^ Guaranteed Good s LrOivest Prices 1921 CHICAGO EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE Furniture amd House FurnisKiri^ Catalog n Every Individual Entering Your Store Is a User of Furniture .0'^' Naturally Your Customers Wish to Make Furniture Purchases Through Your Store — the Same as They Do Other Merchandise. Q^LJ-QU Show Your Customers This Book Which is issued to help you get additional business. Over 70 per cent of the better grade furniture is sold from catalogues by retail furniture dealers. You can easily build up a very profitable business by simply making this book your furniture store. THINK THI5 OVER You can sell Reliable Merchandise at a Reasonable Profit — ^yet your customers will be making a great saving over usual retail prices. BECAUSE- YOU DO NOT PAY EXTRA RENT, TAXES OR INTEREST to Show the Entire Line in this Catalogue — a stock that would require the floor space of a large city building to even Show One Sample of Each Article. It is a fact that every person who enters your store is a user of furniture and occasionally buys some- thing new — it may be a single odd piece or a complete suite for the living room, bedroom or dining room. Many times it is a gift to friends or something just to "fill in that vacant corner." They must buy what they want somewhere. Why not keep this trade at home? Why not add to your business? You have the confidence of your customers or you could not sell them jewelry and precious stones. Show this catalogue — it offers a very comprehensive variety of home furnishings, and of a quality you can recommend to your best trade. Your customers will keenly enjoy shopping through its pages, and many times it will effect a sale with little effort on your part. We have avoided showing "cheap imitation furniture" — the kind so often advertised as "great bargains," etc. We have sincerely tried to show a well assorted line of standard qual- ity goods and also a few suites and odd pieces of the highest quality hand-made numbers. WE WILL BE GLAD TO ASSIST YOU This book is our first aid in helping you to secure additional business. Keep it on your counter. Show it to your friends. Do not hesitate to write us for any information or assistance desired and we will do all we can to make you additional sales and profits. G, W. HUNTLEY & CO. CHICAGO Hi — i-ixy jmimiiiHitiiiiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiitMiiitiiniiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllMittiiiiiiiitiriiiiriiliiitiriiiiiiiiiitiMiliiiiii iiiiniiriinriiitiriiiMntiiiiiiitiiMHiiiiriiiniiiuiiitMiiriiiiiiiitiiiii TO OUR CUSTOMERS That We May Give You The Best Service We Ask That You Read This Page Carefully A Few Minutes Time SFEirr IN BEADING THESE SUG-GES- TIONS AKD INSTRUCTIONS BErOBE MATLING TOUB OBDEB May Save Days of Waiting C. 0. D. 1 ORDERS 2 must be 3 accompanied 4 by a deposit 5 6 of 25 % of total amount. 7 HOW TO ORDER FURNITURE Use our Order Blank if possible. We supply these gratis. Always give complete shipping instructions. Be sure to state name, number and finish of article wanted. If upholstered, state color preferred, also second choice if possible. Beds, Springs, Mattresses — state size, also weight of mattress. When colors or finish is not given in order we send what is in harmony with design and material of furniture. If goods must be shipped by stated time, mention this in order. Read "Furniture Shipments." FURNITURE SHIPMENT.$ Direct from Factory — By direct factory shipment of heavy furniture we avoid charging you with extra warehouse expense and double freight. Goods are received in better condition, because of no extra handling. Also packing is done by the makers, which greatly reduces chance for damage. Express Shipments — On small articles we advise express shipments, for goods will arrive much quicker and at little extra expense considering delivery to your door. Crating Charge — Some articles require extra crating for express shipment. This will be charged at actual factory cost to us. C. 0. D. ORDERS not accepted unless accompanied by a deposit of 25% of total amount. No Goods Will Be Accepted if Returned Without Our Permission. FURNITURE If for any reason a shipment of furniture can- not be accepted or you desire to return it WRITE US AT ONCE FOR INSTRUCTIONS. We cannot accept or credit any goods returned without our permission. RUGS AND LINOLEUM Rugs will not be accepted or credited if re- turned without our permission. Linoleum when CUT and SHIPPED ACCORD- ING TO ORDER cannot be returned for credit. Goods Damaged In Transit — Read Carefully We will not be responsible for damage, breakage or loss. Do not give the carriers a clear receipt for goods unless delivery is made to you in good condition. See that all packages receipted for are really received. Our shipments are delivered to the transportation company in first class order and so signed for by them. A clear receipt is obtained which holds the carriers liable for all discrepancies which may arise during the period the mei'chandise is in their possession. When accepting the shipment from the trans- portation company, please observe the following instructions, as otherwise they will not allow claim for damages: First — Before removing the goods from the depot count and exanjine the packages carefully and if any damaged, broken or missing, insist upon having notation Of this made on the freight bill in ink or indelible pencil and also signa- ture of the agent or his representative. Second — If the damage is so concealed as not to permit of discovery until unpacking, notify the Freigh$30gent at once, as soon as it has been discovered, and ask for inspec- tion, keeping a copy of your request and the date of making it and hold the merchandise and containers until a repre- sentative has called. We make the above suggestions as railroads have taken the position that these requirements must be complied with or claims cannot be considered valid. Please do not write us that goods are improperly packed. When the shipments are delivered to the carriers, their Agent receipts for it in good condi- tion, and the carriers agree to deliver it to you in like condition. ACCEPT OUR ASSURANCE THAT WE WILL IMMEDIATELY MAKE RIGHT ANYTHING WHICH REQUIRES CORRECTION THROUGH ANY FAULT OF OURS. CLAIMS AND TRACERS As an accommodation to our customers, it has been our policy in the past to institute tracers and claims witji the carriers for goods delayed, lost or broken in shipment. We will continue to do so, but must insist that the following information be given us: (1) FREIGHT SHIPMENTS (a) Obtain an itemized invoice of damage or shortage. (b) The Original Bill of Lading and Paid Freight Bill properly signed for by Agent. (c) The Original Invoice covering the purchase of goods sent you by the shipper. (2) EXPRESS SHIPMENTS (d) A Bad Order Report. (e) Your Express Receipt properly marked. With this information and data on hand we will be in a position to handle your claims promptly. G. ^V. HUNTLEY ca CO. liiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiuMimiiiriiiiiiniitMiitiiitriiiiriiiiiiiinirriiriiitniitMiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittMiitiiittiiittiitiiiiiiitintiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiitiiiiiMiiiiiirriiiitriiiiiMitiiiiiiitiiiitiiitiiiiiriiiiMiitiiiniiriiriiiitiiiMiitr Interesting Furniture Facts Fibre and Reed Living Room Bed Davenports Bed Room Dining Room Electrical Goods Porch Furniture, Etc. Rugs and Linoleums We have added a super-quality line of Fibre Furniture this year. This is the highest grade of fibre made in the United States and every detail is as near perfect as skilled workmen can make it. This line is slightly higher in price than our regular line of fibre, which is of standard quality. We do not list the cheaper makes of either reed or fibre. Reed and Fibre Furniture unless well made is a poor investment. Our line of Living Room Furniture is one we believe you will be proud of. Many new ideas and designs being shown for the first time this year. This line is in great demand for "Gifts" at all seasons. We have discontinued all Bed Davenports, except the Genuine Pullman make. These are recognized as the best in the country and are by far the cheapest, quality considered. Our Bed Room line consists of only high quality lines. We have found by experience that it is better to lose sales for inferior quality furniture than to make dissatisfied customers. We handle two grades only. Standard and Hand-Made Qualities. Just as in our Bed Room Furniture, we have found it much more satisfactory to handle only the best makes of Dining Room Suites. Furniture that is well made of first quality materials is always cheaper in the end. Electrical Goods is more than ever in demand and is an ideal line for the jeweler. You will find it easy to sell and stay sold. You should reach out for sales of Summer Goods. Make your dull season a busy one by showing and selling Porch Hammocks, Sidewalk Autos, Bicycles, Etc., Etc. Our line of Porch Hammocks is the best in the country, both in style and quality. In order to give you the best value possible, we have limited our Rug line to one make — the famous Bigelow-Hartford Mills — a line so well known for their high quality and beautiful patterns that we need only mention the name. The patterns shown are this season's best selections. Prices, quality considered, are extremely low and are possible only because of concentrated buying on our part. We also show inlaid quality Linoleum only. We cannot recommend the printed linoleum for long time service. Furniture Conditions FURNITtJRE PRICES REDUCED. Prices quoted in this catalogue are the latest obtainable at time of going to press and by comparison with quotations made in our revised Price List of October 1920 show reductions of 20 to 60 per cent. SOME PRICES WILL ADVANCE. We believe after three months of careful investigation that many of the prices quoted in this catalogue are lower than they will be after the depression is over. Past experience shows that where there have been general price revisions costs have been figured too low in many cases. We believe this will prove true in furniture, as many of the present low prices are due to last year's cancellations and not to reduced cost of manufacture. PRESENT SHORTAGE OF HOMES. The nation-wide shortage of houses has curtailed furniture buying. This means but one thing. The instant building starts the demand for furniture will exceed that of any like period we have ever experienced. RETAIL FURNITURE STOCKS. The retail dealer has allowed his stock to reach as low a point as possible — because of war-time prices and light demand. Now that prices are greatly reduced he will start heavy buying to stock up. There can be but one result — demand will exceed supply. Prices will advance and shipments will again be delayed. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE. We say this after careful study and from the facts stated above. New homes must have furniture — old homes need at least a few new pieces. RIGHT NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to add a new profit paying department to your business. You will find this catalogue a splendid salesman and by showing it both in your store and to your friends in their homes the tak- ing of orders will be easy. WHEN BUSINESS IS DULL. We have a number of retail jewelers who have reduced "Dull Days" to the minimum. When store business slows up they send a clerk out with some new electric toasters, or percolators, perhaps a vacuum cleaner, together with our catalogue. The result — several good orders, a neat profit and no additional expense. You will find this easy when tried. THE BIG MAIL ORDER HOUSES AND DEPARTMENT STORES have made money because they "branch out" — they ^ell what the public wants. Other merchants are trying to sell jewelry, you have every right to branch out also. Now is the time to start. We will help you. This catalogue is our first effort to help you get orders. Write us for any information desired. We thank you for past favors and wish you every success. G. W. HUNTLEY & CO. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Very Late Chippendale Period Suite thor^u^hirco'„vd^cfa"«s"toft*fhirL«tw^^^^^ °f Une combmea with the hl^h standard of wortananship true Chippendale n^ade In American ^ll^T^ A^Vil ^^l^^hri^Tl.Zl '^t^L.'^^^Tll^ui cthl^t? '^^.^ir'^ ^L"?rJ.Xol""^^- ^"^^ ^'^'^^^ i , BTJPPET Mouldt^^lnd°?arved"e"dKefoD^l2l'n''Ji"^^- P^nel doors for large end cabinets. $420.00 pendtle^fe"! afd ''fe?l°"'S'ouWe''centll^"Vh?-t.h'?°""'^'' k°" .^"bstantial Chip- round or oblong type. -""""'^ center leg. The table may be had in either tiie S°- SSJ'!!! Round. 54 inches: extends 8 feet No. 881, 'P Oblong, 50x64 inches; extends I feet! '. ! ! $202.00 CHIITA CABINET The China Cabinet is of proper proportions to harmonize with ^ the suite. The base contains three convenient drawers. Fine glass used throughout. The top has a carved edge and is 53 inches long. It is mounted with the cane panel rail. The cabinet is 72 inches high. It is regularly made without mirror backs and the price without them is: No. 481/P China Cabinet $300.00 Mirror back per shelf extra 28!oo This Suite is made regfularly in fine American walnut, hut mav ' he tad on special orders in mahog-ajiy finish. Sent direct from our Northern Illinois factory. i""ui irom DINERS The Diners have an exceptionally well «i=.„oH .,,„,, Bij^^j. gj. Spanish leather designed back slip seat. No. 281 /P Diner SERVES The faithful Chippendale design is carried out in the f^!^^2I f^ '" *^t1 '?'''^'" pieces It is 43 inches high and 44 inches long. Plain paneled doors and cane paneled back .$61,00 ARU CHAIR The Arm Chair has a beautiful back and comfortable arms. Black or Spanish leather slip seet. N0.381I/3/P Server 5184.00 No. SSl^./P Arm Chair $69.50 Your Discount is 50% From all prices in this catalogue, with an additional discount of 6% for cash, I days from date of invoice. 30 days time limit, no discount. All C. O. D. Orders must be accompanied by remittance covering 25/S of total amount of order. G. W. HUNTLEY & CO., 25 East Lake St. CHICAGO ORDER TO V ROM G. W. Huntley & Co. Wholesale Only 25 East Lake Street : Chicago DATE 1921 lame SEND TO Name ity tate Street City Vhen Ship State HOW TO SHIP. Mark Under Heoding Selected Articles will tie sent C. O. D. Only when a deposit of 25 % of the shipment has been made. Freight Express Parcels Post Best Way Terms Name of R. R. Name of Co. Inaitrrtl Not Qmrkmt Cheapest Cash Enclosed Catalogue No. in full Color and Finish Upholstering' Quantity ARTICLES Catalogue List Price i • " ■^ 1 Oup Service Depends upon the amount of information you give us. Fill the Order Blanh IN FULL WESTMINSTER CHIME CLOCK-Solid Mahogany Case Full Four Quarter Westminster Chime. Detachable Spring Barrels. Automatic Correction of the Striking- and Easy Setting of the Horn- Strike. Fitted With the i Celebrated BECKER Movement. Hardened Solid Steel Pinions. |l Hand Made Solid Mahogany Case. The Best in Every Respect. Ho. OB3 TAM30UB Becker movement. 5 staffs, all through steel cut pinions. Domestic hand-made, genuine mahogany case. Height, 13 in.: width. 30 in.; silver plated dial. 6% in. Solid brass bezel. Beveled convex glass. Eight-day full Westminster quarter- hour chime strike. Net $71,50 THIS $21 400-DAY $1 ^ 1 A CUCKOO MANTEL CLOCK WESTMINSTER CHIME CLOCK No. OS476 — iOO-DAT ClOCK Height, 12 in.; diameter, 7Vi in.; ivory finished dial, 3 in. Glass globe. Runs 400 days with one winding. Brass base. Highest quality movement made. Reg- ular price, $21.00. Special sale price, net $14.10 No. OB16 — CUCKOO CLOCK No. OB518 — ^IHONTANA Height, IS in.; width, 12 in.; dial 41/2 Becker movement, 5 staffs, all through steel cut m. Half-hour strike and call. Walnut pinions. Mahogany case. Height, 14 in.; width. 10 in.; case. Each clock is packed separate, gold plated dial, 9x7 in. Raised silver numeral ring, with two weights in a strong wooden Bevel glass door. Eight-day full Westminster quarter- box Net $9.40 hour chime strike. Net $42.30 TO ORDER Q^ y^^ Huntley & Co. Wholesale Only : Chicago DATE 1921 25 East Lake Street ROM Jame ! ■;ity tate SEND TO Name Street City IVhen Ship State wow TO SHIP. Mark Pnder Headint Selected i Name of R. R. Catalogue No. in full Color and Finish Parcels Post Insured— Not Insured— Upholstering Cheapest- Articles will be sent C. O. D. Only when a deposit of 25 % of the shipment has been made. Gash Enclosed Quantity ARTICLES Catalogue List Price Our SerTice Depends upon the amount of information you give us. Fill the Order BlanR IN FULL CHATHAM PATTERN ICED TEA SPOONS EXCELLENT LEADERS for the Spring and Summer Month Feature These Items in Your Show Windows. They Will Bring Wonderful Results. ^^R a Jo^haS]?e^^ ! Stanley Ferrostat Vacuum Bottlesi THE BOTTLE THAT WILL NOT BREAK 1 Nationally Advertised in the Leading Periodicals of the Country KEEPS LIQUIDS PIPING HOT OR ICY COLD It's All Steel Construction, Sanitary and Non-Breakable. Ail. STEEI. CONSTIBWCnON— The Stanley Ferrostat consists of two steel chambers sep- arated by an insulated vacuum space, the two shells being united by welded joints, forming a soli d st eel unit. SAinTAB'S' — The inner shell or container is lined with Amalite. a highly glazed flexible enamel fused to the steel, giving all the sani- tary advantages of glass with none of the fragile qualities of glass. The construction of the Stanley Ferrostat leaves no unsealed open- ings through which liquids may leak and sour the bottle. EFFICIENCY' AND CrITASAKTEE The Stanley Ferrostat is guai-anteed to give full thermal efficiency in keeping hot liquids hot and cold liquids cold. It is the one vacuum bottle which can be guaranteed against break- age. DEAIBB'S HEIiFS — Attractive window and counter cards, illustrated booklets, cross- section cards, dealers' manuals and electros and cuts for local newspaper advertising are ready for you. State your requirements in placmg your orders. No. OB4337 Chatham Pattern Iced Tea Spoons Heavily silver plated on a nickel silver base. A very hand- some pattern in bright or French gray finish. Length of spoon, Ws inches. Price, per set of 6 spoons, net $1.35 WM. ROGERS & SON FAMOUS LINCOLN PATTERN ICED TEA SPOONS No. OBS03 Stanley Vacuum Bottle. No. OB504 Stanley Vacuum Bottle. No. OB505 Stanley Vacuum Bottle, One pint size. Each, net . One quart size. Each, net Two quart size. Each, net .$ 5.50 7.35 . 11.00 CUT GLA^S ICED TEA ^ET At a Price That Commands Attention BIGGEST AND BEST VALUE OF THE SEASON 6 Tall Cut Glass Tumblers and 1 Cut Glass Jug With Cover No. OB4338 Lincoln Pattern Iced Tea Spoons. Extra heavily plated with pure silver on nickel silver of the highest grade and quality guar- anteed by the manufacturers. One of the most popular patterns on the market today. Bright finish. Length 7% inches. Price per set of G spoons, net $1.80 OB,>721 Cut Glass Iced Tea or Water Set. This is v-iih-Di ,: doubt an exceptionally good leaaer tor you to use during the summer months. The use of iced tea ."^ets has become very popular, being used for iced tea. lemonade, etc. Every family needs a set. Give them a prominent display in your show windows. Order a dozen sets and have them shipped direct from factory and get the benefit of the extreme low price. Shipments made at once. Less than dozen sets are shipped from our stock m Chicago. . , The set consists of six Iced Tea Tumblers, capacity lOVs ounces, and one covered Jug, capacity i. quarts Handsome floral cut with large sprays. The cut pattern encircles the tumblers, and the jug has three sprays, cut in the center and on each side. Price per set, net $3.95 In lots of 12 sets (packed in one barrel) and shipped direct from factory in New York, per set, net Aq jta CSa Bztra Cliarg'e for Barrel) $3.45 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fibre Furniture of Exceptional Quality The articles shown below and on the siicceedinff five pases are of the finest material and construction obtainable. They are guaranteed in every ispect particularly as to superior workmanship, deslg-n and materials used. These are made regnxlarly in the rich brown finish, but other colors, )lor combinations and finishes may be had at slight additional cost. An exceptionally fine Settee designed to give the best in comfort and style. It is made of the highest grade of finely woven fibre. It is pholstered with the best cretonnes, tapestries or velours. It is fitted with loose cushions filled with 27 hand-tied springs and an upholstered pad ack The extreme length is 7S inches, the seat Is 69 inches long, 22 inches deep and the back is 22 inches high from the_seat u jmfortable arms, well braced. All legs and the back are rigidly made to make this an especially strong piece. Chairs latch as shown below. lo F565-SUBC/1 Cretonne $132.50 No. P565-SUBA/1 Tapestry $158.00 No F565-SUBV 1 N'elour $172.00 It has wide Rocker may be had to A very pleasing design in high quality fibre exceptionally well made. It has a quar- tered oak top 28x4S inches, and drawer 161/2x161/2x3 inches deep. Xo. P379/1 $84.00 This attractive Rocker matches perfectly the Settee illustrated above. It has the same substan- tial (oiisiiiM tion throughout with a loose removable (usliioii I oTiliiiiiing nine hand-tied springs. No r564-UBC/l Cretonne $52.0O Nn. F564-UBA/ 1 Tapestry 60.5O N.. F564-UBV/1 Velour 65.00 Although but a small article this well con- structed Ottoman will add greatly to the comfort A handsome Dav Bed with long apron. Fitted with loose box springs cushion containing of the easy chair. It has a loose cushion fitted 28 hand-tied springs with spring edge. Extreme length 84 inches: 31 inches wide. Includes over denim. The top is 121/2x20 inches. roll cushion, S inches diameter, and pillow, 14 inches wide and 2S inches long. jv^,, F463-UC/1 Cretonne $18.50 No. F408-BTJC/1 Cretonne $159.00 No. P408-BUA/1 Tapestry $198.00 No. F463-UA/1 Tapestry 21.80 No. P408-BUV/1 Velour $224.50 N'>- F463-UV/1 Velour 23.80 Bead Special Note About This Quality Fibre in Front of Catalogue. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Exceptional Fibre Pieces Which Will Insure Comfort to the Home The pieces are finished regularly in brown. Otlier colors, color combinations, such as shaded ivory, blue and gold, frosted brown and other finishes may be had at slight ad- ditional cost. Write us for details. See tlie front page for detailed descrip- tion of this fabric furniture. No. P507SUB/2 No. F506UB/2 ROCKER Arm Chair Cretonne »33J Tapestry 38.; rrr^rs^^r: No. F210U/2 WINDOW COUCH This is a very desirable article used in front of the windows. It is 16 inches high. 28 inches wide and 6 feet long. It is a beautiful piece with the smoothly woven front apron. It has a loose cushion over the top fibre seat. A well made and practical article. No. P210TrC/2 Cretonne $ 85.50 No. P210TJA/2 Tapestry 101.00 No. P210XJV/2 Velour 107.00 Without upholstered cushion and with fibre seat only. No. P210/2 Fibre seat $57.80 No. P404UB/2 PRINCESS IiOUNCrE The Princess Lounges are designed to gi the utmost in comfort. Thej' are well shap and substantially constructed. Finest fib| and upholstering used throughout. Each h. a loose cushion over a slat seat witli de over the seat. The back is upholstered. aboA-e lounge is 62 inches long and the laai 25 inches high. No. P404UBC/2 Cretonne $ 9S.I No. r404UBA/2 Tapestry 103.' No. P404UBV/2 Velour 123.; Both lounges are of the best constructio Tlie lower one has an over all length of inches- The seat proper is 69 inches long ai 26 inches deep. The back is 21 inches and tl sides 9 inches high from seat up. No. P480UBC/2 Cretonne $131.. No. r480UBA/2 Tapestry 153.. No. P480UBV/2 Velour 167.i No. P480UB/2 PRINCESS Z-OtrNGB A very g-ood description of this fibre is given on the front pag'e. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY M R R (^ H A N D I S E ONLY 'hese pieces are rej High Quality Fibre Pieces for Home Comfort ily iiuule in a riili bro«n (iiiisli. They arc also made in (lie popular ivory fliiisli, oilier atlraelive colors, color couibiiiatioiis aiul liiiisli<-s at slifjlil addilioiial cost. A Chair and Foot-Rest designed to give the ut- most in comfort. It is in reality a divided chaise lounge. The Chair has an upholstered high back 221/^ inches and a loose cushion over nine hand-tied springs. Seat is 20 inches wide and 20% inches deep. Moderately flaring arms. Beautiful fibre work. No. F400UBC/3 No. F400UBA/3 No. P400UIiV/3 Chair. Cretonne $53.50 Chair. Tapestry C3.80 Chair. Velour 70.00 Foot-Rest Has a large loose cushion over fibre seat. Top is 20x24 inches; 18 inches high. No. F401UBC/3 Cretonne $30.25 No. P401UBA/3 Tapestry 35.00 No. F401UBV/3 Velour 37.50 An excellent Round Table with chairs to match. Well made of the best fibre. Especially adapted for the summer home or home interior. Both chairs and table are very rigid and strong. No. F331/3 Chairs, per set of 4. .$70.00 No. F338/3 Table 53.30 Table is 42x42 in., oak top; 30 in. high. Chair seat, 17x17 in. An attractive home article cleverly and substantially made. Woven In fibre with a lower shelf. Smooth shapely legs fibre wound. Top cover fits flush when closed. Cretonne lined. Height, 30 in.; top, 11x17 in.; depth, 7 in. No. P427/3 $28.00 Unless other finishes are ordered, the popular rich Tjrown finish will be sent. A very desirable magazine rack with a news- paper pocket on the end. Attractive fibre open work u.«ed as fillers for the end. Two shelves. It is 30 in. high.. 27 in. long and 14 in. wide. Basket pocket, iV: by S in. deep. No. P391/3 Magazine Rack $29.00 A comfortable Sewing Rocker with a side drawer which closes in under seat. The back has two pliable openwork panels, and the seat is a loose pad cushion over the fibre seat. The back from seat up is 21 inches. No. 2S4TJC/3 Cretonne $25.80 No. 284UA/3 Tapestry 29.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fibre Home Necessities of High Quality These articles are in the brown finish, but other colors, such as ivory, blue and g-old, and other finishes may be had at slig-ht additional cost. Write us regarding' these. The closely woven body of this fibre Tea Wagon makes this a very attractive and pleasing article in the home. It is very well made throughout. In it is included a handled tray with a glass bottom. The wagon is 30 inches high and 17 inches wide. Its length over all is 35 inches. High quality throughout. No. r342/4 Tea wagon $63.00 A beautiful combination for the home. Included with the Fernery ; the glass fish globe (12 Inches diameter), two galvanized iron fern pa and artcraft drop bottom bird cage. Extreme height, 74 inches; length, 43 inches, and 14 V^ inches wide. No. P525-P526/4 Fernery complete $113.00( No. P526/4 Cage only 29.00( No. r525/4 Fernery complete without cage 84.001 This IS a striking design very greatly appreciated in the home. Made of smooth fibre and very strong. It is 72 inches high, 37 inches long and 11 inches wide. A galvanized iron pan is included. XT ^'iSiS^'^S.^Sk^i'^'''',? complete bird cage is included. A very neat handled Fern Stand. Equipped with a galvanized iron pan. S°' 5toJ",P^?.'^* Ferner.y complete $75.50 The extreme height is 33 inches. It is 37 inches long and 11 inches wide. ^T°- Sf2I^,1 Fernery without cage 48.50 The inside measurements are SVaxSS inches. No. F528/4 Cage only 27.00 No. F539/4 Fern stand $33.00 The quality of fibre is described on the front page. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE O NLY Guaranteed Fibre Articles for the Porch 'he pieces shown here are made of the highest grade fibre and wortananship. The finish is brown, may be had at a slight additional cost. T li i .s style o f libre I'lirniture has inoved exception- ally popular. Adapted for the open porch. Not/i; affected hy weather! [> rnnditions. Chair* ■ ;uid Rocker have large scats. Backs 22 inches high. No. P234/5 Rocker $24.00 No. r23S/5 Chair to match. Price $23.80 Other colors, color combinations and finishes Settee is long. Seat in. wide, deep. 18 No. r235S. 5 No. r2353S/5 Settee $47.00 Quotations of this Set with seats upholstered may be had Settee »P°" "l"^^*- No. r200/5 A very desirable Rocker for every home. The back has two open weave panels. Legs well braced. Arms smooth, and comfortable back 24 inches from seat up. No. P200/S Rocker $24.00 No. P201/5 Arm Chair to match 23.S0 No. P204/S The well shaped and rounded .seat with the braced wide arms make this a very com- fortable Rocker. The back has three openwork panels. Large roomy seat, with a back 23 inches high from seat up. «,n nn No. F204/5 Rocker ¥30.00 No. r205/5 Arm Chair to match 29.50 No. r20a 5 Rocker No. P486/5 This is a handsome set adapted for the home interior or the open porch. It is very comfortable, because of the rounded design, which is carried out in the seat. The fibre is even and smoothly woven. The long front apron and wide rounded arm complete the appealing de- sign. The construction is very rigid and strong, and the finish will withstand long wear and weather conditions. Guaranteed in every respect. Settee is 51 inches long, seat 42 inches wide and 19 inches deep. No. P486 /5 F ' SSOCO No. P487 /5 . 11 iir 111 "''°° No. P487S/5 S 1 " No. 4B7-S/5 Settee No. P486/5 Becker WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY High Grade Fibre Porch Furniture These pieces are made with the one thouglit to provide comfort. Eacli piece is of comfortable dimensions and exceptionally well I made. Quality and satisfaction are su'"'a"t^fl- Only the best grades of upholstering are used. Made in the brown flnish. Other finishes and color combinations at a slight additional cost. Large flare back comfort Eocker. De- signed to give a maximum of comfort. Strongly made and braced. It lias a loose cushion over nine hand-tied springs and upholstered tufted back. The seat is 21 in. wide and IS 1,4 in. deep. The back from seat up is 22 in. high. No. r412-UBC/6 Cretonne $55.50 No. P412-TJBA/6 Tapestrv 64.75 No. r412-UBV/6 Velour " 70.00 Arm Chair to Matcli No. P413-irBC/6 Cretonne $55.00 No. r413-trBA/6 Tapestry 64.25 No. r413-UBV/6 Velour 69.50 This Rocker of odd design is especially adapted for the sun parlor of smaller dimen- sions. The sides and lower back are of open fibre work. It is fitted with an uphols- tered back and pad seat. The back is of comfortable height, 23 inches. No. r222-TTBC/6 Cretonne $31.00 No. r222-TJBA/6 Tapestrv 36.00 No. r222-UBV/6 Velour " 38.50 Arm Chair to Match No. r223-UBC/6 Cretonne $30.50 No. r223-UBA/6 Tapestrv 35.50 No. F223-UBV/6 Velour " 38.00 No. r222-tJB/6 Thi: and No. r42S-HTJB/6 ^ * 1 ^°'"'^^ ^^'j?^ ^''^^ ^'^'^ greatly to the comfort and beauty of tlie porch. It has soft upholstered removable cushion seats over sprii a tufted upliolstered back. The arms are wide and comfortable. The frame is rigidly made and covered with the highest grade of fibre. (Guaran- teed in every respect. It is made regularly in 5-ft. length. Prices on 4-ft. or 6-ft. lengths on request. ^I°- SJSS'5H55^,^ Cretonne $102.50 No. P428-HUBV/6 Velour $136.00 No. F428-BnrBA/6 Tapestry, A Grade 114.00 No. F428-H/6 Above Swing without uphoLstering, but with filjre back and seat. 5 ft $72.50 These three pieces provide a comfort- able combination very desirable for the porch or Slimmer home. Each piece is made of the best of materials and work- manship. Roomy and comfortable in every respect. A very desii-able Rocker for the com- fort-seeker. It is fitted with a loose cushion over nine hand-tied springs. The back is comfortably upholstered. The arms are wide and well braced. The Ifgs are cross braced, making the chair \.i\ riiiwl and strong. The back from tht .-ifut up measures 20 inches. Nn, r428-UBC/6 Cretonne $41.50 No. P428-UBA/6 Tapestry, A Grade 52.00 No. r428-UBV/6 Velour 54.50 This comfortable chair matches per- fectly in design and workmanship the rocker and swing shown above. It has the same type of loose cushion and up- holstered back, and is strongly and well made in every respect. The seats are 191/2 inches wide and 18 Vi inches deep. Xn r429-UBC/6 Cretonne $42.00 .Vo r429-UBA/6 Tapestrv, A Grade 52.50 No. F429-UBV/6 Velour 55.00 No. P428-UB/6 No. P429-UB/6 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Genuine Reed Upholstered Furniture Prices quoted are for e color finishes: Brown. Green, Yellow. Blue. Gray. White. Black. Cream. Two color finishes: Old Ivory. Frosted Black. Frosted Brown. Frosted Green, Blue and Gold. Brown and Gold, be furnished at ight additional cost. REED SETTEE Our finest Reed Settee. Length, 4S in. between arms; height of back, 23 in. Has loose cushion seat and upholstered back. Hand woven. Quality and price considered it repre- sents one of the big values of the year. No. i62-E4G/7 C r e- tonne covering . .$108.00 No. 16a-E4K/7 Tap- estry covering. . .$1 18.00 No. 162-E4IV7 Velour covering $123.00 BEEI) ROCKEB A h i g h back. easy. Comfort Rocker ov Arm Chair to match. Width of seat, 21 in. Height of back. 30 in. Is of ample size, with loose cushion seat and pillow head rest. Becker No. 108-D4G/7 Cretonne covering $54.00 No. 108-D4K/7 Tapestry covering $63.00 No. 108-D4I./7 Velour covering $65.00 Chair No. 108-C4G/7 Cretonne covering $53.00 No. 108C4K/7 Tapestry covering $62.00 No. 108-C4Ii/7 Velour covering $64.00 BESD CHAIB A wonderfully attrac- tive Reed Chair or Rock- er to match. The back is of medium height, 21 In., and the seat 21 in. wide. The best judges of furni- ture have pronounced it one of the greatest values possible to secure. Chair No. 162-C4G/7 L retonne . .$48.00 No. 162-C4K/7 ' apestry . .$53.00 No. 162-C4I./7 covering Velour . .$55.00 Bocker No. 162-D4G/7 1 covering .... ■retonn.- . .$49.00 No. 162-D4K/7 Tapestrx' covering $54.00 No. 162-D4I./7 Velour covering $55.00 REED DAY BED The use of Day Beds is becoming more general every day. and this handsome pattern has proved to be one of our most popular selling patterns. Is 83 inches long. 31 inches wide, and 30 inches high. Hand woven of selected reed, and of strong construction. No. 220-G/7 Cretonne covering. Price. .. .$124.00 No. 22!)-K/7 Tapestry covering. Price loO 00 No. 229-L/7 Velour covering. Price 102.00 Price includes Roll and Pillow Unless finish is stated biovvn will be shipped. Shipped F. O. B. Chicag'o Stock WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Genuine Reed Furniture fnwHome"'^ ''""'" Prices quoted are for one color finishes: Brown, Green, Yellow, Gray, White, Blue, Black. Cream. Two color finishes: Old Ivory, Frosted Black, Frosted Brown, Frosted Green, Blue and Gold, Brown and Gold, can be furnished at a slight additional cost. REED SETTEE Reed Settee that is 41 inches between the armi at seat. Height of backi 20 inches. Is hand wovei and has loose oushioi seat and upholsterec back, wide arm restsji State finish desired. No. 128-E4G/8 Cre|' tonne covering . .$116.0(j( No. 128-E4K/8 Tap- estry covering . . . 122.0(^' i No. 128-E4L/8 Velouili covering $128.00) REED ROCKER Height of back. 21 inches; width of seat, 21 inches. Hand woven, loose cushion seat and upholstered back, wide arm rests. State fin- ish desired. No. 128-D4G/8 Cre- tonne covering . $52.50 No. 128-D4K/8 Tap- estry covering. ..$57.50 No. 128-D4L/8 Ve- lour covering . ..$62.00 REED ARM CHAIR Height of back. 21 inches; width of seat, 21 inches. Hand woven loose cushion seat and upholstered back, widi arm rests. State finish desired. No. 128-C4G/8 Cre- tonne covering . $51.50 No. 128-C4K/8 Tap- estry covering. ..$56.50 No. 128-C4L/8 Ve- lour covering . .$60.00 Unless Finish Is si.iicd Blown Will Be >Iiippi i:< THIC FOUNTAIN For DiiiiiiK Itooni, Sun I'ailor or IJviiiu Kooiii.s No. 2781/11 Cretonne lining . . . .$64.00 No. 278S/11 Silk lining 68.00 Height, 66 in. Shade, 16 in. No. 610/11 New Oval Table $37.00 Height, 30 in. Top, 20x32 in. Electric Fouu m I i lire stand, 3,5 in. high, 2 5 in. in diameter. Pour pockets with liners foi floweis. Fountain is self contained. No piping required as same water is used continuously. Operates from any ordinary electric light socket and is noiseless. It is also illuminated and very attractive. No. 55/11 Fountain $160.00 Flowers as shown, extra 16.00 A comfortable, plain and well made Ottoman. Made of genuine reed and fitted with an upholstered cushion pad. No. 187-lG/ll Cretonne ,$31.00 No. 187-lK/ll Tapestry 33.00 No. 187-lL/ll Velour 34.00 No. 187-lG/ll This Settee is made of genuine reed throughout. Upholstered in cretonne, tapestry or velour. It is 72 inches long. No. 162F414G/11 Cretonne $145.00 No. 162F4i^K/ll Tapestry $169.00 No. 162F4}4L/11 Velour $167.00 Chair and Rocker made to match. Write us for Prices. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Reed Pieces for Living Room. Porch or Sun Parlor i;iBBARV TABI.I: Reed Library Table with solid oak top and shelf. Size 24x3 6 inches. Very attractive design. Brown finish unless another color is ordered. No. 117A/12 Price $54.00 FEBNEBV AND BIRD CAas Has self-watering pan, Length, 36 inches. Height. 70 inches. Brown finish unless otherwise ordered. No. 271/12 Price complete $50.50 REED FEDBSTAI^ A very useful piece for porch or liv- ing room. Height, 36 inches; width of top, IS inches. Brown finish unless an- other color is ordered. No. 244/12 Price $17.00 BEED WBITINGr DESK al- Many Desks of this type are sold for bedroom use. thougli they are equally in place in a living room. Oak top, 24x36 inches: height. 30 inches. Brown finish vmless another color is ordered. No. 263/12 Price $60.00 BEEO TABI.E Top and shelf is of selected oak. Size of top 24x24 inches. Height, 30 inches. A very practical type of table. Brown finisli unless otherwise ordered. No. 140/12 Price $25.00 BEED SEWING- BASKET Height, 26 inches; top, 14x12 inches. Lid lifts up. Ample room for sewing article. Roomy shelf. Brown finish un- less otherwise ordered. No. 273/12 Price $20.50 BEES TABOTTBET Has solid oak top. size 14x14 inches. Very useful for any room in tlie home. Height, 22 inches. Brown finish unless otherwise ordered. No. 259/12 Price $8.50 BEED TEA VrAGON A useful article in any home, and practically indis- pensible where luncheons or afternoon tea is served. Has a removable tray, cretonne under the glass. Brown finish unless otherwise ordered. No. 160/12 Price $48.00 Shipped F. O. B. Chicag-o Stock BEED SMOKING STAND Has removable glass tray. Height, 28 indies. Easily carried from room to room. Brown finish unless otherwise ordered. No. 237/12 Price $12.75 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERC HANDISE ONLY An Exceptionally Good Line of Fibre at Popular Prices AI.I. BROWN FINISH A most comfortable Fibre Rocker. or Chair to match Has^ide aims broad padded back and loose cushion spring seat. Back is 27 inches high and the seat 20 inches wide. Brown finish, tapestry upholstering. No. 1609V4B/13 Rocker. Price ^%%'nn No. 1609 B/13 Chair. Price •*"■"" An elegant Fibre Settee that is 50 inches long. The back is 27 inches high and the seat 19 inches deep. Has wide fiat arms and a soft loose culhion spring seat. Just the piece for your sun parlor, living room or din. Brown finish. Good tapestry upholstering. No. 1609SB/13 Price $73.00 FIBRE are especially adapted for yojir living room, bedroom or sun parlor. They are strons, sanitary, serviceable, light, lasting and beau- tiful in design, and made in but one gradt' — the best. CHAISE LOUNGE Brown Pinish A decidedly comfortable article and the ideal chair for reading purposes. Back is 27 inches high and the seat 66x26 inches. Has a loose cushion tapestry cov- ered seat and full uphols- tered back. Entire frame is woven and covered with fine fibre. You will appre- ciate its ease and comfort giving qualities. This one is a bargain at our special low price. Wide flat arms. No. 1694B/13 Price. . .588.00 EI.ECTRIC ritOOB LAMP Brown Finish Height, 70 inches: diameter of shade, 26 inches. Made of durable reed. Has a beautiful standard sup- porting a 26-inch shade, which has an open lattice work center, and is lined with dainty cretonne. Is fitted with two electric lights with chain pull sockets and 10 feet of silk cord and plug. No. 98K/13 Price $69.00 DAY BED — Brown Pinisli o add this beautiful pattern to our line. Is made Top measures 30x80 inches. The price "^eludes the „ shown The-siat~is exceedingly luxurious, being upholstered over spring filled ventilated the most luxurious seat construction known. Brown finish. The increasing demand for P^y Beds has led us from finely woven fibre and is 26yo inches higl pillow : cushion No. S1951B/13 Price $166.00 Shipped F. O. B. Chicago Stock and Michigan Factory WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Best Line of Fibre on the Market, Price Considered Tapestry Upholstered Fibre Bocker A large Fibre Rocker or Chair to match. Has a soft spring seat with removable cushion and upholstered back. Seat is 20 inches wide and the back 25 inches high. Good tapestry upholstering in harmonizing design and colors. Dull brow'n finish. Arm CI iir to match No. 1744I2B 14 Rod ei $49.00 No. 1744 B/14 CI ail 48.50 Tapestry Tlpliolstered Pibre Bocker A particularly restful Rocker or Arm Chair to match with broad sweeping arms. I^arge spring seat 19 inches wide with removable cushion. Upholstered back 24 inches high. "We know of no Rocker that will give the same service for the small amount of money in- vested. Tapestry upholstering. Arm Chair to match. No. 1614V^B/14 Rocker $42.00 No. 1614 B/14 Chair . 41.50 Tapestry Upholstered Fibre Bocker The exti-eme high back and upholstered side wings are special features of this handsome Rocker or Arm Chair. The spring seat, remov- able cushion and wide shaped arms are other desirable points that add to its attractiveness. Height of back, 29 inches; width of seat, 19 inches. Tapestry upholstering. Dull brown finish. Arm Chair to match. No. 174ei4B/14 Rocker $58.00 No. 1746 B/14 Chair 57.50 The Upholstered Pieces are particularly adapted for all year round interior use. Cretonne Upholstered Pibre Bocker A medium sized Rocker or Chair to match, made of smooth round fibre in a rich brown finish that will not fade. Has a loose cushion seat of a long wearing grade of beautiful cre- tonne which will hold its color splendidly. Its size makes it an ideal pattern for any room in the home. No. I30514K/14 Rocker $29.00 No. 1305 K/14 Chair 28.50 Tapestry Upholstered Pibre Bocker One of our finest Fibre Rockers. A big lounging design of a most comfortable type. Has a loose cushion seat over a steel spring construction and broad shaped arms and back. Height of back. 28 inches; seat 19 Inches wide. Arm Chair to match. No. I74314B/I4 Rocker $42.00 No. 1743 B/14 Chair 41.50 Brown Finish. Special Finishes can be furnished at a slight additional cost. Tapestry Upholstered Fibre Bocker Though offered at a very reasonable price, the quality of this attractive Rocker is of the same high standard that characterized all our Reed Fibre Furniture. The back is 26 y. inches high, and the loose cushion spring seat 19V. inches wide. Tou will find it a splendid ex- ample of unusual value giving. Arm Chair to match. Xo. 1601i^B/14 Rocker $37.50 Xo. 1601 B/14 Chair 37.00 Tapestry Upholstered Fibre Bocker A very popular type of Fibre Rocker de- sign on particularly handsome lines that at once appeals to the artistic eye. Height of back, 22 inches; width of seat, 19 inches. Arm Chair to match. No. 2700HB/14 No. 2700 B/14 Tapestry Upholstered Fibre Bocker Another fine Tapestry Upholstered Rocker of distinctive design at an under price. Note the round cornered back and the loose cushion seat (over steel spring construction). Very comfortable, roomy and strong. Back is 26 Vi inches high and the seat 20 inches wide. Arm Chair to match. Xo. 1608HB/14 Rocker $38.00 .Xo. 1608 B/14 Chair 37.50 Rocker $51.00 Chair 50.50 Tapestry Upholstered Pibre Bocker A very attractive Fibre Rocker. The side wings adds much to its looks and creates a very massive appearance. The back is 30 1/2 inches high and the seat 19^3 inches wide. Arm Chair to match. No. 161114B/14 Rocker $48.50 Xo. 1611 B/14 Chair 48.00 Shipped F. O. B. Chicag'o Stock and Michig-an Factory. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Sun Parlor Suggestions for Little Money Fibre Couch A strong, sturdy couch, though light in weight and easy J, handle. This fibre is not alTected by heat or moisture, lid consequently is very desirable for indoor or out-of-door se. Is 74 inches long, 27% inches wide and 26 inches igh. Has a water-proof finish and is not easily scratched r marred. You will find this the lowest priced dependable luih to be had. Brown finish, o. 8G8/15 Price $34.50 Fibre Couch A splendid pattern with a woven skirt around sides and foot end. Has a strongly braced hardwood frame, and is hand woven of fine round stock fibre. The length is 7 4 inches, its width 27 inches and height 26 inches. Is built to withstand the very hardest wear, and can be depended on for long service. Our price saves you considerable money. Brown finish. No. 869/15 Price .