"^a^ ^^ J^ 4^ %-^^T^^ ^^^ 4 X/% Cl'> * C{\\ M^^ //ll o <^ ^• . o ^ f 0' v^ A r " ° ^ "^ . . « o ^o o ^.-^ ■'l-^f;^.^''. ^ Qass r L Book-j_-j — Charitable Irish Society FOUNDED 1737 ITS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS WITH A LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS ETC., ETC. BOSTON, MASS. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1917 OFFICERS ELECTED AT THE 179th ANNIVERSARY MEETING HELD IN h— ^-1 /O* YOUNG'S HOTEL, BOSTON ' ^ , MARCH 17, 1916 ^A-b^Hr President, John M. Harney, Esq. Vice-President, Hon. Daniel V. McIsaac Treasurer, John B. Dore, Esq. Secretary, John J. Keen an (Mail address: P. O. Box 45, Back Bay Station.) Assistant Secretary, Joseph P. O'LOughlin Board of Directors Keeper of the Silver Key and Chairman, John J. Sullivan James F. McDermott, Esq. James A. Dorsey, Esq. Hon. Charles S. Sullivan Michael J. Carroll Meetings of the Society Third Mondays of Months from September to ]\Iay inclusive at 8 p. m. (except Anniversary, Vv'hich occurs on March 17) Meetings of the Board of Directors, same evenings at 7.30 p. m. By Transfer ;';.; APH 3 1923 PREAMBLE. The Charitable Irish Society, founded in the town of Boston, A. D. 1737, was instituted for two purposes : First. To cultivate a spirit of unity and harmony among all resident Irishmen and their descendants in the Massachusetts Colony; and, while adhering to the fundamental principle which underHes all govern- ments, — obedience to properly constituted authority, — to advance socially and morally the interests of the Irish people. Second. To alleviate suffering, and to aid such of its members as by the vicissitudes of fortune might be deserving of its charity. Remembering that morality, industry and education are the levers which move and direct the world, the present members pledge themselves anew to maintain end perpetuate the purposes of the Society as ex- *pressed by its founders, — so that even our fellow- citizens of other origin may be converted into helpers, ready to aid us in developing and strengthening our resources ; and that the interests of Irishmen and their descendants may be advanced by encouraging the cul- ture of those great principles, which, guided by charity, tend to make the perfect man. Commonwealth of Massachusetts IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINE. To incorporate Shubael Bell and others, into a Society, by the name of the CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. That Simon Elliott, Shubael Bell, Andrew Dunlap, John Magner and John GilHs, and their associates, together with such others as may be admitted members of said association, be and they hereby are incorporated into a Society, by the name of the ''Charitable Irish Society," with power to have and to use a common seal ; to make contracts; to sue and be sued; to establish by-laws and orders for the regulation of said Society and the preservation and application of the funds thereof provided the same be not repugnant to the constitu- tion and laws of this Commonwealth. And to take, hold and possess any estate, real or personal, by sub- scription, gift, grant, purchase, devise or otherwise, and the same to improve, lease, exchange, or sell and convey, for the sole benefit of said Institution; pro- vided the value of the real and personal estate of said Society shall never in the whole exceed Twenty Thou- sand Dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Society shall meet annually, on the seventeenth day of March, in Boston, (unless the same should fall upon a Sunday, in which case the annual^ meeting shall always be holden on the day succeeding), for the purpose of electing by ballot, from their mem- INCORPORATION 5 bers, a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and such other officers as may be necessary to manage their concerns, and all which officers shall hold their said offices for one year, and until others shall be elected to succeed them. Upon any urgent occasion, the Presi- dent or Vice-President, or in their absence, the Treas- urer, may appoint a special meeting of said Society, said meeting to be notified in two newspapers in said town, five days at least before holding the same: pro- vided nevertheless, that this Act of Incorporation shall be determinable at the pleasure of the Legislature. House of Representatives, Feb. 22, 1809. This bill having had three several readings, passed to be enacted. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. In Senate, Feb. 23, 1809 This bill having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. H. G. OTIS, President. Approved, Feb. 23, 1809. LEVI LINCOLN. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. IN the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. The Charitable Irish Society, a corporation duly established by Chapter forty of the Acts of the year one thousand eight hun- dred and nine, is authorized to hold real and personal 6 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS property to the amount and value of two hundred thousand dollars, and to issue its corporate bonds for an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dol- lars and to secure the same, if it so elects, by a mort- gage of its real and personal property ; the proceeds of said bonds to be devoted to the erection of a build- ing for said society in the city of Boston. Said bonds shall be expressed to be redeemable within thirty years from the first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty- six, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum payable semi- annually. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, June 19, 1885. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY ARTICLE I. TITLE. The style and title of this organization shall be the ''Charitable Irish Society." ARTICLE II. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Any person of Irish birth, or of Irish descent may be a member of this Society so as to entitle him to vote, or be an officer of the Govern- ment. Other persons may, by unanimous vote, be admitted honorary members, and their names shall be recorded as such. A donation of $50 shall entitle any individual, otherwise qualified, to life-membership. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. Section 1. There shall be nine regular meetings of the Society in every year. The anniversary shall be held on the 17th of March, the Festival of St. Patrick, unless it should fall on a Sunday, in which case the meetings shall be holden on the day succeed- ing. The other meetings shall be held on the third Mondays in April, May, September, October, Novem- ber, December, January and February. 8 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ' Sec. 2. Twenty members shall be deemed a quo- rum for the transaction of business at all regular and special meetings of the Society. ARTICLE IV. THE GOVERNMENT. Section 1. The Government of this Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Keeper of the Silver Key, and a Board of Five Directors, (of which the Keeper of the Silver Key shall be one, and ex-Officio Chairman), who shall severally rank as in the order of this recital. Sec. 2. They shall be chosen annually at the anni- versary meeting, by written ballot, and shall continue in office until their successors are chosen. Sec. 3. Officers shall be balloted for on one ticket, having list of officers to be elected printed thereon, with blank spaces left to write in names of candidates. Sec. 4. Balloting for officers shall be by roll of membership; members present wishing to vote shall come forward and deposit their ballots in a receptacle and place to be designated by vote of the members. The Assistant Secretary of the Society, or person designated for that purpose by the presiding officer, shall check their respective names as they deposit their ballots. One-half hour after opening the meet- ing, balloting for officers shall begin, and the polls remain open for at least one hour, and for such addi- CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 9 tional time as may be determined by a majority of the members present. Sec. 5. A committee shall be appointed by the presiding officer to receive, assort and count ballots in open meeting, and announce; the result to the pre- siding officer, who shall officially declare the names of the officers legally elected. ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society ; to preserve order, etc. ; and to call special meetings of the Society on a requisition signed by ten members ; but he may call special meetings in a case of the death of any member without such requisition. Sec. 2. In case of the absence of the President, the Vice-President is invested with Presidential power ; and in cases for which no provision has been or can seasonably be made by the Secretary of Government, the presiding and directing authority shall • be in the highest office present. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. FUNDS. Section 1. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due the Society collected by the Secretary, and shall pass his receipt for the same in the record book of the Society. He shall possess all the funds and prop- erty of the Society, and shall keep a record of the same 10 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS in a book provided specially for the purpose, and he shall invest or appropriate them in such manner as two-thirds of the members present at any meeting of the Society (specially called for the purpose), shall think most beneficial. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall each year give a bond, with two sufficient sureties approved by the Society, for an amount equal in value to the property in his charge, wherein he shall promise to refund all moneys, or v/hatever else may be committed to his care, on the expiration of his term of service, or on his resigna- tion or removal from office. He shall keep a correct account of the receipt, investment and disbursement of all funds, which account shall be subject to the inspection of the Board of Directors, or such other Committee as the Society or Government may appoint at their pleasure, and shall make a full annual report of the same at each anniversary meeting. Sec. 2. When the funds are loaned or invested it shall be in the name of the Charitable Irish Society. Sec. 3. No officer of the Government shall, whilst in office, be a borrower or a security for the repay- ment of any loan from the Society. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Section 1. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society and of the Govern- ment thereof ; shall issue notifications of the regular meetings of the Society, and, by the direction of the CONSTITUTION AND BY-LA V/S 11 President, (see Art. V., Sec. 1,) of special meetings of the Government and of the .Society, and shall de- liver to the Board of Directors the names of candi- dates for admission, together with the names of the members by whom such candidates are proposed. Sec. 2. He shall make an annual report of the number of members, meetings, and the general con- dition of the Society, the amount of fees received and due, and of resignations and deaths of members. Sec. 3. He shall give notice of all meetings at which action upon amendments to the Constitution is to be taken. Sec. 4. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary when he is present, and assume his duties in his absence. ARTICLE VIII. duties of the board of directors. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to receive the names of candidates for mem^- bership from the Secretary, to whom they shall have been reported; to inquire into the character of candi- dates and report thereon to the Society. Sec. 2. To examine the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, prior to their annual report, and if they find them correct to file a certificate to that effect. Sec. 3. To inquire into the character and con- dition of applicants for the charity of the Society, as provided for in Article XL 12 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE IX. MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Each and every person applying for membership in the Society, shall be recommended by three members, and, if approved by the Board of Directors, shall be admitted if they receive the votes of three-fourths of the members present at any regular meeting subsequent to the meeting at which their names are proposed. Sec. 2. Each application for membership to the Society shall be accompanied by the initiation fee of THREE DOLLARS. Se;c. 3. Every person, when admitted into this Society, shall subscribe to the Constitution and By- Laws, otherwise he shall not be considered a member. ARTICLE X. dues and payments. ' Section 1. The annual assessment upon each member shall be three dollars, and any member omit- ting to pay his annual assessment for three successive years shall, by such omission, notice having been previously given by the Secretary, be dropped from the roll of membership. Sec. 2. Any person who shall have been elected, and omits to sign the Constitution for the term of one year, shall forfeit his right to membership under that election, and must be proposed and balloted for anew. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 13 ARTICLE XI. CHARITY, DONATIONS, ETC. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to inquire into the character and condition of applicants for the charity of this Society, and if such appHcants be considered deserving objects, to give them an order on the Treasurer for the amount deemed proper, limited, however, in proportion to the sum voted by the Society to be appropriated for charitable purposes. Those who are or have been members, shall, if in distress, always have a prior claim. ARTICLE XII. Section 1. No debt other than contingent ex- penses shall be contracted except by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting, and no sum exceeding one hundred dollars shall be appropriated at any meeting unless the members of the Society shall have received notice from the Secretary previous to the meeting that such appropriation is to be acted upon. Sec. 2. Any member desiring to offer an order appropriating money exceeding the sum of one hun- dred dollars, shall file a copy of such order with the Secretary of the Society at least ten days before the meeting upon which such order shall come up for action. ARTICLE XIII. Section \. The Anniversary shall be celebrated in such a way and manner as the Society shall de- termine at the regular meeting in December, or at any special meeting called for that purpose. 