B tita^ n^^^ ' sfWT^^ ^ ^SLjSSiumLJI9mlMBUM -<■' • -' ' M ■-i The European War in the Light of Bible Prophecy Showing who is responsible for it and what the outcome will be Written for the Busy Man GEORGE H. GUDEBROD Price, to cents The European War in the Light oi Bible Prophecy GEORGE H. GUDEBROD 44 Court Street Brooklyn, N. Y. >Q8 Copyright, 1914 by G. H. GUDEBROD 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. JAN \A\2\b (Q)G!,A3fil485 M— »l!BJIl,.WJf.JIJil,IHJl.y.l»Mll.il)l|lli|lilUI«.l|il.«lilHg MiaMB— il.tJ.J|i.l-IIHHHuW ^ THE whole world is shocked and amazed at The the sudden outbreak of the terrible European fVorld War. Each nation loudly proclaims that it at did not want war, but preferred peace, and that JVar war was forced upon it against its wish. It is fair to assume that in this, all are sincere, for no nation would willingly enter into so gigantic a struggle, knowing the indescribable misery and Incalculable loss it would incur, to say nothing of the possibility of national ruin for all time. Each nation gives a good reason for being in the fight; /. e., the reason appears sufficient from their in- dividual point of view. Each shows where its rights or honor or interests were jeopardized so that the man with an open and unprejudiced mind is confused and bewildered in attempting to know whom to blame and what it all means. For the purpose of this article, it matters not what the immediate cause was or who was responsible for starting the war, but rather what does it mean and what will be the benefit to mankind when it is ended? Current publications, with a reputation for sober and sound thinking, contain articles asking if it is evidence of the breakdown of Christianity and the collapse of all things heretofore considered stable and secure. mnntmrnmnamnsm^mm Some writers comment jocosely on the fact that each nation is appeahng to God to help them in their right- eous cause and wonder which side God is fighting with. To those who believe that God lives and rules the question arises : Is God taking any part in this great war, and if so, how and with whom? It is im- possible to answer this question without reference to the Bible, for we believe that it is the only source of information this world has with regard to God's plans. The Bible pretends to speak of the future of this world and claims that all Scripture was given by inspiration from God. Therefore, if it can be shown that is has correctly foretold events a hundred or a thousand years before they happened, it is worth while knowing what it has to say with regard to our day and generation. Nebuchad' In the second chapter of Daniel, we are told, Ncb- uezzcir s uchadnezzar has a dream which he forgets, but which Dream and Daniel reveals and interprets for him. In this dream Daniel s Nebuchadnezzar saw a great image, with a head of Inter- gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs prelai'wn of brass, legs of iron, and feet part of iron and part of clay. V. 31 to 45. Daniel tells us that this image represents four great world kingdoms which will follow each other successively, and that Nebuchadnezzar represented the head of gold. His- tory shows that there have been four great world kingdoms, namely, Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece and Rome, and each was characterized by gold, silver, brass and iron. Babylon was called the golden king- dom because of its lavish use of gold by Nebuchad- nezzar, he having gone so far as to take the gold from the Jewish Tabernacle and appropriating it for his own use. Persia was noted for its great use of silver in its arts, while the shields and helmets of the Gre- cian Army, under Alexander the Great, were made of brass, and we read of the iron legions of Rome whose Emperor wore a crown made of iron, which can be seen today in the Museum in Paris. Rome was divided into the Eastern and Western Empires, corresponding vvith the two legs of iron seen in the image. Finally, Rome was broken up or divided into divers nations, some of which remain Imperial- istic, while some have become Democratic, v/hich cor- responds to the feet part of iron and part of clay, partly strong and partly weak; partly Imperialistic and partly Democratic. The strength of a Government lies in the ability of one man to have absolute rule, provided he is wise and righteous in his commands. The weakness of a Government lies in the power of the masses to form- ulate its own laws as in a Republican form of govern- ment. It is now becoming evident that, more and more, our politicians are catering to the masses and are advocating that any and all supposedly objection- able, and even new laws, be submitted to the people. This is what our own statesman, Theodore Roose- velt, advocated, and doubtless this helped to defeat him. The great majority of people never have been and never will be able to say what laws will be best for the whole nation, because the majority of voting peo- ple are not sufficiently wise in matters of government to permit them to demand that laws shall or shall not be enacted. There always will be unscrupulous party leaders who will advocate laws which will appeal to the masses, which, it is known in advance, will work injury in the end. These acts are put before the peo- ple for the purpose of catching the so-called labor vote, which might more properly be called the ignor- ant vote, not because they are grossly ignorant, but be- cause of their lack of governmental knowledge. Here- in lies the weakness of a Democratic form of govern- ment; It offers an opportunity for ignorance in such matters to rule. Such Governments may be strong financially and physically, but will be weak adminis- tratively. They are partly strong and partly weak. The The figure in the dream image began with gold and Object ends with iron and clay, showing a decline in values, of and speaks of the decrease in the absolute power and Govern- magnificence of the four kingdoms. Each succeeding menls kingdom had its power more or less circumscribed until today the Kings of Europe have less authority than ever before in the history of the world, so much so that it is commonly reported and believed by many, that this war will make an end of ruling Kings, but, according to God's word, this will not be so. The metals in the image also speak of the decline in the value of these Governments in the matter of protect- ing and caring for their people. Governments were originally created for the purpose of conserving their subjects. 