$45.00 Day Bed If you are in need ot an extra fine Jay Bed, we are confident you cannot ind better value than this elegant piece, s SO inches long and 30 inches wide, nd built with loose cushion spring filled eats. Price includes pillow as illus- rated. Good tapestry covering. Brown inish. sTo. S1963B/15 Price $132.00 Pern Stand A splendid low priced fibre Fern Stand in the brown finish. Is 28 inches long and 12 inches wide. Comes equipped with pan to hold plants. Extra well braced. No. 985/15 Price $20.50 Fern Stand A unique design, and one of the most popular selling patterns we know of. It is 28 inches long, 11 1/2 inches wide and 34 inches high. Entire frame hand woven of fine round fibre. No. 823/15 Price $25.50 ribre Pern Stand A distinctive pattern that has proven to be our most popular de- sign. The top is 12 X 29 in. and it stands 30 in. high. The cross stretchers add greatly to its strength and are completely wov- en, as are the legs and all ex- posed parts. No. 825/15 Price . . . .$20.00 Fern Stand Is made of inde- structible fibre, subjected to a scientific p r o - cess t o insure greatest dura- bility. A com- b i n a t i o n of strength, light weight and wearing q u a 1- Ities. Brown finish. No. 830/15 Price . . . .$15.50 Child's Rocker An extra comfort- able Arm Chair or Cliair to match, of a very attractive ap- pearance. The extreme dimensions are 30 in. high and 17 in. wide. Brown finish. No. 10914/15 Rocker Price $9.00 Foot Stool Brown fibre Foot Stool with tapestry upholstered top. Is IS in. high and the top measures 19x19 in. You will find it a great comfort and un- usually low in price. Price Shipped F. O. B. Chicago Stock and Michiffan Factory WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Porch Pieces in Popular Priced Fibre STRAIGHT I^INE CHAIB A wonderfully clever Chair, built on plain straight Mission lines. The arms are extra wide and are securely fastened both front and back to the sides. Very durable and stylish and ideal for indoor or outdoor use. We know you will like the design and our special price as well. No. 692/16 Price 525.50 STBAICrHT I.IITI: SETTEi: Ijight weight, easily handled. Settee to match the Chair and Rocker of the suite. Can be fur- nished in the 4-foot length, and a splendid piece for den, library or outdoor use. Wash it off if it's dusty, scrub it if it's dirty, you can't hurt it. Nor will the sunlight fade it — the colors are absolutely fast. No. 692S4/16 4-ft. length $38.00 No. 692Se/16 6-ft. length 40.00 STRAIGHT I.INI: ROCKER Meeting the growing demand for strong, sanitary and serviceable furniture appropriate for all around use. In addition to its adapta- bility for general purpose, it has the desirable feature of harmonizing with various other types of furniture now in general use. No. 69214/16 Rocker $26.00 Pibre Purniture is strong', sanitary and serviceable, is cozy clean and comfortable, is lig-ht, lasting- and beautiful. FIBRE PORCH SWING A strictly high grade Swing for porch, veranda, lawn or den, with back set at the right angle to be very comfortable. Has a hardwood frame and is hand woven of round stock fibre in brown finish. Ideal for out-of-door use, as rain, moisture or excessive heat does not affect it in any way. All open strands have steel interiors. Outside width, 5 ft. 1; in. Inside width, 4 ft. No. 404-5/16 Price $33.50 PIBRE PORCH S-WING -A. handsome Porch Swing of this type will do much rease the attractiveness of your porch. This one is practically indestructible and designed on particular- ly pleasing lines that will harmonize with any other furnishings. Can be furnished in 4 ft., 5 ft., 6 ft. or 7 ft. lengths. No. 408-4/16 4 ft. G. in outside length $40.00 No. 408-5/16 5 ft. 6 in. outside length 45.00 Xo. 408-6/16 6 ft. 6 in. outside length 54.00 Xo. 408-7/16 7 ft. in. outside length 64.00 Pibre Purniture on your porch or in your home insures you years of satisfactory service. PI.ARE BACK PIBRR ROCKER Here's a flare back Fibre Rocker of unusual style, with continuous arms and back. Seat and back are of closely woven round stock and the under stretchers and posts are also woven com- pletely covering all exposed parts. Well made in every particular and wonderful value at our low price. No. 66214/I6 Rocker $27.00 No. 662 /16 Chair 26.50 PIBBE SEAT A light weight, yet durable Settee with full roll seat that is 33 inches long. The fancy back is 22 inches high. Strong, well braced hardwood frame and hand woven round stock fibre. Brown finish. One of our best values. No. 300S/16 Price $21.00 PIBRE CHAIR A companion piece to the other pieces of the suite- Seat is IS inches wide and the back 22 inches high. Hardwood frame, round stock fibre weaving. Brown finish. Can be depended on for service. No. 300 /16 Chair $16.50 No. 3001/^/16 Rocker to match... 17.00 SELL STANDARD Q U A L I TYM^RajHANDJ^JE _ON^LJ^ No. 212C, 17 Candlestick. A beautiful colonial design with a wreath base. Well propor- tioned. A pretty piece for the console table. Antkiue poly- chrome finish. Each $3.25 Artistic Pieces to Complete the Home SHEBATON FERNERY The plain design with the straight and destinct lines makes this style var- tinViarlv an. active It i's made of either solid mahogany or walnut through- out The legs'have a gradual taper and are w.ell braced. The contamer has No. 118/17 Electric Candle- stick. Completely wired with cord and attachment plug. A faithful reproduction of hand carved mediaeval period cant'la and holder. Each $12,00 pmovable galvanized pan 10 x 30 inches, lUitely hand made and finished. 2M /17 Mahogany 2W/17 Walnut inches deep. All parts are Artistic Candlesticks are very desirable in the home, because of their ornamental beauty and the tradi- tions and sentiments attached to them. T h e Candlesticks shown here are made of a special fibre com- position and are fin- ished in antique poly- chrome color combin- ations, now exceed- ingly popular. No. 214C/17 .Candlestick. This is a style particularly adapted for the mantel. Of sub- stantial appearance. Hexagonal base and moulded top. Antique polychrome finish. Each *3.50 No. 213C/17 Candlestick A low and mas- sive design, yet refined in appearance. Base design features chained heads conventional- ized. Candle cup gracefully mounted. Price, each $5-00 No. 257C/17 Candlestick. Of plain design. The stem is octagon and in a subdued blue. The base and cup are in antique gold. A popu- lar antique design. 9 inches high. Each.. $3.00 A handsome design with cane panel construction. Solid wood m the moulded edge top. Carved design on the edges. Round lathe turned and hand finished legs. The end legs are braced by a convenient shelf. The fernery is 29 inches long. 12 inches wide and 31 inches high. Hand rubbed finishes. No. 542i^M/17 Mahogany finish ^?S'S2 No. 542HW/17 Walnut finish 30.00 An appealing design in the straight line style. Legs are well tapered and connected with a convenient shelf. Cane panel m the outer box. The moulded top edge is of solid wood. The fernery is 29 inches long, 12 inches wide and 31 inches high. No. 540i/^M/17 Mahogany finish *SZ"2S No. 5401.4W/17 Walnut finish ^/.u« WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Moderately Priced Spinet Desks An Appreciated Gift For Any Occasion DESIGNS REPRODUCED FROM OLD TIME ORIGINAL, SPINETS The Reading Lamp has become a necessity in the home where the Spinet Desli is found. 1 he shade shown above is of a very desirable design. It is covered, lined and interlined with Cheney Bros. Geisha silk. It is trimmed with heavy moss, a skirt and a long 6-inch silk tringe. It is 12 inches wide and is made in rose, blue, gold and wisteria. No. 93/18 Shade $12.75 No. 2041 '18 .Stand 24.75 To meet the demand for well made Spinet, yet not expensive, we show our Queen Anne No. 906/lS above. It measures 32 inches long, IS inches wide and 32 inches high. Mahogany finish. To those who desire a small desk of the spinet type our No. 90G/1S will surely please. No. 906/18 Each $61.50 See Pag-e 58 for our Complete I^ine of Iiamps and Shades. SPINET DESK The Queen Anne Spinet shown at left meets the demand for a desk of pleasing line, yet ample proportions to allow for practical drawer and cabinet space. The growing demand for spinet desks is easily understood when their refinement and quaint lines, together with utility, are considered. The extremely low price of this desk is truly remarkable and we know it will be appreciated by both our customers and their patrons. The top and front are made from solid walnut or mahogany; legs and body cabinet, gum. The desk measures 38 inches long, 21 inches wide and 33 inches high. All drawer and cabinet work hand made. Writing bed extends and is beautifully finished. Xo, 914i,4W/18 Walnut $81.50 .\o. 91414M/I8 Mahogany 81.50 Spinet Desks, rioor lamps and other small items of furniture are used to a great extent as gifts. We sng- ffest you carry a few such pieces in stock. The invest- ment is small and they need very little floor space. You will be surprised how many quick sales can be made. COIiONIAI. SPINET The Colonial Spinet shown at right Is a truly wonderful copy, workmanship and materials all being of the best. This desk is made in solid mahogany only. All drawers and cabinet work of the best; sliding writing bed accurately fitted and beautifully finished. -RHiere beautiful furniture is understood and appre- ciated you will find this desk a welcome addition. It will no doubt prove a big seller this season. It measures 42 inches long, 24 inches wide and 33 inches high. No. 908/18 Mahogany $140.00 Por Plain House Desks see Pag-es 44 ana 45. Spinet Desks shipped from Chicag-o Stock WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE _ Or^LJ_ No. 1427/19 Ai-m CUair No. 1447/19 Arm Chair Windsor Chairs Tliese Dainty ami Attiaolivo IVii.xl Designs ai<- ideal as odd chairs tor the liviuf; room, reception hall or bed- room. They add an air of sood cheer and quiet refinement. til i-e have an Xo. 1427/19 Arm Ch;ii.. ... >•. , , ,, MMisli,. >■" \ '"".l / " ' ' ' '^ ,,.'Lf..hed in l,t-sL construction and w.,rkni:n,sl,ii.. h^IiI.n finished in No. 1427M/19 Brown mahogany finish *o7=2 No. 14271! /19 White enameled o/.au The Arm Rocker shown opposite matches the above chair perfectly. No 1426M/19 Brown mahogany finish *%%'?n No 1426E /19 White enamel a*.ou No 1447/19 Armchair. Is a pleasing piece of plain line stvle Gracefully curved back with thirteen filler «'''='''',, ^IJi Shaped saddle seat and comfortable arms. Plain turned legs are well braced. No 1447M/19 Brown mahogany finish *oSon No. 1447E /19 White enamel ^/.ou The Rocker opposite matches perfectly the chair above. No. 1446M/19 Brown mahogany finish *2S-|n No. 1447E/19 White enamel •"•«" Nn T 454/19 Rocker is a quaint and appealing design. All stirf"i a?e*h"nd turned and beautifully taPered^.^Besides the six fillers it has two braces for the back. i itted witn a shapely wood saddle seat. No 1454M/19 Brown mahogany finish *,Son No. 1454E/19 White enamel .i/.ou Chair to match. No. 1455M/19 Brown mahogany finish *5?r5 No 1455E/19 White enamel finish 27.80 No 1430/19 A very striking style in a high back W'ndf 1" Rocker It has six fillers in the back writh a pierced taacK panel 'Although dainty in appearance, it is very suDstantiai- ly made and well braced. No 1430M/19 Brown mahogany finish *ok9= No. 1430E /19 White enamel ^o.^^ Ann Chair to match. No. 1431M/19 Brown mahogany finish *?r al No. 1431B /19 White enamel ■^"■■"^ No 1418/19 Rocker. Designed especially for comfort and adnptabiiitv for many purposes. Fits well in any room. Well shaped with a wood saddle seat. No. 1418M/19 Brown mahogany finish 'SVrin No. 1418E /19 White enamel jj.uu Arm Chair to match. ^ No. 1419M/19 Brown mahogany finish $31.00 No. 1419E /19 White enamel 33.00 ALL THESE CHAIKS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE OP THE BEST QUALITY IN FINISH AND WORKMANSHIP Sent from our Southern Wisconsin factory. No. 1446/19 Rocker No. 1454,19 Rocfeer No. 1430 19 Rocker No. 1418/19 Rocker WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Solid Mahogany Period Chairs and Rockers Tlie pieces shown on this page are made only in solid m a li o g a n y thiougliout. The leflne- ment embodied in these chairs and rockers is made possible only by the skilled workmanship and the genuine wood used. The lines are particularlj- distinctive and dignified. The soft bro\ra finish of the pure mahogany wood adds charm to the home. The genuine double strand finely woven cane back and seat make the rockers attractive and appealing. The period designs are v e r y faithfullj carried out. The comfort these articles insure is remark- able. Unless the type of up- holstering desired is spec- ified, blue velour will be sent. Made of solid mahogany throughout. Hand turned legs, well shaped arm rests. Genuine double strand cane seat and back. Finish is brown mahogany. No. 1605/20 Rocker $40.00 Arm chair to match. No. 16051^/30 Chair $39.00 An attractive design in the popular Queen Anne period style. Beautiful lines throughout. The cane used in the seat and back is double strand and very strong. No. 1802/20 Rocker $47.00 Arm chair to match. No. 1802 la /20 Chair $46.00 William and Mary Period The back is in three pan- els of double strand cane. Spring seat upholstered in high grade velour, damask or tapestry. Entire rocker is solid mahogany and finished brown. Only skilled work- manship used throughout. No. 3051/20 Rocker. $59.00 Arm chair to match. No. 3051 1^ /20 Chair . $58.00 These are carefully made and securely packed m our Chicago factoi'y They are ship- ped F. O. B. Chicago. Solid mahogany. Genuine double strand cane seat and back. Best work- manship and construction throughout. No. 3050/20 Rocker $44.50 Arm chair to match. No. 30501^ /20 Chair $43.50 A very comfortable William and Mary rocker. Fitted with a spring cushion seat; upholstered with high grade velour, damask or tapestry. All wood is of solid mahogany finished brown. Genuine double strand cane used in back. No. 3011/20 Rocker, shown below. P™e .$69.50 Arm chair to match. No. 3011 1^ /20 Chair $68.50 SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Distinct Designs in Cane Back Davenport Suites I The strong and pleasing lines o£ this suite are responsible Cor its great popularity. It is carefully made— no detail being over- toked in its construction. The double strand cane back and arms are well framed and braced by a frame finished in birch hrowa nhoganv The sloping and rounded arms are comfortable. Each piece is fitted with removable cushions, which are filled with small bn springs of the Marshall spring construction. Heavy webbing used in bottom. Upholstering is of the best grade velour or tapestry. Two sunburst pillows filled with silk floss, and one upholstered bolster are included 2 8 inches deep and 351/4 inches high. Velours are blue or mulberry. Tapestries are Always specify the predominating color desired. No. 1875^4/31 Sofa as illustrated, complete $330.00 118.00 No. 1875 /21 Three-piece Suite The Rocker, Chair and Sofa match perfectly, with the davenport. The sofa is 70 inches long, rose or green combinations No. 1875 /21 Rocker $120.00 No. 18751^/21 Arm Chair 565.00 A Suite of Generous Size Shown Below The substantial appearance and dignity of line make this Suite especially desirable in the home of refinement. In simple chaste desieTtheaualUy of this suite is immediately discernable. Double strand cane is used in the back and sides. The frame is strong, hea'; and well Sac d The seats are deep and comfortable. Each cushion is removable and of the Marshall spring type construction. Xo. 1874/21 Rocker No. 1874 14/21 The frame of each piece is made and finished in birch brown mahogany. The richness of this soft brown finish blends well with all home "ir^oundings only high grade upholstering is used-blue or mulberry colors in the velours, and rose or green color combination in the tapestries. The notable feature of this suite is the great and convenient length of the sofa-it is 7S inches long, 2 8 inches deep and 06/2 inchef high The tw" sunburst pillows filled with silk floss are 19 inches wide, with the upholstered bolster, are included with the davenport. The pillow is also included with the rocker. „ , S157 00 No 1874 14 /21 Sofa $323.00 No. 1874 /21 Rocker l.^sloO No. 1874 /21 Three-piece Suite 630.0O No. 1874 li /21 Chair 22 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fine Davenport Suites Designed Especially for the Home OVERSTUFFED SUITES i In this suite the designer has succeeded in producing a style especially adapted for the home. The massive cushioned outline ij pleasantly tempered with dignity and refinement. The heavy welted seams give to it distinct and graceful lines. It is constructed td give the utmost in comfort and service. The upholstering used is of the highest grade. Two predominating colors used in the velouni are blue and mulberry; rose or green in the tapestries. In the removable cushions from 60 to 125 small springs are used. Eacli small spring is sewed in a muslin pocket separately and placed closely together in the cushion. This Marshall spring construction ii used in the arms. The springs used in the back are of the double cone type and electrically tempered. Each spring is securely seweo to the strong fabric webbing. The frame is rigidly constructed. The sofa has three front legs of the Queen Anne style, which am finished in mahogany or walnut. All pieces have spring edges, which positively prevent sagging. The three pieces are entirely covered with upholstring with thd exception of the back on the davenport. It is covered in denim. If the sofa is to be used in the center of the room or before the fire place and the sofa back is desired covered with upholstering it is necessary to add $30.00 to the price given below. The sofa is Sd inches long, 3 4 inches deep and 3 3 inches high. The chairs and rocker are 3 8 inches wide, 3 4 inches deep and 3 3 inches high. No. ( grade includes the good medium grade tapestries. No. 12 the best grades of tapestries and very good velours. No. 16 includes the fin(i silk velours. Samples of upholstering will be sent upon request. Grade No. 6 No. 1125/22 Chair $163.00 No. 1125/22 Rocker 103.00 No. 1125/22 Sofa 263.00 No. 1125/22 Three-piece suite 585.00 No. 12 No. 16 $218.00 .$250.00 218.00 250.00 348.00 410.00 780.00 000.00 GRACEFUL CANE BACK DAVENPORT SUITE Gracefulness was the keynote in designing this handsome suite. Although not elaborate, its lines are distinct and gradual. The smoothly rising backs with their molded edges harmonize perfectly with the refined lines of the arms, as does the scroll base with the Queen Anne legs. All three pieces have removable spring cushions with spring edges. Each cushion contains many small tempered springs set closely together, and each sewed in a small muslin sack. The cushions rest upon a webb bottom of quality fabric. The frame is made and finished in birch brown mahogany. The upholstering is of high grade velour, damask or tapestry, and done by skilled workmen. The backs and arms are of double strand cane well finished to match the suite. The rocker matches perfectly the chair illustrated above. Two sunburst pillows filled with silk foss and an up- holstered bolster are included with each davenport, as shown. The pillows are 19 inches in diameter and the roll is 24 inches long. The sofa is of correct length, it being 75 inches long. It is 28 inches deep and 35% inches high. It is necessary to state only the pre- dominating color desired when ordering upholstering. No. 1810 A/22 Rocker $1 15 00 No. 1810i^A/22 Arm chair 11400 No. 1810MA/22 Sofa 32000 No. 1810 A/23 Three-piece suite .......'.'...'. 545.00 The page of suggestions at the front of the book are interesting to tlie careful buyer. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Genuine Pullman Davenport We are pleased to announce that we are again in a position to make prompt shipments of Pullmans. The factory additions are all completed and the recognized leader of all Bed-Davenports are offered you on the following pages, not only for prompt shipment, but at greatly reduced prices. To pay a few dollars less on the purchase of a Bed- Davenport may seem like economy, but is more often extravagance. Davenports that cost less to buy often cost more to use. The best economy is to buy the genuine Pullman in the first place. Not only its exclusive features, but in general construction it is far superior to imitations. We recommend genuine No. 1 leather or Grade F or G uphols- tering material as in best keeping with Pullman workmanship. All Pullmans are shipped from Chicago. Shipping weight of Davenport on this page is 225 pounds Rockers and Chairs crated to gether 150 pounds A handsome Pullman Suite in William and Mary style, consisting oi No. PuUmanette Davenport (with Revolving- Seat Bed), Arm Cliair and 1352DE/23 Roclver to matcli. You have liere a Davenport that is essentially a l352ItF/23 beautiful living room piece, with the added bed utility, and two beauti- 1352DG/23 ful pieces in the Rocker and Chair to match. Cane panel in back and 13521! /23 ends; birch mahogany, finlsli dull brown mahogany: Pullman De Luxe 1352P /23 upholstery. All spring edge and spring back. Made also Pullman style. 13526- /23 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering.-. .. .$240.00 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering 248.00 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering 260.00 Cliair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 108.00 Chair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 113.00 Chair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 117.00 Shipped F. O. B. Cliicag-o Stock .\ beautiful William and Mary style with Arm Chair and Rocker to match. Tlie Davenport, which contains the Pullman Revolving Seat Bed construction, has cane panel back and ends. Chair and Rocker have cane panel ends and upholstered back. All spring edge seat and spring back. Made in birch mahogany, finish dull brown mahogany; Pullman De Luxe upholstery. No. 13861>i: 23 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering $238.00 1386DP,23 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering 246.00 1386DG/23 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering 258.00 13861: /23 Chair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 102.00 1386F /23 Chair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 107.00 1386Cr /23 Chair or Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 111.00 20-lb. Mattress. $10.00 Extra 25-lb. Mattress. $14.00 Extra WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Very Latest Styles in Genuine Pullman Bed-Davenports Designed ahead of the demand for Bed-Davenports that "have the appearance of being stationai'y." Look at these designs^ picture them in your mind. Tliey can truly be called living room pieces — yet they have the added lied feature. Just turn the seat over and tlie Bed is there. BED-DA VEXPORT One of the very newest designs in the finer grades of Pullman Revolving Seat Bed Daven- ports. Is William and Mary style, and an exceptionally fine piece, "rich" in appearance and indicative of good taste. Note that all Pullman Bed-Davenports have non-dividing seats — that open strip does not show across the front — and that all backs are stationary. This number is made in birch mahogany; has cane panel ends; high grade deep uphols- tery; spring seat in cushion effect. Arm Chair and Rocker to match. Pillows, each $31.00 Extra Bolster, each 20.00 Extra No. 2876I)i:/24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering No. 2876DP/24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask co\ ei i No. 2876SG/24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask co\ ei ing No. 2876BE/24 Rocker, tapestij \ $306.00 No. 2876CI! 24 320 00 No 2B76CP/24 334 00 No 2876CG/24 ;loui 01 damask co\eiing No. 2876Br/24 No. 2876BG/24 Rocker, tapesti\, \elour or damabk Rocker, tapesti\ \elouroi de mask .o\ el ing Chair, tapestry, velour or damask cover Chair tapestry, velour or damask cover Cliair tapestry, velour or damask cover: $102.00 106.00 110.00 .$102.00 . 106.00 . IIO.OO 111 ordering be sure and specify Color and Kind of Covering wanted. BED-DA VEXPORT Here is a beautiful design in William and Mary style; cane panel in back and ends, with high grade deep upholstery. Surely no nicer living room piece could be wished for. Costs no more than a stationary Davenport of the same material, and has the added feature of being a comfortable Bed. Made also in Pul- manette style. Frame in birch mahogany; finish dull brown mahogany. Spring seat loose cushions. Full spring edge seat and spring back. Arm Chair and Rocker to match. 350DE 24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering. .$270.00 No. 350CE, 24 Chair, tapestry, velour or damask covering. 350DP/24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering. . 278.00 No. 350Cr 24 Chair, tapestry, velour or damask covering. 350DG/24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask co\ering' . 290.00 No. 350CG, 24 Chair, tapestiy, \eloui oi damask covering! No. 350BE/24 Rocker, tapesti\ \elour oi damask co\eiing .. .. $113.00 No. 350BF, 24 Rocker, tapestij, velour or damask co\enng .. 117 50 .$113.00 . 117.50 . 121.00 No. 350BG/24 Rocker, tapestiy, % eloui oi da-msk co\ , 121.00 BED-DAVEXPORT This Pullman Bed-Davenport in Jacobean style is very popular and will continue to be so. The cane panel back and ends, the spring seat loose cushions, the design and construc- tion throughout is the same as you find in high grade stationary Davenports. Like all Pullmans there is a full spring edge seat. Frame of this Bed-Davenport is birch ma- hogany, finished a dull brown mahogany. High grade deep upholstery, spring seat loose cushions and back pillows. Made also in Pullmanette style. Arm Chair and Rocker to match. Pillows, each. $21.00 extra. If the Short Pullmanette Size is wanted, specify same, No. 340DE 24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering. .$318.00 No. 340CE/24 Chair, tapestry, velour or damask cove No. 340DP, 24 Davenport, tapestry, velour or damask covering.. 328.00 No. 340Cr/24 Chair, tapestry, velour or damask cover: >'o- 340DG, 24 Davenport, tape stry, velour or damask covering.. 340.00 No. 340CG/24 Chair, tapestry, velour or damask co No. 340BE/24 Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering $123.00 S'n. 34011F/24 Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 128.00 ^'o. 340BG/24 Rocker, tapestry, velour or damask covering 134.00 20-lb. iMattress. $10.00 Extra 25-lb. Mattress, $14.00 Extra $123.00 . 128.00 . 134.00 le shipping' weight of all Davenports on this page is 260 lbs. Shipping- weight of Bookers and Chairs on this pagre crated tog-ether is 160 lbs. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCH ANDISE ONLY Genuine Pullman Overstuffed Bed-Davenport Suites No. Price 323A/35 Davenport, No. 2 Spanish leather $304.00 323B/20 Davenport. No. 1 black or Spanish leather 334.00 323E/25 Davenport, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 228.00 323P/25 Davenport, F Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 306.00 323G/25 Davenport, G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 320.00 Illustrating Chair to match above Davenport Rocker also can be furnished >o. 323CA/25 No. 323CB/25 No. 323CE/25 No. 323CF/25 No. 323CO/25 No. 323CH/25 No. 323CJ /25 No. 323CIj/25 No. 323CN/25 Cliair or Rocker No. 2 Spanish leather $146.00 No. 1 black or Spanish leather 168.00 E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 148.00 F Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 160.00 G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 170.00 H Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 180.00 J Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 190.00 L Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 202.00 N Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 222.00 PULLMAN REVOLVING SEAT BED-DAVENPORT Overstuffed Tuxedo style. Davenport frame is made of solid mahogany, fin- ished dull brown. Deep upholstery, spring filled pillow arms. Loose cushion spring seat. Length over all, 9 4 inches; height, floor to top, 3 6 inches; depth of seat, 22 inches; width of arm, 10 inches. Chair and rocker to match. Shipping weight, davenport, 300 lbs. Chair and rocker, 250 lbs. No. Price 32;?H/2.5 Davenport, H Grade, tapestry, velour or damask .$336.00 323J /25 Davenport, J Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 353.00 323L/25 Davenport, L Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 368.00 323N/25 Davenport, N Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 386.00 Illustrating Chair to match Davenport sIio«u below Rocker ;iIso can be furnished Chair or Rocker No. 317CA/25 No. 2 Spanish Leather $163.00 No. 317CB/25 No. 1 black or Spanish leather 184.0O No. 317CE/25 E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 166.0O No. 317CP/25 F Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 176.00 No. 317CG/25 G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 186.00 No. 317CH/25 H Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 197.00 No. 317C.J /25 J Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 207.00 No. 317CL/25 L Grade, tapestry, velour or damask .. 228.00 No. 317CN/25 N Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . . 250.00 PULLMAN REVOLVING SEAT BED-DAVENPORT Overstuffed Queen Anne style. Solid mahogany frame, finished dull brown mahogany. Deep upholstery, spring seat loose cushions, three cushion effect back. Length over all. 9 2 inches. Height, floor to top, 37% inches; depth of seat, 22 inches; width of arms, 9 inches. Chair and Rocker to match. Shipping weight. Davenport, 300 lbs. Chair and rocker, 25 lbs. No. Price 317A/25 Davenport, No. 2 Spanish leather $306.00 317B/25 Davenport, No. 1 black or Spanish leather 338.00 317E/25 Davenport, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 292.00 317F/25 Davenport, F Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 310.00 317G/25 Davenport, G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 324.00 317H/25 Davenport, H Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . $340.00 31 7J /25 Davenport, J Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 358.00 317L/25 Davenport, L Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . 390.00 317N/25 Davenport, N Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . 420.00 25-lb. Mattress, $14.00 Extra 20-lb Mattress, $10.00 Extra Shipped F. O. B. Chicago Stock WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Overstuffed Pullman Bed-Davenports WITH LOOSE CUSHIOX SPRING SEATS. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS TO MATCH. BED-DAVENPORT A large overstuffed club style of Bed- Davenport with mahogany finished legs, loose cushion spring seats with welted seams and back in welted cushion effect. You will iind it decidedly luxurious, com- fortable, and a piece that will add much to the attractiveness and appearance of your parlor or living room. If a three-piece Suite is wanted, there's a large overstuffed Chair and Rocker to match. Davenport shipping- weiglit, 300 lbs. Rocker and Chair crated tog-ether 250 lbs No. 394A/26 Davenport. No. 2 Spanish leather $270.00 No. 394B/26 Davenport, No. 1 black or Spanish leather 310.00 No. 394E/26 Davenport, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 250.00 No. 394r/26 Davenport. F Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 280.00 No. 394G/26 Davenport. G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 294.00 Illustrating Chair to match above Davenport No. 394H/26 No 394 J /26 No. 394L/26 No. 394M/26 No. 394 N 26 Davenport, Da\'enport, Davenport, Davenport, Davenport, H Grade, tapestrj Grade, tapestr Rocker also can be furnished at same price. Shipping- weight, 150 lbs. No. 394CA /2e 394CB 26 394CE 26 394Cr /26 394CG 26 394CH 26 394CJ /26 394CIi /26 394CM/26 394CK/26 Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair or Rocker, or Rocker, or Rocker, or Roclver, or Rocker, or Rocker, or Rocker, or Rocker, or Rocker, or Rocker, No. 2 Spanish leather No. 1 black or Spanish leather. E Grade, tapestry, F Grade, tapestry G Grade, tapestry H Grade, tapestry, J Grade, tapestry L Grade, tapestry il Grade, tapestry N Grade, tapestry velour or damask velour or damask velour or damask velour or damask velour or damask velour or damaslv velour or damaslv velour or damask .$120.00 , . 136.00 . 123.00 , . 134.00 . 138.00 , . 146.00 . 156.00 . 170.00 . 178.00 . 188.00 i-elour or damask. $300.00 . ... .. .'elour or damask. 306.00 D Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 330.00 M Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 344.00 N Grade, tapestry, velour or damask. 356.00 Illustrating Chair to match Davenport shown below. Rocker also can be furnished at same price. Shipping weight, 150Mbs. - or Rocker ■ or Rocker - or Rocker ■ or Rocker, ■ or Rocker, ■ or Roclvt ■ or Rocker, ■ Rocker, - or Rocker, - or Rocker, No. 2 Spanish leather No. 1 black or E Grade, tapestry, ve P Grade, tapestry, ve G Grade, tapestry, ve H Grade, tapestry, ve J Grade, tapestry, ve L Grade, tapestry, ve M Grade, tapestry, ve N Gi-ade, tape.-stry, ve ther or damask or damask or damask or damask or damask or damask or damask . . $130.00 . 146.00 . 132.00 . 139.00 . 152.00 . 158.00 . 166.00 . 180.00 . 188.00 . 198.00 BED-DAVENPORT A new up-to-the-minute style of over- stuffed Bed-Davenport that has proven to be a favorite where high quality is the first thought in the purchaser's mind. Its simple lines and comfort inviting qualities is another factor not to be overlooked in making your decision, and only the high- est grade workmanship and materials enter into its construction. Loose cushion spring seats with welted seams and Davenport back in welted cushion effect. Arm chair and rocker to match. Mahogany finished legs. Davenport shipping weight, 300 lbs. Rocker and Chair crated together 250 lbs. No. 205A/26 Davenport, No. 2 Spanish leather $276.00 No. 205B/26 Davenport, No. 1 black or Spanish leather 312.00 No. 205E /26 Davenport. E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . 264.00 No. 205P /26 Davenport. P Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 276.00 No. 205G /26 Davenport, G Grade, tapestry, velour or damask . 300,00 20-lb. Mattress. $10.00 Extra No. 205H/26 No. 205 J /26 No. 2051. /26 No. 205M/26 No. 205N '26 Davenport, H Grade, tapestry, Davenport, J Grade, tapestry, Davenport, L Grade, tapestry, ve: Davenport. IM Grade, tapestry, Davenport, N Grade, tapestry, ve. lour or damask .$312.00 lour or damask . 316X)0 lour or damask 344.00 lour or damask 356.00 lour or damask 367.00 Mattress, $14.00 Extra Shipped P. O. B. Chicago Stock SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE O NLY The Genuine Pullman Revolving Seat Bed-Davenport ADDS AN EXTRA SLEEPING ROOM WITHOUT EXTRA RENT As long as seven feet of living room space is to be given up for a Davenport, why not a Pullman? It gives you a landsome piece that in outward appearance is a stationary Davenport-with the added utility of Bed. It can be nstantly and easily converted into a full size comfortable bed. The Pullman Revolving Seat Bed-Davenport holds all bedding securely and hygienically in place during the day, leatlv folded between springs; one simple revolving movement overturns seat, bringing Bed upward ready for use. io weight or wear can come upon the upholstery. The styles are up to the minute, the finish the best, and the Davenports throughout are built by high-class skilled workmen, and covered with the best quality of imitation and genuine leathers. Value for your money guaranteed. BKD-DAVEXPOKT One ot the newest designs and a popular seller You would not know it contained a !bed unless you either opened it or were told. When you consider that a Pullman Bed- Davenport saves the cost of rent of an extra room vou will appreciate that it is the best of good judgment to buy one. Made with spring edge and spring back. May be had in quartered golden oak, fumed oak- also birch mahogany finish. Specify fin- ish and upholstery wanted. Can also be had in the short PuUmanette size. Be sure and specify same if wanted. Shipping weight, 300 lbs. No 819A/27 Moroccoline, black or Spanish effect .$104.00 Ko 819E/27 Muleskin, black o r Spanish l«8-«" No 819B/27 Genuine black leather No 2 .13»-«» No 819C/27 Genuine Spanish leath- erNo. 2 l-l^-»0 No. 819D/27 Best No. 1 black or Spanish leather lOO.uo Always Specify Finish and L pholsteij Wanted Always Specify Finish and Upholstery Wanted. BED-DAVEXPORT Here is one of the new period design Pull- man Bed-Davenports. Both ends upholstered adds much to its beauty. Is truly a most de- sirable number — one that is bound to satisfy and please the most exacting buyer. This number is made in quartered oak, fin- ished in golden, fumed or Jacobean; also in birch mahogany, finished gloss or dull. Can also be furnished in the short PuUman- ette size. Be sure and specify same if wanted. Shipping weight, 300 lbs. No. 861A/27 Moroccoline, black or Spanish effect ,$154.00 No. 861E/27 Muleskin, black or Spanish lOO.OO No 861B/27 Genuine black leather No. 2 199.00 No 8610/27 Genuine Spanish leath- er No. 2 203.00 No 861D/27 Best No. 1 black or Spanish leather 328.00 BED-DAVEXPORT Note the richness of this pattern, the grace- ful and substantial appearance of this Pull- man A piece of furniture like this will "dominate" any living room. It combines the beautiful, the ornamental and the usetul. This number may be had in quartered oak liiiished golden or fumed. Made with full spring edge and spring back. Coverings as listed: Can also be had in the short PuUmanette size. Specify same if wanted. Weight, 300 lbs. No. 2011A/27 Moroccoline, black or Spanish effect $128.00 No. 3011E/27 Muleskin, black o r Spanish 134.00 No 2011B/27 Genuine black leather No. 2 158-«0 No 2011C/27 Genuine Spanish leath- er No. 2 $168.00 No. 2011D/27 Best No. 1 black or Spanish leather 190.00 20-lb. Mattress, $10.00 Extra Always Specifj Finish 2.5-lb. Mattress, $14.00 Extra WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Pullman Bed-Davenport Suites In ordering' always specify finish wanted. A handsome Three-Piece Suite, consisting of a small daven- port, arm chair and rocker. This will make an ideal parlor or living room suite for any home. It not only serves the purpose of a parlor suite, but in an instant the davenport may be con- verted into a full size bed. Quartered oak or birch mahogany frames. Moroccoline, or black or Spanish leather upholstering. No. 3513A /28 No. 3S13B /28 No. 3513C /28 No. 3513SA/28 No. 3513SB/28 No. 3513SC/28 Arm Chair or Rocker. jVIoroccoline. black or Spanish.... $ 48.00 Arm Chair or Rocker, No. 2 leather, black or Spanish. . . . 66.00 Aj-m Chair or Rocker. No. 1 leather, black or Spanish. . . . 74.00 Davenport. Moroccoline, black or Spanish 127.00 Davenport, No. 2 leather, black or Spanish 171.00 > Davenport, No. 1 leather, black or Spanish 19SX)0 i No. 3520CA 28 3520CB 28 3520CC/28 3520CD/28 3520CE/28 Pullmanette Revolving: Seat Bed-Davenport Suite Queen Anne style. Birch mahogany: finish dull brown ma- hogany or < 1 u a r t e r e d oak veneered. Finish gold polished o r fumed dull. Spring edge seat and spring back. Davenport, length over all. 61 in.; height, floor to top. 3S in.: depth of seat, 23 in.: width of arms. 4U in. Made also in long size. Shipping wt.. davenport, 2 6 lbs.: chair and rocker, 160 lbs. Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish imitation leather. $49.00 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish muleskln 50.50 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish No. 2 leather.... 65.00 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish No. 1 leather.... 73.00 Chair or Rocker, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 66.50 In ordering always specify finish wanted No. 3520A/28 Davenport, black or Spanish imitation leather $132.00 No. 3520B/2S Davenport, black or Spanish muleskin 137.00 No. 3520C/28 Davenport, black or Spanish No. 2 leather 166.00 NO.3520IJ/28 Davenport, black or Spanish No. 1 leather 196.00 No. 3520i:/28 Davenport, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask... 175.00 No. 3501 A '28 No. 3S01B/28 No. 3501C 28 No. 3501D 28 No. 35011! /28 sure and specify Grade and Color of Covering. Davenport, black or Spanish imitation leather. .. .$108.00 Davenport, black or Spanish muleskin 113.00 Davenport, black or Spanish No. 2 leather 150.00 Davenport, black or Spanish No. 1 leather 170.00 Davenport, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask.. 140.00 Shipped P. O. B. Chicago Stock 20-lb. Mattress. $10.00 Extra Adam Period PiiUntan Bed-Davenport Suite Panel ends, spring edge seat and spring back. Dav- enport length. 60 in.; height, floor to top, 37% in.; depth of seat, 23 in.; width of arms, 4Vi in. Shipping weight: Da\"enport. 285 lbs. Chair and rocker, 175 lbs. No. 3S01CA/28 3501CB/28 3501CC/28 3501 CD ,'28 3501CE/28 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish imitation leather . .$36.00 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish muleskin 38.50 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish No. 2 leather 60.00 Chair or Rocker, black or Spanish No. 1 leather 65.00 Chair or Rocker, E Grade, tapestry, velour or damask 54.0O 25-lb. Mattress. $14.00 E.xtra WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Bargain Page of Little Pullmans The PuIImanette style has the same advantages as the larger ize and is made to use in a room where the wall space will lot accommodate the regular size Davenport. When opened I Bed it measures 4 ft. 2 in. by 6. tt. 2 in., and will only •equire between 4 % to 5 feet of wall space. The PuIImanette shown to the right has a frame of selected Quartered oak or birch mahogany and finished fumed or golden bak or mahogany, as desired. The seat revolves easily and ightly and is of the Duofold type. This number meets the )opular demand for a good, low priced Bed-Davenport. Shipping weight, 285 lbs. ^fo. 3008A/29 Moroccoline, black or Spanish effect. .$111.00 iSfo. 3008B/20 Genuine No. 2 black leather 144.00 No. 3008C/39 Genuine No. 2 Spanish leather 154.00 Vo. 3008D/29 Best No. 1 black or Spanish leather, guaranteed 196.00 PUXLMAXETTE BED-DAVEXPOKT Another very popular PuIImanette Revolving Seat Bed in colonial style. Frame is veneered quartered oak with quar- tered oak panels, finish golden polished, fumed dull, or birch mahogany finished dull or polished. Made also in Pullman style. It wanted in the full length Davenport, be sure and specify it on your order. At same prices. Shipping weight, 285 lbs. No. 1831A/29 Black moroccoline $105.50 No. 1821B/29 Spanish moroccoline 106.00 No. 1821C/29 Genuine No. 2 black leather 137.00 No. 1821D/29 Genuine No. 2 Spanish leather 146.00 No. 1821E/29 Best No. 1 black leather 158.00 No. 1821F/29 Best No. 1 Spanish leather 168.00 PULLMAXETTE BED-DA VEXPORT A handsome as well as practical Bed-Davenport in every detail. The semi-colonial lines of the well made, durable frame will appeal to those desiring a good looking Bed- Davenport at a moderate price. It will be found to compare favorably with those sold at much higher prices. It is one of the biggest selling numbers we have ever listed. Frame made of best quality selected quartered oak, having a particularly beautiful large flakey grain oak or birch mahog- any finish with quartered oak or mahogany panels to match. Finished golden oak, fumed oak or mahogany. This Daven- port will add greatly to the appearance of any room. Shipping weight. 285 lbs. No. 3.504M/29 Moroccoline, black or Spanish effect. .$120.00 No. 3504B/29 Genuine No. 2 black leather 166.00 No. 3504 S/29 Genuine No. 2 Spanish leather 175.00 No. 3504G/29 Best No. 1 black or Spanish leather, guaranteed 198.00 20-lb. Mattress, $10.00 Extra PULLMAXETTE BED-DAVEXPORT One of the finer grades of PuIImanette Bed-Davenports. Note carefully the substantial, rich appearance of this piece. It is one of the most desirable to be found. Frame of quar- tered oak veneer, with quartered oak panels, finished golden or fumed; also in birch mahogany, finished dull or polished. If wanted in the full length Davenport, be sure and specify It on your order. At same prices. Shipping weight, 2 85 lbs. No. 3503A/29 Black moroccoline $118.00 No. 3502B/29 Spanish moroccoline 120.00 No. 3502C/29 Genuine No. 2 black leather 150.00 No. 3.>02D/29 Genuine No. 2 Spanish leather 159.00 No. 3502E/29 Genuine No. 1 black leather 170.00 No. 3502F/29 Genuine No. 1 Spanish leather 180.00 25-lb. Mattress, $14.00 Extra 30 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Fine Overstuffed Parlor Furniture The styles shown below are especially aesiffned for the home where pieces of refinement, comfort and digrnity are most desired In each siiito the lines are distinctive, paceful and substantial. The construction throug-hout is of the finest materials. The frame is very rigid and stronl The web base and bottom for the tempered steel sprinifs are of the best fabric. Grade hemp is used throughout for tieing and sewinfff Each cushirS has froni 60 to 125 smaU springs, each sewed in a muslin sack separately. The upholstered arms and back sections are fitted with special eleo tocally tempered springs. Only the better grades of upholstering are used. The No. 6 Grade is made up of good medium grade tapeltrles-thi No. 12 Grade contains the finest tapestries, and the No. 16 Grade includes the best silk velours. Samples of upholstering are sent upon request No. 1073. 