D 910 .S59 Copy 1 ^1^^ T],m^^ S59 ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. ON ARRIVAL IN LONDON. fASSENGERS' BAGGAGE taken charge of and warehoused (free of charge), dehvered in Lon- don, or forwarrlprl fn thp cn\-\rifr\r Vicifnrc fr> London can h PAS Gooc/i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ,-i. Shelf. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DO., . KINDS SILVER Passages Engaged, and Insurances effected for the Voyage. Every Information as to Lines of Passen- ger Vessels, Dates of Sailings, Rates' of Passage, Equipment for the Voyage, and Residence Abroad, etc. Cost of Forwarding Parcels and Cases to any part of the world, etc. CIRCULAR NOTES, S. W. SILVER & CO'S, Payable all the World over. Are accompanied by a Letter of Indication, which acts as a Letter of Introduction. ises. S. W. SlLYEI^ HANDB 1867. FOR ^ransaHanHr ©ra S. W. SILVER & CO,, 67 CORNHILL, LONDON. Agent for Canada and the United States, 95 FIFTH AVENUE, Corner 17th Street, NEW YORK. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by Joseph Dixon, in the Office of the Librarian of Congi-ess at Washington. EUGENE p. CROK.R.PRINTFR.. fi V^ARR.. .T M V CSTABIilSHBD nSAr^LY A ©ENiPUr^Y. LONDON, 186 *<45rs»** 8. W. SILVER Zi CO. SUPPLY EVERY NECESSARY FOR USE ON BOARD SHIP AND IN THE COLONIES, INCLUDING Clothing ofeverydescriptionfor Home Use, And for a Voyage to and Residence in different parts of the World. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING, WATERPROOF GARMENTS, Shirts, Pyjamahs, Hosiery, Hats and Caps, Ventilated Felt and Pith Helmets, Clothing of Gossamer Cloths, Tropical Tweeds, and other Specialties for various Climates, NAVAL AND MILITARY UNIFORMS, UNDERCLOTHING, Etc. Trunks, Hat Cases, Dressing Cases, Portmanteaus, and Leather Goods generally. Firearms, Ammunition, Loading Implements, etc. Saddlery, Fishing Tackle, Tools, etc., etc. Descriptive Catalogue and Price Lists free, on application to S. W. SILVER & CO., SVN COUBT, 67 COBNHILL, LONDON, B.C. 6 Sandy Hook to Queenstown, 3250 MILES, or 2780 KNOTS. One Sailing Knot, - - - 6,174 ft. One Statute Mile, - - 5,280 ft. (5-6 knot.) gUBBNSiPOWN IPO LlIYBI^POOL, STEAMER TIME, 17 to 20 HOURS. LIST OF DUTIABLE GOODS IN GREAT BRITAIN. Tobacco, 3s. 4d., to 4s. lOd. per lb. Cigars, 5s. per lb. Gold Plate, 17s. per oz. Silver Plate, Is. 6d. per oz. Wines, Is. and ;2s. 6d. per gallon. Spirits, 10s. 5(1. per proof gallon. Liqueurs, 14s. per gallon. Tea, 6d. per lb. Coffee, li^d. per lb. Cocoa, 2d. per lb. Established Nearly ^^^fe^^^^ Oi^e Hundred Years. S. W. SILVER & CO., MorstoEeFlistf'sWarDeiitiDt m 111 41111111% III til 1011, liiiA, Am mimiAi i©f iiiiiif i, Ik, ^n-Pateiitees, lannfactnrers. Mercliaiils, Mnm^i^^ JlGENTS FOI^ALLJlRTICLES Af ALL CODNTI|IES. Indents for any kind of Goods carefully executed. WOOL and PRODUCE SHIPMENTS 67 CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. JOSEPH DIXON, 95 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. LIGHTS SIGHTED IN CROSSING FROM THE UNITED STATES. Visible in clear weather- S.W. Coast of Ireland. Name. Light. Miles. SkelliRS Kock, . White, fixed, . . 