'I'his has been their aim, but this war shows that they have failed miserably. Today, six of the most highly civilized nations of Europe are flying at each other with the most deadly and destructive im- plements of war, and, in the most devilish manner imaginable, killing and wounding millions of precious lives, breaking the hearts of millions more, and, as a full measure, taxing, not only those who fight, but those who are robbed of their support by the killing of fathers, brothers and sons. How aptly the Prophet has characterized these Governments: partly strong and partly weak, strong to destroy but too weak to prevent the burden and misery of war! We boast of our learning, science and art, but all our libraries, inventions, paintings and cathedrals have not put into the heart of man a love for his brother. By our Inventions we have learned to fly in the air and to sail under the sea, but only to drop bombs on helpless people and blow up powerful ships, v>'hose only duty is destruction. Of what use have the fine cathedrals been these past one thousand years? True, they speak of Him \vho v/as the Prince of Peace, and who said, "Resist not evil," and "Love thy neighbor as thyself," but where Is the man or nation who has obeyed His command? Some of our noted preachers of the Gospel of the Prince of Peace, Instead of preaching peace, openly advocate by voice and pen, the building of more of these devil- ish engines of destruction on the foolish ground that the more such engines a nation has the more likely it will be to have peace. It is true that great armies and navies hold in check the weaker nations. However, this does not assure peace. The important thing is that these preachers are not true to their mission. Their remedy is no remedy at all, but in the end makes war a thousand times more terrible and dreadful. It is building against God's plans, instead of for them. To show the utter foolishness, or rather, ignorance of such preaching, it is only necessary to point to what the Prince of Peace Himself said: "Resist not evil," and "If thine enemy strike thee on the right cheek, turn to him also the left." With their mouth these preachers pray God to bring about peace, and with their pen they encourage nations to prepare for more devilish fighting. With their mouth they praise God for his perfect law and wisdom, and with their pen they try to defeat what they profess to believe. In the sixth chapter of Ephesians God has giv^en us a picture of the kind of armour a preacher should pray for. First of all he tells them they should "stand, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiei-y darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God." It is difficult to find in this anything which looks like a battleship, a submarine, a Zeppelin, or a large standing army with rapid-fire guns. ' jMjm^MMimimmja and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it." V. 4. Babylon was surely lion-hearted and had lofty as- pirations and swift as eagle wings to take advantage of its opportunities to enlarge its power and dominion by subduing surrounding nations. It was the first great world empire, but soon lost its power and glory, i. e., lost its lion strength and became only a man, and was conquered by the Medes and Persians. The second beast was "like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it, between the teeth of it, and they said thus unto it, arise and devour much flesh." V. 5. In the Medo Persian Empire the Medes were at first the stronger, but soon the Persian element domi- nated by conquering Susiana, Lydia and Asia Minor, and then they conquered Babylon. The bear lifted up on one side speaks of the growing strength of the Persian element, while the three ribs in the mouth of it represents the three conquered provinces. The Medes and Persians were more ruthless in their wars than Babylon had been; it devoured much flesh. "After this I beheld and lo, another like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl. The beast had also four heads and dominion was given to it." V. 6. Three hundred years before Christ, Alexander the Great consolidated the Grecian States, then turned eastward, and in a remarkably short time, for those days, he conquered the Persians and proclaimed him- self Emperor of the World. His success warped his better judgment and through riotous and licentious living he died when only thirty years of age, and his kingdom was divided amongst his four generals. In the eleventh chapter of Daniel we have more details of this kingdom. In the fourth verse we are told that "this kingdom should be broken and divided toward the four winds of Heaven (four Kings or the four generals) and not to his posterity, and that this king- dom shall be plucked up even for others beside those." Thus the four winged and four headed leopard speaks of the swift rise and fall of Alexander the Great and his four generals, who, while not related to him, divided his kingdom among them, and subsequently lost it to others. This brings us to the fourth beast. "After this 1 saw a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth. It devoured and broke in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it, and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots, and in this horn were eyes like of a man, and mouth speaking great things." V. 7-8. Daniel has told us that the fourth beast was the fourth kingdom. As Rome was the fourth kingdom, then this beast represents Rome. In the thirteenth chapter of Book of Revelation the Apostle John, looking backward over the past centuries, sees a beast The only kind of army sanctioned by God's word is a Salvation army, like the one General Booth organized. This army has no guns or swords, and yet it goes among the vilest men and women