30 SOPA ««a«imB tflHSESi No. 1073 30 CHAIB This suite is desigiied primarily for velour upholstering, but makes a very pleasing appearance in tapestry. Each piece is fitted with loose, removable cushions The arms and back are modeiately overstuffed, making the suite especially adapted for rooms of modest dimensions. The details of construction are given above and are worthy of your consideration. The legs are of mahoganv finish and harmonize perfectly with the massive design. The sofa is S3 inches long, 25 inches deep and 34 inches high. The chair and rocker are especially designed for comfort. They are 36 mches wide 35 inches deep and 34 inches high in over all measurements. The rocker matches the chair perfectly. Since the back of the sofa IS not regularly covered with the upholstering used, it is necessary to add $24 if the back is desired covered with the upholstering. Outside of chairs are always covered with same material. i Grades Nn, 6 No. 1 2 No. 1 r, Grades No t; No 12 No 16 ! No. 1073/30 Sofa ^?*3-00 $316.50 $365.00 No. 1073/30 Rocker ?160.00 $208.00 $240.00 ) No. 1073/30 Chair 160.00 208.00 240.00 No. 1073/30 Three-piece .suite ... . 560.00 730.00 840.00) "i ^^ JZ ^ ^^^ No. 1013 30 CHAIR ^^^T No. 1013/30 SOPA This is an excellent design with well shaped and sloping arms. The lines are distinctive and dignified. These pieces are very comfortable m either tapestry or velour. They are fitted with loose removable cushions. The feet are in mahogany finish. The description at the top of the page gives all details of construction The sofa is of modest size being S3 inches long, 25 inches deep and 34 inches high. The chair and rocker match perfectly They are 36 in. wide, 35 m. deep and 34 in. high. Regularly the back of the sofa is not covered with the same upholstering as the front. If this is desired so it may be used with a davenport table before the fireplace it is necessary to add $24 to the prices given below. Grades No. 6 No. 12 No. 16 Grades No 6 No 1' Nn 1 6 No. 1013/30 Sofa $203.00 $266.00 $310.00 No. 1013/30 Rockcr $124.00 $165 50 819(5 00 No. 1013/30 ( hair 124.00 165.50 196.00 No. 1013/30 Three-piece suite .... 450.00 595:o0 700.00 No. 1105/30 This suite represents the original and genuine overstuffed furniture. It is desi sofa below. Write for prices on Spanish leather upholstering. Grades No. 6 No. 1 2 Nn. 1 6 No. 1105/30 Sofa $260.00 $344.00 $400.00 No. 1105/30 Chair 160.00 215.00 247.00 Grades Nn. 6 No. 1105/30 Rocker $160.00 No. 1105/30 Three-piece suite .... 580.00 No. 12 $215.00 770.00 No. 16 $247.00 890.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Luxurious Comfort Rockers ; High _ [constructed, to g liThe spring back a tempered coil sp early English or I to match. No. 8B/31 No. 8C/31 No. 8D/31 )No. 8E/31 ngs. ime price. Shipp Artificial leather, S: No. 2 leather, black No. 1 tapestry . . . . No. 1 leather, black ■s of satisfactory service, is constructed over highly Golden oak, fumed oak, hogany finish. Arm Chair eight, 100 lbs, lish $46.00 Spanish. . 52.00 68.50 Spanish.. 79.00 A large fireside Rocker whose graceful lines and artistic appearance are at once very apparent. Solid comfort plays a very important part m its construction. Deep spring seat, a wide restful back and broad roll arms. Golden oak. fumed oak, earlv English or birch mahogany finish. Arm Chair to match, same price. Shipping weight, 100 lbs. No. 15y»B/31 Artificial leather, Spanish !(!57.50 No. 15%C/31 No. 2 leather, black or Spanish 65.75 No. 15%D/31 No. 1 tapestry 85.50 No. 15y-.E/31 No. 1 leather, black or Spanish 89.50 This is one of the most beautiful Rockers of its type on the market. The back is wide, rounding in a manner to fit the form. Deep coil springs in- sure a comfortable seat. Golden oak, fumed oak, early English or birch mahogany finish. Arm Chair to match, same price. Shipping weight, 100 lbs. No. 18%B/S1 Artificial leather. Spanish S45.50 No. 18%C/31 No. 2 leather, black No. 18y..D/31 No. 1 tapestry No. 18M;E/31 No. " leather, black Spanish 51.00 68.50 Spanish 73.00 asked. Golden oak, ed oak, early English or birch mahogany finish. Arm chair to match, same price. Shipping weight, 100 lbs. No. 37B/31 Artificial leather. Spanish $48.00 No. 27C/31 No. 2 leather, black or Spanish. 65.80 No. 27D/31 No. 1 tapestry 81.00 No. 27E/31 No. 1 leather, black or Spanish. 86.00 A large fireside Rocker with flaring arms and ears, whose ease and comfort w ill surprise you. Its extra size makes it very dcs-irable and extremely inviting in appearance. Golden oak. fumed oak, early English or birch mahogany finish. Arm Chair to match, same price. Shipping weight, 100 lbs. No. 27%B/31 Artificial leather, Sp No. 27%C/31 No. 2 leather, black No. 27»4D/31 No. 1 tapestry No. 27y2E/31 No. 1 leather, black .$50.00 Spanish 64.50 83.50 Spanish 87.00 For splendid style, delightful comfort, perfect construction and price, we doubt seriously if you could improve on this handsome spring back roomy Rocker. Can be furnished in golden oak, fumed oak. early English or birch mahogany finish. Arm Chair to match, same price. Shipping weight, 100 lbs. No. 26y.B/31 Artificial leather, Spanish $48.00 No. 26%C/31 No. 2 leather, black or Spanish 59.50 No. 26%D/31 No. 1 tapestry 79.00 No. SeygE/Sl No. 1 leather, black or Spanish 85.50 « this tapestry upholstered ed the best in comfort. It is r stuffed with spring lined sloping arms. The back has double cone electrically tempered springs. The cushion is removable and filled v/ith small sack- enclosed springs. Legs are in mahogany or walnut finish. High grade workmanship throughout. No. 6 Grade is made up of good medium grade tapes- tries; the No. 12 includes the best tapestries. Pre- dominating colors are rose and green. Grade No. 6 No. 12 No. 1013C/31 Armchair $124.00 $214.00 No. 1013R/31 Rocker 125.00 215.00 I splendid design for the home, espe iitort in the living room. It is built primarily and service. The frame is rigid and strong. The upholstering is either of genuine black or Spanish and a good grade of imitation. Motor spring cushion, wide arms and comfortable back. Made in birch brown mahogany or oak pol- ished and fumed. No. 3509-1 /31 No. 1 leather, black or brown Spanish $68.00 No. 3509-2 /31 No. 2 leather, black or brown Spanish 58.00 No. 3509-A/31 Artificial black o r brown Spanish 45.00 Arm Chair to match at above prices. Unless otherwise specified, fumed oak will be sent. An exceptionally comfortable Rocker of appearance. Very smoothly and well finished. Spring motor cushion finely upholstered, lent and comfortable wide arms. A rocker which will fit well in the living room, parlor or den. Up- holstered in genuine black or Spanish leather or a good grade of artificial leather. The chair is made of quartered oak finished in golden polished or fumed dull. No. 3506-01/31 Upholstered with No, 1 leath- er, black or brown Spanish $71.50 No. 3506-02/31 Upholstered with No. 2 leath- er, black or brown finish 61.00 No. 3506-0A/31 Upholstered with artificial leather 48.00 Arm Chair to match may be had at above prices. Unless otherwise specified, fumed oak will be sent. 32 WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Group of Sensible, Well Designed Comfort Rockers These Rockers have been designed to give the utmost in comfort and service. Good workmanship throiigliout. Sent from our Chicago j wareliouse. An exceptionally comfortable Rocker with a high back. Solidly constructed with cane back and seat. Well shaped and moulded arms. High grade workmanship throughout. Made in walnut and birch mahogany finishes. No. 7088-6CM/32 Rirch mahogany.. $42.00 No. 7088-6CW, 32 Walnut linish .' 41.50 Arm Chair to match. No. 7088-SCM 32 Bircli mahogany $41.50 No. 7088-5CW/32 Walnut finish 41.00 An artistic design in a curyed line Rocker. IVIade with a cane back. The rocker is rigidly constructed. The upholstered seat is coyered with a good grade of tapestry. The Rocker is made in the walnut and birch mahogany fin- ishes. K Grade upholstering. No. 7116-6USM/32 Mahogany finish $44.00 7116-6USW, 32 \'\"alnut finish 43.00 This is a very new design in a modified i Queen Anne Design Rocker. Very strongly made. It has a cane seat and two cane back . panels. Gracefully curved arms. A dignified and leflned piece Made m mahogany or ■nalnut Nn 7106-6CM '32 Mahogan\ . $52.00 ) Nil 7106-6CW 32 ^\ ilnut 51.00 1 Ann Chair to match. No 7106-5CM 32 M llioy ln\ $51.50 I No 7106-5CW/32 A\ alnut . . 50.50 1 A sensible Rocker built for comfort. It has an upholstered spring seat. The back and spring seat are covered with genuine brown Spanish or black leather, or tapestry. The back is 30 inches high. Arms are comfortably shaped. No. 6173-GrBO /32 Waxed oak $41.00 No. 6173-6UBM/32 Mahogany finished . . 42.S0 Unless tapestry is speclflefl, genuine Spanish leather will be sent. An attractive comfort Rocker with a high back that insures solid comfort. Made of solid oak or mahogany finish. Has a roomy spring seat. Botli the seat and l)ack are covered in genuine black or Spanish leather. Back is 251/2 inches high. No. 5922-6UBO /32 Waxed oak $33.80 S922-6UBM/32 Mahogany finish.... 35.00 A Rocker of striking design. The loose spring cushion seat is upholstered in genuine leather or tapestry. The back panel is of woven cane. The frame is of pleasing lines and very rigidly constructed. The back is of comfort- able height, 27% inches. The seat is 19>/c. inches wide. Made in solid oak or mahogany finish. No. 6221-eMCO /32 Waxed oak $40.50 No. 6221-6MClia/32 Mahogany finish.... 42.00 Unless tapestry is specified, g-enuine Spanish leather will be sent. Genuine Wilton Rugs We show these popular patterns of Genuine Wilton Rugs in fc ••epresented and ge' Imperial "B" Wilton Rug No. 5W-3118-1 Fringred Seven t*>enth r^ntury Ispahan d'^t^ign on a warm tai Center figures are rose, ecru, blue and brown. Is a rose ground flowing Ispahan motif. x54 in $ 19.00 36\63in. .S 3 I .OO SVi^lOi/a ft. . 175.00 6x9 ft. . .SI 14.00 9x13 ft.. 186.00 ll%xl3tt.. 256.00 -V, Hand Sewed, Double Knotted Linen Fringed Wilton Rug No. 5W-12011-4 .\ fine e.xample of modernized Kerman panel on a .Tnspe taupe ground, covered with beautiful Oriental floral work connecting the panels which are brought out in black, rose, blue and green. Si/ixlOVi ft $228.00 9x13 ft $240.00 ur qualities. Every rug shown is guaranteed to be just as >uine wool Wilton Imperial "A" Wilton Rug No. 5W-5501-I18 ■ ringed Here jou hav,- r, fine all-over I'lrsian design on a tan ground with medium size lisures in rose, blue, ivory and black. A Rug of practical design, suitable for any room in the home. 27x54 in...S 22.00 »«x63 in.S 3S.OO iVz^'Vi ft. .S 73.50 9\10yj ft 203 OO - 0x13 ft 2I3.50 ll'/4xl3 ft 294 OO ll'ivlj ft . $367.50 Hand Sevved, Double Knotted Linen Fringed Wilton Rug No. 5W-615-25 .Taspe ground with las repeating Ispaha of this l^.ug is a medium size modern Ispahan figures. Border n figure on gold ground. The color effect pure modern Persian with blue, rose, sage and ecru figures. 3«xG3 in S43.00 9x13 ft. . . .$260.50 Read "Facts About Rugs" in front of catalog Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs of Finest Quality We believe these four selections to be the choicest from the mill's offerings * ,ftv^^< <1 Ik? v^>^- # - ^ — ~ - ' ^ Wilton Velvet Rug No. 5W-3044 This is a Rug that will harmonize in any room of the house 1 nf the neutral decorative color effect. The main figures are of i slate blue, brown and ecru on a camel's hair tan ground. 2:-Xfi4 in S8.50 9-\12 ft S9 I .00 These Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs are all seamless. They i product of one of .America's largest and best organized factorie! all-wool wear-resisting nap is closely woven and cvenlv finished. A Stamltii Willon \eUt'l Rut, No. 5W-3043 nd o.)k Seamless Wilton Velvet Rug No. 5W-3042 A richly colored l;ug with all-nv.-r Indian head (igurfs of blu and olive. Connected with graceful flowing scrolls in the colors on a dark tan ground. Narrow gem-like border 27.\54 in $8.50 9x12 ft S9 1 .00 . , , , ted b\ suidUei lituus on a soft sea blue ground ,-^uiiuunded b\ llowing motif border on n deep blue ground 2-.\J4 in S8.50 3e.\-2in SIS. SO 9x13 ft S9 I .00 Each Seamless Rug is well upholstered and in our iudgment will give e.vceptional wear for the money for the reason that all the wool which forms the pattern is on the -surface. Seamless Wilton Velvet Rug No. 5W-3030 covfreJ hai nioniuu.sly blended Rug with figures ir x34 in S8.S0 9.vl3 ft S9 1 .00 We guarantee these to be the Finest Wilton Velvets. Order a small rug for sample. It will then be easy to sell the large sizes Read "Facts About Rugs," front of catalog We Offer Two Qualities in Axminster Rugs For extreme hai-d wear we recommend the higher quality but our lower priced Daltcrns are sold bv manv houses as their best grade Genuine Axminster Rug No. 5W-143T All-over IVrsiuii at•^;ign with tigui>-s in .■,■.1 and Kr.;en 37x54 in S8.00 9vl3 It $8 1.50 Axminster Rug No. 5W-146G Two shades of gray in the l.a.kKr- i>l, . M„venl i..nal figure ,,r iHcl. m.rn nil. I lilne, 37x54 ill S8.50 Hxi; fl $83. OO Axminster Rug No. 5W-690G A rerroauctlon ot in n iii| i 1 i ili ui 1 loi n at i 1 taut giuund The pattern 1-= a duphcite ut the old Ispahau d Mgns The Oi lental figures are coloied in a subdued mannei Hugs ol this nattein aie par tu-ulirU adapted lol the select and refined home 'ipeciallv lecom- menled tor use in pailois and living rooms 3:\(iO in. . $12.00 8>/ixl0% ft. .. $ I 05.60 flxI3 ft...SIII.OO Axminster Rug No. 5W-707T A conApntl n 1 n lllh nil il n rf 1 smill all i\ 1 carpet design m tun of pattein is used e\tensuel\ foi luinishii Iesi_n m floor Lo\elinK 27\0n in $12 OO 36v73 in S20.40 iV^^eVj ft $32. 70 SVixlOM: ft $I05.60 9x13 ft $ r I I .OO nund showing the effect se border. This type that require a siinple We do not handle inferior makes or qualities of rugs. We suggest your ordering a small rug and sell from it as a sample Read "Facts About Rugs," front of catalog Every Pattern of Linoleum on this page is GENUINE INLAID Prices are per square yard (not running yard) No. 390 Hamilton Inlaid— A Grade 2 yards wi.ie only Nil. 390— 2-y(l. I'er sq. yd S4.50 No. 5261 Acco Inlaid 2 yards and -I yards No. flSCl — 2-ya. . Per sq. yd.. No. -.261 — 4-yd, Per sq. yd.. .S3. 24 . 3.64 %>., V 4 1^. .. „ ..,-A.'*»*H^ . ^tM No. 3340 Fulton Inlaid— B Grade 2 yards and -1 yards wide No. 3340 — 2-yd. Per sq. yd $3.88 No. 3340 — 4-yd. Per sq. yd 4.30 No. 391 Hamilton Inlaid — A Grade 2 yards widfl ,>nly No. 301— 2-yd. Per sq. yd S4.50 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ No. 5080 Acco Inlaid 2 yards wide only No. 5080 — 2-yd Per sq. yd .S3.24 No. 3395 Fulton Inlaid— B Grade 2 yards wide only No. 3395 — 2-yd. Per sq. yd S3.SS No. 661 Parquetry Inlaid 2 yards wide only No. (ifll— 2-yd. Per sq. yd S5.34 No. 611 Parquetry Inlaid 2 yards wide only No. 611 — 2-yd. Per sq. yd S5.34 No. 852 Linoleum Rug No. 830 Linoleum Rug Cork Linoleum Art Rugs (not Inlaid) G\'l It. Kaeh $I7.S4 ■;i;..\I(M.. ft. ICaeh $26. OS O.vlSlt. Each $37.62 Above prices are for cut lengths. Write us for special prices in full rolls of 50 square yards; it means quite a saving NOTE — Linoleum cut according to order cannot be returned. See note front of catalog WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Group of Popular Rockers Tin- popiiUulty of these rockers is attributed to the high grade worltmaiiship and substantial fiiiisli embodied in their eoustruelion. 'I'liey are adapted especially for the home where comfort is desired. Each one is guaranteed by the manufac- turer to be as represented. PRICES EACH A well designed straight line chair. Fitted ith a motor cushion seat of genuine leather liinhr.l<5terins Seat 20 inches wide; oaoK it mchel high Made in oak only Either black or brown Spanish leather upholstering. No. S723-5MC/33 Oak, fumed $52.00 An artcraft rocker of straight design. Made in fumed oak, dull waxed golden if ordered. Either black or brown Spanish leather uphol- stering over motor cushion seat, which is 19 inches wide. Back is 21 inches high. No. 6227-6MC/33 Rocker $40.00 This rocker matches perfectly the chair of the same number. Made in fumed oak. dull waxed golden when ordered. Either black or brown Spanish leather upholstering over motor cushion seat. No. 5723-6MC/33 Oak, fumed $53.00 The simplicity of style in this rocker makes it especially popular. Made in oak or birch mahoganv. [las ,t smooth, well shaped saddle seat. 1:1 inrlii's wide. Back 24 inches high. No. 3748-6SO 33 Oak. polished $33.50 No. 3748-6SM, 33 Birch mahogany 35.00 Oak Rockers may be had in various finishes. Write for prices. Always state finish desired when giving number. A rocker of smooth lathe turned design. The wide arm rests are especially comfortable. Saddle seat 19% inches wide. Back 23% inches high. Made in oak or birch mahogany. No. 5278-6SO /33 Oak, polished $23.00 No. 5278-6SM/33 Birch mahogany 24.00 This comfortable rocker Is made in either oak or birch mahogany with a saddle seat. 20 inches wide. Back 23 inches high. No 5282-6SO /33 Oak. polished $24.25 No. 5282-6SM/33 Birch mahogany 25.50 THESE ROCKERS ARE RE.4.DY FOR DELIVERY' FROM CHICAGO FACTORY REFER TO FRONT OF BOOK BEFORE ORDERING FURNITURE WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Fine Line of Medium Priced Rockers A striking design in an upholstered rocker. Spring seat. Widtli of seat. 20 inches. Length of back. 2 9 >o inches. Made of seasoned oak or bircli mahogany. No. 6315-6trSO /34 Polished oak $54.00 No. 631S-6USM/34 Imitation mahogany. 56.00 This sensible rocker is* made of oak or birch mahogany. The seat, wliicli is ISi/^ inches wide, is made of built up \'eneer construction. Height of back. 25^,2 inches. No. 4025-6SO /34 Polished oak $26.00 No. 402S-6SM/34 Birch mahogany 27.50 THESE ROCKERS ARE SHIPPED FROM OUR CHICAGO FACTORY The Rockers illustrated on this page represent a selected group of well con- structed rockers, every one of which is made to stand up In workmanship and finish. Every piece is guaranteed by the manufacturers and is exactly as represent- ed. The styles are suitable for living room, parlor or den. PRICES EACH A fine appearing rocker with upliolstereds baclv and spring seat. Seat 19 1/^ inches wide.-] Back SfiiA inclies hlgli. May be had either in i poli.sh.-i] ci.ik or birch mahogany. No 4423-6UBO /34 Oak $59.00 No. 4423-6UBM/34 Birch mahogany 60.00 A comfortable rocker fitted with spring seat and upholstered back. May be had in either genuine oak or birch mahogany. Widtli of seat. 19 U inches: Iieight of back. 24 inches. No. 6107-6t7BO '34 Polished oak. genuine leather $39.50 No. 6107-6UBM/34 Birch mahogany, genuine leather 43.00 This rocker represents a remarkable value. It lias a leather upholstered spring seat, 19% ui' t I X widi The back is 26^^ inches hi,"'' Madi m I olished oak or birch mahogany. X(i 4423-6USO /34 Oak $47.00 Nn 4423-6USM/34 Birch mahogany ... 48.50 A well constructed rocker with leather up- holstered spring seat. Seat is 191/2 inches ivide: back 26% inches high. Made in polislied oaii: or bircli mahogany. No. 6108-6USO /34 Polished oak $37.00 No. 6108-6USM/34 Birch mahogany . . . 38.50 AVrite us for prices on other oak finishes. Always state number in full, and finish desired. KEAD rUBNITUBE SVCrGESTIONS IN FBONT OF BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Distinctive Davenport Tables We recommend tliese tables to our trade with full assuran< c of their being excellent in quality and correct in design. They are packed for shipment by the malters set up, as shown. F. O. B. CENTRAL INDIANA FACTORY Furniture of good taste and quality grows more valuable as the years go by, because of the sentiment of association. No. 740M/35 Davenport Table, English brown mahogany Top 22x7 2 inches. . $68.00 No. 744M/35 Davenport Table, English brown mahogany ,$96.00 Top, 22x7 2 inches. YOU WILL FIND OUR LINE OF DAVENPORTS VERY COMPLETE The beautiful chaste lines of our Table, No. 741, are sure to prove a source of growing pride as time adds to its value. No. 741M/35 Davenport Table, mahogany veneer $93.00 State finish desired. Top, 22x72 inches. Weight, 150 lbs. Read Instructions for Ordering Furnituie in Front of Book. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Davenport Tables and End Pieces The present day living room is not complete without the comfort and convenience of Davenport Tables and End Pieces. No. 4268-lM /30 No. 4268-1MD/36 Three-Piece Davenport Table American mahogany, polished .$72.00 American mahogany, dull finish 75.00 A LATE DESIGN in a three-piece davenport table in the beautiful Queen Anne period style. The delicate and re- fined design of the gracefully curved legs, com- bined with the neat, well proportioned stretcher, makes this table especially appealing. Designed especially for curved line and overstuffed daven- ports. The three pieces fit together perfectly to make a long complete table 66x20 Inches. They may be used separately or in pairs. Each end table is a very desirable console, wall or end table. Made only in polished or hand rubbed dull finished American mahogany. THE ITALIAN DESIGN lends an atmosphere of dignity and refinement to the home. The heavy substantial one-piece ends, with the carved design and the dependable stretcher, are evidence of its solidar- ity and strength. The refinement is apparent in the finish and moulded edges of the top, which is 60x20 inches. This table is made only in polished or hand rubbed dull Amer- ican mahogany finishes. Davenport Table No. 4258-lM /36 American mahogany, polished finish $57.00 No. 4258-1MD/36 American mahogany, dull finish 59.00 These Tables harmonize with our fine line of Davenports and Chairs. They are crated and shipped K. D. from our southern Wisconsin factory. The Italian design in an end table. Strong and well con- structed. The design and style Is similar to and matches the above davenport table. This table is 28 inches long, 13 inches wide and 26 inches high. No. 4263-lM /36 American mahogany, polished $25.00 No. 4263-1MD/36 American mahogany, dull finish 26.00 A very fine Tudor reproduction in an end table Designed especially for chairs or davenport ends. It is distinctive, orna- mental and serviceable. It is 2 8 inches long, 13 inches wide and 26 inches high. No. 4219-lM /36 American mahogany, polished $28.50 No. 4219-1MD/36 American mahogany, dull finish 29.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Italian Renaissance Davenport Tables THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE TERIOD DESIGNS are particularly effective in the styles illus- trated. The rich and stately appearance of these tables adds to the home and is greatly responsible for the increasing popularity of this style. This table is par- ticularly designed to fit gracefully into the smaller rooms of the modern home. The tapering, hand turned and fluted legs, with the moulded edge top, make a com- plete whole which harmonizes easily with all styles of davenports. Davenport Table Italian Renaissance. Top, 18x56 in. American mahogany, finished brown. Shipped K_D No. 2926M/37 American mahogany * • This Is An Especially EFFECTIVE ITAIjIAN DESIGN and represents a pleasant change from the usual four leg table type. It is a modification of the above table and designed for long daven- ports or rooms of larger dimen- sions. The design, with four well-shaped and tapering legs, is particularly attractive and adaptable for the most pretentious home. The finish is hand rubbed. No detail is overlooked in the con- struction or fine grade of work- manship, Davenport Table Italian Renaissance. Top, 20x72 inches. American mahogany, finished brown. Shipped K. D. No. 2935M/37 American mahogany $109.J THIS STATELY AND RICH RENAIS- SANCE DESIGN is a faithful reproduction of the carved marble table used in this period. It is formal and precise. In it the dignified Renaissance spirit appears in a manifesta- tion of unusual quality. The carved end legs are of massive proportions, as well as the moulded edge top, all of which give strength and solidarity, so much de- sired in the well appointed home. Davenport Table Italian Renaissance. Top. l.Sx66 inches. American mahogany, finished br No. 2922M/37 American mahogany Shipped K. D. $112.00 These Tabl&s are constructed by .skilled workmen in our Chicago fac- tory. They are packed and shipped from this factory. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Davenport and End Tables The gracefully curved Queen Anne period and the substantial rugged William a n d Mary period designs are the most popular styles among discriminating buyers of good furni- ture. This design har- monizes well with other furniture which graces the home. A very fine table with the graceful lines thoroughly carried out in every detail. The top, which is 6 6x20 inches, has a beautiful moulded scroU edge. It is iitted with a large drawer. The well shaped legs are braced with a strong shelf. Made in American walnut or mahogany No. 572W/38 American walnut c-r, -f, No. 572M/38 American mahogany ■'■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[['..['. '. ] '. 71.00 The designs shown on this page are par- ticularly adapted for davenports o f good dimensions. The Queen Anne blends well with the large overstuffed or massive davenports with smooth rounded lines. The William and Mary makes a pleasing combination with all other designs of more substantial appearance. Made in either Amer- ican walnut or mahog- any finished brown. A bold and strong design in the popular William and Mary style, top is 60x20 inches. It has a moulded edge top and slightly rounded ends. The stretcher is of a fine moulded edge construction and well designed. No. .582W/38 American walnut $55.50 No. 582iM/38 American mahogany 56 A William and Mary end table of great utility. Strongly constructed and shapely in style. Top is 30 inches long and 15 inches wide. No. 581\V/38 American walnut $24.50 No. 581M/38 American mahogany .... 25.00 This end table in the Queen Anne matches the davenport table. Well constructed throughout Top is 3 inches long and 15 inches wide. No. 583\V/38 American walnut $25 75 No. 583M/38 American mahogany '. . '. . 26.25 A well finished table in the curved Queen Anne style, Moulded edge. table top 6 0x20 inches with well shaped ends. A clean cut stretcher, which gives added rigidity to the table. No. No. 584W/38 American walnut 584M/38 American mahogany . . . 61 $60.50 'lie (loiiiaiul I'o WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY ^ ^ Real Values in Period Library Tables r the botter grades .,f living ."".n lu.uituie has resulted in the sh..wi..f; ot many attractive and serviceable tables, lour trade will appreciate the values offered below. PRICKS EACH. QITIiEN ANITE TABIii: W.> offer this table, as one of our best leaders. Material and work- iiKuisliip are exceptional for a table of the price. Size of top. 26x4- in. Jvo. 648G ,'39 Golden oak. higli finish *i,nn No. 648M/39 Adam brown mahogany -i^.uu ABOVE TABLES SHIPPED PKOM INDIANA FACTORY QUEEN ANNE TABLE A table of highest quality and of true artistic lint and finish exceptional. Size of top, 26x48 inches. No 638/39 Adam l.irown mahogany s. Workmanship $69.00 HEPPELWHITE A table that is proving a good seller wherever shown. Made in brown mahogany. Top, 24x44 inches. .I( KS EACH. MISSION' TABIiS This attractive Mission Table is made of a good grade quartered oak and can he supplied in fumed and waxed golden finishes. At our low price. Mualitv considered, it is a very good purchase. Specify finish wanted, yiiii.ping weight about 100 lbs. Top, 38x44 inches. No. 4147 41 (iolden oak. Price. . . . .- $40.00 No. 4147-6, 41 Fumed oak. Price 40.00 QUARTERED OAK MISSIOIT IiIBBABV TABIiI! veiv h iiid . 11] \li=;^ion Style Libi iiv Table Ihis tablr is invar ■hei 2 mi lies long ind J(j inches h s sj)ecit"\ finish wanted 4086 /41 Golden oak 4086-6 41 rumed u ik table of thi<^ soit is desired Top nde Supplied in fumed oi golen oak Shipping weight 105 lbs QUABTEBES OAK MISSION TABI^E A distinctive Mis.sicm Llluary Taijle. lias heavy legs, large shelf for books, magazines, etc., and deep drawer. Is made of quartered oak, richly finished in fumed and waxed golden. Top is 44x26 inches. A substantial well made table at a big saving in price. Specify finish wanted. Shipping weight, 110 pounds. No. 4149 /41 Golden oak. Price 349.50 No. 4149-6/41 Fumed oak. Price 49.50 QUABTEBED OAK MISSION TABIiE . plain but well made table of selected quartered oak. plank top. ). L'llxll inches. Weight, 120 lbs. Shipped K. D. from southern Wis- .'sin factory. 4086 /41 Golden oak $55.00 4086-6/41 Filmed o;ik 55.00 MOSEBN MISSION To those who demand the best we recommend this table as being entirely fitted for their needs. Made in quarter-sawed oak (any finish), built up oak drawer bottoms. Every detail given thorough attention. Top, 26x44 inches. Weight, 130 lbs. Shipped set up from Indiana factory. No. 695/41 Quartered oak (state finish) $60.00 If finish is not stated we send fumed waxed. MOSEBN MISSION A table slightly smaller than our No. 695, but equal in material and workmanship. Only selected quartered oak used. Built up drawer bottoms. A splendid table for any home. Top, 26x40 inches. Weight, 115 lbs. Shipped set up from Indiana factory. No. 674/41 Quartered oak (state finish) $44.50 Where finish is not stated we send fumed waxed. SEE INSTBUCTIONS FOB OBSEBING FUENITUBE IN FBONT OF BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Period Library or Living Room Tables The Tables Find Keady Sale Owing to Their Utility as Well as Good Appearance. Shipped Direct to Avoid Extra Cost and Damage. ADASI LIBRARY TABIiE In this handsome pattern we are able to offer a wonderful value in a correct reproduction of an Adam Style Library Table. The top meas- ures 44x26 inches with a large shelf underneath and a deep drawer. Antique mahogany finish. Shipping weight. 110 pounds. No. 4108-1/42 Price $52.00 WIIiIiIAia AND MARY TABI.E An attractive and well made table of unusual lines. Made in birch and gum mahogany by one of the best makers of moderate priced furniture. No. 4257-1/42 Antique mahogany. Top. 20x40 inches $37.0O Shipped K. D. Southei-n Wisconsin Factory. ADAM I.IBRABV TABIiE A splendid Library Table reproduced from the Adam period. Con- "^^SMI^ structed from quartered oak or genuine mahogany with a 45s2S-inch OUR SFECIAIi IiIVING- ROOIKI TABXiE ''^ '^ top. and heavy square legs. The large drawer is fitted with antique We take pride in this splendid example of what pulls. Tou will find it finely finished and of superior construction "^^'^ ^^ accomplished by a designer when he is ■Weie-ht T 4'i oniinds given free reign to create a living room table worthy of place in the weignc, 1*0 pounas. A^g^j home. Quality is also guaranteed fully. Top, 3nx.50 inches. No. 26610/42 Oak $90 00 No. 687 /42 Mahogany (dull) $90.00 No. 2661M/42 Mahogany 9100 ^''!, ^^^^^?^ Quartered oak 90.0a No. 2G61W/42 Walnut '...■.;'.'.:::;;:;; giloo W^t^U l ao^'lbs!" '"''"'' '''" ^'"PP-^^ '^"■<^'=t ^ ^"^ Indiana factory K. D. NOTE INSTRUCTIONS TOR PLACING FURNITURE ORDERS IN FRONT OP BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Pedestal Tables, Side Tables and Night Stands A "cueious showing of these very useful and niucli desiiecl pieces. F. (>. 15. Soutlicin Wisconsin and Indiana factories. Pedestal Table Antique mahogany finish only. Height, 3 6 inches. No. 6054-aM/43 Per pr. .$48.00 Pedestal Table Antique mahogany finish only. Height, 3 6 inches. No. 6056-2M/43 Per pr. .$48.00 Pedestal Table Antique mahogany. No. 6036-2M/43 Per pr. .$48.00 Jacobean or fumed quartered oak. No. 6036-2/43 Per pair . $46.00 Statp finish 13- Pedestal Table Antique mahogany finish, inch top. 36 inches high. No. 6038-2M/43 Per pr. .$54.00 Bed Table Bed Table shown at right is our highest quality hand made. Packed by makers and shipped from Indiana factory. No. 707-M/43 English brown mahogany. Each $24.00 No. 707-W/43 American wal- nut. Each $24.00 Shipped K. D. No. 707 Top, 16x16 inches. Side Table Side Table shown at left. These Queen Anne Tables will add to the comfort of any home. Well made and finished. Pol- ished top, 18x18 inches. No. 4197-1/43 Antique ma- hogany. Per pair $54.00 No. 4197-9/43 American wal- nut. Per pair $54.00 Shipped K. D. Xo. 779 Top, 14x16 inches. Side Table Side Table shown at right is well made and finished. A table that will be found very useful as well as an ornament in any home. Polished top, 16x16 in. No. 4134-1/43 Antique ma- hogany. Per pair $38.00 No. 4134-9/43 American wal- nut. Per pair $38.00 Shipped K. D. Bed Table Bed Table shown at left is our highest quality. Packed by makers. Shipped set up from Indiana factory. No. 779-M/43 English brown mahogany. Each $29.00 No. 779-W/43 American wal- nut. Each $29.00 No. 779-E/43 Ivory enamel. Each $32.00 SPECI.AL XOTE — Tables priced by the pair can be supplied singly at an additional cost of $2.00 List. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Telephone Stands— Ladies' Desks The growing demand for furniture tliat adds to the comfort, convenience ;ind appearance of tlie home prompts us to show these very appropiiate pieces. PRICES EACH F. O. B. Indiana and Southern Wisconsin Factories. Telephone Stand Well made and very serviceable. Will stand hard usage. No. 0002-1/44 Birch mahogany. . ..f!21.50 No. 6002-6/44 Fumed oak $21.50 Seat, 3 6x16 inches. Shipping weight, 50 lbs. Telephone Stand and Chair Complete Height, 35 inches; top, 17x22 inches. Mahogany finish. No. 375M/44 $43.00 Telephone Stand Folding chair. Very serviceable and compact, owing to chair arrangement. No. 6001 /44 Golden oak $24.00 No. 6001-6/44 Fumed oak 24.00 Top, 18x15 inches. Shipping weight, 45 lbs. High Grade Desks 1--^ ,^->-- l.aaies' Desks Ladies' Desks We offer this Louis XVI desk as one of our best examples of r^„„ t ti. ^^ ..■ ^ , , . high grade furniture. All construction is of the best Haidwood °^ ^^^ ''"'"'' attractive desks designed for use in the well drawer work with built-up mahogany bottoms Top '>0x40 in appointed home. Care has been used in every detail of construe- No. 879-M/44 Adam brown mahogany ' " si->4 00 ""'^ """"^ ''°'"' *'^'^® ''''" "^ "^^^ ^^^"^^^ '■" '^^^"^ '^''^- ^^""^^ '"^ No. 879-W/44 American walnut ....:.■.'.■ .' .' .' .' .' .' .' ." .' .' .' 124.00 ^'°^'' mahogany only. Size, 20x40 inches. No 879-E /44 Shaded ivory 128.00 ^°- *^2/44 Desk. Each $105.00 Shipped from Indiana factory. Weight, 115 lbs. " F. 0. B. Indiana Factory. Read Furaiture Suggestions in Front of Book. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Showing the Latest Ideas in Ladies' Desks You Bliould show this pagre to your customers who appreciate newness in furniture ana home furnishing'S. We feel safe in proaicting- many sales. Factory shipments to avoid extra costs and handling. £ASI£S' DESK Very tine quality and simple design. Height, 4G inches; width, 33 inclies. No. 27/45 Mahog- any $65.00 Sliipped from Illi- nois factory. The Table-Desk shown above is worthy your consideration, because of its unique construction, as well as beauty of line. We predict a heavy demand for this number. Top open, 22x36 inches. Top closed, 12x36 inches. Note small space occupied when not in use, owing to gate leg construction. No. 4164-1/45 Antique mahogany finish $74.00 No. 4164-9/45 American walnut 75.00 LIVING ROOM DESK A very sensible combination of library table advantages are readily appreciated by any one Inches, closed. Writing bed, 24x15 inches, appearance of a closed drawer. Shipped K. D. d deslv. Its many Size of top, 36x22 When closed desk has No. 4273-1/45 Antique mahogany finish $66.00 IiADIES' DESK A neat and useful t\ pe Top 36x22 u No. 4201-1/45 Antique mahogany . No. 4201-9/45 Ameiican walnut . Shipped fiom Wisconsin factoij I^ADIES' TABI.E DESK For neatness and service our No. 4117 is well chosen. Workmanship high grade. Top, 22x36 inches. Antique mahogany finish. Solid ma- hogany desk attachment. No. 4117-1/45 Antique mahogany $58.00 No. 4117-8/45 Quartered oak, Jacobean 58.00 I^IVINQ ROOM DESK Of similar lines but different period, our No. No. 4117. Same construction and dimensions, finish, solid mahogany desk attachment. No. 4115-1/45 Mahogany antique only $60.00 SEE rUBNITURE SUGGESTIONS IN PBONT OE BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Library Desks and Bookcases SHIPPED PROM II.I.INOIS PACTOBY COMBINATION DPSK No. 265Cr/46 Golden oaU S64.50 No. 26SP/46 Fumed oak 64.50 Substantially built of quartered oak: cup- board base. Height. 64 inches; width. .3.3 inches. Plain plate mirror, 12 x 14 inciies. Weight, 140 pounds. IiIBBAIlY' DESK No. 403Cr/46 Golden oak $103.70 No. 403r/46 Fumed oak 103.70 Stately Mission style, made of selected white oak in golden or fumed finish. Is 66 inches high and oS inches wide. Has double doors at top with a shelf for the storage of books. The desk compartment is wide, well arranged, and there's the drawers and a shelf in the base. A high grade piece at a low price. COMBINATION BOOKCASE No. 286/46 Price $96.00 Built of genuine seasoned oak in the golden finish. Is 40 inches wide and 68 inches high. The roomy book section has four adjustable shelves. There's a neatly shaped top and a French plain mirror. 32x6 inches. Writing compart- ment is conveniently arranged and there's a large cupboard in the base. Shipping weight, 160 lbs. Exceptional Examples of Fine Mission Desks SHIPPED FBOM INDIANA FACTOB'K' MISSION ST-SXE HOUSE DESK No. 886/46 Quartered oak. Mission finish $84.00 ■\'ery heavy substantial desk built from selected quarter-sawed oak. All finishes to order. Mission unless ordered otherwise. Width, as inches. Weight, 170 lbs. MISSION STYLE HOUSE DESK No. 885/46 Quartered oak, Mission finish $74.0O Extra well built desk in selected quarter-sawed' oak' ' AlV finishes rder._but shipped mission unless otherwise ordered. Width, 35 We Sht. 12.e; lbs SEE SUGGESTIONS ABOUT PUBNITUBE IN PBONT OP BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Bookcases of Guaranteed Quality at Lowest Prices p. O. B. niinois Tactory TSUI Bookcase. A Mission style Bookcase, 57 inches high and 39 inches wide. Can also be had iu the three-door size, which is 57 inches high and 47 inches wide. Is made of selected Quar- ter-sawed Oak in Fumed or Golden Oak finish. Construction is of the highest quality. Has adjustable shelves and five spacious compartments for books. Weight 120 and 130 lbs. No 777G/47 Golden Oak, two door size ... .$58.00 No 777P/47 Fumed Oak, two door size.... 58.00 No 778G/47 Golden Oak. three door size . . 69.50 No' 778r/47 Fumed Oak, three door size . . 69.50 Bookcase. Is 56 inches high, 25 inches wide, and can be furnished in Golden Oak.lFumed Oak or Imitation Mahogany finish. Where a small Bookcase is wanted that rep- resents high quality at a low price, we know of no better value than this. Shipping weight 90 pounds. No. 7556 /47 Golden Oak $33.00 No. 755r /47 Fumed Oak 33.00 No. 75SM/47 Mahogany Finish 33.00 Bookcase. Is made of selected Oak with a full quarter-sawed front, and can be furnished in Golden or Fumed finish as desired. It stands 57 inches high and 36 inches wide. Has a large rounded roll at the top and the doors are fitted with thick glass panels. The inside has four adjust- able shelves and will hold .about 165 average size books. Is finished and constructed throughout in a thorough, careful manner. Shipping weight 130 pounds. No. 741G/47 Golden Oak $46.50 No. 74ir/47 Fumed Oak 46.50 You will find these Six Bookcases Extra Special Values. Bookcase. A modem up-to-date design with a Mission ten- dency. Is made of seasoned White Oak with Quarter- sawed front, and can be had in Golden or Fumed finish as wanted. Is 57 inches high and 36 inches wide. Has thick glass door panels with an artistic wood lattice at top. Interior is fitted with four adjustable shelves on each side and it will hold about 165 average size books. In its pur- chase you get value, satisfaction, reliability and quality. No. 763Cr/47 Golden Oak $63.00 No. 763r/47 Fumed Oak 63.00 Bookcase. One of the most popular small Bookcases we have ever handled. Is made of seasoned Oak with Quarter-sawed Oak front and solid panel ends. The height is 57 inches and the width ?5 inches. Has four adjustable shelves and will hold about 115 average size books. Carefully madeand finished in every detail. Golden or Fumed Oat finish. Shipping weight 90 pounds. No. 776G/47 Golden Oak $38.00 No. 776P/47 Fumed Oak 38.00 Bookcase. A big, massive Mission Bookcase made of selected seasoned White Oak with quarter-sawed front and solid panel ends. Has two doors fitted with good locks and four adjustable shelves on each side. Will hold about 200 aver- age size books. The doors have thick glass panels with f.ancy wood lattice that greatly improves its appearance. Is 57 in. high, 42 in. widt md can be furnished in Golden or Fumed finish. A tnily remarkable val.'e in a strictly high grade Bookcase. No. 765G/47 Golden Oak *Z5'25 No. 765F/47 Fumed Oak 76.0O WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Pedestals and Smoking Cabinets These small pieces are used hugely for gift purposes. You will find tliem easy to sell if sliowTi on your floor. Prices F. O. B. Chicago or Southern Wisconsin factory. No. 6062-1/48 Same as No. 6062-2/4S. 24 inches high. Each . . ..$14.50 No. 6062-1 }^M/48 Same as No. 6062-2/4S. 30 inches high. Each . . .,$17.25 No. 6061/48 Same as No. 6061-2/48. 18 inches high. Each . . .$13.80 No. 6061-M/48 Mahogany. 18 inches high. Each . . . .$16.00 Pedestal Pedestal Pedestal 12-inch top. 36 inches high. 12-inch top. 3 6 inches high. 12-inch top. 3 6 inches high. No. 6063-2/48 $15.80 No. 6063-2/48 $18.00 No. 6061-2/48 $15.00 Quartered oak golden. Quartered oak golden. No. 6062-2M/48 $18.25 No. 6063.2M/48 Mahogany finish. Mahogany finish. Quartered oak golden. .$20.75 No. 6061-2M/48 $17.50 Mahogany finish. Smoking Stands and Cabinets \\.\K T.VX P.AID Smoking Cabinet Fumed oak. Height, 2 7 inches. No. 181/48 .$20.50 Smoking Cabinet Extra well made of quartered oak, fumed. Height, 28 inches; top, 111/2x11% inches. No. 158 /48 $25.50 No. 158M/48 Mahogany finish Smoking Stand Fumed oak. No. 167F/48 $7.80 Mahogany finish. Height, 31 inches. 27.50 No. 167M/48 .$7.80 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Popular Priced Novelties in Serviceable Furniture Prices Consideietl, Quality Will Be Foumt SatiNlactoiy. For IJetter GraiK- Slaiids tOiisult Out rciiod Fuiniliirc Pages. PKICKS FACH Shipped t'loiu Cliicas'o or Indiana I'acloiy. Height, 6 7 inches. Width of panels, 20 inches. Fumed oak. Filled with green or brown burlap, stenciled. Slagazine Stand Very substantial and fitted with drawer. Height, 3 6 inches; top, 15x20 inches. Quartered oak top. No. 748/49 Screen $31.00 No. 517F/49 Fumed oak «21.25 SCllEEN Height, 67 inches. Width ot panels, 20 inches. Fumed oak or mahogany finish. Beaver board. Tiffany finish. Stenciled. No. 788/49 Screen $21.00 USEFUL ARTICLES EVERY HOME TELEPHONE STAND AND CHAIR COMPLETE Height, 32 in.; top, 14x20 in. No. 373F/49 Fumed oak $21.90 Telephone Stand and Chair Complete Height, 33 in.; top, 16x20 in. No. 377/49 Fumed oak. Each .$25.50 Many Jewelers have found that by showing a line of these screens in their stores it has stimu- lated other sales in the furniture line. Screen Height, 6 7 inches. Width of panels, 20 inches. Fumed oak or mahogany finish. Beaver board. Tiffany finish. Stenciled. No. 790/49 Screen $21.00 BEAD PUENITUEE OBDEBING ITfSTRUCTIONS IN TRONT OT BOOK WE SELL STANDARD QUALI TY MERCHANDISE ONLY Music and Music Roll Cabinets the^erf^!. n !T"r ''""•'""' u" "'""" """" ''•'•"""*^ """^ "^'^ ^'^ '*''^'^"« ^"^^^ «»•« selected as being the best for practical use as weU as appearance. Shipped from Cbicago. PRICES FAPH MUSIC CABINET f,r^?r?.'f,. ^ i-are value in a combination music ^f 'i„„'®,oi°",''i','""<''- Height, SSI inclies. Size ot top. IDij.xl.'-i mclies. Capacity, 12 com- partments tliat will hold over 90 player rolls or can be used for sheet music. All finishes! 'T'liippmg weight, 100 pounds ^'o|lO/|0 Golden oak $Sl.oo No. 41M/S0 MHhoganv 5100 No. 41-W/SO Walnut ... sioo MUSIC CABIMXT vith An ine.\-pensive music cabinet. 43 Inches high 19x1 4-inch top and a French mirror hes. Interior has six compart- usic. All oak. mahogany or plate 16x4 ments for sheet walnut 75 O /50 75M /50 75W/50 Golden oak Mahogany . Walnut ; . . . $25.50 , . . . 25.50 25.50 MUSIC CABINET An attractive cabinet that can be used for sheet music or player rolls. Height. 