. Married Merle White, S 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, 223 W. 23rd St., New York City. FRED EARLE NEWTON 1901. A. M. (See No. 1381.) G503. IRBY COGHILL NICHOLS Professor; M. S., 1912; b. N 11, 1882, Eu- dora. Miss.; s. Abner Driver (b. Je i. 1853, Hernando, Miss.) and Nina (Jones) Nichols (b. N 12, 1858, do.). Prepared in Eudora (Miss.) 'II. S. B. S., Univ. of Miss., 1906; M. A., do.. 1908; Ph. D., Univ. of Mich., 1917. Phi Sig- ma. Teaching Fellow; Instr., Math., Univ. of Miss., 1908; do., Tex. A. and M. Coll., 1909- II, 1912-15; Asst. Prof., Math., do., 1916-17; Assoc. Prof., Math., La. St. Univ.. 1917 — . Mem.. M. E. Church, South; Dixie Club; A. F. A. M. Married Pauline Wright, Je 29, 1918, Oxford, Miss. Address, La. St. Univ., Baton Rouge, La. FLOYD FRANCIS NICKELL 191 1. A. M. (See No. 3888.) EDWARD FREDERICK NICKOLEY 1915. A. M. (See No. 1160.) EMMA RHOADS NICKOLEY 1915. A. M. (See No. 1264.) G504. HARRY THOMAS NIGHTINGALE Professor; A. M., 1909; b. O 11, 1871, In- dianola, la.; s. Augustus Frederick (b. N 11, 1843. Quincy, Mass.) and Fanny Orena (Chase) Nightingale (b. O i, 1843, East Deer- ing, N. H.). Prepared in Lake View H. S., Chicago. Ph. B., LTniv. of Mich., 1895. Psi (Tpsilon. Teacher, South Div. H. S., Chicago. 1 895-99 ;_ Traveling; Business; Travel and .Study in Europe, 1904-05; Instr., Civ. and Hist., LTniv. of 111. Acad., 19O5-10; Grad. Work, LTniv. of Wis., summer 1908; Jena and Leipzig Univs., 1910-11; Oxford Univ., sum- mer 191 1 ; do., Evanston Acad., N. W. Univ., 1911-18; Acting Asst. Prof.. Pol. Sc, Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, O., 1918 — . Chm., Evanston Pro- gressive Party Convention, 19 12; St. Committee- man. 1912; Delegate, State Convention, 1912; Mem., St. Bd. of Equalization, Progressive Par- ty, 1912, loth Congressional Dist.; Reelected, 1916; Lecturer, 111. Civ. Soc, 1914-16; do.. 111. Parents and Teachers Assn., 1916-18. Auth.: La Vie Politique et Parlementarie a I'Etranger, l.es Etats-Unis d'Amerique, French Pol. .lour.. La Reveu Politique ct Parlementaire, Vol. 16, 1909; The Teaching of Civ. and Hist., The School Review, Vol. 18, 1910; German Opinion of Americans and F-rench, Northwestern Mag., XII, 1916. Ed.. Translations of Ajiology of Socrates; The Phaedo; Tennyson's The Prin- cess; Selections of American Oratory, Ains- worth k Co., 1896. Mem., Congr. Church; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Am. Hist. Assn.; Neighborhood Com.. St. Council of Defense, 1917-18. Married .Minnie Louise Bushnell, Jl 30, 1907, Eltham Park, Kent, Eng. Address, 1736 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., Evanston Acad., N. W. Univ., do. CLARENCE EUGENE NOERENBERG 1909. A. E. (See No. 3127.) G505. WILLIS JAMES NOLAN Assistant; A. M., 1917; b. Ap 11, 1891, Cleve- land, O.; s. John William (b. 1853, Paines- ville, O.) and Cora (Rumbaugh) Nolan (b. 1865, Wooster, O.). Prepared in Madison Tp. (O.) Madison (O.) H. Schs. A. B., West. Re- serve ITniv., 1914. Phi Beta Kappa; Le Cercle Francais; Scholar, Entomol. Asst., Biol., West. Reserve LTniv.. 1914-16. Engr. and ist Sergt., O. Nat. Guard, 1913-16; Co. D, 34th Inf., Ft. T'liss. Tex.; Sergt. Instr., 85th Div., Camp Cus- ter, Mich., 1917; do., 338th Inf.; Co. C, isl Army Hdqtrs. Regt.; do., Co I, 105th Inf., A. E. F. Address, Madison, O. 796 University op" Illinois Gso6. FRANK GARM NORBURY Physician; A. M.. 1913; b- Ja 27. 1892, Jack- sonville, 111.; s. Frank Parsons (b. Ag 5, 1863, Beardstown, 111.) and Mary (Garm) Norbury (b. Ag 30, 1864, do.). Prepared in Whipple Acad. A. B., 111. Coll., 1912; M. D., Harvard, 1917. Sigma Pi; Nu Sigma Nu. House Officer, Lab., Boston City Hosp. ist Lt., M. R. C, do. Unit. Base Hosp., No. 7, A. E. F., 1918; in charge of Chem. Lab., do.; Capt. Adj., Base IIosp. No. 7; Returned to states, Mr 31, 1919. Auth.: Original work in bacteriol. Asst. Bac- teriologist, Boston Floating Hosp., 1913-15; Bacteriologist, do., 1916. Married Mary Elson Barnes, Ap 11, 1918, Jacksonville, 111. Address, 1 1 33 Williams Blvd., Springfield, 111. G507. JULIUS EDWARD NORDBY Instructor; M. S., 1916; b. Ap 27; 1887, Sol- dier, la.; s. Martin Hansen (b. F 18, 1S54, Norway) and Julia Bertha (Severson) Nordby (b. N 20, i860, Wis.). Prepared in Genesee (Idaho) H. S.; St. Olaf Coll. B. S., Univ. of Idaho, 1915. Instr., Univ. of Idaho, igi6 — . 2nd Lt., U. S. A. S., Swissvale, Pa.; Mustered out, D 10, 1918. Address, Geneseo, Idaho. G50S. RUDOLPH HANS NOTTELMANN Teacher; A. M., 1913; b. Je 24, 1891, Mon- mouth, 111.; s. Hans Nottelmann. Prepared in Monmouth H. S. A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1912. Address, 720 E. Euclid Ave., Monmouth, Ill.t Gsog. JOHN TILDEN NUTTALL Chief Chem.; M. S., 1909; b. Jl 8, 1876, Gaineville, Tex.; s. E. F. (b. Flat Rock, 111.) and Julia (Page) Nuttall. Prepared in N. W. Univ. Acad. B. S., N. W. Univ., 1905. Var- sity Baseball. Teacher, Chem. and Phys., Chief Chem., Stantlard Forgings Co., Indiana Har- bor, Ind. Mem., III. Acad, of Sc. Married Susan Emily Morgan, D 21, 1905, Loda, 111. Children: Roscoe Morgan, b. S 17, 1906; Frances Elizabeth, b. Je 7, 1908; John Howard, b. D 20, 191 o. Address, c/o Standard Forgings Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind. G510. RUFUS CHAUNCEY OBRECHT Farmer; M. S., 1907; b. D 12, 1875, Harlan, la.; s. Martin (b. N 17, 183.';, Strasburg, Ger.) and Mary (Bachman) Obrecht (b. Jl 28, 1840, Frankfort, Ger.). Prepared in Harlan (la.) H. S. B. S. A., la. St. Coll., 1901. Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi. Asst., An. Husb., Purdue Univ., 1901-02; Okla. Agr. and Mech. Coll., 1902-03; Instr., Horses, and ist Asst., Horse Investiga- tion, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., i903;O7; Assoc, Horse Husb.; do. and Asst. Chief, Exp. Sta., 1907-10; Prof, of Stock Judging, Kan. City Veterinary Coll., 1914-18. Farmer, Topeka, Kan., 1910 — . Auth.: ///. Agr. E.vp. Sta. Buls., Nos. 122, 141, 150, 1908, 1909 and 191 1; Text book for International Correspondence Schools, Scranton. Pa. (in press) ; Articles in The Coun- try Gentleman; The Care of Draft Horses, No. 3053; Preventing Sore Shoulders, No. 3054; The Selection of Mares for Breeding. No. 3059; Feeding Heavy Horses for Market, No. 3060; Care of the Work Team, No. 3062. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Maud (iardnier, Ag 9, 1904, Manhattan, Kan. Chil- ren: Rufus Gardiner, b. Ap 30, 1906; Dorothy Lydia, b. O 28, 1909. Address, R. 28, Topeka, Kan. G511. ETHEL LOUISE O'CONNOR Teacher; A. M.. 1916: b. Jl 17, 1893, Abing- don, HI.; d. Frank O'Connor. Prepared in Abingdon H. S. A. B., Hedding Coll., 1915- Teacher, H. S., Paducah, Ky. Address, 300 Pennsylvania Ave., Abingdon.^ 111.; bus. add., 141 7 Jefferson St., Paducah, Ky. G512. YOUSABU OGAWA Architect; M. S., 191S; b. Ja 21, 1886, Saga, Japan; s. Masasuke Ogawa. Prepared in Tech. Sch. of Saga Prefecture; Mt. Tamalpais Mi!. Acad. B. S., Univ. of Calif., 1914. Address, 230S Virginia St., Berkeley, Calif. G513. RUTH ELIZA OKEY Instructor; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1918; b. S 13. 1893, Woodsfield, O.; d. Alfred (b. Ja 11, 1S60, do.) and Wilhelmina (Reinherr) Okey (b. D 4, 1871, do.). Prepared in Woodsfield (O.) H. S.; O. Univ., 1911-12. B. S., Monmouth Coll., 1914. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1914-17; Instr., Physiol. Chem., do., 1918 — . Auth.: (with Dr. G. D. Beal) Qualitative Iden- titication of Drugs Containing Emodin, Jour. A. C. S., 1917. Mem., Iota Sigma Pi; A. C. S., 1915 — ; Kappa Delta Pi, 1916 — ; Exec. Council, do., 1917-18; Sigma Xi. Address, R. 7, Monmouth, 111.; bus. add., 603 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. G514. WILLIAM BROWN OLDHAM Supt., H. S.; M. S., 1917; b. S 11, 1885, Para- dise. Utah; s. Samuel (b. Manchester, Ehg.) and May (Brown) Oldham (b. Salt Lake City). B. S., Utah Agr. Coll., 1910. Instr., Agr., Rexburg, Idaho, 1910-13; Supt., rural H. S., Sugar City, Idaho, 191 3-1 6. Field Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agr.. 1917 — . Married Emma Pfost, S 3, 1913. Children: Reed, b. Je 7, 1914; Mary Verena, b. F 10, 1917. Address, Rex- burg, Idaho. G51S. JAMES HARRIS OLEWINE Instructor; M. S., 1917; b. O i, 1893, Belle- fonte. Pa.; s. John Irvin (b. Jl 25. 1861, do.) and Martha Elizabeth (Bottorf) Olewine (b. Mr 18, 1868, Lemont. Pa.). Prepared in Belle- fonte (Pa.) H. S. B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1915. De'.ta Upsilon ; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma. Instr., Chem., Pa. St. Coll., 19 17 — . Married Ethel Gilbert, Jl 25, 191 7, Lansdowne, Pa. Child, James Harris, jr., b. D 13, 1918. Address, 118 S. Atherton St., State College, Pa.; bus. add.. Pa. State College, do. Gsi6. HUBERT LEONARD OLIN (Husband of No. 6276) Research Chem.; M. S., 191 1; Ph. D., 1914; b. My 10, 18S0, Marcus, la.; s. Frank William (b. Ja 10, 1842, Sweden) and Christine (John- son) Olin (b. Mr 16, 1851, Moline, 111.). Pre- pared in Paulina (la.) H. S.; Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, B. A., St. Univ. of la., 1908. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsi- lon. Teacher, Univ. prep, sch., Tonkawa, Okla., 1908-10; Research Fellow, Chem., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Instr., Chem.. Vassar, 1913-14; do., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Asst. Prof., Chem., O. St. Univ., 1916-17; Assoc. Prof.. Chem., Univ. of Neb., 1918; Research Chem., The Bar- rett Co., Woodcliff, N. J., 1918 — . Capt., Ord. Reserve. Edgewood Arsenal, Md., 1918; Mus- tered out, D 21, 1918. Auth.: (with S. W. Parr) The Coking of Coal at Low Tem- peratures, I and 11, EitgHg. E.vp. Sta. Buls. 60 and 79. Abstractor, Chem. Abstracts. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Electro. Chem. Soc; Presby. Church; A. F. A. M.; Okla. Acad, of Sc. Married Helen Leigh Hanes ('14), Je 2, 1917, Springfield, 111. Child, Ida Helen, b. O 15, 1918. Address, 233 29th St., Woodcliff, N. J.; bus. add., c/o The Barrett Co., do. G517. EDD CHARLES OLIVER Factory Mgr.; M. E., 1901; b. D '3, 1873, Indianapolis, Ind.; s. David D. (b. 1813. N. Y.) and Sarah A. (Paxton) Oliver (b. 1829, Eng.). Prepared in Alpena (Mich.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. B. S. M. E., Purdue Univ., 1898. Instr., M. E., Univ. of 111., 1898- 1902; do., Univ. of Minn., 1902-06; Gen. Mech. Engr. and Designer, 1906; Factory Mgr.. Speed- o-meter, Detroit. 19 12 — . Invented various de- vices to indicate and record speed. Auth.: A Method of Testing Gas Engines, Transactions A. S. M. E.; Tests of an Otto Gas Engine, Am. Graduate Alumni 797 Mach.; various articles on shop methods. Ad- dress, 419 2nd Ave., Detroit, Mich.; bus. add., 251 E. Jefferson Ave., do. GsiS. MARGARET OLMSTED Teacher; A. M., igi6; b. F 7, 1894, Orange City, la.; d. Robert Ward (b. My 6, 1868, Rock Island Co., III.) and Jennie Ernst (Fahne- stock) Olmsted (b. Jl 29, 1864, Lewistown, 111.) Prepared in Rock Island H. S. A. B., Augus tana Coll., 1915. Teacher, H. S., Viola, 111- 1916-17; do., East Moline, 111., 1917 — . Ad- dress, 612 30th St., Rock Island, 111.; bus. add. High School, East Moline, 111. 0519. PETER JOHN OLSON Professor; M. S., 1913; b. O 12, 1887, Graf- ton, N. Dak.; s. Samuel Olson. B. S., N. Uak. Agr. Coll.. 1910. Dir.. Agr. Dept., H. S., Alexandria, Minn., 1910-12; Grad. Stud., Colo. Agr. Coll., 1912; Asst. Prof., Agron., Univ. of Minn., St. Paul. Address, Univ. Farm, Univ. of Minn., St. Paul. BENITO RENE ORDONEZ 1917- M. S. (See No. 5853-) Gs2o. HERBERT TIRRILL OSBORN Entomologist; A. M., 1910; b. D 6, 1887, Ames, la.; s. Herbert and Dora (Sayles) Os- born. Prepared in North H. S., Columbus, O. A. B., O. St. Univ., 1909. Sigma Xi. Ento- mologist Agt. and Expert, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1910-13; Asst. Entomologist, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn., 1913-17; Entomol. work, Ha- waiian Islands, Philippine Islands, and Japan. Capt., Inf.. R. C, 1917— . Mem., A. A. A. S.; Entomol. Soc. of Am.; Am. Assn. of Econ. En- tomol.; Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. Address, McCoy Hall, Monument St., Baltimore, Md. ALLEN MEADE OTWELL 1901. M. S. (See No. 1255.) HUA CHING OU 1912. M. S. (See No. 4843-) MALVERN D. OVERMIER 1912. M. S. (See No. 4844.) G521. ARTHUR LESLIE OWEN Professor; A. M., 1909; b. Ja 9, 1885, Bur- lington, Vt. ; s. Frank Allen (b. do.) and Ella (Seaver) Owen (b. Williamstown, Vt.). Pre- pared in Edmunds H. S., Burlington, Vt. A. B., Univ. of Vt. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., H. S., Meredith, N. H., 1906- 07; Betts Acad., 1907-08; Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Kan., 1910-14; Assoc. Prof., do., 1914-18; Prof., Spanish, do., 1918 — . Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. Married Sarah Delano Morton, Je 3, 191 1, Fairhaven, Mass. Address, 1702 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add., Univ. of Kansas, do. Gs22. MARY ELIZABETH HODGES OWEN Teacher; A. M., 1908; b. Je 20, 1880, Chi- cago; d. William Doane (b. Ag 19, 1854, Rut- land, Vt.) and Caroline Gertrude (Charleston) Owen (b. My 16, 1858, Chicago). Prepared in pub. schs., Chicago. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1907. Teacher, Lemon City, Fla. Address, Box 75, Lemon City, Fla. G523. ALBERT WAFFLE OWENS Chemist; Ph. D.. 1918; b. O 23, 1888, Lewis- burg Pa.; s. William Gundy (b. 1858, Pitts- burgh) and Jeannette (Waffle) Owens (b. i860. Elm Valley, N. Y.). Prepared in Bucknell Acad. B. S., Bucknell Univ., 1909. Phi Kap- pa Psi. Teacher, Sc, Bocone Coll., Okla., 1909-11; do., H. S., Bisbee, Ariz., 1913-15; Stud. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., igii-12; Grad Asst., do., 1912-13; Asst., do., 1915-17; Fellow ship, do., 191 7-18; Chem., Bur. of Standards Washington, D. C., igi8 — . Auth. : Determina tion of the Atomic Weight of Samarium, 1918 Address, 1954 Biltmore St., Washington, D C; bus. add.. Bureau of Standards, do. RAYMOND WILLIAM OWENS 1915. M. S. (See No. 6467.) *EMMA ELIZABETH PAGE 1879. M. L. (See No. 188.) ARTHUR ELIJAH PAINE 1900. A. M. (See No. 1257.) OLIVE ALLEN PAINE 1915- A M.. (See No. 6468.) G524. FRANKLIN CHARLES PALM Professor; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 16, 1890, Willmar, Minn.; s. Alvin (b. F 22, 1862, Red Wing, Minn.) and Francis (Bran- ton) Palm (b. Mr 28, 1866, St. Thomas, Can.). Pirepared in Willmar (Minn.) H. S. A. B., Oberlin Coll.. 1914. Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Eta. Scholarship and Fellowship, Univ. of 111.; Asst., Hist., do., 1916-17; Prof., Hist, and Pol. Sc, Buena Vista C5oll., Storm Lake,#Ia., 1917; Asst. Prof., Hist., Colo. Coll., Colorado Springs, Colo., 1918 — . Address, Willmar, Minn.; bus. add., Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. GEORGE MERIT PALMER 1909. A. M. (See No. 3504.) Gs25. JAMES ASBURY PALMER Pastor; A. M., 1913; b. D 30, 1869, Green field, 111.; s. George Washington (b. F 17 1828, Green Co., Pa.) and Mary Elizabeth (Evans) Palmer (b. Ap 6, 1852, Greene Co. 111.). Prepared in Pana H. S.; Shurtleff Acad. Alton, 111. A. B., Shurtleff Coll., 1897; A. M. do., 1901. Alpha Zeta Lit. Soc. Grad. stud and Teacher, Shurtleff Coll., 1897-99; Pastor Baptist Church, Payson, 111., 1899-1900; Adams, 111., 1899-1900; do., Barnard, 111., 1 1900; Pastoral supply, do., 1901; Prin., pub schs.. Bradford, Ark., 1901-02; Stud., So. Bap tist Theol. Sem., Louisville, Ky., 1902; Pastor Baptist Church. Herington, Kan., 1902-04; Bus Office. Champaign, 1904-05 and 1912-15; Prof. Ancient Langs, and Hist., Ewing Coll., 1905 07; do., Leland Univ., New Orleans, 1907-08 Teacher, Eng. Mission Sch., Cristo, Cuba 1908-09; Prof., Ancient Langs, and Hist. Ewing Coll., 1909-10; do., Greek, Sioux Falls Coll., 1910-11; do., Greek and Latin, Clinton Coll., Ky., 1911-12; Pastor, Baptist Church, Wakonda, S. Dak., 1915-17; do., Bonesteel and Fairfax, S. Dak., 1917 — •. Mem., Baptist Church; Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Married Vilona Cora Brownlee, Je 16, 1910, Kankakee, 111. Address, Fairfax, S. Dak. WILLIAM GAY PALMER 1901. A. M. (See No. 1385.) WILLIAM LOVE PARISH 1917. M. S. (See No. 785S.) JAY BOARDMAN PARK 1912. M. S. (See No. 3505-) Gs26. KARR PARKER Chief Engr.; M. S., 1914; b. Jl 3, 1892. Se- bree, Ky.; s. S. R. and Victoria (Wilson) Par- ker. Prepared in Hamilton H. S. B. S., Car- thage Coll., 1913. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Up- silon. Scholar, Electro Chem.; Radio Engr. and Operator, Marconi Wireless Telegraphy Co. of Am., 1914; Elec. Engr., McCarthy Bros. 798 University of Illinois & Ford. Buffalo, N. Y., 1914-17; Chief Engr., Engng. Mgr., and Director, do., 1918 — . Auth.: (with D. A. Maclnnes) Potassium Chloride Concentration Cells, Jour. A. C. S.; Wireless Telegraphy on the Great Lakes, Wireless News; (with E. W. Washburn) The Measure- ment of Electrolytic Conductivity, Joitr. A. C. S. Mem., A. I. E. E. ; Engng. Sec. of Buffalo; Nat. Elec. Light Assn.; Park Club of Buffalo. Married Enid Sympson, D 30, 1915, Spring- field, 111. Address, 86 Norwalk Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o McCarthy Bros. & Ford, 75-79 W. Mohawk St., do. LAWRENCE GILBERT PARKER 1907. M. S. (See No. 1749.) ROSALIE MARY PARR 1911. A. M. 1916. Ph. D. (See No. 2779.) G527. DANIEL FREDERICK PASMORE Professor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1917; b. Ag 3, 1889, London, Ont.; s. Thomas (b. Ont.) and Anna Campbell Pasmore (b. do.). Prepared in Howell (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1913. Scholarship, Ger., 1913-14; Fellowship, do., 1914-16; Head, Ger, Dept., Southwestern Coll, Winfield, Kan.; Instr., French, Macales- ter Coll.. St. Paul, Minn. Auth.: Karl Gutz- kow's Short Stories: A Study in the Tech- nique of Narration, Geo. Banta Pub. Co., 1918. Married Alpha Lois Lemon D 25, 1918, Ur- bana. Address, 421 College St., Winfield, Kan.; bus. add.. Southwestern College, do. FERNANDO ALSTON PARSONS 1878. M. L. (See No. 79.) IRENE MARY PARSONS (KEGG) 1910. A. M. (See No. 3S08.) NEWTON LYMAN PARTRIDGE 1914. M. S. 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 5862.) ARTHUR ERNEST PAUL 1898. M. S. (See No. 1070.) ADOLPH FREDERICK PAULI 1917. A. M. (See No. 7858.) THOMAS ARMSTRONG PEEBLES 1913. M. E. (See No. 2780.) Gs28. ARTHUR FREDERICK PEINE Professor; A. M., 1913; b. Ag 3, 1886, Min ier. 111.; s. Henry Adam (b. Ap 3, 18S4, Hof- geismar, Hesse-Cosset, Ger.) and Caroline Christine (Buhrig) I'eine (b. Ap 27, 1844, Os- terlinde, Brunswick. Ger.). Prepared in Min- ier H. S. A. B., lU. Wesleyan Univ., 191 1. Sigma Chi; Phi Eta. Scholar. Hist., 1911-12; Fellow, do., 19 1 2-14; Instr., Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis., 1914-15; Asst. Prof., Fair- mount Coll., Wichita, Kan.. 1915-16; Asst. Prof.. Kan. St. Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan., 1916-17. ist R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 1917; 2nd Lt, Inf. R. C, Camp Grant, III., 1917; Personnel Work, A. E. F., France. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn. Address, Minier, 111.; bus. add., Kansas State Agr. Coll., Manhattan, Kan. G529. GEORGE LEO PELTIER Professor; Ph. D., 1915; b. My 8, i888, Mer- rill, Wis.; s. Emile A. (b. Ag 12, 1864, St, Helene, Can.) and Georgiana (Laramie) Pel- tier (b. Mr 4. 1867. Grand Rapids, Wis.). Pre- pared in Grand Rapids (Wis.) H. S. A. B,, Univ. of Wis., 1910; M. A., Washington Univ., 1912. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi. Teaching Fellow, Show Sch. of Bot. (Mo. Botanical Garden) Wash. Univ., St. Louis; As- soc., Flor. Pathol., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Prof., Plant Pathol., and Plant Pathologist, Ala. Poly. Inst, and Agr. Exp. Sta., 1916 — . Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Phytopathol. Soc; Bot. Soc. of Am.; Wis. Acad, of Sc, Letters, and Art. Married Florence Lillian Quin, S 23, 1913, Grand Rapids, Wis. Child, Marjorie Isabelle, b. S 20, 191.?. Address, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. WILLIAM DAVID PENCE 1895. C. E. (See No. 488.) MARY HONORA PENDERGAST 1918. A. M. (See No. 8653-) VERE DOROTHY PERRING (LANGDON) 1910. A. M. (See No. 3905.) ELEANOR FARRAND PERRY (RAND) 1910. A. M. (See No. 3907.) MARGARET CAMPBELL PERRY 1917. A. M. (See No. 7131.) WINIFRED ALMINA PERRY 1914. A. M. (See No. 3511.) Gs3o. WILLIAM WARREN PETERS Instructor; M. S., 1913; b. S 23, 1888, Keo- kuk; s. J. W. Peters. Prepared in Hamilton )H. S.; Keokuk H. S. A. B., Knox Coll.. 191 1; M. S., do., 1912. Chauffeur, summer 1911-12; Teacher, Galesburg, 111. Instr., H. S,, Burling- ton, la. Address, 1107 S. 8th St., Burlington, la. , Gs3i. WILLIAM ALVAH PETERSON Instructor; A. M., 1913; b. S 13, 1888, Gale- burg, 111.; s. J. A, Peterson. B. S., Knox Coll., 191 1. Asst., Biol. Dent., Knox Coll., 1909-11; do., S. Harpswell Lal5., sunnner 191 o; Asst., Entomol., Univ. of 111., 1912-15; N. J. Exp. Sta. Address, 453 Losey St., Galesburg, 111. BENJAMIN SALISBURY PFEIFFER 1913. M. S. (See No. S357-) MARY ESTHER PFEIL 1917. A. M. (See No. 3512.) ALBERT CHARLES PHELPS 1903. M. Arch. (See No. 835.) Gs32. JAMES MANLEY PHELPS Instructor; A. M,, 1916; b. Ja 24, 1891, Malta, 111,; s. James M. (b. 111,) and Olive (Billig) Phelps (b. Pa.), Prepared in Joliet Tp. H. S.; Cumnock Sch, of Oratory, A. B,, N. W., Univ., 1912. Beta Theta Pi; Delta Sig- ma Rho. Head, Pub. Speaking Dept., Dak. Wesleyan Univ., Mitchell, S. Dak., 1913-14; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1914-18; Chautauqua Circuit, summer, 1918. Ensign Sch., Munici- pal Pier, Chicago, 1918. Address, 214 College Ave., DeKalb, 111. 1916. JOHN BREEN PHILLIPS A. M. (See No. 5359-) Gs33. PAUL CHRISLER PHILLIPS Professor; Ph. D., 1911; b. N 15, 1883, Bloomfield, Ind. ; s. Joseph A. (b. Ag 23, 1854, Greene Co., Ind,) and Lily F, (Chrisler) Phil- lips (b. Ap 20, 1857, Hinds Co., Miss.). Pre- pared in Bloomfield (Ind.) H. S. A, B., Ind. LTniv., 1906; A. M., do., 1909. Sigma Pi. Fel- low, Hist,, Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Pres., Grad. Club, Instr., Hist,, Univ. of Mont,, 1911-13; Asst, Prof,, do., 1913-15; Prof,, do., 1915 — . Auth,: The West in the Diplomatic Negotia- tions of the American Revolution; Congression- al P'olicy towards the West, 1778-83; Contrib- utor, book reviews, etc., .^ni. Hist. Review, Miss. Valley Hist. Reviczv, Ind. Mag. of Hist., and newspapers. Mem., Christian Church; Am. Graduate Alumni 709 Hist. Soc; Miss. Valley Hist. Soc. Married Alice Margaret Martin, Ag 27, 191 1, Indian- apolis, Ind. Address, Univ. of Montana, Mis- soula, Mont. HERMAN S. PIATT 1894. A. M. (See No. 710.) G534. GEORGE WELLINGTON PICKELS Associate; C. E., 1911; b. S 5, 1883, Rich- mond, Ky.; s. George Wellington (b. Je 25, 1855, tdo.) and Minnie (Parrish) Pickels (b. D 29, 1863, Winchester, Ky.). Prepared in Central Univ. of Ky.; Univ. of Chicago, 1901- 02. B. C. E., Univ. of Ky., 1904. Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Pi. Asst. Div. Engr., Chicago & Al- ton Ry., 1904-07; Instr., C. E.. Univ. of 111., 1907-17; Assoc, do., 1917 — . Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Mustered out, D 6, 191 8. Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; 111. Soc. of Engrs. Married Elizabeth Sutherland Robinson, My 16, 1906, Winchester, Ky. Children: George Wellington, Jr., b. Jl 9, 191 1 ; Elizabeth Chaplain, b. Je 10, 1914. Address, 1020 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 209 Mech. Engng. Lab., Univ. of 111., do. G53S. BETHEL STEWART PICKETT Professor; M. S., 1906; b. Je 4, 1882, Till- sonburg, Ont., Can.; s. Samuel (b. D 30, 1848, Lourille, do.) and Ellen (Stewart) Pickett (b. F 4, 1852, Brantford, do.). Prepared in Sim- coe (Can.) H. S. B. S. A., Ont. Agr. Coll., 1904. Sigma Xi. Sec. Registrar, Ont. Agr. Coll., 1902-05; Asst., Dept. of Hort. (unoffi- cial), 1906-07; ist asst. and Instr., Pomol., 1907-08; Prof., Hort., N. H. Coll., 1908-12; Asst. Prof.. Pomol., Univ. of 111., 1912-18; Prof., do., and Chief in Pomol., Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1918 — . Auth. : Spraying Apple orchards for Insects and Fungi, Univ. of 111., 1908; Fruit Bud Formation, N. H. Coll., 191 1; Hort. Information, do., 1910; Some Soil Treatments for Mature Apple Orchards, Cir. No. 23s, Agr. E.vp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1919. Married Bertha Gay Beamer, D 10, 1907, Grimsby, Ont., Can. Children: Barzillai Stewart, b. Ag 10, 1908; Llewelyn Elmer, b. My 7, 1912; Arthur David, b. Je 13, 1915; Ellen Gay, b. F 14, 1917. Ad- dress, 607 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111., do. Gs36. WILLIAM EUGENE PICKLER Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 25, 1892, New Albany, Ind.; s. George L. Pickler. Prepared in Louis- ville (Ky.) Male H. S. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1914. Grad. Stud, and Asst.. Bot. and Plant Physiol., Univ. of 111., 1914-18. Bat. B., Sch. for Radio Operation, Austin, Tex., 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1820 Edgeland Ave., Louisville, Ky.f JOHN PIEPER 1917. M. S. (See No. 8666.) RAYMOND CLARK PIERCE 1915. C. E. (See No. 3515.) 1917. THIRZA MAY PIERCE A. M. (See No. 4856.) Gs37. *CARL ELI PIKE M. S., 1918; b. N 24, 1890, Central City, la.; s. Everett A. (b. Mass.) and Adella (McCril- lis) Pike. Prepared in Central City (la.) H. S. B. S., Cornell Coll., 19 16. Gamma Alpha. Asst., Phys.. Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Died O 15, 1918, Champaign. CHARLES STEPHEN PILLSBURY 191:. M. E. (See No. 3140.) Gs38. LESLIE ARTHUR PINKNEY Teacher; A. M., 1915; b. Ag 9, 188S, Prince- ton, 111.; s. William (b. Leeds, Eng.) and An- na (Witiver) Pinkney (b. Lancaster, Pa.). Pre- pared in Sterling H. S. A. B., Wheaton Coll., 1910. Scholar, Phys.; Teacher, H. S., Paris, 111.; do., Bloomington, 111.; Instr., Phys., North- east H. S., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-18. Base Hosp. 28, Fort McPherson. Ga. ; do.. Camp Merritt, N. J.; do., A. E. F. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 305 W. 7th St., Sterling, 111. THOMAS MERRITT PITTMAN, JR. 1917- C. E. (See No. 4858.) *FLORENCE ELIZABETH PITTS 1906. A. M. (See No. 2210.) NUBA MITCHELL PLETCHER 1903. A. M. (See No. 1574.) G539. ROBERT BEDFORD POGUE M. S., 191S. b. My 7, 1889, Mayslick, Ky.; s. E. P. Pogue. Prepared in Georgetown City Sch.; Central Univ., Ky. B. M. E., Ky. St. Univ., 1913. Address, R 8, Lexington, Ky.t RAY BOYD PONDER 1912. M. S. (See No. 4861.) *ERNEST WILLIAM PONZER /903. M. S. (See No. 1391.) GS40. FRANCIS MARION PORTER Associate; M. S., 191 1; b. F 14, 1881, Cir- cleville, O.; s. James (b. Mr 6, 1851, Amanda do.) and Minnie C. Shoemaker) Porter (b. Je II, 1848, Tarlton, do.). Prepared in Tarlton (O.) H. S. B. S., O. Univ., 1907. Acacia. .\sst., Phys. and Mech. Draw., O. Univ., 1904- 05; Instr., do., 1905-06; Asst., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Instr., do., 1908-13; Assoc, do., 1913 — . Instr., U. S. A. S., summer 1917. Auth.: Mechanical Drafting. Manual Arts Press, 1915; Descriptive Geometry, John Wiley & Son. Mem., Presby. Church; Soc for Promotion of Engng. Educ; A. F. A. M.; Univ. Club. Married Katliryn Selina Jordan, S 10, 1908, Carroll, O. Children: David Jordan, b. S I, 1910; Marion, b. Mr 15, 1914 (died do.); Charles Francis, b. My 3, 1915. Address, 711 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., 304 Transportation Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. HORACE CHAMBERLAIN PORTER 1900. M. S. (See No. 1076.) G541. RALPH SYDNEY POTTER (Husband of No. 5027) Professor; M. S., 191 1; Ph. D., 1913; b. Mr 2, 1888, Fairbury, 111.; s. P. M. (b. 1840, Vt.) and Elizabeth (Van Arsdale) Potter (b. 1844, N. Y.). Prepared in Fairbury H. S. A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 1909. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Grad. Stud, and Research Asst. to Dr. W. A. Noyes, Univ. of 111., 1913; Asst., Chief and Assoc. Prof., Soil Chem., la. St. Coll. Exp Sta. Auth.: (with W. A. Noyes) Articles in Jour. A. C. S.; (with R. S. Snyder) Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem.; la. E.\[>. Sta. Research Bui.; Jour, Agr. Research; (with T. H. Benton) Soil Sc. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Chem. Soc; Phi Kappa Phi; Gamma Alpha. Married Mabel Bebb, ('12), D 25, 1913, Ames, la. Children: Doro- thy, b. Jl 29, 1915; Janet, b. S 15, 1917. Ad- dress, 202 Russell Ave., Ames, la.; bus. add., la. St. College, do. G542. ALFRED RICHARD POWELL Chemist; Ph. D., 1918; b. F i, 1891, Athens, O.; s. William Alfred (b. D 3. 1858, Cin- cinnati) and Marie M. (Montzheimer) Powell (b. Ag 7, 1862, St. Louis). Prepared in Cen- tral H. S., Toledo, O. B. S., Univ. of 8oo University of Illinois Kan., 1914; A. M., Univ. of Neb., 1915. Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem., Univ. of Neb., 1914-15; Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915- 16; Asst., Chem., do., 1916-18. Chem. Warfare Service, 1918; 2nd Lt., Gas Mask Research Sect., Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., Washington, D. C. Auth.: (with F. W. Upson) The Effect of Cer- tain Organic Compounds on Wheat Plants in the Soil, Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., 1915. Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, 1 1 1 W. 5th St., Ottawa, Kan. G543. EDWIN BOOTH POWERS Professor; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 6, 1S80, Ovilla, Tex.; s. William Wilson (b. O 27, 1837, Neosho, Mo.) and Evaline C. (Woods) Powers. Prepared in Ovilla (Tex.) Schs. A. B., Trinity Univ., Waxahachie, Tex., 1906; M. A., Univ. of Chicago, 1913. Univ. of Chicago, sum- mers, 1905, 1908, 1910, 1913, 1914; Marine Sta., Univ. of Wash., summer 1914; Teacher H. S., 1914-15; Asst., Zool., Univ. of III., 1915-16; Fellow, Pharmaceutical Research, 1916-17; Grad. Stud., 1917-18; Instr., Colo. Coll., 1918; Prof., Biol., Colo. Coll., Colorado Springs. Colo.. 1918 — . Auth.: (with V. E. Shel- ford) Articles in Biol. Bui. and ///. St. Lab. Nat. Hist. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Geog. Soc. ; Am. Microscopic Soc; Am. Assn. of Econ. Entomol.; Am. Entomol. Soc; The Ecol. Soc. of Am. Married Pauline Watkins, Je 9, 1918, Dallas, Tex. Address, 324 E. Uintah St., Colorado Springs, Colo.; bus. add., Colorado College, do. 1918. J. ORIN POWERS A. M. (See No. 8674.) JOHN LOSSEN PRICER 1907. A. M. (See No. 3144.) ALVA LEROY PRICKETT 1918. A. M. (See No. 5878.) DAVID CHANDLER PRINCE 1913. M. S. (See No. 5370). LORING HARVEY PROVINE 1909. A. E. (See No. 1950.) WILLIAM SING-CHONG PUNG 1915. M. S. (See No. 6495.) Gs44. HADLEY WINFIELD QUAINTANCE Instructor; A. M., 1900; b. Ag 11, 1864, Cable, 111.; s. James Stewart (b. S 5. 1831, Bucyrus, do.) and Martha Ann (Hardenbrook) Quaintance (b. Mr 11, 1837, Mt. Gilead, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Univ. of Neb. LL. B., No. 111. Coll., 1889; A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1896; D. C. L., Columbia, 1902; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1904. Clerk, U. S. Census Office, and Stud., Columbia, 1900-02; Stud., Univ. of Wis., 1902-03; Prin., Cml. Dept., H. S., Lincoln, Nebr., 1903-04; Instr., Econ., Univ. of Mo., 1904-05; Assoc. Prof., Pol. Econ., and Prin., Sch. of Commerce, Univ. of Wyo., 1905-08; Deputy Co. Treas., Albany Co., Wyo., 1911-15; Prof., Ger. and Pol. Sc, Lenox Coll., 1916-17; Instr., Accounting, Walton Sch. of Commerce, Chicago, 1917 — . Auth.: Articles in Pub. of Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Jour, of Pol.; Mag. of Am. Hist.; Bailey's Cyclopedia of Am. Agr. Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Edna J. Mindil, Ag 15, 1903, Wash- ington D. C. Children: Charles Winfield, b. Ag 21, 1906; Martha Belle, b. Ag 21, 1908; James Donald, b. O 3, 191 1. Address, 1621 Division St., Chicago; bus. add., Walton School of Com- merce, do. G545. FRIEND CURTIS QUEREAU Director; M. S., 1908; b. N 9, 1882, Piano, 111.; s. Worthy (b. 1856, Red Creek, N. Y.) and Clara Graves (Curtis) Quereau (b. 1850, I'lano 111.). Prepared in Gueydan H. S. B. S., La. St. Univ., 1906. Agr. Club; Pres., Sr. Class; Valedictorian. Instr., An. Husb., Univ. of Tenn., 1907-08; Asst. Prof., Dept., An. Indus.; Asst., West Tenn. Exp. Sta., Jackson, Tenn.; Asst. Dir., Rice Exp. Sta., Crowley, La. Auth.: Relation of Steer Feeding to Farm Econ., Bui. 79; Sheep and Lambs in Tennessee, Bui. 84; Articles on Rice and An. Husb., Rice Jour. Mem., Am. Breeders' Assn.; Am. Soc. Agron.; A. F. A. M.; K. T. Mar- ried Lucile McGee Long, Ja 11, 1910, Jack- son, Tenn.- Child, Worthy Thomas, b. O 18, 1 91 1. Address, New Iberia, La. G546. JOHN CALVIN QUIMBY Teacher; M. S., 1917; b. JI 23, 1885, Blaine, O.; s. C. H. Ouimby. Prepared in Linsley Mil. Inst., Wheeling. W. Va. B. S., O. St. Univ., 1912. Teacher, H. S., Centralia, III.. 1912-13; do., H. S., Rochester, Minn., 1913-16. Address. 215 Howard St., Bridgeport, O. ; bus. add.. High School, Rochester, Minn. G547. BARNEY SIMONSON RADCLIFFE Chemist; M. S., 1910; b. Je 27, 1S84, Llarri- son, O.; s. George W. (b. New Hampshire, O.) and Emma (Simonson) Radcliffe (b. Harrison, O.). Prepared in Miami Univ. Acad. A. B., MTiami Univ., 1908. Sigma Chi; Scholarship, Ceram., 1908-09. Jr. Ceram. Chem., Pittsburg, 1910; Chem., Denny-Renton Clay & Coal Co.; Asst. Ceram.. Univ. of 111. Address, 707 W. Illinois St., Urbana, Ill.t DWIGHT T. RANDAL! 1905. M. E. (See No. 1078.) FRANK ALFRED RANDALL 1909. C. E. (See No. 2488.) GS48. OSCAR ALAN RANDOLPH Professor; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 1916; b. N 25, 1886, Summersville, Mo.; s. James Evans and Rebecca Ann (Craegar) Randolph. Pre- pared in Central H. S., Kansas City, Mo. B. S., Mo. Sch. of Mines, 191 1. Pi Kappa Alpha; Tau Beta Pi. Stud. Asst.. Chem., Mo. Sch. of Mines, 1910-11; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1911-16; do., Univ. of Colo., 1916-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Mem., Sigma Xi; A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Phys. Soc; Am. Math. Soc. Married Edith Schultz, Je 9, 191 1, Rolla, Mo. (Thild, Oscar Alan, Jr., b. D 21, 1917- Ad- dress, 802 University Ave.. Boulder, Colo.: bus. add., Univ. of Colorado, do. G549,. MAX RAVITCH (MARCUS ELI RAVAGE) Author; A. M., 1910; b. Je 25, 1884, Berlad, Roumania; s. Jehuda Loeb (b. 1847. Kish- ineff, Russia) and Bella (Rosenthal) Ravitch (b. 1850, Berlad, Roumania). Prepared in De Witt Clinton H. S., New York City. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1909. Cosmopolitan Club. Fel- low, Eng., 1909-10; Grad. Work. Columbia, 1910-11; Instr., Eng.. Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1911-12; Auth., 1912-14; Editorial Work and Teacher, 1914-16; Writer. 1917 — . Auth.: An American in the Making, Harper & Bros., 1917; The Prophet from America, Harper's; To America on Foot, do.; My Plunge into the Slums, do.; Immigrant's Luck, do.; The Loy- alty of the Foreign Born, Century and do.; Absorbing the Alien, do.; The Tired College Man, do., 1918; The Religion of Sanity, do. adopted pseudonym. Marcus Eli Ravage, 191 7- Married Jeanne Louise Martin. D 2, I9i5- (Thildren: Suzanne Anna. b. D 20, 1916; Louise Belle, b. F 14. 1918. Address, 867 W. 181st St., New York City. Graduate Alumni 8oi GEORGE JOSEPH R-\Y 1910. C. E. (See No. 1165.) G550. SAMUEL HAWKINS RAY M. S., 1914; b. Ap 6, 1889, Weatherford, Tex.; s. W. G. Ray. B. S., A. and M. Coll., Tex., 1911. Address, San Antonio, Tex. ISAAC STUART RAYMOND 1895. M. L. (See No. 9.) WILLIAM HORACE RAYNER 1913. C. E. (See No. 3925.) Gssi. MASON KENT READ Oil Geologist; M. S., 1916; b. Mr 12, 1891, Mauseon, O.; s. Edward A. Read. Prepared in Doane Acad. B. S., Denison Univ., 1914. Oil Geologist, Wichita Nat. Gas Co., Bartles- ville, Okla. Address, Box 578, Bartlesville, Okla.t G5S2. IJARRY WILFRED REDDICK Professor; A. M., 1906; b. F 6. 1883, Rays- ville. Ind. ; Prepared in Knightstown (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1904; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1905. Ph. D., Columbia, 1910. Phi Kappa Psi. Instr., Math, and Phys., H. S., Alexandria, Ind.; do., Univ. Acad., 1Q04-05; Teaching Fellow, do., 1905-06; Instr., Math., Shortridge H. S.. Indianapolis, 1906; rfoL, Columbia, 1909-15; Prof., Math., and Head of Dept., Cooper Union Sch., New York City, 1915 — . Engr., Ord. Dept., Langley Field, Hampton, Va., summer 1918; Washington, D. C. Auth.: Articles in Am. Jour, of Math.; Annals of Math.; Am. Math. Monthly; Engng. News and Educ. Review. Mem., M. E. Church; Sigma Xi; Am. Math. Soc. ; Math. Assn. of Am. .'iddress, Dept. of Math., Cooper Union, New York City. G553. JAMES KEEL REED A. M., 1917; b. S 30, 1893, Lamb, Ind.; s. Fred T. Reed. Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Indianapolis; Butler Coll. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1915; Asst. Chem., Wabash Coll., 1914-15. Ad- dress, 222 N. Holmes Ave., Indianapolis. f G554. SUSAN MARTHA REED (STIFLER) (Wife of No. G648) A. M., 1908; Ph. D., 1913; b. Ag 16, 1884, Roxbury, Mass.; d. John Richard (b. Mr 25, 1832 Ware, Mass.) and Martha Huntington (Dudman) Reed (b. Ap 23, 1849, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia). Prepared in Westfield (Mass.) H. S. A. B., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1907. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Hist., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Asst., Hist., do., 1908- 10; Head, Hist. Dept., Lake Erie Coll.. Painesville. O., 1913-15. Auth.: Church and State in Massachusetts, 1691-1740, Univ. of Hi. Studies in the Social Scs., Vol. 3, 1914; Cartography of the Mississippi Valley in the i8th Century, hiiss. Valley Hist. Revictu, 1916. Mem.. Am. Hist. Assn.; Congr. Church; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae. Married William War- ren Stifler (g'o8), O 16, 1915, Westfield, Mass. Child, William Warren, Jr,, b. N 26, 1916. Address, 54 Court St., Westfield, Mass.; bus. add., Peking Union Medical Coll., Peking, China. JOHN CORWIN REEDER 1918. A. M. (See No. 8696.) Gs55. CHARLES CHRISTIAN REES Pathologist; A. M., 1915; b. Jl 23, 1890, Rochester, Ind.; s. Milton O. (b. D 28, 1850, Monticello, Ind.) and Margaret I. (Hoover) Rees (b. O 19, 1855, Rochester, Ind.). Prepared in Rochester (Ind.) H. S. A. B., Wabash Coll., 1Q13. Delta Tau Delta; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Grad. Stud., Earlham Coll.; Univ. of Wis.; Fellowship, Univ. of 111. Capt., 325th F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky.; Camp de Souge, France, 191S-19; Mustered out, Mr 3, 1919. Mem., Bot. Soc. of Am.; Am. Phytopathol. Soc; Lafayette Country Club. Address, 518 Pontiac St., Rochester, Ind.; bus. add., c/o Louisville Soap Co., Louisville, Ky. G5s6. EDWIN ARTHUR REES Chemist; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ap 8, 1891, Den- ver, Col.; s. Charles Rees. A. B., Univ. of Denver, 1913; A. M., do., 1914. Stud, and Asst., (ihem., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Research Chem., DuPont Powder Co., Wilmington, Del., 1918 — . Address, Garfield, Ut.; bus. add., Du Pont Powder Co., Wilmington, Del, G557. MAURICE H. REES Professor; A. M., 1905; b. Ap 27, 1880, Newton, la.; s. S. H.(b. Ag 4, 1847, Williams- town, O.) and Margaret (Holmes) Rees (b. Ap II, 1858, Salem, Ind.). Prepared in New- ton H. S. A. B., Monmouth Coll. Fellowship, Zool., Univ. of 111., 1905; Prof., Nat. Sc, York Coll., York, Neb., 1905-06; Prof., Biol., Tarkio Coll., Tarkio, Mo.. 1906—. Q. M. Sergt., la. N. G., 1889-1901. Married Elizabeth M. Prath- er, Je 21, 191 1. Address, Tarkio College, Tar- kio, Mo. HARRY PAYNE REEVES 1914. A. M. (See No. 5891.) ERNEST ALEXANDER REID 1915. M. S. (See No. 6505.) G558. Px\UL FREDERICK REIFF Instructor; Ph. D., 1912; b. My 30, 1870. Basel, Switzerland; s. F. C. Reilf. Ph. D. Basel Univ., Switzerland, 1901. Tlibingen Ger.; Berlin; Erlangen, Ger. ; Harvard; Asst., Gcr., Harvard, 1901-02; Instr.. do., Univ. oi Wash., 1902-03; Instr., Wash. Univ., 1903-06; Purdue Univ.. 1907-08. Address, 5721 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. G559. THEODORE GEORGE WELLESLY REINECKE Lecturer; M. S., 1917; b. F 4, 1888, Ceres, Cape Province, South Africa; s. D. M. Rein ecke. Prepared in Boys H. S., Wellington; Ceres Pub. Sch.; Univ. of Cape Town; Rhodes Univ. Coll. B. A., Univ. Cape of Good Hope, 1907. Asst. Demonstrator. Chem. Dept., South Africa Coll., 1908-09; Lecturer, Chem., Sch. of Agr., Potcheptroom, Transvaal, 1910- 16. Address, Box 181, Potchefstroom, Trans vaal, South Africa. Gs6o. JULIUS ADAM REINEMUND Merchant; A. M., 1912; b. D 4, 1890, Mus- catine, la.; s. Ernst Christian (b. F 11, 1S64, Ger.) and Ida Louise (Reuling) Reine- mund (b. N 18. 1863, Muscatine, la.). Pre- pared in Muscatine (la.) H. S. A. B.. Augus- tana Coll., 191 1. Merchant. Reinemund & Co., Retailer of dry goods and gen. merchandise, Muscatine, la. Married Eva Elizabeth Nelson, Ap 14, 1915, Chicago Hgts., 111. Address, 503 E. 9th St., Muscatine. la.; bus. add.. 117 119th St., do. AMANDA BARBARA RENICH- (DAII^ET, 1914. A. M. (See No. 4382.) MARY EMMA RENICH 1912. A. M. (See No. 4872.) G561. LLOYD HILTON REYERSON Chemist; A. M., 1917; b. My i, 1893, Daw- son, Minn.; s. John E. (b. S 5, 1867, Green Bay, Wis.) and Lydia (Hilton) Reyerson (b. My 18, 1866, Osage, la.). Prepared in Daw- son (Minn.) H. S. A. B., Carleton Coll., 1915. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. So 2 University of Illinois Jr. Gas. Chcni., fiur. of Mines, War Gas In- vcstigalions, Wasliiiigton, D. C, 1917-18. 2nd l.t., Cliom., Service Seetion, Am. Univ. Exp. Sta.. VVasliinKton, D. C. ; (/<;., Ualtiinore, Md., ipiX-ig; Mustered out, Ja -'J, 1919. Mem., A. C. S., 191S — . Married Nelle Nickell, Mr 7, 1918, Washington, D. C. Address, Dawson, Minn. Gs6-'. ERNEST SHAW REYNOLDS (Son of Nos. 49, so) Professor; Ph. D., 1909; b. D 7, 1884, Gleiidale, Mont.; s. Henry Sheldon (.74), (b. Providence, R. 1.) and Frances Adelia (Potter) Reynolds ('74). (h. Mr 13, 1853, Albion, Mich.) Prepared in Providence (R. i.) II. S. IMi. B., Hrown Univ., 1907; A. M., do., 1907. Gannna Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa I'hi. Asst. Prof., Bot., L'niv. of Tenn.. 19091J; Assoc. Prof., do., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1912 — ; Ed.. Tenn. Acad. Auth. : Flora of the Great Swamp of Rhode Island, Rhodoia, Vol. 9, 1907; Seirpus lludsonianus in Rhode Island. do.. Vol. 10, 1908; Notes on Botrychiuni in Tennessee, do.. Vol. 13, 191 1; Plant Pathology in its Relations to Other Sciences, Science 1908; The College Regulations of Fraternities, Hduc. /Cri'i'i'tc. 191 1 ; The Relations of Parasitic I'ungi to their Host I'l.uits. Bot. Gascitc, 191 _•; .Vbstractor. Pathol. Section of Bot. Abstracts. Mem., New Eng. Bot. Club; A. A. A. S.; Am. Phylopalhol. Soe.; 111. Acad, of Sc, 1908-09; Tenn. Acad, of Sc. ; Bot. Soc. of Am.; N. Dak. Acad, of Sc. Married Ruth Evelyn Cav- erley, S 3, 191 J. Children: Eleanor Frances, b. Je 14, 1914; Ernest Shaw, Jr., b. Jl u. 191 7. Address, Agricultural College, Fargo, N. Dak. 1S79. HENRY S. REYNOLDS M. S. (See No. 50.) •STEPHEN AVERY 1S97. ^L L. (See No. REYNOLDS II.) EDWARD MELVILLE RHODES 1913. M. S. (See No. 1401.) PERCY McCLURE RICHARDS 1915. E. E. (See No. 3931. "> GS63. CLARENCE HUDSON RICHARDSON Professor; M. S., 1918; b. Jl 21, 1890, West Plains, Mo.; s. E. F. and Nannie Belle t Hudson) Richartlson. Prepared in Buffalo (Ky.") II. S. B. S., Univ. of Ky.. 1913. Instr.. Math.. II. S., Marion, Ky., 1013-14; do.. Col- umbia Coll., Fla., 1914-16; Asst., Math., Ihiiv. of 111.. 1916-18; Head, Dept. and Prof., Math., Georgetown Coll., 1918 — . Mem.. Phi Delta K.uipa. Married Ajjnes Brownlield, N 7. 1914, Jefferson, Ind. Child, Clarence Hudson, Ir., b.' My 25, 1916. Address, Buffalo, Kv.; hiis. add., Georgetown College, Georgetown. Ky. ROBERT EARL RICHARDSON 1003. A. M. (See No. 1581.) FRANK ERWIN RICHART 1915. M. S. (See No. 6516.) FREDERICK WILLIAM RICHART 1905. M. E. (See No. 608.) JOHN JEFFERSON RICHEY 1910. C. E. (See No. 1955.) NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER 1878. M. Arch. (See No. 13.) G564. CHARLES FREDERICK CURTIS RILEY Professor; M. S., 1912; b. Ap 17. 1878, Alanchester, Eng. Prepared in Crete Acad. A. B., Doane Coll., 1901; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1905. Asst., Biol. Meteorol. Observatory, Doane Coll., 1897-1901; Grad. Scholar, Univ. of Neb., 1901; Prin., H. S., Neb., 1901-02; Teaclier. II. S., Ind., 1904-05; Asst., Zool., Univ. of Mich., 1902-04; Head, Dept. of Biol., Simpson Coll.; do., St. Norm. Sehs. of Kan. and Minn., 1905-11; I'ellow, Zool., John Hop- kins Univ., 1910. Prof., New York St. Sch. of I'orestry, Syracuse, N. Y. .'Iddrcss, New York Slate School of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. G565. CLARISSA RINAKER (Sister of Nos. 8700, Gs66) Associate; A. M., 1911; Ph. D., 1913; h. Carlinville, 111.; d. Thomas (b. 1857, do.) and I'anny E. (Kelley) Rinaker (b. 1859, Kankakee, 111.). Prepared in Carlinville H. S.; Blackburn Acail. A. B., Blackburn Coll., 1903. Chi Omega; Delta Sigma. Scholarship, L^niv. of 111., 1910; I'cllowship, (/()., 1911; Instr., Eng., do., 1913- 18; Associate, do.. 1918 — . Auth.: Thomas \\'arton, A Biographical and Critical Study, i'iik\ of III. Studies ill Lanq. and Lit., Vol. 2. No. 1, 1916; William ALanor and Thomas \\'arton, Notes and Queries, 1014;' Twenty si.x Unedited Letters from Thomas Warton. Jour. of E>t(i. aitd Gerainaitic PliiUrl.. Vol. 14, 1915; Thomas Warton's Poetry and Its Relation 10 the Romantic Movement, Seivaiiee Review, Vol. -•3, 1915; Thomas Warton and the Historical Method in Literary Criticism, !'i(h!ications of Mod. Laiut. Assn., 1915; Thomas Edward's Sonnets, Mod. Lang. Notes. Vol. 30, 1915; The Dualism of Mr. P. E. More, Philoso/'hical Re- view, Vol. 26, 1917. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn., 1913 — . Address, 908 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., 301 Univ. Hall, Univ. of 111., do. Gs66. HARRIET BECKWITH RINAKER (HOWE) (Sister of Nos. 8700, G565) Home Demonstration Agt.; A. M., 1909; b. F 12, 1S86, Carlinville, HI.; d. Thomas (b. Ag 15, 1857. <'"■) and Fanny Estelle (Kelly) Rinaker (b. S 27. 1859, Kankakee, III.). Pre- pared in Carlinville H. S.; Blackburn .Acad. .\. 1^., Blackburn Univ.. 1904; A. D. E., Lewis Inst., 1905. Chi Omega; Delta Sigma; H. Sc. Club; Scholarship, H. S., 1908-09. .■Special Teacher, pub. schs., H. Sc, Kansas City, Mo.. 1906-07; St. Fair Sch. of Doin. Sc, 1005-11; Asst., H. Sc, 1909-11; Instr., 1911-13; Hist. Leader, War Emergency Home Demonstra- tion Service, V. S. Dept. of Agr., Hdqtrs., Carlinville. 111. Auth.: Fuels and their Utiliza- tion in Processes of Cooking, Jour, of Home l£con., 1910. Mem., Am. Home Econ. Assn.; .\ssn. of Coll. Alumnae; .Vm. Health League; Carlinville Lib. Assn. Married Paul E. Howe, Jo 18, 1913. Child, Clarissa, b. Ag 19, 1914. .Address, 63 Jefferson Road, Princeton, N. J. CHARLES TRESCOTT RIPLEY 1912. M. E. (See No. 3935.) G567. LEWIS BRADFORD RIPLEY ^[. S., 1916; b. S 20, 1894. East Hartford, Conn. Prepared in Glastonbury (Conn.) H. S. li. S., Trinity Coll,, 1915. Lab.^ Asst., St. Kntoinol., summer 1913. Address, Glastonbury, (."onn.t G508. WALTER JOHN RISLEY Professor; A. M., 1907; b. Mr 16, 1874, Logan, O. ; s. John (b. Je 5. 1849, do.) and Elizabeth (Drescher) Risley (b. je 15,^ 1843, do.). Prepared in Logan (0.) H. S. ; 0. Univ.. 1895-97. B. S., l'niv. of Mich.. 1900; .\. M., Harvard Univ., 1908. Delta Tau Delta. Instr.. Math.. O. l'''niv.. 1807; (/<>., Joliet Tp. H. S., 1900-03; do.. Armour Inst., 1903-05; .\sst.. Math., l'niv. of III., 1905-07; Schol- arship, Harvard, 1008-09; Stud., 1007-10; Asst., Astronomy, Harvard. 1007-09: Instr., Math. 1900-10; Prof.. Math., James Millikin Univ., Graduate Alumni 803 1910 — . Ft. Sheridan, 111.; Mustered out, S 16, 1918. Autli.: Algebra, Parts I, II, 111, Am. 3ch. of Cor., Chicago; (with C. E. Leigh; (Jeometry, do., 1905, (with W. C. McDonald) Envelopes of one parameter families of plane curves, Annals of Math., Vol. 12, 1911. Mem., Math. Assn. of Am.; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. Married I?cssie K. Kisley, Ja 16, 1X97, Athens, O. Children: Walter John. Jr.. 1). N 1897; Kali)h Edwin, li. D 1898; Lee Carlton, b. My 1903; Donald Lloyd, b. S 1915. Addrc.'i.';. 155 N. Taylor Ave., Decatur, III.; bus. add.. James Millikin Univ., do. KAYMOND JEFFERSON ROARK 1912. M. S. (See No. 4875.) G569. RURIC CREEGAN ROARK (Brother of No. 4875) Chemist; A. M., 1908; b. Mr 13, 1887. Glasgow, Ky.; s. Ruric Nevel (b. 1850, (ircen- ville, Ky.) and Mary (Crecgan) Roark .(b. Ja.). Prepared in Lexington (Ky.) II. S.; Ky. St. Univ., 1903-05; Clark Univ.. Worcester, Mass., 1905-06. A. B., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1907; Ph. D., George Washington Ihiiv., 1917. Sigma Xi. Grad. Asst., Organic Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Fellow, Chem., Univ. of Wis., 1910-11; Asst. Chem., Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr.. 1908-17; Chief Chem., U. S. .San. Products Corp., Chicago, 1917 — . Mem.. A. C. S. Address, 4738 Kenwood Ave., Chica- go; bits, add., 2834 Loomis St., do. ELMER ROBERTS 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 5901.) Gs7o. GWLADYS ELLEN ROBERTS Teacher; A. M.. 1917; b. D 3, 1893, Bed- ford, Ind.; d. Richard (I). 1862, Liverpool, Eng.) and Alice (Withman) Roberts (b. 1864, 15edford, Ind.). Prepared in Bedford (Ind.) 11. S. A. B., Hanover Coll., 1916. Alpha Delta Pi. Teacher, H. S., Bedford, Ind., 1917 — ■. Address, 1131 M St., Bedford, Ind.; bus. add.. High School, do. HARRY ASIITON ROBERTS 1916. C. E. (See No. 1758.) ALISERT FOWLER ROBINSON 1891. C. E, (See No. 246.) LEWIS ARCLIIBALD ROBINSON 1901. A. M. (See No. 1167.) RAYMOND ELDER ROBINSON 1909. M. S. (See No. 3524.) WARD REID ROBINSON 1909. C. E. (See No. 2804.) G57I. ETHEL JUANITA ROBISON Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. Jl 9, 1887, Ches- terfield, III.; d. Thomas Marshall (b. D 10, 1855, Greenfield, 111.) and Mary (Deeds) Robison (b. O 3, 1864, Carlinvillc, HI.). Pre- pared in Carlinville H. S. A. B., Blackburn Coll., 190S. Sigma Kappa: Delta Sigma. Schol- arship; Latin Ilonors, 1908. Prin., II. S., Am- boy. 111., 190Q-11; do., White Hall, 111., 191 1- 13; do., Middlesboro, Ky., 1913-14; Teacher, Latin, Virden, 111., 1914-1.=;: do., Cairo, 111., 1915— . Mem., Epis. Church: O. E. S. Ad- dress, 518 Johnson St.. Carlinville, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Cairo, 111. ANNA SOPHIE ROGERS 1914. A. M. 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 4876.) G572. JEROME STANLEY R0(;ERS (Husband of No. 3959) Chemist; M. S., 1909; b. N 8, 1884, Iloneoye halls, N. Y.; s. Luther II. and Frances A. (Hall) Rogers. Prepared in Iloneoye Falls (N. Y.) II. S. B. S., Syracuse Univ., 1907. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111.; Grad. Stud., Geo. Washington LIniv. ; Asst. Chem., Pa. St. Coll. Exp. Sta.; Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dent. of Agr., Washington, D. C. ; (Jhem., Kistler Lesh & Co.. Morganton, N. C, 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S. Married Essie May Seed ('09), Ag 30, 191 1, Newaygo, Mich. Child, Frances Par- ker, b. F 12, 1917. Address, Kistler Lesh & Co., Morganton, N. C. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE 1878. M. S. (See No. 14.) MARTHA DEETTE ROLFE 1904. A. M. (See No. 1407.) SUSAN FARLEY ROLFl'. (BUTLER) 1909. A. M. (See No. 1957.) CLARENCE SAMUEL ROSS 1915. A. M. (Sec No. 5908.) G573. ELLISON LLOYDE ROSS Professor; Ph. D., 1912; b. Je 13, 1881, Dixon, 111.; s. W. B. (b. 1856, do.) and Idell Lei (Van) Ross (b. 1858, do.). Prejiared in Sutherland (la.) H. S. B. S., la. St. Coll., 1904; M. D., N. W. Univ., 1918. Sigma Xi; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Physiol. Chem., III. St. Psychopathic Inst., 1912-14; Instr., Pharma- cology, and Med. Stud., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1914-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Soc. of P.iol. Chemists; Am. Soc. of I'harmacology and Therapeutics. Married Kath- arin Sterling, S i, 1912, (.'ashmere, Wash- ington. Child, Betty, b. Jl 20, 1913. Address, 6928 Lakewood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 2431 •S. Dearborn St., do. G574. JOHN CARL ROSS Research Chem.; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1916; I). D II, 1892, Sea Point, Cape Town, Africa; f. D. D. Ross. I'reparcd in .Sea Point (Africa) II. S. B. S., Univ. Cape of (Jood IIo])e, 191 1. Instr., S. Africa Coll. H. S. ; do., Agr. Sch., Middlcburg, Cape Province, 1912-13; Grovt- fontein .Sch. of Agr.. South Africa; Research Chem., Elsenburg Sch. of Agr., Mulder's Vlei, Cape Province, do., 1918 — . Address, Rhien Villa, Main Road, Sea Point. Cape Province, South Africa; bus. add., Elsenburg Sch. of Agr., Mulder's Vlei, Cape Province, South Africa. KENNETH DWIGIIT ROSS 1917. A. M. (See No. 7907.) LUTHER SHERMAN ROSS 1890. M. S. (See No. 581.) Gs7.';. VERNE RALPH ROSS Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. My 24, 1885, Donnellson, 111.; s. Milton C. (b. Ag 12, 1846, do.) and Cornelia A. Foster (b. Greenville, III.). Prepared in Donnellson II. S. A. B.. James Millikin Univ.. 190S. Al.idia Sigma Theta; Orlandian Lit. Soc. Teacher. Sc, Cit- rus H. S., Azusa, Calif., 1909-11; Chem., Los Alomitos .Sugar Co., Los Alomitos, Cialif., 1911; Teacher .Sc, H. S., Covina, Calif., 191 1 — . Mem.. Presby. Church; A. C. S. Mar- ried Isabel Bumgarner, Je 23, 1909, McNabb, III. Children: Josenh Foster, b. On. 1910; Vir- sinia Louise, b. Ag 31, 1915. Address, High School. Covina, Calif. FLOYD ELBA ROWLAND 1915. A. M. 1918. Ph. D. (See No. 6531.) 8o4 University of Illinois HARRISON AUGUST RUEHE 1916. M. S. (See No. 4881.) EARLE UNDERWOOD RUGG 1917. A. M. (See No. 7477-) Gs76. HAROLD ORDWAY RUGG Professor; Ph. D., 1915; b. Ja 17, 1885, Fitchburg, Mass.; s. Edwajrd F. Rugg. B. S., Dartmouth Coil., 1908; Civ. Engr., Lincoln- JetTerson Univ., 1909-11; do., 1909. Tutor, Hist., Dartmouth Coll., 1906-09; Asst. Instr., Graphics, do., 1908; Instr., Millikin Univ., 1909-11. Address, c/o Educ. Dept., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago. GUY HENRY RUMP 1912. C. E. (See No. 2233.) Gs77. LEWIS WILLIAM RUPP Minister; A. M., 191 1; b. N 9, 1887, Zel- ienople. Pa.; s. Rev. John Charles Francis (b. 1856, Dayton, Pa.) and Zelia (Hill) Rupp (b. i860, Leechburg, Pa.). Prepared in Coll. Inst., Morrisburg, Ont.; Thiel Coll., Greenville, Pa., 1908-09. A. B., (Tarthage Coll., 1910. Scholar- ship, Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Teacher, Allen- town, Pa., 1911-13; Theol. stud., Maywood, 111., 1912-15; Minister, Leetsdale, Pa., 1915 — • Address, P. O. Box 2, Leetsdale, Pa. Gs78. ROBBINS RUSSEL Banker; M. S., 1916; b. O 7, 1892, Jackson- ville, 111.; s. Andrew (b. Je 17, 1856, do.) and Clara Elizabeth (Robbins) Russel (b. N 18, 1865, Cairo, HI.). Prepared in Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 111. B. S., 111. Coll., 1914. Alpha Chi Sigma. Grad. Scholarship, Univ. of 111. Banker, Chase Nat. Bank, New York City, 1916 — . Mem., Com. on Civilian Cooperation for combatting Venereal disease. Council of Nat. Defense, 1918 — . Married Dorothy Worth- ington, Ag 26, 1916, Darling, Pa. Address, 19 W. qth St., New York City; bus. add., 57 Broadway, do. G579. FREDERIC ARTHUR RUSSELL Professor; Ph. D., 1916; b. Je 22, 1886, Siou.K Falls, S. Dak.; s. Mark (b. Je 17, 1846, Byron, 111.) and Florence Ida (Knappen) Rus- sell (b. S 2, 1852, Kalamazoo, Mich.). Pre- pared in Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) H. S.; Albion Coll., Prep. Dept. A. B.. Albion Coll., 1908. Sigma Nu. Fellow, Econ., Univ. of 111., 1913- 16; Instr., Econ., do., 1916-17; Asst. Prof.. Jour., Univ. of Wash., 1917 — . Married Myra P. Russell, Ag 5, 191 1, Hanover, Mich. Chil- dren: (Zarlton Parker, b. Jl 21, 1912; Helen, b. Mr 20, 1914. Address, 5208 14th Ave., N. E., Seattle; bus. add., School of Journalism, Univ. of Wash., do. GEORGE RUTLEDGE 1913. A. M. 1915. Ph. D. (See No. 4399-) G580. ETHEL ERNESTINE SABIN Associate; Ph. D., 1916; b. Jl 25, 1887, Windsor, Wis.; d. Samuel Wells (b. D 2, 1865, do.) and Ernestine Sophia (Espenett) Sabin (b. O 30, 1866, do.}. Prepared in Madi- son (Wis.) H. S.; Milwaukee Downer Sem. A. B., Llniv. of Wis.. 190S; M. A., do., 1914- Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, Secondary Schs.. 1908-13; (jrad. Scholarship, Univ. of Wis., 1913-14; Grad. Fellow, Philos., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Asst., Rhet., Univ. of HI., 1916-17; Assoc, Philos., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1917 — . Mem., Am. Philosophical Soc. Address, Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Gs8i. YASUZA SAKAGAMI A. M., 1905; b. D 25, 1874, Wakayamaken, Japan»; s. Yasube, Sakagami. Prepared in Univ. of Minn., M. L., 1899. Address, (t) JOHN LANGLEY SAMMIS 1S99. M. S. (See No. 1080.) JOHN CALVART SAMPLE 1897. A. E. (See No. 991.) THOMAS WALTER SAMUELS 1912. A. M. (See No. 3953.) G582. CLAUDE WILLIAMSON SANDIFUR Teacher; A. M., 1909; b. F i, 1877, Miami, Ind. ; s. Jacob A. (b. D 5, 1856, do.) and Florence Melvina (Williamson) Sandifur (b. 1857, do.). Prepared in Bunker Hill, (Ind.) H. S.; Marion Norm. Coll. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1905. Amanon; Bd. of Bus. Mgrs., Arbutus. Teaching Fellow, Ind. Univ., 1905-06; Instr., L'niv. of HI. Acad., 1906-11; Head, Dept., Math., Jr. Coll., Santa Barbara, Calif., 191 1- 12; do.. Home Phys. Sc, Hollywood H. S., Los Angeles, 1912 — . Auth. : Progressive Ques- tions in Chem., 1914. Mem., M. E. Church; Math, and Sc. Assn. of Calif.; N. E. A.; A. C. S. Married Lillian Pearl Clem, S 15, 1905; Miami, Ind. Children: Gladys E., b. Jl i, 1906; Cecil C, b. Ap 23, 1908; Mae M., b. Jl 3, 1909; Florence M., b. Jl 28, 1912; Ruth S., b. N 28, 1914. Address, 1260 Harper Ave., Los Angeles; bus. add., Hollywood High School, do. ALBERT MERRITT SANTEE 1917. A. M. (See No. 7922.) CHARLES ELLIOTTE SARGENT 1915. M. E. (See No. 492.) G583. RACHEL LOUISE SARGENT (Sister of No. 3530 Teacher; A. M., 1917; b. F 10, 1891, Methuen, Mass.; d. Walter Scott (b. O 17. 1856, do.) and Agnes Gertrude (Jackman) Sargent (b. Mr 4, 1861, Salem, N. H.). Pre- pared in Methuen (Mass.) H. S.; Robinson Sem., Exeter, N. H. A. B., Bates Coll., 1914. Schol., Classics, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Head of Latin Dept. H. S., Champaign, 1917 — . Address, Exeter, N. H.; bus. add.. High School, Champaign. GEORGE MARVIN SAVAGE 1888. M. L. (See No. 248.) G584. E. RANDALL SAYRE Prin., H. S.; A. M., 1914; b. Ja 24, 1889, Flat Rock, 111.; s. George Edgar (b. Wheeling, W. \'a.) and Hallia May (Richey) Sayre (b. Flat Rock, 111.). Prepared in Mattoon H. S. .-X. B., McKendree Coll., 1909. Prin., H. S., Chester, 111., 1914 — •. Mem., M. E, Church; A. F. A. M.; 111. St. Teachers Assn.; Nat. Hist. Assn. Address, 734 Sparta St., Chester, III.; bus. add.. High School, do. GS85. WATSON RUSSELL SAYRE .•\nalyst; M. S., 1917; b. D 22, 1890, Evans, W. Va.; s. Josephus (b. D 6, 1851, do.) and Elizabeth Caroline (Hogsett) Sayre (b. Ap 1852. Huntersville, W. Va.). Prepared in Marshall Coll. St. Norm. Sch., Huntington, W. Va. B. S., Univ. of W. Va., 1914. Analyst, Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne, Pa., 191 7 — . Married Norma Louise Sayre, S 19, igi7. Elkins, W. Va. Address, 125 S. 7th St., DuQuesne, Pa.; bus. add., Carnegie Steel Co., do. EMIL FERDINAND SCHAARMANN 1915. A. M. (See No. 6541.) FREDERICK WILLIAM SCHACHT 1898. M. S. (See No. 1083.) Graduate Alumni 80s G586. EDWIN GEORGE SCHAFER PVofessor; M. S., 1910; b. F 18, 1884, Jewell, Kan.; s. John C. (b. Jl 14, 1839, Ger.) and Lucy M. (Klink) Schafer (b. S 24, 1850. do.). Prepared in Jewell (Kan.) H. S. B. S., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1907. Inst., Farm Crops, Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1910-13; Prof., Farm Crops, Wash. St. Coll., 1913—- St. Ag- ron.. Wash. Exp. St., Pullman, Wash., 1913 — . Married Ella F. Miles, Ag 16, 19 12, La Grange, 111. Children: George Miles, b. Ja 15, 1914; Judith Evelyn, b. Ja 24, 1916. Address, Wash- ington State College, Pullman, Wash. GS87. WILHELMINA MARIE SCHAFFER A. M., 1912; b. Ap 25, 1890, Lake Forest. IlL; d. George Schaffer. A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 191 1. Address, Lake Forest, Ill.t ALBERT JAMES SCHAFMAYER 1914. C. E. (See No. 3164.) ALWIN LOUIS SCHALLER 1912. M. E. (See No. 3165-) WILLIAM FRED SCHALLER 1912. M. S. (See No. 4402.) G588. SAMUEL HAWTHORNE SCHERFEE Teacher; A. M., 1914; b. F 11, 1880, Johnson C^ity, Tenn.; s. Noah B. Scherfee. A. B.. Stanford Univ., 1909. Teacher, H. S., Los Angeles, Calif. Address. 1023 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, Calif.; bus. add.. High School, do. OTTO PAUL SCHINNERER 1914. A. M. (See No. 5923.) FREDERICK JOHN SCHLINK 1917. M. E. (See No. S399-) ♦HELEN KATHERINE SCHOEPPERLE (BEYER) 1916. A. M. (See No. 7196.) CLARENCE E. SCHOLL 1914. M. S. 1916. Ph. D. (See No. 5929.) G589. WARREN RIPPEY SCHOONOVER M. S., 1916; b. F 6, 1891, Warsaw, Ind.; s. William Rodoll (b. D 4, 1846, Pike Co., Pa.) and Anna (Rippey) Schoonover (b. My 28, 1866 Leesbury, Ind.). Prepared in War- saw (Ind.) fl. S.; Alhambra (Calif.) H. S. B. S.. Occidental Coll., 1912. Gas Defense Service, A. E. F., Paris, France, 1917-18; do., London, 1918 — . Address, Alhambra, Calif. G590. HENRY EDWARD SCHRADIECK M. S., 1918; b. Je 4, i886, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Henry Shradieck, B. S., Cornell Univ., 1916. Address, 535 Washington Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. CURT AUGUST SCHROEDER 1903. M. S. (See No. 1583.) ERNEST RUDOLF SCHULZ 1917. M. S. (See No. 7936.) G590A. WILLIAM FREDERICK SCHULZ Professor; Ph. D., 1908; b. Ja 11, 1872, Bal- timore, Md.; s. Alexander Henry (b. 1829, Jever, Oldenburg, Ger.) and Maria Anna (Hauser) Schulz (b. 1834, Hausen, Baden, Ger.). Prepared in Baltimore Poly. Inst.; Johns Hopkins Univ. E. E., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1900. Asst. and Instr., Phys., Univ. of 111., igoi-o5; Grad. Stud., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1906-08; Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1908—. Auth.: Manual of Experiments in General Physics, The Co-op., 1916; The Effect of a Magnetic Field upon the Absorption Spec- tra of Certain Rare Earths, Astrophysical Jour., XXXV, 1909; The Use of the Photo Electric Cell in Stellar Photography, Astrophysical Jour., XXXVIII, 1913. Assoc. Mem., Am. Physical Soc; Am. Mimismatic Assoc; Trus- tee and Treas., Unitarian Soc; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Permanent Treas., Cosmopolitan Club; Univ. Club; Hon. Mem., Hindusthanee Assoc. Married Christine Hindrika Beenwkes, igoo, Baltimore, Md. Children: Dorothea Sophia, 1901; Alexander Henry, 1905; William Fred- erick, 1 91 2. Address, 926 W. Green St., Ur- bana. TENJES HENRY SCHUTTE 1916. A. M. (See No. 5402.) G591. HARRIET SCOFIELD Teacher; M. S., 1917; b. D 3, 1892, Kansas City, Mo.; d. Ralph E. (b. N 5, 1867, Car- thage, 111.) and Ellen (Ferris) Scofield (b. S 4, 1868, do.). Prepared in Central H. S., Kansas City, Mo. B. S., Carthage Coll., 1915. Delta Gamma; Grad. Scholarship, Univ. of 111. Teacher. Math., Tp. H. S, Onarga, 111., 1916 — . Address, 502 Locust St., Carthage, 111.; bus. add.. Township High School, Onar- ga, 111. G592. EDWARD BARKER SCOGGAN Minister; A. M., 1897; b. D 9, 1870, College Springs, la.; s. David M. (b. 1836, Johnston Co., Ind.) and Elizabeth (Simmons) Scog- gan (b. 1840, Lexington, Ky.). Prepared in Rushville (Neb.) H. S. A. B., Amity Coll., 1896; Ph. D., do., 1899. Scholar, Columbia Univ., 1897-98; Prof., Greek and Latin, Dick- inson Sem., Williamsport, Pa.. 1898-99; Stud., New York City, 1899- 1900; Prof., Greek and Latin, Stanstead Wesleyan Coll., 1900-01; Minister, DesMoines (Conference, M. E. Church, 1901 — . Married Almida L. Roy, N 21, 1901. Children: Roy Commodore, b. Jl 10, 1905; Ruth Almida, b. Ag 8, 1901; Homer, b. Mr 9, 1911. Address, Defiance, la. Gs93. ELEANOR BRYCE SCOTT Teacher; A. M., 1910; b. Ap 17, 1888, Orlando, Fla. ; d. Robert Philip (b. Mr 27, 1858, Bedford Co., Tenn.) and Anna Pauline (Thompson) Scott (b. O 17, 1863, Ellicott City, Md.). Prepared in Rock Island H. S. A. B., Augustana Coll., 1909. First Recipient Augustana Scholarship in Univ. Teacher. Eng., H. S., Moline. III., 1912; do., Eng. and Ger., H. S., East Moline, 111., 1912-14; do., Ger., Villa de Chautal. Rock Island, 111., 1914-16; do., Eng.. Montioello' Sem., Godfrey, 111., 1916 — . Address, 1718 14th Ave., Moline, 111.; bus. add., Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, III. FRANKLIN WILLIAM SCOTT 1912. Ph.D. 1903. A.M. (See No. 1585.) Gs94. WILLIAM DOKE SCOTT Engineer; M. E., 1910; b. N 10, 1885, Riner, Va. ; s. John Doke (b. F 28, 1829, Floyd Co., Va.) and Margaret Virginia (Lucas) Scott (b. Ja 25, 1844, Childress, Va.). Pre- pared by pvt. tutor. B. S., Va. Poly. Inst., 1907; M. E., 1908. Res. Fellow, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of III., 1908-10. Cadet Engr., United Gas Improvement Go., Philadelphia, 1910-11; Engr., do., 191 1. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, Riner, Va. ; bus. add.. Broad and Arch Sts., Philadelphia. t WINFIELD SCOTT 1918. M. S. (See No. 7939.) ♦MELVILLE AMASA SCOVELL 1906. Ph. D. (See No. 85.) 8o6 University of Illinois *GEORGE WASHINGTON SEAMAN 1895. M. E. (See No. 774.) Gs95. GEORGE WALLACE SEARS Instructor; M. S., 191 1 1 b. Jl 9, 1878, Kid- der, Mo.; s. William Wallace (b. ja 25, 1836, Ogdensburg, N. Y.) and Angeline Augusta (Johnson) Sears (b. S 23, 1846. Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Kidder Inst. B. S., Drury Coll., 1908. Kappa Alpha; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Scholarship, 1910-11. Instr., Chem., Drury Acad.; do., Chem. and Phys., H. S., Spring- field, 111., 1909-10; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Instr., do., 1914-17; do., Univ. of Nev., 1917 — . Married Edith Clementine Fink, Je, 191 1, Springfield, Mo. Address, 935 N. Virginia St., Reno, Nev.; bus. add., Univ. of Nevada, do. Gs96. CORNELIA RUTH SEAWELL Teacher; A. M., 1913; b. D 2, 1890, Green- i\\\e, 111.; d. Charles Wingate (b. O 1853, Richview, 111.) and Emma Cornelia (Miller) Seawell (b. Ag 1853, Lewiston, III.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. A. B., Cireenville Coll., 1912. Scholarship from Greenville Coll. Teach- er, PI. S., Greenville, 111., 1914 — . Mem., 111. South West Div. of Teachers. Address, High School, Greenville, 111. Gs97. FRED B. SEELY Professor; M. S., 1915; b. Ap 29, 1884, Chester, N. Y. ; s. Fred B. (b. 1846, do.) and Ruth A. (Davis) Seely (b. 1849, do.). Pre- pared in Chester (N. Y.) H. S.; Worcester Acad., Worcester, Mass. B. S., Worcester Poly., 1907. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman and Testing Engr., Carpenter Steel Co., 1907-08; Instr., Mech. Engng.. Villa Nova Coll., 1908-09; Engng. Dept., Du Pont Powder Co., 1909; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1909-15; Assoc, do., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of III., summer 1917. Auth.: The Flow of Water through a Sub- merged Short Pipe, Univ. of III. Engng. E.vp. Sta. Bill., No. 95, 1917; The Mechanics of the Gyroscope, Technografh, 1914; A Concep- tion of Acceleration, Bxil., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ, 1915; Joint Auth.: Air Vents in Steel Pipe Lines, Engng. Record, 1914; The Failure of Materials imderRepeated Stress, Proceedings of Am. Soc. for Tcstint] Materials, 1915; The Relation between Yield Point and Proportional Limit in Various Grades of Steel, do., 1916. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing of Mat- erials; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Married Anna Wood, 1908, Chester, N. Y. Children: Ralph Wood, b. Mr 6, 1912; Irving Roe, b. S 28, 1913. Address, 917 W. Nevada St., Urbana; biis. add., Univ. of 111., do. ROBERT ST. CLARE SEESE 1913. M. S. (See No. 5405.) HERBERT FRANK SEIFERT 191 7. A. M. (See No. 7940.) .G598. ELEANOR FRANCES SEILER Teacher; A. M., 1916; b. Mr 8, 1892, Den- ver; d. John (b. Jl 4, 1845, Mo.) and Mary Theresa (Poinsett) Seller (b. 19, 1850, Buffalo, N. Y.). Prepared in Cathedral H. S., Denver. A. B., Univ. of Denver, 1913; A. M., do., 1914. Ger. Club; Glee Club,. Scholarship, Phys., Univ. of 111., 1915-16. Asst., Phys., Univ. of Denver, 1911-14; Teacher, H. S,, Brighton. Colo., 1914-15; Instr., Coll. of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn.. 1916-17; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Address. 1107 W. Oregon St.; bus. add., Univ. of III., Urbana. SENTARO SEKINE 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 5933-) G599. CHARLES TIMOTHY SENAY Teacher; A. M., 1915; b. F s, 1892, Norwich, Conn.; s. Mrs. L. M. Senay. Prepared in Conn. Agr. Coll. B. S., Trinity Coll., 1914. Address, 328 Jefferson Ave., London, (Tonn. EDITH IRENE SENDENBURGH (SWENEY) 1916. A. M. (See No. 5934.) ARTHUR BLISS SEYMOUR 1886. M. S. (See No. 291.) ERNEST WILFORD SEYSTER 1917- A. M. (See No. 7205.) BESSIE ESTELLE SHACKELL 191 1. A. M. (See No. 4409.) CHARLES H. SHAMEL 1891. M. S. (See No. 618.) CLARENCE ALBERT SHAMEL 1894. M. S. (See No. 670.) ABIA JOSEPH SHARP 1889. M. E. (See No. 327.) RICHARD WORTHY SHARPE 1899. M. S. (See No. 775.) ANNA SHATTUCK (PALMER) 1895. M. L. (See No. 671.) WALTER FRANCIS SHATTUCK 1908. M. Arch. (See No. 672.) BENJAMffN BRUCE SHAW 1916. C. E. (See No. 4901.) HAZEL YEARSLEY SHAW 1908. A. M. (See No. 3178.) G600. EARL WOODDELL SHEETS Professor; M. S., 1914; b. D 23, 1886, Lost Creek, W. Va.; s. Arthur (b. Mr 4, 1858, do.) and Annie Jane (Wooddell) Sheets (b. D 9, 1862, Greenbank, W. Va.). Prepared in W. Va. Univ. Prep. Sch. ; W. Va. Wcsleyan. B. S., W. Va. LTniv., 191 2. Kappa Alpha; Sigma Xi. Prof., An. Husb., and An. Husbandman, W. Va. Agr. Exp. Sta. Auth.: Silos and Silage. W. I'a. E.xp. Sta. Bnl. isy; Making and Feeding Silage, do., 154; Various articles in Breeders' Gazette, Nat. Stockman and Far- mer, W. Va. Dept. of Agr. Bui. Mem., M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Married Leda (Cordelia Atkeson, O 29, 1912, Morgantown, W. Va. Children: Jane Atkeson, b. Ja i, 1914; Helen Wooddell, b. N 30, 1916. Address, West Vir- ginia L'niv., Morgantown, W. Va. G601. .ALBERT DURAND SHEPARD Research Chem.; M. S., 1916; b. Je 27, 1891, Brookings, S. Dak.; s. Tames H. Shepard. Prepared in S. Dak. St. Coll. Prep. Dept. B. S., S. Dak. St. Coll., 1914. Asst., U. S. Food and Drug Lab., Omaha, Neb., summer, 1912. .4 d dress, 16 Berkshire Ave., Indian Orchard, Mass.t RALPH STEELE SHEPARDSON 1910. M. Arch. (See No. 1084.) G602. QUEEN LOIS SHEPHERD Instructor; Ph. D., 1913; b. S 12, 1884, Pueblo, Colo.; d. Lois J. Shepherd. Prepared in Univ. of Colo.; Univ. of Chicago. A. B., N. W. Univ., 1907; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1910. Chi Omega. Teacher, H. S., Pueblo. Colo., 1907-09; Fellow, Philosophy, Univ. of Wis., 1909-11; Instr., Phil., Univ. of 111., 1911-18. Address, 908 W. Nevada St., Urbana. Graduate Alumni 807 G603. CARL PAXON SHERWIN Professor; M. S.. 1913; b. My 21, 1885, Bris- tol. Ind.; s. Richard James (b. D 25, 1845. do.) and Clara Adeline (Paxon) Sherwin (b. D 6, 1853, do.). Prepared in Bristol and Goshen (Ind.) H. Schs. J. B. Stetson Univ., DeLand, Fla., 1907-08. B. S., Hanover Coll., icjog; M. A., Ind. Univ., 191 1; Dr. Sc. Tuebingen Univ.. 1915. Sigma Clii; Chi Zeta Chi. Fellow- ship, Chem., Ind. Univ., 1909-10; Asst. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Teacher, Chem. and Physics, H. S., Quincy, 111.. 1912-13; summer Emil Fischer's Lab.. Berlin; Stud., Tuebingen Univ., 1913-15; Stud., Fordham L'niv. Med. Sch., New York City, 19 15-17; Prof., Physiol. Chem., Fordham L'niv., 1917 — ; Biol. Chem., Pellagra Hosp.. Spartanburg, S. C summer, 1916. Auth. : Various articles on Physiol, chem.. published in Jour, of Biol. Chem.; Biol. Chem. Bui.; Berichte der Dcxitsch- en Chemischen Gesellschaft. Mem.. A. C. S.; Am. Soc. Biol. Chem.; Soc. of Exp. Biol, and Med.; Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Mar- ried Effie Nickless, S 6, 191 1, Bedford, Ind. Child, Carl Paxon. Jr., b. D 31, 1916. Address. 2656 Decatur Ave., New York City; bus. add., Fordham Univ., do. WALTER ANDREW SHE WH ART 1914. A. M. (See No. 5938.) SHIGETSURA SHIGA 1905. M. Arch. (See No. 776.) HORACE ABBOTT SHONLE 1917. M. S. (See No. 7956.) G604. GLENN ALFRED SHOOK Professor; Ph. D.. 1914; b. Jl 16, 1882. Os- good, Ind.; s. Alfred (b. do.) and Olive (Gould) Shook. Prepared in Moores Hill Coll., Ind. Sigma Xi. Instr., Phys., Purdue Univ., 1907-11; do., LTniv. of 111.. 1911-14; do., Univ. of Mich.. 1914-15; do., Williams Coll.. 1915; Prof., Phys. and Math., Wheaton Coll.. Norton, Mass. Auth.: Proposed Method of Calibration of Optical Pyrometers, Phys. Rev., Vol. 31. 1910; The Equipment of a High Temperature Measurement Laboratory, Ind. Acad, of Sci- ence, 19 10; Practical Pyrometry, Wiley & Son, 191 7; Five articles on Radiation Pyrometry. Met. and Chem. Engng., 1912; Rechnungsap- parat fiir die Bestimmung von Thermodynam- ischen Temperaturen, Physik. Zeit., 191 2; Three articles on Quantitative Spectrum Analysis, Met., and Chem. Engng., 1913; Three articles on Refractometry, 1914; A Determination of the Sun's Temperature, .-Istrofhysical Jour., 1914; L'ber die Randkarrecktion des Drieplatten- kondensators, Zeit. f Math, u Physik., 191 5; A Differential Spectrophotometer, Astrophysical Jour., 1917; A Glass Polarimeter, Scientific Am., 1918; A Differential Refractometer, Jour. In- dus, and Engng. Chem., 191 8. Married Nellie Switzer, N 15, 1911, Lafayette. Ind. Child, Elizabeth, b. O 2. 1912. Address, Williams- town, Mass.; bus. add., Wheaton Coll., Norton, Mass. G60S. ADALINE MARGARET SHOOP (TURTON) A. M., 1908; b. O 28. 1882, Abingdon, HI.; d. Henry Milton (b. N 21, 1851, do.) and Philora Elima (Swarts) Shoop (b. 25, 1850, do.). Prepared in Abingdon H. S. A. B. Hedding Coll., 1904. Teacher, Latin, H. S.. Granite City. 111., 1908-11; Asst. Prin., H. S., Wyoming, 111. Auth.: Seneca's .\ttitude Toward Roman Society as Portrayed in his Letters to his Friend Lucillius, 1908. Sec, Bay \'iew Literary Club. Married George William Tur- ton, Jl II, Abingdon, 111. Address, 2029 D St., (jranite City 111. j JOHN RAYMOND SHULTERS I 191 1. A.M. 1918. Ph.D. (See No. 4419.)! 1916. NIM CHI SHUM M. S. (See No. 6566.) G606. THEKLA MARIA SIEBENS (CHAPPED (Sister of No. 7213) Missionary; A. M., 1914; b. My 7, 1887 Minonk, 111.; d, Klaas Gerdes (b. F 18, 1852 Riepe, Hanover, Ger.) and Henrietta (Janss en) Siebens (b. My 7, 1849 Jever, Olden burg, Ger.). Prepared in Minonk H. S.; Chi cago Sch. of Civics and Philanthropy, 1914 Univ. of Chicago, 1915-16. A. B., James Milli kin LTniv., 191 1. Y. W. C. A.; Ger. Club .\lliance Francaise; Ger. Scholarship. Teacher Mod. Langs., H. S., Mt. Vernon. Ind., 1911 13; do.. Riverside, 111., 1914-16; Missionary under Presby. Foreign Bd., Caracas, Venezuela, S. A., 191 7-18. Mem., Stud. Volunteer Band of N. A.; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Prairie Cliib, Chicago. Married Merlyn Arms Chappel, Ja 10, 1917, Minonk, 111. Address, Minonk, 111. G607. CARL HENRY SIEVER Chemist; M. S.,_i9i7; Prepared in Wichita H. S.; Univ. of Chicago; Harvard. A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1913. Research Chem., Hercules Pow- der Co.; do., Exp. Sta., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Mem., A. C. S. 'Address, 304 W. 14th St., Wilmington, Del.; bus. add., E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., do. KETURAH ELIZABETH SIM 1895. M. L. (See No. 406.) G608. SIEBELT LUKE SIMMERING Professor; M. S., 1913; b. S 23, 1884. Hastings, Neb.; s. John Jacob and Katy (Gold- enstein) Simmering. Prepared in Hastings (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Colo.. 1910. M. E., L^niv. of Colo., 1916. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Phi Kappa Phi. Fellow, Engng., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Instr., Industrial Engng., Pa. St. Coll., 1913-14; do.. Steam and Gas Engng., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1914-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916; do., Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo. Mar- ried Jessie May Simmering, S 6, 1910, Hast- ings, Neb. Child, Robert Edward, b. Jl 29, 191 7. Address, University of Colorado, Bould- er, Colo. JOHN LAWRENCE SIMONICH 1915. M. S. (See No. 6569.) ALEXANDER McDOUGALL SIMONS 1913. M. S. (See No. S4i8.) SEBASTIAN SOLON SIMPSON 1917. A. M. (See No. 8758.) G609. MARK SKIDMORE Professor; A. M., 1909; b. Mr 13. 1883. Greenfield, Mo;, s. James F. (b. Je 25, 185 1, Paris, TexO and Martha Jane (Allison) Skid- more (b. D 20, 1856, Greenfield, Mo.). Pre- pared in Harrisonville (Mo.) H. S.; Drury Coll., 1902-03. A. B. Univ. of Mo.. 1905; B. S. do., 1906. Fellow Romance Langs.. Univ. of 111., 1908-10; LTniv. Fellow. Rom. Lang., Col- umbia, 1910-11; Instr., French. Dartmouth Coll.. 1911-13; Asst. Prof.. Rom. Langs.. Univ. of Kan., 1913-17; Asst. Prof.. Rom. Langs.. Univ. of (]olo., summer, 1915-18; do., Rom. Langs., Univ. of Ariz., 1917 — . Y. M. C. A., French Army, 1918-19; Mustered out. F 22, 1919. Auth. : Translation of Joaquin Dicenta's Juan Jose in Turrill's Contemporary Spanish Drama- tists. Boston, 19 18; The Direct Method, Mod. Lang. Jour., Vol. i, 1917. Mem., Mod. Lang. .\ssn.; Am. Dialect Soc. Married Bernice Rel- da Bell, S 13, 1911. Carthage, Mo. Children: Relda Elizabe'th, b. Jl 8, 1912; Dorothy, b. Mr 28. 1914. Address, 908 £. 4th St., Tucson, Ariz.; bus. add., Univ. of Arizona, do. University of Illinois G610. GLENN SEYMOUR SKINNER Analytical Chem. ; A. M., 1915; Ph. D., 1917; b. Je I, 1890, Columbus, Kan.; s. Eugene (b. Ag 9, i860, Albion, Ind.) and Mary Frances (Seymour) Skinner (b. N 25, 1864, Hillsboro, 111.). Prepared in Crawford Co. (Kan.) H. S. A. B., Kan. St. Norm., 1913. Head, Analy- tical Chem. Dept., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1917. 2nd Lt., Chem. Service Section, N. A., A. E. F., France, 1917-18; ist Lt., do., 1918; Mus- tered out, F 4, 1919. Auth. : Article in Jour, of A. C. S. Address, Chem. Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana. *VELMA ELETHEA SKINNER (WARD) 1901. M. L. (See No. 152.) WILLIS APPLEFORD SLATER 1910. M. S. 1912. C. E. (See No. 2818.) ROY HARLEY SLOCUM 1910. C. E. (See No. 1421.) G611. GEORGIA SLOUGH (CULBRETH) A. M., 1912; b. Jl 17, 1887 Burrton, Kan.; d. George Kellar (b. O 30, 1863, Peoria Co., 111.) and Jessie Gordon Slough (b. O 21, 1863, do.). Prepared in Peoria and Abingdon H. Schs. A. B., Hedding Coll., 1908. Teacher, Latin, Eng. and Ger., H. S., Abingdon, 111., 1908-09; do., Edmonds, Wash., igio-ii; do., Momence, 111., 1912-14; do., Elizabeth City, N. C, 1914-16. Mem., N. E. A. Married Cornel ius Blackman Culbreth, Je 28, 1917, Abingdon 111. Address, Box 223, Southport, N. C. 1918. CLARA MABEL SMITH A. M. (See No. 8767.) FLORENCE MARY SMITH (CONARD) 1906. A. M. (See No. 1275.) G612. FRED JOHN SMITH Business; A. M., 1904; b. S 7, 1876, San Jose, 111.; s. Frederick (b. Ger.) and Katrina Smith (b. do.). Prepared in Ger. Coll., Mt. Pleasant, la. A. B., la. WesleyBn, 1899. Phi Delta Theta. Teacher, Hist, and Ger., H. S.; Univ. of 111., 1903-04; Univ. of Berlin, 1904-05; In business, 1905 — . Mem. A., F. A. M. Address, 920 W. Main St., Decatur, 111. G613. GUY WATSON SMITH Instructor; Ph. D., 1917; b. O 7, 1885, Castle Rock, Colo.; s. Upton Treat (b. S 22, :843, Levant, Me.) and Sarah Elizabeth (Grout) Smith (b. Jl 26, 1849, Monroe, Me.). Prepared in Douglas Co., H. S., Castle Rock, Colo. B. S., Univ. of Colo., 1908; M. S.. do.. 1909. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Instr., Math, and Head of Phys. Dept., Chapin Hall. Beloit, Wis., 1917 — i Auth.: Oscillograph Univ. of Colo. Jour, of Engng., Vol. 5, 1909; Engng. Math, in the Fresh, yr., do., Vol. 7, 191 1. Mem., Presby. Church; Math. Assn. of Am.; Am. Math. Soc; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; A. A. A. S. Address, Chapin Hall, Beloit, Wis. IRENE FERN SMITH 1917. M. S. (See No. 7971.) IRVIN WEBSTER SMITH 1909. A. M. (See No. 3546.) G614. JAMES ELMO SMITH Professor; C. E., 1909; b. D 13, 1877, Boone Co., 111.; s. Ira (b. N 28, 1839, Batavia, N. Y.) and Barbara Ann (Engelhardt) Smith (b. Mr 5, 1854, Nuremberg, Ger.). Prepared in Sharon (Wis.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1902. Y. M. C. A.; N. O. Whitney Club. Civ. Engr., K. L. F. & J. Ry., Knoxville, Tenn., 1902-03; Resident Engr., C. B. & Q. Ry., Mexico, Mo., 1903-04; Resident and Asst. Engr., Wis. Central Ry., Milwaukee, 1904-06; Asst. Engr., Va. & S. West. Ry., Bristol, Tenn., 1907; Asst. Prof., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1907 — ; Mayor of Urbana, 1919 — . In- vented and patented. Draftsman's Protrac- tor, 1910; designed, 300 ft. reinforced concrete slab bridge. Main St., Urbana; Asst. in engng. work in const., and designed sewage disposal^ plant, Chanute Field, Rantoul, III. Auth.: City Streets, ///. Municipal League Pro- ceedings, 1915; Municipal Waste Disposal by Cremation, do., 1917; Street Maintenance and the Engr.. ///. Soc. of Engrs. Annual Report, 1 91 6; A Mechanical Interpolator, Engng. Rec- ord, Vol. 69, 1914; A Retaining Wall Flailure that was not a Failure, Engng. News, Vol. 74, 1915; Staking Bldgs. at Aviation Fields much .Simplified, Engng. News Record, Vol. 79, 1917; Street Numbering Ordinance for Urbana, 1916. Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Am. Ry. Engng. Assn.; Masonry Com., do.; Chm., Ordinance Com. for Revision of City Ordinances of LTrbana, 1916; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Frances McClelland Den- nis, Je 25, 1906, Milwaukee. Children: (stepdaughter) Katherine McClelland Dennis, b. D 9, 1902; Charles Prentiss, b. Ja 21. 1910; James Elmo, Jr., b. O 2, 191 1; Harold Winston, b. Mr 5, 1915; Barbara, b. Je 29, 1907 (died Jl 8, 1907). Address, 80s Indiana Ave., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of IlL, do. KENNETH GARDNER SMITH 1916. M. E. (See No. 2518.) G61S. LINTON MILLARD SMITH A. M., 1918; b. Ja 30, 1895. Galesville. Wis.; s. Dr. C. C. Smith. B. S., Shurtleff Coll., 1916. Address, 432 N. Jackson St., Dan- ville, 111. 1899. LOUIE HENRY SMITH M. S. (See No. 1085.) G6i6. MERLIN GRANT SMITH Instructor; A. M., 1916; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 26, 1894, Delta, O.; s. Rev. Charles Waldo (b. do.) and Dora Jane Smith (b. do.). Pre- pared in Pomeroy and Rayen H. Schs., O. A. B.. Greenville Coll., 191 5. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Fellow, do., 1916-18; Instr., Math., N. W. Univ., 1918 — . Married Shay Young, S 12. 1916, Lorento, 111. Child, Beth- any Jane, b. Jl 13, 1917. Address, Northwest- ern Univ., Evanston, 111. G617. ORRIN HAROLD SMITH Professor; A. M., 1909; Ph. D., 1914; b. S t, 1884, Iveyville. la.; s. Howes (b. Ja 31, 1854, Gouverneur, N. Y.) and Francis Hen- rietta (Bosisto) Smith (b. Ap 5, 1858, Elk Grove, Wis.). Prepared in Corning (la.) H. S. A. B., Knox Coll., 1908. Adelphic; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Xi. Grad. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1908. Teacher, H. S., Champaign, igog- 10; Asst.. Phys., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; do.. The W. F. Jonston, Prof, of Phys., Cornell Coll., 1914— . S. A. T. C, Cornell Coll.; Mustered out, S 12, 191 8. Auth.: Retrograde Rays from the Cold Cathode Phys. Rcz'iew, \'ol. 7, 1916. Mem., M. E. Church; Assoc. Mem. Am. Phys. Soc; Fellow of la. Acad, of Sc; Sec-Treas. of Coll. Section of N. E. la. Teachers' Assn. Married Jessie Cleora Lyon, Je 15, 1911, Monmouth, 111. Children: Vernon Maurice, b. N 23, 1914; Marjorie Darling, b. Je 20, 1916. Address, Mt. Vernon, la. G618. OTTO MITCHELL SMITH M. S., 1918; b. My 12, 1884, Yates Center, Kan.; s. M. C. Smith. B. S., Drury Coll., 1907. Address, Springfield, Mo. Graduate Alumni PERCY ALMERIN SMITH 1912. A. M. (See No. iS93.) G6ig. PINCKNEY FREEMAN SMITH Instructor; A. M., ign; b. S 4, 1881, Brown- ington. Mo.; s. Joseph H. Smith. Prepared in Univ. of Wis. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1909. Instr., Eng., N. W. Univ., 1912 — . Address, R. 4, Brownington, Mo.; bus. add., North- western Univ., Evanston, 111. 1916. ROSE SMITH A. M. (See No. 4910-) G620. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH Lawyer; A. M., 1907; b. N 8. 1880. Boone Co., Ind.; s. Elliott M. (b. Ag 28, 1853. Shelby Co., Ky.) and Sarah Ann (Sutton) Smith (b. Mr 31, 1857, Boone Co.. Ind.). Pre- pared in Prep, dept., Wabash Coll. A. B., Wabash, 1906; Ind. Law Sch. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Pol. Sc. Club; Ye Inne of Chancery; Scholarship, Econ. Lawyer, Lebanon, Ind. Married Ethel Alta Smith, Je 24, 1914. Frankfort, Ind. Child, Barbara Jane, F 28, 1918. Address, 716 East Main St., Lebanon, Ind.; bus. add.. Farmers St. Bank Bldg., do. G621. WILLIAM HERSCHEL SMITH Associate; M. S., 1912; b. S 17. 1881, Tobias, Neb.; s. Herschel (b. Paw Paw, 111.) and Jean (Clelland) Smith (b. Scranton, Pa.). B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1906. Instr.. Bot., H. S., Ft. Dodge, la.. 1907-08; do., Chem. and Phys., H. S., Beatrice, Neb., 1908-10; Instr., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1910-15; Assoc, An. Husb. Exten.. do., 1915 — . Auth.: various arti- cles for farm papers. Mem., Y. M. C. A.; A. F. A. M. Married Ruby Holman, D 22, 1909, Tobias, Neb. Child, Jean Holman, b. S 13, I9I2.' Address, 305 W. Oregon St., Urbana. WILLIAM WALTER SMITH 1913. C. E. (See No. 1423.) VERA JESSIE SNOOK 1912. A. M. (See No. 4912.) G622. MARY HAZEL SNUFF A. M., igi8; b. O 5. 1895, Berrien Springs, Mich.; d. George Snuff. B. S., N. W. Univ., 191 7. Address, Berrien Springs, Mich. 1883. *JEROME SONDERICKER C. E. (See No. 249-) G623. PETER SOOHOO Draftsman; M. S., ign; b. Mr 23, 1884, Hai-ping, China; s. Soo-Hoo Nam Art. Pre- pared in Univ. of Calif. A. B., Stanford, 1910. Draftsman, Baldwin Locomotive Wks., 1910. Address, 720 C St., San Rafael, Calif.f RAFAEL ARCHANGEL SOTO 1917. A. M. (See No. 5427.) G624. CLEONE HARDYN SOULE Salesman; A. M., 191 1; b. S 13, 1887, Mon- mouth, 111.; s. Melville (Tox (b. Ap 10, 1847, New York and Inez Bell (Smith) Soule (b. Jl 26, 1846, Monmouth, 111.). Prepared in Tacoma (Wash.) H. S. A. B., Miami Univ., 1910. Beta Theta Pi. Salesman, Kittleman Leather Goods Co., Chicago. 191 1; City Sales- man. Love Warren Monroe Co., Wholesale Dry Goods. Tacoma, Wash., 1912— . ist Sergt., Tacoma Home Guards, 1018. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Sylvia Alice Donahue, S i, 1914, Tacoma, Wash. Child, Hardyn Benton, b. Mr 15, 1916. Address, Regenta Park, Tacoma WasL; bus. add.. Love Warren Monroe Co., do. HARVEY ALLEN SOVERHILL 1906. M. E. (See No. 1424.) G625. JOHN NATHANIEL SPANGLER Farmer; A. M., 1897; b. N 10, 1856, Gos- port, Ind.; s. William (b. 1832, O.) and Sarah C. (Steele) Spangler. Prepared in DePauw Univ. Prep. Sch., Greencastle, Ind. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1891. Sch. work, 1897-1905; Farming, 1905-—. Married Josie H. Stonehouse, Ag 22, 1892, Madison, Ind. Children: Ralph, b. Je 28, 1893; Mace, b. JI 2, 1S97; Gladys, b. S 30, 1900; Waunita, b. My i, 1907; baby, b. Jl 26, 1909. Address, Frederick, Okla.t MARY MARGARET SPANGLER 1913. A. M. (See No. 4914.) MARION EMELINE SPARKS 1900. A. M. (See No. 918.) MYRTLE EVA SPARKS 1890. A. M. (See No. 582.) FANNIE GRACE CLARA SPENCER (PHILLIPS) 1909. A. M. (See No. 35S5-) ARTHUR OTTO SPAULDING 1916. M. E. (See No. 4427.) G626. GEORGE WASHINGTON SPINDLER Instructor; Ph. D., 1916; b. N 15, 1877, Woodlands, Mich.; s. John (b. 1833, Pa.) and Elizabeth (Mohler) Spindler (b. 1836. O.). Prepared in Valparaiso Norm. Sch. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1900; A. M., do., 1908. Instr., Ger., Ind. Univ., 1907-09; do., Univ. of Kan., 1909-11; Stud., Univ. of Berlin, 1911; do., of Munich, 1912-13; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Teaching Fellow, do., 1916; Instr., Mod. Langs., Purdue. 1916 — . Auth.: The Life of Karl Follen, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1917. Address, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. G627. CHARLES STOCKMAN SPOONER Entomologist; A. M., 1917; b. Ja 29, 1885, Middletown, N. Y. ; s. Henry Sabine (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Mary Louise (Whit- loch) Spooner (b. do.). Prepared in Middle- town (N. Y.) H. S. A. B., Cornell, 1907. Sig- ma Phi Sigma; Sigma Xi. Asst. Entomologist, U. S. Bur. Entomology, 1907-08; do., N. H. St. Coll., 1908-09; do., Minn. Exp. Sta., 1911-12; do., Ga. St. Bd. Entomology. 1912-16; do., Univ. of .111.. 1916-17; do.. Entomology Survey, do., 1917 — . Auth.: Pecan Scab, Bui. 49, Ga. St. Bd. of Entomology, IQ18; Some New Species of Delpbacidae, Canadian Entomologist, 1912. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Entomology Soc. of Am.; Ecol. Soc. of Am.; Assn. of Econ. Entomology. Married Frances Marvin, Mr 3, 1914, Middle- town, N. Y. Child. Charles Stockman, Jr., b. D I. 1915. Address, 701 W. California St., Urbana. WILLIAM GRANT SPURGIN 1898. A. M. (See No. 841.) ELMER ROY STAHL 191 1. A. M. (See No. 4430.) G628. IRENE ELIZABETH STALEY Teacher; A. M., 1912; b. N 29, 1888, Athens, O.; d. William Henry (b. F 9, 181^7, Beverly, O.) and Rachel Henry Staley (b. S 25, 1856, Utley, O.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. A. B., Tames Millikin Univ., 1909. Alpha Chi Omega. Teacher of Eng., Tp. H. S., Lawrenceville, 111., iqog-ii; do.. H. S., Morris. 111., 1912-13; do., Tn. H. S., De Kalb, 111., 1913 — ; summer 1914, European travel. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 308 Augusta Ave., De Kalb, 111.; bus. add.. Township High School, do. 8io University of Illinois G629. WILLIAM HENRY STALLINGS, JR. (Husband of No. 5350.) Stud. Sec, Y. M. C. A.; A. M., 191 1; b. Jl 2, 18S6, Alhambra, IlL; s. William Henry (b. 1857) and Alice (Warderman) Stallings (b. 1858). Prepared in Shurtleff Coll.. Acad. B. A., Shurtleff Coll., 1908. Alpha Zeta. Hon. Scholarship, Classics, Univ. of 111.; Grad. Stud., Newton Theol. Inst., 1908-09; 1911-12; do., Colgate Theol. Sem., 1912-13; do., Univ. of Chicago, 1913-14; Dir.. Religious Educ, First Baptist Church, Lansing, Mich., 1915-17; En- tered service of Internal. Com., Y. M. C. A., 1917; Stud. Sec, New Univ. Y. M. C. A.. Coimbra. Portugal, 1917 — . Mem., Baptist Church, North. Married Florence Armina Ol- son ('12), My 1916, Deland, 111. Address, Rua Venancio Rodrigues, 11 A., Coimbra, Portugal. SEYMOUR STANDISH 191 5. C. E. (See No. 4431.) OTIS ORION STANLEY 1902. M. S. (See No. 1595.) G630. THOMAS BLAINE STANLEY Assistant; A. M., 1916; b. O 8, 1S84, Cicero, Ind. ; s. A. G. Stanley. Prepared in Noblesville (Ind.) H. S. A. B.. Earlham Coll., 1913. Asst.. Engng., Earlham Coll., 1911-13; do., Univ. of 111., 1913-16. Address, Washington Square, East, New York City. G631. ALLEN EDWIN STEARN Chemist; M. S., 1917; b. S 14. 1894. St. Louis; s. John H. (b. Jl 22, 1868, Can.) and Louise (Hagerty) Stearn (b. Ja 12, 1867, do.). Prepared in Eldon (Mo.) H. S.; Yeatman H. S., St. Louis. A. B., Stanford Univ., 1915; A. M., do., 1916. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Co- Composer of Stanford Stud. Opera, 1912-13. Asst., Fellow, Chem., Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Ord. Work in Ammunition testing, 1917-18. Auth. : The Basic Sulphates of Copper, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 38, 1916; The Molecular Mech- anism of Colloidal Swelling, do.. Vol. 40, 1918. Address, 4525 Fair Ave., St. Louis. G632. MILLICENT STEBBINS Teacher; A. M., 1908; b. Jl 11, 1883; d. Charles Summer (b. 1848, Kennett Square. Pa.) and Sara Ann (Stubbs) Stebbins (b. 1846, Lancaster Co., Pa.). Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Neb.. 1906. Phi Beta Kappa. Scholarship, Ger., LTniv. of Neb., 1906- 07; Fellow, do.. Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Teach- er. H. S., Omaha, igo8-io; do.. H. S.. Cham- paign. 1910-11; Stud., LTniv. of Berlin, 1911- 12; Teacher, H. S.. Omaha, Neb., 1912-13; do.. Parker H. S., Chicago, 1913 — . Address. 1230 Parkwild Ave.. Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., 6733 Lafayette Ave., Chicago. G633. ANNETTE STEELE Teacher; A. M.. 1916; b. S 19, 1887, Win- chester, Ky. ; d. Susan J. Steele. Prepared in Hamilton Sch. A. B., Transylvania Univ., 191 1. Grad. Stud., Tex. Univ., 1914-15; Teach- er, Hamilton Sch., 1907-09: do., H. S.. Cynth- iana, Ky., 1912-74; do., Eng., Marissa, 111., 1917. Address. Winchester. Ky. MILTON FREDERICK STEIN 1916. C. E. (See No. 3981.) G634. MARTIN WILLIAM STEINKE (STORN) Professor; Ph. D., 1914; b. My 31, 1886, Harrisville, Wis. Prepared in pvt. schs. and by tutors. A. B., Wartburg Coll.. 1908; A. M., Univ. of Wash., 1910. Fellowship, Grad. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Instr., Univ. of Mich.. 1912-13; do., N. W. LTniv., 1913-16; do.. Swarthmore Coll., 1916; Prof., Mod. Lang., Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1918 — . Changed name to Storn. Address, Central CoUege, Fayette, Mo. G63S. WALDEMAR MATTHAEUS STEMPEL Instructor; A. M., 1906; b. Ag 29, 1882, Ft. Madison, la.; s. Plugo Carl (b. Mr 13, 1833, Prussia) and Anna (Dagnehart) Stempel (b. do.). Prepared in Ft. Madison (la.) H. S. A. B., Ind. L^niv., 1905. Sr. Asst., Ind. LTniv., 1904-05; Fellow, Phys., Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1906-07; Instr.. Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Elec. Engr. and Contr., Ft. Madison. la., 1911-12: Instr., Elec Engng., Pa. St. Coll., 1912-15; Expert Radio Aid, Brook- lyn U. S. Navy Yards, 191 5; Instr., Phys., Columbia, 1915 — •. Mem., la. St. Militia; Am. Phys. Soc. ; Gesellschaft Goethe. Married Grace .Mice Hoover, S 4. 1907, Ft. Madison, la. Child, Robert Lawrence, b. F 14. 191 5. Address, 234 Underbill Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; bus. add., Columbia Univ., New York City. G636. BIRD RICHARD STEPHENSON .4sst., Phys.; A. M., 1917; b. Jl 23, 1888, Shelby, Mich.; s. H. Frank (b. Je 6, 1858, Penn Yan, N. Y.) and Carrie E. (Keech) Ste- phenson (b. S 13, 1862, do.). Prepared in Jackson (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1916. Delta Sigma Phi; Phys. Research Club. Scholarship, L'niv. of 111., 1916-17. Asst., Phys., Albion Coll., 1914-16; do., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — ■ Married M. Ruth Ramsom. S 191 8, Quincy, Mich. Address, 403 S. sth St., Cham- paign. G637. EDWARD BEATTIE STEPHENSON Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. Ja 19, 1S82, Spar- ta, 111.; s. Thom.as B. (b. N 20. 1855, Lancaster, Eng.) and Mary Jane (Beattie) Stephenson (b. Mr 6. 1856, Sparta, 111.). Prepared in Sparta 11. S. B. S., Knox Coll.. 1903; M. S., do., 1907. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Phys., Lfniv. of 111., 1907-09; Instr., do., Univ. of N. Dak., igio- 13; Asst. Prof., do., 1913-17. E. O. T. S., Ft. Leavenworth. Kan., 191 7; 2nd Lt., E. R. C, Office Chief of Engrs., Washington, D. C , 1917; Capt., do., 1918 — . Auth.: Magnetic Properties of Heusler Alloys, Univ. of III. E.vp. Sta.. Bui. 8, 1910; Electrical Testing of Telephone Cables, Univ. of N. Dak. Quarterly Jour., 1912; Preparation of Engng. Reports. Engng. Nczvs. 1913; Notes on Photographic Intensity of Sunlight. Univ. of N. Dak. Quar- terly Jour., 1914; The Relation of Fraterni- ties to the University, do.. 191 5; .A Statistical study of the Errors of Amateur Photography, The Camera, 191 6. Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; Mem., Am. Phys. Soc. Married Adeline .'Mex- ander, Ag 7, 191 1, Geneva, 111. Child Edward .\lexander, b. O 16. 1913. Address, 2632 Gar- field St., N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add.. Office Chief of Engrs., War Dept., do. G638. ROSCOE ELMO STEPHENSON Student; M. S., 1917; b. N 15, 1885, Camp- bellsburg, Ind.; s. John L. (b. Jl 29, 1858. do.) and Hattie (Martin) Stephenson (b. D -7. 1855, do.). Prepared in Bedford, (Ind.; H. S. B. S., Purdue, 191. S- Alpha Zeta. Pres.. Agr. Teacher's Club, Purdue. Jr. Research Fel- low, la. St. Coll., Ames, la., 1917 — . Auth.: Various short, popular articles in agr. mags. Mem.. Christian Church: A. F. A. M. Addres.t. 1604 W. 22nd St., Bedford, Ind.; bus. add., Iowa State College, Ames, la. G639. HAROLD EDWIN STEVENS Plant Pathologist; M. S., 1910; b. Mr 29, 1880, Pruitt, Ky. ; s. Charles T. and Julia (Mendenhall) Stevens. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Kv. St. Coll. B. S.. Ky. LTniv., 1906. Union Lit. Soc; Y. M. C. A. Agr. Insp., Graduate Alumni 8ii Philippine Bur. of Agr., P. I., 1906-08; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Asst. Plant Pathologist, Agr. E.xp. Sta., Fayetteville, Ark., 1910-12; Plant Pathologist, Agr. Exp. Sta., and Consulting Pathologist, St. Plant Bd., Gaines- ville, Fla., 1912 — •. Mem., Phytopatliological Soc. 1914; A. A. A. S., Fellow, 1914; Fla. St. Hort. Soc. Married Ella Male Crawford, S II, 1911. Jacksonville, 111. Address, 400 W. Masonic St., Gainesville, Fla.; bus. add., Agr. Exp. Sta., do. LUCIA ALZINA STEVENS (De MOTTE) 1906. A. M. (See No. 1977.) G640. WAYNE EDSON STEVENS Instructor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. Tl 24, 1892, Avon, 111.; s. Willis Edson (b. Halfday, 111.) and Edith Quincy (Belding) Stevens (b. Avon, IH.). Prepared in Avon H. S. A. B., Knox Coll.. 1913. Instr., Dept. of Hist., Univ. of Minn.. 1916-17. R. O. T. C, Office of Div. Adjt., Hdqtrs. 34th Div., Camp Cody, N. M.. 191 7 — . Auth.: British Organiza- tion of Northwest Fur Trade, 1870-96, Miss. Vallev Hist. Revieiu. Mem.. Phi Eta. Address. 428 W. Walnut St., East Minneapolis, Minn. G641. JOHN ALFORD STEVENSON Professor; Ph. D., 1918; b. Mr i. 1886, Cob- den, 111.; s. John M. (b. Marion, 111.) and Elizabeth C. (Wilkins) Stevenson. Prepared in Cobden H. S. A. B., Ewing Coll., 1008; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 191 1. Sigma Nu; Phi Del- ta Kappa; Phi Eta; Kappa Delta Pi. Scholar- ship. Prin., H. S., Nashville, 111., 1905-07; do. and Supt., do., Olney, III., 1907-10; Dept. of Educ, Univ. of Wis., 1911-12; Ed., Educ. Dept.. Scott, Foresman Co., Chicago, 1912-16; Sec, Appointments Com., Sec, Sch. of Educ, and Asst., Educ, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Sec, Appts., Com. and Sch. of Educ. and Lecturer, do., 1917-18; Assoc. Prof., Ed., do., and Sec, Coll. of Ed., 1918 — . Auth.: Correlation of Sensory Discrimination, Jour, of At>plicd Psy- chol., 1918. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Josephine Reese, S 19, 1914. Address. 603 W. Green St., Urbana; bus. add., 203 Univ. Hall, do. G642. LIONEL STEVENSON Supt., Agr. Exp. Sta.; M. S.. 1914; b. Ap 3, 1879, Ancaster, Ont., Can.; s. R. S. (b. do.) and Alice Amy (Harrington) Stevenson (b. do.). Prepared in Dunds (Ont.) H. S.; Ont. Agr. Coll. B. S. A., Toronto Univ., 19 12. Supt., Dept. of Agr., E.xp. Sta. Dominion of Can.. Vancouver Island. Lt., Canadian Militia, 1902-05; Capt., do., 1905-10. Pres., B. C. Seed Growers Assn. Married Mary Pauline Blair, S 17, 1914, Calgary, Can. Children: Mary Adele, b. Je 21. 1916; Evelyn Blair, b. F 3. 1918. Ad- dress, Victoria, Vancouver Island, B. C. G643. CHARLES LESLIE STEWART Professor; A. M., 1912; Ph. D.. 1915; b. S 3, 1890, Moweaqua, 111.; s. James GIray (b. S 7, 1840, Elizabeth Furnace, Altoona, Pa.) and Try- phena Margaret (Brooks) Stewart (b. Mowea- qua. 111.). Prepared in Moweaqua H. S. A. B., III. Wesleyan Univ., 191 1. Iris; Phi Eta; Beta Gamma Sigma; Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Kappa Del- ta; Scholarship, 111. Wesleyan Univ., 191 1-12; Traveling European Fellow, 1914-15; Assoc. Ed., Argus; Pres., Y. M. C. A.; Univ. debates. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Berlin, 1914; Instr.. Econ., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Head, Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Ark., 1918 — •. Auth.: Analysis of Rural Banking Conditions in Illinois, 1914; The Land Owning Farmer of the North and his Need for Personal Credit; Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits, Madison, 191 5; Land Tenure in the U. S. with Special Refer- ence to Illinois, 1916. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn., 1912 — ; Am. Farm Mgt. Assn., 1915 — ; Council Am. Assn. for Agr. Legislation. Married Ruth Want, Ag 12, I9i6j Bloomington, 111. Chila, Mary Margaret, b. O 30, 1917. Address, Uni- versity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. G644. GWENDOLYN STEWART Student; A. M., 1909; b. Chicago; d. John Douglas (b. Ap 27, 1839, Birkenhead, Eng.) and Frances Alder Hogg (Sanderson) Stewart (b. Je 20, 1836, Belford, Eng.). Prepared in Santa Cruz (Calif.) H. S. A. B.. Leland Stan- ford Univ., igoo. Fellowship, H. Sc, 190S-09; Travelled abroad anjl King's Coll. for Women, London, Eng., 1910; .Vsst., Dom. Sc. Sch., In- ternat. Correspondence Schs., Scranton, Pa.; Asst. Ed., Text Books on Dom. Sc. for Corre- spondence Course, do.: Stud., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902; Sargent Sch. of Phys. Tr., Harvard Univ., summer 1905; Grad. Stud., H. Arts, Teacher's Coll., N. Y., 1910; Mgr. of Boarding Dept., St. Univ. of N. Dak., 1910-14; Instr., H. Sc. St. Norm. Sch., Santa Barbara, Calif., 19 15; Stud., Med. Sch., Stanford Univ., 191 5 — . Teacher. Red Cross Class, Dietetics, summer, 191 7. Auth.: Diet in Relation to Growth, Jour, of Home Econ. Mem., Alumni .^ssn., Stanford Univ.; Am. Assn. of Home Econ.; Nat. Housing Assn.; Nat. Soc. for Prom, of Indus. Educ; Scranton Home Econ. Assn.; Scranton Parent Teachers Assn.; Y. W. C. A.; Epis. Church; ."Mumni Assn. Dom. Sc. Sch., Pratt Inst. Address, 1344 Jackson St,. San Francisco. JOHN TRUESDALE STEWART 1909. C. E. (See No. 779.) MARGARET ESTHER STEWART (ROBBINS) 1886. M. L. (See No. 89.) G64S. ROBERT STEWART Professor; Ph. D., 1909; b. Ag 16, 1877, American Fork, Ut. ; s. James (b. (Glasgow, Scot.) and Sarah (Woodhead) Stewart (b. Eng.). B. S., Agr. Coll. of Ut., 1902. Sigma Xi; Delta Theta Sigma; Fellow. Agron., 1908- 09. Teacher and Cihem., U. S. V., 1898-99; Prof., Chem.. Ut. Agr. Coll., 1909-15; Assoc Prof., Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Prof., Soil Fertility, do., 1918 — . Auth.: Arti- cles in Buls loj;-6-8-9-is-i4, Utah E.vp. Sta.: Bui. 145, HI- E.vp. Sta.; Nitrogen and Humus Prob- lems, Dry_ Fofrmint} Sc, 191 1; The Occurrance of Potassium in Western Am., Jour, of A. C. S., 191 1 ; other articles on chem. subjects. Mem., A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. of .Agron.; Ut. Acad, of Sc. Married Jane E. Gordon, 1902, Logan Ut. Children: James Gor- don, b. N 23, 1903; Robert V., b. Ja 13, 1907; Lawrence, b. Jl 29, 1908. Address, 1206 W. Park Ave., Champaign; bus. add., Univ. of 111., Urbana. G646. FENNER SATTERTHWAITE STICKNEY M. S., 1918; b. Ag 6, 1892. Wilson. N. C.;- s. Fenner Satterthwaite (b. Ap 5, i860) and Sarah Elizabeth (Gavlord) Stickney (b. N 6, 1869). Prepared in Wilson (N. C.) H. S. ; Mc- Kinley H. S., Honolulu, Hawaii; Coll. of Ha- wan. B. S.. LTniv. of Calif., 1916. Pvt., Co. 4, 163rd Dept Brig., Camp Dodge. la. Address. 1104 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. G647- LILLY STIEGELMEIER Teacher; A. M.. 1915; b. F 11. 1888, El Paso, 111.; d. Henry Stiegelmeier. Prepared in E. El Paso H. S.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1912. Prin., Stanford H. S., 1912-14. Address, Bloomington, 111. G648. WILLIAM WARREN STIFLER ("Husband of G554) Dean Pre-Med. Sch.; A. M. 1908; Ph. D 191 1 ; b. D 22, 1883. Davenport, la.; s. William Henry (b. 1841, Hollidaysburg, Pa.) and Sarah University of Illinois Brown (Leverett) Stifler (b. 1847, Alton, IlL). Prepared in Shurtleff Acad. A. B.. Shurtleff Coll., 1902. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Pres., Grad. Club, 1910-11. Prof., Phys. and Chem., Ewing Coll., Ewing, 111., 1902-06; Fellow, Phys., 1906-07, 1910-11; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Instr., do., 1909-10; Asst., do., Colum- bia, New York City, 1911-12; Instr., do., 1913- 17; Instr., Dept. of Phys., Peking Union Med. Coll.. Peking, China, 1917-18; Dean, Pre-Med. Sch., do., 1918 — . Auth. : Articles on Physics in New Intcrnat. Yr. Book, 1912-16; The Re- sistance of Certain Electrolytes in a Magnetic Field, Physical Review, 1909; Tests on Certain Electrical Insulators at High Temperature, do., 191 1 ; The Magnetization of Cobalt as a Func- tion of the Temperature and the Determination of its Intrinsic Magnetic Field, do., 191 1. Assoc. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Susan Martha Reed (g'o8), O 16, 1915. Westfield, Mass. Child, William Warren, b. N 27, 1916. Address, c/o China Med. Bd. of Rockefeller Foundation, 61 Broadway. New York City; bus. add., Peking Union Med. Coll.. Peking, China. *JOHN CARL STINE 1905. A. M. (See No. 1978.) G649. CLAUDE NEWTON STOKES Teacher; A. M., 1914; b. Ag 17, 1890, Cross- ville. 111.; s. James M. Stokes. A. B,. McKen- dree Coll., 1913. Teacher, H. S., Carmi, 111. Address, Crossville, 111.; bus. add.. High School, Carmi, 111. G6so. HELEN DALE STORY Teacher; A. M., 1916; b. Jl 11, 1889, Oxford, Pa.; d. William Murray (b. Jl 25, 1852, West- ford, Pa.) and Zillah Bell (McCulloch) Story (b. Ap 18, i860, Cazenovia. III.). Prepared in Moline H. S. ; Augustana Coll. A. B., Mon- mouth Coll., 1912. Teacher, Hist., H. S., Dan- ville, 111., 1916 — . Address, 212 N. Gilbert St., Danville, 111.; bus. add.. High School, do. G651. ELLIS BAGLEY STOUFFER Professor; Ph. D., igii; b. N 7, 1884, Mel- bourne, la.; s. George Henry (b. 1841. Hagers- town, Md.) and Mary (Bagley) Stouffer (b. 1856, Freeport, HI.). Prepared in St. Center (la.) H. S.; Drake Univ. Acad. B. S., Drake Univ., 1907; M. S., do., 1907. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Fellow, do.. 1909-11. Instr., Math.. Drake Univ., 1907-08; do., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Asst. Prof., Math.. Univ. of Kan., 1914-17; Assoc. Prof., do., 1917 — -. Kan. St. Guard, 191 7 — • Mem., Am. Math. Soc; Math. Assn. of Am.; London Math. Soc, Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Married Anna Lucile Shepard, 1915, Muscatine, la. Address, 1616 New Hamp- shire St., Lawrence, Kan.; bus. add.. University of Kansas, do. G6s2. CHARLES JACOB STOWELL Student; A. M., 1912; Ph. D., 1916; b. D 29, 1883, Bloomington, 111.; s. George Edwin (b. 1844. N. Y.) and Katharine (Clingman) Stowell (b. 1844, Aaronsl>urg, Pa.). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; Univ. of Chicago. B. S., 111. Wesleyan, 191 1. Scholarship, Econ., Univ. of 111.. 1911-12; Fellowships, do., 1915- 17. Instr., Econ. and Sc. Marionville Coll., Mo., 1917. Grad. Stud.. Commerce. Washington Univ. Seattle. Wash. Staff of U. S. Comn. on Industrial Relations, 1914-15. Auth.: Studies in Trade Unionism in the Custom Tailoring Trade, Journeyman Tailors' Union of Am., Chicago, 1913. Mem.. M. E. Church. Married Emma Sidman, Jl 6, 1916, Springfield. Mo. Address. 2510 Clifton Ave., St. Louis. Mo.; bus. add., Washington University, Seattle, Wash. G6S3. EARLE KENNETH STRACHAN Phys. Chem.: M. S., loio; Ph. D., 19:2; b. My 15, 1886, Brockton, Mass.; s. James Watt (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.) and Susan Louise (Bow- en) Straclian (b. New Bedford, Mass.). Pre- pared in Brockton (Mass.) H. S. B. S., Wor- cester Poly. Tech. Inst., 1908. Theta Chi; Phi Lambda tJpsilon; Sigma Xi. Fellow, Chem., 1911-12; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; do., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, 1913-16; Phvs. Chem., Research Lab. Nat. Aniline and Chem. Co. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916 — . Auth.: (with R. S. Curtis) Condensation in the Mes- oxalic Ester Series, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 33, igii; (with E. W. Washburn) The Equilib- rium between Arsemaus Acid and Iodine, do.. Vol. 35. 1913; (with V. G. Chu) The Trans- ferrence Number Conductance and Ionization of Hydriodic Acid, do.. Vol. 36; Non Ideal Solu- tions, do.. Vol. 38, 1916. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Electrochem. Soc; A. A. A. S.; Buffalo Engng. Soc; Univ. C!lub of Buffalo. Married Lela Mildred Strachan, 1913, Peoria. Address, 244 Voorhees Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. ; bus. add.. National Aniline and Chemical Co., Inc., do. G654. CARL JOHN STRAND Prin., H. S.; A. M., 1908; b. S 25, 1885. Brattleboro, Vt. ; s. Johan Carlson (b. O 7, 1857, Stora Hof. Vestergotland, Sweden) and Christine (Hagelin) Strand (b. Ag 22, 1855, do.). Prepared in Brattleboro (Vt.) H. S. A. B,, Augustana Coll., 1907. Teacher, H. S.. Belle- ville, III., 1908-11; do.. Grammar Sch., Hebron, Conn., 1911-13; Grad. Stud., Mass. Agr. Coll., Amherst, Mass., 1913-16; Prin. and Teaclier, H. S.. Hinesburg. Vt., 1916 — . Mem., Lutheran Church. Married Hilma Alina Anderson, Jl 8, 1916, Brattleboro, Vt. Child, Sylvia Chris- tina, My 3, 1917. Address, High School, Hines- burg. Vt. OSCAR EMIL STREHLOW 1911. C. E. (See No. 999.) G655. OTTO STUHLMANN, JR. Professor; A. M., 1909; b. N 12, 1884, El- berfelat, Ger.; s. Otto (b. 1856, do.) and Eli- zabeth (Henzman) Stuhlmann (b. 1865, do.). Prepared in Woodward H. S.. Cincinnati. B. A., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1007; Ph. D.. Princeton LTniv., 191 1. Sigma Xi. Exp. Sc. Fellow, Prince- ton, 1909-11; Asst. Instr., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Instr., do., Stevens Inst, of Tech., 1911-12; do., Univ. of Pa., 1912-18; Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of la., 1918 — . Nat. Re- search Council Airplane Ranging. Auth.: A Difference in Photoelectric Effect Caused by Incident and Emergence Light. Philanthropic Mag.. 1910; Part 2, do., 1911; A Quantita- tive Measure of Sc. Observation. Phys. Review, 1912; On the Ageing Effect as an Influence on the Number and Velocities of Photoelectrons for Pt. Cathode Films, do., 1913; Photoelectric Properties and Contact Resistance of Cathode Films, do.. 1913; On the Asynmetric Distribu- tion of Velocity of Photoelectrons, do., 1914; The Photo effect of Carbon as influenced by its Absorbed Gases, do., 1914; On the Asyn- metric Emission of Photoelectrons, do.. 1914; Results of Plotting the Separation of Homolo- gous Pairs against Atomic Numbers, do., 191 5; Variation of C. D. P. with Time. do.. 191S: other sc. papers on the Photoelectric effect and allied fields. Mem., Phys. Soc; la. Acad, of Sc: Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Cecil C. Wilbur. Je 4, 1913, Princeton, N. J. Address, Lake George, N. J., bus. add., Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. G6s6. HORACE WESLEY STUNKARD Instructor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. Ag 23, i88q. Monmouth. la.; s. H. W. (b. do.) and Lulu Hopkins Stunkard (b. De Kalb, 111.). Prepared in Walker (la.) H. S.; Greenville Acad.; Greenville Coll. B. S., Coe Coll., 1912. Sigma Xi; Football; Track; Grad. Asst., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Fellowship, do.. 1914-16; Instr., New York Univ., 1916-17; 1st Lt.. U. S. A. S., A. E. F., France, 1917; Wounded, Graduate Alumni 191 7; Mustered out, F 5, 1919. Auth: Articles in Jour, of Parasitol. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; Am. Microscopical Soc. Address, Walker, la.; bus. add., New York University, Univ. Heights, New York City. G6s7. BLANK. WARD WILLIAM SULLIVAN 1914. A. M. (See No. 4925.) DOROTHY SUTCLIFFE 1917. A. M. (See No. 7990.) G6s8. EMERSON GRANT SUTCLIFFE (Brother of Nos. 7248, 7990, 8800) Instructor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1918; b. O 2, 1890, Fall River, Mass.; s. George Lincoln (b. Je 2, 1S65, do.) and Sarah Alice (Taylor) Sutcliffe (b. My 6, 1870, do.). Prepared in Ply- mouth (Mass.) H. S. A. B., Harvard, 191 1. Lecturer, Eng., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Can., 1911-12; Asst., do., Univ. of 111., 1912- i6; Instr., do., 1916-18; Med. Dept., U. S. A., Gen. Hosp. 31, 1918; Corp., do.; Sgt., do., 1919. Auth.: Enumerative Order, Eng. Jour., 191 5; Systematizing Grading, do., 191 5; Mental Val- ues of English, Engng. Nezvs Record, 191 7. Married Mildred Chadderton, Je 1918, Adair, III. Address, Adair, 111. GEORGE FRED SUTHERLAND 1914. A. M.. (See No. 5961.) G6s9. ARTHUR EMIL SWANSON With Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. ; A. M., 1909; Ph. D., 191 1 ; b. Ja 16, 1885, De Kalb, 111.; s. P. M. (b. Sweden) and Char- lotte (Holmes) Swanson (b. do.). Prepared in Augustana Acad. A. B., Augustana Coll. igoS. Adelphic; Cosmopoliltan Club; Grad Fellowship, E<;on., 1909-11. Instr., N. W Univ., Sch. of Commerce, 1911-13; Asst. Prof. do., 1913-15; Assoc. Prof., do., 1915-16; Fel low, do., 1916-17; Dean, do., 1917; With Fire stone Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, O. On leave. Special expert, U. S. Shipping Bd., 1918; Dir., Bur. of Research, War Trade Bd., iqtS. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Chicago Club; Chicago Sales Mgrs. Assn.; Chicago City Club; Chicago Univ. Club; Univ. Club, Evanston. Married Lucy Marie Vick, Je 10, 1915- Address, 6ji W. Exchange St., Akron, O. ; bus. add., c/o Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., do. FREDERICK CURTIS SWANSON 1915. A. M. (See No. 6606.) ALEXANDER CULBERSON SWARTZ 1878. C. E. (See No. 33.) G660. MERLE ARTHUR SWENEY (Husband of No. 5934) Farmer; A. M., 1916; b. O 8, 1890, Tamora, Neb.; s. Albert Barclay (b. Je 8, 1857, Prairie City. 111.) and Anna Virginia (Austine) Sweney (b. D 9, 1856, Milwaukee). Prepared in Hed- ding Acad.; Univ. of Chicago, 1912. A. B., Hedding Coll., 1913. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1915-16. Instr., Eng., Okla. St. A. and JVI. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 1916-18; Farmer, Champaign, 191 8 — . Married Edith Irene Sen- denburgh ('13), D 25, 1916, Champaign. Child, Eleanor_ Sylvia, b. D 31, 1917. Address, R. 6, Champaign. BERNARD VICTOR SWENSON 1901. M. E. (See No. 780.) G661. LOLA ERNESTA SWIFT Instructor; A. M., 1917; b. N 18, 1888, Carle- ton, III.; d. Ernest (b. Mr 23, 1858, Waterman, 111.) and Laura Virginia (Hedges) Swift (b. F 6, 1S59, Mt. Morris, 111.). Prepared in De- Kalb H. S.; No. 111. St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Wis. A. B., Mt. Morris Coll., igii. Asst., Biol., No. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1911-15; Teacher, Bloom Tp. H. S., Chicago Hgts., 111., 1917-18; Instr., Shorter Coll., Rome, Ga., 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 838 S. ist St., De Kalb, 111.; bus. add.. Shorter Coll.. Rome, Ga. ALBERT PHILIP SY 1899- M. S. (See No. 844.) LORADO TAFT 1880. M. L. (See No. 223.) G662. MITSUTAKA TAKAHASHI M. S., 1 9 1.'?; b. Ap 23, 1883, Wakamatsushi, Fukushima Ken, Japan; s. Daigo Takahashi. Prepared in Aidzu Middle Sch.; Tokio Higher Tech. Sch. Asst. Engr., Elec. Engng. Dept., Ashio Copper Mine, Japan, 1904-09; Engr., Mikko Elec. Ry. Co., 1909-11; do., Mitsui Bus- san Kaisha, Shanghai, China, 191 1 — . Address, c/o Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Shanghai, China. G663. SARCHIRO TAKASHIMA A. M., 1918; b. Ap 7, 1884, Shimodatemachi. Japan; s. T. Takashima; A. B., Tokio (]oll., 191 1. Address, Nishimachi, Shimodate-maclii, Jbaraki-ken, Japan. ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT 1885. C. E. (See No. 295.) KENNETH HAMMET TALBOT 1917. C. E. (See No. 3994.) G664. STETFAN FUGTA TANABE M. S., 1914; b. Mr 9, 1884. Tokyo, Japan; s. Motosabro Tanabe. B. S., Knox Coll., 191 1. Address, Tokyo, Japan. MAURICE COLE TANQUARY 1908. A. M. (See No. 3200.) G66s. FRED WILBUR TANNER Associate; M. S., 1914; Ph. D., 1916; b. F 15, 1888. Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Wellington Bough- ton and Emma Melvina (Olds) Tanner. Pre- pared in Warsaw (N. Y.) H. S. B. S., Wes- leyan LTniv., Middletown, Conn., 1912. Alpha Chi Rho; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi. Instr., Bacteriol., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Assoc, do., 1918— . Auth.: Bacteria in Deep Wells, St. Water Survey Bui. 14; Studies on Bacterial Metabolism of Sulfur I and II, Jour. Bacter- iol. and Jour. A. C. S., 191 8; Bacterial Exami- nation of Water, Am. Food Jour., 1917. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Hope Stuart Mont- gomery, Je 10, igi6, Racine, Wis. Child, Fred Wilbur, Jr., b. Ap 5, 1917. Address, 805 W. Iowa St., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of 111., do. G666. WEN TSING TAO A. M., 1915; b. N 28, 1892, Hwei Chow, China; s. Hwa Chin Tao. Prepared in Affili- ated II. S., Univ. of Nanking; Univ. Nanking. B. A., Univ. of N. Y., 1914. Address, 395 Ma Cha Cheao, Nanking. China. f EVERETT HARVEY TAYLOR 1915- M. S. (See No. 5965.) RUTH BEATRICE TAYLOR (WAGENSEIL) 1906. A. M. (See No. 2527.) SCOTT CHAMPLIN TAYLOR 1915- M. S. (See No. 5968.) WARD HASTINGS TAYLOR 1913- A. M. (See No. 4453.) 8i4 University of Illinois G667. ♦JOHN LAWRENCE TEARE Student; A. M.. 1917; b. N 14, 1895. Mon- mouth, 111.; s. Toiin K. and Grace V. (Cable) Teare Prepared in Monmouth H. S.; Univ. of Wis A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1916. Alpha Chi Rho; Univ. Scholarship, Pol. Sc; Fellow, Harvard, 1917 — . N. R. F.. Officers' Material Co., Boston Harbor. Died S 11, 1918. G668. RICHARD LAWRENCE TEMPLIN Engineer; M. S., 1917; b. Ja 20, 1893, Minne- apolis, Kan.; s. Grant Templin. Prepared in Minneapolis (Kan.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Kan., iqiS. Acacia; Theta Tau; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi- Tr Mem., Univ. Club, Univ. of 111.; Rifle Team; Research Fellow, T. & A. M., Univ. of 111. Engng. Exp. Sta., 1915-17; Lab. Asst., and Asst. Engr. Physicist, Bur. of Standards. Washington, D. C, 1917-18; Engaged in special Military Research and design work for Aero- nautics Advisory Com., Council for Nat. De- fense, design of airplane instruments, calibra- tion of same and testing lab. apparatus, 1918 — . jr. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Am. Soc. for Testing "Materials. Address, 3739 Jocelyn St., Chevy Chase, Washington, D. C. G669. HENRY DANIEL TER KEURST Teacher; A. M., 1915; b. Mr 19. 1893, Ham- ilton, Mich.; s. A. J. Ter Keurst. Prepared in Prep. Dept. Hope Coll. A. B., Hope Coll., 1914. Address, Hamilton, Mich. JOSEPH SAMUEL TERRILL 1894. M. S. (See No. 674-) CHARLES DUTTON TERRY 1907. M. E. (See No. 1090.) WILLIAM SUMNER THAYER 1909. E. E. (See No. 2528.) G670. ORA MARY THEOBALD A. M., 1918; b. F 15, 1895, Auburn, 111.; d. W. W. Theobald. A. B., 111. Woman's Coll., 191 7. Address, Jacksonville, Ill.t G671. FRANK WATERS THOMAS Vice-Pres., Norm. Sch.; A. M., 1910; b. My 14, 1878, Danville, Ind.; s. Erasmus Darwin (h. N 13, 1821, Connersville, Ind.) and Mary (Rosborough) Thomas (b. O 8, 1846, Owens- ville, Ind.). Prepared in Ind. St. Norm. Sch. A. B., Univ. of Ind., 1905- Sigma Nu; Kappa Delta Pi. Prin., Acad., 1910-11; do., Santa Monica, Calif., 1911-13; Prin., Jr. H. S., Sac- ramento, Calif., 1914-16; Vice-Pres., and Head Dept. of Educ, St. Norm. Sch.. Fresno. Calif., 191 7 — . Married Ina Gregg, S 2, 1908, Tusco- la, 111. Children: Lawrence Gregg, b. Je 6, 1909; Welburne Craig, b. O 8, 1910, Frank Rosborough, b. S s, 1912. Address, St. Norm. Sch., Fresno, Calif. G672. HOWARD RICE THOMAS M. S., 1914; b. Jl 12, 1887, Montvale, Va.; s. J. B. Thomas. C. E., Univ. of Tex., 1912. Asst., Engng., Univ. of 111.; Concrete Ship Div., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia and South Bethlehem. Pa., 1918 — . Address, 2109 San Gabriel St., Austin, Tex.; bus. add.. Emer- gency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia. ALMON DANIEL THOMPSON 1897. C. E. (See No. 781.) G673. DAVID GROSH THOMPSON Asst., Geol.; A. M., 1913; b. My 12, 1888, Lockland, O. ; s. David D. and Abia L. Thomp- son. Prepared in Evanston Acad. A. B., N. W. Univ., 191 1. Delta Tau Delta. Asst., Geol., Univ. of 111., 191J-14; Instr., Geol., Lehigh LTniv., South Bethlehem, Pa., 191415; Grad. Stud., (jeol., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1915-17; Instr., Geol., Goucher Coll., Baltimore, Md., 1915-17; Field work, Geol., Wis. Nat. Hist. Sur., summers 1914-15; do., Md. Geol. Survey, sum- mer 1916; Asst., Geol., Ground Water Division, Water Resources Branch, U. S. Geol. Sur., Washington D. C, i9'7— • Address. 1629 Hin- inan Ave., Evanston, 111.; bus. add., U. S. Geol. Sur., Washington, D. ,C. MARION THOMPSON (GRATZ) 1896. M. L. (See No. 924-) G674. JOHN GIVEN THOMPSON Minister; A. M., 1895; b. Mr 21, 1862, Som- onauk DeKalb Co. 111.; s. Samuel Findley (b. My 28, 1828, Mansfield, O.) and Ellen (Given) Thompson (b. 1830, Cullybechy, Ireland). Pre- pared in Dickson, Tenn. A. B., Monmouth Coll., 1885; Univ. of Mich., 1891-2; Stud., The- ology, Alleghany Sem., Pa., 1904-5; Prin., Weaver Acad., Media, 111., 1889 91; Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1892-3; Tutor and Stud., Univ. of Mo., 1893-4; Prof., Math., Cooper Coll., Sterling, Kan., 1894-1904; Minister, Flor- ence Ave. Presby. Church, Los Angeles. Mar- ried Lydia Margaret Reed, Je i, 1886. Chil- dren: Paul Dean, b. Ap 26, 18S7; Samuel Reed, 1). D II, 1889; Philip Edward, b. Je 11, 1896; .Man K., b. Mr 9, 1898. Address, 1025 W. Florence Ave., Los Angeles. MILTON WINFIELD THOMPSON 1912. A. M. (See No. 4457.) G675. EDNA AMELIA THOREEN Teacher; A. M.. 1914; b. N i, 1890, Gales- burg, 111.; d. John Edward (b. D 29, 1861, .Sweden) and Clara Josephine (Erickson) Thor- een (h. Je 24, 1864, Andover, 111.). Prepared in Galesburg H. S. A. B., Lombard Coll., 191 1. Delta Zeta: Ger. Club; Scholarship, Ger., 1913- 14. Instr., Ger., H. S., Galesburg, 111.. 1915 — . Iddrcss, ISS5 E. Main St., Galesburg, 111. MABEL ELIZABETH THORNE 1914. A. M. (See No. 5974.) G676. CARRYL NELSON THURBER A. M., 1917; b. N 12, 1886, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. I. H. Thurber. Prepared in Jamaica H. S. A. B., Cornell, 1908. Instr., Eng., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, Cleveland. 1913-15; Asst., Eng.. Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Bus. Tr. Corp., New York City, 191 7 — . Married Nancy Lucile Reese, Je 1917, Urbana. Address, c/o Bus. Tr. Corp., 185 Madison Ave., New York City. RALPH EARLE TIEJE 1912. A. M. 1917. Ph. D. (See No. 4460.) G677. ARTHUR JERROLD TIEJE (Brother of No. 4460.) Assistant; Ph. D., 1912; b. S 24, 1882, Day- ton. O. ; s. Henry August (b. N 10. 1847, Cin- cinnati) and Katherine Caroline (Bell) Tieje, b. F 15, 1854 Dayton, O.). A. B., Cornell, 1903; A. M., do.. 1004. Teacher, H. S., Mattoon. 1905-06; do., H. S., Urbana, 1906-08; Asst., Dept. of Eng., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Instr., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1910-11; Instr., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; do., Rhet., Univ. of Minn., 1 9 14 — . Address, Univ. of Minn., Minneap- olis. t G678. RAYMER WENDELL TINSLEY Principal; A. M., 1915; b. F 2, 1890, Hart- ford, Kv.; s. W. S. Tinsley. Prepared in Hart- ford (Ky.) H. S. A. B.. Univ. of Ky., 1912. Prin., H. S., Greenville, Ky., 1912-13; Asst. Prin., H. S., Hartford. Ky., 1913-14; Instr., Mod. Lang., Univ. of Miss., 1915-17; Special .\gt., U. S. Dept. of Justice, Bur. of Investi- gation, Waco, Tex., 191 7 — . Married Alice Keown, Je 1916, Hartford, Ky. Two Children. .Address, Hartford, Ky. ; bus. add.. Box 874, Waco, Tex. Graduate Alumni 8t5 G679. "RALPH WALDO TIPPET A. M., 1915; b. Mr I, 1891, Manitowoc, Wis.; s. James Henry (b. Ja 24, 1859, Cornwall, Eng.) and Mary (Jerome) Tippet (b. Mr 15, 1863, Roscoe, in.). Prepared in janesville (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Lawrence Coll., 1913. Beta Sig- ma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., Paper Mill, Appleton, Wis. 2nd K. O. T. C, Fort Sheri- dan; 2nd Lt., France, 1918. Killed in action, S 12, 1918. G63o. VINCENT HOLLIS TODD Clerk; A. M., 1910; Ph. D., 1912; b. Ag 22, 1879, North Panama, N. Y. ; s. HoUis Devillo (b. O 16, 1843, Stockton, N. Y.) and Laura Ann (Park) Todd (b. Jl 15, 1847, French Creek, N. Y.). Prepared in Sheffield (Pa.) H. S. A. B., Harvard, 1907. A. M. Chesbrough Sem., North Chili, N. Y. ; Univ. of Rochester, Price Greenleaf Scholarship; C. L. Jones Schol- arship. Scholarship, Univ. of 111., 1909; Fel- low, 1910-12; Asst., Ger., summers 1911-12; Prof., Mod. Langs., Greenville Coll., 111., 19 12- 15; Jamestown Coll., Jamestown, N. Dak., 1915 16; Instr., Mod. Langs., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., Pittsburgh, 1916-17; Adams Express Co., do., 1917-18; Clerk in the Civil Service, Signal Corps, U. S. A., Washington, D. C, 1918; Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Foreign Markets, do. Auth. : Baron Christoph von Graffenrieds New Bern Adventures, reprinted from Deutsch Ainerikanische Geschichts-Blaetter. Chicago, Jahrgang. 1912, Revision (with Prof. GoebeO; New Bern, Milwaukee Free Press, 1914. Mar- ried Martha Frances Riggins, Ag 17, 1916. Ur- bana. Address, 1278 Morse St., N. E. Wash- ington, D. C; bus. add.. Corner 7th and E Sts., Nf. W. Washington, D. C. LOUIS ARTHUR TOHILL 1914. A. M. (See No. 5460.) BEN TOMLINSON 1907. A. M. (See No. 2841.) WILLIS EUGENE TOWER 1908. M. S. (See No. 847.) MERLE JAY TREES 1911. C. E. (See No. 3209.) FRANCIS JOHN TRESISE 1893. C. E. (See No. 622.) WILLIAM CHILTON TROUTMAN 1918. A. M. (See No. 8829.) MARY LUELLA TROWBRIDGE 1916. A. M. (See No. 7272.) G681. PERRY FOX TROWBRIDGE Professor; Ph. D., 1906; b. Ap 25, 1866; s. George Martin (b. Ap 6, 1833, N. Y.) and Lesbia Eudora (Fox) Trowbridge (b. N 27, 1837 Pa.). Prepared in Centreville (Mich.) H. S. B. Ped.. Mich., Norm. Coll., 1892; Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1892; A. M.. do.. 1905. Phi Lambda Upsiton; Alpha Chi; Delta Theta Sig- ma; Sigma Xi. Instr., Ger. and Sc, Kalama- zoo Coll., 1889-91; do., Ped., Mich. Norm. Coll., 1892-3; Asst., C em., Univ. of Mich., 1893-4; Prof., Math., Kalamazoo Coll., 1894; Asst., Chem., Univ. of Mich., 1894-5; Stud, in Braunschweig Zucker Schule, summer 1898; in Marburg Univ., 1898-9; Instr., Organic Chem., and Accountant in the Chem. Lab., Univ. of Mich., i89';-i902; Agr. Supt. and Beet Sugar Chem.. Mich, and Calif., 1002-4; Research Asst., Nutrition and Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1005-7; Asst. Prof., Chem. ,1907; do., in charge of Agr. C em. and Assoc. Chem. in Mo. Exp. Sta., 1907-8; Prof.. Agr. Chem. and Chem., do., 1908-18; Dir. of N. Dak. Exp. Sta., 1918 — . Collaborating Chem. for Mo. Bur. of Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr.; Othcial Rep. of Mo. §th Inteinat. Cong, oi App. Chem. Auth.: Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers, 1907-18, Univ. of Mo. E.vp. Sta. Bills.; also numerous scientific papers. Mem., Baptist Church; A. C. S.; Am. Assn. Official Agr. Chem. V. P., 1916-17, Pres., 1917-18; Am.' Soc. An. Nutrition; A. A. A. S.; Cml. Club, Columbia, Mo. Married Grace Hall, S 4, 1894.. Children: Hugh Merton, b. My 15, 1899; Eleanor, b. Ap 13, 1901; Vernon Hall, b. O 23, 1902; Neva, b. F 10, 1906; Marion, b. Je 29, 1908. Address, North Dakota Exp. Sta., University P. O., N. Dak. G682. YANG FENG TSENG M. S., 1918; b. N 24, 1886, Shanghai, Kiangsu, China; s. H. Y. Tseng. B. S., Pei Yang Univ., 191 1. Address, 6 Thome St., Shanghai, Kiangsu, China. G683. YING-HSUAN HSUWEN TSOU Professor; M. S., 1913; b. S 14, 1886, Dis- trict of Wu-hu, China; s. Chai-lia Tsou. B. S., Cornell, 1912. Address, Univ. of Nan- king, China. G684. TSEH LING TSU A. M., 1918; b. S 7, 1887, Kingtang, Chi- na; s. Y. B. Hsu. A. B., Univ. of Nanking, 1914. Address, no Hsu Gia Kai, Kintang, Kiangsu, China.t G685. ESTON VALENTINE TUBBS Prin., H. S.; A. M., 1910; b. F 14, 1883, Hillsboro, Ind.; s. Daniel Orlando (b. S 4, 1854, Winamac, Ind.) and Hattie (Cheney) Tubbs (b. Ap 2, 1863. Hillsboro, Ind.). Pre- pared in Rossville H. S. A. B., N. W. Univ., 1909. Kappa Delta Pi. Fellow, Hist.; Prin., Tp. H. S., Lawrenceville, 111., 1910-12; do., Centralia, 111., 1912-17; do., H. S., Tulsa, Ok- la., 1917^. Auth.: The Part-time Plan in the (Tentralia Tp. H. S., Sch. Review, Vol. 26, 1918. Pres., Egyptian Sch. Masters Club; V P., S. West. 111. Teachers Assn.; Gen. Com. of N. Central Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schs. ; Com. of N. Central Assn. for 111.; Pres., H. S. Section of East Okla. St. Teachers Assn. Married Vinnie Isabelle McAllister, F 24, 1904, Rossville, 111. Children: Edwin Daniel, b. S 4, 1906; Dorothy Louise, b. O 15, 1908; Genevieve Bernice b. S 25, 1910; Marion Lois, b. S 21, 1914. Address. 1 1 1 E. Haskell St., Tulsa, Okla.; bus. add.. High School, do. EFFIE MAY TULL 1907. A. M. (See No. 1605.) ROBERT EDGAR TURLEY, Jr. 1915. M. S. (See No. 5979-) HUBERT MICHAEL TURNER 1915. M. S. (See No. 4468.) G686. LYNNE HERMAN ULICH Assistant; B. S., Grinnell Coll., 1914; b. Ja 2, 1892, Creston, la.; s. John and Hattie (Maurer) Ulich (b. Mr 31, 1868, Mishawaka, Ind.). Prepared in Villisca (la.) H. S. Teach- er, Sc, H. S.. Albia, la., 1914-15; do., Win- dom Coll., Montivideo, Minn.. 1915-16; Grad. Asst. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1916; Asst.. do., 191 7 — . Address, 510 E. C'-almers St., Cham- paign; bus. add., 256 Chem. Bldg., Univ. of 111., Urbana; G687. HELENA MARIE ULRICI A. M., 1917; b. N 2, 1891, Rockford. 111.; d. Douglas (b. My 9. 1S61 Beloit, Wis.) and Emma Rebecca (Judd) Ulrici (b. F i, 1863, Durand. 111.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. A. B., Rockford Coll. for Women, 1915. Scholar- ship from Rockford Coll. Address, 1047 Harlem Blvd., Rockford, 111. 8i6 University of Illinois G688. HELEN UPDEGRAFF Research Chem.; A. M., 1917; b. Ag i, 1890, Columbia, Mo.; d. Milton (b. F 22, 1859, Decorah, la.) and Alice Maxwell (Lamb) Up- degraff (b. Mr 7, 1861, Madison, Wis.). Pre- pared in Western H. S., Washington, D. C; A. B., Cornell. Alpha Phi; Alpha Theta Chi; Fel- lowship, Univ. of III., 1917-18. Grad. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Fellow, do., 1917-1S; Research Asst. Chem., Del. Exp. Sta., 1918 — . Address, Delaware College, Newark, Del. G689. THOMAS CARLTON UPHAM A. M., 1918; b. Ja 9, 1894, Fitchburg, Mass.; s. N. C. Upham. B. S., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1916. Address, 17 Longwood Ave., Fitch- burg, Mass.t G690. LENT DAYTON UPSON Dir., Bur. Govt. Research; Ph. D., 1911; b. N 5, 1886, De Leon Springs, Fla.; s. Jesse Bronson (b. Ja 6, 1852 Seward, 111.) and Mary (Sibley) L'pson (b. Ja 20, i860, Terre Haute, Ind.). Prepared in Rockford H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1908; A. M., do., 1909. Aca- cia. Tr. Sch. for Pub. Serv. of N. Y. Bur. of Municipal Research, 1911-12; In charge. Muni- cipal Exhibit of Cincinnati, 1912; Dir., Dayton Bur. of Municipal Research, 1912-15; Sec, Citizens Relief Com., Dayton, O., 1913; Asst. Dir., N. Y. Bur. of Municipal Research, 1914; Ex. Sec, Nat. Cash Register Co., 1915-16; Dir., Detroit Bur. of Govt. Research, 1916 — ; Council, Nat. Municipal League, 1917 — ; Trus- tee, Detroit Community Union, 1918 — ; Ad- visory, Editorial Bd., I\fat. Municipal Review: Lecturer. Municipal Adm., Univ. of Mich. Auth. : Sources of Municipal Revenues in II!., Univ. of 111. Press, 1912; contributions to Pro- fessional mags. Mem., Knight Templar; Shrine: Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Govt. Research Confer- ence; Am. Statistical Assn.; Am. Acad, of Soc. and Pol. Sc. Married Marie Evelyn Rehmert, Detroit. My 29, 1917. Address, 284 Virginia Park, Detroit, Mich. *HOWARD De WITT VALENTINE 1915. M. S. (See No. 5982.) G691. ERNEST VAN ALSTYNE Asst. Chief. Agr. Sta.; M. S., 191 7; b. Ap 15, 1882, Grand Ledge, Mich. Prepared in Lan- sing (Mich.) H. S. B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1907. Phi Lambda Upsilon. In charge of lab. section, H. S. Chem., one term; Mechanic, three summers; Asst., Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta.. Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Assoc, do., 1911-15; Asst. Chief, do., 1915-18; on leave, 1918 — . Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Adah Mariam Stowell, Ag 10, 1910, Lowell, Mich. Address, 912 W. Nevada St., Urbana. GEORGE ATHOL VAN BRUNT 1909. A. M. (See No. 3583.) G692. HARLEY JONES VAN CLEA\-E (Husband of No. 4658) Associate; M. S., 1910; Ph. D., 1913; b. O 5, 1886, Knoxville, 111.; s. Jasper M. (b. Mr 7, 1856, Henderson, 111.) and Mary (Jones) Van Cleave (b. Mr 15, 1846, Franklin, Ind.). Pre- pared in Knoxville H. S. B. S., Knox Coll., 1909. Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Scholarship, Zool., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Fellow, 1910-11; Asst., 1911-13; Instr.. 1913-16; Assoc, 1916 — . Auth.: Laboratory Directions for an Elemen- tary Course in General Zool., D. H. Lloyde. 1916; articles in Zool. Ansciger; Jour, of Mor- phoL; Jour, of Parasitol.; Biol. Bui.; Educa- tional Adm. and Supervision; Trans. Am. Mi- croscopic Soc; Sch. and Soc. Mem., Kappa Delta Pi; A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. Zool.; Am. Microscopic Soc; Treas., 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Bernice Ford ('11), Ag i, 1914. Child, Dorothy Lucile, b. My 20, 1917. Address, 1107 S. Busey Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 300 Nat. Hist. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. EDWARD EVERETT VAN CLEVE 1912. A. M. (See No. 5467.) ARCHIBALD BEEBE VAN DEUSEN 1913. M. S. (See No. 5469.) MARK ALBERT VAN DOREN 1915. A. M. (See No. 6634.) G693. WILLIAM ALEXANDER VAN- WINKLE Assistant; M. S., 1917; b. D 27, 1883, Gen- eseo, 111.; s. Adrian Alexander (b. Je 5. 1851, do.) and Margaret Blanche (Quinn) Van- Winkle (b. Ap 25. 1854, Shullsburg, Wis.). Prepared in West. H. S., Detroit. B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1911. Instr., Gen. Chem., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, Cleveland, O., 1911-15; Asst., Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1915 — . Auth.: (with Fred L. Bardwell) Laboratory Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry. 1912. Phi Lambda Up- silon; Sigma Xi. Address, 805 W. Oregon St., Urbana; btis. add., 259 Chem. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. G694. GEORGE WALLACE VANZEE Student; M. S., 1917; b. Jl 27, 1890. Pella, la.; s. Richard P. (b. Jl 14, 1858, do.) and Cornelia (Westerly) Vanzee (b. Ap 19, 1863, Chicago). Prepared in Central Acad.; Central L^niv., Pella, la., 1911-15. B. S., Central Univ., 1915. Grad. Stud. Univ. of Chicago, 1915-16; Stud., Central Univ., Pella, la. Address, 404 Addition St.. Pella, la. G695. *LESTER CARLTON VER NOOY -Assistant; A. M., 1918; b. F 20, 1894, En- field, N. Y.; s. Charles D. Ver Nooy. Univ. of Mich. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1916. Gamma Al- pha; Sigma Xi. Asst., Zool.. Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Prof., Zool., St. Norm, and Tr. Sch., Cortland, N. Y., 1919. Mem., M. E. Church. Died Ja 19, 1919, Cortland, N. Y. FREDERICK KETCHUM VIAL 1917. C. E. (See No. 453.) G696. DEVI DYAL VIRMANI Instructor; M. S., 1915; b. 1887, Bahawal- pore, India: s. Takan Das Virmani. A. B., Stanford Univ., 1913. Address, Lahore, India. f G697. LILY BELLE VOEGELEIN Professor; A. M., 1913; b. Mr 31, 1S90, Sa- lem, Neb.; d. Alexander Gottlieb (b. D 22, ■853, Syracuse, N. Y. ) and Anna Barbara (El- lerman) Voegelein (b. Mr 28, 1854, la.). Pre-' pared in Falls City (Neb.) H. S. A. B., N. W. Coll.. 1912. Scholarship, Classics, Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Fellow, do., 1913-14; Stud., Univ. of Calif., 1915; Prof., Grrek and Latin, N. W. Coll., Naperville, 111., 1915 — . Address, Naper- ville. 111. IRMA ELIZABETH VOIGT 191 1. A. M. (See No. 4472.) G698. ERNEST HARRY VOLLWEILER Chemist; A. M., 1916; Ph. D., 1918; b. Ag 22, 1893; s. Jacob (b. 1858, Ger.) and Charlotte (Tangemann) Vollweiler (b. 1858, do.). Pre; pared in Morgan Tp. (O.) H. S. A. B., Miami L'niv., 1914. Phi Kappa Tau; Gamma Alpha; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Chem., Abbott Lab., Chicago, 1918 — . Mem., A. C. S., 1915—. Ad- dress, 1725 Wilson Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Abbott Laboratory, do. HARRY DWIGHT WAGGONER 1914. A. M. 1916. Ph. D. (See No. 4013.) Graduate Alumni 817 G699. BERNICE CORNELIA WAIT Instructor; M. S., 1917; b. F 13. 1891, Green- ville, 111.; d. Jay B. (b. N 5, 1866, do.) and Lizzie Jane (Plant) Wait (b. O 24, 1866, do.). Prepared in Greenville H. S. B. S., McKen- dree Coll., 19 14. Omicron Nu; Alpha Theta Chi; Sigma Xi. Instr., H. Sc., Okla. A. and M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla., 191 7 — . Address, 303 West St., Stillwater. Okla.; bus. add.. Wo- man's Bldg., A. and M. Coll., do. G700. CHARLES JEFFERSON WAITS Supt., Schs.; A. M., 1900; b. Mr 5. 1863, Elizabethtown, Ind. ; s. Reuben (b. 1840, Chilo, O.) and Nancy (McGannon) Waits (b. 1840, Vernon, Ind.). Prepared in Sand Creek H. S.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch. A. B., Univ. of Ind., 1894. Supt., Prin., and Teacher, H. S., Terre Haute, Ind., 1899 — . Married Minnie Bell Rundell, N 29, 1894, Spencer. Ind. Children: Alice Mar- jory, b. S 12, 1894; Ruth Agnes, b. D 23, 1901 ; Charles Edward, b. Je 30, 1904. Address, 1940 N. loth St., Terre Haute, Ind. G701. EDWARD HARDENBERGH WALDO Professor; M. S., 1913; E. E., 1917; b^ Mr 5, 1866, Hornell, N. Y. ; s. Milton (b. A* 28. 1822, Neward Valley, N. Y.) and Maria Lan- sing (Hardenbergh) Waldo (b. D 29, 1829, Auburn, N. Y.). Prepared in Canandaigua and Phillips Acads. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1888; M. E., Cornell, 1890. Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu. With Gen. Elec. Co., 1890-93; Instr., E. E., Univ. of Pa., 1894-1904; Engng. Dept., Crocker Wheeler Co., 1904-07; Asst. Prof.. Elect. Design., Univ. of 111., 1907 — . Mem., Presby. Church; A. I. E. E.; A. A. A. S. Married Mina Kathleen Stock- bridge, Ag 15, 1893, Amherst, Mass. Children: Edward Stockbridge, b. N 10, 1895 (died Ja 23, 1909); John Hardenbergh, b. F 15. 1898; Cor- nelius Beaman, b. Ag 5, 1901 (died S 17, 1904) ; Allen Worcester, b. Ag 27, 1904; Helen Eliza- beth, b. N 25, 1906. Address, 802 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., 301-C Elect. Engng. Laboratory, Univ. of 111., do. GEORGE WILLIAM WALKER 1917- M. S. (See No. 8036.) CHARLES ALBERT WALTER 1901. M. S. (See No. 1179.) THOMAS WILLIAM WALTON 1911. A. M. (See No. 4477.) EDWARD HARVEY WALWORTH 191 7. M. S. (See No. 5990.) G702. CHI NYOK WANG A. M., 1917; b. S 30, 1892, Peking:, China; s. T. T. and Z. T. Wang. Prepared in Laura Haygood Sch., Soochow, China; Kwasmi Jo Gakko, Japan. B. A., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1916. Address, 147 Zih Zien St., Soochow, China. G703. CHING-CHUN WANG Managing Dir. ; Ph. D., 191 1; b. Je 14, 1883, Chihli Province, China; s. Wang Tuo (b. S 15, 1864, do.). Prepared in Peking Univ.; O Wesleyan Univ. Ph. B., Yale, 1908; A. M. do., 1909. Delta Pi Psi; Pres., Yale Cosmo politan Club; do., 111. Cosmopolitan Club; do. Assoc. Cosmopolitan Clubs of the U. S.; do. Chinese Studs. Alliance^ do.. Joint Council do.; Ed. -in-Chief, Chinese Students Monthly Fellowship, Sec. and Councilor of the Min istry of Foreign Affairs of Provisional Govt of Republic of China, Nanking; Mem., Spec ial Delegation of nine sent by Pres. Sun Yat Sen to Peking, 1912; Co-Dir., Peking-Mukden R. R.; V. Chm. in charge of the Comn. on the Unification of Ry. Accounts and Statistics; Dir., Dept. of Ry. Accounts and Finance; Councillor, Ministry of Communications; Man- aging Dir., Peking-Hankow Ry. Served in Revo- lution and in Cabinet of Pres. Sun Yat Sen; Mem. of Chinese Mission to Peace Confer- ence, Paris, 1918 — . Auth.: Articles, The Coming Struggle in the Far East, Pacific Monthly; How China is fighting against Opium, The li'orld Today; Why the Chinese Oppose For- eign Railway Loans, Am. Pol. Sc. Review; The Hankow Szechuan Ry. Loan Controversy, Am. Jour. Internat. Law; The New Chinese Curren- cy, A^. Am. Revietv; Abolition of the Queue, At- lantic Monthly. Mem.. Am. Econ. Soc. Address, 5 Knei-Chia Chang, Hatamen, Peking, China; bus. add.. Head Office, Peking-Hankow Ry., Peking, China. TE CHANG WANG 1917. M. S. (See No. 8042.) 1907. RUTH AIMEE WARDALL A. M. (See No. 1996.) G704. EARLE HORACE WARNER Instructor; A. M., 1914; Ph.' D., 1918; b. S 17, 1889, Cedar Falls, la.; s. Horace Emery (b. Mr r, 1855, Castletown, N. Y.) and Mary P. (Williams) Warner (b. Mr 5, :8s5, Troy, N. Y.). Prepared in Man. Tr. H. S., Denver. B. S., Univ. of Denver, 1912. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Lambda Psi; Sigma Xi. Stud, .^sst., Phys., Univ. of Denver, 1912; do., Univ. of 111., 1912-17; Instr., do., 1917-18; Physi- cist, Research Lab., West. Elect. Co., New York City, igi8 — . Married Katherine L. John- son, Je 24, 191S, Denver. Child, Edmona Loy, b. My 15. 191 6. Address, P. O. Box 38, 318 W. S7th St., New York City; bus. add.. Western Electric Co., do. GEORGE EDWARD WARREN 1917. C. E. (See No. 5486.) G70S. MARGARET WASHINGTON (PFEIFFER) (Wife of No. S357-) A. M., 1913; b. Ja 14, 1890, Rochester, N. Y.; d. Irving (b. S 11, 1851, Aurora, 111.) and Frances (Milliman) Washington (b. O 20, 1859, Rochester, N. Y.). Prepared in Lake- view H. S., Chicago. A. B., Smith Coll., 1912. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Scholarship, Univ. of 111.. 1912; Europe, 1913-14; Fellow, Smith Coll., 1914-15. Married Benjamin Salisbury Pfeilfer ('12), S 18, 1916, Chicago. Child, Frances Washington, b. Ag 17, 1917. Address, 853 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. LESLIE ABRAM WATERBURY 1905. C. E. 1918. A. E. (See No. 1785.) G706. GORDON WATKINS Instructor; A. M., 1915; b. Mr 9, 1889, Bryn Mawr, Wales; s. Benjamin (b. Mr i, 1843, do.) and Mary Ann (Davies) Watkins (b. Je 10, 1850, do.). Prepared in Wheaton Coll. Acad.; Fargo Coll. Acad. A. B., Mont. Univ., 1914; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., igi8. Sigma Nu; Phi Eta; Tau Kappa Alpha; Y. M. C. A.; Althenian; Hawthorne Lit. Soc; President's Prize in Econ., 1913-14; Bennett Essay Prize in Econ. Scholar, Sociol., Univ. of HI., 1914- 15; Harrison Fellow, Econ., Univ. of Pa., 1916-17; Asst., Sociol., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Instr., Econ., 111. St. Norm. Univ., summer 1917; Instr., Econ., Univ. of II!., 1917 — •. Auth.: Survey of the Revenue System of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Flanigan- Pearson; Some Aspects of the Labor Prob- lem, do. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Anna Evelyn Watkins, My 16, 1Q17, Philadelphia. .Address, 1211 W. Clark St., LTrbana; bus. add., 309 Commerce Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. 8i8 University of Illinois G707. HELEN GERTRUDE WATSON Teacher; A. M 1912; b. Ja 6, 1888, Pleasant Green, 111.; d. George M. (b. Ag 22, 1857, Henderson Co., Iil.) and Grace Gertrude (Wor- nom) Watson (b. J! 3, 1863, Warren Co., 1)1.). Prepared in Abingdon H. S. A. B., Hedding Coll., 1911. Scholarship, Classics; Fellow, do.; Teacher, H. S., Oneida, 111., 1913-14; do., Galva, III., 1914-17; Galesburg, 111., 1917 — . Mem., Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Address, R. 4, Galesburg, 111.; bus. add.. High School, do. JANE COULSON WATSON 1917. A. M. (See No. 7290.) G708. MINNIE ELIZABETH WATSON (KAMM) (Wife of No. 4738) M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 191s; b. D 8, 18S6, Fostoria, Mich.; d. Samuel J. (b. 1855, Ont., Can.) and Anna (Galliver) Watson (b. 1861 St. Louis). Prepared in Flint (Mich.) H. S. A. B., O.ivet Coll., 1909. Fellow, Zool., Univ. of 111., 1913-15. Teacher, H. Sc, Oyster Bay, L. I., 1910-13, 1915-16. Auth.: Studies on Gregarines, ///. Biol. Monographs; Some New Gregarine Parasites from Arthropoda, Jour, of ParasitoL; The Use of Gregarines in the Lab- oratory as Typical of a Protozoan Class, Sell. Sc. and Math.; Infusorian Parasite in Sand Fleas, Jour. ParasitoL; Three New Gregarines from Marine Crustacea, do.; Observations on Polycistid Gregarines from Arthropoda, do.; The Develojiment of Gregarines and Their Re- lation to the Host Tissues, do.; Notes on Known Gregarines, Sch. Sc. and Math. Mem.. Sigma Xi. Married Oliver Kamm ('11), Ag 30, 1916, N. Y. City. Child, Robert, b. F 3, 1919. Address, 1003 S. Race St., Urbana. DRURY LEE WEATHERHEAD 1909. M. S. (See No. 3594.) G709. ROY IRVING WEBBER Professor; C. E., 1906; b. Ag 27, 1876, War- saw, Ind.; s. Irvin B. (b. Mr 31, 1846, Atwater Center, O.) and Jane Mary (Wilson) Webber (b. My 22 1855, Warsaw, Ind.). Prepared in Warsaw (Ind.) H. S. B. S., Purdue Univ., 1899. Acacia; Tau Beta Pi; Iota Chi Delta. Pa. R. R., 1899-1900; City Engr., Sewickley, Pa., 1900-02; Instr., Civ. Engr., Univ. of 111., 1902-06; Asst. Prof., Struct. Engng., Pa. St. Coll., 1906-12; Prof., Arch. Engng.. do., 1912 — ; Struct, and Consulting Engr., 1906 — ; Consulting Engr., Dept. of Labor and Indus., St. of Pa., 1915 — . Councilman, Boro of St. Coll., 1916-20. Mem., Presby. Church; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E.; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. ; Nat. Geographic; Nat. Masonic Research Soc; A. F. A. M.; Scottish Rite Bodies; Dir., Local Red Cross. Married Olive Jennie Holtz- berger, O 3, 1900. Children: Deane, b. Mr 30, 1902; Margaretta, b. S 22, 1903. Address, State College, Pa. G710. ASA ORRIN WEESE Professor; A. M., 1918; b. N 7, 1883, Hutch- inson, Minn.; s. Peter Chester (b. N 21, 1845, Can.) and Alice Martha (Van Buskirk) Weese (b. Mv 30, i8s2, do.). Prepared in Hutchinson (Minn.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1Q09. Stud., Univ. of Calif., summer, 1012; Univ of Minn., summers 1900-10; Univ. of Chicago, summer. 1013; Univ. of 111., sum- mers 1016-17. Asst. Prof., Biol.. Univ. of N. M., Albunuerque, 1911-13; Assoc. Prof., do., 1913-14: Prof., do., 1914 — . Instr.. S. A. T. C tjniv. of New Mexico. Auth.: An Exp. Study of the Reactions of the Horned Lizard. Phrvnosoma Mode?tum. Gir. a Reptile of the Semi-desert Biol Bui.: A Simple Electrical Heating Device for Incubators etc.. Anatomical Record: The Urine of the Horned Lizard. Sc; Environmental Reactions of Phrynosmoma, Am. Nat. Mem., Sigma Xi; P.,i Kappa Psi; Ecolog. Soc. of Am.; Entomology Soc. of Am.; Am. Microscopic Soc; A. A. A. S.; A. F. A. M. Married Josephine Mousley, Je 2, 191 5, Albu- querque, N. M. Address, 1213 E. Central Ave., Albuquerque, N. M.; bus. add., Univ. of New Mexico, do. G711. HARRY MONTGOMERY WEETER Professor; M. S., 1917; b. D 7, 1887, Sligo, Pa.; s. William Montgomery (b. S 13, 1857, do.) and Jane Adeline (Vogle) Weeter (b. Jl 9, 1864, do.). Prepared in New Bethlehem (Pa.) H. S.; Allegheny Coll. Prep. Sc 1. A. B., Allegheny Coll., 1911. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Teacher, Sc H. S., Parnassus, Pa., 1911-12; do., Connellsville, Pa., 1912-14;- Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1914-17; Asst. Prof., Dairy Bacteriol., Purdue Univ.; Asst., do., Purdue, Agr. Exp. Sta., 1917-18; Grad. Sch., Univ. of Chicago, 1918 — . Auth.: (with M. J. Prucha and W. H. Chambers) Germ Content of Milk As Influ- enced by Factors at the Barn, ///. Agr. E.rp. Sta., Bui. 199, 1917; Germ Content of Milk II As influenced by the Utensils, do.; (with M. J. Prucha and W. H. Chambers) ///. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. 204, 19 1 8. Married Ida Mabel Slout, Ag 8, 1914. Child, William Montgomery, b. S 1, 1915 (died S 8, 191s). Address, 832 E. Cal- fax Ave., Denver, Colo. G712. HENRY JOSEPH WEILAND Research Chem.; M. S., 1915; Ph. D., 1917; b. My 7, 1890, Rochester, N. Y.; s. Joseph Henry (b. i860, Greece, N. Y.) and Emma M. (Delaney) Weiland (b. Ontario, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Rochester (N. Y.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Rochester, 1913. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Theta Nu Epsilon. Research Chem., Milwaukee, Wis. Auth.: Hydrogen Sulphide in the Well Water of Chicago and Vicinity, ///. St. Water Survey Bui.; Tie Equivalent Conductance of Electro- lytes in dilute Aqueous Solution, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 40, 1918. Address, 702 Marshall St.. Mil- waukee; bus. add., Newport Chem. Works, Carrollville, Wis. THEODORE WEINSHENK. 1909. M. E. (See No. 1004.) RALPH WILSON WEIRICK. 1900. M. Arch. (See No. 1291.) G713. CAMILLO WEISS Chemist; M. S. 1917; b. Je 11, 1886, Austria. Prepared in K. K. Staats Ober-Realschule in Vienna; K. K. Technische Hochschule, Vienna, C. E., Vienna, 1910. Sigma Xi. Research Fellow, Univ. of 111. Engng. Exp. Sta., 1915-17; Struct. Engr. with various concerns, resident in Pa., 1910-12; 1914-15; Mass., 1912-13; Md., 1913-14; 111., 1914 — ; Instr., Struct. Engng., Univ. of 111.. 1917-18; Chem., Guerbero Engng. Co., Bet' lehem. Pa., igi8— . Auth.: Social Duties and Privileges of the Engineer, Jour, of Enrirs. Soc. of Pa.; The Evolution of the Bridge Builder. Tcchnograph. Mem., Engrs. Soc. of Pa., 1910-15; Austrian Soc. of Engrs. and Archs., 1910-15; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ, 1917 — ; Univ. Club. Bethlehem. Pa. and Urlsana. Address, Guerbers Engineering Co., Bethlehem, Pa. G714. PAUL SMITH WELCH Professor; A. M., 1911; Ph. D., 1913; b. Ja 28, 1882, Oconee 111.; s. John N. and Emma I ouisa (Smith) Welsh. Prepared in James Millikin Univ. Acad. A. B.. James Mill'ken Univ., iQio. Sigma Xi: Fellowship in Zool., L'niv. of 111., 1010-13. Instr.. Entomol.. Kan. St. Agr. Col'.. 1913-14; Asst. Prof., do., 1014- 16; Assoc. Prof., do., 1916-18; Asst. Prof., Zool. Univ. of Mich.. Ann Arbor. Mich., Graduate Alumni S19 1918 — . Instr., Entomol., Univ. of Mich., Biol. Sta.. summers :gu-i3; In charge of Entomol., O. St. Univ. Lake Lab., summer 191 7. Auth.: Studies on the Enchytraeidae of North Ameri- ca, Bui. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1914; Observa- tions on life History and Habits of Hydromyza Confluens, Annals Entomol. Soc. Am., 1914; Snow Field and Glacier OHgochaeta from Mt. Rainier. Wash., Transactions Am. Microscopic Soc; and 22 other papers. Mem.. Am. Soc. Zoologists; Ecol. Soc. of Am.; Entomol. Soc. of Am.; Am. Microscopic Soc. Address, 109 N. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, Mich. G7ts. LOUIS DWIGHT HARVELL WELD Manager; A. M., 1907; b. Ap :8 1882, Hyde Park, Mass.; s. Stuart F. (b. N. Y.) and Anna (Harvell) Weld (b. Mass.). Prepared in Hyde Park (Mass.) H. S. A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1905; Ph. D.. Columbia, 1908. Theia Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instr., Econ., Univ. of Wash., 1908-og; do.. Univ. of Pa.. 1909-10; Special Agt.. Bur. of the Census, 1910-12; Asst. Prof., Econ., Univ. of Minn., 1912-1 ■;; Prof., Bus. Adm., Yale, 1015-17; Mgr., Cml. Researc'i Dept., Swift & Co., Chicago. 1917 — . Married Florence Barbara Applegate, D 23, 1909, New York City. Children: Dwight. b. D 21, 1011; Theodore D., b. Ag 16, 1914. Address, Swift & Co., Chicago. MIRIAM URSULA WELLES (REEVES) 1909. A. M. (See No. 1998.) ORPHA MAY WELLMAN 1913. A. M. (See No. 4968.) G716. ELIAS HERBERT WELLS Professor; A. M., 1901; b. N 7. 1872, Philo, 111.; s. Frank (b. D % 1844, Coshocton, O.) and Cordelia Jane (Evans) Wells (b. D 3, 1845, Brown Co.. O.). Prepared in Urbane H. S.; O. Norm. Sch.; DePauw Prep. Sch. Ph. B.. De Pauw Univ.. 1900. Phi Beta Kanpa; Pres., Sr. Class. Grad. Stud.. Univ. of Wis., igoi-02; Prof. Hist, and Pol. Sc, Neb. Wes- leyan LTniv. Married Mary Belle Reed, Je 13, iSo.S Philo, 111. Children: Herbert b. N 11, 1896: Helen Lucile. b. N 2, 1897; Edna Louise, b. Mr 13, 1902; Frances B., b. O 12, 1908. .Address, la^ E. isth St., University Place, Neb. G717. GRACE ADALINE WELLS (MORGAN) Instructor: M. S., 191 ■;: b. Jl 12. i8go, Gal- va. 111.; d. Dr. George Alden (b. N 11, 1858. Lenox, Mass.) and Harriett Ann (BrowneU) Wells (b. Ao 24. 1863. Cassville. N. Y.). Pre- pared in Galva H. S. B. S., Knox Coll., tot 3. Y. W. C. A.: Phi Mu. Collecting trip for Univ. of ID. to Harpswell I ab.. South Harpswe'l, Me.; Instr.. Biol., St. Norm. Sch., la Crosse, Wis., 1074-18. Auth.: The Skull of Acanthias. reprint from Jour, of Morphol. Married Russell Van Dyke Morgan. Address, 1355 Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago. G718. LANSING SADLER WELLS Student; A. M., 1917: b. Je 21, 1892. Hel- ena. Mont.; s. James Bradish (b. Utica, N. Y.) and Antoinette (Sad'er) Wells (b. Salt Lake Citv). Prepared in Helena (Mont.) H. S.; Univ. of Utah, A. B., Univ. of Mont., lois. Sigma Xi: Phi Lambda Unsilon; Iota Nu. Fel- lows'^'P Chem., LTniv. of 111., iqi8 — . Address, 611 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., Univ. of III., do. G719. MORRIS MILLER WELLS Instructor; Ph. D., igi.-;: b. N 3, i88.s; s. M. T. Wells. Prer^ared in Kan. St. Norm. Sch. S. B.. Univ. of Chicago, 1912. Teacher. Co. H. S.. 1909-10. Address, 6052 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. t G720. LARS ALVIN WELO Engineer; M. S., 191.5; b. Ja 29, 1888, Churchs Ferry. N. Dak.; s. Hans L. (b. Jl 29, 1858, Hodeland, Norway) and Caroline (Anderson) Welo (b. S 21, 1864, do.). Prepared in Churchs Ferry (N. Dak.) H. S. B. S., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 191 1 ; Ph. D., Univ. of Calif., 1918. Sigma Xi. Instr., rl. S.. Bottineau, N. Dak.. 1911-12; Grad. Stud., Phys., Univ. of Calif., 1012-13 and 1918; Master, The Hicks Sch., Santa Barbara, Calif., 1913-14; Research Asst., Astron., Univ. of 111., 191.S-16; Whiting Fellow, Univ. of Calif., 1916-17; Asst. Phys., do , 1917- 18; Engr.. Forest Products, Forest Service, Madison. Wis., 1918 — . Auth.: (with C. T. Knipp) Determination of the Horizontal Inten- sity of the Earth's Magnetic Field by Means of the Discharge from the Wehnelt Cathode, Ter- restrial Magnetism and .Atmospheric Electricity, 1915; (with do.) A Wehnelt Cathode Ray Tube Magnetometer, Philosophical Mag., 32, iqi6; The Absorption of Mercury Vapor bv Tin-Cad- mium Alloy, Phvs. Revieiv, 1Q17. Mem.. .\m. Phys. Soc; A. ' A. A. S. Address. Church's Ferry, N. Dak.; bus. add.. Forest Products Lab., Madison, Wis. G721. PAUL EBERHARD WERCKSHAGEN A. M., 1908; b. Ja 29, 1882, Barmen Rheu- ama, Ger. ; s. G. A. Werckshagen. A. B., Univ. of Berlin, 1901. Address, St. Louis. t CHARLES DIETRICH WESSELHOEFT 1913. E. E. (See No. 1787.) G722. HAROLD MALCOLM WESTER- GAARD Instructor; Ph. D., iqi6; b. O 9. 18S8, Den- mark; s. Harold Ludvig (b. 1853, do.) and Thora Alvida (Koch) Westergaprd (b. i860, do.). Prepared in Coiienhagen. Denmark. B. -S., Univ. o'f Copenhagen, loii. Cosmopolitan Club; Sigma Xi; Heimskringla; Tau Beta Pi. Grad. Stud., Engng. Mech. and Math., Goettin- gen, 1913; do., Munich, 1914; Designer and Asst., Engng. works, 1911-14; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of III., 1016— . Concrete Ship Div., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia and South Bethlehem, Pa.. 1918. Auth.: Kon- strurktioner uden I ineal, Nyt Tidsskrift for Mathematik, 1906; Statisk Fejludioevning. do., igio. Address. S04 Michigan Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 210 Engng. Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. G723. TERRENCE ONAS WESTHAFER Research Fellow; M. S., 1916; b. Mr 15, 1891, Elnora, Ind. ; s. James Sherman and Mary Nancy (Toone) Westhafer. Prepared in Univ. Prep. Sch., Tankawa, Okla. A. B. Univ. of Okla., 1914. Sigma Xi; Alpha Chi ■^igma: Phi Lambda Upsilon; Gamma Alpha; Phi Delta Chi. Grad. Asst.. Chem., Univ. of Til.. 1914 15; Asst.. do.. 1915-17; Research Fel- low, Engng. Exp. Sta., do., 191 7 — . Regt. Sergt. Mai., Okla. Nat. Guard., 191 t. Married AHdie Maloy. S 6, 1916, Norman, Okla. Child. Mar- iorie Westhafer, b. Mr 1, 1918. Address, 1301 W. Clark St., Urbana; bus. add.. Room 156 Chem. Bldg., Univ. of III., do. NATHAN AUSTIN WESTON 1898. M. L. (See No. 586.) G724. 'WILFRED FOREST WHEELER A. M., 1909; b. My 28, 1882. Walden, N. Y.; s. H. S. Wheeler. B. S., Kan. Univ., 1008. Asst. Chem., 111. St. Water Sur.. Univ. of 111., 1906; Chem., Coal Investigation, III. Geol. Sur., 1906-09. Died N 17, 1909. G725. TAMES WILPUR WHISENAND .Associate; M. S., 1916; b. F 23, 1890, Har- vard, Neb.; s. James Silas (b. 'ja 15. 1856. Smithville, Ind.) and Alice Anna (Proctor) Whisenand (b. N 28, 1854. Middlebourne, O.). 820 University of Illinois Prepared in Harvard (Neb.) H. S. B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1914. Farm House; Alpha Zeta, 1912. Asst., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Instr., do., 1916-1S; Assoc, (/(>., 1918 — . Mem., Sig- ma Xi, iQiO — . Married Margaret Long, S 5, iQiS, ^Tadison. Neb. Address, 709 \V. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add,. 113 Agriculture Bldg., Univ. of 111., do. G726. PERCY FRAZY WHISF.ER Professor; A. M., 19:1; b. O 31, 1880, Jeffer- son Co., la.; s. Hiram and Anna Mary Whisler. Prepared in Ellston H. S. B. S. Drake Ihiiv., 1009. Prof., Math. & Phys., 111. Coll. Mem., Am. Astron. and Astrophys. .Vssn. Married Stella Meek, A^ 30, 1917, Washington, la. ■/., Univ. of 111., 1914-19; (/o.. Knox Coll., 1919 — . Auth.: Madame de Stael's Literary Reputa- tion in England. Univ. of III. Studies in Lang, and Lit., Vol. IV, 1918; Madame de Stael's English Triunioh, South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. XV. 1916; The "Arabian Nights" and the English Novel, Dial. Vol. LX, 1910; Two Notes of Madame de Stael. Modern Philologv. Vol. XIV, 1916. Married Mildred Marie Svkes. Te 17, 1916, Rochester. N. Y. Child. Marv Lvdia, b. Ja 14. 1919. Address. 708 W. High St., LTrbana; bus. add., c/o Knox College, Gales- burg, 111. G730. ALBERT LEMUEL WHITING Asst. Prof.: Ph. D., 1012; b. My 12, 1S85, Stoughton. Mass.; s. Albert Hayden (b. do.) and 5lorilla Francis (Gould) Whiting (b. do.). Prepared in Stoughton (Mass.) H. S. B. S., ■Mass. Agr. Coll., 1908; M. S., St. Coll.. 1910. Alpha Chi Epsilon; Sigma Xi. Asst., Agron.. R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta.; Instr., Veterinary Sc, do., 1010-12; Sec. R. I. Exp. LTnion; Fellow, L^niv. of 111.. 19101 2; First Asst.. Soil Biol., Agr. Exp. Sta. and Instr., Coll. of Agr., do., 1012-13; Assoc, Soil Biol.. Agr. Coll. and Sta.. do.. 1913-17; Asst. Prof, and Asst. Chief, Soil Biol., do. Auth.: (with C. G. Hopkins) Action of Nitrite Bacteria in Dissolving Raw Rock Phosphate, 1016; Soil Biol. Lab. Man- uel, John NN'iley & Sons, 1017: JH. Agr. E.\[>. Sta. But. 179; (with C. G. Hopkins) do. 190 and 202; rfy.. Limestone Tester, Ihiiv. of 111.; several scientific Jour. Articles. Mem., Am. .Soc. of Agron.; Soc. Am. Bacteriol.; A. A. A. S. Married Lucille Du Bois. D 30, 1014, Hen- nepin, 111. Child, Alice Elizabeth, b. D 21, 101 7. Address, 705 Gregory Place, Urbana. *ZECH LINCOLN WHITMIRE 1893. M. L. (See No. 495.) 1918. JENNIE ALMA WHITTEN A. M. (See No. 88S4.) JOHN HAMILTON WHITTEN 1912. A. M. 1914. Ph. D. (See No. 4975.) G731. EDWARJ) WICHERS Chemist; M. S., 1015; Ph. D., 1017; b. Mr 25, iSq2, Zeeland, Mich.; s. William (b. Ja 6, 1848, Province of Gelderlaiul, The Netherlands) and Wilhclniina (Pyl) Wichers (b. N 28, 1852, Holland, Mich.). Prepared in Zeeland (Mich.) H. S. A. B.. Hope Coll.. 1913; M. A., do., 101 6. Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Fellow, Chem., 1916-17. .\sst., Chem., U. S. Bur. of Standards. Washington. D. C 1017 — ■. Married Ruth Hopkins, Je 30, 1017, Chicago. Address, Woodbine St., Chevy Chase, Md.; bus. add., U. S. Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C. G732. ALLEN SAGE WILBER A. M., 1914: b. Mr 13. 1802. Mt. Vernon, O.; s. F. A. Wilber. A. B., Kan. St. Univ., 1013. With Macniillan Pub. Co., New York City. Address, 66 5th Ave., New York City. BURTON B. WILCOX 1905. A. M. (See No, 2283.) G733. ERNEST ATKINS WILDMAN Research Chem.; M. S., 1914; b. Jl 2, 1889, Chattanooga; s. Walter John (b. Ap 6, 1863, O.) and Cora Delle (Atkins) Wildman (b. Ja 4. iS6g. la.). Prepared in Drury Acad., "Sjiringfield, Mo. B. S., Earlham Coll., 1912. Phi Lambda L^psilon. Research Chem., Med. Research, Rockefeller Inst., New York City, 1015-16; Research Chem., Eli Lilly & Co., In- dianapolis, 1016 — . Married Edith Anne Ed- wards. Je 24. 1016, Indianapolis. Address, 2023 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis; bus. add., Eli Lilly & Co., do. CARROLL CARSON WILEY 1910. C. E. (See No. 2284.) G734. JOHN FREDERICK WILEY (Husband of No. 2472) Supt. Schs. ; A. M., 1014; b. S 22, 1876, Colis Co., 111.; s. Francis Henry (b. D 6, 1843, Moultrie Co.. 111.) and Abigail T. (Sel- lers") Wiley (b. Je 6. 1850. Ind.). Prepared in I>e Pauw Acad. Pli. B., De PauwUniv., 1002. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Supt., Sichs., Mattoon, 111., 1913 — . Married Mary Frances Moss Cos), Je 4, 1008. Urbana. Chil- dren: Charles Frederick, b. My 20. 1010; Richard Haven, b. My 10, 1913: John Rob- ert, b. Je 23, 1916. Address, 2317 Prairie Ave., Mattoon, 111. G73S. NEVA BERYL WILEY Teacher; A. M.. loi:;; b. Ta 29, 1887. Rochester. 111.; d. B. D. Wiley. Millikin Univ., 1904-05; East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1905-06. .■\. B.," 111. Woman's Coll.. 1900. Asst. Prin., TI. S., Barry, HI., 1909-10. Address, Elkhart, in. JACKSON HEATH WILKINSON 1916. M. S. (See No. 7308.) Graduate Alumni 821 CHARLES JULIUS WILLARD 1917- M. S. (See No. 4494.) ANNA WALLER WILLIAMS 1912- A. M. (See No. 3232.) ARTHUR EDWARDS WILLIAMS 1916. M. S. (See No. 4495.) G736. DAVID WILLARD WILLIAMS M. S., 1916; b. Ag 20, 1892, Venedocia, O.; s. D. W. Williams. Prepared in Venedocia H. S.; West IL S., Cleveland. B. S., O. St. Univ., 1915. Address, Venedocia, O.t G737. ELMER HOWARD WILLIAMS Professor; Ph. D., 1910; b. D 29, 1878, Soldiers Grove, Wis.; s. John (b. Je 20, 1850, Zanesville, O.) and Ilarriette Frances (Moore) Williams (b. Mr 9, 1856, N. Y.). Prepared in Soldiers Grove (Wis.) H. S. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1905; A. M., do., 1906. Sigma Xi. Assoc, Phys., Univ. of 111., 1910-18; Asst. Prof., Exp. Phys., 1918 — . Auth.: Distributed Capacity of Resistance Boxes, Phys. Review, Vol. 26, 1908; The Nature of Spark Discharge at Very Small Distance, do., Vol. 31, 1910; Spark Discharge at Very Small Distances, do.. Vol. 32, 191 1; Increase of Magnetic Induction in Nickel Bars Due to Transverse Joints, do.. Vol. 33, 191 1; Electron Theory of Magnetism, Engng. E.tp. Sta. Bill., No. 62; Saturation Value of the In- tensity of Magnetism and the Theory of the Hysteresis Loop, Phys. Review, Vol. 6, 1915. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Phys. Soc. Married Mary Stuart Davidson, O 23, 1905, Lynxville, Wis. Address, 804 Michigan Ave., Urbana, bus. add., 210 Physics Bldg., Univ. of III., do. ELRICK WILLIAMS 1903. A. M. (See No. 1793.) G738. GUY YANDALL WILLIAMS Professor; Ph. D., 1913; b. S 7, 1881, Gaines- ville. Tex.; s. John A. Williams. A. B., Univ. of Okla., 1906; A. M., do., 1910; Univ. of Chicago. Instr., Chem., Univ. of Okla., 1906- 08; Assoc. Prof., do., 1908 — . Address, Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. G739. LEWIS WARD WILLIAMS A. M., 1918; b. My 29, 1882, Newton Falls, O.; s. Frank Smith (b. Ja 29, 1853, Howland. Trumbull Co., O.) and Jennie L. (Sloan) Wil- liams (b. Je 18, 1851, Greene, do.). Prepared in Newton Falls H. S. Ph. B., Hiram Coll., 1909. Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; do., Educ, 1917-18. Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi. Married Ailene Miller, D 28, 19 15, War- ren, Pa. Address, 606 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. LOUIS EDWARD WILLIAMS 1894- M. S. (See No. 35.) MARY EDITH WILLIAMS 1906. A. M. (See No. 2287.) G740. RICHARD HERMON WILLIAMS Professor; M. S., 1907; Ph. D., 1912: b. Ap 13, 1881, Ont.; s. Mark Guy and Arabella S. (Haslam) Williams. Prepared in Orangeville Ont.) H. S. Ont. Agr. Coll. B. S. A., Toronto Univ., 1905. Acacia; Alpha Zeta; Instr., An. Husb., O. St. Univ., 1908-09; Fellow, Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Asst. Prof., An. Husb., Univ. of Minn., 1911-12; in business. Saskatoon, Saskat- chewan, Can., 1912-14; Prof., An. Husb., Univ. of Ariz., 1914 — . Auth.: 53 articles on scienti- fic agr. subjects published in various scientific, agricultural bul., mag., etc. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Soc. of An. Production; A. F. A. M. Mar- ried Jessamine Chapman, Ag 30, 19 13, Portland, Ore. Address, Univ. of Ariz., Tucson, Ariz. G741. SUSAN KATHRYN WILLIAMS Teacher; A. M., 1915; b. Mr 4, 1892, Ft. Stockton, Tex.; d. O. W. Williams. Prepared in Carthage H. S. A. B., Carthage Coll., 1914. Address, Ft. Stockton, Tex.t G742. WALTER LEONARD WILLIAMS M. S., 1917; b. O 18, 1892, Wilmington, O. Prepared in Kingman H. S. B. S., Wilmington Coll., 1912; B. S., O. St. Univ., 1914. Address, K. 4, Wilmington, O. ALBERT ST. JOHN WILLIAMSON 1902. M. E. (See No. 11 84.) G743. WARREN WILLIAMSON A. M., 1911; b. Mr 17, 187s, Knox Co., HI.; s. Francis M. and Margaret (Warren) William- son. Prepared in Ind. St. Norm. A. B., Knox Coll., 1897. Research Asst., Entomol., Agr. Exp. Sta., St. Anthony Park, Minn.; Teacher, Philippine Service, 1904-07. 111. Nat. Guard, 1898-99; U. S. Volunteers, Co. C, Sixth 111., 1898. Married Bertha Laemle, Je 14, 1908, Royal Center, Ind. Address, St. Paul.t CLIFFORD WILLIS 1906. M. S. (See No. 1444.) JOSEPH WADE WILSON 1904. M. Arch. (See No. 2005.) G744. FRANK GARDNER WILLSON Instructor, M. S., 1913; b. Je 11, 1878, Boze- man, Mont.; s. Davis (b. Jl 17, 1841, Canton, N. Y.) and Martha Amanda (Van Allen) Will- son (b. S 19, 1846, do.). Prejjared in Bozeman Acad. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1903. Eta Kappa Xu. Instr., E. E., Univ. of 111., 1905-13; Head Dept., Applied Electricity, Wentworth Inst., 1913. Married Lynne Rachel Corbett, Jl 20, 1904, Ft. Collins, Colo. Child, Martha Luieta, b. D 28, 1907. Address, 26 Park Place, Newton- ville, Mass.; bus. add., Wentworth Inst., Hunt- ington Ave. and Ruggles St., Boston. 1905. •LEROY C. WILSON M. S. (See No. 2290.) G74S. CHARLES RICHARD WILSON Teacher; A. M., 1912; b. O 21, 1889, Vir- ginia, 111.; s. Charles (b. Ag 23, 1853, do.) and Emma M. (Jokisch) Wilson (b. Jl 3, 1862, Bluff Springs, 111.) Prepared in Virginia H. S. A. 1'.., 111. Coll., 191 1. Phi Alpha. Scholarship in Math., 111. Coll.; Teacher, Rock River Mil. Acad., Dixon, 111., 19 12-13; Head, Math. Dept., H. S., Michigan City, Ind., 1913-17. Y. M. C. A. Sec, Camp Shelby, Miss., 1917-18; Co. B., 44th Engrs., A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Sec, Literary Club, Michigan City. Address, Virginia, HI. G746. DAVID WRIGHT WILSON .^ssistant; M. S., 1912; b. Ja 4, 1889, Knox- ville, la.; s. J. E. Wilson. B. S., Grinnell Coll., 1910; Ph. D., Yale, 1914. Asst. Chem., Univ. of III., 1910-13; Asst., Physiol. Chem., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1914 — . Capt., Chem. Warfare Service; Mustered out, Ja 11, 1919. Address, Knoxville, la.; bus. add., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. G747. FREDERICK WESTON WILSON Professor; M. S., 1913; b. Ag 4, 1882, Graham Co., Kan.; s. Samuel Greeley (b. Mr 16, 1844, New Ipswich, N. H.) and Lucy Jane (Mellen) Wilson (b. Ad 17, 1854, do.). Prepared in Hill City (Kan.) H. S. B. S., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1905. Beta Theta Pi. Grad. Asst., Coll. of Agr., Univ. of HI., 1912-13; Prof.. An. Husb., Univ. of Ariz., 1905-14; do., Univ. of Nev., Ag 1914 — . Auth.: Contagious Abortion in Cattle, Univ. of Ariz. Agr. E.xp. Sta., Bul. 65; Im- proved Types of Sheep for the Southwest, do.. 832 University of Illinois Bui. 69; Fann Management with Sheep, do.; Oleander Poisoning of Farm Livestock, do.; Swine Growing in Arizona and New Mexico, Soiitheni Pacific Publication. Sec, Ariz. Cat- tie-Growers Assn. Married Claire Cave. S i, 1906, Manhattan, Kan. Children: Thomas Cave, b. N 11, 1907; Frederick Weston. Jr., b. My 12, 1909; Samuel Greeley, b. Ja 19, 1916. Address, 155 University Terrace, Reno, Nev. G748. JOHN HARRISON WILSON A. M., 1909; b. D 22, 18S9, Riverton, 111.; s. Thomas W. Wilson. A. B., Knox Coll., 1909. Prin., H. S., Ramona, Calif., 1917 — . Address, High School, Ramona, Calif.t G749. LOLA ELSIE WILSON A. M., 1915; b. S 13, 1889, Neoga, 111.; d. Hugh Wilson. Prepared in Neoga H.^ S. A. B., Hanover Coll., 1912. Teacher, H. S., 1912- 14. Address, Neoga, 111. G750. WILLIAM HAROLD WILSON Instructor; A. M., 1914; Ph. D., 1917; b. N 17, 1S92, Edwardsburg. Mich.; s. L. A. Wilson. Prepared in Niles (Mich.) H. S. A. B., Albion Coll., 1913. Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1914; Instr., Math., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 191 7 — . Ad- dress, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. G7S1. HERBERT AUGUST WINKELMANN Assistant; M. S., 1915; b. My 3, 1893, Apple- ton, Minn.; s. Gustave O. and Bertha E. (Ros- enkranz) Winkelmann. Prepared in Appleton (Minn.) PI. b. B. S., 1914. Acacia. Grad. Asst.. (Ihem., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Asst., do., 1916-17; Fellow, do., 1917. Corp., 2nd Co., 337th Mach. Gun Bn., Camp Dodge, la., 1917; Pvt., San. Corps, Gas Defense Service, Wash- ington, D. C., 1917-18; ist Lt., do., Chem., Lakehurst Exp. Ground Lab., Lakehurst, N. J.. 19 1 8—. Auth.: (with H. C. P. Weber) A Sys- tematic Separation of the Anions of Group I Anions whose Silver Salts are Insoluble in Nit- ric Acid., Jour. A. C. S.. Vol. 38, 1916. Mem., Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; A. C. S.; A. A. A. S.; A. F. A. M. Address. 3215 35th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. ; bus. add.. Room 1 142 D, New Interior Bldg., do. FREMONT PHILIP WIRTH 1918. A. M. (See No. 8892.) G752. ESTHER GRACE WISEMAN A. M., 1915; b N 26, 1891, Roodhouse, 111.; d. B. W. Wiseman. Prepared in Roodhouse H. S. A. B., Shurtleflf ColL Address. Mound Valley, Kan.t G753. WALTER JACOB WOHLENBERG Professor; M. S., 1916; b. F 17, 188S, Lin- coln, Neb.; s. P. J. Wohlenberg. B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1910. Special Apprentice. Westing- house Mach. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1910; Asst. Prof.. M. E., Univ. of Okla. Address, Norman, Okla. HERMAN CARL WOLF 1914. M. S. (See No. 6016.) WILLIAM SIDNEY WOLFE 1914. M. S. (See No. 6017.) 6754. CORNELIA ETHEL WOOD (LINNEY) Lawyer; A. M.. 1907; b. O 6, 1886, Green- ville, 111.; d. John L. and Helen Louise (O'Byrne) Wood. Prepared in Greenville H. S. A. B., Greenville Coll. Alpha Chi Omega; Dramatic Club. Instr., Latin and Spanish, H. S . Prescott, Ariz., 1908-10; Instr., Spanish, H. S., Riverside, Calif., 1910-11; Admitted to Bar, Ariz., 1917. Lawyer, Prescott, Ariz., 1917 — . Mem., Collegiate Alumni. Married Hartwell Henderson Linney, Ag 2, 1911, Long Beach, Calif. Address, Whipple Heights, Prescott, Ariz. ROBERT ALVIN WOOD 1895. M. E. (See No. 853.) G7SS. MARY EASTMAN WOODIN Teacher; A. M., 1914; b. Ap 16, 1868, China; d. Simon F. (b. 1833, Gieen River, Austerlitz, N. Y.) and Sarah vUtley) Woodin (b. 1868. Ipswich, N. Y.). Prepared in Amherst (Mass.) H. S. B. S., Wellesley Coll., 1S90. Teacher. Latin. Putnam Hall, Poug^hkeepsie, 1915-16; do., Miss Mittlebugee's Girls' Prep. Sch., Cleveland, 1897-1908; do.. Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1908-13; do.. Manor Sch.. Larchmott Manor, N. Y. Address, 123 School St., Carthage, N. Y. ; bus. add., c/o Manor Sch., Larchmott Manor, N. Y. G7S6. HARRY RAY WOODROW Elec. Engr.; M. S., 191 1; b. Ap 15, 1887, Rock Rapids, la.; s. Joseph Thomas (b. 1851, Ind.) and Delia (Kennedy) Woodrow (b. 1867). Prepared in N. Des Moines H. S. B. S., Drake Univ., 1909. Sigma Xi; Scholarship 1909; Fellow 1910. Asst. Chief Elec. Engr., New York, Edison Co. Several patents Elec. welding and resistance coil. Auth.: Current Transfoimers, Univ. 0} III. Bui. Mem., Engr's. Club, New York City. Married Anna Louise Woodrow, Je 3, 1912. Children: Raymond Jay, b. Mr 9, 1913; Richard Harry, b. Ap 26, 1915. Address, 65 Clifford Ave., New York City.; bus. add., New York Edison Co., do. G7S7. PAUL STANLEY WOODWARD Professor; M. S., 1913; b. Mr 3. 1882, St. Paul; s. George Beza (b. Derry, N. H.) and Katherine Elliott (Miller) Woodward (b. Can- hoga, O.). Prepared in John B. Stetson Acad. B. S., J. B. Stetson Univ., 1908; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1911. Asst. Prof., Chem., Ga. Sch. of Tech. U. S. Marines. Co. 202, W. S. M. C, Paris Island, .S. C. Married Esther Hampton, Je 9, 1910, Staunton, Va. Address, 85 Cherry St., Atlanta, Ga. CHARLES WILLIAM WOODWORTH 1886. M. S. (See No. 456.) *OLA C. WOOLSEY (GIBBS) 1895. M. L. (See No. 854.) G757A. JAMES ELLSWORTH WOOTERS (Father of No. 6677) Asst. St. Leader, Co. Agr. Agts.; A. M., 1913; B. S. in Agr., 1914; b. My 28, 1861, Odin, 111.; s. Emery T. (b. 1827, N. C.) and Julia Francis (Arrasmith) Wooters (b. 1835, Va.). Prepared in Centralia H. S.; McKendree Coll.; Univ. of Chicago. Ph. B., Blackburn Coll., 1908. Exten. work in Agr., S. Dak., 1914-15; Exten. Assoc. Prof., Farm Crops and Soils, Ames, la.. 1915-17; Asst. St. Leader, Co. Agts., Ames, la., 1917 — . Govt. States Relation Ser- vice. Mem.. Presby. Church; Am. Hist. Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Laura Esther Magness, S 3, 1888, Salem, 111. Children: Leland Magness ('14). b. Jl 6, 1890; Norman Ells- worth, b. Je 22, 1894. Address, 618 7th St., Ames, la. GEORGE BEDELL WORTHEN 1899. M. LL. (See No. 1189.) G758. ALBERT BAYARD WRIGHT Professor and Acting Dean; A. M., 1914; b. D 28, 1885, Wenona 111.; s. Frank (b. 1861, Wenona, 111.) and Charlotte Belle (Ev- ans) Wright (b. 1863, do.). Prepared in Missouri (Nev.) H. S. B. S., 111. Wesleyan Graduate Alumni 823 Univ., 1907; M. A., do., 1910. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Maryville, Mo., 1908-09; Instr., Sc, Univ. of Puget Sound. 1910-12; Research Asst. to Dean of Grad. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Instr., Pol. Sc, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1914-16; Asst. Prof., Pol. Sc, do.. 1916-17; Assoc. Prof., do., 1917-18; Prof., do., 1918 — . Acting Dean of Sch. of Econ. and Evening Sch. of Econ., Accounts and Finance, 1918 — . Auth.: The Menace to Democracy, pamphlet, 191 7; Use of the Enemy Language, pub. by Allegheny Co. Pa. Council of Nat. Defense; Govt, of Pittsburgh, Equity', 19 18; Scientific Criteria for Efficient Democratic Institution, Scientific Monthly, N 19 18. Mem., Allegheny Co. Pa. Council of Nat. Defense; Assoc. Dir., U. S. Employment Mgmt. Sch., Pittsburgh); Am. Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc. ; Am. Hist. Assn.; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Nat. Municipal League; Am. Proportional Representation League; Nat. Short Ballot Orgn.; Pittsburgh Taxation League; Pittsburgh Assn. of Credit Men. Mar- ried Lucy Estabrook Newman, Je 18. 1913, Mooresville, Ind. Children: Charlotte Evans, b. Mr IS, 1914; Janet Estabrook, b. Ag 27, T915; Albert Bayard, Jr., b. Ag 4, 1917. Ad- dress, 43 King Edward Apts., Pittsburgh; bus. add., University of Pittsburgh, do. G7S9. LORA WRIGHT (WILLIAMS) (Sister of No. 719) A. M., 1908; b. N 20, 1881, Urbana; d. Francis M. (b. Ag 5, 1845, Brown Co., O.) and Elizabeth (West) Wright (b. N 26. 1851. De catur, O.) Prepared in Miss Mittleberger's Sch., Cleveland. A. B., Smith Coll., 1905 Schol arship; Phi Kappa Psi; Glee Club; Basket Ball Mem., Coll. Club, St. Louis; Smith Coll. Club St. Louis. Married George Bassett Williams S 23, 1908, Urbana. Children: Elizabeth West b. Jl 4, 191 1 ; Robert, b. F 2, 1915. Address, 6921 (Jglesby Ave., Chicago. G760. MILDRED GAIL WRIGHT Instructor; M. S., 1918; b. Mr 17, 1895, Minneapolis; d. Elijah Oliver (b. Je 21, 1871, Patonsburg, Mo.) and Laverna (Rexford) Wright (b. S 3, 1872, Chillicothe, Mo.). Pre- pared in Menomonie (Wis.) H. S. B. S., Mil- waukee-Downer Coll., 1917. Delta Gamma; Omicron Nu; Iota Sigma Pi., Instr., Chem., Mil- waukee-Downer 1918 — . Address, Menomonie, Wis.; bus. add., Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, Wis. G761. PHILIP QUINCY WRIGHT (Brother of No. G762) Instructor; Ph. D. 1915; b. D 28, 1890, West Medford, Mass.; s. Philip Green (b. O 3, i86i, Boston) and Elizabeth Quincy (Sewall) Wright (b. Jl s, 186s, St. Paul). Prepared in Gales- burg H. S. A. B., Lombard Coll., 1912. Sigm.i Nu; Phi Eta; Scholorship, 1912-13; Fellowshii), 1913-15.. Geo. Lieb Harrison Fellow in Pol. Sc, Univ. of Pa., 1915-16; Instr., Internal. Law Harvard Univ., 1916 — . Auth.; The En- forcement of International Law through Mun- icipal Law in the U. S., Univ. of III. Studies in the Social Sc: The Legal Natures of Treaties, Am. Jour of Internal. Law, Vol. 10, igi6; Con- flicts of International Law with National Laws and Ordinances, do.. Vol. 11, 1917; The De- struction of Neutral Property on Enemy Ves- sels do.; Conflicts Between International Law and Treaties, do., Mem., The Polethecon, Har- vard. Address, 72 Fayerweather St. Cambridge, Mass.; bus. add., Harvard Univ., do. G762. SEWALL WRIGHT (Brother of G761) An. Husbandman; M. S., 1912; b. D 21, 1889, Melrose, Mafs.; s. Philip Green (b. O 3, 1861, Boston) and E'izabeth Quincy (Sewall) Wright (b. Jl s. 1865, St. Paul). Prepared in Gales- burg H. S. B. S., Lombard Coll., 191 1; S. D., Harvard, 1915. Sr. An. Husbandman in Animal Genetics, Bur. of An. Indus., Washington, D. C, 1915 — . Autli.: (with W. E. Castle) Studies of Inheritance in Guinea-Pigs and Rats, Car- negie Inst, of Wash.; Articles in Trans. Am. Micros. Soc; Am. Naturalist. Science, Jour, of Heredity, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sc. Mem.. Am. Assn. of Zoologists; Am. Soc. of Naturalists, Am. Genetic Assn., Wash. Acad, of Sc: Cosmos Club; Y. M. C. A. Address, Willard Courts, Wasliington, D. C. SIDNEY WALTER WRIGHT 1910. A. M. (See No. 1617.) AUGUST FRANK DANIEL WUSSOW 191 1. M. S. (See No. 4036.) G763. FRANK ARCHIBALD WYATT Professor; M. S., 1913; Ph. D., 19x5; b. F 22, 1886, Wellsville, Ut.; s. Frank and Elizabeth Watson (Archibald) Wyatt (b. Glasgow. Scot- land). Prepared in Acad., Ut. Agr. Coll, B. S., Ut. Agr. Coll., 1910. Kappa Delta Pi; Gamma Sigma Delta. Asst., Exten.. Ut. Agr. Coll., 1910-11; Fellow, Agron., Univ. of 111., 1912- 15; Asst., Soil Fertility, do., 1915-16; Instr., do., 1916-17; Assoc, do., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: (with Robert Stewart) Action of Limestone on Acid Soils, Univ. of III. Exp. Sta Bui.; Influence of Calcium and Magnesium Compounds on Plant Growth, Jour, Agr. Research, Vol. 6, iqi6. Mem., Am. Soc of Agron., I'l. Soc. of Bacteriol. .Married Genevieve HofF, S 21, 1914, Montpelier. Idaho. Address, 806 S. 3rd St., Champaign; bus. add., 214 Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111.. Urbana. JAMES FOOK OMM YAPP 1916. M. S. (See No. 7323.) WILLIAM WODIN YAPP 1914- M. S. (See No. 4985.) FRED DRINKWATER YEATON 1914. C. E. (See No. 3248.) TRYGVE D. YENSEN 1912. M. S. (See No. 3250.) G764. LEONARD FRANCIS YNTEMA Chemist; A. M., 1917; b. Jl 29, 1892. St. Johns. Mich.; s. Douwe B. (b. My 30^ 1852, Vriesland, Mich.) and Mary Elizabeth (Loomis) Yntema (b. F 28 1866, St. Johns, Mirh.). Prepared in Hope Coll. Prep. Sch. A. B., Hope Coll. 1915- Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon- Phi Eta; Sigma Xi. Chem., Wash- ington, D. C.,1917 iS; do., General Lab.. Bur. of Aircraft Production, Pittsburgh, 1Q18 — . Mem.. A. C. S. Address, 4825 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh; bus. add., Genl. Tab. Bur. of Air- craft Production, 7th and Bedford, do. G765. DALE S. YOUNG M. S. 1917; b. Ap ,30, 1S03, Prairie City, Til.; s. Georee E. (b. F ^, 1850, Wavnesboro, Pa.) and Saide B. (Kellous;h) Young (b. Ag IS 1850, Greenbush Tp. Til.). Prepared in Abinedon H. S. B. S. Hedd-ng Co'l.. iqi6. Phi Delta Kanra. Varsity Football. Basketball, Baseball and Var<;ity track; Debating. Scholar- s' ip Univ. of 111. 1Q16-17. 2nd Lt., U. S. Marine Corps, 1917. ist Lt., do., A. E. P., France. Address, Abingdon, 111. G766. ESTHER YOUNG (TRUE) A. M.. 1915; b. F 14, 1893, Indiananolis; d. Frank H. (b. F 20. 1857. Carthage, 111.) and Juliette CPatten) Young (b. O iq. 1858, Fox Take, Wi?=.). Prenpred in Shortridge H, .S., ''nrlianarolis; 111. Woman's Coll. A. B,. Miami T^niv. Scholarship in Bot. Asst., Bot.. T'n'v. of 111., 1915-17. .Auth.: prticles on parasitic fungL Married Leighton J. True, Jl 19, 1917, Indian- apolis. Address, 709 W. Nevada St.. Urbana. S-M I^NIVEKSITV OF ILLINOIS EVERETT GILLHAM YOUNG 1916. M. S. (See No. 603--.) G767. LEWIS EMANUEL YOUNG Professor; Ph. !">., 1015: h. O 1, 187S, To- peka, Kan.; s. William (h. Mr :;o. 1845, Lan- caster, Pa.) and Martha (.l.ebegern') Young (b. Tl S, iStjo, Bavaria, Ger."). Prepared in Colum- bia (Pa".) H. S. B. S.. Pa. St. Coll., 1900; Student, Mich. Sch. of Mines, loo.'; E. M., la. St. Coll., 1904. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Pl>i; Sigma Xij Kappa Delta Pi; Beta Gamma Sigma. Instr., la. St. Coll., igoo-oj; Asst. Prof., la. St. Coll., i9o-'-ojt; Prof., Mining, Colo. Sch. of Mines, iqo.^-oj-; Dir., Mo. Sch. of Mines, and Mining Exp. I?ta., Univ. of Mo,, 1907-13; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Commerce, Univ. of ill., 1915-17; .\ssoc. Prof., (/<>.. 1917 — ■. Ab- sent on leave. 1917-18; I'nion Elec. Light and Power Co.. St. Louis, 1918 — . Auth.: Mine Tax- ation in the U. S., Utiii'. of III. Stiidifs in the Social ScieiiCi's. 1916; Surface Subsidence in 111. Resulting from Coal Mining. 111. St. Geol. Siir., u)i6; (.with 11. 11. Stock) Subsidence Re- sulting from Mining, Univ. of 111. Engng. Exp. Sta., 1910; Miscellaneous articles in technical and scientific press. Mem., .-^m. Econ. Assn.; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; .\. A. .\. S.; A. I. M. E. ; Am. Mining Confess. Married Mabel Eleanor Webb, Jl i, 1903, Chicago. Chil- dren: Edwin Webb, b. Je --4, 1904; Lewis Eu- E?ne, b. D 25, 1905. Address. Union Elec. ight & Power Co., 12th & Webber Sts., St. Louis. G70S. SADIE YOUNG A. M.. 1904: b. Mr 3. 18S3, Lake City, Fla.; d. T. E. Young. B. S., Univ. of Florida, 190 J. Ad'dress, Lake'City, Fla.t YUNGYEN YOUNG 19 14. M. S. (See No. 6033.) G769. HACIIIRO YUASA Entomologist; M. S., 1917; b. Ap io, 1890, Tokyo, Japan; s. Tiio Yuasa. Prepared in .\cad., Dept. of Dozhisha Coll., Kyoto, Japan. 1?. S.. Kan. St. Agr. Coll. ^ 1915. Asst.," Ento- mology. Kan. Agr, Exp. i?ta., i9i.;-i3; Asst., Life Ilist. Studies, 1914-16. Addn-ss, bjg Yo- yogi, Tokyo. Japan. HENRY CHARLES ZEIS 1915. A. M. (See No. 6034.) JUEDAN TUN-SHON ZHEN 1911. A. M. (See No. 451-".) G770. JOSEPH ROSSITER ZIESENIIEIM Farmer; M. S., 1917; b. D -'5, 1893, N. Girard, Pa.; s. Fred A. (b. Ag jj. 1866. do.) and Eliza- beth Johnston (Rossiter) Ziesenheini (b. Mr .;8, 1808, Morristown, Pa.). Prepared in Girard (Pa.)/rp. II. S. B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1915. Al- pha Gamma Rho; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi. Farmer, N. Girard, Pa. --nd Lt., U. S. .\. S., Kllington Field, Houston. Tex.; Clustered out, F 28, 1019. Sec, N. W. Pa. ililk Producer's Assn.; Sec, Erie Co. Livestock Breeder's Assn. Married Charlotte Mills Cro.-is. D 24. 1917, Dallas, Tex. Address, North Girard, Pa. ROBERT PAUL ZIMMERMAN 1917. A. M. (See No. 6035.) ADOLF EDUARD ZUCKER 1913. A. M. (See No. 5514.) G771. THEODORE FREDERICK ZUCKER Teacher; M. S., jou;; b. Ag 1, iSSS, Ft. Wayne, Ind.: s. F. Zucker. B. S., Concordia Coll., 1907. Research and teaching asst.. West. Med. Sch., 190Q-H. .-Iddress, E. 9th St. and St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. t HONORARY ALUMN (54 BACHELOR'S DEGREES, UNIV. OF ILL.; 47 BACHELOR'S DEGREES ELSEWHERE.) M. S. 1? RALPH ALLEN . (Cert. 1876. See No. 92.) JAMES ELDER ARMSTRONG A. M., 1905. (See No. 254.) Hi. WILLIS J. BAILEY Farmer and Banker; LL. D., 1904; b. O 12, 1854, Mt. Carroll, 111.; s. Monroe (b. Ap 1818, Hayne, Kan.) and Nancy J. (Melindy) Bailey (b. 1822, Cambridge, Vt.). Prepared in Mt. Carroll H. S. Attended Univ. of 111. 1879. Adelphic. Mem., Kan. Legislature, 1888; 56th Congress; Gov. of Kan., 190305. V. P. and Mgr. Exchange Nat. Bank, Atchison, Kan. 1907 — . Married Ida B. Weed, Jl 7, 1903. Ad- dress, Atchison, Kan.f IRA OSBORN BAKER D. Engng., 1903. (See No. 36.) HENRY MAHAN BEARDSLEY A. M., 1905. (See No. 204.) H2. LESTER PAIGE BRECKENRIDGE (Father of No. 3655) Professor; D. Engng., 1910; b. My 17, 1858, Meriden, Conn.; s. Moses Paige (b. Ja 5, 1831, Ware, Mass.) and Lucretia L. (Wetherell) Breckenridge (b. Je 20, 1833, do.). Prepared in Westfield (Mass.) H. S. Ph. B., Sheffield Sc. Sch., Yale, 1881; A. M., Yale, 1909. Instr., Mech. Engng., Lehigh Univ., 1882-91; Prof., do., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1891 93; do., Univ. of 111., 1893-1909; Dir., Engng. Exp. Sta., do., 1905-09; Prof., Mech. Engng., Sheffield .Sc. Sch., Yale, 1909 — •. Dir., Boiler Trials, U. S. Geol. Sur., St. Louis, 1904-06; Contrived and equipped Dynamometer cars; invented Auto- matic Recording Machine. Auth. : Various ar- ticles in tech. papers; Reports on Fuel Tests, U. .S. Geology .Survey; Tests of High-.Speed Tool Steels, ///. Engng. Exp. Sta., Bui. No. 2. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Soc. of the Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; West. Soc. Engrs.; Several R. R. Clubs; Federal and St. Comns. on coal con- servation, 1917-18. Married May Brown, D 19, 1883, Memphis; Susan W. Ford, Jl 26, 1911. Children: Blanche F., b. O 14. 1884; Gladys S. ('09), b. My 19, 1888; May H., b. Je 5, 1890.' Address, 412 Humphrey St., New Haven, Conn.; bus. add., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Univ., do. DILLON SIDNEY BROWN M. S., 1892. (Cert. 1875. See No. 58.) *ALICE CHEEVER (BRYAN) M. L.. 1892. (Cert. 1874. See No. 38.) II3. RT. HON. VISCOUNT JAMES BRYCE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary to the U. S.; LL. D., 1907; b. My 10, 1838. Belfast, Ireland; s. James (b. Glasgow) and Margaret (Young) Bryce. Prepared in H. S., Glasgow; Univ. of Glasgow. A. B., Trinity- Coll., Oxford, 1862; D. C. L., do., 1870; Hon. LL. D., Edinburgh Univ., 1883; Glasgow Univ., 1886; Mich.. 1887; St. Andrews, 1902; Aber- deen, 1906; Dr. of Pol. Sc, Royal Hungarian L'niv., Budapest, 1896; Litt. D., Victoria Univ., 1897; D. C. L., Trinity Univ., Toronto, 1897; Harvard, 1907; Princeton, 1907; Litt. D., Cam- bridge Univ., 1898; LL. D., Univ. of Zena, 1908; do., Univ. of Calif., 1909; do., Univ. of Leipzig, 1909. Elected Fellow, Oriel Coll., 1862; Barrister, Lincolns Inn, 1867 — ; Regius Prof., Civil Law, Oxford, 1870-1893; M. P. for Tower Hamlets, 1880; Under-Sec. of St. for Foreign Affairs, 1886; Chancellor of Duchy of F-ancaster (with seat in Cabinet), 1892; Pres. Bd. of Trade, 1894; Chm., Royal Com. on Sec ondary Educ, 1894; Created Viscount, 1904 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 1907 — . Auth.: The Flora of the Island of Arran, 1859; The Holy Roman Empire, 186 Report on the Condition of Education in Lan cashire (for the Schs. Inquiry Comn.) 1867 The Trade Marks Registration Act, with Intro duction and Notes on Trade Mark Law, 1877, Transcaucasia and Arrat, 1877; The American Commonwealth, 1888; Impressions of South Af rica, 1896; Studies in History and Jurispru dence, 1901; Studies in Contemporary Biog. 1903; South American Observation and Im- pressions. 1912. Mem., Senate of London Univ., 1893; Fellow of Royal Soc, 1894; Corre- spondence mem., Inst, of France; 1891; Foreign Mem., do., 1904; do., of Royal Academies of Turin and Brussels, 1896; do., Naples, 1903; do., St. Petersburg; do., Stockholm; Correspon- dence mem., Societa Romena di Storia Patria, 1885; Reale Academia dei Lincei. Rome, 1904; Pres., Alpine Club, 1899-1901; Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1905-06; M. P. (L) Aberdeen. S., 1885-1906; Order of Merit. 1907; Knight of the Prussian Order pour de Merite; Chm., Parlia- mentary Conference, 1917-18. Married, Eliza- beth Marion Ashton, 1889. Address, Hindleap, Forest Row, Sussex, Eng. JAMES EDWARD BUMSTEAD M. S., 1892. (Cert. 1877. See No. 131.) H4. 'DANIEL HUDSON BURNHAM LL. D.. 1905; b. S 4, 1846, Henderson, N. Y. ; s. Edwin (b. 1804, Middletown, Vt.) and Eliza- beth Keith (Weeks) Burnham (b. 1810, Great Barrington, Mass.). Prepared in Chicago H S.; Waltham, Mass.; pvt. tutors. A. M., Har vard; do., Yale; D. Sc. in Arch., N. W. Univ Past Pres., Am. Inst, of Arch.; Chm. U. S Govt. Comn. of Fine Arts; Lawyers and Cen tury Clubs, New York City; Pacific Union, San Francisco; Glen View Golf; Country Club, Evanston; Union League; Literary; Midday; Other clubs. Married Margaret Sebring Sher- man, Ja 20, 1876, Chicago. Children: Ethel, b. D 21, 1876; John, b. N 28, 1878; Hubert b. S 7, 1883; Margaret, b. Jl 17, 1884; Daniel, b. F 22, 1885. Died Je i, 1912, Heidelberg, Ger. II5. *THOM.\S JONATHAN BURRILL (Father of No. 1833) LL. D., 1912; b. Ap 25, 1839, Pittsfield, Mass. Prepared in Rockford H. S. Graduated 111. St 825 Sa6 University of iLLiNOib Norm. Univ., 1865; A. M., N. W. Univ., 1876; LL. D., do., 1S93, Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1881. Supt., Pub. Schs., Urbana, 1805-68; Asst. Prof. Nat. Hist., 111. Indus, Univ., 186S-70; Prof., Bot. and Ilort., 1870-1903; Dean. Coll. of Sc, 1S78-84; Acting Regent, »879-89-90, 1891- 94; Botanist, U. S. Agr. Exp. Sta.. 1888-1912; Dean, Gen. Faculty, 1894-1901; Dean, Grad. Sch., 1S04-1905; V. P., Univ. of 111., 1879-191^; Prof., Bot., do., 1903-12; Botanist. Agr. Exp. Sta.. 1S88-1912; Prof. Emeritus, Bot., 1912-10. Retired on the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1912. Auth.: Agri- cultural Botany, Ref^ort, Bd. of Trustees, 111. Indus. Univ., 1869; Flowerless Plants, do., 1870; Upon Parasitic Fungi, Bui. 111. St. Lab. of Nat. Hist.. Vol. 1, 1S76; Catalog of the Flow ering and Higher Flowerless Plants of Illinois, Native. Introduced, and Cultivated, Report, Bd. of Trustees, HI. Indus. Univ., 187S; The Mis- sion in Hlinois of her State Horticultural Society (President's Address) Transactions, 111. St. Hbrt. Soc, Vol. 13, 1879; Blight of Pear and Apple Trees. Rcf'ort, Bd. of Trustees, 111. Indus. Univ., iSSo; The Bacteria, do.. 1882: Parasitic Fungi of 111., Bui. III. St. Lab. of .\'at. Hist., Vol. 2, 18S5; 1S87. Part i, Uredinese, Part 2, Erysip'ane; River Pollution and Puri- tication. Transactions, Am. Microscopical Soc, 1904, Vol. 25: Micro-organisms of Soil and Human Welfare Science, Vol. 20, No. 509: 1004: (With James T. Barrett) Ear Rots of Corn. Bui. Univ. of Ul. Agr. E.xp. Sta., No. 133. 1909. Member or Fellow, several st., nat., and foreign scientitic and educational societies. Married Sarah H. Alexander, Jl 22, t868. Seneca Falls. N. Y. Children: Mildred Anna ('03), b. D II, 18S1 (died Ja 27. 1913); Irene, b. Jl 20, 1885 (died Jl 20, 1915)- Died Ap 14, 1916. LINCOLN BUSH D. Eng., 1904. (See No. 533.) H6. JOSEPH GURNEY CANNON Congressman; LL. D. 1903; b. My 7, 1836, Guilford, N. C. ; s. Dr. Horace F. and (julielma (HoUingsworth) Cannon. Admitted to 111. Bar, 1S58; St. Atty.y -■7th Judicial District of HI.. 1861-68; 43d-5ist Congress; 1S73-01, S3dS7th do., 1893-1903; 12th 111. District and 58th-62d do., 1903-13; 04th and 05t.i do.. 18th 111. Dis- trict, 1915-iq. Chm.. Com. on Appropriations, sist, 55th, 56th and 57th Congress; Speaker, U. S., House of Representatives sSth, 59th, 60th, and 6ist Congress. 1Q03-11; received 58 votes for presidential nomination. Repub. Nat. Con- vention Chicago. IQ08. Mem., Repub. partv. Married Mary P. Reed, Ja 1862. Canfield, O. Address, Danville. 111. JOHN P. C.\MPBELL M. L., 1S93. (Cert. 1S74. See No. 37-) H7. •McKENuREE HYPES CHAMBERLIN Pres. Univ.; LL. D., 1905; b. N 17. 1838, Lebanon, 111.; s. David (b. Mr 25. 1788. N. H.) and Susan (Rankin) Chamberlin (b. Mr 4 1S04. Ky.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Lebanon, 111.; Prep. Dept., McKendree, Coll., do. Vale- dictorian McKendree Coll., 1859; A. B., do., 1859; A. M., do., 1862; LL. B., Harvard. Law- yer, Kansas City, Mo., 1866-67; do.. Beards- town, III.. 1869-71: Attv. in Legal Dept.. R. R. I. and St. Louis R. R.;" Ed., Staff, Central Uli- noian; Pres. McKendree Coll.. 1894-190S; Pres.. Emeritus, do., looS — . On Electoral Ticket of Pres. Grant; candidate for Congress, 1872; Secv. St. R. R. Comn.. 1877-Si; Trustee. 111. St. "Hist. Tib. 1Q04-10. Auth.: Various pamph- lets on Hist., Biog. and other subjects. Mem., Delegate-elect to the Ecumenical conference. London, Eng., looi: Rhodes Scholarship Comn., 111., 1004-08; M. E. Church. Married Helen I emvra Dana Te 8. 1S69. Kansas City, Mo. C ildren: Clifford Dana, b. D 12 1870; Ellen, b. S 28, 1876 (died N 3, 1876). Died 1914- HS. THOMAS CHROWDER CHAMBERLIN Geologist; D. Sc, 1905; b. S 25, 1843, Mat- toon. 111.; s. John (b. 1808, Camden Co., N. C.) and Cecelia (Gill) Ci amberlin (b. Ap 5, 1815, Lexington, Ky.). Prepared in Beloit Coll. Prep. Sch. A. B.. Beloit Coll., 1806; A. M., do., 1869; Ph. D., Univ. of Mich.; do.. Univ. of Wis., 1882; LL. D., Univ. of Mich., Columbian Coll., Beloit Coll., 1887; Univ. of Wis., 1904. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa, "Distinguished Orator." Prin.. H. S., Delavan, Wis., 1866-68; Prof., Nat. Sc, St. Norm. Sch., Whitewater, Wis., 1809-73; do., (jeol., Beloit Coll., 187382; Asst. St. Geolo- gist. \Vis., 1873-76; Chief Geologist, do., 1876- ti2; U. S. Geologist in charge of Pleistocene Div., 1882-1908; Pres., L'niv. of Wis., 1887-92; Head, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, 1892 — ; Ed., Jour, of Geol., 1S92 — ; Research Assoc, Carnegie Inst., Washington, D. C, 1902 — . De- veloped tl.e Planetesimal Hypothesis of the Origin of the Earth and of the Solar System, 1890-1904. Auth.: Suggestions as to a Basis for Gradation of the Vertebrata. Transactions of Wis. Acad, of Sc, Arts, and Letters, Vol. i ; Preliminary Paper on the Terminal Moraine of the Second Glacial Epoch, Illustrated, jrd An- nual Report. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1881-82; Geology of Wisconsin. Geol. Survey of Wis., Vols. I-IV, 4 to, with atlas; Madison, 1883; The Rock Scorings of the Great Ice-Iuvasions, 7(/i Annual Report U. S. Geol. Survey. 1S85-86. 4 to; The Diversity of the Glacial Period Am. .lour, of Sc, Vol. XLV. 1893: On Lord Kelvin's .\ddress on the Age of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life, Science, Vol. IX, 1899. Vol, X, Smithsonian Report for 1890; also many other publications upon geol. subjects. Representa- tive, Wis. Paris Exposition, 1878: Pres., Wis. -Acad, of Sc, Arts, and Letters; V. P.. A. A. A. S., Section E; Geologist, Peary Expedition, 1804; Pres.. Geol. Soc. of Am.; do.. Chicago .■\cad. of Sc. ; Corresponding Mem., British A. A. S.; do., Geol, Soc. of Edinburgh; Assoc. Fellow. Am. Acad, of Arts and Sc; do., Geol. Soc of Washington; Corresponding Mem., Geol. Soc of London; do., N. Y. Acad, of Sc. Medal for geol. publications, Paris Exposition. 1878, 1893; Gold Medal Geog. Soc. of Chicago. Married .\lma Isabel Wilson D 24. 1867. Child, Rollin Thomas, b. O 20 1881. Address, Hyde Park Hotel, Ch-cago; bus. add.. Walker Mus- eum, Univ. of Chicago, do. H9. "OCTAVE CHANUTE D. Engng., 1905; b. F 18, 1832, Paris France. Prepared in pvt. schs. and by pvt. tutors. En- gaged in const, and operation of railroads and bridges 1848-88, notably Kansas City bridge and Sibley bridge over the Mo. and Ft, Madison bridge across t' e Miss.; built Union Stock Yards at C icago; do., Kansas City; do., a part of the Chicago & .Mton R. R,; H2 nrles of track in 111, for the Toledo. Peoria & Wai^saw R. R. ; Engr. in charge of Maintenance of Way; Div. Engr.. Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. R. ; Chief Engr. of Maintenance of Wnv of West. Div. of O, and Miss. R. R.; Chief Engr. •lo : Reorganized Chicago and .Mton R. R. Chief Engr., Erie R. R,: Asst. Gen. Supt., do. Won premium for competitive design for a bridge across the Mo, at St. Charles. Mo. Pi- oneer advocate of use of z'nc-ch'oride ns a pre- •■ervative for timber; Org-inized the Chicago Tie Preserving Co.. 1885;. Early a stud, of Avia. Chm. of Com. to Report on Panid Transit for N. Y., 1874: do.. IntTnat Engn^'. Coneress. Chicago. 1803. Auth.: The Kansas City Bridge; The Sibley Bridge for which the Rowland prize '^f the A. S. C. E. was awarded; Progress in Flying Mac' ines; a great many racers uoon enVng. subjects in terhn-cl transactions ad neri- ^dicals. Pres., A. S. C. F.. i8'm: Pres,, West. Sor. of Fncrs . ioot; Hon. M«rn. Inst. Civ. Engrs. of T.reat Brita-n. jSq^; Fellow and Secv., A. A. .\. S.: Mem. Century Assn.. N. Y.; Can- adian Soc. of Civ. Engrs. ; A. I. Min. E.; Hon. mem.. Aero Clubs of Am. and France; Pres., Honorary Alumni 827 III. Aero Club; Hon. mem.. Aeronautical Soc. of Great Britain and recipient of a Gold Medal given by that Soc. for distinguished service in promoting the art of avia. Chanute field, Ran- toul, 111. was named for him. Died N 23, 1910. •CHARLES WRIGHT CLARK C. E., 1892. (Cert. 1876. See No. 96.) Hio. •NORMAN JAY COLMAN D. Agr., 1905; b. My 16, 1827. Richfield Springs, N. Y. ; s. Hamilton and Nancy (Sprague) Colman. Prepared in Dist. Sch. and Sem. LL. B., Law Sch., Louisville, Ky.. 1851, do., Univ. of Mo., 1905. Teacher, Schs., Ky., 1847; Lawyer, New Albany, Ind., 1850 52; Dist. Atty., 1852; Established Cohnan's Rural World; Dean of Agr. Editors in U. S. ; Alder- man. St. Louis, 1855-56; Mem., House of Rep- resentatives, 1865-66; Lt. Gov., Mo., 1875-77; U. S. Conin. of Agr., 188589; First Sec. of Agr., U. S., 1889. Issued call and presided over Convention of delegates from Agr. Colls, in U. S., 1885 and urged upon Congress adoption of laws creating present system of Agr. Exp. Stas. Head, Govt. Horse-breeding farm. Ft. Collins, Colo. Lt. Col., 85th Mo. Mil- itia, Civil War. Mem., Mo. St. Bd. of Agr.; Founder and ist Pres., Mo. St. Hort. Soc, ist Pres.. Mo. St. Fair; Pres., Mo. St. Press Assn.. Curator, Univ. of Mo.; Officer du Merite Agri- cole, France, 1889. Married Clara Porter, 1851. New Albany, Ind. (died 1863); Catherine Wright, 1866, St. Louis (died 1897). Died.N S, 191 1, St. Louis. Hi I. GEORGE GARY COMSTOCK Prof, and Dir.; LL. D., 1907; b. F 12, 1855, Madison, Wis.; s. Charles H. (b. Jl 3, 1822, Ridgeville, O.) and Mercy (Bionson) Comstock (b. 1825, Cleveland). Prepared in Adrian (Mich.) H. S. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich.; LL. B., Univ. of Wis.; Sc. D.. Univ. of Mich. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Recorder and Asst. Engr , U. S. Lake Survey, 1874-78; Asst. Engr., Miss. River Im|)rovements, 1878-79; Asst. As- tronomer Washburn Obs.; Computer Nautical Almanac Office; Prof., Math, and Astron., O. St. Univ., 1885-87; Prof, of Astron., Univ. of Wis. and Dir. of Observatory, do. 1887 — ; Dir. Grad. Sch., do. Auth.: Method of Least Squares, Ginn & Co., 1890; Textbook of Astron., Appleton, 1900; Field Astron. for Engrs.. Wiley. 1902; Publications of Washburn Observa- tory, Vols. 6-12, State Printer, Wis.; also num erous contributions to sc. periodicals. V. P., A. A. A. S., 1894; mem. Astron. and Astrophys. Soc. of Am.; Sec. and ist V. P., Nat. Acad, of Sc. ; Chm., Com. on Math, and Astron.; Astron- omische Gesellschaft; Sociedad Astronomico de Mexico. Married E. Cecile Everett, Je, 1894, Madison, Wis. Children: Mary, b. D 11, 1895; Lillian, b. Jl, 1904 (died Ja, 1905). Address. Observatory Hill, Madison, Wis. M. L. ROLAND RAY CONKLIN 1 89 1. (Cert. 1880. See No. 232.) H12. JOHN WILLISTON COOK Pres. of Norm. Sch.; LL. D., 1904; b. Ap 20, 1844, Oneida Co., N. Y.; s. Harry Dewitt (b. Mr 6, 1817. Lennox. N. Y.) and Joanna (Hall) Cook (b. D 23, 1817, Hartford, N. Y."). 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1865. A. M., Knox Coll.; LL. D.. Blackburn Univ. Prin. Pub. Sch., Brimfield, 111., 1865-66; do., Grammar Dept. Model Sch., 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1866-68; Teacher do., 1868 90; Pres. 1890-9; No. 111. St. Norm. Since its beginning, 1899-1919. Auth.: Educ. Hist, of 111., 1912; A Series of Arithme- tics (with Miss N. Cropsey) ; Various articles on Hist, of Educ, Sch. & Home Educ. Blooming- ton, 111. Ed. and Pub. (with E. C. Hewett) ///. Schoolmaster 1874-76. do. (with R. R. Reeder) ///. School Journal. 1884-86. Pres., St. Teachers' Assn. of III., 1880; Pres., N. E. A., 1904; Pres.. Norm. Dept., do., 1896. Married Lydia Farnham Spofford, Ag 26 1867, N. And- over, Mass. Children: Agnes Spofford (Gale) b. Ag 7, 1873; John Loring, b. N 26, 1874. Ad- dress, DeKalb. 111. H13. EDWIN GILBERT COOLEY Educator; LL. D., 1905; b. Mar. 12, 1857, Strawberry Point, la.; s. Gilbert (b. Chautau- qua Co., N. Y.) and Martha Hammond (White- hall) Cooley (b. N. Y.). Prepared in Prep. Sch., Univ. of la.; Univ. of la.; Ph. B.. Univ. of Chicago, 1895. Teacher, la., 1879; Supt. of Sch.. Cresco, la., 1885-91; Prin., H. S., Au- rora, 111., 1891-3; do.. H. S., La Grange, 111., 1893-1899; do., Chicago Norm. Sch., 1899; Supt. City Schs., Chicago, 1900-09; Pres., D. C. Heath & Co., 1909-10; Educ Commerce. Coml. Club of Chicago 1910-15: Dir. junior activities Central Div. Am. Red (Jross, 1918 — . Auth.: Articles in Sat. Evening Post and Educ. Papers. Mem., Univ. Club, Chicago; Union League Club; Pres., 111. St. Teacher's Assn., 1904; Pres., Nat. Educ. Assn.. 1907 08; pres. Dept. Supt., 1904; Decoration, Order of Franz Josef (Austrian). Married Lydia A. Stanley, Ja 1, 1878. Children: Bertha, b. N, 1878; Susie E.. b. D, 1880; Dean, b. Ja, 1882; Bessie, b. My 1887; Gilbert, b. O 1891; Edwin, b, O 1894. Address. 5338 Washington Ave., Chicago. H14. GEORGE BRUCE CORTELYOU Pres. Gas. Co.; LL. D., 1905; b. Jl 26, 1862, New York City; s. Peter Crolius and Rose (Seary) Cortelyou. Prepared in Hempstead (L. I.) Inst.; St. Norm. Sch.. Westfield, Mass. LL. B., Georgetown Coll., 1895; LL. M.. Columbian, 1896; LL. D., Georgetown Coll.; do., Ky. Wes- leyan. Gen. law and Verbatim reporter in N. Y. and in pub. service, 1883; Prin., Prep. Schs., N. Y.. 1885-89; Pvt. Sec. to Post-Office Insp. in charge at N. Y., the Survyr. of Port of N. Y., 4th Asst. Postmaster Gen., 1889; Stenog., Pres. Cleveland, 1895; Ex. Clerk, 1896; Asst. Sec, Pres. McKinley, 1898; Sec, do., 1900; Sec, Pres. Roosevelt, 1901-03; Sec, Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1903; Chm., Rep. Nat. Com.; conducted campaign for election of Pres. Roosevelt, 1904; Postmaster Gen.. 1905 7; Sec. of Treas., 1907-9; Pres., Consolidated Gas Co., N. Y 1909—; Dir., N. Y. Edison Co., N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Nat. Surety Co. Mem., Union 1 eague; Rep., New York City; Press; Sleepy Hollow; Recess; Cortelyou, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Econ., N. Y.; Univ., Washington, D. C; Ham- ilton. Chicago; Nat. Civic Federation; Metro- politan Museum of Art; Holland Soc; Chamber of Commerce; Merchants' Assn. of N. Y. ; Am. Gas Inst.; Nat. Cml., Gas Assn.; N. Y. St. Hist. Assn.; V. P., Trustee, New England Con- servatory of Music. Married Lilv Morris Hinds, S 15, 1888. Roslyn, L. I. "Children: George Bruce, Jr.; William Winthrop; (Jrace; Helen (died My 19, 1909); Peter Crolius. Ad- dress, Riverdale on-Hudson. New York City; bus. add., 130 East 15th St., do. H15. "SHELBY MOORE CULLOM U. S. Senator; LL. D., 1903; b. N 22, 1839, Wayne Co., Ky. Studied law in Springfield, 1853; City Atty., 1853-65; Elected mem. House of Representatives 111. Legislature. 1856, i860, 1872 and 1874; elected Speaker, 1861 and 1873; mem., Congress, 1865-71; Trustee, ex officio, Univ. of 11:.. 1877-83. Chm., III. delegation to Rep. Nat. Convention, Philadelphia, 1872 and 1884; Gov. of 111., 1876-83; U. S. Senator, 1883-1913. Mem., Com. appointed to prepare a system of laws for the Hawaiian Islands; Regent. Smithsonian Inst. Married Hanna M. Fisher, D 12, 1855 (died Mr, 1861); Julia Fish- er, My 5, 1863 (died Ag 18, 1909). Died Ja 28, 1914, Washington, D. C. H16. "WILLIAM ELEROY CURTIS Journalist; LL. D., 1911; b. N 5, 1850, Akron, O.; s. Eleroy and Harriet (Coe) Curtis. A. B., West. Reserve Coll., 1871; Litt. D., 1901; L. 828 University of Illinois H. D., Amherst, 1907. Alpha Delta Phi. Staff, Chicago Inter-Occan, \^-i-^7; do., Washington Correspondent, do., Chicago Record, 1887-1901; do., Chicago Record Herald, 190 1 — . Special Comn. from V. S. to Central and S. Am. Repubs. ; Ex. OlVicer, Internat. Am. Conference, iS8'9-9o; Dir.. Bus. Am. Kepubs, 189093; Chief, Latin-Am. Dent, and Hist. Section, Chi- cago Kxpedition to Madrid; Special Envoy to the Queen Regent of Spain and I'ope Leo XIII, 1892. Auth.: Tibbalses Folkes, 1S75; A Sum- mer Scamper, 1881; The Life of Zachariah Chandler, 1879; Children of the Sun, 1882; Capitols of Spanish America. 1886; The Land of the Nihilist, 1887; Trade and Transporta tion, 1889; Handbook to the American Repub- lics, 1890; Guatemala. 1891; Costa Rico. 1891; N'enezuela, A Land Where it is Always Sum- mer, 1891; The United States and Foreign Powers, 1892, 1899; Today in France and tier many, 1897; '^lie Turk and His Lost Provinces, 1902; Modern India, 1905. Mem., Nearly all learned socs. of U. S. and several in Europe; Gridiron; Press; Cosmos. Washington, I). C. ; Union League. Died O 5, 191 1, Philadelphia. A. CHARLES HENRY DENNIS M., 1905. (See No. 266.) II 17. JACOB McGAVOCK DICKINSON Lawyer; LL. D., 1905; b. Ja 30, i8ii, Col- umbus, Miss.; s. Henry and Anna (McGavock) Dickinson^ A. M., Univ. of Nashville, 1872; LL. D., Columbia, 1905; do., Yale, 1910; do., Lincoln Memorial Univ., 1917. Law Stud., Columbia Coll., N. Y.; do., Univ. of Leipzig; do., Paris. Admitted to bar, 1874. Served sev- eral times by special comn. on Supreme Bench of Tenn.; Asst. Atty. Gen., U. S., 1895-97; Gen. Solicitor, I. C. R. R., 1899-1901; Gen. Counsel, do., 1901-09; Leading Counsel for U. S. in Alaskan Boundary Case; Sec. of War, 1909-11; Head, Consolidated law lirm, Dickin- son, Wetten & Keehn, Chicago. Receiver, Rock Island Lines, 1915-17. Mem., Chicago Club; Wayfarers; Cliff Dwellers. Pres. Am. Bar Assn., 1907-08. Married Martha Overton, 1876, Nashville, Tenn. Address, 1523 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago; bus. add., c/o Dickinson, Wetten & Keehn, do. HiS. 'ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER (Father of No. 1663.) LL. D., 1905; b. Je 21, 1848, Westford, N. Y.; s. Sylvester Bigelow and Jane (Sloan) Draper. Prepared in Albany (N. Y.) Acad. LL. B., Albany Law Sch., 1871; do., Colgate Univ., 1889; do., Columbia, 1903; do., West. Reserve Univ., 1910. Phi Delta Phi. Teacher, Albany Acad., N. Y^; do., other institutions, 1866-70; Mem., Law tirm of Draper & Chester, 1871-86; do., Albany Bd. of Educ, 1879-81, 1890-92; N. Y. Legislature. 1S81; St. Norm. Coll. Bd.. 1882- 86; Ci;m. do., 1886, 1904; Judge, U. S. Court of Ala. Claims, 1884-86; St. Supt., Pub. Instruc- tion, N. Y., 1886-92; Supt.. Cleveland Pub. Schs., 1892-94; Pres., Univ. of 111., 1894-1904; ist Comn. of Educ, St. of N. Y., 1904-13. Auth.: The Rescue of Cuba; American Educa- tion; Vol. on Lincoln in Gateway Series. Ed., Department of Education, Encyclopedia Ameri- cana; Ed. -in-chief, 10 Vol. Self Culture for Young People. Received silver medal for mono- graph on Educational Organization and Admin- istration in the L^. S., Paris Exposition, igoo; gold medal and two commemorative diplomas for educational writing; one of two grand prizes conferred for conspicuous services to educ. St. Louis Internat. Exposition, 1904. Mem., Chi- cago Hist. Soc; St. Hist. Socs. of N. Y., Ill, and Wis.; St. Louis Ry. Club; Presby. Church; Dir., Nat. Cml. Bank; Gov., Dudley Observa- tory, Albany, N. Y.; Chni., Dept of Educ. of the Internat. Congresses, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Appointed mem. of U. S. Bd. of Indian Comn. by Pres. Roosevelt, 1902-13; Chm. do.; Pres., Nat. Assn. of Sch. Supts., 1889-91; do.. North Cent. Assn. of Colls, and Secondary Schs., 1903-04. Married Abbie Louise Lyon, My 8, 1872, New Britain, Conn. Children: Charlotte Leland, b. N 21, 1875; Edwin Lyon (■02), b. Ag 19, 1882. Died Albany, N. Y., Ap 27, 1913. EBENEZER LEWIS DRURY M. L., 1894. (Cert. 1894. See No. 40.) HENRY M. DUNLAP M. L., 1891. (Cert. 1875. See No. 64.) MARY TRACY EARLE (HORNE) A. M., 1903. (See No. 424.) CHARLES GLEASON ELLIOTT C. E., 1891. (Cert. 1877. See No. 134.) C. E. •WILLIAM C. ELLS 1892. (Cert. 1874. See No. 42.) HARVEY C. ESTEP C. E., 1S93. (Cert. 1874. See No. 43.) *WINFIELD SCOTT EVERHART M. L., 1891. (Cert. 1875. See No. 66.) H19. DAVID FELMLEY (Father of Nos. 4150, 5654) Pres.,- Norm. Univ.; LL. D., 1905; b. Ap 24, 1857, Somerville, N. J.; s. John S. and Ellen (Voorhees) Felmley. Prepared in Pub. Schs., N. J.; Perry H. S., Blackburn Univ., 187 V76; .\. B., Univ. of Mich.. 18S1; L. H. D., Black- burn, 1906. Supt. Schs., Carrollton, 111., 1882- 1890; Prof. Math., 111. St. Norm. LTniv., 1890- 1900; Pres., do., 1900 — . Delta Upsilon; Adel- phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Mem., Coll. Alumni Club, I'loomington, 111., 1890; 111. St. Teachers' Assn., 18S1 — ; Pres.. do., 1901 ; Central III. Teachers' Assn. 1890; Pres., do., 1900; Schoolmasters' Club, 1890 — ; Pres., 1903; Univ. Club of Chi- cago, iQoo; others. Married Auta Stout. Jl 6, 1887, Carrollton, 111. Children: Ruth Davida Cio), b. Je 8, 1888; Mildred Helen ('13), b. Ap 20, 1890; John Benjamin, b. Je 27, 1905. Address, 207 N. School St., Normal, 111. H20. STEPHEN ALFRED FORBES (Father of Nos. 949, 1031, 1868) Educator and Zoologist; LL. D., 1905; b. My 29, 1844, Silver Creek, 111.; s. Isaac Sawyer (b. Ja 15, 1800, Wilmington, Vt.) and Agnes (Van Iloesen) Forbes (b. Ag 12. 1800, Cortlandville, N. v.). Prepared in Beloit Acad., Wis.; Rush Med. Coll.; 111. St. Norm. Univ. Ph. D., Ind. L^niv., 1884. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher. Pub. Schs., 1867-71; Curator, Museum, 111. St. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1872-77; Prof., Zool., LTniv. of 111., 1884-1909; Prof., Entomology, do., iqoo — ; 111. St. Entomologist, 1882; Founder and Dir.. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1877—; do.. 111. Biol. Sta.. 1804: Dean, Coll. of Sc, Univ. of 111., 1888-1905. Chief St. Natural Hist. Sur., 1Q17 — . Civ, War, 1861-65; Capt. of Co. at 20; five mos. in Confederate Prison. Auth.: Twenty-eight studies of the Food of Birds and Irishes and of the Food and Contagious Dis- eases of Insects, Bu!. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist.; Contributions: List of 111. Crustacea, do.; Some Lake Superior Entoniostraca, Report U. S. Co»in. 0)1 Fish and Fisheries. 1SS7; Report on the Aquatic Invertebrate Fauna of the Yellow- stone Nat. Park, Wyo. and of the Flathead Region of Mont., Bill. U. S. Covin., 1S91; Ed. and Contributor, Bui. of the HI. St. Lab. of Nat. Hist.. 12 Vols.. 1877 — . Medal of Societe d'Ac- climatation de France for scientific publications, 1S86. Pres., Entomol. Club. Cambridge, Mass.; West. Soc. of Naturalists; Am. Assn. of Econ. Entomol.; Nat. Soc. of Hort. Insps.; 111. St. Acad. Sc; Honorary Fellow, Entomol. Soc. of Am.; organizer of Internat. Congress of Zool., World's Columbian Exposition; Dir., Aquarium Honorary Alumn; 829 of the U. S. Fish Comn., do. Fellow. A. A. A. S.; Charter mem., Soc. for Prom, of Agr. Sc; Mem., Nat. Acad. Sc.; Wash. Acad, of Sc; Am. Soc. of Naturalists; Societe Entomolo- gique de France; Chm., Champaign Co. Or- ganization of 111. branch of the League to Enforce Peace. Married Clara Shaw Gaston, D 25, 1873, Normal, 111. Children: Bertha Van Hoesen ('96), b. N 28, 1874; Ernest Browning ('97), b. N 3, 1876; Winifred, b. Ag 8, 1879; Ethel Clara ('03), b. Jl 20, 1881; Richard Edwin, b. Ja 2, 1887 (died Mr 18. 1893). Address, 702 Indiana Ave.. Urbana; bus. add., 223 Nat. Hist. BIdg., Univ. of 111., do. ■ H21. WILLIAM FREEMAN MYRICK GOSS Executive; D. Eng., 1904; b. O 7, 1859, Barn- stable, Mass.; s. Franklin B. (b. Jl 17, 1831, Brewster, Mass.) and Mary Gorham (Parker) Goss (b. My 15, 1830, Barnstable, Mass.). Cert, of Grad., Mass. Inst, of Tech.; M. S., Wabash Coll., 1888. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Alpha Tau Omega. Instr., Mech. Arts, Purdue Univ., 1879-83; Prof., Practical Mechs., do., 1883-89; Prof., Exp. Engng., do., 1889-1907; Dir., Engng. Lab., do., 1899-1907; Dean, Schs. of Engng., do., 1900-07; Dean, Coll. of Engng. and Dir., Sch. of Ry. Engng. and Adm., Univ. of 111., 1907-17; Dir., Eng. Exp. Sta., do., 1909-17; Pres., Ry. Car Manufacturer's Assn., 191 7—. Invented design and installation of locomotive testing plant, Purdue Univ., 1891; various re- searches in steam engng. Auth. : Bench Work in Wood, Ginn & Co.; Locomotive Performance, John Wiley & Sons; Locomotive Sparks, do.; High Steam Pressures in Locomotive Service, Carnegie Inst.; Superheated Steam in Locomo- tive Service, do.; various tech. papers before professional societies; for 10 yrs. Contributing Ed., Railroad Gazette. Chief Engr., Chicago Assn. on Smoke Abatement and Electrification of Ry. Terminals, 1914-15. Mem., Jury of Awards, Columbian Exposition, 1893; Advisory Bd. on Fuels and Structural Materials, U. S. Geol. Sur. (appointed by Pres. Roosevelt) ; Ad- visory Com. of Pa. R. R., charged with Testing Locomotives at the La. Purchase Exposition; West. Ry. Club; A. S. M. E.; A. A. A. S.: Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Am. Ry. Mas- ter Mechs. Assn.; Nat. Conservation Assn.; Master Car Builder's Assn.; 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. ; III. Acad, of Sc; Soc. for Promo- tion of Engng. Educ. ; 111. Water Supply Assn.; Nat. Assn. for Testing Materials; West. Soc. of Engrs.; Am. Acad, of Sc. ; Union League Club. Married Edna Demaris Baker, Paines- ville, O. Child, Mary Lucette, b. O 22, 1885. Address, Great Northern Hotel, New York City; bus. add., 61 Broadway, New York City. CHARLES PEYTON GRAHAM M. L., 1893. (Cert. 1873. See No. 21.) ALFRED T. GREGORY A. M., 1905. (See No. 179.) H22. LOUISE CATHERINE ALLEN GREGORY (Sister of No. 123) M. S. 1893; b. D 9, 1848, Oxford, Ky.; d. David Skillman (b. 1822, Georgetown, Ky.) and Amanda Daugherty (Risque) Allen (b. Woodford Co., Ky.). Prepared in Macon Co. District Sch.; Grad., St. Norm. Sch.. Normal, 111., 1871. Teacher, H. S., Alton. 111., 1872- 73; Asst. to S. W. White, Pres. of Peoria Co. Norm., 1873-74; Instr., Dom. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1874-78; Attended Harvard, studied phys. educ. in Philadelphia with Lelia Partridge; studied chem. of foods, in Chicago with Prof. De La- fontaine; attervded, S. Kensinaton Sch. of Cookery, London, Eng., summers of 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879; Prof., Dom. Sc. and Preceptress, Univ. of 111., 1878-80. Under auspices of the Woman's Chicago Branch of the Am. fiaptist Home Mission Soc. made tour of inspection of their schs. for colored people in the south, and published report of investigations; inves- tigated in various European countries the educ. status of women. Mem., M. E. Church; Bap- tist Church, 1880—. Married John MUton Gregory, Je 17, 1879, Harristown, 111. Child, Allene, b. D 7, 1887. Address, 1008 Lincoln Ave., Urbana. FREDERIC LEWIS HATCH M. S., 1891. (Cert. 1873. See No. 22.) MILES FAYETTE HATCH M. S., 1893. (Cert. 1872. See No. 5-) H23. WILLIAM ARNON HENRY Educator; D. Agr., 1904; b. Je 16, 1850, Nor- walk, O.; s. William and Martha Haines (Con- diet) Henry. Prepared in Holbrook Norm., Lebanon, O.; O. Wesleyan Univ., 1867-69- B. S., Cornell, 1880; D. Sc, Univ. of Vt., 1904; do., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1907. Sigma Xi. Prin., II. S., New Haven, Ind., 1872-73; do., H. S., Boulder, Colo., 1873-76; Prof., Bot. and Agr., Univ. of Wis., 1881; do., Agr., 1883; Dir., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1887; do. and Dean, Coll. of Agr., 1891-1907; Prof., Emeritus of Agr., 1907. Lecturer, An. Nutrition, Univ. of Calif^, 1902. Published 153 Agr. Exp. Sta. Buls., and 23 An- nual Reports. Auth.: (2d part) Rusk's Special Report on Diseases of Cattle and Cattle Feeding, 1892; Handbook on Northern Wisconsin, 189s; Feeds and Feeding, ist edition, 1898; loth edi- tion, revised and entirely rewritten, 1910; Portu- guese translation by F. M. Draenert, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1907; Russian translation by order Im- perial Dept. Agr., St. Petersburg, under direction of M. Dubrovsky, 1912. Ed. staff. Breeders' Gazette; Founder of Feeders Corner, do. Ed. Staff Hoard's Dadryman. Married Clara Roxanna Taylor, Ag 19, 1881, Oakfield, N. Y. (died Jl 5, 1904). Child, Arnon _T. Address, College of Agr., Univ. of Wis., Madison. II24. THOMAS FRANKLIN HOLGATE Prof, and Dean; LL.D., 1905; b. Ap 8, 1859. Ont., Can.; s. Thomas (b. Ag 22. 1820. York- shire, Eng.) and Eleanor (Wright) Holgate (b. F 4 1815, Hastings Co., Ont., Can.). Pre- pared in Albert Coll., Belleville, Ont. A. B., do. 1884; A. M., Victoria Coll., Toronto, 1889; Ph. D., Clark Univ., 1893. Fellow, Clark Univ.; Prof., Math., N. W. Univ., 1893; Dean, Coll. of Liberal Arts, do., 1902; Acting Pres., do., 1904-06, 1916 — •. Auth.: Elementary Geometry, 1901; Translator, Keye's Geometry of Position, 1898; Contributor to Math. Jours. Mem., Am. Math. Soc. Sec, Internat. Congr. of Mathematicians, Rome, 1908. Married Georgina Angela Burdette, Jl 23, 1890, Newburgh, Ont., Can. Children: Eleanor, b. My i, 1894; Bar- bara, b. O 13, 1895; Robert B., b. O 3, 1899; Francis B., b. Ap 8, 1902. Address, 617 Li- brary St., Evanston, 111. THOMAS FORSYTHE HUNT Agr. D., 1903- (See No. 392-) CHARLES PERRY JEFFERS M. S., 1894. (Cert. 1874. See No. 46.) H2S. HENRY CHURCHILL KING Educator; LL. D., 1908; b. S 18, 1858, Hills- dale, Mich.; s. Henry Jarvis and Sarah (Lee) King. Prepared in Hillsdale (Mich.) H. S.; Hillsdale Coll. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1879; B. D.. Oberlin Sem.. 1882; A. M., Harvard, 1883; D. D., Oberlin Coll., 1897; West. Reserve Univ., 1901; Yale, 1904; Chicago, 1916; Harvard, 191 6; S. T. D., Columbia, 1909; LL. D., Miami Univ. 1909; L. H. D.. Colgate, 1916. Tutor, Oberlin Coll., 1879-82; Assoc. Prof., Math., do., 1884-90; do., Philosophy, 1890-91; Prof, do.. 830 University of Illinois 1891-97; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Berlin, 1893-94; Prof. Theol. and Phil., Oberlin Sem. and Coll., 1897—; Dean Oberlin Coll., 1898-1902; Acting Dean, Coll. of Arts and Sc, do., 1902-07, 1908- 11; Pres., do.. 1902 — ; Lib. lecturer, Haverford Coll., 1906; Taylor lecturer. Yale, 1907; Noble lecturer, Harvard, 1909; Lecturer in India, China, and Japan, 1909-10; Earl lecturer. Paci- fic Theol. Sem., 1910; Lecturer on religious life, Columbia, 1913. Auth. : Outline of Erd- mann's Hist, of Phil., 1892; Outline of the Microcosnius of R. H. Lotze, 1895; The Appeal of the Child, 1900; Keconst. in Theology, 1901; Theology and the Social Consciousness, 1902; Personal and Ideal Elements in Education, 1904; Rational Living, 1905; The Seeming Un- reality of the Spiritual Lite, 1908; The Laws of Friendship, Human and Divine, 1909; The Ethics of Jesus, 1909; The Moral and Religious Challenge of Our Times, 191 '; Religion as a Life, 1913; It's All in the Day's Work, 1916; Fundamental Questions, 191 7; Letters to Sun- day School Teachers, 1906. Mem., Com. re- porting on Secondary Sch. Studies, N. E. A.; Trustee, Carnegie Foundation for Advance- ment of Teaching; Council of Religious Educ. Assn.; O. Coll. Assn.; Pres., Congr. Sunday Sch. and Pub. Soc, 1908; V. P., A. B. C. F. M.; C. H. M. S.; Am. Free Trade League; Nat. Mun. League; Am. Peace Soc; Am. Assn. Labor Legislation; Am. Acad. Pol. and Social. Sc; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Pres., Am. Missionary Assn., 1913 — ; Assn., Am. Colls., 1916; Chm. Comn on Missions, Nat. Council, Congr. Churches, 1913 — ; Executive Com., Gen. War Comn. of Churches; Nat. War Work Coun- cil, Y. M. C. A.; Sunday Sch. War Council; sub-corn, on War Prohibition; Com. on Nat. Prohibition; Nat. Council, Am. Inst, of Social Service; Chm., Comn. on Church and Social Service, Federal Council, Churches of Christ in Am. Married Julia Marianna Coates, Jl 7, 1882. Children: Harold Lee, b. Je 12, 1883; Philip Coates, h. My 27, 1887; Donald Storrs, b. Je 19, 18S9; Edgar Weld, b. D 24, 1893- Ad- dress, 317 E. College St., Oberlin, O. WALTER ELLIOTT KNIBLOE M. L., 1893. (Cert. 1876. See No. 102.) H26. LIVINGSTON CHESTER LORD Pres., St. Norm. Sch.; LL. D., 1904; b. Ag 27, 1851, Killingworth, Conn.; s. Benjamin (b. 1821, do.) and Antoinette (Case) Lord (b. 1830, South Windsor Conn.). Grad., St. Norm. Sch., New Britain, (Jonn.^ 1871. A. M., Har- vard, 1912. Prm.. H. S., Terryville, Conn., 1871-74; Supt., Schs., Winnebago, Minn., 1874 78; Prin., Union Sch., Mankato, Minn., 1878- 79; Supt.. Schs., St. Peter, Minn., 1879-88; Pres., St. Norm. Sch., Moorhead, Minn., i88'8- 99; do., East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1899 — • Mem., N. E. A.; School Masters Club; Quad- rangle Club; Univ. Club; III. Teachers Assn.; Nat. Soc. of Sc. Study of Educ; Nat. Council of Educ; Congr. Church. Married Mary E. Cook, 1874, Bristol. Conn. Address, Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston, 111. H27. ABBOTT LAWRENCE LOW^ELL Pres., Harvard University; LL. D., 1905; b. D 13. 1856, Boston; s. Augustus (b. Ja 15, 1836) and Katherine Bigelow (Lawrence) Lowell (b. F 1832). Prepared in G. W. C. Noble's Sch.. Boston. A. B., Harvard, 1877; LL. B., do., 1880; LL. D., Williams, 1898; Columbia, 1909; Princeton, 1909; Yale, 1909; Louvain, 1909; Dartmouth. 1909; Ph. D., Berlin, 1910. Phi Beta Kappa. Lawyer. 1880-97; Univ. lecturer, 1897-99; Prof., Sc. of Govt., 1899-1009; Pres., Harvard, 1909—. Auth.: (With F. C. Lowell) Transfer of Stock in Corporations. 1S84; Es- savs on Government, 1889; Government and Parties in Continental Europe, 1896; (With H. M. Stephens) Colonial Civil Service, 1900; In- fluence of Party upon Legislation in England and America. 1902; Government of England, 1908; Public Opinion and Popular Government, 1913. Married Anna Parker Lowell. Address, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. H28. THOMAS McCLELLAND Pres. Emeritus; LL. D., 1905; b. My i, 1846, Quilly, Co. Derry, Ireland; s. William and Mar- garet (Smiley) McClelland. Prepared in Den- mark (la.) Acad. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1875; A. M., do., 1883; Grad., Andover Theoi. Sem., 1880; D. D., Tabor Coll., 1891; LL. D., Grin- nell Coll., 1915. Divinity Stud., Oberlin, 1875- 76; Asst. Prin., Denmark Acad., 1876-78; Stud. Union Ti eol. Sem., 1S78-79; Prof., Phil., Tabor Coll., 1880-91; Pres., Pacific Univ., 1891-1900;- do., Knox Coll., Galesburg 111., 1900-17; Pres. Emeritus, do., 1917 — . Trustee Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advancement of Teaching. Mar- ried Harriet C. Day, Ag 19, 1880, Denmark, la. Children: Kellogg D., b. Mr 26, 1884; Coch- ran B., b. Ag 22, 1887; Ruth M., b. O 16 1891. Address, 656 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111. •HENRY MACKAY M. L., 1892. (Cert. 1876. See No. 104.) HENRY WESTON MAHAN M. L., 1893. (Cert. 1876. See No. 106.) JAMES ROBERT MANN LL. £)., 1903. (See No. 109.) *JAMES NEWTON MATTHEWS M. L., 1891. (Cert. 1872, See No. 7.) H29. RALPH MODJESKI Civ. Engr.; D. Engng., 1911; b. Ja 27, 1861, Cracow, Austrian Poland; s. Gustav (b. Poland) and Helena (Opid) Modrzejewski (b. 1842, do.). Prepared in H. S., Cracow, Poland. C. E., Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, Pans, France. Asst. Engr., Const., Union Pacific Bridge, Oma- ha, Neb., 1885-87; Insp., Shops for bridge work, Athens, Pa., 1887-89; Chief Draftsman, Office of George S. Morison, Chicago, 188991; Chief Insp., Memphis Bridge superstructure, 1891. Asst. Engr., do., 1892; Civ. Engr., Modjeski & Angier. Civ. and Inspecting Engrs., Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh and St. Louis, 1893 — • Designed and constructed Govt. Bridge, Rock Island, 111.; reconstructed Bismark Bridge, Bismark, N. Dak.; Constructed Thebes Briage, Thebes, 111., 1902-05, Columbia River Bridge and Williamette River Bridge, Spokane, Port- land & Seattle Ry. Co., 1905-08; McKinley Bridge, St. Louis; Columbia River Bridge Ore. Trunk Ry. Co., Celilo, Ore.; Broadway Bridge, Portland, Ore.; double track railroad and high- way bridge, Memphis, Tenn.; bridge, Keokuk, la.; Consulting Engr.; Metropolis Bridge, Me- tropolis, 111.; do., N. Y., New Haven and Hart- ford R. R.; Thames River Bridge, New London, Conn.; in charge of reinforcing Poughkeepsie Bridge over Hudson River; Mem. Bd. of Engrs., Quebec Bridge reconstruction, 1908 — ; C. erry Street Bridge, Toledo, O. ; made plans for No. Pacific Ry.; Mem.. Comn. to determine feasi- bility of a vehicular tunnel under Hudson River; designed and constructed fire-proof ware- house for Rock Island Arsenal, 111. Mem.. A. S. C. E.; Can. Soc. C. E.; British Inst, of C. E.; Am. Inst. Consulting Engrs.; Past Pres., West. Soc of Engrs. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Franklin Inst, of Philadelphia; French Assn. of Engrs.; Past Students of Ecoledes Ponts and Chaussees; Engrs. Club, New York Citv; Union League Club, Chicago; Arlington Ckib, Portland. Organized Chicago Engrs. Club. Married Felicie Benda. D 28, 1885 New York City. Children: Felix B. b. Ag 6, 1887; Marie S., b. Ja 22 1893; Charles E. J., b. F 20, 1896. Address. Union League Club, Chicago; bus. add., 220 S. Michigan Ave., do. Honorary Alumni 831 AMANDA CAMPBELL (MOORE) 1893- M. L. (Cert. 1875- See No. 60.) H30. 'RICHARD PRICE MORGAN D. Engng., 1903; b. S 17, 1828, Stockbridge, Mass. i-repared in Grammar Sch., Albany, i\, Y. Practicing Civ. Engr. for 50 yrs. Autn.: First report ever published with plans perfected in detail for rapid transit elevated steam railway in New York City; Report to the Commerce Commission of New York State on the Decline of the Commerce of the Port of New Y'ork; Report to the U. S. Pacitic Ky. Commission on the physical condition and cost of reproducing the land grant railioads; Minority report on the location ot a harbor of refuge on the southern coast of Calif, 1897, w.iich was sustained by the Chief of Engrs., the Atty. Gen. and Sec. of War; Many other professional reports. Awarded diplomas and medals at the Centennial Exposition and at the E.xposition of Ky. Appli- ances at Chicago, 1884. Trustee, Univ of 111., 1891-97; Chm., Finance Comn.; do., Bldgs. and Grounds, 1895. Mem. ist lid. R. R. and Warehouse Comn. of lil., 1870-74; West. Soc. of Engrs. ol Chicago; Sons of Mass. and N. Engng. Soc. of Chicago; West. Soc. of Engrs.; M. E. Church. Married Mary E. Rutzer, N 1, 1854, Poug keepsie, N. Y. Children: Edward R., b. N 25. 1855 (died do.); Harry Cantine, b. 1858; May Spencer, b. My 11, i860; Dwight Cadogan, b. Je s, 1868. Died My 20, igio, Dwight, 111. ANDREW T. MORROW C. E., 1892. (Cert. 1873. See No. 27) H31. *JOHN BENJAMIN MURPHY LL. D., 1905; b. D 21, 1857, Appleton, Wis.; s. Michael P. (b. 181 8, Limerick, Ireland) and Ann (Grimes) Murphy. Prepared in Appleton (Wis.) H. S. M. D.. Rush Med. Coll.; A. M., St. Ignatius Coll., Chicago; M. S., Sheffield Univ., grad. work in Vienna, 1882; do., Heidel- berg, 18S3; do., Berlin, 1883; do., Munich, 1884. Practiced in Chicago 1879-82, 1884-16; Head of Dept. of Surgery and Clin. Surg., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch.; Chief Surgeon, Mercy Hosp. Col., U. S. Med. R. C. Invented Murphy Button 1892. Auth. : Appendicitis, Med. News, 1895; Analysis of Cases Operated on with the Aid of Murphy Button, do., 1895; Ankylosis-Arthro plasty, clinical and experimental. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1905; Actinomycosis Hominis, with report of 5 cases. North Am. Practi- tioner; Intestinal Approximation, Chicago Clin- ical Review, 1894; Intestinal Surgery, Mal- formations of the Intestine, Keen's Surgery, Chap. XXXII, 1908; Neurological Surgery, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1907; also many ot..er publications on medical sub- jects. Pres., Am. Med. Assn., 1911-12; mem. Assn. Mil. Surgeons of the U. S.; Am. Assn., R. R. Surg.; Amer. Assn. of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Amer. Surgical Assn.; Chicago Orthopedic Soc; Chicago Ath. Assn.; Chicago Acad, of Sc. ; Chicago Med. and Surgical Soc; Nat. Geog. Soc; Nat. Assn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis; Internat. Med. Assn.; Alumni Assn. of Rush Med. Coll.; do., Univ. of 111.; Chicago Assn. of Commerce. Golf Club; Pathol. Soc; Internat. Avia. Meet Assn. (Assoc. Mem.); Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; Nat. One Cent Letter Postage Assn.; No. Central 111. Med. Assn.; Nat. Econ. League; Physician's Club of Chicago; Soc. of Clinical Surg.; Soc. for Exp.; Biol, and Med.; S. Surg, and (jynecological Assn.; St. James Church; South S ore Country Club; Tri-State Med. Soc; Univ. Club of Chicago; West. Econ. Soc; Wis. Soc. of Chicago; West. Surgical Assn.; Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Chirurgie — life mem.; Sur- gical Soc. of Paris, France. Received I.aetare medal from Notre Dame, 1Q02. Married Jean- nette Charlotte Pl^mondon N 25, 1885. Chil- dren: Harold, b. D 25, 1886 (d. F 19. 1887); Jeannette Marguerite, b. D 14, 1887 (d. My 18, 1893); Cecille Marie, b. S 2c, 1890; Mildred Lucinda, b. N 18, 1891; Celeste, b. Ja 13, 1897. Died Ag 11, 1916. H32. SIMON NEWTON DEXTER NORTH Statistician and Asst. Sec, Carnegie Endow- ment; LL. D., 1904; b. N 29, 1849, Clinton, N. Y.; s. Edward (b. Mr 9, 1820, Berlin, Conn.) and Mary Francis (Dexter) North (b. My 27, 1869, Whitesboro; N. Y.). Prepared in Dwight's Rural H. S., Clinton, N. Y. A. B., Hamilton Coll., 1869; A. M., do., 1872; LL. D., Bowdoin Coll. Alpha Delta Phi. Newspaper Ed.. 1869- 88; Sec. Nat. Assn. Wool Mfrs.. 1 888-1903; Dir., U. S. Census, 1903-09; Ed., Am. Year Book, 1910; Statistician and Asst. Sec, Carnegie Endowment for Internat. Peace 1911 — . Auth.: Report on Newspaper Press, Census of 1880; Report on Wool Mfrs., do., 1890; Report on Mfrs. do., 1900; many reports of Census 1903- 09; Old Greek, a memoir of Edward North, C904; many pamp lets on Indus, and statistical subjects. Chief Statistician for Mfrs., 1890- 93. Mem., Am. Statistical Assn.; Pres., do., 1910; Am. Econ. Assn.; V. P., do., 1899; St. Botolph Club. Boston; Cosmos Cub, Washing- ton D. C; U. S. Indus. Comn. Married Lillian Sill Comstock, Jl 8, 1875, Rome. N. Y. Chil- dren: Edward, b. S 25, 1878 (died F 8, 1902); Gladys, b. N 27, 1879; Eloise Comstock b. My 12, 1884; Dexter, b. O 26, 1890. Address. No. 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. JOHN AUGUSTUS OCKERSON D. Eng., 1903. (See No. 28.) H33. SIMON NELSON PATTEN Prof. (Emeritus); LL. D., 1905; b. My i, 1852, Sandwich, 111.; s. William and Elizabeth (Pratt) Patten. Prepared in pub. schs. ; Jen- nings Sem. Stud., Halle, Ger., 1878. A. M., Univ. of Pa.; Ph. D., do. Prof., Pol. Econ., Univ. of Pa., 1888-1917; Prof. Emeritus do., i9'7. Auth.: Premises of Political Economy, 1885-1901; Economic Basis of Protection, 1891; Theorjr of Dynamic Economics, 1892; Theory of Social Forces, 1896; Development of English Thought, 1899; T'eory of Prosperity, 1902; Heredity and Social Progress 1903; The New Basis of Civilization 1907; The Social Basis of Religion, 191 1; Culture and War. 1915. Address, Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia. PARLEY AGRIPPA PHILLIPS M. L., 1894. (Cert. 1873. See No. 29.) *WATSON PICKRELL M. S., 1892. (Cert. 1875. See No. 81.) FRANKLIN CARPENTER PLATT M. L., 1893. (Cert. 1873. See No. 30.) ELIJAH NEWTON PORTERFIELD C. E., 1894. (Cert. 1873- See No. 31-) H34. HERBERT PUTNAM Librarian of Congress; LL. D., 1903; b. S 20, 1881, New York City; s. George Palmer (b. 1814. Me.) and Victorine (Haven) Putnam (b. 1824, N. Y.). Prepared in pvt. sch., James H. Morse, N. Y.; A. B., Harvard, 1883. Columbia Law Sch., 1883-4; Lift. D., Bowdoin Coll., 1898; do., Brown Univ., 1914; LL. D., Columbian, 1903; Univ. of Wis., 1904; Yale. 1907; Williams, 1911. Libn.. Minneapolis Athenaeum, 1884-87; admitted to bar, Minn., 1886; active in promot- ing the organization of a_ free pub. lib. for Minneapolis, which was incorporated 1886; appointed Acting Libn,. do., 1887; Regular libn., 1890-91; admitted to bar, Suffolk Co.. Mass., 1802; Lawyer, Boston, 1802-5; Libn., Boston Pub. Lib., 1895-9; Libn. of Cong. Wash- ington, D. C 1890 — . Auth.: Numerous ar- ticles in reviews and professional jours. Govt, Delegate to various Internat. Lib. Congresses; 832 University of Illinois mem., Administrative Bd., Congress of Arts and Sc, St. Louis Exposition; Pres., Am. Lib. Assn.; Overseer, Harvard, 1902-6; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; mem., Am. Antiquarian Soc. Married Charlotte Elizabeth Munroe, O s, 1886, Cam- bridge, Mass. Children: Shirley, b. 1887; Brenda, b. 1890. Address, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. II35. WILLIAM E. QUINE Professor (Emeritus); LL. D., 1904; b. F 9, 1847, Isle of Man. Prepared in Pub. and H. Schs. M. D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1869. Served four yrs. as apprentice in Pharmacy. Prof., Prin., and Ptactitioner, Chicago Med. Coll., 1870-83; Prof., Materia Medica and Therapeut- ics, Coll. P. and S., Chicago, 1883-1916; Dean, faculty, do., 1892-1913. Prof. Emeritus, do., 1913. Mem., Am. News Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.. 111. St. Med. Soc, (pres., 1904-05); Chicago Med. Soc-, (Pres. 1S72); Chicago Acad. Sc, etc.; Practitioners' Club; S. Shore Country Club. Married Lettie Mason, 1876, Normal, Ill.( died Je 14, 1903). Address, 3160 Indiana .\ve., Chicago; bus. add., Columbus Memorial Bldg., do. H36. ISHAM RANDOLPH Consulting Engr.; D. Engng., 1910; b. Mr 25, 1848, New Market, Va.; s. Dr. Robert Car- ter (b. D I, 1801, "Carter Hall", do.) and Lucy Nelson (Welford) Randolph (b. Ap 28, 1810, Fredericksburg, Va.). Prepared in pvt. schs., Clarke Co., Va. D. Cml. Sc, Wash, and Lee Univ., 191 7. Chief Engr.. Chicago San. and Ship Canal; Chief Engr., Chicago, Madison & Northern R. R. ; Chief Engr., Chicago & Wes- tern Ind. R. R.; Consulting Engr., B. & O. R. R.; do., B. & O. track elevation plans; do.. City of Toronto, during track elevation contest, won by the City, appealed by the Railroads to the Privy Council where the City was sustained; do.. Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park Comn.; Consulting Engr., 111. No. R. R.; do.. Water Supply, City of Toronto; do., water Supply and sewage disposal. City of Muskogee, Okla. ; do.. Little River Drainage Dist., St. Frances Valley in Mo. Consulting Engr., San. Dist. of Chicago; Chm., Internat. Improvement Comn. of 111.; (Chicago Harbor Comn.: Consulting Engr., Milwaukee; mem., internat. Bd., Consult- ing Engrs. of the Panama Canal; mem., Bd. of Consulting Engrs. which investigated pro- gress of work on Panama Canal and reported to the Pres. Received Elliott Cresson gold medal awarded by Franklin Inst, for Distinguished Achievement in the field of Civ. Engng. Invented system of R. R. interlocking switches and signals, 1883-86; moving platform, 1900; designed obelisk dam at Niagara above Canadian Falls, 1905. Auth. : Concise History of the Sanitary District of Chicago; The Sani- tary District of Chicago; Chicago Drainage Canal; A review of twenty years of Engineering Work (reprint from Engng. News.. Jl 1909) Jour, of the Assn. of Engng. Soc, Vol. 9; Site of World's Columbian Exposition, do.; The En- gineer in the Building of the Republic. 1912; The Imaginative Faculty in Engineering, 1913; A National Department of Public Works, our Nation's Need, 1916; The Panama Canal and its Antecedent, 1914; Various printed papers on the Lakes to the Gulf Waterway and Collateral Questions; Various articles on subjects of drainage and sanitation. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; West. Soc. of Civ. Engrs.; past Pres.. West. Soc. of Engrs.: Protestant Epis. Church; Chicago Engrs. Club; Engrs. Club of Toronto, Can. De- livered lectures at Cornell, McGill, Montreal Univ., Lhaiv. of Neb., Univ. of Wis., L^niv. of 111., Purdue Univ., la. Agr. Coll., Mich. Sch. of Mines, L^niv. of Toronto, LTniv. of Va., N. W. Univ., Univ. of Chicago, Armour Inst.; also numerous lectures at pub. schs. in 111. and other states. Married Mary Henry Taylor, Je 15, 1882 Chicago. Children: Robert Ishani. b. Ap 14, 1883; Oscar de Wolf, b. S 28, 1885; Spottswood Wellford, b. Ag 5, 1892; George Taylor, b. Ja 22, 1894 (died Ap 17, 1894). Address. 1365 E. 48th St., Chicago; bus. add., 1827 208 S. LaSalle St., do. *ISAAC STUART RAYMOND M. L., 1895. (Cert. 1872. See No. 9.) WILLIE ALBERT REISS M. S., 1894. (Cert. 1872. See No. 10.) THOMAS EDWIN RICKARD M. S., 1893. (Cert. 1872. See No. 12.) NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER D. Arch., 1900. (See No. 13.) *HENRY EDWIN ROBBINS M. S., iSgi. (Cert. 1873. See No. 32.) ELNA ALPHONSO ROBINSON M. E., 1893. (Cert. 1875. See No. 84.) H37. ALVIN HOWARD SANDERS Editor; D. Agr., 1905; b. Ap 8, i860, Talley- rand, la.; s. James H. and Martha (Rodgers) Sanders. Prepared in Chicago H. S.; Cornell Univ.. 1878-79; LL. B., Union Coll. of Law, N. W. Univ., 1881; LL. D., Kenyon, 191 1. Xi Phi. Editor, Breeder's Gazette. Mem., U. S. Comn. to the Paris Universal Exposition. 1900, appointed by Pres. McKinley in recognition of services to cause of Agr. ; Chevalier of the Or- der of Leopold for distinguished services in cause of Scientific Agr., 1909; V. Chm., U. S. Tariff Bd. appointed by Pres. Taft; Chmn. Am. Recip; Tariff League, 1905-09. Auth.: The Road to Dumbredykes; At the Sign of the Stock Yard Inn; The Story of the Herefords; Short- horn Cattle; A History of the Percheron Horse; numerous other works on Agr. and stock breeding. Mem., Union League; S. Shore and Midlothian Country Clubs. Married Elizabeth .\. Hildebrand (died Ap 25, 1882). Children: three daughters. Address, 542 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. JOHN VICTOR EMANUEL SCHAEFER M. E., 1905. (See No. 557.) CLARENCE ORLANDO SCUDDER M. L., 1891. (Cert. 1875. See No. 86.) H38. *KATHERINE LUCINDA SHARP A. M., 1907; b. Elgin, 111.; d. John William (b. Jl 14, 1S34, Arkport, N. Y.) and Phebe (Thompson) Sharp (b. F 28, 1S40, Dundee, 111.). Prepared in Elgin Acad., Oakland (Calif.) II. S. Ph. B., 1885; Ph. M., N. W. Univ., 1889; B. L. S., do.. 1892; M. L. S., .N. Y. St. Lib. Sch., 1906. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Acad., Elgin, 111., 1886- 88; Asst. Libn., Scoville Inst., Oak Park, III., 1888-90; Organizer, Adams Mem. Lib., Wheat- on. 111., Jl-O. 1891; do., Xenia, O., Lib. Assn., Ag-0, 1892; in charge Comparitive Lib. exhibit, Am. Lib. Assn., World's Columbian Exposition, 1S92-3; Libn. and Dir.. Dept. of Lib. Sch., Ar- mour Inst, of Tech.. Chicago. 1893-7: Dir., Wis. Summer Sch. of Lib. Sc, Univ. of Wis., 1895- 96; Exten. Lect., Lib. Econ., Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Head of Lib., Prof, of Lib. Econ. and Dir. of Lib., Sch.. Univ. of 111., 1897-1907; 2d \'. P., Lake Placid Club, 1907 — . Auth.: Ar- ticles in Lib. Exten. Buls., Lib. Jour.; A. L. A. Lib. exhibit. World's Fair, Lib. Jour., Mem., Sec, Chicago Branch Assn. of Coll. Alumnae; do.. East N. Y. Branch; X. P.. Chicago Lib. Club; N. Y. St. Lib. Sch. Assn.; 111. Lib. Assn.; Dir., Bur. of Information; Bibiolog. Soc. of Chicago; do. of Am., Chicago Chap.; Wis. Lib. Assn., Hon. mem.; Grand Pres., Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1894-6; D. A. R. Died Je i, 1915. Honorary Alumni 833 H39. 'SAMUEL WALKER SHATTUCK (Father of Nos. 671, 67a) LL. D., 1912; b. F 18, 1841, Groton, Mass.; s. Walter (b. 1801, do.) and Roxana (Fletcher) Shattuck (b. 1805, do.). Prepared in Lawrence Acad., Groton, Mass. B. S., Norwich Univ., i860; A. M., do., 1868; C. E., do., 1871— • Theta Chi; Sigma Xi. Instr., Math., Norwich Univ., i860; Adjunct Prof. Math, and Mil. Tac, do., 1865-6; Pres. pro tern., do., 1865-6; V. P., do., 1S66-9; Asst. Prof, of Math, and Instr. in Mil. Tac, Univ. of 111., 1868; Prof, of Civ. Engr., 1870; Prof, of Math., 1870-1905; Head, Dept., Math., 1868-1905; Acting Regent, six months, 1873; Business Agt., and Mgr., 1873-1905; Prof, of Math, and Comptroller, 1905-12; S I, 1912, retired on the Carnegie Foundation as Professor of Math. (Emeritus). Sergt., Maj., Adj., Capt., Adj. and Insp. Gen., U. S. Mil. Ser., 1861-63; Insp. Gen., Vt., 1867- 68. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; A. A. A. S. (Fel- low); Loyal Legion; C. C. Club; Univ. Club of Chicago; Union Leag:ue Club of Chicago. Mar- ried Adelaide L. White, Ag 14, 1866, Columbus, O. Children: Charles W., b. My 31, 1867; Anna F. ('91), b. D 7, 1868; Edith A., b. Mr 12, 1870; Walter F. ('91), b. D 12, 1871. Died F 13, 1915. ♦HOWARD SILVER M. L., 1894. (Cert. 1872. See No. 16.) AVIS ALYDA SMITH A. M., 1905. (See No. 153.) H40. *BARON HERMAN von SPECK- STERNBURG LL. D., 1906; b. Ag 21, 1852, Leeds Eng.; s. Baron Alexander and Martha (Shaw) Speck- Sternburg. Prepared in Furstenschule S. Afra. Meissen, Saxony; Mil. Acad., Potsdam, Prussia; special studies in Internal. Law, Pol. Econ., Mil. and Naval Scs. Fought through Franco- Ger. war in 2d Sa.xony Dragoons; in active mil. service until 1885; appointed Mil. Attache Ger. legation, Washington, 1885; reappointed and transferred as Maj. to Gen. Staff, 1889; joined diplomatic service and transferred as ist Sec. Legation to Peking, China, 1890; Charge D'Affaires, Belgrade, Servia; ist Sec. Ger. Embassy, Washington, 189S; High Commis- sioner on Samoan Comn., 1898; Consul-Gen. of Ger. for British India and Ceylon, 1900; His Imperial Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Washington on special mission, 1903; Ambassador of Ger. to U. S., 1903-1908. Decorations, Red Eagle (ist class); Order of Crown (ist class); Grand Cross Order of Albrecht (Saxony); Star of the Order of Francis-Joseph (Austria) ; Star of the Order of the Double Dragon (China); Star of the Ta- kowo (Servia); Cross of the Order of St. Anne (Russia). Married Lillian May Langham, Lon- don, Eng. Died, 1908. FRANK AUGUST ELLIS STARR M. L., 1891. (Cert. 1876. See No. 116.) H41. DANIEL ATKINSON KING STEELE Surgeon; LL. D., 1906; b. Mr 29, 1852, Eden, O. ; s. Rev. Daniel (b. Ireland) and Mary Leatham Orr (Anderson) Steele (b. do.). Pre- pared in Oakland Sem., Washington Co., 111.; N. W. Univ. M. D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1873. One of the founders and incorporators of the Coll. of P. and S., Univ. of 111., 1881; Sec, do., and Prof. Orthopedic Surgery, 1881-89; Prof., Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, do., 1888-1913; Actuary, do., 1897-1912; Pres.,. do., 1894-1913; Sr. Dean and Head of Dept., Coll. of Med. till 1917. Sur- geon. Chicago, 1913 — . Chm., Com. on transfer of Coll. Property* to Univ. of 111., 1900; on Com. that purchased and established Dental Dept. of the Coll., do., 1901; Chm. Com. that secured all of the stock of the Coll. of P. and S., as a gift to the trustees, do., 1912-13; Pres., Med. staff. Cook Co. Hosp., 1887-90; One of the founders and Pres., Chicago Hosp., 1895; do., West Side Hosp., 1897-1906. ist Lt., M. R. C, commissioned by Pres. Taft, F 1911; Maj., do., commissioned by Pres. Wilson, Ap II, 1917; Chief, Surgical Service, Gen. Hosp. No. 9, U. S. A., Lakewood, N. J., 1918. Auth. : Investigation of Rabies, with report of case, Chicago Med. E-vaminer, 1873; Observations of Fatal Heart Sounds, with reference to deter- mination of sex, do., 1874; Fibroids of the Uterus Treated by Ergot, 1876; The Microbic Revolution in Surgery, 1886; Scrotal Tumors, Med. Review, 1887; Surgical Treatment of Empyema in Children, 1888; Cysts of the Pan- creas, Osteosarcoma of the Scapula, 1889; Gun- shot Wounds of the Brain, 1891; Hernia, Critique of MacEwan Operation, 1892; Ovari- otomy, 1892; Sarcoma of the Brain Diagnosed by Focal Symptoms Case, 1894; Treatment of the Sarcoma of Kidney in Children, 1894; Operative Treatment of Sarcoma of the Kidney, 1894; Medico-Legal Aspects of Abortion, 1895; Character as an Element of Success, 1898; Dis- eases and Injuries of the Minor Articulations, Keatings Cyclopedia of Diseases of Children, 1900; Resection of One-Fourth of the Body, 1900; Practice of Medicine as a Source of Income, 1905; Surgery of the Bile Tracts, Annals of Surgery, 1905; Complications of Frac- tures, 1906; Congenital Dislocations of the Hip, 1906. Mem., One of the founders and Pres.. Medico-Legal Soc, 1883-84; Pres., Chicago Med. Soc, 1884; Pres.. Medico-Soc. Club, 1885- 1905; Chm., Surgical Section, 111. St. Med. Soc, 1886; One of the founders. Surgical Soc, 1900; Plres., Chicago Surgical Soc, 1905-06; Mem., Chicago Pathol. Soc; Chicago Physicians Club; Nicholas Senn Club; Calumet Club; Am. Coll. of Surgeons. Married Alice L. Tomlinson, S 7, 1876. Address, 2920 Indiana Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 30 N. Michigan Ave., do. C. E. GEORGE STORY 1894. (Cert. 1874. See No. 52.) D. SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON Eng., 1903. (See No. 411.) H42. WU TING-FANG Diplomatist; LL. D., 1908; b. Kwangtung, China. Prepared in Chinese Lit. and Classics, Canton; Eng., Hong Kong; enrolled at Lin- coln's Inn. London, 1874; called to English bar. LL. D., Univ. of Pa., 1900; do., Univ. of la., 1908. Barrister, Hong Kong, 1882; Legal Ad- visor and Deputy for Foreign Affairs. Tientsin, 1882; Promoter and Chief Dir., Kai Ping R. R. Co.; Built ist R. R. in China; Appointed by Imperial Govt., Co-Dir. in R. R. Bur., Const. R. R.'s in N. China; Appointed Chief Dir., Tientsin Univ. 1S95; ist Sec, Embassy of Peace Mis- sions to Japan 1895; Plenipotentiary for ex- changing ratifications of peace treaty, effected at Chef 00; assisted in negotiating China-Jap. treaty of Commerce and Navigation, ratified O 1896; E. E. and M. P., China to U. S., Spain and Peru, 1897-1902; reappointed do., to U. _S. 1907; Prominent part in Rev. of 191 1; Chief dir., Foreign Affairs; Minister of Justice of Rep. gov.; Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1916; Acting Premier, 1017. Auth.: Numerous ar- ticles in China and Am. Mag. Married. Ad- dress, No. 3, Gordon Road, Shanghai, China. H43. FREDERICK EUGENE TURNEAURE Engr. and Educator; D. Engng., 1905; b. Jl 30, 1866, Freeport. 111.; s. Giles and (Tlarissa (May) Turneaure. Prepared in Freeport H. S. C. E., Cornell., 1889. Instr., Washington Univ., 1890-92; Engng. Stud, abroad, 1895-96; Prof., Bridge and Sand Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1892 — ; Dean Coll. of Engng., do., 1893 — 3M-. University of Illinois City Engr., Madison, Wis., 1900-02. Auth.: (with J. B. Johnson and C. W. Bryan) Theory and Practice of Modern Framed Structures, 1893; (with Dr. H. L. Russell) Public Water Supplies, 1901; (with E. R, Maurer) Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction, 1907; Articles in Transactions A. S. C. E.; Bui. Am. Ry. Engrs. Assn.; Articles in Tech. Jours. Mem., A. S. C. E.; West. Soc. Engrs.; A. A. A. S., Soc. Prom. Engng. Ed. (Pres. 1908-09). Married Mary D. Stewart, Ag 25, 1891, An- chor, 111. Child. Frederick Stewart, b. 1899. Address, Madison, Wis. H44. FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER Professor; LL. D., 1908; b. N 14, 1861, Port- age, Wis.; s. Jackson and Mary (Hanford) Tur- ner. A. B.. Univ. of Wis., 1884; A. M., do., 1888; Ph. D'., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1890; Litt. D., Harvard, 1909; Hon. Ph. D., Royal Fred- erick Univ., Christiana, 191 1. Tutor. Rhet. and Orat.. 1885-88; Asst. Prof., Am. Hist., 1889-91; Prof., Hist., 1891-92; do.. Am. Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1892-1910; do., Hist., Harvard, igio — . Auth.: Rise of the New West, 1906; also Monographs and articles on Am. and es- pecially West. Hist. Mem. Bd. of Editors. Am. Hist. Rev., 1910-15; Nat. Bd. for Historical Service, 191 7 — ; Harvard Comn. on West. Hist.; Assoc, dept. hist, research, Carnegie Instn., 1916-17. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; St. Hist. Soc. of Wis.; Mass. Hist. Soc; O. Valley Hist. Soc; Miss. Valley Hist. Soc; Colonial Soc. of Mass.; Am. Antiq. Soc; Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, Assn. of Am. Geographers; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn. Married Caroline Mae Sherwood, 1889, Chicago. Address, 7 Phillips Place, Cambridge, Mass. H4S. FRANK ARTHUR VANDERLIP Financier; A. M., 1905; b. N 17, 1864, Au- rora, 111. Prepared in Pub. Sch.; Univ. of 111., 1882-83; Univ. of Chicago. LL. D., Colgate Univ., 191 1. Reporter, Chicago Tribune, 1889; Financial Ed., do., 1890; Partner and Assoc. Ed., Chicago Economist, 189497; Pvt Sec. to Sec. Gage, of the Treas., Mr-Je. 1897; Asst. Sec, do., 1897-1901; V. P., Nat. City Bank, N. Y., 1901-09; Pres., do., 1909 — . Delegate, In- ternat. Conference of Commerce and Industry, Ostend, Belgium, 1902; Trustee. New York Univ.; do., Carnegie Foundation; Chm. Bd. Dir. Am. Internat. Corp.; Dir., Various finan- cial Insts., and R. R. S. Chmn. War Savings Com. apntd by Sec. of Treas. to conduct sale of War Savings Certs., 1917 — • Auth.: Chicago Street Railways; The American Commercial In- vasion of Europe; Political Problems of Eu- rope; Business and Education; numerous ad- dresses and paoers on Econ. and Educ subjects. Mem., Chamber of Commerce; Metropolitan Club; Century Club; Union League; Republi- can Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Sleepy Hollow Country Club; Econ. Bankers Club of Am.; Cml. Club, Washington; Press Club Chicago; India House. Married Marcissa Cox, My 19, 1903, Chicago. Children: Marcissa, b. Je 16, 1904; Charlotte Delight, b. N 8, 1905; Frank Arthur, b. Ap 4, 1909; Kelvin Cox, b. Ap 15, 1912; John Mann, b. N 6, 1916. Address, 55 Wall St., New York City. •ALONZO LYONS WHITCOMB M. L., 1894. (Cert. 1872. See No. 19.) FRANK WHITE LL. D., 1904. (See No. 252.) H46. HENRY CLAY WHITE Chemist; LL. D., 1905; b. D 30, 1850, Balti- more; s. Levi S. and Louisa White. Ph. D., Univ. of Va. 1877; D. C. L., Univ. of the South. 1901; Sc. D. Univ. of Mich., 1907; LL. D., Columbia, 1908. Prof., Chem., Md. Inst., 1870-71; Sc. Lecturer, Peabody Inst.. Balti- more, 1871; do., St. John's College, Annapolis, 1871-2; Pres. Assoc of Official Chems. of the U. S., i88:-2; Chief Chem., Ga. St. Exp. Sta., 1888-1912; St. Chem.. Ga. 1880-90; Prof., Chem., Univ. of Ga. 1872-1912; Pres.. Ga. Coll., 1890-1907; Auth.: (with William Gibbs Mc- Adoo), Elementary Geology of Tenn., 1873; Complete Hist, of the Cotton Plant, 1874; Lec- tures and Addresses (2 Vols.), 1885-91; Man- uring of Cotton, 1896; Collaborator, U. S. Dept. Agr., Cotton and Nutrition Investigations. Mem. A. C. S.; Chem. Soc, F-ondon, (fellow), [880; A. A. S. S.; Correspondence Mem., Brit- ish Assn. Adv. Sc, 1887; Author's Club, Lon- don; Pres.. Assn. Am. Agr. Colls, and Exp. Stas., 1897-8; Chm., Ex. Com., do., 1900-1. Married Ella Frances Roberts, D 19, 1872, Chester Co., Pa. Address, Athens, Ga. JOHN EDWARDS WRIGHT A. M., 1903. (See No. 458.) H47. *ELLA FLAGG-YOUNG LL. D., 1910; b. Ja IS, 1845. Buffalo, N. Y.: d. Theodore (b. D 12, 1815, Albany, N. Y.) and Jane (Reed) Flagg (b. Mr 15, 1825, Burling- ton, Vt.). Prepared in Norm. Dept., Chicago H. S. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1900. Supt. of Schs.. Chicago 1909-15. Auth.: Isolation in the School, Univ. of Chicago Press; Ethics in the Schools, do.; Some Types of Modern Edu- cation Theory; Education Progress of 1905 and 1906, N. E. A. Proceedings, Univ. of Chicago Press., 1907; Editorials in the Educ. Bi-Month- ly, 1906-9; Reports of Supt. of Chicago Pub. Schs., 1909-15; Literature in Elementary Schools, A'. E. A. Proceedings. 1896; The School and the Practice of Ethics, do., 1908; President's Address, Hypothesis in Education, do., 191 1 ; The Secular Free Schools, do., 1916; American Education and the Inner Life, do., 1 91 7; Court Decisions vs. Social Progress, do., 1917; Julia C. Lathrop, Chief of Children's Bureau, Jour, of Educ, 1918. Mem., Nat. Wo- man's Liberty Loan Com.. 1917; Cent. Church; Pres., N. E. A., 1910-11; Pres., III. St. Teachers' Assoc. 191 1 ; Chm. Com., on Revision of Ele- mentary Educ, N. E. A., 191 8, Hon. Mem., Chicago Woman's Club; do.. Lake View Worn. Club. Married William Young, D 28, 1868, Chicago (died 1873). Died O 26, 1918, Chi- cago. AUGUST ZIESING C. E., 1905. (See No. 202.) FACULTY DUFF ANDREW ABRAMS (See No. 2304.) JAMES EDWARD ACKERT (See No. 3617.) CHARLES CHRISTOPHER ADAMS Professor; B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1895; M. S., Harvard, 1898; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1908; b. Ji 23, 1873, Canton, 111.; s. William Henry Harrison (D. Mr 30, 1840, Etna, ill. J and Hannah Westfall (Concklin) Adams (b. O 26, 1S42, O.). Prepared in Prep. Sch., 111. Wesleyan Univ. Sigma Xi. Scholarship, Har- vard Club of Chicago, 1898-9; Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900; Fellowship, do., 1900-3. Asst., Biol., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1895- 6; Asst. Entomol., 111. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., Univ. of 111., 1896-8; Asst., Zool., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1902; Curator of Museum, Univ. of Mich., 1903-6; Dir., Cincinnati Soc._ Nat. Hist., 1906-7; Assoc. An. Ecol., Univ. of 111., 1908-14; Asst. Prof., Forest Zool.. N. Y. St. Coll. of Forestry, Syracuse, 1914-16; Prof., do., 1916 — . Auth.: The Ecological Succession of Birds, Am. Rpt. Mich. Geol. Sur., 1908; The Coleoptera of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, and their relation to the North American Centers of Dispersal, do.; Annotations of Certain Isle Roy- ale Invertebrates, do.; Notes on the Isle Royale Mammals and their Ecological Relations, do.; The Relations of Field E.xcursions to the Edu- cational Work of Local Museums, Proc. .4 m. Assn. Museums, 191 1; The Variations and Eco- logical Distribution of the Snails of the Genus lo. Nat. Acad. Sc; Guide to the Study of the Relations of the Animals to their Inland En- vironments. Bui. III. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., igis; An Ecological Study of Forest and Prairie In- vertebrates do. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; Assn. Am. Geogs. ; Am. Soc. Naturalists; Am. Soc. Zoo's.; Am. Soc. Assn. Museums; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Alice Luthera Norton, O 3, 1908, Lake Forest. 111. C ild, Harriet Dyer b. F 9, 1910. Address, State Coll. of Forestry, Syracuse. N. Y. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Professor; B. L. Univ. of Mich., 1804; LL. B.. do., 1898; b. F 10, 1872, Utica. Mich.; s. Stephen Daniel (b. D 12. 1820, Rochester, N. Y.) and Mary Elizabeth (Chapman) Adams ''b. Jl 15, 1837, Utica. Mich.). Prepared in Utica (Mirh.) Union Sch.; Special pupil, Prof. Thos. C. Trueb'ood for several yrs. Prof.. Law and Orat., Central Univ. of Ky., 1900-01; Instr. Rhet. and Orat., Pa. St. Coll.. 1001-02; Prof.. Orat., Franklin and Marshall Coll., 1902-03; Instr., Rhet.. Univ. of 111.. 1903-05; Prof., Pub. Speaking La. St. Univ., 1005 — . Mem., Nat. .Assn. for Advancement of Speech Arts. Mar- ried '^^p'l'e K^ech Allen, Ag 27 1001. Ann Ar- bor, Mich. Address, c/o La. St. Univ., Baton Rouge, La. ROGER ADAMS Professor; A. B., Harvard. 1909; A. M. do., 1010; Ph. D.. do.. 1912; b. Boston; s. Austin Winslow (b. O 7, 1845, Barnstead N. H.) and Lydia (Curtis) Adams (b. Jl 9, 1843, Leo- minster, Mass.). Prepared in Cambridge (Mass.) Latin Sch.; Univ. of Berlin, 1912-13; Kaiser Wilhelm Inst., 1912-13. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Phoenix; Detur, Harvard, 1909. Instr., Organic Chem., Harvard, 1913-16; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1916; (on leave for service as Section Chief, Gas Offensive Warfare, Washington, D. C, 1918). Auth.: (With H. A. forrey) P.enols Insoluble in A. kali, Berichte, Vol., 43; (With C. Loring Jackson) Hexa- bromodiacetyl. Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 37; (with L. Clark) Normal Nonane. do.. Vol. 37; (With C. H. Beebe) Action of the Grignard Reagent on C N Compounds, Synthesis of Amidines from Cyanamides do.. Vol. 38; (Wit.i L. F. Weeks) Action of Oxalyl Chloride on primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, do.. Vol. 38; (With W. V. Wirth and H. E. French) Oxalyl (Chloride as a reagent in organic chemistry, do.. Vol. 40; The Present opportunity in Chemistry, Univ. of III. Bui., 15 and Sch. Sc. and Math., Vol. 18; The Manufacture of organic chemicals at the Univ. of III., Science, Vol. 47; Organic Chemical Reagents for Scientific and Technical Laboratories, Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. 9. Mem., A. C. S.; Deutsche Chemische Gesellschoft ; A. A. A. S. Married Lucille Wheeler, Ag 29. 1918 White River Junction, Vt. Address, 603 W. Green St., Urbana. WILLIAM ALEXANDER ADAMS Lawyer; A. B., Harvard. 1898; LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1903; b. S 10, 1871, Chicago; s. Robert A. (b. Mane ester. N. H.) and Mary Martha (Riley) Adams (b. Burlington. Vt.). Prepared in Pinkerton Acad., Derry N. H.. 1890-94. Harvard Union. Teacher, Latin Sch., Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1898-99; Instr., Rhet.. Univ. of 111., 1809-1001; stud. Law, 1901-03; Prof. Law. 111. Coll. of law. 1003-06; Lawyer Chicago, 1903 — . Mem.. Harvard Club, Chicago, 1906; 111. St. Bar Assn., 190";; Chicago Bar Assn., 1910; T. O. O. F.; A. F. A. M. Hamilton Club 1916; Rd. of Educ. Riverside-Brook<^el(l H. S. dist. Married Blanche Snalding Griffin, S 1904, Thornton's Ferry, N. H. Children: William Byron, b. O 10. 1905; Marv Griffin, b. Ag 4, 1908 (died My 16. 1009). Address. Brookfield, 111.; bus. add., 715 Tacoma Bldg.. Chicago. TANSY RADFORD AGG Professor; B. Sc. E. E., la. St. Coll.. 1905; b. My 17, 1878. Fairfield, la.; s. Henry and Sarah Agg. Prepared in Oskaloosa (la.) H. S. Cardinal Guild: two inter-soc. debating medals. With Hanna Mfg. Co., Oska'oosa. la., three vrs.; Testing Dept. Gen. Elec. Co., 1Q05; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Good roads exnert, summer 1006; Instr.. T. and A. M.. TTniv. of 111. i"o6-09: Assoc. Prof., Highway Engng., la. St. Coll., Ames, la.. 1916 — . Cant., Co. D. logth Engrs.; Maj.. do.. Camp Cody. Camp Dix, Camp A. A. Humnhrevs; Mu'^tered out, S I, 1918. Mem.. 111. St. Highway Comn.; la. Nat. Guard, 1895-98; M. E. Church. Address, 707 Hodge Ave., Ames, la.; bus. add., Iowa St. Coll., do. 83s 836 University of Illinois MILTON KENT AKERS (See No. 2306.) CHARLES CLINTON ALBRIGHT Professor; B. S. in C. E., Purdue Univ., 1903; C. E., do., 1908; b. My 20, 1879, Brimfield, Ind. ; s. John W. (b. O 28, 1850, Beaver Tp., Union Co., Pa.) and Sophia (Bower) Albright (b. Ag 13, 1851). Prepared in Marion (Ind.) H. S. Purdue Soc. of Civ. Engrs. Asst., Engng. Corps B. & O. R. R., Newark, 0., 1903-4; Draftsman, Office of Chief Engr., G. C. & S. F. R. R., Galveston, Tex., 1904^^05; Asst. Engr., Maintenance and Const., G. C. & S. F. R. R., 1905-08; Instr., Civ. Engng. Univ. of 111., 1908- 09; Asst. Prof., do., Purdue Univ., 1909 — . Pvt. Co. A, 4th Ind. Nat. Guard, 1897-98. Mem., Am. R. R. Engng. Assn. Married Adda Mable Robinson, Je 22, 1904, Lafayette, Ind. Chil- dren: Mary Mildred, b. D 27, 1906; Helen Louise, b. Ja 30, 191 1. Address, 638 N. 8th St., Lafayette, Ind. EARLE STANLEY ALDEN Instructor; A. B., Colo. Coll., 1909; A. M., Harvard, 1913; b. 1883, Philo, 111. Instr., Colo. Coll., 1910-u; Asst. Prof., Earlham Coll., 1913- 14; Instr., Eng., Univ of 111., 1914-16; Grad. Stud, and Asst., Eng, Harvard, 1916. St. Dept. Work, Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 409 W. 46th St., Los Angeles; bus. add., Franklin College, Frank- lin, Ind. GEORGE HENRY ALDEN Univ. Pres.; B. S., Carleton Coll., 1891; A. B., Harvard, 1893; Ph- D-. Wis., 1896; b. Ag 30, 1866, Tunbridge, Vt.; s. Edwin Hyde (b. Wind- sor, Vt.) and Anna Maria (Whittemore) Alden (b. St. Albans, Vt.). Prepared in Waseca (Minn.) H. S.; Carleton Coll. Acad. Fellowship in Hist., Univ. of Chicago, 1S93-5; Fellowship in Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1896; Supt. Schs.. New Richland. Minn., 1887-88; Supt., Schs., Tracy, Minn., 1891-92; fellowships mentioned, 1892-6; Acting Asst. Prof., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1896-7; P!rof., Hist, and Govt., Cornell Coll.. 1897-8; Prof., Hist and Pol. Sc. Carleton Coll., 1898- 1903; Asst. Prof., Hist., Univ. of Wash., 1903-5; Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Wash., 1905-9; Dean of Coll of Liberal Arts and Acting Pres., Wil- lamette Univ., 1914-15; Prof., Hist, and Dean of Coll. of Liberal Arts, do., 191 5; Acting Pres., do.. 1918 — . Auth. : New Govts. West of the Alleghanies before 1780, Bui. of the Univ. of Wis., 1897; The Evolution of our System of Organizing and Admitting New States, Annals of the Acad, of Pol. and Social Sc, 1901; The State of Franklin, Am. Hist. Rev., Ja 1903; book reviews and notes in periodicals. Mem.. Am. Hist. Assn., 1897 — •; Clerk, Congr. Church, Northfield, Minn., 1899-1903; Pres., Bd. of Trustees, Univ. Congr. Church, Seattle; Pres., Puget Sound Congr. Club, 1908-9. Mar- ried Dora Hall Page, 1898, Anoka, Minn. Children: Rodney Whittemore, b. My 18, 1899; Margaret Marion, b. D 12, 1903. Address, 326 N. Liberty St., Salem, Ore. RAYMOND MacDONALD ALDEN Professor; A. B., Univ. of Pa., 1894; A. M., Harvard., 1896; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1898; Litt. D., Rollins Coll., 1910; b. Mr 30, 1873, New Hartford, N. Y. ; s. Gustavus Rosen- berg (b. F IS, 1832, Greene, Me.) and Isabella (Macdonald) Alden (b. N 3, 1841, Rochester, N. Y.). Prepared in Rollins Coll. Prep Sch., Winter Park, Fla. Attended Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1891-93. Zelosophic Soc, Univ. of Pa.: Phi Beta Kappa; Harvard Debat- ing Union; Harrison Fellow in Eng., Univ. of Pa., 1897-8; Senior Fellow, do., 1898-9; Instr., Eng., Columbian Univ., 1894-5; Asst., Eng., Harvard, 1896-7; Instr., Eng., Univ. of Pa., 1899-1901; Asst. Prof., Eng., Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ.. 1901-9; Assoc. Prof., do., 1909-11; Prof., Eng. and Chm. of Dept., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Prof., Eng.. Leland Stanford, Jr. Liniv., 1914 — . Auth.: Rise of Formal Satire in England, 1899; The Art of Debate, 1900; Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (edited), 1902; On Seeing an Elizabethan Play. 1903; English Verse, 1903; Consolation — an Ode, 1903; Scott's Lady of the Lake (edited), 1904; Knights of the Silver Shield, 1906; Introduction to Poetry, 1909; Plays of Francis Beaumont (edited), 19 10; Thoreau's Walden (edited), 191 o; Read- ings in English Prose, 191 1 and 1917; Shakes- peare's Sonnets (edited), 1916; Tennyson, How to Know Him, 191 7; Contributions to Educ. Jours, and short stories to Collier's Weekly, and other periodicals (won third prize of $1,000 in Collier's short story contest, 1905). Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Am. Phil. Soc; Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs. Married Barbara Gen- ery Hitt, Alhambra, Calif., My 24, 1904. Chil- dren: Donald Hitt, b. N 24, 1905; Elizabeth, b. Je 10, 1909; John Gustavus, b. D 17, 1910; Roland Herrick, b. F 4, 1914. Address, 427 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, Calif. WILLIAM SLEEPER ALDRICH Professor; M. E., Stevens Inst, of Tech., 1884; b. Mr 3, 1863. Philadelphia; s. George Wells (b. Je 30, 1839, Hartland, Vt.) and Sallie Edith (Sleeper) Aldrich (b. Ja 10, 1842, Phila- delphia). Prepared in Burlington, N. J.; Naval Cadet, U. S. Naval Acad.. 18S3. Pub. Schs. Asst., Boys' H. S., Reading, Pa., 1885-7; do.. Central Man. Tr. Sch., Philadelphia, 1887-9; Instr., Draw., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889-91; Assoc, Mech. Engng., do.. 1891-2; Prof., Mech. Engng. and Dir., Mech. Arts, West Va. Univ., 1893-99; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Elec Engng., Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Dir., Thomas 5. Clarkson Memorial Sch. of Tech., Potsdam, N. Y., 1901-11; U. S. Reclamation Service, Sho- shone Project, Wyo., igii-13; Acting Prof., Mech. and Elec Engng., Univ. of Ariz., 191 3- 14; Assoc Prof., Elec. Engng., Colo. Agr. Coll., Fort Collins, Colo.. 1914 — -. Volunteered for service in Span. Am. War; appointed Asst. Engr. with relative rank of Lt., U. S. N. ; at- tached to U. S. S. Vulcan, Admiral Sampson's fleet in Cuban waters, 1898; honorably dis- charged. Mem., Colo. St. Bd. of Dirs. of the U. S. Naval Consulting Bd., 1916-17. Auth.: Notes on Bldg. Const, and Arch., privately pub- lished, 1889; Manual of Instructions, Forms and Schedules for Use in Elec. Engng. Lab., 1900, and Junior Manual Elec. Engng., 1901; each with Prof. Wm. Hand Browne, Jr., Dept. of Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111.; also a number of mag. articles. Mem., A. S. M. E., 1892; A. I. E. E., 1900; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ, 1893. Married Mary Lavinia Pudy, Jl i, 1886, Philadelphia. Children: Alice Kennard, b. Ag 26, 1887; Eleanor Purdy, b. Ap 11, 1890; Eliza- beth Herrick, b. O 22, 1894; Rachel, b. Ja 6. 1896 (died S i, 1908); Mary, b. F 23, 1901. .Address, Ft. Collins, Colo. ARCHIE REED ALGER Draftsman; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1904; C. E., do., 1911; b. F 10, i88i, Newaygo, Mich.; s. Corydon Marcellus (b. S 14, 1844. N. Y.) and Ivucinda Amelia (Reed) Alger (b. Ap i, 1845, Grand Rapids, Mich.). Prepared in Newaygo (Mich.) H. S. Columbian Literary Soc. Instr., Civ. Engng., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1904-7; do., Case School of App. Sc. 1907-8; land surveying and struct, work, 1908-9; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1909-13; Struct, steel draftsman, Indian- apolis, 1913-14; Struct, steel squad foreman and checker, Detroit, 1914-17; Chief draftsman. Steel Engng. Co., Detroit, 191 7 — . Married Minnie .Arbel Backus. S 6, inos, Hesperia, Mich. Ad- dress, 433 Buena Vista, W. Detroit. WARDER CLYDE ALLEE Professor; S. B., Earlham Coll., 1908; S. M., Univ. of Chicago; Ph. D., do., 1912; b. Je 5, 1885, Bloomingdale, Ind.; s. John Wesley (b. Faculty 837 Je 13, 1850, do.) and Mary Emily (Newlin) Allee (b. D 17, 1856, do.). Prepared in Bloom- ingdale (Ind.) Acad. Instr., Biol., H. S., Ham- mond, Ind., 1907-10; .'\sst., Univ. of Chicago, 1Q10-12; Instr., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; do., Biol., \yilliams Coll., 1913-14; Asst. Prof., Zool. and Acting Head of Dept., Univ. of Okla., 1914- 15; Prof., Biol., Lake Forest Coll., 191 5; Instr., Zool., Marine Biol. Lab., Summers. 1913-1S; In Charge of Lab., Invertebrate Course, 1918. In- vestigator, U. S. Fish Comn. 1919 — . Auth. : Articles in Jour. An. Behavior, Jour. E.vp. Zool., Sc, 111., Acad, of Sc, Biol. Bull. Mem., Soc. of Friends; A. A. A. S. Am. Zoolog. ; Am. Entomol.; Am. Naturalists. Married Marjorie Hill, 1912, Carthage, Ind. Children: Warder, b. 1913; Barbara Elliott, b. 1918. Address, Lake Forest, 111. HAMILTON FORD ALLEN Instructor; A. B., Williams Coll., 1888; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1905; b. Jl 7, 1867, Lafay- ette, Ind.; Orme Smith Scholarship, McCor- mick Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1897-99; Fellowship of Biblical and Patristic Greek, do., 1 898-1902. Attended Univ. of Berlin, 1892-94; Grad. from McCormick Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1897; at- tended Univ. of Leipsic, summer 1899; studied a few nios. at Geneva, Switzerland; mem., of Am. Sell, at Athens and traveled in Egypt and Palestine, 1899-1900; Teacher, Greek and Latin, Allen Acad., four yrs. ; Prof., Latin, Washing- ton and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa., 1902- 05; do., Princeton, 1905-06; Assoc, Classics, Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Instr., do., Washington and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa., 1916 — -. Auth.: Infinitive in Polybius, 1907; also arti- cles in jours. Mem., Pittsburgh Soc. of Archaeol- ogy; Am. Sch. at Rome (managing com.). Married. Address, Washington and Jefferson Coll.. Washington, Pa. LOUIS ALLEN (See No. 5520.) MARY STICKNEY ALLEN (LYONS) Microanalyst; B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; b. Mr 31, 1887, Marquette, Mich.; d. William Stickney (b. 1S57, Salem, Mass.) and Anna (Courtenay) Stickney (b. 1864. Milwaukee, Wis.). Prepared in East Div. H. S. Milwaukee. Grad. Stud. Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Teacher, Bot. H. S., Belvidere, 111., 1909-11; Asst.. Zool., Univ. of 111., :9ii-i2; Teacher, H. S., Kansas City, Kan. 1912-15; do.. No. Div. H. S., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1915; Microanalyst, Bur. of Chem., Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1916 — . Married Harold C. Lyons, O 1917, Washington, D. C. Address, 3244 38th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. PAUL WILLIAM ALLEN Business; B. S., St. Lawrence Univ., 1910; M. S., do., 1914; b. 1883. Harford, N. Y. Pre- pared in Dryden (N. Y.) H. S.; Cortland (N. Y.) St. Norm. Schl.; Hobart Coll.; Cornell Teacher, Phys. and Chem., H. S., Plattsburg, N. Y., 1910-11; Head, Dept., Chem.. St. Norm. Sch., Indiana, Pa., 1911-13; Asst., Dairy Bac- teriol., Agr. Coll. and Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.. 1913-16; Instr., do., 1916-17; Assoc, do., 1917- 18; With Douglas Storage Co., Charles City, la., 1 91 8 — •. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Charles City, la. WILLIAM FITCH ALLEN Professor; A. B., Leland Stanford Univ.. 1900; A. M., do.. 1902; Ph. D., Univ. of Minn., 1915; b. N II, 187s; s. Horace H. and Fanny F. Allen. Prepared in Holland Patent H. S. Sigma Xi. Asst.. LT. S. Fish Commissioner, 1899; Asst. to E. P. Allis, Research Lab., 1902-07; Asst. and Collector. Lab.. LTniv. of Calif., 1907-10; Instr., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1910- 11; Instr., Histol and Embryol., Univ. of Minn., 1911-16; Prof., Anatomy, Univ. of Ore. Med. Sch., 1916 — -. Auth.: Numerous articles in Jour. Wash. Acad. Sc, Am. Jour. .Anatomy, Quarterly Jour. Microscopic Sc. London, Jour. Comp. Neurol, and Anatomy Record. Mem., Wash. Acad, of Sc. ; Assn. of Anatomists: Assn. of Anthropologists. Married Augusta A. Nahl. S 11, 1908, San Jose, Calif. Address, Univ. of Ore. Med. Sch., Portland, Ore. WILLIAM EDWIN ALLEY Assistant; M. E., 1902; b. Ag 20, 1882, Champaign; s. Arthur (b. Mr i, 1856, N. Ver- non. Ind.) and Catherine (Carl) Alley (b. Ja 1, 1866,, Geneva, N. Y.). Prepared in Urbana, H. S., Univ. Acad. Boiler Shop, C. C. C. and St. L. R. R., 1904; Leavitt Mfg. Co.. 1904-05; Lab. Mechanic, Univ. of III., 1905-17; Lab. Asst. and Mechanic, do., 1917. Mem. K. of P.; A. F. A. M. Address, 1 1 1 W. Washington St., Urbana. DONALD M. ALLISON Associate; B. A., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 191 1: b. Ag 24, 1890, Pittsburgh. Prepared in .Mlegheny (Pa.) H. S. Teaching Fellowship, Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1910-12; Ed., Internat. Cor._ Sch.. Scranton, Pa., 1916-17; Assoc, Arch. Design, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 509 W. Washington Blvd., Urbana. t FRED GRAY ALLISON (See No. 2551). HARRY ORSON ALLISON (See No. 2552.) WORTH ARTHUR ALLISON (See No. 7340.) ORR MILTON ALLYN (See No. 5003.) CLARENCE WALWORTH ALVORD (See No. G7.) ORLANDO D'AMATO Assistant; A. B., Columbia, 1915; b. D 8, 1889, Italy. Prepared in Morris H. S., New York City. Instr.. Rom. Lang., Shorter Coll., Rome. Ga., 1915-16; Asst., do., Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Sec, 94. U. S. Amb. C. A. E. F., France, 1918-^. Address, 806 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles. t THOMAS HAMER AMRINE (See No. 2555.) FREDERICK OSBAND ANDEREGG Professor; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1910; A. M., Harvard, 1912; Ph.D., do., 1915; b. S 20, 1887, Oberlin, O.; s. Frederick (b. 1852, Meiringen. Switzerland) and Mary Osband (Swift) .\nderegg (b. 1858, Detroit). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) H. S.; Oberlin Acad.; Berner Stadischen Gymnasium. Phi Delta; Thayer and Mallinckrodt Scholarships, Harvard. Chem., Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, St. Louis, 1914-16; Research Asst., Chem., Univ. of III., 1916-17; Instr. do., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., Purdue Univ., 1919— . Auth.: (With T. W. Richards) The Inclusion of the Electrolyte by the Deposit in Silver Voltameter, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 37> 1915; Complications at the Anode in the Silver Coulometer, do., 191 5. (With G. S. Forbes) Potentials of Silver Against Silver in Concen- trated Solutions of Sodium and Potassium Chlorides and its Relation to the Activities of Such Solutions, do., Vol. 37. 1Q15; (Chemical Reactions in the Corona, Ozone Formation, do.. Vol. 39. 1017. Mem. Congr. Church; A. C. S. Marrfed Ethel Coe. S 11, 1915, Sharon, Mass. Children: Frederick Coe, b. Ja 27. 1917; David Swift, b. F 22, 1918. Address, 701 W. Cali- fornia St., Urbana. 83S University of Illinois CARL BERNARD ANDERSON Geologist; S. B., Univ. of Wash., 1912: b. S 6, 1889. Nebraska City, Neb. Prepared in Nebraska City (Neb.) H. S.; Univ. of Neb. Alpha Chi Sigma; Alpha Sigma Pni; Sigma Xi. Lab. Asst., Geol.. Univ. of Neb., 191 1; Instr., Lincoln Acad., Lincoln, Neb., 191 1; Fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1912-15; Asst., Geol., St. Geol. Sur., Univ. of 111., 1913-16. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, Nebraska City, Neb. GEORGE FORBES ANDERSON (See No. loio.) HARRY WARREN ANDERSON Professor; A. B., Wabash Coll., 1907; A. M., do., 1910; Ph. D.. Univ. of 111., 1917; b. O 14, 1885, Ladoga, Ind. ; s. William L. and Ora (Johnson) Anderson. Prepared in Ladoga (Ind.) H. S. Fellowship in Biol., Vanderbilt Univ.; Research Fe low. Mo. Bot. Gardens, Washington Univ.; Grad. Sch., Teaching Fel- low, Vanderbilt Univ., 1907-8; Instr., Bot., Wabash Coll., 1908-10; Floricultural Pafiol., Univ. of 111., 191 1 ; Rose Prof., Bot., and Head of the Bot. Dept., Wabash Coll., 1912-16; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111.. 1916-17; Assoc, Pomol., 1917-18; Agt., Cereal Investigation, U. S. Dept. Agr., 1918; Asst. Prof., Pomol., 1918 — ; Mem., Sigma Xi Washington Univ., 191 1. Address, 6ii Michigan Ave., Urbana. LEWIS FLINT ANDERSON Professor; A. B., Univ. of Toronto, 1893; A. M., do., 1902; Ph. D., Clark Univ., 1907; b. Jl i8. 1866, Waterford, Ont.; s. Samuel Graham (b. S 17, 1842, Glasgow, Scot.) and Julia Anderson (b. Jl 12, 1847, Boston, Ont.). Pre- pared in Parkhill and Welland, Ont., H. Schs. Univ. of Chicago (summer session) 1895; Univ. of Leipzig, 1897-9. Fellowship. Clark Univ., 1906-7; Prin., H. S.. Three Rivers, Mich., 1893-4; Supt., do., 1894-7; Head of the Dept. of Educ. and Psych., No. St. Norm. Set., Marquette. Mich., 1899-1909; Asst. Prof., Educ, Univ. of HI., 1909-14; Prof., Hist, and Phil, of Educ, O. St. Univ. Auth.: The Anglo- Saxon Scop, Univ. of Toronto Studies, Philolog. Series. No. i ; The Development of the Non- Professional Sch. in Europe before the Renais- sance, 1907, Pcd. Sem., Mr and Je 1907; Out- line Sketch of Hist, of Common Sch. Educ, Holt., 1909; also mag. articles on Educ. Mar- ried Harriet Juliana Cobb, Je 24 1897, School- craft. Mich. CI ildren: Donald Benton b. S 1. 1899; Malcolm Graham, b. N 3, 1901; Lewis Gordon, b. O 14, 1904. Address, R. s, Colum- bus, O. •RUFUS ANDERSON B. M. E.. Cornell. 1873: M. E., do., 1882; b. Mr 21, 1850, Mt. Sterling, O.; s. Alban and Frances (Wilson) Anderson. Prepared in Peekskill Mil. Acad.; Cornell, 1884-89. Instr., Iron Work and Foreman of Foundry, Univ. of 111., 1889-93; Mach. designing and const. Hart- ford, Conn., 1893-1917. Auth.; Articles in Am. Machinist. Interested in photography and has secured satisfactory results from dry plate printing. Married Emma S. Hyde N 26, 1874, Southampton, Mass. Children: Flora G., b. D 17. 187s; Amy C, b. Ja 11, 1878; Frederick E. b. O 25. 1880. Died May 10, 1917, South- ampton, Mass. VIOLA JENNIE ANDERSON Instructor; B. S., Simmons Coll., 1912; M. S., do., 1916; b. O IS, 1889, Concord, N. H.; d. Ola (b. 1854. Holje B'ekinge, Sweden) and Jennie Maria (Holbrook) Anderson (b. 1862, Amherst, N. H.). Prepared in Concord (N. H.) H. S. Fellow. H. Sc, Simmons Coll. Instr., fl. Sc. Carnegie Inst, of Tech. 1912-13; Instr., Middlebury Coll. Summer Sch., 1916; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Assoc, Home Econ., do., 1918 — ; Instr., Mass. Agr. Coll., Summer Sch., 1917. Mem.. Am. Assn. of Home Econ. Address, 908 W. Nevada St., Urbana. JAMES BURTON ANDREWS (See No. SS^S.) STEPHEN OSGOOD ANDROS Professor; A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1897; B. S., Mich. Coll. of Mines, 1902; E. M., do., 1903; b. Ja 22, 1876, Gardiner, Me. Attended Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1911. Teacher, Detroit Sch. for Boys, 1897-98; Teacher, Lat. and Eng.. Youngs- town. O., 1898-1900; Instr., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1911; Field Asst., Co-operative Min. Work, Univ. of 111., 191 1-15; Assoc Min. Engng., do., 1913-15; Asst., Prof., Min. Research, do., 1915- 16; Pres. Copper Prime Min. Co., Silver Lake, Calif.; do., Winderest Ranch Co., Watsonville, Calif.; Mgr. Mogollon Gold & Copper Co., Cooney, N. H.; Asst. Supt., Imperial Copper Co., Red Rock. Ariz.; Instr. and Asst. Dir., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Mem., Epis- Church. Address, 814 W. Church St., Cham- paign. JAMES ELLIS ARMSTRONG (See No. 1011.) •GEORGE DAGLEY ARNOLD Born S 7, 1878. Carmi, 111. Asst. Phys. Dir.. Y. M. C. A., Louisville, Ky., 1898-1900; Phys. Dir., Miami Univ., O.xford, 0., 1900-02; Asst., Phys. Tr., Univ. of 111., 1902-03; Clerk, L. E. & St. L. R. R.. Princeton. Ind.; do.. L. & N. R. R., Louisville, Ky. Deceased. HOWARD CLINTON ARNOLD (See No. 6056.) ROSSLEENE MERLE ARNOLD (See No. G16.) GEORGE FREDERICK ARPS Professor; A. B., Leland Stanford, 1904; A. M., Univ. of Ind., 1905; Pn. D., Leipzig, 1908; b. ja 23, 1873; s. August H. (b. 2, 1839, Ger.) and Ida (Hanson) Arps (b. N 4, 1843). Pre- pared in Montrose H. S.; Univ. Acad.; Berlin Univ. 1905-6. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi; Phi Delta Kappa. Assoc. Prof., Educ Psych., Ind. Univ., 1909-10; .\sst. Prof., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Prof., Psych., O. St. Univ., 1912; Capt.. San. Corps, N. A., Camp Green- leaf, Med. O. T. C, Chattanooga Park. Ga.. 1918; Maj.. do., 1918. Auth.: Uber den Austeig der Druckempfindung, Wilhelm Englemann, 190S; Psychologische Studien: Der Verlauf der Aufmerksamkirt bei rhythmischen Reizen. Wil- helm Englemann igoo. Psychologische Studien; Studies in the Am. Psycholog. Periodicals and semi-scientific articles in current periodicals on the war. Mem., Am. Psych, .^ssn., 1910; A. A. .\. S. Married Alice Mary Black O 18, 1905^ Tolono, 111. Child. Leslie Hanson, b. Jl 14. 1907. Address, Columbus. O. LEON EATON CUMMINS ASHLEY (See No. 4054.) RICHARD ASHMAN Assistant; B. Litt., Rutgers Coll., 191 5 ; )>• .^g 13 1890 Philipsburg Pa. Prepared in Huntington ( N. Y.) H. S.; Pa. Coll., Gettys- burg, Pa. Teacher, District Sch., Huntington, N. Y., 1911-12; do., H. S. Huntington, Ind., 1915-16; Asst., Zool., Rutgers Coll., 1Q16-17; Asst., Physiol., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; do., Tulane Univ. New Orleans, 1910 — . Address, Huntington, N. Y.; bus. add., Tulane Univ., New Orleans. *GEORGE WASHINGTON ATHERTON A. B., A. M. Yale, 1863; LL. D., Franklin and Marshall Coll., 1883; b. Je 20, 1837, Box- Faculty 839 ford, Mass. Prepared in Phillips Exeter Acad. Teacher, Albany Boys' Acad., 1863-67; Prof., St. John's Coll., Annapolis, Md., 1867-68; Univ. of 111., 1868-69 (first mem. of faculty on t.ie ground with Dr. Gregory for some weeks pre- ceding the opening of the Univ. in 1868J; Prof., Pol. Econ. and Constitutional Law, Rutgers, N. J., 1869-82; Pres., Pa. St. Co.l., 1882-1906; served as Lt. and Capt. in iota Conn. Volun- teers, 1S61-63. Mem.. Bd. of Visitors to U. S. Naval Acad., 1873 and 1891; Chm., Comn. to digest and revise St. System of Taxation, N. J., 1878; First Pres., Am. Assn. of Agr. Coll. and Exp. Stas. ; Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Wash. Acad. Sc; G. A. R. Coll. and Univ. Council of Pa.; Am. Inst. Civics. Auth. : Magna Charta, a Comparative View of the Barons Articles and the Great Charter, with a new Translation of both documents; The Legislative Career of Justin S. Morrill with special refer- ence to U. S. Land Grant Colleges; and ot ler pamphlets and articles. Married Frances D. W. Washburn, D 25, 1863. Died Jl 24, 1906, St. College, Pa. ELIZABETH ELLIOTT ATKINSON (LUNT) Born Mr i, 1882, Pittsfield, 111.; d. George Morgan (b. Je 14, 1856, do.) and Ruth Elliott (Voorhees) Atkinson (b. Ag 22, i860, George- town O.). Prepared in Pittsfield and Quincy H. Schs.; Univ. Acad. Pi Beta Phi. Asst. Instr., Phys. Tr., Univ. of 111., 1904-07; Instr., Phys. Tr. and Dir., Women's Aths., Univ. of Wis., 1907-10. Married William Edward Lunt, D 5. 1910, Macomb, 111. Child. William Edward Jr., b. N 3, 1913. Address, 5 College Lane, Haverford. Pa. CLARENCE ALLEN ATWELL Elec. Tester; B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1914; b. Ja 26, 1891, Fairfield, Neb.; s. Daniel Allen (b. Lawton, Mich.) and Mary Etta (Wiggs) Atwell (b. Coe, Ind.). Prepared in Fairfield, (Neb.) H. S. Sigma Tau; Sigma Xi. Engr., Omaha Elec. Light & Power Co., Omaha, Neb., 1914; Asst., G. E. D.. Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Instr., do., 1915-17; Elec. Tester, Westingiouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1917— . Auth.: Acceleration Curves of Elec. Motors, Neb. Blue Print, Vol. 14, 1915, Co-auth.: Mechanical Drafting, revised ed.. 1915, Manual Arts Press. Mem., M. E. Church; Assoc. Mem., A. I. E. E. Address, 720 Hill Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa.; bus. add., Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. CHARLES AUSTIN ATWOOD (See No. 5531.) LEVI PATTEN ATWOOD (See No. 786.) EARL KIRKWOOD AUGUSTUS (See No. 6059.) JOSEPH PAUL AUMER (See No. 3262.) FRANZ AUGUST AUST Professor; B. S.. N. Dak. St. Sch. of Sc, 1904; M. S., Univ. of Minn., 191 1; b. My 10, 1885, Defiance, O. ; s. August and Hermina (Herolz) Aust (b. Ger.). Prepared in Lansing (Mich.) H. S.; Univ. of Mich., 1913. Tau IJelta Sigma. Instr.. Land. Design, Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Asst. Prof. do.. Univ. of Wis., 1916 — . Auth.: Numerous articles on plan- ning and planting published in popular mags. Married Mabel A. Armstrong, Ag 26, 1914, Minneapolis. Children: Alden Franz, b. Je 4, 1916; Lucile Bernice. b. Je 3, 1918. Address, 2202 Commonwealth Ave., Madison, Wis. JAMES CURTISS AUSTIN Assistant; A. B., Syracuse Univ., 1916; b. N 28, 1895, Pulaski, N. Y.; s. Frank W. (b. My 31, i860, Williamstown, N. Y. and M.iude H. (Farmer) Austin (b. Ap 21, 1869, Pulaski, N. Y.). Prepared in Fulton (N. Y.) H. S.; Attend- ed Univ. of III.; Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., H. S., Westport, N. Y., 1916-17; Asst., Classics, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Married Dorothy Lucille Cuthbert, ('16), Ja 7, 1919, Champaign. Address, 804 W. Green St., Urbana; bus. add., 126 Lincoln Hall, do. MINER MANLY AUSTIN (See No. G19.) KENDRIC CHARLES BABCOCK Dean; B. Litt., Univ. of Minn., 1889; A. M., (Harvard, 1895; Ph. D., do., 1896; LL. D., Roanoke Coll., 1914; b. S 8, 1804, S. Brook- heid, N. Y.; s. Gideon Perry (b. O 18, 1829, R. 1.) and Lydia (MacomPer) Babcock (b. Ja 15. 1837, N. Y.). Prepared in Brookfield (N. Y.) Union Free Sch.; Univ. of Minn. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Goodwin Memorial Fellow, Harvard; Univ. Scholar, do.; Alumni Fellow, Univ. of Minn. Teacher and Prin., Schs., N. Y., 1681-85; Prin., Evening bchs., Minneapolis, 1888-91; Instr., Hist, and Eng., Univ. of Minn., 1890-94; Instr., and Asst. Prof., Hist, and Pol. Sc, Univ. of Calif., 1896-1903; Pres. and Prof. Pol. Econ., Univ. of Ariz., 1903-10; Specialist in Higher Educ, U. S. Bur. of Educ. 1910-13; Dean, Coll. L. A. & S., Univ. of 111., 1913— ; Dir., Summer Session, do., 1917-18. Auth.: The Rise of American Nationality, Harpers, New York, 1907; The Scandinavian Elements in the U. S., Univ. of 111., 1914; A Classification of Uni- versities and Colleges with reference to Bache- lors' Degrees, Gov't Printing Office, Washing- ton, 191 1 ; Accredited Seconaary Schools in the U. S., do., 1913; Chapters on Higher Educ, An. Rept. of U. S. Commissioner of Educ, 1911-13; The Scandinavians in the Northwest, torum. Vol. 14, 1892; The Scandinavian Con- tingent, The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 67, 1896; The Scandinavian Element in American Popu- lation, Am. Hist. Rev., Vol. 16, 191 1; Biblio- graphical Instruction in College, Lib. Jour., Mr 1913; T.e Historical Spirit Univ. of Calif. Chronicle, Vol. 12, 1910; College Standards as Affected by Diffusion of Credits, Froc. of the Assoc. Colls, and Sec. Sch. of the So. States, 1912; Preliminary Training for Entrance into Med. Schs., Quarterly of the Fed. of St. Med. Bds., Vol. I, 1914. Mem.. Territorial and St. Bd. of Educ, Ariz.; Am. Hist. Assn.; Minn. Hist. Soc; Nat. Inst of Social Sc; Univ. Club, Urbana; Univ. Club, Chicago; Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C; City Club, N. Y. Address. 1104 W. Nevada St., Urbana. IRWIN WOODWARD BACH (See No. 3263.) PEDRO BACH-Y-RITA Assistant; M. S., Escuela Norm., Superior, Barcelona, Spain, 191 1; b. Ag 14, 1893, Bar- celona, Spain. Prepared in Superior Sch.; Attended Univ. of Chicago; Studied in France and Belgium. Cosmopolitan Club; Centro Liter- ario Espanol. Pvt. Tutor, Chicago, 191 5-16; Asst. Spanish, Univ. of III.. 1916-18. Mem., Catholic Church. Address. Calle Vemeda No. 16, Barcelona, Spain. RUFUS MATHER BAGG Professor; A. B.. Amherst Coll., 1891; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1895; b. Ap 19, 1869, West Springfield Mass.; s. R. Mather (b. D 20, 1844, do.) and Mary Elizabeth (Bartholomew) Bagg (b. My 10, 1845, Montgomery, Mass.). Prepared in West Springfield (Mass.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Xi. Prof., Geol.. Colo. 840 University of Illinois Coll., 1897-8; Teacher, H. S., Colo. Springs. 1 899-1900; Honorary Mineralogist to The Paris Exposition, 1900; In Charge of U. S. Exhibit of Sulphide Minerals Exhibit and Collection; Sub Master, II. S., Brockton, Mass., 1901-3; Prof., Mineral, Kew Mex. Sch. Mines, 1903-4; Instr., GeoL, Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Prof., Gcol. and Mineral, Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 191 1 — . Auth. : The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey, U. S. GeoL Sur.. Bui. 88, 1898; Pilocene and Pleistocene Foraminifera from Soutliern Calif., do., 513, 1912; Miocene For- aminifera of Maryland (Systematic Paleontol.) Md. Geo!. Sur., 1905; Miocene Foraminifera from the Monterey Shale, Calif., etc., Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 268, 1905; Some Ano- malous Mineral Occurrences at Maguarichie, Chihuahua, Mex., Engng. & Min. Jour. Vol. 80; The Sahuayacan Min. Dist., Chihuahua, Mex., do.. Vol. 80, 190s; Fault Breccia Veins in the Sierra Madre, Mex., Min. and Sc. Press, Vol. 96, 1906; Foraminifera Collected near the Hawaiian Islands by the Steamer Albatross in 1902, Proceedings U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. 34, 1908. Mem., A. I. M. E.; Wash. Acad, of Sc; Wash.; Fellow, Geol. See. Am.; A. A. A. S.; Mem., Paleont. Soc. Am.; Am. Geog. Soc. ; Wis. St. Teachers Assn. Married Grace Sybil Raybold, Ap 8, 1896. Children: Majel Raybold, b. F 18, 1898 (died Ag 11, 1900); Gladys Leona, b. Ap 12, 1899; Walter Mather, b. O s. i90i (died Ja 11, 1902). Address, 7 Brokaw Place, Appleton, Wis. WILLIAM CHANDLER BAGLEY Professor; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1895; M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1898; Ph. D., Cornell, 1900; b. Mr IS, 1874, Detroit; s. William Chase (b. Ag 18, 1833, Boston) and Ruth (Walker) Bag- ley (b. Mr 22, 1838, Sutton, Mass.). Prepared in Detroit H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Xi; Kappa Delta Pi; Sage Scholarship, Cornell. Pub. Sch. Teacher, Mich., 1895-97; Asst., Psych., Cornell, 1900-01; Prin., Elementary Sch., St. Louis, 1901-02; Insp. of orchards and nurseries under St. Entomol., 111., summer 1902; Prof., Psych, and Ped., Dir. Tr., Mont. St. Norm. Coll, 1902-06; Supt.. Tr., N. Y. St. Norm. Sch., Oswego, N. Y., 1906-08; Prof., Educ, Univ., of 111., 1908-17; Dir., Sch. of Ed- uc, do., 1909-17; Dir., summer session, do., 1910-16; Prof., Educ. Teachers Coll., Columbia, 191 7 — . Auth.: The Educative Process, Macmil- lan, 1905; Classroom Management, do., 1907; Craftsmanship in Teaching, do., 191 1; Educa- tional Values, do., 1911; (with C. A. Beard') The History of the American People, igi8; Apperception of the Spoken Sentence, reprint from Am. Jottr. of Psych., 1900; Joint Ed. and one of the founders, Jour, of Educ. Psych.. 1910; Ed. and founder of Intermountain Edu- cator, 1905-06; Ed., Sch. and Home Educ. 1912; many other articles in mags. Mem., N. E. A.; Religious Educ. Assn.; Nat. Soc. for Study of Educ; Nat. Soc. Coll. Teachers of F^duc; Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; Mem., Com. on Psycho- logical and Pedagogical Aspects of Mil. Tr. and Discipline. Nat. Research Council; Mem.. Comn. on Emergency and Readjustment, Nat. Educ. Assn. Married Florence Winger, Ag 14, 1901, Lincoln, Neb. Children: Ruth Win- ger, b. 1902; Joseph Winger, b. 1903; William Chandler, Jr., b. 1909; Florence Winger, b. 1910. Address, 58 Vanderbilt Ave., Stapleton, S. I., New York City; bus. add.. Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., do. ERNEST WINFIELD BAILEY (See G25.) HARRY FOSTER BAIN Geologist; B. S., Moores Hill Coll., Ind., 1890; M. S., do., 1894; Ph. D., Univ. of Chica- go, 1897; b. N 2, 1 87 1, Seymour, Ind.; s. W. M. and Radie F. Bain. Prepared in Seymour (Ind.) Pub. Schs. Grad. Stud., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1891-3; Asst. St. Geol., la., 1893-1900; Consulting Geol. and Mine Mgr., 1900-2; CJeol., U. S. Geol. Sur., 1902-5; Dir., St. Geol. Sur., Univ. of 111., 1905-g; Ed., Min. and Scientific Press, 1909-15; Pres., Dewey Pub. Co., 1909-15; Ed., Mining Mag.. London, Eng., 1915-16; Ex- [ilorations in far East, 1916-17; Asst. to Dir., U. S. Bureau of Mines, Ap 1918 — . Auth.: More Recent Cyanide Practice, Min. and Sc. Press, San Francisco and London, 1910; Types of the Deposits, do., 191 1; numerous reports for the la.. U. S. and 111. Sur.; also many mag. articles. Mem., A. I. M. E. ; Am. Soc. Min. and Met.; Canadian Min. Inst.; Fellow, Geol. Soc. Am.; Inst. Mex. Min. Met.; Engrs. Club, Chicago; Univ. Club, Urbana; Faculty Club, Berkeley, Calif. Married Mary Wright, D I, 1902, Kansas City, Mo. Child, Margaret, b. D 10, 1903. Address, 1923 35th St., Wash- ington, D. C.; bus. add., U. S. Bureau of Mines, do. WALTER GELVIN BAIN Pathologist; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1903; M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1905; b. Ap 13, 1876. Delaware, O.; s. Francis Marion (b. 1842, Marion Co., O.) and Kernhappoch (Mil- ler) Bain (b. 1842, Chester Co., Pa.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. House Surg., Jackson Park Sanitarium, Chicago, 1905; Bac- terioL, St. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1906-08; do.. 111. St. Bd. of Heahh, 1908-10; Pathol., St. Johns Hosp.. and Chem^ 111. Dairy Co., 1910 — . 111. Nat. Guard, 191 8; (Tapt., Med. Corps, Lab. Div., Chief of Lab. Service U. S. A., Gen. Hosp. No. 8, Rockefeller Inst. Auth.: Report of Pathol. Dept., St. Johns Hosp., 1911, 1914, 1 9 16; Tuberculosis of Ear, Nose and Throat, Am. Med. Assn., 1910; The Hosp. and its Field of Work for the Gen. Scientist, ///. Acad. of Sc, 1916. Mem., A. M. A.; A. C. S.- 111. St. Acad, of Sc; Sangamon Co. Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Soc; West. Roentgen Soc. Mar- ried Helen Louise Hallett, Ap 2, 1906, Cham- paign. Children: Frances Marion, b. N 7, 1908; Walter Gelvin, Jr., b. Je 20, 1910; Joseph Bartlett, b. Ag 29, 1911. Address, Chatham, 111.; bus. add., St. Johns Hosp., Springfield, 111. *JOHN WALLACE BAIRD Professor; A. I}., Toronto Univ., 1897; Ph. D., Cornell, 1902; b. My 21, 1873, St. Mary's, Out., Can.; s. Charles (b. My 4, 1829, Lan- ark, Out., Can.) and Agnes (Browning) Baird (b. N 6, 1831, do.). Prepared in St. Mary's Coll. Inst., St. Mary's, Ont. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Leipzig, 1898-99; Fellow, Psych., Univ. of Wis., 1899-1901; do., Cornell, 1901-02; Asst., Psych, under Carnegie Foundation, 1903-04; Instr., do., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1904-06; do., Univ. of 111. 1906-07; Asst. Prof., do., 1906-09; Prof., do., Clark Univ., 1909 — ; Lecturer, Psych., Dept. of Educ, Manitoba, 1906. Invented var- ious pieces of psych, apparatus; discovered co- incidence of color zones on retina of light- adapted eye; discovered improved method of lictcrochroniatic photometry; various discover- ies of function of macular pigment; investiga- tor of various problems of memory, learning, and thinking. Collaborating Ed., Psych. BuL; Co-operating Ed., Jour, of Applied Psych, and Jour, of Educ. Psych.; Executive Ed., Am. Jour, of Psych.; Ed. and Auth. of various monographs and mag. articles. Fellow, A. A. ,A. S.; Mem., Am. Psych. Assn.; various clubs and professional socs. ; Pres. Am. Psych. Assn., 1918; V.-chm. of Psych. Com., Div. Med. and Related Sc, Nat. Research Council, Washing- ton, D. C. Died F, 1919. CLARENCE JAMES BAKER (See G28.) Faculty 84,1 FRANK COLLINS BAKER Curator; B. S., Chicago Sch. of Sc, 1896; b. D 14, 1867. Warren, R. I. Prepared in Provi- dence (R. I.) H. S.; Brown Univ. Sigina Xi. In charge Invertebrate Dept., Ward's Natural Sc. Establishment, Rochester, N. Y.. i8qo-93; Curator, ZooL, Field Museum of Natural Hist., :894; Curator and Acting Dir., Chicago Acad, of Sc, 1894-1915; Zool. Investigator, N. Y. St. Coll. of Forestry. Syracuse Univ., 1915-17; Curator, Museum of Natural Hist., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 806 W. Oregon St., Urbana.f GERALD CLIFFORD BAKER (See No. 8116.) HARRY TORSEY BAKER Instructor; A. B., summa cum laude, Wes- leyan Univ., 1900; A. M., do., 1902; b. N 14. 1877, Rockland, Me.; s. Jessie Robinson and Ellen Jane (Cohran) Baker. Prepared in Rock- land ("Me.) H. S. Harvard, 1905-6. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Greek Prize, High Honors in Eng. Mem., Eng. Dept.; Wesleyan Univ.; Harvard; LTniv. of So. Calif.; Beloit Coll.; Franklin and Marshall Coll., 1900-13; Fic- tion reader, Internat. Mag. Co., 1914-15; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; do.. Smith College, 19 1 8 — . Auth.: The Contemporary Short Story, D. C. Heath & Co., 1917; Poetry and the Practical Man, Forum, Vol. 42, 1909; A Friend of Lamb's J William Hazlitt, Methodist Rcviczv, Mr, 1910; The Relation of Shakespeare's Peri- cles to (jeorge Wilkins' Novel, The Painful Adventures of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Pub- lications of the Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am., Vol. 23; Variation of Species in Literature. Seivan- ee Review. Jl, 191 4; The Qualities of Brown- ing; Mid-West Quarterly, Vol. 2, 1917; Early English Journalism, Sewanee Review, Vol. 30, 1917; Wordsworth and Annette, North Am. Review, Vol. 207, 1918. Address, Smith Col- lege, Northampton, Mass. IRA OSBORNE BAKER (See No. 36.) •KITTIE MARIE BAKER (WADSWORTH) (See No. 255.) ♦WILLIAM MELVILLE BAKER Born Jl 4, 1823, Phippsburg, Me. Prepared in the sch. of George Field, Prospect, Me.; one yr. in Waterville; three yrs. at Bowdoin Coll.; one yr. in Theol. at Bangor Sem. Teach- er, various schs., 1846-57; organized a classi- cal H. S.. Quincy, III., 1857; Chaplain of the 97th 111. Vols., 186 1 -4: Asst. to Supt. of Pub. Instruction. 111., 1865-8; the first Prof., Eng. Lang., "111. Indus. Univ." 1868-73. Married. Child, Etta M. Died Ap 16, 1873. EDWARD CHAUNCEY BALDWIN Frofessor; A. B., Yale, 1895; Ph. D., do., 1898; b. N 30, 1870, W. Cornwall, Conn.; s. Chauncey E. (b. Ja 15, 1835, do.) and Julia Rebecca (Howard) Baldwin (b. 1840. Madison, N. Y.). Prepared in Morgan H. S., Clinton, Conn., Alpha Sigma Phi; Grad. Scholarship, Yale. Teacher, Eng., Duluth H. S.. 1898; do., Adelbert Coll. of West. Reserve LTniv., 1899- 1900; Asst. Prof., Eng. Lit., Univ. of 111., 1901 — . Ed.: Dickens's David Copperfield, 1908; Bunyan's Grace Abounding, 1910; Old Testament Narratives, 1910; (With H. G. Paul), English Poems, 1908; Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. Auth.: Our Modern Debt to Israel, 1914; Numerous mag. articles. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Cosmopolitan Club; Nat. Inst, of Social Sc. Married Mabel Merrill. S 7, 1898, New Haven, Conn. Children: Grace Howard, b. O 22, 1899; David M.. b. Jl 31, 1912. Address, 1002 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. FRANCIS MARSH BALDWIN (See G30.) JESSIE EMMA BALDWIN (TURNER) (See No. 3265.) LEO STARR BALDWIN (See No. 7359.) WALTER JOHN BALDWIN Teacher; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1890; M. E., do.. 1894; b. Mr 12, 1864, West Bradford, Pa.; s. John R. (b. S 12, 1824, do.) and Esther Ann (Walter) Baldwin (b. 1825, Unionville, Pa.). Prepared in St. Norm. Sch., West Chester, Pa. Teacher, Friends Acad., 1882-83; Prin., do., 1883-84; Teacher. St. Norm. Sch.. West Chester, Pa., 1884-86; Asst., Geol. Sur., N. Mich., i888; Asst. Prof., Geol.. Mich. Coll. Mines, 1899-91; Instr., do., 1891; Prof., Min. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1891-93; Engr., 1894-97; Teacher, Math., Man. Tr. Sch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1897—. Ad- dress, 253 Carlter Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.t CLARENCE WILLIAM BALKE Chemist; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1902; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa. 1905; b. Mr 29, 1880, Auburn, O.; s. William F (b. Ger.) and Clara J. (Class) Balke (b. O.). Prepared in Chagrin Falls (O.) H. S. and Oberlin Acad. Sigma Xi; Phi Lamb- da LTpsilon; Scholar, Univ. of Pa., 1902-3; Fellow, Univ. of Pa., 1904-6. Instr., Oberlin Coll., summer, 1903; Acting Prof.. Phys. and Chem., Kenyon Coll., Hodgenville, Ky., 1903-04; Instr., Chem.. Univ. of Pa., 1906-07; Assoc, do., LTniv. of 111., 1907-10; Asst. Prof., do., 1910-13; Prof., do., 19 1 3-1 6; Chief Chem., Pfanstiehl Co., Inc., N. Chicago. Auth.: (With James E. Egan) Observations on the Rare Earths; Yttrium Chloride and the Atomic Weight of Yttrium, Jour. A. C. S., .35, 1913; (With George W. Sears) The Atomic Weight of Tantalum, do., 37, 1915; (With B. Smith Hopkins) The Puri- fication and Atomic Weight of Yttrium, do., 38, 1916; (With Edgar W. Engle) Observations on the Rare Earths, do., 39, 1917; (With H. C. Kremers) do., V-Holmium and Dysprosium, do., 40. 1918. Mem., A. C. S. Married Minnie M. Coddington, 1905, Camden, N. J. Children: Clair Coddington, b. 1908; Roger Redfield, b. iQoo; Barbara, b. 1913; Hildegarde, b. 1915; Abigail Strader, b. 1918. Address, 27 Linden Ave., Highland Park. 111.; bus. add., Pfan- stiehl Co., Inc., N. Chicago. THEODORE RALLY BALL (See G31.) HENRY WINTHROP BALLANTINE Dean; A. B., Harvard, 1900; LL. B., do., 1904; b. O 12, 1880, Oberlin, O. ; s. William Gay (b. D 7, 1848, Washington, 111.) and Emma Frances (Atwood) Ballantine (b. My 12, 1856, Waupun, Wis.). Prepared in Oberlin Acad.; Attended Oberlin Coll.; Amherst (Toll. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Lawyer, San Francisco, 1904- 11; Lecturer on Law. Univ. of Calif.; Dean of Law Sch., Univ. of Mont.. 1911-13; Prof.. Law, LTniv. of Wis., 1913-16; Dean of Coll. of Law and Prof., Law. Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Auth.: Problems in Law of Contracts, Lawyers Co- operative Pub. Co., 1915; Blackstone's Com- mentaries. Revised edition Vol. 15. Modern Am. law, Blackstone Inst., 1915; Personal Property, do.. Vol. 4; niunerous law articles in Cml. Laws of the World. Am. Law Sch. Review, Mich. La7V Revieiv, Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Jour., Calif. Law Review and TU. Law Bui. Mem., 111. St. Bar Assn.; Am. Bar Assn.; Sec, Am. Soc. of Mil. Law; LTniv. Club, Urbana. Married Grace Wetherell, Jl 22, 1906, Mill Valley, Calif. Child, Bettina, b. Jl 3, I9i0- .Address, 707 W. Nevada St., Urbana. WILLIAM SALISBURY BALLARD (See No. 2019.) 842 University of Illinois MERTON FORD BANKS Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Me., 1915; b. Jl 27. 1893, Biddeford, Me. Prepared in Bidde- ford (Me.) H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Tester, Rd. Materials, Univ. of Me., 1915-16; Asst., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Instr., do., 1917-18. Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 31 Harvey St. ALICE MAY BARBER (BENNETT) (See No. 678.) PERRY BARKER (See No. 2021.) BRONSON BARLOW (See G36.) JOSEPH HOWARD BARNARD Lt. Col.; b. Ja i, 1877. HI. Grad., InL and Cavalry Sch., 1906; (jrad.. Mounted Service Sch., 1907; 2nd Lt. sth Cavalry 1901; ist Lt., do., 1907; Capt., 17th Cavalry, 1916; .'\sst. Prof., Mil. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Maj., Camp Funston Kan. 191 7; Lt. Col., Camp Dodge, la. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, c/o War Dept., Washington, D. C.t ARTHUR ELLIS BARNES (See No. 57.) OTIS AVERY BARNES (See No. 7363.) CHARLES ANTHONY BARNHART (See No. 2319.) JESSE MELANGTHON BARNHART (See No. 2573.) JAMES THEOPHILUS BARRETT (See No. 1808.) DANIEL OTIS BARTO (See No. 2575.) PHILIP STEPHAN BARTO (See No. 2576.) HERBERT JEWETT BARTON Professor; A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1876; M. A., do., 1893; b. S 27 1853, Newport, N. H. Prepared in N. H. Conf. Sem., Tilton. N. H. Alpha Delta P..i; Phi Beta Kappa. Prin., H. S., Newport, N. H., 1876-78; do., Waukegan, 111., 1878-81; Supt., do., 1879-81; Prin.. Kinzie Sch., Chicago, 1883; Prin., Norm., Univ. H. S. and Prof., Latin and Greek, 1883-91; Prof., Latin, Univ. of III., 1891 — . Auth.: Civil Govt, of Illinois, Silver, Burdett & Co., 1892; revised ed. 1899; Some Considerations Why a Man Should be More of a Brute, Intelligence, 1891; W. H. Ray, his Career as a teacher. Re- port of St. Supt. of Pub. Instruction, 1888-90; For the Roman I Hint, 1894 and 1895; Our Local and St. Hist. Sch. News, Je 189.5; The School- master Gentleman, Vidctte, 1900; The College Conference of the Middle West, Educ. Review, 1904. Mem., Presby. Churc'i; Pres., Central HI. Teachers' Assn., 1900; Sec.-Treas. of the Classical Assn. of the Middle West and South, 1910-14; Pres., do., 1914-15; Am. Philological Assn.; Archaeological Inst, of Am. Married Sara L. Dodge, Ag 21. 1877. Children: Clay- ton R., b. Ap 18, 1880 (died Ja 30, 1887); Christine D., b. My 17, 1885; Percy L. ('11), b. O 5. 1886. Address, 406 W. Hill St.. Cham- paign. EDWARD BARTOW Professor; A. B., Williams Coll., 1892; Ph.' D., do., 1895; b. Ja 12, 1870, Glenham, N. Y.; s. Charles Edward (b. O 24, 1833, New York City) and Sarah Jane (Scofield) Bartow (b. Jl 24, 1837, Glenham, N. Y.). Prepared in Mt. Beacon Acad., Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. ; at- tended George Augusta Univ.. Gottingen, Ger. Theta Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Philo- logian Lit. Soc. ; Jackson Soc. of Nat. Hist. Asst., Chem., Williams Coll., 1892 94; Instr., Chem., do., 1895-97; Assoc. Prof., Chem., Un- iv. of Kan., 1897-1905; Prof., Chem., Kansas City Med. Coll., 1902-05; Assoc. Prof., Chem., and Dir., St. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1905; Prof., San. Chem. and Dir. of St. Water Sur., do., 190617; Chief, St. Water Sur. Div., Dept., Registration and Educ, 1917 — . Maj., San. Corps, N. A., A. E. F., France, 1917-18; Lt. Col., do., 1918—. Auth.: Univ. of 111. Buls., St. Water Sur. Series, Nos. 3-7; Proc. 111. Water Supply Assn., Nos. 1-6; Reports Lake Mich. Water Comn., Nos. 1-2; also several ar- ticles on organic Chem. Petroleum, and Water, /oi/r. of the A. C. S., Kan. Acad, of Sc, Kan. Univ. Sc. BuL, and St. Water Sur. Bills. Mem.. Comn. to investigate Coal Mine Explo- sions in Kan., 1905, appointed by Gov. Hoch; Lake Mich. Water Comn., 1908, appointed by Gov. Deneen; .Sec. Lake Mich. Water Comn. 1908; Sec, Great Lake Internat. Pure Water Assn., 1911; Mem., A. C. S.; Councilor for Kan- sas City section 1903-05; Councilor for Univ. of 111. Sec; A. A. A. S.. Fellow, 1905; Deutsche Chemischen Gesellschaft, 1903-06; Kan. Acad, of Sc, V. P., 1902-03, Pres., 1904; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Am. Water works Assn.; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs.; 111. Water Supply Assn., Sec; Ind. San. Water Assn.: A. I. C. E. ; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married Alice Abbott, S 3, 1895, Rochester, N. Y. Child, Virginia, b. D 20, 1896. Address, 1007 W. Oregon St., Urbana; bus. add., Elysee Palais Hotel, Paris, France. MADISON CLAIR BATES Principal; A. B., Williams Coll.. 1904; A. M., do., 1905; A, M., Harvard, 1906; b. O 26, 1881, Abingdon 111.; s. Madison Canby (b. Jl 7, 1836, Morgan Co., 111.) and Minerva Emma (Latimer) Bates (b. 1840, Abingdon, 111.). Prepared in Oberlin (O.) H. S.; Toulon Acad. 111. Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1906-07; Grad. Scholar- ship, Eng., Columbia, 1909-10; Head. Dept. Eng., S. Dak. St. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, Brookings, S. Dak., 1907-18; Asst. Prin., Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., 1918 — . Married Helen Elizabeth Bullard ('05), D 31, 1907, Springfield, 111. Children: Robert Latimer, b. Je 17 1912; Mary Elliott, b. Jl 29, 1914. Ad- dress, Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt. FREDERICK CHARLES BAUER (See No. 3632.) HARRY WILLIAM BAUM (See No. 857.) HENRY CLAY BAUMGARDNER Traveling Salesman; B. S., O. St. Univ., 1914; b. S 6, 1889, Sugar Grove, O. Asst.. An. Husb. Lab., O. St. Univ., 1913-14; Foreman, Gas Line Const., 1914; Asst., An. Husb. Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Traveling Salesman. Swift & Co., Chicago; Mem., Internat. Live Stock Judg- ing Team; Reformed Church. Address, Sugar Grove, O.; bus. add., c/o Swift & Co., Chicago. SAMUEL DAY BAWDEN (See No. 588.) WILLIAM THOMAS BAWDEN Specialist, Vocational Educ; A. B., Denison Univ., Granville, O., 1896; B. S., Columbia, 1903; Ph. D.. do., IQ14; b. N 6, 1875, Oberlin, O.; s. Rev. Henry Heath (b. Ja 1839, Totnes, Devonshire, Eng.) and Harriet Newell (Day) Bawden (b. Ja 1842, New York City). Prepared in Champaign H. S.; Doane Acad., Granville, Faculty 843 O. Mechanics Inst., Rochester, N. Y. Phi Del- ta Kappa. Instr., Math, and French. Cedar Val- ley Sem., Osage, la., 1897; Instr., Woodturn- ing and Pattern-making, N. Y. St. Reformatory, Elmira, N. Y., 1898; Instr.. Shopwork and Drawing, Pub. Schs., BufiEalo, N. Y., 1898 190-'; Dir., Dept. of Man. Tr., 111. St. Norm. Univ., Normal, III., 190J-10; Asst. Dean, Coll. of Engng., Univ. of 111. 1910-12; Specialist, Voca- tional Educ, U. S. Bureau, of Educ, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C, 1914 — . Auth. : A Descriptive Analysis of the Occupations in the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Industry, U. S. Bur. Labor Statistics Bui. 147; Chapter on Vocational Education, Annual Report Commissioner of Ed., 1913-16; Joint Auth.: The Public School System of San Francisco, U. S. Bur. of Ed., Bui. 46, 1917; State Higher Educational In- stitutions of North Dakota, do., No. 27, 1916; Some Problems in City School Administration, World Book Co., 1916; Ed. Manual Training Mag. Mem., N. E. A.; Nat. Vocational Educ. Assn.; Nat. Vocational Guidance Assn.; Nat. Assn. of Corp. Schs.; West. Drawing and Man. Tr. Assn.; East. Arts. Assn.; 111. Man. Arts. Assn.; Sch. Crafts Club of New York City; Chni. of Sub-Section on Indus. Educ., Second Pan-Am. Sc. Cong. Washington, D. C, 1915- 16. Married Ora Richardson, Ag 17, 1898, Parkers- burg, W. Va. Child, William Richardson, b. .S 5, 1910. Address, 24 W. Irving St., Chevy Chase, Md. PAUL LEVERN BAGLEY (See No. G41.) ALICE MARIE BEACH Entomologist; B. S., la. St. Coll., 1892; M. S., do, 1894; b. O 30. 1837, Summer Hill, N. Y. ; d. Isaac Ambrose (b. My 9, 1828, Spring- port N. Y.) and Maria North (Wood) Beach (b. Ag 3, 1833, Sempronius, N. Y.). Prepared in Homer Acad, and Un-on Sch., Homer, N. Y. and St. Norm. Sch., Cortland, N. Y. Teacher, Pub. and pvt. schs.; Asst., Museum work. la. St. Coll., 1892-94; Special work, Entomol., N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva, N. Y., 1898; Asst., Office of St. Entomol., Albany, N. Y., 1899; Asst. Entomol., St. Lab. of Natural Hist., Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Special work in Entomol.. Office of St. Entomol., Albany, N. Y., 1902-03; do., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif., 1906 — . Ad- dress, c/o Willett M. Hays, R. 6, W. Chester, Pa. •ETTA LORRAINE BEACH (WRIGHT) (See No. 528.) ROBIN BEACH Instructor; B. S. N. H. Coll.. 1913; b. Ag 30, 1889, Robins Island, Long Island, N. Y. Elect. Installation and Testing, B. & M., Woods- ville, N. H., 1913; Instr., G. E. D. Univ. of 111., 191315; do., A. & M. Coll.. College Sta- tion, Tex. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, South Natick Mass.; bus. add., A. & M., Coll., College Station, Tex. ALVIN CASEY BEAL (.See No. 1014.) GEORGE DENTON BEAL Professor; Pharm. D., Scio Coll. O., 1907; Pi. B., do., 1908; A. M.. Columbia, 1910; Ph. D., do., 191 1 ; b. Ag 12, 1887, Scio O.; s. James Hartley (b. S 23 1861, New Philadelphia. O.) and Fannie Snyder (Young) Beal (b. F 24 1861, Port Washington, O.). Prepared in Scio (O.) H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Richard But- ler Scholar, Columbia. Chem.. O. Dairy and Food Comn., 1909-10; Instr.. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Assoc, do. 1914-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Auth.: (with M. T. Bogert and C. G. Amend) Synthesis of Some Stilbazoles Hydrazones and Schiff Bases in the 4-Quin- azolone Group, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 32, 1910; (with M. T. Bogert) A Further Study of the Stilbazoles, Hydrazones and Schifl Bases of the 4-Quinazolone Groups, do.. Vol. 24 1912; (with G. A. Geiger) Studies of Diffusion Through Rubber Membranes, 4; The Comparative Diflus- ibility of various Pigments in different Solvents, Biochem. Bui., Vol. 2, 1912; (with H. F. Zoller) Preparation of Pure Sucrose and Dextrose Caramels, Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., Vol. 3, 1914; Useful Weeds, Sch. Sc, Vol. 17, No. 8, 1917; various other articles witn others in Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., Jour. Am. Pharm. Assn., and Jotir. A. C. S. Mem., M. E. Church; A. C. S.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; O. St. Pharm. Assn.; Univ. Club. Urbana. Married Edith Downs, jl 3, 1912, Scio, O. Child, George Denton, Jr., b. Jl 30, 1917. Address, 710J4 W. Nevada St., Urbana. JOSEPH HOWARD BEARD Health Officer; A. B., St. John's Coll.. An- napolis, Md., 1902; A. M., do., 1912; M. D., John's Hopkins Univ., 1912; b. Ja 12, 1883, Linden Hill. Md.; s. Stephen (b. N 2, 1849, Rutland, Md.) and Mary Arno ((]ott) Beard (b. 1854, Buck Lodge, Md.). Prepared in Anne Arundel Acad., Millersville, Md. Philomathean. Instr.. P ysiol., Univ. of 111., 1912-16; Univ. Health Officer, do., 1916 — . Auth.: College Health Services; Their purpose and Activities, Journ. of Sociologic Medicine, Vol. 18. 1917; The Avoidable Loss of Life, Scientific Monthly, Vol. 2, 1916; Importance of Urinalysis During Pregnancy, ///. Med. Journ., My 1914; Indica- tions of Nerve Wear, Med. World, F, 1915; Rehabilitation of the IJisabled Soldier. Interst. Med. Jour., Ap, 1918; Pub. Health Problems. l^ac. III. Acad, of Sc, 1917. Mem., HI. Med. Soc; Fellow, A. M. A.; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; M. E. Church. Married, Mary (Jam- brail, F 7, 1907, Wilmington, Del. Children: Ellen Howard, b. Jl i, 1913; Charlotte Waters, b. N 18, 191 5. Address, 503 S. Race St., LTrbana. HENRY MAHAN BEARDSLEY (See No. 204.) MARY ESTHER BEATTY (KETCHUM) B. L., la. St. Coll., 1898; B. S., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1901; b. Ag 23, 1876, Newton, la.; d. Jo n Patton (b. D 8, 1828. Greenfield, O.) and Elizabeth Jane (Kerr) Beatty (b. Ap 18, 1835). Prepared in Hazel Dell Acad.. New- ton, la. Scientific Soc, Ames, la. Asst., Bacterid, and H. Sc, 1898-1909; Asst., Ger. and H. Sc, 1899-1900; Scholar teaching three courses in Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1900-1; Instr.. H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1901-03. Married Milo Smith Ketchum ('95), S 17, 1903. Child- ren: Martha Esther, b. Jl 29, 1904; Elizabeth Jane, b. N 8, 1908; Milo Smith. Jr. b. Mr 8, 1910. Address, 1146, 12th St., Boulder, Colo. FRANK CHRISTIAN BECHT Professor; B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; Ph. D., do., 1909; b. N 28. 1879, Lexington, 111.; s. August (b. Mr 9, 1849, Nassau, Ger.) and Kate (Freidinger) Becht (b. Mr 19. 1849. Peoria). Prepared in Bradley P,oly. Inst., Peoria. Sigma Xi. Inst. Scho'ar. Univ. of Chicago, 1905-06; Fellow. Physiol., 1906-07; Asst., do., Univ. of Chicago, 1907-09; Assoc, do., 1909-10; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111.. 1911-12; Asst. Prof., Pharmacol., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1914—. Auth.: Contributions to Physi- ology of Lymph. Am. Jour, of Physiol.. Vol. 15, 1908; Concentration of Anti Bodies in Fluids of Normal and Immune Animals. Jour, of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 7. 1910; Relation of Spleen to Fixation of Antigens and the Pro- duction of Immune Bodies, Am. Jour, of Phy- siol.. Vol. 27, 1911; Heat Paralysis in New 844 University of Illinois Tissue, Jo., 1908. Mem., Am. Physiol. Soc. Married Riiliy A. Cummiiig, S 13, 1908, East Peoria. Cliilil, Arno CummiuK, h. F 17, 1910. .■Iddrcss, 5463 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. CLYDE 15VRON BECK (See No. G4S.) FLORENCE MARL\ BECK (McGLACHLIN) (See No. 1.^08.) JEAN BAPTISTE BECK Professor; A. B., Bachelier des Lettres of the Sorboniie, Paris, iqoo; Ph. IX, Strassburg, 1907; b. A^ 14, i88i, Gcbweiler, Elsass, Ger. ; s. Jean Baptistc (b. 1830. llartmannsweiler, Elsass, Ger.) and Barbe (La^ Wiihrlin) Beck (b. 1844, do.). Prepared in Gymnasium Gebweiler, Ly- cer, Paris, France. Prof., Ecole Alsacienne, Paris, 1899-1901, 1908-10; Govt. Dir. of the Advancement of the French Lang., Univ. of N'ienna. 1907; Prof, of French Lit.. "Wiener Handels Akademie;" .\sst. Prof., Rom. Lang., Univ. of lU., 1911-14; Prof., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1914. Volunteer, 190J-03, Infantry 112. Di.scoverer of the Method of Trans- lation of Medi;vval Musical Notations. Auth.: Die Molodicn dcr I'roubadours. nach dem gesamten handschriftlichen Material zuni erstenmal bearbeitet und herausgegben. nebst einer Ihitersuchung uber die Entwickelung der Notenschrift (.his um 1-50) und das rhythmisch-nietrische Prinzip der mittelalter- lich-lyrischen Dichtnngen, sowie mit I'ber- tragung in moderne Noten der Melodien der Troubadours und Trouveres; Strassburg, K. I. Trubner, 1908; La Musiiitic des Trouba- dours (Collection des Musiciens celebresl, Paris, chez H. I.ourens, 1910; Der Talkt in den Musikaufzeichungen des 13 und 13 Jahrhun- derts vornebinlich in den Liedern der trou- badours und Trouveres, Leipzig, M. Hesse. 1909; (with J. Bedier") Cc)/i" Mitsct. trouvere du triezieme siecle, Paris, H. Champion, 191 1; Ausgewahlte Lieder der Troubadours, nach den Originahand-schriften uncbertragen uber- setzt und harmonisiert, Paris-Strasbourg. 1910; also a number of mag. articles. Married Louise Goebel ('i-'t. Je 15, 1912, Urbana. Ad- dress, Bryn Mawr, Pa. FRANCIS CHESTER BECKER Instructor; A. B., Wesleyan Univ., Middle- town. Conn., 1005. Prepared in Plymouth, (Pa.) H. S. and \Vvoming Sem., Kingston, Pa. Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Nu Theta. Univ. of Bonn. 1906; Columbia, looo-oS. Asst., Phil., Columbia, 1907; Instr., Piiilos., Univ. of 111., .looS-io; do.. Univ. of Calif., iQio-12; Lecturer. Philos., Co- lumbia. 1912. Mem., West. Phil. Assn. Ad- dress, Columbia L^niv., New York City.t JAMES EDGAR BELL (See No. Gso.) NEEDHAM ERIC BELL Farm Demonstration Agt.; B. S. in Chem., N. C. Agr. and Mech. Coll.. 1906: b. Mr 17, 1SS6, Lenoir Co.. N. C. Prepared in Kinston (N. C") Pub. Schs. Glee Club: Scholarship. Asst.. .-Vgr. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1906-07; Asst., Soil and Crop Investigations. Ala. Inst.. Au- burn, Ala.. 1907-10. Chief Surv. and Insp.. Ala. Soil Suiv., 1010-17; Emergency Farm Demonstration .-Vg^.. Butler Co.. Ala., 1017-18. Mem.. Baptist Church; Woodman of the World; A. F. A. M.; Past Chancellor of K. P. Mar- ried, Alice Lucile Wright. Ap 18. 1911. Ad- dress, Auburn. Ala. (See ALFRED RITTSCHER BENCH No. 25S4.) BRUCE WILLET BENEDICT Die, Shop Laboratories; R. S.. LTniv. of Neb., 1 901; b. D 19, 1S76, Buda. 111.; s. Miller Samuel (b. Ag II, 1848. New York City) and Anna Maria (Harris) Benedict (b. F 7, 1851, Brattle- boro, Vt.). Prepared in Crete (Neb.) H. S. Delta Epsilon. C. B. & Q. R. R.. 1896-97; Machinist. Rd. Foreman of Engrs.; Gen. Fore- man, Car and Loco. Repairs; Mech. Insp., 1901-05; Ed.. Ry. Master Mech., Chicago, iqo6- 07; .Supvr., Efficiency Div.. Mech. Dept., East, and Coast Lines. A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1908-11; Dir., Shop Labs., Ihiiv. of 111., 1011-17, 1919 — ; Capt., Bat. F, MQth F. A.. A. E. F., France, 191 7-18; Instr., Sch. for Tank Officers, Eng., 1918; do.. Camp Tobyhanna, Pa.. 1918; Mem., West. R. R. Club; Travelling Engrs. Assn.; A. S. M. E. ; Am. Soc. for Prom. Efficiency; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. Married Elma Grace Tones. My 10, 1005, Aurora, 111. Child- ren: Virginia Olds. b. N ii, 1906; Ruth Cundall, b. O 28, 1909. Address, 1011 S. sth St., Champaign. MLTRRAY REED BENEDICT Farm Advisor; B. S.. Univ. of Wis., 1916; b. Ja 23. 1S02, Neillsville. Wis.; s. T. S. (b. N 26. 1S52. North Bend. 111.) and "Celia Ruth (Reed) Benedict (b. O lo, 1850, Neillsville, Wis.). Prei>ared in Neillsville (Wis.) H. S.; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1917. Alpha Zeta. Ijistr. .\gr., Aurora. IMinn., 1016-17; Asst., Dairy Husb., L^niv. of 111., 1917-iS; Co. Agr. .\,gt.. Blue Earth Co., Minn., 1918. Married, Elizabeth Tucker. .\.g 16, 1916, Kewanee, 111. .IdJress. Mankato, Minn. CLEAVES BENNETT (See No. 561.) STELL,\ BENNETT (See No. 1815.) ISAAC MADISON BENTLEY Professor; B. S.. Univ. of Neb.. 189s; Ph. D., Cornell, 189S; b. 1S70. Clinton, la.; s. Charles Eugene and Persis Orilla (Freeman) Bentley. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst., Psych., Cornell, 1897; Instr., do.. 1897-1902; .\sst. Prof., do., 1902-12; Prof. Psych.. Univ. of 111., 1912-18; (leave of absence) Capt., Med. Re- search Bd., 1918 — . Hazelhurst Field, Mineola. Long Island, N. Y. Auth.: Articles in Jour. of Psych.. Philos. Re-.iezv. Pot^ular Sc. Monthly, and Psych. Bui. Pres., Examining Bd. of New England States, Boston, 1918 — . Married Em- ma V. Snelling, Marshalltown, la., 1897 (De- ceased). Address, 708 S. Goodwin. Urbana. ERNST JULIUS BERG Professor; M. E.. Royal Poly.. Stockholm, Sweden. 1802; Sc. D., L'^nion Univ., 1909; b. Ja 9. 1871. Ostersund, Sweden; s. Ernst Victor Gabriel and Josephine Catharina (Hamren) Berg. Prepared in Ostersund. Sweden. Tau Beta Pi: Sigma Xi: Eta Kappa Nu. Constr. Engr.. Gen. Elec. Schenectady, N. Y. : Const. Prof., Union Univ., 1892-1009; Prof, in charge of Elec. Engng. Dept.. Univ. of 111., 1909-14; Prof.. Elec. Eng. Union Coll.. 1014 — . Pat- ented a number of inventions. Auth.: Elec. Energy: Elec. Engng.; .-\dvanced Elec. Engng., McGraw-Hill Pub. (^o.. also a number of papers before Engng. Soc. Mem.. -A. I. E. E. Union Club. Chicago. Married Gwendoline O'Brien, Je 15. 1006. Watertown. N. Y. Address, I'nion Coll., Schenectady, N. Y. ERNEST BERNBAUM Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1902; A. M., do., 1005; Ph. D.. do.. 1007: b. F 12. 1879: s. Die Kruse (b. 1830. Ribe. Denmark) and Dorothea (Christiansen) Bernbaum (b. 1846. Sonderborg, do.). Prepared in Brooklyn (N. Y.) Poly. Faculty 845 Highest Honors in Eng. , 1903; John Harvard Fellow. Instr., Eng., Harvard, 1907-16; Prof., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1916 — . Auth. : Mrs Behn's Oroonoko, Kittredge Anniversary Vol., Ginn & Co., 19 13; Mrs. Behn's Biography as Fiction, Pubs. Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am., 1914; The Drama of Sensibility, Ginn & Co., 1915; Shakes- peare's King Lear, Heath & Co., 191 7; English Focts of the Eighteenth Century, Scribner's, 191 8; Anonymous reviews in The Nation, 1909- 18. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. Address, University Club, Urbana. HARRIET JOSEPHINE BERNINGER (See No. 6743.) ISABEL BEVIER Professor; Ph. B., Wooster Univ., 1885; Ph. M., do., 1888; b. N 14, i860, Plymouth, O.; d. Caleb (b. Je 12, 1820, Owasco, N. Y.) and Cornelia (Brinkerhoff) Bevier (b. O 17, 1820, do.). Prepared in Plymouth (O.) H. S.; Wooster Univ. prep. sch. Sigma Xi. Prof., Atwater's Lab., Middletown, Conn., 1894; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1897-8; Prin., H. S., Shelby, O., 1885-87; Mt. Vernon, O., 1887-8; Prof., Natural Sc. Pa. Coll. for Women, 1889-97; Prof. Chem. Lake Erie Coll., 1899-1900; Prof., H. Sc. and Dir. of Courses, Univ. of 111., 1900 — ■. Auth.: The Home Economics Movement, 1906; The House, 1907; (with Van Meter) Selection and Preparation of Food, 1907; Food and Nutrition. Bevier and L'sher, 1908; do., Bevier, 191 5; Home Economics, Its Opportunities and Obli- gations, Sch. and Soc, Vol. 3; The Develop- ment of Home Economics, Jour. Home Econ., Vol. 4; An Experiment in Teaching Food Val- ues, do.. Vol. 9; Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburgh, Bui. No. 52, U. S. Dept. Agr.; (with H. B. Frissell) Dietary Studies of Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898, Bui. No. 91, do.; various other articles in U. S. Dept. of Agr. and Univ. of 111. Buls. Mem., Jury of Awards, Columbian Exposition, 1893; Home Econ. Dir. for 111. under Federal Food Adm. ; Chm., Dept. Conservation Council of Nat. De- fense, Woman's Com., 111. Div., 1917; Pres., Am. Home Econ. Assn., 1910-12. Address, 805 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. OTTO STERNHOFF BEYER, Jr. Instructor; M. E., Stevens Inst, of Tech., 1907; b. S 18, 1886, Woodridge, N. J. Prepared •in Stevens Prep. Sch.; Univ. of Pa.; Univ. of N. Y. Gen. Foreman, Rock Island Lines, 191 3- 15; ist Asst., Ry. E., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1913-17; Instr., U. S. S. M. A.. Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Capt., Sea Coast Sec. Carriage Div. do.. Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Washington, D. C, 1918. Auth.: Articles in R\'. Age Gazette. Mem.. A. S. M. E.; Am. Ry. Master Mechan- ics Assn.; West. Ry. Club; Traveling Engrs. Engrs. Assn. Married Katherine Schoepperle ('15), Ag 27, 1917, Hamburg, N. Y. (died O 16, 1918). Address, Fieldcrest Farm, Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y. PERCY F. BICKNELL Author; A. B., Williams Coll., 1884; A. M., do., 18S7; b. D 25, i860, Pembroke, Mass.; s. William Martin (b. Ja 25, 1820, Newport, ISIe.) and Lydia Maria (Tobey) Bicknell (b. F 2, 1824, Norridgevvock, do.). Prepared in Roxbury Lat- in Sch., Boston; Studied in Ger., 1886-87. Instr., Mod. Lang, and Hist., Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 1884-85; Instr.. Latin and Greek, Williams Coll., 1885-86; Prin., H. S., Rockland, Mass., 1888-89; Asst. Libn., Lib. Co., Philadelphia, 1889-94; Libn., Univ. of 111., 1894- 97; writing, editing, translating, etc. Translated eighteen vols. Jesuit Relations, ed. by Dr. Reuben Gold Thwaites, Burrows Bros. Co., Cleveland, 1896-1903; Translated from the Hun- garian of Maurus Jokai, The Baron's Sons, L. C. Page & Co., Boston, 1900; do., Manasseh, do., Boston 1901; Regular contributor to and book-reviewer for The Dial, 1896-1917; ed. staff do., 1906-17; ed. staff. Christian Register, 1909-14; occasional contributor to other period- icals. Married Florence M. Constable., Ap 25, 1908. Address, 524 Highland Ave., Maiden, Mass. PHILIP SHERIDAN BIEGLER (See No. G57.) MARY PRUDENCE BILLINGSLEY (See No. 3283.) LEO ROSS BINDING Farm Adviser; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1912; b. F 21, 1884, Stockbridge, Mich.; s. Willis (b. Ap 2, 1848, do.) and Louisa (Johnson) Bind- ing (b. N 16, 1856, do.). Prepared in Mich. Agr. Coll. Athenoeum. Asst., Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1912-15; Agron. and Agr. Chem., Internat. Correspondence Schs., Scran- ton, Pa., 1915-18; Co. Agt., Fulton Co., Ind. 1918. Married Louisa Anna Merboth, Jl 14, 1915, Buffalo, N. Y. Child, Kathryn Louise, b. My 23, 1916. Address, Rochester, Ind. WILLIAM JOSEPH BINGEN Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1912; C. E., do., 1913; b. D 10, 1883; s. John W. (b. O 23, 1858, Allentown, Wis.) and Mary (Ker- kow) Bingen (b. Ag 28, 1862, Winona, Minn.). Prepared in Webster (S. Dak.) Andover (S. Dak.) and Canby (Minn.) H. Schs.; Aberdeen (S. Dak.) Norm. Sch. Univ. Orchestra; Engng. Soc; Staff, Minnesota Daily ;^ Capt., Univ. Regt. Draftsman, Agr. Coll., (jniv. of Minn., 1913-14; Teacher, 1914-17; Deputy Co. Surv., summer 191 7; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Minn. Nat. Guard. Address, Andover, S. Dak.; bus. add., 412 W. Elm St., Urbana. LEWIS ISAAC BIRDSALL (See No. G58.) DON WARREN BISSELL (See No. G59.) CHARLES WILLARD BLACK Instructor; Grad. Cincinnati Tech. Sch., 1895; Cornell, 1905; b. Ja 25, 1879. With Cincinnati Edison Elec. Co., 1895-99; and other companies during summers; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1906-07. Address, 8th and Elm Sts., Cincin- nati.! FREDERICK JACKSON BLACKBURN (See No. 6094.) ELIOT BLACKWELDER Professor; A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1901; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. Je 4, i88o, Chicago; s. I. S. (b. Mr 8, 1840, Litchfield, 111.) and Alice Gertrude (Boughton) Blackwelder (b. D 5, 1853, Sempronius, N. Y.). Prepared in Ar- mour Inst.; Morgan Park Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phi Eta. Grad. Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago, 1901; Fellowship, do., 1902; Honorary Fellow, do., 1903; Instr., Univ. of Chicago, 1902-03; Asst. Geol., Carnegie Inst. Expedition to China, 1903-05; Instr. and Prof.. Univ. of Wis., 1905-16; Asst. Geol. and Geol., U. S. Geol. Sur.. 1906-16; Prof., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1916 — ; (on leave of absence, Stanford Univ., Calif.) Calif. St. Council of Defense. Auth.: Blackwelder and Barrows Textbook of Geol.; Regional Geol. of the U. S.; Jr. Auth.: Research in China, \'ols. i and 2; Numerous mag. articles. Fellow, Geol. Soc. Am.; A. A. A. S.; Assn. of Am. Geog- raphers; Wash. Acad, of Sc; Am. Ornitholo- gists Union. Married Jean Otis Bowersock, F 26, 1904, Lawrence, Kan. Children: Margery, b. N 29, 1905; Martha Jean, b. Ag 8, 1907; 846 University of Illinois Richard, b. Ja 29, 1900; Gertrude, b. D 8, 191 1; Lois, b. D 18, loij; Kuth, b. N 16, 1915; Jus- tin. D. Jl iS, 191?. Aiidnss, 411 Indiana Ave., Urbana. JOSEPH CULLEN BLAIR Professor; M. S. A.; b. Ap 26, 1871, Onslow. Colchester Co., Nova Scotia; s. -Col. William M. ^b. My 2s, 1830, iii).> and Harriett A. Blair (b. Ja -'5, 1841, do.). Prepared in Provincial Norm. Sch., Truro. Nova Scotia; Prov. Agr. Coll., do.; attended Cornell, 189^-96. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. Instr., Chem., Entomol. and Bot., Provincial Coll. of Agr., Truro, Nova Scotia, 1890-0:; Instr. Hort., Univ. of ill., i8oi<- 08; Asst. Prof., Hort. and Horticulturist in Agr. E.xp. Sta., do., 189S-1901; Prof., Pomol. and Chief Horticulturist in Sta., do., 1901 — . Auth. : numerous buls., circulars, and articles on hort. subj^ects. Married Sada VanHorne, le I^. 1898, treeport. 111. Children: Josephine V'anHorne, b. Ap 5. 1899; Robert Collyer, b. My 18, 1901; Richard Cordon, b. O 1.;, 1903; lo'seiih Cullen, Jr., b. F jo, 1906. Address. 001 Michigan Ave., Urbana. DAISY LUANA BLAISDELL Instructor; A. B., Smith Coll.. 1SS8; A. M.. do., 1894; b. Ap 12, 1800, Baltimore; d. Sam- uel t,b. Je J J, 1S33, Boston) and Harriott Per- kins (Crane) Blaisdell (,b. My u 1835, Lowell, Mass.). Prepared in Chicopee (.Mass.) H. S. Charlotten-Schule and \ictoria Lyceum, Ber- lin, i89-'-93; Berlin Royal Univ., 18991900; P\t. Study in Ger.. summers of 1890-1908. Al- pha Lit. Soc. Teacher, Pulaski Acad.. Pulaski, N. Y., 1889-90; do., H. S., Springfield, Mass., 1890-9^; ( 7, i86i,C)n- l.irio. Can.). Preii.ired in Uowmaiiville (Can.) II. S. Phi I.anibda llpsilon. Chcni., Canadian Ex|)losives Limited, Montreal, Can.. I9i5-i(>; . Preiiared in First Mo. Norm. Sch.. Kirksville Mo.; attended William Jewell Coll.. I, liberty. Mo., 1899-1900; Oxford Univ., 1907; I'niv. of Herlin, 1907-08: McAnally Medal in Eng., 1903. Asst., Eng., Univ. of Mo., 1902-03; Instr., do., i9o(> 07; Instr., Eng., I'niv. of 111., ii)o8-ii; (/()., D;irtmouth Coll., 101 i; do., Ihiiv. of Tex. Aiitli.; Matliew Carey, Editor, Author, and Publisher; .\ Study in Am. Literary Devel- opment, Columbia Univ. Press, 1912. Address, Hanover. N. ll.t SILAS ALONZO PRALEY (See No. G78.) ROYDEN E.XKL BRAND (See No. 3653.) LOUIS BRANDT Land .Xrch.; P.. S., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1910; b. N 5, 1887, I'"ast Boston; s. Ciiristian (b. J a I. 18.(8, Drammen, Norway) and Marie Inge- bor (Nelson) Braiult (b. N 4, 1848, Mjonedal- en, do.). Prepared in Everett (lilass.) II. S. Diploma. Civic Design, I'niv. of Livcriiool, 1913. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Gamma Rho; C"apt., Coll. Hockey, two yrs. ; Winner Burnhani Prize Speaking Contest. Land. Arch, with C. N. Rucdlinger, Minneapolis. 1910; Instr.. Land Gard.. I'niv. of III., 1Q10-12; Stud., Liverpool, Eng.. 1912-13; Designer for Warren H. Man- ning, Land. Arch,, lUiston, 1913-14; with A. D. Taylor, Land. .•\rch., Cleveland, 1014-15; Land. Arch., 1915 — . Auth.: Landscape Development of Citv Property, I). Arch.. 1e i9i('. Married Elsie I\Larsh. E 2(», 191,=;. Child. Elizabeth Ellen, b. Ag 21, 1917. .Iddrrss, 3014 Essex Uo:ul, Cleveland Heights, O.; bus. add., 1900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. EDITH E. BKATTON Instructor; studied violin with Prof. Iler- iiiaiin Eckhardt, Columbus, O. ; Berhard Liste- mann. Chicago Musical Coll.; Hans Stitt, Leip- sic Conscrvatorv. Ger., for two yrs. Teacher. I'niv. of S. Dak., two yrs.; Wesleyan Sch. of Music, Delaware. O. ; Instr., Violin, Univ. of 111.. 1910-12; Head of Violin Dept. and Dir. of Orchestra, Okla. A. and M. Coll., Stillwater, Okla. Address, Music Dept., A. and M. College, Stillwater. Okla. LESTER PAIGE BRECKENRIDGE (See No. II2.) LOUIS IGNATIUS BUEDVOLD Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1909; A. M., do., 1910; b. Jl 20, 1888, Springfield, Minn. Prepared in Luther (ioU. Acad., Decorah, la. Prill., H. S.. Bristol. S. Dak., 1910-11; Instr., I'"ng. and Hist., II. S., New Ulin. Minn.; Head Dept., Eng., H. S., Eargo N. Dak., 1912-13; Fel- low. Eng., Univ. of Chicago. :9i3-i4; Instr., ICng.. la. St. C^oll., 1914-16; Asst. Eng., Univ. of 111.. 1916-17. Lt.. Inf., 5th Co.. U. S. R., Camp Grant, Rockford, 111.; A. E. P., France, 1918; .Army of Occ. in Germany, 1919 — . Ad- dress, Springtield, Minn. THOMAS BREGGER (See No. 4090.) HULDA CHARLOTTE BREITSTADT (See No. 7405.) BENJAMIN WITMER BRENEMAN Singer and Music Teacher; b. My 30. 1873, Lancaster. Pa.; s. Isaac Peters (b. F 8, 1839, (/().) and Fanny Newcomer (Witmer) Breneman (b. I) 8, 1845. do.). Prepared in Franklin and Marshall Acad., Lancaster, I'a.; Studied 'under pvt. teachers in New York City, Drc^iden, and Paris. Singer and teacher. New York City, 1805-1900; Instr., vocal music, Univ. of HI.. igoi-3; Asst. Prof., (/().. 1903-5; Teacher, Voice, Musical Conservatory, Utica, N. Y. Married llarriette Mav Emory, S 3. 1895. Chicago. Ad- dress, 1222 Kemble St.. Utica, N. Y.t M.\Y EMORY (BRENEMAN) Born Mv 5. Portage, Wis.; d. Col. Harvey Webster (b. N 0, 1827. Lisbon. N. II.) and Alary J. (Dow) Emory (b. My 21, 1833, Cole- brook, N. ID. Preiiared in E. Greenwich, Inst., 1887-88; New Eng. Conservatory of Mu- sic, 1885-00. Studied under pvt. teachers in New N'ork City, Berlin, Dresden, and Paris. Dir., Music. St. Norm. Sch.. Millersville, Pa., 1S90- 05; Singer and teacher New York City, 1895- lijoo; Instr., Vocal Music, Univ. of 111.. 1901-9. Married Benjamin Witmer Breneman, S 3, 1805,. Chicag. Ag 13, 1S30, Oneida, N. Y.). Prepared iu Howell H. S. Instr., Wood Shop, Mich. Agr. (.'oil., iSoo-j; (/<>,, Univ. of 111., 1803-1906; with Curtiss, Randall & Co., Champaign, 1900; with Root & \an Dervoort Engng. Co., East Moline, 111.; Agr., Bravo, Mich. Married Sarah A. Hunger- ford, Mr g, iSSo. Addrt-ss, R j, Bravo, iMich.f RICHARD SIDNEY CURTISS Professor; Ph. B., S. S. S., Yale, 1888; Ph. D„ Univ. of Wurzburg, 1892; b. N 8, 1S04, Stratford, Conn.; s. Elbert O. (,b. 1S34, do.i and Enuua CReeve> Curtiss (h. Brooklyn. N. Y.). Prepared privatt% at Stratford. Phi Lambda Upsilou; Alpha Chi Sigma. Cheni., Conn. Exp. Sta., 18S8-00. 1803; Docent and Instr., Organic Chem., I'niv. of Chicago. 1893- 7; Prof., Chem., Ilobart Coll,, Geneva, N. Y., 1897-1901; do.. Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1901-4; Asst. Prof., Organic Chem., "Univ, of 111.. 1904-12: Prof., do.. Throop Poly. Inst., Pasadena. Calif., 1012-15; Research Chem., Mexican Petroleum Co.. Los Angeles, 1915-17; pvt. Jab„ Pasadena, Calif.. 1917 — . Auth.: (.'with E. K. Strachan) Condensations in the Mesox- alic Ester Series, Jour. A. C. S., Mr, 191 1; (.with J. A. Kostalck) Pseudo Acid Esters in the Mesoxalic Ester Synthesis, do.. Je, 1911: Review Die Beziehun.irezwischen Farbe una Konstitution bei Organischen Verbindungen, von Dr. H. Ley (.S. Ilirzel, Leipsic, loii) do., Jc, 1911; (.with L. F. Nickell) Ethyl Cyantar- tronate and its .\ddition Reactions with Amines, read at the Indianapolis Meeting of the A. C. S.. Je 1011; (with H. S. Hill and R. H. Lewis) Koto Ester Addition Products with Aryl .Vmines and Alcohol. Jour. A. C. S.. si. Mv iqii; (with R. S. Burgess") Phenylimino ^Ia^onates and the Mechanism of their Reactions, Jour. A. C. S.: Articles in .4m. Clicm. Jour.: Sc; Jour., A. C. S.: Chem. at the Univ. of 111.. Univ. of 111 Press. 1905. Mem., Der Deutschen Chem- ischen Gesellschaft. of Berlin; do.. Bavaria; A. C. S.; A. A. .\. S., fellow: Eighth Internat. Cong, of Applied Chem.: 111. Acad, of Sc. ; Champaign Co. Anti-Tuberculosis Health League. Married Jessie Loop. Je 14, iSoo. Clif- ton Spr., N. Y. Children: Harold L.. b. Jl i. 1901; Hildegard, b. O 30, 1902. Address. 150 N. El Molino Ave.. Pasadena, Calif. ROBERT EUGENE CUSHMAN Assoc, and Asst. Dean; A. B.. Oberlin Coll.. loii: Ph. D.. Columbia. 1017; b. Mr 27. 1S80; s. Sylvanus Dustin and Estclle Caroline (Hodg- man") Cusnman (b. Essex Co.. N. Y.). Prepared in Akron (O.) ^H. S. Sipiia Phi Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa: Geor.ge \\ illiam Curtis Fellow, Columbia: William Bayard Cutting Fellow, do. Teacher. Hist.. Oberlin (O.") Acad., ion-13: Instr.. Pol. Sc. Univ. of 111., 191.S-1S: Assoc. do.. 1918—. Asst. Dean. Coll. of L. A. & S., (/(>., i9iS — . Auth.: Voting Organic Laws. P<»/. 5"i\ Quarterly. Vol. 28, Je 1013: Analysis of the Popular Vote on Constitution.T' and Legis- lative Proposals in the Gene. at Election of 1014, The .Yew Retublie, Mr 6, 1915; Voters' Leagues and their work, Kat. Munie. Rci'^iew, Vol. 4: City Planning and the Courts. Proc of Second Annual Convention of 111. Municipal League, L'nii: of 111. /-fii/., Ja 3. 1010; Recent Experience with the Initiative and Referendum, Am. Pol. Se. Review. Vol. 10; Woman Sutlrage on the Installment Plan, The Nation. Vol. 105, 1017: Municipal War Work. Univ. of III. Bui., F 4, 1018. Mem.. Am. Pol. Sc. Assn. Married Clarissa White Fairchild. D 25. 1910. New York City. Child. Robert Fairfield, b. N 28. loiS. .Iddress, 1104 S. 3rd St.. Champaign. ALBERT HARTMAN DAEULER (.See No. 3.335.) DWIGIIT STOUT DALBEY (.See No. 1655.) ARTHUR HILL DANIELS Professor; A. B., Olivet Coll., 1887; B. D.. Yale, 1890; Ph. D.. Clark Univ., 1893; b. O 19, 1805, East Medvvay, Mass.; s. Elijah Breck (b. F 17, 1836, do.) and Roxa (Boydcn) Dan- iels (h. N 2, 1830, Dedham. Mass.). Prepared in Mcdway (Mass.) M. S. Instr., Philos.. Univ. of 111., 1S93-95; Asst. Prof., do., 1895-99; Prof.. (/().. 1890 — . Acting Dean of Coll. Lit. and Arts. do.. 1912-13. Auth.: Regeneration: A Study of the New Life. Am. Jour, of Psych., \"ol. (1. 1893; The Memory. After-image, and Attention. 1^0. .Vol. 6. 1803; The Teaching of Logic. Pof'. Sc. Monthly. 1905. Mem., Am. Psych. Assn.; Am. I'hil. Assn.; Western Phil. .\ssn. Married Eunice Dean. Jl 21. 1S98, Co- lasset. Mass. Address, 80s W. Nevada St., Urbana. EUNICE DEAN DANIELS Born Ap 9, 1865. Lowell, Mass.; d. James (b. N 27, 1818. Clitheroe. Eiig.) and Sarah Bowers (Chase) Dean (b. D 13, 181S, Swanzev, Mass.). Prepared in Manchester (N. ID H. S. .\lplia Chi Omega. Attended Wcllesley Coll., 18S2-3. IVt. Teaching. Piano and Harmony, r.oston and Lowell, Mass., 1884-08; Instr., Mus- ic. I'iaiio. I'niv. of Ilk. 1901-5; Head of Woman's Hall, do., 1905-7. Auth.: Song, The Night has a Thousand Eyes, A, P. Schmidt. Married Arthur Hill Daniels, Jl 21. 1898, Cohasset, Mass, Address, S05 W. Nevada St., Urbana. RALPH R.WMOND DANIELSON (See No. 6138.) JUAl^ITA ELIZABETH DARRAH (See No. 562S.) •MARY DARROW (OLSOX) A. B., .-Mlegheny Coll.. 18S2; b. Cleveland: d. Ammirus (b. N 1818, Henrietta, N. Y,) and Eiiinia (Eddy) Harrow (b. O 1S26. Windsor. Conn.). Prepared in .Mlegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa. Ossoli Lit. Soc. Teacher, Latin and Greek, N. E. O. Norm. Sch.. 1882-3: Instr.. Mod. Langs.. I'niv. of 111., 1883-5; teacher, Chicago, 1880; Prin,. Park Manor' Pvt. Sch.. 1S90; Prin.. McCosh ("Iramniar Sch.. 1894; Mem., Chicago Pol. Equality Club; Ella F. Young Club; Authors' Club. London; V. P.. St. SntTravje Assn.; Xat. Educ Assn.; Bur. of Geog. Married O. G. Olson. O 6, 1889, Racine. Wis. Died N 15. 1Q09. Chicago. EUGENE DAVENPORT Prof.. Dean, and Dir.; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1878: LL. D.. (/<).. 1907: b. Je 20, 1856. Woodland. !Mich.: s. George Alartin (b. Mr 3, 1828, Danby. N. Y.) and Esther (Sutton") Dav- enport (b. iSIy iS. 1830. Monroeville, O.). Pre- pared in Teacher's Sch.. Woodland Tp. Delta Tau Deha. Farmer till 18S0: Prof.. Agr.. Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889-91; Dir., Collegio Agronomica, I'aculty 861 Piricicaba, St. of San Paula, Brazil, S. A., 1891- 92; Dean, Coll. of Agr., Univ. of 111., 1895 — ; Dir., Agr. Exj). Sta., do., tUgy — ; Prof., Threm- inaloloKy, 1901 — . Auth.: Princiiilcs of Brced- iiiK. (Jinn & Co.; Eriucation for Efricic-iicy, Ihrath S: Co.; DoiiiL-sticatc-d .\nimals and Plants, fWnn & Co.; various l)uls. from Mich, aiul 111. ICxp. .Slas. ; occasional addresses and articles on agr. topics. Mem., (Christian Union; A. A. A. .S. Fel- low; Am. itreeders' Assn.; Mich. Acad, of So. ; Am. GeoR. Soc; Author's Club of Eng. ; Congr. Church. Married JCmma Jane Coats, N 2, 1881, Woodland, Mich. Children; IJorothy, b. F 3, 1897 (died K 7, 1897); Margaret, b. S 6, 1898. Address, 807 S. Wright St., Champaign. CI.IN'E FLEMING DAVIDSON I'iiys. and Surg.; 15. S., Wabash Coll., 1900; M. D., Johns Hopkins, 1907; b. Ag 16, 1897, Crawfonlsville, Jnd.; s. David ilenry (b. 1852, do.) .Salome E. ( ilarshbarger; Davidson _(b. 1854, Ladoga, Ind.). Prepared in Wabash Coll. I'rei). Sch. Phi Beta Kai)pa; Al[)ha Omega Alpha. Teacher, II. S., Charleston, 190001; Instr., Univ. Acad., 1901-03; attended Johns llojikins Med. Sch., 190307; Resident House Oflicer, Johns Hopkins llosp., 1907-08; Phys. and Surg., Sealllc, 1908; Chief Med. Insp., Dept. of Health, do., 1911-14. Mem., I'resby. Church; Arch. Club, Seattle; Coll. Club, du. A. F. A. M. Address, 509 American Bank Hldg., Seattle. BERTHA ADELINE DAVIS (COPLEN) Musician; b. 1877, Dover, Mass. Prepared in Newton H. .S., Boston. Teacher, Ojicra, ('hurch, and Concert Singing, 1910-15; Instr., Voice, Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Vocal Teacher, Concert and Church Singer, Los Angeles, 19 16 — . Married J. D. Coplen, D 191 8, Los Angeles. Address, 15 18 Grammercy Place, Los Angeles. CHARLES GIDEON DAVIS Teacher; A. B., Univ. of Ind.; 1898; Ph. D., Freiburg, Ger., 1902; b. Mr 6, 1875, Sheridan, Ind.; s. Newton Jasiier (b. N 23, 1823, l'"ayetle Co., Ind.) and Mary Jane Davis (b. Jl 24, 1837, Ripley Co., Ind.). Prepared in Sheridan (Ind.) Jl. S.; Attended Univ. of (ieneva, .Switzerland, summer 1901; Univ. of Grenoble, France, vacation course 1901. Goethe Gesell- schat. Teacher, Noblesville, Ind., 1895; Mes- senger, Appellate Court of Ind., 1895 97; I'rin., II. S., Wdliainsport, Ind., 1898-1900; Instr., Bot. and Latin, Roberts Inst., F'reiburg, Ger., 1900-02; Pvt. Tutor, Wiesbaden, Ger., 1902-03; Instr., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1903-08; fruit cul- ture. Wash., 1908-10; Grad. stud., Univ. of Calif., 1910-11; Prin., II. S., Esparto, Calif., 191 1 ; Ileadj Lang. Dept.^ Union Poly. II. S., Venice, Calif. Auth.: Die deutschen .Substan- iva auf ling im 18. Jahrhundert, Trueber, Strassburg, 1903, and in Zeithschrift fiir deutsche Wortforschung, Vol. IV, 1903- Berlin as a Music Center, translated from (jcr. for Music Lover's Calendar, 1906; various articles and translations for other periodicals. Mem., M. E. Church; Y. M. C. A.; St. Teachers Assn., Calif. Address, Venice, Calif. GRANT TRAIN DAVIS (See No. G159.) JOHN WILLIAMS D.WIS (See No. Gi6o.) RAYMOND EARL DAVIS (See No. G162.) ROBERT LESLEY DAVIS (See No. G163.) WILLIAM JAMES DAVIS Major; b. Ag 7, 1879, Pcrryville, Pa. At- tended Girard Coll.: Univ. of Pa. 2nd. Lt., 8th Inf., 1901; 1st l-t., do,, 1906; Capt., 2jnfi. Inf., 1916; Asst. Prof., Mil. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Mai., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., 1917 — . Address, Cainp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ANNA MARY DAVISON Journalist; b. Ja 19, 1883, Monticello, 111.; d. John W. (b. Ap 30, 1854, Holly head, Wales) anrl Anna Elizabeth (Knight) Davison (b. Jl 25, 1859, Monticello, 111.). J'rejiared in Mon- ticello H. .S. Asst., Woman's (jym., Univ. of 111., 1903-7: teacher. Music and Phys. Tr., Wautoma, Wis., 1907-9; do., La. St. Norm., Natchitoches, La., 1909-10; teacher. West Side Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 1010-13; with Chicago Daily News, 19 13 — . Address, 711 Barry Ave., Chicago; bus. add., Chicago Daily News, do. CHESTER MORTON DAVISON (See No. 1120.) ERIC ALLEN DAWSON Correspondent; B. S., Univ. of Miss., 1908; M. A., do., 1913; b. Jl 8, 1888, Okolona, Miss.; s. Ward (b. Ag 31, 1861, Mt. I'leasaiit, 'j'enn.) and Annie Lee (Moore) Dawson (b. N 22, 1865, Columbus, Ga.). Prepared in Okolona (.Miss.) II. S.; Attended Univ. of Paris. Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon. Asst., Mod. Lang., Univ. of Miss., i9'3-iS; Asst. and Grad. Stud., Rom. Lang., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Corresponrlent, Sears, Roebuck, & Co., 19 17. Y. M. C. A. Sec, 13 Rue La Foyette, Paris, France, 191 8. Ad- dress, Okolona, Miss. HARRIET DAY Director; b. Laurel, Ind.; d. William L. (b. Seaford, Del.) and Anna M. (Conwell) Day (b. do.). Prepared in Laurel (Ind.) H. .S. West. Coll., Oxford, O., 1892-3; Cincinnati Art Acad., 1893-5; New York Art Sch., 1897-8; M. Julian Acad. Paris, under Jean Paul Laurens, 1H98-9; Pa. Museum and Sch. of Indus. Art, Philadel- phia, 1904-5; Columbia, 1909-10. Head of Art Dopt., El (jolejio Americano Monterey, Old Mexico, 1895-6; Dir., Dept. Colo. Teachers' St. Coll., Greeley, 1899-1904; Dir., Art Deiit., .St. Norm. Sch., Cheney, Wash., 1905-8; Head of Art Dept., C)kla. St. Agr. Coll., 1909-10; Instr., Art and Design, Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Dir., Dept. of Art, Mo. Northwest St. Norm. Sch., '9' I — . Auth.: Various articles in sch. journs. Address, Northwest Normal, Maryville, Mo.f HARRY WARREN DAY (See No. 8266.) VINCENT S. DAY (See No. 8267.) NIELS HENRIKSEN DEBEL (See No. G170.) JOSEPH EDGAR DE CAMP Instructor; B. S., Ark. Coll., 1905; A. M., Univ. of Mich., 1912; I'h. D., do., 1914; b. F 19, 1887. Desha, Ark.; s. Edgar F. (b. 1861) and Emilie Anne (Smith) De Camp (b. 1865, Batesville, Ark.). Prepared in Ark. Norm. Coll.; Ark. Coll. Sigma Xi. Asst. Psych., Univ. of III., 1914-15; Instr., do., Univ. of Calif., 1915-16; do., Stanford Univ., 1916 — . Pvt., Psych. Examing Bd., Camp Kearney, Calif. Auth.: A .Study of Retroactive Inhibition, Psych. Monograph .S'eries, 191 5; The Influence of Color upon Apparent Weight, Jour, of Exp. Psych., 1917. Mem., Am. Psych. Assn.; Assn. of West. Naturalists; A. A. A. S. Address. Stanford Univ., Calif. 862 University of Illinois EDWARD HARRIS DECKER Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1897; LL. B., do., 1904; b. O 14. 187-2, Battle Creek, Mich.; s. Garrett (b. N 19, 1836, Ulster Co., N. Y.) and Jennie M. (Bellows) Decker (b. S 21, 1840, Climax, Mich.). Prepared in Battle Creek (Mich.) H. S. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; PiJ Delta Phi; Order of the Coif. Lawyer, Battle Creek, Mich., 1904-09; City Atty., do., 1907-09; Instr., Law, Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Prof., do., 191 1—. On leave 1918-19. Special Advisor, Legal Section, War Risk Ins. Bur., 1918-19. Auth. : The Case of the Sealed Instru- ment in 111., ///. Law Bui., vol. i, 1918. Mem., Presby. Church; 111. St. Bar Assn.; Am. Bar Assn. Married Mary Hawkins Fitzhugh, D 25, 1909. Address, 806 W. Green St., Urbana. CHARLES DE GARMO Professor; Ph. B., Univ. of Halle, 1886; b. Ja 7, 1849, Mukwnago, Wis.; s. Rufus (b. N i, 1 82 1, Esopus, N. Y.) and Laura (Wilbur) De Garmo (b. Ag 1822. Petersborough, N. Y.). Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. Prof.. Mod. Langs., 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1886-90; Prof., Psych, and Educ, Univ. of 111., 1890-1; Pres., Swarthmore Coll., Swarthmore, Pa., 1891-99; Prof., Sc. and Art of Educ, Cornell Univ., 1898-1814; Retired. Pvt., 149th 111., 1865- 6. Auth.: Essentials of Method, D. C. Heath & Co., 1890; Translation of Lindner's Psych., do., 1890; Language (English) Series, 1898, Am. Book Co.; Interest and Educ, 1903, Mac- millan Co.; Herbart and Herbartions, Scribners, 1898; Principles of Secondary Educ, 1907-10, Macmillan Co. Mem., Nat. Herbart Soc Mar- ried Ida W^itbeck, D 29, 1875. Children: Walter C, b. 1876; Mabel L., b. 1880, (died); Robert Max, b. 1885. Address, Cocoanut Grove, Fla.t MARY CORA DE GARMO Dietitian; A. B., Wash. Univ., 1912; M. A., Columbia, 1913; Prepared in Newcomb Coll., 1908-9; Prof., H. Sc, Agnes Scott Coll., 1913- 16; Instr., H. Sc. Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Dieti- tian, Base Hospital, Camp McPherson, inal- cii, 1905; The Probability Integral, Am. Math. Monthly, 191 3; The Probability of the Arith- metic Mean, Annals of Math, 1913; The Erron- eous Application of Bayes' Theorem, Bitl. of Am. Math. Soc. 1913; The Error-Risk of the Median. Bui. of Univ. of Te.x., 1914; numer- ous other articles. Assoc. Ed., Am. Math. Monthly, 1918. Mem., Epis. Church; Sec- Treas.,' Pres., Sc Club, Univ. of Tex.; Sec, Tex. Chapter of Sigma Xi; Treas., Univ. Club, Univ. of Tex. Married Alice Laidman, Je 15, 1910, Austin, Tex. Address, 3012 West Ave., .\ustin, Tex. WALTER FAIRLEIGH DODD Professor; A. B., Florida St. Coll., 1898; B. S., John B. Stetson Univ., 1901; Ph. D., LTniv. of Chicago, 1905: b. Ap 7. 1880, Hop- kinsville, Ky. Cosmos Club. Law Div.. Lib. of Cong., 1904-07; Research Appointment, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1908-10; Assoc, Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., Pol. Sc, do._, 1911-15; Assoc. Prof., Pol. Sc. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1915-16; Soc, St. Legislature, Reference Bur., Springfield, 111., 1916-18. Maj.. Q. M. Dept., W^ashington, D. C. 1918. Auth.: Modern Constitutions, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1909,, z \'ols.; Government of the Dist. of Columbia, John Byrne & Co., Washington, 1909; Amend- ment and Revision of St. Constitutions, Johns Hopkins Press, 1910; also many mag. articles. Address, 5464 Harper Ave., Chicago. Faculty 86s DANIEL KILIIAM DODGE Professor; A. B., Columbia, 1884; A. M., do., 1895; Ph. D., do., 1896; b. Je 18, 1863, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. Daniel Albert (b. 1828, S. Cj and Margaret Rapelje (Suydam) Dodge (b. 1834, New York City). Prepared in Jos. Deg- huec's Deutsch Amerikanische Real Schule, Brooklyn, N. Y.; tutors, Peithologian I.it. Soc. Teaching Fellow., Eng., Columbia, 1884-9; tutor, 1889-92; Prof., Eng. Lang, and Lit., Univ. of 111., 1892 — ; Police and Fire Commissioner, 1916. Auth.: Bibliography of Danish and Swed- ish Dictionaries, Mod. Lang. Assn., 1890; Old Danish Ms., do., 1892; Abraham Lincoln, the Evolution of his Literary Style, Univ. Stud- ies, 1900; Selections from Lincoln, edited with an introduction and Notes, Longmans, Green, 1910; also articles. Married Astrid Pauline Mathilde Moth, 1890, Copenhagen, Denmark. Children: Helen Moth, b. 1891; Margaret Ra- pelje, b. 1894; Astrid Moth, b. 1896; Daniel Kilham, b. 1898; Nathalie Moth, b. 1903. Ad- dress, 806 W. Green St., Champaign. FRED HERBERT DODGE Professor; A. B., Yale, 1884; b. Mr 7, i860: s. James Henry (b. Exeter, Me.) and Isabel (Barstow) Dodge (b. Freedom, Me.). Prepared in Bangor (Me.) H. S. Eta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon. Dir. of Gym., Bates Coll., 1888; do., Bangor, Me., 1889; do., Chicago Athenaeum, 1891; Dir., Gym. and Instr., Ath., Univ. of 111., 1894, do., Rutgers Coll., New Brunswick, N. J., 1896-1; Prof., Physl. Tr., do., 19 1 3 — . Mem., N. J. Microscopical Soc, 1898; A. A. A. P. E., 1887; Coll. Gym. Director's Soc, 1898. Married Agnes Hastings, Je 4, 1892. Bangor, Me. Address, 44 College Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. ^ ARTHUR BOQUER DOMONOSKE Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Calif., 1907; M. S., do., 1909; b. Ja i, 1884, Germantown, Calif.; s. Henry (b. D 28, i8s5, Sparta, Wis.) and Clara Jane (Price) Domonoske (b. Ja 16, 1854, Provo, Ut.). Prepared in Lowell H. S., San Francisco. Asst. and Instr., M. E., Univ. of Calif., 1907-10, 1911-13; Garage bus., 1910- 11; with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., J. G. White Co., and Pacific Gas and Elcc. Co., San Francisco; Instr.. Machine Design, Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Holt Mfg. Co., Stockton, Calif., 1915-16; Farmer, 1916-18; Instr., M_. E., L'niv. of Calif, and Engng. Draftsman, C. L. Best Co., San Leandro, Calif., 1918 — . Auth.: Tests of White Steam Car, Calif. Jour, of Tech.; Long Distance Telephone Transmission Problems, do. and Jour. Elec. Power and Gas; Erecting Line Shafting on the Farm, III. Agr.; Horsepower. Power Farminy. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. Mar- ried Gladys Eloise Boydstun, Je 5, 1912, Berk- eley, Calif. Child, Henry Arthur, b. Je 26, 1915. Address, The Alameda, Berkeley, Calif. FREDERICK WILLIAM DOOLITTLE Consulting Engr. and Ry. Expert; A. B., Princeton, 1905; B. S., Univ. of Colo., 1907; M. S., and C. E., do., 1911; b. Jl 9, 1883, Hop- kinton, la.; s. Fred William (b. Tl 8, 1854, Delhi, la.) and Mary (Russell) Doolittle (b. D 28, 1863, Eagle Village, N. Y.). Prepared in Hopkinton (la.) H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; A. S. C. E. Engr., Union Pacific R. R. Co., Boston; Conn. Min. Co., Bingham, Ut.; Engr., Conn. Coal & Coke Co., Dacono, Colo.; Instr., T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 190809; Instr., Struct. Engng., Univ. of Colo. 1909-10; Designer. B. & B. Dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R., and Ry. Expert, Wis. Ry. Com.. 1909 — ; Asst. Prof., Mech., Univ. of Wis., 1910- 13; Ry. Expert, Wis. R. R. Comn., 1914; Dir., Bur. of Fan Research, Am. Elec. Ry. Assn., N. Y., 1914-15; Consulting Engr. and Ry. Ex- pert, 1 91 6 — . Auth.: Cost of Urban Transpor- tation Service, A. E. R. A., N. Y. ; numerous contributions to the technical press, including reprints of various addresses before sc. and Indus, bodies. Married Madeline Steele, S 16, 1910, Quincy, iMass. Children: Frederick Wil- liam, Jr., b. S 13, 191 1 ; Russell C b. F 21 1914; Robert W., b. My 14, 1916. Address, 700 Maryland Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., 30 Broad St., New York City, or Public Service Bldg., Milwaukee. HERMAN BERNARD DORNER Professor; B. S., Purdue Univ., 1900; M. S., do., 1901; b. Ap 10, 1878, LaFayette, Ind. Asst. Botanist, Purdue Agr. Exp. Sta., 1901-2; Asst., Nature Study at Winona Summer .Sch., 1903-4; Teacher, Bot., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., Spring term, 1905; Asst., Bot., Wabash Coll., 1906-7; Instr., Floriculture and Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1908-10; Assoc, do., and Asst., do., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., do., and Asst. Chief, do. 1911-18; Prof, do., 1918 — . Auth.: The Resin Ducts and Strengthening cells of Abies and Picea, Ind. Acad. Sc, 1899; Effect of Composition of the Soil upon Minute Structure of Plants, do., 1901 ; (with S. C. Coulter) ; A Key to the Genera of the Forest Trees of Ind.; Window Gardening in the ■Schoolroom, Purdue Univ. ; Window Gardening, Bobbs-Merrill Co. Married Anna Viola Simon, Je 28, 1915. Child, Mary Asin, b. N 19, 1916. .Address, 906 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana. HENRY MARSHALL DOUGLAS Minister; b. S 15, 1846, Fernwood, N. Y.; s. Oscar Johnson (b. Westmoreland, N. Y.) and Olivia (Forbes) Douglas (b. Oswego Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Rensselaer Acad., Mexico, N. Y. Attended Norm, and Tr. Sch., Oswego, -V. Y., 1866-8; Theol. Sem., Colgate Univ., 1884-6. Teacher, Norm, and Tr. Sch., Oswego, N. Y., 1869; Asst. Teacher, Langs., Univ. of 111., 1869-73; Teacher, Langs., Boarding Sch., Dixon, 111.; Prin., Pub. Sch., Pulaski, N. Y., 1880; Pastor Baptist Churches, Harpursville, N. Y., 1882-6; Middle Falls, N. Y., 1886-9; Putney, Vt., 1889-2; St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1892- 8; West Haven, Vt., 1898-10; Supt., Schs., do., 1899-10; Pastor, Bernardston, Mass., 19 10 — . Sec, Trustees. Vt. Acad., Saxton's Riv- er, Vt., 1 890-19 10; Sec, Lib. Trustees, West Haven, \t., 1899-10; Arranged courses for rapid mastery of Mod. Langs.. 1909-12; wrote Italian sermon, 1910. Auth.: Translated "De- velopment of Axolott" for Smithsonian Inst., 1878; Study of Modern Langs., Missions, 1910; Mem., Deposit Assn., Moderator, 1885; Sec, 1888-91, V. P.. 1 89 1 -2; Shaftsbury Assn.; Bap- tist Church. Married Martha Jane Root, Ag 2, 1869, Pulaski, N. Y. (died Mr 15. 1906). Chil- dren: Amy Austin, b. Ag 1870 (died Ja 1871) ; Norman Lloyd, b. O 1871 (died 1875); Florence Louise, b. Jl 29, 1875; Helen Octavia, b. O 31, 1880. Address, Bernardston, Mass.t PAUL HOWARD DOUGLAS Instructor; A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1913; A. M., Columbia, 1915: b. Mr 26, 1892, Salem, Mass. Prepared in Newport (Me.) H. S. ; At- tended Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho. Asst., Econ., Bowdoin Coll., 1912-13; Instr., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; do., Reed Coll., Portland. Ore. Address, Reed College, Portland, Ore.t CARL SAWYER DOWNS Professor: A. B., Harvard. 1907; A. M., do., 1908; Ph. D., do.. 1912; b. N 9, 1884; s. Wil- liam Howe (b. 1854, Derby, Conn.) and Helen Louise ( Sawyer) Downs (b. do.). Prepared in I'oston Latin Sch. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Instr., Eng.. Univ. of Tex., 1912; Leland Stanford, 1Q13-14; Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Asst., Prof., Throop Coll. of Tech., 1916 — . Married Ger- trude Carter, Ag 1, 19 12. Boston. Address, 968 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 866 University of Illinois GEORGE WILLIAM DOWRIE (See No. G189.) DURANT DRAKE Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1900; A. M., Harvard Divinity Sch., 1903; Ph. D., Columbia, 191 1 ; b. D iS, 1878, Hartford, Conn.; s. James McEwen (b. 1845, Rye, N. H.) and Eliza Maria (Upham) Drake (b. 1847, Indian Terri- tory). Prepared in Boston Latin Sch. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Univ. Debating Club; John Harvard Scholarships; Detur. Resi- dent Univ. Settlement, Nevi' York City, 1900-01; Instr., Philos., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Assoc. Prof., Ethics and Philos. of Religion, Wesleyan Univ., 191 2-15; Prof.. Philos., Vassar Coll., 191 5 — • Auth. : The Problem of Things in Themselves, Ellis, Boston, 191 1; Problems of Conduct, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914; Prob- lems of Religion, do., 1916; \Vhat Religious Education Might be, Boston, Am. ■ Unitarian Assn., 19 18; Also mag. articles and short poems. Married Anna White, Je 30, 1908. Ad- dress, College Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER (See No. H18.) WILLIAM HENRY DREESON (See No. G191.) CELIA ANNE DREW Teacher; Ph. B., N. W. Univ., 1900; b. S 2 1876, Wilmington, 111.; d. Edward W. (b. F 21, 1844) and Elizabeth Jane (Treseder) Drew (b. O 26, 1844, Milor, Eng.). Prepared in S. Div. H. S., Chicago. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Instr., Eng., H. S., Belvidere, 111., 1900-s; Instr.. Acad.. Univ. of 111., 1905-11; Instr., Eng., H. S., Joliet, 111., 1911-15; Teacher, Julia Richmond H. S., New York City, 191 6 — . Address, c/o Julia Richmond H. S., New York City.t JOSEPH ALLEN DREW (See No. 3714.) WILLIAM LINCOLN DREW Fruit Grower; B. S., Univ. of la., 1889; LL. B., do., 1893; b. N I, 1864. Newton, la.; s. Orrin Gilman (b. N 9, 1826, North Barnstead, N. H.) and Mary Emily Drew (b. S 26, 1830, Belfast, Me.). Prepared in Iowa City Acad. Zetagathian Lit. Soc. Attended Harvard Law Sch., 1893-4- Practiced law in Omaha, Neb., 1893-6; Asst. Prof., Law, Univ. of Wis., 1896- 8; Prof., Law, Univ. of 111., 18981904; do., Cornell Univ., 1904-15; Fruit Grower, Winter Haven, Fla., 1915 — . Stud. Ed., Harvard Law Rev. Mem.. Am. Bar Assn., 1901. Married Lida June Shellenberger, O 2, 1895, Omaha, Neb. Address, Winter Haven, Fla.t FRANCIS KEESE WYNKOOP DRURY (See No. 2376.) HENRY MATHUSALEM Du BOIS Teacher; B. S., Rochester Coll., 1908; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1913; A. M., do., 1914; b. Ag 22, 1887, Cass (!o., Ind. Prepared in Macy (Ind.) H. S. and Rochester (Ind.) Tp. H. S. Stud. Teacher Rochester Coll., 1906-08; do.. District Sch.. Miami Co., Ind., 1909-11; do., Fulton Co., Ind., 1911-12; Asst., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1914-17; Teacher. La Grande, Ore., 1917 — • Mem., Christian Church. Address. Roch- ester, Ind.; bus. add.. Box 539, La Grande, Ore.t FRANK OLIVER DUFOUR Struct. Engr. ; C. E., Lehigh Univ., 1896; b. Ta I, 1873 Washington, D. C; s. J. F. R. (b. Veray, Ind.) and Florida E. (Everett) Dufour (b. Baltimore). Prepared in Pub. H. and Man. Tr. Schs., Washington, D. C. Theta Delta Chi; Sigma Xi. With Lehigh Valley R. R., 1896-97; Instr., C. E., Lehigh Univ., 1897- 1902; Prof., do., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1902-03; Acting Prof., do., and in charge of San. Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1903-04; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Vt., 1904-05; with Am. Bridge Co., and Bridge Dept., L. V. R. R., all summer vaca- tions; Asst. Prof., Struct. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1905-13; Struct. En>gr.. Interst. Commerce Comn., Div. of Valuations, Chicago, 1914; Engr., Stone & Webster, Boston, 1914-18; special representative. Am. Internal. Shipbuild- ing Corp., Hog Island, Pa., 1918 — . Auth.: Bridge Engng.. Roof Trusses, Am. Cor. Schs., Chicago, 1909; Elementary Steel Const., Rad- ford, Chicago, 1910; Observation of Engng. in Europe, 25th Annual Meeting 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Survs. ; Struct. Drafting, Am. Cor. Schs., Chicago, 1911; Maintenance of Way, Pro- ceedings of St. Louis R. R. Club, St. Louis, 1907; also other articles. Mem., Epis. Church, Chaplain's Council; Endowment, Diocese, Church Exten.; Treas., Soc. St. John the Di- vine. Delegate, Epis. Synod, 111. Soc. Engrs. and Survs.; Am. Ry. Assn.; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. ; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; A. S. C. E. Married Sarah Breisch, S 2, 1901, S. Bethlehem, Pa. Address, 147 Milk St., Boston, FREDERICK DUNCALF Professor; A. B., Beloit Coll., 1904; Ph. D., LTniv. of Wis., 1909. Teacher, H. S., Lancaster, Wis., 1904-05; do., Dodgeville. Wis., 1905-06; Tutor, Ancient Hist., Univ. of Tex., 1909-10; Asst. Prof., do., Bowdoin Coll., 1910-11; Instr., do., Univ. of Tex., 1911-12; Adj. Prof., do., 1912-13; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111.. 1913-14; Prof., do., Univ. of Tex., 1914 — . Address, c/o Univ. of Tex., Austin, Tex.t JAMES MERION DUNCAN Assistant; b. O 12, 1872, Champaign Co.; s. Ira Mills (b. Ag 25, 1836, Ind.) and Martha (Clements) Duncan (b. Ja 29, 1851, Ky.). Asst., Wood Shop. Univ. of 111., 190613; do.. Pattern Making, do., 1913-18. Mem,, Christian Church. Married Ellen Burk O 12, 1893. Chil- dren: Violet Elizabeth, b. Ja 22, 1898; Law- rence Mills, b. S 20, 1904; Minnie Gray, b. Mr 20, 1909. .Address, zo8 E. Oregon St., Urbana. JOHN CHRISTIE DUNCAN Professor; B. S., Univ. of Pa., 1904; M. S., do., 1904; Ph. D., do., 1907; b. Mr 6, 1881. Philadelphia; s. Samuel (b. Jl i, 1844, Scot.) and Margaret (Christie) Duncan (b. Mr 22, 1 85 1, do.). Prepared in N. E. Man. Tr. Sch., Philadelphia. Zelosophic; Delta Kappa Chi. Asst., Industry, Univ. of Pa., 1904-06; Asst. Prof., Econ. and Sociol., O. St. Univ.. 1906-08; do.. Accountancy. Univ. of 111., 1908-13; Asst. Prof. Coll of Commerce, Llniv. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, 1913 — . Capt., Q. M. Corps, N. A., Reorganized office system of City Engr. Dept., Milwaukee, 191 1. Auth.: Principles of Indus- trial Management, D. .'\ppleton & Co., 191 1; al- so numerous articles. Mem.. Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Statistical Assn.; Nat. Tax Assn. Address, College of Commerce, Cincinnati, O. GEORGE HARLAN DUNGAN (See No. 8283.) JOSEPH EVANS DUNIPACE Mfr. and Real Est. Agt.; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 190=^; A. M., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., igo6; b. Je 19, i88o, Perrysburg, O. ; s. James (b. Edinburgh, Scot.) and Florence S. (Evans) Dunipace (b. Newgarden O.). Prepared in Perrvsburg (O.) and Toledo (O.) H, Schs. Teacher, Pa. St, Coll,, 1907; Instr., Quant. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1907-8; Stud., Univ. of Goettingen, Ger., 1908-0: Mfr. and Real Est. -Agt., 1910 — . Head of Explosive Sect.. Detroit Faculty 867 Dist. Ord. Office and Army Insp. of Ord. for Explosive Plants, Detroit Dist. Mem., Unitarian Church; A. C. S. Address, 532 Sptzer Bldg., Toledo, O. WILLIAM VAN DUNKIN (See No. 1864.) B. H. DUNLAP Instr., Signalling and Radio, U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of III., 1918. Address, 610 E. Springfield, Ave. Champaign., MAX SHAW DUNN (See No. G196.) CHARLES ELMER DURST (See No. 3717.) RAYMOND ADAMS DUTCHER Professor; B. S.. S. Dak. Coll., 1907; M. S., do., 1910; A. M., Univ. of Mo., 1912; b. Mr 28, 18S6; s. Paul (b. Ag 1865) and Susie M. (Adams) Dutcher (b. N 1863). Pre- pared in IJrookings (S. Dak.) H. S. Acacia; Alpha Chi Sigma. Asst., Chem. and Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Agr. Chem., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1913- 17; Asst. Prof., Agr. Biochem., Univ. of Minn., 19 1 7 — . Auth.: Determination of Lime in Cow Feces, Jour, of Indus. Engiig. Chem., 1913; Elimination and Retention of Arsenic as Deter- mined by the Koch-Norton Method, Jour., A. C. S., Vol. 36, 1914; Effects of Freezing Ar- senate of Lead Pastes, Jour, of Econ. EntomoL, 1916; Shall We Eat Whole Wheat Bread?. Sc, 1918; Coll. Teaching in Agr., Sch. and Soc, Vol. 7. 1918. Married Mary Wright, S 14, 1912, De Smet, S. Dak. Child, Adams Wright, b. N 25, 1914. Address,_ 2194 Hendon Ave., St. Paul; bus. add., Univ. Farm, do. HERBERT SETON EAMES Editor; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1908; b. N 21, 1885. South Framingliam, Mass. Asst., Phys. Lab., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1908-9; Instr., Mech. Engng., R. I. St. Coll., 1909-12; Instr., Engng., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; do., R. I. St. Coll., 1914-15; Ed., Chicago, 1915 — . Address, 1423 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago. f EDWARD MURRAY EAST (See No. 1494.) HERBERT E. EASTLACK Professor; A. B., Wabash Coll., 1912; Ph. D., Columbia, 1916; b. My 17, iSgo, Craw- fordsville, Ind.; s. Foutain E. (b. Mr 6, 1865, Waveland. Ind.) and Mary Cane (Cox) East- lack (b. D 10, 1865. Lafayette, Ind.). Pre- pared in Crawfordsville (Ind.) H. S. Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa. Asst., Gen. Chem., Teachers Coll., 1912-15; Research Asst., Chem., Columbia, 1915-16; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Assoc. Prof., Analyt. Chem., Univ. of Neb., 1918 — . Auth.: (with H. T. Beans) The Electrical Synthesis of Colloids, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 37, 1915; (with Alexander Smith) The Allotropy and Solubilities in Water of Ammonium Bromide, do., Vol. 38, 1916; do., Ammonium Iodide. Its Solubilities and the Ab- sence of a Transition Point do., Vol. 38, 1016; An Accurate Method for Taking "Aliquots" in Volumetric Analysis, do.. Vol. 50, igiS. Mem., Si?ma Xi: Phi Lambda Upsilon; A. C. S. Married Mary Lentz, O 14, 1916, Milford, Ind. Address, 2S28 B St., Lincoln, Neb.; bus. add.. Chemistry Laboratory, LTniv. of Nebraska, do. HARRY DRAPER EASTON Coal Dea'er; B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1005; E. M., Ky. St. Univ., 1911; b. Ap 17, 1878, Me- hoopany, Pa. Prof.. Min. Engng., Ky. St. Urjiv., 1913-14; Instr., III., Miners and Mech- anics Inst.; do., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Supt., Continental Coal Corp., Straight Creek, Ky., 1915 — . Address, c/o Continental Coal Corpora- tion, Straight Creek, Ky. FREDERIC WALTER EBERLEIN (See No. 387.) ERNST OTTO ECKELMANN Instructor; A. B., N. W. Univ., 1897; B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1898; Ph. D., Univ. of Heidel- berg, 1906; b. Ap 18, 1877, Burlington, Wis. Scholar and Fellow, Ger. Philol.. Univ. of Wis., 1900-2; Ottendorfer Memorial Fellow, New York Univ., 1902-3. Teacher, Ger. and Greek, Carroll Coll.. 1898-1900; Instr., Ger., Smith Coll., 1903-5; do., Dartmouth Coll., 1906- 8; do., Univ. of 111., 1908-9; do., Washington St. Univ., J9I0 — . Auth.: Schillers Einfluss auf die Jugenddramen Hebbels, Ottendorfer .Series of Germanic Monographs, Frankfurt am Main, Boer & Co., 1906; Dr. Alberts, Hebbels Stell- ung zu Shakespeare, Jour, of Eng. and Ger. Philol., vol. 7, No. 3. Address, Univ. of Wash- ington, Seattle.! WILLIAM GEORGE ECKHARDT (See No. 2378.) * WILLIAM JULIUS ECKOFF Ph. D., New York Univ., 1890; Ph. D., Columbia, 1893; b. Mr 24, 1853, Hamburg, Ger.; s. Henry (b. Ja 24, 1823, do.) and Emma Angelica (Scbroeder) Eckoff (b. F 20, 1830, do.). Prepared in Praparandeum, Hamburg, Ger. Pres., Collegio Nacional de Granada, Nicaragua, 1879-80; Prof., Psych, and Pedagogy, Jersey City High and Tr. Sch., 1884-92; do., Philos., Pedagogy, and Pol. Sc, Columbia, 1892-3; do., Philos. and Pedagogy, Colo. Univ. 1893-4; do.. Pedagogy, Univ. of 111., 1894-5; Prin., Herbart Prep. Sch.. Suffern, N. Y., 1896-igoi; Prin., Woodycliffe Prep. Sch., So. Orange, N. J., 1901-s; Prin.. S. i6th St. Pub. Sch., New- ark, N. J., 190S-6; Prin., Oliver St. Pub. Sch., do., 1906-8. Auth.: Herbart's A. B. C. of Sense Perception, Appleton & Co. (Internat. Educ. Series) ; Kant's Inaugural Address, Mac- millan, ((Columbia Contributions to Philos. and Educ); Inaugural Discourse (in Spanish Pam- phlet); Granada, Nicaragua, 1879; also several mag. articles. Mem.. New England Soc. of Orange; Am. Soc. Sc. Assn.; A. F. A. M. Married Alice Mary Lockwood, 1892, College Point, N. Y. Died S 29, 1908, Newark, N. J. HENRY CHARLES ECKSTEIN (See No. 6855.) H. T. EDDY Instructor; Instr.. Engines, U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111.. 1918; do., Industrial Sch., Omaha, Neb. Address, 1322 N. 41st St., Omaha, Neb.; bus. add., c/o Industrial Sch., Omaha, Neb. PAUL FREDERICK EDINGER .\. B., St. Univ. of la., 1905; b. O 26, 1879, Davenport, la. Prepared in Davenport (la.) IH. S. Grad. Stud., Univ. of Ta., 1905-6. Schol- arship, 1905-6; Sigma Xi; Lowden Prize in Geol.. iqo6. Instr., Univ. of la., 1006-7; Asst., Geol.. Univ. of 111., 1907-8. Mem., M. E. Church. .4 d dress. Cedar Rapids, la. WILLIAM EDMUND EDINGTON Assistant; A. B., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1909: b. D 8, 1886, Rantoul, 111.; s. Robert and Carrie (Wolpert) Edington. Prerared in Poto- mac H. S.; Ind. St. Norm. Sch. Teacher. Math.. H. S., Brazil, Ind.. 1909-11; Asst. Prof., Mat'i., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1011-12: Asst., Mith., Univ. of Colo., 1913-14; Assoc. Prof, and Prof., Math., Univ. of N. M., 1914-17: Asst., Math., 868 University of Illinois Univ. of 111., 1917-18; do., 1919 — . Sergt., Sig- nal Corps, Div. of Sc. and Research, Meteoro- logical Section, Ft. Monroe, Va., 1918; mus- tered out, D 191 8. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; Math. Assn. of Am.; A. A. A. S. Address, 1100 N. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. JAMES LLOYD EDMONDS Professor; B. S., O St. Univ., 1907; b. Jl 5, 1885, Carrollton, Mo. Prepared in Mansfield (O.) H. S. Instr., Minn. St. Univ., Sch. and Coll. of Agr., 1907-10; Instr., An. Husb. and Asst., Horse Husb., Agr. Exp. Sta., L^niv. of 111., 1910-11; Assoc, Horse Hvisb. and ist Asst., Horse Husb., in Sta., do., 191 1-13; Asst. Prof., 1913-18; Prof., 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mabel Miskimen, Jl 8, 1914, Newcom- erstown, O. Children: John Robert, b. Je 29, 1916; James Lloyd, Jr., b. S 8, 1918. Address, 916 W. Nevada St., Urbana. GRACE OSBORNE EDWARDS (See No. 1124.) MAURICE EISNER Musician; b. Jl 2, 1880, Keokuk; s. Albert (b. Ag 28, 1851, Eperies, Hungary) and Kate (Kariher) Eisner (b. Je 25, 1857, Huntington, Ind.