LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^V TS itcio PRESENTED BY .^/.^' UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. CATALOGUE OF Wool Manufactures, EXHIBITED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE Hatmital 3.ss0cmti0tt of Wiool Htititufiicfurtrs, THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP THE CITY OP NEW-YORK. O'V^^ 1869. 39 y^/ / New-York : S. W. GREEN, PRINTER, 18 JACOB STREET. 1869. < ^l -A ■^ o ^ \V? \^ ^^ (^ % CjO^^ IsTOTIOJE. The National Association of Wool Manufacturers Laving decided to make an Exposition of the products of their special industry, were generously in- vited by the American Institute to exhibit under their auspices, at the Thirty- eighth Annual Fair of the Institute, to be held in the city of New- York in the fall of 1869. The object of the Exposition was to make known the extent, variety, and actual condition of the wool industry of the United States, rather than to adjudge the comparative merits of competing manufacturers; exhibitors, therefore, were requested to exhibit mainly such articles as they are accus- tomed to make for the general market. Exhibitors were informed that an official catalogue would be published, in which the name or business card of every exhibitor and a designation of his contributions would appear. The present catalogue is made in conformity with this promise. The Executive Committee of the National Association of Wool Manufac- turers have the satisfaction to believe that the display of the goods herein designated is such as will serve to make known to the American people their dependence upon their own productions, and will tend to create tlxat public sentiment in favor of the products of our own soil and labor which is indis- pensable to the proper success of our manufactures, and at the same time will, by emulation and example, elevate the standard of the American wool industry and its dependencies. ERASTUS B. BIGELOW, President. J. WILEY EDMANDS, THEODORE POMEROY N. KINGSBURY, GEORGE ROBERTS, E. R. MUDGE, J. W. STITT, R. C. TAFT, J. H. BURLEIGH, GEORGE S. BOWEN, GEORGE BULLOCK, JOHN L. HAYES, Secretary. N. KINGSBURY, Superintendent of the Exposition. Executive Committee of the I^ational Associa- tion of Wool Manu- facturers. CATALOGUE. No. 1. PACIFIC MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS. Ti'easurer, J. Wiley Edmands, No. 31 Kilby street, Boston, Mass. Selling Agents, James L. Little & Co., Nos. 59 Leonard street, New-York, and 22 Franklin street, Boston. 45 pieces Printed Delaines. 24 (( (( Armures. 9 (C (C Serge. 12 u (( Alpacas. 17 (( C( Imperial Reps. 11 (( f Assorted colors Armures. 6 C( f Glace (( (C 10 (( f " (( Serges. 4 (( f Assoi •ted « <( 12 C( 3 C< 4 C( Alpacas. 5 u 8 (C 4 (( Heps. 23 (( f " (( Merinos. 10 cc 6 <« 4 C( Poplin Alpacas. 5 C( 6 <4 4 (C Iloubaix Cloth. 20 a f all Worsted Elastic Serge. No. 2. GOLD MEDAL BRAID COMPANY, ATTLEBORO, MASS. Treasurer, H. N. Daggett, Attleboro. Selling Agents, George S. Moulton & Co., 101 Chambers street, New-York. 150 pieces Worsted Braids, in all varieties of colors. No. 3. LIPPIT WOOLEN COMPANY, WOONSOCKET, R. I. Treasurer, Charles II. Merriinan, Providence, R. I. Celling Agents, Denny, Poor & Co., Nos. 21 and 23 "White street, New- York. 40 pieces | Fancy Cassimeres, Shepherds and Scotch Plaids. 46 " I " " Diagonals, Stripes, and Checks. 12 " f " " Ribs. 10 " I " " Hair Lines. 15 " I Silk Mixed Cassimeres, 20 " f Black, Blue, Olive, and Brown Coatings. 3 " I Black Beavers. Nos. 4 and 5. WASHINGTON MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS. Treasurer, Henry F. Coe, No. 15 Chauncey street, Boston, Mass. Selling Agents, E. R, Mudge, Sawyer & Co., Nos. 43 and 45 White street, New-York, and 15 Chauncey street, Boston. 12 " f Nevada Plaid. 19 " f Paris Exposition Opera Flannels. 1 piece 50-inch Blue Carriage Cloth. 1 " f Black Castor. 1 " I Mixed Cassimere. 1 " I Blue Moscow Beaver. 1 " f Mixed " " 1 " f Black " " 1 " f Blue " " Wool Dyed. 1 " f Olive Mixed Moscow Beaver, Wool Dyed. 1 " f Brown A. W. Tricot. 