40 inches Size of top. 2iy,xl6y2 inches. Capacity, 10 compartments that will hold over 90 player rolls ot average size. All finishes to select trom. Sliipping weight, 100 pounds No. 40O/50 Golden oak er height, and vice versa. The "Duplex" contains positively no delicate mechanism. It cannot get out of order and is so simple a child may operate. All "Duplex" benches are especially staunch in construction. Built in good generous si.es, and the designs are ^^^'J^'^^H beautiful. TOPS are special 5-ply cross-banded veneered The seat is tastefully upholstered on the player side to the exact proper height and slant; maroon being used to match mahogany and russet with walnut and oak. Finished beautifully rubbed and polished, and will be genuinely appreciated in any home. A trial order will thoroughly convince you that in the "Duplex" you have found, at last, the perfect combination bench. Another splendid combination piano and player bench When the Wnged top is lifted and the center panel revolved, it mstantly converts at will from player position to piano position, or vice versa Is 20 y. inches high for piano, and is upholstered on player Lde in maro'on for mahogany and russet for wamut or oak_ Has a double cross-banded top, size 36x15 inches, rubbed and polished. ,, , $31.00 No. 45M/51 Mahogany 32 OO No. 45G /51 Oak g^'so No. 45W/51 Walnut WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY TEN YEAR GUARANTEE Kohlmann Colonial Grand TEN YEAR GUARANTEE PIANO OUR HIGHEST QUALITY KOHLMANN PLAYER PIANO We have every reason to believe this new model shown for the first time last fall is to prove the most popular Kohlmann we have produced. The plain, yet artistic lines of the cabinet appeal to all who know the value of simplicity in home furnishings. Not only has careful attention been given to the beauty of the case, but every detail of con- struction, both of case and instrument, was worked out after months of careful study and research. As we can supply the Colonial Grand, either as a regular piano or as a player piano, we give the following details of construction which applies to both. Detail— Case of highest construction from thoroughly seasoned kiln dried materials and DOUBLE veneered throughout. Full Colonial trusses. Veneered pilasters and mouldings. Selected mahogany, quarter-sawed oak or fancy birch walnut used exclusively. Seven and one-third octaves. Three strings in unison and over- strung bass, nickel- plated brackets, double repeating sticker ac- tion on capston screws, full bell metal bronzed plate, bushed tuning pins, pin block made of several layers of hard rock maple, direction of grain alternating successively, convex re- inforced sounding board crowned the old- fashioned way, import- ed wire. California sun-bleached felt ham- mers and ivory keys. Empire top. TONE QUALITY AND ACTION By the use of only the best grades of all materials and absolute scientific construction we have obtained an action that is perfect in every detail. The purity and sweetness of tone is but the na- tural result of the ex- treme care used in the Kohlmann factory. Height, 4 ft. 8 in.; length, 5 ft. 2 in.; depth, 2 ft. 3 Weight, 900 Ib.s. (player). THE INCREASED DEMAND FOR PLAYER PIANOS With the perfection of the player piano has come a demand not only from the homes, where no member of the family is an accom- nprh.lT"""^' . f ° ^'""^ P'"''"''' '^^° ^"^ "^P^^'^ °^ P'^y'"^' as 't is now realized that what was once an instrument for one or perhaps two of a fam.ly is now a source of pleasure to all as any one may enjoy the latest musical hits of the year. COLONIAL GRAND PIANO Use these numbers for Plain Pianos. No. 52M /52 Mahogany $620.00 No. 52W/52 Walnut 640.00 No. 52G /52 Golden oak 620.00 No. 52E /52 Dark English oak 620.00 Piano bench to match free with each piano. COLONIAL GRAND PLAYER Use these numbers for Player Pianos. No. 140M /52 Mahogany player $904.00 No. 140W/52 Walnut player 924.00 No. 140G /52 Golden oak player 904.00 No. 140E /52 Dark English oak player 904.00 Piano bench and six music rolls free with each piano. See instructions for ordering furniture in front of book. SELL STANDARn QUALITY M E R C H A NDJ. S E ONLY Kohlmann Player Pianos ),„• (i,a..a iMul ( abiuet O.an.l I'laycrs are- tl.e best value on the market today. We ask a careful comparison of construction details and general appearance witli otlier players costing 25 per cent more. KOHXMANN GRANP PLAYER Features of all our Players: Five-point Fric- ^ionless Motor; Divided Hammer Kail; Gradu- ated Lever Expression; Scientifically I'erfect Player Action; Positive Governor that insures pcvlVct tempo; Special Transp;)sins' Device that regulates tt)ne to five ditterent keys for vocal accompaniment. WHY YOU SHOULD SELL PIANOS Our records of sales are proof positive of the high quality and merit of the Kohlmann Pianos. We have customers who have sold the Kohlmann for the past ten years, meeting every kind of competition, and are today meeting the great success in the piano field. Jewelers are rapidly coming to realize that pianos are easily sold if displayed in their stores. Many jewelers do not carry a stock, but take orders from the one or two samples carried. This means a handsome profit at the end of the year from a very small investment. All Kohlmann Pianos are noted for their fine workmanship and tone qualities. Specifications — Newly designed handsome case, fin- ished in mahogany and selected quartered oak, witli sliding doors. Colonial trusses and pilasters. Seven and one-third octaves. Three strings in uni- son and overstrung base, full bronze plate, bushed tuning pins, nickel-plated brackets, double repeating action, pin block made of several layers of hard rock maple, direction of grain alternating successively, convex sounding board, imported wire, and Empire top. Height, 4 feet fl inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches: depth, 2 feet 5 inches. Shipping weight about 900 lbs. No. 91M /53 Mahogany $770.00 No. 91W /53 Walnut 790.00 No. 91G0 /53 Golden oak 770.00 No. 91DE/53 Dark English oak 770.00 War tax included. KOHLMANN CABINET GRAND PLAYER Case is of attractive proportions and delightfully symmetrical. The round hand carved trusses with pilasters to correspond bestow a noticeable air of grace to the architecture. Trusses have molded ba.ses and carved caps. Upper panel is relieved by smaller center panel in center of which is sliding door cover- ing music roll. Inside of case veneered in white maple. Has Empire top and "grand" hinges. Back is our regular sturdy and durable construc- tion. Six heavy posts give a wall of strength to the instrument. The ribs and sounding board of choicest northern spruce. Sounding board specially crowned to sustain string pressure and maintain lasting tone. Pin block of several layers of quarter-inch quarter- sawed Adirondack rock maple, direction of grain of each layer, alternating successively with the next. Interior specifications embrace brass flange action of exceptional quality and great responsiveness; copper-wound brass strings; music wire and tuning pins of finest imported quality, imported 14-pound hammers; three pedals; absolutely noiseless metal trap work; fine ivory keys. Scale is exceptionally well balanced and acoustic quality is grand. Has a beautiful and sonorous tone of exceptional sweetness. Player Attachment: SS note. All standard music may he used. Height 4 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet 3 1/2 inches. Shipping weight about 950 lbs. No. 197M /53 Mahogany $830.00 No. 197W /53 "«'alnut 850.00 No. 197GO/S3 Golden oak 830.00 No. 197DE/S3 Dark En.glish oak 830.00 War tax included. Special Offer: With each Kohlmann Player Piano we will include high grade Player Bench to match piano, and Six Standard Perforated Music Eolls Free. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Carmen Phonographs For large volume of tone and luxurious appearance we suggest our Carmen Model A, shown below (from actual I photograph). The Model A has all the refinement one would expect in a high grade musical instrument, and it is entirely fitting that such a masterpiece will fit in the most carefully appointed home. Its noiseless motor, wonderful tone qualities and graceful cabinet will please your select trade. CARMEN PHONOGRAPHS are built under our direct supervision and every de- tail must come up to a set and rigid standard. High Quality is the result and our rapidly increasing sales prove we are right in our careful inspection. Tone Quality All phonographs look more or less alike, but there is a vast difference in their reproducing qualities. We own the Carmen reproducer (pat- ent pending) and this wonderful sound box, combined with our spe- cial built amplifying tone chamber, gives the Car- men its place among the world's best musical in- struments. The best proof of Carmen superi- ority is our hundreds of satisfied customers, who are each month increas- ing their orders. You owe it to your customers to demonstrate the Car- men in your store. CARMEN PHONOGRAPHS have won their present '■ high position among the I world's best musical in- struments because of Cabinet Work All cabinets are hand made of best selected materials. Piano hinge, self-supporting cover, four needle cups, artistic grill. Beautiful design of entire cabinet. Motor Equipped with silent running, noiseless wind- ing, precision made triple spring motor. Tone Modifier Control of volume as desired. Reproducer Carmen Special (pat- ent pending). Tone Arm Adjustable to play all makes of records. GUARANTEE We guarantee every Carmen to be free from any defect in workman- ship. Jlodel A — Height, 51 inches; width, 22 indies; depth, 24 inches. No. A165/54 Nickel plated trimmings $191.50 No. A180/54 Gold plated trimmings. .$213.00 NOTE THESE SPECIAL FEATURES Noiseless winding and running motor. Five-ply laminated veneer. Selected figured panels. Double diaphragm reproducer. Indicating speed control. Sustaining cover support. IMPORTANT Unless otherwise ordered we always ship mahogany. Felt-lined motor board. Dust-proof construction. Spruce tone chamber. Special tone modifier. Automatic stop. Best grade hardware. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Phonograph Sells During All Seasons Which makes it one of the most desirable additions to the jewelry store. We believe every jeweler should make efforts to broaden his line so as to have continuous sales. It is certain he has every right to so broaden his lines, as almost all other merchants have tried to include jewelry in their business. The Carmen is easy to sell in competition with other phonographs, be- cause by comparison your customers are convinced of its better tone, ex- tremely smooth repro- duction, as well as su- perior finish and general appearance. All you need to make a test of its selling quali- ties is a machine on your floor 1 demonstrate. Why not order a Carmen today? CARMEN Model K125/55 Description — Made in genuine mahogany, fumed and golden oak. Heavy five-ply laminated veneer on all sides and back; mahogany is pol- ished, oak is dull fumed or polished golden. Equipped with genuine spruce tone chamber, double diaphragm repro- ducer (patent pending), double spring silent run- ning motor, automatic stop, four needle cups, modifier, speed regulator, casters, automatic cover support and record com- partment. Model K145/15 Same as above, with gold plated trimmings and triple spring motor. Model K — Height, 47^^ inches; width, lOii inches; depth, 321^ inches. No. K125/55 Nickel trimmings $142.50 No. K145/55 Gold plated trimmings. .$170.20 SPECIAL NOTE Unless otherwise ordered, we always ship mahogany. Ciit to left shows posi- tion of reproducer for playing' Edison and Pathe records. Hill and Sale. C^it to right shows posi- tion of reproducer for Victor, Columbia, Emer- son and lyric records, lateral Cut. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Our New Queen Anne Period Console Carmen Made in Selected Figured Mahogany or Walnut By Expert Cabinet Makers. Carved Trimmings. Embellished With Hand DEMAND There is a constant grow- ing demand for Console Style Phonographs, and we feel very fortunate in being able to offer our Carmen custom- ers this Queen Anne Model. Note the graceful lines and general good taste in make-up. We feel sure you will find a ready sale for our latest addi- tion to the Carmen line. No. M250/56 Mahogany, nickel trimmed $335.00 No. M275/56 Mahogany, gold trimmed 372.25 Dimensions — Height, 36 inches; width, 30 i inches; depth. 23^/2 inches. EQUIPMENT Queen Anne Console has divided top, one-half lifting to give access to motor turn- table. The other top half be- ing permanently closed allows access to records thru door at front. Our well known 3- spring motor and other de- pendable features of the Car- men make it one of the best equipped table style machines on the market. No. W275 '56 Walnut, nickel trimmed $354.00 No. W300/ 56 Walnut, gold trimmed 391.50 Model B CABMEN FAKI.OB CABINET Gold Plated Triiniuings Triple Sprinsr Motor No. B155,56 J.ist I'liif $187.50 CABMEN FABIiOB CABINET Nickel Plated Trimming-s Double Springf Motor No. B140/56 List price $166.00 Equipped with silent running, noiseless winding, precision made spring motor. Cabinets are made of genuine mahogany. Heavy five-ply laminated veneer is used for all side panels and top of cover. Balance of cabinet is made from solid stock. The mahogany cabinets are made in dull satin finish and beautiful piano polished. The oak cabinets are made in dull fumed and polished golden. All cabinets are equipped with felt lined motor board, thus insuring quiet running and makmg them absolutely dust-proof: genuine spruce tone chamber: double diaphragm repro- ducer (patent pending); four needle cups; modifier; speed control; automatic stop and cover support: casters and record compart- ment. Dimensions — Height. 49 inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 23^/4 inches. CABMEN MODEI^ D Made in genuine mahogany only. Equipped with our spruce tone chamber, double dia- phragm reproducer (patent pending), double spring silent running motor, needle cups, speed regulator and removable grill. Dimensions — Height. IS inches; width, IS inches; depth, 23 Indies. No. D48/56 List price. . $78.50 No. 1/56 Sapphire Ball for Pathe records. Each $0.85 No. 2/56 Loud, medium, soft and extra loud fine English steel needles. 10 packages ( 1.000 needles) $1.40 100 packages (10,000 needles) 11.00 No. 3/56 Sapphire needle for Edison records. Each $0.85 LYRIC RECORDS Write for latest lists witli dealer' I)rices, etc., etc. Model I Finest finish and best o't workmanship throughout. Made in mahogany finish only. Equipped with genuine spruce tone chamber, double diaphragm reproducer (patent pend- ing), doul3le spring silent running motor, three needle cups, speed regulator, casters and rec- ord compartment. Dimensions — Height, 46 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 20 inches. We have a limited quantity only of Model I in birch mahogany. Has all Carmen features. Our special offer (quantity limited). No. 1/56 List price $104.50 WE SELL STANDARn QUALITY M E R C H ANJ3_I_SE__0JiLJ^ Polychrome Finished Lamps The group of Lamps illustrated on this page are designed to supple- ment and complete our full line of lamps. Each of these lamps is dis- tinctive to the most minute detail. The splendid and elaborate designs and the color harmony in the finish have been responsible toi the increasing popularity of these articles. Each is hand made and finished throughout. "•>•*»**"*■!•'*' N The R e a d 1 n S Lamp is designed especially for the large, comfortable rocker or daven- port. It gives a splendid light for reading purposes. The shade is made of silk. No. 93/57 Shade only $12.75 No. 303/57 Lamp stand only. $47.00 No. 93-303/57 T^amp complete . .$59.00 TABI.£ LAMP No. 251/57 . .$24.C0 TABLE LAMP Co. 144/57 . .$25.00 TABLE LAMP ,'o. 244/57 . .$24.00 DESCRIPTION OP SHADES All Shades are made from best selected Cheney silk materials with deep fringe 6 to S inches. Silk lined for best lighting effects. Come in regular colors; Blue, rose, orange, gold and champagne. If color not specified we send best suited to harmonize with lamp. The workmanship on these shades is the very best. The large shades are 26 inches. Reading lamp shade, 12 inches. Table lamp shades. 20 and 22 inches. DESCRIPTION OP LAMPS Lamps are made of special fibre composition finished in beautiful Polychrome colors and gold. Lower lamps are two light with pull chain. Reading lamp one light. Art work and general effect the very best. Average height, 68 inches for floor lamps and 28 inches for table lamps. One of the very latest designs in this art work. It is a splendid piece adapted for many purposes — the man- tel, staircase, re- ception hall or parlor. No. 309/57 C o m- plete a s illus trated . . . $65.00 No. 309P/57 Floor lamp stand t o match . . . .$42.50 ^ssafw*-. FLOOR LAMPS No. 897-305/57 Floor lamp complete. Price $112.00 No. 897/57 Silk shade only $69.50 No. 305/57 Stand only $43.00 PLOOR LAMP lo. 894-300/57 Floor lamp complete. .$122.00 lo. 894/57 only .... Silk shade $78.00 No. 300/57 Stand only. Price $45.00 FLOOR LAMP No. 900-301/57 Floor lamp, complete .$140.00 No. 900/57 Silk shade only $100.00 No. 301/57 Stand only. Price $42.50 No. 897-305/57 No. 894-300/57 Our pag-e of sug-gestions is profitable to the careful buyer. No. 900-301/57 WE SELL STANDARD Q UALITY MERCHANDISE ONL Late Designs in Mahogany Lamps f POBTABIE OB TABIE lAMPS, AMERICAN MAHOGANY ONLY No. 2018/58 28-iii.. 2- No. 2034/58 27y2-iii.. 2- No 2105 58 24-in 1 lio-ht pull cliam sockets. .>;-ft. pull chain .sockets, .^i-ft. push slid, socket 5?ft lamp cord. Each ... .$18.50 lamp cord. Each .... $13.50 coid Each $925 Complete L a m p as shown. Shade 22 niches, plain shirred silk bro- caded galloon on bottom collar. Plain silk lined. Trimmed with silk and metal braid, 6-inch fringe with pinked skirt. Colors; Blue, wistaria or rose. Complete lamp and shade. No. 2095-23/58 $41.75 No. 2095/58 only . . . . Stand No. 23/58 Silk shade only $25.50 Above shade is covered with silk, panels alternating taffeta silk puffed and stretched smooth, trimmed with silk braid and 4- inch silk fringe. No. 92/58 X 2-inch $19.00 Reading Lamp is lathe turned from American mahogany. Heavy base with wires running through stand in heavy pipe tubing. Gracefully curved shade bracket witli adjustable socket. No. 2041/58 $24.75 iLSADINCr I.AMF SHADES Covered Geisha Regular co No. 121/58 ■inch $11.50 WIDE SELECTION Mahogany Floor Lamp Stands American mahoganv only; brush bras.o fix"- tures; 2 - pull chain regulation sockets. No. 2042/58 $15.50 .American mahogany; brush brass fixtures, 2 - pull chain regula- tion sockets. No. 2005/58 . . . .$21.00 American mahoganv: 2 - pull chain socket, brush finish, 6S inches high. S feet of cord. No. 2007/58 . . . .$27.50 Solid in ihii,an\ brusli 1)1 iss fixtures 2 - pull chain legula- tion socket No. 2044M/58 . $28.00 SEE PAGE 59 rOB OUB COMPIETE LINE OP LAMP SHADES ihnsanv; blush bliss fixtuies. 2 - pull Cham legula- tion socket No 2066M/58 . .$33.e0 American mahogany; brush brass fixtures. 2 - pull chain regula- tion sockets. Height, 68 inches. No. 2037/58 $26.00 SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Silk Shades of Quality and Refinement 'C^'-' Silk bunbuist, aULiuiiLd with aliuit-d p\iiuls in top Squaie of Chinese embioidei\ alter- nated with sunbui'itb on collai Plain silk lin- iig with intei lining to pioduce best lighting fleets. Silk braid, heavy gold galloon, double 5-inch silk fringe, .silk tassels, Chinese motifs Dn top. Colors: Rose, gold, mulberry, blue md champagne. No. 3/59 24-inch, for floor lamp S76.00 Thiv M II Hid may be used aUx uit loe-.nisU m min^ positions It Is co-vered with Geisha silk and lined with high ferade sateen The tiimmings are silk biaid and galloon vnth a long 6-inch silk fiinge and skirt. Regulai colois No. 41C/S9 22 inch *iZ'?2 No. 41A/59 26 inch 25.50 A beautiful silk covered and silk lined shade. It is trimmed in silk and tinsel. Well braided. Bach oblong sunburst has a French flower medallion on its center, and alternates with the fancy strip galloon. Four-inch silk fringe. Made in regular colors. No. 61D/59 20-inch, for table lamp $23.00 No. 61B/59 24-inch, for floor lamp 35.00 A handsome shade, attractive because of its simplicity and color harmony. It is one of our finest shades. It is lined with heavy silk to produce a very fine lighting effect. The trimming is of silk and silk braid, and has a diuible hea^-y fimr-inch siMv fringe. It may li..- had hi Ihc regular colors. Xo. 54C/59 22-inih $38.00 No. 54A/59 2r.-in.h 51.50 In this attiiitn, .1. si^n the silk sunbursts alteinate with Cheney iJios bi beaded silk and Fiench iibbon design It is trimmed with silk biaid fancj ornaments on sunbuists and has a double heavy 5-inch silk fringe. Made in regular colors. No 85C/59 22-inch, for table or junior floor lamp 543.00 No. 85A/59 2(;-inch. for floor lamp 57.00 This striking design is covered with Geisha silk, alternated with fancy sweet briar lining. It is trimmed in elaborate silk woven braid, and has a 6-inch silk fringe. At points of alternation it has long chenille tassels and skirt. Regular colors. No. 22C/59 22-inch, for table or junior floor lamp $31.00 N'o. 22A/59 26-inch, for floor lamp 42.00 An odd style which will be very popular. Plain silk sunbursts alternated with figured Chinev Bros, satin. It is lined to produce the best lighting effect. Trimmed with silk braid and has a French rosette on each sunb^irst. Completed colors. No. 124D/59 No. 124B/59 with a 5-inch fringe. Regular 21 inch .$25.50 . 38.00 ■''oj W Chenev Geisha silk with sateen lining for best lighting effect. Trimmed with tinsel braid and 4-inch chenille fringe. Colors: Blue, rose, gold and hurnt orange. No. 12D/59 20-inch $15.00 No. 12B/59 24-inch 22.00 A popular pattern with heavy chenille fringe and tassels. Silk covered with high grade sateen lining. The Geisha silk panels alternate with plaited Geisha silk braid used through- out. Regular colors. No. 7D/59 22-inch $17.00 No. 7A/59 2 6-inch 25.50 A pleasant curved line design. Long 4-inch chenille fringe. Covered with Cheney Bros. Geisha silk and lined with English sateen. Trimmed with tinsel galloon, and flower orna- ments. Regular colors. No. 14D/59 20-inch $14.00 No. 14B/S9 24-inch 21.00 In this prclly d,;s;gn the sulid color silk sun- bursts alternate with fancy Cheney Bros, satin panels. The shade is silk lined and trimmed with silk braid and galloon. Each sunburst has a French rosette on its center. The fringe is 5 inches long. The tassels are also of silk. Regular colors. No. 125D/59 20-inch $24.50 No. 125B/59 24-inch 36.50 Silk poplin coveiing plain oi cietonne lined. Silk 01 metal braid trimming, with 4-inch silk fringe. Colors: Rose, gold, mulberry and blue. No. 20D/59 20-inch $ 9.50 No. 20B/59 24-inch 14.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUA LITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Louis XVI Suite (Supreme) On these t wo pages .ve show o„r highest grade period Bedroom Suite. You shouhl take advautage of the supreme quality aud beaut; of tliis magnifltent suite iu recommending it to your lilghesl class trade. We assure you that no effort has been spaied to make up every detail in sucli a manner as to meet the mosi critical inspection. This suite is packed and shipped onlj under direct supervision of factory experts. F. O. B. Central Indiana Factory. No. 1279E /60 No. 1279M /60 No. 1279\V/60 Dresser Shaded ivory, as shown $234.00 English brown mahogany 218.00 American walnut 218.00 Top, 22.X4S In. Mirror, 30x3 8 in. Chiftorette No. 1379E /60 Shaded Ivory, as shown.. No. 1379M /60 English brown mahogany No. 1379W/60 American walnut Top, 2 2x3 6 In. .$174.00 . 108.00 . 168.00 Xight .Stand U„„, j,,,^ gg^, No. 779E /60 Shaded Ivory, as shown $32.00 No. 79E /60 Shaded ivorv as shown «io.inrt No. 779M /80 English brown mahogany 29.00 No. 79M ^OO English bi own mahogany ^Isl" OO No. 779AV/60 American walnut 29.00 No. 79W;60 Amerfcan wIlnuT '^ llsoo Top, 14x16 m. Head, 53 In.; foot, 34 In.; rails, 721/2 in.; slats, 54 'in! BEAD OUB TAGS OP rUBlTITUBE SUGGESTIONS WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Louis XVI Suite (Supreme) U By refeirins to our Bedioom riwiir I'aK.s, .your < usloiiuis may sol.-, t nter French plain plate mirror is 22x14 inches, the two panel mirrors 22x7 Inches. Three built-in bottom, dove-tail constructed drawers. Weight, 110 lbs. BEDROOM BOCKER Xn. 7505-3W /67 Black walnut $35.00 Xo. 7505-3M /e7 Mahogany ( brown ) . 34.00 No. 7S05-3MA/67 Mahogany (antique) 34.00 BEDROOM CHAIR To Match No. 7505W /67 Black walnut $34.00 No. 7505M /67 Mahogany (brown) . . 33.00 No. 7505M&/e7 :\rahogany (antique) . 33.00 Cane seat and back panel. CHlrrORETTE No. 81W /67 Black walnut $131.50 No. 81M /67 Mahogany (brown) 128.50 No. 81MA/67 Mahogany (antique) 128.50 The molded edge top measures 36 inches long and 20 inches wide. It is 54 inclies high. The upper cabinet contains three smoothly sliding travs. The drawers aie nf dove-tail built-up con- struction. A\ I i^hl I ill His The refined simplicity predoininatins ill the delicate ciii'ves and moulded edges .show.s tlie Queen Anne style at its hest. Tt is one of the most popular designs ainont> buyers of good furniture. BENCH No. 6S95-35-W /67 Black walnut . .$27.50 No. 6595-35M /67 Mahogany (brown) .... 27.00 No. 6595-35MA/67 Mahogany (antique) . . . 27.00 Molded pdsre frnme and cane seat. DRESSER n SOW /67 Black walnut *oi?'2S M, 80M ,'67 Mahogany ( brown ) oScJ«? o. 80MA/67 Mahogany (antique) .ioo.uo The molded edge top is 50x23 inches. The hand turned lirmr posts support a framed French plain mirror. 4qxdU II lus. The overall height is 69 inches. '^'-- iin and dove-tail construction used in height, 220 lbs. QUEEN ANNE BED No. 83W /67 Black walnut $118.00 No. 83M /67 Mahogany (brown ) i}*-„° No. 83MA/67 Mahogany (antique) '■}^-?Y Regular size. 4 feet 6 inches wide. Height — Headboard, 56 inches; footboard, 3S inches. Weight, 150 lbs. May be had in the 3 ft. 3 in. or twin size. Take Advantage of Our Method— Read the Suggestions on the Front Page WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Post Colonial Style To meet the deinand for the Old Colonial Style of fuinituie, with its substantial yet pleasing lines, we by an authority on fnniituro of that period. We believe you will find it one that will meet with the instant this suite is made special for us by t h e makers of o u r Louis XVI (Supreme) suite you ai'e assured of its high qual- ity and finish of detail. Quality consid- ered, the price is \ery low. Shipped from factory. Packed by makers. P. O. B. Indiana. have had ai>proval this suite of your ti designed ade. As No. 1326M/fi8 Top, No. 1236M/68 iMahogany veneer (dull or polished) 2.3x44 inches; mirror, 2Sx34 inches. Mahogany veneer (dull or polished) , Top, 2 4x4 8 inches; mirror, 3 0x3 6 inchfs. ..$1«8.00 .$1!)4.00 XOTK: Oonot fail to state fin- ish — dnll or pol- ished. No. 1336M/68 Mahogany veneer (dull or polished ) $148.00 Top, 21x34 inches; mirror, 18x24 inches. Dressing Table No. 436M/68 Mahogany veneer (dull or polished) . . .,$130.00 Top, 20x40 in.; mirrors, (one) 16x22 in., (two) 8x22 in. Bed No. 36M/68 Mahogany veneer (dull or polished) $102.00 Height, 63 inches; slats, 54 inches; posts, 3% inches. Twin Beds No. 36J2M/68 As above; slats, 3 9 inches. Price, per pair. .$200.00 Read instructions in front of book before ordering furniture. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITy MERC HANDISE O N L Y Solid American ^ Hand rubbed finish. Three-ply construc- tion. Dust proof. An- tique brass trim. A beautiful set at a mod- erate price. An interesting feature of this suite is that the josts, front and back and entire toilet, as well as the ops and fronts are solid walnut. This feature elimi- lates comparison with other suites having green posts nul toilet. This is the genuine old-time walnut, so lighly prized as valuable cabinet wood. No. 4033 14 AD/69 Dresser .$118.00 Top, 4 2x20 inches SHIPPED FROM CmCAGO Plate mirror. 24x30 inches. No. 503314/69 Table DRESSING TABLE Top, 33x19 inches. Mirrors, 10x20 and 7x18 inches. Top, 33x18 inches. Mirror, 16x20 inches Bed, full size, 41/2 ft. wide. $99.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Queen Anne Suite A new and very desirable suite made in mahogany veneer finished brown, American walnut veneer or ivory enamel. F. O. B. Chicago. Consti'uction — Draw- ers dove-tailed, front and back, bottoms 3- ply and cased in. Nice- ly finished inside. Backs are full panel 3- ply. Dust-proof parti- tions between all draw- ers. Dressing Table With three mirrors to match. No. N38I3/70. $109.00 State finish. Top, 20x38 inches. Mirrors — One, 14x24 inches; two 8 x 20 inches. Straight Knd Bed, also Small Size Dresser on special order. Write for prices. Dull flnisM Dresser Made in mahogany veneer, finished brown, American walnut veneer and ivory enamel. Dull finish. Top, 22x48 inches. French plain plate mirror, 30x36 inches. No. 3811 }^M/70 Mahogany $185.50 No. 3811 i^W/70 Walnut 185.50 No. 3811 JjE /70 Ivory enamel finish 189.50 Chifforette Made in mahogany veneer, finished brown, American wal- nut veneer and ivory enamel. Dull finish. Top, 20x3 S inches. Height, 56 inches. Compartment equipped witb three sliding trays. No. 381214M/70 Mahogany $153 30 No. 381312 W/70 Walnut, American 153.,5C No. 3812 14 E /70 Ivory enamel finish 157.50 Bow End Bed Made in mahogany veneer, finished brown, American walnut veneer and ivory enamel. Dull finish. Height, 5 2 inches. Width, 4 feet 6 inches No. 3815 /70 Brown mahogany veneer $148.00 No. 3815W/70 American walnut veneer 148.00 No. 3815E /70 Ivory enamel 153.00 Twin Beds We can supply Twin Beds at same prices each, as above. Vanity Dresser Made in mahogany veneer, finished brown, American walnut veneer and ivory enamel. Dull finish. Width, 4S inches. Height, 6 4 inches. French plain plate mirrors. Center plate, 16x40 inches. Sides, 12x24 inches. No. 3814 /70 Brown mahogany veneer $194.00 No. 3814W/70 American walnut veneer ' l94!oO No. 3814E /70 Ivory enamel veneer 19700 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY _J± A Colonial Suite of Very High Quality le reconuneud this suite as beini? one your customers will appreciate on account of b..th the fine quality of material used and the care Shown in it* construction. Unl.-ss otherwise ordered, we ship in quarter-sawed golden oak. Shipped from our Indiana factory. NOTE — Construc- tion Detail: Dust- proof case bottoms. All mirrors best grade plate, but ow- ing to present con- ditions w e cannot guarantee to supply beveled plates. s'o. 493 /71 Quartered oak, golden $ 9.3.50 >Io 4:93M/71 Mahogany veneer 93.50 Top, 20x38 in.; mirrors, (2) 8x20 in., (1) 14x20 in. No 1393 /71 Quartered oak, golden $108.00 No. 1293M/71 Mahogany veneer 108.00 Top, 22x42 inches; mirror, 24x30 inches. On special order this suite can be supplied in American or Circassian walnut. Prices on application. Bed No 34 /71 Quartered oak. golden $85.,50 No'. 34M/71 Mahogany veneer . ._. . ........ 85.50 No. 1393 /71 Quartered oak, golden. . ..$103..50 Height, 56 inches; slats, .54 inches; rails, 74 inches. No. 1393M/71 Mahogany veneer 103.50 ,„„„rt «,i.- sjnecial De Lu\e Snrine Top, 20x32 inches; mirror, 16x20 inches. A\ c recommend oui Special De Lu.xe bpring. Read furniture suggestions in frt)nt of book. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY A Popular Priced Queen Anne Suite Althougli this suite is low in price the quality of hoth workmanship and material is not slighted. The real value of this suite readily appreciated by the purchaser. P. O. H. Tiuliaiia factory. COXSTRUCTIOX DETAIL Made in select- ed genuine quar- ter - sawed oak, Adam brown m;i- hogany veneer and bii'ds - eye maple veneer. Dove-tail con- struction. Plain plate mirrors. Our pages ol Bedroom Chaiis and Rockers otfei- a choice selection. will be ^ No. 49?4 /72 guartereil oak, golden . )t!7!> t»!hes. W.-ight, S lbs. 7043-II2M -75 Mah'v finish .$18.50 7043-1 ij'W 75 Walnut finish. 18.50 7043-1 12 I 75 Ivorv finish .. 19.50 7043-II2E/75 White enamel 19.50 Dressing Table Bench A straight line Bench that will match manv of the Bedroom Suites illustrated in our catalogue. Ha.'j a cane top and is strong and sturdy. Weight, 8 lbs. No. 7049-II2CG /75 Golden oak.. $16.00 7049-1 14 CM ,'75 Mah'y finish. 17.00 7049-ll2CW,75 \\':i!nut finish 17.00 7049-1 1.4CE /75 Knam'l finisii 18.50 Dressing Table Bench An Adam style with cane top, boxed construction and strong under braces. Just the thing to go with your Dressing Table, and a big value at the low price. Weight, S lbs. No. 70SI-I14M/75 Mah'y finish. .$17.80 7051-1 i/^'W/75 Walnut finish. 17.80 7051-II2I/75 Ivory finish.. 19.00 7051-1 i,4E /75 White enamel 19.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Modern Home Is not complete unless you find the Polychrome Mirror in evidence. The beauty of polychrome finish must be seen to be appreciated.! These mirrors are colored by hand and in the best of taste. Shipped from Chicago. Composition frame, polychrome finish. Size of mirror, 16x28 inches; French plain. No. 1235/76 Each ,t!41..50 A n inexpensive though high grade costumer that can be furnished in solid quarter-sawed oak, in a hand rubbed, polished finish. Fumed oak or solid birch in a mahog- any finish. The post is 2 inches in diameter and its height is 6 feet. Is fitted with the best of metal hooks. The quality and low price will de- light you. Weight, 2 5 lbs. No. 150G/76 Golden oak. .$13.50 No. 150F/76 Fumed oak. .,$13.50 No. 1.5!)M/76 Mahogany . .$13..50 Composition frame, polychrome finish. Size of mirror, 14x2 8 inches; French plain. No. 1229/76 Each $35.50 Polychrome finish wall mirror. Com- position frame, polychrome finish. Size of mirror, 18x28 inches; French plain. No. 1230/76 Each $39.00 This pleasing pat- tern has been a fa- vorite with discrim- inating people who appreciate artistic designing, quality and a moderate price. Made of quarter - sawed oak in golden polished or fumed finish. The post is 3 inches in diameter and stands 6 feet tall. Has a revolving top. the best of hardware and comes securely packed t o insure safe delivery. Spec- ify finish wanted. No. 162G/76 Golden oak. ..$23.00 No. 162F/76 Fumed oak. .$22.00 Composition frame, polychrome finish. Size of mirror, 18x2 8 inches; French plain. No. 1226/76 Each $42.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE O NL Y Period Console Tables and Mirrors The well appointed home today finds the Console and Mirror a necessity. To fill its place with dignity and give an added charm to sur- roundings only pieces in excellent taste should be used. The three combinations shown here meet this de- mand in every way, yet at a cost so low there can be no excuse for the use of the ordinary offerings. TXTDOB PERIOD A vprv Dleaslns Tudor peri..,! Ktvlc A thoroughly finished suite. The taWe top with artUtically mnuKk-.l edges is 22x38 inches. The legs are hand turned and fitted This The mirror is a well designed stretcher. table7s"fin"ished7n'b"row"n mahogany and is fitted with a drawer mirror frame is of solid mahogany and finished brown, of French plain plate and is 17x30 inches. Shipped K. D. No. 233514/77 Console mirror $45.00 No. 2835 /77 Console table ^^-^^ QUEEN ANNE PEKIOD This modest Queen Anne period design will always enjoy its present popularity. The table is finished in American dull wal- nut The top is 16x34 inches. Legs securely braced with an artistic stretcher. Mirror frame is made of solid American dull walnut. The mirror is of French plain plate and is 16x32 inches. Shipped K. D. No 28261^/77 Console mirror *2inX No. 2826 /77 Console table ■ • . • 44.50 This console suite may also be had in the mahogany finisli. WE SELL S TANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Cedar Chests and Matting Boxes Cedar Chests are made of selected Tennessee red cedar, hand rubbed, natural finish. The chests are heavily copper trimmed and studded with copper nails. Lids are of dust-proof construction. Matting boxes made of white wood covered and bound with rattan. No. 6775/78 Cedar Chest, rubbed finish, dust-proof lid construction. Size, 40xlSVi..xl7 inches. Weight, 85 lbs $38.00 No. 6777/78 As above. Size. 4Sx20y2XlS inches. Shipping weight. 105 lbs $50.50 No. 6665/78 Substantial Chest. Dust-proof lid construction. Size. 431/2x171/0x17 inches. Shipping weight. SO lbs $34.00 No. 6733/78 Colonial style, trimmed with genuine copper bands, studded with copper nails, copper handles, brass lock, stay joints. casters and hinges. Weight, S5 lbs. Size, 40x19x17 inches $37.00 No. 6734/78 As above. Size, 4Sx21xlS inches 48.50 laATTING BOX No. 6095/78 Matting Box. Outside measurement: Length, 33 inches; width, 161/3 inches; height, 15 inches. Plain finish inside. Shipping weight, 35 lbs $18.00 No. 6186/78 43%xlSy2xlSy2 inches 14.50 No. 6762/78 William and Mary Cedar Chest. Size, 40x18x19 inches. Natural rubbed finish. Dust-proof lid construction. Shipping weight, S5 lbs $43.00 No. 6708/78 Colonial style. Trimmed with genuine copper bands, studded with copper nails, copper handles, brass lock, stay Joints, casters and hinges. Size. 42x22x19 inches $57.50 No. 6607/78 Settee style. Trimmed with copper bands, studded with rivets. Fitted with brass lock, lid stays, hinges, ligum vitae casters. Weight. 100 lbs. Size, 47x21x22y2 inches $57.00 No. 6607/78 Same as above, without bands. Size, 47x21 y2x22 inches .$54.60 No. 6838/78 Cedar Chest of the latest Queen Anne design. Has a panel lid of dust-proof construction and is fitted with brass stay joints, hinges, brass lock and glide casters. Size, 45x22x22 inches. Shipping weight, 110 lbs $69.50 No. 683814/78 Same as above, but made of solid mahogany or American walnut, cedar lined. When ordering state w-ood wanted. Piice $83.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY 79 The Latest Designs in Cedar Chests fitted with oui dust-proof Ud construction. THE WINDOW SEAT CHEST 'H.ea^^ ends "O ood handles 1 v\ o coppei band No 354/79 45xl^'' An elaborate design which ^^^^,P\°''%^J°„,^'fJ^^IP^'^^ffnam^^^^^ The head end is 5S inches high and the toot o7 inches The end P^iiai== 5i« well as all throughout, are 2 inches in diameter. It has tne oaiiueu finish consisting of satin flnished bands over the brush brass of the $83.00 LOWER PRICED 5?TEEL BEDSTEADS lied, ^^eight when crated 135 lbs. „„„ -^ No. 2132/83 ■ This is our premier Brass Bed. It is an excellent design.and beauti- ful n appearance The large end posts are 3 inches '" diameter the lui m appeal al■^^c. inohes are in proport on. as well as the foul ^\Te'r%™sfs in'ea?h"end.- '-^lifhead end il 5^ inches high, while the foot end is 38 inches. Made in the regular and twin sizes. ^^^^ No. 7003/83 Iron Bedstead . Height of head. 51 Inches: foot, 33 inches. Continuous pillars, lA inches; fillers, ft inches. Weight. 70 lbs. $15.00 Steel Bedstead .,, ,. iS^'^\.^ii^^e^\rSs-fiheS^^li^ies-^^^St:^J^'^ [o. 300/83 $26.00 Always state definitely the size desired or regnilar size will be sent. WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONL' The Very Latest Design in Folding High Grade Davenports and Cots Davenports THE MASCOT Folding Davenport Couch The above pictures show the Mascot in its three positions. The center illustration shows the davenport opened and ready for use. One of the salient features lies in the fact that the mattress, which is in two parts, lies absolutely flat. This elimi- nates all uncomfortable ridges, and makes for a smooth, even and soft sleeping surface. The Couch is brought to its folded position, as illustrated in the upper picture, by raising a small lift on the end. The parts are so well balanced that the operation of opening or folding can be easily done by a child. The extended portion, the legs of which are on casters, slides over the other half, which makes a half revolution and folds under. The result is a compact article. Enough room is provided between the two layers to place all the pillows, sheets and comforters. This space is opened by raising the upper part while the couch is in the closed position. DESCRIPTIOX The framework is of strong steel tubing and angle steel, well braced. This construction makes the entire couch rigid and strong in all of its positions. The opening device is extremely simple with no parts to get out of order. In either position the davenport is locked and can only be changed by use of the lift. The spring is of high quality steel, double wire link fabric. When opened the bed is of full size or 4 feet 4 inches wide and of regular length. A heavy 3 lb. cotton davenport mattress is included with the couch. No. 942J/84 Davenport and mattress .$53.50 Davenport and Coucli Pads Made of best materials by expert workmen. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. J 1 1 ;^ M f t. 1 Auto Cot Folds up automatically with one motion by a little lift on either one of the side straps. Can be put out of the way in a very small space. Strong canvas (dark brown) stretched taut in a steel frame with high tempered helical springs on sides and ends. G feet 3 inches long; 29 inches wide when open. Folds 40x29x6 inches. Oxidized finish. Weight, 4 5 lbs. No. 0970/84 As illustrated, each $19.80 If wanted with head rest, order. Xo. 0971/84 Each $21.00 No. 959/84 Angle iron cot, finished in black enamel. Folds flat. Patented double wire spring fabric, close mesh with oil tempered helicals on the ends. Sizes 2-6 and 3-0. Shipping weight, 40 lbs No. 959/84 2-6 size. Each $8 50 No. 959/84 3-0 size. Each. Xo. 924/84 Drop front Davenport finished in gold bronze or oxidized copper. Folds flat if desired. Width of seat, 24 inches- heigh* of seat, 191/2 inches; length, 72 inches; width open as a bed oO inches. Shipping weight, 59 lbs. No^ 924/84 Each ^^^^^ Couch style drop back and front. Width as a bed, 42 inches- length, 71 inches. Weight, 50 lbs No. 905/84 Each ^^^^^ ive described on Page 87. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY High Grade Bed Springs Made in 4-0, 4-0, 3-(!, :J-;5 and ;5-(» Sizts for Metal Beds, or 4-4 Sizes tor AVood Beds. Prices Each. F. O. J5. Cliicaso, 111. The Most ( 'omfortable Spring To Be Had. Fit for a KinR'. Guaranteed a Masterpiece of Construction De Luxe Sectional View. The De Luxe Spring is made up of 63 10-inch coil springs with 36 7-inch coil springs running: around outer edge. All wire used in these coils made of the highest carbon wire, oil tempered. The 10-inch springs are made of No. ll'/a wire and the 7-inch springs made of No. lO"^ wire. The coils are tied through the middle by a patented method of double wire cross-tying and each row of coils supported by individual slats, with heavy angle iron hangover fitting the rail of bed. Weight, 72 lbs. No. 600/85 Each Same as above, single deck with tlO single weight. 60 lbs. No. 601/85 Flexo. Each springs made of No. 10 1/2 oil tempered and japanned carbon steel wire, 7 inches deep. Shippins $20.50 ils. angle iron ends. Malleal I inches. Interweave slat fabric; 50 oil tempered helical spring.s: IVa-inch strap edge. Weight, 48 lbs. No. 326/85 Gold bronzed finish. Each $16.50 Frame Ifj-inch steel tube side corner castings: elevating fab:' No 516/85 "Mide of No 1'' high caibon steel wire oil tempeied and japanned 1 single LOne spi ingh, bV inches deep 5 inches abo\e bed rails Patent =itet I constructed bottom Continuous angle iron hangeis In teilockmg cioss ciimp top "Weight 5b lbs No. 516/85 Each $15.80 Tubular Frame Spring' Frame 1 ,';■ -inch steel tube side rails, angle iron ends. Malleable corner castings: elevating springs 5 inches. 54 oil tempered helical springs. Strap edge: wishbone fabric. Weight, 48 lbs. No. 313/85 Gold bronzed finish. Each $13.50 Iron Crib Height of head and foot, 45 inches. Depth of sides, 24 inches. Con- tinuous pillars, % inches: fillers, f, -inch and %-inch nickel plated sliding rods. Sizes, 2-6x4-6 and 3-0x5-0. Weight, 110 lbs. No. 107/85 White enamel $21.00 Frame lV--inch steel tube side rails, angle iron ends. Malleable corner castings: elevating spring 6 inches Twisted wire cables tin- ned- connected cross wires alternating points with steel clips. 1 1/2 -inch strap edge. 54 oil tempered helical springs. Weight, 52 lbs. No. 360-3/85 Gold bronzed finish. ~ Each $17.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Our Luxurious Day Bed— A Distinctive Piece of Furniture A COUCH OR A COIFORTABLE BED We are very fortunate in Ijeing able to offer you, at this time, this new luxurious Day Bed. It is the most beautiful, practical and up-to-date piece of furniture of its kind on the market today. The ends are of the finest quality, finished in antique mahogany. The box spring is constructed in the best possible manner throughout, with extra deep, finely tempered coil springs, properly tied and upholstered. The mattress weighs 20 lbs. and is filled with a very high grade cotton felt. 2i/i-inch border, with a stitched edge. Included also in this outfit is a Sunburst Pillow and Bolster Roll, as shown, filled with the finest processed Kapoc. making them very soft and luxurious. The covering is a special heavy, durable fabric in high grade tapestry design. No. 1/86 Day Bed Outfit, as above. Width, 2 feet 6 inches ".