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. Attended Univ. of 111. Alpha Tau Omega. Instr., Piano, Royal Acad, of Music, Budapest, 1899- 1900; Instr., Piano, ITniv. of 111., 1901-2; pvt. teacli- ing, 1900-6. Head of Conservatory of Music, Minneapolis, 1906-10; concert tour with Kocian, Violinist, 1910; concert pianist. Address, 301 \V. L'niversity Ave., Champaign. KARL JOHN THEODORE EKBLAW (See No. 3721.) WALTER ELMER EKBLAW (See No. 1442.) ARTHUR MATTHEW ELAM Assistant; B. M. E., LTniv. of Ky., 1908; D. D. S., Dental Coll., O. LTniv.; b. Mr 10, 1884, Lawrence Co., Ky.; s. Matthew McClure (b. Morgan Co., Ky.) and Emily Grant (Bqt- ner) Elam (b. Lawrence Co., Ky.). Prepared in Ky. St. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. Instr., St. Univ. of Ky.; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Asst. to Dean, Mech. Engng., LTniv. of Ky., 1909-10; with Am. Blower Co., Detroit, 1910; charge of Drawing Dept., Columbus Trade Sch., 1915; Demonstration in Anatomy, 1915-16; Dem- onstration in Prosthetic Dentistry, 1916-17; Asst., Crown and Bridge Technic and Metal- lurgy, Dental Coll., O. Univ., 191 7 — . Auth. : Automobile Testing Plant of the Univ. of Ky., Horseless Age, Vol. 25, No. 22. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Appalonian Soc; Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Married Clothilde Bonta, Ag 4, 1909, Lexing- ton, Ky. Address, 312 W. 4th Ave., Columbus, O. ARTHUR GRENVILLE ELDREDGE Photographer; b. N 3. 1880, Mass. Photog- rapher for Country Life; Instr., and Dir., Photog. Lab., LTniv. of 111., 1913 — . Married Clara M. Foss, New Vork City. Address, 926 W. Illinois St., L'rbana. CHARLES ALTON ELLIS Professor; A. B.. Wesleyan Univ., 1900; b. Je 23, 1876; s. David Brainard (b. D 30, 1833, Guilford, Me.) and Eliza Wharff (Lom- bard) Ellis (b. D 24, 1834). Prepared in E. Me. Conference Sem., Bucksport, Me. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Draftsman, Checker, and Designer, Am. Bridge Co., 1900-09; Asst. Prof.. Civ. Engng., Univ. of Mich., 190S-12; Designing Engr., Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal, Can.; Asst. Prof., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1914- 15: Prof., Struct. Engng., do., 1915 — ■ Auth.: New Formulas and Diagrams give Deflections of Beams under any Loading. Engng. Record, Vol. 73, 1916; Graphical Calculus with Spec- ial Reference to Shear Moment and Deflection Diagrams, Jour. West. Soc. of Engrs., Vol. 22, 1917; The Theory of Reinforced Concrete without Formulas, Engng. Educ, Vol. 8, 1918. Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Sigma Xi; Prot. Epis. Church; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Elsie Louise Ney, S 29, 1913. Address, 502 W. Elm St., Urbana. FREDERICK ELLIS Instructor; b. Ap 21, 1874, Eng. ; s. John (b. do.) and Elizabeth (Harris) Ellis (h. do.). Prepared in Nat. Schs., Eng. Acacia. Pattern Makers Apprentice, Journeyman. 1890-6 do., C'argeman, 1896-1906; Instr., Woodshop, Univ. of 111., 1906-14; Instr., Man. Tr. H. S., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1914 — . Married Emily Ellis, Ap 18. 1901, Eng. Address, c/o (Manual Training H. S., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. t ARNOLD EMCH Professor; Ph. D., Univ. of Kan., 1895; b. Mr 24, 1871; s. Albrecht (b. 1836, Gossliwil, Switzerland) and Maria (Zurbuchen) Emch (b. 1840, Habchern, do.). Prepared in Co. H. S., Hucheggberg; Cantonal Coll., Solothurn, Switz- erland, 1886-90; Eidgenossische Technische Ilochschule, Zurich. Switzerland, 1890-3. Sigma Xi. Asst. Prof., Math., Univ. of Kan., 1895-7; Prof., do.. Poly, of Biel, Switzerland. 1897-9; Prof., Math, and Graphics. LTniv. of Colo., 1900- 5; Prof., Math., Cantonal Coll. of Solothurn and Basel, 1905-11; Asst. Prof., Math., Univ. of 111.. 191 1 — . Served in Swiss Army. Auth.: Introduction to Projective Geom. and its Appli- cations, John Wiley & Sons, 1905; Kultur and Reisebilder aus Amerika. Sauerlander, Aarau, 1908; Kinematische Gelenksysteme and die durch sie erzeugten goemetrischen Transfor- inationen, Gassniann, Solothurn, 1007; Uber orthogonale Systeme und einige Technische .\nwendungen, Schiiler, Biel, 1898; also many mag. articles. Mem.. Am. IVIath. Soc; A. A. A. S.; Circolo Matematico die Palermo: Schwei- zeris'che Maturforschende Gesellschaft; Swiss .\Il)ine Club; Colo. Mt. Club. Married Hilda Walters, Ag 28, 1895. Children: Walter, b. D 24, T896; Arnold, b. N 3, 1899, Address, 5nj W. Oregon St., Urbana. ARTHUR DONALDSON EMMETT (See No. 1496.) CLYDE WILBUR EMMONS (See No. 203.) SOLTON PHILIP ENGEL Assistant; A. B., Columbia, 1916; b. Ja i, 189s, New York City; s. M. and Lena Rose (Proper) Engel. Prepared in DeWitt Clinton H. S., New York City. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Eng. and Hist., Blue Pt. Union Free Sch., Long Island, 1916-17; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Ensign Sch., U. S. N. F. R., 1918 — •. Address, 344 Manhattan Ave., New Vork City. CARL J. ENGELDER Instructor; A. B., Cornell, 1913: B. Chem., 1/0., 1914; Ph. D., do., 1917; b. Ja ii, 1890, Punxsutawney, Pa. Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi. Asst., Gas Analysis and Optico-Chem. Meth- ods, Cornell, 1913-15; Asst., Phys. Chem., do., 1915-17; Instr., Chem., Univ. of lU., 1917-18. Address, 218 Delaware Ave., Ithaca. N. Y MELVIN LORENIUS ENGER (See No. 2656.) EDGAR WALLACE ENGLE (See No. G205.) DUANE TAYLOR ENGLIS (See No. G206.) Faculty 869 ROY VICTOR ENGSTROM (See No. 2086.) ARTHUR LLEWELLYN ENO Professor; A. B., Brown Univ., i^QS; A. M., Univ. of Vt., 1S99; A. M., Harvard, 1901 ; b. O I, 1872, Charlotte, Vt.; s. Byron Russell (b. Mr I, 1844, do.) and Phoebe Goodyear (Wooster) Eno (b. F 24, 1847, do.). Prepared in Vt. Acad.. Saxton's River, Vt. Phi Delta Theta; Scholar, Brown Univ.; Ed., Broum Daily Herald, 1894-95. Asst., Rhet., Brown Univ., 1895-96; Master, Latin, Vt. Acad., 1896-98; Instr., Eng. and Ger., Univ. of Vt., 1898- 1900; Grad. Stud., Harvard, 1900-02; Instr., Eng., Univ. of Tex., 1902-04; do., summer sch.. 1902-03; Instr., Rhet.. Univ. of 111., 1904-08; Asst. Prof., Classics, Pa. St. Coll., 1913-16; do., Univ. of Vt., 1917-18; do., Eng., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 1918 — . Auth. : Edition of Scott's Quentin Durward, Macmillan Co.; The iSIexican Shepherd Plays, Special Volume of the Am. Folk Lore Jour.; short stories for mags, and newspapers. Mem., Am. Folk Lore Soc. Address, Charlotte, Vt.; bus. add., c/o Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. NEWTON EDWARD ENSIGN (See No. 4641.) CONRAD JOSEPH EPPELS Assistant; b. Ja 23, 1884, Ger.; Grad., Royal Sch. of Linnich, Ger., 1907; attended Boppard Royal Sch.; Univ. of Montpelier, France. Teach- er, Mod. Lang., Univ. of W. Va., 1912-14; Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Asst., Ger., Exten. Div., Univ. of Wis., 191 5 — • Address, 206 Bernard St., MaKiison, Wis. JOHN LAWRENCE ERB Director; F. A. G. O., Metropolitan Coll. of Mus., 1896; b. F 5, 1877, Earl Tp., Pa.; s. Milton Geist (b. Ap 6. 1850, Pa.) and Mary Katharine (Rhue) Erb (b. Je 5, i860, do.). Prepared in Pottstown (Pa.) H. S.; Hill Sch., do.; Virgil Clavier Sch., New York City, 1894- 5. Phi Gamma Delta. Dir., Music, Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn, N. Y:, 1896-97; do., Conserv- atory of Music, Univ. of Wooster, Wooster. O., 1905-13; Dir., Sch. of Mus. and Univ. Organist, Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Auth.: Johannes Brahms, a Biography, J. W.' Dent; Hymns and Church Music; The Elements of Harmony; Elementary Theory; Numerous articles in musi- cal and other mags. Mem., Mus. Teacher's Nat. Assn.; Am. Guild of Organists; Nat. Assn. of Organists; 111. St. Mus. Teacher's Assn.; Univ. Club, Urbana; Lutheran Church. Married Ethel Berenice Heydinger, S 18, 1899, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Child, Donald Milton, b. Ag 3. 1900. Address, 607 W. Indiana Ave., Urbana. OSCAR ERF Professor; B. Sc, O. St. Univ., 1899; b. D 17, 1874, Monroeville, O.; s. Philip (b. do.) and Dorothea (Heyman) Erf (b. do.). Prepared in Monroeville Pub. Schs. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Scholarship in Dairying. Asst., Dairying, O. St. Univ., 1896-9; Mgr., N. Eaton Cream- ery and Straight Dairy Co., 1893-4; Instr., Dairy Mfg., Univ. of HI.. 1899-1903; Mgr., Star Creamery Co., 1903; Prof., Dairying and An. Husb., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1903; Supt., Dairy Dept., La. Purchase Exposition, 1904; Prof., Dairy and An. Husb., Kan. St. Agr. Coll., 1904; do.. Dairying, O. St. LTniv. Invented starter vat; milk bottles; water heater. Auth.: Bui. No. 75, 111. Exp. Sta.; Buls. Nos. 130 and 131, Kan. Exp. Sta.; Press Buls. Nos. 144 and 147, do.; Dairy Arithmetic; Creamery Build- ing; also various mag. articles. Mem., Am. Breeders Assn.; Treas.. do.. 1904; Dairy St. Assn. of Kan., Neb., 111., O. and Wis.; Nat. Creamery and Buttermakers' Assn.; Kan. Poul- try Assn.; A. A. A. S. Married Alice Ashton, Je 28, 1905, Monroeville, O. Address, 157 1 2th Ave., Columbus, O. THOMAS REUBEN ERNEST (See No. 2966.) WILLIAM ESTY Professor; A. B., Amherst Coll., 1889; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1893; A. M., Am- herst Coll., 1893; b. Jl 9, 1868, Amherst, Mass.; s. William Cole (b. Ap 8, 1838, Westmoreland, N. H.) and Martha Ann (Gushing) Esty (b. N 14, 1837, Boston). Prepared in Amherst H. S. Psi Upsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Completed the "expert course" at the factories of the Thomas- Houston Elec. Co., Lynn, Mass., 1892-93; Instr., Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1893-95; Asst., Prof., do., 1895-98; Assoc. Prof., do., 1898-1901; Asst. Prof., Lehigh Univ., 1901- 03; Prof., do., 1903 — . Auth.: Alternating Current Machinery, Am. Correspondence Schs., Chicago, 1905, rev. ed., 1912; The Elements of Elec. Engng., Vol. i; Direct Current Machines; (with W. S. Franklin) Elec. Distribution and Lighting, Macmillan Co., Vol. 11, 1906; do.. Alternating Currents, do., 1907; (with W. S. Franklin, C. E. Clewell, S. S. Seyfeit) Dynamo Lab. Manual, do., 1908; (with W. S. Frank- lin) Dynamos and Motors, do., 1909; also many mag. articles. Fellow, A. I. E. E. ; Mem., Soc. Prom, of Engng. Educ; Fellow A. A. A. S.; Bethlehem Club. Married Julia Louise Coy, Je 14, 1894, Brookline, Mass. Children: William Cole, Jr., b. Mr 7, 1895; Lucien Coy, b. Mr 15, 1899; John Gushing, b. My 12, 1901. Ad- dress, Lehigh Univ., S. Bethlehem, Pa. AUGUSTA DILLMAN EVANS Assistant; A. B., 1911, Smith Coll.; b. Jl 10. 1885; d. David John (b. 1829, Wales) and Susan (Dillman) Evans (b. Ja 24, 1840 Middleport, Pa.). Prepared in Scranton H. S. Pa. Colloquium; Telescopium. Attended Low thorpe Hort. Sch., Groton, Mass., 1905-6: Amherst Agr. Coll.. Amherst, Mass.; Teacher Rural Sch., La Plume, Pa., 1906-7; Asst Gardener, Kingston Gardeners, Kingston Mass.; Asst., Agr. Exten., Univ. of 111., igii 13; do., Agr. Exten., Mont. Agr. Coll., 1914 — .-iddress, Bozeman, Mont. DONALD GROVER EVANS (See No. 8303.) FREDERICK NOBLE EVANS Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1905; M. L. A., do., 191 1 ; b. Jl 26, 1881; s. Daniel Henry (b. Ap 19, 1839, Ripley, O.) and Sarah Jane (Livingston) Evans (b. O 1848, Pittsburgh). Prepared in Royen Sch., Youngstown, O. Attended Royal Tech. Sch., Ger., 1906-7; Sigma Aljiha Epsilon; Piersan Sodality; Harvard Dra- matic Club; Ivy Club. Asst., Land. Arch. Dept., Harvard,. 1908-10; Land. Arch., Cleveland, 1911-14; Land. Arch, in Office of Stephen Child. Santa Barbara, Calif.; Instr., Land. De- sign, Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Assoc, do., 1915- 16; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Auth.: Articles in Am. Real Est. Mag. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Am. Civic Assn.; Am. Soc. of Land. Archs. ; Am. City Planning Inst.; Pres., Assn. of Land. Exten. Workers; Epis. Church. Married Belle Spencer Sanford, Ja 10, 1912, Stock- ton, Calif. Children: Sarah Jane; Janet San- ford. Address, 1310 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. WALTER ROOKE EVANS Instructor; b. El Paso, 111. Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Racine (Wis.) Military Sch,; Bradley Poly. Inst. Instr.. Wrestling, Stock Yards Sch. of Phys. Culture, Chicago; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1915-17. Lt., 6ist 111. Inf., France, 191 7 — . Mem., Prot. Epis. Church. Address, El Paso, 111. HENRY HOUGHTON EVERETT Phys. and Surg.; M. D.. Coll. of P. & S., Chicago, 1902; b. S 11, 1866. Chambersburg, Pa.; s. William S. (b. 1836, Fanitsburg, Pa.) 870 University of Illinois and Charlotte Stickney (Reed) Everett (b. Richmond, Va.). Prepared in South Div. H. S., Chicago, and Univ. of Chicago; attended Chicago Med. Coll., 1888. Nu Sigma Nu. Instr., Gym., Univ. of Wis., 1894-5; Asst. Prof.. Phys. Tr., Univ. of 111., 1895-6; Assoc. Prof., do.. 1896-8: Phys. and Surg., 1902; Instr., Nose and Throat Depl., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago; Asst. Attending Laryngologist, Presby. Hosp., Chicago. Mem., Chicago Med. Soc; 111. St. Med. Sec; A. M. A.; Ottawa Co. (Mich.), Med. Soc. Married Jessie Eliza- beth Armstrong, Jl 2, 1891, Sycamore, 111. Children: Charlotte Reed, b. S 13, 1892; Henry Armstrong, b. N 28, 1898. Address, 30 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. EUGENE PHILIP EAGER (See No. 7504.) HARRISON FREDERICK THEODORE FAHRNKOPF (See No. 5650.) GEORGE DAY FAIRFIELD Business; b. My 6, 1866, Hillsdale, Mich.; s. Edmund B. (b. Ag 1821, Va.) and Mary A. (Baldwin) Fairfield (b. 1836. Ellington, N. Y.). Prepared in Lincoln (Neb.) H. S.; Oberlin Coll. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Beta Kappa. V. Consul from U. S.. Lyons, France, 1889-93; Instr., Rom. Langs., De Pauw Univ., 1894-5; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of III., 1895-8; Prof., do., 1898-1903; in bus., 1903-4; Asst. Prof., Rom. Langs., Syracuse Univ., 1904-6; Prof., French and Spanish, Beloit Coll., 1906- 11; in bus. with James O. Heyworth, 191 1 — . Edited Beaumarcliais' Barbier de Seville, Scott, Foresman & Co.. 1002. Mem., Univ. Club, Syracuse, N. Y. Married Mary Adelaide Pet- ers, 1890, Tecumseh. Mich. Children: Helen Peters, b. Ag. 1803; Mary Burnham, b. Jl 1895 (died Jl 1896)'; John Edmund, b. Jl 1898- .Address, 305 Harvester Bldg., Chicago.! JOHN ARCHIBALD FAIRLIE Professor; A. B., magna cum laudc. Har- vard, 189s; A. M., do., 1896; Ph. D.. Colum- bia, 1 898; b. O 30, 1872, Glasgow, Scot.; s. James Mitchell (b. Ap 23, 1845. Strathblane, do.) and Margaret Simpson (Miller) Fairlie (b. 1845, Glasgow, do.). Prepared in Duval H. S., Jacksonville, Fla. Prize Detur; Bow- doin Prizes; Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmos Club; honorable mention in hist.; Toppan Prize. Sec. to Com. on Canals of N. Y. St., 1899-1900; Lecturer. Mun. Govt., Columbia, 1900; Asst. Prof., Adm. Law, Univ. of Mich., 1900-06; Jr. Prof., Adm. Law, do., 1906-09: Special Agt., Bur. of Corp., 190809; Assoc. Prof., Pol. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Prof., do., 1911 — . (Leave of absence.) work for U. S. Govt., Washington, D. C, 1918—. Auth.: The Cen- tralization of Administration in New York State Columbia. Studies in Hist., Econ. and Pub. Law, 1898: Statistical Tables and Data relating to the (Canals and Conamerce of New York, Report of the Com. on Canals of New York State, 1900; Municipal Administration, Macmillan Co., 1001; The National Adminis- tration of the United States of America, do., 1905; Local Government in Counties, Towns, and Villages, Century, 1906; Essays on Muni- cipal Administration, Macmillan. 1908; Taxa- tion and Revenue System of Illinois, a report prepared for the Special Tax Commission, 111. Printing Co., 1910; A report on Town and County Government in Illinois, ///. St. Jour. Co., 1913; A report on Revenue and Fi- nance Administration, Illinois Efficiency and Economy Committee, 1914; several articles. Assoc. Ed., Nat. Mun. Review, 1912-16: Man- aging Ed., Am. Pol. Sc. Review. 1916 — . Mem., Mich. (Constitutional Convention. 1907-08; Chief Clerk, Special Tax Com., St. of 111., 1910-11; Dir., 111. Efficiency and Economy Com., 1913-15; Council of Nat. Civ. Service Reform League; Am. Econ. Assn.; Nat. Mun. League; Cosmos Club, Washington; Harvard Club of New York City; Univ. Club and City Club of Chicago; Univ. Club, Urbana. Address, 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. ELISIIA N. FALES Aero Engr. ; A. B., Harvard, 1908; S. B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 191 1; b. D 23, 1887; s. David (b. Boston) and Mary E. (Lawton) Fales (b. Newport, R. I.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad. With Curtiss Airplane Co., 1915- i6; Asst. Prof., Mech. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Chm., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1017-18; Airplane Engng. Dept., A. S. S. C, Washington, D. C, 1918 — ■. Invented: Jiffy Duplicator Patent; Various Aeronautical de- vices. Auth.: Learning to fly in the United States Army, McGraw Hill, 1917; Articles in Tech. Jours. Married Frances Meigs, Je 4, 1014. Child. Grace Lynde, b. Ap 23, 1916. .4ddress, Lake Forest, 111. RALPH S. FANNING (See No. G212.) ROY NEWTON FARGO (See No. 3728.) STANLEY PRINCE FARWELL (See No. 2973.) EDWARD ARTHUR PATH Coll. Pres.; B. S., Carleton Coll., North- field, Minn., 1902; Ph..D., Univ. of Calif., 1009; b. Ag 23, 1880, Ger.; s. Jacob (b. Mr 13, 1840, do.) and Bertha L. (Judiesch) Fath (b. Mr 14. 1850, do.). Prepared in Muscatine (la.) H. S.; attended Wilton Coll., Wilton, la., 1898-1900. Sigma Xi; Delta Sigma Rho. Instr., Math., Wilton Coll., 1902-4; do.. Red- field Coll., Redfield, S. Dak., 1904-5; .do., Univ. of 111., 1905-6; Instr., Astron., Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Asst. Astronomer, Mt. Wilson Obs., 1902-12: Dir.. Beloit Coll. Obs., 1902-14; Pres., Redfield Coll., 1914 — . Discoveries: Brighter Spiral nebulae give spectrum like sun, 1909-11; Zodiacal light gives solar type spectrum, 1909; Globular star clusters give F. type spectra, loii; 800 new nebulae. Aut'i.: A Study of Nebulae, Astronomical Jour., vol. 28, 1914; The Story of Spirals, Century, 1912; The Greatest Camera in the World, Outlook, T914; articles in Lick Obs. Bui.. Astrophys. Jour. Mem., Astron. and Astrophys. Soc. of Am.; Fellow, A. A. A. S., 1912; Fellow, Royal Astron. Soc. of London. 1912; ist V. P., S. Dak. Acad, of Sc, 1916-17. Married Rosina Kiehlbauch Je i, 1909, Tyndall, S. Dak. Chil- dren: Catherine B., b. Ag 19- 1013; Miriam Rosina, b. O 6, 1916. Address, Redfield, S. Dak. LESLIE WILLIAM FAULKNER (See No. 6225.) ERNEST CARROLL FAUST (See No. G216.) MARY ELIZA FAWCETT (See No. G217.) *EDMOND GUSTAVE FECHET Born Tl II, 1844. Port Huron, Mich.; s. Al- fred Fe"chet de Alart (b. 1817. Strasburg, France) and Mary de Garmo (Buel) Fechet (b. 1823, Syracuse, N. Y.). Entered U. S. Volun- teers. My 19, 1861; U. S. A. (Volunteers and Regt.) ever since; Prof., Mil. Sc, Univ. of Neb. 1896; Prof.. Mil. Sc. and Tactics, Univ. of 111., 1900-09. Invented portable ramp for un- loading stock from R. R. trains (see Man. of Field Engng., Beach; Device and system for erecting conical tents; Device for protecting Faculty 871 springs of cots in dormitories. Auth. : The True Story of the Death of Sitting Bull, Cos- mopolitan Mag.. My 1896. Mem., G. A. R. Mar- ried Rachel Morris Forsythe, N 25, 1875, Portsmouth, O. (died My 25, 1905). Children: Mary Forsythe and James Edmond. Died N 16, 1910. FRANCES MARGUERITE FEIND (See No. 2665.) HARRY FOSTER FERGUSON Engineer; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1912; b. Mr 12, 1889, Adams, Mass. Prepared in Adams (Mass.) H. S.; Trinity Coll., 1906-08. Received Smith-McKay prize in Math. Engng. Dept., Boston, summers 1910, 1911; Asst., Engng. Corps, Pa. R. R., summer 1912; Asst. Engr., St. Water Survey, Univ. of 111., 191? 15. Lt., Engr. Reserve Corps, A. E. F., France; Returned to states. Mem. Epis. Church. Ad- dress, 709 W. High St., Urbana. ALISON MARION FERNIE Teacher; b. N. 25, 1866, Derby, Eng. ; d. John (b. (Japar, Fifeshire, Scot.) and Arabella (Pike) Fernie (b. Derby, Eng.) Prepared in pvt. sch. and masters abroad. Alpha Chi Omega. Professional studies, Royal Acad, of Mus., London; Philadelphia Musical Acad.; also in Bonn, Weimer, Paris and Italy. Head of vocal dcpt., DePauw Univ., 1891-7; concert singing in Philadelphia. Washington, and New York City; Prof, and head of the vocal dept., Univ. of 111., 1897-1903; Dir., Choral Soc.; Pvt. Teaching in Florence, Italy, and traveling for pleasure; Teacher, voice, Hutchinson, Kans., 19 14. Address, c/o Brown, Shipley & Co., 123 Pall Mall, London. OSCAR FREDRICK WILHELM FERNSEMER Business; Ph. D., Univ. of Munich, 1912; b. JI 26, 1888, Munich, Bavaria; s. Ludwig (b. 1844, Bavaria, Ger.) and Constance (Mason) Fernsemer (b. 1851, Eng.). Prepared in Maxi- milian's gymnasium, Munich. Pvt. Tutor, Woonsocket, R. I., 1913-14; Teacher, French and Ger., H. S., Cranford, N. J., 1914-15; Lec- turer, Ger. Lit., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1915-16; Instr., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; With John Wanamaker, 1918 — . Auth.: Die Dramatischen Werks Chas Rob Maturin's Nebst Biographies des Dichters, 1913; The Origin of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, (ier.-Amer. Hist. Soc., O. Winbourg, Munich, 1918. Mem., Players Club, Univ. of 111. Address, 38 S. 44th St., Philadel- phia; bus. add., c/o John Wanamaker^ do. EMORY NELSON FERRISS Professor; Ph.B., Univ. of la., 1904; A.M., do., 1905; Ph.D., do., 1908; b. Jl 17, 1882, To- ledo, la.; s. Oscar Milton (b. S 4, 1849, Mt. Vernon, O.) and Emma (Bidwell) Ferriss (b. Jl 7, 1858, Gladstone, la.). Prepared in Clark Coll. Prep. Sch.; Attended Univ. of Chicago, summer 1911; Philaphronean Lit. Soc; Grad. Scholarship in Ger., Univ. of la., 1905-6; Fel- lowship, 1907-8; Old Eng. Text Soc. Prize, 1906; Prin., H. S., Pocatello, Idaho, 1906-7, igo8-ii; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Instr., Broadway H. S., Seattle, 1912-16; Grad. woik, Educ, Teacher's Coll., Columbia, 1916- 17; Asst. Prof., Educ, Univ. of Okla., 1917-18; Assoc. Prof., Secondary Educ, do., 1918 — . Auth.: Angengruber's Portrayal of (Character, United Brethren Pub. Co. Mem., Old Eng. Club, Univ. of la., 1907-8; Idaho Interscho- lastic League for Secondary Schs., 1908-10; Phi Delta Kappa. Married Bessie Isabel Reed, Ag 26, 1908, Minneapolis. Children: Dorothy Elaine, b. Ap 18, 1910; Donald Embre, b. Je 38, 1913. Address, Norman, Okla. ARTHUR SARGENT FIELD Valuation Analyst; A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1902; A. M. do., 1903; Ph. D., Yale, 1909. Prepared in Hyde Park H. S., Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow, Pol. Econ., Univ. ot Wis., 1903-4; Scholar, Econ., Yale, 1907-8; Instr., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1904-7; do., Dart- mouth Coll., 1909-11; Economist, Bur. of Ry. Econ., Washington, D. C, 1911-18; Valuation Analyst, Bur. of Valuations, Interst. Com- merce Conin., Washington, D. C, 1918 — . Author.: The Child Labor Policy of New Jer- sey, Am. Econ. Assn., 1910; Articles in Econ. Review. Address, 3607 Lowell St., Washing- ton, D. C. CHARLES ALBERT FISHER (See No. G220) FOREST ADDISON FISHER (See No. 4650) ORA STANLEY FISHER (See No. 3367) *GEORGE MYGATT FISK A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1890; Ph. D., Univ. of Munich, 1896; b. Jl 16, 1864, Canfield, O. ; Scholarship, Phillips Exeter Acad., N. H.; Fellowship, Pa. Studied at Halle, Berlin, London, Paris, Geneva, and Brussels. Supt., Schs., Mich., two yrs. ; Prof., Econ., Jacob Tome Inst., Port Deposit, Md., 1900; Teacher, Univ. of Wis., Summer, 1900; do., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1901 (Albert Shaw Lecture- ship) ; Prof., Commerce, Univ. of 111., 1902- 191 o. Auth.: Hist, of German-American Diplo- matic Relations; Cml. Policy of U. S., 1890- 1900; also various short articles. Mem., Am. Embassy at Berlin, Four yrs., Sec. Died Ap 29, 1910, Madison, Wis. IRA WILLIAM FISK (See No. 3735) JOHN DRISCOLL FITZ-GERALD II Professor; A. B., Columbia, 1895; Ph. D., do., 1906; b. My 2, 1873, Newark, N. J.; s. Aaron Ogden (b. S 14, 1845, do.) and Harriet Minerva (Haines) Fitz-Gerald (b. D 20, 1847, do.) Prepared in Barringer (N. J.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Alumni Prize to "The most faithful and deserving stud, of the graduating class," Columbia, 1895; Univ. Scholar, Rom. Lang., Columbia, 1895-96; Univ. Fellow, Rom. Lang., do., 1897-98; also studied Romanic Phil., Leipsic, Berlin, Madrid, and Paris, 1896-97 and 1900-02; Eleve Tittulaire de I'Ecole Pratique des Hautes fitudes (Section des Sciences, His- toriques, et Philologiques), Paris, 1897; Eleve Diplome de I'Ecole-Pratique des Hautes fitudes (Section des Sciences, Historiques, et Philogi- ques), Paris, 1902. Asst., Rom. Lang, and Lit., Columbia, 1898-1902; Tutor, do., 1902-07; Instr., do., 1907-09; Asst. Prof., Univ. of 111., 1909-15; Prof., Spanish, do., 1915 — -. Auth.: La Vida de Santo Domingo de Silos par Gon- zalo de Berceo, Edition critique, Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, fascicule, Paris, 1904; Versification of the Cuaderna Via, as found in Berceo's Vida de Santo Domingo de Silos, Columbia Univ. Studies in Rom.. Philol. and Lit., New York, 1905; A Reading Journey Through Spain, illustrated. The Chautauquan, Vol. 55, 1909; Rambles in Spain, T. Y. (Jrow- ell & Son, 1910; (With Leora A. Fitz-Gerald) Lope de Vega, Noyelas a la Senora Marcia Leonarda, Reproduction der Ausgaben von 1621 und 1624, kritisch herausgegeben und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen, Ro- manische Forschungen, Erlangen; various liter- ary and linguistic articles dealing with topics in Roman Philol. and in Hispanic Langs., Lit., and Hist., and appearing in jours, of the United States, France, and Spain; translator (with T. H. Guild), A New Drama, by Manuel Tamayo y Baus, No. 90, Pub. The Hispanic 872 University of Illinois Soc. Am., New York, 1915; Assoc. Ed., Ro- inanic lit-zicw; Consulting ed., Hispania; Mem.. Internal, advisory ed. Bd. of Iiiter-Ainciica: Ed. in charge of Hispanic subjects in New In- tcniat. hticy.; Ed., The Ilisjianic Series. Mem.j Methodist "Church; Alpha Sigma Plii; Alumni Assn. of II. Schs., Newark, N. J. ; Advisory Council of the Institute International of Mad- rid; A. S. R. ; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Am. Dialect Sos. ; Societe Amicale Gastoi> Paris, Paris; Gesellschaft fiir Romanische Literature, Dresden; The Hispanic Soc, of Am.; Corre- spondiente de las Reales Acadeniais Espiinola de la Lengua, de la Historia de Madrid, and de Buenas Letras de Barcelona; Delegate to S. Am. for Am. Assn., for Internat. Conciliation, 1914; Asst. Sec, Second Pan-Am. Scientific Cong., 191 5-16. Married Leora Almita Hart- pence ('16), JMy 10, 1900, Newark. N. J. Chil- dren: Nesta, b. Je 29, 1904; Gerald llartpence, b. D 4, 1005; Linda, b. Mr 3, loio. Address, 803 W. Main St., L^rbana. EDWIN BRENTON FLANIGAN Engineer; C. E., Princeton, 1910; b. S 18, 188S, Hamilton, Mo, Attended Mass, Inst, of Tech. Asst,, Mech. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Engr. Const., Sheldon Axle and Spring Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., igi.? — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 6s W. South St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa.t ALICE VIRGINIA FEATHER Instructor; B., A., Cornell, 191 7; b, Philadel- phia; d, Joseph (b. Bradford, York, Eng.) and Drusilla "(Drake) Flather (b. Newton, Mass.). Prepared in Nashua (N. H.) H. S.; Teacher, H. Schs., i88(>-i9oj; Asst., Chem., Lhiiv. of 111., 1904-6; Acting Instr., do., 1906-8; Instr., do., H. S., Haverhill, Mass., 1911-12; do., Wel- lesley Coll., 191 7 — . Mem., A. C, S. ; A. A. A. S. Address, 20 Arlington St,, Nashua. N. H. J. R, FLEMING Instr.; U. S, S, M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; with Mine Service & Safety Co., Benton, 111, Address, 314. W. 3rd St,, Greensburg, Pa,; bus. add., c/o Mine Service & Safety Co., Ben- ton, 111. VIRGIL R. FLEMING (See No. 2384) WESLEY PILLSBURY FLINT Entomologist; b. My 4, 1883, South Hamp- ton, N. H.; s. Moses C. (b. Ag 1S41, Law- rence, Mass,) and Emily W, (Pillsbury) Flint (b. My 7. 1849, Newburyport, Mass.). Pre- pared in Ainesbury, Mass. H. S.; N. H. Col., 1902-5. Zeta Epsilon; Conant Scholarship. In charge of Gypsy and Browntail Moth work. Cape Cod, 1905-6; Supt., New York Dept., H. L. Frost & Co., Entomols. and Foresters, 1906-8; charge of field work against San Jose Scale, Univi"rof 111., 190S-9; Asst. Entomol., Cent. 111., di'., 19H-17; Asst. in charge of field work 1917 — . Auth.: Several circulars on eco- nomic insects; articles in Jour, of Ecoii. £n- tomol., 1912, 1913, 1910, 1917, 1918. Mem., Entomol. Soc. of Am.; Am. Assn. Economic Entomols.; A. A. A. S.; Ill, Acad, of Sc. Married Florence Belle Wrai§;ht, Ja 21, 191 1, St. Louis. Address, 1306 S. Orchard St., Urbana. IRA GRAESSLE FLOCKEN Professor; A. B., O. St. Univ., 1900; A. M., Cornell, 1910; b, D i, 18S6, Mansfield, O, ; s. Edward (b, Jl 14, 1862, Bucyrus, O,) and Kate ((iracssle) Flocken (b. F i, 1863, Kos- suth. O,), Prepared in Mansfield (O.) H, S.; Univ. of Chicago, summer 1909. Delta Sigma Pi; Phi Delta Theta. Fellow, Statistics, Cor- nell, 1909-10; Asst,, Econ., Univ. of 111., 1910- 11; Instr., Asst. Prof., Prof., Econ, and Ac- counting, Univ, of Pittsburgh, 191 1 — . Mem. Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Statist. Assn.; Sec, I'aculty of Sch. of Econ., Univ. of Pittsburgh: .■\ssoc.. Am. Inst, of Accts. ; Am. Assn. of Univ, Instrs, in Accounting; Chm,, Coml. Sec- tion, West Pa, Educ. Assn., 1917-18; Pitts- burgh Inst, of Accts. ■ Married Olive Gheen, Ag 25, 1910, Worthington, O. Child, Robert Edward, b. S 11, 1917. Address, 1205 Lancas- ter Ave., Pittsburgh. GEORGE TOBIAS FLOM Professor; B. L., Ihiiv. of Wis., 1893; A. M,, Vanderbilt, 1894; Ph, D., Columbia, 1900; b, .\p 12, 1871, Utica, Wis,; s, Ole O, (b, S 20, 1831, Flom in Aurland, Province of Sogn, Norway) and Martha (Borlaug) Flom (b, 1836, Borlaugh in Leikanger, Province of Sogn, do.). Prepared in Albion Acad,, Wis. .\delphic; Nora Samlag, Scholastic Fellow in Germanics and Eng., Vanderbilt, 1893-4; Hon. I'cllow, do., Univ. of Wis., 1890-7; Fellow, iJcrmanic Philol., Columbia, 1897-8; attended Copenhagen Univ., 1898-9; Leipsic Univ., 1899. Teacher, Ger. and I^at., H. S., Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1805-6; Instr., Ger. and French, Vanderbilt, 1899-1900; Instr., Scandinavian Lang, and Lit., Univ. of la,, 1900; Asst, Prof,, do., 1901-4; Prof., do., 1904-09; Asst. Prof,, Scand. Lang, and Lit,, Univ. of 111., 1909-13; Assoc. Prof., do.. 1913 — , Auth,: Scand, In- fluence on Southern Lowland Scotch, Colum- bia Univ, Press, 1900; Wichert's Als verlobte empfehlen sich — , Sch, Ed., D. C. Heath & ( o., 1902; Bjornson's Synnove Solbakken, with Introduction and Notes, John Anderson & Co., 1905; Chapters on Scamlinavian Immigration to la., la. Hist. Soc, 1906; History of Scan- dinavian Study in American Universities, Univ. of la. Studies, 1907; Tegner's Frithjofs Saga, Introduction and Notes, Enberg-IIolmberg Pub, Co., 1909; Hist, of Norwegian Immigra- tion to America, 1909; Konongs Skuggsja, I'ragment RA. 58 C, from an Old Norwegian parchment codex of the thirteenth century with hcliotype copy and a study of the paleography and the language, The Univ. of 111. Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, loii; The Gender of English [>oan Nouns in Norse Dialects in America, Jour. Eng. and Ger. Philol., vol. 5; Ed., Scand. Studies and Notes; Assoc. Ed.: The Jour, of Hug. and Ger. PhUoL; 111. Univ. Studies in Lang, and Lit. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of .\m.; Am. Dialect l^oc. ; The Viking Club and .'^oc. for Northern Research, London; Folklore Fellows, Copenhagen; Am. Scand. Soc; Det Xorske Selskab; Soc for Adv. of Scand. Study, Sec. 1911-12. Trustee, 1914; V. P. 111. branch of Am. Folklore Soc; Heimskringla, Pres. Married Loretta Regina, D 26, 1900. Cliildren: George Reginald, b. N 4, 190 1; lilizabeth Edda, b. Jl 21, 1903; Mary Antoin- ette, b. Je 7, 1906. Address, 611 W. Green St., Urbana. MARY ELIZABETH FLOYD (BEVIS) Born D 20, 1875, Winthrop, Mass.; d. Thomas (b. N 3, 1839, North Chelsea, Mass.) and Mary Hall (Peirce) Floyd (b. Ap 15, 1S39, do.) Prepared in Winthrop H. S. ; Wes- leyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass. Diploma, N, E, Conservatory of Music, Mass. ; attended Boston JTjiiv., 1896; N. E. Conservatory, one yr. ; Munich, Ger., one yr. ; Bush Temple Con- servatory, Chicago. Pvt. music teacher, Bos- ton, 1894-1904; Instr., Piano, St. Mary's Coll., Dallas, Tex., 1904-7; do., L^niv, of 111., 1907-10. Organist Presby. Church. Married Albon Bevis, Ag 29, 191 1, Winthrop, Mass. Child, Elizabeth Floyd, b. N 13, 1912. Address, 707 \V. Oregon St., Urbana. LAWRENCE EARL FOGLESONG (See No. 4655) Faculty «73 JUSTUS WATSON FOLSOM Professor; B. S., Harvard, 189s; Sc. D., do., 1899; b. S 2, 1871, Cambrirlge, Mass.; s. James Nelson and Charlotte Elizabeth (Wat- son) Folsom. Prepared in Cambridge (Mass.) H. S. Univ. Scholarship, Harvard; Bowdoin Prize. Lab. Asst., Bot. and Zool., Harvard; Prof., Nat. Sc. and Physiol., Antioch Coll., C, 1899-igoo; Instr., Entomol., Univ. of HI., igoo- 06; Assoc, do., 1906-09; Asst. Prof., do., 1909 — . Auth.: Entomology with Special ref- erence to its Biological and Economic Aspects, P. Blackiston's Sons & Co., 1906; Japanese Col- lembola, Part I, Bui. Essex Inst., Vol. 29, 1898; do., Part II, Proc. Am. Acad. Art Sc, Vol. 34, 1899; The Anatomy and Physiology of the Mouth Parts of the Collcmbolan Orche- sella Cincta L, Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. .35, 1899; Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expe- dition, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sc, Vol. 4, 1902; The Insect Pest of Clover and Alfalfa, Univ. of III. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 134, 1909; numerous other articles on entomological subjects. Ed. Bd., Annals Entomol. Soc. of Am.; Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; ist V. P., Entomol. Soc. of Am. Address, loi E. John St., Champaign. FRANCIS SEELEY FOOTE, Jr. Professor; E. M., Columbia, 1905; b. Mr 31, 1883, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; s. Francis Seelcy and Addie Sarah (Jameson) Foole. Prepared in Montclair (N. J.) H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Engr., Cumberland Mt. Coal and Timber Co., Dunlap, Tenn., 190s; with Springdale Assn., railroad location work, Louisville, Ky., i90';-6; Asst. Engr., N. Y. C. & II. R. R. R. Co., 1906-7; Asst. C. E., Columbia, 1907-10; Instr., Ry. C. E., Univ. of 111., 1910-71; Assoc, do., 1911-12; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Calif., 1912-17; Assoc. Prof., Ry. Engng. and Dir. of Summer Sch. of Sur., Univ. of Calif., 1912-17; Prof., do., 19 17 — . Auth.: The Solution of Plane Triangles, privately pub.., Urbana, 1910; vari- ous other articles. Mem., Am. R. R. Assn.; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. ; Assoc, mem., A. S. C. E. Married Margaret Lucy Kings- bury, Jl 15, 1913, Los Angeles. Children: Elizabeth Luella, b. Ap 30, 1914; Francis Seeley, b. D 10, 1916. Address, Berkeley, Calif. FRANK FARNSWORTH FOOTITT (See No. G228) ERNEST BROWNING FORBES (See No. 1031) GIDEON ROBERT FORBES Instructor: B. S., Harvard, 1909; M. L. A., do., 191 1 ; b. F 2, 1886, Northampton, Eng. Instr., Art and Design, Univ. of III., 191.S — . Address, 806 W. California St., Urbana. STEPHEN ALFRED FORBES (See No. H20) WINIFRED FORBES Instr. in Violin; b. Ag 8, 1879, Normal, 111.; d. Stephen Alfred and Clara ((iaston) Forbes. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Pi Beta Phi; Mu Phi Epsilon. (irad. of Am. Conservatory of Music, (Jhicago, 1899; attended Univ of 111., 1899-igoo: studied a year and a half under Leopold Kramer, then Concert-Master of the Thomas Orchestra; two summers under Leon Sametini. Instr., Violin, St. LTniv. of S. Dak., 1902-4, do., Univ. of 111., 1904-10; do., San Marcos Baptist Acad., 1911-12; Instr., Violin and Harmony, and Dir. of Orchestra, Univ. of Ore., 1912-18; Instr. in Violin, Ellison- White Conservatory, Portland, Ore., 1918 — . Mem., Christian Science Church. Address, Campbell Hotel, Portland, Ore. GUY STANTON FORD Professor; B L., Univ. of Wis., 1895,' I'h. D., (Columbia, 1903; b. My 9, 1873, Salem, Wi.s. ; s. Thomas D. (h. F 9, 1848, Milburn, 111.) and Helen Elizabeth (Shumway) l'"ord (b. S 16, 1847, Gurnee, 111.). Prepared in Plainfielrl (la.) II. S. and Acad., Upper la. I'niv.. Theta Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; (iamina Alpha. Supt., Sch., Grand Rapids, Wis., 1895-8; Univ. of Berlin, 1899-igoo; Scholar, Columbia, 1900-01; Instr., Hist., Yale, 1901-6; Asst. Prof., do., 1906; Prof., Mod. European Hist., Univ. of III., 1906-13; Prof., Hist., Head of HisW Dept. and Dean Grad. Sch., Univ. of Minn., 1913 — . Dir. of the div. of educ. publications of the Com. on Pub. Information. Auth.: Hanover and Prussia, 1 795- 1 803, Columbia -Studies in Hist. Econ., and Pol., Macmillan, 1903; ed.. Turner Es- says in Am. Hist., Henry Holt & Co., igio; ed.. Govt, publications on the war. Red, White, and Blue Series, War Information Series, Loyalty Series; articles in Am. Hist. Review, Jour, of Eng. and Ger. PhiloL, Shield of Theta Delta Chi, Reports of the Am. Hist. Assn., etc. Mem. Hist. Assn.; Miss. Valley Assn.; New Eng. Hist. Teachers' Assn, igoi-6; (irad. Club, New Haven, Conn.; Univ. Club, Urbana; Univ. of 111. Golf Club. Married (irace Victoria Ellis, S 6, 1907, Bristol, Wis. Children: Elizabeth Jane, b. Je 26, 1909; Thomas Kingman, b. D 6, igio. Address, Com. of Pub. Information, Washington, D. C. or Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis. JAY THOMAS FORD (See No. G229) •THOMAS BARTLETT FORD A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1904; A. M., do., 1907; b. Ag 27, 1882, lola, Kan.; s. Henry Cloud (b. O I, 1853, Jackson Co., Mo.) and Sarah Ellen (Bartlett) Ford (b. O 6, 1857, Wolfeboro, N. IL). Prepared in Girard (Kan.) H. S. Sigma Xi. Asst. Instr., Chem., I'niv. of Kan., igo.s-7; First Asst., Applied Chem., Univ. of 111., summer, 1907; Asst. Chem., Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C., 1907-17; Assoc. Chem., do., 1917-18; in charge of Low Temperature Lab., Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1913-18. Mem., A. C. S., 1907; Philos. Soc. of Washington, 1917; M. E. Church. Married Neva Jean Nelson, S 8, 1908, Laramie, Wyo. Children: Alice Ellen, b. Ag 30, 1910; Mary F21izabeth, b. Ag 16, igia; Thomas Avan, b. Ag 29, 1917. Died O I, igi8. ELIZABETH FORREST (See No. 2667) CHESTER HUME FORSYTH (See No. G231) JAMES HUTCHISON FORSYTHE Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Pa., 1908; b. D 27, 1885, Mercer, Pa.; s. John (b. F 11, i86i, do.) and Elizabeth (Treftinger) Forsythe (b. S 15. 1865, Pittsburgh, Pa.). Prepared in Pittsburgh Central H. S. Unde.r-grad. Scholar- ship, four yrs. from Pittsburgh H. S. Head Draftstman, office of Davis & Davis, Phila- delphia, 1906-7; do., Thayer & Thayer, New Castle, Pa., 1908-9; Instr., Arch., Wash. Univ., 1909-10; Instr., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; do., Univ. of Minn., 1914 — . Mem., Arch. Soc. Address, 321 r4th Ave., S. E., Minneap- olis. •EDWARD JOSEPH FORTIER Professor; A. B., Tulane, 1904; b. D g, 1883; s. Alcce (b. 1857, St. James, La.) and Marie (Lanauze) Fortier (b. 1864, New Or- leans, La.). Prepared in Ferrell's Prep. Sch.; Johns Hopkins, igo4-o6; Univ. of 111., 1908-09; 874 University of Illinois Columbia, 1910-11. Phi Delta Theta. Prof., French, Notre Dame, Md., 1905-06; Instr., Rom. Lang., Yale, 1906-07; Assoc, do., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Rom. Langs, and Lits., Columbia, 1910-18; Instr., Tulane summer Sch., 1910; Lecturer, French Lit., Lake Champlain Summer Assembly, 1914- 15. Auth.: The Establishment of the Tamarois Misson, Trans, of the 111. St. Hist. Soc, 1908; Les Lettres frangaises en Louisiana, 1915; Re- vised ed. French Lit. and Biography, New In- ternat. Encyclopedia, Vols. IX-XXIV, 1916-18; Contributing ed.. La Pensee de France. Mem., Nevif Eng. Mod. Lang. Assn., Conn. Group, 1Q07, Ex. Bd.; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; La. St. Hist. Soc; Chief reader Elementary French, Coll. Entrance Examination Bd., 1917- 18. Married Marie Tricou, S 11, 1906, New Orleans, La. Child, Alida Marie, b. Mr 3, J912. Died D 24, 1918, New York City. ANNA KATHERINE FOSSLER Librarian; B. Sc, Univ. of Neb., 1895; b. Lincoln, Neb.; d. Christian (b. Tubingen, Ger.) and Kathcrine (Andra) Fossler (b. Berlin, do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Lincoln, Neb. Attended New York Lib. Sch., 1898-1000; Asst., Lib., Univ. of Neb., 1895-7; do., Univ. of 111., 1897-8; Head of Catalog Dept. anrl Classifier, Univ. of Calif. Lib., 1900-9; do., Co- lumbia, 1909 — . Supvr., Serial Dept. Mem.. Am. Lib. Assn.; C. L. A.; Assn. Collegiate Alumni; N. Y. L. C. Address, 540 W. i22d St., New York City.f CHARLES WILLIAM FOSTER (See No. 44) WILLIAM DEWEY FOSTER Journalist; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 191 1; M. S., do.. 1913; b. Ja 1890, Kirksville, Mo. Prepared in New Haven (Conn.) and Spring- field (Mass.) H. Schs. Arch., New York City and Baltimore, 1911-12; do., C'hicago, 1913-14; Instr., Arch. Design, Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Jour., Boston, 1915 — . Auth.: Critical Articles in The Brickhuildcr. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, c/o Rogers and Manson, 85 Water St., Boston. FRED GATES FOX (See No. 1130) *HARRY BERT FOX (See No. 1332) ♦JESSIE YOUNGE FOX (SHEPARDSON) A. B., DePauw Univ., 1895; b. O 6, 1873, Kinmundy, 111.; d. Dr. Daniel Jesse (b. D 2, 1814, Columbia, S. C.) and Mary Wade (Speed) Fox (b. Ap 24, 1839; Mecklenburg Co., Va.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., DePauw LTniv. Alpha Chi Omega. Asst., Piano, Univ. of 111., 1897-1901. Studied music with Wm. H. Sherwood, Chicago, 1902-3. Mem., Aurora Woman's Club, Aurora, HI. • Married Ralph Steele Shepardson ('97), Je s, 1903, Chicago. Died F 13, 1911, Chicago. EDWIN DIEDERICH AUGUST FRANK Designer; S. B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1906; b. Jl 27, 1 883, Milwaukee; s. Louis Frederick (b. Ap 15, 1857, do.) and Emily (Inbusch) Frank (b. Mr 21, 1859, do.). Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Milwaukee. Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., W. Allis, Wis., 1906-08; Draftsman and Testing Engr., Mafler Swhwartzkopff Werke, Berlin, Ger., 1909-11; Koenighliche Technische Hochschule, Sachen, Ger., igii-12; Centrifugal Pump Designer and Testing Engr., Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., W. Allis, Wis., 1912- 14; Instr., Mech. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1914- 16; Designer, Centrifugal Pumps, C. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., 1916-17; In charge of marine Dept. Designing, do., 19 18 — . Jr. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Sec. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. Address, 1426 Diamond St., Philadelphia; bus. add.. C. H. Wheeler Mfg. Co., do. FRANK ROY FRAPRIE Editor; B. S., Lawrence Scientific Sch., i8g8; M. S., Harvard, 1902; b. Jl 14, 1874, I'all River, Mass.; s. Stephen Thomas (b. do.) and Caroline Mary (Goodrum) Fraprie (b. do.). Prepared in B. M. C. Durfee H. S., Fall River, Mass. Teacher, Chem. and Phys., H S., Chelsea, Mass., 1898-9; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1899-1900; Prin., Steep Brook Grammar Sch., Fall River, 1900-1; Assoc. Ed., Photo Era, Boston, 1903-5; Ed., Am. Photography, 1906 — . Auth.: Among Bavarian Inns, L. C. Page & Co., 1906; Castles and Keeps of Scot- land, do., 190- ; (with Florence Jean Ansell) The Art of the Munich Galleries, do., 19 10; various articles and translations. Mem., Am. Com. for the Internat. Photographic Exposi- tions at Dresden, 1909, and Budapest, 1910; Royal Photographic Soc. of Great Britain, 1909, I<"ellow; Unitarian Church. Married Mary Otis Sampson, S 16, 191 1, Brookline, Mass. Ad- dress, 39 Addington Road, Brookline, Mass. HOBART DICKINSON FRARY (See No. G23S) WILBER JOHN ERASER (See No. 741) WILLIAM ALEXANDER GORDON FRASER (See No. 1223) GEORGE ENFIELD FRAZER Accountant; A. B., St. Univ. of la., 1909; LL. B., Univ. of Wis., 1912; b. F 1, 1889, Amber, la.; s. George Henry and Alzara (Stevenson) Frazer. Prepared in Anamosa (la.) H. S. Acacia; Phi Alpha Delta. Instr., Bus. Adm., LTniv. of Wis., 1910-12; Consulting Acct., Wis. St. Bd. of Pub. Affairs, 1912; Prof., Pub. Accounting and Univ. Comptrol- ler, Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Gen. Auditor Mont- gomery Ward & Co., Chicago and New York ("ity, 1915-17; Prof. Lecturer, Sch. of Com- merce and Adm., Univ. of Chicago, 1917-19; Sr. Partner, Frazer &• Torbet, Certified Pub. /Vccts, Chicago, 1917-19. Dir. of Methods Con- trol Div., Q. M. Corps, U. S. A., 1917-19; Consulting Acct., U. S. Shipping Board, Phila- delphia, 1919 — . Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; L'niv. Club of Chicago; Am. Statistical Soc; Ouadrangle Club of Chicago. Married Helen Dic'-son James ('10), Je 6, 1915, Urbana. Children: Edmund Symons, b. O 3, 1916; George Enfield, Jr., b. Je 3, 1918. Address, 3614 Park Place N. W., Washington, D. C; bus. add., co8 S. La Salle St., Chicago or cVo U. S. Shipping Board, Philadelphia. FRANK FORREST FREDERICK Director; b. O 21, 1866, Methuen, Mass.; s. John Welch (b. Je 21, 1823, Westford, Mass.) and Eliza Adelaid (Clark) Frederick (b. Ja 13, 1823. Methuen, Mass.). Prepared in Methuen (Mass.) H. S., and Lawrence Indus. Draw. Sch. Grad., Mass. Nor. Art Sch., Boston, 1S90; Royal Westminster Sch. of Art, London, 1897. Instr., Draw., Evening .Schs., Boston, 1S88-90; Prof., Art and Design, Univ. of 111., 1890-1906; Dir., Sch. of Indus. Arts, Trenton, N. J., 1906 — . Exhibited with Am. Paintings and Sculptures, Art Inst., Chi- cago, and with Soc. West. Artists. Auth.: Arch. Rendering in Sepia, N. Y., Wm. T. Corn- stock, 1S92; Plaster Casts and How They Are Made, do., 1899; Wash Method of Handling Water Color; Simplified Mech. Perspective; A Roman Alphabet and How To LTse It; various articles. Mem., West. Drawing and Man. Tr. Assn.; Soc of West. Artists; 111. Man. Arts Faculty 875 Club. Married Alice Victoria Hutchinson, 1893. Children: John Hutchinson, b. Ja 3, 1896; Victoria, b. My i, 1898; George Francis, b. Ap 15, 1900. Address, Trenton, N. J. MARIE E. FREEMAN (See No. 5667) PERRY JOHN FREEMAN (See No. 2980) LOUISE FREER Dir., Phys. Tr.; A. B., Cornell Coll., 1907; B. S., Columbia. 191 1; b. Mt. Vernon, la.; d. Ilamline Hurlhurt (b. S 7, 1846, Galena, O.) and Mary Louise (Markle) Freer (b. F 22. 1850. Dundas, Can.). Prepared in Cornell Coll. Acad.; attended Univ. of Wis.; Harvard Summer Sch. Phys. Dir., Y. W. C. A., Racine, Wis., 1907-10; do.. Olivet Coll., Mich., 1911-12; Dir., Playground, Winnipeg, Manitoba, summer 1912; Phys. Dir., St. Norm. Sch., Moorhead, Minn., 1912-14; Dir., Phys. Tr. for women, Univ. of 111., 191 5 — . Mem., Am. Phys. Educ. Assn. Address, loio W. Oregon St., Urbana. HERBERT E. FRENCH (See No. G236) FRED GOODRICH FRINK Consulting Engr. ; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1886; M. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1902; b. Ap 16, 1862, Pilot Grove, 111.; s. Morey F. (b. 1S16, Morrisville, N. Y.) and Ellen E. (Good- rich) Frink (b. May 16, 1833, Calhoun Co., Mich.). Prepared in Kankakee H. S. R. R. Engng., 1886-8; Struct. Engng., 1888-1900; Instr., Draw., Chicago Eng. H. S., 1890-97; Prof., Civ. En^ng., Univ. of Idaho, 1897-1900; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1904-6; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of Mich, 1902-04; Asst. Prof. Univ. of 111., 1904-6; Pres., Lake Const. Co., Chicago and Hammond, Ind., 1906-8; Prof., Ry. Engng., Univ. of Ore., 1908-13; Consulting Engr., 1913 — . Joint Auth.: Trigonometry, Henry Holt & Co., 1909; Pure Water Supply, The Mich. Engr., 1904; The Queen Post Truss, Annual report. III. Sac. Engrs. and Siirvs., 1905; Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Sec. for Prom. Engng. Educ; K. T. Married Mae Beadle, Jl 10, 1888; Yankton, S. Dak. Children: Ellen Beadle, b. S 30, 1889; Marjorie Mae, b. D 10, 1896; Frederick William, b. My 12, 1904. Address, 943 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Calif. JOHN ALEXANDER FRISK Asst. and Mechanician; b. O 12, 1875, Stanton, la.; s. Axel (b. Astergatlan, Sweden) and Gustava (Jochanson) Frisk (b. do.). With C. F. Elmes Engng. Works, Chicago, for six and one half yrs. ; Asst. and Mechanician, Mech. Engng. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1912-18. In- vented an improved locking device for Ec- centric for the study of valve setting; A quick valve change device when running tests with two valves changing valve in middle of test; An improved safety check valve for hy- draulic mach.; An improved bar for baring or tuning; Patent Gas Burner and Water Heater for gas stoves. Received medal from the Am. Inst., N. Y. Mem., Baptist Church. Married Katrin C. Gibbs, My 8, 1901, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Child, Lester G., b. S 21, 1907. Address, 702 W. Illinois St., Urbana. EMMA QUINBY FULLER (DEAN) A, M,, Univ. of Neb., 1897; b. Ja 8, 1872, Ashland, Neb.; d. Horace Stevens (b. Warren, O.) and Louisa (Brown) Fuller (b. Mecca, O,). Prepared in Doane Coll. Acad. Alpha Chi Omega. Grad. Stud., Wellesley Coll., 1894-6; Stud., Am. Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 1897-9; Instr., Voice, Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Instr., Am. Conservatory of Music, 1902; Graduated, Post-grad. Dept., do., 1903. Married Arthur Randall Dean, Crete, Neb., S 18, 1901. Address, 441 Willow St.. Win- nctka. III, EDWARD FULTON Professor; A. B,, Dalhousie, Coll., Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1889; A. M,, Harvard, 1891; Ph, D, do., 1894; b. Jl 22, 1862, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia; s. Joseph (b. 1832, do.) and Amanda (Ellis) Fulton (b. do.). Prepared in Pictou Acad., Nova Scotia. Monroe Exhibi- tioner in Dalhousie, 1884-9; awarded First Rank Honors and the De Mille Medal, do. Instr., Eng., Norm. Sch., Truro, Nova Scotia, 1889-90; Asst., Eng., Harvard, 1892-4; Prof., Eng., Wells Coll., 1894-1900; Asst. Prof., Rhet., Univ. of 111., 1901-4; Assoc. Prof., do., 1904-18. Auth.: Wordsworth's Shorter Poems, with in- troduction and notes, 1903; On Translating Anglo-Saxon Poetry, Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am., Vol. XIII, 1808; On the Authorphip of the Anglo-Saxon Poem, "Phoenix," Mod. Lang. Notes, Vol, XI, 1896; Rhet. and Composition, N. Y., 1906; The Meaning and Purpose of Criticism, South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. XII, 1913; Fancy and Imagination Before Coleridge, Nation, Vol. XC^V, 1912; Dryden on Fancy and Imagination, do.. Vol. XCVI, 1913; The Mod- ern Use of the Word "Genius," do.. Vol, CII, 1916, Spencer Sidney, and the Areopagas, Mod. Lang. Notes, Vol, XXXI, 19 16. Mem,, Presby, Church; Mod, Lang, Assn, of Am. Married- Sara Antoinette Acer, Jl 23, 1896, Pittsford, N. Y. (died D 16, 1913), Address, looS W. Oregon St., Urbana. MAURICE GARLAND FULTON Professor; Ph. B., Univ. of Miss., 1898; A. M. do., 1901; b. D 4, 1877, University, Miss. Teacher, Rhet,, Univ. of Miss., 1900-1; do., Univ. of Mich, 1901-3; do., Peabody Sum- mer Norm,, Miss,, 1902; Instr,, Rhet,, Univ. of 111., 1903-4; do., Univ. of Mich., 1904-5; Prof., Eng., Centre Coll. of Central Univ., Ky., 1905-9; Instr., Eng., Summer Sch. of the South, 1907-9; do.. Summer Session, Co- lumbia, 1907; Prof., Eng., Davidson Coll., Da- vidson, N. C, 1909; Instr., Summer Session, Univ. of Va., 1910-11; So. Field Agt., Simpli- fied spelling Bd., 1914-16. Auth.: Manual of Exercises in Composition, 1905; Expository Writing, Macmillan, 1912; College Life, Mac- millan Co., 1914 (with R. G. Bressler and G. H. Mullen) ; Questions on Readings in English Literature, Century Co., 1915; Southern Life in Southern Literature, Ginn & Co., 1917; National Ideals and Problems, Macmillan, 1918; Ed,, Christmas Night in the Quarters and Other Poems by Irwin Russell, Century Co,, 1917. Address, Davidson, N. C. WILLIAM JOHN FULTON (See No. 1133) WALTER LEE GAINES (See No. 3372) FRANCES AGNES GALE (STEWART) Born O 5, 1872, Aurora, III.; d. Eli Hol- brook (b. Ap 14, 1837, Townsend, Vt.'> and Adelaide (Parker) Gale. Prepared in E. Au- rora H. S. ; attended Univ. of Mich., 1890-92, 1893-94; ITniv. of Chicago, 1900. Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher, H. S., Lacon, III., 1894-5; Teacher, Physiol, and Bot., H. S., Decatur, III., 1895-8; Teacher, Nat. Sc, LaSalle-Peru Tp. H. S. for three yrs.; Instr., Sc, Prep. Sch., Univ of 111., 1901-02. Married Thomas Stewart, Je 10, 1902, Aurora, III. Children: Mary Elizabeth and Mabel Adelaide, b. Mr 31, 1903; Agnes Caroline, b. F 24, 1905; Frances Jean, b. Ap 21, 1909; Thomas Gale, b. Ag 10, 1910; Robert Harvey, b. Mr 25, 1913; William Parker, b. Ja 24, 1915. Address, Plainfield, 111. 876 University of Illinois RICHARD ALONZO GANTZ (See No. G240) CLARENCE ORAN GARDNER (See No. 3744) FRANK DUANE GARDNER (See No. 649) *GEORGE ENOS GARDNER Prof., Law, Univ. of 111., 1897-8. One of the first two Profs, at the time of the opening of the Law Sch. Died D 17, 1907, Worcester, N. Y. HARRY GARDNER Instructor; B. S. in C. E., Univ. of Wis., 1905; M. S., Univ. of Kan., 1911; b. N 29, 1877, Broadhead, Wis.; s. John W. (b. O 6, 1855, Stephentown, N. Y.) and Dorothea Eliza- beth (Springstead) Gardner (b. Jl 11, 1853, Hamilton, Ont.). Prepared in Beloit Acad. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Delta Theta. Asst. City Engr., Madison, Wis., 1902-5; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1905-7; Prof., Math., la. Wesleyan Univ., and City Engr., Mt. Pleas- ant, la., 1907-9; Asst. Prof. Civ. Engng., Univ. of Kan., 1909-13; Instr., Mech., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; do., Cooper Union, 1916 — . Musician, Co. E, ist Wis. Volunteer Inf., 1898. Auth. : Effect of Hydrated Lime on Ce- ment Mortar and Concrete, Engng. Record 191 1. Mem., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Internat. Assn. for Testing Materials; Art Students' League, New York City. Married Ella Betts Waterbury, O 31, 1909, Minneapolis. Address, 114 Morningside Drive, New York City; bus. add.. Cooper Union, do. JOHN JOSEPH GARDNER (See No. G241) THOMAS MOONEY GARDNER Elec. Engr.; B. M. E., Purdue Univ., 1892; M. M. E., Cornell, 1896; b. Ag 22, 1872, Bed- ford, Ind.; s. Joseph and Elizabeth (Malott) Gardner. Asst. Elec. Engng., Purdue Univ., 1892-3; Engng. practice, 1893-4; Prof., Elec. Engng., Throop Poly. Inst., Pasadena, Calif., 1894-5; Const, and installation work, 1896-9; Instr., Exp. Engng., Sibley Coll., Cornell, 1899- 1901; Prof., Elec. Engng., Pratt Inst., Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1901-2; Instr. and Asst. Prof., Mich. Engng., Sibley Coll., Cornell, 1902-5; Asst. Prof., Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1905-6; Elec. Engng. Dept., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1906^. Auth.: Graphics of Carbon Disulphide (with formulas and Vapor Table), Jour. Franklin Inst., 1903; Determination of Exponents of Adiabatics, do., 1905; Some Forms of Vapor Heat Maps with Formulas and Curves for Ether, Sibley Jour., 1904. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; W'est. Soc. Engrs. ; Franklin Inst.; Engrs. and Archs'. Assn. of So. Calif.; A. I. E. E. (Assoc). Married Ella May Van Syckel, Je 8, 1898. Address, Ore. Agr. Coll., Corvallis, Ore.t CLAUDE MALLORY GARLAND Consulting Engr.; B. E., Vanderbilt, 1903; b. Ap 7, 1880, Bowling Green, Ky. ; s. William F. (b. do.) and Mattie A. (Holman) Garland (b. Springfield, Tenn.). Prepared in Nash- ville (Tenn.) H. S. Founders Medalist. Draftsman, Bullock Elec. Co., 1903-4; Am. Brake Co., 1904; Union Elec. Light and Power Co., 1904; Engr., Mutual Light & Heat Co., 1904-5; Instr., Mech. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1905-10; Engr. in charge gas producer dept., Camden Iron Works, Collingwood, N. J., 1910- 13; Combustion Engr., Woodmansee & David- son, Consulting Engrs., Chicago, 1913-16; Con- sulting Engr., Chicago, 1918 — . Auth.: Tests of a Liquid Air Plant, Bui. No. 21, Univ. of 111., Engng. Exp. Sta. ; A Study in Heat. Transmission, Bui. No. 40, do.; Tests of a Gas Producer, Bui. No. 50, do.; also a number of articles. Mem., A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. Married Myrtle B. Hungerford, Mr 26, 1910, Champaign. Address, 729 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. HARRISON GARMAN Professor; D. Sc. ; b. D 27, 1858, Stephen- son Co., 111. Attended Johns Hopkins, 1881-82. First Asst., St. Lab. National Hist., Univ. of III., 1883-89; Asst. Prof., Zool., do., 1S85-9; Entomol. and Bot., Agr. Exp. Sta., Ky. St. Univ., 1889 — ; Prof., Zool. and Entomol., do., 1892-6; St. Entomol., Ky., 1907-10; Prof., Zool. and Entomol., Ky. St. Univ., 19 10 — . Auth.: Economic Entomology and Botany; Cave Life, Id. Assoc. Ed., Agr. Sc. Mem., Nat. Soc. Zool.; Assn. Econ. Entomol., Sec, Pres. ; Forestry Assn. ; Soc. Promotion Agr. Sc. ; Phytopath. Soc; Assn. Agr. Coll., Chm., Entomol., Sec; Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sc; St. Louis Acad. Address, 638 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky. JAMES WILFORD GARNER Professor; B. S., Agr. and Mech. Coll., Miss., 1892; Ph. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1900; Ph. D., Columbia, 1902; b. N 22, 1871, Pike Co., Miss. Prepared in Summit, Miss. Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow in Pol. Sc, Columbia, 1900-02; Instr., do., 1902-03; Instr., Pol. Soc, Univ. of Pa., 1903-04; Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1904 — . Auth.: History of Reconstruc- tion in Miss., Macmillan, 1901 (with H. C. Lodge) ; History of U. S., John D. Morris & Co., 1905; Introduction to Practical Sc, Am. Book Co., 1910; American Government, do., 191 1 ; Constitutional Law, Blackstone Inst., 1914; Studies in Southern History and Politics, Columbia Univ. Press, 1904; translator of Brissand's Historic du Droit francais Public, Little Brown & Co., 1915; also several articles on various subjects in North Am. Review, Am. Law Review, Annals of the Am. Acad, of Pol. Sc, Gunton's Mag., Am. Pol. Sc. Review, Revue Politique et Parlementaire, Yale Law Jour., Revue de Droit Public, Am. Jour, of Internat, Lazv, South Atlantic Quarterly, Zeit- schift fur Politik, and The Independent ; about 200 articles in the New Internat. Cyclo., 1903; about 50 articles in the Cyclo. Americana, 1904, revised 1915-18; about 50 articles in the Cyclo, of Pol. Sc, 1913. Assoc. Ed., Am. Pol. Sc. Review, 1908-9; Ed. -in-chief. Am. Jour, of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1910-11. Mar- ried Therese Randolph Leggett, 1895, Miss. Address, 807 Oregon St., Urbana. FRANK WILLIAM GARRETT (See No. 4671) NOBLE LEE GARRISON Dir., Employment; B. S., Univ. of Mo., 1909; A. B., do., 1912; A. M., do., 1912; b. S 9, 1884, Shelby Co., 111.; s. Henry Newton and Susan Cornelia (Turner) Garrison. Pre- pared in Shelbyville (Mo.) H. S. ; Columbia, 1911, 1913, 1915-16. Phi Delta Kappa; Tawse Club. Asst., Phys., Univ. of Mo., 1909-10; Prin., H. S., Paris, Mo., 1910-12; Supt., Schs., Shelbina, Mo., 1912-15; Asst. Educ, St. Norm. Sch., Warrensburg, Mo., summers 1914, 1915; Asst. Scholar, Educ. Adm., Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1915-16; Lecturer, Educ, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Grad. Stud., Columbia, 191 7; Asst. Dir., Employment, Nat. Bank of Commerce, New York City, 1918 — . Married Elton M. Sanger, Ag 1912, Nevada, Mo. Child, Elton Marie, b. My 1913. Address, 611 W. 117th St., New York City; bus. add., 31 Nassau St., do. Faculty 877 NEAL BRYANT CARVER Civ. Engr.; B. C. E., la. St. ColL, 1905; C. E., do., 1911; b. F 17, 1877, Lee Co., la.; s. Jacob F. (b. Ap 10, 1843, Fayette Co., Pa.) and Adelaide E. (Clifford) Carver (b. Ja 7, 1847, Fairview, Ind.). Prepared in Highland Park Coll., Des Moines; Prep. Sch., la. St. Coll. Philomathean; Cardinal Guild, Sr. Com.; Tau Beta Pi. With the Am. Bridge Co., 1905- 10; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Assoc, do., 1913-18; Civ. Engr., Little Rock, Ark., 19 18 — . Employed during summers, St. Highway Dept., 191 1, Am. Bridge Co., 1912, Bridge Const., Champaign Co., 1913-14; Con- sulting Engr., 191 5; Designing Engr., Burling- ton R. R., 1916; Army Camp Const., 1917. Consulting Engr. on const, of viaduct, JDan- ville. 111., and Waukegan, 111.; Research on Steel Riveted Joints, (in process). Auth. : The Necessity for Steel Highway Bridge In- spection, Investigation and Maintenance, la. Engr., Vol. 11, 191 1 and Canadian Engr., Vol. 21, 191 1 ; Some Observations on the Erection of Small Steel Highway Bridges, Engng. Rec- ord, Vol. 64; Steel Highway Bridge Failure, do.. Vol. 69; Weak Points in the Construction of Small Steel Highway Bridges, Engng. News, Vol. 67; Methods and Equipment used in the Construction of a Reinforced Concrete Via- duct at Danville, 111., Engng. and Contracting, Vol. 54; Safe Loads on Beam Bridges, serial in /.'/. Highways, Vol. 3, 1916. Mem., Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ; Am. Soc. of Civ. Engrs. ; Univ. Place Church of Christ; Chm., Official Bd., do., 1916. Married Laura M. Scott, D 10, 1905, Toledo, O. Children: Mark C, b. S 26, 1908; Catherine E., b. Je 3, 1910. Address, 1600 W. 23rd St., Little Rock, Ark. FANNY COOK GATES Y. W. C. A. Sec; B. S., N. W. Univ., 1894; B. S., do., 1895; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1909; b. Ap 26, 1872; d. John Cook (b. F 16, 1838, Hopewell, N. Y.) and Adelia (St. John) Gates (b. F 25, 1841, Newark, N. J.). Pre- pared in E. Waterloo (la.) H. S. ; Cambridge Univ. Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Fellow and Scholar Bryn Mawr; European Fellow of Assn. of Collegiate Alumni. Head, Phys. Dept., Goucher Coll., 1898-1911; Special Investigator, Univ. of Chicago, 1911-13; Dean of Women and Prof., Phys., Grinnell Coll., 1913-16; Dean of Women, Univ. of 111., 1916- 18; Dir., Y. W. C. A., New York City, 1918— . Mem., M. E. Church; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Am. Phys. Soc. ; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae. Address, 600 Lexington Ave. New York City. WALTER ARTHUR GATWARD (See No. G244) PAUL WRIGHT GAWNE Teacher; B. S. in M. E., Purdue, 1909; b Je 7, 1887, Norwalk, O. ; s. Orville Marshall (b. Ja 22, 1800, Fredonia, N. Y.) and Kather ine Worth (Wright) Gawne (b. Je 29, i860 do.). Prepared in Adrian (Mich.) H. S. In str.j Mech. Engng., in charge of the Foundry Univ. of 111., 1899-1912; teacher, Man. Tr. and City Supvr., Kokomo, Ind., 1912-16; teacher do., H. S., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1916 — . Mar ried Marcia Eleanor Miller, N 8, 1913, In- dianapolis. Child, Eleanor, b. S 2, 1916 (died S 3, 1916.) Address, 601 S. Hawthorne Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. GEORGE INNESS GAY Statistician; B. S. in C. E., Univ. of Colo., 1909; C. E., 1912; b. Mr 16, 1886, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; s. Edward and Martha (Fearey) Gay. Prepared in Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) H. S. ; Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Univ. of Calif., 1911-12. Tau Beta Pi; Beta Theta Pi; Jr. Mem., A. S. C. E. Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of Colo., 1909-10; do., Univ. of III., 1910-11; do., Univ. of Calif., 1911-16; Statistician for the (iomn. for Relief of Belgium, London, Eng., 1916. Address, 434 7th Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ORVAL LEE GEARHART (See No. 1034) HELEN COREY GEDDES Head Cataloger; A. B., Radcliffe Coll., 1905; S. B., Simmons Lib. Sch., 1910; b. D 11, 1882, Winchendon, Mass.; d. Robert Walker (b. Scotland) and Lillian M. (Symonds) Geddes (b. Mo.). Prepared in Girls' Latin Sch., Bos- ton. Lib. Organizer, 1900-10; Custodian, Clas- sical Seminar, Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Lecturer, Lib. Sch., Dept. Lib. and Asst., Classics, do., 1911-12; Head Cataloger, Bryn Mawr Coll. Lib., 1912 — . Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. GEORGE EDWARD GENTLE (See No. 5681^ FRANK GEPHART Chemist; St. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Capt., San. Corps, U. S. A. Address, 714 W. 181st St., New York City.t GERDT ADOLPH GERDTZEN B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1893; M. E., do., 1895; b. Ag 30, 1869, Winona, Minn. Alumni Fellowship, 1894-5. With Cole & Gerdtzen Mfg. Co.; Designer, Logemann Bros., Milwau- kee; Asst. Prof., Mach. Design, Univ. of 111., 1901-2. Auth.: The Problem of Economical Heat, Light, and Power Supply for Building Blocks, etc., Univ. of Wis. Bui. Address, 325 E. 5th St., Winona, Minn. WALTER BYRON GERNERT (See No. G248) CHARLES BAYARD GIBBONS (See No. 2992) CHARLOTTE MITCHELL GIBBS (See No. 2101) LAURA RUSSELL GIBBS (See No. 1684) BARRY GILBERT Lawyer; A. B., N. W. Univ., 1899; LL. B., do., 1901; b. My 16, 1876, Cairo, 111.; s. Wil- liam Baker (b. S 24, 1837, Kaskaskia, 111.). Prepared in Cairo H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho; Order of the Coif; Cleveland Declamation Prize; Ed. The Northwestern; Northern Orat. League Representative; Debates. Lawyer, Ce- dar Rapids, la., 1901-03; !^rof.. Law, Univ. of la., 1903-07; do., Univ. of 111., 1907-09; do., Univ. of la., 1909-14; do., Univ. of Calif., 1914-16; do., Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Practising Law, firm of Sheriff, Gilbert & Krimbill, 1917 — . Auth. : Cases on the Law of Damages, West Pub. Co., 1909; Cases on Probate Law, M. L. Ferson, 1906; Fire Insurance; Am. Cyclo. of Law and Procedure, 1905; various articles. Married Mary McAtee Ramage Peterson, O 15, 1901, McGregor, la. Child, John MacGregor, b. Je 23, 1914. Address, 615 Lake Ave., Wil- mette. 111.; bus. add., 1060 The Rookery, Chi- cago. JOHN PHILO GILBERT (See No. 2395) HARRY CHARLES GILKERSON (See No. 5684) FREDERICK WILLIAM GILL (See No. 2676) 878 University of Illinois HARRY LOVERING GILL Asst. Dir. ; b. Ja 9, 1876, Coldwater, Ont., Can.; s. John (b. Ap 30, 1826, New-Market, Ont.) and Lucinda Ann (Fuller) Gill (b. My 25, 1834, Riclimondhlll, Ont.). Prepared in Orilla H. S.; Harvard Sch. of Phys. Tr., 190:5. Amateur All-round Ath. Championship of h. S., New York, Jl 2, 1900; do., Canada, Toronto, Ag 14, 1900; Track Coach, Univ. of la., 1901; Professional All-round Ath. Championship, Boston, 1902; Asst. Dir. Phys. Tr., Beloit Coll., 1902-3; do., Univ. of 111., 1904 — . Mar- ried Ida Elliott, J 14, 1905, Toronto, Can. Address, 410 W. Nevada St., Urbana.t JAMES HERBERT GILL Govt. Agt.; B. M. E., Univ. of Minn., 1892; M. E., do., 1894; b. Je 18, 1867, River Falls, Wis.; s. William (b. F 28, 1828, Derbyshire, Eng.) and Louisa M. (Becraft) Gill (b. Mr 17, 1S30, Millersburg, Ky.)^ Prepared in Northfield, Minn. Sigma Xi. Instr., do., Mech. Engng., Univ. of Minn., 1892-1900; Asst. Prof., Mont. St. Coll., Agr. and Mech. Arts, Bozeman, Mont., 1900-03; Prof, do., James Millikin Univ., 1903-06; Asst. Prof., Mach. Const., in charge of Mech. Dept. Shops, Univ. of 111., 1906-10; Dir. Columbus Tr. Sch., Columbus, O., 1910-17; Special Agt., Federal Bd. for Vocational Educ, Washington, D. C, J917 — . Auth.: American Machinist, Machin- ery, U. S. War Tr. Bui. Mem., First Congr. Church. Married Mary J. Watson, Je 26, 1895, Cottage Grove, Minn. Child, John Wil- liam, b. N 14, 1904. Address, 514 Curav Bldg., Washington, D. C. LOUELLA IDA GILLESPIE (See No. 2102) JOSEPH EUGENE GILLET Associate; Ph. D., L^niv. of Liege, 1910; b. Ag 14, 1888, Hasselt, Belgium; s. Leopold (b. Virton, do.) and Helene (Uytterschaut) Gillet (b. Hasselt, do.). Prepared in Ecole Moyenne de 1' Etat and Athcn6e Royal, Hasselt, Bel- gium; attended Univ. of Leyden, Holland; Univ. of Munich; Univ. of Berlin. Reader, French, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1910-11; Instr., Ger., Univ. of Wis., 1913-15; Assoc, Ger. and Comparative Lit., Univ. of 111., 19 1 5-1 7 ; rfo., French and Comparative Lit., do., 19 1 7-18. Auth.: Moliere en Angleterre, 1660- 70, Champion, 1912; Translator, The Holy War "Made in Germany," by Dr. C. Snouck Hurgronje, Putnam's, 1915; A Forgotten Ger- man Creditor of the English Stage, The Nine- teenth Century and After, Ap 1912; Das Ziel des Dramas in Deutschland vor Gottsched, Mod. PhiloL, Vol. 12, 1915; Drama and Epos in der Deutschen Renaissance, Jour. Eng. and Ger. PhiloL, Vol. 15, 19 16; The Vogue of Literary Theorie;3 in German from 1500 to 1730, Mod. PhiloL, Vol. 14, 1916; Uber den Zweck des Schuldramas in Deutschland im 16 und 17, Jahrhundcrt, Jour. Eng. and Ger. PhiloL, Vol. 17. lOiS; contributions to Bui. Bibliographique du Musee Beige, I'olkskuunde, Contcinforary Review, Mod. Lang. Notes, etc. Married Myrtle Margaret Mann, Je 5, 1915. Address, 58 Emerson Road, Winthrop, Mass. ROSS EARLBY GILMORE (See No. G2S0) ALEXANDER ARSfiNE GIRAULT Entomologist; B. S., Va. Poly. Inst., 1903; b. Ja 9, 18S4, Annapolis, Md.; s. Joseph Bona- parte and Elizabeth Frances (Goodwin) Gi- rault. Prepared in Prep. Sch., Annapolis, Md.; St. John's Coll.; Prep. Sch.. Univ. of Md.; Univ. of 111., 1S9S. Asst. Chem., Md. Steel Co., Baltimore, 190.5; Special Field Agt., Bur. of Entomol., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904-7; Asst., Office St. Entomol., Univ. of 111., 1908 09; Field Asst., do., 1910-11; Entomologist Sugar Exp. Sta., Queensland, Australia, 191 1 — Auth.: About no papers on Gen. Entomol Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Breeders' Assn.; va- rious Am. Entomol. Socs. Address, Nelson North Queensland, Australia.! HUGH GLASGOW (See No. 3378) ROBERT DOUGLAS GLASGOW (See No. 3379) F. E. GLEASON Supt. Fuel Co.; Instr.. U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111.. 1918; Supt.. U. S. Fuel Co., West Hiawatha, Utah. Address, c/o U. S. Fuel Co., West Hiawatha, Utah. HENRY ALLAN GLEASON (See No. 1505) PRESSLEY ADAMS GLENN Hort. Insp. ; A. B., Campbell Coll., Holton, Kan., 1892; A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1898; A. M., Highland Coll., 1901; b. Jl q, 1867, West- moreland, Pa.; s. Alexander Walker (b. N. 13, 1827, rfo.) and Margaret (Murry) (Jlenn (b Ja. 5, 1836, Alleghany Co., Pa.). Supt., Schs., Nortonville, Kan., 1S93-7; Chair of Math, and Sc, Highland Coll., Highland, Kan.. 1898- 1907; Asst. Prof., Entomol., Univ. of Kan., 1907-11; Chief Hort. Insp., Office of St. Entomol.. Univ. of 111., :qii-T7; Chief Insp., Div. of Plant Indus., St. Dept. of Agr., Ur- bana, 1917-. Auth.: I'orms and Relations of Forms of Toxoptera graminum ; Influence of Climatic Conditions on the (ireen-Bug and its Principal Parasite, Vol. i. No. 2, Bui., Univ. of Kan., Topeka, Kan., 1909; (with F. H. Bill- ings). Investigations into the Question of the Practicability of the Artificial use of the White- Fungus Disease in Combating Chinch Bugs. Bui. No. 107, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bur. of Entomol, 191 1; The San Jose Scale, Cir. No. 10, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta.,"i9i5; (with S. A. Forbes), Life History of Codling Moth Trans. III. Hort. Soc, 1915; Codling Moth in 19 16, do., 1916; Block traps for Codling Moth larvae do.. 1917. Mem.. Presby. Church. Married Zella Gertrude Martin, Ag 20, 1895. Norton- ville, Kan. (died D 21, 1918). Children: Harold Martin, b. N 25, 1898; Elizabeth Margaret, b. S 16, 1903 (died Ag 13, 1904); Roberta Gertrude, b. Ja 18, 1906. Address, looi W. University Ave., Urbana. EVERETT E. GLICK (See No. 7546) OLF HEROLD GLIMSTEDT Ath. Trainer; G. D. Kjillburg Coll., Sweden, 1905; b. Ap 3, 1SS2, LondoUj^ Eng. Prepared in Pvt. Sch.; No. Latin Gym. and Royal Acad, of Mil. Sex., Sweden. Instr., Wesley Ho.sp., Chicago, 1904-14; Asst., Ath. Tr., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Trainer. Ath. Dept., Univ. of Norte Dame, 1916 — . Address, 455 Farmer's Trust Bldg., South Bend, Ind.f EUGENIE GLODERY (MOREHOUSE) Born Mr 11, 1875, Greene, la.; d. Andrew (b. O It, 1832, Alsace Lorraine and Mary Ellen (Morgan) Glodery (b. S 11, 1842, Bel- fast. Me.). Prepared in Greene (la.) H. S. Studied at NW. Conservatory of Music, Minn., 1890-1; Carleton Coll., Sch. of Music, North- field, Minn., 1892-4; Chicago Conservatory of Music, 1896-8. Teacher, Music, la., 189S-1901; do., Carleton Sch. of Music, 1901-02; Asst., Piano, LTniv. of 111., 1902-03. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Newell Judson Morehouse, Faculty 879 S 9, 1903, Greene, la. Children: Carlt-ton ("ilodery, b. S 23, 1904; Mevill Washington, b. S 17, 1910. Address, 1118 Main St., St. Joseph, Mich. ARTHUR JAMES GLOVER B. Agr., Univ. of Minn., 1901; b. Ap 3, 1873, Zumbro Falls, Minn. Prepared in Agr. Sch. of Minn. Salutatorian, 1893. Teacher, Cheese Making, Dairy Sch. of Minn., 1895- 1901; operated creameries &nd cheese factories in various places; Instr., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1902-3; Supt., Dairy Field Work, 1903- 4. Member Congr. Church. t LOMA WILLIAM GOBEN Teacher; b. F 14, 1875, Crawfordsville, Ind. ; s. Jesse W. (b. D i, 1837, Ind.) and Mary Catherine (Miller) Goben (b. Ja 14, 1845, Montgomery Co., Ind.). Prepared in St. Via- teurs Coll., Kankakee, HI.; Purdue Prep. Sch., Acacia. Practical Workman, C. C. C. & St. L. R. R., Urbana, 1898-1902; with C. & A. R. R., Bloomington, 111., 1902; Toolroom Fore- man, Urbana, C. C. C. & St. L. Shops, 1902-04; Instr., Metal Shops, Univ. of 111., 1905-11; in charge of all metal work at Columbus Tr. Sch., Columbus, O., 1911-13; Head of Dept. of Metal Work, Edmonton Tech. Sch., Ed- monton, Alberta, Canada, 1913-16; Head of Metal work, O. S. Johnson Sch., Scranton, Pa., 1917 — . Mem., O. Sch., Masters' Club; A. F. A. M. ; Urbana Commandery No. 16, Eminent Commander; Mohammed Temple A. A. O. N. M. Shrine, Peoria; Univ. Club, Urbana; Alberta Teachers' Assn. Married D. Edythe Beasley, Ag 2, 1899, Urbana. Chil- dren: Leland Loma, b. Mr 26, 1901; Dorothea Esther, b. O 24, 1903. Address, 816 Richmont St., Scranton, Pa. HARRY FREDERICK GODEKE (See No. 2399) JULIUS GOEBEL Professor; Ph. D., LTniv. of Tuebingen, 1882; b. My 23, 1857, Frankfurt am Main, •Ger.; s. Ludwig and Christine (von Schuetz) Goebel. Attended Univ. of Leipsic. Instr., Ger., Johns Hopkins, 1885-8; Ed. in Chief, Bclletristisches Jour., New York, 1888-92; Prof., Ger. Philol. and Lit., Leland Stanford, 1892-1905; Lecturer, Ger. Philol., Harvard, 1905-08; Prof., Ger., Univ. of 111., igoS-. Auth.: Uder die Zukunftunseres Volkes in Amerika, New York, 1883: Uber tragische Schuld und Siihne, Berlin, 1884; Zvir deutschen Fragc in Amerika, 1886; Gedichte, Leipsic, 1894; Goethe's Poems, 1900: Das Deutchtum in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amei ika, Miinchen; (Joethe's Faust, New York, iy07; 2nd edition, 1910; Der Kampf um deutche Kul- tur in Amerika, Leipzig, 1914; also various articles. Ed., Oxford Ger. Series, (30 Vols.), TO08-; do., Yearbook of the Ger.-Am. Hist. ,Soc. of 111., 1912-; do., Germanic Literature and Culture-Series, New York 1914, (4 Vols.); Assoc. Ed., Mod. Lang. Notes, 1886-9; Ed., Jour, of Eng. and Ger. Philol., 1909-. Mem., Am. Philol. Assn.; Mod. Lang. Assn.; Philol. Assn. of the Pacific Coast, Pres. 1904-5; Philol. Soc. of the Univ. of 111., Pres., igon- 14. Married Kathryn I. Vreeland, 1888, Hackensack, N. J. Children: Marie Christine ('11), b. Je 17, 1889; Louise Kathryn ('12), b. N 7, 1890; Julius Ludwig ('12), b. D 3, 189^; Irma Gretchen ('15). b. Ag iS, 1894; Anna Vreeland, b. F 15, i8g8; Walter Fredrich, b. D 24, 1899; Eunice Cooksey, b. Ap 9, 1904. Address, 918 Nevada St., Urbana. NELLIE ESTHER GOLDTHWAITE Professor; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1894; Ph. , D., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; b. Jamestown, N. Y. ; d. Lucian (b. do.), and Octavia (Churchill) fJoldthwaite (b. Arcade, N. Y.). Prepared in Tamestown (N. Y.) H. S. ; Welles- ley Coll., 1884-86; Univ. of Mich., 1891-94. Sigma Xi Fellow, Chem., Univ. of Chicago; Teacher, H. S., Jamestown, N. Y., 1886-89; do. pub. schs., Chicago, 1889-91; Head, Chem. Dept., Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass., 1897-1905; Research Asst., Rockefeller Inst, for Med. Research, New York City, 1906-08; Research Asst., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Assoc, do., 1909-11; Asst. Prof., do., 1911-15; Head. Dept. Home Econ., N. H. Coll. Trav- eled thru Japan, China and Korea, 1917-19. .■\uth. : Principles of Jellymaking, Univ. of III. Bull. V, VIII, No. VII, 191 1 ; many magazine articles. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; A. C. S.; Assn. Collegiate Alumnae; Am. Geog. Soc; Home Econ. .^ssn. .Address, 9 Clinton Place, New Rochelle, N. Y. HARRISON FREDERICK GONNERMAN (See No. 3380) EDWIN STANTON GOOD (See No. G257) GRACE GOODALE (KEATOR) (See No. 1879) GEORGE ALFRED GOODENOUGH (See G259) THOMAS G. GOODWIN Teacher; A. B., Harvard, 1912. Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Teacher, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Address, 238 South St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. JOSEPH HINCKLEY GORDON (See No. 1506) ADOLPH GORE (See No. 2401) ERNE.ST ELISHA GORSLINE Mgr., Mfg. Co.; B. S., Univ. of Rochester, 1901; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1908; b; My 1877, Monroe Co., N. Y. Phi Beta Kappa; Winner of Ailing Prize Debate; City .Scholarship. Teacher, Phys., Chem., and Biol., Peddie Inst., Hightstown, N. J., 1901-03: Lab. Asst., Chem. Dept, Brooklyn Girls' H. S., 1903-04; Asst., Chem., Univ. of Rochester, 1906-07; Research Asst., do., Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Chem., Huntington Foundation, Can- cer Research, N. Y. Hos., 1909-11; Mgr., Scranton, Wetmore Sr Co., Rohcester, N. Y.., 191 1 — . Auth.: The Influence of Solvents in the Claison Condensation, Jour, of A. C. S., Vol. 37. Address, 11 76 Monroe Ave., Roches- ter, N. Y. WILLIAM FREEMAN MYRICK GOSS (See No. H21) HAROLD GOSSER Manufacturer; B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1914; b. Ag. 14, 1892, Leechburg, Pa. Prepared in Avalon (Pa.) H. S. Phi Kappa Phi. Asst., Dairy, LTniv. of 111., 1915; In coml. Ice Cream and Milk Plant, Avalon, Pa., 1915 — . Address, 326 McKinley Ave., Avalon, Pa.f PHILIP SANFORD GOULDING Librarian; A. B. Yale, 1898; b. S 6, 1876, Rutland, Vt.; s. Joseph Hiram (b. Je 8, 1842, Potsdam, N. Y.) and Frances Ellen (Pease) (Joulding (b. Ag 13, 1843, Pittsford, Vt.). Prepared in Philips Acad., Andover, Mass.; attended New York St. Lib. Sch., 1898-99. Phi Beta Kappa. Classifier, N. H. St. Lib., 1899-1900; Head Cataloger, Univ. of Mo. Lib., 1901; Organizer, Univ. of the South Lib., University of Illinois 1901-02; Asst., Catalog Div., Lib. of Cong., 1902-06; Lecturer and Catalog Libr., L^niv. of 111., 1906-17; 1st Asst., Lib. of Henry E. Hunt- ington, New York, 191 7-. Auth.: The classi- fication of Literatures in the Lib. of the Univ. of 111., Lib. Jour., Ap iqm- Mem., Epis. Church. Married Helen Lancaster Plummer, S 7, 1904, Baltimore. Address, 106 Gladwin Ave., Leonia, N. J.; bus. add., 4 E. S7th St., New York City. HELEN BLACK GRACIE Librarian; b. 1868, Pittsburgh.; Asst., Car- negie Lib., Pittsburgh; Order Asst., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Libn., Pub. Lib., Seattle. Ad- dress, Pub. Lib., Seattle. t HUGH JOSEPH GRAHAM (See No. 1338) MARK EDWARD GRAHAM (See No. 9097) ROBERT GRAHAM Professor: D. V. M., la. St. Coll., 1910; B. S., Univ. of Ky., 1912; b. Jl 16, i888, Ames, la. Prepared in Ames (la.)^ H. S. Asst. Prof., Veterinary Sc, Univ. of Ky., 1911-13; Prof., do., 1913-17; Prof. An. Pathol., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Prof, do., 1919-. 2nd Lt., Veterinary R. C, Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, Gs.., 1918-19. Address, c/o George Graham, Ames, la.; bus. add., Univ. of 111., L^rbana. FRANK CRAVENS GRANNIS (See No. 4171) CHARLES EDWARD GRAVES Librarian; A. B., Wesleyan Univ., 1908; b. F 22, 1885. Phi Beta Kappa. Attended Univ. of Paris; N. Y. St. Lib. Sch. Instr., Rom. Lang., Wesleyan Univ., 1909-11; Lecturer and Exchange Asst., Lib., Univ. of 111., 1914-18; Libn., Minn. St. Hist. Soc, St. Paul, 1918— . Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Address, Minn. St. Hist. Soc, St. Paul.t CORA EMELINE GRAY Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; M. S., do., 1909; b. Je 17, 1883, Chicago; d. (ieorge Lyman (b. Mr 28, 1842, do.) and Mary Emcline (Fleming) Gray (b. Ap 12, 1846, New Madison, O.). Prepared in South Div. H. S., Chicago; Columbia, summer 191 1. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Sc, Warsaw, Ind., 1906-08; do., LTniv. H. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1910; do., Univ of Chicago, summer :9io- do., 'H. S., Waterloo, la., 1910-11; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 191 1-. Mem., Unitarian Church. Address, 908 W. Oregon St., Urbana. GRETA GRAY Instructor; S. B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1901; M. A., Columbia, 1914; b. S 30, 1880, Cov- ington, Ky. ; d. James Arthur Samuel (b. O 5, 1840, do.) and Isabel Stuart (Martin) Gray (b. Ja 1857, St. Louis). Prepared in Pvt. Schs., Covington, Ky. and Cincinnati; St. Norm. Sch., Cheney, Wash. Arch. Draftsman, and H. S. Teacher, Tgio-13; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Instr., Johns Hopkins Univ., summer 1916; do., St. Man. Tr. Norm. Sell., 1916-18; do., Univ of Calif., summer 19 1 8. Address, Spokane, Wash. ♦HARRY WOY GRAY Professor; B. C. E., 1906, la. State Coll.; b. June 14, 1880, Youngstown, O. ; s. George M. (b. Jl 28, 1846, ibid.) and Mary Ellen (Woy) Gray b. Jl 7, 1853. Stark Co., O.) Prepared in Sioux City H. S. la. Bachelor Debating Soc; Cardinal Guild; Delta Tau Delta. With City Engr., Sioux City, la., 1900- 2. Building Inspr. for St. Arch., 1903-6; with Concrete Steele Co., New York, 1906; Instr. in T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1906-7; with East and Central Colo. Power Cos., 1907; Chief Engr. Suburban Land Water Co., Colo. Springs, 1908; Instr., Civ. Engng., Univ. of Mo., 1909; Asst. Prof.,rfo., la. St. Coll. 1910 — . Mem. Presby. Church; Soc for the Prom, of Eng. Educ. ; Am. Soc. for Testing Materials; Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs. Married Katherine (loble, Aug. 15, 1908, Denver, Colo. Child, Frances Helen, b. July 10, 1910. Died D 14, 1913, LaCresenta, Calif. ALEXANDER GREEN Instructor; A. B., Coll. of City of New York, 1910; A. M., Columbia, 191 1; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. F II, 1888, Kassa, Hungary. Prepared in Gymnasium of Premontre Order, Kassa, Hungary. Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching Fellow, Coll. of City of New York, 1910-13; Instr., Ger., LTniv. of 111., 1913-16; Research Scholar, Germanic Philol., Johns Hopkins, 1916 — . Address, 245 W. 145th St., New York City; bus. add., c/o Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore. t ANNE I. GREEN Assistant; B. S., Lewis Inst., 1913; b. D 15, 1889, Saginaw, Mich. Prepared in Sagi- naw (Mich.) H. S.; Columbia, summer 191 o. Teacher, Home Econ., pub. schs., Saginaw, Mich., 1910-12; do., Tp. H. S., DeKalb, 111., 19 1 3-16; do., Lewis Inst., summer 1914; Asst. do., Univ. of 111., 19 16 — . Mem., Epis. ( hurch. Address, 922 Germania Ave., Sagi- naw, Mich. BESSIE ROSE GREEN (See No. 3001) CHARLES FRANCIS GREEN Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1914; A. M., do., 1915; b. Je I, 1891, Soldier, Kan.; s. K. C. (b. Je 25, 1853, St. Joseph, Mo.) and Nellie (Francis) Green (b. My 7, 1871, Soldier, Kan.). Prepared in Campbell Acad.; Camp- bell Coll.; L'niv. of Chicago. Gamma Alpha; Phi Delta Kappa. Grad. Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Asst., do., 1916-17. Flying Cadet, A. S.' S. E. R. C; 1st Lt., A. S. S. R. C, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 425 Iowa Ave., Holton, Kan. EDWARD C. GREEN Farmer, B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1897; b. O 2, 1874, Detroit; s. William (b. O 5, 1850, Whaplode, Lincolnshire, Eng.) and Clara R. Winget) Green (b. F 16, 1857, Clyde, N. Y.) Prepared in Jefferson Sch., Detroit, and Cory Sch., Wayne Co. Special Asst. to Hort., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1897-98; Asst. to 111. St. Entomol., 1S99-1900; Chief insp.. Nurseries and Orchards, St. Entomol. Office, 1900- 1902; Asst. Hort. and Instr., Hort., A. and M. Coll. of Tex., 1902-04; Assoc. Prof, and Asst. Hort., do., 1904-07; Pomologist, in Charge of So. Tex. Garden, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1907-11; Bur. of Plant indus., Washington, D. C, 1912- 13; Dir., da Estocao Experimental do Algodao Estado do Maranhao, Brazil, 1913-14; Supt., do Servico Algodao Ministerio da Agricultura, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 1915-17; Farmer, buyer, and seller of cotton, Natal, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 1917 — . Discovered the pink boll worm in Brazil. Auth.; Toma- toes, Irish Potatoes at Troupe, Onions and Bunch Crops, and Tomato Fertilizer at Troupe, Te.-c. E.rf>. Sta. But.; numerovis phamphlets and Bills, on Cotton. Mem., Am. Homolog. Soc; Am. Soc. Econ. Entomol.; Am. Breeder's Assn.; Am. Soc for Hort. Sc Married Lydia Moore Hart, Je 17, 1901, ITrbana. Children, William Edward, b. D 1902; John Hart, b. O, 1904. Address, Natal Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Faculty FREDERICK GREEN Professor; A. B., 1889; A. M., and LL. B., Harvard, 1893; b. F 28, 1868, Cambridge, Mass.; s. Nicholas St. Jolin (b. Mr 10, 1830, Dover, N. H.) and Cornelia (Ilenshaw) Green (b. D 28, 1837, Boston). Prepared in Cam- bridge, (Mass.) H. S. Psi Upsilon; Signet; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Lawyer, New York City, 1893-9; Lecturer, Harvard Law Sch., 1903-4; Prof., Law, Univ. of 111., 1904 — • Auth.: Cases on Carriers, West Pub. Co., St. Paul, 19 10 — ; has contributed to legal and other periodicals. Address, 11 04 W. Illinois St., Urbana. EVARTS BOUTELL GREENE Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1890; A. M., do., 1891; Ph. D., do., 1893; b. Jl 8, 1870, Kobe, Japan; s. Daniel Crosby (b. 1843, Roxbury, Mass.) and Mary Jane (Forbes) Greene (b. 1845, Charlestown, do.). Prepared in Evan- ston Tp. H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. LTndergrad. Scholarship, Harvard, 1889-90; Grad. Scholarship, do., 1890-92: Har- ris Travelling Fellowship, do., 1893-94; at- tended N. W. Univ., 1885-88; Berlin Univ.. 1893-94. Asst., Hist., Harvard, 1890-93; Assi.. Prof., Hist., LTniv. of 111., 1894-95; Assoc. Prof., do., 1895-97; Prof., do., 1897 — ; Acting Dean, Coll. of Lit. and Arts, do., F igo6; Dean, do., 1906-13; Chm., Nat. Bd. of Hist. Service, Washington, D. C, 191 7. Auth.: The Provincial Governor in the English Colonies of North America, Longmans, (7reen & Co., 1898; The Govt, of 111., Its History and Ad- ministration. Macmillan, 1904; Provincial America, 1690-1740, Harper, 1905; (with C. W. Alvord) Governors' Letterbooks, 1818-1834, Collections 111. St. Hist, Lib., Vol. iv, 111. Hist. Lib., 1909; (with C. M. Thompson) Gover- nors' Letter-books, 1840-1853, do.. Vol, vii, HI. St. Hist. Lib., 1910; American Interest in Popular Govt. Abroad, Com. on Pub. Informa- tion, IVar Information Scries, No. 8; (with D. C. Mumo, A. L. Cross, and R. V. D. Magaffin) Opportunities for History Teachers, U. S. Bur. of Educ, Teachers' Leaflet, No. i; The Anglican Outlook on the American Col- onies in the Early Eighteenth Century, Am. Hist. Review, 1914; American Opinion, 1776- 1789 on the Imperial Review of Provincial Legislation, do., 191 7; Suggestions on the Rela- tions of European and American History, Hist. Teachers Mag.. Vol. 8; The American Revolu- tion and the British Empire, do.; Gen. Ed. of articles contributed by the Nat. Bd. for Hist. Service to the Hist. Teachers Mag., 1917-18. Mem., Bd. of Trustees, 111. St. Hist. Lib., Pres., 1910-12; Council Am. Hist. Assn., 1908-11; and Sec. of the Council, 1913 — ; 111. St. Hist. Soc, Dir. ; Chicago Hist. Soc. ; Minn. Hist. Soc; CoXomaX Soc. of Mass.; P'ellow, Royal Hist. Soc; Fellow, A. A. S.; 111. Cen- tennial Comn., 1913-18; and Chm., Pub. Com., 19 1 6- 1 8. Address, 10 11 S. Wright St. Cham- paign. MARY WENDELL GREENE Instructor; b. Mr 15, 1866, Chelsea, Mass.; d. Thomas (b. Boston), and Anna Elizabeth (Wendell) Greene (b. do.). Alpha Chi Omega. Cirad., N. E. Conservatory of Mus. ; stvidied in Europe, 1907-9. Organist and choir conductor, Chelsea, Mass.; instr.. Voice, Sch. of Mus., .Univ. of 111., 1903-7; do., St. Mary's Sch., Knoxville, 111., 1909 — . Mem. Prot. Epis. Church. Address, St. Mary's Sch., Knoxville, Ill.t EDWIN GARDNER GREENMAN (See No. 1691) CHESTER NOYES GREENOUGH Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1898; A. M., do., 1899; Ph. D., do., 1904; b. Je 29, 1874, Wake- field, Mass.; s. William Smith and Elizabeth MacFarland (Noyes) Greenough. Shattuck Scholarship, 1902-03; Austin Fellowship, 1903- 04; Rogers Fellowship, 1904-05; A. \i.. Magna cum lande with hon. mention twice in Eng. Lit. and once in Phil. Instr., Eng., Harvard, 1900-02; 1905-07; Prof. Eng., LTniv. of 111., 1907-10; Agst. Prof. do.. Harvard, 1910-15; Prof., do., 191 5 — . Auth.: (with Barrett Wen- dell) A History of Literature in America; (with Nutter and Hersey) Specimens of Prose Composition, 1907; (with Hersey) English Composition, 1917; various articles; Ed., Selections from Writings of Joseph Addison, i905;Assoc. Ed., Jour, of Eng. and Ger. Philol. 190S-10. Mem., Mass. Hist. Soc; Colonial Soc. of Mass.; Fellow, A. A. S. Married Marietta McPherson, Ag 10, 1907, Marshfield, Mass. Address, 26 Quincy St., Cambridge, Mass. ALLENE GREGORY Instructor; A. B., Vassar, 1910; A. M., Radcliffe, 191 1; Ph. D., do., 1913; b. D 7, 1888, London, Eng.; d. John Milton (b. 1822, Sandlake, N. Y.) and Louisa Catharine (Allen) (iregory (b. 1848, Georgetown, Ky.). Pre- pared in Friends Sch., Washington, D. C. Instr., Eng., Rockford Coll., 1913-15; do., Univ. of III., 19 1 5 — . Auth.: The French Revolution and the English Novel, Putnam, 1914. Mem., Poetry Soc of Am.; Poetry Soc of Univ. of 111.; Pres., Woman's Cosmo- politan Club, Univ. of HI.; Mod. Lang. Assn.; Drama League; various other orgns. Address, 1008 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. ARTHUR WYNNS GREGORY Sales Mgr. ; B. S. in Chem., N. C. Agr. and Mech. Coll., 1906; b. Jl 4, 1884, Halifax, N. C. Prepared in Halifax H. S. Sigma Nu; Theta Nu Epsilon; Pullen Lit. Soc; Asst., Agr. Chem., Univ. of HI., 1907-8; Sales Mgr., British Am. Tobacco Co., Shanghai, China. Mem., Epis. Church. Address, Tien Tsin Office, British Am. Tobacco Co., Shanghai, China. t HELEN BARBER GREGORY (See No. 140) ♦JOHN MILTON GREGORY First President of the University; LL. D., Univ. of Mich., 1866; b. Jl 6, 1822, Sand Lake, N. Y. Grad. Union Coll., 1846; Studied law 1846-8, theology, 1848, Ordained Baptist Ministry; Prin., Classical Sch., Detroit; St. Supt. for Pub. Instr., Mich., 1858, assisted in founding The Mich. Jour, of Educ.; ed. -in- chief, do.; Pres., Kalamazoo Coll, 1863; Regent (Pres.), III. Indus. Univ., 1867-80; U. S. Commissioner to Vienna Exposition, 1873; judge, educ. dept., Philadelphia Centennial, 1876; 111. St. Comn. to Paris Exposition, 1878; Mem., U. S. Civ. Ser. Comn., 1882-5; Prof. Emeritus, Pol. Econ., LTniv. of 111., while residing in Washington, D. C. Auth.: Compend, of Sch. Laws of Mich. ; and numerous ad- dresses on educational subjects; Handbook of History, and Map of Time, Chicago, 1866; A New Pol. Econ., Cincinnati, 1882; Seven Laws of Teaching, Chicago, 1883. Married Julia Gregory (died) ; -Louisa Catherine Allen. Chil- dren: Mary; Alfred; Helen; Julia; Grant; Allene. Died O 20, 1898, Washington, D. €., and by his special request was buried on the grounds of the Univ. of 111. LOUISE CATHERINE ALLEN GREGORY (See No. H22) HANS PETER GREISON (See No. 7559) SS2 University of Illinois JOHN GRENNAN Instructor; b. Ag ii, i8Si, E. Milan, Mich.; s. William (b. 1848, Ireland) and Margaret (Hanna) Grennan (b. 1851, do.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. ; Univ. of Mich.; Univ. of Neb., 1914-15. Instr., Foundry and Forge, Univ. of Neb., I9ii-i6;. Foreman, Forge Shop, Mich. Agr. Coll., 1916-18; Instr., Foundry Practice and Mgmt., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Married Elizabeth Ruth Bennett, Je 12, 1 913, Lincoln, Neb. Address, 605}/^ Indiana Ave., Urbana. CLARA LOUISE GRIDLEY (See No. 3386) NATHAN CESNA GRIMES Educ. Work; A. B., Univ. of Mich.', 1906; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1909; b. N 24, 1879, Klinger Lake Mich.; s. John Edwin (b. O.) and Ada Cradit Grimes (b. Mich.). Prepared in Sturgis (Mich.) H. S. Instr., Math. Dept., Univ. of Wis., 1906-10; Prof.. Math., Ariz. Univ. 1910-14; Registrar, do.; Instr., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Sec. to Pres., L'niv. of Ore., 1915-16; No. Calif. Representative, Silver-Bur- dett & Co.. 1917-18; Sales Dept., Educ. work, Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, O., 1918 — . Mem., Am. Math. Soc; Delegate to Nat. Chamber of Commerce, 1915. Married Carrie Kizer, Ap 12, 1903, Carthage, 111. Children: Helen, b. My 21, 1908; Kenneth Ray, b. D 23, 1913. Address, Akron, O. HARRY SANDS GRINDLEY (See No. 545) ALFRED OTTO GROSS (See No. 3388) CECIL ROBERT GROSS (See No. 9271 GUSTAVE ADOLPH GROSS Associate; b. Jl 21, 1881, Greenville, 111. Attended Univ. of Mont. Instr., Shop Prac- tice, Univ. of Mont., 1911-13; Instr., Pattern Making, Univ. of 111., 1913-17; Assoc, do., 1917-1S. ist Lt. Ord. Corps, 1918 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 517 Ford St. Mis- soula, Mont.t PEARL FOREST GROVE (See No. 5693) *THACHER HOWLAND GUILD A. B.; Brown Univ.. 1901; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1902; A. M., Harvard, 1904; b. F 16, 1879, Providence, R. I.; s. Clarence Herbert (b. 1846, Dedham, Mass.) and Sophia (Howland) Guild (b. 1848, Providence, R. I.). Prepared in Providence (R. I.) H. S.; Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago. Grad. Stud.; Eng., Harvard, 1909- 10; Asst., Eng., Brown LTniv., 1902-3; Instr., Rhet., LTniv. of 111., 1904-6; Assoc, Eng., do., 1906-14. Ed., (with F. W. Scott) acting ver- sion of Robert Greene's Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay, Urbana, 1905. Auth.: Illinois Loyalty, and other songs; The Class of '56, comedy. Bijou Theatre Stock Co., 1910; va- rious plays for amateurs, Walter H. Baker & Co., 1903-10; also various brief articles on the drama in The Theater Mag., The Nation, etc. Mem. M. E. Church. Married Lois Greene. Je i, 1908, Dubuque, la. Child, Mar- garet Elizabeth, b. D 28, 1909. Died Jl 21, 19 14, Urbana. ALFRED JOSEPH GUNDERSON (See No. 4687) CHARLES ALEXANDER GUNN .(See No. 695) GILBERT GUSLER (See No. 9274) AXEL FERDINAND GUSTAFSON (See No. 3006) JOHN CHRISTOPHER GUSTAFSON (See No. 2406) JOHN EARL GUTBERLET (See No. G272) ALTA GWINN (SAUNDERS) (See No. 3007) GEORGE CONRAD HABERMEYER (See No. 1883) WILLIAM CARL FRANK HENRY HACHMEISTER (See No. 2685) CARL HERMAN HAESSLER (See No. 9276) FLORENCE SANDER HAGUE Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Kan., 191 1; A. M., do., 1914; b. Je II, 1889, Lee's Summit, Mo.; d. Reuben (b. 1829, Quaker City, O.) and Anna (Sander) Hague (b. 1858, Fondu Tac Wis.). Prepared in Kingfisher (Okla.) H. S. ; attended Marine Biol. Labs., Friday Harbor, Wash., and Woods Hole, Mass. Teacher. H. S., Council Grove, Kan., 1911-13; Asst., Zool., Kan. St. Agr. Coll.. 1914-16; Instr., Zool., Wellesley Coll., 1916-17; Asst., Zool.. LTniv. of 111., 1917 — . Auth.: Numeri- cal Relation of Spermatozoa to Sertoli Cells, Kan. Univ. Sc. Bill.. Vol. 9, 1914; (with Alvalyn E. Woodward) Iodine as a Partheno- genetis Agent, Biol. Bill.. Vol.. .13. 1917. Ad- dress, 1 107 W. Oregon St., Urbana. STELLA MARY HAGUE Instructor; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1893; S. M., 1905; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1912. Pre- pared in H. S. Teacher, Bot. and Zool., H. S., Decatur, 111., 1902-6; Instr., Biol., Rock- ford Coll. for Women, 1906-9; Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Instr., do., 1912 — . .Address, 908 W. Oregon St., Urbana. HARRY GRAY HAKE (See No. 3009) WILLIAM GREEN HALE Professor; B. S., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., 1903; LL. B., Harvard, 1906; b. O 30, 1881, Hillsboro, Ore First Place, Ore. Oral. Contest, 1902; leader, Intercoll. debating •^eam; Ed. in Chief, Coll. weekly. Lawyer, Porland, Ore., 1906-09; Instr., Law, Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Lawyer, Portland, Ore., 1911-12; Prof.. Law, Univ. of 111., 1912 — . Auth.: Negotiable Instruments, Mod. Am. Lazv, Vol. 8; Leading Illustrative Cases on Negotiable Instruments, do.; The Law Governing Checks, Blackstone Inst., 191 5; The Account Books of a Party to the Action as Evidence in His Own Behalf, ///. Laiv Bui. Ap. 1917; Review of Criminal Cases in the Supreme Court of Illinois, 1915-16, ///. Law Review, Vol. 11, 1916. Mem., Order of the Coif; Pres., 111. St. Soc. of Am. Inst, of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1917-18. Married Jessie Mc- Connell, N 2, 1907. Child, Genevieve, b. My 22, 1909. Address, 708 Washington Blvd., Urbana. ARTHUR GRAHAM HALL Professor; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1887; A. M., Ph. D., Univ. of Leipsic, 1902; b. D 9, 1865, Memphis, Mich.: s. Clark Benedict (b. 1832, neat Rochester, N. Y.) and Agnes (Gra- Faculty 883 ham) Hall (b. 1834, Hoboken, N. J.). Pre- pared in Wayne H. S., Hoboken. N. J.; Hast- ings, Mich. Acacia; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kap- pa. Teacher, Phys., Chem., Math., and Prin., H. S., Laporte, Ind., 18S7-91; Teacher, Phys., Central H. S., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1893-4; Instr., Math., Univ. of Mich., 189 1-3, 1894- 1903; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1903-5; Prof., do., Miami Univ., 1905-8; do., and Registrar, Lniv. of Mich., 1908 — . Co-auth.: Lyman, Hall, Goddard Coll. Algebra, 1896; Hall and Frink, Trigonometry, 1908. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; A. A. A. S., Fellow. Mar- ried Octavia R. Stiling, Ag 28, 1896.^ Chil- dren: Sarah Ackland, b. 1897; Grace Graham, b. 1903; Helen Benedict, b. 1905; Edward Stiling, b. 1908. Address, 1036 Oakland Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. EDWARD KIMBALL HALL V. P., Elec. Bond and Share Co.; A. B., Dartmouth, 1892; LL. B., Harvard, 1896; b. Jl 1870, Granville, 111.; s. Charles Prentiss (b. Westmoreland, N. H.) and Lucia Cotton (Kim- Ijall) Hall (b. Cornish, N. H.); Prepared in St. Johnsbury Acad., Delta Kappa Epsilon; Casque and Gauntlet. Dir., Ath., Univ. of 111., 1892-4; Lawyer, Boston, Powers & Hall; v. P., New England Telephone & Telegraph Co., Boston, 1912-17; V. P., Elec. Bond & Share Co., New York City, 1917; First Corps Cadets, Mass. Volunteer Militia; Alderman, City of Newton, Mass., 1906 — . Mem., Bos- ton Bar Assn.; Middlesex Bar Assn.; Newton Club; Braeburn Co. Club; Mass. Republican Club; Lincoln Trust Co., Dir.; Boston Cham- l)er of Commerce, Dir.; Dartmouth Alumni Assn. of Boston, Pres. ; Am. Bar Assn. ; Merchants Assn. of N. Y. ; Bankers Club, N. Y.; Montclair Country Club, N. Y. ; Camp Fire Club of Am.; Trustee, Dartmouth Coll.; Chm., Internat. Football Rules Com. Married Sally M. Drew, Jl i, 1902, Lancaster, N. H. Children: Dorothy, b. Mr 23, 1903; Richard Drew, b. My 19, 1904; Edward Kimball Jr., b. Je 16, 1910. Address, 71 Broadway, New York City. LOUIS DIXON HALL (See No. 1229) STANLEY WILLIAM HALL Assistant; B. S., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1916; b. Ag 3, 1891; s. James Edward (b. Ap 2, 1849, Eng.) ■ and Jane (Dearden) Hall (b. Ap 6, '853, Can.). Prepared in Framingham (Mass.) H. S. Kappa Sigma. Florists' Asst. with S. J. Goddard, Framingham, Mass., 19 16- 17; Asst., Floriculture, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Hdqtrs Co., 308th Inf., Camp Upton, N. Y., 1 9 18 — . Address, Averill Park, N. J. ERNEST MILTON HALLIDAY Minister; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1904; LL. B., do., 1906; A. M., Columbia, 1913; b. Jl 26, 1878, Vienna, Mich.; s. James D. (b. S 4, 185 1, Prescott, Can.) and Alcina (Colton) Halliday (b. Ja 4, 1854, Mt. Morris, Mich.). Prepared in Holly (Mich.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Alpha Delta; Represented Mich. Univ. in various intercoll. orat. contests and debates. Instr., Eng., Pub. Speak., Univ. of 111., 1906-7; Assoc, do., 1907-12; Stud., Union Theolog. Sem., 1912- 17; Pastor, Ocean Ave. Congr. Church, 1913; Instr., Exten. Teaching, Columbia, 19 12 — ; Asst., Union Theolog. Sem., 19 17 — . Assoc. Ed., Midi. Law Reviezu. Mem., Congr. Church; Manhattan Assn. of Congr. Ministers.; U. T. 5. Alumni Assn., Sec, Congr. Club of Brook- lyn. Married Eleanor Armstrong, Je 5, 1907, Fenton, Mich. Children: Dorothy, b. Je 17, 1908; Lois, b. S 3, 1912; Ernest Milton, Jr., b. N 7, 1013. Address, 1058 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. THEODORE ELY HAMILTON Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1899; A. M., Univ. of Mo., 1900; Ph. D., do., 1908; b. Fredonia, N. Y.; s. John (b. Jl 5, 1827, Hope, N..Y.) and Augusta Eliza Clapp (Ely) Hamil- ton (b. Ripley, N. Y.). Prepared in St. Norm. Sch., Fredonia, N. Y. Phi Beta Kap- pa; Bowditch Scholarship; Hon. Mention in Ger. ; A. B., with distinction. Harvard. Fel- low, Rom. Langs., Univ. of Mo., 1899-1900, 1906-7; Research work. Harvard, 1905; Grad. Stud., Univ. of 111., 1905-6; studied in Paris, 1904 and 191 1, Madrid, 191 1; Instr., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1903-6; Instr., do., Univ. vf Mo., 1907-9; AsSt. Prof., do., O. St. Univ., 1909 — . Auth.: Dosia, par Henry Greville, with Introd., Notes, and Vocab., D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, 1910; The Cyclic Re- lation of the Chanson de Willame, Univ. of Mo., Studies, 191 1; Adrienne Lecouvreur by Scribe and Legouve, with Introd. and Notes, Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 191 7. Mem. Presby. Church; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Harvard Club; Lang, and Lit. Club; Le Cercle FranQais, O. St. Univ.; Alliance Frangaise; Am. Assn. of Univ. Prof. Address, 72 Eagle St., Fredonia, N. Y. THOMAS SHERMAN HAMILTON (See No. 8386) *GEORGE DANIEL HAMMOND A. B., Harvard, 1893; b. Mr 15, 1864, Petersborough, N. Y. ; s. Charles A. (b. 1825) and Susan (Guernsey) Hammond (b. 1826). Prepared in Syracuse (IS. Y.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; A. B., summa cum laude. Fel- low., Harvard. Grad. work. Hist., Univ. of Berlin; Prof. Hist., St. Lawrence Univ., Can- ton, N. Y., 1894-5; Asst. Prof, do., Univ. of 111., 1895-6. Married Elizabeth Lowell, J) 24, 1895, Liberty, N. Y. Died Ja 14, 1899, Ashe- ville, N. C. MATTHEW BROWN HAMMOND Professor; Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1891; M. L., Univ. of Wis., 1893; Ph. D., Columbia, 1898; b. Je 13, 1868, South Bend, Ind.; s. Seth (b. Ja 5, 1836, do.) and Sarah (Longley) Hammond (b. N 21, 1842, Wakarusa, Ind.). Prepared in S. Bend (Ind.) H. S., Ann Ar- bor (Mich.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Adel- phic. LTniv. Fellow in Finance, Columbia; Prin., Versailles Inst., Mo., 1891-2; attended Univ. of Tubeingen, 1893-4; Univ. of Berlin, 1894; Acting Asst. Prof., Econ., Univ. of Mo., 1896-7; Asst., do., Univ. of 111., 1897-8; Instr., do., 1898-1900; Asst. Prof, do., 1900-04; do., O. St. Lfniv., 1904-05; Assoc. Prof., do., 1905- oS; Prof., do., 1908 — . Representative of U. S. Food Administration on War Labor Poli- cies Board, Washngton, D C. ; ^.iustered out, F I, 1919. Auth.: Financial History Of Wis. Territory, Wis. Hist., Soc, i.j.adi- son, 1893; The Cotton Industry, Part i, Cotton (lulture and Cotton Trade, Am. Econ. Assn., Ithaca, N. Y., 1897; The Southern Farmer and Banking Reform, Sound Currency Publication, New York, 1899; Railway Rate Theories of the Intrst. Commerce Comn., Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., 191 1; Wages Boards in Australia, Quarterly Jour, of Econ., 1914-15; also many other mag. articles. Mem., Congr. Church; Council of Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation; Industrial Com. of O., 1913- 15; Sec, O. Coal Min. Comn., 1913; Chm., Bd. of Appraisers, Franklin Co., O. Conser- vancy Comn., 1916; mem., O. Health and Old Age Ins. Comn., 19 17 — ; Pres., Central Phil- anthrophic Council of Cohnnbus, 19 16-18; Organizer of Pub. Employment Offices for O. Branch of Council of Nat. Defense, 1917. Married, Sunie Butler Denham, Jl 2, 1902, Columbia, Mo. Children: Marjorie, b. F 14, 1905; Seth, b. Ja s, 1915. Address, 1127 Ashland Ave., Grandview Heights, Columbu% O.; bus. add., Ohio St. Univ., do University of Illinois FRANK HAMSHER Supt., Schs. ; A. B. Univ. of Mich., 1895; b. My 4, 1873; s. Barnett Kline (b. S i, 1838, Newburg, Pa.) and Celia Augusta (Ellwood) Hamsher (b. Ag i, 1849, Little Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in Decatur H. S. Instr., H. S., De- catur, 1895-97; Prin., do., 1897-1901; Prin., Univ. Acad., 1901-06; Asst., Prof., Educ, do., 1905-06; Prin. Smith Acad., St. Louis, 1906-17; Suipt., Schs.. Webster Groves, Mo. IQ17 — . Married Lucy Coolidge Je 20. 1900, Blooni- ington, 111. Children: Franklin Coolidge, b. O 3. 1903 (died Je 28, 1904); Elwood Coolidge, b. Ja 14, 1909. Address, Webster Groves, Mo. LEO GREGORY HANA Lawyer; b. O 25, 1879, Jackson, Mich.; s. John S. (b. 1850, Liverpool, Eng.) and Mary Theresa (Gregory) Hana (b. Ag 15, 1S62, Toronto, Can.). Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch., Providence, R. I. Asst., Dir., Phys. Tr., Brown Univ., 1899-1901; Dir., do., Lincoln Coll., 1901- 04; Gym. Dir., Univ. of 111., 1904-13; Admit- ted to the bar, 1913. Lawver, King & Hana, Peoria. Capt., Co. A, 341st Regt., U. S. A., Camp Grant, 111. Address. 441 Main St., Peoria; bus. add., 713 14 Jefferson Bldg., do. WALTER FREDERICK HANDSCHIN (See No. 5698) WESLEY WALLACE HANFORD (See No. 9285) JAMES HOWARD HANGER Teacher; A. B., Baker, 1910; A. M., Univ. of Kan., 191 1 ; b. D 16, 1879, McPherson, Kan.; s. Valentine (b. Je 5, 1849, Farmer City, 111.) and Minerva Jane (Logan) Hanger (b. Ag 8, 1857, Marion, Ind.). Prepared in Corning (Kan.) H. S. ; Baldwin City (Kan.) Acad. Phi Delta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; Athenian. City Sch. Supt., Centralia, Kan., 1911-12; Supt., Schs., Rossville, Kan., 1912- 14; Asst., Educ, Columbia Univ., summer 1913; do., L^niv. of 111., 1914-15; Teacher, Social Sc. and Vocational Dir., H. S., Decatur, 1915-16; Grad. Stud., Columbia, 1916-18. In Govt. Service, under direction of Fuel Adm., 1918. Auth. : Articles in Educ. Adm. and Supervision. Address, 1753 Church St.. N. W. Washington D. C. bus. add.. Fuel Adm. Bldg., i8th and E. Sts., do. PAUL HANSEN Engineer; B. S., San. Engng., Mass. Inst, of Tech.; b. Ag 9, 1879; s. John (b. Je 30, 1854, Gluckstadt, Holstein, Ger.) and Pauline (Meinberg) Hansen (b. D 23, 1858, Balti.- more) Prepared in H. Schs., Washington, D. C. Theta Xi. Asst. Engr., Mass. St. Board of Health, 1902-04; Draftsman on Improve- ments in Water Supply and Sewerage. Colum- bus, O, 1904; Engr., Pittsburgh Mfg. Co., 1904-05; Asst. Engr. and Acting Chief Engr., O. St. Bd. of Health, 1905-10; St. San. Engr. of Ky., 1910-11; Engr., St. Water Sur., and Assoc, San. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1911-16; Engr., St. Dept. of Pub. Health, Springfield, III., 1916-17. Capt., E. R. C, Water Supply Service, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Auth.: Water Supply and Sewage Disposal, Ky. Med. Jour., D I, 191 1 ; Obligations of Water Works Supts. with Respect to the Sanitary Quality of Public Water Supplies, Am. City, Mr 191 1; Sanitation and the Farm, Report of the 6th Annual St. Farmers' Inst., F 23-25, 1911; A Land Drainage Project near Louisville, Ky., Engng. Nexvs, Vol. 65, No. 2, 1911; Civil Engr. as a sanitarian. Monthly Bui., O. St. Bd. of Health, Vol. i. No. 7,'i9ii; Typhoid Fever Statistics and Prophylaxis, Ky. Med. Jour., Ja I, 1912; also many earlier mag. arti- cles. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; A. C. S. ; Boston Soc of Civ. Engrs. ; New Eng. Water Works Assn. ; Chicago and LVbana LTniv. Clubs. Married Alison May Scott, O 3, 1905, Melrose, Mass. Children: Elizabeth Scott, b. My 7, 1909; Paul Scott, b. O 16, 19 10. Address, St. Dept. of Pub. Health, Springfield, 111. ROY HANSON (See No. 6279) SADA ANNIS HARBARGER (See No. G288) CHESTER CLYDE HARBISON (See No. G288a) ALBERT AUSTIN HARDING (See No. 7583) HARRY ALEXIS HARDING Professor; B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1896; M. S.. do., 1898; Ph. D.. Cornell, 1910; b. N 28, 1 87 1, Oconomowoc, Wis.; s. Joseph (b. Mr 1 83 1, Eng.) and Elizabeth A. (Dean) Hard- ing (b. Je 29, 1829, Lvicerne, N. Y.). Pre- pared in Monroe (Wis.) and Brodhead (Wis.) H. Schs.; Mass. Inst. Tech. Philomathia; Special Honors. Bacteriol., N. Y., Agr. Exp. Sta., 1899-1913; Prof., Dairy Bacteriol, and Head of Dept. of Dairy Husb., Chief in Dairy Bacteriol., Agr. Exp. Sta. L'niv. of 111., 1913 — ; Comn. of Health, Geneva, N. Y., 1908-12; Milk Insp., Champaign, 1918 — . Auth.: 15 Buls. on various agr. subjects. Mem., Univ. Club; LTnitarian Church; Sigma Xi; Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; Charter Mem., Soc. Am. Bac- teriol.; Am. Dairy Sc. ; Assoc. Charter Mem., Am. Assn. Certified Milk Comns. ; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; 111. St. Hist. Soc; HI. Acad. Sc. Married Esther M. Gordon, Ag 31, 1899, Brodhead, Wis. Children: Harry Gordon, b. Jl 23, 1902; Esther, b. Je 20, 1904; Hellen, ,b. N 7, 1906; Ruth, b. Ag 24, 1912. Address, 704 W. Nevada St., Urbana. LOUIS ALLEN HARDING Chief Engr.; B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1899; M. E., do., 1902; b. O 16, 1876, Factoryville, Pa.; s. Henry I^. and Luzetta (Maynard) Harding Prepared in Centenary Collegiate Inst., Hack- ettestown, N. J. Phi Kappa Sigma; Sigma Chi; Sigma Tau; Pi Tau Sigma. Asst. Chief Draftsman, Dickson Mfg. Co., 1899-1901 ; En- gine Designer, Lacka Steel Co., 1901; Instr., Mech. Engng., Cornell, 1902; Supt. Coal Washing Plants, Lacka Steel Co., 1903; Con- tracting Engr., Pittsburg, 1905; Prof. Mach. Design, Pa. St. Coll., 1905; Chief Engr., Arm- strong Cork Co., 1906-08; Prof., Mech. Engng., Pa. St. Coll., 1909-12; Consulting Engr., New York City, 1912-13; Prof., Exp. Mech. Engng., L'niv. of 111., 1913-16; Chief Engr. and Mem. of Firm, The John W. Cowper Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1916— . 2nd Lt., Bat. F, First 111., F. A., 1 916. Auth.: Blower Heating Systems for Factory and Shop Bldgs., Pa. St. Coll. Bui., 191 1 ; Mechanical Equipment of Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, 1916; Section on Heat- ing and Ventilating. Kidders Arch. Pocket Book, do., 191 8; Coal Washing Plants, Mines and Minerals, 1904; The Design of Air Ducts, Heating and Ventilating Mag., 1913. Mem., F. A. & M.; Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilat- ing Engrs.; A. S. M. E. ; Engrs. Soc. of Buf- falo; L^ni. Club of Buffalo; Buffalo Country Club; Ellecott Club of Buffalo. Married Es- telle Haughman, O 22, 1908, Lancaster, Pa. Address, 55 Bid well Parkway, Buffalo, N. Y. ; bus. add.. Fidelity Bldg., do. OLIVER ALBERT HARKER Professor; A. B., McKendree Coll., 1866; A. M., do., 1869; LL. D., Knox Coll., 191 1; b. D 14, 1846, Newport, Ind.; s. Mifflin (b. Faculty 1799, Philadelphia) and Anna (Wood) Harker (I3. iSoo, do.). Prepared in Pub. Schs., Flor- ida and Wheaton, 111. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. Attended Law Sch., Univ. of Ind., 1866-7; completed course in lawyer's office; Prin., Pub. Schs., Vienna, 111., 1867-9; Judge of Circuit Court, First Circuit of 111., 1878- 1903; Judge, Appellate Court, 2nd Dist., 1891- 97; do., 3rd Dist., 1897-1903; V. P., State Bar Assn., 1890-95; Lecturer, Coll. of Law, Univ. of 111., 1897-1903; Dean, Coll. of Law, do., 1903-1916; Prof. Law, do., 1903 — ; Legal Counsel, do., 1909 — . Addresses: Jury Trials, before St. Bar Assn. of 111., 1894; as Pres. of 111. St. Bar Assn. on Law of Procedure, 1895. Auth.: Legal Opinions in 111. Appellate Court, Report, 1897-1903; Judicial Sales, Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure, Vol. 24, 1907; Power of the President to Pardon Labor Leaders in Contempt Cases, 1909; Efforts to divorce Judicial Elections from Politics in 111., 1909; Should the Jury be Judge of the Law in Criminal Cases, 1909; Use of Man- damus to Compel Educational Institutions to confer Degrees, 191 1; various mag, articles. Mem., 111. Comn. to Nat. Conf. on Uniform St. Law, appointed by Governor Deneen, 1907, for six yrs. ; 111. Branch Am. Inst, of Criminal Law and Criminology, Pres.; St. Bar Assn., 111., Pres. 1895-6; Com. do., on Law Reform, Chm., 1898-1903; Com. on Legal Educ, Chm., 1906; Am. Bar Assn.; Hamilton Club, Chicago; M. E. Church. Married Sidney Bain, Mr 3, 1870, Vienna, 111. Children: George M., b. Ag 23, 1875; Oliver A. Jr., b. F 16, 1878; Win- nifred (Hewitt), b. F 18, 1881. Address, 909 S. Wright St., Champaign. JOHN JAMES HARMAN (See No. 1694) ARTHUR C. HARPER Associate; B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1906; M. E., do., 1907; b. N 21, 1884, Bellefont, Pa. Pre- pared in Bellefont (Pa.) H. S. Asst., Draw- ing, Pa. St. Coll., 1907-08; Instr., do., 1908- 10; Instr., O. St. Univ., 1910-16; Instr., Machine Design, LTniv. of 111., 1916-17; Assoc, do., 191 7 — . Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ; Epis. Church. Address, 708 W. Green St. Urbana.f CLAUDE HARPER (See No. 9293) EZRA CLARENCE HARRAH Research Asst.; A. B., S. W. Coll., Kan., 1913; b. Mr 9, 1889, Douglass, Kan.; s. Wil- liam H. (b. S 22, 1866, Bainbridge, Ind.) and Julia (Paine) Harrah (b. Crawfordsville, Ind.). Prepared in Douglass (Kan.) H. S. Athenan. Asst., Biol., S. W. Coll., 1910-13; Dept. of Biol. Sc, Sumner Co., H. S., Wellington, Kan.; Research Asst., Dept. of Zool., LTniv. of 111., 1917 — . Married Zelda Marie Savage, Ag 20, 1914, Winfield, Kan. Children: Dorothy Mildred, b. O 17, 1915 (died, Ja 21, 1916); Nadine Marguerite, b. Mr 10, 1917. Address, 608 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. CLAUDE LOWELL HARRELL Instructor; B. S., Purdue LIniv., 19 14; b. Je 28, 1892, Mitchell, Ind. Prepared in Mitchell (Ind.) and West LaFayette (Ind.) H. Schs. Asst. Supt. Merchants Heat & Light Co., Indianapolis; Instr., Mech. Engng. Univ. of 111., 1916-17. First Lt., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 191 7 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 103 University St., LaFayette, Ind. HARRY FRANKLIN HARRINGTON Professor; A. B., O. St. Univ., 1905; M. A., Columbia, 1909; b. Jl 25, 1882; s. James Frank (b. Columbus, O.) and Margaret (Walker) Harrington (b. Chillicothe, O.). Prepared in Logan (O.) H. S. ; Prep. Dept., Univ. of Wooster. Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Delta Chi. Reporter, O. St. Jour., igoi-05, 1908; Ed., London (O.) Times, 1905-08; Scholar, Eng., Columbia, 1908-0.9; Instr., Eng., O. Wesleyan, 1909-10; Asst. Prof., do., 1910- 14; Asst. Prof., Jour., Univ. of Kan., 1914-15; Assoc, do., Univ. of 111., 1915-18; Asst. Prof., in charge of courses in do., 1918 — ; in charge of courses in journalism, Southern Div., Univ. of Calif., Summer 1918, 1919. Ed., O. St. Univ. Monthly, 1912-14; Contributing Ed., Kit Kat Mag., Auth.: Typical Newspaper Stories, Ginn & Co., 1915; Making the School News- paper (in press) 19 18; (with T. T. Franken- berg) Essentials in Journalism, Ginn & Co., 1912; The School Newspaper as an aid to the Theme Bugaboo, Bui. III. .4ss)i. of Teachers of Eng., Vol. 9; Making the Newspaper Re- porter of Tomorrow, Advertising News, Vol. 25, 1917; Handling the News now and in the future, do.; The Little Shop of Dreams, Kit Kat Mag., Vol. 6, 191 7; Waging a mighty News- paper Campaign, Advertising Neivs, Vol. 25, 1917; Newspapers and the better Community, do.; Advertising your own Newspaper, Nat. Printer-Jour)ialist, Vol. 36. Four Challenges to a Reporter, Fourth Estate, F 8, 1919; Teaching Journalism in a Natural Setting. Jour, of Ed. .4dm. and Superv., Ap, 1919. Assoc. Ed., Alpha Tan Omega Palm. Mem., Congr. Church; Buckeye Press Assn.; Nat. Press Assn.; Kan. Press Assn.; First Sec, Am. Assn. Teachers of Jour.; Executive Com.. do.; Kit Kat Club. Married Freida Poston, Jl 15, 1913, Crawfordsville, Ind. Address, 603 W. Green St., Urbana. ELODIA FERNE HARRIS (See No. 7584) LYNN HAROLD HARRIS Professor; A. B., Dickinson Coll., 1906; M. A., Boston Univ., 1909; M. A., Yale, 1912; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. N 26, 1885, Milton, Pa.; s. James Lynn and Mary Annie (Polsgrove) Har- ris. Prepared in Hazelton (Pa.) H. S. Alpha Chi Rho.; Scholar and Fellow, Yale. Instr., Eng., N. W. Univ., 19 12-13; Interim Head, Eng. Dept., Hamline Univ., 1913-14; Instr., Eng., LTniv. of 111., 1914-17; Head, Eng. Dept., Univ. of Chattanooga, 19 17 — . Ed.: Catiline his Conspiracy by Ben Jonson, Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, Yale Univ. Press. Auth.: A Study in Relation of Latin to English Com- position, Sch. and Soc, Vol. 2, 33; Culture and the College Fraternity, do.. Vol. 2, 45 ; The Triumph of Spring — A May-day Masque, Eng. Jour., Vol. 3; A Proposed Course in Ad- vanced Exposition, do., S 1916. Mem., Nat. Council, Teachers of Eng.; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. ; Tenn. Philol. Assn. Married Rhoda Edna Reeser, Ag 27, 1914. Child, Elizabeth Reeser, b. Jl 24, 191 5. Address, 15 Bluff View, Chattanooga, Tenn. *CHARLES ARTHUR HART Born O 12, 1859, Quincy, 111.; s. William Henry (b. Ja 25, 1829, New York City) and Janet Elizabeth (Hoffman) Hart (b. My 26, 1829, do.). Prepared in Quincy H- S. ; Norm. Sch., Normal, 111., 1881-82. Sigma Xi. Teach- er, 1883; Asst., St. Lab. of Nat. Hist., Univ. of 111., 1884-89; Entomol. and System. Ento- mol., do., 1889-1918; Asst. to St. Entomol., 1889-1918. Auth.: Descriptive Synopsis of In- sect Collections for Distribution to 111. Schs., I, Lepidoptera, 1897; II, Orthoptera, 1906; also a number of articles. Mem., A. A. A. S., Fellow; Am. Soc. of Naturalists; Assn. of Econ. Entomol.; Am. Soc. of Zool.; Entomol. Soc. of Washington, cor. mem. Died F 17, 1918, Urbana. 880 University of Illinois *JOSEPH WILLIAM HART A. D., Ont. Agr. Coll., 1887; b. N 19, 1865, River Philip, Nova Scotia, Can.; s. James Reuben (b. (iuysborough, N. S.) and Emme- line Shaw (Robertson) Hart (b. Yarmouth, N. S.). Prepared in Bridgetown, N. S.; Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., 1S98-9. Alpha Zeta. Adjunct Prof., Agr., Clemson Agr. Coll., 1893-7; Supt., East. IJairy Sch., Kingston, Ont., 1897-1902; Instr., Dairy Manufacturers, and Chief Asst., Sta., Univ. of 111., 1903-4; Asst. Prof, and Asst. Chief., do., 1904-5; Dir., St. Model Farm, Silo Paulo, Brazil, 1905-9; Dept. of Agr., San Juan, P. R., 1909-10; Dairy- man, U. S. Dept. of Agr. and Field Asst. in Dairying, St. of Ga., 1910-14. Six months course in Ar., Tete du Pont Barracks, King- ston, Ont. Auth.: Exp. Sta. Bui. Clemson Agr. Coll., Clemson, S. C. (Nos. 19 and 33). Mem., S. C. St. F'air Assn.; Am. Breeders' Assn.; Vestryman, St. James Parish, Kingston, Ont., 1900-2; Vestryman, Emmanual Church. Married Minnie Blanche Dykeman, N 10, 1892. Children; Dorothy Blanche, b. Mr 25, 1894; Charlotte Robertson, b. F 18, 1896; James Gil- bert, b. D 3, 1897; William Edward, b. S 3, 1907. Died My 29, 1914, St. Simon's Island, Ga. MINER LOUIS HARTMANN Professor; B. S., Univ. of Ariz., 191 1; Ph. D., Harvard, 1915; b. Jl 14. 1889, Hutchin- son, Kan.; s. Henry P. (b. Ag 13, 1862, Tif- fin, O.) and Anna Esther (Bussinger) Hart- mann (b. D 20, 1861, Loogootee, Ind.). Pre- pared in Hutchinson (Kan.) H. S.; Univ. of Kan., 1907-09; Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Theta Delta Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Cml. Assayer, Tuscon, Ariz., 1910; Asst., Chem., Univ. of Ariz., 1909-11; do. Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Austin Teaching Fel- low. Advanced Quantitative Analysis, Har- vard, 1912-14, Instr., Chem., Univ. of Mo., 1014-15; Prof. Chem., S. Dak. St. Sch. of Mines, 1915 — . Auth.: (with R. C. Benner) Rapid Determinations and Separations by means of Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode. Jour, of A. C. S., Vol. 32, 1910; Cupellation, Jour, of Indus, and Enana. Chc-m., Vol. 3, 3911; (with J. J. Runner) The Occurrence, Chemistry, Metallurgy, and uses of Tungsten with Special Reference to the Black Hills, Bui. No. 12, S. Dak. St. Sch. of Mines in Press; (with G. Jones) The Equilibrium be- tween Bromine and Potassium Bromide Solu- tions at Zero Degree, Trans. Am. Elcctrochcm. Soc, Vol. 30, 1916; (with R. C. Benner) Early History of Cupellation, Min. and Sc. Press. .^p 1912; (with G. P. Baxter) A Revision of the Atomic Vv eight of Cadmium, 111, Pro- ceedings Nat. Acad. Sc, Vol. i, 1914; (with G. Jones) A Study of the System Water, Potassium Iodide, and Iodine at Zero Degrees, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 37. 1915 (with G. Jones) Properties of Silver Iodide Interpreted in Relationi to Recent Thermodynamic Conce- ptions, do.; Rapid method for Tungsten Anal- ysis, Min. Sc. Press, Vol. 112, 1916; other articles in Zcit Anora. Chem., Jour. A. C. S.. Pahasaf'a Quart. Mem.. A. C. S. Married T. Elizabeth Trowbridge, Ap 2, 1915. Green Valley, 111. Child, Robert Trowbridge, b. Ap 8. 1917. Address. 106 St. Joe St., Rapid Citv, S. Dak.; bus. add., St. Sch. of ^..ines, do.' HOMER ALVIN HARVEY Physician; A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1909; M. D., Syracuse {Univ., 1916; b. O 8, 1884, Ind- ianapolis; s. James W. (b. Wilmington, O.") and Alice (Coate) Harvey (b. do.). Pre- pared in Elk City (Kan.) H. S.: Prep. Dept.. Ihiiv. of Ark.; L^niv of 111., ioon-10: Univ. of Chicago summer 191 1. Phi Beta Kappa; Al- pha Kappa Kappa. Asst., Rom. I-angs., Univ. of 111.. 1909-10; Instr., do., Syracuse Univ., 1910-11; Asst; Prof., do., 1911-15; Physician, Batavia, N. Y., 1916 — . Married Delia Shaw, Ag 62, 1913. Children: Robert Shaw, b. Jl 24, 1914; Douglas Coate, b. Ag 28, 1917. Ad- dress, Batavia, N. Y. CHARLES NELSON HASKINS Professor; B. S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1897; M. S., Harvard, 1S99; A. M., do., 1900; Ph. D., do., 1901; b. My 7, 1874, Bedford, Mass. Teacher, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1897-98, 1902-03; Sheffield Sc. Sch., 1903-04; Cornell, 1904-00; Asst. Prof., Math., Univ. of 111., 1906-10; Prof., do., Dartmouth, 1910 — . Auth.:' On the Invariants of Quadratic Differential Forms, Trans. Am. Math. Soc.; On the In- variants of Differential Forms, do.; On the Differential Invariants of a Surface and of Space, do.; On the Generalized Law of the Mean, Annals of Math.; On the Second Law of the Mean, do.; On the Zeros of the Func- tion of P (X), Trans. Am. Math. Soc; On the Measurable Bounds and Distributions of Functional Values of Summable Functions, do. Address, Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, N. H. HEINRICH HASSELBRING Botanist; B. S. A., Cornell, 1899; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1905; s. Bernhardt and Au- gusta (Lange) Hasselbring. Asst., Bot., Cor- nell, three summer sessions and 1899-igoo; ist Asst., Hort., N. Y. Exp. Sta., Geneva, igqo- 01; Asst., V'eg. Pathol. Agr. Exn Sta., Univ. of 111., 1901-03; Asst., Bot.. Univ. of Chicago, 1903-07; Chief of Dept., Bot., Estacion Cen- tral Agronomica, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, 1907-09; Plant l'hv».^.ogist, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1909 — . Auth.: Articles in Cyclopedia of .\m. Hort.; chapters in Atkinson's Mushrooms, Bailey's Bot.; Canker of Apple trees, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.. Bui. 70. 1902; Gravity .Ts a Form Stimulus. Bot. Gaz., Vol. 43, 1907; Types of Cuban Tobacco, do.. Vol. 53, 1912; The Bitter Rot and Its Control, Trans. III. Hort. Soc, 1902; (with H. H. Bunzell) The Supposed Action of Potassium Permanganate with Plant Prexidases. Bot. Gas., Vol. 63, 1917; Behavior of Sweet Potatoes in the Ground, J our. A fir. Research. Vol. 12, 19 18; also many other articles in Univ. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Huls. Mem.. A. A. A. S.; Fellow, Am. Phytopath Bot. Soc; Am. Bot. Soc. Wash- ington; Sigma Xi. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agr.,, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM DURRELL HATFIELD (See No. G299) WILLIAM FREDERIC HAUHART Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1901; A. M., do., 1902; Ph. D., Columbia, 1909; b. Te 24, 1873, Valley Park, Mo.; s. Herman H. (b. Ap 9, 1842, Enger, Westphalia, Ger.) and Mary (Schlueter) Hauhart (b. D 8, 1850, Ballwin, Mo.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Cen- tral Wcsleyan Coll., Mo. Prin., Pub. Sch., Altheim, Mo., 1895-98; ("entral WesleyanColl., 1S93-95, 1S98-1900; Univ. of Mo., 1900-01; Fellow, do., 1901-02; Fellow in Ger., ITniv. of Wis., 1902-03; do., Columbia, 1903-04; Instr., Ger., L^niv. of 111., 1904-05; Stud., Univ. of Berlin, Ger., 1905-06; Travelled and studied abroad, 1905-06; Instr., Ger., Univ. of Mich., 1906-14; Asst. Prof., do., 1914 — . Auth.: The Reception of Goethe's Faust in England, The Columbia Univ. Press, 1909. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; M. E. C^hurch. Address, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. PHILIP BOVIER HAWK Professor; B. S., Wesleyan Univ., Middle- town, Conn., 189S; M. S., do., 1900; Ph. D., Columbia, 1903; b. Jl 18, 187^1 East Branch, N. Y. : s. Ransom Riant (b. N 1835, Hancock, N. Y.) and Ellen (Miller) Hawk' "(b. F 1847, Faculty 887 East Branch, N. Y.)- Prepared in Walton H. S.; Cazenovia Sem., Cazenovia, N. Y. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Kai Gar; Theta Nu Kpsilon; Sigma XI; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon ; Kappa Psi ; Four year scholarship. Asst. to Prof. Atwater, Wesleyan Univ., 1898-1900; Asst. to Prof. Geis, Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., N. Y., 1901-03; Demon- strator of Physiol. Chem., Dept. of Med., I'niv. of Pa., 1903-7; Prof., Physiol. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907-12; Chair of Physiol, and Toxicol., Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 19 12 — . Auth. : Practical Physiol. Chem., P. Blackiston's Son & Co., 1007, 6th ed., 1918; Studies on Water Drinking, Jour, of Biol. Chem., Jour, of A. C. S., Jour, of Exp. Med., Archives of Internal Med., 19 10- 12; Fasting .'it tidies. Am. Jour, of Physiol., 1904; On a Series of Feeding and Injection Experiments following the Establishment of the Eck Fistula in Dogs, do.. Vol. 21, 1908; Post-anesthetic (ilycosuria. Archives of Internal Med., 191 1. Mem., Univ. Club; Am. Philosoph. Soc; A. C. S.; Am. Soc. of Biol. Chem.; Soc. of Exp. Biol, and Med.; A. A. A. S. ; Am. Soc. of An. Nutrition; 111. Acad, of Sc. ; Wash. Acad, of Sc. Married Ellen Henrietta Moore, Ag 2, 1905, Philadelphia. Children: Ellen Minnie, b. Jl 14, 1Q06; Philip Bovier, Jr., b. D 9, 1907. Address, Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia. WILLIAM ALBERT HAWLEY ^See No. I3S0 CASSIUS CLAY HAYDEN (See No. G301) AUGUSTUS WASHINGTON HAYES ' (See No. 3021) CHARLES IRVING HAYES (See No. 23) EDWARD CARY HAYES Professor; A. B., Bates Coll.; A. M., do.; Ph. D., magna cum laude, Univ. of Chicago, 1902; b. F 10, 1868, Lewiston, Me.; s. Ben- jamin Francis (b. Mr 28, 1830, New Glouces- ter, Me.) and Arcy (Cary) Hayes (b. Ag 6, 1827, Turner, Me.). Prepared in Nichols Latin Sch. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Debater and Class Day Orator; Sr. Fellow, .Sociol., LIniv. of Chicago. Attended Cobb Divinity Sch., 1888-1891; Pastor, Augusta, Me.; Prof, and Dean, Keuka Coll., N. Y., 1898-1900; Univ. of Berlin, 1900-01; Prof., Econ. and Sociol., Miami Univ., 1902-7; Prof., Sociol., Univ. of 111., 1907 — . Auth.: Soci- ological Construction Lines, LTniv. of Chicago Press, 1902; Memoirs of Benjamin Francis Hayes, 1907; Introduction to the Study of .Sociol., Appleton, 1915; also numerous articles in Am. Jour, of Sociol., Publications of Am Sociol. Soc., Publications of Am. Econ. Assn hist. Quarterly, Ediic. Review, and Sch. and Home Educ. Advisory Ed., Am. Jour, of So ciol. Mem., Congr. Church; Am. Sociol. Soc. Exec. Com.; Sec, Social Psych. Section, In ternat. Cong, of Sc, St. Louis, 19 14; Pres. 111. St. Conf. of Charities and Correction 1913-14; mem.. 111. Bd. of Pub. Welfare Com missioners; Associe de I'Institute Internation alle de Sociologie; A. A. A. S.; Am. Acad Pol. and Social Sc. ; Am. Assn. of Univ Profs.; Charter mem., Nat. Conf. of Social Work; Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation. Mar ried Annie Lee Bean. Children: Edward Bean ('18), b. D 30, 1896; Robert Cary, b Mr 3, 1902; Harmon Phillips, b. F 17, 1904 Address, 915 Nevada St. Urbana. EMERY ROE HAYHURST (See No. 7889) CLARENCE MARK HEBBERT (See No. G303) ARTHUR FLOYD HECK (See No. 5715) CHARLES HENRY HECKER Research Chem.; Ch. E., Univ. of Cincir*- nati, 1909; M. A., do., 1911; Ph. D., do., 1913; b. My 15, 1886, Cincinnati; s. Charles Henry (b. Ag 28, 1862, Stepstone, Ky.) and Margaret R. (Boger) Hecker (b. Ap 11, 1865, Cincinnati). Prepared in Woodward H. S., Cincinnati. Alpha Alpha Pi. Asst., Chem., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1908-13; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Prof., Chem., Nazareth Acad., summers 1914 and 1915; Asst. Prof., Chem. Engng., Univ. of Wis., 1916-17; Prof., do., Univ. of Fla., 1917-18; Research Chem., West- inghouse Elec & Mfg. Co., 1918 — . Auth.: .Study of Some New Alkyl Hydroxylamines, Am. Chem. Jour., Vol. 50; articles in Chem. Abstracts, 1914-15. Mem., A. C. S. ; A. A. A. S. Married Lottie Alfaretta Simmons, D 26. 1917, St. Petersburg, Fla. Address, 405 East End Ave., Pittsburgh, c/o Westinghouse Elt-c & Mfg. Co. Pittsburgh. LEONARD HEGNAUER (See No. 2688) RALPH EMERSON HEILMAN Dean; Ph. B., Morningside Coll., 1906; A. M., N. W. Univ., 1907; Ph. D., Harvard, 1913; b. Ap 15, 1886, Ida Grove, la.; s. El- wood Columbus and Nancy Jane (Blazer) Heil- man. Prepared in Ida Grove (la.) H. S. Delta Tau Delta; Delta Sigma Rho; Gage Prize in Debate, N. W. Univ.; Harris Prize, do.; Toppan Prize, Harvard; Paine Fellow, do. Instr., Econ., Harvard, 1912-13; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of la., 1913-14; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Prof. Econ. and Sociol Sc, N. W. Univ., 1916. Dean, Coll. of Com- merce, N. W. Univ. Auth.: Monograph on Chicago Traction, Am. Econ. Assn., Third .Series, Vol. 9, No. 2; Articles on pub. utili- ties and bus. econ. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; West. Econ. Assn.; M. E. Church. Married Elsie Weary, S 18, 1909, Dwight, 111. Child, Given Flocile. b. Ja 19, 1911. Address, 1505 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. HENRY VIRL HEINBURGER (See No. G307) WILLIAM MATHEWS HELSKING Professor; B. P., Syracuse Univ., 1908; b. 1883, Chelsea, Wis. Prepared in Dolgeville (N. Y.), Little Falls (N. Y.) H. Schs.; Mich. Free Acad. Hiram Gee Fellowship, Syracuse Univ., 1908; Atelier Prize, 1909. Instr., Drawing, Syracuse Univ., 1911-12; Dir., Mil- likin Sch. of Fine and Applied Arts, 1912-15; Assoc, Free-Hand Drawing, Dept. of Arch., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Prof., Drawing and artistic Anatomy, Sch. of Fine Arts, Univ. of Kan., 19 1 6 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Ad- dress, 704 Indiana St., Lawrence, Kan.f CARL A. HELLMAN (See No. 2689) JOSEPH CLARENCE HEMMEON Ph. D., Harvard, 1906; b. Ja 1870, Parrsbor- ough, Nova Scotia, Can. Univ. Scholarship; Leverett Salstonstall Scholarship; Ricardo Prize. Instr., Pol. Econ., Univ. of 111., 1906- 07. Address, McGill Ave., Montreal, Can.f ADOLPH HEMPEL (See No. 882) 888 Univeksitv of Illinois CHARLES ELLIOTT HENDERSON (See No. 2690) JAMES BRUCE HENDERSON (See No. 7603) JOSEPH LINDSEY HENDERSON Professor; A. B., Univ. of W. Va., 1894; A. M., Columbia, 1906; Ph. D., do., 1912; b. Je 27, i8(>9. Monongalia City, W. Va. Prin. and Supt., Sclus., Tyler, Tex., 1S94-1905; Prof., Seconilary Eilue., I'niv. of Tex., 1912- 17; Dir., Dept. of Sell. Visitation, do., 1915-17; Visitintf Prof., Eiluc.j Univ. of 111., 1917-iS; Prof., Ediic, Univ. ot Tex., iqiS — . Address, 1709 Colorado St., Austin, Tex.t WILLIAM SAMUEL HENDRIX Professor; A. B., Howard Coll., Birming- ham, Ala., 1907; A. M., Cornell, iQio; b. My 27, 1SS7, Ragland, Ala.; s. W. D. (b. Je 1, 1S40, Rome, Cia.) and 1. C. (Martin) Hendrix (b. Jl 10, 1S5O, (/<>.). Prepared in Acad., Howard Coll., Birmingham, Ala. Jr. Medal, Orat., Howard Coll., 1906; Acacia. Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of III., 1911-1,?; Instr., do., Univ. of Texas, i9i.?-i6; Adjunct Prof., do.. 1917—. Auth.: The Auto da Borca do In- ferno of Gil Vicente and the Spanish Troje- comedia Alegorica del Paraypo y ilel Intierno, Mod. PhiloL, Vol. iji, 1910; Two Sources of the Tragicomedie, Alegorice del Paraypo y del Infierno, Mod. Lang. Notes. \o\. .31, 1910. Married Bertha Estelle Bourdette ('13"), Je 25, iqij, Chicago. thildrcn: Edith Bour- dette, b.' S 5, 1014; William Edwin, b. O 29, loih. Address, L^niv. of Tex., Austin, Tex. WALTER SCOTT HENDRIXSON Professor; B. S., Union Christian Coll., iS8j; A. M., do., 1885; A. M., Harvard, 1890; Ph. D.. do., 1803; b. Ja ii, 1859, Fe- licity, O.: s. Eber Adkins Hendrixson (b. .-Xg 22, 1S22, Newhopc. O. Prepared in Norm. Sch, Teacher. Antioch Coll.. 18S3-88; Stud.. Gox- tingen, 1S04-05; Asst., Harvard. 1S80-00; Prof., Chcm., drinnell Coll.. 1890-1017; Dir.. Chem. Lab., Univ. of 111., 1917. Auth.: Lab. Manuals on Gen. Chem.; (with Norton and Meinzner) la. CIround Waters, U. S. Ool. Survey: re- search papers. Jour. .4. C. S. Mem.. Congrega- tional Church; la. Acad, of Sc; .Vni. Chem. Soc. Married Elizabeth Bradley. .\p iS. 1006. Linnens, Mo. Children: Ellen Bradley, b. O 31. 1911; Philip Roe, b. S 7, 1913. .-Iddress. Grin- nell. la. LORA ATKINS HENION (SLITHERLAXD) (See No. 3024) ROBERT LLEWELLYN HENRY, JR. Professor: Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1902; J. D., do.. 1007: B. C. L., Oxford I'niv., Eng. ; b. N .s, 18S2, Chicago; s. Robert Llewellyn (b. Frankfort, Ky.) and Ada Camille (Badger) Henrv (b. Louisville, Kv.). Prepared in Man. Tr. Sch.. Chicago. Chi Psi; Phi Delta Phi. Prof., Law, La. St. L^niv., 1907-11; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Dean, Law Sch., Univ. of N. Dak., 1912-14; Prof., Law, Univ. of la., 1914-10; Research, Harvard, 1916-17. Capt., U. S. R., 1917 — . Married Elaine Goodale Read, Je 30, 1908. Children: Robert Llewellyn, III, b. D 12, 1909; Alvan Read, b. S 8, 191 1 ; McClelland, b. F 26, 1917. Address. 3656 (jrand Blvd., Chicago. NELSON WILLIAM HEPBURN (See No. 3025) •BELVA MARY HERRON B. L., Univ. of Mich.. 18S9; b. S 2?. 1S66, Pittsburgh: d. John Fish (b. 1S32. do.) and Rose (White) Hcrroii (b. 1S36, Montgomery Co., Mo.). Prepared in Jacksonville Acad., 111. Honorary l-ellowship, Ihiiv. of Chicago, 1893-04; Wilby prize for best work in Grad. Sell., Radcliflfe Coll., 1904. Employment by Carnegie Inst, for writing history of labor laws in 111., 1904; teacher, Acad., Jacksonville, III., 1890; Asat., Instr. and Adjt. Prof., Dept. of Econ., I'niv. of Neb., 1898-1903; Asst., Wellesley Coll., 1903-04; Fellow, Econ., Univ. of 111., 1904-0,:;; instr., do., 190,^-06. Auth.: Progress of Labor Organization among Wo- men. Died Mr 4, loii, San Antonio, Tex. WILLIAM HARRISON HERRON Geographer; B. S., Geographer. U. S. Geol. Sur., Univ. of III., 1018 — . .Address, c/o U. S. Geol. Sur., Wasliington, D. C. ; bus. add., Beardsley Hotel, Champaign. t EDWARD OTTO REUSE (See No. G313) GEORGE CAVENDER HEWES (See No. iss) HENRY HORACE HIBBS, JR. Director; A. B., Brown, 1910; A. M., do., iQii; Ph. D., Columbia, 1916; b. N 2,i, 1S87; s. Henry Horace and Susie (Adams) Hibbs. Prepared in Williamsburg (Pa.) Inst. Phi Sigma Kappa. I'ellow, Research Sch. for Social Workers, Boston; Asst., Dept. of So- ciol., Univ. of 111., 1014-1,^; Dir., Sch. of Social Work and Pub. Health, Richmond. Va., 1915 — . Auth.: Infant Mortality: Its Relation to Social and Industrial C'onditions, Russell Sage Foundation. 1010; The Influence of Eco- nomics and Indu.strial Conditions on Infant Mortality. Quarterly Jour. F.coii.. N 191.=;; Plan for Gathering Statistical Data as a By-Product of Administrative work. Quarterly [>ublications of .4 in. Statistical .-issn., S 10 16; Infant Mor- tality and the Size of the Family, do. ; The Presetit Position of Infant Mortality, do.. Mr 1Q16; The Relation of Infant Mortality to Urban, Housing, and Living C"oiulitions. Jour. Soeiol. Medicine, O 191.=;; The Influence of Prenatal Conditions on Infant Mortality, Pro- ceedings So. Soeiol. Cong.. 191,=;. Addrtss, i6di Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. ; bus. add., 1112 Capital St., do. JOHN FREDERICK GROSS HICKS (See No. G314) ROBERT ENOCH HIERONYMUS Community Adviser; A. B., Eureka Coll., 1889; A. M., .. iSoo; LL. D., do., 1914; b. D 8, 1862, Atlanta, 111. Prepared in Atlanta H. S.; HI. St. Norm. Univ. Teacher, Dist. Sch., 1S83-84; Prin.. H. S., Carrollton, 111., 1886-87; Instr., Eng., Eureka Coll., 1890-97, (/()., St. Norm. Sch., Los Angeles, 1897-98; Sec, Univ. Exten., So. Calif., 1898-99; Pres., Eureka Coll., 1900-00: Sec, Educ. Comn. of 111., 1009-13; Community Adviser, Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Mem.. Christian Church. Mar- ried Anne Lois Campbell. Ag 30. 1900. Child. Robert, b. Je 6, 1914. Address, 610 Pennsyl- vania Ave., L'rbana. ALVA JAY HILL (See No. G317) CHARLES FRANCIS HILL (See No. 6303) DA\1D SPENCE HILL Professor; B. A.. Randolph-Macon Coll., 1897; Ph. p., Clark Univ., 1907; LL. D., St. I'niv. of Ky., 1916; b. D 14, 1873, Nashville, Tenn. : s. Felix Robertson (b. Mr 20, 1845, do.) and Martha Ordalia MacGregor (Mayes) Hill Faculty (b. C'ourtland, Ala.)- Prepared in St. Louis l^ub. Sells.; Smith Acad, of Wash. Univ., St. J^ouis; Harvard summer sch.; Wash. Univ. Law Sch. Instr., Smith Acad., St. Louis, 1 897-1904, do., Ralph Scllew Night Schs., do., 1900-04; Prof., Psych, and Educ, Pcabody Coll. for Teachers, 1907-11; do.. The Tulane L'niv., 1911-13; Dir., D.ept. of Educ. Research, New Orleans, 1913-1O; Acting Prof., Educ, Univ. of Wis., 1916-17; Prof., summer schs., Cornell, 1914; Univ. of Mont., 1913; LIniv. of Calif., 1916; Univ. of Wis., 1917; Acting Prof., Educ, Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Prof., do., 19 18 — . Organized and directed the ist Dept. of Educ Research in the V. S. at New Orleans. Auth.: Industry and Education; A Study of Boys and Men, Commission, Council, 1916; Individual Differences in Children of the Public Schools, Bd. of Sch. Dirs., 1913; Facts about the Public Schools in Relation to Vocation, Comn. Council, 1914; An Experi- mental Study of Delinquent Boys anci of Ameliorative measures in the U. S., do., 1914; Loss and Recovery of Consciousness under Anethesia. Psych. Bui., 1910; Ethical Sig- nificance of Hypnotic Suggestion, Meth. Quar- terly Review, 1903; Fatigue, Some of its Scientific and Practical Aspects, do., 1909; Retardation, Its causes and Remedies, .So. Med. Jour., 1912; Miner Studies on Learning and Relearning, Jour. Educ. Psych., 19 14; Education for Democracy, Sch. and Soc, 191 7; Valid Uses of Psychology in Rehabilitation of War Victims, Mental Hyoiene, O, 191 8; various other articles in Psych, and Educ. Jours. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Psych. Assn.; Pres.. So. Soc. for Phil, and Psych.; Am. Assn. of Clinical Criminol.; S. A. R.; A. F. A. M. Married Julia Blackburn Payne, Je 14, 1902, Elizabethtown, Ky. Address, 1103 W. Illinois St., L'rbana. FRANK ERNEST HILL Instructor; A. B., Leland Stanford, 191 i; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Fellow, Eng., Columbia Univ., 1914-15; Instr., do., Leland Stanford. Married. Address, 1350 Sherman St., San Jose, Calif.; bus. add., 203 Addison St., Palo Alto, Calif. HAROLD NEWCOMB HILLEBRAND Associate; A. B., Harvard, 1909; A. M., do., 1910; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. Ja i, 1887, Wash- ington, D. C; s. William Francis (b. Hono- lulu, T. H.) and Martha May (Westcott) Hillebrand (b. Perrysburg, O.). Prepared in Central H. S., Washington, D. C. Asst., Eng., Harvard, 1912-14; Instr., do., Univ. of III., 1914-16; Assoc, do., 1916-17, 1919 — . ist Lt. 343d Inf., Co. F", Camp Grant, 111., 1917-18; C.ilit., do., 1918-19; Mustered out, Ja 15, 1919. Auth.: Child Actors of the i6th and 17th Cen- turies, Harvard Press; various mag. articles. Address, 3023 Newark St.. Washington, D. C; bus. add., Lfniv. of III., Urbana. *ELBRIDGE ROMEYN HILLS Born Mr 18, 1844, Granger, C; s. Stacy (b. O ig 1814, Bristol, N. Y.) and Naomi Good- ing (Hatch) Hills (b. My 15, 1817, do.). Pre- pared in Granger Acad.; O. Cadet Univ.; S. Mil. Acad.; West Point, 1862-1866. 2d Lt., 5th Art., 1866; ist Lt., 5th Art., 1867; Adj., 1870-1887; Prof., Mil. Sc and Tactics, Univ. of III., 1890-92; Capt., 5th Art., 1892-1901; Maj., Art. Corps, 190 1-3; Lt. Col. Art. Corps, 1903, and ("ol., do., 1905; detailed for duty in War Dept., Washington, D. C., as Acting Asst. Adjt. Gen., 1903; Asst. Adjt. Gen., do., 1903- 1905. Served in Army, 1862-1906; retired from active service by direction of the Pres. and upon his own request after service of forty- three yrs. Vestry Man, Vestry of St. John's Church (Prot. Epis.) Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, 1881-7 and 1897-9; Asst. Sec. and Treas., U. S. Mil. Service Inst., Gover- nor's Is., N. Y., 1887-8. Married Mary Teresa Fleming, O 6, 1874, Newport, R. I. Children: Stacy Romyen, b. Ag 16, 1875; Elbridge Flem- ing, b. Ap. 17, 1878; Rollin, b. My 14, 1883; Agnes Virginia, b. Je 13, 1897. Died Ap 14, 1910, Brooklyn, N. Y. WILLIAM CHARLES HILMER (See No. G319) SHERWOOD HINDS Production Engr. ; B. S. in M. E., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1905; b. Mr i, 1885, Stanton, Mich.; s. Henry H. (b. 1840, Pa.) and Mary E. (Sherwood) Hinds (b. 1853, do.). Pre- imred in Stanton (Mich.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Instr., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1905-06; do., Kan. Univ., 1906-07; do., G. E. D., Univ. of III., 1907-08; with Buick Motor Co., 1908-09; Mach. Designer, Toledo, O., 1909-13; with S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1913 — . Auth.: Business Methods in a Draft- ing Room, Mach., 19 18; Drilling Practice, S. F. Bowser & Co., do., 1918. Mem., Univ. Club; Chamber of Commerce. Married Mary L. Hayes, Jl 2^, 1909, Flint, Mich. Children: Dorothy, b. O 16, 1910; Ward R., b. F' 11, 1912; Sherwood, Jr., b. Je 24, 1915. Address, 2526 Webster St., I't. Wayne, Ind.; bus. add., S. I'. Bowser & Co., do. HERBERT STASSEN HINRICKS (See No. 9132) WILHELM HIRSCHKIND Instructor,; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111.., 1912-13. Address, c/o J. M. Waterman, Ox- nard, Calif. t GLEN MOODY HOBBS (See No. 656) JACOB HODNEFIELD Farmer; A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1902; A. M., do., 1905; b. My 16, 1877, Roland, la.; s. John (b. S 2, 1829, Stavanger, Norway) and Malena (Forland) Hodnefield (b. Ag 9, 1835, Hardanger, Norway). Prepared in Jewell Lutheran Coll., Jewell, la. F^orum Lit. Soc. Teacher, H. S., Herman, Minn., 1902-3; Bus. positions, 1903-4; Grad. Stud, and teacher, 1904-5; Lib. Asst., Univ. of Minn., 1906-9; Exchange Asst., Lib., Univ. of 111., 1909-igii; Lecturer on exchanges in Lib. Sch. and Ex- change Asst., do., 191 1-14; Farmer, Radcliffe, la., 1914 — . Pres., Tp. Sch. Bd., 1916-18. Auth.: The Checking of Serials, Lib. Jour., Vol. 3T, 1912; Records of Exchange and the Checking of Gift and Exchange Separates^ Vol. 37, 1912; The Libraries of Scandinavia, Pub- lications of Soc. for the Adv. of Scand. Study, Vol. I, 1914. Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; Am. (ieog. Soc. Married Alma Thompson, Je 25, 1902, Peterson, Minn. Children: Mabel, b. 1903; Jerome, b. 1905; Franklin, b. 1907; Hyllis, b. 1910; Joyce Adelle, b. 1914; Inez, b. 1915. Address, Radcliffe, la. EDNA DU BOIS HOFF (ALLISON) (See No. 1896) PAUL ALEXANDER HOFFMAN (See No. 3779) ROBERT WILLIAM HOFFMAN (See No. 5725) JACOB ARNOLD HOFTO Research Asst.; A. B., LTniv. of N. Dak., 1913; A. M., do., 1914; b. Ap 2, 1892, Mcin- tosh, Minn.; s. Knut A. (b. S 30, 1866, Nor- way) and Josefa (Strand) Hofto (b. Ap 30, 1870, do.). Prepared in Grand Forks (N. 890 University of Illinois Dak.) H. S. Synergoi, Fellow, Univ. of III., 1915-17; Research Asst., 111. Hist, Sur., do., 1914-15; Research Asst., 111. Centennial Comn., do., 1910. 1st Lt. 340th Inf. N. A., Camp Dodge, la., 1917 — . Mem., Lutheran Church; Phi Eta. Married Avice Rae Wright, D 12, 1917, Grand Fork, N. Dak. Address, 404S Cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines. JAMES HARVEY HOGUE Instructor; b. O 11, 1887, Kan. Prepared in Winona Acad. Instr., Foundry Practice, Univ. of 111. Auth.: Articles in Metal Record, Ja 191 6; The Foundry, O 191 5; Iron Trade Re- ficw, S 1915; The Technograph, N 19 15. Mar- ried Elsie Charlotte KirchhofF, F 19, 191 1, Vincennes, Ind. Child, Robert Scott, b. F 28, 1916. Address, 608 W. Illinois St., Urbana. ELMER ALLEN HOLBROOK (See No. G329) PERRY GREELEY HOLDEN Dir. Agr. Exten.; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889; B. Pd., Mich. St. Norm. Sch., 1894; M. S., 1895; M. Pd., do., 1912; b. O 14, 1S65, Dodge Co., Minn.; s. Dennison Franklin and Helen Mary (Wilson) Holden. Fellow and Instr., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889-93; Prof., Sc, Benzonia Coll., Mich., 1895; Co. Supt. of Schs., Benzie Co., Mich., 1895-96; Prof., Agron., Univ. of 111., 1896-1900; Agr., 111. Sugar Refining Co., 1900-01; Gen. Mgr., Funk Bros., Seed Co. for Scientific breeding of corn. 1902; Prof., Agron. and V. Dean, Dept. of Agr., la. St. Coll., 1902-06; Dir., Agr. Exten., do., 1906, 12; do., Internat. Harvester Co. of N. J., 1912 — -. Conducted first train for car- rying Agr. Instruction to farmers, 1904. Auth.: Monographs on Potato Culture in Mich., 1892; Sugar Beet Culture in 111., 1899; Selecting and Preparing Seed Corn, 1904; Corn Secrets, 191 o; also many articles in Agr. press and cotirse of instruction in Agr. for Sioux City Correspondence Coll. of Agr. Mar- ried Carrie Burnett, X 25, 1892, Bancroft; Mich. Address, 832 Lakeside PI., Chicago; bus. add., Harvester Bldg., Chicagof GEORGE MELLINGER HOLFERTY Professor; B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1893; M. S., Ihiiv. of Cincinnati, 1897; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; b. N 7, 1867, Cazenovia, 111. Prepared in 111. St. Norm. Sch., Normal, 111. Prin., H. S., Oconto, Wis., 1887-90; Asst., Biol. Lab., Univ. of Wis., 1893-94; attended LTniv. of Leipsic, Ger., 1894-95; Instr., Biol., L^niv. of Cincinnati, 1895-99; Instr., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1900-01; Chicago, 1901-03; Cen- tral H. S., St. Louis, 1903 — ; Prof., Biol., Am. Med. Coll., St. Louis, 19H — . Auth.: Botany : Root Pressure and Its Transforma- tion into Work Effects; Ovule and Embryo of Potamogeton Natans; Archegonium of the Bryophyta. Mem., F. A. A.; Soc. Nat., Bot. Cent. States. Address, Central High School, St. Louis. t CHARLES ELMER HOLLEY (See No. 5213) MELVIN ARTHUR HOLLINSHED Advertising Mgr.; A. B., Albion Coll., 191 1; b. S 2, 1889, Port Clinton, O. ; s. James Arthur (b. Ap 12, 1861, do.) and Jennie Ellen (Shook) Hollinshed (b. O 1, i8(>o). Prepared in Port Clinton (O.) H. S. Delta Tau Delta. Head of Eng. Dept., Neb. Mil. Acad., 191 1-12; Asst., Eng., L^niv. of 111., 1912-13; Travel in Europe, IQ13; Advertising Mgr., Haddorff Pi- ano Co., Rockford, 111., 1914-16; do., Saxon Motor (^ar Corp., Detroit, 1916-—. Married Susan Mary Newcomer, Je 26, 1915, Monroe, Mich. Child, James Arthur, II, b. S 19, 1917. Address, 66 Maplewood Ave., Detroit. HORACE ADELBERT IIOLLISTER Prof, and H. S. Visitor; A. B., Univ. of la., 1888; A. M., do., 1S96; b. O 14, 1857, Manchester, la.; s. William Harvey (b. Mr -3. 1830, Warsaw, N. Y.) and Margaret Elizabeth (Wilcox) Hollister (b. Jl 27, 1831, Mayville, N. Y.). Prepared in Manchester (la.) H. S.; Prep. Dept., Univ. of la. Zcta- gathean; Y. M. C. A. Prin., Schs., Spring- dale, la., 1882-85; Supt., Schs., Bellvue, la., 1887-90; do., Argentine, Kan., 1890-92; Prin., H. S., Springfield, Mo., 1892-95; Supt., Schs., California, Mo., 1895-97; Asst. St. Supt., Sch.s., Mo., 1898; Supt., Schs., Sterling, 111., 1898-1902; H. S. Visitor, Univ. of 111., 1902 — ; Prof., Educ., do., 1913- — . Auth.: High School Administration, Health, 1908; Administration of Education in a Democracy, Scribner, 19 14; High School and Class Management, Heath, 1915; The Woman Citizen, 1918; Public School Buildings and their Equipment with Special Reference, to High Schools, Sch. of Educ, Bui. No. I, Univ. of 111.; The Township High School in Illinois, do., Bui. No. 3; Revision of Bui. No. 3, do., Bui. No. 5, 1911; The Planning and Construction of High School Buildings, rf(>., Bui. No. 8; The Township and Community High School Movement in Illi- nois, do., Bui. No. 35. Ed., Proceedings of H. S. Conf., 1910-17. Mem., H. S. Conf. and organizer; Congr. (,'hurch; Chicago Univ. Club; North Central Assn. Colls, and Secon- dary Schs.; N. E. A.; 111. St. Teachers Assn.; .'schoolmasters Club; Assn. of Coll. Teachers of Educ; Phi Delta Kappa; Nat. Security League. Married Emma Annetta Satchwell, Mr 16, 1881, Manchester, la. Children: Edith May, b. My 4, 1882; Ethel Annetta, b. Ag 21, 1 888; Noble Parker, b. Mr 24, 1892. Address, 508 Armory Ave., Champaign. SOLOMON CADY HOLLISTER Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1916; b. Ag 4, 1891, Crystal Falls, Mich. Prepared in Clarkston (Wis.) H. S. ; St. (^11. of Wash., 1909-11, 1913-14. Sigma Tau; Tau Beta Pi. Instr., T. & A. M., Univ. of 111., 1916— , Mem., Epis. Church. Address, 863 E. 25th St., Portland, Ore. EDWARD EMIL HOLLMAN (See No. 5214) FRANK HAMILTON HOLMES (See No. 1525) WILLIS BOIT HOLMES Chemist; A. B., Harvard, 1896; A. M., do., 1897; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1899; b. 1873, Cambridge, Mass. Instructor, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1900; do., Univ. of Mont., 1902; do., LTniv. of Chicago, 1901-7; Assoc, Chem., I'niv. of 111., 1907-10; Supt. Chem., Ames Laboratories, Fremont, O., 1910 — . .4ddrcss, Fremont, O. SIDNEY VI EL HOLT (See No. 341 1) JOSE MARIA HOMS (See No. 4218) EDWARD WILLIAM HOPE A. B., Univ. of Pa., 1898; A. M., Leland Stanford, 1903; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1905; b. N II, TS75, Ouincy, III.; s. Edward W. and Sarah (Keyes) Hope. Sigma Chi; Latin prize, l'n"iv. of Pa. Teacher, (ireek, Latin, French, and Eng., St. George's Sch. for Boys, Newport, R. I., 1900; attended Univ. of Berlin, first seni., [901; Lhiiv. of Munich, second sem. ; Prof., Greek, I^niv. of Ala., 1905-6; Instr., Classics, Univ. of 111., 1906-7; Instr., Greek, Stanford Univ., 1907-10. Auth.: Faculty 891 The Language of Parody; A Study in the iJiction of Aristophanes. Mem., I. O. O. F. ; Bankers Club, Los Angeles; Epis. Church. Married May MacDonald, S 10, 1912. Ad- dress, Eugene, Ore.f IIERFORD HOPE Ceramist; b. D 17, 1883, London, Eng. ; s. George Fountaine Ware (b. Eng.) and Frances Ellen (Mayer) Hope (b. do.). Pre- pared in the Rectory, Stanford Hope, Essex, Eng. and Cumberland House, Gravesend, Kent, Eng. Foreman, Mayer China Co., Beaver Falls, Pa., 1904-6; Supt., Huntington China Co., Huntington, W. Va., 1906-7; Instr., Ceram., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Supt., Mayer China Co., Beaver Falls, Pa.; 1908-17. Q. M. U. S. N. R. F., 1917-18; Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., 1918 — . Auth. : Various contributions to literature of Am. Ceram. Soc. Mem., Am. Ceram. Soc. ; Engng. Ceram. Soc. ; Epis. Church. Address, 1851 3rd Ave., New Brighton, Pa. LEONA HOPE Associate. Prepared in Meadville (Pa.) H. S. ; Pratt Inst. ; R. I. Schs. of Design; London, Eng. County Council Sch. of Arts and Crafts. Omicron Nu. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Providence, R. I.; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of Wis.; do., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Assoc, Home Econ., 1917 — . Address, loio (Jalifornia Ave., Urbana. B. SMITH HOPKINS Professor; A. B., Albion Coll., 1896; A. M., Columbia, 1901; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1906; b. S I, 1873, Owosso, Mich.; s. Loren (b. F ig, 1826, Hamilton, Ont.) and Clara Sibley (Norgate) Hopkins (b. F 14, 1840, Ann Arbor. Mich.). Prepared in Owosso (Mich.) H. S. Alpha Tau Omega. Teacher, Pub. Schs., Menominee, Mich., 1897-1900, 1901-04; Prof., Chem., Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1906-09; Prof., do., Carroll Coll., 1909-12; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1912-14; Assoc, do., 1914-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Ed.: Dept. of Chem. Research, Sch. Sc. and Math, 1916 — ; ('ircuiar of Information of the Dept. of Chem., Univ. of III. Bid. Auth.: (with W. A. Noyes) Lab. Exercises in Chem., Holt, 1917; Chem. Lab. of the Univ. of 111., Jour. Indus, and Engng. Chem., Vol. 8, 1917; The Need of Uni- fication of H. S. Courses in Phys. and Chem., Unit', of III. Bui., No. 15, 1917; (with Louis Jordan) Purification of Gadalinium, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 39, 1917; Determination of Atomic Weights of the Rare Earth Elements, Trans. III. Acad. Sc, Vol. 9, 1916; (with H. C. Kremers and E. W. Engle) Atomic Weight of Dysprosium, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 40, 1918. Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; Mem., Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma; A. C. S. Married Maude Childs, Je 25, 1901, Barton, Vt. Children: Harvey Childs, b. Ap 19, 1903; B. Smith, Jr., b. Ja 12, 1912. Address, 706 W. California St., Urbana. CYRIL GEORGE HOPKINS Professor; B. S., S. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1890; M. S., Cornell, 1894; Ph. D., do., 1898; b. Jl 22, 1866, near Chatfield, Minn.; s. George Edwin (b. Ap 12, 1837, Ontario, Can.) and Caroline (Cudney) Hopkins (b. O 3, 1842, do.). Prepared in S. Dak. Agr. Coll. Prep. Sch. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem., S. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1890-2; Asst., Chem., Cornell, 1892-3; Adjunct Prof., Pharmacy and Asst. Chem., Exp. Sta., So. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1893-4; Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1894-1900; attended Univ. of Gottingen, 1899-1900; Prof., Agron., Chief in Agron., and Chem. in Sta., do., 1900 — ; V. Dir., Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1903 — ; Dir. of Agr. for Southern Settlement and Development Orgn., 1913-14; Agr. Reconstruction Work, So. Europe, Ildqtrs., Athens, Greece, 1918 — -. Maj., Red Cross; Decorated by King Alexander of Greece for services rendered in relief work. Invented Hopkins' Condenser and Hopkins' .safety Distilling Tube, 1898; Hopkins' Lime- stone Tester, 1917. Auth.: Laboratory Manual for Soil Fertility, Univ. of 111., 1905; Soil Fertility and Permanent Agr., (iinn & Co., 1910; The Story of the Soil, CJorham Press, 1 910; The Farm That Won't Wear Out, Champaign, 1913; Saving the Soil, 111. Banker's Assn., Chicago, 191 1: (with J. H. Pettit) Soil Fertility Laboratory Manual, Ginn & Co., 19-10; also many articles in Sch. and Agr. Jours. Mem., A. C. S. ; Assn. Off. Agr. Chem.; Assn. Am. Agr. Colls, and Exp. Stas. ; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Internal. Cong, of App. Chem.; Am. Soc. of Agron.; Nat. Conservation Assn.; Internal. Dry Farming Cong. ; Christian Church. Married Emma Matilda Stelter, My 11, 1893, Brookings, S. Dak. Children: Jules Edwin (legally adopted O 10, 1908) b. S 15, 1905; Karl Stelter (adopted Jl 11, 1910) b. D 19, 1908. Address, looi S. Wright St., Champaign. EUGENE CANFIELD HOPKINS (See No. 8427) HERBERT ANDREW HOPPER (See No. G334) *CURTIS BUSHROD HOPPIN Born in N. Y. Graduated at the U. S. Mil. Acad., S I, 1873; appointed 2d Lt., ist Cav., Je 15, 1877; 2d Lt., 2nd Cav., Je 25, 1877; First Lt., S 22, 1884; Prof., Mil. Sc. and Tactics, Univ. of 111., 1887-9; Capt., Je 10, 1895; Maj., 15th Cav., Mr 23, 1903. Died Mr 29, 1905, Fort Ethan Allen, Vt. OLIVE DEANE HORNEL (See No. 7627) JOHN WESLEY HORNBECK (See No. G335) HARLAN HOYT HORNER (See No. 1528) *EZEKIEL DWARD HOSKINS (See No. 3783) CHARLES FREDERICK HOTTES (See No. 814) JOSIE BATCHELLER HOUCHENS (See No. 2423) PERCY HAZEN HOUSTON Instructor; A. B., Williams Coll., 1903; A. M., do., 1904; A. M., Harvard, igos Ph. D., do., 1910; b. F 3, 1882, Chicago; s. Preston Crittenden (b. Ag 2, 1845, Charleston, O.) and Anzella C. (Hazen) Houston (b. O 12, 1845, Little Falls, N. Y.). Prepared in Jamestown (N. Y.) H. S. ; Phillips Exeter Acad. Delta L^psilon; Harvard-Austin Scholar- ship, igoS-g.. Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., igo6-8; Travelling Fellow, 1910-11; Travel and Study in Eng., France and Ger., 1910-13; Instr., Eng., LTniv. of Tex., 1912-15; Prof., do., Acadia L^niv., Nova Scotia, ig 15-16; Instr., do., U. S. Naval Acad., 1916 — ; Chautauqua Sum- mer Sch., Chautauqua, N. Y., 1914. Auth.: The Consistency of John Dryden, Sewanee Review, O 1913; t)r. Johnson, Sentimentalism, and Romanticism, Univ. of Calif. Chronicle, Vol. 15, Ja igi3; Some contemporary Criti- cism of Dr. Johnson, The Tex. Review, Vol. II, O igi6; Williams, the Representative Small College, The Univ. of Tex. Alcalde, Ag 1914. Sg: University of Illinois Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. Married Gemma Alik.izolT d'Auria, S 15, 1914, Pliiladel- phia. C'hildroii: Kobejt d'Auria, b. Ag 17, 1915; Donald Henry, b. My 13, 1918. Address, 248 Prince Cleorge St., Annapolis, Md. RUTH ELLIOTT HOUSTON Phys. Dir.; A. B., West. Coll., Oxford, O. ; 191 1 ; b. Je 6, 1887, Pontiac, Mich. Prepared in Central H. S., Detroit, Oberlin Coll., 1913- 15. Arethiisa Sorority; Round Table Soc. Asst. Prin., H. S., Eyota, Minn., 1911-12; teacher, pub. schs., Detroit, 1912-13; Play- ground Dir., Playground Assn., Pittsburgh, summer, 1914; Asst., Phys. Tr., I'niv. of HI., 1915; Supvr., Phys. Educ, Pub. Schs., Aber- deen, S. Dak., 1915-17; Instr., Mun. Play- grounds and Playground Instr., No. Norm, and Indus. Sch., do., summer, 1016; Phys. Dir., St. Norm. Sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1917— • Mem., Presby. Church. Address, Vpsilanti, Mich.; bus. add., c/o State Normal School, Buffalo, N. Y. •BERTHA ISADINE HOWE Born D 1872, Warsaw, N. Y. (naduated in N. E. Conservatory of Music, Boston, 1899. Attended Central St. Norm. Sch., Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1S99-1902; Studied piano in Boston with Carl Baerman, 1902-3; Studied piano with Moritz Moszhowski in Paris, 1905-6; violin, do., with M. Joiibert. (^ave pvt. lessons in music. Rochester, N. Y.; Instr., Piano, Univ. of 111., 1903-5; do., 1906-9. Died O 3, 1913, Denver. EDWARD GARDINER HOWE Teacher; B. S., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1897; b. Ag II, 1849, Brookline, Mass.; s. Charles Oliver (b. Jl 12, 1822, Brookfield, Mass.) and Mary (Faxon) Howe (b. Jl 8, 1829, Lubec, Me.). Prepared in Lake Forest Acad.; l^niv. of Chicago, 1892-3; Washington Lit. Soc. Teacher, Country Sch., 1875-77; I'rin., Graded Sch., Riverdale, 111., 1S77-8; Teacher, So., H. S. for Boys, 1878-89; Lecturer and Specialist in Sc. to classes of teachers; sch. and pvt. field work in Chicago, Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis; Prin., Prep. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1893-1902; in Azores, writing and in Chicago, 1902-4; Teacher, Englewood H. S., 1904—. Auth. : Systematic Science Teaching, Apjileton & Co., 1894, Internat. Sc. Series, Ed. by Hon. Wm. H. Harris, Com. of Educ; Advanced Elementary Science, 1900, No. 48 of Pub. Sc. Series, do.; Articles for Kinderiiartcn Mag., Sell. News, etc. Mem., Village Improvement Assn., Pres. ; Local Branch Chicago Citizens' League, Pres.; Chicago Acad, of Sc, Sec. one yr. ; Nat. Geog. Soc; Chicago Geog. Soc; Nat. Educ Assn. Married Mary Elizabeth Barnard, Je 30, 1881, Chicago. Children: Ralph Bar- nard, b. Je 25, 1882; Alice, b, Ap 2, 1884; Paul Edward, b. Jl 29, 1S85; Mary, b O 5. 1886; Amy, b. Ag 9, 18S8; Edward Gardiner, Jr., b. N I, 1891; Roger Faxon, b. D 3, 1S96. Address, 10233 So. Wood St., Chicago. HARRIETT EMMA HOWE (See No. 1703) PAUL EDWARD HOWE (See No. 2702) RALPH BARNARD HOWE (See No. 2131) LLOYD B. HOWELL (See No. G34J) ARTHUR CHARLES HOWLAND Professor; A. B., Cornell, 1893; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1897; b. D 24, 1869, South Danby. N. Y.; s. Charles (b. Ja 13, 1818, do.) anil Maria Alida (Bassett) llowland (b. Ja 20, 1824, Cireat Mill, Conn.). Prepared in Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa. Phi Beta Kap- pa; Delta Phi; Sphinx Head. Univ. Scholar- ship, 1889-93; Cornell European Fellowship, 1894-5; Harrison I'ellowship, L'niv. of Pa., 1896-7; Research l'"ellowsliip, do., 1898-9; Teacher, Eng., Wyo. Sem., 1893-4; Instr., European Hist., Univ. of III., 1897-8; Instr., Hist. Teachers' Coll., Columbia, 1899-1904; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Pa., 1904-11; Prof., (/()., 191 1 — . Ed., The Early (icrmans, 1900; Mominsen's History of Rome, Hist, of the Nations Series, Vol. Ill, J. 1). Morris Co., looh. Auth.: The Origin of the Local Inter- dict, Ann. Re fort of Am. Hist. Assn., 1899, Vol. I ; Ordeals, Compurgations, Excommuni- cation and Interdict, UniT. of Pa. Trans, and Kefrints, 1898; Explorations within the La. Purchase, Jour, of Geog., Vol. 3, 1904; Me- dieval Criminal Trials, Univ.. of Pa. Pub. Lectures, 1915; The Trial of Gilles de Rais, Proceedings Am. Soc. of Church Hist., 19 18; Medieval Christianity, Religions of the Past and Present, J. B. Lipjiincott Co., 1918. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Hist. Teachers' Assn. of Middle States and Mil.; Am. Soc. of Church Hist.; Univ. Club; Town and Gown Club. Married Emily Wyckoff Berry, S 3, 1902, Cp])er Montclair, N. J. Children: Charles Berry, b. Jl 14, 1905; Arthur Lloyd, b. Ja 13, 1908; Emily Hinton, b. N 7, 191 1. Ad- dress, 41 18 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia. ARCHIE HENRY HUBBARD Architect; b. Ja 30, 1882, Red Cedar, Wis.; s. Henry (b. Ag 27, 1846, Fond du Lac, Wis.) and Etta Hubbard (b. 1) 8, 1863, Red Bank N. J.). Prepared in Menominee II. S. ; Univ. of 111., 1904-05. Completed course in Internat. Cor. Sch., 1907; Atelier Hornbostel, New York City, 1906-07. Arch., Minneapolis, Chicago, L'rbana, New York, Davenport, la.; Govt, service, Panama, 1905-6; Asst., Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Arch., Univ. of 111., 1909- 1 1 ; Part time Asst., Arch. Design, 1909-10; Practicing Arch., Champaign, 191 i — . Auth.: The Old Churches of Panama, Boston Arch. Mag., 1906. Mem., Arch. Club, Univ. of 111.; Univ. Club of Panama; Univ. Club of 111.; (iargoyle Arch. Club, New York; Beaux Arts Soc. ; several clubs and lodges of Cham(Daign and Urbana. Married Ethel R. Brown, b 30, 1911, St. Louis. Address, Champaign. GEORGE DAVID HUBBARD (See No. 958) CLAUDE SILBERT HUDSON Chemist; B. S., Princeton, 1901; M. S., do., ic)02; b. Ja 26, 1881, Atlanta, Ga. ; s. William Limes (b. Mr i. 1851, Sumter, S. C.) and iSIaude Celestia (Wilson) Hudson (b. S 11, 1S57, Choctaw Corner, Ala.). Prepared in Univ. Mil. Sch., Mobile, Ala. Fellow, Exp. Sc, and Asst., Chem., Princeton, 1901-02; attended LTnivs. of tiiittingen and Berlin, 1902- o; ; Research Asst., Phys., Chem., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1903-04; Instr., Phys., Princeton, 1904-05; do., Univ. of 111., 1905-07; Chem., LI. S. Dept. of Agr., 1907—. Nat. Guard of Ala., 1899-1901; do.. N. J., 1904-05. Auth.: The I-'orms of Milk Sugar, Princeton Bui., 1902; Ueber die Multirotation des Milchzuck- ers, Ztschr. Physik Chem., 1903; Die gegen- seitige Loeslichkeit von Nikotin und Wasscr, 1004; The Hydration of Milk Sugar in Solu- tion, Jour. A. C. S., 1904; Application of the Hypothesis of Dissolved Ice to the I'reezing of Water and Dilute Solutions, Phys. Review, 1Q05; The Influence of Pressure on Freezing, do., 1906. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc. Married Alice Abbott, Ap 21, 1906, Urbana. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. Ct Faculty 893 HORACE FREDERICK HUDSON Entomologist; H. S. A., Agr. Coll., Ont., 1907; h. Ja 5, 1883, Forest (iate, Essex, Eng. ; s. Charles Edwin (b. 1844, do., antl l'"rances Emma (Seal) Hudson (h. 1846). Prepared in City of London Sch. Victoria Enil)anknient, London, Eng. Demonstrator, Dairy Dept., Nat. Woman's Health Assn. of Ire., 1908; Field Asst., Dr. S. A. l-'orbes, Univ. of 111., 1909-12; joined staff of Dominion Entomolog., Ottawa, as field officer, 191 7 — . Three years annual tr. in the Canadian Militia Army Ser- vice Corps, 1904-7; Sr. Sergt., 1907; joined i6th Bat., N 1916; wounded at Marne, 1-" 13, 1916; iVIustered out, My 1917. Married Ethel Creaty, My 191 7, Strathroy, Ont. Chilil, b. Mr 28, 1918. Address, Entomological Lab., Strathroy, Ont. CHARLES THURMAN HUFl'ORD (See No. 7637) THOMAS WELBURN HUGHES Professor; LL. B., Univ., of Mich. 1891; LL. M., do., 1892; b. Ja 17, 1858, St. Thomas, Ont., ('an.; s. Thomas (b. S 24, 1828, Somer- setshire, Eng.) and Anne (Stride) Hughes, (b. Ap I, 1 8^4, du.) Prepared in St. Thomas and Hamilton Collegiate Insts. Jeffersonian Lit. Soc. Instr., Univ. of Mich., 1892-8; Asst. Prof., Law, Univ. of 111., 1898-9; Prof., Law, do., 1899-1910; do.. La. St. Univ., 1910-12; Dean and Prof., Law, LTniv. of Fla., 1912-15; Dean, Law Sch., Washburn Coll., 191 5-1 7; Prof., Law, do., 1917 — . Auth.: Evidence, (Tallaghan & Co., 1906; Cases on Evidence, West Pub. Co., 1906; Business Law, De Bower- Elliott Co., 1907; Hughes and tierstenl)erg's ('ommercial Law, Am. Hamilton Inst., N. Y. City; Criminal Pleading and Proceedure, Am. (Jor. Sch., Chicago, 1911; Outline of Criminal Law; Questions on Criminal Pleading and Proceeclure. Married Jennie Ballah, S 15, 1870, Aylmer, Ont. Children: Clarence W., b. N, 1881; Arthur, b. D 20, 1884. Address, 501 I-'illmore St., Topeka, Kan. ANNA LUE HUGHITT Instructor; b. My 28, 1888, Escanaba, Mich.; d. Orrin Nelson (b. F 8, i860, Genoa, N. Y.) and Grace Greenfield (Hoagland) Hughitt (b. Je 21, 1863). Prepared in Escanaba (Mich.) H. S.; attended Wellesley Coll.; Oaklcigh Educ. Sanitarium, Lake Geneva, Wis., 1911-12; Howe and Marot Sch. for (jirls, 1912-13. Instr. Phys. Educ, Univ. of Wis., 1913; Asst., Phys. Educ, Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Instr., do., 1914 — . Mem., Presby. Church; Am. Phys. Educ Assn. Address, 1104 W. Nevada St., Urbana. RAY STILLMAN HULCE (See No. G347) ADAM ALBERT HUMMEL (See No. 3037) THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT (See No. 392) MERLIN HAROLD HUNTER Instructor; A. B., Muskingum Coll., 1912; M. A., Princeton, 1913; Ph. I)., Cornell. 1916; b. Ag 29, 1887, Chandlersville, O. ; s. Clement V. (b. F 23, 1864, Muskingum Co., O.) and Lola B. (Taylor) Hunter (b. O 27, 1863. do.) Prepared in Muskingum Acad., New Concord, O. Beta Phi. Asst. Econ., Cornell, 1913-14; Instr., do., O. St. Univ., 1915-16; Instr., do., LTniv. of 111., 1916 — . Auth.: the Development of ('orporation Taxation in the State of N. Y., published by auth., 19 17; Seen and Un- seen of Liquor Trade, New York Times An- nalist. Vol. 9, No. 9, No. 227, 1 91 7; Early Regulation of l^ul)lic Service Corporations, Am. Bcon. Rci'iew, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1917; (with ('. M. Thompson) Exercises and Problems in Elementary Economics. Mem., Presby. Church, Married Evangeline Eunice Groves, D 24, 1918, Champaign. Address, 501 E. Green St., Champaign. CHARLES HENRY HURD Consulting Engr. ; B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1900; b. D II, 1872, Rochester, N. Y.; s. l-"ranklin (b. Ja 18, 1840, do.) and Elizabeth (Sharp) Hurd (b. Mr 28, 1842, Webster, N. Y.). Prepared in Leavenworth Inst, and Wol- cott H. S.; Cornell, 1896-7; Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900. Special Asst. Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Chicago; Engr., R. W. Hunt & Co., 1900; Prof., Exp. Engng., Armour Inst. Tech., 1901- 2; Const. Engr., Armour & Co., 1903; Indian- ajiolis Water Co., 1904; Asst. Prof., App. Mccli,, in charge of Testing and Hydraulic Lalis,, Univ. of 111., 1905-6; Chief Engr. and V. I'., Indianapolis Water ("0., 1906-17; Con- sulting Engr. in Charge of Water Supoly and .Sewage, Fort Benj. Harrison. Auth.: Boiler Plant Economy, Atn. Water Works Assn., 1906; Centrifugal I'umps, Cent. States Watef Works Assn., 1909; Water Works Management, Ind. San. Assn., 1910. Mem., A. S. M. E.; Am. Waterworks Assn.; Ind. San. Comn., 1917 — • Married Mary E. Dowd, Je 14, 1899, Wolcott, N. Y. Children: Edwin Charles, b. Jl 26, 1902; Elizabeth, b. My 14, 1906. Ad- dress, 807 Merchants'. Bank Bldg., Indianapolis. SIGURD BERNHARD HU.STVEDT Instructor; A. B., Luther Coll,, 1902; M. A., Univ. of Calif., 19 12; Ph. D., Harvard, 1915; b. Mr 28, 1882, Northwood, la.; s. Halvor Bjornson (b. D 6, 1852, Deerfield, Wis.) and Anna Marie (Regue) Hustvedt (b. N 26, 1855, do.). Prepared in Luther Coll. Acad. Pastor, St. Paul's Eng. Lutheran Church, Oakland, Calif., 1005-11; Instr., Eng. Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Instr., Rhet., Univ. of Minn., 1918 — . Cppt. 343d Inf. R. C, Camp Grant, 111., 1917-18; Mustered out, Mr 21, 1919. Auth.: Ballad Criticism in Scandinavian and Cireat Britain during the i8th Century, Am. .Scandinavian Foundation, 1916. Address, De- corah, la. JOHN BACON HUTCHINGS, JR. Architect; B. C. S., Ky. St. Univ., 1903; C. E., Purdue, 1905; b. ¥ 7, 1881, Louisville, Ky. ; s. John Bacon (b. 1858, do.) and Lena (Schwartz) Hutchings (b. do.). Prepared in Louisville Man. Tr. Sch,, Ky,; Purdue, 1899- 02. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Rod- man, L. & N. R. R., 1902-3; Prof., Civ. Engng., .So. Fla. Mil. Coll., 1904-5; Grainger & Co., Steel Co., Louisville, Ky., 1905-8; Const. Engr., John B. Hutchings, Arch,, do., 1908- 10; Const, Supt,, Lincoln Hall, Univ. of 111,, 1910-11; Asst,, Arch,, do., 191 1; Struct. Engr., do., 191 1 ; Const. Supt. Commerce Bldg. and Womans' Bldg., do., 1911-12; Instr., Arch. Const., do., 1910-12; Const., Supt., do., 1910- 12; Arch., Lexington, Ky., 1913; do., Louis- ville, Ky., 1913-18. Pvt., Corp., 2nd Lt., ist, Ky. Inf., 1907-9; Capt., E. R. C'., 1918 — . Auth.: Spiral Reinforcement in large concrete beams, Engng, News, 19 10; Propeller design, Louis- ville Courier-Jour., 1909; (Jerman long-range guns., Bingham Sch., Weekly, 1918. Hon. mem.. Ill,, Univ, Clubs; Assoc. Mem,, A, S. C. E.; mem., B, P. O. E. ; A. F. A. M.; S, A. R. Address, 1016 Columbia Bldg., Louisville, Ky. JAMES HUTCHINSON Associate; b, D 15, 1871; s, Michael (b. Northumberland) and Jane (Forster) Hutchin- son (b. do.). Land. (Jard., Pittsburgh and W. Pa., 1907-11; Asst., Floriculture, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1912-18. Assoc, do., 1918 — . University of Illinois Auth. : Numerous articles of a technical na- ture in orchids and other erotic plants, Horti- culture. Married Susanna Drake, Je ii, 1902, Yonkers, N. Y. Children: Anna Shearer, b. Jl 17, 1903; James Drake, b. Mr 24, 1907; John Joseph, b. S 28, 1915; William Francis, b. Ag 10, 1917. Address, 612 Michigan Ave., Urbana. JOSEPH GLADDON HUTTON (See No. G349) JOHN PERHAM HYLAN Business; Ph. D., Clark Univ., 1901; b. Ag 27, 1870; Fremont, N. H. ; s. Ira (b. 1833, Londonderry, N. H.) and Susan Pratt (Ly- ford) Hylan (b. 1845, St. Albans, Me.). Pre- pared in Phillips Exeter Acad., N. H. ; Har- vard, 1891-95. Instr., Psych., Univ. of HI., 1897-98; Asst. Prof. Psych., do., 1898-99; Studied in Ger., 1899-1900; Asst., Philos., Harvard, 1900-04; Teaching Doctor of Philos., do., 1901-02; Teacher, Psych., Sloyd Tr. Sch., 1903-07; In bus., 1907 — . Invented Economy Corn Knife, Pat., 1914. Auth.: The Fluctu- ation of Attention, supplement to Psych. Rev., Vol. II, No. 2, 1908; Public Worship: A Study in the Psych, of Religion, Open Court Co., Chicago, 1901 ; also various mag. articles. Mem., Am. Psych. Assn. Married Alice Har- riet Wicker, D 30, 1903, Boston. Children: Dudley Lyford, b. O 27, 1904; Mary Champ- lin, b. F 22, 1906; Nathan Wicker, b. Jl 28, 1907; Horace Wilson, b. S 2, 1914. Address, 97 William St., Stoneham, Mass. WILLIAM HENRY HYSLOP (See No. G349a) ERNEST THOMPSON INGOLD (See No. 3794) HELEN ISHAM (MATTILL) A. B., Cornell, 1903; Ph. D., do., 1906; b. Jl 4, 1881, Titusville, Pa. ; . d. James Henry (b. 1855, Alstead, N. H.) and Julia E. (Rouse) Isham (b. 1854, Willsboro, Pa.). Prepared in Buffalo (N. Y.) H. S. Alpha Phi; Sigma Xi; Grad. Scholarship, Grad. Fellowship, in Chem., Cornell. Lab. Asst., Bur. of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1906-7; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Assoc, do., 1911-12. Auth.: (with L. M. Dennis) Hydronitric Acid V and VI, Jour, of A. C. S., Vol. 29, 1907; (with J. A. Aumer) Direct Combustion of Steel for Sulphur and Carbon, do.. Vol. 30, 1908; The Loss of Carbon during Solution of Steel in Potassium Cupric Chloride, Jour, of Indus, and Engng., Chem., Vol. 3, 1911; Laboratory Guide for Elementary Chemistry, Holt, 1914. Mem., Chem. Soc. Married Henry A. Mattill, D 31, 1912, Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 1 148 Sutter St., Berkeley, Calif. FANNY REBECCA JACKSON (See No. 1904) GEORGE RHINE JACKSON (See No. 3797) *JOHN C. JACKSON Prof., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1888-90. De- MAVIN EDWARD JAHR (See No. 6333) EDMUND JANES JAMES LTniv. Pres. ; A. M., and Ph. D., Univ. of Halle., 1877; LL. D., Cornell Coll., la., 1902; Wesleyan, 1903, Queen's Coll., 1903; LL. D., Harvard, 1909; b. My 21, 1855, Jacksonville, III.; s. Rev. Colin Dew (b. 15, 1808, Randolph Co., Va.) and Amanda Keziah (Casad) James (b. Ag 18, 1827, Lebanon, 111.). Prepared in Model Dept., 111. St. Norm. Univ.; attended N. W. Univ., 1873; Harvard, 1874. Matricu- lated at Univ. of Halle, 1875. Appointed Recorder on the U. S. Lake Sur., 1874; Prin., Pub. H. S., Evanston, 111., 1878-9; Prof., Latin and Greek, and Prin., H. S. Dept., 111. St. Norm. Sch., Normal, 1879-1882; studied in Europe, 1883; Prof., Pub. Adm., Univ. of Pa., 1883-96, Sec, Grad. Faculty, organized the instruction in this dept., also Dir. Wharton Sch. of Finance and Econ., and ed., Pol. Econ. and Pub. Law Series issued by the Univ. of Pa.; Prof., Pub. Adm. and Dir., LTniv. Exten. Div., Univ. of Chicago, 1896- 1902; Pres., N. W. Univ., 1902-4; Pres., Univ. of 111., 1904 — . Col., Nat. Guard of HI., 1918. Was one of the organizers and one of the first V. P. of the Am. Econ. Assn.; founded the Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc Sc. 1889, became its first Pres., and remained Pres. for eleven years for some years was ed. of its publications; one of the originators of, and one of the most frequent contributors to Lalor's Cyclopedia of Pol. Sc; also pioneer in the movement to introduce Univ. extension into the U. S.; Pres. of the Am. Soc. for the Exten. of Univ. teaching, under whose auspices the first effective exten. work was done in this country. On invitation of the Am. Bankers' .Vssn. studied Cml. Educ. in Europe, in 1892; report to this Assn. on the Educ. of Bus. Men in Europe, re-published by the Univ. of Chicago, 1898, is a standard authority on this subject. One of the early advocates of the establishment of depts. of educ. in colls, and univs. ; for a time St. Eraminer of the H. Sells, of 111., and founder of the ///. Sch. Jour., now the Sch. and Home; active in the establishment of public kindergartens in va- rious cities. Auth. : Relation of the Modern Municipality to the Gas Supply, 1S86; The I-egal Tender Decision, 1887; The Canal and the Railway 1890; Federal Constitution of Germany, 1890; Federal Constitution of Switzerland, i8go; Education of Business Men in Europe, 1899; Charters of City of Chicago, igoo; Growth of Great Cities in Area and Population, 1900; Govt, of a Typical German City — Halle, 1900; Land Grant Act of 1862, 1910; also over one hundred papers and mono- graphs on various economic, educational, legal and administrative subjects. Mem., Nat. Mun. League, V. P.; A. A. A. S. ; Am. Econ. Assn., V. P. and Pres.; Bd. of Trustees, 111. St. Hist. Lib., Pres.; St. Highway Comn., Chm.; 111. St. Geol. Comn., Sec, 1906-11; Am. Soc. for Exten. of Univ. Teaching, Pres., 1891-5; In- ternat. Arbitration Soc, Chicago, 1903- — ; 111. Assn. for Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1905 — ; Royal Statis. Soc, Dublin, Fellow; Societe Politique, D'Economie Paris; Am. Phil. Soc; Pa. Hist. Soc; Nat. Council of Educ; British Assn. for the Adv. of Sc. ; Committee of Thir- teen of the Nat. Teachers' Assn. on college entrance requirements; various patriotic and hist, societies, including the S. A. R., Soc. of the Col. Wars, Holland and Huguenot Soc; City Club (New York); Chicago Press, Quad- rangle, Univ. Union League (Chicago) ; Evan- ston; Country (Champaign); Univ. (Urbana); Champaign Club. Married Anna Margarethe Lange, Ag 22, 1879, Halle, Prussia (died N 13, 1914). Children: Anthony John, b. Je 21, 188=;; Herman Gerlach, ('06) b. Ja 2, 1887; Helen Dickson ('10) b. Jl 4, 1889. Address, Urbana. LEONARD VAUGHAN JAMES (See No. 2709) ALBERT WOODWARD JAMISON Professor; B. S.. Princeton, 1897; M. S., do., 1899; b. My 31, 1874, Peoria; s. Charles Albert (b. Je 3, 1847, Wheeling, Va.) and Marv Catherine (Woodward) Jamison (b. Jl 4, 1846, Medina, O.). Prepared in Peoria Faculty 89s H. S. ; Chicago Univ. summer sch. Asst., Chem., Princeton, 1897-99; Chem., Beet Sugar Factory, 1899-1900; Farmer, 1900-02; Bus., 1902-06; Teacher, Chem. and Biol, and Dir. of Ath., H. S., Peoria, 1906-09; Teacher, Brad- ley Poly. Inst., 1909-10; Asst. Dean, do., Coll. and Higher Acad., 1910-12; Dean, do., 1912- 13; Assoc, Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1913-15; Asst. Supt., Agr. Exten. and Asst. Prof., do., 1915— . 1st Lt., Bat. F. F. A., 111. Nat. Guard, 1915-16 (discharged for phys. dis- ability); 2nd Lt., Agr. Co., Faculty Bn., 1917- 18. Invented a key for use with dry cells for lab. purposes, 1912; Ed.: List of Books for Farmers Lib., Univ. of 111. Bui., Vol. 13, No. 24, 1916. Auth.: Rainy Days on the Farm, pamphlet, Farm Craft Series for U. S. Boys' Working Reserve; articles in papers and mags. Mem., Reformed Episcopal Church, 1903-S; Presby. Church, 1905 — ; Uir., Inde- pendent Voters League, Peoria; St. Hist. Soc; St. Acad, of Sc; N. Central Assn. Sc. and Math. Teachers; Sec.-Treas., 111. Farmers' Club. Married Edith Virginia Bash, N 10, 1904, Peoria. Children: Amy Bash, b. O 27, 1905 (died N 23, 1907); Daniel Bash, b. Je 20, 1909; Edith Virginia, b N 2, 1911. Address, 807 Nevada St., Urbana. CHARLES EDWIN JANVRIN Librarian; Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1910; B. L. S., N. Y. St. Lib. Sch., 191 1 1 b. F 22, 1868, Hampton Falls, N. H.; s. Edwin (b. F 21, 1836, do.) and Sally Anne (Thompson) Janvrin (b. Jl 12, 1842, Notingham, N. H.). Prepared in Newburyport (Mass.) H. S. ; Bridgewater (Mass.) St. Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Pa., 1896-98; Harvard summers, 1899, 1900, 1905, 1906; Drexel Inst. Lib. Sch., 1901-02. Teacher, Pub. Schs., S. Newbury N. H. and Hartford, Vt., 1893-94; do.. Pa. Inst, for Blind, Philadelphia, 1894-1901 ; Libn., Jeffer- son Med. Coll., do., 1902-07; do.. Natural Hist. Seminar. Univ. of 111., 1912 — . Mem., Am. Lib. Assn.; 111. St. Lib. Assn.; Univ. Club, Urbana; Epis. Church. Address, 1015 W. California Ave., Urbana; bus. add., 225 Natural Hist. Bldg., do: VIOLET JAYNE (SCHMIDT) A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1887; A. M., do., 1896; Ph. D., Univ. of Minn., 1903; b. Mr 21, 1867, St. Charles, Minn.; d. Havens Brewster (b. O 4, 1840, Long Island, N. Y.) and Nellie Victoria (Pike) Jayne (b. S 14, 1849, near Portland, Me.). Prepared in Winona (Minn.) H. S. Gamma Phi Beta. Asst. Prin., H. S., Crookston, Minn., 1887-8; Teacher, Eng., St. Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis.. 1889-91; do., Wheaton Sem., 1892-3; do., St. Norm. Sch., San Jose, Calif., 1893-6; Dean of Women and Asst. Prof., Eng. Lit., Univ. of 111., 1897-8; do., and Assoc. Prof., Eng. Lit. 1898-1904. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn., V. P., 1900-01; Assn. of Collegiate Alumnae, Sec- tional V. P., 1913-17. Married Edward Charles Schmidt, Je 15, 1904, Urbana. Child, Kath- erine, b. Mr 19, 1905. Address, 130 Claremont Ave., New York City. WALTER WILSON JENNINGS (See No. 6986) RICHARD HENRY JESSE, JR. Dean and Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1902; A. M., Harvard, 1907; Ph. D., do., 1909; b Ja 4, 1884, Princess Anne, Md. ; s. Richard Henry (b. Mr i, 1853, Epping Forest, Lan- caster (To., Va.) and Addie Henry (Polk) Jesse (b. Princess Anne, Md.). Prepared in Columbia (Mo.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Lambda. Rollins Jr. Scholarship, 1901. With Mallinck- rodt Chem. Works. St. Louis, 1904; Asst., Chem., Univ. of Mo., summer 1907; Austin Teaching Fellow, Harvard 1908; Research Asst., do., 1909; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1909- 12; Dean of Men and Head of Water Div., Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Mont., 1912 — . Auth.: (with G. P. Baxter) A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Chromium; The Analysis of Silver Dichromate, Proceedings Am. Acad. Sc, Vol. 44, 1909, Jour. Chem. Soc, Vol. 31, 1909, Zeit. Anorg. Chem., Vol. 62, 1900, Chem. News, too, 19 10, Pub. Carnegie Inst., No. 135; (with T. W. Richards) Heats of Combustion of the Octanes and Xylenes, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 31, 19 10; The Composition of Gases Formed in the Decomposition of Organic Mat- ter, Univ. of 111. Bui., Water Sur. Series, No. 9, 1912; Mem., Presby. Church; A. C. S., Univ. of 111. Sec; 111. St. Acad, of Sch.. Sec, i9ti-i2. Address, Missoula, Mont. •BENJAMIN CUTLER JILLSON M. D., Univ. of Nashville, Tenn. ; Ph. D., Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa.; b. Jl 30, 1830, Willimantic, Conn.; s. Seth (b. Providence, R. I.) and Elizabeth (Spear) Jillson (b. Ouincy, Mass.). Attended Sheffield Sc. Sch., 1854. Instr., L^niv. of Nashville, Tenn.; do., Univ. of Pittsburgh; Prof., Geol. and Zool., Univ. of 111., 1882-84; Asst. Surv., Army, 1861- 64. Auth.: Buls., on Geol. of Pittsburgh River Basins, and others. Married Anna Sellers Roosevelt, Je 15, 1864, Philadelphia. Children: Elizabeth Spear, b. Ap 20, 1865; Sallie Roose- velt, b. N 6, 1867; Nellie Wainwright, b. D 15, 1869; Lucy b. Jl 20, 1871. Died Jl 17, 1899. ALICE SARAH JOHNSON (See No. 3051) FRANK TATHAM JOHNSON Instructor; b. Macomb, 111.; s. Luther (b. Conn.) and Sarah Jane (Tatham) Johnson (b. St. Omar, Ind.). Prepared in Wheaton H. -S. and Acad.; Oberlin Coll.; Brookfield (Conn.) Summer Sch.; N. W. Univ. Summer Sch. Div., Voice Dept., Drury Coll., 1909-15; .Vssoc. Prof., do., Instr.. Voice, Utiiv. of 111., 19.15 — ■ Mem., Congr. Church. Married Kath- erine Taylor, O 31, 1899, Albia, la. Children: Leland Taylor, b. F 16, 1902; Carleton Ware, b. F 23, 1910. Address, 1002 W. Green St., Urbana. JOHN THOMAS JOHNSON (See No. 2713) LAWRENCE CRANE JOHNSON Chemist; B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1910; Ph. D., do., 1916; b. O 17, 1888, Ann Arbor, Mich.; s. Otis Coe (b. 1839, Kishwaukee, 111.) and Kate (Crane) Johnson ib. 1841, Tecumseh, Mich.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. Phi Lambda LTpsilon; Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Alpha Chi Sigma. Chem., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1910-11; Research Asst. and Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Instr., Organic Chem., Univ. of Wis., 1916-17; Chem., Sherwin-Williams Co., Chicago, 191S; Acting Plant Mgr., Marcus Hook Plant, National .