14 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE XIV. Section 1. Any dispute arising in the Society, shall be settled and finally adjusted by the Govern- ment, and the parties not submitting to their decision shall be liable to fine or expulsion, at the discretion of the Society. ARTICLE XV. Section 1. This Constitution and these By-Laws may be altered or amended when a written proposi- tion for the same shall have been presented at least one regular meeting prior to action being taken thereon, and upon the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 15 BY-LAWS. 1. The President shall order special meetings of the Society on a requisition signed by ten members, presented at least twenty-four hours previous to the time contemplated for said meeting to take place, and direct the Secretary to notify the members of the same and the object set forth in the requisition. 2. The President shall preserve decorum and order; may speak to points of order in preference to other members ; and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the meeting, by motion regularly made and seconded. No other business shall be in order till the question on the appeal shall have been decided. 3. The President shall declare all votes, and he may, upon any member rising and doubting the vote, call on the members for or against the question to rise and stand until they are counted by the Secre- ary, without any further debate on the question. 4. The President shall propound all questions in the order in which they are named, unless the sub- sequent motion be previous in its nature, except that in naming sums and fixing times, the largest sum and longest time be put first. 5. When a motion is pending, the President shall entertain no motion, but 16 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 1. To adjourn, 2. For the yeas and nays, 3. For the previous question, 4. To lay on the table, 5. To postpone indefinitely, 6. To postpone to a day certain, 7. To commit, 8. To amend, which several motions shall have precedence in t order above stated, but no motion shall be receiv from a member, while another has the floor. 6. When two or more members happen to rise once, the President shall designate the one who entitled to the floor. 7. A motion to adjourn shall always be consl ered first in order; and that motion and the moti for the yeas and nays, to lay on the table, and indefinitely postpone, shall be decided without deba 8. On all questions and motions whatsoever, t President shall take the sense of the meeting by ye and nays, whenever one-third of the members prese shall so require. No motion shall be entertain while the yeas and nays are being called, except unanimous consent; nor any debate allowed while t members are voting on any question; nor shall motion to adjourn be received. When the yeas ai nays are being taken, the roll shall be called and i member shall be allowed to vote who shall not upon the floor at the time his name is called or befo the roll call is finished. Any member may change t CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 17 vote after the yeas and nays have been called through, and before the vote is announced from the chair. 9. The President shall put the previous question in the following form. Shall the main question be now put? and all debate on the main question shall be suspended until the motion for the previous ques- tion shall have been decided. If the question so put be decided in the affirmative, the question shall be taken forthwith on the pending amendments in their order, and then upon the original motion. All inci- dental questions of order arising after a motion is made for the previous question, shall be decided with- out debate, excepting on an appeal from the decision of the Chair, and on such appeal no member shall be allowed to speak more than once without the con- sent of two-thirds of the members present. 10. Every member when about to speak in de- bate, or deliver any matter to the Society, shall rise and respectfully address himself to the President, shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid personality, and when he has done speak- ing shall sit down. 11. No member when speaking shall be inter- rupted by another, but by rising to call to order, or for the purpose of making an explanation. 12. No member shall speak more than twice on any one question, and on an appeal and previous question only once, without first obtaining leave of two-thirds of the meeting. 13. When a vote has passed, it shall be in order for any member of the majority to move for a re- 18 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS consideration thereof, except in cases of alterations of the Constitution on the same or succeeding meet- ing, and when a motion for reconsideration is de- cided, that decision shall not be reconsidered. 14. No motion or proposition of a subject dif- ferent from that under consideration, shall be admit- ted under color of amendment. 15. No motion shall be debatable until seconded and stated from the Chair by the Presiding Officer, and then can only be withdrawn by the mover, with the unanimous consent of the members present, be- fore an amendment is made or a vote taken. 16. Any question shall be divided when called for by any member, if the sense will admit of it. A motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed indi- visible, but a motion to strike out being lost, shall neither preclude amendment or a motion to strike out and insert. 17. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be reduced to writing if desired by the Presiding Officer, before being put to the meeting. 18. When a motion to adjourn is made and lost, a motion again to adjourn would not be in order, unless some business has been transacted in the inter- val between the two motions. 19. These Rules and By-Laws may be altered and amended in accordance with article fifteenth of tli'e Constitution. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 19 20. Any one of these By-Laws may be tempo- rarily suspended, with the consent of three- fourths of the members present and voting. Cushing's Manual shall be used as the standard for Rules or Order in all cases not herein specified. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Reading the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. 2. Report of the Board of Directors on Can- didates FOR Membership. 3. Election of Members. 4. Propositions for Membership. 5. Reports of Committees. 6. Election of Officers. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. General Business. HONORARY MEMBERS Names. When elected. Edward Gillespie, Esq Nov. 26, 1814 William Sampson, Esq. . . . . . Nov. 26, 1814 Robert Hoage, Esq Sept. 20, 1819 John Beane Mar. 17, 1821 Dr. William Ingalls Mar. 17, 1826 Russell Jarvis, Esq Mar. 17, 1826 Hon. David Henshaw Mar. 17, 1826 Daniel D. Brodhead Mar. 17, 1826 Charles Hood Mar. 17, 1826 John Roberts Mar. 17, 1826 B. H. Norton Dec. 20, 1830 Hon. Edward Kavanagh Mar. 18, 1833 Thomas L. Tiernan, Esq Mar. 23, 1835 Aaron D. Williams, Esq Mar. 22, 1858 Charles Stewart Parnell, M. P. . . . Mar. 18, 1889 William O'Brien. M. P Mar. 18, 1889 Michael Davitt, M. P Mar. 18, 1889 F. Marion Crawford Jan. 16, 1893 Hon. Robert J. Gamble ..... Apr. 27, 1909 Rev. Jeremiah M. Prendergast, S^ J. . . Jan. 12, 1911 Prof. William Howard Taft .... Mar. 18, 1912 (ex-President of the Uniteci States.) Hon. Eugene N. Foss Mar. 18, 1912 (ex-Governor of Massachusetts.) His Eminence, William, Cardinal O'Connell; Mar. 18, 1912 Archbishop of Boston. Dr. John B. Moran, President in 1887 . . Mar. 17, 1915 (Name longest on roll — since March 17, 1860.) Bernard Corr, President in 187S . . . Mar. 17, 1915 (Oldest member and President longest out of office.) LIFE MEMBER Maj. Gen. Francis Henry Appleton, M. V. M., Retired (A lineal descendant of James Sullivan Governor of Massachusetts in 1807) CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY Founded 1737 The Oldest Irish Organisation in America The following preamble was adopted at the time of the formation of the Society in 1737: "Whereas : Several Gentlemen, Merchants and Others of the Irish Nation residing in Boston in New England, from an Affectionate and Compassionate concern for their countrymen in these Parts, who may be reduced by Sickness, Shipwrack, Old age and other Infirmaties and unforseen Accidents, Have thought fitt to form themselves into a Charitable Society, for the relief of such of their poor and indigent Countrymen, without any design of not contributing towards the Provision of the Town Poor in general as usual. And the said Society being now in its Minority, it is to be hoped and expected, that all Gentlemen, Merchts, and others of the Irish Nation or ExtractioH, residing in, or trading to these Parts, who are lovers of Charity and their Country- men, will readily come into and give their Assistance to so laudable an undertaking ; and for the due Regulation and Management of said intended Charity, the Society, on the seventeenth day of March, in the year 1737, agreed on the following Rules and Orders," Then follow the "Rules and orders" in detail, comprising thirteen sections besides the By-Laws. Section VIII declared that "The Managers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, three Assistants, and Three Key-keepers, with a Servitor to attend the Society's service, the Managers to be natives of Ireland, or Natives of any other Part oi the British Dominions of Irish Extraction, being inhabitants of Boston." Section XIII provided that "The Key-keepers are to attend Gentlemen and others, Natives of Ireland, or of Irish Extraction, residing in these 22 PREAMBLE Parts, or Transients, to acquaint them with the Charitable Design, and Nature of this Society, and to invite them to contribute by the, Formality of delivering them a Silver-Key, with the Arms of Ireland thereon ; and if any Persons do refuse the same, they are to return their names to some sub- sequent Quarterly Meeting." The Twenty-Six Original Members of the Society were Robert Duncan, Andrew Knox, Nathaniel Walsh, Joseph St. Lawrence, Daniel McFall, Edward Allen, William Drummond, William Freeland, Daniel Gibbs, John Noble, Adam Boyd, William Stewart, Daniel Neal, James Mayes, Samuel Moore, Philip Mortimer, James Egart, George Glen, Peter Pelham, John Little, Archibald Thomas, Edward Alderchurch, James Clark, John Clark, Thomas Bennett and Patrick Walker. PRESIDENTS OF THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 1737 to 1917 1737-1765. During the first twenty-nine years of the ex- istence of the Society the only records kept were those of the Treasurer, which show the amounts received for, and contributed to, charity, the financial condition of the Society, and amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws. The names of the officers during this early period do not appear. 1766. William Hall 1767-1769. Hon. Robert Auchmuty 1770-1774. Capt. William MacKay 1775. Last meeting, February 21, 1775, before Revolu- tion 1783. First meeting, October 26, 1784, after Revolution 1784-1786. Capt. William MacKay 1787-1788. Simon Elliot 1789-1790. Meetings on April 1791-1800. 1801-1809. 1810-1813. 1814. 1815. 1816-1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821-1823. Meetings on 1790 Moses Black Simon Elliot Thomas English Capt. James McGee Simon Elliot Shubael Bell Capt. James McGee Shubael Bell Walter Welsh Capt. Jamics McGee 15. 1788, and December 14, 1824-1825. Samuel L. Knapp 1826. Andrew Dunlap 1827. Abraham Moore 1828. Thomas Murphy 1829. Francis A^cKenna 1830. Bernard Fitzpatrick 1831. Rev. T. J. O'Flaherty 1832. Andrew Dunlap 1833. James Boyd 1834. Richard W. Roche 1835. John C.Park 24 PRESIDENTS 1836-1837. James Boyd 1885. 1838-1839. Daniel O'Callahan 1886. 1840-1841. William P. M'Kav 1887. 1842-1843. John C.Tucker ' 1883. 1844-1846. Terence McHugh 1889. 1847. Patrick Sharkey 1890. 1848-1850. John Kelly 1891. 1851. Patrick Donahoe 1892. 1852. James Egan 1893. 1853. Denis W. O'Brien 1894. 1854. Patrick Donahoe 1895. 1855. Thomas Mooney 1896. 1856-1858. John C. Crowley 1897. 1859. Patrick Phillips 1898. 1860-1861. Hugh O'Brien 1899. 1862. Cornelius Doherty 1900. 1863. James H. TaUon 1901. 1864. Patrick Harkins 1902. 1865. Michael Doherty 1903. 1866-1867. Charles F. Donnelly 1904. 186&-1869. John M. Maguire 1905. 1870-1871. John Magrath 1906. 1872. Thomas Dolan 1907. 1873-1874. Thomas T. Gargan 1908. 1875. Bernard Corr 1909. 1876-1877. Patrick A. Collins 1910. 1878. Joseph D. Fallon 1911. 1879. ^EdwardRyan 1912. 1880-1881. Patrick F. Griffin 1913. 1882. Thomas Riley 1914. 1883: William W. Doherty 1915. 1884. Timothy J. Dacey 1916 Denis H. Morrisey Edward B. Rankin John B. Moran John A. Daley John H. Burke Michael T. Donohoe Edward A. McLaughlin James E. Cotter Thomas Ryan Charles V. Dasey Edward J. Flynn John F. Cronan Michael T. Callahan Michael J. Dwyer Patrick M. Keating Edmund Reardon Dennis T. Gorman John P. Leahy Michael J. Jordan William T. A. Fitzgerak Augustine J. Daly Michael A. Toland John J. Keenan John ¥. Sullivan James H. Devlin, Jr. John B. Dore Patrick O'Loughlin Richard J. Lane Bartholomew A. Bricklei John A. Kiggen Patrick H. Crowley John M. Harney ;3 *a -J, -^ ^ U U • f-j 1^ U ^ U ^"^!^ •-< g g fc^ § S oS Q S l?^ .< S j: <: S o O +-i fl -M a«^sS CO T)H >. £ ^ o rO G X ^ O '^ C^ « -u cl r^ r// ,0 •^ 3 -TS ^ p— < P-l 02 u a c3 O t- «) (vn C^ C5 1^ Pu r-iOTH^fCTrlOt^MTHOiHOCOkilTH o Cl o Cl t- 1- 1- 00 o GO OS OC' Xi t- c: rHTHiHrHrH-HTHT-lTHTHT-irniHi— -rH L-Ot-CCiMTHOCOClGOr-KMiMO . rc '-M -t- t- T-l iH -H -n^ fC GO O LO ^ tH OQ 'X 00 I- I- C.' c: t- t- L-- GO GO 00 00 o: 00I:^TtiOl0l0 00(MX)t-OOt-»O O -'-^ -J - -^ ,-t -^ t!}i^ >-i's-l '^''^ 'r-l r^ 'fM fH !>J O) rr (1) n ^ ^ *. Q c? M Cl<5 w m u n w ^ , be M « -O oi S^ -ij J/J ■jj-e a >j a CD U ^ LO S (N I- fe K t-sH as Qo «.-^, .• i-i f-i '— ' ■ K^ rtTIl Q O fl l-tl-sM&H .Ht H g fl a G i; ^' ; oj o) oi fl a a fl 0000 m xn m m ;h !^ ^ ^ a; 0) a> oj . . a a a a a^ g'3 bc;a .'^'^.a li -., 2 — c o .^ a '^ cs a .J .^ a a be a a a' a" a; o o a; oj'ci' 0) a a- -Or^^i; O-^^ a S-a"^' u xh ui op^p^s'^^a >!