$127.50 For the Living Room, Sun Porch You Will Be We also have to offer this same Day Bed outfit, only made with the box spring and mattress in one piece. Extra deep, button tufted. This is a style which is becoming even more popular than the No. 1 Outfit. No. 2/86 Day Bed. Width, 2 feet 6 inches $121.00 BREATHING PLACES COTTON FELT ■HEAVY FABRIC EVERlASriHG WOVEN SPRING SRIP ■SPRINGS "DIXIE" TflB MATTRESS THAT BREATH j^, In our special cotton felt type of this mattress the inner spring con- struction is upholstered with a very high grade of cotton felt, with a protector padding of tough fibre between the felt and the springs. It is then covered in a very good quality of fancy woven striped ticking, finished with a roll edge, diamond tufting, round corners, with two large ventilators on each side. No. BDF /86 4 ft. 6 in. or i ft. size $60.00 No. BDF 1^/86 3 ft. 6 in., 3 ft. 3 in. or 3 ft. size 56.00 Box Springs of Guaranteed Quality AVhen ordering for wood beds, give bed manufacturer's name and number or inside measurements. Our box springs are unsurpassed in finish and workman- ship. Only the best grades of materials are used. The dif- ference in grades represents a difference in the luxury of the springs and the class of covers, not in the strength or durability Grade No. 1 is made up of 72 coils, all springs tied eighf ( S ) times with Italian hemp twine. Re-inforced cornet construction. Strong rattan edge, upholstered with a felt top over a fibre base. Covered in good durable ticking. Finished with a flat top and plain edge. No. BXl /86 4 ft. 6 in. or 4 ft. size. . $48.25 No. BXl 1^/86 3 ft. 6 in. or 3 ft. size 47.00 Our No. 2 Grade is made up with 7 2 extra deep coils, tied eight (8) times with Italian hemp twine. Strong rattan edge, upholstered with extra quality felt top, fibre base. Covered with beautiful sateen art ticking. Finished with a flat top and Imperial edge. No. BX2 786 No. BX2 1^/86 4 ft. 6 in. or 4 ft. 6 in or 3 ft. size $56.00 size 52.00 The Mattress for Perfect Rest Wonderful Inner Spring Construction This mattress makes, without question, the most luxurious and comfortable bed that has yet been conceived. It fits into the curves of the body, insuring complete relaxation and per- fect nerve rest. It is thoroughly ventilated, and is always clean and sanitary. The wonderful inner spring construction consists of a great many fine tempered steel springs, per- manently woven into a heavy fabric, so that it is impossible for them to get out of place. In our finest quality in this mattress, the construction is upholstered with selected curled hair, with a protector padding of cotton felt between the construction and the hair. It is then covered with the best S-ounce fancy striped hair ticking, finished with a roll edge, diamond tufting, round corners, with two large ventilators on each side. No BDH /86 4 ft. G in or 4 ft. size $78.50 No. BDH 1^/86 3 ft. 6 in., 3 ft. 5 in. or 3 ft. size 74.50 Always Use With a Mattress Our Grade No. 3 is a wonderfully luxurious box spring, especially made throughout. 7 2 coils, tied eight (8) times. Rattan edge. Fme curled hair top over moss bose. Covered with the very best S-ounce hair tick- ing. Finished with tufted top. Imperial edge. No. BX3 /86 4 ft. 6 in. or 4 ft. size $69.00 No. BX314 /86 3 ft. 6 in. or 3 ft. size 66.50 Always state size wanted and if for wood or iron bed (wood beds with iron rails take same as iron beds). E SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE O NLY The Genuine ^(biUecfUled'' Mattress Rv special aiiaiiROinont with one of (Iio lars»'sl iiiamifactuicrs of IJcddiiiR in lliis .oui.dy «<■ arc al)l<- to ofter i«uality ami finish at prices nsually asked for lou.r grades. Our Kuaran«-es are not a iner<- 0-G /89 Golden oak, polished 46.00 No. 350-M/89 Mahogany finish 46.0O WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY New Drop-Leaf Breakfast Tables AU Tables sbown are made of solid walnut by one of the best makers of hig-h grade furniture. Unless other finishes are specified, we alwavn ahln walnut. P. O. B. Chlcag-o. ' *^ QUEEN ANNE Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Queen Anne period, nut. finished brown mahogany or American wa: Made of solid wal- Top, 36x42 inche.s TUDOB Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Tudor period. Made of solid walnut fini.slied brown mahogany or American walnut. Top, 36x36 inches open CHIFFENDAI^E Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Chippendale period. Made of solid wal- nut, finished brown mahogany or American walnut. Top, 42x46 inches open, lSx46 inches closed. No. 2912/90 Each . $85 50 HEPPIiEWHITE Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Hepplewhite period. Made of solid wal- nut, finished brown mahogany or American walnut. Top, 36x36 Inches open: 15x36 inches closed. No. 2902/90 Each $63.00 lOUIS XVI Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Louis XVI period nut. finished brown mahogany or American walnut open. lSx46 inches closed. No. 2916/90 Each jgO.jO lOUIS XVI Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table. Louis XVI period, nut. finished brown mahogany or American open. 15x42 inches closed. No. 2909/90 Each S71.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHA NDISE ONLY ' What Is More Cheerful Than These Clever Breakfast Room Sets? The popularity of the breakfast room is largely clue to its cheerful setting, which seems to start the day with brightness and gives an invitation to the little intimate confidences so enjoyable in home life. Our sets are selected with this in view, as well as for their superior qualities in design and workmanship. This is a very pleasing style for the breakfast nook. Seat 16 V2 inches wide; back 181/2 inches high. Very substantially built. No. 7214-1S/91 $12.50 The oval top of this table will prove acceptable in every home. When leaves are raised it is 3 6x4 2 inches. When they are dropped the table is compact and measures 21x3 6 inches. No. 286/91 State color combination desired $36.50 A striking design well propor- tioned. Back 17 in. high, pierced center panel. Seat 17 in. wide. Well finished and decorated. No. 7204-1S/91 $20.50 COLOR COMBINATIONS These sets are made in the following color combinations: No. I — The shaded or dark parts in the illustrations are in rich dark midnight blue. The light parts are cream color. The striping is in orange. No. II — Shaded parts are light green. Light parts are in ci-eam. Striping in yellow. Xo. IV — Shaded parts are French gray. Light parts are cream color. Striping in blue. An elaborate Windsor Chair which matches perfectly with the table. Back is 191/2 inches high, with brace sticks. Seat 17 inches wide. No. 7202-1S/91 $20.00 State color combination. Made and sent from Chicago. The solid colored top with the decorated legs form a clever color combination. The table is strongly made. When leaves are raised the top measures 3 8x4 2 inches. When dropped it is 28x21 inches. Color combinations are given above. No. 285/91 State color combination desired ,$37.50 This true Windsor presents a beautiful color combination. Back is 21 inches high. The seat is 17 inches wide. No. 7201-1S/91 .$20.00 State color combination. It is always essential that the number of the color combiuatioii be given. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Windsor Breakfast Room Sets THE ATTRACTIVE STYLES SHOWX BELOW ARE GEXUIXE WIXDSOR DESIGN'S OF HIGH QUALITY ONLY The richness of the mahogany finish on this type of furniture makes these articles very desirable in the home. All the legs, backs and fillers are smoothly turned, assembled and finished by expert workmen. The white enamel finish is often very pleasing for the breakfast nook. The enamel is carefully applied, and when finished presents a smooth pure white and durable surface. In either finish the style and finish combine to give a unique and cheerful atmosphere, so desirable to the morning breakfast setting. These sets are made and sent direct to you from our Southern Wisconsin factory. All the legs and fillers for the shapely back are lathe turned and hand finished. The Chair is very strongly constructed. The back has eight filler sticks. The legs are well shaped and braced. The seat is of comfortable saddle seat design. No. 1441M/02 Mahogany finish. Price $18.50 No. 1441E/92 White enamel. Price $20.00 A high quality table with drop leaves. When opened the top is oblong and measures 36 inches wide by 48 inches long. This gives a maximum and comfortable surface. When the leaves are dropped the table is com- pact and is but 20x36 inches. The legs are turned and securely fitted. The top has a moulded edge and is 3 inches high. No. 1440iM/J)2 Mahogany finish $65.00 No. 1440E /92 White enameled 67.50 Arm Chair to match perfectly. Thirteen fillers in shapely back. It has a well shaped and comfortable saddle seat. The very best construc- tion throughout. No. 1447M/92 Mahogany finish. Price $25.75 No. 1447E/02 White enamel. Price $27.50 A Popular Set for the Breakfast Nook A very attractive style. The center back panel has a beautiful pierced design. The shapely Windsor back, with the comfortable saddle seat, combine to make a pleasing whole. Very finely finished. No. 1439M/92 Mahogany finish. Price $18 'SO No. 1439E/92 W h i t'e " enamel. Price $19.80 In this Table we have the old favorite round top, 4 2x4 2 inches. The table is 3 inches high. The legs are well shaped and finished and are fitted with a well proportioned stretcher, which makes the table absolutely solid. No. 1438M/92 Mahogany finish $57.80 No. 1438E/92 White enamel 60.00 A Windsor Arm Chair to match. The pierced design is carried out in the center panel. The Chair is finely constructed throughout with wood saddle seat. Well finished. No. 1427M/92 Mahogany finish. Price $35.50 No. 1427E/92 White enamel. Price $37.80 WE SELL STANDAUII QTTALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Autocrat of Period Dining Room Suites— Our Louis XIV Suite I fuiTilture of character and cmality are especially desired, rlth its lirmness of ciiaracter. The carved legs, uevels and This Suite is desig'ned and made for the home wher its graceful and dignified lines that impress the guest harmonize to malie tiiis suite particularly distinctive. The raised panels on the various cabinets are made of soft brown hurley viralnut, which radiate the warmth of the home, only in walnut and is finely dull rubbed finished. All cabinet work is of diistproof construction and executed by skilled cabinet workers. Only the best of materials are used in this quality siiite. jdMSmtN M " \ ' ^^ \ \ It is the Louis XIV style with dg^es of tlie tops and stretchers This Suite The Buffet with its distinct lines is of majestic proportions. It is 72 inches long and 50 Inches high. The six legs braced with the monlded stretcher complete a Buljstantlal base upon which to rest the chests and top, which are the finest sl Fiench plain plate muror o 1 a panel back lail The upper diawer is long and loomy The two lowei diaweis aie ot the same do\ e- tail and built - up (onstiuction eiiuip- red with aitistio metal pulls Two cabinets aie pro- \ ided at eithei end, the dnnis being giacefullv shaped panels The legs ale biaced with an aitistic stretcher. Wt ciated J40 lbs. No 728/95 ATiirnr li 1. k $157.50 No 728/95 Panel buk lail, without miliul . . $136.50 CHINA CIiOSET This piece reflects especially the high quality of workmanship used in producing this suite. The top has a moulded edge and is 43x141^ inches. It is 63 inches high. The front and sides are of heavy plate glass. All parts are substantially made to complete a very rigid and strong cabinet. Weight crated 167 lbs. No 527/95 China Cabinet $120.00 Add extra for each mirror back between shelves 18.00 Add extra for each glass shelf 20.C0 This strong' period suite is regiilarly made in the walnut. Ma- hogany finish may be had upon special orders at the same quotations, and are sent directly from our Northern Illinois factory. DINING CHAIRS Genuine black or Spanish leather slip seats, size 17x20 1/2 inches. Height of back from seat, 28 inches. Total height, 451/3 inches. Weight crated 35 lbs. each. No. 204/95 Chair, walnut, mahogany or oak. Each $27.00 Arm Chair same description as above. No. 20414/95 Arm Chair, walnut, mahogany or oak. Each. . .$37.00 TABI.E The true William and Mary design Is faithfully carried out in this table. The large hand rubbed top is 54 inches wide and may be extended to 6 or 8 feet. Moulded stretchers brace the well shaped tapering legs. Weight crated 240 lbs. Extension 6 ft. 8 ft. No. 601/95 Table $130.00 $150.00 Asbestos Table Mats on Pasfe 103 No. 2041^/95 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Queen Anne Dining Room Suite This Suite of refineiiient is made in American walnut, finely finislied and natural liand rubbed dull. The cabinet work is excellently done throughout. Dustproof bottoms used in all cases. Drawers are of dovetail construction and rvui on steel guides. Highest grade casters, locks and trimmings used. A splendid suite for tlie finest home. BTJPPET Size of top, 54x21 in. Heavy plain plate mirroi-, Sx4S in. Metal drawer pulls. "V^'eight, crated, 235 lbs. No. 747/96 "Walnut $156.00 Same without mirror, with back rail. No. 747^/96 Walnut $136.50 If wanted in GO-in. width order No. 746/96 and No, 746yo/96 and add to above prices S29.00 This suite may be had in the mahog-any finish on special order. Unless this is specified American walnut will be sent directly from our Illinois factory. CHINA CABIN£T Size of top, 41x1414 inches. Height. 65 inches. Heavy plate glass front and sides. Three wood shelves. Weight, crated, 160 lbs. No. 546/96 Walnut $118.00 Add extra for each mirror back between shelves 18.00 Add extra for each glass shelf 20.00 CHAIR Genuine black or Spanish leather slip seats, size 17x201^ inch-es. Height of back from seat, 2S inches. Total height. 45% inches. Weight, crated, 30 lbs. No. 202/96 Walnut $26.50 ARM CHAIR Same desciiption as above. No. 202V^/96 Walnut $37.00 SERVINa TABI.I: Size of top, 3^;xl.S inches. Height, Weight, crated, 95 lbs. No. 346/96 Wain No. 202/96 TABI.I: Beveled edge, 54-inoh top, 6 or S foot exten: supported throughout. Weight, crated, 240 lbs. No. 602/96 "W'alnut — 6-ft. extension. .$131.60 8-ft. exte If wanted in 4S-inch top. deduct fmm above prices $.s.5 Well braced and .$150.00 No. 2021,4/96 Asbestos Table Matts on Fagre 103. It is interesting' to consult our front pagpes before ordering'. WE SELL STANDARD OtTALTTY MEROHANDTSE ONLY Chippendale Period Dining Room Suite Sliulo in Walnut Only. Special Attention Given to all (Construction antl only the Best ot Workmansliip and IHateiials used. We leconmiend this Suite (o your IJest Trartc. Pieces sold separately, if desired. Prices Each. F. (). 15. Illinois laclory BUFFET No. 901/97 Walnut. Height, 51 inches; width. 66 inches . ..$3.'58..'>0 Plate Mirror, 8x6 2 No. 901 Vi /97 Same, without mirror 244.00 SERVING TABLE A serving table is now a necessity in every well appointed dining room. Height, 40 inches; width, 40 inches No. 170/97 Walnut .91 1,5.50 Xo. 827A/97 Arm Chair to match Xo. 837/97 Diner, shown oppo- site; tapestry leather slip seat CHIX.\ CABIXET No ,5,59/97 Walnut. Height, 6 8 in.; width, .^lO in .$2:56.50 Mirror back extra. .$20.00 per shelf. EXTENSION TABLE Walnut No. 788-6/97 48-inch top; S-ft. extension .$206.00 No. 788-8/97 4S-inch top; 8-ft. extension 219.50 DEVER Table can also be furnished in 54-inch top, either 6, S or 10-foot No. 827/97 Walnut, tapestry or extension. leather slip seat $48.50 Prices Subject to Change WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY IMERCHANDISE ONLY Our Leading Period Suite We take pride in offering this Suite to our trade, feeling that each sale will make a satisfied customer. Made in American Walnut oiUy, careful attention given to all detaUs. Best of construction and hardware. F. O. B. Illinois Factory. ^,^,.«r!?*^^5S^ BUFFET No. 903/98 American walnut. Height, 4 8 inches; width, 72 inches. Each $361.00 SERVTNG TABLE No. 171/98 American walnut Height. 40 inches; width, 4 inches. Each $124.00 CHINA CABINET No. 560/98 American walnut. Height, 68 inches; width, 40 inches. Each $258.50 Mirror back extra $20.00, per shelf. AR3I CHAIR No. 828/98 American wal- nut. Tapestry or leather slip seat. Each $81.50 No. No. No. No. No. No. 787/98 787/98 787/98 787/98 787/98 787/98 EXTENSION TABLE Top, 48x54 inches. 6-foot, 4S-inch top $23,5.00 8-foot, 4S-inch top 248.00 10-foot, 48-inch top 250.00 6-foot, 5 4-inch top 246.00 S-foot, 54-inch top 258.50 10-foot, 5 4-inch top 266.50 Prices Subject to Change DINER No. 828/98 American wal- nut. Tapestry or leather slip seat. Each $67.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Queen Anne Period Dining Room Suite Mado in Seloctort Jlahosanv Finish Only. Hinlu'st (Jiadi- i'abiiiet Work, Dustproof Construction; Dove- xil Drawers; First Quality TrininiiuKs. (Juaraiitocd as Kcpr. s.iitcd. F. O. B. Illinois Factory. Pieces Solil Scpai-afely 1)' l)<'sir<'(l. I'ric<'s Fiach. ^S^^^mmmimmit BUFFET No. 898/99 Mahogany $306.00 Height, 54 inches; width. 72 inches; plate mirror, 8x69 inches. No. 898^4 /99 As above, without mirror 290.00 SERVING TABLiE. Height, 42 inches; width, 40 inches. No. 173/99 Mahogany . . . .$102.00 CHINA CABINFrr Height, 68 inches; width, 49 inches. No. .561/99 Mahogany $197.00 Mirror back extra, $13.00 per shelf. AR5I CHAIR Tapestry or Leather Slip Seat. No. 752/99 Mahogany. $43.50 EXTENSION TABLE DINER Table can be furnished in 4S-inch top; 6, S or 10-foot length. Tapestry or Leather Slip No. 720-6/09 54-inch top; 6-foot extension $173.50 Seat. No. 720-8/99 5 4-inch top; 8-foot extension 186.50 No. 752/99 Mahogany. $33.00 FBICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY William and Mary Period Dining Room Suite Made in Quartered Oak Only, Jacobean Finish. First Class Construction, Dovetailed Drawers, Best of Hardware, Plate Mirrors, Guaranteed as Kepresented. P. O. B. Illinois Factory. Pieces Sold Separately if Desired. I'rices Each. BUFFET No, 908/100j| Quartered oak. Height, 50 inches; width, 54 inches; mirror, 8x50 inches .S163.00 No. 9O8I2/IOO As above, without mirror 150.00 SERVING TABLE No. 169/100 Quartered oak. Height, 40 inches; width, 3 6 inches .$64.50 CHINA CABINET Height, 65 inches; width, 38 inches. No. 562/100 Quartered oak. . .$118.50 Mirror back extra, -til 2.00 per shelf. ARM CHAIR No. 612/100 Quartered oak. Tapestry or leather slip seat. . .$36.00 EXTENSION TABLE No. 233-6/100 4S-inch top; 6-foot extension No. 233-8/100 4S-inch top; 8-foot extension Can also furnish in 45 or 54-inch top. Prices Subject to Change .$129.50 . 143.00 DINER No. 612/100 Quartered oak. Tapestry or leather slip seat. . .$23.50' WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY ' Queen Anne Period In the Queen Anne styles at the beginning- of the Eig-hteenth Century the old forms were replaced by curved lines and much more g-raceful proportions. The Cabriole leg' was here introduced and is a distinct feature of this type, as is the splat back. Mahogany was the principal wood employed in the earlier days, which predominated from the reign of William and Mary until the end of the reign of George II. BTjri'ET No. 998W, lOl lUnck wnliiut No. 998M/101 Mahogany (brov\ Molded edge top. 72 inches Ion: plate mirror, 66x10 inches. Hei ers with dove-tail construction. This Queen Anne Period Suite In the black walnut con- stitutes a combination of great richness which we liave long sought to offer to our custom- ers. The hospitality of the home is nowhere reflected so faithfully as in the dark brown shade of this burly wood carved into the graceful lines of this style. $290.00 275.00 and 24 inches wide. Fitted witli a French plain overall. 52 inches. Built-up bottom draw- Weight, 300 lbs. rht /4^^^^ Mo. 999W/101 No. 999M, 101 Top, 4(;x].T 5tantlal drawt Prices for application. CHINA CABINET Black walnut Mahogany (brown) nclies: height, ■ at bottom. Weight, 2lass sheU'es and ir Che . . . .$165.50 .... 163.00 T.nng sub- Tliese pieces arc caiefiiUy made 1).V skilled workmen and cabinet makers. The finishes are carefully applied and require several weeks for completion. All articles of this suite are packed and shipped from our Chicago factory. SBBVIIIG TABIE 1003W 101 Black walnut ^J'^S'S? 1003M 101 Mahogany (brown) 105.00 ,1 fdi;.- top. 42 inches long and 18 inches wide. 40 inches. One long dove-tail constructed and two cabinet doors. Weight, 100 lbs. DINING CHAIB No. 1854Q-W, 101 Black No. 1854QM/101 Mahog'y (b Genuine brown Spanish or black 1 seat. Shapely cane woven back, avs state leather desired. $37.00 n ) 36.80 th- DINING EXTENSION TABLE G ft, S ft. I. 1529W/101 Black walnut .54 in. .$144.50 $168.50 ). 1529M/101 Maliogany (brown). 54 in.. 142.50 165.50 This taljle may be had in oblong style, t.'ixiiO inches when closed, at the following prices: 6 ft. S ft ) 1529WO/101 Black walnut $164.00 $175.00 1 1529MO/101 Mahogany (brown) 160.00 173.50 le table is sulxstantially constructed witli double center ABM CHAIR No. 18S5QW 101 BiM.k walnut $50.00 No. 1855QM/101 Mahogany (brown) 50.00 Genuine brown Spanish or black leatlier seat. Graceful cane panel back. Unless specified, black leather will be sent. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY William and Mary Period This period of design in decoration has many admirers and we take just pride in offering' the suite shown helow, knowing- it to be of such quality and correctness in detail as to merit its place as a leader. Priced T. O. B. Chicago Tactory packed. WniilAM AND MARY BUFPET No. 968J/102 Jacobtan ijak $195.00 The top of this buffet is 60 inches long and 23 inches wide. The height average is 01 inches. Fitted with a French plain plate mirror, 52x10 inches. Has tliree large and two small drawers. A cabinet in each end. Weight, 230 lbs. This suite was especially designed to be made of Ja- cobean oak as is found in every genuine William and JMary suites. For those who wish to match other articles or woodwork, this suite can be supplied in either golden or fumed oak. Unless these are specified in the order, Jacobean oak will be sent. CHINA CABINET No. 972J/102 Jacobe The top is 46 inches long and 15 inches wide. The entire I'ight is 62 inches. The legs are well braced with the ell designed stretcher. Weight, 175 lbs.. Prices for glass shelv pen application. and mirror backs may be had The sturdy construction with the pure William and Mary design throughout are the notable features which are responsible for the satisfaction this suite will give in the home. It is made of selected oak, kiln dried, and thor- oughly seasoned. The cabinet work is complete in every detail. SBBVING TABIiB o. 975J/102 Jacobean oak $60.50 The molded edge top is 40xlS inches. Height. 42 iches. Has one long drawer and a three-quarter lielf. Weight, inn lbs. DINING' CHAIB No. 1922NJ/102 Jacobean oak ... .$28.00 Genuine brown Spanish or black leath- er seat. Panel back. EXTENSION TABI.E 6 ft. 8 ft. Jacobean oak. 4S Inches $126.00 $136.50 Jacobean oak. 54 Inches 139.00 152.50 A pure unmodified William and Mary design throughout. Hand turned legs and gracefully shaped braces. This suite is packed and shipped from our Chicago factory. ABM CHAIB No. 1923NJ/102 Jacobean oak $44.00 Unless genuine brown Spanish leather is specified in the order, black leather seats will be sent. Panel back. BEAD INSTBUCTIONS TOB OBDEBING PUBNITUBE IN PBONT OP BOOK WE SELL STANDARD Q U A L I T Y_M E RJ^. H^^ D^S E_O^^L^ China Cabinets of Exceptional Quality China Cabinet Clima a me TTpi„ht fi"; inches" width, 37 inches. Made in walnut only. Height 64 inches; width, 40 inches. Made in walnut only. Height, 6 5 inches, wictn, ^,04 00 Heignt, 01 S126 00 No. 552/103 Walnut, without mirror back * .o/u, No. 569W/103 Without mirror back * Tn oo Mirror back, per shelf 13-««> Mirror back, per shelf i"-"" Improved Peerless Dining Table Mats th. ton like new The dining table, with its beautifully polished top, should be protected from the in,urfor:« ^t: T:ort^::i:^:^^^^- -e omy Llsfactory way to do this is by the use of VE.KLESS m.XXO X.BLE MATS of which we carry a full assortment for immediate shipment. ^ "ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN " PEERLESS MATS are built up of layers p^^^^^^ Your Table I'EERLESS MATS are carried in stock of specially prepared, chemically treated KEEP fy--;„Xs;^lKq^1dt^^ for regular sizes in the round tables, and materials, which are acknowledged by ex- TABLE /l^^ The Table Top is Safe , ,^ „erts to be the best known non-conductor TOP 1\ 13A if covered with a are made up according to pattern tor the . LIKE hmffTmrmf'^^ guaranteed of heat. They are also impervious to **^^ ff //////// i PEERLESS o^a' ^"'1 rom\A end tables now so popular. STTPRIiME aSADE ^^^^^^^^ MAT ,,,„,„pa„v all orders for these special The SUPREME mat is covered on one side [■31^ with white Chase leather, which is washable. This protection costs less than refinishing. will not crack, peel or stick, and on the reverse Styles to fit all Tables or Extensions. '•'" *'*• side with real' all wool billiard felt. There are Insist on the Genuine PEERLESS r^^r^'^'-i'^i^^^o.i.n^^on.. Hemovable their tables NOTHING BETTER can be made PBICES ON MATS Flannel than the SUPREME MAT. Reversible for card ^.^^ ^^ ^^^j^ Supreme Colonial Meal^ Cu«-.s „,^^i„„ 42 inch 3 fold Bach $1|.|0 ?11.20 *^9.^ »3 ^^ Pl^y™^- 45 inch 3 fold Each 15.20 J^-^^ ^2 ^g 3_go COI.ONXAI. GBAB= ^.1;td^■i■f^a^v:^v:■::::::^ koo is.so i3.|o |.6o l\ \l II ^ \ folfi: :::::::;:::::: : :pc |:4o 20.00 is.oo s.- side white rubberized flannel on upper side. 67 to 72 inch 4 fol.l i^' ^ PRICE OF I.EAVES-UP TO 12 INCHES WIDE Flannel Detachable flannel covers extra. Supreme Colonial Ideal Leaf Covers __, 42 inch folding Each $3.|0 $2 10 $2.00 $1.20 IDEAl GRADE 45 inch folding Each 3.60 ^.B^ 2.40 1.60 Finished with heavy white flannel on both ^ |"2';''54"?n''ch ^foiiing: i '. 1 1 1 ;;:::: : : E^ch 4:20 3.|0 3.00 1.90 Sides. Detachable flannel covers extra. 56 to 60 inch folding. .... . ........ .|- ■ , ,o 3.60 2.40 67 to 72 inch folding Eai n o.w „ _„„ NOTE CARErUIiI.V DETACHABLE FlANNEl. COVERS FOB ^^ ^.^^ quoted. Prices quoted MATS AND LEAVES Mats of odd sizes not given abo\ e ■^'Ji'-'J^,'; ,''' > p ,_.„(ie according to measurement are not ,. are for leaves up to 12 inches wide, bpeeuu si^e^. ^ j; i^ ^ rule and not a tape. Made of good quality white shaker flannel, returnable under any ™nrawers and 'loors fitted with wood knobs. Weight, 180 lbs. No, 992G/ 104 Golden oak. $108.00 No. 992F/104 Fumid oak. $108.00 NOTE INSTRUCTIONS IN FRONT OF BOOK BEFORE ORDERING FURNITURE WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY M E R C H A N D I S E ON L .Y Pedestal Dining Tables To meet the demand for good quality Pedestal Tables at iiiodoiate piieos, «e have listed what we believe to be the pick of the best factory offerings this year. Kacli (able, price consid- ered, will be found an excellent value. G n. s ft. No. 2028-6/105 Quartered oak. 45 In $58.00 $70.50 No. 2038-5/105 Oak. 45 in 50.00 62.50 No. 3028-X/105 Oak. 4 2 in 45.00 The 2028 Table has 7-inch pillar drop leg construction, is plain but substantial and neat in appearance. Shipping weight, IGO to 190 lbs. All Dining Tables are packed for shipment by the makers and are F. O. B. factory. A real saving to you. 6 ft. 8 ft. No. 2123-8P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 48 in.. $73.00 No. 2123-7P/105 Oak plank top. 48 in.. 62.50 No. 2123-6P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 45in. . 65.00 No. 2133-5P/ 105 Oak plank top. 45in. . 57.00 For a turned pillar this table meets a popular demand. S-inch pillar and is plank top. $85.00 75.00 78.00 70.00 Has Table No. 2060 shown below is a splendid value and one that instantly appeals to all who see it. Drop leg constmction. No. 2121-9P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 54 in.. $88.00 $104.50 No. 2121-8P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 48in. . 7t).00 93.00 No. 2121-7P/105 Oak plank top. 48 in.. 70.00 82.00 If your trade demands plain pedestal, we suggest Xo. 2121 as being all that could be desu'ed. Pillar is 9-inch. Plank top. 6 ft. No. 2060-9P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 5 4 in. .$76.50 $93.50 No. 2060-8P/105 Quartered oak plank top. 48in. . 70.00 81.00 No. 2060-7P/105 Oak plank top. 48 in.. 58.00 71.00 Refer to our Dining Chair pages for suitable Chairs. Do not overlook our showing of Drop-Leaf Breakfast Tables and Breakfast Koom Sets. There Is a big demand for these sets this year. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY New Ideas in Dining Tables To reduce costs all Dining' Tables are shipped direct from Soutliern Wisconsin Factory. We have avoided listing tables of inferior qual- ity. Poorly constructed furniture is much more expensive in the end than honestly made goods, even if the iirst cost is more. No. 2106-9M/106 Antique mahogany. 54 in. . No. 2106-9W/106 American walnut. 54in. . No. 2106-8M/106 Antique mahogany. 48 in.., No. 2106-8W/106 American walnut. 48 in. . , $147.00 $157.00 147.00 157.00 138.50 148.00 138.50 148.00 To make the dining room complete your cus- tomers need electric toasters, percolators, chafing dishes and many other goods shown in this catalogue. A real novelty in Pedestal Tables is our No. 2072, shown below. Special construction so that legs draw away from pillar when top is extended. 6 ft. 8 ft. N0.2072-9P/106 Quartered oak plank top. 54in. $101.00 $111.50 NO.2072-8P/106 Quartered oak plank top. 48 in. 93.00 104.00 NO.2072-7P/106 Oak plank top. 48 in. 82.00 92.00 N0.2072-6P/106 Quartered oak plank top. 45)n. 87.50 96.50 No. 2086-9M/106 Antique mahogany. 54 in. No. 2086-9W/106 American walnut. 54 in. No 20«(i-!)() /106 Quartered oak top. 54 in. No. 2(»N(i-s>I 106 Antique mahogany. 48 in. No, 2(tM(i-8\\/106 American walnut. 48 in. No. 2080-80 /106 Quartered oak top. 48 in. 6 ft. 8 ft. . .$126.00 $136.00 . . 126.00 136.00 . . 114.00 124.00 .. 117.50 127.00 .. 117.50 127.00 . . 105.00 115.00 6 ft. 8 ft. N0.2083-9P/106 Quartered oak plank top. N0.2083-8P/106 Quartered oak plank top. N0.2083-7P/106 Oak plank top. 5 4 in. $105.00 $119.00 4 8 in. 94.00 107.00 4 8 in. 83.50 97.00 We offer this table with full confidence that it will meet the approval of all who desire the mas- sive in dining room furniture. This table is equipped with equalizing slides. Drop leaf con- struction. Weight, 235 lbs. Length, 8 feet. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERC HANDISE ONLY 107 Period Dining Chairs Queen Anne Diner Handsome Queen Anne Dining Chair with a stylish high bacli. Hat a full box bolted seat con- struction, long back posts and genuine Spanish leather s ip seat Shipping weight about 20 lbs. Arm Chair to match. A wonderful value at the price. 6910 J -8K/107 Jacobean oak $19.00 6910M-SM/107 Maliogyhnish 20.00 egiOW-SK/lOT walnut ftnish 20.00 6910 J-5/K107 Jacobean arm ^^^^ egioM-sk/ioV Mahogany arm ^^ ^^ 6910W-5k/i67 "walnut arm chair 31-™ When chairs are sent hy express an Queen Anne Diner I,ouis XVI Diner Adam Diner This beautiful Queen Anne Diner ^ ^^^^^ attractive Louis XVI ^J^°'!^}^,r%inYnJ"^chJ^^ m^^de iirSf'^^^^i.^ni^f^nr^viS ^"^^^"^^lix^^a^ H^S»f il^r^eH ^t^^r''%^-^^ ^%^^Jrfe^^'i^^%.t\ HFlHHSk^ leather slip seat. Arm Chair to chair you can depend on for satis- the price. Aim Chair to matcn. match. Exceptional value at tne factory service. Arm Chair to 6275 J -8K/107 Jacobean oak. $20.00 price. .-,00 00 !?"""'■ Sliipping weight about 20 6275M-8K/107 Mahog'yflni.sh 21.50 ?Sil^1i^iS? S'|""nmsh''2i:SS ""• 6275W.8K/107 walnut finish 21.50 7019W-8K/107 Walnut finish 23.00 6825M-8K/107 Mah'y finish .$22.00 6275 J -5K/107 Jacobean oak 7019 J -5K/107 Jacobean oak 6825W-8K/107 Walnut finisli 22.00 arm chair 31.80 7019M-5k)i07 Mahogany-arm ''-^^ ^«?f,^u-''''."' .*'.^.'°^""^.'!™ 33.80 ^^If^u''' !'''''. !'!'^'^°'!':"''.^!^. 33.30 7019W-5k/i67 'Walnut arm ' ' 6825W-5K/107 Walnut arm ^^^^ 6275W-5K/107 Walnut arm^ ,^^,^^ Chairs are always shipped by freight unless otherwise stated in order, additional charge of $1.00 net is made for crating- one or two chairs. Additional chairs are crated at 40 cents eacU. Queen Anne Dinex Strongly constructed Queen Anne Dining Chair. With long back posts and genuine Spanish leather slip seats. Full box seat bolted con- struction. Genuine mahogany or walnut top slat, banister and front rail. A Chair that is pleasing to everyone. Arm Cliair to match. 6917M-8K/107 Mah'y finish .$22.50 6917W-8K/107 Walnut finish 22.50 6917M-5K/107 Mahoganyarm ehair 34.30 34.30 I.ouis XIV Diner Genuine mahogany or walnut top slat, banister and front rail. Bolted full box seat construction. Genuine Spanish leather slip seat. A very fashionable period chair that will serve a lifetime. Arm Chair to match. Shipping weight approxi- mately 20 lbs. Height of back, 24 inches. 6954M-8K/107 Mah'y finish. $24.50 6954W-8K/107 Walnut finish 24.50 6954M-5K/107 Mahoganyarm chair 36.30 6954'W-5K/107 Walnut arm ..liair 36.30 William and Mary This William and Mary Diner is very well made with bolted box seat construction. Well designed double cane back. Genuine Span- ish leather slip seat. Arm Chair to match. 6641 J -8K/107 Jacobean oak. $25.00 6641W-8K'107 Walnut finish 28.50 6641M-8K 107 .Mahog'y finish 28.50 6641 J -5K '107 Jacobean oak arm chair 36.80 6641W-5K/107 Walnut arm ^.[-lair 40.30 6641M-5K/107 Mahogany arm chair 40-30 Queen Anne Diner This highly desirable cane back Queen Anne Chair has a full size removable slip seat of genuine Spanish leather. Bolted construc- tion. A very substantially built chair at a moderate price. Arm Chair to match. Shipping weight about 20 lbs. 7021M-8K 107 Maliv finisll $25.00 7021W-8K 107 \\;ilnut liiii.'Jh 25.00 7021J-8K 107 .I:ir,il.,an oais. 23.80 7021M-5K/107 Alaliiigany arm .hair 36.80 7021W-5X/io7 Walnut arm ,.l,air 36.80 7021 J -5k/io7 Jacobean arm chair 35.60 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Quality Diners— Priced Low Mission Diner An exceedingly fine, solid quar- tered Diner in all oak finishes. Black or Spanish slip seats of genuine leather. A most extraor- dinary value at this special price. Weight, 14 1/2 lbs. No 6161-8R 108 Chair $17.50 No. 6161-5K 108 Armchair. 29.30 Mission Diner Genuine quarter-sawed oak Diner in .golden or fumed finish. Slip seat upholstered in genuine black or Spanish leather. Weiglit, 12 lbs. No. 5913-8K/108 Diner ....$14.25 No. 5913-SK/108 Arm chair. 26.00 Polished Oak Diner High grade polished quartered oak Diner in golden or fumed oak finish. Black or brown Spanish leather slip seats. One of the choicest models we list. No. 6013-8K 108 Chair $17.50 No 6013-SK 108 Armchair. 29.30 Polished Oali Diner Positively the best value we can offer in a polished quartered oak. slip seat Diner. All oak finishes and genuine black or brown Span- ish leather seats. No. 5633-8K/108 No. S633-5K/108 _,. , . ^ , Chairs are shipped by freig-ht unless otherwise requested in order ■When chairs are sent hy express an additional charg-e of SI. 00 net is made for cratm2_one oi two chairs. Additional chairs are crated at 40 cents each. William and Mary Diner A beautiful Chair that will add beauty to any dining room. Con- structed from quartered oak. Ja- cobean finish. Black or brown leather seats. No 6941-8K 108 Chair $19.00 Arm chair. 30.80 No 6941-5K 108 Mission Diner High grade solid quarter-sawed oak Diner with slip seat uphol- stered in genuine black or Spanish leather. Filmed or golden oak fin- ish. Weight. U' lbs. Nn. G802-8K 108 Chair . . . .$15.00 No, 68a2-5K/108 Armchair. 26.80 Washing'ton Diner Here's a stunning Diner, a type that is used extensively in the bet- ter homes Quartered oak, golden or funi. (1 fmisli Black or Spanish le,itll. 1 Mill -. Its No 6342-8K 108 Chair ....$16.00 No 6342-5K 108 Arm chair. 27.80 Colonial Diner This handsome pattern can fit- tingly take its place in the finest dining room and lend distinction. GoWen or fumed finish. Black or Spanish leather. No. 5747-8K/108 Chair ....$15.50 No. 5747-5K/108 Armchair. 27.30 Iieather Back Diner A beautiful Chair that represents all that's good in chair making Frame is of polished quartered oak, full box seat construction, and seat and back black or brown Spanish leather. All oak finishes. No. 5555-8KB/108 Chair . . $17.80 No. 5555-5KB/108 Arm chair 29.60 Iieather Back Diner Absolutely one of the best values we have ever been able to offer. Has quartered oak frame, golden or fumed finish. Black or Spanish leather seats and back. No. 7034-8'UB/108 Chair . $14.25 No. 7034-5UB/108 Arm chair 26.00 Quartered Oak Diner This Diner of conservative lines is particularly strong and one of our best selling patterns. Quar- tered oak frame. All finishes black or brown Spanish leather slip seats. No. 6369-8K/108 Chair ....$15.50 No. 6369-SK/108 Armchair. 27.30 ■Washing An exceeding shaped back Di for its graceful giving qualities. Black or brown Ifii Ibi No. 6814-8K/108 No. 6814-5K/108 fton Diner ly artistic high ner that is noted lines and comfort All oak finishes, leather. Weight, Chair . . . .$21.34 Arm chair 33.25 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY PORCE-NAMEL Trade Mark ReKlstered "The Better Kitchen Table" r. O. B. Indiana Factory NOTABI.E FEATURES: "Better Kitchen Tables" mvist The hardwood construction uiid 3 are of such a different and highc ot be confused with liitchen cabinets, coat finish of "Better Kitchen Tables* • type that there is no comparison. Backs, Bottoms, Ends and Doors are full 3-ply panel construction. Backs and Ends are finished just as well as the fronts. This is a special feature and permits the housewife to set her "Better Kitchen Table" in the center of the kitchen and work around it. Cupboards, also compartmnts for flour bins, bread and cake drawers have tight bottoms and sides, making them dust-proof. Cupboards are finished" inside. Bread and Cake Drawer and Flour Bin are metal throughout, includ- ing covers. Wood front is securely fastened to metal end. Cliopping- Block is made of hard maple 1% inches thick, ll.xlS inches. Kneading or Mixing- Board is made of whitewood %-inch thick. 17x19 inches. Has end cleats to prevent warping. Bracket for food chopper is furnished with all "Better Kitchen Tables" when fitted with "Alba-Iron" porcelain top. Seats are 11 inches in diameter. Swing on arm, revolve on rod. These seats are an exclusive feature and have many advantages over the wood stool commonly used in kitchens. KITCHEN TABIiE. MOBEIm B. Three-coat enamel finish on front, back and ends. Nickeled trim mings Flour, bread and cutlery drawers same as m iSIodel (-. J- ne extra drawers are 3, 4 and 5 inches deep. Kneading board and cnop- ping block same as in Model E. Weight, 160 lbs. No. B3yt/109 1%-inch hard maple top, 27x42 inches $58.00 No. BA/109 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top, 26x42 inches 64.00 KITCEEIT TABIiE. MODEI^ D. Three-coat enamel finish on front, back and ends. Nickeled trim- mings. Six 1%-inoh legs. Cupboard has 3-ply remforced sliding shelf and bottom. Kneading board and chopping block same as m Model t. Weight, 130 lbs. No. DM/109 1%-inch hard maple top. 27x43 inches ^5?-°9 No DA/109 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top. 26x42 inches 59.00 If wanted without seat deduct $4.00 from price. PORCE-XAMKTj — "The Better Kitchen Table" GM /10» IVa-lnch hard maple top, 27x42 inches .. ..$17.7.5 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top, 26x42 inches.. 24..50 IVs-inch hard maple top, 27x48 inches... 26.00 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top, 27x48 inches. . 42.50 amel finish. Nickeled trimmings. 2V2-inch solid Drawer full dove-tailed 19xlS-inch boxed-in .^-ply bot- o. GA /lOO o. GM2/10!) o. GA2/109 Three-coat i tapered legs torn. Shipped K. D. Weight, 75 lbs. Single crating 50c extra. KITCHEN TABLE. MODEIi C. Three-ply enamel finish on front, back and ends. Nickeled trim- mings Six 1%-inch legs. Lower drawer holds 40 lbs. of flour; metal throughout; draws easily, and tips down which keeps flour to the ti'ont Top drawer is all metal and is conveniently arranged with sliding metal shelf and cover for bread and cakes; moves on special slide that can- not bind Cutlery drawer 3x19x19 inches is partitioned. Kneading board and chopping block same as in Model E. Weight. 150 lbs. No. CM/109 IVs-inch hard maple top, 27x42 inches ^IZ'Sn No CA/109 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top, 26x42 inches 63.00 If wanted without seat deduct $4.00 from price. KITCHEN TABIiE. MODEI. A. Three-coat enamel finsh on front, back and ends. Nickeled trim- mings Eight 1%-inch legs. Flour, bread and cutlery drawers same as in Model C. Cupboard has 3-ply reinforced sliding shelf and bot- tom. Kneading board and chopping block same as in Model E. Weight, 200 lbs. No AM/109 IH-inch hard maple top. 27x56 inches $76.00 No AA/109 "Alba-Iron" porcelain top. 27x56 inches 90.50 If wanted without seat deduct $4.00 from price. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Kitchen Cabinet This cabinet is constructed of selected kiln dried soft wood, the materials being carefully prepared and kiln dried so that the enamel will not check or peel when subjected to the heat and moisture of the ordinary kitchen. All panels in the doors, ends and flour bin front are of three-ply veneer. We use the lip construction on ail doors, bin fronts and door fronts, thus making: the cabinet dust and \'ermin proof. The cabinet base is 25 inches deep by 40 inches wide and the entire height of the cabinet is 70 inches. The top has a commodious china closet with two shelves and a metal flour bin which tilts forward for fllling. The flour bin has sifter and dust-proof cap. You will note the lower part of the top has a dust- proof door over the compartment beneath the flour bin, and a drop roll curtain similar to the roll curtain on an office desk covers the com- partment beneath the china closet. This compartment has a swinging glass sugar b-in with automatic sugar dispenser and dust-proof cap. The top for the base pulls forward, giving additional working space of approximately 12x40 inches. This sliding top is either of polished nickeled metal on substantial wooden frame or white porcelain. The white porcelain is a baked enamel on heavy gauge steel and is recom- mended as the finest working top on the market. No, 29i:-26X; /no All white enamel with porcelain top No, 29E-26EM/H0 All white enamel with metal top The cabinet base has two drawers for cutlery and all metal sliding bread and cake. Ijox with sliding metal lid, and large kettle cupboard with sliding bottom and sliding shelf and pan rack. Just above the cupboard compartment is a sliding bread and cutting board of selected white wood banded at both ends. "We include with the Kitchen Cabinet the glass sugar jar, one tea jar, one glass coffee Jar and five spice jars. Shipping weight, approximately 200 lbs. tlass netal dust-proof $91.00 80.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Kitchen Cabinets F. (). IJ. our Indiana Factory PRICES EACH Made of select oaU, .olden oaU wa.ed nnisU o.- hana-,.u.l.od spav va.-nisU r.ni... for wh^h an extr. '^^:J:/:^- .^'.^^rZ^^T:^ front and back. Top interior of all cabinets white enameled 'r^^^"l>^ J^^"/ '>;^- ;^2l ^fJ^^^^^^^^ sliding cutting board. Nickel cabinets. Metal bread and cake drawers. SUdnig wire shelves and wire pan ' ^'=''^' "'J'°^^° . ''". „.fj„i„ating buyer. Always state if albarlon tHrnmings. All cabinets are made right by expert hands and constructed to please the most discriminatmg Duyei. white porcelain or polished metal sliding- tops are wanted when orderinfi-. No. 76-16/111 Three feet and 4 Inches wide Height 70 Inches. Depth, 28 inches. Weight crated, 230 lbs Side roll curtains. Golden oak waxed finish. No. 76-16/111 Sliding polished metal top .$86.00 No! 76-16/111 Sliding albarion white por- celain top '**•"" No. 74-16/111 Three feet and 4 inches wide. Height, 70 inches. Depth, 28 inches. Weight crated 2oO lbs. Drop roll curtain. Golden oak waxed finish. No. 74-16/111 Sliding polished metal top .$87.40 No. 74-16/111 Sliding albarion white por celaid top . 100.60 No. 86-91/111 Four feet wide. Height, 73 inches. Depth. 28 inches. Weight crated, 260 lbs. Drop roll curtain. Golden oak waxed finish. No. 86-91/111 Sliding polished metal top .$107.90 No. 86-91/111 Sliding albarion white por- celain top 123.60 Hig-h Chair Cane heat. Oak. Height of back, 17'/2 inches. Width of seat, llVa inches. No, 5337-9/111 Each $13.25 Cane seat. High Chair Saddle seat. Oak. Height of back. 17 inches. Width of scat. 13% inches. No. 5556-95/111 Each $20.50 Wood seat. Disappearing- Boll, Kitchen Cabinet A very high grade article in golden waxed finish. The top section is all white enamel interior and the roll curtain front is the latest improvement on the market. Has a sliding metal top and comes com- plete with spice jars, swinging sugar jar and tea and coffee jars. There's a rack for lids, a sliding shelf for pans and a metal mouse- proof bottom. Metal bread and cake drawer. Height, 70 inches; width, 40 inches: depth. 28 inches. Shipping weight. 230 lbs. No 75-17WM/111 \\Tiite enamel, sliding metal top 'J??'2^ No. 75-17-WP /li: White enamel, sliding porcelain top 11B.JO WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLV Athermos All-Steel Refrigerators SHIPPED FROM SOUTHERX WISCOXSIX FACTORY The clean attractiveness of these all-steel refrigerators have made them very popular with the trade. The walls are made from deep drawn galvanized sheet steel, riveted and seamed together so as to make them water tight throughout. They are heavily insulated with two thicknesses of Flaxlinum. which is a compressed sheet of matted flax fibre, over which is placed two thicknesses of heavy water-proof paper that prevents sweating. Dead air space % of an inch between walls. Enameled lined, except ice compartment. Heavy bronze nickel-plated trimmings. This refrigerator withstands climatic conditions much better than wood and will maintain as low a temperature as wood with no greater consumption of ice. Width Depth Height No. H/112 •3 6% in. 19% in. 46 in. No. D/I12 39 >^ in. 21 1/4 in. 49 in. Provision Chambers 15 '72x15x3 3 1/2 in. and ISVaxlSxllin. 