SF 235- .P5 Copy 1 A Handbook of Dairy Statistics By T. R. PIRTLE, Dairy Division UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contribution from tlie Bureau of Animal Industry JOHN R. MOHLER, Chief Washington, D. C. June, 1922 GOVERNMENT PRINTINQ OFFICE : 1982 A. I. 37 A Handbook of Dairy Statistics By T. R. PIRTLE, Dairy Division UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry JOHN R. MOHLER, Chief Washington, D. C. June, 1922 GOVERNMENT PRINTINQ OFFICE : 1022 A HANDBOOK OF DAIRY STATISTICS. By T. R. PiRTLE. SF'C:.'^5 ,f? EXPLANATORY NOTE. Original sources and final figures are used in the tables where practicable. Preliminary figures, i. e., figures not finally verified, have been presented in a few instances to bring them up to date; but such figures are always so indi- cated in the tables. Many countries have found it neces- sary to revise the statistics gathered during the war, espe- cially those relating to the number of cattle. During the war preliminary figures were not always indicated, but later checking up has shown them to be approximately correct, although the final figures vary from them to some extent. (YB.) used in connection with a table indicates that the table may be continued to cover the latest figures available by reference to the Yearbook of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, as well as to the original source. *'* Special imports" are imports brought into a country for consumption. "General imports" are for all purposes, and a part may 1 e reexported. "Domestic exports" are of goods produced within a country. Units of weight used to convert foreign or metric weights to pounds, United States, are: Pounds. Ikilogram 2. 2046 1 quintal 220.46 1 poud ( Russian) 36. 1128 1 hundredweight (English) 112. Ipound (Spanish pound for Cuba) 1. 0161 The terms "dairy cows" and "cows" do not mean the same, the latter term including cows not used for dairy purposes. The number of "cows" was used when the number of "dairy cows" was not obtainable. Where blank spaces are left in tables records were not made or were not available. When figures are given for any year it may be assumed that it is the calendar year unless otherwise statj^^oi^^though LMi?TA^\J OF CONGfTfiSS RECEIVED AUG151922 0OCUM^(^TS OiViSION ^ someof the authorities are indefinite on this point. Where O the fiscal year is used, the date of ending is often changed ^ in the middle of the series of years given. ^ The sources of the data quoted from United States Gov- ernment publications are as follows: Department of Agri- culture — Bureau of Animal Industry, Bureau of Statistics/ Bureau of Crop Estimates, ^ and Bureau of Markets ;2 Department of Commerce — Census Bureau and Commerce and Navigation Reports; Treasury Department — Bureau of Internal Revenue. Reconstruction of territory recognized in all countries, 1919 and later. 1 Bureau of Statistics is a former designation for the Bureau of Crop Estimates. 2 The Bureau of Markets and the Bureau of Crop Estimates were con- solidated July 1, 1921, and are now Icnown as the "Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates." THE STATISTICS of an industry show its trend and form a basis for action toward it" best development. Because data regarding dairy prod- ucts and the trade in d-airy products have never been brought together for convenient reference, attention has not been given to the trend of dairying in the degree that its importance warrants. To remedy this condition this volume has been prepared. In it will be found the available statistics on dairy production and trade which may be of value to the dairy industry. GENERAL STATISTICS. Table 1.— POPULATION of various countries. [Statesman's Year Book.] Country. Year. Population, 11915 2 1919 11918 1919 M910 1919 1 1911 1919 3 1915 U918 1919 M913 1919 U910 1919 U911 11916 1919 I 1916 1919 3 1916 1919 1 1918 1 1916 1919 11911 1919 11911 1919 11911 1 1918 11918 1919 4 1911 1919 3 1915 1919 11914 1919 3 1915 M920 11918 8, 288, 779 Do 8,279,159 4 981 000 Australia Do 6,067,430 49,211,727 Do. . . . 16 067 430 Belgium 7,490,411 7,555,576 Do Canada 8,134 000 Denmark 3, 005, 000 Do 2,940,979 39,674 000 France .... Do 41,475,523 64,925,993 55,086,000 315, 083, 000 Germany Do India, British Italy 36,716,522 Do 36,740,000 55 965 292 Japan .. Do 57'070'000 6,583,227 6,778,699 1, 150, 000 Netherlands... Do New Zealand Norway 2,541 003 Do 2, 632, 010 Poland 12,467,300 Do , . 30,072,181 167,003,400 131, 700, 800 Russia: Empire European Siberia 8,719,200 South Africa (British) 7, 000, 000 20,095,272 Do. 20,719,598 5,522,403 5,813,850 Sweden Do Switzerland. 3,880,500 3,937,000 Do 46,089,249 46,000,000 Do United States. 98,635,073 105,710,620 1,409,000 Do Uruguay 1 Estimate. 2 Source or method of estimate not stated for 1919. 3 Prorated. * Census. (4) Table 2.— Average YIELD of MILK per year of milk cows in various countries. [Various sources.] Country, Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom . Denmark Germany Canada United States Do Average Year. yield of milk. Pounds. 1902 7,585 1914 6, 950 1914 5,934 1914 5,666 1912- 4,350 1911 3,779 1917 3,716 1920 3,627 Coimtry. Norway. Sweden.. Japan... Hungary Australia Italy Chile.... Siberia... YeSr. 1910 1911 1918 1914 1916 1914 1916 1916 Average yield of milk. Pounds. 3,680 3,600 3,339 2,932 2,719 2,279 1.520 1.192 Table 3.— Average per capita CONSUMPTION of WHOLE MILK in various countries per year. [Numerous authorities.] Country. Sweden Denmark Switzerland. . Germany Belgium United States Do Milk Year. con- sumed. Gallons. 1914 69.7 1914 68. 5 1914 67.4 1913 61.0 1895 44.0 1917 42.4 1920 43.0 Country, Netherlands Canada Hungary United "Kingdom Italy Hawaii Year. 1902 1916 1914 1914 1913 1916 Milk con- sumed. Gallons. 39.5 26.0 24.3 22.2 4.2 1.0 Table 4.— Average per capita CONSUMPTION of BUTTER in various countries per year. [Numerous authorities.] Country. Year. Butter con- sumed. Country. Year. Butter con- sumed. Canada 1911 1913 1914 1914 1909 1919 1914 Pounds. 27.7 25.6 21.7 19.0 17.5 15.5 17.0 Netherlands Sweden 1917 1917 1913 1906 1914 1913 1913 Pounds. 16 8 AustraUa.. 16 5 New Zealand Germanj'^ 14.7 Denmark Is orway 14 United States Do Switzerland Italy 12.1 2.5 United Kingdom . . Argentina i 1.8 Factory butter only, 6 Table 5.— Average per capita CONSUMPTION CHEESE in various countries per year. [Numerous authorities.] of Country. Year. Cheese con- sumed. Country. Cheese Year, con- sumed. Switzerland. 1914 1912 1914 1905 1912 1892 1910 Pounds. 26.4 13. 3 12.3 11.2 9.5 S. 1 7.1 Italy 1913 1913 1919 1909 1911 1914 1913 Pounds. 4 8 4.8 Denmark United States i Do.i 2 4,2 United Kingdom . . 3 8 Canada 3.0 France New Zealand Argentina •< 3 2.9 Census. Including cottage cheese. Factory cheese only. Table 6.— Trend of COW-TESTING ASSOCIATIONS. [Cooperative Danish agricultural No. societies and Canada News Letter, 15, 1920.] Year begun. Early records. Country. Year re- ported. Num- ber of associa- tions. Mem- bers. Cows. Denmark .... 1895 1S97 1898 1898 1900 1900 1903 1904 1904 1905 1906 1916 1914 1911 1914 1916 1910 1914 1914 1911 1915 1917 676 792 682 138 242 15, 865 13, 209 9,950 239, 790 351, 857 Sweden 203, 716 Norway 36, 882 82,276 77, 000 4,369 Holland .. Scotland 36 ""244" 20 459 641 2,109 26, 424 Canada 19, 156 Austria . . 16, 000 England 398 11, 720 9.800 United States 211,986 Country. Year begun . Later records. Year re- ported. Num- ber of associa- tions. Mem- bers. Cows. Denmark Germany Sweden Norway Finland Scotland Canada England United States . Do 1897 1898 1898 1900 1903 1904 1905 1906 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1920 1919 1919 636 333 427 102 142 22 15,000 4,560 5, 503 2,080 2,463 426 3,847 44 385 10,000 11,918 208,900 135, 540 102, 812 23, 286 41,927 17, 827 33, 382 32,000 167, 313 203,472 Table 7.— PRODUCTION and EXPORTATION of BUTtER for various countries. [Numerous authorities.] Country. Year. Production. Exports. United States ... 1909 1919 1913 1913 1914 1914 1916 1911 1908 1912 1914 1916 1916 1916 1914 1916 Pounds . 1,621,000,000 1,648,505,382 8S1, 840, 000 326,253,000 286,598,000 257,484,000 182,469,000 201, 808, 000 1177,000,000 147,835,000 2 110,000,000 63, 273, 000 2 62, 135, 000 37,000,000 20, 518, 000 15, 980, 000 Ppunds. 5,981,000 34,556,485 602, 000 Do Germany Russia (including Siberia) France 172,003,000 44, 619, 000 Denmark 210, 084, 000 Australia . . 16, 722, 000 Canada 3,142,000 United Kingdom 1, 125, 000 Netlierlands . . ■ . . 86, 307, 000 Italy 9,310,000 40, 167, 000 Sweden 28, 704, 000 Switzerland 2,646 7,676,000 Union of South Africa (3) 1 Factory butter only, for Ireland. 2 Factory butter only. ^ None. Table 8. — Approximate amount of MILK SOLIDS in dairy products. [Various authorities.] Product. Milk solids (includ- ing fat). Milk: Whole milk Skim milk Condensed, sweetened (legal)' Condensed and evaporated, not sweetened (legal) Condensed and evaporated skim milk, sweetened (legal) Powder- Whole milk (legal) Skim milk (legal) Cream Malted (7h per cent fat) Buttermilk Sugar Chocolate Whey Buttermilk Cream: 20 per cent fat 40 per cent fat Butter, 82 per cent fat Cheese: Cheddar (milk with 4 per cent fat) Cottage Ice cream : 10 per cent fat 14 per cent fat Per cent. 13.0 9.2 28.0 25.5 28.0 295.0 95.0 95.0 25.0 95.0 72.7 12.0 7.0 8.4 26.7 43.5 83.0 63.0 62.6 20.0 20. 1 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, B. A. I. Cir. 36. 2 The moisture of whole and skimmed-milk powder commercially is about 2 per cent. Table 9.— STANDARDS of BUTTERFAT and limit of MOISTURE in BUTTER in various countries. [Various sources.] Country. Butterfat (min.). Moisture (max.). Per cent. Per cent. 16.0 Australia 82.0 80.0 82.0 82.0 16.0 Victoria 15.0 West Australia 15.0 16.0 Sweden . . . .... 16.0 Italy 82.0 16.0 Germany: Salted. 80.0 82.0 16.0 Unsalted 18.0 Finland. , .. 16.0 Switzerland (six cantons) . . 82.0 15.0 Denmark 16.0 United States 82.5 (1) Below 16. Table 10.— WEIGHT of MILK and CREAM, with vary- ing per cent of fat content at 68° F. [Department of Agriculture Bulletin 98.] Product. Fat con- tent. Weight per gallon. Skim milk Per cent by weight. o:o2 3.00 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 35.0 40.0 Pounds. 8.63 Whole milk . 8.60 Do 8.59 Do 8.58 Do . .. . . 8.58 Do 8.57 Modified milk 8.53 Cream 8.50 Do.. 8.47 Do 8.43 Do 8.39 Do 8.31 Do... 8.28 Milk is generally figured at 8.6 pounds and cream (18 to 20 per cent fat) at 8.4 pounds per gallon. 9 Table 11.— PROPORTION of YEARLY BUTTERFAT RECEIPTS, received monthly by creameries in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, for !he years 1913 to 1916. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Month. Butterfat. Month. ' Butterfat. January.. Per cent. 6.53 6.46 7.11 7.45 10.71 12.33 11.20 August . Per cent. 9.81 February September 8.65 October 7.53 April ... November. 6 07 May 6.09 June Total July 100 00 Table 12.— NORMAL FOOD for the United [Royal Society Food Comm., Mar. 30, 1917.] Kingdom. Food. Food energy. Cereals Per cent. 34 (Wheat 30 per cent.) Meat (including poultry and game) 18 15 Sugar 13 Potatoes s Fruits, fish, etc - - 12 Total 100 Table 13.— QUANTITY of MILK used at United States Dairy Experiment Farm, Beltsville, Md., to raise a calf. Quantity of feed consumed. Feed. During first 6 months. 1 During first year.i During two years.* Milk Pounds. 125.3 2,486.1 317.7 112.1 72S.5 Pounds. 125.3 2,486.1 883.3 566. 1 3,647.5 Pounds. 125 3 Skim milk 2,486.1 2 107 3 Grain Hay, alfalfa 1 599 1 Silage, corn 11 164 6 1 Average of 12 calves. * Average of 11 calves; 4 of the calves were purebred or grade Hol- steins and 7 were purebred or grade Guernseys. Average live weight at two years, 861 pounds. 75578°— 22 2 10 UNITED STATES STATISTICS. Table 14.— Nixmber and percentages of CATTLE of various BREEDS in the United States, 1920. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Cattle. Is CI . Aberdeen Angus Ayrshire Brown Swiss Devon Dutch Belted . . . Galloway Guernsey Hereford Holstein Jersey Polled Durham. RedPoUed Shorthorn Other breeds Nondescript Total Number. 2,479,000 412,000 170,000 175,000 157,000 534,000| 1,993,000 14,302,000 11,069,000 9,554,000 1,033,000 1,772,000 15,429,000 2,107,000 7,044,000 P.ct 3.6 .6 .3 .3 .2 .8 2.9 21.0 16.2 14.0 1.5 2.6 22.6 3.1 10.3 68,230,000100.0 P.ct. 0.3 4.8 .4 .4 .4 .1 8.8 1.7 54.0 14.3 .1 .2 5.4 2.2 P.ct. 3.6 .4 .7 .1 .1 .7 6.3 7.8 29.3 15.3 1.8 1.7 23.3 2.1 6.8 P.ct. .9 .3 .2 .1 .1 .8 4.8 1.9 3.3 36.2 2.3 7.3 P.ct. 2.9 .3 .1 .7 .1 .2 3.6 9.1 9.0 29.5 .4 1.6 9.5 6.8 26.2 P.ct. 3.1 22.5 5.2 23.8 2.4 5.4 15.9 4.9 15.0 P.ct. 0.8 .2 .1 .4 1.3 40.9 14.9 8.8 .9 .5 21.9 1.8 7.2 100.0 100.0 100.0100.0 100.0 100.0 The information was brought out by an inquiry sent to 14,000 special livestock reporters of the bureau. Grades and scrubs were included in the breed iu which the type predominated. Table 15.— Number and value of CATTLE EXPORTED from the United States. [Comanerce and Navigation Reports; (YB.).] Year ended Cattle. Year ended Cattle. June 30. Number. Value. June 30. Number. Value. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 397,286 459, 218 392, 884 402, 178 593, 409 567, 806 584, 239 423, 051 349, 210 207, 542 139, 430 $30,635,153 37, 566, 980 29, 902, 212 29, 848, 936 42,256,291 40, 598, 048 42, 081, 170 34, 577, 392 29, 339, 134 18, 046, 976 12, 200, 154 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 150, 100 105,506 24,714 18, 376 5,484 21, 287 13, 387 18, 213 42,345 83, 039 145,623 $13, 163, 920 8, 870, 075 1, 177, 199 647, 288 702, 847 2, 378, 248 949, 503 1, 247, 800 2, 092, 816 11, 921, 518 10,950,507 11 Table 16.— Number of DAIRY COWS and OTHER CATTLE on farms in the United States from 1840 to 1922. [Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Year. Milk cows Other Year. Milk cows Other on farms.i cattle. on farms.i cattle. 18402.... 4, 837, 043 10, 171, 586 19113.... 20, 823, 000 39,679,000 18502.... 6, 385, 094 11, 393, 813 1912 3.... 20,699,000 37,260,000 1860 2.... 8, 585, 735 17, 034, 284 19133.... 20, 497, 000 36, 030, 000 1914 3.... 20, 737, 000 35, 855, 000 18702.... 8, 935, 332 13, 566, 005 1915 3.... 21, 262, 000 37,067,000 18802.... 12, 443, 120 22, 488, 550 18902.... 16,511,950 33, 734, 128 19163.... 22, 108, 000 39, 812, 000 19002.... 17, 135, 633 50, 083, 777 19173.... 22, 894, 000 41,689,000 19102.... 20, 125, 432 41, 178, 434 19183.... 23, 310, 000 44,112,000 1919 3.... 23, 455, 000 45,085,000 1920 2.... 519,671,777 47, 139, 059 1920 3.... 23, 722, 000 43,398,000 19213.... 123,594, 000 41,993,000 1922 4.... 24,028,000 41,324,000 1 The number of cows within towns and villages amounts to 2,000,000. 2 Census. The census report figures are for June 1, except for 1910, which is for April 15; and 1920, which was for January 1. 3 Estimates, January 1. 4 Preliminary. 5 Dairy breeds only. Table 17.