> i-j r- to rcj a a g cs a a -r; 43 ,a -M k rt ti W fl,a -a « ts - -. a a >M:i rt 26 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY xr. u^ o) •^ o (D HI (Sj o CS -. tS) %% 3 w 0) !;_ !» o H W^ 5 s a ^ >• c» O «2 i5 be o Td C3 &r-i d) o M w o o fee's 4^ ^ 3 > O ^ g fl ^ p: PI 2 2 ® o'o oj a • FQ pq P5 bfjii -t3 M, ft-* (DOO COa>t-;C5obO5t-COQ0O000*O0SS0055S00S5§S iHrHiHiHr-lTHrHr-liHr-iiHTHrHr-lTHiHT-trHr-lTHrHT-liH t-ItH tH rH iH rH (N iH tH (N iHWtHtHt-I in rHT-ii-i in S ^^^ ?:! t:j o ^ rO +j'^ - Opq 5 o bJ3 !=1 O a H W H M !/2 a o .9 <1 •^ 1=1 s riK o o 9 4iS a ' a w COiM t-cqooio (D O oa.s COCO-* o rH '^^ S orn M O tJ34J OrHiH l-s g 02 O a&^ o . a;; P3P5 ^^^^ -*^ -^ -r- 4) » (D a; G 1^ ;-i h ;-! »H ^4 tH C^ oj c^ cti p3fQ«m a; r^ ^ -M ci o o '-' -l-'-'-=-t-i-M+J4-'-4-J+J-W aal^tiaS . . . f^f^i2i2 eS cj W O o o ddciddcidciciisi pq P5 P5 P3 M p; CQ p5 fq pq ;^ ^ ;h ^ ^ ;h f-i ^ ^ ;-i ci rt cj c3 rt pqpqpqpqpq O in o cq I-*-. o -^^ be ^S aS o a coco coo O °i 1-5 CW P»J>J pqpq PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS f-' p >:^ <^ a '-'- a si+i OS S-^ th o 2 (=1 o S K^ 00 o -_- XJ 5 — I «gt3 rt CS O tB-U 0» d) 03 S 2*^ rH th is _ a '*» " - o t— o T^ xo GO 2 «o a 1 T-l ?^i^ iHOO T-l o t-rH T-l -4-J ^ •b^ ^■+J "x ^ OJ >--m ©"u ;h o g Q 00o:iC3Ct-rHrHrH(M(M '^ C .5 g C EZ (M Ci (M >?^ S.a'^ ^ ^ ^ rH rH tH tH iH rH tH tH rH iH rH rH rH t4 tH tH T^ '*^:SrHTH5iSrHrHrH^O^.rH^ 'grH ^H rH rH rH rH rH rH r-l ,H rH rH (M rH C^ rH ,H rH rH r-3 . ^;-3 ^ rH r- >< "a « QOrHCOfOOt- ^ > .1i r:-' ^ ti- ~ - '"' ^^ c^ ci " c aPH s ■:: cj > r-a 0)^0)2 .idfe-^S ^ p. h^ h-i i^ i—t ^ •!— ( G ""r _ F*— > r^ K zl j_s » TC Ki -^ ,__j -^ ._j . I— ( _, 1 fli -^^ r^ ui "^ %, %, Ui u ^^ ;-t-^ ai a^ t^- 'Ci-sl^ t-i+j-M-(J2>;'"~— d;(Hd;a)Ci1'OJ, ^ ^ h:; c - Q < -t-J -tj ^ i-l C/J (7* ^ p ;^ ;-l fQ c; f-H fli t- rHCO 28 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY £0 > (D P* ■4Jt- t- t-00G0G0OTC0^a-Q0«3Q0C500G0t-t-C0OG0Ot-Q0 OOOiOi&OCooSSoOoS THrHrHiHTHiHiHr-lT-lrHT-lTHrHrHrHrHiHrHiHrHTHrHTH T^lH^^^^r^JHSlHT-iSI-^ rj t- t-^lO ^tH ^^(^f |>"o O t^b^l> b^o'rH t^^(X ^^ 05 Oo'kO cTOfo'cO tH iH O oT p^ a; d) w td -^ 5 -3 c M o C5 PrK 2 O pq fl „ o D* iJO Ul .S fl o rt •r! K> f; O o K O f ranPQ 2-saa lOGO PqO lOO a o o 02 o bo a 00 r/7 a n o W O r m 02 .. bf) i-l Ti o be M S3 ^ o rn -M 0) O pq- o o«a .^ o o) a a p a o'oo c pqpqpqpq a 'Ti a 33 r-* ^ a a M a p c c o c o pq pqpqpqpq rtsSPLi a a w a> oi d) ceo :qpqpq 0) a; rt 05 "m ► ^ o o o pqpqpq S i>5 « ^ o^ '^ 1^ 1^ rt 9 1^ b a dH, K fl d ^ CJ'T' ^ 0) a> (U CI ^ OJ tc flS JH f* -u^ ^g • ■1^ P5 « h^^ >5 roi . 0) K ■^f fl 02 > rt J^ a; -is 02 2^ a>0 ^c. > - 53 . r, hri l-H „H 1I4 n , _ H -a :i '^ H (11 ""^^ r— !r^ 30 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 02 pq tH . - 0)05 44 no o eu C100lOOIiMCiO';aT-lTtiTH'*C: ■iOGOt-r-(iHOTH(MT-IGOrHOOO GOQOCiOOCi050500C50000COt- irt! O O CI "^ T-i O O CC LI I- CCi C4 CO CO CO CO iM Ol GCiT-lrHOOiHCDQ0rHOC000OCX)THTHiHr-(rH OOOOOOit-GOt-OOCJ5C500000000CK'0505i3505 C»C"#wa)t-L0t-O5000CDTH r-<(M iH T-( iH tH tH (M rH tH H rH © :^flaJ5^^-S^fl ^rS -. zn •<■■ ■-'■ OI-rH iHt-00lOOC£iO00Ot-t-O-»0»0?D00 (MrHrHTHrHiHT-lriCNiHT-lT-ICaC^rHiHi-lr-lTH • • .jJO)jjth . ..•,• .,• . • . . -,• ■m o o 3=M i-nOcot- C o „ ozn -l-i'o M n w o SO M O) a Cj u flfLi ^ o go r 0) o ;a2 02 ^ O cj 02 a^ CO o TJ^<^5 ^1^; fl ^ =5 i= 5 fl o o firn icpqpq '^ -C . . rffl o o O 4) 02 02 •S^ rt o o COCOCOH CO CC O) let) iiO M O) '^a i=l c; o O o .2o M r a a) >i":i _•■ o o o o o o ;-<;-) J-i ^ (^ f-( fflM2;pqp5m a 2S.ga^ i-ji-sPkHQ ■ a a a a a o p p c o ^& ■H 9 "^ ^£: o o Ba ;a o oT fl mm M con-. KW flrtbcSaaga^^.'S'S^-^-^ ^^ J; O O « ci ci O O^fc^i^ ^-s '^^rh ^^-^--^---'-'^ fl d >i'— I r-l.-H,— l^^i— Ir— I.— I,— II— I (i) aj ;^tHdPPPPE3PSPPPPl3 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 31 urn cdtHph ?; C^llO t>-t-Clt--!:---t00(Nrt^T-f^lNT--rC0t-C^'*-*C>lrHTH:5-*C:C:C^CI(MC;T-'L-^OTHt-t- 0?0 »005i-IG0CiOl-iHG0rHr-tiHC55a>OTHCiTHQrHf0C:OOC0Ti4r-li-iOTHt-THOCC(N GOt- b-l^-oaDG0 0005a)CiC:C^OOC»X'05GOOOOGOGOC M ci '-' *s 3 CO K-.O o t- O tH O ° CS Tt^ rH r1 O r-i r"^ o O ^ fl^ oston St Bos ., Bos o zn > crt Zi odcDlr^?DTH"cOt-^b^iH"b^t-^b-^OOOt-l>l^t^ rt rH rH rH r-l rH rH iH tH IM rH rH T-I(M iH 1-1 1-1 (NrH 1-1 rHrHTHiH 'S ^ 1=1 m -u ^^^o t-l r/? Qi OfT A St M Seav Cong QJ^D (M ^^^ r-i C-- ? . - - O *H P r-" o :^ fl q; •« r^ Tli-5 c; oP-i .^ c; 05 s r- fe a o o o 1-5^ > ^ i^ O) c3 c; ■;::'^ o ^ _t-i :^ o r- < 56^^S ardrararororaraTarara MK ;h ;-i MPQW a> -. t>s 73 Ci Ci 7j 6"^ 60 S. r; — rd O - ir ■ ■ =: . . . -rt a5 ^ S .3 .S .2 .S £ S S It '3 'cS 'S 'S "S "rt cj ouuouuoo I- P o "Sis 00 PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 33 oOLOco:ooTt^r^Mco^Hlf^^^T-lt-^H(^^GO^^Tt^(^^t--o:^HOi(^^oc<^^co(^^<^^T*^«J5C5CiffCr^t-•l^^co tQT-IOCDCC>THTHTHOil~fCGO^QOrHiHCOTHOOi:Da:COOGOC;OOiHTHlClOiHiHOfOi:Dt-GOr-lTH OOOiOOGOOOCi050iOOb-GOCCC:aDOiC'500aOQOb-t--OOl--GOOOGOC50i000005CriOit--COGOODOiOO rHr-trHrHiHiHrHTHrHTHrHiHrHTHTHrHT-lr-lT-lrHrHT-lT-lT-liHTHT-lrHr-liHl-li-liHrHTHT-lr-lrHrH b^ l--^ O t-^ b^ t--^ »0 O' CO 00 t-^ O I- rn' O >< t>^ O t-^ CO O «r tJh' rH lo' t^ "" "" ■*" <> -ss ^ 0) ::; - fl pa o ^ r -l-i ^ i=l CD ston re best oston xbury xbury a 02 St., Boston Ave., Roslii Pemb'n Sq. St., Boston Bldg., Bost ton mton Bosto C t.. Bo , Do St., B ., Ro ., Ro X/1 00 r CQ -U o-t:«2 - ^■^ -^-^ ^xn Cj fl§ flCC! S :/ir^mw. -M <^ fli s^ -^ w .^ — m _j Co incoln toria omfiel rnon rnon a C3 ^ S >' « fl^ 5 ^-i g K j3 g S5S 4J % 0)'^ »- a ri ^ i-< c:> in CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY \4 00 00 c2 ^' O) ci (/;■ !_■- ci ci Ci CO ci G^ cc Ci GO c'i oC' t- THTHiHrHrHr-lT-lTHT-lrHiHrHiHTH^, iHiHTHT-l?HtHT-lrHrHrHr^ t- -M L-:i OC iH k:i c o 00rHC4C;rHCi CC' O CO C?5 CO C^J C: CO' 00 00 T-lTHiHrHrHT-l^rH kOQCt-COOt-t-lO'-^OCOOOOOOOOLOt-lOlOOt-t-Ot-OOOOCOt-t-t-t-OOt- rH7HT-li-lT-ti-)iHiHiHC-JiHiH a; r^ r^^H ;h ^ h ^ ^ ci :; cS ci ci ooooc a ra O* 2 fH M >_, ^ ^. o o C'd ^^^2 S O « - ooaooooo !?H, 'Ok! n Jh ^^ f-j ;-( ;-! ddoou ci^ 2 O ^ 5P OH b' o :2 1^ "bi '^ "^ 1^ S! '6 5* 000000000600000 ^^-t7-iS-if-if-if-if-it-iS-*t-it-i!-it-iS-i uooououuooooouu PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 35 c1t^(NOL^c^^OlH(^^M^-^(^1XlCl^J(^l(^^<^i(^^(^^THccr^l^^T-lTt^lO(^^^-o^-c<^o^-©^co^-r^ C^^lTH^JOCCCCrnOO iHt-lOOJOlkOTHrHiHr-lTHOr-lTHOTHiHOOSOT-lr-ICCeOlQOi-IO® OOXCaC^CCiCy;. QCOCOCOCiCiOOOGOOOOOC:CaCiOiC5C»0000(»050;OI^-OOOOOiCOOOOOOOGOOit-- r^^HT^T-1rH^^r^^^r^r^t-^IHTHr^r^^HT-^r^r^r^r^r^1^r^r^r^r^r^THr^r-l■^-lr^r-lr^■Hr^r^T-^ L-t' L--"ari>^co t-^io'o"od oTr^'oo rH oo't^i^^cd CO io lO CD i> ©'i> o"t^(X t-'ooT--*" ^^r^r^T^lHr^r^(^^r^^^^^t-^(^^r^^^r^r^^^r^r^^Hr-IC0r-l(^^T-l1-^^^^r^THr^r-l<^^r^r^r-lr^THr^ 4^^^^ab44^.4 9. O) . . . PI rj t-i S-, :-5 a d4^.^^a9. vx:>^ fegS^^§fefa^feQ^^feS§^fc^^6§Q§^§Kfe^g§HP§§§Qfe»^ ro 5 as O 2^ 'CD r r !=l r-i' I'd.a o OirttCOOiH COtHi-iCOO IM (M 00 tH iH >5 ;h y; P ^M X rt x: -M rr" h ^ a -1-1 >> bt) 10 tf hr fl ^3 fl !=^0"S ^ p+j W .Q p ^5 a ,~ Ph '2 ^02 5^ -Ct ;-i sS a^ ;^pqW 1— 1 (^ > i> > t> 0; 03 ci c3 c3 c3,a 000000 +2 .a 03 ^ a 5 OS lu a oi,a 1>5, O) ^ -a . .- ^ a ^rt 03 02rt O C (D ^5a a tH o3 ^ ^ ^ 0000000 36 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY C^5 "* t- t- tH (M Tti iM i-H c:; C) ,H 'Tt^ I- O "*! tH C O C) CC T-i IC fC (M tH IC' 0.1 tH CJ 00 c; X (N irtOOOOCOCOTHOOrHTH10LOOi'r-(C.o M O ;i2 o «3 3 ©- o » m 5£ r m --If TJ 1=1 ^/- -Jt - '+' ^ T^ rM 02 M o bcbCfl be 'd fl 07:5 •1-1 .r-l rt -W X! 03 01X3 O oO f C c: iH cj >5 ;-! P o o - CO fl o .2 3 xa oj c s^ Pio (M ICO H H 02 > -^.H Q) 0) ^a « W ^M 12 a 'd a fl^ a S.2 <^Q OS O i-:i-s ^ rtl-5 ^ £ ci PI Pl^ O -rd Poo -a o •^:^ ^ o ^ a O '"5 PT-T Cj Ti ci ci ci c - a; d) >i >5 f>. >j tH ,iil/j3^;-it^j^pO t; oj £ 4J S^ ^a d'd o o asa t: rt rt oj a; ?: a Qj _ ^ w ,- ^ rt - >-. •^ •;:; ;d -■::: ©■ c o o ^ Q fl P^ 0!2 d~ d" fl-S d' ■Ti zi a tiia b£ ti] be bc^ c o o o c UOOUU ^' K fa ^"^ .2'S^a^^ Sflog^^ « 0^ O o o o fl G fl C fl G ci cj c3 ci :i K laaaaaaaa -ODdJiuaJiiiajaiaj o o o o o o"© c o PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 37 ,, 00 poo rH U a> ~ > o ^ t- cc 00 ^ oco -t^ ar- a) Of. OJ iH Ui CLh OiOgiXCiOGOGOCOGOOiCOCtOOGOOOCCGOOOO QOOC^iOC't-CiXGOGO — t-QOOiOSOOCftSoOb- THiHr-iiHTHiHrHr-lTHT-lr-liHiHi-lr-liHiHiHiH T-lrHrHrHr-liHr-(iHT-liHrHrHT-lTHTHrHrHTHT-l ^"t5t-oo*Q'»i>t>t--*Kfr-ro"t>^odoi"o(5'o"«rcr t^'~©"o'oo'oi'o"t-"t-■'«oo'lHc^fcDI>co't-•''t-•''^-''<^^ tH tH iH rH (M rH r-l r-l rH tH (N tH iH (M rH (N(MrH(M rH (M (M rH iM rH rH rH rH rH (M rH rH rH rH rH rH rH ■^ 9, b ^" 9 b b b b y -Q ^" 5d i^'S « c -o fl b ^ b+^ '^ D. '-' '-' xJ '-' -iJ ^' ^ ^" G ^' ^ ^' 'f^ o ;= s r- rH ^ G S O;^ C-;-i-u'-i t Ro osto-i Bosi 73 J' OJ occqS ;^ r +Ja2 72 +J +^ -32 !» fl -S CJ «2 +^ - M n ^ '^ 'o+j5 H CC tn >> levue idway, mont i;;!;^-^c^W -M 0) a H 72 g ra m ^ P O rr, 2 'I' o La wren 121 Bos 445 Wa 26 Lind 9 Fleet ,i4 O (V O f^ U r-H 00 T+H ThICO C5 OOirH(^^ (MfOCClO CO rH(MrHC!i COOKTt- ^6^ ^ M rj? o ., '''^OrHlO »0 rH<1 rH tH M lO W Srfl C-000'_-- '^^ rTi m rn m m in in ui m ui m in m ui m m xn ininina'^'^'Y\*'^-':t^a^^>^J:s a"^ S o.^.S.5.2.3.S.S.S.S.2 S.S = «5°3 flccig^SSS 53^ g ^'^^.9.2 o g OJ 5w I— t I— ( f— I I— I F— I F— I .— . M M ^ 'Z-t H IZii IZi 1!IZ — li 1^ !^ !^ t!^ S rt r-* (—• ^"^ _L ^ ""^ • — ' ■""" •""• I""* •""• ""^ ^ r—i i-H r— I ^ ^ r^ ^ r-^ ^ ^ p^ ^ Z^ ^ IIh Zh ^ ^ ZIh ^ CC3Cic3Sc2C2C'~'fiCfidC3 ooooooooooooooooooc o'o'oo'oooooOooooooooo 38 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY o ca ■H a> 00 00 fe -CI . bCrd 00 (M«)(MlMO-rtHiMC;C:C^U'?t-OOCOOiC100000500000i<3iC»050500C»00 iHrHrHiHT-lr-nHiHiHrHTHrHrHr-lrHiHrHiHTHrHrHrHT-. ^ 'O ^ fH-C wr! S3 ^-s a>/2";i; -a M M f:j Vr, a p o o § ^J -iJPh S^ X/1 ■>J> ^H PI PI 02 0) oj ;-! -5 t> 04J O N c^ od rt a a 'Ci^4J o g^^a hS OOlO iHlO TfiiHCOkO ^^ . 9 ^ fj g 2 fl o ^ a a ^ -r: O) >5 !>i >i p PI (3 rt PI PI a fl fl PI o o o o o UOOOO opq CO o o ^^ o <)^ ^ ^'S ^'u A% ^ P>j >= >» >j !>3 >j t" tT I— I. — ^r— If— I— ,' I— I^Hi— I. ^r-4r— II— 11— I ^ OOOOOOOOO PiPlPlflPlflPlPlPl flGPlflflflplPlfl ocooooooo UOUUOOUUO o) a> O O r1 CC 02 P 'cn a u u u o o o fl C3 fl PI PI PI o o o aj o is" 1-5 KjH fq O C O PI PI PI fl G PI O O O Pi,a A V tl tT ^I O O 6 fl P! Pi G PI PI O O O CO ^ . M ^ ^ _o t-s cu >-| Pl'f!^ T3 oS ci -u PI cj m w w ^ [aT O O O o H^ fl PI fl f-. P^ Pi PI PI PI Pi o o o o o OOCOO .W pq -^m , „ ^ ^ iS c; c; ci OS g ^ ^ ^ ^ fctJiT P! PI Pi PI c o o o o c c o OOUUOO PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 39 CK t-fOt-fOrH kO O O IQ CI 05 GOOSO: t-GOGO CiG0O(MOTHO10OC)0r>Ol0b-00O0ib-Ot-Ot-Ot-t-Kfl--t-i-HC:O«C«Ct^«0®0510r> T^r^C^TH<^^<^^C0C^^C g P Cd (M O O (M iH PI o o ^ &fi c tc o o ► 03' ^ O 13 o 02 Of,.© oj ^'-tO ^.^«2g 02^^g« " fo 7^ J "^ S o CI ° (M t- lO r << rt o> »^ 1-1 Tfi O OC tH ICt^ iH Ci W ^ ^ i=l O r* .2^ o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 40 m > III CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY iMfO' O5 00; — ^! O X ~ X> L"? C' O >'M CC Tf ^ (M ^l^' O rt CI rH LI O ■?) -K Ct O O C: L- c^: O O •^^Ol."I'^^T^ct■■:^c/;'O^^^-lG0Oc:■r^c:T^r^■l-^^-lCT-lOr-lcy^r^THc-. cit-ith 'X! .r. CO 'Xi zc X I- c/:> 'X ~. a cc ~. •■X) c: -yj c: ~. ~ ~. c. ~. c. ex a o o-j u ■ c^ o 00 t^ X L^ C:' L- L- l^ X O I- L-- CO O t-^ CT! GCiH lO O O "-; O -t^ w 00 l-- to 1> 1-- tH O Ci' t- iHrHrHiH-HiHTHrHiHT-l iH iH rHCaiHiHr-KMiHrHiMTHiMtMiHiHTHTHTHrHiMT-lrH rH 1^ ^ § ^ § S § S <1 O § S S e^ § Q < f::^ Q Q ^ OM^ fe S o *f1 r fl w. r/j s u bn 2 p:5 4) < a ^ O 1— Ol «o 02 O ^ 6 ^ »a: o c W >. . fl ^^ r® r JZ2 o 'd ^ CQ o 9j=i M o S^ a;Q ^ r^ ''^ Cu-il oo -ti C-l (M CO 03 rt 2^ o 2 Qe Pi+JCQ .S -a; ■^ si Hi cc 5^ o M O -+I _ o ) O M O I L~ l-H CJ rt O) S aj t? O -1^ ^^ M r ^a3 , -*^ ."^ •—) -i-i fl c;:;::; fl ^ S d 1^ j-i o a ^ OiH 00 iHOlOrH •t-i f-i iHOi>tH M -a fH 02 A Si p^ K HiZ 0)01 ^ rt a o) 3 -3 !- oi o 5 +^ 43 fe .J^^ K -3 HP^ > a/2 Q .- ti a s tJ tJ (^ cj ci oj d) c: oj o) oj dJ -3 w K2^"^^^Q-offe > o) o a a aa o oc i-si-5 '0) =1-1 ' r— tr— I,— (,-^(— (r-H g p [> ooouuoooo a G G 9 9 9 ^ .a'.s' a a a o o o a a a a a a o o o . „ >^>j ,S .3 ;:. ^ X2 ^ ^ r r 02 P t? t ^ cj dj a> a.2 , a a M CO CO M — n r OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOUUOOOOOUOO ^;H?-i^?-l?H^?-49H^ PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 41 di rHTHC^fTrHOTHGOOOcnL-TlOOOCJi lO OOSOO'Xr^CiCiOOOOCX)QOCSCiCiGCQO r-H tH iH (M I-- rH -r Ct — -f C-1 C? f C i-H i-H -t< i-J TJH rH 00 r^ CI -TtiTfrHlHC^^^Xr-iHi-^OC-ILOX'OiHTHOiCCTHTH 00 C^ 00 C: l^ X C^' GC' C: CI O O GC' GO GC O Oi Oi GO GO c: 05 t-t-CJOt-OlOt-CTirHCOt-Ot-r-lrH t- O ^ O Oj JO C: t- OTHH^CSt-t-t-t-OOiOt-OO ^' ^ ^' Xi O fi '-I p^ > XJ ;-( fH J fH —' '^ c b !i ►*' !^' 5i c !j a il 1^ ^ _ 4J 4-i '2 a j:; a-- ^ o ' r2 r .0 ) :- l-^ L-- L- P 4) -tJ O S O W S-l ^ -M 2-^ " fcri id oj i! ^ ^ G 2 q, ^ w o CC 5 O _ «, ;PQ- m ->> CC^rM PL| 5Z2 . . - tH oj ;-i 3 o o •:: oj-^S a; c; ;:h o-^ -^ 'S .b 2 1^ ^ c P-l l-L| I2>^ r^ O (M r" fO O CO Ca ^ CC t^ C J iM ■* GO £5dpq . o P5 r rcc 'tZ2 m ?^ 3 2 -(- 5M ,1:; G --2 ^ rt C3 «1^ » th Wood GO •G O O ^ m 23 G > Ci CO 10 0000000000000000 •>-• _^ __--_-_-^ _.^^„--p-, ^;H!H?-t^^^K-i^?- ^^ o ^ > P4 (M C^ kO O -tt LO C! r-i L-- O lO on IM IC O* C-) CI O 7-: tH t~. CM C. LO «;■ X fC 0\ C) CI C- O (X CO OrHTHOOrHrnTHCit>"Ot-COOO:iHTHO<:CTHCCOOOOTji(©rH'HCOOTHT-l«Ci-*THO C005CJiOOC50:iOOOOi3COGOGOajGOCSiCiOOb-OtOOCOCOOOt--COOOOOOOC:iOit-'t-0005 rHiHT-l?Hi-liHrHi-lTHrHTHrHTHTHi-lTmHrHrHiHr-lr-4rHrHr-liHiHi-lrHTHrHT-lTHrH THrHiHIMrHCaT-lrHT-l(MTH rHrHrHiH iHTH(MrHrHT-l(NT-lHrHrHrHrHr-IC^(M .W f3 1>5 Sj W 5 0(3 Si (M c3»OtH TjH i0 s§ O-M ton ston ton Bost Bos a •iH M S r • Ph ^«m5S W 0) a se, PI., St., Sou ton -t-j m CO ■*j cS cl r a H s a CO P'OtHCO'*! OrHCOWTtH CO a ^ CD GO •^ o -4-1 o pq o ^ 5r' o "H o d; u 02 pq. a o a) 'i'Hrti—'&u *•• ^Ha^'^'^H^^oa p5 ojHi OS'S a ^.-^i-T^^-T- 1-5 .r-l T-l ;-i tj M w S P =5 S ouou .r-l .r-l pq Cg s_, H .2 '"5 xfl oi 0 . t^P^t^ . ^ » ^ . ^ -kT^ ftai O O BciosodiJicjcScicSoirtcSccicici uQPPfififlfiQQQPOfiflfi 13 i PS PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 43 J -.-Ti 04 O Ci (M -^ to -fi lO C; ^- O t- O I- -C0t- '-*j:irif-i!-t. tH .s 'o -d o o o ■•^ -"-^ a t>3 ct ci-u 3 O O OQ CCOOIOCO o be •rH 02 -2 .9 o ;-! q; CO Q OS d 02 o - 'd'Zi'dS rtK^ o c: ■t:i °B O ^° -1-J ^ a O J^2 aw ^'Q"A 5 ^ K^ [>5 r^ r*^ K*^ r*^ QQ K% K^ !-^ )'^ K^ K% r^ K^ r^ ^ -- •rH ^ ;i; m m m fl tH ^ fl r; OJ d) £3 O) 1-^ >■- P"- 53 M so CO O O O O) .f-( .r-i .rH .rH " c ci ci c: cj c^i-d •r-l U GCPQQQQfiCQ fl 2 • rH P Jh oOQ '-^ - , ^^ H oj o c; O) a; O) QQQ .a ,a ."^i; oj o t-s ■'^ f=; t^ t^ -. ^ o o) i, >-. P>s W W 0) ^ .s^a £ S C (i (J) dj GOOoooGOooo:oDcz)ooaooocsasooaoc: iHiHiHT-liHiHrHr-lTHiHT-liHrHTHrHT-liHrHTHTHTHTHrHiHrHrHTHrH l0OC01>l>CCO00t-O05iH-<+it-l0t-t-0000t-Ir-00t- l:^ b- t- 0~l> t- t- 00 t- o < ■HCvlTHi-lrHrHiHTHiHrHiHlMIMiHiHT-lrHrHT-lrHiH-H-iHiHiH rHT-lTHrHi-lT-ICIC a; ^ d; 3 ;i^ ;5 J2 ;h ;-! ;:h ;-i ^1 ;-i u u u — ^'^^ K*i?