17x17x36% in. and 17x17x11 in. ce Compartment Ice Capacity Price 13x15x19 in. 14%xl7x22 in. 100 lbs. 150 lbs. $110.00 128.00 No. F/112 28x1914x531/3 inches. Provision, 23x 15x21% inches. Ice. 19x14x14% inches. Capacity, 100 lbs. Price $102.00 No. B/112 31x2114x541/2 inches. Provisions, 25 %x 17x22 inches. Ice, 22x16x15 inches. Capacity, 150 ^^^- Price $118.00 Can be .supplied with rear icing door, al.so water cooler at slight extra rliarge. White or gray enamel finish. I'nless otherwise ordered we send white. No. S/112 22 %xl7 1/2x42 inches. Pro- vision chamber, 17 %xl3 1^x18 inches. Ice, 16x11 %xll inches. Capacity, 60 lbs. Price $62.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDI SE ONLY 113 Refrigerators AH FiKcd Willi A(l.jiis(:il)lo Wiic Shelves Style lE/113, 2E/113, 3E/113 Made of the best Wisconsin ash and finished golden oali. Solid bronze trimmings, nickel plated. Linofelt insulation, removable parts for cleaning. Guaranteed to maintain as low temperature as any box made. Enamel lined. No. lE/113 Width, 27 in.; depth. IS 1/2 in.; height, 44% in.; shipping weight. 180 lbs.; ice capacity, 75 lbs. Price, each ?68.00 No. SE/llS Width, 30 in.; depth, 201/2 in.; height. 40 in.; shipping weight. 190 lbs.; ice capacity, 100 lbs. Price, each $75.00 No. 3E/113 Width, 32 in.; depth, 211/2 in.; height. 47 in.; shipping weight. 210 lbs.; ice capacity, 125 lbs. Price, each $82.50 Style 401/113 Made of kiln dried ash throughout. Nickel plated trimmings of the latest improved lever patterns. Insulated with Linofelt, necessary dead air space provided for, maintaining low temperature with a minimum quantity of ice. Genuine Sheet Forcelain Iiined No. 401/113 Width, 29 in.; depth, 17 V2 in.; height, 46 in.; shipping weiglit, 170 lbs.; ice capacity. 110 lbs. Price, each $84.00 Style 410/113. 412/11:! Made of kiln dried ash throughout. Nickel plated trimmings of latest improved lever patterns. Insulated with charcoal sheathing, necessary dead air space provided for, main- taining low temperature with a minimum quantity of ice. Genuine Sheet Porcelain Iiined No. 410/113 Width, 21 in.; depth, ISVz in.; height. 50 in.; shipping weight, 160 Ibs^ ice capacity, 70 lbs. Price, each $71.50 No. 412/113 Width, 27 in.; depth, 18 in.; height, 56 in.; shipping weight, 210 lbs.; ice capacity, 125 lbs. Price, each $96.00 Style 17 to 14 Made throughout of hardwood and fitted with heavy solid bronze, nickel plated drop lever pat- tern hardware. Eeavy Metal Iiined Ship'ng No. of Price :s Each $25.00 3G.00 42.50 54.00 No. Width Depth Height Weight 17/113 26 in. IS in. 26 in. 75 lbs. 18/113 30 in. 19 in. 30 in. 100 lbs 19/113 36 in. 22 in. 32 in. 140 lbs 14/113 40 in. 24 in. 34 in. 175 lbs In this refrigerator we have developed the four cardinal virtues in refrig- eration, which are air cir- culation, radiation, insula- tion and sanitation. Made of best Wisconsin ash and finished in rich golden oak. The trimmings are of heavy solid bronze nickel plated and self-clos- ing throw-over lock, insur- ing tightly closed doors. The Linofelt insulation, the tests of low ice con- sumption, the removal of the ice chamber, shelves, drip pipe and cooler for thorough cleaning, and new efficient self-closing throw over lock are all convincing to the buyer. We guarantee that this refrigerator will maintain as low a temperature and be as economical in the use of ice. under usual condi- tions as any refrigerator made. 32E/113 33E/113 34E/113 No. 32E/113 33E/113 34E/113 Width 33 in. 36 in. 39 in. ENAMEIi IiINED ONIiV Ship'ng Height Weight 47 in. 210 lbs. 50 in. 245 lbs. 52 in. 285 lbs. PROVISION CHAMBER jce Price Capacity Bach 110 lbs. S88.00 130 1b.s 99-50 165 lbs 112.00 ICE COMPARTMENT Depth 15 »4 in 1514 in I614 in 16% in 17% in 17% in Height 331/2 in. 101/2 in. 361/2 in. Width 111/2 in. Depth 15 in. Height 19% in. 22% in. 23% in. Refrigerators can be furnished with water coolers, rear or end door icers. Write for prices. WE SELL STANDARD QU ALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Refrigerators F. O. B. Our Wisconsin Factory. Goods that are constructed ri^Iit at prices that sell. Hardwood. Galvanized metal lined. No. 6/114 21xl6y4x40 inches Provision. 17i4xn%xl4% inches. Ice. 15x11x12 inches. Capacity, 50 lbs. Price. .$34.00 No. 7/H4 23x171/4x42 inches. Provision. 19i4xl2%xl6 inches. Ice, 17x12x1214 inches. Capacity. 75 lbs. Price. $39.00 No. 6i:/114 As above, except enamel lined 38.00 No. 7E/114 As above, except enamel lined 43.00 Illustration shows Nos. 8214 114 and 83i^i:/114 Nos. 78/114, 80/114 and 81E/1141ias single provision door. We have facilities to make prompt sliipments on all our line. Refrigerators can be furnished with water coolers, rear or end Our line is very extensive. Write for illustrations and prices on Hardwood, golden oak finish, carefully insulated with charcoal sheath- ing- and non-conducting dead air space. A dry cold air circulation and low temperature procured with a minimum amount of ice. Sanitary, easily cleaned. All parts removable. Nickel plated hardware of the latest approved patterns. -A. very moderate priced refrigerator. ENAMEI^ UNED Om^'S' No. Width Depth 12E/114 12 14 E 114 13E/114 12E/114 I214E/II4 13E/114 ;n FBOVISIOir CHAMBER Width Depth 20% in 13% ir 23% in. 14 ir 20% in. 141/2 ir Height Shipping Weight Ice Capacity Price Each 4S in. 49 in. 50 in. 155 lbs. 1 70 lbs. 185 lbs. 100 lbs. 115 lbs. 125 lbs. $58.00 64.00 68.00 IBEB ICE COMFABTMENT Height IS 1/2 in. 19 in. 20 in. Width 18 1/4 in. 211/4 in. 24 y4 in. Depth 131/2 in. 14 in. 141/2 in. Height 111/2 in. 121/2 in. 121/2 in. Made of hardwood, golden oak finish. Carefully insulated with charcoal sheathing and non-conducting dead air space. A dry, cold air circulation and low temperature are produced with a minimum amount of ice. Sanitary, easily cleaned, all parts removable, nickel plated hardware of the latest approved pattern. The handsomest, a moderate price. ?frigerator obtainable EKAMEI. I.INEI} OWI.Y Shipping Ice Width Depth Height Weight Capacity Each 78E/114 30 in. 16 in. 41 in. 135 lbs. 60 lbs. $54.00 32 in. 18 in. 42 in. 175 lb.s. 85 lbs. 64.00 81E 114 34 in. 19 in. 44 in. 185 lbs. 110 lbs. 70.50 20 in. 50 in. 235 lbs. 130 lbs. 84.00 21 in. a2 ni. 270 lbs. 165 lbs. 94.00 FBOTISION CHAMBER ICE COMFARTMENT No. Width Deptl Height "Width Depth Height 80E 114 13 in. 151/4 in. 14 in 14 in 28 in 8 in. 11 in 14 in. 16 in. 81E 114 14 in. I(;i4 in. 15 in 15 in 30 in. 9 in. 12 in. 15 in. 17 in. 8212E 114 15 in. 171,4 in. 16 in 1 li in 35% in. 10 in. 13 in. 16 in. 22% in. 83I2E 114 !«',■. in. 18% in. 17 in 17 in 37% in. 11 1/2 in. 141/2 in. 17 in. 231/4 in. Nos. 821/2/144 and S3 1/2/114 ha ■e four doc rs. Same as above in size and construction, except that they are lin sheets of vitreous porcelain. No. 480/114 Dimensions, weight and capacity, same as SOE/114... No. 481/114 Dimensions, weight and capacity same as SlE/114... No. 482/114 Dimensions, weight and capacity same as S2E/114... door icers. Write for prices. grocer's boxes not quoted on these pages. We can furnish them. Each $ 96.00 . 104.00 . 120.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALI TY MERCHA NDISE ONLY Fireless Stoves Save Fuel— Cooks the Entire Meal Fireless Stove No. 25/115 . . .$27.00 Equipment — Two aluiniiiuin vessels, 6-quart and 3-quart; 2 large bakiiie aud roasting disks; automatic steam vent in lid; disk lifter; folding baking rack; aluminum mat and cook Dimensions— 14* in. long. 13* in. wide, 18 in. high. The well is 13i in. deep and 9i in. in diameter. ROASTING Place one hot disk in bottom of large well on which set cooking vessel containing the roast; the other disk is hung on the hook in top of the cooking vessel. No water is used and no basting is required , as there is no evaporation. When roasting, the steam vent in the stove lid automatically allows the excess of steam to escape and the meat will be roasteS to a nice brown. Time required is about one-fourth longer than if roasted in an oven. BOILING, STEWING OR STEAMING. Either pour boiling water,ovet^tl^^tide^t.^|^J^d^^^^ COOKING Every housekeeper has her own way of pre- paring and flavoring different articles of foo arti„of nf.1iutu"t!nlflf'i USf^'h al'mi'Jium'Xle hook'a1id'i'n"sTruction"book'?'"'^^' ''^"' °' ""'"^ $116.00 0x15x15 inches. $130.50 inches. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY ME RCHANDISE ONLY New Economy Cast Range Complete as Shown, Witla Beservoir aua Hish Closet We offer in the New Economy Cast Range the last word in cast range construction. Built by a factory that has built high grade stoves since 1849, with mil- lions of Economy Ranges all over the world. Material— Of the highest grade grey iron, each heat chemically tested to insure a casting that will give long life under hard usage, no guess work. Workmanship— Employees in the Economy plant are working under ideal conditions, an enthusiastic satisfied lot, with one object only, to make stoves good, and satisfy the users. Some of these workmen are the third and fourth generation in this one plant. Each stove is carefully inspected as to mounting, workmanship and clean parts. Fire Box — The most important feature of a stove, has been built to economize fuel. Has ventilated back, giving long life. The grates are duplex, reversible for coal or wood. Oven is square, large and roomy, well mounted and fitted. Top is in sections, allowing for construction and expansion. Has six S-inch Boston rim covers and one long cut center, and two short centers. Has lift off nickel band. Re.servoir is porcelain enamel lined of good capac- ity, with regulating damper, and black enamel lids; entirely encased in cast iron; cannot rust out. High Clo.set has two drop doors and is very deep. Pipe goes up behind closet, out of sight, increases size of top. OUR NEW ECONOMY DE LUXE Complete Just as Shov\ai in Picture Pull Enamel and Nickel With Polished Top Finish — All enamel parts, as shown in illustration, may be had in pearl gray or blue baked enamel. Nickel is of highest quality finish. All parts nickeled as shown. Top of stove is high polished finish. We have spared no effort to make this not only one of the best quality, but also finest finished stoves on the market. No. 5182 /I No. 7183IJ/1 No. 5202 /I No. 7202B/1 Pearl gray enamel. Oven, 18x18x12 inches Same as above, except blue enamel Pearl gray enamel. Oven, 20x20x12 inches. Top, 441/2x27% inches Same as above, except blue enamel Top, 421/2x20 inches ^T-tT^ 2rj6.00 262.00 262.00 The Eco No. 182/11 No. 202/11 Above prices are for copper reservoir. If wanted without reservoir, deduct |30.00 from above price, PRICKS ON ABOVE STOVE IN PLAIN FINISH nomy also comes in black finish with nickeled front legs and base, nickel oven frame, top rail and high closet trim^^^ ^^ Same as No. .5182/117, except NOT enameled t 192 00 Same as No. 5202/117, except NOT enameled If wanted without reservoir, deduct $30.00 from above price. EXTRAS ,$ 4.00 5.00 Glass Oven Door on any of above stoves. Add Polished Top on No. 182/117 or No. 202/117. Add 9.60 Water Front for any of above stoves . . . 10.50 Four-pipe Water Coil for any of above stoves (Deduct reservoir cost and add water front cost when range boiler is to be used.) we ship above stoves direct from factory in Illinois. This means a saving of from 10 to 20 per cent to our customers. All prices F. O B. factory. Before ordering, read full instructions in front of catalogue. Stoves .shipped from factory in Northern Illinois. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Electric Ranges +i,?'l?,.^*7*** invention In the cookingr world. Electric Rangres are graining- more popularity every day. Be one of ^hL?,fti,*° ^°Y t"^,*" Handle them. They are very attractive, sinitarf aaid afe so eSy to handle, 'ihere is ou? ridiana rac^to?" escapmg gases caused by child's play and as safe as any rang-e can be mad;. P. o! b! EZ.ECTBIC BANGE Model 145 118 KITCHENETTE BAVGE JloJel D90/118 $137.00 The above illustrates a very modern Kitclienette Range, designed for apartment house use. domestic science, and other loca- tions where it is necessary to conserve space. This range Is equipped with two hot plates for broiling and frying, each 8 mches m diameter and controlled with a .S-heat switch. 23 inches high. Plain fin- ish. The oven is 12x12x12 inches, with insulated walls. It is equipped with an upper and lower heating unit, each con- trolled with a 3-heat switch. Wattage of each hot plate 1000 watts. A\attage of each oven unit 600 watts. Specifications and Prices. Finish Top Burners Size Oven Dimen- sions of Top Total Height Height Cooking Surface Price Plain Nickel 4 4 18x16x14 18x16x14 24x26 24x26 561/2 SB'/o 32 32 $284.0O 300.00 Specifications and Prices. Shipping weight, 415 pounds. Floor space, 24.x50 inches. This range is popularly known as our Elevated Oven Type with warming closet. The top cooking surface is equipped with four ele- ments and the oven with two. The upper oven unit is used as a broiler. With each range we furnish broiling pan and racks. All ranges are built for 110 or 220 volts, two or three-wire system, and ranges can be used on direct or alternating current. Wattage of three top burners 1000-500-250 watts. Wattage of one top burner 1500-750-375 watts. Wattage of top oven element 1500-750-375 watts. Wattage of lower oven element 800-400-200 watts. For lamp socket attachment add to list price $3.00 For individual fused units add to list price each 1.50 No. Finish Top Burners Size Oven Dimen- sions of Top Total Height Height to Cook- ing Sur- face Price 135/118 135/118 130/118 130/118 Plain Nickel Plain Nickel 3 3 4 4 18x12x14 18x12x14 18x16x14 18x16x14 20x26 20x26 24x26 24x26 48 48 48 48 32 32 32 32 $252.50 26S.50 268.50 284.00 ELECTRIC BANGE Model 115 118 This range is similar in design and construction to model 145 only omitting the warming closet. The top cooking surface is equipped with four elements and the oven with two. The upper oven unit is used as a broiler. "n'ith each range we furnish broiling pan and racks. All ranges arc. built for 110 or 220 volts, two or three wire system, and ranges can be used on direct or alternating current. WATTAGE No. 130 Three top burners 1000-500-250 One top burner 1500-750-375 Top oven element 1500-750-375 Lower oven element 800-400-200 No. 135 Two top burners 1000-500-250 One top burner 1500-750-375 Top oven element 1500-750-375 Lower oven element 800-400-200 No. 140 One top burner 1000-500-250 One top burner 1500-750-375 Top oven element 1500-750-375 Lower oven element 800-400-200 For lamp socket attachment add to list price $3.00 For individual fused units add to list price, each. . . l.SO Special view of Electric Range showing interior of oven, oven racks, heat reflector and upper and lower heating units. Note the thickness of the door which shows the amount of insulating material used, thus maintaining the heat units generated, therefore increas- ing the efficiency of the Range. Special white metal is used in all Rutenber Ranges to prevent rust. Specifications and Prices. Top Total Height to No. Finish Burners Size Oven of Top Height Cooking Surface Price 115/118 Plain 2 18x12x14 20x26 32 32 $305'.5O 115 118 Nickel 2 18x12x14 20x26 32 32 221.00 110/118 Plain 3 18x12x14 20x26 32 33 221.00 110/118 Nickel 3 18x12x14 • 20x26 32 32 237.00 105/118 Plain 4 18x14x16 24x26 32 32 244.50 105/118 Nickel 4 18x14x16 24x26 32 33 260.5O No. 115 One top burner One top burner Upper oven element. . i..ower oven element WATTAGE No. 110 Two top burners One top burner Upper oven element. . Lower oven element. No. 105 Three top burners One top burner Upper oven element... Lower oven element... .1000-500-250 .1500-750-375 .1500-750-375 . 800-400-200 For lamp socket attachment add to list price. For individual fus2fl units add to list price. .. BOT PILATE Current consumption of burners are 1200 watts each on high heat, 600 on medium and 300 low. No. 30 118 $58.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY ELECTRIC FIXTURES Real Snappy, Up-to-Date Designs TWO IiIO-HT CEIIiING' riXTUKE No. R3498 A neat two liKlH '•■iliii^; fixture for halls and bedrooms. Embossed biass ceil- mg plate and socket covers. Keyless sockets. Alabaster white embossed shades. Length over all, Ifi in.; spread, 12 in. Wired complete with glass. Each 513.10 ABJXTSTABIiE ASM, FIVE IiIGET riXTUBE No RS0978 Five light semi-indirect patent adjustable arm fixture. An effective and attractive unit for dining or living rooms. Embossed brass canopy. Chain brass plated Four outside arms of cast brass holding stan- dard base sockets. IBVb-in. white glazed bowl. Spread, 20 in. Wired complete, ready to hang. Each 940.75 All Fixtures Are Wired ajid Beady to Hangr. FIVE IiIGHT CAKDEIiABBA FIXTVBE No. R510O8 Our most popular five light candelabra fixture. Made of brass and finished in brush brass. Spun brass canopy. Brass tube arms with fibre candles and standard base sockets. Top of body shell enclosed. Length over all. 36 in.; spread, 17 in. Wired com- plete and ready to hang. Each $46.60 If You Are Pigniring' on. Wiring Buildings, Send Us a Sketch and We Will Quote You Prices on Wire and All Accessoiies Bec|.uired EAI.L, STORE OB OFFICE FIXTUBE No. B12111S The most satisfactory commercial fixture and Just right for the office, bank, store workshop or halls. An excellent, perfectly uniform glow of light that is as close to natural daylight as can be produced. Brass canopy and stem, Peerless patented "In-B-Tween" switch, which prolongs the life of the lamp and illiminates the breakage of glass. Biass holder specially made for this unit. Specially tieated white alabaster bowl with 6-in. holder, em- Diameter of bowl, 16 in. Length over all, Wired complete and ready to hang. Each $26.20 CAITI>I.E FIXTURE WITH SII.K SHADES No. B50988 An .-xrlusiv.. ihi- lii;lii s, ini-indirect candle fixiiii-.-, vi-rv .ii t iint i\-,'. I':iiil"iss.>l l.ni.^s canopy. Candle cups :ilt;-i.;h-(l lo a jMirtablc arm, wliii-li allows candle to be placed in various positions. IS'A-in. white glazed bowl. Length over all, 36 in.; spread. 20 in. Wired complete, ready to hang. Complete without shades, each $46.50 5-in. silk shades in old rose, yellow or blue, extra at, each , 3'65 CEII.IHG LIGHT No. B30S8 An attractive ceiling piece for halls or porches. Satin fin- ished white glass, 8-ln. acorn urn em- bossed in paneled Doric design. Brass ceiling band. 7 in. in diameter. Wired with keyless socket. 3V4 fitter. " ^ ished in brush brass, ready to hang. Each Complete and .$8.75 INDIBECT FIXTUBE WITH DECOBATED BOVTIi No. B100728 A big seller for living or dinmg rooms. Four side lights and one keyless socket in bowl. Embossed brass canopy with tassel. Brass cast arms applied on a 16x10 in. spun brass ring. 10x12 in. bowl decorated in blue and pink flowers, shades to match. Length, 36 in.; spread, 20 in. Complete and ready to hang. Each 546.75 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLV High Grade Electric Fixtures THE NEWEST AND MOST POPULAR DESIGNS No 8500 120 Parlor Electric Fixture. Four lights. All heavy cast metal fixture. Roman gold fin- ish, with white marble shades. Length, 36 inche.s. Wired com- plete. Price $45,25 No. 7000/120 Electric Fi.xture. Five lights. Brush brass finish. Cast brass arms. White marble bowl with side lights to match. Length. 36 inches. Wired complete. Price $48.00 No. 1501/120 Electric Fixture. Four lights. Has drops and 1 light in bowl. Louis XIV design white bowl and shades. Chain and canopy brush brass finish. Wired complete. Each $54.65 No. 5090/120 Solid Brass Direct Fixture with brass canopy. Ornamented brass loon Brass spun body with solid cast brass arms' Fmish brush brass and black. Length 36 inches. Beautiful glass shades. Wired com- plete. Price $37.50 No. 5056/120 Solid brass, cast ornamental loops and cast brass arms. Brush brass and black finish. Length, 36 inches. Glass shades and wired complete. Price $39.00 No. brass inches, wired With complete Solid Brass ush brass fl handsome g Fixture with cast lish. Length, ?6 lass shades r'.id $36.00 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY M E R C H ANDIS E ONLY Electric Fixtures BEST QUALirV THROrOHOUT No. 337/121 Porch Light. Black finish. Extends 5 inches; height of wall plate, 9 inches. Furnished with 6- inch R. I. glass slobe. Wired rom- plete. Each $8.25 No. S093/121 Ceil- ing or Porch Light. Brass c a n o p y . brush brass finish. Furnished with a 6-in. globe. Wired complete. Each S3.25 V No 1910/121 Indirect Fixture. Maible white glass. Solid brass canopy and chains brush brass finish. Bowl is 14x16 inches diameter. Wired complete. Price. .. .$16.50 PIVE-IiIGHT ELECTRIC SHOWER No 348/121 Electric Fixture. Five lights. Handsome IS-inch white bowl and shades. Length, 36 inches. Spread. 20 inches. Brush bi ass finish. Wired complete. Each $44.75 No. 347/121 Electric Fixture. Five lights. Brush l.uass finish. Length, 36 inches. Hand- some pattern. IS-inch white bowl. Spread, 20 inches. Wired complete. Each $41.50 No. 103/121 Handsome 5-Light Electric Fixture. Spun brass body, with applied brass ornaments and heavy cast arms. Brush brass finish. Length, 36 inches; spread, 18 inches. Wired complete with candles and base sockets. Each $38.75 No. 309/121 Extends 6 inches. Brush brass finish; oval brass bacli. 4%x6 inches; round tube arm. Key socket and crystal roughed inside globes. Wired complete. Each $5.90 No. 328/121 Electric Bracket. Brush brass finish. Extends 6 inches. Wired and complete with shade. Each $4.25 No. 102/121 Heavy cast arms, spun brass body, brush brass finish. Length. 36 inches; spread, 18 inches; 5 llglits. Wired complete with candles and base sockets. Each. $47.60 122 WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Electric Table Lamps QUALITY AND FINISH THE VERY BEST No. 2701/122 Electric Table Lamp. This is one of our newest patterns. A very artistic design. Height, 21 inclies: diameter of sliade. 16 inches. Handsomely finished in brush brass and black. Shade is fitted with amber art glass. Fitted with 2-pun chain socltets, 6 feet of silk lamp cord and attachment plug. Price $22.60 No. 178/122 A popular lamp at a medium price is very practical. The shade has six curved panels of amber opalescent glass equip- ped with a fancy metal base. All metal parts have a gold with a green relief finish. Wired with one key socket. 6-foot covered cord. Lamp is 21 inches high and 16-inch sliade. Each $18.65 No. 183/122 A serviceable read- ing lamp. Has a six-section shade of specially selected amber opal- escent glass, and is supported by a beautiful designed base. All metal parts are finished in Roman gold, a deep rich gold color with relief in a darker shade. One key socket and 6-foot covered cord. Lamp 21 inches high, and 16-lnch shade. Each $17.50 No. 212/122 Our most popular seller. The fancy cast base is of an unusual design and supports an overlaid metal shade which has eight panels of a selected screen with a mix- ture of amber glass. The finish of all metal parts are in Jap bronze with a green relief. Two-pull chain sockets and 6-foot silk cord. Lamp 24 inches high, and IS-inch shade. Each $27.90 No 118/122 A leaded art glass- lamp IS especially atti active and! exceptionally good value Glass is- all selected, each piece specially, cut and fastened into place by sol- dered copper strips, the predom- inating color in the baclfground is amber glass with a design of pink; and red fiowers with green leaves,, while the bird is of a tinted color and artificially arranged. The stan- dard has an antique brush brass and black finish. Two-pull chain! sockets and 6-foot silk cord. Lamp I 25 inches high, and IS-lnch shade. Each $41.75 No. 240/122 Height. 24 inches. Diameter of shade. 20 inches. Width, IS inches. Art glass panels in amber. Wired with two pull-chain sockets, cord and plug. Bronze green finish Each $29.75 No, 195/122 The general design of this beautiful lamp is supple- mented by a new and most attrac- tive finish of the metal parts known as French bronze. The shade is fitted with selected amber glass, while the standard is one of the latest creations. Two-pull chain sockets and 6-foot silk cord. Lamp 22 inches high, and shade 18V4 inches in diameter. Ea.. $30.95 ADJUSTABLE DESK OB PIANO I.AMF No. 860/122 Adiustable Desk or Piano Lamp with 12-inch flexible arm. Solid brass parabola shade. Wired complete with key socket, 6 feet silk cord, and attach- ment plug. Finished in brushed brass and black. Each $6.50 No. 148/122 Electric Table Lamp. Handsome cast scenic design overlaid on shade and lined with soft sunset effect glass, giving the whole a very beautiful effect. It is 22 inches high, shade 16 inches in diameter and has 2-puU chain sockets, 6-foot cord and attachment plug. Finished in gold and green. Each.$22.7S ELECTTBIC BOUDOIB LAMP No. 217/122 Hand- some Boudoir Lamp — Height, 15 inches. Diameter, of shade, S inches. Art glass panels in amber. Wired with push socket, cord and plug for electric. Metal fin- ished in old ivory. Each $11.25 ADJUSTABLE DESK LAIMF No. 1180/122 Adjustable Desk Lamp. 15 inches high, brush brass finish. Fitted with key socket, 6 feet silk cord and at- tachment plug. Has a solid brass parabola shade. Ea. .$5.90 WE SELL STANDARD Q U A L IT Y M E R C H A ND^S^^^i^ill. Electric Fixtures for the Home, Store or Office Xo 359, 123 On,- Tjight Mission Design Pendant. Length over all, IS in. Finished in brush brass. Has square brass canopy, square cased stem, square brass loops, square brass locket cover, key socket ,nd pressed star shades. K^^ired complete. lEach $5.10 OUR NEW ONE-PIECE COMMEBCIAI. UNIT Three Sizes. No. 9000/123 One-piece Commercial Unit. Far superior to any other, as it is dust-proof and casts no shadows or glare. Velvet white glass shade for 100 watt. Wired complete. Price ...$17.25 No. 9001/123 For 200 watt. Complete. Price, each $21.75 No. 9002/123 For .'iOO to 500 watt. Complete. Price $29.70 No. 805/123 Extends i; Inches; back plate, 4x8 inches; finished brush brass. Wired complete. Each $6.90 No. 12049/123 Adam Design, 2-L,ight Bracket. Extends 6 inches; brush brass finish. Spread, 9 inches; 5 x 10-inch oval back. Wired complete. Each $11.15 No. 351/123 Electric Bracket. Extends 6 inches. Brtish brass finish; hand- some glass shade. Wired complete. Each $7.50 No. 8501/123 One Light, Cast Brass Chain Pen- dant. Roman gold finish. White marble shade. Eength, 36 inches. Wired complete. Price $9.75 No 303 1£3 I I trie Pendant Ki ^•-s c innp> . Length 36 mches biush bi ass hnish TS ired com- plete with shade P''"^/. each $2 85 No. 315/123 Electric Pendant Length, 18 in. Brush brass finish, hand- some shade. Wued com- plete. Each $4.35 BEE-VAC CIiEANEa The best Electric Vactiitm Cleaner on the market. See Page 126 "The Peerlite" The Modern LightiiiK Fixture. Produces Daylight Effect. For Store, Home or Office. It's principle of con- struction is correct, as it utilizes every ray of light. The glassware is a scientifically perfect alabaster ware, the pure white rays emanating from this glass are soft- ened just to the point where the quality of the light is not diniinished, and at the same time the eye is pleased and un- harmed. IN-B-TWEEN SWITCH furnishes indi- vidual control of each light, and it enables the consumer to save a great deal on his electric light hill every month. BABV PEERIITE For low ceilings. De- signed for the smaller Edison base lamps up to 100 watts. Brush brass finish. Length. 15 in.; diameter of shade, 9% inches, and diameter of bowl, 5% inches. N o . 37476/123 With switch, wired complete. Each $12.95 BABY FEEBI.ITE Designed for the small- er types Edison base, type "C" nitrogen lamps up to 100 watt. Brush brass finish. Length, 3 6 inches; diameter of shade, ii 14 inches, and of bowl, 5 V., inches. No. 37466/123 With .switrh wiled complete. ].:;,, h $15.25 No. 37436/123 Same as No. 37466/123, but with- out switch. Each. $10.45 JUNIOR PEEBIiITE Designed for the Edi- son base, type "C" nitro- gen lamps of 100, 150 and 200 watt size. Brush brass finish. Length. 36 in.; diameter of shade. 13 inches, and bowl, 8 inches. „, . ^ , N o. 37046/123 ^^ 1 t h switch, wired complete. Each $25.10 No 37056/123 Same as No. 37046/123, but with- out switch. Each. $20.95 SENIOR PEEBIiITE Designed for use with Mogul base, type "C" nitrogen filled lamps from 300 to 500 watt. Brush brass finish. Length, 36 inches; diam- eter of shade, 17 inches., and bowl, 10 inches. N o. 37006/123 With switch and Mogul socket, wired complete. Each $30.00 No. 37016/123 Same as No. 37006/123. but with- out switch. Each. $25.95 124 WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY "Universal" Electric Percolators, Grills and Chafing Dishes All articles listed can be supplied in 100, 110, 120, 220 and 240 volts ALWAYS SPECirY VOLTAGE WHEN OBDERING Furnished complete with 6 - foot flexible cord, 7-point contact terminal plug* and E u b h e 1 attachment plugr. "UlnVEBSAl" ELECTRIC COPrEE FEBCOLATOB No. 4315/124 Made of copper, nickel plated. Ebonwood handle. Capacity, 2^/2 pints or 5 cups. Each $18.90 No. 4317/184 Nickel plated. Capacity. 3>2 pints or 7 cups. Each $21. io For Universal Sliver Overlaid Electric Appliances, see Pagfe 398 in our 1920 Catalogue "UNIVERSAL" ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR No. 4310/124 Made of copper, nickel plated Lbonwood handles Capacity 3 pints 01 t cups Each . .$27.70 No. 4312/124 Capacifs 4 pints or 9 cups. I ..¥30.60i Each "UNIVEBSAL ELECTRIC FOUR Complete, includ teher and I2xlS-i 1. 4295/124 Capac ' 4296 124 ' 4297 124 ■ 4298 124 '. 295 124 Cii'pA,: >. 296 124 Capac 297/124 Capac 298/124 Capac ing Colonial urn, si nch tray. , 3 pts. Nickel plated ., 3 pts. Silver plated. . 4 pts. Nickel plated . 4 pts. Silver plated. . 3 pts. Nickel plated . 3 pts. Silver plated. . 4 pts. Nickel plated , 4 pts. Silver plated. ■PIECE SET .Ejar bowl, crea Per set. .$57.30 Per set. . 69.90 Per set. . 61.00 Per set. . 73.50 Urn only 31.30 Urn only 36.40 Urn only 35.00 Urn only 40.00 ^^^ American No. 4290/124 No. 4291/124 No. 4292/124 No. 4293 124 No. 4294/ 124 ELECTRIC COFFEE URN SET Sheffield plate, Old English chased pattern. Capacity. 6 cups. Capacity. 9 cups. Capacity. 6 cups. Capacity, 9 cups. 12xlS-inch tray. Urn only, each $ 51.00 Urn only, eacli 54.60 4-piece set. Per set 99.10 4-piece set. Per set. 102.70 Each 27.70 "UNIVERSAL" ALUMINUM COFFEE PERCOLA.TOR No. 4320/124 Made of heavy aluminum highly polished. Ca- pacity, :; pints or 6 cups. Each $17.50 COLONIAL LOVING CUP PATTERN ELECTRIC COFFEE URN SET Set com- XTrn AO. CUD."^ pletp Xo. r,iiU Nickel . . . .$69.60 Copper . . . 75.10 Silver pl'tM 83.80 Nickel .... 73.20 <'0|.lHr- . . . 78.30 Silvi-i- l.l'l'il 87.40 4299/124 4300/124 4301 124 4302/124 4303 124 4304 124 4305 124 4306/124 "Universal" Electric Grills Tray, 12.\ls inches. 299 124. $36.40 300 124 38.60 301 124 43.70 302 124. 40.00 303 124. 42.20 304 124. 47.30 kul. Ea.. 16.40 L'opper. Ea. 17.90 pans^\r^S^^-„-;-^^ - -^-,^^1 ^^t^J^ To^- -u ca i-n- o,r,«,^?L°"' ''°"' ^'?' t.°ast' or Stew, fast or slow, as you wish. All For example, you can broil a steak and fry potatoes at the sametia^e. "UNIVERSAL" FOUR HEAT ELECTRIC GRILL No. 4360/124 Size of grill. 424x8 inches- heating surface. 7%x4i/, inches PurnishTd hll^J P'^"^,,'/*' l'/* and '2 Inches 'deep. Has 4 heats, as follows: Both coils hot. 600 watts center coil hot. 325 watts; outside coi7 Hot' 2 5 watts and both coils warm, 1.50 watts. Nicke plated, ebonized handles. Set. complete $19 30 "UNIVERSAL" FOUR HEAT ELECTRIC GRILL Pvo, 4365/124 Nickel plated. Ebonized handles. Fibre feet Diameter of top. S inches; height over all. 6 1/2 inches. Three pans. V4. 1% and 2 1"^"®=' '" depth. Four heats: Both coils hot, fiOO watts; center coil hot. 325 watts; outside coil hot, 275 watts; both coils warm, 150 watts. ^^^" $20.40 ELECTRIC DISC CHAFING DISH No. 4323/124 Capacity of dish, 3 pints. Nickel plated. lO.iuipjied witli fast and slow heat con- nections and a clamp for fastening food and water pan to disc stove. The disc stove used alone is unexcelled as a hot plate. Stove has side handles, 6-inch polished iron disc. Ebon- wood handles and knobs. Each $30.60 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDIS E ONLY All iulioU.s listed "UNIVEBSAIi" ELECTKIC ■WAFriE IRON Electric Appliances for the Home liiriiisli< in. or 1 1/2 in. x SVz in. flashlight cases interchangeable in any standard flashlight of same dimensions. Price. . .$1.30 This assortment consists of the fol- lowing: 5 — No. 240/127 5 — No. 120 127 10 — No. 6404/127 10 — No. 6302/127 Per set $54.50 No. 120/127 Baby Tubular size Make - UR - Own Battery Flashlight Service Outfit in- cludes 1 Nickel Flashlight Case, 6036, equipped with a Mazda 2.7 V. lamp, parts to make 6 cells or 3 2-cell baby size bat- teries to fit case. Price. .$2.75 No. 6302/127 Baby Tubular size Renewal Make - UR - Own Battery Set contains material suufficient for 3 batteries of 2 cells each for 1% in. x 5 in. flashlight cases, interchange- able in any standard flashlight of similar dimensions $1.15 No. 6404/127 Nq. 6302/127 WE SELL STA N-D ARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Most Efficient Washer The Geyser Electric Washing Machine With Swinging Power Wringer Approved by the Good House Keeping Institute Equipped with a •^■'lOJ^sepower Ulectric Motor, vertically mountecl and protected by a cast iron hoon. N'o norve-racking operating noises. The only moving parts — a motor and two-blade propeller — work smoothly and quietly Willi a low, pleasing hum. XTO EXFOSED COGS OR GEABS Baby may play around an ope- rating "Geyser." There are no Sxposed mo\'ing parts. EI.EC1BIC WELDED SIBECTLV GEABED, NO BEIiT OB CEAZN- DBIVE The unique "Geyser" principle of washing enables tlie entire tank and cylinder space to be used, instead of one-tliird to one-half of it as in all otlier machines. Most Compact Electric Washer and Wringer Ever Built. The Washer Tank is all metal, and the steel frame is electrically welded, assuring riiiiility ami liing life. The baked enamel fi]iisli gives an exceedingly pleasing ap- pearance and is \ery durable. The Perforated Zinc Cylinder and the inside of the p-alvanized steel tank are both copper plated and then nickel plated — an ex- clusve Geyser feature. This spe- cial plating* is a positive protec- tion against rust and corrosion and assures absolute cleanliness. The cylinder is very light in weight, but very strong and dur- able. It is provided with a very convenient handle, so that it may be easily removed. When taking the clothes out. the cylinder can he raised to a higher level, there- by eliminating the necessity of bending way over. The cost of operation is nominal. It pays for itself in a few months. The Geyser ElectricJ! Washer Believes you of the hardest worl in your home. TEE BIGHT FBINCIFLE A Powerful Circulation of ho suds is forced through the clothek by means of a high-speed pro peller in the bottom of the tanK The water is also drawn bad through the clothes by suction This double waslring action a^ sures quick, thorough washing There is no -wear on the clothes as they always remain under ho water in a constantly revolv' cylirider. Very Noiseless In Operation- is As Quiet Buuuing As An Elec trie Fan. THE ELECTRIC WBENGEB is reversible, has a positive safetjt release, and can be used at sami time a.s washer or independently In swinging wringer types, wringer swings to three differen'i positions, making it unnecessarj to move washer during entin washing and wringing operation The Geyser effectively demon! strates that a highly efficieni washer need not be a cumbersome unwieldy machine. The Gej'ser can be used in th( kitchen or bathroom, if desired. I! will pass through the smallesl door, can be attached to the ordi^l nary electric light socket, and il as CLuiet running as an electri'f fan. Guaranteed in every re- spect. Your money back if not entirely satisfied. The light weight but very durable all metal cylinder used in the Geyser washer. The High Speed Propeller under the cylinder which fDices hot suds through the clothes, also revolves the cylinder, this propeller does not come in contact with the cylinder. It is the force of the water, agitated by the propeller, that revolves the cylinder. . No Exposed Cogs or Gears. All moving parts enclosed m grease tight boxes. While the machine is in operation, a baby can play around the machine with no possible chance of getting hurt. Try out one of these washers and convince yourself of the wondertul merits this machine possesses and which are not to be found in any washer. One machine will sell another. The reputation of the manu- facturer as well as our own stands behind the guarantee, under which every one of the washers are sold. If this washer isn't the superior of any on the market, you are not obliged to keep it. This is a wonder- ful proposition, and a wonderful opportunity. So take a hold of it and reap the harvest , ^, ^ The "Geyser" principle of washing is entirely different from that used by any other manufacturer. It actually drives hot, soapy water through and through the fabric of the clothes by means of a high-speed pro- peller placed in the bottom of the tank. The water is also drawn back through the clothes by suction. This double washing action assures quick, thorough washing with no clothes-wear By utilizing the entire tank and cylinder space instead of only one-third to one- half of it, the "Geyser" effectively demonstrates that a highly efficient electric washer need not be a complicated, bulky machine. For the same capacity it is the most compact electric washer made, as well as the most efficient. Due to its compactness, quietness in operation and absolute safety, the Geyser Washer can be used in the kitchen or bathroom of an apartment, if desired. The 6-sheet size is equivalent to about 50 mixed pieces, and 9-sheet to about 75 pieces. THE FINISH These Washers can be furnislied either in copper or steel. The steel washers are finished in gray baked enamel. The finish is beautiful and very durable. The inside is copper plated and then nickel plated, giving it a smooth hard finish and is very easily cleaned. The above is a the Geyser Washer, peller inside in the No. 7/128 Faiiiil.v Size. Capacity, 6 sheets, steel. Price. , $239.25 No. 8/128 Family Size. Capacity, 6 sheets, copper. Price 270.30 No. 9/128 Lai-ge Family Size. Capacity, 9 sheets, st<»el. Price 270.30 No. 10/128 Large Family Size. Capacity, 9 sheets, copper. Price 302.10 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Waltham Washing Machines \V\l/rH.\>I HKiH SPEED ELECTRIC WASHTXO !M.\<'HIM<: WITH HKiH-SI'KKI), 15ALL-HEARIXG WALTHAM SWINGING POWER WRINGER WASHER Entire Mccliaiiisiii Is (JcariHl Direct — Noiseless and I^erl'ecl in Opeialion — No Helts or Pulleys to Adjust Hand I'owei' IN CONSTRUCTION AND FINISH this machine is unexcelled. It is very simple and all the mechanism is perfectly fitted and very strong. With proper care the "Waltham High Speed Washer" will last for many years. The tub is made of selected outhern Cypress — "the wood everlasting" — Is well built and is finely finished witli good quality varnisli. All of the mechanism and gearing, as well as the motor, is placed underneath the tub on a rigid steel frame. All metal parts are sherrardized. This fin- ish is much more attractive than paint and as it will not peel or check, will last for a life time and effectually prevent rust. THE FRAME OR STANDARD is made of angle steel, the different pieces being se- curely riveted to each other, forming an exceedingly strong and rigid frame, wliich at the same time is not heavy nor cumber- some. Tlie entire frame has sherrardized non-rust finish and is mounted on strong steel castors, which allows the machine to be readily moved from place to place. BALL-BEARING WRINGER. The wring- er furnished is of the highest grade obtain- able, nicely finished and fitted with ball bearings. The rubber used in the rolls is not such as is used in many cheap wringers, but is of the very best quality and with proper care will give years of satisfactory service. This wringer is fitted with a new and patented device con\'enient to the hand, which allows the rolls to be relieved of all pressure instantly, as is sometimes neces- sary, should the operator carelessly catch her fingers, or if for any other reason it is desired to relieve the rolls of pressure quickly. The wringer is connected with the motor by means of a positive drive shaft and is so constructed that it can be swung three (3) different positions, thus No. 305/129 Waltham Electric Washer, tratecl allowing the operator to be wringing clothes while also washing some. A simple, easily operated le^'er handle controls this wringer so that it is started, stopped or re\'ersed in- stantly, at the will of the operator. THE IMOTOR — The electric motor is of ample strength to run the wringer and wasliing machine at the same time. It is the best motor manufactured today and is built in accordance w^ith our specifications for use on the "Waltham High Speed Wash- ing IVIachine. All these Electric Machines are regularly eciuipped with motor for use on alternating current, 110 volt, 60 cycle electric system, as tliese specifications are proper for practically all the electric light systems today. The "M^altham High Speed" Macliine can be furnished, however, with motor for use on any odd voltage or odd cycle systems. In order that the proper motor shall always be sent, we request that orders for electric machines specify current, voltage and cycles. THE STEEL EXTENSION for holding extra tub is hinged to the side of the frame and provides a substantial support for the tub. When not in use tills extension is folded close against frame and is entirely out of tlie way. The complete machine then occupies no more space that the ordi- nary one-tub electric. The extension is op- tional, that is, it can be supplied with the machine, if desired, at a slight extra price or it will be omitted altogether. COST OF OPERATION — The cost of operation is \-ery light — less tlian two cents per hour for electric current consumed. As the average family washing can be finished complete in from two to three hours time the total cost for electricity will never be more than 10 cents per week. complete with extensions, as illus- No. 200/129 The ■Waltham Waslier is the highest speed, easiest lunning wasliei made Ihe dasher or dolly makes a full thiee quiitei turn This machine is ball-bearing, operated by a walking beam principle in connection with which runs a large heavy balance wheel. This beam is so arranged that the machine positively cannot stop on a "center." All the levers and iron work are put tlirough an electro-galvanizing process which prevents rust. This machine is con- structed so that with a slow motion of the handle the dolly is moved so rapidly that it fairly boils the soap into a rich suds and forces the same through the clothes rapidly, thus cleaning quickly and thor- oughly. The tub is made of Louisiana cypress, which is commonly recognized as the best wood for such purposes. Water seems to actuaH> pi-st-r\e this wood. Clothes agitator is a wo ml doii\ uiili pegs. Interior of tub is ribbed.. ^f^E GUARANTEE tills machine to be the best of its kind. < Mn con- fidence is such that we furnisli with each W'altliam High Speed Washer a written Three-Year Cruarantee. We know of no other house having such confidence in a wasliing machine. Price $34.75 WALTHAM WATER MOTOR WASHER .$172.30 No. 285/129 Waltham Electric Wa.sher, as No. 305/129 without extensions, otherwise same THE SIMFIiESrr VTATEB MOTOR MADE No. 2001/X29 The Water Motor used on this wash- ing macliine is gearless. This pre\'ents noise and lost motion and insures the easy running qualities that are absolutely necessary in a motor that will operate, as does this one, on water pressure as low as 20 pounds. It has no frictional parts; it is self- draining and non-freezing; requires no oiling; will not wear, rust or stick: the bearings are non- metallic. You will Snow that you have water pres- sure enougli to operate tliis washer if you can draw four gallons per minute. The Tub is well and strongly built of selected southern cypress — "the wood e^'erlasting," nicely finished with good quality of varnish. It will hold IB gallons of water, and if given reasonable care, will not warp or shrink. Clothes agitator is a wciod dnlly %vitli pegs. Interior of tub is ribbed. This Water Motor Washing Ma- chine is the greatest labor-sa\iiig de\ice for woman- kind that has ever been invented. Tlie motor does all tlie work. The operator lias nothing to do except to fill and refill the tub. until the washing is com- pleted. With this machine you save all the hard work. The Coat of Operation is very light. Water is the cheapest possible power obtainable in every city. The motor used on this machine is the most einnomical water motor manufactured. The only- guaranteed water motor. Price $42.