1 " I Blue " " 1 " f Olive " " Broadcloth. 2 pieces | Blue " " " 1 piece f Dahlia " " " 1 " f Black « " 1 "I Black Double Milled Doeskin. 1 price f Dahlia Double Milled Doesldn. 2 pieces | Blue " " " 7 ^2 X ^2 Super Shawls. 18 12 X V2 Lady Washington Shawls. 5 72 X 144 Lady Washington Shawls. 13 12 X 144 " " " Stripes. 25 72 X 72 " " " " 18 pieces f Waverley Cloakings. 3 " f Fall Scotch Cassimeres. 23 " f Scotch Cassimeres. 5 " I Diagonal Cloakings. 1 50-inch Coupe Cloth (Wool Dyed.) 4 pieces f Super Opera Flannels. 2 " f Italian Cloths, Cotton Warp and Worsted Filling. 38 " 28-inch American Worsted Plaid Poplins. 9 ^^ ^ Sackings. 2 " 27-inch Martelle Cloth. 4 52 X 52 Felt Covers. 8 56 X 56 " " 2 66 X 66 " " 4 56 X 108 " " 1 jsiece | Blue Bengal Coating. 1 " I Blue Extra Washington Coating. 1 " 52-inch Pelisse Cloth. 6 pieces f Caledonian Cloakings. 2 " Empress Cloths, Worsted. 2 Gold Medal Striped Shawls, Worsted. 1 Lady Washington Striped Shawl. No. 6.. HAMILTON WOOLEN COMPANY, SOUTHBRIBGE, MASS. Treasurer^ J. Ballard, Jr., No. 31 State street, Boston, Mass. Selling Agents, Gardner Brewer & Co., Nos. 62 Leonard street, New-York, 57 Federal street, Boston, and 246 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 19 pieces Tycoon Reps. 62 " Fancy Delaines. No. 7. SALISBURY, MILLS, AMESBURY, MASS. Treasurer, John Gardner, IsTo. 31 State street, Boston, Mass. Selling Agents, Gardner, Brewer & Co., Nos. 62 Leonard street. New- York, 57 Federal street, Boston, and 246 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 2 pieces | Repellants. 3 " f Plaid Opera Cloths. 2 " f Ladies' Cloths. 2 " f Plaid Cloakings. 4 " f Fur Beavers. V " I Chinchilla Beavers. 5 Fancy Maud Shawls. 1 piece Coating. No. 8. ESSEX WORKS, FRANKLIN, N. J. Proprietors, William Duncan & Sons, Franklin. Selling Agents^ L. W. & H. B. Duncan, Franklin. 10 pieces Duncan's A Printed Operas. 5 " Printed Cashmeres. 4 " " Robe Flannels. 4 Sample Cards Printed Flannels. 5 f Fancy Printed Covers. 3 f Printed Covers. 5 I Embossed Operas. 2 6X11 Embossed Operas. 3 I Fancy Printed Covers. 3 8X12 Fancy Printed Covers. 3 f Embossed Covers. 6 8 X 12 Embroidered Covers, (in cases.) 1 V P-^ii' Whitney Blankets. 4 y Embroidered Blankets. 4 Embroidered Crib Blankets. 3 Sample Cards Duncan's Embroideries. 3 pieces Duncan's Furniture Cloths. 2 " Baizes. 3 Sample Cards Furniture Cloths. Thirty years ago, when the senior member of this firm com-, menced business, none of the goods mentioned above were manu- fiictured in this country. Twenty-seven years ago, they pLaced on exhibition at the Fair of the American Institute the first table- cloth ever printed in this country, receiving a diploma therefor. No. 9. EIVERSIDE 3IILLS, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Proprietors, Chapin & Downes, Providence. Selling Agents, Hoyt, Spragues & Co., Nos. 107, 109, 111, and 113 Franklin street, New-York. 3 pieces Black Astrachan. 4 " Purple " 1 piece Blue " 1 " Orange " 16 pieces Chinchillas, in red, white, blue, mixed, and various shades of drabs. 10 Carriage Robes, in plain and fancy plaid colors. No. 10. BTRIM RIVER MILLS, PORT CHESTER, N. T. Agent, S. H. Le Fevre, Port Chester. Selling Agents, Hoyt, Spragues & Co., Nos. 107, 109, 111 and 113 Franklin street, New-York. 13 pieces C. W. Chinchillas, in different shades of browns and drabs. No. 11. NONIPSIC MILLS, WAREHOUSE POOT, CT. Selling Agents, Sprague, Colburn & Co., Nos. 55 and 57 White street, New-York. 3 pieces f Fancy Doeskins. 10 ]sro. 12. AMERICAN MILLS, ROCKYILLE, CT. Agent, J. J. Robinson, Rockville. Selling Agents, Sprague, Colbuni & Co., Nos. 55 and 57 White street, New-York. 5 pieces | Meltons. ^ '-'■ ^ Plaid Cassiraeres. 4 " f Fancy " ISTo. 13. ELLIOTT FELTING MILLS, FRANKLIN CITY, MASS. Selling Agents, Sprague, Colburn & Co., Nos. 65 and 57 White street, New-York. 18 Embossed Table and Stand Covers, of different styles. No. 14. ATLANTIC DELAEfE COMPANY, PROYIDENCE, R. I. Treasure?', George W. Chapin, Providence. Selling Agents, Hoyt, Spragues & Co., Nos. 107, 109, 111, and 113 Franklin street. New- York, f Figured Orientals. f Corded Reps. f Mohair Lustres. f " « Changeable. f Alpaca " 32-incli Fine Coburgs. 