-((^^I^H^ ^ 3 " a I,- H;SfaSSCf:H^^fe^^&:.g^-<^§g<1§^^^r:iSxS^G^^§^^^^ :;»^, m O pq o <=> O lO I- 00 >Ot-1 •n, tj Olr-H o S ^ _a .y K- _^ .— 1 o O ^ o a - O >5 4; CD > '-' — t> f-i S C! O O O S^ O r 02 O iH tHOOW tHOOOO O 0) CO ^ Phio o U - PLiS COM o O O) . ^ O m (MCO 0) a ;2; ,T-I ^ ^^ r "2 fl M tH C3 -fH .|H .rH H fl a > a a a fl m a> a; oj QGQQ « oj S3 Cw tjn cS O o ;-! ^ 02 O) a; 4) ^^ ~ 02 '— ' a w o oj g §§a aa , a -2 a a a !h a a 0) a> o < >^ a a a ^ CU Ol Ph P ?-) OJ > > ■>! > ■> > > > "^^ iiiiiia)!>;> 4) a; a; QfiC a3^,a a+i .s'.s'.s'.s'.s'.s" a) cj o 0) -iMrii— ^HO(^^-+lOl^lOO?^t^fc:c(^^t- Oioo■r^7H^^ltooo•r^OT^T-!l:^^-^^OlQr^c:r^lr;(xc:oooot- oooOoDc:ooooooci'(X:c;c:ccc:GCoC'C:a:a3 5:xa:xoooo T-(iHr-lT-lrHi-lT-lT-lrHT-lT-HTHTH^rHi-lT-li-lTHrHi-tr-lrHi-l 00»OC5OO0000«0C0t-00iH10p iHiHtHtHC^tH t-1 iH tH iH (M tH c5 >J"S b^' O ^' i ^' X! ^' b^ ^ PI w Qj « t-l>t-kOOOi«C! iHIMiHrHT-lrHIMiHrHiHrHrHTHrHrHr-tr-lrHTHrHT-ICJTHr-l .^•••iD K^. O-H a)(ilCj|T)CoCj|3imCJ2rtCoCiCir-Ci(T)eoCiC«Co(lj^ft O) fce X2 O tM oi ■+^ n O o*^ pq 0)13 >m O O) CO o cq >5 o o o 02 ^ . II M m -ti +j 'Jim 0) Tx, '^. > ffl w tH ca ^ ^ tHOCit- . 4) ej M rt r ^ o a 3 CO CccTf< -I o - CO M I o PQ a o jji xn ^W a r 02 CO 00 CO CllfO a •rH O a y. o Ph ^ o ^ o O r > +- o >:< fl § Pi- " ,pq c; «w z; -*j 4J fl 0) a s s s^fi o o 02 72 OU CO (M tH CO 10 H P3 ^a D©0;'OCOOOCOC5000iC»0005C»C500QO r^r^r^r^^^r^r^^^^^lH^H^H^^r^r^r^THT^T-^THr^l-^r^THr^^Hr^^Hr-^r^THTH^^r^ -Q b ^ !d S i=l .3 "^^ap.^^ '^A±^^i9.^.4 9.^^.d^b4^^ -d -d <{ 0) ci o U o SC-I-' 02 §03 fled r=; ZG, Til QJ n^ Cti ^ '-I a^« . -M CJJVO H ^1 .^ ^^-^^ O 2i>2 fl t-oo 0) o Q ' 02 fl M O PQ§ o mm ■ «2a|5 ^ QJ -Jl 0) •-a . ui zj Tn m u ^ cd o ci - - 50 . ^S 2 n 1) a f^ WIS J» ^^ q 800 OCDrH X/1 W. o •* " r^ ** S-l sh 5 M n H .^^^=^1 ^. H 0:30 fl fl fl « O Coo a rt 00 QQ PI fl 00 QQ i=i i^ rt 000 QQQ i _• ^ '-' a cd ;zj fl +-■ +-> +j y A o '^ <^ '^ ^^ oi-sOM^eMQ aJ" qT oT oT dT (ST CP o o o o o o 3 oS cS cS Co c3 Oj oj CI a a fl a fl fl o o o c o o o QQQQQGQ fl S fl iJ fl fH .in o Q t-i fehqi-j Jn ^ ^ ^^ o d) £3 d oJ S p 03^ O cj cj O) O O a fl fl pj fl 00000 QQQQQ '2^.2 5 -Saaqq ^^«|ga2s5fl ^ .H f^H Q tH w cc o t- (^^ (M ^ o -^ -t" T-i T-i O o -* c^i c^j tH o o o th c?: cc £-;■ (M ci ci c: jO -+ c^i 05 iH iH lO QQ c: rH O 'X> X CC' lO fC' L- CT iH rH 1-1 tH CO O GC tH 00 O CO C: cn IQ OT CC i; t^ 00 Ci C: 00 00 GC' CT: 00 CC Jj X 00 C/0 03 C/D C: O C: GC 00 O &3 O: OC' C: I-~ I- O C/- t~ L- X w. iHTHrHr-lrHr-lTHr-ir-n-lr-lr-lTHT-li-liHi-lTHr-l^rH THiHrHr-lr-liHiHTHiHTHr-lr-l t-^t- t-t-COT-llOt-OOGiCOlOCO'^Ht-COlOOt-Ct r-trHrHiHiHCaiHT-liHiHTHT-ilNT-KMrHrHrHCOiHTH c; t-COOO C»- O iH O ^ w. .^.^ ^. ^ - . - ^- ^ . . -. — CCOiCCOi THiHrHr-lr-liHiHTHiHTHr-lr-lrH'iHi-lrH Occ^Kft^cTccTHorojot-^aDcrirsodo Ci P3jH^ 07:; oi rHiHCO O Ga2 o^ U«|oPQ' O CO !=l ft^ ^ +J O G » ;^ s-i -M "^^ el +e o OC' tH t- 10 t- »C >i^ 01 00 ■r-' CO C: t~ ^ -a a ;-i a 4J 2 t-i m t^h ti a T3 •;:3 0) 6i 02 P5 oi oj 13 o^:;dP5 r m > '+^ •*:^ ^ a 4Ja2 rOi f-l 13 ndley iriann bird awfor q 8 Beac tick, M sonic Eleano a ci Ph "^^0 W CO r^ Cj M '^ CO S^SS ^ t-»pcoio 10 - fl « fl > o SlO CO fl02 05 O W B ° J« P^ ^Hjl-S H H \mB fl fl^-^-s: o • ^ I g § f^-g g I §• -^^ a r OOOOOOOflflPl tJl^ ri^ r=i r=i fl ci c2 cS cti 4) ooocooooooooooooooooo QPQQQCQQQQQGGQQQQQQQQ fek w 02 cs o ^ ;^ "3 "S 0) "2 H ^ o . . Wttit;tia2g^p^Hco^ oT a a s p'§| ^'1 iiiif fi oooooooooooooooo QCCQQCCQPQOQQQQP 48 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 5SP r^CirHt--r^r^THOT-l^H(^^OCC■■^^(^1l^^r-l(^^r-^!^tl<^^•^-(OC:fO^HT-^XiO■r^rHlQTHt- OiOOOtOOOOCiCiC50i0500CM:^CiQOOOOiGOGOOOOOOit-OOt-OOOCiCC:C:OiOOOia) rHrHTHTHrHrHrHiHrHiH'iHT-liHTHr-liHTH'iHTHTHrH'r-lrHTH'iH'iHTHrHrHr-irH'HTH'H THr-lr-lr-liHrHTHrHrHiHTHrHr-(iHTHiH(MTHrHrHTHTHrHr-liHr-liHT-lTHiHTHiHT-HCO CI O o • - o^ %t -kJ s X o 7j « in O f s g^-^^ rt a X/1 o G a>^ rt O o M !» o O o OJ .02 ^ pq 02 •F-l o rr-l 5.J C3 O 1-5 C3 a H Broa( Chu Kent Milk 02 a; o T-l t- >o i >-. >5 >i >-.>-. c; a> o o o 6 o © ;-< oooooooo '*^ u '^'%t 'u ';-i 't< *^j QCPQPQQQ PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 45 M w M (M - CO 00 Moo Go 0)0 OiGO OJrH (D 5 O) (M ?1 CO fO O l^ -t^ 'C: I- 00 -* T-i th 00 th T-i c-1 c; o CO »o 00 OCi00050i000000b-0000 OOGOOOt-t-t-t-Ot-b-t- (M O tH O ^G0' tH (N tH tH iH T-J (M rH rH © ,^ 4—* .. ^^ -^ 32 02 M O c '-) M o t^ "^ c3 (D >sa 5 -.3 ti Q Q -gc/2 r r bi' K d P aj O >5 -d „ MHfH TQ^^ .^ 6^ • O 4J-4-J ■4-J -i-j Rd t., on ass St., M PI o 3 % Holborn Holborn William Pinckney Alban S W. Cant ttapan, M Camden CD n rt a" y^\rj o tH CO »o OO rtO £g ci t- OT-tHO tH o t-HtH O o 1-1 lo *H CO ^ lO Ci-O tH rH tH tH -p^ tH o j^^ M o o X G H 5 '3 3 s=3 j"s o o o sy •'-' j!L ^ '^ C - o o o o a o Til -Jl -Jl § .a rH ,-H ^ iQCQ o <^ cj S _r ^ <^ "^ !^ 5 S ^ .2 .23 c 3 S 5 ;^ ^ ;^ ;h ^ s-H Oc John Patri ohn ^"g 0)0)0 S5 CQQQQG ^ CD I .S 02 ^a2-^^3g c? ^ M a 4) o .i; a; OJ o r- f-i ^ d w P*2 >J >5 t>i bfi fcC eu 00 tr u QOSC» +J 0)50 OQ5t-oo5t-ccoor>t-kOi:-t--(xit-in>t-t-i:cot-i--05':Diot--05i»«ot---*ioO'* (NtHtHiM r-liH -H iH iH rH tH rH tH tH t-i iH r-l IM rH 7-1 (M tH t-I tH r-i r-l rH rH tH rH . . .0 . . ;3 • • . . . - . . -p^ . . . . (D **' b i" a ^ ' a a -u f3 EC ci ^ PQ flH (11 ,. Cg -M r/) M <1 Ol' rt c m a3 t-5 . Q -;J M Z/1 'Jl to > < Mass. n St., , Mas a ..a -a c a a -tj 03 "^3 ^ a ct ;hI-scS J a ^ 5 .03 <5 W 10 CO 05 T-l g^L^^ aSaQ O M o +J O +J -. ^ .-• .^ xjxn.xriz/iXJ rt ci ^ ;h ^ 0) •l-l 0) .a ^ 1—' ?-( 1^ , U -^3 _ « 4-i ;h t>J a 0) a; > -a a ^ Q h- cst- T-HCO ,pq ^ 5H5 ; a a a 1 a a a J a a a Xr t^ >a ;-! .2 A^ o -g a ^- 1: t," ^T ■^'' ^r ■;: -^ %.x.'^da - aftft^i^'"^'^'^^'^'^'^'*^^"???^-' aaaai^'S^^^^^bbrb^-titJDii'z:' aaaaaa^^^^ppF^ispo^rtcscic I ci cj o) a fi -,'..-- J-, ,-1 w C 2 fcx; S (t; ci 'T -ri a ;-! o o o PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 51 T-IOCOCOiHTHrHOOOCO(NlMO®l.CO t- W « (N CO CI L-^ iH ra (M O fC C5 00»CkOOfO OQOilM OOOtH OiCOrHT-4?C»OCirHTH-*rHTHCOQOaCO 1-1 ^ cr.' iH — o '.O tH O tH iH t- O ?DO^T)Heo • t-OOCiOit-OOI>GOCOt-(3iOiOOCZ3CX)C5GOC:COOiCOGCQOOCiC5GOaDC:GOOiCOt- 00 a OOOlOi iHt-I^tH rHr-irHi-lrHrHrH iH r-i iH iH iH i-ItHtHtHiH tHiH T-lr-irHiH iH o t-ItHtH irf 00 1> t^T^ io"c^»if«r tH iH iHr-i' THiHT-lrHr-i r^r-|l^^lH(Nl^^T^^HlHT-lr^r^r^l^^^-l7H^-lr-n-^r^|^^r-l ^ t-frHrH , , ,_4 .— < ^-i »— H ,—, ,o f-i a" ,0X2 fES^ Mar. Feb. Dec. Mar. Sept, Mar. '^'.Q^d '-I d t: >■ fl ^ o ;h ^^ >,Q a _ OJ 4> Ci a; (1; ci cj c o S CO D. Ci O flU 5 - C3 G q .3 03 -•— P ^ OJ 03 ^ fl U >M ,13 y >-. ®a3 ^ ® rt O 5 IS y^ _ -i«J a o o > ale St., Roxb ndike St., Br ess St., Bostc nee Ave., Do lond St., Rox Bldg., Bost St., Boston South Bosto t St., Roxbu hington St., 1., Hyde P;ir . Ave., Bosto St., Boston oi 1 .2 o OJ a; land St., Brigh throp St., Sale pies Rd., Broo > ^^ S-i O) H M tO 2 rr 02 •> c: b* O bS} Lawi Hami 2 Sear q; -tj a; ^ '^^ m o) ^ r— 1 05 o a m u C^liHO itCOrH rt^ i-t H; (h ^ Ph r:i bJDica > ^ -.2Sr iJ0 5yDbc,a,a ii o a.- ^^ , . g ) a o ra'a' > o o ,a P^ « ci ci K OJ ij; a; rt 4) C3 ;^'^ 7h ;h ^ ;-i ct ci ct ci ^ c^ ;h cu a; c 'f, t-i h ;-i ^ ;h ci cS OS 52 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 5S0 W oi CO ;.- THl>'-+!iMCC10iMb-C5GCiMOl-?OfO(MiM-ri-irHCCC-:^'M(ML'Jr-<(MC:a3THOS000(/3000C:GCOC:'C50CiC;C5GOOit-t-OOOt-b-Oi rHrHTHTHrHrHrHrHrHiHrHTHiH-MrHiHrHT-liHiH'iHiHr-lT-lrHTHTHTHrHTHrH'HT-lT-l rHHTHTH(>lrHiHTHr-lrH!MiHrHiM(MT-lr-l7H(NrHrHr-IC^J tHtH tHtH ^ ^ a 0) !>Q c3 O u o 02 r/) ej ;-! ^ a m A -w a Oi o w 'd l-' ri s O O -MM o +j jj hrr/-> r '^ _ PI -a 2?"^ OI o 'Ti o s-i CQ "1^ S<1 r-l O O LO t- CO lO O t- LO rH :C tH (M CO ■* CI O ^^ fl i-i PQ ^-=5 tH Ca CI ,X »0 CiioimCiH o a pq ZJ a o a 7; Cj I-: ■M - M CD > ^j < O) •+J cc S <1> (3 O CO !-l 4) o fl Q u ^K H 0)^3 H CO 03 O O cS rt ci ^ i! I O) — 2sgs^ o ^1 a ffi5 >i fe Eq fa fe fe &H fe fe f^ fe g.sa§§|^.qpaa. r-( *^ '•J"' C i-" ^"^ >^ •• "^ V2 J/2 B^^^l^:^.'^'^- i=3 Oi ^4 oj V, 5^ c a c c . •^ „0 O Oh- Pi ^xn -Ji V. xti S == ? ? ? r-' be M fcC be fcJ02 •'-5' ^M ^j t^ ;m ;-! gj ;3 PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 53 THCmoao iHr-jOO C5 00 05 05 ^»j w» ^r^ — • rHrHiHT-lr-lTHr-lTH l>rrC-)TL--ro'Ot-^QTHO«ri^^l>r50THOOO^^lOOCrodrHt^rHodt>^^ iHrHCarHC^JrHiHC5 02 O CO O) §Woo^ tH t-40 COGOTtHO Sm -JO fl ^2 cc ^j ;-! P 0) tc 2 ^J' 3 W i3 O rj cjt^ 4) w a •►ii i CO j2 O iH fC CO < TjH O b- CO CO CO I Art S J/2 f3 d w ci-S 4) 03;^ 2^ O ^ S « 2 O O Oi M .a S^^-tiQ •^ P5k-!a2 be 05 lO ^=1 dj O rH Ol (M 00 CO H-l be oi 02 X2 •^ O c3 ra2^ 1^ 02 ►. ci O '^l.O CO -*- iH O LO O:. C/; f=5 tH cT.' CO o ^ «=^ a 0) o t« O u § rg WCQ -2 _, a 03 Qj 3^ ^ ;h w T-KMCOP" •o H .•fe •fe ^^^^1 g B^fet^'^p^ ,'H'CJ^ :W a a a Mrtrtri^22r'T'er-a!=!aSW2aa-'-5,aS ;i-?^ cs ^^ Oa;-^-^,a-rr'r'oo3cSf£j ji; g o a 355 S p^i;^ o^aa S-S^S 'S 35 S i:o P^O^Qh^h,^ aaa^'^"^'-i^'^'-^^^' fl'v3'!3'7:3'Cl'd'CJ'CS'u)'3'3'd'0''d'Tdid'0 Q g o ^ '-' '-' ^ '"' ^ '~^ ^1 (Ti rfi ^1 fur^mrzi r^ ,^ ^ ^^ a o+^ O c 0"lS ^ a g a^t^a oC tH ;-( ;-! ;-! far a) 0) O 41 .rH a a a a a a a a a a a a -bJDbi)(^cbcbcMw;tcbj3Uibcbc&cbctJ3bcbcti]bx}aaaaP.naGae;.aft ■ iH T^ .r-l T-l -^ .rH .iH •■-( .rt ..-I .rH .p^ .rH ' ' fefefefefefefo!5^!i^!i^fL^fe&^fefepq!i^fqfe(=,|s^f^feE^f^feEl^!i^fefefL^p^E^fefofeE^fefe 54 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 4)0 ft05 4)00 CJT-I OWOO iHrHTHOOT-lTH(MCiOOT-l05iHC5000iHCO'+iOSrHOO'*COTHCCiHXir-IC:0 000000 00'OiOOOOOOOOQOQOOOCiOOC10000C5C5C/DOOt-0000000005000iOOOGOCi O05r-lThiOC0t-t-K500t-000it-00CDOt-Ob-l>-t-OO'>'THOOt-t- (MrtC,^^C^rHrHTHrHr-lT-liHr-lrHrHiH(MrHrHTHiHrH(MiHTH(MC^THrHT-l t^ t^ t-i ci ci ci >iU s-i >■.'; u ft) . T-l . jj . -l-l . 4) . . .• . i-trt-)fHo'5if-iS-ij5'-i'H*^>-^j_JjOaOr<'-i'-'^0'^^'-i'-' *^-^ fl cS Ph a d <:t, o o O -M M m 03 o o g W M 1-9 3 !=< Ci 5 Mpq o OJ ^' ^t> l:2^35^^ot-SrH rHi^>rjCir-IOO-*rHTtl O ^ o 5 O -5 O :3 "^ r r O +j -tJ aj4J 4) 02 = O H oo ^coot- o o "^ -? o fl ^ 43^ 2 5 ot-o ~- 00 O ^ 00 "il OOr-irHTH'-l O ^ 05 03 C3 53 i^ o o *S "u "Ci cs c3 03 aaa N tSJ N w 03 o 9.-V1 <-] I— ' 4' a w-u .a aT of tzT 03 a a a^-5 o o o ^ 3 S 3 fl a a a > 02 JK 02 S i^Kl^' a; 4) w o.a 4) ^ G G t-, M *-!»-( a a p' 9 " t; 02 o a-ri is n o ^ X a a c a a" H a a ^^c^*u.^>->-.S.3S3^ aaaaaZ^^gggg^ c3c:oSo3o3o3o34i4'4i4)4J '^^ fl( ^ '3 "Hj ^ -c ^ •^ S £>• a S S"?^ > 5= ^-gS^O 00 0303^ rt'TS 'O '^ 5 S 3 5 5 Sooosa^--- .s o o o >-. !>. K-. >- -^ •^e H=t--i.-oir5t--t--ot--ot~b-ir:T-it~i>b-ot>oo>niiCTHCDii2t-a)Oi— THi-it-ooot-THiooio r^r^^--lC^r^r^r^r^^^C^^Hr^r^C^^THr^r^C^^r^^^r^r^r^r^rHr^T^C^rH(^^(^^r^l^^T-lr^(^^TH(^^r-l >-. -^ t-^ >: '^ U -^ ri = 1:^'- fcH >i t< tj fl o CI « o oston 1. Bldg., Boston t., Dorchester t., Roxbury St., Jamaica Plai o > leridian St., East Boston heatland Ave., Dorchester sex St., Boston W. Broadway, So. Bost kering Ave., Roxl)ury deral Bldg., Boston eenwood St., Dorchester Hall, Boston Hall, Boston vin St., Roxbury mberton Sq., Boston rver St., Cambridge lian St., Roxbury t- -H f=; O iH P-l rH E^co CO t— dojij^;^ b o t- CM t- 05 o -rt r: ^ c; o lo ffOlOO^iHClt-OUi-iC^iHrH CO 1— 1 ■* o col CC(M (M ^. X dj 0) a ^ri •- a>

ioi oi a> WJ S^ t> m -3 O) ss CDCJ at- OJt- 0) T— 1 Hj 'O OOOt- r-iOOOOib- OiOOt- JSCl'QOOOt- tHtHtH rHiHrHiHr-l t-O«SC0C5THC}C'X00QQQ0iM(M(M:MiHOl^C»Q0(M(XO CO:OOiXifO:OiHTHOCCiMr-lTHiH ::Pr-(G0OiM-*r-(iHTH t- 'X t- t>> t- l— CX) '30 Ol GO 00 CI' OS 05 'Z) Ci CO CI CO QO Ci C5 OS •i-lT-liHrHiHr-irHrHTHT-iiHTHr-lT-l iHr-lTHT-lT-liHr-lT-liH ci a;:i o a ■ .^ , .F-H j_J . . , (i; - K^ r^ "IJ • '""^ c3<;;;3a3afl7^'^iJBJ ^ a 0x2 Ql-5 o S5a^ r oj t^ ij 2 ^1 "^ a ^ ^^ !/3 a oj 10 CO [■-rHCsaS <1< a U OJ a a >.a ao^ M i) ^ 2aa fcx)c:! ai o O OCiO O fO (M m "= S a a) -r-i i-t PQoB Eh - ^B ■ Tfl ^ y s m ^ - (D h ^ ^ 000 'F'aa a;^ ■O a; ^ ^^ 02 o o p a^ o ^ ^ ^ 0) +J a: _ 2 c; f-i c S ■rt.<^ o;a-H ro a a 0) f-i '-' t-3 a-ii-S a) o III 'be „ , a f>j[>i a a a s "o cu iX't-i:rc3t-cDC:Lr:(M rH rH C5 tH rH iM tH rH tH rH T-l tH tH iH rH T-i iH tH iH iH rt rH T-i iH rH rH tH t-I iH ^ i-H rH t-( tH r-l tH . ..73 a; ..M . ... ."^ ,• . . ,,- lO TfH iM •'^ - . «, — . a h o OJ 02 a m O O 0) M --.f Q -ii-iiaj M 02 O O rt ^+i KWc JJl -Ul 4J _. ^^Vi-::^ ^«cl 2 ci y^t^ 2 P^P^'^ Mg t- ca t- ODCOOO GO CO fOCOCC O w O O O O O O O O C 6 Ct O O O C O C C C O O O C C !:;5 c c c c o c .c c o o o o 58 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 5SQ CO > > W2 EL^ eu ■* c-i n c; OS r: o ~. 00 GO X' X M r- 1 r: "t X r I " rt r: 1— L'TO t^ th th c- 1- c: i^^ !M iH TTM "1^ 00 00 GO 00 00 ^■■'S b ^^ ti a ^ "S. ^- ^- i* 'i 'i^iit /<■. o, :g K ni ci — fii " c; c3 ;; C C ri cs C O?00it-O«0C00000t-t-t-00<©t-t>- lMTHrHiHC^rHC^(M f- C ^' ^' o) a g- ci g^-S Q) ft c- rt rt o s g ^ « a o -H c o o m u O -tJ 4J O 0) o^ 03 O 03 O «^ -*-i I— 1 o > MS Pm a; O ^w rQ >xn Oi - < . m 72 4J rj. .rH t^ ;^ 5rlJZJ § O tH O! fl^ ;-! t^ ,2 o •T! >-. CD O Wpq pq KB tH ' c.-o fC COLO «;H i~J ■M T— < -rt^cri (MUO <;rH(M X c; TO cc 2 o fl O ^03 r^ 0) O " 03 rn ^^S iOco M^£ fl 03 • O o ttiVi % '-'■ 2 ^PQ r 0) +-^ ^- iH o k-H r'l lO tH o ^iUTfHrHiH O Xil M O gw ^ ^ K 5 •fM-g^-^^MSS ^ J -H 0|— I > H hi .2 o gl C3,73 -/3 -1 l-J 0) T' ,« c; c c: a; fS '^ ^ OOOCPt-it-iP .TJ .•;::: z; a .■;:: .';:::: ."^^ ^ ^ -::: i^ i: ii ii i; i; ^ r-^L^r:- ooooooooooooo PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 59 _...__ .___ _^_ _!'rHiHX'rHT-iCOCOCOO^CCOOOCOrHOT-l rHrHiHTHTHiHT-lTHTHTHrHrHrHrHTHiHrHiHT-lTHrHi-lTHi-iiHTHTHTHTHiHr-tTHiHTHiHrHTHTHT-l . . .ph . . -H o -"^ • . • . a; • . . . . jj • "H oj . . .-( _ . . . .rt . .r-i . . >i >+->:; -"t^^T^- -+^ o!*; fctca ^o ^ ox^to ^P-i'^ ^^^^ ^^§ „ W^ -^§ W-^S^H- . pqg§ Q,r (MtHCO T-1C5 (M t-ItH tH-t' (MOOlOTbiHpH (M OMiH -r-lffOffO fc ,_aaasaaai— icjooo'C'CJ'C!'d,^;=3-3-3,i3^.rtaafl+j-tjf>ia)a>ajai •ffl S •:3 COt:-T-IC100005-*OOkOOOO<^CJCOTtHt-CSCOTHIOt-(Mi:0«0(Mr-<©©-*OTiH-* COGQ7HlHlOaOrH(NOOOr-ifO»OOOC^Oil^^OOOOCi■*COr-l(^^(^^^HTH'*^r^r^CO^H■* I>-00050SCO(X)QO(»GOOD050QOOC5GO(»(X)OOQOGOGOOOt-C»OC(»OiOOt--OOOiCOC5GO T-liHr-irHT-lT-lT-lr-lT-CiOt-0it-t-l— rtt-t'iOiHGOGOOOOOOOO'*t-005CO rHrHC<|iMTHT-lTHT-HrHlMTHrH(MrHrHTHTHiH(Nr-liHT-lrHTHTHi-li-ifO lMT-liHrH(N o ^ Sal u p;!^ r < .;«> ■\^ ^^'^ S III a 0) crt o ct 00 -^^LO or) K^rH LO Sis '^ s 2 O a ^ ^§P4 59 +J o O «J SCO} 02 H R O O so S3 -u O ogpq sw • O O ti --^^ ow CO q3 ci © (MfOlO OOiMCO >> ^ a o -1^ ti o -1^ pq v; O »• M PI o 4) -t-J y rn O w ^ -M a =3 t-i o -1^ m CO CO "-^ CO i^ CO PI d ^ ft a; CO . o d &H .9 S _0 'i) -a^ ;d •ji o -^+J §S ^^ — I M M P a-ii) a a P:5 . rU ^>; .73 -o ^ .rt '^ '-' rt "^ o lIj "H Qi n tj c o- •n .gg ^^^ - ^ ^ - -■- .73 .2 .a o 'O &c fcc iJ3,2 -2 S ^ ; j3!3p:cirtc3cic:csc5csc; ^ -^ fd 2 P5 o ^ ^ F^ TS r— 4 s 6 3 ?