and makes of them the loveliest saints. What a mockery this army is to the armies now at war, trying to bring about peace by wholesale murder. Preachers should be the leaders and advisers of God's word, but through the weakness of the flesh and a lack of fidelity to God, many have joined hands with the politicians, with the result that most of the world has believed great armaments to be the best guarantee for peace. In one of Theodore Roosevelt's recent articles on the lessons of the war, he points to Belgium as an example of what may happen to a country which is not prepared to resist an enemy — seemingly forgetting that Belgium was as well pre- pared as she could afford to be, and in addition she had the backing of England and France, all of which failed to prevent war. This war proves that great preparations for war do not insure peace. When a man buys a gun he usually uses it. If the world could only be made to turn its guns into plow-shares and its swords Into pruning hooks, which God has promised will one day be done, there would be fewer wars and far less dreadful. Let us return to the Prophet Daniel, which by the Govern- way, was given B. C. 600. In the second chapter of ments Daniel we have a picture of the four great world king- as Seen doms represented by the figure of a man made of the by God. earth's materials: Gold, silver, brass, iron and clay. It is, therefore, fair to say tliat this figure represents these Governments as man sees them. Man only sees the material values of his government in his con- quests and enlargements. This is so today. In the seventh chapter of Daniel, God's prophet has a dream and vision, and he sees four great beasts arise out of the sea. The sea in Scripture imagery stands for the unorganized mass of mankind. If this is objected to, it remains true that the four kingdoms referred to in the prophecy all bordered upon the shores of the Great Mediterranean Sea, and that was undoubtedly the sea Daniel saw in his vision. Daniel 7, 1-9 and 15-28. He tells us that these four beasts represent the four kingdoms which shall arise out of the earth (V. 17), and that the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom on the earth. V. 23. These four beasts, then, represent the four world Governments as God sees them, and correspond to the four world king- doms Nebuchadnezzar saw in the image of gold, silver, brass and iron. While man sees his work in enlarging and main- taining his governments with a view only to the ma- terial gain made or the satisfying of personal or national pride and ambition, in the seventh chapter of Daniel, God's prophet sees these kingdoms as four ravenous wild beasts, preying on, crushing and de- vouring each other. They are pictured to us in their principal features, much as our present-day cartoonist would do. The first was "like a lion and with eagle's wings. I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked drawing soldiers from all parts of the world, and at the same time, with a very much smaller navy, he is slowly destroying the English fleet. He has caused insurrections in some lands and caused unrest in others, the end of which is not yet, and the results of which may be very great. England says she is fight- ing for her life. This, then, is a death struggle; her predominating power may be taken aAvay, for great nations have lost their influence before now, and if the Kaiser, with his wonderful army, should win, which, we are free to confess, seems impossible, what more reasonable than that he be made the head of this new Roman Empire? However, someone some day will be chosen to fill that place. We will not now attempt an outline of other events After the which it is prophesied will transpire after the Roman Roman Empire, with its ten kingdoms, is established, except Empire is to point out that out of the ten kingdoms three will Rezived be plucked up by the roots, that is, three of the ten will be disposed of; also the Jews who are now, and hav^e been, agitating the possession of Palestine again as a nation, are now going back in large numbers. They will organize as a nation, and a King will arise who is called in Scripture the Anti-Christ, whom many of the Jews Vvill believe to be tlieir long-looked-for Messiah. He will do many wonderful things, so that many shall believe him to be a God, and in order to prevent the spread of his power and influence, at first the revived Roman Empire will make an alliance with this Jewish King which will soon be broken oft, and then the Kings of the North, South, East and West will sweep into the land of Palestine to make war against him, and then the stone cut without hands, spoken of in Daniel 2, 34-35, which is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ at His second coming, will smite the Kings of the earth and their armies, and they will be scattered like the chaff of the summer's threshing floor, and be carried away by the wind, so that no place shall be found for them. That, and not the present war, will be the great battle of Arma- geddon, after which Christ will set up His kingdom on the earth, which will fill the whole earth with its first righteous government. Daniel 2, 44. The Scriptures plainly indicate that in the latter end of man's rule on earth there will appear three prominent persons. The head of the new Roman Empire, or emperor of the confederated kings of Europe, called the "beast"; the anti-Christ, or false prophet among the Jews in Palestine; and the As- syrian, or King of the North. These three represent the three divisions of mankind. Mans Government is today best illustrated by eastern Europe, which we have seen will be reorganized into the new Roman Empire, called the beast. The Religious element in man will be represented in the false prophet or anti- Christ among the Jews, while the unbelieving or bar- barian element in man will be represented by the King of the North, through his alliance with the eastern nations. From this it is not difficult to see how the Roman Emperor will first make an alliance with the false which corresponds to this beast, and is described as "like unto a leopard with feet like