— Kind and number of PUREBRED CATTLE imported into the United States from 1885 to 1920, inclusive. [Bureau of Animal Industry.] Breed. Number. Breed. Number. 14 750 1,762 44 1 51 69 2,491 62 504 10,114 Hereford 799 Highland 19 Ayrshire Holstein 1,864 Zebu (buifalo) Jersey 6,304 Danish... Kerry and Dexter Red and Polled Simmenthal. . . 243 Devon 520 Dutch Belted 24 35 French . Brown Swiss 83 rjnllnurnv Total 25,753 The figures for 1919 and 1920 include only those brought from over- seas, as data on purebreds from Canada are not available. Records of importations from Canada were incomplete for a large portion of this period. 12 .s- 0. 8 Pi »-i o oSc CO m CC O CO CO "^ CO 03-^t^ OCOM< i-lt^O»-(0 OO (N CO t^ O 1-H -rt* C5 -^ O O (M O < 1-ic^ inoooocs .-Ht^->«<0( CD00O5iOr-l «C>CO00»Ot^ 0>L0Ot— o Tj< ■<*< ^ rtl Tf< O 'J' O O 05 to .-I T-l t^ Tj< 1-H (M iClM CO ^ CO(Nt^-* OJ . ic -^ O • O •^ O CN 05 i-H Tf o o -Or-H >o • ■^ 1-1 ■• 1— I -^ r-i (^^ o 00 -^ to «o 00 to toco'tooTto' cTr-Tci'co'-'i^" «oi— lOt^oo coicooccto 1—1 1— I CO OtOOOO ^t^OC-^tO cO-^iCCOCO 00C^20C0O CO lO 00 00 1-H to O CO IM t^ 05 IN ■* CN 02 03 O 00 05 O to -^ tti CO to CT>l>"COr-(CO 0> to to t^ to •>* (N lO 05 00 o'oo'co"(n'co" cri-r-^co"or oTcT-h i>. o^ to oo oj o> w 1-1 1-HCOCOi-l i-I^HOuOt^Oli-t 1—1 i-(tO OO 00 to t^ to •^(Si'-i CiC^ 05 lO OO O CO i-lt^I^Oi-* O 1—1 to CO -H to o oo CO o 00 05 o o> lO Tti •«»> r- ^ 1— I O050>oto r^ *lCOiOi-H 0-<*:S'-ti t^ "\:hS^ S>4i O^S? ;tias;:i ^ * ■o CO ■* ifeiig ^^ §? 5^ Ir^S |2[^ i n?gS3^ 2g ^?3S ■*! 05 O i CO CO CO-* t^t^ Tt^iM'i^ ot^^ ,-1 r^ TjT co^t^ ,_! o»HOicooo t^ >o o 00 c^i CO r^ t^ T-H ■*! (N(Moor^co coocooco -^lOt^ CO CO O iC «0 03 05 T— I CO O T— I CO *< Tt< -*l 00 •* CO Tf< T-u>. r-i CO 1-1 r^ t--. r- CO 05 oot^Tt-H i-l ■* CO rt 1005< CO C. O CO ■* r-( ■* lO -- ,-4 CO i,-(t^ (M^< -* CO 1— I OOt-t^^CO lOOOOt^t^ t^t^OlOliM C5.-l^ " ' ' ' ' ~ ' 1*i o o (NOOOiCOt^ S;::^S? lOl LOrt>rtiOi-i COC^IOOOsiM •<*-*,-( CO I— I 05 ■* t-^ •* CD 1— I t^ >0 N r-l Ttl oa C^ O 05 ■>*< 00 CD t^ CD 00 t^ O »0 t^ O 050coa>-*l t^iOCOlNOO 0C'(M00iO-H 05rtC0-«tl<0 oicor-co ooimco COOClCJiO ^CDCOt^^ t^XCOJ rt q M w as 5q SSI^S;^ i^;:^;^; ■ • CO • c3x3 Pl^ fH c^ o i»a> ooxSriiiS; S^ggg S-2a).t5^ .*;-r' iz;;^; ^^oco fntf^cg^ &Ht)>>^ i^;^;^ 14 Table 19.— Number and value of CATTLE IMPORTED into the United States for all purposes. [Commerce and Navigation Reports; (YB.).] Cattle. Cattle. Year ended Year ended June 30. June 30. Number. Value. Number. Value. 1900 181, 006 $2, 257, 694 1911 182, 923 $2,953,077 1901 146, 022 1, 931, 433 1912 318, 372 4, 805, 574 1902 96,027 1, 608, 722 1913 421, 649 6, 640, 668 1903 66, 175 1, 161, 548 1914 868, 368 18,696,718 1904 16, 056 310, 737 1915 538, 167 17, 513, 175 1905 27, 855 458, 572 1916 439, 185 15, 187, 593 1906 29, 019 548, 430 1917 374, 826 13,021,259 1907 32, 402 565, 122 1918 293, 719 17, 852, 176 1908 92, 356 1, 507, 310 1919 440, 399 36, 995, 921 1909 139, 184 1, 999, 422 1920 575, 328 45,081,179 1910 195, 938 2, 999, 824 1921 329,974 23,634,361 Table 20. — Number of cows in the United States which have produced 600 or more pounds of butterfat in a year prior to 1920, in the principal dairy breeds. [Herdbooks of cattle clubs.] Butterfat produced. Holstein- Friesian. Jersey. Guern- sey. Ayrshire.i Pounds. 1 000 or more . 27 52 126 236 590 2 15 53 148 489 2 8 27 98 297 900 to 1,000 2 800 to 900 12 700 to 800 25 600 to 700 77 1 Complete to Apr. 15, 1921. The table shows the number of cows, at their highest yield, with the butterfat produced for the year. That is, 52 Holstein, 15 J'ersey, 8 Guern- sey, and 2 Ayrshire cows of record have produced 900 to 1,000 pounds of butterfat per cow in a year. Table 21. — Number of cattle registered by the Ayrshire Breeders' Association from 1910 to Dec. 31, 1921. [Secretary of the Ayrshire Breeders' Association.] Year. Bulls and cows. Year. Bulls and cows. 1910 3,233 4,798 2, 884 3,950 4,912 4,439 1916 4,033 1911 1917 4, 944 1912 1918 8,494 6, 148 1913 1919 1914 1920 6,809 1915 1921 5,874 15 Table 22. — Number of cattle registered by the American Guernsey Cattle Club, Jan. 1, 1900, to Dec. 31, 1921. [Secretary of the American Guernsey Cattle Club.] Year. Bulls. Cows. Total. Year. BuUs. Cows. Total. 1900 . 608 896 1,504 1911 2,402 4,001, 6,403 1901 647 1,172 1,819 1912 2,942 4,578 7.520 1902 726 1,267 1,993 1913 3,653 5,642 9,295 1903 746 1,289 2,035 1914 4,348 6,937 11,285 1904 737 1,261 1,998 1915 4,765 6,535 11,300 1905 847 1,612 2, 459 1916 5,030 7,654 12,684 1906 950 1,964 2,914 1917 6,167 9,366 15, 533 1907 1,118 1,966 3,084 1918 6,108 9,356 15, 464 1908 1,291 2,191 3,482 1919 7,648 11, 781 19, 429 1909 1,841 3,836 5,677 1920 7,427 11,956 19,383 1910 2,420 4,194 6,614 1921 8,036 13,971 22,007 The total number of animals in the herdbook of the American Guern- sey Cattle Club to Jan. 1, 1921. is: Bulls, 68,804; cows, 112,003; total, 180,807. Table 23. — Number of cattle registered by the Hoist ein- Friesian Association of America for the years 1900 to 1921, inclusive. [Secretary, Holstein-Friesian Association.] Year Year ended BuUs. Cows. Total. ended Bulls. Cows. Total. Apr. 30— Apr. 30- 1900 1,365 3,381 4,746 1911 12, 472 20, 417 32, 889 1901 1,460 3,648 5,108 1912 13, 743 23, 792 37, 535 1902 1,738 4,252 5,990 1913 16, 364 26, 951 43,315 1903 2,088 4,753 6,841 1914 18, 336 29, 750 48,086 1904 2,477 5,567 8,044 1915 25, 617 42, 063 67,680 1905 3,226 6,547 9,773 1916 26, 116 48, 549 72,665 1906 3,842 7,918 11, 760 1917 24, 749 49,098 73, 847 1907 4,841 9,809 14, 650 1918 28, 730 59, 549 88,279 1908 5,684 10, 850 16, 534 1919 30, 298 60, 589 90, 887 1909 7, 021 12, 570 19, 591 1920 36, 791 77, 712 114,503 1910 9,689 16, 487 26, 176 1921 39, 585 88, 265 127, 850 Table 24.— Number of cattle registered by the American Jersey Cattle Club for the years 1900 to 1921. [Secretary, American Jersey Cattle Club.] Year. Bulls. Cows. Total. Year. Bulls. Cows, Total. 1900 2,798 8,750 11,548 1911 7,229 16, 282 23,511 1901 2,567 8,045 10,612 1912 7,5t;2 10,591 24, 153 1902 2, 471 7,580 10,051 1913 9,147 19, 481 28,628 1903 2,370 7,240 9,010 1914 10,079 22, 861 32,940 1904 2,373 7,404 9,837 1915 9, 475 22, 957 32,432 1905 2,640 7,735 10,375 1916 10, 242 24,997 35,239 1900 3,019 8,652 11,671 1917 14, 446 33,960 48,406 1907 3,752 9,383 13, 135 1918 8, 904 25, 398 34,302 1908 4,148 10, 135 14,283 1919 10, 906 30,424 41,330 1909 5,249 12,513 17,762 1920 11,669 32, 162 43,831 1910 6,333 14,509 20, 842 T921 11,213 31,123 42,336 16 Table 25.— Number of COW-TESTING and BULL ASSOCIATIONS in the United States. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Year. Cow-test- ing asso- ciations. Bull asso- ciations. Year. Cow-test- ing asso- ciations. Bull asso- ciations. 190G 1 4 (i 25 40 61 82 100 None. None. 3 8 9 11 11 12 1914 163 211 346 459 353 385 4(8 452 14 1907 1915 15 190S 1916 24 1909 1917 36 1910 . . 1918. 44 1911 1919 78 1912 1920 123 1913 1921 158 Number of bulls per bull association, average in each of the three years 1918, 1919, 1920, was 5. Number of cows per bull association, average for the 3-year period, 233. Number of cows per block in bull associations, average for the 3-year period, 48. Number of members per bull association, average for the 3-vear period, 38. Number of herds per cow-testing association, average for the 3-year period, 26.2. Number of cows per cow-testing association, average for the 3-year period, 448. Table 26. — Average of 120 sets of yearly records of 96 COW-TESTING ASSOCIATIONS in the United States for the years 1910 to 1920, inclusive. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Cows on test 4 months and not more than 12. Cows on test 4 months and not more than 12. Number of cows Number of cow-years i.. 41, 990 37,362 5,989 4.12 247 $0. 46 112. 39 Cost of rougliage Cost of grain.. ^ S32.03 21.03 Pounds of milk Total feed cost 53.06 Butterfat (per cent) Pounds of fat... Income over cost of feed Returns for $1 ex- pended for feed 59.33 Price of butterfat Value of product 2.11 1 A cow-year may be the record of 1 cow on test 12 months or it may be made up of the records of 2 or more cows, the sum of whose testing periods equals 12 months. The average yield of American farm cows from year to year is estimated at nearly 4,000 pounds of milk, or 160 pounds of butterfat per year. IT Table 27.— Estimated number and capacity of SILOS in important- dairy States for the year 1918. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] State. Number Average Total of silos, capacity, capacity. New York Pennsylvania... Ohio Indiana Illinois Micliigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Kansas Kentucky New England. . . All other States. 55,000 24,000 25, OCO 27, 000 30, COO 33,000 55, 000 15,000 16,000 13,000 11,000 10, 000 35, 000 55,000 Tons. 75 65 67 70 79 70 87 95 105 90 106 80 67 77 4,125,000 1,500,000 1,675,000 1,890,000 2,370,000 2,310,000 4,785,000 1,425,000 1,680,000 1,170,000 1,166,000 800,000 2,345,000 4.235,000 United States 404, 000 78 31,536,000 Table 28.— Total MILK PRODUCTION in the United States. [Bureau of the Census.] Year. Milk production. Remarks. 1869 1879 1889 1899 1909 1919 Gallons. 235, 500, 599 530,129,755 5,209,125,567 7,728,583,349 7,466,406,384 7,805,143,792 Sold from farms. Do. Including milk from town cows. Estimate by Bureau of the Census. Do. Table 29.— Estimates of PRODUCTION and USES of MILK in the United States. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] [Million pounds— 000,000 omitted.] 1917 1918 1919 1920 Product. Lbs. Per cent. Lbs. Per cent. Lbs. Per cent. Lbs. Per cent. Total production. . . 84,612 100 87,906 100 90,058 100 89,657 100 Creamery butter . .\ Farm butter / Cheese 34,664 4,200 2,438 3,150 2.9 3.7 16; 800 14, 910 4,000 4,000 3,300 50 38,900 3,748 2,198 19.1 16.9 4.5 4.5 3.8 u.l 4.3 2.5 18,375 14,385 4,200 4,813 3,450 216 38,619 3,500 2,500 20.4 16.0 4.7 5.3 3.8 .2 42.9 3.9 2.8 18, 135 14, 175 3,624 3,945 3,575 222 39,090 4,202 2,689 20.2 15.8 4.0 Condensed milk Ice cream 4.4 4.0 0.2 Household use Fed to calves Waste or loss 36,500 3,660 43.1 4.3 43.6 4.7 3.0 75578 °-22- 18 Table 30.— Number and breeds of ACCREDITED and ONCE-TESTED CATTLE, showing cattle free from tuberculosis, as indicated by tuberculin test, up to June 30, 1920. [U. S. Department of Agriculture; Circular 142 (YB.).] Once-tested with- out reacting. Purebred. Grade In accredited herds. Purebred. Grade Aberdeen Angus Ayrshire Brown Swiss Devon Dutch Belted Galloway Guernsey Hereford Polled Hereford... Holstein-Friesian Jersey Red Polled Shorthorn , MiMng Shorthorn . Polled Shorthorn. . . 3,286 2,315 686 82 48 123 9,049 13,014 1,120 23, 916 18, 045 1,675 20, 249 162 3G8 2,095 2,137 350 25 271 143 15,538 6,277 197 45.859 56, 160 1,285 29, 601 287 234 2,072 1,291 387 34 18 38 6,651 5,117 777 11,141 10, 369 1,189 7,606 11 320 594 274 63 40 6,003 1,816 122 12,599 9,525 155 3,237 15 58 Total 97,138 160, 439 47,021 34,515 A plan was adopted in 1917 by the Federal and State authorities to eradicate tuberculosis. This plan provides for "accredited herds." An accredited herd is one which has been tubercuUn-tested by the subcutaneous method, or any other test approved by the Bureau of Animal Industry, under the supervision of the Bureau of Animal In- dustry, or of a regularly employed veterinary inspector of a State in which cooperative tuberculosis-eradication worlc is conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture and the State. Further, it shall be a herd in which no animal affected with tuberculosis has been found upon two annual or three semiannual tuberculin tests, as de- scribed above, and by physical examination. On June 30, 1921, there were in the United States 8,201 accredited herds and 49,814 once-tested free herds. Table 31.- -PRICE of MILK in Chicago, net to farmer. [Milk News.] Price • Price Price Year. per 100 Year. per 100 Year. per 100 pounds. pounds. pounds. 1897 $1.11 1905 ; $1.43 1913 $1.99 1898 1.13 1906 1.38 1914 2.00 1899 1.25 1907 1.62 1915 1.98 1900 1.35 1908 1.73 1916 2.03 1901 1.39 1909 1.72 1917 2.66 1902 1.40 1910 1.83 1918 3.22 1903 1.48 1911 1.90 1919 3.65 1904 1.43 1912 1.89 1920 3.49 19 Table 32.— Total annual RECEIPTS of MARKET MILK in New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston. [MilkReportef.l Year. New York City. Phila- delphia. Boston. 1893 Gallons. 85,910,050 92,202,650 115,022,450 158,994,000 175,021,150 179,966,900 178,897,450 187,091,700 200,049,100 212, 170, 850 217,634,900 228,675,950 229,785,750 240,144,450 243,929,500 246,597 650 260,547,370 279,686,190 307,431,106 326,316,250 Gallons. Gallons. 1895 1900 1905 30, 100, 242 32,412,845 33,982,797 32,590,749 36, 198, 715 37,657,204 40,625,144 40,841,772 43,354,701 43,433,961 44,607,224 47,846,966 46 714,093 48,338,655 53,953,142 67,983,114 74,266,288 1906 28,558,491 27,470,547 25,957,819 27,020,734 25 151 590 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 22' 523' 193 28,004,808 23,826,712 25,909,556 27 376 987 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 29' 629' 053 35 180 444 1917 1918 36,578,654 39,177,071 41,595,081 42,348,423 1919 1920 1921 The receipts at New York were in the form of whole milk, cream, and condensed milk. In Boston the receipts were by railroad. Means of receipt in the other cities not stated. The totals for Boston from 1906 to 1916, inclusive, are from Massachusetts Public Document No. 60 (1917), and from 1917 to 1919, from E. M. Uartwell, statistician, Boston. Table 33. — Prevailing New York price for Grade B milk, net to farmer. [Milk Reporter.] Average Average Average Year. price per Year. price per Year. price per quart. quart. quart. Cents. Cents. Cents. 18751 3.58 1891 2.66 1907 3.35 1876 3.37 1892 2.68 1908 3.29 1877 3.27 1893 2.79 1909 3.38 18781 2.60 1894 2.63 1910 3.68 1879 2.33 1895 2.52 1911 3.36 1880 2.88 1896 2.34 1912 3.68 1881 2.94 1897 2.35 1913 3.53 1882 3.25 1898 2.38 1914 3.50 1883 3.26 1899 2.53 1915 3.50 1884 3.00 1900 2.74 1916 3.88 1885 2.79 1901 2.62 1917 5.68 1886 2.80 1902 2.88 1918 7.00 1887 2.81 1903 2.88 1919 7.58 1888 2.83 1904 2.75 1920 7.57 1889 2.59 1905 2.89 1921 6.42 1890 2.63 1906 3.01 1 Price in gold during period of inflated currency: 1875, 3.11 cents; 1876, 3.02 cents; 1877, 3.12 cents; 1878, 2.58 cents. 20 Table 34. — Unit requirements for producing 100 pounds of milk in different sections of the United States. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Item. Indiana.! Vermont.2 North CaroUna.8 Average yearly milk production per cow pounds.. Per cent butterfat. . . 6,937 3.8 5,252 3.9 4, 915 Winter. Sum- mer. Winter. Sum- mer. Winter. Sum- mer. Grain pounds.. Dry roughage. do Succulent roughage pounds.. Hauling and grind- ing concentrates. . . Bedding... pounds.. Pasture acres . . 38.6 66.8 147.6 $0.03 20.3 20.0 27.4 60.1 $0.14 "".'64' 2.2 .2 $0. 393 33.1 129.9 191.3 $0.02 11.2 2.7 .6 $0. 555 8.7 18.7 27.8 $0,005 ""."16' 2.0 .4 $0. 