-( S fe ^ Tj3-S O l-S^^I-5 1-1 ^^"^ ^ ^ p^ fl o ^ >-. >5 >5 n ci x:, 13 +.1-1^ 5gg ^ " ; — ; ft g g ggg a, C3 r^ -— ' 171 ,— K c; ci w -H MH K w a Wffiffi PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 61 ^ S o ^ S S (ll PlH 00(NOl-^COOr^^H»0^^l^^OTH^HC:C5l-^050C^OOK:)Tt^THO^^r^CO(^^1HlOOCOO^^rHr^OD OOOOGOr5COC»Cio30C:5COriOCiC/DC»C:C»C:OOXiGOC»OOOC:05Cit-OOOiC00500050C:C:00 iHrHrHiHrHrHT-lrHrHTHTHTHTHTHTHr-lTHTHrHTHr-iTHTHrHT-lrHrHTHrHrHrHTHrHTHTHiHrHi-iTH >- '-' -2 d a ^' a '-' ^' o. '-' >■ '-' +J '^•''-' *-< ;2 "^^ ^' ^' "'^ ''-' ''^ -w ''-' "'-' J2 4J *^' '^' ^' ^* ^' '^' ;0 >' 6 '-' ^ - c c o " c pq I— I M ^ O 3 ^ a2 o P5 ^ 02 a fcC, y if '-' -^ >s J- - T-' C: " ^ -H .-: r-J O »0 O r-* 4) ^ r >- t- HH GC' r" .- L- L- ?- CC cn -rti O Lti ^ O O (M 1— ^ CO tH O t> PQ « r^ t- tH w L- r* M ^ iTT: cr. -,- l- ^ i:o -+i -> ;::; c^i c^i t-itH o oo r- k* aila^a^SaBWj^wt^WKsiSKKtSaKWSKffiffiWKWWffi&teffi^KWKW 62 >. 0) -M.-S Hh CO > Oi o) ?; fl ^ MS CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY OrHt-kOO LO(MrHT-lT-liM(MGO£;wQ=fO-f-fOfOC-JiHC^l>-OI(MTH h ^■^ og -?§ yo o Q r -72 -k:> 02 4) „, ^ ^2 Cj fH *i^ oa O cs U I^GO PQ c ■4-1 P^ o -a o -J2 rn d 02 o Oh 4J 02 02 |a3 ow l3 O S^ c?a} ^3 O bxi 02 fe .Ih o > >-. ,a OJ c (>-.-^ X *-lr^ ^ K ^ 1^ h- o»o h- tH GO THt- T-i tH t-CO 5 ^ o o 5^02 „ 4J 02 -^^02 2 r— I -J C3 c: X S 1 ^^ g § § o ^^^02 02 Oi J^02'- Ol 10 GO CO H Pi P5 5 a > > I hH H-l ■ M-IHH •~5 t>-.^ ^ -; ;g ■— -rt CB )_j a c"^ ^5 P» > a; 4J +J o +j f-l fH 73 cc M -^i +J ct rt cs c: ct .:; « a^ ;fe Sa OK. pq 5h:i 5^fQ c: o c o c^ i-s i-t 1-5 H: h: H Sa«t 0) o cc fl m rji m m m m oj o s >5 K-: f>j >-. cs ci ct ci rt iS rt CS K as.- ^%^ ^ u c -PQH: g. a; ^ >-. t>j >% 4) 0^ O -. ^t^;*; a ci cz a; (D OJ KWW PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 63 '»ClOOf0a0C^0.lTHC^IC>jTHf0r-IC THrHTHrHrHrHrHTHTHrHrHTHTHTHrHrHTHrHrHTHTHrHTHrHTHTHT^r-rrTHrHrHr-ir-lTHr-lr-'TH-fH rHT-lTHiM(NiMTHiHrHTHr-lrH(NiHrHTHr-l(nTHC^iHiH(NrHT-l(MiMrH(MiHiHrHrHTH r-lCIrHr-i u u (^ <:j <:}, ^ u'*i,>~. u ^^ i-i u _^j, u u u u u 1^ A, u u ^ ^ u '^ u -^ -^u u ■ '^ u _^i, j£ >i^ ^ S Q Q Q ^ -5l :/2 § S O § tHtH t-ItHiH rHrHTHiHTHTHiHiHiHrHTH iHiHi-lTHrHrHTHr-iT-lrHrHTHr-lTHiHT-li-lTH 4^ ttTt-'os t- 1-^ t-^co't^'o r-io «ro o ci t-^t-^ co"o t^^t>»o"c O l> G^ iHtH tHtHtH t-HtHtH TH(MTHiMTHCi K IK : ^J 5-1 t^ l-H C ^- ^ w ^ r- H X a rH ^ — S5 +j o 03 1^ a o o c ui 'J^ ^ " a a: m 1=1 o ■Jl o W G, Boyl St., Ea St., PI, Ave., , Bosto St., Bo <3 .2 ^ o ms'^ '^ ai; Til «>2 •s^^ K oS o P4 t-00 iH CO iM CO l-H CO P* GO CO lO -+lrH 1 ^' a; a .2.1 a^i'pH.a 'PaSS aao soa ■^'S '^ H S" o £ . "^ fe "5 '^ '5 •-H - ;^; o 0) ^ p! .rt - c'-^ rar^ra^^S-^S^-'^'— ■r-^r-lOJO'l^aJO 4i t; t: i; iS .S S S '=Jt)-5 -^ &£ a ^ i/j fcr.i &£ K ~ ^ =t j: ^ -- -;:; '13 -c .a ^ ,a -a .a tJb Si;.!? ;q ;zi a a a a ? p p p ? p: 'a; 'w! r:; ix) bj-j &£ it t£ o o O o O o'c'coooccocc ccccccooocaaaaaaaa Kffl hH H-l H^ t-i-( HH MH ij K K M W W W K S K K KKWKHKWKSKWWWWKIiJIilW PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 65 QOOOOaSTHrHrHOOrHiHOOQOt-'MlOO^OrHOOC^lOOOSObcOOOiHrHCCGOaSOMrHrHOlOTHO C»(X)t-Q005<35C»OOOOOOOOt-^-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCiOOOOOOOOb-I>00050iOOOC)0000 rHrHrHT^iHrHTHTHr-1iHTHT-liHr-!i-irHrHT-lr-lT-iT-lT-lrHTHrHrHrH7HrHTHT-liHiHrHr-lTHTHrHr4 iHrHiMiM-HC^rHT-IC^iH(MT-lT-l rHrHrHiHTHrHrHiM-HTHrHTHiHC-lrHTHT-lrHTHT-lrHrHtMfOW . • ^. • • . • iV^-^^ • . • • ^a J2 <1 c^oU Ttl T-lrH tH rH-+i(M r^ o o c! ',ii| ro CI -^ iM tH W t> o +j " CC+J m -M m o OOO o Tt- OOQrJHfO iHC5iHTh f2 rj <1> ^ pq rS O ^ U >> o o !-l oQ 3 f^ii .Q opq r >^ 1 rS o Ph WSs o 4J M -u CSt> •^ M 0) §(mS D cc CBCJt- 00 b-TH(M T-H >>>.s^ Oj O o5« .sisasi rc+jnas -o-H.rH 5 o p;=!ddp2;3SdPddd H a c^ Si !:: m rt "-1 aa'^^ O) 4) o o aS . ^ ^- a « w m m ' w re W d ^ sa-g OH,p:5 rt c= =i O I— ( rr-l 1^ ci oi a Sh J- 5- 02 fefe ,;i) d d d fl d Pi d d-a -3 66 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY o 05 CL, C ftco OJOO 0) ■ OS 00 GO O iH05(MOrHOrH00OT-l>0rHMOT-lk0e>t)»f505rHOCa C!iGOOOCiC20iOiOOCiOiOOClQOC5050DG0000005C»QO T-lrHiHrHTHiHiHrHiHrHTHiHrHrHiHTHTHrHiHrHTHiH lO'MT-IOOT-l-tH 0^^1r^0r-^ (NairHfOrHiH 05rH0i«DT-l OOGOOOOOCiCiOOOTOOGOOi OOOt-OOt-t-THc5iOOt-C»Oit-lOt-lOt:-t-Oi«>t- rHiMr-lrHC^4rHT-ira lO tO'* Tt< iH (M iM tH Tfl T-H iH TtHlO 6 o M M G fl o rl O O-M 05 nn m Bost , Bos oston +-> o cq fl M Ly Sale St., St. ^ (3 si oi a a t» i> is cd ^ ^ d^ t4 4) 05 oj - ^ cs csPm a 2 2 fl rt a ej rt ^ So . 0-^.ci a Ol v:i ^H .a --; o - Ol 0) 0) 0) 02 >J >?a a a a a a a P-i ;-i ;-! ti ^ ;-i ^ ^ ^ ^ C^ ^ Csj CU 0) OJ fli ® OJ Ol iA H w o) P-I a a fcj H-a H 45 ^ Ol 0) 'S _ -i-i . fl a d 4-j L4 „^^ o ^ © "^ " aaaa ►»---. .3 .^ .3 .3 0) OJ O O) 0) 0) +J +J +J 4-) «H «M ■■ " ■ " ■ "■ ■ Oj Cj Oj CS 0> O) o) oj 0) aj o> oj ej CM 0) PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 67 ZG OJCO 0)1-1 _ _ _ osoooc^ __ _ 'OOO — Oi-hiHOC'Ot— C^rHlOTjHOT-lkOlO GO O Ci 00 00 CC ri GO Ci CO GO CO O OS 05 Ol O Ci — . O C: C-. CC' X C-. 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P5 f-l >, d f-i -2^ o 1^ d ' ; M 02 ^S^ OOU 02 r'^ o d t-rHOOt- (Mi-ICOt- O 9W pq02 M.S TJl c o -M m O pq > c< VI a 4J O ?-l -tj d in o O O w cf 4^ m s r/j o ^ o ;d -iH o^ o M ^> d ^-1 d '^ S o o -;; r^ fl d" d" fl" fl' ■ (S Ki Ci ri .^ _a^ ^ a> .- „ „ . " !> P tS p: ts o o o o o o o t) o o o S fl t*' t^ l> c3 ci O O J-l ^H a o o o aa Hsl-t a flS " o-fl-fl ,a,a O ,a,d ,d,fl;=i -M +J -U rt od ci u ^ ^ o o o o ^^-Sld d fl d) a; ffi 4) *-i ^ f-i a) a) •'-' "-< •'-' Hh ^ d d fl o o y CJ o > fl a "^-fl ? y " ^ w c) cj o 2 fl ^ =-< '-' '1^^ • w i; fe _cJ^a,fl-^-^^-"-^^.';^:^ca,£^ oT oT oT d d d' d d d d" t? ^^rf -fl' ?-(t^?-tf- »O«Ot-00t-C5t-'*t- O. /1^ ^. ^^ T^ ^^ ^ (^ ■! T^ ;Ti r*^ 1^. >^\ t^ ^' ^H ^ Jh a ij -M -M ^ ;3 Jh o o m m O O Wpq :;::.^.^ o o .2 HHH Sg -d 0) O w r/i (^^(^^ iHOO > 00 00 GO 3 S CMPh I 13 ft N S ci CS vj (Tl M rHOOC^'tilO ^ fl.2 ft^ &e £« bfi 3; .^ . S 3 S g-^- o o o o o e: :3 2 ^ *:< <^ be , >-. ~ X a; +J Cj 4; O) I— 1 1— I k^l4 O O O O !>> , O) Ma . ^ ft":: 'oTaJ O! O) WW >^ -^'^ ;^ O o ^ W , .pq .' a> dj - S bJ3 &X) rt > 0) 0) fl 0)0)0)01 o o o o .fe m m m _ ,_ .rt -r-l .^ "O G ri 5 S ^ S5 5 Q p^ fe fe M Hb (-S g saseiaflflcia 0)0)0)0)0)0)010) G . . g^^fe fe-d M j^ C3 ft^ s 7;.;=;^ P^PhH (tT oj" cf fl ff a fl fl a 0) 0) 0) W k4 hM 0) ^^^ M^ 0) §5 "a ^^^^ - -^ . a A bJDOi 01 01 a oi 0)0 o o oj 'd (^ fcctjabo 3 3 3 1^ <^ ^ 000 PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 83 OOrH C5 1 00 05 00: ( O O rO lO C^ CO GO O ^ iH tH O O O C-U- LO C-4 GO 'jO CC GO »r: cr. ■* iHK;}0i:0t-G0O00k0l-Ol0t-rH''5t~20tX " ■ ■ "" ( 4^ iH iH T-l tH C r-lrHr-lrHr-li-liHiH(NCit^ tn P>^S-(^ t-i jM r^ H X O oco CI t- « ^ W Q rj o§P^ ;a2 „ r rcZ2 0) ^^ r-HO r-l lOOi l:-CDiH(NOO l-S • . PI S 'A S "r^ '-=3 '-^i^ "^ <1 5S!33S!3Pc3 !^.Q|a|^, ^ 'o cj 0^ O ^^ t^ Cg ^ j2 "H o © W w §d fl fl a fl il 5c otS iS O O QJ O 1^ Ou C3 Co o o o o o o sasgss s g ill Hi ^ r ■ O 0) m or o fi ^ P hi HflCafl ^xn xti xb xn th oooooflssssa ,a^fl^^ fl fl fl fl CI a sJoScSoSciKicJcicScici o o a 3 .•r; o o o H,-9 a^t-s oi O , Cj Cj c^ o o o ^ 00 TjH 00 t- P- t- r-i 1—1 (M -w t-O t-00 a> lHt_ u T^ ^ X/1 ■* > H T-iOOiHOOCCl-^ClTt<'MOit-OiM i-lCiOCO-^Cib-QOOOlOPOt- OiOOQOt-t-t-t-t-OOt-t-OOt- T-lrHiHTHiHTHr-lrHiHrHTHrHrH tH iM t- CO O C^J O O O ^ ;-■? t- K5 CO C4 r-i ^ CO r-l rH tH OC (M ^' t- T-i I- CO (M 'XI -M 00 1-1 O tH i-i tH iH rt< Ci OOOOOOODt-OQCQOOOOC'XOOCiOCiOiC&CiQOt- T-irHrHrHiHr-lT-HiHiHTHrHrHT-liHTHTHiHrHTHT-l 1— < I— < . (J sh c3 rt ^* '^" -i-j -1-5 i'^' -|J '-I a-^ P < O h-1 fl o " -u ■j-J fcc M a -u -^ 0) a ^ S3 !«i >T< :5 }U § o o lO t- L~- rt o -M _ so cc n o O Orn ^4Jpq PI O cj "3 ri b a; ,^ a PlH ^ S Ol E-i O) O5C0IM 5 S b '-' ra JO a2(M^ pq j^ a 'd'ci-a W a a u (0 a CL| uA a-u4-j 0) a a o o o fl^*^ cj c^ S fc£^ . Ah -^ oWaa^>;«^ ^ 7i (U Q ix> '2 '^ a S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o t^-';^ ci K ci cs ci =i ci^ a a a a a^i oooooooa • -H • IK a ^^a S '=^ a a -cH a a a a a*-!^ ^-^ cp 4) oi a; oj „ ^z; o dj dJ dJ (D oj (>5 >...—■ Ji p:^ p: p: ^ oa^'S § PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 85 o 00 H 00 b- u': ;rj ^ :n 05 LO c: cCZ30(XOOa305C:05(X)0500CiODt-' r^r^r^r^^^r^T^Hr^r^THT^^H^^THr^r^r^r^r^^^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^^^IHr-l■HT-^r-l•I-l tH iH (M iH _ ...i-c OJ . n,':ichZi^v^''-'''-'''-''-'''-'''-'^a^aa,i^a^*i^f-> "" o p^ca-Q^f-i^^oao^jJ +-I A o M OS O O +Jii 02 m rjl s CO CD o r o dj ;-i .5 ^ M OrQ CO P o Q o „ a3« -u > ., m <1^ m -Ci be dj o 5d P5 TtH r^ (MrH LO tHiH P>>f3 S tc ^ ^.S o-^ ^ ri 5 ^ ., Bost est Hil 3n Jamaic bury Bosto bury oxbury -2 o o -r- 02 aj -u 3 cS r ^ r •d »OC0 cj goth a3 C^iH JS CO ^ r-l Oi Tf^ LQ <:C la C CC M^ O CO tH tH ^T-(>-l M ^ mm", -rH '^ i=l O . 1-3 JZ2 aflSis,a3.';3 ._,^"3 u H o §|«S^HfeQ|||g|||^g /q^ 'hlH>-5 -3 'd oc be bJD be fcxi bcS flflelPl^^-'-- cS S cj cj 3|-2-n3gi^.2-§ «^ Chill's „3 3 tn ^^ ^^ ^H ;.< ^1 /i1 /i-t /^■^ ^1 z^"! /ii /.^ "^ '™1 !^ ""1 '"^ ""^ "^ W 3S3(Da;jf3 OpC-;3^;3S5-0 - - u o -u >,> :r2 3 3 3 .w 4-" 4J • 86 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 0) (U-M ESQ W > Cl, CU »0 © t- t~ 00 CO LO LO O "M rH Q LO i-H O -t^ crt-- lO (M 1- r-1 ir; t- CC CO C: 00 C L.-^ O O. t . O- r^r^O^0r^r^1HO■C^^CCC:•«-i^rHf0l^^CC^0^T^^THTH?Dl^ir^'+lC5^0C0^- J2 '*-! f-*' rJ ^' o fl O '^ f^ ^' o '^^ ^' — ^' ''" ^ ^ 'tj tH ^j qJ Jh' r; r; 'SH Sh t^ ;-i o -' g o-^ ft^-^^ K » g 0) nc^ K ^a^9 ci art ci p,rt rt a; c-^-S ao.« G<^ S a ^ a o o -M *J OS § 1 o +i *-l « rt >5 . ^ a-a fl '-' 9 Moo O SM +j +Jj2 Bos Rox St., X3 ang St., nut St., St., 'ifth ^aj-g o; ^•^ 5So o o moqo focir- lOMOO a a C3 -n O en -M 4-i m -M O m ~ ii fl o (1) > -i-> p:; ^ oW o §-a pq w-5 „o a o 1-1 rt +J ^ M'd 0) fQ ^ ^ o o -l-J -:« !>.^ o "Si lO -yt- (M 1-1 Ogo ^ o o M ,02 "S5pq3 oj be O ^J3 5CpQ 00 lOfOfCc: CCIMIOIO a^ H a " 5.^2 5 opoooooc •r; ^ o ja ^ H H sag . , .^<^Q . bfi O O >5 >S >S " cibcbj}ii>(X)a;>j|35-Qj' flflfloooodo ^- ---^OOOOOOOOO S3 a; Ol U.) rt _ c: rt o o III a ®s 0) 0) u u o o o o Qj lU d) a; 4) dj HJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r-O O W '^ C3 CO ^o; oj - - tH ^j j^ cs t: O O O Sh f- o o o o o fl rt rt o o o fl fl fl c5 rt « ;h ^ !:-< o o o PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 87 CC >s 9 w ■I .71 ~ Lt Ti Lr: rH o CO <:c ~ 1 X :t o X' i^ -f (M T-< th t- tr 5^ c) cc fH 1— t^ i^ 4 O ini L— O O T-l O CO iM r: ~. -*- ~ t- -X O iH C: tH ^ Ot OO r-l O «C C^ X CO ; X GO 00 X C^ O 00 00 X X X X X X X c: OS X Ci I— l^ X Ci C5 t- l- X t- iTHrHiHrHrHiHTH'HTHr-irH-MiHrHrHTHiHrH-iHT-lTH'rHTHr-llHr-lTHTH Cii-KMrHOi'-HiH^TH XCiXC5XXc:c:0: XXl-L'^OC:>C>b-10tniOt>Ot-iHt-t-,HXt-wlL—Xt>Xt-«C>XXO-d^t-i01CTH'*Tt !-i ;-i j^^'li fl bi" o>^-:^^ 0jcjSj3aaja)0JaPia;cdr;'cJoCjtSO 73 o fl Q rt c: K n Tt fl O 5 rt fl5 o ^ o m O fl PQ2 o o o o fd St., Bos Boston Boston t., Boston St., Bosto East Bosto )n St., Bos ., Boston th St., So 3 o i3 > r St., Bos ston ston Boston Roxbury Newton Boston t Roxbury t., Boston Jamaica .s •Jl o 0) -l-i W. Concoi Essex St., Essex St., Harvard S 'ommercial Paris St., Washingtc Mass. Ave East Eigh §<1 West Ceda y Hall, Bo y Hall, Bo Wharf St., Centre St., Boyde St., South St., ck St., Wes Lincoln S Morton St. a g o O CO^i TJH ^ ■*-*rH K*"0 -l-> -M 111? +-i OiTH r-ILtJlOX xc:co«o h-! O ■*•-'•'-; ci th TtH ?o ri Ot^i OiH tH X X iM -+I OCICOIO i-i-Krc TjiOOTHt-XrH ^^ w rt ri M 2 M .SjccHHH ^ . >, >j >j >i >5 >5 >> >i >,^ ^^ t>, >j C a a fl oj q; dj a? 3?!-: m ® ^•■ j: ^ J^ ^ f^ ri ~i^ ''-* U u u u u u u u m m m m m m m m m m m m m .■-^ ):^ >± >^ ^ ^ ^ Cii ^ 9 9 5 9 5 S^ hr ^ ci c3 cj cj cd cd ci ci V r -r^ •r' -r r •r' r •r' •r' -r r •r' '^ -^ •■^ ® <^ ® <=^ ® ^7! a; u u '^ u 'r^ u u %^ u '^ u u %* u u ^ i-K "^ Wr* u u u ^ u -^ u u u u u 'r^ u u u u u m-i^ ooooocooooooooooooooooooooooocooocooooo CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 0(MTHC»0«OOOOiHTHTH»OC<5 CCC»0500050i05'Xa5C»05C»OOCiOOOiC^OiCiOOOOOC«DGOGOroOOQOCi(3iOiOiaOC)0 THr-liHrHrHrHT-lT-frHiHrHHrHi-lTHrHiHrHrHiHi-HiHT-lr-lTHTHTHTHiHrHrHT-liHTH 'l^^^§l^s ill "•.l^olSli - fl S g g.§^^||||| S||d^.S.2 c o 2 gi g ^ ^^-2 2^ aaaa ^ >> t>i'— I 1— Ir-lr-H,— If— (r-l,— .r— li-^^^r-HnMi ^i— _i ';r5Xr5X)r500XOO(X)»CO'X)riC»C^OOCOC«OOCiOOOOCZ3GOGOCiCOCiOOOOCOGOC: T-tiHrHrHrHTHT-HTHrHr-lTHrHiHrHi-liHiHrHiHiHTH-HrMrHrHT-lTHrHiH-H-HiH-rMrH T-i a -H. cc 7-\ O 00 Ci 00 05 lTHrH':>)THiHiHCg(M7HiHiHrHTHTHr-lrHiHrH5 a> .;:5 '^ W w § F > oj if .Q M rH(M i< 000 CO t- C^rH(MCO'+i d) o "^^ ^ Q o M ^ -^ 03 o Q <1 H^S: 5g o o P^pqg -So afM j; «i ii 'I' ^ti Ph T-< CO (M CC gfet oK^* V 1^ z; c ) nj cj tj r3r3cca2a2a!cc2*flfl G^^os^E?aaaaaaaa^55^ a)T5'Oa;iP2rtcjcaoicJciciciOOOoo'-'o:iJ^sSo3c34)-=3.r-i42'=i'a'«'a'3-s;:r:h>; S|333r:;S3l=i;3aSr3r3S3Pr3S3SSSSS3S3SSS=333!3!3SSa3:=i3 90 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY ■* (N t» M i- M CO ■:;; o c^i th o "-^ O c^i — . o t^ iq im c^i cj co oi r-- o cc t~ ;c ^ OiHrHTHGOrHOJClOCCi T^OT^C^©l-llO■'^U-C/DClTHl-T^C^lOr^000C<^^r^,-l OOCSOiCiOOOSb-OOGOGO Ot-05XC5r:'00'XGCOOOOOOOCiOOOOCiOOQOOO<3iC5 iHiHrHr-liHT-lrHr-lT-lTH r^r^r^T-ir^r^7HT-tT^T^THT-lTHr^T^r^■r-lT^l-lr^r-lTH (MTHr-lrH(MTHrHrHiH7H tH tH iH tH iH tH iH iH rH iH r-( iH r-( iM r-l Ci iH iH iH t-1 (M • 4) ••r5 .... .13 . . .jj . . sri^ ._^ . ^ 5i b !i > a fl xj +i .Q be o fl O fl ^ , _3 Mrt =S X O tc o >-i a) o^ M M ;ajM '^'VO'. ra> 5W I^H? y O 05 OiH _ Wpq >>(?« CI o o §Ma 6"^ r w S Kit- r-l iH Oi d; .a o o Q 41 s -M O CO Ci+J O O CC fl ca':3 "^ o — I 2 o .. o t^ a d f^ a d bc o fld "O o M O o o o 41 02 ton BostoE oston 'u tf 05 o r -M - « -^ w GOQ J^'^Oi ^ o i;^ =^ 4- 'O o 02 f-> O OQr-lb- ^S c M H M rH, W ^ ^ ^ . . fl a 3 a gjH o .1-1 .^ .1-1 Ed 17 ^ .';:j:;3.';3 . ^-g t>^^ a . o 0) OJ -s t>s >s (>i bX) . ^ doicjCwcScoWnr ;^ ;h ;-i ;-i $-< o 4)^ S S D p S f>-. >> >-. PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 91 rHiHC'G0t-CCC^«2-*00iH0iOC0C^lC0'*C0^t--b-Ci0i05-*0lCSiHCJit-t--<»0QTHlOfCT-lTHT-l 0iOO00t-00(XiGC00t-0St>0it--C000l>t-G000l>000000Q000000>00Q00000000it-00050S0S FHrHrHiHT-liHT-liHrHTHiHr-lrHiHr-lHr-lTHTHrHiHrHiHrHrHiHrHTHt-li-lrHiHT-liHrHrHiHrHrH rHTHTHr-lTHiH(MT-ICMr-l(N rHi-lT-iCJ THOJi-^r-tTH. C3 i—c a M '^ -S ;=i 5 ^o X i-^w a ^ > S f- c3 PI ^ o ^ X a^^ p5 fl r^-g P^ ^-^ o2 o ^ J^ Cd -^ w -S.w.ui^ - Scot- .M r'tQ^rfPnCU "i^ g ^ a a w -r ^■'=^-< M-S rt '^ffl == ^ S « a5^ © =! ^ ^ fl aT^-^ »-' o fl_fl_a -^ . ®,23 ^>v fl ^ "^ csr*-*-!