18 Calf Kock, . . White, flashing every 15 seconds 17 Crookhaven, . Red— tixed— with White sectors, 13 1 astnet Uock, . White, revolving, 1 minute interval 18 Kinsale Old Head, White — fixed — with Red sector, 21 S. Coast of Ireland (Queenstown). Daunts Rock, light vessel. Red, fixed Roches Point, . Red, revolving, I minute interval, 10 2 lights, . . . White, fixed, . 8 S. Coast of Ireland. RiUycottin Island, White, flashing every 10 seconds 18 Mmehead. . . . White, intermit- tent— 50 seconds visible, 10 seconds dark 21 Dungarvan, . . White — fixed — with Red and Green sectors, . . 10 Coiiingbeg(Saltees), White, fixed, . 10 Light Ship, . . 3 Flash light. s, 10 S. E. Coast of Ireland. Tuskar Rock, . . While and Red, revolving, one minute interval. twice White, once Red 15 Lucifer Shoal, light ship, Red, fix' d. 8 BlackwaferBank, light ship. White, fixed 10 E. Coast of Ireland. Arklow South Bank, light ship, . White, revolving half minute interval, ... 10 Arklow North Bank, White, fixed, 10 light ship, alights White, fixed 8 Wicklow Head White, intermittent— 10 seconds bright, 3 seconds dark 16 Codling Bank, light ship, .... Red, revolving, 20 seconds interval 9 In the course cutting the radii of Nos. U, 1.5, and 1", we leave the Irish Coast and enter the region of English Lights, commencing with Welsh Coast. South Stack White, revolving, 2 minutes interval, . 20 Holyhead Breakwater Red, flashing every 15 seconds, 13 Skerries, 2 lights, White, fixed 16 Point Lynas White, intermittent, 8 sees, visible. 2 sees, dark, 16 Great Orme HcHd, White— fixed— with Red sector, 24 Passing thi-ough the area of this lighthouse, during which it is at one time the only light visible, we come in sight of the cluster which illuminates the entrance to the Mersey. They are in brief as follows : Air, White — fixed — with Red sector, Liverpool Region. N. W. light ship, White, revolving, 1 minute interval, . . . . 11 Formby light ship, Red, revolving, « Crosby light .ship, White, fixed . . . S Leasowe, White, fixed 15 Rock White and Red, revolving every minute, twice White to one Red. ..." 14 Hoylake White, fixed 13 2 lights, White, fixed 11 Bidstow, White, fixed, 9 liilllliilll llfiilli rlliiibi;:i!,i-l!!. 10 LONDOS". .vv^^x PARIS. 1862. ^osr^^ 1867, 8. W. SILVER S CO., 6Z (sOI^NHIIiL, liONDON. Besides other departments, make to measure FINE CLOTHING Of Every Description, I^oi' f)re^s or Bti)^ii]e>^> Weiii\ Riding, Driving, Hunting, Shooting, Fish- ing, Yachting, Travelling, etc. MATERIALS and STYLES SUITABLE FOR ALL ©LIMAHTES AND ALL (SOUNITI^IES. jSpprial ©pjiHPfinpnf for liflbips< 11 Are invited to call at 67 Cornhill and inspect S. W. SILVER & GO'S Departments. Goods freely shown to visitors without sohcitation to purchase. Tourists can have their Letters, Parcels, etc., addressed care of S. W. SILVER & GO., who will keep them until called for, free of charge. ESTABLISHED NEARLY 100 YEARS. ONE MINUTE FEOM BANK OF ENGLAND. 