425 57.8 78.5 181.5 48.4 36.9 87.0 $0,008 .012 3.6 M.8 $0. 537 ' '$6.' 205 Human labor hours.. Horse labor... do — Other costs . 2.5 .3 $0. 3S5 3.2 5 1.8 $0,495 Credit for calves part of calf. . Credit for manure pounds.. .012 332 .013 .025 382 .009 56 i$0. 548 $0,430 Item. Washington." Louisiana. 6 Nebraska.7 Average yearly milk production per cow pounds.. Per cent butterfat. . . 7,833 3.7 • 3,106 4.4 5,823 3.65 Winter. Sum- mer. Winter. Sum- mer. Winter. Sum- mer. Grain pounds.. Dry roughage. do Succulent roughage pounds.. Hauling and grind- ing concentrates. . . Bedding... pounds.. Pasture acres. . 29.4 92. S 143. 3 $0. 022 9.0 5.2 7.5 40.4 $0. 003 .1 .025 1.3 .015 $0. 406 72.4 38.3 78.4 $0. 095 .3 $0. 155 5.8 .9 $1. 220 52.5 1.9 8.1 $0. 050 '$6.'i97' 5.0 .7 $0. 803 41.2 95.3 93.6 $0,016 11.1 $0. 108 2.0 .06 $0,869 11.0 51,2 29.3 $0,004 .5 $0,653 Human labor hours.. Horse labor. . .do Other costs 1.9 .01 $0,576 1.9 .08 $0. 889 Credit for calves part of calf.. Credit for manure poimds.. 0.017 115 0.009 13 .033 128 .023 78 .02 244 .01 20 1 U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bui. 858. a U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bui. 923. 8 U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bui. 266. < U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bui. 919. '•• Farmers retailed own milk. •6 U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bui. 955. ^ U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bul.972. 21 Table 35.— Production of DAIRY PRODUCTS in the United States for the year IQJQ, by months. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Creamery butter. Whey butter. American Cheddar cheese. Swiss cheese Month. Whole milk. Part skim. Full skim. (includ- ing block). 1919. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Pounds. 52,198,95' 44, 342, 56i 54, 822, 39t 67, 487, 31' 103, 941, 02] 119,357,49^ 104, 751, 26( 84, 840, 31( 69, 102, 57J 58,722,55' 45, 040, 65f 46, 662, 02] Pounds. 372, 478 225, 545 276, 892 383, 485 596, 694 717, 123 694, 382 657, 863 597, 292 424, 017 430, 863 220, 674 Pounds. 10, 955, 73^ 11,854,73. 19, 008, 97( 21, 641, 72< 34,849,06' 44, 599, 12( 35,465,01' 30, 940, 23. 26, 256, 54< 23,114,45' 13, 106, 75( 10, 043, 64. Pounds. 610, 541 238, 703 495, 475 734, 953 900, 810 942, 233 732, 809 528, 176 276, 674 248, 049 230, 276 250,493 Pounds. 423, 537 430, 574 326, 297 588, 741 874, 757 1,448,147 821, 415 710, 736 528, 067 378, 272 249,299 205, 514 Pounds. 131, 949 172, 335 269, 235 597,794 2,850,662 3, 910, 881 3,440,549 3,227,488 2,629,450 1,860,084 848, 190 448,689 Total.. 851, 269, m 5, 597, 308 281, 836, 01. 6, 189, 192 1 6,985,356 20,387,306 Month. Brick and Munster cheese. Lim- burger cheese. Cottage, pot, and baker's cheese. Cream and Neuf- chatel cheese. Italian varieties of cheese. AH other varieties of cheese. 1919. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Pounds. 2, 636, 940 2, 408, 269 2, 668, 920 3, 146, 302 4, 039, 841 4, 334, 932 2,872,007 2, 552, 768 2, 462, 945 3, 794, 110 3, 523, 507 3, 080, 463 Pounds. 177, 294 210,818 237, 678 502, 245 1,220,499 1,301,585 886, 299 874, 133 748, 086 703, 939 473, 155 289, 810 Pounds. 2, 109, 591 2, 443, 069 2, 707, 964 3, 701, 192 3,214,328 2, 925, 902 2, 344, 858 2, 201, 372 1, 895, 083 2, 180, 766 1, 855, 898 2, 205, 306 Pounds. 450, 177 413, 916 474, 339 430, 193 440,168 445,583 506, 491 402, Oil 376, 972 423, 218 507, 611 629, 960 Pounds. 317, 446 298, 693 335, 177 358, 339 457, 398 451, 674 334, 639 312, 054 279, 230 329, 434 256, 158 257, 119 Pounds. 513, 326 546,372 769,412 863,582 892,360 784,094 661,120 627,851 703,497 1,264,474 985,499 1,049,910 Total. . 37,521,004 7,625,541 29,785,329 5, 500, 639 3,987,361 9,661,497 Note.— This table is not quite complete, as a few reports were received after it was made. For final total butter figures see Table 40; for total cheese made see Table 51; and for condensed and evaporated milk see Table 61. The figures in Tables 35 and 36 are taken from the Market Reporter (published by the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates), Apr. 3, 1920. They include only such factories as reported for both 1918 and 1919, and represent about 93 per cent of the total number of factories. See Table 39 for total creamery butter; and Table 40 for total creamery and whey butter. 22 Table 36.— Production of CONDENSED and EVAPO- RATED MILK in the United States for the year 1919, by months. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Sweet- Unsweet- ened Sweet- Unsweet- Evapo- Steril- enod con- ened con- ened rated part ized M densed rated skimmed milk. densed evaporated or full whole ri skimmed whole whole skimmed milk 1 milk. milk. milk. milk.i canned. 1919. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Jan. . 3, 832, 759 4, 875, 107 25, 895, 736 79, 439, 812 3, 563, 179 1,624,930 Feb.. 4,593,977 3, 562, 550 39, 800, 837 86, 537, 731 2, 704, 232 451,308 Mar.. 6, 860, 862 3, 986, 734 55,610,443 101,817,221 3, 876, 562 515, 862 Apr.. 8, 196, 677 5, 479, 228 68,104,344 108,471,199 5,026,025 616,811 May. 11,028,637 6,936,653 70,403,079 132, 668, 917 5,983,285 568, 767 June. 7,751,023 9,138,584 64,019,406 153, 672, 555 6, 795, 121 /Not 1 given. July. 4,844,922 8,875,537 56,398,758 124, 538, 296 5,469,322 ' 46,277 Aug.. 4, 109, 201 7, 170, 623 46, 328, 941 105,400,617 5, 763, 975 105, 743 Sept . 3, 963, 454 5,453,851 49,025,772 92,619,308 4, 973, 701 90,443 Oct.. 3, 878, 855 5, 250, 629 50, 688, 945 89,631,504 7,114,632 385, 706 Nov . 4,285,022 4,371,289 41,730,538 77,490,891 6,523,220 3,859 Dec. 5,677,937 3, 967, 673 37, 154, 100 81,914,071 7,217,091 5,112 Total. 69,023,326 69,068,458 605, 160, 899 1,234,202,122 65,010,345 i, 414, 818 1 Modified with foreign fats. The figures in Tables 35 and 36 are taken from the IVIarket Reporter (pubhshed l>y the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates), Apr. 3, 1920. They include only such factories as reported for both 1918 and 1919, and represent about 93 per cent of the total number of factories. For total condensed and evaporated milk, see Table 61. Table 37.— PRODUCTION and EXPORTATION of RENOVATED BUTTER, by years. [Bureau of Internal Revenue and Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Year, ended June 30- Fac- nes.i Produc- tion. Exports. Year ended June 30. Fac- to- ries.! Produc- tion. Exports. 1902.. 1903.. 1904- . 1905.. 1906- . 1907. - 1908.. 1909.. 1910.. 1911.. 55 81 77 78 64 51 49 49 42 ,45 Pounds. No record. 54, 658, 790 54, 171, 183 60, 029, 421 53, 549, 900 62, 965, 613 50, 479, 489 47,345,361 47,433,575 39,292,591 Pounds. No record 1, 312, 000 3,118,018 3, 864, 146 11,005,537 5,538,410 1,271,610 1, 115, 288 41, 850 118,890 1912.. 1913.. 1914.. 1915.. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1919.. 1920. . 1921.. 39 It i 22 19 15 11 11 Pounds. 46,387,398 38, 354, 762 32, 470, 030 39, 056, 180 34,514,527 27, 507, 982 19, 270, 933 17,358,718 9,735,214 6,099,110 Pounds. 952, 516 75,037 674,780 1,918,015 133, 300 635,038 17,340 41,200 8,110 4,055 1 Total number of factories at end of fiscal year. Production is taken from reports of the Bureau of Internal Revenue; and exportsare takenfrom the reports of inspectors of the Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. 23 Table 38.— DAIRY PRODUCTS made during 1919 in FACTORIES in the United States, by States. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] State. Creamery butter.i Factory cheese. 2 Condensed and evapo- rated milk.» Alabama . . Pounds. 696,215 1,000,118 363, 384 61, 795, 295 13, 144, 464 929, 551 253,286 5,375 16, 755 315,8^ 4,514,2^ 44, 621, 358 44, 658, 534 87,914,633 35,642,291 5,321,193 46, 409 1, 140, 850 315, 305 2,849,270 45, 206, 770 130, 785, 598 2. 476, 787 38, 411, 403 5,389,032 60,467,056 1, 725, 494 397, 198 178, 796 5,673 13, 715, 704 829,286 14,696,566 60,573,159 10, 481, 270 14,431,827 12, 445, 578 65, 392 26, 580 17,478,570 3, 735, 157 8,288,644 3; 796, 394 10,676,538 1, 597, 340 18, 486, 591 328, 160 85, 054, 334 1, 139, 556 Pounds. Pounds. 1,129,304 16,363,677 Arizona 463, 717 Arkansas . . California.. 8,940,302 507, 696 111 200,237 78,636,340 16,903,909 26,559 Colorado Coimecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida 76,138 Georgia Idaho 2,582,428 6, 294, 871 185, 230 954, 425 25, 498 11,093,091 188,950,296 23,662,666 6,653,397 19,834,406 Blinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana 1,100 Maine 6 894 304 Maryland 237,926 106,675 7, 690, 485 9, 766, 750 9,111,194 2,215,243 198,651,629 2,360,121 Massachusetts... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri. 304, 983 318,398 39, 343 39,831 Montana Nebraska. . . 3,071,270 Nevada New Hampshire. 258, 843 856, 195 76,332 10,571,144 New Jersey. . . ; New Mexico New York.. 68,855,452 228, 765 443,540,879 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio 4,546,836 7,550 8, 465, 306 6, 307, 821 4,294 348 56,348 51,033 17,603 914, 605 3,581,569 59, 991 1,257,254 55, 750 263, 481, 352 1,612,356 123,442,732 Oklahoma Oregon 33,947,234 181,897,826 211 Pennsylvania Rhode Island.. South Carolina South Dakota. Tennessee 960 Texas 11,644 20,479,439 38,997,068 5, 221, 714 129,482,526 400, 122 457, 214, 442 Utah Vermont Virginia Washington "West Virginia Wisconsin . . Wyoming Total. 868,124,806 399, 239, 446 2,030,957,648 1 See Tables 34, 35 and 40 for whey butter. * Cottage, pot, and baker's cheese are not included under cheese. 3 Sterilized canned milk, condensed buttermilk, and milk modified with foreign fats are not included in this table. Production of sterilized canned milk for 1919 was 4,420,713 pounds. Note.— A few reports were made after this table was made; see Tables 40, 51, and 61 for final totals. 24 Table 39.— DAIRY PRODUCTS made during 1920 in FACTORIES in the United States, by States. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] State. Creamery butter. Factory 1 cheese. Condensed and evapo- rated milk.2 Alabama Pounds. 398,000 345, 000 828, 000 61,870,000 12,979,000 877, 000 350, 000 503, 000 Pounds. Pounds. 223, 000 Arkansas Arizona 227,000 8,518,000 531,000 3,452,000 83, 464, 000 15,708,000 Colorado Coimecticut 147,000 District of Columbia. Florida. * 7, 666 4, 660, 000 41,051,000 39, 223, 000 84, 290, 000 32, 899, 000 7, 875, 000 55, 000 727, 000 440, 000 3, 198, 000 45, 404, 000 120,297,000 2,626,000 35,228,000 5,168,000 56,661,000 2,018,000 300,000 143,000 6,000 16,949,000 832,000 13,419,000 65,594,000 3,596,000 14,288,000 11, 422, 000 58, 000 16,000 14,071,000 5,903,000 9,125,000 3, 567, 000 13,253,000 2, 210, 000 23, 751, 000 367, 000 97,355,000 875,000 Idaho 1,727,000 3,965,000 187,000 636, 000 19,000 15,412,000 120,987,000 24, 007, 000 Illinois Iowa 5,637,000 19,004,000 240, 000 Kansas Louisiana. . 1, 972, 000 7, 022, 000 107,000 77,000 6,567,000 5, 841, 000 Massachusetts 2, 383, 000 160,236,000 1, 884, 000 Miimesota Mississippi Missouri 380,000 295, QOO 3,000 Montana . . . Nebraska. 182 000 New Hampshire 700,000- 693,000 4,819,000 New Mexico New York. 53, 216, 000 109,000 288,390,000 North Dakota.. Ohio 2,957,000 113,231,000 Oklahoma Oregon 8,482,000 6,245,000 31,763,000 140,002,000 Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota 9,000 26,000 3,000 855,000 1,850,000 35,000 1, 463, 000 29,000 255,286,000 1,203,000 Tennessee . Texas. . 246, 000 16,943,000 26, 010, 000 Utah Vermont . Virginia . . 5,651,000 83,690,000 889,000 410,195,000 Washington West Virginia- . Wisconsin Wyoming Total. . 863,577,000 362,431,000 1,583,638,000 1 Cheese does not include either cottage, baker's, or pot cheese. 2 Condensed and evaporated milk doss not include condensed butter- milk or milk modified with foreign fats; but does include sterilized canned milk. 25 Table 40.— Total PRODUCTION of farm and factory BUTTER in the United States, [Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. f [c=census. m=markets.J Year. Creamery and whey butter. Farm-made butter. Total butter. 1849 c Pounds. Pounds. 313,345,306 459,681,372 514,092,683 777, 250, 287 1,024,223,468 1,071,745,127 Pounds. 313,345,306 459,681,372 514,092,683 806,672,071 1,205,508,384 1,492,699,143 1859 c 1869 c. 1S79 c 29, 421, 784 181, 284, 916 420, 954, 016 531, 478, 141 627, 145, 865 786,003,489 760,030,573 743, 895, 068 822, 718, 916 1 873, 907, 132 938,505,382 1866,662,978 1889 c 1899 c 1904 c 1909 c 994, 650, 610 1,621,796,475 1914 c 1916 m 1917 m 1918 m 1919 m 1919 c 707, 666, 492 1,646,171,874 1920 m 1 Whey butter included in Bureau of Markets reports for 1918, 1919, and 1920. Production of whey butter in 1918, 5,510,213; 1919, 5,597,308; 1920, 3,085,978. Table 41.— Total number of CREAMERIES in the . United States. [Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry.] Number Number Number Year. of cream- Year. of cream- Year. of cream- eries. eries. eries. 1908 5,431 1913 4,859 1918 14,000 1909 5,123 1914 4,637 1919 14,000 1910 5,030 1915 4,518 1920 13,500 1911 4,838 1916 5,821 1912 4,751 1917 1 4, 000 1 The Dairy Division record of the number of creameries was discon- tinued with the year 1916. The later figures are estimated by the Bureau of Markets. 75578°— 22 4 26 Table 42.— Production of POWDERED MILK PROD- UCTS in the United States for the year 1919, by months. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Month. Whole- milk powder. Skim- milk powder. Cream powder. Malted milk. 1919. Pounds. 277,426 801, 865 739, 185 612,272 1,093,084 &32, 669 1,036,194 977,772 868,465 294,598 522,974 604,281 Pounds. 1,606,854 1,807,397 2,899,490 3,711,441 4,506,141 4, 102, 868 3,343,393 3,199,303 2,372,636 2,230,808 1,472,701 1,823,099 Pounds. 49, 685 43, 444 69,338 104, 876 53, 424 23, 704 68, 458 87,754 38, 832 19,301 230 33,024 Pounds. 1, 649, 002 February - - - - 1, 599, 413 March..: 1, 835, 124 April 1,676,726 May.. . 1, 423, 864 June 1,306,489 July 1, 178, 746 August 1,020,772 1, 143, 352 October. . . 1, 504, 594 November 1, 596, 889 December 1, 560, 916 Total 8,660,785 33,076,131 592,070 17,495,887 Month. Buttermilk powder. Dried casein (lactarene).: Crude milk sugar (lactose). 1919 January February March April May Jiuie July August September October November December Total Pounds. 300, 734 237, 685 298, 481 399, 891 1,00/, 857 786, 146 601,178 438, 554 341, 810 349, 694 242, 819 273, 978 Pounds. 519, 861 718, 024 1,117,961 1,972,017 1, 973, 198 1,905,882 1,580,416 1, 104, 200 860, 643 822, 604 638, 207 711,823 Pounds. 194, 897 204, 625 440, 318 592, 848 719, 719 799, 639 752, 071 656, 987 508, 539 502, 899 442, 342 406, 458 5,278,827 13, 924, 836 6,221,342 1 Dried casein includes both skim-milk and buttermilk casein, the slam-milk casein amounting to 13,202,685 pounds and the buttermilk casein to 722,151 pounds. These figures represent the production of practically all the factories. I 27 Table 43.