\riiline & Chemical Co., Swarthmore, Pa. Auth.: (with W. A. Noyes) Supposed Effect of Form of Container on Density of a gas, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 38, 19 16; (with M. Gomberg) Tauto- inerism of Triarylcarbinols, do.. Vol. 39, 191 7. Mem.,' A. C. S. Married Blanche Elizabeth Martin, D 25, 1912, Ann Arbor, Mich. Child, Mary Catharine, b. N 10, 1916. Address, 5436 Harper Ave., Chicago; bus. add., c/o Marcus [look Plant, Swarthmore, Pa. ROXANA GALLETLY JOHNSON (See No. 3805) *CHARLES HUGHES JOHNSTON Professor; A. B., Univ. of N. C, 1898; M. A., Harvard, 1903; Ph. D. do., 1905; b. D 21, 1877, Chapel Hill, N. C; s. f liarles Wil- University of Illinois son and Agnes (Watkins) Hughes. Teacher and Vice Prin., Bingham Sch., Mebane, N. C, 1898-02; Registrar, Harvard Sum. Sch., 1903-05; Prof., Psych., and V. P. St. Norm. Sch., E. Strouds'burg, Pa., 1905-6; Prof., Psych, and Educ, Dartmouth Coll., 1906-07; do., Univ. of Mich., 1907-09; jr. Prof., Univ. of Mich., 1909-10; Dean, Sch. of Educ, Univ. of Kan., 1910-13; Prof. Secondary Educ, Columbia summer sch., 1913; Prof., Secondary Educ, Univ. of 111., 1913-17. Auth. : Sylla; bus in Philosophy of Educ, 1908; Sch. of Educ, Univ. of Kan., 1910; Ed. and part author, High School Educ, 1912; The Mod- ern High School, 1914; numerous monographs and articles; Man. Ed., Educ. Adm. and Su- pervision. Married Nell Converse Bomar, Je 21, 1906, Spartanburg, S. C. Children: Agnes Elsord, b. Jl 24, 1909; Helen Elizabeth, Jl 30, 191 1 ; Charlotte Hughes, My 8, 1917- Died S 4, 1 91 7, Baltimore. M. Mcelroy johnston Instructor; Cert., Sch. of Mus., Univ. of Mich.; b. Jl 9, 1880, Ft. Scott, Kan.; s. Erasmus (b. 1845) and Angeline Medora (Acuff) Johnston (b. 1848). Prepared in Wichita (Kan.) H. S. ; Univ. of Mich., 1901- 03. Sinfonia Oratorio Song Recital work and opera, the most important operatic engagement being H. W. Savage's "Parsifal"; Instr., Voice, Univ. of 111., 1911-13. Married Harriette Marie Johnston, S 16, 1907. Children: Mc- Elroy, b. S 23, 1908; Arthur Osgood, b. Ja 30, 191 1. Address.f EASLEY STEPHEN JONES (See No. G366) FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE JONES Instr. and Prop, of Summer Resort; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1883; A. M., Univ. of Neb., 1891; Ph. D., LTniv. of Chicago, 1903; b. Ober- lin, O.; d. Daniel Jerome (b. 183 1, Naples, N. Y.) and Celestia (Johnson) Jones (b. i8-!5, La Porte, O.). Prepared by pvt. instrs. Phi Beta Kappa; Gamma Phi Beta. Instr., Latin, Gates Coll., Neb., 1883-5; do., H. S., Lin- coln, Neb., 1886-93; stud, in Pans, 1893-5; Instr., French, pvt. schs., Chicago, 1896-7; Instr., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1900-12; Instr., Spanish, Lewis Inst., Chicago, and joint prop, of summer resort at Griswolda, Upper Hamlin Lake, Ludington, Mich., 1912 — . Auth.: Beaumarchais and Plautus, The Source of the Barbier de Seville, Scott, Fores- man & Co., Chicago, 1908; Boccaccio and his Imitators, The Decameron, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1910. Address, 3555 W. Monroe St., Chicago. GRINNELL JONES Professor; B. S., Vanderbilt Univ., 1903; M. S., do., 1905; A. M., Harvard, 1905; Ph. D., do., 1908; b. Ja 14, 1884, Des Moines; s. Richard (b. Berlin, Wis.) and Carrie Holmes (Grinnell) Jones (b. Grinnell, la.). Prepared in Albany (N. Y.) Acad., and Grinnell (la.) Acad.; Syracuse Univ., 1898-9. Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Up- silon; Alpha Chi Sigma. Teaching Fellow, Math, and Chem., Vanderbilt Univ., 1903-04; Austin Teaching Fellow, Chem., Harvard, 1906- 07; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1908-11; Assoc, do., 1911-12; Instr. Chem., Harvard, 1912-16; Asst. Prof., do., Harvard, 1916-17; Chem. Expert on Staff, U. S. Tariff Comn., 1917-19; Asst. Prof., Chem., Harvard Sch. of Engng., 1919 — . Auth.: (with T. W. Richards) The Molecular Weight of Silver Sulphate, and the Atomic Weight of Sulphur, Jour, of A. C. A., Vol. 29, 1907; (with T. W. Richards) The Compressibilities of the Chloride Bro- mides and Iodides of Sodium, Potassium, Sil- ver, and Tallium, do.. Vol. 31, 1909; An Ex- planation of the Negative Coeficient of Ex- pansion of Silver Iodide, do., Vol. 31, 1909, (with G. P. Baxter) A Revision of the Atomic Weight of Phosphorus, The Analysis of Silver Phosphate, do., Vol., 32, 1910, and Proceed- . inc/s Of Am. Acad, of Arts and Scs., Vol. 45, 1910; I'he Atomic Weight of Hydrogen, Jour, of A. C. S., Vol. 32, 1910; Equilibrium in the System: Water, Potassium Iodide and Iodine at 0°C. Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 37, 1915; The properties of Silver Iodide interpreted in the lig;uc of recent Thermodynamic Concep- tions, do.. Vol. 37, 1915; The Equilibrium be- tween Bromine and Potassium Bromide Solu- tions at 0°C, Trans. Am. Electro Chem. Soc, vol. 30, 1916; The Tariff Comn. and its Oper- ation with Reference to the Chemical Schedule, Jour. Indus. Engug. Chem., vol. 9, 1917. Mem., Congr. Church; A. C. S. ; Am. Electro Chem. Soc. ; Am. Acad, of Arts and Scs., 1918; Chemist's Club, N. Y. ; Council of the A. C. S. Married Jennie Reed Lupton, Ag 18, 1910, Cambridge, Mass. Child, Grinnell Jr., b. D 13, 1913. Address, Harvard Sch. of Engng., Cambridge, Mass. HARRY STUART VEDDER JONES Professor; A. B., Coll. of Charleston, 1899; A. B., Harvard, 1901; A. M., do., 1903; Ph. D., do., 1906; b. Ag 8, 1878, Charleston, S. (X; s. Daniel Henry (b. 1840, Eng.) and Roberta Stuart (Hare) Jones (b. O i, 1853, Charles- ton, S. C). Prepared in Charleston (S. C.) H. S. ; Scholar, Harvard, 1905-06. Prof., Eng., Mount Union Coll., Alliance, O., 1901-02; act- ing Asst. Prof., Eng., Univ. of Mo., 1902-03; Asst., Eng., Harvard, 1904-05; Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1906-07; Assoc, do., 1907-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1912 — . Auth.: Robin Hood and Little John, Jour, of Am. Folk-Lore, Vol. 23, The Clerk of Oxenford, Publications of the Mod. Lang. Assn., Vol. 20; The Cleomades and Related Folk Tales, do., Vol. 16; Some Observations upon the Squire's Tale, do., Vol. 13; The Celomades, the MSliacin, and the Arabian Tale of the Enchanted Horse, Jour, of Eng. and Ger. PhiloL, Vol. 6; A Proverb in Hamlet, Mod. Lang, Notes, Vol. 27; Imag- inatyf in Piers Plowman, Jour, of Eng. and Ger. PhiloL, Vol. 13; Joseph Ritson, a Roman- tic Antiquarian, Sexvance Review, Vol. 22; also book reviews. Assoc. Ed. of the Jour, of Eng. and Ger. PhiloL Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. Married Margaret Walker, Je .12, 1907, Cordesville, S. C. Children: Annie Prioleau, b. Ag 22, 191 1; Margaret Walker, b. F 17, 1913; Robert Hare, b. Ap 4, 1917. Address, 916 W. Oregon St., Urbana. HENRY LEONARD JONES (See No. 1712) ♦HENRY TROWBRIDGE JONES Instr., Forge, LIniv. of 111. Died Mr 20, 1918, Redlands, Calif. ISABEL ELIZA JONES (See No. 658) J. CLAUDE JONES • (See No. 1713) LLOYD THEODORE JONES (See No. G368) MARY L. JONES Librarian; B. L., Univ. of Neb.; B. L. S., Univ. of St. of N. Y.; b. Je 29, 1865; d. Wil- liam R. (b. Cardiganshire, Wales) and Jane (James) Jones (b. do.). Prepared in Latin Sch. of LTniv. of Neb. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Acting Libn., Univ. of Neb., 1892-97; Asst. Prof., Lib. Economy and Libn., Univ. of 111., 1897-98; Libn., Los Angeles Pub. Lib., Faculty 897 1900-os; do., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-13; Asst. Libn., Los Angeles Co. Free Lib., 1913 — •. Address, 1407 Garfield Ave., S. Pasadena, Calif. PAUL VAN BRUNT JONES Associate; A. B., LTniv. of Mich., 1906; A. M., do., 1908; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1912; b. Ag 26, 1882, Ann Arbor, Mich.; s. Maria Jane (Van Brunt) Jones (b. 1845, Englewood, N. J.). Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. Phi Eta; Phi Beta Kappa; Quadrangle Club; Har- rison Fellow, Univ. of Pa. Instr., Hist., Univ. of Mich., 1908-10; Assoc, do., Bryn Mawr, 1913; do., Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Auth. : The Household of a Tudor Nobleman, Univ. of 111., 1918; Aptopos of Reference Readings in H. S. History, Hist. Teacher's Mag., Vol. 9, No. 4, 1918; Italy and the Peace Conference, pamphlet issued by War Com. of Univ. Mar- ried Irma Frida Haller, S 19 14, Ann Arbor, Mich. Child, Paul Haller, b. My 2, 1917. Ad- dress, 907 W. Illinois St., Urbana. RALPH R. JONES Associate; b. S 22, 1880, Ind. Prepared in Shortridge H. S., Indianapolis; Purdue Univ. Acacia. Coach, Franklin ColL, 1900; do., Butler Coll. 1901; do., Wabash Coll, 1904-9; do., Purdue L^niv. 1909-12; Basketball coach, Univ. of 111., 1912-15; Assoc, do., 1915 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 708 W. Ore- gon St., Urbana. ROBERT TAYLOR JONES (See No. 5^37) ROY CHILDS JONES Professor; B. S., Arch., Univ. of Pa., 1908; A. M., do., 1914; b. Je 22, 1885, Kendallville, Ind.; s. Rufus Cornelius (b. Ag 5, i860. Au- burn, Ind.) and Minnie Louisa (Childs) Jones (b. Ja 6, 1864, Kendallville, Ind.). Prepared in Garrett (Ind.) H. S. Sr. Honors; Brooks Medal in Design. Asst., Drawing, Univ. of Pa., 1907-9; Draftsman, office Holabird & Roche, Archs., Chicago, 1909-10; Instr., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Asst. Prof. Arch. Dent., Univ. of Minn., 1914 — . Enlisted, 40th Engrs., Camouflage Corps, 1917; Corp., Supply Dept., 1917; Bn. Supply Sergt., (overseas) 1918. Second Mention Stewardson Competitions, 1908 and 1909; first medal, Soc. of Beaux Arts Arch's; Competitions, 1908; Second Medal, do., 1909; admitted to Final Competition, Am. Prize of Rome, 1909. Address, Arch. Dept., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis. WALTER HOWE JONES Composer and Ed.; b. O 8. 1862, Hastings. Minn.; s. Roys (b. Ag 31, 1810 and Hannah Samanthe (Howe) Jones (b. N 9. 1823). Pre- pared in Clinton (la.) H. S. Studied music in Chicago, and in Berlin, Ger. ; Prof., Piano, DePauw Univ., Ind., 1892-95; Head of Music Dept., LTniv. of 111., 1895-1901; Dir., 111. Con- servatory of Music, Jacksonville, 111., 1901- 03; Composer and Ed. of -Music, 1903 — ; Y. M. C. A. Worker, 1918 — ■. Ed. of Univ. Songs, Champaign Gazette, 1901; New Songs for Male Quartets, Hinds and Noble, 1903; Songs of the Flag and Nation, do.. 1904; also various books of sch., coll., and kindergarten songs for Hinds, Noble and Eldredge; Translation of Freytag's Die Journatlisten, and Storm's Im- mensee, do. First pres.. Choral Soc, Lfniv. of 111.; Dir., LTniv. of 111. Band, Orchestra and Glee Clubs; Dir., Jacksonville Choral Soc, 1901-03; Dir., Sioux Falls Choral Soc. and Orchestra, 1905-06. Mem., Minn. Chap., Am. Guild of Organists. Married Mary Lucia Collins, Ag 23, 1905, Urbana. Child, Roys Collins, b. D 14, 1906. Address, 3114 Henne- pin Ave., Minneapolis. HARVEY HERBERT JORDAN Prof, and Asst. Dean; B. S. in C. E., Univ. of Me.; b. Mr 7, 1885, Waltham, Me.; s. Ro- land Herbert b. My 12, 1859, do.) and Carrie Frances (Blake) Jordan (b. My 6, 1863, Franklin, do.). Prepared in Ellsworth (Me.) H. S. Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Cosmo- politan Club. Asst., Astron. and Field Sur., Univ. of Me., 1909-10; Instr., Civ. Engng., do., 1910-11; U. S. Geol. Sur., field seasons, 1908-10; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1911- 15; Assoc, do., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., G. E. D. and Asst. Dean, Coll. of Engng., do., 191 7 — . Address, 804 W. Illinois St., Urbana. FREDERICK ANREAS JORGENSEN Dairy Mgr. ; b. D 21, 18S2, Hals, Denmark; s. Jorgen Mork Sikker (b. Follet, do.) and Sine Als Jorgensen (b. Hals, do.). Prepared in Hals (Denmark) H. S. Buttermaker, Univ. of 111.; Dairy Field Asst., do., 1911-12; Mgr., Pioneer Creamery Co., Champaign, 1912 — . Auth.: Circular 48. Mem., Scandinavia Club, LTniv. of 111.; A. F. A. M. ; 111. Butter Mfrs. Improvement Assn. ; Rotary Club, Champaign. Married Sarah Grace McMillen ('09). S 3, 1913, Urbana. Address, 308 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign. JOHN CLARK JORDAN Professor; A. B., Knox Coll., 1908; A. M., Columbia LIniv., 1911; Ph. D., do., 1915; b. N 3, 1883. Varna, 111.; s. George Clark (b. N -^5. 1857, Hiramsburg, O.) and Mary (Downey) Jordan (b. Ap 12, i860, Wenona. 111.). Pre- pared in Wenona H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Pundit Club. Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1908- 09; Instr.. do., 1912-14; Prof., Eng., Drury Coll., Springfield, Mass., 1914-18; do., Univ. of Ark., 1918 — . Auth.: Robert Greene, Colum- bia Univ. press. New York City, 1915, 231 pp. Married Annabel Harrison, Ag 2, 191 1, Gales- burg. 111. Address, University of Arkansas, Fayatte/ille, Ark. WALTER EDWARD JOSEPH (See No. G373) EMMA REED JUTTON (See No. 1237) JAMES FRANKLIN KABLE (See No. 1238) VICTOR HUGO KADISH Chemist; A. B., L'^niv. of Wis., 1906; b. Mr, 18S4; s. Ernest Arthur (b. 1858, Chicago) and Herminie (Wetzl) Kadish (b. 1863, Mil- waukee). Prepared in No. Div. H. S., Chi- cago. Theta Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Asst., Chem., LTniv. of 111., 1906-07; Chem., Sprague, Warner & Co., Chicago, 1908-10; Chem., Am. Hide & Leather Co., Milwaukee, 1910-11; Grad. Stud., Leather C'hem., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1911-12; Sr. Chem., Milwaukee Sewerage Comn., 1913- 15; Supt. Milwaukee Patent Leather (To., 19 1 5 — . Invented Method of Recovering Fertilizer Material from Tannery Waste Liquids. Address, 736 Farwell Ave., Mil- waukee. JOHN BOYNTON KAISER Librarian; A. B., West Reserve Univ., Cleveland, 1008; B. L. S., New York St. Lib. Sch., 1910; M. L. S., do., 1917; b. Ja i, 1887, Cleveland; s. Peter Henry (b. S 14, 1840, Gnadenhutten, O.) and Beza N. (Boynton) Kaiser (b. S 23, 1845, Elyria, O.). Prepared in Cleveland H. S. ; West. Reserve Univ. Law Sch., 1907-08; LTniv. of 111. 1912-1913. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kap-a. Asst. Libn., West. Reserve Hist. Soc, sum- mers 1907-08; Asst., Reference Dept., Cleve- land Pub. Lib., summer 1909; Asst., N. Y. St. Law Lib., Albany, N. Y., 1909-10; Asst. St. University of Illinois Libn. in charge of Legislative Reference Work, Tex. St. Lib., Austin, 1910-11; Lecturer, De- partmental Lib. Problems and Libn., Depts. of Econ. and Sociol., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Libn., Tacoma Pub. Lib., Tacoma, Wash., 1914 — . Auth.: Law, Legislative, and Munici- pal Reference Libraries, Boston Book Co., 19 14; Finding List of Books, Austin, Tex., 191 1 ; The National Bibliographies of the South American Republics, Boston Book Co., 1913; A National legislative reference bureau, Nation, Vol., 92, 191 1; Translations of Early Texas Session Laws, Te.x.. Hist. Assn. Quart., Vol. 15, 191 1 ; Municipal Reference Libraries, Nation. Vol. 94, 1912; The Special Library and the Library School, Lib. Jour., Vol. 37, 1912; Library School Training for Law Library Employes, Laiv Lib. Jour., Vol. 5, 1912; Amer- ican Municipal Documents, Sfec. Libs. Vol. 4, 1913, Reprinted Lib. Jour., Vol. 38, 1913; The Comprachicos, Jour. Am. Inst. Criminal Law and Cri)nino!., Vol. 4, 1912; Scientific Law Making, Independent, Vol. 7s, u, 1913; Pub- licity for Libraries, Proceedings Pac. North- west Lib. Assn., Vol. 5, 1914; The Civics Room, Bui. Am. Lib. Assn., Vol. 9, 1915; C barter Revision, Tacoma Daily News, S 16, 18, 19, 1916; Tacoma Public Library Annual Reports 1914-17; various other articles. Mem., Washington St. Lib. Advisory Bd., Pres, 191 6 — ; Advisory Bd., Lib. Dept., Univ. of Wash. ; Am. Lib. Assn. ■ (Comm. on Legisla- tion, 1917-18); N. Y. St. Lib. Sch. Assn.; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn., 1914-15; Pres., Pacific Northwest Lib. Assn., 1917-18; Rotary Club (Tacoma) 1914-15; Sec, Citizens Sunday Ser- vice Com., 1915 (Tacoma Stadium); Treas., Tacoma Pub. Forum, 191 6-1 7; Sec, Manag- ing Bd. Civic Bur., Tacoma Chamber of C'ommerce, 1916-17; Trustee, Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, 1917 — ; mem., Congr. Church. Address, 2821 N. Lawrence St., Tacoma, \\ ash. ; bus. add., Public Lib. do. PERRY E. KARRAKER (See No. 4741) SEBASTIAN KARRER (See No. G376) ELEANOR DAGGETT KARSTEN Secretar)*; Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 191 1; Lect. and Sec, Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 1913- 14; Sec. to Pres., Bryn Mawr Coll., 1914-15; Woman's Suffrage Work, New York City, 1915; Sec. to Jane Addams, Hull House, Chi- cago, 1916 — . Married, Gustav E. Karsten, Mr 24, 1891, Indianapolis. Children: Carl and Paul. Address, Hull House, Chicago. *GUSTAF E. KARSTEN Ph. D., L^niv. of Freiburg, 1883; b. My 22, 1S59, Petershagenfeld, West Prussia, Ger. Graduated at the Gymnasium in Marienburg, 1878; studied at Leipsic, Konigsburg and Hetdelburg, 1878-83; do., at Tubingen, London, and Paris, 1883-85. Decent in Germanic and Rom. Philol., LTniv. of Geneva, Switzerland, 1885-86; Prof., Rom. Langs., Ind. Univ., 1886-90; Prof., Germanic Philol., do., 1890-93; Substitute Prof^ Ger., Cornell, 1903-05; Sub- stitute Prof., Ger., N. W. Univ., 1905-06; Prof., Ger., and Head of Dept. of Mod. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1906-08. Ed. -in-Chief and Pub., Jour, of Eng. and Ger. Philol. Auth.: Zu den alt Franzoesischen, Konsonantenverbin- dungen, 1885; contributor to European and American periodicals. Chm., Section of Ger- manic Langs, at the Internat. Cong, of Arts and Sc. held in connection with World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904; Chm., Central Div. Mod. Langs. Assn. of Am. 1907. Married Eleanor S. Daggett, Mr 24, 1891, Indianapolis. Chil- dren; Carl and Paul. Died Ja 28, 1908, Ur- bana. WILLIAM HARRISON KAVANAUGH Professor; M. E., Lehigh Univ., 1894; b. Ag 19, 1873, Williamsport, Pa.; s. Daniel (b. Montgomery Co., N. Y.) and Emma Ramsey Kavanaugh (b. Williamsport, Pa.). Prepared in Williamsport (Pa.) H. S. Tau Peta Pi. Prin., Miners and Mechanics Inst., Freeland, Pa., 1894-s; Mercantile bus., Williamsport, Pa., 1895-97; Instr., M. E., Univ. of 111., 1897-98; Draftsman, Pa. R. R., Williamsport, 1898-igoo; Chief Draftsman, do., 1900-01; Instr., M. E., Univ. of Minn., 1901-02; Asst. Prof., do., in charge of Exp. Engng., do., 1902-07; Prof., Exp. Engng., and Head of Dept. do., 1907-16; Prof., Exp. Engng., Univ. of Pa., 1916 — . Auth.: Problem ' in Metal- lurgy, Tcchnograph, No. 12, 1898; 'Experiments with Sandpipes and Rules for Designing same. Proceedings Northwest Railway Club, Vol. 7, 1901 ; Steam Separator Tests, Minnesota Year Book, No. 13, 1905. Mem., A. S. M. E. ; Soc. for the Promotion of Engng. Educ; Am. and Internat. Soc. for Testing Materials. Mar- ried Julia S. Vogt, F 20, 1890, Allentown, Pa. Children: Emma Cosette, b. Ja 2, 1898; William Ramsey, b. Ap 19, 1910. Address, 2081 N. 63rd St., Overbrook, Philadelphia. FRED HALL KAY Geologist; B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; b. F I, 18S5, Camp Point, 111.; s. William Thomas and Margaret Belle (Hancock) Kay (b. do.). Prepared in Maplewood H. S., Camp Point, 111. Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa. U. S. Geol. Sur., 1907-10; Geol., So. Pacific Co., 1910-11; Asst. St. Geol., 111., 1911-17; Lecturer, (ieol. Dept., Univ. of HI., 1916-17; Geol., Sun Co., 1917 — ; Head, Land Dept., and Sec, Twin St. Oil Co., 1918— . Auth.: Oil Fields of 111., Bui. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 28; Carlin- ville Oil and Gas Field, Bui 20, ///. St. Geol. Sur.; Petroleum in 111. in 1914 and 1915 and Notes on Bremen Antichne, Randolph Co., Bui. 31, do., 1916; Petroleum in 111. in 1916 Bui. 35, do., 1917; Coal Resources of District VII, Coal No. 6. West of Duquoin Antichne, Bui. II, Cooperative Min. Investigations, 1915; (with K. D. White) Coal Resources of District VIII (Danville), Bui. 14, do.; various other articles. Mem., Sigma Xi; A. F. A. M. ; Univ. Club; A. I. M. E. ; Unitarian Church. Married Vivian Woodcock, Ag 17, 1910, Wash- ington, D. C. Child, Caryl, b. Je 24, 1Q15 (died Je 26. 1915). Address, Twin State Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla. A. R. KEAGY Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; Stud., Univ. of 111. Address 604 W. Green St., Urbana. HUGH PRATT KEAN (See No. G377) FRED CROSBY KEELER (See No. 3057) HARRY KEELER (See No. 961) EDWARD SPENCER KEENE (See No. 608) ROBERT WOOD KEETON Physician; A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1906; M. S., do., 1913; M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1916; b. TI 7, 1883, West Point, Miss.; s. James Madison (b. do.) and Georgii (Brown) Keeton (b. Ala.). Prepared in Webb Sch., Bellbuckle, Tenn. Gamma Alpha; Pi Kappa Alpha; Sigma Xi. Asst., Biol., Millikin Univ., 1903-05; Teacher, Sc, H. S., Champaign, 1905-06; do., Houston, Tex., 1906- 10; Asst., Physiol., Univ. of Chicago, summer Faculty 89Q 1910, 1912, 1913, 1915; do., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Adjunct. Prof., Physiol., Albany Med. Sell., 1912-14; Interne, Cook Co. Hosp., Chi- cago, 191 7-18. Auth. : Gastric Secretion in Parathyroid Tetany, Am. Jour, of Physiol., .Ta 1914; Distribution of Gastrin, do., 1915; Stimulation of Hypophysis, do.; Site of Action of Strychnine, Am. Jour, of Pharmacol., 1916; Existence of a Gastric Lipase, Jour, of Biol. Chimin., 1917. Address, 7455 Greenview Ave., Chicago. MARY HELEN KEITH Assistant; B. S., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1894; A. M., Columbia, 1904; b. N 9, 1868, Brock- ton, Mass.; d. Azra Benjamin (b. Je a. 1830, do.) and Mary Ann (Gary) Keith (b. Ag 15, 1831, Hanson, Mass.). Prepared in Brain- tree (Mass.) H. S. Alpha Theta Chi. Teacher, Sc, 1896-1903; Instr., Cham., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1904-08; Analytical Chem., 1908-09; Asst., Columbia, 1909-10; Asst., An. Nutrition, O. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1910-14; do.., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; Asst., An. Nutrition, Univ. of 111., 1914 — . Auth.: Review in O. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Series; (with E. L. Ross and H. S. (irindley) Phosphorous Metabolism of Lambs Fed a Ration of Alfalfa, Hay, Corn, and Linseed Meal, Jour. Agr. Research, Vol. 4, 1915; Lincoln in Urbana, Braintree Ob- server, Vol. 39, 1916; Is Vegetarianism Based on Sound Science?, Sc. Am. Supflement, Vol. S2, 19 16; Vitamines, or Life Preservers, Jour. Home Econ., Vol. 8, I9i6* The Wisdom of Joseph, The Farmers Guide, Vol. 29, 1917; Shall We Eat Corn Meal? A Question of World Economics, Sc. Am. Supplement, Vol. S4, 1917. Mem., Congr. Church; Am. Home Econ. Assn.; 111. Acad, of Sc. ; A. C. S. Address, 806 S. 6th St., Champaign. OLIVER ARNOLD KELLER Farmer; B. S., Purdue, 1910; b. D 29, 188?, Clayton, Ind. ; s. Henry F. (b. Ap 10, 1855, Mooresville, Ind.) and Margaret F. (Thomn- son) Keller (b. O 8, 1856, Orange, N. C). Prepared in Monrovia (Ind.) H. S. ; Central Acad., Plainfield, Ind. Agathon Club, Purdue Univ. Foreman, LTniv. of 111. Creamery, 1910- 11; Asst., Dairy Manufactures, do., 1911-15; farmer, Mooresville, Ind., 1915-7; do., Dan- ville, Ind., 19 1 7 — . Mem., Friends Church. Married Clara Ruth Scott, Je 28, 1914. Child, Maresa Jane, b. S 3, 1916. Address, Danville, Ind. ORAN KELLER Chemist; B. S., Rutgers Coll., 1912; b. Ja 2, 1891, New Brunswick, N. J. Asst., Chem. Soils, Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Chem., New Brunswick, N. J., 1913 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 253 George St., New Bruns- wick, N. J.t ROBERT BROWDER KELLER Director; B. S., Purdue, 1908; b. My 10, 18S4, Louisville, Ky. Teacher, Louisville Man. Tr. H. S., 1902-05; Apprentice Instr., Erie R. R., Dunmore, Pa., 1909-10; Supvr. of Apprentices, D. L. & U. R. R., 1910-13; ist Asst., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 191 3- 15; Dir., O. S. Johnson Man. Tr. Sch., 1915 — . Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Address, 1015 Sunset St., Scranton, Pa.f CHARLES FABENS KELLEY Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1907; b. O 18, 1885, Boston; s. Augvistus Hill and Julia M. (Dyer) Kelley. Prepared in Roxbury Latin .Sch.; Studied portrait painting with Joseph De Camp. Phi Kappa Sigma. Connected with Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Boston Evening Record, The Advertiser ; Instr., Arch, and A. and D., LTniv. of 111., 1908-09; do.. Design, do., 1909-14; Asst. Prof, and Head of Dept. of Art, O. St. LTniv., 1914-15; Prof, and Head of Art Dept., do., 1915 — . Auth.: (with W. L. Mowll), A Test Book of Design, Houghton Mifflin & Co.; .'\rt in the American University, The Nation, Jl 1909, reprinted in the Internat. Studio, Ag, 1909; (with R. R. Root), Design in Landscape, Century Co., 19 14. Mem., Coll. Art. Assn., Sec; Harvard Club of Bastern III., Sec; Copley Soc, Boston. Address, St. Univ., Columbus, O. GRACE OSGOOD KELLEY (See No. 1909) RALPH LEVERETT KELLEY (See No. 6347) TRUMAN LEE KELLEY (See No. 3817) ANITA MARGARET KELLOGG B. S. ; Instr., Elocution and Phys. Culture for Women, Univ. of 111., 1894-6. t JOSEPH MITCHELL KELLOGG Architect; B. Arch., Cornell, i"09; M. Arch., (/()., 1912; b. S 26, 1885, Emporia, Kam.; s. Lyman Bucher (b. S 28, 1841, Lorraine Co., O.) and Mary Virginia (Mitchell) Kellogg (b. Mr 4, 1850, Adamsville, O.). Prepared in Emporia (Kan.) H. S. ; Univ. of Kan. Phi (Jamma Delta; Gargoyle. Instr., Arch., Cor- nell, 1910-12; do., Arch. Design, Univ. of 111., 1912-16; Arch, and Arch. Draftsman, 1916. .Address, 13 11 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C. ; bus. add., 1729 New York Ave., do. LYMAN M. KELLS Instructor; A. B., Univ. of Minn., loio; A. M., Columbia, 1913; Ph. D., do., 1914. Prepared in Sauk Center (Minn.) H. S. Teacher, Math., Cooper Union, N. Y., nights, 1910-13; Instr., Coll. of City of New York, iqi4-i6; Instr., Math., L'niv. of 111., 1916-18. Bat. D, 329th F. A., Camp Custer, Mich.; O. T. C, France, 191 8 — . Address, Sauk Cen- ter, Minn.f RUTH KELSO (See No. 3436) GEORGE THEOPHILUS KEMP Physician; A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1883; Ph. D., do., 1886; M. D., Long Island Coll.; b. N 7, 1861, Baltimore; s. William Miller (b. 1814, Frederick Co., Md.) and Emma (Amelung) Kemp (b. 1820, Baltimore). Prepared in Baltimore City Coll. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Grad. Scholarship: Fellow- ship and Fellowship by Courtesy. Demonstra- tor of Physiol., Med. Dept., Univ. of Pa., 1886-87; Assoc. Dir., Hoadland Lab., Dept. Bacteriol. and Physiol., 1888-98; do., Physiol., 1889-94; Lecturer on Physiol., Long Island Coll. Hosp., 1892-94; Electro-Therapeutist, Dept. of Gynaecol., do., 1892-94; Phys. to Dept. of Nervous Diseases, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hosp., 1892-94; Prof., Physiol., LTniv. of 111., 1897-1908; Physician, 1908 — . Mem., Brooklyn Pathol. Soc; King's Co. Med. Soc, New York; Am. Pub. Health Assn.; Am. Physiol. Soc; Soc. of Am. Anatomists; Am. Natural- ists; A. A. A. S. ; A. M. A. Address, 8 25th St., Baltimore. t JACOB GARRETT KEMP (See No. 2719) AUBREY JOHN KEMPNER Professor; Ph. D., Goettingen, 191 1; b. S 22, 1880, London, Eng. ; s. Nathan M. (b. 1849, Berlin, Ger.) and Sophia (Allberry) Kempner (b. 1856, London, Eng.). Prepared n Berlin, Ger.; LTniv. of Berlin. Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1911-15; Assoc, do.. 900 University of Illinois 1915-18; Asst. Prof., i Xi; Grad. Fellowship, Harvard, 1903-04; Teaching Fellowship, Ober- lin CoU., 1890-91; Instr., Vertebrate Morphol., l^niv. of Mich., 1S94-95; Supt., Biol. Exp. Sta.; Asst. Prof. Zool., and Supt., Natural Hist. Sur., I'niv. of 111., 1S96-1901; Asst. Prof., Histol,. and Embryol., Univ. of Calif., 1901-04; Assoc. Prof., do., 1904-05; Acting Head of Dept., Zool., do., 1905-06; Acting Dir., San Diego Marine Biol. Sta., 1905-08; Asst. Dir., do., iqoS-ii; Prof., Zool. and Head of Dept., do., 1910 — ; Asst. Dir., Scripps Inst. Biol. Re- search, Univ. of Calif., 19 11 — . Maj., San. Corps, N. A., loiS; Commanding officer,, Dept. Lab., Fort Sam Houston, Tex., 191 8; do.. Lab. Car Metchnikoff So. Dept., U. S. A., 1918; engaged in Hookworm Sur. of troops of So. Dept. Honorable mention, Paris Expisition, 1900; Gold Medal La. Purchase Exposition, 1904; Scientific Staff, Mich. Fish Comn., sum- mer, 1894; Asst. Naturalist, U. S. S. Alba- tross, Coast of Calif., 1904; with Eastern Pa- cific Expedition of Alexander Agassiz. LT. S. S. Albatross, 1904-05; Special Agt., U. S. Bur. of Educ. to Biol. Stas. of Europe, 1008-09. In- ventor, Kofoid Plankton Net; Kofoid Water Sampler for deep sea work; Kofoid self-closing horizontal deep sea closing net. Auth. : Nu- merous scientific articles in Bui. 111. Sta. Lab. Natural Hist.; Bui. M. C. Z., ITniv. of Calif. Publications in Zool., Arch. F. Protistenkunde, Am. A'attiralist ; Assoc. Ed. Am. A^attiralist. 1896; Zool. Ed.. Jour, of Applied Microscopy, 1001-04; Ed.. LTniv. of Calif. Publications in Zool.; Am. Ed., Internationale Rezue Gesam- stcm Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie ; Col- laborator, Jour, of E.rp. Zoology, Am. Jour. of Anatomy : Archil es de Biologic Lacustrial. Mem.. Congr. Church; A. A. A. S., fellow; Am. Soc. Microscopists, 1896; Assn. Am. An- atomist, 1004; Am. Soc. Naturalists, 1895; Am. Soc. Morphologists, 1S04; Am. Soc. Zoo- logists. 1902; Biol. Soc. of the Pacific, 1910 — ; San Francisco Acad, of Sc, 1901. Fellow, 1918; A. A. A. S., 1914; Wash. Acad. Soc, 1914: C^om. on Protozool. of Med. Zool., Div. of Medicine and Related Sc, Nat. Research Council. Married Carrie Prudence Winter, Te 30, 1894, Middlefield. Conn. Address, 2616 Etna St., Berkley, Calif. EDW^ARD F. KOHMAN Chemist; B. A., Univ. of Kan., i9i2:_Ph. D., Yale, 1915; b. Ja 19. 1885, Dillon, Kan.; s. Henry (b. 1845, Ger.) and Mary (Wuthnow) Faculty 903 Koliman (b. 1849, Wis.)- Prepared in Dick- inson Co., H. S., Chapman, Kan. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Bela Kappa; Sigma Xi. Assoc, Dairy Chcm., Univ. of III., 1915-17; Chem., IT. S. Bur. of Chem., 1917 — . Married Margue- rite (). Villepigue, Jl 29, 19 14, Chanute, Kan. Children: Truman Paul, b. Mr 8, 1916; Bar- bara Ann, b. Je 6, 1917. Address, 25 John- son Ave., Indianapolis. ARMIN HAJINAN ROLLER Instructor; A. B., West. Reserve Univ., 190s; A. M., do., 1906; Ph. D., Univ. of Chi- cago, 191 1 ; b. Ja 26, 1878, Komjati, Hungary; s. Francis Philip (b. F 1848, Egerszog. do.) and Lina (Stark) Koller (b. My 1858, Kom- jati, do.). Prepared in Gymnasium, Budapest, Hungary. Fellowship, Ger., Univ. of Chicago, 2 yrs. Acting Asst. Prof., Ger., Butler Coll., Indianapolis, 191 o; Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Instr., do., 191 1 — . Auth.: The The- ory of Environment, Part I, Geo. Banta Pub. Co., 1 918; Methods of Teaching Prose Com- position, Monastshefte fiir Deutsche Sprache iind Pcidagogik, Vol. 15, F and Mr 1914. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Philol. Soc, Univ. of 111. Married Katherine Schlesinger, Je 16, 1912, Cleveland. Children: Ruth, b. My 4, 191 3; Elizabeth, b. O 10, 19 14; Edna, b. Ap 14, 1916. Address, 11 10 S. 3rd St., Champaign. LILY KOLLOCK (PAETOW) A. B., Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, 1895; Ph. D.. ITniv. of Pa., 1899: b. Ap 27, 1873, Philadelphia; d. Matthew Henry (b. Jl 10, 1834, Norfolk, Va.) and Katherine (McEl- haney) Kollock (b. Ag i, 1852, Philadelphia). Picpared in Philadelphia Girls' Sch., and Girls' Latin Sch., Baltimore. Tau Kappa Pi; Sigma Xi; Bloomfield-Moore Fellow in Chem., Univ. of Pa., 1897-99; Hon. Fellow, C'hem., do., 1900- 01; Instr., Chem., Vassar Coll., 1899-1900; Head of Dcpt., Chem. and Phys., Girls' H. S., Louisville, Ky., 1901-07; Dean of Women, I'niv. of 111., 1907-10. Auth.: The Use of the Rotating Anode and Mercury Cathode in Klectro-Analysis, Proceedings of Am. Phil. Soc., V'ol. 44, and Trans. A. C. S.. Vol. 27; The Use of Rotating Anode and Mercury Cathode in Electro-Analysis, Second Paper, Trans. A. C. S., Vol. 27; The Effect of Sulphuric Acid on the Deposition of Metals, When Using a Mercury t'athode and Rotating Anode, do.. Vol. 29, and Proceedings of Am. Phil. Soc, Vol. 45 ; New Results in Electrolysis, Proceed- ings of Am. Phil. Soc, Vol. 46; The Determi- nation of Indium with Use of Mercury Cathode and Rotating Anode, Trans. A. C. S., Vol. 32; various other articles. Married Louis John I'aetow, Je 6, 191 1, Philadelphia. Children: Charles Kollock, b. Jl 15, 1912; Dorothea Gar- ling, b. F 24, 1916. Address, 722 Arlington Ave., Thousand Oaks, Berkeley, Calif. JOSEPHINE RUTH KORTEN B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1902; b. N 9, 1878, Green Bay, Wis.; s. Charles (b. Je 19, 1835, Wcsel, Ger.) and Josephine (Koch) Korten (b. Ja 19, 1846, Birnbaum, do.). Prepared in Englewood H. S. Fellow and Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1902-3; Asst., Chem., Vassar Coll., 1903-4; Instr., Chem., Wells Coll., 1904-5; attended Univ. of Chicago, 1905-6. Address, 6722 Union Ave., Chicago. t ALONZO PLUMSTED KRATZ (See No. 3065) JLTNIUS FREDERICK KREHBIEL Chemist; B. S., Alfred Univ., 1904; b. D 29, 1879, Delevan, N. Y. Instr., Chem., Alfred l^niv., 1905-06; do., Ceram., LTniv. of 111., 1906-07; Ceram. Chem., Am. Terra Cotta Co., 111., 1907-09; in Prof. Orton's testing lab., Columbus, O., 1912-14; Ceram. Chem., Advance Terra Cotta Co., Chicago Hgts., III., 1914 — . Address, 1612 Thorn St., Chicago Heights, 111. ADOLPH KREIKENBAUM (See No. 1543) , HARRY CLEVELAND KREMERS (See G395) AUGUST CHARLES KREY Instructor; A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1907; A. M., do., 1908; b. Je 29, 1886, Ger. Asst., Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1907-08; Asst. Instr., H. S., Milwaukee, 1908-09; Asst., Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1909-10; Head Instr., do., H. S., Mil- waukee, 1910; Instr., do., Univ. of Tex., 1910- 12; do., LTniv. of III., 1912-13; do., Univ. of Minn., 1913 — . Address, 939 14th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis.! WILLIAM OTTERBEIN KROHN Physician; A. B., West. Coll. (now Leander Clark Coll.), 1887; A. M., Ph. D., Yale, 1889; M. D., N. W. Univ., 1905; b. Mr 23, 1868, Gabon, O. ; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. near York, Pa.) and Barbara Ann (Smith) Krohn (b. near Gabon, O.). Prepared in Gabon (O.) H. S. Alpha Kai)pa Kappa; Sr. Fellowship, Clark Univ., 1892. Head of Dept., Phil., Psych., and Ethics, Adelbert Coll. and Cleve- land Coll. for Women of West. Reserve Univ., 1889-91; Asst. Prof., Psych, and Ped., Univ. of 111., 1892-93; Asst. Prof., Psych., do., 1893-97; Psychologist, Eastern Hosp. for In- sane, Kankakee, 1897-99; lecturer and auth., Chicago, 1899-1905; Physician, Chicago, 1905 — . Founder of 111. Soc. for Child Study, Univ. of 111., 1895; of The Child Study Monthly; The Psychiater. Inventor of Special research apparatus for Lab. of Psych, and examination of insane. Auth.: Practical Lessons in Psy- chology, Werner Co., 1893; Graded Lessons in Hygiene, William O. Krohn & Co., now pub. by D. Appleton & Co.; First Book in Hygiene, do.; also various articles. Married Emma Beard- shear, Ag 26, 1887, Dayton, O. (died Ja 6, 1890, Cleveland); Hattie Weaver, S 7, 1892, New London, Conn. Children: Gretchen, b. Jl 24, 1888; Stuart Beardshear, b. O 22, 1889. Address, 29 E. Madison St., Chicagof A. LOUIS KUEHMSTED M. E., Cornell, 1891; b. Ja 17, 1866, 0.sh- kosh. Wis. Prepared in Oshkosh (Wis.) H. S. Asst., Elec. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1892-3; Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Gregory Elec. Co., Chi- cago. Address, 1601 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. f ALFRED LEONHARDT KUEHN (See No. 1368) FRED KUHLMANN Psychologist; A. B., Univ. of Neb., 1899; A. M., do., 190 1 ; Ph. D., Clark Univ., 1903; b. Mr 22, 1876, Davenport, la. Sigma Xi. Asst., Psych. Lab., LTniv.. of Neb., 1898-1901; do.. Clark Univ., 1901-05; Instr., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1907-10; Dir. Research, Minn. Sch. for Feeble Minded and Colony for Epileptics, 1910 — . Auth.: Experimental Studies in Men- tal Deficiency, Am. Jour, of Psych., Vol. 15; The Place of Mental Imagery and Memory Among Mental Functions, do., 1905. Address, State Hosp., Faribault, Minn.f CHARLES JULIUS KULLMm Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1899; A. M., do., 1000; Ph. D.. Tubingen. Wurtemburg, 1901; b. Mr 5, 1879, Sedalia, Mo.; s. John M. (b. F 10, 1849, Lafayette, Ind.) and Sallie Adelaide (Fenner) Kullmer (b. D 18, 1856, Bellevue, la.). Prepared in Great Falls, Mont. Instr., Harvard and Radcliffe, 1901-04; Instr., Ger., 904 University of Illinois Univ. of 111., 1904-05; Asst. Prof., Syracuse Univ., 1905-08; Assoc. Prof., do., 1908-12; Prof., do., 1912 — . Invented "Kullmer Equa- torial Star Finder," 19 10. Auth. : A Passage in Hermann and Dorothea, Mod. Lang. Notes, Vol. 20; Poessneck, the Scene of Hermann and Dorothea, Baltimore, Furst Co., 1907; Poessneck und Hermann and Dorothea, Heidle- berg, Winter Univ., Buchg, 1907; A Sketch Map of Germany: The 2x3 Diagonal Method, Syracuse, Kramer, 1912; (with Prof. C. W. Cabeen) France: A French Composition Book, the Roofed Square — Paris Method, Syracuse, Kramer, 1914; Betrachtungen iiber die Biblio- theken, Frankfurter Zcitiing, No. 241, 1910; Star Maps and Star Facts, Syracuse, 19 10, 2nd edition, 1912; The Delights of an Interest in the Stars, Syracuse, 1910; A Luminous Meteor Cloud, Mont hi v Weather Rcvieiv, D 1908; The Shift of the Storm Track, Publica- tion, 192, Carnegie Inst, of Wash., 1914; The Law of the Shift of the Storm Track, Bui. of the Geo!. Soc. of Am., Vol. 25; Monthly Storm Frequency in the U. S., Proceedings of the Second Pan-Am. Sc. Cong., Vol. 11, Washington, 19 17. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assii.; L'niv. Club, Syracuse. Address, 505 Univ. Place, Syracuse, N. Y. JACOB KUNZ Professor; Ph. D., Polytechnikum, Zurich, Switzerland, 1907; b. N 3, 1874, Brittnau, Switzerland; s. Jacob (b. 1843, do.) and Anna Maria (Weber) Kunz (b. 1842, do.). Pre- pared in Zofingen, Aargau; attended Univ. of Cambridge, 1907-8; Diploma in Naturwissen- schaften. Asst., Phys., Zurich, 1900-06; Instr., do., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1908-09; Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1909 — . Served in the Swiss Army, 1897-1900. Auth.: Induction der Drehfeldern rotierenden Kugeln aus der Lammlung electrotechnischer Vortriige, Stutt- gart; Teilbarkeit der Materie, Zurich; Theo- retische Physik auf Mechanischer Grundlage Eneke, Stuttgart; also various articles. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc. ; Am. Astronomical Soc. ; A. A. A. S. Address, 1205 Orchard St., Urbana. ROBERT HAYDEN KUSS (See No. 1913) MARTHA JACKSON KYLE (See No. 1054) LUCAS PETRON KYRIDES (KYRIA- KIDES) Research Chem. ; A. B., Anatolia Coll., Marsovan, Turkey, Asia, 1902; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1907; Sc. D., do., 1909; b. Ap 13. 1883, Broussa, Turkey; s. Petros (b. do.) and Theodora (loannon) Kyriakides (b. do.). Pre- pared in Hellenic Sch., Broussa, Academic Dept., Anatolia Coll. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda LTpsilon. Asst., Chem., Univ. of Mich., 1907- 08; First Asst., do., 190S-09; Research Chem., LTniv. of 111., 1909-10; Chem., Detroit Soap Co., Detroit, 1910-11; Research Chem., Hood Rubber Co., E. Watertown, Mass., 1911-14; do., Parke Davis and Co., Detroit, 1914-15; organ- ized and operated Detroit Organic Chemi- cals Co., 1915-16; Research, Organic Chem., General Chem. Co., New York City, 1915 — . Auth.: A Contribution to the Study of the Relation Between Color and Constitution in the Triphenylniethane Series (Thesis) 1909; Some Organic Preparations, Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 36, 1914; Observations on some Barbier-Grignard Reactions, do., 1914; New Processes for the Preparation of Unsatu- rated Hydrocarbons with Conjugated Double Bonds, do., 1914; New Processes for the Preparation of Butadiene, i, 3, Hydrocarbons II, Pyrogenetic Decomposition of Hydro Com- pounds, do., 1914; New Processes for the Preparation of Butadiene, i, 3, Hydrocarbons III, Catalytic Dehydration of Hydroxyl Com- pounds, do., 1914. Mem., Jr. Research Soc, Univ. of Mich.; .V. C. S. Name legally changed to Kyrides. Address, General Chemical Co., Research Dept., 25 Broad St., New York City. BURRITT SAMUEL LACY Chemist; A. B., Harvard, 1903; A. M., do., 1904; Ph. D., do., 1906; b. Mr 4, 1882, Du- buque, la. Attended Carlsruhe Poly, and L^niv. of Berlin, 1506-8. Asst., Gen. Chem., Harvard, 1903-4; Asst., Qual. Analysis, do., 1904-6; John Harvard Fellow, Harvard, 1905-6; Parker Fellow, do., 1906-7; Instr., Chem., L^niv. of 111., 1908-9; Asst. Mgr., Perth Amboy Chem. Works, Sewaren, N. J. Auth.: Electro- stenolysis and Faraday's Law, Jour. A. C. S., 1905; Einige Versuche uber das Leuchten der Bunsen Flamme, Zts. fiir Physik. Chemie., 1908; (with F. Haber) Der innere Kegel der Bunsen Flamme, Zts. fiir Physik. Chem., 19 10. Married Kate Bradley, D 19, 1911. Children: Benjamin Marvin, b. F 14, 1910; Charles Rob- ert, b. My 29, 191 1. Address, c/o Perth Am- boy Chem. Works, Sewaren, N. J.f MARY ELIZABETH LAFLIN (EISNER) (See No. 3442) CINCINNATIO GIOVANNI BATTISTA LAGUARDIA Instructor; A. B., Columbia, 191 5; b. Mr 17, 1804, Concordia, Argentine Republic; s. Gen- naro (b. 1864, Angliano. Italy) and Angela Maria Laguardia (b. 1861, do.). Prepared in Morris H. S., New York City. Phi Beta Kappa; Circolo Italiano; Societe Frangaise. Instr., Spanish, Exten. Dept., Columbia, 1915; Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Instr., Mod. Langs., U. S. Naval Acad., 1916- 18; do., Rom. Langs., N. Y. LTniv., summer 191 7. Mem., Am. Geog. Soc; Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Am. Assn. of Teachers of Span- ish; Officers' Mess, U. S. Naval Acad. Ad- dress, 74 E. ii6th St., New York City; bus. add., U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. EDWARD JOHN LAKE (See No. 892) ERNEST MICHAEL RUDOLPH LAMKEY (See No. 5773) MADGE LAMOREAUX Assistant; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1913; b. O 5, 1889, Grand Rapids, Mich. Prepare;! in Grand Rapids (Mich.) H. S. Omicron Nu. Supvr., Domestic Sc. and Art, H. S., South Haven, Mich, 1913-16; Asst., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Address, 120 N. L'nion Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.f MARION CHARLOTTE LANDEE (STEV- ENSON) B. S., Columbia Coll., 1916; b. D 21, 1887, Moline, 111.; d. Frank A. and Hannah Landee. Prepared in Moline H. S. ; Columbia Coll. of Expression and Phys. Culture. Chi Omega. Teacher, Expression and Phys. Culture, Bod- fors Sch. of Mus. and Orat., 1908-09; Asst., Phys. Tr. alid Dept. Pub. Speaking, L'niv. of 111., 1909-10; Asst., Eng. and Phys. Educ, do., 1909-14. Mem., Presby. Church; Rock Island Women's Club, 19 17. Married Dr. John Mc- Gown Stevenson, S 6, 1916, Rock Island, 111. Address, 726 23rd St., Rock Island, 111. PAUL NISSLEY LANDIS Assistant; A. B., Franklin Marshall Coll., 1913; A. M., do., 1915; b. Ag 8, 1893, Wom- clsdorf. Pa.; s. Frank Theodore (b. N 9, i860. Union Deposit, Pa.) and Cora Miriam (b. Je Faculty 90s 6, 1869, Harrisburg, do.). Prepared in Wom- elsdorf (Pa.) H. S. ; Keystone St. Norm. Scb. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Goethean Lit. Soc. ; Valedictorian, Varsity debate, Frank- lin and Marshall Coll. Instr., Eng. and French, Franklin and Marshall Acad., Lancas- ter, Pa., 1913-16; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Sergt., 56th Pioneer Inf., Hdqtrs. Co., A. E. F.. France; With Army of Occ, Ger., 191 9 — . Mem., A. F. A. M. Address, Womels- dorf. Pa. LEROY LANG (See No. 3832) WILLIAM CHAUNCY LANGDON Pageant Master; A. B., Brown, 1892; A. M., do., 1893; b. Ap 21, 1871, Florence, Italy; s. William Chauncy (b. Ag 19, 183 1, Burlington, Vt.) and Hannah Agnes (Courtney) Langdon (b. F 7, 1828, Richmond, Va.). Prepared in Bedford (Pa.) H. S.; St. John's Military Sch., Manlius, N. Y. ; Cornell, 1888-90. Psi Upsilon. Instr., Eng., Brown, 1892-3; Instr., Hist., Co- lumbia LTniv., 1895; Teacher, Providence, R. I. and Norwood, Mass., 1896-1901; Master of Eng., Lawrenceville, N. J., 1901-02; Instr., Hist., Pratt Inst., 1902-05; Sec, Red Cross, New York City, 1906; Sec, Dist. Att'ys. Office, N. Y. Co., 1907-09; Sec, to Luther Halsey Gulick in Russell Sage Foundation, 1910; Pageant Master, Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Auth. : Cantatas, dramas, masques and page- ants, at Vt., N. H., Conn., Mass., Tex., Ind. Univs., Mass. Agr. Coll., Amherst, and nu- merous pageants and masques at Univ. of 111. Mem., Phi Beta Kappa; ist. Pres. Am. Page- ant Assn., 1913; Active mem., and Direc, do.; Dir., N. Y. Center Drama League of Am., ^913-15; Dir., Camp Fire Girls of Am., 1913 — ; Am. Hist. Assn.; Mem., Nat. Guard of Pa., 5th Regt., Co. I, 1886-90; ist. Corps of Ca- dets. Mass. Volunteer Militia, 1891-93; Co. D, ist. Regt., Inf., R. I., 1898-99; Univ. Club, Urbana; Epis. Church. Married Marion Ames Hatheway, Je 25, 1902, Boston. Children: Margaret, b. Ap 21, 1903; William Chauncy, b. O 2-{, 1906. Address, 8 Kraft Ave., Bronx- ville, N. Y. WILFRED FRANCIS LANGELIER (See G398) EDGAR THOMAS LANHAM Instructor; b. Je 13, 1865; Urbana; s. Ber- nard (b. S 13, 1837, Zanesville, O.) and Mary Margaret (Wills) Lanhan (b. D 15, 1845, Elizaville, Ind.). Prepared in Urbana H. S. ; Univ. of 111., 1884-5. Big Four Shops, 1905; Instr., Forge Work, L^niv. of 111., 1905 — •. Mem., First Baptist Church,- and Sec, Bd. of Deacons, Urbana. Married Mary S. Blue, O 18, 1888, Urbana. Children: Royal Wells, b. O 21, 1889; Ralph Leo, b. Ja 31, i8g2: Nita Jane, b. May 17, 1913. Address, 312 N. Race St., Urbana. ARTHUR S. LANGMAS Extension Asst.; A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1910; b. O 9, 1884, Sheboygan, Wis. Prepared in Sheboygan St. Norm. Sch., Sheboygan, Wis. First Asst., H. S., Manawa, Wis., 1904-7; Instr., Bus. and Geog., Univ. Acad., 1910-11; Dist. Rep., L^niv. of Wis. Exten. Div., 191 1 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 44 Madison St., Oshkosh, Wis.; bus. add., 175 Main St., do. CYRUS WILLIAM LANTZ (See No. 5775) ARTHUR WILLIAM LARSEN Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1913; M A., do., 1915; b. F 23, 1891, Milwaukee. Prepared in So. Div. H. S., Milwaukee. Acacia; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Math., H. S., Lancaster, Wis., 1913-14; Instr., Math., Univ. of Wis., 1914-15; do., Univ. of Kan., 1915-17; Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 1125 Orange St., St. Paul.f LAURENCE MARCELLUS LARSON Professor; A. B., Drake Univ., 1894; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1900; Ph. D., do., 1902; b. S 23, 1868, Bergen, Norway; s. (Thristian (b. Mr 26, 1840, do.) and Ellen Mathilde (Mad- sen) Larson (b. Mr 23, 1839, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Drake L^niv., Des Moines. Signet Lit., Soc. Henrik Wergeland Scholar- ship, Univ. of Wis., 1900-1 ; Fellowship in European Hist., do., 1901-2. Prin., Scandina- vian Acad., 1894-9; Instr., Hist., West Div. H. S., Milwaukee, 1902-5; do.. East Div. H. S., do., 1905-7; Assoc, Hist. Univ. of 111., 1907-8; Asst. Prof., Hist., do., 1908-12; Assoc. Prof., do., 1912-13; Prof., do., 1913 — . Auth.: The King's Household in England before the Norman Conquest, Univ. IVis. Bii!., 1904; The Sectional Elements in the Early History of Milwaukee, Proc. of Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., I., 1907-8; Old Norse Sources in English His- tory, Am. Report of the Am. Hist. Assn., 1907-8, I; A Financial and Administrative His- tory of Milwaukee, Madison, Wis., Univ. Wis. Bill., 1908; A Syllabus of European History, Univ. of 111., 1909; Canute, the Great, 1912;' A Short History of England and the British Empire, 1915; The King's Mirror (Transla- tion), 1917; various articles in Am. Hist. Re- view, Pol. Sc. Rev., Pol. Sc. Quarterly, Jour, of Eng. and Ger. Philol., and The Dial; Prus- sianism in North Sleswick, Am. Hist. Review, Ja 1919; Socialistic Upheaval in Europe, do. Mem., (iongr. Church. Married Lillian May Dodson, D 25, 1895, Des Moines. Address, 301 Armoi-y Ave., Champaign. THOMAS ERWIN LATIMER (See No. G402) IRMA ADA LATZER (See No. 7025) LENORE LYDIA LATZER (See No. 2733) HERBERT HOUGHTON LAUER Engineer; E. M., Lehigh Univ., 1906; b. Ag 6, 1880, Philadelphia; s. Andrew Jack- son (b. F 22, 1845, do.) and Helen Marion (Houghton) Lauer (b. Mr 10, 1854, do.). Prepared in Central Man. Tr. H. S., Phila- delphia. Beta Theta Pi. Rodman, Transitman; Insp., and Asst. Engr., on const, of Belmont Reservoirs and Filters, Philadelphia, 1901-4; Assayer, Asst. Engr., Foreman on Cyanide Work, etc., for min. companies in Mex., 1906, 1908, and 1910; Chief Civ. and Min. Engr., Sewanee Fuel & Iron Co., Tenn., 1907-08; Res. Engr.,. Riter, Conley Const. Co., Pitts- burgh, and Min. Engr. U. S. Coal & Coke Co., Gary, W. Va., 1910-11; with 111. Steel Co., S. Chicago, and Div. Min. Engr., Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Co., Ala., 191 1; Instr., Min. Engng., LTniv. of 111., 1911-13; Estimating Engr., Midvale Steel Co., Philadelphia, J913-6; Chief Const. Engr., Atlas Portland Cement Co., 1916 — . Mem., Min. Engng. Soc; (Tiv. Engng. Soc; A. F. A. M.; A. I. M. E.; A. S. M. E. ; A. A. A. S. Married Anna Katherine Toner, O 12, 1909, Mexico City, Mex. Children: John Toner, b. Jl 9, 1910; Marion H., b. O 20, 1912. Address, 1846 Turner St., Allentown, Pa. EDWARD GEORGE LAUTERBACK (See No. 7026) 9o6 University of Illinois EDWIN VICTOR LAWRENCE Mech. Engr.; b. Ag 6, 1876, Boston. Pre- pared in Mass. Norm. Art Sch. (four yrs. teachers' course, diploma, 1903) ; Attended Boston Art Club, one yr. Draftsman, Boston 1898-9; 1900-1; Land Arch., do., summers 1902-6; Teacher, Drawing, Boston Pub. Schs. 1902; do.. Chelsea Pub. Sch., Mass., 1903 Teacher, Free Hand Drawing, Bradley Poly Inst., Peoria, 1903-6; Instr., Art and Design LTniv. of 111., 1906-9; do.. Mil. Sc, 1908-9 Pittsburgh Playground Assn. ; Exten. Work Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1910-11; Designer, Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass., 1911-12; Mech, Engr., Ideal Coated Paper Co., Brook field. Mass., 1912 — . Capt., 553i'd Engrs., Ser vice Bn. (colored); do., Co. C, do.. Camp Hum phreys; Middletown. Pa. Auth. : various articles on Man. Tr. and drawing, The Man. Tr. Mag. Mem., A. F. A. M. Married Maude Olmstead, 1905. Children: Julia Ruth, b. Jl 5, 1906; Edwina Francis, b. O 11, 1911. Ad- dress, Ideal Coated Paper Co., Brookfield, Mass. FREDERICK LOCKE LAWRENCE Professor; b. Ja 19, 1869, Springfield, Vt. ; s. Merrill L. (b. Windham, Vt.) and Kate L. (Lock) Lawrence (b. Springfield, Vt.). Pre- pared in Springfield (Vt.) H. S.; attended ■Royal Conservatory of Music, Leipsic, Ger., tSq5-6. Instr., N. W. L^niv., Conservatory of Music, 1887-9; Instr., Piano, 1890-5; Dir., Music, Claverack Coll. Conservatory; do., Montpelier Sem., Vt., 1896-7; Dir. Sch. of Music, Carleton Coll., Northfield LTniv., 1897- 1900; do., and Prof, in charge of Piano, LTniv. of 111., 1903-10; studied teaching methods in Berlin, 1911-12; Prof., Piano and Musical Composition, Carleton Coll.. Conservatory Music, 1912 — .Auth.: Miscellaneous songs, orchestra composition, (manuscripts) ; Bach, Prep. Studies, The Geo. B. Jennings Co., (Tin- cinnati; miscellaneous contributions to musical mags. Married Marie S. Schoonmaker, D 24, 1S93, Port Ewen, N. Y. Children: Merrill L., h. F 17, 1899; Frederick L. and James O., b. F 22, 1907. Address, Carleton Coll., Con- servatory Music, Northfield, Minn. THOMAS ERNEST LAYNG (See G406) KATHERINE ALBERTA W. LAYTON (CRATHORNE) (See No. iS45) WARREN KENNETH LAYTON (See G407) OLGA EDITH LEAMAN Instructor; b. S 27, 1885, Owensboro, Ky. ; d. Robert Murray (b. do.) and Emma (Wer- ner) Leaman (b. do.). Prepared in Owens- boro (Ky.) H. S.; Studied voice, Chicago, 1907-08; do., Berlin, Ger., 1909-11; do., Chi- cago, 1912-13; Henderson-Brown Coll., 1913-15; Instr., Voice, Univ. of 111., 1915 — ■ Address, 910 W. Oregon St., Urbana. MARION LEATHERMAN ■ (See No. 7730 CHARLES ALBERT LE DEUC Instructor; LL. B., Rennes Univ., France, 1903; Ph. D., Heidelberg Univ., Ger., 1905; B. A. M., Harvard, 1912; b. Je 4, 1881, France. Attended Yale, 1913-14. Teacher, French, Smith Coll., 1904-05; Instr., Bus. Adm., Grinnell Coll., 1906-07; do.. Account- ancy, LTniv. of 111., 191 6 — . Mem., Congr. Church. Address, 103 Armory Ave., Cham- paign. CARL EMIL LEE Dairy and Food Commissioner; B. S., N. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1897; M. S., Univ. of Wis., 1909; b. Je 23, 1875, Stoughton, Wis.; s. Thorvald J. (b. Jl 26, 1852, Hongsberg, Nor- way) and Tila (Hansen) Lee (b. F 15, 1849, Dramen, Sweden). Prepared in Prep. Course, N. Dak. Agr. Coll. Sigma Xi. In charge of Buttermaking dept., Diamond Creamery Co., Monticello, la., 1S99-1903; Field Instr., Dairy Mfg., Univ. of 111., 1903-5; Instr., Dairy Husb. and First Asst., Dairy Mfg., Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1905-7; Asst. Prof., do., and Fi«-st Asst., do., Ap .ii-xp. C3ia., at/., .yw/-y; Asst. Prof., Dairy Husb., Univ. of Wis., 1909-15; Asst. Dairy and Food Commissioner and Dairy Specialist, 1915 — . Auth.: (with H. C. Tay- lor), Buls. 137, 138 and 139. ///. E.rp. Sta.; ;Vo. 310, Wis. E.vp. Sta. Married Gertrude May Long, S I, 1903, Monticello, la. Children: Howard James, b. Je 16, 1905; Dorothy Mary, b. F 15, 1909; Herbert Carl, b. Ja 18, 1911. .4ddress, 16 15 Jefferson St., Madison, Wis. ♦EDWARD CLARENCE LEE Chief Insp.; B. S., Pa. St. Coll., 1908; E. M., do., 1913; b. Mr 28* 1886, Strondsburg, Pa.; s. D. Wesley (b. 1850, do.) and Annie (Spragle) Lee (b. 1855, do.). Prepared in Strondsburg (Pa.) H. S.; Wyo. Sem. Min. Engr., Lehigh Valley Coal Co., Wilkes Barre, Pa., 1908-14; Instr., LTniv. of 111. Miners' and Mechanics' Insts., 1914-15; Chief Insp., The Associated Cos., Compensation Ins. for Coal Mines, 1915 — . Asst. to H. M. Wilson in de- veloping and perfecting a system for merit- rating coal mines in connection with workmen's compensation ins. Auth. : Articles in Coal Age. Mem., A. I. M. E. ; Coal Min. Inst, of .\m. Married Jean Ryle Tillotson, My 27, 1909, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Child, Donald Wood- ward, b. Ap 17, 1910. Died D 16, 1918, Pitts- burgh. EVERETT SAMUEL LEE (See No. 5783) PHILIP AUGUSTUS LEHENBAUER (See G412) CLYDE EVERT LEIGHTY Plant Breeder and Agronomist; A. B., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1904; Ph. D., Cornell, 1912; b. My 7, 1882, Billett, 111.; s. George H. (b. 1752, Lawrence Co., III.) and Lucretia (Van- dermark) Leighty (b. 1858, Pa.). Prepared 'n Lawrenceville H. S. ; 111. Wesleyan Prep. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Xi; Synapsis. Special Agt., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904-05; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Special Agt. and Asst., Grain Standardization, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1906-09; Grad. Stud, and Asst., Plant Breeding, Cornell, 1909-12; Agronomist, U. S. Dept.. Agr., 1912 — . (?o-auth.: Am. Ex- port Corn (Maize) in Europe, U. S. Dept. Agr. B. P. I. Cir. No. 55, 1910; Germination of Seed as Affected by Sulfuric Acid Treatment, Cor- nell Agr. E.xp. Sta. Bid., No. 312, 1912; "orrelation of Characters of Oats with Special Ref. to Breeding, Annual Report^ of Am. Breeders' Assn., 7; Variations and Correlation of Oats (avena sativa) , Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Memoirs, Nos. 3 and 4, 1914; Auth.: articles on wheat and rye growing. Jour. Am. Soc. .4gron., Jour. Heredity. U. S. Dept. Agron. Farmers' Bui, 1914-17. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Ollie Edna Harris, O 13, 1908, Fay- ette, Mo. Children: Florence L., b. Mr 19, 1910; Dorothy L., b. Je 19, 1913; Raymond v., b. O 23, 1915. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. WILBUR ROY LEIGHTY Associate; B. S., 111. 'Wesleyan Univ., 1910; b., Mr 31, 1887, Lawrence Co., 111.; s. George H. and Lucretia (Vandermark) Leighty. Pre- P'aculty 907 pared in Lavvrenceville H. S.; 111. Wesleyan Acad. Tail Kappa Epsilon. Asst. Chem., Agron., Agr., Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111.; Assoc, Soil Fertility, do. Married Lula Whitesell, Ag 22, 1912, Bloomington, 111. Address, looi V\^ Oregon St., Urbana. EDWARD HENRY LENKE Gen. Mgr.; b. N 15, 1882, Chicago; s. George C. (b. O 9, 1855, Hanover, Ger.) and Alvina (Deutsche) Lenke (b. S 12, 1859, Chi- cago). Prepared in Chicago Eng. H. and Man. Tr. Schs.; Univ. of 111., 1901-05. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Orchestra; String Quartette; Gvm. Team. Asst. Dir., Gym., Univ. of 111., 1903-05; Resident Mgr., Min. & Smelt- ing Co., Pearl, Colo., 1905-12; Stock ranch, garage and auto bus., Wyo., :9i2-i5; Gen. Mgr., Bennett & Dale Garage Co., Trinidad, Colo. Mem., A. F. A. M., B. P. 0. E. Married Louise Snyder, Ag 24, 1908, Rawlins, Wyo. Address, 316 Ash St., Trinidad, Colo.; bus. add., 430-40 E. Main St., do. WILLIS LERISHE (See No. 6381) OTTO EDUARD LESSING Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1895; Ph. p., do., 1901; b. S 28, 187s, Wiirttemberg, Ger.; s. Rev. Gustav Adolf (b. 1823, Owen, do.) and Bertha (Majer) Lessing (b. Ja 16, 1839, Boblingen, do.). Prepared in Latin Sch., Kornthal ; Ciymnasium at Stuttgart ; Evangeli- cal-Theological Seminaries, Maulbronn and Blaubeuren, Wiirttemberg. Studied in Tuebin- gen, Wiirttemberg, 1893-94; Munich, 1898-99, 1903-07; Instr., Ger., Univ. of Mich., 1896-98; Instr., do., Univ. of Wis., 1900-02; Instr., do.. Smith Coll., 1902-03; Assoc. Prof., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1907-13; Prof., do., 1913 — . Auth. : Schiller's Einfluss auf Grillparzer, Bid. Univ. of Wis., 1902; Grillparzer und das Neue Drama, R. Piper & Co., Munich, 1905; Whit- man's Prosaschriften, do., igo6; Horace Trau- •bel's "Weckrufe," Chants Comunal, do., 1907; Die Neue Form, Carl Reissner, Dresden, 1910; Masters in Modern German Literature, do., 1912; numerous other articles. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. ; Schwahische Schiller-Ve- rein, Stuttgart; Phi Beta Kappa; Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs. Married Maria Wilhelmina Dilg. Ag 9, 1808, Lindau, Bavaria. Children: Marion Rose, b. Mr 15, 1901 ; Otto Adolf Bernhard, b. My 18, 1904. Address, 1109 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. OSCAR ADOLPH LEUTWILER (See No. 1246) HOWARD BISHOP LEWIS Professor; B. A., Yale, 1908; Ph. D., do., 1913; b. N 8, 1887, Southington. Conn.; s. Frederick Austin (b. do.) and Charlotte Rachel (Parmelee) Lewis (b. New Haven, Conn.). Prepared in Lewis H. S., Southington, Conn. Alpha Chi Sigma; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Special and Gen. Honors. Asst., Physiol. Chem., Yale, 1911-13; Pathol. Chem., Conn. Hosp. for Insane, summer 1911; Research Chem., Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for children, Baltimore, summer 1913; Instr., Med. Sch., Univ. of Pa., 1913-15; Assoc, .Physiol. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — . Auth.: Numerous articles in Jour. A. M. A., Jour. Biol. Chem., Jour. A. C. S. and Am. Jour. Physiol. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Soc of Biol. Chem.; Soc. for Norm, and Pathol. Physiol. ; Soc. for Exp. Biol, and Med. Married Mildred Eaton, Je 15, 1915; Beloit, Wis. Child, Charlotte Barber, b. Mr 9, 1916. Address, 904 Gregory Place, Urbana. *JOHN C. LEWIS Teacher in elocution, Univ. of 111., 1877-80. Deceased. STANLEY MELVILLE LEWIS Artist and Designer; b. O 3, 1876, Urbana; s. John Melville (b. N 3, 1846, Frankfort, Ind.) and Mary Francis (Rice) Lewis (b. Ap 3, 1854, Alton, 111.). Attended Univ. of 111., 1S95-8. Fellowship, Art and Design, Univ. of 111. ; Asst. to Prof. F. F. Frederick, during Prof. Lake's absence, 1897. Married Jennie Ella Cade, D 27, 1909, Barnet, Vt. Address, 471 E. 41st St., Chicago.! EARL EMANUEL LIBMAN (See No. 7741) INGEBRIGT LILLEHEI Instructor; A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1908; A. M., do.. 1909; b. Jl 22, 1883. Prepared in Red Wing Sem., Minn. Phi Beta Kappa. A. B. with distinction; Scholarship in Phil., LTniv. of Minn. Teacher, French, St. Coll. of Washington, 1909-10; Attended Univ. of Paris, 1910, 1911; Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1911-14; Instr., French, N. W. Univ., 1914-15; do., Rom. Lang., Univ. of Kan., 1915. Ad- dress, c/o Univ. of Kan., Lawrence, Kan. AZARIAH THOMAS LINCOLN Professor; B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1894; M. S., do., 1898; Ph. D., do., 1899; b. Je 25, 1868, Montfort, Wis.; s. Joseph H. (b. F 19, 1827, near Philadelphia) and Margaret (Laird) Lin- coln (b. D 7, 1 84 1, do.). Prepared in Mont- fort, Wis. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda LTpsilon; Alpha Chi Sigma. Fellowship in Chem., Univ. of Wis.; Asst., Chem., do., 1896-8; Re- search Asst., Phys. Chem., Cornell, 1899-igoo; Instr., Chem., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1900-1; do., Univ. of 111., 1901-3; Asst. Prof., do., 1903-8; do., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1908-12; Prof., Chem., do., 1912 — . Invented Lincoln's Burette Holder, 1904. Auth.: Elementary Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Lincoln and Walton, Macmillan Co., 1907, reprinted in 1908, 1910, and in 191 1; Theoretical Princi- ples of the Methods of Analytical Chemistry by M. G. Chesneau, translated from the French, Lincoln and Carnahan, Macmillan Co., 1910; Physical Chemistry, D. C. Heath & Co., 1918; various other articles. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Electro-Chem. Soc; Island Golf Club; Presby. Church. Married Jennette Emeline Carpenter, Je 30, IQ04, Mansfield, O. Address 1625 Tibbets Ave., Troy, N. Y.; bus. add., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., do. FRANCIS CHURCH LINCOLN Assayer and Insp.; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1900; E. M., New Mexico Sch. of Mines, 1904; A. M., Columbia, 1906; Ph. D., do., 191 1 ; b. S 8, 1877, Boston; s. Charles Thayer (b. O 24, 1849, West Townsend, Mass.) and Lena Simmons (Church) Lincoln (b. Ag 5, 1856, Little Compton, R. I.). Prepared in Boston Eng. H. S. Sigma Xi; President's Scholar in Geol., Columbia, 1905; Fellow in Geol., do., 1906-7. Assayer, Asst. Supt. etc., for min. cos. in Colo.. Mexico and Ariz., 1900-05; Prof., Geol., N. M. Sch. of Mines, Socorro, N. M., 1901-02; Prof., Metallurgy, do., 1902-04; Asst., Phys., Columbia, 1906-07; Prof., Geol., Mont. St. Sch. of Mines, Butte, Mont., 1907-10; Consulting Min. Engr., in pvt. practice, New York City, 1910-11; Assoc, Min. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1911-12; Asst. Prof., do., 1912-13; Resident Engr., Bolivian Development & Exploitation Co., La Paz, Bolivia, S. Am., 1913-14; Prof. Min. and Metallurgy, Mackay Sch. of Mines, Univ. of Nev., Reno, Nev., 1914-15; Dir., St. Min. Lab., do., 1915; Dir., Mackay Sch. of Mines, poS University of Illinois do'., 1915; Dir., Secondary Min. Schs. of Nev., 1915; St. Assavcr and Insp., for Nev., 1917— . Auth. : Numerous articles in Economic GeoL; Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engng., Engng. and Min. Jour. Min. and Sc. Press, and Me.Hcan Min. Jour. Mem., Boston Y. M. C. U. ; A. I. M. E. ; Mont. Soc. of Engrs., Cor. Mem.; A. A. A. S. (Fellow). Married Ger- trude Whipple Appleton, Je 19, 1901, Boston. Children: Leslie Appleton, b. Ap 10, 1905; Francis Appleton, b. Ap 6, 1914- Address, 804 Evans Ave., Reno, Nev. JUSTA MORRIS LINDGREN (See No. 1724) WALTER CHARLES LINDLEY (See No. 1546) JOHN ROYER LINDSEY (See No. 8533) RALPH HARLAN LINKINS (See G419) CLYDE MAURICE LINSLEY (See No. 7748) SIMON LITMAN Professor; A. B., Odessa Cml. Coll., 189^; Dr. Jur. Pub. et Rer. Com., Lhiiv. of Zurich, 1901; b. O 13, 1873, Odessa, Russia; s. Jacob and Pauline (Helfman) Litman. Graduate, Ecole des Sciences Politiques, Paris, 1899; at- tended L^niv. of Munich, 1899-1900. Lecturer, Ecole Rvisse des Houtes Etudes Sociales, Paris, 1902; Instr., Univ. of Calif., 1903-8; Assoc, Commerce, Univ. of 111., 190S-10; Asst. Prof., Econ., do.. 1910 — . Auth.: Die Moglichkeit der Lohnsteigerungcn und die Lohnfondstheorien, Munchen, 1902; Trade and Commerce, LaSalle Exten. Univ., Chicago, 1911; Business Economics, in the Vol. Lib., W. Richardson & Co., Chicago, 191 1; numer- ous other articles. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Am. Statistical Assn. ; Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation. Married Rachel Frank, Ag 1901, London, Eng. Address, 807 W. California St., L^rbana. ' ANANIAS CHARLES LITTLETON (See No. 5273) WALLACE BRIGHT LIVESAY (See No. 63S9) JOSEPH CORSON LLEWELLYN (See No. 143) JOHN WILLIAM LLOYD Professor; B. S., Wheaton Coll., 1897; B. S. A., Cornell, 1899; M. S. A., do., 1903; Ph. D., L'niv. of Calif. 1917; b. F 19, 1S76, St. Charles, 111.; s. William Barrett (b. F 14, 1849, do.) and Alice (Taylor) Lloyd (b. Jl 9, 1848, Light House, 111.). Prepared in Wheaton Coll. Acad. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Instr., Hort. and First Asst., do., Agr. Exp. Sta., LTniv. of 111., 1899-1902; Instr., Oler- iculture, and First Asst. in Sta., do., 1902-3; Asst. Prof, and Asst. Chief in Sta., do., 1903- 9; Assoc. Prof, and Asst. Chief in Sta. do., 1909-11; Prof, and Chief in Sta., do., 191 1 — . Auth. : The Farmer's Vegetable Garden, ///. Agr. E.rp. Sta. Bui., No. 61, 1901; do., 105, 1906; Spraying for the Codling Moth, do., 114, 1907; Marketing the Muskmelon, do., 124, 1908; (with I. S. Brooks) Growing Tomatoes for Early Market, do., 144, 1910; Fertilizer Ex- periments with Muskmelons, do., 155, 1912; Experiments in Onion Culture, do., 175, 1914; Tests with Nitrate of Soda in the Production of Early Vegetables, do., 184, 1915; Produc- tive Vegetable Growing, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 19 14; also a number of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Cirs. Mem., Congr. Church; 111. St. Hort. Soc; Am. Breeders' Assn.; Vegetable Growers Assn. of Am.; Am. Pomological Soc; Assn. for Agr. Legislation. Married Margaret Elizabeth Widdis, Je 30, 1909, Detroit. Ad- dress, 117 S. 3rd St., Champaign. CLARENCE CHESTER LOGAN (See No. 3452) ROGER SHERMAN LOOMIS Instructor; B. A., Williams Coll., 1909; M. A., Harvard, 1910; B. Litt., do., 1913; b. O 31, 1887, Japan; s. Henry (b. Mr 4, 1839, Burlington, N. Y.) and Jane Herring (Greene) Loomis (b. Je 14, 1845, Roxbury, Mass.). Prepared in Hotchkiss H. S., Lakeville, Conn. Alpha Zeta Alpha; Gargoyle. Instr., Eng., Univ. of 111.. 1913-1S. Corp., Psych. Dept., Base Hospital. Denver, loiS — . Sergt., Gen. Hosp. No. 21. Denver, Colo. Ed.. Army News- paper, Auth.: Illustrations of Medieval Romance on Tiles from Chertsey .\bbey. Univ. of 111., 1916; articles in Mod. Lang. Ra^iczc, Mod. Phil- oL, Jour, of Eng. and Germanic Philol.. Mod. Lang. Note's, Art in America, Reedy's Mirror, Romanic Rei-iezv. Address, c/o Miss Louise Loomis, Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N, Y. MANUEL L. LOPEZ (See G424) ARTHUR RUSSELL LORD (See G425) FRANK CARLTON LORING Engineer; B. S., Purdue, 1904; M. A,, Columbia, 1907; b. O 2, 1882, Marion, Ind. Instr., Exp. Engng. Cornell, 1907-8; do., Elec. Engng., do., 190S-9; Foreman, F. M. Benner Co.; Instr., Elec Engng., L'niv. of 111., 1912- 14; with Bur. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Wash- ington, D. C. Mem., ist Friends Church. Ad- dress, c/o Bur. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Washington, D. C.f HARRY HOUSER LOVE Professor; B. S., 111. Wesleyait, 1904; A. M., do., 1906; Ph. D., Cornell, 1909; b. Mr 19, 1S80, Tavlorville, 111.; s. Charles H. (b. F 8, 1847) and Adline (Evans) Love (b, Jl 31, 1854, Waynesville, 111.). Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Prep. Sch. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi; Biol. Club, Cornell. Asst., Chem., Plant Breeding Lab., L^niv. of 111., 1904-6; Asst., Plant Breeding, 1906-7; Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1907-S. Grad. Stud, and Asst., Plant Breeding, do., 1908-9; Asst. Prof. do., 1909-11; Prof., do., 191 1 — . Auth.: Bui., No. 297, Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta., 191 1; No. 312, do., 1913; Paper Influence of Food Sup- ply on Variation, A. B. A. Rpt., 1909; Are Fluctuations Inherited? Am. Naturalist, 1910; The Relation of Certain Ear Characters to Yield in Corn, Am. Breeder's Assn., Vol. 7, 1911; A Study of the Large and Small Grain Question, do.; Germination of Seed as Af- fected by Sulfuric Acid Treatment, Cornell Agr. E.rf. Sta. Bui.. 312, 1912: The Relation of Seed Ear Characters to Earliness in Corn, Am. Breeders' Assn., Vol. 8, 1912; Compari- sons of Yield betwen Hybrids and Selections in Oats, do.. Vol. 3, No, 4, 19 12; Relation of Yield of Straw and Grain in Oats, Jour. Am. Soc. of Agron., Vol. 6, 1914; A Suggestion, Regarding Methods for Determining Weight per Bushel of Oats, do.. Vol. 7, No. 3, 1915; Correlations between Ear Characters and Yield in Corn, do.. Vol. 9, No. 7, 191 7; Oats for New York, Cornell Agr. E.rp. Sta., Bui.. 343; Barley for New York, do., 1917; The Inher- itance of the Weak Awn in Certain Avena Crosses, Am. Naturalist, Vol. LI, No, 608, Faculty QOQ Ag 191 7; Methods of Cereal Investigation at the Cornell Sta., in press; Small Grain In- vestigations Conducted by the Dept. of Plant Breeding at Cornell, in press. Married Anna Barclay, S C>, IQ04, Covel, 111. Children: Harry Barclay, h. Jl 4, 190.1 ; Roliert Emer- son, b. Ag 3, 1908; Elizabeth Maurine, b. Ag 10, 1910. Address, 102 Oxford Place, Ithaca, N. Y. ROBERT JAMES LOVE (See No. 3457) GLADYS LOVEWELL Assistant; b. Ja 2, 1896, Chicago. Pre- pared in Englewood and Univ. H. Schs., Chicago. Diploma, Chicago Norm. Sch., 1917; attended Univ. of 111. Kapjia Alpha Theta. Dir., S. Park Playground, Chicago, summer 1917; Teacher, Gym., Social Center, and Pvt. classes, Minneapolis, 1917; Asst., Phys. Tr., LTniv. of 111., 191 7. Mem., Ejiis. Church. Address, Ft. Snelling, Minn. WILLIAM PENN LUKENS (See G428) ARTHUR LUMBRICK (See No. 3459) JAMES CHARLES LUND (See No. 3847) ALBERT HOWE LYBYER Professor; A. B., Princeton, 1896; Ph. D., Harvard, 1909; b. Jl 29, 1876, Greencastle, Ind. ; s. Salem Henry (b. 1845, Cloverland, Ind.) and Jane Estella (Layman) Lybyer (b. 1 85 1, Putnamville, Ind.). Prepared in Brazil (Ind.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa; Cliosophic Lit. Soc. Instr., Math., Mich. Mil. Acad., Orchard Lake, Mich., 1897; Prof., Math., Roberts Coll., Constantinople, 1900-06; Asst., Hist., Harvard, 1907-09; Assoc. Prof., do., Oberlin Coll., 1909-11; Prof., do., 1909-13; Assoc. Prof., Hist., Univ. of III., 1913-15; Prof., do., 1915 — . Mem., LT. S. Peace Dele- gation, Paris, France, 19 18-19. Auth. : The Govt, of the Ottoman Empire in the time of Suleiman the Magnificent, Harvard Univ. Press, 1913; The Use and Abuse of Note- books in the Teaching of History, Proceedings North Central Hist. Teachers' Assn., 1910; The Turkish Parliament, Proceedings Am. Pol. Sc. Assn., 1910; The Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade, Eng. Hist. Review, Vol. 30, 1915; articles in Proceedings North Central Hist. Teachers' Assn., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn., Eng. Hist. Review, Jour, of Am. Oriental Soc. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Am. Oriental Soc; Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.; Assn. of Univ. Profs. ; Fellow, Royal Hist. Soc; Univ. Club; Harvard Club. Married Clara Sidney Andrews, Jl 25, 1901, Brazil, Ind. Address, 1009 W. California St., Urbana. ERNEST BARNES LYTLE (See No. 1552) MAY ELIZABETH McADAMS (See No. 7767) *JAMES ELIJAH McATEE B. A., William Jewell Coll., 1907; M. A., do., 1909; Ph. D.,, LIniv. of Chicago, 1917; b. S 16, 1885, Grant, Ky. ; s. James Louis (b. Mr 1843, Union, Ky.) and Nancy Jane (Ryle) McAtee (b. 1846, Grant, Ky.). Prepared in William Jewell Coll. Prep. Dept. Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Xi. Assoc, Math., William Jewell Coll., Liberty, Mo.; Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1918. Married Virgie L. Mackey, Jl 16, 191 1, Durant, Okla. Children; Nancie Virginia, b. N 15, 1913; James Marion, b. Je 25, 1915. Died D 1, 1918, Urbana. ROY IVAN McCALLISTER Born S 5, 1895; s. E. McCallistcr. Prepared in Carmi II. S. Beta Theta Pi. Instr., Capt., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111.; 2nd Lt., Co. C, 5th l)iv. Bn.. 158 Depot Brig., Camp Sherman; Mustered out Ja, 1919. Address, Carmi, 111. CHARLES GEORGE MacARTHUR Teacher; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1908; A. M. do., 1908; b. My 3, 1883, Buffalo, N. Y, Sigma Chi. Teacher, Lancaster, N. Y., 1901 03; Stud. Asst., Chem., Oberlin Coll., 1905-08 Asst., do., 1908-10; Asst., Univ. of Chicago 1910-12; Instr., Phys. Chem., Univ. of 111. 1912-15; Teacher, Chem., Med. Dept., Univ of So. Calif., Los Angeles, 1905 — ■. Address, c/o Univ. of So. Calif., Los Angeles. ELLEN McCarthy (foley) A. B., Cornell, 1907; Ph. D., do., 1909; b. Ja 2i, 1882, Breesport, N. Y.; d. John Henry (b. 1856, Hornell, N. Y.) and Nancy Eliza- beth (Taylor) McCarthy (b. Mr 10, 1864, Breesport, N. Y.). Prepared in St. Norm. Tr. .Sch., Cortland, N. Y. Delta Zeta; Sigma Xi; Grad. Scholarship, Chem.; Grad. Fellowship, Chem. Asst. Chem., Bur. of Chem., Washing- ton, D. C, 1909-10; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1909-13. Married John Warner Foley Cii), Je 9, 19 1 3, Urbana. Children: (twins) John Warner and Edwin Nicholas, b. F 19, 1016. Address, 58 S. 4th St., Ridgefield Park, N. J. EDWARD W. McCASKEY Major, U. S. A.; b. Ag 30, 1863, Lancaster, Pa. Prepared in Lancaster (Pa.) H. S. ; at- tended Franklin and Marshall Coll.; West Point Mil. Acad., i88j-86. Lt., Jist Inf., Utah and Wyo., 1886-92; Pa. St. Coll., 1892- nfi; with Gen. Hendenberg's Div., Plattsburg, N. Y., 1896-98; Philippines, 1899-1902; New- ark, Del., 1903-06; Ft. Douglas, Salt Lake City, 1906; Denver, 1906-08; Retired 1908-16; Madison Barracks, N. Y., 1916-17; Major, U. .S. A. and Commandant, Univ. of 111., 1917- 18; do., R. O. T. C, Ft. Sheridan, 111., 1918— ; do., Univ., of Wis., Madison, 1918 — . Ad.- dress, c/o Mil. Dept., Univ. of Wis., Madison. WILLIAM FRANK McCAUGHEY, JR. Instructor; A. B., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1916; b. N 19, 1893, Lynchburg, Va. ; s. W. l'\ (b. 1864, Greenville, O.) and Matilda (Vaughn) McCaughey (b. 1865, Philadelphia). Prepared in Greenville (O.) H. S. Sigma Nu; Tech. Arch. Club; Sennechl, Delta Skull Frat.; Capt., Football, 1912-16; Pres., Ath. Assn. Draftsman, Schmidt, Garden, and Mar- tin, 1916-17; Adler & Work, 1917; Instr., Arch. Design, Univ. of 111., 1917-18, 1919 — . Plattsburg Tr. Camp, summer 19 16; R. O. T. ('., Camp Meade, Md., 19 18. Won 2nd Prize, Loeb Competition, Beaux Arts Inst. Design, New York City, 191 6; ist Prize, Whatman's Water Color Competition; do., Loeb Compe- titions, 1917; do., Warren Competition; Medal, Archaeol. Beaux Arts Inst. Design, 1917. Mar- ried Marguerite F. Law, Jl 9, 191 7, Racine, Wis. Address, 708 W. Elm St., Urbana. JOHN HANCOCK McCLELLAN Physician; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1897; A. M., do., 1899; Ph. D., Harvard, 1906; M. D., LIniv. of Chicago, 191 1; b. Jl 21, 1876, Lex- ington, Ky. Attended Univ. of Berlin, 1906- 7; Univ. of Freiburg, summer 1907. " Asst., Zool., Univ. of Mich., 1898-9; Instr., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1899-1903; Assoc, Zool, do., 1907-8; Asst. Prof. Histol. and Embryol., do., 1908-9; Asst. Prof., Physiol., do., 1900-10; Med., Presby. Hosp., Chicago. 1910; Phys., Chicago, 1919 — . Capt. M. O. T. C, Camp Grant, 1918; Maj., do., A. E. F., France; Mustered out 1919. Address, 1225 E. 54th St., Chicago; bus. add.. Peoples Gas Bldg., do. ()IO l^NIVEUSITY OF ILLINOIS CKdKCK \\ASlilNc;TON McrLUE"k (Soe No. 309) CHARLES McCLURE Rom ill III. Ciad. IT. S. Mil. Acad., 11 i, 187=;; Jiul U., iSth Inf., 1879; Trof., Mil. Sc. and Tactics, I'niv. of 111., i8S,!-6; First Lt., 1887; t'apt. iSqs; Maj. judge-advocate, vols. Ap 17, 1899; Maj., 14th inf., 1901. Address, Presidio, San Francisco. t LOIS DERWENTWATER McCOBB Dir. of Voice Dcpt. ; b. Rockport, Me.; d. Orlando (b. Lincolnvillc, Me.) and Abbie Esther (Talbot) McOobb (b. Rockport. Me.). Prepared in Rockport (Me.) 11. S. ; Boston .Sch. of Langs. Attended New England Con- servatory; Intcrnat. Sch. of Operas; stud., London, Eng. Teacher, Music, Pacific Univ., Ore., 1900; do., Winthrop Coll., S. C, 1901- 04; (/(>., Sullins Coll., Tenn., 1905; do., Martha Washington Coll., Va., 1906; concert tour with the Central Lyceum Bur. of Rochester, N. Y.; Instr., Voice, Univ. of 111., 1907-13; Dir., Voice Dept., St. Norm. Sch., Pa., 1913 — . Mem., Mayflower Descendants. Address, 47 I'nivcrsitv Road, Brookline, Mass.; bus. add.. Voice Dcpt., St. Norm., Sch. of Pa., Indiana, Pa. CHARLES MAXWELL McCONN Registrar; A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1903; A M., (/()., 1904; b. Jl 22 iSSi, Ironton, O. ; s. David Charles (b. F 24, 1S54, do.) and I'anny (Lewis) McConn (b. N 7, 1855, Tus- caloosa, Ala.). Prepared in t^entral H. S., Minneapolis; attended Ihiiv. of Chicago, 1900- 01. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Instr., Eng., L'niv. Acad., 1904-06; Acting Prin., do., 1900-09; Prin., do., 1909-10; Sec, Bd. of Trustees, Univ. of 111., 1010-14; Registrar, do., 1910 — . Auth.: Articles in several educ. mags. Mem., Am. Assn. of t'ollegiate Registrars; N. Central Assn. of Colls, and secondary Schs. ; N. E. A. Married Prudence Emily Pratt, Je 24, 1908, Minneapolis. Address, S03 S. Lincoln Ave., I'rbana. CECELIA McC^ONNEL (STROIIM) Stud.. Lib. Sch., Univ. of 111., 189S-99; Re- viser Lib., 1/0., 1S99-1901. Married Adam Julius Strohm ('00), O 30, 190.;, Winnetka, 111. Children: Harriet, b. S it, 1903; John, b. Ag 8, 1904. Address, 138 Burlingame Ave., Detroit. ALLEN BOYER McDANIEL Professor; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1901; b. S 5, 1879, Exeter, N. H.; s. Benjamin Franklin (b. S 9, 1S44, Philadelphia) and Mary Elizabeth (VVillnian) McDaniel (b. O 14, 184.', Brighton, Mass.). Prepared in New- ton (Mass.) 11. S. Sigma Xi; Sigma Tau. Struct. Draftsman, New England Struct. Co., 1901 ; . and Designer, Purdy and llemlerson. Consulting Eugrs., Boston antl New York, iqo2; Struct. Checker and Designer, Fort Pitt Bridge Works, Pittsburgh, 1903-5; Struct. Engr., E. River Div., Pa. Tunnels, New York City, 1005-0; Asst. Engr. in Charge of Main field office, do., 190O; Instr., C. E., Case Sch. of Applied Sc, 190O-7; Proi., C. E., Univ. of S. Dak., 1 007-1 J ; Pres., Mo. Valley Engng. Co., Vermillion and Mitchell, S. Dak., 1908- 12; Asst. Prof., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1912-16; Head,* C. E. Dept., Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1910 — . Auth.: Excavating Machinery, McGraw-Hill Book Co., N. Y., 1913; Earth- work, Parts I and II, Am. Sch. of Corres- pondence, Chicago, 19 1 5. Articles in The Da- kota Farmer, Engng. News. Concrete-Cement Age, Engng. Record. Tlie Contractor, etc. Mem. A. S. C. E. ; Am. Assn. of Engrs. ; Am. Concrete Inst.; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; Americanization Commission of Schen- ectady, N. Y.; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Mabel Fowler, O ^^3, 1903, Boston, Mass. (died Ap 18, 1915). Children: Walton Fowler, b. .'> _>2, 1910; twins, Allison White and Alden Wist, b. Ap 10, 1913. Address, 16 N. Wen- dell Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. HORATIO SPRAGUE McDEWELL Instructor; B. S., Harvard, 1907; M. M. E., do., 1908; b. Jl 9, 1885, Winthrop, Mass. Prepared in Exeter Acad.; Boston Eng. H. S. 'Peaching b'ellow. Harvard, 1907-08; Erecting Engr., Allis-C'halmers Co., Milwaukee, 1908- 13; Instr., Mech. Engng., L^niv. of 111., 1914- 17; Engr. of Tests, U. S. N. Dept., Wash- ington, D. C, 1917 — . Address, 94 Addington Road, Brookline, Mass. ELMER MASSEY McDONALD (See No. 4292) LEWIS McDONALD (See No. 3467) WALTER BYRON McDOUGALL Associate; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 191 1; Ph. D., do., 1913; b. D 10, 1S83, Ypsilanti, Mich.; s. John A. (b. Jl 14, 1843, do.) and Delphinc (Fowler) McDougall (b. My 25, 1852, do.). Prepared in Ypsilanti (Mich.) H. S. Sijgnia \i; Cole Fellow in Bot., Univ. of Mich., M)ii-i3- Prin., Sch., Romulus, Mich., iqo8- 10; Instr., Bot., Central Norm. Sch., Mt. Pleasant, Mich., summer 1913; Instr., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1913-17; Assoc, do., 1917 — . Auth. : On the Mycarhizar of Forest Trees, .■im. Jour. Bot., Vol. i, 1914; The Clrowth of l'\>rest Tree Roots, do.. Vol. 3, 1916; Some Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Bid. 111. Sta. Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. 2, 1917; Some In- teresting Mushrooms of Champaign Co., Trans. ni. Acad. Sc, Vol. 9, 1916. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; Bot. Soc. of Am.; Ecological Soc. of Am.; 111. Acad, of Sc. Married- Myrtle Dalby, O 24, 1908, Ann Arbor, Mich. Children; Onna- ler Tence, b. S 0, 1912; Jocelyn Eileen, b. le -•6, 1914; Arleen Wilman, b. Ag. 24, 19 17. .Iddress, 501 S. Busey Ave., Urbana. VERNE McDOUGLE Teacher, Instr., Gunnery, U. S. S. M. A., Cniv. of 111., 1918; Teacher, H. S., Urbana, 1918 — •. Address, 917 W. Oregon St., L^rbana. GEORGE FRANCIS McEWEN Hydrographer; A. B., Leland Stanford, 190S; Ph. D., do., loii; b. Je lO, 1882, Manchester, la.; s. John Freemont (h. O 5, 1850, Lisbon, 111.) and Lillian (Dodson) McEwen (b. O 19, i8,o, Dubuque, la.). Prepared in Manchester, (la.) H. S.; and la. St. Coll. Acad.; attended la. St. Coll., 1902-05. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Teacher fellow, Phys.. Leland Stanford, 1007-10; Instr., Applied Math., do., 1910-11; Physicist of Marine Biol. Assn. of San Diego, Calif., 1908-11; Instr., M.ath., Univ. of 111., 1011-12; Hydrographer, Scripps Inst, for Biol. Research, Univ. of Calif., 1012 — ■. Auth.: Pre- liminary Report on the Hydrographic Work of the IMarine Biol. Assn., Zool. series of L'niv. of Calif.. 1910, Vol. 6; articles in Phys. Re- viczc. Monthly /F^-nY/icr Reviezv; Univ. of Calif. Publications in Zool., Vol. 15, 19 15. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; Am. ^lath. Soc; Sc. Assn. of Leland Stanford Univ.; Math. Assn. of Am.; Am. Geog. Soc. Married Mae Alice Winner, Je i8, 19 12, Hamilton, Mo. Child, Paul Albert, b. S 30, igi?. Address, Box 68, La Jolla, Calif. DAVID FORD McFARLAND Professor; A. B., Univ. of Kan.. 1900; A. M., do., 1901; M. S., Yale, 1003; Ph. D., do.. 1909; b. Ag 1, 1878, Mansfield, O.; s. Robert S. (b. Je 5, 1834, Washington, O.) and Mary Jane (McBride) McFarland (b. Ag 27, 1843, Looking Downward 10,000 Feet Faculty gii (in.). Prepared in Lawrence (Kan.) H. S. Aljilia Tan Omega; Alpha (hi Sigma; Phi l-aiiil)fla I'psilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; I'Vllow, C'hem., Yale, igoz-oi. Instr., Chem., l^niv. of Kan., 1900-02; Asst. Prof., do., igc- 10; Asst. Chem., Kan. Geo!. Sur., 1906-08; ASst., Chem., Yale, 1908-09; Asst. Prof., Ap- plied Chem. and ist Asst., Chem., Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1910-16; Assoc. Prof., Applied Chem., do., 1916— . Auth. : (with H. P. Cady) The Composition of Natural Gas with Special Stvidy of the Constitution of Kan. Gases, Kail. Geo!. Sur., Vol. 9, Topeka, 1908; (with O. E. Harder) Alloys of Chromium, Copper and Nickel; A Preliminary Study of Bui. 93, Engng. Exp. Sta. Univ. of III., 1916; also various articles. Mem., 111. Acad, of Sc; A. C. S.; Am. Inst, of Metals; Soc. Promotion Engng. Educ. ; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Martha Elizabeth Pittenger, Je 23, 1909, New Haven, Conn. Children: George Robert, b. F 27, 191 1; Mary Louise, b. S 18, 1912; Elizabeth Jean, b. Ag 14, 1914; David I-"ord, Jr., b. Jl i^ 19 17. Address, 906 Gregory Place, Urbana. ALEXANDER DYER MacGILLIVRAY Professor; Ph. B., Cornell, 1900; Ph. D., do., 1904; b. Jl 15, 1868, Inverness, O. ; s. John Hugh (b. Ag II, 1830, Picton, Nova Scotia) and Elizabeth (Adams) Mac Gillivray (b. N 27, 1830, Salineville, O.). Prepared in Univ. of Wooster (O.) Prep. Dept. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi. Asst., Entomol., Cornell, 1890- 1900; Instr., do., 1900-06; Asst. Prof., Entomol. and Invertebrate Zool., do., 1900-11; Asst. Prof., Systematic Entomol., LTniv. of 111., 191 1- 13; Assoc. Prof., do., 1913-17; Specialist, Me. Agr. Exp. Sta., summer, 19 13; Prof., Entomol., Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Auth.: Biography of the Mosquito, Good Health, Vol. 46, 191 1; Malaria and the Malarial Parasite, do.. 191 1; New Species of Empria, i East. Species, Can. Entom., 191 1 ; 2, Western Species, do.; Pro- ceedings, Sixth to Tenth Annual Meetings of the Entomol. Soc. of Am., Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.; The Lacinia in the Maxilla of the Hy- menoptera, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 1912; The Pupal Wings of the Hepialus Thule, do.; Tenthredinoidea in Hymenoptera or Wasp- like Insects of Conn., Bui. Conn. St. Geol. Nat. Hist. Sur., igi6; various other articles. Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Am. Assn. Econ. Entomol.; Entomol. Fellow, Soc. of Am.; Sec. and Treas., III. Acad, of Sc, 1911-15; Am. Soc. Zool.; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.- Am. Microscopic Soc; Ecol. Soc. Am. Married l'"anny Mary Edwards, S 17, 1891, Forest Home, N. Y. Children: Malcolm Edwards, I). O 31, 1895; John Henry, b. Ja 27, 1899. Address, 603 W. Michigan Ave., Urbana. JOHN EDWARD McGILVREY College President; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1895; Ph. D., Miami Univ.;'b. Ja 8, 1867, Hollands- burg, Ind.; s. John (b. D 21, 1836, do.) and Mary (Wimmer) McGilvrey (b. Ag 3, 1838, Bellmore, Ind.). Prepared in Ind. St. Norm. .Sch. Teacher, Dist. Sch. of Ind., 1884-87; Prin., Graded Schs., Rosedale, Ind., 1890; Asst., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1890; Teacher, H. S., Paris, 111., 1890-92; Prin., do., 1903-04; Prin., H. S., Freeport, 111., 1895-96; Asst. Prof., Pedagogy and H. S. Visitor, Univ. ef 111., 1896-99; Prin., Cleveland Norm. Sch., 1899-1908; Supt., Cleveland City Farm Sch., 1908-10; Dir. of Educ, West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1910-11; Acting Prin., do., 1911-12; Pres., Kent O. St. Norm. Coll. 1912 — -. Mem., Univ. Club, Cleveland, 1900: N. E. A., 1897. Married Mary Kelly, Je 6, 1894, Terre Haute, Ind. Children: Robert Gordon, b. Je 12, 1902; Louise Charlotte, b. O 19, 1905. Address, Kent, O. CHARLES SAMUEL McGOVNEY B. S., Purdue Univ., 1901; h. Ap 28, 1876, Lincoln. Neb. Prepared in Columbus (Ind.) H. S. Apprentice, Columbus Machine Works, 1894; helper under instruction. Reeves & (^o., 1894-96; Chem., Kalamazoo Beet Sugar Co., 1901-02; do., Newaygo Portland Cement Co., 1902-03; Deputy State Chem., Ind. Exp. Sta., 1903; Deputy and Asst. Station Chem., 1904; Asst. in charge of fuel test, Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1906-07. Address, 116 East Berry St., Alexandria, Ind. DUDLEY ODELL McGOVNEY Professor; A. B., Ind. Univ., 1901; A. M., Harvard, 1904; LL. B., Columbia, 1907; b. Je 23, 1877, Himtington, Ind.; s. Samuel Taylor (b. S 19, 1843, Adams Co., O.) and Florence Louisa (Wright) McGovney (b. Ap i, 1855, Huntington, Ind.). Prepared in Portland and Columbus (Ind.) H. Schs. Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. President's Scholar and Fellow- ship, Internat. Law, Columbia. Teacher, Ind. Pub. Schs., 1895-98; Teacher, Govt, and Hist., Govt. Norm. Sch., Manila, P. I., 1901-03; Instr., Pol. Sc, Ind. Univ., summer 1907; Instr., Law and Sc, Univ. of 111., 1907-08; Prof., Law and Ex. Sec, Law Dept., Tulane Univ., 1908-13; Dean, Law Dept., do., 1913- 14; Prof., Law, Univ. of Mo., 1914-16; Dean, Coll. of Law, St. Univ. of la., 1916 — . Com., Co. H, 149th Ind., Vols., Spanish-Am. War, 1898. Auth.: Civ. Govt, in the Philippines, Scott Foresman & Co., Chicago, 1903; Stories of Long Ago in the Philippines, World Book Co., 1906. Married Laura Arnolt Woodburn, Ap 22, 1902, Manila, P. I. Children: Richard Burnit, b. Ja 30, 1903; Margarita, b. S 6, 1904; Ruth, b. N 12, 1908. Address, 424 S. Summit St., Iowa City, la. DUNCAN ARTHUR MacINNES (See G439) FRANCIS JEAN MacINNES (See No. 7779) *DONALD McINTOSH Professor; V. S., Toronto Vet. Coll.; b. Scotland; s. William (b. do.) and Katherine (Pennycuick) Mcintosh (b. do.). Prepared in Elora Acad., Elora, Can. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. Prof., Vet. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1885-1915 — . Auth.: Diseases of Horses and Cattle; Diseases of Swine, M. A. Donohue & (3o., Chicago; various articles in Orange Judd Farmer, Farm and Home, Northwest Farm- stead, Northeast Homestead, Am. Agricultur- ist, Prairie Farmer, Am. Snnncherd, North- rvestern Agriculturist, and Wallaces' Farmer. Died S 5, 1915, Portland, Me. HARRISON McJOHNSTON Instr. and Advertising Mgr. ; A. B., N. W, Univ., 1907; A. M., do., 1914; b. Jl 26, 1884, McCutcheonsville, Ind.; s. Clarence Atchison (b. 1849, do.) and Charlotte (Stokes) Mc Johnston (b. 1852, do.). Prepared in W. Div. H. S., Chicago and N. W. Univ. Acad. Beta Phi; Phi Eta. Advertising Copy Writer, Ad vertising Agency, 1907-08; Retail Service Bur., Butler Bros., Chicago, 1908-09, 1910-11; ist Asst* Managing Ed., System. 1911-13; Ed .Staff, Printer's Ink, 1913-14; Asst., Eng., Univ, of 111., 1913-14; Instr., Bus. Eng. and Sab manship, do., 1914-17; Assoc, do., I9i7-i_, Expert, Bus. Correspondence Alexander Ham- ilton Inst. Staff 19.17- 18; Instr., Bus. Organi zation and Econ., O. St. Univ., and Advertis- ing Mgr., Hugh Ridenour Co., Columbus, O. 19 1 8 — . Auth.: Business Correspondence Alexander Hamilton Inst., N. Y., 1917; Mod ern Merchandising, Malloy, Mitchell and Taust, Chicago, 1918. Mem., Am. Econ. Soc. 912 University of Illinois Married Elsie Lillian Brown, D 31, 1907, Chicago. Children: Charlotte Anne, b. N 10, 191 o; Barbiara, b. O 5, 19 14; Jean, b. F 10. 1918. Address, 8 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. JAMES HARRY McKEE (See No. 970) KENNETH McKENZIE Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1891; A. M., do., 1893; Ph. D., do., 1895; b. Jl 24, 1S70, Cam- bridge, Mass.; s. Alexander (b. D 14, 1830, New Bedford, Mass.) and Ellen Holnian (Eve- leth) McKenzie (b. Ag 19, 1838, Fitchburgh, Mass.). Prepared, Browne and Nichols Sell., Cambridge, Mass. Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Theta Pi. Instr., Mod. Lang., Union Coll., 1895-8; Prof, do., LTniv. of W. Va., 189S-1900; Instr., and Asst. Prof., do., Yale, 1900-15; Prof., do., Columbia, summer 1914-15; Prof., do., and Head of Dept., Univ. of 111., 1915 — ; Dir., Rome Branch, Am. LTniv. Union, Italy, 1918 — ; Ed.: Trois Comedies d'Alfred de Messet, Bos- ton. D. P. Health & Co., 1901 ; Fifty Fables of La Fontaine. Am. Book Co., N. Y., 1903; Ruy Bias by Victor Hugo, H. Holt and Co., N. Y., 1909. Auth. : Articles in Publications of the Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Annual Re- port of Dante Soc. ; Mod. Philo!.; Romanic Review; Yale Reviezv; Nat. Geog. Mag.; Mod. Lang. Notes, etc. Married Aimee Gilbert Lef- fingwell, Jl 30, 1908, Summit, N. Y. Address, 70S W. Nevada St., Urbana. MARY EULA McKINNEY Teacher; A. B., O. St. Univ., 1906; A. M., Colo. Univ., 1913; b. D 20, 1883, W. ya.; d. John Piatt and Lucy (Toothaker) McKinney. Prepared in Columbus (O.) H. S. Teacher, H. S., two yrs.; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Teacher, Eng. and Educ, N. J. St. Norm., Montclair, N. J., 1913 — . Address, 189 Montciair Ave., Montclair, N. J. CYRUS DANIEL McLANE (See No. 703) CARLOS LENOX McMASTKR Sec, B. M. Gardner Co.: C. E., O. St. Univ., 1905; b. Je 29, 1882, Middleport, O. ; s. William Lenox (b. My 27, 1836, Pomeroy, O.) and Lydia Ann (Weiss) McMaster (b. F 11, 1846, Ripley, W. Va.). Prepared in North H. S., Columbus. O. Alpha Tau Omega; Gamma Phi Soc; Gamma Alpha. Chief Draftsman, Columbus, Delaware & Marion R. R., 1903; do., Fviel Supply Co., 1904-05; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111,, 1905-7; Assoc, G. E. D., do., 1907-10; Asst,, Dean of Men. do., 1908-10; Arch. Dept., Pratt & Lambert Varnish Co., Chicago, 1910; Asst. Sales Mgr., Cleveland Brass and Copper Mills; Sec, The B. M. Gardner Co. Auth,: (with T, Wilson) Notes on Practical Mech, Draw., 1909. Mem., K. T. Address, 946 Parkwood Drive, Cleveland; bus. add., 322 (Guardian Bldg., do. DAVID KENT MacMILLAN Entomologist; B. S., Dickinson Coll, 1902; b. Jl 3, 1874, (Gettysburg, Pa.; s. Oscar D. (b. D 5, 1S38, do.) and Mvriam Anne (Holtzman) MacMillan (b. Ja 8. 1841, Baltimore), Pre- pared in Dickinson Prep. Sch., Carlisle, Pa. Union Phil. Soc. ; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Sc, H. S., Huntington, Pa., 1902-3; Scientific Asst,, Div. of Z06I,, Pa. Dept. of Agr., Harris- burg, Pa,; do.. Bur. of Entomol., Washing- ton, D. C. ; Field Asst., State Entomologist's OfRce, Univ. of 111., 1911-13; Entomol., do., 1913 — . Mem., Soc. of Entomol.; A. A. A. S.; Am. Entomol. Soc; A. F. A. M. ; M. E, Church. Married Rebecca Gehrett Hamilton, N 10, 1904, Cassville, Pa. Address, 5057 Bal- moral Ave., Chicago. GEORGE BURR McMILLEN (See No. 7063) FRANK MORTON McMURRY Professor; Ph. D., Jena, 1889; b. Jl 2, 1862, Crawfordsville, 111.; s. Franklin and Charlotte (L^nderwood) McMurry. Prepared in St. Norm., Sch., Normal, 111. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1881-2; Stud., Halle and Jena, 1886-9; do., (jeneva and Paris, 1892-3. Prin., Schs., 1883-6; do., Chicago, 1889-90; Prof., Pedagog- ics, St. Norm. Sch., 111.; Prof., do., LTniv. of 111., 1893-4; Prin., Franklin Sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1894-5; Prof., Pedagogics and Dean of Teachers Coll., Univ. of Buffalo, 1895-8; ProL, Elem, Educ, Teachers Coll., Columbia, 1898 — •. Joint Auth.: The Method of the Recitation, MacMillan Co. ; The Tarr and McMurry Series of Common Sch. Geogs., Macmillan Co, Auth,: How to Study and Teaching How to Study, Houghton, Mifflin Co.; several articles ior Educ, Review; Assoc ed.. Student's Ref. Work, 1909. Married Elizabeth Lindley, D 20, 1894, Fred- cricktown, O. Children: Catherine Lindley, b. Je 14, 1896; Margaret, b. O 15, 1903. Ad- dress, 9 Hillside Drive Park, Hill, Yonkers, N. Y.f *WILLIAM McMURTIE E. M., Lafayette Coll., 1871; M. S., 1874; Ph. D., 1875; b. Mr 10, 1851, Belvidere, N. J.; s. Abram (b, 1806, Warren Co,. N, J.) and Almira (Smith) McMurtrie . Glen Rose, Tex., Pres. IQ00-2; \V. C. T. U., Oberlin Coll., C, 1905-0. Married Rev. Levi F. Bickford, Ag 6, 1S79, Oberlin. O. Chil- dren: Francis, b. Je 5, 18S0; Frederic Lewis, F II, 18S2; Claribel L., b. Ag 16, 1S87; John Thomas, b. F 6, 1S91. Address, Oberlin, O. \VILLLA.M FRANKLIN PATE Agronomist; B. S.. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts. N. C, 1001; M. S., do.. 1913; b. My 2-», i8oi. Snow Hill. N. C; s. MacDonald (.b. Mr 10, iS^i. GoKlsboro. do.) and Zilphis Allies (Edwards) Pate (b. Green Co., do.). Prepared in Snow Hill H. S. Alpha Zeta. Asst.. Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1902-05: Asst. t'hem., O. Exp. Sta., 1906-10; Instr., Chem., N. C. Agr. Coll., igio-13: Agronomist. N. C. Dept. of Agr., 1013 — • Pres., Alumni Assn. of N. C. Coll. of A. and M. Arts. 191S-19. Married Fraye Packer Blayney, N 2i, 1910. Children: William MciXinald. b. N 17, loii; Nancy Lee. b. S 5, 1915. Address. Raleigh, N. C. FRANK ALLEN PATTERSON Professor; A. B., Syracuse Univ., 1904; A. M., Columbia, 1007; Ph. D.. do., ion; b. Ag 14, 1S78, East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; s. Wilson Howell (b. O 13, 1S50, Newark, N. J.) and Gertrude E. (Allen) Patterson (b. Mr 17. 18^7). Prepared in Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Liina, N. Y. Instr., Eng.. Syracuse Univ., summer, 1904; do.. Mil. Acad.. Macon, Mo., 1904-06; do.. Columbia Exten. Teaching. 10 to- il: Assoc. Eng., Lhiiv. of 111.. 1011-12; Instr. and Assoc. PVof.. Eng., Columbia, 10 12 — . Auth.: The Middle English Penitential Lyric, t'olumbia L'niv. Press, 191 1; A Confession to Christ, Mod.' Lang. Notes. 10 10; Shakespeare and the Medieval Lyric, Shakespeare Studies, Columbia Univ. Press, 1010. Married Bertha G. Cleveland. S lo. 1010, Naples, N. Y. Address. Morsemere, N. J.; bus. add., Columbia Univ., New York. ADAH PATTOX . (See No. 1750.) ARTHUR ERNEST PAUL (See No, 1070.) HARRY GILBERT PAUL Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1807; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, looi; Ph. D., Columbia, 1910: b. O 24, 1874. New Orleans, La. Pre- pared in Peoria H. S. Pres., Univ. of Mich, (^rat. Assn.; Pres.. Univ. of Chicago Dramatic Club. Prin., H. S., Escanaba, Mich.. 1S07- 1900; Rhet. Reader, L^niv. of Chicago, two quarters; spring quarter, 1901; Instr., South Side Acad., Chicago. loot: Instr.. Eng. L'niv. of 111.. 1901-04; Grad. Stud.. Columbia, 1904- 05; Asst. Prof., Eng. Lit.. Univ. of 111., 1005- 16; Assoc. Prof., do., 1916 — . Auth.: John Dennis, 1914; (with E. C. Baldwin) English Poems. Am. Book Co., 1008; numerous articles: Ed., Bill. III. Assn. of Teachers of English. Married Mae Isola Norris. 1908, Wis. Ad- dress, 713 W. Oregon St., LTrbana. CECIL HOBART PEABODY Professor; S. B., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1877: b. Ag 9, 1855. Burlington, Vt.: s. Selim Hobart and Mary Elizabeth (Pangbornt Pea- body. Preixired in Racine (Wis.) H. S. Prof., Encne., Imperial Agr. Coll., Japan, 1870- 81; Asst.^Prof.. M. E.. Univ. of 111.. 1S81-83: Asst. ftrof.. Steam Engng., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1SS4; Assoc. Prof., do., 1S89; Prof., Naval Arch, and Marine Engng., rcgon St., Urbana. THEODORE CALVIN PEASE Associate; Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. N 25, 1887, Cassopolis, Mich.; s. Thomas Huntington (b. D 3, 1837) and Caroline Phipps (Anderson) Pease (b. D 10, 1849, Cassopolis, Mich.). Prepared in Lewis Inst., Chicago. Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago, 1906-08; Asst., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Fellow, Hist., Univ. of Chicago, 1909-10; Sr. Fellow, do., 1910-11; Instr., Hist., Pa. St. C'oll., 1911-12; Assoc, Hist., Univ. of III., 1914-18; on leave of absence 1917-18. 2nd Lt., U. S. R., 1917; A. E. F., France, 1918. Auth.: (with C. W. Alvord) The Arch- ives of the State of Illinois, reprinted from the Annual Report of the Am. Hist. Assn., 1909, Washington, 191 1; County Archives of Jllinois, 111. Hist. Com., 1915; The Leveller Movement, Herbert Baxter Adams Prize Es- say, 1916; The Pioneer State, 111. Centennial Publications, 1918. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; 111. St. Hist. Soc; Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Address, 238 S. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. HORACE WHITTIER PEASLEE ."Vrchitect; B. Arch., Cornell, loio; b. N 0, 1S84, Maiden Bridge, N. Y. Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1910-11; Arch., with Land. Arch, of Pub. Bldgs. and Grounds, Washington, D. C, 1911-12; Instr., Land. Design, Univ. of 111., ri)i2-i4; Land. Arch., Washington, D. C. Mem., Protestant Epis. Church. Address, 1504 H St., W^ashington, D. C. GEORGE LEO PELTIER (See GS29J WILLIAM DAVID PENCE (Sec No. 488.) JOSEPH CULPEPER PENDLETON Supt, Foundries; b. D i, 1887, Tunis, N. C. Attended Indianapolis Tech. Inst., 1909-11; Asst., Foundry, Univ. of 111., 1912-13; Instr., do., 1913-14; Supt., Foundries, U. S. Norfolk Navy Yard, 19 14 — . Mem., Baptist Church. Address, 2122 King St., Portsmouth, Va. ; bus. add., c/o U. S. Norfolk Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va.t HENRY EUGENE PENGILLY Instructor; b. N 7, 1891, Soudan, Minn. Prepared in R. T. Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago; Univ. of 111. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Chi Beta. Instr., Fencing, Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Engr., Line Constr., Commonwealth Edison Co., 1914-15; Telephone Circuits, West. Elec. Co., 1915-16; Power Plant Designer, 1916-17; Instr., S. M. A., Urbana, 1917-18. Address, 206 E. Green St., Champaign. f •JONATHAN PERIAM Born, 1823, New York City. Head Farmer and Supt., Practical Agr., Univ. of 111., 1867- 69; first recording Sec, Bd. of Trustees, 111. Indus. Univ. Ed., Prairie Farmer, 1879-84, 1889-1903; do.. Western Rival; regular con- tributor to the agr. literature of the West. Auth.: The Groundswell, a History of Origin, Aims and Progress of Farmer's Movement, Hannaford & Co., 1874. Mem., Wis. Hort. Soc; First Pres., Chicago Agr. and Hort. Soc, 1857; V. P., 111. St. Bd. of Agr.; Sec, No. 111. Hort. Soc, 1872; Among the first of the workers who quarried out the scheme of the University's history. Died D 9, 1911, Chicago. CHARLES FREDERICK PERRY Supervisor; S. B., Worchester Poly. Inst., 1894; M. E., Cornell, 1904; b. D 11, 1865, Montreal, Can.; s. William (b. My 3, 1837, Chudleigh, Devonshire, Eng.) and Emily (Prowse) Perry (b. Ap 6, 1838, Stonehouse, near Plymouth, Devonshire, Eng.). Prepared in Gushing Acad., Ashburnham, Mass. Tau Beta Pi. Apprentice mach., Montreal, Can., and Worchester,' Mass.; In Charge of shops and Man. Tr., Karnehameha Man. Tr. Sch., Honolulu, T. IL, 1894-9; Prin., Kapua pvt. Man. Tr. Sch., do., 1899-1900; travel and study abroad and in U. S., 1000-2; Asst. Prof., Mach. Const., in charge of Mech. Dept. Shops, Univ. of 111., 1904-6; Dir., Milwaukee Sch. of Trades, 1906-9; Supvr., Man. and Indus. E.) H. S. Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Gamma Alpha. Oliver Grad. Scholarship, Cornell; Erastus Brooks Fellowship, do. Asst., Math., Cornell, 1901-02; Prof., Math, and Astron., Butler Coll., 1902-03; Instr., Math., Univ. of 111., 1903-04; Asst. Prof., do., 1904-07; do., and Statistician, Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1907-11; Assoc. I'rof., Math, and do., 1911-13; Prof., Math. Statistics and Statistician, Univ. of 111., 1913-18; do.. Math., Univ. of la., 1918 — . Auth. : (Rietz and Crathorne) Coll. Algebra, ilenry Holt & Co., New York, 1909; Exer- cises and Problems for Coll. Algebra, do., 1910; (with Crathorne, and Taylor) Sch. Algebra, First Course, do., 1915; Second C'ourse, do., 1915; also various articles in scientific jours. Actuarial Mem., HI. Pension Laws Comn., 1916, 1917-18; Mem., A. M. S. ; Math. Assn. of Am.; Am. Statistical Assn.; Circolo Mathematico di Palermo; M. E. Church; F'el- low, Am. Inst, of Actuaries; F'ellow, Royal Statistical Soc. ; F'ellow, A. A. A. S. Ad- dress, Iowa City, la. CLARISSA RINAKER (See No. 6565.) HARRIET BECKWITH RINAKER (HOWE) (See No. G566.) RALPH EMERSON RINDFUSZ Instructor; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 191 1; A. M., do., 1916; b. My 30, 1887, Larwill, Ind. ; .s. Philip Henry (b. (jallion, O.) and Nancy Maria (Eastom) Rindfusz (b. Leipsic, O.). Prepared in Larwill (Ind.) H. S. and Wes- Icyan Methodist Sem., Houghton, N. Y. Phi Sigma Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Sc, Wesleyan Methodist Sem., 1910-14; Asst., Chem., Oberlin Coll., 1914-16; do., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Instr., do., 1918—. Auth.: (With H. N. Holmes) Washing Precipitates for Peptization, Jour, of Phys. Chcm., Vol. 20, 1916; Colloidal Arsenates and Phosphates of Iron, Jour, of A. C. S., Vol. 38, 1916. Married Grace Helen Tiffany, Ag 16, 1910, Albion, N. Y. Child, Faire Jane, b. F 20, 10 12. Address, 705 W. High St., Urbana. WALTER JOHN RISLEY (Src- N... G568.) ELMER ROBERTS (See No. 5901.) SHELBY SAUFLEY ROBERTS Consulting Engr. ; B. S., Rose Poly. Inst., 1S96; C. E., do., 1907; b. Ap 13, 1874, Louis- ville, Ky. ; s. Bolin Emery (b. N 10, 1830, Richmond, Ky.) and Margaret Katherine (Pickens) Roberts (b. N 10, 1846, Columbia, Ky.). Prepared in Louisville (Ky.) Male H. S. Phi Sigma Phi; Sigma Xi. Track Ap- prentice, I. C. R. R., i8i)8; Asst. to Topogra- pher, Rodman, Instrumentman, St. L. P. & N. R. R., 1898-99; Asst. to Asst. Engr., In- strumentman, BIdg. Inspr., Asst. Engr., Road- master, L. & N. R. R., 1899-1905; Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1905; Supt., Bldg. Const., with F. C. Brent, Pensacola, Fla., 1905-06; Office Engr., I. C. R. R., 1906-08; Asst.' Prof., Ry. Civ. Engng. Univ. of HI., 1908-10; Asst. Engr., Const. Dept., and Div. Engr., Const., I. C. R. R., 1910-13; Consulting Engr. in pvt prac- tice, Chicago, 1913 — •. "'.nd Sergt, Co. C, 1st Ky., 1891-94. Auth.: Track Formulae and Tables, John Wiley &: Sons, 1910: also several articles. Mem., A. S. C. E. ; A.,i. Ry. Engr. Assn.; West. Soc. of Engrs. ; Chica^'o Engrs. Club. Married Nell Ackley Richardson, N 26, 1 90 1, Louisville, Ky. Children: Nell Rich- ardson, b. S 26, 1902; Shelby Chilton, b. F" 15, 1904; Sarah Pickens, b. Ag 16, 1906. Address, 1454 South 2nd St., Sta. E., Louisville, Ky.; bus. add., 1 101-2 Transportation Bldg., Chicago. RHODES ROBERTSON Associate; A. B., Harvard, 1908; M. Arch. do., 1910; b. ,S 27, 1886, Somerville, Mass.; s. Arthur Rhodes (b. Charleston, Mass.) and Hannah Whitney (Tufts) Robertson (b. West- boro, Mass.). Prepared in Latin H. S., Som- erville, Mass. Arch. Scholarship, 1909-10. Draftsman and Designer, Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson, Boston, 1910-12; Nelson Robinson Traveling l-'ellowship in Arch., 1912-14; De- signer, office of W. L. Morrlle, Boston, 1914- 16; Assoc, Arch., Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Lt., C. A. C., 1918. Address, 11 Kirkland Road, Cambridge, Mass.; bus. add., 402 Engng. Hall, Urbana. WILLIAM SPENCE ROBERTSON Professor; B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1899; M. L., do., 1900; Ph. D., Yale, 1903; b. O 7, 1872, Glasgow, Scotland. Prepared in Mil- waukee East Side H. S. Phi Beta Kappa, (jrad. Scholar, Am. Hist., Univ. of Wis., 1900-01; Bulkeley Fellow, Am. Hist., Yale Univ., 1901-03; Instr., Hist., West. Reserve Univ., 1903-06; Asst. Prof., do., 1906-09; ab- sent on leave and Acting Prof., Am. Hist., Ind. Univ., 1909; Acting Prof., do., summer 1909; Asst. Prof., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1909- 18; Assoc. Prof., do., 1918 — •. Auth.: Fran- cisco de Miranda, Rpt. of Am. Hist. Assn., Vol. I, 1907; Rise of the Spanish-Am. Repub- lics, New York, 1918; Francisco de Miranda y la Revolucion de la America Espafiola, trans- lated by Diego Mendoza, Bogota, 1918; The Beginnings of Spanish-Am. Diplomacy, Turner Essays in Am. Hist.; articles on Monroe Doc- trine, relations of United States with His- panic Am., etc. Mem., Am. Hist. Assn.; Cor- responding Mem., Nat. Acad, of Hist, of Vene- zuella; Hon. Mem., Nat. Acad, of Hist, of Columbia. Married Gertrude Mueller, Je 30, 1913, Cleveland. Children: Jean, b. Ag 15, • 1914; James Mueller, b. Ap iS, 1916. Address, 806 Michigan Ave., L^rbana. *CHARLES MULFORD ROBINSON A. B., Univ. of Rochester, 1891; A. M., do., 1905; b. Ap 30, i86g, Rampapo, N. Y. ; s. Arthur and Jane H. (Porter) Robinson. Ed., Rochester Post-Express, 1891-1902; Sec., Am. Park and Outdoor Art Assn., 1902-04; Assoc. Ed., Philadelphia Ledger, 1904; contributing ed.. The Stirvcy and Architectural Record, 1907-12; Prof., Civic design, Univ. of 111., 1913-16. Specialist in municipal aesthetics and town-planning; has made plans for the im- provement of Denver, Colorado Springs, Hono- lulu, Oakland, Los Angeles, Fort Wayne, etc.; mem., expert comn. for Columbus, O., and for Omaha, Neb. First Prof, of civic design in the U. S. Auth.: The Improvement of Towns and Cities, 12th printing, 1916; Mod- ern Civic Art, 1903, 1905, 1909, 1912, 1917; The Call of the City, 1908; The Width and Arrangement of Streets, 191 1; City Planning, 1915; also many mag. articles on art and improvement. Sec, Am. Park and Outdoor Art Assn., 1902-04; first sec. Am. Civic Assn., Alliance of Civic Organizations; hon. mem., Eng. S. C. A. P. A.; sec, Am. League for Civic Improvement; Nat. Com. on Mun. Im- 936 University of Illinois provement of the Arch. League of Am. Mar- ried Eliza Ten Eyck Pruyn, Ap S, 1896, Alb- any, N. Y. Died D 31, 19 17, Rochester, N. Y." ELNA ALPHONSO ROBINSON (See No. 84.) MAURICE HENRY ROBINSON Professor; B. L., Dartmouth, 1890; M. A., do., 1S97; Ph. D., Yale, 1902; b. N. H.; s. Joseph Wadleigh (b. D 7, 1S17, Meredith, N. H.) and Frances Eliza (Weld) Robinson (b. Mr 23, 1831, Boothbay, Me.>. Prepared in N. H. Lit. Inst. ; Univ. of Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Eta. Scholar- ship. Dartmouth, 1S06--; Fellowship, Yale, 1808-9. Prin., H. S. and Supt. of Pub. Schs., Wahpeton, N. Dak., 1890-92; Supt., Pub. Schs., Madelia, Minn., 1902-06; Asst., Pol. Sc, Dartmouth, 1897-8; Instr., Pol. Econ., Yale, 1S99-02; Prof., Indus, and Transporta- tion, Univ. of 111., :oo2 — . Special Expert Agt., Bur. of Census in valuation of Rys., 1903; Expert on Corps, and Ins., Com. on Econ. and Efficiency. 111. St. Legislature, 1914- 15. Auth. : A History of Taxation in New Hampshire, Am. Econ. Assn., 1903; The Re- port of the Industrial Commission : Railway freight rates, 1909; Business Organization and Management. LaSalle Extension Univ.. 1910; Orgamzing and Enterprise, do., 1914; The Trust Problem and Pub. Opinion, Pub. Policy, Vol. 4: The Classification of Combinations and Monopolies, Yale Rci'iew. 1899; The Legal Economic, and Accounting Problems involved in the Judicial determination of Ry. Passenger Rates, do.. Vol. 16; Government Regulation of Insurance Companies, Trans., Am. Econ. Assn., Vol. 8; Accounting in its Relation to Economics, Atn. Econ. Assn. Quarterly, Vol. 10; Water Works Franchises, Proceedings III. Watcr-Siif'f'ly Assn., Vol. i ; The Federal Cor- poration Tax, Atn. Econ. Re-ricw, Vol. i; va- rious other articles. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Nat. Inst, of Social Scs. ; Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; N. H. Hist. Soc. : Epis. Church; L^niv. Club; Pine Orchard Club. Married Elinor Corse, S 10, 1890, Vt, Child, Florence Elinor. Ad- dress, 10 1 6 W. California Ave., Urbana. RODNEY POTTER ROBINSON Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Mo., 19:0; A. M., do.. loii; b. Mr 15. iSoo, Council Bluffs, la.; s. Lyman Bartlett (b. 1S52, Broom Co., N. Y.) and Lucy Ann (Lamb) Robinson (b. Bridge- water, Vt.). Prepared in Harlan (la.) H. S. Attended Epworth Univ., Oklahoma City, 1906- 9. Phi Delta Kappa; Scholarship, Univ. of Mo., 1910-11; Fellowship, do., 1914-13. Teacher, H. S., Lexington, Mo., 1911-13: do.. Ana- conda, Mont., ioi>-i4; Asst., Classics, Univ. of 111., I9I5-17- U. S. A. C, Sec. 594- Can- nvois Automobiles. Par B. C. M., Paris, France, 1917 — . Auth.: Catullus 95, Classical PhiloL, 19 16. Address, Box 403 Perry, Okla. •STILLMAN WILLIAMS ROBINSON C. E., Univ. of Mich., 1S63; D. Sc, O. St. Univ., 1896; b. Mr 6. 1S38, South Reading, Vt. ; s. Ebenezer, Jr. (b. S 30, 18 10, do.) arid Adeline (Williams) Robinson ■ (b. D 19, 1814). Prepared in Springfield (Vt.) \\'esleyan Sem., and Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. Asst. Engr., \!. S. Lake Sur., 1863-6; Asst., Engng., L'niv. of Mich., 1866-67; Asst. Prof., Min. Engng. and Geodesy, L^niv. of Mich., 1S67-60; En^., Astronomer, and Surv., West Boundary Line of Neb., 1869; Prof., Mech. Engng. and Phvs., Univ. of HI., 1870-78; Dean, Coll. of Engng., do., 187S: Prof., Mech. Engng. and Phvs.. do., 1S78-82; Insp., R. Rs. and Bridges in Ohio, 1SS0-S4; Prof., Mech. Engng., O. St. Univ.. 18S2-95; Prof. Emeritus, do., 1893-1910; Inventor, Wire Grip Fastening Co., 18S4-98; Consulting Mech. Engr., Lick Telescope and Mountings, 1S87; Consulting Engr., Santa Fe R. R. on Train Brakes and R. R. Labs.. 1883- 4; do., on Bridges, 1S87-90. Inventions: First Tlieromometer Graduating Machine, i860; Magnetic Break Circuit for Astronom. Clocks, 1862; Double Eyepiece for Simultaneous Astron. Observers, 1804; Automatic Cut-off Engines, 1S72, and about si.x other inventions not patented ; Patented in all, about forty in- ventions. Auth.: Treaties on Gear Teeth by Templet Odentograpli, Columbus, O. 1S83; Measurement of Gas Wells, Geol. Rpts. of Ohio, 1886; Measurement of Natural Gas, do., 1S90; Pitot Instrument for Measuring GaSj i/i>., 3rd Edition, i8q2-o; Robinson-Riehle Transmission Dynamometer, Riehle Bros., Philadelphia, 1893; Cast Iron Piling, Iron Piling Co., Columbus, O., 1899; also various earlier books, pamphlets, and articles. Judge of Awards, R. R. Exposition, Chicago, 1883; Clim., com. on Standards. A. S. M. E., 1884; Roland Prize, A. S. C. E.. 1889; Fellow A. A. A. S.; A. S. M. E. ; A. S. C. E. ; Soc. for Prom, of Engng. Educ. ; Soc. Naval Archs. and Marine Engrs. ; Ohio Soc. Mech., Elec, and Steam Engrs. Married Mary E. Holden, D 18(13, Niagara Falls, N. Y. (died, 1S85); Mary Haines, Ap iS88, Ada. O. Children: Eckka Mazola, b. O i860: Erdis Geroska, b. Ja, 1872; Zella Vina, b. D 1877. Died O 31, 1910. WARD REID (See >No. 2S04.) ROBINSON WILLIAM KEAN ROBINSON B. S., Md. Agr. Coll., 1913; M. S., Geo. Washington L^niv.. 1915; b. My 27. 1S92, Franktown, Pa. Prepared in Randolph-Macon Acad.; Attended Univ. of III., 1915-16. Asst., Pacteriol., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Labs., Penn- svlvania R. R., Altoona, Pa., 1916 — . Mem., Epis. Church. Address. Franktown. Va.; bus. add., c/o Labs., Pennsylvania R. R., Al- toona, Pa. ALLEN ELLINGTON ROGERS Professor; A. B.. Bowdoin Coll., 1876; A. M.. do.. 1878; b. Ap 23. 1856, Ellsworth. Me. Instr., LTniv. of Me., seven yrs. ; Acting Prof., Sch. of Law, Univ. of 111., 1006-07; Prof., Law, I'niv. of Me., 1007 — . Auth.: Our System of Government. Address, Univ. of Me., Orono, Me. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE (See No. 14.) ALBIN ROMEISER Assistant; G. G., Norm. Coll.. N. A. G. U., 1015; b. Je 16. 1893. Belleville. 111.; s. P. M. (b. 1847, Ger.) and Elsie (Hilgard) Romeiser (h. i8;4, Belleville, 111.). Prepared in Belle- vile H. S. Asst., Phvs. Tr.. Univ. of 111. Lt. U. S. N. A., 191 7—. Address, Belleville, 111. PETER ROOS Born F 22, 1850, Sweden. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Lyngby and Kristianstad. Fresco painter and designer, Boston. 1S72-73; Instr., Boston Evening Drawing Schs.. 1873; estab- lished Boston Art Acad., 1874; Instr., Indus. .\rt and Design. Univ. of 111., 1S76-77. 1880; Prof.. Indus. Art and Design, do., 1880-89; studied and practiced land. art. 1S90-96; Dir., Art Studv. Pub. Schs., Cambridge. Mass.. 1806 — . Mem., Boston Art Club, 1874; N.at. Educ. Assn., 1003; St. Teachers' Assn. of Mass.. 1897; The (Tambridge Mun. Art Soc, 1003: The L^niv. of 111. Club, 1003. Address, 24 Sacramento St., Cambridge, Mass. Faculty 937 RALPH RODNEV ROOT Land. Card.; B. S. A., Cornell, ujin; M. L. A., Harvard, 1912; b. Mr 15, 1884, James- town, N. Y. ; s. Frank Henfy (b. Ja iq, 185 1. Busti, N. Y.) and Josephine (Wilcox) Root (b. My 14, 1853, do.). Prepared in James- town (N. Y.) H. S. Acacia; Scarab; Univ Land. Archs. Soc. ; 1910-11. Land. Arch George Burnop, and offices; Instr., Land. 1912-13; Asst. Prof. Scholarship, Harvard, with B. M. Watson, in other professional Gard., Univ. of 111., do., 1913-18; Exchange Prof., ' Land. Gard., Mass. Agr. Coll., 1915; Prof, in charge of Lake Forest Summer Sch. of Land. Archs., 1916-17; Land. Gard.. Chi- cago, 1918 — . Auth. : Design in Landscape Gardening, Root and Kelley, Century Co., 1914; Landscape Ed., Am. Community Series, Lake Forest, 1916; Intensive Park Develop- ment, Am. City, 1912; Notes on a Colonial Garden, Land. Arch., 191 1; Improvement of the Home Grounds, Craftsman, 1912; Why a Garden, Jour, of the Internat. Garden Club, 191 1. Mem., Univ. Club, Urbana and Chi- cago; Coll. Art Assn.; Topiarian Club; Hon- orary Mem., Garden Club of III.; Univ. Land. Archs. Soc. Address, 20 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. CARLTON R. ROSE Consulting Engr.; Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894; Ph. D.. do., 1896; b. Je 16, 1873; s. Benjamin Preston and Cornelia (Robinson) Rose. Prepared in Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S. Delta Upsilon. Asst. Instr., Chem., Univ. of Mich., 1894-96; Instr., do., Lfniv. of 111., 1896-1900; Prof., Metallurgy, Colo. Sch. of Mines, 1901-03; Supt., Smelters, Pueblo, Colo., 1903-14; Consulting Engr., 1914 — . Mem., A. I. M. E. ; Colo. Sc. Soc. Married Winifred Higbee, Ag 12, 1897. Children: Carlton Higbee, b. S 3, 1002; Robert Preston, b. D 30, 1908; Edward Louis, b. Je 3, 1909. Address, 1942 Cheremoya, Hollywood, Calif. CLARENCE SAMUEL ROSS (See No. S9o8.) HARRY ALBERT ROSS (See No. 8714-) LUTHER SHERMAN ROSS (See No. 581.) GERARD van ROSSEN (HOOGENDIJK) Chemist; Ag. Engr., Nat. Agr. Coll., Neth- erlands, 1905; Ph. D., Univ. of Gottingen, 1910; b. Heerenherg, Holland. Prepared in Amsterdam (Netherlands) H. S. Sigma Xi. Instr., Chem., Univ. of Colo.. 1910-12; do., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Lecturer, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1917; Chem., Central Soledad, Cienfue- gos, Cuba. Married Betty McCay, O 2, 1918, Philadelphia. Address, c/o Central Soledad, Cienfuegos, Cuba.f CHARLES RALPH ROUNDS Professor; Ph. B., Univ. of Wis., 1901; b. Ag 3, 1877, Arkansaw, Wis.; s. Cyrus (b. Ja 23, 183 1, Mansfield, N. Y.) and Mary (Boyd) Rounds (b. Pittsburgh, Pa.). Prepared in Florence (Wis.) H. S. ; St. Nbrm. Sch., Wis. Phi Kappa Sigma; Athenae. Teacher, Coun- try sch.; Instr., Rhet. and Pub. Speak., Univ. of 111., 1901-03; Prof., Reading and Gram., St. Norm. Sch., Whitewater, Wis., 1903-11; Head, Dept. of Eng., West Div. H. S., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1911-13; Insp., Eng., Wis. Norm. Schs., 1913-15; Head, Depts. of Eng. and Exten., do., Milwaukee, Wis., 1915 — . Auth. : The Varying Systems of Nomencla- ture in LTse in Our Texts in English Gram- mar, Edna. Review, 1910; A Symposium on Reform in Grammatical Nomenclature in the Study of the Languages., The Present Situa- tion and Possible Remedies, The Sch. Review, Vol. XIX, 1911; The Waste of Unlearning, Eng. Jour., 1912; Co-auth.: Do Too Many Students Fail, Sch. Review, 1913; ed. : Holmes' Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Macmillan; Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies, Am. Book Co. ; Wisconsin Authors and Their Works, Parker Pub. Co.; joint ed. : Wiscon- sin in Story and Song, do. Mem., Congr. Church. Married Mabel Willis, Je 29, 1905, Crawfordsville, Ind. Children: David 'Ed- ward, b. My II, 1907; Stuart Boyd, b. S 16, 1908; Benjamin, b. Ag 16, 1912. Address, 750 Farwell Ave., Milwaukee; bus. add., St. Norm. Sch., do. CHESTER HARVEY ROWELL Editor; Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1888; b. N 1, 1867, Bloomington, 111.; s. Jonathan Harvey (b. F 10. 1833, Haverhill, N. H.) and Maria Sanford (Woods) Rowell (b. F 14, 1843). Prepared in Bloomington H. S.; H. S. Dept, 111. St. Norm. Univ. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. Work, Univ. of Mich., i888-8g; do., universities of Halle and Berlin; also studied in Rome and Paris. Clerk to the Comn. on Elections of the H. Rep., 51st Congress, Washington, D. C, 1889- 91; Teacher, Baxter Coll., Kan. (now de- funct); do., Racine Coll., Wis.; do., H. S., Fresno, Calif.; Instr., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1897-98; Ed. and publisher, Fresno Republi- can, Calif., 1898 — ; Lecturer, Journalism, Univ. of Calif., summer 1911. Auth.: Digest of Contested Election Cases in the 51st Con- gress, Govt. Printing Office, Washington, 1891; A Historical and Legal Digest of all the Contested Election Cases in the House of Representatives of the U. S. from the First to the 56th Congress, 1789-1901; do., various articles in newspapers and periodicals. Mem., Sch. Bd., Fresno, Calif.; Regent, Univ. of Calif.; Calif. St. Comn., Panama-Pacific In- ternat. Exp., 1910-15; Pres., Lincoln-Roosevelt Rep. League of Calif., 1909-11; do.. La Fol- lette League of Calif., 1911; Chm., Calif. Rep. St. Convention, 1910; Delegate, Nat. Rep. and Nat. Progressive Conventions, 1912; Mem. ^ub-com. on platform of both conven- tions; Calif. Nat. Com., Progressive party, 1912-16; Delegate, Nat. Progressive Com., 1916; mem., Nat. Rep. Campaign Com., 1916 — ; Chm. Rep. St. Com., Calif., 1916 — ; V. P., Nat. Mun. League; Mem., Am. Pol. Sc. Assn.; Nat. Bd., Associated Press; Dir., Calif. Circuit Associated Press; Am. Newspa- per Publishers' Assn.; Commonwealth Club of Calif. Married Myrtle Marie Lingle, Ag 1, 1897, Chicago. Children: Chester H., b. Jl 9, 1898 (died Ja 22. 1900); Cora W., b. My 4, 1900; Mildred M., b. F 3. 1906 (died Jl 30, 1906); Barbara Lois, b. Jl 30, 1907; Jonathan H., b. O 29, 1909. Address, 269 Forthcamp Ave., Fresno, C"alif. FLOYD ELBA ROWLAND (See No. 6531.) SIDNEY ARCHIE ROWLAND Assistant; A. B., Ouachita Coll., 1907; b. S 23, 1887, Camden, Ark.; s. Sidney AJvin (b. F 21, 1850, Dallas Co., Ark.) and Mary Adeline (Pryor) Rowland (b. Mr 14, 1857, Bibb Co., Ga.). Prepared in Camden (Ark.) H. S. Hermesian; Gamma Alpha. Scholar- ship, Phys., Univ. of 111., 1909-10; Fellow, Phys., Engng. Exp. Sta.. do., 1910-11; Instr., Math, and Phys.. Prep. Dept., Univ. of Ark., 1907-09; Asst., Math., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; Instr., do.. Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1915 — •, Mem., Baptist Church. Address, c/o Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y. 938 University of Illinois ADELINE WHITNEY ROWLEY (KEWLEY) B. M., De Pauw Univ., 1895; b. Ap 26, 1873, Cedar Rapids, la.; d. DeWitt Clinton (b. S 30, 1824, Middlesex Co., N. Y.) and Adeline T. (Weed) Rowley (b. Je 19, 1836, Ypsilanti, Mich.). Prepared in Mich. St. Norm. Univ. ; DePauw Univ. Alpha Chi Omega. Teacher, Voice Culture, Young La- dies' Sch., Columbia, Tenn., 1895-96; do., Univ. of 111., 1896-97; do., Onarga Sem., On'arga, 111., 1897-98. Mem., Presby. Church. Married James Kewley, S 2, 1899, Cedar Rapids, la. Child, Robert Condit, b. D 12, 1900. Address, Onarga, 111. BERTHA ELLA ROYCE (HUMMEL) (See No. 2232.) EDWARD ROYCE Musician; A. B., Harvard, 1907; b. D 25, 1886, Cambridge, Mass.; s. Josiah (b. N 20. 1854, Grass Valley, Calif.) and Katharine (Head) Royce (b. O 9, 1S58. Brookline, Mass.). Prepared in Browne and Nichols Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Editorial Bd., Har- vard Monthly. Browne and Nichols Club; Marienfeld Club. Teacher, grade schs., Porto Rico, 1908; Harris Traveling Fellow, 1908-09; Attended Stern Conservatory, Berlin, Ger., 1908-10; Studied conducting with Otto Rice, i9o8;Schwarz and Dr. Muck., 1905-09; Music Dir., Baptist Acad., Bryan Tex., iqio- ii; Instr., Piano, Univ. of 111., 1911-12; do.; Westminister Coll., Pa., 1912-13; do.; Mid- dlebury Coll., Vt., 1913-16, do.; Ithaca Con- servatory, Ithaca, N. Y., 1916 — . Auth. : A Derelict, Harvard Monthly, 1904; Drink and the Devil, do., 1904; The Mermaid, do., 1905; The Age of Anne, do., 1905; Variations in A Minor for Piano, Schirmer, 19 17, played in New York, Boston, Chicago, by Harold Bauer. Mem., Harvard Musical Club; Composer's Club of Boston, 191 7 — -. Married Elizabeth Lean Randolph, D 29, 19 10, Germantown, Pa. Children: Randolph, b. D 11, 191 2; Kather- ine, b. Ja 29, 1914. Address, 11 Gray Court, Ithaca, N. Y. ; bus. add., Ithaca Conservatory; do.. Art. CHRISTIAN ALBAN RUCKMICH Professor; A. B., Amherst, 1909; A. M., do., 1912; Ph. D., Cornell, 1913; b. S 4, 1886; s. Alban Victor (b. 1861, Frieburg Baden, Ger.) and Pauline (Schroeder) Ruck- mich (b. 1865, Meckleburg-Schwerin, do.). Prepared in Brooklyn (N. Y.) Man. Tr. H. S. Sigma Delta Rho; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Delta Kappa; Phi Eta; Scholarships and Fellowships, Cornell and Columbia; un- dergraduate honors at Amherst. Teacher, Math, and Sc, Central H. S., Springfield, Mass., 1909-10; Instr., Psych., (Cornell, 191 1- 13; do., Univ. of 111., 19 13-15; studied in Europe, summer 1914; Assoc, do., 1915-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917 — ; Acting Head of Dept., do., 1918. Married Katherine Theilen, ('13). 19151 Camp Point, 111. Address, 702 W. Oregon St., Urbana. WILLEM RUDOLFS Assistant; Ph. D., Wageningen, 1911; b. F 13, 1886, Wageningen, Holland; s. W. (b. Arnheim, do.) and Anthonia (van Ewyk) Rudolfs (b. Ja 13, 1851, Kesteren, do.). Pre- pared in Wageningen, Holland. Studente Corps, Holland; Cosmopolitan Club. Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., Wageningen, Holland, 19 11- 16; Chein., Chem. VVorks, Edison Co., New- ark, N. J., 1916-17; Asst. Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Auth.: Various articles in agr. magazines. Address, 402 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. MAXIMILIAN JOSEF RUDWIN Instructor; A. B., Univ. of Wis., 190S; A. M., Univ. of Cincinnati, 19 10; Ph. D., O. St. Univ., 1913; b. Ja 22, 1885, Europe. Pre. pared in Realschule, Leipzig, Ger. ; attended Stanford; Columbia; Univ. of Chicago. Teacher, H. S., Wis., 1907-08; Purdue Univ., 1913-16; Instr., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Grad. Fel- lowship, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1918 — . Auth.: Die Prophetenspriiche und-Zitate im religiosen Drama des deutschen Mittelalters, Dresden- Leipsic, 1913; Die Teufelsszenen im geistlichen Drama des deutschen Mittelalters, Johns Hop- kins Press, 1914; Der Teufel in den deutschen geistlichen Spielen des Mittelalters iind der Reformationszeit, Johns Hopkins Press, 191 5. Articles on subjects in German lit. in various mags. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Assn. of Mod. Lang. Teachers of Central West and South. Address, c/o Johns Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore. HAROLD KIRK RULISON Assistant; B. S., N. Y. St. Coll. of Agr., 1915; b. My 17, 1890, West Almond, N. Y. Prepared in Angelica (N. Y.) H. S. Alpha Zeta. Asst., Dairy Husb., Univ. of 111., 1915- 18; R. R. Acct., Rochester, N. Y^ 19 18 — . Mem.. M. E. (Zhurch. Address, Rochester, N. Y. GUY HENRY RUMP (See No. 2233.) HENRY PERLY RUSK Professor; B. S.. Valparaiso Univ., 1904; B. S. A., Univ. of Mo., 1908; M. S. A., do., iqii; b. Jl 19, 1884, Rantoul. 111.; s. William Humphrey (b. Ja 15, 1859, O.) and Anna L. (Renner) Rusk (b. F 9, 1859, 111.). Prepared in (Ind.) Francesville and Valparaiso. H. Schs.; Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Instr., Biol., Mil. Acad., Columbia. Mo., 1906-07: Stud. Asst., An. Husb. Univ. of Mo., 1907-08; Asst.. do.. 1908-09; First Asst., An. Husb., Ind. Exp. Sta., Purdue, Ind., 1909-10; Assoc, Beef Cat- tle, LTniv. of 111., 1010-13; Asst. Prof., do., i9i,'?-i8; Prof., do., IQ18 — . Co-Auth. : Winter Steer Feeding, Ind. Exp. Sta., Bill., No. 153. Married Edith Elizabeth Hartley, Je 28. 191 1, Eureka, Ind. Children: Elizabeth Hartley, b. O 14. 1912; Martha Hartley, b. Jl 3, 1915. Address, 607 Michigan Ave., Urbana. WARREN ALBERT RUTH Associate; A. B., Wabash Coll., 1906; A. M.. do., 1909; b. My 23. 1884, St. Joseph Co.. Ind.; s. Albert H. (b. My -5, 1857, do.) and Amy E. (Ringle) Ruth (b. F 7, 1S57, do.). Prepared in S. Bend (Ind.) and Mishawaka (Ind.) H. Schs. Attended Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1Q07-08. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Chi Sigma. Stud. Asst., Chem., Wabash Coll., 1904-06; Fellowship, Chem., O. St. Univ., 1906- 07; Instr., Chem., Wabash Coll., 1908-09; Asst., Hort. Chem.. Univ. of 111., 1909-10; .\sst. Chem., Hort., do., 1910-13; Assoc, Chem., Hort., 1913 — . Co-Auth.: ///. Exp. Sta. Bui: 185. Married Mary L. Waddell, Je 25, 1915, Princeton, 111. Child, Barbara Bennett, b. Ap 23, 1916. Address, 613 Michigan Ave Urbana. THOMAS ARTHUR RUTHERFORD Physician; B. S.. Princeton, 1903; M. S., do., 1907; M. D., Univ. of Pa., 1907; b. Ag 31, 1880, Strath'roy, Ont. ; s. James (b. Kelso, Scotland) and Elizabeth Jane (Bailie) Ruther- ford (b. Sarnia, Ont.). Prepared, Blair Presby. Acad. Alpha Omega Alpha; Sigma Xi; Alpha Mu Pi (Dmega; Quax. Pepper Med. Soc; Honors in Phys. Sc. Asst.. C!hem. Univ. of 111., 1907-08; 1st As-st. Physician, Hillside Home and Scranton Hosp. for the Insane, 1908-09; Chief Physician, do., 1909-i.t; Supt., do., 1914 — . Auth.: Comparative Chemi- cal Composition of the Hair of the Various Races. Mem., Lackawanna Co. Med. Soc; Pa. St. Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Scranton Club; Faculty 939 Craftsman Club. Married Marjorie Angeline Spencer, Je 21, 191 1, Carbondale, Pa. Child, Russell Spencer, b. Ja 21, 1914. Address, ( larks Summit, Pa. ROY WEAVER RUTT (See No. 1959.) WARD HANSON SACHS Chemist; B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1910; A. M., Univ. of Mo., 1917; u. D 25, 1887, Towanda, 111.; s. Hanson Philip (b. N 30, 1853, Gridley, 111.) and Martha Jane (Moats) Sachs (b. N 6, 1856, Towanda, 111.). Prepared in Towanda H. S. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Asst., Soils, Univ. of 111., 1910-13; Assoc, Chm., 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., do., 1913-16; Assoc, Soil Analysis, do., 1917-18; Chcm., Eberley Chem. Works, Little Rock, Ark., 19 18 — . Married Mabel Straight, Ag 10, iQii, Oklahoma City, Okla. Children: Lois Miriam, b. Je 16, 1913; Ward Hanson, Jr., b. Ta 9, 1915. Address, Eberley Chem. Works, Little Rock, Ark. FRED ANSON SAGER Consulting Engr. ; B. S., Univ. of Mich.. 1894. Tau Beta Pi. Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1894-6; Instr., Phys. and Asst. Prof., Phys., do., 1896-1903; Con. Engr. in Elec, Mech., and Civ. Engng., Chicago, 1903 — . Mem., West. Soc. of Engrs. ; A. I. E. ; Univ. Club, Chicago; Art Inst., Chicago. Married Alta Louise Stansbury ('03), Ag 23, 191 1, Spo- kane, Wash. Children: Ellen Louise, b. Ja 3, 1915; William Frederick, b. Ja 22, 19 18. Ad- dress, 105 S. La Salle St., Chicago. CLARENCE STANLEY SALE Engineer; B. S., Purdue, 1906; b. Ja 13, 1884, Louisville, Ky. ; s. Clarence (b. S 15, 1852, do.) and Fanny Stevens (Lee) Sale (b. D 17, 1858, do.). Prepared in Louisville (Kv.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Pan Hellenic Council. Asst. Mgr., Florida East Coast Ry., 1906-07; Assoc. Ed., Ry. Age, 1908-9; Sales Mgr., Blount Plow Works, 19 10; Bus. Mgr., Munici- pal Engng., 1911-12; Gen. Mgr., Engng. Pub. Co., 1913-.1S; Ed., Chicago Assn. of Commerce Com. on Smoke Abatement and Electrification of Rys., 1913-16; Asst. to Dir. Engng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Instr., C. E., do., 1916-17; Asst. Prof., do., 1917-18; Asst. to Pres., Ry. Car Mfr's. Assn., New York City, 1918 — -. Auth.: Ed. Smoke Abatement and Electrification, Rand McNally & Co., 1915; Articles in Ry. Agr., 1907-8; Municipal Engng., 1910-15; Technograph, 1917-18; Am. City, Ap, 1918, and Proceedings, III. Municipal League, 1917. Mem., Sigma Xi. Married Endosa Smith, Ap 3, 1909, Chicago. Address, 61 Broadway, New York City. JOHN LANGLEY SAMMIS (See No. '1080.) FRANK BERRY SANBORN Professor; B. S., Dartmouth Coll., 1887; C. E., do., 1889; M. S., Harvard, 1898; b. Ja 15, 1865, Hampton Falls. N. H. ; s. Albert James (b. 1830, do.) and Sarah Ann (Johnson) Sanborn (b. D 9, 1836, Seabrook, N. H.). Prepared in Putnam Free H. S., Newburyport, Mass. Sigma Chi. Scholarship at Dartmouth and Harvard; Asst. Prof., C. E,, Tufts Coll., 1899-1901; Asst. Prof., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1908-09 (substitute for Professor I. O. Baker during his yr. of absence); Prof., C. E., Tufts Coll., 1901 — . Inventor: Device for measur- ing water. Nozzle Piezometer; a shaft speed counter; a low pressure water gauge; a marine speedometer. Auth.: Mechanics Problems, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd ed., 19 12; The Public Health of Lawrence, Mass. ; also various art- icles. Married Grace A. Cobb, S 21, 1892, Boston. Children: Ralph, b. Jl 19, 1894; Ruth Alden, b. Je 26, 1897; Paul Codman, b. Ja 22, 1901. Address, Cambridge, Mass.t WILLIAM EMANUEL SANDFORD Chemist; Ph. C, Univ. of Mich., 1892; b. Mr 31, 1871, Chicago; s. William Brown (b. Jl 9, 1843, Paterson, N. J.) and Mary Ann (Cowan) Sanford (b. F i, 1846, do.). Pre- pared in Kewanee H. S. ; Univ. Acad. Phi Chi. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1892-93; Asst., Chem. and Instr., Pharmacy, do., 1893- 94; Instr., Pharmacy, do., 1894-96; Chem., Western Tube Co., Kewanee, 111., 1897-99; Supt., do., 1899-1905; Supt., Mark Mfg. Co. (Tube Works), Zanesville, O., 1905-11; with Big Creek Colliery Co., Chicago, 191 1-12; Special Engng. work and sales occupations, 1912-17. Maj., Ord. Dept., U. S. A., 1917 — . Discovered appliances in tube making and methods of refining waste products from gal- vanizing process. Mem., A. F. A. M. ; Seventh Regt. (O.) Mil. Band, 1906; Dir., Mil. Band, Kewanee, 111., 1900-05; A. C. S., 1899; A. S. M. E,, 1906; B. P. O. E.; Congr. Church. Married Eva Regine Phillips, Ag 7, 1895, Kewanee, 111. Children: William Phillips, b. O 27, 1896; Edna Muriel, b. My 6, 1898; Florence Louise, b. My 18, 1900; Margaret Isabel, b. Ja 16, 1905; Helen Regine, b. Ja 11, 1907. Address, 608 S. Chestnut St., Kewanee, 111. CLAUDE WILLIAMSON SANDIFUR (See No. G582.) LEW R. SARETT (See No. 7923.) HERBERT HOWLAND SARGENT Maj., U. S. A.; B. S., Blackburn Univ., 1878; U. S. Mil. Acad., 1883; b. S 29, 1858, Carlinville, 111.; s. Jacob True and Maria L. (Braley) Sargent. Appointed Second Lt., 2d. U. S. Cav., 1883; Served on frontier and as Prof., Mil. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1886-87 till out- break of Spanish-Am. War; served at Wash- ington, 1898, in organizing volunteers, declined; appointed Col., 5th U. S. Val. Inf., 1898; or- ganized regt. at Columbus, Miss.; at Santiago, Cuba, 1898; Commandant, Dist. Guantonamo under Gen. Wood, 1899; Capt. Cav., 1899; Lt. Col., 29th Inf., U. S. v., 1899; arrived Manila with Regt., N 2, 1899; fought insurgents of Luzon; Comd. attacking forces, D 19, 1801. at battle of San Mateo; returned to U. S., 1901; Prof., Mil. Sc. and Tactics, A. and M. Coll., Coll. Sta., Tex., 1903-07; Maj., 2d Cav., 1909; Grad. from Army War Coll., Washing- ton, D. C, 1909; Commancant, Camp Over- ton, Mindanao, and Torrey Barracks, Mind- anao, P. I., 1909; retired from active service, 191 1 ; Recalled to active duty, Je 27, 1916; Asst. to Dept. Q. M., West. Dept., San F>an- cisco; in charge of Finance and Accounting Div., 1916-17; Prof., Mil. Sc. and Tactics, Princeton, 1917-18; War Pkns Div. of Gen. Staff Corps at Army War Coll.. Washington. D. C. Recommended by Gens. Otis and Wood for brevets for meritorious services in Philip- pines and Cuba; Ordered to Washington from S. Dak., 1007, and complimented in person by President Roosevelt on Campaign of Santiago de Cuba. Auth.: Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign, 1893; The Campaign of Marengo, 1897; The Campaign of Santiago de Cuba, 1007. Married Alice C. Applegate, Ag 11, 1S86, Olene, Ore. Address. Office of Chief of Staff, War Coll. Div., Washington, D. C. THOMAS EDMUND SAVAGE Professor; A. B., la. Wesleyan Univ., 189'^; B. S., Univ. of la., 1897; M. S., do., 1898; Ph. D., Yale, 1909; b. Ja 8, 1866; s. John (b. 94° Northamptonshire. Eng.') and Tacy Deborah (Crew) Savaiie (h. Ashlanil, Va.). Prepared in Acad of \Veslevan Univ., Mt. Pleasant, la. Sigma Xi; Beta Theta Pi. Prof., Biol, and Ge'^ol., Leander Clark Coll., Toledo, la., 1809- 1004; Asst. St. Ceol. of la., 1904-07; Asst. Prof., Ceol., ^nd Geologist, 111. Ceol. Sur., Univ. of 111., 1Q07 — ; (Leave of absence, 1918) In charge of study of oil production and de- pletion ni Ohio. Ind., and 111. for the inter- nal revenue office. Auth.: Clay Seams or so-called Horsebacks near Springfield, 111.. Econ. Geo!., Vol. S, 1910; The Physiography ot Benton County, Iowa,- History of Benton Co., Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago; The Fauna of the Girardeau Limestone and of the Edgewood Formation, abstracts Sciciuw New Ser., Vol. .?2, 1910; Geology of the Herrin Quadrangle, M!iics ami Minerals, Vol. 21, No. 9t ioii;_The Faunal Succession and the Correlation of the Pre-l)evonian Formations of Southern 111., St. Geol. Sur., Bui. No. 16; The Geology and Coal Resources of the Herrin, 111. Quadrangle, 111. St. Geol. Sur., Bui. No. 16; also many earlier and later publications. Mem., Geol. Soc. of Am.; A. A. A. S. ; 111. Acad, of Sc. ; Paleontol. Soc. of Am. Married Elinor Claire Savage, Jl 21, 1900, Iowa City, la. Four children. Address, 611 W. Nevada St., Urbana. CHARLES BOVETT SAVRE (See No. 5920.) ♦ATTILIO FILIPPO SBEDICO A. B., Collegio G. B. Vico-Chieti, Italy, 1903; A. M., Univ. of Pa.. 1907; Pb. Di, dj., 1909; b. D 15, iSSo, S. Vito Chietino, Italy; s. Giuseppe (b. Ap 6, 1S44, Laciano, Italy) and Enrichetta (Gargano) Sbedic9 (b. S 10, 1S52). Prepared in Ginnasio-Liceo G. B. Vico-Chieti, Italy. Scholar, 1905-1909; Trav- eling Fellow, Univ. of Pa., 1906-07; Instr.. Italian. Univ. of Pa., Summer Sch., 1908-10; Instr., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Instr., do.. Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 191 1; Asst. Prof., French and Italian, do., 1911-16. Married Ida Stolle, Jl 3. loii, LTrbana. Child, Josephine H., b. Ap 11, 1912. Died Ag iC>, 1916, Seattle. ALVIN LOUIS SCHALLER (See No. 3165-) IRA OBED SCHAUB Farm Demonstrator; B. S., N. C. Coll. of AgT. and Mech. Arts. 1000; b. S 28, 1SS9, Da'.ton. N. C: s. William Henry (b. S 2j. 1846, do.) and Mary Laura (Grabs) Schaub (b. 1850, do.). Prepared in Pinnacle Acad. N. C. Grad. woi-k, Johns Hopkins Vn'w. three yrs. on a scholarship. Alpha Zeta; Acacia; ifvappa Sigma. Asst., Chem., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 'ill., 1933-05; Asst. Prof., Soils, la. St. Coll., 1905-oa: Prof., Agr. Exten., N C. St. Coll.. West Raleigh, N. C, 1909-13; Supt., Farm Demonstr»tion Work, Frisco Lines, Springfield, Mo., 1913 — • Married Maud Ken- nedy, Jl 27, 1910, Collins. la. Child. Maud Kennedy, b. S 4, 1Q14. Address, 1103 Roanoke Ave., Springfield, Mo. ARNOLD GEORGE SCHEELE Instructor; A. B., Oberlin Coll.. 1910; A. M.. do., iQii: b. My iS. 1886. Napoleon, O. ; s. Henry Frederick (b. O 3, 1857, Jeddingen, Prov. of Hanover, Ger.) and Caroline (Becker) Scheele (b. Ap jo, i86i, Kellevs Island, O.). Prepared in Kelleys Island (O.) H. S.; Wooster Univ.; Johns Hopkins L'lniv. ; Art Studs. League of New York City; Art Inst, of Cliicago; Acad, of Fine Arts of Chicago. Cml. Artist, Chicago; Dean and Instr., Coml. Art Sch., 1015-17; Instr., Freehand Drawing, Arch. Dept., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Instr., University of Illinois Mich. Agr. Coll.. 191S — -. Paintings exhib- ited in Chicago, New York and Milwaukee. Address. Mich. Agr. Coll., Agricultural Col- lege P. O., Mich. EARL READ SCHEFFEL B. S., Denison L^niv., 1907; M. S., do.. lOoS; b. S 19, 18S1, Dayton, O.; s. John Henrv (b. 1829. Ger.) and Marv Catherine (Read) Sheffel (b. 1S48, Ind.). Prepared in Steel H. S., Dayton, O., and Doane Acad., Granville, O., Calliope Lit. Soc. Working Scholarship, looo-S; Stud, and Asst., U. S. Geol. Sur. work, summer 1909; Grad. Stud.. I'niv. of 111., 1011: Instr., Geol. and Miner- ology, Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis., 1908- 11; Instr., Summer Sch.. Univ. of Va., 1910- II ; Asst., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1011-12; trav- eling salesman, 1912-15; Instr., Sc. and Math., Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111., 1010-17. Auth. : An Esker Group South of Dayton, O., Ohio Naturalist. Vol. 8, 1008; do.. Bui.. Scien- tific Labs, of Denison L^niv., Vol. 14, rooS; The Origin of Spring Valley Gorge, Bui. Scientific Labs, of Denison Univ., Vol. 13, Art. vi, 1907; Significance of Drainage Changes near Granville, O., do.. Vol. 15, 1909. Mem.. C. L. Herrick Geol. Soc; O. Acad, of Sc; Eng. Luth. Church; A. F. A. M. Ad- dress, 341 River St.. Dayton, O. WILLIAM H. SCHEIFLEY A. M. Instr., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1910-11. Address, 5473 LTniversity Ave., Chicagot •HENRY CARL SCHELD Born Ap 11, 1873, Niedcrscheld, Wiesbaden, Ger. Prepared in Staples H. S., Westport, Conn.; attemled Am. Conservatory, Chicago, 1809-1901. Instr., Violin, Harmony, and Musical Hist., Univ. of 111., 1901-03; Teach- ing and professional work in music composi- tion; Instr., Violin, Musical Theory, and Musical Hist., L^niv. of 111., 1906-07. Mem., Congr. Church. Deceased. GERTRUDE SCHEPPERLE Associate; A. B., Wellesley Coll., 1901; A. M., do., 1905; Ph. D., Radcliflfe Coll., 1909; b. TI 15. 1882; d. Vinzens (b. Roethenbach, Balden. Ger.) and Elizabeth (Klein) Schoep- perle (b. Kittanning. Pa.). Prepared in Oil City (Pa.) H. S. T. I. E. ; Scribblers Club. Durant Scholarship, Wellesley; Alice I'ree- man FeIlow. Technical Instruction, Engng. News, lou Proceedings Soc. Promotion Bngng. Educ, Vo 27, 191 o; also many earlier articles. Mem , Am. Math. Soc; Soc. of Automotive Engrf. Married Anna leannette Ware, Je 25. looj, Cincinnati. Children: Dorothy jeannette, b. Jl 28, 1904; Walter Ware, b. JI 13, 1907; Mari- anna Conde b. D 17, 19 17. Address, 565 Evansvvood Place, Clinton, Cincinnati. ALFRED HIGGINS SLUSS (See No. 1590.) CONSTANCE BARLOW-SMITH Born Pimlico, Eng. ; d. James S. (b. London, Eng.) and Susan J. (Haskell) Barlow (b. do.). Prejiared in pvt. seminaries. Graduated, 111. Conservatory of Music and Am. Inst, of Nor- mal Methods; professional training under Ag- grimonti. Mason, George Morgan, Frederick Lyman, and Ponanski. Teacher, piano, N. J. Conservatory of Music and Asst., voice and chorus work. 111. Conservatory; supvr., music, City Schs. of Jacksonville for eight yrs. ; teach- er, seven summers in the Morgan Co. Teach- ers' Inst.; Instr., Sight-singing, Ear-training, and in charge of Pub. Sch. Methods, Univ. of 111., :903-i6. Auth.: Series of articles on the State Course of Study for the Trainer Lesson Leaf, 1896; The Educational Value of the Folk-Song, A'. E. A. Records, 1910; The Peda- gogy of Music, St. Teachers' Assn. Records, 1911; edited a Souvenir Music Number of the Jnter-State Sch. Review: The Ideals of Music. The Woman's Athenaeum Collaboration, F. P. Kaiser I'ub. Co.; Representative Works, Dun- well and I'-ord. Mem., St. and Nat. Educ. Assns.; St. and Nat. Music Teachers' Assn.; 111. Delegate to Nat. Music Teachers' Assn., Asheville, N. C. ; two terms on Standing Music Com., St. Fed. of Woman's Clubs, 111. Ad- dress, Jacksonville, 111. ELLWOOD SPENCER SMITH Asst. Gen. Mgr.; b. Mr i, 1890, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; s. Evan F. (b. N 25, 1852. Washington, D. C.) and Fannie Louise (Sevvell) Smith (b. Jl 19, 1S58, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.). Prepared in Brooklyn (N. V.) H. S.; I'. S. Naval Acad., 1910. Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 191 1; Inter- nat. St. Bank, Trinidad, Colo., 191 1-12; Asst. Gen. Mgr., Consolidated Ariz. Smelting Co., Humboldt, Ariz., 1914 — . Married Zella Betty Northcutt, N 27, 191 7, San Diego, Calif. Ad- dress, c/o Consolidated Ariz. Smelting Co., Humbolt, Ariz. FLORENCE MARY (See No. 1275.) SMITH FRANK SMITH Professor; Ph. B., Hillsdale Coll., 1885; A. M., Harvard. 1893; b. I' 18, 1857. Winneconne, Wis.; s. Samuel Franklin (b. Mr 10, 1825, Barton, Vt.) and Aurelia Smith (b. N 21, 1830, Sutton, N. H.). Prepared in Prep. Dept.. Hillsdale Coll., Mich. Delta Tau Delta. D. M. Martin Math. Prize, Hillsdale Coll., Instr., Math., Prep. Dept., Hillsdale Coll., 1882-86; Prof., Chem. and Biol., Hillsdale Coll., 1886-92; Instr., Biol., Trinity Coll., 1892-93; Asst., Zool., Univ. of 111., 1893-94; Instr., do., 1894-96; Asst. Prof., do.. 1896-1900; As.soc. Prof., do., 1900-13; Prof., do., 19 13 — ; Cvirator, Museum Nat. Hist., do., 1900-17. Auth.: Various papers on the Oligochaeta of North America and Africa; on the migration and habits of birds; and on fresh-water sponges, hydroids, and other groups of inver- tebrates. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Am. Soc. of Zool.; Am. Soc. of Naturalists; Am. Ornithol. Union; Am. Museums Assn. Married Edith Mary Fox, S 28, 1887. Fremont, Ind. (died N 15, 1888); Isadora Stamats, Jl 12, 1800, Bokes Creek, O. Child, Donald Fisk, b. N 14, 1888 (died O 29, 1905). Address, 913 W. California Ave., Urbana. FRANK ARTHUR GUSHING SMITH Instructor; B. S., Cornell, 1912; M. L. A., Harvard, 1913; b. Ap 22, 1887, Wauwatosa, Wis. Prepared in Wis. St. Norm. Sch. In Wis. Nat. Bank, Milwaukee, 1906-8; Instr., Land. Design., I'niv. of 111., 1913-15; Assoc, do.. 1915; Instr., Land. Exten., Mass. Agr. Coll., 191S — . Mem., Baptist Church. Ad- dress, 359 ist Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis.; bus. add., c/o Mass. Agr. Coll., Amherst, Mass.t GEORGE McPHAIL SMITH Professor; B. S., Vanderbilt Univ., 1900; Ph. D., Univ. of Freiburg, Baden, 1903; b. N IS, 1878, Nashville, Tenn. ; s. Robert Mc- Phail (b. O 16, i8',7, Norfolk. Va.) and Lae- titia Clark (Trimble) Smith (b. 1840, Nash- ville, Tenn.). Prepared in Fogg H. S., Nash- ville, Tenn. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda LTpsiion; Gamma Alpha. Attended Ihiiv. of Berlin and Geneva, 1900-01; Asst., Chem., Lab., Vanderbilt Univ.; Instr., Qviali- tative Analysis, Mich. Coll. of Mines, 1903-04; Instr., Analytical Chem. and Met., N. C. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, 1904-05; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1905-09; Assoc, Chem. do., 1909-13; Asst. Prof., Chem., do., 1913 — . Auth.: Zur Kenntnis der Derivate des p — Joda- zobenzols und des )ii — Chlorjobenzols mit mehr- \' ertigem Jod, Freidburg, i. B., Speyer & Kaerner, 1903; Heterogeneous Equilibria lietvveen Aqueous and Metallic Solutions (first paper), Jour. A. C. S., Vol. 32, 1910; (with H. C. Bennett) Additional Notes on the Alkali and Alkali-Earth Amalgams, do., Vol. 32, lyio; t'ber hetcrogenc Gkeichgewichte zwischen metallischen und Wasserigen Losuiiger (Erste Mitteilung), Ztschr. fur physikalischc C hemic, Vol. 73, 1910; (by \V. A. Noyes, Sixth cd., revised in collaboration with the author), The Elements of Qualitative .Vnalysis, Henry Holt & (^o., loii; also numerous other arti- cles. Mem., A. C. S. ; Deutsche Chem. Gesell- schaft, 1907; I'ellow, A. A. A. S., 1910. Ad- dress, 1106 California St., Urbana. HAMILTON JEWETT SMITH Instructor; Ph. B., Yale, 191 1; A. M., do., 1 9 14; b. F 18, 1890, Detroit. Prepared in Detroit Univ. H. S. Railroading, 1911-12; Instr., Eng., LTniv. of 111., 1916-17; U. S. Army Intelligence Office, New York City, 1917 — . Mem., Church of Eng. Address, New Haven, Conn.f HARVEY E. SMITH Constructor; B. S., Mo. Sch. of Mines., 1 9 10; b. 1886, St. Louis. Prepared in Cen- tral H. S., and Y. M. C. A. Night Sch., St. Louis. Chief Engr., Mager Coal Co., W. Mineral, Kan., 1914; Instr., Min. and Mech. Inst., L^niv. of 111., loia-is; Constr., lola, Kan., 1915— . .Address. W^. Mineral Kan.; bus. add., 3148 Jefferson St., lola, Kan.t JAMES ELMO SMITH I (See G614.) Faculty 947 KENNETH GARDNER SMITH (Sec No. 2518.) LESLIE DENIS SMITH Christian Sc. Practitioner; B. S., Beloit Coll., 1910; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1913; b. S 6, 1SS9, Grand Rapids, Wis. lustr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 19 13-14; Christian Sc. Practi- tioner, 19x4 — . Mem., Christian Sc. Church. Address, 5 116 Glenwood Ave., Chicago; bus. add., 1600, 36 S. State St., do-i LINDLEY MALCOLM SMITH Entomologist; B. S., O. St. Univ., 1905; b. S 27, i8Si, Chester Hill, O.; s. Stephen (b. Ag I, 1839, do.) and Elizabeth (Roberts) Smith (b. S i, 1845, do.). Prepared in Chester Hill (O.) H. S. Nursery Insp., Ohio, 1905; Hort. Insp., Univ. of 111., 1905-06; Nursery and Orchard Insp., N. C, 1907; Field Asst. to St. Entomol., Univ. of 111., 1907 — . Mem., Biol. Soc; Hort. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Presby. Church. Married Grace Selbv, D 28, 1906, Bartlett, O. Children: Philip Selby, b. N II, 1907; Homer Lindley, b. Ag 27, 1909; Malcolm Lambert, b. N ig, 191 1. Address, 511 Beveridge St., Carbondale, Ill.t LOUIE HENRIE SMITH (See No. 1085.) ORRIN HAROLD SMITH (See G617.) PERCY ALMERIN SMITH (See No. 1593.) RAYMOND STRATTON SMITH (See No. 5948.) RHEA GORDON SMITH Chemist; B. S., Rutgers Coll., 1909; b. Mr 17, 1S87, Keyport, N. J.; s. J. Walton and Eva Taylor (Herbert) Smith. Prepared in New Brunswick (N. J.) H. S. Asst., Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1909-11; Chem., Mon- fanto Chem. Works, St. Louis, 1911-18; Supt., Antoine Chiris Co., Delawanna, N. J., 1918 — . Married Augusta Eleanor Board, O 30, 1915. Urbaiia. Address, 322 High St., Passaic, N. J.; bus. add., Delawanna, N. J. ROSCOE RAYMOND SNAPP (See No. S949-) EARL QUINTER SNIDER (See No. 2825.) HOWARD JOHN SNIDER (See No. 595o.) JOHN McBEATH SNODGRASS (See No. 1772.) *EDWARD SNYDER Born O 7, 1835, Sokal, Austrian Poland. Educated in Leniberg and Vienna. Entered Austrian army and attehded Mil. Sch. at Kronstadt and Mauer, 1848-9; Lt. in 1854, and served with the army of occupation sent to prevent the war of the Crimea from extending into Roumania; Teacher, Lang, and Hist, in cadet sch. of Grantz and Styria Solfcrino; came to U. S., 1862; went into war with N. Y. regt. 1862-5; taught sch. in St. Louis and in H. S. at Carlinville after the war; Instr., bookkeeping and Ger., Univ. of 111., 1868, the first yr. of the opening of the Univ.; Prof., Ger., Ger. and Mil. Sc. ; commissioned Col., III. Nat. Guard, 1870; in charge of Univ. Bn. until 1880; Prof., Mod. Langs., and Mil. Sc, do., 1873; Dean of Coll. of Lit., do., 1874; Recording .Sec, Bd. of 'IVustees, 1870-87; Bus. Agt. (if Univ., 1870-6; Prof, of (ier. Lang, and Lit. 1889. Ciavc the Univ. $12,000 in i8qi), to be loaned to worthy students; now maintained as a students' beneficiary aid fund. Retired 1896, going to Calif. Died S 13, 1903, Pacific Beach, Calif. GERTRUDE CLARK SOBER (CHURCH) B. S., Univ. of Mich., 1892; b. Ap 15, 1866, Detroit; d. Nelson Washington (b. N. Y.) and Ellen Augusta (Hurlbut) Clark (b. 1835, Port- land, Conn.). Prepared in Mich. St. Norm. Coll., Ypsilanti. Pi Beta Phi. Sc. Teacher, H. S. ; Coldwater. Mich., 1886.90; Prin., H. S., Ishpeming, 1901-03; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1903-04. Auth.: Series of articles on H. Sc, in Sch. Nezvs of 111., 1903-05; Food, Bui. No. 10. Cornell Univ.; Managing Ed., Arrow of Pi Beta Phi. Sec, Free Kinder- garten Assn., Madison, 1898-99. Mem., Madi- son Woman's Club, 1898-09; Tues. Art Club, Milwaukee; Milwaukee Branch Coll. Alumnae; Chm., Exten. and Indus. Com. Y. W. C. A.; y. P., Home for Aged. Married Hiram Allen Sober, N 23, 1892 (died S 10, 1900); James Sherman Church, Ap 5, 1905. Child, Marion Ellen, b. D 23, 1893. Address, 683 Stowell Ave., Milwaukee. t ALBERT ALEXANDER SOMERVILLE Physicist; B. S., DePauw Univ., 1905; b. Ja 28, 1883, Milroy, Ind. ; s. Ira A. (b. 1855, do.) and Linda Somerville (b. 1850, Edgar. 111.). Prepared in Milroy H. S. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Asst., Math, and Phys., DePauw Univ., 1904-05; Instr., Math. Univ. Acad., 1905-06; Instr., Phys., Cornell, 1906-12; U. S. Bur. of Standards, 1908; Chief Physicist, U. S. Rubber Co., New York City, 1912 — . Mar- ried Emma Louise Rapelye, My 3, 1913, New- ark, N. J. Children: Norman Alexander, b. F 17, 1914; Marian Linn, b. Mr 9, 1915. Ad- dress, U. S. Rubber Co., 1790 Broadway, New York City. RAFAEL ARCANGEL SOTO (See No. 5427.) OWEN JAMES TRAINOR SOUTHWELL Instructor; A. B., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1915; b. S 20, 1892, New Iberia, La. Pre- pared in Beaumont (Tex.) H. S. ; Tulane LTniv. Stud. Asst., Carnegie Inst, of Tech., 1914-15; with Ingahm and Boyd, Archs., 1916; Instr., Arch. Design, Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Naval Aviation, France, 1918 — . Mem., Cath- olic Church. Address, 1500 Gulf St., Beau- mont, Tex.t CHARLES HERBERT SPAULDING (See No. 5428.) BARTHOLOMEW J. SPENCE Professor; B. S., N. W., Univ., 1905; Ph. D., Princeton, 1909; b. Je 4, 188 j, Chicago. Attended Univ. of Wis., 1905-06. Asst., Chem., N. W. Univ., 1903-05; Asst., Phys., Univ. of Wis., 1905-06; Asst., Phys., Univ. of 111., 1906-07; Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of N. Dak., 1907; Teaching Fellow in Phys., 1907-08; Experimental Sc. Fellow in Phys., 1908-09; Instr., Phys., 1909-10; Asst. Prof., Phys., Univ. of N. l^ak., 19 10 — . Auth., Vari- ations of Arc Spectra, Astrophysical Jour., 1905. Me., Epis. Church. Address, Univ. of N. Dak., Grand Forks, N. Dak.f DAVID ELLSWORTH SPENCER Professor; B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1887; A. M., Harvard, 1891; b. F 22, 1863, Berlin, Wis.; s. Alanson Anderson (b. V/est. Oneida Co., N. Y.) and Sarah (Ellsworth) Spencer (b. Erie Co., Pa.). Instr., Hist., Univ. of Wis., University of Illinois 1888-90; do., and stud., Harvard, 1891; Act- ing Asst. Prof., Hist., Univ. of Mich., 1892- 93; Asst. Prof., Hist., Leland Stanford, 1892- 1901; leave of absence from Leland Stanford for historical study at Leipsic, Ger., 1899- 1900; Acting Prof., Hist., Univ. of 111., 1901- 02; Special historical research work in Paris, France, 1902. Address, Pacific Grove, Calif. t JOEL ANDREW SPERRY Associate; B. A., Yale, 1908; M. S., do., 1912; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. Jl 10, 1886, New Haven, Conn.; s. Frank Howard (b. Ja 3, 1859, do.) and Mary Beecher (Wells) Sperry (b. Ap 29, 1858, Bridgeport, Conn.). Pre- pared in Wheedon Sch. and New Haven (Conn.) H. S. Beta Theta Pi; Sigma Xi; Nu Sigma Nu. Honorary Scholar, Yale, 1910- 11; Asst., Bacteriol., Yale, 19 12-14; Bur. of (^"hem. with Pure Food and Drugs Comn., 1912; Bacterid, with special research in pvt. lab.. New York City, 1913; Instr., Bacteriol., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Assoc, do., 1916-18. 1st Lt., Sanitary Corps, U. ' S. A. Auth.: The Antiseptic and Bactericidal Properties of Egg White, Jour. Med. Research, 1912; The ■Behavior of Bacteria towards Purified Animal and Vegetable Proteins, Jour. Biol. Chem., 1913. Mem., Epis. Church; Pres. 111. Section, Soc. Am. Bacteriols. Married Caroline Zeily Newton, Je 12, 1915, New Haven, Conn. Ad- dress, Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C. GEORGE WASHINGTON SPINDLER (See No. G626.) CHARLES STOCKMAN SPONNER (See No. G627.) EDWARD G. SQUIRE B. S., la. St. Coll., 1916; b. Ag 8, 1893. Grinnell, la. Prepared in Grinnell (la.) H. S. Gamma Sigma Delta; Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Kappa Phi. Instr., Bot. Lab., la. St. Coll., 1913-15; Asst. Sec, Y. M. C. A., 191S- 16; Asst.,. Dairy Mfs?., Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1317 West St., Grinnell, la.t OTIS ORION STANLEY (See No. 1595) MARGARET BEAUMONT STANTON (KIRSHMAN) Instructor; B. Sc, la. St. Coll., 1902; A. M., Univ. of Wis., 1908; A. M., Columbia, 1914; b. My 16, 1884, Ames, la.; d. Edgar Williams (b. O 3. 1850, Waymart, Pa.) and Margaret Price (McDonald) Stanton (b. O 22, 1845. Zanesville, O.). Prepared in Ames (la.) H. 'S. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-03. Phi Beta Phi; Phi Kappa Phi. Instr., Hist., la. St. Coll.; Instr., Colo. St. Prep. Sch., Boulder Colo.; Teacher, H. S., Des Moines; Instr., Home Econ., Univ. of 111., 1914-16; Fellow, Womans Educ. and Indus. Union, Boston; Instr., Pine Manor, Coll. Dept. of Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass. Auth.: Articles in Teach- er's Coll. Record; III. Agr., and others. Mar- ried John Emniett Kirchman, Ag 16, 1916, Ames, la. Address, 36 Ash St., Cambridge, Mass. WILLIAM MACY STANTON Architect; B. S., Univ. of Pa., 1913; M. S., do., 1914; b. S 15, 1888, Tacoma, O. ; s. Wil- liam (b. S 15, 1839, Barnesville, O.) and Jane S. (Davis) Stanton (b. Flushing, O.). Pre- pared in Westtown (Pa.) Sch. Theta Chi. Grad. work, Univ. of 111., three yrs. ; Instr., Arch., LTniv. of 111., 1914-17; do., Univ. of Pa., 1917-18; Plant Engng. Dept., Chester Shipbuilding Co., 1917-18; Progress Engng., Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia, 1918 — . Mem., T. Square Club, Philadelphia; League Club, do. Married Edith Cope, S 2, 191 6, Woodbury, N. J. Child, Susanna Morris, Jl. 23, 1917. Address, Lansdowne, Pa.; bus. add., c/o Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia. ROBERT WATT STARK (See No. 921.) •JOHN MATHER STAYMAN (See No. 155.) JOEL STEBBINS Professor; B. S., Univ. of Neb., 1899; Ph. D., Univ. of Calif., 1903; b. Jl 30, 1878, Omaha, Neb.; s. Charles Sumner (b. 1848, Pa.) and Sara Ann (Stubbs) Stebbins (b. 1846, do.). Prepared in Omaha (Neb.) H. S. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Xi. Scholar, Math, and Astron., Univ. of Neb., 1899-1900; Asst., Washburn Obs., Univ. of Wis., 1900- 01; Fellow in the Lick Obs., Calif., 1901-03; Lnstr., Astron., Univ. of 111., 1903-04; Asst. Prof., do., 1904-13; Prof., do., 1913 — . Rum- ford premium. Am. Acad. Arts and Sc, 1913; Draper medal, Nat. Acad. Sc, 1915. Auth. of various articles in Astron. Jours., 1901-18, principall}^ upon stellar photometry. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; A. A. A. S. ; Phys. Com., Div. of Phys., Nat. Research Council, 1918. Married May Louise Prentiss, 1905, Lincoln, Neb. Children: Robert Prentiss, b. 1907; Isabelle, b. 1910. Address, 1013 W. Nevada St., Urbana. AVA D. STEELE Superintendent; A. B., Mo. Valley Coll., 1896; A. M., Univ. of Mo., 1900; b. S 6, 1876, Carrollton, Mo. Grad. of Boston Sch. of Expression, 1897. Kappa Kappa Ciamma. Prin., H. S., Larimore, N. Dak., 1901-02; Instr., Eng., Millikin Univ., 1903-07; do., Lhiiv. Acad., 1907-11; do., Man. Tr. H. S., Indianapolis, 1911-13; District Supt., United Charities of Chicago. Address, 5493 Cornell Ave., Chicago. EDWARD STRIEBY STEELE Govt. Service; A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1872; B. D., Oberlin Theo. Sem., 1877; b. Ap 20, 1850, Farmingdale, 111.; s. James and Minerva S. (McConoughey) Steele. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Oberlin Coll. Teacher, Elementary Latin, Greek, and Eng., LIniv. of 111., 1872- 73; minister. Concord, HI., 1877-81; Grad. Stud.. Andover Theo. Sem., 1881-83; attend- ed Harvard Divinity Sch., 1883-84; Prof., Phil., Middlebury Coll., 1884-85; attended Univ. of Leipsic, 1885-86; Harvard Divinity Sch., 1886-87; Sub-ed., (Century Dictionary, 1889-91; govt, service, 1891 — . Mem., Soc. for Phil. Inquiry of Washington; Am. Phil. Assn. Married Grace Avery King, Ja 29, 1891, Washington, D. C. Address, 1522 Q St., N. W., Washington, D. C. WALDEMAR MATTHAEUS STEMPEL (See No. G635.) BIRD RICHARD STEPHENSON (See No. G636.). *ODDGEIR STEPHENSON A. B., Univ. of Copenhagen, 1899; b. F 9, 1880, (Copenhagen, Denmark. Attended Poly. Inst., Copenhagen, 1898-1900. Teacher, Hist., Geog., and Nat. Hist., Gamulholm Coll. (Acad.), Copenhagen, 1898-1900; with Danish S. Schuckert Co., Copenhagen, 1900-01; West. Elec Co., Chicago, 1902-03; Automatic Elec Co., 1903; West. Elec. Co., 1904; Mo. Pacific R. R. Co., 1904; Wagner Elec. Co., St. Louis, 1904; Asst., Elec. Design (half time), Univ. of 111., 1907-08. Mem., Epis. Church. Died 191 1. Faculty 949 FRANK LINCOLN STEVENS Professor; B. L., Hobart Coll., 1891; B. S., Rutgers Coll., 1893; M. S., do., 1897; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1900; b. Ap i, 1871, Syra- cuse, N. Y. ; s. Henry Benjamin (b. Ja 18, 1842, Fairfield, N. Y.) and Helen Clarissa (Lincoln) Stevens (b. Jl i, 1845, Syracuse, N. Y.) Prepared in Onondaga Acad., N. Y. ; Syracuse Univ.; O. St. Univ. Phi Kappa Psi; Sigma Xi. Traveling Fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1900-01; Instr., Vegetable Pathol., N. S. Coll. of A. and M. Arts, 1901-02; Prof, and Pathol., N. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1902-12; Dean, Porto Rico Coll. of A. and M. Arts., Mayaguez, P. R., 1912-14; Prof., Plant Pathol., Univ. of 111., 19 14 — . Auth. : Numer- ous books and articles in mags., buls., jours, and reports; Assoc. Ed., Phytopathology and Jour, of Bacterial. Mem., A. A. A. S. ; Am. Breeders' Assn.; Am. Mycol. Soc. ; Am. Na- ture Study Soc; Am. Phytopath. Soc; Am. Soc. Bacteriol. ; Am. Soc. Naturalists; Bot. Soc. Am.; 111. Acad, of Sc. ; N. C. Acad, of Sc. Married Addie Theodosia Chapman, Je 16, 1897, Columbus, O. Children: two, died at birth. Address, 1002 Nevada St., Urbana. JAMES GARFIELD STEVENS Professor; Ph. B., Alfred Univ., 1906; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1915; b. Ag 27, 1881, Al- fred, N. Y. Prepared in Alfred (N. Y.) Acad. Social Settlement Worker, S. End House, Boston, 1906-8; In Charity Orgn. Work, Greenwich, Conn., 1908-10; Grad. Stud., Cornell, 1910-13; Fellow, Univ. of Pa. 1913- 14; Instr., Sewanee Coll., 1914-15; do., Sociol., Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Assoc, do., 1916-18; Head of Econ. Dept., Middlebury Coll., Mid- dlebury, Vt., 1918 — . M-em., Baptist Church. Address, Middlebury, Vt.f JOHN ALFORD STEVENSON (See No. G641.) ROBERT HOWARD STEVENS Chemist; B. S., John B. Stetson Univ., 1908; M. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; b. Jl 28, 1885, Dayton, O. ; s. Howard Barney and Lillis (Allen) Stevens. Prepared in John B Stetson Acad., Deland, Fla. Asst., Chem. Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Chem., Apartado, Colum bia, S. A., 1916; do., Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 1918 — . Mem., Dixie Club, Univ. of 111. Ad dress, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CARL S. STEVENSON Engineer; E. M., O. St. Univ., 1908; b. F i, 1885, Chicago. Ivy Orator. Asst., Min. Engng., O. St. Univ., 1908-09; Min. Engr., Tenn. Coal, Iron, & R. R. Co., 1909-10; Instr., Min. Engng., LTniv. of 111., 1910-11; Min. Engr., Central Sts. Section, U. S. Bur. of Mines, Pittsburgh, 1911-13; Dir., Educ. Dept.. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., 1913-17. Capt., 30th Regt. Engrs. Address, Ishpeming, Mich. ROBERT KENT STEWARD Professor; B. S. in C. E., Univ. of Me., 1908; C. E., do., 1910; b. Jl 22, 1885, Skowhe- gan. Me.; s. Willard B. (b. 1855, do.) and Alice (White) Steward (b. 1856, do.). Pre- pared in Skowhegan H. S. Phi Gamma Delta. Instr., Univ. of Me., 1909; Instr., G. E. D., Univ. of 111., 1909-13; Assoc, do., 1913-16; Prof, and Head of Dept., Drawing and De- sign, Mich. Agr. Coll., 1916 — . Auth.: (with H. W. Miller) Notes on Mechanical Drafting. Mem., Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. ; Hon. Mem., Elec Soc. Married Marjorie Carl- ton, Ag 26, 1911, Old Town, Me. Address, Box 822, E. Lansing, Mich. CHARLES LESLIE STEWART (See No. G643.) HAROLD WILSON STEWART (See No. 3982.) ♦RUSSELL OSBORNE STIDSTON A. B., Leland Stanford, 191 1; A. M., do.. 1912; Ph. D., do., 1914; b. Ag 20, 1889. Pre- pared in Loo Gatos (Calif.) H. S. Phi Beta Kappa. Asst., Eng., Leland Stanford, 1911-12; Teaching Asst., do., 1912-13; Acting Instr., do., 1913-14; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Instr., do., Univ. of Wash., 1915-16. Mem., Epis. Church. Died Je 27, 19 16, San Francisco. . WILLIAM WARREN STIFLER (See G648.) J. LEONARD ST. JOHN Assistant; A. B., la. St. Teacher's Coll., 1915; b. F 12, 1891, Janesville, la. Prepared in la. St. Teacher's Coll. H. S., Cedar Falls, la.; Purdue, 1915-17. Teacher, Chem., Pur- due, 1915-17; Asst., Soil Analysis, Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1207 W. Main St., Urbana. f HARRY HARKNESS STOEK Professor; B. S., Lehigh Univ., 1887; E. M., do., 1888; b. Ja 16, 1866, Washington, D. C. ; s. Jacob F. (b. 1835, Martisville, Pa.) and Susan (Lear) Stoek b. 1840, Hagerstown, Md.). Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Delta Phi; Saluta- torian. Min. Engr., Susquehanna Coal Co., 1888-90; Instr., Mineral Metall., and Geol., Lehigh Univ., 1890-3; Asst. Prof., Mineral, and Metall., Pa. St. Coll., 1893-7; Ed., Mines and Minerals, Scranton, Pa., 1897-1909; Prof., Min. Engng., Univ. of 111., 1909 — . Auth.: Economic History of Anthracite, published by the Carnegie Foundation; The Anthracite Coal Fields, U. S. Geol. Sur., Rpt.; Secondary Edu- cation of Mine Employees; The Storage of Bituminous Coal; also other articles in various Jours. Ed.: Coal and Metal Miners' Pocket- book; Fulton's Coke; Lake's Prospecting for Gold and Silver; Coal Mining Course of In- ternat. Text Book Co. Mem., 111. Min. Inves. Comn., 1909-17; 111. Mine Rescue Sta., Comn., Sec, 1911-17; U. S. Assay Comn., 1900; A. I. M. E. ; Inst, of Min. Engrs. of Great Britain; Lake Superior Min. Inst.; Coal Min. Inst, of Am., Pres. ; W. Va. Coal Min. Inst.; West. Soc. of Engrs.; 111. Acad, of Sc; Soc. for Promotion of Engng. Educ. Married Mir- iam Ricketts, D 20, 1894. Child, Leigh, b. 1897. Address, 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana. HERBERT KING STONE. Professor; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1905; b. F 18, 1883, Waterford, Me.; s. William Emer- son (b. do.) and Caroline Elizabeth (Fifield) Stone (b. Fryeburg, Me.). Prepared in Kent's Hill (Me.) Sem.; Univ. of Mich., sum- mer 1909; Tulane Univ., 1909-10; Univ. of Chicago, iQio-11, summers, 1912-17. Teacher, French and Eng., Rugby Acad., New Orleans, 1906-07; do.. Newman Man. Tr. H. S., do., 1908-10; Asst., French, Univ. of Chicago, 1910-11; Instr., do., N. W. Univ., 1911-14; do., Univ. of Minn., 1914-15; Asst., Rom. Langs., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Instr., do., Grinnell Coll., 1917-18; Asst. Prof., do., 1918 — . Mem.. Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am. Address, 1022 Park St., Grinnell, la. GERALD DARFIELD STOPP (See No. 7241.) JAMES STORER Secretary; A. B., Cornell, 1912; A. M., do., 1914; b. N 7, 1887, Buffalo, N. Y.; s. Jacob (b. O 18, 1861, Switzerland) and Julia (Kuhn) Storer (b. E. Aurora, N. Y.). Prepared in Masten Park H. S., Buffalo, N. Y. Phi Delta Kappa. Asst. Instr., Cornell, 1910-12; Instr., do., 1912-14; do., Univ. of Okla., summer 1913! 950 University of Illinois do., Dept. of Geol., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; Head, Geol. Dept., East. 111. St. Norm.; Sec, Bd. of Educ, Buffalo, N. Y. Auth.: Origin and Distribution and Uses of Tung- sten, 1914; The Geology of Jefferson Co., Ky. ; Report on the Oil Fields of Clinton, Okla. Mem., Buffalo Chamber of Commerce; Rotary Club; Natural Sc. and Hist. Soc. ; Cornell Alumni Assn. Married Nora E. Meyer, Ag I, 19 1 7, Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 44 Butler Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. RUSSELL McCULLOCH STORY Associate; A. B., Monmouth, 1904; A. -M., Harvard, 1909; Ph. D., do., 1917; b. Ap g, 1883, Washburn, 111.; s. William Murray (b. 1852, Westford, Pa.) and Zillah Bell (Mc- Culloch) Story (b. i860, Cazenovia, 111.). Prepared in Aledo H. S. Instr., Clark Coll., 1909-10; do., Monmouth Coll., 1910-1.-1; do., Pol. Sc, LTniv. of 111., 1914-17; Assoc, do., 191 7; (leave of absence), for Y. M. C. A. work in Moscow, Russia, 1917-18; gen. office Y. M. C. A., New York City, 1919 — . Auth.: Articles in The Outlook and Miin. Encyclo- pedia. Mem., Pol. Sc, Assn.; Presby. Church. Married Gertrude Anderson, S 1, 1909, Paw- nee, Neb. Address, 603 W. Green St., Urbana. ELLIS BAGLEY STOUFFER (See No. G651.) ERNEST LAWRENCE STOUFFER (See No. 9420.) JOHN ELBERT STOUT Professor; A. B., Cornell, 1904; Ph. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1908; Ph. D., do., 1918; I). D 15, 1867, Lisbon, la. Prepared in Rhodes (la.) H. S.; Cornell Coll. Acad. Prof., Educ, Cornell Coll., 1905 — . (Leave of Absence) ; Acting Prof., Educ, Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 1107 W. Oregon St., Urbana. t EARLE KENNETH STRACHAN (See No. G653.) FLEDA DEVERE STRAIGHT (MYERS) (See No. 3565.) MAUDE WHEELER STRAIGHT (CARMAN) A. B., Wellesley Coll., 1802; b. Fairbury, 111.; d. Hiram Judson (b. 1840, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.) and Annie (Wheeler) Straight (b. 1842, Naples, N. Y.). Prepared in Oak Park H. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Lib. Course at Armour Inst., Chicago, 1894-96; organized Pub. Lib., Dubuque, la., 1896-97; Libn., Osh- kosh Norm. Sch., 1897-98; Instr., Lib. Econ. and Ref. Libn., Univ. of 111., 1898-99; Asst. Prof., 1899-1900. Married Albert Pruden Carman, Je 21, 1900, Oak Park, 111. Address, 908 W. California St., Urbana. SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON (See No. 411.) JOHN STROM (See No. 4440.) WALTER GOTTFRID STROMQUIST (See No. 4441.) •ARNOLD VALENTINE STUBENRAUCH B. S., Univ., of Calif., 1899; M. S., Agr., Cornell, 1901; b. Ap 27, 1871, New Orleans, La.; s. Valentine (b. Mr 23, 1847, Sondern- heim, Ger.) and Henrietta (Weber) Stuben- rauch (b. N 10, 1849, New Orleans, La.). Prepared in Prep, of Tulane Univ., La. Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Acacia. Fellowship in Hort., Cornell, 1900-01; Supt. of Agr. Exp. Sta., Paso Robles Substation, Calif., 1895-96; Clerk, Calif. Exp. Sta., 1896-1900; Fellow in Hort., Cornell, 1900-01; Instr., Hort.. Univ. of 111., 1901-02; Asst. Prof., Hort. in charge of Exp. Sta., Univ. of Calif., 1902-06; Special Agt. in Fruit Transportation and Storage, Pomol. Investigations of the U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1906-13; Pomologist in charge of Pomol. Investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1913-14; do., in charge of Hort. and Pomol. Investiga- tions, do., 1914; Prof., Pomol. Univ. of Calif., 1914-17. Auth. (with H. B. M. Buchanan): A Country Reader, 2 Vols., MacMillan Co.; Report on Climate and Cultures at South Coast Range Sta., Calif. Exp. Sta. Report, 1895-7; Laboratory Study of Percolation of Water Through Soils, Calif. Exp. Sta. Report, 1898- 1901 ; articles on fruits of Calif., in Cyclo- pedia of Am. Hort., 1901-2; also a number of buls. ; contributions to Revised Encyclopedia Am. Hort. by L. H. Bailey; at time of death had book on Marketing of Hort. Products in preparation which is to be completed by C. W. Mann and H. J. Ramsey of U. S. Dept. of Agr. Married Marie Elizabeth Meyer, Ja 8, 1895, San Francisco. Children: Arnold Valentine, Jr., b. N 25, 1895; Paul Bailey, b. Ja 17, 1907. Died F 12, 1917, Berkeley, Calif. OTTO STUHLMANN, JR. (See No. G65S.) RAY THOMAS STULL Ceramist; E. M., O. St. Univ., 1903; b. Mr 12, 1875, Elkland, Pa.; s. David W. (b. do.) and Mary (Thomas) Stull (b. Tuscarora, N. Y.). Prepared in Mansfield St. Norm. Sch., Pa. Sigma Xi; Acacia; Alpha Chi Sigma; Keramos. Chemist, Am. Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., 1902-04; Supt., Mt. Savage Enamel Brick Works, 1905-07; Supt., Steiger Terra Cotta & Pottery Co., 1907; Instr. Ceram., Univ. of 111., 1907-11; Assoc, do., 191 1 ; Dir. of Courses in Ceram., 1912-15; Ceram. Engr., Dunn Wire Cut Lug Brick Co., i9i,S->7; Chief Ceram., U. S. Bur. of Mines, 1917 — . Invented Automatic Brick Enamel Making Machine, iQio-ii. Auth.: A cheap Enamel for Stoneware, Part II, Bui. No. 11, Ceram. Dept., Univ. of 111.; Notes on Manu- facture of Enamel Brick with Some Investiga- tions on Enamel Brick Slips, Bui. No. 12, do.. Making Front Brick Without Repressing, Clay Worker, 1908; A Lubricating Die for Hollow Ware, Clay Record, 1910; The Advantage of Thoroi:gh Clay Preparation, Clay Crafter, 1910; Influeifice of Variable Silica and Alumina on Porcelain Glazes of Constant RO., Trans. Am. Ccrain. Soc, Vol. 14; Points on Construction and Operation of Lubricating Die, Clay Work- er. S 1912; Opalescence and the Function of Boric Acid in the Glaze, Bul. No. 14, Ceram. Dept. of Univ. of 111.; Cobalt Colors Other than Blue, Trans. Am. Ceram. Soc, Vol. 14; Designs of Seven Test Kilns, do., Vol. 16, 1914; Deformation Temperatures of Porcelain Glazes, do.. Vol. 16, 1914; Tests on Clay Mate- rials Available in Illinois Coal Mines, Bul. 18, 111. Geol. Sur. ; 1917. Mem., Am. (Teram. .Soc, Past V. P.; A. C. S. ; Am. Soc, Test- ing Materials; Nat. Brick Mfrs. Assn.; Hon., 111. Clay Mfrs. Assn.; Hon. mem.. Paving Brick Mfrs. Inst. Married Lena Taylor, Ap 10, 1903, Mansfield, Pa. Children: Frances Nanette, h. Jl 17, 1905; David Harry, b. Ja 19, 1907; Frederica My b. S 4, 1910. Address, 114 W. loth Ave., Columbus, O. HENRY ELIJAH SUMMERS Prof, and Entomol. ; B. S., Cornell, 1886; b. Ag 18(13, Rochester, N. Y. ; 3. Theodore A. and Mary A. (Minniss) Summers. Prepared in Rochester Free Acad. Sigma Xi. Fellow in Anat. and Entomol., 1886-88; Assoc. Prof., Faculty 951 Biol., Univ. of Tenn., 1888-91; abroad 1891- 92; working under Prof. S. A. Forbes for 111. Bd. World's Fair Com., 1892; Asst. Prof., Human Physiol., Univ. of 111., 1893-95; Assoc. Prof., do., 1895-97; Prof., Zool., la. St. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, Entomol., la. Exp. Sta. and St. Entomol. of la., 1898^. Auth. : Agr. Buls. and reprints and articles in soc. proceedings and in mags.; numerous articles in agr. and hort. papers. Mem., la. Acad. Sc; A. A. A. S. ; A. E. E. ; Biok Soc, Wash.; Entomol. Soc, Wash.; Am. Anatomists. Ad- dress, Ames, la.t L. WELBORNE SUMMERS Livestock Specialist; B. S., Clemson Coll., S. C. 1910; b. F 18, 1887, Springfield, S. C. ; s. John A. (b. N 4, 1856, do., and Florence E. (Phillips) Summers (b. Ag 11, 1853, do.}. Prepared in Springfield (S. C.) H. S. Colum- bian; Y. M. C. A., Cabinet Asst.; Botanist; S. C. Exp. Sta., 1 910; do., An. Husb., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; do., Ala. Poly. Inst., 191 1; Asst. Prof. Am. Husb., do., 1911-12; Prof., do., Va. Poly. Inst, and St. An. Husbandman, Va. Exp. Sta., 1912-13; Livestock specialist, Cooperating with Clemson Coll. E.xten. Dept. Bur. of An. In- dus., Washington, D. C. 19 13 — . Nat. Guard, of S. C, 1909-10. Auth.: Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle; Co-auth. : Feeding Hogs in Ala- bama; Curing Meat on the Farm. Address, Orangeburg, S. C. EMERSON GRANT SUTCLIFFE (See No. G658.) ARTHUR HOWARD SUTHERLAND Psychologist; A. B., Grand Island Coll., Neb., 1899; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; b. N ig, 1878; s. George (b. New Brunswick) and Elizabeth (Pickett) Sutherland (b. Conn.). Prepared in Ottawa Univ., Kan. Sigma Xi. Grad. Sch., Chicago; Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago, 1906-07; Asst., Phil., Univ. of Wis., 1907-08; Fellowship, Univ. of Chicago, 1908- 09; Psych. Dept., Govt. Hosp. for Insane, 1909-10! Instr., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1910- 11; Assoc, do., 1911-14; Instr., Psych., Yale, 1914-17; Psychol., Los Angeles Schs.. 1917 — . Mem., Am. Psych. Assn. Married Lora At- kins Henion ('02), Jl 16, 1917. Address, 2242 Cambridge Ave., Los Angeles.f SARAH AUGUSTA SUTHERLAND Instructor; B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1910; b. Mr 13, 1887, Madison, Wis., d. Henry J. (b. S 17, 1848. do.) and Sarah Maria (Haight) Sutherland (b. F 21, 1850, Westchester Co., N. Y.). Prepared in Madison (Wis.) H. S. Teacher, La Cross Co. Agr. Sch., Onalaska, Wis., 1910-12; do., N. Div. H. S., Milwaukee, 1912-14; do., St. Norm. Sch., Oshkosh, Wis., 1914-16; Attended Columbia, 1917; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 191 7 — . Address, loio}^ W. California St., Urbana. ALEXANDER CULBERTSON SWARTZ (See No. 33.) A. F. SWEENEY Instr., U. S. S. M. A., Univ. of 111., 1918; with Marshall Field & Co., Chicago. Address, 1438 Cullom Ave., Ravenswood, Chicago. BERNARD VICTOR SWENSON (See No. 780.) ANNE DAVIES SWEZEY (ARMSTRONG) (See No. 1988.) EDWARD EARLE SWINNEY Instructor; A. B., Ellsworth Coll., Iowa Falls, la., 1910; Mus. B., do., 1917; b. F 20, 1884, Farmer City, III.; s. John Edward (b. 184s, Menard Co., 111.) and Lydia Ann (Arbo- gast) Swinney (b. 1853, De Witt Co., 111.). Prepared in Farmer City H. S. Instr., Music, San Marcos Acad., San Marcos, Tex., 1911- 12; Pvt. study in piano and voice, Chicago, 1912-13; Dir., Music, Wash. St. Norm. Sch., Ellensburg, Wash., 1913-16; Instr., Sch. of Mus., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Head Voice Teacher, Univ. of Wis., 1918 — . Address, Sch. of Music, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. ALBERT PHILIP SY (See No. 844.) *DON CARLOS TAFT A. B., Amherst Coll., 1852; b. Je 19, 1827, Swanzey, N. H. ; s. Zadock Lovell (b. Ap 12, 1786, West Swanzey, N. H.) and Anne (Ramsdell) Taft (b. S 5, 1792, Richmond, N. H.). Prepared in Swanzey Acad., N. H. ; Shelburn Falls Acad., Mass. Union Theol. Sem., New York City, 1852-55. Prin., H. S., Elmwood, 111., 1855-56, supplying the pulpit part of the time; Teacher, H. S., Metamora, 111., 1865-08; do., Minonk, 111., 1868-71; Asst. Prof., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1871; Prof., do., 1872-82; visited Europe, 1882; Banker, Han- over, Kan., 1883. Married Mary Lucy Foster, S 9, 1856, Faribault. Minn, (died F 11, 1890); Mary Virginia Ford, My 30, 1894, Mil- waukee. Children: Lorado, b. Mr 14, i860; Florizell A., b. D 30, i8(>2; Zulimie M., b. Mr 14, 1868; Doctoria P., b. D 13, 1870. Died, Ap 1, 1907, Chicago. ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT (See No. 295.) LOUIS LISTON TALLYN (See No. 1601.) FRED WILBUR TANNER (See No. G665.) MAURICE COLE TANQUARY (See No. 3200.) 1 BEDROS TATARIAN (See No. 522.) GUY ALLAN TAWNEY Professor; A. B., Princeton, 1893; A. M., do., 1894; Ph. D., Leipzig, Ger., 1896; b. Mr II, 1870, Tippecanoe City, O. ; s. Daniel Abra- ham (b. 1833, Gettysburg, Pa.) and Adele (Paige) Tawney (b. 1848, Johnstown, O.). Prepared in Macalester Coll., St. Paul. John C. Green Mental Sc. Fellowship; Baird Prize in Oratory; McCosh Prize in Logic. Prof., Philos., Beloit Coll., 1897-1907; Lecturer, do.. Columbia, 1906-7; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of 111., 1907-8; Prof., do., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1908 — . Auth.: Articles and pamphlets on psych., logic, and philos. themes. Fellow, A. A. A. S. ; mem.. Am. Phil. Assn.; West. Phil. Assn., Cosmic and Literary Clubs of Cin- cinnati; Presby. Church. Married Marietta Ruth Busey, Ap 6, 1909. Children: George Busey, b. Jl 7, 1912; daughter. Address, 447 Warren Ave., Cincinnati. HELEN MARY TAYLOR (BUSH) (See No. 1780.) HORACE TAYLOR (See No. 523.) RUTH BEATRICE TAYLOR (WAGENSEIL) (See No. 2527.) SCOTT CHAMPLIN (See No. 5968.) TAYLOR 952 University of Illinois THOMAS SMITH TAYLOR, JR. Research Physicist; A. B.. Yale, 1906; Ph. D., do., 1909; b. Ja 30, 1883, Peoli, O. ; s. Thomas Smith (b. D 1832, Gilmore, O.) and Martha (George) Taylor (b. Ja 17, 1847). Pre- pared in Lebanon Univ. Alpha Chi Rhoj Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha; Cuyler Fellowship; John Harling Fellowship, Man- chester Univ., England. Asst., Phys., Yale, 1907-9; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1909-12; Fel- low, Univ. of Manchester, Eng., 1912-13; Instr., Phys., Yale, 1913-is; Asst. Prof., do., 1915-17; Research Physicist, VVestinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co. Auth. : Retardation of Alpha Rays by Metal Foils, etc.. Am. Jour. Sc, 1908; Retardation of Alpha Rays by Metals and Gases, Philos. Mag., 1909; Laboratory Manual on Laboratory Physics, Gazette, Cham- paign, 1910; Ionization of Different Gases by Polonium Rays, Philos. Mag., 1911; Number of Ions Produced by an Alpha Particle from Polonium, do.., 19 12; Ionization of Mercury Vapor, 1912; Retardation of X-Rays by Metal Points, 1913; Range of X-Rays in Different Gases, 1913; Density of Helium by Means of a Micro-quarterbalance, 1917. Mem., Am. Phys. Soc; Am. Assn. of Applied Scs. Mar- ried Nelle Melissa Rietz, Je 16, 1912, Port Washington, O. Child, Elizabeth, b. Jl 18, 1914. Address, 5855 S. Bradduk Ave., Wil- kinsburg. Pa. ; bits, add., Westinghouse Re- search Lab., East Pittsburgh, Pa. WARD HASTINGS TAYLOR (See No. 4453-) LEO ROY TEHON A. B., Univ. of Wyo., 1916; b. Je 21, 1895, Dumont, S. Dak. Prepared in Fremont (Neb.) and Sheridan (Wyo.) H. Schs. ; Fremont Norm. Sch. Asst., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Pvt., Inf., U. S. A., Jefferson Barracks; 6th Recruit Co., 37th Inf., Ft. Macintosh, Tex.; Instr., Development Platoon, Yale Sta. Med. Dept., Base Hosp.. Camp Devens, Mass. Mem., Baptist (Church. Married Mary Viola Bruner ('13), Ap, 191S, Indianapolis. Address, 1609 Edgar Ave., Mattoon, HI. SETH JUSTIN TEMPLE Architect; Ph. B., Columbia, 1892; b. Ag IS, 1867, Winona, Minn.; s. Holmes (b. S 4, 1830, Heath, Mass.) and Mary Eliza (Ford) Temple (b. je 23, 1832, Williamstown, Mass.). Prepared in Winona (Minn.) H. S. Tau Beta Pi. Fellow, Arch., Columbia, 1894. Instr., do., Schs. of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1892-94; Studying in Europe, 1894-96; Instr., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1896-97; Asst. Prof., do., 1897-1904; Practicing Arch., Temple & Burrows, Archs., Davenport, la., 1904 — . Mem., Am. Inst. Arch., Fellow. Married Alice Maud Gamble, Je 12, 1896, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: Holmes, b. Ap 11, 1897 (died Mr 17, 1912); Gilbert, b. Ap 24, 1899; Arthur, b. Ag 14, 1902; Malcolm, b. D 2, 1906; Alice Muriel, b. Ag 2, 1909. Address, 25 McCIellan Blvd., Davenport, la.; bus. add., Davenport Sav. Bank Bldg., do. JAMES PUGH TERRY Assistant; B. S. A., Cornell, 191 1; b. Ag 20, 1886, Riverhead, Long Island, N. Y. Asst., Dairy Mfg., Univ. of 111., 1911-12. Mem., Congr. Church. Address, Riverhead, Long Island, N. Y.f MARGARET K.\THERINE THEILEN (RUCKMICK) (See No. 5970.) FRANK WATERS THOMAS (See No. G671.) CHARLES MANFRED THOMPSON (See No. 3998.) JOHN GIFFIN THOMPSON A. B., Univ. of Wooster, 1900; A. M., LTniv. of Chicago, 1904; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1907; b. JI 17, 1873, Guernsey Co., O. ; s. William (b. My 24, 1832, do.) and Elizabeth (McConnell) Thompson (b. Ja 25, 1842, do.). Prepared in Prep. Dept., Muskingum Col., New Concord, O. Philomathean. Scholarship, LTniv. of Chicago, 1902-3. Fellow, Pol. Econ., do., 1903-4; do., Univ. of Wis., 1904-5; Asst., Pol. Econ., Univ. of Wis., 1905-6; research work, Carnegie Inst., Washington, D. C, 1906-7; Instr., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1907-17; Pvt. Econ. Research. Auth.: The Rise and De- cline of the Wheat Growing Industry in Wis- consin, Univ. of Wis. Bui., No. 292, 1909; also various articles. Mem., Am. Econ. Assn.; Nat. Geog. Soc; West. Econ. Soc; Am. Assn. for Agr. Legislation. Married Dora Lena Robb, Ag 5, 1908, New Concord, O. Address, 503 W. High St., Urbana. JOHN GIVEN THOMPSON (See No. G674.) MILTON WINFIELD THOMPSON (See No. 4457-) THOMAS EUGENE THOMPSON (See No. 4458.) LAMBERT THORP Chemist; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1906; M.. S., Univ. of Mich., 1910; attended Univ. of Cincinnati. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Acolytes. Asst., Chem., LTniv. of Mich., 1909- 12; Instr., do., Univ. of 111., 1912-15; Chem., Park Davis Co., Detroit, 1915 — . Mem., M. E. Church. Address, 512 Prospect Place, Cincin- nati; bus. add., c/o Park Davis Co., Detroit.! JOHN CHARLES THORPE (See No. 1430.) WALTER EUGENE THRUN A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1912; M. S., do., 1914; Ph. D., Univ. of Mo., 1917; b. Mr 22, 1892, Bloomfield, Wis. Prepared in N. W. Coll. Acad., Watertown, Wis.; N. W. Coll. Asst., Agr., Chem., Univ. of Mo., 1914-17; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1917-18. Food Div., San. Corps, Surg. Gen's. Office, Wash- ington, D. C. Mem., Lutheran Church. Ad- dress, 318 W. 57th St., New York City; bus. add., Surg. Gen's. Office, Washington, D. C. EDWARD SAMPSON THURSTON Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1898; A. M., do., 1900; LL. B., do., 1901; b. Ag 8, 1876, New York City; s. William R. (b. 1843, do.) and Maria (Sampson) Thurston (b. 1845, Hal- lowell Me.). Prepared in St. Mark's Sch., Southboro, Mass. Practised Law, New York City, 1901-6; Instr., Law, Ind. Univ., 1906; Asst. Prof, and Prof., do., George Washing- ton Univ., 1906-10; do., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; do., Univ. of Minn., 1911-17. R- O. T. C, Ft. Snelling, Minn., 191 7; Capt., Inf., N. A., 1917; Maj., Judge Adv., O. R. C, 1917. Auth.: Cases in Quasi Contract, Am. West. Pub. Co. Married Florence Chapman Hol- brooke, Ap 21, 1908. Child, Ethel Holbrooke, b. 191 1. Address, 911 S. 5th St., Minneapolis. ARTHUR JERROLD TIEJE (See No. G677.) RALPH EARLE TIEJE (See No. 4460.) LEON DEMING TILTON (See No. 7269.) Faculty 953 WILLIAM CALDWELL TITCOMB Professor; A. B., Harvard, 1904; b. Jl 24, 1882, Augusta, Me. Prepared in Cony H. S., Augusta, Me. and Phillips Exeter Acad. Instr., Univ. of Mich., 1907-13; Asst. Prof., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1913-17. Reconstruction work, Am. Friends' Unit, France. Addresf, 66 Stone St., Augusta, Me.f ARTHUR JAMES TODD Prof, and Dir. ; B. L.. Univ. of Calif., 1904; Ph. D., Yale, 191 1; b. My 6, 1878, Petaluma, Calif.; s. Hugh Galbraith (b. My 3, 1856, Pa.) and Clara (Tuller) Todd (b. Ap 10, i860, Petaluma. Calif.). Prepared in Petaluma (Calif.) H. S.; attended Univ. of Aix-Marseil- les; Univ. of Paris; Coll. de France; Univ. of Munich, 1909-10. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Dir., Boys' Work, Coll. Settlement, Berkeley, Calif., 1901-3; rfo.. South Park Set- tlement, San Francisco, 1903-6; Chief Proba- tion Officer, San Francisco, 1905-8; Teacher, Eng., L'Universite Populaire, Paris, 1909-10; Instr., Sociol., Univ. of 111., 1911-13; Assoc, do., 1913-14; Prof., Sociol., Univ. of Pitts- burg, 1914-15; do., L^niv. of Minnesota, 191 5 — ; Dir., Training Course, Social and Civic Work, Univ. of Minn., 19 17 — . Auth. : Probation — What It is and Why; The Primitive Family as an Educational Institution; Theories of Social Progress. Assoc. Ed., Jour, of Criminal Law and Criminology. Mem., Nat. Conf. Charities and Corr., 1907-8; Nat. Conf. De- linquent Children, 1907; Playground Assn., 1907-8; Probation Officers Assn., Treas., 1907-8. Married Martha Caddis, S 14, 1904. Address, 721 S. E. 7th St., Minneapolis. RICHARD CHASE TOLMAN Chemist; S. B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1903; Ph. D., do.. 1910; b. Mr 4, 1881, W. Newton, Mass.; s. James Pike (b. Roxbury, do.) and Mary (Chase) Tolman (b. Valley Falls, R. I.). Prepared in Newton (Mass.) H. S. Attended Univ. of Berlin; Technische Hochschule, Char- lottenburg, 1903; Rarberei Schule Crefeld, 1904. Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Eta; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon, Dalton Fellow. Asst., Tech. Analysis, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904-05; Instr., Theoretical Chem., do., 1907-09; Re- search Assoc, do., 1909-10; Instr., Phys. Chem., Univ. of Mich., 1910-11; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1911-12; do. Chem., Univ. of Calif., 1912-16; Prof., Phys. Chem., Univ. of 111., 1916 — ; on leave of absence 1918— ; resigned, F, 1919. Chief Dispersoid Div., Am. Univ. Exp. Sta., Washington, D. C. ; Major, Research Div., U. S. A. Auth.: The Theory of the Relativity of Motion, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1917; many articles in sc. jours. ; also reports to the U. S. Ord. Dept. on small arms ammunition. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Phys. Soc ; Wash. Acad, of Sc; Chaos Club, Chicago; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Address, Bur. of Mines, Washington, D. C. CHARLES WELDON TOMLINSON Associate; B. A., Univ. of Wis., 1913; M. A., do., 1914; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1916; b. Ap 23, 1892, Detroit; s. Frank Newcomb (b. 1855, Cooperstown, N. Y.) and Mary E. (Anderson) Tomlinson (b. 1858, Detroit). Pre- pared in Waukegan Tp. H. S. Gamma Alpha; Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. Field Asst., U. S. Geol. Sur., 1910-11; Asst. Geol., E. J. Longyear Co., 1912; Pfister Vogel Co., 1913; Carter Oil Co., 1916; Asst., Geol., Univ. of Minn., 1914-15; Prof., do.. Miss. A. and M. Coll., 1916-17; Consulting Geol., petroleum and coal, 1917-18; Assoc, Geol., Univ. of 111., 1917-18; Geol., Gypsy Oil Co., Denver, 1918 — •. Auth.: Method of Mineralogical Analysis of Sand, Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engrs., 191 5; The Origin of Red Beds, Jour, of Geol., Vol. 24, 1916; The Middle Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Central Rocky Mountain Region, do.. Vol. 25, 1917. Mem., A. A. A. S.; Fellow, Geol. Soc. of Am.; Pres., Sc. Discussion Club, Miss. A. and M. Coll. Married Maude Dun- lap Reid, Je 15, 1915, Ashburn Farm, Dodge Co., Wis. Address, 2339 Bellaire St., Denver, Colo.; bus. add., c/o Gypsy Oil Co., do. *ARNOLD TOMPKINS A. B., Ind. Univ., 1889; A. M., do., 1891; Ph. D., Univ. of O., 1896; b. S 10, 1849, near Paris, 111.; s. Henry (b. 1825, near Terre Haute, Ind.) and Deliah (Williams) Tomp- kins (b. 1826, Chillicothe, 0.). Prepared in Paris H. S. ; Ind. St. Norm. Sch. Lit. Club, Univ. of Chicago. Prin. or Supt., Schs., 1875-85; Prof., Depauw Univ. Norm. Sch., 1885-90; Head, Dept., Eng., Ind. St. Norm. Sch., 1890-93; Grad. Stud., Univ. of Chicago, 1893-95; Lecturer, Ped., teachers' insts., and teacher in summer schs., 1893-95; Head, Dept., Ped., Univ. of 111., 1895-99; Pres., 111. St. Norm. Univ., Normal, 111., 1899-1900; Prin., Chicago Norm. Sch., 1900-95. Auth.: The Science of Discourse, Ginn & Co., 1889; The Philosophy of Teaching, do., 1891; The Philos- ophy of School Management, do., 1894; Con- tributor, Ind. Sch. Jour, ipt ten yrs. ; the Jour, of Edtic; Jour of Soc, etc.; Ed., Dept. of Ped. for eight yrs. Mem., Religious Educ. Assn.; Nat. Teachers' Assn.; 111. St. Teachers' Assn.; A. F. A. M.; M. E. Church. Married Jennie Snyder, 1875, Grandview, 111. Child, a daughter. Died Ag 12, 1905, near Menlo, Ga. CHARLES WESLEY TOOKE. (See No. 1431.) EDWARD FRITCHOFF TORGERSON (See No. 6622.) FREDERICK CALKINS TORRANCE Engineer; M. E., Cornell, 1911; b. F 13, 1888, Avon, N. Y. Engr., Power Sta., Tenn, Copper Co. and Steam Eng. Dept., Lackawanna Steel Co., 1911-13; Instr., Mech. Engng. Lab., Univ. of HI., 1913-15; Asst. Engr., Lackawanna Steel Co., 1915 — . Mem., Presby. Church. Address, 132 Lancaster Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; bus. add., c/o Lackaw'anna Steel Co., Lacka- wanna, N. Y.t MARY TORRANCE (See No. 5977-) JOHN KER TOWLES B. S., Tulane Univ., 1902; A. M., do., 1904; Ph. D., Yale, 1908; b. My 30, 1880, West Feleciana Parish, La.; s. Daniel Turn- bull (b. 1856, do.) and Sarah Butler (Ker) Towles (b. 1857, Catahoula Parish). Prepared in Prep. Dept., La. St. Univ. Kappa Alpha. Fellow, Econ., Yale; Asst., Hist., Tulane Univ., 1902-04; Prin., H. S., Wilson, La., 1904-05; Reporter, New Orleans Times-Democrat, 1905- 06; Instr., Econ., Univ. of 111., 1908-12; Prof., do., Kenyon Coll. Auth.: Factory Legislation of Rhode Island, Am,. Econ. Assn., 1908; Early Railroad Monopoly and Discrimination in Rhode Island, Yale Review, 1909. Mem., Econ. Assn. for Labor Legislation; Tulane Soc. for Econ. Address, Hood River, Ore.; bus. add., Kenyon Coll., Gambler, O.f LOCKWOOD JANES TOWNE Engineer; Ph. B., DePauw L^niv., 1905; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1909; b. Je 27, 1885, Crawfordsville, Ind.; s. Salem B. (b. Ag 19, 1847, Ind.) and Laura T. (Lockwood) Towne (b. Ja 21, 1849, Covington, Ky.). Prepared in Depauw Acad. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Jr. Engr., U. S. Geol. Sur., 1909, Engr., Bridge and Bldg. Dept.. C, M. & St. P. R. R., 1909-10; Adjunct Prof., Civ. Engng., 954 University of Illinois ITniv. of Neb., 1910-11; Instr., do., Univ. of III., 1911-ij; Supt., Const., Office Supervising Arch., do., 1912-17; Engr., struct, div., Engng. Dept., Stone & Webster, 1917 — . Assoc. Mem., A. S. C. E. Married Helen Merrill Jones, 1909, Chicago. Children: Mary Merrill, b. My 9, 1912; Lockwood, Jr., b. Jl 18, 1915. Ad- dress, Lovewell Rd., Wellesley, Mass. EDGAR JEROME TOWNSEND Professor; Ph. B., Albion Coll., 1890; Ph. M., Univ. of Mich., 1891; A. M. and Ph. D., Univ. of Gottingen, 1900; LL. D., Albion Coll., 1915; b. F 22, 1865, Litchfield, Mich.; s. Warren and Henrietta (Crocker) Townsend. Prepared in Litchfield (Mich.) H. S., and Albion Coll., Prep. Dept. Delta Tau Delta; Sigma Xi. Prin., Pub. Schs., Reading, Mich., 1887-8; Co. Examiner of Schs., Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1887-90; Teacher, Math, and Hist., Chicago Man. Tr. Sch., 1891-3; Asst. Prof., Math., Univ. of 111., 1893-5; Assoc. Prof., do., 1895-1905; Prof., do., and Acting Dean, Coll. of Sc, 1905-6; Prof, and Dean, do., 1906-14; Prof., 1914 — . Auth. : Foundation of Geometry, Open Court, 1902; Mathematical papers; (with G. A. Goodenough), First Course in Calculus, Henry Holt & Co., 1908; (with do.). Essentials of Calculus, do., 1910; Complex Variables, do., 1915; Ed., Am. Math. Series, do. Mem., Council, Am. Math. Soc. ; Fellow, A. A. A. S. Married Belle Miller, Je 24, 1891, Litchfield, Mich. Children: Lorene, b. Je 16, 1895; Edgar Jerome, b. My 16, 1909. Address, 510 John St., Champaign. LOWELL LESLIE TOWNSEND Professor; A. B., N. W. Univ., 1909; A. M., do., 191 1 ; b. Ja 3, 1888, Remington, Ind. ; s. William Selby (b. S 30, 1854, Greencastle, Ind.) and Elnora Townsend (b- F 17, 1863, Remington, Ind.). Prepared in Remington (Ind.) H. S. Acacia. Fellow, Eng., N. W. Univ., 1909-11; Pvt. Teacher, Piano, Chicago, 1911-12; Instr., Music, Univ. of 111., 1912-15; do., Univ. of Wis., 1915-16; Asst. Prof., do., 1916 — . Married Verna Kerker, Je 24, 1916. Address, Sch. of Music, Univ. of Wis., Madi- son, Wis. EDNA ALEMDA TREAT Instructor; Mus. B., Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1910; b. Ag 24, 1884, Spiritwood, N. Dak.; d. Arthur Chauncey (b. Mr 10, 1848, Claridon, O.) and Anna Marie (Palmer) Treat (b. N IS, 1859). Prepared in Claridon (O.) H. S. Teacher, Piano, H. Schs., Claridon and E. Claridon, O. ; Dir., Mus. and Teacher, Pi- ano, Key West, Fla., 19 10; Instr., Piano, Univ. of 111., 1912 — . Mem., C^ongr. Church. Ad- dress, 905 W. Illinois St., Urbana; bus. add., 120 Univ. Hall, Univ. of 111., do. SIDNEY BRIGGS TRELEASE (See No. 9444.) WILLIAM TRELEASE Professor; B. S., Cornell, 1880; Sc. D., Harvard, 1884; L. L. D., Univ. of Wis., 1902; L. L. D., Univ. of Mo., 1903; L. L. D., Wash. Univ., Vernon, N. Y. ; b. F 22, 1857, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; s. Samuel Riter (b. 1827, N. J.) and Mary Elizabeth (Gandall) Trelease (b. 1827, N. Y.). Prepared in Bradford (Conn.) and Brooklyn (N. Y.) H. Schs. Delta Upsilon; Sigma Xi ; Phi Beta Kappa. Prof., Bot., Univ. of Wis., 1883-5; do.. Wash. I^niv., 1885-1913; Dir., Mo. Botanical Garden, 1889-1912; Prof., Bot., Univ. of 111., 1913 — . Auth.: The Genus Phoeadendron, Univ. of 111., IQ16; Winter Botany, 1918; also numerous articles for Am. Naturalist, Botanical Gazette, etc.; Ed. (with Asa Gray), Botan. Works of George Engelmann, 1887; Reports of the Mis- souri Botanical Garden, Nos. 1-22, 1890-1912; Trans, from Ger., Poulson's Botanical Micro- chemistry; Trans, from Danish, Salemonson's Bacteriological Technology. Mem., Nat. Acad. Sciences; Fellow, Am. Acad. Arts and Sc. ; A. M. A. S.; Am. Philos. Soc; Am. Soc. Naturalists; Bot. Soc. of Am. Married Julia N. Johnson, Jl 19, 1882, Madison, Wis. Chil- dren: Frank Johnson, b. 1887; Sam Farlow, b. 1892; Sidney Briggs ('18), b. 1896; William, b. 1903. Address, 1004 S. Lincoln Ave., Ur- bana; bus. add., Nat. Hist. Hall, Univ. of 111. do. GEORGE NELSON TREMPER Prin., H. S.; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1901; b. My 30, 1877, Pontiac, Mich.; s. William I. (b. S 1 85 1, do.) and Anna (Browning) Tremp- er (b. F 17, 1852, Bath, Eng.). Prepared in Pontiac (Mich.) H. S. Supvr. and Organizer, Pul). Schs., P. I., 1901-04; Teacher, H. S., Franklin, Ind., 1904-05; do.. College Hill, Cin- cinnati, 1905-06; Prin., H. S., do., 1906-10; Head, Greek and Latin, Acad.j and Supvr., Practice teaching, Latin and Ger., Dept. of Educ, Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Prin., H. S., Kenosha, Wis., 191 1 — . Mem., Nat. Educ. Assn., 1908-09; Cincinnati Sch. Masters' t'lub, igo8-io; Presby. Brotherhood, College Hill, Cincinnati, 1908-10; Sec; Univ. Club, Urbana, 1910-11. Married Metta Irene Robbins, S 19, 1901. Children: Ruth Irene, b. Je 22, 1905; (ieorge Williams, b. F 11, 1907. Address, 32 English Court, Kenosha, Wis.f CLEMENT AUGUSTUS TROTT Lt. Col.; b. D 14, 1877, Milwaukee. Pre- pared in E. Div. H. S., Milwaukee; West Point, 1895-9; Honor Grad., Inf. and Cavalry Sch., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1905; Grad., U. S. Staff Coll., Ft. Leavenworth, 1906. 2nd. Lt., 7th Inf., 1899; ist. Lt., 5th Inf., 1900; Capt., 9th Inf., 1906; Instr., U. S. Mil. Acad., 1906- 10; Instr., Army Sch. of the Line, Ft. Leav- enworth, Kan., 1912; Asst. Prof., Mil. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1916-17; Lt. Col., 1917-18; A. E. F., France, 1918; Col., 5th Div., Army of Occupation, Ger., 1918 — -. Address, c/o Adj. Gen., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. PERRY FOX TROWBRIDGE (See No. G681.) ESTHER YOUNG TRUE (See No. G766.) LEIGHTON J. TRUE Instructor; B. S., Ore. Agr. Coll., 1910; 1). D 30, 1890, Mason City, la.; s. F. S. and H. T. True. Prepared in Mason City (la.) H. S. Grad. Stud., LTniv. of Wis., 1914-15; Asst., Dairy Mfg., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Instr., do., 1917. Married Esther G. True, Jl 19, 10 1 7, Indianapolis. Address, 709 W. Nevada St., Urbana; bus. add., 451 Agr. Bldg., do. JOHN MAIN TRUEMAN Professor; B. S. A., Cornell, 1895; b. D 19, 1870. Pont de Bute, N. B., Can.; s. Howard (b. Mr I, 1837, do.) and Mary Jean (Main) Trueman (b. Mr 24, 1840, Kingston, N. B., Can.). Prepared in Sch. of Agr., Truro, Nova Scotia. Instr., Dairying, S. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1895-97; Farm Mgr., Thorndale, Pa., 1897- 1900; do., Waverly, Pa., 1900-03; Asst., Dairy- ing and An. Husb., Cornell, 1903-05; Instr., Dairying, LTniv. of 111., 1905-07; Prof., Dairy Hush., Conn. Agr. Coll., and Dairy Husband- man, Storrs Exp. Sta., 1907-13; do., Agr. and Farm Supt., Nova Scotia Agr. Coll., 1913 — . Auth.: Milk Supply of (h'cago and Twenty- six Other Cities, LTniv. of 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. No. 120, 1907; Improving Dairy Condi- tions, Storrs Agr. Exp. Sta., Bui. No. 53, 1908; A Study of Some Connecticut Dairy Faculty 955 Herds, do., Bui. No. 57, 1909; The Cost of Feeding Heifers, do., Bui. No. 63, 1910; Rec- ords of a Dairy Herd for Five Years, do., Bui. No. 7i, 19 12. Married Clara Louise Huff, Ap 27, 1896. Children: Howard Lewis, b. Mr 25, 1897; John Thompson, b. F 19, 1899 (died Ja 6, 1913); Albert William, b. Ja IS, 1902; Louise, Van Duyn, b. S S, 1904. Address, Truro, Nova Scotia. FRANK TURNER (See No. 6628.) HUBERT MICHAEL TURNER (See No. 4468.) JOHN KLINE TUTHILL (See No. 6630.) HIRAM FOLEY TUTTLE Appraiser, B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1905; M. S., do., 1912; b. Jl 31, 1883, Carson City, Mich.; s. Albert H. (b. Sturgis, Mich.) and Cora M. (Heath) Tuttle (b. Ionia, Mich.). Prepared in Toledo (O.) and Wilkinsburg (Pa.) H. Schs. Alpha Zeta. Lab. Asst., Bac- terid., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1906-7; Cml. Lab. work, do., 1908-10; Min. Lab., B. C, 1910-12; O. Exp. Sta., 1912-16; ist. Asst., Soil Phys., Agr. Exp. Sta., and Instr., Agr., Univ. of 111., 1916-18; Land Appraiser, Loan Dept., John Hancock Life Ins. Co., Chicago, 19 18 — . Mar- ried Edna Pearl Preston, Ag 31, 1912, Wal- dron, Mich. Children: Preston Heatji, b. F 14, 1914; Charlotte Hope, b. Ag 31, 1915. Address, 812 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana; bus. add., c/o John Hancock Life Ins. Co., Chicago. JON ANDREAS UDDEN Geologist; A. B., Augustana Coll., 1905; b. My 19, 1885. Lindsborg, Kan.; s. Johan August (b. Mr 19, 1859, Lekasa, Sweden) and Jo- hanna Kristina (Davis) Udden (b. Carver Co., Minn.). Prepared in Acad., Augustana Coll. Sigma Xi. Field Asst., la. Geol. Sur., 1903; do., U. S. Geol. Sur., 1904; Grad. Stud., Univ. of la., 1905-6; Univ. of Chicago, 1907-8, and winter quarter, 1909; Asst. Geol., 111. Geol. Sur., 1907-9; do., Tenn. Coal Iron & R. R. Co., 1910-16; Geol., West. Exploiting Co., 1916 — . Auth.: Geology of Clinton Co., la., Annual Report, la. Geo!. Sur., Vol. 15; Delafield Drill Core, ///. Geol. Sur. Bui. No. 4; Notes on Shoal Creek Limestone, do., No. 8; Diamond Drill Core from Franklin County, do.. No. 16; Structural Materials in Illinois, do.. No. 16; The Limestone Industry at Bedford and Bloom- ington, Ind., Bui., No. 430, U. S. Geol. Sur., iqio. Mem., Independent Presby. Church; Scoutmaster, Bov Scouts of Am. ; Rotary Club Austin, Tex.; A. I. M. E. ; Nat. Geog. Soc. Married Nettie Elizabeth Myers, S 7, 1910, Rock Island, 111. Children: John Andreas, Jr., b. N 30, 1911; David Myers, b. My 24, 1915; Jane Elizabeth, b. Ap 26, 1917. Address, 2921 Libscomb St., Ft. Worth, Tex. BERNHARD ALEXANDER UHLENDORF Assistant; A. B., Washington Univ., 1915; M. A., do., 1916; b. Mr 6, 1893, Simmern, Ger. ; s. Ernest Herman (b. Mr 31, 1859, Han- nover, do.) and Mary Margarete (Weiland) Uhlendorf (b. S 29. 1862, Loehendorf, do.) Prepared in Gymnasium and Teachers' Sem., Ger.; McKinley H. S., St. Louis; attended Univ. of Wis., summers 191S, 1916. Asst., Ger., Univ. of 111., 1916-18. Med. Corps, Psychol. Div., U. S. N. A.. Camo Funston, 1918, Address, 6709 Garner Ave., St. Louis. LYNNE HERMAN ULICH (See No. G686.) ERNEST VAN ALSTYNE (See No. G691.) SUSANNAH USHER Lecturer; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1898; b. Ja 14, 1863, La Crosse, Wis.; d. Isaac Lane (b. My 12, 1825, Hollis, Me.) and Susannah Coffin (Woodman) Usher (b. My 20, 1824, Buxton, Me.). Prepared in La Crosse (Wis.) H. S. ; Teachers' Coll., Columbia, 1890-1; Pratt Inst., 1891-3; Woods Hole, two months, 1894; Teacher, Newport Indus. Sch. for Girls, 1887- 90; do., Sch. of Housekeeping, Boston, 1900-2; Grad. Stud., Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., summer 1902; Instr., H. Sc, Simmons Coll., Boston, 1903-4; Instr., H. Sc, Univ. of 111., 1904-6; Asst. Prof., do., 1906-11; Special work in the marketing of food, 1911-18; Lec- turer in Home Econ., Univ. of 111., 1918 — . Auth.: (With Isabel Bevier) Food and Nutri- tion, Lab. Man., iqo8; (with do.) Home Eco- nomics Movement; Dietary Studies, U. S. Exp. Sta. Bui., No. 129, compiled with others, 1903. Mem., Lake Placid Conf. of Home Econ.; Natl. Educ. Assn. Address, 805 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana. ALEXANDER VALLANCE Professor; M. E., O. St. Univ., 1909; b. F 14, 1887, Youngstown, O. Asst. Prof., Exp. Engng., O. St. Univ., 1910-13; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1913-16; Grad. Stud., do., 1915-16; Asst. Prof., Exp. Engng., Ga. Sch. of Tech., 19 16 — . Mem., United Presby. C hurch. Address, 20 W. 12th St., Atlanta\t THOMAS FRANKLIN VANCE A. B., Coe Coll.; A. M., la. St. Coll.; Ph. D., do. Asst., Psych., Univ. of 111., 1913- 14; la. St. Coll., 1914 — . Address, Sta. A., Ames, la.t HARLEY JONES VAN CLEAVE (See No. G692.) HENRI JOHANNES TACOBUS VAN DEN BERG. Instructor; b. Ja 17, 1869, Amsterdam, Hol- land; s. Henri (b. Jl 18, 1825, do.) and Johanna Jacoba (Maas) van den Berg (b. My 31, 1830, do.). Prepared in Hoogere Burger Sch., Amsterdam, Holland. Graduated, Royal Conservatory, Amsterdam, 1890; Leipsic Con- servatory, 1892; pupil of Madame Clara Schu- mann, Frankfort, 1893. Prof, of Piano and ensemble classes in Conservatory, Amsterdam, 1894-96; Dir., Govt. Music Sch., Pretoria, So. African Rep., 1896-1902; Instr., Piano, Univ. of 111., 1905 — . Served in Boer Arrny, 1899- 1901. Mem., Eglise Wallonne, Anisterdam. Married Laura Wolcott, Mv 13, 1901, New York City. Child, Oliver Wolcott, b. My 17, 1902, The Hague, Holland. Address, 310 N. Edwin St., Champaign. WILLIAM H. VAN DERVOORT Manufacturer; B. S., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889; M. E., Cornell, 1893; b. F 28, 1869, Ypsilanti, Mich.; s. Thomas S. (b. Phelps, N. Y.) and Euphrasia S. (Westfall) Van Der- voort (b. do.). Prepared in Mich. St. Norm. Sch. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi. Instr., Mech. Dept., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1889-92; Asst. Prof., Mich. Agr. Coll., 1892-93; Asst. Prof., M. E., 1893-99; Root & Van Dervoort Engng. Co., Mfr. of Gasolene Engine Mach. and Auio- mobiles, Moline and Chicago, 1899 — . Auth.: Modern Machine Shop Tools, Norman W. Henley & Co.; contributed monthly articles on Machine Shop Practice to Machinery for about three yrs; Apptd. mem., com. to study indus- trial conditions in Europe, F, 19 19. Married Mary S. Van Dervoort, N 9, 1892, Lansing, Mich. Children: Esther M., b. Je 27, 1896; Louise A., b. Ag 9, 1903. Address, 27 11 8th Ave., Moline, 111.; bus. add., 2247 Michigan Ave., Chicago; or East Moline, 111. Q56 University of Illinois CARL CLINTON VAN DOREN (See No. 3212.) JOHN VAN HORNE Instructor; B. A., Univ. of Va., 1908; A. M., Harvard, 1909; Ph. D., do., 1913; b- Mr 14, 1889, Brooklyn, N. Y.; s. John D. (b. Ap 19, 1861, Memphis) and Mary J. (Kegan) Van Home (b. Mr 16, 1867, New York City). Prepared in Charlottesville (Va.) H. S. Mas- ter, Riverview Acad., Ponghkeepsie, N. Y., 1913-14; Instr., Rom. Lang., la. St. Univ., 1914-17; do., Univ. of 111., 1917; Dir., French, Camp Beauregard, La., summer 19 18. Auth. : The Attitude of Leopardi Toward Romanti- cism; Giacomo Leopardi and Classical An- tiquity, Studies in Language and Literature, la. St. Univ., 1916; Spanish Texts and the Spanish Language, Mod. Lang. Jour., Vol. 2, 1918; Comment on Some Posthumous Poems and Fragments of Leopardi, Mod. Lang. Notes, 1918. Mem., Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am.; Assn. of Mod. Lang. Teachers of Central West and South; Am. Assn. of Teachers of Spanish. Mar- ried Margaret J. Varney, S 14, 1915- Child, Margaret, b. Je 4, 1917. Address, 709 W. Ne- vada St., Urbana; bus. add., 216 Lincoln Hall, do. JOHN RAYMOND VAN KLEEK Architect; B. S. A., Cornell, 1912; M. L. D., do., 1913; b. O 22, 1888, Auburn, N. Y.; s. John Henry (b. 1855, Ithaca, N. Y.) and Carrie Fedelia Van Kleek (b. 1858, Auburn, N. Y.). Prepared in Auburn (N. Y.) H. S. Lambda Chi Alpha; Helios. Asst., Land. Art Dept., Cornell, 1913-14; Asst. Land. Exten., Univ. of 111., 1914-15; with A. D. Taylor, Land. Arch., Cleveland, O., 1915-17. 1st. Lt., Co. I, 153rd Depot Brig., Camp Dix, N. J., 1917-18; do., Co. E, 807th Inf., A. E. F., 1918—. Ad- dress, 60 Elizabeth St., Auburn, N. Y. ANNA ROBERTA VAN METER (See No. 2532.) FRANCIS MAURICE VAN TUYL Professor; A. B., Univ. of la., 191 1; M. S., do., 1912; Ph. D., Columbia, 1915; b. O 15, 1S87, Denmark, la.; s. Howard M. (b. N 22, 1859, Burlington, la.) and Dorothy (Graeber) Van Tuyl (b. Ag 5, 1862, Franklin, la.). Pre- pared in Denmark (la.) Acad. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Asst., Geol., Univ. of la., 1911-12; do., Columbia, 1913-14; Research Asst., Univ. of Chicago for St. Geol. Surs. of la.. 111., and Mo., 1914-15; Geol., la. Geol. Sur., 1913-15; Instr., Geol., Univ. of 111., 1915-17; Geol., Univ. of 111., Hudson Bay Exploring Expedition, summer iqi6; Asst. Prof., Geol., Colo. Sch. of Mines, 191 7—. Auth. : Numerous articles and abstracts in Bui. Geol. Soc. Am., Am. Jour. Sc, Science, Jour, of Geol., la. Geol. Sur., and Proceed- ings la. Acad. Sc. Mem., N. Y. Acad. Sc; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Geol. Soc. Am.; Pateon- tol. Soc. Am.; 111. Acad. Sc. ; la. Acad. Sc. Address, Golden, Colo. WILLIAM ALEXANDER VAN WINKLE (See No. G693.) JEROME GOODSPEED VAN ZANDT Y. M. C. A. Sec; B. S., Purdue Univ., 1904; C. E., Univ. of Wis., 1907; b. Jl 22, 1883, Chicago; s. George (b. My 4, 1843, do.) and Grace (Goodspeed) Van Zandt (b. Ag 3, 1S63, do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Engr., Southern Steel Co., Birmingham, Ala., 1904-6; Dept. of Bridges and Buildings, I. C. R. R.; Engng. Dept., Wis. Central R. R.; Staflt of Engrs., Wis. R. R. and Tax Comn.; Instr., C. E., Univ. of Wis., 1906-9; Assoc. Prof., do., Univ. of So. Calif., 1909-10; Office Engr., Salt Lake R. R.; Instr., C. E., Univ. of 111., 1910-11; Const. Engr., located St. Highways and designed St. Highway const, de- tails, 1911-17. Music Dir.. Asst. to Chaplain in Militia, 1906-17; Y. M. C. A. Sec. War Work, San Diego, Calif., 1917-18; do., France, 1918 — . Auth.: Articles on Technical sub- jects for periodicals, including Wis. Engr.; Railway Age Gasette; The Signal Engr.; Lib- berty and Other Verses, Pamphlet for Red Cross. Mem., Baptist Church; Bov Scout Master; Y. M. C. A. Dir. Married Nellie E. Davis, S 1, 1909, Los Angeles, Calif. Chil- dren: George, b. Mr 20, 1911; (jrace, b. S 23, 1912. Address, San Diego, Calif. JOHN TERRILL VAWTER, JR. (See No. 2275.) GERRIT JOHN VAN ZOEREN Assistant; A. B., Hope Coll., Holland, Mich., 1912; b. Je 18, 1884, Vriesland, Mich. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1913-14; Research Asst., Chem., MacDonald Coll., Quebec, Can., 1914 — . Address, R 4, Zeeland, Mich.; bus. add., c/o Mac Donald (Toll., Quebec, Can.f DAVID VARON Consulting Arch.; D. P. L. G. F., Beaux Arts School, Paris, 1903; b. D 22, 1872, Pirot, Servia; s. Isaac (b. do.) and Rachel (Mevorach) Varon (b. Jerusalem, Palestine). Prepared in Jerusalem Schs. and Paris Prep. Schs. Mentioned Salem des Artiste Francais, Paris, 1004. With different Archs. in Pales- tine and France, 1903-5; with W. W. A. Boring, New York City, 1905-6; Prof., Arch. Design, Syracuse Univ., 1907-9; pvt. teaching, New York City, 1909-10; Asst. Prof., Arch., Univ. of 111., 1910-12; Consulting Arch., author, and lecturer. New York City. Honorable mention at the Salon des Artists francais, 1904. Auth.: Indication in Architectural De- sign, W. E. Comstock & Co.; A Method of Studying Architectural Design with the Art of Indicating as a means of analysis; Freehand Drawing in Relation to the Rural School, Popular Educator, 1913; Perspective in Rela- tion to Architectural Design, Am. Arch., 1913; Expression in Architecture, Arch. Record, i9id: Architecture after the War, Architecture, 1917; The Spirit and the Letter, do., 1918. Mem., Societe des Architectes diplomes, France, 19 18. Married Henrietta Behur, My 10. 1S96, Jerusalem, Palestine. Children, Marcella, b. Ag 14, 1902; Flora, b. S 23, 1906; Edith, b. N 25, 1909. Address, 64 Westervelt Ave., New Brighton, N. Y. JOHN N. VEDDER Professor; A. B., Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1895; A. M., 1897; b. N 28, 1873, Schenectady Co., N. Y. ; s. Abram L. (b. do.) and Mary (Vrooman) Vedder (b. Danube, N. Y.). Prepared in Union Classical Inst., Schenectady, N. Y. Phi Beta Kappa; Special honors in Math, and Mech., 1895. Attended Columbia, 1902-4. Teacher, H. Schs., N. Y. ; with Am. Locomotive Co.; Asst. Engr., Exp. Sta., Univ. of 111., 1910-14; Prof., Thermo- dynamics Union Coll., 1914— . Address, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. FRANK LOTAN VENNING Arch. Designer; b. Ap 11, 1887, Chicago; s. Edward Lotan (b. Callington, Cornwall, Eng.) and Sarah Carpenter (Stickney) Ven- ning (b. Fox Lake, Wis.). Prepared in Crane Tech. H. S., Chicago. Arch., with Younberg, Chicago, 1906-9; do., with Howard Shaw, do., 1909-13; Stud., Beaux Arts, Paris, 1913-14; Instr., Land. Design, Univ. of 111., 1915-16; Arch. Designer, with Henry Dangler, Arch., Chicago, 1916; do., Lowe and Bollen- Faculty 957 bacher, Archs., do., 1917; do., Schmidt, Gorden and Martin, do., 19 17-18. Seigt., Q. M. C, N. A., Mech. Repair SIiops, Unit 302, A. E. F., France, 1918 — . Mem., A. I. A.; Chicago Arch. Club; Chicago City Club. Married Mar- garet Tuthill, S 8, 1917, Chicago. Address, (>973 N. Ashland Blvd., Chicago. CHESTER GARFIELD VERNIER Professor; A. B., Butler Coll., 1903; J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; b. Ja 19, 1881, An- sonia, O.; s. Augustus Emmanuel (b. 1852, near Canton, O.) and Catharine (Black) Ver^ nier. Prepared in Liberty (Ind.) H. S. Phi Delta Phi; Order of the Coif. Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago Grad. Sch., 1903-04; three yrs. scholarships, do., 1904-07; Instr., Ind. Un- iv. Law Sch., 1907-08; Prof., Law, Univ. of Neb. Law Sch., 1908-09; Prof., Law, Ind. Univ. Law Sch., 1909-11; Teacher, summer session, Univ. of Chicago, 191 1; Prof., Law, and Sec. of Law Faculty, Univ. of 111., 1911-16; Prof., Law, Lejand Stanford, ipi6 — . Assoc. Ed., Jour, of Am. Inst, of Criin. Law and Criino- nology (preparing editorials and notes on cur- rent cases of interest). Auth. : Cases on Mar- riage and Divorce, Am. Casebook Series, West Pub. Co., 1912; Articles in Am. Year Book and legal jours. Sec, 111. St. Soc. of Crimi- nal Law and Criminology. Married Hazel Anderson, Ag 17, 1909, Indianapolis. Chil- dren: Robert Louis, b. Ap 23, 191 1; Helen May, b. My 14, 1912; Dorothy Jane, b. Je 21, 1916. Address, 951 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Calif. JOSEPH BOYCE VERNON Assistant; A. B., Lake Forest Coll., 191 1; b. 1890, Bushy Fork, N. C. Prepared in (Jary (N. C.) H. S.; Univ. of Wis. and Columbia. Prin., H. S., Stem, N. C, 1911-13; Instr., Econ., Columbia, 1915-16; Asst., Econ. Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Mem., Baptist Church. Ad- dress, Burlington, N. C.f LESTER CARLTON VER NOOY (See No. G695.) ROBERT (See No. 783.) CLARKE VIAL DAVID CARROLL VIERS (See No. 1607.) SOPHIE MARY VOSS (MEHARRY) (See No. 2534.) SABRA WILBUR VOUGHT Instructor; A. B., Allegheny Coll., Mead- ville. Pa., 1899; B. L. S., N. Y. St. Lib. Sch., 1901; d. Frank (b. Rome, Pa.) and Adella M. (Wilbur) Vought (b. Dimmock, Pa.). Prepared in Jamestown (N. Y.) H. S. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Libn., Univ. of Tenn.; Organizer, O. Lib. Comn. ; Acting Libn., Allegheny Coll.; Instr., summer Lib. Schs., Chautauqua, N. Y. ; Albany, N. Y. ; Winona Lake, Ind.; Salt Lake City; Riverside, Calif.; Instr., Univ. of 111. Lab. Sch., 1916 — . Mem., Epis. Church. Address, 901 S. Wright St., Champaign. GEORGE RAWSON WADE Instructor; b. F 5, 1800, Idle, Bradford, York, Eng. ; s. Benjamin (b. do.) and Harriett (Law) Wade (b. do.). Prepared in Silcoates and Bradford (iram. Sch. Teacher, Habersham Coll., Hastings, Eng.; do., Stevens Coll., 1903- 06; Vocal Instr., and Head of Voice Dept., Univ. of 111., 1906-11; do., Univ. of Ore., 191 1 — . Married Frances Hughes, My i, 1900, Geneseo, 111. Address, 496 Washington St., Eugene, Ore.f VERNON MATTHEW WADE Assistant; B. S., Shurtleff Coll., 1916; b. Ja 13, 1892, Jerseyville. 111. Prepared in Alton H. S.; Univ. of 111. Teacher, West. Military Acad., 1916; Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1916-17. Address, 811 Hawley Ave., Alton, Ill.t CARL WAGNER Sec. and Treas., Terra Cotta Assn.; B. S., Purdue Univ., 1906; b. F 28, 1881, Saginaw, Mich.; s. C. C. C. (b. Ger.) and Felicitas (Ellersdorfer) Wagner (b. do.). Prepared in Chicago Man. Tr. Sch. Machinist Apprentice, 1902; Draftsman, 1904; Foreman, 1906; Instr., T. and A. M., Univ. of 111., 1908-09; Asst. to V. P., The Northwestern Terra Cotta Assn., 1909-16; Asst. to Pres., Nat. Terra Cotta Soc., 19 16; Sec. and Treas., Central Terra Cotta Assn., 1 91 7 — -. Address, 536 Roscoe St., Chi- cago. CLAUDE LEVERN WAGNER (See No. 4473.) GUSTAV ERIC WAHLIN Associate; A. B., Bethany Coll., Lindsborg, Kan., 1903; Ph. D., Yale, 1906; b. D 3, 1880, Cannon Falls, Minn.; s. Aaron (b. S 20, 1841, Sweden) and Jennie Emila (Sohlberg) Wahlin (b. Mr 1859, Wis.). Prepared in McPherson H. S. ; Bethany Coll. Acad., Kan. Sigma Xi. Grad. Scholarship, 1904-05; Fellowship, 1905- 06; Instr., Math., la. St. Univ., 1906-08; do., Univ. of 111., 1908-12; Stud., Marburg, Ger., 1912-13; Assoc, Math., Univ. of 111., 1913 — . Auth.: On the Base of a Relative Number Field with an Application to the Composition of Fields, Trans. Am. Math. Soc, 1910; The Equation X- — A=0 (p). Jour, fiir Mathematik, Vol. 145, 1914; A New Development of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers, Trans. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 16, 1915; The Principal Units of an Algebraic Domain. Bui. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 23, 1917. Mem., Am. Math. Soc; A. A. A. S. Married Louise M. Hauck, Ag 7, 1906. Child, Elsbeth Victoria, b. S 23, 191 5. Ad- dress, 1903 W. Railroad St., Urbana; bus. add., 426 Natural History Bldg., do. MERTON BENWAY WAITE (See No. 524.) EDWARD HARDENBERG WALDO (See No. G701.) MARJORIE L. WALKER Assistant; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1914; A. M., do., 1918; b. F 17, 1891; d. Myron H. (b. Ja 17, 1855, Mass.) and Nettie (Stevens) Walker (b. Ag 13, 1S66, N. Y.). Prepared in Grand Rapids (Mich.) Central H. S. Gamma Phi Beta; Omega Phi. Teacher, H. S., Cale- donia, Mich., 1914-15; do., Bessemer, Mich., 191S-16; do., Muskegon, Mich., 1916-17; Asst., Eng., Univ. of 111., 1917 — . Address, 451 Ter- race Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.; bus. add., loio W. California St., Urbana. *LEE WALLACE B. P., Syracuse Univ., 1905; b. Ja 9. 1882, N. Y. ; s. John Bennett and Cora E. (Noonen) Wallace. Prepared in Perry (N. Y.) H. S. The Hiram Gee Fellowship in Painting, 1905. Attended Julians Acad., Paris; Teacher, Paint- ing Dept., Coll. of Fine Arts, Syracuse Univ., 1907-11; Instr., free hand drawing, Dept. of Arch., Univ. of 111., 191 1-12. Judge in Art Dept., Perry Fair, 191 1. Mem., M. E. Church; Am. Artists Assn. of Paris, 1905-07; Assn. of Grad. Painters, Syracuse Univ.; Univ. Club, Urbana. Died S 16, 1912. *EDWARD PHILIP WALTERS B. S.. Mass. Inst, of Tech.. 1899; b. My 4. 1S78, E. Boston; s. Maurice E. Hughes, 47 Q58 University of Illinois ("amp St., Providence, R. I. Prepared in Providence (Mass.) H. S. Asst. Chem., 111. Water Sur., Univ. of 111., 1809-1900; Biologist, Metropolitan Water Bd. of Mass., 1900-03; do., Brooklyn Water Bd., 1903, afterwards con- solidated with New York Water Bds. ; Head of local lal)., Katonah, N. Y. Died Ja 28, 1904, Katonah, N. Y. JAMES HENRI WALTON, JR. Professor; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1899; Ph. D., Heidelburg 1903; b. F 26, 1878, Deer Isle, Me.; s. James H. (b. Ja 25, 1845, Castine, Me.) and Florence S. (Hewlett) Walton (b. N 21, 1846, New Passage, South Devonshire, Eng.). Prepared in Newbury- port (Mass.) H. S. Zeta Psi; Sigma Xi. Asst., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1899-1900; do., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1900-01; Austind fel- lowship for foreign study, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1901-03; Instr., Chem., Univ. of 111., 1903-06; .Assoc, do., 1906-07; Asst. Prof., do., Univ. of Wis., 1907-11; Assoc. Prof., do., 1911 — . Auth.: (with A. T. Lincoln) Ele- mentary Quantitative Analysis, Macmillan, 1908; (with L. Kahlenberg) Qualitative Analy- sis, 1911; also a number of articles. Mem., A. C. S. Addres.. Appleton & Co., 1882-86; Mgr., Interst. Pub. Co., Chicago and Boston, 1886-88; Assoc. Ed., The Fountain, Philadelphia, 1889-90; Pres., Nat. Young l""olks' Reading Circle, 1888-92; Prof., Latin, Univ. of 111., 1889-91; Mgr., H. S. and Coll. Dept., Am. Book Co., 1891-92; Mgr., Winchell Teachers Agency and Lecture Bur., 1892-1911; I'rin., Winchell Acad., Evanston, 111., 1894-97. Auth.: Latin Prose Comi)osition, E. H. Butler & Co., Philadelphia, 1875; Ele- mentary Lessons in Greek Synta.x, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1887; Orthography, I'^tymology, and Punctuation, A. Flanagan & Co., 1901; Chi- cago, Past and J'resent, do., 190O; The Artists' Blue Book of Chicago, 1906; A Civic Manual for Chicago, ('00k C'o., and 111., A. J'"lanagan & Co., 1910; Ed. and Publisher of a number of perio(licals. Mem., Central Howard Assn., Chicago; Nat. Econ. League. Married Cal- phurnia Eleutheria Corson, Ag 2, 1870, Bir- mingliam, Mich. Children: Harley, b. Ag 13, 1871; Calphurnia Maia, b. My 16, 1874; Julia Alexandrina, b. 1) 31 1879; Roberta ('a- rissima, b. S 26, 1887 (died Ja 23, 1895). Addres. York Bot. Jour, of Exp. Zool., Vol. 2, 1905; The Rearing of Serpulid Larvae with Notes on the Behavior of the Young Animals, Biolog. Bui., Vol. 8, 1905; The Effect of Successive Removal upon the Rate of Regeneration, Jour. E.vp. Zool., Vol. 7, 1909; The Relation Between Degree of Injury and Rate of Regeneration — additional observations and general discussion, do.; also various articles on zoological subjects published in Jour, of Morphology, III. Biological Mono- graphs, etc. Mem., Am. Soc. Zool., Sec, Cen- tral Branch, 1908-10; A. A. A. S., Fellow. Married Ida Benedicta Ellingson, My 29, 1911, Wautoma, Wis. Child, Charles Ellingson, b. Ap 24, 1918. Address, 1103 W. Illinois St., Urbana. KARL WILHELMJ ZIMMERSCHIED Engineer; A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1898; M. S., do., 1904; b. Ag 27, 1880, Kansas City, Mo.; s. John Fredinand (b. D 11, 1849, Se- dalia. Mo.) and Matilda (Rosenbury) Zimmer- chied (b. Ag 27, 1S57, Canal IJover, O.). Prepared in Cent, and Man. Tr. H. Schs., Kansas City, Mo.; Koenigliche Technische Hochschule, Charlottenberg, Ger., one yr. Kap- pa Sigma; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Alchemist. Asst., Analytical Chem., Univ. of Mich., 1903-04; Chemist, Taugott Schmidt & Sons, Detroit, 1004; Instr., Quantitative An- alysis, Univ. of 111., 1904-05; do.. Quantitative Analysis and Metallurgy, Univ. of Mich., 1905-09; do., Chem. Engng., do., 1909-11; Chief Metallurgical Engr., Gen. Motors Car Co., De- troit, 1911. Auth.: (with S. W. Parr) Chem- istry 16, A Manual for Students in Engineer- ing, 1905; A New Polishing Apparatus for Metallography Specimens, Journ. A. C. S. Mem., A. C. S.; Am. Soc. for Testing Ma- terials; Soc. of Automobile Engrs. Address, 84 Marston Court, Detroit.! ROBERT CARL ZUPPKE Associate; LL. B., Univ. of Wis., 1904; Ph. B., do., 1905; b. 1880. Student Art League of Am., 1905-06. Teacher, H. S., Muskegon, Mich., 1906-09; do., Oak Park, 111., 1910-12; Instr., Phys. Tr., and Football Coach. Univ. of 111., 1912-15; Assoc, do., 1915 — . Painting accented by Art Inst., Chicago. Married Fan- nie Erwin, Je 27, 1907, Muskegon, Mich. Ad- dress, 1001 W. Oregon St., Urbana. TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY ALICE ASBURY ABBOTT Trustee, 1898-1905; b. in Quincy, III.; d. Henry Asbury. Prepared in Private sch. Special course in scs. and langs., three yrs. ; study of Ger. Lit., Ger., one yr. Ed., so. jour., Chicago, 1876. Translated Die Waffen Nieder, written by the Baroness Bertha von Suttner. Mem., Fortnightly and the Woman's Clubs of Chicago. Married Abial R. Abbott, Je, 1871. Children: Sarah and Alice. Address, Wash- ington, D. C. WILLIAM LAMONT ABBOTT Trustee, 1905 — (See No. 373) CARRIE THOMAS ALEXANDER-BAHREN- BURG Trustee, 1900-1912; b. Mr 4, 1861, Belleville, 111.; d. Col. John (b. Ja 11, 1899, Wytheville, Va.) and Magdalena (von Euvv) Thomas (b. F 26, 1828, Schwyz, Switzerland). Prepared in Belleville H. S. ; Monticello Sem. Valedic- torian. Teacher, country schs., 1881-83. Mem., Woman's Relief Corps, Dept. Pres. ; 111. Chil- dren's Home and Aid Soc, Dir. ; O. E. S., Matron, Organizer; Hecker Woman's Relief Corps, Pres.; Mgr. and Owner, Belleville Citi- zens' Street Ry., Dir.; 111. Equal Suffrage Assn., Civic League Auxiliary, do. Married Henry A. Alexander, D 1887, Belleville, 111. died O, 1888); William Bahrenburg, Jl. 3, 1909, Belleville, 111. Address, 223 E. Main St., Belleville, 111. ♦LEMUEL ALLEN Trustee, 1867-71; b. Mr 23, 1818, Loudoun Co., Va. Prepared in Prep. Sch., Waverly, 111. Supt., Schs., Tazewell Co., ten yrs.; served as Co. Sch. Commissioner; teacher, Springfield, 111., 1841; do., Decatur, 111., 1842; do., Pekin, 111., 1846. Invented and patented a Planetarium. Aided in organizing First Bap- tist Church, Decatur, 111., and also in Pekin, 111.; helped organize the Washingtonian Soc, and Sons of Temperance, do. Mem. Sch. Bd., Pekin, 111. Married Mrs. Margaret Pratt, 1843, Decatur; Josephine Goodheart, 1898, Pekin. Died Ag 8, 1905, Pekin, 111. *JOHN PETER ALTGELD Trustee, ex officio, 1893-7; b. in Prussia, 1848. Came to Mansfield, O., in early life. At age of 1 6 was volunteer in final campaigns of Grant; discharged at Columbus, O. Studied in pvt. sch., Lexington, O. ; teacher, sch., two yrs. Traveled until 1869; studied law, St. Louis, Mo., 1869-70; admitted to bar. Savan- nah, Mo. ; elected Co. prosecuting atty. ; re- signed and moved to Chicago, 1875; candidate before dem. caucus of st. leg. for U. S. Senate, 1876; real est. owner, 1876-86, Chicago; Judge, supreme court, 1886; resigned from bench, Aug., 1891; Gov., 111., 1892-6; delegate, Dem. Convention, 1896, candidate for mayor of Chi- cago, 1899. Author: Our Penal Machinery and its Victims; Live Questions; various pol. and econ. pamphlets. Died Mr 12, 1902, Joliet, 111. *W. B. ANDERSON Trustee, 1870-73. Brig. Gen., U. S. A. Died Ag 28, 1901, Edgewater, 111. GEORGE ALFRED ANTHONY Trustee, 1911-13; Banker and Druggist; b. N 10, i8s2. Providence, 111.; s. Alfred (b. 1819, Pawtucket, R. I.) and Mary Martin (Cushing) Anthony (b. 1816, do.). Prepared in Prince- ton H. S. Ph. G., Memphis Hosp. Med. Coll., 1882. Mem., 111. St. Bd. of Agr., Pres.; mem. from isth Cong. Dist., 1905 — ; banker and druggist, Kewanee, 111. Married Anna Louise Barney, O 24, 1877, Chicago. Children: Mary Frances, b. Ag 23, 1870; Rowland Barney, b. Je 22, 1883. Address, Kewanee, 111. JAMES ELDER ARMSTRONG Trustee, 1893-9. (See No. 254.) *NEWTON BATEMAN Trustee, e.v officio, 1867-73; Pres. and Prof.; b. Jl 27, 1822, Fairfield, N. J. Prepared in 111. Coil., 1843. Attended Lane Theol. Sem., 1844. Prin., Eng. and Classical Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1845-7; Prof., Math., St. Charles Coll., 1847-51; Prin., pub. schs., Jacksonville, 111., 1851-3; Supt., schs., Morgan Co., 1853-8; State Supt., Pub. Instr., 1859-63, 1865-75; Pres., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1875-93; Pres. emeritus and Prof., Mental and Moral Sc, do., 1893-7. Ed., Common School Decisions, The Illinois Teacher; Ed. in Chief, Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. Mem., St. Bd. of Health, 1877-91; Assay Comn., 1878. One of three who pre- pared the bill creating the national bureau of education. Married Sarah Dayton, 1850, Jack- sonville, 111. (died 1857); Annie N. Tyler, 1859, Mass. (died My 28, 1878). Children: Clifford Rush, b. Mr 7, 1854; three daughters. Died O 21, 1897, Jacksonville, 111. AUSTIN D. BARBER Trustee, e.v officio, 1905-07; Pres., St. Bd. of Agr., 1905-06; Mayor, Hamilton, 111., 1912-14; retired Agr. Address, Hamilton, 111. *ALFRED BAYLISS Trustee, ex officio, 1899-1907; Prin., Norm. Sch.; b. Mr 22, 1847, Bledington Co., Glouces- ter, Eng. Prepared in Prep. Dept., Hillsdale Coll.; B. S., Hillsdale Coll., 1870; M. S., do.. 1873. Service in iith Mich. Cav., 1863-5. Prin., Pub. Schs., La Grange, Ind., 1870; Supt., Schs., Central Dist., Sterling, 111., 1874; Ed., The Sterling Standard, two yrs.; Supt., Schs., Central Dist., Sterling, until 1895; identified with Child Study Monthly; Prin., H. S., Streator Tp., 1895-S; St. Supt. Pub. Instr., two terms; Prin., West. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1906-11. Auth.: Easy Lessons on the Constitution of the United States for Grammar Grades; number of articles for educ. jours. Mem., City Council, Sterling, 111., 1882-4; Lib. Bd., do., 1878-94; No. 111. Teachers Assn., Pres., 1887; School- masters Club, Pres., 1900-03; N. E. A. Com. 969 970 University of Illinqis to report upon Indus. Educ, 1903. Married Clara M. Kern, Je 28 1871; Lawton, Mich. Children: Clara K., b. N to, 1872; Zoe, b. Ag 14, 1790. Died Ag. 26, 191 1. *CHARLES BENNETT Trustee, 1879-91; Lawyer; b. Mr 27, 1839, Bridgton, Me. Prepared in Bridgton Acad. A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1864. Studied law, Port- land, Me. ist. Lt., Me., 19th, 1864-5; Me., 23rd, 1862. Mem., Bd. of Educ; Unitarian Church; G. A. R. ; Co. Judge, Coles Co., one term. Married S. W. Cleaves, Mattoon, III. Children: Cleaves, b. 1870; Sarah, 1872, Charles, 1874; Edith, 1876; Helen, 1878; John Levk'is, 1881; Susan, 1884. Died Ja i, 1901, Mattoon^ 111. *JOHN LOURIE BEVERIDGE Trustee, ex officio 1873-7; Governor of 111; b. Jl 6, 1824, Greenwich, N. Y. ; s. George and Ann (Hoy) Beveridge. Prepared in N. Y. St. and Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 111. Teacher, sch. and stud., law, Tenn., 1845-51; lawyer. Sycamore, III., 185 1; do., Chicago; re- moved to Calif., 1895. Enlisted ..'.g, 1861; Maj. 8th 111. Cav., Army of Potomac; was in battles of Fair Oaks, M..ilvern Hill, Fredericks- burg and Gettysburg; recrvuled and organized 17th 111. Cav., winter, 1963-64; Col. served in dept. of Mo.; Bvtd. I3rig. Gen.; mustered out F 6, 1866; Sheriff, Cook Co., 1866; St. Senator, 1871; elected Lt. Gov., 111., on Rep. ticket with Gen. Richard J. Oglesby, as Gov., in N, 1872; upon Gov. Oglesby's election to U. S. Senate, Ja, 1873, succeeded to the gubernatorial chair and served full term, four yrs.; Asst. Treas., U. S., Chicago, D, 1881, resigned S, 1884. Married Helen M. Judson, Ja 20, 1848, Chicago. Died at Hollywood, Calif. •JOHN J. BIRD Trustee, 1872-85; Mail Service; b. Ja 30, :844, Cincinnati; s. John (b. 1820, Hardin Co., Ky.) and Catherine T. Bird (b. 1825, Lynch- burg, Va.). Prepared in Cincinniti. Police Magistrate, Cairo, 111., 1873-80; Ed. and Mgr., newspapers, 1882-96; Mail Service, P. O. Dept., 1881-1912. Organizer and Sunt., first tree sch. system for negroes in 111. Mem., St. John A. M. E. Church, Springfield, 111. Mar- ried Anna Venerable, Ag, 1865, Windsor, Ont. Children: John W., b. Ag 24, 1865; Egbert H., b. My, 1868. Died Je, 1912, Springfield, 111. •ALEXANDER BLACKBURN Trustee, 1867-73; Farmer and Teacher; b. My 31, 1S05, Hamilton, O. Prepared in jiub. schs., Ind. Auth. : Articles for Presby. books and mags.; also for local papers., Mem., (i. A. R. (hon.); when post was organized, Macomb, 111.; First Presby. Church of norvhcrn Ind. organized in his Log cabin, LaPorte, Ind.; Elder, Presby. Church sixtv-five yrs. Married Delilah Polk, Ja 28, 1828, Vincennes, Ind. (liildren: William Maxwell, b. D i, 1829; John. b. N 6, 1831; Margaret Polk, b. Ja 15, 1833; Anna Elizabeth, b. Je iq, 1842; Alex- ander, b. N. 4, 1844; Charles Edwa-.ds, b. S. 19, 1847; three children died in infancy. Died, Jl 31, 1897, Macomb, 111. FRANCIS GRANT BLAIR Trustee, ex officio, 1906 — ; Supt., Pub. Instruction; b. O 30, 1864, Nashville, 111.; s. W^illiam and Mary J. (Crane) Blair. Pre- pared in 111. St. Norm. Univ. B. S., Swarth- more Coll., 1897; LL. D., Colgate Univ., '.913. Attended Sch. of Educ, Univ. of Buffalo, one yr. Fellowship, Columbia. Teacher, rural schs., 1884-86; Prin., schs., Maldin, 111., 18S6- 89; do., LeRoy, 111., 1892-95; do., Franklin Sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1897-99; iiupt., training dept., East. 111. St. Norm. Sch., 1899-1906; St. Supt., Pub. Instruction, igo6 — . Auth.: Vari- ous Monographs on Pedagogy. Mem., Nat. Soc for Scientific Study of Educ; 111. St Teachers Assn.; HI. Sch. Master's Club. Mar- ried Lillian Cayton, 1898, LeRoy, 111. Children: Cayton: Livington Lord. Address, 629 S. 2nd St., Springfield, 111. •GEORGE STEPHEN BOWEN Trustee, 1870-3; b. N 30, 1829, Ingham's Mills, Manheim, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; in bus. with brother, Chicago, 1849-71; Mayor, Elgin, 111., 1873-5; nominated for Cong., 1876. Was instrumental in organizing the Woolen Mfrs. Assn. of the Northwest, 1867, only Pres., do.; leader in establishing a Free Pub. Lib., Chicago, 1871; raised money to build Chicago exposi- tion, 1873; organized indus. exposition of 93 people, 1879, who visited Mex. in interest of reciprocity; instrumental in organizing Mfrs. Assn. of Chicago, 1878; issued call to elec. light men of the U. S. who met in Chicago, and organized the Nat. Elec. Light Assn., Hon. mem., 1890; one of the prin. organizers and builders, Chicago & Pac. R. R.; Pres., Protestant Orphan Asylum, Chicago, two yrs. Mem., Grace Al. E. Church, Treas., eight yrs.; Young Men's Lib. Assn., Chicago, Pres., 1861; Elec. Light Co., Elgin, Pres., 1S83; Elgin Sc Soc; Pres. North Pac Trading Co., with offices in Chicago and Tokio, Japan. Married Julia Emma Byington, My i, 1854, Salisbury Center, N. Y. Children: George E. ; Anna C. Died Ja 12, 1905, Elgin, 111. •MASON BRAYMAN Trustee, 1867-73; Lawyer; b. My 23, 1813; Buffalo, N. Y. Admitted to the bar, 1S36; removed to Monroe, Mich.; City Atty., Monroe, 1838-41; ed. newspaper, 1841; Lawyer, Spring- field, 111., 1S42; special Comn. under gcvt., 1843; revised and published statutes of 111., 1844-5; Atty., I. C. R. R., 1851; promoter, R. R. enterprises. Mo., Ark., and southwest. Maj., 29th III. Volunteers, 1861; in command, O. Regt., Natchez, 1864-5; presiding officer com. to examine cotton claims and revive R. R. interests in the south. Ed., ///. St. Jour., 1872-3; Lawyer, Ripon, Wis., 1873-7; appointed Gov., Idaho, by Pres. Hayes, 1877-80; Lawyer, Ripon, 1880; Kansas City, Mo. Died F 27, 1895, Kansas City, Mo. •ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY BROWN Trustee, 1868-79; Jurist and Horticulturist; b. D II, 1818, Paris, Ky. A. B., Hanover Coll., 1S38. Studied and practiced law, In- dianapolis; Lawyer, Paris, Ky., 1844; removed to Villa Ridge, 1861; elected co. judge, three times. Mem., HI. St. Hort. Soc; Presby. Church; Ed. Paris Citisen, 1852-61. Married Mary A. Maxwell, 1841, Hanover, Ind. ("hil- dren: Elizabeth, b. 1842; Edward M., b. 1S44; Tennie T., b. 1847; Alexander B., b. 1856; Emma G., b. 1858. Died Je 27, 1879, Villa Ridge, 111. •DAVID ALLEN BROWN Trustee, ex officio, 1870-3; Lawyer; b. S 27, 1824, Greensburg, Ky. ; s. William B. and Harriet L. (Allen) Brown. Came to 111., 1833; read law with Col. E. D. Baker; when Mexican War broke out helped raise a com- pany, of which he was 2nd Lt., Co. I, in 4th Regt., 111. Volunteers, Mexican War; Present at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo; afterwards took command of company; ordered home after war, and took up law in ofl5ce of Abra- ham Lincoln; appointed Circuit Clerk of Men- ard Co.; Farmer, 1859; appointed by Pres. Cleveland St. Agr. Statistician for four years. Mem.. Pres., St. Bd. of Agr.; St. Bd. of Ry. . and Warehouse Com., 1873; Farmer's Mutual 'ins. Co. Pres.; Presby. Church; Delegate to k Trustees 971 Gen. Assembly, Portland, Ore., 1892. Married Eliza J. Smith. Children: Sallie C. ; Mamie E. ; Carolyn; WiUiam J.; Harriet. Died F 25, 1895, near Springfield, 111. *EDWIN LEE BROWN Trustee, 1S67-71; Organized Chicago Hu- mane See. Mem., Bd. of Directors, Interstate Indus. Exposition. Died Jl 21, 1891, Chicago. *JOHN HOWARD BRYANT Trustee, 1891; Poet and Farmer; b. Jl 22, 1807, Cummington, Mass.; s. Peter (b. Ag 12, 1767, Bridgewater, Mass.) and Sarah (Snell) Bryant (b. D 4, 1868, do.). Prepared in pvt. sch. of Rev. Roswell Hawks; Acad, in Cum- mington, Mass.; Rensselaer Poly. Inst. Mem., 111. St. Legislature, 1842, again in 1858; Col- lector Internat. Revenue, Fifth Dist. of 111., 1862-6; many minor local offices. Auth. : Book of poems, ist ed., 1853; 2nd ed., 1894. Married Harriet Wiswall, Je 7, 1833, Jackson- ville, 111. Children: Henry Wiswall, b. 1834 (died 1843); Elizah Wiswall, b. D 2, 1836 (died Ap 23, 1892). Died Ja 14, 1902, Prin- ceton, 111. *HIRAM BUCK Trustee, 1872-73; Farmer; b. Mr 20, 1801, Seneca Co., N. Y. Opened first hotel in LeRoy, 1837; Justice of the Peace, 1S38-56; Postmaster seven yrs. of this time; Co. Comn., Surv., and Judge under Constitution of 1848 eight yrs.; Supvr., Empire Tp., four yrs.; Trustee, Schs. and Sch. Dir., do.. Trustee, Lombard Univ., 1876. Mem., Universalist Church; A. F. A. M. Married Mercy Karr, Ap 4, 1827, Hamilton Co., O. Children: Amanda M., b. Jl 10, 1828; Thomas L., b. O 23, 1831; Elizabeth R., b. F 21, 1834; Martha E., b. D 14, 1838; Nancy J., b. F 19, 1843; Charles Albert, b. Ag 19, 1849. Died My 12, 1888, LeRoy, 111. SAMUEL A. BULLARD Trustee, 1889-1907. (See No. 166.) *HORATIO CHAPIN BURCHARD Trustee, 1867-70; Lawyer; b. 1825, Marshal, N. Y. Prepared in Beloit, Wis. Attended Hamilton Univ., N. Y., 1847-50. Pursued study of gen. law since 1850. Auth.: Hist, of the U. S. Mint; many arts, on tariff, coin- age. Mem. of Cong, and Dir. of U. S. Mint. Mem., Congr. Church; A. F. A. M.; Freeport Club of St. Hist. Soc. Married Jane Lawrer, 1861, West Point, 111. Child, Edward L., b. 1867. Died My 14, 1908. *JOHN CURTISS BURROUGHS Trustee, 1867-70^ Educator; b. D 7, 1818, Stanford, N. Y. Grad. of Yale, 1842; Drew Theol. Sem., 1846; S. T. D., Univ. of Roch- ester, 1858; LL. D., Madison Univ., 1869. Pastorate, Waterford, N. Y., 1846-7. do.; West Troy, N. Y., 1847-52; Mem., Baptist Church; helped to found the Christian Times and the Standard; inaugurated movement with Sen. Douglas for establishment, Chicago Univ., first Pres., 1856; Chancellor, 1876-8; men., Bd. of Educ. and later Asst. Supt., Chicago Pub. Schs. Died Ap 21, 1892, Chicago. MARY ELIZABETH BOWEN-BUSEY Trustee, 1905 — ■; b. Je 21, 1854, Delphi, Ind.; d. Abner H. (b. 1814, Dayton, O.) and Catharine J. (Trawin) Brown (b. 1826, Cal- cutta, India). Prepared in Delphi, Ind., and Oxford, O. Grad., Vassar Coll. Mem., Presby. Church (Trustee) ; W. R. C. and Dames of the Loyal Legions; The Fortnightly Club, L^rbana. Married Samuel T. Busey, D 23, 1877, Delphi, Ind (died Ag 12, 1909). Chil- dren: Marietta Ruth (Mrs. G. A. Tawney); Bertha; Lt. Charles Bowen, '08 (died N 9, 1918). Address, 502 W. Main St., Urbana. ROBERT FRANKLIN CARR 'J'rustee, 1915 — . (See No. 731.) MARY TURNER CARRIEL Trustee, 1897-1901; b. O 30, 1845, Jackson- ville, III.; d. Jonathan Baldwin (b. D 7, 1805, Templeton, Mass.) and Rhodolphia (Kibbe) Turner (b. S 11, 181 o, Somers, Conn.). Pre- pared in Pub. Sch., Jacksonville. A. B., Jack- sonville Presby. Acad., 1S65. The first woman elected to the Bd. of Trustees and to have her name upon the 111. St. Ticket. Auth.: Life of Jonathan B. Turner, 1910. Mem., St. Hist. Soc; V. P. Morgan Co. Hist. Soc; Pres., 1900) Morgan Co. Suffrage League; 111. Syn- odical Bd. of Freedmen, 1885-1902; Springfield Presby. Home Missionary Soc. (Recording .Secy, for the past twenty-tour years) ; mem., Presby. Church; Pres., Morgan Co., Columbia Exposition Woman's Club, 1891-3; Ramabai Club, Pres., 1893-1901; Woman's Club (Pres., igoo-i); etc. Married H. F. Carriel, Mv 6, 1875, Jacksonville, 111. Children, Ella (Mrs. W. D. Roberts), b. F 26, 1876; Howard Turner, b. My 12, 1877; Frederic C, b. Mr 26, 1879; Charles Arthur, b. D 8, 1883. Ad- dress, Jacksonville, 111. *WILLIAM W. CLEMENS Trustee, 18S7-93; Lawyer; b. S 29, 1839, Livingston Co., Ky. Studied law and was admitted to bar of Ky., Smithland, 1861; came to 111., Ag, 1862; B. L., Univ. of Mich., 1S65; practicing law, Marion, 111., 1865 — . St Atty., Williamson Co., 1880-4; Judge, City Court, 1 9 10. Deceased. *EMORY COBB Trustee, 1867-93; Banker and Farmer; b. Ag 20, 1831, Dry den, N. Y. ; s. William (b. Norton, Mass.) and Achsah (Bradley) Cobb (b. Conn.). Prepared in common schs. and Ithaca Acad. Learned Telegraphy at age of 16. Operator, Buffalo; came west, 1848; Op- erator, Fredonia and Cleveland. First Supt., West Union Tel. Co., Chicago, organized in 1855; resigned 1867 account of ill health; Dir., same Co., 1871-74; V. P., Northwestern Telegraph Co., 1863 until its consolidation with \yest. Union Co., 1874; Pres., ist Nat. Bank, Kankakee,, 111., from organization, 1873-93; Dir., do.; 1873-1910; Dir., East. 111. Trust and Savings Bank, Kankakee, 1902-igio; Pres., Kankakee Elec Ry. Co., from organization, 1889-1905; Sr. Warden, St. Paul Epis. Church; V. P., 111. Agr. Bd., 1869-82; Pres., Am. Shorthorn Breeders' Assn., 1893; Pres., Bd. Finance Com., 1867-73; on Ex. Com. during entire term of service. Practically the begin- ning of the museum was made by his gift of Ward's Casts of Fossils, 1888. Mem., Chicago Club, Social, 1882-1903; Union League Club, Chicago, 1884-1904; Chicago Church Club from organization, 1888 — ; Old Times Telegraph Assn. of the U. S., from organization. Lay DeL, Triennial Conventions of the Prot. Epis. Church of U. S., representing Chicago Diocese held at following places and times: New York, 1883; Chicago, 1886; New York, 1889; Balti- more, 1892; Minneapolis, 1895; Boston, 1904. Lay Del. from St. Paul's Epis. Church, Kan- kakee, 111., to Annual Conf. of the Chicago Diocese, successively, 1867. Married Isabelle Haven, 1858, Chicago. Children: Charles Haven, b. F 17, i860; William Walter, b. N 14, 1862; Duane Phillips, b. N 14, 1867. Died My 20, 1910. *JAMES C. CONKLING Trustee, 1879-80; Lawyer; b. O 13, 1816, New York City. Prepared in Morristown, N. J. A. B., Princeton, 1835. Entered law office of Henry A. Ford, and read law three yrs. Obtained license from supreme court and commenced practice of law Springfield, 1838; formed partnership with (Tyrus A. Walker, Macomb; became associated with 972 University of Illinois Gen. James Shields, Aud. of State, 1841 ; elected Mayor, Springfield, 1845; elected mem. of Legislature, from Sangamon Co., 1851, and served one term; del., Bloomington Convention, 1856; chosen a pres. elector for 111., in i860 and in 1864; during Civ. War appointed by Gov. Yates as st. agt. to settle the claims of the St. against gen. Govt, for equipment of vol. ; elected rep. from Sangamon Co. to legislature, 1866, and drew up and introduced bill which was passed into a law, providing for the erec- tion of a new st. house in Springfield; one of the fourteen mems. of Lincoln Monument Assn., 1867; Postmaster, Springfield, 1890, re- tained office four yrs. ; was a practitioner at the bar, a participant in pub. affairs and was actively engaged in bus. pursuits. Delivered address on dedication of Oak Ridge cemetery, i860; lecture on Early Bench and Bar of 111., read before the Chicago Bar Assn., 1S81. Mem., Second Presby. Church; ruling elder of same for about thirty yrs., until death. Married Mercie A. Levering, S 21, 1841, Balti- more. Children: Clinton L. ; James; Charles; Annie V.; Alice. Died Mr i, 1899, Spring- field, 111. »MARTIN CONRAD Trustee, ex officio, 1901-3; Lawyer; b. 1844, Utica, N. Y. Studied law at Lake Forest Univ. Pvt., Co. C, 13th Wis. Inf. Atty. and Gen. Agt., Peter Scheuttler Co., mfrs. wagons for thirty yrs. Auth. : Forestry for Profit, Hints on the Law Contracts; Agency and Bailments. V. P., 111. St. Bd. of Agr. Mar- ried Frances A. Osborn, Chicago. Deceased. JOHN M. CREBS Trustee, 1909-11; Banker; b. Ja 24, 1869, Carmi, 111.; s. John M. (b. Ap 25, 1830, Loudoun Co., Va.) and Annie E. (Stew- art) Crebs (b. F 22, 1840, Carmi, 111.). Pre- pared in Carmi Schs. Attended Wabash Coll. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr., 1899-1911. Married Edith H. Powell, My 8, 1890. Children: Lorene Powell; John Powell ('16); Elizabeth Louise; John M., Jr. Address, Carmi, 111. ♦SHELBY M. CULLOM Trustee, ex officio, 1877-83. (See No. His.) ♦JOSEPH OSCAR CUNNINGHAM Trustee, 1867-73; b. D 12, 1830, Lancaster, N. Y. ; s. Hiram Way and Eunice (Brown) Cunningham. Prepared in schs. of Huron Co., O. LL. B., Union Law Sch., Cleveland, 1859; Attended Baldwin Coll., Berea, O., and Oberlin Coll. With firm, Cunningham & Flynn, publishers, Urbana Union, 1853-58; Ad- mitted to 111. bar, 1856 and to Supreme Court of U. S., 1880; served as Judge of county court of Champaign Co., 1861-65. With law firms of Sim & Cunningham. Cunningham & Webber, Cunningham & Boggs. Independent candidate for both houses of the Gen. Assem- bly of 111. for Circuit Judge, but always de- feated. Auth.: (With Jones) Jones and Cun- ningham's Practice in the County Courts of Illinois; History of Champaign County; Some Facts in the Judicial History of Illinois; The Convention of 1856, and those who partici- pated in it, 111. St. Hist. Soc. ; William Wells, the Hero of the Massacre of Chicago; Pioneer Boyhood on the Firelands, Firelands Hist. Soc. of Norwalk, O. ; Recollections of Abra- ham Lincoln, The Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. 65, 1908; also issued in pamphlet form, Some Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, Firelands Pioneer, 1900, do. Donor, Cunningham's Chil- dren's Home, Urbana, 1895. Was personal friend of Abraham Lincoln; Trustee, McKen- dree Coll., 1897-8. Mem., Hist. Soc. of III.; Firelands Hist. Soc, O. ; M. E. Church, twice rep. in Gen. Conference, and for more than thirty-eight yrs. steward and trustee in local church. Married Mary Margaret McConoughy, O 13, 1853, Bainbridge, O. Died Ap 1917. CHARLES DAVISON Trustee, 1905-11; Phys., Surg, and Prof.; b. Ja 13, 1858, Lake Co., 111.; s. Peter (b. Ap 19, 1826, Palatine, N. Y.) and Martha Maria (Whedon) Davison (b. F 10, 1830, Granville, N. Y.). Prepared in Barrington H. S. ; Wau- conda Acad, and pvt. tutor. M. D., N. W. Univ. Med. Sch., 1883; A. M., do., 1917; F. A. C. S., Am. Coll. of Surgeons, 191 3. Alpha Omega Alpha; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Prosector in Anatomy, 1882; Interne, Cook Co., Hosp., 18S3-4; by competitive examination; practising Med. and Surg., Chicago, 1884 — ; Asst. Surg., 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1887- 92; Attending Surg., Cook Co. Hosp., 1894- 1917; Pres., Med. Staff, do., 1917 — •; do., West Side Hosp., 1896-1907; Prof., Surg., Chicago Clinical Sch., 1896-1906; Surg., Univ. Hosp., 1908 — ; Prof., Surg. Anat., Coll. of P. and S., Univ. of 111., 1899-1900; Adjt. Prof., Clin. Surg., do., 1900-03; Adj. Prof., Surg, and Clin. Surg., do., 1903-4; Prof., Surg, and Clin. Surg., do., 1905-17; Prof, and Head of Dept. of Surg., do., 1917 — . Auth.: (With F. D. Smith) Autoplastic Bone Surgery, Lea & Febi- ger, 191 6. Numerous articles in Annals of Surg., Jour. Surg., Gynecology, and Obstet- rics] The Plexus, .lour. A. M. A. Mem., A. M. A.; 111. St. Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Surg. Soc, Pres., 1912-13; Cook Co. Hosp. Alumni Assn., Pres. 1912-12; M. E. Church; K. T. and Mystic Shrine. Married Mary L. Kidd, O 19, 1887, Chicago. Child, Charles Marshall, b. Ap 16, 1896. Address, 2320 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. CHART^ES SAMUEL DENEEN Trustee, ex officio, 1905-13; Lawyer; b. My 4, 1863, Edwardsville, HI.; s. Samuel H. and Mary F. (Ashley) Deneen. Prepared in pub. schs., Lebanon. A. B., McKendree Coll., 18S2. Teacher, country sch., near Newton, one yr. ; do., near Godfrey, do.; studied law; admitted to bar, Minn., 1886; do., 111., 1887; lawyer, Chicago, 1890-1904, 1913 — ; elected to 111. House of Representatives, 1892; atty., San. District, Chicago, 1895-96; St. Atty., Cook Co., two terms, 1896-1904; Gov., 111., 1904-13. Mem., Am., 111. and Chicago bar assns.. Law Club; LTnion League Club; Hamilton Club; Exmoor Club; Beverly Club; Englewood Club. Married Bina Day Maloney, My 10, 1891, Mt. Car- roll, 111. Address, 457 W. 61st Place, Chicago; bus. add., 20 S. LaSalle St., do. ♦JAMES K. DICKIRSON Trustee, 1903-05; b. 1845, Lawrence Co., 111.; s. Thomas I. and Lucinda (McCleave) Dickirson. Prepared in common schs. Teacher, for several years; newspaper Ed., Lawrence Co., three years; special traveling agt., fire ins. co.; for several years Co. Clerk, Lawrence Co. ; traveling salesman, stationery house, twenty-five years. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr. (Pres. 1902; Secy., 1907^ — ). Married Nancy A. Warner, O., 1871, Lawrence Co. Children: Mrs. George T. Stephens; Mary (de- ceased). Died, F 3, 19 16. ♦MATTHIAS LANE DUNLAP Trustee, 1867-75; Farmer and Editorial W^riter; b._ S 21, 18 14, Cherry Valley, N. Y. Prepared in common schs. War cor., Chicago Tribune, Miss. River Campaign, 1862; mem., 111. House of Rep. from Cook Co., Session of 1865; nominated for Lt. Gov., but declined, 1856. Ed., Illinois Farmer, Springfield, 111., 1859; Agr. Ed., Chicago Tribune, twenty-five yrs.; cor. of many agr. papers. Mem., Bd. of Supvrs., Champaign Co.; A. F. A. M. Married Emeline Pierce, Ja 7, 1838, Chicago, t^hildren: Hiram J.; Oscar; Merton; Albert; Ernest; Ella; Henry M. ('75); Louie; Eva. Died F 14, 1875, at "Rural Home," Savoy, 111. Trustees 973 EDWARD FITZSIMONS DUNNE Trustee, ex officio, 1913-17; Governor; b. O 12, 1S53, Waterville, Conn.; s. Patrick W. (b. Tullamore, Ire.) and Delia M. (Lawler) Dunne (b. Galway, do.). Prepared in Peoria H. S.; Trinity Coll., Univ. of Dublin, 1870-73. LL. B., Union Coll. of Law, 1877; LL. D., causa honoris, St. Ignatius Coll. Admitted to bar, 1877; Judge, Circuit Court, Cook Co., 111., three terms, 1892-1905; Mayor, Chicago, 1905-07; Lawyer, Chicago, 1907-13; Gov., III., 1913-17. Auth. : Articles in Dunne, Judge, Mayor and Governor, compiled by William L. "Sullivan. Mem., Roman Catholic Church; Chicago Bar Assn.; 111. Ath. Club; Westward Ho Golf Club; Country Club, Springfield; Pres., Monticello Club; Iroquois Club; Pres.. League Am. Municipalities, 1906-07; Nat. Civic Federation; Delegate at large, Dem. Nat. Convention, Denver, 1908; Presidential Elector, 1900. Married Elizabeth J. Kelly, Ag 16, 1881, Chicago. Children: Edward P. (died); Gerald (died); Charles P. (died); Edward F. ; Richard; Eileen M. (Dunne) Corboy; Mona; Maurice F. ; Jerome; Dorothy (died); Jeanette; Geraldine; Eugene. Address, 737 CJordon Terrace, Chicago; bus. add., iii W. Washington St., do. *SAMUEL DYSART Trustee, 1887-89; b. S 14, 1834, Spruce Creek, Pa.; s. James (b. do.) and Elizabeth (Roller) Dysart (b. do.). Prepared in Moun- tain Acad., Huntington Co., Pa. Came to 111. M I, 1855, P'irst ten yrs. after settlement on farm were spent in improvements; established a herd of Shorthorn cattle and Berkshire swine, 1866; visited Europe for the purpose of investigating the breeding of draft horses, 1887. Live Stock Comn., Paris Exposition, 1878; Comn., Columbian do., 1892. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr., V. P., twenty yrs., Pres., 1886-88; Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Sec, thirty-three yrs. Retired, 1904. Married Margaret J. Henderson, F 24, 1858. Spruce Creek, Pa. (died Ag 7, 1909). Children: Harry W., b. D 26, 1858; U. Grant, b. S 14, 1865; Drucilla D. Bauker, b. D i, 1866; Hor- ace H., b. S 18, 1869; Jesse R., b. Jl 12, 187 1 ; Bird B. Peterson, b. Ap 4, 1873; Jean- ette Filstrup, b. Ag 22, 1875. Died Ap 7, 191 1, Franklin Grove, 111. *PARKER EARLE Trustee, 1885-91; Fruit Grower; b. Ag 8, 1831, Mt. Holly, Vt. Came to 111., 1853- Introduced refrigerator cars for perishable fruit, 1879. Mem., 111. Hort, Soc, Pres. twice; Am. Hort. Soc, Pres., sixteen yrs.; Dir., Dept. of Hort., Cotton Centennial, New Orleans, 1884. Auth.: Many articles in agr. and hort. papers; addresses before hort. socs. , farmers' conventions, etc. Married Mclanie Tracy, Ag 24, 1855, Dwight, 111. Children: Franklin Sumner, b. S 4, 1856; Charles Theo- dore, b. 1861; Mary Tracy ('85), b. 1864. Died Ja 12, 1917, Pasadena, Calif. *RICHARD EDWARDS Trustee, e.v officio, 1887-91; Pres., Univ.; b. D 23, 1822, Cardiganshire, South Wales; s. Richard H. (b. 1799, do.) and Ann (Jones) Edwards (b. 1800, do.). Prepared in rural sch. near Palmyra, C). ; St. Norm. Sch., Bridgewater, Mass. B. S., Rensselaer Inst., 1847; C. E., do., 1848; A. M., hon., Harvard, 1863; LL. D., hon., Shurtleff Coll., 1867; D. D., hon., Blackburn Univ., 1891. Prin., St. Norm. Sch., Salem, Mass., 1853-57; do., St. Louis City Norm. Sch., 1857-62; Pres., 111. St. Norm. Univ., 1862-76; Pastor, Congr. Church, Princeton, 111., 1876-85; St. Supt., Pub. Instruction, 111., 1887-91; Pres., Black- burn Univ., Carlinville, 111., 1891-93; Com- piled two series of readers emphasizing certain pedagogical prin., 1867-80. Addresses: Life and Services of Nicholas Tillinghast, Barnards Jour., 1856; Life and Services of Cyrus Pierce; Life and Services of Mary Jane Cra- gin; last three published in the Nat. Teachers' Monthly, 1875; The Heritage of Culture; Uni- versal Education; Life and Character of Abra- ham Lincoln; Decennial address at the State Normal University, 1872; The Worth of a State Historical Society, 1900; The Rise and Progress of Normal Schools in the United States., Pub. Sch. Jour., 1806. Mem., 111. Indus. League, 1858; 111. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1862; St. Teachers' Assn., Pres., 1863-65; Page Lit. Assn., 1864; Nat. Educ. Assn., Congr. Church; 111. Central Assoc. of Congr. Churches, 1876; Am. Inst, of Civics, 1886; 111. St. Hist. Soc, 1900; Coll. Alumni Club, Bloomington, 111.; Bloomington Presbytery. Married Betsey Josselyn Samson, Jl 5, 1849. Children: Annie M., b. Je 13, 1850; Richard Arthur, b. N 9, 1851; Ellen S., b. Ag 23, 1853; Mary C, b. Je 20, 1855; Nicholas T., b. Jl 8, 1857; George H., b. My 25, i860; Walter A., b. S 17, 1862; Ralph A., b. Mr 23, 1865 (died Ja 15, 1869); Owen M. and Flor- ence M., b. Ap 3, 1868; Frederick N., b. Jl 9, 1870 (died Mr 26, 1874). Died Mr 7, 1908. *SAMUEL EDWARDS Trustee, 1867-73; Horticulturist; b. O 11, 1819, Skaneateles, N. Y. ; s. Abner (b. North- ampton, Mass.) and Fanny (Cleveland) Ed- wards (b. 1790, do.). Prepared in Acad., Onondaga Co., N. Y. One of the pioneer nurserymen and horts. of 111.; advocated the planting of evergreen trees on the prairies. Auth.: Many articles on hort. subjects for various mags, and papers. Mem., St. Hort. Soc, Pres., i860; No. 111. Hort. Soc, Pres., 1868-71; Bd. Supvrs., Bureau Co., 111.; Treas., Bureau Co., 1873-4; Trustee, Graves Pub. Lib., Mendota, 111., several yrs. Married Aurelia M. Parmetar, My 19, 1842, Pleasant Ridge, O. (died F 13, 1871); Emeline Bene- dict Sadd. Children: David Clinton; Sam- uel, Jr.; Julia Frances; John; John 2d; Cyrus LeRoy; Elizabeth. Died Ja 24, 1898, Men- dota, 111. *GEORGE C. EISENMAYER Trustee, 1883-89; Farmer; b. Jl 9, 1820, Hassloch, Ger. Prepared in home sch. Served in Civil War near Alton, 111. Took great interest in politics. Correspondent for several agr. and farm jours. Married M. Emig, 1845. Children: Alvina (Mrs. R. Hughes), b. 1852; Matilda L., b. 1861; Arthur W., b. 1864; Ida ('87), b. 1867. Died Ag 23, 1893, Mascoutah, 111. *JOHN M. EULL Trustee, 1873, Quincy, 111. Deceased. JOSEPH WILSON FIFER Trustee, ex officio, 1889-93; Lawyer; b. O 28, 1840, Stanton, Va. ; s. John and Mary Fifer. Prepared in Dist. Schs., McLean Co., 111. B. S., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1868; LL. D., hon., do., 1892. Admitted to the bar, 1870; Lawyer, Bloomington, II!., 1870 — ; Corp. Counsel, do., 1871; Sts. Atty.. McLean Co., 1872-80; Mem., 111. Senate, 1880-4; Gov., 111., 1889-93; candidate for re-election, 1892; can- didate for V. P. nomination before Rep. Nat. Convention, 1896. Pvt., 33d 111. Volunteer Inf., 1861-64; participated in Vicksburg Cam- paign, 1863; wounded in battle, Jackson, Miss., Jl 13, 1863. Mem., Interstate Com- merce Comn., 1899-1906. Married Gertrude Lewis, Je 15, 1870, Bloomington, 111. Address, yog N. McLean St., Bloomington, 111. *WILLARD CUTTING FLAGG Trustee, 1867-78; b. S 16, 1829, Moro, 111. Prepared in Wyman Inst., St. Louis. A. B., Yale, 1854. Served in Army as Enrolling 974 University of Illinois officer, Madison Co., 111., 1862; Appointed by Pres. Lincoln, Internal Revenue Collector, 5th Dist., 111., 1861-9; St. Senator, 1869-73; mem.. Rep. St. Comn., i860. For several years was director of experiments and Supt. of farms of the Univ. Hort. Ed., Prairie Farmer. Mem., 111. St. Farmers' Assn., Pres.; Am. Pomol. Soc, Sec, 1873-4. Married Sarah Smith, F 13, 1856. St. Louis. Children: Bessie, b. My 4, 1857 (died Je 28, 1859); Jennie, b. F 13, i860 (died S 18, i860); Isabel (Mrs. O. M. Hatch, Jr.), b. Je 17, 1861; Mary W. (Mrs. E. L. Gillham) b. F 17, 1863; Willard G., b. Mr 28, 1864 (died D 18, 1864); Norman G., b. Ag 4, 1867. Died Mr 30, 1878, Moro, 111. LUCY L. COUES-FLOWER Trustee, 1895-1901 (first woman mem. elect- ed); b. My 10, 1837, Boston. Studied in Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher, H. S., Madison, Wis.; mem. of Chicago Sch. Bd., 1891; largely instrumental in introduc- ing kindergartens and man. tr. in the Chicago Pub. Schs. ; in establishing the Parental Sch.; the St. Charles Home for Boys, and in secur- ing the Juvenile law; also helped organize the 111. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, and was the Pres. of the Bd. of Mgrs., for ten years. The II. S. of Indus. Arts for Women, in Chicago, named "The Lucy L. Flower H. S. of Indus- trial Arts" in her honor. Auth. : Numerous articles on educ, philanthrophy, and interest of children generally. Mem. and former Pres., Chicago Woman's Club; Leagvie of Cook Co. Woman's Clubs and 111. Tr. Sch. for Nurses; Chicago Fortnightly Club, and many lesser orgs. Married James M. Flower of Wis., Ag 1862, Washington, D. C. (died S 2, 1909, Coronado, Calif). Children: Elliott; Harriet D.; Louis B. Address, Coronado, Calif. GEORGE ALANSON FOLLANSBEE Trustee, 1883-89; Lawyer; b. F 26, 1843, Cook Co., 111.; s. Horatio N. and Emmeline (Sherman) FoUansbee. Prepared in Milwavikee H. S. A. B., Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 1865; A. M., do., 1867; LL. B., Harvard Law Sch., 1867. Mem., law firm, FoUansbee, Mc- Connell & FoUansbee, Chicago; do., McCon- nell & FoUansbee, New York City; Counsel, Adams, FoUansbee, Hawley & Shorey, Chicago. Mem., Am. Bar Assn., ex. V. P.; 111. St. Bar Assn., ex. Pres.; Law Club of Chicago; Har- vard Club; Union League Club; Chicago Bar Assn.; Pres., Chicago Lit. Club; delegate, Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; Unitarian Church. Married Susan D. Davis, Ap 14, 1869, Appleton, Wis. Children: Mitchell D. ; Mrs. Blanche Follans- bee-Caldwell; Mrs. Susan Follansbee-Hubbard; Alanson; Eunice D. Address, Winnetka, 111.; bus. add., 137 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. ♦THEOPHILUS HORN FOUNTAIN Trustee, 1873; Lawyer; b. Ag 12, 1844, Washington Co., 111. Prepared in Benton and Duquoin; McKendree Coll.; Ann Arbor, Mich, and Capt., Co. R, 13th Regt, 111. Cav. 1863-6; and Capt., Co. R, 13th Regt., 111. Cav. 1863-6; Master in Chancery for several yrs., between 1873-84; mem., St. Legislature. 1874-6; was a candidate for the nomination to Cong, from this dist.; was defeated by J. B. Thomas, 1878; practiced law in Chicago, 1887- 90; spent some time in N. M. on account of ill health; returned to his home in Duquoin a yr. before his death. Mem., I. O. O. F., and several local orgns. Married Mrs. E. Williams, N 29, 1885, Golconda, 111. Died O 3, 1892, Duquoin, 111. JOSEPH HEWETT FREEMAN Trustee, ex officio, 1898-9; Supt. and Instr.; b. My 13. 1841, Poland, Me.; s. Joseph and Abi- gail (Gross) Freeman. Prepared in Me. St. Sem. A. M. (hon.) Bates Coll., 1888. Prin. or Supt., village or city schs.. 111. and Colo., twenty-seven yrs.; Asst. St. Supt., Schs., 111., eight and one-half yrs.; Supt., Pub. Instr., seven months; Supt., 111. Sch. for the Blind, 1902-7; retired. Served in Civ. War, 2d Lt., Co. G., 23d Me. Inf. and Capt. Co. H, i^th Me. Inf. Mem., 111. Lib. Exten. Comn.; ( ongr. Church; G. A. R. ; Loyal Legion; K. T. Married Mary A. Stone, Ag 25, 1867, Unity, Me. Address, Aurora, 111. WILLIAM HOUSTON FULKERSON Trustee, ex officio, 1900-1901; Stock Farmer; !). S 9, 1834, Tazewell, Tenn. Prepared in McMinn. Acad., Rogersville, Tenn.; U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point. Served in Mormon War, 1857; as Indian Scout, 1858-9; served in the Confed. Army, 1861-5; was Col. of the 63d Tenn., when Gen. Lee surrendered, Ap 9, 1865; Was Co. Commander, 1875-8; Gen. Mgr., St. Louis, Jerseyville and Springfield (now Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis) R. R., 1881. Mem., 111. St. Bd. of W'orld's Fair Comns., 1893; 111- St. Bd. of Agr., 1887-98, Pres. 1899- 1900. Married Cornelia T. Russell, O 17, 1861, Rogersville, Tenn. Children: James W. (deceased); Joseph R. ; Frank E.; Frances R.; Sarah B. (Mrs. Charles S. White). Address, Jerseyville, 111. LAFAYETTE FUNK Trustee, 1891-3; Farmer and Stockraiser; b. Ja 20, 1834, Funk's Grove, 111.; s. Isaac fh. Clark Co., Ky.) and Cassabdra (Sharp) Funk (b. Sharpsburg, Md.). Prepared in log sch. at Funk's Grove. Sigma Chi. Grad. of Ohio Wesleyan LTniv., 1858. Supvr. of tp., twelve yrs; mem., lower house of Legislature, 1882- 3; mem. Senate, 1884-6; mem. St. Bd. of Agr. for twenty yrs. Married Elizabeth Paulin, Ja 12, 1864. Children: Eugene, b. S 3, 1867; Paul, b. Jl 9, 1871 (died Ja 2, 1873); De Loss, b. S I, 1882. Address, Shirley, 111. *ORSON BINGHAM GALUSHA Trustee, 1868-73; Horticulturist; b. D 2, 18 1 9, Bennington, Vt. ; s. Jonas and Electra (Hinsdale) Galusha. Prepared in Rochester Acad., N. Y. Engaged in hort. in Central M'ch.; moved to Grundy Co., 111., and started the Sand Ridge Nursery, which he ran success- tully until 1867; removed to southern part of Cirundy Co., and raised small fruits, 1867-83; retired in 1883. First trustee named by Gov. Richard J. Oglesby. He was largely instru- mental, with his life-long friend. Prof. J. B. Turner, in securing the establishing of the Univ. of 111. Auth.: Small Fruits and How to Grow Them; numerous essays on hort.; con- tributor for many yrs. to Moore's Rural New Yorker, The Prairie Farmer, and other publica- tions. Mem., III. St. Hort. Soc. (one of the organizers and Sec, for sixteen yrs.). Married Mary J. Hinsdale, 1842, of Kalamazoo, Mich. Child, Mrs. William Hawley Smith. Died, 1898, Peoria. ♦DANIEL GARDNER Trustee, 1873-81; b. D 18, 1815, Warehouse Point, Windsor, Conn. Co. Commissioner, Licking Co., O., 1854-8; mem. O. Senate, 1856- 8; first Mayor of Champaign, i860. Mem., Chicago Bd. of Trade, 1862-82; Champaign Co. Fair Assn., Pres. and Dir. ; many other local orgns. Married Mary Josephine Hodges, Ap 6, 1840, Homer O. Children: Frederick Cheney, b. D 25, 1840 (died O 20, 1842); Emily Cheney (Mrs. Henry Swannell), b. Jl 26, 1843 (died Ap $, 1919); Dick Hodges, b. N 8, 1847; Olive Augusta (Mrs. N. A. Lloyd'); Willis Smith, b. Ap 21, 1856; Jessie, b. Ap 27, 1863. Died F 13, 1883, Champaign. r Trustees 975 *DANIEL B. GILLHAM Trustee, ex officio, 1875-9; Farmer and Stock- raiser; b. Ap 29, 1826, Wanda, 111.; s. John Gillham. Prepared in Saline sch. house, near Wanda; McKendree Coll. Mem., Dem. St. Cent. Com.; the 27th Gen. Assem. ; St. Senate, 1882-86. Mem., Bd. of Trustees of Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, for many yrs; St. Bd. of Agr. for twenty yrs., several times Pres.; Bap- tist Church. Married. Children; One son and five daughters. Died Ap 6, 1890, Upper Alton, •MOORE C. GOLTRA Trustee, 1867-73; b. O 29, 1810. Came to 111. in 1836; identified with the early develop- ment of this state; contr. and builder of the first Inst, for Insane, and Sch. for the Deaf, Jacksonville; one of the first mems. of the Bd. of Trustees, and one of the men who located the lands set aside by the govt, for the Univ. of 111. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr. Died Ap 11, 1881. DAVID GORE Trustee, 1893-7; b- Ap 5, 1827, Trigg Co., Ky. Came with parents to MacUson Co., 111., 1834; served in Mexican War as Q. M., after- wards locating in Macoupin Co., where he has been extensively engaged in farming; In 1874 he was an unsuccessful Greenback-Labor can- didate for St. Treas. ; in 1884 elected to St. Senate from Macoupin-Morgan Dist. ; St. Auditor of Pub. Accts., 1892-97. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr. sixteen yrs., Pres. 1893-4; St. Bd. of Equalization, Chm., 1892-6. Address, Carlinville, Ill.t *NELSON W. GRAHAM Trustee, 1891-7; b. N 2, 1815, near Natural Bridge, Va. ; s. George (b. Scotland) and Rebecca (Patterson) Oraham (b. Ireland). Engaged in Gen. bus. until retirement. Pres., Bd. of Trustees. Married Eliza Galigher; Sarah Barbour. Children: William Carey (died) ; Malcolm (died); Lillian (died); George Washington. Died Jl 15, 1901, Chicago. Trustee ston for many yrs L. L. GREENLEAF 17-7. Was a resident of Evan- Deceased. *JOHN MILTON GREGORY Trustee, 1867-73. (See Faculty.) ♦CLARK ROBINSON GRIGGS Trustee, 1869-73; R- R- Contr.; b. Mr 6, 1824. Removed to Champaign Co., 1859; Had served as mem. of the legislature of Mass. before coming west; Appointed by Col. W. N. Coler, sutler of the 25th Regt. ; Later resigned position and built a store bakery at Memphis, Tenn., catering for Regts. of the post varying from 5,000 to 10,000 at a time until close of war; For short time carried on Mississippi River trade with his boat, the R. B. Hamilton; At close of war continued agr.- pursuits at Ur- bana; became mayor; constructed the Gas Works of Urbana & Champaign. Played a most important part in securing location of Univ. at Urbana; Under the name of J. N. Converse & Co., constructed the first fifty miles of R. R. in St. of Neb. from the Mo. River to Lincoln; Secured charter for Dan- ville, Urbana, Bloomington & Pekin Ry., and was elected to Pres. of Co.; Few yrs. later resigned and moved to N. Y. to regain health; Contracted with the Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co. to build a road from Toledo, O., to Wheeling, W. Va. ; built over 200 miles of road when offer came to sell; Trouble arose and in spite of fifteen yrs. of conflict, no ade- quate settlement was ever made; Since then associated with a Syndicate for building a low grade short line R. R. from New York to Pittsburgh; Grade greatly reduced by Mr. Griggs. Died D 7, 1915. ♦ALBERT PHILANDER GROUT Trustee, 1908-1913; b. Ag 15, 1848, Elmore, Vt. ; s. Horace (b. Ap 9, 1816, do.) and Malinda (Bullock) Grout (b. O 10, 1825, Barre, Vt.). Prepared in Peoples Acad., Mor- risville, Vt. ; A. B., Dartmouth, 1873. Zeta Psi. Married Percie J. Carpenter, Jl 26, 1882, Winchester, 111. Child, Joseph Carpenter, b. F 9, 1890. Died O 22, 1915, Winchester, 111. ♦FRANCIS BOGGS HALLER Trustee, 1873; Physician; b. O 13, 1826, Lewiston, Pa. Prepared in Hillsboro Acad.; LTniv. of Mo., 1851; Jefferson Med. Coll., 1865. Located in Vandalia in 1851 for practice of Med., where he remained until his death. Mem., Co., Dist. and St. Med. Socs. (Pres. of latter, 1866); A. M. A.; M. E. Church; A. F. A. M.; for yrs. a mem. of St. Bd. of Charities. Married Lucinda R. Higgins, My 22, 1856, Chandlerville, III. Children: Mary, Minnie and Maude. Died S 14, 1895, Vandalia, 111. ♦JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON Trustee, ex officio, 1883-5; Lawyer; b. My 28, 1847, Richwood, O. ; s. Samuel and Nancy (McMorris) Hamilton. Prepared in country schs.; Acad., Henry, HI.; O. Wesleyan, 1868. Teacher in Acad., Henry, 1869; in 111. Wesle- yan Univ., and studied law; admitted to bar, 1870; formed partnership with J. H. Rowell; St. Sen., 28th senatorial dist., 1876-80; on st. ticket for Lt. Gov., 1880; Gov. of HI., 1883- 5. Enlisted in Co. I, 141st 111. Inf., served about seven months. Mem., St. Bar Assn., two terms, V. P.; I. O. O. F. ; K. of P.; M. E. Church, Trustee. Married Helen M. Wil- liams, Jl, 1 87 1, Bloomington, III. Three chil- dren. Died S 22, 1905. ♦DAVID S. HAMMOND Trustee, 1867-70; b. Ja 15, 1811, Washing- ton Co., N. Y. Came west, 1840, and settled on small farm in Hanover Tp., Cook Co., 111.; was a carpenter; built tavern, in 1848, on old Galena and Chicago stage road; assessor one term; supvr., fourteen yrs.; chm., seven yrs.; elected Sheriff of Cook Co., 1862; ap- pointed R. R. and warehouse commissioner by Gov. Palmer, and served four yrs.; one of the trustees that located the Insane Asylum. Mar- ried Laura A. Barnard, 1839, Glens Falls, N. Y. Children: Mary A. Hammond-Gilbert, b. 1846; Eugene G., b. 1848; Edward D., b. 1852. Died My 26, 1883, Hammonds Sta., Kane Co., 111. ♦GEORGE HARDING Trustee, 1867-8. Died, 1868, Paris, 111. OLIVER ALBERT HARKER Trustee, 1890-91. (See Faculty.) R. R. HARRINGTON Trustee, 1871-77. t ♦CYRUS HARTWELL Trustee, 1873; Farmer; s. Nathan (b. Con- cord, N. H.) and Mary (Scott) Hartwell (b. Antrim, Ire.). Prepared in Newark, O. A. B., Marietta Coll., O. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Married Anna Marston, Hoopeston, 111. Died S 10, 1893, Hoopeston, 111. ♦GEORGE SAMUEL HASKELL Trustee, ex officio, 1891-3; b. O 4, 1838, Rockford, 111. Prepared in Antioch, O. Alder- man of City of Rockford. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr., 1880-91; A. F. A. M., Blue Lodge, 976 University of Illinois Chapter and Commandery. Married Lydia E. Howell, D 1850, Battle Creek, Mich. Chil- dren: George Edward, b. Ap s, 1861 (died N 1869); Mark Tracy, b. N 1863 (died Mr, i88i). Died Ag 12, 1891, Rockford, 111. FREDERICK LEWIS HATCH Trustee, 1899-1913. (See No. 22.) *SAMUEL SNOWDEN HAYES Trustee, 1867-70; Lawyer and Politican; b. D 25, 1820, Nashville, Tenn. Engaged in drug bus., Shawneetown, Tenn., 1838-40; Began study of law and was admitted to practice in 1842, locating at Mt. Vernon and later at Carmi, 111.; Took interest in politics, stumping the southern counties for the Dem. party, 1853-4; del. to the Memphis Col. Convention, 1845; elected to lower House of the St. Legis- lature, 1846; re-elected in 1848; raised com- pany for service in Mex. War, 1S47, but did not serve; del. to St. Constitutional Conven- tion, for White Co., 1847; Dem. Presidential Elector, 1848; removed to Chicago, 1S52; City Solicitor and City Comptr., 1862-5; Del. to Nat. Dem. Convention at Charleston and Balti- more, i860, and earnest worker for Douglas in following campaign; del. from Cook Co. to the St. Constitution Convention, 1869-70. Died Ja 28, 1880. ELLEN MARTIN HENROTIN Trvistee, 1912-17; b. Jl 1847. Portland. Me.; d. Edward Bvani (b. Ag 181 1, Camden, Me.) and Sarah Ellen Martin (b, D 30, 1821, Portland, Me.). Studied in England, France and Ger- many, 1860-68. V. P., Congress Auxiliary of World's Columbian Exposition. 1893; Pres., Gen. Federation of Woman's Clubs, 1894-98; Pres., The Foiiiiiglitly; Trustee, Univ. of 111., 1912-17. Decorated by the Sultan of Turkey with order of Chefakat, 1893; Made an Officer de r Academic by French Republic, 1899; deco- rated by Leopold II, Chevalier de I'Ordre de Leopold, 1904. Mem., Fortnightly Club of Chi- cago; Friday Club; Chicago Woman's Club; Woman's City Club. Married Charles Henrotin, S 2, 1869, (Chicago (died Jl 25, 1914). Chil- dren: Edward Clement, b. Ag 17, 1871; Charles Martin, b. Jl 19, 1876; Morris Bates, b. S 14, 1885. Address, 1215 Madison Ave., New York City. OTIS WILLIS HOIT Trustee, 1911 — . (See No. 212.) *J. P. HUNGATE Trustee, 1867-8. Died, 1872, Louisville, Ky. *OBADIAH HUSE Trustee, 1873; b. Jl i, 1810, Concord, N. H. Prepared in Kertz Hill, Me. Pursued the study of Divinity. Held many civil honors and positions. Married Mary Knight, Frei- bury. Me., 1840. Children: Fred Dresden, b. 1850; Marie Castine, b. 1854; Florence, b. 1856. Died, O 13, 1887, Evanston, III. *SAMUEL M. INGLIS Trustee, ex officio, 1895-8; b. Ag 15, 1838; received an early educ. in O.; came to 111. in 1856, and grad. with first honors from the Mendota Collegiate Inst., 1861. Enlisted in the loth 111. Inf., 1862; discharged for dis- ability; Took charge of an acad. in Hills- boro, 1865, meanwhile studying law with Judge E. Y. Rice; Supt. Schs., Greenville, 1S68-83; Prof., Math., St. Norm. Sch., Car- bondale. 111., 1883-6; transferred to chair of Lit., Rhet., and Eloc, 1886; St. Supt., Pub. Instr., 1894-8. Died Je i, 1898, Kenosha, Wis. *DARIUS JOHNSON Trustee, 1873. Died, N 17, 1887, Pontiac, 111. •JOHN STEPHEN JOHNSON Trustee, 1867-73; Farmer; b. O 2, 1818, Watertown, N. Y. Married Judith Johnson, My 20, 1846, Quincy, 111. Children: Florette, b. F 18, 1850; Ida A., b. S 10, 1856; Frank C, b. Ja 20, 1859; Mary Emma, b. O 12, 1861. Deceased. *JAMES WILLIAM JUDY Trustee, e:r officio, 1895-7; Farmer; b. My 8, 1822, (Tlarke Co., Ky. ; s. Martin (b. 1797, Ky.) and Nancy (Burroughs) Judy (b. 1800, do.). Prepared in common sch., Ky. Farmer, Menard Co., 111., since 1851; also traveled, selling thoro^ighbred cattle and as auctioneer from Can. to Calif., from Minneapolis to San AntoniOj Tex., and over all the intermediate country where such cattle were raised. Was Col. :14th 111. Inf., 1862; was in the siege of Vicksburg forty-five days on the firing line. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr., Pres. at one time, 1895 — ; Christian Church. Married Catherine Ann Simpson, Mr 23, 185 1, Menard Co., Ill, (died S 12, 1903). Children: Emma Ade- laide b. F 2, 1852 (died Je 8, 185^); William Scott, b. O 14, 1853 (died D 16, 1893); Charles Carroll, b. Mr 17, 1856; Maria Luella, b. S 20, 1858 (died Ap 30, 1863); James Joseph, b. Ja 15, 1862 (died My 7, 1863); Julia Birdie, b. Je 30, 1865 (died O 22, 1875.) Died S 16, 1916. GEORGE FREDERIC KENOWER Trustee, 188 1-3. (See No. 72.) *LEONIDAS HAMLINE KERRICK Trustee^ 1903-7; Farmer; b. O 16, 1846, Franklin Co., Ind. Prepared in pub. and pvt. schs. of Ind. and at home. B. S., 111. Wes- leyan LTniv., 1866; A. M., in ctirsn. Licensed to practice law, 1868; With Maj. J. W. Powell Geol. Sur., 1867, first yr. of his work in the west. Mem., 111. House of Rep., 27th Gen. Assem.; M. E. Church, Del. to Gen. Conf., 1900, Chicago; Am. Aberdeen-Angus Assn., Pres.; Am. Breeders' Assn., V. P.; Trustee 111. Wesleyan Univ. Married Sallie E. Funk, O 29, 1868, Bloomington, 111. Children: Wil- liam, b. Jl 26, 1869 (died Jl 11, 1873); Daisy, b. Ja 30, 1871 (died Jl 20, 1873); Idelle B., b. Je 13, 1874. Died Mr 13, 1907, at Bloom- ington, 111., the day after he was elected Pres. of the Board of Trustees. *DR. WILLIAM KILE Trustee, ex officio, 1869-70; b. 1809, Fayette Co., O. Married. Children: Robert H.; (Mrs.) Carrie Kile Beebe. Died O 4, 1877. ♦EDWARD KITCHELL Trustee, 1869. Died 1869, Olney, 111. •JOHN LANDRIGEN Trustee, ex officio, 1882-7; Farmer; b. 1832, Co. Tipperary, Ire. Prepared in Sem., Lafay- ette, Ind. Engaged in R. R. and canal const.; coming to 111., 1856, he purchased farm near Albion, where he resided. Twice elected House of Rep. (1868 and '74), and twice to the St. Sen., (1870 and '96). Mem., St. Agr. Soc, Pres., four yrs. ; V. P., sixteen yrs. Died Mr 26, 1911. •LUTHER W. LAWRENCE Trustee, 1867-73; Minister and Farmer; b. Ap 19, 1808, Chenango Co., N. Y. ; s. John (b. Mr 8, 1778, Middlesex Co., Mass.) and Lydia (Sweet) Lawrence (b. N 18, 1777, Saratoga, N. Y.). In early life was a tanner; came to 111. in 1873; first Co. Supt., Schs., Boone Co.; elected to St. Legislature in 1854, the first Rep. elected in Boone Co., and served three terms; mem.. Constitutional Convention, 1862; elected Probate Judge, Boone Co., 1865, served twelve yrs.; Tp. Treas., Schs., 1840-83. Pastor, Trustees 977 Baptist churches in no. 111. for twenty-five yrs. Married Elvina t'hamberlain, Ja 22, 1829, Cazevonia, N. Y. (died My 2, 1891). Children: Alonzo D., b. D 25, 1831 (died S ig, 1910); Harriet E. (Sturtevant), b. Jl 17, 1835 (died Ja 7, 191 1); Sarah A. (Wyckoff), b. Ap 18, 1837 (died Ja 10, i8g6) ; Lucia E. (Smith) b. Ap 14, i8^g (died My 20, 1869); Esther M. ; Luther C. Died Jl 25, 1886, Belvidere. 111. LEWIS L. LEHMAN Trustee, 1905-9; Banker; b. Ag 13, 1845, Bruchsal, Baden, Ger. Prepared in Bruchsal Gymnasium. Served in Army; enlisted in Ag II, 1862, Co. B, 86th 111. Vol. Inf., mustered out Jl 24, 1865. Clerk, Circuit Court, Mar- shall Co., 111., 1868-73; St. Sen.. 3jd Dist., 1888-92; Pres., First Nat. Bank, Mattoon, 111. Mem. City Council, Mattoon, 111., ten yrs.; Co. Bd., 1885-1902, chm., 1901; Bd. of Educ, Mattoon, Pres., 1897-1904; Lib. Bd., Pres., 1896-1906; Mayor, 1907. Married Ella M. Granger, D 12, 1888, Mattoon, 111. Children: Marion, b. O 28, 1889; Louis Harry, b. Ag 6, 1895. Address, Mattoon, III. ♦WILLIAM LINDSAY Trustee, 1873; Business man; b. My 23, 1821, Martinsville, 111.; s. Vincent and Martha (Warren) Lindsay. Admitted to the bar in the early fifties; did not follow the prac- tice of law to any extent, but used it as an aid in bus. career; elected mem. lower house of the Legislature, 1876. Married Rebecca Jane McCrory, 1844 (died 1908). Children: James M.; Laura B. Died 1884. FRANK ORREN LOWDEN Trustee, e.v officio, 1917 — ; Governor; b. Ja 26, 1861, Svmrise, Minn.; s. Lorenzo Lowden. Prepared in Harden Co., la. la. St. Univ.; Union Coll. of Law (now N. W.). Lowden, Estabrook & Davis, lawyers, 1898; Delegate to Rep. Nat. Convention, 1900; Rep. Nat. Committeeman for 111., Mem. of ex. body of Nat. Com., 1904-12; Mem., Congress from 13th dist., 1906-11 (voluntarily retired); Farmer Sinnissippi Farm, Oregon, 111., 1900 — ; Gov ernor of 111., 1917 — . Lt. Col., ist Regt., Ill Nat. Guard., Pres., Alumni Assn.; Trustee, N W. Univ.; do., Univ. of Chicago; do., Knox Coll. Married Florence Pullman, Ap 29, 1896 Children: Florence; Pullman; Harriet; Frances Address, Springfield, 111. *A. B. McCONNELL Trustee, ex officio, 1867-8. Pres., St. Bd. Agr., 1865-8. Died, D 26, 1906, Springfield, 111. FRANCIS MARION McKAY Trustee, 1885-1901. (See No. 277.) WILLIAM B. McKINLEY Trustee, 1903-5; Pres. 111. Traction Co., 'and Congressman; b. S 5, 1856, Petersburg, 111. Prepared in Champaign H. S. ; Attended Univ. of 111., two yrs. Clerk in store and bank, 1874- 77; mgr. and partner, banking and mortgage loan bus. of J. B. & W. B. McKinley, 1877—; building and operating pub. utilities, 1885 — ; Organized and Ijecame Pres., 111. Traction Co.; West. Rys. & Light System. Mem., 59th to 62nd Congresses, 1905-13, 64th and 6sth Con- gresses, 19 1 5-19, 19th 111. Dist. Mem., Red Men; I. 0. O. F. ; A. F. A. M. ; K. of P.; B. P. O. E. ; Union League, Hamilton and Press Clubs, Chicago; Chevy Chase, Cosmos and Press Clubs, Washington, D. C. Married Kate W. Frisbee. F 1881, Chicago. Address, 812 W. University Ave., Champaign. •ALEXANDER McLEAN Trustee, 1876-1901; Real Est. Agt.; b. S 24, 1833, Glasgow, Scot. Prepared in Pub. Schs., Scot. In Militia, 1856-58; Commissioned 2nd Lt. by Gov. Matteson and Deputy Provost Marshal, 1863-4. Mem. City Council of Ma- comb, 1858-9; Mayor, 1873-6; elected four times; was elector in 1876 and selected as messenger to carry vote to Washington on Hayes campaign; Deputy Circuit Clerk, Mc- Donough Co., eight yrs. Wrote Hist. Mc- Donough Co. Appointed a mem. of Bd. of Trustees, Univ. of 111., by Gov. Oglesby and elected three times, six yr. terms, the longest continuous membership on bd.; Moderator of Salem, twenty-five yrs. Mem., Baptist Assn., of 111.; Macomb Club, twenty-seven yrs.; Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W. of 111., Treas.; Grand Sec. I. O. M. A., twenty-four yrs.; Su; preme Council, Masonic order, 33rd degree; I. O. O. F., fifty-one yrs.; filled all offices in subordinate lodge, K. O. lodge, twenty-five yrs.; K. T., forty yrs.; other beneficiary and assessment orders. Married Martha J. Ran- dolph, D 31, 1856, near Macomb, 111. Chil- dren: William R., b. Mr, 1858; John B., b. D 21, 1859; Benj. F., b. Mr 29, 1862 ;Alex., Jr., b Mr 27, 1864; Fred R., first, b. 1866; Fred R., second, b. Mr 6, 1869; Edgar R., b. My 14, 1873; William R., second, b. Ja 21, 1878; I. R., b. Mr 3, 1873; Walter R., b. N 16, 1881. Died O II, 1907. LUKE B. McMURRAY Trustee, 1867-73. Effingham, 111.$ GEORGE H. MADDEN Trustee, ex officio, 1907-8; Banker; b. Mr 7, 1854, Mendota, 111.; s. John C. (b. Ire.) and Mary (Sullivan) Madden (b. do.). Prepared in Blackstone Sch., Mendota; Attended Notre Dame Univ., Ind., 1871-2. Mem., 111. St. Bd. of Agr., Pres., 1907-8. Married Cora Strother, S 4, 1879, Mendota, 111. Children: Cora Es- telle, b. Je 19, 1880; Geo. Strother, b. S 2, 1881 (died O 20, 1911); Ralph C, b. Ja 21, 1885; Aimee Lucile, b. Ag 18, 1887. Address, Mendota, 111. ♦ISAAC SANDERS MAHAN Trustee, 1867-75; Minister; b. O 4, 1828, Sardinia, O. Prepared in Lexington H. S. A. M., Knox Coll. Married Jane H. Sher- man, O 10, 1853, Peoria. Children: Henry W., b. D 3, 1854; Jennie C, b. Ja 6, 1859. Died O 31, 1893, (Thicago. *JOHN L. MANSFIELD Trustee, 1873; Farmer; b. 1803, Brunswick, Ger. Attended Univs. (jottingen and Heidel- berg. Was educated as an Astronomer, and was ofi'ered charge of obs. Jena; Was examined in math, by the celebrated Gauss, and awarded highest honors; was versed in lang., lit., and arch. He left Ger. in 1823, remained one yr. in Eng. before coming to Am. ; obtained posi- tion in the Wash. Inst.; Chair of Math., Univ. of Pa. for many yrs. Moved to his farm near Mansfield, 111., 1870, and lived there until his death. Enlisted in the Civil War as pvt. ; was promoted to Gen., Brig.-Gen., and Brevt. Maj.- Gen. Married Josephine Turner, 1841. Chil- dren: Fielding, Margaret, Oscar, Maria, Charley. Died S 20, 1876, Mansfield, 111. *ROSWELL B. MASON Trustee, 1873-83; b. S 19, 1805, New Hart- ford, N. Y. Prepared in Dist. Sch.; New Hartford Acad. ; studied engng. in a select sch., Utica, N. Y., two yrs. Appointed Supt., Morris Canal ; located and constructed Housa- tonic R. R., and was Engr. and Supt., 1836- 48; built I. C. R. R., 1851-6; built bridge over Miss River, between Dubuque and Dunlieth, 1867-8; built New York and New Haven R. R., and was Supt.; built I. C. R. R. from Du- buque to Sioux City, 1857-9; was connected with the Chicago & Alton JR. R., and was Land Commissioner for I. C. R. R. Appointed by 978 University of Illinois III. Legislature mem. of Bd. of Pub. Wks., Chicago to take charge of lowering summit of 111. and Mich. Canal, 1865-9; Mayor, Chicago, 1869-71. Auth. : Reports and articles on pub. works, last one on drainage canal. Mem., Bd. of Engrs., Chicago (at one time pres.) ; Presby. Church (Elder) ; one of the original incorpora- tors of the Presby. Theol. Sem., organized F 16, 1857, and a dir. and trustee. Married Har- riet Lavinia Hopkins, S 6, 1831, Parsippany, N. J. Children: Sarah Caroline (Mrs. Henry G. Miller), b. 1833; George Arnold, b. 1835 (died 1855) ; Alice Lindsey (Mrs. J. H. Trow- bridge), h. 1837; Edward Gay, b. 1839 (died D 18, 1898); Roswell Henry, b. 1841; Harriet •Hopkins (Mrs. W. F. G. Anderson), b. 1845; Henry Burrall, b. 1848; Alfred Bishop, b. 185 1. Died Ja i, 1892, Chicago. ARTHUR MEEKER Trustee, 1908-15; Packer; b. Ap 11, 1866, Chicago; s. A. B. (b. Utica, N. Y.) and Marie Louise (Griggs) Meeker (b. New Lebanon, N. Y.) Prepared in Harvard H. S., Delta Psi B. S., Sheffield Scientific Sch., 1886. Ph. B., Yale. V. P., Armour & Co., packers, Chicago; Dir., Chicago Junction Ry. Co.; do., Central Mfg. Dist. Bank; do., Peoples Stock Yards St. Bank. Mem., Metropolitan Club, Washing- ton; The Links, Racquet and Tennis, Brook, University Clubs, New York; Saddle and Cycle Club, Onwentsia Married Grace Murray, 1892, Paris. Address, 3030 Lake Shore Drive, Chi- cago; bus. add.. Union Stock Yards, Chicago. *SYLVESTER M. MILLARD Trustee, 1879-91; Lawyer; b. Ag 24, 1839, Shiawasse Co., Mich. Prepared in boarding Sch., Lansing, Mich. Grad. from Agr. Coll. Lansing, 1864. Instr., Olivet Coll., 1864-5; studied law, office of Butler & Cottrell. Milwaukee, 1865; admitted to bar, 1867; prac- ticed law, Chicago, 1868; had as jr. partners at various times, Judge Blanchard, Judge Fred A. Smith, I. K. Boyesen, Charles P. Abbey, and William B. Hale. Took active part in Lake Co., politics for a niimber of yrs. ; alder- man in Highland Park. Mem., Union League Club; Bar Assn.; and served for a time on Bd. of Law Inst. Married Amelia C. Col- lins, 1870. Children: Fred C; Everett L. ; Mrs. Hugo G. Fischer. Died D i, 1905, Lake Geneva, Wis. ALLEN FRANCIS MOORE Trustee, 1909-15; Mfr. and Banker; b. S 30, 1869, St. Charles, 111.; s. Henry V. (b. D I, 1837, Fairview, 111.) and Alzina W. (Free- man) Moore (b. Ap 5, 1840, St. Charles, 111.). Prepared in Monticello H. S. Phi Delta Theta. B. S., Lombard Coll., 1889. Mayor, Monti- cello, HI., 1900-2. Mem., LTnion League Club, Chicago; Trustee, Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111. Married Madora Bradford, Mr 20, 1895, Quincy, HI. Children: Capt. Bradford V., b. My 27, 1896; Mary A., b. O 9, 1898, (died N 26, 1899) ; Allen F., b. S 22, 1905. Address, Monticello, 111. *RICHARD PRICE MORGAN Trustee, 189 1-7. (See No. H30.) •NAPOLEON B. MORRISON Trustee, 1893-9; Coal Operator; b. F 12, 1824, Waterford, Vt.; s. Moses F. (b. N 26, 1788, Corinth, Vt.) and Zilpha (Smith) Mor- rison (b. Ap 12, 1793, Bath, N. H.). Prepared in Newburg Acad. Studied Civ. Engng. and practiced twenty yrs. in N. H., Vt., N. Y., O., and 111. Engaged in Const. White Mountain R. R. ; N. Y. Central; Baltimore and O. South- western; present in Chicago at letting of con- tracts for I. C. R. R., 1852. Came to 111., 1862. Engaged in Mercantile bus., 1862-85; Pres., Odin Coal Co., from orgn., 1885, till death. Interested in agr. and stock raising. Agr. Exp. Sta., Odin located through his ef- forts. Mem., 28th Gen. Assembly which re- vised the laws in accordance with the new constitution of 1870. Married Margaret La- vinia Smart, O 11, 1854, Greenfield, O. (died O 9. 1882). Children: Sadie Helen, b. Ja 7, 1861 (died D ii, 1863); Jennie Bell, b. Ap II, 1863; Jessie Smart, b. S 3, 1865 (died Ap 29, 1873); Helen Beecher, b. O 30, 1867; Charles Hugh, b. F i, 1871- Lavinia Zilpha, b. Mr 10, 1873 (died Ag 4, 1883.) Mem., Baptist Church; A. F. A. M.; 111. Coal Opera- tors Assn. Died N 10, 191 1, Odin, III. AUGUSTUS F. NIGHTINGALE Trustee, 1899-1905; Educator; b. N 11. 1843, Quincy, Mass.; s. Thomas J. (b. F 26, 1801, do.) and Alice (Brackett) Nightingale (b. 1802, do.). Prepared in Quincy Pub. Sch., and Pvt. Conf. Sem., Newbury, Vt. Psi Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. A. B., Wesleyan Univ., Middle- town, Conn., 1866; A. M., do., 1869; Ph. D., Upper la. Univ., 1891; LL. D., Simpson Coll., 1901. Occupied chair of Ancient Langs., Upper la. Univ., 1866-8; Acting Pres., N. W. Female Coll.; 1868-71; Chair of Ancient Langs., Simp- son Coll., 1871-2; Supt., Pub. Schs., Omaha, 1872-4; Prin., Lake View H. S., Chicago, 1874- 90; Asst. Supt., Chicago Pub. Schs., in charge of Elementary Schs., 1890-2; Asst. Supt. in charge of the H. Schs. of Chicago, 1892-1901; Supt. Schs., Cook Co., HI., 1902-10; retired, 1912 — . Auth.: Requirements for Admission to Am. Colls., D. Appleton & Co., 1879. Ed.: Twentieth Century Text-Books for Secondary Schs., do., 1899-1906; eighty-five in all; also a large nmnber of pamphlets and reports. Mem., Neb. Teachers' Assn. (Pres., 1872-3); Neb. St. Sabbath Sch. Assn. (Pres., 1873-4); HI- St. Teachers Assn. (Pres., 1886-7); Secondary Dept., Nat. Educ. Assn. Pres., 1888-9) ; North Central Assn. of Secondary Schs. and Coll. (Pres., 1899); Com. of the North Central Assoc, of Secondary Schs. and Coll. on Ac- credited Schs.; H. Sch. Teachers Assn. of Chicago (Pres., 1892-1901); N. W. Alumini Assn. of Wesleyan Univ. (Pres., 1891-9; N. W. Alumni Assn. of the Psi Upsilon (Pres., 1890); Mass. Soc. in Chicago (Pres., 1895); Educ. Comn. of 111., 1907-11; 111. St. Teachers' Reading Circle, 1902-10; Epworth M. E. Church (Trustee, 1890); Bd. of Trustees, Univ. of III. (Pres., 1902). Married Fanny O. Chase, Ag 24, 1866, Brookline, N. H. Children: Florence, b. My 22, 1868; Carl Fred, b. S 26, 1869 (died S 26, 1870); Harry, b. O II, 1871; Jessie Irma, b. F 27, 1873; Winifred, b. 20, 1874; Pearl Romeyn, b. D 12, 1875. Address, 916 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. •RICHARD J. OGLESBY Trustee, e.v officio, 1867-8, 87-91; Gover- nor; b. JI 25, 1824. Prepared in Decatur, 111. Farmer and carpenter. 111. and Ky., in early yrs. ; studied law with Silas W. Robbins, Springfield, 1844; lawyer, Moultrie Co., until the outbreak of Mex. War. Volunteered 1845; elected ist Lt., Co. C, 14th 111.; Col. Eighth Regt., Springfield, 1861; was wounded at Bat- tle of Corinth, 0., 1862; recovered and was promoted to Maj.-Gen. of Volunteers by Pres. Lincoln. Went to Calif, for purpose of gold min., 1840. Elected Gov. of III., 1864; re- elected 1872; elected to U. S. Senate, served until Mr 4, 1879; retired to pvt. life, but in 1884 was nominated for Gov. for third time and entered third term, Ja. 1885; after close of term, Ja 1889, retired to farm near Elkhart, 111. ; received Rep. nomination, U. S. Senator, 1890. Pres., Nat. Lincoln Monument Assoc, organized My 11, 1865; delivered address dedi- cation of Monument, O 15, 1874. Married I Trustees 979 Anna E. White, 1859, Decatur (died My, 1868); Mrs. Keyes, 1873, Elkhart. Children: Robert; Olive (Mrs. Snyder); Emma Louise; Richard John; Jasper. Died Ap .24, 1899. ♦ROBERT NEWTON PADEN Trustee, 1881-7; b. 1830, Todd Co., Ky. Prepared in Lutheran Coll., Hillsboro, 111. En- gaged in lumber bus., Hillsboro, 1856; Mayor, Litchfield, 1865; built the City Hall and con- tracted for the first pub. sch. house; held va- rious offices of trust in city, tp., and co. Mem., Presby. Church (Elder and S. S. Supt. for many years). Married Illinois Blackwell, 1855, Vandalia, 111. (died My 16, 1881.); Anna Grinsted, My 8, 1883, Litchfield, 111. Child, Joseph T. Eccles, b. Je 13, 1857 (died O 5, 1857.) Died Je 18, 1895, Litchfield. •JOHN McAULEY PALMER Trustee, 1869-73; Governor; b. S 13, 1817, Eagle Creek, Ky. ; s. Louis D. and Ann (Tutt) Palmer. Prepared in pub. Schs. Attended Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, for one yr., 1833; studied law and entered law office of John L. Greathouse, Carlinville, 1839; received licensp to practice, 1841; elected Probate Justice, 1843; Mem., constitutional convention, 1847; Co. Judge, 1849-51; mem., St. Senate, 1852-8; pre- sided over Rep. St. convention, 1856; St. del. to peace conf., 1861 ; entered Civ. War as Col. of 14th 111. Vol. Inf.; Gov. of 111., 1869-73; supported nat. ticket (the Greeley ticket), 1872; nominee of the legislative caucus for U. S. Senator, 1877; and again in 1883, but was de- feated; again nominated, 1889, and secured election by one vote, Mr 4, 1891; Dem. candi- date for Gov. of 111., 1888; but was defeated by Joseph Fifer. "Sound Money" Dem. nomi- nee for Pres., 1896. Married in 1842. Died S 25, 1900. *J. IRVING PEARCE Trustee, 1897-9; Hotel Prop, and Banker; b. Jl 27, 1827, Rushville, N. Y.; s. Samuel (b. Jl 27, 1792, Middlesex, N. Y.) and Eliza (Larned) Pearce (b. Mr 26, 1909). Prepared in Yates Co. (N. Y.) Schs. Came from N. Y., St. in i'8s2, to Chicago and took charge of the Matteson House, and was a hotel prop, or owner almost continuously from then to the time of his death, sixty yrs. ; Pres., Third Nat. Bank, Chicago, 1863-77, and was widely known to 111. country bankers; was a very large holder of Chicago real est. Mem., 111. St. Bd. of Agr., Pres. or V. P., 1884-1902; Inter. St. Indus. Exposition of Chicago, Treas. 1873- 1890; South Park Com. of Chicago Treas. for two yrs. Married Margaret E. Wilkins, Ja 28, 1849, Clifton Springs, N. Y. (died O 14, 1901). Children: Grace E., b. N 28, 1852; Myron, b. S 22, 1856; J. Irving, Jr., b. F 5, i860. Died Jl 4, 1902, Chicago. ♦JOHN THOMAS PEARMAN Trustee 1881-7; Physician; b. O 29, 1829, Elizabethtown, Ky. Prepared in common schs., Ky. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1858. Dist. Surg., I. C. R. R. ; served in Union Army as Surg, during Civ. War. Eighteen yrs. trustee Champaign City Schs. Mem., R. R. Surg. Assn., of Am.; Co., St., and Nat. Med. Soc; Presby. Church. Married in 1855; Mae Fields Columbia, 1883 (died Je 16, 191 1.) Child, Arthur Columbia, b. N 25, 1884. Died My 26, 1896, Champaign. •JOHN MILLS PEARSON Trustee, 1868-73; Farmer; b. O 7, 1832, New- buryport, Mass.; s. John P. Pearson. Prepared in Newburyport, Mass. R. R. and Warehouse Comn., 1873-77; mem., House of Rep., 1878- 84; St. Live Stock Comn.,, 1886-92. Mem., A. F. A. M.; Congr. Church. Married Cath- erine Godfrey, N 15, 1855, Godfrey, 111. Chil- dren: Arthur, b. 1856; John Longfellow, b. 1858; Eleanora; b. i860; three dead. Died Je 4, 1910, Godfrey, 111. •JOSIAH LITTLE PICKARD Trustee, 1870-3; b. Mr 17, 1824, Rowley, Mass.; s. Sanuel (b. Mr 9, 1793, do.) and Sarah (Coffin) Pickard (b. O 13, 1798, New- bury, Mass.). Prepared in Lewiston Falls Acad. Phi Beta Kappa. A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1844; A. M., do., 1847; LL. D. (hon.) Beloit Coll. and Univ. of Chicago, 1870. Prin., Platteville, Acad., Wis., 1846-59; St. Supt. Pub. Instr., Wis., 1860-4; Supt., Schs., Chicago, 1864-77: Pres., St. Univ. of la., 1878-87; Lec- turer, 1887-9. Auth. : School Supervision, D. Appleton, 1890; also many articles in educ. mags. Mem., Nat. Educ. Assn. Pres. 1870; St. Hist. Soc. of la., Pres. 1881-1900; Chicago Lit. Club. Married Cornelia Van Cleve Wood- hull, Ag 24, 1847, Newark, N. J. (died Je 27, 1900.) Children: Frederick William, b. S 21, 1851; Fanny Matilda, b. S 21, 1851; Alice Electa, b. D 25, 1869 (died F 11, 1872). Died Mr 27, 1914. •JAMES HENRY PICKRELL Trustee, 1867-9; Stock Judge; b. Mr 20, 1834, Mechanicsburg, 111. Prepared in Me- chanicsburg village sch.; Attended Eureka Coll. Edited Am. Short Horn Herd Book for sixteen yrs. Auth. : Articles in the Breeders' Gazette; many addresses before the different live stock conventions in U. S. Mem., Macon Co. Agr. Soc, Pres., 1858-66; Am. Short Horn Breeders' Assn., Pres., 1S78-84; Sec, 1884-1901; Christian Church (Elder); Judge, Short Horn Cattle at World's Exposition, 1893; Judge, St. fairs throughout \] . S. Mar- ried Margaret T. Bedford, S 20, i860, Paris, Ky. Children: Nannie B., b. Jl 7. 1861; Amanda W., b. D 28, 1862; Anna Laura, b. Je 13, 1865; Helen, b. O 22, 1868; Harvey, b. O II, 1870; William Benjamin, b. Ap i, 1873, Jesse Terrard, b. Ja 31, 1875; Margaret Russell, b. Ap i, 1878; Henry A., b. S i, 1880; Walter Scott, b. Ap 5, 1882; Hathaway, b. Jl 7, 1883. Died F 12, 1901, Springfield, 111. •PHILIP H. POSTEL, SR. Trustee, 1883-5; Merchant, Miller, and Bank- er; b. Jl II, 1818, Hassloch, Rhein Pfalz, Ger. Prepared in Folk's Schula in Ger. Mem., Legislature, 1881-82. Married Mary A. Eisen- mayer, 1841, Mascoutah, 111. Children: Cath- erine E., b. 1841; Mary E., b. 1846; Philip H., Jr., b. 1850; George, b. 1852; Anna M., b. 1857; Louisa, b. 1859; Julius ('83), b. 1862. Died Jl 25, 1907. •ALFRED STEPHEN PROCTOR Trustee, 1873; Farmer; b. My 16, 1820. O. Prepared in Burlington (O.) H. S. Merchant until i8s6. Enlisted, the 86th 111., Co. C, as Sergt.; Lt. and Capt., Co. A, 57th N. Y., Inf. Mem., M. E. Church. Married V. Peckland, 1842, O. (died, 1850); Elizabeth Gillet, My 16, 1856. Children: Newell, b, S 15, i8s8; Vesta, b. N 29, i860; Alfred ('90), b. D 13, 1868. Died D 10, 1896. •BURDEN PULLEN Trustee, 1867-73; Banker, Fruit Grower and Mfr. ; b. Je 8, 1833, Hightstown, N. J. Pre- pared in common schs.; Franklin Coll.. John- son Co., Ind. Was a mem. of Merchants' St. Bank, Centralia. 111.; resigned office of Pres. and Dir. on account of ill health. Helped to plan and plant the old LTniv. Arboretum; was one of the comn. to take charge of the hort. exhibit. World's Fair, 1803. Mem.. St. Bd. of Agr. for more than twenty yrs. Married Lucille O. Gex, D 1857, Ghent, Ky.; A. E. gSo University of Illinois Russell, S 13, 1893, Centralia, 111. Children: five girls and four boys, including Rome B. ('92); two dead. Died Jl 29, 1913, Centralia, *THOMAS QUICK Trustee, 1867-6S; Lawyer; b. O 13, 1823, Belleville, 111.; s. Aaron and Lacy (Preston) Quick. Prepared in pub. sch. ; attended Mc- Kendree Coll., Lebanon, 111. Admitted to the bar, 1S46; Lawyer, Waterloo, 111., 1846-56; do., Belleville, 111., 1S56-60; removed to Irv- ington. 111., in ]8i)0, where he assisted in in- corporating 111. Agr. Coll., of which he became a dir., 1863; for several yrs. devoted his atten- tion to farming and other pvt. interests, remov- ing to Richview, 111., 1872; Lawyer, St. Louis, 1873-76; do., Belleville, 1876 until death. Was rep. from Monroe Co. in St. Legislature, 185 1- 52; St. Bank Comn. under adm. of Gov. Bis- sell, dates, and Oglesby. Married Eveline S. Thrift, O I, 1845. Children: Orlando Thomas; Albina Eveline, b. F, 1850; Eugenia; Judson Thrift, b. Jl 22, 1854; Edwin Alphonse, b. My 20, 1857; Benton, b. Je 20, 1800. De- ceased. *HENRY RAAB Trustee, e.v officio, 1891-95; Educator; b. Je 20, 1837, Wetzlar, Rhenish, Prussia; s. Philip and Justine (Kaiser) Raab. Prepared in pub. sch.; Royal tiyninasium of Wetzlar. LL. D., Univ. of Wis., 1892. Came to the U. S., 1853, and worked as a currier in Cincinnati, 1853- 54; in St. Louis, 1854-56; in Belleville, 111., 1856, meanwhile studying Eng. Lang.; teacher, Belleville pub. sch., 1873-82, 1887-90; St. Supt., Pub. Instruction, 1883-87, 1891-95. Auth. : Contributions to sch. jours., and an- nual reports of the Belleville schs. and the dept. of Pub. Instruction. Married Mathilde von Lenherke of Ankuni, Gcr. Died Mr 13, 1901, Belleville, 111. *ISAAC STUART RAYMOND Trustee, 1893-90. (See No. 9.) ♦JOHN PARKER REYNOLDS Trustee, ex officio, 1873-5; b. Mr 1, 1820, Lebanon, O. ; s. John P. and Laura Patience (Wilson) Reynolds. Prepared in pvt. sch. A. B., Miami Univ., 1838; A. M., do.; LL. B., Cincinnati Coll. of Law, 1840. Admitted to bar, 1841; Lawyer, Hamilton, O., 1841-9; stock farming. 111., 1849-60; Ed., Nat. Live Stock Jour., 1809-72. Mem., 111. St. Agr. Soc, Sec, 1860-71; St. Bd. of Agr., Pres, 1873-4; 111. St. Hort. Soc, Pres.. 1867; Inter- St. Indus. Exposition, Chicago, Sec, 1873-91; 111. St. San. Comn., Pres., 1862-5; 111. World's Columbian Fair Comn., 1891-3, Dir. in Chief; 111. Comn. to Paris Exposition, 1867; 111. Comn. to Centennial E.xposition, Philadelphia, 1879; Chief St. Insp. of Grain, 111.. 1877-81. Retired, 1893. Married Eliza Anne Bebb, N 3, 1842, Hamilton, C). Children: Sallie; Mary; Eliza (died Je, 1899). Died, Mr 27, 1912, Chicago. *DAVID DICKEY SABIN Trustee, 1876-9; Merchant and Banker; b. D 13, 1830, Spencer, N. Y. Pres., Second Nat. Bank, Belvidere, fourteen yrs.; mem., la. Legislature, 1860-2; Deputy U. S. Mar- shal, No. Dist. of 111. Mem., Presby. Church. Married Frances INI. Avery, ^Ir 26, 1857, Bel- videre, 111. (died O, 1894); Harriet Foote, Ap, 1907. Children: Eugene F. ; Sidney A. (died, 1909); Helen L.; Mary A. Died, D 13, 1909, Belvidere, 111. *JAMES ROBINSON SCOTT Trustee, 1871-3; Real Est. Bus.; b. Mr 3, 1832, Shelby Co., Ky. ; s. Archibald R. (b. 1809) and Ann Venable (Robinson) Scott. Prepared in Shelbyville, Kv. Grad., Center Coll., Danville, Ky., 1853.' Beta Theta Pi. Teacher, 1853-4; stud., Theol. Sem., Prince- ton, N. J., 1855; located on land three and one-half miles N. of Champaign, 1857; moved to Champaign, 1870; Mayor, do., 1897-8; served on Co. Bd. of Supvrs. ; has credit of laying the first farm drainage tile in Cham- paign Co., and of bringing into the country the first self binder using wires for binding grain. Mem., St. Bd. of Agr., Pres., 1879- 83; Bd. of Trustees of St. Reformatory, Pon- tiac; Champaign City Council, ten yrs.; First Presby. Church. INlarried Lizzie King, i860 (died, S 8, 1875); Low Emma King, D 15, 1881. Children: Anna A.; John A.; Archi bald R.; Stewart R.; Walter W.; James R., Jr.; Juliet. Died, N 23, 1910. •JOHN W. SCROGGS Trustee, 1867-73; Physician and Newspaper man; b. Mr 12, 1817, liarrison Co., O. Pre- pared in a sem., Martinsburg, O. Began the study of med. with Dr. Sabin, Knox Co., 1837; later attended lectures in O. Med. Coll., Cincinnati; Grad., Eclectic Med. Coll., Cincin- nati, 1840; began practice in Wilmington, O., 1840; in Harveyburg, 1847-57; nioved to Champaign, 1857; bought the Central Illinois Gazette, 1858; elected to the Legislature, 1868; was very influential in securing the lo- cation of the Univ. in Champaign County, and in obtaining the first state appropriation in support of it. Mem., M. E. Church. Married Sarah A. Roach, Ag 18, 1841, Warren Co., O. Children: George; Leonidas. Died Ja 3, 1874, Champaign. GEORGE R. SHAWHAN Trustee, 1887-93. (See No. 87.) *JAMES PARK SLADE Trustee, 1867-73; Teacher; b. F 9, 1837, Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y. Granted st. cert, to teach in Illinois, 1864; Hon. degree of A. M., Shurtleff Coll., 1872; Teacher, St. Clair Co., 111., 1856; Prin. Grammar Sch., Belleville, 111., 1857-61; Prin., H. S., Belle- ville, 1801-67; Co. Supt., Schs., St. Clair Co., •867-77; St. Supt., Pub. Instruction, 1879-83; Pres., Elmira Coll., Greenville, 111., 1882-90; Supt., pub. schs., E. St. Louis, 1890; Prin., Irving Sch., E. St. Louis, 1890-1908. The 111. St. Teachers' Assn. of 1908 expressed its ap- preciation of his life and service, in a Memo- rial address by John E. Miller, of E. St. Louis, D 29, 1908. Married Ella Bowman, Jl i3> 1876. Child, Leonard Tracy, b. N 3, 1878 (died Ap i, 1907). Died Ap 13, 1908, E. St. Louis. LEN SMALL Trustee, 1915-16; St. Treas. ; b. Kankakee; .s. Abram I. Small. Farmer and Banker; still manages farm near Kankakee; 111. St. Senate, 1900-04; St. Treas., 111., 1905-07; Asst. U. S. Treas. in charge of sub-treas. in Chicago, 1910-13; St. Treas., 111., 1917 — . Pres. for eight yrs., Bd. of Trustees of Kankakee St. Hosp., appointed by Gov. Tanner; Pres., 111. St. Bd. of Agr.; Pres., First Trust and Sav- ings Bank of Kankakee, 1916 — ; Pres., First Nat. Bank of Kankakee; Sec, Kankakee Inter-St. Fair; Pres., 111. St. Fair. 1915-16. Mem., Kankakee and Springfield Rotary Clubs; B. P. O. E. Married Ida McKire. Children: Budd L.; Leslie C. ; Mrs. A. E. Inglesh. Address, R 2, Kankakee, 111. •ABRAHAM E. SMITH Trustee, 1873; Am. Consul; b. Ap 6, 1848, Royston, Camb., Eng.; s. Abraham (b. Eng.) and Mary (Millard) Smith (b. do.). Printer, Quincy and Chicago, until 185S; Ed., Sentinel, Woodstock, 111., 1858-66; Alderman, do., 1859- 60; Post Master, do., 1861-5; Ed., Gazette, Rockford, 111., 1868-93; Post ALaster, do., 1847-8; Comn. to Paris Exposition, 1889; Am. Consul, Victoria, B. C, 1897-1915. Mem., Trustees M. E. Church, Rockford, 111.; Presby. Church, Victoria, B. C. Married Frances Rice Smith, F 19, 1869, Beloit, Wis. Children: Abraham Philip, b. 1870; Lillian Rice, b. 1875; Sidney William, b. 1876; Harold Kenneth, b. 1888. Died Ja 19, 1915, Columbia. JULIA HOLMES SMITH Trustee, 1896-97 (first woman trustee); Physician; b. U 1838, Savannah, Ga. ; d. Wil- lis (b. 1800, Spartanburg, S. C.) and Margaret Manning (Turner) Holmes (b. 1821, Charles- ton, S. C). Prepared at home by tutors. Grad., Springier Inst., N. Y., 1857; studied in Boston Univ. Sch. of Med., 1873-75; M. D., Chicago Homeo. Coll., 1877; Ad Eundiitn degree from Hahnemann Coll. Lecturer, Gynecol., Chicago Homeo. Coll., 1878; Practice of medicine, thirty-five yrs., now retired. Supt., Dept. Northwest, New Orleans Cotton Expo- sition, 1885; V. P., Homeo. Cong., Chicago Ex- position, 1892-93; Bd. of Directors, Cong, of Women, Columbian Exposition, Chicago. Auth. : One hundred pages, Arnat's Cyclo- pedia of Med., 1880; ten articles on Common Sense in the Nursery, N. Y. Ledger; regular contributor to the Chicago Times; Medicine as a Profession for Women, Self Culture for Young Folks, Vol. 5; articles in many med. jours. Mem., Am. Inst, of Homeo.; 111. Homeo. Med. Assn.; Chicago Homeo. Med. Soc; Women's Med. Club; After Dinner Med. Club; The Fortnightly Club; Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; Pioneer Workers of G. F. W. C; 111. Equal Suffrage Assn.; Pol. Equity League; Founder, Woman's Press Assn., Ap 1885; Pres., 111. Woman's Demo- cratic League, 1913. Married Waldo Abbott, i860. New Orleans, (died 1864); Sabin Smith, 1872. Children: Margaret, b. i860; Willis John, b. 1863; Helen Page, b. 1873. Address, Wisconsin Hotel, Chicago. *THOMAS J. SMITH Trustee, 1897-1903; Lawyer; b. Jl 4, 1836, Preston, Co., W. Va. ; s. Jacob (b. Ap 10, 18 10) and Cecelia (Shaw) Smith (b. Pres- ton Co., W. Va.). Prepared in Union Dist. Sch., Bellefontaine, O. Read law with Col. W. J. Stevenson, Louisville, 111., and admit- ted to the bar, 1858; Lawyer, Champaign, 1865-1917; Master in Chancery of Champaign Co., 188 1-7; elected City Atty., Champaign, 1866-8. Enlisted as pvt., Co. F, 98th 111. Vols.; mustered into service in Jl 1862; orderly, Sergt., 2nd Lt., ist Lt., and Capt. of Co. F, 98th 111. Vols, and served to the close of the Civ. War. In N, 1859, elected Co. Supt. of Schs., Clay Co., on Rep. ticket for four yrs., but resigned office at end of two yrs. to en- list in army; Atty., Wabash R. R. Co. for more than twenty yrs. ; travelled in Europe, 1885. (iave $200,000 for a building for the School of Music at the University in memory of his wife, known as the Tina Weedon Smith Memorial. He laid the cornerstone in 191 7. Mem., M. E. Church; G. A. R. ; B. P. O. E. ; Country Club. Married Tina Weedon, Ja 25, 1864, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (died Ag 21, 1903.) Died Ap 16, 1918, Battle Creek, Mich. JAMES E. TAGGART Trustee, ex officio, 1916-18; Pres., St. Bd. of Agr. Address, Freeport, 111. ♦JOHN R. TANNER Trustee, ex officio, 189 7-1 901; Governor; b. Ap 4, 1844, Warrick, Co., Ind. Removed during boyhood to farm near Carbondale, 111. In 1863 enlisted in 98th 111. Vols., serving until Je, 1865, when transferred to 6ist, and finally mustered out in following S. ; Estab- lished himself as a farmer in Clay Co. on re- turn from war, later engaging in milling and lumber bus. as a partner with his brother; Sheriff Clay Co., 1870-2; Clerk, Circuit Court, 1872-6; St. Senator, 1880-3; U. S. Marshal for S. Dist. of 111., until 1885; Rep. noni. for St. Treas., 1886; appointed by Gov. Fifer mem. of the R. R. and Warehouse Comn., 1891; appoint- ed Asst. U. S. Treas. at Chicago, i89_>-3; mem. of Rep. St. Central Com., '1874-84, returning to that body in 1894, when chosen Chm. ; in 1896 received the nomination of this party for CIov. of 111., and was elected over John P. Altgeld. Died My 23, 1901, Springfield, 111. •CHARLES H. TOPPING Trustee, 1867-8. Died Makanda, 111. JOHN RICHARD TREVETT Trustee, 1913-19; Banker; b. D 14, 1853, Chicago; s. Oliver (b. N 1817, Albany, N. Y.) and Mary Frances (Hayward) Trevett (b. Je 29, 1822, Eng.). Prepared in Champaign H. S. ; Univ. of 111. Clerk, Mercantile Bus., one yr.; Banker, forty-eight yrs.; V. P., Trevett- Mattis Banking Co., Champaign; Champaign City Treas.; Pres., Champaign Fire and Police Comn.; Pres., Champaign City Park Bd. Capt., Co. D, 9th Regt., 111. Nat. Guard, 1877-82. Married Helen M. Lenington, My 20, 1875, Champaign. Children: Ross L., b. Jl 27, 1876 (died Je 15, 1913); John Howard ('00) b. Je 14, 1878; Helen Mary, b. My 20, 1880; Bess Harriett, b. Je 21, 1884. Address, loi N. Elm St., Champaign. CAIRO ALWIN TRIMBLE Trustee 1917 — . Lawyer, Princeton, 111.; b. Mr 15, 1869, Princeton, 111.; s. Harvey M. (b. Ja 27^ 1842, Clinton Co., O.) and Margaret Sabin (Dakin) Trimble (b. Ja 2, 1844, do.). Prepared in Princeton H. S. Admitted to bar of 111., Je 1892; Lawyer, Princeton, 111. Trustee, L'niv. of III., 1916 — . Pres. and Mem., Bd. of Educ, Princeton H. S.; Delegate to Nat. Rep. Convention, 1912; Pres., Supreme Court Dist., 111. Bar Assn.; A. F. A. M.; Ham- ilton Club of Chicago; III. Bar Assn.; Bur. Valley Country Club; M. E. Church. Married Alice M. McKey, O 9, 1894, Princeton, III. (died O 8, 1916); Nancy Kyle, Ja 18, 1919, Chicago. Children: Margaret Victoria, b. O 15, 1897; Cairo Dakin, b. Ap 27, 1905. Address, Princeton, 111. LAURA B. TWADELL-EVANS Trustee, 1903 — ; b. O 6, i860, Weston, Mo.; d. Urbane Neill (b. Urbana, O.) and Eliza- beth (Malson) Twadell (b. Springfield, O.). Prepared in H. S. and Sem., Waynesville, 111. Nu Sigma Phi. Pres., Taylorville Pub. Lib. Bd., ten yrs.; Presby. Ladies' Soc; Pres., Woman's Relief Corps; O. E. S., Worthy Matron; Noble Grand Rebecca Degree; Wom- an's Club, Pres.; Chm., Educ. Com., St. Fed- eration of Women's Clubs; Legislative Com. to secure appropriation for Univ. of 111.; several social clubs and ins. orders. Married Charles Edward Evans, O 10, 1877. Children: Ken- neth Neill, ('04) b. F 10, 1882; Bessie B., F 19, i88s. Address, 412 W. First St., Taylor- ville, 111. *JOHN M. VAN OSDEL Trustee, 1867-73; Builder and Contr. ; b. Jl 31, 181 1, Baltimore. In 1883 began the pub- lication of a work on practical house carpen- try. "The Carpenter's Own Book"; designed and erected residence of William B. Ogden (first mayor of Chicago), 1837, besides many of the finest buildings in Chicago; after the Chicago fire, buildings covering a mile and a half street frontage were supervised and erected by him; after serving term as trustee, was commissioned by the gov. to be his own successor for another term, but on account of the new law, reducing the number of trustees 982 University of Illinois from twenty-eight to nine, his place was va- cated. Married Caroline Gailor, 1832, Hud- son, N. Y. (died); Martha McClellan; Kendall Co., 111. Died D 21, 1891, Helena, Mont. *MAJOR D. C. WAGNER Trustee, 1870-3; Business Man; b. Mr 23, 1823, Antietam, Md. Was one of the famous "Forty-niners" who took the overland route to Calif.; in fall of 1853 he settled in Mt. Mor- ris, 111. ; Was an ardent patriot, and at time of Civ. War raised the first company of "three months' men" in Ogle Co.; he was made ist Lt., Capt.. Brev. Maj.; became Chief of Staff to Gen. Kirik; resigned in 1864; Was a char- ter mem., Chicago Live Stock Exchange, of which he was called the "Father"; mem.. Constitutional Convention of 1869-70; was a Comn. Merchant, Union Stock Yds., Chicago, for many yrs. Mem., Bethany Union Church; Lincoln Post of G. A. R. Died O 29, 1908. ROBERT RUSSELL WARD Trustee, 1915-21. (See No. 1995.) FLORENCE ELINOR WATSON Trustee Univ. 1913-19, Teacher; b. F 888, lola. 111.; d. William David (b. S 16, 1856, Quitman, Ga.) and Alice (Patter) Wat- son (b. Je 30, 1861, Kinmundy, 111.). Pre- pared in Pub. Schs., lola and Flora, 111.; Hud- delson Acad. Address, Tuscola, 111. Trustee, Calif. PAUL R. WRIGHT 369-73. Died in Santa Barbara, RICHARD YATES Trustee, ex officio, 1901-05; Lawyer; b. D 12, 1S60, Jacksonville, 111.; s. Richard, Sr. (b. Ja 18, 1815, Warsaw, Ky.) and Catharine (Geers) Yates (b. S 21, 1822, Lexington, Ky.). Prepared in Whipple Acad. A. B., 111. Coll., 1880; A. M., 1883; LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1884; LL. D., 111. Coll., 1903. Sigma Pi Soc. 111. Nat; Guard, 1885-95. City Atty., Jackson- ville, 1892; Co. Judge, Morgan Co., 1894-7; U. S. Collector Internal Revenue, Springfield, 111., 1897-1900; Gov. of 111., 1901-5; resumed practice of law, Springfield, 1905 ; appointed Asst. Atty. Gen., Jl i, 1917 — . Lay del., Gen. Conf. M. E. Church, 1900. Mem., 111. St. Pub. Utilities Comn., 1914-16. Married Helen Wads- worth, O 28, 1888, Jacksonville, 111. Children: Catharine, b. 1891; Dorothy, b. 1895. Address, 1 190 Williams Blvd., Springfield, 111.; bus. add.. Office of Atty. Gen., do. i i DIRECTORY OF ILLINI CLUBS Numerals in brackets [ 1 mean non-graduates BRAZIL The Illini Club of Brazil. CALIFORNIA Golden Gate Alumni Association. Vice-Pres., Frank Bumstead, '06, Library, University of California. Berkeley. Southern California Alumni Association. Frcs., James T. Barrett, '03, Riverside; Secy., Emma E. Seibert, '91, i53S Northwestern ave., Los Angeles. COLORADO Illinois Cluh of Colorado. Pres., Frank L. Birney, '81, 309 Ideal block, Denver; Secy.- Treas., Dr. T. J. Fenton, '06, Majestic bldg., Denver. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Illinois Club of Washington. Secy., T. W. Walton, '10, 1736 G St. .Washington Illinae Club. Pres., Mrs. Anne Swezey Armstrong, '03, 408 Fontanet court; Secy., Jessie M. Kelly, ['18], 538 Irving st. IDAHO Illini Club of Idaho. Pres. and acting secy., C. F. Pike, [99], U. S. assay office. ILLINOIS Aurora Illini Club. Pres., M. A. Kendall, '07, 715 Garfield blvd. ; Secy. -Treas., W. B. Greene, '08, care of Barber-Greene co. Belleville, Illini Club of. Pres., L. N. Per- rin, '07, Penn bldg.; Secy., C. R. Ogle, 617, E. B St. Centralia Illini Club. Pres., Charles Wham, '12. Champaign County Illini Club. Pres., W. E. Ekblaw, '10, 713 W. Washington, Urbana; Secy., Carl Stephens, '12, Administration Bldg., Urbana. Chicago, Alumnae Association of. Pres., Em- ily Nichols Trees, '05, 9921 S Winchester ave., Chicago. Secy., Gladys Fishleigh Ale- shire, ['16], Kenwood hotel, Chicago. Chicago, Illini Club of. Pres., J. M. Cleary, '06, Chicago Tribune; Secy., Harold J. Howe, '14, 137 s. La Salle St. Decatur Illini Club. Pres., W. J. Carey, '06, 718 w. Marietta st. Dentistry, College of. Alumni Association. Pres., Dr. C. M. Loescher. '04; Secy., Dr. Louis Miller, '06, 3641 w. 12th st. Freeport Illini Club. Pres., C. E. McCool, ['09], 588 Lincoln ave.; Secy., L. E. Men- senkamp, ['14], 51 Cottonwood st. La Salle County Illini Club. Pres., D. G. Cairns. '02, 633 Congress st., Ottawa; Secy., J. R. Fornof. '10, 804 s. Park St., Streator. Library School, Alumni Association of.. Pres., Mrs. Bertha S. Baird. '11, Mason City, la., public library; Secy. -Treas., Josie B. Houchens. '05, U. of I. library, Urbana. Medicine, College of. Alumni Association. Pres., Dr. Frank Chauvet, '07, 619 s. Craw- ford ave., Chicago; Secy., Dr. W. C. Ham- mond. '11, 737 Sheridan road, Chicago. Military Tract Illini Club. Pres., Earl V. Bruington, '16, Cameron; Secy., Lawrence V. Smith, F'li], Alexis. Peoria, Illinois Club of. Pres., Chester O. Fischer, '12, 604 Lehmann bldg.; Secy., Charles H. Tapping, '15, 929 Jefferson bldg. Pharmacy, School of. Alumni Association. Pres., Leo Mrazek, 1500, i8th pi., Chicago; Secy. -'Treas., B. L. Eicher, 701 s. Wood St., Chicago. RocKFORD, Illinois Club of. Secy., J. G. Fill- more, '09, 411 w. State St. Springfield Illini Club. Pres., Fleetwood Lindley, '09, 904 s. Fifth st. Vermilion County Illini Club. Secy., Mabel Bredehoft, '09, 309 Walnut St., Danville. Western Illinois Illini Association. Pres., William E. Whiteside, Moline; Secy. -Treas., James Johnson, Moline. INDIA Alumni Association of Inda. Pres., George C. Hewes, '83, M. E. Mission, Sitapur, Oudh; Secy.. Agnes G. Hill, '92, Y. W. C. A. Gwailor. INDIANA Indianapolis Illini Club. Pres. and acting Secy., C. E. Sargent, '86, 2272 n. Meridian St. IOWA Des Moines Illini Club. Pres., L. S. Ross, '89, 1308, 27th St.; Secy., E. R. Crowson, ['16], care American Life Insurance co. JAPAN Illinois Club of Japan. Pres., S. Shiga. '93, Tokyo Technical School, Tokyoj Secy., G. Fujimura, '11, Agr. E.xperiment Station, Tai- hoku, Formosa. MASSACHUSETTS New England Illini Club. Pres., C. P. Jeffers, '74, Swampscott, Mass. MICHIGAN Illini Club of Detroit.. Secy., R. G. Bluth, ['is]> 832 Second ave. MINNESOTA Illini Club of the Northwest.. Pres., W. E. Lord, '10, 2601 Humboldt ave., Minneapolis; Secv., E. P. Pletcher, '11, Y. M. C. A.. St. Paul. MISSOURI Illini Club of St. Louis.. Pres., L. E. Meier, ['14], 7208 s. Broadway. St. Louis Alumnae Association. Pres.. Mrs. C. K. Rowland, 9 s. Euclid ave.; Secy .-Treas., Mrs. J. P. Slade, ['76], 47^6 Greer ave. University of Illinois Southwestern Alum- ni Association. Pres., L. F. Larson, '03, 34 Scarritt bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.; Secy.- Treas F. S. Stroheker, '15, 1107 Commerce bldg., Kansas City, Mo. NEW YORK Illinois Alumni Association of New York. Pres., Harmon V. Swart, '06, 19 Liberty St.; Secy., Weston Lazear, '07, 50 Church st., New York. -r, -d Schenectady, Illini Club of.. Pres., D. K. Lagerstrom, 'ii. Box 810; Secy.-Treas., G. E. Stewart, '12, Gen. Electric co., 706 South ave. 983 9^4 University of Illinois NORTH DAKOTA I'Auut) li.LiNi Ci.uii. Prrs., E. S. Kceiic, 'go, ia-'8 Sevcntl) St., north, I'argo; Scc\.-'J'rfas., I. W. Smith, -oK, 1 !.■(., 13th St. OHIO I'lNlM N N.\l'l Il.l.l N I I'l.Un. li,i.iNi C'l.uii 01' (.'i.KVKi.ANu. Fiis., Lioii Gard- iner. '09, care l-akewood cntJ. co.; Secy., li. II. Decker, '15, i3_m w. losth st. ORF.OON Ii.iiNois Ai.i'MNi Association ov PoRri.ANn. I'rcs., Mrs. HriRKs O. Urown (Ruby DeMotte. "oj), jaS K. 4()th St.; Secv.-Tifas., C. T. Terrilf, 15. jjo k. 8Sth st. I'KNNSYLVANIA I'NiVKRsn Y OK Illinois Club ok I'rrTsiiuKou. rKNNESSEE Mkmiuis Illini Club. Prcs., D. M. Crawford, ToSl, Buikier's exchange; Acting Secy., A. S. Fry, '13, 6 J.' Goodwyn inst. bldg. TEXAS The tiuLK C'oAST Alumni Cmii, Piwi. and acting Secy., Mary Williamson I'lKler. 't^y, I'alacios, IIousroN h LIN I Cuiii I'TAIl 1 NTKK-Muli N I AIN Al.UMNl ASSOCIATION. WASHINGTON PuoET Sound Assoiiation ok Alumni and For- mer Students. J'rcs., C. G. Parker, I'oSI, .:o8 Walker bldg., Seattle; Secy., Edith Page lUiuutt, '00, -'343, 33rd ave, WISCONSIN Illinois Club of Madison. Prcs., A. F. Gal- listel, I'oqI, care of U, of Wisconsin; Secy., 11. W. Stewart, '09, care of V. of WiscMnsin, Illinois Association ok Milvvaukiu:. Prcs., Ray l.iiiulahl, '11, 7th floor, city hall, or 347'A -"4th St.. Milwaukee; Secy.-Trcas., Robert 1.. Sluite, '10. 61 J Commerce St., Milwaukee, or .251 Mower court, Wauwatosa. I ALUMNI FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS 1 Gradu- Married Married Children Children ates to to Total Both Who Whose Class Men Women Married Class Gradu- Children Parents Are Parents Mates ates Gradu- Gradu- Are ates ates Grads. 1872 20 18 1 44 1 7 1S73 15 11 1 27 1 I y . 1.S74 17 2 11 2 2 35 8 s 1H75 28 9 29 2 (i 89 22 11 lS7r) 28 1 20 1 51 1 i; 1S77 29 12 2S 8 70 25 17 1X78 32 10 30 \ 55 4 7 187!) 19 4 10 1 43 3 13 1 880 20 5 21 :', 51 9 19 1881 38 9 40 10 105 31 13 1882 32 5 30 77 9 K 1883 25 12 31 8 83 14 S 1884 30 13 28 •i 10 77 27 10 1885 32 13 30 4 9 73 15 12 1880 30 7 29 4 ()2 18 i; 1887 27 3 23 1 47 2 1 18SS 25 9 23 3 51 11 1 1880 20 k; 2 33 4 1 S(K) 38 4 31 3 01 4 18!»1 37 12 30 2 4 70 7 1 1892 37 5 33 1 73 2 1 893 (10 7 50 4 109 10 2 1894 (>4 57 1 77 1 1 1895 05 9 00 5 105 11 180G 08 13 59 4 9 139 42 1897 79 12 05 7 128 27 1898 80 11 75 2 11 130 20 1899 83 25 80 2 H 114 22 '2 1 900 115 33 105 10 158 \1 1 1901 112 42 119 25 200 4<» 1 1902 137 44 1 35 2 10 193 24 3 1903 138 74 158 10 34 234 05 3 1904 190 97 200 25 295 40 3 1905 ISO 04 175 31 230 50 5 190() 247 81 207 2 32 250 51 5 1907 289 88 138 10 45 294 (i5 10 1908 200 103 234 12 43 278 73 4 1909 320 107 201 41 2(i3 43 9 1910 380 85 200 10 39 271 44 5 1911 305 115 240 8 45 199 50 11 1912 407 115 219 2 30 142 20 2 5 1913 419 104 210 12 40 139 22 7 1914 494 155 222 22 57 120 39 10 1915 479 105 188 12 37 90 15 1910 594 103 108 24 50 45 10 11 1917 019 200 115 24 34 30 5 8 1918 371 240 30 7 '■' ^ 154 9 IJO' Grad. on 105 349 27 395 32 2 1 Columns 9 and 10 cannot be reconciled because of cases of double graduate parentage. 98s WAR SERVICE INDEX This index contains in alphabetical order the names of all graduates of the Uni- versity known to have rendered any officially recognized form of service to the Gov- ernment during the Great War. Branch of service and rayk are given when known; other details, so far as they are on record in the office of the Alumni Association, will be found in the biographical sketches. Abbott, A. W., 'i2 — Inf., Capt. Abbott, H. G., 'i8— Inf. Abbott, S. D., '13 — Marines. Abney, M. D., '12 — Art., 2nd Lt. Adams, A. M., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Adams, W. D., '18— Ainsworth, W. W., '12 — Art., 2nd Lt. Alband (Barickman), Laura, '15 — Dietitian. Albaugh, H. L., '17 — -Avia. Albrecht, D. A., '16— Ord. AJden, J. L., '14 — Ord., Capt. Aleshire, Sarah L., '14- — Dietitian. Allen, A. M., '01— Y. M. C. A. Allen, F. O., '16— Art. Allen, G. B., '11 Ord., ist Lt. Allen. L., '13 — Med., ist Sergt. Allen, L. L., '10 — Med., ist Lt. Alien, P. G., '16— -Avia. Allhands. C. L., '17 — • Allison, C. W., '13— Q- M. C, ist Lt. Alwood, C, '17— Y. M. C. A. Almond, H. H.. '18— Ord., 2nd Lt. Ambruster, J. R., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Ames, W. B., '17—0. M. C, 2nd Lt. Amsbary, H. A.. '14 — Art., Capt. Amsterdam, H., g'lO — Librarian. Anderle, E. J., '14 — Navy, Ensign. Anderson, A. J. A., '15 — Anderson, A. R., '11 — Art. Anderson C. L., '18 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Anderson, C. S., '14 — Inf. Anderson, C. T., 'ii — Navy, ist Lt. Anderson, E. W., '18 — Navy. Anderson, G. V., '12 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Anderson, H. B., '10 — Inf., Capt. Anderson, H. W., k'i7 — Avia. Anderson, I., '15 — Engrs.. Lt. Anderson (Cecil), Jennie, '18— Lab., Technician. Anderson, J. H., '14 — Engrs., Capt. Anderson, W.' F., '15 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Anderson, W. S., '15 — Navy, Ensign. Anderson, W. S., '14 — Avia. Anderson, W. W., '17 — Naval Avia. Andresen, H. H. L., '15 — Inf., Corp. Andrews, C. B., '14 — Navy. Andrews, J. B., '13 — Naval Avia. Andrews, R. C, '16 — Art., 2nd Lt. *Angarola, M. L., 15 — Navy. Antoszewski, R. H., '18 — Navy. Apple, C. H., '14— Art. Arbuckle, G. S., '12 — Art., 2nd Lt. Arends, A. B., '17 — Med. Armour, P., '15 — Art. Armstrong, L. F., '15— Naval Avia. Amstrong, W. C, '15 — Inf., Capt. Arndt, P. W., '17— Med. Arnold, C. N., '11— Navy, Lt. Arnold, H. C, '14 — Chem., ist Lt. Arthur, R. S., '08 Engrs., ist Lt. Ash. J. L., '18 — Navy. Ashly, L. E., '10 — Art., ist Lt. Atkinson, A. K., '13— Q- M. C, i6t Lt. Attebery, H. F., '16 — Engrs. Austin, M. M.. g'i8 — Engrs. Auten, J. T., '16— Avery, R. A., '17 — Avia. . Axline, E. S., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Babbitt, H. E., g '17— Med., Capt. Babcock, D., '17 — Avia., ist Lt. Babcock, Jennie M., '16 — Bach, I. W., '08— Med., ist Lt. Bade, C. H., '15 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Bade, C. W., g '15 Badger, H. S., '13 — Naval Avia. Baer, F. E., '11 — Inf. Bailey, E. M., '10— Inf., ist Lt. Bailey, E. W '18— Inf. *Bailey, J. W., '15 — Avia., ist Lt. Baines, Elizabeth A., '14 — Dietitian. Baines, O. R., '12 — Ord., 2nd Lt. Bainum, G. C, '13 — Inf., ist Lt. Baker, G. C, '17 — Engrs. Balderson, T. A., '18 — Art. Ballans, Anna M., g '10 — Ballou, J. L., '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Barber, H. H.. '07 — Marines, Lt. Barber, J. K., '16 — Inf., 1st Lt. Barber, L. C, '13 Inf., ist Lt. Barber, P. C, '14 — Art., ist Lt. Barden, H. E., '15 — Navy, Ensign. Bargh, G. H., '14— Q- M. C, 2nd Lt. Barker, E. F., '17 — Navy, Lt. Barnes. E. C, '17 — Naval Avia., Ensign. *Barnes, H. J., '17 — Ord. Barnes, O. A., '18 — Engrs., reserve. Barnes, R. D., '16— Inf., Capt. Barnes, R. O., '15 — Engrs. Barreau, A. M.. '15 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Barrett, F. N., '17— Inf., Corp. Barron, A. F., '15 — Engrs., Corp. Bartells, H. H., '13— Art., 2nd Lt. Bartlett, H. O., '18 Inf., 2nd Lt. Bartling, H. W., '14— Art.. Sergt. Bascom, G. R., '05— Med., Maj. Bascome, B. S.. '13 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Battey, B. R., '17— Q. M. C, Corp. Bauer, H. L., '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Bauer, R. S., '04— Y. M. C. A. Baumgarten, A. W., '14— Engrs., ist Lt. Baxter, V. B., '14— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Bayley, P. L., g '14 — Avia., Capt. Beal, W. H., '16— Inf., ist Lt. Bear, C. R., '18— Inf., Lt. Bear, R., '10 — Avia., Sergt. Beattie, H. J., '18— Lieut.. C. W. S. Beatty, E. C. O., '16— Inf., ist Lt. Beatty. O. C, '18 Art., 2nd Lt. Beaubien, W. P., '16 — Art., 2nd Lt. Beaumont, G. S., '14 — Inf., ist Lt. Bebb, E. A., '16 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Bebb, F., '16— Avia., 2nd Lt. Bebb, K., '12 — Chem. Bebb, M R., '13— Avia., Capt. Beckemeyer, O. W., '07 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Becker, L. M., '16 — Inf.. Capt. Becker. P., '17— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Becker, W. H., '17 — Art., Corp. Beebe, C. K. Jr., '14 — Chem., 2nd Lt. Beekley, J. S., g '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Behel, W. A., '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Behr, H. R., 'i6_Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Beifuss, E. L., '15 — Art. Bell, K. C, '16— Inf., Capt. Bell, L. R., '14— Chem. Belnap, N. D., '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. Belshaw, C. F., '16 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Belsley, B. R., '12 — Navy. Lt. Belt, J. H., '12 — Engrs. Beltz, J. S., '16— Avia. Benjamin, F. P., '08— Inf., ist Lt. 987 qSS University of Illinois Benner. A. J., '15 — Art., Sergt. Benner, W. J., '15 — Inf., Sergt. Bennett, A. N., '07 — Art., Capt. Bennett, Louise N., '14 — Q. M. C, Sec. Bennett, Marguerite H., '16 — Dietitian. Bennett, W. H., '15— Inf.. 2nd Lt. Benson, A. E., '15 — Inf. Benst, C. '18— Med. Benton, F., '11 — Engrs. Bentz, C. L., '16 — Art., ist Lt. Berber, J. M., '03 — Med. Berg. B. C, '16— Inf., 2nd Lt. Bergland, F. H., '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Berns, M. A., '10 — Engrs., Capt. *Berry, E. H., '14 — Art., 1st Lt. Bevis, A. L., '16— Y. M. C. A. Beyer, Elizabeth, '16 — Y. M. C. A. Beyrer, VV. H., '09 — Engrs., ist Lt. Biegler, P. S., g '17 — Avia. Bigle, H.. '15 — Art., 2nd Lt. Billman, E.. '16 Avia., 2nd Lt. Binder, G. F., '17— Inf., Sergt. Black, B. A., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Black. J. E., '14— Avia., 2nd Lt. Black, R. O., '12 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Blake, G. W., '15— Art., 2nd Lt. Blake, J. B., '87— Q. M. C., Maj. Blatherwick, N. R., g '12 — Chem., Capt. Blatherwick, W. F., '13 — Inf., ist Lt. Block, E. R., '12 — Art., ist Lt. Block, E. S., '16— Med., Sergt. Block, Freda E., '17 — Red Cross. Blomfeldt, A. A., '10 — Naval Avia., Ensign. Bkini, W. J., '14— Inf., 2nd Lt. Boardman. H. C, '10 — Art.. Maj. Bock, P. T., '13— Engrs.. Maj. Bo?rner, E. S., '17 — Avia.. 2nd Lt. Bollinger, W. N., '11 — Engrs. Bolton, W. J., '18— Art., 2nd Lt. Boone, G. I., '14 — Art. Booth, L., '17 — Avia.. 2nd Lt. Booth, Mary J., '04 — Red Cross. Boothe, U. J., '08— Art., Capt. Booze, R. W.. '12 — Art., ist Lt. Bom, C. E.. 'iS— Borton, C. W., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Boston. P. M., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Bow, L. C, '15 — Inf., ist Lt. Bow, W. E., '14 Art., Capt. Bower, P. E., '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Bowler, Alida C, '10 — Red Cross. Boye, W. F.. '16 — Navy. Boyer, W. H., '14 — Engrs., Capt. Boyle, C. W.. g'!7 — Navy. Bracken, E. F., '10 — Engrs.. Capt. Brackenbury. B. A., '09 — Engrs., Maj. Bradley, E. P., '12— Q. M._C., Capt. Navy, Bradley, T. J., '09 — Navy, Ensign. Bradley, Leroy,'i7 — Art., Corp. Bradley, Lloyde, '17 — Navy. Bradley (Anderson) Tirzah, '06— Y. M. C. A. Brady, G. K.. '16 — Avia., ist Lt. Braham, T. M., g '18 — Chem., Capt. Bramlet, H. B., '17 Inf., 2nd Lt. Branch. W. R.. '17 — Art. Brandon, J. F., '16 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Brandner, A. R., '13 — Inf. Brands, E. G., 'ii — Inf.. ist Lt. *Brannon, G. R., '15 — Navy. Brannon, H. F., '14 — Navy, Yeoman. Brazeau. E. F., '17 — Navy. Breece, H. D., '18— Chem. Breedis, J., '16 — Chem., Corp. Breedlove, L. B., '14 — Ord., Capt. Brees, P. R., '18— Chem. Breese, C. S., g '16 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Bregger, T.. '10 — Inf. Breneman, A. L., '16 — Engrs. Brenneman, C. G., '17 Avia. Bressler, C. E.. '09 — Engrs. Breton, T. F., '14 — Avia., Lt. Briggs, Flora. '17 — Dietitian. Brigham, E. R., '18 — -Inf.. Instr. Brigham, R. O., g '14 — Med. Bristow, G. W., '17— Ord. Britt. C. A., '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Brockmeyer, E. J., '13 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Broehl, W. G., '14— Inf., 2nd Lt. Bronson, R. B., '16 — Inf., Capt. Brooks, F. A., '17 — Avia., ist Lt. Brooks, Fannie, '15 — Red Cross. Brooks, O. F., '15 — Engrs. Brown, A. B., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Brown, A. W., '17 Art. *Brown, B., '16 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Brown, B. K., '18 — Art., 2nd Lt. Brown, C. A., '14 — Avia. Brown, E. E., '18— Avia., Sergt. Brown, H. A., '11 — Avia., Capt. Brown, H. D., '14— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Brown, H. T., '14 — Engrs., Corp. Brown, H. W., '17— Ord. Brown, J. B., '15 — Med., 2nd Lt. Brown, J. F., '13 — Inf., Maj. Brown, J. L., '17— Q. M. C, Capt. Brown, K. G., 'i6- — Art., Capt. Brown, Lizbeth, '16 — Dietitian. Brown, L. W., '15 — Avia. Brown, P. M., '06— Y. M. C. A. Brown, R. P., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Brown, R. R., '16 — Inf., ist Lt. Brown, S. D., '04 — Corp. *Brown, W., '15 — Inf. Brown, W. J.. '00— Q. M. C, Capt. Browning, T. S., '17 — Art. Brownson, H. G.. '06 — Inf. Brunkow, N. F., '14 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Brunskill, E. W., '17— Inf., ist Lt. Brunson, A. M., '13 — Avia., Instr. Brush, D. H., Jr., '06 — Art., 2nd Lt. Bryant, R. A., '18 — Art. Bublitz, W. J.. '14 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Buchanan, J. W., '01 — Inf. Buchanan, J. L., '04 Engrs., Maj. Buchanan, R. B., '17 — Marines, Capt. Buchanan, W. L., '10 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Bucher, E. G., 'i.s — Buckingham, A. W., '11 — Engrs., ist Lt. Buell, T. H., '16— Art., 2nd Lt. Buhai. A. S., '16 — Avia. Buhai, M.. '14 — Ord. Bull. W. E.. '18— Navy. Bullard, E. W., '13 — Engrs., Capt. Bumstead, A. P., '08 — Med. Bunn, N. L., '13 — Art. Bunting, C. A., '11 — Ord. Bunting, L. D., '16 — Inf. 2nd Lt. Bunting, L. J., '14 — Art., ist Lt. Burgan, Laverne A., '18 Dietitian. Burger, A. H., '17 — Avia. Burgess, H. H., '08— Ord., Capt. Burgess. R. R., '04 — Avia. Burggraf, C. I., '14 — Engrs., ist Lt. Burgoon, D. W., '16 — Art., 2nd Lt. Burgston, C. H., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Burnell, K. A., '10 — Sig. Corps., ist Lt. Burns, C. A., '11 — Inf.. ist Lt. Burns, F. B., '14 — Med., Sergt. Burns, J. K., '11 — Med., ist Lt. Burns. O. M., '16 — Inf., Capt. Burrell. T. H.. 16— Burt, H. J., '96— Q. M. C, Maj. Burt, T. L., '11 — Navv Burtnett. R. A., '18 — Ord. Burton, L. v.. '11 — Med., ist Lt. Burwash, C. F., '13 — Inf., ist Lt. Burwash, L. S., '17 — Avia., ist Lt. Burwash, T. C, '14— Q. M. C. Sergt. Buschmann, W. H. H.. '18— Inf. *Busey. C. B., 'oS— Inf., 2nd Lt. Bush, F. A., '15— Inf., 2nd Lt. Bush, K. B.. '16— Inf., Capt. Bush, L., '88— Q. M. C, Lt. Col. Bushnell. H. B., '07 — Engrs., Capt. Butler, C. S., '09 — Inf., Capt. Butler, G. H., '15— Inf.. Cant. Butler. W. G.. '14— Q. M. C. 2nd Lt. Butt. H. M., '14 — Engrs., Lt. Buxton, E. W., '07 Engrs. Buvers, A. S., '08— Art.. Maj. Cabeen. R. M., '09— O. M. C. Cadle. C. T., '16 — Naval Avia. Caldwell. B. T., '11— Navv. Lt. *Caldwell. C. "E.. Jr., '12— Ord., 2nd Lt. War Service Index Cameron, G. M., 'i8 — Med. Camp, C. L., '05 — Engrs. Camp, W. R., '11— Q. M. C. Campbell, C. W., '17 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Campbell, D. J., '16 — Chem. Campbell, D. M., '17 — Art., 3nd Lt. Campbell, N. N., '10— Q. M. C. Campbell, S. C, '08 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Campbell, W. F., '17 Inf., 2nd Lt. Canon, C. C, '17 — Art., Sergt. Capek, L. V '11— Med. Carlson, A. L., '17 — Navy Carlson, H. L., '17 — Inf., Lt. Carlson, M. R., '12 — Ord., Sergt. Carpenter, C. K., '15 — Avia. Carr, R. F., '93— Q- M. C, iMaj. Carr, W. C, '13 — Carroll, D. B., '15— Inf., Capt. Carroll, F. O., '16 — Avia., ist Lt. Carroll, T. B., '17 — Avia., ist Lt. Carter, B. F., '18— Art. Carter, C. W., '93 — Med., Capt. Carter, I. R., '14 — Ord., 2nd Lt. Carter, Lucile, '15 — Ord., Clerk. Carson, H.,Y., '11^ — Red Cross. Cartwright, C. F., '14 — -Engrs., Capt. Case, J. R., '13 — Capt. Casey, A. B., '07 — Art. Cassidy. H. M.. '14 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Castle, D. W., '17 — Avia., Capt. Cate, H. A., '13 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Cavette, F. E., '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Chakravarty, A. C, '18 — Art. Chambers, C. R., '11 — Inf., Corp. Chambers, W. H., '15 — Med., 2nd Lt. Champion, E. V., '12 — Inf., Capt. Chapman, D. V., '18 — Art. Chapman, D. W., '03 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Chapman, R. D. C., '15 Inf., ist Lt. Chartrand, J. B., '16— Navy Chase, D., '14 — Art., ist Lt. Cheney, H. L., '12 — Art. Chenoweth, H. E., '13— Chew, Dorothy, '16 — Dietitian. Childs. J. B., '18— Inf. Chiles, H. M., '17 — Avia. Chinlund, J. F.. '10— Q. M. C, ist Lt. Chittenden, R. M. '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Choisser, W. C, 17 — -Avia. Christensen, E. O., '14 — Avia. Christie, J. R., g '18 — Art., 2nd Lt. Christy, G. B., ^15— Ord., 2nd Lt. Church, L., '17 — Navy. 2nd Lt. Churchill. J. E., '14 Inf., 2nd Lt. Claflin, S. T., '14 — Avia.. Lt. Clark, A. B., '07 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Clark, C. A.. '98— Lt. Col. Clark, C. A., '14 — Art. Clark, C. M., 'i7^Art., 2nd Lt. Clark, C. W., '13 — Engrs. Clark, G., '16— Inf., ist Lt. Clark, H. E., 't6— Aerial Photog. Clark, Helen B., 'is— Y. M. C. A. Clark. J. G., '18— Navy Clark, J. R., '06— Inf.. Maj. Clark, S. C, g '09 — Chem., Capt. Clark, T. A., '04— Art., Lt. Col. Clark, W. A., '05 — Med., ist Lt. Clarke, Ethel, 'i4__Dietitian Clarke, J. R.. '16— Q. M. C. Clausen (Williams), Elizabeth, '14 — Dietitian Claussen, A. W., '13 — Art. Clayton, T. W., '98— Engrs., Capt. Qem, O. M., '18— Inf.. 2nd Lt. Clements. O. R., '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. *Clendenen, P. M., '09 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Clover, I. N., '15 — -Inf. Clyman. D., '15 — Art. Cobb, Margaret, g '13 — -Psychologist Cochran, C. B., '15 — Art. Coghlan, B. K., '08 — Engrs., Capt. *Colcord, E. R., '11 — Hdqtrs., Office. Coley, G., '17 — Art., Sergt. Colgrove, Vivian, '18 Clerk. Colmey, D, C, '18— Art. Colson, H. E., '15 — 0- M. C, 1st Lt, Colton, R. S., '16 — Inf., I'st Lt. Comstock, D. F., '15 — Avia. Conant, L. J., '18 — Navy Congleton, F. H., '18— Lt. Connard, C. E., *o8— Inf.. Sergt. Maj. Consoer, G. O., '17- — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Cook, E., '17 — Engrs. Cooke, D. G., '12— Med. Coolidge, W. P., '18 — Navy Cooper, E. A., 16 — Naval Avia. Cope, L. v., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Copenhaver, R. G., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Corbly, L. S., '15 Q. M. C, Sergt. Corbus, B. R., '00 — Med., Maj. Corke, H. W., '17— Q- M. C, Sergt. Corley, H., '13 — Engrs., Corp. Corley, S., '15 — Engrs., Sergt. Cornell, D. S., '17 — Avia. Corper, P., '18 — Cortis, F., '13 — Inf., ist Lt. Corzine, D. C, '18 — ^Avia. Corzine, H., 13 — Avia., Capt. Costar, L., '13 — Avia. Covey, E, L., '17 — Navy Cox, H, R., '17 — Avia. Cox, S., g 'is — Avia., 2nd Lt. Craigmile, C. J., '13 — Cav., ist Lt. Craigmile, R. J., '18 — Navy. Grain, C. M., '15 — Navy. Yeoman Crawford, C. W., '15— Med. Crawford, F. N., g '16 — Red Cross Crawford, H. H., '13— Q- M. C, Capt. Crawford, J. L., '17 — Inf. Crebs, J. P., '16 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Creedari, J. F., '18— Art., 2nd Lt. Cress, E. E., '18 — Art., 2nd Lt. Crofts, C. '17— Q. M. C. Croll, P. R.. '13— Crooks, H. F., '16 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Crosiar. A. O., '18 — Avia. Cross, G. A., '16 — Inf., Sergt. Crutchfield, W., '16 — Engrs. Cummings, H. L., '15 — Inf., Sergt. Maj. Cummins, W. E., '15— Q- M. C, Sergt. Cunningham, S. R., '17 — Art., ist Lt. Curfman, L. E., '01 — Engrs., Lt. Col. Curtis, B. T., '17— Art., Corp. Cuskaden, M., '18 — Avia., Capt. Cuthbertson, W. S., '17 — Med., Sergt. Cutler, J., '14 — -Engrs. Dace, F. C. '14 — Avia. Dahringer, H. W., '13 — Art., ist Lt. Dallenbach, J. C, '02 — Med., Maj. •Dallenbach, J. H., '14 — Inf., Corp. Dallenbach, K., '10 — Maj. Dallenbach, L. E., '12 — Art., Maj. Daly, E. P., '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Darby, H., Jr., '17 Art., Capt. Darmer, G. A., '00 — Med., Capt. Darrell, G. C, '17 — Art., ist Lt. Davies, R. E., '14— Med., ist Lt. Davis, Elizabeth H., '14 — Davis, F. A., '18 — Avia. Davis, J. E., '18 — Inf. Davis, J. W., '12 — Avia., Capt. Davis, J. W., g '17 — Avia., 1st Lt. Davis, L. H., '17—0. M. C, ist Lt. Davis, L. L., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Davis, M. R., '17 — Art. Davis. P. F., '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Davis, R. L., g '17— -Avia., 2nd Lt. Davis, Reba. 1 1 — Libn. Day, C. L., '17 Avia., Lt. Day, H. W., '17— Navy, Capt. Day, U. S., '17— Avia. Day, W. T.. '16— Inf., Capt. Day, W. W., '10— Y. M. C. A. Deahl, N.. '18— Ord. Deakman, H.. 'is^Engrs., ist Lt. Dean, F. C, '12 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Dean R. H., g'i8— Inf., 2nd Lt. Debel, N. H., g '14— Inf., ist Lt. Deets, H. B., '14 — Med. Deiss, W. C, '15 — Avia. DeLeuw, C. E., '12 — Engrs., ist Lt. Demuth, J. E., '15— ist Lt. Denz. R. E., '16— Med., Sergt. Derby, H. L., '17 Q. M. C. 99° University of Illinois Derby, S. R., '15 — Navy Derii. K. L., '18 — Chem. De Swarte, C. G., '15 — Eiigrs., 2nd Lt. Dctcriiik'. O. C, '15— Q- M. C. Dcvine, II., '14 — Avia. Devlin, I. L., '17 — Dewey, 1-:. C, 'i7— Q. M. C. Dewey, W. H., '12— Q. M. C, Capt. Dibell, 11. C, '16— Inf. Dickenson, R. VV., '12 — Inf., ist Lt. Dickcrson, E. B., '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Dickerson, O. M., '03 — Art., Capt. Dieserud, 11. C, '18 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Dtetz, J. W., '18— Med., Sergt. Maj. Dillavon, E. R., '15 Art., 2nd Lt. Dillon, L. A., '09 — Art. Dillon, R. II., 'oi — Engrs.. Capt. Dilon. VV. W., '98— Y. M. C. A. Dix, E. J., '15 — Engrs. Dixon, N. M., '11 — Inf., ist Lt. Dobbins, V. P.. '15— Inf^., 2nd Lt. Dodd, T. P., '07— Avia., Lt. Col. Doisy, E. A., '14 — Med., ist Lt. Dumas, J. A., '15 — Inf. Donaldson, J. R.. '16 — Engrs., Maj. Donnell, A. D., 'ib — Art., 2nd Lt. Dornian, D. S., '09 — Donnitzer, M. R., '11 — Avia. Dorsey, O. B., '12 — Art., Sergt. Doty, Dorothy L.', '18 Camp Dietitian Doty, G. L., g ■17— Y. M. C. A. Doyle, J. P.,^i6— Ord., Corp. Drake. C. A., '17 — Inf., Capt. Drake, E. S., 'i i — Drake, W. II., '11— Inf., 2nd Lt. Draper, E. L., 'oj— Med., Capt. Drennan, VV. R., '09 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Drury, P. K. W., '05 — Libn. Du Frain, P. J., '16 — Art. Dugan, C. B., '08— Engrs., 1st Lt. Dunavan, P. L.. '16 — Engrs., Capt. Duncan, L. VV., '10 — Art. Duner, S., '15 — Inf., 2nd Lt. *Diinlap, D. "W., '15— Y. M. C. A. Dniilap. P. E., '16 Med. Dunlap, R. M., 'ii— Q. M. C, ist Lt. Dunlap. VV. G., '14 — Art. Dunn, M. S., g '18 — Med., -Mid Lt. Dunn, T., '12 — -Avia. Dunning, W. B., '11 — Navy Dunton, P. A.. '12 — .Art. Durfey, D., '17—0. M. C. *l)ushek. y. J., '17 — Avia., ist Lt. Duttou, II. B., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Duval, V. II., '17— Ord., 2nd Lt. Kasterbrook, 11. D., '10 — Capt. Eastman, II. T., '99 — Engrs., Capt.. Edwards, G. P., '18— Med. Edwards, II. IL, '17 — Navy Edwartis. J. I., '06 — Engrs., ist Lt. Ekstrand,"H. E., '16 J^avy Eleson, E. R.. '18— Med. Elfstrom, P. R., '12 — Engrs., ist Lt. Elles, E. C, •i';— Art., 2nd Lt. Ellis, II. , 'K.— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Ellison, C. C, "^i— Inf.. Maj. Enger, A. L., '11 — Engrs., Capt. Engle, R. II., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Enslisb, E. C, '02—6. M. C, Capt. English, II. M., '14— Med., Lt. Engstrom, R. U., '04 — Ord. Ennis. C. J., '14 — Art., ist Lt. Eppinger, T. G., '16 — Navy Erickson, E. B., '17 — Navy,.Lt. Ernieling, L. B.. '13 Ord., Capt. Erskine, A. W., '12 — Engrs., ist Lt. Ettiiiger, C. M.. '17 — Engrs., Lt. Euston, J. IL, '18— Art., Sergt. Evans, D. G., '17 — Avia., Capt. Evans, P. E., '17 — Avia., 1st Lt. Evans. K. N., '04 — Engrs., Capt. Evvard. J. M., '07 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Ewer, VV . B., '17 — Engrs., 1st Lt. Pager. E. P.. '16 — Inf. Pahrnkopf, TI. F. T., '13— Art. Fairbanks, B. VV., '17 — Art., Sergt. Fairchild. J. A. I... '06— Fairhall, L. T., 'ii— Med., Capt. Pairman, C, '18 Art., 1st Lt. Paletti, M. J., '17 — Panning. R. S., g '18 — Red Cross Parriii, J. M., '02 — Engrs., Cajjt. *Farver, E. C, g '15 — Art. Faulkner, P., '15 — Art., 2tid Lt. Faulkner, L. W., '14 — Avia., Capt. Faurote, G. C, '15 — Art. Pay, D.. '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Payart, L. E., '12— Art., 2nd Lt. Fazel, C. S., g '15 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Featherston, j. M., '14 — Art., 1st Lt. Felger, VV. B., '16— Chem. Felsenthal, Emma, '12 — Libn. Felton, II. N., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Ferguson, C. M., '15 Art. Ferguson, P. C, '16— 2nd Lt. I'erguson, G. A., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Ferrell, D., '13 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Ferris, II. B., '94— Q. M- C, Capt. Fishman, A. T., '16 — Avia. Flanders, Annette H., '18 — Canteen Ser. Flanders, J. A., '09— Q. M. C. Fleming, C. E., '04— Y. M. C. A. Fleming, D. P., '16— Ord. ♦ Fletcher, C. IL, '13— Inf., 1st Lt. Fletcher, C. P., '14 — Engrs., Capt. Fletcher, M. S., '99 — Med., ist Lt. Flock, VV. J., '17 — Avia. Flodin, II. L., 'is Inf., 1st Lt. h'lowcrrec, T., '13 — Fogg, A. K., '15 — Navy, 2nd Lt. Fontaine, E. O., '15 — Foolitt, P. P., g '16 — Med. Forbes, E. B., '97— Med., Maj. Forbes, S. P., '98— Q. M. C. Ford, J., g '16 — Chem. Forty, D., '18 — Art. Forty, F. A., '15— 2nd Lt. Fossland, G. L., '08— Art., Capt. ■ Poster, D. D., '15 — Engrs. Poster, E. R., '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. Poster, P. VV., '18— Avia. Poster, G. II. , '17 — Ord. Foster, H. E., '12 Engrs., 2nd Lt. Poster, II. L., '13 — Engrs., Sergt. Poulke, R. E., '18— Art., 2nd Lt. Fox, J. L., '17— Ord. Francis, A. L., '18 — Praser, T., '17 — Avia. Fraser, VV. A. G., '99 — Engrs., Capt. F'razee, R. C, '14 — Navy Prazier, A. O., '15 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Preark, P. VV., '16— Inf. Frederick. E. M., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Frederickson, J. H., '91— Q- M. C. Frees, J. VV., '16— Inf., ist Lt. Freese, J. A., '02 — Med., Capt. French. R. W., '14— Inf. Prey, II. O., '18— Navy Fried, H. N., '17 — Navy Frier, J., '16 — Navy, Ensign Prison, T. II.. '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Fritchey, P. B., '12— Y. M. C. A. Fritchey, T. A., '13 — Avia., ist Lt. Fritz, H. R., g '17— Art., 2nd Lt. Pritze, L. A., '11 — Med., 1st Lt. Frye, T. C, '94— Inf., Capt. Fulks, H. C, '13— Ord., Sergt. Fuller, C. M.. '13— Engrs., Capt. Fullerton, C. B., '11 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Fulton, G. C, '16— Med. Fulton. R. B., '02 — Engrs., Capt. Furrow, E. O., '09 — Art., ist Lt. Gale, R. IL, '18— Inf. Galhuly. S. VV., '07— Engrs., Capt. Gantz, H. S., '17 — Inf. Gardiner, T. L., '15 — Ord.. Sergt. Garrison, L., '07 — Art., Capt. Garth, C. T.. '17— Art., 2nd Lt. Gary, J. L., '18 — Engrs. Gates, P. C, '10— Med., 2nd Lt. Gates, R. P.. '12 — Engrs., Corp. Gay. S. .A., '13 — Avia., 2nd Lt. GaVle, R. E.. '16— Inf. Gelb. G. A.. '16 — Engrs., Capt. Geiger, C. P., '15 Art. Geiger, L. C, '18— Art. War Service Index 991 Gentle, C. ¥.., '13— 1"^- George, II. K., '18— Navy. GeorKc L. C. '15— Art., 2nd Lt. Gerkc, K. H., '18— Ord. Gerten, N., 'i?— Engrs., 2nci Lt. Geselbracht, II. C, '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Gest. B., '12— Engrs., ist Lt. Getman, R. L. '14— Engrs . Gibbs, G., Jr., "oo— Q. M. C, Maj. Gibbs, P. 11. , '13— Ord. Capt. Gibson, C. B., '77— Med., ist Lt. Gibson, C. R., '15— Art Gib.son, R. A., '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Giertz, A. E.. '17 — Giessler, W. C. '13— Engrs. •Gifford, K. E., '17— Q- M. C, Sergt. Gilbert, J. IL, '16— Q. M. C., 2nd Lt. Gillen, J. II. , 'iH — Navy, Ensign. Gilmore, 1., '05— Q. M. C. Gilmore, L. N.. '15— Q- M. C, 2nd Lt. Gilmore, W. C, '12— Art. Girhard, IL R.. '18— Navy. Glover, D. M., •i6^Med. Glover, R. C, '15— Inf., ist Lt Godehn, R. A.. '16— Avia., 2nd Lt. Goelitz. W. IL. '16— Lngrs. Goff, Mary E., '02— Libn. Golden, W. B., '15— InL, ist Lt. Golden, W. E., '"S— Navy, Lt. Goldman, M. S., g 17— Q- M. C. Golinkin, A. L., '17— Navy. Gonsior. A., '14— Engrs., ist Lt. Goodyear. IL M., '13 — Med., Lt. Gordon, F., '12— Q. M. C. Gordon, W. G., '12— Avia., Corp. Gorey, G. F., '17— Art., 2nd Lt. Gorham, E. D., 'n— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Gould, A. R., '17— Art., 2nd Lt. Gould, M. A., '17 — ^ Graff, A. A. J., '16— Engrs. Graham, D., '07 — Engrs. Graham, IL B., '17— Avia., 2nd Lt. Graham. M. E., 'ift— Avia Gramount (Grossberg) V. IL, 'iS—Inf., 2nd Lt. Grant, C. T., '16— Chem., 2nd Lt. Grantz, R. L., '17— Avia., Lt. Graven. A. S.. '7— Navy Gray, C. R., Jr., '11— Q. M. C., Capt. Gray, F. B., 'ii— Navy. Gray, F. J., 'ii— Art., 2nd Lt. Gray, J. M., '18 — Navy. Gray. L. R., '17— Avia Grayhack, J., Jr., '16— Art., Lt. Green, J., '95 — ^nf., ist Lt. Green, I.., '12 — Avia. Green, R., '15— Engrs., 2nd Lt. Green, T. .S., '91— Inf., Lt. Greene, Elizabeth G., '04 — Libn. Greene, J. N., '15— Art.. Capt. Greene, J. W., '18— Navy, Ensign. Greenfield, E., g' 16— Med., Lt. Greenhill, IL, '17— Art., ist Lt. C.reenwold, A. H., '15— Art., 2nd Lt. Gregg, R. S., '13— Art., Capt. Cre^ory, L. T., '13— Med., Sergt. Gregory, W. IL, '06— Inf., Maj. Greison, II. P., '16 — Avia. Grewe, C. IL, '17— Art Grey, N. F., '17— Y. M. C. A. Gridley, W. W.. '16— Avia. CrifTm, C. E., g'i8— ist Lt. Griffin, J. M., '15— Navy, Ensign. (iriffin, W. L.. '14— Inf., 2nd Lt. Grigsby, IL, '17 — Navy. Grigsby M. W., '11— Engrs., Lt. Grimes, E. J., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt Griscmer, W.. '18— Avia., 2nd Lt Griswold, A. H., '01— Avia., Lt.-Col. Griswold, G. D., 'is— Art., 2nd. Lt. Gross, C, '17— Inf., ist Lt. Gross, C. R., g'17— Med.. 2nd Lt. Grossman, D. A., '16 — Inf., Sergt. Grove, C, '11— Navy. Grubel, E. A., '08— InL, Capt. Gruner, R. W., '17— Inf. Grunewald, A. IL, Jr., '15— Art., 2nd Lt. Grunewald, IL C, M6 — Gruner, J. E., '16 — InL, Sergt. Guernsey, E. W., '18— Chem., Sergt. (ium, P. E.. 'lo— Avia., Corp. Gunkcl, W. W., '16— Med., ist Lt. Gunncll, P. M., '15— Navy. Gustafson, C. A., '17— Q..M. C. •(nistafson, C. L., '12— Avia., ist Lt •Gustafson. G. P., 'if.— Inf., 2nd Lt. Habbe, R. H., '14— Art., 2nd Lt. *IIadden, C. G., '16— Inf., 2nd Lt. Ilagan, T. A., '16— Ord. Ilagener, A., '15— Engrs., 2nd Lt. Hager, 11. M., '17— Avia., 2nd Lt. Ilagie, F. E., '09— Med., ist Lt. Hahn, F. C, '16— Chem. Haines, F. L., '16 — Ord. Halas, G. S., '18 — Navy. Halas, W. II. , 'i6— Hall. A. L., '12— Art. Hall, Janet A., '07— War RelieL Hall, 1.. G., '15—0. M. C, Sergt. H.ill, 0. A., '07 — Engrs., Capt. Ilrill, k'., '14— Q- M. C., Sergt. Hall, W. E., '08— Art. Halliwell. Pauline, '16— Y. M. C. A. Hamill, E. C, '16— Inf , ist Lt. Hamilton, E. S., 'i i— Med., ist Lt. Hamilton, T. S., '17— Avia. (apt. Mlamilton. W. J., '17— Med. Ilammitt, A. B., '15— Art., 2nd Lt. Hammond, L., '18 — Naval Avia. Handlin, W. C, '09— Inf. Hanes, E. F., '14— Navy. Hanes, M. S., '13— Engrs. ist Lt. Hanford, A. C, '12— Q. M. C. Hanger, P. N., '17— Art., 2nd Lt. IlaiuKih, H. I., '13— Art. Il.iiinan, J. E., '00 — InL, Capt. llaiKsen, R., '14— Art.. 2nd Lt. Hanssen, S. L., 'le— Navy. Hanzlik, P. J.. '08— Med., Capt. . Ilapiier, Josephine A.. '12— Dietitian. Harbicht, H. C. '18— Engrs., 2nd Lt. Hardinger. R. W., '14— Med., ist Lt. Hare, F. C, '13— Avia., Sergt. Maj. Harper, E. C, '14 — Med., ist Lt. Harrington, R. B., '17 — inf. Harris, C. E.. '02— Med., Capt. Harris, II. II. , 'iS"— , Harris, L. G., '16— Ord. Harris, R. B.. '18— Navy. Harris, W. R.. 'i?— Ord. Harrison. B. IL, '10— Med., ist Lt. Harsch. E. M.. '15 — , Hart, A. IL, 'i8—Inf Hart, P. M., '14— Ord., 2nd Lt. Hart, R. E., '15— V. M. C. A. Hart, R. N.. 'i7--Avia Hart W. W., '16— Q. M. C^ Sergt. Hart'rick, G. R., '01— Ord., Capt. Hartwell, G., •i8~Art^ 2nd Lt. Harwood, S. D.. '16— Q. M (.. 2nd Lt. Hasberg, W. M.. 'ii — Ord., Capt. Hashind, R. IL, '15— Ord. Hatfield, W. D.. g'i6— 2nd Lt Hatten, F. W., '10— Q. M. C, Capt. Hauber, C 'i.q— Nivy, Ensun. Haw, A. B„ g'17— Med. Hawkins, E. W., '16— Avia., 2nd Lt. Hawkins, R. R., '13— Avia. Hawkinson, C. O., '16— Inf., Sergt. Ilawley, A. D.. '14— Ana., 2nd Lt. Hawley, R. S.. '07— Art., ist Lt. Hayes, C. F., '17— Engrs., Sergt. Hayes, E. B., '18— Navy. Havne W. E., '18 Avia., 2nd Lt. Hays. H. A., '08— Y. M. C. A. Hayward, D., '09 — Inf. Head. G. L., '17— Avia. Ikaewis, G. Q., '10 — Navy, Ensign. T.ewis, T. ET, '14 — Art. Lewis, T. T.. '17 — Art., Capt. Lewis, K. H., • 10— Art. , . _ . Lewis, R. R.- '12— Naval Avia., Ensign. *Lewis, W.. '07— Cant. Liedel, R. B., '17— InL, Sergt. T.iggctt, L. .\.. '14— Navy. T.incoln, C. W., '16 — Avia.. Corp. Lindberg, E. F. J., '09 — Avia., 2nd Lt. T,indebcrg, G. L., '18— Navy. Lindlcy. F. H., '09— Art., 2nd Lt. 994 I'NiviiKsiTY ov Illinois :ml I.t. Mate. Limlsey, G. H., "15 — Navy, EiisigiL "l.iiuisey, J. K., "17 — Cav., ist Lt. Liiidsoy, 1.. M.. '17 — Avia. l.iiulstrom, A. \V., '11 — Art., Capt. l.iiuMuU>ll, U. A., '17 — Choni. Linkins, U. H., H'14 Med. l.im>:>ra. K. \V.. "^17— Art.. -muI Lt. l.inslcv. C". iM.. "lo — ist Lt. Little, C. R., 'it.— Y. M. C. A. Little. L. L., 'II— Littleton, A. C 'u— Q. M. C. Livin^stotie. L. L., 'u — Q. M. C. Llewellyn. Ruth, "ii -Y. JL C. A. Llewellvn. R. C, '06— Q. M. C. f.-ii-t. 1 lovil, U. C, '03 — Inf., Jiul lA. Lloyd, T. IL, 'is— Loehr, T. H,, '13 — Avia. Louaii, C. R., '07 — Enirrs., Capt. Logan, F. A., '17— Q. M- *^' LoiiR. L. F., '17 — Avia. Looniis, C. B., '17 — Inf. Lord, A. R., k'ii — Fngrs.. ^Lij. Lord, AL F., 09— Art., jiul Lt. LotJi, IL II., 'iti — Art. Louret. F., "17 — Art., Corp. Love, C S.. '16— .-Kvia., Mach. Mate. Love (nrownl, I.elia. '04 — Red Cross. Love. K. 1.. '08 -.\vi;>.. ist Lt. l.ovell, M". ^L, '17— Avi.n. I owi-ie. S. iL, k'oS— O. R. C. Capt. l.udvik. n. E., iC— Inf., --ndj-t. l.iulwijr. v.. R., 'n — EnRis,, Serg-t. l.iuhvii;. L. J.. 'lO — Art., (."orp. I.neder, R. ^L, '17 — Engrs. I.ukens, W. P.. g'i6— Avia.. ist Lt. Linwley. I.. R., 'I^ Avia., Sergt. Lnniinis. L L.. '17 — Inf., jnd Lt. I iinimis, >L F., '10 — .Vrt., ist I.t. I und. .1. \'., '17 — Navy. l.uiul.ihl, R., 'i I — 1 undeen, C. C, '17 — Ord. 1 iiiulin. R. S., '15 — Art.. -Mid Lt. l.ntulsren, F. E., '18 -Navy. Maoh, 1 uney, R. T., '15 — Inf. Lurie, S. L. '17 — Engrs. I utes. Ci. W., '17 — Engrs. l.ut/. R. S., '15 — Engrs.. ist Lt. Lvon.. Q.. '10 — Engrs., M.ai. Molonnell, M. G.. 'iS— Inf., .-nd "I.t. MoCord. R. N.. '10 — Inf., Capt. McCov, D. \V.. 'i.'— Art., jnd Lt. McCov. IL W, "17— Inf., ist Lt. McCmoken. IL O., '14— Art., and Lt. AtcCracken. W. K., '16— Avi.v. 1st Lt. MoCunibcr, C. W., '16— McCune. I. M., 'i,?— Inf., jnd I.t. McnonaKl. R. M., '10— Inf.. jnd Lt. McDonald, l.ovis. '08— Engrs.. ist Lt. McEvov. T. T.. "17 — Marines, ist Lt. MoFarland, W. J.. "07 -Inf., jnd Lt. McFarl.Tne. W., c'ls — Chrni. I^fcGannhev, O. E., •16— Inf., jnd I.t. MaoCillivrav. M. E.. "18 — Navv. MeOegor. T. 1... 'iS— .^rt., .'nd Lt. Molntyre. G. E., '13 — Engrs., ist I.t. Mclntvre. l.oiiisp, 'or — Y. M. C. A. MoKeelinie. II, W.. "16 -Engrs.. .-nd Lt. >LKe<'ver. R. E., *iR — .-Vvia. MoKellogg. C. S., g'15 — Chem., Corp. ^teKennie. E.. '11 — .\via. Mi-Keon, J. M., *i6 — Engrrs., jnd It. ^^oKeo\vn, J. I.., '15 — .Vvia.. jnd I.t. 1 7 — .\via. «'i7 .Avia. 'it — .-Vvia.. Jnd 1 1. lo- F.ncrs.. ist It. NL-I (-e. E. n.. 'u<5 — Navv, Ensign. M.u-Millan. L. C. 'it— Enyrs. McMillen. G, R.. *is— MoNulta. S.. '17 — Inf.. ist Lt. MoKinnrv, N.. ' MoKown," H. C, AfcKown R. 1... Mclean, T. C, MacPherson, E. S., '15 — Avia,, Capt. Machovec^ E. P., 'i8— Art. Mackev. F. I., '10 — Engrs. Mackie. K. Y., '17— .Mackiii, P, L, 'iS— Art. M.-vgatli, T. 11., k'i7 — Med. NLiguirc, W. I., '10 — Inf. Mahannali, A. E., g'lO— .\via. NLihn. i;.. 17— MaluHMl. II. S., '16 — Engrs., jud Lt. Mail. E. F., 'ii — -Engrs., ist Lt. Main, K. C, 'ofi — Med., Capt. Makutchan, C, 'iS — Engrs. Malaise. C. L., '14 — Engrs., jiul It. NLilev. R. C. '1=;— Old.. Jiid Lt. Mallorv, M., 'n'— Med., i.st Lt. Mallorv. R. H., '18— Naval Avia.. .-nd Lt. MaltUv", F. I?.. '8.-— Engrs.. Col. Mauley, O. R.. 'i7~^Q- M. C. jnd Lt. "Manspeaker, L. \'., "og — Engrs.. Capt. Manspeaker. W. \V., *ij — -Engrs. Manuel. U. T.. K'17— ist Lt. Marliold. Pauline, "17 — Navy, Yeowonian. Markson. IL, "17 — Inf,. Sergt, Marquis, L. 11., 'is — -.Vrt. Martinis, S. 1).. g lO — San., jnd It. Marsh. IL R.. '05— Y. M. C. A. Marshall, R. \V., '16 — Marines, Cnpt. iMarston, L. R., g'17 — Martell. E. A.. '18— Avia., jnd Lt. Martin, \V. IL, 'i6— Inf., jnd Lt. Marx, F. A. K., 'k;— Ord. Marx, C. R., '17—0. M. C, Sergt. Mason, .\. IL, 'lO Art., --nd Lt. NLison. M. M.. 'ii— .Vvia. MasiMi. R. S., 'it) — Art.. Capt. ^ Mason. R. S.. *io — Navy, Math. K. R., 'm — Engrs., ist Lt. ^L^ther. F. E., 'oj; — Engrs., Capt. .Matliews, L IL. '1 \ — Mathews. "\V. IL, '16— Inf., jnd Lt. ^Llthews, \V. R.. '17 — Alarines. Capt. Mattill. H. A., g'lo— Med., Capt . •Mattinglv, L. L, '16 — Engrs. Mattinglv". W. iV. '14— .\rt. Mattist^n. T. D.. 'i^; — Art., jnd l4. Mattoon, E. \V.. 'is— Art., jnd Lt. Manrv. C. F., 14 — Art., ist Lt. Mautner. R. V., 'iS— Cheiu. Mantx, C, .L, '04 — Med,, ist Lt, Mavor. 11, N., '16 — Engrs,, Capt, M.axwell. S, I., '06 — Lif. Maxwell. L. "IL, '17— Art,, .-nd Lt, Maxwell. R, .L. 'i.S- Inf., jnd Lt. ^Liy, C, R,, '17 — .\via Mav. IL C. g' M.av, \V. \V.. Mavo. T. IV, >L-achain. W. C, Me.ad. L. S.. MealitT. A. E I^Iod. '00 — Art,, ist Lt, 'i8^Inf. o — Med,. Capt. Med,. Sergt. "■ C. 1st Lt. '16- Meek, C. T.. 'i,?— Q. M. C. Meek. H. T,. '18— Inf Meek, \V„ '17— Menkc. II. n., '!<;— Engrs., jnd I.t. Mercer, C, F,, 'iJ^ ,\rt., jnd Lt. Mercer. R, O., 18 — Navv. Merrill. S, F,. "oo— Q. M. C. Merrill, T, A,, '14— Merrills, M. C. '14 — ^.-Vvia. >rerriniaii. I. R.. '16 — Med. Meserve, T." D.. 'ii— InL. ist Lt. Metz. C. ,\., '15 — ^Engrs. Metzler, A. M,, 'lO — Navv, Ensign. Mever. A. F., '17— 0- M'. C. jnd Lt. Meyer. F. E. A. IL. M8— Capt. Meyers, H, A,, 'u — Engrs.. Jnd Lt, Middleton, T, C, 'iS — Engrs. MidkitT. I. IL, '17— Miles, P," K.. ' I J— Avia, Millar. P. 11,. gi8— Art, Millar, R, \V,. \6— Inf,, ist Lt. Miller, .-V, R,, *iS— Engrs, Miller, n. A,, 'uS— Art.. Capt. Miller. P. E., '16 — Avia.. ist Lt. Miller, E. F., '16— O, M. C. Miller. E, M.. 'lo— Med.. Cant, Miller, E. S.. 16— Inf., 1st Lt. Wai{ Sekvick Inijicx 99 S Miller, F. R.. "16 Inf.. ist Lt. Miller, J. K., g'13 — Navy Milkr, 1. G., ^^16— Cheni. Miller, 1. II., 'is— Miller, M. K., '12 — ^Navy Miller, k. A., '07— Avia., ist I,t. Miller, U. .S., K'17— Millin, k. B., '16— Marines. Mills, (;. (•.., 'is— Q. M. C, Capt. Mills, I. M., '07— . \V.. '16— Med. Pruett. E. F., '16— Art.. 2nd Lt. Pulcipher. K. D.. '18 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Pimg. \V. Sing Chong. '14 — Inf., Sergt. Purcell, W. T.. '17 — Engrs. Purdv. R. IL, 'is— Navv Purnell. W. F.. 'iS— ' Pyron. J. E.. '17 — Avia.. 2nd Lt. Questel. B. H., '16— Inf., 2nd Lt. Quick. H., '17 — EngTs.. ist Lt. (~>uiinbv. T. C, g'lr — Med. Oninn. R. J., '12— Q. M. C. R'^KilHMX'. K. S.. '17— Ord. RadclitTe. W. IL. '01— O. .M. C. Maj. Radlev, G. R., '00 — Navv, 2nd Lt. Rafinski, C. J.. '18— Ord.. ist Lt. Rahn. L. A.. 'iS — Navy Raliii. R. C. "16 — Engrs. Raibourn, C, '16 — Avia. Raibourn, P. A., '17 — Avia. Raines, L. C, '18 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Rail, E. R., '15— Engrs.. Capt. Ralston, S. A., '13 — Art., jst Lt. Ramey, G. E., '12 — Avia., ist Lt. Ramser, J. H., '17 — Navy Randall, E. A., '11 — Engrs.. ist Lt. Randall, F. L, '18— Inf., Corp. Randall. T. D., '15— Randolph, O. C. F., '13 — Engrs., Maj. Rang, C. K., '14 — Inf., 1st Lt. Ranney, VV. P., '17— Art.. 2nd Lt. Raphaclson, S. M., '17 — Navy Rapp, E. W., '17 — Med. Rapp, J. II. , 'is — Inf., 2nd Lt. Ratclitf, G., 'is— Art. Ratcliffe, I. L., '16— Inf.. 2nd Lt. Raschcr, C.. '12 — Chem. Rathburn, A. E., '13 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Rathburn, H. H., *i8— Rathfon, S. C. '12— Rayburn, A. B., '15 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Reagan, M. E., '17 — .\via. Capt. Reasoner, M. A., '96 — Med., Maj. Re.-it. Ruth. '05— Y. M. C. A. Redborg. C. E., '14 — Art. Kidderson. E. K., "i,?— Ord.. ist Lt. Rcddick, H. W., g'o6— Engrs. Redhed. \V. S., '10— Q. M. C. Capt. Reed. F. L, '17 — Avia. Reed. T. K., g'i7— Reed. M. L, '17 — Avia.. ist Lt. Rees, C. C, g' 15— Art., Capt. Rees. E. A.. g'i8 — Reese, L. W.. '16— Rehnquist, E. p., '17 — Art. Kciger. IL L, '10 — Art. Reillv, R. T"., '14— Engrs., ist Lt. Reimert, R. R., '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. Rcinsch, B. P., '18— Avia. Reitz. W. R., '13— Ord., Capt. Reno. G. B.. '15 Avia., 2nd Lt. Rentfro. P. C. '^10— InL. Maj. R.-nwick, G. W..— Med.. Capt. Reyerson, L. H.. g'17 — Chem., ist Lt. Rhea. C. T. J., 'is- — Navy, Ensign Rhodes, C, '16 — Avia., :st Lt. Rhue. P. M., '18— Art. Rice, H. M.. '14 — Avia. Rich, I. D. B., '15— Avia. Richardson, H. R.. '17 — Richmond. G. K.. '15- Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Ridgely. T. E., 'i3;-F. A., Capt. Ritter, T. G., '17 — -Engrs. Ritter, \V. T., *i8— Chem., ist Lt. Roark. R. L, '11— Art., Capt. Robert, J. H., '14 — Inf., Sergt. Maj. Rolierts, C. C. 'i2 — Inf., Capt. Roberts, C. N.. '82— Engrs., Col. Roberts. C. S., '12 — Navy, Ensign Roberts, H. A., '02 — Engrs.. Capt. Roberts, M. D., '17 — Roberts, \V. R., '88— Engrs., Lt. Col. Robertson, A. B., '18 — Navy Robertson, II. S., '16 — Avia. Robinson, .-V. W., '16 — Art., ist Lt. Robinson, H. S., '07 — Engrs.. 1st Lt. Robinson, R. E., '08 — Art., Capt. Robinson. \V. R., '06 — Q. M. C, Capt. Rockwell. L.. '10 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Roe. E. B.. '18— Inf. Rollers. Elsie M., -17— Rogers, H. B., '15 — Art., ist Lt. Rogers, G. S., '16 — Naval Avia., Ensigrn Rogers, H. S.. '17 — Rogers. H. T., 16— Inf., 1st Lt. Rohn, F. A.. '16 — En^rs., 2nd Lt. Rohrer. C. L, '11 — Avia. Rol.and. V."A.. '14— Ord., Sergt. Rolfe, Mary A., '02 — Red Cross Roman, O., '14 — Avia., 1st Lt. Roman, \V., '12 — Avia., Capt. Romero. N., '18 — Navy Ross. K. D., 16— Q. M. C, 2nd Lt. Rowe, R. Y., '13 — Navy, Ensign Rowland, F., '14 — Chem., 2nd Lt. Rubv. G. B.. 'is — Chem., ist Lt. Ruckel, J. G., '14— Inf., 2nd Lt. Rue, O., 'is— Art., 2nd Lt. War Skrvice Index 997 Kucdi, C. II., '17— Inf.. ist Lt. Rueff, J. A., '16 — Engrs., Sergt. Rugg, "b. M., '10 — Kngrs., 1st Lt. Rukin, M., '15 — Sergt. Runinicry, F. A., '13 — Orel. Rundle, W. H., '17 — Avia. Rundquist, K. T., '18 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Runucbcrg, E. C, '17 — 2nd Lt. Rush, R. L., '16 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Russell, G. S., '09 — Engrs., Capt. Russell, J. T., '11 — Art., 2nd Lt. Russell, L. M.. '12— Inf. Rust, L. J., '16 — Navy, Ensign Ruth, R. W., '15— Navy, Rutledge, B. I., '16— Inf. Ryther, II. W., '15 — Engrs., Sergt. Sadler, W. C. S3— Engrs., ist Lt. Sailer, F., '18— Salisbury, G. W., 'iS^Inf. Samson, C. L., '02 — ^Engrs., ist Lt. Sanders, R. L., '14 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Sangdahl, G. S., '13— Ord., 2nd Lt. Sanvictores, J. G., '08 — Q. M. C, Capt. Savage, W. C., '17 — Art. Savage, W. E., '17 — Med. Sawtell, W. A., '10— Art.. Maj. Sawyer, D. II., '02— Q. M. C, Lt. Col. Sawyer, G. L., '03 — Sawyer, II. G., '15 — Med. Sawyer, Margaret, '14 — Dietitian Sayre, C. li., '13— Art, Lt. Col. Scales, W. II., S4— Schaller. A. L., '07— Q. M. C, Capt. Schaller, Gill^ert S., '16— Ord., ist Lt. Schaller W. F., '10— Ord., ist Lt. Schaumberg, E. G., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Schecht, M., '17 — Inf., Sergt. Maj. Schecter, R. W., '16 — Engrs. Schiesswohl, P. Q., '15 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Schicsswohl, R. L., '16 — Marines, 2nd Lt. Schifflin, A. K., '18— Navy Schinnerer, O. P., '13 — Inf., Corp. Schmidt, L., '13— Y. M. C. A. Schneider, A. C, '17 — Inf.. Corp. Schobingcr, E., '15 — Inf., ist Lt. *Schoepperle (Beyer), Katherine, '15 — Clerk. School, R. S., '16— Inf., 1st Lt. Schoonover, W. R.. g'i6 — Engrs., Lt. Schreiber, L. II.. '18— Inf. Schreiber, R. E., '04— Q. M. C. Schrocdcr, C. W., '05 — Maj. Schroeder, W. F., '07 — Schroepi)el, H. H., '17 — Avia. Schulz, F. T., '18— Schulzke, W. IL, '09 — Avia., Capt. Schumacher, Dixie H., '17 — Dietitian Schumacher, R., '09 — Ord., Sergt. Schuster, G., '10 — Ord., Capt. Schwartz, L., '11 — Art. Scott, L. W., 'II— Y. M. C. A. Scott, R. A., '17 — Chcm. Searle, J. C, '11 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Sears, C. E., '01 — Med., Capt. Seely, F. B., g'ls — Avia. Seese, R. S., '12 — Navy, Ensign. Seidenberg, N. C, '15 — Avia. Scifert, H. F., '16— Seifried, A. G., '16 — Avia. Seifried, J. F., '12 — Art., 2nd Lt. Sellards, J. A., 'j2 — Navy, Ensign. Sellards, W. IL, '16— Selzer, L. J., '18- Senneff, G. F., '15- Inf., 2nd Lt. Sesler, P. R., '11— Q. M. C. Severance, L. E., '16 — Art. Seyster, E. W., '15 — Art. Shapiro, I. M., 'i2^Int., Sergt. Shapland, E. P., '14— Inf. Sharp, J. C, '17 — Med., Sergt. Shaw, E. M., '15 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Shaw, J. W., '08 — Engrs., Capt. .Shawl, R. I., '16 — Naval Avia. Sheaff, R. P.. '18— Avia.. 2nd Lt. "Shectz. A. v., '16 — Art. Shelby, E.. '16— Art., Capt. Shelden, W. W., '16— InL, ist Lt. Sheldon, II. K., '16— Ord., 2nd Lt. Sheldon, N. E., '18— Art. Sheppard, C. H., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Shepperd, J. D., 14 — Inf., Corp. *.Sherinan, C. L., '15 — 2nd Lt. Sherrick, J. C, '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Sherry, L. B., '10 — Med., ist Lt. Shiekfs, C. C, '10 — Art., 2nd Lt. Shields, J. E., '16 — Art. Shirk, W. A., '12— Art. .Shivejey, W. S.^ '15 — Avia. Shoemaker, J. E., '03 — Engrs., Capt. Shoemaker, J. W., 'lO — Inf. Shonkwiler F. L., 'i8^Art., 2nd Lt. Shook, C. II. , '15 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Shook, C. W., 'is— Inf., 2nd Lt. Short, W. C, '01— Inf., Lt. Col. Shott, Ruth E., '17 — Dietitian Shup, L. E., '18 — Navy Siebens, A. R., '15— Y.'-M. C. A. Sieberns, L. C», '12 — Siegmund, H. O., '17 — Avia., Capt. Siegrist, D. C, '18 — Silberniann, O. E., 'iG — Engrs., Sergt. Silkman, ]. M., '15 — Art., ist Lt. Silver, Milton G., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Simms, W. M., '16 — Inf. Simonich, J. L., '14 — Engrs. Simons, R. S.. '16— Med. Simpson, C. C, '12 — Naval Avia. .Simijson, E. B., '17 — Inf., 1st Lt. Simpson, G. E., '13 — Chem. Simpson, L. F., '17 — Avia., Capt. .Simpson, T. M., '17 — Navy .Skaddon, IL F., '15 — Art., 2nd Lt. Skarstidt, M., '11 — Libn. Skidmore. M.. g'09 — Y. M. C. A. Skinner, G. S., gi5 — Engrs., 1st Lt. Slack. W. S., '18— Navy Sladek, G. E., '17- Inf. Sladek, R. B., '18 — Navy, Ensign Sladek. V. R., '12 — Art., 2nd Lt. Slater, M. E., '15 — Med., 2nd Lt. Slocum, I'.^ '06 — Navy, Ensign Slocumb, L. C, '01 — Engrs., Capt. Slosson, R. L., '11 — Ord., Sergt. Smart, A., '17 — Engrs. .Smart, R. L., '14 — Engrs., Sergt. Smejkal, F. J., '14 — Ord., Sergt. Smial, E., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Smiley, L. D., '16 — Engrs., ist Lt. Smith, C. E., '16 — Smith, C. IL W., '08— Engrs., i.st Lt. •Smith, C. W., '17 — Marines, ist Lt. Smith, D. L., '11 — Art., Capt. Smith, Ellen G., '02 — Libn. .Smith, F. B. F., '05— Inf., Capt. Smith, G. C. '18— Avia. Smith, G. L., '17 — Cav., 1st Lt. Smith, G. W., '15 — Marines Smith, IL E., '16 — Navy Smith, J. W., 17 — Avia., 1st Lt. Smith, L. A., '08 — Smith, Mary, '18 — Dietitian Smith, R. L., '14 — -Art.. 2nd Lt. Smith. R. W., '08— Avia., 2nd Lt. Smith, W. M., '14— Y. M. C. A. *Smoot, W. E., 17 — Navy Snapp, R. R., '13 — Art., Capt. Snell, C. E., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Snell, H. S., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Snider, E. Q., '16— Ord. .Snoddy, R. L., '16 — Avia. .Snow, C. H., II — Naval Avia. Southwick, J. D., '09 — Q. M. C., 2nd Lt. Spangler, C. F., '18 — Navy, Ensign Spear. Elsie T., '14 — Dietitian Spierling, A. O., '10 — Navy, Ensign Spencer, V. E., '15 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Sperry, R. E '18— Inf., Sergt. Sponsler, T. M., '12 — En^rs., ist Lt. Sporlein, L. W., '14 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Scjuier, G. K., '17 — Art., ist Lt. Stahl, J. G., '03 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Stahl, W. A.. '16— Avia., ist Lt. Stakemiller, B. B., '00 — Navy, ist Lt. Stall, W. P.. '17— Inf. Stanley, E. L,, '17— 6. M. C, Corp. Stanley, O. O., '01 — ^Med., Capt. Stanton, .S. C, '79 — Med., Maj. Stearn, A. E., g'17 — Engrs. Steamy, C. G., '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. qqS University of Illinois Steele. D. A. K.. h'or>— Med.. Maj. Steinhoff, F. L., '17 — Engrs. Steinmayer, A. G., 'id — Ord. Steiiiiiiaver, K. A. ]., '16 — Stephens. R. B.. ^11— Inf. Stephenson. E. B., g'lo — Engrs., Capt. Stephenson, L. A., "04 — Ord., 2nd Lt. Stearns, E. D., '07 — Avia.. ist Lt. Stevens. R. M., '14 — Engrs. Stevens, V. T.. '15— Q. M. C. Stevens. W. E., g'14 — Ord., ist Lt. Stevens, W. M.. '17— Q. M. C, ist Lt. Stewart. J. T., '93 — Engrs., Lt. Col. Stickney, F. S.. g'lS — Inf. Stinson, I. S., '15 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Stirton, J. C, '16 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. *Stitt. R. D. v., '15— Inf. Stockdale. T. E., '17— Art., 2nd Lt. Stoddard. G. W., '17 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Stokes. L W.. '12 — Avia. ist Lt. Stone, A. G., '16 — Engrs., ist Lt. Stopp, G. D., '15 — Avia. Storey, E., '03 — Stoutter, E. L., '18— Art.. 2nd Lt. Stough. G. H., '13 — Art., Maj. Stout. F. L., '11 — Inf.. ist Lt. Straub, E. J., '18 — Avia. Strehlow, P. V., '13— Strickland. R. M., '16 — Stringer, J. K.. '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Stroheker, F. S., '15 — Art., Corp. Strohni. A. J., '00 — Camp Libn. Strong. A. C, '14 — Strong. T. VV., '18 — Navy, Ensign Strong, T. J., 17 — Navy Strong. \V. A., '14— Q. M. C. Stuart. E. K., '10 — Inf., Capt. Stubcnrauch. E. A., '18 — Engrs., Corp. Stunkard, II. W., g'14 — Avia., ist Lt. Stvles, E. B.. '12 — -Engrs., Capt. Siilger, A. IL, '18 — Art., 2nd Lt. Sullivan. W. W., '11 — Art., Corp. Sundell, R. D., '16— Avia.. 2nd Lt. SutclilTe. E. G., g"i4— Med., Sergt. Suter, E. R.. '14 — Engrs. Sutherland. G. F., '13 — Med. Sutton. F. H.. '10 — Navy, Ensign Swain, D. T., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Swanberg, E. D., '18 — Na\'y Swanberg, Marion G., '18 — Dietitian. Swanson, C. M., '14 — Swanson. F. C. '14 — Ord. Swartwout. E. C., '16 — Inf., ist Lt. .*^weit?■.er. F. E.. '12 — Inf. Capt. Swenson. C. E., '17 — Q. M. C, Capt. Swenson, E. II., '13 — Tingrs.. ist Lt. Swern, P. \V.. '11 — Engrs., Maj. Swett, L. W.. '14 — Inf., ist Lt. Swigart. Faith. '17 — Sec. Swisher, W. J.. '10 — Engrs. Swope. R. C. '15 — Med. Taber, B. F.. '13 — Avia. Taft, Lorado. '79— Y. M. C. A. Taggart. J. F., '17 — .Art. T.albot. K. H., 'oq — Constr. Div., Capt. Tanner, T., '17— Q. M. C. Tapping. C. H.. '15 — Inf., ist Lt. *Tarnoski, A. S.. 'i^ — Avia., 2nd Lt. Taylor. C. B.. 'iS— Avia., ist Lt. Tavlor, M. P., '13 — Engrs., Capt. Taylor, N. O.. '18— Art. Taylor, Nell, 'oS— Red Cross. *Teare. J. L.. G'17 — Navy. Tebbetts. G.. '99 — Navy. Temple, II. R., '00 — Avia. Templin, R. L.. p-'i7 — Engrs. Ten Brqck. C. '08— Med.. Lt. Tendick. F. II., '17 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Terrev, \V. H.. '10 — Navy. Terril". C. T., 'is— Art. Terrv. R. B., '17— Avia., Sergt. TerrV. R. I.. '16— Inf.. 2nd Lt. Thacker. C. B.. '17 — Corp. Thatclier. DeW. W., '15 — Engrs., Sergt. Thorn. J. D.. 'is— Inf., 2nd Lt. Thomas, J. L., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Thomas. T. L., '14 — Avia., ist Lt. Thonins, k. R.. '12 — Art.. Sergt. Thomas, R. R., 'i6^-2nd Lt. Thomas. S. J., '17 — Engrs. Thomason, J. F., '13 — Inf. Thonipst)!!. G. S., '17 — Avia. Thompson, H. C, '13 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Thompson, II. P., '13 — Avia. Thompson. R. II. . '17 — Art.. 2nd Lt. Thorne, F. II.. '16— Art. Thorne. L. E., '15 — Inf., Capt. Thorud, B. M.. '18— .\rt. Ticknor. T. IL, '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Tiffen. J. D.. 'iS— Art. Tilson. D. M-. '10 — Art. Tilton. L. D.. 'i^ — Art. ♦ 2nd Lt. Tinkev. O. C... '18— Avia.. 2nd Lt. *Tippet, R. VV., '15 — 2nd Lt. Tolman, II. II., '12 — Inf., Capt. Tolmie, T. VV., '17 — Navy. Tombaugh, G. D.. 'iS — Art. Tonilinson, Ben, '06 — .Vrt., Mai. Tower. A. M., '17 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Trclease. S. B., '18 — Avia., Capt. Tressel, H. S.. '14 — Art. Treuthart, L. S., 11 — Engrs., ist Lt. Trobridge, C. E., '16 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Troster, M. C, '18 — Navy, Ensign. Troster, O. J., '16— Q. M. C. Trowbridge, C. L., '15— Q. M. C. Truman. J. II. , '11 — .-Vvia., 2nd Lt. Trumbo. "S. M., '16 — Engrs., Sergt. Tucker, R. II., '18- Navy. Tukey, II. B., 'iS- Art., ist Lt. Turlev, R. E., '13 — Art.. Capt. Turner. A. IL, '17 — Art., Lt. Turner. C. E., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Turner, E. DeVV., '12 — Inf., Capt. Turner, Frank, '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. Turner, II. M., '10 — Sig. Corps. Turner. L. M., '18— .\via. Tuthill. J. K., '14 — Avia., Capt. Tuthill. T. P., '17— .\via.. 2nd Lt. Udinski." VV. P.. '18— Cheni. L'rbain. L. F., '10 — Engrs.. Capt. V^alentine, H. DeVV., '13— Med., ist Lt. Van Alyea, M. C 'i6 — Art., Sergt. Van Cleave, B., '17 — Inf., ist Lt. Van Cleve. A. T.. '11 — .-\rt. .Vandercook. P., '14 — Inf.. Sergt. Van Dervoort, J., '11 — Engrs., ist Lt. Vandeveer, H. C, '12 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Van Doren, M. A.. '14 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Van Inwagen, F.. '08 — Navv. Ensign. Van Meter, Anna R., '05 — Dietitian. Van Meter. T. C. '17 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Van N.itter."F. M., '16 — Inf., Capt. Van Praag. A.. Jr., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Van Sant. R. T., '16 — .Art.. 2nd Lt. Van Sant. VV. L., '15 — Art.;^ ist Lt. Van Schoick, E. H.. '11 — Engrs., ist Sergt. Vawtcr. I. T., '04 — Navv. Capt. Vedder, "E. C, '17- Med. Veirs. VV. L.. '17— Med. Velzy, C. R.. '14 — Navy. 2nd Lt. Vernon. M. II. . '17 — Inf. Veronda, M., '18 — Art., and Lt. Vial, H. C, '18— Art., 2nd Lt. Vial, N. S., '18— Avia. Vigeant, G., Jr., '12 — Inf., Capt. Vliet, E. B.. '18— Cheni., Sergt. Voigt. II. L.. '16— Navy. Ensign. Von der Lippe, E. C. F., '02 — Engrs., ist Lt. Vopat, J. F.. '18 — Art., 2iid Lt. Vosburgh. VV. R., Jr.. '13 — Navy. VVagenseil, E. VV.. '05 — Avia.. Lt. Wagner, A., '15 — Art., 2nd Lt. Wagner, A. L., '14 — Avia. Wattncr. VV, A., '15 — Inf., Corp. \\ .issiatf, C. D.. 'iS — Navy. Wainright. T. B., 'is— Avia. Wajv-eland. F. R., 'iS— Art., Sergt. Wakeland. G. E., '17— Waldo. .\. VV.. '17 — Kavy, Ensign. Walker. A. F., '17 — Avia. Walker, F. VV.. Jr., '11 — Art., 1st Lt. Walker, T. S., 'is— Avia. Walker. "R. A., 'ii— Med. Walkerly, Dorothy. '15 — V\'alkerly. Victoria, '14 — Dietitian. Wak Service Index 999 •Wallace, E., '13 — Art. Wallace, E. D.. '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Wallace, F. M., '11 — Engis. Walraven, W. B., '16 — Engrs., ist Lt. Walser, S. A., '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Walsh, J. E., '17— Art. Walsh, L. B., '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Walter, C. M., '11 — Sig. Corps. Walters, II. H., '15 — Avia. Walters, J. N., '14 — Art. Walton. J. K., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Wand, A. W., '12— Art. Ward, F. A., '11 — Sig. Corps. Ward, P. H., '13— Art. *Ware, M. B., '17 — Inf.. ist Lt. Warinner, C. W., '14 — Art.. Capt. Warren, F. B., '14 — Art., ist Lt. Washburn, L. J., '10 — Navy, Ensign. Waters, E. E., '13 — Avia. Watson, G. W.. '14— Ord., Sergt. Watson, J. W., '16 — Inf., ist Lt. Watson, K. M., '17 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Weakley, H. G., '07— Med. Webb, J. K., '16— Med. Webb. R. S., '14— Med., Capt. Webber, H. E., '16— Art., Capt. Webster, G. G., '17 — Chem. Wedge, L. B., '18— Inf., Lt. Weingartner, C. F., '15 — Engrs., 2nd Lt. Weis. H. W., '13— Art., Capt. Wells, F. S.. '15— Engrs., ist Lt. Welty, W. M., ^^14— Inf., 2nd Lt. Welty, D. C, '17— Inf., 2nd Lt. Wenholz, W. W., '11 — Engrs.. Lt. de Werff, H. A., '14— Inf., ist Lt. Werrusing, H. J., '09 — Inf., 2nd Lt. West (Davis), Linnie, '17 — Westbav, J. IL, '17 — Inf., Corp. Westcott, C. H., '14 — Constr., ist Lt. Westenhaver, J. LeR., '18 — Navy, Ensign. Weston, F. W., '10 — Engrs., ist Lt. Whaite, C. M.. '13 — Ord., Sergt. Whalin, O. L., 'i 8— Navy. Wham, B., '15 — Inf., ist Lt. Wham, C, '12 — Art., Capt. Wheeler, A. W., '11- — Engrs., Capt. Wheeler. R. C, '15 — Navy. ♦Wheeler. W. E.. Jr., ':;'— Inf., 2nd Lt. Whelan, J. M., '13 — Navy. White, F., '80— Inf.. Col. White, F. H., Jr.. '16— Inf., 2nd Lt. White, G. R., '16— 2nd Lt. White, J. D., '02 — Art., Major. White, J. G., '13 — Marines, 2nd Lt. White, P. L., '16— Art., ist Lt. White, R. S., 'iS— 9. M. C, Sergt. White. S. M., '96 — Med., Major. Whitelaw, J. C, '15 — Avia. Whitham, M. E., '96 — Engrs., Capt. Whitley, G. C, '16— Q. M., Sergt.