a bear and with a mouth like a lion." Rev. 13, 1-2. Daniel was look- ing forward and sees the lion first, then the bear, then the leopard. How consistent God's word is. In the twelfth verse of the seventh chapter of Daniel we are told that these kingdoms, while having their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged. This re- mains true today. Rome overthrew Greece about fifty years before Christ, and boasted of the fact that they never des- troyed a civilization after conquering it, but took from them everything of value, out of which they created the greatest empire the world has ever known. There is no name given this fourth beast. It is un- like anything the world has seen, dreadful and terrible. The present European War, more than any other, can be truly called beastly, dreadful and terrible. The in- vention of gunpowder and guns has made former wars look like child's play compared to present methods. Today this beast not only fights on land but on the water, in the air, under the water, and in the most destructive manner imaginable. How wonderfully accurate and careful the prophets were not to give the fourth beast a name, and yet include in it all the fea- tures of the other beasts, thus cementing the meaning of both prophets. Rome was an exceedingly strong government and was dreaded by all the rest of the known world. The iron teeth of this beast speak of the iron legions of Rome, and may well mean our present guns, bombs, battleships and submarines, tearing to pieces not only human lives, but the very earth. It devoured, that is, took in many other nations, then Rome broke in pieces. Europe today is only the Roman Empire broken up, and now note, the feet of this beast stamped the residue of it. The feet of this beast were the feet of a bear. The bear was the beast represent- ing the second empire. Russia was a part of the second empire, and is today represented in the world of nations by a bear. Peter the Great, of Russia, died in 1725. In his will he wrote: — Russian "The Russian nation must be constantly on a war Plans of footing to keep soldiers warlike and in good condi- Peter the tion. No rest m.ust be allowed, except for the pur- Great pose of relieving the State finances, recruiting the army, or biding the favourable moment for attack. By these means peace is made subservient to war, and war to peace, in the interest of the aggrandisement and increasing prosperity of Russia. . . . "No opportunity must be lost of taking part in the affairs and disputes of Europe, especially in those of Germany, which from its vicinity is the one of most direct interest to us. . . . "We must keep steadily extending our frontiers — northward along the Baltic, and southward along the shores of the Black Sea. "We must progress as much as possible in the di- rection of Constantinople and India. He who can get possession of these places is the real ruler of the world. With this view we must provoke constant i ua«.Ji.u^j»iajt«u.wga)MNjLafc^«.ug8aset«iBB^ a quarrels, at one time with Turkey and at another with Persia. We must establish wharves and docks in the Euxine, and by degrees make ourselves masters of that sea as well as of the Baltic, which is a doubly important element in the success of our plan. We must hasten the downfall of Persia, push on into the Persian Gulf, and, if possible, re-establish the ancient commercial intercourse with the Levant through Syria, and force our way into the Indies, which are the storehouses of the world. Once there, we can dispense with English gold. "Moreover, we must take pains to establish and maintain an intimate union with Austria, apparently countenancing her schemes for future aggrandise- ment in Germany, and all the while secretly rousing the jealousy of the minor States against her. By this way we must bring it to pass that one or the other party shall seek aid from Russia, and thus we shall exercise a sort of protectorate over the country, which will pave the way for future supremacy. "We must make the House of Austria interested in the expulsion of the Turks from Europe, and we must neutralise its jealousy at the capture of Constan- tinople, either by pre-occupying it with a war with the old European States or by allowing it a share of the spoils, which we can afterwards resume at our leisure. "We must collect round our house, as round a cen- tre, all the detached sections of Greeks which are scattered abroad in Hungary, Turkey, and South Poland. We must make them look to us for support, and then, by establishing beforehand a sort of ecclesi- logeaaMaaHSiiii astical supremacy, we shall pave the way for Univer- sal Sovereignty. "When Sweden is ours, Persia vanquished, Poland subjugated, Turkey conquered — when our armies are united, and the Euxine and Baltic are in the posses- sion of our ships, then we must make separate and secret overtures, first to the Court of Versailles, and then to that of Vienna, to share with them the do- minion of the world. If either of them accept our propositions, which is certain to happen if their am- bition and self-interest are properly worked upon, we must make use of one to annihilate the other; this done, we have only to destroy the remaining one by finding a pretext for a quarrel, the issue of which cannot be doubtful, as Russia will then be already in absolute possession of the East, and of the best part of Europe. "Should the improbable case happen of both re- jecting the propositions of Russia, then our policy will be to set one against the other, and make them tear each other to pieces. Russia must then watch for and seize the favourable moment and pour her already assembled hosts into Germany, while two immense fleets, laden with Asiatic hordes, and convoyed by the armed squadrons of the Euxine and the Baltic, set sail simultaneously from the Sea of Azoff and the harbour of Archangel; sweeping along the Mediter- ranean and the Atlantic they will overrun France on the one side, while Germany is overpowered on the other. When these countries are fully conquered, the rest of Europe must fall easily and with a struggle under our yoke. Thus Europe can and must be