— Quantities of MILK, BUTTER, and CHEESE produced on fapms during 1919 and number of DAIRY COWS and YIELD of milk per, cow. [Bureau of the Census.] State. Milk pro- duced on farms. Farm butter. Farm cheese. Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. Lbs. Alabama 93, 903, 677 28, 490, 181 5,210 394, 112 1,944 14, 370, 833 87, 623, 651 593, 446 25,571,098 90, 119 31 619 3,724 1,634 Arkansas 8, 603 415, 507 California 276, 424, 216 5, 757, 759 2,345,672 502, 415 4,610 Colorado 79,492,631 5,775,602 157, 186 192,234 2,993 Connecticut 54, 894, 287 1,926,127 90, 500 112,622 4,128 Delaware 11,356,313 894, 883 3,170 33,026 2,924 Dist. of Col 512, 074 12,155,533 6,020 1,162,383 704 71,641 6,218 Florida 3,156 1,307 101,615,773 52, 365, 498 30, 257, 153 4,540,364 25,063,897 18,344,239 25,422,675 17, 455, 879 34,080,415 1,365 388,448 115,336 957,313 608, 211 2,124 31, 684 3,560 3,044 3,044 Illinois . 370,486,981 238, 793, 861 361,426,362 221, 454, 417 117, 830 109,234 53, 273 19,657 13,643 Iowa 897,668 574,257 441,346 2,709 3,311 2,666 Kansas Kentucky 146,561,464 Louisiana 32,972,720 4, 252, 318 5,972 176,936 1,324 77, 676, 381 10, 855, 560 6,162,501 55, 161 175, 425 161, 972 3,724 Maryland 58, 754, 193 126, 190 3,036 Massachusetts.. 76,316,309 2, 019, 231 60,796 147,331 4,352 Michigan 382,822,631 25, 775, 423 76,660 802, 095 3,965 Minnesota 475,506,689 20,205,076 71, 820 1,229,179 3,044 Mississippi 88,191,680 20, 758, 736 2,783 427, 406 1,591 Missouri 228,907,721 29, 470, 763 90,435 661,959 2,339 Montana 51,251,095 5, 961, 336 43, 223 127,581 2,864 Nebraska 168,083,367 13, 761, 085 23,117 438, 459 2,528 6,312,105 42, 556, 285 266, 027 3,240,368 22, 927 32, 469 13,349 95, 997 3,854 3, 689 NewHamp New Jersey 70, 490, 729 1, 600, 789 92,984 130, 497 3,027 New Mexico 12, 737, 649 1, 404, 138 87,087 37,805 2,210 New York 756,045,942 24, 727, 662 521, 445 1,481,918 4,317 North Carolina. 95, 747, 638 25, 551, 506 16, 168 290, 223 2,666 North Dakota. - 138, 606, 540 14, 413, 180 50,065 370, 707 2,657 Ohio. . 396, 317, 787 135, 820, 769 30, 264, 265 22, 214, 546 434, 042 11,116 888, 057 456, 332 3,603 2,012 Oklahoma Oregon . . . . 92, 844, 946 421, 631, 355 4,177,628 38, 468, 607 43, 898 532,238 180, 462 885, 855 4 136 Pennsylvania... 3' 990 Rhode Island... 12,099,111 174, 902 10, 410 21, 431 4,730 South Carolina. 52,954,637 13, 846, 353 171 187, 846 2,348 South Dakota.. 124, 427, 638 10,267,171 10,591 336,892 2,339 Tennessee 130,285,934 37,166,063 114,386 415, 128 2,494 Texas 202, 974, 353 49, 405, 152 2, 876, 675 107, 683 833, 586 66, 724 1,840 Utah 29,339,512 122,095,734 73,606 75,502 3,466 3,560 Vermont 3, 877, 039 290, 122 Virginia 110,942,113 25, 476, 621 39, 765 357,969 2,511 Washington 140, 524, 518 5,899,678 84, 868 238, 270 4,911 West Virginia.. 73, 690, 103 17, 715, 107 88,562 181,206 2,984 Wisconsin 858, 258, 521 8, 666, 037 308, 117 1, 795, 122 4,016 Wyoming 14, 613, 581 1,422,822 6,837 34,997 2,692 Total 7,805,238,069 707,666,492 6,371,396 19,675,297 3,412 ^8 Table 44.— CREAMERY BUTTER in STORAGE on the first of each month. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. Thousand pounds— 000 omitted.] Month. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 Jan.. Feb. Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. Pounds ,578 101,662 99,450 92, 719 71,849 Pounds 48, 977 31, 139 15, 033 3,346 1,082 7,017 53, 863 102, 537 105, 836 100, 522 85, 260 67,292 Pounds 46, 134 30, 474 16, 952 6, 805 3,607 9,953 49, 982 88, 992 108, 179 109, 154 100, 115 79,928 Pounds 50, 726 26, 618 18, 808 14, 629 9,536 12,698 49, 140 88, 305 99, 334 87, 883 80, 874 65, 111 Pounds. 43, 910 36, 777 24, 191 11, 909 9,659 29, 435 90, 158 123, 546 131, 388 121, 816 100, 474 73, 654 Pounds 53, 737 38, 359 22, 568 12, 555 7,554 12, 872 52, 526 101,455 115, 558 113, 385 101,778 79, 750 Pounds. 68,682 41,486 27, 103 14, 732 7,712 21, 682 62, 168 82, 838 92, 396 90.123 77,893 65, 138 Note.— Cold storage in connection with butter in this table means the holding of butter at a temperature of 45° F. or less for a period of at least 30 days. Table 45.— RECEIPTS of BUTTER on New York, Chi- cago, and San Francisco markets. [Trade journals and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.2J Year. New York. Chicago. San Fran- cisco. 1865 Pounds A 36, 428, 160 33, 178, 380 89, 640, 900 110, 622., 120 119,932,440 144, 582' 960 131, 477, 880 139, 469, 294 141,176,002 146, 874, 184 154, 176, 822 165, 044, 980 176, 939, 340 155, 760, 540 168, 276, 000 226, 698, 000 164, 608, 000 212,948,000 _ Pounds.^ Pounds. 1870 1880. 8,844,900 1890 1900 86,677,560 105, 179, 640 184, 880, 160 189, 289, 320 154,075,560 145, 348, 080 152,353,920 ISO, 303, 840 169, 643, 400 169,078,140 143, 982, 120 185, 779, 000 176, 746, 000 193,591,000 15, 234, 145 17, 938, 782 13, 934, 200 19, 033, 600 23,548,850 23,905,100 22, 580, 950 28, 396, 200 27,694,300 24, 915, 500 22,946,900 22 031 000 1905 1910 1911... . . .. 1912 .. 1913 1914 1915.. . 1916 1917 1918 1919 . 1920 23,'566;000 25,566,000 1921 1 Estimated at 60 pounds per tub. Bureau reports began in 1919. .29 Table 46.— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of BUTTER. [Commerce and Navigation Reports; (YB.)] Year ended June 30— General imports.i Domestic exports.i 1851 Pounds. 479, 180 3, 278, 967 4,089,038 487, 120 75, 521 49, 791 1,360,245 1,007,826 1,025,668 1, 162, 253 7, 842, 022 3, 828, 227 712, 998 523, 573 1, 805, 925 4, 131, 469 20, 770, 959 37,454,172 18,558,388 Value. $37, 536 506, 185 832, 829 95, 122 13,679 9,769 298,023 247, 961 237, 154 304, 090 1, 753, 461 977, 262 212,370 192, 767 619, 303 1, 869, 132 10, 916, 770 IS, 646, 456 7,392,247 Pounds. 3,994,542 7, 640, 914 2,019,288 39, 236, 658 29, 748, 042 18,266,371 3, 140, 545 4, 877, 797 6,092,235 3, 585, 600 3, 693, 597 9, 850, 704 13, 487, 481 26,835,092 17,735,966 33, 739, 960 27, 155, 834 17,487,735 8,014,737 Value. $516, 812 1,144,321 592, 229 1860 1870 1880 6, 690, 687 1890 4,187,489 3, 143, 509 1900 1910 78.5, 771 1911 1,059,432 1912 1, 468, 432 1913 . . 872,804 877, 453 1914 1915 2, 392, 480 1916 3,590,105 8, 749, 170 6, 852, 727 1917 1918 1919 15, 843, 522 15, 491, 682 1920 1920 2 10,142,403 1921 "' . 3,269,609 1 See explanatory notes at beginning of bulletin. 2 Year ended Dec. 31. The Commerce and Navigation Reports are now made by years ending Dec. 31 Table 47.— Average weekly QUOTATIONS for highest grade of BUTTER on the San Francisco market. [Pacific Dairy Review and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.^] Averge Average Average Year. price per Year. price per Year. price per pound. pound. pound. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1899 22.9 1907 30.5 1915 26.3 1900 23.0 1908 27.4 1916 28.9 1901 21.2 1909 30.6 1917....... 39.9 1902 25.5 1910 31.4 1918 52.2 1903 27.9 1911 27.1 1919 57 1904 23.5 1912 31.2 1920 60.2 1905 24.7 1913 31.7 1921 36.3 1906 25.8 1914 27.0 1 Prices by Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates began in 1919. 30 Table 48.— Average monthly PRICE of CREAMERY BUTTER, extras or equivalent grade, on New York market. [New York Produce Reviewand Bureau of Marketsand Crop Estimates.] Month. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Cents. 26.8 24.9 24.9 16.3 20.1 19.4 19.5 20.8 21.5 21.8 24.9 25.3 Cents. 22.8 22.5 22.1 21.0 19.0 19.3 19.7 20.3 20.9 20.0 24.1 25.0 Cents. 24.1 28.3 28.2 28.8 22.7 22.0 21.3 19.9 21.6 24.0 26.6 29.1 Cents. 27.3 26.6 28.4 26.6 22.0 21.7 20.1 19.3 20.6 21.3 23.1 24.2 Cents. 22.7 25.1 24.5 22.8 20.1 18.0 17.6 17.9 19.4 20.9 24.8 26.8 Cents. 29.1 32.1 28.0 30.0 23.7 20.4 20.5 21.1 20.6 21.8 23.6 24.3 Cents. 26.5 February 27.1 27.0 April 21.8 May 20.1 20.2 July 20.6 August 22.5 24.6 October 26.1 November.. 27.6 31.6 Average 22.2 21.4 24.7 23.4 21.7 24.6 24.6 Month. 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 January Cents. 30.8 32.5 30.6 30.6 25.0 23.6 24,8 125.5 28.3 29.2 27.7 29.8 Cents. 31.5 32.8 29.3 29.0 24.2 23.8 22.9 23.3 24.5 27.4 30.3 32.0 Cents. 32.2 31.0 30.0 27.9 27.0 26.3 26.7 27.7 31.0 31.6 31.9 36.0 Cents. 34.4 30.6 33.5 32.0 29.0 28.5 29.1 30.3 31.2 31.4 32.5 30.9 Cents. 28.0 28.0 25.5 22.1 22.8 23.8 25.9 27.3 27.6 31.4 34.8 37.8 Cents. 39.1 31.7 31.1 32.8 2 30.4 27.3 27.1 26.6 29.7 31.2 34.4 37.2 Cents. 35.1 February 36.3 March 36.7 April 34.5 May 28.6 27.8 July 27.0 August 27.9 31.5 October 31.4 November 33.8 36.1 Average 28.1 27.6 29.9 31.1 27.9 31.6 32.2 Month. 1914 1915 1916 1917 n918 1919 1920 1921 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. January..... 32.6 33.5 32.6 40.1 52 62 65 52.5 February 29.3 32.3 33.8 43.5 50 52 66 47.2 March...- ... 27.7 29.7 36.9 41.6 44 62 67 48.1 April May 25.4 30.7 36.0 44.2 42 64 71 45.5 26.1 27.2 28.8 28.2 31.0 29.8 40.2 39.1 42 44 58 52 61 57 31.8 June 32.7 July 27.9 30.4 27.0 25.9 28.9 31.2 39.0 41.3 45 46 53 55 57 55 40.4 August 42.7 September. . . 31.4 26.6 33.9 44.3 56 59 59 43.1 October 31.6 28.6 35.4 44.6 59 68 60 47.0 November. . . 34.7 31.1 39.4 45.5 63 71 63 44.9 December . . . 33.9 35.1 39.8 49.4 69 72 oo 43.8 Average. . 29.8 29.8 34.9 42.7 51 61 61 43.3 1 Aug. 5, 1907, "extras" changed to "specials." s "Extras" and "firsts" took place of "specials" May 13, 1912. 8 Prices by Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates began in 1918. 31 Table 49.— AVERAGE PRICE of BUTTER on New York market — grade of extras. [New York Produce Review and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Average price. Year. Average price. Year. Average price. Year. Mar- ket Ta-- tion. Price in gold during period of cur- rency infla- tion. Mar- ket quo- ta- tion. Price in gold during period of cur- rency infla- tion. * Mar- ket quo- ta- tion. Price in gold during period of cur- rency infla- tion. 1866.. Cents. 51.1 41.6 49.9 47.3 40.3 35.5 34.7 39.4 41.8 34.8 34.5 30.6 28.3 25.5 30.5 32.0 35.5 31.0 30.1 Cents. 36.3 30.1 35.7 35.5 35.0 31.8 30.9 34.5 37.6 30.3 31.0 29.2 28.1 1885.. 1886., 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901.. 1902.. 1903.. Cents. 26.8 27.4 26.9 27.3 24.3 23.6 26.2 26.4 27.2 22.3 21.3 18.4 19.1 19.5 21.2 22.2 21.4 24.7 23.4 1904.. 1905.. 1906.. 1907.. 1908.. 1909.. 1910.. 1911.. 1912.. 1913.. 1914. . 1915.. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1919.. 1920. . 1921.. Cents. 21.7 24.6 24.6 28.1 27.6 29.9 31.1 27.4 31.6 32.2 29.8 29.8 34.9 42.7 151.0 61.0 61.0 43.3 Cents. 1867 1868 1869.. 1870 . 1871 1872.. 1873 . 1874 1875 1876.'. 1877 1878.. 1879 1880 1881 1882.. 1883.. 1884 1 Prices by Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates began in 1918. Table 50.— CHEESE production in the United States by kinds. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Kinds of cheese made. J^eddar: — Vholemilk. art skim . . ''Still skim . . Swiss Limburger All Italian Brick and Miinster Cream and Neufchatel . All others 1916 Pounds. 227,032,328 7,856,189 4, 726, 450 15,317,466 9, 623, 315 Not given. 41,552,388 Not given. 8.608,603 1917 1918 Pounds. Pounds 274,945,880 247,276,503 8,058,216 5, 149, 557 15,435,097 9,798,247 Not given. 45,922,624 Not given. 13,232,582 9, 102, 159 6, 610, 993 18,586,505 8,808,140 2,042,234 43,332,215 5,774,630 11,088,236 1919 Pounds. 281,836,015 6, 189, 192 6,985,356 21,601,782 7,625,541 3,987,361 37,521,004 5,500,639 9,661,497 1920 Pounds. 242,195,707 4,346,400 6,365,267 20,430,000 7,170,388 4,677,525 40,687,832 6,858,952 12.087.125 The Italian, Cream, and Neufchatel cheeses are included in others" for the years 1916 and 1917. 'All 32 Table 51.— Total PRODUCTION of farm and factory CHEESE in the United States. [Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates— c=census. m=markets.] Year. Factory cheese. Farm cheese. Total cheese. 1849c .. . . Pounds. Pounds. 105,535,893 103,663,927 53,492,153 27,272,489 18,726,818 16,372,330 Pounds. 105 535 893 1859c 103,663^927 162,927,382 243 157 850 1869c 109,435,229 215,885,361 238,035,065 282,634,488 317,144,872 311,175,730 377,513,409 314,716,739 372,540.203 352,621,615 379,319,548 475,330,820 362,431,000 1879 c 1889c 256,761,883 299,006,818 1899c 1904 c 1909 c 9,405,864 320,581,594 1914c 1916 m 1917 m 1918m 1919 m 1919 c 6,600,000 481,930,820 1920m There are no records of farm-made cheese except for census years. For production of cheese by States see Tables 38, 39, and 43. Cottage cheese is included in census figures but not in markets figures. Table 52.— DOMESTIC SWISS CHEESE production for 1919 and 1920, by States. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] State. Num- ber of facto- ries.! Production. 1919 1920 Wisconsin 232 56 11 23 3 3 1 1 1 1 Pounds. 14.328,204 3,030,357 1,528,704 947,526 938, 694 813, 041 12,336 1,610 1,300 10 Pounds. 14,396,000 Ohio 2,208,00"^ New York . l,634,''^-f lUinois 590 *«• 1 California 68'/f?-t Pennsylvania Sf ^^1-? Indiana Oregon 3/, 000 Total 353 21,601,782 20,430,000 1 These are all the factories producing domestic Swiss cheese 33 Table 53.— Amount and value of CHEESE IMPORTED into the United States from France, Greece, Italy, and Switzerland. [Commerce and Navigation Reports.] I Year ended France. Greece. June 30— Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. 1910 3, 673, 117 3, 756, 155 3, 882, 891 3, 982, 513 5, 418, 904 3, 554, 297 2, 321, 543 1, 937, 341 1,026,117 404, 722 810, 948 2,417,036 $704, 685 728, 126 942, 683 785, 965 1, 032, 817 737, 212 784, 323 754, 012 528, 926 349, 331 396, 977 926, 343 1,777,819 2, 598, 474 2, 703, 745 2, 089, 079 3, 212, 908 3, 003, 349 1, 132, 200 83,632 None. None. 7,366 84, 716 $230,031 343, 678 409, 990 321 182 1911 1912 1913 1914 447 124 1915 402' 952 169, 536 18,089 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 2,801 34,028 1921 Total 33, 185, 584 8, 671, 400 16, 693, 288 2, 379, 411 Year ended Italy. Switzerland. June 30— Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. 1910 17, 122, 124 18, 647, 412 20,625,202 21, 326, 445 26, 453, 626 25, 662, 362 16, 084, 058 8, 482, 280 16, 044 57 1, 095, 740 1, 185, 912 $3,175,640 3, 381, 546 3, 948, 550 4, 217, 674 5, 024, 270 5, 108, 850 3, 855, 856 2, 545, 286 7,883 23 274, 970 396, 484 14, 105, 458 15, 507, 767 15, 147, 393 17,371,616 22, 489, 706 14, 766, 6S2 9, 514, 008 1, 640, 656 $2, 372, 134 2, 758, 854 2,857 631 1911 1912 1913 3, 183, 350 3,617,657 2,677,249 2, 031, 590 341,063 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 607, 476 1, 068, 100 304, 239 399, 329 1921 Total 156, 701, 262 35, 792, 882 112, 218, 862 20,443,096 Table 54.— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of CHEESE. [Commerce and Navigation Reports; (YB.).] Year Year ended Imports. Exports. ended Imports. Exports. JimeSO^ June 30— Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1851 603,398 10, 361, 189 1913 49, 387, 994 2, 599, 058 1860 1, 401, 161 15, 515, 799 19142.... 