-' a*^ S*^ -+2-ariQi!:i2ELjtj i^^^ ^-i a oca ^^-^^ ® ^nrlo E-lt-sH -^O 5 O^ fl "^-^j o> ai d Ti (7i d a i> i) '^ •'i o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o 7i 7^ ^irr^ir § 2; 12; 12; 25 12; 12; ;z; 12; iz; ;2i ;^ Z ;?; '^ 5^ 2^ 12; ;z; 12; :2i ;z; ;z; ^ ;i5 ;zi 12; j<; 2; 12; ;2; ;2i ^ 2:; ;z; ^ C O O 92 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY c-cocofOOJO^c^JLO■Tt^r-!^^(^^r-lK^(^^ll5■tH<^^T-^-•'(^^ir:lOTt^■. ^ •— ' O^ FMco ci; O w m (t> ;a a O o Ho •^ -u -■ 03 r/J "^ o 6W -t-j n r r o znw. fl +j +j ;h a '^ o a ci N ?D ^o:> CO r-!cQ o m f>i CO O m rH r O o r a a; ^^M^ '^ o m xn o 00^ ^ ^-r O M House, B od, Mass. nker Hill +J 4) gtou n St., Cour rd St t— 1 f-l ^ O a.^ AH ^02 o a b- !=> r^ !> . tj '^ Court Norw 401 B (Mr-I fOSO (M GO ^(M t-rHOit- OOThI a fe o o O) 0) >rH -rH a a PQ 05 M si a a r* a a P m PrH edhJe!^ a HJhi^hi h-ih-i O 05 .a § rj 03 -rH ^ ^ ,_l ^ • ^. ^. h,w o'^tH o,a o d) 4) 0)12; -g-g .— ,.— .U^WWU.'U.'JilrH .rH^rHrH^^SSSS a—'-'^f^ ^iDo^aaaaaaja'^.a -aa ■'~i -^ ^ ^ o > ^ -^ -^ -i^ |I|&^OW^^^^^l-5^-^^^^-:.W^-DPl-5^-^P^;^§^gp^OfMPHfM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflflfl *;h *t-l '?H f-l f-l ^ 'til '£^ Sh 't.j "f^ f-i U J-i M Sh ';h 'sh 'tH t< 'u. 'u 'U '%*. 'S "f^ '^ '^^ 'tn '^ f-i f-( 5-l *;^ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcbbbbbbbbbbbbbb PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 93 fc r^lOOt-TH^-^lOCi<^L---n'■xc^^Tt^fCO>ort^^-lc:;Ttl^o^L-LO<^It-c^(^^(^^c:.(^^GOTt'col:ocoT--( THOT05kOTHrHb-c:SC»aDrHC^)iHC^iHTH(iOT-rHrHQC'0'Ha.'rHlN<^01rH7H-*T-. :^C:T-ieCTt(Xi00OSO5(XCi0C'ajCi00OC'00 THiHrHrHrHrHTHiHrHrHiHTHiHiHiHTHrHrHTHrHTHTHr-lTHrHrHTHiHTHTHiHiHTH^rHTHTHrHrH eCrHiHMrHrH rH rH tH iH rH iH tH iH rH r-l i-l rH r-l M iH iH C^ Ca C<) tH tH rH tH iM tH tH rH tH tH iH rH ■X o ji -Q a-M 4J d 5:! d -1-^ -o' ^' ^' ^^ '^* b b ^ b-i S f-i o rj f-i 5J tn • tH fn (y p rj fH ^H rj "q^ f-i f-I na(Dajai •^02.^^ w y.o o •^ S ^ «= rf^^ CZ2M. 02 fl '^ d ^ .y o 5 g ^ s=^a 2 nS o) oi ;h > u i-i ■ erf SQ fq >< T— I r^ *^«J L^ kO CO W iH Ktl lO Ci CI 05 PI o'^W*^'~j'3 m w. aa o o a 5 *~5 '"S (3; r w ^ « ®f aa ia-s^Qfeg PI PI •^•^ d p) a g:< S oi rt > « 5J0 be bx Pi PI d iS cj ?-l I-l Ct C3 Cv ipqpqouo OO.S „ Q PI PI , ci cij p -PrP K K Cj CS ^ o o o ^' a . ■ ^-^ • a 3 es ^1 jc 2 a; "S CJ QJ "3 'OJ "S dJ p p p p p ^ p p p p p o o o o o o spqpqpqouOooouaoooauououOoauuoooOoOQQOQG bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccbbbbbbbbbbbb O O 1 0) "^ ^?! SS <\ ^ M OJQO OiOO CX)lOJlC50ThliHr-l; 5 GO GO 00 00 cTs ci Ci r: X) C-. ~ 05C T-iXC:r:i^^j ;h ;-! !h aa2j -S-rl 02 C5Tt rjiA ci cj 5S c m 1-5 as ^1 a ^ o o QQ 02 as P^ a a^s CO ^ :S « OS (Ti 1-5 Hj M a a a a O O Ol-j I-5I-5I-S ^ - „a 0) 0) O (H u U u i:i c; ci 41 a a o ga WW ,a *^ cj 5^ CO a a g-r^O aTaT aJ <(-l «M t-H (H (1> o dJ • lO GO Ol lO rH 01 C<1 C^l Oi CO C^l O t-- ^^>^l^oo'^^^^>^Go'oo'©'Go'^^t^o'l--^r^^ r^THC^llHr^r^r^r^r^C<^r^r^^^r^r^r^r^r-l^^r^r^r^r^r^T-^r-lr^C^r^T^l--lr^^Hr-lT^T-^<^^<^^^H o ^ ^ gjM ■^ O CC lO 00 05 0) « ^ O o +e ^^+j C2 S '^T' o o " :PQ 4J r r ^^ji'^ mm „ 1^02 +^ W— 1 S S >=f3 r, ^ ciT3 «SfeOH^ tH Hi feE^ ?5 rH t- iM O OCO IOCS f5 o -u O ^ a)^« O r— 1 ^j ."I^ »3 -tJ >H K^MM J j^^^^^^^ i.-^^^C^^A ^%%%% % oToJ^^ Ills 8 J .'^j.'S.'P.'S.';:;.'^.'^.'::;.'^^.';:^:^:^.';:.'^:^:^.';:.';^.'^ ggpppg^ggg gsss:=!^^ dT^i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcbboccbcbbbbofCcuP^ 96 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY o K -M CO > :> Oi H Oi i- oi 00 -i-O n 00 CO V. CO H CO o^^ H- -J-T i; >= 1 CO J 9 >s GQJ 'o OJ 1— 1 PM > fLi C5-<*ItHIDCSOC^tH'+i.~OC0 COTOffOINeOCOiHt^t-ClTHlO 0000GOQ0t-00O5G0t-L-C:GO i-liHT-lT-HrHT-lT-liH-iHTHrHiH C-l O (M O CO 00 1-1 t- CM -(Nt- i-It-(t-IiH C^J t-I tH iH tH tH tH tH tH tH t-I 'U p o PI '^ fl o o o >s 5 Bost on, B Bost u o "1^ 2 1^ >,^, o n St., xtensi n St., p^ -1-i , Bos nn ., Bo Lynn oston oxbur Dorc hingto way E hingto > o 4 Was Broad 9 Was 4) o o o r^ cocco §(:c»o t- -*! lOCCC^J 00 t- CO O 02 ,H t- CC' (M a PI O o -M^J W «J O r, WM 6 r M+f Oi >>^ oj p ^2 ^n cj o o u s^ 00 T-lt- o* p • o ,So.g (^ 1^ 1^ 3 w a p O rH Wo ^3 « !h ;-! cS c; 0) dj PLiPmPhPli p>5. ■•-* harle ohn W. H Tho artin [enr 'eter Hon Wil] i-^i-M c-s ^^S ^ ^U'^ .fl S . [ham Iham lletie lletie o o) g biS a Pi S '-^ -r: O © 0) iD 4) oo^'^'^aa&3 SjSp m m m vi xn VI 'jh aaftana+r , 2 .,-1 .,^ .^ .rt .r-l -M ^ (D ^H ia S |p S S S .^ 5 .S |li Ph p^ Ph fu CIh P-< Ph f^ PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 97 t- 00 THrHrHiHrHiHTHrHr-lT-lT-lTHTHTHTHTHTHTH^T-lrHrHTHTHrHTHrHT-lTHTHiHTHT-lrHrHrHrHT-li rHiH(MCQTHT-*THTHrHiHi-HTHiHiHTHrHiHT-^ t-n ^ d a g S.';^ ■*-! C3 "^ > m u % c S: «« H ^^ rfl <1> t;^^ „ Q^ -'^yA -M X/1 ^ ^ : ^m ^ 00 S) _ <© -v* Oi d o m <1^ •O f) [•_) o 'i -J. ^ rj fli sy . W 00 H .^^^- r-H & IX) Q^ bxi-a s fa H-a-M '?5 cs oi 6 C (> o - - .... ^ ti CLh 11, Ph |2h fc (In Ph (1h P^ PL( Plh 111 |1^ (1, Ph p^ p^ Ah Ph Ph |1< f^ Ph Ph P^ Ph P^ P4 Ph !^ O'O'aO'CO'O'a 98 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY r-liHTHt-0500rH05iHTHrHiHOOO«Oi-IOOCiOOOiCO-*OiH010ooiHiHOiHGCiHQD OSC505GOGOCX10iOO<3iCJ00000505C5GOCiOOGOOOGOOOOOG0050St-ooC505C»05GOC5S iHrHiHr-lT-lTHiHiHr-lrHr-lTHTHTHrHTHT-lrHiHiHTHTHriT-lr-(iHiHrHrHTHr-lr-liHrH" (^^lH^Hr^l^^(^^TH(^^7HT^sor^r^r^(^^l^^(NT-l1HT-^r^r^lHr-iT^r-l^^55T-^r-ll^^<^^r^r-l -H 1—1 -J T— I .— t 1— I r— ( K (H HI g o o^ o 0,55 -, r. 3 >j m O O g >• o '3 t; V (-1 5«l^*l a >ts dj) '^ -> '^ pqQ >,»iLit^ C5 t- O c3i CO f-j ^ c; ^ o -iced ^ == ^ ca fi ^ O) K JZ2 5 J ^ O 1^ o" '^ C o +^ K o fH -a 3^ a ci M 5 « M OMGO COOtrH i/2 fl o 4-> ►^ o O .^W OrQ S tJ (D ^'tj si o

.. H »- \ -tJ ^*4 ^T ^^ pq|sw|3| O I-: isl-5 fe <^ .a ►^hi 071 rt 2 a W pq , >sa^_g„'g G 3 cs ej Ss: o ^-M -U +j 4J =1 >.t; .rt .,H -rt .rt .PH .p^ -rt .,H .rt .pH .fH .pH .rt .fH .rt .rt .-- .rH .rt .rt .PH Sa 53 53 « fl (3 5 K +J +J -U p- P>i " SP33SP=3SSS3SSS3S3pS!3prtrtKcd:Sc5iSc3cSej(Scjej« PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 99 QQOOOiOOTHOOTHiHr-tiHrH(riiH«CCGC)QOC^)O^^CCQOljQCiTHOTHrHOiOTHrHrtHeOTH THT-lT-lrHr-lrHTHrHi-lTHr-lrHrHr-lrHrHrHrHrHrHr-'. T-lTHr-lrHrH^rHTHr-tr-lTHT-lr-rHr-lr-lT-lT-l (N(MrH->!-<*-if-irt0'^jJ>''-'0^f-i'-iC>^f-|f-ijJr3jJ^Hf-i^-ifl'2f-i(:j^Htjf-i"^t^;Hf-it( T^.m^o IP *S 4) ^ — O 0) -i-i • 02 si 2 S'a a 02 ;=H -4^ O+i -M o be rt 05 ^: iHCO iHt- c o o o dj o fl f>cq o -u O 02 >^ r P 02 +J ►r o iJ p o i=l ^ +J o O <= S S2 p:S«(:qO +J4J ro 0) d •M o O) 02 ,d c « o ^ S '^H ooo COt-Wr-l 03 h-5 PL^ftfe o 4> la's o '3 . ^^ fl es K cj CJ OJ 4J OS a fl S ^ 41 -d S 2 a o is-^ m a a d ooo ;-4 ^ ;h ^ c3 c3 4} a> fl fl fl ooo 'd'O'd ;h t4 P c^ c3 Cj Oj O 4) PhPhPh 02 ^^ a a o o . 'd'd'd p "d 'CO ts QJ pS3 OS'S - - -<■ fl fl a , scbobcS a> o) 0) V pHtfPHpH aa rd- 5 S ^ ^ . ci ,*-5 CS §aa "^ ^ /-< S« r a; f!3 fe J ?5 M ^2 ^fli-assog^ a5 o-s ^;l-3l-;h-5E-l ! ^ ^ ts m" of aT ® OS o HS 1-5 t-l P- ,g ,^ ,3 ^ g o ^ O rv " cs »:< > si 02 ®fe -dis «P5 :;:! .73 .'^ij S >s P»3 >s >3 o c-ip- ;^ >j»- eS 0) OS O O CI w o (^tfi^tftfc^Wtfp^Kiyp^P^rtPiPiPi 100 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY coco 00 OS 00 fu t- ^ r-i I- CD '74 Xi CZj kC '^i L~ L— (M (M rH CI -ri t- CO -^i I— t- :p C--J iM CO tH t- »0 i-l r-l T-t (M 00 OOOOCOfC-^r-lTHfOfOOOTH^THr-iL— iHrHQ0l-05(MOO0J0t05CiWrHr-lrHr-irHt- OOOOGOCJOCCOi'XiCCOOCOOOQOCiOiOOCiCiOOGOOOOOt-CiOOOOaDOOOOOSOiCiOiOOO T-liHiHTHr-lrHrHT-lT-lrHrHTHTHiHT-lTHTHrHTHiHTHrHi-liHTHrHTHiHrHT-lrHr-lriT-l "^^^ a Wei J/2 o i=l « o o O pq. ->->r-l CO erf+j as o S ?H o o o W w r cSC/2 gffl I- o 3 5^ C3r^ Is EC foPn a o MS PI 43 OO ■4-1 m o coco oP O Q pq I - O 02 O 02 +j!/2 W. o ^ fl '^^•^ (? Ki O o;ga2 ^°a2 OCOt- 10rH(7J Sm.2 ICOl^'*! h;h, • a . m m !» '^ w ^. -P '-I cS ^t=^f^>^P>^t^f^>^t^t5^ l=Ct=^ si's iiiad,p;H!ug5"rHan g^ o o-titJ 2 2 2 S o^ cs cd _r f-i *-! S^ .2.2 S p^«tf Pu| -3 cd O ,P.a,p cS ci ci 000 1-5 Ci rt •^ s p^2 Hi . , .P fl w o o *-< s d 000 p:;p:2rt 02 S !;3 SI'S 000 000 1-5 oi • q3 oj ti o o c P5P:5P5 o^ fl fl fl cS rt^ n ;-! o oT w aT ;-( ;-! ^ OJ 0) 5 M ftiN a>QO am PC ;Ci 00 00 'X -fi X ro -ti CO C5 IQ C^J (M GO CO ':0 CO Tt< lO iM X ~. -ir r: lO THOrHT-IOi-IOi-xxxcioo THr-liHiHiHT-li-tTHrHT-liHTHrHrHiHiHiHiHTHr-lTHr-lrHrHiHTH lOOiHCOlOCOlOC-lCOOOC^lN C-l CO tH (X CO O CO 1-1 X X rH rH XXOOOOOXQOOiCOXOOS . . . . . . . ..•.!-( • . TH . • .0) jj . . _^ U t-t zj z^ t-t r^ ^ ^ OH %^ }-i ^ !-i ^ f-i ZJ i^ ^ t-i t-i ;-i "^t-i !-i a> S3 fl ^2 DO ^ w o a 0) O O CO •2 ote:^ fl a CD .^H u i=l"^ fl ° ri ham Camb St., B e., Bos Brook O o o5jq .. -J^ m o Hudson St., Bost Brimmer St., Bos Bennett St., Brig South Russell St verhill, Mass. Kingston St., Bo SQ 50 1 OS Court St., Dec] Putnam Ave., Washington Shawmut Av Naples Rd., C3 -M a SO Bennett St., B Robinson St., Milk St., Bos Alcott St., Alls 7 Whipple St., 9 Calumet St., Xfl i=l _a) 002 C&QOOi 4J iH O OS SS r-l tH iH "^i ■* ^O OX'*! ?oo ■iH t-OO S^^SWS P" O0(MCO-*r-l COCOtH COCOtH (M (MCO o o *^>[r' o Hj H5 Hi M t> l^ '^ oT a? M aT M >» >■- fci ^^ t^ ;^ i^ d) 4) 4) o O |>'0 'O CO O S S> 3 _, CO ,„'d'd r-i <1J i cS w ■^ H • • . . xn m m m hjHsl-sl-SHsl-shsl-sl-Sl-; o . ft S CD cOcjojcCcScioJcd 102 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY to > M Ct (M LO O (M Xi CC CO Ci -1- O N t- tH i;C Lt) T-; lO C: O iM (M S: O CC CJ (M (M (M C fO t- O; -^OOTHiMlO^C^IC^lX'l-rHi^CrHfOTHCOTHffib-PtTt^T-^rHOCDTHiHT-lTHrHIOt-;©^ rs i>- GO X X c: x X cc GC c: CO C5 1- C5 00 ci 00 GC t^ t- c; c: o 00 o ci o c: Oi' GC i- b- 00 H^H1HTHTHT^THr^r^7HTHTHTHr^^Hr^■^-lr^■^^•I-lT-lT-^•^^■r-l•HT^TH•I-l•^^THr^■^-■H•r-l a o -M 05 05 O pq u Tl r M fl o i +J 111 M o o P^ ^!^ 3 tH 3 ci a cj &|^ tHCO(M a "! +j^ •1^ u M X Oi Q Mp^ -4-i 02 Is' bo ^ s-i fp a 02 w ^^ M S s ^ «S ri 05 .rt 2 1=1 ap. w g cj op frj O r^ H K flflflflflflqpflp Piiti ojcicioJojcSciosnKci'PP o< a> w . Offi 0) i=l ?, P O) <^ H ^^P P5 P S o;;P M p ^ d; iJ oS P3' H^ <5 m OS rP . S .P •§P « H m- rP S dJ w;io ir< >J qS-I+J P P P ci ci ct - " p p p 0) a> zl t! S eS « p p p > t> K -rd OS ct cs a o a fl P-S 52p p p p ed eS rt Qj a) ^ » P P ci - - - >s P P ,— I 4J -tJ +-. 1— I Ct Ct O O O C P o o o o a o o xnxfiTjimmT/.w. PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 103 00 T-l 1-1 C4 irr Lt) O CO «0 «C «0 « 00 O TjH CI IC' (M CCTHrna.'C: t^iHiHT-liHOOCiiHClTHiH OOOO'OOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOCSOOOSOS Jt-co^Jt-et-t-OrtHiocoio^cooooocoocDTHCOooooioaoint-THt-t-oo lrHrHiHi-tiHT-lT-llMC ts 0) oj^^i o ;^ o *-! r- ^ ^ as, r^T O O 00 ■*►*:?, O GO I— 1 00 CO Ot IT) i-J T-i C-J 02 a; O O . a; cc O ^ r 1= §H '^ _ Is ;-( O o C3 o u o CI S '^^ « ^f - ^0) rPQMj^eq _r a 41 Si GM rt ^ »*/ vx/ >a/ ^^ i^ *^ '•f ^^ y*' tx; W u^ u^ ^*' vi' "^ ^i* 104 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY OiiHiHrHOOOTHOrHOOOOOOOOiHOCCt-COrH^OeOIMTHO^CiT-lrHlOTHTHOTH QOOiOiOiOOOC:'w^C»C^C»GOOiOOOiOiOOt-t-OSt-CiaOGOGiQCt-050000CiCiOC5 THrHrHiHiHT-liHrHiHTHTHiHTHrHTHiHiHrHiHiHiHr-liHTHrHT-lrHTHTHTHr-trHiHTH U %A U ^ ^^ o CO 3 R O ■ - M o u K « ^' O 5^ ;h O i oh o 2-M m CO t- oco "^ OOMOOO a vi o 02 O S 02 h d; ^ (U D o Imon So. , Re ., Bo o II ^ r ^-1 o Q 02 Q Be St., Ave Ave m J'72 J,A^ fl el -O -O ;3 oi o --2 OS 0° w n lo Oi oOc^i g o 0-* CO tH^ O lO 1-1 CO (N Cit-t-rH H H ^^^■'^Pi;, 'S rt 9 '- a f3 fl ^- oTli ?^ n -d ^ •?! rtdaj(DSoo>2ovS=^'^'^a'S aS; ca.73: i:iai=tfleiaafli=iPifl . .";> fl C fl j3 -a fl fl su m 0) 4) a> Ol 0- Ol O) mmw.m -I 0) mm "" '^ ^^ - ^- .03.2 ^ i^H ;-l ^ ^4 O O O <5 mmwm. mm ." o AA mm ^ 2 a> (D a =s _, cd rt CD'S mmmmmmm 9 i^ a22 6CP>i O) PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 105 » w M a(M no OJiH (UrH Ot-I OO^U-OOCNQOOSrHrH»OlO O5Ci^t-t-t-t-00<3SO0GO COiO iJ > ^ bi) fH ;J ^ tj "S3 OOOOOOOiOOt-OOOOt-OO O O^ 10 C--I ■J'. C>4 (M (M »0 iH LO (M O CD(MC5rH(MOr-!iHT)HTjH^lA00 OOGOGOClOOOOOiOSOOCXJOOOOQO tHtHtHtHiHiH-iHiHtHiHtHjHi-I t-^ t>^ T-T o~ i> t^ CO GO »c t-^ 10 cT t-^ iHT-KMiHr-lrHiHTHrHTHT-KMTH c: ci fl n _^ u ti ^; (J ^h' u ti s^' fl fl (=1 O o o -^ -M +J Vi -Jl -Ji O o o ^J CD ^u i=l . p: oj 0-1^ -^ ? 02 a el fl hh ?S8 P5« 02 W ^ u <^ 0) 2 S? S ?f ?? 6c fc« ^d'-S tit^t± S f^ c fl G.5.S.S o o c n a ooaaaaaaaa 106 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY GO CO tH rH 00 rH lO tH » O tH tH 00 rH Ji ^ O -4^ CJ 5S a; © %( H rHi^CTHr-ii-rOOOOCCCiaSb-OOC^'^l^CICILCOCICCr-'+C^CO^C^I-^Ot-C-THliO iHGOrHIO'^SiHOOCC-^COSOrHOOC'O^OC^CCTHcnr-lt-OOSrHClOOOQOiHrH OOOOiOOt-XClGOOtt-OOt-OOOJt-t-XCtXXOOCSOOCit-OOOOSCCOCOSOOOOi T-liHrHi-HrHT-mr-(iH^iHi-HrHiHrHrHrHr-lrHTHrHiHTHTHrHT-lTHiHiHiHTHiHTHiH (M iH TH rH tH o 00 0) . A -M .Q CO ^ . o .2 2^ f h ^ >> -w a> ej a> X/1 44 a a Si p oQ O o ^ GO-* O +J 02 o m fq OJ Ceo ^ 4) rfl a -I-' o o ga^ (M 05 (MQt- C^JSrH O a a; »^ .^ o coco rHOiCO O W r4JM ci aj p3 '£^^ fl O O sS OtH ■<*lrH(M o M g -MO© o rO! fcj 3 '^ a-s * « rrt IN CO !^ .a ft d; 50 M^ QPhh 2 . , a a fl oT « ci Ti 4) OJ a - - - ri 0) o Cj ^ C^ Cj Cw c^ d u as > ^ ft® as a « P rt .a O C ;h +J +J +J 4J XflXflXllX/1 OA fH "^ pL| ^ t> "^ " • GOaOO5r50000 CiCiOSCSOlOSOiOOOiOOOOOOOOQOroCiCiCO ■HTHrHiHiHrHT-lrHrHTHiHr-lTHTHiHrHrHiHTHT-l THiHrHiHTHrHrHT-lrHTHi-lTHrHi-lrHrHr-li-l Ol^^^t^^^o irfooi-^rHL'iodoit-^ci'oL-c^ri :cocct-^iOioadodi>^t>^t^^ooi>^t-^odb^GOCi Wi-lrHrHrHlMTHINTHrHMrHiHrHrHTHiMr-lT-lTH iHiHrHiHiHiHrHrHTHTHr-lr-lr-lrHrHT-lTHT-l s^ a ^ r}' b ^14 ^ >s ^ tj ^ >5^ tn" d o as O pq d >i p pq o O M _ cc -WC " O opq >,'^ ^^^ ri ro T> MOr-lt- -d O o cj a 2o>o O 02 ■PQ ®2 ' a^ g U( 01 O) 3 O OH O-t^ pq"P^§ O+J t^— < O 05 4) O ej-d >. O >s 02 fc^ O a pq X g r- o o a n +i rM^la rr^^Tjim^ a CO CO e^ '^' th a 02 O !» . -M ^ Si O .^ fl w « - O^ O-i-i pq;H4i§ oiM-S r^ be •■^ a.ia --I a 50 ® a *i rt ►^COCO Oi<|§||5 i'©J::'=^"kP3 5::2ci«'^-'^o p'-.-a -a .5 -S t> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa saaaaaaaasaaasaspaaa xfiz/iT/irjixnxjix/ix/imT/iifimmTJiifix/imx/iz/iw. mmzfii/imTjimmxfimxfixrix/ix/ixrj.w.v).^ 108 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY 0) +j Q o ^ +j ^ a> .a - ^2 CO t-o: I— CO ^ rMr-J C5 T-1 52 ^o M . r JO OS o;^^ t^OO 00 03 ^ iHrH iH Q) o -M 05 02 ai cS cj CO Ql !U OJ d 0) o i:-! ;h ;-! .rH Q E-'E-i c^> 5DT-l005t-LQ:Cl5:Dt-C5 rHrHiHrHiHiHMiHr-IWTHr-t ±^fl^S^S'?S.& a> • ..p^ f5 f-l (;_) iU ^^^ %i t^ ^4 f^ M a > p.^ o PI ..•1-1 !§>qgOQ^ic«h5QH;^0§feO^ fl 4-1 O fl tS Q)^ O 4J o o CO r-H O fl a ton Lwren arlest 0. Bo slind; Bost o o OJ OQ CQ O O WW S ^-=3 w o - U M^" dway, St., R ton St 4-i +J ^i 05 mm (D t- Ot-(N rtHt-OS loim rH t-MCO (NC^rH ,S; iHiH < O ^ a i=! p3 +J o 02 4-^ O o 4~) 4-i 4-> +J : ^ o «S 4-^ ^ "^ GC cz; ri! SS OJ a; G hj -S-d >— < '5 -c b S3 4.; ^' rQ ^ q„Q -1-3 d ^" ^' -ir-iUNrHrHr-lrH (Mr-lr-l 0) (3 m '-I O d ^^ ^ a«opq ^ t^-a •§ s'Sgos^g^a^aa « O 2 5i • K. J ; =^ bJ '-I ta. i^ti-'^ =* >s d '^ :2 O ■ f-i ^ !