13 A ^ • 4^ i^M H[ CO PT ^-■■"^ ^^^^^B ^9 ■so (D 1 C/D >< M ^X2 o 03 (^ 1 CO i ^ CO ^ O w ^-^ fiT ^ g -to "pr ^ s ^ l:j fi Si (U —1 o ^ CO cC ic- Q^ ^ CO CD 1 — 1 XJ rr o o 1^ < 1 CD Q q^ p ^ ^ s 12: c^ m ^ U- ■ •so Ct3 h- ^T=^ o %^ :=) c:3 ~C3 CD •tH o ^ ^^ '■ ■l!*li c5 n^ ^!^«n— ^ ^■1 k ■^ s ■; CO -CD CO ^ 1 '. \ '' ii' — J Ic 5 S. W. SILVER & CO'S CHEMISES. Qualities from Long Cloth, Untrimmed 2/0 to 5/0 Trimmed Frills 4/6" 6/0 Lace 5/0" 8/0 Work 7/0 " 10/0 Insertion and Work 10/6 " 18/0 DRAWERS. Long Cloth, Plain 2/0 to 4/6 Trimmed Work 5/6" 8/0 " Insertion 5/0" 7/6 Insertion and Work 8/6 " 12/6 Scarlet Flannel Knickerbockers. ULSTERS AND RIDING HABITS, Chamois Leather Riding Trousers, TwHled Long Gioth Riding Trousers, Ladies' and Children's Underclothing c^ir^OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.'^^ NIGHT DRESSES. Qualities from Long Cloth, Untrimmed 3/0 to 5/6 Trimmed Frills 5/6" 7/6 Work 8/0 " 11/0 Insertion and Work 11/0 " 21/0 SLIP BODIES. Long Cloth or Cambric, Untrimmed 3/9 to 4/9 Trimmed Work 5/9" 8/0 " Insertion and Work 8/0 " 18/0 Tucked Muslin. Trimmed Work 7/0 " 10/0 Fancy Tucked Insertion and Lace 9/6 " 12/6 LONG CLOTH AND CAMBRIC PETTICOATS. Plain Tucked 3/6 to 6/0 Plaited Tucked 5/0 " 10/0 " Insertion 12/6 " 21/0 Embroidered 15/0 " 25/0 Book Muslin Train Petticoats. Colored and Fancy Cambric and Mohair Petticoats, . 14 FLANNEL PETTICOATS. Qualities from Welch ... 4/6 to 10/0 White or Colored Saxony 7/0 " IQ/Q -, " " " Embroidered ! 12/9 " 16/0 SHORT UNDER PETTICOATS. Tucked Cambric 3/6 to 5/0 Trimmed ..',, 8/0 " 10/0 Eider Down, Quilted. CORSETS. Colored 3/0 to 7/0 White Coutil 4/0 " 12/0 India Zephyr 7/9 " 9/6 DRESSING GOWNS. Pruit or Cambric 10/0 to 18/0 Colored and White Flannel 21/0 " 38/0 Cashmere 35/0 " 45/0 Spun Silk 38/0 " 45/0 MORNING DRESSES. DRESSING JACKETS. Colored Print 3/6 to 6/0 White Muslinette, Trimmed 7/6 " 12/6 Colored Flannel 8/0 " 12/0 " Embroidered 13/0 " 16/0 LADIES' LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. Plain the set 1/0 to 4/0 Embroidered POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. Lawn Handkerchiefs 6d. to 1/6 Cambric Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs Fancy Tacked " Embroidered " Trimmed Lace " Fancy Muslin and Lace. WHITE MUSLINETTE OR MUSLIN. Morning- Wrappers 15/- to 25/- SILK SUNSHADES AND UMBRELLAS. HOSIERY. Per Pair. Ladies' White and Colored Cotton Stockings 1/0 to 5/0 1/0 ' • 3/0 1/3 ' 3/0 1/9 » ' 4/0 6/0 ' ' 15/0 Lisle Tliread " " Merino " " Balbriggan Pearl Silk Spun '• Black " 1/6 ' ' 5/6 2/0 • 5/0 2/6 ' ' 6/1) 8/6 4/0 8/6 15 VESTS, HIGH AND LOW NECK. Qualities from India Gauze Merino 3/6 to 8/6 Elastic " 4/0" 8/6 Stout '• 6/0 " 12/0 SpunSilk " 9/6 " 15/0 LADIES' RIDING HABITS. Serge Habit, £4.4.0. Tweed £4.14.6. Melton, £5.6.0. Superfine