63, 784, 313 2,427,577 1870 2, 289, 257 57, 296, 327 1915 50, 138, 520 55, 362, 917 1880 2, 737, 186 127, 553, 907 1916 30, 087, 999 44, 394, 301 18811 2,655,370 147, 995, 614 1917 14, 481, 514 66,050,013 1890 9, 263, 573 95, 376, 053 1918 9, 839, 305 44, 330, 978 1900 13,455,990 48, 419, 353 1919 2, 442, 306 18, 794, 853 1910 40, 817, 524 2, 846, 709 1920 17,913,682 19, 378, 158 1911 45, 568, 797 10, 366, 605 1920 3.... 15, 993, 725 16, 291, 319 1912 46, 542, 007 6,337,559 1 Largest exports. 75578°— 22 5 a Largest imports. Year ended Dec. 31. 34 Table 55. — Highest average daily quotations on AMER- ICAN CHEDDAR CHEESE in New York State and New York City. [Producers' Price Current, and New York Produce Review. Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Price Price Price Year. per Year. per Year. per pound. pound. pound. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1851 5.7 1910 16.4 1916 19.0 1860 11.0 1911 14.1 1917 24.4 1870 119.2 1912 16.4 1918 27.2 1880 13.7 1913 15.4 1919 32.2 1890 9.5 1914 15.6 1920 29.0 1900 11.2 1915 15.5 1 Price in gold 16.7 cents. The quotations for 1851 and 1860 are from market centers outside of New York City. From 1870 on they are from New York City. For 1919 and 1920 from Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. Table 56. — Highest average weekly quotations on DO- MESTIC SWISS CHEESE (round) on the Chicago market. [Butter, Cheese and Egg Journal.] Price 1 Price Price Year. per Year. per Year. per pound. pound. pound. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1900 12.79 1907 15. 35 1914 16.79 1901 13.19 1908 12.09 1915 18.57 1902 13.06 1909 15.48 1916 29.07 1903 12.70 1910 18.87 1917 36.23 1904 11.76 1911 15.04 1918 43.60 1905 11.72 1912 18.66 1919 53.32 1906 12.64 1913 18.51 1920 48.55 Table 57.— PRODUCTION and EXPORTATION OLEOMARGARIN for the United States. of [Bureau of Internal Revenue.] Year ended Jan. 30. Production. Exporta- tion. Year ended Jan. 30. Production. Exporta- tion. 1887 1890 1900 1905 1910 1911 1912 1913 Pounds. 21, 513, 537 32,324,032 107, 045, 028 51, 987, 336 141, 862, 280 121, 162, 795 128,601,053 145,227,862 Pounds. 834, 574 2, 535, 926 4, 256, 067 2, 543, 433 2, 864, 770 3, 146, 094 3, 150, 282 2, 477, 659 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 19'9 1920 1921 Pounds. 144, 021, 276 145, 810, 048 152, 509, 913 233,170,111 326, 528, 839 359, 216, 571 491, 279, 512 281,081,514 Pounds. 2, 143, 702 3,112,528 2, 587, 689 2, 894, 266 2, 485, 779 10, 227, 702 10, 335, 445 3,494,683 The table includes colored and uncolored oleomargarin. No imports have been noted in reports. The Bureau of Internal Revenue is req,uired to keep an accurate account of production and exportation of oleomargarin; however, the exporta- tion figures are generally much lower than the figures reported by the Department of Commerce. 35 Table 58.— Quantity of CHEDDAR CHEESE in STOR- AGE warehouses on the first of each month. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. Thousand pounds— 000 omitted.] Month. Jan.. Feb. Mar.. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec.. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1»20 1921 Pounds. 28, 575 24, 144 32, 428 31, 271 Pounds. 28, 558 18, 908 13, 373 8,443 6,546 7,301 16, 357 31, 569 46, 776 49, 579 45, 713 37, 080 Pounds. 31, 855 22, 113 15, 560 9,842 7,928 11, 626 34, 159 67, 595 91, 545 90, 671 78, 087 75. 166 Pounds. 66, 784 56, 298 37, 743 27, 965 17, 736 20, 395 30, 054 48, 804 55, 742 42,065 33, 402 25, 625 Pounds. 19, 823 15, 486 9,837 6,750 6,027 12, 478 37, 501 62, 645 76, 661 81, 359 72, 889 62, 508 Pounds. 53, 168 43, 631 34, 039 23, 431 16, 963 13, 502 29, 654 51, 512 60, 372 55, 007 48, 456 39, 921 Pounds. 34, 115 25,000 17, 477 14, 294 13, 466 17, 814 34, 714 40, 642 46,706 44, 842 42,969 34,062 Note.— Cold storage in connection with cheese in this table means the holding of cheese at a temperature of 45° F. or less for a period of at least 30 days. Reports began in September, 1915. Table 59. -PRODUCTION and EXPORTATION of FILLED CHEESE. [Bureau of Internal Revenue.] Year ended June 30— Produc- tion. Exporta- tion. Year ended Jime30— Produc- tion. Exporta- tion. 1897..... Pounds. 1,663,067 1, 482, 861 1,688,650 1,574,979 1, 305, 459 Pounds. 187, 113 18, 868 1,688,650 1, 526, 587 1,253,268 1905 Pounds. Pounds. 1898 1906 1899 1900 1901 19021 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 281, 429 127, 152 137, 422 234, 158 281,429 127, 152 137,422 234, 158 1903 571, 183 324, 323 571, 183 324,323 1904 19122.... 33, 031 33,031 1 No production reported. 2 None reported after 1912. A law placing a tax of 1 cent per pound on filled cheese became effect- ive July 1, 1896; however, this kind of cheese had been made for a num- ber of years before that. 36 Table 60.— Average of highest daily QUOTATIONS on RENOVATED BUTTER on the New York market. [New York Produce Review.] Year. Price. Year. Price. Year. Price. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1907 23.65 1912 26.84 1917 38.19 1908 23.09 1913 24.49 1918 43.60 1909 25.21 1914 21.14 1919 52.08 1910 26.61 1915 24.39 1920 51.54 1911 21.66 1916 29.36 Table 61.— PRODUCTION of CONDENSED and EVAPORATED MILK, by years. Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates — c==census m= markets.] Year. Num- ber of fac- tories. Production, Year. Nimi- ber of fac- tories. Production. 1869c 4 Pounds. 1916m 1917m 1918m 1919m 1919c 586 596 491 630 Pounds. 997,835,115 1879c 13,033,267 37, 926, 821 186.921,787 308; 485. 182 495, 197; 844 875, 507, 438 1,353,605,594 1889c 1,675,477,360 1899c 1904c 50 81 136 250 12,046,879,968 2, 096, 973, 252 1909c 1920m 1,578,015,000 1914c 1 The amoimts reported for 1919 and 1920, by the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates, include sterilized milk canned. Table 62.— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of CONDENSED and EVAPORATED MILK. [Commerce and Navigation Reports (YB) ] Year Year ended Imports. Exports. ended Imports. Exports. JuneSO- Jime 30— Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1892.... 1, 062, 250 {') 1915.... 33, 624, 189 37, 235, 627 1900.... 472, 958 (0 1916.... 18, 174, 505 159, 577, 620 1910.... 598, 134 13,311,318 1917..-. 18, 375, 698 259, 102, 213 1911 630, 308 12, 180, 445 1918.... 29, 926, 931 529, 750, 032 1912.... 698, 176 20, 642, 738 1919.... 20, 183, 723 728, 740, 509 1913.... 1, 778, 043 16,525,918 1920.... 19, 080, 642 708, 463, 187 1914.... 14,599,339 16, 209, 082 1920 2... 23,755,780 411,077,982 Not reported. a Year ended December 31. 37 Table 63.— Production of CONDENSED or EVAPO- RATED BUTTERMILK, by months, for 1918 and 1919. [Bureau of Markets and Crop*Estimates.] Month. 1918 Facto- ries report- ing month- ly pro- duc- tion. Quantity made. 1919 Facto- ries report- ing month- ly pro- duc- tion. Quantity made. January — February. . March April May June July August September . October November . December.. Pounds. 195, 356 62, 777 101, 436 241, 726 186, 146 541, 141 562, 814 778, 009 1,201,400 1, 178, 646 966, 296 518. 276 Pnuvds. 647,078 504,308 524,977 742, 128 3,348,762 3,755,273 3, 660, 376 3,031,189 2,424,572 1,401,863 1, 179, 880 1,315,174 Total. G, 534, 023 22, 535. 580 Total number of factories in 1918 was 31; total product, 12,040,642 pounds. Total number of factories in 1919 was 25; total product, 24,282,25 pounds. Total number of factories in 1920 was 5: total product, 32,539,000 pounds. Table 64. — Production and importation of CASEIN (lactarene). [Production from Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates; imports from Commerce and Navigation Reports— c= ■census; m= markets.] ' Year. Production. Imports.i Value of imports. Import price per pound. L899C Pounds. 12,298,405 11,581,874 Pounds. Cents. l904c l906 $61,004 92,622 13,471 184,815 304,001 1,109,466 830,845 649,371 705,264 498,897 984,899 1,843,492 1,765,653 959,995 4907 1,557,904 263,471 2,447,332 3,769,476 13,011,018 9,138,338 8,805,891 10.798,614 7,919,992 10,376,641 12,319,111 12,106,855 8, 125, 175 4.4 1908 5.0 1909 7.6 1909c 13,018,298 8.1 1911 8.5 1912 9.1 1913 7.4 1914c 18,570,220 6.5 1915 6.3 1916m 8,421,973 8,342,350 8,675,504 13,924,836 9.4 1917m 14.9 1918m 14.5 1919m . . 11.8 1919c 1920m 11,526,000 24,039,313 2,783,548 11.5 Fiscal year, June 30. 38 Table 65.— PRODUCTION of MILK POWDER, by years. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates and Census Bureau.] Year. Whole-milk powder. Skim-milk powder. Total. 1914 Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 20,987,911 18, 586, 613 25 763 166 1916 2, 123, 251 3, 138, 809 4, 1.54, 334 8,660,785 16, 463, 362 22,624,357 25, 432, 341 33, 076, 131 1917 1918 30^250^701 42,328,086 106,711,288 52,227,000 1919 19191 1920 10,334,000 41, 893, 000 J From the census reports, all kinds Table 66.— Production of BUTTERMILK POWDER and MALTED MILK, by years. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Year. Buttermilk powder. Malted milk. 1916 Pounds. 342, 485 2, 557, 228 4,341,157 5,278,827 5,585,906 Pounds. 11, 654, 384 13,851,939 15 622 876 1917 1918 • 1919. 17,435,887 19,715,000 1920 Table 67. — Production and importation of MILK SUGAR (lactose). [Production from Census Bureau and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates, imports from Commerce and Navigation Reports — c= census; m=markets.] Year. Produc- tion.! Imports. 2 Year. Produc- tion.! Imports.2 1906 Pounds. Pounds. 4,709 4,960 4,732 2,697 9,026 578, 727 250,212 1916m 1917m 1918m 1919m 1919c Pounds. 1,844,228 2, 155, 076 3, 219, 461 6, 615, 874 Pounds. 22,400 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914c 1915 4,051,320 1920m 5,583,000 None. ' Calendar year. 2 Fiscal year ended June 30. 39 Table 68.— Estimated quantity of ICE CREAM produced in the United States, by years. Year. Total pro- duction.! Total pro- duction.2 Year. Total pro- duction.! Total pro- duction.2 1909 Gallons. 80,000,000 95,450,000 138,000,000 160,000,000 172,380,000 163,761,000 175,224,270 Gallons. 1916 1917.... 1918.... 1919.... 1920 1821.... Gallons. 208,320,000 219,385,000 231,053,000 248,381,975 251,820,490 216,569,212 Gallons. 1910 . 210 000 000 1911 220^0001 000 230,000,000 260,000,000 1912 1913 1914 1915 i 1 From the International Confectioner. 2 From Dairy Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, and Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. Table 69.— Production of ICE CREAM of all kinds, by months, for the year 1920, for 2,427 factories. [Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.] Month. Quantity made.! Month. Quantity made.! January . Gallons. 4,455,588 4,986,374 7,323,202 9,296,571 15, 112, 932 20,695,601 23,479,313 Autrust Gallons. 20 765 524 September 15,222^342 9,63.5,394 5,279,143 4, 681, 157 March October April November May .....::::.:.:: December Total July 140,933.141 ! The reported production of ice cream is considered to be about 50 per cent of the total production. 40 ;„ 5 55 55 ^ 5 55:^ ^0 5 5 S0> 0^ (A 5$ '^ 0^ ^ 0\ s<>» Se* ■ ."" ■1.': ;. ;-l 1 ^mmmmmm^. i i III 1^ 41 Table 70.— Balance of BUTTER, CHEESE, and CON- DENSJED MILK, taken separately. [From Department of Commerce reports.] [Expressed in terms of whole milk.] Year ended June 30— Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk.i Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Im- ports. Exports. 1913.. Pounds. Pounds. 50,556,807 Pounds. 458,508,440 620,698,920 Pounds. Lbs. Pounds. 36, 869, 685 1914 85,890,653 "72" 657' 890 129,737,640 513,641,470 344, 916, 730 28,275,170 2,975,940 3,144,991 9,305,595 353, 510, 485 1915 129,251,262 268, 428, 678 552, 536, 964 334, 530, 861 525, 779, 457 1916 . 1917 599, 364, 492 1918 1,249,557 753 19192. 19202 419,295,177 . 1 968. 305. 505 1 Condensed milk inchides condensed cream, condensed skim milk, and evaporated milk. The figures for 1920 are preliminary and subject to slight change. 2 YearendQ^ Dec. 31. Table 71.— Total balance of BUTTER, CHEESE, and CONDENSED MttK, combined. [From Department of Commerce reports.] [In terms of whole milk.] Year ended June 30— Net imports. Net exports. 1913 Pounds. 371,081,948 703,444,633 Pounds. 1914 1915 211,214,747 1916. 751,878,803 1917 1,665,542,926 1918. 1,929,005,344 1919, year ended Dec. 31 2,643,235,064 1920 year ended Dec 31 551,986,268 Explanation of Figure 1.^ This chart was plotted from the difference of imports and exports, and includes butter, cheese, and condensed milk. The chart expresses these differences in terms of milk, assuming that — 1 pound of butter equals 21 pounds of milk. 1 pound of cheese equals 10 pounds of milk. 1 pound of condensed milk equals... 23^ pounds of milk. IF or detailed figures see Tables 70 and 71. 42 FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Table 72. — Pan American countries — IMPORTS and EXPORTS of BUTTER. [Commerce and Navigation Reports. ] Country. Year. Imports. Exports. Argentina 1919 1913 1919 1913 1915 1916 1915 1917 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915 1916 1916 1916 1911 1915 Pounds. Founds. 39,609,970 Bolivia. . . . 114,690 42,421 495, 614 314, 144 36,909 24,486 1,701,254 975 16,883 426, 200 101,516 667,149 55, 756 621,527 9,996 50,936 56,264 5,533 13,44« 568,762 Brazil British Guiana Chile... 2,844 Colombia i Costa Rica.... Cuba . . . Ecuador i Guatemala i . . Haitii Honduras i Mexico 1 Nicaragua i Panama i . . . Paraguay Perui... Santo Domingo i . . . Salvador i Uruguay Venezuela . . 220 1 United States trade only. Table 73.— Pan American countries— IMPORTS EXPORTS of CHEESE. [Commerce and Navigation Reports.] and Country. Year. Imports. Exports. Argentina 1919 1915 1919 Pounds. Pounds. 19,561,416 BoliAda 27, 291 210,453 Brazil British Guiana Chile .... 1915 1916 1915 1918 1916 1916 1916 1916 1913 1916 1916 1916 1915 1916 1916 1916 1911 1915 419, 767 15,748 52, 672 3,318,303 1,016 27,122 52, 590 60,394 1,870,385 168,389 27, 460 445,237 47, 520 5,754 87,525 5,256 587,216 102,051 440 Colombia i Costa Rica Cuba 5,137 Ecuador i Guatemala i Haitii Honduras ^. Mexico Mexico 1 Nicaragua i Paraguay Peru 1 . Salvador i Uruguay (1914)28,250 Venezuela 4,010 1 United States trade only. 43 Table 74. — Pan American countries — Imports of CON- ' DENSED MILK. [Commerce and Navigation Reports. ] Country. Year. Imports. Country. Year., Imports. Argentina BoLi\'ia Brazil British Gui- ana 1919 1914 1914 1913 1915 1916 1915 1917 1916 1916 1916 Pounds. Honduras i . . . Mexico! Nicaragua i. . . Panama 1 Paraguay Perui Santo Do- mingo 1 Salvador i Uruguay Venezuela 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915 1916 1916 1916 1911 1915 Pounds. 186, 596 882, 413 7,461,967 1,499,279 106,756 4,071,203 Chile 1,573,930 111,841 245, 579 36,497,528 27,493 86, 534 19, 726 964. 139 Colombia i Costa Rica — Cuba 71,945 6,720 Ecuador 1 Guatemala i . . Haiti! 21,504 23,911 1 United States trade only, for fiscal year ended June 30. Table 75.— Argentina— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Comision del Censo Agropecurio, Estadistica Agricola, and Argentine Yearbook, (YB.). c=census. e=6Stimates.] i Year. Dairy cows. Totalcattle. Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. 1888c 21,963,930 21,701,526 29,116,625 25,866,763 19156.... 19166.... 1917e.... 19186.... 2,291,000 2,319,000 2,349,000 2,378,000 26,387,000 1895c 1908c 1914c 1,800,799 2,163,900 2,246,000 26,717,000 27,052.000 27, 392; 000 1 Estimates by Argentine Department of Agriculture. Table 76.— Argentina— Number of CATTLE, by classes. [Report of Third Census, 1914.] Kinds. Milk cows. Cows for breeding. Bulls. Calves and young stock. Steers and oxen. Total cattle. Purebred Mixed breed . . . Criollos(native) 29,287 1,263,738 953,090 218,833 7,785,591 3,830,096 61,846 307,669 308,661 97,367 6,734,650 3,536,736 233'644 506, 155 407,333 16,324,692 9,134,738 Total 2,246,115 11,834,520 678, 176 10,368,753 739,199 25,866,763 44 Table 77. — Argentina — Production and consumption of BUTTER and CHEESE in factories. [Estadistica Agricola. Year. Butter production. Per capita consump- tion. ' Cheese production. Per capita consump tion. 1903 Pounds. 19,477,924 Pounds. 1.53 Pounds. 2,619,086 Pounds. 1.01 1904 1905 19,475,371 17,733,305 14,832,672 15,978,170 15,766,680 16,617,131 17,427,498 20,849,689 22,482,506 20,518,984 22,367,645 24,826,000 33,404,099 53,924,516 156,722,973 1.35 1.34 1.31 1.25 1.02 1.43 1.92 1.64 1.77 1.57 1.47 1.48 1.41 1.44 1.42 4,299,897 3,073,887 4,124,411 4, 135, 770 6,799,630 6,044,878 7,745,993 11,962,256 12, 542, 898 11,933,500 14,938,370 19, 195, 452 35,050,935 45,009,114 149,893,528 1.51 1906 . . . 1.74 1907 1.83 1908 1.88 1909 2.30 1910 2.17 1911 2.49 1912 3.07 1913 2.95 1914 2.50 1915 ■. 2.68 1916 2.63 1917 3.58 1918 3.72 1919 3.67 1 Preliminary figures. Table 78.— Argentina— Imports and exports of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Argentine Yearbook, Estadistica Agricola.] Year. Butter. Cheese. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 1870 Pounds. 103,001 240,777 Pounds. Pounds. 1,263,317 1,252,457 2,620,504 3,028,728 9,536,041 10,845,500 11,848,927 11,122,295 8,453,245 ",305,954 3,133,279 689,356 81, 894 209,243 Pounds. 1880 8,721 3,104 1890 1900 1,887 1910 1,375 150,175 6,341,589 3,077,652 8,105,747 8,342,340 7,676,417 10,191,866 12,502,286 21,671,558 41,821,262 44,863,610 141,249,486 809 1911 1,142 1912 4,281 16, 186 7 771 1913 . . 1914 1915 798 705 805 249 9,921 13, 344 1916 . . 502,648 6, 014, 148 1917 1918 14,177,253 19,561,969 1919 . . . 1920 113,860,915 1 Special report to Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. 45 Table 79 — Australia — Production of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Yearbook and Bulletin of Production.] Year Total milk produced. Butter. Factory. Farm. Total. 1901 Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 101,671,066 1902 1903 100,332,242 140,255,208 140,898,726 159,934,617 156,380,670 145,317,357 154,273,252 193,211,909 211,573,745 187, 194, 161 198,758,238 193,970,412 137,672,313 182, 470, 778 200,497,014 181,802,675 165,468,791 1904 1905 1906 1907 475,860,552 447, 509, 376 481, 092, 361 572,998,277 594, 726, 964 555,524,508 583,785,215 571, 150, 263 434,767,460 549, 684, 701 607,362,725 558,369,526 1908 129, 157, 191 136, 007, 354 174, 227, 684 195,228,256 171,042,044 181,386,305 178,778,836 121, 664, 559 165, 038, 927 183,301,056 165, 241, 772 16, 160, 166 18,265,898 18,984,225 16,345,489 16,152,117 17,371,933 15,191,576 16,007,754 17,431,851 17, 195, 958 16, 560, 903 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Year. Cheese. Condensed and pow- Factory. Farm. Total. dered milk produced. 1901 Pounds. Pounds. PouTids. 11, 575, 692 Pounds. 1902 ............. 1903 13, 423, 674 12,635,257 13, 155, 030 14,847,958 13,383,563 14,759,788 15,774,837 16, 537, Oil 15,886,712 16, 160, 491 19,743,415 21,240,411 15,829,226 25, 408, 872 27 430 805 1904 1905 1906 1907 7,949,022 9,643,551 12 926 201 1908 11, 120, 147 11,855,754 12,060,474 12, 167, 733 11,946,221 14,219,305 16,666,773 12, 108, 959 21, 207, 961 23,907,143 20,995,399 3,639,641 3,919,083 4,476,537 3,718,979 4,214,270 5,524,110 4,573,638 3,720,267 4,200,911 3,523,662 2,794,841 1909 1910 12,491,261 22,983,707 30,059,911 32,684,483 32,052,694 26,977,000 45,694,897 1911 1912 1913. 1914 1915 1916.... 1917. 1918 23',790!240 63! 289! 645 26,196,292 1919 46 Table 80.— Australia— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Statistical account by T. A. Coughlin. Also An. Rep., U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, 1900 (YB.)J. Year. 1788 1792 1800 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1900 1910 Dairy cows. 1 , 143, 276 2,064,599 Total cattle. ■ Year. 1911 (1)6 23 1912 1,044 1913 1,921,963 1914 4,039,839 1915 4,713,820 1916 8,709,628 1917 11,112,112 1918 8,640,225 1919 11,744,714 1920 i 1 Dairy cows. 120, 469 056, 143 035,717 938,834 684,393 747,351 904, 906 902, 036 Total cattle. 11,828,954 11,577,259 11,483,882 11,047,677 9,931,416 10, 467, 737 11,956,024 12,738,852 12,888,617 The first importation of cattle was in 1788 and consisted of six head. Table 81.— Australia— Exports of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Trade Customs and Excise Revenue.] Year. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. Milk powder. 1899 Pounds. 2,363,088 2,976,848 13,608,224 34,536,277 55, 904, 151 87,894,943 101,722,136 66, 679, 120 75,795,642 Pounds. None. None. None. 293, 381 193, 608 911,760 1, 149, 134 146, 022 1,602,609 Pounds. None. None. None. None. None. 266, 904 870, 112 812, 520 1, 516, 160 Pounds. 1890 None. 1899 None. 1901 1905 None. 1910 None. 1911 146, 960 833,894 1,263,803 1912 1913 1914 19151 54,021,523 16,722,010 75,840,568 72, 277, 526 41,114,764 92,420,800 2, 542, 478 128, 229 10, 569, 279 8,426,647 2,303,276 4,765,619 544, 713 15,236,950 25,181,569 27, 272, 055 141,777 1916 163,930 None. 1917 1918 404,823 1919 662,943 1920 ! 1 Qalendar year from 1899 to 1913, inclusive; then changed to fiscal year ended June 30. No figures for the year 1914. Table 82.— Austria— Number of COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Various authorities; (YB.).J Year. Cows. Total cattle. Year. Cows. Total cattle. 1869 1880 1890 3, 831, 136 4,138,625 4, 254, 303 7, 425, 212 8, 584, 077 8,643,936 1900 1910 4, 749, 152 4.901,886 9,511,170 9,160,009 I I 47 Table 83.— Canada— Number of DAIRY COWS and ' TOTAL CATTLE. [The Dairy Industry of Canada; and Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Statistics.] Year.i Dairy cows. Total cattle (YB.). Year.i Dairy cows. Total cattle , (YB.). 187H.... 1881 1891 1901 1910 1911 1912 1913 1,251,209 1,595,800 1 857,112 2, 408, 677 2, 853, 957 2, 594, 179 2,604,488 2, 740, 434 2, 624, 290 3,514,989 4, 120, 586 5, 327, 504 7, 104, 893 6, 533, 436 6, 431, 861 6,656,121 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 2,673,286 2,666,846 2, 833, 433 3, 202, 2S3 3,538,600 3, 548, 437 3, 5.30, 238 3,736,832 6,036,817 6,066,001 6, 594, 151 7,920,940 10,045,867 10,085,011 9, 477, 380 10,206,205 1 On Tune 15. 2 Data for 1871 included only Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Table 84.— Canada— Production of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner's Reports, and Yearbooks.] I Year. Farm. Factory. Butter. Cheese. Butter. Cheese. 1871 Pounds. 74, 190, 584 102, 545, 169 111,577,210 105, 343, 076 137,110,200 Pounds. 4, 984, 843 3, 184, 996 6, 267, 203 Pounds. Pounds. 1881 1891 1901 36,066,739 64, 698, 165 83, 991, 453 82, 564, 130 87,526,939 93, 266, 876 101, 554, 131 111,691,718 220, 833, 269 1911 1,371,092 199, 904, 205 1915 183, 887, 837 192, 968, 597 1916 1917 194,904,336 174,881,957 1918 1919... . 1 125, 000, 000 1125,000,000 167,734,982 149, 201, 866 1920 Year. Total. Butter. Cheese. 1871 Pounds. 74,190,584 Pounds. 23,000,000 1881 61,000,000 109, 000, 000 1891 . 1901 141, 409, 815 201, 808, 365 1911 201, 275, 297 1915.. 1916 1917 . . 1918 1919 226, 554, 131 236,691,718 167,734,982 1920 149,201,856 1 Farm butter estimated by Canadian officials. 48 Table 85. — Canada — Imports and exports of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Trade and Commerce Reports and Bulletin Commercial Series No. 1.] Fiscal year. Butter. Cheese. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 18701 Pounds. 83,728 126, 848 381, 329 1, 175, 301 393, 582 1,227,390 3, 874, 587 7,989,269 7,317,259 6, 822, 540 4,309,831 997, 335 434, 049 1,934,062 397, 955 3,741,628 Pounds. 12, 260, 887 18, 535, 362 1, 951, 585 25, 259, 737 4,615,380 3, 142, 682 8, 844, 402 828, 323 1, 228, 753 2,724,913 3,441,183 7,990,435 4,926,154 13,659,157 17,612,605 9,739,414 Pounds. 59, 744 106, 815 127, 556 301, 098 683, 778 866, 653 919, 189 1,495,758 1, 512, 108 1, 162, 465 971, 821 785, 221 343, 269 172, 943 362, 693 551,040 Pounds. 5,8277,82 40,368,678 94, 260, 187 185, 984, 430 180, 859, 886 181, 893, 724 163, 450, 684 1880 1890 1900 1910 2... 1911 1912 1913 155 216 392 1914 144; 478', 340 137 601 661 1915 1916 168, 961, 583 180,733,426 169 530 753 1917 1918 1919 152', 207! 037 126, 395, 777 133,620,340 1920 1921 1 1870 to 1900, year ended June 30. 2 1910 to 1920, year ended Mar. 31. Table 86.— Canada— Exports of CREAM, CASEIN, and CONDENSED and EVAPORATED MILK. [Trade and Commerce Reports, and Bulletin Commercial Series No. 1.] Fiscal year. Cream. Casein. Condensed and evap- orated mOk. 1911.. Gallons. 1, 823, 821 886, 266 820, 360 1,323,929 1,895,575 1, 262, 280 803, 498 585, 601 485, 015 795, 780 1,279,195 Pounds. 1, 515, 172 1,021,197 349, 865 270, 486 230, 045 50,564 50,588 16, 200 9,110 Pounds. 6, 584, 828 4, 389, 350 335, 849 9, 339, 382 18,355,975 13, 247, 834 15,858,622 43,656,718 50, 786, 856 54, 247, 498 49,147,541 1912 1913. 1914. 1915 1916. .. 1917. 1918 1919. . . 1920 1921 Year ended Mar 31. 49 Table 87.— Canada— Production of CONDENSED and POWDERED MILK. [Camdiai] News Letter, and Dairy and Coki Reports.] Storage Commissioner's Year. Condensed mUk. Milk powder. Year. Condensed milk. Milk powder. 1910..... 1917 1918 Pounds. 27, 831, 596 61, 520, 811 79,807,971 Pounds. 5, 323, 537 3,979,514 5,530,915 1919 1920 Pounds. 85,961,610 92, 104, 562 Pounds. 6,591,099 7,574,668 Table -Denmark— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Department of Statistics of Denmark, Statistisk Aarbog, and Statistik Arsbok.] Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle (YB.). Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle (YB.). 1876 1881 898,012 898, 790 1,011,098 1,089,073 1,281,974 1.310,268 1,281,132 1,348,321 19163.... 1917^ 19185.... 1919&.... 1920 &...•. 1921 •'..... 1,141,246 1,147,183 1,024,417 1,042,143 1,195,733 1,184,268 2,289,996 2,458,158 1893 19031.... 19091.... 19141.... 19152.... 1,696,190 1,840,466 2, 253, 982 2,462,862 2,416,471 2,123,722 2,188,142 2,286.408 2,591,000 1 Number on July 15. 2 NumVjer on May 15. 3 Number on Feb. 20. * Number on July 1. 5 Number on July 15, including South Jutland. Table 89.— Denmark— Imports and exports of BUTTER. [Denmarks Vareindforsel og udforsel; Statistisk Tabelvaerk. (YB.)]. Year. Butter. Year. Butter. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 1866.... 1870.... Pounds. Not given. Pounds. 10,710,194 13,804,782 27,057,726 98,167,019 131,100,071 195,052,426 197,481,675 187,755,000 200,670,408 1914.... 1915.... 1916.... 1917.... 1918.... 1919 Pounds. 3,054,473 686,733 190,698 882 220 Pounds. 210, 084, 491 223,964.432 1880.... 211,090,450 1890.... 1900.... 1910 120,549,573 146,700,515 6,240,561 6,026,935 5,966,000 6,242,104 135,501,550 32,305,547 80,908,820 1911 1920. 2 165,345.000 2 199,584,863 1912. 19:1... 1913.... 1 Imports for 1S90 and 1900 were were for "special trade only." 2 Semiofllcial, preliminary. •general." From 1910 the imports 50 Table 90. — Denmark — Average of the official weekly quotations on BUTTER. [Sin0r Tidende.] Year. Price pound.i Year. Price per pound.i Year. Price pound.i 1851 1860 1870 Cents. 10.72 13.67 19.83 24.12 24.39 26.80 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Cents. 26.26 30.55 29.48 29.75 32.16 36.70 1916 1917 1918 Cents. 41.10 62.20 59. 10 1880 1890 1900 1919 1920 1921 74.00 78.85 57.25 1 Conversion made at the rate of 1 krone equals 26.8 cents. Table 91.— Finland— Number of COWS, TOTAL CAT TLE, and REINDEER. [Statistisk Arsbok.] Year. Cows. Total cat- tle (YB.). • Rein- deer.3 Year. Cows. Total rat- tle (YB.). Rein- deer.3 1865. . 670,897 687,060 795, 575 928,276 1,072,002 1,142,908 1,150,500 954,321 997, 960 1,132,002 1,305,187 1,427,560 1, 573, 163 . ... 1912.. 1913.. 1914.. 19152. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1,151,659 1,141,757 1,164,229 1,114,447 1,080,558 1,075,749 1,015,901 1870 1880. . 1890.. 1900. . 19101 1911 1,603,720 1,537,936 1,501,975 1,500,670 1,438,573 1 The figures for 1910 are for month of September. 2 Data for 1915 to 1918 are directly from the Finnish Government. 3 The number of reindeer since 1895 has averaged about 125,000 h( 51 Table 92.— France— Number of COWS, TOTAL CAT- TLE, SHEEP, and GOATS. [Statistique Agricole Annuelle, and Annuaire Statistique; also Enquete sur I'lndustrie de Lait, 1902; (YB.).] Year Cows. Total cattle. Sheep. ' Goats. 1840 1852 5,501,825 5,781,465 6,408,261 6,587,639 6, 509, 325 6,673,460 7,819,582 7,596,250 7,606,670 7,745,750 7,794,270 6,663,355 0,266,035 6,221,850 6,177,940 6,237,470 6,327,510 6, 544, 460 11,761,538 11,970,737 12,811,589 12,997,054 13,662,585 13,708,997 14, 520, 832 14,532,030 14,435,530 14,705,900 14,787,410 12,668,000 12,514,414 12,342,000 12,241,980 12, 250, 820 12,373,660 12,755,720 14,804,946 964,300 1862 14,572,430 9,758,528 1,216,774 2,336,332 1882 1890 1892 8,804,401 20,180,000 17,111,000 16,425,000 16,468,000 16,213,000 14,038,000 13,483,189 12,379,000 10,-587,000 9,496,(KX) 8,991,000 9,376,630 1,335,736 1,558,000 1,418,000 1,424,000 1,409,000 1,453,000 1,317,000 1,230,000 1,177,000 1900 1910 1911 1912 1913 19141 19151 19161 19171 19181 1,197,000 1919 1,167,000 1920 I 1 Not including the invaded portion. Table 93.— France— IMPORTS of BUTTER, CHEESE, and CONDENSED MILK. [Tableau G6n(5ral du Commerce de la France; ( YB.).| Year. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. 1850 Pounds. 3,493,996 3,926,503 6, 635, 326 15,641,716 14, 164, 738 13,559,262 10,656,375 19,939,064 14,179,326 13,033,816 13,654,631 1,710,549 625,004 742, 288 1,983,693 12,752,288 4,812,000 Pounds. 9,568,652 11,493,484 23,756,057 34,811,710 28,725,722 42,635,400 49,011,340 49,423,380 55,494,410 52,085,000 45,521,242 46,743,913 24,139,268 12,046,816 11,206,202 15, 233, 243 15,130,000 Pounds. I860 1870 1880 8,718,364 1890 . ... 608, 170 1900 1,070,571 1910 1,631,624 1911 2,724,004 1912 3,205,047 1913 3,283,972 1914 15,535,375 1915 8,524,900 1916 21,894,764 1917 87,652,691 1918 33,404,320 1919 103,496,490 1920 52 Table 94.— France— EXPORTS of BUTTER, CHEESE, and CONDENSED MILK. [Tableau General du Commerce de la France; (YB.).] Year. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. 