36 " Merino " f Colored Mohair Plaids. f Black and White " 32-inch Black Italians. nh ii U a 32 " " Imitation Italians. oiy 4« " « '< 32 " Colored Italians. 2^^ <« " " 27 " " Imitation Italians. 11 No. 15. KEYSTONE MILLS, NEW-BRIGHTON, PA. Proprietors, Wilde, Slieild & Co., New-Brigliton, SelUng Agents, Hoyt, Sj)ragnes & Co., Nos. 107, 109, 111, and 113 Franklin street, New-York. 4 W 72 X 144 High Colored Fine Long Shawls. 3 A A 72 X 144 " " and Gray Mixed Superior Shawls. 3 A 72 X 144 " " Long Shawls. 3 B 72 X 144 " " and Gray Mixed Plaid Shawls. Ko. 16. JESSE EDDY & SON, FALL RIVER, MASS. SelUng Agents, Spaulding, Hunt & Co., N"os. 40 and 42 Leonard street, New- York. 13 pieces | Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes. 9 " I " " riaids. 1 piece f " " Blue Diagonal. 1 " I " " Black and White Check. No. 17. STAR MILLS, MIDDLEBORO, MASS. Treasurer, George Brayton, Middleboro. Selling Agents, Thomas &> Co., Nos. 9 and 11 Whits street, New- York. 1 piece I Brown Mixed Fancy Plaid. 1 " f Drab " " « 1 " I Brown Fancy Stripes. 1 " I Mixed " " 1 " fDrab " « No. 18. ROCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ROCKVILLE, CT. Treasurer, S. D. W. Harris, Rockville. Selling Agents, Thomas & Co., Nos. 9 and 11 AVhiie street, New-York. 12 piece f Drab Plaid Fancy, side stripes. " f Cadet Mixed « " " " f Light Brown " " " " I Dark " " " " " f Cadet Ribbed " " " " f Light Brown Ribbed Fancy, side stripes. 2 pieces | Dark " " " « « No. 19. NEW-ENGLAND COMPANY, ROCKYILLE, CT. Agent^ A. Park Hammond, Rockville. Selling Agents^ Thomas & Co., Nos. 9 and 11 White street, New-York. 1 piece I Blue and Purj^le Fancy Plaid. 1 " I Blue and Drab " " 1 " f Black and White " " 1 " f Green and " " " 1 " f Brown and " " " 1 " f Black and White Mixed Fancy Plaid. 1 " I Brown Mixed Fancy Plaid. 1 " f Green " " " side stripes. 2 piecesf Ribbed Drab Fancies, side stripes. No. 20. ROCK MANTFACTURING C03IPANT, ROCKYILLE, CT. Treasurer, S. D. W. Harris, Rockville. Selling Agents, Pomeroy, Adams & Co., Nos. 70 and 72 Leo- nard street, New-York. 11 pieces f Mixed Fancies, ribbed, side stripes. 6 ' 4 ' ' f Drab Mixed Fancies, " " ' 1 Broken Plaid " " " 2 ' 4 ' 4 ' 2 ' ' 1 Diagonal " " " ' f Light Cadet Fancy Plaids, side stripes ' fDark " " " " " ' f " Brown " " " " 2 ' ' f Scotch Plaids. 3 ' ' f Fancy " 13 No. 21. H0CKANU3I COMPANY, ROCKVILLE, CT. Agent, George Maxwell, Rockville. Selling Agents, Poraeroy, Adams & Co., Nos. 70 and 72 Leo- nard street, New- York. 12 pieces f Spring Style Mixed Fancies, side stripes. 2 " I Olive Mixed Fancies, " " 1 piece f Brown " " " " 1 " I " " " brown and white, side stripes. 1 " I Cadet " " black " " " " 3 pieces f Kibbed Fancies, " " 3 " I Mixed Light Cadet Fancy Plaids, " " 24 " f Fancy Plaids in all varieties of colors, with side stripes. No. 22. NOETH-ADAMS WOOLEN COMPANY, NORTH-ADAMS, MASS. Selling Agents, Poraeroy, Adams & Co., Nos. 70 and 72 Leo- nard street. New- York. 1 piece f Mixed Fancy Cassiraeres, side stripes. No. 23. UTICA STEAM WOOLEN MILLS, UTICA, N. Y. Proprietors and Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart & Co., Broad- way, Reade, and Chambers streets, New- York. 10 pieces | Fancy Cassimeres. 4 " I Coatinirs. No. 24. KERNON & HELM, UTICA, N. Y. Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart tfc Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets. New- York. 12 pieces ^ Fancy Cassimeres. 2 " I Beavers. 14 No. 25. MAGARl WOOLEN COMPANY, LOCKWOOD, N. T. Ar/ent, John L. Davison, Lockport. Selling Agents^ A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New-York. 10 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres. No. 26. PONTOOSUC WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO., PITTSFIELD, MASS. Agent, T. Clapp, Pittsfield. Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart & Co., Bi-oadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New-York. 4 pieces | Pontoosuc Repellants. No. 27. WASHINEE MANUFACTURING CO., SALISBURY, CT. President, George Coffin, Salisbury. Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New-York. 1 piece f Repellants. No. 28. LAWRENCEBURG WOOLEN MILLS, LAWRENCEBURG, IND. Treasurer, E. D. Moore, Lawrenceburg. Selling Agents, A. T, Stewart & Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New-York. 10 i^ieces | Fancy Cassimeres. 12 " I " " 4 " f Meltons. No. 29. HAWKINS, TVTST & CO., DALTON, MASS. Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New-York. 2 pieces f Windsor Falls Repellants. 15 No. 30. ARLINGTON MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS. Treasurer^ Wm. Whitman, No. 184 Devonshire street, Boston, Mass. Selling Agents^ R. M. Bailey & Co., No. 184 Devonshire street, Boston. 12 pieces Roubaix Poplins. 11 " Dublin Twills. 9 " Arcadian Plaids. In different styles and colors. N"o. 31. PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND WORSTED MILLS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Proprietors^ Scheppers Brothers, Philadelphia. Selling Agents, Oscar Delisle & Co., No. 52 Walker street. New- York. 6 different qualities | Black Mohair Lustres. 5 " "I Colored " " 12 pieces f French Mohair Poplins, all in different shades. e (C 6. U (( (< U (( 1 piece I " " Black. No. 32. HARRIS WOOLEN MILLS, WOONSOCKET, R. I. Proprietors^ Taft, Weeden & Co., Providence, R. I. Selling Agents, J. C. Howe & Co., Nos, 67 and 69 Worth street, New-York. 33 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres, in different styles of plaids, checks, stripes, and mixtures. No. 33. WETBOSSET MILLS, PROYIDENCE, R. I. Proprietors, Taft, Weeden & Co., Providence. Selling Agents, J. C. Howe & Co., Nos. 67 and 69 Worth street, New- York. 16 29 iDieces J Fancy Cassinieres, in different styles of plaids, checks, stripes, and mixtures. No. 34. PEKIN MILLS, MANAYUNK, PA. Proprietor^ S. J. Solms, Philadelphia, Pa. 6 pieces f Hair Line Tweeds, in mixed shades of brown and olives. 3 " f Brown and olive-colored mixed Jeans. No. 35. WOODYALE WOOLEN MILLS, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 4 pieces \ Twilled Fancy Cassimeres. 9 " f Plaid Linseys. No. 36. FITCHBURU WOOLEN MILLS, FITCHBURG, MASS. Proprietors and Selling Agents, Riifiis S. Frost & Co,, 32 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. 1 i^iece f Brown Carriage Cloth. No. 37. LOUNSBURY, BISSELL & CO., WINNIPAUK, CT. Selling Agents, Jenkins, Yail & Peabody, 46 Leonard street, New- York. 4 pieces f Brown and Drab Petersham Felts. 1 piece I " Tricot Felt. 1 " I Drab " " 17 No. 38. WANSKUCK COMPANY, PROYIDENCE, R. I. Treasurer^ H. J. Steere, Providence. Selling Age7its, Bauendahl & Co., Nos. 3, 5, and 7 "White street, and 109 and 111 West-Broadway, New- York. 1 piece Blue and Silver Tinsel Ladies' Fancy Cloakings. 1 " Brown " " " " " " 1 " Black " White Mixed " " " 1 " Brown " " " " " " 1 " Purple" " " " " " 6 pieces | Diagonal Coatings, different shades. 4 " f Meltons, " " 4 " I Argyle Coatings, " " 4 " I Edredons, " « 1 piece f Black Fur Beaver. 1 " f Blue Eskimo 1 " f Black " 3 pieces | Chinchillas, different shades. 3 " I Moutone, " " 3 " I Elysian, " « No. 39. »IEREIMACK MILLS, LOWELL, MASS. Treasurer, Walter Hastings, No. 82 Milk street, Boston. Selling Agents, Bauendahl & Co., Nos. 3, 5, and 7 White- street, and 109 and 111 West-Broadway, New- York. 8 pieces | Fancy Cassimeres, Plaids. 3 " f « " Stripes. - 2 " I « « Checks. 2 " I " « Mixtures. 1 piece f " " Diagonal. No. 40. PITTSFIELD WOOLEN COMPANY, PITTSFIELD, MASS. Treasurer, William F. Bacon, Pittsfield. Selling Agents, Bauendahl & Co., Nos. 3, 5, and 7 White street, and 109 and 111 West-Broadway, New- York. 2 18 6 pieces | Edredons, different shades. 2 " I Piques, " " 6 " I Elastiques, " " • f Tricots, " " • I Castor Beavers, different shades. I Meltons, " " I Tricot Long, " " 1 piece I Bhie Moscow Beaver. 