Cloth, £7.7.0. MERINO DRAWERS. India Gauze Merino 6/0 to 12/0 Elastic " 7/0 " ]2/0 Stout " ; 8/6 " 13/0 Spun Silk " 13/6 •' 21/0 INDIA GAUZE AND 3IEBIN0 UNION DRESSES. Children's Colored, White, Cotton, and Merino Socks and Stockings. IN ALL SIZES AND OF VARIOUS QUALITIES. BABY LINEN MADE TO ORDER. Children's Underclothing of all Descriptions. An Assortment of Ladies' Dressing Bags and Cases in Stock. SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, BLANKETS and COUNTER. PANES, TABLE LINEN, Etc., Etc. PIECE GOODS. HoRRocKSEs Long Cloth. I Huckaback Towelling. Fine India Cambrics. | Turkish Towels. Sheeting, Calico or Linen. I Nursery Diaper. Irish Linens. | White and Colored Flannels. LADIES' WATERPROOF CLOAKS. liadies' Mackintosh Cloaks. Ladies' Carriage and Railway Wrapijers. AIR-TIGHT DRESS BOXES. Trunks, Portmanteaus, Boxes, Bags, etc. 16 SEA ROUTES to the CONTINENT. London to Antwerp, 210 miles. I Dover to Ostend, 68 miles. Rotterdam, 230 " | Folkestone to Boulogne 30 '• Hamburg, 480 " I Newhaven to Dieppe, 61 " Dover to Calais, 24 " | South'pton to Havre, 130 " POSTAL INTELLIGENCE. RATES OF POSTAGE : To ALL Parts of the United Kingdom. Letters, 1 oz. or under, Id.; 1 oz. to 2 oz., Ij^ d.; every 2 oz. additional, -.-.---- i^d. (Letters above 12 oz. are charged Id. for every ounce.) Newspapers, -..--.-. i^d. Books, periodicals, photographs, printed or MS. matter, for every 2 oz., ....... i^d. (Must be open at ends, not exceed 5 lbs. in weight, or 18 in. in length.) English Postal Cards, 7d. (thin) and 8d. (thick) per dozen. Registration of Letters, 2d. extra. To European Countries, Egypt, and United States : Letters, ?^ oz. or under, 2)^d.; for every additional },.> oz., - 2^d. Postal Cards, - - - - - - " - fd. '•Commercial Papers," (legal documents and (.ther manu- script matter, not of nature of a letter), not exceeding 4 oz., 2i^d. ; per 2 oz. additional, - - - - - Id. Books, newspapers, periodicals, photos., printed matter, etc., 2 oz. or under, -.--... j^d, {Must be open at ends, not exceed 4 lbs. in weight, or 12 in. in uidth or depth, or 24 in. in length.) Patterns of Merchandise, not exceeding 2 oz.. Id.; per 2 oz. additional, .-.-.-. )^(j. {Must not exceed 8 oz. in toeight, or 8 ins., by 4 ins., by 2 ins.) Registration of Letters, 2d. extra. 17 S. W. SILVER & CO. "TROPICAL" TWEEDS and "GOSSAMER" CLOTHS FOR HOT CLIMATES. Duffle Suits and Furs for the Arctic Regions. Dress Suit, Black Superfine Cloth, - - 130/- up Frock Coat and Vest, Black or Blue Diagonal, - 84/- up, Morning Coat and Vest, Black or Blue Diagonal, 73/6 up, The '* Chesterfield " Overcoat, - - - 63/- up " Lounge " Suit, Tweed, - - - 60/- up " " Serge, - . . _ 48/- up "Alfred" Jacket Suit, Tweed, - - 73/6 up, " " " Serge, . _ _ 52/6 up. Trousers, Cheviot and Angola Tweeds, - 21/- " Serge or Flannel, - - - 18^6 up. Tan Canvas Bush Suits and Shooting Coats, from 56;'- per suit Leather Bush Suits, from - . . . 