Fact! Issued by the Chamber of Commerce Albany was organized as a city in 1686. | Albany was made capital of the State in 1 1797. ! Albany has assessed valuation, real estate j owned by thecity, $6,472,430.00 ■ Albany has assessed valuation, real estate 1 $64,814,205.00. j Albany has assessed valuation, corpora- 1 tions, $1,156,800.00. I Albany has assessed valuation, personal, | $4,822,550.00 j Albany has assessed valuation, franchises, | $3,258,35000- Albany has property exempt from taxa- tion, $44,254,235.00. ! Albany has a tax rate (1907) of $1.94. Albany has one of the largest filtration ■ plants in the country, furnish- 1 ing a supply of water that for ■ quality is unexcelled by any ■ city in the United States. i Albany has 98,374 inhabitants. i Albany has located within an area of 200 miles one third of the popula- { tion of the United States. 1 Albany is the natural trading centre of ; over 500,000 people. Albany has 87. 1 13 miles of paved streets. I Albany has six dififerent improved roads, j comprising over 50 miles in ,' length, leading into it, and | several other roads are being ' improved. ■ Albany has 99.344 miles of sewers. Albany has 17 parks. | Albany's parks comprise 306.6 acres. Albany's boulevards (under park care) comprise 95.4 acres. Albany's Bureau of Police has 1 Chief S Station houses 6 Captains 1 PoHce Stableman 21 Sergeants 2 Police Patrol Drivers 5 Detectives 126 Patrolmen 1 Surgeon 1 Matron Albany's Bureau of Fire is equipped with 11 Steam Fire Engines 9 Combination Chemical Engines and Hose Wagons 2 Aerial Fire Trucks 2 City Fire Trucks 163 Fire Alarm Stations and a Central Office System Albany's Bureau of Fire has 138 Permanent Firemen 47 Call Firemen Albany has 23 public schools. Albany has 26 colleges and private schools Albany has 335 principals and teachers in the public schools. Albany has 371 principals and teachers in the colleges and private schools. Albany has 13,161 pupils in the public schools. Albany has 5,955 students in the colleges and private schools. Albany has 12 libraries (including branches). Albany has 535, 263 books in the libraries. Albany has 483,681 pamphlets in the libraries. Albany has 265,011 manuscripts in the libraries. Albany has 73 churches. Albany has 42 clubs. Albany has 414 secret societies and other similar organizations. Albany has 6 Banks of discount. Albany has 2 Trust companies. The banks and trust companies of Albany have Capital, $3,250,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $4,649,858.95 Individual Deposits, $49,225,000.56 Loans and Discounts, $33,069,404.30 Albany has 7 Savings Banks. The Savings Banks of Albany have Number of open accounts, 95,967 Amount of deposits, $67,100,418.78 Surplus, market value, $3,574,805.10 Albany has 5 hospitals. Albany has 6 railroads entering the city. Albany is the third largest mail transfer station in the United States, being exceeded only by St Louis and Chicago. Albany is the terminus of the Erie Canal. Albany is the terminus of the Champlain Canal. Albany has 33 passenger steamers daily. The largest and finest steamers (on inland waters) in the world run between Albany and New York. Albany has 159 passenger trains daily. Albany has over 250 freight trains daily. Albany has 34.5 miles of street railways. Albany is the center of a most convenient trolley system, extending South— 37 miles to Hudson. North— 72 miles to Warrensburgh. West— 50 miles to Gloversville. Albany has three fire insurance companies, one of them established in i8ii is the oldest surviving insurance company in continuous business in the State. Albany has the oldest agricultural journal in the world. Albany has the oldest and largest baling press factory in the world, its product being shipped to every civilized country. Albany has the largest factory in the world devoted exclusively to the man- ufacturing of car heating appa- ratus — electric, steam and hot water. Albany has the largest factory in the world for the manufacture of embossed dominoes, checkers and alphabet blocks. Albany has the largest factory in the world for the manufacture of composition billiard balls. This was the first factory of its kind in the country. Albany has the only factory in the United States for the manufacture of patent stove specialties. Albany has the largest factory in the world for the manufacture of adhesive pastes. Albany has the largest, best equipped and and most modern ribbed imder- wear plant in the United States. Albany has the largest axle grease manu- factory in the world. Albany was the first city in the world to produce a return steam trap. Albany has the largest manufactory of college caps and gowns in the world. Albany has the original as well as the largest perforated wrapping and toilet paper manufactory in the world. Albany has the largest factory in the country for the manufacture of paper makers felts. Albany has the largest court plaster manufactory in the United States. Albany has the largest manufactory of weather strips in the United States. Albany has shops for the repairing of locomotives and cars equal to any railroad repair shops in the country. Albany has one of the largest factories in the world for the manufacture of gas ranges and appliances. Albany has the oldest American manu- factory of coal and wood stoves and heaters and one of the largest factories in the world for the manufacture of stoves and ranges — the product being shipped all over the world. Albany has the largest factory in the State and one of the largest in the country for the manufacture of Spring Beds. Albany has one of the largest factories for the manufacture of Aniline dyes in the United States. Albany has the only rosin oil distillery in the North, with the exception of New York and Philadelphia. Albany has the oldest plant in the country for the manufacture of chilled car wheels, and one of the largest in the State. Albany has one of the largest factories in the country for the packing of lye. The product going all over the world. The factory also packs caustic soda, potash, caustic potash, and chloride of lime. Albany has one of the largest and best known factories in the United States for the manufacture of medicinal, photographic and technical chemicals. Albany has one of the best equipped fac- tories in the country for the manufacture of tin boxes. Albany has one of the largest and the best known factories in the United States for the manufacture of Gas Meters. Albany ranks third in the State as a wholesale lumber market. Albany is not surpassed by any city of its size in the country in the man- ufacture of packing cases. Albany has one of the largest and best equipped factories for the man- ufacture of fire brick in the country. Albany's manufacturers of architectural iron produce work which in quality is second to none in the world. Albany manufactures one of the best med- ium grade lines of Women's, Misses' and Children's shoes in this country. Albany has as large and finely equipped printing plants as any city of its size in the United States. Albany has the best equipped breweries in the State, brewing a very high grade of beer, Albany's factories turn out an exceedingly large and fine line of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Albany has a large factory for the manu- facture of glazed paper and cardboard — one of the oldest in the United States. Albany has one of the largest factories in the United States for the manu- facture of Photographic mounts. Albany's factories turn out a superior line of Brushes, Candy, Carriages, Caps, Cigars, Corks, Files, Fil- ters, Lasts, Pianos, Potato Chips, Saws, Stained Glass, Steam Traps, Tile, Tobacco, etc. Conservation Res Lig-Free® Typ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 794 9