subju- gated." This is a part of the will of Peter the Great as copied from "Russia" in Bohn's Standard Library. In this connection it is interesting to know what Napoleon I. thought of Russia. While a captive at St. Helena he expressed himself in the following words : — "In the course of a few years Russia will have Constantinople, part of Turkey, and all Greece. This I hold to be as certain as if it had already taken place ; all the cajolery and flattery that Alexander practised upon me was to gain my consent to effect that object. I would not give it, foreseeing that the equilibrium of Europe would be destroyed. In the natural course of things Turkey must fall to Russia ; the Powers it would injure, and who would oppose it, are England, France, Austria, and Prussia. Now, as to Austria, it would be very easy to secure her assistance by giving her Servia and other provinces bordering on the Aus- trian dominions, reaching near to Constantinople. The only hypothesis that France and England will ever be allied with anything like sincerity will be to prevent this; but even this alliance will not avail. France, England, and Prussia united cannot prevent it. Russia and Austria can at any time effect it; once mistress of Constantinople, Russia gets all the com- merce of the Mediterranean, becomes a great naval power, and God knows what may happen. The ob- ject of my invasion of Russia was to prevent this, by the interposition between her and Turkey of a new State which 1 meant to call mto existence as a barrier to her eastern encroachments." p • To those who are famihar with Russian pohtics J , f it is clear that she has been clawing and snarling on Acts for & & j.^,. her borders for nearly two hundred years, endeavor- Hundrel '"^ ^° break through. In 1726, one year after the Tr ^ death of Peter the Great, Russia made an alliance 1 ears . , « . . , ^, . . with Austria, and a treaty with China in 1727. She had war with the Ottoman Empire in 1768, and with the Turks in 1787. In 1796 Russia was defeated by Persia, and in turn defeated them in 1804. In 1805 she joins a coalition against France, and is Invaded by Napoleon in 1812. In 1815 the Holy Alliance is formed with Austria and Prussia, and for thirty- four years she remains peaceful, but assists Austria in subduing Hungary in 1849, ^^^ ''^ ^^53 she again declares war against Turkey, and is in turn attacked by England and France in 1854. In 1856 she fights with Bokhara and in 1877 she again wars with Tur- key. In 1885 she has trouble with the Afghans, and in 1886 interferes with Bulgaria. She makes a treaty in 1896 with China and in 1898 she leases Port Arthur from China and proposes universal peace in 1899, °"^y to begin war with Japan, in 1904, over Manchuria. In 19 1 2 she appropriates $215,000,000 for her navy, and in 19 14 she mobilizes her entire army on the Austro-German frontier and refused to explain why, or stop when requested to do so by the Kaiser. The However wrong the Kaiser may be, he surely Kaiser and Is right when he says that Russia is the peril of east- Go^ em Europe, and that with her alliance with China and the railroads she is building and controls, it is not only a Russian peril, but a yellow peril that con- fronts Europe. We believe the Kaiser is also right when he says the alliance England made with Russia is an "unnatural" one, and it is our opinion that Eng- land will soon again be fighting Russia, just as she did in the Crimean War, in 1854, in order to prevent her overrunning Europe. We believe this because God has said that in the latter end the Kings of the West will contend with the Kings of the East. In this con- nection it is worth noting that France has paved the way for herself to also oppose Russia. The two na- tions have nothing in common. France has loaned many millions of dollars to Russia to help build up her army and navy and her railroads into China. It is now reported that France needs the money loaned to Russia to carry on her own war. She may yet have to fight Russia to get it. No well-informed or sound-thinking man be- lieves that Russia refused to stop mobilizing because she wanted to help Servia. She refused because she knew she had the backing of England and France and the help of Japan, if need be, and saw in this her opportunity to accomplish her heart's desire. Russia, more than any other nation, is responsible for this war. The Kaiser offered peace if she stopped mobilizing on his frontier. When Russia refused the Kaiser knew what it meant, even if the rest of Europe did not. The word of God is right: the feet of the beast, which are the feet of a bear, are stamping on Europe today. The Kaiser has a reputation for being a devout churchman. He has said on several occasions he beheved himself appointed of God. Some years ago he said he felt he was called to do two things in his career. One was to oppose socialism, which was anarchy against governments ; the other to uphold the Pope of Rome, because the Pope stood for God and the Bible, and because unbelief was anarchy against God. He believed the Pope had more influence for peace than any other man in Europe. The history of the world shows man must be held in check to pre- vent him from breaking established law. Our laws, our police forces, our armies and navies prove this. Therefore, fundamentally, the Kaiser is right; man must be governed. However, the fact is, God has taken no hand in the politics of this world since the dispersion of the Jews. The Bible clearly teaches that God has never in- terfered with the governments of this world except when His people, Israel, were in their own land of Palestine as a nation. For two thousand five hun- dred years, the Jews have been scattered abroad among the nations of the earth, and history does not show that God has interfered in any way with the world's governments. During that time God did not prevent His Son being crucified, nor did He pre- vent the terrible persecution of the early Christians. Pie is not now protecting the famous and beautiful cathedrals erected to His name, or the Christian people in Belgium. The reason why is given in Rev. 6, lo and 1 1. Our good