80/- Pea Jackets, 28/6. Serge, 31/6. Flannel, 35/- up '* Norfolk " Jacket Suit, . . - - 63/- up. Ulsters, . - - _ . 73/6 up Silk Hats, 16/-. Tweed, 6 -. Felt, 8/6. Straw, 3/- up. Tweed Helmets, 6/-. Travelling Caps, 2/6. Pith Tropical Helmets and Hats, Covered Felt, 15/6 up. Illustrated Catalogue free on application, 19 S. W. SILVER & GO'S I llustrated Catalogue and Price List (188 pages) can be iiad free on application. It contains an "Index" to, among other things , the following : Air-tight Tin Trunk. Ammunition. Anti-Cholera Belts. Anti-Recoil Heel Plates. Aprons, Riding. Bags. " Soiled Linen. Barometers. Barrack Furniture. Basket Chair. " Dress. " Picnic and Shooting. Baths. India Rubber Portable. Beads. Beds, Cork. " India Rubber. Belts. " Flannel (Anti-Cholera.) " Life. Binocular Glasses. Blankets. Boots. Bottles, Cochrane's Patent, " India Rubber, Hot Water. Braces. Bridles. "Britannia," H.M.S., Neces- saries for. " Britannia," H.M.S., Regula- tion Chest. Brush Cases. Brushes, Hair. Nail. Tooth. Bullock Trunks. Bush Knife. " Suits. Cabin Requisites. Campaigning Requisites. Camp Chair and Red "Marlbor- ough. Camp Furniture. " Stool. Canoe Requirements. Canteens. Canvas Water Cooler. Capes, Waterproof. Caps, Tweed. Cartridge Carriers. Knife. Bags. " Magazines. Cases, Dressing. " Gun. " Medicine. . Writing. Cash Boxes. Chairs, Basket. Churchill. " Deck, etc. " Dover. " Folding. Chambers, Steel Converting. Chests of Drawers, Portable. Children's Outfits, etc. Cloaks, Ladies' Waterproof. Clothes' Bag. Clothing. " Under. Coat Bags. Coats. " Waterproof. Cochrane's Patent Water Bot- tle. Collars. Colonial Bridle. Knife. Saddle. Combs, Hair. Compasses. Cooking Apparatus, Norwegian. Cork Beds. "Cosy " Hammock. ^ Courier Bags. Habits, Riding. Cravats. Hair Brushes. Crew of a Yacht, List of Prices Hammerless Guns. for. H .niiuock-. Curtains, Mosquito. Handbooks, S. W. Silver & Go's Cushions, India Rubber. Colonial. Deck Chairs. Handkerchiefs, Pocket. Deed Boxes. Hat Cases. Directions for Self -Measure. Hats, Felt or Tweed. Dispatch Boxes. " Waterproof. '•Dolce " Hammock. Headstall Bridles. Dover Chair. Heel rlate. Anti Recoil. Drawers, Chests, Portable. Helmets, Tropical. " Cotton, etc. " Waterproof. Dress Baskets. Hook Pot. " Coats. Hot Water Can, Patent " House- Dressing Cases. maid's Friend." " Gowns. Hot Water Bottle. Eastern Clothes' Bags. Implements, Gun. Easy Chairs. India, List of Equipments for. Emigration Knife. India. List of Equipments for Enamelled Iron Ware. Ladies. Equipments, List of Necessary. India, List of Equipments for Etna. Officer. Europe, Eastern, List of Neces- India Rubber Beds. sary Equipment for. Explorer's Knife. Balhs. Cloaks. Tent. " " Coats. Test Case. " " Cushions. Eye Preservers. " " (around Sheets. " Screens. " " HotWater Bottles. Field Glasses. Instruments, Surveying, etc. Filter, Pocket. Invalid's Companion. Fishing Bags, Iron, Enamelled Ware. " Stockings. Japan, List of Necessary Equip- " Tackle. ment