1 " I " Doeskin. 1 " ^ Black " No. 41. BAREOWS WOOLEN COMPANY, DEDHAM, MASS. Proprietor^ Thomas Barrows, Dedham. Selling Agents, Bauendahl & Co., Nos. 3, 5, and 7 "White street, and 109 and 111 West-Broadway, New- York. 8 pieces J Scotch Mixed Cassimeres. No. 42. L. POMEROT'S SONS, PITTSFIELD, MASS. Selling Agents, Sullivan, Budd & Co., Nos. 80 and 82 White street, New-York. 1 piece I Gold Mixed Coating. ' 1 Purple Coating. ' f West-Point Cadet Cloth. ' 1 Sky-Blue Kersey. ' £ Olive Castor. ' 1 Blue and Gold Mixed Castor. ' 60-inch Blue Melton. ' f Blue and Gold Mixed Melton. ' 60-inch Olive Melton. ' 54-inch " " ' f Alaska Union Coating. 19 No. 43. NORWALK MILLS, WINNIPAUK, CT. Agent, Charles C. Betts, Winnipauk. Selling Agents, Jenkius, Vail & Peabody, 46 Leonard street, New- York. 15 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres. No. 44. WARSAW WOOLEN MILLS, WARSAW, ILL. 5 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres. -No. 45. CONSHOHOCKEN WOOLEX MILLS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Proprietors and Selling Agents, Benjamin Bullock's Sons, ISTos. 37 Letitia street, Philadelphia, and 40 Walker street, New- York. 3 pieces f Black Doeskin Beaver. 1 piece I " " Satin. 2 pieces | " Doe Satin Extra, piece I Brown Doeskin Double. " f Blue " " I " Coating Elastique. " I Olive " " ** I Black Fine Coating. " I " Twilled " " fBlue " " 2 pieces | Coating Elastique. 2 « f Black Satin, (fine.) 1 piece f Dahlia Draps. No. 46. ELB(EUF MILLS, LITTLE FALLS, N. T. Proprietors, Stitt & Underhill, 152 Chambers street, NeW' York. Setting Agents, Kendall, Opdyke & Co., Nos. 50 and 52 Frank- lin street, New-York. 20 piece f Blue and Gold Silk Mixed Cassimeres. " f Dahlia and " " " « " I Black " " " " « " f Brown " " " " " " f Blue " White Silk Mixed " No. 47. YANTICO MILLS, FRANKLIN, N. J. Proprietors, Slitt & Underhill, 152 Chambers street, IsTew-York. Selling Agents, Kendall, Opdyke & Co., Nos. 50 and 52 Frank- lim street, New- York. 1 piece I Brown and Gold Silk Mixed Cassimeres. 1 " I Dahlia " " " " ' " 1 " f Black " White" « " No. 48. HARRISON MILLS, FRANKLDf, N. J. Proprietors, B. Underhill & Co., 152 Chambers street, New- York. Selling Agents, Kendall, Opdyke & Co., Nos. 50 and 52 Frank- lin street. New- York. 1 piece f Black and White Silk Mixed Cassimere. No. 49. MOHA^Tl mills, LITTLE FALLS, N. T. Proprietors, Stitt & Underhill, 152 Chambers street. New- York. Selling Agents, Kendall, Opdyke & Co., Nos. 50 and 52 Frank- lin street, New-York. 1 piece f Brown and Gold Silk Mixed Cassimere. 1 " I Dahlia " 1 " f Black " White Silk Mixed " 21 No. 50, WORUMBO MANUFACTURING CO., LISBON FALLS, ME. Treasurer, Galen C. Moses, Batb, Me. Selling Agents^ Almy & Co., ISTos. 65 Leonard street, N^w- York, and 38 Franklin street, Boston. 1 piece Alaska Brown Beaver. 1 " " Dahlia " 1 " " Black 1 " " J. Blue " 1 " Worumbo Dahlia " 1 " " Blue " 1 « " Black " 1 " " Brown" ISTo. 51. CENTRAL mLLS, UXBRIDGE, MASS. Proprietors^ Day & Chapin, Providence, R. I. Selling Agejits, J. C. Howe & Co., Nos. 67 and 69 WoEth street, New-York. 9 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres, Plaids. ]Sro.52. ELBA WOOLEN mLLS, PROYIDENCE, R. I. Proprietors, Day & Chapin, Providence. Selling Agents, J. C. Howe & Co., Nos. 67 and 69 Worth street, New-York, 10 pieces f Fancy Cassimeres, in mixed stripes and plaids. No. 53. PLYMOUTH WOOLEN COMPANY, THOMASTON, CT. Treasurer, John M. Ward well, Thomaston. Selling Agent, Josiah Colby. 5 pieces f Black Doeskins. 22 No. 54. DAMONDALE MILLS, CONCORD, MASS. Proprietors^ Damon, Smith & Co., Concord. Selling Agents, Dale, Brothers & Co. 1 piece f Concord Shaker White Flannel. 1 " f Fine " 1 " f Damon's Original Domett White Flannel. 1 " f Fine White Flannel. 2 pieces f " Domett White Flannels. 1 piece f " Shaker White Flannel. 2 pieces f " White Flannel. No. 55, ALMON HARRIS & SONS, FISHERTILLE, N. H. Selling Agents, Faulkner, Kimball & Co., Nos. 53 and 55 Worth street, New-York, and Franklin street, Boston. 