-Maj. Whitnel, J., '16 — Inf.. 2nd Lt. Whitney, J. L., '17 — Avia., Lt. Whitney. L. H., '17— Art., ist Lt. Whitsitt, H. W., '03 — Ord., Capt. Whitson, M. J., '02— Q. M., Lt.-Col. Whittum, S. ri.. '11 — Med. Wiersema, IL A., '13 — Engrs. Wiley, G. G., '12 — Avia. Wiley, R. E., '16 — Engrs. Wilford, R. N., '17— Inf., Lt. Wilkins, J. E., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Wilkinson, E. G., '15 — Inf. Wilkinson, J. H., '15 — Engrs., Capt. Williams, G. A., '18 — Williams, G. R., '10 — Engrs., Lt. *Williams, L. G., '12 — InL, ist Lt. Williams, R. J., '01 — Williford, E. A.. '15 — Art., ist Lt. Willits, W. M., '18— Art., 2nd Lt. Wilson, A. C, '17 — InL, Lt. Wilson, D. W., g 12 — Chem., ist Lt. Wilson, F. H., '12 — .Art., Sergt. Wilson, G. C, '17— Art. Wilson, H. S., '12 — Art., ist Lt. Wilson, J. A., '14 — Inf. Wilson, L. R., '07 — Wilson, N. K., '14 — Avia., jnd Lt. Wing, O. N. '16— Art. Winkelman, H. A., g'lt; — Chem., Capt. Winquist, S. V., '14 — Art., 2nd Lt. Winters, L. M., '18— Navy. With. G. O., '15 — Navy. Wold, I. E., '16 — Navy, Ensign. Woleben, D. P., '14 — Engrs., ist Lt. Woleben, W. t., '18— Navy. Wolf, IL C, '13— Engrs., Capt. Wolff, C. J., '14— Inf. Wolter, H. F., '18— Inf., 2nd Lt. Wolter, M., '16— Q. M. C, Lt. Wood, D. C, '13 — Art., 2nd Lt. Wood, H. G., '14 — Engrs., Capt. Wood, H. T., '15— Woods, A. C, '^17— Ord. Woods, R. C, '17— Y. M. C. A. Woods, R. J., '17 — Art., 2nd Lt. Woodward, P. S., k'i3 — Med. Woodyatt, H., '17 — Avia., 2nd Lt. Woolston, W. H., '13 — Med., ist Lt. Worrell, J. L., '13 — .\rt. Wray, C. W., '16— Art. Wright, E. P., '16 — Engrs. Wright, J. E., '12 — Avia., ist Lt. Wrisley, G. A., 'i6- — Navy, Ensign. Wroby. N. W., '18— C. W. S. Wussow, A. F. D., '09 — Med., ist Lt. Wyeth, Ola M., '06— Libn. Yates, R. R., '11— Navy, 2nd Lt. Yeager, L. E., 'iS^.Avia. Yeagrer, O. K., '11— Q. M. C, Capt. Yerington, J. G., '18 — Inf. Yntema, L. F., — Sig. Corps Lab. Yockey, M. A., '18 — Art., 2nd Lt. Young, A. T., '17 — Inf., 2nd Lt. Young, D. S., g'17 — Marines, ist Lt. Zaleski, J. P., '17 — Engrs., Sergt. Zearing, L. A., '11 — Art., 2nd Lt. Zehr, G. A., '18 — Avia. Zerbee, L. F. S.. '11 — Avia., Maj. Zieman, W. W., '15 — Chem. Xtesenheim, J. R., g'17 — Avia.. 2nd It. Ziesing, H. H., '08 — Engrs.. ist Lt. Zinser, R. B.. '16 — Navy, PZnsign. Zollinger, J. E., '15 — Art., 2nd Lt. W.\K Service Summary Summary of Illinoi.s Graduates, former students, and faculty members, present aiid past, Urbana and Chicago departments, who have served or are now serving in the world war. (Corrected to May 6, 1919) Men 5201 Women 106 5307 Overseas 1254 In the United States and possessions 4053 5307 looo University of Illinois Army 4162 Navy 607 Marines 90 Y. M. C. A. army secretaries 45 Red Cross (men) 13 Camp Librarians (men) 7 Athletic directors 8 Women 108 Branch unknown 267 5307 Commissioned officers, army and navy 2146 Non-commissioned, privates, rank unknown, and miscellaneous 3161 5307 Graduates 2267 Former students (non-graduates) and faculty 3040 5307 Died in service 149 Army Summary In f antry 896 Aviation and other signal corps work 819 Artillery 804 Medical 519 Engineers 456 Quartermasters 314 Ordnance 211 Chemical warfare 107 Cavalry 36 4162 Commissioned Officers in the Army and Navy Brigadier-geaerals 6 Colonels 9 Lieutenant-colonels 20 Majors 68 Captains 316 First lieutenants 573 Second lieutenants 1055 Naval officers 99 2146 Classification of Women in Service In the United States "]"] Overseas 29 106 Base hospital dietitians 2% Clerks and stenographers 20 Camp and camp librarians : 15 Red Cross * 7 Canteen workers (organization not stated) 10 Yeowomen 5 Psychologists 3 Y. W. C. A. workers overseas 3 War camp community service secretaries 3 Bacteriologist i Medical work in Belgium i Work overseas for American committee on devastated France 3 Cantonment laboratory technician i Branch unknown (overseas) 6 106 Total number in war service, exclusive of the Illinois S. A. T. C. unit 5307 Including S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C 8719 (S. A. T. C, 2609; S. N. T. C, 424; Chicago departments, 379; total S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C, 3412). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ALUMNI Numerals indicate classes of baccalaureate alumni; f means faculty; g, graduate alumni; h, honorary alumni; t, trustees. Addresses differ- ing from those in biographical sketches are based on later information. UNITED STATES ALABAMA AUBURN Bell, N. E., f, Farm Agt. Hitt, Agues v., is, Agt. Peltier, G. L., g. Prof. BIRMINGHAM Clarke, Kate F. (Mrs. W. H. Stockham) Errmierson, R. J., 06, Lawyer Mattson, E. N., '12, Engr. Mueller, G. R., '07, Agent Smith, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. E. N. Mattson) 'is Sponsler, J. M., '12, Engr. Stockham, W. H., '85 Yolton, R. E., '05, Engr. CITRONELLE Bird, F. F., '01, Engr. Grouse, Florence H. (Mrs. W. M. Case) '17 ENSLEY Kirkwood, Frances, '12, Teacher FAIRHOPE Jackman, Ida (Mrs. E. G. Dougherty) '00 GREENSBORO Parkhurst, M. S., '12. Farmer MILLER'S FERRY Henderson, F., '14, Farmer MOBILE Byrne, L., '98, Prin. Schs. Glass, J. B., '06, Draftsman Hargis, W. I., g, Engr. MONTGOMERY Long, R. H., '06, Agr. RED BAY Jerdan, A. L., g, Agr. Agt. TUSKEGEE Brady, S. E., g. Prof. WAGONER Moore, Laura M., g, Prin. ARIZONA BISBEE Chapman, Edith M., '18 Fricke, H. H., '07, Mech. Hiller, W. G., '10, Draftsman Snider, E. Q., '06, Teacher CLARKDALE , Faust, P. A., '12, Mech. Keeney, H. E., '00, Draftsman Moser, L. E., '12, Engr. DOUGLAS Gilkerson, Aletha (Mrs. H. M. Wells) '02 HUMBOLT Smith, E. S., f, Mgr. JEROME Porter, R. K., '96, Banker LOWELL Heislar, C. S., '10, Engr. MESA Peterson, T. E., '17, Business MIAMI Griffiths, W. M., '10, Engr. PHOENIX Bannister, K., '11, Phys. Brown, A. B., '17 PHOENIX— Continued Creighton, Mary E., '17, Teacher Frankenberg, Pearle (Mrs. D. H. McCIin- tock) '04 Heller, Opal B., '91, Teacher Holmquist, F. N., '09, Engr. Janssen, 0., '04, Arch. Kays, E., '79, Mgr. Lowe, R., '10, Ranchman Pickrell, W. S., '74. Farmer Wood, H. C, '10, Auditor PRESCOTT Anderson, G. F., '97, Engr. Lodge, P. E., '01, Mgr. Wood, Cornelia E. (Mrs. H. H. Linney) g. Lawyer SAFFORD Chambers, W. R., '93, Lawyer TEMPE Young, Rose J. (Mrs. F. H. Ballou) '10 TOMBSTONE Kingsbury, J. T., '99, Lawyer TUCSON Brown, E. J., g, Prof. Cullum, W. H., g, Dir. Forbes, R. H., '92, Agronomist Kelley, Mae E., '13, Teacher University of Illinois ARIZONA— Continued TUCSON— Continued Skidniore, M., g, Prof. Tatarian, B., '87 Waldo, Marie L. (Mrs. E. P. Taylor) '00 Williams. K. H., g. Prof. WARREN Irving, E. F., '09, Engr. WARKKN t'ontinued McKee, W. E., '90, Supt. WELTON Eraser, Annabell (JNIrs. F. E. Leidcndeker) •08 Leidendeker, F. E., '08, Rancher ALMYRA Graham, W. M.. g. Broker AUGUSTA Varnes, A. G., '03, Engr. BONO Elliott, E. E., '18 BRYANT Argraves, A. J., '07, Farmer CARLISLE Roberston, L. S., '00, ^'et. Insp. EUREKA SPRINGS Barnes. Mary L., '88 Bronson, Lillie O., '89 FAYETTEVILLE Christopher, C, '09, Prof. Elliott. J. A., g. Prof. Harrison, Annabel R. (Mrs. J. C. Jordan) g Jordan, J. C. f. Prof. Kemp, J. G., '06, Prof. Lusskv. A. E., g, Prof. Mitchell. B., Jr., f. Prof. Stewart. C. L., g. Prof. Watts, C. H., '13, Instr. FT. SMITH Lyman. G. IL, '72. Business Peck, II. S., '07, Engr. HOPE Prall. Beatrice, '16, Libn. JONESBORO Cope, W. A.. '13, Teacher Hollard, H. W., '15. Instr. ARKANSAS J ON ESBORO— Continued Kays, V. C '09, Pres., Sch. Sample, A. T., ':6, Farm Mgr. LITTLE ROCK Densift. 'rolnmii. U. C, I', CIicmh. I'caslfo, II. VV., I An-h. -VnAl. C. A., f, l.t. I'ol. ''''''''•V"'i. 'v. '•}' '■■'.'**"• '''••"'It. C. K... •.;. Invt-sliKalo. i.ll.u-k, VV, ( .. 7.S,. lawyer rnrU-v. II. K.. 'iS. I'allu.l. nlniMM, 11. h.l.il.n. Van (■)rstranil, C. F... '.,(.. Ceo\. Uainsor. (. K. o.) Kukt. ^Vaitc, M. !».. 'S;, Hotanist Kcisonc-r, M, A,, 06. l.t. ( ol. \V .lion T VV '10 Dir I. 11 I ,' '• A . W C-llSt:• IVM .Vl'KA I'l'l 1 SMKUh" M.iun, I'.. 1... '05. Lawyer I'KNSAl'Ol.V Case, M. II., "of., l\;uher lUiuu'ssev. .V. 1... ':-,{. I''.umer ir, I ,\ri>i:KiiAi 1' l''oriuaii. 11. M.. 'oS, 1 .iwvei .|ACKSt»NVIl I K IM nuSIUKt. Ilallotl. MarK.uet 11. (Mrs. 1.. 1 .uik) ' u. Hoover, A.la V. (M rs. O. U. Allniv;lU) « ll,\ssnn, II,. '00. Chein, Knil.loe, VV, K,. '70, I'rin. lAllAllASSKK ',""«• ',•; \y V I."''; • 1 Hattev. /.ilpha C. 'i;. Instr. arker U. M. f. Uaolei.ol York," Cevtrn.le 1.. "i.. Instr. l\-ttv,iohn, J. VV,, o.i, (. rcilit M.ui . Willis, l".."'io \\ |.Sr 1" \1 M rKAlll 1 •'^'~^'' I 1 I'V K^Mioi. .1. cM.s. v.. (.', Thonipson) 'oo \ onni;. S.nlie, k MANNVIMK ^^'^'''^ "•^^'•■^ .Mann, A, U., '.).•, Di.iltsMMii Hieu. VV. 1.. t, t^rehardist GEORGIA \II1I\S KM I Mill S Kl.uUlnim. U. I'., "i.i, I'lol. O.miels, I'lln.i l'.. (Mrs. li. S. Murray) "o.i Willie, 11 '(.■.. li.'riui'u. IP. Ot'.l I'.l'llOKrK .\ ri .\\ r.V 1 .lyton. VV. K.. k. Teacher tamp. K V. K. lonsnltnm loKr. .\1 1 1 1 KlHIFVll 1 K Pnnkin, VV. \'.. 'o.t. Oesi.ijnei t.ooil. .1. VV .. «. I rot. V.illance, A.. I", I'rot, OMHMvO Woo.l. 11. P.. t. Prof. M,iKath. V. Pv. K. Instr. Woo.lvNaul. P S.. ,11. Prof. S.VVANNAU i;\l nWlN Creaves, C. '^^. Svipt. Phillniek K -Si, KoKr. Shannon. Arucs N. (Mrs. J N. Forlaw) 08 lilvniK SVl.VKSTKR Slriekluul, K, ,»P, "u.. Farmer Mile. .1. F.. K. harmer (ii;il{,l(>, Lawyer Kennedy, .A. <',.. '7y, Mri'. MICSA WKNIJKLL Rush, R. I... '16 Chesler, K. K., 'ay, J'. W., '1.^, ('Ihim. Sutcliffe, E. G., g, Instr. Ellison, ('.(;., '11, Lawyer A I i«rr>M Fairrnan, (.'., '18 '^'-'V. ,r w ,^ • Harris, MarK'ard R (Mrs. W. K. Levis) Ihirrell, J. JL. 16, DesiKner . Matheny, L. V., '11, Supt. Iliiglies, C. A., '14, I'armer Strawn, Myrtle, 06 Johnson, F. I)., 'o.f. Kn(. Teacher Oberdorfer, IT. 1)., '10, Instr. Phillips, Bcrnice I., '18, Teacher Pillsbury, A. L., '95, Arch." Rayburn, A. B.. 'is, Agr. Renner, Julia E. (Mrs. V. H. Threlkeld) '15 Rhea, F. II., '03, Lawyer Rhodes, O. M., '98, Physician Ropp, Pearl I., '12, Sec. Snow, C. 11., '11, Mgr. Sonntag, Mildred E. (Mrs. B. A. Franklin") '04 Steele. Mae K., '07, Teacher Stiegclnieier, Lilly, g. Teacher Stone, IT. M., '03, Lawyer Taylor, M. C, '15, Engr. Threlkeld, C. H.,''i3. Bus. Vandervort. Isabel JVL, '11, Teacher \'an Schoich, E. H., '11, Supt. Williams, Lucy P., '07, Libn. BLUE ISLAND Hohniann, H. C, '13. Engr. McCov, R. E., '93, Lawver Morrill, L. S., '16, Engr." Patrick F. P., '01, Farmer Price, C. B., '16, Teacher Roberts, V, B., '86, Engr. Roscoe. G. II.. '17 Teacher Stein. Bertha M., '18, Teacher Swett, L. W., '14, Engr. BLUE MOLTND Beam, Lillian B., '17 Griswold, L. E.. '01, Farmer ILLINOIS— Continued III UE MOUND— Continued (Sunder, J. IL, '79 Ilini.stedt, R. E., '17, Instr. Lyman, Mary A. A., '18, Teacher Manley, Myra F., '18, Teacher UI.UFFS Ashley, L. E. C, 'lo, Engr. BLUFF SPRINGS Hegener. A. L., '17, Teacher BONDVILLE Colvin, Mary S. (Mrs, W. C. Ilargis) '83 Keller, Bessie O., '14, Teacher BONE GAP Rice, C. C, '11 BOODY Bailey, E. W., '18 BO WEN Worrell, J. L., '13, Teacher BRADFORD Carroll. I. U. '17 Smith, K. E., '06 Welsli, Kathryn C, '18 Welsh, Marjorie C, "15, Teacher BREESE Rehling, C. II. , 'is. Farm Adv. BRIDGEPORT Cohen, Esther D., '18. Prin. Cox. F. W.. '08. Teacher Lewis. B. R.. '07. Teacher MacMillan, L. C, '17 Nuckolls, Mary E. (Mrs. C. O. Barnett) '09, Teacher BRIGHTON Hart, R. N., '17, Farmer BRIMFIELD Arber, F. V,, '16 Finnegan, J, H., '1,6, Salesman Johnson, Edna L., '16, Instr. BROADLANDS De Witt. Emma E., '11, Teacher Smith, W. W,, '00, Engr. White, F. H., '07, Farmer BROCTON Wright, E. P.. '16, Engr. BROOKFIELD Adams, W. A., f. Lawyer BROWNING Reno, G. B.. '15, I-awyer BUCKLEY Gayman, Myrtle (Mrs. D. Schott) '02 BUDA Bullock, Edith R. (Mrs. J. F. Carper) '09 Carper, J. F.. '09, Bus. Ilulteen, V. E., '06. Draftsman Makutchan C, '18. Mason, Mayne S., '11, Instr. Mason, R. S.. '16, Salesman Mason, W. K., '81, Farmer BURLINGTON Craft, G. E., '14, Farmer BUSHNELL Garwood, Tanet (Mrs. S. M. Talbot) '05 (uTrwood Mabel C, '06, Teacher Hillyer, G. C, '06, Lawyer Hoover, Isabel, '14, Teacher GeOGKAPH JCAL 1 N DliX 1013 ILLINOIS— Continued BUSHNELL— Continued La Frenz, Grace E., '15, Cashier Laiiterback, E. G., '15, Asst. Lybargcr, R. E., '08 Miles, Lois M. (Mrs. C. E. Zucker) '10 Rogers, Anna S., '11, Demonstrator Truman, J. H., 'i i BUTLER Turner, K. K.. '14, Farmer BYRON Dodds, Lois E. (Mrs. R. Goodrich) '16 Linn, F. D., '98, Farmer CADWELL Cadwcll, C. N., '02, Lawyer CAIRO Amos, D. J., '16, Teacher Butler, C. S., '09, Lawyer Butler, W. G., '14, Instr. Butler, W. N., '70, Lawyer Clendenen, Lois G. (Mrs. E. \,. Singleton) '05, Stenog. Cummins, W. E., '15, Lawyer Kamm. R. M., '16, Chem. Lewis, Clara V., '14, Teacher Lewis, J. IL, '1 1 Rule, Carrie L. (Mrs. G. W. Coats) '10 Walmer, T. C, '17 Warder, W. B., '06, Atty. Wilbourn, L. L., '11, Lawyer CALEDONIA Ralston, S. A.. '13, Elcctn. CAMBRIDGE Melin, C. A., '05, Lawyer CAMERON Bruington, E. V., '16, Agr. CAMP GRANT Heck, A. v., g, Y. M. C. A. Sec. CAMP POINT Spence, A. D., , Ins. Bus. CANTON Christopher, A. B., '18 Hollandsworth, Josephine B. L. (Mrs. L. J. Larson) '16 Iwig, Dorothy J., '18, Teacher James, L. W., '15, Teacher Kelley, Frances, '01, Teacher Lloyd, R. C, '03, Agr. Middleton, W. S., '13, Operator Miller, D. A., '18 Moran, II. C, '08, Judge Perkins, F. A., '01, Lawyer Quade, J. C., '95, Engr. Strong, J. W., '18 Taff, A. E., '03, Lawyer Tendifk, F. II., '17, Chem. Turnquist, E. N., '18, Asst. Whitehouse, Edith V., '02, Teacher CAPRON Lascelles, R. J., '17, Sec. Wing, O. N., '16, Supt. CARBON Veronda, M., 'iS CARBONDALE Bainum, G. C, '13, Mus. Dir. Boomer, S. E., '09, Instr. Bradley, L. M., '17, Lawyer Brown, Lois A., g, Prin. Etherton, J. E., '13, Cashier Fishman, R. T., '16, Engr. Gilbert, J. P., '05, Prof. Goldstein, R. S., '16, Engr. CARBONDALE— Continued Ilanford, May M., '15, Instr. Hays, II. A., '08, Lawyer Muckelroy, R. E., '15, Instr. Smith, L. M., f, Entomol. Smith, T. B. F., '05. Lawyer Thompson, R., '99, Farmer CARLINVILLE Baker, Eleanor M. (Mrs. II. J. Blue) '06 liannon, J. L., '06. Engr. Cress, E. E.. '18, Test Asst. Deiss, W. C, 'is, Engr. Dcnby Alice (Mrs. E. N. Nevins) g C'OTC, D., t (Ireen, Gladys (Mrs. C. G. Jennings) '17 Jennings, C. G., '16, Engr. Kelley, Edith M. (Mrs. W. W. Mounts) '18 Miller, VV. P., '01. Farm Adviser Morse, S. T., '96 Mounts, W. W., '16, Farmer Mueller, G. H., '11, Engr. Munhall, (Jrace M. (Mrs. S. T. Morse) '97 Robinson, Ethel T., K, Teacher Waters, E., '14, Instr. CARLOCK Hamilton, C. G., '17, Prin. Lantz, M. P., '8s. Farmer CARLYLE Allen, Ruby (Mrs. W. H. Boycr) '13 Boyer, W. IL, '14, Insp. Kahlert. T. D., '16, Farmer Lietzc, F. A., '84, Engr Maxey, M. A., '06, Prin. Schaefer, P. V., '09, Clerk Todd, M. N., '17, Supt. CARMI Crebs, J. M., t. Banker Crebs, J. P., '16, Repr. Gary, J. L., '18 McCalfi-ster, R. I., f McGhec, O. M., '15, Farm Adv. Questel, B. H., '16, Agr. CARRIER MILLS Thompson, Fleta, '15, Teacher CARROLLTON Felmley, Rulh D. (Mrs. A. B. Meek) '10 Harwood, S. D., '16, Journ. McKnight, T. I., 'is. Lawyer Meek. A. B., '10, Farmer Meek, C. T., '13, Farmer Phillips, E. M., '04, Agr. Secor, E. C, '14, Farmer Wheeler, L. G., '13, Engr. CARTERVILLE Ferrell, D., '13, Engr. Richart, F. W., '91, Engr. Towns, O. A., '12, Supt. CARTHAGE Barr, O. A., g, Supt. Beckman, J. P., '03, Editor Clark, C. A., '14, Farmer Clark, G.. '16, Prof. Clark, J. R., '06 Clark, Matilda L., '03, Welfare Work (Jlark, W. (j., '12, Farmer Gates, F. C, '10, Prof. Click, E. E., '16, Farm Mgr. Huston, Ola E., g. Teacher Lawless, Mary J., '16 Lloyd. J. II., '11, F'arm Adv. Scofield. Harriet, g, Teacher Smith, R. N., '06, Merchant CARTTER Wliim, B., '15, Lawyer 1 o 1 4 Univkksity til' Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CASEY Cosset t, X'erii (>., '15, Teacher YouiiK. Kiith 1'-., "15. Teacher CASEYVll.l.K Iliuvkcl, \V. C. 'oS. KuKr. CATLIN Orr, I'., 'i-t, I'liii. CAVIMN ROCK Hill, C. M.. '1.5. F.irmoi C-VZENOVIA Kannoy, \V. 1'.. '17, I'aniuT CEDAKVll.l.K llocriicr. V. A., '15. Minister CENTKAUIA Hartels. Minnie, '17, Teacher Erlies, Clara, '00, Teacher Kohl, Kowena A., 'iS ruleipher, K. D., 'iS, Journalist Keailer. Kinnui C, 'iS, Cheni. Walravcu, W. H., '10, Knur. Whanj, C, '12, lawyer Wham, V. 1.., Vu), lawyer CERRO COROO Horn C. E., 'iS Grove, S. L,, '00. Farmer Klink, \V. I.., '18 CIIAMUEKSUCUC Hudelson, R. R., "i.-. Farm Ailv. CHAMPAIGN Albrccht, D. A., 'lo, Chem. Allen, Hester A. (.Mrs. K. \V. Carrier) 'iS Allison, W. .\.. 'u>. Asst. Alpincr, Amelia D. (.Mrs. A. L. Stern'l 'yo Amsbarv, 11. A., '14, Engr. An»slerilan\, H., K Anilros, S. O., t. Prof. Areiuls, Annis 1-, 'iS, Teacher Armstronji, J. H., '17, Stiul. Austin, M. M., k, Asst, liaker, K J., '78 Harnes, O. A.. '16, Asst. Harrv, lentjis E., *i8. Sec. li.ur'y. Mary C. (Mrs. R. T. l.attin) 'i--. Teacher Uarton, H. J., f. Prof. Uattaile, S.illie C, "17, Teacher Haner, 1'. C '00, Teacher Hauer, 11. I.., '14, Irrigator Heach, Aiuv A.. '14, leacher Beach, F. H., "16, Cashier Ueck. Knth M., "iS, Peachor Hencilict, B. W., f. Dir. Bennett, C.. "So, Physician Binijham, A. P>., 'is. Farmer Block. Frieila F., "17, Mus. Oir. Bolliuan. Minnie .1., '\o. l.ibn. Bolton, R. W., 'iS, Elec. Ensr. Bonvl. Ethel. '07.. lihn. Bowlus, Hazel \Y., '15, Teacher Boyd, Frances J., 'ij. Teacher Boyer, H. H.. 'oj. Lawyer Brailbnry. C. E., f, Assoc. Branch, Nellie l'., '07, Libn. Branch, \V. R., 'i7 Brenser. T., '10, Asst. BroavlK-lt, Mary H. (Mrs. J. F. G. Hicks'* ' 1 S Brown, E. M., '«)3, Business Brown, 1. B., '15, Chen\. Bryan, tleleu G. '00 Clerk Brvan, Sarah E., 'oS, l.ibn. Bnllanl, C; \Y., "oo, Asst. BnlKiiii. Gendiline A. (Mrs. C. F. New- couib^ '14 Burfovil, C. C, '04. Ins. .'\Rt. ».:11AMI'A1GN Continued Burke, E. I., '00, Banker Burr, E. M., '78, Engr. Binwash, A. E.. 'u. Farm Adv. llurwash, l-ois I., '00, Teacher Burwa.^ih, 1.. S., '17, Farmer Burwash, M. B., '7- Burwash. Marv G.. n, Libn. I'aMwell, B. 1.". 'ii, felectn. Caldwell. Maiv L., "iS Campbell, .\. Vi., '01, L.iwver Campbell. Daisy 1. (.Mrs. I\l. 1. bliike) 'o i Campbell. Muriel F. ^Mrs. \V. I'. Buckles) Canter. H. V.. f. Prof. Carpenter, H. I., '0,5. Instr. Carrier. E. W., 'iS. Instr. Casper, S. Q.. f. Bus. Cas.>ierlv. J. B.. '1$, Teacher Castle. D. W.. '17, Designer Chapin. Lucy. "04 C'hapin, Mae, 'oS. Missionary Chester, Ann. 'os. Teacher Chester, G, J., '08, Engr. (."hester, Margaret B., "oi. Teacher Childs. L B., 'iS. Asst. (.'hittenden. E. \V., f. Prof. Chung. P. S., g. Stud. Clark, C. R., '98, Prof. (.■lark. K M.. '1.5, Prof. Clements, F'sther, '17, Asst. C'linpinger, F. \V., g^ Teacher Cotteen. I''. G.. 'i).5, Chem. Conuet Flla (Mrs. T. Babbi '88 Craig. H. 1.. 'lo Craig, Jane A., '06, l.ibn. Crathorne, A. R., '98, Prof. ("ushman. K. E.. f, Assoc. I'nskailen, M., '18, Fan\>er Dallenbach, I. C, 'oO. Doctor D.iUcntvich, 1.. E,. 'i.-. Farmer Dallenbach, Maybell M.. '17. Teacher Davenport, E., f. Prof. Detrick, Nellie E. '01, Teacher Deutschmann, F. J., '04. Constr. Dewsnup. K. R., f. Prof. Dillavou. F. K., '14. Farmer Dodds, losephine, '17, bookkeeper Dodils. I. C, "80, Business Dodge, "1"). K.. f. Prof. DoImm, W. 1., '00. lawyer Do vie, J. F".. 'id, Bus." Dunlap, B. IL, f, Instr. Earnest, \Y. NY., "08, Supt. Schs. l'"isner. M., f. Mus. Elder. Nettie (.Mrs. C. F. Harris) '86 F.nglis D. T.. g, Assoc. Fjiglisli, E. C, 'oj. Builder Enochs, D. K., '08, Lawyer Ensign, N. E., '11, Prof. F.ppinger. J. G.. 'i6, Acct. Fairdo, G. C, *oj, Engr. Falkcnberg. F. P., 'o.\ BaselMll Player l\»nlkner. L. \Y., '14. Mgr. Fetherston, J. M.. '14. Engr. Filsou, L li., '07. Abstractor Fisher, feva J., '10 Floweree. T., 'ij. Teacher Folsom, J. \Y., f. Prof. Ford. J. T.. g, Chem. Foster, C. \Y., '74. Yiolinist Franklin. Lois G. (Mrs. A. \Y. Stoolman) Eraser, W. 1., '03. Prof. French, H. E., g, Asst. Frison, T. IL, 'i8. Stud. CJardner, 1. L, g. Assoc. (Barrett. F. \Y.. 'n, Assoc. Garrett. I. IL, '86, Engr. (Barrett, Louise \Y. (.Mrs, F. C. Bauer) 1.; Garvin, Mary B., '17. Teacher Gavman, Angeline (Mrs, N. A. W eston) '87 ("earhart. O. T... *07. Engr. Geographical Index 1015 ILLINOIS— Continued ( I TAMPA IGN- Continued Gillespie, Louella I., '04, Teacher Glenn, Eleanor M.. '07, Agent Glenn, L. L., '00, Business Goben, Pearl, H. (Mrs. L. F. Tiley) '12 Golden, W. B., '15, Clerk Golden, W. E., '15 Goodman, Byne F., '12, Asst. Gorham, E. D., '11, Business Gramount, V. H., '18 Graves, P. H., '15, Salesman Green, J. A., '95 Greene, E. B.. f. Prof. Greene, Elizabeth G., '04 Greennian, E. G., '02, Engr. Gresham, Nina V., '10, Teacher Groves, C. W., '80, Agt. Groves, Evangeline E. (Mrs. M. H. Hun- ter) '12 Groves, Pauline T., '11, Y. W. C. A. Sec. Gulick, J. P., '02, Lawyer Habermeyer, G. C, '03, Engr. Hansen. R., '14, Instr. Harding, A. A., '16, Prof. Harker, O. A., f. Prof. Harris, Lois M. (Mrs. W. S. Wolfe) '15 Harrison, Bernice. '12, Teacher Harvey, W. C, '92, Engr. Hebbert, C. M., g, Instr. Hein, M. A., '17 Hemsen, C. N., '11, Lawyer Hinrichs, H. S., '18. Asst. Hoffert, Anna K. (Mrs. B. L. Kirk) '15 Hollister, IL A., f, Prof. Honey, Myrtle E.. '18, Teacher Hooper, Gertrude M., g, Asst. Hopkins, C. G., f. Prof. Hopkins, G. S.. '16 Hopkins, Mary M., '11, Teacher Hoskins, D. T., Jr., '10, Salesman House, Leona P., '98. Teacher Howes, C. R., '16, Farmer Hubbard, A. H., f. Arch. Huber, T. E., '12, Engr. Huff, G. A., '92, Phys. Tr. Dir. Hughes, S. K., '03, Bus. Hunsley, Alice L., '18, Teacher Hunter, M. H., f, Instr. Jackson, T. H., '18 Jahr, M. E., '14, Assoc. Jennings, W. W., '15, Instr. Jervis, Florence M., '16 Jervis, Katherine B., '07, Teacher Jervis, P. F., '10, Engr. Jewell, Minna E., g, Chem. Johnson, Alice S., '07, Libn. Johnston, Lillian R., '18, Asst. Jones, H. L., '02, Lawyer Jones, Isabel E., '91, Instr. Jones, Mabel, '91, Libn. Jones, W. O., '17 Jordan, H. H.. f. Prof. Jutton, Emma R., '99, Libn. Kariher. Israella K. (Mrs. A. Eisner) '75 Keen, Dora, g Keith, Mary H., f, Asst. Kennard, Katherine, '90 Kennedav, L. E., 'is, Asst. Kern, Florence E., '17 Keusink, Helen B., '17, Teacher Kiler, Aureka B., '96. Teacher Kiler, C. A., '92, Merchant Kirk, B. L., '14, Lawyer Kiscr, Helen M., '17, Instr. Kittredge, Mary H. (Mrs. J. A. Brown) '01 Klank, Frances G., '16, Libn. Knight, P. K., '16 Knowles, C. H., '11, Engr. Knox, J. H., '07, Engr. Koller, A. H., f, Instr. Krabbe, E. M., '14. Contr. Kratz, A. P., '07. Engr. Kratz, Ethel G., '10, Libn. Kratz, E. V., '12, Arch. Koupal, Agnes R., '16, Y. W. C. A. Sec. ( II AMPAIGN— Continued Laflin, Mary E. (Mrs. A. Eisner. Jr.) '08 Lake, E. J., '95, Prof. Lamb, C. A., Jr., '12, Clerk Lamb, Edith J.. '14, Teacher Lamb, Hallie E., '17 Lamb, Nellie B., '12, Teacher Lainkins, i.. E., '16, Cashier Lanhani, M. E. (Mrs. F. L. Bronson) '06 Larson, L. M., f. Prof. Lattin, R. T., '13, Engr. Layton, Katherine A. W. (Mrs. A. R. Cra- thorne) '01 LeDeuc, C. A., f, Instr. J-entz, C. A., '16, Ins. Agt. Leopold, R. E., 'is, Lawyer Lescher, F. M., '11, Draftsman Libman, Anita, '18, Research Asst. Lindley, Ida IL (Mrs. G. H. Fisher) 'is Little, Ethel E., '17, Stud. Little, L. L., '11, Assoc. Ed. Little, R. F., '07, Lawyer Livingston, Stacia (Mrs. H. R. Temple) '01 Livesay, W. B., '14, Instr. Lloyd, C. A., '87, Auditor Lloyd, J. W f, Prof. Lohman. F. C., '11, Engr. Lopez, A., '14, Engr. Lopez, M. L., g, Asst. Lucas, Corda C, '80, Teacher Lyons, T. E., '11, Lawyer McHarry, Jessie, '11, Teacher McHarry, Liesette J., '12, Teacher Mcintosh, H. S., '13, Engr. Mclntyre, Mabel (Mrs. L. R. Hubbard) '13 McKinley, W. B., t. Financier McKinney, H. T., '13, Prin. McKinney, Lilabel, '10 McLellan, Mary C, '88 McMillen. G. B., '15, Instr. McMillen, Sarah G. (Mrs. F. A. Jorgen sen) '09 McNair. Berneice B., '18, Clerk McWilhams, Nellie L. (Mrs. D. R. Enochs) '00 Malsbary, Grace E. (Mrs. G. G. Latimer) '18 Manspeaker, Pearle, '04, Bookkeeper Marble, H. C, '96. Engr. Marvel. C. S., g, Chem. Math, E. P., 'II, Engr. Mather, Cornelia G., '13, Y. W. C. A. Sec. Mattoon, E. W., '15, Teacher Maxwell, Esther A., '02, Teacher Mayes, G. W., '13, Farmer Muneley, Olive M.. '16, Teacher Mercer, Iva E. (Mrs. G. C. Habermeyer) '04 Merrymon, W. W., g. Physicist Milne, E. L., '96, Teacher Mohr, Alba A., '17 Moore, Grace L. (Mrs. G. H. Cook) '95 Morrissey, D. C, '94, Broker Motsinger, N. H.. f, Supt. Mulberry, G. Pearl (Mrs. A. D. Mulliken) '06 Mulliken, A. D., '00, Lawyer Mullins, E. R., '17, Constructor Munson, J. L., '17 Murduck, Elizabeth A., '17. Teacher Murray, Grace M., '17, Libn. Newcomb, C. F., '04, Physician Nichols, Maude, E., '94 Norris, G. B., f, Mgr. Olney, C. B., f. Asst. Osborne, Pauline T., '16, Teacher Padfield, F. W., '07, Contr. Paisley, Ada M.. '11, Teller Palmer, C. E., '12, Assoc. Pankow, C. J., '13, Arch. Parker, R. W., 'is, Engr. Pearce, I.. '09, Transitman Pendergast, Mary H., '17 Pengilly, H. E., f, Instr. Percival, Stella R., '17, Musician lOl6 I' NIVKKSITV OK llllNOlS ILLINOIS— Continued I II \M1'AU;N -Coiitimii-.i IMIAMPAICN (.•oiitiiuicti IVtiTsiiii, Sophie M. (Mrs. I I I'.m ) \},\. Voss, MatlilKla T., 'ii. Teacher 'Poacher XoukIiI, Salua W., f, Instr. riiilliiii'U, l.ow, '\y. See. Wanuer, K. t\, Jr., '09, Coutr. riank, W. «.. r, Kiigr. WaKtui, W. VV.. '15 ri.lUowsUi. ll.._'ij, luiKr. Walker. C. M.. *io. Sec. Uaiuev, ('■ K., 'i-'. .\rcli. Walkerlv. N'idoria. 'i.t, nictitian Uhoails. Marie I',. "iS. Tculur Wallace; F. M.. 'ii. Sunt. KluHles, K. M.. 'do. Lawyer Walliii, Marie K., '16. Optometrist Uliuc. P. M.. 'iS Wariiock, A. K., '05. Dean kice, J. U., i, Assoc. Wascher. F. M. W.. 'ri, Assoc. Ivilev, W. U., 'i)4. Lawyer Watson, jane C., '11;, Instr. Ivoherts, Ralhleen .\. (Mrs. S. I'. Alieri\a Watson W.. f thy") "ot. Watt, R. .\., 'iS Rolierts, Nellie U.. "i.i, l.ihn. Weirick. K. II., f, Stnil. Robertson, F.va L., '\,\, Teacher Wellinan, Orpha M., *ii. Teacher Robinson, K. A., '75 Wesihuul. A. F"., 'ii. Kngr. Rouers, 11. T., '16, Engr, Weston, N. A., '80. Dean Rolirer, V. P., '17 Welniore, Mary M., f, Instr. Rolanil, V. A.. 'i.\, ("ontr. Wheeler, A. W., '11, Kngr. Rolfe, V. W'., 'yj. Prof. Wheeler, K, 15., 'os. luigr. Uolle. i\lartha D., "oo White. ]. M.. '00, 1'rof. ami Arch. Rolfe, Mary A., "oj. Y. VV. C. A. Woik Wilber,"F. D., "go, F^irmer Rompel. Ruth K., '18, Teacher Wiley, C. t'., "o-j. Kngr. Ross, C. S., "i.t, (.Jeol. Wilson, F. II., "u, Agr. Ross. II, A., '17, Asst. Wingard, I.. P., "qS, Lawyer Roysilon, VV. 1., 'q^; WriKht. G. K.. 'u. Designer Ungg, F. D., '8j, Mgr. Woniacks, Mabel (Mrs. A. K. llurwash-) Sajjer, Anna K. (Mrs. M. K, b'liiley') '17. Woods, I.enna A. 11., 'i8, Asst. St. Leader Womls, W. !•"., '00, Lawyer Sanders. Laura M., '14 Woodworth, II. O., 'o.-. Teacher Sarett, 1., K.. '10, Assoc. Wvatt, F. .V, g. Prof. vSnvage, M.. "78, Lawyer Zillv, Marie L., "oo. Teacher .^^chaarniann, K. F., 'i.|, Instr. Sehaefer, P, 1., '00, Lawyer ( II.VNDI.ERVILI.E Schanee, T. J ■.-•., Draftsman Ainsworth, W. VV., •.-•. Mgr. Schnellbach .L 1«. 13. Engr. ^^, C., 'iS. Engr. Seabnght, J. E. f. Instr. Eranken, E. G., ^.o Seller, Krna, i8 Sendenburgh, Edith 1. (Mrs. M. R. ('IIXPIN ' Swcney) '13 " 1 n n • 1- Scris, II.. f. .\ssoc. .'">•, II. P., 07. Farmer Seyster, V.. VV., '15. Teacher ,-on>-^v Sevster, Mildred (Mrs. N. 0. Sorensen) 'i,? *■ HARLESTON Shattnck. Kdith A. (Mrs. \. M. VVHiite") f Anderson, U. F.. 'i-;. Lawyer Shawhan. (.;. R., 'y^. Hanker Anderson. K. VV., 'iS Shawd. R. I., 'lO, Asst. Hooth, Mary L, 'o.(, Libii. Shively, Fdith O., (Mrs. P. J. Weging> "oo Cadle. (.'. J.', 'id Smith. VVilhelma 7.., '16, Missionary Clarke. J. R., 'id. Teacher Snodgrass, J. M., "oj. Prof. ("or/ine, U. 11., 'id, Snpt. Sparks. R. C,, '00, Uus. llntYinan, 1. V.. 'op, Prin. Spencer, Gynthin E., '17 Kelly, 11. E.. '18 Stahl, A. G., 'ij, Engr. Linder, Grace, '15, Instr. Stark. .1. E., 'i6. Te.icher Kinder, 1.. S., '14, Glothier Stei>hens, G., 'u. Editor Linder, M. S., '17. Teacher Stephenson, K R., g, Asst. Lord. L. G., h, Goll. Pres. Stewart, F""., '17 Reat. Ruth, '05. Teacher Stewart. K.. g. Prof. Thomas. 1. 1.., '17 Stinson, 1., 'in, Engr. Thomas. iNl., '14. Farm Adv. Stinson, Rita ft., 'id. Diet. VVveth, Ola ^L, '06, I.ibn. Stipp. niaiiche (Mrs. F. II. P.eachi '15 Styles, E. A., 'oS, Mgr. (HA I'll AM Stoltey, II. 1".. "18 ,, . ..^ ,, . ,, . , Swenev, M. A., g. Farmer j ;»"'• ^\,^V- '-l =",'">'■ ,„ , Swigart. Alia G. (Mrs. D. T. lloskins") '10 Parker. Helen L., u. feachei .Swigart. Faith G.. '17, Sec. 5."^" • }',]-. "'p!";'''"" vi„.;r,.,/ ^-l„.,.|.^.^.« V^c II « P,;., -Stout. 1. P.. 00. F.-irmer Switzer, Charlotte. '85. II. S. Trin Taylor. Dalla A.. So. I avior, I'aiia /v.. 10, Teacher ,,, , .,,..h-/m>-i-ii Taylor. VV. IL, '10 ^ llAl.sVVOKlH Temple. II. R.. '00. Arch. Felger, VV. IV. 'id ;!>"■>■■ l^l^-.. ''7 Rutledge, B. 1., 'id, Insp. I hal, O. S.. 00 Toriuinist, Alpha G.. 'ir. Registrar GHEBANSE Townsend. V.. J., f. Prof. ' ., .^ , ^ , Trevett, 1. IL. '00, Hanker Evans, M. E., 00, Salesman Trevett. J. R,. t. Banker 1 oring. Fern M. (Mrs. A. Lonsche) Tritt Frances L. "id McGuen. G. VV., '15 Tucker. Phoebe G. (Mrs. 1. F. Schnellbach^ •,4 CHENOA Tukey. H. B.. '18 Richardson. F. B.. Jr., Turell, Vera, 'od. Teacher Kiipp A. O., '84, .Author Tuthill. T. K., '14. Instr. lilrich, L. II., R. Asst. CHERRY VALLEY Van den Berg, II. J. }., f, Instr. ,. , , ,- , Voss. Elizabeth, A.. '14. Teacher I linite. R. (.., 00, Geol. (JKOIiKAI'll K Al. I NIIKX 1017 ILLINOIS— Continued fllKSTKK Dc'vinc, II., '14, Kni. Harius; '17 Anderson, K. A. M., 'lo, Kn^r. Anderson, W. S., '14, Kn^r. Andersen, II. II. L., 'is, Arch. Andrews, ]<. C, '16, Lawyer AiiKerstein, T. C, '10, Lawyer Anthony, C. li., '14, Draflsniaii Arbuckle, (/. S., '12, Kn^r. Anns, JI. C, '^5 AriiistrohK, I. I'',., 'Hi, Siipt. Sehs. AriiistroMK, 1^. J'"., '15, JOngr. Ariiistroii).;, W. (,'., '15, IVlfr. Arnold, J f . C, '14, Jnslr. Arthur J<. S. 'oH. I^ngr. Ashbeck, W. I-., '16, JCsliiiialor ,'\lkinsoii, A. K., ';.■? Atkinson, V. M., Jr., '13, Salesman Augustinus, P., '06, Engr. Austin, Alice L. (Mrs. S. P. I'"arwell; g Austin, J J. ]•]., '15, JCngr. Awsun-h, G., '06, Arch. Ayers, Annetta (Mrs. (,'. II. Sairiidcrs) '«(, Physician Ayers, Laura J5., 'Hft, Supvr. Jiach, R., '13, i ailor Uaer, D. A., '04, Jingr. Baer, 1<". K.. '11, J^eporter Bailey, Ji. II., '10, Jingr. Bairtf, Grace J., '06, Teacher Baker, E. J Jr., '11, Jid. Baker. O. II., '07, Salesman J'.akhshi, S_. R., '16, Engr. Balrlwin, E. R., '12, Salesman Balilwin, I". B., '09, luigr. JJaldwin, Margaret JL, '17. iJietitian Balkema, Sally (Mrs. S. C. Smart) '16 Bannister, (j. S., '86, luigr. Barber, J'. C, '14, lingr. Barber, W. D., '92, F''ngr. Barker, L. B., '08 Engr. Barkstorm, K. ('.., 17, IJraftsiii;in Barnes, J'". N., '17, J-'arin Adv. Barnes, K. D., 'iC>, Engr. Barr, )., '90, Draftsman Barr, N. K., '11, Engr. Barreau, A. M., '15, Engr. Barrett, C. V., '03, Lawyer Barrett. O. P., '00, Judge Barrett, Sarah A. (Mrs. W. W. J 'i 1 Barron, A. F., '15, JCngr. Barry, C, '95. J'-ngr. Barlholf, W. J., '84, Sch. Prin. Itartlett, JI. E., '93, Engr. Bashen, (>. B., '10, ICngr. Bass, W. J., '05. Engr. Bauer, A. 11., '08, Physician (.III(:A(;()— ContiiiiK'd Haum, A. E., 'ij, Indus. l '07 IJc.'iuniont, (i. .S., '14, Agi. lieiib, E. A., '16, J-loricul. Itebb, JL, '10, Lawyer Hecht, I'\ C, f. J'rof. Heck. JI. (;., '1., Engr. liciker, W. JL, '17, Itiisiiiess lieekwith, F., '92, JCngr, Heebe, (.'. J)., '97, ICiigr. Mcebe, C. K., '14, Clieiii. licebe, F. A., '9.S. Mechanic Hcciiier, A. W., 'lo, Cheiii. li.lir, II. H.. "ir), Kngr. Meifuss, E. L., 'is, FaniK-r Hell, A. r., '01. 'readier Hell, C. M., '10, Engr. H(dii;ip, N. iJ., '14, Lawyer Bciiner, A. }., '15, Jingr. Henner, W. J., '15 Hennett. (leorgiaiia E., '<)C, 'rcachcr Benlz, (,'. L., '16, ICiigr. Merger, W., '1.3, ICiigr. ftergniann, A. L., 'i.|, Engr. I'.irlin, Marii; V., 'id Items, M. A., '10. Advertiser Hcrnsleiii, L. ,S., '11, Engr. Ml Tolzhciiiier, Hannah B., '10, 'I'eaeher Merolzhiiiiicr, S. M., 'oH, Engr, Mcrol/hcimer, 'J'eresa R., '08, Siipl. Merry, Iv IL. '98, Chem. Merwald, ('. JL, '15, Engr. Meyer, Vera, '15, J'robation OCriecr Migel, W., ^r., '17, I-'armcr Migler, IL I-,., 'is. Salesman Biossat, II. A., '03, Lawyer BI;iekstone, A., '18, Jiraflsmaii Mlake, (.. W., 'is, Engr. Jileuel, Marie 'J'., '16 Bley J. C., '80, JJesigner Mlock, J'". .S., '1(1, l'"ariiiir MIoek, K. W., '03, Engr. MIolmi, a. C, '17, Teach(;r MIomfeldl, A. A., '10. Mfr. Mliim, W. J., '14, I'^ngr. Mock, J'. 'J"., '1 -j, Engr. Molander, JL B., '14, Engr. Moothe V. ./., '08 Mopp, W. G., '02, Lawyer Moriirnann, J. IL, '10. Chem. Mower, L. E., '12. Phys. Howling, B. L., f, ICngr. Mowman, J>. J-"., '12, Interne Boye, W. J<'., '16, Lawyer Boyle, Anna C. (Mrs. J'. Jnnkersfield) Boyle, C, Jr., '10, Lurnberman Bracewell, K. .S., g, (!hern. Bradley, JL ,S., 'is, ICngr. Mradshaw. P. B., '08, Oraftsnian Mrander, A. R., '13. Arch. Brandner, E. G., '16, Kerir. Brandstetler, J. M., '14, Engr. Braucher, E. N., '01, Arch. Mraucher, R. W., 97, Tree ICxpert Braucher, W. B., '8s, Engr. Breton, J. F., '14. IJaseball Mrockett, M., f, Siijit. Mroehl, W. G., '14, Salesman Mromberg, N., 'is, J^esigner JJronson, G. E., '08. ICngr. Mrown, IJ. C, Jr. '08, ICngr. Brown, Helen IJ., 17 lirown, Maudelle T. (Mrs. M. <), Baiisbe '06 Mrrjwn, R. I'., '17, Engr. Mrown, W. M., 97, (.^hem. Mrowne, Kalhryn E., '17, Mus. Brundage, A., '09, JCngr. Brush, f). IL, Jr.. '06, Engr. Bryan, T. J. f, Chem. Brydges, C. K., 'o.s, Jingr. Bttchanan, J. I-., '04, Engr. loiS Univkusity of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued till C AGO— Continued lUichanan, W. L., 'lo. Lawyer lUichen, W., g. Advertiser lUulina, A. O., '14. Draftsman Ihiliai, A. S., '16, Engr. lUiliai, Michael, '14. Draftsman lUiUaiil, l\. K., '82, Teacher lUilUick, E. C. A., '10, Arch. Hnlot, F. II., '14. Engr. lUinne, K. \V., '14. Salesman Itnnn, C. M., '10, Engr. Itnnton, E. I.., '91. Electn. lUndick, C. B., 'os, Engr. lUukhuul, T. L., "og, Merchant lUirnham, Edna S., '07, Mgr. Ihirns. F. B., '14 Burroughs, W. E.. '00, Engr. Burstrom, S. W.. 13. Insp. Burtnett, R. A., '18 Butler, C.. H., '15. Engr. Butler, 1. C. '14 Butler, TSI., f. Prof. ButterlieUl, C. T., '94. Credit Mgr. Butters, 11. M., '12, Engr. - , ,. , Butts, Augusta E. (Mrs. B. A. Canheld) 79 Bye, 11. W., '15. I-'iwyer Byrne, Harriet A., '14, Teacher Byrne, Helen C, '13, Teacher Cabeen, R. M., '09, Arch. Cairns, J. \V., '08, Engr. Calloway, R. T., '07. Mgr. Camp, N. H., '00, Evangelist Campbell, D. M., '17, Engr. Capek, L. V., '11. Stud. Carlsen, A. W., '15. Engr. Carlson, C. A., '11. Draftsman Carlson, Carrie E., '16. Prui. Carmichael, \V. J., '13. An. Ilusb. Spec. Carr, G. R., '01, V. P. and Gen. Mgr. Carr, M. L., '05, Engr. Carr, R. F., '93. Business Carr, W. C, '13, Retailer Carson, Natalia M. (Mrs. J. W. Nelson) '17 Carter. W. C, '02, Draftsman Cary, E. C, '09, Ins. Casey, C. N., '04, Lawyer Casner, S., 'i4, lustr. Casserly, T. D., 'oS. Salesman Castillo, C, 't4. lustr. Cattron, T. H., '13. Clerk Gavins, L. O.. 'oh. Teacher Cermak, J.. '07, Engr. ClKiUand. Grace (Mrs. C. Pollock) 11 ChauiUerlain, L. O., '12, Engr. lluuulicrlain, M. T., '03. Engr. ChamlKrlin. C. C. 'oi, Mgr. Champlin, Grace E., '16 Chapman, D. W., 'i3. Engr. Chapman, E. N.. '15. Chem. Chase, W. A., f, Acct. Chatten, M. C, '96. Arch. Ghcnev, H. L., 'i3. Arch. Chesiuitt, R. C, '14. Engr. (.hinluiul. J. F,, '10, Engr. Chipps. W. C, '01, Engr. Christensen. E. O., '14, Instr. Christenson, C. C, '10, Engr. Chri.stiansen, lolianna C. M., 06, Teacher Church, W. S., '00, Arch. Cieslik. E., '16, Engr. ^ „ ,, . , Clark, Alice H. (Mrs. D. E. Myers) 05 Clark, P. L., '87, Mgr. Clark, R. B., 'oS. Mgr. Clarke, D. R., '14. Lawyer . Clarke, Florence B. (Mrs. J. Michalek) 9t> Clausen, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. H. F. Williams) '14 Clayton. L P., g, Engr. Clyman, D.. '15. Engr. Coddington, A. O., '81, Pnn. Sobs. Coffeen, Amv, '80, Teacher Coffeen, II. C, 'oS, Ins. Coffey, E. W.. '13. Engr. Coh«n, B., 'os, Draftsman CHICAGO— Continued Cohn, A. E., '14 Mgr. Cohn, B. E., '18, Chem. Cole, Emo L. (Mrs. W. A. Spain) '04, Teacher Coleman, W. F., '10, Salesman Colmey, D. C, '18, Stud. Columbia, Emma (Mrs. J. R. Mann) '78 Colvin, 1. A., '13, Bus. Condit, J. S., '02, Lawyer Cone, \V. C, '06, Drattsman Connelly, M. F., '11, Engr. (."ook, F. L., '08, Engr. Cook, J. VV., '93, Contr. Cooke, R. }., '90, Engr. Cooley, E. G., h. Educator Cooley, 11. B., '13, Engr. Cooper, A. R., g, Instr. Cooper, E. A., 16, Salesman Cooper, F. W., '00. Banker Cooper, L. M., '17, Engr. Cornell, F. 11.. '94. Mgr. Cornwell, E. Z., 10, Mgr. Corper, II. J., f, Phys. C^orper, I'., '18 Cowley, T. P., '02, Engr. Coyle, J. P. g. Teacher Grain, C. M., '15, Salesman Croce, M. F., '13, Chem. . Crow, W. L., '12, Stud. Crowell, P. C. '10, Engr. Cruzan, Myrtle A. (Mrs. D. L. Geyer), '14, Teacher Culp. J. D.. '16, Supvr. Cummings, II. L., '15, Sec. Cushing. Helen I. (Mrs. O. L. Helfriclil g Cutler, S. G., '08, Engr. Dailcy, J. A., '07, Engr. Dammers, J. W., '16 Dana, B., '17 Darrell, G. C. '17. Engr. Davis, T. W., '12, Engr. Davis, L. II., g, Chem. Davison, Anne M., f, Journ. Davison, C, t. Doctor Davison, C. M., '98. Arch. Dawson, C. II., '03, Sales Mgr. Dayton, Laura M., '04, Teacher Deakman II. \V., '15, Engr. Decker, Edna M., '17. Teacher Deering, E. W., 'i8 DeLany. C. M., '09, Acct. DeMotte, R. J., '03, Surgeon Deneen, C. S., t. Lawyer Dennis. C. II., '81, Journalist Desmond, J. J., 'la. Salesman DeSwarte, "C. G., '15, Engr. DeVelde, 11. S.. '02. Teaclier Devlin, J. L., '17, Commissioner DeWitt, II. R.. '09, Repr. Dickerson, E. B., '14, Instr. Dickerson, G. II., '03. Engr. Dickinson, J. M., h, Lawyer Dillavou. T. M.. 'os. Business Dirks, B. E. G., '14 Dixon, F. E., '06, Engr. Doerr, H. F., '13, Arch. Doerr. W. P., '09, Arch. Donnersberger. F.. '07, Engr. Donaho, E. W., '08, Draftsman Donahoe, J. T., '14, Engr. Donojjhue, G. T., '06, Engr. Dormitzer. M. R.. '11, Mgr. Doughertv, F. E.. '07. Arcn. Douglas. Ethel L. (Mrs. K. M. Dalienbacb) 'i I Dovvnev. E. F.. '00, Teacher Drver, E.. '87, Engr. Dubin. G. H.. '14. Arch. Duffy, T. F., Jr.. '03. Mfr. Duffv, S. R.. '95. Business Dunham, R. S., '14, Agr. Dunlap. A. M., '11, Engr. Dunlap, F. E.. '16, Arch. Dunlap. R. M., '10. Engr. « (ii':<)(;KAni h ai, I ndkk ILLINOIS— Continued CIIICACO Cuiilniiii.l ( IIICACO ( inii.'il Diiniir, K. K., I, (;„v. (.'(Hliill, Dcll.i rMih. II DuiiniiiK, W. H., 'lo, ICii({r. (J.ihIdii, K, M,, 'ii.t, \: DiiiiiiiiiK, W. N., 'oz, J'-iiKi. I)ii||i>', V. II., '17, J'.iiitr. \\iinu-H, II. ,S.. f, K(l. I'J.'iiiics, M. J., 'li', ('liiroiir;ii I l''..'iHl 111:111, If. 'I'., 'i)<), Arch. I':,, '17, 'I'ea.lici- KrickxoM, K. It,, '17 (joMliciK, I'. II,, 'i,), |. w. I.i i ,. I. rk.-ii.,., J .. !#,, , / < .III. III. I K. I . II., 1 '1, ( f W.-l Kniiflini^, L. It., '1.), \)\r. (Joim-/., A, I'!., 'ij; IvriifHi, r. K., '(17, iiiMtr. CioiiHiur, A., 'm, I'Iiiki'. Kni«(, C. P., '16 Coo.liiiK. I'". I'... 'iJt, CIkmi I'lpHU-m, A. S,. '1 I, liiiKr. <;. II. 1(111, (,'., 'i;^, I'jiKi', KvaiiH. F,. '!« (;<,ir|<,ii, VV. (i., '1^, KiiKi' KvcKit, II. II., f, riivH. C.ir.loii, W, O,, 'ii, CIk'iii. ICvciliaiii VV, K., "17, Kn({i-, (i.iiiiili'y, I, U., 'i.i Arch, l';x. liuM. fMeeiiliill, II., '(7 I'l.iniiery, (,'. A,, '17, Kilgr, 'ii'KK, M.iiioii IC, '17, 'I'e.-icliei- llaiiKh 'Iiiniiell, p. M,, 'is, I.Jiwyei- l'"()rlies. S. I'".. 'yH, Kiikt. < liihlafMOii, J. C, 'or,, M f 1 , For.l, VV. .S., 'r,7, KiiKf. ILihivl, V. II.. ' 1 :: ' • 1 1 IK. ^1' V , ' '• I '. , II, I .IIK' • 'iii^wohj, <;. I)., 'i|5. Knur. 'iroHH. f'.. '17 Gr()HH\)i-tj(, A. .S., 'id, LiiKi'. rjiove, ( . I L, 'u, LllKI'. 'ii iiiiew.ilil, A. II. jr., 'i."; 'iiiiiiiii. I., M.. '16, KiiKf. For.l, VV. .S., ''07, KiiKr. l'orl-;, F.dilor II.Mhall, II. IL, V;7, KiiKi. I'orly, I'". A., 'is lla.rfiier, J. C. '11, KiiKr. I''oHler, A. II., 'i).u KiiKr. I laxi-dorii, ('. F., 'oz, (,'lieiii. Fouler, VV. IL, '<)u. KiiKr. Ilaliii, ^Iiaec I,., 'iK. 'I'eaelier FraiiK-, C.ruir It. (Mrn. IL T. Sloek) '17 ll.ilan. <;. S.. 'i«, ItaMehall iMaiieJH, A. 1.., '(«, Adv. Mf/.r. I lahletnan, P. J., 'i.t, Tread. Fraii.is, IL H,, '00. iJ.ielor Hall, A. I,., '12, Lawyer I'ranklin, II. IL, 'or,, ICnur. Hall, F. .S„ 'os. Arch ri.tiiKiin, II. iJ., 00, i-.iiKi. ii.'iii, r,. ,-),, gs, /\ri;n. I'"ranzen, T. J., '1.1, Fiikt. Il.ill. O, A., '07, .Sec. Fr.i/..-r, G. K., f, A(, ICliKt. ILi|i|ier, JoHeidiine A., '12, Dietitian FuK.-ird. L IL, 'ro, Areh. Ilar.ler, O. K., k, Lhriii. 1 ij^.ifti. I. 1^., .'I, /ii..... I'"iillenwii|er, A. F,., '<;8, Artli. CaddiM, II. K., '1.3, .StatiMtician fiaj/e. U. IL, '03, Fiif(r. fJallaKher, Anna M,, '14. Teacher CJardinrr, ]. I>., 'i.s, lluHine«« fJardner, it. C, '06, fiheni. fiarland, C. M., f. Enffr. Clarrett, K. I'., '02, Law ILniii.iM, I. (!., '04, Pliynieian llaniil, L IV., '"7. I'-nxr. Hail is, I'.li/aheth P.. '17 IL-urih Leila I)., nVIrH. N. T. Il.,h-,.,i,> 'm ILiri, IL-i/.el C, '12 Hartford, Naomi U. (IVfrM, VV, L, Ashhe.kj I"! yer llaHlierx, W, M., 'n, AkI. University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Hatch, Elizabeth M., '12, Teacher Hatch, R. S., 'ii. Draftsman Hawes, H. C, '17, Acct. Hayne, W. E., '18 Hayward, Mabel, '03, Libn. Healy, E. J., '13, Estimator Healy, F. A., '15, Ins. Agt. Heath, D. F.. '16 Hegsted, M. A., '18 Heidkamp, E. N., '14, Salesman Heimbeck. W. C, '10, Engr. Hein, Mary R., '17, Dietitian Helander, L., '15, Ed. Hellstrom, K. E., '08, Engr. Henderson, A., '02, Salesman Henderson, F. S., '16, Engr. Henry, R. L.. Jr., f. Prof. Henson, C. W.^ '87. Mfr. Hermann, E. P., '13, Mgr. Herrmann, G. A., '09, Engr. Heseltine, Eleanor D., '11, Supvr. Hess, R. W., g, Chem. Higgins, C. H., '03, Chem. Hill, J. W., '14, Insp. Hill, N. R., 'jo, Engr. * Hill, T. C, '81, Teacher Hillman, A. B., '14, Engr. Hiltabrand, W. P., '18 Himmelreicher, W. A., '17, Engr. Hinchliff. G. E., '12, Contr. Hindnian, J., '96, Merchant Ho, N. C, '15 Hoag, P. H.. '95, Lawyer Hobart, C. M., '12 Hobbs, G. M., '91, Sec. Hodsdon. Ruth E., g. Clerk Hoffman, P. A., '09, Engr. Hoffman, R. W., '13, Supt. Hogue, C. I., '08, Arch. Holbrook, F. S., '94, Agt. Holden, P. G., f. Dir. Holecek, A. B., '17, Lawyer Holinger, A. C, '16, Engr. Hollister, N. P.. '15, Arch. Holmburger, M.. Jr. '15, Draftsman Holmes, Laura C., '17, Teacher Holt, E. F., '13, Mgr. Holton, C. R., '08, Lawyer Holton, Martha G. (Mrs. J. H. Krebs) '76 Hoodwin. H. J., '08, Engr. Hornung, M. R.. '13. Ceram. Horrell, C. R., '13, Engr. Horwich, D., '18 Horwich, L. J.. '14, Arch. Hostetler, L. E., '17, Engr. Housman, J. S., '14, Engr. Houston, H. A., g, Supt. Houston, J. v., '09, Engr. Howard, R. S., '10, Mgr. Howe. Alice, '07, Stud. Howe, E. G., f. Teacher Howe, H. J., '14, Lawyer Howe, Mary (Mrs. H. Bebb) '09 Howe, R. B., '04, Horticulturist Howe, R. F., '18 Howson, A. W., '18 Hribal, E. A., '13, Engr. Huber, A. J., '17, Engr. Hudsoi: Edith E. (Mrs. R. C. Woods) '17 Hu!ce, Jennie A., '02, Libn. Hull, F. D., '12, Engr. Hultman, I. N., '17, Chem. Hummel. Sarah M., '07, Osteopath Humphreys, H. P., '07, Business Hunt, J. N., Jr.. '07, Mfr. Hunter, J. A., '14. Stud. Huntington, C. S., '11, Engr. Huntington. H. I., '16 Huston. T. A., '14, Lawyer Huth, W. H., '07 Engr. Huxmann, R. F., '13, Engr. Hyde. B., 'So, Engr. Ilg, G. M. A.. '09, Engr. Ingersoll, H. B.. '12, Salesman CHICAGO— Continued Ingram, H. S., '10, Engr. Ingram, W. V., '12, Supt. Ingwersen, H N., '17 Ireland, W. P., '03, Engr. Irwin, Daisy D. (Mrs. G. E. Bronson) '07 Irwin, J. L., '11, Engr. Israel, A. L., '12, Lawyer Jacobs, Cora A., '08, Analyst Jacobsen, N. H., '06, Mgr. Jacobson, H. G. M., '18 Jacobson, S. A., '11, Engr. Jackman, C. H., '16, Engr. Jackson, R. N., '11, Engr. ' Jahn, H. F., '12, Engr. James, Helen D. (Mrs. G. E. Frazer) '10 Jarvis, W. B., Jr., '15, Lawyer Jasper, T., '94, Mfr. Jelferson, J. B., '16, Draftsman Jensen, G. L., '09, Engr. Junsen, J. N., '06, Arch, Jessup, R. D., '07, Engr. Jez, C. L., '16, Land. Gard. Johannsen, A., '94, Prof. Johnson, H. S., '15. Draftsman Johnson. L. C, f, Chem. Johnson, M. L., '16 Johnson, R. U., '14, Johnston. A. R., '00, Chem. Jones, Florence N., f, Instr. Jones, Lucile (Mrs. B. B. Howard) '04 Jones, P. E., '15, Arch. Jones, R. F., '13, Engr. Jones, W. P., '18 Jordan, J. G., '06, Engr. Jordan, M. K., '09, Engr. Jordan, O. J., '08, Prof. Jory, H. W., '14, Asst. Junkersfeld, P., '95, Engr. Kadin, M. J. (M. J. Radinsky), '16, Engr. Kalivoda, J. J., '18 Kantor, J. M., '16, Draftsman Karkow, A. S., '11, Engr. Karkow, W., '13, Engr. Karraker, G. W., '15, Salesman Karsten. Eleanor D., f. Sec. Keeler, H., '96, Prin., H. S. Keeton, R. W,, f, Phys. Kelley, A. C, '12, Teacher Kelley, Grace O.. '03, Libn. Kelso, Ruth, '08, Clerk Kibbe, L. A., '15. Engr. Kidd, A. E., Jr., '14, Mfr. Kidd, G. W., '17 Kilner, Mercedes (Mrs. H. M. Raid) '09 Kimbell, A. W., '13, Sec. Kingsley, W. L., '17, Supvr. Kircher, A. M., '16 Kircher, E. A. T., '11, Instr. Kircher, H. J., '15, Adv. Kircher, P., '11, Engr. Kirkpatrick, H. H., '97, Supt. Schs. Klamt, R. H., '16, Hort. Klein, D., '06, Instr. Klein, W. J., '11, Draftsman Kline, A. L., '18 Knight, E. B., '18 Knight, L. I., '02, Instr. Knowlton, Elizabeth (Mrs. C. L. Morgan) '14 Knudsen. N. A., '17, Engr. Kobylanski, J. L., '15, Engr. Koch, F. C., '99, Prof. Koehn, .\nna (Mrs. W. J. A. Kuehl) 'oa Koestner, W., '10, Insp. Kohout, J. F., '13, Chem. Koll, H. M., '16, Engr. Korshak, S., '14. Engr. Korsmo, A. M., '09, Engr. Korten, Josephine R., f Kosters, S. F., '13, Engr. Kraft, E. W.. '09, Mgr. Kramer. J. C, '13 Krase, H. J., '17, Chem. Krase, N, W., '18 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO — Continued Krause, Emma A., '12, Journ. Kreikenbaum. A., '01, Chem. Kriegh, E. S., '16 Kriewitz, J. G., '17 Krippner. J.. '05, Engr. Kritzer, R. W., '16 Krohn. W. O., f. Physician Krueger, O. A., '15. Engr. Krug, L. G., '17, Chem. Krupar, C. F., '18, Business Kuehmsted, A. L., f Kuehne, C. O., '97, Arch. Kuhn, W. H., 'is, Engr. Kunz, W. F., '10, Bus. Kuss, R. H., '03, Engr. Kyle, G. L., '15, Agt. LaBelle. J. N., '11, Engr. Lamb, C. H., '10, Engr. Landon, G., '18 Landstrom, A. W., 17, Chem. Lange, Sophie, '11, Tutor Langworthy, Caroline V., '03, Libn. Largent, J. C, '16, Draftsman Larkin, Ida C, '13, Teacher Larkin, W. J. jr., '13. Draftsman Larsen, L. R., '13, Engr. Larson, Eva L., '14, Teacher Laskin, L. J., '15. Engr. Lathrop, C. P.. '16, Farmer Lawrence. R. H., 17, Insp. Lawton, B. C, '15. Instr. Lawyer, J. D., '16, Lawyer Leander, E. I., '17, Engr. Lear, G. B., '11, Lawyer Lee, C. B., '09, Bus. Lehman, L. H., '17, Engr! Leigh, C. W., '97, Prof. Leitzbach. Elizabeth. '18. Journ. Lekberg, C. H. S., '15, Prin. Lendrum, Ethel, '07, Demonstrator Lenhart, N. J., '16, Acct. Lenzing, C. W., '16. Chem. Leonard, Ruth, '12, Instr. Leonard, W. N.. '15, Bus. Leslie, Madge C, '17, Teacher Leutwiler, R. W., '11, Engr. Levey, C. J., '11, Engr. Levinson, L., '10, Engr. Levinson, M. C, '17, Designer Levy, A. L., '93. Arch. Lewis, S. M., f. Artist Lieber, Ruth E., '18, Journ. Lindberg, E. F. J., '09, Engr. Lindeberg, G.. '18 Lindsey. H. W., '16, Editor Linn, H. R., '96. Engr. Liss, O. L., '14, Engr. Little, C. R.. '16. Salesman Llewellyn, D. R., '95, Draftsman Lockwood, Isabel K., '18, Clerk Loehr. T. E., '13 Logeman, L. V., '07, Real Est. Long, A. M., '95, Draftsman Long, F. B., '87, Draftsman Loomis, C. B., '17 Loomis, Helen A., '07 Lorenz. F. A., Jr., '09, Pres., Co. Lorenzen, W. C, '12 Salesman Love, C. W., '10, Mgr. Love. R. J., '08. Arch. Lovell, M. M., '17 Lowenthal, F.. '01, Lawyer Lower, P. E., '14. Salesman Lundahl. B. H., '05, Engr. Lunde, G. R., '16 Lundgren. A. V. T., '16, Draftsman Lundin R. S., '15, Orchardist Lurie, E. M., '14, Draftsman Lurie, S. J.. '17 Lyman, R. D., '16, Chem. McAdams, May E., '16. Instr. McCarthy, J. J., '04, Teacher McCaskey, P. A., '11, Bus. CHICAGO— Continued McCauley, C. H., '15, Draftsman McClellan, J. H., f, Phys. McClellan, K. B., '17 McClenahan, W. T., '09. Engr. McClintock, Margaret, '13, Teacher McConnell, M. G., '18, Advertising McCormack, C. E., '10, Reporter McCormack, H., g. Prof. McCormick, E. B., '06, Salesman McCormick, Flora (Mrs. S. B. Shilling) '04 McCullough, F. R., '07, Mgr. McCullough, J. F., '04, Engr. McCumber. C. W., '16, Arch. McCune, F.'L., '01, Engr. McDonald, J. E. W., '14 Engr. McDonald, L., '08. Engr. McDowell, I. W., '11, Engr. McEvoy, T. T., '17 McFadden, Belle L., '97, Teacher McFarland, E. D., '14, Sec. McFarland, W. J., '07, Publisher McGee, W. S., '93, Teacher McGill, Elizabeth R., '12, Teacher McGinnis, Helen, '18 McGrath, T. W., '18 McGregor, J. L., '18 Mclntire, W. R., '12, Engr. McKeown, J. L., '15, Contr. McKinney, N.. '17 McKinnie, E. C, '11, Engr. MacMillan, D. K., f, Entomol. McMillan, M. H., '08, Engr. Mackey, F. J., '10, Mach. Designer Maddock, Alice E.. '07, Teacher Madison, G., '08, Editor Mahan, H. W., '76, Business Mahan, Jean C. (Mrs. P. W. Plank) '78 Author Maitra, K. M., '17, Engr. Malcolm, C. W., '02, Prof. Mamer, C, '10 Lawyer Manard, R. P., '96, Arch. Mandel, E., '12, Chem. Mangan, R. K., '17 Manierre, A. E., '12, Arch. Mann, J. R., '76, Lawyer ^ Manny, F. B.. '18 Manock. W. R.. '10, Draftsman Marbach, H. A. L., '15, Engr. Marks, D. T., '07, Merchant Markson. H., '17, Draftsman Marsh, T. A., '04, Engr. Marshall, R. W., '16, Teacher Marti, W. C, '09, Chem. Martin, E. W.. '10, Salesman Martin, S. G., '12, Engr. Masscy, Esther (Mrs. E. D. McFarland) 'os Mather, Jennie M. (Mrs. J. C. Gustafson)* '07 Matthews, Nellie P. (Mrs. M. K. Jordan) '08 Mattson, Olive M., '11, Teacher Mauel, L.. '11, Engr. Mautner, E. W., '18 Maver, D. B., '12, Engr. Mavor, H. N., '16, Engr. Maxwell, C. J., '96, Chem. May, F. H., '00. Clerk Mealiff, A. E., '16 Meeker, A., t. Packer Mench, J. G., '11, Engr. Merboth, Louisa (Mrs. G. N. Morgan) '85 Merritt, Cora L.. '17, Supvr. Meyer, A. W., '18, Chem. Meyer, G., Jr., '14, Estimator Michael, H., '11 Middleton. Edith A.. '17, Teacher Millard F. H., g. Statistician Miller, Bertha A., '08, Teacher Miller, E. M., '10, Phys. Miller, G. C, '94, Arch. Miller, F. H.. f University ov Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued (, llliAGO- tomiiiucil Miller, M. K., '12, Surgeon Millizen, J. E., 'is, Treas. Minkrtua, VV. H., '17, Mgr. Minor, L. L., '13, Stud. Mitchell, D. K.. '18 Mitchell. T. O., '13, Draftsman Mitchell, W. R., '^7, Teacher Mix, M. I., '13, Engr. Modjeski, K., h, Engr. Mohr, 1.., '82, Engr. Mojonnicr, J. J., 12. Cheni. Mojonnier, O. W., '10, Mgr. Mojonnier, T.. '01, Chem. Molt, Margaret E., '14 , Montague, A. R., '15. En^r. Montezuma, C, 84, Physician Mooney, R., '16 Moore, II. J., '15 Moore, J. K., '08 Morava, W., '7S, Mfr. Morgan, G. N., '84, Lawyer Morgan, Mav M., '17 Morgan, Steila W., '03, Instr. Morrell, R. I.., '15, Salesman Morvill, G. L., '12, Engr. Morrow, Grace E. (Mrs. G. T. Secley) '98 Morrow, N. C, '04, Physician Moses, R., '16, Bus. Mosier, l.eota (Mrs. H. E. Bigler) '16 Moss, Gladys I., '15, Dir. Moyen. C. P., '17, Chem. Mueller, PI. E., ^7 Mueller, C. O., '17, Arch. Mulac, L. E., '16, Engr. Mulfinger, C. W., '14, Lawyer Mulvaney, C. S.. '14 Engr. Murphv, 11. D., '16, Buyer Musham, .1. W., '08. Sec. Zinsser, F. S., 'oq. Designer Myers, G. W., '88, Prof. Myers. II. B., '06, Engr. Myrick. G. 11.. '10. Electn. Nafziger, H., '12, Engr. Naprstck, E. J., '14, Engr. Nash. C. A., 09, Instr. Nathan, M. O., '14, Draftsman Nau, R. IL, '12, Engr. Needham, L, '93, Supt. Needier, Helen M. (Mrs. G. V. Wetzel) "u Needier. 1. II., '17 Nees, F. 1,., \m. Lawyer Nehls, A. L.. f. Chem. Nelson, B., 'n, Engr. Nelson, J. W., '17 New, C. L., '06, Pres. Newman. Fanny, '13 Newton. F. E., '00, Lawyer Newton. L. V., '13. Supt. Nichols. Emily L. (Mrs. M. J. Trees) '05 Nichols. K. C. '15, Teacher Nichols, R. U.. '13, Contr. Niehaus. \V., Jr., '12, Engr. Noack. Emilie M., '15, Teacher Noe, S. R.. '03, Contr. Nolte. C. B.,^'og. Mgr. ^orlin, F. C, '17, Engr. Norton, Carrie B. (Mrs. J. J. I.aemnile'i Noth! Lillian (Mrs. II. R. Hodman) '12 Nuckolls, C. M., "ot;. Engr. Nutt, G. S., "13. Chem. Nutting. II. G. D., '06, Engr. Ochs. C. A., '17 O'Brien, ^lyra B., '07, Libn. O'Hair. Claire. '08, Teacher Oldcfest, E. G., '06, Arch. Olin. I. B., '17. Acct. Olsen, Anna M., '15, Teacher Olsen, C. F., '16, Engr. Olseng. H. C. '15. Clerk Olson. Agnes M., '14, Welfare Worker Olson. R. G.. 'iS Olson, R. IL. 'is. Draftsman Onieara. .V. R.. '17 CI 1 1 C.VGO— Continued Ostrander, Mabel V, (Mrs. J. McKeown) - '08 Ostrowski, O., '00, Lawyer Otis, II. .\., '12, Supt. Ott. J. K.. '17 Ottnian^ H. P.. '13, Farmer Otto, O., '17, Farmer aj Outhouse, F. M., '04, Lawyer m Overmier, E., '13, Engr. " Owen, C. N., i6, Engr. Owen, IL P., '18 Oyen, A. N., '02, Doctor Page, J. W., '92, Engr. Paln.er, Audrie M. (Mrs. D. A. Sharpc) '09, Teacher m Park, W. M., '04, Engr. i Parker. C. W., '04, Claim Agt. 1 Parker, H. E., f, Supt. ' Parker, L. G., '02, Engr. Parker, Minnie L. (Mrs. E. E. Stults) '08 Parker, W. W., '08, Engr. Parkins, E. H., '14, Salesman Parkinson. K. W., 16, Agr. Parminter, Grace E., '86, Missionary Partridge, N. L., '13 Pastel. A. R., '18, Engr. Patterson. Nellie R., '17, Teacher Patton, D. C, '10, Publisher Patton, Elsie (Mrs. H. J. Johnson) '13 Patton, L. K., '09, Interne Paul, A. E.. '97 Paul, Berenice M., '18 Paul. II. J., '10, Engr. Pearson, .T. W., '05, Engr. Pecchia, V. A., '17, Engr. Peck, Anna L., '12, Dir. Pedler, R. H., '17 Peebles. C. J.. '00. Banker Pcloquin, P. J., '11, Engr. Pence, W. D., '86, Engr. Pendarvis, H. F., '17, Engr. Penhallow, L. B.. '18 Penn, H., '10, Engr. Pepoon, H. S., '81, Teacher Percival, Marion (Mrs. J. E. Mills) '15 Petersen, H. V., '10, Engr. Peterson, H. C, '13, Engr. Peterson, H. R.. '14. Merchant Peterson, J. F., '04, Contr. Peterson. R. W., '17, Engr. Pethybridge. F. H.. '17 Petrie. D., '10. Mgr. PfetTcr, J. E.. '96. Mfr. Pfeiffer, B. S.. "12. Engr. Pfisterer, G. E.. '08, Engr. Phillips, T. C, '00, Engr. Pickard, E. W.. '88, Journ. Pickett, C. C, '00, Lawyer Pierce, F. D., '83. Druggist Pullinger, R. A., '08, Engr. Pillsbi.ry, C. S.. '07. Mgr. Pinkey, F. T.. '16. Chem. Pistorius, B. H., '11. Draftsman Pittenger, B. F., f. Instr. Pittnian, T. M. Jr., '11, Engr. Planck. Catharine (Mrs. P. Kircher) '14 Pohlman, E. C, '18 Pollard, A. R., 'lo. Mfr. I'oUard. H.. '09, Supt. Pollard, Leila J., '14, Teacher Pond. F. IL, Jr., '11. Engr. Ponder, W. it., '13, Banker Popp. P. F., 'n, Engr. Popperfuss, H. J.. '10, Engr. Postel. F. T.. '90, En!?r. Powell, C. ^., '09, Engr. Powell. T. R., '04. Chem. Powell, t.. L.. '12, Draftsman Powers, M. E.. '09. Engr. Prather, C. I., 'og, Attv. Pratt, T. B.. '16. Acct. Pray, R. M., '06, Banker Price, L. W., '07. Lawyer Price. M. H., '17 Geographical Index 1023 ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO — Continued Prindle, M. L., '13, Contr. Pullen, R. B., '92, Lawyer Purcell, W. T., '17 Quaintance, H. W., g, Instr. yuine, W. E., h, Prof. Quinn, R. J., '12, Engr. Raaberg, R. S., '17, Draftsman Raffowitz, F., '16, Engr. Rahn, R. C, '16, Engr. Raithel, Kathryn R., '18 Rail, E. R., 'is, Engr. Ramsey, W. E., '03, Engr. Randa, C. E., '18 Randall, F. A., '03, Engr. Randall, Grace L., '17, Stud. Randall, T. D., '15 Randolph, I., h, Engr. Raphaelson, S. M., '17, Writer Rapp, C. E., '06, Engr. I-tapp, G. L., '99, Arch. Rappaport, B. J., '14 Rascher, C., '12, Mgr. Rathfon, S. C, '12, Engr. Rathfon, W. O., '15, Chem. Ray, H. L., '15, Teacher Reace, W. T., '15 Redderson, E. E., '13, Engr. Reece, R. W., '09. Engr. Reed, C. O., '11, Adv. Agt. Reed, E. A., '13, Engr. Reeder, C. H., 'lo, Engr. Rehnquist, E. F.. '17 Reiff, P. F., g, Instr. Reimert, R. R. Jr., '14, Arch. Rein, L. E., '06, Sec. Reitz, W. R., '13, Engr. Renner, E. T., '05, Engr. Renwick, G. W., '16, Engr. Renwick, Ruth M., '14, Supvr. Reuni, H. E., '13, Engr. Rexwinkle, F. D., '12, Engr. Ribback, L., '15 Rich, D. B., 'I's, Farmer Rich, P. C, '14, Chem. Richards, Helen, M., '14, Teacher Richards, L. S., '04. Engr. Richardson, Edith M., '09, Teacber Richardson, W. H., '07, Engr. Ripley, C. T., '09, Insp. Ripple, Ruth A., '18 Ritter, J. €>., '17 Ritter, W. T., '18 Roane, T. D., '17 Roarke, R. C, g, Chem. Roberts, C. S.. '12, Lawyer Roberts, Erma D. (Mrs. F. S. Henderson) '14 Roberts. W. R., '88. Engr. Robinson, A. F., '80, Engr. Robinson, H. F., '06, Arch. Rohn, F. A., '16, Arch. Root. R. R., f. Land. Card. Ropp, F. N., '08, Designer Rose, W. B., '10, Asst. Rosenberg, F., '16, Cerara. Ross, E. L., g. Prof. Rosset, L., '15, Engr. Roth, Florence C, '18 Rotrock, H. M., '16, Salesman Roulston, R. B., '04 Rowe, C. B., '17 Rowe, J., '17 Rowe, J. L., '17, Engr. Roy, H. M., '05, Enpr. Rueff, T. A., '16, Designer Rugg, H. O., g. Prof. Rudnick, P. F. A., '99, Physician Ruskamp, W. H., '11. Engr. Russell, L. M., '12, Mgr. Russell. W. E.. '11, Acct. Rusy, B. F., '17 Ruth, T. L., '16, Lawyer Ryther, H. W., '15, Engr. Sager, F. A., f, Engr. (11 rCAGO— Continued Sailer, F.. '18 Samson, C. L., '02, Engr. SairueU, Theresa M., '18, Journ. Sandberg, R. L., '12, Draftsman Sanders, A. H., h. Ed. Sargeant, S. S., 13, Lawyer Sato, K., '18 Sayers, A. J. '95, Salesman Sayers, W. W., '97, Engr. Sayre. C. B., '13, Auto. Bus. Seaman, A. T., '08, Engr. Sears, Rose R., '14, Libn. Seely, G. T., '99, Mgr. Seifried, A. G.,' '16. Land. Arch. Seifried, J. F., '12, Engr. Seiter, P. W., '10, Engr. Severinghaus, M. G., '13, Printer Scanlan, J. A., '11, Engr. .Schacht, F. W., '97, Teacher Schacfer, J. V. E., '88, Engr. Schafmayer, A. ]., '07, Engr. Schaller, Emma, E., (Mrs. F. H. Millard) Scheidenhelm, E. L., '92, Engr. Scheifley, W. H., f Schertz, J. W., '07, Engr. Schetnitz, H., '15 Schiesswohl, P. G., '15, Bus. Schiesswohl. R. L., '16 Schifflin, A. K., '18 Schill, Gertrude B., '11, Instr. Schmidt, H.. '05, Engr. Schobinger. E., '15, Engr. Schoeller, J. E., '06, Engr. Schoene, II. F., '17 Schoiz, .\. L., '12, Draftsman Scholz, H. A., '07, Chem. Schoolcraft, H. L., f. Bus. Schoolcraft, P. L., '13, Teacher Schrader, A. C, '85, Engr. Schreiber, L. H., '18 .Schreibcr, O. W. K., '07, Banker Schreiber, R. E., '04, Lawyer Schutt, W. K., '99 Schurecht, H. G., '14, Engr. Schwartz, O. J., '12, Correspondent Schwarzkoff, Florence A. (Mrs. E. W. Donaho) '09 Scott, E. S., '14, Engr. Scott, G. R., '17 Scott, R. C, '13, Sec. Scroggin, Mildred A. (Mrs. R. B. Foster) '15 Shamel, C. A., '91, Editor Shapiro, I. M., '12, Mgr. Shaw, E. J., '10, Engr. Shaw, F. W., '17 Shea. J. C, '96, Salesman Sheean, H. D., '99, Atty. Sheldon, N. E.. ^8 Shimmin, R. P., '02, Salesman Shively, W. S., '15, Engr. Shklowsky, A. J .,'10, Engr. Shlaudeman, F., '82, Mgr. Shobe, F. D., '14, Lawyer Shonts, T. D., '15 Shrader, F. K., '09, Broker Shultz, Edith A., '13, Stenog. Siegel, I., 'is. Lawyer Siegfried, E. O., '16, Draftsman Simmons, H. H., '09, Engr. Simonini, P. C, '12, Eiigr. Simons, A. M., *i2, Engr. Simons, Rayna D. C. (Mrs. S. M. Ra- phaelson) '17 Simons, R. S.. '16 Simpson, A. M., '13, Engr. Sims, C. E., 'is, Chem. Sinclair, Clara, '12, Teacher Skelley, C. E., '05, Engr. .Skinner, E. R., '03, Engr. Skinner, J. K., '14, Teacher Slack, H. L., '16, Instrumentman Sladek, G. E., '17 I024 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Sladek, V. R., '12, Salesman Slater, W. F., '94, Osteopathist Slawson, H. H.. 10, Adjuster Slonnegar, W. D., '12, Agt. Slosson, R. L., '11, Engr. Smart, A., 'vj, Engr. Smejkal, F. J., '14, Farm Adv. Smejkal. J. A., Jr., '07, Engr. Smidl, E., '17 Smith, A. D., '13, Mgr. Smith, C. E., '16, Engr. Smith, C. W., '13, Engr. Smith, G. C, '01, Surgeon Smith, H. W., '04. Y..M. C. A. Sec. Smith, Julia H., t Smith, L. D., f. Practitioner Smith, Robert, '14, Engr. Smoot, Elma (Mrs. F. J. Smoot) '99 Soderberg, A. F., '13. Engr. Sommer, A. N., '06, Mgr. Sotola, J., '18 Spencer, F. W., '97, Engr. Spencer, N. S., '82, Arch. Spengler, L. W., '11, Engr. Sporlein, L. W., '14, Merchant Stahl, W. A., '16, Salesman Stair, J. L„ Jr., '08, Engr. Standish, S., '10, Engr. Stanger, O. C, '09. Chem. Stanton, S. C, '79, Physician Steele, A. D., f, Supt. Steele, D. A. K.. h, Surg. Steele. P., '89, Engr. Steinhoff, F. L.. '17, Ed. Steinmayer, A. G., '16, Engr. Stevens, Lucia A. (Mrs. R. J. De Motte") '03 Stewart, Ella M., '83, Teacher Stiff, R. M., '08. Chem. Stirton, J. C, '16, Engr. Stoltey, Marie J. (Mrs. H. T. Nafziger) '13 Stone, A. G., '16, Engr. Stough, G. H., '13, Engr. Straub, W. F.. '18, Chem. Street, Marietta L. (Mrs. H. M. Price) '03 Streff, A. P.. '09, Engr. Strehlow, O. E., '96, Engr. Strom, J.. '10, Engr. Stromberg, T. W,, '06, Engr. Stumpf, E. H., '16, Acct. Styles, E. B., '12, Engr. Summers, A. R., '15, Engr. Sutcliffe, Marjorie (Mrs, P. D. Amsbary) '15 Sutherland, J. B., Jr., '12, Designer Sutton, F. H., '16, Credit Man Swanberg, Marie (j., '18, Dietitian Sweeney, A. F., f. Instr. Sweeney, P. J., '15, Foreman Swenson, C .E., '17 Swenson. E. H., '13, Engr. Swett, W. C, '09, Designer Swift, Elizabeth A., '09, Ed. Swits, F. H., '10, Sec. Sylvester, Grace D., '18 Taft, L., '79, Sculptor Tarnoski, P. T., '07, Chem. Tarracciano, A. E., '14, Engr. Taylor, Hazel E., '13, Teacher Taylor, Margaret, '14, Teacher Taylor, Ruth B. (Mrs. E. W. Wagenseil) '05 Tear, H. R., '14, Engr. Tear, Julia F., '11, Teacher Terrey, W. H.. '10, Draftsman Thayer, Alice C. (Mrs. W. F. Lyon) '12 Thayer, C, '13, Salesman Thayer, H. S., '10, Engr. Theodorson, W. A., '01, Engr. Thomas, D., '81, Mgr. Thompson, C. H., '14, Mgr. Thompson, F. L., '96, Engr. CHICAGO— Continued Thompson, F. L., '02, Acct. Thompson, G. H., '00, Dept. Mgr. Thompson, Lillian M., '16, Teacher Thompson, M., '02, Engr. Thompson, Susan E., '97, Teacher Thomson, A., '09, Merchant Thoren, J. M., '11, Engr. Thorndike, Clara L., '15, Teacher Thorne, L. E., '15 Thorud, B. M., '18 Thrasher, H. M., 'ii, Y. M. C. A. Sec. Tobey, H. E., '10, Engr. Tower, W. E., '94, Teacher Townsend, W., '93, Salesman Touzalin, Clara B. (Mrs. P. E. Stone) '09 Travis, R. E., '04, Engr. Trees, M. J., '07, V. P. Trimble, Clara E. (Mrs. G. H. Fenn) '04, Teacher Trimble, Mary L., '06, Teacher Troeger, P. T., '16, Land. Card. Troy, Mary Z., '15, Libn. Tucker, G. M., '17 Tull, A. L., '09. Dentist Tumbleson, A. T., '10 Uphaus, B. R., '15 Urbain, L. F., '10. Arch. Vanden Boom, G. Q.., '16, Engr. Van DerVoort, W. H., f, Mfr. Vaniman, R. L., '12, Engr. \'an Winkle, P. K., '17, Salesman Vaughan, G. P., '15 Vear, C. E., '12, Adv. Agt. Venning, F. L., f. Arch. N'igeant, G., Jr., '12, Arch. Voigt, H. L., '16 Vollweiler, E. H., g, Chem. \^on der Lippe, E. C. F., '02, Engr. Wagenseil, E. W., '05, Mgr. Wagner, A. L., '14, Real Est. Wagner, C, f. Sec. Wagner, Roberta J., '18 Wagoner, E. O., '06, Ins. Agt. Wahl, H. R., '01. Engr. Wait, E. L., '01, Chem. Wakefield, G. M., '97, Engr. Wakefield, N. R., Jr., '07, Lawyer Waldie, J. R. R., '10, Farmer Walker, R. A., '11. Stud. Walker, S., '17, Engr. Wall, R. J. F., '07, Arch. Wallace, E. D., '17 Wallace, Mabel C, '14, Teacher Walter. C. A.. '98, Mgr. Ward, Janet, '18, Teacher Ward, Mamie L., '15. Teacher Wardall, W. J., '08, Banker Warren, G. E., '12, Engr. Washington, Margaret (Mrs. B. S. Pfeif- fer) g Waters, E. E., '12, Salesman Watt, L. A., '10, Chem. Weakley, H. G., '01, Business Weaver, H. J., '06, Engr. Webber, H. E., '16, Arch. Webster, R. F.. '06, Teacher Weedman, F. J., '94 Weeks, C. E., '11, Engr. Weeks, H. W., '04, Engr. Weil M. E., '12, Salesman Weisfeld, L. H., '13, Draftsman Weld, L. D. H., g, Mgr. Wells, Grace A. (Mrs. R. V. Morgan) g, Instr. Wells, M. M., g, Instr. Wenter. L. M., '12 Engr. Wesselhoeft, C. D., '02, Engr. West, R. R., '07, Engr. Westenhaver, J. L., '18 Westfall. C. C. '07, Engr. Westland, E. H.. '16. Sec. Wetzel, C. L., '98, Engr. Wheaton, Hazel D. (Mrs. E. H. Westland) '16 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued CHICAGO— Continued Wheeler, E. J., 'ii, Engr. Wheeler, R. C, '15, Estimator Whitaker, Ruth L., '12, Teacher White, Anna D., '04, Libn. White, F. H., Jr., '16, Engr. White, F. M., '09, Ed. White, J. D.. '02 White, J. G., '13, Salesman White, K. B., '11, Engr. White, Mahala J., '06, Teacher White, Wiebe A.. '08, Libn. White, Winifred E., '18, Teacher Whitney, Helen W., '13, Teacher Whitten, J. H., '11, Asst. Wiedling, C. C, '15, Salesman Wien. J. H., '18 Wikoff, Minna, '14, Instr. Wikoff, Ruth I., '18, Teacher Wilczynski, E. J., f. Prof. Wilder, H. W.. '86 Wiley, G. G., '12, Draftsman Wilkinson, L. E., '06, Arch. Willcox, Lucy B. E. (Mrs. J. D. Wallace) '00 Williams, D. D., '07, Businesss Williams, G. B., '99, Engr. Williams, Mary E., '04, Physician Williams, R. C, '13, Engr. Wilson, B., '12, Engr. Wilson, Besse E., '07, Libn. Wilson, Helen M. (Mrs. W. Schlueter) '16 Wilson. H. S., '12, Mgr. Wilson, N. K., '14, Salesman Wilson, R. C, '90, Doctor Wilson, T., '02, Editor Wjnokur, M. C, '16, Instrumentman Winters, C. P.. '15, Secret Service Winters. L. M., '18 Witte, Hulda C, '10, Teacher Woleben, W. T., 'i8 Wolf. Elsa C, '17 Wolff, S.. '02, Engr. Wood. Adeline, '16 Wood, F. L., '76 Woodbridge, Mary E., '08, Analyst Woodin, E. C, '07, Business Woods, A. C, Jr., '17 Woods, G. E., '13, Lawyer Woods, R. C, '17, Phys. Dir. Woolston, W. H.. '13, Physician Wray, T., '00, Electn. Wright, S. B., '09. Engr. Wright, Eliza M. (Mrs. M. W. Canaday) '85 Wright, Helen G., '07 Wright, Lora (Mrs. G. B. Williams) g Wright, M. R., '06, Merchant Wright, Minnie R. (Mrs. R. Q. Burton) '14 Wright, W. H., '96, Teacher Wrisley, G. A., '16, Chem. Wroby, N. W., '18 Wussow. A. F. D., '09, Chem. Wyeth, W. H., '11, Draftsman Yates, J. W., '07. Engr. Yates, T.. '06, Engr. Yeakel, W. K.. '95, Doctor Young, A. T., '17 Ziesing. A., '78, Business Zipf. F. J., '02, Asst. Prin. Zollinger, J. E., '15, Salesman :HICAG0 HEIGHTS Ashdown, E. H., '09. Engr. Badger, H. S.. '13, Electn. Chandler. W. H. C, g, Chem. Krehbiel. J. F., f, Chem. McCoy, M. H., '08, Engr. Vance. W. N., '95, Engr. Whelan, J. M.. Jr., '13. Engr. Williams, G. R., '10. Engr. :hillicothe Hunter. Margaret, '18 CIIILLICOTHE^Continued Hunter, R. F., '13, Buyer Jordan, Helen M. (Mrs. H. Truitt) '11 Kirk, H. S., '15, Lawyer Neill, Alma J., '13, Asst. Proctor, O. A., '90 Truitt, H., '11, Banker CHRISMAN Booker, Helen E., '04, Prin., H. S. Cusick, J. F., '03, Lawyer Hoult, Bessie B. (Mrs. C. J. Pankow) '12, Teacher Kimmel, L., '16, Prin. McClure, Winifred L.. '16, Teacher CHRISTOPHER Tygett, R., '09, Lawyer CICERO Frazee, R. C, '14, Tester Kerner, J. C, '17 Kerner, R. J., f. Stud. Matousek, J.. '05, Engr. Sladek, R. B.. '18 Smithson, A. T., '14, Draftsman Walker, Jennie A., '16, Teacher Zahrobsky, E. F., '09, Sec. CISCO Augustus, Lalah M., '17, Teacher Augustus, R. E., '16, Teacher CISSNA PARK McCracken, H. O., '14, Farmer Oathout, C. L., '13, Farmer Pruitt, C. J., '09. Merchant Sailor, I. C., '15, Cattle Breeder Turner, Bessie I. (Mrs. C. L. Oathout) '14 lLAREMONT Armstrong, J. E., '97, Dairyman Cr.ARENCE Frederick, E. M., '17 CLAY CITY Keach, W. M., '16. Orchardist CLAYTON Smith, S. C. '14, Mgr. CLIFTON TERRACE Rosenberg, H. B., '18 CLINTON Abbott, Frances D., '10, Teacher Allen, F. O., '16. Prin. Allen, L., '13, Prof. Bentley, Beulah B., '18, Teacher Bridgman, Minnie C. (Mrs. L. W. Ingham) '01 Campbell, Amanda (Mrs. M. Moore) '75 Carter, C. W., '93, Phys. Corrington, C. E., '09, Mgr. Hart, P. M., '14. Engr. Ingham. L. W., '02. Lawyer Mann, Mary E. (Mrs. C. W. Carter) '93 Nebel, C. A., '15. Farmer Nebel, Dora M., '14. Teacher Rundle, W. B., '17, Farmer Walker, C. C, '15. Farmer Walker, Helen, '18. Cashier Ziegler, J. F. S., '07, Farmer COAL CITY Campbell, C. W., '17 Littler, S. H., '11, Prin. COATSBURG Dralle, H. E., '16 1026 UNiviiKsiTv oi'- Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued 15, Ttacher '16, Teacher 1.., '15, Farmer COBDEN Rich, C. W.. '04, Farmer Watson, R. M., '17 COLCHESTER Terrill, F., '08, Engr. COLFAX rienline, H. H., '14, Instr. Hicks, R. H., '13 Horney, VV. R., '17, Teacher Marquis, D. B., '14, Farmer Wiley, J. E., '13, Farmer COLLINSVILLB Bartells, G. C. Jr., '08, Chem. Bernhardt, Josepliine E., '16, Teacher Kennedy, J. W., '94, Arch. CONGRESS PARK Morris, T. E., '08, Draftsman Morris, V. L., '15. Insp. Robbins, J., '10, Engr. COOPERSTOWN Parks, Wilma G. CRESCENT CITY Helmreich, Agnes J. S CRETE Trowbridge, ( CROSSVILLE Johnson. R. M., '17, Farmer Stokes, C. N., g, Teacher CRYSTAL LAKE Berg, B. C '16, Teacher Burleigh, Inez L., '18 Shelton, A. M., '03, Supt. Schs. CUBA Ewan, Caroline V., '18 Smith, G. C, '16. Prin. Smith, Mary P., '18, Diet. Smith, Nellie E. (Mrs. O. R. Grady) '08 CUTLER Braden, C. A., 'os DALTON CITY Freeland, C. B., '11 DANVERS Hough, C. F., '16, Lawyer DANVILLE Allen. L. T., '05, Judge Besore, Hazel (Mrs. G. C. McCann) '08 Boggs, Martha II. (Mrs. I. A. Love) '83 Bookwalter, R. R., '09, Lawyer Bowman, Mabel I., '17, Teacher Boyle, J. M., '06, Lawyer Brand, R. K., 'og, Supvr. Bredehoft. Mabel, '09, Teacher Briles, B. S., '80, Business Burns, O. M., '16 Cannon, J. G., h, Congressman Carter, I. R., '14, Lawyer Cass, S., '12. Supt. Checkley, J. H., '13, Farm Adv. Cline, J. R., '15, Engr. Dalbey, E. L., '13. Lawyer Doughty, I. N., '06, Supt. Ely, H. M., '99, Engr. Ercanbrack. H. E., '09, Engr. Faulk, M. C, '17. Minister Fisher. J. F., '90, Engr. Fleming, Sara A., g. Teacher Getman, R. L., '14, Engr. Giddings, M. T^., '17. Teacher Hall, A. R., '01. Lawyer DANVILLE— Continued Holderman, Marjorie C. .(Mrs. G. H. Schultz) '03 Ilornor, Nellie N.. 'i.> Hubbart, C. C., '09, Engr. Jackson, Mabel C, '15, Teacher James, C. A., '09, Engr. Johns, D. C, '17 Johnson, A. A., '08, Lawyer Johnson, J. E., '01, Business Jones, R. H., 'i I Kent, L. M., '96, Lawyer Koch. C. E., '15, Engr. Lane. Cora M. (Mrs. E. G. Wiedman) '13, Teacher Lewis, C. M., '96, Arch. Lewis, Lucy E., '11, Teacher Liese, G. C, '96, Arch. Lindley, W. C, 'oi. Lawyer Love, Beryl F., '18 Ludwick, G. W., '96, Arch. Lumbrick, A., '08, .\dv. Mclntire, M. M., '06. Teacher Moore, Sara E., '18 Moschcl, Margaret (Mrs. S. A. Schicke- danz) '12 Neal, Essie E. (Mrs. A. W. Hayes) '10 Nydegger, Charlotte (Mrs. W. C. Jackson) '08 Piatt, C, '14, Lawyer Rav, R. W., 'II, Constr. Rottger, R. C, '13, Treas. .Sanford, Harriet A., '16, Teacher Schecter, R. W., '16, Teacher Schickedanz, S. A., '11, Engr. Skadden, H. F., '15, Arch. Smith. L. M., g Story, Helen D., g. Teacher Stuebe, L. F. W., '03, Arch. Swain, D. T., '17 Walz, Emilie I., '16, Instr. Wolter, H. F., '18, Supvr. Yeager, O. K., '11, Constr. DAWSON Morgan, C. A., '15 DECAIIUR Allin, Eugenia, '03, Libn. Barnes, E. C, '17, Tester Bramhall, A. E., '10, Arch. Brown, E. C, '07, Engr. Burnett, W.. Jr., '14, Engr. Capron, F. R., '97, Draftsman Carey, W. J., '06, Lawyer Connard, A. F., '12, Draftsman Corley, IL, '13, Engr. Corley, S.. '15, Engr. Curtis, B. T., '17 Denz, R. E.. '16 DeWolfe, Mary E., '14, Teacher Dick. C. R.. '07, Engr. Dickey, J. IL, '98, Dentist Fisher, Fay L., g. Teacher Fisher, L. N., '12, Engr. Gibson, R. .\., '17 Gray. J. M., '18 Halterman, II. J., '15, Engr. Hannum, Myrtle N., '05. Clerk Hartsock, Nelle M., '14, Mgr. Hostctlcr. W. B., '18 Hutchin. C. E., '07, Lawyer Ilyslop, W. II., g, Instr. Jones, .•\. A., '10, Lawyer Kayser, C. S., '18 Kean, II. P., g, Instr. Ketch, J. M., '17. Engr. Kirby, W. I., '14. Arch. Kirk, Bertha M., '17. Supvr. Kirk, Josephine, '12. Teacher Lindsay, F. M., '04. Pub. Lutz R. S., '15. Engr. McGinley, W., '05, Lawyer McNulta, S.. '17 Metz. C. A., 'is, Engr. I Geogkapiiical Index 1027 ILLINOIS— Continued DECATUR— Continued Metzler, A. M., '16, Merchant Miller, R. A., '11, Engr. Monroe, R., '12, Lawyer Moray, II. H., '05, Lawyer Nelson, Charlotte B. (Mrs. C. M. Jack) '03 Nichol, Marion S., '08, Teacher Parker, Minnie (Mrs. V. N. Hostetler) '80 Pogue, II. A., '16, Sec. Pogue, P. W.. '14, Lawyer Pogue, S. L., '14, Lawyer Powers. J. H., '17, Fanner Risley, W. J., g. Prof. Roberts, C. M.. '18 Samuels, T. W., '09, Lawyer Shay, Mary L., '17, Ed. Asst. Shilling, F. W., '16, Druggist Smith, F. J., g, Bus. Smith, S. B., '07, Farmer Spencer, Bertha (Mrs. E. A. Miner) '95 Starr, Bernice F., '14, Clerk Stonffcr, E. L.. '18. Arch. Thompson, Estelle, '06, Teacher Tinkey, O. G.. '18, Electn. Van Cleve, Edith J. (Mrs. E. H. Allen) '12 Van Praag, A. V., Jr., '17 Waggoner, A. M., '1.3, Arch. Waggoner, K. M., '17 Webber, A. G., '14, Lawyer Weilepp, Eva S., '15, Teacher Weilepp, Laura E., '17 Wheelhouse, Elizabeth L.. '18, Teacher Wheelhouse, Mary E., '16, Teacher White, H. C., '08, Lawyer White, R. S., '18, Advertising Wiley, F. R., '04, Lawyer Wittlinger, Emma M. (Mrs. F. W. Schlie) '04 Wood, Margaret C. (Mrs. C. R. Dick) '10 Young, O. E., '9.3, Farmer DEIERFIELD Galloway, W. J., '07 Jordan, E. B., '08, Farmer Parsons, Lura E. (Mrs. E. B. Jordan) '09 DEER GROVE Tervill, J. S., '91, Gardner DE KALB Alverson, Eva L. (Mrs. W. G. Eckhardt) '06 Anderson, Edla V.. '18 Avery, R. A., '17, Tester Clark, B. H., '17, Mgr. Cook, J. W., h. Coll. Pres. Eckhardt, W. G., '05, Agr. Fisk, H. D., '18, Lawyer Hesselbaum, Caroline E., '14, Teacher Hollandsworth, Helen (Mrs. B. H. Clark) '17 Lacey, J. J., '17, Teacher Luney, E. R., '13, Draftsman Luney, F. S., '07, Engr. Luney, R. T., '15, Lawyer McMahon, Eva I.. '07, Libn. Matthewson, J. P., '11, Farmer Nelson, P. S., '14, Engr. * Phelps, J. M., g, Instr. Shipman, A. B., '05. Miner Skiles, J. R., '13, Teacher Staley, I. E., g, Teacher Staley, Irene E., g. Teacher Swift. Lola E., g, Instr. Watson, C. B., '13, Farmer Watson, J. W., '16, Agr. Whitten, C. W., '06, Prin., H. S. Whitten, Jennie A.. '17 DE LAND Baumann, T. A., '12, Doctor Dauberman, Margaret L. (Mrs. R. Rine- hart) 'is McCammon, Martha, 'i8. Teacher Stambaugh, F. M., '14, Lawyer Wisegarver, Elizabeth P., '17, Teacher DELAVAN Allen, R., '76, Farmer Hopkins, G. B., '17, Engr. Hopkins, R. E., '10, Farmer Rcardon, C. C, '07, Farmer Reardon, N. D.. '00, Prof. DEPUE Wray, D. C, '98, Engr. DES PLAINES Campbell, Grace A. (Mrs. R. R. Daniclson) Danielson, R. R., '14, Chem. Gridley, G. N., '75, Business DIXON Ackert, Alice N. (Mrs. E. A. Doisey) '18 Armington, Clara G., '18, Teacher Armington, Dorothy M., '15, Teacher Brown, Ruth E., '07, Sec. Clayton, T. W., '98, Engr. Nichols, Josephine M., '17, Teacher Overmier, M. D., '11, Engr. Woodyatt, H. F., '17 DOLTON Harms, L. A. P., '11, Supt. Walkerly, Dorothy K., '15, Teacher DONGOLA Karraker. A. H., '16, Survr. DONNELLSON Laws, J. W., '16, Farmer DOWNERS GROVE Abbott, A. W., '12, Farmer Boon, W. G., '95, Engr. Richey, F. C, '14, Farmer Rolfe, Susan F. (Mrs. II. G. Butler) 'o^ Whitney, L. H., '17 DUNDEE Cameron, G. M., '18 Hinman, Glidden, '05, Bacteriol. Llinman, R. B., '15, Mgr. Wenholz, W. W., '11, Engr. DUQUOIN Allais, Eugenie, '16 Barker, L. W., '94 Kelly, L. R., '09, Lawyer Kimmel, H. E., '06, Lawyer Lynch, Margaret, '18, Teacher Parks, Catherine E., '17, Teacher Turner, F., '14, Asst. DURAND Derwent, E. F., '06, Farmer DWIGHT Donigan. F. L., '07, Engr. Hager, H. M., '17 Hoffman, A. A., '17 Seymour, R. V., '04, Lawyer Tanner, T. S., '17 EARLVILLE Duffy, J. C, '17, Farmer Keeler. F. B.. '95, Contr. Van Alyea, M. C, (M. C. V. Alyea) '10, Claim Agt. EAST AMBOY Kline, W. G., '06. Teacher EAST DUBUQUE Burns, C. C, '16, Teacher KAST MOLINE Long, G. D., '09. Lawyer Lucas, Rena A. (Mrs. H. W. Whitsitt) 'n.(. Libn. Railsback, F. H., '10, Lawyer Whitsitt, H. W., '03, Arch. 1 I028 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued EAST PEORIA Grigsby, H., '17, Rancher EASTON Ross, Nelda G., '18, Teacher EAST ST. LOUIS Apple, C. H., '14. Engr. Barr, Susan J. (Mrs. L. V. Walcott) '06 Billman, D. W., '12, Lawyer Billman, E., '16, Lawyer Brockmeyer, E. J., '13, Engr. Brundage, Florence L., (Mrs. J. B. Mes- sick) '08 Burgoon D. W., '16, Engr. Campbell, B. A.. '00, Lawyer Cartwright, Sara B. E. (Mrs. I. L. Foulon) '13 Chartrand, J. B., '16, Mgr. Ernst, J. L., '12, Arch. Freels, J. W., '16, Lawyer Hewitt, J. H., '12, Engr. Hill, N. W., '10, Engr. Hill, W. E., '16, Commissioner Irwin, W. W., '09, Lawyer Livesay, Ruth, F., '16, L-lerk Merker, H. F., '98, Engr. Messick, J. B., '09, Lawyer Mills. R. W., '99. Phys. Morgan, G. W., '05, Engr. Morgan, T. S., '16 Morgan, W. L., f. Salesman Nicki. F. S., ':2, Engr. Oehmke, M. F., '13. Lawyer Richeson, Virginia C, '05, Teacher Ropiequet, W. C, '14, Expert Schadt, Mabel E., '14, Mgr. Schlueter, W. L., '16, Repr. Sewell, S. I^ '14, Engr. Slaymaker, C. M., '08, Engr. Turner, C. P., '04, Engr. Verlie, E. J., '13, Lawyer Wagner, A., 'is Webb, C. P., '12. Lawyer Whitnel, J., '16, Lawyer EDEJLSTEIN Overend, H. G., '17 EDINBURG Logan, (?. R., '07, Transitnian Logan, Grace B., '08, Diet. Vandeveer, H. E., '12, Engr. EDWARDSVILLE Bell. E. D., '15, Engr. Bell, E. D. F., '01, Engr. Buschmann, W. H. H., '18, Reporter Cook. C. F., '80. Farmer Eisenmayer, A. W., Jr., '10, Contr. Lawnin, N., '16, Engr. Newell, M. E., '15, Lawyer Pierce, B. E., '17, Salesman Pierce, R. C, '08, Engr. Robinson, Ruth L., '17 Sheppard, C. H., 'n Wolf, H. C, '13. Engr. EFFINGHAM Braeuninger, Ella C. '11, Teacher Burrell, Beulah, '17. Teacher Hirtzel, Clara L., '15, Teacher Rucker, H. J., '13, Farm Adv. ELBURN Downing, Emily M., 'i8. Stud. ELDORADO Beach, H. C. '06, Lawyer Bramlet, H. B., '17, Chem. Du Bois, Marie M., '18, Sec. Murphy, M. E., g, Supt. Simpson, E. B., '17, Lawyer Voight, A. L., '12, Engr. ELGIN Abell, R. E., '04, Arch. Ackermann, H. C, 'og Brightman. M. H., '06, Engr. Browning, H. A., '94, Farmer Bull, W. E., '18 Burdick, J. H., '01, Businesss Burger, A. H., '17 Christen, L. H., '18, Arch. Engr. Corbey, L. J., '12, Arch. Gates, C. W., '13, Engr. Giertz, A. E., '17 Goble, Roxana, g. Teacher Grant, C. T., '16, Engr. Harris, Hannah J., '14, Teacher Heindel, J. H., '16, Draftsman Hennings, Elfreda V.. '16 Johnson, J. N., '17 Kelly, R. L., '14, Supt. Kohn, J. L., '17 Leverenz, A. C. G., '15, Draftsman Lund, J. v.. '17, Engr. Mann, A. W., '11, Engr. Mann, Marjorie D., '17, Teacher Miller, J. E., g, Ed. Parker, W. L., '80, Engr. Sadler, W. C, '13, Engr. Samuelson, R. A., '15 Schecter, R. W., '16, Teacher Sercombe, R. J., '11, Engr. Seymour, C. H., '05, Engr. Swartwout, E. C., '16, Teacher Thatcher, F. R., '18 Todd, T., '83, Engr. Tull, Effie M., '01. Teacher Tuthill, J. P., '17, Engr. Walsh, E. R.. '06 Western, I. M., '02, Lawyer ELIZABETH Fade, Gladys, '13, Teacher Hagie, F. E., '09, Phys. ELKHART Stahl, G., '03, Banker ., ELLERY Bunting, L. D.. '16 ELLIOTT Helgeland, Lillie I., '15, Teacher ELLISVILLE Cattron, C. L., '13, Farmer Cattron, J. W., '03, Farmer ELMHURST Holch, F. L., '04, Teacher Ingberg, S., g, Engr. Talbot, W. L., '10. Supvr. Van Dorsten. Josephine (Mrs. F. L. Holch) '09, Prin. Vestal, A. G., '11, Instr. Wolf, O. F., '10. Draftsman ' ELMWOOD Jarman, H. P., '03, Farmer Pulsipher, Irene E., '16, Teacher Schulz, F. J., '18 Schulz, J. A., '17, Chem. EL PASO Evans, W. B.. f, Instr. Fruin, Elizabeth, '13 Fruin, Mary C, '09, Teacher Glessing. Barbara F., '16, Teacher Haas, O. F., '18 Hurd A. B.. '98, Farmer McElhiney, Ruth, '18, Teacher Rich, E. A., '13, Lawyer Shoemaker, Theodora (Mrs. C. F. Curtiss) '04 Van Meter, Helen J. (Mrs. C. J. Alyea) '06 Geografhical Index 1029 ILLINOIS— Continued ELVASTON Warren, D. E., '17, Acct. RLWOOD States, W. D., '97, Farmer EMERSON Reed, M. J., '17, Eiigr. ENGLEWOOD Barradell, A. E., '11, Teacher EUREKA Davidson, L. J., g Dickinson, R. J., '94, Engr. Felter, J. F., '10, Farmer Felter, Mary E., '14, Teacher EVANSTON Badger, Eunice, L., '18, Teacher Baker, Adaline, M., '02, Libn. Bishop, Jessie E., '16, Libn. Bradshaw, Jessie I. (Mrs. H. R. White) '03 Carmichael, W. J., '13, An. Husb. Spec. Carter, A. J., '06, Lawyer Chambers, W. H., '15, Bacteriol. Chapman, D. V.. '18 Comstock, D. F., '15, Conductor Corke, G. R., '13, Engr. Denton, G. B., f, Instr. Ellis, H.. ':6, Clerk Ellis, G. H., '85, Chem. Ermentrout, Anna M. (Mrs. C. A. Kamper) '86 Ford, E. J., '05, Phys. Gill, G. T., 'is. Arch. Grey, N. F., '17, Broker Griffin, J. M., '15, Salesman Gunn, A. H., '07, Mgr. Heath, W. A., '83, Banker Heilman, R. E., f. Dean Hills, D. A., '17, Engr. Holgate, T. F., h. Prof. Judson, F. M., '17. Bus. Jutton, L., '02, Engr. Knowlton, W. D., '03, Engr. Lamkin, Nina B., '93 Larmier, R. S., '07, Engr. McElveen, W. T., Jr., '16 McKay, F. M., '81, Teacher Maddock, Kathryn, g. Journalist Marquis, S. D., g Murphy, Mary A., '16, Instr. Nelson, F. L, '97 Nightingale, A. P., t. Educator Nightingale, H. T., g. Prof. Nitz, I. C, '08, Engr. Olin, Irene B., '15, Teacher Omer, L., '02, Phys. Dir. Pollard, W. L., '06, Lawyer Pooley, W. v., '98, Prof. Rogers, G. S., '16, Engr. Seiler, O. E., '12, Teacher Shipman. W. D., '14, Engr. Skarstedt, M., '11, Libn. Smith, M. G., g, Instr. Smith, P. F., g, Instr. Sprague, N. E., '18 Stewart, W. M., '07, Mgr. Thompson, D. G., g, Asst. Turner, W. V.. '12, Journ. Ward, J. F., f, Asst. Warner, W. H., '05, Engr. Washburn, L. T., '10, Buyer Wiley, D. F., "^lo, Mgr. Wilson, W. M.. f. Prof.. Woods R. J., '17 Van Cleve, A. T., '11, Lawyer Van Deusen, A. B., '12, Engr. EVANSVILLE Quick, G. E., '14, Supt. EWING Caldwell, L. R., '15. Investigator Chalcraft, L. W., '17, Farm Adv. FAIRBURY Broadwell, Agnes M., '18, Stenographer Burns, C. A., 'it. Lawyer Frye, Mary H., '15, Teacher Mapel, Francis P., '17 Morrisori, I. G., '17, Farmer Powell, Bernice, '14, Teacher Schnetzler, C. H., '10, Arch. FAIRFIELD Carrier, Adela P. (Mrs. W. K. Galeener) '14 Creighton, E. W., 'is. Farmer Galeener, W. K., '11, Hort. Linsley, C. M., 'i6. Farmer Matteson, G. H., 'is, Farmer Rapp, J. H., 'is FAIRMOUNT Hawkins, E. W., '16, Farmer Porterfield, W. B., '13, Banker Rowand, K. E., '07, Farmer FAIRVIEW Cattron, K., '10, Salesman FARINA de Werff, H. A., '14, Instr. FARMER CITY Brandon, Eugenie J.. '18 Herrick, L. G., '03, Lawyer Herrick, L. R., '92, Lawyer Kincaid, Ruth M., '17, Teacher Watson, G. W., '14, Lawyer Willerton, Fay, '13 FARMINGDALE Cooper, M. A., '11, Farmer FARMINGTON Gentle, G. E., '13, Asst. Howell, Grace L. (Mrs. R. V. Cordell) '16 McCullough, Mary E.. '18, Teacher Rohlfing, A. R., '14, Farmer FIELDON Reardon, C. H., '07, Lawyer FINDLAY Snapp, R. R., '13, Instr. Wright, N. A., '15. Farmer FISHER Newcomb, W. H., '18 FITHIAN Smoot, Elizabeth E., 'is Stevenson, Ailsie M., '17, Teacher FLANAGAN Joosten, E. J., '17 FLAT ROCK Maxwell, L, C. '17 FLORA Chatten, C. E., '16, Teacher Hill, R. E., '17, Lawyer Smith, C. E., '07, Farmer FOOSLAND Bright, L. O.. '15, Prin. DeLong, W. E., '17, Mgr. FOREST PARK Wagner, Esther A., '18 FORREST Hull, H. B., '12, Farmer Neff, Edna E. (Mrs. H. B. Hull) '11 Opie, Glen E.. '16, Teacher FORSYTH Benton, F. S., '11, Insp. I030 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued FRANKLIN Gibson, C. R., 'is, Farmer Wright, A. T., '13 FRANKLIN GROVE Holley, C. E., '12, Psychol. FREDERICK Rebman, Gail, '09, Teacher FREEPORT Baldwin, L. S., '16, Instr. Brockmeier, Angelina L., '17, Investigator Davis, L. L.. '17 Deppell, R. E., '17, Arch. Engle, R. H., '17, Farmer Hiveley, O. G., '09, Supt. James, H. D., '02, Lawyer Jun^kung, L. F., '16, Agt. Mensenkamp, L. E., '16, Teacher Phillips. N. C, '05 Phys. Smith, D. L., '11, Engr. Tagcart, J. E., t FULTON Sternberg, B. L., '15, Farmer GALATIA Abney, B., '14, Farmer Abney, M. D., '12, Teacher GALENA McNeill, Angelino, '18 Schneider, A. C, '17, Engr. Sheean, F. T., '99, Lawyer GALESBURG Aldrich, H. G., '13, Arch. Beadle, J. G., '88. Arch. Bracker, E. M. D., '08, Agr. Davenport, Alice V., '14, Libn. Davis, G. T., g. Prof. Deets, H. B., ^^14, Farm Mgr. Flynn, C. C., g Haines, F. L., '16, Salesman Handke, P. A., '14, Ceram. Hardy, G. B., '05, Lawyer Hirth, Laura E., '16, Instr. Kost, J. C., '09, Lawyer McClelland, T., h, Pres. Emeritus Mussenden, Ruth (Mrs. I. Nelson) '16 Nelson, I., '12, Chem. Ogden, C. L., '03. Lawyer Peterson, Eleanor S., '16, Teacher Peterson, W. A., g, Instr. Poor, C. M., f. Dean Stahl, Myrtle L., '14. Teacher Springe, O., '12, Engr. Thoreen, Edna A., g. Teacher Tunnicliff, J. J., Jr., '01, Lawyer Waterman, Mary E. (Mrs. D. Gamble) '17 Watson, Helen G., g. Teacher GALVA Hudson, H. H., '08, City Controller Johnstone, G. R., '13, Instr. Mink, D. L., '18, Salesman Morgan, M. S., '08, Draftsman Yocum, E. L., '04, Business GARDNER Williams, E. C, '14, Engr. GAYS Hardinger, R. W., '14, Physician Kern, V. H.. '16, Teacher GENESEO Bauer, Effie L. (Mrs. L. K. Ellsberry) '06. Teacher Cole, H. L., '14, Teacher Dedrick, Eva A.. '12 Eiszner, Louise (Mrs. E. C. Magee) '12 Fisher, Abigail E., '15, Libn. Fisher, Helen V., '16, Stud. GENESEO— Continued Gray, B. S., '04, Lawyer Griffin, W. L., '14, Journ. Hoit, M. E., 'is. Farmer Hoit, O. W., '79, Farmer Hosford, Susan E., '16, Teacher Hunt, Mabel, D. (Mrs. W. W. Tuttle) '04 Kiner, H. D.. '18 Magee, E. C, '13 Farmer Mitchell, Grace (Mrs. M. E. Hoit) '16 Reeder, J. C, '17, Supt. RichmorTd, W. M., '17, Farmer Searle, T. G., '18, Stud. Smith, G. L., '17, Farmer Smith, J. W., '17 Smith, Velda E., '18, Instr. Taylor, N. O., '18. Asst. Wilkinson, E. G., '15, Acct. GENEVA Dahlin, Edna O., '18 GENOA Brown, D. S., '7s, Banker Olmstead, C. E., '71, Missionary Sandall, E. E., '13, Farmer Stewart, C. A., '08, Live Stock Dealer Worcester, Lenora M., '15, Prof. GEORGETOWN Fletcher, M. S., '99, Doctor Minnis, L. E., '16, Teacher Sheets, H. M., '17, Teacher GERLAW Porter, H. H., '17 GIBSON CITY Charles, Alta A. (Mrs. W. E. McKeever) '07 Estee, H. C, '96, Engr. McKeever, W. E., '10, Farmer Mottier, C. H., '10. Engr. Noble, W., '96 Onken, G. F., Jr., '10, Farmer Schroeder, G. W., '14, Farmer Simms, W. H., Jr.. '16, Farmer Wilson, L. R., '07, Ins. Agt. GIFFORD Morse, J. D., 'g6. Banker Pierce, Laura, E. (Mrs. C. D. Cain) '10 /Wood, G. v.. '10. Graindealer Wooldridge, F. M., '13, Druggist GILLESPIE Rice, H. M.. '14 GILMAN Griffith, C. P.. '14, Engr. Hare, F. C, '13. Prin. Harris, R. B.. '18 Miller, F. R., '16, Salesman Stevenson, Dorothy, '17. Diet. GILSON Butt, H. M., '14, Engr. McKown, H. C, g, Teacher GIRARD Bellamy, A., '81, Business Gehant, Evelyn (Mrs. T. H. Lloyd) '16 GLADSTONE Porter, Margaret L., *i8 GLASFORD Sander, R. L., '14, Engr. GLASGOW Ward, Mary M., '18, Stud. GLEN ARM Sprague, Villa M. (Mrs. J. P. Stout) '10 Geographical Index 103 1 GLEN CARBON Kerchner, F. W., '94, Phys. GLENCOE Antoszewski, R. H., '18 Brigham, E. R.. '18 Peabody, Katherine (Mrs. W. Girling) '83 Stansbury, Alta L. (Mrs. F. A. Sager) '03 Treichel, H. G., '07, Engr. Wagner, G. F., '11, Lawyer Whitelaw, J. C. C, '15, Bus. GLEN ELLYN Bremner, C. W., '12, Purchase Agt. Clare, W. H., '13, Arch. Dieterle, E. A., '04, Engr. Otwell, A. M., '99, Teacher Rathbun, A. E., '13, Buyer Spalding, R. V., '98, Broker Whittum, S. H., '11, Bus. GLENVIEW Cole, R. M., '13, Chem. GLENWOOD Buckler, C. W., '15, Teacher GODFREY Maxfield, L. H., '05, Draftsman GOLDEN Suter, E. R., '14, Mgr. GRANITE CITY Buenger, Katherine M., '15, Teacher Buenger, L., '08, Salesman Griffith, R. W., '10, Lawyer Herrin, A. B., '08, Engr. Jacob, Eda A., '14, Demonstr. Agt. Kerch, W. W., '08, Engr. Meltz, N., 'is, Chem. Moore, Mary R. (Mrs. C. W. Munson) '11 Munson, C. W., '10, Engr. Porterfield, Nellie M. (Mrs. W. W. Kerch) '08 Roman, O. B., '14, Agt. Roman, W., Jr., '12, Mgr. Shoop, Adaline M. (Mrs. G. W. Turton) g GRANVILLE Hopkins, Ruby C. (Mrs. G. W. Hunt) '06 Robinson, Anna B., '12, Instr. GRAYVILLE Ronalds, H. L., '85. Farmer GREENFIELD Dollinger, Hazel D. (Mrs. W. F. Parks) '09 Haven, C. I., '12, Farmer Holmes, O. W., '18 Melvin, L. R., '06, Businesss Parish, W. L., '16 Smith, G. C. '18 GREENUP Lyons, Carrie F., '16, Demonstrator Lyons, R. J., '14, Farmer Ormsby, Lelia M., '14, Prin. Ratcliff, W. O., '15, Lawyer GREEN VALLEY Allen, P., '05, Farmer Woodrow, R. B.. '18 GREENVIEW Alkire, Hazel E., '12. Prin. Marbold, Pauline, '17 Rathsack, Mary, '17 Smoot, W. E., '17, Farmer Tice, E. H., '09, Lawyer Wernsing, H. J., '09, Merchant GREENVILLE Biggs, J. D., '11, Lawyer Colcord, Mary E., g. Teacher ILLINOIS— Continued GREENVILLE— Continued Davis, Ruth K., g Ferguson, F. C, '16, Prin. Gerke, R. H., '18, Stud. Ingels, Nelle L.. g. Statistician Kaeser, W. G., '04, Mgr. McNeil, R. P., '05, Farmer Seawell, Cornelia R., g. Teacher GRIDLEY Kent, E. F., '17, Dairy Spec. Sieberns, L. C, '12, Lawyer GRIGGSVILLE Harshman, W. F., '11 GROVE CITY Drake, W. H., '11, Teacher GROVELAND Rohlfing, W. L., '16. Farmer GUARD Lloyd, T. H., 'is. Farmer GURNEE Turner, C. C, '17, Instr. HAMILTON Barber, A. D., t, Agr. Dadant, H. C, '04, Merchant Dadant, L. C, '02, Mfr. Dadant, M. G., '08, Mfr. Frazee, Anna D., '16, Teacher Humphrey, W. G., '01, Lawyer Pence, O. E., 'lo. Sec. Stevenson, D. H., '12, Farmer Stevenson, E. H.. '18 HAMMOND Chipps, Alta F. (Mrs. S. M.. Cool) '12 Ponder, R. B., '11. Farmer HAMPSHIRE Gilkerson, H. '77 HANOVER Wilson, C. G., '04, Supt., Schs. HANNA CITY Miller, W. P., '18, Farmer Parr, R. W., '03, Stock Breeder HARRISBURG Baird, Ethel M. (Mrs. L. Weaver) '13 Barnes, A. L., 'is Coker, Myrtle R. (Mrs. C. E. Combe) '09 Dean, Beatrice E., '14, Teacher Dean, Olive G.. '18 Gustin, A., '10, Lawyer Hinshaw. J. H., '13, Lawyer Locke, W. C, '09, Engr. Morris, N. M., '17, Engr. Myers, J. W., '11, Lawyer Plack, T., '14, Engr. Stiff, Ethel, '18 Thompson, S. M., '09, Lawyer Webber, Lois (Mrs. W. C. Locke) '11 HARRISTOWN Jackson, Zita E. (Mrs. C. E. Leonard) '09 Stookey, M. C, '07, Farmer HARVARD Cash, H. S., 12, Farmer Dake, L. G., '03, Teacher Hill, F. J., '16 Manley, O. R., '17 Nolan, A. J., '16, Farmer Shields, R. J., '10, Draftsman Treat, Margaret J., '12, Teacher Wakeley, L. M., '11, Dairyman Wells, J. R., '12, Farmer 1032 University ok Illinois ILLINOIS- HARVEY Ai Heckler, L. C, '17. Engr. McKee, J. H., '96. Draftsman Munch. A. H., '11, Engr. Ohrman, Ruth I. (Mrs. R. Rahn) '18 Patterson, Maud M., '04, Teacher Pease, Elva M. (Mrs. J. Q. Pettigrew) '09. Instr. Pettigrew, T. Q., '09, Engr. Rahn, R., ^8 Rundquist, E. T.. '18 Thompson, H. C., '13, Cashier Thompson, O. S., '17, Farmer Willits, W. M., '18 Velzy, C. R., '14, Engr. HAVANA Borgelt, Clara M. E., 'is. Teacher Kreiling, C. H., '09, Engr. Mehlhop, Margaret, M., '15, Teacher Mitchell, Elsie L., '16 HENNEPIN Wood, H. T., 'is, Supt. HENRY Barrett, J. L., '08, Banker Broaddus, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. J. L. Jones) 'i I Burkhart, P. H., '16, Engr. Jones, J. L., '09, Banker Jones, P. C, '17, Engr. Ponzer, Emma, '09, Teacher HERRICK Hitt, Mabel, '16, Teacher HERRI N Benson, J. P., '11, Cashier Elles, E. C, 'is, Supt. Fleming, Gertrude W. (Mrs. G. K. Crich ton) '12 Wilson, J. A., '14, Engr. HERSCHER Karcher, F. J., '14, Peterson, S. C., '18, Business Wright, J. E., '12, Engr. HERSMAN Hersman, Bessie E., '12, Sec. Hersman, F. C, '09, Farmer HEYWORTH Ryburn, C. A., '00 Blohm, L. R., '08, Teacher HIGHLAND Kaesar, A. F., '98, Phys. Knobel, W. G., 'is Latzer, Irma A., 'is. Instr. Latzer, Jennie, M. (Mrs. A. F. Kaeser) '00 Latzer, L. L., '06, Asst. Leriche, W., '14, Engr. Stocker, H. F., '16, Engr. HIGHLAND PARK Balke, C. W., f, Chem. Breidert. H. C, '98, Engr. Buell, P. H., '16, Arch. Hampton. I., '08, Farmer Jordan, A. I., '10, Builder MacPherson, E. S., '15, Engr. Moor, H. W., '17, Chem. Oleson, H. L., '18 Romero, N.. '18 Shields, C. C, '10 Taylor, G. G., '04, Lawyer Vial, Sarah A. (Mrs. C. G. Wright) '11 HILLSBORO Attebery, Clara M., '14, Teacher Attebery, C. W., '12, Farmer Attebery, Hazel, '18, Teacher Attebery, H. F., '16, Farmer -Continued HILLSBORO— Continued Avery, J. M., '14, Teacher Baxter, Florence G. (Mrs. A. E. Snyder) Blackburn, F. J., '14, Farmer Cress, J. W., 11, Farmer Dryer, J. L., '04, Lawyer Snyder, A. E., '12, Farm Adv. HILLSDALE Butzer, Byrdie B., '15 Butzer, C. D., '10, Bus. Butzer, Verna V., 'is, Teacher HINCKLEY Caswell, O., g, Supt. Evans, F. E., '17 HINDSBORO Porterfield, A. T., '10, Merchant HINSDALE Bennett, W. H., '15, Salesman Cortis. F. B., '13, Salesman Flanders, H. A., '10, Teacher Milligan, Helen M., '11, Dir. Myers, H. L., '09, Agt. Pearson, F. H., '18 Smart, C. H., '17, Farmer Van Inwagen, F., '08, Engr. HOLCOMB Sheaff, R. P., '18 HOLLOWAY Hedrick, G. S., '16, Farmer HOMER Clark, L., '04, Lawyer Mills, C. P., '09, Farmer Mitchell, Helen (Mrs. J. A. McEwen) '14 Parrett, Florence M. (Mrs. C. P. Mills) '10 Thomas, lane I., (Mrs. C. H. Mangold) '08 Wallace, L. B., '16, Teacher HOMEWOOD Silberman, O. E., '16, Engr. HOOPESTON Finley, Margaret A., '18, Stud. Finley, M. R., '17, Farmer Lyons, O. I., '18 Meloy, Martha L., g. Teacher Miskimen, W. A., '04, Sec. Rodman, R. R., '06, Lawyer Sheldon, Edna W. (Mrs. E. F. Trego) '04 Wakeland, F. R.. '18 Wakelahd, G. E., '17, Agr. Whaite, C. M., '13, Engr. HOPEDALE Railsback, R. J., '99, Business HUBBARD WOODS Stafford, H. S. L., '14, Supt. HUDSON Lawrence, M., g, Instr. HUMBOLDT Farrar, R., '07, Farmer Carter, H. L., '85, Merchant HUME Drew, Mildred E., '16, Teacher HUNTSVILLE Dorsett, Mary E., *i6. Teacher ILLIOPOLIS Chapin, E. P., '01, Publisher McCully. Harriett E. (Mrs. K. P. Chapin) GEOGKAPHlCAr, TnDEX ILLINOIS— Continued 1033 INDIANOLA Almy, W. H., '11, Farmer Baird, Florence (Mrs. W. H. Aliny) n Fargo, R. N., '09, Farmer II'AVA Baldwin, F. D., '06, Agr. Coleman, P. W., '14 TRYING File, Viola L., '17 I YES DALE Darrah, Juanita E., '13, Instr. Green, Bertha A.,^ '14 Green, Cella G., '04 JACKSONYILLE Akers, Miriam C, g, Instr. Anderson, Mary, '03, Prof. Brown, L. W., '15, Bus. Carriel, F. C, '04, Engr. Carriel, Mary T.. t Carter, T. P., '88, Teacher Clark, D. O., g, Instr. Day, Anna E., g, Teacher Elliot, Erma L. (Mrs. L. E. Johnston) g Hatfield, W. D., g, Chem. Hemphill, C. A., 'iS, Farmer , , , . Higgms, irma M. (Mrs. A. B. Revels), 16, Demonstrator Johnston. P. E., '12, Chem Kendall, G. B., '12, Farm Adv. Linkins, R. H., g, Instr. Madden, Grace E., '17. Teacher Rhea. C. J. J., 'is, Engr. Routson, F. J.. '08, Engr. irn'bi'r. Frarice^s M^^(Mrs. W. R. Les- lie) '15 _ , Smith, Constance B., t Theobald, Ora M., g Whisler P. F., g, Prof. Wilson, Nelle M. (Mrs. R. Scott) 10 JERSEYVILLE Carroll, F. O., '16, Engr. Du Hadway. F. A., '15. Lawyer Fulkerson, W. H., t. Farmer Keehner, A. F., '14, Engr. Landon, H. U.. '14. Farmer Newton, R. K.. '18 Pinkerton, F. E., Jr., 09, Pub. Reardon. F. G. G., '10, Lawyer Wheelock, C. E., '12, Farm Mgr. lOHNSTON CITY Colombo, J. H.y. '13, Mgr. Griftner, J. H., '15, Engr. Harker, O. A., Jr., '00, Banker Henson. R. D.. '16, Lawyer Kenshalo, D. R., '16 . Lathrop, W. G.. 'i7,^Prm. Ramsay, C. J., 'i7, Supt. JOLIET Arbeiter, G. J., '9.]. Lawyer Atkinson, H. J.,;o8, Teacher Bannon Winifred A.. '08, Teacher Barr, G. A., '97. Lawyer Baumgarten. A. W., 14, Engr. Bookwalter, Grace M., '12, Teacher Brunson, A. M., 1 3. Assoc. Caley, Mary C. (Mrs D. A. Pierce) .1 Copley. Beatrice V., 15. Asst. Daly. Geraldine, '18, Ed. Donaldson, J. R., '16, Engr. Gorey, G. F., '17^ , ^ tt Grayhack, J. E., Jr., '16, Engr. Hills. L. J., 'is, Engr. Hungerford H. N., '18 Martin, J. W., '02, Lawyer Martin, R. W., '01, Lawyer Mather, Myra, '04, Teacher Maue, A., '91, Pnn. Schs. j or. lET— Continued Morrison, Helen S., '15. Teacher Morrison, J. E.. '08. Lawyer Pepper, W. A., '97. Sales Agt. Perry, Margaret C, '15, Teacher Perry, R. G., '15. Engr. Pierce D. A., '10. Insp. . Pitts, Henrietta B. (Mrs. R. W. Martin) '02 Powers, R. A., 17 , , Rogers, R. D., '16, Arch. Smith, E. E., '08, Engr. Smith, R. L., '14, Draftsman Spangler, Mary M., 'n, Teacher Stevens, R. W.. '17 Trams, A. F., '05. Teacher Vibelius, S. N., '16. Arch. Vliet, E. B., '18, Stud. Welch, G. R., '10, Supt. Wilson, E. L., '08. Lawyer With, G. O., '15, Engr. Wood, H. E., '00, Lawyer JOY Campbell. G. H., '95. Banker Haley, Margaret S., g. Teacher Nelson, R. A., f, Asst. Rooth, Carrie L., '14, Teacher KANE Witt, W. P., '12, Cashier KANKAKEE Brown, E. A. '15. Engr. , . , Chabot, Kathleen M., '17, Demonstrator Coghlin, B. K., '08, Prof. ^ _. . , Edmundson, Jessie (Mrs. W. J. Gier) 14 Hamilton, E. S., '11, Physician Harrison, D. F., '10. Bus. Tudd, Elizabeth G., '18, Yeowoman Kirk, D. D.. 'II McKee, Edna B., 'is, Teacher McKee, Mary A., 'i8, Teacher Mann, Edith M., '14, Teacher Mann, H. L.. '08, Mfr. . Risser, R. G., '09, Appraiser Small, L., t, St. Treas Smith, I. W., '08, Prof. Swannell, A., '79, Business Wilkinson, S. E., '08. Bus. Wilson, R. B., '11, Engr. Zaleski, J. P., '17 KASBEER Wray, Harriette, '05, Teacher KEITHSBURG Hardin, W. A., '17. Farmer Simmons, J. W., Jr., '12, Engr. Strong, H. D., '14, Farmer Strong, J. K., '17. Farmer KELL Gaskill, D. W., '12 KENILWORTH Boyle, C. W., g. Teacher Shattuck, W. F., '91, Arch. KENNEY Stephens, R. B.. '11, Farmer KEWANEE AntVionv G A., t. Banker Brrdck'^'Nellie E. (Mrs. W. C. Ewan) ',4 Beebe, Florence J., '02 Ewan. W. C. '07, Lawyer Farr, A. I., |i2 Francis. F., '78 Gamble, D. T., '14. Farmer Kemp, T. E.. '01, Engr. McCarthy- H.. 02, Engr. . j , Nevine. Florence E. (Mrs. A. N. Ander- son) '15 , ^. Sandford, W. E., f, Chem. I034 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued KKWANEE— Contiiuu-d XWilIor, Olga L., 'iS, Asst. Wolicr, \V. 11., 'l2, Foundryman Wcdse. L. B.. '18 Wilson, l.ucy G. (Mrs. A. W. Kirett^ 'lu KINGS Hayes, E. M., '17. Farmer KINGSTON Italian, G., '17, Fanner KINMl'NDY Harjili, G. II., '14, .lourn. Gonant, 1.. J., 'i8, Journ. Fisher, Laura E.. 'i::. Y. W. C. A. Sec. Pruett, E. F., '16, Instr. KNOXVILLE Push. Minnie M., g, Sec. Greone, Mary W., f. Instr. McElwain, Jennie, r. Teacher LACON Cavette, F. E., '17, Salesman Eberlein. F. W., '84, Doctor McConiis. S. T. L.. g. Sunt. Nichols, F. V?.. '16, Teacher Robert, J. A., '00, Engr. LAFAYETTE Ingels, S.. '16, Land Ganl. Knox, IL G., '17, Stud. Ouinn, Florence K. (Mrs. R. nuinplirovsl '18 LA GRANGE Raker. Imo E. (Mrs. C. 11. Bent) •05 Barnes, R. O., '15 Barrett, E. E., '03. Engr. Bent, C. IL, '07, Mgr. Brooks, R. H.. '16, Traffic Mgr. Brvant. R. A.. 'iS Buck, Luella E. (Mrs. H. R. Linn) '07 Caldwell, \V. C, '11, Constr. Carey, Alice (Mrs. A. D. Bailey) '06 Crofts, C, '17 Darlington. Genevieve, '03, Libn. Davis. J. W., '04, Engr. DeWitt, Louise E., '06, Libn. Diofenbach, A. G., '04. Engr. Drew. D. T. C, '06. Engr. Dull. R. W., '97. Engr. Durland. Alice IL, '10. Teacher Emmond. \V. G., '16, Merchant (.laston. N. D., '04, Engr. Grim, F., '09. Engr. Gunn, C. A., '9;, Arch. llammitt, A. B., '15, Engr. Horr. L. W., '11, Enjtr. Iloskins. Edna, '12, iiupvr. lewett. R. E., '12, Engr. T.lewell\-n, Clarinne, '06, Instr. Llewellvn. T. C, '77. Arch. Llewellyn. "R. C, '06, Engr. Llewellyn. Ruth, '11. Teacher Lodge, F. S., '08. Engr. Miles, Evelyn, '18, Stud. Pagin, T. B.. '16. Engr. Pia\t. F.inma C. (Mrs. J. C. Llewellyn"* "07 Radcliffe, W. H., 'ot, Engr. Randall, E. A., '11. Draftsman \'ial. .Mice M.. '00. Teacher Vial, E. R., '84. Farmer Vial. F. K., 'Ss, Engr. Vial, IL C, 'iS Vial. N. S., '18. Teacher Vial. R. C. '03. Farmer Vial. R. IL, '16. Farmer Wesemann, A. H., '00. I^nwyer Wilson. A. C. '17 LAKE BLUFF Behel, W. A., '17. Arch. Engle. E. W., g. Chem. Knorr, L. S., '07. Engr. 1 A K K JU.IIFF— Continued Krcmcrs, H. C, g, Chem. Lawless, J. C, '14, Merchant Wintermeyer, Elsa (Mrs. C. D. Wessel- hoeft) '13 LAKE FOREST AUee. W. C, f. Prof. Campbell, N. N., '10. Engr. Iv.les, E. N., f, Engr. llornal, W., '15, Arch. SchalTer, O. G., '14. Arch. SchatTer, Wilhclmina M., g Sclimidt, W. G. W.. f. Prof. Sievert. C. W. J., '14. Engr. LAKE FORK Tlandlin, W. C, '09. Biol. LAKE VILLA Forbes, Mabel F. (Mrs. J. S. Bremer) '05 LAKE ZURICH Dyniond. Lida E.. '06 1 A 1-OX Harbor. J. K., '16, Reporter Barber, Julia, '13, Teacher Barber, L. C, '13, Journ. 1 A IIARPE Thomas, C. J., '16, Prin. Todd, Ethel (Mrs. F. C. Norlin) "15 LA PL.VCE Hawthorne, Elizabeth L., '04, Teacher LANARK Rahn, L. A.. '18 Wolf, J. El, '09, Supvr. LANCASTER Berninger, Harriet J., '15, Dean LA SALLE Carlson, H. L., '17 llonoghue, R. C, '99, Lawyer Dugan, C. B., '08, Engr. Gilbert, Minnie E. (Mrs. R. E. LeKander") '16 Herrcke, E. N., '11, Supt. Hetherington, B. W., '03, Lawyer Mounce, G.. '13. Teacher Nicolet. C. IL. 'Si, Engr. Xordmoyer. II. W., f. Bus. Kobiii.'^on. Ethelyn C, 'iS Robinson, W. I., '17, Farmer Strobridge, T. R., '10, Engr. Thompson, S., '04, Arch. Welch, J. M., '15. Bacteriol. I.ACR.V ■Mathers. A., '14 Oakcs, Ella B.. 'iS l.AWRENCEVILLE Crow, Barbara (Mrs. R. R. Denison), '09 Dutton, M. S., 'is. Supt. Holaday, K. M.. 'iS. Chem. Lackey, Kate, "16, Teacher McGaughey, G. E., '16, Lawyer LEAF RIVER Avers, Zelda M. (Mrs. J. M. Schelling) g LEBANON Harmon, I. G., '07. Engr. Pfeffer, L. H., '17. Farmer IJQNA Tones, A. E.. '01, Farmer Keltner, C. H., '10, Farmer Pearson, W. H., '13. Clerk Geogkaphical Indkx 1035 ILLINOIS— Continued Scluiltc, T. IT., '12, Prin. r.KKNA Balch, Nellie A., '18, Teacher McDonald, Georgia H., '18 I.K ROY White. Hilda K. (Mrs. W. A. Walter) '05 Wirt, Verna, '17, Teacher I.KVlNCrrON .Scroggin, Ethel N. (Mrs. W. K. Brown) '08 I.KWISTOWN Belts, C, '07 Boyd, H. S., '00, Judge Miles, J. P.. '14, Salesman .Shields, J. E., '16, Farmer Thomas, L., '14 I.K.XINGTON Ballew, Margaret E., g, Stud. I.I.XCOLN Br.'iucher, A. C., '84, Engr. Braucher, Alma E., '84 Kljcrsol, E. T.. '02, Farm Adv. (;ale, K. A., '18. Asst. (Jayle. R. E., '16, Farmer Harts, D. H., Jr., '00, Lawyer Hawkes, W., '12, Supt. Kuhl, W. P., '10. Cashier Mangas, L. S., '08, Lawyer Mangas, Maud (Mrs. F. M. 1 lagans) '04 Schuster, G., '10. Draftsman Trapp, H. F., '99, Lawyer Zetcr, H. M., '15, Farmer I.I rCHFIELD Uartling, H. W., '14 Kinder, D. R., '89, Lawyer Kleinbeck, Stella P., '10, Teacher Turk, Bella S., '11, Teacher LITTLE YORK Warnock, H. M., '16, Farmer I.OCKPORT Bentley, R. L., '14, Farmer Kingstoru E. A., '03, Doctor Frazer, G. C, 'is, Farmer .Milne, Agnes M., '15, Mgr. Myers, H. D., '12, Instr. Spencer, V. E., '15, Asst. I.ODA Currie. Althea E., '18 Goodell. N. P., '88, Lawyer llungerford, C. E., '16, Engr. Turner, A. H., '17. Farmer Walters, P. T., '17, Supt. West, Marion I., '18 LOMBARD Blake. J. B., '87 Engr. Hawkins, Marjone D. (Mrs. L. L. Gen- son) '17 Vandercook, H. P., '14, Salesman LONDON MILLS Henderson, Anna H., '18, Teacher LOSTANT Lundgren, F. E., '18 Lungren, A. N.. '17 LOUISVILLE McCoUum, H. D., '01, Lawyer Moore, A. H., '78. Business Moore, S. B., '07, Lumberman LOVINGTON Bicknell, Fay H., '14, Social Worker Rhodes, C. S., '16, Engr. Wilt, A. L., 'os. Farmer I-IDLOW Bear, C. R., '18, Business Bear, L. R., '10, Merchant McCLURE Matthews, L. M., '12, Cashier McLKAN Cohurn, Mildred L., '15, Teacher Leach, Margaret (Mrs. J. J. Pitts) '13 Pitts, J. J., Jr., '14, Farmer McLEANSBORO Cole, Sophronia R. (Mrs. W. F. Hall) '82 McNABB Bunigarner, Irma M., '09, Teacher Bumgarner, Ruth S., '17 Mills, J. T., '16. Farmer Sutherland, W. M.. '16, Farmer Wilson, A. D., '16, Farmer .MACKINAW Broadhead, Lemma C. (Mrs. C. D. Eaton) '07 Cook, F. S., '09, Supt. I'rtitag, Vina, '18, Dietitian Kilby, H. S., '14, Engr. Kiiisey, J., '17, Farmer Kunkle, R. D., '06, Mgr. McCully. W. A., '04, Contr. RailsbacK, F. D., '09, Farmer .MACOMB Bassett, H., '02, Teacher Cordell, v.. '16, Supt. Chem. Crawford, Jr. L., '17, Ch Franklin, D., '04, Judge (;ash, C. M. '07. Repr. Harris, W. R., '17, Lawyer Hollis, D. P., '16, Dir. Hudelson, C. W., '13, Teacher Inies, J. L., '16, Engr. Inies, K., '17, Teacher Jackson, Fanny R., '03, Libn. Keener, O. S., '16 Kcttron, li. P., '11, Mgr. Knappcnberger, G. E., '08, Phys. Knappenberger, H. F., '16 Lawyer, J. C, '07, Lawyer ■ Miller, T. IL, '02, Lawyer Morey, Clara A.. '17 Morgan, R. W., '16. Chem. Olson, Blenda, '05, Teacher Pack, Margaret, '13, Teacher Simpson, Nelle L.. '17, Teacher Sperry, R. E.. '18, Acct. Standard, A. P., '05, Surgeon .Stinson, Lavinia S., '14, Teacher Tipton, Nannie P. (Mrs. S. A. Thompson) Tohill, L. A., '12. Teacher Van Cleve, E. E., '12, Instr. Van Cleve, Laura L. (Mrs. C. C. Hanna) '12 Van Cleve, Mildred, '14. Stud. MACON Towson, Irene (Mrs. R. I. Chynowcth) '16 MADISON Horen, L. L., '18, With Munition Plant Lambraff, G. V.. '18 Stice, H. S., 'is, Supt. MAGNOLIA French, R. W., '14. Farmer MAHOMET Barnhart, J. M., '06, Chem. Davis, Anna C. (Mrs. R. L. Myers) 05, Teacher Miller, A. R.. '18 Pearman. J. O., '81, Doctor Wykle, Bertha A., '14, Teacher 1036 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued MANSFIELD Collier, Ethel A., '17, Prin. Davis, Mallie L. (Mrs. L. E. Gohn) '13 Gohn, L. E.. '13, Supt. Huckin, F. R., '09, Phys. Klindworth, Mildred L., '17, Teacher Myers, Odessa M., '14, Teacher Myers, W. R.. '16 Pilchard, E. I., '17 Warren, Anna M., '18, Teacher Wyman, W., '15 MANTENO Dole, Ethel M., '14, Demonstrator Dole. Laura E., '18, Supvr. Dole, Lillian D. (Mrs. L. E. Kennedy) '14 Fellows, J. P., '11, Farmer Holmes, C. V., '16, Bus. Robinson, C. J., '09, Farmer Snyder, L. A., '14, Farmer MANVILLE Phillips, L. C, '09, Farmer MAPLE PARK Clyne, Kathleen M., '13, Libn. MARENGO Gilkerson, H. C, '13, Farmer Rogers, H. S., '17. Teacher Stevens, Grace E., '10 MARION Burkhart, J., '03, Shoe Dealer Clarida, T. W., '17, Teacher Cochran, C. B.. '15, Lumber Dealer Colp, L. A., '04, Lawyer Dumas, Velma B., '18, Teacher Harris, Elodia F., '16, Demonstrator Hart, W. E.. '11. Farm Adv. Hoffman, F. G., '07, Contr. Warder. Laura B., '05, Clerk White, Agnes C, '17, Dietitian MARIISSA Mathews, C. W., '12, Engr. MARSEILLES Carney, Mary V., '15, Teacher Gum, H. A., '16, Engr. Haines, Mabel (Mrs. S. W. Cleave) '13 Hattrem, W. M., '10. Chem. MARSHALL Booth, L., '17 Clements, O. R., '14, Lawyer Frazier, J. B., '14, Farmer Mundorf, M. R.. '18 Ruffner, Rachel, '18, Dietitian Weir, Amy A., '18 Weir, Pearl, '18 MARTINSVILLE Hull. Anna L., '10, Teacher Tarble, C. N., '13, Farmer Walworth, E. H., '13, Farm Adv. MARTINTON Drew, L. A., '07, Farmer MASCOUTAH Gentry, C. S... g, Dir. Lill. H. F., '07. Lawyer Postel, A. J., /ii, Mfr. Postel, F. W., '15, Mgr. Postel, J., '83 Postel, Mertie A., '14 Postel, U. S.. '17 MASON CITY Ellsberry, L. K., '10, Merchant Mathers, M. B., '13, Farmer Scheid, J. P., '13, Supt. MATTOON Barrett, Agnes, '10, Teacher Chuse, H. A., '99, Mech. Engr. Craig, E. C, '93, Lawyer Dole, Sarah P. (Mrs. C. E. Morgan) 'o'. Donnell, A. D., '16, Engr. Fletcher, C. H., '13, Lawyer Gannaway, M., '07 Hannah, H. I., '13, Lawyer Hill. J. E., '16, Teacher Homann, ¥., '14, Farmer Hughes, C. W., '00, Lawyer Kelly, F. H., '16, Lawyer Kendall, H. F., '89. Editor Lehman, L. L., t, Banker McFall, D. M., '16 McNutt, J., Jr., '94, Lawyer Millar. R. W., '16, Teacher Moore, Genevieve, '11, Teacher Moss, Mary F. (Mrs. J. F. Wiley) '05 Noble. L. R., '76, Business Real, R. G., '12, Lawyer Richards, P. M., '09, Engr. Riddle. Lillian, '13, Teacher Rue, O.. '15, Engr. Shinn, H. E., '10 Tehon, L. R., f Troxel, F. E., '16, Engr. Tucker, B. F., '08, Supt. Van Meter. J. C, '17 Whitten, Mabel. D., '18 Wiley, J. F., g, Supt. MAYWOOD Beckington, Olive R., '12, Teacher Bracken, E. F., '01, Engr. Dumond. L. A., '10, Mgr. Frayer, D. S., '15, Rodman Lancaster, Ruth E., '16, Yeowoman Langdon, R. M., '11, Supt. McMahon, Grace D.. '08, Libn. Quick, O., f. Teacher V\^ood, S. G., ':o Wuerffel, H. S., '98, Electn. Wyland, R. V., '15. Minister Yeager, L. E., '18, Asst. MAZON Barker, B. A., '15, Farmer Larson, C. C, '18 Murray, F. H., '15 Murray, N. F., '12, Chem. Sproul, R. A., '17 MECHANICSBURG Bullard, E. W., '13. Insp. ' Fullenwider, Elizabeth L., g, Teacher Fullenwider, W. T., '11, Farmer MEDIA Pendarvis, W. O., '15 MEDORA Johnson, E. G., '17, Herdsman MELROSE Foster, E. R., '14, Engr. MELVIN Arends, A. B., '17, Farmer Arends, F. G., '10, Farmer MENDOTA Black, J. E., '14, Engr. Bush, A. W., '94, Merchant MEMPHIS Conley, J. E., '03, Engr. Dolan, J. L., '17, Teacher Felton, H. N.. '17 Geiger, L. C, '18, Acct. Haight, S. J., Jr., '03, Farmer Madden, G. H.. t. Banker Schaller, G. S., '16, Engr. Swisher, W. J., '10, Engr. ^ Geographical Index 1037 ILLINOIS— Continued METROPOLIS Bristow, G. W., '17 Gibbons, Maud A., '17 Helm, H. C., '17 Helm, L. L., '12, Tobacconist Helm, R. R., '07, Lawyer Leonard, F. B., Jr., '12, Lawyer McCall, E. A., '01, Druggist Moore, jNIabel D. (Mrs. R. R. Helm) '07 MH^FORD Caldwell, Ruth M., '17, Prin. David, S. G., '07, Farmer McCulIock, H. W., '15, Supt. Marquis, L. D., '15, Draftsman Molyneaux, Juanita O. (Mrs. J. W. Clif- ton) '17 MILLINGTON Freeman, H. E., Doctor Scoggin, Berenice, '09, Teacher MILTON Johnston, P. E., '17, Farmer MINIER Albright. R. B., '14 Briggs, S. A., '11, Farmer Peine, A. F., g. Prof. Peine. Adela L. C. (Mrs. J. W. Rest) '07 MINONK Buckler, J. B., '18, Supt. Ford. Edith H., '13, Libn. Parks, H. A., '09, Farmer Siebens, A. R., '15, Sec. Siebens, Thelka M. (Mrs. M. A. Chappel) g. Missionary Tucker, R. H., 'iS MODESTO Brown, H. W., '17, Clerk MOKENA Eakle, S., J., '94, Sch. Prin. MOLINE Anderson, C. G., '98, Engr. Anderson, M. J., '09, Draftsman Beal, D. M., '08, Business Beal, W. H., '16, Insp. • Bergert, H. A., '06, Engr. Burgston, C. H., '17, Dir. Byers, F. M.. '08, Agr. Carlson, C. B., '09, Supt. Carlson, M. R., '12, Farmer Claar, E. A., '15, Y. M. C. A. Worker Cowley, F. K., f, Instr. Dewend, F. R., '12, Engr. Dolkart, L., '03, Engr. Dunn, T., '12, Merchant Eagle, E. L., '12, Lawyer Fiske, C. W., '03, Engr. Friend, R. O., '07, Engr. Fritze, L. A., '11, Chem. Gilmore, L. N., '15, Mgr. Gloyd, G. V. R., '12, Arch. Godehn, R. A., '16, Estimator Gripp, E. A., '18 Hazard, L. H., '08, Engr. Hodgson, J. H. S., '10, Engr. Horn, B. A., 'lo. Arch. Horst, A. E., '11, Contr. Ingwers, A. H., '18 Johnson, E. E., '10, Bus. Johnston, J. M., '09, Lawyer Tones, T. N., '09, Teacher kell. C. N., '12, Engr. King, B. A., '09, Mfr. Kneberg. Goldie M., '10, Sec. Larson, N. A., '03, Judge Loosley, F. E.. '04. Draftsman McClurg. W. S., '06, Lawyer McCormick, E., '14, Engr. Railsback, H. M.. 'ii, Mgr. MOLINE— Continued Rainey, E. C, '09, Ed. Samuels, J. H., '88, Engr. Schacht, J. H., '03, Draftsman Schillinger, Josephine, '01, Teacher Schulzke, W. H., '09, Arch. Scott, Eleanor B., g. Teacher Soverhill, H. A., '00, Engr. Strauch, D. J., 17, Engr. Strombeck. G. M., '07, Engr. Surman, H. E., '10, Engr. Tilton, K. D., '14, Engr. Vernon, M. H., '17, Engr. Walker, R., Jr., '98, Mfr. Warnock, D. W., '10, Chem. Webber, W. B., 'oS, Draftsman Whiteside, W. E., '07, Lawyer Wolter, M., '16, Appraiser MOMENCE Baechler, Matilda M., '18, Teacher Du Frain, F. J., '16, Prin. Fontaine, E. O., '15. Libn. Howk, C. D., '15, Teacher Seavey, H. R., '18 MONMOUTH Blayney, Lillian, g. Teacher Gates, A. W., '92, Engr. Heuse, E. O., g. Prof. Innis, Orma A. (Mrs. J. C. Smith) '10 Lauder, F. R., '18 Nottlemann, R. H., g, Teacher Okey, Ruth E., g, Instr. Sawyer, H. G., '15, Chem. Sherrick, J. C, '17, Arch. Stevenson, I. R., '10, Engr. Stewart, C. R., '17, Farmer MONTICELLO Burgess, R. R., '04, Arch. Doss, W. A., '07, Lawyer Kastel, T. J., '12, Lawyer Kratz, J. P., '00. Farmer Kratz, Laura, '97, Sculptor Miller, A. C, '09, Mfr. Moore, A. F., t, Mfr. Nichol, Agnes E. (Mrs. T. J. Foster) '06 Shonkwiler, F. L., '18, Engr. MONTROSE Spitler, J. C, '07, Farmer MORGAN PARK Stewart, R. J., '04, Mgr. MORRIS Dawson, Helen M., '15, Teacher Jones, Frances E., '01, Libn. Larson, Martha S., '10, Teacher MacDonald, A. P., '16, Dealer Sachse, W. G., '03, Phys. MORRISON Abbott, A. N., '8s, Farmer Abbott, B. T., '11, Farmer Abbott, H. G., '18 Abbott, L. A., 'is. Farmer Borman, Mabel M., '17, Teacher Feldman, J. E., '16, Farmer Hazelton, Mabel A. (Mrs. A. G. Burnham) '07 Kleinschrodt, B. L., '14 Nowlen, P. A., 'is. Teacher Roberts, Miriam E. (Mrs. T. P. Brannum) '06 MORRISONVILLE Beauford, May A. (Mrs. H. L. Deal) '06 Deal, H. L., '08, Farmer MORTON Dillon, Edna L. (Mrs. L. D. Mosiman) '07 Gulick, E. E., '92. Teacher Goodyear, H. M., '13, Phys. 1 038 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued MORTON— Continued Mosiman, J. E., '11, Farmer Mosiman, L. '06, Mgr. Sweitzer, F. E., '12, Farmer MOOSEIIEART McKinnell, Isabelle G., '17, Teacher MOUND CITY Eichorn, W. H., '18 Gaunt, Gail (Mrs. K. E. Wiukleraan) 'iS MOUNDS Hartman, M. M., '17, Farmer Lewis, Edna, '12, Prin. MOWEAQUA Clark, J. G., '18 Harris, C, '10, Draftsman Rodman, C. S., '04, Teacher Simpson, L. F., '17. Instr. MT. CARMEL Chipman, Paul, '94, Engr. Churchill, J. E., '14. Engr. Ewald, P. G., '17, Farmer Foster, J. K., '09, Salesman Keller, A. R., 'i5, Engr. Rowland, E. M., '00, Ed. Schucker, R. W., '15. Arch. MT. CARROLL Beard, W. P., '15, Teacher Campbell, S. C, '08, Engr. Hostettcr, R. B., '12. Farmer Mahood, H. S.. '16 Smith, C. C, '12, Engr. MT. ERIE James, F. M., '99, Clergyman MT. GREENWOOD Spitler, W. N., 'os, Draftsman MT. MORRIS Griswold, K^lizabeth V., '08, Teacher Hanes, E. F., '14, Teacher MT. OLIVE Bernreuter. W., '10, Bacterid. Buhrman, Elaine L., '17, Teacher MT. PULASKI Cook, T. L., '05, Teacher Miller, Marie M. (Mrs. F. C. Van Hook) V^an"'Hook, F. C, '09, Phys. MT. STEIU.ING Clark, Meribah E., '16, Teacher McCoy, H. W., '17, Teacher Manny, F. II., '97. Business Manny, W. I., '90, Lawyer Richart, Blanche B.. '18 Rutledge, Nellie I., '08, Business Turner, C. E., '17 MT. VEfflNON Allen, A., '08, Business Bond, Anna L., '03, Teacher Echols, S., '05, Prin. H. S. Gilbert, J. H., '16, Lawyer Johnson, G. K., '08, Merchant Moss, Ruth A., 'i7> Teacher Pollock. J. L., '78, Lawyer Reid, G. H.. '18 Shelley, E. F., '16 Sparks, Annie E. (Mrs. R. H. Paisley) 04 Valentine, F. W., '18, Supt. Ward, H. B. P., '07, Business Williams, E., '10, Teacher MUNCIE Albee. C. L., '18 Purnell, W. F., '18 MURDOCK Shirk, W. A., '12, Mgr. MURPHYSBORO Bost, E. L., g, Supt. Eck, Josephine A. (Mrs. L. Stewart) '10 Deason, F. E., '06, Farmer Fager, E. P., '16, Chem. Fager, G. E. K., '18, Insp. Gill, R. Z., '87, Contr. Glenn, L. A., '11, Lawyer Glenn, O. F., '00, Lawyer Martell, E. A., '18 Parks, D. C, '07, Farmer Pierson, Mary L., '18 Stephens, Ethel G., '17, Teacher Stewart, L. R., '11, Lawyer Stiritz, B. A., '18, Fellow NAPERVILLE Funk, Irene M. (Mrs. J. A. Roycc) '12 Greene, A. R., '14, Farmer Mather, F. E., '95, Engr. Nichols, J. L., '13 Thomas, A. R., '16, Farmer Thomas, Polly E., '16 Thompson, H. P., '13, Banker Voegelein, Lilly B., g. Prof. Von Oven, F. W., '98, Engr. NASHVILLE Agg, Sarah (Mrs. F. J. Schleifer) '17 Hohman, E. P., '16 Holston, B. B.. '94, Lawyer Moore, Mabel E., '17, Stud. Schleifer, F. J., '17, Farmer NAUVOO Bolton, W. J., 'iS NELSON Stitzel, C. M., 'i2. Farmer NEOGA Welshimer, R. R., f. Col. Wilson, Lola E., g NEPONSET Ballans, Anna M., g Steele, Lottie E. (Mrs. E. R. Stetson) '14 NEWARK Callan, T. A., '07, Prof. Goff, Lutie A. (Mrs. T. A. Callan) '09 Naden, Gladys L., '18, Teacher Olsen, A. L., '17, Farmer NEW BADEN Yaeger, E. G.. '18 NEW BOSTON Drury, C. F., '02, Farmer NEW HOLLAND Wendell, F. G., '02 NEWMAN Anderson, Rena (Mrs. A. R. McDonald) '14 Gilkey, J. R., '16, Farmer Mclntyre, Ruhama L., '07, Teacher Norris, D. R., '17, Engr. Rutherford, Eugenia E., '15 Rutherford, Florence, '17 NEWTON Girhard, H. R.. '18 Prather, T. O., '12, Lawyer Pursifull, J. H., '09, Supt. Shup, L. E., '18 NIANTIC Hall, R. P., '14. Farmer NIOTA Webb, J. K., '16. Farmer Geographical Index 1039 ILLINOIS— Continued NOKOMIS Barton, W. E., '07, Engr. Buellesfield, H., '06, Supt., Schs. Schneider, D. C., '15, Engr. Woltman, J. J., '14, Engr. NORMAL Barger, T. M., '07, Teacher Barton. Olive L., '05, Dean Blair, F. I., '05, Engr. Brand, Marjorie L., '18 Brand, Sara H. (Mrs. O. K. Yeager) '10 Brown, C. A., '14, Farmer Brown, E. S., '14, Farmer Denning, Bertha E., '10, Teacher Dillon, Mertie M. (Mrs. F. I. Dillon) '04 Dillon, R. H., '01. Engr. Edds, Vera O., '18, Pastoral Asst. Eyman, R. L., '14. Instr. Felmley, D., h, Univ. Pres. Felmley, Mildred H., '13, Teacher Fitz-gerrell, J. A., '16, Farm Supt. Gantz, H. S., '17, Farmer Kennedy, K., '17 Kern, Esther A. (Mrs. R. L. Eyman) '14 Moses, Cleda V., '12, Teacher Muhl, F. L., '04, Instr. Pricer, J. L., '07, Prof. Seeley, Esther B., '14, Teacher Simmons, A. T., '01, Arch. NORRIS CITY Hoskins, Carrie E., '12 Hoskins, Mary M., '13, Teacher OAKLAND Nesbit, Mary P.. '03, Teacher Pemberton, C, '10, Engr. OAK PARK Ames, W. B., '17 Apgar, L. M., '12, Asst. Barnes, Ruth L., '18 Bergmann, F., '15, Designer Brand, H. A., '08, Arch. Burton, C. K., '17, Contr. Checker Chacey, Anna O., '03 Clarahan, C. H., Jr., '18 Clay berg, H. D., '13. Prof. Cleary, J. M., '06, Journ. Consoer, G. B., '17 Consoer, Meta, '13, Teacher Crooks, H. F., '16 Dole, L. A., '13, Engr. Dutton, H. B., '17 , , Elder, Loretta (Mrs. A. F. Robinson) 8i Erskine, A. W., '12, Engr. Erskine, R. N., '09, Lawyer Goelitz, \y. H., '16, Contr. Haase, H. E., '06, Mfr. Hall, Ethel L. (Mrs. F. F. Beeby) '09 Hanna, Roberta L., '07, Teacher Harris, J. W., '86, Engr. Hopkins, Mabel (Mrs. G. W. Hubbard) 01 Hough, W. H., '16, Engr. Hubbard, G. W., '99. Engr. Huse, Louise M. (Mrs. R. M. Pray) '07 Tones, L. S., g, Supt. Kelly, J. T.. '18 Kilner, L. M. (Mrs. M. L. Carr), 06 Klooster, C. A., '12, Engr. Kolb, M. A., '18 Kraft, R. R., '18 Kreidler, C. J.. '18 Krieg, Amelia A., '17. Stud. Kuehn, A. L., '00, Engr. Larkin, F. D. L., '13, Contr. Lindstrom, A. W., 'ii, Engr. Millar, E. S., '16 Miller, J. H., '15, Engr. Millizen, Edna V., '15, Teacher Mitchell, L. O.. '18 Nelson, Severina E., '18 Nilsen, P. J., 'iS. Engr Pease, T. C. f. Assoc. OAK PARK— Continued Peck, R. L., Jr., '17 Petersen, J. B., '11, Chem. Phelps, J. C, '14, Engr. Poor, E. L., '02, Advertising Prochaska, O. L., f, Chem. Prout, H. B., '10, Salesman Robertson, Miriam S., '17, Singer Robinson, A. W., '16. Engr. Robinson, R. E., '08, Draftsman Robson, C. D., '09, Designer Rogers, F. G., '07, Engr. Rose, L. v., '02, Business Savage, W. C, '17, Mgr. Schlader, E. H., '16, Engr. Scott, Frances M., '11, Teacher Seaman, Katherine (Mrs. E. F. Blakeslee) '15 Selsam, Beulah E., '15, Teacher Sivern, P. W., '11, Arch. Snell, C. E.. '18 Strong, R. S., '06, Mfr. Sype, G., 'os, Teacher Taylor, J. O., '04, Engr. Vopat, J. F., '18 Vosburgh, W. R., Jr., '13, Salesman Waggoner, H. D., '09, Instr. Wanderer. A. E. J., '10, Grocer Wanderer. O. W. R., '11, Engr. Webster, H. C, '14, Estimator Westcott, C. H., '14, Engr. Weston, Abbie (Mrs. W. C. Swern) '85 Whitney, J. L., '17 Yeaton, F. D., '07, Engr. OAKWOOD Weisiger, G. B., '11, Prin. OBLONG Heck, A. F., '13, Teachar McGee, Edna A. (Mrs. Barnhart) '14, Teacher Pollock, H. R., '14, Teacher Vance, M. S., '04, Teacher Weinberg, Elizabeth, '17, Teacher OGDEN Brennan, Wintress, '14, Libn. OGLESBY Andrews, J. A., '15. Supt. OHIO Anderson, W. W., '17, Farmer Smith, Gladys (Mrs. W. W. Anderson) '17 OLIVE BRANCH . Wilbourn, A. J., '12 OLNEY Baird, J. M.. '08, Lawyer Campbell, W. F., '17 Chesrown, L. M., '14, Engr. Coen, H. C, '03 Drew, J. A., '09, Hort. Fritchey, P. B., '12, Salesman Fritchey, T. A., Jr., '13, Bus. Glenz, E. A., '13. Mgr. Love, Mary E. (Mrs. F. W. Muncie) '16 Muncie, F. W., g, Chem. Piper, H. B., '13, Farm Adv. Shy, F. S.. "18 Turlay, Anne M., iS. Teacher Ward, Madge V. (Mrs. E. A. Glenn) 14 Weber, Gertrude T., '16, Dietitian Wharf, A. J., '98, Engr. ONARGA Knoche, J. C, '17 Lindsey, L. M., '17 , . .^ , x r Rowley, Adeline W. (Mrs. J. Kewley) f Warnock, C. H., '12, Agr. I040 University ov Illinois ILLINOIS — Continued ONEIDA Finley, J. O., '17. Farmer Sundell, R. D.. '16, Engr. OREGON Fischer, L., '01, Merchant Mattison, J. D., '15, Engr. lUimery, F. A., '13, Dairyman Warniolts, L., Jr., '17 ORION Ferguson, Alice M., '18, Teacher OSWEGO Cutter, W. C, '10, Farmer Harlan, C. L.. g, Prof. OTTAWA Baxter, V. B., '14, Agr. Beem, F. C. '98, Mgr. Bissel, G. F., '15, Ceram. Brooks, J. S., *o8, Agr. Cairns, D. G., '02, Lawyer Cleave, S. W., '11, Farmer Coffey, Hazel B. (Mrs. F. J. Giehler) '14 Collins, Mary (Mrs. L. J. Horan) '05 Daly, E. P., '17 Ehly, Emma L., '07, Teacher Eustis, Laura M., 'os, Dir. Fullerton. C. B., '11, Lawyer Gay, S. A., '13, Arch. Giehler, F. T., '14, Engr. Glover, R. C, '15, Lawyer Kaun, R. F., '14. Engr. Kaun, W. V., '13, Engr. Knapp, L. D., '15, Engr. Langman, .1. O., '00, Ins. Pool. E. H., 'is. Lawyer Rhoads, II. A., '99, Business Shaffer, R. F., '16, Farm Adv. Smurr, T. W., '99, Lawyer Snook, Vera J., 'ii. Libn. Sparks, Myrtle E., '89, Teacher Stevenson, A. M., '01, Stenog. OTTUMWA Haw, A. B., g OWANECO Large, G. P., '09, Instrunientman OZARK Reid, Mollie, '15 Thomason, J. F., '13. Orchardist PALESTINE Apple, Ghloe ]\I.. '07. Teacher Cawood, H. R. ,09, Engr. Climcr, Mary E., 14, Teacher Eager, D. B., '14. Prin. Hawkins, R. R., '13, Designer Mills. G. G., '12, Mgr. Sutcliffe, Dorothy '16, Teacher PALOMA Henry, Mary A., '15, Social Worker Lawless, Julia A., '08 PANA Allen. E. V., '16, Engr. Andrews, Mary A.. '18, Teacher Barth, E. F., '16, Farmer Cox, R. W., '14. Teacher Cutler, J., '14, Engr. Griffith, L. G., '12, Lawyer Johnson, R. C., '14, Teacher Lohr, L. W., '13, Supt. Preihs, T. W., '06. Lawyer Reese. L. W., '16. Stud. R-usscll, W. J.. '09 .Simpson. F., 08, Farmer Stocker, L. O., '12, Arch. PARIS Baldwin, Aneta, '01, Teacher Baldwin, Janet C. '16, Teacher Bell, Norma E., '17, Teacher Black, B. A., '18, instr. Butler. R. G., '13, Engr. Crosby, H. F., '16, Supvr. Danely, Mary G. (Mrs. A. W. Slaughter) '02 Dayton, D. V., '08, Judge Dickenson, R. W., '12, Farm Adv. Everhart, T. W. B., '86. Supt., Schs. Fentz, F. C, '14, Engr. Fleming, Denna F., '16, Teacher Frazier, A. O., '15, Supt. Frazier, J. Z., '18 Gernert. W. B., g, Farm Adv. Hamilton, D. H., '17 Hamilton, T. S., '17, Stud. Headley, F. L., '16, Farmer Horning, R. A., '14, Engr. Kincaid, S. W., '02, Lawyer Lauher, P. B., '12, Lawyer Leist. C, '18 Link, Hilah J. (Mrs. H. S. Kirk) '15 Logan, F. A., '17 Long, L. F., '17. Engr. McLaughlin, J. W., '14. Engr. Mapes, J. v., '02, Farmer Maxwell, L. B., '17 Maxwell. R. J., 'iS Ousley, H. P., '14, Mgr. Rowe, H. B., '95, Pharmacist Wenz, Carolyn L., '18 Wilson. M. B.. Worsham, W. B. Mgr. PARK RIDGE Place, R. M., '88, Lawyer PAWNEE Farnam, Bertha L., '18 PA.XTON Anderson, J. E., '04. Ins. Agt. Cannaday, W. M., Jr.. '13, Lawyer Corbly, L. S., '15, Lawyer Gourley, Margaret T., '09, Teacher Gourley, Mary J., '09. Teacher Kyte, J. F., '04, Business Larson, C. A., '06, Dir. Larson, H. P., '10, Cashier La Tur. .'\ngie, "iS McCracken, W. K., '16. Salesman Swank, Edith A., ':s. Teacher Swanson, Elder L., '10, Teacher PAYSON Rankin, C. H.. '85, Farmer Kankin, I.ura J., '18 Robbins, E. F., '00, Farm Mgr. PECATONICA Marks, Sarah A., '15, Prin. PEKIN Criss, E., 'is Crist. E. B., '13, Engr. Fehrman, Claribel, '13 Fehrman. Florence, '15 Tanscn, D. H., '94, Contr. I.owry, T. G., '08. Foreman Moschel, L. C, '05. Business Orr, Mary E., '14, Teacher Powers, J. M., '10, Lawyer Prettyman, W. S.. '04, Lawyer Rust. L. J., '16. Engr. Wood, D. C. '13. Engr. PENFIELD Britt, C. A., '17. Farmer Fowler, W. M., '15, Fanner Hadden. S. B., '14, Engr. McQuaid. J. J., '12, Farmer Renner, Sylvia P. (Mrs. S. R. Hadden) '14 Geographical Index 1 04 1 ILLINOIS— Continued PEORIA Allen, A. W., '04. Engr. Anderson, A. L., '10, Lawyei' Armstrong, C. E., '05, Engr. Beasley, H. E., '94. Engr. Beecher, H. B., '11, Teacher Belsley, B. R., '12, Land. Gard. Black, G. W., '03. Lawyer Brannon, H. F., '14, Lawyer Burgner, H. T., '10, Engr. Capron, C. '00, Lawyer Carter, B. F.. '18 Cartwright, H. V., '1.3, Bus. ("offnian. II. A., '01, Mfr. Champion, E. V. M., '12, Lawyer Charleston, V. D. V., '18, Chem. Covey, E. L., '17, Stud. Dace, F. E., '14, Engr. Day, W. W.. '10, Arch. Dewey, IL H., '06, Merchant Dewey, W. H., '12, Commissioner Dingledine, I. W., '14 Dunn, W. L., 'og, Engr. Elliott, H. W., '07, Engr. Engstrom. R. V., '04, Engr. Fischer, C. O., '12, Agt. Foersterling, F. J., '11, Sales Mgr. Frederick, O., ':o. Lawyer Frederick, R. C. '10, Lawyer Fuller, I. L., '02, Lawyer Geiger, Mabel L., '02, Teacher Gregg, R. S., '13. Engr. Grigsby, M. W., '11, Engr. Hall, L. W., '15, Supt. liana, L. G., f. Lawyer Hanger, P. N., '17, Mech. Harman, H. J., '14, Engr. Harsch, E. M., '15, Mgr. Hartman, Laura 1'". (Mrs. C. 11. Tapping) '16 Harvey, Bessie M. (Mrs. J. W. Gift) "07 Haungs, H. C, '07, Engr. Hedgcock. W. E.. '09, Adv. Henry, Elizabeth, '18 Hight, E. S., '10, Engr. Hill, C. S., '14, Arch. Hof acker, Olga V.. '11, Teacher Hollister. Ethel A. (Mrs. W. W. Day) '10 Hopper, Georgia E., '98, Instr. Hoppin, C. A., '01, Bus. Hunt, G. W.. '04, Lawyer Hunter, A. H., '17, Engr. Ingram, H. J., '12, Lawyer Jacquin. W. C, '18, Stud. Tobst, G. J., '97, Contr. Kammann. C. H., '86, Prin., Sch. Kirkpatrick, A. B., '00 Klotz, II. J.. '12, Instr. Kutsch, W. A., '03, Chem. LeSure, C. S., '11. Arch. Liggett, L. A., '14, Engr. Linnell, Carrie E. (Mrs. E. Benson) '16 Lynch, H. W., '10, Salesman Wright, Ethel W., '12, Sec. Lynch, R. A., '08, Salesman Martin, J. M.. '96. Teacher Meek, H. T., '18 Miller, F. C, '04 Mirick, H. R., '13, Mgr. Misner, F. D. S., '13, Mgr. Morrison, W. R., '95. Engr. Nelson, W. O., '17 O'Hern, C. V., '10, Lawyer Pauli, A. F., '16, Libn. Pfeiffer, R. S., '17 Engr. Rose, H. B., '16, Designer Roseljery, C. T., '05, Lawyer Schoefifel, G. W., '10, Agt. Seidenburg, N. C, '15, Reporter Shepperd, J. D., '14. Engr. Simms, F. S., '09, Engr. Stedman, Angeline J. (Mrs. A. W. Allen) 'os Stone, C. E., '03, Lawyer PEORIA— Continued Strawn, J. A.. '07, Engr. Strehlow, P. V.. '13, Arch. Sutherland, L. E., '11, Lawyer Tapping, C. H., '15, Contr. Thome, J. P., '12, Farmer Thompson, A. D., '93, Contr. Ticknor, J. H., '17 Triebel, A., '05, Engr^ Wagner, H. F., '12, Engr. Wallace, R. S., '91, Engr. Walsh, T. E., '17 Welles, "Nelle F. (Mrs. F. W. Parr) '07 Whitmeyer. M. IL, '99, Arch. Whitnall, C. A., '11, Engr. Wilson, il. E., '09, Lawyer Zeller, Josephine M., '85 Zimmerman, A. U., '15, Kngr. PKOTONE Fedde, H., '12, Merchant Fedde, Ruth C, '16 Jones, L. G., '10, Farmer Linnard, E. W., '17, Farmer PF.RU Brunner, Camilla M.. '04 Hoberg, O. W.. '10, Lawyer Lenzen, A. F., '17, Phar. Neureuther, A. H., '98, Engr. PESOTUM Congleton, F. H., '18, Farmer Nye, C. A., 'lo, Engr. PETERSBURG Pond, H. E., 'os, Lawyer Robertson, A. B., '18 Walker, E. L., '92, Orchardist Wood, Beulah M., '08. Teacher r-KTROLIA Blough, E. B., '14, Engr. PHILO Grabbe, J. C, '16, Farmer Rice, Katharine G., '18 PIERSON STATION Chambers, C. R., '11, Farmer PIN'CKXEYVILLE Thompson, F., 'is, Prin. I'JPER CITY Cooke, D. G., '12, Instr. PITTSFIELD Barber, H. T., '14, Farmer Birchard, Leola M.. '18 Carroll, D. B., '15, Teacher Doocy, Helen f,., '18, Statistician Foreman, A. C, '11, Farmer Graham, L. T., '93. Lawyer James, C, '07, Horticulturist Knox, R. K., '13, Arch. Main, J., '07, Prof. Matthews. B. H., '07, Lawyer Strauss, W., '94, Business PLAINFIELD Boardman, H. C, '10, Engr. Clow, Grace M., '09, Teacher Cryder, J. H., '17, Farmer (jale, Frances A. (Mrs. T. Stewart) f Grommon. Helen W., '18 Mather, Rose M., 'os, Libn. Phelps, II. H., 'is, Farmer Sonntag. Viola H". (Mrs. E. M. Bush) '08 Stopp, G. D., '15, Sec. Van Dyke, E. H., '17, Farmer PLANO Kugler, M. B., '17, Agr. Tate, H. L.. '11. Prin. Tyler, C. V., '11, Mgr. I042 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued PLYMOUTH Garnett, Percie E., '09, Teacher Hedgcock, T. F., Jr., '15, Farm Adv. Hedgcock, J. H., 15, Teacher Hedgcock, Nellie M., '16, Teacher POLO Copenhaver, M.. '13, Farmer Copenhaver, R. G., '17, Farmer Cross. G. A.. '16, Ins. Agt. Donaldson, H. J., '17, Farmer Inks, F. E., '03, Doctor rONTIAC Adsit, B. W., '00, Lawyer Bane, Juliet L., '12, Asst. Bach, T. W., '08, Doctor Brunskill. E. W., '17, Farmer Bucher, E. G., '15. Teacher Butzer, G. D., '13, Engr. Tones, Louise (Mrs. B. W. Adsit) '99 Koons, G. J.. '12, Prin. Masten, Adele, g Pinckney, F. L., '10, Teacher Sesler, P. R., '11, Lawyer Tombaugh. G. D.. '18 Trumbo, S. M., '16, Engr. I'ORT BYRON Brown, W. E., '06, Engr. POTOMAC Collins, J. B., '17, Teacher Davis, R. L., g Quesenberry, Ruth, '16, Teacher Woodworth, Metta E. (Mrs. H. Burkhart) '03 PRINCETON Anderson, C. J., '15. Acct. Gibbs, F. L., '07, Farmer Gillham. P. D., '04, Mgr. Herbolsheimer, A. J., '13, Dir. Kaar, Ruth A., '15. Teacher Karr, W. J., 'lo, Mfr. Mann, C. ]., '04. Farmer Nelson, Saidee E., '10, Teacher Pierson, W. R., '16 Scibel, K. B.. '04, Lawyer Trimble, C. A., t. Lawyer Waits, H. E., '12, Lawyer Wilson, W. W., 'is. Farm Adv. Zearing, L. A., '11, Lawyer PRINCEVILLE Adams, Leota V., '18, Teacher Snook, Helen C. (Mrs. A. J. Hawkes) '15, Teacher PROPHETSTOWN Craig, S. J., '06, Agr. Llewellyn, Hazel I., '18, Teacher Ott. D. L., '16, Engr. Richmond, G. K., '15 PULASKI Farrin, W. O., '02, Farmer QUINCY Bader, W. J., '02. Chem. Baumann, O., '94, Stockman Beatty, E. C. O., '16, Clerk Behrensmeyer, G. P., '93, Arch. Brakcnsiek, Jessie D., 'oq. Teacher Breitstadt, Emma M., '16, Dir. Breitstadt, Hulda C, '16, Teacher Breitstadt, J. H., '02, Chem. Brown, H. T., '14. Engr. Bunting, C. A. D., '11, Engr. Bush. K. B.. '16, Engr. Grieser, L. 0., '16, Farmer Grout, J. C. '13 Keller, R. H. L., *io, Dealer Kolker, K. J., '06 Lummis, I. L., '17 OUINCY— Continued Lummis, M. F., '16. Salesman Lusk, Genevieve A., '17, Adv. Mann, Kate B. (Mrs. B. P, Irwin) '06 Martin, W. A., '92, Supt. Menke, H. G., '15, Engr. Miller, D. E.. '16, Salesman Mueller, H. Z., '16, Engr. Musselman, T. E., '10, Sec. Orr, E. E., '96, Arch. Schaefer, E. F., '16 Schwagmeyer, Ella, '18 Sellmcr, Edna, '17 Selzer, L. J., '18, Arch. Steinwedell. C, '03, Merchant Vasen, M, E,, '07, .Sec. Wamsley, Adalaide M. (Mrs. L. J. Selzer) '18 Weilepp, Lelia M. (Mrs. V. J. Musselman) '06 Wcssels, Vera G. (Mrs. Vooraart) '15, Teacher Wiebmer, A. H., '14 Woodruff, T. T., '93, Engr. RAMSEY Thiele, R. H., '17, Arch. RANTOUL Craigmile, C. J., '13, Engr. Craigmile, Mary, A., '17, Teacher Crane, Eva R., 'ii Genung, Ivalvo, '12, Postmaster Gregg, S, E., '12, Farmer Ilunsaker, A. F., '09, Instr. Lawrence, C. W., '11, Engr. Walsh, L. B., '17. Teacher White, Florence L., 'to, Teacher RAPATEE Swigert, Blanche B., '18 RADIN Frazier, J. W., '02, Farmer RAVEN Depuy, Jessie M., '06 RAVINIA Goelitz, W. A., '18, Mfr. Jones, E. W., '11, Engr. RED OAK Miller, J. H., '16, Engr. RENO Dresser, J. C, '81, Bookkeeper RENSHAW Clanahan, R. H,, '07, Farmer RENTCHLER Wright, Jessie A. (Mrs. H. E. Richardson) '81 REIYNOLDS Bopes, C. A., '89, Farmer Lee, E., '79. Farmer Lee, EUena, '16, Teacher Lee, Izora (Mrs. G. Schriver) 'is Lee, Mary H., '07, Teacher McConnel, A. H., '12. Clerk McConnel, I. M., '14. Farmer RICHMOND Hatch, Edith I. (Mrs. P. Allen) '11 RIDGEFARM Burgan, Laverne A., '18, Dietitian Coe. Viola M., '18 Lancaster, A. H., '18 Perry, Nelle, '17, Teacher RIDGEWAY Wykle, Ethel M. (Mrs. L. Walker) '16 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued 1043 RIDOTT Hunt, Ada E., '13, Dietitian RIO Holt, S. v., '08, Farmer Milne, Minnie I. (Mrs. S. V. Holt) '14 RIVERDALE Claussen, A. W., '13, Engr. RIVER FOREST Laing, G. D., '12, Salesman Laing, W. L., '17, Insp. Ligare, E. F., '89, Engr. Munroe. C. L., '13, Chem. Pack. Mary. '18, Asst. Thatcher, G. W., '11, Supt. RIVERSIDE Chitty, W. L., '86, Lawyer Cratley, P. J., '06, Engr. DeLeuw, C. E., '12, Engr. Landsea, A. F., '12, Engr. Noon, J. E., '14, Phys. Dir. Pope, C. S., '09, Engr. Pope, L. A., 'is, Engr. Rump, G. H., '04, Engr. Sweney, D., '96, Engr. Thompson, W. A., '79, Broker ROBINSON Arnold, W. W., '01, Lawyer Bell, K. C, '16. Bus. Cox, M. E., '04, Lawyer Grimes, Ruby M., g. Teacher Heath, L. S.. '01, Bus. Kessler, R. B., '14, Lawyer Logan, C. C., '08, Adviser Mail, E. F., '11,' Engr. Maxwell. S. J., '06, Lawyer Meserve, T. C '13, Advertiser Miller, Jessie F., '13, Teacher Newlin, F. E., '11, Lawyer Newlin, J. V.. '17 Stephens, R. L., '14, Lawyer Watson, P. M., '14, Prin. ROCHELLE Healy, C. H., '10, Ins. Agt. McConaughy, E. L.. '06, Lawyer Maley, R. C., '15, Engr. May, W. W., '09, Advertiser NefF, H. A.. '18 Sipe, R. E., '18 ROCHESTER Twist, C. C, '11, Dealer ROCKBRIDGE Rives, Nannie B., '15, Teacher Rives, O. B., '10, Farmer ROCK FALLS Born, Alda H. (Mrs. R. E. Johnston) '04 Cantlin, J., '06, Lawyer Lincoln. C. W.. '16, Engr. Scott, R. A., '17 Spear, Elsie T., '14, Dietitian ROCKFORD Atwood, J. T., '03, Instr. Bargola. J. A., '11. Draftsman Bauer, F. W., '12, Real Est. Belshaw, C. F., '16, Engr. Biglow. Mary C, '90, Libn. Briggs. C. P., '01, Prin. Schs. Bronson. R. B., '16, Bus. Brown, R. H., '06, Lawyer Bulkeley, O. E., '12, Engr. Bush, F. A., '15. Salesman Carter, R. R., '12, Engr. Dadant, Harriette (Mrs. F. A. Bush) '17 Davis, F. A., '18, Farmer Dewey, E. C, '17 Dewey, Ida B. (Mrs. W. E. Johns) g ROCKFORD—Continued Essington, A. V., '14, Lawyer Fillmore, J. G., '09, Lawyer Fitch, H. J., '17, Farmer Gallagher, G. P., '05. Lawyer Garver, E., '11, Dairy Special. Gill, T. E., '07, Lawyer Glasco, R. T., '15, Teacher Goldman. E. R., '15, Engr. Grantz, R. L., '17, Lawyer Halas, W. H., '16, Coach Hall, G. E., '17 Houser, Irma L. (Mrs. H. J. Fitch) "16 Hull, W. F., '10, Lawyer Johns, W. E., '14, Farmer Johnson, A. M., '03, Engr. Johnson, Ruby E., '17, Teacher Jones, Milton D., '15, Teacher Kile, Jessie T., g. Teacher • Kimball. F. §., '18, Chem. Klein, George M. (Mrs. M. D. ^ones) '14 Knight. B. J., '10, Lawyer Langwill, Bertha, p, Prof. Leach, P. J., '16, Supt. Lewis, J. T., '17 McLee, E. B.. '18 Nevens, W. B., g, Prof. Pearman, A., '08, Physician Ray, A. E., '07, Engr. Reed, Gratia J., '15, Mgr. Robbins, Ruth (Mrs. J. E. BeiTdslcy) '15, Instr. Robinson, K. E.. '10. Govt. Survr. Schalck, E. M., '13, Entomol. Schultz, Hazel M., '14 Shaw, E. M., '15, Engr. Slade, B. A., '81, Druggist Smith, G. H.. '10, Engr. Squier, G. K., '17 Spear, Helen E. (Mrs. P. H. Philips) '18 Thomas, R. R., '12, Bus. Ulrici, Helena M.. g Weingartner, C. F., '15, Real Est. Weiss, Marion V. (Mrs. M. Ocheltree) '17 Welsh, R. T., 'is, Farmer White, F. L., '14, Engr. Wold, I. E., '16, Business ROCK ISLAND Axelson, Alphyld J., '11, Teacher Brinkerhoff, V. W., '16 Buffum, Ruth I. (Mrs. J. W. Maucker) '09 Chase, Katherine T., '14, Instr. Gest, B., '12, Arch. Gilstrap, E. F.. '08. Arch. Harper, Edith E. (Mrs. H. K. Collins) '05 Johnson, Harriette A., '93 "Landee, Marion C. (Mrs. J. M. Stevenson) Lerch, E., '17, Engr. Lundeen, C. C.. '17, Contr. McCaskrin. H. M., '94, Lawyer McLane, C. D., '92, Arch. Mayall, E. L., '00. Business Myers, Nettie E. (Mrs. J. A. Udden, Jr.) g Richards, A. L., '87, Engr. Rochow, C. J. F., '00, Physician Schoessel, C. A., '13, Rate Setter Schroeder, W. F., '07, Rancher Searle, J. C. '11, Lawyer Sinnett, T. P., '09, Teacher ROCKPORT Gay, Amelia L., '12, Teacher ROODHOUSE Allen, G. B.. '11, Engr. Husted, G. H., 'is, Farmer Husted, L. A.. '15, Farmer Lemmon, E. G., '16 Mansfield, C. F., '16, Farm Mgr. ROSCOE Conklin, P. S., '17, Teacher I044 University of Illinois ILLINOIS- ROSE HILL Whalin, O. L.. 'jS ROSEVILLE Malcolm, H. S., '08, Engr. Mann, E. H., '13, Farmer Maury, T- A., '13 Maury, T. E., '14. Mgr. RUSHVILLE Garnett, Grace A. (Mrs. A. C. Hobble) '01 Riehl, Anna (Mrs. J. A. Thompson) '04, Teacher Ritchey, R. W., 'is, Farmer Thompson, J. A., 'os. Farmer SADORUS Nierstheimer, Louise M. (Mrs. F. K. Stevens) '12 ST. CHARLES Colson, H. E., '15, Merchant Doherty, W. M., '12, Lawyer Gray, F. B., '11, Arch. Johnson, F. H., '18 Rockwell, L.. '10, Lawyer Roney, W. H., '05, Engr. Simmons, T. S., '16, Farmer Thatcher, D. W.. '15, Teacher Swanson, N. R., '16. Farmer ST. FRANCISVnXE Buchanan, R. L, '15. Teacher ST. JOSEPH Bennett, C. S., '12, Farmer Black, W. F., '08, Farmer Hauck, Hazel K., g Hedges, B. A., '16, Prin. Leas, Mildred (Mrs. W. Z. Black) 'lo SALEM Davis, Ida B., '11, Teacher Finn, S. N., '09, Lawyer Kagy, J. L., '09, Lawyer Mills, W. A., '09, Lawyer Schwartz, J., '81 Slack, W. S., '18 Weaver, Maud (Mrs. J. T. Dorris) '09 Whitchurch, Helen M., '16, Teacher Whitchurch, J. E., '10, Agr. White, J. W, '14. Lawyer SANDOVAL Cook, E., '17, Engr. SANDWICH Cochran, H. R., '13, Foreman Cox. Anna E., '14, Teacher Howison, C, '97. Adv. Mgr. SAN FRANCISCO Parker, W. H., '05, Arch. SAN JOSE Brauer, Lydia M., '09, Teacher Siegrist, D. C, '18 Warner, H. II., '18, Farmer SAUNEMIN Shapland, E. P., '14. Supt. SAVANNA Greison, H. P., '16, Comptroller Leonard, Gladys A., 'is, Teacher Lyons, Hazel S., '16. Teacher Miles, L. H., '11, Cashier Miles, P. K.. '12 Walter. C. M., '11, Lawyer SAVOY Dunlap, H. M., '75, Horticulturist Luther, Caroline, 't2, Teacher -Continued SAYBROOK Belt. J.H., '12, Engr. Eales, H. C, '13, Farmer Ward, Mary W., '18, Teacher SC.VLES MOUND Adams, W. D.. 'iS SCIOTA Head, G. L., '17, Supt. SCOTLAND Depuy, O. C, '06, Farmer SECOR Clausen, Clara A., '16, Teach' 1 SEWARD Neely, J. L., '13, Farmer SEYMOUR Hatrick, L. E., '01, Phys. Johnston, D. I., '16 Scott, W. R., '07, Engr. SHARPSBURG Mathers, L. E., '13, Farmer Sheldon, H. K., '16, Engr. Sheldon, W. M., '14, Farmer SIL\WNEETOWN Busey, Carolyn E. (Mrs. W. H. Gratton) '08 SHEFFIELD Boyd, C. N., '81, Farmer Boyd, Marian C, '17, Teacher Brown, Dorothy S., '17, Teacher Dawney, D. R., '17, Mgr. Gunkel, W. W., '16, Baseball SHELBYVILLE Day, H. W., '17, Instr. Domas, J. A., '15, Teacher Eberspacher, J. C., '07, Cashier Harris, \\'., '14, Supt. lloagland, J. K., '99, Farmer Jarnagin, R. L., '16, Lawyer Miner, L. W., '14, Teacher Roessler, W. O., '16, Farm Adv. Ward, U. G., '05, Lawyer Westervelt, L. C, '08, Cashier SHELDON McCloud, J. F., '17, Broker SHERIDAN Alibott, S. D.. '13. Farmer Diniavan, F. L., *ifi. Farmer SHll'MAN Metcalf, J. D.. '93, Cashier Sin RLE Y Eidmann, G. H., '03, Farmer Funk, L., t, Farmer SI DELL Holton, C. A., '13, Engr. Williams. Lulu H.. '13, Teacher SIDNEY Block, E. R., '12, Real Est. Boone, G. J., '14, Merchant Jones, Opal R., '10, Teacher Lawson, Mary M., '15 Love, C. S., '16, Farmer Raymond, J. E., '99, Farmer SIGEL Fitzpatrick. U. S., '10, Lawyer SILVIS Pike, G. H., 'is, Instrumentmar. Geogkaphkal Index I04S ILLINOIS— Continued SMITHBORO Kessler, H. L., 'lo SMITHSHIRE Atkins, E. L., '15, Farmer SOMONAUK Dean, R. H., g Supples, Elsie M.. '18, Clerk SOUTH LAKE FOREST Anderson, W. F., '15, Clerk SOUTH HOLLAND Dalenburg, P., '11, Farmer Gouwens, C, g SPEER Gruner, J. E., '16, Engr. Gruner, K. W., '17, Engr. SPARLAND Hunt, L. L., '16, Mgr. SPARTA Eiker, Bess H., '11', Teacher Lee. Gertrude A. (Mrs. F. H. McKelvey) '09 Lett, H. H., '18, Teacher McKelvey, F. H., '07, Appraiser SPRINGFIELD Atwood, C. A., '13. St. Leader Bane, Geneva M., '12, Demonstrator Bard, J. W., '06, Engr. Barnett, W. F., '07, Clerk Barth, O., '09, Lawyer Blair, F. G., t. State Supt. Briggle, C. G., '04, Lawyer Britten, F. E., '15, Lawyer Bullard, E. E., '06, Electn. Bullard, S. A., '78, Arch. Bunn, N. L., '13, Engr. Burch, G. F., '09, Engr. Bushnell, H. B., '07, Engr. Carver, A., '89, Asst. Prin. Clendenin, G. M., '05, Journ. Coe, H. H., '10, Engr. Constant, H. H., '13, Mfr. Day,V. S., '17, Asst. Day, W. T., '16, Lawyer Dixon, N. M., '11, Broker Dobbins, Ethel I. (Mrs. W. E. Sampson) '02 Fay art, L. G., '12, Agt. Fisher, L. E., '08, Ins. Adjuster Fox, Jessie L., '17, Teacher Ginzel, L. A., '05, Mgr. Graham, Elizabeth E., '15, Teacher Graham, H. J., '00, Lawyer Graham. J. J., '05, Lawyer Graham, Mary A., '09 Gullett, N., '10, Lawyer Hanes, M. S., '13, Arch. Hansen, P., f, Engr. Helmle, H. R., '11, Arch. Henry, D. A., '09, Engr. Herndon, O. L., '10, Merchant Herndon, R. F., '11, Physician Hildebrandt, H. M., '07, Minister Jarrett, T. L., '05. Lawyer Jones, J. R., '16, Revenue Kinsey, L. B., '07, Engr. Knote, J. M., f Lewis, Katherine, '12, Libn. Liedel, R. B., '17, Lawyer Lindley, F. H., 09, Clerk Lowden, F. O., t. Governor Lyman, F. L., '01, Farmer McGrath, J. M., '14, Prin. Madden, I. A., '11, Farm Adv. Mathews, J. H., '13. Engr. Mautz, Cj. J., '04, Physician Merriman, J. R., '16, Phys. Miller, Nelle G. (Mrs. J. G. Miller) '08 SPRINGFIELD— Continued Miller, S. L., '12. Instr. Morgan, Effie M.. g. Teacher Neuman, J. A., '08, Mgr. Nevins, A. S., '13, Instr. Newell, M. H., '99, Lawyer Norbury, F. G., g, Phys. Perkins, R. M., '98, Stockman Potter, G. E., '17, Engr. Price, Anna M., '00, Libn. Prince, D. C, '12, Case Man Propst, D. W., '16, Stud. Putting, O. J., '06, Atty. Gen. Qninlan, T. W., '08, Lawyer Rang, C. K., '14, Lawyer Reiger, H. J., '10, Arch. Ridgely, T. E.. '13, Capt. Rinaker, Dorothy S. (Mrs. O. Roman) '15 Rinaker, J. I., '87, Arch. Robinson, W. R., '06 Roman, F. L., '11, Engr. Rourke, Ellen M., '16, Teacher Ruckell, J. G., '14, Salesman Sampson, W. E., '05. Lawyer Saunder, H. O., '12, Engr. Shamel, C. H., '90, Lawyer Sjoblom, M. C., f, Engr. Steele, W. L., '96, Arch. Stone, P. A., '96, Farmer Stuart, E. K., '10, Cheni. Swett, L. W., '16, Engr. Thomas. R. E., 15, Engr. Tilson, D. M., '10, Mgr. \'an (Tleave, B., '17 Vaniman, V., '08, Demonstrator Voorhees, Kathryn C. (Mrs. H. G. Squires) '09 Wood, C. H., '08, Lawyer Wright. Ida F., '04, Libn. Yates, R., t, Lawyer Zahn, F. R., '15, Engr. SPRING GROVE Hatch, F. L., 'y^,. Farmer SPRING VALLEY Rathbun, H. H., '18 STANDARD Faletti, M. J., '17, Lawyer STAUNTON George, L. G., '15, Lawyer Howells, Mary G., '18 Howells, Ruth C, '18 Wall, Harriett E., '17 STERLING Bell, H. E., '10, Engr. Buyers, D. E., '12, Engr. Honens, F. W., '96, Mgr. Janssen, E. T., '18 Lendman, A. N., '17, Engr. Phillips, L. L., '12, Insp. Pinkney, L. A., g, Teacher Powers, L. T.. '14, Farmer Powers, -Luella F., '12, Teacher Reisner, C. L., '13, Advertiser Sheldon. C. E.. '99, Judge Ward, F. A., '11. Arch. Ward, P. H., '13, Lawyer Williams. C. A., '17 Wyne, E. E., '02. Merchant STOCKTON Curtiss, G., '16, Farmer Curtiss, W. G., '82, Farmer Hendel, S. R., '17, Engr. May. C. B., '17 Siemen, Bertha A., '13, Teacher STONINGTON Drake, E. S., '11, Banker Garwood, F. S., '05, Farmer Garwood. H. E., '05, Farmer 1046 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued STREATOR Alband, Laura (Mrs. R. I. Barrickman) '15 Alband, Lillian M. (Mrs. J. J. Mohan) '13 Anthony, W. C, '11, Engr. Boys, T. L., '11, Ceram. Conley. D. O., '16 Conley, Josephine, '13, Teacher Dixon, Nellie M., '07 Essington, J. W., '10, Real Est. Essington, T. G., '06, Lawyer Fornof, J. R., '10, Pub. Foster, W. G., '00, Arch. Frahm, Hattie B. (Mrs. G. N. Fornof) '01 Klopp, C. G.. '16, Engr. McVay, T. N., '14, Engr. Plumb. E. F., '10, Mfr. Poor, Hattie M., '12, Teacher Poor, L. S., '17 Powers, F. M., '04, Lawyer Stevenson, J. V., '12, Farmer Swift, Gertrude L., '18, Asst. Williams, Helen J., '18, Stud. STRONGHURST Barnhart, Edna P. (Mrs. J. H. Miner) '08 Miner, J. H., '07, Agr. SUBLETTE Long, J. A., '08, Engr. Seller, Alice F. (Mrs. J. A. Long) '09 SULLIVAN Baker, C. P.. '11, Teacher Baker, Z. F., '00, Lawyer Bartels, Nellie F., '16, Teacher Booze, R. W., '12, Engr. Chapin, A., '02, Editor Harshman, L. R., '02, Farmer Heineke, P. H., '17, Lawyer Higgins. A. L., '07, Agr. McLaughlin, J. L., '09, Lawyer Miner, Ada M. (Mrs. A. Chapin) '08 Patterson, C. R., '15, Lawyer Peadro, Bernice F., '16 Peadro, E. D., '14 Phillips, Minnie A., '17, Teacher Titus, G. L., '14, Farmer Wiley, J. P., '11 Woods, Ardie G., '13, Teacher SUMMERFIELD Hirstein, J. A., '17, Farmer SUMNER Perrott, R. H., '16 Petty, M. R., '17 SUMMER HILL Anderson, L. L., '05, Farmer SUTTER Duerkop, Bertha C, '11, Teacher SYCAMORE Alden, J. L., '14, Engr. Arntzen, Igna I., '17, Teacher Conrad, C. B., '13, Sec. Coultas, Florence A., '14, Prin. Doane, H. A., '12, Engr. Fulton, W. J., '98, Lawyer Lattin, J., '85, Mechanic Miller, W. C, 'lo, Supt. Saflford. E. B., '00, Farmer Smith, L. B., '08, Lawyer Stephens, H. C, '08, Supt. Whittemore, F., '97, Merchant Winders, F. R., '05. Engr. Wright, Bernice (Mrs. J. L. Alden) '14 TABLE GROVE Bartholomew, Ruth P., '18, Charities Worker Dilworth, J. R., '13. Farmer TALLULA Greene, Birdie W. '17, Teacher TAMALCO Norman, E. P., '10, Lawyer TAMPICO Smith, C. A., '74, Draftsman TAYLORVILLE Anderson, C. T., '11, Engr. Baker, C. J., g, Asst. Dorman, D. S., '09, Salesman Hay, C. E.,'13, Farm Adv. Hershey. H. B., '09, Lawyer f add, W. S., '16, Farmer r arge. Zelma (Mrs. W. H. Houser) '10 Long, T. L.. '05, Banker Powel. Ellen C. (Mrs. A. Locke) '11 Sinneff, G. F., '15, Teacher Stevens, W. M., '17, Asst. Tucker, J. O., '08, Supt. Twadell, Laura B. (Mrs. C. E. Evans) t TENNESSEE Walker, E. D., '10, Farmer TEXAS CITY McCaskrin, Louise E. (Mrs. J. D. Stayton) '94 TEXICO Gage, J. H., '16, Prof. THOMASBORO Kelso, C. E., '05, Physician THOMPSONVILLE Roberts, Frances E., '16, Teacher THOMSON Cate, H. A., '13, Farmer TISKILWA Battey, B. R., Jr., '17 Brown, J. L., '17, Clerk Gallaher, H. T., '17. Mech. Pervier, Carrie M. (Mrs. F. R. Powers) '14 Powers, F. R., '15, Farmer Quick, H., '17 Schertz, A. C, '08 Van Dervart, P, R., '03, Lawyer Winship, Mary A., '18 TOLEDO McCandlish, F. R., '17, Farmer TOLONO Bower, R. A., Jr., '95, Banker Campbell, Florence M. (Mrs. E. G. Framp- ton) '17 Cassingham, Florence A. (Mrs. R. V. Edwards) '13 Durfey, D., '17 Godfrey, Eleanor, '15 Hoff, Lucy V. (Mrs. G. W. Whall) '09 Parry, J. L., '94, Farmer Marten, Jane F., g Meharry, G. F., '05, Farmer Meharry, J. E., '99, Farmer Redhed, Alice, '13, Dir. Redhed, W. S., '10, Farmer Voss, Sophie M. (Mrs. G. F. Meharry) '05 Wamsley, Mabel (Mrs. J. C. Dole) '06, Teacher TONICA Elliott, C. J., '12. Farmer Hensold, H. H., '17, Farmer King, D. L., '16, Engr. King, Lillian M. (Mrs. C. J. Elliott) '13 TONTI Cope, L. v., '17, Agr. TOPEKA Ranson, Clara A. (Mrs. J. Sellers) '04 Geographicai, Index 1047 ILLINOIS— Continued ■TQULON Cooley, Verna L., g. Teacher Kirk. T. T., g, Supt. Wright, W. W., '04. Agr. TOWANDA Murphy, Grace E. (Mrs. R. E. Taylor) '08 Jones, F. W., '17, Farmer Taylor, R. E., '08, Farmer TOWER HILL Borton, G. L., '09, Farmer Galster, Augusta E., '18, Asst. Schoch, W. G., '11, Survr. TRIMBLE Trimble, C. T., '11, Farmer TRIVOLI Korth, Frieda E. (Mrs. C. H. Apple) 'i6 TUNNEL HILL Whittenberg, Sarah J. (Mrs. D. M. Cover) '14 TUSCOLA Boyce, A. C, g. Teacher Burggraf, C. I.. '14, Engr. Ellars, Jessie (Mrs. L. O. Hackett) '90 Goodspeed, W. F., '05, Farmer Howe, W. T., '16, Farmer Jones, G. R., '02, Lawyer Romine, J. F., '15, Farmer Shonle, H. A., '16, Chem. Taylor, Nellie F., '08, Teacher Tinen, J. V., '12, Teacher Watson, Florence E., t. Teacher UNION Jones, B. L., '09, Engr. URBANA Adams, R.. f. Prof. Allen, Alice A., '16 Allen, Mae L. (Mrs. W. M. Tullock) '03 Alley, W. E., f, Asst. Allison, D. M., f. Assoc. Alverson, Maude L., '09, Teacher Alverson, Ruth A., '18, Teacher Alvord, C. W., g. Prof. Alvord, Genevieve R., '16, Teacher Anderegg, F. O., f, Prof. Anders, E., '05, Instr. Anderson, Birdina M., '18 Anderson, Florence E., '09 Anderson, H. W.. g. Prof. Anderson, Viola J., f, Instr. Andrews, J. B., '13, Instr. Andrews, Ruth H., '18, Teacher Augustus. E. K., '14, Assoc. Armour, P. F., '15, Mgr. Arnold, R. M., g, Asst. Ashton, Pearl W. (Mrs. B. A. Strauch) '12 Austin, J. C, f. Asst. Ayers, J. F.. '85 Babbitt, H. E., g, Instr. Babcock, K. C, f. Dean Bach, Beulah W. (Mrs. P. D. M. Faucett) '12 Baechtold, Elsie L., '16, Libn. Bailey, E. W., g. Pomologist Baker, F. C, f. Curator Baker, I. O., '74, Prof. Baldwin, E. C. f. Prof. Ballantine H. W.. f. Dean Bamesberger, Velda C '18, Asst. Barnes, Mary G.. '18, Libn. Barnes, Nell, '15, Actress Bartholow, J. S., '16. Clerk Barto. D. O., '06, Prof. Barto, Harriet T., '16, Instr. Barto, Margaret M., '17, Teacher Bartow. E., f. Prof. Beal, G. D., f. Prof. Beard, J. H., f, Physician URBANA — Continued Bcnjann'n, H. W., '14, Physician Bennett, Elizabeth R. (Mrs. J. Grennan) g Bennett, Nancy L., '14, Stenog. Bennett, W. L., '02, Clerk Benson, Susan T. (Mrs. C. G. Howard) '16, Libn. Bentley, I. M.. f. Prof. Bergman, C. J., g Bernbaum, E., f. Prof. Besore. Nellie (Mrs. W. E. Scars) '96 Bevier, Isabel, f, Prof. Bing, Bertha B., '18, Stud. Bing, B., '88, Merchant Biegler. P. S., g. Prof. Blackwelder, E., f. Prof. Blair, J. C, f. Prof. Blaisdell, Daisy L., f, Instr. Bloomfield, L.. f. Prof. Bode, B. H., f. Prof. Bogart, E. L.. f. Prof. Boggs, Cassandra (Mrs. G. A. Miller) '92 J5oggs, Lucinda P., '94 Bolton, W. J., '18 Bond, Lyda, '06, Instr. Boomsliter, G. P., g. Prof. Borden, R. F., g, Instr. Borton, C. W., '17 Bowditch, F. D., '88, Teacher Boyer, C. V., f, Assoc. Braley, S. A., g, Instr. Brew, J. D., f, Assoc. Britton, W. E., g, Instr. Broaddus, Alice V. (Mrs. T. A. Clark) '91 Brock, W. S., 'is, Assoc. Brooks, F. A., '17, Designer Brooks, Fannie M.. '15, Instr. Brooks, M., f. Prof. Brooks, N. C, f. Prof. Brooks, O. F., '15, Mgr. Brooks, Verna, '09, Instr. Brooks, Viola, '17, Teacher Browder, O. L., '04, Lawyer Brown, H. D., '14, Instr. Brown, K. G., '16, Broker Brown, R. R., '16, Bus. Brownfield, Georgia, '17, Teacher Brownfield, Lelah, '10, Stenog. Bryant. J. M., g. Prof. Bull, Maude E., '15, Demonstrator Bull, S.. f, Assoc. Bunch, Mamie, '14, Instr. Burge, W. E., f. Prof. Burlison, W. L., g. Prof. Burnette, W. T., '05, Engr. Burns, Josephine E. (Mrs. R. D. Glasgow) '09, Instr. Busey, Josephine K., '17, Cashier Busey, Mary E., t Bussell, Nellie E.. f, Instr. Cady, G. H., f, Geol. Cafkey, Mabel E. (Mrs. W. R. Stark) '04 Call, Hortense (Mrs. A. Barr) '95 Campbell, D. J., '16, Chem. Campbell, E. E. A., '18, Stud. Campbell, M. H., '17, Asst. Cann, Jessie Y., f. Prof. Carman, A. P., f. Prof. Carmichael, R. D., f. Prof. Carnahan, D. H., '96, Prof. Carpenter, C. E., f, Prof. Carry, C. S., f. Asst. Carson, F. T., '03, Lawyer Case, H. C. M., '12, Assoc. Castile, Sarah M.( Mrs. W. E. Britton) '10 Castle, R. D. V., '16. Auditor Charters W. W., f. Dean Chiles, H. M.. '17, Stud. Christopher. D. L., '08, Mgr. (Thristy, Grace J., '18 Churton, Florence H.. '17, Assoc. Cilley, Lillie, '17, Libn. Cleavinger, J. S., '09, Assoc. Cline, Bess F., '14, Teacher Clark, Edith L. (Mrs. J. C. Kirkpatrick) '90 1048 Univeusity of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued U KUAN A— Continued Clark, T. A., 'qo, Dean Coffey, W. C, '06. Prof. Colby, A. S., g, Assoc. Cole, A. C, £. Prof. Colvin, C, '13, Prof. Covey, Arete C, '14, Teacher Crandall. C. S.. f, Prof. Crawford, Helen L., 'is, Teacher Cravvshaw, F. D., f. Prof. Crawford, Ruth, M. (Mrs. K. B. Freeman) '17 Creek, H. L., g. Prof. Crosiar, A. O., '18 Cunningham, II. E., f. Sec. Cunningham, Opal C, '17, Teacher Curtis, F. K., '11, Prof. Curtis, N. C, f. Prof. Cuthbert, Dorothy I.. (Mrs. J. C. Austin) '16. l.ibn. Daniels, A. H., f. Prof. Daniels. Eunice D., f Davis, Mary 13., '01, Teacher Decker, E. H.. f. Prof. Dent, J. A., f. Assoc. Dershem, E., f, Instr. Detlefsen, J. A., f. Prof. DeWolf, F. W.. f, Geol. Dexter, Grace E., '11, Teacher Dexter, Lula B., '14, Teacher Dietrichson, T. Ci., f, Instr. Dillenback. II. C. f. Instr. Doherty, Margaret I., '15, Libn. Dorner, II. U., f. Prof. Drury, F. K. W., '05, Libn. Ouncan, J. M., f, Asst. Dungan, G. II., '17, Asst. Ounlap, Eflie C, '16, Teacher Dunlap. K. L., '85, Carpenter Dunn, H. H., 'So, Research Assoc. Eckstein, H. C, '14, Nutrition Expert Edmonds, J. L., f. Prof. Edwards. H. H., '17, Engr. Ekblaw, \V. E., '10, Geologist Eldredge, A. G.. f, Instr. Ellis, C. A., f. Prof. Ellis, C. L., '10, Instr. Ellis, O. I., '12. Assoc. Emch, A., f. Prof. Enger, M. L., '06, Prof. Engle, Jeannette M.. '15 Engle, R. N., '17, Farmer Erb. J. L., f, Mus. Dir. iMnest, Ruth, 'i";. Teacher Evans, F. N., f. Prof. Fahrnkopf, Emma M. (Mrs. R. F. Borden) '13 Fahrnkopf, II. F. T., '13, Assoc. Fairlie, J. A., f. Prof. I'^aust. E. C, , Instr. Fay, D. .\., '17 Fehrenkanip, Winifred, 'u. Libn. Poind, Frances M. (Mrs. R. K. Hursh) '06 Ferguson, II. F,, f, Engr. Finfrock, C. L., '14, Lawyer Fisher, F. A., 'ii, Prof. Fisk, I. W., 'oq, Engr. Fitz-Gerald, T. D., II, f. Prof. Fitz-Gerald, Leora A. H., '16 Flannigan, M. L., g, Prin. Fleming, Georgia E., '12, Assoc. Fleming. V. R., '05, Prof. Flint. W. P., f. Entomol. Flock, Marguerite P., 'iS Flock. W. J., '17 Flom. G. T.. f. Prof. Flovd, Mary E. (Mrs. A. Bevis) f Foo'titt, F. F.. g, Asst. Forbes, Ethel C. (Mrs. F. W. Scott) 'o?. Forbes, G. R., f, Instr. Forbes, S. A., h, Zool. Ford, Bernice (Mrs. H. J. Van Cleave) '11 Frazey. .Mice B., '98, Teacher Frazey. Nellie M. (Mrs. F. W. Eagelston) '01. Teacher (T R BAN A— Continued Freer, Louise, f, Dir. Frisk. J. A., f, Mecb. FuJlenwidcr, Alice E. (Mrn. E. B. Lytle) '07 Fulton. E., f. Prof. Funk, Ruth S., '17, Asst. Gaines, W. L., '08, Prof. Galpin, Stella B., '14, Libn. Gantz, R. A., g, Asst. Garner, J. W., f. Prof. Garver, VVillia K., '03, Libn. Gill, H. L.. f, Dir. Glasgow, R. D., '08, Instr. Glassco, Ruth M., '17, Teacher Glenn, P. A., f, Insp. Glover, D. M., '16, Stud. Goebel, Irma G., '15, Stud. Goebel, J., f. Prof. Gonnerman, H. F., '08, Research Assoc. Goodenougli, G. A., g. Prof. Grant, Ruth M., '16, Teacher Gray, Cora E., f, Instr. Green, F., f. Prof. Greene, J. H., '08 Greene, J. W.. '18 Gregory, Allene, f, Instr. Gregory, Louise C. A., h Grennan, J., f, Instr. Grindley, H. S., '88, Prof. Gross, A. W., g Grove, P. F^ '13, Teacher Guild, Lois (j., '17, Photographer Gulick, C. D., '97, Physician Gunderson, A. J., '11, Instr. Gustafson, A. F., '07. Prof. Gwinn, Alta (Mrs. T. E. Saimders) '07, Instr. Gwinn, Avis, '14, Instr. Gwinn, Edith, '15, Teacher Gwinn, Ethel, '11, Singer Hackley, Elizabeth P., '17. Teacher Hague, Edith E., '18, Libn. Hague, Florence S., f, Asst. Hague, Stella M., f. Instr. Hale, W. G., f. Prof. Hall, Lucie A. (Mr.s. T. W. Parr) '84 liammet, Virginia M, (Mrs. A. N. Talbot) '81 Ilandschin, W. P., '13, Prof. Ilanmore, J. L., '17, Lawyer Harding, H. A., f. Prof. Harper, A. C, f, Assoc. Harper, Bertha M., '07, Teacher Harper, Julia A. (Mrs. C. S. Rhode) '13 Harrah, E. C, f. Asst. Harrington, H. F., f. Prof. Harrison, Florence, '08, Assoc. Ilartrick, G. R., '01, Capt. Hayes, E. B.. '18. Stud. Hayes, E. C, f. Prof. Heater E. F.. '11, Draftsman Heidler, J. B.. '18 Henson, Margaret E., '18 Hepburn, N. W., '07, Prof. Hickman, J. B., '15, Salesman Hickman, Lucy P., '10 Hieronynuis, R. E., f. Adv. Higgins, G. M., g. Stud. Hill, C. F.. '14. Teacher Hill. D. S., f. Prof. Hill, Ida M. (Mrs. G. F. Way) '05 Hillebrand, H. N.. f, Assoc. Hogue, J. H., f, Instr. Holhrook, E. A., g, Engr. Hope. Leona, f. Assoc. Hopkins, B. S., f. Prof. Hopkins, S. C '17 Hottes, C. F., *94. Prof. Hottes, Flora E.. '18, Stud. Houchens, Josie B., '05, Libn. Howard. C. G.. '17, Asst. Howell, L. B., g, Chem. Hoy. Lucv F., 'ti, Prin. Hufferd, R. W., g. Asst. GEO(iKAi'iiicAL Index J04Q ILLINOIS— Continued URBAN A— Continued Hufford, C. T., 'i6, Asst. Hughitt, Anna L., f. Instr. Hursh. R. K., '08, Prof. Hutchins, Margaret, '08, Libn. Ilutchins, Marjorie, '15, Mu3. Hutchinson, J., f, Assoc. Ingalls, H. B., '16, Cashier JacobseiTj W. H., '15, Adv. James, E. J., f, Univ. Pres. Jamison, A. W., f, Instr. Jamison, Martha G. (Mrs. H. F. Gonner- nian) '11 Tanvrin, C. E., f, Libn. Jaques, Minnie, '86, Cashier Jayne, Violet (Mrs. E. C. Schmidt) f Johns, Evelyn G., '18, Lunch-room Mgr. and Instr. Johnson, F. T., f, Instr. Johnson, Mabel C. (Mrs. D. 11. Carnahan) g Johnson, Mary F. (Mrs. F. E. Richart) 16 Jones, H. .S. V., f, Prof. Jones, P. V. B., f, Assoc. Jones, R. R., f, Assoc. Jones, R. T., '12, Assoc. Kamm, O., '11, Prof. Karrer, S., g, Instr. Keagy, A. R., f, Instr. Keefer, Ruth F. (Mrs. J. M. Mathews) 'i,s Keitoku, S., '16, Chem. Kelley, F. H., '16. Teacher Kelley, Iva, '18 Kempner, A. J., f. Prof. Kerker, H. E., '12, Lawyer Kerr, Josephine (Mrs. F. G^ Allison) '07, Bacteriologist Kingsley. J. S., f, Prof. Kinley, £).. f. Vice Pres. Kirkpatrick, Helen M. (Mrs. E. C. Hop- kins) '17 Kirkpatrick, S. D., '16, Chem. Kirner, W. R., '18. Stud. Klein, Nancie, '17. Teacher Klotzsche, Bessie M., '18, Teacher Knapp, Aurella (Mrs. E. Dershem) '12, Libn. Knight, R. A., g. Assoc. Knipp, C. T.. f, ProL Knowlton, Miriam, '14, Teacher Koehn, Martha C. (Mrs. F. C. Hubbard) '04 Krieger, Augusta M. (Mrs. W. E. Ekblaw) '10 Kunz, J., f. ProL Kyle, Martha J., '97. Instr. Lanham, E. T., f, Instr. Layng, T. E.. g, Assoc. Leal, Sophia N. (Mrs. J. W. Hays) '96 Leaman, Olga E., f, Instr. Lee, W. H., '14, Lawyer Lehenbauer, P. A., g. Prof. Leighty, W. R., f. Assoc. Leonard, Frances B. (Mrs. W. H. Rayner) 'i I Lessing, O. E., f, Prof. Leutwiler, O. A., '99, Prof. Lewis, H. B., f, ProL Libman, E. E., '16, Engr. Lindgren, J. M., '02, Chem. Lindley, Almeda V. (Mrs. M. S. Parks) 'os, Practitioner Lindley, June (Mrs. G. F. Churchill) 'ii Linton, Margie. '09 Litman, S.. f. Prof. Littleton, A. C, '12, Instr. Lowry, Bessie, '17, Stud. Lumley, C. G., '86, Physician Lumley, L. R., '16, Salesman Lybyer, A. H.. f. ProL Lytle, E. B., '01, Assoc. McCaughey, W. F., Jr., f, Instr. McCluggage. H. B., '15 McCIurg, Lola D.. '10, Teacher McChirg, Nellie L, '12. Diet. URBANA— Continued McConn, C. M., f, Registrar McCullough, Helen E., '17 McDougall, W. B., f. Assoc. McFarland, D. F., f, Prof. MacGillivray, A. D., f, ProL MacGillivray, M. E., '18 McGraw, Kathcrine L., '14, Libn. McKenzie, K.. f, ProL McLaughlin, Maude K., g, Stud. McLean, Nellie (Mrs. C. G. Lumley) '88 McWilliams, Marie L., '18 Madison, L. C, '18 Maguire, W. C, '10, Lawyer Manley, E. J., f, Instr. Mann, Mary E. (Mrs. N. W. Hepburn) '09 Marbold, Margaret A. (Mrs. P. F. Ar- mour) '15 Mason, A. H., '16, Acct. .Mathews, C. M., '03, Lawyer Mathews, J. M., f. ProL Mathews, Loueva M. (Mrs. W. A. Nico- laus) '03 Miller, G. A,, f. Prof. Miller, H. W., f, Assoc. Mitchell, H. H., '09. ProL Monfort, W. F., f, ProL Monohon, Ila E., '18 Moore, A. R., '18 Moore, H. F., f, ProL Moore, O. H., f, ProL / Moore, W. A., '16 Morey, L., '11. Comptroller Alorgan, C. L., '14, Instr. Morphy. E. W., f, Instr. Morris, Caroline R., f, Instr. Morrison, W. R., '17, Lawyer Mosier, J. G., '93, Prof. Moss, Alida IL, '18, Teacher Moss. C. M.. f. ProL Moss, C. T., '07, Phys. Moulton, Gertrude E., f. Stud. Mumford, H. W., f. ProL Myers, Lena J., '13, Teacher Nebel, Veta T.. '16 Needham, Carrie I., '12 Needham, Catherine, '18, Stud. Newborn, Iva F., '18 Newburn, Naomi O., '14. Home Econ. Exten. Newcomb, R.. '11, Prof. Newell, F. IL. f. Prof. Nolan, A. W., f, Prof. Norris, Mae I. (Mrs. H. G. Paul) f Noyes, W. A., i, ProL Oathout, C. IL. '07, Adv. O'Donnell, T. E., '13. Instr. Oldfather, W. A., f. Prof. Oliver, T. E., f, ProL Olmstead, A. T., i, ProL Osburn, Mabel T., '18, Teacher Overman, O. R., f, Assoc. Paine, E. B., f. Prof. Paisley, Sela I., '17. Teacher Palmer, C. S., '17, Prof. Palmer, W. G., '00, Lawyer Parmelee, C. W., f. ProL Parr. R. M., '06, Instr. Parr, S. W., '84, ProL Patton, Adah, '02, Libn. Paul, H. G., f, ProL Pearson, F. A., f, Assoc. Pease, A. S., L Prof. Pell, Hazel M., '18, Teacher Pelzer, H. L., '17 Percival. Ruth, '18, Social Worker Perry, Edna M., '09, Teacher Perry, Leonora, '08, Ed. Asst. Perry, Lorinda. '09, Assoc. Perry, Winifred A.. '08, Teacher Petry. C. A.. '11, Engr. Pickels, G. W., g, Assoc. Pickett, B. S., g, ProL Pieper, T-. 'i7, Asst. Piatt. J." H., f. Asst. I050 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued URBANA— Continued Polk, W. W.. 'i8 Pomeroy, J. N., f, Prof. Ponder, Wilma E., '12, Libn. Porter, F. M., g, Assoc. Postlevvait, Harriet L., '17 Powers, J. O., '17, Teacher Prickett, A. L., '13, Asst. Provine, L. H., '03, Prof. Putnam, W. J., '10, Instr. Prucha, M. J., f. Prof. Quandt, Coramae, '17, Sec. Kadcliffe, B. S., g, Chem. Radebaugh, G. H., f, Assoc. Rahn, C, f. Assoc. Raines, L. C, '18, Instr. Rankin, F. H., f. Dean Rayner, W. H., '09, Assoc. Readhimer, J. E., '04, Prof. Rebman, P. J., f, Asst. Reed, F. W., f, Instr. Reid, E. A., '14, Instr. Rein, F., '13, Farmer Renner, W. P., 'lo. Bookkeeper Renz, Myrtle A. (Mrs. E. Roberts) '12 Rhode, C. S., f, Instr. Rich, J. L., f. Assoc. Richards, C. R., f. Dean Richards, C. W., '06, Lawyer Richards, Lenore, '15, Instr. Richardson, R. E.. '01, Biologist Richart, F. E., '14, Instr. Ricker, Ethel, '0*4 Ricker. N. C, '72, Prof. Ricketts, Clara A., '09, Libn. Rinaker, Clarissa, g, Assoc. Rindfusz, R. E., f, Instr. Roberts. E.. '13, Assoc. Robertson, W. S., f. Prof. Robinson, M. H., f. Prof. Ross, G. T., '14, Cashier Ross, R. M., '14, Mgr. Roth, H. D., '08, Lawyer Royer, J. W., '95, Arch. Ruckmich, C. A., f. Prof. Rudolfs, W., f, Asst. Ruehe, H. A., '11, Prof. Ruehe, Mabel L.. '16, Instr. Rusk, H. P., f, Prof. Ruth, W. A., f, Assoc. Saffell, Gladys D., '17, Clerk Saffer, L. B., '00. Lawyer St. John. J. L., f, Asst. Samson, Inez R., '04 Savage, T. E.. f. Prof. Schepperle, Gertrude, f, Assoc. Schuettner, A. J., f, Assoc. Schulz, E. R., '16, Stud. Schulz, \V. F., g. Prof. Schumacher, H. T., '04. Lawyer Schwartz, G. F.. f. Prof. Scott, F. W., '01. Prof. Scott, R. S., '17 Scott, W., '16 Scovill, H. T.. 'oS, Prof. Seely, F. B., g. Prof. Seller, Eleanor F., g. Teacher Severns, W. H., f, Instr. Seymour. A. R., f, Assoc. Shade, H. R., '07, Farmer Sharp, J. C, '17 Shattuck, Anna (Mrs. A. W. Palmer), '91 Shaw, Hazel Y.. '07, Libn. Shaw, J. B., f. Prof. Shelford. V. E., f, Prof. Shepherd, Oueen L.. g, Instr. Sherman, S. P.. f. Prof. Shriver. Helen E., '18, Teacher Shulters, J. R., '10, Instr. Signor, Nellie M., '12, Libn. Signer. Ruth H., '10, Teacher Sim, Keturah E.. '84 Simon. Anna V. (Mrs. H. B. Dorner) f Simpson, Frances. '03, Libn. Sisam. (Tora H., '13 URBANA— Continued Skinner, G. S., g, Analytical Chem. Sloan, W. F., 'i6 Smith, F., f. Prof. Smith, G. M., f. Prof. Smith, J. E., g. Prof. Smith, L. H., '97, Prof. Smith, R. S., '13, Instr. Smith, W. H., g, Assoc. Snider, H. J., '13, Assoc. Soto, R. A., '12, Instr. Sparks, Marion E., '95, Libn. Spencer, E. R., '11, Asst. Spooner, C. S., g, Entomol. Spurgin, W. G., 94, Lawyer Staley, Isabel (Mrs. A. M. Danely) '04 Stanford, H. R., '08, Asst. Stanley, O. O., 'oi, Phys. Stark, R. W., '95, Chem. Stebbins, J., f, Prpf. Stevens, F. L., f. Prof. Stevenson, J. A., g. Prof. Stewart, Edith E. (Mrs. H. T. Scovill) '11 Stillwell, Genevieve M., '18, Teacher Stillwell, Helen, '18, Teacher Stock, H. H., f. Prof. Stoltey, Ethel F., 'iS. Teacher Story, R. M., f, Assoc. Stout, J. E., f. Prof. Straight, Maude W. (Mrs A. P. Carman) f Strauch, B. A., '08, Photographer Strong, A. C, '14, Lawyer Sutheiland, Sarah A., f, Instr. Swanson, C. M., '14, Lawyer Swanson, F. C, '14 Swanson, Frances E., '16 Swartz, Fay W., '17 Swartz, Mary K. (Mrs. F. T. Carson) '07 Swick, Mary E., '15 Swick, Nellie M.. '16 Talbot, A. N., 'Si, Prof. Talbot, Mildred V., '12, Instr. Talbot, Rachel H., '18 Tanner, F. W., g, Assoc. Taylor, Grace D., '17 Theilen, Margaret K. (Mrs. C. A. Ruck- mich) '13. Teacher Thompson, C. M., '09, Prof. Thompson. J. G., f Thornsburgh, Zada G., '18, Teacher Thorpe, J. C, '00, Engr. Tilton, L. D., '15. Land. Arch. Toland, Jessie M., '08, Teacher Traxler. Elinor E., '18, Stud. Treat, Edna A., f, Instr. Trelease, S. B., '18, Bus. Trelease. W., f. Prof. Trost, Frances H., '14, Teacher Trost, Opal W., '16 True, L. J., f, Instr. Turtle, H. F., f. Appraiser Urban, H. B., 'oS, Mgr. Usher, Susannah, f. Lecturer Van Alstyne, E., g, Assoc. Van Cleave, H. J., g, Assoc. Van Doren, M. A., '14, Stud. Van Home, J., f, Instr. Van Winkle, W. A., g, Asst. Vaughn, Myra, '16, Teacher Veirs. W. L., '17 Vogele, A. C, '18, Botanist Wahlin, G. E., f, Assoc. Waldo, E. H., g. Prof. Walworth, S. E., '18 Ward, H. B.. f. Prof. Warren, F. B., '14, Engr. Warrick, T. L.. '00, Stud. Washburn. E. W., f. Prof. Watkins, G., g, Instr. Watson, E. S., f. Asst. Watson, F. R.. f. Prof. Watson, Minnie E. (Mrs. O. Kamm) g Wav. G. F., '08. Phys. Webber, Helen W. (Mrs. H. G. Wood) '15 Webber, Pearl, '03 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued 105 1 URBANA— Continued Weinberg, Flora J. (Mrs. J. S. Bartholow) '16 Wells, L. S., g, Stud. Wells, N. A., f. Prof. Westergaard, H. M., g, Instr. Westhafer, T. O., g. Stud. Wheeler, H. C, f, Assoc. Wheeler, Lucile (Mrs. R. Adams) f Whisenand, J. W.. g, Assoc. White, C. W., '13, Teacher White, E. A.. '08, Prof. White, Leila O. (Mrs. L. D. Tilton) g. Sec. White, Lyde E., '16, Teacher Whitford. R. C, g, Instr. Whiting, A. L., g. Prof. Whitver, H. C, '18 Wilcox, R. H., f, Assoc. Wilkerson, Mabel, f, Instr. Willard, A. C, f. Prof. Williams, C. A., f, Assoc. Williams, E. H., g. Prof. Williams, L. W., g Williams, Margaret S., '16, Libn. Wilson, L. A., f, Instr. Windsor, P. L., f, Libn. Wolfe, Viola E. (Mrs. C. E. Holley) '15 Wolff, Aline J., '18 Wolff, C. J., '14, Journ. Wood, H. G., '14, Engr. Woodbridge, H. E., f. Prof. Woolbert, C. H.. f. Prof. Woolman, Rachel M., '16, Teacher Woolman, Richardine (Mrs. R. O. Case- more) '16 Yapp, W. W., '11, Instr. Young, C. M., f. Prof. Young, Esther (Mrs. L. J. True) g Yuncker, T. G., f, Asst. Zeitlin, J., f. Prof. Zeleny, C, f. Prof. Zimmerman, G. F. D., '10, Salesman Zuppke, R. C, f, Assoc. UTICA Brown, R. E.. '11, Supt. VANDALIA Clark, Ruth (Mrs. F. H. Burr) '99 Cox, Clare F., '17, Teacher Mann, Jessie V. (Mrs. J. V. Waddell) '09 Rexwiukle, Daphne M., '14, Sec. Roe, A. Z., '00, Lawyer Wills, Etta C. (Mrs. J. W. Schenker) '85 Wills, J. G., '8s, Merchant VERMILION Marley, J. A., '05, Real Est. VERMONT Derry, H. G., '12, Merchant Mercer, R. D., '18 VERONA Fellingham, C. H., '01, Farmer VERSAILLES McCoy, D. W., 'i: Teacher VIENNA Chapman, D. W., '03, Banker Chapman, R. D. C, '15, Banker Kuykendall, A. J., '98, Farmer Thacker, C. B., '17, Repr., Truck Co. VILLA GROVE Agnew, Beulah I., '17, Teacher Edgar, Edith. '15, Teacher Van Doren, F. E., '14, Farmer Walworth, R. W., '15, Farmer VIRDEN Brittin, W. A., '17, Farmer Emmerson. Edith M.. e. Stud. VIRGINIA Foster, Lucy R., g, Prin. Gardner, J. L., '11, Farmer Porter. H. C, '97, Chem. Russell, C. W., '93, Farmer Wilson, C. R., g. Teacher WALNUT Cooley, R. C, '17, Farmer Kerchner, M. W., '11, Farmer Wilson, G. C, '17 WALSHVILLE Tiffin, J. D., '18 WARRIEN Kane, R. C, '16 Wiley, R. E., '16 WARSAW Fulton, G. C, '16, Draftsman Hammond, L. A., '18, Farmer Lamet, L. A. W., '01, Lawyer WASHBURN Andrews, H. L., '16, Teacher Barnes, Helen M., '17, Teacher WASHINGTON Bennett. Hazel M., '16, Asst. Mansfield, W. A., '81, Doctor Smith, P. A., '11, Salesman Ward, Cecelia B. (Mrs. G. C. Tanton) '18 Zehr. G. A.. '18 Zinser, R. B., '16, Ins. Agt. WATERLOO Fridrichs, A. H., '10, Lawyer Kolmer, O. P., '17, Mech. Tate, J. A., '14, Farm Adv. WATERMAN Hippie, R. E., '17, Farmer Richmond, Jean E., '18 WATSEKA Allhands, C. L., '17, Instr. Benjamin, F. P., '08, Lawyer Blake, Katherine M. (Mrs. C. H. Harkins) '09, Farmer Bonham, Martha E., '13, Prin. Boonstra, S. P., '14, Engr. Bradrick, Lucy C, '13, Teacher Crossland, H. E., '10, Engr. Crossland, Viola J.. '13, Teacher Drew, E. N., '13, Teacher Kamp, H. W., '17, Prin. Kendall, A. F., '12, Lawyer Long, Ruth I., '18 Perrigo, L. D., '04, Lawyer Sense, Mattie A., '17, Teacher Williams, Grace E., '18 Wise, L. W., '04, Agr. WAUCONDA McCormick, R. D., '01, Doctor WAUKEGAN Baird, J. H.. '09, Farmer Dahringer, H. W., '13 Ekstrand, H. E.. '16, Arch. Meyer, A. F. E. H., '18, Teacher Reilly, R. T., '14, Engr. Rosencrans, F. B., '11, Engr. Wright, W. E., '04, Supt. WAVERLY Colbert, J. R., '14, Prin. Laycock. M. J., '06, Instr. Miner, H., '16, Farmer Smith, W. M., '14, Journ. WAYNESVILLE Marvel. J. E., '07. Physician IOS2 Univeksity of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued VVELDON Railsback, L. W., '04, Merchant WELLINGTON Butzow, Emma B., '14 Franceway, Margaret (Mrs. H. E. Evans") 'os Hoskinson, O., g, Teacher Swisher, C. L., '09, Prof. WENONA Axline. E. S., '17 Ball, R. L., '08. Farmer Cressey, Lucretia, '15, Teacher Donoghue, W. J., '02, Chem. Fogg, A. K., 'is, Engr. Hunt, Florence J. (Mrs. A. K. Fogg) '17 Wells, R. R., '12. Farmer WEST CHICAGO Norris, W. K., '15, Engr. WEST POINT Worrell, Grace L., '14 Worrell, Mabel F., '13, Teacher WEST SALEM Odell, Laura, '18 WEST YORK Bell, R. L., '09, Engr. Hoskinson, B. O., '16 WESTERN SPRINGS Cornell, D. S., '17 Morris, G., '10, Reporter WESTERVELT Boyd, J. W., '01, Farmer WHEATON Ballou, J. L., '14, Insp. Clark, C. M., '17 Dale, J. H., '17, Farmer Duner, S., '15, Farmer Fischer. H. L., '14, Engr. Garlough, C. D., g. Registrar Lewis, F. D., '12, Dean Lewis, G. Q., '10, Engr. Lewis, T. E., '14 Lloyd. Nell E. (Mrs. G. F. Allum) '09 Patton, A. R., ':o. Lawyer Weston, Margaret (Mrs. F. M. Van Os- dell) '89 Wheaton, J. R., '12. Contr. WHITE HALL Auten, J. T., 'i6. Salesman Baker, Laura M., '12 Crawford, C. W., '15, Mgr. Evans, D. G., '17 Fraser, T., 'i- Galhuly, S. W.. '07, Arch. McColiister, M. S.. '10, Farmer WHITE HEATH Heath, Lillian (Mrs. G. Haines, Jr ) '03 WILLIAM SFIELD Martin, Luta (Mrs. W. L. Ramp) '09 WILLIAMSVILLE Watson, Marguerite, '10, Teacher WILLOW HILL McCabe, C. L., '14, Supt. WILMETTE Brrwn. B. K.. '18, Stud. Burt, H. J., '96, Engr. Casey, A. B., '07. Engr. Castenholz, W. B., f, Acct. Colton. S. C, '8s, Contr. Doty, Dorothy L.,"'i8, Teacher Doty, Helene E.. '18, Asst. WILMETTE—Continued Ewer, W. B., '17 Gilbert, B., f, Lawyer Naper, H. J., '98, Arch. Roberts, C. N., '82, Engr. Swope, R. C, '15, Acct. Thompson, T. E., '10, Mfr. Urbain, Lottie O., '16, Teacher WILMINGTON Butterfield, F. E., '17, Engr. Elliott, R. T., '17, Engr. Heath, Edith M., '15, Teacher Martin, J. L., '07 WINCHESTER Coultas, Lois M., g, Instr. Gibbs, W. D., '93, Appraiser Hitt, Katherine, '15, Libn. North, C. J., '16, Farmer Overton, R. M., '17 Wainwright, J. B., '15, Draftsman WINDSOR Rogers, Edith (Mrs. R. E. Schreiber) '06 WINNEBAGO Anderson, R. B., '18, Farmer WINNETKA Baker, R. L., '07, Engr. Burgess, J. E., f, Instr. Dale, H. M.. '14, Salesman Follansbee, G. A., t. Lawyer Fuller, Emma Q. (Mrs. A. R. Dean) f Herdman, Carrie B., '14 Herdman, F. E., '84, Engr. Herdman, Margaret M.. '10, Libn. Linn, J. H., '09, Salesman Lowry, Jessie R. (Mrs. R. W. Varney) '07 Shipman, Louise (Mrs. F. Wagner) '08 Stults, E. E., '07, Broker Wagner, F.. Jr., '08, Salesman Wehrstedt, O. C, '00, Mfr. WINSLOW Dietmeier, C. R., '16, Salesman WINTHROP HARBOR Fossland, G. L., '08, Draftsman WITT Barringcr, Edna, '15, Teacher WOODBINE Hermann, R. L., '15, Engr. WOODBURN Wood, R. O., '72, Farmer WOODHULL Close, G. F., '06, Prin. Sch. WOODLAWN Stephenson, H. V., '14, Engr. WOOD RIVER Morgan, J. W., '16, Merchant WOODSTOCK .■\ustin, Vida A., g, Teacher Bardwell, R. W.. '10, Supt. Blair, Eva '12. Teacher Gibson, Mabel H., '15, Teacher Lawrence. C. H., 'iS Renich, Katharine L., '11, Teacher Renich. Mary E., '11 Asst. Salisbury, Ethel I., '13, Teacher -Smiley, L. D., '16. Engr. Smith, Gertrude C. (Mrs. R. W. B.irdwell) '11 Sonden'cker, W.. '8,t Tupper. J. O., '16, Farmer Wright, M. J., '77, Farmer WORDEN Lamb. J.. 'i8. Farmer WYOMING Francis, Helen E., 'i6 YATES CITY Mathews, W. B., 'i6. Teacher Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued VORKVILLE Boston, P. M., "17, Business Hopkins, E. C.. '17, Farmer Keith, Etama G., '18 /.ION CITY Schott, P., Jr., 'os, Draftsman Sprecher, T. S., 'oq 1053 INDIANA ALEXANDRIA McGovney, C. S., f ANDERSON Almond, H. H., '18 Babcock, D., '17 East, Bess, '16, Teacher Krannert, H. C, '12, Mgr. Mathewson, J. W., '09, Engr. Nichol, G. W.. '17 Risser, W. S., '18, Engr. Scott, S. E., '16, Teacher ANGOLA Barrett, O. G., '12. Farm Adv. ATTICA Meharry, C. L., '07, Farmer Poston, F. E., '14, Mgr. AUBURN Sheffer, W. H., '18 BEDFORD Jones, C. J., '10, Farm Adv. Roberts, Gwladys E., g. Teacher Stephenson, R. E., g, Stud. BERNE Lehmann, G. E., '15, Teacher BICKNELL Zeller, L. W.. '18 BLOOMFIELD Cravens, T. C, '16, Farm Adv. BLOOMINGTON Akin, Ida E., g, Teacher Black, W. W., '98, Prof. James, W. P., '17 King, Florence B., '14, Instr. Knapp, Martha W., '13, Libn. Rusk, R. L., '09, Instr. BOSWELL Churchill, C. F., '13, Farmer Foster, D. D., '15, Ins. Bus. Hash, Susan A. (Mrs. D. Hubbard) BOURBON Ettinger, C. M., '17 BRAZIL Layer, H., '11, Engr. BROOKVILLE Federmann, C. R., '17 BROWNSTOWN Rust. Grace A., '12, Teacher CARLISLE Cooper, C. E., '16. Farmer Starner, V., '17 Walters, J. N., '14, Farmer CARMEL Bond, A., '03, Arch. CARROLLTON Meek, W., '17 CENTERVILLE Kempton, F. E., g, Asst. CLINTON Nebeker, M. E., '08, Lawyer CLOVERDALE Scroggin, D. L., f, Mgr. CONNERSVILLE Wadsworth, Golda, '17, Teacher COVINGTON Jackson, G. R., '09, Lawyer Randolph, H. B., '14, Farm Adv. Reed, Cordelia, '18, Stud. CROWN POINT Howe, E. G., Jr., '14, Farmer Strang, R. L., '15, Farmer CULVER Folger, Rachel E. (Mrs. R. H. Rhum- phrey) '96 DANVILLE Keller, O. A., f. Farmer DAYTON Hill, Wilma M. (Mrs. D. R. Baker) '14 DELPHI Pollard, C. R., '03, Lawyer DEPUTY Robertson, Nellie M., '13, Libn. EAST CHICAGO O'Connell, C. S., '05, Engr. Pearson, H. A., '17, Engr. Taylor, C. B., '18, Engr. Eff.KHART Beers, O. E., '17, Engr. Eleson, E. R., '18, Dentist Lehman, Ruth T., '18, Teacher Thompson, G. S., '17 Wiley, Neva B., g. Teacher EVANSVILLE Block, W. R., '07, Seedsman Graham, R. A., '08, Business Hanes, W. R., '10, Engr. Jenner, Louise M., '12, Teacher Karges, H. G., '14. Arch. Merritt, H. T., '07, Business Peeples, W. M., '14, Chem. Sigerson, W. C, '14, Acct. Southwick, J. D., '09. Advertiser Woodin, N. C, '04, Draftsman Yeck, C. W., '07, Doctor FAIRMONT Kemp, A. R., '17, Teacher FT. WAYNE Arnold, R. H., '09, Draftsman Borton, W. F., '02 Bradley, L. R., '17, Engr. Coolidge, E. R., '13, Designer Hall, C. I., '10, Engr. Hinds, S., f, Engr. Keller, Florence, '15 I054 University of Illinois INDIANA— Continued FT. WAYNE— Continued May, Helen B., 'ii. Teacher Tower, A., '17 Weaver, 13. P., '99, Physician FOWLER Isaacs, T. R., '15. Teacher FRANKFORT Masters, J. H., '13, Engr. (JARY Flowers. R. W., '06, Draftsman Jones, D. R., 'i6, Engr. Jones, H. N., Jr., '08, Draftsman Koebele, C. W., '16, Insp. Nay, J. R., '12, Engr. Romig, F. G., '11, Foreman Sponsel, J. G., '11, Engr. Weydell, A. T., '14, Engr. Zimmtrman. A. C, '16, Engr. Zimmerman, A. W., '10, Insp. GENEVA Myers, F. I., f, Asst. GOSHEN Kercher, O. B., '14, Engr. Mehl, W. W., '14, Lawyer Nymeyer, F. H., '11, Editor GREENCASTLE Ammerman, C, g Born, Katherine L. (Mrs. J. M. Fether- ston) '17 Dean, Frances E. (Mrs. F. H. Streightoflf) g Manuel, H. T., g, Psychol. Wright, Mabellc G., f. Instr. GREENFIELD Brown, Ina M. (Mrs. D. Pickett) f GREENSBURG Brazelton, Calanthe M., '18 Brown, C. W., '16, Teacher HAMMOND Higgins, S. C., '02, Draftsman Kraeger. J. F., '13. Chem. Martin, F. A., 'iS, Chem. Sheerer, Gertrude E., 'iS HARTFORD CITY Henley, R. M., '12, Florist HUNTERTOWN Rundles, C. M., '17, Ins. Agt. Rundles, D. C, '15 Rundles, W. L.. '16, Land. Gard. HUNTINGBURG Kindig, Pearl E. (Mrs. B. F. Shaver) 'oS HUNTINGTON Caley, Floyd E., '11, Teacher Farlow, S. J., '14 Thorne, Mabel E., '13, Statistician INDIANA HARBOR Nuttall. J. T., g, Chem. INDIANAPOLIS Beck, Martha S., '15, Teacher Bernard, L. C. '14, Teacher Berner, L. R., '18, Chem. Engr. Carrier, G. V., '14, Auditor Carson, H. Y., *ii, Engr. Carter, Alice, '15, Dietitian (Tarter, Lucile. '15, Clerk (ioffman, B. D., '94, Salesman Crossland, G. M., '01, Teacher Cutshall, B. W., '14. Arch. Davis, CHive E., '06, Clerk Doney, O. K., '00, Lawyer I \I)L\NAPOLlS— Continued Dunlap, E. E., '97, Arch. Fisher, W. L., '14, Engr. Fletcher. C. J., '04, Engr. Freijs, C. T., '79, Arch. Graham, D. B. A., '06, Engr. tiabbe. R. II., '14. Solicitor Hall, E. B., '07, Chem. Harris, J. W., '10, Merchant Harvey, R. F., '16, Dealer Henderson, Mary (Mrs. C. J. Fletcher) '03 Hewitt, Nellie G., '04, Libn. Hill, N. H., '09, Arch. Hoffman, A. C, '15, Instr. Hurd, C. H., f, Engr. Kohman, E. F., f, Chem. Leonard, E., '06, Draftsman Light, C. R., 'is, Supt. Long. A. T., *o8, Prin. Schs. McMains, L., '93, Business Moore, Claribel B., '11, Teacher Odell, Rena M., '02, Teacher Phillips. T. B., '12, Chem. Reed, J. K., g Sargent, C. E., '86, Engr. Sargent, Francelia P.. '18 Shapland, C. J., '12, Engr. Smith, C. A., '99, Salesman Sortwell, H. H., 'i8 Strehlow, Cornelia E. (Mrs. W. H. Adams) '03 Taylor, L. R., '18, Chem. Terry, R. I., '16 Turner, Dollie I. (Mrs. M. S. Thomas) '06 Van Frank, E. D., '16 W^einshank, T., '96, Engr. Wickard, Hortense E., '15, Mgr. Wildman, E. A., g, Chem. Wissing, C. B., '11, Engr. JASPER Ferris, Irene M. (Mrs. E. H. Traylor) '10 JUDSON Turner, E. D., '12, Farmer KENTLAND Ainsworth, H. G.. '15, Seedman Davis, Clara E. (Mrs. S. Davis) '16 Davis. S. S., '15, Farm Adv. Simons, C. L., '12, Farmer KNOX Craigmile, Mary D., '18, Teacher Craigmile, R. J., '18, Engr. KOKOMO Balcom, H^ C, '10, Land Arch. Dix, E. J., '14, Salesman KOUTS Wray, C. W., '16, Farm Mgr. LAFAYETTE Adams, Nettie (Mrs. W. B. Wilson) '77 Albright, C. C, f. Prof. Daehler, A. H.. '08. Instr. Davis, I. L, '07, Entomologist Davis, Nell S. M. (Mrs. W. A. Knapp) '07 Evans, A. T., '12, Instr. Fletemeyer, F. R., '16, Engr. Harper, C, g, Asst. Harrell, C. L., f, Instr. Jones, S. C, g, Assoc. Knapp, W. A., '07, Prof. Martin, G. E.. f, Prof. Shook, C. W.. 'is, Real Est. Skinner, J. H., f, Dean Wilson, J. D., '07, Business LAFONTAINE Minnick, J. H., f, Prof. Geographical Index loss INDIANA— Continued LA PORTE Hallinen, J. E., '94, Lab. Supt. Hartwell, G.. '18 Larson, I. N., /16, Engr. Marks, Maude I., '18, Teacher LAUREL O'Hair, Edna E., 'oi, Teacher LEBANON Smith, W. IL, g, Lawyer LOGANSPORT Beyer, Elizabeth G., '16, Teacher Horn, C. J., '97, Arch. Smith. R. W., '08, Real Est. McCOOL Robbins, G. L., '09 McCORDSVILLE Fisher, W. H., '11, Supt. MADISON Lotz, H. B., '16, Engr. MARTINSVILLE Bain, W. B., '16, Farmer Poston, E. v., '11, Mfr. MARION Miles, L. E., f, Pathol. MEROM Hershey, C. B., '14, Coll. Pres. MICHIGAN CITY Kerrigan, P. F., '14. Engr. Pierce, Inez C. (Mrs. G. T. Vail) '04. Libn. Southgate, Helen A., '09, Teacher MOORJESVILLE Cook, E., '05 MT. SIUMMIT Ainsworth, H. F., '15, Supvr. MT. VERNON Breece, H. D., '18 MUNCIE Smith, A. L., '10, Dir. Torrance, Mary, '13, Libn. Van Natter, F. M., '16 NEW HAVEN Moon, Ida M. (Mrs. H. Thimlar) '11 NOBLESVILLE Brown, E. E., '18, Farmer Clarke, Ethel, '14, Diet. Clarke, Philena, 11, Supt. Graham, D., '07, Arch. NORTH LIBERTY Bauder, L. A., '17, Farmer Farver, E. C, g, Instr. ORLAND Green, C, '03, Teacher Green, C. H., '03, Engr. OXFORD White, P. L., '16, Engr. PERRYSVILLE Hughes, J. H., '13, Farmer Snoddy, R. L., '16, Teacher PERU Cannon, F. S., '11, Arch. i'lKRCETON Bowman, Emily M., '17, Teacher Long, Florence, g, Instr. PLYMOUTH Marks, Hazel F., '16, Teacher PORTLAND Kessler, J., g, Instr. PRINCEdON Morrison, H. C, g, Survr. RENSSELAER Murray, G. E., '18, Merchant KICIIMOND Beck, C. B., g, Journ. King, Vivian, '16, Stud. Murphy, E. F., '16, Supvr. RILEY Christy, O., '16 ROACHDALE Cross, Mary A., '18 ROCHESTER Binding, L. R., f. Farm Adv. ROCKPORT Halbruge, C. M.. '16 Schumacher, Dixie H., '17 ROCKVILLE Thomson, W. W., '17 ROYAL CENTER Grisemer, W., '18 KUSSELLVILLE Grimes, E. J., '18 SEDALIA Ball, Mary E., '17, Teacher SIIARPSVILLE Hoffman, F. J., '14, Arch. SHELBYVILLE Donaldson, Elizabeth F., '14, Teacher Gutting, L. A., '11, Mgr. Hill, Fanny W. (Mrs. L. A. Gutting) '10 SHERIDAN Snodgrass, W., 'ii. Farmer SOUTH BEND Bressler, C. E., Jr., '09, Engr. Fites, H. B., '17, Farmer Glimstedt, O. H., f. Trainer Heideman, G. H., '94. Mfr. Kerndt, A. H., '12, Engr. McGrath, S. J., '05, Chem. Muessel, R. A., '18 Fletcher, Elma C, '16, Teacher .Strong, R. A., 'is, Engr. Teeple, W. D., '97, Engr. Trowbridge, C. E., '16 Vickery, C. R., '96 SULLIVAN Sheridan, Mary B., '17, Teacher Thompson, R. H., '17 TERRE HAUTE Bogardus, F. S., '04, Prop. Clinebell, H. J., '16, Farm Adv. Edington W. E., f, Asst. Flood, Grace H., '18, Teacher Goldman. Rae A., '14, Social Worker Henley, H. B., '12, Florist Hepburn, T. M., '14, Engr. Hicks, W. E., '11, Farmer Johnson, G. T., '06 1056 University of Illinois TERRE HAUTE— Continued INDIANA— Continued MTIITING Locke, Clara E., '13. Supvj. Luckett, C. L., '14 Raffin, 1. D., 'la, Engr. Shelton, VVilma L.. '!4, Libn. Sulgcr, A. H., '18 Swits, Marguerite M., '16, Teacher Tressel, H. J. S., '14, Lawyer Waits, C. J., g, Supt. TIPTON Hershman, O. H., '16, Merchant Wagstaff, C. D., '18 URBAN A Brown, R. E., '10, Phys. VINCENNES Blatherwick, W. F., '13, Arch. Guernsey, E. W., '18, Chem. Purely, R. H., '15, Arch. Thomas, J. M., '14, Engr. Thomas, S. J., '17, Plumber WALKERTON Kneeshaw, Mary J., '18, Teacher WASHINGTON Brandon, J. F., '16, Agr. Gesell. E. G.. '08. Mfr. WEST LAFAYETTE Poorman, A. P.. '07, Prof. Sears, O. H.. '14, Instr. Spindler. G. H., g, Instr. Beaubien, W. P., '16, Engr. Calhoun, Helen V. (Mrs. G, Cash) "05 Glair, H. F., '12, Supt. Greenburg, R. E., '15, Engr. Hall, T. C, '00, Judge Krauel, P. L., '18 .Smith, L. G., '13, Engr. Watts, G. W., 'is, Engr. WIN AM AC Plank, Bessie G. (Mrs. L. Thompson) '85 Thompson, L., '86, Engr. WINCHESTER Canady, Lorah, '15, Teacher WINONA LAKE Highfill, Inez F. (Mrs. H. G. Lawrence) WOLCOTT Dibell, H. C. '16 Dibell, Mabel E., g, Instr. WORTHINGTON Foulke, C. C, '16, Banker ZIONSVILLE Bitndy, R. P., '02, Lawyer IOWA A DEL Hoge, Lura E. (Mrs. H. R. Straight) 'oS Straight. H. R., '07, Mfr. .\LBIA Braden, J. H., '02, Lawyer AMES Agg, T. R., f. Prof. Baldwin. F. M., g. Prof. Bebb. Mabel (Mrs. R. S. Potter) '12 Campbell. A. B., '09, Prof. Craig, O., '09. Prof. De Vries, L., f. Prof. Evvard, T. M., '07, Prof. Ewing, H. E., '06, Prof. Faber, D. C, '08, Engr. Fowler. C. C, '09, Chem. Fuller, Elizabeth G.. '14, Instr. Graham, R., f. Prof. Harrison, B. M., g. Prof. Hughes, H. D. M.. '07, Prof. Kennedy, W. J., f. Prof. Kimball. A. H.. f. Prof. Lego, Lulu M. (Mrs. H. D. M. Hughes) '03 Northey. Delia F.. 'it. Libn. Potter, R. S., g. Prof. Scott, Daisy C. (Mrs. W. H. Stevenson) '95 Smith. K. G.. '05, ProL Sprague, H. G., '14, Instr. Summers, H. E., f, Prof. Vance, T. F.. f Webster, R. L.. '08, Entomol. Woorters, J. E., g. Agr. Agt. ANKENY Souers, M. A., '13, Farmer ATLANTIC Gillespie, P., '08, Arch. BATON ROUGE Guell, A., g, Prof. BELMOND Pierce, E. A., '76 BETTENDORF Hinrichsen, F. A., '13, Mgr. BOONE Baker, L., '03, Teacher Sheldon, Maude L., '03, Teacher BURLINGTON Peters, W. W., g, Instr. Schwerin, A., '08, Sec. Waterhouse, C. E., '07, Engr. CALMAR Preus, P. R. A.. '14, Engr. CEDAR FALLS Johnson, J. P., '02, Engr. CEDAR RAPIDS Brown, Hazel E., g, Welfare Dir. Brown, W. J., '00. Arch. Carrithers. I. T., '08. Ath. Dir. Edinger, P. F., f Hagey, Emma J., '03, Libn. Hunter, H. E., 'oi. Arch. CHARLES CITY Allen, P. W., f. Bus. Caldwell, Ida I.. '08. Libn. Dickerson, I. W., '09. Editor Moss, Florence L., '17, Teacher CHEROKEE Hall. K. W., '18 Lueder, H. H., '17 CLARION Kramer, G. A., 'os. Farmer CLINTON Arnold, N., '13, Mgr. Cook, S. S., '11, Advertiser Crawford, T., '94, Engr. Geographical Index 1057 IOWA — Continued CLINTON— Continued Ladehoff, A. D., '18 Newlin, C. I., ':2, Mgr. Stone, Edna L., '12, Teacher COIN Prince, W. J., '16, Prin. COLUMBUS JUNCTION Shoemaker, Dorothy R. (Mrs. H. Huston) f CORWITH Tibbitts, D. D., '14, Farmer COUNCIL BLUFFS Beardsley, J. W., '90 Moore, Jennie E. (Mrs. F. H. Binder) '04 Wadsworth, J. G.. '8-', Banker CRESTON Graham, Saitpho C, g. Teacher Thomson, Lillian E. (Mrs. C. H. De Long; '18 CUMBERLAND Weaver, Lillian R., '17 DALLAS CENTER Codlin, H. E., '14, F'arni Adv. McColley, Carrie (Mrs. II. E. Codlin) '15 DAVHNPORT Berger, Cora, '18, Clerk Berger, F. E^ '13, Arch. Burrows, P. T., '92, Arch. Chapin, G., '06, Journ. Gilchrist, H. M., '99, Engr. Goldschmidt, Erna C., '18, Teacher Goldschmidt, A. G., '88. Engr. Johnson, E. S., '87, Engr. Kirkland, A. F., '15, Arch. Klein C. A., '16, Arch. Kuehlcke, O., '05, Engr. McKown. K. L., '17, Land. Gard. Marks, Mary E., '11, Libn. Miller, D. (Mrs. C. L. Moore) '06 Noth, E. F., '14, Draftsman Peck, Norma L., '15, Libn. R,amsey, L. W., '14, Arch. Reeves, H. T., '14, Arch. Richter. Gertrude K., '18 Pitts, C. L., '16, Supt. Smart, R. L., '14, Engr. Temple, S. J., f. Arch. Whitaker, R. C, '15, Draftsman Worthen, Jeannette L., '07, Teacher DECORAH Hustvedt, S. B., f, Instr. DEFIANCE Scoggan, E. B., g. Minister UENNISON Carr, V. W., 'n DES MOINES Brownson, H. G., '06. Business Brownson, Winnina E., '08, Teacher Davis, Reba, '11, Libn. Foglesong, L. E., '11, Arch. Frazee, J. D., '11, Agt. Gray, Ruth (Mrs. A. P. Peyrand) '16 Hill, W. G., g, Instr. Hofts, J. A., f, Asst. Jordan, Vera E., g. Teacher Jordan, W. G., g, Chem. Kautz, P.. '10. Electn. Lange, Ida L. (Mrs. A. M. Parker) '08 Leibsle. R. W., '16, Engr. McGarrisk, D. H., '13, Engr. McRobie, Jessie B. (Mrs. L. E. Foglesong) 'i I Penn, A., '09, Engr. DES MOINES— Continued Rose, L. S., '89. Prof. Shawr, G. R., '09, Contr. Steele, Lavinia, '03, Libn. Wait, B. A., '92, Engr. Wickersham, C. E., '08, Agt. Woodrow, J. W.. f. Prof. Wooters. L. M., '14, Journ. DOUGHERTY Kellogg, Flora L. (Mrs. H. E. Hudson) '75 DUBUQUE Brunkow, N. F"., '14, Arch. Conboy, L- J-, 'i4> Teacher Heitkamp, G. W., g, Instr. Stringer, J. K., '17 Tolmie, T. W., '17 EAST OSKALOOSA Burnside, Elizabeth H., '07, Libn. Morris, Mary L., '09 EPWORTH Ilanna, Helen I., g FAIRFIELD Porter, C. L., '13, Teacher FONDA Straight, Gladys L. (Mrs. L. A. Wood) '12 FT. DODGE Gustafson, C. A., '17, Engr. Hoff. Edna D. (Mrs. I. D. Allison) '03 Reely, T. W., '9.';. Arch. FT. MADISON Amborn, Louise (Mrs. J. B. Pagin) '16 FULLERTON Kressmann, Y. W., '09, Chem. GARNER Lindberg, Ruth M. R. (Mrs. J. C. Morri- son) GAZA Hicks, G. L., '8s, Farmer GILBERT Jones, E. J. GR;ANDVIEW Higley, Ruth, g, Instr. GRINNELL Gibbs. C. H.. 