President, Woodrow Wilson, desig- nated a day of prayer, in which all Christians should pray to God to bring about peace. No doubt millions of prayers were offered in this and other countries on that day, and every day since, but as yet no answer has been given. The war rages as fiercely as the weather and arms will permit, and justly so, for God can not be unfaithful to His word. He said: "love thy neighbor," "thou shalt not kill," "resist not evil," "live at peace with all men." And the only condition on which God will answer prayer is: "If ye abide In Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." John 15, 7. God can not break His own law, and so long as man refuses to obey His law, he must take the con- sequences, especially when they are self-inflicted. A very pathetic letter appeared in one of the daily papers by a mother bemoaning the fact that God had not answered the prayer of this nation, and asked: "Have we lost faith?" The answer is, "faith with- out works is dead." It is not a question of faith at all. There can be no faith where there is no obedience. Faith comes by hearing and obeying the word of God. God's day is not yet at hand. The truth is, God foresaw what would be the result of man's efforts to govern himself apart from His law; this was revealed to the prophets. The Kaiser and the nations of the earth are simply the actors in the great world drama, playing the role necessary to fulfill the prophetic word of God. The Kaiser's record is one of peace, and his pro- fessed desire was to go down In liistory as the peace- ful Kaiser. During his reign he has had no wars. For forty-four years Germany has had none; in the same time England, France, Russia, Turkey, Italy and the United States have each been at war one or more times. It is true Germany has taken by force some territory, but by comparison with what other nations have taken, her annexations have been small. The fact that the Kaiser perfected his army to a point far beyond that of any other nation, only proves that he was wise enough to see the need of it. The present war proves that he was right. Six nations fly at him for no better reason than to check his influ- ence and commercial growth. No well-informed man believes that this war was caused because a Slav mur- dered a Teuton. Such murders are of frequent oc- currence. The real reasons for the war are that Germany knew what was In the mind of the other nations to do to her, and when Russia refused to stop mobiliz- ing the Kaiser knew he could not afford to wait. Russia saw her opportunity to break through her borders. England saw her opportunity to check Germany's commercial growth. France saw her op- portunity to avenge her defeat of 1870 and regain Alsace and Lorraine. All are more or less to blame, but It Is clear to the unprejudiced mind that the Kaiser did not want or need war, for his people were pros- perous and were becoming more so every day. The truth Is, it was impossible for the nations to avert this war. The selfishness, greed and jealousy of each other, forced a condition which could not be adjusted except by a disastrous war. Our modern Prince of Peace, Andrew Carnegie, says he knows the Kaiser personally, and knows that he is a peace-loving inan. He probably felt sure of this before he spent his money on the Peace Palace. In the New York Times of November lo, 19 14, the Rev. Dr. Thomas C. Hall, Professor of Christian Ethics in the Union Theological Seminary, in a formal interview, says : — "Bernhardi's book, even though by some it has been taken as an indication of a warlike attitude on Germany's part, no more represents the feeling of the average German than Hobson represents sober Amer- ican opinion. If we were, which God forbid, to be dragged into a war with Japan by her attempting to dominate China, would it be fair to quote Mr. Hob- son as showing we all sought war with Japan? "There is no doubt that Russia is the real source of the trouble. She is pushing her Balkan policy, and once sure of the support of England she went to war to regain her prestige lost through the Japanese War, to avenge herself for what she considered a diplomatic defeat after the Balkan War, and to divert attention from the growing discontent within her own borders. "It was only a matter of time with her, and, as- sured of the assistance of the British Navy, she con- sidered her task of going through Austria to Con- stantinople an easy one. "To me it seems absurd to claim that Russia stands for liberty and civilization and Germany for slavery and barbarism, I know Russia, and I know Germany, and the Americans forget that Russia Is the power that wins if the Allies win. A victory for Russia means another world war for the control of the Mediterranean and for Persia and India. "Cut off as the United States is from direct con- tact with Germany, we know only what England teaches us and are missing the real emphasis of this war, which Is essentially a war to advance and main- tain the territorial ambitions of the Russian aristoc- racy fighting under the banner of pan-Slavism. "A victory for the Allies would be the betrayal of democracy, civilization and freedom." Russia Here is the opinion of a man whose business It is and to know facts. He says he knows, and his judgment Turkey is in accord with the facts and with God's word, so far as Russia is concerned. The wonder Is that the American people have so completely overlooked Rus- sia with her plans and past habits. However, it is not our purpose to take sides in this war, but only to show where history and prophecy meet, and state such facts as are compatible with the Bible. The thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel and also the thirty- ninth chapter, to the fourteenth verse, is a prophecy regarding Russia. Note the names of Mesheck and Tubal, two very ancient cities now called Moscow and Tobolsk. Also in the eleventh chapter of Daniel, fortieth to forty-fifth verses, we are told that the King of the North shall come against the Holy Land like a whirlwind with chariots and horsemen and many ships, and shall overflow the countries. Today Turkey owns Palestine, Before