2 pieces 2Y-inchILA.F. Plain Orange Flannels. 2 (( 27 (( (( (( Scarlet (( 2 (( 27 u a A.A. « (( (C 2 u 27 C( a a u Orange (C 2 u 27 (( (( " Twilled Scarlet ii No. 56. B. F. & D. HOLDEN, WEST-CONCORD, N. H. Selling Agents, Parker Wilder & Co., Nos. 62 Leonard street, New- York, and 4 Winthrop Square, Boston. 2 pieces Concord C XX Royal Blue Twilled Flannels. Plain 4 " « Scarlet 6 " (E) " 6 " (F) 2 D. W. Royal Blue Twilled 2 " Gentinelle 2 " Scarlet 23 No. 57. CHAELES A. STEVENS, WARE, MASS. Selling Agents^ Dale, Brotliers & Co., Nos. New- York, and Franklin street, Boston. 6 pieces f "Ware Best White Flannels. 2 " I Superior Silk Warp White Flannels. 2 " f Blue Opera Flannels. 1 piece f Red " " 1 " f Purple " " 1 " f White " " No. 58. ASSABET MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ASSABET, MASS. Treasurer^ T. Quincy Browne, 37 Lewis Wharf, Boston. Sales- room, No. 90 Franklin street, New- York. 16 pieces f Rob Roys. 3 " f French Flannels, 12 " f " *' 2 " f Striped French Flannels. 1 piece f " " " 1 " J White " " 1 pair SO X 90 French Blankets. 1 single Fancy Horse " 2 pairs 48 X 58 Crib " No. 59. KAIMIA MILLS SEYMOUR, CT. Agent, Julius Gerson, No. 361 Broadway, New- York. 12 boxes different styles Embroidered Lily Skirts. No. 60. TROY BIANUFACTURINCt COMPANY, COHOES, N. Y. Selling Agents, Kutter, Luckenieyer & Co., Nos. 61 and 63 Worth street, New- York. 24 J dozen Standard "White Ribbed Shirts. i (( (C " " Drawers. i (( Plain " Wool Sliirts. I (( « " " Drawers. 4 (( Ribbed " Shirts. i (( C( " " Drawers. i (( Plain 2-thread heavy White Wool Shirts. i (( (C (( " Drawers i (C " Scarlet all Wool Shirts. * (( (( (C " " Drawers. No. 61. RITEESIDE MILLS, COHOES, N. T. Proprietors^ Bogue & Wager, Cohoes. Selling Agents, Farnham, Gilbert & Co., Nos. 59 Leonard street, New- York, 149 Devonshire street, Boston, and 232 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. dozen Gents' Violet Clouded Shirts, fine finish. " " " " Drawers, " " " " " " Ribbed Shirts, " " " " " " " Drawers, " " " " Heavy Ribbed Orange Shirts, OjDera " " " " " " Drawers, " " Shetland Shirts, " " " " " " " Drawers, " " " " Blue Mixed Shirts, Extra Stout. " " " Drawers, " " " Oriental Shirts, assorted sizes. " " " Drawers, " " No. 62. ONTAEIO MILLS, COHOES, N. Y. Proprietors, Chad wick & Co., Cohoes. Selling Agents, Faulkner, Kimball & Co., Nos. 59 Leonard street, New- York, 149 Devonshire street, Boston, and 232 Chest- nut street, Philadelphia. 25 1 dozen Gents' Plain Orange Mixed Shirts. 1 " " " " " Drawers. rV " " all Wool Cochineal Scarlet Shirts. No. 63. MOHAWK MILLS, COHOES, N. T. Proprietor^ S. Billrough, Cohoes. Selling Agents^ Farnhara, Gilbert & Co., N'os. 59 Leonard street, New- York, 149 Devonshire street, Boston, and 232 Chest- nut street, Philadelphia. 1 dozen Gents' Super Heavy Plain Merino Shirts. a « « a u Drawers. " Fine " " Shirts. " Superfine " " Drawers. Ladies' Fine Silk Finish Vests. " " " " Drawers. No. 64. TIVOLI HOSIERY MILLS, COHOES, N. T. Proprietors, J. Root's Sons, Cohoes. Selling Agents, Farnham, Gilbert & Co., Nos. 59 Leonard street, Xew-York, 149 Devonshire street, Boston, and 232 Chest- nut street, Philadelphia. 1 dozen Gents' Heavy Ribbed Shetland Mixed Merino Shirts. 1 a (( (( (( (( (c 1 " " McClellan Shirts, Indigo Cloud, 'l " " " Drawers, " " 1 " " Plain Clouded Indigo Mixed Merino Shirts. 1 " " " " " " " Drawers. 1 " " Heavy White Superior Patent Merino Ribbed Shirts, extra finish. 1 " " Heavy White Superior Patent Merino Ribbed Drawers, extra finish. |- " " Aliaska Shirts, Improved White Merino, i " « " Drawers, " " 26 2 dozen Gents' Extra Heavy White 'Superior Patent Merino Shirts, extra finish. 2 " " Extra Heavy White Superior Patent Merino Drawers, extra finish. ^ " " Superior English Merino Vests, extra finish. I u « u u a pi-awers, " " I « " " Patent " Vests, Silk " 1 « " " Saxony Wool " " " 1 " Boys' Patent Merino Shirts, Silk Finish. i " " " " Pantaloon Drawers. 