Class ^l' 2.^ 5' S Book _ .Zui^ npo 4 SKETCHES OF PEOMITnTENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS BY / RALEIGH, N. C: Edwards & Broughton, Printers and Binders. 1888. 30451 PREFACE. The author has sought to produce a book of sketches of prominent living North Carolinians. He has endeav- ored to set forth the principal features of their lives, plainly, simply and truthfully. Having pardonable pride in all that pertains to the honor and glory of the State, his hope is that his work may be a source of instruction and pleas- ure to those who read it, and be of service to other genera- tions in giving them a faithful picture of many of the great and good men of our day. The author regrets that, through his inability to procure necessary data from a number of prominent men, no sketches of their lives appear in the book. And it is proper that the author should say that all the sketches are not his own work, but that those of Hons. E. G. Reade, A. B. Andrews, A. M. Waddell, B. S. Gaither, A. S. Merrimon and T. J. Jarvis, were written by prominent men, whose ability demands, but whose modesty forbids, the disclosure of their names. SKETCHES OP Prominent Livincr North Carolinians, POLITICAL. Ho^. MATT. W. RANSOM. The senior Senator from the State of North Carolina to the Congress of the United States, at Washington, is the honorable gentleman whose name prefigures this sketch. He was born in Warren county, this State, in 1826, and is now, therefore, sixty-two years of age. For more than half a life-time he has been a conspicuous personage, and a man of recognized ability and pro- nounced influence in North Carolina. Shortly after his graduation from the University, at Chapel Hill, in 1847, he was admitted to the bar, and five years later he was elected Attorney General of the State. Few men have merited or won such success so earl}^ in life, and fewer have followed it with so continuous a public service. In 1855 he resigned the Attorney Generalship, and was not again in office until the year 1858, when he was a repre- sentative in the State Legislature. And again, in 1859 and 1860, he filled that position. He was sent as a Peace Commissioner from the State of North Carolina to the Congress of Southern States at Montgomery, Alabama, in 186L On the breaking out of the civil war he entered the Confederate army, and rose successively through the 6 SKETCHES OF positions of Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel and Brigadier General to that of Major General. In the last named rank he served until the close of the war, and surrendered with General Lee's army at Appomattox. As a soldier General Ransom showed himself to be a courageous man and a brave and skillful oflBcer, and he endeared himself greatly, by his humane management and courteous bear- ing, to the men of his command. Returning to his native State at the close of the war. General Ransom resumed the practice of the law, at the same time being engaged extensively as a planter, and it was not until the year 1872 that he again entered public life. Then, for the first time, he was elected to the Senate of the United States, a position he has occupied continuously until the present time, having been re-elected in 1876 and in 1883. At the expiration of his present term, in March, 1889, he will have been eighteen years in the highest office within the gift of the people of his own State, an honor of which he and the State may be proud. Senator Ransom is a man of marked ability and of broad culture. Though he has seldom made set speeches in the Senate, yet his efforts have been characterized by those qualities of con- servative good sense, elegance of expression and grace of delivery that are peculiarly his own. *' Speech is silvern, but silence is golden." Perhaps it is owing to a wise observance of this truth that Senator Ransom has wielded more than an ordinary influence in the Senate and has accomplished so much for his State; and the frequent and liberal appropriations he has been instrumental in procuring for river and harbor improvements on our Eastern coast, bear testimony to his success in this regard. However reticent Senator Ransom may have been in Washington, he has made many speeches in North Car- olina during his Senatorial career, and his speeches, wherever delivered, have been exceptionally able and elegantly finished. He has a clear, resonant, far-reaching voice, and his articulation is especially pleasing. His language is select and forcible; and these qualities, added PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 7 to the charm of his serious and graceful manner, make him a most popular and persuasive orator. Always a Democrat in politics, since the organization of that party, he has rendered his party valuable service, as a speaker, in many campaigns. He is a striking man in appear- ance, being tall, erect, having a large, well-shaped head, somewhat bald on top but covered with grayish black hair on the sides and rear, and he wears a full, short iron-gray beard and mustache. His eyes are black, and piercing at times, though usually mild and sympathetic, retaining only the lustre of quick intelligence and genial good humor. Probably his person is as familiar to the people of the State as that of any other popular speaker. Senator Ransom has resided for a number of years in Northampton county, about eight miles from Weldon, Halifax county, his post-office. He is proprietor of a large and well-cultivated landed estate, and he passes his rest time there with his family. Willis B. Dowd. Senator Z. B. VANCE. The subject of this sketch is so well known that it would seem superfluous to attempt to tell the people of North Carolina anything of his history. His popularity extends among all classes of people; his picture adorns the houses of both the rich and the poor; his name is a household word, cherished by all. At fireside gatherings his deeds are often recalled and discussed with pride ; his anecdotes, his jokes and his sallies of wit are told and laughed at. It would be interesting to know how many dogs, horses and cats in the State have been named Zeb; how many articles of manufacture have been sold under that name; how many sons of North Carolina have been named for him. If Mr. Vance had as many 8 SKETCHES OF children as there are Zebs in the State, his family would rival that of the old woman that lived in the shoe. His jokes and bits of wit are so many and so applicable to a variety of cases that they are in everybody's conversa- tion ; they have such a reputation for producing laughter and applause that when our politicians are telling jokes on the stump they have only to say that they are Vance's to insure laughter. What has caused this popularity and the admiration in which he is everywhere held ? It is due chiefly to his integrity, his sincerity and his conscientious dis- charge of his duties. He was born with strong mental powers and an imagination exceedingly fertile; when- ever he has an idea to convey, a thousand illustrations flock to its support. Forcible metaphors are ever ready for his use. His mind sees an idea in all its relations at once; he can turn it over quickly and at will call up a humorous, witty or serious illustration. To this happy faculty is his early success due. From the very start he has been a great power before a jury; older and more learned men often proved no match for him. He had the more subtle mind, he called on the more familiar objects to illustrate and enforce his points. His wit and humor he could deal out to the terror of the most learned opponent. A more ready wit or a more beaming humor than Vance's is seldom found in any one. Some men use their wit and humor to their own degradation. Wit excites disgust when employed entirely on frivolous sub- jects. But wit and humor, flowing in lofty channels, are evidences of the highest type of intellect. Sena- tor Vance's wit is seldom misapplied ; it is almost always used to promote some wholesome idea; with it he has dashed many errors in pieces; with it he has shamed the hypocrite; with it he has summoned a blush to the cheek of the demagogue, and it has driven back many a stray fellow to the party ranks. In domes- tic life there is nothing more charming. To the unfortu- nate it lends a moment of pleasure; to the afflicted it PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 9 draws a smile of relief; the melancholy it cheers; the stubborn it makes to yield, and it causes anger to melt. While possessing abundantly these merits, he is no less at home in graver affairs. He has profound judgment and insight. To use a homely expression, his ge'lnus is like the elephant's trunk, which not only lifts the smallest particle, but also the most ponderous weight. His speeches on the tariff have been highly commended by the press of the whole country. His style is bold and vigorous. His thoughts are pregnant with originality. Few men can make such palpable displays of their ideas. The dominant trait in the character of Senator Vance is his sincerity, without which there can be no statesman- ship. Most politicians think of nothing but the shortest cuts to office; they dare not breathe an opinion which is not approved by the majority; they are ready to ride the absurdest plank if the majority will but uphold it. How few study the good of mankind, follow principles and not policies, and would "rather be right than President"! Insincere men may triumph for awhile, but they must finally sink into contempt. No life can be a success if it is not sincere. One of the most commendable and at the same time most able efforts of his life, was his lecture delivered before John A.Andrew Post, No. 15, G. A. R., in Boston, December, 1886. Though the lecture has been widely read it is incapable of being advertized too much: My presence here to-night, ladies and gentlemen, occasions me a degree of embarrassment. I was prominently involved in the a£Eairs about which I propose to speak, having taken an active part in both the military and civil transactions of my State during the period of war. On the one hand- 1 am under the duress of your hospitality, which tempts me to say the things which would prove most agreeable to you; on the other hand, I somewhat fear that, if I should be too plain-spoken, I might become liable to the charge of abusing the privileges of a guest. Should I fail in properly avoiding either extreme I beg you to give me credit for good intentions at least. I honestly desire to speak the simple truth as it appears to me. This I believe is 10 SKETCHES OF what you wish to hear! [Cries, 'that's what we want.'] Necessa- rily my remarks will be discursive and with no pretension to the preciseness and continuity of narration which should characterize a historical essay. I shall endeavor to entertain you for a brief space with the ideas and observations of occurrences as they appeared to a Southern man concerning the great civil war. It is proper that you should hear the inscription read upon the other side of the shield. This generation is yet too near to the great struggle to deal with it in the true historic spirit. Yet it is well enough for you to remember that the South is quite as far removed from it as is the North ; and the North has industriously undertaken from the beginning to write the history of that contest between the sections, to set forth its causes and to justify its results, — and naturally in the interest of the victorious side. It is both wise and considerate of you to let the losing side be heard in your midst. If you should refuse to do so it will nevertheless be heard in time, before that great bar, the public opinion of the world, whose jurisdiction you cannot avoid, and whose verdict you can- not unduly influence. Neither side acts wisely in attempting to forestall that verdict! It is well to remember, too, that epithets and hard names, which assume the guilt that is to be proven, will not serve for arguments for the future Bancrofts and Hildredths of the Repub- lic, except for the purpose of warning them against the intem- perate partiality of their authors. The modest action of the common law should be imitated in the treatment of historic questions, which considers every accused person as innocent until his guilt is proven. Murder is treated as simply homicide until there is proof that the killing was felo- nious. In treating, for example, of all questions pertaining to the war, you assume the guilt of your adversaries at the outset. You speak of the secession movement as a rebellion, and you charac- terize all who participated in it as "rebels and traitors!" Your daily literature, as well as your daily conversation, teems with it. Your school histories and books of elementary instruction impress it in almost every page upon the young. Your laws. State and Federal, have enacted the terms. Yet every lawyer and intelli- gent citizen among you must be well aware that in a technical and legal sense there was no rebellion^ and there were no rebels! Should this not be admitted, however, I am sure there will be no denial of the fact that you once had the opportunity of obtain- ing an authoritative decision of the 'highest court, not only of the United States, but of the world, on this very question — and that opportunity was not embraced. I hope you will not be alarmed ; it is not my intention to make PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 11 you listen to an argument in favor of the right of secession. I only wish to remind you of some of the p?'ima facie rea.sons why the people of the North — and of Massachusetts in particular — should not assume the verdict of history in their favor when they declined to test the verdict of the law. [Applause.] In attempting to withdraw herself from the Union of the States by repealing on the 20th of May, 1861, the ordinance by the adoption of which she had entered the Union on the 21st of November, 1789, against whom and what did North Carolina rebel? To whom had she swOrn allegiance ? Certainly to nobody ; to no Government; to nothing but the Constitution of the Uni- ted States. Whs she violating that oath when she thus withdrew? When Virginia and New York reserved, upon their accession to the Constitution, their right to withdraw from the same, and declared that the powers ther*^in granted might be resumed when- ever the same shall be perverted to '' tlieir injury or oppression," did those States reserve the right to commit treason? When Massachusetts openly threatened to separate from the Union upon the admission of Louisiana as a State, was she conscious that she was threatening treason and rebellion? When her Legislature, in 1803, " resolved that the annexation of Louisiana to the Union transcends the Constitutional power of the Government of the United States." and that it ''formed a new Confederacy to which the States united by the former compact are not bound to adhere;" was not that a declaration that secession was a Con- stitutional remedy? Again, the same principle was proclaimed by the authority of Massachusetts in the Hartford Convention, where it was declared "that when emergencies occur which are either beyond the reach of judicial tribunals or too pressing to admit of delay incident to their forms, States which have no common umpire must be their own judges and execute their own decisions." With such a record, to which might be added page after page of corroborating quotations from her statesmen and her archives, should not the ancient commonwealth of Massa- chusetts be a little modest in denouncing as "traitors" those whose sin consisted in the following of her example? It has been said that the ground work and essence of the doctrine of seces- sion was laid in the Virginia resolutions of 1798, of which Mr. Madison, the leading spirit, the Morning Star of the convention which formed the Constitution, was the author. If so, let it be remembered that these resolutions were submitted to every State in the then Union, of course including Massachusetts, were expressly or tacitly approved by all, and disapproved by none. Indeed, it may be said generally that during the period of dis- cussion concerning the adoption of the Constitution by the several States, it was taken for granted that any State becoming dissatis- fied might withdraw from the compact, for caitse^ of which she 12 SKETCHES OF was to be her own judge. The old articles of (Confederation declared that the Union formed thereunder should be perpetual; this clause was purposely and after discussion, left out of the new Constitution. The great danger apprehended by the states- men of that day was that the Federal Government would gradu- ally encroach upon and absorb the rights of the States. In defer- ence TO this fear the Xth Amendment was adopted, chiefly on the urgent instigation of Massachusetts, expressly reserving to the States all rights not delegated. Still these fears remained. In fact tliese encroachments upon the rights of States have consti- tuted for three-fourths of a century the great distinguishing sub- ject of contention between American statesmen; during all of which time, it was claimed that secession was a Constitutional remedy therefor. If it had been understood that over the doors of the Constitution were written oiulla vestigia retrorsum ; that the State which entered there could never more depart thence, whatever might be the injuries and oppressions inflicted upon her, how many States would have entered therein? What would jealous, sensitive Massachu^^etts, Virginia, North Carolina have said to such a proposition? Would they have subjected their citi- zens to a condition of things wherein North Carolina for example could have hung a man in her borders if he refused to fight for her. and Massachusetts and the others could have hung him if he did? The essence of all crime is to be found in the criminal intent. Now the object of these brief references to the doctrine of seces- sion is to ask you and the conservative, legal sentiment of the Northern people how you could convict and execute a man for the intentional commission of a crime, when the greatest intellects of the whole American people had not been able to determine that the act committed was a crime; when the act committed had been pronounced a Constitutional right, an essential muni- xuent of freedom, by legislatures of great States, by a long line of great and glorious statesmen; by primary assemblages of the people, by conventions of great political parties, whose enuncia- tions received again and again the endorsement of a majority of tjie American people at the polls; when the ('onstitution itself was silent as to express words, and when no court of law had ever found by implication or legal deduction that this act was a crime! The idea of holding the citizen up to all the legal penal- ties and responsibilities of treason under such circumstances is revolting to our sense of human justice. Now if you would not or could not thus inflict upon him the severe penalties of law, is it jusl. is it fair, is it christian charity to assume his guilt and visit upon him socially and politically all the odium of one actu- ally condemned; so lar as daily, hourly iteration can do it? May we not fairly retort upon you that if secession be indeed a crime — PKOMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 1 o you taught it to us. Sir Edward Coke says of copy-hold tenures, that though of base descent, they are ot a most ancient house; we can say here that though secession be an infamous doctrine, yet it had a most illustrious origin, Virginia and Massachusetts. [Loud applause.] Oh, wise and patriotic enemy of secession who fought that monster by a "substitute," and who enriched yourself by specu- lation on the distresses and confusions of war, spare us! [Laughter.] Oh, brave, true soldiers of the Union, and all you people who had honest convictions of the uq wisdom of our acts, ye who fought and sacrificed for love of country and its fair autonomy, spare us, who were equally brave, equally honest, but not equally fortunate! Again, my friends, we of the South have most serious cause to complain of you in reference to your efforts to forestall history in regard to the causes which led to secession and war. It is written: '' Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh- bor." You say that it was slavery, and slavery alone, that caused the war. In your literature it is spoken of as the *•' slave-holders' rebellion." A false shot out of both barrels! Slavery was the occasion, not the cause of war. You put us in the position not only of traitors and rebels but of becoming such for the privi- lege of holding human beings in bondage, thereby heaping upon us all the reproach and opprobrium that such a thing renders possible. This is at once a misrepreser.tation and an injustice. The great majority of the people of the South entertained in the abstract as much repugnance to slave holding as you did. Their fault in respect to slavery, as with secession, was not all to be charged upon them. As usual, Massachusetts comes in for the lion's share Boston and Providence slavers vexed the seas in their ungodly se^irch for kidnapped Africans to be bought in exchange for New England nun and sold to the Southern Planta- tions, against which Old Virginia and other Southern States pro- tested. Nay, by reference to the history of the Constitution it will be seen that New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut united with North Carolina, South Carolina and •Georgia in postponing the suppression of the slave trade for twenty years, in the lormation of that instrument: tlie Southern States because they wanted the slaves, the Northern States because they had large shipping interests engaged in the profit of buying and carrying them to market, "The horrors of the middle passage " belonged to you ; we only bought your wares. The desire to protect her infant industries was thus manifested even at that early day against her ancient rival, England, whose " pauper labor " was engaged in the same trade. 14 SKETCHES OF So, too, a fierce arraignment of King George III, for forcing the slave trade upon the colonies was inserted by Mr. Jefferson in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. It was stricken out at the instigation of the Eastern States as well as Southern, because it was felt to be a reflection on citizens of Massachusetts and of Rhode Island engaged in the slave trade. Slavery and the slave trade were in full and cruel operation in Massachusetts before there was a white man's home in North Carolina, a slave trade which not only impcirted Africans, but exported Africans, Indians, and, worst of all, our own race — the people of our own blood I How slavery grew and ramified through all the South, under the natural stimulus of climate and produc- tions, and how the abstract sentiment against it was extinguished by the political necessities of the times, arising from the fierce attacks made upon it by the States to whose climate and pursuits it was unsuited, and who therefore sold out, quit business and turned philanthropists! All this is an old, old story; and I only allude to it to remind you that you are not at liberty to cast the first stone. [Applause] The ownership of slaves and the regulation of the system were left to the exclusive control of the States, not only by the Tenth amendment, which reserved to them all rights and powers not expressly granted to the Federal government, hut its existence was specially recognized and its safety specially provided for in the Constitution itself. It being a matter, therefore, of purely domestic concern, wholly within the control of the States, the attempt to interfere with it by the Federal government in any shape, directly or indirectly, was justly regarded as a violation of constitutional right, and injurious to that perfect equality of the States guaranteed by the Constitution. That is why we went to war. Slavery happened to be the particular item or instance wherein this equality was assailed; and in resistance to this attempt of the Federal Government to interfere within a State in a matter which peculiarly pertained to that State we resorted to secession as a peaceable remedy. The thing which made our forefathers hesitate to adopt the Constitution at all, had here come upon us, and the remedy which our forefathers — and yours — had suggested as the only one proper or possible, was naturally resorted to. Had it been conceded by submission that the Federal Govern- ment could interfere in the matter of slavery, we would have been logically precluded from resistance to like interference for any other causp whatever, and there was an end to the rights and equal- ity of the States under the Constitution forever; and therefore an end to the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of each State which, according to all writers and statesmen, north and south, was retained by them when they acceded to the Constitution. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 15 The followiDg admirable sketch of Governor Vance is taken frqm an article from the pen of Hon. K. P. Battle, published in the University Magazine, of March, 1887: The subject of this sketch was born in the, county of Buncombe, near the seat of justice, Asheville, in the mountains of North Carolina, on the 13th of May, 1830. His father was a most respected merchant His mother's father, Zebuloi. Baird, was one of the trusted citizens of Buncombe, for many years chosen as their representative in the General Assembly. His father died when lie was quite young. His mother devoted herself to his training witli the loving and intel- ligent care which so often distinguish and reward the women of our land Her slender means, however, pre- vented her giving him other education in his boyhood than was afforded by the country schools, in which Pike's Arithmetic and Webster's Elementary Spelling Book were the chief text books. But young Zeb. had an inquiring mind. He read with avidity every volume within his reach, and being gifted with great quickness and a strong memory, in his boyhood he began the accu- mulation of the stores of illustrations and strong appo- site diction which have made him conspicuous in his manhood. He had access to few books, but those were good ones. A gentleman, fresh from the senior class of the University, traveling in Buncombe, was amazed at finding the superior acquaintance and aptness of quota- tions from the Bible, Shakespeare and Scott's novels dis- played by our halt-grown and half-educated mountain iDoy, and twenty-five ^^ears ago predicted his subsequent success. In 1852 young Vance went to the University of North Carolina where he spent a year. He stood among the first in the branches to which he devoted himself. He here began the study of law and soon after was admitted to the bar; he made Asheville his home, and soon com- manded a fair share of practice; he early became influ- ential with the jury, humor and ready eloquence telling 16 . SKETCHES OF on the mind of the average mountaineer. He tells on himself with much glee the first compliment he received for his forensic efforts. "Zeb.,if you can only 'get a past the Judge, I'd as lief have you as any old lawyer." It was no( long before his "getting past the Judge " was not a subject of doubt. Like most young men of active and ambitious minds, Mr. Vance went early into politics. He was elected to the Legislature in 1854, where he was one of the most prominent among the young men, being an enthusiastic Henry Clay Whig. His peculiar powers were not fully developed, however, until 1858, when he took the stump in opposition to the late W. W. Avery, as a candidate for the National House of Representatives in the mountain district. This district had once been Whig. The people, how- ever, were devoted to Thomas L. Clingman, who for many years represented them in Congress. When Mr. Cling- man swung around to the Democratic side lie retained his ascendancy, notwithstanding his change of base, car- rying the district in 1857 by two thousand majority over his Whig opponent. When, in consequence of being pro- moted to the Senate, he resigned his seat, it was generally thought that Mr. Avery, a man strong in debate and of influential family, would easily fill the vacancy. When Mr. Vance announced his intention to oppose him, he was applauded for his gallantry but laughed at for his sup- posed folly. In this campaign Mr. Vance, then only twenty-eight years old, displayed those qualities of a stump orator and leader of men for which he is now so conspicuous and unequaled — quick at repartee, teeming with anecdotes, which he tells with happy humor ; able to pass at will from mirth-moving fun to invective, eloquence and pathos. By his power of presenting arguments and facts in an interesting light, his consummate tactai'd winning ways, "he stole away the hearts of the people." He was elected by as large a majority as the year before had been given to his Democratic predecessor. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 17 In the following year David Coleman, another distin- guished Democrat, measured his strength with the young Whig, but the effort to diminish his majority failed. Coleman met the fate of Avery, and thenceforth Mr. Vance was supreme west of the Blue Ridge. In Congress he was an active and watchful member : he took sides strongl3^and labored earnestly against seces- sion, at the same time w^arning the country against coer- cion of the Southern States by force of arms. His appeals for the Union in Congress and before the people were earnest and powerful, but when Sumter was fired upon, like ail the leading Union men of North Carolina, Badger, Gra- ham, Rufiin, Gilmer and others, believing in the right of revolution, he cast his lot with his native State and took up arms against the Union. Whatever Mr. Vance does he does with all his might. He was one of the earliest volunteers, marching to the seat of war in Virginia as a Captain in May, 1861. It was not long before his promotion came, he having been elected Colonel of the Twenty sixth Regiment of North Carolina Troops in August, 1861. He was amoiig the brave fighters who drove McClellan to his ehips on the James, and brought his regiment off safely when Branch's little army was overwhelmed by Burnside at Newberne. He shared cheerfully all the hardships and dangers of his men. He was a faithful and gallant officer, and civilians and soldiers united in the demand that he should be the next Governor of North Carolina. He was chosen by an over- whelming majority in 1862, and tw^o years later over the late Governor W. W. Holden. As Governor of North Carolina in those troublous times, Mr. Vance displayed talents for which even his most ardent admirers had not given him credit. Blessed with a s^iong frame and hardy constitution, he was able to go through an incredible amount of hard work, mental and physical. He exhibited administrative and executive powers of the highest order. It became his duty to aid 2 18 SKETCHES OF the Confederate Government in securing and maintain- ing in its armies the military contingent of North Car- olina. It was likewise his duty to assist, as commander- in-chief of the militia, in repellinginvasion of its territory. It was his province to execute largely the functions of a war minister, and when the full history of the war shall be written, it will be found that he excelled all Southern Governors in vigor and ability in these regards. He kept his State up to the full measure of its obligation under the Constitution of the Confederacy. At the same time, he was watchful that there should be no infringement of the rights of the State. In the midst of the very death struggle of the war, he insisted that the military should be subordinate to the civil powers. It should be known and remembered throughout the civilized world that all during the time when the Confederacy was vainly fighting for life, and when one fourth of the State was overrun by contending armies, the great privilege of the writ of habeas corpus was never suspended. North Carolina had Judges firm enough to issue that great writ, and a Governor brave enough to enforce its mandates in the midst of conscript camps, even in the lines of troops drawn up in order of battle. While Mr. Vance took care that there should be no skulkers or deserters among those liable under the conscript law, he took equal care that all who claimed they were not liable, should have, on their petition, an impartial hearing before a judicial officer. It was by his efforts, likewise, that supplies of clothing and other needful articles were regularly imported from England, through the blockading squadron at Wilming- ton. All during 1863 and 1864, the departure and arri- val of the " Advance" were watched for with breathless interest by the soldiers of North Carolina, whose wants the Confederate Government could not supply. And when, in the excitement during the trial of Wirz for bad treatment of Federal prisoners, efforts were made by the enemies of Mr. Vance to connect him with the sufferings PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 19 of the Salisbury prison, an examination showed that he had been active in alleviating those sufferings. During 1864 there sprang up in North Carolina a reac- tionary party, lieaded by Holden and others, composed of those who had despaired of the success of the Confed- eracy. But Governor Vance took the ground that the power of making peace had been devolved on that gov- ernment, and that any separate State action would bring not only disgrace but ruin to the State. He therefore struggled with unfaltering constancy for Southern success until the surrender of General Johnston to General Sherman. He now laid down his high office with dignity, conscious that he had done his best and that defeat of his plans w^as the act of God. He renewed his vows of allegiance to the general government, determined thenceforth to contribute all that in him lay to the advancement of his native State and the dignity and glory of the Union. He was arrested after the close of the war, and suffered imprisonment at Washington on account of his prom- inence in the struggle, but on examination of his letter- books and other documents, it was found that his conduct in the struggle was according to the rules of civilized warfare, and the sentiment of the North being against personal punishment for treason, he was honorably dis- charged. Governor Vance then returned to the practice of his profession, making Charlotte his home. In 1870 he was elected Senator of the United States, but on account of the disabilities imposed by the four- teenth amendment to the Constitution, was not allowed to take his seat. In 1872 he was the nominee of the Democratic party of the Legislature for the same high office, but was defeated in the election, by a coalition between a few friends of Judge Merriraon, and the Republicans. He was nom- inated for Governor of North Carolina by the Democrats in 1876, and was elected by a large majority over his 20 SKETCHES OF opponent, Judge Settle. This canvass will long be remem- bered in North Carolina. He received the degree LL. D. from Davidson College in 1867. In 1878 he was again the nominee of the Democrats of the Legislature for United States Senator, and was this time elected. This position he has held ever since. His fame as a statesman has continued to grow, until he is now widely known all over the Union as a leader of the Democratic wing of the Senate. He is ever fearless in his efforts to do that which will benefit his constituents most. Senator Vance is a married man and has four children. He is exceedingly lovable in private life, and has more warm, personal friends, probably, than any man in North Carolina ; he is an especial favorite with those judges of a kind heart, ladies and children. He bubbles over with fun and anecdote, his bon mots Sive quoted throughout the State. " Have you heard Vance's last?" is a common mode of commencing a jovial conversation. He is distinguished as a lecturer, and is often called on by literary societies, and by those desiring to aid charita- ble institutions by receipts at the door of the lecture hall. His lecture on the "Scattered Nation," delivered some years ago in Baltimore, Charleston, Norfolk and other cities outside of North Carolina, won the highest enco- miums of press and public; his more recent lectures in Boston, New York and Baltimore, in regard to " The South," have been greatly praised. The Senator has found time to read much on social, historical and polit- ical subjects, and has the power of presenting his views in an attractive and interesting manner. When in North Carolina, the Senator resides at Gom- broon, his beautiful mountain residence. He has been aptly called " The Sage of Gombroon." May he live many years, and continue to give North Carolina and the Union the benefit of his wise counsels and wise legislation . PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 21 Ho:^. THOMAS JOKDAN JAEVIS. Among the first settlers who penetrated the unbroken forests of the Albemarle about the middle of the seven- teenth century was Thomas Jarvis, and from that time to the present the name has been a familiar one to the people of that section. During the revolutionary war Gen. Samuel Jarvis led the forces of that district to the rendezvous on Deep River to cover expected operations from South Carolina. A scion of the same family is Thomas Jordan Jarvis, who was born in Currituck county, on January 18th, 1836. Straitened circumstances denied him the advantages of early education, but by the aid of friends he entered Randolph-Macon College, and with money earned by teaching at intervals, he com- pleted his course there, graduating in 1860, when he again established himself as a teacher. In June, 1861, when the State called upon her sons for volunteers, he closed his school in Pasquotank county and enlisted as a soldier for the war. His service was in both the 17th and the 8th Regiment of State Troops, and as Captain of a company in the latter regiment he dis- played fortitude, endurance and bravery that were not excelled by any of his associates in arms. He was an excellent soldier— brave, cool, determined and unflinch- ing in the presence of danger. Called to endure many perils and vicissitudes he escaped unscathed until on the 17th of May, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, he received a wound that disabled him, and since then his right arm has hung paralyzed and useless at his side. When peace came, he turned to mercantile pursuits and opened a store in Tyrrell county, at the same time studying law and entering quickly upon the activities of life. In the fall of 1865 he was elected to the State Con- vention from Currituck, and thus began his career as a public man. Obtaining his license the following year, he entered zealously upon the practice of the law, evincing. 22 SKETCHES OP however, a patriotic interest in those political questions which so deeply agitated the people of the State at that period. In 1868 he was elected as a Democrat to the Legisla- ture, from Tyrrell, and in the fall made an extensive can- vass as an Elector on the Seymour and Blair ticket. When the Legislature met, he allied himself with John W. Graham, Plato Durham, Jas. L. Robinson and the few other Democrats of that bod3%in strenuous opposition to the measures of the Republican majority. They were but a handful of gallant spirits who threw themselves in the breach; but they stood steadfast, unmovable in their adherence to the interests of the State, and as the session grew, so arose the fame of these young men, whose posi- tion gave them leadership in the Democratic part}^ and whose wisdom and prudence and sterling worth won them the confidence of the people. Their triumph in establishing the Bragg-Phillips Investigating Committee and in repealing the special tax laws, was complete, and the people loved to do them honor. To their action was largely due the course of events which culminated in a Waterloo defeat of the Republicans at the ensuing elec- tion, the pacification of the State at that early date, and the possibility of the State's entering so soon upon an era of quiet and prosperity. When the new Assembly met, Capt. Jarvis was tendered the Speaker's chair — and he discharged with marked address and acceptability the delicate duties of that post. The Democratic-Conserva- tive party was then in a formative state, and the Speaker exercised a great influence in welding the discordant fragments of the old parties into a solid and enduring organization. At the end of that Assembly in 1872 he returned to the lav/, forming a partnership with David M. Carter — but canvassed the State as an Elector on the Greeley ticket. Three years later he was a member of the Constitutional Convention, from Pitt, and to his ad- dress and the prudence of Gov. Reid was due the power of the Democracy to control that body, which was evenly divided between the parties. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 23 In 1876 Gov. Vance was nominated for Governor and Capt. Jarvis was placed on the ticket with him, making again an extensive canvass throughout the western coun- ties. Two years later he succeeded Gov. Vance, and on the expiration of that term, he was chosen Governor by the people for a full term. During tliese six years in which he was Governor, he impressed himself more on the active industries of the State than any other Gover- nor we have ever had. In council he was prudent and searching; in action bold and progressive. He believed that the people looked to the occupant of the executive office to give direction to public measures, and he was not afraid to .assume responsibility. When he saw a duty clearly, he pressed forward vigorously to its full discharge, and he regarded that the Governor of the State was in some measure the head of the party as well as the director of public affairs. In every political campaign he largely participated — giving a detailed account of his stewardship and demanding public confidence in his administration because of its cleanness, integrity and rigid performance of every duty and strict adherence to every pledge. He knew no favorite section in his duties as Governor, but worked persistently for the benefit and advantage of all sections. He secured the adoption of the county government system for the East — the con- struction of the Western N. C. Railroad for tlie West. And, indeed, it may be asserted that no State can boast a more splendid administration than that of Gov. Jarvis — one in which, considering the poor facilities and crippled resources at hand, more has been accomplished for the erection of public institutions, for the advancement of education and for the promotion of beneficent public pur- poses and the establishment of industrial prosperity. On his retirement from the executive office, he was appointed by President Cleveland U. S. Minister to Brazil, which distinguished post he still fills. Gov. Jarvis is by no means a brilliant man, but he is a logical reasoner — is clear in his conceptions and has a 24 SKETCHES OF mind capable of comprebendiDg the details of the most complicated subject. As a speaker, he is slow and delib- erate ; plain in his statements, but forcible in expression ; ready with homely illustrations and convincing in his argumentation. His speeches never tire his audience, and although they do not abound in high flights of ora- tory, they please, interest, instruct and convince. A.s a popular speaker, he is indeed of rare excellence. HoK ALFEED MOORE SCALES, GOVEKNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA, Was born November 26th, 1827, at Ingleside, the homestead of his father. Dr. Robert H. Scales, in Rock- ingham county. He attended school at the Caldwell Institute, and in 1846 entered the Junior Class at Chapel Hill, remaining there only one session. On leaving the University, he taught a free school in his native county, w^hich afterwards became a subscription school. He taught in the Caldwell Institute one year, after which he began the study of law wnth Judge Settle, and later with Judge Battle. In 1852 he was elected County Solicitor. He was a member of the House of Commons m 1852-'3. In 1855 he was a candidate for Congress, as a Democrat, in his district, which usually gave a Whig majority of one thousand. He was defeated, but by a largely decreased majority. In 1854 he was again elected to the Legislature, where he served asChairruan of the Finance Committee. In 1B57 he was again a candidate for Congress, and after a spirited contest was elected over his former competitor, Hon. R C. Puryear. Two years later he was unani- mously nominated for re-election, but was defeated by General J. M. Leach, the Whig nominee. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 25 In 1858 General 8cales was elected Clerk and Master of the Equity Court of Rockingham county, and held the office until the civil war began. He was nominated, with Governor D. S. Reid, on the ticket in favor of the Con- vention of 1861, and was opposed by Dr. E. T. Brodnax and Thos. Settle — the campaign was made by Scales and Settle. Several States had withdrawn from the Union, but General Scales did not favor immediate secession. He wished to save the Union ; if that failed, then to declare our intentions, and act in accord with our sister States. The opponents made the contest a question of Union or dissolution. When the contest began there was very little sentiment in favor of a convention, but at the close of the brief campaign General Scales was defeated by only one hundred and fifty majority. In 1860 he was elector on the Breckinridge and Lane ticket. Soon after Lincoln's call for troops, General Scales vol- unteered as a private, but was at once elected Captain of his company. He succeeded Pender as Colonel of the Thirteenth North Carolina Regiment, and was engaged in the skirmishes at Yorktown, in the battle of Williams- burg and the fights around Richmond. He was at Fredericksburg, and in Jackson's flank movement at Chancel lorsville, where he was shot through the thigh. In the latter battle, he continued to chase the enemy until loss of blood and fatigue forced him to halt. The Thirteenth Regiment in this battle displayed a noble daring, and justly won the praise of General Pender, who said to the soldiers of the regiment, " I have nothing to say to you but to hold you all up as models in duty, courage and daring." In the report of the battle, Gen- eral Pender says: "Colonel Scales, of the Thirteenth Regiment, was wounded, and thus I was deprived of as gallant a man as is to be found in the service." General Scales was sent home on account of his wound, the day after the battle, and while there recovering from its effects he was made Brigadier General. General Garland, of 26 SKETCHES OF Virginia, was in command of the brigade which embraced Scales' regiment, and in his report of the battle of Cold Harbor says: " Colonel Scales, of the Thirteenth North Carolina, was conspicuous for his fine bearing. Seizing the colors of his regiment at a critical moment at Cold Harbor, and advancing to the front, he called upon the Thirteenth to stand to them, thus restoring confidence and keeping his men in position." In the first day's fight at Gettysburg, General Scales was severely wounded by a shell just before the Confederates reached Seminary Ridge ; and from that time he was engaged in all the battles of the Army of Northern Virginia, except the final struggle at Appomattox, at which time he was at home on sick furlough. After the close of the war. General Scales resumed the practice of law, with much success. In 1874 he was elected to the Forty-fourth Congress, and was re-elected to the Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, Forty-seventh and Forty- eighth Congresses, where he served his constituents ad- vantageously, and exercised an influence in Congress which none but experienced members can. In 1884 General Scales received the nomination of his party for the office of Governor of North Carolina, and was elected by over twenty thousand majority, probably the largest majority ever received by any candidate for that office. Governor Scales possesses those sturdy elements of character which make up a good and true man. Strong and constant in his principles ; sound in judgment ; open and honest before men; gentle in manners and loving in disposition — a man whose public and private life is with- out blemish. The reports of his war record from which the above quotations are taken, and the high offices he has repeat- edly held, proclaim his virtues and the love of his fellow- citizens, more eloquently and justly than can be done in so brief a notice of his life here. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 27 Hon. DAVID SETTLE REID, OF REIDSVILLE. The subject of this sketch is a very striking instance of a self-made man. He was born the 19th of April, 1813, in Rockingham county. According to Wheeler's History, "he studied law and was admitted to practice in 1843. His first appearance in public life was in 1835, as Senator from Rockingham; he was re-elected continuously until 1840. "In 1843 he was elected a member of Congress, and served until 1847, with great acceptability to his constitu- ents. "In 1848, without his concurrence or knowledge, he was nominated for Governor and was defeated by a small majority. In 1850, when he had positively, by letter published, declined the nomination, he was again nomi- nated by the Democratic Convention and was elected." He made a brilliant canvass and changed the politics of the State. He was the first Democratic Governor ever elected in North Carolina. He was a great advocate of free suffrage, which he succeeded in bringing about, despite the most powerful opposition. Hon. ALFEED MOOKE WADDELL, OF WILMINGTON, Was born in Hillsboro, Orange county, N. C, on the 16th of September, 1834. After the usual rudimentary schooling which fell to the lot of boys in those days, he was prepared for college, in part, by that celebrated 28 SKETCHES OF teacher, Wm. Bingham, Sr., whose school was then estab- lished at Hillsboro, and afterwards at the Caldwell Insti- tute, from which he entered Chapel Hill in 1850. He graduated in 1853, and having chosen the profession of law, was admitted to the bar in, his twenty-first year. Shortly afterwards he removed to Wilmington and entered upon the practice of his profession. In July, 1860, he purchased the " Wilmington Herald" the leading Whig paper of the Cape Fear section, and edited it until some time in 1861. He was earnestl}^ opposed to seces- sion, believing that the South could secure the just rights for which she was contending within the Union, and he combated that movement with vigor and ability. But when North Carolina elected to cast in her fortunes with her sister States, he fell into line with the zeal of a true and loyal son. In 1861 he joined the Confederate army. He was for a while Adjutant, and afterwards Lieutenant Colonel of the 41st N. C. Regiment— the 3d Cavalry — and served with that command until August, 1864, when his health, which was never good, gave wa/, and he was compelled to resign. Upon the close of the war he returned to Wilmington, and in partnership with his distinguished father, Hon. Hugh Waddell, resumed the profession of law, and soon acquired a lucrative and steadily increasing practice. The year 1870 was a memorable one in the history of North Carolina. The State was under the complete con- trol and dominion of the Republicans, who were deter- mined to retain themselves in power at any and all cost. Kirk and his brutal hirelings were overrunning a large portion of the State, the civil law was "exhausted," and drumhead courts-martial were in vogue. The outlook was gloomy. The Congressional elections w^ere near at hand. The nominee of the Democratic Convention in the 3d district had declined to encounter what was then regarded as certain defeat. The Executive Committee was in despair. The election was only seventeen days off, and Oliver H. Dockery, the sitting member, was the PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 29 Republican candidate, and had been for some days actively canvassing the district. In a happy moment the committee turned to Col. Waddell, and appealed to him to accept the nomination and tight the hopeless fight. Bowing to the call of duty and the necessities of his party, he accepted, and immediately started to meet his opponent. Dockery was a strong man on the stump, and was not only personally popular in the district, but was backed by the prestige of his father, who had long been a power in that section of the Stale. Their meeting was looked forward to with eagerness, and by some with anxiety; for Col. Waddell had had little or no experience on the stump, while his opponent was a strong debater and a consummate politician. Dockery was overwhelmed and vanquished at the outset, and each succeeding meet- ing buL added additional evidence that he was no match for his op|)onent, who proved himself to be ready and fearless in debate and fertile of resource. Col. Waddell was elected by a handsome majority, and the district, w^iich Dockery had carried in the last election by some 2,000 majority, was redeemed. He took his seat in 1871 and served continuously until 1879, having been re-elect- ed in 1872, 1874 and 1876, and each time by increased majorities. The first speech made by Col. Waddell in the House was in April, 1872, on the condition of the South. He was then one of the five Democrats who composed the minority of the special committee of thirteen known as the " Ku Klux Committee." The speech was a manly and elo([uent defense of his people from the bitter and venomous slanders w4iich had been poured upon them, and was received by the House with marked attention. It elicited much praise and gained for him the respect and friendship of the leaders of his party in the House, and he was soon recognized as one of the ablest of the Southern members. He was early placed on the Post Office Committee, and in 1877 was appointed its chair- man, which position he occupied during the remainder 30 SKETCHES OF of his service in Congress, making the most acceptable chairman that had presided over that committee in many years. Perliaps the speech which attracted most attention was the one delivered by him in January, 1876, upon the Centennial Bill. Many papers North and South had kind words of praise for the speech, and Col. Wad deli received many handsome compliments from distinguished men of both parties. Mr. Hendricks, though not person- ally acquainted with him, wrote from Indianapolis to a mutual friend, begging him to express to Col. Waddell his thanks for the "exquisite speech," which had delighted the Democrats of his State. In 1878 he was again nominated, but failed of an election. Many causes combined to effect his defeat. It was an off year in politics, and a fatal over-confidence among the Democrats in their strength, and in the weak- ness of their enemies, conspired to the result. A severe attack of illness had prevented Col. Waddell from taking the field until late in the canvass, and even then unfitted him to prosecute it with that vigor and energy which had marked his former campaigns. In this election only about half the usual vote was polled. In 1880 Col. Waddell was a delegate-at- large to the National Convention, which met in Cincinnati and nominated Hancock. In this Convention he was a mem- ber of the committee to prepare a platform, and in a short speech he earnestly urged that the word "only" in the Tariff plank be stricken out. He did not favor tariff for revenue only; and it might have been well for the party at that time had his suggestion been acted upon, for the tariff plank, more than anything else, defeated Hancock. After the convention Col. Waddell was invited by lead- ing men of the party to canvass for the ticket in some of the Northern States. He accepted, and spent several months in the New England States, New York and Pennsylvania, addressing large meetings of Democrats and Republicans wherever he went, notably in New PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 31 Haven, Montpelier, Bath, Burlington, Williamsburg, Brooklyn and New York. His speeches were character- ized by that candor and manly frankness which are such marked traits of Col. Waddell, and commanded the respect and admiration of his hearers. He did much to allay sectional feeling. In 1882 Col. Waddell went to Charlotte to take edito- rial charge of the " Charlotte Journal,'^ afterwards the Journal- Observer. Upon severing his connection with the Journal- Observer he returned to Wilmington and the practice of the law, in which he is now engaged. Col. Waddell is a vigorous thinker, a fine belles-lettres schular, a facile and polished writer, and a graceful and eloquent speaker. Endowed with a high order of ability, a discriminating mind, and a retentive memory, he has greatly improved these gifts of nature by a wide and catholic range of reading and study, and all these accom- plishments unite with a high sense of honor, a gentle and fascinating humor, and a rare power of conversation to form him a most genial, gifted and lovable gentleman. There are few, if any men so thoroughly familiar with the history of the State and of her distinguished men, from its earliest settlement, and he has been frequently mentioned as the one to write that history of which the necessity has been recently so often and so urgently sug- gested. No higher evidence of the honor and esteem in which he is held abroad has been given than his selection to deliver the annual address at the recent reunion of the army of Northern Virginia, in Richmond. The admira- ble address which he delivered on that occasion and in which he so eloquently vindicated the claim of Petti- grew's Division to immortal honor won on the heights of Gettysburg, received the warmest praise and commenda- tion from all who heard it or have read it. 32 SKETCHES OF Hoi^. WM. M. KOBBINS, OF STATESVILLE. Born in Randolph county; is fiftj^-six years old; was raised on a farm, wiiere his summers were passed at hard work and his winters in ^oing to school at the country academy ; was fond of books, and his father was earnest in trying to educate his children ; spent two years at Randolph-Macon College, and graduated there with the first distinction ; was Professor of Mathematics (teaching also classes in the languages,) at Trinity for a year or two ; studied law; went to Alabama shortly before the war and was beginning the practice of law; secession occurring, he volunteered as a private in a conapany of infantry from Perry county, and served first forty days in January and February, 1861, in garrison at Forts Morgan and Gaines, at the mouth of Mobile Bay ; returning to his home in Marion, he joined the Fourth Alabama Infantry Regi- ment, and was chosen First Lieutenant of Company G; he accompanied this regiment to Virginia, starting the 24ih April, 1861, and served w^th it through the war, becoming its Major by regular promotion after many seniors ; was at Harper's Ferry with Joe Johnston in May, 1861, and was present at the surrender at Appomattox, in April, 1865. His command served generally in Long- street's corps, and he was engaged in most of the great battles in the East and some in the West (with Long- street) — first Manassas, Seven Pines, the seven days' battles on the Chickahominy, second Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chick- amauga, Knoxville, Wilderness, Petersburg — besides innumerable other minor combats; received several scratches, and was once desperately wounded, at Wilder- ness. Emancipation having Africanized his home in Ala- bama, he resolved, at the close of the war, to spend the PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 33 remainder of bis life in his native State of North Car- olina, and accordingly settled at Salisbury and opened his law office in December, 1865, v/ithout a dollar in his pocket. He had only begun business there, when the agitations connected with Reconstruction came on, and his friends, having found he had some gifts as a public speaker and writer, and was an enthusiastic ex-Rebel and Democrat, thrust him into politics against his earnest protest. His tastes and ambition had never leaned in that direction ; he preferred to devote himself to his profession, in which he had already been sadly interrupted by four years of soldiering, and thus mitigate his poverty and provide for his wife and children. But his protestations were disre- garded, and he was (it may be truthfully said) conscripted as a candidate, and elected to the Senate of North Car- olina in April, 1868, from the district comf)osed of the counties of Rowan and Davie. That was what is known as the " Reconstruction " Legislature, overwhelmingly Re- publican in both houses, and which broke down the credit of the State by its extravagant and. reckless appropria- tions of Special Tax Bonds. All these wild measures he opposed with all his might, predicting publicly on the Senate floor (what has proven true) that the taxpayers of North Carolina would never recognize or pay those bonds. His efforts for tiie time being were ineffectual, except to draw down upon him the bitter hatred and spite of some of the baser leaders of the dominant faction. He was re-elected in 1870, and was a member of the Senate of 1871-'2, which tried the case of impeachment, and con- victed and deposed the Governor. In 1872 he was nominated and elected to Congress from the Seventh District by a majority of sixteen hun- dred over Judge Furches; re elected, in 1874, over Dr. Cook, and again, in 1876, over Colonel Dula, his major- ities in both these elections being over four thousand. He was a faithful and laborious representative during his six years' service in Congress; was scarcely ever 3 34 SKETCHES OF absent from his place or missed a vote ; was looked upon by the House as one of its most trustworthy, well-informed and promising members. While not often occupying the floor in extended debate, some of his speeches, as, for in- stance, those on the Civil Rights Bill, the Internal Rev- enue, the Centennial Exhibition, the Sugar Tariff, &c., &c., attracted much attention and won him great applause. He had succeeded in achieving a position of high influ- ence and usefuhiess in the House of Representatives, hav- ing been appointed during his last term to a place near the head of the leading committee, that of Ways and Means. Had he been continued in Congress, with the experience and influence he had acquired, there is reason to believe he would have rendered, as a Representative, much valuable service to his State and country. But, without any complaint whatever against him, he was left out at the end of the Forty-fifth Congress, in obedience to the popular idea of rotation in office. Returning at once, in 1879, to the practice of his pro- fession, and prosecuting it with zeal and energy, he has succeeded in building up a large and lucrative business; and in spite of the disadvantage of having lost fourteen of his best years, from the study and practice of law, by war and politics, he has the assured prospect, if life and health last, of soon winning, by his hard work, quick- ness of apprehension, fondness for study, ripe scholarship :and power as an advocate, recognition as one among the front rank of the legal profession in North Carolina. Mr. Robbins is a Methodist in his church relations, but too broad-minded and liberal-hearted to limit his sym- pathies and fraternal associations to the bounds of a de- nomination. He is absorbed in his profession and happy in his work, but takes a lively interest in all the ques- tions of the day — social, educational, industrial, polit- ical, literary and scientific — and does not ignore his duties as a man and citizen. He takes a profound interest in everything that tends to build up his native State and improve the condition of her people. He is a man of PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 35 reading and good information, independent in his think- ing and independent also in expressing his opinions. He favors progress and yet he is conservative, not think- ing things are necessarily improvements because they are novelties, especially so in the world of ideas. He has no faith in modern isms, particularly in the fields of the- ological and so-called scientific free thought and specula- tion. He holds fast to the old-fashioned notions about Revelation, Christianity, &c.; does not believe in evolu- tion, human perfectibility nor negro suffrage ; is devoted to human liberty and democratic government, and op- posed to the one-man power, but fears radical notions about allowing all men and women to vote, without qual- ification. He will open Pandora's box after awhile. Ho^. DANIEL G. FOWLE, OF RALEIGH, Was born in the town of Washington, in Beaufort county, North Carolina, on the 3d of March, 1831. At the age of fourteen he was entered at the school of North Carolina's most celebrated teacher William Bingham, where he remained until he matriculated at Princeton, New Jersey, at the age of sixteen. While at Princeton he was appointed by the literary society of which he was a member, junior orator, and acquitted himself so well as to call forth a complimentary and particular mention by one of the leading New York dailies. The Honorable Barnes Compton, now a member of Congress from Mary- land, was at the same time a junior orator appointed by another of the literary societies. In 1851, .he graduated at Princeton, and having studied law under Judge Pearson for two years, was admitted to the bar in 1853, and in 1854 settled in Raleigh. In 1856 36 SKETCHES OF he married Ellen Brent, daughter of Hon. R. M. Pear- son, who died in 1862, leaving two children, Margaret, now wife of P. H. Andrews, and Martha, wife of David B. Avera, of Raleigh. On the surrender of Fort Sumter and the proclama- tion of Lincoln calling for troops to coerce the seceding States, he volunteered as a private in a company known as the Raleigh Rifles, and upon the organization of the company was elected second Lieutenant. Upon the organization of the State military department he was appointed Major of the commissary department. In the summer of 1861 he resigned his commission, helped to raise the regiment afterwards known as the 31st, was made captain of one of its companies, then Lieutenant- Colonel of the regiment, and as such served at Fort Hill, in Beaufort county, and at Roanoke Island, where he was captured by Burnside's forces, February 8th, 1862, and after a short imprisonment, paroled. In October, 1862, he was elected to the House of Commons from Wake county, and upon the adjournment of the Legislature was appointed Adjutant General of North Carolina with the rank of Major General. In the fall of 1863 he resigned this commission. In 1864 he ran for the House of Commons from Wake on the anti-Holden ticket and was the only one on this ticket who was elected. In 1865, during his absence from home, he was appointed Judge of the Superior Court by Governor Holden, and was by the Leg;islature of 1865-'66 elected to the same office for life. In November, 1867, he resigned this office rather than obey and enforce the orders of General Sickles, then Military Governor of North and South Carolina. He was a Democratic candidate for the con- vention of 1867 and was defeated, but led his ticket by over a hundred votes. In 1868 he was chairman of the State Democratic Committee and threw his whole energy into that campaign. In 1870 he was one of .the Demo- cratic candidates for the State Senate from the counties of Franklin and Wake, reduced the Republican majority PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 37 of twelve hundred to two hundred and again led bis ticket. In 1876 he was Democratic elector for the State- at-large and upon the election of Tilden, so conspicuous and pre-eminent had been his canvass, that the members of the North Carolina Electoral College recommended him to the President and requested that he be appointed Attorney-General of the United States. In 1880 he was a candidate for the Democratic nouiination for Governor, was defeated by Hon. Thos. J. .larvis, and during that campaign thoroughly canvassed the State for his late competitor, making some sixty speeches in different parts of the State, from the mountains to the sea. In 1872 he canvassed Chatham and made speeches in other counties of the State in behalf of the Democratic candidate for Governor. In 1878 he assisted Hon. W. H. Kitchin in his canvass for Congress, making speeches in Scotland Neck, Wilson, Goldsboro and New Berne, In 1884 he was a candidate for the nomination for Congress, was defeated by Hon. W. R Cox, but during that campaign his eloquent voice was heard in forty or fifty counties of the State pleading for the glorious principles of the Demo- cratic party. During the session of the Legislature of 1884-'85 all the Democratic members of that body united in a petition to President Cleveland requesting him to appoint Judge Fowle Solicitor General. We failed to mention in its chronological order, that in January, 1866, he married Mary E., only daughter of Dr. F. J. Haywood, of Raleigh, who died in April, 1886, leaving now surviving her three little children. From his early manhood in 1861 up to the present time, Daniel G. Fowle has ever been a constant, earnest, able and effective advocate of civil liberty, good government and that greatest of all blessings, the Constitution as under- stood and defined by that grand old Roman, Thomas Jefferson. His moral character is without blemish. As a soldier, he was true to his flag, as a legislator he was able and conservative, as a lawyer he stands without a superior, as a judge he was great and pure, and an orna- 38 SKETCHES OP ment to that bench which had been occupied by such men as Caldwell, Manly, Nash, Pearson, Battle, Ruffin and Badger, and as a political orator, none can surpass him. Well do we remember how in 1876 in a canvass of the Stale as a Tilden elector, he stirred the hearts and minds of the people as they had never been stirred before. Wherever he went he aroused the people to the import- ance of the political issues of the day and left behind him a determination to win and an enthusiasm for the cause of Democracy that had not been seen for years. And thus it has been in every political campaign, except the one of 1882, when unfortunately for him and the Democratic party, his private affairs were in such condi- tion as to demand his constant attention. On June 30th, 1888, was nominated for Governor by the Democratic Convention. — Raleigh News and Observer. Hon. CHAS. manly STEDMAN, OF WILMINGTON, LIEUT. GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA. The subject of this sketch is the son of Nathan A. and E. W. Stedman, and was born at Pittsboro, Chatham county, January 29th, 1841. At an early age he moved with his parents to Fayetteville. He was prepared for college by Rev. Daniel McGilvary, now missionary to Siam. He entered the State University in 1857 and graduated with the highest honors. At the opening of the war he entered as private in the 1st N. C. Regiment. He was promoted to Captain and afterwards Major of the 44th N. C. Regiment. He served during the entire war in the army of Northern Virginia and was several times wounded. After the war he studied law and was licensed to prac- tice in January, 1866. In January of the same year he was married to Miss Kate Wright, of Wilmington, daugh- ter of Joshua G. Wright. In 1867 he removed to Wil- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 39 mington, where he has ever since practiced with increas- ing success and reputation. In November, 1884, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor of the State. He makes a dignified and graceful presiding officer of the Senate and is master of parlia- mentary law. He is a man of highly cultivated mind and manners. He has frequently participated in the political cam- paigns of the State and has shown ability as an orator. His speeches are argumentative and often thrilling. Hon. CURTIS HOOKS BROGDEK OF GOLDSBOKO, " Was born in Wayne county, N. C, and was raised on the farm. He received a common school education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar; he presided for several years as a Justice of Wayne county Court; he was first elected by an almost unanimous vote in his native county as a member of the House of Commons in 1838, before he had ever voted in any civil election, and was elected continuously to one or the other Houses of the General Assembly until the session of 1856, when he was elected as Comptroller of North Carolina. He was elected to that office continuously by the General Assem- bly for ten years from January 1st, 1857, to January 1st, 1867. In 1868 he was elected to the State Senate, and again in 1870; in 1872 he was elected Lieutenant-Gov- ,ernor on the Republican ticket, and presided over the Senate till 1874, when on the death of Gov. Tod R. Cald- well, he succeeded to the Executive office of the State, which he held till January, 1877. In 1868 he was elector and presided over the Electoral College which cast the vote of the State for Grant and Colfax. In 1869 he was 40 SKETCHES OF appointed by President Grant Collector of Internal Revenue for the Second District of North Carolina, which appointment he declined. He has held the principal offices in the State Militia from Captain to Major-General, has been trustee of the State University, and has also filled several local offices, such as Town Commissioner, Railroad Director, &c. In 1876, while Governor of the State, he was elected to the Forty-Fifth Congress, receiv- ing 21,060 votes against 11,874 cast for Col. Wharton J. Green, Democrat. Gov. Brogden has not held any office since he retired from Congress until the fall of 1886, when he yielded to the urgent solicitations of his friends without regard to party, and was elected to the House of Representatives by a majority of 479 votes. He is largely identified with the farming interest, being probably the largest laud- owner in Wayne county. He has never married." — Legislative Biographical Sketch Booh, 1887. Hoi^. BURGESS SIDNEY GAITHER, OF BURKE COUNTY, Was born in Iredell county, 16th March, 1807. His father, Burgess Gaither, came from near Annapolis, Mary- land, after the close of the Revolution and located in Iredell, where he married Amelia Martin, who came from near Richmond, Va. The father of the subject of this sketch was a man of prominence in his day and genera- tion, having represented Iredell frequently in the Gene-, ral Assembly from 1788 to 1802, when the Democracy, under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson, came into power. Burgess S. Gaither's early education was obtained at Hall's High School, Bethany church, Iredell county, and PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 41 subsequently at the Morgantou High School, where he was prepared for college. He then took an irregular course at the University of Georgia, and returned to Mor- gantou to study law under the instruction of his brother, Alfred Moore Gaither. Upon the death of his brother he completed his studies with the late Judge David F. Caldwell, of Salisbury. He obtained his County Court license June Term, 1829, and Superior Court license the following year. On the loth July, 1830, he married Elizabeth S., daughter of Col. W. W. Erwin,of Burke. Upon getting bis license as an Attorney-at-Law, he at once entered upon the practice of his profession which, with slight interruptions, he has continued to this day. The first office he ever held was that of Clerk of Burke Superior Court, to which he was appointed by Hon. W. P. Mangum. Shortly after that the law of 1832 was passed, giving to the people the election of Clerks. Col. Gaither submitted his ''claims" to the people and was elected by a large majority for four years. In 1835 he was elected with Hon. Samuel P. Carson, a delegate to represent Burke in the State Convention to amend the Constitution. The journals and debates of that body will show his record. In 1839 the first National Convention of the Whig party was held at Harrisburg, Pa. Col. Gaither was the delegate from this district. Governor Owen was chair- man of the North Carolina delegation, and upon the first ballot Henry Ciay received 80 votes, General Harrison 70 votes and General Winfield Scott 16 votes, from New York. No one having a majority, the balloting was con- tinued, with the same result for two days, when New York's 16 votes were thrown to the weaker candidate and Harrison nominated, and afterwards elected by the people. This was a sore disappointment to Mr. Clay's friends and to none more so than to Col. Gaither, and, indeed, the whole North Carolina delegation. In July, 1841, President John Tyler appointed Col. 42 SKETCHES OF Gaither Superintendent of the Mint, at Charlotte, which position he held for two years and then gave way to Green W. Caldwell, who was more of a Tyler man than Gaither. Closing up his accounts promptly with the Government, Col. Gaither turned over the Mint to Cald- well and resumed active practice of the law. Subse- quently to this the discovery of gold in California made it expedient to establish a mint at San Francisco, and Mr. Fillmore, being then President of the United States, tendered the appointment of Superintendent of this new institution to Col. Gaither, but he declined to accept, for the reason he was unwilling to leave North Carolina. He represented Burke and Yancey in the Senate of 1840 and was the Senator from Burke, Caldwell and McDowell in 1844, when the Senate was equally divided between the Whigs and Democrats. A week of fruitless ballot- ing for a presiding officer ended by an agreement that B. S. Gaither, of Burke, (who had not before been men- tioned for the position) should be declared President of the Senate. He gave universal satisfaction. During this session he was elected Solicitor of the 7th Judicial Circuit for four years, and in 1848 was re-elected for a second term of four years. Eminent judges have said that he was the ablest prosecuting attorney who had ever appeared before them. Col. Gaither represented this district both terms of the Confederate Congress and was distinguished for his manly bearing during all that perilous period. Since then he has taken little part in public affairs except to advise the younger generation. It can truly be said of him that he was an able lawyer, a faithful representative, a gallant, chivalrous gentleman whom no danger could appall and no menace could intimidate. T. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 43 Hoix. JOHN S. HENDERSON, OF SALISBURY. The subject of this. sketch has been a marked success as a representative in Congress, considering the short time he has served. Mr. Henderson is an earnest worker, not a talker. He has won favor with Randall and other men of influence, and he has labored hard on the committees to advance the measures he advocates. Two of his speeches made in the last Congress attracted considerable attention and favorable comment, one in favor of Frank Hurd, the other in support of his bill to modify the Internal Reve- nue Laws, &c. His earnest effort in behalf of the latter reflects great credit on him. Whetlier we agree with his measures or not, we cer- tainly feel gratified to see a man in earnest, and working diligently for the success of his bills. He was born in Rowan county, January 6th, 1846. He was prepared for college at Dr. Wilson's school, and entered the University of North Carolina January, 1862, where he pursued his studies until November, 1864, when he enteied the Confederate army and served until the surrender as a private in Company B, 10th Regiment N. C. State troops. He read law under Chief Justice Pearson, and obtained his County Court license in June, 1866, and his Superior Court license in June, 1867. He applied himself zeal- ously to the practice of his profession, in which he has been successful. He has always resided in Salisbury. In September, 1874, he married Miss Bessie B. Cain,of Ashe- ville. He has never sought office, but has seen a good deal of political life. In 1871 he was elected to the pro- posed Constitutional Convention, beating his late com- petitor. Dr. J. G. Ramsay, 497 votes, running 102 votes ahead of the Democratic ticket. Mr. Henderson declined a nomination for the lower house of the General Assem- 44 SKETCHES OF bly in 1872. He was elected to the Constitutional Con- vention of 1875, and took a prominent part in the pro- ceedings of that memorable body. In 1876 he was elected to the JEouse, and was a leading and valuable member, having been the author and draftsman of many of the most important statutes adopted at that session of the General Assembly. He had been elected by a majority of 1,006, when Vance's majority in Rowan was 862 and Tilden's 868. In 1879 he was triumphantly elected to the State Senate from Rowan and Davie, running about 475 votes ahead of his ticket. In the upper chamber, as well as in the lower, he distinguished himself by his sagacity, his industry and zeal, as a true representative of the people, and did much towards shaping the best legislation of the session. In 1881 he was selected by the General Assembly as one of the three commissioners to codify the statute laws of the State, and in this capacity rendered conspic- uous service. On the 9Lh of September, 1884, he was nominated for Congress, by the Democratic convention of the 7th dis- trict, and was opposed by his old competitor. Dr. J. G. Ramsay, one of the shrewdest and best posted politicians in the State. Mr. Henderson was elected by over 3,000 majority. He was re-elected in 1886. Hon. W. H. H. COWLES, OF WILKESBORO, Was born at Hamptonville, N. C, April 22d, 1840. His youth was spent partly on the farm and in his father's store. He attended the common schools and academies of his county. He was fond of outdoor exercise ; delighted in hunting, which developed and hardened his constitu- tion. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 45 In 1861 he volunteered as a private in a cavalry com- pany then being formed by T. N. Grumpier, but upon the organization of the company he was elected First Lieutenant. The company was selected with great care; every member was strong and soldierly. Col. Cowles was then not quite six feet in height, slen- der, erect and athletic. In the latter part of 1861 he marched with his regiment to Centerville, then the seat of war, at which point the First N. C. Cavalry became a part of the First Cavalry Brigade arganized in the Con- federate States, and was connected with the army of Northern Virginia until the surrender. Col. Cowles served with his regiment during the war filling the grades of First Lieutenant of Company A, Major and then Colonel. His active and faithful discharge of duty and his dash and courage won the confidence of his superior officers and as early as the First Maryland raid he was placed in command of the extreme advance guard of the Cavalry by Stewart. On return he was placed in command of the extreme rear guard. In all the raids, marches and battles that followed, he bore his part bravely. His men were devoted to him and in the critical periods of battle the sound of his clarion voice never failed tp rally them. At Auburn where the lamented Col. Thomas Ruffin fell, it was Cowles who rallied the men and continued the charge. At Brand}^ Station it was Col. Cowles who led the charge that drove the 10th N. Y. Cavalry out of line and to the rear. (Jovvles followed them up for several miles towards Kelly's Ford, capturing Maj. Forbes, Maj. Gregg's com- missary and Wm. Buckly, private correspondent of the Neiu York Herald and others, whom he successfully brought out, though at the terminus of the charge he was com- pletely in the enemy's lines. In the beginning of the charge, Preston Hampton, the son of Wade Hampton, joined Cowles for a short distance but his horse was killed under him and when he had obtained another horse, he found that his squadron had passed ahead and that Gregg's 46 SKETCHES OF entire column was moving down the road in the direc- tion that Cowles had just gone. As Hampton could not rejoin his squadron, he returned to the Confederate lines and reported that Cowles was surely captured. When Cowles attempted to retrace his steps he was met hy a Confederate coming at full speed with the news that a large body of Federal Cavalry were in the road a short distance off, coming in that direction ordering the fences to be torn down. Cowles passed with his men and pris- oners through the field and across a deep stream where there was no ford ; but he crossed successfully and just in time to witness the advance of the head of General Gregg's column at the point in the road which Cowles had left. At the beginning of the battle of Mine Run General Ewell was in need of a competent officer to take command of the skirmish line in his front and requested General Stew^art to suggest the man. General Stewart detailed Capt. Cowles for the duty and directed him to take in addition to the Cavalry he would find with Gen- eral Ewell, one hundred picked men, which he did, quickly joining General Early. He went to the front and established his skirmish line and next morning met the enemy's advance gallantly checking its movements every inch of the way to the Confederate's main lines. In this engagement fie received his first wound by a minnie ball through the body. His wound was thought to be fatal, but the following Spring he rejoined his com- mand in time to take part in the first of that memorable campaign of 1864 and was in command of the right wing of General Gordon's forces at Brook church near Richmond where Gordon fell. He continued in active service until the 31st of March, 1865, when, in leading a desperate assault on the right of the enemy near Peters- burg, and after his horse was shot leaving him on foot and knee deep in water, he was shot in the head. Those who saw him thought he was killed and he was left un- conscious to fall into the hands of the enemy. He was taken to the hospital where he heard the news of the PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 47 surrender of Lee. It happened that he met there his namesake, Maj. Cowles, of the Federal army, who prom- ised him the best treatment and who allowed Col. Cowles and a number of his friends to go home on parole. Col. Cowles took the boat for Norfolk under guard. At Nor- folk he was imprisoned for a day, then left for New Berne. He was badly treated on the vessel and he came near being thrown overboard. At New Berne by the aid of a friend he managed to get across tlie Federal lines. He went to Raleigh, thence to Salisbury with Thad. Coleman. They reached Third Creek in a private conveyance and attempted to walk the rest of the way to Statesville, but it was too much for men who apparently were nearer their graves than their homes. Wlien within three miles of Statesville, Col. Cowles offered a farmer $3.00 in green- back and $20.00 in Confederate money to take them to Statesville, and after much persuasion prevailed upon the farmer to comply. Cowles finally reached Wilkes- boro. In 1866 he began the study of law under Judge Pear- son and obtained license to practice in the county court in 1867, in the Superior Court in 1868. He located at Wilkesboro where he has since practiced his pro- fession. He has been a strong Democrat since the war. He was Reading Clerk of the Senate from 1872 to 1874. In 1874 he was elected Solicitor of the 10th Judicial Dis- trict, in which position he won the reputation of a vigor- ous prosecutor. He was for many years chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of his district and did much service for his party. In 1884 he was elected to Congress from the 8th Dis- trict by a large majority. He was re-elected in 1886 after a brilliant canvass, in which he drove his opponent from the field. 48 SKETCHES OP Hon. WILLIAM RUFFIN COX, OF RALEIGH, Was born in Scotland Neck, North Carolina; here- moved to Tennessee, and after due preparation entered Franklin College, near Nashville, where he graduated; subsequently he became a student at the Lebanon Law School, and, after receiving his degree of Bachelor of Laws, practiced his profession in Nasliville, Tennessee; prior to the war he returned to his native State ; engaged in planting in Edgecombe county, and is still occupied in the same pursuit; early in the war he entered the Con- federate States Army as Major of the Second North Caro- lina State Troops; by successive promotion became Brig- adier-General, and commanded his division in the last charge at Appomattox; after the termination of hostili- ties, he resumed the practice of the law at Raleigh ; was elected Solicitor of the Metropolitan District, and held the office for six years ; subsequently he was appointed^ a Judge of the Superior Court for the same district, and held the office until near the expiration of his term, when he resigned to canvass for a nomination to Congress; he is a Trustee of the University of the South; was a Dele- gate from the State at large to the National Democratic Convention which met in New York ; was similarly dele- - gated to the Saint Louis Democratic Convention, but de- clined the honor, and was for several years Chairman of the State Democratic Committee; was elected to the Forty-seventh and to the Forty-eighth Congresses, and was re-elected to the Forty-ninth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 18,930 votes against 13,448 votes for Turner, Republican. — Congressional Directory. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 49 Hon. RISDEN T. BENNETT, OP WADESBOROUGH, Was born in Anson county, North Carolina, June 18, 1840; was educated at Anson Institute; took the degree of Bachelor of Laws at Lebanon Law School, Tennessee, in June, 1859 ; entered the Confederate Army as a pri- vate April 30, 1861, and rose through the several grades to the Colonelcy of the Fourteenth North Carolina Troops; was Solicitor of Anson county in 1866 and 1867; was a member of the Legislature of North Carolina in 1872, and delegnte to the Constitutional Convention of the State in 1875, serving in each body as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee; was Judge of the Superior Court in 1880, and resigned to accept the nomination for Congress as Congressman at Large from North Carolina; was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress, and was re- elected to the Forty-ninth Congress, as a Democrat, re- ceiving 19,344 votes against 14,010 votes for Dockery,. Republican . — Congressional Directory. Hon. WHARTOI^ J. GEEEN, OF FAYETTEVILLE, Was born near Saint Mark's, Florida, where his father had lately moved from Warren county. North Carolina; upon his mother's death, which occurred when he was four years old, he was placed in charge of an uncle, whilst his father was engaged in the struggle for Texan inde- pendence, and shortly after with his grandfather in Warren county; was partially educated at Georgetown College, Lovejoy's Academy at Raleigh, West Point, and 4 50 SKETCHES OF the University of Virginia; read law at the last, and af- terwards at Cumberland University; immediately after obtaining a United States Supreme Court license he abandoned the law, and has been ever since a farmer, and also a vineyardist at this time; enlisted in one of the three first companies that went into camp upon the breaking out of the war; was promoted to Lieutenant- Colonel commanding Second North Carolina Battalion in the Confederate Army, and was afterwards on General Daniel's staff; was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1868; was a State delegate to the Demo- cratic National Convention at Saint Louis; was State Alternate to the Cincinnati National Democratic Con- vention, and was a candidate for Elector on the Demo- cratic ticket of 1868; has never held civic position until elected to the Forty-eighth Congress ; he was re-elected to the Fofty-ninth Congress as a Democrat, receiving^, 16,785 votes against 12,252 votes for Brogden, Republi- can. — Congressional Directory. Hon. THOMAS DILLAKD JOHNSTON, OF ASHEVILLE, Was born in '|Waynesville, Haywood county, North Carolina, April 1, 1840 ; was educated at common schools until 1853, when he was placed under the tuition of Col. Stephen Lee, near Asheville, and was by him prepared for college; in the winter of 1858-'59 entered the sopho- more class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but left college in the spring of ^59 on account of failing health ; studied law with Judge Bailey in 1860; entered the Southern Army in the spring of 1861, and received three desperate wounds at Malvern Hill, from which he came near losing his life, they still causing PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 51 him suffering; was licensed to practice law in 1866 by the Supreme Court of North Carolina; was elected mayor of Asheville in 1869 — the first Democratic mayor after the war; was elected in 1870 to the lower house of the Legislature of North Carolina and was designated by the House as one of the managers of the impeachment of Governor W. W. Holden ; was a candidate for Demo- cratic Elector on the Greeley ticket in 1872; was re- elected to the State Legislature in 1872, but declined a third election in 1874; was elected to the State Senate from the Buncombe district in 1876; and was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 13,024 votes against 11,466 votes for H. G. Ewart, Republican. Re-elected. — Congressional Directory. y Hoi^. T. G. SKINNER, OF HERTFORD, Son of James C. and Elmira Skinner, was born Janu- ary 21st, 1842, in Perquimans county, on a farm. His mother died when he was twelve years. old. He went to school first at the Hertford Academy, then at Sunsbury, Gates county, to Martin Kellogg. He also studied at Ox- ford under Jas. H. Horner, who prepared him for college. He entered the freshman class at Chapel Hill in 1858. In May, 1861, while in the junior class, he volunteered in the Orange Light Infantry under Captain Ashe, and with that company joined the First Regiment of N. C. Volun- teers under General (then Colonel) D. H. Hill. The title of his company was " D." He remained with that regi- ment until it disbanded in the fall of '61, and was en- gaged in the battle of Big Bethel. In the spring of 1862 he acted as vidette for the 13th Virginia Cavalry, who were stationed at Suffolk, Va. 52 SKETCHES OF After the fall of Norfolk, he went to Richmond with a few picked volunteers and joined a battery of artillery under Captain !S. Taylor Martin, and while in that com- pany was elected and served as Lieutenant. In 1863 he resigned that position and was transferred to a North Carolina battery of artillery under the com- mand of Captain Webb, of Richmond county, N. C, until the end of the war, as sergeant. When the war closed he returned home and went to work farming and tishing. In 1868 he obtained license to practice law from the Supreme Court, and practiced his profession until elected to Congress in the fall of 1883 . He served two terms in Congress with credit to his con- stituents. Hon. ALFRED ROWLAND, t OF LUMBERTON, Was born in Lumberton, Robeson county, North Caro- lina, February 9, 1844; received a common school edu- cation ; entered the Confederate Army in May, 1861, and served as a Lieutenant in Company D, Eighteenth Regi- ment of North Carolina State Troops, till May 12, 1864; on that day was captured in battle of Spottsylvania Court House, and was afterwards imprisoned at Fort Delaware till June, 1865; after the war studied law under the late Giles Leitch, of Robeson county ; obtained County Court license in January, 1867, and Superior Court li- cense in January, 1868; in 1867 was elected by the County Court Register of Deeds for Robeson County; was a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina 1876-77, and again in 1880-81; was a Cleveland and Hendricks Elector for the Sixth Congressional District in 1884, and was elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 14,261 votes against 6,659 votes for Charles R. Jones, Independent. — Congressional Directory. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 53 Hon. LOUIS CHAELES LATHAM, OF GREENVILLE, Was born at Plymouth, North Carolina, September 11th, 1840; graduated at the University of North Caro- lina in 1859, and then attended the Law School at Har- vard College, Massachusetts; practices law ; entered the Confederate service in May or June, 1861, for the war, and was successively Captain and Major of the 1st North Carolina State troops; was elected to the House of Com- mons /of North Carolina in 1864; surrendered at Appo- mattox; elected to the Senate of North Carolina in 1870; was elected to the Forty -seventh Congress, and was elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 13,490 votes against 10,635 votes for L. J. Barrett, Independent. — Congressional Directory. Hoi^. F. M. SIMMONS, \ OF NEW BERNE, Was born in Jones county. North Carolina, January 20th, 1854; was graduated at Trinity College in North Carolina in 1873; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in November, 1874; in 1876 removed to New Berne, North Carolina, where he has since resided and practiced his profession; never heldany office until he was elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 15,158 votes against 13,060 votes for James E. O'Hara, Republi- can, the colored member of the Forty-ninth Congress from this district. — Congressional Directory. 54 SKETCHES OF Ho]^. CHARLES W. McCLAMMY, OF scott's hill, Was bom in Scott's Hill, North Carolina, May 29th, 1839; received an academic education, and was gradu- ated from the University of North Carolina in 1859; was engaged in teaching; entered the Confederate army in 1861 ; by successive promotions became Major of the Third North Carolina Cavalry Regiment, and surren- dered at Appomattox; is a farmer; was elected a mem- ber of the House of Commons of North Carolina in 1866, and to the State Senate in 1871 ; was Democratic Elector in 1884, and was elected to the Fiftieth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 14,538 votes against 8,166 votes for F. D. Koonce, Republican, and 100 votes scattered. — Congressional Directory. Hon. JOHN NICHOLS, OF RALEIGH, Was born in Wake county, North Carolina, November 14th, 1834; received a common school education; when fifteen years of age was apprenticed to the printing busi- ness, receiving a full term of six years; when twenty-one years of age attended Lovejoy Academy for one year; for a number of years was engaged in the book and job printing business and newspaper publishing; from 1873 till 1877 was principal of the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind; from 1879 till 1881 was Revenue Stamp Agent at Durham, North Caro- lina; in May, 1881, was, without application, appointed Postmaster at Raleigh, North Carolina, and was removed PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 55 by President Cleveland in May, 1885; has been the Sec- retary and Treasurer of the State Fair Association for a number of years, and was elected to the Fiftieth Con- gress as an Independent, receiving 15,861 votes against 14,473 votes for John W. Graham, Democrat. — Congres- sional Directory. Ro^. JAMES E. O'HARA, OF ENFIELD. Was born in New York, February 26th, 1844 ; received an academical education; studied law; was admitted to the bar of North Carolina in June, 1873; at present a practising attorney; was Engrossing Clerk to the Con- stitutional Convention of Nortli Carolina in 1808, also to the Legislature of 1868-'69; was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1875; was Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the county of Halifax, 1872-76; was elected to the Forty-sixth Congress, but the certificate of election was given to W. H. Kilchin, Democrat; was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress, and was re-elected to the Forty-ninth Congress as a Repub- lican, receiving 22,309 votes against 15,699 votes for Woodard, Democrat. — Congressional Directory. 56 SKETCHES OF Hon. O. H. DOCKEEY, the republican nominee for governor of n. 0. Mr. Dockery was born in Richmond county, N. C, August r2tli, 1830. He is a son of the Hon. Alfred Dookery, ex-member of Congress, who was a man of influence and prominent in State affairs for thirty or more years. Young Dockery received a good education, graduating from the North Carolina University at Chapel Hill, in the class of 1844. He read law and was admit- ted to the bar, but never practiced, preferring the inde- pendent life of a planter to the pursuit of a profession. Becoming interested in politics, he was elected to the Lower House of the Legislature, representing his native county of Richmond in the session of 1858-'59. In 1860 he was the Bell and Everett District Elector. Dur- ing the late war he was in the Confederate army for a short time, but afterwards abandoned the service, and with Governor William Holdeti, advocated the submis- sion of the State to the Federal authority; taking an active part in the peace movement in 1864. Upon North Carolina being rehabilitated in the Union, Mr. Dockery was elected a representative to the Fortieth Congress, serving from July 13th, 1868, to March 3d, 187L He was re-elected to the Forty-first Congress, receiving 15,- 314 votes, against 13,353 cast f.r McKay, Democrat. While in Congress he served on the Commiliee on Revo- lutionary Claims and the Committee on Claims; he advocated Federal payment for all private materials and substance taken by the Quartermaster's Department from non-combatants for the use of the armies of the United States. As Chairman of the Committee on Freedmen's Affairs he favored and advocated public schools and everything that might in any way tend to the enlighten- ment of the colored race under the new order of things and at the same time promote a better feeling and under- standing between the two rsices.-- Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. • PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 57 Hon. a. LEAZAR, ^ OF IREDELL COUNTY, Was born in Rowan county, near the Iredell line, in a farm house, the 27th of March, 1843. His parents were Jno. Leazar and Isabella Leazar; on the paternal side of Gernaan descent, on the maternal side of Scotch-Irish descent. At the age of thirteen he entered the Fresh- man class of Davidson College, having been prepared by J. R. McAulay in the vicinity of Prospect church. He graduated in 1860 first in a class of twenty. The war immediately coming on, he enlisted in Company G, 42d Regiment N. C. State Troops, and was elected First Lieu- tenant in the same. He passed through some severe engagements but never suffered a wound nor capture. At the close of the war he engaged in teaching, though not choosing that as a profession, but meeting with suc- cess he continued that business, conducting a classical school for sixteen years within five miles of his present home. In 1869 the degree of A. B. was conferred on him by Davidson College. He was married in 1865 to Miss Cornelia Frances McCorkle, daughter of Wm. B. and Mary McCorkle, then of Rowan, but formerly of Wadesboro, Anson county. His wife died in 1873. In 1882 he was elected to the General Assembly against D. M. Furches. His principal work in that body was in furtherance of the educational enterprises of the State. He was elected by the Assembly a member of the re-or- ganized Board of Agriculture for the 7th Congressional District. He has been a farmer for the last twenty years. He taugjht in the State Normal School in 1888 and 1884. In 1884 he was re-elected to the House of Representa- tives and his influence in that body was extensive from the beginning. He interested himself considerably in the important question of rearranging the Judicial sys- 68 SKETCHES OF tern in the State. The House Committee being all law- yers except Mr. Leazar, favored a large increase in the number of Judges. Mr. Leazar opposed the increase and was successful. He drafted the bill whicli became a law increasing the appropriation for the Slate University $15,000, and the number of the Faculty, six. Mr. Leazar strongly opposed convict labor on railroads, etc., holding that the railroads being the property of individ- uals and not in any. degree of the State, it was wrong in itself as well as unconstitutional for the State to appro- priate money or labor, its equivalent, for their construc- tion or improvement. In 1885 he was tendered Chief of Division in the Treasury Department at Washington, but which he de- clined. Tlie salary was tempting, but the idea of being pigeon-holed or converted into a mere machine was not altogether so pleasing. In 1886 he was elected to the House, serving as chair- maii on Education. He hel|)ed to develop the Industrial School enterprise, by a bill which he had drafted and passed through the House of '85, a bill to assign the S7,500 income of the Land Scrip Fund heretofore enjoyed by the University, to the "North Carolina College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts." The State's policy in regard to the management of con- victs is a hard one to solve, but much credit is due Mr. Leazar for his bold stand against the lobbyist and the extravagant legislators who would surrender to railroads without compensation any number of convicts. In the summer of '87 he delivered the annual address at the semi-centennial commencement of Davidson Col- lege. He is a Trustee of Davidson College and also of the University. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 59 Hon. DAVID A. COVINGTON, OF MONROE, Was born December 2d, 1853. He is the third son of D. A. and S. A. Covington. His father was a native of Richmond county, and belonged to a well known and honored family. Though never having the advantages of a collegiate education, he was a man of fine mind, and was held in high esteem both in his native county and in Union, the county of his adoption. He represented Union and Anson counties in the State Senate for a number of years, and held various ofiSces of trust in the county first named. He was a man of fine business qualities, and amassed a large fortune prior to the war. He died at the age of sixty, leaving a widow and six children, all of whom are still living. The subject of this sketch received such early educa- tion as is usually aff'orded in small country towns, and in 1870, at the age of seventeen, was sent to Wake Forest College. Three years of his life were spent at this insti- tution. He left college in June, 1873, lacking one year of graduation. While at Wake Forest he represented the Euzelian Society, of which he was a member, as its first debater at the Anniversar3^ in 1873, and was elected to deliver the Anniversary Oration of that Society in 1874, but failed to return to college the succeeding year. In December, 1873, he was married to Miss Ella E. Howie, of Monroe, who died the following August. In the fall of 1874 he began the stud}^ of law under the late Chief Justice Pearson, and graduated the following year, receiving his diploma at the June Term, 1875, of the Su- preme Court. He immediately entered upon the prac- tice of his profession in the town of his nativity, and shortly after formed a local partnership with the late J. Harvey Wilson, of Charlotte. In May, 1876, he was elected Mayor of Monroe over 60 SKETCHES OF several competitors, receiving more votes than all the others combined. This office he resigned before the ex- piration of his term on account of the conflicting duties of his profession. On the 23d day of January, 1878, he was married to Miss Mary A. Simmons, third daughter of W. G. Sim- mons, LL. D., of Wake Forest College. In the summer of 1878 he was nominated by the Democratic party at a primary election in his county to represent Union county in the lower branch of the General Assembly, defeating three other candidates. At the general election of this year he was elected over an independent by a majority of 1,375 votes, his competitor receiving only 292, the handsomest majority ever given in his native county — Union. In the Legislature of 1879, and at the special session of 1880, he served on the Judiciary and other important Committees, and was frequently called to the Chair by the Speaker to preside over the deliberations of the House. In 1880 he was not a candidate for re-election to the Legislature, but accepted the nomination of the Demo- cratic party as Presidential Elector on the Hancock and English ticket as successor to Colonel Bennett, who had been promoted to the Bench. In the summer of 1886 his name was frequently men- tioned in connection with nomination for Congress from the Sixth District on the Democratic ticket, and as the suc- cessor of Judge Bennett; and in Wadesboro, on the 21st of July of that year, he received the largest vote of any other man until the 47th ballot, when Col. A. Rowland was nominated. He is now practicing his profession in Monroe, N. C, and is the senior member of the firm of Covington & Adams — a firm which does, perhaps, the most extensive business in Union county, and which is often employed in important litigation away from home. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 61 Ho^^ J. J. MOTT, OF STATESVILLE. The subject of this sketch is the son of Rev. T. S. W. Mott, a minister of the Episcopal church, well known and highly esteemed during his life. He was born in Hillsboro, N. C, at the residence of his grandfather, James Phillips, the 7th of May, 1834. He was educated principally by his father at his home in Caldwell county. His medical education was received at Jefferson Medical College, of Phihidelphia. He began the practice of medicine in Catawba county in 1855 and continued it for nearly twelve years. In ihe meantime he was mar- ried to Miss Caroline Hen(]rix, of AVilkes county. He was in the State Legislature from Catawba county in 1866-'67. He was President of the Western North Caro- lina Railroad from 1868 until 1872. He was Collector of Internal Revenue for the 6th N. C. District from 1872 until 1881. He was a member of the Republican party at its organization in this State and has been prominent in his party up to the present time. Dr. Mott did not engage in the war; he was a strong Whig, despised secession and the Confederate Government. He is condemned by many people on account of his politics and conduct respecting the war. Without expressing any opinion it would seem only fair to give the public the motives which influenced him. The Whig party in this State was for the Union. Besides being a member of it Dr. Mott had had, anterior to the war, some bitter experiences in opposing Deuiio- crats, which further enhanced his antipathy to secession and the Confederate Government. He fought secession bitterly and his last speech against it was in reply to a gentleman from South Carolina who had come across the line to drive people from their moorings. He acted for the right as he understood and felt it. In 1860 he took 62 SKETCHES OF the view that the Union was an indissoluble compact and that not his State but the United States was his home, his country and his government. His zeal for the Union he considered no less an impulse of patriotism than a Southerner's zeal for the Confederacy. Dr. Mott's father was in sympathy with the Confed- eracy and his brothers volunteered at the beginning of the war. Dr. Mott was moved by this and the martial spirit of the hour, and would have entered the army but for an accident he could not control. The delay brought around the old considerations and animosities and he stayed out through his zeal for the Union. He supported the Raleigh Standard from the time it cried out for peace and he welcomed ihe close of the war. He is a man of very fair ability and is a skillful party manager. Ho^. J. K. WEBSTER, OF REIDSVILLE. The subject of this sketch is the present Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was educated at Trinity College. He has for several years conducted a paper called Wehster^s Weekly, a journal of influence in Rock- ingham and surrounding counties. In 1881 he was elected to the House of Representa- tives as a Democrat. In 1886 he was re-elected to the House as an Indepen- dent Democrat, receiving 555 majority over Roland Wil- liams, the regular Democratic nominee. In the organi- zation of the House he was nominated and elected Speaker by a coalition of the Independents and Republicans, receiving 59 votes against 57 cast for Lee S. Overman, Esq., of Salisbury. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 63 Mr. Webster is a man of considerable ability. He is an original thinker and writer. He is a strong and fluent debater. In politics he has been a Democrat of the Sam Ran- dall school, but in the campaign of 1886 he ran as an Inde- pendent, as he opposed the re-election of Congressman Reid, and a number of his friends who dominated and controlled the councils of the party in Rockingham. In a speech just before the election for Speaker he said that his opposition to the Democratic party did not extend to its fundamental principles, and that if elected to the Speakership, it must be as a Democrat. He dis- charged the duties of his office with fairness and satisfalc- tion to the House. In the formation of committees and in his general conduct he displayed no inclination to side with the Republicans. Hon. lee S. overman, OF SALISBURY. Sou of William and Mary E. Overman. His mother was great-granddaughter of Major James Smith who figured prominently in this and other sections during the Revolutionary War, and after the battle of King's Mountain was taken prisoner, carried to Charleston, and, with other American prisoners, died of small pox. The subject of this sketch was born in Salisbury, Rowan county, on the 3d of January, 1854. He graduated at Trinity College, North Carolina, in 1874; degree of Mas- ter of Arts conferred by same college two years later ; taught school a year and a half; began reading law un- der J. M. McCorkle, of Salisbury, in 1876, and finished his course under R. H. Battle, of Raleigh. He received license to practice January, 1878. 64 SKETCHES OF He married Miss Mary P. Merrimon, of Raleigh, daughter of Hon. A. S. Merrimon, now of the Supreme Court, October 31, 1878. He began the practice of law in Salisbury in 1880. He was Private Secretary to Governor Vance in 1877 and '78 ; also Private Secretary to Governor Jarvis until December, 1879. Then he resigned that position to be- gin the practice of his profession. He was elected a member of the House of Representa- tives from the county of Rowan in 1882, as a Democrat, over G. A. Bingham, Independent. He was re-elected to the House in 1884, and again in 1886. He was the choice of the Democrats of the lasi House for Speaker, being the unanimous choice of the caucus, but he was defeated by a coalition of the Republicans and Independent Dem- ocrats — a defeat of only two votes. Mr. Overman is a good lawyer, a prominent Democrat, and a man of fine personal appearance. Hon. MARMADUKE SWAIN ROBINS, OF ASHEBORO. The subject of this sketch was born in Randolph county, N. C, the 31st of August, 1827. Son of John Robins. He was educated at Chapel Hill. He was mar- ried July 24th, 1878, to Miss Annie E. Moring, daughter of W. H. Moring. He obtained license to practice law in 1856, and has met with success. He was elected to the Legislature of 1883 as a Demo- crat, and served on the Judiciary, The Code, and other Committees. He is a man of unblemished integrity, conscientious and faithful in the discharge of his duties. He was known and feared in the Legislature as the " Watch Dog of the Treasury." PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 65 B.01^. GEORGE M. ROSE, OF FAYETTEVILLE. Mr. Rose was born in Fayetteville, Cumberland county, in 1846. Entered Davidson College in 1861, and remained there two years, when he entered the Virginia Military Institute. Before he was seventeen years of age, he joined the army, becoming Adjutant of the 66th North Carolina Troops, Col. A. D. Moore, Commanding, forming a part of Kirklaud's Brigade in Hoke's Division. Capt. Rose served gallantly with that command until the end of the war. When peace was restored, he applied himself to the completion of his education, which had been inter- rupted by the call of duty to fight in defense of his coun- try. He entered Chapel Hill in 1865, and graduated in 1867, delivering the salutatory of his class. Having chosen the law as his profession, Mr. Rose obtained hi& license at January Term, 1868, and located at Fayette- ville, where he soon laid the foundation of his present lucrative practice. His first public service was in the House of Representatives in 1876-'77, when, as a leading member of the Judiciary Committee, he gained a- repu- tation for judgment, discrimination and legal attain- ments. He was again elected to tlie House in 1880, and enhanced his reputation as a debater and a careful, pru- dent manager on the Democratic side of the House. He took a prominent part in the proceedings of the session. He was Speaker, pro tem , of the House last session, and discharged the duties of the Chair in the absence of Speaker Cooke with great acceptability. Mr. Rose has displayed marked executive ability during this session, and this, together with his ripe judgment, comprehensive intellect, natural gifts, universal courtes}^ and modera- tion in his bearing, renders him eminently fit for the responsible and honored position of Speaker he now fills. — Legislative Biographical Sketch Book, 1883. 5 66 SKETCHES OF ^ Hon. J. L. WEBB, OF SHELBY. The subject of this sketch is the State Senator from the 38th District. He was born in 1853 in Rutherford county, educated at Wake Forest College. Choosing the profession of law, he was prepared at the law school of Judge Pearson, at Richmond Hill. He received his license to practice in June, 1878. He enjoys a large clientage in his town and county, and a considerable practice also in Lincoln and Gaston. He also practices in the Federal Court at Charlotte. In 1883 he was elected to the Senate where he served with credit to his District. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1887, defeating W. A. Mooney, one of the most prominent and popular farmers in Cleveland county. He was chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs and Deaf and Dumb Asylums and a member of the Commit- tees on Corporations, Judiciary and Banking and Cur- rency. He and his partner have been attorneys for Cleveland €Ounty for ten years. Mr. Webb was Mayor of Shelby one term and has been repeatedly elected a member of the Board of Aldermen. In 1878 he was married to Miss K. L. Andrews. He has three children. He has canvassed his county several times for railroad subscriptions and was the first to speak in favor of the "Three C's" Railroad running through Cleveland county. He is a live, progressive man, and is very popular wherever he is known. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 67 Hon. SAMUEL J. PEMBERTON, OF ALBEMARLE, Son of David S. Pemberton, born at Mt. Gilead, in Montgomery county, July 12th, 1849. He received his education at the Edinboro Academy, in Montgomery county. He was married to Miss Pattie F. Hearne, daughter of Eben Hearne, Esq., of Stanly county, July 6th, 1871. He studied law and since his admission to the bar, he has steadily risen in his profession. In 1874, at the age of twenty-five, he was elected Solici- tor of the Fifth Judicial District. He discharged the duties of his office faithfully and won the reputation of a vigorous prosecutor. In 1883 he was elected to the Senate from the Twenty- eighth District over Dr. Solomon Furr, Independent Democrat, by 1,190 votes. He was chairman of the Com- mittee on Education and also of Enrolled Bills. He served on the Judiciary and other committees. As a legislator Mr. Pemberton was among the best. He speaks in a very attractive style, spicing his argu- ments with brilliant wit and a beaming humor. He is a very agreeable man in his manners and temperament, and his popularity extends among all classes. He is a man of fine personal appearance. 68 SKETCHES OF HENRY B. ADAMS, Esq., OF MONROE, Is the son of Rev. S. D. Adams, a member of the North Carolina Conference. His mother, who died when he was at the early age of about four years, was Martha Fletcher. Henry was born in Marlboro county (than District), near Adamsville, in South Carolina, on the 26th day of January, 1849. When he was about three years of age, his father entered the itinerant ministry as a member of the North Carolina Conference. After the death of his mother, at Carthage, he went to his uncle's in Marlboro, S. C, where he spent his time for a few years in going to the comm n schools and working on the farm. He spent some time in the academies of the neigh- borhood of his uncle's during the war, and after the war was at Spring Hill Academy in Richmond county, N. C, under the tutorage of John Monroe Johnson, who is now a member of the law firm of Johnson & Johnson, at Ma- rion, S. C. In 1867 he entered Trinity College, N. C, where he remained until he graduated in 1870. After leaving college, he studied law with Jas. D. Mclver, who afterwards became solicitor of the Fourth Judicial District. He was licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court of North Carolina in June, 1871. In January, 1872, he located at Monroe, N. C, and engaged in the practice of his profession. In April of that year he was married to Miss Fannie Person. Six children, equally divided between the sexes, are the result of the marriage. He is now a member of the law firm of Covington & Adams. In 1884 he was elected a member of the General As- sembly of North Carolina, where he served with great acceptability to himself and infinite disgust to some of his constituents. Owing to the evident displeasure of a number of his constituents, he consented (?) to become a candidate for the position of State Senator in 1886, to PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 69 represent the 27th Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Union and Anson. He was elected. His people have not abused him much (owing to the fact that they are afraid that he will be a candidate again). He has hence concluded that he will not offer again as a martyr for them. He has therefore served his last time in the Senate Chamber of North Carolina, unless Gov- ernor Scales should see fit to call a special session before November, 1888, so as to undo some of the things done, and thus leave the State in as good a condition as it was before. CHARLES F. WARREN, Esq., OF WASHINGTON, Was born September 6th, 1852, in Washington, N. C. Entered Washington-Lee University, Lexington, Va., in October, 1869, and graduated in June, 1873. Obtained his license ac the June Term, 1874, of the Supreme Court, and has since that time continuously practiced in Beau- fort and adjacent counties. Politics, Democrat. This is Mr. Warren's first term in the Senate, and virtually had no opposition. This district is composed of Beaufort, Martin, Washington, Tyrrell, Pamlico, Hyde and Dare. Is chairman of the Committee on Internal Improve- ments; is also a member of the committees on the Judi- ciary, Privileges and Elections, Salaries and Fees, and Military ASairs.— Legislative Biographical Sketch Book, 1 887. 70 SKETCHES OF RICHMOND PEARSON, Esq., OF ASHEVILLE, Was born at Richmond Hill, Yadkin county, January 26th, 1852. Graduated at Princeton College in 1872, delivering the valedictory. Studied law under his father, the late Chief Justice Pearson. Married March 30th, 1882, to Miss Gabrielle Thomas, of Richmond, Va. Was nominated for the Senate in 1878 by the Democratic party in Surry and Yadkin and was defeated. Removed to Buncombe several years ago and now has one of the most attractive places (a few miles from Asheville) in the county — Richmond Hill — he having adopted the name of his old native place in Yadkin county. He has done much in the way of making improvements in and around the town of Asheville. Represented his county in the House in 1885, and his course at that time, as well as at the session of 18^7, was such as eminently met the hearty approval of his constituents. — Legislative Biographical Sketch Book, 1887. JAMES H. HARRIS, (Negro,) OF RALEIGH. Mr. Harris is the most prominent and influential col- ored man of the Republican party of our State. A man of rare mental faculties which have made him conspicu- ous despite an imperfect education. Had he received a classical education he might have rivalled any North Carolinian as an orator. But he is self-educated and has a degree of culture uncommon among his race. He has PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 71 originality, wit, liumor, pathos and all the elements of a fine orator. His speeches are very interesting and very forcible. He was born in Granville county about 1830; married Isabella Hinton. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1868. In 1869 he was elected to the House of Representatives. In 1872 to the Senate and again elected to the House in 1883. He has been a mem- ber of the Board of Aldermen of Raleiffh several years. He was for four years Director of the Institution for Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. He was Deputy Collector of In- ternal Revenue in 1872. DENNISON WORTHINGTON, Esq, OF WILLIAMSTON, Was born October 6th, 1843, in Murfreesboro, Hert- ford county. Educated in North Carolina and Maryland. Went into the war at first in 8th Regiment N. C. Troops, and afterwards assigned to the charge of signal and mounted scouts on the peninsula below Richmond. Was wounded there and captured May 6th, 1864, and held as hostage until March, 1865, and surrendered at Warren- ton, N. C, after the fall of Appomattox. Read law un- der Hon. J. J. Yates, and Martin, Baker and Hinton, of Norfolk, Va., and received license to practice in the courts of Virginia in 1869. Now located at Williamston and practicing his profession under tlie law firm of Moore & Worthington. Married Miss Julia, daughter of Col. S. J. Wheeler, of Bertie county, November 17th, 1871. Been Solicitor and Judge of the Inferior Court ; was a member of the Legislature of 1881, at which session he was chair- man of Committee on the Appointment of Justices of the Peace. He serves on committees : Judiciary, Fish Inter- 72 SKETCHES OF ests, and Enrolled Bills. He is Speaker pro tern, of the House of Representatives, chairman of the Joint Com- mittee to Redistrict the State, chairman of Committee on Rules, chairman of Committee on Military Affairs, and member of The Code Committee. Mr. Worthington has taken a very prominent stand in this General Assembly, and isaleading and influential member. —Legislative Bio- graphical Sketch Book, 1883. Hon. ROBERT PAYNE WARING, OF CHARLOTTE. The subject of this sketch was born in King and Queen county, Va., on the 1st day of February, 1827, at the family seat of the Roanes. His mother, Miss Roane, was a daughter of that historic family. In his earliest school days he was under the tuition of H. J. Christian, afterwards Professor of Ancient Lan- guages in Richmond College. At the age of 16 he en- tered the junior class at Richmond College, where he re- mained two years. In '45 he matriculated at the Uni- versity of Virginia, and took an irregular course, gradu- ating in '47 in the School of Law. In 1848 he married Augusta, the third daughter of Hon. Louis D. Henry, and settled in North Carolina in 1850, and entered upon the practice of law. In 1854 he was elected County Attorney, and after serving four years was unanimously re-elected, but resigned the same week to accept the U. S. Consulship to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. Wheeler's Reminiscences say he filled this responsible and honorable position with signal ability, reflecting great credit upon the Government. In April, 1861, he promptly tendered his resignation, preferring to throw his fortune in with the struggling South than to live in ease in the service of her then oppressors. In PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 73 June, 1861, he returned to the United States and was ar- rested on his arrival and held a prisoner until October. Fortunately a letter of introduction, which he bore from a prominent Captain of the Merchant Marine to the own- ers of his ship, secured him his release on parole, and thus he escaped imprisonment in Fort LaFayette. After tlie most thorough investigation, no charge could be estab- lished against him. He had only, with his usual ur- banity, lifted his cap in passing a vessel on the water which bore the emblem of the infant Confederacy. On his release he returned to North Carolina, and in '61 raised a company and served until January, '64, when, from disability from wounds and rheumatism, he was retired. In the fall of the same year, at the request of General Holmes, he took a posUion in a regiment of Se- nior Reserves, and was stationed at Salisbur}^ where, in 1865, he was captured by General Stoneman and taken to Camp Chase. When released in July of the same year, he returned to Charlotte and became the editor of the Daily Times. Wheeler says so fearless and outspoken was his condemnation of the politico-military adminis- tration, that he was arrested by the military command- ant in the time of peace and tried before a court martial, where he vas defended by Hon. B. F. Moore and Col. E. G. Haywoftd. Conviction was a foregone conclusion, and be was offered the alternative of paying a fine of three hundred (1300.00) dollars in five days, or suffering six months' imprisonment in Fort Macon. The folloving account of this extraordinary proceeding, written by Mr. J. L. Chambers, then editor of the Char- lotte Ohservir, is worthy of preservation : RuGER's RuiiNG— The Trial and Conviction of Capt. R. P. Waring for Inciting Insurrection in 1865. In cpnversatioa with ('apt. Robt. P. Waring, a reporter of the Ohsert^r discovered that he still has in his possession the findings of the^eourt martial, and other interesting facts connected with his triil by the military authorities for inciting insurrection in 74 SKETCHES OF 1865 by means of certain editorial articles in the Carolina Times, of which he was editor. The trial occurred in the city of Ral- eigh in the first part of the year 1866, and is remarkable as being the only instance of a Southern man being on trial by a court martial on this charge, subsequent to the war. On the 24th of December Capt. Waring was arrested in this city under orders from Major-General Ruger, of the United States Army, and taken to Raleigh, where he was kept in close confine- ment for several weeks. Hon. Bat. Moore, of that city, visited him shortly after he arrived there, and voluntarily tendered his services to defend him before the court, at the same time inform- ing him that he was convicted before he left Charlotte. Not- withstanding this, he made a splendid defence, delivering what he regards himself as the ablest speech of his life. The following notice of Capt. Waring's arrest appeared in the Charlotte Democrat of the day following the occurrence : ARRESTED. Just as we are going to press we learn that Mr. R. P. Waring, the editor of the Times, has been arrested and carried to Raleigh, by order of Gen. Ruger, We suppose Gen. Ruger has taken ex- ception to some editorial published in the Times, although the editor has always made strong professions of loyalty to the gov- ernment. We regret that the military authorities se< proper to act in that way, and we cannot but look on it as wrong, tyranni- cal and unauthorized by the constitution or usages c^ a Repub- lican Government. We enter our protest, as a publicj journalist, against these arrests by Gen. Ruger. Arresting editors does a great dealmore harm than anything they have publitped in their papers. ' The trial began on the 2d of January and the following was sent to Capt. Waring as the finding in the case : j Headquarters Department of North Cmiolina, Raleigh, N. C, January f.7th, 1866. General Court Martial Orders No. 1. I. * * Before a Military Commission which convened at Ral- eigh, N. C, January 2d, 1866, pursuant to Special Orders No. 252, dated Headquarters Department of North Carolina, Raieigh, N. C, November 28th, 1865, and of which Lieutejiant Cjlonel George T. Shaffer, 28th Michigan Infantry, is Pfesiden , was arraigned aud tried : Robert P. Waring, citizen. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 75 CHARGE. ''For publishing and circulating disloyal and seditious writings within a District under Martial Law." Specifioation. — In this, that Robert P. Waring, citizen, of Meck- lenburg county, State of North Carolina, and editor of a news- paper, named and known as the '"Daily Carolina Times,'''' pub- lished at Charlotte, in the county and State aforesaid, did pub- lish in said newspaper, and circulate, an article in words as fol- lows : * * ^^ * 'i-^Yg ^Ye still without Washington news, and look forward to the report of the Committee on Credentials with some interest, though without hope of receiving justice. The South is now under a more grinding despotism than has heretofore found a place upon the face of the earth. Raised under a form of government, as expounded by the early fathers of the repub- lic, when to say, "I am an American citizen," was equal to J» king, we feel our serfdom more painfully by reflecting upon what we have lost. We have fallen from our high estate, and now there is "none so poor as to do us reverence." Other nations, while suffering under the iron heel of lawless tyranny, can con- sole themselves with the reflection that their condition is no worse than that of their predecessors. The Russian serf, as he eats his bread of dependence, knows that such was the inherit- ance of his fathers. Not so with the proud, high-souled south- ron. He once roamed his field a free man, and "sat under his own vine and fig tree, and none dared make him afraid." He was the equal, if not the superior, of the mercenary race which now dominates over him." ****** ***# And that the said article was calculated, and intended, to pro- duce hostility to the Government of the United States, to excite discontent, and to cause resistance to the constituted authorities. All this at Charlotte, N. C, on or about the 13th day of Decem- ber, 1865. To which charge and specification the accused, Robert P. Waring, citizen, pleaded as follows : To the specification to the charge, ''• guilty,'''' except so much as alleges " that the said article was calculated, and intended, to produce hostility to the Governpient of the United States, to excite discontent and to cause resistance to the constituted authorities." To the charge, " not guilty.''^ 76 SKETCHES OF FINDING. The court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Robert P. Waring, citizen, as follows : Of the specification to the charge, " guilty.'''' Of the charge, '' guilty ^ SENTENCE. And the court does therefore sentence the accused, Robert P. Waring, as follows : "That he pay to the Government of the United States a fine of three hundred dollars (^300). And in ease such fine is not paid within five days from date of order promulgating proceedings in this case, then that he be imprisoned for six months at such place as the Commanding General may 'direct." II. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case are approved and confirmed. The fine will be paid to the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, and if not paid within the time specified in the sentence, the prisoner will be sent under guard, and delivered to the commanding officer at Fort Macon, North Carolina, under whose direction so much of the sentence as relates to confinement will be executed. By command of Brevet Major-General Ruger: J. A CAMPBELL, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : J. A. Campbell, Assistant Adjutant General. The fine was duly paid, as is shown by the receipt below, and Capt. Waring was released on the following day : Received, Raleigh, N. C, January 19th, 1866, of Robert P. Waring, citizen, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, being the amount of a fine assessed by a Military Commission and received by me in accordance with General Court Martial Orders, No. 1, Headquarters Department of North Carolina. M. C. GARBON, §300.00. Brevet Col. and Chief Q. M. This is a sample of the justice that was meted out to North Carolinians when the people of the State were trodden under foot by military despots. Such treatment gave him notoriety and his paper a wider circulation. It was by his able editorials he con- tributed largely to the change of administration at the ballot-box. iMr. Waring had been elector on the Buch- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 77 anan ticket. " In 1870 he was sent to the Legislature, (we again quote from Wheeler,) where an important and novel question met him at the threshold — should North Caro- lina place herself on record as the first American State to exercise the power of impeaching a Governor? Troops had been raised by this Governor, ostensibly to ferret out the perpetrators of two mysterious murders, but without a resort first to the j^osse comitatus — worst of all, this was done on the eve of a general election. The best citizens of the State in two counties had been arrested without the pretence of indictment or information and incarce- rated as common felons, to await trial by a contemptible militia court martial, and this, too, in a time of profound peace. The great writ of habeas corpus had been suspen- ded, and a band of cut-throats were here, under com- mand of the notorious Kirk, to enforce the lawless orders of this petty usurper. Should such conduct, at the sug- gestion of probable Federal interference, be overlooked or- patiently borne, or should an example be made for posterity? Mr. Waring's position was not doubtful. Liberty is more valuable than money, and eternal vigi- lance is its price. His influence was acknowledged in appointing him on the committee which prepared the articles of impeachment." In 1872 he was unanimously nominated for the Senate, and after a most exciting and able canvass, in which General Barringer was his oppo- nent, backed by the Secretary of the Federal Treasury, he was triumphantly elected. He was re-elected in '74, and served as the chairman of the Committee on Internal Improvements, chairman of the Joint Committe to Com- promise, Commute and Settle the Public Debt, and was also a member of several other committees, among them the Judiciary. Of this period of his public service the Albemarle Times says : " There is no more unflinching, gallant and devoted member of the Democratic party than Robert Payne Waring. He is an elegant scholar and an accomplished gentleman. No man has been the object of so bitter and persistent persecution as this Sen- 78 SKETCHES OF ator. The Radicals hate him because he is a bold and fearless advocate of the rights of the people. His influ- ence in the Senate is very great, because he is a cool, cautious and winning debater and tactician. A Democrat of the Jefferson school, a strict constructionist of the Con- stitution, a States' Rights man, Senator Waring will al- ways command the respect and admiration of his fellow- men. The people of the West 'wear him in their heart of hearts,' and well they may, for he is the Chevalier Bayard of the Democratic party." In 1876 Mr. Waring was elector on the Tilden ticket, and cast the vote of his district for that great statesman, just twenty (20) years after he had voted in the Electoral College for Buchanan. The College chose him to take the message to Washington and deliver it to the Vice- President. In 1877, on the organization of the Inferior Court for Mecklenburg county, he was elected Chairman, and was regularly re elected by acclamation until 1884, when he resigned to accept a seat in the House of Rep- resentatives in the Stale Legislature. He was of course elected, for he has never been defeated before the people, though he has served them for the third of a century. He is regarded as a fluent, clear and forcible speaker. In 1885 he was appointed by President Cleveland As- sayer, in charge of the U. S. Assay Office at Charlotte, N. C, which honorable and responsible position he now fills with entire satisfaction to the Government as well as to his friends. We conclude this brief and imperfect sketch with an- other extract from Wheeler: "Mr. Waring has borne himself worthy of his antecedents, and is ever alive to anything that touches the dignity of the State. He is a strict constructionist of the Constitution, as also of the obligations of a gentleman. He has been twice married — first to a daughter of Hon. Louis D. Henry, by whom he has four children, three sons and one daughter; and second, to the daughter of Rev. N. Aldrich, of whose charming society he has recently been bereft." PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 79 He is still vigorous, and takes deep interest in the politics, material and educational development of the State he has served so long and so faithfully. Hon. B. H. BUNN, OF NASH COUNTY. Is one of the leading lawyers in the State and, in addi- tion to the practice of his profession, is at the head of large farming interests and large manufacturing inter- ests. He is actively concerned in the advancement of agriculture as a leading member of the Agricultural Society of his county and otherwise, and in short is in all respects a public-spirited, progressive citizen. He has ever been a faithful sentinel on tlie watch-lower of Democracy and has never failed to raise his voice on proper occasions in behalf of Democratic principles. Of winning manner and most pleasing address, he makes friends wherever he goes and wherever known is loved as it is permitted few men to be. He is an admirable representative.of the State Democracy, and the unanimity of sentiment in his favor which resulted in his recent nomination for Congress by acclamation was but a just tribute to his staunch Democracy, his sterling patriotism, his wisdom and boldness and gallantry in the fight, politi- cal or otherwise. He is a man the district really delights to honor, and he will prove himself fully worthy of this enviable distinction, or we are no prophet. Capt. Bunu was born in the county of his residence October 19th, 1844. His education was confined to the curriculum of a preparatory school, the war breaking out just as he was ready to enter college. With the spirit and patriotic fervor which has ever characterized 80 SKETCHES OF him he joined the army in July, 1861, in his 17th year, and served throughout the war with distinction and with such faithfulness as is attested by the scars of two wounds which he received respectively at Gettysburg and at Petersburg a few days before Lee evacuated the city. At the close of the war he began reading law with Mr. Dortch, and in June, 1866, was licensed to practice the profession of his choice. Since that time he has practiced at Rocky Mount, rising by steady steps to the highest rewards of what the fathers of the law were wont to call a jealous mistress, and stands to-day among the best- known lawyers of the State. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 75 and of the General Assembly of '83; Presidential elector of this district in '84 and messenger for the State of North Carolina. In the generous rivalry of ^S6 for the party nomination for Congress he was conspicuous, as our readers will readily recall, and was afforded a sup- port of which any man might well have been proud. — News and Observed. Hon. WILLIAM PAUL ROBERTS, OF GATES COUNTY. Was born in Gates county, July 11th, 1841. His occu- pation is that of a farmer, but his war record is brilliant. In June, 1861, he entered the Confederate army as a non- commissioned officer in the Second North Carolina Cav- alry. .By his coolness and dashing bravery, he was soon promoted to a captaincy; although the junior captain, he was soon promoted to Major. In 1865 he was commis- sioned Brigadier General, and was presented by the great chieftain with his own gauntlets as a mark of General PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 81 Lee's personal recognition of the young hero's distin- guished gallantry. His brigade was one of the best known and most highly appreciated in the army of Northern Virginia for its bravery and courage. General Roberts was the youngest general in Lee's army, and probably in the history of the world. His services have been no less great in peace than in war. With the same courage and energy he addressed himself not only to building up his own fortune butthat of the Democratic party. In 1875 he represented Gates county in the Convention; 1876-'77 he was elected a member of the Legislature. By his quick perception and profound thought as a legislator, he had much to do in shaping the legislation of these two bodies, where his services were so appreciated that the Democratic State Convention of 1880 placed him on the State ticket for the position of Auditor, being elected and rendering such efficient services in the office that he was re-nominated and elected in 1884. As a gallant soldier, legislator and financier, General Roberts has few equals in the State. Hon. WILLIAM LAWEENCE SAUNDERS, SECRETARY OF STATE, Was born in Raleigh, July 30th, 1835, graduated from the University of North Carolina 1854; studied law under Judge Battle; was admitted to the bar in 1856. He lived in Salisbury until the civil war opened. He volunteered in April, 18G1, as a member of the Rowan Rifle Guards, commanded by Captain Frank McNeely, and was ordered to Fort Johnston, below Wilmington, but in June he was appointed Lieutenant in the Rowan Artillery, then in camp near Weldon, and went direct from there to Virginia. In 1862 he was appointed Cap- 6 82 SKETCHES OF tain of an infantry company raised in Salisbury and joined the 46th N. C. Troops. The regiment afterwards became a part of Walker's Brigade, afterwards Cook's Brigade, and participated in many of the severest battles of the war. He became by successive promotions Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel. He was twice wounded, once at the battle of Fredericksburg, in the right cheek, again at the battle of the Wilderness, in May, 1864, the ball entering the left corner of his mouth and passing out at the back of his neck on the right side. He was married in 1864 to Miss Florida Call Cotten, who died in 1865, and he has since remained a widower. In 1870 and 1872 Col. Saunders was Secretary of the Senate and made a most acceptable officer. In 1872 he became one of the editors of the Wilmmgton Journal, and in that capacity wielded a great influence for Democracy. In November, 1876, he removed to Raleigh and estab- lished the Observer. In 1879, at the advice of his physi- cian, he retired from journalism. In February of the same year the death of Maj. Engelhard made vacant the office of Secretary of State, and Gov. Jarvis appointed Col. Saunders to fill the vacancy. Since then he has continued in that office. Col. Saunders is now writing the history of the Colo- nial Government in North Carolina, six volumes of which are already published. He is a man of very large heart and of very upright character. He is widely known throughout the State and his popularity abounds wherever he is known. The history he is writing shows that his information is exten- sive and that his ability as an historian is conspicuous. Sketches of his life are found in Wheeler's Reminis- cences and in other publications. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 83 Hon. DONALD W. BAIN, TREASURER OF NORTH CAROLINA, Was born at Raleigh, April 2d, 1841. Educated at the Lovejoy Academy. He entered the service of the State in the office of the Comptroller under Governor C. H. Brogden in 1857, where he remained until appointed Chief Clerk of the Treasury in 1865, which position he continued to hold until his election as Treasurer of the State in 1884. His term as Treasurer began January 1st, 1885. In the latter capacity he has won the confi- dence of the people and a reputation which has insured his re-nomination. He is a man of very pleasant address. He is regular in attendance at his office and very atten- tive to the details of his office duties. In 1867 he was appointed Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, which position he now fills. He was married to Miss Addie V. Hill, daughter of the late Dr. W. G. Hill, an eminent physician. JAMES COOK BIEDSONG, STATE LIBRARIAN, Was born in Southampton county, Va., March 15th, 1843. His parents moved to Petersburg, Va., a few years after, where his father engaged in the blacksmith and wheelwright business, which he carried on successfully until his death in 1855, leaving the mother with seven children to raise. In 1856 Mr. Birdsong entered the office of Crutchfield & Campbell, publishers of the Daily Express^ in Peters- 84 SKETCHES OF burg, the leading paper of Virginia in that day, where he remained until the breaking out of the war, when, scarcely 18 years of age, he volunteered in Company " B," 12th Regiment Virginia Infantry, in which he faithfully served until Appomattox was reached, where he was ordered to lay aside his military accoutrements and return to the life of a civilian. Arriving in Petersburg he immediately returned to the printing oflSce, where he labored day and night to accu- mulate the means whereby his mother, sisters and younger brother might again be reunited and begin life anew. (His eldest brother being a wounded prisoner at Johnston's Island, the care and support of the family devolved upon James.) On Saturday, May 2d, 1863, he was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville. As soon as exchanged he reported for duty to his company and endured the hardships of camp- life until May, 1864, he was wounded through the right shoulder while defending his country's cause at Cold Harbor. In 1866 his two brothers having obtained lucra- tive situations, the care of the family was turned over to his eldest brother, and he made Raleigh his home, where he still worked at the "case" until October, 1885, he was appointed by the Trustees of the Public Library, Libra- rian in charge of the State Library, which position he has filled with great satisfaction, gaining the reputation of being the best Librarian the State has ever had. An examination of the Library fully accords him that right. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Ophelia, second daughter of the late A. J. Crocker, of Raleigh, and from that union he has a family of four boys and three girls. Mr. Birdsong is a member of the Board of Deacons of the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle, and his heart and purse are ever open, as far as his means will justify, assisting in every good work and responding to all the calls of the poor and sufifering made upon him. A zealous member of the I. 0. 0. F., he is recog- nized as one of the leaders, never missing a session of PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 85 the Grand Lodge, if not prevented by sickness or some other unavoidable circumstance. In every sense of the word he is a typical representa- tive of the workingman ; his father having been a prac- tical blacksmith and he a first-class printer. 86 SKETCHES OF LEGAL. Hon. W. K H. smith, LL. D., OF RALEIGH. The subject of this sketch is the senior member and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of this State. For forty years he has been in public life, and during that period he has shown himself well qualified for the posts he has held. His judicial decisions are much admired for their logical clearness and precision. He was born in Murfreesboro, Hertford county, N. C, the 24th of September, 1812. His father was William L. Smith, a native of Connecticut, who graduated from Yale in 1802, removed to Hertford county, practiced medicine, Djarried in 1810 and died three years later. The Judge's mother was a native of Hertford county. Her name was AnnHarrell. William graduated from Yale in '34, after which he studied law in the Yale Law School. He entered into the practice of his profession in Hertford, where he had an extensive practice. In 1870 he moved to Norfolk, Va., and after a residence there of two years, he located at Raleigh, where as a member of the firm of Smith & Strong he engaged in a successful practice. The Legislature of 1848-'49 elected Mr. Smith State Solicitor for the Superior Courts of the ten counties con- stituting the First Judicial District. This office he filled with credit for two terms of four years each. In 1870-'71 he was selected by Gov. Holden as one of his counsel in the case of impeachment for misdemeanors in office and made the closing argument in his defense, which was published, making a pamphlet of over seventy pages. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 87 In 1840 his political life began, when he was elected to the House of Commons from Hertford county. In 1848 he was elected to the Senate from the district in which he resided. In 1857 he was nominated for Congress by the Whigs of his district, and was defeated by a very small majority. In 1859 he was re-nominated and elected. Mr. Smith proved to be a strong and popular member of Congress and was elected by the Southern representatives as their choice for Speaker, but after a long struggle and many ballots he was defeated. He remained in his seat and was present at the inauguration of Lincoln. He was a member of the Confederate Congress during its entire existence. In 1865 he was again elected to the House of Com- mons and aided in the reconstruction of the State under the plan of President Johnson In 1878 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Gov. Vance to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Chief Justice Pearson. He was elected in the fall of the same year and re-elected in 1886 to the same high office. He received the honorary degree of LL. D. from Wake Forest College in 1874, from the University in 1875 and from Yale in 1881. On the occasion of the celebration of the fortieth anni- versary of the graduation of the class of 1834 of Yale College, Mr. Smith was present and was made chairman of the meeting. On Commencement Day the class dined at Alumni Hall, wlien Mr. Smith, on the call of Presi- dent Porter, responded for the class of '34 with very great acceptance. Mr. Smith married Miss Mary Olivia Wise, of Mur- freesboro, in 1839. They have living two sons; William Wise, a General Insurance Agent, and Edward C, a law- yer, both residing in Raleigh. 88 SKETCHES OF Hon. AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON, OF RALEIGH. Augustus S. Merrimon was born in Transylvania, then a part of Buncombe county, in September, 1830. His father was a minister of the Gospel, uniting in his char- acter the highest Christian virtues; but unfortunately the circumstances of his life did not enable him to secure for his children the advantages of a finished education. His son Augustus worked during his boyhood on the farm and at a saw-mill, attending tlie Old Field School in the neighborhood at irregular intervals. B«t possessed of a disposition to learn and ambitious to excel, he rose superior to the disadvantages of his condition, and study- ing as occasion permitted, without a teacher, he qualified himself for the study of the law, and on attaining his twenty-first year was admitted to the profession and at once located at Asheville, where the bar was unusually learned, able and aggressive. Brought into contact wuth the strong lawyers of that period, he early formed the habit of thoroughly prepar- ing every case as the only means of successfully meeting his well equipped adversaries. Soon his acknowledged thoroughness won for him public confidence and he speedily reaped the reward of his care and diligence. He was often elected County Solicitor under the system then in force, and made rapid strides towards the front rank in his profession. In 1860, when public questions were greatly agitating the people, he was, as a Union Whig, elected to represent Buncombe county in the Legislature; and on the break- ing out of the war he was tendered a staff appointment as Major by the Governor of the State, but being almost immediately elected Solicitor for the Mountain District, he accepted that office, which he held during the war period. In that district civil war sometimes raged, and PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 89 oftentimes neighborhoods, and even households weredivi- ded, some adhering to the Union, while others espoused with loyal devotion the cause of the South. Under those circumstances, the duty of enforcing the law became most delicate and responsible, and as State Solicitor he acted with firmness and address, with zeal, courage and a high patriotism. In 1866, when the conservative people of the State had elected Gov. Worth, Governor, and a legislature in entire harmony with their sentiments, Mr. Merrimon was elected a Superior Court Judge, and gained much celeb- rity in those districts where he had his ridings. The following spring the Reconstruction Acts were passed, and, under the act of Congress, North Carolina became subject to the arbitrary will of a military com- mander, who in August, 1867, directed the courts of the State to disregard the laws passed by the Legislature and to enforce military orders instead. Judge Merrimon pre- ferred to resign rather than be an instrument to carry into effect military orders subverting the laws he had, as a Judge, sworn to execute. Returning to the bar, he located at Raleigh and at once entered upon a lucrative practice. At that time steps to subvert the existing State Government were being rapidly taken. The negroes were enrolled as voters and a con- vention was called to frame a new Constitution. Judge Merrimon, who was ardently attached to the great princi- ples of Co(]stitutional Liberty, could not be an idle spec- tator when the rights of the people of the State were being so ruthlessly stricken down. He threw himself with all his might into the struggle, and along with Graham, Bragg, Battle and other distinguished men, sought unavailing to arrest the destruction of our old State institutions. In the campaign of that year he was Chairman of the State Executive Committee of the Con- servative party, and he was nominated as one of the five Supreme Court Judges voted for at the same time with the proposed Constitution. 90 SKETCHES OF During 1869 his political activity continued, and in 1870, when the Kirk war was inaugurated, he labored with great zeal, contributing articles to the Sentinel news- paper, participating in the campaign and working inces- santly. It was chiefly through the exertions of himself and Judge Battle that the prisoners arrested by Kirk were finally released by Judge Brooks of the Federal Court, the power of the State judiciary having been declared " exhausted.'* When, as the outcome of the success achieved at. the polls, the ijew Legislature impeached Governor Holden, Judge Merrimon was associated with Governor Graham and Gv^vernor Bragg as counsel to con- duct the impeachment, and in that trial the examination of the witnesses was assigned as his part. In the per- formance of this duty, he exhibited a masterful grasp of the intricate details of the case that was truly remark- able. His skill was most admirable, and he won for himself a great reputation. The next year the Conservatives turned to him as the most available candidate for Governor; but despite a memorable canvass, in which he endeared himself still further to the people, he was defeated by Gov. Caldwell by a small majority. Indeed, for some days it was thought that he was elected on the face of the returns; but when the delayed counties were heard from the result was adverse. Yet it was hoped that sufficient frauds could be proved to justify a contest, and for a month f)ublic feeling was high over an anticipated contested election for the office of Governor. The State Committee of the Democratic-Conservative party associated with itself a number of distinguished gentlemen to examine into the naerits of the case and recommend a course of action, but after a thorough and exhaustive investigation it was ascertained that a contest could not be sustained on the merits, and Judge Merrimon was so informed and advised not to make the proposed contest. The Legislature of that fall was to choose a United States Senator to succeed John Pool, and Judge Merri- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 91 mon's name was brought forward as well as that of Gov. Vance. An unfortunate contest arose over this matter and some of the Democrats who preferred Judge Merri- mon refused to go into the party caucus. Gov. Vance received the caucus nomination, but the caucus Demo- crats were unable to elect, and after a week of violent struggle both of the candidates withdrew. A second caucus was thereupon called, and a few moments before the Houses were, under the law, to vote on joint ballot, Gov. Vance was again nominated, but in the balloting for Senator that almost immediately followed, some of the anti-Vance Democrats voted for Judge Merrimon and the Republicans also voted for him, and also some of the Democrats who had attended the caucus; and he was, without any knowledge on his part, elected. With the concurrence of Democratic friends of unquestioned party fealty, standing high in public confidence, he accepted the election and served this term in the Senate, where he was esteemed as a useful and able member, zealous for the interests of the people and faithful to the Democratic party. In the Senate, he was active and efficient, entering largely into the discussion of questions interesting to the South and making many excellent speeches, that on Affairs in Louisiana greatly enhancing his reputation. At the end of his term he resumed the practice of the law, at Raleigh, and on the resignation of Judge Ruffin from the Supreme Court Bench in 1883, he was appointed to the vacancy by Gov. Jarvis, and was in 1884 elected to fill out the term, being again elected to a new term in 1886. Judge Merrimon is possessed of unusual capacity for labor, has a robust intellect, an acute understanding and a mind peculiarly analytical and logical. Being of studious disposition, and diligent in research, he has amassed a great fund of information, and as a Judge he is accurate and comprehensive. In habits, he is strictly temperate; in character pure and incorruptible; in 92 SKETCHES OF morals, excellent; in friendships, constant. In the galaxy of great North Carolinians who have acted on the stage of public life contemporaneously with himself, he takes rank with the foremost in all the qualities that contrive to makeup the well-rounded man. Hoist. EDWIN GODAYIN READE, LL. D., OF RALEIGH, The second of three sons of Robert R. and Judith A. Reade, nee Gooch, was born at Mt. Tirzah, Person county, North Carolina, November 13th, 1812. He was a child when his father died, and was reared by his mother, who was well educated for her day, and was thereby enabled to give to her sons at home the ru- diments of education, which, with the country schools, was all the early education they had. Edwin worked on the farm, in the carriage shop, in the blacksmith shop and in the tanyard; and at eighteen started out to get an education by his own exertion. He entered the academy of George Morrow, in Orange county, where he made extraordinary progress. He then entered the academy of Rev. Alexander Wil- son, D. D., at Spring Grove, in Granville county, as as- sistant teacher, until he was prepared for college; but instead of entering college he commenced the study of the law at home at his mother's in 1833, reading the books of Benjamin Sumner, a retired lawyer, who was kind enough to lend them, and occasionally to examine him. He got license in 1835, and preliminary thereto he became a candidate for the Legislature, solely for the purpose of forming acquaintance with the public and practicing public speaking. On Tuesday of June court, when candidates were accustomed to declare themselves. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 93 the Democrats nominated two candidates for the Com- mons and one for the Senate, and when the candidates had made the'ir speeches from the court bench, Mr. Reade, having mentioned his purpose to only one man in the county, went up on the bench and declared himself a Whig candidate in a well prepared and well delivered speech, arraigning General Jackson's administration. The folly of this, if done with a serious view to election, ap- peared in the fact that there had been in the last election only eleven anti-Jackson votes in the county. But the Democrats were so much surprised by the as- sault that the}^ withdrew one of their candidates, neither of whom was gifted in speech, and put in his place James M. Williamson, who had graduated in college and was reading law in Greensboro with his brother-in-law. Judge Dick, the elder. The young men were about the same age, tall, siender, good looking, good speakers; each felt that he had a foe- man worthy of his steel, and made a canvass able and interesting. Many of the voters declared that they would vote for both the "boys" as an honor to the county. They did so, and Reade was beaten only one hundred votes. His purpose was accomp)lished. He soon became interested in all the business of the county, and rose to distinction and wealth. Mr. Reade was never in office until 1855, when, without his knowledge, he was nomi- nated for Congress by the Whig-American party against Hon. John Kerr, the incumbent, and, after one of the ablest and most exciting canvasses ever held in the State, he was elected by some two to one majority, his own county, which was more than two to one Democratic, voting for him by a handsome majority. Congress was not congenial to him, and on the day of the expiration of liis term he published a card declining a second canvass. Continuing his practice in the Superior Courts, he quit the practice in the County Court of his own county, and, at the instance of Hon. J. W. Cunningham, who was then in the Legislature, was appointed a magistrate, and presided 94 SKETCHES OF as Chief Justice of the County Court without compensa- tion, for a number of years, with great acceptability and much benefit to the county, which is felt to* this day. He was elected to the Superior Court in 1863, and served to the close of the war, when all the oflSces were vacated. He was then appointed to the Superior Court by the Gov- ernor, and served until 1866, when he was elected to the Supreme Court by the Legislature, with Pearson Chief Justice, and Battle and Reade Justices, where he served until the new State Constitution was adopted in 1868, which gave the election of Judges to the people, when he was again nominated by both parties, and of course elected, and served until 1878, when his term expired. He was then elected President of the Raleigh National Bank, in which all his fortune was invested. The Bank was then in bad condition, its stock being 75 cents on the dollar. The stock was soon restored to par, and was at a premium when its charter expired. He was then elected President of the National Bank of Raleigh, and now oc- cupies that position. As a financier he was successful. After leaving Con- gress he took no part in politics until the war approached. He was always of the Whig school, and strongly opposed secession. When the first State Convention was called to consider the question, he was elected to it b}^ a large majority ; but the Convention was voted down. When the second Convention was called a few months later, and secession was inevitable, he declined to be a candidate. And after the State seceded, he accepted the result and did his duty to the State. After he was elected to the Superior Court in 1863, and before he took his seat, he was appointed a Senator in the Confederate Congress by Governor Vance to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of Hon. George Davis, and at the expiration of his term he took his seat on the bench. At the close of the war, when the State Convention was called to form a new Constitution and return to the Union, he was almost unanimously elected a delegate to it, there PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 95 being but fifteen votes against him ; and, without the slightest expectation, he was elected President of the Con- vention. It was one of tlie ablest bodies that ever met in the State, charged with the most important matter. An informal ballot, without nomination, was had, and several members were voted for; and Mr. Reade having the largest vote, was then elected by acclamation. His address on taking his seat was much complimented North and South and in Congress as manifesting the patriotic sentiment then prevailing. Immediately on the adjourn- ment of the Convention lie took his seat on the Supreme Court at its January Term in 1866, to which he had been previously elected. In 1865, while President of the Con- vention, and after he was elected to the Supreme Court, the degree of LL. D. was conferred on him by the Uni- versity of North Carolina. He was an ardent Free Ma- son, and was twice elected Grand Master, in 1866-'67. He was married to Miss Emily A. L. Moore, of the family of General Moore, of Revolutionary fame, and of the family of Bishop Moore, of the Episcopal Church. She died early in 1871, and in the latter part of 1871 he married Mrs. Mary E. Parmele, widow of Benj. J. Parmele, who now resides with him. He joined the Presbyterian Church while teaching in Dr. Wilson's school, and has been an active member all his life, and a ruling elder for more than thirty years. He took no part in politics while on the bench nor since, not even voting, and although twice nominated for Congress he declined. As a writer, Mr. Reade has attained distinction. He has delivered the literary address before the Liter- ary Societies at Wake Forest College. In 1855 he wrote Pickle-Rod Letters in favor of temperance. He wrote a Vindication of the legal profession against the assault of Rev. William Hooper, D. D.,LL. D. He delivered the address at the laying of the corner- stone of the U. S. Post Office at Raleigh, and on laying the corner-stone at the Oxford Orphan Asylum, and the 96 SKETCHES OF address before the Bar Association of North Carolina at Asheville in 1884, and before the same at Raleigh at the close of his term as President thereof in 1886; all of which were published in pamphlet. On the incoming of Mr. Lincoln's administration, Hon. John A. Gilmer, then in Congress from North Carolina, wrote to Mr. Reade, at the instance of Mr. Seward, to know whether he would accept a seat in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. And he answered that he would not accept a seat in any cabinet, but he strongly urged Mr. Gilmer to accept. AS A SPEAKER, Judge Reade is clear, forcible, and direct. Without any special gifts of oratory he speaks with that logical simplicity that is of itself the highest form of eloquence and which always convinces and converts. While at the bar he ranked as the equal of Badger and Miller, and in fact, it is said by those who knew him in the prime of life that as an advocate before a jury, he has never had his superior in the history of the State. AS A JUDGE, He was diligent and faithful, clear in his opinions, cogent in his argument, always having the courage of his convictions. He has written the opinion of the Supreme Court in some of the most important and troublesome questions that have ever come before that tribunal, and always in singularly clear English. In reading his opin- ions one never failed to know and see what was the point involved and what the decision of the Court; and many of these opinions are masterpieces of judicial literature. He sat on the Supreme bench at a time when political warfare in North Carolina was bitter and unscrupulous, and he left the bench with the regard and esteem of the bar and the people. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 97 t CHARACTER, MANNERS, ETC. From his early youtli be has been a man of simple faith and the strictest integrity. He has always bated sham and false pretense and humbug. Plain, direct, straightforward and conscientious, he has risen by the force of his own effort and will-power from an humble station to distinction and eminence and wealth. His life is radiant with good deeds. To many persons in distress and need and sorrow, he has given a bright- ened life, and his charities have been always "done in secret." A God-fearing man from his youth; of simple, unostentatious manners, easily approached, filled with human sympathy, he has spent a long life in the per- formance of his duties to God and man. May God preserve him yet many years. Hon. WILLIAM PEESTOJST BYNUM, OF CHARLOTTE, Was born in the county of Stokes, N. C, on the 20th of June, 1820, is of English and Welsh descent, and is the third of five sons. John Gray Bynum, the eldest^, was among the foremost intellects of the State; he read law at New Berne under Judge Gaston, and early distin- guished himself by his great abilities as a lawyer and statesman. He died in the prime of life at Wilmington. The grandfather of William Preston Bynum was Gray Bynum, who, during the war of the revolution, repre- sented the county of Surry, then embracing Stokes, in the Legislature of the State. His grandmother, on the father's side, the wife of Gray Bynum, was Margaret tiampton, the sister of the elder 7 98 SKETCHES OF General Wade Hampton and grand aunt of the present General Hampton. His father was Hampton Bynum, a large landed proprietor in Stokes, on the waters of Dan River, who was distinguished for his unbending integ- rity and great charity. He was never known to turn away the poor empty, and he annually distributed among them a large part of the income of his landed estates. The mother of the subject of this sketch was Mary Colman, the daughter of Col. John Martin, of Stokes, of revolutionary memory. Col. Martin was distinguished during the war of Independence for his boldness, cour- age and patriotism, and in civil life was equally remark- able for his independence, firmness and love of justice. (See Wheeler's History, title Stokes county.) The subject of this sketch was educated at Davidson -College, where he graduated with the undivided first dis- tinction in 1843. He then read law with Chief Justice Pearson, and obtained his license twelve months after, from Judges Ruffin, Daniel and Gaston, then presiding on the Supreme Court bench. Mr. Bynum's license was the last one signed by the lamented Gaston, who shortly thereafter suddenly died while sitting on the bench holding court. Mr. Bynum first located in Rutherfordton, where he engaged in the practice of the law and remained until his marriage with Ann Eliza, the daughter of Bartlett Shipp, of Lincoln county, a very able man and distin- guished lawyer. He then removed to Lincoln county and soon rose in his profession to the first rank of the practitioners at that time. Some years after, he was elected Solicitor of that judicial district, and by repeated appointment or re-election continued to be Solicitor and prosecuting officer of the State for eleven years and until his appointment to the Supreme Court bench, in the year 1873. He remained upon the bench near five years, and the Supreme Court Reports from Vol. 70 to Vol. 79, both inclusive, contain his opinions and well attest his PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 99 abilities and his unflinching impartiality and fidelity to his great trust. At the expiration of his terra of oflBce, Judge Bynum declined to be a candidate for re-election, and avowed his purpose not again to enter into public life. He has been repeatedly solicited to allow his name to be put in nomination for Governor of the State, and at the last election for Judges of the Supreme Court he was nomi- nated by the Republican party for the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He, however, adhered to his former resolution and declined the use of his name. Since retiring from the bench, Judge Bynum has returned to the active practice of the law, and since 1873, has resided in the city of Charlotte, where he now lives in the enjoyment of a well earned fortune and home. Judge Bynum and his ancestors were Whigs in poli- tics and ardently attached to the integrity and preserva- tion of the National Union. Therefore he openly and boldly opposed the doctrine of secession before the people and predicted the disastrous result to the South. When, however, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion, it in a great degree united the South in resistance, and Mr. Bynum, like most others of his opin- ions, volunteered his services in defence of the South. In 1861 he was appointed by Gov. Ellis Lieutenant- Colonel of the 2d Regiment of State Troops. He remained in active service in the army of Virginia for about two years and participated in all the battles around Richmond and in the first battle of Fredericksburg. In 1863, while in camp in winter quarters upon the Poto- mac, in command of the 2d Regiment, he was elected by the Legislature of his State as Solicitor of the 6th Judi- cial District and returned home and immediately entered upon the laborious and delicate duties devolved upon one who had often to prosecute both Union men and secessionists for infractions of the law, growing out of the war. He discharged his duties with fidelity and impartiality and to the satisfaction of the public. 100 SKETCHES OF After the war was over, Judge Bynum was elected by the people of Lincoln county to the Convention to form a new Constitution in 1865, and the next year he repre- sented the counties of Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba in the State Senate. He lost his wife in June, 1885. He had but two chil- dren, a son and daughter, the latter of whom died when about grown. His only surviving child, his son, the Rev. W. S. Bynum, is a priest of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of North Carolina. The degree of LL D. was conferred on Judge Bynum in 1875, by Davidson College. The subject of this sketch possesses a highly intellec- tual mind. His habits .are studious, his comprehension quick, and his memoi-^- accurate. He is thoroughly versed in the several branches of his profession, the criminal and civil law. His Supreme Court decisions are lucidly written and exhibit a great power of analysis. He is an advocate of great force. His premises are plainly stated, his reasoning is compact and logical and his con- clusions well drawn. He speaks in a correct and vigor- ous style, using very little imagery and displaying a refined literary taste. He i^ta man of integrity and probity; elevated in his sentiments and averse to any notoriety or display. He is one of the most eminent men who have ever honored the profession of law in North Carolina. Hon. DAVID SOHENCK, LL. D., OF GREENSBORO. David Schenck is of Swiss descent. In the year 1708, Michael, John and Henry Schenck, who were brothers, were exiled from Switzerland on account of their Protes- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 101 tant faith, being Menonites, followers of Meno Simon, a Swiss reformer. Tlie three brothers first emigrated to England, and as their faith was very similar to that of the Quakers, Wil- liam Penu invited them to join his colony in Pennsyl- vania, and they settled near Lancaster; Michael owned the spot where that city now stands. Michael Schenck, No. 2, son of the progenitor, in America, was born Feb- ruary 28th, 1737, and died September 2'^d, 1811. Michael Schenck, No. 3, who was Judge Schenck's grandfather, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylva- nia, February 15th, 1771, and immigrated to Lincolnton, Lincoln county, N. C, about the year 1790, and soon became a merchant, and subsequently in 1813, erected the first Cotton Factory ever bunt South of the Potomac River; it was located on Mill Branch, one and three quarter miles east of Lincolnton, and out of this enterprise sprung the old Lincoln Cotton Factory on the South Fork, two miles south of Lincolnton. Dr. David Warlick Schenck, father of David, was bora at Lincolnton, February 3d, 1809, and died at the same place December 26th, 1861. He was one of the first stu- dents of Jefierson Medical'-College, Philadelphia, and was distinguished as a surgeon. The subject of this sketch was born at Lincolnton, N. C, March 24th, 1835. His mother was Susan Rebecca Bevens, of Charleston, South Carolina. He was educated mostly by Silas C. Lindslay, an accomplished scholar, in the Male Academy at Lincolnton. He studied law in 185o-'56 with the late Haywood W. Guion, Esq., and obtained his County Court license in June, 1856. In the fall of 1856, and spring of 1857, he attended the law school of the late distinguished Chief Justice, Richmond M. Pearson, at Richmond Hill, Yadkin county, N. C. Hon. Thomas C. Fuller, Judge W. J. Montgomery, John D. Shaw, Esq., and Judge David M. Furches were 102 SKETCHES OF his cotemporaries, with others, less distinguished at the school. In June, 1857, he settled in Dallas, Gaston county, N. C, with a pittance of money and almost an entire stranger, but the generous and hospitable people of that county soon removed the poverty and gave him hosts of friends. On the 25th day of August, 1859, he was married near Lincolnton, to Sallie Wilfong Ramseur, sister of General Stephen D. Ramseur. In November, 1860, he came back to Lincolnton. He held the office of County Solicitor in Gaston county and afterwards in 1860 in Lincoln county. The Hon. William Lander, who was elected as a dele- gate to the Secession Convention of the State in 1861, resigned his seat in a few weeks to become a member of the Confederate Congress, and an election was ordered to fill the vacancy. No nominations were made, and quite a number of prominent gentlemen were voted for, but Judge Schenck received the greatest number of the votes and succeeded Mr. Lander in the Convention, and par- ticipated in its subsequent sessions until it adjourned in May, 1862. In 1869, his friends expecting to have a bill passed by Congress to remove his disabilities, had 19 out of 21 votes in the Senatorial District Convention composed of Lincoln, Catawba and Gaston, to cast for him, but as the bill failed. Dr. Crowell received his strength and was nominated. On the 13th of May, 1874, he was nominated by the Democratic Judicial Convention, which met at Lincoln- ton, as their candidate for Superior Court Judge of the 9th Judicial District, and after an exciting campaign he was elected by over 1,400 majority, doubling the Demo- cratic majority in the previous elections. He served as Superior Court Judge until April 1st, 1881, when finding that the salary was wholly inadequate to support his large family, he was forced to resign and PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 103 became General Counsel for the Richmond & Danville Railroad Comj>any in North Carolina, and has continued in that position ever since. He removed to Greensboro as most convenient for the discharge of his onerous duties, the 22d of May, 1882. He has declined to enter public life since 1881. The city of Greensboro recently voted to issue one hundred thousand dollars city bonds, for improvements, and, as he advocated this measure earnestly, he was elected, and is now servihg as one of the Aldermen of the city to carry out this enterprise. He is also General Counsel for the Charleston, Cin- cinnati & Chicago Railroad Company in North Carolina. He is the father of seven sons and two daughters, all living. He has always been an ardent Democrat, and up to 1874 took an active part in every political campaign. He is a Presbyterian ; was an Elder of the church at Lincolnton, from 1874 to 1882. Was Master of his Lodge of Masons at Lincolnton for several years ; was Mayor of Lincolnton one year, and often on its Board of Aldermen. The title of LL. D. was conferred on him by the Uni- versity of North Carolina Jutie 5th, 1886. He was tendered the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina by Gov. Jarvis, but declined. As an advocate and jurist he has scarcely an equal in the State. He has a large and select library and reads extensively. He is what one may call a hard worker. He rises very early in the morning and n^ver retires at night until he has mastered every detail of the task for to-morrow. 104 SKETCHES OF Hox. R. F. AEMFLELD, OF STATESVILLE. The subject of this sketch is one of the most highly gifted men in the State. He is a clear lieaded thinker, an interesting and convincing orator, a very fine advocate, a man of broad, comprehensive mind, decided and strong in his convictioris, and practical in all things. He stands among the leaders at the bar. He was born on a farm, July 9th, 1829, three miles west of Greensboro, Guilford county. He remained on the farm, working with his father, until he was fourteen years of age; in the meantime occasionally attending common schools in the winter. At the age of fourteen he went to Trinity College, then " Union Institute," just starting under the auspices of the late Dr. Craven. After one session there, he returned home and taught a com- mon school. From that time until he was twenty years old, he studied at Union Institute and taught common schools alternately, paying for the whole of Ins education himself. After he was twenty years old, he began read- ing law with the late Hon. John A.Gilmer. After obtain- ing his license to practice law, he taught school about one year, at the end of which time he settled in Yadkinville, Yadkin county, and commenced the practice of his pro- fession. He was married in 1857. In 1861, when the war broke out, he was elected a member of the Rebel Con- vention for Yadkin county, and took his seat as a mem- ber on May 20, 1861, on which day he signed the Ordi- nance of Secession passed by that Convention. He re- mained in the Convention until February 14, 1862, when he resigned his seat to enter the army. He enlisted with Company B, 38th Regiment N. C. Troops, in which com- pany he was elected First Lieutenant. On the re-organi- zation of the regiment at Goldsboro in the spring of 1862, he was elected its Lieutenant-Colonel, and went with it PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 105 to the Army of Northern Virginia. He was in the Seven Days' Fight around Richmond, and stayed with the regi- ment until wounded in the battle of Shepherdstown in October, 1862, when he returned home on furlough. While at home he was elected by the Legislature as So- licitor to prosecute for the State in the Sixth Judicial District, whereupon he resigned from the army and held the office of Solicitor until the close of the war. He was relieved of his office by President Johnson on account of disloyalty to the Union. In the summer of 1865 here- moved to Wilkesboro and practiced law there until the fall of 1870, when he removed to Statesville. He was elected to the Senate of North Carolina by the district composed of Iredell, Alexander and Wilkes in the year 1874, and on the assemblage of the Legislature he was elected President of the Senate, and presided over that body during the whole of tne session of 1874-'75. In 1878 he was elected to the Forty-sixth Congress from the 7th District. He was re-elected in 1880 to the Forty-seventh Congress. As a Congressman he served with accepta- bility. His speeches were favorably received by the House and the public, and his reputation and usefulness would have greatly expanded, but he had to give up his office in obedience to the popular idea of rotation, and for no other reason. Hon. ALPHONSO CALHOUN AVERT, OF MORGANTON. Judge Avery was born September 11th, 1835. His father was Col. Isaac T. Avery, of Burke county, the only son of Col. Waightstill Avery, who was a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, and a mem- 106 SKETCHES OF ber of the Colonial Congress, and first Attorney-General of North Carolina. Col Waightstill Avery belonged to an old family of New England. The first representative was Christopher Avery, who canoe to America in 1620 His son, James Avery, built a house, still standing, near New London, in 1640. Colonel Avery graduated in the second class ever graduated at Princeton. He studied law in Maryland, and was induced to settle at Charlotte by Eph. Brevard, Adlai Osborne, and the then President of Trinity College, who had been with him at Princeton. At the Centennial Celebration in September, 1881, of the capture of Fort Griswold by Arnold, it appeared from inscriptions on the monument, that many who bore the name of Avery had been killed, wounded and captured at that place. The mother of Judge Avery was Harriet Erwin. She was a daughter of William W. Erwm, a leading citizen of Burke county. She was granddaughter of Col. William. Sharpe, a Revolutionary soldier, and the first representa- tive in Congress from the Rowan district. Colonel Sharpe married a daughter of Mr. Reese, who was a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration. Judge Avery was prepared for college at Oaks, in Or- ange county, by the late William J. Bingham. He grad- uated at the University of North Carolina in 1857, hav- ing stood first in his class throughout his college course. Among his classmates were Col. Thomas S. Kenan, Major Robert Bingham, Hon. W. P. McLean, of Texas, and Thomas N. Hill, of Halifax. He studied law under Chief Justice Pearson, and was licensed under the old law to practice in the County Courts in June, 1860. He was prepared to stand his ex- amination for Superior Court license, but before the year expired he was in the army. He was not licensed until June, 1866. On the 27th of February, 1861, he was married to Miss Sue W. Morrison, daughter of Rev. R. H. Morrison, of Lincoln, and granddaughter of Gen. Jos. Graham. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 107 He joined the 6th N, C. Regiment early in May, 1861, when it was being formed at Charlotte under Col. Chas. F. Fisher. He was commissioned First Lieutenant of Company E of that regiment, and was engaged in the battle uf Manassas in 1861, when Colonel Fisher was killed. His brother, Captain (afterwards Colonel) I. E. Avery, and himself were both complimented for gallant conduct in the report of that battle. In July, 1862, he became Captain of his company, when Isaac E. Avery was promoted to the Colonelcy of the regi- ment. He commanded his company until after the first battle of Fredericksburg in December, 1862, when he was commissioned Major and Assistant Adjutant General and assigned to duty as Inspector of D. H. Hill's Division of the Army of Western Virginia. In March following he was ordered to North Carolina with D. H. Hill, and ac- companied Hill to Richmond in July of the year 1863. When General Hill was promoted, he was sent with him, in August, 1863, to Bragg's Army, and was with General Hill in the battle of Chickamauga. When General Hill was ordered to report at Richmond in consequence of disagreeable relations with General Bragg, Major Avery remained and served on the staff of the corps with Breck- inridge, Hindman and Hood, who successively comman- ded in the winter of 1863~'64. He served on Hood's staff on the retreat from Dalton to the Chottohorchie river in 1864. He came home on leave when two of his brothers were killed, and was eventually ordered to report for duty in North Carolina. When he was captured by Stevenson at Salisbury, he was commanding a battalion, and was forming a regiment on the western border of North Caro- lina. He remained in prison until August, 1865. He was elected to the State Senate, by a large majority, in 1866, from the counties of Burke, Caldwell and Mc- Dowell, and served therefore in the last legislative body elected exclusively by the white people of North Carolina. He was again elected from the senatorial district com- posed of Burke, Caldwell and Watauga in 1868, but at 108 SKETCHES OF the instance of Governor Caldwell the Republican Senate determined that he was barred, because he had been elected Solicitor of Burke county in February, 1861. He declined to run for the Legislature after that time. In 1875 he was a member of the Constitutional Con- vention from Burke county. Those who served with him know that the Democrats were more indebted to him than any other member for their success in securing the organization of that body, and he was foremost in shaping the work of that Convention. He was elector for the Eighth Congressional District when Tilden was elected in 1876. He was elected Judge of the Eighth Judicial District in 1878, and re-elected as Judge of the Tenth District in 1886. He has recently been nominated for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Hon. WILLIAM MAECUS SHIPP, OF CHARLOTTE. " Born November 19, 1819, in Lincoln county. He gradu- ated at the University in 1840, delivering the salutatory address; was admitted to the bar 1842; practiced in Lincoln and the mountain district. At the beginning of the civil war he was elected Captain of a volunteer company in Hendersonville, and served in that capacity in Virginia until he was elected Judge, one year after. He served as Judge until 1868, when he was nominated by the Democratic party for Attorney-General on the ticket with Hon. A. S. Merriraon, candidate for Governor, ^. HENRY KOLLOCK NASH, OF HILLSBORO. The subject of this sketch was born in Hillsboro, Jan- uary 25th, 1817. He is the second son of the late Chief Justice Frederick Nash, and grandson of Abner Nash, the second Constitutional Governor of North Carolina. His mother was Mary G. Nash, the daughter of Capt. Shepard Kollock of the revolutionary army, from Eliza- bethtown, N. J. Henry K. Nash was the pupil of the late Wm. Bing- ham, by whom he was prepared for the State University at Chapel Hill, from which he graduated in June, 1836. He married in 1838, Miss Mary Simpson, daughter of Samuel Simpson, Esq., a prominent merchant of New Berne, and in the same year he obtained his license to practice law in the courts of the State. About the year 1840, the county of Orange, embracing at that time the present county of Alamance and a large part of what is now Durham county, sent five members to the General Assembly of the State, and in the election 10 146 SKETCHES OF of these members Mr. Nash succeeded in carrying the county by a good majority, being the only Whig elected out of the five representatives of that party in the con- test. In the year 1845, at the earnest solicitation of his friends he became the candidate of the Whig party for a seat in the House of Representatives of the United States, his opponent being the Hon. John Daniel, of Halifax. The District extended from Guilford to Halifax, inclu- sive, and was largely Democratic, but notwithstanding this fact, Mr. Nash was defeated only by a small majority in the district after having obtained large majorities in the counties of Orange, Granville and Halifax. A few years after he was again the Whig candidate for Congress against the late Hon. A. W. Venable, of Gran- ville; the Democratic party was still largely in the ascendant and he was again defeated, having consented to run, not so much in the hope of success for himself as to assist in keeping his party in form for general purposes in the State. In 1852 he was again the representative of his party as Presidential Elector for Scott and Graham, and subse- quently participated in the canvass for the secession ■Convention. Since then he has always declined to take any part in active political life, except once in the momentous cam- paign of 1869, when for the first time he appeared as the advocate of the Democratic party, and, in a canvass of no personal interest to himself, raised his voice against the rule which he regarded as degrading and dangerous to the State. In the meanwhile he contented himself with the practice of his profession, which he carried on until a few years since, when a partial loss of sight com- pelled him to abstain from using his eyes. He is now living quietly and comfortably with his family at the same beautiful home in Hillsboro, where he was married nearly fifty years ago. He possesses a fine judicial mind. He speaks fluently PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 147 and uses the most choice and condensed English ; a man of amiable and equable disposition, fond of the diver- sions of life, and bright in conversation. He is some- thing over six feet in height, has rather reddish hair, hazel eyes and a high and broad forehead. W. H. MALONE, Esq., OF ASHEVILLE, Was born July 24th, 1832, in Wythe county, Va. His father, Theopilus Malone, was a farmer; moved to Mid- dle Tennessee in early life, and died there. His mother was a native of North Carolina. He was educated at a country school; a short time in college, did not take a regular course. He married the first time the daughter of Col. Norham Easley, of Grainger county, Tennessee; the second marriage was to a daughter of Gen.McElroy, of Western North Carolina, and a sister-in-law of Gen. Robert B. Vance. He obtained license to practice law in Tennessee in 1854, and practiced law six or seven years in that State ; was for a while a law partner of Col. John Baxter, of Knoxville, afterwards United States Judge. He obtained license to practice law in North Carolina in 1865, where he has practiced ever since. He was appointed Attorney-General for the 2d Judicial District of Tennessee by Gov. Harris in 1860, held the office for about two years, when the Federal troops took possession of the country. He was elected to the Constitutional Convention in 1861 in the State of Tennessee, but the Convention was voted down (it involved the question of secession). He had been a Douglas Elector for the Knoxville Dis- trict in the Presidential election of 1860. He did some military service and was assigned to duty 148 SKETCHES OP in the manufacture of salt at the Virginia Salt Works for the State of Tennessee under the supervision of the Governor of the State, which he followed until the close of the war. The results of the war induced him to locate in North Carolina immediately after the war. Having first settled in Caldwell county, he represented that county in the Legislature of North Carolina, lower House, for two years, the term beginning on the 3d Monday of Novem- ber, 1868. He is the author of two law books: "Real Property Trials" and "Criminal Briefs," both of which have a wide circulation, especially the first book ; the latter has only been published for a short time. He acted as Clerk to the Congressional Committee on Patents for six years, of which committee Hon. R. B. Vance was Chairman. He was an independent candidate for Congress against Thos. D.Johnston, in 1886; was defeated ; there were three candidates. He carried Buncombe county and several other counties in the District. He has been living in Asheville for several years, engaged in the practice of law. Hon. THOMAS JOHNSON WILSON, OP WINSTON, Was born in the southern part of Stokes, now Forsyth county, December 31st, 1815, His paternal ancestors came from Scotland to North Carolina about the year 1720, and settled in the county of Perquimans. His paternal and maternal ancestors were of the Society of Friends. He was brought up in the country and labored on the farm in the spring and summer until he was 18 PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 149 years of age; his education was mainly in the schools taught in the neighborhood and at the Clemmonsville Academy. At the age of 19 he taught school for nine months near his home. He studied law, principally under the direction of the late George C. Mendenhall, of Guilford county, and in December, 1840, obtained a license from the Supreme Court to practice law. In 1844 he was elected Solicitor for the county of Stokes, and after the division of that county he was elected Solicitor for Forsyth county and subsequently to the same oflSce for the county of Davidson for 12 years. In May, 1847, he married Miss Julia E. Lindsay, of Guilford county, by whom he has three children. In February, 1861, he was elected to the proposed State Convention, which by a large majority was voted down by the people, and in that ele'ction he voted with the majority. In May, 1861, he was elected a delegate from Forsyth county to the secession State Convention ; he was present at its organization, signed the ordinance of secession and was one of the 34 delegates who voted for a resolution offered to submit the ordinance of secession to a vote of the people for ratification or rejection. In 1874 he was elected a Judge of the Superior Court in the 8th Judicial District of this State, and held the courts of the district for the succeeding six months, and until a majority of the Supreme Court decided that the act of the Legislature under which he was elected was unconstitutional, which decision resulted in re-instating Judge Cloud on the bench. He was a member of the General Assembly of 1876- '77, as Senator from the32d Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Stokes and Forsyth. 150 • SKETCHES OF T. H. COBB, Esq., OF ASHEVILLE, Was born the 20th of August, 1854. His father was Bartlett Yancey Cobb, of Caswell county. His mother was Barbara Malinda Henderson. His father entered the Confederate army early in the war and died in the service May 17th, 1862. In the fall of 1863 his mother moved to Lincolnton, where her parents resided. Dur- ing 1872 Mr. Cobb taught school in Gaston county. In 1873 and 1874, he was acting Register of Deeds of Lin- coln county, and during this time he was studying law under John D. Shaw, then of Lincolnton, now of Rock- ingham. He spent the year 1875 at Richmond Hill, Yadkin county, at the law school of Hon. R. M. Pearson. He obtained his license to practice in January, 1876. On December 11th, 1879, he was married to Miss Ellen V. Johnson, eldest daughter of Capt. V. Q. Johnson, late of Charlotte. From the date of his admission to the bar, he practiced law in Lincoln and surrounding counties until Novem- ber, 1886, when he moved to Asheville, where he now resides and enjoys a successful practice. He has been for six years and is now, general counsel for the Carolina Central Railroad Company west of Charlotte. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 151 B. F. LONG, Esq., OF STATESVILLE, Was born near Graham, N. C, in 1853. Son of Jacob and Jane Scewart Long, both now living on the old homestead. His mother is the daughter of the late Col. John Stockard, of Orange county. The subject of this sketch resided and worked on his father's farm until his nineteenth year, at intervals attend- ing school and preparing himself for college. After that time he started out in life for himself, and finished the course at Trinity College in a little over two years, gradu- ating in 1874, the valedictorian of his class and with the degree of A. B. Among his classmates were Hon. Lee S. Overman, Hon. E. T. Boykin, W. W. Staley and others. Mr. Long taught the Latin Department in Graham High School two 3^ears; he entered the law school of Judge Pearson in 1876, and obtained his license to prac- tice the following year. In 1877, he entered the law class at the University of Virginia, and completed the course in one year with the degree of Bachelor of Law. He also received the orator's medal awarded by that Institution and delivered the ora- tion as the representative of the Washington Society at the commencement of 1878. He located in Statesville, October 16tli, 1878, and formed a law partnership with Hon. W. M. Robbins. In 1879, he edited and published the Law Lectures of the late Chief Justice Pearson. He was married to Miss Mamie Alice Robbins, daugh- ter of Hon. W. M. Robbins, December 23d, 1879. In 1881, he was elected Solicitor of the Iredell Inferior Court by the Justices of Iredell county, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of lion. T. S. Tucker; he was re-elected to the same ofiBce twice. He was elected Mayor of Statesville in May, 1885, over 152 SKETCHES OF Col. S. A. Sharpe, Republican. He held that office until January, 1887, when he resigned in order to assume the duties as Solicitor of the Superior Courts for the 8th Judicial District, to which office he had been elected by the Democrats of said district in November, 1886. For a man of his age, Mr. Long is considered a ripe lawyer. He is also a very fine advocate. He speaks in a fluent but plain and logical style. He handles his points lucidly and never fails to rivet them in the minds of the jury. His fine talents and his studious habits and high moral character render him a most promising man. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 153 MEDICAL. Dr. EUGENE GRISSOM, LL. D., OF RALEIGH. Whatever rank the physician may have among intel- lectual lights, he is certainly the most indispensable of all professional men. The statesman invents all sorts of schemes to protect our persons and our property ; the poet studies to delight us ; the machinist gives us locomotives ; the astronomer discovers new worlds, but do any of them benefit the people as much as the physician? Which of them relieves the most distress and adds the most to our happiness? We have tried all manner of governments, but we have had continual wars. The history of medi- cine shows it to have been more conspicuously progres- sive than any other profession. Macaulay says that in England in 1685 men died faster in the purest country air than they died in 1855 in the most pestilential lanes of London, and that men died faster in the lanes of London in 1685 than they died in 1855 on the coast of Guinea. In England, from 1685 to 1855, the length of human life was prolonged to a wonderful extent by the great ad- vances of medical science. The annual death rate de- creased during that period from one in every twenty- three inhabitants to only one in every forty. The brake- man who now falls from a car, or a victim of a danger- ous disease, is attended with a skill which a few hun- dred years ago the crown head of England could not have obtained. The discovery of chloroform is one of the greatest blessings that was ever bestowed on humanity. 154 SKETCHES OF Medical science has extirpated many frightful diseases, and has rendered every complaint less severe. Physicians in many respects are subject to disadvant- ages which men of other professions are not They suffer greater hardships physically. They must go at all hours, and through the most severe heat and cold. No other profession does so much charity work. Physicians have been known to attend on families year after year without compensation. These noble men often endanger their health and sacrifice valuable time in the name of human kindness. Among the physicians of North Carolina Dr. Grissom enjoys the widest reputation, and has received perhaps the greatest recognition from the people. He was born the 8th of May, 1831, near Brassfield's, Granville county; son of Wiley H. and Mary Bobbitt Grissom. He was educated at Graham High School; graauated from the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in the spring of 1858. He was mar- ried to Mary Ann Bryan January 10, 1866. He is ex-President of the Raleigh Academy of Medi- cine; member of the American Medical Association, and in 1876 was Chairman of the Section of Psychological Medicine of that body; member of its Judicial Council in 1877; Third Vice-President in 1881 ; First Vice-Presi- dent in 1882. He was Vice-President of the Section of Mental Diseases of the International Medical Congress, which convened in Philadelphia in 1876. He is now Vice-President of the Association of Superintendents of American Insane Institutions. He was elected member of the General Assembly in 1862 from the county of Granville; reelected in 1864. Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1865. He was appointed Superintendent of the North Carolina Insane Asylum in 1868, which position he now occupies. He has received many Masonic honors, and is now In- spector General and active member of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 155 Accepted Scottish Rite for tlie Southern jurisdiction of the United States. During the late war he was Captain of Company D, 30th Regiment of North Carolina, and was wounded in the Seven Days' Fight around Richmond in 1862. He was afterwards Surgeon of the North Carolina State Troops; is now Surgeon General of the North Carolina State Guard. Some of his literary contributions are: "Mechanical Protection for the Violent Insane ;" a reply to " Notes on American Asylums," by Jno. Chas. Bucknill, M. D., F. R. S., of England; "The Borderland of Insanity, with Ex- amples Selected from the Illustrious Insane;" "Mental Hygiene for Pupil and Teacher;" " Medical Science in Conflict with Materialism," and various scientific and literary lectures. There is a Biographical Sketch, with accompanying steel plate engraving, of this gentleman in "The Physi- cians and Surgeons of the United States;" also, a sketch of him in "Representative Men of the South." EDMUND BURKE HAYWOOD, A. M., M. D., OF RALEIGH. Edmund Burke Haywood was born at Raleigh, N. C, January 13th, 1825. The Haywoods are of English ex- traction, residing originally in Worcestershire, England. Eveyln in his memoirs states that he met at the Court of James IL, Sir William Haywood, who was attached to the Court and was a man of importance there. About the later part of the 17th century, two of Sir William Haywood's brothers emigrated to the Barbadoes and were large planters there and shipped their produce from 156 SKETCHES OF a place called* Port Haywood, near St. Michaels, where they lived. The great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch — John Haywood, a direct descendant of the Barbadoes Haywoods — settled at the mouth of Conoconary Creek (now Devereux's Ford), in Halifax county, and was Treasurer of the northern counties in Colonial times. One of his sons — Egbert by name — settled in Halifax county, while another son — William by name, and the grandfather of the subject of this sketch — moved to and settled in Edgecombe county. The father of the subject of this sketch was Hon. John Haywood, a planter of Raleigh, and its first Mayor, and also Treasurer of the State of North Carolina from 1787 to 1827, after whom Haywood county and town, in the State, were named. He was the first vestryman elected for Christ Church, Raleigh. His father's first cousin, John Haywood, an eminent writer and jurist, was distinguished for his sound legal learning and clear perception. He was elected in 1791 At- torney General of the State, and in 1794 Judge of the Supe- rior Court of North Carolina, which position he resigned in 1804, and afterwards became Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. He was the author of a " Manual of the Laws of North Carolina," " Haywood's Justice," " His- tory of Tennessee," and many works on scientific subjects, and was also the compiler of the Supreme Court Reports of Tennessee. Chief Justice Henderson, of North Caro- lina, in one of his judicial opinions, remarked of this distinguished man, substantially : "That he disparaged neither the living nor the dead when he said that an abler man than John Haywood never appeared at the bar or sat on the bench of North Carolina." His " History of Ten- nessee" is accurate and valuable. His grandfather, William Haywood, of Edgecombe county, filled various offices, both civil and military, and was a true patriot and useful citizen. He appeared in Court in 1765 and presented a commission from the King PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 157 appointing him Colonel of the County of Edgecombe. The Stamp Act agitation coming on soon after, Colonel Haywood promptly espoused the cause of the Colonies, and was appointed Chairman of the Committee of Safety in Edgecombe by the Convention in Hillsboro in 1775. He was member for Edgecombe county in the State Congress held at Halifax, April 4th, 1776, and of the State Congress which met at the same place, November 12th, 1776, and formed the Constitution of the State, and one of the Committee which framed that instrument. He was elected one of the counsellors of the State, the first ever elected in North Carolina, December, 1776. The mother of the subjectof thissketch was Eliza Eagles Williams, a daughter of John Pugh Williams, of Beaufort Co., who at the Provincial Congress held April, 1776, at Halifax, N.C., of which William Haywood wasamember, was made Captain of the North Carolina troops in the Edenton District, and afterwards attained to the rank of Colonel. He was one of those who, in the times that tried men's souls, stood up for their country and their rights and liberties. The Hon. Benjamin Williams, brother of John Pugh Williams, was elected Governor of North Carolina in 1799, and to the State Senate in 1807, at which session he was again elected Governor, and in 1809 became a second time a member of the State Senate. One of Dr. E. B. Haywood's brother's, Dr. Fabius J. Haywood, was a distinguished physician of Raleigh, N. C. Another brother, George W. Haywood, was an eminent lawyer at the same place, but in consequence of increasing deafness was compelled to abandon the prac- tice of his profession, and is now a planter in Alabama. His sister, Miss Eliza Eagles Haywood, was a lady of re- markable intellectual and conversational powers, and the most distinguished lady in Raleigh in her day ; her so- ciety was much sought after by the best intellects of that time, and she was distinguished alike for her great intel- lectual capacity and her moral and social virtues. The 158 SKETCHES OF Hon. William Henry Haywood, United States Senator for North Carolina from 1843 to 1846, was his first cousin. Dr. Haywood's primary education was commenced un- der the Rev. Dr. McPheeters at Raleigh, and continued at the Raleigh Academy, a well known educational es- tablishment at that day under Silas Bigelow and J. M. Lovejoy. He entered the University of North Carolina, joining an advanced class, and, until compelled to leave by ill health, took first and second distinctions. Among his classmates were United States Senators M. W. Ransom, John Pool and Gen. Johnston Pettigrew, who was regarded as the first mathematician of his day. He studied medi- cine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, whence he graduated M. D. April 7th, 1849, and at once commenced the active practice of his profession in Ral- eigh. In 1850 he became a member of the Medical So- ciety of the State of North Carolina, and continued to practice with constantly increasing success until the out- break of the war. In May, 1861, he joined the Raleigh Light Infantry, and was elected their surgeon. The authorities being fully alive to the necessity of selecting men of administrative ability for hospital duty, Dr. Haywood was sent by Governor Ellis on a tour of in- spection and observation to the military hospital on Morris Island and at Fort Sumter, S. C. He was appointed Surgeon of the North Carolina State Troops, and placed in charge of the Fair Grounds Hos- pital, May 11th, 1861, and President of a Board of Sur- geons to examine applications for the position of surgeon to the North Carolina troops July 15th, 1861. He was appointed Surgeon in the Confederate States Army August 1st, 1862, and placed in charge of the Gen- eral Military Hospital at Raleigh, N. C, during the years 1862, '63, '64, '65, and at Seabrooks Hospital during the fights around Richmond. In the same year he became President of the Medical Board for granting discharges and furloughs from the Confederate States Army for Raleigh, N. C., and acting PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 159 medical director in the Confederete States Army for the Department of North Carolina. He remained in charge of the wounded Confederate soldiers long after the close of hostilities, and it was not until the 4th of July, 1865, that the last was discharged cured, and he resumed civil practice. Since the close of the late civil war he has received several letters of thanks and testimonials of friendly re- gard from Confederate and Federal soldiers who had been under his surgical treatment during the existence of hostilities. He was elected Vice President of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina June 1st, 1866, and on June 6th, 1866, elected to the Chair of Surgery of the Board of Medical Examiners for the State of North Caro- lina for six years. On May 22d, 1868, he was elected President of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, and on June 4th, 1868, the honorary degree of A. M. was conferred on him by the Universitv of North Carolina. Upon retiring from the Presidency of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina in 1869, he delivered a valedictory address at Salisbury, entitled *^ The Physician — His Relations to the Community and the Law," in which he sets forth in clear and forcible language the moral heroism and self-sacrifice of the con- scientious physician's career. The necessity for habits of close observation, to the exclusion of theories, is in- sisted upon, and the great importance of a more exten- ded knowledge of medical jurisprudence is urged with great acumen and ability. This address was published by request of the Medical Society. At the organization of the Raleigh Academy of Medi- cine in 1870, he became a member. In 1871 he was elected a member of the Committee on Publication of the transactions of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, and also filled that office in 1872 and 1873. He was elected Secretary of the Raleigh Academy of Medi- cine, January, 1872, and in the same year was appointed 160 JSKETCHES OF by the Medical Society of the State, a member of the Board to examine druggists. In January, 1872, he brought suit at a special term of Wake County Superior Court to establish the right of physicians and surgeons to extra compensation when summoned as medical experts. The Supreme Court on appeal decided in Dr. Haywood's favor, Chief Justice Pearson delivering the opinion. In 1873 he was elected a member of the Board of Censors by the Medical Society of the State, and in March of that year elected corresponding member of the Gyncoselogi- cal Society of Boston, Mass. In January, 1874, he was elected President of the Raleigh Academy of Medicine, and was a delegate in October, 1875, to the annual session of the Association of Medical Officers of the late Con- federate States Army and Navy held in Richmond, Vir- ginia. Although opposed politically to the party in power at that time, he was in 1865 appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Insane Asylum, in which capacity he served that Institution until 1875, when he was elected President of its Board of Directors, which office he has since that year held continuously up to the present time. He has always been indefatigable in promoting the comforts and welfare of the insane, and when the Gene- ral Assembly of North Carolina in March, 1875, passed an act to provide for the colored insane and appropriated $10,000 per annum for the establishment at the Marine Hospital Building at Wilmington of a branch asylum, he conclusively pointed out the impossibilities of ren- dering that building suitable for such a purpose and urged upon the General Assembly the necessity of appro- priating sufficient to build an asylum for the colored insane. A commission was in consequence appointed, a site selected at Goldsboro upon which handsome build- ings were erected and where the Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum is now in successful operation. In his report as President of the Board of Directors of the PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 161 Insane Asylum for 1877, after showing by statistics that the average expense per head for the insane in the North Carolina Asylum was far below that of other asylums in other parts of the Union, he makes an urgent and elo- quent appeal for an appropriation which should at least place them on equality with those of other States. He was a delegate from the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina to the American Medical Asso- ciation in the years 1869, 1870, 1875 and 1876, and to the International Medical Congress held in Philadelphia in September, 1876, and also to the Ninth International Medical Congress held in Washington City, September, 1887. Dr. Haywood, in the course of his extensive practice, has performed successfully most of the more important surgical operations. In August, 1874, he performed the Csesarean section with success, the mother living nine days and the child thirteen hours. In 1874, he also operated on four cases of strangulated inguinal hernia, of which two were cured. In 1875 he operated successfully in two cases of lacerated perneum, and has probably operated more frequently for strangulated femoral hernia, umbilical hernia and strangulated inguinal hernia than any other surgeon in North Carolina. In 1869 he suc- cessfully performed ligation of the right external iliac, artery for traumatic aneurism of femoral artery, the first operation of the kind in North Carolina, and the case was considered so important that it was published in pamphlet form by order of the Raleigh Academy of Medicine and the North Carolina Medical Society. Since the war he has removed several cancerous tumors of the mammae. He was the first to use anaesthetics in obstet- ric and puerperal convulsions in North Carolina, in 1850. In April, 1869, he assisted Dr. Washington Atlee, of Philadelphia, in performing at Raleigh, an operation for ovariotomy; the patient was next day left entirely in Dr. Haywood's charge and recovered, and has since been the mother of three children. 11 162 SKETCHES OF He has operated twice successfully for the removal of submucus fibroid of the uterus. He has performed several other notable surgical operations, among, the most important of which may be mentioned: Aspiration of the pericardium for Hydrops, Pericardii, External JEso- phagotomy for impacted foreign body low down in aeso- phagus, amputation of thigh in its upper third for gan- grene of leg and thigh caused by traumatic femoral aneurism, Tracheotomy for foreign body in bronchus. His time has been so incessantly occupied by the demands of his extensive practice that he has had but little time for authorship, but among his contributions to medical literature may be mentioned ''report of an ope- ration for traumatic aneurism of femoral artery cured by ligature" to the Confederate Slates Medical and Surgi- cal Journal, 1864; " report of a case of compound com- minuted fracture of middle and lower third of both bones of right leg," "Comminuted fracture of right femur," "Compound fracture- of left femur just above the condyles, to the transaction of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, 1867. A paper on several surgical cases describing the removals of various tumors, to the transactions of the Medical Society of North Caro- lina, 1868; "Report of a successful operation for trau- matic aneurism of the superficial palmar arch. " A case of Craniotomy and operation for vesiconva- ginal fistula." "Report of a successful operation for compound comminuted fracture of cranium with exten- sive depression and several large fragments driven into the brain," in the transactions of the Medical Society of North Carolina, 1871." " Report of a case of total necro- sis of diaphysis of the tibia periosteum not necessary for osteogenesis." "Report of a case of membranous croup tracheotomy successfully performed and the child entirely recovered.^' " Report of a case of amputation of the right thigh at the upper third for gelatinous arthritis," in the transactions of the Medical Society of North Caro- lina, 1872. "Report of an operation for fistula in ano PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 163 with the elastic ligature," in the transactions of the Medi- cal Society of North Carolina, 1874. Dr. Haywood is a member and vestryman of Christ Episcopal Cliurch, Raleigh, of which the Rev. Dr. Marshall is the Rector. He is at present President of the Board of Health for Wake county, and is surgeon to the Confederate Survi- vors Association. He is a member of the Board of Directors of and is the physician to Peace Institute, the Presbyterian school at Raleigh. He is now Medical Examiner for Raleigh of the Mutual, the Equitable, the New York, the Manhattan and the United States Life Insurance Companies, all of New York, and also of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia and the Maryland Life Insurance Company. He is also the Medical Referee of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J. Dr. Haywood holds a distinguished position in the public esteem of his native State well worthy of the long line of illustrious ancestry from whom he is descended. His high professional rank is indicated in what has been given above. Successful in every department of medical art, he is distinguished especially as a surgeon, possessing as he does, the requisite nerve, cool judgment and deci- sion of character in an extraordinary degree. Fully abreast in the forward march of his profession, he dis- plays a due appreciation of all its resources for the relief of human suffering*and is prompt to accept responsibili- ties and to win success by a bold and intelligent confi- dence that accomplishes the best results. From the members of his profession as well as from the general public he enjoys the highest respect and esteem for the variety and depth of his attainments and the unwearied devotion to duty that he has ever displayed. His love for his fellowmen has been attested by his long and ardu- ous services in behalf of the charities of North Carolina 164 SKETCHES OF and especially in the promotion of the welfare of the insane. His high and spotless character, his patriotic services and the nameless magic of his personal influence enabled him to stand firmly at a public post in the defence of the vital interests of the stricken and helpless insane in the very midst of furious political storms which passed him by as unscathed as the light house at whose base the ocean waves may dash in vain. But bold and unshrinking in the path of duty he is naturally modest and retiringand his honorshaveall been thrustuponhim. To him apparently nothing is so welcome as the unobser- ved performance of the laborious work of his profession. Dr. Haywood is above the ordinary stature, quiet and composed in manner with a most thoughtful and impres- sive countenance lit up by eyes of keen and searching power; somewhat reserved, in ordinary approach his personal bearing is always impressive and carries with it the stamp of directness of character and lofty and noble aims and feelings; he is both warm and outspoken in defence of right and justice, despising the mean and false, and firm and unwavering in his friendships. He has an intuitive knowledge of human nature with the great decision of character and a fixed determination that insures success. With an unusually afiPectionate disposition towards the members of his own family he combines a kindness and consideration for the interests of the younger members of his profession which has encour- aged many a weary struggler on the upward path to suc- cess. A patriot, a lover of mankind, a true friend and a sincere Christian ; few men hold to-day so enviable a place in the hearts of their fellow citizens as Dr. Edmund Burke Haywood. It is hoped that with the leisure that comes with advancing years Dr. Haywood may employ his valued pen still further to grace the medical literature of his State with the treasures of his rich experience. He married in November, 1850, Lucy A. Williams, daughter of Alfred Williams, planter and bookseller of Raleigh. He has one daughter and six sons. — From Re'presentative Men of the South. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 165 EDITORIAL. JOHN JOSEPH BKUNEE, Esq., OF SALISBURY. The subject of this sketch is editor of the oldest news- paper in the State and he is the oldest editor in the State. He is a son of Henry Bruner and Edith Harris, youngest daughter of Col. West Harris, of Montgomery county, who represented that county several years in the Legislature. Henry Bruner was a gunsnaith and owned a gunshop on the Catawba River about seven miles from Salisbury. His father had also been a gunsmith. The subject of this sketch was born the 12th of March, 1817, in Rowan county. His father died in September, 1819, after which Joseph removed with his mother to Montgomery county, to reside with Col. West Harris. Mr. Bruner came to Salisbury in 1825 at the instance of Hon. Chas. Fisher and lived with that gentleman for one year, attending a school taught by Henry All man. In 1826, at the age of nine years, he made his debut into the newspaper world, entering the printing office as an apprentice under Col. Philo White, editor of the Western Carolinian. In 1830, Mr. White sold the paper to Burton Craige, who was editor until 1834, when the paper was sold to Maj. John Beard, of Florida. Mr. Bruner continued in the office all the while until 1836. In 1S39, he became a partner in the Watchman with M. C. Pendleton. The Watchman was started in 1832 by Hamilton C. Jones. Mr. Bruner retired temporarily from the Watchman in 1842. But in 1844 he formed a partnership with Samuel W. James and re-purchased the paper. That firm existed 166 SKETCHES OF until July, 1850, at which time Mr. Bruner became sole proprietor and continued so until his establishment was broken up by the Stonemau raid. The Federals took possession of his office and held it until July, 1865. Then Mr. Bruner resumed publication of the Watchman. In 1868 Louis Haynes took an interest in the paper and changed the name to Watchman and Old North State. One year later Mr. Bruner retired and Louis Haynes conducted the paper alone. In 1871, Mr. Bruner re"-purchased the paper and re established the Watchman, which he has continued up to the present time. The records of the Watchman show a great change in the state of the country within the last fifty or sixty years, changes which half of our population cannot fully realize. There are not a great many men now living whose expe- rience reaches back to 1835 and 1840. At that time there was no daily paper in the State. One could not pick up a paper at that time and read what happened the day before in Congress or the kind of frock the President's wife wore at a reception the night previous. There was then no newspaper published in the State west of Salis- bury. If a fellow wanted to go to Washington he did not take a Pullman sleeper and wake up at his destina- tion, but he had to tough it out in a stage through the mud and mire. Most of our Legislators rode to the Capital in this fashion, but notwithstanding the inconve- nience of travel, there were plenty of patriotic men will- ing to make the trip. The Watchman^of 1840 advertises the Great Western Stage Line, leaving Salisbury at 5 o'clock a. m. one day and arriving at Asheville at 8 p. m. the next, a journey of 39 hours, which " for speed could not be surpassed." This is the picture of the Great Western Coach Line which appeared in the Watchman in 1840. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 167 However, great improvement was made over these coaches. Some years later, when the North Carolina Railroad was built the public could travel at the incredi- ble speed of ten miles an hour. Many people were afraid to ride at this rapid rate. This picture which appeared in the Watchman is pre- cisely the kind of engine and coaches first used on the North Carolina Railroad. The men of that time had few of the conveniences that we now enjoy. No telegraph lines. Hotels in the present sense of the word Columbus, Mississippi, and in 1840 became editor of the Southern Argus newspaper, and with S. S. Prentiss andT. G. Brownlow and other Whigs, took an active part in the "Log Cabin" campaign that elected General W. H. Harrison President, over Martin Van Buren. At the close of the campaign he removed to Mobile and again embarked in mercantile life, with a branch house in New Orleans. At the expiration of four years he went to St. Louis, but returned to New Orleans in 1847, and resided there seven years. Within this time the fiUibuster invasion of Cuba by General Lopez took place and Mr. Drake was invited to join it by that oflS- cial, but declined. After an absence of some twenty years, in search of the "best place," Mr. Drake returned to his native State and found what he had so long searched for, "The Best Place." Adopting journalistic life, Mr. Drake started the Bulle- tin at Asheboro, using the press upon which the Meck- lenburg Declaration of Independnece was printed ; and later, in 1855-56, was editor of the Herald in Salisbury. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 187 A year after his sojourn at Salisbury, he went to States- ville and established the ^'Iredell Express" which was con- tinued until April 13th, 1865, when the office was burned by General Stoneman's raiders. Another outfit was soon supplied and the nanaeof the journal changed to "Ameri- can" which was continued until the latter part of 1886, when the editor retired from journalism, after a service in that profession for 35 years. In politics Mr. Drake was an old Henry Clay Whig, and a "Union man" since the days of South Carolina nullification and the opposition of General Jackson to the United States Bank ; but later chose the Republican party as more in harmony with the principles of the old Whig party. Mr. Drake opposed secession and the late war until his State withdrew, then advised the prosecution of the con- test that the most favorable terms might be secured in a final adjustment of the troubles. He has not been a politician or office seeker, but; he is strong in the faith of his party. He never had bestowed upon him any official position of note under the National or State Government. Mr. Drake is perhaps the only living man in the State who ever saw General LaFayette and Aaron Burr. He celebrated his "Golden Wedding" some three years since. LEOOTDAS Lafayette polk, Esq., OP RALEIGH, Was born April 24th, 1837, in Anson county. His father was a farmer. At the age of fourteen Mr. Polk was left without parents. He received a very meagre education; only studied the English branches. He was married to Miss S. P. Gaddy, of Anson county. 188 SKETCHES OF In 1860 he was elected to the Legislature and served in the regular and both the extra sessions. He volun- teered as a private in the army in May, 1862, joining the 26th N. C. Regiment, of which Z. B. Vance was Colonel. He was Sergeant Major of the Regiment until February, 1863. He was transferred and promoted to 3d Lieuten- ant in the 43d N. C. Regiment, of which Col. T. S. Kenan was Colonel. He served through all the campaigns of these regiments. He was elected as the soldiers' candi- date by the soldier vote to the Legislature of 1864 and '65. He left the army in the Valley of Virginia and took his seat. In 1865 he was elected to the Johnson Consti- tutional Convention over Gen. A. J. Dargan. Mr. Polk was at the time at home ploughing a mule and his can- didacy was not announced until the morning of election day. He was a prime mover for the State Agricultural Department. He was chairman of the committee from the State Grange which was before the Legislature in behalf of the Agri- cultural Department He was elected Commissioner of the Department, April, 1877, established and organized it. He resigned in June, 1880. He was for some time associate editor on the Raleigh News wMth P. M. Hale, and subsequently on the staff of the News and Observer, He is now, editor of the Progressive Farmer, published at Raleigh. He is President of the Inter-State Farmers* Association, composed of the ten cotton States and organized in Atlanta, Georgia, August, 1887. He is First Vice-Presi- dent of the Farmers' National Alliance and Co-operative Union of America, and is Secretary of the North Caro- lina Farmers' State Alliance. He is a ready writer and speaker and is a man of great energy. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 189 JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Esc^., OP RALEIGH, Was born at Washington, Beaufort county. May 18th, 1862. He received a rudimentary education at the Wil- son Collegiate Institute. At the age of eighteen he was local editor and part owner of the Wilson Advance. A year later he became sole editor and owner of that paper. In 1882, in company with his brother he commenced the publication of the Kinston Free Press. He read law under Hon. John Manning at the University in 1885, and obtained his license the same year. The day after receiving his license to practice he succeeded Capt. Ran- dolph A. Shotwell, as editor of the Raleigh State Chroni- cle. He has increased the circulation of this paper and has made it a potent power for Democracy. The paper is rapidly increasing in patronage and reputation. It is doubtful if any young man in North Carolina at Mr. Daniel's age has ever wielded a greater influence in journalism. He was married May 2d, 1888, to Miss Addie Bagley, of Raleigh, daughter of the late Maj. W. H. Bagley, who was for a long time Clerk of the Supreme Court, and granddaughter of Gov. Jonathan Worth. 190 SKETCHES OF CLERICAL. Et. Eev. THEODORE B. LYMAN, D. D., Was born near Boston, Massachusetts, November 27th, 1815. His father removed to the State of New York about one year after his birth, and his early years were passed in that State and in New Jersey. He graduated at Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, in 1837, and in October following entered the General Theological Seminary in the city of New York. He graduated from that institution June, 1840. He was or- dained Deacon September 20th, 1840, in Christ Church, Baltimore, by Rt. Rev. W. R. Whittingham, D. D., Bishop of Maryland. In October of the same year, he took charge of St. John's Church, Hagerstown, Md., where he re- mained for about ten years. He was ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Whittingham in Hagerstown, Dec. 19th, 1841. In 1850 he became the Rector of Trinity Church, Pitts- burg, Peun., succeeding Dr. Uppold, who had been con- secrated as Bishop of Indiana. He remained in that charge until the spring of 1850, when he went with his family to spend two years in Europe. The subsequent breaking out and continuance of the war, determined him to remain abroad, and he was instrumental in estab- lishing, upon a permanent basis, the American Chapel, now St. Paul's Church, Rome, of which he had the charge until the autumn of 1869. In the autumn of 1870, while still in Europe, he was invited to the Rectorship of Trinity Church, San Fran- cisco, California. He returned in December to America and accepted the charge of that Parish, continuing there PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 191 until the spring of 1873, when he was chosen Assistant Bishop of North Carolina. r~ He was consecrated to the Episcopalian Christ Church, Raleigh, December 11th, 1873, and became Bishop of the Diocese, upon the death of Bishop Atkinson, Jan. 4th, 1881. In April, 1886, he was appointed by the Presiding Bishop to the charge of the American Church on the continent of Europe, and held that office, in conjunction with the charge of the Diocese of North Carolina. He made accustomed visits to Europe for the supervision of the Foreign work committed to his charge. His published writings are chiefly sermons and ad- dresses. Rev. ARNOLD W. MILLER, D. D., Arnold W. Miller, D. D., was born in Charleston, S. C, and is a graduate of Charleston College and the Theolog- ical Seminary at Columbia. He was licensed to preach by Charleston Presbytery, and in 1849 was ordained by Bethel Presbytery. His first pastorate was in Chester District, S. C. ; his second in Charlotte, N. C, for two years; his third in Petersburg, Va., from whence, in 1865, he was recalled to Charlotte, where he has ever since re- mained, the faithful and much loved pastor of the First Church. Under his ministry the church has grown and prospered greatly. Dr. Miller is one of the soundest theologians and ripest scholars, as well as one of the ablest and most eloquent preachers in the Southern Church. He is a laborious student, and a man of remarkable courage, indomitable energy, and devoted piety. Decided in his convictions and loyal to the truth, he would not, for any considera- tion, betray or compromise it. His preaching is doctrinal and eminently characterized by the constant and clear 192 SKETCHES OF presentation of the mediatorial office of Christ. His style is logical, clear and forcible, and the brightest orna- ments of rhetoric and the graces of oratory are called into requisition to enforce the truths he so ably presents. A distinguishing characteristic of his preaching is his in- terest in God's ancient people, Israel, and his reliance upon the promises concerning them. He has a most ex- cellent library, in which are some of the rarest theologi- cal works. As a pastor, he is welcomed among his peo- ple as a faithful and tender counsellor, and the little children love him as a father. — Presbyterian Encyclopsedia. Eev. W. M. ROBEY, D. D. This is the age of sham. Pretence is the glittering gem that wins the lofty reputation. We are all, it seems, coloring our ideas and conduct to suit the popular will. Cajolery is the order of the day. To say the plain, un- varnished truth, is not always convenient. To say what our conscience dictates may lose us a patron. We prefer to hesitate and watch the drift of public opinion, and then follow in its wake. He who dares to advocate what he believes, is destined to have troops of enemies; to travel a lonesome and rugged pathway, and to have a postponed triumph. But by his courage the public is to receive its good; by him are errors to be cleared away, and the beacon lights of truth set in the heavens. The man who studies to please the masses rather than what is good for them, is a poor friend indeed, and his life is a failure. Dr. Robey is a very striking example of a fearless man in his conduct and opinions. He is no respecter of per- sons when he has a duty to perform or a truth to ex- pound. He is a fine scholar and a deep thinker. He is PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 193 exceptionally apt in choosing forcible words to express his ideas. His capacity for work is great. His father was W. A. Robey, and his mother was Eliz- abeth Welch. Both were natives of what is now Yadkin county, N. C. His father was a plain, unambitious far- mer of moderate estate, belonging to what might be called the middle class. He had a fair education for his day, and being fond of reading was far above the average of his class in general intelligence, and the same may be said of his mother, who is still living. He was born in Yadkin county on the 13th day of No- vember, 1832. He grew up on the farm and learned to work. When a boy, he worked on the farm in summer and went to school a little in winter, as was the common custom of that day. His father was an occasional teacher, and always encouraged him to read and study. Conse- quently he grew up with a fondness for books. His oppor- tunities for education were very meager till he was about eighteen years old, when he was sent to an academy or high school, where he remained several years. When he left the academy he was prepared to enter the junior class at Emory and Henry College, which he contempla- ted doing. But not having the means at hand, he en- gaged in teaching, and followed this vocation steadily for five or six years, finally abandoning the idea of going to college and determining to study law. Soon after engaging in this study, he became disturbed in mind on the subject of the christian ministry. The conviction that it w^as his duty to preach the Gospel grew strong as he advanced, till he became almost desperate. At length he abandoned Blackstone and turned to the Bible to find rest. He was licensed to preach in 1856, but continued to teach until the year 1860, when he be- came a member of the North Carolina Conference. He was ordained to the office of a deacon on entering the Conference by Bishop Paine. In 1870 he was elected President of Davenport Female College, which posi- 13 194 SKETCHES OF tion he held till 1876, when the college was accidentally burned. In 1879 he was elected Principal of Jonesboro High School, but remained in charge of it only one year, leav- ing it to enter the regular pastorate. He was first married in 1857, to Miss Maggie J. Clay- well, oldest daughter of the late Peter Claywell, of Yad- kin county. His first wife having died, he was married a second time to her youngest sister, Miss Mollie S. Clay- well, in 1874. In addition to his regular ministerial work, he was chief editor of the Methodist Advance from 1881 to 1886, when he sold it to Rev. Dr. J. B. Bobbitt. On the sale of the Advance, at the solicitation of the friends of the en- terprise, he became the editor of The Ballot, in the city of Charlotte. Being transferred from Charlotte to Goldsboro, his con- nection with that paper had to cease, and at the solicita- tion of the owner of the Advance, his connection with that paper was renewed, and he is now joint editor and owner with Dr. Bobbitt. Bev. jethro rumple, d. d., OF SALISBURY, Was born in Cabarrus county, N. C, March 10th, 1827. The first 18 years of his life were spent on a farm, varied by attendance upon the country schools. About the age of eighteen he made a profession of religion and soon after undertook, by his own exertions, to secure a classi- cal education. By teaching and attending neighboring academies, he was prepared to enter Davidson College, where he graduated with distinction, in 1850. He then taught school for several years to defray the expenses of PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 195 his literary and theological education. In 1854, he was received under the care of the Concord Presbytery, and the same year entered the Theological Seminary at Columbia, S. C, in which the Rev. J. H. Thornwell, D. D., was then Professor of Theology, and remained two years. He was licensed by Concord Presbytery, July 31st, 1856, and was ordained by the same, January 9th, 1857, and installed pastor of Providence and Sharon churches, in Mecklenburg county, N. C. He served these churches four years, when he was called to the Presbyterian church at Salisbury, Rowan county, N. C, in the same Presby- tery, where he was installed pastor, November 24th, 1860. He has continued to be the faithful and beloved pastor of this church until the present time. In both of these fields his labors have been abundantly blessed. During his pastorate of the Salisbury church six young men have entered the ministry. The high esteem set upon Dr. Rumple's character and abilities by his brethren is shown by the varied and responsible positions to which they have called him. For more than twenty years he has been a Trustee of Davidson College and a Director of Union Theological Seminar}^, Virginia. He has been a Commissioner to several General Assemblies, and in Synod and Presbytery has served the church in well nigh all the most honorable and important positions. As a pastor, he is prudent, laborious and sympathetic. As a preacher, he is earnest, clear, tender and able. As the stores of his learning increase, so does his preaching pos- sess additional freshness and power. Besides his pastoral and Presbyterial duties he has made excursions in the field of authorship. For the last five years, in the North Carolina Presbyterian^ he has been writing up the "History of Presbyterianism in North Carolina." These sketches when completed, will be issued in a volume, giving a full account of the churches and ministers of his native State. In the meantime he pub- lished in 1881, a History of Rowan county, N. C. — From the Presbyterian Encycloposdia. 196 SKETCHES OF ■Jf Kev. lieyum skidmore burkhe ad, d. d. Born in Davidson county, N. C, February 17th, 1824. His parents were Methodists of the Old School and trained him up in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord." They both died in blessed hope of "Eternal Life"; his mother at the age of 85, and his father at the advanced age of 94 years. He was educated at the "Old Field" school and at Union Institute, now Trinity College. Converted and joined the church in his nineteenth year; taught school three years; was received in the N. C. Conference on trial November, 1849; ordained deacon by Bishop Andrew, 1851, and elder by Bishop Paine, 1853. Has been a regular itinerant up to date, four years on circuits, ten years Presiding Elder on District, and twenty-four years on Stations. He has served as Pastor of the Methodist churches of Wilmington, Plymouth, Chapel Hill, Salis- bury, Tarboro, Greensboro, Fayetteville, N«-w Berne, Ral- eigh, Goldsboro, Charlotte and is now in Winston. Many souls have been won to Christ through his instrumen- tality. He was a delegate to the General Conference in 1866, and a reserved delegate, 1870; and a delegate to every General Conference since. He has been a member of the "Board of Missions" since 1872. Was the Minis- terial member from N. C. Conference in the "Ecumenical Conference" held in London, 1881. He has published sermons on "The work and support of the Methodist Itinerant Ministry"; "The importance of Christian Character"; a book, "Centennial of Method- ism in North Carolina," and a "Catechism on the Mode of Christian Baptism." Has written frequently for the church papers on various subjects. Blessed with a fine physical nature, he is now in full *Dr. Burkhead died after the above notice was written. He died suddenly 2d December, 1887, at the Conference at Fayette- ville. PROMINENT LIVING NORTB CAROLINIANS. 197 vigor of maDhood and capable of a vast deal of hard work in his chosen profession. He has been twice married. A man of general culture and of large Christian charity. While he holds firmly to his convictions of truth, he is tolerant and magnanimous. He "thinks and lets think," and no man who knows him well, ever thinks of losing his friendshij) because of differences of opinion or because of fair and earnest opposition to his views. He believes truth can never lose anything by an open and fair contest with error. Key. F. W. E. PESCHAU, OF WILMINGTON, Was born in Clausthal Zellerfeld, on the Hartz Moun- tains, in the kingdom of Hanover, where Muhlenberg, the patriarch of American Lutheranism, went to school and taught school. It is a city of about 10,000 inhabit- ants and has two Lutheran churches, and no other, all the people being Lutherans. In 1853, his parents came to this country, settling first in Baltimore, but subse- quently in Wheeling, West Virginia, where the aged father still lives. He spent six years in the college and Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. His first charge was at Nebraska City, Nebraska, fifty miles south of Lincoln, and served by Rev. Eli Huber, D. D., of Philadelphia. His second field of labor was Nashville, Tennessee, and his present field at Wilmington is his third pastorate. As an educator, he has also had considerable experi- ence. For three years he was Superintendent of Ger- man in the public schools of the city of Evansville, Indiana, and Professor of German in the High School. 