Russia can overflow Palestine she must drive Turkey out of Europe. It Is generally believed today that the sick man of Europe is about to see his finish, so far as living in Europe Is concerned. From these chapters we see Russia's aim Is pre- cisely what Peter the Great outlined, and what the prophet foretold twenty-live hundred years ago. Our Day There is a strong line of demarkation between and eastern and western Europe, which plainly corres- Genera- ponds with the two feet In the Image which Nebuchad- tion nezzar saw. Prophecy and history, therefore, make it clear that we are living In the time of the two feet of iron and clay. We have been able to check up prophecy and history to this point, and if there has been perfect agreement, as we see there has been, we are warranted In believing that the rest of the proph- ecy will come true. We are told that out of this present European situation, namely, the broken Roman Empire, there will arise ten kings, repre- sented by "the ten toes on the two feet." Daniel 2, 42-44. Some of our best statesmen, here and in Europe, now claim that the only solution of this great war is a reorganization of the map of Europe with some sort of police duty supported by all of Europe. This seems to be the only logical solution of the problem. England, France, Germany and Russia are certainly too large and too powerful to be absorbed. It re- mains, therefore, for them to absorb the smaller na- tions, which will be drawn into the fight against their wish, and it is easy to see how Europe could be divided into ten kingdoms by having five kingdoms In the Eastern and five in the Western sphere. We do not care to venture a guess as to just how this will be accomplished. It is sufficient for us to know what the outcome will be. The present war, or one in the future, will result in ten kingdoms being formed, and they in turn will elect an eleventh King, namely, the "little horn" seen by Daniel to arise out of the ten horns, who will be the head of the Roman Empire, which we are told In Revelations 17-18 will be re- vived. "The beast that was, is not, yet shall be." Revelations 13, 3, also speaks of this revived Empire, /'. e., one head of the broken Roman Em- pire was wounded to death, but was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast. What a wonder It will be to see the Roman Empire revived. Roman In the New York Times of November 4, 19 14, Empire the Kaiser Is reported as having said to his Army: Revived "If we win, and we must win, a new Empire shall arise, more splendid than the world ever saw, a new Roman-German Empire which shall rule the world, and the world shall be happy." We are far from saying that this will or will not be so as a result of this war, but the Important fact Is that this Is what God has prophesied will come about, and is what Napoleon attempted to do one hundred years ago. At the pres- ent writing, November, 19 14, the Kaiser seems to have sufficient power to accomplish something along this line. So far he has managed to keep the fighting on the enemy's ground, although opposed by six nations, im^im^KKKBm prophet, and then break it and fight him, and how later the King of the North will attempt to destroy all religion from the earth. For the sake of brevity, time and space, we have The appended a list of references, to which we refer the Message reader for confirmation of all statements made, which for will well repay careful reading. Today In conclusion let us point out the lesson all should learn from this struggle on man's part to govern him- self and the world. It proves that man, as now con- stituted, is utterly unable to govern himself or live in peace with his neighbor. He must be policed in the village and in the city, or wherev^er found in any considerable numbers, likewise the nations of the earth must have their armies and navies to curb each other's selfishness. Men and nations alike are envi- ous, jealous, insatiable, constantly looking and striv- ing for new ends in the hope of finding that which will give them complete satisfaction, happiness and peace. In all these years, beginning with Nebuchad- nezzar, God has given man a free hand to work out his own salvation, or rather to show, if it is possible to show man, that he is unable to do so. Two thou- sand years ago, when Rome was in the height of its glory, God sent his son, Jesus Christ, who offered to be a King and show the world what a King should be like, and what a righteous government should be. His own people, with the sanction of Rome, crucified Him. Since then God has been silent, but through His spirit. He has created the church of Christ, which we are told, will in the end rule this and other worlds. In the lourlccnlh chapter of John, Christ tolJ His Disciples that he would go away, but return again, and in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew we are told the things this world will be doing just before His return, and in i Thes. 4, 13-1S, we are told what will happen to the people dwelling on the earth when He comes to take out of this world those who believe in Him. Therefore, the question for everyone to decide is: "What think ye of Christ?" Will you be on His side when He comes, or on the side of those who will be left behind to fight during the wars that are still to come, compared with which the present wars will be considered small. No ! No! God has no part in this war. For over two thousand five hundred years God has been silent so far as taking a hand in the government of this W'Orld is concerned. His only concern has been : "What think ye of Christ?" "Who say ye that 1 am?" For six thousand years God has wanted a peo- ple v/ith whom Fie could have fellowship. He offered it first to all mankind In Adam, then to the Jews, from the time of Nebuchadnezzar to Christ, He let man rule himself, i. e., have his own way, and since Christ His offer has been to whosoever will, for the gospel of God today is "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in FFmi should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3, 16. God Is now only seeking out of this world a people with whom he can