i^x^L^. f iD^lWreSW/^-. 'MIAisla^ k<^-^ , QajLwlvr-^cv- vAWk^ /UD^^iic. 6(^.17^112^^ ■\^' \) C) — — — _ CHICAGO EXHIBITION OF THE FINE ARTS. CATALOGUE n / -OF PAINTIN6S, STATUARY, ETC, EXHIBITED FOR THE BENEFIT OF LiPiis' iiiri^wiirEii ri|i. In Aid of the Cliicago Branch of theJJ. S. Sanitary Commission, For the Relief of Soldiers. OFENEI3 OCT. 27tli, 1863, In McVicker's Theatre Buildingr, Madison St. HOURS OF EXHIBITIONS" FROTVI 9 .A..M:. TO 5 I».M:. ; E^^ENSriNG-, r TO lO. Single Admission, 25 cts.; for the Season, $1.00. SECOND EDITION. PRICE OF CATALOGUE, 10 CTS. CHICAGO EXHIBITION OF THE FINE ARTS^ CATALOGUE OF IMIVIOO FAINTIN6S, STATUASY, ETC, EXHIBITED FOR THE JteiNKFlT Ul' LiPiii' iiifihVisriii nil, In Aid of ike Ohicago Jlrancli (if tb U. S. Sanitary Coiiiniissiou, For the Relief of Soldiers. OI^EJN'ED OCT. 27tli, 1863, ! In McVicker's Theatre Building, Madison St. J * * HOIJRr^ OJP EXHIBITION H'ROM! O A..M. TO 5 F.ISI.; i EVEISTITSTG-, 7 TO lO. : Single Admission, 25 cts. ; for the Season, $1.00. SECOND EDITION. \ PRICE OF CATALOGUE, 10 CTS. E632 COMMITTEE ON FINE ARTS. IVtRS, .1. S. COI^X, -jviil^v^xjkile;, ^''IS. X). p. LIVKRINIORE, CKICAG-O, ILi:^ I>R. C^RR, IMAJJJISON, ^Wts. MISS VA1L,E]R,IA. CA!5vtP33EIL.L, DETROIT, IVTECH- XuB:o:isrj^R.r> w. volk, jvrA.isrA.G-iGii. RULES OF THE EXHIBITION, Canes, Umbrellas and Parasols are not allowed lo ho taken into the Rooms, buti will be rjceived by nn attendant at the door. Visitors are particularly cautioned not to touch the Pictures, Frames or i Statuary. The prices of Works marked "for Sale," wiU be given on apphcation to tho i ladies in attendance. > \ CATALOGUE -«aV of £>. lalMPfj :t NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TITLE. "Going to the Fair" South American Scene Thos. Hoppin the Artist of E. L Maj.-Gen. Rosecranz The Sisters Orestes Brownson Stoke Pogis Church Yard, scene of Gray's Elegy The Lost Lenore Reading Magdalen Sybil Madonna The Double Treat Returned from the Fair School Examination Fisherman Knitting The Fly Catcher Farm Yard Spring The late Abp.of Baltimoi Gov. Yates' of Illinoiis The Prodigal Son French Flower Garden Decline of Roman Empii ARTIST. OWiXER. J. F. Herring E. B. McCagg F. E. Church do G. P. A. Healy Artist do iVssoc. of Citizens do Artist do do G. A. Williams A. Cowles Weinherdt do after Murillo W. L. NewberrT after Raphael do after Perugino do Prof. Kretzscber • V. H. Crosby do 'r'^'" do Hideman do Jourdan do Guther do Henry do Healy Assoc, of Citizens •e do Artist do do Couture Assoc, of Citizens Monginot do ■e from Couture by h^m do -PH'fB ARTI8T. ©WNBR, 24 Garden of the ('apicliiiis, Rome. Geo.L.BiwnHeah^ 05 La Graiicla Marina do f 1 .>clo oA The Two Pliilosopher^ from Couture k Healy Assoc. 01. Citizen. ^ D E C. Ko.ers G. P. A. Healy Dr. Eogers ;; America , ^ossiter Dr- D. Bramard aO S£cca Untown M. D O^den 31 Morning on Mt,W'sHno;t'nCropseY ^^o 89, Lake Winmpisseo,o:ee do <^C) 38 Cattle Melclioir 84 Lake George ^'raneli do 85 Market Scene in Holland Culverkonse W. B. Ogden 86 Madonna and Child, an ,. . -d i original (ic>r sale) by Remhrandt M. A. Roike This palntins has been for ^ereni' sene- wtiona in the possession nfthe fft!nil> of the present owner. :V7 The JungtVau, H. C. Fovd Arti.t Vrom the Valley of luterlnken, S^^T- zerland. (Fpr sale.) ;■■/,• 38 The Murder of Marat hy , ^ „ n Charlotte Corday AVilsov, J. L. Reynolds From the original in the Tuilleries, Pari? . 89 Belieadint; of Cyrns. C