'os, Engr. Hendrixson, W. S., f, Prof. Morris, S. D., '05, Prof. Penrose, Alma M., '15, Libn. Squire, E. G., f Stone, H. K.. f. Prof. GRISWOLD Kelley, H. P., '16, Farm Adv. HAMPTON Allen, E. D., '12, Physician Houg, O. A., '17. Clerk HOPKINTON Laughlin, E. V., '09, Dean HUMBOLDT Haviland, .Mtha, '04, Teacher IDA GROVE Lloyd, G. T., '02, Engr. INDEPENDENCE Donnan, A. M., '95. Arch. INDIANOLA Emmons, C. W., g, Prof. ios8 University of Illinois IOWA— Continued IOWA CITY Arms, J. L., 'ii, Libn. Bose, S., '07, Lecturer Brown, F. C, g. Teacher Brumfiel, D. M., g, Instr. Calhoun, Henrietta A., '01, Physician Davidson, Dora (Mrs. F. C. Brown) '08 Ivey, P. W., g, Instr. McGovney, D. O., f. Prof. Merry, G. N.. f. Prof. Rietz, H. L., f. Prof. Sawyer, Margaret, '14, Dietitian Shaffer, Nina R., '07, Libn. Wardall, Ruth A., '03, Prof. IOWA FALLS Meyer, I. F., g, Coll. Pres. KEOKUK Baker, R. E., g, Mgr. Brady, T. L., '11, Arch. Craig, N. E., '10, Insp. Crow, B. F., '77, Hort. Haggott, W. S., '15, Engr. Kiedaisch, K., '10, Engr. Williams, L. E., '73, Lawyer KNOXVILLE Talbot, Carrie E. (Mrs. T. Ii,> Miner) '01 Wilson, D. W., g, Asst. LAURENS Wheeler, Adelaide C, '17 Wheeler, Irene B., '13, Demonstrator LE CLAIRE Reeves, H. E., '95, Engr. LE MARS Cole, T. E., '8s. Physician Mourning, Mary K., '11, Prin. MADISON Lewis, R. J., '05, Engr. MARION Munsen, A. P., '04, Contr. 'MARSHALLTOWN Hjort, N. R., '09, Constr. Ingersoll. F. B., '03, Engr. McKee, P. H.. '12, Sec. MASON CITY Baird. Bertha S., '11, Libn. Teal, Lois L., '11, Teacher MILTON Bell, Edith M., '18. Teacher MONBTA Pearson, Ida M. (Mrs. G. E. Hiner) '04 MORNING SUN Beck, Mary L., g, Prin. MT. VERNON Smith, O. H., g. Prof. MUSCATINE Hampton, Amy Q. (Mrs. H. C. Meyer) '12 Reinemund, T. A., g. Merchant Reinsch, B. P., '18 Rumsey, Mary H., '16, Teacher NEW IBERIA Quereau, F. C, g, Dir. NEW LONDON Hayes, C. F., '17 NEWTON Hunter, C. P., '02, Merchant Demuth, J. E., '15, Engr. NORTHWOOD King, E. L., 'is, Supt. OELWEIN Weil, Ruth C. '17, Teacher ONAWA Pasewalk, L. H., '14 Underbill, H. W., '13, Arch. OSKALOOSA Graves, Marjorie (Mrs. R. D. Walton) '02 W^alker, G. W., '16, Instr. OTTUMWA Lund, J. C, '09, Supt. Moschel, H., '10, Engr. Munger, G. E., '08, Engr. Work, Ruth E. (Mrs. A. L. Capps) '07 Prin. H. S. PELLA Stoddard. I. J., Jr., '77, Engr. Vanzee, G. W., g. Stud. PIEtRSON Baker, H. N., '07, Physician PRIMGHAR Rigg, G. L., '16, Sec. RADCLIFFE Hodnefield, J., f. Farmer RED OAK Tolman, H. H., '12, Farm Mgr. RIVERTON Anderson, H. F., '09, Lumberman SCHALLER Murray, Ethel R., g, Prin. SCRANTON Stewart, J. S., '09, Farmer SHARON Gould, M. A., '17, Telephone Operator SHENANDOAH Mitchell, Hazel M. E., g. Teacher SIBLEiY Foster, J. R., '13, Farm Adv. SIOUX CITY Arnold, R., '11, Arch. Beck, R. O., '09. Bus. Coss, J. A., g. Prof. Drake, Jeannette M., '03, Libn. Gibson, C. G., '91. Doctor Green, Mariana (Mrs. W. L. Steele) '95 Hilmer, W. C, g. Prof. Holtze, H. S., '16 McCarty, L. J., '07, Draftsman Riesche. R. H., '09. Engr. Smith, G. W., 'is. Engr. Stout, Elizabeth T. E., '08, Libn. Thorn, J. D., 'is. Lawyer Tobias, Mabel B. (Mrs. A. G. Heitman) '09 Wiley, H. H.. '17, SuTVT. Wood. L. H.. '06, Teacher Younglove, C. C, '15, Engr. STORM LAKE Bailie, R. M.. '14, Arch. Kingman. R. H.. g. Prof. Macdonald. Janet M., g, Archacol. Stahl, E. R., '10, Teacher TIPTON Lawrence, C. G., '99, Arch. VILLISCA Eskelson. Ola M, J., g. Teacher Geographical Index 1059 I OW A— Continued WALKER Stunkard, H. W., g, Instr. WARE Vial, J. M., '12, Farmer WASHINGTON Shields, J. P.. '15 WATERLOO Bartley, J. S.. '16. Arch. Cleveland, M. B., '08, Arch. Gage, R. P., '14, Farmer Hunt, E. A., '95, Doctor Piatt, F. C, '73 WATERLOO— Continued Wirth, F. P., 'i7 Worthen, G. B., '98, Lawyer WEIBSTER CITY Whitley, G. C, '16, Cashier WILLIAMSBURG Gittins, Elizabeth M., g. Teacher WILTON JUNCTION Harris, L. G., '16, Auditor ZEARING Gogerty, H. L., '17, Supt. KANSAS ARKANSAS CITY Hall, W. E., '08, Merchant ASHLAND Deardorff, Sarah C. (Mrs. B. F. Donnell) '78 Ginzel, C. L., '04, Business ATCHISON Bailey, W. J., h. Banker Hines, E. G., '00, Const. Supt. Pincomb, Helena M. (Mrs. P. K. Symns) f BALDWIN CITY McCain, Myrtle B. (Mrs. E. T. Black) '08 BELOIT Hubbard, W. W.. '16 CHANUTE Earned, Mary S. (Mrs. F. A. Parsons) '78 Parsons, F. A., '75, Business COLBY McVey, Nellie F. (Mrs. J. B. Kuska) '15 COLUMBUS Hitchcock, E. W., '15, Teacher DOUGLASS Burgess, F. M., '09, Farmer EFFINGHAM Salisbury, G. W., '15, Prin. EL DORADO Simon, W. H.. '15, Arch. ELLINWOOD Bockemohle, C. L. A., '16, Designer EMPORIA Braucher. H. H.. '94, Teacher Breneman, A. L., '16 Buck, Gertrude A., '04, Prof. Phipps, C. R., '11, Instr. FREEPORT Rowe, W. B., '93, Farmer HALSTED Baumgartner, Rachael A., g. Teacher HAVILAND Askins, A. E., '04, Engr. HOLTON Canfield, Ruth M., '14, Teacher Davis, C. W.. *ii. Farmer Davis, Gertrude C, '10 Teacher Davis, Helen P.. '17. Chicken Raiser Davis, Marietta S.. '03, Teacher Green. C. F., f, Asst. Hamilton. C. C. g. Entomol. Watson, Ella M. (Mrs. J. H. Davis) '80 HOMEWOOD Harder, R. O., '08, Farmer HOWARD Smith, S., '96, Farmer HUMBOLDT Knox, S. M., '09, Live Stock Dealer Zelle, C. A., '16, Chem. HUTCHINSON Kessler, C. H., '13, Engr. KANSAS CITY Bagby, F. C, '07, Engr. Barclay, W., '87, Engr. Bollinger, W. N.. '11, Engr. Darby, H., Jr., '17, Engr. Hinshaw, G. J., '02, Sec. Morse, J. H., '81, Business Roesner, Hedwig E.. '17, Teacher Stone, O. R., '13, Sec. KINGMAN Greenleaf, M., '07, Agr. LAWRENCE Ashley, June M. (Mrs. C. Elmer) g Bailey, L. F., '15, Instr. Derby, Grace E., f, Libn. Elmer, M. C. g. Prof. Helsking, W. M., f. Prof. Huisken. A. H., '15, Instr. Jones, Bertha M., 'n, Instr. Lillehei, I., f, Instr. MacGregor, Hazel H. (Mrs. M. E. Rice) g Medill, W. A., '04, Farmer Melvin, F. E., f. Prof. Moore, B. F., g, Prof. Morton, Sarah D. (Mrs. A. L. Owen) f Nelson, C. F., f. Prof. Owen, A. L., g, Prof. Plank, U. S. G.. '92. Sec. Roberts. H. A., '02. Prof. Sluss. A. H., '01, Prof. Stouflfer, E. B., g. Prof. Sullivan, W. W., '11, Teacher Williams, C. C, '07, Prof. LEAVENWORTH Baxter, C. B., '08, Farmer Baxter, M. E., '06, Farmer Martin, Grace (Mrs. M. E. Baxter) '03 MANHATTAN Ackert, J. E.. '09, Prof. Baker, C. F., '07. Prof. Breese, C. S., g, Electn. Davis, Elizabeth H., '14, Libn. Davis, W. E., '03, Prof. Dunlap, Fanny, '15, Libn. Ekblaw. K. T. T.. '00. Prof. Gibbs. Charlotte M. (Mrs. C. F. Baker) '04 Glasgow, Grace, '12. Teacher Heuman, Alma B. (Mrs. K. J. T. Ekblaw) '10 io6o University of Illinois KANSAS— Continued MANHATTAN— Continued Robert, J. H., '14, Instr. Smith, A. B., '02, Libn. Tanquary, M. C, '07, Prof. Tanner, Florence M. (Mrs. J. E. Ackert) '12 Warner, Florence (Mrs. L. D. Bushnell) '06, Libn. MARQUETTE Hawkinson, C. O., '16, Salesman MARYSVILLE Miller, J. E., g, Instr. MISLER Hays, C. J., '01, Engr. MOREHEAD Huff, N. H., '06, Siipt. of Schools MOUND VALLEY Wiseman, Esther G., g NEWTON WJebe, H. H., f, Instr. NICKERSON Edwards, M. R., '16, Instr. ONAGA Miller, E. F., '16, Draftsman OTTAWA Brown, H. A., '11, Instr. Powell, A. R., g, Chem. Sheldon, Carrie B. (Mrs. B. F. Bowers) '05 PAOLA Kinkead. D. R., '89, Foreman PEABODY Ray, H. A., '08, Teller PITTSBURGH Brower, L. I., '98, Prof. Ciirfman, L. E., '01, Engr. Marshall, R. H., '14, Instr. Williams, Winifred S. (Mrs. L. E. Curf- man) '01 POTWIN Chase, Margaret I. (Mrs. M. E. King) g PRATT Garnett, Harriet E. (Mrs. C. H. Shaw) '11 SABETHA Greenfield, R. E., g, Chem. SEDGWICK Mahannah, A. E., g. Farmer STOCKTON Skinner, W. K., '07, Lawyer STRAIGHT CREEK Davis, J. H., '82, Farmer TOPEKA Cowgill, C. H., '16, Instr. Drummond, Ethel R. (Mrs. F. M. Drum- mond) '11 Glover, W. E., '15, Arch. Grady, P. L., '08, Engr. Hughes, T. W.. f. Prof. Johnston, Florence R. (Mrs. A. R. Elliott) 'is Miller, W. G., '92, Engr. Obrecht, R. C, g. Farmer Olander, E. A., '17 Powers, W. A., '93. Chem. Prout, F. J., '13, Engr. WASHINGTON Caldwell, Elizabeth E. (Mrs. C. E. Ingalls) '04, Libn. WEST MINERAL Smith, H. E., f, Constr. WICHITA Abbott, Edwina E. (Mrs. A. M. Cowan) '08 Brees, P. R.. '18, Clothier Brook, Elizabeth A., '11, Teacher Dryden, Daisy D., g. Teacher Elder, R. S., '01, Lawyer Fay el, C. S., g. Physicist. Hammond, Ruth E., '17, Libn. Harbison, C. C g, Asst. Hormel, Olive D., '16, Instr. Moore, W. D.. '83, Engr. Mueller, H. R., '16, Florist Mueller, H. S.. '14, Arch. Noble, J. M., '16, Reporter Noble, Mary E., '96 Schmidt, L., '13, Arch. Schuler, D. B., '16, Engr. Sim, C. L., 77, Banker Van Meter, G. W., '02, Arch. WINFIELD Quick. B. E.. f, Prof. Pasmore, D. F., g, Prof. KENTUCKY ASHLAND McCrea, H. A., '09. Supt. BEREA Lewis, C. D., g. Prof. BUFFALO Richardson, C. H., g. Prof. BUTLER Schalck, M. A.. '16. Teacher COVINGTON Melrose, Mary H., '10, Supvr. Orr, H. B., '14, Engr. FULTON Powell, P., f, Asst. UARRODSBURG Cooley, Elizabeth C. (Mrs. J. D. Bruner) f HARTFORD rinsley, R. W., g, Prin. HAZARD Baker, G., '17, Engr. KINGS MOUNTAIN Chang, T. L., '17, Instrumentman LAWRENCEBURG Johnson, R. E., '17 LEXINGTON Garman, H., f. Prof. Good, E. S., g, Prof. Tames, M. C., '09, Prof. "Karraker, P. E., ^11. Prof. Kercher, O., '14, Instr. Lewis, R. H., '10, Chem. Pogue, R. B., g LOUISVILLE Davis, W. J., f. Major Flatt, H. O.. '12, Teacher Henry. J. E., '06, Arch. Herrick, Hope (Mrs. J. E. Henry) '08 Homberger, A. W., g. Prof. Geographical Index 1061 KENTUCKY— Continued LOUISVILLE— Continued Hatchings^ J. B., Jr., f. Arch. Morgan, F. L., '12, Draftsman Newell, Anna G., g, Assoc. Petersen, C. P. L., '03, Engr. Pickler^ W. E., g Rees, C. C, g. Pathologist Roberts, H. v., '13, Engr. Roberts, S. S., f. Engr. Wilson, F. H., '98, Engr. MC VEIGH Renich, Amanda B. (Mrs. D. A. Dailey) '10. Teacher MAYSVILLE Kirk, G. G., '14, Farm Adv. Matuszeevicz, Veronica C., '18, Teacher PADUCAH Joyner. Mildred, '16, Teacher RICHMOND Barter, Ada J. (Mrs. M. Dunn) '07 Bruner, J. D., f. Prof. Roark, R. J., '11, Instr. Turley, R. E., Jr., '13, Engr. STRAIGHT CREEK Easton, H. D.. f. Dealer WINCHESTER Steele, Annette, g. Teacher LOUISIANA ARCOLA Purcell, C. A., '12, Fanner BATON ROUGE Adams, J. Q., f, Prof. Balis, W. H., '10. Asst. Chioco, J. O., 'i8. Stud. Doran, E. B., '06, Prof. Fairfield, Helen (Mrs. C. E. Woolman) '14 Gangstadt, J. S., '09, Dairyman Kidder, A. F., '06, Prof. Nichols, J. C, g, Prof. Sun, E., '17 Woolman, C. E., '12, Agt. FULLERTON Gridley, Mabel A. (Mrs. F. W. Kressmann) '09 HAMMOND Reimers, F. W., '00, Business HOLLY GROVE Fishman, S. L., '18, Chem. LAKE CHARLES Grotevant, Nina, '18, Teacher MINDEN Looney, J. L., '18 MT. HERMON Ott, P. W., '17 NEW IBERIA Paradis, M. R., f. Minister NEW ORLEANS Frailey, L. E.. '14, Broker Frost, F. G., '01, Supt. Grubel, E. A., '08. Engr. Kendall, W. F., '85, Engr. Levey, H. A., g, Chem. Northrup, E. J., f, Prof. Shelby, E.. Jr., '16, Engr. RUSTON Hankins, O. G., '14, Supt. Mitchell, G. I., '15, Instr. ST. FRANCISVILLE Mackie, E. T., '17, Farmer SHREVEPORT Bryant, W. T., g, Supt. Heath, N. P., '13, Engr. TALLULAH Moberley, E. S., '18 MAINE AUGUSTA Titcomb, W. C, f, Prof. BANGOR Banks, M. F., f. Instr. BRUNSWICK Gross, A. O.. '08, Prof. Schinnerer, O. P., '13, Instr. DANFORTH Hodnett, Mona P., g. Teacher ORONO Craig, W., '98, Prof. Rogers, A. E., f. Prof. Thompson, G. A., '98, Prof. POJiTLAND Jordan, L., g, Chem. WESTBROOK Davis, P. P., '17 Davis, R. E., g, Assoc. MARYLAND ABERDEEN Kennedy, R. E., f, Instr. ANNAPOLIS Allen, O. W., '15, Instr. Ditchey, J. K., g, Instr. Houston, P. H., f, Instr. Kiernan, A., f, Instr. Smohl, Barbara B. (Mrs. L. T. Wilson) '17 Wilson, L. T., f, Instr. BALTIMORE Beckerley, G. F., '90, Supvr. Blondheim. D. S.. f, Prof. Cort, W. W., g. Prof. Dillon, F. P., '06, Engr. Giessler, W. C, '13, Engr. Gleason, Nellie M. (Mrs. _W. W. Cort) '11 Gray, C. R., Jr., '11, Business Griffin, C. E., g, Instr. Hahn, F. C, '16, Instr. Kemp, G. T., f, Physician Lansche, O. A., '16, Engr. io62 University of Illinois BALTIMORE— Continued Morgan, E. A., '06, Instr. Osborn, H. T., g, Entomol. Rudwin, M. J., f. Instr. Scott, Miriam E. (Mrs. F. P. Dillon) '07 Siekman, J. M., '15, Assayer Van Gundy. C. P., '88, Chem. Van Zandt, A, C, '12, Supvr. CATONSVILLE Owens, W. H., '00, Contr. CENTREVILLE Allen, Lucy E., '17, Agt. CHEVY CHASE Bawden, W. T., f. Specialist Larson, L. J., g, Engr. Wickers, E., g, Chem. COLLEGE PARK Garman, P,, g. Entomol. GAMBRILLS Ray, B. L., '13 GRANTVILLE Dougherty, H. R., '00, Stockman MARYLAND— Continued HARMANS LeCato, J. M., g, Instr. KENSINGTON Waters, W. O., '00, Libn. LANDSDOWN Richards, J. V., '10, Engr. LEBANON Tomlinson, B., '06 NEW WINDSOR Dotterer, J. E., g, Instr. ROLAND PARK Clark. F. H., '90, Engr. Wheeler, Ruth, f. Prof. SILVER SPRINGS Bacon, H., '93. Draftsman Cliflford, C. L., '99, Elec. Engr. Whitney, C. E., '13, Engr. SOUTH BALTIMORE Babre, C, '14, Chem. TOKOMA PARK Farley, F. W., '15. An. Husb. Expert. MASSACHUSETTS ALLSTON Knodle, C. L., '16, Survr. AMES BURY George, Lillian M., '04, Libn. AMHERST Nehrling. A. H., f. Prof. Whicher. G. P.. f. Teacher ARLINGTON Marsh, L. W., '97, Engr. BERNARDSTON Douglas, H. M., f. Minister BOSTON Andrews, W. O., '13, Designer Barker. P.. '04, Engr. Blackall, C. H., '77. Arch. Boggs, Mary L. (Mrs. E. M. East) '05 Coleman. C. B., '07, Agr. Cronin. W. L., f, Instr. Curl, M. J., f, Journ. East. E. M., '01, Prof. Emerson, F. H.. '06, Mgr. Foster, W. D., f, Journ. • Hazen, H. S., '05, Arch. Howe, Harriet E.. '02, Libn. Long. J. O., '16, Stud. Peabody, C. H.. f. Prof. Pillsbury, Bertha M., '95, Registrar PiUsbury. W. L.. f Ramser. J. H., '17, Engr. Richardson, Juanita, '15, Teacher Roberston, R., f, Assoc. Wilson, W. H.. g, Instr. Zilly, Mabel (Mrs. L. F. Hamilton) '97 BRAINTREE Shrader, J. W., '11, Lawyer BRIGHTON Savage, W. E., '17 BROOKFIELD Hunt, F. S., '16, Engr. Lawrence, E. V., f, Engr. BROOKLINE Fraprie, F. R., f. Editor Hale, A. A., '05, Engr. McCobb, Lois D., f, Dir. McDewell. H. S., f. Instr. Voss, W. C, '12, Engr. CAMBRIDGE Brown. P. H., '15 Chu. C. C, '13, Stud. Fairhall, L. T., '11. Instr. Grafius, Margaret E. (Mrs. G. D. Birkhoflf) 'oS dreenough, C. N., f. Prof. Hanford, A. C, '12, Instr. Huntington, Ellen A. (Mrs. A. F. Whitten) '03 Jones, G., f. Prof. Leslie, E. A., '10, Minister Lowe. C. C, 'tS, Stud. Lowell, A. L., h, Univ. Pres. Millard. E. B., g. Prof. Morrison, D. K., '14, Salesman Roos, P.. f. Dir. Rutledge, G., '10, Instr. Sanborn, F. B., f. Prof. Sawyer, Gertrude E., '18, Stud. Seymour. A. B.. '81. Botanist. Stanton, Margaret B. (Mrs. J. E. Kirch- man) f, Instr. Turner, F. J., h. Prof. Wright, P. G.. e. Instr. CONCORD JUNCTION Bates, S. C, '12, Hort. FALL RIVER SutclifFe, Constance, '17, Teacher FITCHBURG Rugg, E. v.. 'is. Teacher Uphara, T. C. g GREAT BARRINGTON Overholser, M. J., '10, Engr. GREENWOOD Perry, Eleanor F. (Mrs. R. Rand) '09 HIGHLANDS Pierce, C. H., f, Engr. Geogkaphical Index 1063 HOLYOKE Weis, 11. W., '13. Mgr. Weis, J. B.. *93, Mfr. INDIAN ORCHARD Shepard, A. D., g, Chem. JAMAICA PLAIN Goodwin, T. G., f. Teacher Holcomb, C. E., '04. Salesman Osborne, Isabel M. (Mrs. C. E. Holcomb) '09 LAWRENCE Finn, E. M., '17. Arch. LONG MEADOW Barker, J. K., '92. Engr. LOWETX Hochdorfer, Margarethe C, g, Teacher LYNN McLellan M. B. (Mrs. W. Snushall) '06 MALDEN Bicknell, P. F., f, Auth. MELROSE HIGHLANDS Burgess, A. F., f, Entomol. NEWTON Kerns, S. K., '97. Teacher Zimmerman, W. IL, '97. Engr. NEWTON CENTRE Davidson, Mabel K. (Mrs. J. R. Lotz) '04 Lotz, J. R., '01, Engr. NEWTONVILLE Moore, L. E., f. Prof. Willson. F. G., g, Instr. NORTHAMPTON Baker, H. T., f, Instr. Wiehr, J., f, Prof. NORTH ANDOVER Bixby, Madeline K., g, Dir. PALMER Bodfish, Elizabeth (Mrs. E. L. Clarke) g, Instr. PITTSFIELD Jeter, G. G., '10, Engr. Miller, C. B., '08, Engr. ROCKLAND Hobart, A .C, '97, Engr. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued ROSLINDALE Maclnnes, D. A. ROXBURY Bagusin, A. M., g. Prof. IS SAXONVILLE Hall, S. W., f, Asst. SOUTH BOSTON Harman, J. J., '02, Engr. SOUTHAMPTON Douglas, R. T., 'u, Engr. SPRINGFIELD Clark, H. E., '16, Engr. STATE LINE Coar, Elsa J. (Mrs. W. T. Walsh) '02 STONEHAM Ilylan, J. P., f. Bus. SWAMPSCOTT Blaney, H. W., f. Land. Arch. Jeffers, C. P., '74. Pharmacist WATERTOWN Burgess, II. II. , '08, Engr. WAVERLEY Conkling, Anna J. (Mrs. A. B. Seymour) •84 WEJ.LESLEY Towne, L. J., f, Engr. WESTFIELD Farnham, A. A., '16, Land. Gard. Gibbs. P. H„ '13, Engr. Jarrold, Rachel M., g. Teacher WILLIAMSTOWN Mears, B., f. Prof. Shook, G. A., g. Prof. WINTHROP Gillet, J. E., f, Assoc. WORCESTER Morley, R. K., f. Prof. Nelson, J. H., g. Prof. Purdy, R. C, f, Dir. Randolph, C. B. F., f. Prof. MICHIGAN ADRIAN liedrick, Edna M., '16, Teacher AGRICULTURE COLLEGE P. O. Scheele, A. G., f. Instr. ALBION Lutz, Gretchcn K., g, Teacher ALMA Cornelius, D. W.. g. Prof. ALPENA Timm, P. F. W., '04, Engr. ANN ARBOR Bollman, J. L.. '17, Asst. Clark, F. E., g. Prof. Cobb, Frieda, '16, Stud. Boetel, Made t ^Mrs. F. Kimball) 'it Hall, A. G., f. Prof. ANN ARBOR— Continued Hauhart, W. F., f. Prof. Henderson. J. B., 'i6. Farm Mgr. Hildebrandt, T. H., '05, Prof. Kellogg S. A., 'i6. Herdsman Kimball, S. F.. f, Prof. LaRue, G. R., g, Prof. Lundgren, C. L., '02, Salesman Palmer T. C. '14, Instr. Patton'; Carrie C (Mrs. F. E. Clark) 'ii Smith, Esther A., '04, Libn. Welch, P. S.. g. Prof. ,, ,. . ( Wurster, Pauline (Mrs. K. Van Evera) i BATTLE CREEK Austin, C. C, '07, Mgr. Morgan. Grace B., 14. Nurse Nelson, M. N., 'is, Asst. BAY CITY Demmer, J. E., '10, Teacher Hanna, P. S., '12, Auditor 1064 Univkrsitv ok Illinois MICHIGAN— Continued BAY CITY— Continued Mcllhenny, Mary E., '04, Teacher Smith, G. R., '00, Engr. BEAR LAKE Bradford, Bernice M., g, Instr. Collins, Vida L., g, Instr. BENTON HARBOR Switzer, V. W., '07, Treas. BERRIEN SPRINGS Snuff, Mary H., g BESSEMER Moore, L. C, '07, Engr. BRAVO Curtiss, A. R., f, Agr. BUCHANAN Hayes, Zella B., '00, Teacher CAMP CUSTER Morse, B. C, f, Brig. Gen. CEMENT CITY Flint, P. N., g CHARLEVOIX Beers, C, Jr., '12, Farmer CHESANING Agnew, R., '05, Contr. COLDWATER Teeters, Mary E. (Mrs. R. N. Shumaker) '17 DEARBORN Ludvik, B. E., '16, Teacher Thai, Olga E., '16 DETROIT Alger, A. R., f, Draftsman Bauer, L. M., '14, Arch. Benson, A. E., '15, Draftsman Bollinger, E. F., '16, Salesman Bow, L. C, 'is, Instr. Bow, W. E., '14, Teacher Brown, M. L., '03, Engr. Burke, P., '00, Engr. Burns, J. K., 'ii, Engr. Butzow, L. J., '06, Engr. Case, J. W., f, Arch. Clifford, Winifred H. (Mrs. H. H. Morgan) '08 Conat, Mabel L., '15, Libn. Danz, H. O., '14, Mgr. Deahl, N., '18. Chem. Denton, W. W., g, Instr. Emmett, A. D., '01, Chem. England, Grace A., '15, Libn. Faulkner, F. E., '15, Statistician Fisher, Clara E. (Mrs. M. L. Brown) '03 Fuller, H. C, '15, Engr. Gable, G. E., '14, Draftsman Gatward, W. A., g, Engr. Gehrig, E. F., '15, Engr. Graber, H. T., '01, Chem. Green, Esther C. (Mrs. R. Jarvis) '18 Grimes, G. L., '97 Groves, D. K., '12, Agt. Haag, V. W., '15, Chem. Hammers, M. T., '98, Engr. Hanke, F. E., 07, Engr. Hauter, A. E., '03, Real Est. Hobbs, H. G., '08, Engr. Hollinshed, M. A., f, Mgr. HoUoway, Doris J., 'i^ Teacher Hutchinson, Mary A. (Mrs. C. G. Brown 1 '11 Hyde, \V. C '10, Arch. Huntoon, J. S., '05, Engr. James, Helen I., '18, Teacher DETROIT— Continued Jarvis, R., '16, Engr. Kamm, W. F., '16, Chem. Kreidler, D. A., '11, Engr Lewis, Laura L. (Mrs. R. M. Young) '14 Linendoll, H. A., '17, Chem. Lundgren, F. G., '15, Engr. McConnel, Cecelia (Mrs. A. J. Strohm) f McGrew, C. B., '13, Arch. Mclntire, J. F., '07, Engr. McMullan, H. E., '13, Instr. Martin, F. W., '16, Acct. Marsh, A. L., '09, Mgr. Miller, W. T., f. Land. Arch. Montgomery, E. T., f, Engr. Morgan, H. H., '06, Draftsman Muehlman, R. E.. f. Arch. Nagel, Marcella E. (Mrs. F. G. Lundgren) '14 Nydegger, J., '07, Engr. Oliver, E. C, g, Mgr. Penn, J. G., '13, Engr. Piper, C. C, '13, Physician Post, G. E., '09, Ed. Roth, J, F., '09, Draftsman Rundles, E., '13, Engr. Shade, Imogene (Mrs. C. A. Shoults) '07 Shoemaker, J. W., '16, Broker Schutt, A. G., '05, Engr. Smallwood. J. P., '17. Teacher Sorensen, N. C, '13, Arch. Stevens, R. M., '14, Draftsman Stoddart, G. W.. "17 Strohm. A. J., '00, Libn. Taylor, S. C, '13, Chem. Tilton, Nelle E., '10, Teacher L''pson, L. D., g, Dir. Van Doren R. G., '10. Arch. Wilson, V. T., f. Prof. Young, R. G., '12, Engr. Zimnierschied, K. W., f, Engr. EAST DETROIT Coley, G., '17, Chem. EAST LANSING Bouyoucos, G. J., '08, Agr. Coons, G. H., '08, Prof. Hunt, Agnes (Mrs. C. M. Cade) '08 Kays, Lucile E. (Mrs. C. E. Millar) '09 Mayne, L. B., '10, Instr. Millar, C. E., '09, Prof. Steward, R. K., f. Prof. Stewart, E. H., '15, Instr. KENTON Armstrong, Louise C. '12, Teacher FLINT Erwin. J. F., '07, Engr. Halliday. Ruth, '14, Teacher GRAND RAPIDS Adams, E. B., '08, Engr. Adams, W. S., g. Farmer Baldwin, Ada L. (Mrs. H. S. Hyde) '11, Teacher Church, Blanche A., '89. Teacher Corbus, B. R., '00, Physician Droste, L. A., '17 Lamoreux, Madge, f, Asst. Moncrieff, J. W., '18. Engr. Walker, Marjorie L., f, Asst. GREENVILLE Barlow, B., g. Botanist. HAMILTON Ter Keurst, H. D., g. Teacher HARBOR BEACH Logue, C. L., '00, Farmer HIGHLAND PARK Randall, D. T., '97, Engr. Geographical Index io6s HILLSDALE Lamb, H. E., '17 IONIA Pickett, R. E., 'II. V. P. IRON MOUNTAIN Rundle, H. E., '16 IRONWOOD Murr, M., '14, Engr. ISHPEMING Boone, C. G., '06, Engr. Bonnell, E. S., '05, Engr. Johnson, M. C, '16, Engr. Lloyd, Jennie M. (Mrs. E. S. Bonnell) '08 McClure, O. D., '91, Mecli. Schickedanz, L. H., '16. Engr. Skoglund, C. A., '13, Engr. Stevenson, C. S., f. Engr. JACKSON Smith, Helen B. (Mrs. F. T. Steinhilber) '06 Wells, R. E., '06 KALAMAZOO Clark. Mary PL, f, Libn. Henry, T. S., g. Prof. Praeger, W. E., '00, Prof. LAKEVIEW Marston, L. R., g LANSING Chittenden, A. K., f. ProL Grantham. G. M.. '14, Jnstr. Jackson, Charlotte M., '04, Libn. Lathrop, Olive C, '00. Libn. Severance, L. E,, '16, Farmer LAWRENCE Bennett, A. N., '07. Chem. Grewe, C. H., '17, Farmer LUDINGTON Wing, Alice L., '04, Libn. MARQUETTE Hill, Carrie M., '08, Teacher Main, R. C. '06, Physician MENOMINEE Rappleye, W. C, '15, Phys. MONROE Doty, G. L., g, Libn. MUSKEGON Bluhm, H. J., '17, Chem. Clark, Faith A., '09 Grant, D. J., '08, Mgr. Wilson, Lelia S., '08, Sec. XEGAUNEE Taylor, Lilian C, '15, Teacher MICHIGAN— Continued XILES Coolidge, Orrill P., '0,1, Libn. Faurote, G. C, '15, Arch. Gehant, Rosalie F. (Mrs. H. L. Oweti) '16 Hadfield, F. S., '04, Mgr. Parkin, W. H., '09, Mfr. Plym, F. J.. '97, Mfr. OSHTEMO Cooper, Hazel K. (Mrs. E. L. Dillon) '08 Dillon, E. L., '10, Farmer PAINESDALE Bacon, R. H., '16, Engr. P.\W PAW Peterson, R. G., '13 SAGINAW Cooper, G. A.. '10, Adv. Mgr. Green, Anne I., f, Asst. ST. CLAIR Smith, Clara M., '17 ST. JOSEPH Goldery, Eugenie (Mrs. N. J. Morehouse) f SANDUSKY Pletcher, Opha B. (Mrs. R. E. Pickett) '13 SAULT STE. MARIE Wiley, E. J., '73 SHELBY Sanford, Juanita L. (Mrs. W. P. Stahl) '17 Stall, W. P., '17, Mgr. '15. Farmer SOUTH HAVEN Cogdal, H. F THREE RIVERS Avery, G. T., '17, Supt. Burke, R.. '14 TRAVERSE CITY Patchin, J. W., '78, Lawyer ViULCAN Armstrong, F. H., '99, Engr. Hicks, B. W., '01. Contr. WATERVLIET Harrison, .S. A., '82. Farmer Yerington, J. G., '18 YPSILANTI Dwyer, Ellen F., '16, Instr. Houston, Ruth E., f, Dir. White, Marion B., f. Dean ZEELAND Markley, L. S., '13 ALBERT LEA Mourning, Nellie I. (Mrs. W. E. Hedge- cock) '12 ALEXANDRIA Woodworth. H. C, '09, Agr. BEMIDJI Erwin, W. B., '15, Mgr. BIG LAKE McAllister, Minnette C. (Mrs. J. H. Miller) MINNESOTA BRECKENRIDGE Stallings. L. S., '13, Farm Adv. CLOQUET Booker, Lucile A. (Mrs. C. B. Watkins) '99 Harner, G. M., '13, Teacher Koch, H. C, 'is. Bus. CROOKSTON DeMott, I. P., '12, Mgr. Dietrich, W., g, Agr. Doherty, Mary (Mrs. I. P. DeMotte) '08 To66 University of Illinois MINNESOTA— Continued DAWSON Reyerson, L. H., g, Chem. DETROIT Peterson, Lola M. (Mrs. F. J. Rogstad) '13 DODGE CENTER Fleener,, F. L., g, Asst. DULUTH Belting, Flora P. M., '05, Teacher Beyrer, W. H., '09, Arch. Keith, L. P.. '13, Engr. Lagergren, G. P., '17, Arch. Lindberg, G. I., '15. Engr. Maddox. W. C, '07, Salesman Olmsted, G. C, '08, Business Trentharb, L. S., '11 ELBOW LAKE Dunaway, H., '89, Engr. EVELETH Harbicht, H. C, '18 FARIBAULT Carpenter, C. K., '15, Draftsman Kuhlmann, F., f, Psychol. Fletcher. N. M., '01. Prof. Soper, S. L., '98, Supt. Schs. FAIRMONT Crooker, S. J., g. Physicist. Hines, L. W., '17 FT. SNELLING Lovewell, Gladys, f, Asst. GILBERT Nolan, J. T., '18 GRAND RAPIDS ) Frick, A. H., '18, Farm Adv. HALSTAD Robinson, P. T., '12, Farmer HENDERSON Larson, R. V., '16, Teacher HIBBING Hurlbert, Flora D., '01, Libn. HUTCHINSON Beach, W. S., g. Botanist Sheay, J. P., '12, Instr. INTERNATIONAL FALLS Dale, W. W., '10, Missionary JACKSON Hansen, Mabel L., '14, Teacher MANKATO Benedict, M. R., f. Farm Adv. Nichols, M. A., '06, Instr. MANTORVILLE Eade, B. C, '17, Teacher MARSHALL Meier, Alice E., g. Cashier MINNEAPOLIS Birdsall. L. I., g, Chem. Bliss. F. W.. g. Instr. Boettiger. L. A., '14, Instr. Brown, F. A., '13, Arch. Buck, S. J., f. Prof. Burton, S. C, f. Instr. Cabanis, J. B., '08, Mgr. Cavanar, F. T., '03, Phys. Chatterjee, B. N., '13 Clinton, Lucile A., '03, Libn. M 1 N NEAPOLIS— Continued Coffman, L. D.. f, Dean Colgrove, Vivian G., '18 Culvert, Annette M. (Mrs. A. C. Ellison) '78, Libn. Currie, Florence B., '06, Libn. Dunham. A. B., '11, Arch. Fifield. C. E., '16. Bus. Forsythe. J. H., f, Instr. Foster, Caroline K., '04, Libn. FuUenwider. T. I.. '02. Sales Mgr. Goetz, Antoinette H.. '15, Libn. Goss, Edna L.. '02. Libn. Haslund, R. H., '15, Arch. Healey. Grace (Mrs. C. L. Smith) 'S3 Hunt, E. E., '93 Hyde, Sophie (Mrs. L. A. Hubachek) '03 Jones, R. C, f. Prof. Jones, W. H., f. Composer Jordan, R. J., '11, Ins. Agt. Kahlert, H. E.. '08, Engr. Kampf, Viola M., '07 Kirkup, Florence M. (Mrs. J. Parcel) f Krey. A. C. f, Instr. Latimer, T. E., g. Lawyer Lord, W. E., '10, Engr. Lyford, C. C, '75, Veterinarian Ludwig, E. R.. '11. Arch. McCoy. J.. '06. Draftsman McMillan. E. C. '09, Mgr. McRae, J. A., '96, Engr. Maney, G. A., g Mann, F. M., f. Prof. Mellen, A. F., '14. Chem. Miller, W. S.. g, Psychol. Moir, R. B.. '14 Morehouse. F. M., '10, Teacher Morton, Mary G., '12, Libn. Norton, E. L., f. Bus. Owen. H. L., '16, Salesman Parcel, J. I., '09, Prof. Patten. "N. B., 'i;, Engr. Peterkin. J. T., f, Instr. Posey, C. J., '00, Prof. Powers. S. R., '12, Teacher Redfield. G. W., '01, Engr. Rose, F. W., '03. Engr. Seeley. Blanche M., '00, Libn. Simer, J.JK.. '07, Lawyer Simons, G. A., '12, Sec. Slocumb E. C '01, Contr. Smith, C. L., '82, Lawyer Steingard. J. N., '11 Stevens. W. E., g, Instr. Strauch. Hilda L.. 00, Teacher Taber, B. F., '13. Arch. Thurston, E. S., f. Prof. Tieje, A. T., g, Instr. Todd, A. "J., f. Prof. Triggs, L. A.. '14. Ins. Agt. Wadsworth. W. M.. '14, Mgr. White. S. M.. '96, Phys. Willcox, M. M., '99, Engr. Williams, W. H., f, Mgr. Williams. R.. '96. Phys. Willis, C, '00, Editor Worth. L. G., '03. Libn. Wright, H. F., '05, Mgr. Wyman. A. P., f. Land. Arch. MOORHEAD Eck. J. W.. '10. Teacher Lindley, Bess M. (Mrs. J. W. Eck) '14 NORTHFIELD Erdahl, A. C, g, Instr. Hornbeck, J. W. g. Prof. Lawrence, F. L., f. Prof. Mann, Almeda F., f, Instr. NORWOOD Laurence, A. F., 'ji, Farm Adv. PINE CITY Hammers, J., '01. Farmer Geographical Index 1067 MINNESOTA— Continued PINE RIVER Jackson, M. S., '17, Arch. PRINCETON Hedgcock, Martha E., '18, Teacher ROCHESTER Berger, J. M.. '03, Phys. Crawford, H. H., '13, Mgr. Mathews, Martha M., '10, Supvr. RUSHFORD Carmen, Florence, '18 ST. CLOUD Brown, A. M., '14, Mgr. Brown, J. C. f. Coll. Pres. Gaddis, A. M., '14, Mgr. Hirt, E. G., Jr., '16, Contr. ST. PAUL Benjamin, M. G., '14, Engr. Blester, Alice, '12, Prof. Bull, C. P., f. Prof. Burrill, W. T., '95, Engr. Carson, Helen D., f, Libn. Crane, F. R., g, Mgr. Butcher, R. A., f. Prof. Garber, R. J., '12, Agron. Gauger, P. C., '13, Engr. Gay, Mary L. (Mrs. H. Blunt) '06 Geib, G. A., 'i6, Engr. Graves, C. E., f, Libn. Heimburger, H. V., g, Instr. Horner, H. S., '09, Draftsman Korsmo, E. O., '11, Engr. Larsen, A. W., f, Asst. Leonard, H. R, '11, Farm Adv. Maclnnes, Frances J., '16, Mycologist. Mclntyre, Eva L. (Mrs. P. C. Gauger) '11 McManis, J. W., '07, Contr. Mackay, Sarah D. (Mrs. C. C. Austin) '07 Meier, E. E.. '05, Engr. Nye, C. M., '97, Engr. Olson, P. J., g. Prof. Fletcher, E. B.. '11, Sec. Rathjens, G. W., '10, Engr. Reid, H. S.. '18 Rounds, F. G.. '16, Arch. Seymour, B. W., '03, Engr. Steinmetz, F. H., '15, Instr. Stewart, J. T., '93, Prof. Tarncski, E. R., '07, Engr. ST. PAUL— Continued Walton, P. T. '94, Engr. VVilliamson, W., g Zimmerman, G. J., '12, Bus. SAUK CENTER Kells. L. M., f, Instr. SLEEPY EYE Bane, F. M., '15, Farm Adv. SPRINGFIELD Bredvold, L. I., f, Asst. SOUTH NYRES Worrell, J. C, '04, Engr. VERNDALE Way, Mildred R. (Mrs. H. N. Smith) '14 WALKER Allison, F. G., '06, Teacher WEBSTER Jacobson, A., g, Chem. WELLS Hegnauer, R. L., '13, Instr. WESTBROOK Wright, J. B., '11, Supt. WHEATON Darby, Nellie M. (Mrs. B. Petterson) '91 WHITE BEAR Enochs, C. D., '98, Engr. Hughston, Aline D. (Mrs. C. D. Enochs) '99 WILLMAR Palm, F. C, g. Prof. WINDOM Wold. C. A., '13, Engr. WINONA Dickerson, O. M., '03, Prof. Gerdtzen, G. A., f Smith, Rose, '11, Instr. WORTHINGTON Swanberg, E. D. F., '18 ABERDEEN Patton, J. v., '17 AGRICULTURE COLLEGE Ambrose, A. S., '14, Prof. Briscoe, C. F., g. Prof. BILOXI Philbrick, A., '86, Engr. COLIUMBIA Littleton, Martha E. (Mrs. B. B. g COLUMBUS Painter, L. G., f. Prof. Pohl, Emma O., f, Dir. GLOSTER Seymour, W. A., '09, Farmer GREENVILLE Dabney, J. B., '10, Engr. West, C. H., '84, Engr. GULFPORT Woleben, D. P., '14, Engr. MISSISSIPPI HEATHMAN Landel, Ida S. (Mrs. E. M. Holmes) '99 JACKSON McCluer, G. W.. '84. Farmer Overstreet, N. W., '10, Arch. LAUREL Perkins, Frances J., 'i8, Psychol. Bradley) McCOMB Leggett, Wilkie W., '16, Teacher NEW AUGUSTA Rose, E. E., '09, Lawyer OCEAN SPRINGS Humphrey, Guess, '05 OKOLONA Dawson, E. A., f. Correspondent SHEALBY Brewer, C. H., '10 io68 University of Illinois MISSOURI AURORA McNatt, H. E., f, Farmer BOONVILLE Smith, L. L., 'i8, Instr. BRECKENRIDGE Kenower, J. T., '83, Editor BURLINGTON JUNCTION Caldwell, E. F., '07, Farmer CAMERON Bole, S. J., g, Prof. CANTON Schultz, W. E., f. Prof. CAPE GIRARDEAU Doeden, F. H., '04, Prof. CARL JUNCTION Troutman, W. C, '17, Teacher CARROLLTON Brewer, W. E., '07, Survr. CARUTHERSVILLE Caswell, Julia E. (Mrs. N. C. Hawkins) '05 CHARLESTON Bond, G. T., '10, Farmer CHILLICOTHE Gordon, Inez D., 'oq, Tencher CLINTON McCully. C. T., '06. Sec. Nichol, Anice E. (Mrs. C. T. McCully) '07 COLUMBIA Albrecht, W. A., 'ti, Instr. Allison, H. O., '06, Teacher Clark, G. L., f. Prof. Gumaer. P. W., '12, Instr. McDonald, E. M., '10, Prof. Major, H. F., f. Prof. Miller, W. W., '13, Acct. Moulton, C. R., '07. Prof. Read. J. W., f. Prof. Rolfe, Amy L. (Mrs. A. E. Enerson) '08 Smith, M. J., '14, Instr. DEXTER Dunn, J. E., '06, Engr. Montgomery, T. L., '17, Stud. DONIPHAN Gerlach, Alma, '18. Mgr. ELDORADO SPRINGS Rhodes, J. F., '76, Lawyer EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Paton, W. C, '09, Engr. FAYETTE Steinke, M. W., g. Prof. FULTON Norris, C. '02, Mgr., Coal Co. HANNIBAL Meyer, J. F.. Jr., '07. Business Nelson, J. C, '12, Arch. HARDIN Trenchard, Wilma L., '18, Teacher HARRISONVILLE Sharp. A. J., '82, Engr. INDEPENDENCE Harris, R. C. '13, Supt. Leavens, A. B., '15, Engr. JEFFERSON BARRACKS Wood. W. "T., f JEFFERSON CITY Dillon, L. A., '09, Teachei Grameslej', Margaret A., '04, Libn. Harris, H. H., '15, Instr. JOPLIN Christy, H. E., '09, Engr. Millar, C. v.. '93, Chem. KANSAS CITY Altekruse, I. B., '10, Bus. Archer, A. W., '07, Arch. Bardwell, R. C, '09, Chem. Barnes, Winifred, '18, Teacher Bartb, G. A. C, '10, Engr. Bates, R. P., '06, Engr. Beardsley, Eleanor M. (Mrs. C. S. Pills- bury) '07 Beardsley, G. D., '09, Lawyer Beardsley, W. M., '79, Lawyer Berkemeyer, W. C, '12, Engr. Billingsley, Mary P., '08, Libn. Blakesley, G. W., '93, Engr. Bowman, Gertrude (Mrs. G. R., Johnson) '03 Brooks, R. W., '11, Engr. Bublitz, W. J., '14, Supt. Burrill, Evelyn (Mrs. W. A. Lewis) '02 Buxton, E. W., '08, Engr. Candor, R. J., '08, Arch. Claflin, S. T., '14, Advertiser Comstock, Helen B., '14, l^eacher Cooper, A. B., '10, Libn. Corrin, W. G., '05, Engr. Cravens, Lucile, S., g, Stud. Crouch, W. L., '01, Supt. Davis, Marietta (Mrs. H. M. Beardsley) '81 Davis, Nancy (Mrs. M. A. Scovell) '78 English, J. T., Engr. Fizzell, R. B., '10, Lawyer Foreman, C. A., '07, Engr. Grauten, S. H., '07, Engr. Gregory, A. T., '78, Lawyer Harvey, A. E., '91, Engr. Hewes, C. A., '06, Engr. Higgins, A. G., '93, Engr. Huff, W. W., "08, Engr. Jensen, M. O., '15 Kent, J. M., '85. Teacher Ketchum, D. C., '99, Lawyer Knappenberger, J. M., '18, Mgr. Larson, L. F., '03, Ins. Agt. Lund, H., '02, Engr. McCaskey, Wendla J. (Mrs. R. C. Bard- well) '08 McCune, H. L., '83, Lawyer Mclntyre, G. E., '13, Engr. McLarty, R. C, '12, Repr. Machovec, E. P., '18 Mercer, C. F., '18 Mitchell, F. A., '98, Engr. Murdock, R. K., '10, Engr. Murray. E. B., f, Engr. Myers, Clara (Mrs. A. E. Harvey) '91 Osgood, Mary A., '04, Libn. Phillips, Grace D., '05, Lion. Potter, E. v., 'is, Engr. Powell, J. H.. '91, Business Pursley, Emma S., 'is, Randolph, Cora C, '17, Teacher Reagan, M. E., '17, Insp. Russell, G. S., '09, Engr. Saunders, H. J., '96, Phvsician Schell, E. J., '11, Draftsman Schmidt, K. W., '16, Draftsman Schumacher. L. G., '07, Engr. Schumacher, R., '09, Arch. Smith, Avis E., '77, Physician Smith, Florence D., '04, Libn. Staker, F. M., '07, Mgr. Steinmayer, R. A. J., '16. Engr. Stephenson, L. A., '04. Mgr. Geographical Index MISSOURI—Continued 1069 KANSAS CITY— Continued Straub, E. J.. '18 Tebbetts, G. E., '99. Engr. Walkerly, Margaret M. (Mrs. M. E. Rea- gan) 17 Wiles, Bertha H., '17 Witt, Adaline E. (Mrs. G. W. Davis) *ii Woodworth, Minnie B. (Mrs. J. H. Young) '98, .Teacher Yates, R. R., '11, Engr. Young. J. H., '99, Engr. KEOKUK Pappelendam, B. C. van, '10, Bus. KIRKSVILLE Daugherty, L. S., '89, Teacher Derby, H. L., '17, Insp. Jones, W., '02. Prof. KNOBNOSTER Wallace, W. A., '11, Engr. DUTESVILLE Lutes, G. W., '17 MALDEN Davis, E. W., g, Farmer MARCELINE Anderson, I.. '15, Engr. MARYSVILLE Belting, C. H., '12. Instr. Day, Harriet, f, Dir. MINDElSr MINES Nelson, J. C, '07, Farmer .MONETT Westbay, J. H., '17, Fuel Insp. MONTICELLO Wallace, W. J. H., '13, Draftsman MOREItlOUSE Eiszner, Adeline C, '08 NETHERLANDS Baker, A. M. M., Jr., '15, Mgr. NEWARD Preston, F. D., '10, Claim Adjuster NORBORNE Porter, Agnes (Mrs. A. B. Sawyer) '13 Sawyer, A. B., Jr., '10, Mgr. OLDEN Clarkson, Edna (Mrs. J. C. Evans) '04 PALMYRA Sheets, F. T., '14, Engr. PARJS Whiting, Vivian J., '17, Teacher PARKVILLE Jones, Frances B., '17, Instr. PERKYVILLE Raut, A., '14, Agr. PUXICO Foster, O. F., '14, Farmer RAVANNA Williams, Irene, '18 RICH HILL Munn, A. M., '95, Engr. ST. CHARLES Arndt, P. W., '17, Dairy E*xten. ST. JOSEPH Dart, W., '05, Engr. Henn, O. M., '12, Ins. Hornkohl, S. I. W., '17, Designer Leo, H. T., '12, Chem. Pinault, L. C, '15, Arch. Sherman, W. H., '01, Lawyer White, Marion K., '17, Teacher ST. LOUIS Adams, Mary O., '15, Teacher Aumer, J. P., '08, Chem. Ball. T. R., g. Prof. Begole, J. F., '96, Engr, Benson, J. R., '04, Prin. Schs. Bevis, A. L., '16, Sec. Birney, T. M., '11, Teacher Bishop, G. W., '05, Teacher Bower, P. E., '17 Bradley, E. P., '12, Engr. Brown, E. A., '15. Engr. Buckingham, A. W., '11, Engr. Bumann, C. P., '06, Engr. Burgess, F. H., '04. Contr. Cartwright, C. F., '14, Engr. Chambers, C. B., f Chase, D., '14, Salesman Cohen, J.. '17, Stud. Cook, J. F., '03, Teacher Corrubia, A. B. M., f, Instr. Cox, H. R., '17 Crosby, C, '05, Teacher Cross, C. W., '92, Engr. Cullilane, G. M., '18, Engr. Deffendall, P. H., g, Teacher De Garmo, Mary C, f. Diet. Detering, O. C, '14 Dicke, O. A., '08, Engr. Dunham, W. A., g. Registrar Dunlap, Nora B. (Mrs. R. B. Rodgers) 'og Eide, A. C, '15, Chem. Fauquher S. E. (S. E. Farquhar) g, Mgr. Fischer, L. E., '98, Mgr. Fletcher, Elizabeth B., '11. Journ. Frier, J., '16, Engr. Goldman. F. L., '17 Grabbe, Florence H. (Mrs. C. E. Stewart) '12 Green, Alta (Mrs. W. C. Ropiequet) '15 Griesbaum, E., '14, Engr. Grunewald, H. C. '16, Contr. Gutmann, L., '04, Engr. Hake, H. G., '07, Instr. Hake, Minnie E. T., '16 Hall, F. S., '98, Lawyer Hanson, F. B., g, Instr. Hay, H. C, '13. Lawyer Hart, A. H., '18, Insp. Hecht, A. G., '14, Instr. Hill. S., '13, Teacher Hilliard, F. W., '04, Engr. Hilpert, Martha, '17 Hobler, A. W., '12, Advertiser Holferty, G. M., f. Prof. Hollman, E. E., '12, Chem. Hucke, P. M., '93 Jackson. Eva J., '12, Teacher Jeude, E. A.. '18 Jones, C. C, '15, Salesman Keith, C. E.. '04. Business Kipp, J. G. E., '17 Kirkpatrick, R. J., '11. Salesman Koch, Eloise, '17, Teacher Krebs, W. S., '13. Prof. Kreiling. R. G., '17. Chem. Larson, L. L., '15, Chem. Lindsey, G. H., '15, Salesman Ludwig. Ethel L., 17, Teacher Lyon, J. B., '16. Engrr, McFarland. J. A., '03, Chem. McGinnis, Marv O., '02, Teacher McGrath, F. X.', '12, Supt. Marx, F. A. K., '15, Engr. I070 University of Illinois MISSOURI— Continued ST. LOUIS— Continued Mead, L. S., '17, Salesman Merrill, S. F., '00, Chem. Metzger, L. C. F., '05, Engr. Miller, C. B., '07, Teacher Mosby, B. H., '09, Teacher Neslage, O. J., '16, Engr. Nickell, L. F., '09. Chem. Nickolls, C. R., '17, Chem. Niver, Margaret (Mrs. W. L. Pfeffer) f Ockerson, J. A., '73, Engr. Overland, Amy M., '12 Pahmeyer, F. O., '05, Engr. Potter, C. P., '09, Engr. Pruyn, Clara (Mrs. C. B. Miller) '10 Pyron, J. E., '17, Chem. Richards, Olive A., '18 Riche, A. L., '13, Engr. Rodgers, R. B., '09, Engr. Rods, E. G., '17 Rowland. C. K., '09, Lawyer Ruedi, C. H., '17 Schaumberg, E. G., '17 Schlutius, Louise G., '13, Teacher Schmitz, E. A., '13, Engr. Schulzke, O. F., '10, Chem. Seib, E. C, '11, Engr. Sheldon, V. L., '03, Engr. Siler, R. W., '03, Engr. Smith, G. C, '01, Surgeon Stearn, A. E., g, Chem. Steinbreder, W. J., '15, Mfr. Steinmeyer, H. A., '15, Grocer Stevens, Edith H., '16 Stevenson, M. L., '10, Teacher Stiegmeyer, Clara M., '18, Teacher Stoflfel. C. M., '16, Engr. Stoutzenberg, Florence (Mrs. C. R. Nick- olls) '17 Stowell, C. J., g. Stud. Stromquist, W. G., '10, Engr. Taylor, F. C, '07, Mgr. Thompson, Marion (Mrs. B. Gratz) '95 ST. LOUIS— Continued Thomsen. J. W., '10, Engr. Uhlendorf, B. A., f, Asst. Webb, R. S., '14. Arch. Werckshagen, P. E., g Wetzel, Nellie (Mrs. V. I. Sheldon) '04 Wilkins. J. E., '18. Scholar Wilkinson, Mary S.. '07, Libn. Woerman. Lillian H. (Mrs. R. Ward) '18 Woods, Frances O., '18 Volk, A. C, '16 Yackey, Otillia E., '18 Young. L. E., g. Prof. Zeis, H. C, '13, Teacher Zeppenfield, E. W., '14, Teacher SIKESTON Galeener, J. H., '06, Lawyer SPRINGFIELD Boehmer, Florence E., g. Teacher Boehmer, Louise, '18, Dietitian Eisenmeyer, A. J., '82 Hauber, C, '15, Arch. Ledgerwood, L. W., '16, Engr. Peabody, L. W.. '91, Engr. Schaub, I. O., f. Demonstrator Smith, O. M., g Steinmeyer, O. C, '02, Chem. TARKIO Barger. Panzy L., g. Teacher Rees, M. H., g. Prof. WEBB CITY Sides, Aimee M. (Mrs. B. D. W. Sides) '04 WEBSTER GROVES Gore, A., '05, Prin. Hamsher, F., f, Supt. Neininger, A. B., '11, Supt. .Smith. B., '01, Teacher Wright, J. E.. '85, Editor MONTANA ACTON Horr, R. L., '04, Rancher ANACONDA Huffman, Eva E., '08, Instr. BEKCAIL Thomson, F. N., '07, Farmer BILLINGS Dillavou, R. C, '11, Lawyer Durland, C. E., '04, Engr. Krueger, E. T., '10, Dean Moffett, D. R., '17, Lawyer Moore. H. C, '13, Lawyer Norberg, A., '16, Engr. Stebbins, R., '05, Farmer Tate, F. R., '10, Lawyer Wernham. J. I., '99, Phys. BOZEMAN Evans, Augusta D., f, Asst. Ford, Carlotta M., '11, Prof. Forrest, Elizabeth, '06, Libn. Hess, Abigail M. (Mrs. W. O. Whitcomb) '10 Joseph, W. E., g, Prof. Murdock, H. E., f, Engr. BUTTE Barloga, D. F., '08, Lawyer CHOTEAU Timmis, Alice M. (Mrs. J. J. Greene) '13 CRESTON Paullin, L. Estelle (Mrs. L. Padgette) '85, Physician DILLON Carson, Lucy H., g, Teacher Hinshaw, Hazel E. (Mrs. T. E. Luebben) '14 Weenink, Ruth A., '17 DUTTON Barton, P. L., '11, Farmer Du Bois, A. D., '99, Farmer EUREKA McLaughlin, Edna M., '07, Teacher FERGUS Allyn, Hester A., '17, Teacher Allyn, O. M., '12, Rancher Gilkerson, Frances E. (Mrs. O. Allyn) '03 FOREST GROVE Adriance, Rhoda (Mrs. D. N. Hitch) '12 Hitch, D. N., '11, Lawyer FT. BENTON Shinn, W. R., '06, Agr. GREAT FALLS Piatt, S. H., '83, Supt. Smith, Laura B. (Mrs. S. H. Piatt) '84 Woolsey, Lulu C. (Mrs. G. P. Hurst) '99 HAMILTON White, Caroline L. (Mrs. M. R. Jeffrey) '04, Teacher HELENA Rentfro, P. C, 'lo. Lawyer Sloan, Hazel (Mrs. P. G. Schroeder) '05 f Geographical Index 1071 HILGER Gilkerson, T. J., '05, Auctioneer KALISPELL Ritchie, Elizabeth P., '09, Libn. LEWISTOWN Cresap, Trella J., '04, Teacher Smith, W. H., '85, Lawyer Trams, T. H., '07, Engr. LIBBY Marshall, C. A., '07. Minister LOLO Pellens, Louise J., '09, Teacher MILES CITY Sawtell, W. A., '10, Ranchman MISSOULA Bullock, Agnes I., '09, Teacher Danielson, W. C, '10, Engr. Gross, G. A., f, Assoc. Howard, J. W., g, Instr. Jesse, R. H., Jr., f. Dean Phillips, P. €., g. Prof. Sloane, R. H., '07, Engr. Sisson, E. O., f, Univ. Pres. MONTFORT Allen, R. C, '14 NIAGARA FALLS Bagley, G. D., '12, Engr. MONTANA— Continued NORTH CALVERT Savidge, H., '07, Engr. POLSON Child, W. E., '08, Lawyer RONAN Martin, Arselia B. (Mrs. E. D. Swisher) o °^ Swisher, E. D., '10, Minister ROUND UP Mercer. W. W., '14, Lawyer SAND SPRINGS Allen, F. E., '07, Farmer SNOW BELT Robertson, N. S., '07 STANFORD Wineman, E., '09, Lawyer STEVENSVILLE Daugherty, Anna E., '15 THREE FORKS Peine, P. C, '10. Salesman THURLOW Hay, W. M., '91, Farmer TRIDENT Hattis, R. E., '14, Engr. WILSALL Spence, F., 't7. Business NEBRASKA ALVO Weed, M. O., '78, Farmer BEATRICE Dalbey, D. S., '02, Farmer BLAIR Capps, E. v., '95, Engr. Debel, N. H., g, Instr. BUSHNELL Smith, P. M., '15 CARLETON Lichty, L. C, g, Instr. CHADRON Holch, R. E., '10, Prof. CRETE Cole, Mary M. (Mrs. G. H. Scott) '96 Scott, G. H., '96, Prof. FAIRBURY Lewis, Camilla F. (Mrs. C. J. Bills) '83 GRAND ISLAND Barnes. Bertha E. (Mrs. S. D. Ross) '81 Ross, K. D., '16. Acct. Ross, S. D.. '81 Sutherland, (j. F., '13 HAY SPRINGS Weston, C, '76, Lawyer HAYES CENTER McCartney, W. P., '93, Lawyer HEBRON Richards, C. L., '78, Lawyer HOLDREGE Dean, F. A., '78, Banker JACKSON McKeever, R. E., 'i8 KEARNEY Jennings, Anna V., '03, Libn. Langdon, Margie E., '12, Libn. LINCOLN Babbitt, A., g, Prof. Ben.ley, R. C, g, Instr. Bells, C. J., '80, Banker Brandt, E. H., '97, Arch. Brenke, W. C. '96. Prof. Calvin, J. W., f, Assoc. Decker, L. M., '11, Bus. Darning, H. G.. f, Prof. Eastlack, H. E., f. Prof. Eiker, W. H., '06, Engr. Hardin, Hazel (Mrs. O. R. Martin) g Hollister, V. L., '07, Engr. McClain, F. H.. '10, Teacher Martin, O. R., g. Prof. Moore, B. E., f. Prof. Pierce, Fanny, '75 Pierce, J. L., '74, Business Pilcher, Lela G. (Mrs. V. L. Hollister) '05 Reid, R. R., '05, Lawyer Ritchey, F. L,, '09, Clerk Shackell, Bessie E., '10, Teacher Thurston, H. W., Jr., '15, Teacher LOUISVILLE Yant, R. C, '07, Engr. NEBRASKA CITY Anderson, C. B., f. Geol. Stevenson, Annie H., '07 NEWCASTLE Schulte, Mabel (Mrs. R. C. Richards) 'oi NORFOLK Albaugh, H. L., '17, Farmer 1072 University of Illinois NEBRASKA— Continued NORTH BEND Seymour, R. R., '09, Farmer OAKLAND Hansen, R. W., '14, Contr. OMAHA Appelquist, J. G., '00, Engr. Avery, Kittie C, '82 Babcock, C. L., '94, Business Berger, Adda E. (Mrs. W. S. Gentry) '11 Clarke, E. B., '91, Arch. Clarke, F. W., '91, Arch. Creedon. J. F., '18, Supt. Dern, K. L., '18 Eddy, H. T., f. Instr. Ferry, L. C, '07, Business Gentry, W. S., Jr., '12, Salesman Hayes, D. L., '12, Mgr. Hughes. W. J., '10, Mgr. John, Dorette (Mrs. F. E. Rusher) '14 Kane, R. A., '14, Arch. Klein, J. L.. ':8 Le Sourd. A. C '03, Engr. Mackin, P. J., '18 Mallory, R. H.. '18, Business Medlar. Henrietta, '18 Row, G. E., '96. Engr. Rusher, F. E., '12, Mgr. Schreier, E. P.. '14, Draftsman Scruggs. A. P., '07, Lawyer Smith. F. D., '05. Mgr. Stebbins, Millicent, g, Teacher Unzicker, W. L., '98 PERU Crosthwait, G. A., '03, Prof. RUSHVILLE Brown, Ella S., '11, Teacher SCOTTSBLUFF Holch, A. E., '13, Prin. SHICKLEY Broderson, H. J., f, Chem. UNIVERSITY PLACE Wells, E. H., g. Prof. WACO Warfield, V. H.. '14, Cashier WAYNE Claycomb, A. T., '09, Farmer WILBER Balderson, T. A., '18 WISNER Kenower, G. F., '75, Editor YORK Haggard, Ada O., '10, Libn. Liggett, F. M., '08, Bus. EDGEMONT Baker. Ruth M. (Mrs. C. H. Leonard) '09, Teacher GOLDFIELD Barnes, A. E., '75, Engr. MASON Knemeyer, E. F., '15, Farmer NEVADA RENO Denny, Maude A., '13, Prof. Jones, J. C, '02, Prof. Lincoln, F. C, f, Assayer Sears, G. W., g, Instr. Smith, Helen M., '16, Teacher Wilson, F. W., g. Prof. THOMPSON Starr, F. A. E., '76, Miner NEW HAMPSHIRE EXETER Sargent, Rachel L., g. Teacher HANOVER Bradsher, E. L., f, Instr. Forsythe, C. H., g, Instr. Haskins, C. N., f. Prof. James, Louise A. (Mrs. C. H. Forsythe) '11 Mathewson, L. C, g. Prof. Young, J. W., f. Prof. KEENE Bissell, D. W., g, Chem. MANCHESTER Christie, J. R., g, Asst. NASHLTA Flather, Alice V., f, Instr. NEW HAMPTON Cox, S. H., g, Teacher NEW JERSEY ARLINGTON Gill, F. W.. '06, Chem. Kneeland, F. H., '04, Editor BAYONNE Dole, I. B., '11, Agt. BLOOMFIELD Dass, B., '14, Engr. BOGOTA Fisher, C. A., g, Instr. BRIDGETON Eaton, H.. '74, Farmer BROADWAY Colton. R. S., '16, Engr. CARNEYS POINT Rowe, E. M., '14, Supvr. CHATHAM Sanford, E. W., '06, Engr. CLAYTON Silver, M. G., '17 DOVER Cornell, W. H., '93. Engr. Foster, G. H., '17, Chem. EAST ORANGE , Barackman, G. B., '02, Engr. Braley, H. D., '09, Engr. Bush, L., '88, Engr. EAST ORANGE— Continued Freese, J. A., '02, Doctor „ ^ „ , . Hammers, Edna R. (Mrs. G J^Ray) o Hanson, Rachelle M. (Mrs. R. B. Gurley) Hayward, Edith S. (Mrs. W. H. Rothgeb) Holderman, Harriet (Mrs. A. J. Saunders) '04 Janson, T. M., '14. Chem. Moore, C. R., f, Engr. Ray, G. J., '98, Engr. Rothgeb, W. H., '05. Banker Wyatt, R. D., '09. Sec. ELIZABETH Buck, A. M., g. Consulting Engr. Ingalls, R. D., '12, Engr. Seiler, G. W., '13, Engr. GRANTWOOD Eslick, L., 'is, Business GRENLOCH Lee, B. F., "iS, Merchant HAMMONTON Tornquist, C. H., '07. Engr. HARRISON Gray, F. J., 'n, Engr. HASBROUCH HEIGHTS Hagedorn, F. A., '11, Engr. HIGH BRIDGE Bench, A. R., '06, Engr. HOBOKEN Simpson, C. W., '04. Engr. JERSEY CITY Andronescu, D. D., g. Prof. Udinsky, W. P.. '18, Stud. LAKE GEORGE Stuhlmann, O., Jr., g. Prof. LAKEWOOD Dunn, M. S., g, Chem. LEONIA Cummings. P. W '11, Engr. Goulding, P. S., f. Libn. Puckett, H. W., f, Teacher MADISON Ricker, R. C, '00, Engr. MAPLEWOOD Amrine. T. H., '06, Engr. Anderson, B. T., '07. Engr. _ ^ , . Bradley, Tirzah O. (Mrs. B. T. Anderson) '06 ^ , Rich, D. H., 07, Teacher METUCHEN Gilmcur, J. C, '03, Engr. MONTCLAIR McKinney, Mary E., f. Teacher McMillan. N., Jr., '04, Constr. Sawyer, G. P., 'n, Engr. MORSEMERE Patterson, F. A., f, Prof. NEWARK Anderson. C. E., '11, Mgr. Bramhall, R. R.. 'id. Engr. Buckner, O. S., '16, Engr. Christy, G., 'iS Corson, H. P.. g, Chem. Euston, J. H., '18 Farmer, P. M., 09, Engr. Geo(:.r.\phical Index NEW JERSEY— Continued N EWARK— Continued 107 Golinkin, A. L., '17, Engr. Harkness, C. L., '10, Insp. Kaar, H. W., '11, Draftsman Knight, Mabel A. (Mrs. C. L. Harkness) 'i I Lehman, R. F.. '10, Engr. Patton, J. A., '88, Doctor NEW BRUNSWICK Dodge, F. H., f. Prof. Elston, L. W. (L. W. di Ghilini) 13, Agr. Gordon, H. B., g, Instr. Keller, O., f, Chem. NORTH ARLINGTON Jinguji, Genjiro, '12, Engr. ORANGE Hammers, Lillian, '05, Teacher PASSAIC Bond, Augusta E. (Mrs. R. G. Smith) '12 Bond, Bertha J. (Mrs. F. S. Putney) 04, Libn. Kent, W. R., '12, Engr. Smith, R. G., f, Chem. PERTH AMBOY Fowler, R. L., '99, Mgr. PRINCETON Braun, F. A., g, Instr. Brown, J. H., g, Assoc. Dirks, H. B., '04, Prof. Howe, P. E., '06, Chem. Rinaker, Harriet B. (Mrs. P. E. Howe) g, Demonstrator _ ^ , ^ , Rinaker, Janet (Mrs. C. Ten Broeck) 17 Ten Broeck, C, '08, Phys. RED BANK Church, L. R., '17, Engr. RIDGEFIELD PARK McCarthy, Ellen (Mrs. J. W. Foley) f RIDGEWOOD Whipple, Helen K., '16, Teacher ROSELLE Mead, C. E., '04, Engr. SEWAREN Lacy, B. S., f. Chem. SOMERVILLE Cornelison, R. W., '90, Chem. SOUTH ORANGE Mehren. E. J., '06 Editor Root, V. K., '16, Salesman TRENTON Frederick, F. F., f, Dir. Richardson, C, '14. Salesman Young, A. E., '14, Mgr. UPPER MONTCLAIR Goldschmidt, E. W., '87, Mgr Kimball, Clara M. (Mrs. E. Goldschmidt) f VINELAND Peters, A. W., f, Instr. WESTFIELD Johnston. E. H., '07, Engr. "Swart, H. V., '06, Engr. WOODCLIFF Hanes, Helen L. (Mrs. H. L. Olin) '14 Olin, H. L., g, Chem. I074 University of Illinois ALBIUQUERQUE Barnhart. C. A., '05, Prof. Clarke. O. B., '97 Fyfe, Isabella (Mrs. L. S. Peters) '05 Gere, Helen B. (Mrs. E. C. Benson) '14 Lehner, J. C, '02, Lawyer Mohr, H., '12, Lawyer Riley. Anna B. (Mrs. L. J. Miller) '02 Sisler, D. T., '05, Libn. Wand, A. W., '12, Prof. Weese, A. O., g. Prof. ARTESL\ Brainard, C. V., '83, Rancher CARRIZOZO Spellman, Lorinda B., '01, Dairywoman EAST LAS VEGAS Van Petten, H. S., '84, Druggist NEW MEXICO FERNDALE Ervin, Helen E. (Mrs. Libn. W. E. Roberts) '09, LAS CRUCES Hill, F. L., '8:, Engr. ROSWELL Geyer, Grace M., '16, Stenog. Glick, H. R., '04, Lawyer Mell, J. D., '03, Lawyer SILVER CITY Fowler, M., '07, Lawyer Royall, C. C, '04 TUCUMCARI Hittson, C. H., '05. Lawyer NEW YORK ALBANY Dodds, G., '99, Elec. Engr. Draper. E. L., '02. Surgeon Horner, H. H., '01, Prof. ANTWERP Gill, J. D., '76, Lawyer ARKPORT Faulkner, G. D., '11, Farmer AUBURN Scott, L. W., '11. Minister Van Kleek, J. R., f. Arch. BALLSTON LAKE Fick, C. W., '12, Foreman B ATA VI A Harvey, H. A., f, Phys. BELLROSE, L. I. Hubbart, G. R., '06, Journ. BINGHAMTON Eastman, J. F., g. Farm Adv. Fleming. C. E., '04. Y. M. C. A. Sec. Steinwedell, G., '97, Business BLOOMING GROVE Loomis, R. S.. f, Instr. BOLIVAR Carnahan, O. A., '10, Prof. BRONX Shaw, I. M. (I. M. Scholnitzsky) '11, Engr. BRONXVILLE Bacher, H. R., '15. Engr. Langdon, W. C, f. Pageant Master BROOKLYN Baldwin. W. J., f. Teacher Brady. G. K., ':6 Burkhalter, R. M., '07. Commissioner Butterfield. Helen (Mrs. J. J. Schoon- hoven) '91 Crabbs. C. L., '90, Engr. Eide T., '04., Engr. Gregory, G., '87 Halliday. E. M., f. Minister Harris. Hannah (Mrs. W. H. Sellards) 17 Homs, T. M.. '10, Mfr. Humphrey. K. B., '16. Engr. Liggett, Irene L., '16 MacKechnie. H. W.. '16. Engr. McKenna, E. L.. g. Asst. McKnight, Elizabeth B., 07. Libn. Meneely, T. H.. g, Teacher Nilsson, O. A., '01, Engr. B ROOKLYN— Continued Payne, Veda L. (Mrs. J. J. MacDonald) '14 Robinson, L. A., '98, Prof. Schecht, M., '\^ Schradieck, H. E.. g Sellards, W. H., '16, Mgr. Sharpe, R. W., '93, Teacher Shewhart, W. A., '13, Engr. Stempel, W. M., g, Instr. Streight, Laura A.. '99 Thvedt, C. B., '12, Engr. Van Brunt, G. A., '08, Chem. Waldo, A. W.. '17 Walser, S. A., '17 Weirick, R. W., '99, Arch. White, C. K., '12, Acct. BUFFALO Chester, D. II., '91 Crawford. J. A., g. Botanist Derick, C. G., g, Dir. Fish, J. L., '15, Business Goodmann, Leola (Mrs. W. H. Scales) '14 Harding, L. A., f, Engr. McKeon, J. M., '16, Draftsman Miller, J. A., '85, Chem. Moore, B. L., '90 Moore. F. G., '06, Supt. Moulton. W. R., '08, Engr. Nelson, R. A., '15, Chem. Parker, K., g, Engr. Prasil, A., '14, Chem. Scales, W. H., '14, Engr. Smith. Irene F. (Mrs. J. F. Smith) '16. Teacher Smith, J. F., '16, Libn. Storer, J., f. Sec. Strachan, E. K.. g, Chem. Sy, A. P., '94. Prof. Thompson. H. E., '14. Engr . Torrance. F. C, f, Engr. Tresise, F. G., '90, Contr. White, G. R., '16 Whitehead. O. G., '10, Engr. Wiley, W. K., '04, Engr. CANANDAIGUA Huntoon, H. .\., '05, Supt. CARTHAGE Woodin. Mary E., g. Teacher CLYDE Arnold, W. H., Jr.. '10. Teacher CORNING Patchill. G. T., '17 Geographical Index 1075 NEW YORK— Continued CORTLAND Clark, Helen, g, Instr. Clarke, Helen B., '15, Teacher DOVER Littleton, L. R., g, Chem. ELMIRA Bascome, B. S., '13, Supt. FLUSHING Roberts, M. D., '17 Sample, J. C, '96, Engr. FOREST HILLS Buck, L., '09. Cashier MacNeal, W. J., f. Prof. Perry, Mabel (Mrs. W. J. MacNeal) '04 FREDONIA Hamilton, T. E., f. Prof. FULTON Bardwell, Laura C. (Mrs. D. W. Crane) , '16 Crane, D. W., 'i6. Farmer GENEVA Glasgow, H., '08, Entomol. GLENS FALLS Parker, W., f, Statistician HAMBURG Beyer, O. S., Jr., f, Instr. HEMPSTEAD. L. I. Becker, L. M., '16, Engr. HICKSVILLE. L. L Walser, F. E., '15, Farm Mgr. HUNTINGTON Ashman, R., f, Asst. ITHACA Bayley, P. L., g, Asst. Beal, A. C, '97, Prof. Dallenbach, K. M., '10. Instr. Engelder, C. J., f, Instr. Gilkerson, Portia E. (Mrs. H. A. Hopper) '07 Gross, C. R., g, Bacteriol. Harper, M., g, Prof. Hopper. H. A., g. Prof. Johannsen, O. A., '94, Prof, ohnson, Gertrude A. (Mrs. N. F. Mac- Donald) g Love, H. H.. f. Prof. Myers, C. H., g, Prof. Phelps, A. C, '94. Prof. Royce, E., f, Mus. Straight, Fleda D. (Mrs. C. H. Myers) '08 Wang, T. C, '16 KEW GARDENS. L. I. McClure, Eaizabeth D. (Mrs. H. S. Bick- et) '04 LOCKPORT Vedder, E. C, '17 LONG ISLAND Booth, H. T., g. Engr. Dennis, Rose C. (Mrs. H. T. Booth) 't8 Fanning, R. S., g, Instr. Fiero. E. E., '14 Hoagland, H. E.. '10, Pub. Service Hutchinson, O. C. K.. '16, Engr. Maxwell. Anne M., '92 Prouty, E. C, '14, Mgr. Terry, J. P., f, Asst. MANHASSEiT Henry, S. T., Jr.. '04, Mgr. McDougall, Agnes (Mrs. S. T. Henry) '05 MEDINA Acer. H. A., *i2. Mfr. Newell, G. A., Jr., '14, Mgr. MENANDS McAllister, H. T., '10, Chem. MT. VERNON Bradley, J. J., '09, Salesman Gay, G. I., f. Statistician NEW BRIGHTON Boyd, W. A., '91, Engr. Varon, D., f. Arch. NEW HARTFORD Dewey, C. R., '08, Lawyer NEW ROCHELLE Goldthwaite, Nellie E., f. Prof McRobie, Isabel (Mrs. W. T. Ray) 'o-? Ray, W. T., '01, Engr. NEW YORK Akers, M. K., '05, Engr. Anderson, B. A., g, Econ. Adv. Arnold, C. N., '11, Electn. Bagley, W. C, f. Prof. Barbour, H. H., '84, Engr. Barlow, R. L., '15, Lawyer Baum, H. W., '95, Engr. Bear, E. R., '03, Engr. Becker, F. C, f, Instr. Belting, P. E., '12, Teacher Betts, D. R., '05, Printer Bevans, T. A. M., '99, Illustrator Bonser, F. G., '01, Prof. Brazeau, E. F.. '17, Mfr. Brentlinger, C. M., '16, Engr. Brown. J. F., '13, Lawyer Cadisch, G. F., '17, Stud. Chester, M. E., '97, Mfr. Chu, O. G., '13 Clarkson, A. J., '16, Designer Conard, Sarah O. (Mrs. E. O. Jacob) '06 Conel. J. L., g, Instr. Conklin, R. R., '80, Financier Cooley, Norma, '13 Coolidge, R. N., 'i6, Engr. Cools. G. v., '16 Cortelyou, G. B., h. Co. Pres. Daugherty, H. P., '14, Mgr. Davis, F. L., '88, Contr. Dean, H. C. '09, Supt. Denio, H. W., f, Libn. Doane, Alice M. (Mrs. M. E. Leach) g Doisy, E. A., '14, Chem. Doyle, E. D., '10, Engr. Drew, Celia A., f. Teacher Drew, Lillian B. (Mrs. M. Van Grammer) 'i I Engel, S. P., f. Asst. Evans, J. E., '12. Engr. Everhart, R. O., '98, Minister Fellheimer. A., '95, Arch. Foley, J. W., '11, Engr. Fossler, Anna K., f, Libn. Gardner, H., f, Instr. Garrison, N. L., f. Dir. Garver, Daisey (Mrs. H. W. Baum) '99 Gates, Fanny C, f. Y. W. C. A. Sec. Gephart, F., f, Chem. Goldmerstein, L., g, Engr. Goldsmith, Margaret L., g. Investigator Goss, W. F. M., h. Exec. Graves, L. H., '12, Sec. Green, A., f. Instr. Green, L., Jr., '12, Engr. Greene, C. T., '01, Broker Gibbs, Laura R., '02. Libn. Gleason, H. A., '01, Prof. Goldschmidt, O. E., '94, Engr. Haig, R. M., g, Prof. Hall, E. K.. f. Broker Harrison, B. S., '18, Instr. 1076 University of Illinois NEW YORK— Continued NEW YORK— Continued Haven, D. C, '83 Hazelton, H., '90, Engr. Henrotin, Ellen M., t Holder. V. M.. '03, Engr. Holtzmann, S. F., '95, Engr. Hunt, A. P., '08, Reporter Jacob, E. O., '07, Y. M. C. A. Sec. Jacobsen, Eda A., '08. Stud. Kawamoto, T., '16, Engr. Kelley, T. L., '09, Prof. Kent, E. R., '11, Supt. Kimball, C. B., '94. Musician Kiyohara, I., g, Engr. Knowlton, Lizzie A. (Mrs. E. H. Cush- man) 'S3 Kyrides, L. P. (L. P. Kyriakides) f, Chem. Laguardia, C. G. B., f, Instr. Lazear, W. B., '07, Engr. Leach, M. E.. '16 Lemen, W. S. C, '95, Engr. Leslie, E. H., '13, Chem. Li, S. K., '17, Stud. Lowrie, J. M., g. Lawyer McAfee, L. G.. '16, Teacher McCandless, H. W., '90, Mfr. Madden, Helen L., '15. Instr. Maltby, F. B., '82, Engr. May, D. T., '05, Engr. Merrill, K., f Messenger, Ruth E., g. Teacher Mirwhirter, Jannett L., '18, Nurse Morgan, O. S., '05, Prof. Mudge, I. G., f, Libn. Mullin, G. H.. '07, Artist Nein, W. C, '09, Engr. Nevins, J. A., '12, Journ. Newlove, G. H., g, Acct. Niedermeyer, F. D.. '04, Minister North, A. T., '85, Contr. North, F., '8s Oxer, G. C, '03, Engr. Partridge, H. R., '11. Lawyer Perry, A. L., '05, Acct. Pfeiffer, C. L., '17, Engr. Piatt, H. S.. '92, Teacher Pierce, L. G., '10, Engr. Porterfield, N. R., '06, Contr. Powell, T. R., f. Prof. Pratt, F. C, '10, Mgr. Raibourn, C, '16, Acct. Raibourn, P. A., '17, Engr. Ravitch, M. (Ravage, M. E.) g, Auth. Reddick, H. W., g. Prof. Reed, Susan M. (Mrs. W. W. Stifler) g Regan, R. H., '09, Engr. Rickards, B. R., f, Chem. Riff, D. M., '14, Mgr. Russel. R., g. Banker Sale, C. S., f, Engr. Saperston. I. N., '15, Engr. Schaller, W. F., '10, Engr. Schmidt, E. C, f. Engr. Schmidt. M., f, Dir. Schroeder, C. W., '05, Acct. Schroeppei, H. H., '17, Engr. Sears, Minnie E., '00, Libn. Sharp, Bertha L. (Mrs. H. H. Schroeppei) '14 Shaw, J. W., '08, Engr. Sherwin, C. P. g. Prof. Smith, S. T., '15, Engr. Somerville, A. A., f, Physicist Spear, G. W., '87 Stanley, T. B., g, Asst. Stearns, C. G., '14 Stewart, M. B. '10, Advertiser Stifler. W. W., g. Dean Stinson, S. A., '08. Engr. Storer, Esther S., '18 Swenson, B. V., '93. Engr. Swezey, Anne D. (Mrs. R. H. Armstrong) '03 Thomas, M. E., '06, Engr. Thurn, W. E., f NEW YORK— Continued Thurber, C. N., g Todd, Mary E., '01, Libn. Turk, E., '10, Lawyer Tyndale, H. H., '75, Lawyer Vanderlip, F. A., h. Financier Van Doren, C. C, '07, Prof. Warner, E. H., g, Instr. Webster, Sarah E., '98, Instr. Weeks, R., f. Prof. Wilber, A. S., g Williford, E. A., '15, Engr. Woodrow, H. R., g. Engr. Wormser, I. M., f, Prof. NIAGARA FALLS Axelson, Alice G. (Mrs. J. L. Lane) '15 Jones, F. S., '09, Supt. Linbarger, S. C, '15, Engr. Rohrer. C. J.. '11, Mgr. * Rutt, R. W., '03, Engr. Vosburgh, F. J.. '09, Supt. OSWEGO O'Gorman, J. M., f, Lecturer PHOENIX Wandell, Caroline, '00, Libn. PITTSFORD Hawley, A. D., '14, Merchant POTSDAM Brooks, Elizabeth M., '15, Teacher Brooks, J. P., f, Coll. Pres. POUGHKEEPSIE Drake, D., f. Prof. ROCHESTER Beers, L. F., '03, Engr. Carman. W. B., '82, Phys. Connelly, Emma B. (Mrs. E. G. Eidam) '07 Bidam, E. G., '04, Engr. Gorsline, E. E., f, Mgr. Paine, Olive P., '14, Prin. Rulison, H. K., f, Acct. Whitham, M. E., '96, Engr. ROCK ISLAND Olmsted, Margaret, g. Teacher ROME Parry, J. J., f, Instr. sali:m Vail, W. C, '97, Agr. SCARSDALE Taylor, H., '87. Artist '^CIIEXECTADY Bassett, J. B.. '11, Engr. Berg. E. J., f. Prof. Collins, E. F., '98, Tech. Supt. Collom, Mary E., '15, Research Asst. Doherty, R. E., '09. Engr. Hanna, M. R., '02, Engr. Kasten, W. H., '16 Lagerstrom, D. R., '11, Supt. Lee, E. S., '13, Engr. McDaniel, A. B., f. Prof. Merris, C. E., '12, Engr. Richardson, H. R., '17, Engr. Rowland, S. A., f, Asst. Stewart, G. E., '12, Engr. Shirley, O. E., '10, Engr. Sonntag, A. H.*, '10. Engr. Spurck, R. M., '10, Engr. Treischel, C, '16, Engr. Vedder, J. N., f. Prof. Warner. E. E.. 'is, Engr. York, Mattie A. (Mrs. H. P. Meyer) '11 Young, E. G., '13, Estimator SCOTIA Thayer, W. S., *os, Editor STAPLETON Bell, L. R., '14, Engr. SYRACUSE Adams, C. C. f. Prof. Bricker, G. A., g. Prof. Kullmer, C. J., f. Prof. Niederman, Gertrude (Mrs. W. D. Scott) '08 Riley, C. F. C, g, Prof. Scott, Margaret A., f, Prof. Smith, Elizabeth, '09, Instr. Tooke, C. W., '00, Lawyer Yang, T. S., '17 TROY Bradley, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. C. F. Wilcox) '11 Carpenter, Jennette E. (Mrs. A. T. Lin- coln) f Lincoln, A. T., f. Prof. Geographical Index NEW YORK— Continued UTICA 1077 Breneman, B. W., f, Mus. Breneman, Mrs. B. W., f, Mus. WELLSVILLE Schaller, A. L., '07, Engr. WHITE PLAINS Reece, E. J., f, Prin. Stevens, Sabra E. (Mrs. E. J. Reece) '06 Weinberg, Nina M. (Mrs. W. Greenwood) '08 WILLIAMSVILLE Wendling, J., '10, Estimator YONKERS Love, Leila S. (Mrs. F. G. Brown) '04, Sec. McMurry, F. M., f. Prof. Swenson, S. O., '99, Engr. BELHAVEN Shepardson, J. E., '95, Engr. BURLINGTON Vernon, J. B., f, Asst. CHARLOTTE McDowell, R. E., '16, Farmer CONCORD Ryan, Jessie (Mrs. R. O. Lucke) '07 DAVIDSON Fulton, M. G., f. Prof. GREENSBORO Ferguson, Florence R., '16, Teacher MORGANTON Rogers, J. S., g, Chem. Seed, Essie M. (Mrs. J. S. Rogers) '09 NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH Browne, W. H., Jr., f. Prof Pate, W. F., f, Agron. ROANOKE RAPIDS Stevens, R. H., f, Chem. SOUTHPORT Fargusson, M., '87, Arch. Slough, Georgia (Mrs. C. B. Culbreth) WEST RALEIGH Gray, D. T., g, An. Indus. WILMINGTON Weber, H. A., '97, Arch. NORTH BEACH Walters, H. H., '15, Draftsman BEULAH Malaise, C. L., '14, Merchant Marshall, F. E., '13, Business BROOKINGS Gerlach, Miriam, '11, Dean BURLEIGH Birdzell, L. E., '03, Lawyer CHURCH'S FERRY Welo, L. A., g, Engr. CLUDE Hough, Helen E. (Mrs. H. Branyan) '14 DEVIL'S LAKE Duell, E. L., '04, Auditor ELLENDALE Hogan, C. M., '18, Stud. Hoke, J. C, '13, Farm Mgr. ENDERLIN Harper, E. C, '14 ESMOND Dickey, L. B., g. Technician DAKOTA FARGO Keene, E. S., '90, Dean Jensen, Katherine, g, Instr. Kostalek, J. A., g, Prof. Newell, C. R., f. Bacterid. Reynolds, E. S.. g, Prof. Slocum, R. H., '00, Prof. Thompson, E. J., '10, Prof. FESSENDEN Bopp, J. v., '08, Farmer GRAND FORKS Becker, A. J., g, Prof. Brayton, Abby L. (Mrs. G. F. Ruediger) '05, Libn. Ferguson, C. M., '15, Arch. McCoy, A. E., '16 Spence, B. J., f. Prof. GRAFTON Sprague, Ana L., '17, Libn. GRANDIN St. John, A. H., '07 HEfTTINGER Brown, P. M., '06, Banker Cooke, A. B., '07, Adv. McHENRY Allison, I. D.. '06, Farmer I078 University of Illinois NORTH DAKOTA— Continued MAXBASS Cole, Alice M. (Mrs. J. W. Moreland) '06 MINOT Corzine, H. W., '13, Instr. Rush, I. L., 'is. Arch. MOORETON Vauble, W. C, 'i.? REGAN P.Trsons, H. M., ''2, Farmer RHAME Lentz, Mary (Mrs. D. W. Brown) '03 UNIVERSITY Converse, E. C, '04, Instr. Trowbridge, P. F., g, Prof. VAl.LEY CITY Crane, Helen M., '05, Libn. McFarland, E. H.. '12, Arch. White, F., '80, Banker WAHPETON Bade, C. H., '15, Arch. WILLISTON Mansfield, W. M., '09, Engr. OHIO AKRON Collins, R. A., '09, Survr. Deaver, L. A., '16, Engr. Grimes, N. C, f. Educator Hatch, T. M., '98, Engr. Irvin, S. P., '15, Journ. Reese, Nelle W. (Mrs. F. H. Spiers) '05 Seely, J. G., '09, Organist Swanson, A. E., g ALLIANCE Wilder, E. A., '07, Engr. ATHENS Borger, R. L., f. Prof. Eldridge, Lillian M., '17, Instr. Keys, Louisa J., '11, Instr. Voigt, Irma E., '10, Dean BELLEFONTAINE De Forest, L., '14, Apprentice Zerbee, L. F. W., '11, Engr. BEREA Boggess, A. C, '02, Prof. BLUE ASH French, R. M., '91, Draftsman BDUFFTON Lanz, Etta M. (Mrs. R. L. Triplett) '14 Smith, C. H.. '03. Prof. BRECKSVILLE Hess, Oral V., '17, Teacher BRIDGEPORT Quimby, J. C, g, Teacher BUEIYMS Dowell, E. S., g, Instr. CAMBRIDGE Curtiss, R. E., '17, Teacher CANAL DOVER Moore, J. B., '08, Surgeon CANTON Lander, W. A., '11, Engr. Tilden, E. A., '08, Arch. CINCINNATI Allen, C. H., g, Chem. Black, C. W., f, Instr. Burrell, Ethel N. (Mrs. G. C. Barkley) '11 Coy, Alice B., '04. Libn. Crossett, G. W., '08, Engr. Duncan, J. C, f. Prof. Egan, J. E., g, Chem. Flemming. J. H., '17 Freeman, Ruth M., '13, Y. W. C. A. Sec. Gardner, C. O., '09, Prof. Gardner, J., '83 Graff, A. A. I., '16, Insp. Greenwell, E. E., '17. Chem. CINCINNATI— Continued Harney, T. M., '05, Chem. Haven, Georgetta, '00 Hoffman, L. A., '17, Chem. Hopkins, Edna (Mrs. M. C. Slutes) '04, Pub. Hull, S. M 'is, Chem. Hyndman, R. J., Jr., '16, Draftsman Kennan, C. M., '12, Sec. Lehenbauer, B. G., g. Clerk Nichols, W. L., 'is. Engr. Slocum, S. E., f. Prof. Spencer, R., '18, Libn. Stone, E. H., '10. Clerk Talbert, H. A., '15, Salesman Tawney, G. A., f. Prof. Thorp, L., f, Chem. CLEVELAND Austin, B. S., '15, Arch. Avey, D. M., '10, Ed. Baker, I. W., '05, Mgr. Beach, Laura M. (Mrs. N. C. Wright) '91 Bowsher, C. A., '90, Editor Boynton, N. H., '09, Engr. Bradley, J. T., Jr., '16, Dir. Buerkin, Marguerite P. (Mrs. H. A. Ward) '03 Burres, Opal, '08, Teacher Carscallen, G. E., g, Instr. Clay, Marcia B., '05, Libn. Cockrell, F. M., '14. Mgr. Clover, I. N., '15, Engr. Colville, J. R., '12, Journ. Connell, E. L., '12, Engr. Cromwell, J. C, '86, Engr. Dechman, A., '12, Engr. Decker, B. H., '15, Salesman Dieckman, T. W., '14, Engr. Dobbins, V. F., '14, Salesman Dunham, L. H., '15, Metallurgist Durstine, W. E., '96, Teacher Eddy, C. L., '00, Prof. Eastman, O. M., '09, Supvr. Foster, H. E., '12, Engr. Gardiner. L., '09, Mgr. Gauger, J. F., '16, Auditor Goltra, W. F.. '83 Grossberg. H. A., '00, Grocer Hanzlik, P., '08, Prof. Hart, R. E. 'iq, Engr. Hubbard, Lucy E., '13, Y. W. C. A. Sec. Hulburd, Hazel E., '17 Jain, R. S., '15, Engr. tehle, F., '10, Engr. Johnson. J. T., '06, Dean Keese, A. W., '15. Ceram. Kent, L. C, '13, Engr. Kindred, J. E., g, Z06I. King, J. L., g, Entomol. Knirk, C. F., '08, Farmer Lawrence, R. E., '17. Arch. Lewis, R. D., '83, Business McMaster, C. L., f, Sec. Martin, May L., '01, Libn. Geographical Index 1079 OHIO— Continued CLEVELAND— Continued Mateer, H. W., '16, Engr. Mather. Althea S. (Mrs. W. E. Durstine) '96 Mohr. E. C. (Mrs. A. W. Dole) '06, Asst. Nesbit, E., '90, Engr. Newcomb, Jessie R. (Mrs. D. M. Avey) '08 Nilsson, C. R., '15, Engr. Post, H. F., '02, Sales Mgr. Primm, P. T., '16, Arch. Rand, C. C, '13, Engr. Randolph, O. C. F., '13, Engr. Righter, E. B., '10, Salesman Rukin, M., '15, Mgr. Short, R. L., f, Instr. Stein, M. F., '09, Engr. Steinwedell, W. E., '93, Sec. Stokes, J. W., '12, Engr. Switzer, Grace E., '04, Libn. Tener, Katherine R. (Mrs. S. M. Lowny) '17 Underwood, W. E., '08, Engr. Van Gundy, C, '12, Engr. Van Petten, R. M., '08, Engr. Williams, G. A., '18 Williams, H., '08, Mgr. Williams, P. M., '95, Draftsman Young, H. A., f Zucker, T. F., g, Teacher CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Brandt, L., f, Land. Arch. CLYDE Forrey, Claire V., g. Teacher COLUMBIA Miller, Marie B. (Mrs. L. C. Cox) g, COLUMBUS Allen, A. M., '01, Const. Work Anderson, L. F., f. Prof. Anderson, A. R., '11, Engr. Arps, G. F.. f. Prof. Beltz, J. S., '16, Engr. Black, Alice M. (Mrs. G. F. Arps) '01 Black, Laura L. (Mrs. L. W. Zartman) '01 Blakeslee, E. F., '11, Engr. Booze, M. C, 'is, Engr. Busey, R. O. '00. Prof. Chavous, A. M., '12, Engr. Childs, H. F., f, Dir. Coffey, J. S., '12, Prof. Costa, L. P., f, Asst. Dean, F. C. '12, Ed. Draffin, J. C, g, Instr. Eide, R., '10, Supt. Elam, A. M., f, Asst. Eno, F. H.. '91, Prof. Erf, O., f. Prof. Foote, F. J., '94, Engr. Freeman, Marie E., '13, Instr. Graff, Elizabeth (Mrs. W. M. Sanger) '06 Gregory, Lenna M. (Mrs. C. J. Walker) '09 Prin. Grigsby, H. D., '06, Chem. Hammond, M. B., f. Prof. Hansen, M. R., '13, Engr. Hasselquist, E. J., '12 Mach. Designer Hayhurst, E. R., '03, Prof. Held, F. E., g, Prof. Hewerdine, T. S., '04, Engr. Kays, D. J.. '12, Prof. Kelley, C. F., f. Prof. Leslie, H. D., g, Ins. Agt. Long. P. K., '18 Mcjohnston, H., f, Instr. Madden, J. W., '11, Prof. Marquis, F. W., '05, Prof. Millspaugh, M. S., '07. Engr. Nation, Ethel (Mrs. J. B. Park) '08 Nichol. E. S., '17 Nichols. Frances A., '14, Diet. Park, J. B., '08, Prof. Parr, Elizabeth (Mrs. F. W. Marquis) '11 COLUMBUS— Continued Phillips, Lydia A., '08, Libn. Rusk, F. S., '09, Arch. Schneider, Bertha M., '10, Libn. Stone, T. C, '14, Instr. Stall, R. T., f, Ceram. Van Meter, Anna R., '05, Prof. Walker, C. J., '16, Engr. White, Edna N., '06, Prof. Willard, C. J., 'lo. Prof. Withrow, J. R., f. Prof. CORNING Ketcham, V. A., f, Instr. COSHOCTON Cresap, E. W., '04, Instr. CROOKSVILLE Hall, W. E., '08, Minister DAYTON Anderle, E. J., '14, Engr. Goodale, Grace (Mrs. E. O. Keator) '03 Keator, E. O., '02, Contr. Kiessig, P. P., '16, Draftsman Nelson, A. L.. '16, Engr. Robinson, A. S., '80, Engr. Scheffel, E. R.. f, Instr. DEFIANCE Lawson, E. L., g. Prof. McCauley, J. C, '75 DELAWARE Oakes, Catharine S., '12, Libn. Reeves, H. P., '13, Prof. EAST CLEVELAND Comstock, A. F., '06, Engr. Farnum, W. H., '12, Engr. Papworth, Jennie W., '09, Organist Phillips, Ruth. '18 EAST LIVERPOOL Powell, J. A., '06, Teacher EAST PALESTINE Hoehn, F. J., '16, Supt. EATON Hildebolt, H. C, '17, Farmer ELYRIA Burns, D., '07. Chem. Cobb, C. C, Jr., '11, Foreman EUCLID Knepper, Myrtle E. (Mrs. W. Wenigler^ '12 FLETCHER Clevenger, C. B., f, Chem. FOSTORIA Lofquist, H. S., '09, Engr. FREMONT Holmes, W. B., f, Chem. GATES MILLS McNary, F. C, '12, Mgr. GENEVA King, F. E., '95, Farmer GIRARD Miller, M. G., '14 GREENVILLE a- Martin, W. H., '16 Welch, F. M., '07, Engr. HAMDEN Harbarger, Sada A., g. Bus. lOcSo University of Illinois OHIO— Continued HAMILTON Cogswell, R. C, 'ii, Sec. UAKTVILLE Smith, C. R., '14. Insp. Ill RAM Applegate, Anna M., '08, Prof. HUME Place, V. A., f, Farm Adv. KFJNMORE Mader, A., '15, Contr. KENT Atkinson, Helen M., '06, Sec. Doe, W. T., '17, Teacher Dunbar, Margaret, '02, Libn. Kellv, Mary (Mrs. J. E. McGilvrey) '99 McGilvrey, J. E., f. Coll. Pres. Marker, G. E., '03 KIMBALL Percival, Olive B. (Mrs. F. E. Fogle) '10, Diet. LAKEWOOD Anderson, J. H., '14, Engr. lUierkin, Emma (Mrs. R. L. Short) '02 Clarke, R. R., '12, Engr. Greene, H. S., '05, Mgr. Smith, Gladys M. (Mrs. J. H. Anderson) 'is LODI Mantz, H. E., f LORAIN Waterman, F. W., '90, Engr. MADISON Nolan, W. J., g, Asst. MANSFIELD Hanson, F. L., 'oS, Engr. Linzee, A. C, '98, Engr. MARIETTA Coar, H. L.. g. Prof. MARION Johnscn, C. S., "oo, Engr. Kimble, W. P., '79, Engr. Roberts, C. C, '12, Farmer MASSILLON Cook, A. D., f. Cheni. MENTOR Bebb, K., '12, Farmer MIDDLETOWN Goldman, M. S., g Beatty, A. J., g, Dir. Crawford, F. N., g, Chem. Richardson, C. B., '10, Draftsman NEWARK Whitney, M. R.. 'iS, Sec. NEW PHILADELPHIA Gentsch. Wilholmina H. (Mrs. I. Harris) '07 NORWOOD Bremskill, E. R.. '15, Chem. OBERLIN Cole, C. N.. g. Dean Hubbard, G. D., '96, Prof. King, H. C, h. Educator McKellogg, C. S., g. Teacher Patchin, Charlotte E. (Mrs. L. F. Bick- ford) f OBERLIN — Continued Rugg, Edna A. (Mrs. G. D. Hubbard) 'oo Stewart, Mabel (Mrs. C. N. Cole) '95 Webster, F. F., '17, Foreman OXFORD Carter, C. E., g, Prof. Fink, B., '87, Prof. Harris, T. L.. '02, Prof. Herrick, Grace E., '11, Libn. Taeck, Emma G., g, Prof. McConnell, W. R., '12, Prof. Scudder, B. H., '00, Prof. PORTSMOUTH Lamb, B. F.. g. Lecturer SOUTH CHARLESTON Chenoweth, H. E., '13, Instr. SPRINGFIELD Cogswell, G. O., '11, Engr. Cunningham, T. A., '13, Mgr. STUBENVILLE Acer, D. W., '14 SUGAR GROVE Baumgardner, H. C, f, Salesman TIFFIN Brown, A. W., '17, Teacher Miller, C. A., '14, Engr. TOLEDO Brigham, R. O., g. Stud. Dunipace, J. E., f, Mfr. East, W. E., '10, Engr. Ericson, L. T., '04, Engr. Heath, T. M., '15, Salesman Loomis, A. B., '93, Engr. Saathofl", G. W., '06, Engr. Watts, VV., '74. Surg. URBANA Murphy, C. W., '11, Mgr. VAN WERT Koehler, G., '18 VENEDOCIA Williams, D. W., g WADSWORTH Irwin, J. W., g. Teacher WAPAKONETA Hunt, E. Glenne (Mrs. J. M. Roe) '07 WARREN Glover, L. W., '12, Mus. Dir. Hood, C. F., '15, Engr. Rose, Elizabeth I. (Mrs. H. L. Dittmer) '10 WEST CHESTER Beekley, J. S., g WEST SALEM Weiler, E. G., '16, Engr. WILMINGTON Mitchell, Marguerite, '16, Libn. Williams, W. L., g WOOSTER Allen, E. R., '06, Chem. Brooks. R. A., '07, Sec. Cainiichael. B. E., '05. Prof. Davisson B. S., g, Chem. Forbes, E. B., '97, Nutrition Exp. Hammond. J. W., g, Assoc. Hayden, C. C, g. Prof. Knudsen. C. W., '13, Chem. Mather, Lydia (Mrs. E. B. Forbes) '00 Geographical Index 1081 OHIO— Continued WOOSTER— Continued Taggart, Clementine (Mrs. J. H. Barnett) '16 Taggart, F., Jr., '14, Farmer Taggart, J. F., '17, Farmer Welty, W. M., '14, Land. Arch. XENIA Prince, F. S., '13, Farm Adv. YELLOW SPRINGS Derby, Alice G. (Mrs. O. E. Carr) 'o-i, Libn. VOUNGSTOWN Barber, Alice M. (Mrs. F. M. Bennett) '92 Bennett, F. M., '89, Clergyman Bland, Rose, '09, Prin. Eells, W. C, '11, Draftsman Melton, J. L., '09, Mgr. Stanley, E. A., '06, Arch. Stubblefield, R. M., '15, Chem. Webster, G. G., '17, Chem. ZANESVILLE Imlay, IL A., '11, Land. Gard. Rockhold, K. E., '14, Engr. OKLAHOMA ALTUS Barnard. Lela E. (Mrs. E. L. Garnctt) 'os Garnett, E. L., '04, Broker AMORITA -Vle.vaniler, J. A., '16 AUSTIN CITY Huston, F. T., '96, Banker BACONE Davis, F. S., '05, Teacher BARTLESVILLE Brown, R. W.. g Davis, T. A., '14, Draftsman Harrington, R. B., '17 Moran, Mary K., '17, Agt. Read, M. K., g. Oil Geologist Symons, T. A., '12, Farmer BLACKWELL Mathers, Effie A. (Mrs. P. A. Enlows) '88 CARMEN White, B. T., '09, Farmer CHILOCCO Porter, E. A., '06, Prin. DRUMRIGHT Smith, D. J., '14, Supt. EL RENO Edwards, Jeannette E., '08 Heavey, A. N., '08, Contr. ENID Morrow, Jessie E. (Mrs. M. A. Watkins) f, Demonstrator Sawyer, H. W., '78, Publisher Wille, Laura M., '15, Teacher EUFAULA Melton, H. L., '07, Lawyer FREDERICK Spangler, J. N., g. Farmer HARTSHORNE Layden, J. E., '10, Lawyer HASKELL Gumm, E. E., '10, Lawyer Shipley, H. E., '10, Lawyer HENRYETTA Cox, I. H., '08, Lawyer INOLA ' Peterson, C. A., '17, Farmer KIOWA Gilmore, W. C, '12, Lawyer T.AWTON Clark, C. O., '04, Lawyer Clark, P. H., '99, Lawyer McALKSTER Rutlcdge. J. J., '94, Engr. MIAMI Kendall, J. S., '06, Lawyer ■MUSKOGEE Anderson, C. F., '13, Teacher Hebb, F., '16, Floricul. Bebb, M. R., '13, Florist Berkema, I. J., '10, Teacher Earl, M. A., '93, Engr. Fisher, J. W., '00, Farmer Tloff, C. E., '07, Contr. Kershaw, L. R., '04, Banker Osborne, Edna P., '11, Teacher I'epper, C. G., '06, Engr. Shook, C. IL, '15, Engr. Snider, F. P., '09, Lawyer Toops, G. N., '06, Engr. White, Mary L., '13, Jnstr. NORMAN Brooks, S. D., f. Univ. Pres. Ferriss, E. N., f. Prof. Herbert, H. H., '12, Prof. Kammerman, J. O., '07, Prof. Williams, G. Y., g. Prof. Witcher, E. K., '12, Instr. Wohlenberg, W. J., g. Prof. OKLAHOMA CITY Anderson, Jennie L. (Mrs. L. Cecil) '18 Boyd, E. P„ '01. Constr. Brownlee, J. H., f, Prof. Frederickson, G., '94 Garnett, C. H., '96, Judge Hall, L. M., '13, Engr. Loeffler, F. X^ '13, Business Malone, Rae I., '11 Morehouse, N. J., f, Promoter Morse, H. C, '04. Mgr. Petty, G. R., '85, Dairying Stoltey, Ida M. (Mrs. G. R. Petty) '88 Tripp, H. F., '04, Lawyer Young, B. O., '99, Lawyer OKMULGEE Fursman, W. IT., '04, Mgr. Myers, Winifred (Mrs. W. H. Fursman) '03 PERRY Robinson, R. P.. f, Asst. PONCA CITY Dunton, P. R., '12, Engr. POND CREEK Greenman, Margaret G. , '07 Horton, M. Ethel, '18, Teacher SAPULPA Wilmarth, Cj. II., '99, Engr. SHAWNEE Marquette, H. E., '12, Apprentice io82 University of Illinois OKLAHOMA— Continued STILLWATER Allen, Edith L.. '03. Lecturer Bratton, Edith E., f, Instr. Campbell, Ella S., '17, Libn. Guberlet, J. E., g. Prof. Hall, H., '12, Instr. Knight, H. G., g, Dean Patterson, J. J., '17, Instr. Stone, C. H., '16, Libn. Wait, Bernice C, g. Instr. TONKAWA Jones, M. M., '18 TULSA Anderson, G. H., '08, Business Garabedian, G. A. Z., 'id, Phys. Kay, F. H., f. Geol. McCune. J. M., '13, Lawyer R.-itclitTe, I. L., '16, Acct. Skcwes, Helen J., f, Geol. Slayton, W. F., 'iS Tubbs, E. v., g, Prin. OREGON ALBANY Goodwin, P. A., '87 BAKER Ryder, H. A. L., "iS BALLSTON Hull, W. L., '07, Farmer CENTRAL POINT Elden, R. W., '05. Seedsman King, Leila P. (Mrs. R. W. Elden) '04 CORVALLIS Center, O. D., '05, Agr. Dresscn. W. H^ g, Instr. Fawcett, Mary E., g. Dean Gardner, T. M., f, Engr. Henninger, C. g, Instr. Hicks, J. F. G., g. Prof. Kidder, Angeline C. '05, Libn. Lewis, Lucy M., '05, Libn. MacPherson, H., f. Prof. Rowland, F. E., '14, Chem. Scudder. H. D.. '02, Prof. Torgerson, E. F., '14. Instr. Wooster, L. F.. '06, Instr. COTTAGE GROVE Butler, Beatrice M. (Mrs. L. C. Beebe) 'oS DALLAS May, H. G., g. Zool. EAGLE POINT Mclntyre, J. V., '09, Cashier EDECS^BOWER Palmer, A. A. (Mrs. F. Fisher) '06 ESTACADA Dillon, Gertrude S., '01, Teacher Dillon. W. W., 'gS, Y. M. C. A Sec. Kofoid. Nellie (Mrs. W. W. Dillon) '98 EUGENE Hope. E. W.. f. Instr. Morton, D. W., f. Dean Wade, G. R., f, Instr. FT. STEVENS Marsh, H. R.. '95- Y. M. C. A. Sec. HOOD RIVER Moore, J. F.. '77. Farmer Towles, J. K., f LA GRANDE DuBois, H. M.. f. Teacher MARSHFIELD Fisher, B. S., '14. Lawj-er MEDFORD Boggs, O. C, 02, Lawyer Hubbard. H. T.. '86. Fruit Grower Kirkpatrick, T. W., '06, Agt. Sawyer. Ida E. (Mrs. W. G. Tait) 00 MONMOUTH West. Mabel G., '00, Libn. MONROE Samson, G. R., '02, Farmer NORTH PORTLAND Clarkson, J. F., '90, Contr. OSWEGO Pepoon, W. A., '81, Farmer PENDLETON Lonergan, C. P. A., '05, Builder Nason, Sabra L., f, Libn. PORTLAND Allen. W. F., f. Prof. Andrew, C. E., '06, Engr. Beach, J. G., '96. Arch. Bland, E., '10, Lawyer Burkhalter, W. E., '03, Engr. Burton, A. H., '07, Teacher Cantine. E. I., '87, Engr. Carothers, Wilhelmina E., '04, Libn. Chapman, N. W., '84, Engr. Culter, A. B., '06. Mfr. Cutler, F. W., '05, Mfr. Douglas. P. H., f, Instr. Forbes, Winifred, f, Violinist Giddings. A. S., '12, Engr. Gold, Katharine E. (Mrs. J. B. Kennedy) '03 Gridley, Clara L. (Mrs. A. H. Helfrisch) '08 Hartline, H. E., '03, Business Hollister, S. C, f, Instr. Hyndman, Ruth (Mrs. A. B. Cutler) 'oS Kable, C. H., '02, Arch. Morse, H. M., '86, Engr. Odell, A. A., 'is, Mgr. Scherer, Josephine (Mrs. W. E. Burk- halter) '05 Sinnock. P., '09. Agt. Terril, C. T., '15. Lawyer Williams, H. B., '87, Engr. Wilson, J. G., '04, Lawyer Young, D. G., '07, Engr. ROSEBURG Elliott, Josephine R. (Mrs. J. L. Harpham) 'os Page, C. M.. '07. Mgr. SALEM Alden, G. H.. f, Univ. Pres. Case, Flora M., '12, Libn. Guffin, Lillian I., 'is. Teacher Moles. Martha E. (Mrs. J. H. Fairchild) '04 f, Engr. '97, Engr. '11, Engr. '06, Draftsman Beck) ALLENTOWN Lauer, H. H, Havard, O. D AMBRIDGE Bannister, B. Wootlin, E. B. AKDMOKE McKniglit. W. A., '04, Ins. AVALON Cesser, H., f, Mfr. BEAVER Gants, Ew T., '16, Engr. BEAVER FALLS Walker, F. W., Jr., '11, Engr. BETHLEHEM Burns, Ruth M. (Mrs. A. R. Lord) '11 Esty, W.. f, Prof. ■ Lord, A. R., g, Engr. Weiss, C, g, Chem. Zipprodt, R. R., '15, Insp. BLOOMSBURG Robinson, Emily, '12, Libn. BRISTOL Breedis, J., '16, Chem. BRYN MAWR Beck, J. B., f. Prof. Ceddes, Helen C, f. Libn. Goebel, Louise (Mrs. J. B Reed, Lois A., '09, Libn. Sabin, Ethel E., g, Assoc. BUTLER Richie, J. K., '11, Engr. CHESTER Beach. Alice M., f, Entomol. Brubaker, L. A., '12, Arch. Faison, W. A., '11, Supt . CLx\RKS SUMMIT Rutherford. T. A., f, Phys. CLEARFIELD Fast, B. M., '10, Engr. CONSHOHOCKEN Porter, H. C, '97, Chem. CORAOPOLIS Little, A. D., '17, Engr. Mathis, V. A., '12, Engr. CRAFTON Scholl, K. S., '16, Teacher CREIGHTON Linder, C. S., '16, Engr. CRESSON Loftus. Ella M. (Mrs. W. G. Turnbull) '99 DONORA Edmiston, Emma, '05, Teacher DUQUESNE Sayre, W. R., g, Analyst. EAST PITTSBURGH Jillson, Nellie W., '88, Teacher EDGEWOOD PARK Boon, E. E., '11, Engr. ELKLAND Latzer, R. L., '08, Bus. Geographical Index PENNSYLVANIA ERIE 1083 Spierling, A. O., '10, Engr. (JETTYSBURG Greene, J. N., '15, Farmer GLENOLDEN Dickhut, R. M., f, Arch. GLEN MOORE Yocum. F. D., f, Instr. GLENSIDE Brockway, E. L.. '98, Engr. GREENSBURG Fleming, J. R., f, Instr. IIAVERFORD .Atkinson, Elizabeth E. (Mrs. W. E. Lunt) Wilson, A. H., f. Prof. HICKORY Parkinson, H. G., '13 HOG ISLAND Dufour, F. O., f, Engr. Dunn, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. J. W. Prins) '15 Il.'UNTINGDON Yee, G. C, '17, Chem. JEANNETTE McDermet, R., '12, Engr . jLNKINTOWN Croll, Hilda M., '16, Instr. l.ANSDOWNE Barter, H. H., '04, Supt. Stanton, W. M., f. Arch. LEETSDALE Rupp, L. W., g. Minister LLOYD Haggerty, Sara M., '18 MC KEESPORT Born. Ora L. (Mrs. F. H. Whittum) '07 MEADVILLE Dixon, W. J., '10, Engr. MIDLAND Simonich, J. L., '14, Engr. MILTON Stewart, J. P., '02, Pomologist MORRISVILLE Applegate, F. G., '06, Sculptor NEW BRIGHTON Hope, H., f, Ceram. NEW CASTLE Albright, R. H., '13, Engr. Bartells, H. H., '13, Engr. Hawley, W. A., '00, Engr. Thayer, A. L., '98, Arch. NEWPORT Drake, C. A., '17 .\EWTON SQUARE Sargent, Agnes L. (Mrs. A. Blossom) '08 NORRISTOWN Barnes, C. C, '82 NORTH GLENSIDE Wolfe, W. S., '13, Instr. io84 Universitv of Illi.xois PENNSYLVANIA— Continued NORTH GIRARD Ziesenheim, J. R., g. Farmer OAKMONT Poe, F. M., 'lo, Designer OVERBROOK Brayton, L. F., 'oi, Mgr. PALMERTON Croll, P. R., '13. Chem. Ruby, I. R., '13, Chem. PHILADELPHIA Armstrong, Alice N. (Mrs. C. E. Kimmel) '17 Ash, J. L., 'i8 Bassett, C. W.. '12, Mgr. Brigham, M. H., f. Stud. Chapman, C. H., '01, Examiner Dickinson, Nelle M. (Mrs. I. S. Chen- oweth) '08 Duncan, Margaret S., g. Stud. Fernsemer. O. F. W., it. Bus. Frank, E. D. A., f. Designer Goodspeed, F., '09, Engr. Hansen, V., '12. Q. M. Hawk. P. B., f. Prof. Henning, W. K., '06, Mgr. Hoff, L. P.. '06, Mgr. Howland. A. C. f, Prof. Kavanaugh, W. H., f. Prof. Kendall, H. C, f, Engr. Kimmel, C. E., '17, Asst. Lewis, R. R., '12, Bus. Livingston, L. L., '12, Contr. Lyman, H. M., '87, Engr. Mason, R. S., '10, Constr. Naylor, Helen A. (Mrs. W. C. Armstrong) '04 Patten, S. N.. h. Prof. Pierce, E. H., f, Mus. Primm, T. K., '16, Entomol. Reeves, H. H., '10, Agt. Rice, G. B., f. Engr. Rich, C. C, '06, Arch. Rohrer, Minnie G. (Mrs. W. H. Fisher) '09 Schenck, C, '12, Designer Shell. J. K.. f. Prof. Siegmund, H. O., '17, Instr. Smith, L. A., '08, Salesman Suttle, C. B., '06, Engr. Thompson, E. C. '07, Supt. Turner, R. R., '13, Chem. \'ansant. R. F., '16, Mgr. Wesenberg, T. G.. f. Stud. Whipple, R. H., '06, Engr. PITTSBURGH Anthony. Mamie E. (Mrs. T. H. Swartz- lander) '18 Armstrong, Delia (Mrs. G. H. Mangel) 'is Barto, P. S., '06, Instr. Beatty, O. C, '18, Stud. Bleininger, A. V., f, Ceram. Breedlove, L. B., '14, Engr. Chester. J. N., '91, Engr. Clark, Ella H,. '05, Instr. Connard, C. E., '08, Engr. Dewey, Sarah L. (Mrs. T. G. Yensen) '97 Egy, W. L., '07, Physicist Fancher, Hazel E. (Mrs. C. M. Sullivan) '13 Ferguson, L. S., '13, Engr. Fetterman, Valeria J. (Mrs. A. B. Smith) '07 Flocken, I. G., f. Prof. Freeman, P. J.. '07, Engr. Gentsch, Vida C. (Mrs. R. C. Cochran) '08 Glasgow, Ruth, '12. Instr. Hecker. C. H.. f, Chem. Hiles, E. K., '95. Engr. Howard, Clara F... '01, Libn. Johnson, Nelle I., '13, Tech. PITTSBURGH— Continued Kailer, F. S., '12, Ins. Agt. Kirkpatrick, F. A., '14, Phys. Kirkpatrick, H. B., '01, Engr. Kreisinger, H., '04. Engr. Lauer, W. W., g, Enp'r. Lease, L. J., '04, Engr. Leatherman, Marian, '16, Libn. Mann, Margaret, f, Libn. Manspeaker, W. W., '12, Engr. Mengel, G. H., '15, Chem. Miller, Laura M. (Mrs. A. E. Williams) '10 Miner, J. B., f. Prof. Murdock, W. T., g, Chem, Nathanson, J. B.. g, Instr. Peebles. T. A., '06, Engr. Peoples, U. J. L., '90, Arch. Perkins, A. M., '10, Acct. Perkins. Reba N., '10, Teacher Pruitt, F. A., '07, Engr. Putnam. Alice (Mrs. H. B. Wheeler) '99 Randall, Bertha T., '03, Libn. Ranson, G. A., '12. Draftsman Robertson, H. S., '16, Ceram. Riubey, H. K., '05, Prof. Russell, Caroline N. (Mrs. M. E. Golding) '14 Sullivan, C. M., '12, Mgr. Talbot, K. H.. '09. Engr. Terry, C. D.. '97. r-ngr. Turnock, L. C, '10, Engr. Van Deventer, F. M., '17, Engr. Vansant, W. L.. '15, Engr. Webb, Anna V. D. (Mrs. P. S. Barto) '06 Weber. H. C. P., f, Chem. Whipple, G. M., f, Psychol. Williams, A .E., '10, Engr. Williams, C. F., '10, Salesman Williams, W. S., '09, Chem. Wood, R. A '95, Engr. Worker, J. G.. '04, Mgr. Wright, A. B., g. Prof. Wright, J. W., '17, Ceram. Engr. Yensen, T. D., '07, Engr. Yntema, L. F., g, Chem. PLYMOUTH Parmeley, J. C, '10, Engr. POINT MARION Toenniges, F. E., '98, Engr. READING Henry, C. D., '11, Engr. REYNOLDSVILLE Zowell, J. B;, '10, Ceram. R IDG WAY Millin, R. B., '16, Farmer Pierce, W. M.. 't8 ROSEMONT Bell, Marian E. (Mrs. F. E. Fleck) '06 SCRANTON Beasley, D. Edythe (Mrs. L. W. Goben) '98 Camp, C. L.. '05, Engr. Cox, F. A., '07, Engr. Goben, L. W., f. Teacher Keller, R. B., f, Dir. Sayler. J. R., '97, Insp. Tallyn, L. L., 'oi, Engr. Williams, R. Y., f, Engr. SEWICKLEY Henderson, A. S., '16 Mather, R. A., '92, Engr. STATE COLLEGE Gardner, F. D., 'oi. Prof. McCulIoueh, E. V., g. Instr. Olewine. J. H., g, Instr. Smith. E. R., '05. Prof. Geographical Index 1085 PENNSYLVANIA— Continued STATE COLLEGE^Continued Webber, R. I., g. Prof. White, J. W., g, Chem. Woolman, Xenia M. (Mrs. E. L. Worthen) '06 Worthen, E. L., '04, Prof. STEELTON Sprague, Florence O. (Mrs. B. W. Win- ship) '07 SWISSVALE Stearns, E. D., '07, Engr. Stiefel, I. B., '12, Engr. TOWANDA Farmer, Flora E. (Mrs. E. A. Quacken- bush) g TROY Morse, J. H., '15 UNIONTOWN Strawn, J. H., '01, Banker VANPORT Browning, T. S., '17, Engr. VOLANT Reed, F. J., '17, Agr. WASHINGTON Allen, H. F., f, Instr. WAYNE Ziesing, H. H., '08, Supt. WELLSBORO Bailey, Margaret L., g, Instr. Latzer, J. A., '99, Mgr. WILKES-BARRE Flanigan, E. B., f, Engr. WILKINSBURG Atwell, C. A., f. Tester Blakeslee, W. A., '13, Engr. Cole, G. H., '13, Engr. Hancock. M. S., '17, Engr. Hsieh, Z., '17, Engr. Moon, Amy C., '01, Libn. Ogden, P. L., '13, Engr. Owens, R. W., '14, Engr. Rietz, Nelle M. (Mrs. T. S. Taylor) '12 Schoch, J. A., '17, Engr. Sterling, J. D., '10, Engr. Taketa, S., '15, Tester Taylor, T. S., Jr., f. Physicist White, T. K., '15. Engr. WILSON Whittum, F. H., '11, Chem. WOMELSDORF Landis, P. N., f, Asst. WOODLYN Lukens, W. P., g KINGSTON Webster, S. H., '06, Prof. LAFAYETTE Phillips, W. C, f, Instr. RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE CHAPEL HILL Johnston, J. M., '17. Teacher CLEMSON COLLEGE Collings, G. H., g. Prof. Mitchell, J. H., g, Teacher COLUMBIA Phillippi, F. M., '96, Actuary Smith, A. G., '06, Agr. Spaulding. C. H., '12, Bacteriol. Willard, Maude H. (Mrs. F. M. Church) '13 SOUTH ABERDEEN Brown, F. A., '78, Banker Brown, R. L., '75, Business Cronk, Clara (Mrs. A. M. Morris) 14 Morris, A. M., '13- Merchant ANDOVER Bingen, W. J., f, Instr. AURORA Gooch, Mabel M., '17 BERESFORD Elliott, Eva L., '17. Supt. Elliott, Isabel G. (Mrs. J. W. Wooldndge) '17 BROOKINGS Bergeim, O., g, Instr. Hutton, J. G.. g. Prof. Hyde, H. W., '10, Teacher Knox, W. H., f, Agr. CHAMBERLAIN Drury, E. L., '74, Atty. Colvin, S. S., f. Prof. Reynolds, H. S., '74 SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE Swannell, H. C., '12, Engr. ORANGEBURG Summers, L. W., f, An. Husbandman SPARTANBURG Bauer, R. S., '04, Prof. Bedient, Ethel L., g, Insp. Chiles, J. A., g. Prof. DAKOTA CLEARFIELD Hawes, C. W., Jr., '04, Farmer FAIRFAX Palmer, J. A., g. Pastor GEDDES Funston, J. G., '9.';. Business GETTYSBURG Whitlock, J. F., '78, Lawyer HOT SPRINGS Gregory, C. E., '76, Lawyer HURLEY Eraser, Viola C. (Mrs. L .B. Vaughan) '12 Vaughan, L. B., '12, Phys. HURON Beach, B. E., '81, Banker Beach, B. M., '09, Sec. Davis, L. H., '17 Mclntire, Ella E., '08, Libn. Macknet, Metta M. I. (Mrs. B. E. Beach) '81 ;o86 UniversiIy of Illinois LAWREOSrCE Gates, A. S., '83, Engr. LEAD Campbell, G. A., '18, Lawyer Klingler, R. J., '16, Lawyer LEMMON Carrell, C. G., '09, Lawyer LEOLA Sigler, E. C, '06, Lawyer MITCHELL Dillon, C. C, '13, Coach Fort, L. M., '13. Prin. MADISON Samuels, Freda I. (Mrs. M. M. Samuels) '16 NEWELL Grossman, D. A., '16, Farmer Watson, Leila E. (Mrs. D. A. Grossman) '16 PIERRE Skelton, C. L., '16, Dealer RAPID CITY Hartmann, M. L., f. Prof. Trowbridge, Tessie E. (Mrs. M. L. Hart- mann) '13 REDFIELD Fath, E. A., f. Coll. Pres. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued SCOTLAND Barickman, R. E., '06, Farmer SIOUX FALLS Boon, H. T., '07 Gawne, P. W. .f. Teacher Gibbs, C. L., '09, Missionary ' Hassenstein, C. F., '10, Bus. Kirk, Elizabeth (Mrs. E. W. Robinson) 'og Van Galder, Cora M. (Mrs. W. E. Hart) '08 SISSELTOWN Bade, C. W., g, Mgr. SPEARFISH Bennett, F. L., '16, Instr. VERMILLION Hadley, H. F., g, Chem. Jones, W. F., '07, Prof. Richardson, Mabel K., '07, Libn. Vanneman, H. W., '07, Prof. WATERTOWN Fahnestock, Rhoda, g WESSINGTON Scotchbrook, G. P., '83, Banker WESSINGTON SPRINGS Wright, S. W., '01, Banker YANKTON Jenney, Adeline M., g TENNESSEE BUTLER Mills, M. (R. P. Millsaps) '07, Farmer CARTHAGE Seese, R. S., '12, Engr. CHATTANOOGA Buck, P. E., '14, Engr. Crutchtield, W., Jr., '16, Arch. Harris, L. H., f. Prof. Hubbart, O. S., g. Teacher Rugg, D. M., '10, Engr. Stratton, Grace B., '17 GREENVILLE Grannis, F. C, '10, Prof. JOHNSON CITY Snook, J. D., '15, Chem. KNOXVILLE Disosway. M. D., '08, Gen. Foreman __. D., '08, Gen. Gaut, Rosa L., '12, Pianist Matthews, R. C, '02, Prof. LAFOLLETTE Matthews, Bessie G. (Mrs. W. D. Barton) '09 LEBANON Kopf, F. A., '16, Dir. MARYVILLE Bulger. C. V., f, Instr. MEMPHIS Bailey, W. T., '04, Arch. Buzick, J. W., '10, Sec. Fredenhagen, V. B., '10, Engr. Fry. A. S., '13, Engr. Johnson, L. W., '96, Contr. Kaufman, A. H., '17, Chem. Knowlton, P. C, Jr., '14, Arch. Lee, J. L., '00. Merchant Palmer, J. W., '10, Lawyer Reasoner, Clara B. (Mrs. H. B. Barry) '02 NASHVILLE Hinds, M. E., g, Chem. Holt, A. P., '14, Pomol. Rentchler, Edna K., '15, Instr. PROSPECT STATION Howes, H. E., '14, Farmer TULLAHOMA Falls, Ida B., '77 TEXAS AMARILLO Hewes, F. S., '06, Engr. Stuebing, A. F., '11, Foreman ARBALA Davis, A. E.. '81, Doctor ARLINGTON Woods. H. S., f, Prof. AUSTIN Bourdette, Bertha (Mrs. W. S. Hendrix) '13 Crigler, Nina B., f. Prof. Dodd, E. L., f. Prof. Duncalf, F., f. Prof. Goff, Cicely S., '10, Teacher Goff. Mary E., '02, Libn. Henderson, J. L., f, Prof. Hendrix, W. S., f. Prof. James, H. G., '06, Prof. Geographical Index 1087 TEXAS— Continued AUSTIN— Continued Rightor, F. E., '03, Engr. Thomas, H. R., g Udden, J. A., f. Geol. BARTLETT Williamson, Belle, '13, Teacher BEAUMONT Grath, C. T., '17 Southwell, O. J. T., f, Instr. Van de Greyn, E. B., '11, Engr. BLESSING Williamson, Florence (Mrs. H. W. Best) '08 BUSHLAND Bush, J. A.. '06, Farmer CANYON Geller, H. W., g Rambo, Jessie E., '08, Teacher COLLEGE STATION Beach, R., f, Instr. Bond, J. D., g, Prof. Morrison, R. L., '11, Engr. Richey, J. J., '03, Prof. CORPUS CHRISTIE Alarco, J. M., '00, Real Est. Stevens, H. A., '84, Engr. Stevens, V. T., '15, Lawyer CORSICANA Wright, Minnie E. (Mrs. J. M. Blackburn) '83 CROSBY Runneberg, E. C, '17, Farmer DALLAS Anderson, Laura M. (Mrs. J. R. Green- halgh) '75 Danford, F. D.. 'og, Engr. Flagg, S. B., '04, Engr. Fritz, H. R., g, Engr. Hagan, M. E., '07, Teacher Hagan, T. A., '16, Lecturer Harnock, G. A., '12, Mgr. Howe, G. A., 'n. Salesman Murphey, H. B., '04, Engr. Ohrum, D. B.. '18 Ohrum, Frances R. (Mrs. E. S. Penne- baker) '11 Pennebaker, E. S., '10, Engr. Schundner, L. V., '12, Engr. DENTON Mitchell, Annie (Mrs. A. J. Newman) '01 EL CAMPO Frank, W. L., '14, Farmer Mottier, Julia L. (Mrs. W. L. Frank) '16 EL PASO Andrews, Peach H. (Mrs. R. A. Nelson) '13 Enger, A. L., '11, Engr. Harms, A., '95, Chem. Hughes, F. E., '97, Engr. Marshall, R. S., '06 Nelson, R. A., '12, Stout, E. B., '15, Inventory Man Strauch, Clara M., '09, Instr. FT. SAM HOUSTON Lantz, C. W., '13. Prof. FT. WORTH Johnson, H. J., '13, Clerk Skillvig, S. C, '93, Arch. GALVESTON McNeill, Norah, '09, Libn. GEORGETOWN Mounts, Marjorie E. (Mrs. L. Moise) '13 HEREFORD Snyder, G., '16, Farmer HILLSBORO Butler, W. A., '09, Engr. HOUSTON Black, R. O., '12, Designer Blocher, J. D., '04, Acct. Davis, Martha L. (Mrs. F. S. Stroheker) '16 Dennis, H. K., f, Asst. Holmes, F. H., '01, Bus. Humphrey, H. K.. '11, Instr. McHugh, G. B., 'g8. Clerk Maury. C. F., '14, Arch. North. W. A., '10, Bookkeeper Stroheker, F. S.. '15, Lawyer Weston, F. W., '10, Engr. Weston, W. S., '81 Wright, Agnes (Mrs. H. K. Dennis) '16 LOLITA Hertel, C. A., '09. Farmer ODEM Frederick, G., '88. Farmer PALACIOS Jordan, G. T., '00, Farmer Williamson, Mary H. (Mrs. P. A. Elder) '87 Williamson, Maude, '09, Teacher PLAINVIEW Hollaad, Leila (Mrs. R. R. Field) '10 PORT ARTHUR Adams, W. C. '15, Chem. Fletcher, L. J.. '13, Prof. Wilford, R. N., '17, Business PORT NECHES Higgins, M. B., '14, Engr. PORTERVILLE Meyer, W., '12, Teacher ROSEBUD Armitage, J. H., '01, Teacher ROUND ROCK Maxon, R. Y., '95 SAN ANGELO Canon, C. C, '17, Farmer SAN ANTONIO McKee, Olivetta (Mrs. R. L. Kelley) '14 Williams, G. A., '07 SAN BENITO Trotter, C. P., '09, Contr. STOCKTON Williams, Susan K., g, Teacher TYLER Batchelder, Augusta (Mrs. W. T. Eaton) '80 Eaton, Frances M., '09, Teacher Eaton, Helen M., '07, Asst. Vance, W. H., '99, Engr. VICTORIA Ice, Marinda (Mrs. E. Middleton) '97 WACO Zimmerman, R. P., '13 WHITEWRIGHT Montgomery, J., g, Engr. WICHITA FALLS Miller, Olive F. (Mrs. C. W. Clark) '14 Wright, J. F., '16. Ed. YOAKUM Apple, C. E., '03, Engr. io88 University of Illinois UTAH DELTA Jamison, Michal V. (Mrs. H. L. Charles) g. Teacher GARFIELD Edwards, C, '04, Chem. Rees, E. A.,g, Chem. LOGAN Carroll, W. E., g. Prof. Greaves, J. E., g, Prof. MT. PLEASANT Trowbridge, Mary L., '15, Teacher MYTON Arnold, Lillian B. (Mrs. H. C. Means) '02 OGDEN Woodcock, Helen E., '17, Teacher PROVO Merrill, A. N., g, Prof. SALT LAKE CITY Archer, C. L., '06, Credit Man Bailey, R. E., '13, Supt. Bennett, C. E., g, Engr. Bowman, H. D., '10, Engr. Frederickson, J. H., '91, Engr. Garrison, L., '07, Lawyer Gregory, W. H., '06, Lawyer Harris, J. T., '91, Publisher King, W. E., '97, Lawyer Lee, E. O., '78, Lawyer Macfarlane, W., g, Chem. Meadows, D. S., '08. Engr. Oliver, C. B., '12, Engr. Prater, B. H., '03, Engr. Reeves, G. I., '02, Entomol. Sloan, Amelia M., '17, Teacher Welles, Miriam U. (Mrs. G. I. Reeves) '03 TOOELE Moore, Irene H. (Mrs. J. A. Davenport) '17 Russell, J. T., '11, Draftsman WEST HIAWATHA Gleason, F. E., f, Supt. BURLINGTON Burke, C. E., g. Prof. CHARLOTTE Eno, A. L.. f. Prof. Eno, Sara W. (Mrs. E. B. Sherman) ENOSBURG FALLS Clark, Angle R., '04, Teacher HINESBURG Strand, C. J., g, Prin. •08 CHERRYVALE Lewis, H. F., g, Chem. CITY POINT Eckhardt, Clara (Mrs. F. C. Evans) CLARENDON Housel, O. L., '01, Engr. FALLS CHURCH Cobb, Margaret V., g, Psychol. FRANKTOWN Robinson, W. K.. f FREDERICKSBURG Kepler, G. F., '00, Farmer MILLER SCHOOL Simon, Cornelia E., f, Instr. NORFOLK Barker, E. F., '17 Duval, E. D., '12, Engr. Rockey, P. T., '17, Insp. Streed, Judith E. (Mrs. L. M. Klinefelter) Wright, T. J., Jr., '09, Engr. VERMONT MANCHESTER Bates, M. C. f, Prin. Bullard, Helen E. (Mrs. M. C. Bates) '05 MIDDLEBURY Stevens, J. G., f. Prof. RUTLAND Fairchild, Faith J. (Mrs. B. Fisher) '18 WESTMINSTER Dodge, Bertha A. (Mrs. H. L. Piper) '03 WHITE RIVER JUNCTION Dunbar, Louise B., g, Teacher VIRGINIA PENNIMAN Murphy, K. T., '13, Contr. PETERSBURG Davis, J. W., g, Instr. PORTSMOUTH Meyer, C. T., '16, Insp. Pendleton, J. C, f, Supt. PULASKI Knapp, W. E., '09, Engr. RICHMOND Hibbs, H. H., Jr., f, Dir. Maloit, Pauline G., '16 RINER Scott, W. D., g, Mgr. ROANOKE Fox, J. L., '17, Engr SABOT Hay hurst. P., '14, Farm Mgr SALEM Garden, H. R., '03, Engr. ABERDEEN Fink, Erna M. E., '09, Teacher ALMIRA McKay, A., '18 WASHINGTON ARLINGTON Oliver, W. F., '76, Phys. BELLINGHAM Bacon, K. L, '80 Ward, Amy, '16. Teachei Geographical Index 1089 WASHINGTON— Continued BIG LAKE Berry, H. B., g. Farm Mgr. BREMERTON Panhorst, F. W., '15, Draftsman Russett, J. P. C, '17, Arch. CHEHALIS Coffman, N. B., '78, Banker CHENEY Reynolds, Mabel, '01, Libn. Strong. T. J., '17 Tieje, R. E., '10. Prof. COLFAX Gillespie, Belle I. (Mrs. R. Gray) '02 Gray, R., '00, Supt. CONCRETE Wagner, C. L., '10, Chem. DAYTON Barnett, A. F., '01, Phys. EPHRATA Enger, N., '06 EVERETT Barker, Mary E. (Mrs. F. C. Vincent) '05 Engel, L. E., '04, Mgr. Schumacher, Tillie J. (Mrs. E. M. Rails- back) '02 GRANDVIEVV Bradley, Eugenia (Mrs. E. F. Maryatt) '12 Maryatt, E. F., '09, Engr. HANFORD Wehmeier, W. H., '04, Engr. KENT Moore, E., '10, Prin. LIND Hoffman, W. S., g. Missionary NACHES Hays, D., '98, Engr. Owens, Dasie M. (Mrs. D. Hays) '99 NORTH YAKIMA Borton, B. S., '05, Teacher Bunting, L. J., '14, Mgr. Hall, F. A., '92, Farmer Owens, Bessie W. (Mrs. J. H. Needham) '85 Staley, J. C, '98, Mgr. NORTH VANCOUVER Vincent, C. A., '13, Draftsman OLYMPIA Page, Mary L., '78, Teacher Wallace, H. M., '97, Teacher Whitham, R. F., '77, Survr. OPPORTUNITY Grove, R. B., '03, Business PORT TOWNSEND Ewing, Harriet G, (Mrs. T. W. Holman) '08 Holman, T. W., '06, Lawyer PROSSER Lincoln, W., g. Farm Mgr. PULLMAN Carpenter, II. V., '97, Prof. Clatworthy, Linda M., '00, Libn. Hegnauer. L.. '06, Agr. Schafer, E. G., g. Prof. Sears, S. F., f, Prof. PULLMAN— Continued Staley, Maggie E. (Mrs. H. V. Carpenter) '99 Weaver, R., f, Prof. ROLLING BAY Bliss, C. K., g. Teacher SEATTLE Aaron, P. J., '98, Engr. Anderson, Augusta, '06, Libn. Anderson, S, H., g, Instr. Arnold, J. J., '98, Business Bartells, E. J., '08, Chem. Batterson, Mayme A., '08, Libn. Bear, A. L., '08, Engr. Bennett, Edith P., '00, Teacher Bogardus, C. E., '83, Chem. Brumbach, Lucia (Mrs. C. E. Bogardus) '90 Burgess, B. P., '08, Engr. Bush, J. K., '00, Cashier Bushnell, H. L., '08, Engr. Carlson, P. N.. '11, Engr. Carnahan, F. G., '92, Lawyer Crowder, B. H., '13, Salesman Davidson, C. F., f, Phys. Dehn, W. M., g, Prof. De Motte, Ruby T. (Mrs. B. O. Brown) '02 Denny, Christina (Mrs. C. W. Smith) '08 Dodds, Eva (Mrs. B. H. Crowder) '14 Drury, R. S., '03, Engr. Eckelmann, E. O., f, Instr. Estep, Jessie, '78 Evans, R. M., '06, Engr. Forbes, Marjorie D. (Mrs. J. W. Wilson) '03 Fox, Gertrude, '04, Libn. Frye, T. C, '94, Prof. Fullerton, H. G., '02, Lawyer Gibbons, C. B., '07, Instr. Gracie, Helen B., f, Libn. Gridley, H. N., '01, Prin. Harris, A. J.. '08, Engr, Harwood, H. H., '13, Mgr. Hawley, R. S., '07, Broker Herbstmann, J. C, '09, Prof. Hoff, H. J., g Hoge, C. H., '09, Engr. Horimura, H., '17, Engr. Hullinger, Katherin (Mrs. C. M. Sterling) '75 Jones, J. W., '04, Lawyer Tones, W. R.. '10, Doctor "Lilly, C. H., '84, Merchant Luther, O. L., '02, H. S. Prin. McDonald, Alice B. (Mrs. R. M. Winger) '08 Meissner, J. A. (Mrs. A. J. Quigley) '06 Mogensen. P., '94, Engr. Neikirk, L. I., f. Prof. Nevins, J., '98, Engr. Null, M. M., '00, Physician Pearce, C. C., f, Instr. Phipps, T. E., '06, Engr. Poorman, Amy (Mrs. G. H. Jensen) '09 Popejoy, Lida E. (Mrs. E. J. Jones) '04, Teacher Redenbaugh, W. A., f. Instr. Reynolds, H. L., '85, Engr. Rothgeb, Jessie B., '14. Mgr. Russell, F. A., g. Prof. Schwartz, Louise F., '14, Libn. Shoemaker, J. E., '03, Engr. Slauson, H. B., '82, Chem. Smith, C. W., '03, Libn, Spray, Edith L, (Mrs, F. S, Sawyer) '07 Storey. E, P,, '03, Arch, Stutsman, Adah H, (Mrs. O. L. Luther^ Taylor, Helen M, (Mrs, J. K. Bush) '02 Todd, J. N., '12, Designer Van Dervoort, J., '11, Engr. lOQO University of Illinois WASHINGTON— Continued SEATTLE— Continued Westhold. Amanda, '03, Teacher Wilson, G. S., '03. Teacher Wilson, 1. W., '03, Arch. Winger, R. M., f. Prof. SOUTH SEATTLE Bennett, Sarah (Mrs. J. M. F. Erwin) 'gj SPANAWAY Chandler, W. B., '76, Farmer SPOKANE Crawford, Luvern H. (Mrs. R. Franklin) '12 Davis, H. S., '03, Lawyer Ferris, H. B., '94, Comptroller Ferris, J. E., '95, Banker Gray, Greta, f, Instr. Gray, Lily, '06. Libn. Hubbard, Laura M., '13, Libn. Neeley, J. R., '83. Phys. Sawyer, D. H., '02, Engr. Sawyer, G. L., '03, Engr. Shinn, J. R,, '04, Agr. Walters, Bertha E. (Mrs. H. S. Green) 07 SUMNEJi Holton, Frankie (Mrs. G. Burke) '14 SUNNYSIDE Deets, R. E., '08, Engr. TACOMA Bullard. G, W., '82, Arch. Bullock, Jessie J. (Mrs. A. Kastner) '00 TACOMA— Continued Cummins, R, A,, g, Prof. Dugan, E. N., '06, Arch. Gordon, T. H., '01, Lawyer Hill, I. "H.. '99, Arch. Howell, L. D., '07, Arch. Kaiser, T. B., f, Libn. Kautz, W. W., '08, Constr. Lewis, B. A., '06, Agr. Little, C. E., '06, Engr. Remann, F. G., '01, Lawyer Reynolds, O. E., '16. Prof. Saunders, R. C, 'gS, Engr. Soule, C. H., g. Salesman Wichmann, G. C, f, Asst. TRINIDAD Morris, E. W.. '94, Rancher VANCOUVER Kable, J. F., '99, Engr. WALLA WALLA Gore, S. T., '76, Arch. Moore, A. C, '87 Smith, Ellen G., '02, Libn. WATERMAN Estep, H. C, '74, Engr. WENATCHE£ Atwood, P. W., '08, Agr. June, Marjorie M., '15 WILBUR Wheeler. Mary M. (Mrs. M. E. Bennett) '06, Phvs. ARBUCKLE Wilson, Isabella C, '16, Agt. CHARLESTON Ketchum, R. B., '96, Engr. DUBREE Willson, H. E., '16, Engr. HUNTINGTON Lancaster, L. W., g. Teacher Myers. Rachel F.. '15, Teacher Ply male, Betha, '18 KENOVA Stone, C. A., '17, Chem. LOGAN Tracy, Elizabeth V., '16, Teacher MORGANTOWN Callen, A. C, f. Prof. Sheets, E. W., g, Prof. Starkey. L. V., '14, Instr. Yoke, T. J.. '14, Prof. WEST VIRGINIA XITRO Ice, N. C, 'is, Surg. PARiKERSBURG Babcock, Jennie M., '16, Demonstrator POE Hypes, G. W., '16, Prin. READER Ashburn. C. M., '14, Prin. RONCEVERTE Hypes, Cora E. J., 'i6 Hypes, J. L., '16, Prin. SUMMERSVILLE Myers, C. E.. '13, Prin. WHEELING Hopkins, E. B., "14, Business APPLETON Adler, F. H. H.. g, Prof. Bagg, R. M., f. Prof. Culver, H., g Howard, D. T., g Ingold, V. J., '13, Arch. ARCADIA Fernholz. J. J., g, Mgr. ASHLAND WISCONSIN BELOIT Keiser, A., g. Minister Lafferty, J. S., 'is Mitchell, C. J., '91, Engr. Smith. G. W., g. Instr. Thomas, R. R., '16, Acct. BERLIN Macbeth, Grace (Mrs. R. W. Walworth) '15 BROADHEAD Loutzenhiser, Sarah E., '13, Teacher Gardner, H., '07, Engr. Geographical Index lOQI WISCONSIN— Continued CEDARBURG Boerner, E. S., '17 CEDAR GROVE Huenink, H. L.*, g, Chem. CONDERAY Godeke. H. F., '05, Engr. CRIVITZ Bauman, L. P., '13, Rancher Combe, Eleanor M. (Mrs. L. P. Bauman) '13 DALTON Dixon, R. E., f, Cashier EAU CLAIRE Bartlett, H. O., '18 Hoeppner, E. G., '12, Engr. Pinkum, Anna S., '04, Libn. ELLSWORTH Watt, Laura A. (Mrs. L. W. Fulton) '11 FOND DU LAC Le Kander, R. E., '16, Engr. Maze, E. A., '08, Contr. GREEN BAY Carter, R. M., '05, Surgeon Johnson, E. L., '11, Salesman Weber, E. A., '08, Supt. HARTFORD Spencer, Fannie G. C. (Mrs. T. J. Phillips) '08 HUDSON Anderson, C. L.. '18 JANESVILLE Baines, O. R., '12, Merchant Elston, A. (A. di Ghilini) '13, Engr. McCulloch, Isabella J., '04, Libn. KENNEMICK Dietrich, R. S., '10, Dairyman KENOSHA Albvecht, A. J., '12, Lawyer Dewey, V. P., '14, Journ. Ross, Louise H., '10, Clerk Tremper, G. N., f, Prin. KILBOURN Morris, C. M., '04, Mgr. LA CROSSE Beust, C, '18 Edwards, Grace O., '98, Libn. Fairchild, J. A. L., '06, Prof. Moore, J. R., g, Instr. Myers, A. L., '13, Engr. Noble, C. W., '95, Contr. Trowbridge, Myrtle, '11, Critic Wing, Florence S., '01, Libn. LANCASTER Taylor, E. H., '13, Chem. Taylor, W. L., '12, Land. Arch. LAONA Ovitz, Hazel L., '11, Supt. MADISON Atwood, L. P., '94, Engr. Aust, F. A., f. Prof. Banschbach, Litta C. (Mrs. G. R. Bascom) '06 Bascom, G. R., '05, Engr. Bickel, Mary A. (Mrs. F. M. White) '09 Bruner, Mary V. (Mrs. L. R. Tehon) '13 MADISON— Continued Burd, H. A., g, Instr. Chrisholm, W., f, Instr. Comstock, G. C., h, Prof. Crane, R., f, Instr. Davis, J. J., '72, (Turator Dunlap, M. E., '14, Arch. Durfee, J. H., '06, Engr. Elmenclorf, A., '14, Engr. Eppels, C. J., f, Asst. Fox, Lucia B., '18, Teacher Fracker, S. B., g, Entomol. Frary, H. D., g, Engr. Hayes, A. W., '07, Agr. Head, J. R., g, Instr. Henry, W. A., h. Educator Hillman, F. W., '05, Engr. Kellogg, Amelia L., '15, Teacher Kraeckmann, A. E., '16, Farmer Lee, C. E.. f, Commissioner McCaskey. E. W., f. Major McMurry, K. F., Teacher Menzei, C. A., '17 Merrill, Julia W., '03, Libn. Millar, A. V., '97, Prof. Mills, C. H., f. Prof. Peabody, A., '82, Arch. Phillips, J. D., '93, Prof. Phillips, P. A., '73, Farmer Potter, E. J., '16, Constr. Sammis, J. L., '97, Prof. Sanford, Delia C, '00, Libn. Seastone, C. V., '95, Engr. Stewart, H. W., '09, Prof. Swinney, E. E., f, Instr. Townsend, L. L., f. Prof. Turneaure, F. E., h, Engr. Valentine, H. D., '13, Instr. Walton, J. H., Jr., f. Prof. Watters, J. M., '08, Stud. MELLEN Logeman, A. E., '04, Mgr. MENOMONIE Graven, A. S., '17 Wright, Mildred G., g, Instr. MIDDLE INLET Ferris, C. F., '11, Farmer MILTON Crandall, W. T., g. Farmer MILWAUKEE Ball, J. D., '07, Prof. Balzer, G. J., g, Prin. Barnes, Mildred (Mrs. C. H. Haessler) g Barry, Frank, '77, Atty. Black, C. D., '11, Engr. Coddington, V. W., '75, Eingr. Coffin, F. A., '09, Mgr. Corrigan, E,, '06, Mgr. Criley, H. R., '18 Davidson, C. N., g, Chem. Dickey, C. B., '05, Chem. Dietzer, Alice (Mrs. L. S. Brodd) '14 Doolittle, F. W., f, Engr. Fast, E. E., '08 Finkenbinder, E. O., '10, Supvr. Flanders. Annette H., '18, Arch. Foster, H. L., '13, Engr. Fox, F. G., '98, Teacher Gillan, P. H., '12 Publisher Grierson, W. G., '07, Draftsman Gruhl, C. J., '17, Draitsman Harmon, M. T., '11, Mgr, Haessler, C. H., g. Writer Holl, C. L., '06, Real Es'. Hormel, Dorothy S., '16, SociaJ Worker Jacobi, H. J., '18 "johanning, P. M., '09, Engr- Kadish, V. H., f, Chem. Kingsbury, H. B,, '09, Teacher 1092 University of Illinois MILWAUKEE— Continued Kirchhoff. R. C, '13, Arch. Lauter, C. J., '11, Engr. Lee, Alice (Mrs. V. W. Coddington) '75 Lord, C. A., '10, Engr. Lundahl, R. R., '11, Engr. Marshutz, J. H., '98, Lawyer Maxwell, W. W., '07 Mesiroff, J. A., '99, Engr. Miller, Mabel L., '12, Teacher Monroe, G. S., '17, Chem. Mourse, F. M., '12, Journ. Ocock, C. A., '04, Mgr. Otis, R. B., f, Engr. Park, J. W., '14, Teacher Perry, C. F., f, Supvr. Radley. G. R., '00, Engr. Rounds. C. R., f. Prof. Sober, Gertrude C. (Mrs. H. A. Sober) f Stookey, Helen F. (Mrs. N. Wilkinson) '04 Swanberg, F. L., '02, Engr. Thompson, M. W., '10, Prof. Walworth, Althea (Mrs. E. O. Finken- binder) '10 Ward, O. M., '07, Engr. Washburn, C. S., '15, Draftsman Weiland, H. J., g, Chem. Weston, Jessie B., '17, Libn. Wilkinson, N., '02, Engr. Wirth, W. v., '17, Chem. MINERAL POINT Hutchinson, Josephine L., '17 MONTFORT Preston, A. F., '16, Ranchman NYE Wycoff, B. H., 'is. Farmer OCONOMOWOC Manns, A. G., '85, Chem. OKAUCHEE Wright, Mildred W., '18 OMRO Palfrey, J. R., '17, Farmer OREGON Shilton, C. N., '04, Banker OSHKOSH Baker, Amelia W., '14, Teacher Langmas, A. S., f, Asst. PLYMOUTH Saemann, Mabelle O., '09 PORTAGE Pond, Ethel C. (Mrs. E. J. Kallevang) '10 PORT EDWARDS Miller, R. N., g, Chem. WISCONSIN— Continued R-\CINE Funston, E. B., '92, Arch. Geist, H. F., '12, Engr. Kerr, B. M., '09, Draftsman Mautner, L. A., '11, Chem. RIVER FALLS Goble, L., g. Teacher Welles, W. S., '01, Teacher SHEBOYGAN Hoehnke, H. W.. '18, Arch. Stubenrauch, E. A., '18 SPARTA Kammlade, W. G., g, Instr. STANLEY Miller, D. S., '06, Teacher STEVENS POINT Beck, Florence M. (Mrs. T. L. McGlachlin) '00 SUPERIOR Palmer, G. M., '08, Prof. Robbins, F. A., '10, Prof. THIEDSISVILLE Seifert, H. F., '16, Farmer WALDO Louret, F., '17 WATERLOO Hiebel, L. B., '16, Land. Arch. WAUKESHA Dancey, L. S., '07, Prof. Lee, H. R., g, Chem. Schoen, E. J., f, Asst. WATJSAU Fairchild, Edna (Mrs. C. G. Pier) '99 WAUWATOSA Allen, L. L., '10, Phys. Chisholm, Estella F. (Mrs. A. Nydegger) '03 Hirsch, E. F., g, Phys. Shute, R. L., '10. Engr. Smith, F. A. C. f, Instr. Stephens, Laura A. (Mrs. R. L. Shute) 'lo Wanzer, J. M., '16, Business WEST ALLIS Hadley, H. L., '09, Engr. WHITEWATER Hulce, R. S., g, Instr. Schmidt, G. A.. '03, Teacher Worthen, Ella E. (Mrs. C. R. Maxwell) '04 BASIN Armeling, C. E., '04, Rancher Armeling, H. R., '06, Rancher Harris, C. E., '02, Phys. CASPER Scott, J. T., 'os. Business. Wegemann, C. H., f, Geo!. CHEYENNE Lummis, Jessie I., '02 Risser, Ruby B. (Mrs. C. A. Foreman) '06 CODY Sperling, G., '95, Engr. CREYBULL Dunning, F. W., '08, Insp. Findlay, J. S., '12 WYOMING LANDER Spriggs, J. J.. '03. Lawyer Vance, Edna C. (Mrs. J. J. Spriggs) '03 LARAMIE Kline, E. K., f, Prof. Nasmyth, H. D., f, Dir. POWELL Williams, T. T., '76, Farmer ROCK SPRINGS Moore, H. A., '10, Engr. Waterman, Louise H. (Mrs. P. D. Hess) '17 SIIKRIDAN Clarke, Carrie L. (Mrs. L. A. Blood) '09 Clarke, E. L., '02, Engr. Geographical Index 1093 FOREIGN COUNTRIES ANCHORAGE Hook, H. H., '06, Miner ALASKA ARMENIA EVEREK Kouyounijian, G. H., '16, Engr. AUSTRALIA COBAR NELSON Murphy, F. J., '97, Metallurgist Girault, A. A., f, Entoinol. MELBOURNE SIDNEY Griffin, W. B., "99, Arch. Simonds, E. F., f, Instr. INNSBRIUCK Kriegl, O., '17, Engr. LORECH Riacheff, I., '17 ALBERTA, BELLVUE Robert, L. P., '06, Engr. CALGARY Leverton, E. R., '04, Engr. DAYSLAND Noble, Isabella, '96 Noble, T., '03, Farmer EDMONTON Dillow, R. M., g KILLAM Strauch, O. F., '06, Rancher MARLBORO Klossowski, T. J., '97, Chem. BRITISH COLUMBIA THREE VALLEY Kasten, F. W., '05, Engr. VANCOUVER Hueckel, A. P., '08, Engr. Mueller, W. H., '05, Contr. Powers, H. J., '08, Contr. Ross, R. v., '07, Agt. Young, T. E., '09 VANCOUVER ISLAND Stevenson, L., g, Supt. WINNIPEG Danley, W. W., '93, Arch. Heinzelmann, J. H., '02, Instr. ONTARIO, COBOURG Smith, H. E., '16 COPPER CLIFF Stewart, C. S., '08, Engr. HAMILTON Bait, J. L., 'ii LONDON Neville, K. P. R., f. Prof. AUSTRIA BULGARIA LO VETCH E Gherganoff, P., '18 CANADA MANITOBA, ORILLIA Evans, E. R., '07, Mfr. OTTAWA Clark, K. A., g. Geologist Gilmore, R. E., g, Chem. STRATHROY Hudson, H. F., f, Entomol. TORONTO Billings, W. E., '09, Engr. Bradley, M. J., f, Asst. Gossett, J. E., '12, Mgr. Mylrea, T. D., '09, Engr. WELLAND Stone, C. N., '04, Mgr. WILTON GROVE Crawford, H. G. M., g, Entomol. QUEBEC, MONTREAL Coulter, J. H., '12, Engr. Hemmeon, J. C, f QUEBEC Van Zoeren, G. J., f, Asst. SHAWINIGAN FALLS Jaquet, G. E., '08, Mgr. SASKATCHEWAN, BIGGAR Collins, G. R., '01, Draftsman CRAIK Moore, L. A., '16, Farm Agt. ELROSE Williams, A. L., '13, Farmer ESTLIN Kinsey, A. R., '17, Farmer REGINA McAllister, H. T., '10 Wenger, E. I., f, Engr. SASKATOON Drennan, W. R., '09, Ins. I094 NICARAGUA. MANAGUA Lindberg, I. A. I., 'lo, Acct. PANAMA, CANAL ZONE Dexter, E. G., f. Educator Dubin, H., '15. Arch. University of Illinois CENTRAL AMERICA PANAMA, CANAL ZONE, ANCON Zetek, J., '11, EntomoL AUBUI IIsu, C. Y., g, Sec. CANTON Chang, L., g. Engr. Tue, J. H., 'is Lin. T. K., '17 Teng, K. T., '14 CAR YIN Chan, Y. Y.. 'iS CHEKIANG Chang, J. S., '17 Niu, T., '14 CHEKIANG PROVINCE Niu, Y. H., '16, Engr. HAICHOW Bennett, Ruth (Mrs. L. S. Morgan) '99 HANKOW Hall, E. L.. '08, Y. M. C. A. Sec. Woo, W. S., '13 HONAN Du, C, '18 HONG KONG Cheng, Y. T., '15, Mgr. Hsu, C, '12 Panhoe, H. A., '15, Engr. Shum, N. C, '14. Chem. SONGEE CITY Chen, Q. K.. '17 IDUNAN Shing, C. T.. '18 Tong, T. Y. C, '17 Wu, W. Y., '17 KIANGSI Lu, C. T., '16, Engr. KONG KONG Chang, T. T., '16 LANCHOW Ou, H. C. 'ii. Sec. LU CHOW FU Vautrin, Minnie, '12, Missionary KIANGSHA Lee, A. C, '17, Engr. KIANGSU Tsu, T. L., g KU SHI SHIN Chang, H. L., '17 KWANG TUNG Woo, Y., '17 MOUKDEN Lu, C. K., '17 NANCHANG Hsun, C. L., '17 Hsun, J. J., '17 NANKING Lee, M. L. T., g. Teacher Lee. T. N., '18 CHINA NANKING— Continued Pierce, Thirza M.. '11, Teacher Read, Nellie L. (Mrs. R. M. Ross) '01 Tao, W. T., g Tsou, Y. H., g. Prof. Wu, C. K., '13, Teacher PEKING Chen, L. S., '16 Chuang, T., '14, Instr. IIu, W. Y.. '00, Judge Mills, R. G., '03, Prof. Taylor, Ethel N. (Mrs. D. F. Higgins) '09, Missionary Tsiang, K. S., '10 Wang, C. C, g, Dir. Winston, A. P., f. Prof. Woo. T. T.. '13, Engr. Young, C. W., 97, Missionary Zhen, J. T. S., '10, Acct. Zucker, A. E., '12, Instr. SAMSHUI Everhart, P. H., '15, Custom Officer SHANGHAI Chen, K. Y., '13, Teacher Chien, S. S., '14. Instr. Boggs, H. F., '16 Dunlap. A. M., '06, Doctor Feng. K. K., '15, Engr. Gregory, A. W., f, Mgr. Halsey, Katherine C, g. Sec. Koo, V. T., '14, Engr. Ku, T. L., '14 Kurt. L. P., Jr.. '16, Merchant Lauphit, T., '18 Moh. H. Y., '13, Dir. Takahashi, M., g Ting-Fang, W., h. Diplomatist Tseng, Y. F., g Tu, T. W., '09, Engr. Wong, M. Y. H., 'iS Wong, W. F., '13, Actuary Yin, C. P.. '11, Mgr. Zee, J. J., '14, Engr. SHANTUNG Hsu, T. H., '14, Teacher SOOCHOW Wang, C. N., g SZECHWAN Moncrieff, J. E., g. Teacher TANGSHAN Yen, C. C, '13, Prof. TIENTSIN Liang, T. H., '15 TSIN-NAN Loh, P. K., '13, Teacher WEST CANTON Lee, Y. N., '14, Teacher WUCHINGHSIEN Hao. T. C. '16 YEN AN FU SHENSI Chang, V. C. '12. Field Dir. Geographical Index lOQS COSTA RICA SAN JOSE Moser, Olga F. (Mrs. U. S. Fitzpatrick) '13 CUBA CAMAQUEY Farrin, J. M., '02, Engr. CIENFUEGOS Van Rossen, G. (G. Van Rossen Hoogen- dijk) f, Chem. CLARA '18 SANTA BARBARA Francis, O. J., 'c SANTIAGO Arch. Fajardoy, Maymir E., '13, Engr. Portuondo, J. M., '12, Engr. Portuondo, M., '14 Rodriguez, A., NICOSIA Gennadius, P., 74 FOREST ROW Bryce, J., h, Ambassador LIVERPOOL Ray, A. J., '07, Engr. LONDON Fernie. Alison M., f, Teacher Girton, D. G., '12, Business Pease, H. M., '98, Engr. PARIS Brown, D. D., '04 Rossbach, E. J., '12, Mgr. ELBING Rahn, O., f, Mgr. AUX-CAYES Meyer, A. F., '17 GLEINWOOD Goff, R. A., 'is, Supt. HONOLULU Burgess, P. S., g, Chem. Lyman, L. T., '15, Mgr. Pung, W. S. C, '14, Draftsman Stickney. F. S.. g Yamamoto, S., '16 Yapp, J. F. O., 'is ARGARTOLA TIPPESAH Barman, S. C, '15 BENGAL Bose, P. K., '11, Chem. Chakravarty, A. C, '18 Nag, N. K., '16, Engr. BOLPUR Majumdar, S. C, '09, Teacher Raj', B. C, 'is CALCUTTA Dutt. M. L., '10. Instr. Sinha, S., '11, Prof. Tagore, R. N., '09, Mgr. Waterfall, H. W., f, Engr. DACCA Bose, K. K., '14, Lecturer CYPRUS ENGLAND MANCHESTER Higgins, F. W., '02, Chem. TREVIDDO Jasper, E. M., 'ii, Engr. TREVIDDO LISKEARD Jasper, T. M., '10, Engr. FRANCE GERMANY WURiTEMBURG Muller, J., '75, Business HAITI HAWAII KAILUA Strout, F. A., '00, Draftsman KEALAKEKUA Midkifl, J. II., '17, Food Comn. SCHOFIELD BARRACKS Clark, A. B., '07, Cashier INDIA SHANTINIKETAN BOLPUR Gangulee, N. N., '10, Agr. BOMBAY Barr, J., '02, Engr. INDORE CITY Shewade, V. Y., '12, Chem. KAVALI, NELLORE DIST. Bawden, S. D., '90, Mfr. LAHORE Virmani, D. D., g, Instr. LASHKAR Hill, Agnes G., '92. Missionary LUCKNOW Boggess, Edith E.. '15, Missionary Roy, S. K., '14, Farm Mgr. 1096 University of Illinois NAMTfU Philleo, G. W., '12, Engr. PARTANIVALI SIAL Chand, H., '15 NEUVA GERONA Snodgrass, W., '92, Orchardist ROME Gregory, Helen B., '77i Artist INDIA— Continued PITHORAGARH KUMAUN Hewes, G. C., '83, Evangelist PUNJAB Patlak, M. L., '16 ISLE OF PINES ITALY AICHIKEN Nakanishi, S., '18, Engr. CHIBA-MACHI lida, Y., g, Govt. Officer FUKUI Draper, Charlotte E. (Mrs. P. A. Smith) '02 Smith, P. A., '01, Missionary FUKUOKA Mise, K., g. Prof. HOKKAIDO Hattori, K., '12, Teacher IWAKI Mizuno, T., g JBARAKI-KEN Takashima, S., g KAGOSHIMA Yamada, Y., '18 KIOTO CITY Matoba, G. H., '18 KIMITZA Morita, H., '18 KOBE Hess, Charlotte (Mrs. R. Smith) '07 Smith, R., '02. Missionary KOCHI-KEN Nakayama, M., '17 KYOTO Asai.'S., '17 JAPAN MATSUMOTO Ohinata, C, '16 MORIOKA Fujimura, G., '11, Scientist MUKOGUM HYOGOKEN Taniyama, S., '09, Engr. OKAMADA Mikami, G., g OKAYAMA Nakada, K., '17 SENDAI Nicodemus, F. B., '09, Missionary SHIMODA Maki, I., '12, Teacher SHINGHU Murata, M., '17 TOKYO Abe, M., g, Engr. Furukawa, S., '13, Arch. lida, T., '13, Engr. Kishi, T., g, Engr. Mizoguchi, G., '14, Engr. Ogihara, T., '04 Sekine, S., '13, Engr. Sekine, S., '14, Engr. Shiga, Shigetsura, '93, Arch. Yuasa, H., g, Entomol. TOKYO-FU Inagaki, N., '14, Exporter VOKOHOMA Gamble, C. C, '15, Mgr. ANDONG Renich, E. A., '04, Missionary CHIHUAHOJA Enriquez, I. C, '10, Govt. Hobble, A. C, '01, Engr. Romero, C. N., '10, Farmer Salazar, J. U., '14 GUADALAJARA Escabosa, G. F., '13, Farmer MEXICO CITY Rodriguez. R. S., '06, Engr. Stewart, M. V., '01, Engr. MONTEREY Gonzalez, A. V., '07, Prof. PARRAL Olshansen, W. A. G., '86, Engr. KOREA MEXICO SABINAS HIDALGO De La Garza, R., '18 SALTILLO Abbott, T. S., '^^, Engr. Abbott, Theodora S., '11 Arizpe, J. D. V., '06 Garza, J. I., '10, Engr. TAMPICO Greenwood, H. P., '05, Bus. VERACRUZ Gonrley, L. H., '12, Consul loq; CHRISTIANA Gaarder, R. H. Solberg, L. P. 'i8, Mgr. '08 KEMPT SHORE Mosher, Edna g, Instr. TEHERAN Eleazarian, A. M., '15 BAUAN Orosa, V. Y., '11, Engr. CULION Sevilla, H., '08 ILOILO Beaty, F. M., '03, Teacher CABATUAN Confesor, V., '12, Engr. CEBU CEBU Borromeo, C. O., '15, Engr. FT. MILLS Buyers, A. S., '08, Captain ILOCOS NORTE Stipp, F. v., '13, Missionary JARO Lagniton, I. J., '11, Engr. CAGUAS Crum, Ethel, '07, Teacher MAYAGUEZ Carrero, J. O., '12, Chem. Geographical Index NORWAY NOVA SCOTIA TRURO Truenian, J. M., f. Prof. PERSIA PHILIPPINE ISLANDS JARS ILOILO Jalandoni, J. L., '13 MANILA Arguelles. A. S., '09, Chem. Franks, C. W., '01, Supt. Schs. Hilario, J. F., '08, Customs Service Hill, A. J., g. Lawyer McComb, D. Q., '10, Chem. Morse, Jessie, '14 Noon, J. A., '13, Prin. Sanvictores. J. G., '08, Agt. Smolt, F. O., '91, Chem. Wilson, Willabelle B. (Mrs. C. V. Powers) '08 MARINDUQUE Larracas, F. V., '08, Engr. OCCIDENTAL De La Rama, J., '08 PORTO RICO PUNTA Van Petten, A. A., '07, Engr. SAN JUAN ?urton, E. K., '11, Mgr. Frazer, O. B., '08, Lawyer PORTUGAL COIMBRA Olson Florence A. (Mrs. W. H. Stallings) Stallings, W. H., Jr., g. Stud. Sec. SOUTH AFRICA CEDARA POTCHEFSTROOM Haines, G. C, g, Entomol. Reinecke, T. G. W., g, Lecturer CHIKORE ORANGE FREE STATE Dysart, J. P., '06, Missionary Morkel, W. A. K., '15, Teacher EAST LONDON Woolf, H. S., '15 JOHANNESBURG Kummer, L., '10, Elec. Treu, M. R. H.. '16 LADYBRAND Hall, E. H., '18 Hall, T. D., '14, Instr. BUENOS AIRES Basadre, F., '14, Engr. Fook, E. A.. '16, Insp. Mullen, C. J., '12 POTOSI Moote, P. T., '16, Engr. .MULDER'S VLEI Ross, J. C, g, Chem. VRYBURG Ceiling, E. M. K., g, Agr. SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA CHASCOMIS Sumtiy, F. J., '10, Engr. RAMOS MEJIA Sumay, 01 J., '09, Engr. BOLIVIA ioqS University or Illinois SOUTH AMERICA— Continued BRAZIL CASSIA MINAS , PAVANA Teixeira, E. A., '17, Engr. da Costa, M. F., '16 LAS PAULO RIO DE JANEIRO de Lima. M. F., '16 Couto, L. S., '16, Engr. MANAOS SAO PAULO Howser, T R., '08, Engr. de Souza, J. C, '17 Karnopp, E. B., '04. Engr. Hempel, A.. '95, Entomol NATAL Green, E. C f. Farmer CHILE CHUQUICOMATA SANTIAGO Bennitt, R. A., '13, Engr. Barclay, T. H., '91, Chem. Brooks, Clara M. (Mrs. R. A. Bennitt) '12 Hufter, C. M., g, Astronomer RANCAGUA Ka.ine. VV. J., '06, Mfr. Post, R. E., '06. Engr. PARAGUAY ASUNCION A'allejos, E. E., '11 URUGUAY MONTEVIDEO Conard. P. A., '01, Y. M. C. A. Sec. Smith, Florence M. (Mrs. P. A. Conard) '99 SPAIN BARCELONA Bach-y-Rita, P., f, Asst. Watrous, C. B., '05, Mgr. SYRIA BEIRUT Nickoley, E. F., '98, Teacher Rhoads, Emma M. (Mrs. E. F. Nickoley) '99 TURKEY PALESTINE, NAZARETH Farah, S. R.. '16 INDEX TO ALUMNI Dead. h Honorary Alumnus g Graduate Alumnus '85 300 405 S. C. Kath- S18 '08 Aagaard, G. H., 518 Aaron, P. J., 108 Abbott, A. N., 40 Abbott, A. N., 40s Abbott, A. W., 444 Abbott, B. T., 405 Abbott, Edwina E. Abbott, E. L., 32 Abbott, Frances D., 367 Abbott, Helen, 481 Abbott, H. G., 706 Abbott, L. A., 562 Abbott, Ruth, 173 Abbott, S. D., 481 Abbott, Theodora S Abbott, T. S., 12 Abbott. W. L., 36 gAhe, M., 742 Abell. R. E., 193 Abernathy. Mrs. (See Roberts, leen A.) Abney, B., 518 Abney, M. D., 444 Abrams, D. A., 21 Abrams, Ella, 655 *Abry, B. B., 127 Acer, D. W., 518 Acer, H. A.. 444 Acer, Katharine E., Ackemann, H. C, 330 Ackerson, Esther M., 655 Ackert, Alice N,, 706 Ackert, J. E., 330 Ackert, Mrs. J. E. (See Tanner, Florence M.) Adams, A. M., 655 *Adams, C. F., 32 Adams, E. B., 300 ♦Adams, E. P., 518 *Adams, E. L., 90 Adams, L. H., 240 Adams, Leota V., 706 Adams, Mary O., 562 Adams. Nettie, 12 *Adams, O. C, 127 Adams, W. C., 562 Adams, W. D., 706 Adams, Mrs. W. H. (See Strehlow, Cornelia E.) ^Adams, W. S., 742 gAdler, F. H. H., 742 Adler, L., 655 Adriance. Rhoda, 444 Adsit, B. W., 140 Adsit, Mrs. B. W., (See Jones, Louise) Agg, Sarah, 655 Agnew, Beulah I., 655 Agnew, R., 218 *Ahrens, Anna W., 156 Ainsworth, H. F., 562 Ainsworth, H. G.. 562 Ainsworth, Madalane Z., .706 Ainsworth, W. W., 444 Akers, Deborah C., 300 gAkers, Miriam C, 742 Akers, M. K., 218 gAkin. Ida E., 742 Alarco, J. M., 127 Alband, Laura, 562 Alband, Lillian M., 481 Albaugh, H. L., 655 '18 Albaugh, Kathryn R., 706 '18 Albee, C. L., 706 'is Albin, H. C., 562 '12 Albrecht, A. j., 444 '16 Albrecht, D. A., 60s '11 Albrecht, W. A., 40s ^Albright, Mrs. O. R. (See Hoover, Ada V.) '14 Allbright, R. B., si8 '13 Albright, R. H., 481 '14 Alden, J. L., 518 '14 Alden, Mrs. J. L. (See Wright. Bernice) '04 Aldrich, Blanche, 193 '13 Aldrich, H. G., 481 '14 Aleshire, Sarah L., 519 '16 Alexander, J. A., 60s '12 Alkire, Hazel E., 444 '16 Allais. Eugenie, 60s '11 Allan, W. S., 405 '08 Allen, A., 300 "16 Allen, Alice A., 606 '01 Allen, A. M., 140 '04 Allen, A. W., 193 '05 Allen, Mrs. A. W. (See Stedman, Angeline J.) gAWen, C. H., 742 77 *Allen, C. W., 12 12 Allen, E. D.. 444 12 Allen, Mrs. E. H. (See Van Cleve, Edith J.) 03 Allen, Edith L., 143 05 Allen, E. R., 240 16 Allen, E. V.. 606 07 Allen, F. E., 267 01 Allen, F. G., 140 16 Allen, F. O., 606 II Allen, G. B., 406 05 Allen, Grace M., 218 18 Allen, Hester A., 707 81 Allen, Mrs. J. A. (See Lawrence, Nettie E.) 13 Allen, L., 481 17 Allen, Lucy E., 6S5 10 Allen, L. L., 367 OS Allen, L. T., 218 03 Allen, Mae L., 173 05 Allen, Mary E., 219 15 Allen, O. W., 562 05 Allen, P.. 219 11 Allen, Mrs. P. (See . Hatch, Edith I.) 16 Allen, P. G., 606 76 Allen, R., 10 12 Allen, R., Jr., 444 13 Allen, Ruby, 481 10 Allen, R. C, 406 14 Allen. R. C., 519 17 Allhands, C. L., 655 03 Allin, Eugenia, 173 06 *Allinson, May, 240 13 Allison, C. W., 481 06 Allison, F. G., 240 07 Allison, Mrs. F. G. (See Kerr, Josephine) 06 Allison, H. O., 240 81 *Allison, J. G., 24 06 Allison, I. D., 240 03 Allison, Mrs. I. D. (See Hoff, Edna D.) 16 Allison, W. A., 606 09 Allum, Mrs. G. F. (See Lloyd, Nell E.) 17 Allyn, Hester A., 6s5 1099 '03 Allyn, Mrs. O., (See Gil- kerson, Frances E.) '12 Allyn, O. M., 444 '18 Almond, H. H., 707 '09 Almy, L. H., 330 '10 Almy, W. H., 406 '11 Almy, Mrs. W. H. (See Baird, Florence) '96 Alpiner, Amelia D., 90 '02 Alspach, F. A., 156 '10 Altekruse, I. B., 367 '18 Altpeter, Mabel G., 707 '06 Alverson, Eva L., 240 'ro *Alverson, Grace M., 367 '09 Alverson, Maude L., 331 '18 Alverson, Ruth A., 707 M'vord, C. W., 742 '16 Alvord. Genevieve R., 606 '17 Alwood, C. G., 655 '06 Alyea, Mrs. C. J. (See Van Meter, Helen J.) '16 Alyea. M. C. V. (See Van Alyea, M. C.) '00 Ambler, Sarah, 127 '16 Amborn, Louise, 606 '14 Ambrose, A. S., 519 '17 Ambruster, J. R., 6ss '09 Ames, A. W., 331 '17 Ames, W. B., 6ss gAmmerman, C., 743 '16 Amos, D. J., 606 '06 Amrine. T. H., 240 '14 Amsbary, H. A., 519 'i6 Amsbary, P. D.,. 606 '15 Amsbary. Mrs. P. D. (See Sutcliffe, Marjorie S.) ^Amsterdam, H., 743 '14 Anderle, E. J., 519 '05 Anders, E., 219 '06 Anderson, Augusta, 240 '15 Anderson, A. J. A., S62 'lo Anderson, A. L., 367 '15 Anderson, Mrs. A. N. (See Neville, Florence E.) '11 Anderson, A. R., 406 ^Anderson, B. A., 743 '15 Anderson, B. F., 562 '18 Anderson, Birdina M., 707 '07 Anderson, B. T., 267 '06 Anderson, Mrs. B. T. (See Bradley, Tirzah V.) '11 Anderson, C. E., 406 '13 Anderson, C. F., 481 '98 Anderson, C. G., 108 'is Anderson, C. J., 563 '18 Anderson, C. L., 707 '14 Anderson, C. S., si9 '11 Anderson, C. T., 406 '17 Anderson, C. W.. 656 '18 Anderson, Edla V., 707 '18 Anderson, E. W., 707 '09 Anderson, Florence E., 331 '97 Anderson, G. F., 98 '08 Anderson, G. H., 300 '12 Anderson, G. V., 444 '99 *Anderson, H., 117 "10 Anderson, H. B., 367 '09 Anderson, H. F., 331 ^Anderson, H. W., 743 'is Anderson, I., 563 '13 Anderson, Isabella, 481 IIOO University of Illinois '04 Anderson, J. E., 193 '15 '14 Anderson, J. H., 519 '07 '15 Anderson, Mrs. J. 11. '03 (See Smith, Gladvs M.) '18 Anderson, Jennie t., 707 '15 '05 Anderson, L. L., 219 '04 '75 Anderson, Laura M., 6 *03 Anderson, Mary, 173 '17 '09 Anderson, M. J., 331 '11 '17 Anderson, Olive, 656 '14 '16 Anderson, O. H.. 606 '98 '14 Anderson, Rena, 519 '02 '10 Anderson, R. A. M., 367 '93 '18 Anderson, R. B., 707 '13 ^Anderson, S. H., 743 '11 '15 Anderson, W. F., 563 '09 '14 Anderson, W. S., 519 '17 Anderson, W. W., 656 '10 'is Anderson, W. W., 563 '01 *i7 Anderson, Mrs. W. W. '17 (See Smith, Gladys) '01 '07 Andree, J. W. S., 267 'is Andresen. H. H. L., 563 'oS '06 Andrew, C. E., 240 '17 '14 Andrews, C. B., 519 'iS '93 Andrews, H. F., 68 '16 '16 Andrews, H. L., 606 '15 'is Andrews, J. A., 563 '13 Andrews, J. B. 481 '14 '18 Andrews, Mary A.. 707 'S3' '13 Andrews, Peach H., 4S1 '09 '16 Andrews, R. C 606 '00 '18 Andrews, Ruth H., 707 '13 Andrews. \V. O., 4S1 '10 '13 Andrews, W. B.. 481 '12 ^Andronescu, D. D., 743 '04 '18 Andrus, Dora A., 29 '15 'is* Angarola, M. L., 563 '13 '10 Angerstein, T. C, 367 '13 '14 Antliony, C. B., 519 'oS ^Anthony, Mamie E., 743 '06 II Anthony, W. C, 406 '12 '18 Antoszewski, R. H., 707 '14 '12 Apgar, L. M., 444 '18 '00 Appelquist, J. G., 127 '16 '03 Apple. C. E"., 174 '13 '14 Apple, C. H., 519 '03 '16 Apple, Mrs. C. H. (See '04 Korth. Frieda E.) 'oS '07 Apple, Ghloe M., 268 '06 '14 Applegate, A. A., 520 '14 '12 Applegate,. Mrs. A. A '17 (See Robinson, Grace '16 M.) 'oS '08 Applegate, Anna M., 300 '06 Applegate, F. G., 341 '15 '11 Applegate. V. L.. 406 '07 '93 Arbciter. G. T., 68 '07 '16 Arber. F. V., 606 '12 Arbuckle. G. S., 444 '15 '07 Archer, A. \V., 268 '84* '06 Archer, C. L., 241 '16 '17 Arends, A. B., 656 '18 Arends. Annis L., 707 '10 Arends, F. G.. 367 '07 Argraves, A. J., 268 '16 '00 Arguelles, .\. S., 331 '17 '06 Arizpe, J. D. V., 241 '14 '04 Armeling. C. E., 193 '82 '06 Armeling, H. R.. 241 'i~ '18 Armington, Clara G.. 707 '10 '15 Armington, Dorothy M., 'oS S63 '01 Armitage. T. H., 140 '06 'is Armour, P. F.. 563 '15 '15 Armour, Mrs. P. F. (See 'ii Marbold, Margaret A.) '17 '9S Arms, H. C.. 83 '84 '11 Arms. J. L., 406 '03 '17 Armstrong. Alice N.. 656 '85 '05 Armstrong, C. E., 219 '86 '15 Armstrong, Delia, 563 '09 Armstrong, F. H., 117 '88 '81 Armstrong. J. E., 24 '97 Armstrong, J. E., 98 '17 Armstrong, J. H., 656 '12 Armstrong, Louise C, 445 Armstrong, L. F.. S63 Armstrong. Maud G.. 268 Armstrong, Mrs. R. H. (See Swezey, Anne D.) Armstrong, W. C, 563 Armstrong, Mrs. W. C. (See Navlor. Helen A.) Arndt. P. "W., 656 Arnold, C. N.. 406 Arnold, H. C, 520 Arnold, J. J.. 108 Arnold, i-illian B., 157 * Arnold, Marv E., 68 Arnold, N., 482 Arnold, R., 406 Arnold, R. H., 331 gArnold, R. M., 744 Arnold, W. H., Jr., 367 Arnold. W. W., 140 Arntzen, Igna I., 656 Arps, Mrs. G. F. (See Black. Alice M.) Arthur, R. S., 300 Asai, S., 6s6 - Ash, J. L.. 707 Ashbeck, W. L., 606 Ashbeck, Mrs. W. L. (See Hartford, Naomi R.) Ashburn, C. M., 520 • Ashby. Lida XL, 32 Ashdown. E. H., 331 Ashley, Harriet E., 127 gAshlev, June M., 744 Ashley, L. E. C, 368 Ashton, Pearl W., 44s Askins, A. E., 193 Atkins. E. L., 563 Atkinson, A. K., 482 Atkinson, F. M., Jr., 4S2 Atkinson, H. J., 300 Atkinson, Helen M., 241 Atteberry, C. \V., 44s Attebery, Clara M., 520 Attebery. Hazel, 708 Attebery, H. F., 606 Atwood. C. .v., 482 Atwood, J. T., 174 Atwood, L. P., 75 Atwood, P. W., 300 Augustinus. P.. 241 Augustus, E. K., S20 Augustus, Lalah M., 656 Augustus. R. E., 606 Atumer, J. P., 300 gAustin, Alice L., 744 Austin, B. S., 56^ .Austin, C. C, 268 Austin, Mrs. C. C. (See Mackay, Sarah D.) Austin. H. E., S64 ^ Austin, T.. 36 Austin, Mrs. J. C. (See Cuthbert, Dorothy L.) gAustin, M. M.. 744 ^Austin, Vida A., 744 Auten, T. T., 607 Avery. G. T., 656 Avery, J. M.. 520 Avery, Kittie C, 29 Averv. R. A.. 656 Avev, D. M.. 368 Avey, Mrs. D. M. (See Newcomb, Jessie R.) Awsumb, G., 241 Axelson, Alice G., 364 Axelson, Aphyld T., 406 Axline, E. S., 656 Ayers, .\nnetta, 36 Ayers. Grace, 68 Ayers, J. F.. 40 Ayres. Laura B., 43 .C.^vres, Zalda M., 744 Babb, Mrs. T. (See Con- net. Ella) ^Babbitt. A.. 744 ^Babbitt, H. E.. 744 Babcock, C. L., 75 'iS g '15 '13 Babcock, D., 656 Babcock, G. H., 36 Babcock, Jennie M., 607 Babcock, \V. A., 43 Bach, Bculah W., 445 Bach, R., 482 Hacli, T. W., 301 Bacher, H. R., 564 Bachmann, F., 368 Bacon. H., 68 Bacon, Katharine L, 22 Bacon, L. F., 241 Bacon, R, H.. 607 *Bacon, Mrs. R. H. (Sec Bolen, Mabel H.) Bade, C. H., 564 i'Bade, C. W., 744 Bader, W. J.. 157 Badger. Eunice L., 708 Badger. H. S., 482 Baechler. Matilda M., 708 Baechtold, Elsie L,, 607 Bacr, D. A., 193 Baer, F. E., 406 Bagby, F. C. 268 Bagley. G. D.. 44s Bagusin. A. M., S64 Bailey, Mrs. A. D. (See Carey. Alice) •Bailey. D. H.. 140 Bailev, E. H., 368 Bailev, E. W.. 708 Bailey, E. W., 744 •Bailey, J. W.. 564 Bailey. R. E., 482 Bailey, L. F.. 564 .eBailey. Margaret L., 745 *BaiIey, S. G., 29 Bailev, T. S., 319 /iBailey, W. T., 82s Bailev, W. t., 193 Bailie, R. M., 520 Bain. W. B.. 607 Baincs, Alice E,, S20 Baincs, O. R., 44s Bainum, G. C, 482 ijBair, W. H.. 745 Baird, Bertha S., 407 Baird, Ethel M.. 482 Baird, Florence, 407 Baird, Grace J., 241 Baird. J. H., 331 Baird, T. M., 301 Baird, L. P.. 268 Baker, Adaline M., 157 Baker, A. M. M.. Jr.. 564 Baker. Amelia W., S20 Baker, C. F., 268 Baker, Mrs. C. F. (See Gibbs. Charlotte M.) gBaker, C. J., 74s Baker. C. P.. 407 Baker. Mrs. D. R. (See Hill. Wilnia M.) Baker. E. J., 16 Baker, E. J., 407 Baker, Eleanor M., 241 Baker, H. N.. 268 *Bak-er, H. \V., 140 Baker. G., 656 Baker, G. C, 6s6 Baker, Imo E., 219 Baker. I. O., s Baker, I. W.. 219 •Baker, Kittie M., 25 Baker, L., 174 Baker, Laura M., 44s Baker, O. H., 268 ^Baker. R. E., 745 Baker; R. L., 269 Baker, Ruth M., 331 Baker, W. E., 607 Baker, Z. F., 127 Bakhshi, S.- R.. 607 Balch, Eva. 269 Balch, Nellie A.. 708 Balcom. H. C. 368 Index to Alumni 'i8 Balderson, T. A., 708 '11 Baldwin, Ada L., 407 *oi Baldwin, Aneta, 140 '12 Baldwin, E. R., 445 '09 Baldwin, F. B., 331 '06 Baldwin, F. D., 241 ^Baldwin, F. M.. 745 '16 Baldwin, Janet C, 607 '08 Baldwin, Jessie C, 301 '16 Baldwin, L. S., 607 '17 Baldwin, Margaret H., 657 '12 Baldwin, Mayme A., 445 '10 Balis, W. H., 368 '16 Balkema. Sally, 607 '07 Ball, J. D., 269 '17 Ball, Mary E., 657 '08 Ball, R. L., 301 gBall, T. R., 745 gBallans, Anna M., 74s '07 Ballantyne, G. H., 269 '78 "Ballard, C. K., 16 '04 Ballard, W. S., 193 ^Ballew, Margaret E., 745 '04 *Ballinger, R. A., 193 '76 *Ballou, E. L., 10 '10 Ballou, Mrs. F. H. (See Young, Rose J.) '14 Ballou, J. L., 520 gBalzer, G. J., 745 '18 ■ Bamesberger, Velda C 708 '15 Bane, F. M., 564 '12 Bane, Geneva M., 445 '12 Bane, Juliet L., 445 '06 Bannan, J. L., 241 '11 Bannister, B., 407 '86 Bannister, G. S., 43 '11 Bannister, J. C, 407 '11 Bannister, K., 407 '08 Bannon, Winifred A., 301 '06 Banschbach, Litta C, 241 '06 Bansfield, Mrs. M. O. (See Brown, Mandelle T.) '02 Barackman, G. B., 157 '92 Barber, Alice M., 64 '84 *Barber, Ella V., 36 '07 Barber, H. H., 269 '14 Barber, H. T., 520 '16 Barber, J. K., 607 '13 Barber, Julia M., 482 '13 Barber, L. C., 482 '14 Barber, P. C., 520 '92 Barber, W. D., 64 '84 Barbour, H. H., 36 '85 *Barbour, Mrs. H. H. (See Wright, Minnie S.) '14 Barbre, C., 520 '91 Barclay, T. H., 60 '87 Barclay, W., 47 '06 Bard, J. W., 242 '15 Barden, H. E., 564 '01 Bardwell, Faith L., 140 '16 Bardwell, Laura A., 607 '09 Bardwell, R. C., 332 '08 Bardwell, Mrs. R. C.,(See McCaskey, Wendla J.) '10 Bardwell, R. W., 368 '11 Bardwell, Mrs. R. W. (See Smith, Gertrude C.) '04 Bareuther. Mrs. R. A. (See Slocum, Mary J.) gBarger, Panzy L., 745 '07 Barger, T. M., 269 '14 Bargh, G. H., 520 '11 Bargola, J. A., 407 '06 Barickman, R. E., 242 'is Barker, B. A., 564 '17 Barker, E. F., 657 '92 Barker, J. K., 64 '08 Barker, L. B., 301 '94 Barker, L. W., 75 'os Barker, Mary E., 219 '04 Barker, P., 193 11 Barkley, Mrs. G. C. (See Burrell, Ethel N.) 15 Barkman, C. P., 564 17 Barkstorm, E. C, 657 08 Darloga, D. F., 301 gBarlow, B., 746 15 Barlow, R. L., 564 15 Barman, S. C 564 75 *Barnard, D. E., 6 OS Barnard, Leia E., 219 75 Barnes, A. E., 7 IS Barnes, A. L., 564 81 Barnes, Bertha E., 25 82 Barnes, C. C, 29 17 Barnes, E. C., 657 17 *Barnes, H. J., 657 17 Barnes, Helen M., 657 18 Barnes, Mary G., 708 88 Barnes, Mary L., 49 gBarnes, Mildred, 746 15 Barnes, Nell. 564 16 Barnes, O. A., 607 16 Barnes, R. D., 608 17 Barnes, Mrs. R. D. (See Anderson, Olive) 18 Barnes, Ruth L., 708 15 Barnes, R. O., s6s 18 Barnes, Winifred, 708 01 Barnett, A. F., 140 09 Barnett, Mrs. C. O. (See Nuckolls, Mary E.) 16 Barnett, 'Mrs. J. H. (See Taggart, Clementine) 07 Barnett, W. F., 269 05 Barnhart, C. A., 219 08 Barnhart, Edna P., 301 06 Barnhart, J. M., 242 14 Barnhart, Mrs. (See Mc- Gee, Edna A.) Barr, Mrs. A. (See Call, Hortense) Barr, G. A., 98 Barr, J., S5 Barr, J., 157 Barr, N. R., 407 gBarr, O. A., 746 Barr, Susan J., 242 Barradell, A. E., 407 15 Barreau, A. M., 565 10 Barrett, Agnes, 368 03 Barrett, C. V., 174 86 *Barrett, D. H., 44 93 Barrett, E. E., 69 17 Barrett, F. N., 6s7 00 Barrett, G. F., 127 08 Barrett, J. L., 301 03 Barrett, J. T., 174 12 Barrett, O. G., 445 11 Barrett, Sarah A., 407 14 Barrick, Nellie E., 520 15 Barrickman, Mrs. R. I., (See Alband, Laura) 15 Barringer, Edna, 565 15 Barron, A. F., 565 9S Barry, C, 83 -7 *Barry, C. H., 12 77 Barry, Frank, 13 02 Barry, Mrs. H. B. (See Reasoner, Clara B.) 18 Barry, Jennis E., 708 12 Barry, Mary C, 44s 08 Bartells, E. J., 301 08 Bartells, G. C., Jr., 301 13 Bartells, H. H., 482 17 Bartels, Minnie, 6s7 16 Bartels, Nellie F., 608 07 Barter, Ada J., 269 04 Barter, H. H., 193 16 Earth, E. F., 608 10 Barth, G. A. C, 368 09 Barth, O., 332 84 *Bartholf, E. G., 36 84 Bartholf, W. J., 36 18 Bartholomew, Ruth P., 708 16 Bartholow, J. S., 608 95 06 16 Bartholow, Mrs. J. S. (See Weinberg, Flora J.) 93 Bartlett, H. E., 69 18 Bartlett, H. O., 708 16 Bartley, J. S., 608 14 Bartling, H. W., 521 06 Barto, D. O., 242 16 Barto, Harriet T., 608 17 Barto, Margaret M., 657 06 Barto, P. S., 242 06 Barto, Mrs. P. S. (See Webb. Anna V. D.) OS Barton, Olive L., 220 11 Barton, P. L., 407 09 Barton, Mrs. W. D. (See Matthews, Bessie G.) 07 Barton, W. E., 269 14 Basadre, F., 521 05 Bascom, G. R.. 220 06 Bascom, Mrs. G. R. (See Banschbach, Litta C.) 13 Bascome. B. S., 482 10 Bashen, G. B., 368 14 Bass, G. W., 521 OS Bass, W. J., 220 12 Bassett, C. W., 44s 02 Bassett, H., 157 11 Bassett, J. 13., 407 80 Batchelder. Augusta, 22 02 Bates, T. S., 157 05 Bates. "Mrs. M. C. (See Bullard, Helen E.) 06 Bates, R. P., 242 12 Bates, S. C, 445 ^Bates, S. J., 746 17 Battaile, Sallie C, 657 05 Batterson, Mayme A., 301 17 Battey, B. R. Jr., 657 17 Battey, Zilpha C, 657 17 Bauder, L. A., 657 08 Bauer, A. H., 301 06 Bauer, Effie L., 242 09 Bauer, F. C, 332 13 Bauer, Mrs. F. C. (See Garrett, Louise W.) 11 Bauer, F. S., 408 12 Bauer, F. W., 446 14 Bauer. H. L., 521 14 Bauer, L. M., 521 11 *Bauer, O. A., 408 04 Bauer, R. S., 194 12 Baum, A. E., 446 95 Baum, H. W., 83 13 Bauman, L. P., 483 13 Bauman, Mrs. L. P. (See Combe, Eleanor M.) 94 Baumann, O., 76 12 Baumann, T. A., 446 14 Baumgarten, A. W., 521 gBaumgartner, Rachael A., 746 08 Baxter, C. B., 302 II Baxter, Florence G., 408 06 Baxter, M. E., 242 03 Baxter. Mrs. M. E. (See Martin, Grace) 14 Baxter, V. B., 521 99 *Bayard, S. M., 117 gBayley, P. L., 746 14 Beach, Amy A., 521 81 Beach, B. E., 25 81 Beach, Mrs. B. E. (See Macknet, Metta M. I.) 09 Beach, B. M., 332 05 Beach, C, W., 83 88 *Beach, Etta L., 49 16 Beach, F. H., 608 15 Beach, Mrs. F. H. (See Stipp, Blanche) 06 Beach, H. C, 242 96 Beach, J. G., 90 01 Beach, Laura M.. 60 gBeach, W. S., 746 S8 Beadle, J. G., 49 97 Beadle. T. B., 98 97 Beal, A. C, 98 •oS Beal, D. M., 302 Beal. W. H., 608 Beall, C. VV., 446 Beall, J. P.. 56s Bean. C. H., i74 Bean, Elsie M., 242 Bean, Lillian B., 658 Bear, A. L., 302 Bear, C. R., 708 Bear, E. R.. t74 Bear, Katherine W., i74 Bear, L. R.. 368 Beard, W. P., 565 Beardsley, Eleanor M., 269 Beardsley, G. D., 332 „ Beardsley, Mrs. H. M. (See Davis, Marietta) Beardsley, Mrs. J. E. (See Rohbins, Ruth) Beardsley, J. W., 56 Beardsley, W. M.. 20 Beasley, D. Edythe, 108 Beasley, H. E., 76 Beattie, G. W., 521 gBeattie. H. J., 746 gBeatty, A. J., 746 Beatty. E. C. O., 608 Beatty, O. C, 708 Beatv, F. M., 174 Beaubien, W. P., 608 Beauford. May A., 242 Beaumont. G. S., 521 Bebb, E. A., 608 Bebb, F., 608 Bebb, H., 368 Bebb, Mrs. H. (See Howe, Mary) Bebb, K.. 446 Bebb, Mabel, 446 Bebb, M. R., 483 "Beck, C, 220 gBtck, C. B., 746 Beck, Florence M., 127 Beck, H. C, 40S Beck. Mrs. J. B. (See Goebel, Louise) •Beck, T. P., 26q Beck, Martha S,, 5^5 ^Beck, Mary L., 746 Beck, Ruth M.. 708 Beck, R. O.. 332 Bcckemever, O. W., 269 gBecker, A. J., 747 Becker, L. M., 609 Becker, M. L., 483 Becker, P., 658 Becker, W. H., 658 Beckerley. G. F., 117 Beckington, Olive R.. 446 Becknian. .T. P.. i74 Beckwith F., 64 i'Bedicnt, Ethel L., 747 Bcebe, C. D., 99 Beebe, C. K., .S2i Becbe, F. A., 83 Beebe, Florence J., i.S7 Beeby. Mrs, F. F. (See Hall. Ethel L.) Beecher, H. B., 408 i;Beekley, J. S., 747 Beem, F. C, 108 Beenier, A. VV., 3f^9 Beers, CJr., 446 Beers, L. F., 174 Beers, O. E., 658 Begole, J. F.. 90 Behel, W. A.. 65S Behr. H. R., 609 Behrensmeyer. G. P., 69 Behrensmevcr, Helen, 609 Beifuss. E. L., 565 Beinlich, B. A.. 369 Bell. A. T.. 140 Bell, E. D., 56s Bell. E. D. F.. 141 Bell, Edith M., 709 University of Illinois Bell, C. M., 369 Bell, H. E., 369 gBell. J. E., 747 ^ „ Bell, Mrs. J. E. (See Retz. Rosalie M.) Bell, K. C, 609 Bell, L. R., 521 Bell, Marian C, 243 Bl'II, Mary. S65 Bell, Norma t., 658 Bell, R. L., 322 Bellamy, A., 25 Belnap, N. D., 521 Belshaw, C: F., 609 Bclslev, B. R., 446 Belt, j. H.. 446 Beltins:, C. H., 446 Belting, Flora P. M., 220 Belting. P. E., 446 Belts, C, 270 Beltz, J. S., 609 Bench. A. R., 243 *Benefiel, Eva M., 332 Benjamin, F. P., 302 Benjamin. H. W., S21 Benjamin, M. G., 522 Benjamin, Mrs. R. B. (See Erskine, Nellie) Benner, A. J., 565 Benner, W. T., 563 Bennett, A. N., 270 Bennett, C. 53 i'Bennett, C. E., 747 Bennett, C. S., 446 Bennett, Edith P., 127 ^Bennett. Elizabeth R., 747 Bennett, F, L., 609 Bennett, F. M.. 53 Bennett, Mrs. F. M. (See Barber. Alice M.) Bennett, Georgiana E., 90 Bennett, H, C., 332 Bennett, Hazel M.. 609 Bennett, Mrs. M. E. (See Wheeler, Mary M.) Bennett, Nancy L., 522 Bennett, Ruth, 117 Bennett, R., 117 , Bennett, Sarah, 65 Bennett. Stella, 175 Bennett, S. A., 446 Bennett, W. H,, 565 Bennett, W. L.. 157 Bennitt. R. A.. 483 Bennitt. Mrs. R. A. (See Brooks. Clara M.) Benson, A. C, 220 Benson, A. E.. 565 Benson. Mrs. E. (See Lin- nell, Carrie E.) Benson. Mrs. E. C. (See Gere, Helen B.) *Benson. E. M., 56 Benson, J. P., 40S '16 R,. 104 sail 1., Benson. J. R.. Benson, Susan T., 609 Bent. C. H.. 270 Bent. Mrs. C. H. (See Baker. Inio E.) Bentley. Beulah B., 709 jrBentley, R. C, 747 Bentlev, R. L., 522 Benton, F. S., 408 Bentz, C. L., 609 Berg, B. C, 609 i'Bergeim. O.. 747 Berger, Adda E.; 40S Berger. Cora, 709 Berger. F. E., 483 Berger, .T. M.. 175 Berger, W.. 483 Bercert, H. A., 243 Bergland, F, H,, 522 i'Bergman, C. J., 747 Bergmann, A. L., 522 Bergmann. F.. 565 Berkema, I. J., 3f>9 Berkemeyer, W. C, 446 Berlin, Marie V., 609 Bernard, L. C, 522 Berner, L. R., 709 Bernhardt, Josephine E., 609 Bernhardt, Pearl A. M., 566 Berninger, Harriet J., 566 Bernreuter, W., 369 Berns, M. A., 369 Bernstein, L. S.. 408 Berolzheimer, Hannah B., 369 Berolzheimer, S. M., 302 Berolzheimer, Teresa R., 302 Berry, E. H., 108 •Berry, E. H., 522 gBerry, H. B., 747 Berry. R. C, 309 Berwald. C. H., 566 Besore, Hazel, 30J Besore, Nellie, 90 Best, Mrs. H. W. (See VVilliamson, Florence) •Bethel, C. H., 270 Betts, D. R., 220 Beust. C, 709 •Bevan, Mrs. C. J. (See Chesnut, Jennette S-) Bevans. Mary M., 194. Bevans, T. A. M., 117 Bevis, A. L., 6io Bevis. D. G., 332 Beyer, Elizabeth G., 610 Beyer, G. F., 270 •Beyer. Mrs. O. S. (See Schoepperle, Katherine) '15 Beyer, Vera. 566 '09 Beyrer, W. H., 332 '09 Bickel, Mary A., 333 '04 Bicket, Mrs. H. S. (See McClure. Elizabeth D.) '14 Bicknell, Fay H., 522 ^Biegler. P. S., 747 'iS Bierbauni, E. A., 709 '12 Biester. Alice, 447 •17 Bigel, W. Jr., 658 99 Bigelow, Mary C, 117 "ii Biggs, J. D., 408 '15 Bigler, H. E., 566 •16 Bigler, Mrs. H. E. (See Mosier, Leota) '14 Bilhorn, W. E., 522 '09 Billings, W. E,, 333 '08 Billingsley, Mary P., 302 '16 Billman, E., 610 •ij Billmann. D. \V., 447 •80 Bills. C. J., 22 'S3 Bills. Mrs. C. J. (See Lewis, Camilla F.) '04 Binder. Mrs. F. H. (See Moore. Jennie E.) '17 Binder, G, F., 658 •88 Bing. B., 49 '18 Bing, Bertha H., 709 "15 Bingham, A. B., 566 "03 Biossat, H. A., 175 '18 Birchard, J, W., 709 'i8 Birchard, Leola M.. 709 "oi Bird. F. J., 141 gBirdsall, L. I., 748 "03 Birdzell, L. E., 175 '05 Birkhoff, Mrs. G. D. (See Gratius. Margaret E.) "Si Birnev. F. L., 25 •11 Birney, T. M., 408 •05 Bishop, G. W., 220 '16 Bishop, Jessie E., 610 ^Bissell, D. W.. 748 ■15 Bissell, G. F.. 566 ^Bixby, Madeline K,, 748 '01 Black, Alice M.. 141 ■18 Black, B. A., 709 'u Black. C. D., 408 Index to Alumni 1 103 08 Black, Mrs. E. T. (See McCain, Myrtle B.) 10 *Black, Grace J., 369 03 BlacU, G. W., 175 14 Black, J. E., 522 01 Black, Laura L., 141 12 Black, R. O., 447 07 *Black, W., 270 98 Black, W. W., 108 08 Black, VV. Z., 302 lo Black, Mrs. W. Z. (See Leas, Mildred) 77 Blackall, C. IL, 13 14 Blackburn, F. J., 522 83 Blackburn, Mrs. J. M. (See Wright, Minnie E.) 04 Blackburn, R. J., 194 13 Blackburn, R. E., 4S3 18 Blackstone, A., 709 10 Blaine, C. E., 369 12 Blair, Eva, 447 05 Blair, F. L, 220 04 Blair. Mrs. F. I. (See Dillon, Mertie M.) 12 Blaisdell, E. B., 447 15 Blake, G. W., 566 87 Blake, J. B., 47 09 Blake, Katherine M., 333 11 Blakcslee, E. F., 408 15 Blakeslee, Mrs. E. F. (See Seaman, Katherine) 90 Blakeslee, J. W., 90 13 Blakeslee, W. A., 483 93 Blakesley, G. W., 69 10 Bland, E., 370 09 Bland, Rose, 333 gBlatherwick, N. R., 748 13 Blalherwick, W. F., 483 gBlayney, Lillian, 748 16 Bleuel, Marie T., 610 80 Bley, J. C.. 22 gBliss, C. K., 748 gBliss, F. W., 748 11 Bliss, Helen E., 409 04 Blocher, J. D., 194 12 Block, E. R., 447 16 Block, E. S., 610 03 Block, E. W., I7S "17 Block, Frieda E., 6s8 07 Block, W. R., 270 17 Blohm, G. C, 6s8 08 Blohm, L. R., 302 10 Blomfeldt, A. A., 370 09 Blood, Mrs. L. A. (Sec Clarke, Carrie L.) 08 Blossom, Mrs. A. (See Sargent. Agnes L.) 14 Blough, E. B., 522 06 Blue, Mrs .H. J. (See Baker, Eleanor M.) 17 Bluhm, IL J., 658 14 Blum, W. J.. S22 06 Blunt, Mrs. H. (See Gay, Mary L.) 10 Boardman, LI. C, 370 13 Bock, P. T., 483 16 Bockemohle C L. A., 610 99 Bocock, C. E., 117 fBodfish, Elizabeth, 748 07 'Bodwell, F. L., 270 gBoehmer, Florence E., 749 18 Bochmer, f-ouise, 709 17 Boerner, E. S.. 658 14 Boettiger, L. A., 522 83 Bogardus, C. E., 32 90 Bogardus, Mrs. C. E. (See Brumbach, Lucia) 77 Bogardus, K^va. 13 04 Bogardus, F. S., 194 02 Boggess, A. C. 157 15 Boggess, Edith E., 566 92 Boggs, Cassandra, 63 i6 Boggs, H. F., 610 '94 Boggs, Lucinda P., 76 83 Boggs, Martha H., 32 05 Boggs, Mary L., 220 02 Boggs, O. C, 157 14 Bolander, H. B., 522 rBole, S. J., 749 18 'Bolen, Mabel IL, 709 16 Bollinger, E. F., 610 11 Bollinger, W. N., 409 17 Bollman, J. L., 658 10 Bollnian, Minnie J., 370 i8 Bolton, R. W., 709 i8 Bolton, W. J., 709 03 Bond, A., 17s 03 Bond, Anna L., 175 12 Bond, Augusta E., 447 04 Bond, Bertha J., 194 07 Bond, Ethel, 270 10 Bond, G. T., 370 gBond, J. D., 749 05 Bond, J. M., 220 06 Bond, LydOj 243 OS Boner, H. E., 220 13 Bonham, Martha E., 483 05 Bonnell, E. S., 220 01 Bonser, F. G., 141 04 *Bookcr, Helen E., 194 99 Booker, Lucile A., 118 21 Bookwalter, Grace M., 447 ^ „ 09 Bookwalter, R. R., 333 09 Boomer, S. E., 333 g]5oomsliter, G. P., 749 11 Boon, E. E., 409 03 *Boon, IL L., 17s 07 Boon, IL T., 270 95 Boon, W. G., 83 06 Boone, C. G., 243 14 Boone, G. I., 522 14 Boonstra, S. P., S23 gBooth, H. T., 749 18 Booth, Mrs. H. T. (See Dennis, Rose C.) 17 Booth, L., 658 04 Booth, Mary J., 194 81 *Boothby, A., 2S 08 Boothe, V. J., 302 15 Booze, M. C, 566 12 Booze, R. W., 447 89 Bopes, C. A., S3 08 Bopp, J. v.; 302 02 Bopp. W. G., is8 gliorden, R. F., 749 13 Borden, Mrs. R. F. (See Fahrnkopf, Emma M.) IS Borgelt, Clara M. E., s66 17 Borman, Mabel M., 658 04 Born, Alda H., 194 1 8 Born, C. E., 709 17 ]5orn, Katherine L., 658 07 Born. Ora L., 270 10 Bornman, J. IL, 370 15 Borromeo, C. O., 566 05 Borton, B. S., 221 17 Borton, C. W., 6s9 09 Borton, G. L., 333 03 Borton, Lucina J., 175 02 Borton, W. F., is8 14 Bose, K. K., S23 11 Bose. P. K., 409 07 Bose, S., 270 gBost, E. L., 749 17 Boston, P. M., 6S9 08 Bounell, Mrs. t S. (See Lloyd, Jennie M.) 13 Bourdette, Bertha, 483 79 *Bourne, H. P., 20 91 Bouton. C. S., 60 08 Bouyoncos, G. J., 303 90 Bowden, S. D., 5s gBoyce, A. C, 749 18 Boyd, Anne M., 710 81 Boyd, C. M., 2S 01 Boyd, E. P., 141 13 Boyd, Frances J., 483 00 Boyd, H. S., 127 01 Boyd, J. W., 141 17 Boyd, Marian C, 659 91 Boyd, W. A., 60 16 Boye, W. F., 610 '02 Boyer, H. B., 158 '14 Boyer, W. H., 523 '13 Boyer, Mrs. W. II. (See Allen, Ruby) '13 Boycrs, Bess, 484 '90 Boyle, Anna C, 56 '10 Boyle, C, Jr., 370 ^Boyle, C. W., 749 '18 Boyle, Esther IL, 710 '06 Boyle, J. M., 243 '09 Boynton, N. H., 333 'i I Boys, T. L., 409 'is Bow, L. C, 566 '14 Bow, W. E., 523 '88 Bowditch, F. D., so '06 Bower, Mrs. A. S. (See Wamslcy, Mabel) '12 Bower, L. E., 447 '17 Bower, P. E., 659 '9S Bower, R. A., Jr., 83 'os liowers, Mrs. B. F. (Sec Sheldon, Carrie B.) '10 Bowler, Alida C, 370 '15 Bowlus, Hazel W., 567 '17 Bowman, Emily M., 6s9 '03 Bowman, Gertrude, 175 '10 Bowman, IL D., 370 '12 Bowman, L. F.. 447 '17 Bowman, Mabel I., 659 'os *Bowser, R. E., 221 '90 Bowsher, C. A^ 56 gHracewell. R. S., 749 '01 Bracken, E. F., 141 '09 Brackenbury, B. A., 333 '08 Bracker, E. M. D., 303 '05 Braden, C. A., 221 '02 Braden, J. H., 158 ^Bradford, Bcrnice M., 750 A'Bradley, Mrs. B. B. (See Littleton, Martha E.) 11 Bradley, Elizabeth L., 409 12 Bradley, Eugenia, 447 12 Bradley, E. P., 447 15 Bradley, IL S., 567 99 Bradley, J. C, 118 09 Bradley, J. J., 333 16 Bradley, J. T., Jr., 610 17 Bradley, L. M., 6s9 17 Bradley, L. R., 6s9 06 Bradley, Tirzah O., 243 13 Bradrick, Lucy C, 484 03 Bradshaw, Jessie I., 17s 08 Bradshaw, P. B., 303 16 Brady, G. K., 610 1 1 Brady, J. L., 409 ^'Brady, S. E., 7S0 II Braeuninger, Ella C, 409 4'Mraliam. J. M., 750 83 Brainerd, C. V., 33 09 Brakensiek, Jessie D., 333 09 Bralcy, IL D., 333 II *Braley, R. P., 409 gliraley, S. A.. 7S0 10 Bramhall, A. E., 370 10 Bramhall. R. R., 370 17 Bramlet, IL B., 6S9 00 *l>ranch, Elizabeth, 127 07 Branch, Nellie U., 270 17 Branch, W. R., 659 08 Brand, H. A., 303 18 Brand, Marjorie L., 710 09 Brand, R. E.. 333 10 Brand, .Sarah H., 371 13 Brandner, A. R., 484 16 Brandner, E. G., 610 18 Brandon, Eugenie J., 710 1,6 Brandon, J. F., 610 1 1 Brands, E. G., 409 14 Brandstetter, J. M., S23 97 Brandt. E. IL, 99 15 *Brannon, G. R., S67 14 Brannon, H. F., 523 06 Brannum. Mrs. T. P. (See Roberts, Miriam E.) 14 Branyan, Mrs. H. (See Hough, Helen E.) 84 Braucher, A. C, 36 I104 Univicrsity ov Illinois '84 Braucher, Alma E., 36 '06 '91 Braucher, E. N., 60 '94 Braucher, H. H., 76 '08 '97 Braucher, R. VV., 99 '07 '8s Braucher. W. B.. 40 '09 Braucr. Lydia M., 334 '89 gBraun, F. A., 7^0 "16 '04 *Brauii, W. C. E., 194 "ti '05 Brayton, Abby L., 221 '12 '14 Brayton, Dorothy M., 5^3 '15 '01 Brayton, L. F., 141 'ui '17 Brazeau, E. F., 650 'i- "18 Brazelton, Calanthe M., "15 710 '15 '13 Brazier, I. M., 484 '07 '09 Breckenridge, Gladys. 334 '10 /iBreckenridge. L. P., 8js "ii '09 Bredehoft, Mabel. 334 '08 '08 Bredehoft, Nellie M.. 303 '00 '18 Breece, H. D., 710 '17 '16 Brecdis, J., 610 ';7 '14 Breedlove, L. B., 5-'3 '03 'i8 Brees, P. R., 710 '04 ^cBree.se, C. S., 750 '98 'lo Bregger. T., 371 '97 '98 Breidert, H. C., 108 '17 '16 Breitstadt, Emma M., 6ii '17 'i6 Breitstadt. Hulda C, 611 '16 '02 Breitstadt, J. II.. 158 'iS 'os Bremer, ^Irs. J. S. (See 'oj Forbes, Mabel F.) '12 Bremncr, C. W., 448 '14 '16 Breneman, A. L., 611 '16 '96 Urenke. VV. C, 9° 17 '14 Brennan. Wintress. 523 "75 '17 Brenneman, C. G., 6s9 '03 '16 Brentlinger, C. M., 611 '09 Bressler. C. E.. Jr., 334 '15 '14 Breton. J. F., 523 '15 '10 Brewer, C. H., 371 '07 '07 Brewer, W. E., 271 "iS ^'Bricker, G. A., 750 '82 'Bridge. A. M., 29 '\i '78 *Bridge. W. E., 16 -14 '01 Bridgman, Minnie C, 141 '10 '04 Briggle, C. G., 195 "78 '01 Briggs. C. P., 142 '13 •89 'Briggs, C. W., 53 '03 *Briggs, E. C. 176 '08 '17 Briggs. Flora B., 659 '11 Briggs. S. A., 409 "04 "18 Brigham. E. R.. 710 i;Brigham. R. O., 750 '03 '15 Bright, L. O., 567 'ii '00 Brightman, M. H., 24 ? '08 "So B riles. B. S., j2 '17 'i4 Brillhart. Mrs. H. (See '14 O'Bar, .\lleen H.) ■16 BrinkerhotT. V. W., 611 '14 i'Briscoe, C. F., 750 '17 '17 Bristow. G. W., 659 'oq •17 Britt, C. A., 660 'ir Brittin. \V. A., 660 '01 '15 Britton. F. E.. 567 i'Britton. \V. E.. 7<;i i ^ '10 Britton. Mrs. W. E. (See '13 Cistile. Sarah M.) 'iS Broadbelt, Mary H., 719 '17 '91 Broaddus. Alice V., 60 'ui '11 Broaddus. Elizabeth M., '16 409 "oj Broadhead, Annie M., 1 =;8 "05 '07 Broadhead, Lemma C. 271 'i; '13 Broadhead. \V. J., 484 "03 '18 Broadwell. Agnes M., 710 "03 '14 Brock, T. S., s-3 '15 Brock, \y. S., 567 '06 '17 Brockmeier, Angelina L., '15 660 '06 '13 Brockmeyer. E. J.. 484 '10 '98 Brockwav, E. L., 108 '11 ■14 Brodd. Mrs. L. S. (See '06 Dietzer, Alicet '7^ ■14 Broehl. \V. G., 523 'rj '15 Bromberg. N., 507 "07 '05 •Bronson, F. L.^ 221 '17 Bronson, Mrs. F. L. (See Lanhani, M. E.) Bronson, G. E., 303 Bronson. Mrs. G. E. (See Irwin. Daisy D.) Bronson, Lillie O., 53 Bronson, R. B., 61 1 Brook. EHizabelli A., 409 Brooks, Clara M., 448 Brooks, Elizabeth M. 567 Brooks, Ethel I., 6n Brooks, F. A.. 660 Brooks, Fannie M. 567 Brooks. O. F., 567 Brooks, R. A., 271 Brooks, R. H., 611 Brooks. R. W., 410 Brooks. T. S.. 303 Brooks, \'crna, 334 Brooks. Viola. 660 *Brosl\ar. Cornelia, 13 Brotherton. Jane VV., 176 Browder, O. L.. 195 Brower, L. I., loS *Brower. R. P., 99 Brown, A. B., 660 Brown. A. VV., 660 •Brown. B., 6ii Brown, B. K., 710 Brown. Mrs. B. O. (See De Motte. Ruby T.) Brown. C. A., 523 Brown. C. VV.. 611 Brown, Dorothy S., 660 Brown. D. S., 7 Brown. Mrs. D. VV. (See Lentz. Mary) Brown, E. Alfred, 567 Brown, E. Arthur, 567 Brown, E. C 271 Brown. E. E., 710 i'Brown, E. J., 751 Brown, Ella S., 410 Brown. E. S., '14 Brown, E. VV., 371 Brown. F. A., 16 Brown, F. A., 484 gBrown. F. C, 751 Brown. Mrs. F. C. (See Davidson. Dora) Brown, Mrs. F. G. (See Love. Leila S.) Brown, F. M., 69 Brown, II. A.. 410 Brown, H. C. Jr., 303 Brown, Helen D., 660 Brown. H. D., 523 g-Browii. Hazel E.. 751 Brown, H. T., 523 Brown, 11. VV., 6tio Brown. Mrs. J. (See VVaugh. Rosa) Brown. Mrs. J. A. (See Kittredge. Mary H.) Brown, T. B.. 567 Brown, J. F., 4S4' .cBrown, I. H.. 751 Brown, J. L., 660 Brown. K. G., 61 1 Brown. Lisbeth. 6ti i'Brown. Lois A., 71; i Brown. IMrs. L. B. (See McAnnlty, Ethel E.) Brown, L. VV'.. 567 Brown, M. L.. 176 Brown, Mrs. M. L. (See Fisher. Clara E.) Brown, Maudelle T., 243 Brown. P. IL. 56S Brown, P. ^L, 243 Brown. R. E., 371 Brown. R. E., 410 Brown. R. H., 243 Brown. R. L., 7 Brown. Roberta M.. 44S Brown. Ruth E., 271 Brown. R. P., 660 Brown, R. R., 611 ^Brown, R. VV., 751 Brown. S. D., 195 Brown, VV. B., 99 Brown, VV^ E., 843 Brown, VV. J., 127 Brown, Mrs. VV. K. (See Scroggin, Ethel N.) "Brown. W. R., 568 Browne. Mrs. C. G. (See Hutchinson, Mary A.) Browne, Katliryn E., 660 Browntield, Georgia, 660 Brownlield, Lclah, 371 Browning, H. A., 76 Browning, T. S., 660 Brownson, H. G., 243 Brownson, VVinnina E., 303 Brubaker, L. A., 44S Bruington. E. V., 61 1 Brumbach. Lucia, 56 irBrumtield, D. M., 751 Brundage, A., 334 Brundage, Florence L., 303 Brundage, M. D., 158 Bruner, Mary V., 4S4 Bnnikow, N. F., 523 Brunner, Camilla M., 195 Brunskill. E. R.. 568 Brunskill, E. VV., 661 Brunson, A. M., 484 *Brush, C. E., 13 Brush, D. H., Jr., 244 S'Brush. Elizabeth P., 751 •Bryan. Mrs. A. H. (Sec Cheevcr. Alice) Bryan. Helen G., 244 Bryan. Sarah E., 303 sBryant. T. M.. 751 Bryant, ^. A., 710 *Br\-ant. VV. C, 50 cBrvant. VV. T., 752 ABryce. J.. 825 Brvdges. C. K., 221 Bublitz. VV. J., 524 Buchanan, J. L., 195 Buchanan, J. VV^, 142 Buchanan, R. B., 661 Buchanan. R. I., 568 Buchanan, VV. L., 371 irBuchen, VV'., 572 i Bucher. E. G., 568 i'Buck. A. M., 752 Buck, Gertrude A., 195 Buck, L., 334 Buck, Luella E., 99 Buck. P. E., 524 Buckingham, A. VV., 410 "Buckingham. William, 13 Buckler. C. VV.. 568 Buckler. L B., Tio Buckles. Mrs. VV. P. (See Campbell, Muriel F.) Buckner, O. S., 6ia Budina, A. O., 524 Buell. T. H.. 612 Buellestield, H., 244 Buenger, Katherine M., S08 Buenger. S., 304 Bucrkin. Emma. 15S Buerkin. Marguerite P., 176 Buflfum, Ruth I., 334 Buhai, A. S.. 612 Buliai. Michael, 524 Buhrman, Elaine L., 661 Bulkelev. O. E.. 44S Bull, Maude E.. 56S Bull. VV. E., 710 Bullard. B. F.. 29 Bullard, C. VV.. 334 BulKtid, E. E., 244 Bullard, E. VV., 4S4 Bullard, Geraldine A., S--4 Indf.x to Alumni 1105 8:; Billiard, 0. W., 29 'i I OS Bullard, Helen E., 221 ' Id 78 Bullard, S. A., 16 '08 86 *Bul!ard. S. F., 44 '(13 09 Bullock, Agnes I., 334 '03 10 Bullock. E. C. A., 37 r 09 Bullock, Edith R., 334 '95 07 Bullock. Florence W., 271 '00 00 Bullock, Jessie T., 127 Bullock, Lela M., 334 '92 09 '13 14 Bulot, F. IT.., 524 '96 06 Bumann, C. S., 244 ' 1 1 00 Bumgarner, Irma M., 3,^4 '18 17 Bunigarncr, Uuth S., 661 '07 14 Bunistead, Alice A., 524 '17 08 Bunistcad, A. P., 304 '1 1 06 Bunistead, F. M., 244 'i I n *Buinsted, J. E., 13 '14 •4 Bunch, Mamie, 524 02 Bundy, R. P., 158 '12 '4 Bunge, R. W., 524 '15 10 Bunn, C. M., 371 13 Bunn, N. L., 484 '13 1 1 Bunting, C. A. D., 410 '06 16 Bunting, \^. D., 612 '17 14 Bunting, L. T., 524 Bunton, F. L., 60 '7^ 91 '08 09 Burch, G. F., 335 '13 05 Burch, W. 11., 335 13 jfBurd, II. A., 752 '16 95 Burdick, C. B., 83 '18 01 Burdick, J. H., 142 04 Burford. C. C, 195 '08 18 Burgan, Laverne A., 710 '08 10 *Burgener, C. E., 371 '95 17 Burger, A. H., 661 '17 08 Burgess, B. P., 304 '00 04 Burgess, F. II., 195 '94 09 Burgess, F. M., 335 '08 08 Burgess, H. XL, 304 gBurgess, P. S., 752 'is 04 Burgess, R. R., 195 '17 14 Burggraf, C. I., 524 10 Burgner, H. T., 371 '06 16 Burgoon, D. W., 612 '00 17 Burg^ton, C. H., 661 ^'Burke, C. E., 753 '02 00 Burke, E. I., 128 '16 14 Burke. Mrs. G. (See IIol- 'SS ton, Frankie) g 09 Burke, P., 335 '08 14 Burke, R., 524 '07 07 Burkhalter, R. M., 271 '08 03 Burkhalter, W. E., 176 '06 f'S Burkhalter, Mrs. W. E. (See Scherer, Jose- '09 Ijhine) 'is 04 Burkhardt, T. H.. 195 '03 "3 Burkhart, Mrs. II. (See Woodworth, Metta E.) '14 03 Burkhart, T., 176 '13 16 Burkhart, P. H., 612 '09 99 Burkland, T. L., 118 '14 18 Burleigh, Inez L., 710 '79 gBurlison, W. L., 753 *M 10 Burncll, K. A., 37i '18 14 Burnett, W., Jr., S24 '94 05 Burnett, W. T., 221 '17 07 Burnham, Mrs. A. G. '91 (See Hazelton, Mabel '12 A.) '08 ^tBurnham, D. H., 825 '14 "7 Burnham, Edna S., 271 '79 I I Burns, C. A., 410 '15 16 Burns, C. C, 612 '10 07 Burns, D.. 271 ''3 '4 Burns, F. B., .■;24 ''5 09 Burns, Josephine E., 33,'; '14 I I Burns, J. K., 410 '06 16 Burns, O. M., 612 '07 1 1 Burns, Ruth M., 410 '08 07 Burnside, Elizabeth IT., '12 271 '10 78 Burr, E. M., 17 'is 99 Burr, Mrs. F. H. (See '08 Clark, Edith) '14 '7 Burrell, Beulah, 661 '13 Burrell, Etliel N., 410 Burrell. T. H., 612 Burres, Opal, 302 IKirrill, Evelyn, is8 *BurriIl, Mildred A., i^fj *Burrill, T. T.. 825 Burrill, W."T., 8.3 Burroughs, W. E., 128 Burrows, P. T., 65 Burstoni, S. W., 484 Burt, II. J., 90 Burt, J. L., die Burtnett, R. A., 710 Burton, A. H., 271 Burton, C. K., 661 Burton, E. K., 411 Burton, L. V., 41 1 Burton, Mrs. R. B. (See Wright, Minnie R.) Burwash, A. E.. 448 Burwash, Mrs. A. E. (See Woniacks, Mabel) Burwash, C. F., 484 Burwash, Lois I., 244 Burwash, L. S., 661 Burwash, M. B., i Burwash, M. E., 304 *Burwash, Mabel E., 48s Burwash, Mary G., 485 Burwash, R. S., 612 Buschmann, W. H. II., 710 *Busey, C. B., 304 Busey, Carolyn E., 304 •Busey, F. L 83 Busey, Josephine K., 661 Busey, R. O., 128 Bush, A. W.. 76 Bush, Mrs. E. M. (See Sonntag, Viola H.) Bush, F. A., s68 Bu.sh, Mrs. F. A. (See Dadant, Ilarriette) Bush, J. A., 244 Bush, J. K., 128 Bush, Mrs. J. K. (See Taylor, Helen M.) Bush, K. B., 612 Bush, L.. so Bush, Minnie M., 753 Bushnell, Ethel M., 304 Bushnell, H. B., 271 Bushnell, H. L., 304 Bushnell, Mrs. L. D. (See Warner, Florence) Butler, C. S., 33s Butler, G. H., 568 Butler, Mrs. H. G. (See Rolfe, Susan F.) Butler, J. C, 524 Butler, R. G., 48s Butler, W. A., 33S Butkr, W. G., 52s Butler, W. N., 20 Butt, IT. M., 52s Butter, Beatrice M., 304 Butterfield, C. J., 76 Butterfield, F. E., 66i Butterfield, Helen, 60 Butters, H. M., 448 'Buttler, J. P., 30s •Ihiltonmaker, M. A., s^S liutls, Augusta E., 20 Butzer, Byrdie B., 568 Butzer, C. D., 371 Butzer, G. D., 485 Butzer, Verna V., 568 Butzow, Emma B., 52s Butzow, L. J., 244 Buxton, E. W., 272 Buyers, A. S., 305 Buyers, D. E., 44S Buzick. J. W., 371 Bye, H. W., 568 Byers, F. M., 30s Byrne, Harriet A., 525 Byrne, Helen C, 4R5 yS Byrne, L., 109 08 Cabanis, J. B., 305 09 Cabeen, R. M., 335 08 Cade, Mrs. C. M. (Soe Hunt, Agnes) 17 Cadisch, G. F., 60 1 16 {\-idle, C. J.. 612 02 Cadwell, C. N., 158 04 Cafky, Mabel E., 196 10 Cain, Mrs. C. D. (See Pierce, Laura E.) 96 Cairns, Cora M., 91 02 Cairns, D. G., 158 08 Cairns, J. W., 305 11 Caldwell, B. J., 411 12 Caldwell, C. E., Tr., 448 04 Caldwell, Elizabeth E., 196 07 Caldwell, E. F^ 272 08 Caldwell, Ida I., 30s 15 Caldwell, L. R., 568 18 Caldwell, Mary L., 711 17 Caldwell, Ruth M., 661 II Caldwell, W. C, 411 II Caley, Floy E., 411 It Caley, Mary C., 411 05 Calhoun, Helen v., 221 Calhoun, Henrietta A., 142 95 Call, Ilortense, 83 07 Callan, J. A., 272 09 Callan, Mrs. J. A. (See Goff, Lutie A.) 07 Calloway, R. T., 272 18 Cameron, G. M., 711 79 Camlleld, Mrs. B. A. (See Butts, Augusta E.) 05 Camp, C. L., 221 (/Camp, E. v., 753 90 Camp, N. II., 56 I I (amp, W. R., 41 1 75 Cami)I)cll, Amanda, 7 09 Campbell, A. B., 335 01 Campbell, A. E., 142 00 Campbell, B. A., 128 17 Campbell, C. W., 661 03 Cami)boIl, Daisy I., 176 16 Campbell, D. J., 612 17 Campbell, D. M., 661 18 Campbell, E. E. A., 711 17 Campbell, Ella S., 661 17 Campbell, Florence M., 662 14 Campbell, Grace A., 52s 18 Campbell, G. A., 711 95 Campbell, G. H., 84 84 Campbell, Juniata G., 37 74 Campbell, J. P., 5 76 *Campbell, ). W., 10 10 Campbell, N. N., 372 04 Campbell, Muriel F., 196 17 Campbell, M. H., 662 08 Campbell. S. C, 305 17 Campbell, W. F 662 96 *Campbc!l, W. (1., 91 f/Campbell, W. H., 753 15 Canady, Lora A., s68 85 Canady, Mrs. M. W. (See Wright, Eliza M.) 08 Candor, R. J., 30s 14 Canficld, Ruth M., 52s 13 Cannaday, W. M. Jr., 485 I I Cannon, F. .S., 41 1 /(Cannon, J. G., 826 17 Canon, C. C, 662 87 Cantine, E. I., 47 06 Cantlin, J., 244 11 Capek, L. V., 411 07 Capps, Mrs. A. L. (See Work. Ruth E.) 9S Capps, E. v., 84 00 Capron, C, 128 97 Capron, F. R., 99 95 Carberry. R. S., 8.4 06 Carey, Alice, 244 06 Carey, W. J., 245 05 *Carleton, Bertha M., 221 15 Carlsen, A. W., 569 IIOO University of Illinois 93 17 ■>3 'Oi) 'la '04 'M 'iS •jS '14 '15 'iS 'So Carlson, A. L.. 66a Carlson, C. A., 411 Carlson, Canie E., mj Carlson, 11. I... o6j Carlson, 1.. K., 013 Carlson, M. K., 44S Carlson. I'. N., 411 Carmack, C. R., S4 Carman, Florence, 711 Carman. \V. B., ,'0 Carmichael, M. E., j.m Cnrniicliacl. NV. .1., 4^5 Carnalian, D. 11.. oi jjCarnahan, Mrs. D. 11. (See Johnson, Alabcl C.) Carnahan, F. G., 65 Carnahan, O. A., sr-- Carney, Mary V.. jog Carothers, W ilhelmina F.., igb Carpenter, C. K., 569 Carpenter, H. I., 09 Carpenter, 11. V.. 09 Carpenter. Mrs. 11. V. (See Staley, Maggie E.) Carper. J. F., 335 Carper, Mrs. J. F. (See Bullock, Evlitli R.I Carr, C. C, J45 Carr, G. R., 14- Carr, M. I.., .-Ji Carr. Mrs. M. I.. (.See Kitner, L. M.) Carr. Mrs. O. E. (See Derbv, .Mice G.) Carr. R. F.. oo Carr. V. \V., oo-- Carr. W. C. 4^*5 Carrell, C. G., 33s Carrcro, I. O.. 44i> Carriel. F. C. loo Carrier, Ailela P., 5-S Carrier, E. \V., 711 Carrier, Mrs. E. \V. (See Allen. Hester A."> Carrier, G. V.. 5J5 Carrithers, 1. T., 305 Carroll. D. B.. st'9 ("arroll. F. O.. 6jj Carroll, Jessie A.. 14- CarroU, 1. B.. 06- jjCarroU. \V. E.. 75.? jCarsoallen. G. F.. 754 Carson, Anna, oo Carson, C. B., 3,?5 Carson. F. T., 170 Carson. Mrs. F. T. (See Swarti, Mary K.) Carson. H. Y.. 4>» tfCarson. 1 ncy 11.. 754 Carson. Natalia M.. o6j Carter, Alice, 500 Carter. .\. J.. J45 Carter. B. F.. ru i»Carter. C. F.. 754 Carter. C. \V.. t>g Carter. Mrs, C. VV. < See Maan. M"»ry E ■> Carter, Flo'enci E,. 14- Carter H. L., jo Caitei I. R.. s-!> Carter. I vicile. 560 Catter. R. M.. i.-- Carter. R. R., 44S Carter. T. P., so Carter. W. C. 158 Cartwristht. C. F., 5J5 Cartw right, H. \ ,. 4^? Cartwvight, Sara B. E., 4S5 Carver. A.. 53 Cary, E. C. 335 Case. Flora M.. 44S C.ise. H. C. M.. 440 Case, T. R. Tr,. 4S5 Case. M. B.. J45 ■'4 Case. Mrs. W. M. (See Crouse. Florence 11,') Casemore, ^ Mrs. R. O. (See Woolman, Kich- ardine) Casey, A. B., 37J Casey, C. N.. 196 Cash. Mrs. G. (See Cal- houn. Helen V.) Cash. H. S., 449 .^ Casner. S.. 5.:5 I J *Cass, Elizabeth H., 449 I J Cass. S., 440 '15 Casserly. ,1. B.. 569 "05 Casserly. T. D., -'sj "14 Cassitly, H. M.. 535 'i^ Cassingham, Florence A., 4^5 '10 Castile. Sarah M.. 373 ■14 Castillo. C. 5-5 •17 C.nstlc. D. \V.. 66a 'to Castle. R. D. V., 613 '05 Caswell, Julia E., 333 oCaswell. O.. 754 •13 Cate. 11. A.. 4S5 '13 Cattron. C. L., 4S5 '03 Cattroii, J. W.. 176 "lo Cattron. K., 373 "13 Cattron, T. H., 4S5 '03 Cavanqr. F. T., 176 '17 Cavette. F". E.. 663 \>o Cavins. L, V., 345 \h) Cawood. H. R., 336 •iv^ Cecil. Mrs. L. (See An- lierson. Jennie L.) \>5 Center. O. D.. 333 'o~ Cerm.ik. J.. 373 *vo Cessna, Maud O., 373 '17 Chabot. Kathleen M.. 66a '03 Chacey. Anna O.. 177 *iS CbaiUferdon, Neva M., 711 '18 Chakravartv, A. C. 711 •17 Chalcraft. t.. W.. 66j 'S4 Cbalfont, Mrs. A. (See Kranse, Josephine S.'* "n Challand. Grace. 413 'ij Chamberlain. L. O.. 449 "03 Chamberlain. M. T.. 177 "oi Chamherlin, C. C 14a /i*t. liambcrlin.^ M H.., S36 'i\ Chambers, C. R., 413 "07 *Chambers, R. E., 373 "15 Chambcvs. NY. H., 509 '03 Chambers, W. R., TO •13 Champion, E. N". M., 440 'so Champlin, Grace E.. 613 ■i8 Chan. Y. Y., 711 '15 Chand, H.. 500 "76 Chandler. \V. B., 10 ^Chandler. W. \\. C. 754 '17 Chang. H. L.. oos '17 Chang. J. S.. 663 sChang. L.. 754 '17 Chang, T. I... 663 "i6 Chang. T. T.. 613 "i. Chang. V. C. 440 /I'Chanute. O.. S36 "03 Chapin, A., 159 "oS Chapin, Mrs. .\. (See Miner. .\da M.t •oi Chapin. E. P.. ua 03 Chapin. Mrs. E. P. (See McCullv. Harriett E.) '06 Chapin, G.. 345 '04 Chapin. 1 ncy. 196 'oS Chapin. Mae. 305 'ot Chapman. C. 11., 143 *iS Chapman. D. V.. 711 *03 Chapman, D. \V., 177 *i3 Chapman. D. \V.. 449 'i> (Th.ipman. E. N.. 509 *iJi Chapman. Edith M.. 7'' *io Chapman. Mrs. H. A. (See Blair. .Mice L.) '84 Chapman. N. \V.. 37 '15 Chapman. R. D. C. 5t^9 "17 Chapman. T. W., 663 gChappel, Mrs. M. A. (See Siebens. Thekla M.) '07 Cliailes, Aha A., 373 gCharles, Mrs. 11. L. (See lamison, Michal V.) "iS Charleston. V. D. V., 711 SrCharlton, E, E., 754 "to Chartrand, J. B., bi; 'ot 'Cliase. Adelaide M., 143 "14 Chase. D.. 5JO '\i Chase. Mrs. F. M, (See Druiumond, Ethel R.) '14 Chase, Katherine T., 536 (;Chasc. Margaret I., 754 'u> Chatten. C. E., 613 "oo Chatten. M. C. 91 ■13 Chattcrjee, B. N., 4S6 "13 Chavous. A. M.. 449 '13 Checkley, J. H., 480 ■74 •Cl>eever. Alice, 5 '13 Chen. H., 4S0 'iS Chen. J. T.. 711 '13 Chen, K. G., 4S6 '16 Chen. L. S.. 613 '17 Chen. Q. K.. 663 '13 Cheney. H. L., 440 '15 Cheng, Y. T.. 5t>Q '13 Chenoweth, H. E., 486 "oS Chenoweth. Mrs. I. S. (See Dickinson, Nelle M.t *Chesnnt, Jennette S.. 373 Chesnutt. R. C. s-6 Chesrown. 1.. M., 536 Chester. .-Vnn. ::^2 Chester. D. H., 60 (liester. E. E., 373 Chester. G. J^.. 109 Chester, 1. N., 60 Chester, aI. E.. 99 ,- Chester. Margaret B., 143 •03 'Chester. O. P.. 70 'to Chew. Dorothy. 613 "oo Chichester. Emily E., 336 "14 Chien. S. S.. 536 \ S Child. W. E.. 305 "17 Chiles. H. M.. 003 gChiles, J. A.. 754 "lo Chinlund.- J.' F.. 373 'iS Chioco. J. O., 711 '04 Chipman. P.. 76 '13 Chipps. Alta F., 449 ■go Chipps, H. 1.., iiS '01 Chipv%s. NV. C. T43 '03 Chisholm. Estella F.. 177 "17 Chittenden. R, M., 663 '86 Chitty. \V. l... 44 "17 Choisser. W. C. 663 '18 Christen. L. H., 711 '14 Christensen. E. O.. 536 'to Christenson. C. C 373 '06 Christiansen, Johanna C. . M., 34^ ^ ■ s/t. bristle. J. R.. 755 '\S Christopher. A. B.. 713 "14 Christopher, Bessie F.. 536 '00 Christopher. C, 336 '08 Christopher. D. L,, 306 "15 Christ V, G.. 560 'iS Christy, ("irace J., 7»3 *oo Christy. H. E.. 337 'i6 Christ V. C. M3 •j3 Chu. C. C. 486 '13 Chu. V. G.. 486 '14 Chuang. T.. 536 j7Cbung P. S.. -55 "80 " Church. BK-inche .\.. 53 •i-! Church. Mrs, F, M. (See NVillard. ifaude H.) '\T Church, r. R, 66^ '00 Church. W. S. 13S 't^ Churchill. C. F.. 4S6 '11 Churchill.. Mrs. G. F. (See Lindlev. June") •14 Churchill. J. E.. S26 17 Churton, Florence H., 663 99 Chuse, H. A., 118 16 Chynowcth, Mrs. R. 1. (Sec Towson, Irene) 16 Cifslik, E., 613 17 C:illey, I.illie, C63 15 Claar, E. A., 569 14 Claflin. S. T., 526 07 Clanahan, K. II., 2^^ irClapp, F. L., 75S ^ 18 Clarahan, C. H. Jr., 712 13 Clare, W. II., 486 17 Clarida. T. W., 663 '07 Clark, A. B., 272 04 "Clark, A. C, 76 05 Clark, Alice H., 222 '04 Clark, Angle K., 196 17 (lark, H. 11., 663 17 Clark, Mrs. B. II. (Sec Ilcllnnilsworth. Melon) 98 Clark, C. A., 109 14 Clark. C. A., 526 17 Clark, C. M., 663 '04 Clark, C. O., 196 98 Clark, C. K., 109 76 *Clark, C. W.. 10 13 *Clark, C. W., 486 14 Clark, Mrs. C. W., 544 i/Clark, D. O., 755 99 Clark, Edith, 118 '90 Clark, Edith L., 56 .13 Clark, E. M., 486 05 Clark, Ella II., 222 '02 Clark, Emma A., 159 gClark, F. E., 755 11 Cl.irk, Mrs. F. E. (See Patton, ("arrie C.) 90 Clark, F. II., 56 09 Clark. Faith A., 336 09 *C;iark, Frances E., 336 16 Clark, O., 613 16 Clark, II. E., 613 gClark, Helen, 755 18 Clark, J. C, 712 06 Clark. J. K., 245 (^Clark, K. A., 755 '8s Clark, Kate F., 40 04 Clark, L., 196 84 "Clark, I.ucy J., 37 '99 Clark, Mary E., 118 03 Clark, Matilda I.., 177 16 Clark, Meribah E., 613 99 Clark. P. II.. 118 '87 Clark. P. I... 47 08 Clark, K. B., 306 ffClark, S. C, 755 '90 Clark, T. A.. 56 04 Clark, T. A.. 196 91 Clark. Mrs. T. A. (See Broaddiis, Alice V.) 05 Clark, W. A., 222 12 Clark, W. G., 449 '09 Cilarke, Carrie L., 336 14 Clarke. D. K.. 526 91 Clarke, E. B., 61 02 Clarke, E. L., 159 ^Clarke. Mrs. E. I-. (See Bodfish, Elizabeth) •14 Clarke, Ethel, 526 '96 Clarke, Florence B., 91 •91 Clarke, F. W.. 61 '15 Clarke, Helen B., 5G9 •16 Clarke T. K., 613 •97 Clarke. O. B., 100 '11 Clarke, Philcna, 412 '12 Clarke, U. K.. 449 *i6 Clarkson, A. J.. 613 '04 Clarkson. Edna, 196 '90 C"larkson. J. F., 56 '00 Clatworthy, Linda M., 128 '16 Clausen. Clara A.. 613 '14 Clausen, Elizabeth J.. 526 '13 Claussen, A. W.. 486 '77 *Clay, L. G., 13 'os Clay, Marcia B., 222 '05 Clay, W., 222 Index to Alumni 16 Clayberg, Dorothea M., 613 13 ClayberK, II. D., 486 09 Clayconib. A. T., 33O ^Clayton. J. P.. 755 98 Clayton, T. W., 109 Clcary, J. M., 245 Cleave, .S. W., 412 Cleave, Mrs. S. W., 494 •06 '3 '09 Cleavinger, J. S., 336 '18 ClepK. G., 712 II07 18 Cohn, B. E., 712 09 Coker, Myrtle K., 336 14 Colbert, J. R.. 527 (/Colby, A. S., 756 06 Colby, R; R., 246 09 Colby, Mrs. W. S. (See Sachs, Inez F.) 15 *Colcord, F. M.. 570 ffColcord. Mary E., 756 01 Cole, Agnes M., 143 06 Cole. Alice M.. 24C 14 *CleRhoni,'T.eila Belle, 526 gCole, C. N., 756 18 Clem, O. M.. 712 '95 Cole, Mrs. C. N. (Sc '18 Clem, O. M.. 712 '95 "Clement, C. A., 84 '17 Clements, Esther, 663 '14 Clements, O. R., 526 '05 Clendencn, Lois G.. 223 '09 *Clcndcnen, P. M., 336 '05 Clendenin, G. M.. 223 •08 Cleveland. M. B.. 306 '99 CliiTord, C. L., 118 '08 Clifford, Winifred II., 306 '17 Cliftim. Mrs. J. W. (See Molyneaux, Tuanita O.) '14 Climer, Mary E.. 527 '14 Clinc, Bess F., 527 '15 Cline, I. R., 569 '14 Cline. L. A., 527 ']6 Clinebcll, H. J.. 613 '07 "Clinfian, D. A., 273 '09 Clinitc, R. G., 336 '90 Clinton. G. P.. 56 '95 "Clinton, J. D., 84 1. Lucile A, 177 756 03 Clinton. gClippinger, F. W., '06 Close, G. F., 24s 'i 5 Clover. I. N., 570 '09 Clow. Grace M., 336 '15 Clyman, D., 570 '13 Clyne, Kathleen M., 486 '02 Coar, Elsa J., 159 gCoar. H. L.. 756 '10 Coats. Mrs. G. W. (See Rule, Carrie L.) •11 Cobb, C. C. Jr., 412 '16 Colli). I'rieda. 613 gCobb. Margaret V., 756 'is Colnirn, Mildred L.. 570 '79 "Coburn, R. P., 20 'is Cochran. C. B., 570 '13 Cochran. H. R., 486 '08 Cochran. Mrs. R. C. (See Genlsch, Vida C.) •14 Cockrcll, F. M., 527 '81 CoddiiiRlon, A. O., 25 '7S d'oddington, V. W., 7 '75 Coddington, Mrs. V. W. (.See Lee, Alice) '14 Codlin, H. E., 527 '15 Codlin, Mrs. li E. (See McColley, Carrie) '10 Coe, II. II.. 372 '18 Coe, Viola M.. 712 '03 Coen, II. C, 177 '06 "Coen, Mrs. L. M. (See Jackson, Litta D.) '89 Coffeen, Amy, 53 '93 Coffeen, F. G., 70 'y8 Coffeen, H. C. 109 '13 Coffey, E. W.. 486 '14 Coffey, G. C, 527 '14 Coffey, Hazel B., 527 '12 Coffey, J. S., 449 '06 Coffey, W. C. 246 '09 Coffin. F. A.. 336 '94 Coffman, B. D., 76 '01 Coffman. H. A., 143 •78 Coffman. N. B., 17 '78 "Coflin, F. S., 17 'is Cogdal II. F., S70 '08 Coghlin, B. K., 306 '11 Cogswell, G. O., 412 '11 Cogswell. R. C. 4'2 *os Cohen, B., 223 '18 Cohen, Esther D., 712 '17 Cohen, J., 663 '14 Cohn. A. E., 527 Stewart, Mabelj '82 Cole. E. E.. 29 '04 Cole. Emo L., 196 '13 Cole, G. I-L. 487 '14 Cole, H. L., 527 '96 Cole, Mary M., 91 '13 Cole, R. M., 487 '82 Cole, Sophronia R., 29 '8s Cole, T. E., 40 '07 Coleman, C. B., 273 'is Coleman. P. W., 570 '10 Coleman. W. F., 372 '17 Coley. G., 663 '18 Colgrove, Vivian G., 712 '17 (jollier, Ethel A., 663 gCollings. (\. H., 75O '98 Collins, E. F., 109 '05 Collins, Mrs. F. F. (See Higinbothom, Pearl) '01 Collins, G. R., 143 '17 Collins, (jrace, 663 '05 Collins, Mrs. H. K. (See Harper, Edith E.) '1 7 Collins, 1. B., 664 05 Collins, Mary, 223 09 Collins. R. A.. 336 /.'Collins, Vida L.. 756 '02 *('olIins. F. B., 159 '15 C(jllom. Mary E., 570 /i*Colman, N. J., 827^ olmey. D. 'C., 712 olomljo, J. H., 487 Colp. L. A., 196 '18 Colmey •13 Co' ■* 'is Colson, H. E., 570 '16 Colton, R. S., 614 '85 Colton, S. C., 40 '78 Columbia, Emma, 17 '12 Colville, j. R., 449 '12 Colvin, C 450 g*(;olviii, I*!:sther M., 756 '13 Colvin, J. A., 4.87 '83 Colvin, Mary S., 33 '09 Combe, Mrs. C. E. (See Coker, Myrtle R.) "13 Combe, Eleanor M., 487 '10 Complon, R. O., 372 '06 Comstock, A. F., 246 '15 Comstock, D. F., 570 /iComstock. G. C, 827 '14 Comstock. Helen B., 527 '18 Conant, L. L, 712 '01 Conard, P. A., 143 '99 Conard, Mrs. P. A. (See Smith, Florence M.) '06 Conard. .Sarah O., 246 'is Conat. Mabel L., 570 '14 Conboy, L. J., 527 '02 Condit. J. S., 159 '06 Cone, W. C, 246 £Conel, J. L., 756 '12 Confesor, V., 450 '18 Conpleton F. H.. 712 '17 Conklin, P. S.. 664 '80 Conklin R. R.. 22 '84 Conkling Anna J., 37 '16 Conley, D. O., 614 '03 Conley. J. E., 177 '13 Conley, Josephine, 487 '12 Connard. A. F., 450 '08 Connard, C. E.. 306 '12 Connell. E. L.. 450 "07 Connelly, lamina B.. 273 '11 Connelly. M. F., 412 '88 Connet. Ella, so 1 loS UnIVKKSITV ok ll.l I NdlS 'i6 (.'oinail. C. 15., 487 Consoer, G. O., 664 Consoer, Meta. 487 Constant, H. H., 4S7 Converse, E. C, ipo Cook, C. F., -\! Cook. E., 664 Cook, E., J-'S Cook. F. 1... 306 Cook. F. S., 336 Cook, Mis.^ G. H. (See Moore, Grace L.) Cook, J. F., 177 /iCook. J, W., 827 Cook, T. W., 70 •Cook, L, P., 273 Cook, S. S., 412 Cook, T. L., 223 Cook, W. A., 159 Cooke, A. B., 273 Cooke, D. G., 450 Cooke, Jane E., 118 Cooke. R. J., 57 Cool, Mrs. S. M. (See Chipps. Aha F.) /»Cooley, E. G., 827 Cooley, H. B., 487 Cooley, Norma, 487 Cooley, R. C, 664 ^Cooley, Verna L., 757 CoolklRe, E. R., 487 Coolidse, Orrill P.. 197 Coolidge, R. N., 614 Coolidge, W. F., 712 Cools, G. v., 614 Coons, G. 11.. 306 Cooper, A. B., 372 gCooper, A. R., 757 Cooper, C. E., 614 Cooper, D. W., 614 Cooper, E. A., 614 *Cooper, F. E., 25 Cooper, F; W., 128 Cooper, G. A., 370 Cooper, Hazel K., 306 Cooper, L. M., 664 Cooper, M. A., 412 Cooper, P. H.. 91 Cope, I-. v., 664 Cope, W. A., 487 Copenhaver, M., 487 Coiicnhaver, R. G., 664 Copley, Beatrice V., 570 Corbey, L. J., 450 Corbly, L. S., 570 Corbus, B. R., 128 Cordcll, Eula E., ■;7o Cordell, Mrs. R. V. (See Howell, Grace L.) Cordell, v., 614 Corkc, G. R., 487 Corkc, II. W., 664 Corley, II., 488 Corley, S., 570 Cornelison. R. W., 57 gCornelius, D. W., 7';7 Cornell, D. II., 246 Cornell, D. S., 664 Cornell. F. H., 76 Cornell, W. H., 70 Cornwell, E. Z., 372 Corper, P., 712 Corrigan, E., 246 Corrin, W. G., 223 Corrington, C. E., 337 .eCorson, H. P., 757 ,?Cort, W. W., 757 Cort. Mrs. W. W. (See Cdeason. Nellie M.) /iCortelyon, G. B., 827 Cortis, F. B., 488 Corwinc, G. D., 337 Corzine, B. H., 614 Corzine, D. C, 712 Corzine, H. W., 488 ^Coss, J. A., 757 da Costa, M. F., 614 •06 C^ostar, 1.., 488 Covdtas. Florence A., 527 i'Coultas, Lois M., 757 Coulter, J. II., 4S0 Coniitrynian, I. B., 664 Couls, L. S., 614 Cover, Mrs. D. M. (Sec Whittenberg, Sarah J.) Covey. Arete C., 528 Covey, E. L., 6(14 Cowan, Mrs. A. M. (See Abbott, Edwina E.) Cowgill, C. 11., 614 Cowley, T. P., 159 Cox, Anna E., 528 Cox, Clare F,, O64 Cox, F. A., 273 Cox, F. W., 306 Cox, H. R., 664 Cox, I. H., 306 i'Cox, Mrs. L. C, (See Miller, Marie B.) Cox, M. E., 197 Cox, R. W., 528 gCox, S. H., 757 Coy, Alice B., 197 gCoy\t. J. P., 758 Crabbs, C. L., 57 Craft, G. E., 528 Craig, E. C, 70 Craig, Florence M., 664 Craig, H. 1., 373 Craig. Jane A., 246 Craig, N. E., 373 Craig, O., 337 Craig, S. J., 246 Craig, W., too *Craig, W. P., 33 Craigmile, C. J., 488 Craigmile, Mary A., 665 Craigmile, Mary D., 712 Craigmile, R. J., 712 Grain, C. M., 571 fiCrandall, W. T., 758 Crane, D. W., 614 Crane, Mrs. D. W. (See Bardwell, Laura A.) Crane, Eva R., 412 gCrane, F. R., 75S Crane, Helen M., 223 Crapnell, C. E., 412 Crathorne, A. R., 109 Crathorne, Mrs. A. R. (See Layton, Katherine A. W.) Cratty, P. J., 246 gCravens, Lucile S., 75S ^Cravens, T. C, 614 Crawford, C. W., 571 ^Crawford. F. N., 7s8 i'Crawfor.l. H. G. M.. 758 Crawford, H. II., 488 Crawford, Helen L., 571 gCrawford, 1. A., 758 Crawford, J. L., 665 Crawford, I-. N., (165 Crawford. Lnvern LI., 450 C^rawford, Ruth M., 665 Crawford, T., 77 Crebs, J. P., 614 Creedon, J. F., 712 .ijCreek, H. L., 758 Creighton, E. W., 571 Creighton, Mary E., 665 Crellin, C. V., 100 Cresap, E. W., 197 Cresap. Trella J., 197 Cress, E. E., 713 Cress, J. W., 412 Cressey, Lucretia, 571 Crichtield, P. A., 273 Crichton, Mrs. G. K. (See Fleming, Gertrude W.) Criley, H. R., 713 Criss, E., 571 "Crissev. T. W.. 65 Crist, E. B., 488 \ [i.l C'roce, M. F., 48S '02 Crocker, W., 159 '17 Crofts, C, 665 •16 Croll. Hilda M.. 614 [13 Croll. P. R., 48S ]86 Cromwell. J. C, 44 '14 Cronk, Clara, 52S ^Crooker, S. J., 758 '16 Crooks, H. F., 615 '05 Crosby, C, 223 '16 Crosby, H. F., 615 '18 Crosiar, A. O., 713 '02 Cross, C. W., 65 '05 Cross, E. A., 223 '16 Cross, G. A., 615 '18 Cross, Mary A., 713 '08 Crossett, G. W., 306 '01 Crossland, G. M., 143 '10 Crossland, II. E., 373 '13 Crossland, Viola J., 488 '03 Crosthwait, G. A., 177 '01 Crouch, W. L., 143 '17 Crousc. Florence IL, 6(15 ■77 Crow, B. F., 13 '09 t^row, B.irbara, 337 '12 Crow. W. L., 450 •13 Crowder, B. II., 488 '14 Crowder, Mrs. B. H. (See Dodds. Eva) '10 Crowcll, P. C, 373 '07 Crown. Mrs. F. L., (See I.apham, Ina O.) '07 Crum. Ethel, 273 '16 Crutchtield, VV. Jr., 615 '14 Cruzan, Myrtle A., 528 '17 Cryder, 1. II. , 665 fi-Culbreth, Mrs. C. B. (See Slough, Georgia) 'iS Cullinane. G. ^f., 713 /I'Cullom, S. M.. 827 .!,Cullum, W. II., 758 'lO Gulp, J. D., 615 i'Culver, IL, 750 ■;8 Culvert, Annette M., 17 "15 Cummings, IL L., 571 '11 Cununings, P. W., 412 gCummins, R. A., 759 '15 Cummins. W. E., 571 'i- Cunningham. Opal C., 665 '02 Cunningham, R. E., 160 '17 (Tnnningham, S. R., 665 '13 Cunningham, T. A., 488 "01 Curfman. L. E., 143 '01 Curfman, Mrs. L. E. (See Williams, Winifred S.) ■18 Currie, Althea E., 713 "06 Currie. Florence B., 246 '17 Curtis. B. T., 665 '11 Curtis, Florence R., 413 /^*Curtis, W. E., 827 "04 Curtiss, Mrs. C. F. (See Shoemaker, Theodora) '16 Curtiss, G., 615 '17 Curtiss, R. E., 665 '82 Curtiss, W. G., 30 .cCushing, Helen I., 759 '83 Cushman, Mrs. E. H. (See Knowlton, Lizzie A.) '03 Cusick' J. F., 178 '18 Cuskaden, M., 713 '16 Cuthbert, Dorothy I.., 615 '17 Cuthbertson, W. S., 665 '06 Cutler, A. B., 247 •08 Cutler. Mrs. A. B. (See Llyndnian. Ruth) ijCutler, F. F., 759 •05 Cutler, F. W., 223 '14 Cutler, J., 528 '08 Cutler, S. G., 306 •14 Cutshall, R. W., 528 ■10 Cutter, W. C, 373 '04 Cuttle, F., 197 '10 Dabney, J. B.. 373 '74 *Dabraskian, G. G., 5 '14 Dace, F. E., 528 '04 Dadant, H. C, 197 Inukx to Ai.umni 1 109 '17 Dadant, Harriettc, 665 '72 '02 Dadant, L. C, 160 '07 '08 Dadant, M. G., 307 '86 '08 Dachler, A. H., 307 '86 '18 Dahlin. Edna O., 7^ '13 Dahringer, H. W., 488 '04 '10 Dailey, Mrs. D. A. (Sec '12 Renich, Amanda B.) '07 Dailey, J. A., 273 '03 Dake, L. G., 178 '17 'dj Dalbey, D. S., 160 '17 13 Dalbey, E. L., 488 '17 '14 Dale, II. M., 528 '17 '17 Dale. J. H., 66s '10 Dale, W. W., 373 '13 '11 Dalenburg, P., 413 '81 '06 Dallenbach, J. C, 247 '08 '14 'Dallenbach, J. H., 528 •^(, '10 Dallenbach, K. M., 373 '78 '11 Dallenbach, Mrs. K. M. 'o, (See Douglas, Ethel L.) ',,7 '12 Dallenbach, L. E., 450 'or. '17 Dallenbach. Maybell M., ',7 66s ',1 '17 Daly, E. P., 666 '18 Daly, Geraldine, 713 'i6 Damniers, J. W., 61 s '17 Dana, B., 666 '^r, '03 "Danahey, T. F., 178 ',,3 '07 Dancey, L. S., 273 '04 Danely, Mrs. A. M. Jr. >,j. (See Staley, Isabel) ',4 '02 Danely, Mary G., 160 >^j, '09 Danford, F. D., 337 - y '03 Daniels, Edna E., 178 ., '14 Danielson, K. R., S28 -,;: '14 Danielson, Mrs. R. R. (See Campbell, Grace , A.) '10 Danielson, W. C, 373 '93 Danley, W. W.. 70 '14 Danz, H. O., 528 '17 Darby, H. Jr., 666 '91 Darby, Nellie M., 61 '03 Darlington, Genevieve, 178 'oD Darmer, G. A., 129 '13 Darrah, Juanita E., 489 '17 Darrell, G. C, 666 'os Dart, W., 223 '14 Dass, B., 528 'is Dauberman, Margaret L., 571 '15 Daugherty, Anna E., 37' '14 Daugherty, H. P., 529 '89 Daugherty, I^. S., 54 '14 Davenport, Alice V., 529 '17 Davenport, Mrs. J. A., (See Moore, Irene H.) '07 David, S. G., 273 gDavidson, C. N., 759 '08 Davidson, Dora, 307 gDavidson, L. J., 759 '05 Davidson, T. M., 223 '14 Davies, R. E., 529 '05 Davis, Anna C., 224 '81 Davis, A. E., 25 '16 Davis, Clara E., 613 ,78 '04 *Davis, C. L., 197 '"6 '13 Davis, C. W., 489 ^^' '14 Davis, Elizabeth H., 529 gDavis, E. W., 759 '"2 '18 Davis, F. A., 713 i5 '88 Davis, F. L., 50 ,i7 '05 Davis, F. S., 224 ^11 'iQ Davis, Gertrude C, 373 '2 gDavis, G. T.. 759 ''8 '11 Davis, Mrs. G. W., (See 14 Witt, Adaline E.) '08 '18 Davis, Helen G., 713 '17 Davis, Helen P., 666 '14 '03 Davis, H. S., J 78 '11 Davis, Ida B., 413 '15 '18 Davis, J. E., 713 ''8 '82 Davis, J. H., 30 '09 '80 Davis, Mrs. J. H., (See '08 Watson, Ella M.) '12 '08 '04 '09 '18 'is '08 '06 '14 '78 '12 '09 •18 Davis, T. J., I Davis, J. J., 273 Davis, .J O., 44 Davis, Mrs. T. O., (See Fairchild, Rozina P.) Davis, J. W., 197 Davis, J. W., 450 g Davis, J. W., 739 gDavis, L. H., 759 Davis, L. H., 666 Davis, L. L., 666 Davis, M. R., 666 Davis, Mrs. M. R., (See West, Linnie) Davis, Mallie L., 489 Davis, Marietta, 23 Davis, Marietta S, 307 Davis, Martha L., 613 Davis, Mary, 17 Davis, Mary B., 144 Davis, Nell S. M., 273 Davis, Olive 7.., 247 Davis, P. F., 66 Davis, Reba, 413 gDavis, R. Y.., 759 gDavis, Robert L., 760 gDavis, Roy L., 760 Davis, R. R., 247 Davis, Mrs. S. (.See Davis, Clara E.) Davis, S. S., 571 Davis, T. A., 529 Davis, W. E., 178 Davison, C. M., no Davison, Mabel K., 197 Davison, Ruth. 489 gDavisson, B. S., 760 Dawney, E. F., 338 Dawson, C. H., 178 Dawson, Helen M., 371 gDay; Anna E., 760 Day, C. L., 666 Day, n. W., 666 *Day. Mrs. J. D. ^See Fel- lows, Clara B.) Day, P. W., 489 Day, V. S., 666 Day, W. T., 613 Day, W. W., 373 Day, Mrs. W. W. (See Hollister, Ethel A.) Dayton, D. V., 307 Dayton, Laura M., 197 Dayton, Susan L., 337 Deahl, N., 713 Deakman, H. W., 371 Deal, H. L., 307 Deal. Mrs. H. L. (See Beauford, May A.) Dean, Beatrice E., 329 Dean, F. A., 17 Dean, F. C, 430 Dean, H. C, 337 Dean, Olive G., 713 gDean, P. M., 760 gDean, R. H.. 760 Deardorff, Sarah C, 17 Deason, F. E., 247 Deaver, L. A., 613 gDebel, N. H., 760 Dechman, A., 430 Decker, B. H., S7i Decker, Edna M., 666 Decker, L. M.. 413 Dedrick, Eva A., 431 Deering, E. W., 713 Deets, II. B., 329 Deets, R. E., 307 gDeffendall, P. H., 760 De Forest, L., 329 gDehn, W. M., 760 Deiss, W. C, 571 De I. a Garza, R., 717 De Lany, C. M., 337 De La Kama, J., 322 De I.euw, C. E., 431 'iS De I,ong, Mrs. C. H. (See Thomson. Lillian E.) '17 De Long, W. E., 666 '10 Demmcr, J. E,, 374 'r J De Mott, I. P., 431 '08 De Mott, Mrs. I. ]^, (See Doherty, Mary G.; '14 "^De Mott, R. V. L., 329 '03 De Motte, R. (,. 178 '03 De Motte, Mrs. R. J. (See .Stevens, Lucia A.) '02 De Motte, Ruby T.. 160 't5 Demuth, J. E., 372 gDenby, Alice, 760 '09 Denison, Mrs. R. R. (See Crow, Barbara) '10 Denning, Bertha E., 374 '81 Dennis, C. IL, 25 '16 Dennis, Mrs. H. K. (See Wright, Agnes) '18 Dennis, Rose C, 713 '08 Denny, Christina, 307 '13 Denny, Maude A., 489 '18 Denson. C. IL, 713 gDenton, W. W., 760 '16 Denz, R. E., 613 '06 Dcpuy, Jessie M., 247 '06 Depuy, (). C, 247 '17 Derby, II. L., 667 '04 Derby, Alice G., 197 gDerick, C, (j., 761 '18 Dern, K. L., 713 '03 Derr, II. B., 224 • '12 Derry, II. G., 431 '12 Dershem, Mrs. E. (Se« Knapp, Aurella) '06 Derwent, E. F., 247 'r2 Desmond, J. J., 431 '13 De Swarte, C. G., 372 '15 Detering, O. C, 372 '01 Detrick, Nellie E., 144 '18 Deuchler, G. IL, 713 'jo Deuchler, W. E., 374 '04 Deutschmann, F. J., 197 '02 De Velde, H. S., 160 '14 Devine, H., 329 '17 Devlin^ J. I>., 667 '97 *De Vnes, S. G., 100 '12 Dewend, F. R., 431 '08 Dewey, C. R., 307 '17 Dewey, E. C, 667 '06 Dewey, II. IL, 247 gDewey, Ida B., 761 '97 Dewey, J. A., 100 '88 *Dewey, R. E., 30 '97 Dewey, Sarah L., 100 '14 Dewey, V. P., 329 '12 Dewey, W. H.. 431 '03 Dewhirst, IL T., 224 '11 De Witt, Emma E., 413 '06 De Witt, Louise E., 247 •09 De Witt. H. R., 337 '16 De Wolfe, Lucy L., 613 '14 De Wolfe, Mary E., 329 '11 Dexter, Grace E., 413 'r4 Dexter, Lula B., 329 'j6 Dibell, H. C, 616 gDibell, Mabel E., 761 '07 Dick, C. R., 274 '10 Dick, Mrs. C. R. (See Wood, Margaret C.) '14 Dick, H. K., 329 '08 Dicke, O. A., 307 '12 Dickenson, R. W., 451 •14 Dickerson, E. B., 329 '03 Dickerson, G. IL, 178 '09 Dickerson, I. W., 337 '03 Dickerson, O. M., 178 '05 Dickey, C. B., 224 '98 Dickey, J. H., 1 10 gDickey, L. B., 761 /iDickinson, J. M., 828 '1^8 Dickinson, Nelle M., 307 '12 Dickinson, R. J., 77 '12 Dickinson, R. W.. 43/ '14 Dieckm.'inn, T. W., 372 '04 Diefenljach, A. G., 198 mo University of Illinois 'i8 Diesernd, H. C, 714 '08 Dieter, C. F., 307 '04 Dieterle, E. A., 198 '16 Dietmeier, C. R., 616 '09 Dietrich, B. H., 338 '10 Dietrich, R. S., 374 ^Dietrich, W., 761 ■18 Dietz, J. W., 714 '14 Dietzer, Alice, 572 '14 Dillavou, E. R., 572 '05 Dillavou, J. M., 224 '11 Dillavou, R. C, 413 '08 Dillon, Bessie, 307 '13 Dillon, C. C, 489 '10 Dillon, E. L., 374 '08 Dillon, Mrs. E, L. (See Cooper, Hazel K.) '07 Dillon, Edna L., 274 '06 Dillon, F. P., 247 '07 Dillon, Mrs. F. P. (See Scott. Miriam E.) '01 Dillon, Gertrude S., 144 '09 Dillon, L. A., 338 '04 Dillon, Mertic M., 198 '01 Dillon, R. H., 144 '95 *Dillon, W. H., '98 Dillon, W. W.. no '98 Dillon, Mrs. W. W. (See Kofoid, Nellie) gDillow, R. M., 761 '13 Dilworth, J. R.. 489 '14 Dingledine, I. W., 572 'ggr Dinwiddle, Virginia, 118 '17 Dippell, R. E., 667 '14 Dirks, B. E. G., 572 '04 Dirks, H, B., 198 '08 Disosway, M. D., 308 gDitchey, J. K.. 761 '10 Dittmer, Mrs, H. L, (See Rose, Elizabeth I.) '02 *Divan, Mrs, W. (See Ahrens, Anna W.) '14 Dix, E. J., S72 '06 Dixon, F. E., 247 '11 Dixon, N. M,, 413 '07 Dixon, Nellie M,, 274 '10 Dixon, W. J., 374 gDoan. Frances E., 761 gDoane, Alice M., 761 '12 Doane, H. A., 451 '02 Dobbins, Ethel I., 160 '14 Dobbins, V. F., 572 '75 *Dobson, F, P.,- 7 •06 Docker, Mrs. F. W. (See Bean, Elsie M,) '07 Dodd, T, F., 274 '14 Dodds, Eva, .=530 '09 Dodds, G., 1 18 '86 Dodds, J. C, 44 '17 Dodds, Josephine, 667 '16 Dodds, Lois E., 616 '03 Dodge. Bertha A., 179 •17 Doe, W. T.. 667 '04 Doeden, F, H., 198 ■13 Doerr, H. F., 489 '14 Doerr, Mrs. H. F. (See Gaskill, Delia) '09 Doerr, W. P., 338 '14 Doherty, Margaret I., 572 '08 Doherty, Mary G,, 308 '09 Doherty, R. E., 338 '12 Doherty, W, M., 451 '14 Doisy, E. A,, 530 '18 Doisy, Mrs, E. A. (See Ackert, Alice N.) '17 Dolan, T. L,, 667 '00 Dolan, W. J,, 129 •06 Dole, Mrs. A, W. (See Mohr, E. C.) '14 Dole, Ethel M., S72 'ii Dole, I. B., 413 '06 Dole, Mrs, J, C, (See Wamsley, Mabel) '13 Dole, L. A., 489 '18 Dole, Eaura E., 714 'is Dole, Eillian D., .=572 '02 Dole, Sarah P., 160 '03 Dolkart, L., 179 '09 Dollinger, Hazel D., 338 '08 Donaho, E. W., 308 '09 Donaho. Mrs. E. W. (See Schwarzkoff, Florence A.) '14 Donahoe, J. T., 530 '14 Donaldson, Elizabeth F., 530 '17 Donaldson, H. J., 667 '16 Donaldson, J. R., 616 '15 Donas, J. A., 572 '00 Doney, O. K., 129 '07 Donigan, F. L., 274 '95 Donnan, A. M., 84 '16 Donnell, A. D., 616 '78 Donnell, Mrs. B. F. (See Deardorff, Sarah C.) '07 Donnersberger, F., 274 '06 Donoghue, G. T., 248 '99 Donoghue, R. C., 118 '02 Donoghue, W. J., 160 '18 Doocy, Helen L., 714 '06 Dool, R. B,, 248 '10 Dool, Mrs. R. B, (See Mandeville, Hazel) '06 Doran, E, B., 248 '04 Dorman, A. B., 198 '09 Dorman, D. S,, 338 '11 Dormitzer, M. R.. 413 '09 Dorris, Mrs. J. T. (See Weaver. Maud) '16 Dorsett, Mary E., 616 ^Dorsey, Dee. 762 '12 Dorsey, O. B., 451 'o.s *Dosch, C. F., 224 '07' Doss, W. A., 274 gDotterer, J. E., 762 '18 Doty, Dorothy L,, 714 gDoty, G. L., 762 '18 Doty, Helene E., 714 '00 Dougherty, Mrs. E. G. (See Jackman, Ida) '07 Dougherty, F. E., 274 '00 Dougherty, H. R., 129 '06 Doughty, I. N., 248 '11 Douglas. Ethel L., 413 '17 Douglas, J, P., 667 '14 Douglas. R. T., 530 '03 *Douglass, Mrs. D. P. (See Wiley, Vonie A.) g*Douthitt. H., 762 ^Dowell, E. S., 762 '00 Dowiatt, S., 129 '17 Downey, D. R., 667 '18 Downing, Emily M., 714 ^Dowrie. G, W., 762 '10 Doyle, E. D,, 374 •16 Doyle, J. F., 616 gDraffin, J. O., 762 '17 Drake, C. A., 667 'i I Drake, E. S., 414 '76 Drake, J, F., 10 '03 Drake, Jeannette M., 179 '11 Drake, W. H., 414 '16 Dralle, H. E., 616 /j*Draper, A. S., 82S '02 Draper, Charlotte E,, 160 '02 Draiier, E. L., 160 '09 Drennan, W. R., 338 gDressen, W. H., 762 '81 Drcssor, J. C, 26 '06 Drew, D. J. C, 248 '13 Drew, E. N., ^8c) '04 Drew, F. L., 108 '03 Drew, Mrs. F. L. (See Bear, Katherine W.) '09 Drew, J. A., 338 '07 Drew, L. A., 274 '11 Drew, Lillian B,, 414 '16 Drew. Mildred E., 616 '17 Droste. L. A., 667 '11 Drummond, Ethel R., 414 '02 Drury, C, F., 161 '74 Drury, E. L., s '72 *Drury, H. N., i '03 Drury, R. S., 179 05 Drury, F. K. W., 224 ^Dryden Daisy D,, 762 87 Dryer, E., 47 04 Dryer, J. L., 198 iS Du, C, 714 14 Dnbin, G. H., S30 15 Dubin, H., 57^ 99 Du Bois, A." D,, 119 iS Du Bois, Marie M,, 714 13 *Du Buisson, Johannes P. 489 04 Ducll, E, L.. 10^ II Ducrkop, Bertha (1, 414 17 Duffy, J. C, 6C7 03 Duffy, J. F. Jr., 179 95 Duffy, S. R., 84 16 Du Frain, F. J., 616 08 Dugan, C. B., 308 06 Dugan, E. N., 248 15 Du Hadway, F, A,, S73 97 Dull, R. W., 100 18 Dumas, Velma B., 714 10 Dumond, L. A.. 374 16 Dunavan, F, L,, 616 89 Dunaway. H., 54 ^Dunbar, Louise B., 762 02 Dunbar, Margaret, 161 10 Duncan, L. W., 374 gDuncan, Margaret S., 763 IS Duner. S.. t;73 17 Dungan, G. H., f.67 11 Dunham, A, B., 414 15 Dunham. L. H., 573 14 Dunham, R. S., 530 ^Dunham, W. A., 763 03 Dunkin, W. V., 179 06 Dunlap, A. M., 248 II Dunlap, A. M., 414 75 Dunlap, B. A., 7 15 *Dunlap, D. W., 573 1 1 Dunlap. E. A., 414 16 Dunlap, Effie C, 616 97 Dunlap, E. E.. 100 15 Dunlap, Fannv, 573 16 Dunlap, F. E.,' 616 75 Dunlap, H. M,, 7 14 Dunlap, M. E., 530 09 Dunlap, Nora B., 338 85 Dunlap, R. L., 40 10 Dunlap, R. M., 414 14 Dunlap, W. G., 530 15 Dunn, Elizabeth M., S73 08 Dunn, H. LL, 308 06 Dunn, J. E., 248 07 Dunn, Mrs, M. (See Bar- ter, Ada J.) gDunn, M. S., 763 12 Dunn, T., 451 09 Dunn, W. L., 338 08 Dunning, F. W., 308 10 Dunning, 'W. B., 414 02 Dunning, W. N., 161 10 Dunsheath, L. M., 374 12 Dunton, P. R., 451 17 Dupre, V. H., 667 06 Durfee, J. H., 248 17 Durfey, D., 667 10 Durland, Alice H., 374 04 Durland, C. E., 198 09 Durst, C. E., 338 96 Durstine, W. E., 91 96 Durstine. Mrs. W. E. (See Mather, Althea S.) 17 *Dushek. V. J., 667 10 Dutt, M. L., 414 17 Dutton, H. B.. 668 15 Dutton, M. S., S73 12 Duval. E. D., 452 18 Duvall, Fae, 714 17 Duvall, V. H., 668 16 Dwyer, Ellen F,. 