later rule this and other worlds. Time and space will not permit of de- tails along this line of thought, nevertheless that is what God's word says. in the sixth chapter of Revelations, which, by tiie Final way, is a synopsis of the entire time from Nebuchad- Syiiopiis nezzar down to the end of man's rule on earth, we have of another picture of the four beasts representing the four Man's Rule world kingdoms. The first goes forth with a crown on on the his head and a bow in his hand, riding on a white Earth horse, conquering and to conquer. This is in harmony with the head of gold in the dream image in Daniel 2, and the lion with eagle's wings in Daniel 7. It is the splendid, glorious, and magnificent Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, conquering more through his showy magnificence than by his real strength. The second beast says, come and see. And we see a red horse (symbol of blood), and the rider has power to take peace from the earth. A great sword is given to him, that they should kill. This the Medes and Persians did, much more than the Kings of Babylon. The third beast said, come and see, and he beheld a black horse, the rider having a pair of balances in his hand, saying midst the four beasts (four gen- erals), "A measure of wheat for a penny and a measure of barley for a penny," and warning them not to hurt the oil and the wine. The black horse, the balances and the price named for food all speak of the want and famine which the conquests of Alex- ander the Great caused. The fourth beast said, come and see, and we see a pale horse (symbol of coming death), and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell, and power was given to him over a fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, with hunger and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. The Roman Empire was the most aggressive of the four first world kingdoms, covering about one-fourth of the earth, and wars have recurred there again and again, and, as suggested In the last few words of this verse, finally "with the beasts of the earth" nations beyond the original sphere of Rome, the revived Roman Empire will, with the other Kings, make for death and hell more than all the rest. The present war is a literal fulfilment of this proph- ecy. Not only the Kings of the old Roman Empire are at war, but Japan has been drawn in, and It Is the opinion of some that others must be drawn In. It is the final struggle of man to rule himself. Thus we see first a glorious kingdom. Second, a kingdom taking peace from the earth. Third, a kingdom causing want and famine. Fourth, a kingdom causing death and hell. Elere again we see a steady decline in governmental values, until It gets so bad that the Kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, and chief captains, and the mighty men hide themselves in the dens and In the rocks of the mountains and cry unto the rocks and mountains to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him who sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, who is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ at the great battle of Armageddon. Such is the story of this old world for the past twenty-five hundred years, and for some years yet to come. We have only touched on one subject, /. e., Government on earth by man. If we should take up such prophecies as concern the Jews, the church, or the person of Jesus Christ, we would find the same un- erring accuracy in each. So accurate, in fact and detail, that every open mind must admit that none but God could have looked down through the ages and have seen the end from the beginning. If you are one of the many who have been care- less with regard to God and his plans, we hope and pray that this article may stir you to read your Bible and to inquire where you will stand when the great day of the Lord begins. P. S — The author will be pleased to answer, it possible, any question sent to him regarding God*s word, when accompanied with 2 cents in stamps for reply. Some References Regarding Prophecies 1. Exhortation to heed prophecy, or the more sure word. 2 Peter I, 19. 2. Prophecy concerning the Image of Gold, Sil- ver, Brass, Iron and Clay. Daniel 2, 28 to 48. 3. Prophecy concerning the four Beasts. Daniel 7, i to 28. Rev. 13, i and 2. 4. Prophecy concerning Russia, the Assyrian, or King of the North. Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 39, 1-14. Joel, 2nd chap., verse 20. 5. Prophecy concerning the head of the Revived Roman Empire, or the Beast. Daniel 7, 24-26. Rev. 13, 3-1 1. Rev. 17, 8. Rev. 19, 19. 6. Prophecy concerning the Anti-Christ or False Prophet. Dan. II, 36-39. Rev. 19, 20. 2 Thes. 2, 3-4, 8-9. Rev. 16, 13-16. Rev. 20, 10. 7. Prophecy concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Rev. 19, 11-16. Matt. 24. John 14, 1-3. I Cor. 15, 51-52. I Thes. 4, 13-18. 8. Prophecy concerning the Great Day of the Lord. Isa. 34, 1-8. Zack 12, 1-3, 9. Rev. 19, 19-21. 9. God's Synopsis of the past 2,500 years and the years to come. Rev. 6. Get Acquainted With Your Bible What Does the Bible Say About The Eight Great Covenants? What does the Bible teach about Sanc- tification — Salvation — Hell — Sin — Satan and Justification? What Prophecies have been fulfilled and which are still to be fulfilled? Who wrote the various books of the Bible? These and a great mass of subjects in which all Bible students are interested are explained Biblically in The Scofield Reference Bible in a manner so simple that any reader may easily comprehend. It has revised marginal renderings, a new chain ref- erence system and Helps at all the Hard Places. Printed in large, clear, black-faced type on Oxford Fine White Paper and the famous Oxford India Paper. Price, sent to any address in U. S., postpaid, substan- tially bound in cloth, $2.00. Beautiful leather binding, gilt red edge, gold lettering, like above cut, $4.00. THE IDEAL GIFT BOOK This Bible is acknowledged to be the best extant. M. G. & A. Moore Est. 1845, Greenport, Suffolk Co., N. Y. This Bible is used exclusively by Mr. G. H. Gudebrod. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 547 600 5 • n