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Waltham Sewing Machines Tlio ^lachlne That at All Times Gives the Very Best of Satisfaction. Guaranteed in Every Respect by the Manufacturer and Ourselves It's the Machine That You Can Sell With the Utmost Confidence. Here are the most popular, best selling Waltham Sewing Machines we have been able to find. In actual sales they are far ahea(j of any other style. We ascertained this fact beyond any doubt by a careful investigation of the leading sewing machine manufacturers I sales reports and the requirements of a large number of dealers, together with their customers' demands. These particular Walthar Machines will meet with a more ready sale and bring greater satisfaction with it to both the dealer and his customer than any othe style which could possibly be selected. The Waltham "Leader" Sewing Machine GUAR.IXTEED FOR TEX YEARS Consider the Merits of This Machine, Its Quality and Then li Price. Y'oui- Verdict Will Be: "It Can't Be Beat." We liandle only Sewing- Machines of whicti we are positive tha thfv will give the best service; therefore, a sincere belief that ; ■ iieaiH r machine is inferior in workmanship and quality and i tlicretore mutually beneficial to let alone. aSAD — Three-quarter size. Has more convenience, time and labc savinK improvements than any other Machine of like grade on th niaikct. Working parts are made of fine quality hardened steel. WOOD WOBK — Substantial and attractive are the two word that best describe this case of this great little Machine. We at enthusiastic about it. So will you be. when you've seen it, and th way it will sell will please you still better. Has four large sia drawers and a handy center drawer. IS inch tape measure on fron of table. .STAITD — Ribbon pattern — Not a Dust Collector. Finished i glossy black enamel same as head. Is rigidly braced and secure* This stand is esuipped with a patented Belt Replacer, which aut( matically belts Machine ready for sewing, when head is raise* This is one of the greatest time saving improvements yet put a Sewing Machine. It saves the operator much inconvenience. ATTACHMENTS — The Attachments are exceptionally good fa a machine of this grade. Most machines of tliis price do not havi nickel plated attachments. A complete set of the well know Griest Make in a Velvet-lined Box, furnished FREE with this Ms chine. They consist of the following: 1 Tucker, 1 Ruffler, 4 Hen mers (different widtlis). 1 Foot Hemmer, 1 Binder, 1 Braider, Feller, 1 Quilter, 1 Shirring Slide and 1 Gauge. ACCESSORIES — Furnished without extra charge, consisting i 1 <^)il I 'ail Iill«Ml, 1/^ dozen assorted Needles, 1 Large Screw Drive! 1 SliuLtle Screw Driver and 4 Bobbins. Simple instruction boO' in English, German, French, Spanish or Scandinavian goes with th: Machine. Any one of ordinary intelligence, after reading the ii structions in this book will have no difficulty, doing all ordinar kinds of sewing perfectly, and will be able to secure surpri results with the attachments on fancy sewing. The utmost sin plicity of mechanical parts, the total absence of confusing detaijl alone make this possible. No. 3478/130 WALTHAM "LEADER." List Price $59.8 The Waltham "Special" Bali-Bearing Sewing Machine a novel design constructed of oak, finely finished, six full length side drawers with wood pulls and FULLY W.\RR.\XTEI) I'OH TEX YKARS Beautiful Cabinet of Solid Oak, With 6 Full-.Size Drawers, Finely Finished, Perfectly Consti'ucted, Easy Running. CASE „.. , There are six full length si' r--..- an ornamental drop front, which is raised to give knee for the operator by the automatic lifting device, which also raises the sewing head to position. STAND — Ball bearing and attractive in design, strong and easy running in operation. The stand wheel revolves on two sets of hardened steel balls operating in micrometer ground hardened steel cones. It is quiet, smooth and fast, and is fitted with a device which prevents the machine from becom- ing unbelted. SE'WTNG HEAD forms the reliable, time-tested lock stitch, full size arm, clear working space underneath, S^xSy™ inches. FEATTTBES — Positive double width, steel forge, four- motion feed; spring tension on top of arm with handy device for releasing pressure on thread. ..Automatic stitch regu- lator on face of arm, automatic bobbin winder, gear releas- ing device, self-threading shuttle, self-setting needle, perlected take-up, and removable nickeled steel face plate. The working parts throughout are made of first quality steel, and are carefullv hardened in oil so they are practically non- wear-out-able. SUPPLIES We can furnish needles and parts for this machine at very reasonable prices. The steel foot attachments furnished without extra charge and packed in a neat, velvet-lined box, are complete in every detail, and with them one can produce any and all kinds of fancy work. A full set consists of Ruffler, Tucker, Binder. Braider, Hemmer foot. Feller, Quilter, Cloth Guide and Screw, four Hemmers of varying widths, six Needles, four Bobbins, two Screw Drivers, filled Oil Can and well illustrated Books of Instruction, No. 3473/130 WALTHAM " SPECIAL" BALL-BEARING SEWING MACHINE WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Waltham Rotary Sewing Machine It's the Kasiest and Fastest, KiiiiiiiiiK IJolary Sewi Madiiiie on the Market ami Workmanship. Guaranteed for Ten Y<-ars AKi""'^* Defective Material The Waltham Rotary, as its name indi 5 princijile nf constrvictiou throughout. il I'l^i imol, :ates. ombocUes the rotat- It makes the double loclc :he lower stitch-forming .11 wliiili is iMitircly fi-.-c L'uus one-third faster, ilinchN x'l-ator. '|-Iu> High Arm I load tliree coats of action, and can be instantly c wliicli i-»erforms tlie function <•] rlianilH'i- containing bobbin iliMi i.r siaiid wheel, tlie tli hr slii.h. The stitch forr tin- surface being covered witl ornamented decalcomania. c ilouble four-motion feed is positive in its ed for any desired length of stitch. The hool shuttle, rotates on the outer side of the «!'■ and case, finishes five complete stitclies to one re\nlii being drawn off once in every revolution to form t; meclianism is so arranged that it is absolutely impo; an annoying complaint experienced by users of other sew m ■■ rnn Im .il - nml n construction. Anotlier splendid feature is the ease witli \\ 1m. 1; Mi. Inj.l.m m i\ !•. removed and replaced from above by opening the, large liiii..! i.l;.!., win. h ,.li,.u.', ample room for insertion of one's hand for the desired pui|...se. In lliis pai linilar respect, as in many others, the Waltham Rotary is in a class by itself. In iinisii, in style, in equipment, in lalior saxing convenience, in wide range of work, in leasy running and perfect stitcliini; i|ualities, in efficiency and in durability, the Waltham Rotary has no rival. ^V trial will convince you such is the case. The case of our Waltham Rotary is decidedly superior in construction to and different in appearance fruiii aiix and all others. The choice, hand-rubbed quarter- sawed oalv utilized in its .-'.nstrurtion is well displayed in the solid cover, and in the six extra roomy, strongly built side drawers which, with their solid brass pulls, are well in keeping with the massive appearance of tills Colonial design art cabinet. The beautifully grained drop front piece, the easily operated, tested steel Chain automatic lifting device and the hand-rubbed mirror linish of the entire quarter- sawed case, are excellent features, not incorporated in any other sewing machine. The Automatic Lifting Device operates smoothly and easily and does not depend on springs or otlier unsatisfactory devices. Its marvelous tension which is Automatic in operation as well as name. This means that at no time does it require any attention from the operator, nittomat i.:i!ly adjusting itself to any size tliread. It is absoliUei,\- iinpossit.]., i,. -;; Ten Year Guarantee- the ities a excepte within that ti: No. 3475/131 Waltham Rotary Sewing Machine, List Price t warrants, without reserve, every part of . , .rfect in quality, workmanship, swing qual- inr 10 years (bobbins, needles and shuttles 1o replace free of charge — even a new machine all parts which, in any way. defe $92.75 The New Waltham Rotary Electric Sewing Machine The Motor Does the Work. Equipped AVith a Universal Electric Motor for Direct or Alternating It's Cost of Operation Is Insignificant. A Eiirh-Class Machine The Improved Waltham Rotary Sewing Machine is too well and favorably known to reciuire an extended description. It is a rotary type of machine of the highest class, and possesses all of the remarkable, easy running and perfect stitchiiiLj , 9436 133 S ■,(.. 9437 133 S v'u. 9v38/133 io. 9439/133 Size, ebonized wood 4 qts $2.35 6 qts 3.00 8 qts 3.80 10 qts.. . . 4.30 12 qt.'^ 4.60 Aluminum Convex Kettle Bail rest eiis No. 9424/ 133 No. 9425/133 No. S-S26/133 No. 9427/133 No. 9428/133 No. 9429/133 Size 3 it Size 4 qt Size, 6 qt Size, S qt Size, 10 qt $1.82 2.45 3.00 3.75 4.45 . 5.30 Convex Sauce Pan Stron die. Pi. No. 9420/133 No. 9421/133 No. 9422/133 No. 9423/133 tinned steel riveted han- ps include cover. Size, 2 qts $1.82' Size, 3 qts 2.45 Size, 4 (its 3.00 Size, 6 c|ts 3.75 Iiipped Sauce Pan Each 9430133 Size, ly. qts $0.90 9431 133 Size 2 qts 1.20 9432 133 Size, 3 qts l.SO 9433 133 Size, 4 qts 2.40 Pive-Piece Combination Cooker iNo. 9485/133 -— =— -^ - Can be used as a double roast- / er, cake P a n, steamer, bake Lr~= dish, kettle, etc. f Set consists of one 6-qt. kettle with cover, one '"'^ 2y2-qt. pan, one cake tube, one steamer pan. Each $4.90 Oval Roaster J=V No. 9488/133 Best roaster made. Body and cover are seamless, fit snugly and retain all the natural flavor and Juices of food. Sani- tary, easily kept clean. Sizes, 16'4x9% inches (over handles). Each • $5.55 Iiarg'e Oval Roaster Nn 9489 '133 Size. ISHxllVix SVi inclies. Each $8.20 sh outside, light finish Inside. ALL ORRODE. Aluminum re milium, uniform thickness; ebon- ized wood handle. Diameter of bottom, nVa in. Price $5.80 ITEMS SEAMLESS. ABSOLUTE- fuel than any other utensil, as it : handles are so closely fastened to Water or Dairy Pail No. 9490/133 Seamless Water or Dairy Pail. Capacity, 10 qts. Each $4.15 No. 9491/133 Capacity, 12 qts. Each $4.45 No. 9492/133 Seam- less. Capacity, S qts. Each $5.60 No. 9493/133 Ca- pacity, 1 qt. Ea.$1.53 Syrup Pitcher No. 9443/133 9444/133 9445/133 9446/133 9447/133 Diameter Top Bot. Depth Pri cov 7y8 7% 1% 1% I'/s $2.10 3.05 3.05 3.45 3.95 Double Pry or Omelet Pan be remo\'ed for cleaning and filling. Capacity. 1 pint. Height, 5% inches. Each $1.40 I.emonade Shakers No. 9448/133 Diameter, oy. in,; depth of bottom, li"i in. Steel handles, lieavily tinned. Each, $3.10 Bread Pans No. 9465/133 Sf.miless Bread Pan. Rounded edges and < oi uers. Size, 9%x5y2x2% in. Price $0.88 No. 9513/133 Fitted with strain- er and lemon juice extractor. Cover fitted with cork liner. Capacity, 21 oz. Height, Sy. in. Each. . .$2.10 .No. 9502/133 Graduated Measur- ing Cup. Capacity, 9 oz. 2% in. deep. Each $ .30 Per dozen 3.25 Collapsible Cup No. 9504/133 Col- lapsible Cup w i t li cover, satin finish. Height, 3% inches; closed, 1 inch. Per doz $1.95 No. 9480/133 Size, liyix7i,4 in. Cups, 3xiy2 in, 6 cups. Each, $1.80 Biscuit Pan No 9520/133 Seamless, rounded edges and corners. Size, 11 %x 712^1 "2 in. Each $1.32 Turban Cake Molds No 9476 133 Tiirlinn 1 ■;iUe JTolds. Octagon sill],,, ],„.s,. l,,iiioni. Size, $2.00 No, 9477 133 Size, H%x::^t in. Each $2.50 No, 9478/133 No. 9501/133 Satin and polished finish. Capacity, 4% oz. 21/^ in. deep. Per doz $1.75 Table Castor Set Pli I n. ind. firm bottom. Size, 9x3 inches. Each $1.75 No, 9479/133 Size, 9ygx3ii in. Each $2.28 No. 9521/133 Colonial Shape Caster Set. Self-righting salt and pepper shakers and toothpick hold- er. Height, 4% in. Per set. .$0.65 134 WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY THE MOST DUBABI.I: ir\ J k -W • wwr " ~ ^^^^^^sr"^^ Cast Aluminum Ware "^^^oo^^l^ 5?iSi?r^ THE INDESTRUCTIBI.E WARE WITH THAT SHVER-IIKE riNISH MADE CAST AlUMINUM COFFEE POTS CAST AIUMINUM TEA KETTLE CAST ALUMINUM COFFEE PERCOLATOR No. 9350'134 s,zp lU'^its rach $10.10 No. 9351/134 Size luaitb Eich 11.10 No. 9352/134 bize 4 yuaits Dach 12.45 CAST AXUMIITUM TEA POTS No. 9353/134 Size, 2 pints. Eacli $9.90 No. 9354,134 Size, 4 pints. Each 10.40 CAST ALUMINUM OVAL CASSEROLE No. 9361/134 Size, 6x814 inclies; 414 Inches deep. Each .'.... $8.30 No. 9362/134 Size, 7.k9% inclies; 41,, inches deep. Each ; $10.40 CAST ALUMINUM SKILLET No. 9363/134 No. 9364 134 No. 9365, 134 I'oid handles. ei\ 9V2 inches. E.irh , er. 1014 inches. E;icli . $5.40 5.95 6.80 KRUSTY KORN KOB ALUMINUM MOLD Size Price \\-ith Covers Price Withou Covers 4 qts. (Uits. .>i.lts. 10 cits. $ 9.70 11.10 14.00 16.80 $ 7.95 9.15 11.90 14.25 CAST ALUMINUM ROASTERS Ehonized wood handle. .No. 9377,134 Diameter, 9% inches No. 9378/134 Diameter, 10 % inches. CAST ALUMINUM GEM PANS -_. 9367-134 All cast Aluminum Waffle Iron and frame. Satin and polished finish Ebonized wooden handles: sciuared shanks prevent tipping: ball hinge. Diameter of baking- surface. 7 inches. Height of base 3 % inches. Price $8 10 No. 9372/134 Diam.. 10 14 No. 9373/134 Diam,, 12 9380/134 Extension handle for ! with every set. Price, per set. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY M E R C H A ND I S^E _0_NL Y_ Landers, Frary & Clark's Universal Vacuum Bottles Hot liquids Kept HOT Twenty-Four Hours— Cold Liquids Kept COLD Three Days. The "Universal" line of Vacuum Bottles is offered as the ^-*--\--,%r.t^J^''lTr\elliTLa nl^ a^^^^^^ *™1 Bottles^.'j'arf 'aS Clark of New Britain, Conn. Much tune and money h.as been spent t° ='"'»*" P«^*«^,V°".*a"^."k pfas rubher pads or paper wrappingr in the con- irates are of separable type. Simplicity of construction is a feature There are no «^«" P^"!^;, <="^ 'clealisSiE- or replacement. "Universal" FUlers •TOCtion of this bottle. It is therefore perfectly sanitary. Fillers are easily removed for cleansing- ^^-^P^^^.g j. l^t^ i^, e,ery detaU, ™the finest known and sold at the lowest price Temper^ature maintenance for f/t^iV period is gT.arantee^.ineime i^^^ accessorfes. Black Enameled Case. Tinned Steel Cup. Brown Enameled Case. Aluminum Shoulder and Cap. Ci-reen Enameled Case. Nickeled Shoulder and Cap. N(i. 4705 135 1. pt,$3.85 4706 135 T't. 4.60 4707, 135 gi.. , 6.70 New Corrugated Bottle. Green Enameled Case. No. 4708/135 PI.. .$4.91 4709, 135 Ql.. . 7.4( Full Nickel Corrugated Case. 4710/135 Pt.. .$5.60 4711/135 Qt. . . 8.10 Full Nickel. Heavy Case. No, 4715/135 'A pt.$5.25 4716/135 Pt . . 6.30 4717/135 Qt.. . 8.80 leather Covered Vacuum Bottles Black Leather. No. 4724/135 V' pt.$4.94 4725/135 Ft.. . 5.26 Tan Leather 4728/135 Pt.. $5.26 4729/135 Qt.. . 8.08 GLASS FILLERS FOR UNIVERSAL VACUUM BOTTLES Made of the finest glass and strongest construction. Size, Vo pint. Each.. $2.10 Carrying- Cases for Universal Vacuum Bottles Round Case with Leather Strap and Buckle. To Hold 1 Bottle. No. 4712/135 No. 4713/135 No. 4714/135 _ pint. Each. Size, 1 quart. Each. Each No. Round Trays 4824 '135 Nickel plated, 10-inch .. .$3.80 4825/135 Nickel plated. 12-inch... 4.50 Round Colored Enamel Tray Dull Enamel Finish Applied on Steel Blanks. No. 4826/135 Grained mahogany, 12- inch size. Each $3.50 No. 4749/135 Pt. size. Each. . . .$3.50 No. 4750-135 Qt. size. Each. . . .$4.95 No. 4752/135 Gen- uine cowhide. Pint size. Each $9.15 No. 4753/135 Qt. size. Each. . .$13.35 No. 4746 '135 Hard black fibre. Pint size. Eacli $2.43 No. 4747/135 Qt. size. Each $3.15 No. 4748/135 Leatherole. V2 pint size. Each. . . .$2.80 Carrying Case for 2 Bottles, or 1 Bot- tle and Lunch Bos. Leatherol Case, D Shape. No. *r54/135 Pt. size. Each $6.30 No. 4755/135 Qt. size. Each $8.40 Genuine Cowhide Case, Oval Shape. N(i. 4756/135 Pt. size. Each. . .$14.05 No. 4757/135 Qt. size. Each. . .$21.10 NESTSD DRINKING CUFS Finely made metal drinking cups, all of one size, nested in sets. Heavy drawn brass, nickel plated and highly polished. Each cup has detachable handle. A desirable ad- dition to picnic or camping equip- 4819 135 Set of foui Method of nestingr cups in cover. Quart size bottle with cups complete. Gieen enameled ise nickel shoullei and cip. \ 4718/135 Pint 1 cup and CO ! 1 h • ■ ■ -^^.gs No 4719 135 Quait 3 cups and co\ti LiUi ....$8.10 Method of nesting cups in cover. Quart size bottle with cups complete. Corrugated fnll nickel case. No. 4720/135 Pint, 1 cup and cover. Each $5.95 No. 4721/135 Quart, 3 cups and cover. Each $9.50 Bottle with cups complete. Full niekcl. No. 4722/135 Pint. 1 cup and cover. Each $6.70 No. 4723/135 Quart, 3 cups and cover. Each $10.20 WATER SERVICE SET No. 4818/135 Sit i.jnsists of a 1-quart Vacuum Pitcher, nickel plated, metal cork and stopper, one nickel plated 14- inch tray, satin finish center, three 8- ounce tumblers, fine lead glass, and three coasters with nickel plated rims, glass center. Set complete $31.60 VACUUM CARAFE No. 4775/135 Heavy nickel case to base of neck, metal cork and stopper. Quart size. $10.50 No. 4776/135 Extra fill- er for above $5.95 No. 4777/135 With glass stopper and chain. $11.25 No. 4778/135 Extra fill- er. Each $7.05 No. 4779/135 Full nick- el case to lip of carafe, covering glass filler com- pleteJy. With glass stop- per and chain. Quart size $12.65 No. 4780/135 Extra fillers $7.05 No. 4781/135 With met- al cork and stopper, no chain. Each $11.90 No. 4782/135 Extra fill- ers. Each $5.95 VACUUM JUG Case covers filler com- pletely. Has improved lip for pouring; metal and cork stopper, quart capacity. No. 4811/135 Full nick- el case $13.35 No. 4812/135 Verde an- tique (green) $14.05 Filler for above. No. 4813/135 Filler. quart $6.30 Pint capacity. No. 4814/135 Full nick- el case $11.60 Filler for above. No. 4815/135 Filler. pint $4-95 FOOD JAR Green enameled case. sh Hide No. ckel sere' and cap. 4738/135 Pint . . .$5.60 4739 135 Q\iart. . 8.10 Full Nickel Food Jar 4740 135 1 . I't.. .$5.60 4741 135 Pint ... 7.05 4742/135 Quart. . 9.50 Fillers for Above 4743/135 I2 Pt.- .$2.45 4744135 Pint . . . 2.80 4745/135 Quart. . 3.35 UNIVERSAL CARAFE CARRIER I'lill nl.h I 1 1 rt SI e 1 and a- - No. 4816/135 Call classes Uss bottle No. 4817 135 Complete No. 4781/lo5 Carafe $7.05 with $18.95 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Auto Refrigerator "Universal" Lunch Kits "UNIVERSAL" Lunch Set enables those who Keeps Food Hot or Cold — Built on the Thermos Principle — No Automoljilist Should Be Without Oiie,lj are obliged to carry their luncheon to enjoy wholesome home cooked food and a hot drink of chocolate or tea, or a refreshing- drink of ice cold milk. Special School I.unch Set No. 4843/136 Case made of hard fibre Leather straps. Enameled tin lunch box and half pint \acuum bottle, green case, nickeled shoulder and cap. Per set $5.60 Something entirely new — meets a crying need — an automobile "Refrigerette" built on the thermos prin- ciple, that will keep food hot or cold for an indefinite period. Just the thing to take on automobile trips, picnics, boat rides, or fishing trips, practically indis- pensible in the nursery or about the house. Every- one will want an Auto Refrigerator. The sales possibilities are enormous. A neat, durable black case with heavily nickel plated trimmings, 25 Indies long, 14 inches deep j n inches wide. The movable ice receptacle is a very big advantage, as it can be placed in any part of refrigerator or renioved entirely if desired. Fits on the running board of any car, can be ' locked to prevent theft. Made of a special wood fibre composition, unaffected by atmospheric changes. The strong insulating walls and air chamber keep the contents at an even temperature ' -Inside is lined. No. 4863/136 Price $33.35 'Universal" Motor Sets onstructed, covered with black leatherol, and lined with bright green leath- erol. Genuine leather handles and two snap fasteners. No. 4848/136 Green enamel hinged cover lunch hiix. Pint bottle $10.50 No. 4849/136 Quart bottle 13.00 No. 4850/136 Furnished with a nickel plated bottle, and removable top and bottom nickel plated Innili box. Pint bottle $11.25 No. 4851/136 Quart bottle 15.10 "Universal" launch Kits Made of cold rolled metal, enameled black, monitor gray, and dark green. Lunch com- partment heavily tinned, bottle holds one pint. All bottles equipped with screw shoulders and caps, and match cases in color. The 4S40/136 and 4856/136 have drawn steel screw cap and shoulder, the 4841/136 and 4857/136 have the aluminum screw cap and shoulder, and the 4842/136 and 4858/136 have nickel plated screw cap and shoulder. Handles on each box are of genuine leather, securely attached by riveted brass grips and are collapsible. The important feature is the free circulation of air through- out the box when closed. "Universal" lunch Kits with Extra Trays No. 4856 136 Black finish, nickel trimmings Wlttl tra\ s $7 05 ..c^","-,..*?^'' ••^'^^ Monitor gray, 'same 'as No. 4841, l..(, with additional trays 7.40 No. 4858/136 Dark green same as No 4S42/13G, with additional trays 8.10 "Universal" lunch Kits Without Trays N-"- 1?f?^J^^ ^'^^'^' trimmings $5.60 minn'm*^.^y\^^ Monitor gray, bottle has aiu minum shoulder and cap S6 70 ,y.'l?i it^'^^}?^ ^""''^ sreen, bottle 'has nickel shoulder and cap 7_4q No. 4860/136 Equipped with two full nickel lieavy case one quart "Universal" vacuum bottles, 1 "Universal" full nickel heavy case A'acuum butter jar, 2 food boxes, 4 plates, 4 linen napkins, 1 silver plated table spoon, 4 silver plated teaspoons, 4 silver plated knives, 4 silver plated forks, 2 jars for sugar and preserves, 1 salt shaker, 1 pepper shaker and 1 set of 4 drinking cups with detachable handles. For four persons. Set, complete. .$91,50 No. 4861/136 Set complete for six persons. Same selection as in set 4860/136, except that it contains 6 plates, 6 napkins, 2 table spoons, 6 tea spoons, 6 knives, 6 forks and 6 cups. Per set, complete $112.50 No. 4855/136 Complete equipment for four persons. Includes two nickel corrugated quart bottles, with 2 extra nested cups in cover of each. One large food box, 1 each salt and pepper shaker and four each aluminum plates, napkins, and silver plated knives, forks and spoons. Board carrying cutlery, plates, etc., slips into compartment in case. Dimensions. 161/2x15x6^4 inches. Weight, packed in wooden case, 28 lbs. Set, complete $54.10 Cases covered witR glazed duck, well constructed and handsomely finished. Corners are heavily reinforced and well covered. These sets are the most substantial and attractive sets at a moderate price. No. 4844/136 Complete equipment for four per- sons. Includes two corrugated nickel quart bottles, with 4 extra nested cups in covers of bottles, two large nickel food boxes, one each salt and pepper shakers, and four each of aluminum plates, napkins and silver plated knives, forks and spoons. Dimensions, 21 1/3x15x6 inches. Per set, complete $63.30 No. 4845/136 Complete equipment for six per- sons. Has eiiuipment as in set No. 4844/136, but having b extra nested cups in covers of bottles, and 6 each aluminum plates, napkins and silver plated knives, forks and spoons. Per set com- plete $73.80 No. 4846/136 Complete equipment for seven persons. Includes two corrugated nickel quart bottles with 6 extra nested cups in cover of bottles. One quart corrugated nickel food jar, one large nickel food box with four compart- ments, two glass jars for sugar or preserves, one each salt and pepper shaker, one combination can opener and cork screw, seven each aluminum plates, napkins and silver plated knives, forks and teaspoons, and two large tablespoons Di- mensions, 26x19x61/2 inches. Per set com- plete $112.50 Universal Running- Board Motor Set No. 4859/136 is equipi,. d with two full nickel e'l'^X ,'^''*^'' °"^ quait liiiM-r.sal • vacuum bottles one Universar full nickel vacuum butter jar, 2 food boxes, 6 plates, 6 linen napkins, 2 silver plated " - spoons, 6 silver plated teaspoons, 6 silver table plated knives, 6 silver plated forks, 2 jars for sugar and preserves, 1 salt shaker, 1 pepper shak- ^l>^"^ ^f^* of six drinking cups with detach- able handles. For six persons. Per set. com- plete $126.60 WB SELL STANDARD QUALITY MBRCHANDISBONLV^ SENECA CAMERAS Universally Known for its HIGH QUALITY and SATISFACTORY RESULTS SENECA CAMERAS have become so well known tlirougrh national advertlsingf and so well liked for their reliable picture taking- qualities that the public has come to accept the name SENECA on a camera as a guarantee of quality. For a quarter of a century the manufacturers of SENECA CAMERAS have been producing- a prodxict "built on honor." If a SENECA CAMERA fails in any way to live up to the claims made for it, the Seneca Camera Manufacturing Company stands ready to make g-ood. Back of this is our own xinqualifled g-uarantee of satisfaction. If any camera proves defective in ma- terial or workmanship, we will cheerfully replace the defective parts. Seneca Boy Scout Camera The Scout is a real camera that exact- ly suits the boy or girl, and yet appeals to older people as well. These rugged little instruments have such wonderful capabilities and are so simple to oper- ate that perfectly satisfactory pictures can be made Just as easily by the chil- dren as by the grown-ups. Picture mak- ing is easy and certain with the Scout Cameras. There is no distance to judge when making an exposure, as the Menis- cus Achromatic Lens is fixed focus and will make a clear sharp picture over the entire film to its extreme margins, and ^^ the reliable Scout automatic shutter pro- iSSS'lHI^BBS^^ vides for either instantaneous snaps or time exposures. No. 90/137 214x3% picture $4.60 No. 91/137 2%x4V4 picture 6.25 No. 92/137 2%x4y8 picture _ 7.85 No. 93/137 3Hx4y2 picture 7.85 No. 94/137 314x51/2 picture 9.50 Seneca Folding Scout Camera To thousands of amateurs who had been forced to the box style on account of the limitations of the purse, the Folding Scout has per- mitted the pride of owning an upright round end model. Its appear- ance and convenience at the low cost will continue to invite the atten- tion of thousands of others. Its record as a good picture maker is enviable. It is simple in operation, but sure in its results. No. 101/137 Folding Scout with Meniscus Achromatic Lens and Trio Automatic Shutter. Size. 21/2x4^4 inches. Each $22.95 No. 102 137 Same as 101/137. Size, 278x4-% inches. Each 26.50 No. 103 137 .-^ame as 101/137. Size, 3%x4i4 inches. Each 26.50 No. 104 137 .Same as 101/137. Size, 314x5% inches. Each 29.80 No. 105 137 Folding Scout with Rapid Rectilinear Lens and Trio Automatic Shtitter. Size, 2i/2x4M, inches. Each 26.50 No. 106137 S.-ime as 105/137. Size, 2%xi% inches. Each 29.80 No. 107 137 .sarne as 105/137. Size, 314x414 inches. Each 29.80 No. 108 137 Same as 105/137. Size, 314x51/2 inches. Each 33.00 No. 110 137 Folding Scout with f:7.5 Anastigmat Lens and Victo Aut.miatio Shutter. Size. 21/2x4% inches. Each 38.00 No. 111/137 Same as 110/137. Size. 2-'/8x4% inches. Each 41.45 No. 112/137 Same as 110/137. Size, 314x414 inches. Each 41.45 No. 113/137 Same as 110/137. Size, 314x51/2 inches. Each 44.75 iENECA CAMERAS are a quality product. They have a snappy style about them that is distinctively their own. Their superb finish and smart lines will make you proud to be the o-wmer of a SENECA. Anyone can take g-ood pictures with a SENECA— it's easy. Thousands of beginners are doing- it. ■With every Camera comes a little book of instruc- tions that enplains clearly the important things to know abotit making good pictures. So universal is the success of those using SENEGAS that they are often referred to enthusiastically as the cameras that "Bring Kome the Pictures." Seneca Vest Pocket Camera The Little Indian is so small that it fits into the vest pocket or hang bag; so light that its weight is barely noticeable. Details: For rectangular pic- tures l%x2i/2 inches. Capac- ity, 8 exposures without re- loading. Dimensions of camera. Ix2%x4% inches. Weight. 8 ounces. Focus, fixed, always set. Lens, Meniscus Achro- matic, 2% -inch focus. Rapid rectilinear 3% -inch focus. Wol- lensak Anastigmat f:7.5, 31/2- inch focus or "Wollensak Anas- tigmat f:6.3, 3V'2-inch focus. Shutter, Trio (dustproof). Auto- matic for time, bulb or instan- taneous exposures of 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100 part of a second. Bellows, genuine leather. Frame, aluminum. Trimmings, nickel plated, fine grain genuine leath- er covering. View finder, two brilliant. No. 12/137 Vest Pocket Seneca with Meniscus Achromatic Lens. Each -. • • ¥16.40 No. 14/137 Vest Pocket Seneca with Rapid Rectilmear Lens. gr^(^]^ 18.60 No. 15/137 ' Vest Pocket Seneca with Wollensak Anastigmat Lens. speed f:7.5. Each ■. ■■ i No. 16/137 Vest Pocket Seneca with Wollensak Anastigmat Lens. speed f :6.3. Each ■»i-35 No. 1 Seneca Junior Camera The all around advantages of the No. 1 Seneca Junior Camera m size and construction feature it as a remarkable advance in camera achieve- ment Large enough to show the details in the picture, but still so small that the camera is always an unobtrusive and desirable com- panion, this camera has fairly leaped into popularity. It niakes pictures 214x314, the proportions being both pleasing and correct for enlarging. DetaUs: For rectangular pictures 214x3% inches. Capacity, b ex- posures without reloading. Dimensions of camera, Ii4x3%x6i4 inches. Weight, 14 ounces. Focus, fixed, always set. Lens, Meniscus Achro- matic 3%-inch focus: Rapid Rectilinear. 4%-inch focus; Wollensak Anastigmat f:7.5, 41/4-inch focus; Wollensak Anastigmat f:6.3. 4y4-inch focus, or Velostigmat Series II Anastigmat f:4.5, 3% -inch focus. Shut- ter Trio (dustproof) for time, bulb or instantaneous exposures ot l/-''5 1/50 and 1/100 part of a second. Optimo Shutter on f:4.5 eiiuip- ment Bellows, genuine leather. Trimmings, nickel plated, fine grain genuine leather covering. Frame, aluminum. View finders, two brilliant. Prices No 20/137 Seneca Junior with Meniscus Achromatic Lens *1?'5S No' 21/137 Seneca Junior with Rapid Rectilinear Lens ...;.. 21.SO No. 22/137 Seneca Junior with Anastigmat Lens, speed f : i.5 37.ZO No 24/137 Seneca Junior with Anastigmat Lens, speed f:6.3 ... 45.au No' 25/137 Seneca Junior with Velostigmat Series II Anastigmat Lens speed f :4.5 and Optimo High Speed Shutter 88.75 WE SELL STAN DARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Double Handle Iiow Friced "Bag Xo. 207/138 Full-cut bag made of good grade of fabric, walrus grain. Double handle. Sewed corners. Brass trimmings. Attractive lining with pocket. Size, inches IC IS Price, each $7.70 Popular Priced Tiaveling Bag' Xo. 209/138 Three-piece bag made of heavy Belberette fabric. Covered frame, inside lock, fiat catches. Stitched on corners.- Attractively lined. Size, inches Price, each $8.50 $9.10 Black Iieather Traveling Bag' No. 213/138 Made of heavy black leatlier. Leather corners. Leather covei-ed frame. In- side lock. Flat catches. Ring handle. Attia.-- tive lining. A 'Well Made Traveling Bagr Xo. 233/138 Three-piece bag, made of Du Pont Fabrikoid. Craftsman Quality. Leather corners and leather covered frame. Leather handle. Inside lock, flat catches. Lined with durable, attractive lining. Inside pockets. $15.40 Black Windsor Grain Iieather Xo. 221, 138 Large cut doul.ile-handled liau. made of good, durable black leather. Si-w. .1 corners, inside lock, flat catches. Leather liiH^l Size, inches IS -H Price, each $22.50 $23.90 Black Box Grain leather No. 223/138 Four to five-ounce inner co hide. Sewed corners. Hand-stitched fran Inside lock. Sliding catches. Plaid lining. Matting Suit Case Xo. 102/138 Fil>er matting, closely woven. Brown japanned corners. Leather straps all around case. Size, inches 24 26 Price, each $4.50 $5.10 Black Box Grain Iieather >Iade of 4 to 5-ounce inner black cowhide. Sewed corners. Hand-stitched-in frame. In- side lock, double handle, short straps. -Attrac- tively plaid lined, also leather lined. No. 225/138 Plaid lined. Size, inches ] s -2 4 Price, each $28,50 $31.00 No. 227/138 Leather lined. Size. Indies is 24 Price, each $32.50 $36.75 IiOW Priced Extra Deep Suit Case Xo. 112/138 "Lethr-flbr." Extra deep. Heav leather corners. Wide straps all around. Rin handle. Cretonne lined. Shirt pocket. Black Cowhide, 'Windsor Grain or Smooth Brown Cowhide Full cut fixe-piece bag made of genuine cow- hide. Double-stitched-on ends. Iieather lined. Sewed corners. Inside lock. Flat catches. Spacious pocket. Extra Deep Suit Case Xo. 127/138 JIade of Do Pont Fabrikoid, Craftsman Quality, heavy cowhide corners and wide cowhide straps running around the case. Good lock and bolts. Attractive lining. Shirt pocket in lid. Size, inches 24 26 Price, each $16.85 $18.25 Heavy Leatlier Suit Case No. 119/138 Walrus grain, cloth lined. Ex- tra deep leather corners. Bell rivets, good lock and catches. Heavy straps all around. Shirt pocket. Size, inches 24 26 Price, each $19.60 $21.00 No. 122/138 Extra deep case, made of good, durable leather. Leather corners. Bell rivets. Good lock and catches. Heavy cowhide straps all around. Linene lining, with shirt pocket. Size, inches Pri each .$19.85 $22.50 SELL STANDARD QUALIT Y M E R C H A N D ISE ONLY 139 Suit Cases, Bags and Trunks LADIKS' SriT (ASK BOSTON BAGS T.ADIES' SUIT CASE Black Cobra Grain Cowhide Xo 570/139 Light weight case. Full-length sewed leather hinge. Flush lid. Anchor handle. Two gold-plated side hasp locks. Moire silk lining. Two shirred pockets. Furnished with nine white ivory toilet articles. PHce/'e^acI? '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■'■965.50 $68.25 571.00 No. 2/139 An exceptionally serviceaole Bos- ton Bag. Made of cowhide leather. Very flex- ible; sewed in steel frame; double stitched end seams. Heavy cowhide straps and brass roller buckle fastener and double handles. Black Cobra Grain Cowliide No 502/139 Light weight suit case. Lined witli moire .silk. Shirred pocket on sides. Long pocket in lid, with leather button-locked tab. Sewed-on leather hinge extending the full length of the case. Flush-fitting lid. Anchor handle. Two gold-plated side hasp locks. Ill Size, inches H 1 Price, each $10.75 $11.50 $12.10 Size, inches Price, each IS 20 2 1 i.75 $48.60 $51.40 $54.20 WARDROBE TRUNKS IN REGULAR, THREE-QUARTER AND STEAMER SIZES Construction is a verv important feature of a wardrobe trunk, which must be manufactured to withstand hard usa|e. U hfs been demonltrated thTt flve-ply constrxiction is the best wardrobe trunk constraiction known at the present time. All steamer sizes have one large drop drawer and two regiilar drawers. Construction — Heavy vulcanized fibei (■o\er and interlining over box of three-ply )ja.ss- wood; making five-ply construction. Colors — Black cover with black binding. Greek scroll pattern lining. Hardware — Brass-plated, steel hardware. Features — Snap lock and draw bolts. Con- vertible hat drawer. Top drawer with lock and key. Laundry bag. Shoe pockets. P.atchet compressor. The steamer size of this model has one large drop drawer and two regular drawers. Price No. 060/139 Regular size. 40x211/2x22 in.. $84.00 No. 059/139 Three-quarter size, 40x21 VaX IS in 72.80 No. 053/139 Steamer size. 40x211/2x14 in.. 64.50 CANVAS COVERED DRESS TRUNK Construction — Heavy ^ulcanlzed hbei o\ er and mteilining o-v ei boY of thiee pl\ bass- wood making fi\ e ply constiuction Colors — Black cover with brown binding. Neatly lined. Hardware — Brass-plated, steel hardware. Features — Snap lock and draw bolts. Con- veitible hat drawer. Top drawer with lock and key. Shoe pockets. Ratchet compressor. The steamer size of this model has one large drop drawer and two regular drawers. Price No 056/139 Regular size, 40x2iy2x22 in. .$70.00 No. 055/139 Three-quarter size, 40x21 i^x IS in 63.00 No. 051/139 Steamer size. 40x211/2x14 in.. 56.00 CANVAS COVERED DRESS TRUNK Construction — Heavy vulcanized fiber cover and interlining over box of three-ply bass- wood; making five-ply construction. Round edge. Bulge top. , , , ,,• , Colors — Brown cover with dark brown bind- ing. Brown figured lining. Hardware — Brass-plated, cold-rolled steel hardware. Features — Snap lock and draw bolts. Sec- tional top drawer with lock and key. Tapes for man's hat. Deep drawer with hat form. T^aundry bag. Shoe pockets. Ratchet com- pressor. Set of silk cord hangers. No 067/139 Regular size. 43x22%x22 in .$121.80 No 065/139 Steamer size. 40x221/2x14 in. 100.80 FIBER COVERED DRESS TRUNK No. wood Bindi black lock, lined. Size, Price. No. Size, Price, 6, 139 Box made of well-seasoned bass- Covering, waterproof painted canvas, ng and band, sheet steel. Trimmings, iapanned. Slats, hardwood. Excelsior Deep tray, with covered hat box. Neatly 28 36 40 inches -^ - „ „_, „_ each $16.80 $18.20 $19.60 $21.00 7/139 Steamer size, same style No. 6/139. inches 2.S :12 3fi 40 , each $16.10 $17.60 $18.95 $20.35 No 10/139 Box, basBwood. Covering., water- proof painted canvas, olive color. Binding ana band, maroon enameled sheet steel. Trim- mings. bras.sed capital. Slats, hai dwoocL Heavv leather straps. Excelsior lock. Deep tray with full covered lid. Neatly Imed. ^^ Prfce,'"eac1? •.':.'.'.'■■'■ '.'■..mi $25-20 $26.60 No. 11/139. Steamer size, same style; No. 10/139. PHce,' each^ . '. '. : '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '■ ' $22:40 $23.80 $25.20 No. 22/139 Light weight trunk. Box made of Lindermanized basswood covered and inter- lined with heavv vulcanized fiber. Metal cov- ered bottom. Substantial fiber binding with heavv brass-plated steel hardware. Neatly lined". Fitted with one deep tray, full cover Size, inches 32 36 „_i1._ Price, each $30.80 $33.60 $36.40 No. 23/139 Steamer size, same style No. 22/139. Size inches 32 36 40 Price, each $28.00 $30.80 $33.60 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Finest American Dinner Ware We use the finest of Imported clay in tlie manufacture of our dinner ware, ifivtng- the high g'rade finish and g'laze of grenuine imported China. Guaranteed not to craze. All decorations are finely executed and thoroug-hly baked, assuring- fine rich coloring's. All pieces are first selection, no imperfect pieces allowed in our stock. Prices quoted are for 100, S3 and 42-piece sets. Sizes given are actual measurements. Composition of sets are as follows, except 7800/140 to 7802/140 Sets, which have individual butters instead of bread and butter plates. lOO-FIECi: DINNUB SET — Twelve dinner plates, 9 inch; 12 dessert plates, 7-inch; 12 bread and butter plates; 12 coupe soups; 12 tea cups: 12 tea saucers: li' fruit saucers; 1 baker, 9%-inch; 1 meat platter, 11%-inch; 1 meat platter, 1514,-inch; 1 covered vegetable dish oval- 1 covered vegetable dish, round; 1 sauce boat; 1 pickle dish; 1 covered butter dish and drainer; 1 covered sugar bowl; 1 cream pitcher and 1 bowl. 53-FIECi: SINNER SET — Six dinner plates, 9-inch; 6 dessert plates, 7-inch; 6 bread and butter plates: 6 coupe soups; 6 tea cups; 6 tea saucers: 6 fruit saucers: 1 covered vegetable dish, oval; 1 baker; 1 platter, ISi^-inch; 1 covered sugar bowl; 1 cream pitcher; 1 sauce boat- 1 pickle dish; 1 bowl, and 1 butter plate. 42-FIECE SINNER SET — Six dinner plates., 9-inch; 6 dessert plates, 7-inch; 6 bread and butter plates; G tea cups; 6 tea saucers: 6 fruit saucers: 1 covered sugar bowl: 1 creamer: 1 baker, 8i4-inch: 1 platter, 111,4-inch, and 1 nappy, 7%-inch. Fine pure white first quality. Floral spray decoration of pink roses and white violets, green leaves, in natural colors. Gold edge line. Small cut in upper left-hand cornur sliows slightly reduced size of decoration. No. 7809/140 100-piece set complete. .. .$51.75 No. 7810/140 53-piece set complete. .. .$27.50 No. 7811/140 42-piece set complete. .. .$18.10 Our princess White and Gold Dinner Set is of the very highest grade American porcelain, highly glazed, perfectly finished, and is warranted not to craze. The decoration consists of a bright gold edge line and an inner gold line: gold traced handles and knobs (small cut in upper left- hand corner shows actual size of decorations). No. 7800/140 Dinner set. 100 pieces. Price $47.50 No. 7801/140 Dinner set, 53 pieces. Price 25.90 No. 7802/14O Dinner set. 42 pieces. Price .... 19.85 Pure white, first quality, blue band and Grecian border, all handles striped with same color. Small cut in upper left-hand corner shows actual size of decoration. No. 7803/140 100-piece set complete $59.35 No. 7804/140 53-piece set complete $32.50 No. 7805/140 42-piece set complete $21.45 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDI S E__OJ"lPl'L||'" = /;Sfmed' Complete in eve?y'detail. ^ Finished mahogany, fumed or golden oak. '" ~ -'""•""'^ .$13.50 A very rigid folding ' u with tlie perfection t ilili siiiiio seasoned birch. Top ,.0\ inclies No 15N/147 Natural hnish. Each No 15r/147 Fumed finish. Each . Sanitary Bathroom Stool. Rubber tips on legs. Top, 121/2x121/2 inches. I51/2 Indies liigh. No. 310 /147 White enamel * '"59 No 310»^/147 Smooth cork top.. 10.25 Substantial white enamel Bath- room Stool. Rubber tips on legs. Top, 12 inches in diameter. No 300 /147 White enamel. $.7.50 No.30014/147 Cork top 10.25 R^?'s^iJ^^i^"-^.^'^3^s:i.^r^igitr!rin?i^^^«'Si fumed birch or white enamel. Nn 305 /147 Fumed birch ^loiit No. 3051/2/147 White enamel WE SELL STAN D^^^RD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Genuine Reed Carriages F. O. B. Ohio Factory Wheels — I4-inch nutless artillery wood. Hub Caps — Nickeled. Finish — .Witnral Upholstery — I'l.rduroy extension side Tires — •s-iiich rubber. Hood and Body— Oval reed full roll; side lights in hood S^''^~;J"''",r-I i'^ii'^.""'-^' tubing, nickeled corners, brake, gear er Hood Draug-ht Curtain — Corduroy Strap — l,.:iili.r. Weight Crated — S5 lbs. Inside Measurements— Width, 14 inches; length back UD ■'■'. length, back reclined. 35 inches " Xo. 514W/148 Price BEED GONDOI.A CASBIAGE Beclining' Back Wheels — It-in. iiutlrs.'i artille W. 1,1(1. Huh Caps — Nick clcd. Finish — Nat Upholstery — Tires — I'i-inch Hood and Body — iival ii-ed. rolled edm-s. root WeU— \Vitl co\'er. Gear — Reversibk tubing, brake enameled cream Bear Curtain — Coi Strap — i, rather. Weig-ht Crated — 1 in a crate, about S5 lbs. Inside Measure- ment — Width 14 in.: length back up. 25 in., length, back re- clined, 35 in. No. S37W,'148 Price BBCLINIITG BACK BSES CABBIAGE Wheels — 14-inch nutless artillery wood. Hub Caps — Nick- eled Finish — Old ivorv. Upholstery — Blue bird cretonne. Tires — li-inch rub- ber. Hood and Body — Oval reed, round reed rolls. Foot WeU — With co\-er. Gear — Reversible tubing, brake, enameled cream. Bear Curtain — Blue bird cretonne. Strap — Leather. Weig-ht Crated — 1 in a crate, about So lbs. Inside Measure- ment — Width, 14 in.: length, back up. 23 in,; length, back re- clined, 34 in. No. 511W/148 Price BECIINING BACK SIEEFEB -_. , Wood and Beed Combination H,?b^rl7; li"'!" nutles.s ball h.-a. i„8 artillery wood wheels. Hub Caps — Nickeled. Finish — Ivory enamel, old ivorv reed rolls Upholstery — Cordurov. Tires — -.s-inch rubber. Hoo?~Mv?w2'''H"^^-tP"n- "'i"*'' quality i-ound reed rolls. Hood--i)\al reed with roll and side lights. Foot Well — With cover. ^^a'~n '^""'"'^''''^ luxury tubing, nickeled corners, brake, gear enameled Bear Curtain — Corduroy Strap — L.-ii hi']'. Weig-ht Crated — 1 in a crate, about 95 lbs Inside Measurements — Width 14 inches: 'length back length, back reclined. :;4 iiK lie-^ No. 548W/148 Price BECLINING BACK BEED CABBIAGE Wheels — 14-inch nut- less artillery wood. Hub Caps — Nickeled. Finish — Old ivory. Upholstery — Cordu- roy, extension side. Tires — U-inch rubber. Hood and Body — Oval reed, round reed rolls. Foot Well — With Bear Curtain — Cordu ro.v. Strap — Leather. Weis-ht Crated — 1 ir a crate, about S5 lb Inside Measurements -Width :iout S5 Ibs.'.l isurements vu^ 14 inches: ^ length, back No. 513W/148 Pi ci BEED GONDOLA CABBIAGE Beclining Back Wheels — 14-inch nut less artillery wood Hub Caps — Nickeled Finish — Natural fl ish. Upholstery — Blue b rd cretonne. Tires — 1,2 -inch rubbei Hood and Body — Flat and _ , ed edg val reed, roll 5S. Foot Well — W i 1 1 cover. Gear — Reversible tub ing. brake, enamel ed cream. Bear Curtain — Blue bird etunn $83.50 Our Suggestions on the Front Pag-e Strap — Leather. Weight Crated — 1 a crate, about .Ml 11 Inside Measurements —Width. 14 inche length, back up, o inches; length, back reclined, 35 inches No. 536W/148 Price. Are Valuable to the Careful Buyer. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE O N L IT Genuine Reed Sulkies, Go-Carts and Carriages REED GONDOI.A CABRIAGi: Wheels — 1 l-incli luitless artillery wood. Hub Caps — Nickel- ed. Finlsli — Gray en- amel. Upholstery — Prin- cess cord, gray. Tires — V.-inch rul'- Iht. Hood and Body — Flat and o v a 1 reed combination, rolled edges. root Well — With cover. Gear — Stationary tnbing, brake, enameled gray. Strap — Leather. Bear Curtain — Princess cord. ■Weijht Crated — 1 lbs Inside Measure- ments — Width. 14 in.; length o f body at top. 33 inches. No. 531W/149 Price SEED STBOI.I.ER GO-CART Reclining Back. Wheels — S-inch f- inch rear; steel. rinish — Natural. Upholstery — Princess cord, loose bed cushion. ureen sateen hood lin- Tires — 1%-inch rubber. Body and Hood — inat reed with c.xal reed roll on li o o d, reclinino liack. Dash — AdJustabU Gear — Steel spring". b 1 a l^ e and pusher en ameled. Strap — Leatlier. Weigrht Crated — About 60 lbs. Inside Measure- Width. 