616 06 Dymond. Lida E., 248 06 Dysart. J, P., 248 17 Fade, B. C, 668 I,? Eade, Gladys, 489 Index to Alumni nil 1 Eagelston, Mrs. F. W. (See Frazey, Nellie M.) 12 Eagle, E. L., 452 94 Eakle, S. J., ^^ 13 Eales, H. C, 489 \i Eames. M. J., 452 93 Earl, M. A., 70 85 Earle, Mary T., 40 08 Earnest, W. W., 308 16 East, Bess, 6i6 01 East, E. M., 144 05 East, Mrs. E. M. (See Boggs, Mary L.) 10 East, W. E., 375 10 Easterbrook, H. D., 375 99 Eastman, H. T., 119 gEastmaii, J. F., 763 09 Eastman, O. M., 339 07 Eaton, Mrs. C. D. (See Broadhead, Lemma C.) 75 *Eaton, E., 7 '09 Eaton, Frances M., 339 74 Eaton, H., 5 07 Eaton, Helen M., 274 16 Eaton, R. C, 6i6 80 Eaton, Mrs. W. T. (See Batchelder, Augusta) '84 Eberlein, F. W., 37 02 Ebersol, E. T., 161 07 Eberspacher, J. C, 274 05 Echols, S., 224 10 Eck, J. W., 414 14 Eck. Mrs. J. W. (See Lindley, Bess M.) 10 Eck, Josephine A., 414 12 Eckhardt, Clara, 452 'os Eckhardt, W. G., 224 06 Eckhardt, Mrs. W. G. (See Alverson, Eva L.) 98 Eckles, H. E., no 15 Eckstein, H. C., 573 18 Edds, Vera O., 714 00 Eddy, C. L., 129 15 Edgar, Edith, 573 '05 Edmiston, Emma, 224 08 Edmunds, D. A., 308 :4 Edmundson, Jessie, 53° 04 Edwards, C, 198 18 Edwards, G. P., 714 98 Edwards, Grace O., no 17 Edwards, H. H., 668 06 Edwards, J. 1., 248 08 Edwards, Jeannette E., 308 16 Edwards, M. R., 616 13 Edwards, Mrs. R. V. (See Cassingham, Florence 11 Eells, W. C, 41S gEgan, J. E., 763 '07 Egy, W. L., 274 07 Ehly, Emma L., 27s 13 Ehrhart, R J.., 489 82 Eichberg, D., 30 18 Eichorn. W. H., 714 04 Eidam, E. G., 198 07 Eidam, Mrs. E. G. (See Connelly, Emma B.) 15 Eide, A. C., 573 10 Eide, R., 375 04 Eide, T., 199 91 Eidmann, E. C 61 03 Eidmann, G. H., 179 11 Eiker, Bess H., 41 S 06 Eiker, W. H., 249 10 Eisenmayer, A. W. Jr., 375 87 Eisenmayer, Ida, 47 '82 Eisenmeyer, A. J., 30 75 Eisner, Mrs. A. (See Kar- iher, Israella K.) 08 Eisner, Mrs. A., Jr. (See Laflin, Mary E.) 08 Eiszner, Adeline C. 308 09 Eiszner, Bessie J., 339 12 Eiszner, Louise, 452 '10 Ekblaw, Mrs. K. J. T. (See Heuman, Alma Bj '09 Ekblaw, K. J. T., 339 '10 Ekblaw, W. E., 375 '10 Ekblaw, Mrs. W. E. (See Krieger, Augusta M.) '16 Ekstrand, H. £., 617 '05 Elden, K. W., 225 •04 Elden, Mrs. R. W. (See King, Leila P.) '81 Elder, Lorctta, 26 '15 Elder, Mildred R., 573 '86 Elder, Nettie, 44 '87 Elder, Mrs. P. A. (See Williamson, Mary H.) '01 Elder, R. S., 144 '17 Eldridge, Lillian M., 668 '88 *Eldridge, Mary A.. 50 'is Eleazarian, A. M., 573 '18 Eleson, E. R., 714 '12 Elfstrom, P. R., 452 '18 Ell, F. A., 715 '90 Ellars, Jessie, 57 '15 Elles, E. C, 573 gElliot, Erma L., 763 gElliot, J. A., 763 'is Elliott, Mrs. A. R. (See Johnston, Florence R.) '77 Elliott, C. G., 13 '12 Elliott, C. J., 452 '13 Elliott, Mrs. C. J. (See King, Lillian M.) '18 Elliott, E. E., 715 '17 Elliott, Eva L., 668 '13 *Elliott, Gertrude L., 489 '07 Elliott, H. W., 275 '17 Elliott, Isabel G., 668 '08 Elliott, J. G., 308 '05 Elliott, Joseiihine R., 225 '17 Elliott, R. T., 668 '08 Ellis, A. J., 309 '10 Ellis, C. L., 375 '14 Ellis, G. C, 530 '8s Ellis, G. H., 40 '16 Ellis, H., 617 '84 Ellis, Lola D., 37 '12 Ellis, O. I., 452 '78 Ellison, Mrs. A. C. (See Culvert, Annette M.) 'i I Ellison, C. C, 415 '88 *Ellison, E. E., 50 'i I Ellison, G. E., 41S '74 *Ells, W. C, 5 ■ '10 Ellsberry, L. K., 375 '06 Ellsberry, Mrs. L. K. (See Bauer, Effie L.) '11 Elm. E. E., 415 '14 Elmendorf, A., 530 '12 *Elmendorf, Edith M., 452 gElmer, Mrs. C, (See Ash- ley, June M.) gElmer, M. C, 763 '13 Elston, A., 4Q0 '13 Elston, L. W., 490 '99 Ely. H. M., 1 10 '06 Emerson, F. H., 249 gEmmerson, Edith M., 764 '06 Emmerson, R. J., 249 '01 Emmett, A. D., 144 '16 Emmond, W. G., 617 gEmmons. C. W., 764 gEmpey, Bertha L., 764 '86 *Endsley, L., 44 '08 Enerson, Mrs. A. E. (See Rolfe, Amy L.) '94 Engberg, M. J., 77 '04 Engel. L. E., 199 'lo Engelken, Marie Von, 37s 'i I Enger, A. L., 415 '06 Jlnger, M. L., 249 '06 Enger, N., 249 '11 Enger, T. K., 415 'is England, Grace A., S73 '17 Engle, Esther A., 668 gEngle, E. W., 764 '15 Engle, Jeannette M., 574 '17 Engle, R. H., 668 '17 Engle, R. N., 668 gEnglis, D. T., 764 oj English, E. C. Jr., 161 '14 English, II. M., 530 ^rEnglish, Inez J., 764 u8 English, J. T., 309 04 Engstrom, R. V., 199 17 Eninger. Helen M., 668 07 Enlow, Lena, 275 88 Enlows, Mrs. P. A. (See Mathers, Effie A.) 14 Ennis, C. J., 530 91 Eno, F. H., 61 08 Eno, Sara W., 309 98 Enochs, C. D., 1 10 99 Enochs, Mrs. C. D. (See Hughston, Aline D.) 98 Enochs, D. R., no 00 Enochs, Mrs. D. R. (See McWilliams, Nellie L, ) 10 Enriquez, I. C, 375 11 Ensign. N. E., 415 16 Eppinger, J. G., 617 17 Epstein, A. L., 668 II Epstein, A. S., 415 17 Epstein, K., 668 09 Erbcs, Clara, 339 09 Ercanbrack, H. E., 339 gErdahl, A. C, 764 06 Erickson, C. C, 249 17 Erickson, E. B., 669 04 Ericson, L. T., 199 10 Erikson, C. E. J., 375 11 Erlbacher, Harriet C., 415 13 Ermeling, L. B., 490 86 Ermentrout, Anna M.. 44 15 Ernest, Ruth, 574 07 Finest, T. R., 27s 16 Ernst, C. P., 617 16 Ernst, E. G., 617 12 Ernst, J. L., 452 10 Errett, Mrs. A. W. (See Wilson, Lucy G.) 12 Erskine, A. W., 452 12 Erskine, Nellie, 432 09 Erskine, R. N., 339 09 Ervin, Helen E., 339 07 Ervin, J. F., 275 92 Erwin. Mrs. J. iM. F. (See Bennett, Sarah) IS Erwin, W. B., 574 13 Escabosa, G. F., 490 gEskelson, Ola M. J., 764 15 Eslick, L., 574 14 Essington, A. V., 531 10 Essington, J. W., 376 06 Essington, T. G., 249 96 Estee, H. C, 91 74 Estep, H. C, s 78 *Estep, Ida M., 17 78 Estep, Jessie, 17 13 Etherton, J. E., 490 04 Etherton, W. A., 199 17 Ettinger, C. M., 66g 05 Eustis, Laura M., 225 18 Euston, J. II., 71 S 18 Ewan, Caroline V., 715 12 Evans, A. T., 452 17 Evans. D. G., 669 07 Evans, E. R., 275 18 Evans, F., 715 12 Evans, Mrs. F. C. (See Eckhardt, Clara) 17 Evans, F. E., 669 05 Evans, Mrs. H. E. (See Franceway, Margaret) 04 Evans, Mrs. J. C. (See Clarkson, Edna) 12 Evans. J. E., 452 04 Evans, K. E., 199 09 Evans, M. E., 339 06 Evans, R. M., 249 89 Evans, R. W., 54 q6 'Everett, F. M., 91 17 Everham, W. E., 669 09 Evcrhart, I-. N., 339 IS Everhart, P. H., 574 Ill' I'niviksi rv ov li i imms '.)S Iv.ili.iK, U O,. MO ".iS I'lMKiiiis, K. I'"., jog 'ij l'"ishcr, Abigail K., s74 'So I'vcrli.nt, I'. \V. n.. .11 \j I'.d.lc, II., .(5., ' 1 ,^ Ki.sht-r, Mrs. H. (Sec Fair '75 *Kvciimit, VV, S,. 7 '"' I'ViltIc, Until ('..017 licM, Kaiih 1.) '07 l'"vviiiil, .1. M,. j;,s 'i;' l'\iliriii.iiui, t'. K., 66y 11 ImsIut, H. S., s,u" '17 Kwnlil. P. (!.. 001) "i.- I'flircMilvaiin), W., 45,? jk'lM.-ilu r. t". A.. "705 '117 luvnti, W. C, J7S ^ ^ 'i,t I't'liiMiaii, C Inrilifl. .njo "ii.t ImsIut, C'laia F,.. lyg '\.\ Kwan, Mis, W. ('. iSer "15 l'"chnnaii, I'Moiftu'o. 57.1 'm l'"islu'i', K,, 018 Hai'rii-k. Nellie V..) 'ii(> l'"fiiitl. l-'ianofs M., .'.so '10 ImsIut, Kva J., tiiS '17 l''wiM', W. n,, 609 "lO l'\l(lmaii, I. K,, (117 "oo iMslier, Mrs. l<. (^Soi- I'al "oo F.wiiiR, 11. K., j-nj "lo lu-lmr, \\'. 11,, 017 luor, .\tin A.") 'dS KwiiiR. Harriet (1,, .log ''),i, I'clllifiiuer, A,, S.i '11 iMslu-r, K. .\., 410 '17 Kxeell, S. \V., oog '..1 I'VllinKhani. C. II., i.).) ,i;lMslu'r, Kav 1... 700 '\.j Kyuuiii, K. 1... s.U 'S,! "I'lllous, I'lara It,. .(J 'is Kislier, Mis, CJ. II. (Sec '\.\ Kvuiaii, Mrs. U, 1., (See '11 I'ollows. 1, 1*,, .(lo 1 iiulU-v, Ula 11.) Kern, Esther A.) /iluliiilev. D,, S.vS 'i;- Kislur, Tl. K,, oro •.18 l'"aher, O. (',. .too ' 1 .! I'elmlev, MiUlteil 11,. .(oo "it. Fisher. Helen V,. 0i8 '\.\ FaKer. 1). U., j.u ]io I'Cliuley, Knlli 1),, ,t,~o '1,0 l-'isher, I, F,, 57 '10 l'".iK«"''. 1'". I'-. f>i7 1- l''elsenlhal. Kiinna, .\c,j '00 l-'islier, I. \V.," ug 'iS l''afier, (1. F, K,, 715 '10 l''elter, .1, F., .jro ' 1 -• I'isher, l.aura K., 451 .i;l''ali nest oik, Uhoila, 70.( '14 I'elier, Marv 1'.,, .s.u "oS Fisher, I.. K., .^09 '1,! l'~ahriikolT, Knnna M,, 400 '17 l''elton, 11, N., 0O9 ' \ .■ I'isher, I.. N., "4.S.-? 'i,! l'"ahrnko|il', II, 1', 'I',, 401) '11 l-Vmler, (.'. W., 416 'oS iMslier. (.V S., loo 'i;' l'"airl>anks, U. \V.. (>(>o 'i.S Fenu, K, K., 574 '01 Fisher, Mrs. O. S. (See '00 l'"airehihl. I'Mna, no 'o.| l'"enn, Mrs. d. 11. (See Taylor, Klsie M.) '00 h'aireliihl, I. .V. 1... j.|o Triiwhle, iMara K.) .i;l'"isher, Sara C, 766 ■04 KairehiM, Airs. ,1, 11. (.See 'iS hViKiison, .Mice M., 71.S, 'ii Fisher, \V. 11., 410 Moles, Martha l'"."! '1,1; I'er.nnson, C. M., .;nson, F. (.',, 017 Kohrer,t Minnie Cr) '00 l''airehiM. .*<. 0,, .'40 '10 Ker^nsoii, Florence K., '14 I'isher, \V. 1.., 5.?j 'oj l'\iirelo, i'<. I",. lOi M7 "lO l'"islnn,in, .\, 'iV/oiS ■|S l''airlielil, I'aith .1., 7\$ '17 I'erKiison, (1. .'V,, 600 "i,^ Fishiiian, S. 1... 71s '14 l-'airtiehl, Helen, s,\\ "lo "I'Vrmison, 1. Ti., 376 "iS h'lsk, Frit/. (See l-'isk. 11. 'ii l''airl\all, 1., T., 415 '1,! I'VrRiison, 1.. S., .490 0.1 "iS l''airu\an. I'.. 715 ,i;l''ernhol/, J. J,, 765 'iS l-'isk, 11, D., 715 ■|| I'aisoii, \V, A., ^i.s 'i.i herrell, !>., 491 "eo Fisk, I, W., .^40 "i.i h'aiarilov Mavinir F.,, 400 'ii I'erris, t". F., 416 '03 Fiske, C \\'., 170 '17 h'aietti. M. .1,, 009 '•>4 Ferris. 11. U„ 77 '17 Fiteh. 11. .1., 670 'oj l-'alkenheru. F. 1\, iM '10 Ferris. Irene M., 376 '16 Fiteh, Mrs. 11. .1. (See '14 l'"allis. M. S., s.U '».'; I'Vrris, (1. V.., 84 Honser. Iniia 1.,) '07 I'allon, Clara ^I,, .-75 "^r l'"erry, 1.. C, »!^ti '17 Fites, 11, li,. 070 Vl'alls. 1<". 11., 7o<; '10 I'etherston, J, K., 617 '10 Fit? geraUl, l.eora A. II., '77 ' I'alls, Ma H., i.'t "if hVtherston, .1. M., 5U 61S 'i.i h'aiu-iier, lla/el F.,, 400 '1,- I'etherston, Mrs. 1. M. "lo I'it/Rerrell, ^1. A., 618 xl-'anniiiR, K. S.. 70,^ (See Morn, Katlierinc '17 Fit/Rerrell, S. S,. 670 'lo Farali, S. R., 017 1.) "lo Fit/patriek. V. S., ,',76 'oO l-'aruo, Mattie I',, --.so '''7 I'etterman,^ Valeria J., 376 '1,! I'it/jiatriek. Mrs. V. S. '00 i'arKo, R. N., jjo '14 l-Vntr, F. C, 5,51 (.See Moser, CIIrh F.l ■87 FarR\isson. M.. 47 "'- ••'''•<; I'- ^V., 45.? '10 lM.-/ell, R. IV. .^o •is Farlev, F. W., '*' Fields, Mrs. R. R, (See '04 Fla.ij.i;, S. H., 100 '17 I'-anuer, Fhna 1.,, 009 llollaiul. l.eila) 'iS I'laiwlers, Annette H.. 715 .njFuruier, Flora K,. 7t.s "'4 Fiero, K. F,, 5,51 'lo Fhuulers. 11. A., 370 'i,S I'anner. llreua, .S74 |i<> FitieUI. (', F., m8 \.o Klaiulers, ,1, A.. 340 '00 I'ariner, V, M.. 340 '17 ''"i't'. Viola 1.., t>^9 "17 I'laniury, l\ A., 670 '18 Karnam. Uerthrt 1... 7i,s '09 Filliuore, .1. U., 340 ,i;l'laniiii;aiu. M. 1... 766 "lO Farnhani, .\. A., M7 '07 Kilson, 1. F.,, J7C1 'u Flatt. 11. (">., ^,S3 ■|j Farnniii. W. II., 4,S3 '08 Finch, F, P., .jog '17 I'lan.nher, K. Ci., 070 i;l""arn\iliar. S. K., 70.s 'I'O Finch. Mrs. K. O. (Sec '00 FleaRer, (". E., ug 'ij ' I'arr. .\. I.. 453 UreckenriilRc, C.lailysl ".-o Fleck, Mrs. F. E. (See '07 I'arrar. R,, J7V '1- l-'imlley. J. S.. 4.S3 Hell. Marian C.) '07 I'arrar, \lrs, R, (See 14 l-'introck, C. 1... 531 .;;l'leener. F. 1.,, 766 Ualch, Kval ■8- I'ink, H., 47 ^ 'o I Flemin.i;, C. K., 199 "o," I'arrin, 1, Nf., IM '<'0 I'iiik, Frna M. K., 340 'to Flemin.n, Denna F., MS "o." l'"arrin, \V, O., itn '10 h'iiikenbiiuler, K, O., 376 "i.- l'"leiuin,i;, (^eor.nia E., 4S.J jil'arvev. K. 0.. 70,>> '10 I'inkenhiiuler, Mrs. F. (">, 'u Fleming, (^erlrn "oo Finn. S. N,, 340 '00 Flesch. K, \V. P., ii9 '17 Fanik, M. ('.. oog "lo FinncRan, 1. il., o»8 '13 Fletcher. C. 11., 491 'is Faulkner. F. K., .S74 "i.s Finney. Stella IV, 574 '04 Fletcher, C. .1.. 199 'it Fa\ilkner, («, 0., 410 '00 hisclier, .V. \V., 340 '03 Fletcher, Mrs. C. J. (See ■75 •I'anlkner, 1., ;■ 'i.- I'ischer, C. (1., 453 lleiulevson, Mnryl '14 Faulkner. 1. \V., 531 "13 Fischer, F. A. P., 491 '14 Fletcher, (\ P.. 53J .cl'anonher, S. F, (See F.ir '14 h"ischer. H. L,, 531 "ii Fletcher. Klirahcth B., 416 unhar, S. K,l "oi Fischer, I.., 61 "14 Fletcher, 1. A.. 53J "is I'aurote. G, C, 574 '98 Fischer, 1.. E,, ijo 'o9 Fletcher, At, S., no >;Faust, E, C, yftj "i.s Fish. J. I... ,s'4 't6 Fleteinever, F. R., 618 'ij Faust, P. .\.. 4SJ 'iJ Fishhack, 11. K.. 4.S3 '18 Flexer. Kilna H., 715 sFnwcett. Mary E.. ^^5 "oi Fishhack. M, M.. 144 .sFlint. P, N., 706 ■|7 Fav, O. A.. 009 \^o Fishlwck, W. M.. 340 '18 Flock. MarRuerite P.. 71S ■\j Fayart. 1., 0.. 4.<(3 "o^ Fishhack. Mrs. W. M. '17 Flock, \V. 1., 670 xFarel, C. S., 765 i.See Percival. .\vis 11. > "15 Flodin, H. 1... .S74 Index to Alumni 111. •08 Flood, Grace 11., 715 I'lood, W. E., 491 I'lowcrce, T. 491 l'"lowors, R. W., 250 1-Mukf, Autlia M., 716 Fluke, Mrs. M. I. (Src Caniplicll, Daisy 1.) gFlynn, C. C.. 766 I'ohcrg. J. A., I 10 Fock, K. A., r)iK FoersterliiiR, F. J., 4r(i Fork, a. K., 575 FoKg, Mrs. A. K. (Sec Iluiit, Florence J.) Foglc, Mrs. F. iL (Sec Pcrcival, Olive H.) I'oKii'Hon^;, L. K., 416 FokIcsouk, Mrs. I.. F.. (See MeHobic, Jesse 11.) Foley, I. W., 4i() •Folner, A. I). 51 FolRor, Kacliel E., 92 Foltz. 1.. S., 416 FoiiK, G. Y., 575 Fontaine, E. O., 575 l"oo(c, F. J., 77 A'Footitt, F. F., 766 Forbes, lUrlha V., 9- Forbcs, v.. H., 100 Forbes, Mrs. E. B. (S'razer, Mrs. G. I'.. (See James, IFelen D.) '08 T'-razer, O. B., 310 '98 Frazey, Alice It., 1 1 1 '(,1 T^razey, Nellie M., 145 '15 Frazier, A. O., 575 '14 T'razier, J. B., 5.32 '02 T^razier, T. W., 161 '18 Frazier, J. Z.. 716 '16 Frcarke, V. W., 618 'to Fredenhagen, V. It., 376 '17 I='rederick, E. M., 671 '88 Frederick, ()., 51 '10 Frederick, O., 377 '10 Fredericl<. I^ C.. 377 '94 Frederickfion, G.. 77 '91 I-'rederickson, J. II., 61 'i I Frecland, C. B., 417 '16 Freels, J. W., 619 '00 Freeman, FF. E., 129 '17 Freeman, Mrs. F<. B. (See Crawford, Ruth M.) '13 I'reeman, Marie E., 49' '(17 Freeman, P. J., 27''' '13 F'reeman. F 18 Gary, J. L., 716 10 Garza, J. I.. 377 07 Gash, C. M.. 277 14 Gaskill, Delia. C33 T2 Gaskill, D. W.."454 04 Gaston. N. D., 200 03 Gaston, R. M., 180 83 Gates, A. S.. 33 92 Gates. A. W., 65 13 Gates, C. W.. 492 10 Gates, F. C, 377 ID Gates, O. F., 377 12 Gates, R. P.. 454 ffGatward. \V. A., 768 16 Ganger. J. F.. 619 13 Ganger, Marguerite E., 492 13 Ganger, P. C, 492 11 Ganger. Mrs. P. C. (See Mclntyre. Eva \..) 18 Gaunt. Gail, 717 94 Gaut, R. E.. 78 12 Gaut, Rosa L., 454 03 Gavin. J. F.. 180 12 Gay, Amelia L., 454 06 Gay, Mary L., 251 13 Gay. S. A.. 493 16 Gayle, R. E.. 619 87 Gayman, Angelina. 47 97 Gayman, B. A.. loi 02 Gayman, Myrtle. i6r 96 Gazzolo, F. H.. 92 97 Gearhart. O. L., loi 16 Gehant. Evelyn. 619 16 Gehknt. Rosalie F., 619 17 Gehrig, A. G., 671 15 Gehrig E. F. 575 16 Geib. G. A.. 61Q 15 Geiger. C. F., S75 18 Geiger. I.. C. 717 02 Geiger, Mabel L., 162 gGeiling, E. M. K., 768 Geist. H. F.. 454 ^Geller, H. W., 768 Gennadius, P., 5 Genson, Mrs. L. L. (See Hawkins, Marjorie D.) Gentle, G. E., 493 ^Gentry. C. S., 768 Gentry, W. S. Jr., 434 Gentry, Mrs. \V. S. (See Berger, Adda E.) Gentsch, Vida C., 310 Gentsch, Wilhelmina H., 277 Genung, Ivaloo, 454 George, H. E., 717 George, L. G.. 576 George. Lilliam M., 200 Gerber. W. D.. 120 Gere. Helen B., 533 Gerke. R. H., 717 Gerlach, Alma, 717 Gerlach, Miriam, 418 gGernert, \V. B., 768 Gerten, N., 671 Geselbracht. H. C, 671 Gesell. E. G., 310 Gest, B., 4S5 Getman. R. L.. S33 ^Gever. D. L., 768 Ge'yer. Mrs. D. L. (See Cruzan. Myrtle A.) Geyer, Grace M., 619 Gherc-inoff, P., 717 di Ghilini, A., (See Elston, A.) di Ghilini, L. W., (See Elston, L. W.) Gibbons, C. B., 277 Gibbons. Maud A., 671 Gibbs. C. H., 226 Gibbs, C. L.. 341 Gibbs, Charlotte M., 200 Gibbs, F. L.. 277 Gibbs, G., Jr., 129 Gibbs. I aura R.. 162 Gibbs, P. H., 493 Gibbs, W. D.. 70 *Gibbs. Mrs. W. D. Woolsey, Olga C.) Gibson, C. B., 14 Gibson. C. G., 62 Gibson, C. R., 576 Gibson, Mabel H., 576 Gibson, Mary, 341 Gibson. M. O., 341 Gibson, O. H., 619 Gibson, R. A., 671 Gibson. Sylvia R., 671 Giddings. A. S., 455 Giddings. M. L.. 671 Giehler. F. J., 533 Giehler, Mrs. F. J., (See Coffev Hazel B.) Gier. Mrs. W. J., (See Ed- mundson. Jessie) Giertz. A. L., 672 Giessler. W. C, 493 *Gifford. R. E., 672 Gift. Mrs. J. W.. (See Harvev. Bessie M.) •Gilbert. F. M., 47 Gilbert. T. H., 619 Gilbert, T. P., 226 Gilbert, Minnie E.. 619 Gilchrist. H. M.. 120 Gildersleeve. Mary E.. S33 Gilkerson, Aletha, 162 Gilkerson. Frances E., 180 Gilkerson. H., 14 Gilkerson, H. C., 493 •Gilkerson, J., 14 Gilkerson, Portia E.. 277 Gilkerson, T. J.. 226 Gilkev T. R., 619 Gill, F.'W.. 2SI Gill, G. T., S76 (See '98 Gill, J. D., II Gill. R. Z., 48 Gill. T. E.. 277 Gillan, P. H. ,455 Gillen, J. H., 717 Gillespie. Belle I.. 162 Gillespie. Louella I., 200 Gillespie. P.. 310 Gillhan, P. D.. 200 Gilliland, W. M., 57 Gilmore, L. N., 576 gC^ilmore, R. E., 769 Gilmore, W. C., 45$ Gilmour, J. C., 226 •Gilpatrick, Gladys, 672 Gilstrap, E. F., 310 Ginzel, C. L., 201 Ginzel. L. A.. 226 Girhard. H. R., 717 Girling, Mrs. W. (See Peabody, Katherine) Girton, D. G., 4S5 gGittins Elizabeth" M. 76q Glair. H. F.. 455 Glasco R. T.. 576 Glasgow, Grace, 455 Glasgow, H.. 310 ■ Glasgow, Ruth. 455 Glasgow, R. D., 310 Glasgow. Mrs. R. D. (See Burns. Josephine E.) Glass. J. G., 251 Glassco. P. B., 201 Glassco, Ruth M., 672 Gleason, H. A., 145 Gleason, Nellie M., 418 C'lenn. Eleanor M., 277 Glenn. Mrs. E. A., (See Ward. Madge V.) Glenn. L. A., 418 Glenn. L. L., 130 Glenn. O. F.. 130 Glenz. E. A.. 493 Glessing. Barbara F. 620 Glick. E. E., 620 Glick. H. R., 201 Gliffe. Ethel F., 717 Glover. D. M.. 620 Glover. L. W., 455 Glover, R. C, 576 Glover, W, E. S76 Gloyd. G. V. R., 4SS Goben. Mrs. L. W. (See Beasley, D. Edythe) Goben. Pearl H., 455 ^Goble, L., 769 ^Goble, Roxana, 769 Godehn, R. A., 620 Godeke, H. F., 226 Godfrey. Eleanor, 576 Goebel. Irma G., 576 Goebel J. L., Jr.. 45S ( loenel. I ouise. 4^!^ Goebel. Marie C.. 418 Goelitz, W. A., 717 Goelitz. W. H.. 620 Goettler. Edna A.. 672 Goetz, .Antcinette H.. 576 Goff Cicelv S., 377 GofF, Lutie A., 341 Goff. Marv E., 162 GofF, R. A., :;76 Gogerty, H, L., 672 Gohn, I.. E., 493 Gohn. Mrs. L. E. (See Davis. Mollie L.) Going. T. F.. 33 Gold. Katherine E.. 180 Goldberg, Charlotte D., 672 Goldbere P. H., s'?3 Golden. W. R., =576 Golden, W. E.. S7fi Goldin.g Mrs. M. E. fSee Russell. Caroline N.) Goldman, E. R., 576 17 Goldman, F. L., 672 gGoldman, M. S., 769 14 Goldman, Rae A., 533 gGoldmerstein, L., 769 88 Goldschmidt, A. C, 51 18 Goldschmidt, Erna C., 717 87 Goldschmidt, E. W., 48 94 Goldschmidt, O. E., 78 ^Goldsmith, Margaret L., 769 16 Goldstein, R. S., 620 17 Golinkin A. L., 672 83 Goltra, W. F., 33 15 Gomez, A. E., 576 08 Gonnerman, H. F., 310 11 Gonnerman, Mrs. H. F. (See Jamison, Martha G.), 14 Gonsior, A., 533 07 Gonzalez, A. V., 277 16 Gooch, Gretchen L., 620 17 Gooch, Mabel M., 672 gGood, E. S., 769 gGood, J. W., 769 03 Goodale,' Grace, 180 88 Goodell, N. P.. 51 gGoodenough, G. A., 769 12 Gooding, F. E., 455 12 Goodman, Byne F., 436 14 Goodmann, Leola, 533 16 Goodrich, Mrs. R. (See Dodds. Lois E.) 98 Goodridge, H. A., in 09 Goodspeed, F., 341 05 Goodspeed. W. F., 226 87 Goodwin, P. A., 48 13 *Goodyear, Mrs. H. (See Elliott, Gertrude L.) 13 Goodyear, H. M., 493 12 Gordon, C., 456 12 Gordon. F. G., 456 ^Gordon, H. B.. 770 09 Gordon, Inez D., 341 01 Gordon, J. H., 145 12 Gordon, W. G., 456 II Gordon, W. O., 418 05 Gore, A., 226 76 Gore, S. T., 11 17 Gorey, G. F.. 672 11 Gorham, E. D., 418 04 Gorham, J., 201 13 Gormley, J. R., 493 02 Goss, Edna L., 163 /iGoss, W. F. M., 829 12 Gossett, J. E., 456 15 Gossett, Vera O., 577 17 Gould, A. R., 672 17 Gould, M. A., 672 12 Gourley, L. H., 456 09 Gourley, Margaret T., 342 09 Gourley, Mary J., 342 gGouwens. C., 770 12 Grabbe, Florence H., 456 16 Grabbe, J. C., 620 01 Graber, H. T.. 146 08 Grady, Mrs. O. R. (See Smith. Nellie E.) 08 Grady, P. L., 310 16 Graflf, A. A. I., 620 06 Graff, Elizabeth, 251 05 Grafius, Margaret E., 226 02 Graham, A. J., 163 73 Graham, C. P., 3 07 Graham, D., 277 06 Graham, D. B. A.. 251 15 Graham, Elizabeth E., 577 17 Graham, H. B., 672 00 Graham, H. G., 130 05 Graham, J. J., 226 93 Graham, L. T., 70 09 Gr?ham, Mary A., 342 18 Graham. M. E., 717 II Graham, P. J., 418 08 Graham. R. A. 311 gGraham, Sappho C., 770 93 Graham, W. J., 70 ^Graham, W. M., 77*0 Index to Alumni 12 Grainger, C. W., 456 04 Gramesley, Margaret A., 201 18 Gramount, V. H., 717 06 Grandpre, A. G., 251 10 Grannis, F. C., 377 16 Grant, C. T., 620 08 Grant, D. J., 311 14 Grant, Helen W., 533 16 Grant, Ruth M., 620 14 Grantham, G. M,, 533 95 Gratz, Mrs. B. (See Thompson, Marion) 07 Grauten, S. H., 277 17 Grautz, R. L., 672 17 Graven, A. S., 672 12 Graves, L. H., 456 02 Graves, Marjorie, 163 15 Graves, P. H., 577 04 Gray, B. S., 201 11 Gray, C. R., Jr., 418 gGray, D. T., 770 II Gray, F. B., 418 11 Gray, F. J., 419 18 Gray, J. M., 717 06 Gray, Lily, 251 17 Gray, L. R., 673 83 Gray, N. A., 33 00 Gray, R., 130 02 Gray, Mrs. R. (See Gil- lespie, Belle I.) 16 Gray. Ruth, 620 16 Grayhack, J. E,, Jr., 620 07 Grear, S., 278 88 Greaves, G.. 51 ^Greaves. J. E., 770 15 Green, Alta, 577 14 Green, Bertha A., 534 07 Green, Bessie R., 278 03 Green, C, 181 04 Green, Cella G., 201 03 Green, C. H., 181 18 Green, Esther C., 718 15 Green, Eulalie, 577 96 Green, F. H., 92 01 *Green, Frances M., 146 17 Green, Gladys, 673 gGreen, Grace, 770 96 Green, H. J., 92 07 Green, Mrs. H. S. (See Walters, Bertha E.) 95 Green, J. A., 85 12 Green, J. P., 456 12 Green, L,, Jr., 456 04 *Green, Mabel, 95 Green, Mariana, 85 15 Green, R., 577 91 Green, T. S., 62 IS Greenburg, R. E., 577 14 Greene, A. R., 534 17 Greene, Birdie W., 673 01 Greene, C. T., 146 04 Greene, Elizabeth G., 201 05 Greene, H. S., 226 08 Greene, J. H., 311 13 Greene, Mrs, J. )., (See Timmis, Alice M.) 15 Greene, J. N., 577 18 Greene, J. W., 718 08 Greene, W. B.. 311 ;fGreenfield, R. E., 770 16 *Greengard, L. J., 620 75 Greenhalgh, Mrs. J. R. (See Anderson, Laura M.) 17 Greenhill, H., 673 07 Greenleaf, M., 278 02 Greenman, E. G., 163 07 Greenman, Margaret G., ^278 17 Greenwell. E. E., 673 OS Greenwood, H. P.. 227 08 Greenwood. Mrs, W. (See Weinberg, Nina M.) 17 Gregg, Marion E., 673 13 Gregg, R. S., 493 12 Gregg, S. E., 456 "IS 78 Gregory, A. T., 18 76 Gregory, C. E., 11 '87 Gregory, G., 48 77 Gregory, Helen B., 14 09 Gregory, Lenna M., 342 /tGregory, Louise C. A., 829 13 Gregory, L. T., 493 06 Cjregory, W. H., 251 16 Greison, H. P., 620 gGrennan, Mrs. J. (See Bennett, Elizabeth R.) 10 Gresham, Nina V., 377 13 Greves, G. L., 493 17 Grewe, C. H., 673 17 Grey, N. F., 673 " 'dicy, Clara L., 311 dley, G. N., 8 dley, H. N., 146 dley, J. N., 673 dley, Mabel A., 342 dley, W. W., 620 erson, W. G., 278 esbaum, E., 534 eser, L. O., 621 ewank, A. C., 378 ffin, C. E., 771 ffin, D., 378 ffin. J. M., 577 ffin, W. B., 120 ffin, W. L., 534 ffith, C. P., 534 ffith, F. D., 621 ffith, Mrs. J. C. (See Andrus, Dora A.) ■ffith, L. G., 4s6 ffith, L. S., 342 ffith, Mildred E., 577 ffith, R. W., 378 ffith, S. J.. 718 ffiths, W. M., 378 ftner, J. H., 577 gsby, H., 673 gsby, H. D., 251 gsby, O. E., 419 gsby, M. W., 419 m, F.. 120 mes, E. J., 718 mes, G. L., 101 mes. Ruby M., 771 ndley, H. S., 51 pp, E. A., 718 semer, W.. 718 swold, A. H., 146 swold, Elizabeth V., II swold, J. D., 577 swold, L. E., 146 18 Grommon, Helen W., 718 08 Gross, A. O., 311 gGross, A. W., 771 17 Gross, C, 673 gGross, C. R., 771 10 Grosslserg, A. S., 378 00 Grossberg, H. A.. 130 18 Grossberg. V. H. (See Gramount, V. H.) 16 Grossman, D. A., 621 16 Grossman, Mrs. D. A. (See Watson, Leila E.) 18 Grotevant. Nina, 718 13 Grout, J. C., 493 11 Grove. C. H., 419 13 Grove, P. F., 494 03, Grove, R. B., 181 09 Grove, S. L., 342 80 Groves, C. W., 23 12 Groves, D. K., 456 12 Groves, Evangeline E., ^ 4S6 II Groves, Pauline T., 419 08 Grubel, E. A., 311 17 Gruener. R. W., 673 17 Gruhl, C. J., 673 16 Gruner, J. E., 621 15 Grunewald, A. H.. Jr.. 577 '08 Gri 75 Gri 01 Gri 17 Gri 09 Gri 16 Gri 07 Gri 14 Gn •16 Gn 10 Gri ^Gn 10 Gn 15 Gri 99 Gn 14 Gri 14 Gri 16 Gri 82 Gn A 12 Gri 09 Gn 15 Gri 10 Gri 18 Gri 10 Gri 15 Gri 17 Gri 06 Gri II Gri 1 1 Gri 99 Gn 18 Gri 97 Gri gGri 88 Gri 18 Gri 18 Gri 01 Gri 08 Gri 15 Gri 01 Gri iii6 University of Illinois 'i6 Gruiiewald, H. C, 621 ^Guberlet, J. E., 771 gGuell, A., 771 18 Guernsey, E. W., 718 IS Guffin, Lillian I., 577 17 Guild, Lois G., 673 97 Gulick, C. D., loi 92 Gulick, E. E., 6s :6 05 Gulick, F. M., 71 92 Gulick, J. P.. 66 10 Gullett, N., 378 10 'Gulley, L. R., 378 16 Gum, H. A., 621 Gumaer, P. W., 4S7 Guinm, L. M., 621 10 Gumm, P. E., 378 79 Gunder, J. H., 20 11 Gunderson, A. J., 419 09 Gundy, Madge K., 343 16 Gunkel, W. W., 621 07 Gunn, A. H., 27S 92 Gunn, C. A., 66 15 Gunnell, P. M., 578 00 Gunthorp, Pauline, 127 00 Gurley, Mrs. R. B. (See Hanson, Rachelle M.) g*Gusler, G., 771 07 Gustafson, A. F., 27S 17 Gustafson, C. A., 673 12 *Gustafson, C. L. R., 457 16 *Gustafson, G. P., 621 Gustafson, J. C., 227 Gustafson, Mrs. J. C. (See Mather, Jennie M.) 10 Gustin, A., 378 04 Gutmann, L., 201 11 Gutting, L. A., 419 10 Gutting, Mrs. L. A. (See Hill, Fanny W.) 07 Gwinn, Alta, 278 14 Gwinn, Avis, S34 15 Gwinn, Edith, S78 11 Gwinn, Ethel, 419 15 Haag, Y. W., s78 15 Haag, Mrs. V. W. (See Green, Eulalie) 15 Haan. G. W., Jr., 578 12 Haan, Mary A., 4S7 18 Haas, O. F., 718 06 Haase, H. E., 251 14 Habbe, R. H., 534 03 Habermeyer, G. C., 181 04 Habermeyer, Mrs. G. C. (See Mercer, Iva E.) 12 Habryl, V. B., 457 06 Hachmeister, W. C. F. H., 2SI 90 Hackett, Mrs. L. O. (See _ Ellars, Jessie) 17 Hackley, Elizabeth P., 674 i6 Hada, K., 621 16 *Hadden, C. G., 621 16 *Hadden, Mrs, C. G., (See Treat, Gladys A.) 14 Hadden, S. B., s34 14 Hadden, Mrs. S. B. (See Renner, Sylvia P.) 05 Hadden, S. C., 227 04 Hadfield, F. S., 201 04 Hadlev, Mrs. E. P. (See Work, Edna M.) gHadley, H. F., 772 '09 Hadley, H. L., 342 '97 Hadsall, H. H., loi '11 Haeffner, J. G., 419 gHaessler, C. H.. 772 gHaessler, Mrs. C. H. (See Barnes, Mildred) '80 *Hafner, C. F., 23 '07 Hagan, M. E., 278 ■16 Hagan, T. A., 621 '04 Hagans, Mrs. F. M. (See Mangas, Maud) '02 Hagedorn, C. F., 163 '11 Hagedorn. F. A., 419 '15 Hagener, A., 578 '17 Hager, H. M., 674 03 Hagey, Emma J., 181 10 Haggard, Ada O., 378 iS Hasgerty, Sara M., 718 15 Haggott, W. S., 578 09 Hagie, F. E., 342 18 Hague, Edith E., 718 16 Hahn, F. C., 621 18 Hahn, Grace L., 718 13 Hahn, H. J., 494 gHaig, R. M., 772 03 Haight, S. J., Jr., 181 16 Haines, F. L., 621 gHaines, G. C, 772 03 Haines, Lillian H., 182 13 Haines, Mabel, 494 12 Haines, T. L., Jr., 457 98 *Hair, C. E.. m 07 Hake, H. G., 278 09 Hake, J. W., 342 16 Hake, Minnie E. T., 621 18 Halas, G. S.. 718 16 Halas, \V. H., 621 16 Halbruge, C. M., 622 13 Haldeman. P. J., 494 05 Hale, A. A.. 227 79 Hale, Isabella, 20 gHaley, Margaret S., 772 12 Hall. A. L., 457 01 Hall, A. R., 146 10 Hall, C. I.. 378 07 Hall, E. B., 279 18 Hall, E. K., 718 08 Hall, E. L., 311 95 Hall, E. S., 8s 00 Hall, Elizabeth T.. 130 09 Hall, Ethel L., 342 92 Hall, F. A.. 66 98 Hall, F. S., Ill 07 Hall, G. A.. 279 17 Hall, G. E., 674 06 *Hall, Grace E., 232 12 Hall, H., 457 00 Hall. T. C., 130 07 Hall, Tanet A., 279 iS Hall. K. VV., 718 99 Hall, L. D., 120 13 Hall, L. M., 494 15 Hall, L. W., 578 84 Hall, Lucie A., 37 14 Hall, R. P., 534 14 Hall. T. D., S34 08 Hall, W. E., 311 08 Hall, W. E., 312 82 Hall, Mrs. \V. F. (See Cole, Sophronia R.) 10 Hallett, Margaret H., 378 14 Halliday, Ruth, 534 94 Hallinen, J. E., 78 16 Halliwell, Pauline, 622 gHalsey, Katherine C 772 '15 Halterman, H. J., 578 '15 Halushka, G., 578 '16 Hamill, E. C., 622 '16 Hamill, Mrs. E. C. (See Clayberg. Dorothea M.) ^Hamilton, C. C., 772 '17 Hamilton, C. G., 674 '17 Hamilton, D. H., 674 "ii Hamilton, E. S., 419 '97 Hamilton. Mrs. L. F. (See Zilly, Mabel) ^'Hamilton. N. D., 772 17 Hamilton, T. S.. 674 17 'Hamilton, \V. J., 674 10 Hammer, R. F.. 378 01 Hammers, Edna R., 146 01 Hammers, J., 146 05 Hammers, Lillian, 227 98 Hammers, M. T., 11 1 81 Hammett, F. W.. 26 81 Hammett, Virginia M., 2b 15 Hammitt. A. B., S78 g*Hammond, H., 773 ^Hammond, J. W., 773 'iS Hammond, L. A., 719 '17 Hammond, Ruth E., 674 Hampton, Amy Q., 457 Hampton, I., 312 Hancock, M. S., 674 — Handke, P. H., 534 Handlin, W. C., 342 Handschin, W. F., 494 Hanes, E. F., 534 Hanes, Helen L., 534 Hanes, M. S., 494 Hanes, VV. R., 378 Hanford, A. C., 457 Hanford, Mabel M., 578 sHanford, W. W., 773 Hanger, P. N., 674 Hanke, F. E., 279 Hankins, O. G., 534 Hanley, J. T., 379 Hanmore, J. L., 674 Hanna, Mrs. C. C. (See Van Cleve, Laura L.) gHanna, Helen I., 773 Hanna, J. P., 457 Hanna, M. R., 163 Hanna, P. S., 457 Hanna, Roberta L., 279 Hannah, H. I., 494 Hannan. J. E., 130 Hannum, Myrtle N., 227 Hannush, P., 622 Hansen, M. R., 494 Hansen, Mabel L., S34 Hansen, R., 535 Hansen, V., 4S7 Hanson, C. L., 457 gHanson, F. B., 773 Hanson, F. L., 312 Hanson, R. W., S35 Hanson, Rochelle M., ijo Hanssen, G. A., 57 Hanssen, S. L., 622 Hanstein, C. M., 227 Hanzlik, P., 312 Hao, T. C, 622 Happer, Josephine A.. 457 gHarbarger, Sada A., 773 Harbicht, H. C., 719 gHarbison, C. C., 773 *Harden, E. E., 23 ^Harder, O. E., 773 Harder, R. O., 312 ^Hardin, Hazel, 773 Hardin, W. A., 674 Harding. A. A., 622 Hardinger, R. W., 535 Hardy, G. B., 227 Hare. F, C., 494 Hargis. Mrs. W. C. (See Colvin, Mary S.) gHargis, W. J., 773 Harker, G. M., 147 Harker, O. A., Jr., 130 Harkins, Mrs. C. H. (See Blake, Katherine M.) Harkness, C. L., 379 Harkness, Mrs. C. L. (See Knight, Mabel A.) gHarlan, C. L., 773 Harman, H. J., S3S Harman, I. C, 202 Harman, J. J., 163 Harmon, I. G., 279 Harmon, M. T., 420 Harms, A., 85 Harms, L. A. P., 420 Harner, G. M., 494 Harney, J. M., 227 Harnit, J. M., 279 Harnock, G. A., 4S7 Harper, Bertha M., 279 ^Harper, C, 773 Harper, E. C, 535 Harper, Edith £., 227 Harper, Julia A., 494 .^Harper, M., 774 Harpham, Mrs. J. L. (See Elliott, Josephine R.) Harrington, R. B., 674 '98 '96 Harris, A. J., 312 Harris, C, 379 Harris, C. E., 163 Harris, Mrs. C. F., (See Elder, Nettie) Harris, Elizabeth P., 674 Harris, Elodia P., 622 Harris, H. H., 578 Harris, Hannah, 674 Harris, Hannah J., 535 Harris, Mrs. I. (See Gentsch, Wilhelmina H.) Harris, J. T., 62 Harris, J. W., 45 Harris, J. W., 379 Harris, L. G., 622 Harris, Leila D., 420 Harris, Lois M., 578 Harris, Margaret R., 535 gHarris, Olive C, 774 Harris, R. B., 719 Harris, R. C, 494 Harris, T. L., 163 Harris, W., 535 Harris, W. R., 674 ^Harrison, Annabel R., 774 *Harrison, B. H., 379 ^Harrison, B. M., 774 Harrison, B. S., 719 Harrison, Bernice, 457 Harrison, D. F., 379 *Harrison, D. S., 147 Harrison, Florence. 312 •Harrison, Mrs. J. D. (See Raley, Arvilla K.) Harrison. S. A., 30 Harsch, E. M., 578 Harshbarger, Clara B., •Harshbarger, J. F., 495 Harshman, L. R., 164 Harshman. W. F., 420 Hart, A. H., 719 Hart, Hazel C, 458 Hart, P. M., 535 Hart, R. E., 578 Hart, R. N., 674 *Hart, R. W., 66 Hart, W. E.. 420 Hart, Mrs. W. E. (See Van Galder, Cora M.) Hart, W. W., 622 Hartford, Naomi R., 579 Hartline, H. E., 181 Hartman, Laura E., 622 Hartman, M. M., 675 Hartmann, Mrs. M. L. (See Trowbridge, Tessie E.) Hartrick, G. R., 147 Hartrick, L. E., 147 Hartrick, Nancy E., 131 Harts, D. H.. Jr.. 131 Hartsock, Nelle M., 535 Hartwell, G.. 719 Harvey, A. E., 62 Harvey, Mrs. A. E., (See Myers, Clara) Harvey, Bessie M., 279 Harvey, R. F.. 622 Harvey, W. C, 66 Harwood, H. H., 495 Harwood, S. D., 622 Harz, A. W., 675 Hasberg, W. M., 420 Hash, Susan A., 458 •Haskell, H. H.. 92 •Haskell, W. M., 379 •Hasker, E. L., 535 gHaskett, Aloa A., 774 Haslund, R. H.. 579 Hasselquist, E. J.. 458 Hassenstein, C. F., 379 Hasson, H., 131 Hatch, Alice R., 535 Hatch, Edith I., 420 Indkx to Alumni 'i2 Hatch, Elizabeth M., 45S '73 Hatch, F. L., 3 •80 Hatch, F. W., 23 •07 "Hatch, Mrs. J. E. (See Winter, Julia F.) •72 *Hatch, M. F., i '11 Hatch, R. S., 420 •98 Hatch, T. M., tii •13 Hatch. W. S., 495 gHatfield, W. D., 774 '14 Hatowski, R. E., (See Hattis, R. E.) '10 Hatten, F. W., 379 '14 Hattis, R. E., 535 '12 Hattori, K., 458 '10 Hattrem. W. M., 379 '15 Hauber, C, 579 gHauck, Hazel K., 778 '07 Haungs, H. C, 279 '78 *Hauser, H., 18 •03 Hauter. A. E., 181 '97 Havard, O. D., 101 '12 Haven, C. I., 458 •83 Haven, D. C, 33 '00 Haven, Georgetta, 131 '04 Haviland, Altha, 202 gHaw, A. B., 774 '04 Hawes, C. W., Jr., 202 '17 Hawes, H. C, 67s '15 Hawkes, Mrs. A. J. (See Snook, Helen C.) '12 Hawkes, W., 4S8 '16 Hawkins, E. W., 622 '17 Hawkins, Marjorie D., 671 '05 Hawkins. Mrs. N. C. (See Caswell, Julia E.) "13 Hawkins, R. R., 495 '16 Hawkinson, C. O., 622 '14 Hawley, A. D., 535 '03 *Hawley, Edna M.. 181 '12 Hawley. J. B., 458 '07 Hawley, R. S., 279 '00 Hawley, W. A., 131 '04 Hawthorne, Elizabeth L., 202 '13 Hay, C. E., 49s '13 Hay, H. C, 495 '01 Hay. W. M., 62 gHayden, C. C, 774 '07 Hayes, A. W., 279 '10 Hayes, Mrs. A. W. (See Neal, Essie E.) '17 Hayes, C. F., 675 '73 Hayes, C. J., 3 '18 Hayes, E. B., 719 '17 Hayes, E. M., 675 '10 *Hayes, R. M., 379 '00 Hayes. Zella B., 131 '03 Hayhurst, E. R., 181 '14 Hayhurst. P., 536 '18 Hayne, W. E., 719 '08 Haynes, M. ^., 312 '01 Hays, C. J., 147 '98 Hays, D., 112 '99 Hays, Mrs. D. (See Owens, Dasie M.) '12 Hays, D. L., 458 '08 Hays, H. A., 313 '96 Hays, Mrs. J. W., (See Leal, Sophia N.) '09 Hayward, D. A., 343 '03 Hayward, Mabel, 182 '05 Hayward, Mabel S., 227 '08 Hazard, L. H., 313 '99 Hazeltime, Mrs. W. E. (See Raymond, Ruth) '00 Hazelton, H., 57 '07 Hazelton. Mabel A., 280 '05 Hazen, H. S.. 228 '17 Head, G. L., 675 .?Head. J. R., 774 '(10 *Headen, T. M., 131 '16 Headley, F. L., 623 "83 Healey, Grace, 34 '10 Healy, C. H., 370 '13 Healy, E. J.. 495 1117 'is Healy, F. A., 579 •06 *Healy, W. J., 252 'oS Heaney, A. N., 313 '11 Heater, E. F., 420 '[6 Heath. D. F., 623 'is Heath, Edith M., 579 '01 Heath, L. S., 147" '13 Heath, N. P., 495 'is Heath, T. M., 579 '83 Heath, W. A.. 34 gHebbert, C. M., 774 '14 Hecht, A. G., 536 '13 Heck, A. F., 495 gHeck, A. O., 775 '16 Hecketsweiler, R. T., 623 '17 Heckler, L. C, 675 '15 Hedgcock, J. F., Jr., 579 is Hedgcock, J. H., 579 '18 Hedgcock, Martha E., 719 '16 Hedgcock, Nellie M., 623 '09 Hedgcock, W. E., 343 '12 Hedgcock, Mrs. W. E. (See Mourning, Nellie 16 Hedges, B. A., 623 12 Hedman, Mrs. H. R (See Noth, Lillian) 16 Hedrick, Edna M., 623 16 Hedrick, G. S., 623 fHefferman, Ruth M., 775 17 Hegener, A. L., 675 06 Hegnauer, L., 252 13 Hegnauer, R. L., 495 18 Hegsted, M. A., 719 94 Heideman, G. H., 78 14 Heidkamp, E. N., 536 18 Heidler, J. B., 719 10 Heimbeck, W. C., 380 gHeimburger, H. V., 775 17 Hein, M. A., 675 17 Hein, Mary R., 675 16 Heindel, J. H., 623 17 FTeindel, S. R., 675 17 Heineke, P. H., 675 15 Heinzelmann, A. M., 579 02 Heinzelmann, J. H., 164 10 Heislar, C. S.. 380 gHeitkamp, G. W., 775 09 Heitman, Mrs. A. G. (See Tobias, Mabel B.) is Helander, L., 579 gHeld, F. E.. 77S gHelfrich, Mrs. O. L., (See Gushing, Helen I.) 08 Helfrisch, IVfa-s. A. H., (See Gridley, Clara L.) 15 Helgeland, Lillie I., 579 91 Heller, O. B., 62 06 Hellmann, C. A., 252 08 Hellstrom, K. E., 313 17 Helm, H. C, 67s 12 Helm, L. L., 458 07 Helm, R. R., 280 07 Helm, Mrs. R. R., (See Moore, Mabel D.) 1 1 Helmle, H. R., 420 16 Helmreich, Agnes J. S., 623 QS Hempel. A.. 85 15 Hemphill, C. A., 579 I! Hemsen, C. N., 420 n2 Henderson, A., 164 18 Henderson, Anna H., 719 16 Henderson, A. S., 623 06 Henderson, C. E., 252 i.i Henderson, F., 536 TIenderson, F. S., 623 Henderson, Mrs. F. S. (See Roberts. Erma D.) Henderson, J. B., 623 Henderson, Mary, 182 Hendrix, Mrs. W. S.. (See Bourdette, Bertha) 07 Henion, Lora A., 280 12 Henley. H. B., 458 12 Henley, R. M., 4S8 74 Henline, H. H., 536 iii8 University of Illinois 't2 Henn, O. M.. 458 '73 Hennessey, A. L., 3 '06 Henning, W. K.. 252 gHenninger, C, 775 '16 Hennings, Elfreda V., 623 "ii Henry, C. D., 420 09 Henry, D. A., 343 '18 Henry. Elizabeth, 719 '06 Henry, J. E., 252 '08 Henry. Mrs. J. E. (See Herrick, HQpe) '15 Henry, Mary A., 579 '04 Henry, S. T., Jr., 202 '05 Henry, Mrs. S. T. (See McDougall, Agnes) gHenry, T. S., 775 AHenry, W. A., 829 '17 Hensold, H. H., 675 '87 Henson, C. W., 48 '18 Henson, Margaret E^, 719 '16 Henson, R. D., 623 '07 Hepburn, N. W., 280 '09 Hepburn, Mrs. N. W. (See Mann, Mary E.) '14 Hepburn, T. M., £36 '12 Herbert H. H., 458 '13 Herbolsheimer, A. J., 495 '09 Herbstman. J. C, 343 '14 Herdman, Carrie B., 536 '84 Herdman, F.-E., 37 '10 Herdman, Margaret M., 380 gHeren, H. E.. 775 '13 Hermann, E. P., 495 '15 Hermann, R. L., 579 '10 Herndon, O. L., 380 '11 Herndon, R. P., 421 '11 Herrcke, E. A., 421 '13 Herrick, G. W., 495 '11 Herrick, Grace E., 421 '08 Herrick, Hope, 313 '03 Herrick, L. G., 182 '92 Herrick, L. R., 66 '08 Herrin, G. B., 313 '96 Herring, Mrs. B. R., (See Forbes, Berhta V.) '09 Herrmann, G. A., 343 '14 Hershey, C. B., 536 '09 Hershey, H. B.. 343 '16 Hershman O. H.. 624 '12 Hersman, Bessie E., 459 '09 Hersman, F. C., 343 'oq Hertel, C. A., 343 '99 Herwig, J. N., 120 '11 Heseltine, Eleanor D., 421 '10 Hess, Abigail M., 380 '07 Hess, Charlotte, 280 '17 Hess, Oral V., 675 '17 Hess. Mrs. P. D., (See Waterman, Louise H.) gHess, R. W., 775 '04 Hess, Mrs. (See Fox, Gertrude) '14 Hesselbaum, Caroline E., 536 '03 Hetherington, B. W.. 182 '10 Heuman. Alma B., 380 gHeuse, E. O., 775 '04 Hewerdine, T. S., 202 'c6 Hewes, C. A., 252 '12 Hewes, C. K., 459 gHewes, Mrs. C. R (See Kilburn, Marjorie) '06 Hewes, F. S., 252 '83 Hewes, G. C., 34 '12 Hewitt, J. H., 459 '04 Hewitt, Nellie G., 202 '09 *Heyle, F. T., 343 '06 *Hickey, J. B., 252 'i5_ Hickman, J. B., 580 '10' Hickman, Lucy P., 380 '01 Hicks, B. W., 147 '85 Hicks, G. L., 40 gHicks, J. F. G., 776 '18 Hicks, Mrs. J. F. G. (See Broadbelt, Mary H.) '13 Hicks, R. H., 496 '11 Hicks, \V. E., 421 'ro Hiebel. L. B.. 624 "93 Higgins, A. G., 71 '07 Higgins, A. L., 280 ■03 Higgins, C. H., 182 '09 Higgins, Mrs. D. F. (See Taylor, Ethel N.) '02 Higgins, F. W., 164 gHiggins, G. M.. 776 '16 Higgins, Irma M., 624 '14 Higgins, M. B., 536 '02 Higgins, S. C, 164 '10 Highfill. Inez F., 380 '10 Hight, E. S., 380 '05 Higinbothom, Pearl, 228 gHigley, Ruth, 776 '08 Hilario, J. F., 313 '17 Hildebolt, H. C, 675 '07 Hildebrandt, H. M., 280 '05 Hildebrandt, T. H., 228 '95 Hiles, E. K., 85 gHill, A. J., 776 'q2 Hill. Agnes G., 66 ■14 Hill, C. F., 536 '13 Hill, C. N., 496 '14 Hill, C. S., 536 '08 Hill, Carrie M., J13 '84 Hill, Cora J., 37 '73 *Hill, E. L., 3 '16 Hill, F. T., 624 '81 Hill, F. L, 26 '10 Hill, Fanny W., ^8o '09 Hill, H. S., 343 'II *Hill, H. v., 421 Hill, I. H., 120 Hill, Ida M., 228 Hill, J. E., 624 Hill, J. W., 536 *Hill, Lucy B., 624 Hill. N. H., 343 Hill, N. R.. 380 Hill, N. W., 380 Hill, R. E., 676 Hill, S., 496 Hill, T. C, 26 Hill, W. E., 624 gum, w. G., 776 Hill, Wilma M., 536 Hiller, W. G.. 3R0 Hilliard, F. W., 202 Hillman, A. B., 536 Hillman. F. W., 228 Hills, D. A., 676 Hills, L. J., 580 Hillver, G. C, 252 g^Hilmer, W. C, 776 Hilpert, Martha, 676 Hiltabrand, W. P., 719 Himmelreicher, W. A., 676 Himstedt, R. E., 676 Hinchliff, G. E., 459 Hindman, J., 92 ^Hinds, M. E., 776 Hiner. Mrs. G. E., (See Pearson, Ida M.) '00 Hines, E. G., 131 '17 Hines, L. W., 676 '01 *Hinkle, Ida, 147 '05 Hinman, G., 228 '07 Hinman. J. H., 280 '15 Hinman, R. B., 580 '18 Hinrichs. H. S., 719 '13 Hinrichsen, F. A., 496 '08 'Hinsdale, Mrs. E. E. (See Swigart, Lois E.) '02 Hinshaw, G. J., 164 '14 Hinshaw, Hazel E., 537 '13 Hinshaw. J. H., 496 '16 Hinshaw, J. H., 624 '17 Hippie, R. E., 676 ^Hirsch. E. F., 776 '14 *Hirschl, J. E., 537 17 Hirstein, J. A.. 676 '16 Hirt, E. G., Jr., 624 16 Hirth, Laura E., 624 IS Hirtzel, Clara L., 580 99 '05 '16 '14 '16 '09 '16 04 '14 '05 '17 'is '06 17 '96 04 97 '16 '18 '12 'is '1 1 '07 '03 '06 '09 '15 '17 '15 '07 'la '17 '09 '13 '18 '09 'oS '08 '16 '13 'is '16 '79 '13 '00 '18 Hitch, D. N., 421 HitcH, Mrs. D. N. (See Adriance, Rhoda) Hitchcock. E. W., 580 gHite, J. E., 776 Hitt, Agnes V., 580 Hitt, Katherine, 580 Hitt, Mabel, 624 Hittson, C. H., 228 Hiveley, O. G., 343 Hjort, A M., 537 Hjort, N. R., 344 Ho, N. C, s8o Hoag, P. H., 8s Hoagland, H. E., 380 Hoagland, J. K., 120 *Hoagland, Mrs. J. K. (See Green. France's M.) gHoagland, Mrs. J. R., CSee Empey, Bertha L.) Hobart, A. C, loi Hobart, C. M., 459 Hobble, A. C, 147 Hobble, Mrs. A. C. (See Garnett, Grace A.) Hobbs, G. M., 62 Hobbs, H. G., 313 Hoberg, O. W., 381 Hobler, A. W., 459 gHobler, Harriet W., 777 Hobson, Mrs. N. T. (See Harris, Leila D.) ^Hochdorfer, Margarethe C, 777 Hodgins, W. B., S37 Hodgson, J. H. S., 381 gHodnett, Mona P., 777 i'Hodsdon, Ruth E., 777 Hoehn, F. J., 624 Hoehnke, H. W., 720 Hoeppner, E. G., 459 Hoerner, F. A., 580 Hofacker, Olga V., 421 Hoff, C. E., 280 Hoff, Edna D., 182 gHoff, H. J., 777 Hoff, L. P., 252 Hoff, Lucy v., 344 Hoffert, Anna K., 580 Hoffman, A. A. 676 Hoffman, A. C, 580 Hoffman, F. G., 280 Hoffman, F. J., S37 Hoffman, L. A., 676 Hoffman, P. A., 344. Hoffman, R. W., 496 gHoffman, W. S., 777 Hogftn, C. M., 720 Hoge, C. IL, 344 Hoge, Lura E., 313 Hogue, C. I., 313 Hohman, E. P., 624 Hohmann, H. C, 496 Hoit, M. E., 580 Hoit, Mrs. M. E. (See Mitchell, Grace) Hoit, O. W., 20 Hoke, J. C, 496 *Holabird, R. G., 131 Holaday. K. M., 720 .?Holbrook, E. A., 777 Holbrook, F. S., 78 Holch, A. E.; 496 Holch, F. L., 202 Holch, Mrs. F. L. (See Van Dorsten, Joseph- ine) Holch. R. E., 381 Holcomb, C. E., 202 Holcomb, Mrs. C. E. (See Osborne, Isabel M.) *Holcomb, T. O., 203 Holder, V. M., 182 Holderman, Harriet. 203 Holderman, Marjorie C, 182 'i7 Holecek, A. B., 676 /iHolgate, T. F.. 829 '16 Holinger, A. C, 624 '06 Holl, C. L., 253 '10 Holland, Leila, 381 '17 Hollandsworth, Helen, 676 'i6 Hollandsworth, Josephine B. L., 624 •15 Hollard, H. W., 580 '12 HoUey, C. E., 459 '15 Holley, Mrs. C. E. (See Wolfe, Viola E.) '16 Hollis. D. P., 624 '10 Hollister, Ethel A., 381 'is Hollister, N. P., 580 '07 Hollister, V. L.. 281 'os Hollister, Mrs. V. L. (See Pilcher, Lela G.) '12 Hollman, E. E., 459 '16 Holloway, Dorris J., 625 '11 *Holman, Almeda M., 421 '06 Holman, T. W., 253 '08 Holman, Mrs. T. W. (See Ewing, Harriet G.) 'is Holmburger, M. Jr., 580 .gHolmer, Emma, 777 '16 Holmes, C. V., 62s '01 Holmes, F. H., 147 '99 Holmes, Mrs. E. M. (See Landel, Ida S.) '17 Holmes, Laura C, 676 '18 Holmes, O. W., 720 '14 *Holmes, W. E., 537 '09 Holmquist, F. N., 344 '94 Holston, B. B., 78 '14 Holt, A. P., S37 '13 Holt, E. F., 496 •08 Holt, S. v., 313 •14 Holt, Mrs. S. V. (See Milne, Minnie I.) '13 Holton, C. A., 496 '08 Holton, C. R., 313 '14 Holton, Frankie, 537 '76 Holton, Martha G., ii '16 Holtze, H. S., 625 '95 Holtzmann, S. F., 85 '14 Homann, F., 537 gHomberger, A. W., 777 '10 Horns, J. M.. 381 '96 Honens, F. W., 92 '18 Honey, Myrtle E., 720 '15 Hood, C. F., s8i '10 Hood, J. D., 381 '08 Hoodwin, H. J., 314 '06 Hook, H. H., 2S3 '73 *Hook, S. H., 3 gHooper, Gertrude M., 778 gHoover, Ada V., 778 '14 Hoover, Isabel, S37 '14 Hopkins, E. B., 537 '17 Hopkins, E. C, 676 '17 Hopkins, Mrs. E. C. (See Kirkpati-ick, Helen M.) '04 Hopkins, Edna, 203 '17 Hopkins, G. B., 676 '16 Hopkins, G. S., 625 '01 Hopkins, Mabel, 147 '11 Hopkins, Mary M., 421 '10 Hopkins, R. E., 381 '06 Hopkins, Ruby C, 2S3 '17 Hopkins, S. C, 677 '85 *Hopper, C, 41 '98 Hopper, Georgia E., 112 gHopper, H. A.. 778 '07 Hopper, Mrs. H. A. (See Gilkerson, Portia E.) '01 Hoppin, C. A., 148 '05 Horan. Mrs. L. J. (See Collins, Mary) '18 Horen, L. L., 720 '17 Horimura, II.. 677 '16 Hormel, Dorothy S., 625 '16 Hormel, Olive D., 623 '10 Horn, B. A., 381 '97 Horn, C. J., loi '15 Hornal, W., s8i 09 '3 '16 Index to Alumni fHornbeck, J. W., 778 •85 Home, Mrs. W. T. (See Earle, Mary T.) '01 Horner, H. H., 148 '09 Horner, H. S., 344 '17 Horney, R. B., 677 '17 Horney, W. R., 677 '14 Horning. R. A., 537 ;i7 Hornkohl, S. I. W., 677 '12 Hornor, Nellie N., 459 '13 Hornung. M. R., 496 '11 Horr, L. W., 421 '04 Horr. R. L., 203 '13 Horrell, C. R., 496 'i I Horst, A. E.. 421 '18 Horton, M. Ethel, 720 'iS Horwich, D.. 720 '14 Horwich, L. J., S37 'i6 Hosford, Susan E., 625 '12 Hoskins, Carrie E., 459 '10 Hoskins, D. T. Jr., 381 '10 Hoskins. Mrs. D. T. (See Swigart, Alta) 'Hoskins, E. E., 344 Hoskins, Mrs. E. E. (See Miner. Mary E.) Hoskins. Edna, 459 Hoskins, Mary M., 497 Hoskinson, B. O., 625 gHoskinson. O., 778 '17 Hostetler, L. E., 677 '80 Hostetler, Mrs. V. N. (See Parker, Minnie) '18 Hostetler, W. B. Jr., 720 '12 Hostetter, R. B., 460 '94 Hottes, C. F., 78 '18 Hottes, Flora E., 720 'q6 Hottes, H. G., 92 '05 Houchens, Josie B., 228 '17 Houg, O. A., 677 '16 Hough, C. F., 62s '14 Hough, Helen E., 537 '16 Hough, W. H.. 62s '12 Hoult, Bessie B., 460 '98 House, Leona P., 112 '01 Housel, O. L., 148 '16 Houser, Irma L., 625 '10 Houser, Mrs. W. H. (See Large, Zelma) '14 Housman. J. S., S37 ^Houston, H. A., 778 '09 Houston, J. v., 344 '04 Howard, Mrs. B. B. (See Jones, Lucile) '17 Howard, C. G., 677 '16 Howard, Mrs. C. G. (See Benson, Susan T.) '01 Howard, Clara E., 148 g^Howard, D. T., 778 '15 Howard, Mrs. G. S., 596 '01 *Howard, J., 148 ^Howard, J. W.. 778 '10 Howard, R. S., 382 '07 Howe, Alice, 281 '16 Howe, C. R., 62s '14 Howe, E. G., Jr., 537 '14 Howe, H. J., S38 '11 Howe, H. W., 421 '02 Howe, Harriet E., 164 '09 Howe, Mary, 344 '06 Howe, P. E., 253 Howe, Mrs. P. E. (See Rinaker, Harriet B.) '04 Howe, R. B., 203 '18 Howe. R. F., 720 '16 Howe, W. T., 62s '05 Howell, C. H., 228 '04 *Howell, Clarissa L., 203 '16 Howell, Grace L., 625 gHowell, L. B., 778 '07 Howell, L. D., 281 '18 Howells, Mary G., 720 '18 Howells, Ruth C, 720 '14 Howes, H. E., 538 '97 Howison, C, loi '15 Howk, C. D., 581 '91 Howorth, T. J., 62 1 1 19 '08 Howser, T. R., 314 '18 Howson, A. W., 720 '11 Hoy, Lucy F., 422 '13 Hribal, E. A., 497 '17 Hsieh, Z., 677 "12 Hsu, C, 460 . gHsu, C. Y., 778 '14 Hsu, T. H., 538 *i7 Hsun, C. L., 677 '17 Hsun, J. J., 677 '09 Hu, W. Y., 344 '03 Hubachek, Mrs. L. A. (See Hyde, Sophie) '12 Hubbard, Mrs. D. (See Hash, Susan A.) '04 Hubbard, Mrs. F. C. (See Koehn, Martha C.) '96 Hubbard, G. D., 92 '00 Hubbard, Mrs. G. D. (See Rugg, Edna A.) '99 Hubbard, G. W.. 121 '01 Hubbard, Mrs. G. W. (See Hopkins, Mabel) '!■; Hubbard, Marie, 581 '86 Hubbard, H. T., 45 '13 Hubbard, Lucy E.. 497 '13 Hubbard, Laura M., 497 '13 Hubbard, Mrs. L. R. (See Mclntyre. Mabel) 'is Hubbard, Marie, 581 ■ '16 Hubbard, W. W., 625 '09 Hubbart, C. C, 345 '06 Hubbart, G. R., 253 gHubbart, O. S., 779 '17 Huber, A. J., 677 '12 *Huber, H. E., 460 '12 Huber, J. E., 460 '93 Hucke, P. M., 71 '09 Huckin, F. R., 34S '13 Hudelson, C. W.. 497 '12 Hudelson, R. R.. 460 '17 Hudson, Edith E., 677 '75 Hudson, Mrs. H. E. (See Kellogg, Flora L.) '08 Hudson, H. H., 314 '08 Hueckel, A. P., 314 '08 Hueckel, W. C. 314 gHuenink, H. L., 779 '83 Huey, J. D., 34 '86 *Huff, Bertie, 45 '9J Huff, G. A.. 66 '11 Huff, T. O., 42^ '06 Huff. N. H., 253 '08 Huff, W, W.. 314 gHuffer, C. M.. 779 gHufferd. R. W., 779 '08 Huffman, Eva E., 314 '09 Huffman, J. F., 345 '16 Hufford, C. T.. 625 '10 Hughes, A. G., 382 '14 Hughes, C. A,, 538 '00 Hughes, C. W., 131 '97 Hughes, F. A., loi '03 Hughes, Mrs. H. D. (See Lego, Lulu M.) '07 Hughes, H. D. M., 281 '13 Hughes, J. H., 497 '17 Hughes, M. C, 677 '02 Hughes, S. K., 164 '10 Hughes, W. J., 382 '99 Hughston, Aline D., 121 '15 Huisken, A. H., 581 '17 Hulburd, Hazel E., 677 '02 Hulce, Jennie A., 164 gHulce, R. S., 779 'lo Hull, Anna L., 382 '13 Hull, D. R., 497 '12 Hull, F. D., 460 '12 Hull, H. B., 460 '11 Hull. Mrs. H. B. (See Neff. Edna E.) •15 Hull. S. M., 581 '10 Hull, W. F., 382 '07 Hull, W. L., 281 '75 Hullinger. Katherin, 8 '06 Hulteen, V. E., 253 17 '07 '07 '07 OS '11 '16 09 '16 '18 '09 '18 '08 '08 '05 '93 '07 •16 '17 '04 '06 '07 '16 '04 '84 03 '10 •16 '08 '16 '16 'i6 Hultman, I. N., 677 Hummel, A. A., 281 Hummel, Sarah M.. 281 Hummel, W. G., 281 Hummel, Mrs. W. G. (bee Royce, Bertha E.) Humphrey, G., 228 Humphrey, H. K., 422 Humphrey, K. B., 626 Humphrey, W. G., 148 Humphreys, H. P., 282 Humphreys, Mrs. R. (See Quinn, Florence K.) Humphreys, S. S., 34S Hungerford, C. E.. 626 Hungerford. H. N.. 720 Hunsaker, A. F., 345 Hunsley, Alice L., 720 Hunt, A. F., 314 Hunt, Ada E., 497 Hunt, Agnes, 314 Hunt, E. A., 8s Hunt, E. E., 71 Hunt, E. Glenne, 28.2 Hunt, F. S., 626 Hunt, Florence J., 678 Hunt, G. W., 203 Hunt, Mrs. G. W. (See Hopkins, Ruby C.) Hunt, T. N., Jr., 282 Hunt, L. L., 626 Hunt, Mabel D., 203 Hunt, T. F., 37 Hunt.- Mrs. T. F. (See Campbell, Juniata G.) Hunter, A. H.. 678 Hunter, Mrs. C. M. (See Righter. Nellie R.) Hunter, C. P., 164 Hunter, H. E., 148 Hunter, J. A., 538 Hunter, Margaret. 720 Hunter, R. F., 497 Huntington, C. S., 422 Huntington, Ellen A., 182 Huntington, H. I., 626 Huntoon, H. A., 228 Huntoon, J. S., 228 Hurd, A. B., 112 Hurlbert. Flora D., 14S Hursh, R. K., 314 Hursh, Mrs. R. K. (See Feind. Frances M.) Hurst, Mrs. G. P. (See Woolsey, Lulu C.) Huse, Louise M.. 282 Husson, IT. L.. 67S Husted, G., 581 Husted, L. A., 581 Huston, F. T., 93 Huston, J. A., 538 gHuston, Ola E., 779 Hutchin, C. E., 282 Hutchins, Margaret, 314 Hutchins, Marjorie, 581 Hutchinson, Josephine L., 678 Hutchinson, Mary A., 422 Hutchinson. O. C. K.. 626 Huth. W. H., 282 Hutson, Stella E.. 34s gHutton, J. G., 779 Huxmann, R. F., 497 Hyde, B., 23 ♦Hyde, Edith, 581 Hyde, Mrs. H. S. (See Baldwin, Ada L.) Hyde, H. W., 382 Hyde, Sophie, 182 Hyde. W. G., 382 Hyndman, R. J. Jr., 626 Hyndman, Ruth, 315 Hypes, Cora E. J.. 626 Hvpes, G. W., 626 Hypes, J. L., 626 jHysIop, W. H., 779 '97 Ice, Marinda, 102 University of Illinois 'q/ *Ice, Mel Dora, 102 'is Ice, N. C, 581 ^ ^^ •17 Ice, Mrs. N. C. (See Jockisch, Zelma) '01 Iddings, Daisy D., 148 'i ? lida, T., 497 .elida. Y., 779 •09 Ilg, G. M. A., 345 'is Isaacs, T. R., s8i '12 Israel, A. L., 460 '16 Imes, O. S., 626 '17 Imes, R., 678 '11 Imlay, H. A., 422 '14 Inagaki, N.. 53,8 •04 Ingalls, Mrs. C. E. (See Caldwell, Elizabeth E.) '16 Ingalls. H. B., 626 '12 Ingalls, R. D., 460 gingberg. S., 779 . gingels, Nelle L., 780 '16 Ingels, S., 626 '01 Ingersoll, F. B., 183 '!'-> Ingersoll, H. B., 460 '02 Ingham. L W 164 •01 Ingham, Mrs. L, W. (See Bridgman, Minme C.) 'oq Ingold, E. T., 345 '13 Ingold, V. J., 497 '10 Ingram, H. S., 382 •12 Ingram, H. J., 460 'i2 Ingram, W. V., 460 ',8 Ingwers, A. H., 721 •17 Ingwersen, H. N., 678 •03 Inks, F. E., 183 '10 Innis. Orma A., 382 •03 Ireland. W. P., 183 '15 Ir^nn, S. P.. 581 •09 Irving, E. F., 345 ^, '06 Irwin. B. P. (See Mann, '07 Irwin, Daisy D., 282 '11 Irwin, J. L., 422 girwin, J. W., 7S0 '09 Irwin, W. W., 345 givey, P. W., 780 '18 Iwig, Dorot'^y.J-v7-'/c„„ •03 Jack, Mrs. C. M. (See ^ Nelson, Charlotte B.) '16 Tackman, C. H., 626 '00 Tackman, Ida, 131 '04 Jackson, Charlotte M.. 203 ^ -r c '12 Jackson, Eva J- 400 '03 Jackson, Fanny R., i83 •09 "Jackson, G R-- 345 ',S Jackson, Mabel C., 581 '17 Jackson, M. S.. 678 •06 *Jackson, Litta D., 254 •11 Tackson, R. N., 422 •iS Jackson, T H., 721 '08 Jackson. Mrs. W. C. (See Nydegger, Charlotte) "09 Tackson, Zita E., 345 '14 Jacob, Eda A., S38 •07 Jacob, E. O.. 282 '06 Jacob, Mrs E- O; (See Conard, Sarah O.) •18 Tacobi, H. J., 721 '08 Jacobs. Cora A., 315 '05 Jacobs, M. J.. 229 '10 Tacobsen, L. tl., 3»2 '08 Jacobsen, Eda A., 31 5 '06 Jacobsen, N. H., 254 '15 Jacobsen, W. H., S8i gtacobson. A., 780 '18 jacobson, H. G. M., 721 •86 •Jacobson, J. S., 45 '11 Jacobson, S. A., 422 •18 Jacquim, W. C., 72i gjaeck, Emma G., 780 '12 Tahn, H. F., 460 •14 jahr, M. E.. 538 '00 Tahr, T. K. T.. 131 •15 Jain, R. S., 582 '13 Jalandoni, J. L., 497 '07 James, C, 282 '09 James, C- A., 345 '09 James, D. L., 346 '15 James, E. A., 582 'qo James, F. M., 121 '06 James, H. G., 254 '17 James, Harriet L., 678 '02 James, H. D., 164 '10 James, Helen D., 382 'iR James, Helen I., 721 '11 James, I^ouise A., 422 'nfi James, T^. V., 254 'is James, L. W., 582 'oq James. M. C, 346 '17 James, W. P., 678 '11 Jamison, Martha G., 422 gjamison. Michal V., 780 '10 Janda. J. F.. 382 '04 Jansen, D. H., 78 '14 Janson, J. M., 538 '18 Janssen. E. T., 721 '04 Janssen, O., 203 '86 Jaques, Minnie, 45 'oS Jaquet, G. E., 315 '03 Jarman, H. P., 183 '16 Jarnagin. R. L., 627 '04 Jarrett, Mrs. O. J. (See Aldrich, Blanche) '05 Jarrett. T. L., 229 gjarrold, Rachel M., 780 '16 Jarvis, R., 627 '18 Jarvis, Mrs. R. (See Green. Esther C.) '15 Jarvis, W. B. Jr., 582 '11 Jasper, E. M.. 422 '04 Jasper, T., 78 '10 Jasper, T. M., 383 ''4 .letters, C. P., 5 '16 Jefferson, J. B., 627 '04 Jeffrey, Mrs. M. R. (See White, Caroline L.) '10 Jehle, F., 383 '12 Jenner, Louise M., 460 gjenney, Adeline M., 780 '03 Jennings, Anna V., 183 '16 Jennings, C. G., 627 '17 Jennings, Mrs. C. G. (See Green, Gladys) 'is Jennings, W. W., 582 '06 *Jens. R. E., 254 '09 Jensen, Mrs. G. H. (See Poorman, Amy) '09 Jensen, G. L., 346 '(■6 Jensen, J. N., 254 gjensen, Katherine, 780 '15 Jensen, M. O., 582 gjerdan, A. L., 780 '16 Jervis, Florence M., 627 '07 Jervis, Katherine B.. 282 'lo Jervis, P. F.. 383 '15 *Jessen, H., 582 '07 Jessup, R. D., 282 '10 Jeter, G. G., 383 '18 Teude, E. A., 721 gjewell, Minna E., 781 Jewett, R. E., 460 "jez, C. L., 627 Jillson, Nellie W., 51 Jinguji, G., 461 Jobst, G. J., 102 Jockisch, Zelma, 678 'oq Johanning, P. M., 346 ■94 Johannsen, A., 78 '94 Johannsen, O. A., 79 '14 John, Dorette, 538 '18 Johns, Evelyn G., 721 '17 Johns, D. C, 678 '14 Johns, W. E., 538 gjohns. Mrs. W. E. (See Dewey, Ida B.) '08 Johnson, A. A., 315 '07 Johnson, Alice S., 282 03 Johnson, A. M., 183 00 Johnson, C. S., 132 10 Johnson, E. E., 383 17 Johnson, E. G., 678 1 6 Johnson, Edna L.. 627 11 Johnson, E. L., 422 87 Johnson, E. S., 48 '16 •88 97 '17 Index to Alumni '03 Johnson, F. D., 183 '18 Johnson, F. H., 721 '02 Johnson, F. V., 165 ^Johnson, Gertrude A., 781 '08 Johnson, G. K., 315 '03 Johnson, Mrs. G. R. (See Bowman, Gertrude) '06 Johnson, G. T., 254 '93 Johnson, Harriette A., 71 '13 Johnson, Mrs. H. G. (See Patton, Elsie) '13 Johnson, H. J., 497 '15 Johnson, H. S., 582 '01 Johnson, J. E., 149 '17 Johnscn, J. N., 678 '02 Johnson, J. P., 165 'o(> Johnson, J. T., 254 '96 Johnson, L. W., 93 ^Johnson, Mabel C, 781 '16 Johnson, M. C, 627 '16 Johnson, Mary F., 627 '16 Johnson, M. L., 627 '16 Johnson, M. W., 627 '16 Johnson, Mrs. M. W. (See Behrensmeyer, Helen) '13 Johnson, Nelle I., 498 '09 Johnson, P. K., 346 'og Johnson, Roxana G., 346 '17 Johnson, Ruby E., 678 '14 Johnson, R. C, 538 '17 Johnson, R. E., 678 '17 Johnson, R. M., 678 '06 Johnson, R. O., 254 '14 Johnson, R. U., 538 '11 Johnson, W. B., 422 '09 Johnson, W. C, 346 '79 'Johnson, W. P., 21 Johns Johns Johns IS Johns g*]ohns 09 Johns Johns 'Johns Eir Johnsi Johns Johns Johns 17 on, A. R., 132 on, D. I., 627 on, E. ?!., 283 on, Florence R.. 582 on, J. H., 781 on, J. M., 346 on, J. M., 679 on, Mrs. L. E. ot, Erma L.) on, Lillian R., on, P. E., 461 on, P. E., 679 on, Mrs. R. E. (See Born, Alda H.) 09 '09 '15 '10 '17 '16 '8s '04 Johnsi Johns Johns Jones Jones, Jones *Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones gjones Jones Jones Jones ones Jones, Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones (See 721 one, A. J., 498 one, G. C., 229 one, G. R., 498 A. A., 383 A. E., 149 Bertha M., 422 Blanche, 346 B. L., 346 C. C, 582 C. J., 383 D. E., 679 D. R., 627 Emma, 41 Mrs. E. I Popejoy, Lida E.) (See E. J., 721 E. S., 781 E. W., 423 Frances B., 679 Frances E., 149 F. S., 347 F. W., 679 G. R., i6s H. L., 165 H. N. Jr., 31S Isabel E., 62 j. C, .6= 09 Jones, J. L., 347 Mrs. J. L. (See Broad dus, Elizabeth M.) '16 Tones, J. R., 627 '04 Jones, J. W., 203 '99 Jones, Louise, 121 '04 Jones, Lucile, 204 gjones, L. S., 781 Sjones, L. T., 781 '91 Jones, Mabel, 62 'is Jones, M. D., 582 '18 Jones, M. M., 721 '10 Jones, Opal R., 383 'i 7 Jones, P. C., 679 'is [ones, P. E., 582 '80 *Jones, R. D., 23 '13 Jones, R. F., 498 'i I Tones, R. H., 423 '12 Jones, R. T., 461 ifjones, S. C., 781 '10 Jones, S. G., 383 '09 Jones, T. N., 347 '02 Jones. W., 165 '07 Jones, W. F., 283 '17 Jones, W. O., 679 ' 18 Jones, W. P., 721 '10 Jones, W. R., 3S3 '17 Joosten, E. J., 679 'to Jordan, A. I., 383 '08 Jordan, E. B., 315 '09 Jordan, Mrs. E. B. (See Parsons, Lura E.) '00 Jordan, G. T., 132 '98 *Jordan, Helen. 112 '11 Jordan, Helen M., 423 '06 Jordan, J. G., 254 g-Jordan, Mrs. J. C. (Harri- son. Annabel R.) ^Jordan, L., 781 '09 Jordan, M. K., 347 '08 Jordan, Mrs. M. K. (See Matthews, Nellie P.) '08 Jordan, O. J., 315 '[t Jordan, R. J., 423 ^Jordan, Vera E.. 781 f Jordan, W. G., 781 '09 Jorgensen, Mrs. F. A. (See McMillen, Sarah G.) '14 Jory, H. W., 539 ^Joseph. W. E., 781 '07 Joy, H. P., 283 '16 Joyner, Mildred, 627 '18 Judd, Elizabeth G., 721 '17 Tudson, F. M., 679 'is Jue, J. H.. 582 '10 *Juergens, E., 384 '15 June. Marjorie M., 582 '16 tungkun^, L. F., 628 '95 Junkersfeld, P., 86 '90 Junkersfeld, Mrs. P. (See Boyle, Anna C.) '99 Jutton, Emma R., 121 '02 "tutton. L.. 165 •11 Kaar. H. W., 423 'is Kaar, Ruth A., 582 '02 Kable, C. H., 165 '99 Kable, J. F., 121 '16 Kadin, M. J., 628 '16 Kadinsky, M. J. (See Kadin, M. J.) '98 Kaeser, A. F., 112 '00 Kaeser, Mrs. A. F. (See Latzer. Jennie M.) '04 Kaeser, "W. G., 204 '09 Kagy, J. L., 347 '08 Kahlert, H. E., 315 '16 Kahlert. T. D., 628 'li Kailer, F. S., 461 '18 Kalivoda, J. J., 721 '10 Kallevang, E. J. (See Pond, Ethel C.) '11 Kamm, O., 423 gKamm, Mrs. O. (See Watson, Minnie E.) '16 Kamm, R. M., 628 •16 Kamm, W. F., 628 '86 Kammann, C. H.. 45 '07 Kammerman, J. O., 283 gKammlade. W. G., 782 '17 Kamp, H. W., 679 '86 Kamper, Mrs. C. A. (See Ermentrout, Anna M.) '07 Kampf, Viola M., 283 '14 "Kan, C. C.. 539 '14 Kiane, R. A., 539 '16 Kane, R. C.. 628 '06 Kanne, W. J., 254 '16 Kantor, J. M., 628 '14 Karcher, F. J., 539 '14 Karges, H. G.. 539 '75 Kariher, Israella K., 8 [n Karkow, A. S., 423 '13 Karkow, W., 498 'ii ICarmazin, J., 423 '04 Ivarnopp, E. B., 204 gKarr, W. G., 782 '10 Karr. W. J., 384 '16 Karraker, A. H., 628 '15 Karraker, G. W., 582 '11 Karraker, P. E., 423 gKarrer, S., 782 '12 Kastel, T. J., 461 '05 Kasten, F. W., 229 '16 Kasten, W. H., 628 '00 Kastner, Mrs. A. (See Bullock, Jessie J.) '17 Kauffman, A. II., 679 '06 I"Cauffman, Mrs. B. F. (See Robinson, Candace I.) '14 Kaun, R. F., 539 '13 Kaun, W. V., 498 '10 Kautz, P., 384 '08 Kautz, W. W., 31 s '16 Kawamoto, T., 628 '13 Kay, C. J., 498 '13 Kay, G. J., 498 '12 Kays, D. J., 461 '79 Kays. E., 21 '09 Kays, Lucile E., 347 '06 Kays, M. R., 255 '09 Kays, V. €., 347 '18 Kayser, C. S., 721 '16 Keach, W. M., 628 gKean, H. P., 782 '03 Keator. Mrs. E. O. (See Goodale, Grace) '02 Keator, E. O., i6s '06 Keator, J., 255 '15 Keefer, Ruth F., 583 '14 Keehner, A. F., 539 '07 Keeler, F. C., 283 '95 Keeler, F. B.. 86 96 Keeler, H., 93 '05 Keeler, L. S., 229 gKeen, Dora, 782 'is Keen, F. F., 583 'is Keen, Francis F., 583 '90 Keene, E. S., 57 '16 Keener, O. S., 628 '00 Keeney, H. E., 132 '15 Keese, A. W., 583 '08 Kegg, Mrs. R. L. (See Parsons, Irene M.) '08 Kegley, F. T. Jr., 316 gKeiser, A.. 782 '00 Keiser, Mrs. H. (See Hall, Elizabeth T.) '04 Keith, C. E., 204 '18 Keith, Emma G.. 721 '13 Keith, L. P., 498 '16 Keitoku, S., 628 '12 Kell, C. N., 461 '17 Kell, S. L., 679 '16 Keller, A. R., 628 '14 Keller, Bessie O., 539 '15 Keller, Florence, 583 '10 Keller, R. H. L., 384 '12 Kelley, A. C., 461 '18 Kelley, Edith M., 722 '16 Kelley, F. H., 628 '01 Kelley, Frances, 149 '03 Kelley, Grace O., 183 '16 Kelley, H. P., 628 'r8 Kelley, Iva. 722 '13 Kelley, Mae E., 498 '14 Kelley, R. L., 539 '14 Kelley, Mrs. R. L. (See McKee, Olivetta) '09 Kelley, T. L., 347 University of Illinois Kellogg, Amelia L., 583 '06 Kellogg, Flora L., 8 '10 Kellogg, S. A., 62S '16 Kelly, A. R., 166 Kt'llv, D. 11., 204 '14 Kelly, F. H.. 629 Kelly, II. E., 722 '96 Kelly, J. T., 722 '02 Kelly, L. R., 347 '«)7 Kelly, Mary, 122 '06 Kelso, C. E., 229 '09 Kelso, Ruth. 316 "04 Keltner, C. H., 384 '§4 Kemball, Georgetta, 37 'n Kemp, A. R., 679 Kemp, J. E., 149 '18 Kemp, J. G., 255 '06 gKenipton, F. E.. 783 '05 Keniiall, A. F., 461 '13 Keiulall. G. B., 461 '79 Kenilall, H. F., 54 '79 Keiuiall, J. S., 255 '17 Kendall. M. A., 2S3 '17 Kendall, W. F.. 41 Kennan. C. M., 461 '06 Kennard, Katherine, 58 'i6 Kenneday, L. E., 5S3 '00 Kennedy, A. G., 14 '17 Kennedy. F. VV., 79 '02 Kennedy, Helen T., 183 'S9 Kennedy, Mrs. J. B. (See '08 Gold, Katharine E.) Kennedy, K,, 679 'iS Kennedy, Mrs. L. E. (See 'oo Dole, Lillian D.) "16 Kenner, B. F., 629 '17 Kenower, G. F., 8 '14 Kenower, J. T., 34 '95 Kenshalo, D. R., 629 Kent, E. F., 679 Kent, E. R,, 423 '04 Kent, J. M., 41 '13 Kent, L. C, 498 Kent, L. M.. 93 Kent, W. R., 401 '16 Kenyon, E. C, 229 '97 Kenyon, F. N., 539 'Sv Kepier, G. F., 133 Kerch, W. W.. 316 'So Kerch. Mrs. W. W. (See 'oc Porterfield, Nellie M.) '09 Kercher. O.. 539 '17 Kercher, O. B., 539 '03 Kerchner, F. W., 79 'So Kerchner. M. \V., 423 "o,? Kerker, H. E., 461 '17 Kern, Esther A., 539 '17 Kern, E. S.. 498 'o7 Kern, Florence E., 679 '17 Kern, V. 11., 620 '10 i'Kernall. M. J., 7S2 "oS Kernall, Pearle K., 583 '14 Kerndt, A. H., 461 '16 Kerner, J. C, 679 '11 Kerr, B. M., 347 '04 Kerr, Grace A., 424 "15 Kerr, Josephine, 28.1 '11 Kerrigan. P. F., 539 '14 Kerns. S. K., 102 Kershaw. L. R., 204 '^3 Kessler, C. H., 408 '17 Kessler, H. L., 3S4 "14 ^Kessler, J., 782 't? Kessler. R. B., S39 Ketch. .T. M.. 680 '11 Ketchum, D. C. 121 '00 Ketchum, Margaret A., '14 132 '15 Ketchum, M. S.. 86 '15 Ketchum. R. B.. 93 Kettron, H. P., 424 '12 Keusink Helen B.. 680 Kevs, I.ouesa T., 424 '14 Kibbe, I.. A.. 3 Klingel, L., 71 "10 Klingler. R. J., 629 'iS Klink, VV'. L., 722 '12 Klooster, C. A., 462 'u> Klopp, C. G.. 629 '97 Klossowski, T. J., 102 '12 Klotz, H. J., 462 'iS Klotzsche, Bessie M., 722 '12 Knapp, Aiirella, 462 '15 Knapp. L, D., ,,83 '13 Knapp, Martha VV., 499 '04 "Knapp, N., 204 '07 Knai'p. VV. A.. 2S3 'or Knapp. Mrs. VV. A. (See Davis, Nell S. M.) '18 •76 'oS Knapp, VV. E., 348 ".napp 630 '08 Knappenberger M Knappenberger, J. M., 722 *Knauss, D. S., 424 Kneberg, Goldie M.. 384 Kneeland, F, H., 204 Kneesliaw, Mary J., 722 Knenieyer. E. F., 583 Knepper. Myrtle E., 462 Knibloe. VV'. E., :i Knight. B. L, 384 Knight. E. B., 722 Knight, E. T.. 256 irKnight. H. G.. 7S3 Knight, L. I.. 166 Knight, P. K., 630 Knieht, Mabel A.. 424 gKnight, R. A., 7S3 Knirk, C. F.. 316 Knoche. J. C. 6S0 Knodle. C. L., 630 Knoehel, VV. G., 583 Knorr, L. S., 283 Knowles. C. H., 424 Know'ton, Elizabeth, Knowlton, Lizzie A. Knowlton, Miriam. 540 Knowlton, P. C, 540 Knowlton, VV. D., 183 Knox, H. G., 6S1 Knox. T. H.. 283 Knox, R. K.. 499 Knox, S. M., 348 Knudsen, C. VV., 499 Knudsen. N. A.. 68i S40 34 'is Kobylanski, J. L., 584 'c7 Koch, A. R., 284 '15 Koch, C. E., 584 '17 Koch. Eloise. C81 'gg Koch, F. C, 121 '11 Koch, Flora M., 424 •i,S Koch, H. C, .S84 '16 Koebele, C. W., 630 '18 Kofhler, G., 723 '02 Koehn, Anna. 166 '04 Koehn, Martha C, 204 '10 Koestner. W., 384 '98 Kofoid, Nellie, 112 gKofoid, Prudence W., 783 '02 *Kofoid, R. N., 166 '18 Kohl, Kowena A., 723 '17 Kohn, J, L., 681 '13 Kohout. J. F., 499 '18 Kolb, M. A., 723 'o( Kolker, K. J., 256 '16 Koll, H. M., 630 '17 Kolmer, O. P., 681 '14 Koo, V. T., 541 '12 Koons, G. J.. 462 '16 • Ko|jf, F. A., 630 '14 Korshak, S., 541 '09 Korsnio, A. M., 348 '11 Korsmo, E. O., 425 '16 Korth, Frieda E., 630 '09 Kost, J. C., 348 gKostalek, J. A., 784 '13 Kosters, S, F., 499 '16 Koupal, Agnes R., 630 '16 Kouyoumjian, G. H., 630 '14 Krabbe, E. M., 541 '16 Kraeckmann, A. E., 630 '13 Kraegcr, J. F., 499 '09 Kraft, E. W., 348 'j8 Kraft, R. R., 723 '00 *Krahl, B. F., 132 '05 Kramer, G. A., 2^9 '13 Kramer, J. C., 499 '16 Kramer, Mrs. M. M. (See Samuels, Freda I,) '12 Kr?mmcrt, H. C, 462 '17 Krase. H. J., 681 '18 Krase, N. W., 723 '07 Kratz, A. P., 284 '10 Kratz, Ethel G., 384 '12 Kratz, E. V., 462 '00 Kratz, J. P., 132 '97 Kratz, Laura, 102 '18 Krauel, P. L., 723 '12 Krause, Emma A., 462 '84 Krause, Josephine S., 37 '76 Krebs, Mrs. J. H. (See Holton, Martha G.) '16 Krebs, W. E., 630 '13 Krebs, W. S., 499 '18 Kreidler, C. jf., 723 '11 Kreidler, D. A., 425 '01 Kreikenbaum, A., 149 '09 Kreiling, C. H., 348 '17 Kreiling, R. G., 681 '04 Kreisinger, H., 204 gKremers, H. C., 784 '09 Kressmann, F. W., 349 '09 Kressmann. Mrs. F. W. (See Gridley, Mabel A.) '17 Krieg, Amelia A., 681 '10 Krieger, Augusta M., 384 '16 Kriegh, E. S., 630 •17 Kriegl, O., 681 '17 Kriewitz, J. G., 63i '05 Krippner, J., 229 '16 Kritzer, R. W.. 630 '15 Kromer, C. A., 584 '10 Krueger, E. T., 385 'is Krueger, O. A., 584 '17 Krug, L. G., 681 '18 Krupar, C. F., 723 '14 Ku, T. L., S4I •02 Kuehl, Mrs. W. J. A. (See Koehn, Anna) '05 Kuehlehe, O., 229 '00 Kuehn, A. L., 132 Index to Alumni '03 Kuehn, Mrs. A. L. (See Chacey, Anna O.) '97 Kuchne, C. O., 102 '17 Kugler, M. B., 681 '13 Kuhl, J. H. Jr., 499 '10 Kuhl, W. P., 385 '14 Kulin, H. IL, S4I '79 *Kuhn, L, 21 '15 Kuhn, W. H., 584 '10 Kummer, L., 385 '06 Kunkle, R. D., 256 '10 Kur.z, W. F., 38s '16 Kurl, L. P. Jr., 630 '15 Kuska, Mrs. J. B. (See McVey, Nellie F.) 'o-t Kuss R. H., 184 'o-i Kutsch, W. A., 184 '98 Kuykendall, A. J., 112 'is Kyle, G. L. ,584 '07 Kyle, Martha J., 103 '04 Kytc. J. F., 205 'II La Belle, J. N., 425 '17 Lacey, J. J., 681 '16 Lackey, Kate, 630 '16 Ladd, W. S., 630 '18 Ladehoff, A. D., 723 '07 Laemmle, Mrs. J. J. (See Norton, Carrie B.) '15 Lafferty, J. S., 584 '08 Laflin, Mary E., 316 '15 La Frcnz, Grace E., 584 '17 Lagergren, G. P., 681 '11 Lagerstrom, D. R., 425 '12 Laing, G. D., 462 '17 Laing, W. L., 681 '95 Lake, E. J., 86 '07 Lake, E. S., 284 gLamb, B. F., 784 '12 Lamb, C. A. Jr., 462 '10 Lamb, C. H., 38s '14 Lamb, Edith J., 541 '17 Lamb, Hallie E., 682 '17 Lamb, H. E., 682 '18 Lamb, J., 723 '12 Lamb, Nellie B., 462 '18 Lambroff, G. V., 723 '01 Lamet, L. A. VV., 149 '13 I.amkey, E. M. R., 499 '93 Lamkin, Nina B., 71 '16 Lamkins, L. E., 630 '97 Lainpe, Margaret H. J., 103 '17 T-anan, G., 682 '18 Lancaster, A. H., 723 «. ^Lancaster, L. W., 784 '16 Lancaster, Ruth E., 631 'gg Landel, Ida S., 121 '18 Landon, G., 723 '14 Landon, H. U., S4i '11 Landor, W. A., 425 '12 Landsea, A. F., 462 '17 Landstrom, A. W., 682 '13 Lane, Cora M., 499 '15 Lane, Mrs. J. L. (See Axelson, Alice G.) '09 Lang. L., 349 '10 Lang, Mrs. L. (See Hal- lett, Margaret H.) '&8 Lange, Ida L., 316 '11 Lange, Sophie, 425 '12 Langdon, Margie E., 462 '11 Langdon, R. M., 42.S '09 *Langdon, Mrs. R. M. (See Perring, Vere D.) gLangelier, W. F., 784 '13 Langelier, Mrs. W. F. (See Davison, Ruth) '83 *Langley, Celeste, 34 '00 Langman, J. O., 132 gLangwill, Bertha, 784 'c3 Langworthv, Caroline V., 184 '06 Lanham, M. E., 2s6 '16 Lansche. O. A., 631 '13 Lantz, C. W., 499 '85 Lantz. M, P., 41 '14 Lanz, Etta M., S4i II23 '07 Lapham, Ina O., 284 '09 Large, G. P., 349 '10 Large, Zelma, 385 '16 Largent, J. C, 631 '07 Larmier, R. S., 284 '13 Larkin, F. D. L., 499 '13 Larkin, Ida C, 499 '13 Larkin, W. J. Jr., 500 '78 Lamed, Mary S., 18 '15 Lanier, Mrs. F. (See Cor- dell, Eula E.) '08 Larracas, F. V., 316 '13 Larsen, L. R., 500 '06 Larson, C. A., 256 '18 Larson, C. C, 723 '97 *Larson, C. S., 103 '14 Larson, Eva L., 541 '10 Larson, H. P., 385 'iG Larson, I. N., 6^1 '03 Larson, L. F., 184 ^'Larson, L. J., 784 '16 Larson, Mrs. L. J. (See Hollandsworth, Joseph- ine B. S.) '15 Larson, L. L., 584 '10 Larson, Martha S., 385 '03 Larson, N. A., 184 '16 Larson, R. V., 631 gl.a Rue, G. R., 784 '17 Lascelles, R. J.. 082 'is Laskin, L. J., .■;84 '18 La Tur, Angle, 723 '16 Lathrop, C. P., 631 '00 Lathrop, Olive C, 132 '17 Lathrop, W. G., 682 '18 Latimer, Mrs. G. G. (See Malsbary, Grace E.) gLatimer, T. E., 785 gLatimer, T. S., 785 '8s Lattin, T., 41 'I3 Lattin, R. T., 5oo '12 Lattin, Mrs. R. T. (See Barry, Mary C.) 'is Latzer, Irma A., 584 '99 Latzer, J. A., 121 '00 Latzer, Jennie M., 132 '06 Latzier, L. L., 2s6 '08 Latzier, R. L., 316 'iS Lauder, F. R., 723 gLaucr, W. W., 785 '09 Laughlin, E. V., 349 '12 Lauher, P. B., 463 ')S L.-iuphit. Tse, 723 'n Laurence, A. F., 425 '18 Lauritzen, Marion M., 723 '11 Lauter, C. J., 425 'iS Lauterback, E. G., 584 '81 *Lawhead, Lucy M., 26 '10 *Lawler, O. H., 385 '08 Lawless, Julius A., 316 '14 Lawless, J. C, S4i '16 Lawless ,Mary J., 631 '16 Lawnin, N.. 631 '99 Lawrence, C. G., 122 '18 Lawrence, C. H., 724 '11 Lawrence, C. W., 425 '16 *Lawrence, E. A., 631 '14 Lawrence, E. D., 541 '10 Lawrence, Mrs. H. G., (See Highfell, Inez F.) gLawrence, M., 785 '81 Lawrence, Nettie E., 26 '17 Lawrence, R. E., 682 '17 Lawrence. R. H., 682 '16 Laws, J. W., 631 gLawson, E. L., 785 '15 Lawson, Mary M.. s84 '15 Lawton, B. C., S84 '07 Lawyer, J. C, 284 '16 Lawyer, J. D., 631 '06 Laycock, M. J., 256 '10 Layden, J. E., 385 '13 *Layden, T. E., 500 'i I Layer, H., 42s gLaying, T. E., 785 '01 Layton, Katherine A. W., 149 II24 University of Illinois ^Layton, W. K., 785 '07 Lazear, W. B., 284 "16 Leach, P. J., 631 '13 Leach, Margaret, 500 '16 Leach, M. E., 631 ^Leach, Mrs. M. E. (See Doane, Alice M.) '99 Leach, W. B., 122 '96 Leal, Sophia N., 93 '17 Leander, E. I., 682 '10 Leas, Mildred, 385 '04 Lease, L. J., 205 '16 Leatherman, Marian, 631 '15 Leavens, A. B., 584 '04 Leaverton, J. E., 205 ^Le Cato, J. M., 785 '16 Ledgcrwood, L. W., 631 '75 Lee, Alice, 8 '17 Lee, A. C, 682 '18 Lee, B. F., 724 'o9 Lee, C. B., 349 '16 Lee, Ellena, 632 '79 Lee, E., 21 '78 Lee, E. O., 18 '13 Lee, E. S., 500 '09 Lee, Gertrude A., 349 gLee, H. R., 785 '15 Lee, Izora, 584 '00 Lee, J. L., 132 '07 Lee, Mary H., 284 gLee, M. L. T., 785 '11 Lee, O. H., 426 '18 Lee, T. N., 724 '14 Lee, W. H., 541 'I4 Lee, Y. N., 541 '75 *Leflar, J. E., 8 '03 Lefler, Grace, 184 '16 Leggett, Wilkie W., 632 '17 Leggit, F., 682 '18 Leggitt, F. W., 724 '03 Lego, Lulu M., 184 g^Lehenbauer, B. G., 785 gLehenbauer, P. A., 786 '02 Leber, J. C, 166 '17 Lehman, L. H., 682 '10 Lehman, R. F., 385 '15 Lehmann, G. E., 585 '18 Lehmann, Ruth T., 724 '16 Leibsle, R. W., 632 '08 Leidendeker, F. E., 316 '08 Leidendeker, Mrs. F. E. (See Eraser, Annebell) '97 Leigh, C. W., 103 '16 Leighty, W. S., 632 '18 Leist, C, 724 '18 Leitzbach, Elizabeth, 724 '16 Le Kander, R. E., 632 '16 Le Kander, Mrs R. E. (See Gilbert, Minnie E.) 'is Lekberg, C. H. S., 585 '95 Lemen, W. C S.. 86 '86 Lemme, E., 46 '16 Lemmon, E. G., 632 '17 Lemp, J. F., 682 '17 Landman, A. N., 682 '07 Lendrum, Ethel, 284 '16 Lenhart, N. J., 632 '98 *Lentz, Caroline A., 112 '16 Lentz, C. A., 632 '03 Lentz. Mary, i84 '17 Lenzen, A. F., 682 '16 Lenzing, C. W., 632 '12 Leo, H. T., 463 '09 Leonard, Mrs. C. E. (See Jackson. Zita E.) '09 Leonard, Mrs. C. H. (See Baker, Ruth M.) '00 Leonard, E., 2S6 '11 Leonard, Frances B., 426 '12 Leonard, F. B., Jr., 463 '15 Leonard, Gladys A., 585 '11 Leonard, H. R., 426 '13 Leonard, Ruth, 463 'li? Leonard, W. N., 585 'is Leopold, R. E., 585 '17 Larch, E., 683 '14 Leriche, W., 541 'ii Lescher, F. M., 426 '10 Leslie, E. A., 385 '13 Leslie, E. H., soo ^Leslie, H. D., 786 '17 Leslie, Madge C, 683 'is Leslie, Mrs. W. R. (See Rutember, Frances M.) '03 Le Sourd, A. C., 184 '11 Le Sure, C. S., 426 '18 Lett, H. H., 724 '99 Leutwiler, O. A., 122 '11 Leutwiler, R. W., 426 'is Leverenz, A. C. G., 585 '04 Leverton, E. R., 205 '11 Levey, C. T., 426 gLevay, H. A., 786 '10 Levinson, L., 386 '17 Lavinson, M. C 683 '10 Levis, C. P., 386 '13 Levis, W. E., soo '14 Levis, Mrs. W. E. (See Harris, Margaret R.) ■93 Levy, A. L., 71 '06 Lewis, B. A., 2s6 '07 Lewis, B. R., 284 '89 *Lewis, C. A., 54 gLewis, C. D., 7S6 '83 Lewis, Camilla F., 34 '96 Lewis, C. M., 93 '14 Lewis, Clara V., 541 '12 Lewis, Edna, 463 '77 *Lewis, E. v., 14 '12 Lewis, F. D., 463 '10 Lewis, G. Q., 386 gLawis, H. F., 786 '14 Lewis, J. E., 541 '11 Lewis, J. H., 426 '89 *Lewis, J. L., 54 '17 Lewis, J. T., 683 '12 Lewis, Katharine, 463 '14 Lewis, Laura L., S4i '11 Lewis, Lucy E., 426 'os Lewis, Lucy M., 229 '83 Lewis, R. D., 34 '10 Lewis, R. H., 386 'os Lewis, R. J., 229 '12 Lewis, R. R., 463 '08 *Lewis, T. B., 317 'is Lewis, T. G., 585 '07 *Lewis, W., 284 '02 Lewis, Mrs. W. A. (See Burrill, Evelyn) '17 Li, S. K., 683 'is Liang, T. H., s8s '18 Libman, Anita, 724 '16 Libman, E. E., 632 gLichty, L. C, 786 '18 Lreber, Ruth E., 724 '17 Liedel, R. B., 683 '96 Liese, G. C, 93 '84 Lietze, F. A., 38 '89 Ligare, E. F., 54 '08 Ljggett, F. M., 317 '16 Liggett, Irene L., 632 '14 Liggett, L. A., S42 'is Light. C. R., s8s '07 Lill, H. F., 284 '84 Lilly, C. H., 38 '84 *Lilly. G. E., 38 'i6 de Lima, M. F., 632 '17 Lin, T. K.. 683 '15 Linbarger, S. C 58s '16 Lincoln, C. W., 632 ^Lincoln, W., 786 '09 Lindberg, E. F. J., 349 '15 Lindberg, G. I., "585 '10 Lindberg, I. A. I.. 386 '12 Lindberg, Ruth M. R., 463 '18 Lindeberg, G., 724 'i6 Linder, C. S., 632 '15 Linder. Grace, 585 '14 Linder. L. S.. S42 '17 Linder, M. S., 683 '02 Lindgren, J. M., t66 '05 Lindley, Almeda V.. 2^9 '14 Lindley, Bess M.. 542 09 Lindley, F. H., 349 15 Lindley, Ida H., 58s II Lindley, June, 426 01 Lindley, W. C., 149 04 Lindsay, F. M., 205 15 Lindsey, G. H., 585 16 Lindsey, H. W., 632 17 Lindsey, J. R., 683 17 Lindsey, L. M., 683 II Lindstrom, A. W., 426 17 Linendoll, H. A., 683 15 Link, Hilah J., 586 g-Linkins, R. H., 786 98 Linn, F. D., 112 96 Linn, H. R., 94 97 Linn, Mrs. H. R. (See Buck, Luella E.) 09 Linn, J. H., 349 17 Linnard, E. W., 683 16 Linnell, Carrie E., 632 ^Linney, Mrs. H. H. (See Wood, Cornelia E.) '16 Linsley, C. M., 633 '09 Linton, Margie, 349 '98 Lin/.ee. A. C, 112 '14 Liss, O. L., S42 gListon, Mrs. C. E. (See English, Inez J.) '17 Little, A. D., 683 'c6 Little, C. E., 256 '16 Little, C. R., 633 '17 Little, Ethel E., 683 '83 *Little, H. P., 34 '11 Little, L. L., 426 gLittle, Mrs. L. R. (See Holmer, Emma) '07 Little, R. F., 284 '12 Littlejohn, Lula L., 463 '11 Littler, S. H., 427 '12 Littleton, A. C., 463 ^Littleton, L. R., 786 ^Littleton, Martha E., 787 '18 Liu, N. Y., 724 ^Liu. Y., 787 '16 Livesay, Ruth F., 633 '14 Livesay, W. B., 542 '12 Livingston, L. L., 463 '01 Livingston, Stacia, 150 '06 Llewellyn, C, 256 '95 Llewellyn, D. R., 86 '18 Llewellyn, Hazel 1., 724 '77 Llewellyn, T. C 14 '77 Llewellyn, Mrs. J. C. (See Piatt, Emma C.) '11 Llewellyn, Ruth, 427 '06 Llewellyn, R. C., 256 '02 Lloyd, G. T., 166 '11 Lloyd, J. H., 427 "08 Lloyd. Tennie M., 317 '09 Lloyd, Nell E., 349 •03 Llovd, R. C, 184 'is Lloyd, T. H., 586 '16 Llovd. Mrs. T. H. (See Gehant, Evelyn) '87 Llovde, C. A., 48 '78 Llovde, F. H., 18 '11 Locke, Mrs. A. (See Powel. Ellen C.) '13 Locke, Clara E., 500 'oq Locke, W. C, 3S0 '11 Locke. Mrs. W. C. (See Webber, Lois) '18 Lockwood, Isabel K., 724 '08 Lodge, F. S., 317 '01 Lodge, P. E., ISO '13 Loeffler, F. X., soo '13 Loehr, T. E., 500 '09 Lofquist, H. S., 350 '99 Loftus, Ella M., 122 '08 Logan, C. C, 317 '07 Logan, C. R., 285 '17 Logan, F. A., 683 '08 Logan, Grace B., 317 '06 Logan, W. A., 256 '04 Logaman, A. E., 205 '07 Logeman. L. I., 285 Index to Alumni 112 = Logue, C. L., 133 Loh, P. K., 500 Lohman, F. C, 427 Lohr, L. W., Soo Loing, Fern M., 586 Lonergan, C. P. A., 230 Long, A. M., 86 Long, A. T., 317 g'Long, Florence, 787 Long, F. B., 48 Long, G. D., 350 Long, J. A., 317 Long, Mrs. J. A. (See Seiler, Alice F.) Long, J. O., 633 Long, L. F., 6S3 Long, P. K., 724 Long, Ruth I., 724 Long, R. H., 257 Long, T. L., 230 Longueville, J. C, 586 Loomis, A. B., 72 Loomis, C. B., 684 Loomis, Helen A., 285 Looney, J. L., 724 Loosley, F. E., 205 Lopez, A., 542 g^Lopez, M. L., 787 gLord, A. R., 787 Lord, Mrs. A. R. (See Burns, Ruth M.) Lord, C. A., 386 /jLord, L. C, 830 Lord, M. F., 350 Lord, W. E., 386 Lorenz, F. A., Jr., 350 Lorenzen, W. C, 463 Lotz, E. H. (See Loutzen- hiser, E. H.) Lotz, H. B., 633 Lotz, J. R., 150 Lotz, Mrs. J. R. (See Davison, Mabel K.) Louret, F., 684 Loutzenhiser, E. H., 317 Loutzenhiser, Sarah E., SOI Love, Beryl P., 7^4 Love, C. S., 633 Love, C. W., 386 Love, Mrs. I. A. (See Boggs, Martha H.) Love, Leila S., 205 Love, Mary E., 633 Love, R. J., 317 Lovell, M. M., 684 Lowe, C. C, 725 Lowe. R., 386 /^Lowell, A. L., 830 Lowenthal, F., 150 Lower, P. E., 542 gLowrie, J. M., 787 gLowrie, S. G., 787 Lowry, Bessie, 684 *Lowry, J. A. Lowry, Jessie R., 285 Lowry, Mrs. S. W. (See Tener, Katherine R.) Lowry, T. G., 317 Lu, C. K., 684 Lu, C. T., 633 Lucas, Corda C., 23 Lucas, Rena A., 205 Lucke, Mrs. R. O. (See Ryan, Jessie) Luckett, C. L., 542 Ludlow, Helen, 725 Ludvik, B. E., 633 Ludwick, G. \V., 94 Ludwig, Ethel L., 864 Ludwig, E. R., 427 Ludwig, L. J., 633 Luebben, Mrs. T. E. (Sec Hinshaw, Hazel E.) Lueder, H. H., 684 gLukens, W. P., 7S7 Lumbrick, A., 317 '86 Lumley, C. G., 45 '88 Lumley, Mrs. C. G. (Sec McLean, Nellie) '16 Lumley, L. R., 633 "02 Lummis, Jessie L, 166 17 Lummis, I. L., 684 16 Lummis, M. F., 633 03 Lund, H., 166 og Lund, J. €., 3S0 17 Lund. J. V. 684 OS Lundahl, B. H., 230 'i I T.undahl. R. R., 427 16 Lunde, G. R., 633 17 Lundeen, C. C., 684 16 Lundgren, A. V. T., 633 02 Lundgren, C. L., 166 18 Lundgren, F. E., 725 IS Lundgren, F. G., s86 14 Lundgren, Mrs. F. G. (See Nagel, Marcella E.) 15 Lundin, R. S., 586 13 Luney, E. R., 501 07 Luney, F. S., 285 15 Luney, R. T., 586 17 Lungren, A. M., 684 16 Lungren, E. E., 633 14 Lurie, E. M., 542 17 Lurie, S. J., 684 17 Lusk, Genevieve A., 684 gLussky. A. E., 787 17 Lutes, G. W., 684 12 Luther, Caroline, 463 02 Luther, O. L., 167 '03 Luther, Mrs. O. L. (See Stutsman, Adah H.) gLutz, Gretchen K., 788 '15 Lutz, R. S., 586 '08 Lybarger, R. E., 318 '75 Lyford, C. C., 8 01 Lyman, F. L., 150 '72 Lyman, G. H., i 87 Lyman, H. M., 48 15 Lyman, L. T., 586 18 Lyman, Mary A. A., 725 16 Lyman, R. D., 633 ID Lynch, H. W., 386 '08 Lynch, R. A., 318 18 Lynch, Margaret, 725 09 Lynn, J. E., 3So 16 Lyon, J. B., 634 12 Ly>on, Mrs. W. F. (See Thayer, Alice C.) 16 Lyons, Carrie F., 634 16 Lyons, Hazel S., 634 18 Lyons, O. I., 72s 14 Lyons, R. J. 542 1 1 Lyons, T. E., 427 01 Lytle, E. B., 150 07 Lytle, Mrs. E. B. (See Fullenwider, Alice E.) 16 McAdams. Mary E., 634 16 McAfee, L. G., 634 10 McAllister, H. T., 387 '79 McAllister, Minnette C, 10 McAllister, W. K., 387 OS McAnulty, Ethel E., 230 14 McCabe, C. L., 542 '08 McCain, Myrtle B., 318 01 McCall, E. A., ISO 18 McCammon, Martha, 725 90 McCandless, H. W.. 58 17 McCandlish, F. R., 684 08 McCann, G. C. (See Bes- ore. Hazel) OS *McCarthy, Estella, 230 02 McCarthy, H., 167 02 McCarthy, Mrs. H. (See Beebe, Florence J.) 04 McCarthy, J. J.. 205 93 McCartney, W. P., 72 ■98 McCarty, C. J., 112 04 McCarty, J., 206 '07 McCarty, L. J., 285 75 13 '17 '93 •84 '06 '09 *McCaskey, C. P., 350 '11 McCaskey, P. A.. 427 '08 McCaskey, Wendla J., 318 •14 McCaskill, K. A., 342 '94 McCaskrin, H. M., 79 '94 McCaskrin, Louise E., 79 '14 *McCaughey. L. D., S42 '15 McCauley. C. H., -586 McCauley. J. C. 8 McClain. F. H.. 387 McCIellan, K. B.. 684 McClelland, M. J., 634 ^McClelland. T., 830 McClenahan, W. T.. 350 McClintock, Mrs. D. H. (See Frankenberg, Pearle) McClintock. Margaret, 501 McCloud. J. F.. 684 McCloy. R. E., 72 McCluer. G. W.. 38 15 McCluggape, H. B., s86 *McClure. C. B., McClure, Elizabeth A.. 72'^ McClure, Elizabeth D., 206 McClure. O. D., 63 McClure, Winifred L.. 634 McClurg. Loin D., 387 McClurg. Nelle I., 464 McChirg. W. S.. 2=; 7 McCol'ev. Carrie. '^86 McCollister. M. S., 387 g-McCollough E. v.. 788 McCollum. H. D., tso McGomb, D. O., 387 ^eMcComis. S. T. L.. 788 IVTcConauehv. E. L., 257 MrPonnel- A. H.. 464 Mcronnel. T. M.. 542 McConnell. E.. 70 McConnell. M. G., 72 ■; McConnell, W. R., 464 MrConney. R. B.. 1:4 *McConnuo"hPV. E. W., 28s McCord. R. N.. 387 MoCormack, C. E.. 387 irMcCormark. H., 7S8 McCormick, E., ■^42 McCormick, E. B., 257 McCormick, Flora, 79 McCormick, R. C 150 *McCormick. W.. 63 McCoy. A. E., 634 , McCoy, C. B., 257 '12 McCoy, D. W., 464 "17 McCoy, H. W., 68s McCoy, J., 257 McCoy, M. H., 318 McCracken, H. O., 543 McCracken, R. W., 318 McCracken, W. K., 634 McCrea, H. A.. 350 McCreery, Vashti, 725 McCuen, G. W., 586 McCulloch, Isabella J., 206 McCullock, H. W., 586 McCullough, F. R., 28s McCullough, Helen E., 68s '04 McCullough, J. F.. 206 '18 McCullough, Mary E., 725 '06 McCully, C. T., 2S7 '07 McCully, Mrs. C. T. (See Nichol, Anice E.) '02 McCully, Harriett E., 167 '04 McCully, W. A.. 206 '16 McCumber, C. W., 634 '01 McCune, F. L., 151 McCune, H. L., 34 McCune, J. M., 501 McDermet. R., 494 MacDonald, A. P., 634 14 '06 '08 '14 '08 '16 '09 '18 '15 '04 '15 '07 '17 '83 '13 '12 '16 II26 UXIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS '14 McDonald. iMrs. A. R. (See Anderson, Rena) '08 McDonald, Alice B., 318 '10 McDonald, E. M.. 387 '18 McDonald, Georgia H., 725 '14 MacDonald, Mrs. J. J. (See Payne Veda L.) '14 McDonald, J. E. W., 543 gMacdonald, Janet M., 788 '08 McDonald. L., 318 gMacDonald. Mrs. N. F. (See Johnson, Gertrude A.) '05 McDougall, Agnes, 230 '11 McDowell, I. W., 427 '16 McDowell, R. E., 634 '99 *McElfresh. F. M., 122 '10 *McElhiney, L. A., 387 '18 McElhiney, Ruth, 725 '16, McElveen, W. T., Jr.. 634 gMcElwain. Jennie, 788 '17 McEvoy. T. T., 685 '14 McEwen. Mrs. J. A. (See Mitchell, Helen) '97 McFadden, Belle L., 103 '16 McFall. D. M., 634 '14 McFarland. E. D., 543 '05 McFarland, Mrs, E. D. (See Massey, Esther) '12 McFarland, E, H., 464 '03 McFarland, J. A., 185 '07 McFarland. W._ J., 285 gMacfarlane, W., 7S8 '16 McGaughey, G. E., 635 '14 McGee, Edna A., 543 '93 McGee, W. S,, 72 '15 McGhee, O, M,. 586 '12 McGill, Elizabeth R., 464 '18 MacGillivray, M. E,, 725 '99 McGilvrey. Mrs. J. E., (See Kelly, Mary) '05 McGinley. W.. 230 '09 McGinnis, H, D,, 350 '18 McGinnis, Helen A., 723 '02 McGinnis, Mary O., 167 '00 McGlachlin, Mrs. T. L. (See Beck, Florence M,) '13 McGorrisk, D. H., 501 '12 McGrath, F. X., 464 '14 McGrath, J. M., 543 '03 McGrath, S. J., 230 '18 McGrath, T. W., 725 '14 McGraw, Katherine L., g*M^cGregor, H. H„ 788 '12 MacGregor, H. P., 464 '18 McGregor, J. L„ 725 gMacGregor, Hazel H,, 788 '13 McCIrew, C. B„ 501 '11 McHarry, Jessie, 427 '12 McHarry, Liesette J,, 464 '88 McHugh G. B., 51 '04 Mcllhenny, Mary E,, 206 '02 *McIlvaine, B. E., 167 '16 Maclnnes, Frances J., 635 gMacInnes. D, A,. 788 '08 Mclntire, Ella E., 318 '07 Mclntire, J. F,, 285 '06 Mclntire, M. M,, 257 '12 Mclntire, W. R,, 464 '13 Mcintosh, H. S., 501 '11 Mclntyre. Eva L., 427 '13 Mclntyre, G. E., 501 '09 Mclntyre, T. V., 350 '13 Mclntyre. Mabel, 501 '97 Mclntyre, Ruhama L., 285 '18 McKav, A., 726 '81 McKay. F. M., 26 •16 MacKechnie. H. W., 635 '15 McKee, Edna B,, 5S7 '96 McKee, T. H., 94 '18 McKee, Mary A., 726 '14 N^cKee. Olivetta, 543 '12 McKee, P. H., 464 •90 McKee, W. E., 58 '18 McKeever, R. E., 726 10 McKeever, W. E., 387 07 McKeever, Mrs. W. E. (See Charles, Alta A.) iMcKellogg. C. S., 7S8 09 McKelvey. A. W., 351 07 McKelvey, F, H,, 285 09 McKelvey, Mrs. F. H, (See Lee, Gertrude A.) ^McKenna, E, L., 788 10 McKeon. J. M., 635 15 McKeown, J. L,, 5S7 oS McKeown, Mrs. J. (See Ostrander, Mabel V.) 04 *McKinley, G. H., 206 17 McKinnell, Isabella G., 685 13 McKinney, H. T., 301 10 McKinney, Lilabel, 387 1 7 McKinney, N., 6S5 11 McKinnie. E. C., 428 07 McKinnie, Eva M., 285 07 McKnight, Elizabeth B., 286 15 McKnight, T. I., 387 04 McKnieht, W. A., 206 ^McKown, H. C., 789 17 McKown, R. L., 583 McLane, C. D,, 67 *McLane, J. A,, 18 McLane, J, W,, 151 McLarty, R. C. 464 McLaughlin, Edna M., 2S6 McLaughlin, J. L., 351 McLaughlin, J. W., 543 gMcLaughlin, Maude K., 789 McLean, J. C, 387 McLean. Nellie. 51 McLee. E. B.. 726 McLellan, M. B., 237 McLellan, Mary C., 31 McMahon, Eva I., 286 McMahon, Grace D., 318 McMains, L,, 72 McManis, J, W., 286 McMillan, E. C, 331 MacMillan, L. €., 683 McMillan, M. H., 318 McMillan, N. Jr., 206 McMillen. G .B., 387 McMillen. Sarah G., 331 McMullan, H. E., 301 McMurry. K. F., I67 McXair. Berneice B., 726 McXallv. T. L., 635 McXally, Mary C., S87 __ McNary, F. C.. 464 04 MacXeal,. Mrs. W. J., (See Perry, Mabel) 1 8 McXeill, Angeline, 726 09 McXeill, Xorah, 351 05 McXeill, R. P.. 230 17 McXulta, S,. 685 04 McNutt, J. Jr., 79 15 MacPherson, E, S„ 587 77 *McPherson. John, 14 12 McOuaid. J. J., 464 96 McRae, J. A., 94 03 McRobie. Isabel, 183 II McRobie, Jessie B., 428 14 McTaggart. Mrs. G., (See Christopher, Bessie F,) 14 McVay, T, X.. 543 15 McVev, Xellie F., 387 14 McWethy, D. V., 543 18 McWilliams, Marie L.. 726 00 McWilliams, Xellie L., 133 15 Macbeth, Grace. S87 18 Machovec. E, P., 726 06 Mack. L. W., 237 76 *Mackay, D, S., 11 76 *Mackay, H., 11 07 Mackay. Sarah D., 286 76 *Mackay, \V. A., 11 78 "lo Mackev, F. J., 388 •17 Mackie, E. T., 685 ■18 Mackin. P. J., 726 '81 Macknet, Metta M. I., 26 '17 Madden, Grace E., 685 'is Madden, Helen L,, 387 '11 Madden, I. H., 428 'II Madden. J. W., 428 '07 Maddock, Alice E., 286 ^Maddock, Kathryn, 789 "07 Maddox, W. C, 286 Mader, A., 587 05 ^Madison, G., 318 Madison, L, C, 726 ^Magath, f . B., 7S9 i^ Magee, E. C 301 12 Magee, Mrs. E. C, (See Eiszner, Louise) 10 Maguire, W. C. 388 17 Mah, W, N., 685 76 Maban, H. W,, 11 78 Mahan, Jean C 18 g^Mahannah, A. E,, 789 16 Mahood, H, S., 633 11 Mail, E. F., 428 07 Main, J,, 286 06 Main, R. C, 257 17 Maitra, K. M,, 683 09 Majumdar, S. C, 351 12 Maki, I,, 463 18 Makutchan, C, 726 14 Malaise, C. L., 543 02 Malcolm. C. W.. 167 oS Malcolm. H. S., 318 5 Maley. R, C„ 587 I Mallory, M., 428 8 Mallory, R. H., 726 6 Maloit, Pauline G., 633 1 Malone, Rae I.. 428 8 Malsbary, Grace E., 726 Maltby, F. B., 30 o Mamer, C, 38S 6 Manard, R. P.. 94 2 Mandel, E., 463 Mandeville, Hazel, .•^88 ^Manev, G. A., 789 7 Manian. R. K,, 683 08 Mangas, L. S., 318 04 Ma«gas, Maud, 206 08 Mangold. Mrs. (See Thomas, Jane I,) 2 Manierre, A. E., 463 7 Manley, Marion, 685 8 Manlev, Mvra F., 726 7 Manley. O. R., 683 3 Mann, Alice C, i85 ■6 *Mann, A. H., 11 17 Mann. A. R., 103 1 Mann, A. W., 428 04 Mann, C. J., 206 13 Mann, E. H., 501 95 Mann, E. L., 87 1.1 Mann, Edith M., 343 -6 Mann, F. I., 11 05 Mann, H. L., 319 76 Mann, J. R., 11 78 Mann, Mrs. J. R., (See Columbia ,Emma) 'o9 Mann, Jessie V., 351 '06 Mann, K. B.. 258 '17 Mann, Marjorie D., 686 '93 Mann. Mary E., 72 '09 Mann, Mary E., 351 '8; Manns. A. G., 41 '97 *Mannv, F. H., 103 '18 Manny, T. B., 726 '90 Manny, \V. I., 58 '10 Manock. W. R., 388 '16 Mansfield. C. F., 635 '81 Mansfield. VV. A.. 27 '09 Mansfield, W. M,, 331 '09 *Manspeaker, L. V. Jr., 331 '04 Manspeaker. Pearle, 207 '12 Manspeaker. W, W., 465 sManuel. H. T., 789 gManuel, W. A., 789 17 Mapel, Frances P., 686 02 Mapes, J. V., 167 iq Marbach, H. A. L., 587 96 Marble, H. C, 94 15 Marbold, Margaret A.. 587 17 Marbold, Pauline, 686 04 Mark, Elvira E., 207 03 Marker, (i. E., 185 13 Markley, L. S., 501 07 Marks, D. T., 286 16 Marks, Hazel F., 635 11 Marks, Mary E., 428 18 Marks, Maude I., 726 1 5 Marks. Sarah A., 587 17 Markson, H., 686 05 Marley, J. A., 230 12 Marquette, H. E., 465 14 Marquis, D. B., 543 05 Marquis, F. W., 230 11 Marquis, Mrs. F. W., (See Parr, Elizabeth) 15 Marquis, L. D., 588 ^Marquis, S. D., 789 08 Marsden, R. D.. 319 09 Marsh, A. L., 351 06 Marsh. C. M., 258 09 Marsh, D., 352 04 *Marsh. G. E., 207 05 Marsh, H. R., 87 97 Marsh, L. W., 103 97 Marsh, N. F., 103 96 Marsh, Mrs. N. F. (See Cairns, Cora M.) 04 Marsh, T. A., 207 07 Marshall, C. A., 286 13 Marshall, F. E.. 502 14 Marshall, R. H., 543 06 Marshall. R. S., 258 16 Marshall, R. W., 635 8s *Marshall, S. L., i8s 00 Merrill, S. F., 133 14 Merrill. T. A., S44 ^Merrills, F. E., 791 14 Merrills, M. C, 544 16 Merriman, J. R., 636 12 Merris C. E., 465 82 *Merritt, C. H., 30 17 Merritt, Cora L., 686 07 Merritt, H. T.. 2S7 gMerrymon, W. W., 791 13 Meserve, T. C, 502 99 Mesiroff. J. A., 122 18 Messenger. Mrs. A. (See Ludlow, Helen) ^Messenger, Ruth E., 791 09 Messick, J. B., 3S3 08 Messick, Mrs. J. B. (See Brundage, Florence L.) 93 Metcalf, J. D., 72 15 Metz, C. A., s88 05 Metzger, L. C. F.. 231 16 Metzler, A. M., 636 17 Meyer, A. F., 686 iS Meyer, A. F. E. H., 727 18 Meyer, A. W., 727 16 Meyer, C. T.. 636 14 Meyer, G., Jr., 544 II28 '12 Meyer, Mrs. H. C. (See Hampton, Amy I.) 'II Meyer, Mrs. H. P. (See York, Mattie A.) g'Meyer, 1. F., 791 '07 Meyer, J. F., Jr., 287 '12 Meyer, W., 466 '11 Michael H., 429 '96 Michalek, Mrs. J. (See Clarke, Florence B.) gMickle, F. L., 791 '97 Middleton, Mrs. E. (See Ice, Marinda) '17 iuiddleton, Edith A., 686 '18 Middleton, J. G., 727 '13 Middleton, W. S., 5o2 '17 Midkiff, J. H., 686 gMikami, G., 791 '18 Miles, Evelyn, 727 'i4 Miles, J. P., 544 '11 Miles, L. H., 429 '10 Miles, Lois M., 388 '12 Miles, P. K., 466 '97 Millar, A. B., 103 '09 Millar, C. E., 353 '09 Millar, Mrs. C. E. (See Kavs, Lucile E.) '93 Millar, C. v., -jz ^Millar, P. H., 79t •16 Millar, R. W., 636 gMillard, E. B., 791 ^Millard, F. H., 791 'i4 Millard, Mrs. F. H., 552 '09 Miller, A. €., 353 'i8 Miller, A. R., 727 '08 Miller, Bertha A., 319 '14 Miller. C. A., 544 '07 Miller, C. B., 287 'oS Miller, C. B., 319 '10 Miller, Mrs. t. B. (See Pruyn, Clara) '06 Miller, D., 258 '18 Miller, D. A., 727 '16 Miller. D. E., 636 '06 Miller, D. S., 258 '16 Miller, E. F., 636 '10 Miller, E. M.. 388 '16 Miller, E. S., 636 '04 Miller, F. C, 207 '16 Miller, F. R., 636 '92 Miller, Mrs. G. A. (See Boggs, Cassandra) '94 Miller, G. C, 79 '8s Miller, J. A., 41 gMiller, J. Earll, 792 '13 Miller, Jessie F., 502 gMiller, John E., 792 '08 Miller, Mrs. J. G. (See Miller, Nellie G.) '15 Miller, J. H.. 588 •16 Miller, J. H., 637^^ ,^ '79 Miller, Mrs. J. H. (See McAllister, Minnette C.) '09 Miller, J. J., 3S3 ^ _ '02 Miller, Mrs. L. J. (See Riley, Anna B.) '10 Miller, Laura M., 389 gMiller, Marie B., 792 '14 Miller, M. G., S44 '12 Miller, M. K., 466 '12 Miller, Mabel L., 466 'i2 Miller, Marie M., 466 '08 Miller, Nelle G., 319 '05 Miller, Nellie A., 231 '14 Miller, Olive F., 544 'is Miller, Ora L., s88 '07 Miller, R. A., 287 '11 Miller, R. A., 429 gMiller, R. N., 792 ^12 Miller, S. L., 466 '02 Miller, T. H., 168 '10 Miller, W. C, 389 •92 Miller, W. G., 67 '01 Miller, W. P., 151 '18 Miller, W. P., 727 gMiller. W. S., 792 '13 Miller, W. W.. S02 University of Illinois '11 Milligan, Helen M., 429 '16 Millin, R. B., 637 '15 Millizen, Edna V., 588 '12 Millizen, T. E., 466 '09 Mills, C. "P., 353 '10 Mills, Mrs. C. P. (See Parrett, Florence M.) '04 *Mills, F. E., 207 '12 Mills, G. G., 466 'is Mills, Mrs. J. E. (See Percival, Marion) '07 Mills, J. M., 287 '16 Mills, J. T., 637 '07 Mills, M., 287 '03 Mills, R. G., 185 '99 Mills, R. W., 122 '09 Mills, \V. A., 353 'C7 Millsaps, R. P. (See Mills, M.) irMillspaugh, A. C, 792 '07 Millspaugh, M. L., 287 'is Milne, Agnes M., s88 '96 Milne, E. L., 94 '14 Milne, Minnie Q., 544 79 *Milton, F. S., 21 '08 Miner, Ada M., 319 'c4 Miner, A. W., 207 '95 Miner, Mrs. E. A. (See Spencer, Bertha) '16 Miner, H., 637 '07 Miner, J. H., 288 '08 Mina-, Mrs. J. H. (See Barnhart, Edna P.) '10 Miner, L. E., 389 '14 Miner, L. W., 544 '12 Miner, Mary E., 466 '10 Miner, P. I., 389 '01 Miner, Mrs. S. C. (See Iddings, Daisy D.) '01 Miner, Mrs. T. R. (See Talbot, Carrie E.) '18 Mink, D. L., 728 '17 Minkema, VV. H., 687 '16 Minnis, L. E., 637 '13 Miner, L. L., S02 '13 Mirick, H. R., 502 '18 Mirwhirter, jannett L., 727 gMise, K., 792 'c4 Miskimen. W. A., 20S '13 Misiier, F. D. S., 503 '01 Mitchell, Annie, isi •91 Mitchell, C. J.. 63 'iS Mitchell, D. R., 728 '16 Mitchell, Elsie L., 637 '12 Mitchell, Eva, 466 '98 Mitchell, F. A., 113 '16 Mitchell, Grace, 637 'is Mitchell, G. I., S89 'C9 Mitchell, H. H., 353 gMitchell, Hazel AL E., 792 gMitchell, J. H., 792 '14 Mitchell, Helen, S44 ';3 Mitchell. J. O., 503 '18 Mitchell, L. O., 7?8 '16 Mitchell, ]Marguerite, 637 '10 Mitchell, N. D., 389 '06 Mitchell, R. C, 258 '%j Mitchell, W. R., 48 '13 Mix, M. J., 593 '13 Mize, R. C, 503 '14 Mizoguchi, G., 54S g^Miziino. T., 792 '18 Moberley, E. S.. 728 /iModjeski, R.. 830 'i7 Moffett, D. R., 687 '94 Mogensen, P., 80 '13 Moh, H. Y.. S03 '13 Mohan, Mrs. J. J. (See Alband, Lillian M.) '12 Mohlman, F. W., 466 '16 Mohlman. Z. H., 637 't7 Mohr, Alba A., 687 •06 Mohr. E. C, 238 '12 Mohr. H., 466 '82 Mohr, L., 30 '14 Moir, R. B., 545 '13 Mpise, Mrs. L. (See Mounts, Marjorie E.) '12 Mojonnier, J. J.. 466 '10 Mojonnier, O. \V., 389 '01 Mojonnier, T., 151 'i. R.. 6S9 Norris. W. K., 590 North, A. T., 42 North, C. J., 639 North, E. F.. 546 North, F.. 42 /jNorth, S. N. D., 831 North, W. A., 390 Northey, Delia F., 431 Norton, Carrie B., 289 Norton, C. W., 152 •Norton. W. P.. 152 Notb, Lillian, 468 gNottlemann. R. H., 796 Nourse, F. M., 468 Nowlen, P. A., 590 Nuckolls, C. M.. 232 Nuckolls, Mary E., 354 Null, M. M., 133 Nutt, Ci. S.. 504 gNuttall, J. T., 796 Nutting H. G. D.. 259 Nydegger, Mrs. A. (See Chisholm. Estella F.) Nydegger, Charlotte, 321 Nydegger, J.. 289 Nye, C. A., 391 Nye. C. M., 104 Nymeyer, F. H., 431 Oakes. Ella B., 729 Oaks. Catherine S.. 468 Oathout, C. H., 289 Oat'- out. C. L., 505 Oathout. Mrs. C. L. (See Turner, Bessie L) O'Bar, Allen H.. 546 Oberdorfer, H. D., 391 gObrecht, R. C, 796 O'Brien Myra B.. 280 Ocheltree, Mrs. M. (See Weiss. Marion V.) Ochs. C. A.. 689 Ockerson, J. A., 3 Ocock, C. A., 209 O'Connell. C. S., 232 O'Connor, C. A.. 505 gO'Connor, Ethel L., 796 Odell, A. A., 590 i8 '18 Odell, Laura, 729 '02 Odell, Rena M., 168 '13 O'Donnell, T. E.. 505 '13 Oehmke, M. F., 505 gOgawa, Z., 796 '03 Ogden, C. L., 186 '13 Ogden, P. L., 505 '04 Ogihara, T., 209 '13 Ogle, A. H., 50s '13 Ogle, C. R., 505 '08 O'Hair, Claire, 321 '01 O'Hair, Edna E., 152 'id O'Hern, C. V., 391 '16 Ohinata, C. 639 '18 Ohrman, Ruth I., 729 'iS Ohrum, D. B., 729 '11 Ohrum. Frances R., 431 gOkey, Ruth E., 796 '17 Olander, E. A.. 689 '06 Oldefest, E. G.. 259 gOldham, VV. B., 796 '18 Oleson, H. L.. 729 gOlewine, J. H.. 796 gOlin. H. L., 796 '14 Olin, Mrs. H. L.. (See Haynes, Helen L.) 17 Olin, I. B., 689 15 Olin, Irene B., 590 12 Oliver, C. B., 468 gOliver, E. C 796 76 Oliver, W. F.. 12 11 Olmstead. C. E., 431 08 Olmsted, G. C, 321 gOlmsted, Margaret, 797 17 Olsen, A. L., 689 15 Olsen. Anna M., i;90 16 Olsen, C. F.. 639 15 Olseng, H. C, 591 86 Olshausen. W. A. G., 46 14 Olson, Agnes M., 546 05 Olson, Blenda, 232 12 (31son, Florence A., 469 gOlson, P. J.. 797 18 Olson, R. G., 729 15 Olson, R. H.. 591 17 Omeara, A. R., 689 02 Omer. L... 168 10 Onken. G. P., Jr., 391 16 Opie. Glen E., 639 14 Orcutt, A. H., 546 13 *Ordonez, B. R., 505 14 Ormsby, Lelia M., 546 11 Orosa, V. Y., 431 14 Orr, C, 547 96 Orr, E. E., 95 14 Orr, H. B., 547 14 Orr, Mary E., 547 82 *Orr. R. E., 31 gOsborn, H. T., 797 14 Osborn. L. G.. 547 II Osborne, Edna P.. 431 09 Osborne. Isabel M., 354 11 (Dsborne, Maud, 432 16 Osborne, Pauline T., 639 18 Osburn, Mabel T., 729 04 Osgood, Mary A., 209 08 Ostrander, Mabel V., 321 00 Ostrowski. S.. 133 17 Otani. K.. 689 12 Otis. H. A., 469 16 Ott. D. L., 639 17 Ott, J. E.. 6S9 17 Ott, P. W.. 689 13 Ottman. H. P., 505 17 Otto G.. 689 99 Otwell. A. M., 123 n Ou, n. C. 432 14 Ousley. H. P.. 547 04 Outhouse, F. M., 209 98 von Oven. F. W., 115 17 Overend. H. G.. 690 10 Overholser, M. J.. 391 12 Overland, Amy M., 469 13 Overmier, E.. sos Index to Alumni 1131 03 '18 '13 '07 '8s *07 •78 '92 '78 '16 '16 'OS '99 '89 '06 '14 '91 17 '17 '06 '83 '91 09 '09 '16 '08 '08 '14 '04 '08 '72 '04 '13 Overmier, M. D., 432 Overstreet, N. W., 39i Overton, R. M., 690 Ovitz, Hazel L., 432 gOwen, A. L., 797 Owen, C. N., 639 Owen, H. L., 639 Owen, Mrs. H. L. (See Gehant, Rosalie F.) Owen, H. P.. 729 gOwen, Mary E. H., 797 gOwens, A. W., 797 Owens, Bessie W., 42 Owens, Dasie M.. 123 Owens, R. W., 547 Owens, W. H., 133 Oyen, A. N., 168 Oxer, G. C, 186 Pack, Mary, 729 Pack, Margaret, 505 Padfield, F. W., 289 Padgette, Mrs. L. (See Paullin. L. Estelle) Page, C. M., 289 *Page, Emma E., 19 Page, J. W., 67 *Page, Martha E., is Page. Mary L., 19 Pagin, J. B., 640 Pagin, Mrs. J. B., (See AmlDorn, Louise) Pahmeyer, F. O., 233 Paine, A. E., 123 *Paine, Leanah J., 5S Paine, M. M., 260 Paine, Olive A., 547 *Paine, Sarah M., 63 Paisley, Ada M., 432 Paisley. Mrs. R. H. (See Sparks, Annie E.) Paisley, Sela I., 690 Palfrey. J. R., 690 gPalm, F. C, 797 Palmer, A. A., 260 *Palmer, A. W., 35 Palmer. Mrs. A. W. (See Shattuck, Anna) Palmer, Andrie M., 3S5 Palmer, C. E., 469 Palmer, C. S., 690 •Palmer, C. \V., 31 ♦Palmer, F. M.. 12 Palmer, G. M., 321 gPalmer, J. A., 797 Palmer, J. C, 547 Palmer, J. W., 391 Palmer, W. G., 134 Palmer, W. K., Jr., 505 Palmquist. D. R., 432 Panhoe, H. A.. 591 Panhorst. F. W., S9i Pankow, C. J., 505 Pankow, Mrs. C. J. (Sec Hoult, Bessie B.) Pappelendam, B. C, van, 391 . „^ Papworth, Tennie v\ ., 3S5 Parcel, J. 1., 355 Parish, W. L., 640 Park, T. B., 321 Park, Mrs. J. B. (See Nation. Ethel) Park, T. W.. 547 Park W. M., 209 Parker, Mrs. A. M. (See Lange, Ida L.) Parker, C. E., i Parker, C. W.. 209 Parker, Helen L., 506 gParker, K., 797 Parker, L. G., 168 Parker, Minnie, 23 Parker, Minnie L.. 321 •Parker, R. S., 186 Parker, R. W., S9i 97 '93 75 '17 '78 •16 '09 Parker, W. H., 233 Parker, W. K., 591 Parker, W. L., 23 Parker, W. W., 321 Parkhurst, M. S., 469 Parkin, W. H., 355 Parkins, E. H., 547 Parkinson, H. G., 506 Parkinson, K. W., 640 Parks, Catlerine E., 690 Parks, D. C, 289 Parks, H. A., ^S5 •Parks, J. H., 8 Parks, Mrs. M. S. (See Lindley, Almeda V.) Parks, Mrs. W. F., (See Dollinger, Hazel D.) Parks, Wilma G., 591 Parmeley, J. C, 391 Parminter, Grace E., 46 Parr, C. H., 506 Parr, Mrs. C. H. (See Grant, Helen W.) Parr, Elizabeth, 432 Parr, Mrs. F. W. (See Welles, Nelle F.) *Parr, J. L., 104 Parr, Mrs. J. L. (See Peterson, Sophie M.) Parr, R. M., 260 Parr, R. W., 186 Parr, S. W., 38 Parr. Mrs. S. W. (See Hall, Lucie A.) Parrett, Florence M., 391 Parry, J. L., 80 Parsons, F. A., 8 Parsons. Mrs. F. A. (See Earned, Mary S.) Parsons, H. M.. 469 Parsons, Irene M., 321 Parsons, Lura E., 355 Parsons, Maud E., 289 Partridge, H. R., 432 Partridge, N. L., S06 Pasewalk, L. H., 547 gPasmore, D. F., 798 Pastel, A. R., 729 •Patch. E. E., 9 Patchill, G. T., 690 Patcliin, G. W., 19 Pathak, M. L., 64o Paton, W. C., 355 Patridk, F. P., 152 Patten, N. B., Jr., 591 APatten, S. N. 831 Patterson, C. R., 591 Patterson, J. J., 690 Patterson, Maud M., 209 Patterson, Nellie R., 690 Patton, Adah, 168 Patton, A. R., 391 Patton, Carrie C., 432 Patton, D. C, 391 Patton, Elsie, 506 Patton, J. A., 52 Patton. J. v., 690 Patton, L, K., 355 Paul, A. E., 104 Paul. Berenice M., 729 Paul. H. J.. 391 Pauli, A. F., 640 Paullin, L. Estelle, 42 Payne, Mrs. J. L. (See Montgomery, Cecile) Payne, Veda L., 547 Peabody, A., 31 Pealiody, Katherine, as Peabody, L. W.. 63 Peadro, Rernice F., 640 Peadro, E. D., 547 Peale, Margaret, 729 Pearce, I., 35s Pearman, A.. 321 •Pearman, Ida., 23 Pearman, J. O., 27 Pearson, F. H., 729 Pearson, H. A., 690 Pearson, Ida M., 209 Pearson, J. W., 233 Pearson, W. H., 506 Pease, Elva M., 355 Pease, H. M., 114 Pecchia, V. A., 690 Peck, Anna L., 469 Peck, H. S., 289 Peck, Norma L., 591 Peck, R. L., Jr., 690 Pedler, R. H., 090 Peebles, C. J., 134 Peebles, T. A., 260 Peeples, W. M., 547 •Pegelow, F. G., 233 gPeine, A. F., 798 Peine, Adela L. C, 290 Peine, P. C, 392 Peirce, F. D., 35 Pell, Hazel M., 730 Pellens, Louise J., 355 Peloquin, P. J., 432 gPeltier, G. L., 798 Pelzer, H. L., 690 Pemberton, C., 392 Pence, O. E., 392 Pence, W. D., 46 Pendarvis, H. F., 690 Pendarvis, W. 0., S9i Pendergast, Mary H., 691 Penhallow, L. B., 730 Penn, Albert, 355 Penn, H., 392 Penn, J. J., 506 Pennebaker, Mrs. C. S. (See Ohrum, Frances R.) Pennebaker, E. S., 392 Penrose, Alma M., 591 •Penwell, F. B., 233 Peoples, V. G. L., 58 Pepoon, H. S., 2,-j Pepoon, W. A., 27 Pepijcr, C. G., ifio Pepper, W. A., 104 Percival, A, H., 260 Percival, Olive B., 392 Percival. Marion, 591 Percival, Ruth, 730 Percival, Stella R., .691 Perkins, A. M., 392 Perkins, F. A., 152 Perkins, Frances J., 730 P«rkins, R. M., 114 Perkins, Reba N., 392 Perrigo, L. D., 209 „, Perrin. L. N., 290 09 *Perring, Vere D., 356 16 Perrott, R. H., 640 Perry, .\. L., 233 Perry, Edna M,, 356 Perry, Eleanor, F., 356 Perry, Leonora, 322 Perry, Lorinda, 356 Perry, Mabel, 209 Perry, Margaret C, 59' Perry, Nelle, 691 Perry, R. G.. 591 Perry, Winifred A Pervier, Carrie M., Peters. Mrs. L. S Fyfe, Isabella) gPeters. W. W., 798 Petersen, C. P. L., i8< Petersen, H. V., 392 Petersen. J. B., 432 93 *Peterson, A. B., 73 17 Peterson, C. A., 691 16 Peterson, Eleanor S., 13 Peterson, TL, 506 13 Peterson, H. C., 506 14 Peterson, H. R., 547 04 Peterson, J. F., 210 13 Peterson, Lola M., 506 03 322 547 (See 640 University of Illinois 'J3 Peterson, R. G., 506 '17 Peterson, R. W., 691 '18 Peterson, S. C, 730 '93 Peterson, Sophie M., 73 '17 Peterson, T. E., 691 ^Peterson, \V. A., 798 '16 *Peterson, W. C, 640 '17 Pethybridge, F. H., 691 '10 Petrie, D., 392 '10 Petrie, D. C, 392 'i I Petry, C. A., 432 '91 Petterson, Mrs. B. (See Darby, Nellie M.) '77 *Petticbrd, Mrs. H. (See Switzer. Gertrude) '09 Pettigrew, J. Q., 356 '09 Pettigrew. Mrs. J. Q. (See Pease, Elva M.) '00 *Pettinger, R. G., 134 '85 Petty, G. R., 42 '88 Petty, Mrs. G. R. (See Stoltey, Ida M.) '17 Petty, M. R., 691 '03 Pettyjohn. J. VV., 186 '16 Peyraud, Mrs. A. P. (See Gray, Ruth) '96 Pfeffer, J. E., 95 '17 Pfeffer, L. H., 691 '12 Pfeiffer, B. S., 469 gPfeiffer, Mrs. B. S. (See Washington, Margaret) '17 Pfeiffer, C. L., 691 •17 Pfeiffer, R. S., 691 '08 Pfeil, Mary E., 322 '08 Pfisterer, G. E., 322 '94 Phelps, A. C, 80 '15 Phelps, H. H., 592 '14 Phelps, J. C, 548 gPhelps. J. M., 79S '86 Philbrick, A., 46 '86 'Philbrick. Mrs. A. (See Huff. Bertie) '81 Philbrick, E.. 27 '17 Philbrick, Lois, 691 '84 *Philbrick. S., 38 '12 Philleo. G. W., 469 '96 Phillipi, F. M., 95 '18 Phillips, Bernice I., 730 '04 Phillips. E. M., 210 '05 Phillips. Grace D., 233 '07 Phillips, G. D., 290 '12 Phillips. J. B.. 496 '93 Phillips, J. D., 73 '08 Phillips, Lydia A., 3#2 '09 Phillips, L. C, 356 '12 Phillips, L. L.. 469 '17 Phillips. Minnie A.. 691 '05 Phillips, N. C, 233 '73 Phillips, P. A., 4 gPhillips. P. C, 798 '18 Philips. Mrs. P. H. (See Spear, Helen E.) '18 Phillips, Ruth, 730 '00 Phillips, T. C 134 '08 Phillips. Mrs. T. J. (See Spencer. Fannie G. C.) '11 Phipps, C. R., 432 '06 Phipps. T. E.. 260 ^^^ Piatt, Emma C., 15 '92 Piatt. H. S., k-j •83 Piatt, S. H., 35 '84 Piatt, Mrs. S. H. (See Smith. Laura B.) '88 Pickard, E. W., 52 gPickels, G. W., 799 '16 Picken. J. F.. 640 gPickett, B. S., 799 '00 Pickett, C. C 134 '11 Pickett, R. E.. 433 '13 Pickett. Mrs. R. E. (See Fletcher. Opha B.) ^Pickler. W. E., 799 '75 *Pickrell. W.. 9 '74 Pickrell, VV. S., 5 '17 Pieper. J., 691 '99 Pier, Mrs. • C. G, (See Fairchild, Edna) '17 Pierce, B. E., 691 '10 Pierce, D. A., 392 '11 Pierce, Mrs. D. A. (See Caley, Mary C.) '76 Pierce, E. A., 12 '75 Pierce, Fanny, 9 '04 Pierce, Inez C., 210 '74 Pierce, J. L., 6 '10 Pierce, L. G., 393 '10 Pierce, Laura E., 393 'oS Pierce, R. €., 322 '11 Pierce, Thirza M., 433 'iS Pierce, W. M., 730 'iS Pierson, Mary L., 730 '16 Pierson, W. R., 640 'lO *Pihlgrad, E. F., 640 ^*Pike, C. E., 799 '15 Pike, G. H., 592 '17 Pilchard, E. I., 691 '05 Pilcher, Lela G., 233 '08 Pillinger, R. A., 322 •95 Pillsbury, A. L., 88 '95 Pillsbury, Bertha M., 88 '07 Pillsbury, C. S., 290 '07 Pillsbury, Mrs. C. S. (See Beardsley, Eleanor M.) '15 Pinault, L. C., 592 '10 Pinckney, F. L., 393 '09 Pinkerton. F. E., Jr.. 356 '16 Pinkey, F. T., 640 gPinkney, L. A., 799 '04 Pinkum, Anna S., 210 '13 Piper, C. C, 506 '99 Piper, iVirs. C. E. (See Dinwiddie, Virginia) '13 Piper, H. B., 506 '03 Piper. Mrs. H. L. (See Dodge, Bertha A. ) '11 Pistorius, B. H., 433 '11 Pittman, T. M., Jr., 433 '97 Pitney, C. O., 104 '04 *Pitts, Florence E.. 210 '02 Pitts, Henrietta B., 169 'i4 Pitts, J. J., Jr.. 548 '13 Pitts, Mrs. J. J. (See Leach, Margaret) '88 Place, R. M., 52 '14 Plack, T.. 548 '14 Planck, Catherine, 548 '8t Plank, Bessie G., 42 •78 Plank. Mrs. P. W., (See Mahan, Jean C.) '92 Plank, V. S. G., 67 '02 Plant. F. B.. 169 '14 Piatt, C, ■;48 '73 Piatt, F. C., 4 '11 Pletcher, E, B., 433 'Si *Pletcher, F. M., 27 '13 Pletcher, L. J., 506 '01 Pletcher, N. M., 152 '16 Pletcher, Velma C, 640 '86 •Plowman. W. L., 46 '10 Plumb, E. F., 393 '12 Plummer, Honor L., 469 '97 Plym, F. J., 104 '18 Plymale, Betha, 730 'ro Poe, F. M.. 393 '16 Pogue, H. A., 640 '14 Pogue, P. W., 548 gPogue, R. B., 799 '14 Pogue, S. L., 548 '18 Pohlman, E. C., 730 '97 Pohlman, J. E., 104 '06 Poirot. A. P., 260 '16 *Polakow, A. H., 640 '98 *Polk, C. J., 114 '04 *Polk. J. L.. Jr., 210 •18 Polk. W. W.. 730 'i2 Polkowski, H., 469 '10 Pollard, A. R., 393 '03 Pollard, C. R., 186 '00 Pollard, E. R., J34 '09 Pollard, H., 356 '14 Pollard, Leila J., 548 •06 Pollard, W. L., 260 •ji Pollock, Mrs. C. (See Challand, Grace) '14 Pollock, H. R., 548 '78 Pollock, J. L., 19 '7S Pollock, W. C., 9 '10 Pond, Ethel C 393 '11 Pond, F. H., Jr., 433 '05 Pond, H. E.. 233 '11 Ponder, R. B., 433 '12 Ponder. Wilma E., 469 '13 Ponder, W. H., 507 '09 Ponzer. Emma, 356 '00 *Ponzer E. W., 134 '10 Ponzer. K. L., 393 '15 Pool. E. H., 592 '97 *Poole, E. W., 104 '98 Pooley, W. P., 114 '02 Poor, E. L., 169 '12 Poor, Hattie M., 469 '17 Poor, L. S., 691 '09 Poorman, Amy, 356 '07 Poorman, A. P., 290 '09 Pope, C. S., 356 '15 Pope, L. A., 592 '04 Popejoy, Lida E., 210 '11 Popp, P. F., 433 '10 Popperfuss, H. J., 393 '13 Porter, Agnes, 507 '13 Porter, C. L., 507 '06 Porter, E. A., 260 '81 'Porter, F. H., 28 gPorter, F. M., 799 '97 Porter, H. C., 104 '17 Porter, H. H., 692 '06 Porter, J. A., 260 '04 Porter, Mrs. J. B. (See Mark. Elvira E.) '18 Porter, Margaret L., 730 '96 Porter, R. K., 95 '10 Porterfield, A. T., 393 '73 Porterfield, E. N., 4 '08 Porterfield, Nellie M.. 322 '06 Porterfield, N. R., 260 '13 Porterfield, W. B., 507 '12 Portuondo, J. M., 470 '14 Portuondo, M., 548 ]oo Posey, C. J., 134 '09 Post, G. E., 357 '02 Post, H. F., 169 '06 Post, R. E.. 261 '04 *Post, R. H., 210 '11 Postel. A. J., 433 '99 Postel, F. J., 123 '99 Postel, Mrs. F. J. (See Smoot, Elma) '15 Postel, F. \V,, 592 '83 Postel. J., 35 '14 Postel, Mertie A., 548 '17 Postel, U. S., 692 '97 *Postlethwaite, F. W. H., los '17 Postlewait, Harriet L.. 692 '11 Poston, E. v., 433 '14 Poston, F. E., 548 '09 Potter, C. P., 357 '16 Potter. E. J., 640 '15 Potter, E. v., 592 '74 'Potter, Frances A.. 6 '17 Potter, G. E., 692 gPotter, R. S., 799 '12 Potter, Mrs. R. S. (See Bebb. Mabel) '11 Powel. Ellen €.. 433 g^Powell, A. R., 799 '14 Powell. Bernice. 548 '09 Powell, C. M., 357 '06 Powell, J. A.. 261 'gi Powell, J. H., 63^ '04 Powell, J. L., 210 12 Powell, L. L., 470 •08 Powers, Mrs. C. V. (See Wilson, Willabelle B.) gPowers, E. B., 800 •04 Powers, F. M., 210 •15 Powers, F. R., 592 '14 Powers, Mrs. F. R. (See Pervier, Came M.) •03 Powers, G. A., 187 '08 Powers, H. J., 322 '17 Powers, J. H., 692 '10 Powers, J. M., 393 '17 Powers, J. O., 692 •07 *Powers, L. C, 290 '12 Powers, Luella F., 470 '14 Powers, L. T., 548 '87 *Powers, M., 49 '09 Powers, M. E., 357 '17 Powers, R. A.. 692 '12 Powers, S. R., 470 '93 Powers, W. A., 73 •93 Powers, Mrs. W. A. (See Ayers, Grace) '00 Praeger, W. E., i34 '16 Prall, Beatrice, 641 '14 Prasil, A., 548 •03 Prater, B. H., 187 '09 Prather, C. I., 357 '13 Prather, T. O., 470 '10 Pratt, F. C., 393 •16 Pratt, J. B,. 641 •06 Pray, R. M., 261 •07 Pray, Mrs. R. M. (See Huse, Louise M.) '06 Preihs, J. W., 261 '16 Preston, A. F., 641 •10 Preston, F. D., 393 '04 Prettyman, W. S., 210 '14 Preus, P. R. A., 549 '00 Price, Anna M., i35 '16 Price, C. B., 641 '00 Price, Helen L., i3S '03 *Price, H. M.. 187 •03 Price, Mrs. H. M. (See Street, Marietta L.) •07 Price, L. W., 290 '17 Price, M. H.. 692 '77 Price, Mrs. T. L. (see Bogardus, Eva) '07 Pricer, J. L., 290 •13 Prickett, A. L., 507 '16 Primm, T. K., 641 '16 Primm, P. T., 641 '12 Prince, D. C., 470 '13 Prince, F. S., 507 ♦16 Prince, W. J., 641 '13 Prindle, M. L., 507, ,_ ^ •is Prins, Mrs. J- Wi. (See Dunn, Elizabeth M.) '90 Proctor, O. A., 58 '16 Propst, D. W., 641 '13 Prout, F. J., 507 '10 Prout, H. B., 394 '14 Prouty, E. C., 549 '03 Provine, L. H., 187 '16 Pruett, E. F., 641 '07 Pruitt, F. A., 290 •09 Pruitt, G. J., 357 '10 Pruyn, Clara, 394 '1=; *Pugh, Ada R., 592 '18 Pulcipher, K. D., 730 •92 Pullen, R. B., 67 '16 Pulsipher, Irene E., 641 '14 Pung, W. S. C, 549 '12 Purcell, C. A., 470 '17 Purcell, W. T., 692 'is Purdy, R. H., 592 >i8 Purnell, W. F., 730 '09 Pursifull. J. H., 357 'is Pursley, Emma s., 592 '15 Pusey, F. W., 592 '99 Putnam, Alice, 123 /iPutnam, H., 831 '10 Putnam, W. J., 394 '04 Putney, Mrs F. b. (be Bond, Bertha J.) Index to Alumni '06 Putting, O. J., 261 '17 Pyron, J. E., 692 ffQuackenbush, Mrs. E. A. (See Farmer, Flora E.) )uade, J. C, 88 uaintance, H. W., 800 luandt, Coramae, 692 Hiayle, H. J.. 187 iuereau, F. C, 800 10 iJuesenberry, Ruth, 641 '16 Questel, B. H., 641 '14 Quick, G. E., 549 '17 Ouick, H., 692 '06 Quigley, Mrs. A. J. (See Meissner, 1. A.) aQulmby, J. C, 800 /iQuine, W. E., 832 '08 Quinlan, T. W., 322 '14 t)uinn, Bernice M , 549 '18 Ouinn. Florence K., 73° '12 Quinn, R. J., 47° '00 *Quisenberry, A. C.. i3S '16 Raab. Anita E., 641 '17 Raaberg, R. S., 692 '17 Racheff, I., 692 eRadcliflfe, B. S., 800 '01 Radcliffe, W. H., 152 '00 Radley, G. R., i35 '12 Raffin, I. D., 470 '16 Raffowitz. F., 641 •18 Rafinski, C. J., 730 '18 Rahn, L. A., 730 '18 Rahn, R., 73i ,^ _, •18 Rahn, Mrs. R. (See Ohr- man, Ruth I.) '16 Rahn, R. C, 641 '16 Raibourn, C, 642 '17 Raibourn. P. A., 692 ■02 Railsback, Mrs. E. M. (See Schumacher, iil- lie) '09 Railsback, F. D., 357 '10 Railsback, F. H., 394 '11 Railsback, H. M., 433 •04 Railsback, L. W., 210 'gq Railsback, R. J., 123 '18 Raines, L. C, 731 'og Rainey, E. C, 357 '18 Raithel, Kathryn R., 731 '82 ♦Raley. Arvilla K., 31 '15 Rail, E. R., 592 '13 Ralston, S. H., 507 '08 Rambo, Jessie E., 322 '12 Ramey, G. E., 47°, ,„ 'og Ramp, Mrs. W. L. (See Martin, Luta) '17 Ramsay, C. J., 692 'oQ Ramser, C. E., 357 '17 Ramser, J. H.. 692 '14 Ramsey, L. W., 549 '03 Ramsey, W. E., 187 '13 Rand. C. C, 507 „ '09 Ratid. Mrs. R. (See Perry, Eleanor F. ) '18 Randa, C. E., 731 „ '03 Randall, Bertha T., 187 •g7 Randall, D. T., 105 'II Randall, E. A., 433 '05 Randall, F. A., 233 '18 Randall, F. J., 73i '17 Randall, Grace L., 693 '07 Randall, J., 290 'i5 Randall, T. D., 593 '17 Randolph, Cora C, 693 '14 Randolph, H. B., 549 ^Randolph. I., 832 ^Randolph O. A., 800 'it Randolph, Mrs. O. C. l- (See Abbott, Helen) '14 Rang, C. K., 549 '85 Rankin, C. H.. 42 '18 Rankin, Lura J., 731 '17 Ranney, W. P., 693 '04 Ranson, Clara A., 211 •13 Ranson, Ethel A., 507 '12 Ranson, G. A., 470 1133 17 Raphaelson, S. M., 693 17 Raphaelson, Mrs. S. M. (See Simons, Rayna D. C.) 'q6 Rapp, C. E., 261 '17 Rapp, E. W., 693 •99 Rapp, G. L., 123 'IS Rapp, J. H., 593 '14 Rappaport, B. J., 549 '15 Rappleye, W. C, 593 . '12 Rascher, C, 47° '13 Rathbun, A. E., 507 •18 Rathbun, H. H., 731 '12 Rathfon, S. C, 47° '15 Rathfon, W. O., 593 '10 Rathjens, G. W., 394 '17 Rathsack, Mary, 693 'i5 Ratcliff, G., 593 '16 Ratcliffe, I. L., 642 '14 Raut, A., 549^ ,^ „ g-Ravage, M. E. (See Ra- vitch, M.) gRavitch, M., 800 '07 Ray, A. E., 290 '07 Ray, A. J., 291 'is Ray, B. C, 593 '13 Ray, B. L., 507 '98 Ray, G. J., 114 ^ ^^ '01 Ray, Mrs. G. J. (See Ham- mers, Edna R.) '08 Ray, H. A., 322 '15 Ray, H. L., S93 •11 Ray, R. W., 434 '01 Ray, W. T., 152 '03 Ray, Mrs. W. T. (See McRobie, Isabel) '15 Rayburn, A. B., 593 '07 *Rayburn, C. C, los '72 *Raymond, I. S., i '99 Raymond, J. E., 123 '99 Raymond, Ruth, 123 '09 Rayner, W. H., 357^ _ •11 Rayner. Mrs. W. H. (See L,eonard, Frances B.) '93 Rea, A. W., 73 'i5 Reace, W. T., S93 gRead, M. K., 801 '01 Read, Nellie L., 153 '18 Reader, Emma G., 731 '04 Readhimer, J. E., 211 '17 Reagan, M. E., 693 '17 Reagan, Mrs. M. E. (See Walkerly, Margaret M.) •12 Real, R. G., 471 '07 Reardon, C. C, 291 '07 Reardon, C. H., 291 '10 Reardon, F. G. G., 394 '00 Reardon, N. D-, i35 '02 Reasoner, Clara B., 169 '96 Reasoner, M. A., 95 '05 Reat, Ruth, 234 '09 Rebman, Gail, 357 '14 Redborg, C. E., 549 '13 Redderson, E. E., 508 gReddick, H. W., 801 '01 Redfield, G. W., i53 '13 Redhed, Alice, 508 '10 Redhed, W. S., 394 ,^ '06 Reece, Mrs. E. L (See Stevens, Sabra E.) '09 Reece, W. W-, 358 'II Reece, Mrs. W. W. (See Barrett, Sarah A.) '00 Ree. Adele C, i35 '18 Reed, Cordelia, 731 '11 Reed, C. O., 434 '13 Reed, E. A., 508 '17 Reed, F. J., 693 'is Reed, Gratia J., 593 gReed, J. K.. 801 '09 Reed, Lois A., 358 '17 Reed, M. J., 693 „ gReed. Susan M., 801 '10 Reeder, C. H.. 394 '17 Reeder, J. C, 693 '04 Reef, A. J., 211 II34 University of Illinois '95 Reely, T. W., 88 gRees, C. C, 8oi gRees, E. A., 8oi gRees, M. H., Soi i6 Reese, L. VV., 642 OS Reese, Nelle W., 234 02 Reeves, G. I., 169 03 Reeves, Mrs. G. I. (See Welles, Miriam U.) 95 Reeves, H. E., 88 10 Reeves, H. H., 394 13 Reeves, H. P., 508 14 Reeves, H. T., 549 09 Regan, R. H., 358 15 Rehling, C. H., 593 17 Rehnquist, E. F., 693 14 Reid, E. A., 549 iS Reid, G. H., 731 09 Reid. Mrs. H. M.. (See Kilner, Mercedes) 18 Reid, H. S., 731 15 Reid, Mollis, 593 05 Reid, R. R., 234 gReiff, P. F., 801 10 Reiger, H. J., 394 14 Reilly, R. T., 550 00 Reimers, F. W., 135 14 Reimert. R. R., Jr., 550 13 Rein, F., 508 06 Rein, L. E.. 261 gReinecke, T. G. W., 801 gReinemund, J. A., 801 i8 Reinsch, B. P., 731 13 Reisner, C. L., 508 72 Reiss, W. A., I 13 Reitz. W. R., 508 11 Reller, Erna M., 434 01 Remann, F. G., 153 10 Renich, Amanda B., 395 04 Renich, E. A., 211 11 Renich. Katharine L., 434 11 Renich, Mary E., 434 05 Renner, E. T.. 234 15 Renner, Julia E., 593 14 Renner, Sylvia P., 550 10 Renner, W. P., 395 15 Reno, G. B., 594 08 *Reno, J. F., 322 15 Rentchier. Edna K., 594 10 Rentfro, P. C., 39s 16 Renwick, G. W., 642 14 Renwick, Ruth M., 550 12 Renz, Myrtle A., 471 09 Retz, Rosalie M., 338 13 Reum, H. E., 508 16 Revels, Mrs. A. B. (See Higgins, Irma M.) 14 Rexwinkle, Daphne M., 550 12 Rexwinkle, F. D., 471 gReyerson, L. H., 801 04 Reynolds. Mrs. B. D. W. (See Sides, Aimee M.) 07 Reynolds, E. H., 291 ^Reynolds, E. S., 802 07 Reynolds, F. H., 291 85 Reynolds, H. L., 42 74 Reynolds, H. S., 6 74 Reynolds. Mrs. H. S. (See Potter, Frances A.) 01 Reynolds, Mabel, 153 16 Reynolds, O. E., 642 72 *Reynolds, S. A., 2 15 Rhea, C. J. J., 594 03 Rhea, F. H., 187 99 Rhoads, Emma M., 123 99 Rhoads, H. A., 123 18 Rhoads, Marie C., 731 13 Rhode, Mrs. C. S. (See Harper. Julia A.) 16 Rhodes, C. S., 642 00 Rhodes, E. M., 135 76 Rhodes, T. F.. 12 98 Rhodes, O. M., 114 '18 Rhue, P. M., 731 '96 Rhumphrey, Mrs. R. H. (See Folger, Rachel E.) 'is Ribback, L., 594 '11 Rice, C. C., 434 '77 *Rice, G. C., 15 '14 Rice, G. C., 550 '14 Rice, H. M., 550 'iS Rice, Katherine G., 731 g-Rice, Mrs. M. E. (See MacGregor, Hazel H.) 06 Rich, C. C., 261 04 Rich, C. W., 21 r is Rich, D. B., 594 07 Rich, D. H., 291 13 Rich, E. A., 508 14 Rich, P. C, 550 87 Richards, A. L., 49 78 Richards, C. L., 19 83 *Richards, Mrs. C. L. (See Ashby, Lida M.) 06 Richards, C. W., 261 82 *Richards, G. W., 31 14 Richards, Helen M., 550 10 Richards, J. V., 395 15 Richards, Lenore, 594 04 Richards, L. S., 211 18 Richards, Olive A., 731 09 Richards, P. M., 358 01 Richards, Mrs. R. C. (See Schulte. Mabel) 14 Richardson, C., 550 10 Richardson, C. B., 395 gRichardson, C. H., 802 09 Richardson, Edith M., 35S 15 Richardson, F. B., Jr.. 594 81 Richardson. Mrs. H. E. (See Wright, Jessie A.^ 17 Richardson, H. R., 61^3 15 Richardson. Tuanita, 594 07 Richardson, Mabel K., 291 01 Richardson, R. E., 153 07 Richardson, W. H., 291 iS Richart, Blanche B., 731 14 Richart. F. E., 550 ■ 16 Richart, Mrs. F. E. (See Johnson, Mary F.) gi Richart, F. W., 63 13 Riche, A. r.., 508 05 Richeson, Virginia C., 234 14 Richey, F. C., 550 03 Richey, J. J., 187 n Richie, J. K., 434 15 Richmond, G. K., 594 18 Richmond, Jean E., 731 17 Richmond, W. M., 693 18 Richter, Gertrude K., 732 72 Rickard. T. E., 2 04 Ricker, Ethel, 211 72 Ricker, N. C., 2 75 *Ricker. Mrs. N. C. (See Steele. Mary C.) 00 Ricker, R. C., 135 09 Ricketts. Clara A., 358 13 Riddle, Lillian, 508 04 Riddle, R. G.. 211 13 Ridgely, T. E., 508 04 Riehl, Anna, 211 09 Riesche, R. H., 358 12 Rietz, Nelle M., 471 14 Riff, D. M., 550 16 Rigg, G. L., 642 10 Righter, E. B., 395 13 Righter, Nellie R., 508 03 Rightor, F. E., 187 02 Riley, Anna B., 169 gRiley, C. F. C, 802 04 Riley, G. A., 211 94 Riley, W. B., 80 gRinaker, Clarissa, 802 15 Rinaker, Dorothy S., 594 gRinaker, Harriet B., 802 17 Rinaker, Janet, 693 '87 Rinaker, J. I., 49 '15 Rinehart, Mrs. R. (See Dauberman, Margaret 09 Ripl'ey, C. T., 358 gRipley, L. B., 802 18 Ripple, Ruth A., 732 gRisley, W. J., 802 06 Risser, Ruby B., 261 09 Risser, R. G., 358 18 Risser, W. S., 732 . 99 Ritchey, F. L.. 123 15 Ritchey, R. W., 594 09 Ritchie, Elizabeth P., 358 17 Ritter, J. G., 693 - 18 Ritter, W. T., 732 16 Ritts, C. L., 642 15 Rives, Nannie B., 594 10 Rives, O. B., 395 17 Roane, T. D., 694 gRoark, R. C, 803 11 Roark. R. J., 434 00 Robbins, E. F., 136 10 Robbins, R. A., 395 09 Robbins, G. L., 358 73 *Robbins, H. E.. 4 75 Robbins Mrs. H. E. (See Stewart, Margaret E.) 10 Robbins, J., 395 [5 Robbins, Ruth, 594 09 Robert, J. A., 358 14 Robert, J. H., 550 06 Robert, L. P., 261 12 Roberts, C. C, 471 04 Roberts, Carolyn M., 211 18 Roberts, C. M., 732 82 Roberts, C. N., 31 12 Roberts, C. S., 471 13 Roberts, E.. 508 12 Roberts, Mrs. E (See Renz, Myrtle A.) i4 Roberts, Erma D.. 551 16 Roberts, Frances E., 642 gRoberts, Gwladys E., 803 02 Roberts, H. A., 169 13 Roberts, H. V.. 508 06 Roberts, Kathleen A., 261 84 *Roberts, L. C, 39 06 Roberts, Miriam E., 261 "17 Roberts, M. D., 694 13 Roberts, Nellie R., 509 86 Roberts, V. B., 46 09 Roberts, Mrs. W. E. (See Ervin, Helen K.) 88 Roberts, W. R.. 52 18 Robertson, A. B., 732 13 Robertson, Eva L., 5o9 16 Robertson, H. S., 642 00 Robertson, L. S., 136 17 Robertson, Miriam S., 694 13 Robertson, Nellie M., 509 07 Robertson, N. S., 291 12 Robinson, Anna B., 471 80 Robinson, A. F., 23 81 Robinson, Mrs. A. F. (See Elder. Loretta) 80 Robinson, A. S., 24 16 Robinson, A. W., 642 06 Robinson, Candace I., 262 09 Robinson, C. J., 358 75 Robinson, E. A., 9 gRobinson, Et'^el J.. 803 18 Robinson, Ethlyn C, 732 09 Robinson. Mrs. E. W. (See Kirk, Elizabeth) 12 Robinson, Grace M., 471 06 Robinson, H. F., 262 16 *Robinson, J. L.. 642 10 Robinson, K. E., 395 98 Robinson, L. A., 114 12 Robinson, P. T.. 471 08 Robinson, R. E., 322 17 Robinson, Ruth L., 694 12 *Robinson, T. L., 471 17 Robinson, W. I., 694 06 Robinson. W. R.. 262 Index to Alumni "35 'i2 Robison, Emile, 471 '09 Robson, C. D., 359 '00 Rochow, C. T. F., 136 '17 Rockey, P. T.. 694 '14 Rockhold, K. E., 551 '10 Rockwell, L., 395 '09 Rodgers, R. B., 359 'o9 Rodgers, Mrs. R. B. (See Dunlap, Nora B.) '03 Rod:, Mrs. C. A. (See Bor- ton, Lucina J.) '04 Rodman, C. S., 211 '06 Rodiuar., R. R.. 26r '06 Rodriguez, R. S.. 262 '18 Rodriguez, A.. 732 '00 Roe, A. Z., 136 '18 Roe, E. B.. 732 '07 Roe. Mrs. J. M. (See Hunt, E. Glenne) '17 Roesner, Hedwig E., 694 '16 Roessler, W. O.. 642 '11 Rogers, Anna S., 434 '06 Rogers, Edith, 262 '17 Rogers, Elsie M., 694 '07 Rogers, F. G., 291 '16 Rogers, G. S., 642 '15 Rogers. H. B., 594 '17 Rogers, H. S., 694 '16 Rogers, H. T.. 643 gRogers, J. S., 803 '09 Rogers, Mrs. J. S. (See Seed. Essie M.) '16 Rogers. R. D., 643 '13 Rogstad, Mrs. F. J.. (See Peterson, Lola M.) '14 Rohlfing, A. R., sSi '16 Rohlfing, W. L., 643 '16 Rohn, F. A., 643 '13 *Rohrbough, F. C., 509 '11 Rohrer, C. J., 434 '17 Rohrer. F. P., 694 '09 Rohrer, Minnie G., 359 '14 Roland, V. A., 551 '08 Rolfe, Amy L., 323 •72 Rolfe, C. W.. 2 '00 Rolfe. Martha D., 136 '02 Rolfe, Mary A., 169 '03 Rolfe. Susan F., 188 '11 Roman, F. L., 434 '14 Roman, O. B., 551 '15 Roman, Mrs. O. (See Rin- aker. Dorothy S.) '12 Roman. W., .Tr., 471 '10 Romero, C. N., 395 '18 Romero. N.. 732 '11 Romig, F. G., 434 '15 Romine, T. F.. 594 '18 Rompel, Ruth E.. 732 '85 Ronalds. H. L., 42 'o5 Roney, W. H., 234 '17 Roos, E. G., 694 '16 Root. V. K., 643 '14 Rooth. Carrie L.. 551 '14 Ropiequet, W. C., 551 '15 Ropiequet, Mrs. W. C. (See Green. Alta) '08 Ropp, F. N.. 323 '12 Ropp, Pear! I.. 47t '17 Roscoe, G. H., 694 '02 *Rose, Alice. 169 '09 Rose, E. E.. 359 '10 Rose, Elizabeth I.. 395 '18 Rose, Edith M.. 732 '03 Rose, F. W. 188 '16 Rose, H. B., 643 '02 Rose, L. v., 169 '10 Rose, W. B.. 396 '05 Rosebery, C. J.. ^34 '16 Rosenberg, F.. 643 '18 Rosenberg. H^ B.. 732 '11 Rosencrans. F. B., 434 '13 Ross, C. S., 5o9 gRoss, E. L. 803 '14 Ross, G. T., 551 '17 Ross. H. A., 694 gRoss. J. C, 803. '16 Ross. K. D., 643 "lo Ross, Louise H., 396 '89 Ross, L. S.. 55 '18 Ross, Nelda G., 732 '05 Ross, R. M., 234 '14 Ross, R. M., 551 '01 Ross, Mrs. R. JNL (See Read, Nellie L.; '07 Ross, R. v.. 291 '81 Ross, S. D., 28 '81 Ross, Mrs. S. D. (See Barnes, Bertha E.) i;Ross. V. R., 803 '12 Rossback, E, J., 47I '15 Rosset, L., 594 '07 Rost, Mrs. T. W. (See Peine. Adela L. C.) '18 Roth, Florence C., 732 •08 Roth, H. D., 323 '09 Roth, T. F., '09, Draftsman 'OS Rothgeb. Mrs. H. (See Hay ward, Mabel S.) '14 Rothgeb, Jessie B., 551 '05 Rothgeb, W. H., 234 '16 Rotrock, LL M., 643 '13 Rottger, R. €., 5o9 '04 Roulston, R. B., 212 '16 Rounds, F. G., 643 '16 Rourke, Ellen M., 643 '08 Routson, F. J., 323 '96 Row, G. E., 96 '07 Rowand, K. E.. 291 '17 Rowe, C. B., 694 '14 Rowe, E. M., 551 '95 Rowe, H. B., 88 '17 Rowe, J., 694 '17 Rowe, J. L.. 694 '13 Rowe, R. Y., 509 '93 Rowe, W. B., 73 '09 Rowland, C. K., 359 '00 Rowland, E. M., 136 '14 Rowland, F. E., 551 '05 Roy, H. M., 234 '14 Roy, S. K., 551 '04 Royall, C. C, 212 '04 Royce, Bertha E., 212 '12 Royce, Mrs. J. A. (See Funk, Irene M.) '95 Royer, J. W., 88 '95 Roysdon, W. I., 88 'o5 Rubey, H. K., 234 '15 Ruby, G. B., 59s ' '13 Ruby, I. R., 509 '14 Ruckel, J. G., 552 '13 Rucker, H. J.. 509 '13 Riickmich, Mrs. C. A. (See Theilen, Margaret K.) '99 Rudnick. P. F. A.. 124 '78 *Rudy, W. D. O., 19 '15 Rue, O., 595 '17 Ruedi. C. H., 694 '05 Ruediger, Mrs. G. F. (See Brayton, Abby L.) '16 Rueff, J. A.. 643 '11 Ruehe, H. A.. 435 '16 Ruehe, Mabel L., 643 '18 Ruffner, Rachel, 732 '08 Rufle, Mrs. R. E. (See Kirby, Sarah E.) '10 Rugg. D. M., 396 '15 Rugg, E. U.. 595 '00 Rugg. Edna A.. 136 '82 Rugg. F. D., 31 gRugg. H. O.. S04 '15 Rukin. M.. 595 '10 Rule. Carrie L.. 396 '13 Rumery. F. A., 509 '07 Rump. C. A., 291 '04 Rump, G. H., 212 '16 Rumsey, Mary H.. 643 '16 Rundle, H. E.. 644 '17 Rundle. W. B.. 694 '17 Rundles. C. M., 694 •15 Rundles, D. C, 595 '13 Rundles. E. 509 '15 Rundles. J. C, 595 '16 Rundles, \V. L., 644 '18 Rundquist, E. T., 732 '11 Runkel, H., 435 '17 Runneberg. E. C, 694 '84 Rupp, A. O., 39 gRupp, L. W., 804 '15 Rush, 1. L., 595 '16 Rush, R. L., 644 '12 Rusher, F. E., 472 '14 Rusher, Mrs. F. E. (See John. Dorette) '09 Rusk, F. S.. 359 '09 Rusk, R. L., 359 '11 Ruskamp. W. H., 435 gRussel, R., 804 '93 Russell, C. W., 73 '14 Russell, Caroline N., 552 gRussell, F. A., 804 '09 Russell, G. S., 359 'i I Russell, J. T., 435 '12 Russell, L. M., 472 '11 Russell, W. E., 435 '09 Russell, W. J., 359 '17 Russett, J. P. C, 695 '12 Rust, Grace A., 472 '16 Rust, L. J., 644 '17 Rusy, B. F., 69s '78 *Rutan. A. D.. 19 '15 Rutenber, Frances AL, 595 '15 Ruth. R. W., 595 '16 Ruth, T. L., 644 'is Rutherford, Eugenia E., 595 '17 Rutherford, Florence, 695 '16 Rutledge. B. I.. 644 '06 Rutledge, Bertha. 262 '10 Rutledge, G., 396 '94 Rutledge, J. J., 80 '08 Rutledge, Nellie I., 323 '03 Rutt, R. W., 188 '07 Ryan, Jessie, 291 '00 Ryburn. C. A., 136 '18 Ryder, H. A. L., 732 '15 Ryther, H. W.. 595 '06 Saathoff. G. W., 262 gSabin, Ethel E.. 804 '09 Sachs, Inez F., 359 '05 Sachse, W. G., 235 '13 Sadler, W. C, 509 '09 Saemann, Mabelle O., 359 '17 Saffell, Gladys D., 695 '00 Saffer, L. B.. 136 '00 Safford, E. B.. 136 '17 Sager, Anna E., 69s '03 Sager, Mrs. F. A. (See Stansbury, Alta L.) '18 Sailer, F., 732 '15 Sailor, I. C, 59S '07 St. John, A. H., 292 'II St. John. Mrs. J. H. (See Fleming, Rose G.) gSakagami, Y., 804 '14 Salazar, J. U., 552 '13 Salisbury. Ethel I., 509 '15 Salisbury, G. W., 595 '97 Sammis, J. L., 105 '96 Sample. J. C, 96 'os Sampson, W. E., 235 '02 Sampson. Mrs. W. E. (See Dobbins. Ethel I.) '02 Samson. C. L., 170 '02 Samson. G. R.. 170 '04 Samson, Inez R.. 212 'i5 Samuels, Freda I., 644 '88 Samuels, J. H., 52 '18 Samuels, Theresa M., 732 '09 Samuels. T. W.. 359 '15 Samuelson, R. A.. 596 "13 Sandall. E. E.. 510 '12 Sandberg, R. L.. 472 TiSanders, A. H., 832 '14 Sanders, Laura M.. 552 '14 Sanders. R. L.. 552 '02 Sanders. T. M.. 170 1 136 University of Illinois 16 gSandifur, C. W., 804 00 Sanford, Delia C, 136 06 Sanford, E. W., 262 16 Sanford, Harriet A., 644 17 Sanford, Juanita L., 695 13 Sangdahl, G. S., 510 06 Sanger, Mrs. W. M. (See Graff, Elizabeth) Santee, A. M., 644 Sanvictores, J. G., 323 15 Saperston, I. N., 596 16 Sarett, L. R., 644 13 Sargeant, S. S., 510 08 Sargent, Agnes L., 323 86 Sargent, C. E., 46 18 Sargent, Francelia P., 733 gSargent, Rachel L., 804 18 Sato, K.. 7^3 04 Saunders, Mrs. A. J. (See Holderman, Harriet) 84 Saunders. Mrs. C. B. (See Ayers, Annetta) 96 Saunders, H. J., 96 12 Saunders, H. O., 472 98 Saunders, R. C.. 114 07 Saunders, Mrs. T E.. (See Gwinn, Alta G.) 80 *Savage, G. M.. 24 14 Savage. Lillian W., 552 78 Savage, Manford, 19 15 Savage, Marie, 596 17 Savage, \V. C., 695 17 Savage, W. E., 695 07 Savidge, H., 292 10 Sawtell, W. A.. 396 10 Sawyer, A. B., 396 13 Sawyer, Mrs. A. B. (See Porter, .\gnes) 02 Sawyer, D. H., 170 05 Sawyer, F. S.. 23^ 07 Sawyer. Mrs. F. S. (See Spray, Edith S.) 18 Sawyer. Gertrude E., 733 03 Sawyer, G. L., 188 11 Sawyer, G. P., 435 15 Sawyer, H. G., 596 78 Sawyer, H. W., 19 00 Sawyer, Ida E., 136 08 Sawyer. J. H.. 323 14 Sawyer, Maro-aret, 552 95 Sayers. A. J., 88 97 Sayers, W. W., 105 97 Sayler, J. R., 105 13 Sayre, C. B., 510 gSavre, E. R., 804 gSayre W. R., 804 14 Scales, W. H., 552 14 Scales. Mrs. W. H.. (See Goodmann, Leola) 11 .Scanlan, J. A.. 435 97 Schacht. F. W., los 03 Schacht, J. H.. 188 '4 .Schaarniann, E. F., 552 14 Schadt, Mabel E., 552 16 Schaefer, E. F.. 644 04 *Schaefer. Ellen M. 212 94 Schaefer. Mrs. F. R. (See Shawhan. Gertrude) 88 Schaefer, T. V. E.. 52 90 *Schaefer, P. A., 58 00 Schaefer, P. J., 136 09 Schaefer, P. V.. 359 g-Schafer, E. G.. 80=; 14 Schaffer, O. G., 552 gSchaffer, Wilhelmina M., 805 07 Schafmayer, A. J.. 292 13 Schalck, E. M., 510 16 Schalck, M. A., 644 07 Schaller. ,\. L., 292 14 Schaller, Emma E., 552 16 Schaller, G. S.. 644 10 Schaller. W. F., 396 12 Schance, T. J., 472 Schaumberg, E. G.. 695 Schecht, M., 695 Schecter, R. W., 644 Scheele, D. C., 644 Scheffer, Wilhelmina, 733 Scheid, J. P., 510 Scheidenhelm. E. L., 67 Schell, E. J., 435 irSchelling, Mrs. J. M. (See Ay res, Zelda M.) Schenck, C., 472 Schenker, Mrs. J. W. ' (See Wills, Etta C.) Scherer, Josephine, 235 gScherfee, S. H., 80s Schertz, A. C., 323 Schertz, J. W., 292 Schetnitz, H., 596 Scheve, Mrs. P. (See Eisenmayer, Ida) Schickedanz, L. H., 644 Schickedanz. S. A., 435 Schickedanz, Mrs. S. A. (See Moschel, Marga- ret) Schiesswohl. Schiesswold, Schifflin. A. P. G., 596 R. L., 643 K., 733 Schill, Gertrude B., 433 Schillinger, Josephine, 133 Schinnerer. O. P., 510 Schlader, E. H.. 645 *Schlader, T. H., 42 Schleifer, F. J., 695 Schleifer, Mrs. F. J. (See Agg, Sarah) Schlie Mrs. F. W. (See Wittlinger, Emma M.) Schlink, F. T., 472 Schlueter. Mrs. W. (See Wilson, Helen M.) Schlueter, W. L., 645 Schlutius, Louise G., 510 Schmahl, M. R., 262 Schmidt, G. A., iSS Schmidt. H., 235 Schmidt, K. W., 645 Schmidt, L., 510 Schmitz, E. A., 510 Schneider, A.. 81 Schneider, A. C, 695 Schneider, Bertha M., 396 Schneider, D. C, 596 Schneider, E. J., 137 Schnellbach, T. F., 510 Schnellbach. 'Mrs. J. F. (See Tucker, Phoebe C.) Schnetzler, C. H., 396 Schobinger. E., 596 Schoch, J. A.. 69s Schoch, W. G.. 435 Schoeffel, G. W., 396 Schoeller, J. E., 262 Schoene, H. F., 695 *Schoepperle, Katherine, 596 Schoessel, C. A., 510 Scholl, C. E., 510 Scholl. Mrs. C. E. (See Wills, Marv E.) Scholl, R. S.,"645 Scholnitzsky. I. M. (See Shaw, I. M.) Scholz. .\. L., 472 Scholz, H. A.. 2Q2 Schoolcraft, P. S., 511 Schoonhoven, Mrs. J. T. (See Butterfield. Heleii) gSchoonover. W. R.. 805 Schott, Mrs. D. (See Gay- man, Mvrtle) Schott. F. Jr.. 235 Schrader, A. €., 42 gSchradieck, H. E., S05 Schreiber, L. H., 733 Schreiber, O. W. K., 292 Schreiber, R. E., 212 Schreiber. Mrs. R. E. (See Rogers, Edith) Schreier, E. P., 552 Schriver, Mrs. G. (See Lee, Izora) Schroeder, C. A., 153 Schroeder, C. W., 235 Schroeder, Edith C., 596 Schroeder. G. W., 553 Schroeder, Mrs. P. G. (See Sloan, Hazel) Schroeder, W. F.. 2^2 Schroeppel, H. H., 695 Schroeppel, Mrs. H. H. (See Sharp, Bertha L. ) Schrum, Mabel €., 137 Schucker. R. W., 596 Schuler, D. B., 645 Schulte, C. R., 262 Schulte. Mabel, 153 Schulters, J. R., 397 Schultz, Edith A.. 511 Schultz, Mrs. G. H. (See Holderman, Mariorie C.) Schultz, Hazel M., 553 Schultz. R. E., 645 Schulz, E. R., 645 Schulz, F. J.. 733 Schulz, T. A., 696 gSchulz, W. F.. 80s Schulzke, O. F., 397 Schulzke, W. H., 360 Schumacher, D. H.. 696 Schumacher, H. T., 212 Schumacher, L. G., 202 Schumacher, R., 360 Schumacher, Tillie J., 170 Schundner, L. V., 472 Schurecht, H. G., 533 Schuster, G., 397 Schutt, A. G., 235 Schutt, W. R., 124 Schutte. T. H.. 472 Schwagmeyer, Ella. 733 Schwartz, A. J.. 472 Schwartz. J., 2S Schwartz. Louise F. . 533 Schwartz L.. 433 Schwartze, E. W., 472 Schwarzkoff, Florence A., 360 Schwerin, A.. 323 Schwing, E. A., .S06 .e'^cofield. Harriet, 805 ^gScoggan, E. P>., 805 Scotchbrook, G. P.. 35 Scott, Daisy C.. 88 Scott, D. G.. 74 gScott, Eleanor B., 805 Scott, E. S.. 553 Scott, Frances M., 435 Scott, F. W^.. 153 Scott, Mrs. F. W. (See Forbes, Ethel C.) Scott, G. H., 96 Scott. Mrs. G. H. (See Cole Mary M.) Scott, G. R., 606 Scott, Mrs. J. B. (See Reed, Adele C.) Scott, J. R., 292 Scott, J. T., 235 Scott, L. B.. 645 Scott, L. W., 436 Scott, Miriam E.. 292 Scott, Mrs. R. (See Wil- son, Nelle M.) Scott, R. .■\., 696 Scott, R. C. 51 1 Scott, R. S., 696 'i6 Scott, S. E., 64s 'i6 Scott, W., 64s gScott, W. D., 805 '08 Scott, Mrs. W. D. (See Niederman, Gertrude) '95 Scott, W. J., 88 '07 Scott, W. R., 293 '75 *Scovell, M. A., 9 '78 Scovell, Mrs. M. A. (See Davis, Nancy) '08 Scovill, H. T., 323 '11 Scovill, Mrs. H. T. (See Stewart, Edith E.) '76 *Scribner, A. C, 12 '09 Scroggin, Berenice, 360 '08 Scroggin, Ethel N., 324 'is Scroggin, Mildred A., 596 '07 Scruggs, A. P., 293 '00 Scudder, B. H., 137 '75 Scudder, C. O., 9 '02 Scudder, H. D., 170 'ok *Scurlock, H. H., 88 '08 Seaman, A. T., 324 '93 *Seaman, G. W., 74 '15 Seaman. Katherine, 596 'i I Searle, J. C 436 '18 Searle, T. G., 733 gSears, G. W., 806 '00 Sears, Minnie E. 137 '14 Sears, O. H.. S53 '14 Sears, Rose R.. 553 '96 Sears, Mrs. W. E. (See Besore, Nellie) '95 Seastone, C. V., 89 '06 *Seavert, N. E.. 262 '18 Seavey. H. R., 733 gSeawell. Cornelia R., 806 '14 Secor, E. C., 553 '09 Seed, Essie M., 360 '14 Seeley. Esther B., 553 '00 Seely, Blanche M., 137 gSeely, F. B., 806 '99 Seely, G. T., 124 '98 Seely, Mrs. G. T. (See Morrow, Grace E.) Seely, J. G., 360 Seese, R. S., T73 Seib, E. C. 436 „^ Seibel, K. B., 212 '91 Seibert, Emma E., 63 '15 Seidenburg, N. C, 596 '16 Seifert. H. F., 645 '16 Seifried, A. G., 645 '12 Seifried, J. F., 473 '09 Seiler, Alice F., 360 I^Seiler, Eleanor F., 806 '18 Seiler, Erna. 733 '13 Seiler, G. W., 51 1 '12 Seiler, O. E., 473 •10 Seiter, P. W.. 397 '13 Sekine, S., 5ii '14 Sekine, S., 553 '12 Sellards, J. A., 473 '16 Sellards. W. H., 645 '17 Sellards, Mrs. W. H. (See Harris. Hannah) '17 Sellner, Edna. 606 '15 Selsam, Beulah E.. 506 '04 Selters. Mrs. J. (See Ran- son, Clara A.) '18 Selzer, L. J., 733 '18 Selzer, Mrs. L. J. (See Wamsley, Adelaide M.) '16 Semple, A. T., 645 gSenay, C. T.. 806 '13 Sendenburgh. Edith I., 511 '15 Senneff. G. F., 597 '17 Sense, Mattie A., 696 '11 Sercombe, R. J., 436 •11 Sesler, P. R., 436 •16 Severance, L. E., 645 'i^ Severinghaus, M. G., 511 '08 Sevilla, H.. 324 '14 Sewell, S. I., 5';3 •16 Sexauer. Mae M.. 646 '81 Seymour, A. B., 28 09 04 Index to Alumni '84 Seymour, Mrs. A. B. (See Conkling, Anna J.) '04 Seymour, A. P., 212 '03 Seymour, B. W., 188 '05 Seymour, C. H., 236 '77 Seymour, J. J., 15 '09 Seymour, R. R., 360 '04 Seymour, R. O., 213 '09 Seymour, W. A., 360 '15 Seyster, E. W., 597 '13 Seyster, Mildred, 511 '10 S'ackell, Bessie E., 397 '07 Shade, H. R., 293 '07 Shade, Imogene. 293 '07 Shaflfer, Nina R., 293 '16 Shaffer, R. F., 646 '98 Shamel, A. D., 114 '91 Shamel, C. A., 63 '90 Shamel, C. H., 58 '08 Shannon. Agnes N., 324 '12 Shapiro, I. M., 473 '12 Shapland. C. J.. 473 '14 Shapland, E. P., 553 '82 Sharp, A. J., 31 '14 Sharp, Bertha L., 553 '17 Sharp, J. C, 696 /t*Sharp, Katherine L., 83-' '09 Sharpy, Mrs. D. A. (See Palmer, Audrie M.) '93 Sharpe, R. W., 74 '91 Shattuck, Anna, 63 /t'Shattuck, S. W., 833 •91 Shattuck, W. F., 64 '08 Shaver, Mrs. B. F. (See Kindig, Pearl E.) 'n Shaw, B. B., 436 'II Shaw, Mrs. C. H. (See Garnett, Harriet E.) 'rn Shaw, E. J., 397 Shaw, E. M., 597 Shaw, F. W., 696 Shaw, Mrs. G. L. (See Dillon, Bessie) Shaw, G. R., 360 Shaw, Hazel Y., 293 Shaw, Helen C, 733 Shaw, I. M., 435 Shaw, J. W., 324 Shawhan, G. R., 9 Shawhan, Gertrude, 81 Shawe, R. I., 646 Shay, Mary L., 696 Shea. J. C, 96 SheaflF, R. P., 733 Sheay, J. P., 473 Sheean, F. T., 124 Sheean, H. D., 124 Sheerer, Gertrude E., 733 ^Sheets, E. W., 806 Sheets, F. T., 553 Sheets, H. M., 696 *Sheetz, A. v., 646 Sheffer, W. H., 733 Shelby. E. Jr., 646 Shelden, W. W., 646 Sheldon, Carrie B., 236 Sheldon, C. E., 124 Sheldon, C. H., 213 Sheldon, Mrs. C. H. (See Mann, Alice C.) Sheldon, Edna W., 213 Sheldon, H. K., 646 Sheldon, Maude L., 188 Sheldon, N. E., 733 Sheldon, V. L., 188 Sheldon, Mrs. V. L. (See Wetzel, Nellie) Sheldon, W. M., 553 Shelley, E. F., 646 Shelton, A. M., 188 Shelton, Wilma L., 553 Shelton. Wilma L., 733 •Shen. W. Y.. 511 jfShepard. A. D.. 806 ♦Shenard. Mr=. E. I. (See Branch. Elizabeth) '08 '75 '94 '16 '17 '96 '18 '12 '99 '99 '18 '14 '17 '16 •18 '16 '16 '05 '99 '04 '03 •04 '16 II37 '95 Shepardson, J. E., 89 '97 *Shepardson, R. S., 105 gShepherd, Queen L., 806 '17 Sheppard, C. H., 696 '14 Shepperd, J. D., 554 '17 Sheridan, Mary B., 696 '15 *Sherman, C. L., 597 '08 Sherman, Mrs. E. B. (See Eno, Sara W.) '01 Sherman, Mrs. E. G. (See Sherman, Florence E.) '01 Sherman, W. H., 153 '17 Sherrick, J. C, 696 '10 Sherry, L. B., 397 ^Sherwin, C. P., 807 '12 Shewade, V. Y., 473 '13 Sliewhart,, W. A., 511 '10 Shields, C. C, 397 '16 Shields, J. E., 646 '15 Shields, J. P., 597 '10 Shields, R. J., 397 '93 Shiga, S., 74 '16 Shilling, F. W., 646 '94 Shilling, Mrs. S. B. (See McCormick, Flora) '04 Shilton, C. N., 213 '06 Shilton, P. A., 262 '02 Shimmin, R. P., 170 'iS Shing, C. T., 734 '10 Shinn, H. E., 397 '04 Shinn, J. R., 213 •06 Shinn, W. R., 262 '10 Shipley, H. E.. 397 '05 Shipman, A. B., 236 '08 Shipman, Louise, 324 '14 Shipman, W. D., 554 '12 Shirk, W. A., 473 '10 Shirley, O. E., 397 '09 Shively, Edith O.. 360 '15 Shively, W. S., 597 '10 Shklowsky, A. J., 397 '82 Shlandeman, F., 31 '86 Shlandeman, H., 46 '14 Shobe, F. D.. 55,1 '14 Shoemaker, F. G., 554 '03 Shoemaker, J. E., 189 '16 Shoemaker, J. W., 646 '04 Shoemaker, Theodora, 213 '18 Shonkwiler, F. L., 734 '16 Shonte, H. A., 646 '15 Shouts, T. D., 597 '15 Shook, C. H., 597 '15 Shook, C. W., 597 • gShook, G. A., 807 gShoop, Adaline M., 807 '02 Short, Mrs. R. L. (See Buerkin, Emma) '01 Short, W. C. 153 '17 Shott. Ruth E., 696 '07 Shoults, Mrs. C. A. (See Shade, Imogene) '09 Shrader, F. K., 360 'n Shrader, J. W.. 436 '18 Shriver. Helen E., 734 •14 Shum, N. C, 554 '17 Shumaker, Mrs. R. N. (See Teeters, Mary E.) '18 Shup, L. E., 734 '10 Shute, R. L., 398 '10 Shute, Mrs. R. L. (See ' Stephens, Laura A.) '18 Shy, F. S., 734 '04 Sides, Aimee M., 213 •15 Siebens, A. R., 597 gSiebens, Thekla M.. 807 '12 Sieberns, L. C, -i73 '15 Siegel. I., 597 •16 Siegfried. F. O. 646 '17 Siegmund. H. O., 696 '18 Siegrist, D. C, 734 '13 Siemen, Bertha A., 511 gSiever, C. H.. 807 '14 Sievert, C. W. J.. 554 '14 Sigerson W. C, '54 '06 Sigler, E. C, 263 "i.- Sisio^r. NeUie M., 4.-0 '»o Sisuor, Ruth 11.. ,?oJi 'jO SiU>orni;u\, O, K.. 04'' '03 Silcv. R. \V,. iSo ■jS Silkman, 1. M.. 507 'r'i •Silver, C. \V.. i- •7 J •Silver. H.. -• *17 Silver. M. «->.. <>or '07 Silverman. Mrs. S. i,See V'nKnv. Lena") '77 Sim. C L.. 15 •{v4 Sim. Ketnrah F... .;o '07 Simer, J. K.^ .:o,> i'Simmerins. S. 1... ^07 'oi Simmons, A. T.. i54 "00 Simmons, H. 11,, 361 "1.; Simmons. J.^ W-. Jr., 473 '>t> Simmons. T. S.. 647 "00 Sinnns, F. S., 361 '»o Simms, NV. H., Jr., 647 •15 Simon. \Y. II.. 597 '14 Simonich, 1. K,, 554 "i.' Simonini, i"*. C. 473 '06 Simons. A. M.. go 'ij Simons, A. M., 47>> '1.; Simons, C. 1... 474^ *17 Simons, Kayna D. C. 697 'i3 Simons, C A., 474 *i6 Simons, R. S., 047 '13 Simpson, A. M.. 511 'ij Simpson, 0. C,, 474 \'>4 Simpson. C W.. J»3 "17 Simpson. K. R., ti07 \>? Simpson. Frances, 189 "o^ Simpson, F.. 3J4 '00 Simpson. F. M,. ,561 'i.' Simpson. Mrs. F. M. ^Sec U.\KKvin. M,-«yine A.) '13 Si\ni^son. G. JK.. 51- '17 Simpson. I . F.. 007 '\o •Simpson. Mary A.. 647 'j7 Simpson. Nelle I... 607 '17 Simpson. S. S,. 097 *17 Simpson. T, M.. 097 '05 Sims, C. E,. .'30 "15 Suns. C. F,. 5Q7 'ij Sinclair. Clara. 474 *07 Sinclair. L.F.. -•5 Sinsleton. Mrs. K. I.. (.See Clendenen Lois G.t '1 1 Sinha. S., 436 'v'xj Sinnett, T. 1\. 301 '00 Sinnock, P., 301 •iS Sipe, K. K., -34 "ij Sisanu Cora IL, 51- *o^ Sisler, Delia J.. J36 •Jj Sirer, L. N„ 39 •j5 Skadden. H. F„ J07 "11 Skarstedt, M.. 43<* '05 Skelley, C. F.. J36 "lO Skelton, C. I.., 647 ^cSkidmore M,, i^o; '03 ~ Skielvig, S. C, 74 "i < Skiles, J. R.. 51 J ■o"i Skinner, F, R.. i!?Q ^cSkinner. G. S., SoS '14 Skinner. 1. K,. 554 '77 'Skinner. Velma K., 15 '07 Skinner. W. K., a«l3 •13 Skoslnnd. C. A., 512 *i6 Slack, H. I... 647 "iS Slack. \V. S., 7'!4 "!iii Slade. B. A.. iS MS Sl.ide. K.itherine C. 734 '17 Sladek. G. F.. 007 'iS Sladek, R. H.. 734 'ja Sladek, V. R., 474 '14 *Slater, F. C, 554 'n Slater, M. F,. 507 \ic. Slater, W. A.. --03 *(J4 SUter. \Y. F., Si "oj Slavishter. Mrs. A. W. (.See l">anely. Mary G."> *ii Slausht^T. \V. IV, 430 ■S.» Slanson, H, B.. 31 IMviKSirv OF h.MNOlS *10 'Slauson. Mrs. 11. B. I See "14 1 anjiUy, Celeste^ Slawson, II. 11. . 30S '04 Shu maker. C. M., 3J4 'lo Slayton. \V. K.. -34 "oS Slo;u\. An\elia Xi.. 007 "10 Sloan. Mrs. F. 1\ (.See Hell. Mary^ Sloan, llaxel. ."30 'lo Sloan, \V. F., 047 'u> Sloane, R, 11.. ."03 Slocvnn, F.. .-03 "oo Slooum, Mary J.. -"\3 "17 Slocuni. K. 11.. 137 "05 Slocumb. F. C 1 54 'oS Sloi\nesar. W. D., 474 'S4 Slossou, R, l... 436 \iS i'Slouslu Georgia. SoS "i-, Sluss. A. 11.. 154 "o- Slntes, Mrs. M. C. (.See "i^ Hopkins. Fdna'> Smallwood. J. P.. 097 Sm.irt. .\,. 097 "14 Smart. C. IL. 697 •,}; Smart, R. L., 554 "oJ Smart. Mrs. S. C. (.Sec Balkema. Sally > Smejkal. F. J.. 554 -^ij Smejkal. J. A.. Jr.. .-93 -^^ . Smidl. E.. 097 Smiley. l« D.. 04- -i, Smith, A. B., 170 Smith, Mrs. A. B. (See •,. Fetterman, Valeria J.) >(,', Smith, A. D., 5>- "o- Snuth, Avis F.. 15 Smith, A. G., J03 • Smith. A. L,, 3«j!> •,, Smith, B., 154 •.,, Smith, C. A., o Smith, C^ A.. i-'4 .^ , Smith, C. C, 474 Smith. C. F,. .:03 , Sinith. C. E., 047 • ,^ Smit I. C. H., iSo ., , Smith. C. H. W.. 3-4 • ;;i Smith. C. L.. 31 .'" Smith, Mrs. ^. 1.. (.See ,>^^ llealev. Grace"" Smith. Clara M.. 097 .'-J Smith. C. R.. 554 ,'-■' Smith, C. \V'., iSo '- •Smith. C. \V.. 097 Smith. C. W.. 51- •''; Smith. Mrs. C. W. (.See .^^^^ Dei\nv. Christina^ ."■ ^ Smith, \">. J.. 554 '^ Smith. D. 1... 437 Smith. Eliiabeth. 301 ..^. •Smith. E. C, I -'4 "jj Smith. F, E.. --03 \h> Smith. F. E.. 3^4 '10 Smith, Elizabeth M.. 59S .,^ Smith. Ellen G.. 170 "j. Smith. Esther ,\.. ^13 "o'l Smith. E, R.. J3J> "n Smith. F. P.. ^30 '00 ^rSmith. F. 1.. SoS •,- Smith. Florence M., 1.-4 '09 Smith, Florence S., -m3 'ii- Smith. Gertrude C. 43" 'tS Smith, Gladys. 008 'i8 Smith, t^ladys M.. 59S '06 Smith. G. C. 754 '00 Smith. G. C„ 154 '13 Smith, G. C. 047 '16 Smith. G. H.. 398 'oa Smith. G. I... 097 '9; Smith. G. R- 137 '«! Smith. G. W.. 50S 'is; ,!;Smith. G. \V., 808 "15 Smith. Helen B,. 363 'ii Smith. Helen M.. 647 'ti Smith 11. E,. 047 '<»(■ Smith, Mrs. 11. N. (,Soo Wav. Mildred U.i Smith. H. W., .'13 Smith. Irene F., 047 Smith, 1. W., 3J4 Smith. Mrs. J. C. (See Innis. <.^ma A.") i'Smith. 1. E.. 808 Smith, J. F.. t>47 Smith. Mrs. J. F. (See Smith. Irene F."» •Smith, J. S. S.. J03 Smith. J. \V., 698 Smith, k. G., -'30 Smith. 1.. A., 3.-5 Smith, Laura B., 39 Smith, L. B.. 3J5 Smith. L. G., 51 j Smith, L. 11.. 100 Smith, L. 1.., 734 sSmith. 1.. M., 808 i'Smith, M. G., 80S Smith. M. J., 554 Smith. Mary P., 734 Smith, Nellie E.. 3J5 i.Smith. O. II. . 808 ^.Smith. O. M.. 808 Smith. P. A., 154 Smith. Mrs. P. .\. (See Draper. Charlotte E.^ Smith. P. A., 437 ^Smith. P. F., 8v^9 Sntith. P. M., 50S Smith, K.. 170 Smith. Mrs. R. (See Hess. Charlotte"* Smith. R.. 555 Smith. Rose. 437 Smith. Mrs. R. E. (See Carroll. Jessie A.> Smith. Mrs. R. G. tSee Bond. Augusta E."> Smith. R. I... 554 Smith. R. X.. -'03 Smith. R. S.. 5tJ Smith. R. W.. 3JS Smith. S.. q6 Smith. S. B.. 393 Smith. S. C. 555 Smith. S. T., sqS •Smith. Mrs. S. T. (See Mattoon. Charlotte"* Smith. T. B. F.. -^30 Smith. T. M.. 361 Smith, v.. J37 Smith. Velda E.. 734 ,!:Smith. \V. Henry. 800 X"^i;iith. W. llerschei. 800 " Smith. W. H.. 4- Smith. W. M., 555 Smith, W. W., 137 Smith, Wilhelma 7... 047 Sntithson. A. T. 555 Smohl. Barbara B.. 098 Smolt. F. O.. 64 Smoot. Elizabeth E.. 598 Sinoot. Elma. t.-4 Smoin, \V. E., 608 Smurr. T. W., i.'4 Snapp, R. R.. 5«-J Snell, C. E., 734 Snell. II. S.. 734 Snider. E. Q.. ;03 Snider. F. P.. 3^^ Snider. H. T., 51; Snoddy. R. U. 647 Snovisrass, J. M..^ 171 Snodsrrass. W., 68 Suodsjrass. W., 437 Snook. Helen C. 508 Snook. T. D.. 598 Snook, "N'era J., 4,^~ Snow. C. H.. 437 Snc^w. L, F., .:63 gSnuti', Mary II., 8r>9 •06 Snushall, W. (See Mc- Leilan, Mary Bj '12 Snyder, A. E., 474 '11 Snyder, Mrs. A. E. (See Baxter, Florence G.) '90 Snyder, C. H., 58 '16 Snyder, G., 647 '14 Snyder, L. A., SS5 '08 *Snyder, S. S., 325 '13 Soderl)erK, A. F., Si 2 '08 Solbcrg, I.. P. B., 325 '07 Somers, I'lorence. 294 '06 Somnu-r. A. N., 263 '04 Sommer. Clara, 214 '80 *Sondericker, T., 24 '83 Sondericker, W., 35 '10 Sonntag, A. H., 398 '08 'Sonntag, Elsie K.. 3-5 '04 Sonntag, Mildred- E., 2i4 '08 Sonntag, Viola II., 325 gSoo-IIoo, P., 809 '98 Soper, S. L., 115 '13 Sorensen, N. C, 512 '13 Sorensen, Mrs. N. C. (See Sevster Mildred) '18 Sortwell, II. H., 734 '12 Soto, R. A., 474 '13 Sotola. J., 734 '13 Soucrs. M. A., 512 i'Soule, C. 11. , 809 '09 Southgate, Helen A., 301 '09 Southwick. J. D., 361 '17 de Souza, J. C. 698 '00 Soverhill, H. A., 137 •04 Spain, Mrs. W. A. (See Cole, Emo L.) '93 •SpaUling, F. M., 74 •98 Spalding, R. V., 115 '18 Spangler, C. F., 734 g^Spangler, T. N., 809 '11 Spangler. Mary M., 437 '04 Sparks, Annie E., 214 '78 Sparks, II. B., 19 '95 Sparks, Marion E., 89 '89 Sparks, Myrtle E., 55 '09 Sparks, R. C, 3'ii '12 Spaulding, C. H., 474 '02 Spaulding, Ida M., 171 'i4 Spear, Elsie T., 555 '87 Spear, G. W.. 49 '18 Spear Helen E., 734 //*von Siiecksternburg, H.. 833 '84 *Speidel, Ernest, 39 '01 Spellman I.orinda B., 154 '12 Spence, A. D., 474 '77 Spence, F.. 15 '85 Spence. Mrs. P. T. (See Jones, Emma) '95 Spencer, Bertha, 89 '17 Spencer. Cynthia E., 698 '11 .Spencer, E. R., 437 '08 Spencer, Fannie G. C, 325 '97 Spencer. F. W., 106 '82 Spencer, N. S., 32 '18 .Spencer. R., 735 'is Spencer, V. E., 598 '11 Spengler. I.. W., 437 '9S .Sperling. G., 89 '10 .Sperry. F. E., 398 '18 Sperry. R. E., 735 'os Spiers, Mrs. F. H. (See Reese, Nelle W.) '10 Spierling. .\. O., 30S gSpindler, G. W., 809 '13 Spitler, C. II., 512 '07 Spitler, T. C. 294 '05 Spitler, "W. N. 237 '11 Sponsel. J. G., 437 '12 Sponsler, J. M., 474 ^/Spor,T:er, C. S., 800 '14 Sporlein, I.. W.. 5S5 '78 *Spradling. W. F., 19 '17 Sjirague, Cena I.., 008 '07 Sprague, Florence O.. 294 B. Index to Alumni Sprague, II. G., 555 *Sprague, Martin, 19 Sprague, N. E., 735 Sprague, Villa M., 398 Spray, Edith L., 294 Sprecher, I. S., 361 Spriggs, T. J., 189 Spriggs, Mrs. J. J. (See Vance, Edna C.) Springe, O., 474 Sproul, R. A., 698 Spurck, R. M.^, 398 .Spurgin, W. G., 81 Squier, G. K., 698 Siiuires, Mrs. H. G. (See Voorhees, Kathryn C.) *Stacy, M. M., 28 Stafford, H. S. L., sSs Stahl, A. C, 474 Slahl, C. B., 437 Stahl, E. R., 398 Stahl, G., 189 Stahl. Myrtle L., 555 Stahl, W. A., 647 Stahl. Mrs. W. P. (See Sanford, Juanita L.) Stair, J. L., Jr., 325 Stakemiller, B. B., 137 Staker, F. M., 294 gStaley, Irene E., 809 Staley, Isabel, 2i4 Staley, J. C, 115 Staley. Maggie E., 125 Stall.' W. P., 698 '13 Stallings, L. S., 513 gStallings, W. II., Jr., 810 '12 Stallings, Mrs. W. II. (See Olson, Florence A.) '14 Stambaugh, F. M., 555 '05 Standard, A. P., 237 '10 Standish, Sy 396 '08 .Stanford, H. R., 325 '09 Stanger, O. C, 361 '06 Stanley, E. A., 264 '17 Stanley, E. L., 698 '01 Stanley, O. O., 154 gStanley, T. B., 810 '03 Stanslniry. Alta L., 189 '79 Stanton, S. C, 21 '12 *Stapel, Amanda E., 474 '15 Stapler, W. W., 598 'r6 Stark. T. E., 648 'oc; Stark, R. W., 89 '04 Stark, Mrs. R. W. Cafky, Mabel E.) '14 Starkey, L. V., 555 '17 Starner. V., 698 '14 Starr, Bernice F., 555 '76 Starr, F. A .E., 12 '97 States W. D., 106 '77 *.Stayman, J. M., '15 '94 Stayton. Mrs. J. D. McCaskrin, Louis gStearn, A. E., 810 '14 Stearns; C. G., sSs '07 Stearns, E. D., 294 gStebbins, Millicent, 810 '05 Stebbins, R., 237 '15 Stebbins, S. L., 598 '05 Stedman Angeline J., :'37 g'Steele, Annette, 810 /^Steele, D. A. K., 833 '02 Steele, Lavinia, 171 'i4 Steele, Lottie E., 555 '09 .Steele Mac K.. 361 '75 *Steele, Mary C, 10 '89 Steele, P., SS '06 *Steele. W. II., 264 '96 Steele, W. L., 96 '95 Steele, Mrs. W. L. (See Green, Mariana) '18 Stein, Bertha M., 73? '09 Stein. M. F., 362 '15 Steinbreder. W. J., 598 '11 Steingard, J. N., 437 '06 Steinhilber. Mrs. F. J. (See Smith, Helen B.) (See (See E.) 1^39 '17 SteinhotT, F. L., 698 ^'Steinke, M. W., 810 '16 Steinmayer, A. G., 648 '16 Steinmayer, R. A. J., 648 'is Steinmetz, F. II., 598 '15 Steinmeyer, II. A., 598 '02 .Steinmeyer, O. C, 171 '03 Steinwedell, C, 189 '97 .Steinwedell, G., 106 '93 Steinwedell, W. E., 74 gStempel W. M., 810 '12 Stephens, C, 474 '17 Stephens, Ethel G., 698 '08 Stephens, H. C, 32S '10 Stejihens, Laura A., 399 *ii Stephens, R. B., 437 '14 Stephens, R. L., 555 gStephenson, B. R., 810 gStephenson, E. B., 810 '14 Stephenson, H. V., 556 '04 Stephenson, L. A., 214 gStephenson, R. E., 810 '75 Sterling, Mrs. C. M. (See Ilullinger, Katherin) '10 Sterling J. D., 309 '96 Stern, Mrs. A. L. (See Alpiner, Amelia D.) '02 'Stern, N. A., 171 '15 Sternberg, B. L., 599 '14 Stetson, Mrs. E. R. (See Steele Lottie E.) '12 Steven, Mrs. F. K. (See Nierstheimer, Louis M.) '80 'Stevens, Mrs. C. H. (See Pearman. Ida) '16 Stevens, Edith IT., 648 '90 Stevens, F. W., 59 '10 Stevens, Grace E., 399 '84 Stevens, II. A., 39 '17 Stevens, R. W., 698 '03 Stevens, Lucia A., 189 '14 Stevens, R. M., 556 '06 Stevens, Sabra E., 264 '15 Stevens, V. T., 599 ;f Stevens, W. E., 811 '17 Stevens, W. M., 698 '17 .Stevenson, Ailsie M., 699 '01 Stevenson, A. M., 155 '07 Stevenson, Annie IL, 294 '17 Stevenson, Dorothy, 699 '12 Stevenson, D. IL, 475 '18 Stevenson, E. H., 735 gStevenson, J. A., 811 '10 .Stevenson, J. R., 399 '12 .Stevenson. J. V., 47s g.Stevenson, L., 811 '10 Stevenson, M. L., 399 '01 *Stcven<-on, R. E.. 155 '95 Stevenson, Mrs. W. H. (See Scott, Daisy C.) '08 Stewart, C. A., 325 '12 Stewart, Mrs. C. E. (See Grabbe. Florence H.) g.Stewart, C. L., 811 '17 Stewart, C. R., 699 '08 Stewart, C. S., 326 'it Stewart, Edith E., 438 'is Stewart, E. H., 599 '83 Stewart, Ella M., 35 '!•' Stewart, F., 699 ^Stewart, Gwendolyn, 8rt '12 Stewart, G. E., 475 '09 Stewart, K. W., 362 '02 Stewart, J. P., 171 '09 .Stewart, J. S., 362 '93 Stewart, J. T., 74 '10 Stewart, Mrs. L. (See Eck, Josephine A.) '11 Stewart, L. R.. 43R '95 Stewart, Mabel, 89 '10 Stewart. M. B., 399 '75 .Stewart, Margaret E.. 10 '01 Strwart, M. V., 155 ^.Stewart, R., 811 '04 Stewart, R. J., 214 '02 'Stewart, W. 1'.. 171 'o- Stewarts, W. M., 201 ■i6 '08 '15 '13 '18 '16 1 140 'is Stice, H. S., 599 gStickney, F. S., 8ii ■12 Stiefel, I. B., 475 gStiegelmeier, Lilly, 811 "iS Stiegmeyer, Clara M., 735 •18 Stiff, Ethel, 735 '08 Stiff, R. M.. i26 gStifler, W. W., 811 Stifler, Mrs. W. W. (See Reed, Susan M.) '18 Stillwell, Genevieve M., 735 '18 Stillwell, Helen, 735 ■03 *Stine, J. C, 190 '15 Stinson, I., 599 "14 Stinson, Lavinia S., 556 Stinson, Rita E., 648 Stinson, S. A., 326 Stipp, Blanche, 599 Stipp, F. v., 513 Stiritz, B. A., 735 ._ Stirton, J. C, 648 '15 *Stitt, R. D., 599 '12 Stitzel, C. M., 475 '17 Stock, Mrs. H. T. (See Frame, Grace B.) '17 Stockdale, T. E., 699 '09 Stocker, C, 362 '94 *Stocker, E. W., 81 '16 Stocker, H. F., 648 '12 Stocker, L. O., 475 '85 Stockham, W. H., 4-' '85 Stockham, Mrs. VV. H. (See Clark, Kate F.) •17 Stoddard, G. W., 699 'yj Stoddard, I. J. Jr., :5 '77 *Stoddard, Mrs. I. J. (See Victor. Carrie D.) •16 Stoffel, C. M., 648 gStokes, C. N., 8i2 '12 Stokes, J. W., 475 '18 Stoltey, B. F., 735 •iS Stoltey, Ethel L., "35 "88 Stoltey, Ida M.. S3 Stoltey, Marie J., SU Stone, A. G., 648 Stone, C. A., 699 „^ Stone, C. E., 190 •16 Stone, C. H., 648 '04 Stone, C. N., 214 '12 Stone, Edna L., 475 '10 Stone, E. H., 399 •03 Stone, H. M., 190 •03 •Stone, Mrs. H. M. (See Burrill, Mildred A.) •13 Stone, O. R., 513 '96 Stone, P. A., 97 '09 Stone, Mrs. P. E. (See Touzalin Clara B.) •08 Stone, P. P., 326 •14 Stone, T. C, 556 '04 Stookey, Helen F., 214 ■07 Stookey, M. C, 294 '03 Stoolman, Mrs. A. W. (See Franklin, Lois G.) ■15 Stopp, G. D.. 599 '18 Storer, Esther S., 73S '03 Storey, E. P., 190 'os Storm, H. C, 237 ?Storn, M. W. (See Stein- ke, M. W.) '74 Story, G., 6 gStory. Helen D., 812 gStouffer, E. B., 812, '18 Stouffer, E. S., 735 '13 Stough, G. H., 513 •15 Stout, E. B., 599 •08 Stout, Elizabeth T. E., 326 '11 Stout, F. L., 438 •09 Stout, J. P., 362 '10 Stout, Mrs. J. P. (See Sprague, Villa M.) '17 Stoutzenberg, Florence, 699 University of Illinois '13 •16 "17 '03 •oS 07 gStowell, C. J., 812 gStrachan, E. K., 812 Straight, Fleda D., 326 Straight. Gladys L., 475 Straight, H. R., 294 Straight, Mrs. H. R. (See Hoge, Lura E.) gStrand, C. J., 812 Strang, R. L., 599 Stratton, Grace B.. 699 Stratton, S. W., 39 Straub, E. J., 735 Straub, W. F., 735 Strauch, B. A., 326 Strauch, Mrs. B. A. (See Ashton, Pearl W.) Strauch, Bertha H.. 47s Strauch, Clara M.. 36- Strauch, D. J., 699 Strauch, Hilda L., 362 Strauch, O. F., 264 Strauss, W., 81 Strawn, J. A., 294 Strawn, J. H., 155 Strawn, Myrtle, 264 Streed, Judith E., 556 Street, Marietta L., 190 Streff, A. P., 362 Strehlow, Cornelia E., 190 Strehlow, O. E., 97 Strehlow, P. V., SU *Streid, J. B., 326 Streight, Laura A., 125 gStreightoff, Mrs. F. H. (See Doan, Frances E.) Strickland. R. M.. 648 Stringer, J. K., 699 *Stritesky, Mrs. L. R. (See Ice, Mel Dora) Strobridge, T. R., 399 Stroheker, F. S.. 599 Stroheker. Mrs. F. S. (See Davis, Martha L.) .Strohm, A. J., 137 Strom, A. J., 190 Strom, J., 399 Strombeck, G. M., 295 i Stromberg, J. W., 264 1 Stromquist, W. G., 399 Strong, A. C, 556 Strong, H. D., 556 ■ Strong, J. K., 699 ; Strong, J. W., 735 ; Strong, R. A., 599 ) Strong, R. S., 264 ' Strong. T. J., 699 I Strong, W. A., 556 ^ Stroud, S. L., 214 ) Strout, F. A., 138 ) Stuart, E. K., 399 ; Stubblefield. R. M.. Sgg ! Stubenranch. E. A., 735 i Stuebe, L. F. W., 190 1 Stuebing, A. F., 438 g-Stuhlmann. O., Jr., 812 Stults, E. E., 295 Stults. Mrs. E. E. (See Parker. Minnie L.) Stumpf. E. H., 648 gStunkard, H. W., 812 ♦Sturman, J. B., 28 Stutsman, Adah H., 190 Styles, E. A., 326 Styles, E. B., 47s Sulger, A. H., 736 Sullivan, C. M.. 475 Sullivan. Mrs. C. M. (See Fancher, Hazel E.) Sullivan. W. W., 438 Sumay, F. J., 399 Sumay, O. J.. 362 Summers, A. R., 599 Sun E., 690 Sundell, R. D., 64S *Sunderland. Emily K.. 551' '96 ■4 '16 •09 '03 '15 '16 '09 '18 '08 '18 '16 '8; '94 '18 'i 2 '05 '13 '94 '03 'S2 '79 Suppes, Elsie M., 736 Surnian, H. E., 400 Suryieh, I. B., 556 Sussex, J. W., 190 Sutcliffe, Constance, 699 Sutcliffe, Dorothy, 648 g^Sutcliffe, E. G., 813 Sutcliffe, Marjorie, 600 Suter, E. R., 556 Sutherland, Mrs. A. H. (See Henion, Lora A.) Sutherland, G. F., 513 Sutherland, J. B., Jr., 475 Sutherland, L. E., 435: Sutherland, W. M., 649 Suttle, C. B., 264 Sutton, F. H., 649 Swain, D. T., 699 Swanberg, E. D. F., 736 Swanberg, F. L., 171 Swanberg, Marie G., 736 Swank, Edith A., 600 Swannell, A., 21 Swannell, H. C, 476 gSwanson, A. E.. 813 Swanson, Elder L., 400 Swanson', C. M., 556 Swanson, F. C, 556 Swanson, Frances E., 649 Swanson, N. R., 649 Swart, H. V., 264 Swartwout, E. C, 649 Swartz, A. C, 4 Swartz, Fay W., 700 Swartz, Mary K., 295 ^Swartzlander, Mrs. T. H. (See Anthony, Mamie E.) Sweeney, P. J., 600 Sweet, Belle, 214 Sweitzer, F. E., 476 Sweney, D., 97 gSweney, M. A., 813 Sweney, Mrs. M. R. (See Sendenburgh, Edith I.) Swenson, B. V., 75 Swenson, C. E., 700 Swenson, E. H., 513 Swenson. S. V., 125 Swern, P. W., 438 *Swern, W. C, 42 Swern, Mrs. W. C. (See Weston, Abbie) Swett, L. W., 556 Swett, L. W., 649 Swett, W. C, 362 Swezey, Anne D., i 90 Swick, Mary E., 600 Swick, Nelhe M., 649 Swift, Elizabeth A., 362 Swift, Gertrude L., 736 ^Swift, Lola E., 813 Swigart, Alta C 400 Swigart, Faith G., 700 *Swigart, Lois E., 326 Swigert, Blanche B., 736 Swisher. C. L., 362 Swisher, E. D.. 400 Swisher, Mrs. E. D. (See Martin. Arselia B.) Swisher, W. J., 400 Swits, F. H., 400 Swits, Marguerite M.. 649 Switzer, Charlotte, 43 *Switzer, Gertrude, 16 Switzer. Grace E., 214 Switzer, V. VV., 295 Swoope, R. C, 600 Sy, A. P., 81 Sylvester, Grace D., 736 Symons. T. A., 476 Sype, G., 237 Taber, B. F., 513 •Tackett. W. C, 82 Taff, A. E., 191 Taft, F. A., 32 Taft, L., 22 Index to Alumni 1141 '16 Taggart, Clementine, 649 '14 Taggart, F. Jr., 557 '17 Taggart, J. F., 700 '09 Tagore, R. N., 363 _-— gTakahashi, M., 813 gTakashima, S., 813 '15 Taketa, S., 600 '15 Talbert, H. A., 600 'Si Talbot, A. N., 28 '81 Talbot, Mrs. A. N. (See Hammett, Virginia M.) '01 Talbot, Carrie E., 155 '09 Talbot, K. H., 363 •12 Talbot, Mildred V., 476 'i8 Talbot, Rachel H., 736 'os Talbot, Mrs. S. M. (See Garwood, Janet) '10 Talbot, W. L., 400 '01 Tallyn, L. L., 155 '09 Taniyama, S., 363 '12 Tanner, Florence M., 476 gTanner, F. W., 813 '17 Tanner, T. S., 700 '07 Tanquary, M. C., 295 •18 Tanton, Mrs. G. C. (See Ward, Cecilia B.) gTao, W. T., 813 '15 Tapping, C. H., 600 '16 Tapping, Mrs. C. H. (See Hartman, Laura E.) '13 Tarbie, C. N., 513 '15 *Tarnoski, A., 600 "07 Tarnoski, E. R., 295 '07 Tarnoski, P. T., 295 '14 Tarracciano, A. E., 557 '87 Tatarian, Bedros, 49 '10 Tate, F. R., 400 "ii Tate, H. L., 438 '14 Tate, J. A., 557 '00 Tate, Mrs. W. G. (See Sawyer, Ida E.) '18 Taylor, C. B., 736 '10 Taylor, Dalla A., 400 '04 Taylor, Elsie M., 214 '09 Taylor, Ethel N., 363 '13 Taylor, E. H., 513 '00 Taylor. Mrs. E. P. (See Waldo. Marie L.) '07 Taylor, F. C. 295 '17 Taylor, Grace D.. 700 '04 Taylor, G. G., 214 •87 Taylor, H., 49 '13 Taylor, Hazel E., 513 '02 Taylor, Helen M.. 171 '04 Taylor, J. O., 215 '88 *Taylor, J. W., 53 '18 Taylor, L. R., 736 '15 Taylor, Lilian C., 600 '14 Taylor, Margaret, 556 '15 Taylor, M. C, 600 '13 Taylor, M. P., 513 ■18 Taylor, N. O., 736 ■qS Taylor, Nellie F., 326 "05 Taylor, Ruth B., 237 •08 Taylor, R. E., 326 'c8 Taylor, Mrs. R. E. (See Murphy, Grace E.) '13 Taylor, S. C, 513 '12 Taylor, Mrs. T. S. (See Rietz, Nellie M.) '06 *Taylor, T. V. Jr., 264 '10 Taylor, W. H., 400 '12 Taylor, W. L., 476 'i I Teal, Lois L., 438 '14 Tear, H. R., 556 '11 Tear, Julia F., 438 g*Teare, J. L., 814 '99 Tebbetts. G. E., 125 '72 Teeple, J., 2 '97 Teeple, W. D.. 106 '17 Teeters, Mary E., 700 '13 Tehon, Mrs.'L. R. (See Bruner, Mary V.) '17 Teixeira. E. A., 700 Temple, H. R., 138 Temple, Mrs. H. R. (See Livingston, Stacia) *Templeton, B. F., 82 gTemplin, R. L., 814 Ten Broeck, C, 326 Ten Broeck Mrs. C. (See Rinaker, Janet) Tendick, F. H., 700 Tener, Katherine R., 700 Teng, K. T., 557 *Ter Bush, L. F., 59 gTer Keurst, H. D., 814 Terrey, W. H., 400 Terril, C. T., 600 Terrill, F., 327 Terrill, J. S., 64 Terry, C. D., 106 Terry, R. B., 700 Terry, R. I., 649 Thacker, C. B., 700 Thai, H. J., 327 Thai, Olga E., 649 Thai, O. S., 363 Thatcher, D. W.. 600 Thatcher, F. R., 736 Thatcher, G. W., 438 Thayer, Alice C, 476 Thayer, A. L., 115 Thayer, C, 514 Thayer, H. S., 400 Thayer. W. S., 237 ^Theobald, Ora M., 814 Theodorson, W. A., 155 Theilen, Margaret K., 514 Theiss, O. J., 125 Thiele, R. H., 700 Thimlar, Mrs. H. (See Moon, Ida M.) Thissell, Inez, 295 Thorn, J. D., 600 Thomas, A. R., 649 Thomas, C. F., 700 Thomas, C. J., 649 Thomas, D., 28 gThomas, F. W., 814 *Thomas, H., 89 gThomas, H. R., 814 Thomas, Jane I., 327 Thomas, J. L., 700 Thomas, J. M., 557 Thomas, L., 557 Thomas, M., 557 Thomas, M. E., 264 Thomas, Mrs. M. S. (See Turner, Dollie I.) Thomas, Polly E., 649 Thomas, R. E., 600 Thomas, R. R., 476 Thomas, R. R., 649 Thomas, S. J., 700 Thomason, J. F., 514 Thome, J. P., 476 Thompson, A. D., 75 Thompson, C. H., 557 Thompson, C. M., 363 ^Thompson, Mrs. D. C, 762 ^Thompson, D. G., 814 Thompson, Estelle, 264 Thompson, E. C, 295 Thompson, Mrs. E. C. (See Keator. Jannette) Thompson, E. J., 400 Thompson, Fleta, 600 Thompson, F., 601 Thompson, F. L., 97 Thompson, F. L., 171 Thompson, G. A., 115 Thompson, G. H., 138 Thompson, G. M., 155 Thompson, G. S., 701 Thompson, H. C, 514 Thompson, H. E., 557 Thompson, H. P., 5i4 Thompson, J. A., 238 'o4 Thompson, Mrs. J. A. (See Riehl, Anna) g^Thompson, J. G., 8i4 Thompson, L., 46 Thompson, Mrs. L. (See Plank, Bessie A.) Thompson, Lillian M., 649 Thompson, Marion, 89 Thompson, M., 172 Thompson, M. W., 400 Thompson, O. S., 701 Thompson, R.. 125 Thompson, Mrs. R. (See Spaulding, Ida M.) Thompson, R. H., 701 Thompson, S., 215 Thompson, Mrs. S. A. (See Tifton, Nannie P.) Thompson, Susan E., 106 Thompson, S. M., 363 Thompson, T. E., 401 Thompson, W. A., 22 Thomsen, J. W., 401 Thomson, A., 363 Thomson, F. N., 295 Thomson, Lillian E., 736 Thomson, P. W., 363 Thomson, W. W., 701 gThoreen, Edna A., 814 Thoren, J. N., 438 Thorndike, Clara L., 601 Thome, F. H., 649 Thorne, L. E., 601 Thorne, Mabel, E., 514 Thornsburgh, Zada G., 736 Thorpe, J. C, 138 Thorud, B. M., 736 Thrasher, H. M., 438 Threlkeld, C. H., 514 Threlkeld, Mrs. C. H. (See Renner, Julia E.) gThurber, C. N., 814 Thurston, Estella L., 601 Thurston, H. W., Jr., 601 Thvedt, C. B., 476 Tibbits, D. D., S;7 Tice, E. H., 364" Ticknor, J. H., 701 ^Tieje, A. J., 814 Tieje, R. E., 401 Tiffin, J. D., 736 Tilden, E. A., 327 Tilson, D. M., 401 Tilley, Mrs. G. S. (See Shrum, Mabel C.) Tilton, K. D., 556 Tilton, L. D., 601 gTilton, Mrs. L. D. (See White, Lelia O.) Tiley, Mrs. L. F. (See Goben, Pearl H.) Tilton, Nelle E., 401 *TiIton, W. J., 650 Timm, P. F. W., 215 Timmis, Alice M., 514 Tinen, J. V., 476 /iTing-Fang, W., 833 Tinkey, O. G., 736 ^Tinsley, R. W., 814 g*Tippet, R. W.. 81 s Tipton, Nannie P., 401 Titus, G. L., 557 Tobey, H. E., 4oi Tobias, Mabel B., 364 *Tobie, W. N.. 264 Todd, Ethel, 601 Todd, J., 32 Todd, J. N., 476 Todd, Marv E., 155 Todd, M. N.. 701 Toenniges, F. E., ii5 Tohill, L. A., 476 Toland, Jessie M., 327 Tolman, H. H., 476 Tolmie, T. W., 701 Tombaugh, G. D., 737 Tomlinson, B., 264 1 1 4-' 'i7 Tong. T. Y. C, roi 'oo Tooke. C. VV.. 13S '06 Toops, Ci. N., ^05 •08 Toops, M. S.. 327 '14 Torgerson, E. F., 557 '17 Tornquist, A. C, 701 '07 Tornquist, C. H., 295 '13 Torrance, Mary. 514 '09 Touzalin, Clara B.. 364 '17 Tower, A. M., 701 '94 Tower, W. E., Sj "oo *Towle. A. I., 26$ 'i3 Towns, O. A., 477 ^93 Townsend, \V.\ 75 '16 Towson, Irene, 050 'i6 Tracy, Elizabeth ' L.. 650 '05 Trams, A. F., ;;3S '07 Trams, T. H., 296 '09 Trapp, H. F., ij5 'u Travers, S. M., 439 'o4 Travis, R. E., 215 'oS Travers, Mrs. S. M. (.See Akers. Peborah CJ •So *Travis, \V. W.. .-4 ;i8 Traxler, Elinor E.. 737 'ro Traylor, Mrs. E. H. (See Ferris, Irene M.) ;i6 *Treat, Gladys. A.. 65o 'i;; Treat, Margaret T., 477 '07 Trees, M. T., 296 '05 Trees. Mrs. M. J. (See Nichols, Emily L."> ■94 Trego, C. H., 8- '04 Trego. Mrs. E. F. (See Sheldon. Edna \V.> "07 Treichel. H .G., 296 '16 Treischel, C. 650 *i8 Trelease, S. B..737 "iS Trenchard, Wilnia L., 737 '11 Trentharb, L. S., 439 '90 Tresise, F, T., ,9 •14 Tressel, H. J. S., 557 "oo Trevett, J. H.. 13S ;i6 Treu. M. R. H., 650 '05 Triebel, A.. 23S '14 Triggs, L. A., 537 '04 Trimble, Clara E., 215 ;n Trimble, C. T.. 439 '06 Trimble, Mary L., 265 ■14 Triplett. Mrs. R. L. (See Lanz, Etta M.) "04 Tripp. H. F., 215 'i6 Tritt. Frances I., 650 '16 Troegar, P. T., 650 '14 Trost. Frances H., 55S '16 Trost, Opal \V., 650 •iS Troster, M. C, 737 'i6 Troster, O. T., 650 [09 Trotter. C. P., 364 ■( 7 Trout, C. E., 701 '17 Troutman, W. C, 701 '16 Trowbridge, C. E.. 650 '15 Trowbridge, C. L., 601 ^15 Trowbridge, Mary L., 601 '11 Trowbridge, Myrtle, 439 irTrowbridge, P. F.. 815 '13 Trowbridge. Tessie E., 514 ■16 Troxel. F. E.. 650 '15 Trov, Marv Z.. 601 ^True. Mrs. L. T. (See Yoiine Esther) ": I Triiitt, H,, 459 'ti Triiitt, Mrs. H. (See Jor- dan. Helen M.") '07 Tniman. Edna. 206 |ti Truman T. H.. 439 '16 Tmmbo. S. M., 650 '00 *Tscharner, T. B.. 59 ^Tseng. Y. F.. 81.^ '10 Tsiang. K. S.. 401 ^Tsou. Y. H.. 813 gTsu, T. L.. 8x3 •00 T.,. T. \V.. ^oa S^Tubbs. E. v.. St:; 'iS '09 University of Illinois >S Tucker, B. F., 327 17 Tucker, G .M., 701 '8 Tucker. J. C, 327 14 Tucker. Phoebe C., 358 Tucker, R. H., 737 ^ Tuckev, H. B., 737 TuU, A. L.. 364 Tull. Effie M., iss TuUock, Mrs. \V. M. (See Allen, Mae L.) Tunibleson, A. T., 401 Tunnicliff, J. J. Jr., 155 Tupper, J. O., 630 Turell, Vera, 263 Turk, Bella S., 439 Turk. E., 401 Turlay, Anne M., 6oi Turlev, H. E., 737 Turley, R. E. Jr., 314 Turnbull, Mrs. W. G. (See Loftus, Ella M.) ATurneaure. F. E., S33 Turner, A. H., 701 Turner, Besssie I., 55S Turner, C. C, 702 Turner, C. E., 701 Turner, C. P., 213 Turner, Dollie I.. 265 Turner. E. D., 477 Turner, F., 558 /iTurner, F. J.. 834 Turner, H., 32 Turner, H. M., 401 Turner. Mrs. H. M. (See Baldwin. Jessie E.) Turner, L. M., 737 Turner, R. K., 558 Turner, R. R., 314 Turner, W. V., 477 Turnock, L. C., 401 Turnquist. E. N., 737 sTurton, Mrs. G. ^^'. ( See Shoop, Adaline M.1 Tuthill. T. K., :;:;8 Tuthill, T. P., 702 Tuthill, i.. B., 21:; Tuttle. Mrs. W. \V. (See Hunt, Mabel D.) Twist, C. C 439 Twist, J. F., 419 Tygett, R., 364 Tyler. C. V., 430 Tyler. \V. S., 138 Tyndale, H. H.. 10 gUdden. Mrs. J. .\. Jr. (See Mvers, Nettie E.> Udinskv. W. P., 737 gUHch. L. H., S15 '90 Ullensvang, M. L., i.»5 gUlrici. Helena M., Si 5 '13 Underbill. H. W., 514 "oS Underwood. W. E.. 327 '98 Unzicker, \V. L., ii,> ^Updegraff, Helen, 8i;. ,?Upham, T. C. 816 'i.i Uphaus. B. R.. 601 ^Upson, L. D., 816 "16 Urbain. Lottie O.. r<,>ii 'to Urbain, L. F., 402 ■08 Urban. H'. B.. 327 'oi Vail. C. D., 64 •04 Vail. Mrs. G. T. Pierce, Inez C.) ■-- Vail. \V. C. 10- . ■'8 \'alentine. F. \V. r.v ''3 Valentine, H. D.. 515 1 1 \'al1ejos. E. E.. 439 irVan .Mstvne. E.'V.. 816 16 Van Alyea, M. C, 630 Van Brundt. C. S., 138 Van Brunt. G. A.. 327 Vance. Fdna C, 191 Vance. M. S.. 213 ■18 04 '04 •18 (S<: (.See J. '08 09 \'ance, Mrs. VV. I Gibson, Mary) [99 Vance, \V, H., 125 '95 Vance, W. N., 89 '17 Van Cleave, B.. 702 sVan Cleave, H. T., 8u> 'ii Van Cleave, Mrs. H. (.See Ford, Bernice) "ii \an Cleve. A. T., 439 'iJ Van Cleve, E. E., 477 't2 Van Cleve, Edith J., 477 '12 Van (.'leve, LauraL., 477 [14 \ an Cleve, Mildred, 358 '11 Van de Greyn, E. B., 439 '16 Vanden Boom, G. C, 630 12 Van Densen, .-\. B., 477 '14 Vandercook, H. P.. 558 /•Vanderlip, F. A., S34 "ii Van Dervoort, J., 439 1 1 Vandervort, Isabel M., 440 03 Van Dervort, P. R.. 191 'i2 Vandeveer, H. E., 477 17 Van Deventer, F. M.. 70a 07 \'an Doren, C. C, 206 14 ^'an Doren, F. E., 538 i4 Van Doren, M. A., ^^sS 10 Van Doren. R. G..~402 09 \'an Dorsten, Josephine, , 364 17 \an Dvke. E. H.. 702 16 Van Frank, E. D., 651 08 Van Colder. Cora M.', 327 1 1 Van Grannner. Mrs. M. (See Drew. Lillian B.) 12 Van Gundv, C. 477 88 Van Gundv. C. P., 51 09 Van Hook, F. C. 364 12 Van Hook. Mrs. ' F. C. _ (See Miller, Marie M.) 04 Vanhorne, G. G., 215 Vaninian. R. L., 477 Vaninian, V., 328 Van Inwogen, F.. 328 Van Meter. Anna R.. 23S Van Meter, G. \V.. 172 Van Meter, Helen J., 265 \'an Meter, T. C, 702 Van Natter, F. M., 651 Vanneman. H. W., 206 Van Orstrand, C. E., 97 Van Osdell, Mrs. F. M. (See Weston, Margaret! Van Patten, S. F.. 138 Van Petten, A. A., 296 Van Petten. H. S., 39 Van Petten, R. M., 328 Van Praag, A. V.. Jr., 702 Van.eant, R. F.. 651 Vansant, \V. L.. 6ot 'ii V'an Sc''oick, E. H.. 440 '17 Van Winkle, P. K.. 702 .irVan Winkle, W. A., 816 'ij Van Zandt, A. C, 47S sVanzee, G. W., 816 '03 Varnes. A. G., i9t *07 Varney, Mrs. R. W. (See r.owrey Jessie R.) '07 Vasen. M. "E.. 296 'i,- Vauble. W. C 515 'i.S Vaughan. G. P., 60 1 '12 Vaughan. L. B., 478 '12 Vaughan, Mrs. L. B. (See Eraser, Viola C.) '16 Vaushn, Mvra. 631 •iS *VauPht, Snllie M., -37 '12 Vautrin. Minnie, 478 *o4 Vawter. J. T., Jr., 213 •12 Vear. C. E.. 478 '17 Vedder. E. C. 702 '04 Vehstedt. Mrs. H. B _ Somnrer Clara) '01 ^'eirs, D. C. 153 '17 Veirs. W. L., 702 •14 Velzy, C. R., 558 '13 Verlie, E. J.. 513 '17 Vernon. M. H.. 702 '08 '08 '06 '17 '16 '07 '96 '89 07 •84 '08 '17 '16 'i5 (See Index to Alumni 1 143 g*Ver Nooy, L. C, 8i6 Veronda, M., 737 Vestal. A. G., 440 Vial, Alice M., 125 Vial, E. R., 39 '87 Vial, F. K., 43 Vial, H. C, 737 Vial. T. M., 478 Vial. N. S., 737 Vial. R. C, 75 Vial, R. H., 651 Vial, Sarah A., 440 Vihelius, S. N., 651 Vickery, C. R., 97 Vickrage. R. P., 213 •Victor. Carrie D., 16 Vigeant. G., Jr., 478 Vincent, C. A., 515 Vincent. Mrs. F. C. (See Barker, Mary E.) *Vines, E. J., 238 Vines, Mrs E. T. (See Frazey, Xellie M.) ifVirmani. D. D., 816 Vliet. E. B., 738 gVoegelein. Lily B., 816 Vogele, A. C. 738 Voight, A. L., 478 Voigt. H. L., 651 Voigt. Irma E.. 4o2 Volk. .\. C. 651 Volk, E., 125 gVoUweiler. E. H.. 816 Von der Lippe, E. C. F., 172 Vooraart, Mrs. (See Wes- sels, Vera G.) Voorhees, Kathryn C. 3')4 Voorhees. L. E., 651 Vopat. J. F., 738 Vosburgh, F. J.. 364 Vosburgh, W. R.. Jr., 515 Voss, Elizabeth A., 358 Voss. Mathilda C, 440 Voss. Sophie M.. 238 Voss, W. C, 478 Woddell, Mrs. J. V. (See Mann. Jessie V.) Wadsworth, (jolda, 702 Wadsworth, J. G., 32 *Wadsworth., Mrs. J. G. (See Baker, Kittie M. ) Wadsworth. W. M., 558 VVagenseil. E. W., 238 Wagenseil. Mrs. E. W. (See Taylor, Ruth R.) Waggoner. A. M.< S15 Waggoner. H. D., 364 Waggoner, K. M., 702 Wagner, A., 6or Wagner. A. I.., 359 Wagner. C. L., 402 Wagner, Esther A., 738 Wagner. F., Jr., 328 Wagner. Mrs. F. (See (See -Shipman, Louise) Wagner, G. F. J., 440 Wagner. H. F., 478 Wagner. Roberta J., 738 Wagner. R. C. Jr., 364 Wagner, W. A., 602 Wagoner. E. O., 265 Wagstaff. C. D., 738 Wahl, H. R., 156 Wainright. J. B.. 602 g'Wait, Bernice C., 817 Wait. B. A., 68 Wait, E. L.. 156 Waite, M. B., 49 ^Waits, C. L, 817 Waits, H. E.. 47S Wakefield, G. M., 107 Wakefield, X. R., 297 Wakeland. F. R., 738 Wakeland. G. E., 702 Wakeley. L. M., 440 \\'alcott I., v., 191 '06 Walcott, Mrs. L. V. (See Barr, Susan J.) '10 Waldie, L R. R., 402 '17 Waldo, A. W., 702 gWaldo, E. IL, 817 '06 Waldo, K. D., 265 '00 Waldo, Marie L., 138 '14 *Walduck, C. L., 559 '17 Walker, A. F., 702 'i5 Walker, C. C, 602 '16 Walker, C. J., 651 '09 Walker, Mrs. C. J. (See Gregory, Lenna M.; '10 Walker, C. M., 402 '10 Walker, E. D., 402 '92 Walker, E. L., 68 '79 *Walker, F. E., 22 '11 Walker, F. W. Jr., 440 '16 Walker, G. W., 631 '18 Walker, Helen, 738 '16 Walker, Jennie G., 651 '15 Walker, J. S., 602 •16 Walker, Mrs. L. (See Wykle, Ethel M.) '98 Walker, R. Jr., 115 •11 Walker, R. A., 440 '17 Walker, S., 702 '15 Walkerly, Dorothy K., 60^ '\- Walkerly, Margaret M., 703 '14 Walkerly, Victoria, 339 '17 Wall, Harriett E., 703 ■07 Wall, R. G. F., 297 "13 'Wallace, E., 513 '17 Wallace, E. D., 703 'i I Wallace, F. M., 440 '97 Wallace, H. M., 107 •00 Wallace, Mrs. J. D. (See Willcox, Lucy B. E.) '03 Wallace, J. H., 191 '16 Wallace, L. B., 651 "14 Wallace, Mabel C., 339 •07 Wallace, R. C. J.. 297 'qi Wallace, R. S., 64 11 Wallace, W. A., 440 '13 Wallace, W. J. H., 513 'g9 *Walledom, J. L, 364 'iS Waller, Olga L., 738 '1'. Wallin. Marie E., 631 '17 Walmer, J. C., 703 '16 Walraven, W. B.. 651 ■15 Walser, F. F... 602 '17 Walser, S. A., 703 '06 Walsh. E. R., 265 '17 Walsh, J. E.. 703 '17 Walsh, L. B., 703 '18 Walsh. Mrs. S. P. (See Flexer. Edna H.) '09 Walsh, W. J.. 36:; '02 Walsh, Mrs. W. T. (See Coar, Elsa J.) '98 Walter, C. A., 116 '11 Walter, C. M., 440 '07 Walters, Bertha E., 297 'is Walters, H. H., 602 '14 Walters, J. N., 559 '12 Walters, P. C., 478 '17 Walters, P. T.. 703 '05 Walters, Mrs. W. A. (See White, Hilda K. ) '17 Walton, J. K. Jr., 703 '94 Walton, P. T., 82 '02 Walton. Mrs. R. D. (See Graves. Marjorie) '10 Walton, T. W., 402 '10 Walton. Mrs. T. W. (See Weinberg. Margaret) '10 Walworth, Althea, 402 '13 Walworth, E. H., 513 '15 Walworth, R. W., 602 '13 Walworth. Mrs. R. W. ('.'^ee Macbeth, Grace) '18 Walworth S. E.. 738 '16 Walz, Emilie I., 632 Wamsley, Adelaide M., 738 W^amsley, Mabel, 265 Wand, A. W., 478 Wandell, Caroline, 138 Wanderer, A. E. J., 402 Wanderer, O. W. R., 441 gWang, C. C, 817 gWang, C. N., 817 Wang, T. C, 652 Wanzer, J. M., 652 Ward, Amy, 652 Ward, Cecilia B., 738 Ward, F. A., 441 Ward, G. S., 403 Ward, Mrs. H. A. (See Bue r k i n, Marguerite P.) Ward, H. B. P., 297 Ward, Janet, 738 Ward, Madge V., 539 Ward, Mamie L., 602 Ward, Mary M., 738 Ward, Mary W., 738 Ward, O. M., 297 Ward. P. H., 315 Ward, Mrs. R. (See Woerman, Lillian H.) Ward, R. R., 191 Ward, U. G., 238 *Ward, W. P., 16 •Ward, Mrs. W. P. (See Skinner, \'ehTia E.) Wardall, Ruth A., 191 Wardall, W. J., 328 Warder, Laura B., 239 Warder, W. B., 263 •Ware, M. B., 703 Warfield. V. H., 539 Waring. Mrs. C. A. (See Bushnell, Ethel M.) Warinner, C. W., 339 Warmolts. L. Jr., 703 Warner. E. E., 602 ^Warner, E. H., 817 Warner, Florence, 263 Warner. H. J., 136 •Warner, J. M., 328 •Warner, L. F. Jr., 10 Warner. W. H., 239 Warnock, A. R., 239 Warnock, C. H., 478 Warnock, D. W., 403 Warnock, H. M., 632 Warren, Anna M., 738 Warren. D. E., 703 Warren, F. B., 359 Warren, G. E., 479 Warrick. T. L., 365 Wascher, F. M. W., 441 •Washburn, C. A., 265 Washburn, C. S., 602 Washburn L. J.. 403 ^Washington, Mar g a r e t. 817 •Waterbury, L. A., 172 Waterhouse, C. E., 207 Waterman, F. W., 39 Waterman, Louise H., 703 Waterman. Mary E., 703 Waters, E., 559 Waters, E. E.. 479 Waters, W. O., 139 Watkins, Mrs. C. B. (See Booker, Lucile A.) •Watkins, E. M.. 441 gWatkins, G., 817 ♦Watkins, O, S., 2(~s Watrous. C. B., 239 ' Watson, C B.. sis Watson, Ella M., 24 Watson, G. W.. 359 g-Watson, Helen G.. 81S Watson, Tane C. 602 Watson. J. W.. 6;; 1144 Univkksity of Illinois 'i6 \V "lO w c\\' ■14 w 'i- \\ "n w "lO \\- "iS w •oS w '13 w "15 w 'T4 w '00 w •08 w "oS w •oS w 05 w "14 w •:S \\' "cr w •08 w ■99 \v '06 w ■13 \v [94 *\v '17 w *09 w '06 \v '12 \v •16 w ■>4 w 14 w I !; w •16 \v "i I \v 04 ♦\v ■03 \v .cW •oS w •08 w •16 w '07 w '\2 w '95 w 'i 7 \v '1 7 w '14 w •98 ♦w "oo w •oS \v •08 \v •06 w ■99 \\' '00 \v 78 \v ■04 w 'i I \v "04 w '17 w i:W jrW '09 \v '04 w '00 w 'i^ w "17 w irW '15 \v '17 w •06 w '16 w '17* w '\6 w '10 w *oS w *i5 w ■06 \v '18 w 'atson. Leila E,. 65- atson, Marguerite, 403 'atson. Minnie E.. 818 atson, P. M., 559 atson. R. M., 703 att, Laura A,, 441 att, L. A.. 403 att, K. A.. 73S alters. J. M.. 3^8 atts. C. H., 51 s atts, G. W., 00; atts, \V., 6 an«h, Rosa. 365 aiigh. R. \V.. 3.S aughtel. Mrs. L. W. (.See Smith, Nellie E.1 ay. G. F.. 3-8 av. Mrs. G. F. (.See Hill. Ida M.> av. Mildred R.. 559 edge. L. B.. 738 eakley, H. G., --97 eatherhead. D. L.. 32S eaver. B. P.. i-'j eaver. H. 1.. -06 eaver, Mrs. L. (See Baird. Ethel M.) eaver, L. A.. Sj eaver. Lillian R., 703 eaver, Maud, 3t)5 ebb, Anna V. D., -66 ebb. C. P.. 479 ebb. J. K., 65.- ebb, R. S..^ 559 ebber, A. G., 55Q ebber, Helen \V., 602 ebber. H. E.. 652 ebber. Lois. 441 ebber, Lorena X.. 215 ebber. Pearl. 191 ebber. R. L. 818 ebber. \V. B.. Ir.. 3^8 ebber. E. A.. 3-8 eber. Gertrude T.. 65- eber. H. A., 107 eb«r. \V. H.. 479 ebster. C. C 90 ebster. F. F^., 703 ebster. G. G.. 704 ebster. H. C. 560 ebster. T. P.. 116 ebster. R. F.. j66 ebster. R. L.. 3.-9 ebster. Sarah E., 116 ebster, S. H., jt)6 ebster, W. \V.. 126 ebster. Mrs. W. W. (See Hartrick. Xancv eed. M. O., 19 eedman, F. T.. 82 eeks. C. E.. 441 eeks. H. \V.. .'i; eenink. Ruth A., 704 eese. A. O.. 81S eeter. H. M.. 81 8 earensr. Mrs. P. T. (.See Shively. Edith 0.> ehmeier, \V. H.. 216 ehrstedt. O. C 139 eil. M. E.. 479 eil. Ruth C. 704 eiland. H. J.. S18 eilepp. Eva S. 602 eilepp. Laura E., 704 eilepp. Leila M.. 26(5 eiler. E. G.. 652 einberg. Elizabeth. 704 einberg. Flora T.. 652 einberg. Margaret. 403 einberg, Xina M.. 329 eingartner. C. F.. 603 einshank. T.. 97 eir. Amv A.. 739 ■S5 Weir, Pearl. 739 Weirick, R, W., 126 *\Veis, H. L,. ss Weiss, L B.. 3=; Weisfeld, L. H.. 516 Weisiger. G. B., 441 C Weiss. C, 818 Weiss. H. W., i;!^ - Weiss, J. F.. 305 Weiss. Marion \'.. 704 Welch, F. M- 297 Welch. G. R.. 403 Welch. 1. M.. 603 cWelch, P. S.. 8i8 i-Weld. L. D. H., 819 Welles, Miriam U.. 191 Welles. Xelle F., 297 Welles, W. S., 156 Wellmann, Orpha M.. 441 cWells. E. H.. 819 Wells, E. R.. =;6o Wells. F. M.. 'loi Wells. F. S.. 003 srWells, Grace A.. S19 Wells, Mrs. H. M. (See Gilkerson. Aletha') Wells. T. R.. 4-9 c Wells. L. S.. 819 irWells. M. M., 819 Wells. R. E., 200 Wells, R. R., 479 cWels. L. A., 819 Welsh. Kathryn C. 739 Welsh. Marjorie C. 603 Welsh. R. T.. 603 Weltv. D. C. 704 Weltv, W. M.. 560 Wendell. F. G.. 172 Wendling. L. 403 Wenholz. W. W.. 441 Wenigler. Mrs. W. (See Knepper, Myrtle E.^ Wenter. L. M.. 479 Wenz. Carolyn L.. 739 gWerckshageii, P. E.. 810 \le Werff. H. A.. 560 Wernham. J. I., 126 Wernsing, H. J., 36.^ Wesemann, A. H., 130 Wesselhoeft. C. D.. 172 Wesselhoeft. Mrs. C. D. tSee Wintemiever. El- sa) Wessels. Vera G.. 603 West. C. H.. 30 West. Linnie. 704 West. Mabel G.. 139 West. Marion I.. 730 West, P. R.. 297 Westbay, T. H., 704 Westcott. "C. H.. 560 Westcott, Mrs. C. H. (See Kirkpatrick. NelO Westenhaver. .T. L.. 739 .cWestergaard. H. M.. Sio Western. L M.. 172 *Western. Mrs. L. M. (See Jones. Blanche) Westervelt L. C. ■!20 Westfall. C. C, 297 ^•Westhafer, F. O.. 810 Westhold. Amanda, 191 Westland, E. H.. t>;2 Westland. Mrs. E. H. (See Wheaton. Hazel D."i Westlund. A. F.. 441 Weston. Abbie, 43 Weston. C. 12 Weston. F. W.. 403 Weston. Tessie B.. 704 Weston, ^largaret. 55 Weston, X. A.. 55 Weston, Mrs. X. A. (See Gavman. Angeline) Weston. W. S., 28 01 Wetherbee, C. E.. i5o 01 Wetherbee, Mrs. G. E. Kardwell. Faith L.> 08 Wetzel. C. L.. 1 10 14 Wetzel. Mrs. G. F. *,See Needier. Helen M.) 04 Wetzel. Xellie. 210 14 Weydell. A. T.. 560 13 Whaite. C. M., 516 18 Whalin. O. L,. 739 OQ Whall. Mrs. G. W. (See Hoff. Lucy V.) 15 Wham. B.. 003 12 Wham. C. 479 00 Wham. F. L.. 36^ 98 Wharf. A. L. no" 74 *Wharry, W. W.. 6 72 *Wh3rton. T. N.. 3 00 Wharton. Rebecca G.. 07 10 Wheatlake. B. C. J.. 403 10 Wheaton. Hazel D.. 0,^2 12 Wheaton. J. R.. 479 17 Wheeler. Adelaide C.. 704 11 Wheeler. A. W.. 441 05 Wheeler. E. B., 239 1 1 Wheeler. E. J.. 442 09 Wheeler. Mrs. H. B. (.See Putnam. Alicel 13 Wheeler, Irene B.. 510 13 Wheeler. L. G.. 510 06 Wheeler. Marv M.. 206 15 • Wheeler. R. C.. 603 17 *\\'heeler. W. E., Jr.. 704 i'*Wheeler. W. F., Sig 18 Wheelhouse. Elizabeth L.. .739 10 W heelhouse, Mary E., 652 12 Wheelock. (T. E.. 479 13 Whelan. T. M.. Jr., 516 it> Whipple. Helen K.. 652 06 Whipple. R. H.. 206 ^Whisenand. J. W.. Sio i'Whisler. P. F., 820 12 Whitaker, Ruth L,, 479 15 Whitaker. R. C. 603 16 Whitchurch. Helen M.. to N\ hitchurch, T. E., 403 72 *Whitcomb. A". L.. 3 10 Whitcomb, Mrs. W. O. (.See Hess, Abigail M.) 1 7 White. Agnes C., 704 34 White. Anna D.. 2x6 09 White. B. T., 365 12 White. C. K,, 479 13 White, C. W.. 516 04 White. Caroline L., 2x6 05 White, E, A„ 3,^9 06 White, Edna X., 266 80 White. F.. 24 07 White. F. H.. 29S 16 White. F. H.. Jr.. 653 14 White. F. L.. 560 10 White, Florence L., 4o3 09 White. F. M.. 365 00 White. Mrs. F. M. (See Bickel. Marv A.) 16 White. G. R.. 653 /.White. H. C. 834 oS White. H. C. 329 OS White. Hilda K., 239 03 White. Mrs. H. R. (See Bradshaw. Jessie 1.) o^ White. T. D., 172 13 White. T. G.. 516 90 White, y. M.. S9 14 White, t. W.. 560 ^White. T. W.. 820 I ! White. K. B.. 442 ^•White. Leila O.. S20 08 White. Lena L.. 329 16 \\'hite. Lyde E.. 653 00 White. Mahala J.. 266 17 White. Marion K., 704 1 •« White. Marv L., 5x6 '16 White, P. L.. 653 'i8 White. R. S., 739 Indkx to Alumni •06 White, S. M., 97 •i= White, T. K., 603 '08 White, Wiebe A- 329 ',8 White, Winifred E., 739 ',0 Whitehead, O. G., 403 •o^ Whitehouse, Edith V., 172 ',.; Whitelaw, J. C. C., 603 '07 Whiteside, W. E., 298 gWhiteford, R. C, 820 •06 Whitham, M. E., 98 •77 Whitham, R. I"-. '6 .^^ •77 "Whitham, Mrs. R. F. (See Page, Martha E.) gWhiting, A. L., 820 '17 Whiting, Vivian, J., 704 ',6 Whitley, G. C, 6s3 '78 Whitloci<, J. F., 19 'ng Whitmeyer, M. H., 126 •yq 'Whitmire, C. L.. 22 •,4 Whitmire, Laura G 560 '86 'Whitmire, Z. L., 4° ',, Whitnall, C. A., 442 •,6 Whitnel, J-, 653 ',3 Whitney, C. E., 516 ■A Whitney, Helen W., 51O ',7 Whitney, J. L, 704 ',7 Whitney, E. H-, 704 •,8 Whitney, M. R., 739 •03 Whitsitt, H. W., 192 'o4 Whitsitt, Mrs. H. W. (See Lucas, Rena A.) •02 Whitson, M J., 172 •03 Whittem, Mrs. A. l". (^ee Huntington, Ellen A.) '97 Whittemore, F., 107 '06 Whitten, C. W., 266 ',1 Whitten, J. H., 442 ',7 Whitten, Jennie A., 705 •,8 Whitten.MabelD 739 •,4 Whittenberg, Sarafc J., 5^0 •,: Wliittum, F. H , 442 •07 Whittum, Mrs. F. H., oee Korn, Ora L.) •| I Whittum, S. H., 442 •,8 Whitver, IE C, 739 ',5 Wickard, Hortense E., 603 gWickers, E., 820 •08 Wickersham, C. t., 329 ',4 Wiebmer, A. H-, 56° •,5 Wiedling, C. €.. 603 ',, Wiedman, Mrs. E. G. (see Lane, Cora M.) ',8 Wien. J. H^ 739 'i7 Wiersema. H. A., 5iee Uradley. Elizabeth L.) •76 "Wild, G. A., 12 'I4 Wilder, C. T., 82 '07 Wilder, E. A.. 298 '86 Wilder, H. W , 46 aWildman, E. A., 820 ',7 Wiles, Bertha H., 705 •04 Wiley, C. C., 216 '10 Wiley, D. F., 404 •04 Wiley. F. R., 216 ',2 Wiley, G. G., 479 ■,7 Wiley, H. H., 705 '13 Wiley, J. E., 516 gWiley, J. K, 820 '05 Wiley, Mrs. J. F., (bee Moss, Mary F.) •11 Wiley, J. P.. 442 '71 Wiley, L. E., 4 „ ^Wiley, Neva B., 820 •,6 Wiley, R. F.., 653 '00 Wiley, R. S., 139 '„3 'Wiley, Vonie A.. 192 '04 Wiley, W. K.. 216 ',7 Wilford, R. N., 705 ',8 Wilkins, J. E., 739 •14 Wilkins, R. H., 560 '15 Wilkinson, E. G., 603 'go Wilkinson, G. E. D., 59 'i5 Wilkinson, J. H., 604 '06 Wilkinson, L. E., 266 •07 Wilkinson, Mary S., 298 '02 Wilkinson, N., 172 '04 Wilkinson, Mrs. N. (See Stookey, Helen 1-.) •08 Wilkinson, S. E., 329 ',0 Willard, C. J., 404 ',1 Willard, Maude H., 510 •00 Willcox, Lucy li. E., i39 'go Willcox, M. M., 126 '15 Wille, Laura M., 604 '13 Willerton, Fay, 516 •lo Williams, A. E., 4?4 ',0 Williams, Mrs. A. E. (See Miller, Laura M.) ',3 Williams, A. L., Sifi ^ •07 Williams, Anna W., 298 ',7 Willams, C. A., 705^ •07 Williams, C. C., 298 •lo 'Williams, Mrs. C. C. (See lilack, Grace J.) ■,o Williams, C. F., 404 '07 Williams, D. D., 298 gWilliams, D. W., 821 'o^ Williams, E., i73 •10 Williams, E., 404,, _ '07 Williams, Mrs. E. (bee Somers, Florence) •,4 Williams, E. C 560 gWilliams, E. H., 821 •07 Williams, G. A., 298 -,8 Williams, G. A., 739 '09 Williams, G. B. 126 gWilliams, Mrs. G. B. (See Wright, Lora) '18 Williams, Grace E., 739 •10 Williams, G. R., 404 gWilliams, G. Y., 821 '08 Williams, H., 329 •87 Williams, H. 15-. 49 ',4 Willians, Mrs. H. F (See Clausen, Elizabeth J.) ',8 Williams, Helen J., 739 '18 Williams, Irene, 740 '7-. Williams, L. E., 4 •,2 'Williams, L. G., 480 •07 Williams, Lucy P.. 298 •m Williams, Lulu H., 517 gWilliams, L. W-, 821 •16 Williams, Margaret S., 653 •04 Williams,. Mary E., 216 '95 Williams, P. M., 90 'g= Williams, R., 98 •,3 Williams, R. C., 517 gWilliams, R. H., 821 '01 Williams, R. J., 1S6 •01 'Williams, S., 156 gWilliams, Susan K., 021 '76 Williams, T.T. 12 gWilliams, W. L., 821 '01 Williams, Winifred S., 156 '09 Williams, W^ S., 365 •03 Williams. W. W 192 ■98 Williamson, A. S. J.. iit> •i^ Williamson, Belle, 517 '08 Williamson, Florence, 329 'g2 'Williamson, F. R. '09 Williamson, Maude 365 '87 Williamson, Mary H., 49 gWilliamson, W., 821 '15 Williford, E. A., 604 •00 Willis, C. 139 ',8 Willits, W. M., 740 '85 Wills, Etta C., 43 '10 Wills, F., 404 •84 Wills, J. G., 40 ',6 Wills, Mary E., 653 gWillson, F. G., 821 •16 Willson, H. E.. 653 '99 Wilmarlh, G. H., 126 '17 W'ilson, A. C., 705 '16 Wilson, A. D., 653 1145 '12 Wilson, B., 480 '14 Wilson, Bernice C, 500 •07 Wilson, Besse E., 298 •04 Wilson, C. G., 217 gWilson, C. R., 821 •08 Wilson, E. L., 329 09 Wilson, F. A., 366 '98 Wilson, F. H., 116 • 1 . Wilson, F. H., 480 gWilson, F. W., 821 '17 Wilson, G. C, 70s •03 Wilson, G. S., 192 ',;9 Wilson, H. E., 366 16 Wilson, Helen M., 653 12 Wilson, H. S., 480 •16 Wilson, Isabella C, 653 'j4 Wilson, J. A., 560 '07 Wilson, J. D., 298 '04 Wilson, J. G., 217 gWilson, J. H., 822 •03 Wilson, J. W., 192 '03 Wilson, Mrs. J. W. (See Forbes, Marjone D.) •04 'Wilson, L. C., 217 gWUson, Lola E., 822 •„7 Wilson, L. P., 299 '08 Wilson, Lelia S., 330 •17 Wilson, Mrs. L. T. (See Smohl, Barbara B.) '10 Wilson, Lucy G., 404 '81 Wilson, M. B., 28 '14 Wilson, N. K., 561 •10 Wilson, Nelle M., 404 '11 Wilson, R. B., 442 •00 Wilson, R. C., 59 '02 Wilson, T., 173 •77 Wilson, Mrs. W. B. (See Adams, Nettie) •08 Wilson, Willabelle B., 330 '18 Wilson, Winifred. 740 gWilson, W. H.. 822 '15 Wilson, W. W., 604 '05 Wilt, A. L., 239 '05 Winders, F. R., 239 '09 Wineman, E., 366 '04 Wing. Alice L., 217 •01 Wing, Florence S., 150 ,6 Wing, O. N., 653 '98 Wingard, L. F., 116 ■08 Winger, Mrs. R M. (See McDonald, Alice B.) gWinkelmann, H. A^ 822 '18 Winkleman, Mrs. R. E. (See Gaunt, Gail) '08 Winn, C. E., 33o '16 Winokur, M. C., 654 ',4 Winquist, S. V., S/;' •07 Winship, Mrs. B. W. (See Sprague, Florence U.) •18 Winship, Mary A., 740 •97 'Winter. Julia F., 107 '13 Wintermeyer. Elsa, 51? •it Winters, C. P., 604 •18 Winters, L. M., 740 '17 Wirt, Verna, 705 •17 Wirth, F. P., 705 ',7 Wirth, W. v., 705 •06 Wise, L. E 267 '(]4 Wise, L. W., 217 '17 Wisegarver, Elizabeth P.. gWiseman, Esther G., 822 ',1 Wissing, C. B., 442 '18 Witbeck. Helen E.. 740 '12 Witcher, E. K., 480 'is With, G. O., 604 '11 Witt, Adaline E., 442 •,, Witt. W. P., 480 ^10 Witte. H. C. 404 •14 Wittenberg, G. H.. Sbi 'A 'Wittich, F. P. Jr. 5'^ 'oi Wittlinger, Emma M., 217 ',8 Woerman. Lillian H 740 gWohlenberg, W. J., 822 H40 University ok Illinois 05* *\Volcott. T. T.. n6 to; Wold. C."A.. 5ir "lo \Vo!d. 1. E., 054 'i4 \VoIel>en. D. P., ^ot ■iS Woleben. \V. T.. 740 "ir Wolf. EJsa C. 705 13 Wolf. H. C, 51; '00 Wolf. T. E,. 360 "lo Wt\lf. C>. F.. 404 'ij Wolfe. Viola E.. 604 13 Wolfe. W. S., Ni7 1=; Wolfe. Mrs. W. S. (.See H.irris. Lois M.l "iS Wolff. Aline J.. 740 14 Wolff. C 1.. ^01 "o.- W"olff, S., 'l73 'o^ Wolleson. H. H., 173 'iS Wolter. H. F.. 740 'ip Wolter. M.. 6-;4 ':4 Woltman. J. '].. 561 "t^ Womacks. Mabel. 004 'iS Wongr. M. Y. H.. 740 'i.? Wong. W. F.. ,1- 'i.? Woo. T. T.. ^17 "i.; Woo. W. S., 517 "i- Woo. Y., 705 "ip Woo^l. Adeline. 654 "o;? Wood. Beulah M..330 ^NVovxl. Cornelia E., Sjj 'oS Wood. C. H., 330 ■13 Wood. D. C. S17 '76 WoOvl. F. L.. 13 *io Wood, G. v.. 404 '10 Wood. H. C. 404 '00 Wood. H. E.. 139 "14 Wood. II. G.. s6i 'i5 Woixl. Mrs. H. G. ^See Webber. Helen W.I i:; Wood. H. T.. 604 !-• Wood. Mrs. L. A. iSee Straight. Gladys L.I '06 Wood, I.. H.. ^67 '10 Wood. Marcaret C, 405 *04 Wood. R. A.. 82 ;.--' Wood. R. O.. 3 'to Wood, S. G.. 405 'oS Woodbridge, Marv E.. .■^^o *t7 Woodcock. Helen t.. 705^ *07 Woodhani. H.. ;oq *o6 Wood.in. E. B., ^67 '07 Wood'n. E. C. 290 ^Woodin Marv E.. S.:^ |o4 Woodin, X. C, 217 '03 Woodwansee. R. C. loj .srWoodrow. H. R.. S3;r 'iS Woodrow. R. B.. 740 ■ |t7 Woods. R. T.. 706 '00 Woods. W.'F.. 110 ^'Woodward. P. S'. Sj2 Woodworth. C. W.. 43 "oo Woodworth. H. C., 366 "o-- Woodworth. H. O.. 6S "03 Woodworth, Metta E., 19a "oS Woodworth. Minnie B., t Tf^ "ir Woodvatt. H. F.. 706 "i,^ Wooldridse. F. M.. ^17 'r7 Wooldridsre. Mrs. J. W. (See FMiott. Isabel G.) "ts Woolf. H. S.. 604 "t- Woolman C. E,. 480 '14 Woolman >'rs. C, E, (See Fairtield, Helent '16 Woolman. Rachel M.. 6>4 *i6 Woolman. Richardine. 654 '06 Woolman. Xenia M.. ^67 "S^ 99 W.x>lsey. Liiht C, ia6 04 *WooIsev. Oka C, Sj ■13 Woolston. W. H.. 517 '00 Wooster, L. F., .■(^7 i:Wooters, J. E.. Sjj "14 Wooters. L. M., 501 '15 Worcester. Lenora M.. 604 04 Work. Eibia M., J17 ■07 Work. Ruth E.. J99 "04 Worker. T. G.. J17 "u^ Worner. H, IL. '40 14 Worrell, Grace L,. 561 04 Worrell, I. C, 317 "13 Worrell. I. L.. siS "13 Worrell. Mabel F., ^iS ]t- Worsham. W. B.. 480 03 Worth. L. G.. 19J ;o4 Worthen, Ella E., atS "04 Worthen, E. L,. 217 oo Worthen. Mrs. K L. (See Woolman. Xenia M.> |oS Worthen. G. B.. 116 "07 Worthen. Jeannette L., -•OQ "to Wrav. C. W., 6s4 05 Wray. D .C. u? "05 Wray. Harriette, 330 '00 Wray, R. C, 366 "00 Wrav. T.. 139 "oo *Wre.\th. S. R„ 366 "to Wright, .\gnes, 654 ^'Wright. A. B., Sj.- ;i3 Wright. A. T.. 51S i4 Wright. Bemice, 561 "ii Wright. Mrs. C. G. (See Vial. Sarah A.) 16 Wright. D.. 054 ■S5 Wright. Eliza' M.. 4^ "lo Wright. E. P., 6^4 "t-- Wright, Ethel W\. 4S0 'i; Wright. G. E,, 4S0 ;o5 Wright. H. F.. 339 "or Wright. Helen G., 309 "04 Wright. Ida F.. aiS 'Si Wright. Tessie A., jg "ii Wright. T. B., 44J ■85 Wright. T. E., 4? 't.' Wright. I. E.. 4S0 'SS 'Wright. "Mrs. T. E. (See Beach. Etta L.) '16 Wrght. T, F.. 654 '17 Wright. J. W.. 706 ^Wright. Lora. Sj^ jrWright. Mildred "G.. 8.-3 "06 Wrisht. M. R.. c6- 'iS Wright, Mildred W.. -40 'S3 Wrisht. Minnie E.. ^^ '7- Wright, M. J.. 16 '14 Wrght. Minnie R.. ^6t '85 *Wright. Minnie S., 4^ "15 Wright. N*. A., 6o4 "oi Wright. Mrs. X, C, (See Beach. Laura M.^ .fWright. P. C>.. S--5 'o.- Wright. R.. 6S sWricht. S., S-? ■" Wright. S. A,,'5tS! 00 Wright. S. B,. 366 PI Wnsrht. S. W..\56 00 Wrig'-t. T. T,. Tr.'. i66 04 Wright, W. E.." 218' Of Wrii-tit. W. H„ oS or *Wright, W. P,. 200 10 * Wright. W. S,. 405 04 Wricht, W. W,. iiS I :- Wrislev. G, A„ 654 ^' Wrobv X W., -JO 13 Wu, C. K.. :;t,^ !- Wii W. V, 700 05 Wuerffel, H. L., 117 00 Wus-sow. .A. F. D.. ^66 14 Wvant, C, S.. =61 S-Wyatt. F. .A . Si^ 00 Wvatt. R. D.. ^66 1 5 Wvcoff, B. H.. 604 ot> Wveth. Ola AT., 26- 11 Wveth, W. H.. 442 .«7 '07 'iS 'iS ■04 "14 14 Wykle. Bertha A., >c>i 16 Wykle. Ethel M.. oji .15 Wyland. R. O.. 605 i,S Wyman, W., 005 "oj Wyne. E. E.. 173 |tS Vackey, Otillia E., 740 iS Vaeger. E. G.. 740 'iS Yamada. Y,. 741 Vatnamoto. S.. 654 Yang. T. S., 706 Yant. R, C.. J99 Vapp, J, F. O.. 60s .11 Yapp. \V. W,. 44.. 07 \ates. J. W,, J99 'i I Yates, R. R.. 443 "06 Yates. T,, 267 "iS Yeager. L. E.. 741 ;n Yciger. O. K., 44? '10 Ve-Xiter, Mrs. O. "K. (See Brand. S.^ra H.t 95 Yeakel. W. K., 90 '07 Yeaton. F. D., ^99 ■07 Yeck, C. W.. 399 "17 Yee, G. C. 706 '09 *Yehling, A. C. 366 _*13 Yen. C. C. 518 '07 Yensen. T, D.. 399 or Yensen. Mrs. T. D. (See Dewey. Sarah L.) \ erington. T. G., 741 Yin. C. P -443 i'lntema. L. F., 833 Yoch. Florence T.. 60s Yockey. M. .A., 741 Yocum. E. L., atS Yoke. T, J.. 361 .05 \olton. R, E.. 339 'it York. Gertrude I. 44; '11 Ycjfk. M.ittie P.. 443' 'to Yonge .Minnie. 405 ]i4 Young. A. E.. 563 '13 Young. A. G., siS |i7 Young. A. T,, 706 ■99 Young, B. O., 136 '91 Young. C. B.. 64 ■97 Young. C, W.. 107 "07 Young. D. G.. 300 .cVoung. D. S.. S33 /I'Young. Ella F,. S34 sYoung. Esther. 833 ■98 Young, Mrs, J. H. (See Woodworth. "Minnie B,> 09 Young. J, H,. 136 i'Young. L. E.. S34 '93 Young. O. E.. 75 't3 Young. R, G.. 4S0 *io Young, Rose T., 405 •14 Young. Mrs. R. M. (See Lewis. Laura L.) '15 Young, Ruth E,. 605 gYoung. Sadie. 834 '00 Young. T, E,, 366 /o * Young, v., 518 '1,=; Younglove. C, C. 605 '10 Yowell, T, B,. 405 irVua.sa. H. S34 '15 Zahn F. R., 605 *09 Zahrobskv. E. F^ ^67 '17 Zaleski T. P.. 706 '03 *Zangerle. X. A.. 193 '03 'Zartman. L. W.. 193 '01 Zartnian, Mrs. L, W. (See Black. Laura L."* '00 *Zearing. J, H,. 367 'n Zearing, L, .A.. 443 '14 Zee. T. T. !;p3 'iS Zehr.'G." .A,". 741 '13 Zeis. H. C, siS 't6 Zelle. C. .A„ 654 '85 Zeller, Tose'>hine M.. 4^ '18 Zeller "L. W., 741 "14 Zepnentield F W,. ^62 '11 Zerbee. L, F, W., 443 'i t Zetek. T.. 44-? 'i? Zeter. H. M,. 60 <; 'lo Zhc-n, J. T., 405 •07 Ziei