1850 Pounds. 4,870,497 26,073,317 42,300,974 68,484,843 89,784,546 44,658,761 48,427,787 28.221,305 37,571,675 38,359,820 44,619,000 50,336,088 18,936,632 6,728,439 2,619,506 1,119,055 4,812,000 Pounds. 1,866,048 3,458,969 4,676,261 9,407,683 12,232,137 18,467,555 25, 160, 659 24,041,383 27,689,555 37,386,709 22,323,780 16,241,729 11,704,221 7,403,488 5,212,556 7,336,027 15,130,000 Pounds. 1860 1870 1880 1890 . . 167,772 1,594,510 4 251 351 1900 1910 1911 3^34^280 4,136,932 5,379,224 4, 315; 063 6,370,192 2,205,702 932, 105 726,636 2,121,487 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 Table 95.— Germany— Number of COWS, TOTAL CAT- TLE, and GOATS. [Statistisches Jahrbuch, and Imperial Gazette.] Year. Cows. Total cattle (YB.). Goats (YB.). 1883 9, 087, 293 9,946,255 10, 458, 631 10, 966, 998 10,944,283 11,320,460 11,316,457 10,970,009 15, 786, 764 17,555,834 18, 939, 692 20, 630, 544 20,182,021 20,994,344 21,817,375 20, 316, 948 20,338,950 19, 649, 575 17,226,855 16,317,320 16,789,844 16,839,559 1892 3,091,508 3, 266, 997 3,330,000 3, 410, 396 3, 548, 384 3, 538, 414 1900 1907 1912... 1913 1914 1915 3, 438, 296 19161 1917... 1918 19193 7,796,931 8, 865, 632 8,222,753 4,564,210 1920 1921 1 September. Table 96.— Germany— Per capita BUTTER and CHEESE CONSUMPTION. Year. Butter consump- tion. Cheese consump- tion. 1912 Pounds. Pounds. 9.5 1913 14.7 9.2 1918 .... 53 Table 97.— Germany— YIELD of MILK and PRODUC- TION of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Food conditions in Germany, E.vH. Starling, 1919.J Year. Average milk yield. Total milk yield. Butter pro- duced. Cheese pro- duced. 1909-19131 1916 Gallons. 580 495 412 357 Gallons. 6,174,025,000 4,290,000,000 3, 657, 500, 000 3,135,000,000 Pounds. 881,840,000 Pounds. 590,832,800 1917 1918 529, 104, 000 1 Average. Table 98.— Gennany— IMPORTS of DAIRY PROD- UCTS. [Auswartiger Handel Deutschland and Bui. 103, Bureau of Statistics; (YB.).] Year. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. Whole milk. 1897 Pounds. 19,936,946 34,647,494 92,815,865 123,619,418 122, 472, 143 119,576,189 Pounds. ^pt found. 36, 689, 123 46,011,104 45,954,448 47,276,765 57,902,937 Pounds. 3,086 3,748 59,083 52,910 Pounds. 20, 743, 700 1 33, 154, 098 1900 1910 82,054,110 1911 92, 154, 264 1912 1913 3,086 882 9,180,395 5,602,550 1914 5, 515, 468 19202 17,236,965 50,343,584 Including cream. Preliminary. Table 99.— Gennany— EXPORTS of DAIRY PROD- UCTS. [Auswartiger Handel Deutschland and Bui. 103, Bureau of Statistics; (YB.).] Year. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. Whole milk. 1897 Pounds. 7,915,396 5,565,072 398, 592 554, 898 482,000 602,000 Pounds. Not found. 2,562,627 1, 858, 257 2, 178, 806 1,812,000 1,603,000 Pounds. 6, 239, 018 6, 104, 537 10, 131, 901 10,401,964 Pounds. 11,890,951 1900. . . 17, 254, 522 1910 15, 744, 592 1911 19,113,882 1912 1913 1,471,791 1,701,951 524,695 2,273,384 1914 2,228,189 19201 624,695 172,841 Preliminary. 54 Table 100.— Hungary— Number of COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Various authorities; (YB.).] Year. Cows. Total cattle. Year. Cows. Totalcattle. 1870 2,052,488 2,035,217 2,185,224 5,279,193 5,311,378 6,738,365 1904 7,319,121 7, 152, 568 16,045,000 1880 1895 . . . 1909 1913- . 2,500,000 1 And 162,000 buffaloes. Table 101.— India— Number of CATTLE and BUFFALOES. [Yearbook, U. S. Department of Agriculture.] British India. Nati e States. Year. Year. Cattle. Buffaloes. Cattle. Buffaloes. 1894-5. . . . 67,045,000 11,826,000 1900-1... 7, ?.9il, 000 1,228,000 1899-1900. 72, 666, 000 12,120,000 1904-5... 8,178,000 1,347,000 1904-5. . . . 77,111,000 12,871,000 1909-10. . 10,391,000 1,559,000 1910-11... 94,664,000 16,628,000 1913-11,. 12,236,000 1,765,000 1913-14... 125,042,000 IS, 235, 000 1916-17. . 12,999,000 1,802,000 1914-15... 128,310,000 19,025,000 1917-18. . 12,691,000 1,863,000 1915-16. . . 129,742,000 19, 206, 000 1916-17... 130,087,000 19,266,000 1917-18... 129, 876, 000 19,235,000 Young buffaloes are included under cattle and not under buffaloes. The heading "Buffaloes" means adult animals. Figures for the Native States are reported as "not complete." Table 102.— Italy— Number of CATTLE, BUFFALOES, SHEEP, and GOATS. [Annuario Statistico Italiano, Census Reports (YB.).j , and L 'Italia Agricola; Year. Cattle. Buffaloes. Sheep. Goats. 1881 1 < 4,772,000 5,672,000 6,198,861 11,000 8,596,000 2,016,000 1905 4 1908 2 19, 366 11,162,926 2.714.878 1914 6,64 3.000 13,824,000 1918 3 6,239,741 1 24.026 11,753,910 3.082.558 1 Census taken in 1881 was as of Feb. 13. 2 Census taken in 1908 was as of Mar. 10. 3 Census taken in 1918 was as of April. 4 Prior to the census of 1908 the data were taken by sending schedules out to be filled in by the farmers. 55 Table 103.— Italy— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Movimento Commerciale, Ptaly; (YB.).] Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. Year. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports, Exports. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1871.. 287, 700 2,213,198 12,553,433 3,887,151 1880.. 509, 273 5, 183, 896 16, 512, 454 5,368,862 1890.. 705, 913 6, 709, 921 17,059,195 12,559,386 1900.. 429,236 14,136,777 9,352,134 26,051,097 1910. . 345, 020 8,295,469 14, 760, 900 57,515,814 574,960 6,615,123 1911.. 2,516,771 8,147,320 11,915,422 61,402,526 834, 882 6,629,012 1912.. 899,256 8,842,6.50 10,068,629 67, 504, 856 954, 592 7, 183, 689 1913.. 909,838 6,034,211 12,354,799 72, 320, 580 1,214,955 5, 728, 653 1914.. 194,005 9,310,026 9,837,807 66,003,526 1,111,559 9,998,522 1915.. 96, 561 7,488,365 3,471,584 65,761,027 1,335,106 11,575,032 1916.. 135, 803 792,113 252. 206 39,322,568 959,001 6,906,791 1917.. 126, 324 171,518 9.259 4,336,669 2,064,828 646,389 1918. . 73, 193 108, 687 746, 037 938, 278 7,210,144 157,408 1919.. 1,880,087 50, 926 11,151,308 1,821,441 27,383,341 279,543 1920.. 3,103,856 95, 6.S0 5,893,337 2,789,921 1,632,727 404,985 Table 104.— Japan— Number of COWS, TOTAL CAT- TLE, and MILK COWS. [Japanese Yearbook.] i Year. Native cows. Cxrade cows. Foreign breeds of cows. Total cattle. Milk cows. Average yield. 1899.. 685, 106 676, 600 560, 295 569, 441 567, 973 560, 564 565, 324 580, 907 605, 244 590, 084 580, 770 587, 859 612,871 70,002 82,715 171,278 322, 857 338, 278 340, 193 331, 919 321,137 307,969 301,170 295, 626 298, 086 304, 739 14,055 15,343 15,943 18,404 21,345 20, 870 20, 815 14, 625 12,739 12, 191 12, 690 14,918 15,538 1,252,865 1,261,214 1,167,610 1,384,183 1,405,026 1,399,498 1,388,708 1,387,233 1,387,922 1,342,990 1,304,331 1,307,120 1,344,865 Pounds. 1900 1905.. 1910. . 1911.. 1912.. 1913.. 1914.. 1915.. 1916. . 1917.. 1918.. 1919. . 41,333 44,060 41,943 42,281 43,374 43, 645 44,791 45, 739 42,035 40,343 2.581 2,515 2,732 2,705 2,722 2,861 2,871 3,091 3,339 3,303 56 Table 105.— Japan— Quantity of DAIRY PRODUCTS made in factories. [Japanese Yearbook.] Year. Condensed milk. Butter. Artificial butter. 1 1915 Pounds. 4,863,170 8, 520, 541 8,271,925 14,405,419 18,852,588 Pounds. 682, 282 897,084 1,428,258 1,302,749 1,203,253 Pounds. 410, 793 1916 481,869 1917 .. ... 811,687 1918 750, 592 1919 907, 704 1 Principally vegetable. Table 106.— Netherlands— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Jaarcijfers Kroninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rijk in Europe.] Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle (YB.) Year. Dairy COW'S. Total c>attle(YB.) 1851 1,243,700 1,335,300 1,435,700 1, 4.34, 400 1,532,200 1,655,600 1910 1913 19172 19183 1919^ 1920 1, 06S, 361 1,109.679 1,234,375 1,130.908 1,232,264 2, 02G, 943 1861 2, 090, 599 18711 18811 1891 1900 911, 200 893,900 897, 400 965,800 2, 301, 532 2,048,872 1,968,609 1 The number of dairy cows shown for 1871 and 1S81 are the averages for the 10-year periods beginning on those dates. » Number m April. 3 Number in August. ^ Number in March. Table 107.— Netherlands— PRODUCTION and SUMPTION of FACTORY BUTTER. [Commerce Reports, No. 245, Oct, 18, 1920.] CON- Month. 1916. Production. Consump- tion. 1917. Production. Consump- tion. January — February... March April May June July August September. October November . December. . Total Pounds. 7, 054, 720 7,054,720 11,684, 3S0 11,243,460 14, 109, 440 17, 195, 880 12, 566, 220 14, 770, 820 10, 582, 080 9, 038, 860 9, 479, 780 6. 393, 340 Pounds. 3, 968, 280 4, 188, 740 4, 409, 200 3, 747, 820 4, 409, 200 6, 613, 800 6, 393, 340 8, 157, 020 6, 613, 800 6, 172, 880 5,952,420 4, 409, 200 Pounds. 5, 731, 960 5. 731, 960 9,700,240 9,259,320 11,243,460 15,432,200 11,023,000 13, 227, 600 9,920,700 8,597,940 7,716,100 5,070,580 131,173,700 65, 035. 700 112,655,060 Pounds. 4, 629, 660 5, 070, 580 4, 409, 200 3, 747, 820 4, 188, 740 7, 054, 720 6, 393, 340 10,141,160 6, 834, 260 6, 393, 340 3, 086, 440 1, 984, 140 63, 933, 400 57 Table 107.— Netherlands— PRODUCTION and CON- SUMPTION Df FACTORY BUTTER— Continued. 1918. 1919. Month. Production. Consump- tion. Production. Consump- ' tion. January Pounds. 3,968,280 3,086,440 4,629,660 5, 511, 500 9,479,780 13,007,140 9, 259, 320 11,243,460 8,377,480 7,054,720 7,275,180 5, 070, 580 Pounds. 2, 425, 060 2, 425, 060 3, 527, 360 4,629,660 5,511,500 8, 597, 940 5,731,960 6, 172, 880 4, 850, 120 5,070,580 5,291,040 3,968,280 Pounds. 3,747,820 3,086,440 4,629,660 5,731,960 8, 818, 400 14, 109, 440 10, 582, 080 12,786,680 9,038,860 8,377,480 8, 818, 400 6, 172, 880 Pounds. 3, 086, 440 February 3, 527, 360 4,409,200 April 3,308,900 May 5,291,040 7,716,100 July 7,936,560 August 8,377,480 September October 6,393,340 6,613,800 November 5,291,040 December 2,865,980 Total 87,963,540 58, 201, 440 95,900,100 64,815,240 Month. 1920. Production. Consump- tion. Pounds. 5,070,580 3,968,280 5,952,420 7,495,640 10,361,620 13,668,520 10, 141, 160 12, 566, 220 Pounds. 3,306,900 February 4, 188, 740 March 5,731,960 April.... 5,191,040 Mav . ... 5,511,500 9,920,700 July . 7, 716, 100 7, 716, 100 Total. . Extract from consular report: "Despite constantly increasing pro- duction, consumption thus far during the current year (1920) has amounted to 71 per cent of the output; in the full year 1919, it was 67.6 per cent; in 1918, 66.1 per cent; in 1917, 56.8 per cent; and in 1916, only 49.6 per cent. Production in 1920 has been at the rate of 103,836,660 potmds, and consumption at the rate of 74,294,560 pounds for the entire year." 58 Table 108.— Netherlands— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Statistick van den in-uit-en doorvoer; (YB.)-] Year. Butter. Cheese. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 1850 Pounds. 231, 890 1, 572, 043 6, 861, 284 2, 759, 718 8, 834, 868 1, 634, 102 4, 491, 879 6,038,399 4, 636, 273 5, 529, 137 3, 880, 444 904, 693 992, 070 52, 339 42, 782 614, 753 130, 675 Pounds. 26, 491, 049 39, 331, 100 1 47, 865, 455 1 79, 479, 604 87,203,279 49, 762, 641 72, 456, 276 66, 512, 782 86, 307, 885 81, 702, 476 84, 406, 790 93, 351, 626 78,997,431 54, 214, 930 5, 415, 259 30, 242, 048 45, 575, 696 Pounds. 287, 023 611, 563 512, 230 635, 187 655, 001 578, 990 676, 724 649, 709 652, 996 663, 397 2, 027, 819 339, 559 Pounds. 49, 184, 300 61,021 134 1860 1870 64, 445, 875 61, 857, 233 66, 832, 431 101, 208, 865 122, 771, 456 113, 607, 416 131, 107, 075 145, 336, 751 149, 573, 576 190, 333, 870 199, 108, 449 123, 633, 961 32, 893, 251 27, 371, 522 99, 737, 645 1880 1890... . 1900 1910 1911... 1912 1913 1914... 1915 1916 1917 10, 163 730 42, 370 488, 705 1918 1919 1920... 1 Oleomargarin and butter reported together from 1870 to 1889. Table 109. [New Zealand Yearbook and Statistical Abstract; (YB.).] New Zealand— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. 1861 193, 285 249, 760 436, 592 494, 917 698, 637 853, 358 831, 831 1, 047, 901 1,256,680 1905 1910 1911 19161 19171 1918 1919 1920 1921 517,720 633, 733 536, 629 732, 931 777, 439 793, 215 820, 451 882, 854 993,472 1, 810, 936 2, 020, 171 1864 1871 1874 2, 417, 191 2, 575, 230 2, 869, 465 3, 035, 478 3, 059, 445 3,112,742 1881 1885 1890 1895 1900 372,416 1 Number on June 20. 59 Table 110.— New Zealand— EXPORTS of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Trade and Navigation Reports, Abstract of statistics of New Zealand, tji and 1915 Yearbook of New Zealand; (YB.).] Year ended June 30— Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. Casein. Pounds. 25,984 384,720 304,304 3,899,392 19,329,296 39,931,920 33,867,344 42,349,104 41, 692, 896 48,615,504 47,056,128 40, 166, 784 28, 492, 464 48, 274, 576 38,731,602 30,334,080 71,531,040 Pounds. 1,456 306,320 80, 304 4, 530, 512 11, 519, 088 50,614,480 49, 187, 488 64,631,840 68,506,256 96,742,912 91,532,896 106,334,592 99,203,216 98,944,160 176,098,832 161,381,360 160,911,484 Pounds. None. Pounds. None. p. 870 880 890 900 910 911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1, 175, 106 984,038 4, 105, 849 7,061,830 2,146,438 197,680 451,248 5,179 138,320 1916 1917 1918 1919 19201 19211 1 Year ended July 31. Table 111.— Norway— Number of COWS, TOTAL CAT- TLE, and REINDEER. [Norges Jordbrug, and Statistisk Aarbok; (YB.).] Year. Cows. Total cattle. Reindeer. 1845 842, 568 949, 935 953, 036 1,016,617 1,006,499 950, 201 1,039,000 1,134,613 1, 146, 000 1,121,000 1,126,000 1,085,707 1,053,743 90,273 116,891 101, 768 96,567 170, 134 109,000 142,623 (2) 1855 . 1865. 1875 741, 598 706,925 689, 563 727,898 755, 483 1890 1900 19071 1910.. .. 1914 1915 (2) 1916 1918 782,000 (2) (2) 1919 1 Beginning with 1907 figures are for Sept. 30; prior to that, December. 2 Not officially reported after 1907. 60 Table 112.— Roumania— Number of DAIRY COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Estatistical Agricola a Romaniei; (YB.)-] Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. 1884 2, 376, 056 2,406,071 2, 520, 380 2, 138, 315 1 2, 588, 526 1 2, 585, 205 1911 1 2, 666, 945 1 2,938,000 1 050 000 1888 . . 1916 1890 820,516 1917 1896 1918 1900 701,227 1919 1,125,000 1907 1920 . . 1 Including buffaloes. In 1900 there were 25,750 cow buffaloes, 10,482 young buffaloes, and 7,243 other buffaloes in Roumania. Table 113.— Russia— TOTAL CATTLE in European Russia (including Poland). [Report 109, U. S. Dept. of Agric, and Statistical Abstract of Great Britain; (YB.]. • Year. Total cattle. Year. Total cattle. I860 21,408,800 27,322,219 27,177,000 28,541,400 34,483,900 36,301,602 19111 36,237,688 34, 571, 750 1877 1912 1881 19131 37, 165, 255 1890 1914 2 32,704,000 32,886,000 38,373,000 1900 1915 2 19101 1916 2 1 Includes northern Caucasia. 2 U. S. Dept. of Agric, Bulletin 987. There are no available figures on the number of cows or dairy cows in Russia. Siberia in 1914 had 17,334,000 cattle. The number of reindeer in Russia in 1913 was 605,000. Table 114. — Russia (including Siberia) — Production of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Reports of railroads; Enquete sur I'lndustrie, Paris.] Year. Butter. Milk and cream. Other dairy products. 