2 " Ladies' Merino Vests U " " " Pants. No. 65. C. H. ADAMS, COHOES, N. T. Selling Agents^ Storrs Brothers, ISTo. 121 Chambers street, New- York. 11 dozen Gents' Plain White Shirts. 11 " " " " Drawers. X " u Fine Ribbed Merino Shirts, extra finish. 11 " " " " Drawers, " " l" " « " " Shirts, Silk " 11 " Ladies' Cashmere Vests, H.N.L.S. 1 " " " Drawers, full pattern. ISTo. QQ. NORFOLK AXD KEW-BHUNSWICK HOSIERY COMPAFT, NEW- BRUNSWICK, N. J. President, Lucius P. Porter, New-Brunswick. Secretary and Treasurer, J. Earle, New-York. Sellinr/ Agents, H. J. Libby & Co., Nos. 47 and 49 White street, New- York. 61 doz. Gents' White Shirts, different sizes. 1 " " Scarlet " 1 " " Shetland" 27 41 doz. Gents' "White Pants, different ?izes. i (( " Scarlet " H a Boys' White Shirts, diffei ent sizes. 1 (( " " Pants, ( It 2 (( Ladies' " Vests, i (I 2 (( " " Drawers, ( (; 5 u Misses' " Vests, ' C (C 1 « " " Drawers, ' C il 2 c< Children's Pantalets, ' I il 1 u Men's Shetland ^ Hose. 1 u " Gray i « 1 (( " White i " 1 u " Scarlet i " X 3 n " Shetland " I (( « Gray « 2 (( Ladies' Hose. 2 (( Shetland i Hose, different sizes. H a Scarlet ^ " " (C 1 (C Gray i " i (C Union Dresses. i (( " Shetland. 1 2 « Gents' Gauze Wrappers. 1 2 (( Russian Gored Skirts. No. 67. GLASTENBURT KMTTING} COIUPA^nT, GLASTENBUEY, CT. •J Dozen Superfine Clouded Merino Drawers. i " " " " Shirts. Ko. 68. I. DRYFOOS & C03IPANY, 292 BROADWAY, NEW- YORK. 9 Princesse de Metternich Skirts. 1 Black Braided Felt " 2 Printed Felt « 28 ISTo. 69. NEEDHAM HOSIERY COMPAXY, NEEDHAM, MASS. Selling Agents^ Chaffee & Shreve, 96 Franklin street, New- York. A line of Regular Made Wool Hosiery. No. 70. CHAFFEE & SHREYE, 96 FRANKLIN STREET, NEW-YORK. Selling Agents for Clifton Company, Cohoes, N". Y. Exhibit ^ dozen each. 415 Fine White Knit Shirts and Drawers. 424 Plain Shetland « " " 425 Plain Orange " " " 426 Plain Violet " " " 422 Ladies' Vests. 423 " Pants. No. 71. JAMES H. PRENTICE. Selling Agents, Jenkins, Vail & Peabody, No. 46 Leonard street, New- York. 16 Boulevard Seamless Skirts, Boynton's Patent. No. 72. LOWELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LOWELL, MASS. Treasurer, D. B. Jewett. Selling Agents, George C. Pichardson & Co., Nos. 113 and 115 Worth street, New-York, and Devonshire street, Boston. 122 pieces Lastings, in three qualities. 18 " Green Reps and Serges. 10 " Ligrain 3 ply Carpets. 12 " " 2 " " 29 No. 73. ' CHAFFEE & SHREVE, 96 FRAKKLIN STREET, NEW-YORK. Selling Agents for the following Mills : Penn Knitting Mills, Kensington, Pa. Proprietor^ Joseph D. McKee. Exhibit the new style of light Fancy Woolen Cloak known as the " Arab ;" also a line of Fancy Knit Nubias. American Knitting Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Proprietor, Harry Tayler. Exhibit light Cloaks, known as "Bedouin," in Stripes and Plaids ; also Shetland Nubias, Opera Hoods, and Fancy Boas. Kenton Knitting Mills. Proprietors, F. W. & T. S. Henson, Germantown, Pa. Exhibit a line of Fancy Knit Hoods, of which article they make a specialty. Armat Mills, Germantown, Pa. Proprietor, Elias Birchall. Exhibit a line of Fancy Knit Hoods, in various styles. No. 74. ISAAC STEAD, MAMJFACTURER, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Selling Agents, Churchill & Rhodes, No. 44 AVhite street, New-York. 2 pieces Green Union Terry. 1 piece Wood " " 1 " Crimson " " 5 pieces Striped Reps, Green. 3 " " " Solferino. 2 " " " Tan. 1 piece " " Scarlet. No. 75. HARTFORD CARPET COMPANY, THOMPSONYILLE, CT. Treasurer, George Roberts, Hartford, Ct. Selling Agents, H. G. Thompson & Co., No. 29 Chambers street. New- York. 30 11 pieces Brussels Carpets. 10 " 3 ply Ingram Carpets. 8 " 2 '' " " No. 76. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. Proprietors^ McCallum, Crease & Sloan, Germantown. 12 pi,eces Ingraiii Carpets, of various patterns and colors. No. 77. E. S. HIGGINS & COMPAXY, NEW-TORK. 1 piece Velvet Tapestry Carpet. 17 pieces Tapestry Brussels " 2 " Body Brussels " No. 78. ROXBURT CARPET COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. Treasurer, J. ^Y. Blake, 119 Milk street, Boston, Mass. Agent, M. H. Simpson, 119 Milk street, Boston. 