198 SKETCHES OF At Nebraska City, Nebraska, he was Superintendent of the city Public Schools two years, and also Professor of German in an Episcopal College, located there. At Nashville, Tennessee, he was Professor of German in Dr. Ward's Female Seminary, the largest in the South and the second largest in the United States. He was also Professor of German in Vanderbilt University, but these extra labors coupled with his pastoral duties, were too much for his system, and he broke down, with an attack of typhoid fever, in 1881, which nearly ended his life. Since living in Wilmington, he has taught only private classes and delivered lectures on educational subjects in North Carolina and Tennessee. Sermons, sketches of sermons, articles, letters, and poems from his pen have appeared in the German and English press of this coun- try. He has been one of the editors of the Lutheran Visitor for nearly six years. He preaches in German and English with equal fluency, ease and accuracy, with or without manuscript, and has so far mastered the Dan- ish language as to be able to hold services in that lan- guage for sailors and officers of the Scandinavian ships in the Seaman's Bethel at Wilmington. Coupled with these talents of linguistic attainments, he has a musical education and has published a number of songs, the words and music of which were his own composition; notably among these is the "Ode to Jackson," sung at the unveiling of the equestrian statute of Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, at Nash- ville, in 1880, which was published in the extra edition of 180,000 copies of the Courier- Journal, Louisville, Ky., at the time. He has some new songs in press now. He has shown his administrative talents as President of the North Carolina Synod, and of the General Synod South, and of the United Synod, and no one in the Lutheran Church South is more widely known or has received more complimentary notice from the press. Full of energy and push, and working faithfully at his post, under God's blessing he has succeeded in doing a PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 199 good work in every position he has occupied. This is proven by the fact that his congregation at Nashville twice offered to call him back, if he would consider a call, and his first field of labor recently proposed to do the same, if he would come back to it. His congregation at Wilmington, a few years ago, unanimously and enthu- siastically adopted a resolution requesting him to remain its pastor during the days of his natural life. — From the Lutheran Home, of March, 1888. Rev. JACOB HENRY SMITH, D. D., OF GREENSBORO, The eldest son of Samuel R. and Margaret Smith, was born in Lexington, Rockbridge county, Va , August 13th, 1820. He was prepared for college in his native town, and graduated from Washington College, now Washington and Lee University, June 29th, 1843. In the fall of the same year, he entered Union Theological Seminary, Va., and taking full course, received his cer- tificate in 1846, and in August of the same year, he was licensed by Lexington Presbytery and transferred to West Hanover Presbytery. In September of this year, he took charge of the church at Pittsylvania C. H., Va., where he was ordained and installed July 31, 1847. Being invited to take charge of "Samuel Davies Institute," in Halifax county, Va., as Principal and Professor of Greek, he went thither in the beginning of 1850, and conducted that Institute with great success until 1854. At this time he was invited to Greensboro, N. C, and Charlottesville, Va. Accepting the latter place, he preached at Charlottesville till 1859, when he accepted the renewed invitation to Greensboro, N. C, and began his work there April 20, 1859. In June 200 SKETCHES OF following, he was received by Orange Presb3^tery and in- stalled in July over Greensboro church, where he con- tinues to labor with great success and acceptance. Dr. Snaith is an accomplished classical and Belles Let- tres scholar, a well informed theologian, and fairly abreast of the literature of the day. He is the owner of a well- selected and a well-read library of sacred and polite lit- erature. But his peculiar fort is, that he is a powerful and impressive preacher. His sermons are finished and pol- ished production?, filled with the choicest thought, and garnished with graceful allusions, and enlivened with appropriate illustrations. To the polish of the graceful composer, Dr. Smith adds the attractions of the skillful elocutionist, and the controlling power of a magnificent voice. The Lord has greatly blessed his labors, granting him revival after revival in his own churches, and in others. About one thousand souls have been hopefully converted under his preaching. He is still active, able, ready to preach, and is heard with pleasure wherever he goes. In 1872 Hamf)den Sidney College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1877 the Uni- versitv of North Carolina repeated the honor. — From the Presbyterian Encydopsedia. • prominent living north carolinians. 201 Rev. T. H. PRITCHARD, D. D., OP WILMINGTON. His father was Joseph Price Pritchard. His mother was Eliza Hunter Henderson, of the old North Carolina family of that name, among whom were Judge Leonard Henderson, of Granville county, his brother JBaldy Hen- derson, of Salisbury, Moyer P. Henderson, of Chapel Hill, and Samuel Henderson, of Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Pritchard was born in Charlotte, N. C, February 8th, 1832; was fitted for college in Mocksville, Davie county, by Rev. Baxter Clegg ; w^as graduated at Wake Forest College June, 1854, delivering the valedictory. Judge W. T. Faircloth and J. H. Mills were members of his class; was for little over a year agent for Wake Forest College ; was ordained pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, Perquimans county, in November, 1855. He made a profession of faith in Christ while at Wake For- est College, in September, 1849, and was baptized by Dr. W. T. Brooks. He had at first intended to read law and enter the arena of politics. In 1858 he studied theology with Dr. John A. Broadus, then pastor of the Baptist church of Charlottesville, Va., and took some tickets in the University of Virginia. In 1858 he was married to Miss Fannie G. Brinson, of New Berne. The year 1859 was spent as pulpit supply of the Bap- tist church of Fredericksbuig, Va., the pastor, Dr. Wm. T., being in the field raising money for the en- dowment of the General Theological Seminary, then lo- cated in Greenville, S. C. In 1860 he became pastor of the Franklin Square church of Baltimore, where he re- mained until July, 1863, when, in an attempt to come South, he was captured on the Potomac and imjirisoned in Baltimore for five weeks, when he was sent through the lines with his wife and children, by way of Harper's Ferry, Charleston and Winchester. He labored in the 202 SKETCHES OF great revival in the Army of Northern Virginia in the fall of 1863, as missionary under appointment from the Virginia Army Colportage Board. In the absence of the regular pastor, he was sub pastor of the First Baptist Church of Raleigh, and held that post until June, 1865. He became pastor of tht^ First Baptist Church of Petersburg, Va., in July, 1865, one week after that church had lost its beautiful house of worship. Much of that year was given to collecting funds in the North and West to rebuild the edifice. After a prosperous pastorate there of two years and a half, he was recalled to the First Church of Raleigh, where he remained until September, 1879, having served that church about thirteen years. The church grew in that time from a membership of 240 to 515. While in Ral- eigh he was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Raleigh Baptist Female Seminary, and he labored ear- nestly and successfully for the establishment of that in- stitution. In September, 1878, he became President of Wake Forest College, and while occupying this position he trav- eled extensively over the State, speaking, preaching and lecturing on education, and in the three 3^ears he was connected with the college the patronage increased from 117 students to 181. In 1882 he accepted the pastorate of the Broadway church of Louisville, Ky., but the climate proving too severe on his family, he returned to North Carolina, and accepted the pastorate of the First Church of Wilmington, which position he still occupies. Dr. Pritchard has been a Trustee of Wake Forest Col- lege for twenty years; for thirteen years a Trustee of the General Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky. The degree of D. D. was conferred on him by the State University June, 1868, in his 36th year. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 203 Eev. JACOB CRAWFORD CLAPP, PRESIDENT OF CATAWBA COLLEGE, Was born in Guilford county, N. C, September 5th, 1832, near the field of the battle of Alamance, in the vicinity of which his great-great-grandfather, a Palati- nate German Protestant, settled with his family as the second immigrant to that section about 1750. His grand- father, then a lad, was a spectator of the battle of Ala- mance. His ancestors were all German Protestants; they warmly espoused the cause of the patriots in the Revo- lution, and from the earliest settlement of that region rallied around the standard of their faith at the Old Brick church (German Reformed), where many of their descendants still worship. Mr. Clapp's boyhood and youth were spent in earnest toil on the farm and in the mills, with a few months during most of the winters in the public schools, in their incipiency in the State. At 18, with the most superficial knowledge of the rudiments of an English education, he left home with the reluctant consent of his father, his mother having died four years previous, to fit for college. One year of private study with Dr. G. W. Welker, his pastor, and three sessions in the preparatory department of Catawba College, at Newton, N. C, entered him as a probationer in Amherst College in the fall of 1853, from which institution he graduated in the class of '57. After teaching one year near the old home, part of a year in Catawba College and one year in Mississippi, he was elected to the chair of ancient lanuguages in Catawba College and entered its duties in the fall of 1860, soon after his marriage to Miss Emma Lewis, of Mississippi, on the 4th of July of the same year. The civil war dis- organized the college in 1861. He then commenced an academy for boys and girls, which flourished through the war, and after its close, was converted into Catawba 204 SKETCHES OF High School, for boys and young men, in which Maj. S. M. Finger was associated as co-principal, in 1866. This school was highly successful, but Maj. Finger's health failing after several years, he resigned his place, which has been filled mainly since by Rev. J. A. Foil. In the meantime, the trustees of Catawba College elected the subject of this sketch. President, which office he still holds. In the spring of 1866, he was ordained to the Christian ministry by the Classis of North Carolina, since which time he has preached regularly, either as supply or regular pastor. Ursinus College conferred the degree of D. D. upon him several years ago. He was the agent to raise funds for the new college building and is now agent to raise an endowment fund. Three new churches have been built recently in his charge. Mr. Clapp is a man of wonderful energy. His early habit of handling the plow and the scythe has never been abandoned. He is a planter as well as a preacher and is an industrious worker in both callings. His ser- mons are argumentative, interesting and full of practical religion. His original, earnest and vigorous style, his perfect articulation and his musical voice, would please and attract a congregation in any community. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 205 EDUCATIONAL, Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE, PRESIDENT OP THE UNIEVRSITY. The effort of Dr. Battle at reorganizing our Univer- sity from the ruins of the war, has been a fine success and has justly won for him the respect and admiration of the people. He is an admirable manager and a man of unusual ability. He is the first son of Hon. W. H. Battle, for manv years one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. He was born near Louisburg, in Franklin county, in 1831. He received an academic education and entered the University in 1845, and graduated in '49, dividing the honors of his class with Peter M. Hale and Maj. J. M. Robinson. After graduation he was for a while tutor of Latin and Greek, and for four years tutor of Mathe- matics in the University. He was even at this age remarkable for keeping order in his classes and making his lessons attractive. Many of our prominent men were among his pupils, for instance, Hon. A. M. Waddell, Hon. Clement Dowd, Col. W. L. Saunders, J. B. Wheeler, J. L. Morehead, Jos. A. Engelhard, Judge W. J. Mont- gomery, Col. Wm. Bingham, Maj. Robt. Bingham and J. W. Graham. In 1854, having obtained his license, he located for the practice of the law in Raleigh and readily acquired an extensive practice. In 1860, he entered the arena of politics and ran for a seat in the House of Commons, but after a plucky and exciting contest, he was defeated by about three votes. Dr. Battle was a pronounced Union man prior to the proclamation of Lincoln, but he fell in line after this 206 SKETCHES OF with the leading men of the South and pledged himself for secession, and was a delegate to the Convention of 1861. All through the war he was an ardent supporter of Gov. Vance. On the occasion when the conscript ofiQcers threatened to disregard the mandates of the Courts of North Carolina in habeas corpus proceedings, Dr. Battle, in company with Gov. Bragg, went on a mission to Presi- dent Davis to procure positive orders that the process of the courts should be regarded, which mission was suc- cessful. In 1862, Dr. Battle was made President of the Chat- ham Railroad Company, which was scattered to the four winds by Sherman's army. He was elected Treasurer of the State by the General Assembly of 1865-'66, and was re-elected by the same in 1866-'67. His reports were highly commended. They showed that he was familiar with the conditions and his- tory of the State debt and gained for him a wide reputa- tion as a business man. By the reconstruction acts of Congress in 1868, he was deprived of his oflSce. Since then he has not made an effort to re-enter the race for political office. In 1869 he was called by the friends of agriculture to revive the North Carolina Agricultural Society, which had been destroyed by the war. He undertook the task with earnestness and in a short time new buildings were eredted on the Fair Grounds, old ones repaired, and a very creditable fair was held in 1869, which gave a fresh impulse to the farming interests. He was elected a Trustee of the University in 1862 and served on its Executive Committee until 1868, when the University changed hands. He practiced law in Raleigh until 1875, when he was selected by the Board of Trustees elected by the Legisla- ture, to take the lead in re-organizing the University, and was made its President. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 207 Dr. Battle was married in '55 to Miss Martha Battle, of Edgecombe, a distant relative. They have live sons, and one daughter, the wife of Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Raleigh. Rev. EGBERT L. ABERNETHY, D. D., PRESIDENT OF RUTHERFORD COLLEGE. "The force of his own merit makes his way," There is no more striking instance of a self-made man in our State than the gentleman whose name appears above. He was born poor, and had not even good health with which to fight the battle of life. But he bravely faced the world and "carved out his passage" with a manly stroke, striking down barrier after barrier and wading through the quagmires of poverty and discour- agement, till he won a high position among the educators of our State. Like the late Dr. Craven, of Trinity College, he pos- sessed that rare but admirable faculty of inspiring his pupils with a laudable ambition. His mental powers are strong and he dares say what he thinks. Many a poor boy has knocked at the door of his college and received a free education. Long may he live and may the sons of North Carolina long honor him and draw inspiration from his philan- thropic career. The events of his life are related in an article in the ** Sunny South " ; " Robert L. Abernethy was born in Lincoln county, N. C, April 3d, 1822. His grandfather, a near kinsman of the great English surgeon, emigrated to North Caro- lina before the revolution, was one of the leading pioneers both in the struggle for freedom and in the subsequent 208 SKETCHES OF attempts at self-government. Fanny Wetner or White- ner, his mother, traced her lineage back to a member of the royal Wedner family of Saxe-CoburgGotha, who, incited by a proverbial love for adventure, came to this country in its early colonial history. At the period in which Robert was born the family was broken by war and various reverses, and was living in comparative retire- ment. The subject of this sketch was heir to great bodily aflOiiction, but with it he inherited an energy dauntless amid all the combinations of untoward circumstances that thronged his pathway. From his arduous farm labors he found intervals to collect rudiment iry books; and each night, instead of sleep, intense application to his studies, by the faggot's flare, was the rest to his over- taxed body. Having fitted himself for teaching, at an early age he left the farm — so ill-suited to his weak frame and ever-growing ambition. Soon after being converted to God, he joined the ministry of the M. E Church, South. Here he was in his proper element. Methodism, just beginning to thrive in that section, owed much to the earnest eloquence of the boy-preacher. During three years of active service in the South Carolina Conference, be received over eleven hundred applicants into the church. Then followed nervous prostration, and loca- tion ; still he was not discouraged. A large tract of land in Burke county was donated for a school, over which Mr. Abernethy was to preside. The enterprise flourished. From a school of eight students it grew into an academy, then a seminary, finally a college. In 1869 President Abernethv received the degree of A. M. from Trinity College, N. C, and in 1880, D. D. from Alfred University, New York. Of Rutherford College, over which he now presides, it is hard to speak in terms of sufficient encomium. Generosity, it is admitted by those who love him least, is his chief fault. Over 2,000 indigents have been gratuit- ously educated; many of them are filling places of trust and honor. Over 1,000 have been converted under his PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 209 teaching. Dr. Abernethy's generosity is not confined to the dispensing of instruction. Many a time his last dollar has found its way into the hands of some needy supplicant, and often has this unrestrained liberality been successful in making him the prey of rogues and sharpers. Giving thousands of dollars to charitable uses, and struggling hard in the maintenance of a large family, he has all his life lived in comparative poverty, feeling himself rich in the sole possession of his sublime trust in Providence. Dr. Abernethy is greatly loved and honored b}' the people of his State. He has been a figure in all reforms, social and political — voting for principle in preference to party — upholding the South and her supporters. For years he was a prominent leader in the early temperance movements in the State, and in the prohibitory agitation of 1881, was bitterly assailed both from the press and stump for his manful adherence to what he deemed the cause of humanitv and God. Rev. LUTHER McKINNON, D. D., PRESIDENT OF DAVIDSON COLLEGE. Born October 31st, 1840, in Richmond county, N. C. He was prepared for college at the academies in that sec- tion ; entered Davidson College in 1857 and graduated in 1861, sharing first honor. He studied in the The- ological Seminary at Columbia, S. C, and was licensed to preach by the Fayetteville Presbytery in 1864. In 1864 and '65 he was chaplain of the 36th North Carolina Regiment. He was ordained Evangelist April, 1866, by the Fayetteville Presbytery. He was Principal of Floral Female College from January, 1865, until June, 1866. In 1866 he was called to the Goldsboro 14 210 SKETCHES OF Presbyterian church, and served as pastor for over four years. He was pastor of the Presbyterian church of Con- cord from December, 1871, until October, 1883. In 1883 he was called to Columbia, where he remained from Oc- tober of that year until April, 1885. He was elected President of Davidson College September, 1885, which position he now holds. He is a man of great energy, and whatever he under- takes he does thoroughly. As a pastor, he attends to or closely supervises every little detail of the church gov- ernment, besides keeping the strictest watch over his congregation. As President of Davidson College, he dis- played the same disposition to attend to details, and suc- ceeded in increasing the patronage, but for the past year or so his health has been broken, and he has been forced to retire from active service. He is one of the best preach- ers in the State, and one of the purest of men. Rev. J. C. PRICE, OF SALISBURY. The subject of this sketch is, perhaps, the most distin- guished negro in America. He is certainly equal to any as an orator. He has lectured in England and America before the best audiences. He has preached in the pul- pit of Henry Ward Beecher, and in many other places no less prominent. In the Ecumenical Conference at London in 1881, he made a speech of five minutes, which was one of the happiest efforts of his life. When his time was up, he was greeted with the wildest enthusiasm. In- vitations poured in on him to lecture in all parts of Eng- land. He remained in England and on the Continent one year, lecturing in behalf of his race, and succeeded in collecting ten thousand dollars, which enabled him to PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 211 establish the beautiful buildings now known as Living- stone College, Salisbury, N. C. He displays no egotism. His lectures are modest. But he reasons well ; he thrills his audience with earnest emo- tion ; his language is strong, pure and fluent. His ar- ticulation is distinct and pleasing. He was born in Elizabeth City, N. C, February 10th, 1854, and is therefore as yet a young man. He is a genu- ine negro. His father was a slave, his mother a free but unlettered woman. At the age of nine he went with his mother to New Berne. She did her part to give him an education. Some time after he had learned to read, he attended the Lowell Normal School of New Berne. For four years he taught in a public school at Wil- son, then entered Shaw University of Raleigh in 1873, remaining five months. Returning to New Berne, he connected himself with the A. M. E. Zion Church, and began to preach in less than two years after. Desiring to better qualify, himself, he entered the Lincoln Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, and took a four years' course. He won the Freshman and Junior prizes as an orator. In 1879 he graduated with the valedictory. After gradua- tion he remained three years in the Theological Semi- nary, completing the course at that place. In 1880 he was a delegate to the General Conference at Montgomery, Alabama, where his oratory first brought him into promi- nence. He was delegate to the Centenary Conference which met in Baltimore in 1884, and responded to the opening address by Bishop Andrews, of the M. E. Church. He was recently appointed by President CJleveland Minister to Liberia, and was strongly urged by Secretary Bayard to accept, but he declined, believing that it was for the best interests of his race to continue his work in the South. The Institute of which he is the head is now doing a great work for the negro race. Besides the regular cur- riculum, instruction is given in music, printing, dress- 212 SKETCHES OP making, fancy needle work, cooking, laundry work and carpentry. Tuition is free, and board is only six dollars per month. JOHN B. BURWELL, PRESIDENT OF PEACE INSTITUTE, Is the oldest son of Rev. R. Burwell, D. D., and was born in Chesterfield county, Va., Oct. 3d, 1834. In 1835 his father moved to Hillsboro, N. C, and took charge of the Presbyterian church at that place, remaining there as pastor until the fall of 1857. In 1845 the subject of this sketch entered the Caldwell Institute, then in charge of Rev. R. Wilson, D. D., Rev. John A. Bingham and Prof. R. H. Graves. In 1850 he entered Hampden Sydney College, in Vir- ginia, and graduated in 1853 from that institution. From the fall of 1853 to the summer of 1859, he was engaged in teaching a School for Boys, first in Mecklenburg county, Va., afterwards in Charlotte county, Va. In 1859 he moved to Charlotte, N. C, and joined his father in the management of the Charlotte Female Institute, remain- ing there until the summer of 1862, when he entered the army, joining the 53d North Carolina Regiment, under command of Col. William A. Owens. He remained in the army until the surrender at Appomattox Court-House, being present when General Lee surrendered. Mr. Burwell then returned to Charlotte and continued with his father in the control of the Female Institute at that place. In 1872, at the earnest solicitation of the Directors, he and his father moved to Raleigh and organized Peace Institute, commencing the exercises in August of that PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 213 year with about seventy-five pupils. The number of pupils has steadily increased, until now the average at- tendance is about one hundred and seventy-five, and often more. Ro^. SIDNEY MICHAEL FINGEE, OF NEWTON, Born in Lincoln county, the 24th of May, 1837. His father was a farmer and tanner, in both of which occu- pations he exercised his son assiduously until he was 18 years old. Prior to that time he had no school fa- cilities, except such as were afforded by the public schools, which were poorly supported; but in his district the school fund was supplemented by private subscriptions, and the term of school extended to four months per an- num, and some of the higher branches allowed to be taught. At the age of 18 he entered Catawba College, Newton, where he remained four years as pupil, and part of the time instructor in some of the lower branches. In 1859 he entered the junior class of Bowdoin College of Maine ; graduated with A. B., 1861 ; received A. M., 1865. He entered the Confederate Army as private in Company I, 11th Regiment. At camp of instruction he was made Quarter Master Sergeant. After the battle of Gettysburg he was promoted to Captain (Assistant Quarter Master) and assigned to collection of tax in kind, with headquar- ters at Charlotte, and in charge of that Congressional district. In 1864 he was promoted to Major, and put in charge of tax in kind for the whole State, in which ca- pacity he was serving when the war closed. For nine years he was in partnership with Rev. J. C. Clapp in conducting Catawba High School at Newton, 214 SKETCHES OF having charge of the property of Catawba College, which had lost its endowment during the war. Ill health ne- cessitated the abandonment of teaching in 1874. This was a matter of much regret, because of his fondness for the profession in which he had displayed a marked tal- ent. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1874. He was elected to the Senate in 1876, and re- elected in 1881. As a member of the Legislature he was specially inter- ested in education, the settlement of the State debt, and railroad development. He was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion in 1884, in which capacity he has served with great acceptance to the people. As a civilian since 1874, when he gave up teaching, he has been engaged in merchandising and cotton manu- facturing in Newton. In 1882 he was appointed by Governor Jarvis a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Morganton Insane Asylum. This was the first Board, and, consequently, opened that magnificent institution for the reception of patients. He was Chairman of the Board when elected State Superintendent. F. P. HOBGOOD, Esq,, PRINCIPAL OF THE BAPTIST FEMALE SEMINARY OF OXFORD, Was born. in Granville county, N. C, one mile from Oxford, in 1847. His father, J. B. Hobgood, was the pioneer fine tobacco planter in this section, now famous for the yellow leaf. He was the first to raise it, and from him it spread to others. Mr. Hobgood's early life was spent on the farm, until he was sent to Oxford to school, first to a celebrated PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 215 teacher, Prof. Tuley, afterwards to the Horner School. Before his preparatory education was completed he went into the Confederate service under the 17 year old call — took part in the battle of Bentonsville After the surrender he re-entered the Horner School, from which he graduated in January, 186G. Then he entered Wake Forest and graduated in 1868. In October of that year, he married the daughter of Rev. W. Royall, D. D., one of the Professors of Wake Forest College. In the meantime he taught in a Female College at Oxford. In January, 1869, he commenced a High School at Reidsvilie, N. C, and taught there for two years. Two of the prominent lawyers of Rocking- ham county, Hugh R Scott and Reuben Reid, were pre- pared for college by him. In January, 1871, he closed his Academy at Reidsvilie to take a position as Professor in the Raleigh Baptist Female Seminary, and on the retirement of the President of that Institute in June of that year, he became Presi- dent and conducted the school for over nine years, closing it in June, 1880, to remove to Oxford. He has been teaching there ever since. He was President of the last Baptist State Sunday- school Convention, and has for seven years been the Moderator of the Flat River Association, He is also Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday-school at Oxford, and Chairman of the Board of Education of Granville county. Mr. Hobgood has six children, three boys and three girls. 216 SKETCHES OF MILITARY. Gen. ROBERT RANSOM, OF NEW BERNE. It seems that this man was born for a soldier. He has the fine physical bearing and the stern and commanding face. No better or more graceful horseman ever sat in a saddle. His princely manners and his easy, dignified mien mark him as a gentleman of the most refined type. He was born at Bridle Creek, Warren county, N. C, February 12th, 1828. His father was Robert Ransom, the oldest son of Sey- mour Ransom and his wife,Birchett, whose maiden name was Green, the daughter of William Green and his wife Mary, nee Christmas. Seymour Ransom was the youngest son of James Ran- som and his wife Priscilla, nee Jones, the daughter of Edward Jones and Abigail Shugan. James Ransom's wife was the widow of Col. Macon and the mother of Nathaniel Macon, so famous in North Carolina. General Ransom's mother was Priscilla West Cofiield Whitaker, daughter of Matt Cary Whitaker, of Halifax county, N. C, and his wife, Elizabeth Ann, nee CoflSeld. Matt Cary Whitaker was the only child of Gough Whitaker and his wife Martha, nee Cary, and the son was named after his mother. Elizabeth A. Coffield was the daughter of David Coffield and West Duck, his wife. All of General Ransom's grand parents were born in North Carolina, the paternal in what is now Warren county, the maternal in Halifax county. The great-grand parents came from Virginia, those on the father's side principally from Gloucester county, and PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 217 on the mother's from Warwick county. Legend says that the Whitaker family descended from Alexander Whitaker, the English Church Minister who baptized Pocahontas, showing the family to have been among the very first white settlers of the continent. General Robert Ransom was the third child of his parents, the oldest, a daughter, dying in her tenth year, and the second the present United States Senator, Matt. W. Ransom. General Robert Ransom, previous to his entrance into the United States Military Academy, was educated by Robert Ezell, at Warrenton, N. C, where, not loving books, he acquired an imperfect acquaintance with Latin, Greek and Arithmetic. He had previously been to vari- ous teachers, none more than six months at a time, and in different places. In August, 1846, he was appointed a Cadet at West Point by Hon. J. R. J. Daniel, the appointee made earlier not having entered at the regular time in June, and he began his course at the Military Academy in a class of 121 members, and graduated 18th out of 44. He with a young man from Texas — Anderson by name, were the first instances known to have been appointed Corporals in the corps of Cadets without passing through the hard military routine of a full encampment. He was never a student but was a thorough soldier, and fond of those employments requiring physical action with force and energy combined. He was the best horse- man of his earlier days in or out of the army, and has lost little of his powers in that line. Upon graduating from West Point, in 1850, he was assigned to the 1st Dragoons (there were only three mounted regiments then), and in October went to duty at the Cavalry Depot, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., where he remained till March, 1851, whence he carried a detacli- ment of troops to Fort Leavenworth.. Kansa?, and in May accompanied the command uf Col. E. V. Sumner to New Mexico. He was engaged in scouting over the whole of 218 SKETCHES OF New Mexico, most of Arizona, great parts of Texas, and Colorado, and Utah, for nearly four years. In the autumn of '54 he was placed on duty at West Point Academy as Instructor of Cavalry, while Col. R. E. Lee was Superin- tendent, and in March following, i. e. '55, was promoted to the 1st Cavalry, one of four new Regiments, added to the army at that time, and made 1st Lieutenant, the appointment stating, "with a view to his special appoint- ment as Adjutant " He joined his Regiment in July, which w^s to be organized at Fort Leavenworth, and spent that fall in scouting. The next year and a half or more he was in Kansas during the ''border troubles" and was with the Regi- ment at Topeka, July 4th, '56, when Col. Sumner dis- persed the Assecpbly called a legislature, and there met the notorious John Brown. For a short time he was again on duty at Carlisle Barracks in '57, owing to ill health, but resigned the Adjutancy of the regiment on that account. Until the beginning of the war in '61, he was chiefly in Kansas and Colorado, and was at Fort Wise, on upper Arkansas River, and early in '61 he was appointed a captain of Cavalry. On 24th May, '61, when he heard his State had left the Union, he resigned, and on the 4th day of July, '61, he arrived in North Carolina and passed the day at Warren ton. Governor Ellis had him appointed Colonel of the 1st N. C. Cavalry, which he organized near Ridgeway, War- ren county, and on 13th of October, '61, started with it to Virginia. During the winter of '61-'62, he was its Colonel, and in November, '61, led successfully the first encounter between the Cavalry of the two armies. Just as General J. E. Johnston retired from Centreville in '6 \ Ransom was promoted Brigadier General for the special purpose of being sent to organize the Cavalry of Generals A. S. Johnson and Beauregard in the West PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 219 and Southwest. But New Berne having fallen, he was directed to the eastern part of North Carolina, where he was engaged in keeping the Federals at New Berne from penetrating to the westward. In June, '62, he was put in conamand of a Brigade of North Carolina Infantry and was with Holmes and Huger during the seven days' fighting — and with Huger at Malvern Hill, where his Brigade made the last charge upon the enemy, leaving some of its dead among the Federal guns. With this brigade a little changed he was a part of J. G. Walker's Division in the first Maryland campaign, '62. He was at the fall of Harper's Ferry, and in the battle of Sharpsburg. Stationed early in the morning of Sep- tember 17th, '62, upon the extreme right, but at 9 a. m. double quicked to the left center where the enemy had penetrated the Confederate lines driving the enemy back and holding the position until the Confederates withdrew on the night of September 18th. He was with General Lee's army until after the battle of Fredericksburg, 13th of December '62, and commanded a Division (what had been Walker's), and "was in special charge of Marye's and Willis Hills." (General Lee's ofiicial report; and of the point attacked, Longstreet's offi- cial report). In January, '63, he was ordered with division to North Carolina, to repel attack on Wilmington and Weldon -Railroad. He w^as in North Carolina till May, '63, when promoted to Major-General and put in command of Richmond when D. H. Hill went to Bragg's army. He was about Richmond till July, when illness forced him to go to Virginia Springs. In earl}' fall or late summer he was made President of Court of Inquiry at Atlanta, Georgia, to report upon the campaign which ended in the fall of Vicksburg, but orders were received suspend- ing its operations. Howell Cobb and John Echols were the other members. 220 SKETCHES OF In October, '63, he went to command in East Tennes- see. Drove the Federals as far South as Knoxville, and in November had a brigade of Yankee Cavalry captured at Rogersville. Went to Longstreet before Knoxville, but he had left the place. He remained in East Ten- nessee, under Longstreet and Buckner, commanding Cavalry, till April, '64, and then was ordered to Rich- mond ''for other and distant service." The intention was to put him in command of Trans-Mississippi De- partment, but the condition of affairs at Richmond — caused his assignment to command in and for the pro- tection of the Confederate Capital. 'Here he had to meet Butler's movement at Bermuda Hundred and Sheri- dan's and Kantz's raids — and with only a handful of men at his disposal. He commanded Beauregard's left wing at Drury's Bluff, May 16th, '64, and crushed the enemy's right. He was highly complimented by Beauregard in a special order the day after the battle. But Beauregard, realizing his own failure, attempted to make a scapegoat of Ransom. In June, '64, he was sent to command Early's Cavalry in his movement to meet Hunter — and was with Early all through the march to the rear of Washington in July, '64. He was taken sick and relieved August 15th, '64, and was on leave till September, when he was sent as President of Court of Inquiry to investigate outrages reported done by Morgan's last raid into Kentucky. In November, '64, he was sent to the command of Charleston and surrounding country. But he was taken again sick and relieved in December, '64. No other duty; surrendered to General Howard at Warrenton, N. C, May 2d, 1865. Since then has been Express Agent and Marshal of the City of Wilmington, N. C. He has also done some farm- ing, and for full ten years has been Assistant Engineer in charge of Government Improvements upon the water ways of Eastern North Carolina. He now resides at New Berne. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 221 General Ransom has been twice married, first on Feb- ruary 7th, '56, at Washington, D. C, to Minnie Huntt, oldest daughter of the late Dr. H. Huntt, and there were born to them nine children, eight living. Two daughters married, the oldest to F. M. Williams, Newton, N. C. The second to Geo. Bell, Jr., Lieutenant United States Army. Oldest son in dry goods house, New York. Second son married. Third son teaching in Alamance county, N. C. Third daughter single and with him. Fourth and fifth sons at school. On 7th of February, 1881, his first wife died at New Berne, N. C, and on the 10th day of September, 1884, he married Katharine DeWitt, the widow of the late F. G. Lumpkin, of Athens, Georgia, at the house of her father, DeWitt F. Wilcox, Columbus, Georgia, and to them have been born two children, the oldest a daughter, that died recently, the second a son. General Ransom, without being a robust man, is one of great endurance and toughness, for he is still vigorous and active although having suffered much from repeated attacks of severe illness. He has written little or nothing of his military his- tory — trusting to official records to do him justice, but the extraordinary productions published by some prominent characters of the War between the States, may force him to bring to public view what the official record is. To that record he refers all who desire facts upon which to rest opinion or from which to learn the truth. The records are under process of accurate compilation at the "Record Office" in Washington, and he has recently referred with profit and great satisfaction to what is there preserved and accessible to any and all who seek reliable knowledge. 222 SKETCHES OF Gei^. eufus bakeinger, OF CHARLOTTE. General Barringer is one of the most noted Republicans in the State ; a man of strong convictions, bold utterances, and of fidelity to his principles. He was a strong Whig, and bitterly denounced secession as fraught with untold troubles and dangers to the country. Since the war he has been an earnest supporter of the National Republican party, but he has not degraded himself by his political bearing. Notwithstanding his national proclivities, he remains devoutly true to the sentiments and memories of the Con- federate cause. He writes often for the press in illustra- tion and vindication of the cause as it then stood, and is most liberal and generous to its war-worn heroes and veterans. He is a man of general culture; fond of literature and history, and has always been interested in political science. He has stood out against the "Rip Van Winkleism" of the State, and labored hard for reform in many ways — especially judicial, agricultural and educational reform. He longs to see the young men of North Carolina coming to the front in something else than politics, and he be- lieves the literature, and especially the history of the State, a most proper and attractive theme. He is now much interested in Industrial Education, and is a trustee of the '' North Carolina College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts." As a specimen of his lit- erary style and an explanation of the principles of In- dustrial Education, a portion of an article written by him for the Charlotte Chronicle, is copied : * * * "The leading object is not to teach trades, arts or science, as such, or for the purpose of turning out from schools artisans, agriculturists, trained cooks, skilled dress makers, or skilled machinists of any sort, but to instruct children and pupils. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 223 as a part of general education, in the elementary or foundation principles of all art, science, mechanics, and other practical knowl- edge; and this, not by teaching theories, but by learning "to do things." It is all on the principle of the Kindergarten, but ex- tended to agriculture, domestic life, plain mechanics, the use of tools, etc., and simply to the end that the boy or girl, when so taught in his or her separate school, can the more readily take up, if desired in after life, any sort of business, or one specially suited to the particular line or talent distinctively manifested in the early training. True, the modern agricultural and mechani- cal colleges are intended primarily to make farmers and mechan- ics, but they do not teach them art as such, as a school of the- ology, medicine, or law, turns out its preachers, doctors, and law- yers. Tney only give them sound first principles in all depart- ments of practical life ; but they do this, not by theory, as in the old high school or college, but by showing the pupil how to do the things intended and putting them to doing them. And this again, based on the aphorism of Bacon, that ' Education is the cultivation of a just and legitimate familiarity betwixt the mind and things,' and the more simple axiom of Cominius, ' Let things that have to be done be learned by doing tliem^'' and all summed up in the grand conception of Carlyle, that ' Tools constitute the great civilizing agency of the world.' ' Man without tools is nothing : with tools he is all.' " The idea is very old, and lay at the bottom of the highest of past civilizations. But in time the so-called University system undertook to teach all knowledge, and finally drifted into noth ing but dbstraction, and caused Bacon again to say that the Uni versity, in fact, taught 'nothing but to 'believe.'' Froebel fairly started the new movement by his Kindergarten, and now the whole industrial world marches with giant strides towards the ' Manual Training School,' and the ' Agricultural and Mechanical College.' It is not intended that these shall supersede the 'Academy,' the ' High School,' or the 'University.' The work of art and science, however, can be better and more satisfactorily taught in the shop and on the model farm, separate and distinct from all other teaching and training ; thus, too, avoiding all class prejudices and difficulties. " But the advocates of the old school must learn to recognize the just claims of the new methods. A feeling is abroad that the classic course has a tendency to slight and degrade work, and it certainly has had some effect in making labor a drudgery. It has not taught or trained either men or women ' how to do things,' how to accomplish the work of life, how to make success easy and pleasant. It has rather led the masses to believe that suc- cess is won more by wit and sharp ways than by honest toil and healthful work, aided and made both agreeable and profitable 224 SKETCHES OF by a skilled hand, a trained eye and a delicate touch. And thus it cotnes that no class amongst us is early or well trained in the work or business of life, and when the day of trial comes in real earnest, so many fail and give up in despair and disgust, often going to the 'ditch and the dogs,' to the great mortification of friends and admirers, and often to their ruin. ***** #** "A training or industrial school would be the very thing for Charlotte, and in due time it must come. But I also desire to see the idea introduced in our common public schools. It is not so diflaeult as supposed, and for the use and application of the elementary principles, the appendage of a small shop and kitchen, with a few tools and fixtures, would be all likely to be needed in the common free school for a long while. Of course the ' old fogies,' the ' professionals,' and all party politicians will cry 'in- novation,' 'infidelity,' ' high taxes, ' ' wild extravagance,' 'vision- ary notions,' and all sorts of hydra-headed monsters." The subject of this sketch was born December 2, 1821, in Cabarrus county ; educated at Sugar Creek Academy and Chapel Hill, graduating in 1842. He studied law under Hon. D. M. Barringerand Chief Justice R. M. Pearson ; settled and practiced at Concord till 1866, and then at Charlotte till 1884, when he retired from the bar and went to farming. He was in the Legislatures of 1848-49 and 1850-51 ; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1875. He entered the army in 1861 as Captain of a company of cavalry raised by him in Cabarrus. In May of the same year, his company was attached to the famous First North Carolina Cavalry Regiment, with which he re- mained until June, 1864, when he was promoted from the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of that regiment to the position of Brigadier-General of Cavalry, in which he served until the 3d of April, 1865, when he was captured on Lee's re- treat and sent to Fort Delaware, where he remained a prisoner of war four months. He was in seventy-six actions, received three wounds, and had two horses struck under him. He was never defeated in action except in the last retreat, when his no- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 225 ble brigade was cat to pieces, especially at Chamberlain Run, Five Forks, and Namozine Church. He came out decided for colored suffrage as early as 1865; accepted the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, and has ever since co-operated with the National Republican party. He has occasionally opposed the men and meas- ures of that party, but has stood unswervingly by its principles, which he is honestly convinced are the only principles that can pacify and save the country in its new and changed conditions. Hon. R. B. VANCE, OP BUNCOMBE, Was born on Reems Creek, Buncombe county, N. C, the 28th of April, 1828, and was named for Dr. Robert B. Vance, who was killed in a duel with Samuel P. Car- son, October, 1827, at Saluda Mountain, S. C. His education was very limited, being confined to the "old field" schools, as they were called in that day. He was elected Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quar- ter Sessions for Buncombe county in 1848, and served eight years, voluntarily declining a re-election. He fol- lowed the mercantile business awhile in Asheville. When the war broke out he raised a company. The Bun- combe Life Guards, and was elected Captain, When ten companies were mustered at Asheville, N. C, to-wit : Company A, Captain William Walker, Cherokee ; Com- pany B, Captain W. B. Creasman, Yancey; Company C, Captain J. M. Lowry, Buncombe; Company D, Captain John A. Jervis, Madison; Company E, Captain Hiram Rogers, Haywood; Company F, Captain W. A. Enloe, Jackson; Company G, Captain M. Chandler, Yancey; Company H, Captain R. B. Vance, Buncombe; Company 15 226 SKETCHES OF I, Captain John C. Blaylock, Mitchell ; Company K, Cap- tain B. S. Profitt, Yancey, an election was held for Colo- nel, and R. B. Vance received every vote in the regi- ment but his own. Captain Wm. Walker, Lieutenant Colonel, Captain B. S. Profitt, Major. The regiment, the 29th North Carolina, was re-organ- ized at Cumberland Gap, Kentucky, in 1862, according to law, and Vance was re-elected Colonel. He was in several engagements at Cumberland Gap, in 1862, and commanded his regiment in the battle of Murfreesboro, under Generals McCown, Polk and Hardee. Col. Vance was complimented for gallantry in the report of General McCown. His horse was killed at Murfreesboro. After the army under General Bragg fell back to Shelbyville, Tennessee, in 1863, Col. Vance was taken with typhoid fever, and while down, his regiment was ordered to Mississi{)pi, and he never was in command of it afterwards. When he returned to the army in September, 1863, -General Bragg assigned him to duty in Western North •Carolina, and he was captured at Cosby Creek, Cook county, Tennessee, the 14th January, 1864, by his riding into a squad of Federal troops through a mistake. General Vance was appointed Brigadier in June, 1863, iby President Davis, his commission coming to hand while he. was unconscious with typhoid fever. General Vance was kept in prison, first at Nashville, then Louisville, Camp Chase, Ohio, and lastly at Fort Delaware. While at Fort Delaware he was selected in company with General Beale to buy clothing for the Confederate prisoners of war, which duty engaged his attention until he was sent home on parole, the 14th March, 1865. His parole read, "until exchanged." As he was never exchanged he is still a prisoner. General Vance was elected to Congress from the 8th District of North Carolina in the following years : 1872, PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 227 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880 and 1882, and served in the 43d, 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th and 48th Congresses, being on the Committee of Pensions for 1812, in the 43d Congress, on Coinage in 44th Congress and on Patents from 44th to 48th inclusive, of which committee he was chairman except in the 47th Congress. General Vance's principal speeches were on the civil rights bill, on the Internal Revenue and the tariff, on fraternity and the coinage of silver. At the Congressional Convention at Asheviile, N. C, in 1884, he declined and withdrew his name from the Convention. He aided by a hot campaign in the elec- tion of his successor, and in the election of President Cleveland'. On the 11th of April, 1885, he was appointed by the President, Assistant Commissioner of Patents, which position he now fills. ^ General Vance was twice elected Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina, and has also filled the posi- tion of G. W. P. of the Sons of Temperance in his State. He is a member of the M. E. Church, South, in which capacity he has been honored by the church in being several times elected to the General Conference. He was also one of the Cape May Commission, which in a measure settled the property question between the M. G. Church and the M. E. Church, South, in 1875. The college of Bishops also appointed him a delegate to the Ecumenical Methodist Conference in London, in 1881. General Vance has lectured extensively in North Carolina, some in Maryland, Virginia and in Washing- ton City, on Temperance and the Sunday-school cause. He is author of a book of poems called ''Heart Throbs from the Mountains," and is now writing on "Oneka, or The White Plume of the Cherokees," and "Lights and Shadows of Mountain Life." 228 SKETCHES OF COMMERCIAL. Hon. K. E. BRIDGEKS, OP WILMINGTON. Among North Carolinians there is no more prominent example of an able business man than the subject of this sketch. The following extract from one of his letters to a friend will give the key to his success: " From 1845, when I went regularly to work, I did not leave the county for nearl}^ eight years, except on busi- ness ; I was always at my office at office hours when I was not engaged at business. Men depend more on hard work, good habits and economy for success, than mere intellect. When I look back to my schoolboy days I have found, of the several hundred with whom I was at school, that the success of the coming man was more foreshadowed by the industrious and good habits of the boy than by the boy's natural capacity. My business has caused me to employ hundreds of young men ; the first question I ask is, "what are his habits?" the next is, "how much work can he do?" This is the key to suc- cess. Then I ask what is his capacity. A young man of a fair, ordinary capacity can accomplish any usual business undertaking if he will do enough work; try, try, and success will sooner or later come. Of course, good integrity is a necessity in all positions in life; without jt no man can have permanent success." The facts of his life are taken from the "Way Bill," of New York : " Robert Rufus Bridgers was born in Edgecombe county, N. C, November 28th, 1819. Graduated with highest honors in class of '41, at the University of North Caro- PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 229 lina. During his collegiate course he studied law and was licensed to practice a week after graduation. In 1844 was sent to the Legislature, being the youngest member of that body and serving as a member of the Judiciary Committee. After this he withdrew from poli- tics and devoted his time to planting and the practice of his profession, attending courts 25 to 30 weeks in the year, and becoming a leading practitioner in the Circuit. During this time he declined the office of Attorney-Gene- ral and Judgeship of Circuit Court. In 1851 was appointed President of Branch Bank of North Carolina. From a very small patrimony he became one of the largest cotton planters in the State of North Carolina. In 1856 was sent to the Legislature and continued there till '61, being a recognized leader in the House of Com- mons greater part of the time, and was Chairman of Judiciary Committee. Was a member of the Confeder- ate Congress during the entire war, serving on the Mili- tary Committee; and being a member of the Special Finance Committee in addition thereto during the second term. At the close of the war was elected President of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad with almost unanimous vote, and, by his endorsements of the paper of the company and individual efforts, the road was saved from foreclosure. Had the policy urged by him during the war been adopted, the road, instead of being worn out and on the verge of bankruptcy, would have been in a healthy financial condition, with money enough to renew and equip it and meet its floating debt. As an evidence of its condition in '65, the schedule time for the first six months was 10 miles per hour, taking 16 hours from Wilmington to Weldon, a distance of 162 miles. In the Fall of 1868 financial aid was secured through Messrs. Wm. T. Walters and B. F. Newcomer, of Baltimore, who ever afterwards proved fast friends of the subject of this sketch and of the road. Through their efforts and the aid of their counsel and financial help the foundation was laid of the great "Atlantic. Coast 230 SKETCHES OF Line." Col. Bridgers has been 20 times re-elected Presi- dent of the Wilmington and Weldon road by unanimous vote. Has been also President of other roads of the Atlantic Coast Line System, from time of their acquisi- tion to the present. He not only discharged the duties of President, but for 13 years was General Manager. During the past 12 months, on account of his increasing age and the business devolving on him, he requested the Directors to relieve him of the latter office, and, at his request, H. Walters, Esq., was appointed General Mana- ger. No Railroad Company has a better organization or more efficient officers than the Coast Line. The Disci- pline is good and the selection for places admirable. For many years there has been a rule of the company to pro- mote their own men, which has a good effect on the young employees. They feel that they have something to hope for in the way of promotion. It shows bad training to have to go to the organization of other Railroads to recruit officers. In case of vacancy, no position of the 'Coast Line is so important, but it can be filled efficiently by some other man brought up in the service. Mr. Bridgers was a member of the Committee on Mili- tary Affairs in both sessions of the Confederate Congress, which often brought him in conference with the military leaders. He commanded the confidence of President Davis and Cabinet, in a high degree. Among many of the best men of the State there was great fear of an iron famine during the war. At the request of the Government and his advisers, he and his brother. Col. J. L. Bridgers, were requested to engage in the production and manufacture of iron. They pur- chased the High Shoals iron property lying in the coun- ties of Lincoln, Gaston and Cleveland, rebuilding the furnaces, forges, rolling mills, nail factory and founda- ries. To a large extent the States of North and South I PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 231 Carolina became depeudeut on these works for iron fab- rics, especially nails and plow fabrics. In this they had marked success. The failure of the health of Col. J. L. Bridgers caused the chief management to devolve on the subject of this sketch. These iron works became the second iron works in size and importance in the Con- federacy and did much Government work. Mr. Bridgers has had some success in planting, mer- chandising and making turpentine. Indeed, in what- ever he undertakes he shows remarkable thrift. He is a man of great energy and perseverance. His motto has always been "if at first you don't succeed try, try again." He is now nearly seventy years old, with unimpaired faculties, enjoyiiig the fruits of his life's labor and a wide popularity which he has paid for in good habits and hard work. . JULIAN SHAKESPEARE CARR, OF DURHAM. " A hand as fruitful as the land that feeds us, His dews fall everywhere." The South cannot boast of a more popular or deserv- ing business man than Mr. Carr, He is, perhaps, the richest man in our State. His success is most remarka- ble, yet it is by no means beyond the reach of others who may desire to imitate his example. He has not come by his wealth by speculation, but he has won every dollar by his frugality and foresight. He has thrown his entire soul into his work, and has become master of the largest tobacco manufactory in the world, and the head of a firm which is known as far as civilization extends. He lias made it a point to manufacture a good article, 232 SKETCHES OF SO that his extensive advertising would not misrepresent his goods. He has shown himself as generous as he is rich, and, like the widow's cruse of oil, his supply is unfailing. He has given thousands of dollars to colleges, churches, and various other objects too numerous to mention. No worthy object ever appeals to him in vain. Not only is he generous, but he is a patriot. He finds time to keep abreast with the issues and enterprises af- fecting the general welfare of the State. He lends a help- ing hand and takes a lively interest in promoting many of our manufacturing, building, educational and religious enterprises. To heighten all, he is a conscientious and consistent christian. In domestic life, he is one of the best of men : a true and devoted husband, an affectionate father and a pleasant and affable fireside companion; in friendship, he is constant, and in all his affairs he is manly and sincere. His great business ability, his strict adherence to hon- est principles in his transactions, his record of frugality, the conspicuous example he has given of the compati- bility of great generosity with great wealth, his zealous interest in the vital institutions of our State, and his high honor and domestic virtues — these things conspire to ren- der him one of the finest characters that North Carolina has ever produced, and one of her greatest benefactors. As an evidence of the high estimation in which he is everywhere held, a few of the positions he now occupies are enumerated : President of Blackwell's Durham Co-operative Tobacco Company. President of First National Bank of Durham. President of Durham Electric Lighting Company. President of Atlantic Hotel Co., Morehead City. President of Golden Belt Manufacturing Company of Durham. President of Tobacco Association of North Carolina. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 233 President of Board of Trustees of the Methodist Feraale Seminary of Durham. President of the Greensboro Female College Associa- tion. Vice-President of Durham and Lynchburg R. R. Co. Vice-President of Durham Street Railway Co. Vice-President of the Durham Cotton Manufacturing Company. Member of Executive Committee of Board of Trustees of the University. Member of Executive Committee of N. C. Agricultural Society. Member of Executive Committee of the National To- bacco Association of the United States. Trustee of Trinity College. Director of Oxford Orphan Asylum. The following is from the PlaiUer^s Joitr^ia^ of Missis- sippi : " He was born on the 12th of October, 1845, at Chapel Hill, only twelve miles from his present home. While yet a boy he entered the army, and came out as he went in, 'a high private in the rear rank,' as he expressed it when in the company of a party of Colonels and Majors. He obtained a fair education at the University of North Carolina, and soon after the war, like so many other mis- guided young men in the older States, he was induced to believe that the West was the place to make his fortune. And so he went off to Arkansas — to Little Rock, which was perhaps the best place he could have selected. There he bad that measure of success which most industrious, sober, intelligent young men meet with wherever they may go, and in all probability he might by this time Lave been one of the leading men of the Arkansas Capi- tal had he remained there. But it happened that during a visit to his native State his relatives persuaded him to settle closer to home. At that time (1870) Messrs. Black- well & Green were doing a very safe, snug little tobacco manufacturing business at Durham, and were looking about for a partner, with a view to enlarging it. For a 234 SKETCHES OF few thousand dollars young Carr bought a third interest with them, and this was the beginning of his career as a tobacco manufacturer. From the very day of his en- trance into the firm, the foundation for what is now five times the largest smoking tobacco establishment in the world, commenced being laid. Not with stone and mortar, for they staid in their little wood factory several years longer, but in head work and hand work. " For seven years the bulk of the firm's profits were spent in advertising. Of course that advertising would have proven futile in the end, had it misrepresented the articles; but neither pains nor expense were spared in giving the public all that it had been led to expect. " In the course of a few years the demand for the Bull Durham tobacco had reached such a point that the ca- pacity of the original factory was utterly inadquate to supply it. So a large brick building was constructed, which, it was thought by many, would for all time to come furnish ample floor space for manufacturing all the goods that the firm could market, i^year or two, how- ever, sufficed to convince these knowing ones of the short- sightedness of their calculations ; for in order to meet the ever increasing demand, addition after addition — all of brick — had to be made to the original building, which, with characteristic foresight, was constructed with a view to such a result, until now there are nearly seven hun- dred hands at work in this factory, whose floors cover ninety-six thousand square feet of space — considerably more than two acres. And still the factory, 'Jumbo' though it be, is scarce half big enough, as is evidenced by preparations now going on to construct still another addition which in itself will be more than the equal, both in architecture and spaciousness, of any other factory in the State of North Carolina. Its dimensions will be in excess of 82,000 square feet — thus making a grand total of more than four acres. " It has ever been a favorite idea with Mr. Carr to give employment to the poorer classes of white people, as well PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 235 as to the negroes who formerly monopolized the work in tobacco factories. But he no sooner attempted to put this into practice than the very people whom he was striving to benefit confronted him with that miserable old skeleton against manual labor, that, alas ! still stalks in so many communities here in the South, frightening thrift and plenty from so many homes (?) where want and penur}^ hold undisputed sway. But this only made him the more resolute in his determination to banish the fatal spectre. So he at once sent North and brought to his factory a number of operatives of the very best class ob- tainable. The result was, their example served to bring a change over the spirit of the dreams of the denizens of Durham, who soon learned to appreciate the dignity of labor. And now fully 33 J per cent, of the 700 operatives on the pay-rolls of Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Com- pany are white." SAMUEL WITTKOWSKY, OF CHARLOTTE. Youngest child of Jacob and Mindel Wittkowsky, born May 29th, 1835, in a small place called Schwersenz^. one mile from the city of Posen, eastern part of Prussia. He received only a free school education. At one time his parents were well to do, but lost all through sickness and bad investments, and they were very poor when Samuel made his advent into the world. He had few pleasures in his childhood days, as he had a hard strug- gle for existence. About 1853, a distant relative of his father's living in the country, sent his father about ^50, which enabled young Samuel to venture to America. He took steerage passage on a sailing vessel and was 64 days out. There 236 SKETCHES OF was great distress on board of ship for food and water. On August 6th, 1853, he arrived in New York l:\arbor and was forced to lay in quarantine (never knew why), but on payment of one dollar a passenger could land. All the worldly possessions of Sam at that time amounted to three gold dollars and a few clothes. He was there- fore rich enough to land, and so engaged a boatman to take him ashore. A fellow passenger with not a cent in his pocket stood by with tears rolling down his cheeks, saying, if he only had a dollar to enable him to leave the ship. Samuel loaned the fellow one of his gold dol- lars, but up to the present time has never seen the man nor the dollar since. So he landed in America with the enormous sum of one dollar in gold. He had, however, well-to-do relatives in New York, from whom he expected assistance. But they turned their backs on him. So he was left in a strange land at the age of 18, poor, lonely and friendless, with not even a language. He had a good cry! But he braced up and found a distant relative of his father's who treated him kindly and gave him employ- ment in his store at $6 a month and board. He worked in that position for three months and sent two-thirds of his income, $12, to his needy parents in Prussia: with the remainder he went as steerage passenger to Charleston — landed again with one dollar. Here he was engaged by relatives in a store for $12.50 a month. From his first landing until the death of his parents, he gave all he could spare from his wages for their support. In 1855, he accepted a position with L. Drucker & Co., of Char- lotte, arriving in the city the 4th of July. He had saved at this time $100 which he put in the Charlotte Bank. His solicitude for that bank was great. It was his morn- ing and evening thought. His spending money in Char- lotte was 5 cents a week, and by close economy he saved something and helped his poor parents. Mr. Rintels was a fellow-clerk, and he and Wittkowsky formed a partnership in the fall of 1856 — firm, Rintels & Co., — joint capital $450. They opened store at Ellendale, PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 237 Alexander county, having a branch establishment in '57 in Caldwell county, on the Yadkin River, which was superintended by Mr. Wittkowsky. The Alexander branch was moved to Boone, Watauga county, under Mr. Rintels' superintendence. In the spring of *58 he sold his interest to Mr. Rintels and took a clerkship with Mr. S. Wolfe, in Winsboro, S. C. In the following fall he returned to Charlotte, later formed partnership of Koop- man, Phelps & Co., at Concord. He became an active member in Masonry; was elected Senior Deacon and represented his Lodge in Grand Lodge. In 1861, he sold out. Went in again with Mr. Rin- tels; moved to Statesville. Took an active part in Masonry; became Master of the Lodge and was repre- sentative several years in the Grand Lodge. The civil war coming on, Mr. Rintels went to New York, taking with him what money he could gather up, as they reasoned that onesideortheother mustlose; thattheSouth, even if successful, would perforce of circumstances be bank- rupted; they were not willing to risk ''all their eggs in one basket." Reasoning good. Result bad ! Mr. Rintels lost every dollar of his own and Mr. Wittkowsky's on Wall Street. After the war Mr. Wittkowsky had to send his partner money to enable him and family to return. While at Statesville, Mr. Wittkowsky went into manu- facturing hats with one Saltzgiver, a refugee from Mary- land. It would be interesting to fully describe that enterprise. Hats sold as high as $800 apiece and $5,000 a dozen. Sold out after the war and moved to Charlotte, where the firm of Wittkowsky & Rintels was formed. They rented a room in Irwin's corner 21 by 21 with 9 feet pitch. Bought old rough planks, put up shelving themselves and covered with calico. Available assets, $3,000 (worth in to-day's currency $800). With that they commenced a wholesale and retail trade, worked from 16 to 18 hours a day. Made money and in ^68 enlarged store to 75 feet deep. Business increased to 238 SKETCHES OF $175,000 a year in 1870, when Mrs. Osborne built a store for them 54 by 92, three floors. ** In 1871, he was married to Miss Carrie Bauman, of New York. In 1874 the firm rented the Brem store for retailing exclusively, retaining the other for wholesale. Business increased to $700,000 in 1876, when Mr. Rin- tels died suddenly, June 21st. In 1^79, Mr. Wittkowsky formed partnership with Mr. Baruch, under name of Wittkowsky & Baruch. Dis- solved May 1st, 1887, Mr. Wittkowsky doing the whole- sale business himself. Mr. Wittkowsky has never been in an}'' financial embarrassment; has never been a day behind in meet- ing any of his obligations. He has identified himself with the progressive element of Charlotte and has always been found eager in any cause for the public good. He has in many ways received tokens from the public of the high esteem in which he is held as a square business man and good citizen. He was Alderman of Charlotte in 1878 and 1879. Has been Director in and President of several Buildirjg and Loan Associations, and is now and has been for five years President of the Mechanics' Perpetual Building and Loan Association. He was President of the Charlotte Chamber of Com- merce, in 1881. In Masonry he has held various positions to High Priest. PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 239 ALEXANDER BOYD ANDREWS, Esq. OF RALEIGH, Was born on the 23(1 day of July, 1841, in Franklin county, near Franklinton. He is descended from promi- nent and honorable families upon both sides. His father, William J. Andrews, of Edgecombe, was one of the lead- ing merchants of Henderson. His mother, Virginia Hawkins, was a daughter of Col. John D. Hawkins, of Franklin count}^, and her mother was the daughter of Alexander Boyd, a sturdy Scotchman, of Mecklenburg county, Virginia. It was after this maternal great-grand- father that he was named. Another great grandfather, Col. Jonas Johnston, was a revolutionary hero, and was wounded in the historic battle of Moore's Creek. His elder brother, John, a bright promising lad, died of yel- low fever in Norfolk in 1855. His mother dying in 1852 and his father surviving her but a short w^hile, their eight children, four sons and four daughters, were left to the care of their grand parents, Colonel and Mrs. Haw- kins. Never were orphans more fortunate in their lot. The influence of the grand parents is clearly marked in the career of the subject of this sketch. Until his seventeenth year he attended school, where he was proficient in his studies, especially mathematics, and was a generous, popular participant in the sports of the play ground. He learned in the home of Col. Haw- kins the valuable habits of obedience, industry, method and promptness, and imbibed, perhaps unconsciously, the art of impressing his will upon others and of enforcing obedience to it. In 1859 General Phil. B. Hawkins, who had a large railroad contract in South Carolina, selected his nephew, young Andrews, as General Superintendent, Purchasing Agent and Paymaster. His early training was soon manifest in the fidelity with which the mere boy dis- 'it 240 SKETCHES OF charged a man's duties, and he took his first lessons in the great work of railway construction which was to engage his mature powers and by which he was to leave his impress on his State's history. At the first bugle call for volunteers he forsook the hardy, healthful life of the engineer for the dangers and the rigors of war. He enlisted as a private in Colonel, afterwards Major-General Robert Ransom's splendid regi- ment, the first North Carolina Cavalry. He was appointed a Lieutenant by that gallant soldier and passed rapidly through the grades to the Captaincy of Company "B," during his first year of service. Captain Andrews par- ticipated in all the memorable campaigns of Stuart's, afterwards Hampton's Brigade, and bore himself with marked and unflinching courage upon every field. On September 22d, 1863, at Jack's Shop, Madison county, near Charlottesville, there was a bloody cavalry fight between the Confederates, numbering about two thou- sand, and the Federal Cavalry, under Kilpatrick, six thousand strong. Into the battle Captain xlndrews' regi- ment carried only about one hundred and thirty men, so great had been its losses in the recent engagements of the campaigns. The Adjutant of the regiment, who par- ticipated in the fight, wrote to the "Fayetteville Observer^' a short while afterwards, as follows : " While cheering on his men the gallant Captain Andrews fell, shot through the lungs. No braver man or better man has fallen during the war. He was universally beloved." This tribute reads like an obituary. It was so accepted. But his work had not been completed. The wound was indeed a desperate one, and might well have been regarded as mortal, the ball having passed directly through the left lung, injuring the spine on its way out. He was removed to Liberty Mills and thence to the hos- pital at Gordonsville, where he was attended by Dr. Schultz, of New Orleans. In reply to his eager question, he was told that there was barelv a chance for his life, but his indomitable courage never faltered and he never PROMINENT LIVING NORTH CAROLINIANS. 241 lost faith in his recovery. Dr. Schultz was ordered else- where and did not follow his patient through the weary stages of convalescence. Years afterwards Col. Andrews met him in New Orleans, and expressed his obligations to him for his skill and care in preserving his life, and asked the Doctor if he could recall him as one of his army patients. Dr. Schultz tried several names and finally said : " Well you can't be Andrews, a young North Carolina officer, who, I remember, was shot through the lungs. I never saw a young fellow try harder to live; but I was quite sure he could not." He was greatly pleased to find that his visitor was his former patient, and was astonished, as was also Dr. Warren Stone, the eminent surgeon, at so perfect a recovery from such a fearful wound. In 1864 Captain Andrews tried twice to return to his old command, but his strength was not equal to his sol- dierly sense of duty. When, however, he learned that General Lee had surrendered, he made his way to Gene- ral Joe Johnston's command and surrendered, and was paroled with the surviving veterans of that gallant army, at Greensboro. Captain Andrews returned home to find waste, dis- order, and dismay. His nature was hostile to such a state of affairs, and he at once became a leader in cheer- ing the survivors, and preaching the duty of labor and hope. Instinctively he turned to his former pursuits,, and observing the interrupted communication in the North and South line of railway, by reason of the destruction of the bridge at Gaston, he interested Presi- dent Lassiter, of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, and Col. Sanford, of the Petersburg road, in his enterprise,, and established and equipped a ferry at Gaston. It was a great convenience to the traveling public, and a profit- able venture. In July, 1867, Dr. W. J. Hawkins, then President of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, who had tested the capacity of his nephew, offered him the Superintendency 16 242 SKETCHES OF of the road. The duties were comprehensive and embraced Dot only a supervision of the transportation; but also of construction. During his eight years of service the finances of the company, under Dr. Hawkins' wise man- agement, were placed upon a substantial basis, and by their joint labors many miles of the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad were built. In 1875, Captain Andrews became Superintendent of the North Carolina Railroad. The Richuiond & Dan- ville Railroad Company had leased this road, and had learned by experience in contests with the Raleigh & Gaston, the force and address of the young Superinten- dent. As the field broadened his capacity filled it. He strove to identify the interests of the railroad with the interest of the State and to aid in building up the coun- try and towns along the lines of the roads controlled by the system. To a large number of people the lease of the road was a rank offense and the cause of much irri- tation. It is not extravagance to say that no man could thave allayed this and made friendly feeling to take its place with more skill than Colonel Andrews displayed. His loyal love for his State he had proved with his blood. His antagonists never questioned it and the most hostile expressions against the dominance of a foreign corpora- tion in the transportation business of the State did not •confound the representative of it with the object of dis- like. , In 1876 Governor Vance appointed Captain Andrews a member of his staff with the rank of Colonel, and he continued t^ hold that position through Governor Jarvis' two administrations. In addition to his office of Superintendent of the North Carolina Railroad, Colonel Andrews was made assistant to the President of the Richmond & Danville system. The greater his authority grew the more he could do and did for his State. He had sat at the council board while the Richmond & Danville Road stretched itself out over the Virginia Midland, from Danville to Washington, PROMINENT LIVING NORTB CAROLINIANS. 243 from Richmond to West Point, from Charlotte to Atlanta, Augusta, Birmingham and became a great system. He knew its resources and he turned them to account in North Carolina. It is necessary here only to refer to the helpless condition of the Western North Carolina Rail- road, Its sale was a matter of course. The sagacity of Governor Jarvis and his council had convened the Legis- lature. It had concluded a contract with Mr. Best and his New York associates by which the State was secured against loss and providing for the completion of both branches of the road to Paint Rock and to Murphy. Under the contract work was to begin by May 29th, 1880, or the contract was to be forfeited. Mr. Best's associates forsook him and the middle of May came with- out a dollar in hand with which to begin work. Colonel Andrews associated with him Colonel Buford, General Logan and Mr. Clyde, of the Danville Directory, and advanced fifty thousand dollars and began the construc- tion of the road westward. Shortly afterwards he induced the Richmond & Danville syndicate to purchase the con- tract. This was done and the Western North Carolina Railroad was reorganized. Colonel Andrews became its President, and is at its head to-day. Over three millions in money have been expended in pushing the road through to Paint Rock and over the Balsam to Red Marble Gap on the edge of Cherokee, our extreme west- ern county. It realizes the dream of the great promoters of internal improvements, and accomplishes what taxa- tion could not have dared. Colonel Andrews was for a number of years Superintendent of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad and controlled a line the length of the State. He became third Vice-President of the Richmond ^^ u^earson, Richmond :;'.'.:'.--"--------- -,07 Pemberton, S. J.- --- ^^* Peschau, F. W. E. 187 Polk, L. L Price, J. C Price, Chas..--- • Pritchard, T. H... 187 210 140 201 5 216 Ransom, M.W. _.. Ransom, Robert _ «- l^-^Reade, E. G - -" ^' 64 32 Reid, D. S Robins, M. S--'"" "' IQ0 Robbins, W M 193 Robey,W.M. ■; 80 Roberts, W.P 6d Rose, G.M. --- — - - II Rowland, Alfred 194 Rumple, Jethro y_-/_ 1^^ Russell, D. L ^^^ sanderiin, G w :::::::::''--"--------'- tl Saunders, Wm. L -^ Scales. A.M..-- -//_ 100 Schenck. David 108 shipp, w. M :::::::::::: g Simmons, F. M -^J Skinner, T.G - 86 Smith, W.N.H.. 86 ^^^ INDEX. o •., ^ PAGE. Smith, J. H. . Steele, Walter L 199 Stedman, Chas. M. 296 -_-.* .,_.. 33 Tate, S. McD. . Tucker, R. S. 260 255 Vance, R. B. . Vance, Z. B. 225 7 Waddell, A. M. Warren, C. F.. 27 Warinff, R. p. 69 Webb, J. L. 73 Webster, J. R.. 66 Wiley, Samuel H 62 Wittkowskv, Samuel ^^2 WilKams, W. H. 235 Wilson, T. J.... - 272 Worthington, D. .""/"."."."l.""' ^^^ Yates, W, J. . 169 LBJa'26 K