-i b- ■* (MfO O IMCO tH O t- (MCOlOGO CO OOC)(MkO 0»0r-l iHOO ©O tHOOSIO (M (M OOfOl^TtH CO ^^>^§53§^§|g.- ^'|>^ 222Si*aaaa'^'^'^-^'^'^'^'^oooot.l>jrto3nrtc;«da3S^'y'S ^oo 110 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY -M.-B aOOS00050C50^CiOOI>-05CDaOGOt-QOOiOO(350iOOQOCXl050500050il>-05050iOOOO :0l0t-t-OOOO050SiH000000t-Cit-rH:0Ol0b-t-OOb-k0»0t-»0C0t-t-TH C^rHiHr-(iHC^C^C^rHT-(lNT-lrHTHiHrHrHl(NrHT-lrHTHrHTHTHTH O o> Ph(m CJ .1-1 s Q -d w o Kg o ;h !» W - 13 PQ ^ o ^ O fl -w O ?^ O CO ,=3 u T t> 02 ^ P5jC .^02+eo 02+J S I i a ^ OH 00 r-l ?0 COOiOCOOO (MtJHOO-* t- '-a >5 o p^^ 04J CO O -I '-' o « CDCOt-I X ^^1 • X .w O - >i bcoj o o p:^ Sh in Ol 0^ QCg g >- f^^3 fl S rt HEHHt>>^k^ ^ CO 2^ •r5 cs-tf a 9 s^-sa aP rtfflM^j H H *^ H - WOl-sl-5hsQH5l-5l-S ^PMCMpLfpLiP^ a si ^ f-i a (M a.a.aflfl.a^,a,a^fl;a^.aflfl TJSCMCOMCOWCOCOoQMCOCOCOaiCO C3C^CjC3CtCjC^CgC3Cj^CgCJC3<^CdC3C^^C^ PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS 111 ZG 2(N TfHTtiOO'*ir-!rH0505000eO»0 C)005lOTH05®qOC5rHOOOQit< |0 o o eq bn . - :> _« a5 < be fi ■ fl M to w N CJ c; 5^ o tH IM 02 50 t- •^ O roc 5 - ::. ^ •i-ig +Jt-i SS S CJt;^ -^2 r^ iJ-^-w o o a; o f-i :: ^K o m K^ >5 §pqu ^^>^ rH^ii^ u 5 s.a,q m xii m m m xji xnmY/9,W VV ^ ^ ^ 'i^ vi mw. m'O iT^a o o o o o oi2 m*:: 9't''^'? «Jrtcjc3is3cic3ejcSc3rtrt c3cjojeje3cSe3c;c;cjd3aja)ai43aJdJ4J4)4}H>fl.i3.fl.fl^ 112 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY W o 4) ■^ oo a; OJt- S 00000000O>C5Oi0000G0CiO^GOO5t-t-ait-b- t-00<3500t-OOOt-t-CX)OOOOOOOi o o •a2 r ■"-^r-trH ^ "^ 2 ■0;=) ^ O (U ^ P ci ^ itCLi < o o W ^ o ■4^ W in rl -fcj o m -tj be ^ 8 ^ X/l PL, (D ac't-i^,',-'^r-r-''-i^^^?-'.-<^ ^iSv^ !^ C: 1^ i! ^ i^ x S:: gj 2^ ^ii: "^ ^c^ 't:^ fl ^ C r^ -1-^ m -if >-- Til 1— < •, w fcc^ PQ 'C -^ 6 pqg >5CS CG , >5 5j a> ss .1^ W . r-i ^ p: fe- S > ^ P" " y^ HH ^ C-<1 -*00 GO (MOO fCrH o o O ... c; .kJ oi +j ■h-hi^ t^^^^^ >■■ \ i i% 00000c 5.^-.^.^^ s '5 5 5 s 9 § ^^^-^-^t$ °- t^-^-^- - t^-S S o o S i CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. MONTHLY MEETINGS Guests as Speakers and Entertainers. (Items are given in the following order: first, Speakers; second, Subjects; third. Vocalists; fourth, Accompanists.) Jan. 17, 1898 Feb. 23, 1898 April 18, 1898 May 16, 1808 Oct. 17, 1898 Nov. 21, 1898 Jan. 16, 1899 Feb. 20, 1899 April 17, 1899 May 15, 1899 Sept. 18, 1899 (Oct. 16, 1899 INov. 20, 1899 Dec. 18, 1899 Jan. 15, 1900 Feb. 19, 1900 April 16, 1900 May 21, 1900 Sept. 17, 1900 Oct. 15, 1900 Timothy F. McDonough, Esq., "The Character of Columbus" ; Joseph S. Judge : Charles T. Dolan. Thomas A. Mullen, Esq., "Innocents Abroad" ; Henry F. Goodwin; Walter J. Kugler. John R. Murphy, Esq., "Municipal Water Sys- tems" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Charles T. Dolan. Ernest C. Marshall, "Boston's Public Institutions" ; Thomas E. Clifford; Charles T. Dolan. Michael J. Dwyer, Esq., "Oliver Goldsmith" ; Mi- chael A. Reagan; Charles T. Dolan. Michael J. Murray, Esq., "Three Types of the Cen- tury" ; William H. Smith; Charles T. Dolan. Mayor Josiah Quincy, "Boston's Public Baths." Joseph Smith, "Civilization and the Anglo-Saxon"; Henry F. Goodwin; Walter J. Kugler. Capt. Edw. O'Meagher Condon, "The Irish Race in American Colonization." Maj. Chas. K. Darling, U. S. A., "The 6th Mass. in Porto Rico." City Clerk J. Mitchell Galvin, "Three Years in Mexico" ; Fred O. Dickey ; Charles T. Dolan. John P. Leahy, Esq., "A Lawyer's Reminiscences" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Charles T. Dolan. Wm. B. De Las Casas, "The Metropolitan Park System" ; John B. Donovan ; Walter J. Kugler. Thomas J. Gargan, Esq., "Naval Heroes of the Revolution" ; Wm. H. Hayward ; Walter J. Kug- ler. Charles W. Bartlett, Esq., "War and Law"; Joseph S. Judge; Walter J. Kugler. Hon. Edward J. Flynn, "Colonial Laws of Mass." ; Thomas J. Hurley; Charles T. Dolan. Michael J. Murray, Esq., "Daniel Webster" ; Wm. H. Stedman; Charles T. Dolan. Gen. Chas. H. Taylor, "Journalism" ; Wm. Ludwig, and the Neapolitan Quartette: Charles T. Dolan. Timothy W. Coakley, Esq., "The Philippines" ; Dr. Lon F. Brine; Charles T. Dolan. Dr. Thos. J. Dillon, Recitation (by request). Prof. Jere. D. M. Ford, "Spanish Literature"; Wm. H. Stedman; Charles T. Dolan. Augustine L. Rafter, "A Vacation Trip through Spain"; Michael F. Dillon; Charles T. Dolan. GUESTS AS SPEAKERS AND ENTERTAINERS 115 Nov. 19, 1900 Hon. Geo. A. Marden, "The U. S. Sub-Treasury"; James M. O'Brien ; Charles T. Dolan. Dec. 17, 1900 Dr. Henry O. Marcy, "The Charles River Basin"; Fred O. Dickey; Charles T. Dolan. Jan. 21, 1901 Prof. Fred N. Robinson, "Celtic Studies"; Ideal Quartette: Joseph S. Judge, James F. Whelan, John F. Thornton, Edward J. Sliney. Mar. 4, 1901 Prof. Reginald A. Daly, "Explorations in Labra- dor" ; James A. Martin (violinist) ; Thos. A. Watterson. April 15, 1901 Capt. Wm. B. Watts, "Detection of Crime and Criminals" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Charles T. Dolan. Oct. 21, 1901 James J. NoLan, "Co-operative Banks." Dudley Prescott, "Stories and Ventriloquism"; Dr. Lon F. Brine; Charles T. Dolan. Nov. 18, 1901 Jamaica Plain Council of the K. of C. entertained. Dec. 16, 1901 Michael P. Curran, "The National Responsibilities in Cuba"; Fred O. Dickey; Walter J. Kugler. Jan. 20, 1902 Patrick O'Loughlin, Esq., "Tales of Travel Abroad"; Jas. J. Herrick; Walter J. Kugler. Feb. 25, 1902 Dr. Edw. M. Plummer, "Ancient and Modern Ath- letics." Henry S. Horan, "Short Address on Swimming"; Jas. M. O'Brien ; Thos. A. Watterson. April 21, 1902 Hon. Herbert S. Carruth, "Las Casas, Protector of the Indians"; Ralph Cartoof; Chas. T. Dolan. May 19, 1902 Michael J. O'Brien, "The Influence of the Celt"; Daniel J. Murphy ; Chas. T. Dolan. Nov. 17, 1902 Hon. Joseph Devlin, M. P., "The Irish National Movement"; Wm. H. Hay ward; Chas. T. Dolan. Dec. 15, 1902 Jos. M. Sullivan, Esq., "Marriage and Divorce in Ancient Ireland"; Sig. Carlo Passananti; Thos. A. Watterson. Feb. 20, 1903 James A. Dorsey, Esq., "A Period of Irish Elo- quence" ; Fred O. Dickey ; Chas. T. Dolan. April 21, 1903 Rev. Daniel W. Evans. "The Coal-Miners of Penn" ; I Michael F. Dillon; Chas. T. Dolan. May 18, 1903 Edw. F. McSweeney. "Irish Immigration to the j U. S."; Daniel J. Murphy; Chas. T. Dolan. Sept. 21, 1903 ' Patrick J. Lynch, "Ireland's Progress towards Home Rule" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Walter J. Kugler. Oct. 19, 1903 Prof. Geo. F. Moore, "Ireland's Learning in the Dark Ages"; Fred O. Dickey; Chas. T. Dolan. Nov. 16, 1903 Rev. Albert B. Shields, "Art and Life in London and Paris" : John J. Kelley ; Chas. T. Dolan. Dec. 21, 1903 Michael J. Dwyer, Esq.. "Robert Emmet." Jan. 18, 1904 Rev. Thos. I. Gasson, S. J., "The Making of a Jesuit"; Jas. F. Woods; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Feb. 17, 1904 John O'Callaghan. "The Parnell Movement" ; John j B. Donovan ; Walter J. Kugler. April 18, 1904 I Hon. Chas. S. Hamlin, "Travels in Alaska"; Wm. ! H. Stedman ; Chas. T. Dolan. May 16, IffOi j Adolphus G. McVey. "The Men I Met while Yacht- I ing" ; Hamilton Hopkins; Jas. L. Gilbert. 116 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY Oct. 17, 1904 Nov. 21, 1904 Dec. 19, 1904 Jan. 18, 1905 Feb. 20, 1905 April 24, 1905 May 15, 1905 Nov. 20, 1905 Dec. 22, 1905 Jan. 15, 1906 Feb. 19, 1906 April 16, 1906 May 21, 1906 Oct. 15, 1906 Nov. 19, 1906 Dec. 19, 1906 Jan. 21, 1907 Feb. 19, 1907 April 15, 1907 May 20, 1907 Oct. 21, 1907 Nov. 18, 1907 Dec. 18, 1907 Jan. 21, 1908 April 28, 1908 May 18, 1908 Nov. 16, 1908 Hon. John A. Sullivan, "The Present Congress" ; Edw. F. Orchard; Chas. T. Dolan. Thomas A. Mullen, Esq., "Literary Studies in Ire- land" ; Fred O. Dickey. Hon. Chris. P. Connolly, "The Butte, Mont. Mining Camp"; Thomas E. Clifford; Chas. T. Dolan. Peter S. McNally, "Swimming and Life-Saving"; Thos. C. Murphy ; Thos. A. Watterson. Michael J. Dwyer, Esq., "The Literature of To- bacco" ; John B. Donovan ; Thos. A. Watterson. Felix W. McGettrick, Esq., "Things Irish and American" ; Chas. Delmont ; Thos. A. Watterson. Hon. Chas. H. Slattery, "The Government of Bos- ton" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Thos. A. Watterson. Prof. Chas. H. Morse, "Electricity" ; Charles W. Twombly ; Thos. A. Watterson. Dr. Chas. D. McCarthy. "Land-Marks of Medical History" ; Thos. C. Murphy ; Thos. A. Watterson. Rev. Peter MacQueen, "Panama" ; Jas. M. O'Brien ; Thos. A. Watterson. John O'Callaghan, "The Irish National Situation Today" ; Robert F. Waul ; Thos. A. Watterson. Thos. Harrison Cummings, "Illustrious Irishmen of a Century"; Thos. E. Clifford; Thos. A. Watterson. Dr. Thos. J. Dillon, "The Story of the Gael" ; Jos. S. Judge; Mrs. Jos. S. Judge. John R. Murphy, Esq., "Home Rule and English Democracy" ; Dan'l J. Murphy ; Walter J. Kugler. James P. Kelley, of Buenos Ayres, "Our South American Neighbors"; Sig. Alcide de Andrea; Walter J. Kugler. Commander John E. Gilman, "My Army Remini- scences" ; Thos. C. Murphy ; Walter J. Kugler. Rev. Hugh F. Blunt, "Irish Bards : Old and New" ; (The Speaker) ; .Walter J. Kugler. Hon. Joseph Walker, "Life Insurance for Wage Earners" ; Thos. J. Hurley ; Walter J. Kugler. Francis Hurtubis, Jr., Esq., "The Governors of Mass." ; Redmond J. Owens ; Walter J. Kugler. John J. O'Hare, Esq., "Commodore John Barry" ; Jas. H. Rattigan ; Walter J. Kugler. Joseph J. Murphy, "Recent National Political Con- ventions" ; Fred O. Dickey ; Walter J. Kugler. Frank V. Thompson, "The Commercial Schools of Europe" ; Jos. L. Collins ; Walter J. Kugler. Chas. D. Maginnis, "The Catholic Church and Art" ; Edw. A. McGonagle ; Walter J. ' Kugler. Joseph Smith, "Character" ; Thos. C. Murphy ; Jas. T. Whelan. Wm. S. Youngman, "Charles River Improvements" ; Joseph J. Ecker; Walter J. Kugler. Senator James H. Vahey ; Wm. A. McDevitt, Jr. ; Walter J. Kugler. .John O'Callaghan, "Ireland's Twenty Years' Prog- ress" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Jas. T. Whelan. GUESTS AS SPEAKERS AND ENTERTAINERS 117 Dec. 21, 1908 Jan. 19, 1909 Feb. 15. 1909 April 27, 1909 May 18, 1909 Oct. 18, 1909 Dec. 20, 1909 Jan. 17, 1910 April 18, 1910 May 16, 1910 Oct. 17, 1910 Nov. 28, 1910 Dec. 19, 1910 Jan. 16, 1911 Feb. 20, 1911 April 28, 1911 May 15, 1911 Oct. 16, 1911 Nov. 20, 1911 Dec. 15, 1911 Jan. 15, 1912 Feb. 16, 1912 April 15, 1912 May 20, 1912 Oct. 21, 1912 Edwin Mulready, "The Other Side" ; Thos. E. Clifford; John P. Hession. Jeremiah J. Hurley, "Immigration"; Jos. L. Col- lins ; Edw. Illingworth. James B. Connolly, "The Cruise of the U. S. Fleet" ; Fred O. Dickey ; Walter J. Kugler. Hon. Herbert S. Carruth, "Present Day Problems" ; Edw. J. Fitzgerald; John P. Hession. Joel Hathaway, "An American in the Philippines" ; Jos. S. Judge; Walter J. Kugler. Hon. James A. Gallivan, "The Streets of Old Bos- ton" ; Daniel J. Murphy ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Michael J. Jordan, Esq., "The Parliamentary Sit- uation in Ireland Today" ; Archie MacDonald ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Edw. F. MacSweeney, "The City's Best Asset" ; Walter Greenwood; Lawrence B. O'Connor. James A. Burns, "Trans-Atlantic Voyages" ; John B. Donovan ; Walter J. Kugler. Hon. Jos. C. Pelletier, "Civil Service"; Thos. J. Hurley ; Walter J. Kugler. James J. Gearin, Esq., "A Trip through Ireland" ; John Z. Kelley ; Patrick F. Sherln. Louis K. Rourke, "The Panama Canal" ; Thomas E. Clifford; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Samuel J. Elder, Esq., "The Hague Tribunal" ; Mozart Male Quartette; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Rev. Jeremiah M. Prendergast, S. J., "The Life and Work of Gilbert K. Chesterton" ; Wm. A. McDevitt, Jr. Hon. Wm. T. A. Fitzgerald, "Ancient and Modern Methods of Acquiring Real Estate, etc." ; Harry S. and Geo. L. McDevitt; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Judge Michael J. Murray, "Criminal Law and Pro- cedure" ; John Z. Kelley ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Thomas H. Dowd, "Rambles through the West" ; Edw. A. McGonagle ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Stephen O'Meara ; Edward McHugh, Jr. ; Law^rence B. O'Connor. Rev. Bernard Vaughan, S. J., "Life in a London Slum"; Master Wm. McAuliffe; Benedict Fitz- Gerald. Hon. Joseph A. Conry, "Russia" ; Joseph L. Col- lins ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Herbert Parker; Martin M. Kelly; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Sherman L. Whipple, Esq., "Are Our Courts Up-to- Date?" Thomas W. Kerr; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Rev Chas. F. Bridges, S. J., "Physical, Historical and Religious Aspects of the Island of Jamaica." Dr. James T. Gallagher, "Picturesque Ireland" ; George Sykes ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. James B. Carroll, "The Workmen's Compen- sation Act" ; George Sykes ; Lawrence B. O'Con- nor. 118 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY Nov. 22, 1912 Dec. 16, 1912 Jan. 20, 1913 Feb. 17, 1913 April 21, 1913 May 19, 1913 Oct. 20, 1913 Nov. 19, 1913 Dec. 15, 1913 Jan. 19, 1914 Feb. 16, 1914 April 21, 1914 May 18, 1914 Oct. 19, 1914 Nov. 16, 1914 Dec. 21, 1914 Jan. 18, 1915 Feb. 15, 1915 April 20, 1915 May 17, 1915 Oct. 18, 1915 Rev. Fred A. Murphy, O. F. M., "The Chinese Revolution of 1911" ; John D. Clarke ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Norman H. White, Esq., "The Railroad Situation in New England"; John F. McDevitt; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Horace G. Allen, "The Rapid Transit Prob- lem in Boston" ; Peter Mordelia Prof. Wm. T. Sedgwick, "Microbes: Good, Bad and Indifferent" ; Maurice Quinlan ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Arthur W. Dolan, "The Probate Court" ;Rob- ert Fitzgerald ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Frank J. Donahue, "The Business of the Commonwealth"; Percy F. Baker; Lawrence B. O'Connor. William A. Murphy, "The People and the Times" ; Master Edward McLean ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. C. O'Connell Galvin, "Ireland Today"; William H. O'Brien ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Joseph F. O'Connell, "The Irish in the American Revolution" ; John J. Shaughnessey ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. James E. ' McConnell, Esq., "Irish Valor: A Page from Unwritten History" ; William Valade ; Law- rence B. O'Connor. Frank J. Randall, Esq., "Prison Reform" ; Michael F. Dillon ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Joseph H. O'Neil, "Banks and Banking" ; Michael J. Phinn ; Patrick J. Phinn. Hon. Curtis Guild, "Our Commercial Relations with Russia" ; Thomas J. Hurley ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. John F. Fitzgerald, "New England's Business Atmosphere" ; Attilio de Crescenzo and Joseph Florian of the Boston Theatre Opera Co. ; John Craig Kelley. Hon. Thomas P. Riley. Adj. Gen. Chas. H. Cole, M. V. M., "The Mass. Volunteer Militia" ; William Healey ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Rev. Florence J. Halloran, "The Old Missions of California"; William H. O'Brien; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Hon. Peter F. Tague. "Legislative Experiences on Beacon Hill" ; His Eminence, Cardinal O'Connell was present, and spoke informally, also; Joseph Antonelli : Lawrence B. O'Connor. Allan J. McLaughlin, M. D., "Preventable Dis- eases"; James Meredith; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Thos. F. Harrington, M. D.. "Preventive Medicine." Timothy J. Murphy, M. D., "Tuberculosis." Thomas F. Rice, Esq., "The Panama Canal" ; Wm. B. Myrtetus ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. E. Mark Sullivan, Esq., "The Modern Tendency." GUESTS AS SPEAKERS AND ENTERTAINERS 119 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. April May Sept. Oct. 15, 1915 20, 1915 17. 