for. Flannel Belts (Anti Cholera.) Japanned Tin Air-tight Trunks. Suits. Kic Bag. Flasks, Dram. Knapsack. Shot and Powder. Knives. Flint and Steel. Ladies' Outfits, etc. Folding Chairs. " Outfits for India. Frock Coats. " Dress Baskets. Furniture, Barrack. " Riding Habits. Portable. " Waterproofs. Gaiters, Lamps, Game Carriers. Lanterns. Gu-th. Raw Hide. Leather Bags. Gladstone Bags. Leech Gaiters. Glasses, Binocular. Leggings, Waterproof. Gloves. Liberian Urn. Gossamer Clothing. Medicine Chests. Grammar, Hindustani. Military Portable Furniture. Greyhound Starters. Money Belts. Ground Sheets, Waterproof. Morning Coats. Gun Case Bags. Mosquito Curtains. " Implements. Head Nets. Guns. Nail Brushes. " Cases. Norwegian Cooking Apparatus. " Slings. "Orient" Trunk. 2i I Outfits, List of Necessary. Storm Pan. Outfits, List of Necessary for Suits. Ladies. Sun Umbrellas. Overcoats. Surveying Instruments. Overland Trunks. Table Cloths. "Oxford" Bags. '• Covers. Pack Saddle. " Napkins. Palkee Hammock. Tackle, Fishing. Picnic Baskets. Telescopes. Pillow Cases. Tents. Pitli Hans and Helmets. Tethering Ropes. Tin Air-tight Trunks. Pocket Doctor, Medicine Case. •• Filter. " Deed Boxes. " Handkerchiefs. " Dispatch Boxes. Poncho. Waterproof. Tool Cases, Roll-up. Portable Baths. Tooth Brushes. Dressing Cases. Topee, Tropical. " Furniture. Towels. Hammocks. Training Ship " Worcester. " Writing Cases. "Transvaal"' Rifle. Portmanteaus. Travelling Rugs. Preservers, Eye. Trunks. Puggarees. " Orient. Py jamahs. " Overland. Quilts. Tweed Clothing. Quadrants. Umbrellas. Raw Hide Girths. Under Clothing. Refrigerator, Norwegian. Uniform, Military. Revolvers. Naval. Riding Aprons. Volunteer (See Esti- " Habits. mates). Rifles. United States, North, List of Roll-up Tool Cases. Necessary Equipment for. Rugs, Travelling. United States, South, List of Straps. Necessary Equipment for. Saddle Bags. Urn, Liberian. •• Valise. Valises. Saddlery. Saloon Trunks, Voyage, List of Necessaries for. Wallets. Saratoga - Washstands, Cabin. Scarbai"ough Trunks. Water Bottle, Cochrane's Patent Sextants. Water Bottle, India Rubber, Hot Sheets. Water. Waterproof Ground. Water Cooler. Shirts. " Keg. Shoes. Waterproof Capes. Shooting Baskets. Coats. Boots. " Ground Sheets. Shot and Powder Flasks. " Hats and Helmets. Sleeping Jackets. Leggings. Socks. Web Bridle. Soiled Linen Bags. West Indies, List of Necessary Special Lists of Equipments. Equipments for. Spirit Canteen. Whips. Sponge. Whistles. "^'^ Bags. " Worcester " Training Ship . Sporting Knives. Writing Cases. Spurs. Yacht's Crew, List of Prices for. Stationery. Yoke Knapsack. Steel Chambers. < J3 S. W. SILVER & CO,, 67 CORNHILL, LONDON (Established nearly a Century.) ^^ ONE MINUTE FROM SANK OF ENGLAND, 26 Ten miuutes' Malk from S. W. Silver &. Co. Open daily from 10 to 4. Fee Is. Free on Mondays and Saturdays. Contains the finest collection of Arms and Armour that Enslaud can boast of; also, the Crown and State Jewels are kept here ; and many Ancient and Historical spots are shown to visitors. 