3 pieces Tapestiy Velvet Carpets. 6 " " Brussels " V Carriage Robes. No. 79. ALEXANDER SMITH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, TONTlERS, N. T. Selling Agents, A. T. Stewart & Co., Broadway, Reade, and Chambers streets, New- York. 6 pieces Patent Power Loom Axminster Carpets. 1 specimen piece Patent Tapestry Ingrain Carpets. 81 No. 80. THE CROSSLEY CO., MANUFACTURERS, BRIDGEPORT, CT. Selling Age7its, J. & J. "W. Crossley & Co., 338 Broadway, New-York. Display a large assortment of Printed Felt Crumb-Cloths, Reps, Carriage Robes, in various designs and patterns. No. 81. BIGfELOW CARPET COMPAJHT, CLINTON, MASS. Treasurer^ Charles A. Whiting, No. 16 Kilby street, Boston, Mass. Warehouse, No. 65 Duane street, New-York. William B. Kendall, Agent. 10 pieces Brussels Carpets. 4 " Wilton " 3 Wilton Rugs. 6 Wilton Mats. No. 82. SCHOFIELD, CAPRON & CO., MANUFACTURERS, WALBEN, N. Y. Selling Agent, Wisner H. Townsend, 20 Reade street, New- York. Display a large variety of fine Plaid Woolen Shawls in every variety of coloring. No. 83. KALMIA MILLS, SEYMOUR, CT, Manager and Selling Agent, Julius Gerson, 361 Broadway, New-York. 1 piece all Wool Damask, Green and Crimson. 1 " « " « Green. 1 " " " " Blue. 1 " " " " Crimson. 32 piece all "Wool Damask, Drab. " " " " Crimson. " Union Damask, Crimson and Black. Green and Black. " " " Crimson and Black. " " " Green and Black, [designs. Ends Figured Union Damask, all in different colors and piece Striped Union Damask, Crimson and Green. " " " Crimson and Black. Ends " " all in different colors and designs. piece Striped Union Reps, Tan. Crimson. « Green. " Green. " Crimson. And an assortment of Silk Cotelines, iigured in crimson, blue, dai-k and light green, maroon, brown, drab, and fawn colors. No. 84. AMEHICAN BUInTTING-. UNITED STATES BUSTING COMPANY, LOWELL, MASS. Agent, D. "W. C. Farrington. Selling Agents, Theodore Polhemus & Co., 13 and 15 Lispe- nard street, New-York. A large variety of American Standard and Eagle Banting, in all colors and widths, for flags, railway signals, and decorations. No. 85. EITTENKOUSE WOOLEN COMPANY, GERMANTOWN, PA. Agent, Charles H. Ammidown, Germantown. Selling Agents, Ammidown, Lane &> Co., Nos. 87 and 89 Leonard street, New-York. 33 2 pairs Medium Wliite Blankets. 2 " Fine " " 4 " Superfine " " 4- " Mixed Gray " No. 86. MACHINEKY. €. L. (JODDARD, NO. 3 BOWLEVG (iREEN, NEW-YORK, Inventor and Manufacturer. 1 Mestizo Burr-Picker. 1 Single " " Burring Machine for Card Machines. 1 Double " " " <■<■ (.<. <.(. u 1 pair Plane Feed Rolls, for Plane Machines. 1 " Intersecting " " " " New Model for making Card Cylinders. No. 87. H. W. BUTTERNUT & SON, PHttADELPHIA, PA., Jf any/act tirers. 1 Cylinder Calender Roll Machine, for drying Woolen or Cot- ton Yarn. No. 88. CHAPEf & DOWNES, PROVIDENCE, R. I., Patentees and Manxifactxirers of Hougefs Patent Double Cylin- der Longitudinal Gig,and ZschiUe's Patent Cross Raising Gig. 1 Patent Double Cylinder Longitudinal Gig. 1 " Cross Raisinor Giff. No. 89. C. G. SARGENT, GfRANITEYILLE, MASS., Manufacturer. 1 Wool Burr Machine. 1 Metallic Waste Card, for working up Spinners' and Weaveri Waste. 3 34 No. 90. MACHIlSrERY. S. R. PARKHURST, MANUFACTURER, NEWARK, Single and Double Burr Machine, with Patent Steel Ring-feed Rollers. Also, Patent Double Cylinder Burr-Picker and Mixing-Picker, for all grades of Wool. One Patent Double Cylinder Cotton- Gin. No. 91. SOAPS. GLAMORGAN SOAP COMPANY, NEW-YORK. Agency Salesroom, 70 Trinity Place. Large assortment of Soap for Cotton, Woolen, and Silk Manu- facturers' use. Sample cases of Toilet and Laundry Soaps. 3 barrels Savonine, a concentrated Soap Powder for general scouring purposes, washing wool, woolen goods, etc. No. 92. CARD CLOTHING-. RUFUS SARGENT, AUBURN, NEW- YORK. 3 sample cases Machine Card Clothing. No. 93. LEATHER BELTING-. BICKFORD, CURTISS & DENNING, MANUFACTURERS, BUFFALO, NEW-YORK. 5 Rolls Leather Belting.