1901-19041 Pounds. 190,810,300 226,844,230 275,286,240 306,414,650 326. 253, 150 162,507,600 Pounds. 122,421,580 154, 920, 065 238,639,120 442, 939, 600 525,972,740 Pounds. 60,128,690 71,923,580 97, 713, 630 113,728,710 124,549,710 1905-19081 1909-19111 1912 1913 1917 2 1 Yearly average. 2 From Russian Chamber of Commerce at Paris (Int. Rev. of the Sci. and Prac. of Agric, Rome, July, August, September, 1919, p. 1000). 61 i Table 115.— Russia (including Siberia)— EXPORTS of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Russian Commerce Reports; (YB.).] Year. Butter Cheese Year. Butter Cheese exports. exports.! exports. r exports.i Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1860-1870 2 6,842,479 216,420 1913 172,003,064 3,506,408 1871-1875 2 5,875,803 36,070 1914 118,996,623 1,520,782 1876-1880 2 6,694,592 1,089,314 1915 119,358,799 994,655 1885-1888 2 11,650,610 1,861,212 1916 3 21,668 3 104,727 1894-1898 2 14,896,910 1,410,337 1917 21,668 < 5,417 1900 42.923,300 124,365,658 168,704,448 160,770,972 1,490,047 1,423,675 2,102,162 1918 1910 1919 1911 1920 1912 2,088,764 1 Not ineludmg "curd." 2 Average anmial export. 3 Prelinunary figures. < European frontier only. Figures from U. S. War Trade Board. Table 116.— South Africa (British)— Production of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Reports of Secretary of Agriculture, South Africa.] Year. Butter. Cheese. Year. Butter. Cheese. 1913 Pounds. 10,741,000 10,682,000 Pounds. 520, 849 605,686 1917 1918 1919.... Pounds. 16,013,557 1 17,935,680 121,748,160 Pounds. 1914.... 1915 18,522,685 1916.... 13,500.000 1,098,184 1 Preliminary figures. Table 117 .—Spain— Number of CATTLE and GOATS. [Various sources.] Year. Total cattle(YB). Total goats. Year. Total cattle(YB). Total goats. 1865 2,904,598 2,217,659 2, 075, 142 2,497,000 2,368,767 2,541,112 2,561,894 2,879,000 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 19201.... 2,743,000 2,926.170 3,070,903 3,233,000 3,712,000 3,173,577 3,396,573 3,265,000 1891 1905 2,534,000 3,216,682 3,207,360 1906 1910 1911 1912 1913 2,440,000 3,216,489 3,369,624 3,116,226 3,394,000 4,182,003 4,476,000 3,685,808 3,790,656 Milk cows, 228,6 62 Table 118.— Sweden— Number of COWS and TOTAL CATTLE. [Statistik Arsbok and Statistik Tidskrift.] Year. Cows. Total cattle(YB). Year. Cows. Total cattle(YB). 1865 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1911 1,185,556 1,231,477 1,409,236 1,578,927 1,764,819 1,861,219 1.837.035 1,924,354 1,965,900 2,227,757 2,399,491 2,582,555 2,747,526 2,689,609 1913 1914 1915 1916 1 . . . . 19171.... 19181.... 19191.... 1,841,991 1,845,989 1,841,. 508 1,769,689 1,775,353 1,634,982 1,607,060 2,720,741 2,761,000 2,883,884 2,913,159 3,020,381 2,584,159 2,550.828 1 Jiine 1. The number of reindeer in Sweden in 1918 was 275,084. Table 119.— Sweden— DAIRY PRODUCTS in factories. [Statistik Arsbok.] Year. Milk delivered to dairies. 1 Number of butter factories. Butter made. Cheese made. 1890 Pounds. 1,115,774,074 1,634,582,991 1,856,891,758 2,023,987,671 2,533,570,352 2,879,401,605 2,766,911,890 2,376,434,915 2,509,339,653 2,085,194,455 1,289,521,246 1,560,534,928 1,562 1,793 1,688 1,575 1,416 1,650 1,627 1,663 1,698 1,762 1,495 1,450 Pounds. 35,479,510 54,953,356 57,570,964 62,727,497 72,616,094 70,339,968 72,615,115 60,597,840 62,264,518 45,551,450 23,454,739 27,409,792 Pounds. 14,538,412 15,243,652 16,392,215 19,043,775 22,345,956 32,138,659 28,869,237 24, 127, 142 1895 1900. . . 1905 1910 1913... 1914 1915 1916 28,505,478 22,630,219 11,798,815 17,603,731 1917. . 1918 1919 The term "dairies" is used throughout Europe for factories which receive milk and cream for any purpose; but generally it refers to butter and cheese factories. 63 Table 120.— Sweden— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of BUTTER and CHEESE. [Swedish Commerce Reports, Bidrag till Sveriges Officiala; (YB.).] Year. i Butter. Cheese. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. V 1861-18651 Pounds. 2,352,000 3,348,000 5,992,000 3,920,000 1,096,678 205, 352 343, 029 273,000 432,071 188, 879 29,848 61,059 15,756,261 11,425,615 13,846,436 16,940,874 Pounds. 369,600 6,955,000 17,684,000 33, 163, 200 42,246,271 47,949,356 48,888,521 46,818,477 43,329,909 41,941,296 41,532,093 28,703,513 3,117 3,302 76, 233 53,417 Pounds. Pounds. 1871-18751 1881-18851 J890 430,080 710, 593 707, 677 742,950 1,258,827 1,213,758 764,864 1, 148, 233 285, 855 1,208,363 423,715 3,575,885 5,511,985 316,960 9,163 51,588 6,393 11,971 1900 1910. 1911 1912 1913.. 6,045 69, 195 1914 1915 627,978 1916 992 1917. 699 1918 172 1919 12 284 1920 2 1 Average. > Preliminary figures. Table 121.— Switzerland— Number of DAIRY COWS, TOTAL CATTLE, and GOATS. [Statistisches Jalirbuch der Schweiz; also Recensement Federal du B6tail; (YB.).] Year. Dairy cows. Total cattle. Goats. 1866 553,205 592, 413 663, 102 688, 052 739, 922 785, 950 796, 909 993, 291 1,035,856 1,212,538 1,306,696 1,340,375 1,498,144 1,443,483 375,482 1876 .. 396,031 416,323 1886 1896 415,817 354,634 362, 117 1901 1908 1911 341,296 1912 1913 . . 1914 1915 1916. . . . 848,011 1,615,893 358,093 »1917 ;i918 785, 547 738, 896 729,999 1,520,165 1,005,000 1,382,116 356,455 349,794 1919 •19201 33.3,852 1 On April 21. 64 Table 122.— Switzerland— PRODUCTION of MILK as estimated officially. [Swiss Yearbook.] Year. Cov/s' milk. Goats' milk. Total milk. 1911 Pounds. 5,224,902,000 5,533.546,000 5,798; 098,000 5,886,282,000 5,533,546,000 5,423,316,000 4,585,568,000 3,968,280,000 Pounds. 209,437,000 209,437,000 209,437,000 220,460,000 220,460,000 220,460,000 220,460,000 220,460,000 Pounds. 5,445,362,000 5, 754, 006, 000 1912 1913 6,018,558,000 6,106,742,000 5,731,960,000 5,643,776,000 4,806,028,000 4,188,740,000 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 These estimates were made in terms of million quintals, to the nearest tenth; hence quantities are not exact and can be considered only as gen- erally representative. Table 123.— Switzerland— DAIRY PRODUCTS manufactured. [Swiss Yearbook.] Year. Cheese. Butter. Condensed milk. 1911 Pounds. 144,401,300 170, 195, 120 180,556,740 174, 824, 780 127,425,880 110,891,380 71,429,040 63,051,560 Pounds. 31,525,780 35,494,060 37,2.57,740 33,478,200 36,596,360 37,037,280 30,864,400 28,880,260 Pounds. 99,207,000 99,207,000 88,144,000 121,2.53,000 1912 1913 1914 1915 110,230,000 99,207,000 66, 138, 000 1916 1917 1918 55,115,000 Table 124.— Switzerland— Per capita CONSUMPTION of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Swiss Yearbook.] Year. Cheese. Butter. Con- densed milk. Whole milk. 1911 Pounds. 22.0 28.9 28.2 26.4 15.0 17.4 14.8 16.1 Pounds. 11.5 11.2 12.6 12.1 11.0 9.9 8.2 7.5 Pounds. 13.2 8.8 Gallons. 64.3 1912 64.3 1913 67.2 1914 22.0 15.4 13.2 11.0 67.4 1915 67.7 1916 71.8 1917 67.5 1918 51.3 65 Table 125.— Switzerland— IMPORTS cf DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Swiss Commerce Reports, (YB,).] Year. Fresh milk. Butter. Cheese. Condensed , milk. 1885 Pounds. 246,033 12,996,117 16,037,865 20, 110, 802 23,858,181 25,994,659 27,649,211 19,270,850 15,510,463 9,773,653 7,655,474 7,189,201 6,225,570 14, 149, 784 Pounds. 2,621,931 3,556,681 4,249,146 11,062,683 12,097,742 11,930,925 11, 155, 906 8,900,411 5,699,773 946, 214 369, 491 54 454 13,250'307 18,253,647 Pounds. 2,854,957 3, 182, 561 5,171,991 6,308,683 7,643,789 7,995,202 7, 763, 058 4,717,403 3,409,854 427, 251 213, 626 86, 640 995, 817 4,368,000 Pounds. 1890 1900 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 . . . 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 11,528,516 1920 Table 126.— Switzerland— EXPORTS of DAIRY PRODUCTS. [Swiss Commerce r^eports, (YB.).] Year. Fresh milk. Butter. Cheese. Condensed milk. 1900 Pounds. 8,959,274 31,063,475 33,598,986 35, 603, 408 39,942,502 37,642,884 41,199,124 34,942,689 23,062,325 20,739,113 20, 562, 084 Pounds. 217, 594 172, 400 193, 343 203, 705 192, 682 217, 374 148,370 2,646 220 Pounds. 60,265,166 69,391,549 66,593,470 66,435,401 79,649,552 77,572,599 74,774,961 47,214,815 12, 861, 416 2,680,353 1,369,056 Pounds. 62,387,094 1910 63, 586, 876 1911 85, 975, 873 1912 91,978,558 1913 89, 415, 269 1914 100, 070, 762 1915 96,300,455 1916 1917 76,300,455 1 87, 686, 642 1918 43,820,394 1919 440 22, 045, 559 1920 Figures for condensed milk for 1917 taken from Swiss Yearbook. 66 Table 127. — United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land—Number of COWS and TOTAL CATTLE in the United Kingdom, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. [British Statistical Abstract, and Board of Agriculture and Fisheries of England; (YB.).] Year (June). Cows. Total cattle. Year (June). Cows. - Total cattle. 1875 3,783,607 10,128,112 1914 4,595,128 12,184,505 1880 3,639,755 9, 833, 563 1915 4, 494, 740 12,171,452 1890 3,956,321 10, 789, 421 1916 4,499,321 12, 451, 540 1900 4,096,682 11,455,009 1917 4,514,803 12,382,236 1910 4, 342, 186 11,765,453 1918 4,603,841 12,311,149 1911 4,407,800 11,866,111 1919 4, 587, 805 12,491,427 1912 4, 400, 816 11,914,635 1920 4, 381, 794 11,770,274 1913 4,317,957 11,936,600 Table 128. — United Kingdom — Number and kinds of CATTLE on the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, June, 1920. [Agricultural Statistics, 1920, Vol. LV, Part I.] Classification. Jersey. Guernsey. Cows in milk 4,966 317 1,000 6,283 126 190 1,674 2,250 2,837 201 Cows in calf, not milk Heifers in calf 327 Total cows 3,365 89 Bulls being used Other cattle 2 years old and above 422 1,045 1 333 Other cattle, under 1 year Total 10, 523 6,254 Table 129.— United Kingdom— MILK PRODUCTION in Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales). [Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Part III, 1919.] Year. Annual yield per cow. Annual produc- tion, less milk for calves. Year. Annual yield per cow. Annual produc- tion, less milk for calves. 1909-1913 . . Imperial gallons. 560 575 550 525 Million gallons. 1,231 1,253 1,241 1,164 1917 . Imperial gallons. 495 436 470 Million gallons. 1,086 955 1914 . 1918 1915 1919 1,085 1916 One imperial gallon (British) equals 1.2 U. S. gallons, or 10.32 pounds. 67 Table 130.— United Kingdom— C O N S U M P T I O N of DAIRY PRODUCTS in 1919. [Estimates, Minister for Food in National Food Journal, London, Mar. 10, 1920.] Product. Total consumption. Home production. Importation. Butter Pounds. 403,200,000 324,800,000 Pounds. 233,856,000 97, 440, 000 Pounds. 169,344,000 (Cheese.. ' 227,360,000 L. ?ABLE 131.— United Kingdom— Average ANNUAL CON- SUMPTION of DAIRY PRODUCTS and MAR- GARIN from 1909 to 1913. [Estimates in British Food Journal, July-October 1919.] Product. Total consumption. Home production. Importation. Butter Pounds. 748,160,000 353,920,000 264,320,000 568, 960, 000 Pounds. 282,056,320 89,541,760 134,274,560 535,391,360 Pounds. 466,103,680 Cheese. 264,388,240 Margarin 130, 045, 440 Margarin (1918) 33,568,640 Table 132. -United Kingdom— Average ANNUAL CON- SUMPTION of DAIRY PRODUCTS and MAR- GARIN from 1909 to 1913. [The Feeding of Nations by E.H. StarUng.] Product. Home produc- tion and importation. Per capita consump- tion. Pounds. 9,920,700,000 707, 676, 600 324,076,200 121, 693, 920 261, 465, 560 Pounds. 216 Butter 115.38 Cheese . 17.04 2.64 5.46 1 The per capita consumption of butter and of cheese as shown in this table is much less than that shown in Tabled 4 and 5. This ta'ule i3 based on the average for 5 years, 1909 to 1913, while the figures in Tables 4 and 5 are based on a single year. There was a decrease m imports and in production during this period, hence a decrease in consumption. Dairy products were estimated from 1908 census, and per capita con- sumption was obtai^ed by using 46 million as average population for the period. 68 Table 133.— United Kingdom— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of BUTTER. [Trade and Navigation Reports; (YB.).] Year. General Domestic Year. Genei^l Domestic imports. exports. imports. exports. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 1850 35, 823, 648 6,791,568 1913 463, 571, 136 1,220,240 1860 94,092,544 14, 039, 424 1914 446, 230, 848 1, 222, 256 1870 129, 831, 520 6, 443, 136 1915 431,631,760 1, 178, 352 1880 1 260, 546, 160 3,517,696 1916 243, 646, 480 979, 664 1890 227, 104, 304 2, 745, 120 1917 202,329,792 264, 208 1900 378, 363, 792 1,177,120 1918 176,691,536 197, 232 1910 484, 460, 368 1,035,328 1919 2 174, 742, 848 252,752 1911 481, 901, 504 1,335,936 1920 2 192, 230, 528 362,544 1912 448, 577, 808 1, 270, 304 1921 2 394, 687, 776 1,103,200 Including margarin for 1880. 2 Preliminary figures. Table 134.— United Kingdom— IMPORTS and EXPORTS of CHEESE. [Trade and Navigation Reports; (YB.).J Year. General Domestic Year. General Domestic imports. exports. imports. exports. Pounds. Pounds. 1 I Pounds. Pounds. 1850 33,003,168 968, 016 1913 257,302,080 995, 680 1860 65,327,696 3,214,400 ! 1914 272,592,768 804, 832 1870 116,623,472 2, 821, 728 1 1915 305, 372, 032 824, 880 1880 198,911,664 1,333,136 1 1916 291,661,888 985, 824 1890 240, 136, 288 1,367,632 i 1917 329, 959, 392 212, 240 1900 303,058,3;i6 1, 046, 600 ; 1918 263, 131, 904 70, 448 1910 275,110,080 911,008 1919 1 237, 968, 080 110,208 1911 263, 012, 512 949, 088 , 1920 1 308, 029, 120 454,048 1912 258, 584, 144 956, 704 1921 1314,918,688 479, 808 1 Preliminary figures. Table 135.— United Kingdom— IMPORTS and EX- PORTS of CONDENSED AND EVAPORATED MILK. (Commerce and Trade Reports.) Year. Imports. Exports. Year. Imports. Exports. 1888 Pounds. 26, 754, 464 34, 370, 560 92, 108, 912 105, 974, 000 124, 236, 560 132, 082, 832 137, 095, 728 133, 525, 728 Pounds. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 Pounds. 170, 970, 016 183,693,664 184,255,344 287, 582, 288 1356,607,880 1221, 140, 640 1245,149,276 Pounds. 37,628,192 35, 207, 312 14,271,264 320,720 1,437,296 6,233,936 14,205,936 1890 1900 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6, 886, 992 23, 458, 064 49, 194, 432 51,151,520 52,651,424 50, 676, 304 7,146,960 1 Preliminary figures. Prior to 1888 condensed milk was included in "Other dairy products." TOPICAL INDEX. Page. Explanatory note * 2 General statistics 4 Butter— consuxaption per capita, in various countries 5 production and exportation, by countries .^.... 7 standards of fat and moisture 8 Butterfat receipts in creameries by months 9 Ca]f, quantity of milk to raise a 9 Cheese, consumption per capita, by countries 6 Cow-testing associations, growth in various countries 6 Food, normal, for United Kingdom 9 Milk— and cream, weight per gallon, with varying fat content 8 consumption per capita, by countries 5 solids in various dairy products 7 to raise a calf 9 yield per cow, by countries 5 Population of various countries 4 United States 10 Accredited herds IS Balance of trade with foreign countries, in dairy products 40,41 Bull associations 1