27 PLAN OF LONDON. S. W. SILVER & CO.. 67 Cornhill London. ^ lOWDOM^. I V Wi ^%tA\ :J^_:liff >> trv."^./-^- 31 Interior, with Crystal Fountain, 80 UBIQUE. ESTABLISHED NEARLY 100 YEARS. S. W. SlLYEI^ ^ @0., 0- c^r^AND^-::^ AIBIIGM IBECIMf S, lAIISES, Contractors, Agents, and Shippers Correspondents in All Pai-ts of the World, 67 CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND, ^ONE MINUTE FSOM BANK OP ENGLAND..^ mw^ K0i^ uNi^^ED gir^JFEg m^ amnw. (JOSEPH Dixon, 95 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, 31 BAGGAGE LIST. NO. DESCRIPTION. HOLD OR CABIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14: 15 32 _ 1 LUGGAGE LIST (Contents), No, 1. No. 2, No, 3, No, 4, No, 5. M. LUGGAGE LIST (Contents). No. 0. Xo. 7. No. S. No. 9. No, 10, ' 34 LUGGAGE LIST (Contents). No. 11. No. 12. N». 13. No. 14. No. 15. < 35 ADDRESSES. 38 ENGAGEMENTS. 39 ENGAGEMENTS. 40 MEMORANDA. iL MEMORANDA. 42 ESTABLISHED NEARLY A QDARTER OF A CENTDRY. ©he Colonies a^d India (S. W. SILVER k CO., Proprietors and Publishers.) United Kingdom, - 10s, (kl, per annur/i. Colonies, India, and Foreign, 12s, (id, " Single Copies, Sd. A WEEKLY RESUME OF HOME NEWS for COLONIAL READERS. COLONIAL NEWS for HOME READERS. ORIGINAL ARTICLES on CURRENT EVENTS, AND ON THE RESOURCES, WEALTH, and PROSPECTS OF THE WHOLE BRITISH EMPIRE. REVIEWS OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS. Notices of Manufacturers' Specialties TKADE NOTES, Etc. Circulates throughout Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Fiji, Mauritius, Canada, West Indies, Cape Colony, Natal, West Africa, Ceylon, India, the Continent of Europe. 43 &ivc\tlnv '^oUSf S. W. SILVER & GO'S, Payable all the World over, Are accompanied by a Letter of Indication, which acts as a Letter of Introduction. CORRESPONDENTS. EUROPE-Cliief Cities and Towns. ASIA. Aden— Luke Thomas & Co., Limited Batavia — The Borneo Co., Limited. Bombay— Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris. Bombay — Grindlay, Groom & Co. ' ' — Merwanjee & Co. Calcutta — Comptoir d'Escompte. Colombo — Somerville & Co. Foo Chow— Hedge & Co. Galle— SchefFer, Jansz & Co. Hong Kong— Comptoir d'Escompte. Kurrachee— Volkart Bros. Madras— Binny & Co.^ Philippine Islands (Iloilo) — Loney & Co. Philippine Islands (Manilla) — Halli- day, Wise & Co. Saigon— Comptoir d'Escompte. Shanghai— Comptoir d'Escompte. Singapore — Paterson, Simons & Co. Umritsur— Davee, Sahai & Chumba Mull. Yokohama— Comptoir d'Escompte. —Walsh, Hall & Co. AFBICA. Alexandria — Comptoir d'Escompte. —Tod, Miiller & Co. Beaufort W. —Barry & Nephews. Bethulie— Stuart & Orsmond. Bloemfontein — M. L. Pincus. Burghersdorp — Goldmann Bros. & Co. Cape Town— King & Son. " — Thomson, Watson & Co. Carnarvon— Cornelius & Rosenthal. " — Hanau & Katzenstein. Colesburg— T. Leiseur. Dortdretch — G. Michaelis, jun. Durban — P. Davis & Sons. Graaf Reinet— O. Brenner & Co. Graham's Town— D. H. Kennelly & Co. Hope Town— Lilienfeld Bros. Kimberley (Diamond Fields)-Isidore Dreyfus. King William's Town — Walker Bros. &Co. Liberia (Monrovia)— Hon. H. W. Johnson, sen. Lourenzo Marque— A. Menlove & Co. Mafeteng (British Basutoland)— W. Aschmann. Mauritius— Blyth Bros. & Co. " — Ireland, Eraser & Co. Mossel Bay— Hudson, Vreede & Co. Murraysburg- Tets & Davies. Phillipstown— Teich Bros. Pietermaritzburg— P. Davis & Sons. Port Elizabeth— W. Anderson & Co. " " — A. Mosenthal & Co. " " — H. Rutherfoord. Pretoria -T. W. Beckett & Co, Reunion (St. Denis) — Comptoird'Es- compte. Richmond— F. Mosenthal & Co. Somerset, East — H. Davis & Co. Victoria, West — Hanau & HofFa. Winburg — Waters & Co. Zagazig (Egypt)— S. Felice, H.B.M. V. -Consul. 44 A31EBICA. Bogota— Kdppel & Schloss. Buenos Ayres— Tudor & Moore. Callao— Hryce, Grace & Co. Cleveland, (O.)— E. B. Hale & Co. Chicago — Hy. Greenbaum & Co. Costa Rica (San Jose)-Don Joaquin Fernandez. Galveston- C. H. Pix. _Walthew & Co. Lima— Weir & Co. Moiite Video— Tudor, Moore & Co. Montreal — Evans, Son & Co. Newfoundland (St. John's)— H. K. Dickenson. New Grenada (Tumaco)— Grindale &Co. New York— James Brand. New York— Fras. Moran. Panama-H. Mallet, H.B.M. Consul " — E. Lyons. Para— R. H. L. Vinen. Philadelphia— Elliott, Sons & Co. —J. M. Shoemaker & Co. Portland (Oregon)— R. C. Janion & Co. Quebec— J. Bell, Forsyth & Co. Rio de Janeiro — J. Moore & Co. Rosario — John Thomson & Co. San Francisco— Alf. Borel & Co. " — Parrott & Co. Tampico— Stewart L. Jolly & Co. Valparaiso— Weir, Scott & Co. Vancouver Island (Victoria)— H. Rhodes & Co. If EST INDIES, Barbados— Louis, Son & Co. Herbice— S. Davson & Co. Demerara — Davson Bros. & Co. Grenada — A. Hubbard & Co. Jamaica — Bravo Bros. St. Thomas — Cameron & Co. Trinidad— Croil, Marshall & Co. " — A. Bernard. AUSTRALASIA. Adelaide -Henry Scott, J. P. Auckland —Cruickshank & Co. " — Owen & Graham. Bathurst— Benjamin Lee. Brisbane— G. Harris. Christchurch — George Gould. — Sclanders, Fletcher & Co. Dunedin— Cargills & Maclean. — Dalgety & Co. —Russell, Ritchie & Co. Geelong — Dalgety, Ibbotson & Co. Hobart Town — T. D. Chapman & Co. Hobart Town— W. Knight & Co. " " — R. Lewis & Son. Launceston — Dalgety, Moore & Co. Melbourne — Dalgety, Blackwood & Co. Nelson— E. Buxton & Co. " — Sclanders & Co. Port Lyttelton— J. M. Heywood & Co. Portland — Croaker, Scott & Co. Sydney— McArthiir & Co. " — Montefiore, Joseph & Co. Toowoomba — J. C. White. Wellington — Levin & Co. " —A. P. Stuart & Co. West Australia (Freemantle) — L. Samson. West Australia (Port Walcott;— F. McRae & Co. We.^t Australia — De Grey River, (N. W. Coast.) West Australia— Grant, Anderson, and J. Edgar. Canary Islands— Cyprus— Falkland Islands— Fiji Islands- Madagascar— Madeira— Malta— New Caledonia, and Sandwich Islands. ALL PARTICULARS RESPECTING ABOVE, ON APPLICATION AT SUN COURT, 67 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C,