1916 21, 1916 17, 1916 15, 1916 18, 191G 10, 1916 Denis A. McCartliy, "A Poet's Outlook of Life"; Harry W. Hudson ; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Capt. Augustus G. Reynolds, "More than Half a Century of Street- Railroading" ; Fred J. Bond; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Prof. Fred N. Robinson, "Geasa, or Taboos, as a Tragic Motif in old Irish Sagas" ; Sig. Giovanni Curti (concert harpist). Rev. Michael J. Ahern, S. J., "The Passion Play," Thomas S. Burns; Lawrence B. O'Connor. Pres't Henry G. Wells of Mass. Senate and Walter H. Creamer of Lynn, "Some Needed Tax Re- forms" ; John Z. Kelley ; Patrick F. Sherin. Rev. Michael J. Murphy, "Life Behind Prison Walls"; Columbus Glee Club of Lynn; Patrick F. Sherin. Hon. David L Walsh, "In the Orient"; Thomas F. Hayes; Patrick F. Sherin. Very Rev. Charles W. Lyons, S. J., "Problems after the War"; Joseph J. Ecker; Lawrence B. O'Con- nor. CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. On Membership Rolls continuously for twenty-five years and over. 1 Dr. John B. Moran Mar. 17 2 Hon. Joseph D. Fallon Mar. 17 3 Bernard Corr Mar. 17 4 George R. Brine Mar. 17 5 Edmund. Reardon Mar. 17 6 John O'Hare Dec 16, 7 James F. Farley Mar. 17 8 Daniel Noonan Sept. 15, 9 Thomas Butler Mar. 17 10 Daniel G. Finnerty Dec. 20 11 John P. Manning. Esq Mar. 17 12 Hon. John H. Burke Mar. 18 13 Hon. John F. Dever April 15 14 Hon. John B. Martin June 16 15 Capt. Thomas Ryan June 16 16 James J. Lyons Mar. 17 17 Michael J. Kelley April 4 18 Brig. Gen. Lawrence J. Logan April 4 19 Edward A. McLaughlin, Esq April 4 20 Paul H. Kendricken June 19 21 Hon. John W. Cummings June 25 22 Maurice J. McKenna Dec. 17 23 Michael Burke Mar. 17 24 Daniel Clark Mar. 17 25 Hon. Michael J. Creed Mar. 17 26 Frank J. Riley Mar. 17 27 Thomas B. Fitzpatrick Mar. 17 28 Michael Dolan June 16 29 Patrick O'Loughlin, Esq June 16 30 Capt. Jeremiah G. Fennessey Jan. 19, 31 John P. Shea Feb. 16 32 Thomas F. Galvin Mar. 17 33 Hon. James W. McDonald Mar. 34 Thomas Sproules Mar. 35 Patrick H. Costello April 20, 36 James E. Cotter, p:sq April 20, 37 John D. O'Connor April 20 38 Daniel L. Prendergast April 20 39 John J. McGrath May 18 40 James W. Kenney Nov. 16 41 Jeremiah H. Mullane Dec. 21 42 Thomas M. Lane Dec. 21 43 James H. Carney Jan. 44 Edward C. Donnelly Jan. 45 John F. McNamee Jan. 46 James P. Kelly Feb. 47 Capt. John F. Murray Feb. 48 Patrick Welch Feb. 49 Albert C. Haley Mar. 17 50 Timothy F. Harrigan Mar. 17 17 17: 18 18 18, 15 15 15 1860 18^ 1866 1867 1867 1872 1873 1873 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1879 1879 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 Rl, MEMBERSHIP ROLLS— TWENTY -FIVE YEARS 121 51 Hon. Joseph H. O'Neil Mar 17, 18^ 52 John O'Conner f Prij 19. j^ 53 John J. Sullivan Apr 19, 1^ 54 William Tobin ^P^H 19, 1886 55 William A. Miller Sept. 20, 188b 56 Michael H. Curley Dec. 20,1886 57 Hon. John F. Fitzgerald Dec. 20, 1886 58 Edward Heffernan Dec. 20, 1886 59 John J. McNally Dec. 20, 1886 60 James J. Sullivan Dec. 20, 1886 61 William J. McGrath Jan. 17,1887 62 John McHu,2:h Jan. 1^ 1887 63 Edward A. Morrissey Jan. 1 ( , 1887 64 Francis Burke, Esq Feb. 21, 1887 65 John J. Collins, Esq Feb. 21, 1887 66 Thomas F. Hunt Mar. 17,1887 67 William Murphy Mar. 17, 1887 68 Henry A. Plympton Mar. 17, 1887 69 Michael Maynes April 18, 1887 70 Michael J. Carroll April 18, 1887 71 Gustave De Cocke April 18, 1887 72 James W. Dunphy April 18, 1887 73 John E. Griffin April 18, 1887 74 John F. Murphy April 18, 1887 75 Thomas J. Egan May 16, 1887 76 William Glynn Sept. 19, 1887 77 WiUiam J. Cahill Feb. 20, 1888 78 Edward W. Dixon Feb. 20, 1888 79 John J. Ryan Feb. 20, 1888 80 James F. Aylward, Esq Mar. 17. 1888 81 John A. Collins Mar. 17. 1888 82 James Campbell Jan. 21. 1889 83 Timothy F. Hagerty Jan. 21, 1889 84 William O'Hearn April 15, 1889 85 Edward J. Jennings Sept. 16,1889 86 Dr. William J. Gallivan Dec. 16. 1889 87 Daniel E. Tenney Dec. 16. 1889 88 Hon. James Donovan Jan. 20, 1890 89 Joseph E. Doherty Feb. 17. 1890 90 Michael J. Dwyer, Esq Feb. 17. 1890 91 William J. Flynn Feb. 17. 1890 92 John M. Ludden Feb. 17, 1890 93 Denis Lyons Feb. 17, 1890 94 Henry M. Flynn May 19, 1890 95 William J. Dooley Oct. 24, 1890 96 John F. Cronan, Esq Dec. 15, 1890 97 Stephen Brennan Feb 16 1891 98 John H. Cauley April 20. 1891 99 Michael J. Sughrue, Esq April 20, 1891 100 John W. McAnarney, Esq May 18,1891 101 Declan D. Corcoran, Esq Sept. 21,1891 102 James J. Graham Sept 2l' 1891 103 Thomas A. Mullen, Esq Sept 2l' 1891 104 Cornelius J. O'Hern Sept 21 ' 1891 105 Augustus T. Donovan Dec 28* 1891 106 Jeremiah J. McNamara Dec 28! 1891 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. ■'■ ■ NECROLOGY Oct. 17, 1904 James Lee Jan. 1, 1910 Sept. 20, 1880 Jeremiah W. Fogarty Jan. 20, 1010 Mar. 17, lliOS Daniel F. Lelian Jan. 24, 1910 April 24, 1904 John J. O'G. McBride Feb. 10, 1910 ^une 16, 1884 John B. Fitzpatrick Feb. 27, 1910 Mar. 17, 1898 John McDonald Mar. 8, 1910 Mar. 17. 1909 James A. McNamee April 6. 1910 ]!>Iar. 18, 1878 James J. Barry April 12, 1910 Sept. 20, 1852 Michael J. Ward May 8, 1910 Oct. 15, 1906 William H. Reid May 17, 1910 Feb. 21, 1887 Michael T. Callahan May 23, 1910 June 25, 188S Edward Murphy June 29, 1910 Mar. 17, 1884 Richard F. Keough June 30, 1910 Jan. 18, 1886 Capt. John F. Ryan July 27, 1910 April 18, 1887 Richard J. McKelleget Oct. 17, 1910 Sept. 19, 1887 Richard J. Walsh Nov. 13, 1910 June 25, 1883 Capt. Timothy A. Hurley Dee. 1, 1910 Mar. 17, 1887 John D. Fogarty Jan. 19, 1911 i)ec. 19, 1898 Michael Fitzpatrick Feb. 18, 1911 Mar. 17, 1887 Edward A. Moseley April 18, 1911 April 18, 1892 Thomas Doyle April 19, 1911 Dec. 19, 1887 Daniel McSweeney May 28, 1911 Feb. 15, 1886 James D. Casey June 11, 1911 Jan. 21, 1895 Joseph P. Crosby June 28, 1911 Mar. 17, 1888 Patrick H. Conway July 3, 1911 Mar. 17, 1888 Hon. David F. Barry July 23, 1911 Nov. 21, 1892 Simon J. Donovan Aug. 15, • 1911 Feb. 20, 1893 Michael A. Toland Sept. 2, 1911 Oct. 18, 1909 John A. Fleming Sept. 9, 1911 Dec. 20, 1886 Martin Fay Sept. 10, 1911 Mar. 17, 1898 Patrick J. Carroll Nov. 6, 1911 Jan. 21, 1901 Dr. Lon F. Brine Nov. 8, 1911 Nov. 16, 1891 James F. Sweeney Nov. 16, 1911 June 16, 1884 Michael T. Clarke Nov. 20, 1911 April 16, 1888 John Behan Nov. 29, 1911 April 20, 1885 James Fagan Feb. 2, 1912 Sept. 15, 1883 Peter Daily Feb. 16, 1912 Mar. 17, 1884 John H. Duane Mar. 16, 1912 Mar. 17, 1903 Edward Kelley Mar. 16, 1912 Mar. 17, 1911 John T. Simpson April 9, 1912 Mar. 17, 1911 Thomas F. Myles AprillS, 1912 Feb. 16, 1912 Dennis F. Murphy May 18, 1912 Mar. 18, 1878 Capt. Denis J. Gorman May 27, 1912 Bee. 21, 1908 John T. Slattery July 23, 1912 May 20. 1901 John R. Walsh July 27, 1912 April 16, 1888 John W. Home Aug. 25, 1912 Nov. 28, 1910 William A. Quinn Sept. 12, 1912 Feb. 20, 1899 William A. Moore Sept. 14, 1912 Mar. 17, 1887 Edward Sliney Sept. 29. 1912 Mar. 17, 1886 George Phillips Oct. 4 .1912 NECROLOGY 123 Kiov. 16, 1896 Dr. Thomas J. Dillon Oct. 16, April 15, 1901 Dr. James C. McKenna Dee. 6, Mar. 17, 1911 Harry Fogarty Jan. 13. iran. 16, 1911 John J. McGreenery Feb. 5, Mar. 17, 1894 Lawrence Duffy Feb. 19, April 14, 1881 Michael W. Fitzgibbons Feb. 20, Mar. 17, 1884 Charles V. Dasey May 20, Sept. 20, 1886 James Lyons May 29, April 17, 1899 John O'Callaghan July 27, April 16, 1877 Hon. William W. Doherty Aug. 15, Kov. 20, 1911 John F. Kennedy Aug. 20, Jan. 18, 1886 Robert E. Maguire Sept. 8, t)ec. 21, 1903 John W. Mitten Sept. 23, Feb. 18, 1889 James V. Devine pec. 16, Mar. 18, 1912 George F. Roughan Dec. 25, Feb. 17, 1890 Michael Morrison Dec. 31, June 16, 1884 James F. Brown Feb. 12, Mar. 18, 1912 John Kennedy April 19, May 20, 1912 Louis J. Fitzpatrick .Tune 4, Mar. 17, 1881 Hon. Michael M. Cunniff June 21, Jan. 10, 1896 William H. Quirk .Tune 30, Dec. 20, 1911 William T. Kiley July 2 Mar. 17, 1888 James C. McCarthy July 11.' April 21, 1902 John S. Mullen July 29, Jan. 20, 1913 Cornelius F. Buckley Aug. 9 Mar. 18, 1912 Thomas F. Fitzgerald Aug. 30,' Oct. 16, 1911 Hon. Anthony W. Reddy Sept. 22, Sept. 16, 1912 George F. Fitzgerald Oct. 28, Oct. 7, 1898 John J. Franey .Tan. 10, Oct. 16, 1911 Hon. John B. Ratigan Feb. 1, April 15, 1901 James Campbell Feb. 24, Jan. 21, 1889 John McMahon Feb. 27, Feb. 17, 1904 Malachi L. Jennings Mar. 12, Sept. 19, 1881 Joseph Cogan Mar. 27, April 28, 1911 Daniel F. Lynch Mar. 29. Mar. 17, 1915 Hon. William H. Woods May 3, Feb. 16, 1912 Edward J. Welch May 17, M:ir. 18, 1912 Dr. John J. Gallahue May 17, June 16, 1884 Thomas J. Mitchell May 30, April 15, 1912 Gilbert J. Moriarty June 5, May 20, 1900 Patrick F. Ford .Tune 12, INIar. 17, 1910 Stephen J. Driscoll .Tune 12, Feb. 19, 1894 Richard Murphy Aug. 20, Dec. 20, 1911 Matthew J. O'Hara Aug. 31. May 20, 1912 John H. Flynn Sept. 15, Feb. 16, 1912 Michael E. Gilboy Sept. 26, Mar. 17, 1868 James 0. Fallon Oct. 14, Sept. 18, 1893 Patrick F. Griffin Oct. 26, April 21, 1903 .Tames A. Hickey Nov. 6, Jan. 15, 1912 Patrick J. Chambers Nov. 23, .Tan. 18, 1886 Cnpt. Henry J. McKee Nov. 25. Dec. 20, 1911 Edward F. Skahan Dee. 1, Feb. 17, 1900 Dr. Francis H. Barnes Dec. 11. T^eb. 17, 1912 Rev. James J. McCarthy Dec. 13, Mar. 18, 1912 Capt. E. O'Meagher Condon Dec. 15. Mar. 18, 1912 Thomas F. Boyle Dec. 21, 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1&13 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 124 CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY Mar. 18, 1912 Patrick C. Barr Jan. 2, 1916 Jan. 21, 1895 T. Frank Noonan Jan. 3, 1916 Feb. 16, 1885 Thomas F. Tafle Jan. 5, 1916 Mar. 17, 1886 Joseph P. Whelan Jan. 26, 1916 Mar. 17, 1885 Capt. Laurence Cain Feb. 9, 1916 April 24, 1905 Hon. Lawrence Reade Feb. 14, 1916 April 15, 1895 James H. Walsh Mar. 8, 1916 Dec. 16, 1912 Dr. Thomas H. O'Connor Mar. 30, 1916 April 18, 1892 Bernard J. Devine Mar. 30, 1916 Mar. 17. 1880 Thomas A. Crawford April 8, 191G Feb. 16, 1912 Jeremiah P. O'Riorden May 12, 1916 April 19, 1886 James K. Crowley June 2, 1916 Feb. 16, 1912 Hon. John A. Coulthurst June 30, 1916 April 28, 1911 Martin Dolan July 2, 1916 May 15, 1911 Thomas Minton July 5, 1916 May 18, 1903 Michael J. Corliss July 12, 1916 June 19, 1882 Capt. John J. Hanley Aug. 17, 1916 May 20, 1907 C. O'Connell Galvin Sept. 28, 1916 Mar. 17, 1911 Dr. Joseph M. Kiggen Oct. 14, 1916 H 46^78 "^ CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. OFFICERS18T71 j; — AsBttl.. John P. Loiili> Mloluml .1. 3i)r(liiii MIoliiu'l A. 'lV.hunl Jnlm .1. Kot'iiiiii n. IVi KilwnrilA. M.Lau, Cbiirles V. Dust Ertwiii-.l J. I'ly: I'jili-l.-k M, Ki i.T. A. Fitzgerald John 11. Dill JoUn IX. Dore Patrick O'Louelilta PHlrlck 0'l.ouelilln RU-lmrd J. lUcbiirtl J. I^ne I »««>>. A. Ilrk-kley Parlh. A. nrlckloy ] 3nbn A. KIkcvd John A. KlRiW-n } <*"<"'^>^ "■ OowlT l^iirlok II. tTtmlpr : •'«'"> M- naro*j JobD M Harney ! D«iil*l V Mcl«»»f John O^nton Jobn Conlon Jobn F. Culliil Jolin F. Ciiliiilm Putrkk V. Sulllv; riilrlck I''. Sulil ilrlck F. Siilllvi Tliomus F. Taff TlHUiiiis F. Till '['(minus F. T:i Thomiis F. Tuff Thomns F. Tn Thomns F. Tuff Tlioutns F. Tuff Tliomns P. Tnff Tbotnns F. Taff J. Sloiirt MaoCurrj John A. Dalj- Jobn A. Daly Deois H. MorrLxer Denis H. Murrlsvy Jobn F. Di'v, Jobn F. Devcr Jcremlab \V. Fognrly all \V. Ffinariy Tercinliib \V. Pogarly Jereiiiltili \V. Fc Jeremliib W. Jercnitab W, Fogariy J.Tcnil.ih \V. F, ISVI) JobD W. KerKiisoii Fdwufil A. Moi I'Mward A. MnrrlH< Fdwar.l A, Murrls. Fdward A. M«n PalrlL-k U. Coil Patrick MuKiilr FdwnnI It. Itiii Vllliani It. 1>. JobD \V. McDonald .Patrick Uagalre {John GalTtn Patrick MasulT« Jobn QaUlD llttory K. Mam Daniel Q. FLnncrtsr JubD Osbom*. Jr. Jobn Curtlu Patrick F. SulUvan luba Curtlu .'atrlck K. SullWaa Itcury F. MaK«« itrlck F. SulUvan llliam U. Daley WlllUui B. Daley 1 B. Kr ■ • L. Wnl I-Mwurd B. Unuklu ubu U. Burko UttulM J. Uunuiiu James B. Cotter Cbarloa V. Doioy Jobn T, Scully Palrick M. Conway Jolin H. Duai Joliii J. Mi-iln L'barlea Y. Daaey Wllllnm B. Dnley rhoniaa F. Taff TlioniHH F. Taff KMwiirtl J. Flyun I'ntrlck M. KcathiK DcnlH J. dormnn Frank J. Klley Julin J. SulUvan UonlH J. aornian Jolin J. HulUvan Jolm H. Duaiio Mnrtin Fay Jotin J. Sullivan Joliii H. Diianv Martin Fav Janii-s n. bcvlln Jobn H. Diuine Martin Fay James II. Devlin Jobn P. Leaby Jobn P. Lcaby Jolm J. MrOriith Jobn J. M<-rinilti I'nti Jobn J. McOmth Jobn I*. Mil Jobn B. Done Jofatt J- McOmtb i Jobij J. Uctimtb JobD J. Mr-Oralb Jowpb P. O'l^uebllo Jowfb P. O'LMVBblla Ja«(^b P. CTLoaKbllB Barth. A. Brlrklp] Patrick n, I'rowley Jaho M. Tlamry DanM V. Mcl>aa< Jobs J. SnlUvaa „ J. Flatley MlulHifl J. Jordan I MIclmel A. Tolaud i William SulUvan Win. T. A. Fl Kdwnril n. Plokhnm Jamos F. Hweoncy Kdward II. Plnkbnn Jamr>)i U. Dt>vllD. Jr Franria' W. Fo«nriy Kdwin h. Cooper KniucU W. Foffflriy Fnincia W. Fogariy Jainn K. Tracy Patrick II. Crowley Patrick il. Crowley JohD U. Han>*y Joba J. Haltlvas fleoffrrj B- Leby jjaiim V UrI>«>riBa1t JobD J ttaUlvaa Jmm*m A Dorwy r ^^ '.mm.' .^^ ^^ '^ ^ ,^' O '<' Q o o V .0' 0^ ^o V -^0^ ,0^ ^^ V '-. ->• V - " ''° ^1" * 'v' "^ ^^0^ ^o V ^<#-!''' sV- ^ A ■ S ^, -V ,-^ o V -^ 0' V-. ..^ ^ -^> iv^.' .J' "^^ --MtP,^ . '^^ '"^ ^yi%^.' j^ 'h \ f* -^^ ^ 0' -. ..-