12 in.; Length of bed. back up, 20 in.; length of bed, back reclined, 32 REED STBOIiIiER GO-CART Reclining' Bacl£ Wheels — in-inch front ri-;i] ; nutless, steel Hub Caps — Nickeled Pinish — Natui'al. Upholstery — Princess loose l>ed cushion g sateen hood lining Tires — V2-inch rubber Hood and Body — 0\ al reed, lound reed tolls Foot WeU — With adjust ible 3h. Gear — Full tubing, lux uriant springs, biake enameled, tiickeled cot 111! Inside Measure- ments — Width. 12 in.; length of bed. back up, 2ii in.: length o f bed, back re- clined, 32 in. No. 576M'/149 Price $32.00 No. 583/149 Price $60.50 HEED SISEWAIiK SUIiKY Wheels — 10-inch nutless steel. Hub Caps. rinish — Natural finish. Upholstery — Leatherette pad- ded seat cushion. Tires — 1/2 -inch rubber. Body — Flat reed, close woven, reclining back. Dash — Adjustable. Hood — Flat reed without roll. Gear — Steel, luxury spring, rear trailer wheels, enameled black. Strap — Leather. Handle — Wood, folding V itli steel loop grip, black. COI.I.APSIBI.E REED SUIiKY No. 451/149 — 10-inch steel wheels. No. 451H/149 — 10-inch steel wheels, 3-bow leatherette Hub Caps. Finish — Natural finish. Tires — y™-inch rubber. Body — Veneer seat with springs, leatherette seat pad tufted, reed reclining back, reed sides, adjust- able foot well. Gear — All steel construc- tion rear trailer wheels, enameled black. Handle— Wood folding, loop grip, enameled black. Strap — Leather. No. 595/149 Price. Our Pag-e of Suggestions Are Interesting to the Careful Buyer. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Collapsible Sulkies and Go-Carts OHIO FACTORY ruiii coniAPSiB!.!: paiace side go-cart rolds riat t531.-'''^'''t~^i''",''\'^'"' ^'^t^'- Tiles— u -inch rubber. Hub caps. Finish— F?'^,'"V, l^'P'iostery— Leatherette, black. Bodj — Wood veneer sides finish black with steel binding, wire reclining back, padded sift leathl erette dash with cover. Hood— Four-bow Tuto, roll-up side curtains btr nif.kMed^e?!"^'^'] «*««' construction, tubular pushers woSd push bai. nickeled end screws, gear enameled black. Positive foot brakp Fender— Enameled black. Strap— Leather. Weight crated--2 in a . $36.00 No. 460 X/150 With %-inch rubbei tiic No. 46OI2X/I5O With %-inch rubhei tne SEMI-COLIAPSIBLE GO-CART Opens and Closes With One Motion Folds flat except wheels. We offer the trade a remarkable value in a semi-go-cart, high class in every respect. All steel construction with flat steel handles and enameled wood push bar. Wire reclining back, steel springs, 10-inch wheels, enameled black, ■;8-inch rubber tires, lea- ther cloth seat and back, folding hood Polor gray or black leathei cloth. Strap Packed in crate Each .$19.00 Fa( h . 19.50 „ . „. COI.l.APSrBI.E REES StTlKY Ve'^eJ^r's^e^t-wulf'smTv-:'''/'',,'''''^';- Tires-iA^ch rubber. Body- sides flit re^ ova"? re"^^ l..iUi.r,. te seat pad, tufted, reclining back, construction reprt,.,-^'^^' lolls, adjustable foot dash. Gear— All steel wSod foTdins^ enn^Ji^^' K,^*"?'^' epameled black, fenders. Handle— Wefglit cratwf ? fn . ^?af''''"=K- ^^f,?, ,l°°P handle. Strap— Leather. XT ^ii. ?i " — ' '" a crate, about 110 lbs. S°- :!f2„^i^'* 10-inch steel wheels. Price 322 00 No. 453H,1S0 10-inch steel wheels, 3-bow leatherette ho6d: l! I! 26:oO FUIiI. COI.I.APS1BI.E GO-CART ,„ . , , , Opens and Closes With One Motion 10-inch wheels, enaniHed, with i.-inch lubbei tues. Comfort seat i;Jd^ ^i^d^e>r^tS^.'t;5Sllr hS^Ses^'e'Sfed!" :^'!e^a^fhef "cto^^'^ldSsl' Xo. 465/150 \\ ith tubular handles, as shown. Each $27.50 TUBING FRAME COZ.I^AFSIBI.E SULKY GO-CABT Opens and Closes With One Motion Reclining back. 10-in. wheels with '/2-inch rubber tires. Barrel hub tinned, hub caps, MUD GUARDS, spring seat, fold- ing handle with steel grip, enamel- ed side arms. All steel construction enameled black. Padded seat and back, leather cloth adjustable dash. Color black. Strap. Length, 30 inches; width. IS inches; thickness, 6 inches; weight with hood, IS lbs. REED SIDEWAIiK SVKKV Wheels— 10-inch steel. Hub 'caps. Finish— Orav' enamel. Tires— ^2 -mch rubber. Body— Round and oval reed, open woven, oval reed roll. Gear — Steel spring, with anti-tip rear extension, foot rest, enameled giay Handle — Wood, steel loop grip, jointed, enameled grav. Strap — Leather. Weight crated — 3 in a crate, about 65 lbs. No. 591 /ISO Without hood. Price $11.50 Nn. 591H/1S0 Three-bow leatherette hood. Price.'!.'..!!!]!!!!!! 15.50 WE SELL STANDARD OTTALfTY MERCHANDISE ONLY Couch Hammocks of Dependable Quality SWINGING COUCH HAMMOCK Frame is made of steel angle with drop side rails, finished black Japan. Has galvanized steel chains fastened to spring frame, that are securely connected with hanging chains at steel stretcher. Fabric is galvanized round wire, non-rustible, with helical springs at one end. Wind shield and ends are made of 8- ounce duck. 2 2 inches high. The mattress weighs 15 lbs. Color, khaki. Weight, 42 lbs. Size, 25 inches wide by 69 inches long. No, 1!>1»/151 Cotton felt mattress .$22.50 ADJUSTABLE HEAD REST COUCH HAMMOCK The frame is made of steel angle iron, gold bronze finish, with drop rails, fitted with adjustable head rest, that can be raised or lowered to suit the user's convenience. Has galvanized steel chains fastened to spring frame, securely connected with hanging chains at steel stretcher. The fabric is galvanized round wire, non-rustible, combined with flat steel cross slats, and helica springs at one end. The wind shield and ends are made of 10-ounce duck, 2 2 inches high. Shield can be adjusted to any height on either side. Has magazine pockets, and a 15-lb. mattress covered with 8- ounco duck. Khaki color only. Weight, 56 lbs. Size, 28 inches wide by 7 2 inches long. No. 04/151 Cotton felt mattress $31.00 ADJUSTABLE BACK COUCH HAMMOCK The newest idea in Couch Hammocks with an adjustable back, as shown. Frame, both seat and back, is made of steel tubing with heavy steel angle iron ends. Galvanized steel chains, fast- ened to spring frame, are securely connected with hanging chains at steel stretcher. The fabric is patent double wire, with a close mesh, and is galvanized and guaranteed not to rust. Helical springs are at both ends. Ends made of 10- ounce duck, 2 5 inches high. Mattress on back and seat weighs 18 lbs., is covered with 8-ounce duck, closely tufted and side stitched. Khaki color. Weight. 79 lbs. Size of seat, 28x72 inches; size of back, 28x72 inches. Magazine pockets at one end. No. 8!)/ 151 Cotton felt mattress ,$46.00 Canopy Tops and Frames for Couch Hammocks !..,..,„,(— Tubular collapsible. No nuts or bolts to tighten. Sets up instantly without the least bit of trouble. Can be used with any Couch Hammock. Dark green finish. $11.00 Canopy Top — Adjustable to any Couch Hammock illustrated. Made of 'khaki colored cloth with scallops. Can be raised m front or back and is especially strong, being made of iron sewed to- gether to prevent cloth from rotting. Canopy Top. Price $18.00 No. 20/151 Stand. Shipped P. O. B. Chicago Stock WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Here Is a Genuine Bargain in High Grade Couch Hammocks ! I By contiactiiig foF a large quantity of this special pattern awning and hanunock we are able to offer it at the price you would ordinarily \ pay for light weight plain cloth. Note special upholstered cushion, ample windshield, tilting awning. No. R-10-83/lo3 Complete, as shown $57.50 Hammock only NOTE We guarantee quality to be just as stated. Light weight angle iron frames are not used in any of these numbers. NOTE Every detail of construction is carefully worked out and you will find each one sold will make you a satisfied customer. No. A.20-18/152 Complete, as shown. Adjustable head rest; duck covered mattress, either khaki No. 9 or gray No. 4, with cretonne trimming. Price .$68.00 Hammock only. Price ,$34.50 SELL STANDARD QUALIT Y I\I E R C H A N D I S 10 ONLY rhese Two Hammocks Were the Sensation of the 1921 Chicago Furniture Exposition Just Closed is it is always our poli.V to obtai,, lor our .us.ou.cms no. ..uly the newest of s.-o.ls shown, but also tbe best in quality, we , ..nt.a.te.l IS u IS ..- j^^j. ,|„.^j. p,.,2c winners. DETAIL Reclining back. Tension spring' suspension. 10-oz. (luck canopy linen. Cretonne npholsterlng and awning ti'ini cravenetted. Tilting awning. Tubular frame, enameled. Very liighest workmanship and (luality in all mateiials used. A swinging hammock that will give years of service and pleasure. For porch, sun parlor or lawn it has no equal. .$208.00 Hammock only $164.00 No. H-3-43/153 Complete, as shown. Price KVKKV MEMBER OF THE FAMILY WILL EXJOY THE COMFORT OF A COUCH HAMJIOCK This Hammock, while not so elaborate as our No. H-3-43/153 is of the same high quality and finish, and we are confident will be our second best selling design. The canopy and upholstering, also windshield, are of 10-oz. two-tone duck. The wide stripe makes a very effective color sclieme and is unusually pleasing. ..$129.00 The above hammocks are 7 2 inches long. No. B-503/153 Complete as shown .$187.00 Hammock only SUGGESTION— The sale of one of these art finish Hammocks always produces additional sales. We ^"^^^*^ """"j °J''^ ""^ ° ers either place one in stock or order one for your own use. Catalogue pictures and description fail to do the hammocks jus . WE SELL STANDARD QUAL ITY MERCHANDISE ONLY The Latest Styles in High Grade Autos Beside"' buTld^L^rt^^l^'a^lTle'^itfonX "anTbett'e"/ thin f/ feaut^ed %Se: YnZf.'MVry'"'^ '""^ "''^^f 'T "' ^'''°^' ''''-'^ "« """'" *° — " These Autos are designed and built by higli grade and slcilled workmen. Each article is thoroughly in- spected before leaving the factory. Only the highest grades of paints and varnishes are used, which produces a lasting finish. Equipment — Wood rim steering wheel with imitation gas control lever. Motometer on front. Nickel plated front head lamps. Real horn on steering column. In- strument board with clock and speedometer. Arched crown fenders, black enameled. Front splasher. Ar- tillery wood wheels, roller bearing. 14x%-inch rubber tires, yellow, with nickel plated hub caps. Weight — One in a crate, 100 lbs. Body — .'^ize of chassis. 14i^x5S inches Wheel Base — 4SV4 inches. rinishes — Body, hood and front yellow, striped and No. 1S5AW/154 Seat fully upholste decorated m blue and black, ^^^l luuy upiioisterec Improved pedal hanger bracket. New improved knuekl joint. Drop axel front gear with bumper blac No. 131/154 The chassis is 13x35 inches and the wheel base is 28 inches The body and hood are m orange. The panel on hood and tank are roval blue. Striped and decorated in blue, white and black. Improved pedal hanger bracket. Front axel construction as described above. Gas tank on rear. Motometer on front. Real horn on steering column. Wheels J.r'^4-,i"/ic^"^I^t* \"'Jl^' '■'^''' '"'"'^ nickeled hub caps. Weight, 48 lbs. No. 131/154 (At left ) ^20 OO The chassis is 12x31 inches; the wheel base, 24V, inches The body, hood and front are red. Striped and decorated in black and yellow. Iniproved pedal hanger bracket. Front axel as described above m black enamel. Equipped with cast steering wheel motometer on front hood, and real horn on steering column' \\ heels are 10x%-inch rubber tired, red, with nickeled hub caps! \\ eight, one m a crate, 40 lbs. No. 117/154 (At right) jjg^go No. 125/154 This model is equipped with a nickel plated, adjustable wind shield cast steering wheel, gas tank on rear, motometer on front, real horn on steering column, and bumper. The body and hood are red; panel on hood is black; striped and decorated in black and yellow. ' Front gear and pedals same as described above. Chassis, 12x3 6 inches- base. 26 inches. Weight, 50 lbs. No. 125/154 (At left) . vheel $20.00 A very substantial auto. Wheel base. 32 »i. inches, and chassis, 14Ux44 inches. Eody, hood and front are in sea green and striped in yellow and red. Upholstered seat. Improved pedal hanger and front axel. Equipped with nickeled, adjustable windshield, and spot light; wood rim steering wheel; mo*ometer; imitation front lamps; real horn; instrument board with clock and speedometer; arched crown fenders, black enameled; front splasher; roller bearing artillery wood wheels. 14x%-inch rubber tired, yellow. No. 150AW/154 (At right i " $46.00 Before ordering consult our front pagre of sug-g-estions. SELI. STANnARD QUALITY MERCH ANDISE ONLY New Autos— Wagons—Hand Cars $15.00 13.50 The chassis of this auto is 12x3 inches, and the wheel base s '4 inches The body and hood are royal blue, the front is red. t is striped and decorated in yellow and black. Latest improve- nents in pedal hangers and front axe! construction. Bumper )lack enameled. Equipped with cast steering wheel and notometer on front. Wheels are Ux% in. rubber tired, red Bvith nickeled hub caps. Weight, one m crate, 40 lbs ■io. 116/155 ■■■■■■, ^o. 116NB/155 Same as above without bumper. . . . Body — Size of chas- is, 14y2x56 in. Wheel base, 56 in. Truck body in the rear with removable sides and rear. Finish — Body and hood, red; front and back, yellow; striped and decorated in yel- low and black. Im- proved pedal hanger brackets; new im- proved knuckle joint drop axle front gear with bumper, black enamel. The body, hood and front are yellow; spear points on hood are black Striped and decorated in blue and black. Latest im- provements in pedal hangers and front axel construction. Bumper is black Equipped with cast steering wheel, motometer, real horn on steering column, instrument board with clock and speed- ometer. Wheels 10x3/8 in. rubber tired, red. with nickeled hub caps. Chassis, 12x3 3% in. Wheel base, 2 6 in. Weight, 46 lbs. XT .Oi /irr $17.00 No. 121/155 • • '^ Equipment — Wood r i m steering wheel with imitation gas con- trol lever. Motometer o n front. Imitation front lamps. Real horn on steering column. I n s t r u- ment board with clock and speedometer. Roll- e r bearing artillery wood wheels, 14x% in. rubber tired, yel- low, with nickeled hub caps. Weight, 8 5 lbs. Pioneer Coaster Wagons Artillery Wheel Roller Bearings THE LAST WORD IX ROLLER BEARING COASTER AVAGOXS In the Pioneer Coaster we have put every good feature in material, con- Htruction and finish tound in the best of roller-bearing coaster wag- ons, and to all that array of high quality we have added improved nickel plated hub caps, improved hub bushings, improved rollers, and a body made of the finest grade of selected ash lumber with a de luxe finish. $16.00 N'o. Body "^Vheel 2/155 14x3 4 in. 10 in, 3/155 16x38 in. 10 in. 17.75 4/155 18x40 in. 12 in. 20.00 GEAR DRIVE HAND CAB No. I0?4/155 Has 6 and S-inch wheels, with 3/o-inch rubber tires • • • • ■ ■ • ■ -f®"^'' No. III2/153 Same as No. 10%/155^, but^has S and io-inch wheels, with V2"'"'~ -inch rubber tires Nos. 3/155 and 4/155 Built for little tots 2 to 4 years of age; frame rails 3/,x3/16 inch flat steel, well braced; gear drive construction; wheel base. 22 in.; tread 12 in ■ seat 9 in. from floor. Wheels, red; other me'taf parts black baked enamel; seat painted red and ornamented with transfers. Weight, per crate, 20 lbs. Mn Wheel.s Rubber Tn-s S and 12 in. %-in. 8 and 12 in. 1/2 -in. 10 and 14 in. ¥2 -in. 10 and 14 in. 1/2 -in. Ball Bearing For bovs 3 to S years of age. 21?^ /155 21 J^ /155 22 i^ /155 22 14 BB/ 155 Price $11.00 11.75 12.75 18.00 WE SELL STANDARD UALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Bicycles for Boys, Girls and Grown-Ups Our Juvenile Bicycles are made from %-incli seamless tubing, with out- • side joints, guaranteeing the strongest possible construction. They can be furnished in either black with red striping, royal blue with •■ red striping, carmine with silver striping, or French grey with red striping. I The finish on our Juvenile Bicycles cannot be excelled. j Regularly equipped with Diamond No. 9 chains, cold-rolled steel rims ■ ivith drop centers, grey enameled, adjustable handle bars. Troxel juvenile saddles. Pirate rat-trap pedals, steel mud guards; iy2-inch studded tread, non-skid tires, guaranteed against defective material or workmanship, but not punctures. A spanner wrench fitting all nuts is supplied with every Juvenile Bicycle, but with that exception no tools or tool bags are furnished. These bicycles are not regularly equipped with coaster brakes. No. 01/156 20-in. wheels, 16-in. frame, for boys 4 to 6 years $61.00 No. !)2/156 24-in. wheels, 18-in. frame, for boys .5 to 7 years 64.00 No. 93/156 26-in. wheels, 19-in. frame, for boys 7 to 10 years 60.00^ No. 94/156 28-ln. wheels, 20-in. frame, for boys 9 to 14 years 72.00 No. niB/156 As No. 91/1,56, with coaster brake $69.00 No. !)2B/156 As No. 92/156, with coaster brake 72.00} No. 9315/156 As No. 93/156, with coaster brake 75.00 No. 94B/lo6 As No. 94/156, with coaster brake 79.50 Constructed on the same lines as our Juvenile Bicycles for boys, these Girls' Models are graceful and rich in appearance. Except that Standard Combination rubber pedals are furnished on all Girls' Bicycles, the equipment is identical with the Boys' Bicycle shown above. The 20-inch and 24-inch sizes are not equipped with chain guards and rear mud guard is not laced; the 26-inch size is equipped with a chain guard but rear mud guard is not laced, while the 2S-inch size is equipped with a chain guard and rear mud guard is laced. These bicycles are not regularly equipped with coaster brakes. 20-in. wheels, frame for girl 4 to fi years $64.00 2 4-in. wheels, frame for girl 5 to 7 years 69.00 26-in. wheels, frame tor girl 7 to 10 years 72.00 2S-in. wheels, frame for girl 9 to 14 years 75.00 As No. 96/156, with coaster brake $72.00 As No. 97/156, with coaster brake. 75!oO As No. 98/156, with coaster brake 79!oO As No. 99/156, with coaster brake . . . . 82!50 No. 96/156 No. 97/156 No. 98/156 No. 99/156 No. 96B/156 No. 97B/156 No. 98B/156 No. 99B/156 We believe our "Premier" Men's Roadster shown here to be the great- est bicycle value on the market. This model can be furnished in either a 20-inch, 22-lnch or 24-inch frame, but unless specified a 22-inch frame will be shipped; enameled in black, royal blue, carmine, French gray, orange or military green, with either aluminum, black, red or green fancy spear point head and fork tips, and with a wide stripe in the center of the mud guards to match; crescent wood rims, hard maple, aluminum finish; Atherton, New Departure, Cor- bin or Alorrow coaster brake; one-piece hanger, 7-inch cranks; regular gear, 9 and 26-tooth; roller chain; motorcycle rubber pedals; Troxel Tip Top No. 3 saddle; No. 25 Chicago adjustable handle bars, with a 2%-inch forward extension, 6-inch drop, 21 inches wide; featherweight steel mud guards, with raised center and rolled edge; quick action motorbike stand, Firestone non-skid tires, 2S-inch by 1% inch. Model 19/156 With any coaster brake, each $96.00 In this Arched-Truss-Bar Model, we incorporate one of the soundest mechanical principles, that of the arch construction to perfectly dis- tribute strain. Furnished only in a 2 2-inch frame; enameled in black, royal blue, carmine, French gray, orange or military green, with fancy spear point head and fork tips to match; crescent wood rims, hard maple, alumi- num finish; Atherton, New Departure, Morrow or Corbin coaster brake; one-piece hanger, special, with 7-inch cranks; regular gear, 9 and 26- tooth; Diamond roller chain; motorcycle rubber pedals; Troxel Motor- bike No. 2 saddle; No. 25 Chicago adjustable handle bars, with a 21/2- inch forward extension, 6-inch drop, 21 inches wide; long rubber grips; featherweight steel mud guards with raised center and rolled edge J quick action motorbike stand; Firestone non-skid single tube tires, 28- inch by 1%-inch. Model 15/156 With any coaster brake, each $99.50 WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY WIO snow FOK THI'^ I'IKST TIMK Ol'll "De Luxe" Motorbike Model riiis, we believe, is the last word in a really high grade Bicyflo. Kvery (lolail has lu-oii given study and thoroughly tested to make this a bicycle second to none. THE BICYCLE HAS COME BACK '^'^iMsSe^tasMiie^i The "De Ijuxe" Motorbike Model All our "De Luxe" Motorbike lacks is the motor. We use the finest material obtainable to make this bicycle the acme of per- fection. Each bike is inspected carefully before shipping. STATE FIMSH WHEN ORDEKIXG Frame — 21-in. only, with a 2-in. drop at the seat post. Color — Black, royal blue, French gray, car- mine or military green, with fancy head and fork tips. Rims — Crescent wood rims, hard maple, alu- minum finish. ?.Jud Guards — Steel, with raised center and drop sides, also flap on front guard. Hub.s — Front, New Departure, rear, Atherton, New Departure, Corbin or Morrow coaster brake. Hanger — Fauber one-piece. Chain — Diamond roller. I'edals — Torrington No. 1 motorcycle rubber. Saddle — Troxel No. 2 motorbike. Handle Bar — No. 31 Shelby braced, motor- cycle type. Tires — Kokomo Everlaster, 28x1% inches. Stand — Quick action motorbike. Tool bag and tools are extra. :No. 49/157 De Luxe. Price F. O. B. Ohio factory direct. $110.00 Our "Princess" Ladies' Roadster is all that the name implies. Furnished in a 20-inch frame, enameled in black, royal blue, carmine, French gray, orange or military green; nickel plated crown; crescent wood rims, hard maple, aluminum finish; Atherton, New Departure, Morrow or Cor- bin coaster brake; Gendron 2-piece hanger, cranks forged by Billings & Spen- cer; regular gear, 10-25 tooth; Diamond roller chain; Pirate No. 7 rubber pedals; Troxel No. 21 saddle, with style C springs; No. 2 5 handle bars, adjustable, 21 inches wide, %-inch by 1-inch extension stem, with short corrugated rubber grips; Firestone non-skid tires. 28-inch by 1 %-inch. High grade grain leather tool bag, complete with tools; also skirt and chain guards are furnished with this model. Model 20/157 With any coaster brake, each .1»!)9.i50 Prices Subject to Change WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Office Chairs of Superior Grade We present this yeai- three complete desig-ns of higfh grade office chairs. The styles fulfill the requirements of every office or business establishment. Each article is made of kiln dried, thoroug-hly seasoned wood. The finish is a hard plain finish, not easily marred or scratched. The construction is of the most rigid type, which insures a long life to the entire satisfaction of the iiser. Office or Stenographer's Swivel Chair 6894-XSO/158 Oak S30.2S ridtli of seat, 17 ",2 inches. Height of bacU, in.'hes. Office Arm Swivel Chair (To match) 6894-SSO/158 Oak $36.50 [eislit of back. 17 inches: width (if seat, ; inches. Office Arm Chair No. 6894-5SO/158 Oak $25.50 Height nt back, 17i^ inches; width of seat, 17% inches. Office Side Chair (To Match) Xo. 6894-8SO 158 Oak $19.00 Height of back, 17 inches; width of seat. 11 V2 inches. illus swiv ■ack of space allows us to show only two illustrations of this solid office chair set. The ription and dimensions of the otlier chairs is given. These match perfectly with the chairs trated. All backs are fitted with five slats. Each chair has a well shaped saddle seat. The el chair may be adjusted to any height and will revolve in any position. Office Arm Swivel Chair No. 6774-SSO/1S8 Oak $33.00 Height of back. IS inches; width of seat. Office Arm Chair (To Match) No. 6774-5SC/158 Oak $22.00 Height of back, 18 inches; width of seat, lit'/2 inches. 1 The arm chair matches perfectly the swivel chair. Heavy saddle seat in each chair. The' swivel chair is adjustable in height and will revolve and tilt in any position. The base and construction throughout is very rigid. Office Side Chair No. 5509-8SO /158 Oak $22.50 No. 5509-8SM/158 Birch mah. 23.50 Back 1714 inches high; widtli of seat. IT/i inches. A Complete Set of Office Chairs Made in Solid Oak or Birch Mahogany. Stenographer's Swivel Chair Xn. 5509-XSO /158 Oak $33.75 .\'o.5509-XSM/158 Birch mah. 34.75 Heiglit of back, 17 inclies; widtli of seat, 17Vi inches. Office Arm Chair No. 5509-5SO /158 Oak $29.00 No. 5509-5SM/158 Birch mah. 30.00 Back IS'i inches high; width of seat. 2014 inches. Office Swivel Chair NO.5S09-SSO 158 Oak $40.00| NU.5509-SSM 158 Birch mah. 41.00; Ibiglit of back, 17% inches;; width of seat, 2014 Indies. These chairs are built for long service and comfort to the user. Each back is fitted with rounded slats. A comfortable, well shaped saddle .seat. The arms are well designed and securely fastened to the chair. The legs are clean cut, correctly tappered and well braced. The swivel apparatus has an adjustable spring tension to adjust the tilt of the chair. The screw and lock allows the chair to be raised or lowered at will, and' is revolving in any position. ' j The chairs match our high ;rade line of sanitary office desks, shown on the next page, in quality, design and workmanship. All these chairs are carefully made, finished, packed and shipped F. O. B. Chicafro. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY ME RCHANDISE ONLY High Grade Sanitary Office Desks F. O. B. Our Indiana Faitoiy. Made of selected quartered wliite oak. Writing bed and desk top. 1 '!s nches tliick, reinforced 5-plv built-up construction witli veneered quav- ered oak edges on four sides. 3-ply built-up panels. A -inch thick; inch square tapered legs. Drawers dove-tailed. 3-ply bottoms and hed inside. Pedestals fitted with metal mouse-proof bottoms, ■ate compartment with flat key lock. 3x5 card index drawer; wood ligeon hole boxes and drawers. Quarter sawed only. Dull rubbed. Length Width Height Weight Price 52 in. 32 in. 45 in. .500 lbs. $190.00 Co. 952/159 . . Jo. 960/159. . 60 in. 32 i 45 : 320 lbs 208.00 Made of select plain oak only. Solid writing bed and top. Two sliding arm rests. Six 5i;4x24-inch drawers, locked automatically by a tongue and groove curtain. 1%-inch square legs tapered. Can be liad with center drawer and closed back if wanted. Length Width Height Weight Price Xo 348/159 48 in. 30 in. 44 in. 250 lbs. $100.00 Xo. 350/159 54 in. 30 in. 44 in. 260 lbs. 104.00 Same as above, flat top. Length Width Height Weight Price No 349/159 48 in. 39 in. 30 in. 190 lbs. $67.50 No 351/159 ... 54 in. 30 in. 30 in. 200 lbs. 70.00 Made only of selected quartered white oak. Writing bed 1% Inches thick, reinforced 5-ply built-up construction, with veneered quartered aak edges on four sides. 3-ply built-up panels ,«5 -inch thick; 1%-inch square tapered legs. Drawers dove-tailed; 3-ply bottoms and finished inside. Pedestals fitted with metal mouse-proof bottoms, finished light olden dull rubbed. Length Width Height Weight Pi-ice No. 995/159 .... . 60 in. 32 in. 31 in. 250 lbs. $151.50 Made of select quartered white oak only. Writing bed 1% inches thick. Reinforced 5-ply built-up construction, with veneered quartered oak edges on four sides. Three-ply built-up panels ft -inch thick; 1%- inch square tapered legs. Drawers dove-tailed. 3-ply bottoms and finished inside. Pedestals fitted with metal mouse-proof bottorns. Finished light golden, dull rubbed. Length Width Xn. 953/159 52 in. 32 in. X... 961/159 i;ii ill. :i2 in. Height Weight Price 31 in. 220 lbs. $118.00 31 in. 245 lbs. 130.00 DESKS SHOWN BZIiOW SUPPLIED IN OAK OB BIBCH MAHOGANY Made of selected oak or birch mahogany. Writing bed. deck top and drawer fronts quarter-sawed. Writing bed and deck top 1 14 inches thick. Reinforced 5-ply built-up construction, with veneered oak edges on four sides. 3-ply built-up panels, I'i -inch thick. 1%-inch square legs tapered. Arms 1% inches thick. 7-ply built-up. faced with figured wood. Drawers dove-tailed front and back. 3-ply bottoms, framed in; adjustable partitions in drawers. Pedestals fitted with metal mouse- proof bottoms, finished light golden dull. Length Width Height Weigh No. 882/159 42 in. 32 in. 44 in. 235 lbs Typewriter drop is 21%x22J/2 inches. Drawers on Both Sides Length Width Height Weigh No. 892/159 52 in. 32 in. 441,2 in. 300 lbs $145.50 3167.00 Made of selected oak or birch mahogany. Writing bed, deck top and drawer fronts quarter sawed. Writing bed and deck top IVt inches thick, reinforced 5-ply built-up construction, with veneered oak edges on four sides. 3-ply built-up panels, A -inch thick. 1%-inch square legs tapered. Arms 1% inches thick. 7-ply built-up, faced with figured wood. Drawers dove-tailed front and back, 3-ply bottoms framed in; adjustable partitions in drawers. Pedestals fitted with metal mouse- proof bottoms. Finished light golden dull. Length Width Height Weigh .\n. 842/159 42 in. 32 in. 44 in. 190 lbs Drawers on Both Sides Length Width Height Weigh X.i 852/159 52 in. 32 in. 44 in. 260 lbs Price $130.00 $155.00 SELL STAND ARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Necessities for the Invalid and Sick Room No. 70/160 $11.50 No. 70/160 ASJUSTABI^E BACK BEST This is the only bacli rest that lias equal supporting strength at all angles. It does not attach to the bed but is simply placed upon it behind the patient. The frame is very substantially made of tubing and round edge steel; is durably finished throughout in white en- amel. The stout canvas cover is laced to the frame and thereby is easily detached or replaced; thus the canvas may be washed, maT^ing this back rest thor- oughly aseptic. The manner of lacing provides for tak- ing care of any shrinkage or stretch that may occur in the canvas. For shipment the back rest is folded flat and crated. Net weight, 10 lbs. Shipping weight, 14 lbs. No. 6V/160 BSSSIBE AND BBADINCr TABIDS 'V necessary table in tlie silk room, and decidedly ivenient as a music stand or easel, or for reading, itmg or playing games. Table projects over the bed chair without touching the patient. Instantly ad- ited to any height. The table top may be inclined to ly convenient angle. The top is of golden oak, 18x24 dies. Regularly comes with brown enamel supports. It can also be had in white enamel. The table '"•= ounted on casters. Net weight, " ight, 29 lbs. lbs. Shipping No. 608/160 BECI.INING BOI>IiING CHAIR With rear swivel wheel and a one-piece U frame under seat which makes this an exceptionally dur- able and popular chair. Made of oak with open cane work. Folding foot board. Height of back, 31 inches. Height of seat from foot board, 17 inches. Depth of seat, 20 inches. Width of seat, 19 inches. Width, over all, 29 inches. Actual weight, 67 lbs. Weight crated, 100 lbs. Has a swivel rear wheel. Can turn in any direction. Made of oak with open cane work, folding foot board. Height of back from seat, 28 Vi inches. Height of seat from footboard, 15 JA inches. Height of arras frora seat. 9 inches. Depth of seat, IS inches. Width between arms, 16 inches. Diameter of large wheel. 24 inches. Width, over all, 26 inches. Actual weight, 65 lbs. Crated weight, 95 lbs. %-inch rubber tires. No. ports No. ports For white No. 608/160 Oval steel rim wheels $58.80 No. 609/160 ■'ii-inch rubber tire 66.00 No. 610/160 1-inch rubber tire 71.00 No. 871/160 $67.75 No. 665, 160 FIXED BOI.I.ING CHAIB Made of genuine reed and cane seat. Fitted with rear swivel wheel and hand rims on large wheels, 26-inch diameter. Very comfortable and easily handled. Height of back from seat, 27 inches. Height of seat from foot board. 19 inches. Height of arms from seat, 11 inches. Depth of seat, 17 inches. Width, over all, 29 inches. Width between arms, 17 14 in- ches. Actual weight, 50 lbs. Shipping weight, 90 lbs. No. 626/160 BECIiINING BOIJ.ING CHAIB We recommend Ihis as one of the most useful and service- able chairs for all cases. It has a two piece divided independent adjustable leg-rest. Has rear .«;wivel wheel. Height of back, 31 inches. Height of seat from foot board, 20 inches. Length of leg rest from seat when down, 17 in. Length of leg rest from seat when up, 2 4i/4 inches Width of seat, 19 inches. Depth of seat, 20 inches. "Width, over all, 29 inches. Actual weight, 68 lbs. Shipping weight, 105 lbs. WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Pioneer Velocipedes and Tricycles THE "E" IiINE Fork is half oval steel, with forward exten- sion handle bars, natural finished wood grips. Frame is hard steel of high carbon, making it very rigid. Vulcanized fibre saddle. Finish — Frame and fork are finished in black enamel, baked; wheels in red enamel, baked. Wltli Steel Hie Wheels No. OE/E Front wheel, 14 inch. Price. .$ 6.50 No. lE/E Front wheel. 16 inch. Price.. 7.00 No. 2E/E Front wheel, 20 inch. Price.. 8.00 No. 3E/E Front wheel, 24 inch. Price.. 9.00 With Bubber Tires No. 5E/E Front wheel, 14 inch. Price..? 8.00 No. 6E/E Front wheel, 16 inch. Price.. 9.00 No. 7E/E Front wheel, 20 inch. Price.. 9.50 No. 8E/E Front wheel. 24 inch. Price.. 10.50 STANDARD VEIiOCIFEDES Neat, strong and very simple in construction; easily set up; no bolts or nuts to be handled or lost oft. Frame and fork finished in the Ijest bicycle baked enamel, and retaining always a deep lustre, which is a decided contrast to the cheap air-dried Japan finish commonly used. Wheels, red enamel. Wltli 14-Inch Bubher Tires, Front and Rear, and Adjustable Handle Bars. No. OBT/E Front wheel, 14 inch. Price. .$9.50 No. 6/E Front wheel, 16 inch. Price.. 10.00 No. 7/E Front wheel, 20 inch. Price. . lO.BO No. S/E Front wheel. 2 4 inch. Price.. 11.80 FIONEEB TBXTSS rBAUIE VEIiOCXPEDES Extra wide axle with center support and backbone truss. Adjustable handle bar. ■With V4-inch Bubber Tires No. 6X/E Front wheel. 16 inch. Price. .$12.50 Nn. 7X/E Front wheel. 20 inch. Price.. 13.00 No. 8X/E Front wheel, 24 inch. Price.. 14.00 SPECIAl. TBTTSS PBAME VEIiOClPEDES Full nickel-plated adjustable handle bar with leather grips made under license from Kelly Handle Bar Co. Bicycle head. Bicycle arched fork crown. Bicycle padded saddle. Tires — %-inch rubber on front and rear wheels. Finish — Frame enameled in red and striped. Wheels red enamel. No. 11/E Front wheel, 16 inches; rear wheels, 12 inches. Price $16.00 No. 12/E Front wheel, 20 Inches; rear wheels, 14 inches. Price 17.80 No. 13/E Front wheel, 24 inches; rear wheels, 16 inches. Price $19.80 PIONEER STANDARD TRICYCLE The frames have deep black lustre finish. The wheels are red enamel. Spi-ings under seat are real springs — not springs in appearance only. Seat cushions are nicely upholstered in leatherette. With Oval Steel Tire Wheels. No. 18/B Side wheels, 18 in.; front wheel. 10 in. For girls 2 to 3 years of age. Price. ^J-?-£9 No. 20/E Side wheels, 20 in.; front wheel, 12 in. For girls 3 to 5 years of age. Price 16.80 No. 1/E Side wheels, 22 in.; front wheel, 14 in. For girls 5 to 7 years of age. Price 20.00 With H-Inch Bubber Tire Wheels. No ISU/E Side wheels, 18 in.; front wheel, 10 in. For girls 2 to 3 years of age. Price 512-55 No 2014/E Side wheels, 20 in.; front wheel. 12 in. For girls 3 to 5 years of age. Price 22.00 No. 6 /E Side wheels, 22 in.; front wheel, 14 in. For girls 5 to 7 years of age. Price 28,40 With Wheel Fenders. $4.00 Extra. HIGH SPEED ADJUSTABLE CHAIN DRIVE For Children 3 to 8 Years of Ag'e. Frame rails Ixft-inch flat steel, well braced; gear drive construction. Wheel base. 27 inches; tread, IS inches; seat, 12 inches from floor. Wheels, red; other metal parts black baked enamel; seat painted red and ornamented with transfers. Weight, per crate. 30 lbs. No. 23%/E Wheels, S and 12 inches; rubber tires, % inch. Price $15.50 No. 24V4/E Wheels, 10 and 14 inches; rubber tires, Vz inch. Price 17.00 No. 24HBB/E Wheels, 10 and 14 inches, ball bearing; rubber tires, Vi inch. Price 21.80 TUBULAR FRAME VELOCIPEDE Made to Meet the Demand for a High Grade Article. Note specifications: Frame, %-lnch tubing, with rear axle center brace. Bicycle head with metal name plate. Bicycle style head with arch crown. Ball bearing front and rear v/heels on adjustable cones (not cheap stamped cases). Pull nickeled handle bars, leather grips. Bicycle saddle, padded top. Drop forged cranks, nickeled. Ball bearing pedals, %-inch solid rubber tires. Frame fork and wheels enameled in carmine. A high grade machine in every respect. No. 51 /E Front wheel, 16 inches; rear wheels, 1 inches. Price $33.50 No. 52/E Front wheel, 20 inches; rear wheels, 14 inches. Price $27.00 No. 53/E Front wheel, 24 inches; rear wheels, 16 inches. Price $28.80 Shipped from our Ohio factory. WE SELL, STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY WE SELL STANDARD QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY Exceptional Values RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR CATALOGUE TBENCH PLAIN PLATE BATHBOOH IIIBBORS Framed in white enamel composition frame 2 inches wide and polished. Size of plates. No. 49A/G 10x17 inches $ '-SO No. 49B/G- 14x18 inches 10.80 No. 49C/G 16x18 inches 11.50 No. 49D/G 14x24 inches 13.40 No. 49E/G 18x32 inches 22.75 No. 49P/0 18x40 Inches 32.00 GENTJINE BEED CABBIAGE A Carriage of comfortable proportions measuring 24x15 inches when back is np, and 38x15 inches when down. It has reversible gears. Cream color body and hood, and upholstered in Repp or cretonne, with shield. No. 15/G ?S9-0° Note All Mirrors are Plain Plate. Beveled as Shown. rSENCH PLAIN PLATED MIBBOBS Framed in selected oak, finished golden; highly polished. Size of plates. No. 48A/G 14x24 inches $12.50 No. 48B/G 17x30 inches 21.00 No. 48C/G 18x40 inches 30.50 No. 48D/a 24x30 inches 30.50 GENUIKE BEES CABBIAGE This is an exceptionally fine Carriage made of half round, closely woven reed The body interior is 15x33 inches. Has a stationery gear. Bubber-tlred wheels. Upholstered In high grade corduroy or cretonne with shield. No. 38H/0 *^S-^° INDEX A Aluminum Cooking Utensils 133, 134 Arm Chairs, Reed 7-10 Automobiles 154, 155 Auto Cots 84 Auto Refrigerators 136 Auto Trucks 155 B Baby Carriages G, 14S-150 Baby Spoons 145 Bags. Traveling 138, 139 Bathroom Cabinets 146 Bathroom Stools 147 Batteries for Flashlights 127 Beds 60 to 73, 81 to 83 Bed Springs 84, 85 Bed Tables 43 Beds, Twin 61, 68, 70 Bed Davenports 24-28 Bedroom Suites 60-73 Benches, Dressing Table 67, 75 Benches, Piano 51 Berry Spoons 145 Bicycles 156-157 Bird Cages, Fibre 4, 11 Blackening Case 147 Bon Bon Cut Glass 142-144 Book Cases 46,47 Bottles. Oil, Cut Glass 142, 143 Boston Bags 139 Bottles, Hot Water 132, 133 Bottles, Vacuum and Carafes 135, 136 Bowls, Cut Glass 142, 143 Brass Beds S3 Bread Makers 132 Bread Pans, Aluminum 133 Breakfast Room Sets 92 Breakfast Tables 90-92 Buffets F. 93-104 Biscuit Pans 133, 134 Butter Knives and Spreaders 145 C Cabinets. Kitchen 110, 111 Cabinets. Medicine 146 Cabinets, Music 50 Cake Griddles 133. 134 Cake Makers 132 Cameras 137 Carafes, Vacuum 135 Card Tables 147 Carpet Sweepers 127 Carriages, Baby G, 148-150 Cars. Hand 155 Casseroles, Aluminum 134 Cast Aluminum Ware 134 Cedar Chests 78-79 Celery Trays. Cut Glass 142. 144 Cereal Cookers 133. 134 Chaffing Dish, Electric 124 Chairs, High Ill Chairs and Rockers, Bedroom 67. 74, 75 Chairs, Dining Room F. 92 to IDS Chairs. Fibre 1 to 16 Chairs. Folding 147 Chairs. Invalid 160 Chairs. Office 158 Chairs, Reed 7-10 Chaise Lounge, Reed 7-19 Chairs and Rockers 17 to 34 Chests, Cedar 78, 79 Chiftonieres 69, 71-74 Chiftorettes 60-68, SO Child's Rockers. Fibre 15 Child's Sets, Silver 145 China Cabinets F, 93-104 China Dinner Sets 141 Choppers, Food and Meat 132 Cleaners. Vacuum 126 Clock Shelves 147 Coal Stoves 117 Coaster Wagons 155 Coffee Mill 132 Coffee Percolators 132-134 Coffee Percolators, Electric 124 Coffee Pots 132-134 Coffee Spoons 145 Cold Meat Forks 145 Compote. Cut Glass 142 Console Tables and Mirrors 77 Cookers, Fireless 115, 116 Corn Cake Pans 133. 134 Costumers 76 Cots 84 Couch Hammocks 151-153 Couch Pads 87 Cream Ladles 145 Creamer and Sugars, Cut Glass 142, 143 Cribs 85 Crockery 140, 141 Cups, Aluminum 133 Cut Glass 142-144 D Dairy Pails 133 Davenports 21 to 30 Davenport Couch 84 Davenport and Tables 36-38 Davenport Pads 87 Davenport Tables 35-3S Davenport Suites 21 to 30 Day Bed 86 Day Bed, Fibre 1 to 16 Day Beds, Reed 7-10 Desks, Ladies' IS. ■) 1, 45. 61 Desks, Library 46 Desks, Reed 12 Desks, Spinet 18 Desks, Office 159 Dessert Forks and Knives 145 Dessert Spoons 145 Dining Room Tables F. 89-106 Dining Room Suites F. 93 to 102 Dinner Sets 140, 141 Dips, Salt, Cut Glass 143 Dishes 140, 141 Dough Mixers 132 Dressers CO to 73. SO Dressing Tables 61-73 Electric Fans 125 Electric Fireless Cooker 116 Electric Fixtures 119-123 Electric Fountains, Fibre 11 Electric Home Appliances 124, 125 Electric Lamps 57. 58. 122 Electric Lamps, Fibre 11, 13 Electric Ranges 118 Electric Sewing Machines 131 Electric Stoves 124, 125 Electric Washers 128, 129 Electric Vacuum Cleaners 126 End Tables 36, 38 T Fans, Electric 125 Feather Pillows 87 Fern Dish, Cut Glass 142 Fern Stands, Reed 10, 12 Pern Stands 88 Fern Stands, Fibre 4, 10, 12, 15 Fibre Furniture 1-16 Fireless Cookers 115, 116 Fixtures, Electric 119-123 Flashlights and Batteries 127 Floor Lamps 57, 58 Folding Chairs 147 Folding Tables 147 Food Choppers 132 Food Jars. Vacuum 135 Foot Rests. Fibre 1, 11, 15 Forks and Knives 145 Fountains. Electric, Fibre 11 Fruit Knives 145 Fruit Press 132 Fry Pans 133, 134 G Gas Ranges 116, 117 Gem Pans 133,134 Glassware, Cut 142-144 Go-Carts G, 148-150 Gravy Ladles 145 Griddles, Pancake 133, 134 Grills, Electric 124 E Hammocks 151-153 Hand Cars E, 155 High Chairs Ill Hot Plates, Electric 118 Hot Water Bottles 132 I Ice Boxes 112-114 Iced Tea Sets. Silver 145 Iced Tea Spoons 145 Invalid Chairs 160 Irons, Electric 125 J Jars, Vacuum 135 Jugs. Cut Glass 142. 144 Jugs, Vacuum 135 K Kettles and Pots, Aluminum 133, 134 Kitchen Cabinets 110-111 Kitchen Tables 109 Knives and Forks 145 Kodaks 137 Ii Ladies' Desks 18, 44. 45, 61 Ladies' Suit Cases 139 Ladles. Silver 145 Lamps, Electric 57, 58. 122 Lamps. Electric. Fibre 11. 13 Lamp Shades, Silk 59 Lard Press 132 Lemonade Shakers 133 Library Desks and Bookcases 46, 47 Library Tables 37-42 Lounges. Reed 7-11 Lunch Kits 136 M Machines, Sewing 130. 131 Machines, Washing 128,129 Magazine Racks, Fibre 3 Magazine Stands 49 Mattresses 86. 87 Mayonnaise Mixers 132 Mayonnaise Sets, Cut Glass 142 Meat Choppers 132 Meat Roasters 133, 134 Measuring Cups 133 Medicine Cabinets 146 Mills. Coffee 132 Milk Pails 133 Mirrors 76. 77 Mirror Plateaus 142, 144 Motor Sets 136 Muffin Pans 133. 134 Music Cabinets 50 IT Nappies. Cut Glass 142-144 Needles, Phonograph 56 Night Stand 60 O Oatmeal Cookers 133. 134 Oil Bottles, Cut Glass 142. 143 Office Chairs 158 Office Desks 159 Omelet Pans 133 P Pads. Couch and Davenport 87 Pails. Dairy or Water 133 Pans. Aluminum 133, 134 Pancake Griddles 133, 134 Patty Moulds 134 Pedestals 48 Pedestals. Reed 12 Pedestal Tables 43 Pepper and Salt Shakers. Aluminum 133 Pepper and Salt Shakers, Cut Glass 143 Percolators, Coffee 132-134 Percolators, Electric 124 Phonographs 54 to 56 Phonograph Needles 56 Phonograph Records 56 Pianos ••..<• • 51-63 Piano Benches 51 Pickle Forks 145 Pie Forks 146 Pie Plates, Aluminum 133 Pillows 87 Pitchers, Cut Glass 142, 144 Pitcher, Syrup, Aluminum 133 Pitchers, Vacuum 135 Plateaus 142, 144 Player Pianos 53 Porch Furniture, Fibre 5, 6, 12, 16 Porch Lights, Electric 121 Porch Swings, Fibre 6, 16 Potato Mashers 132 Pots and Kettles, Aluminum 133, 134 Preserving Kettles 133, 134 Press, Fruit and Lard 132 B Racks, Magazine, Fibre 3 Ranges 117 Ranges, Electric 118 Ranges, Gas 116, 117 Records, Phonograph 56 Reed Furniture 7-12 Refrigerators 112-114 Refrigerators, Auto 136 Rice Boilers 133. 134 Roasters 133, 134 Rockers, Bedroom 67, 74. 75 Rockers and Chairs 17 to 34 Rockers, Child's, Fibre 15 Rockers, Fibre and Reed 1 to 16 Rockers, Reed 7 to 10 Rockers, Sewing, Fibre 3 Rugs and Linoleums. .Between pages 32 and 33 S Salad Forks 145 Salt Dips, Cut Glass 143 Salt and Pepper Shakers, Cut Glass 143 Salt and Pepper Shakers, Aluminum 133 Sauce Pans 133, 134 Scales 132 Screens 49 Serving Tables F, 95-102 Settee, Fibre 1-16 Settees. Reed 7-10 Sewing Baskets. Reed 12 Sewing Machines 130, 131 Sewing Rockers, Fibre 3 Sewing Stand, Fibre 3. 12 Shelves. Clock 147 Shakers. Lemonade 133 Shakers. Salt and Pepper. Cut Glass 143 Side Tables 43 Silk Shades 59 Silverware 145 Skillets 133. 134 Slicers. Vegetable 132 Soup Spoons 145 Spinet Desks 18 Spoons 145 Spoon Trays, Cut Glass 142. 143 Springs, Bed 84-86 Smoking Stands 48 Smoking Stands. Reed 12 Steamer Trunks 139 Stools. Bathroom 147 Stools. Foot. Fibre 1. 11. 15 Stoves. Electric 118. 124. 125 Stoves. Fireless 116. 116 Stoves and Ranges. Coal 117 Sweepers. Carpet 127 Swings. Fibre 6. 16 Suit Cases 138 Sugar and Creamers, Cut Glass 143. 143 Sugar Spoons 145 Sulkies 149. 150 Syrup Pitchers. Aluminum 133 T Tables 89-106 Tables, Davenport 35-38 Tables, Fibre 1 to 3. 11. 12 Tables. Folding 147 Tables. Kitchen 109 Table Knives and Forks 145 Tables. Library 39-42 Tables. Reed 8-12 Tables. Serving F Table Spoons 145 Talking Machines 54 to 56 Talking Machine Needles 56 Tabouret. Reed 12 Tea Carts 88, 89 Tea Kettles 133, 134 Tea Pots 132. 134 Tea Spoons 145 Tea Wagon. Fibre 4. 12 Telephone Stands and Chairs 44, 49 Toasters, Electric 126 Toothpick Holders. Cut Glass 142, 143 Traveling Bags 138 Trays 135 Tricycles E Trucks 139 Twin Beds 61, 68, 70 V Vacuum Bottles 135. 136 Vacuum Cleaners 126. 127 Vacuum Jugs 135 Vanity Dressers 61-65, 70 Vases, Cut Glass 142-143 Vegetable Slicers 132 Velocipedes E ■w Waffle Irons 134 Waffle Iron, Electric 125 Wagons, Tea .■. . .88. 89, 155 Wagons. Tea. Fibre 4, 12 Wardrobe Trunks 139 Washing Machines : . . .128, 129 Water Pails 133 Water Sets, Cut Glass 142. 144 Wheel Chairs 160 Writing Desks. Reed 12 '^ t ■'^J>S' U. .^>'-.^!^^^»^. .^^V.^i=^*^^^^. «.VV„^:S°^>^. .-^