Class Book Copyright N?_ COPVR1GHT DEPOSIT General Data ON Thomson Watthour Meters General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. December, 1912 No. Y-ii .Q52 Copyrighted, 1912, by General Electric Company 3-117 0CLA33O178 THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS The information and instructions given in this book are general in character and may be modified by special information which may accompany meters when shipped. FINISH OF THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS The finish of Thomson watthour meters is designated at the factory by numbers. Finish No. 1. Prominent parts finished in buffed brass. " No. 2. Prominent parts finished in buffed nickel. No. 3. Cover and base black japan. " No. 4. Prominent parts oxidized. No. 5. Prominent parts finished in dull black marine. Switchboard watthour meters both alternating current and direct current are, unless otherwise specified, finished in dull black marine. House type watthour meters are always finished in black japan. ORDERING THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS DIRECT CURRENT METERS In ordering direct current meters the following data is required: type and catalogue number, complete rating in amperes and volts (quoting normal operating voltage) , nature of circuit (whether two- or three-wire) . ALTERNATING CURRENT METERS In ordering alternating current meters, in addition to the above informa- tion, specify the frequency and nature of the circuit upon which meters are to be used, i.e. whether single-phase, two-phase three-wire, three-phase three-wire, two-phase four-wire or three-phase four-wire. If three-phase four-wire state both the normal delta and Y voltages of the circuit. If meters are to be used with transformers in the customer's possession the primary and secondary windings as well as the ratio should be specified. If the transformers are to operate other devices these should be specified so that it may be determined whether the meters will operate satisfactorily on such a combination. If a customer orders meters for use with transformers of other than General Electric manufacture the meters will be calibrated in accordance with their specified ratios assuming a straight line-calibration curve. In no instance should meters be operated from the secondaries of power transformers instead of potential transformers. Standard General Electric current transformers have a five ampere secondary winding and potential transformers a 110 volt secondary winding. The meters used with transformers are therefore wound for 5 amperes, 110 volts. PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS In ordering prepayment watthour meters in addition to information applying in general to the class of meter desired, the rate of charge per kilowatt- hour for which the meters are to be adapted should also be specified. ORDERING OF PARTS Parts for obsolete as well as modern meters may be secured from the factory at any time. When ordering parts, the factory is greatly assisted if, in addition to the full rating, the serial number of the meter for which parts are desired is quoted. Correct material can always be sent if samples are forwarded with order, although, in most cases, samples are not required. Where catalogue numbers have been assigned to meter parts, they should be specified when ordering. CALIBRATING VOLTAGES AND NAME PLATE STAMPING Meters for both secondary and primary circuits will be calibrated and stamped in accordance with the following tabulation. Meters which are received at the factory for repairs or recalibration will be returned with their original name plate marking. Meters which are received at the factory for converting into another capacity must of necessity have their name plates changed. In such cases the tabulation as noted on page 5 will be followed. Prior to April 1, 1912, the range of voltage was from 100 to 120, 200 to 240 instead of 106 to 120 and 212 to 240 and all data can be used upon the previous range. Volts Ampere Calibration Volts Ordered Capacity Voltage Stamped 50/55 All 55 50/55 106/110 3/600 inc. 110 106/110 106/110 Above 600 110 110 111/115 3/600 inc. 115 111/115 111/115 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 116/120 3/600 inc. 120 116/120 116/120 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 121/130 3/600 inc. 130 121/130 121/130 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 212/220 3/600 inc. 220 212/220 212/220 Above 600 220 220 221/230 3/600 inc. 230 221/230 221/230 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 231/240 3/600 inc. 240 231/240 231/240 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 400/440 3/600 inc. 440 400/440 400/440 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 441/480 3/600 inc. 480 441/480 441/480 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 500/550 3/600 inc. 525 500/550 500/550 Above 600 550 550 551/600 3/600 inc. 575 551/600 551/600 Above 600 As ordered As ordered 1000/1100 All 110 1000/1100 1150 All 115 1150 2000/2200 All 110 2000/2200 2300 All 115 2300 3300 All 110 3300 5500 All 110 5500 6600 All 110 6600 11000 All 110 11000 13200 All 110 13200 Note: — This does not include portable test meters. These are calibrated and marked as ordered. JEWELS AND PIVOTS As in the past, the General Electric Company continues to use only the highest grade of selected Eastern sapphires, and diamonds. Each jewel is subjected to a rigid inspection, binocular microscopes being employed. Stones which do not conform to requirements are rejected. It is obvious that the percentage of rejections is large since it is difficult to secure even at exorbitant prices stones entirely free from flaws. The most skilled workmen are engaged to cut, polish and set the jewels, methods being employed which are known only to the General Electric Company and which were perfected only at considerable expense and after years of careful research. A method has been perfected for cupping diamond as well as sapphire jewels which eliminates the necessity of the ring-stone end-stone jewel. Cupped diamond jewels are furnished in all direct current meters of 50 kw. capacity and over, sapphire jewels being furnished in direct current meters under this capacity and in all induction meters. It is needless to state that the life of a diamond jewel is considerably longer than that of a sapphire. For this reason some of the larger operating companies have adopted the use of diamond jewels in all direct current meters. The expense of diamond jewels is inappreciable when compared to the increased revenue received from continued accuracy upon the lighter loads. Jewels which during service have worn slightly may be returned to the factory for recupping and repolishing. Badly worn jewels will not permit of this and are rejected. All jewels repolished by the General Electric Company are taken from their settings. Any attempt to repolish them without doing this is not permissible since it is impossible to insure the elimination of the polishing powder. Pivots for Thomson watthour meters are made of the highest grade of steel wire drawn and hardened expressly to conform to the General Electric Company's requirements. The fine pivot points are forced into a brass plug one end of which is threaded to engage into the end of the meter shaft. The end of the pivot is then stoned and highly polished. Notwithstanding the rigid requirements which are exacted upon the manu- facturers of the wire, an analysis of the wire is made from time to time to deter- mine the proportion of its constituents. Owing to the possibility of pivot points becoming charged with fine particles of sapphire which cannot be readily removed, pivots should never be repolished. REPLACING JEWELS AND PIVOTS When inserting a new jewel, it may be found necessary to raise or lower the moving element of the meter due to a slight variation in the tension of the jewel spring. This is readily effected by first tightening the jewel in its bushing sufficiently to permit of the jewel and bushing being moved as a unit. Next, loosen the hexagonal check nut. The desired adjustment can then be made by turning the jewel screw up or down, its bushing moving with it. This applies to all Thomson watthour meters excepting such Type 1-10 as have no lower jewel bushing. In this case it is only necessary to loosen the check nut and back out the jewel. In replacing it care must be taken to see that the disk is left in the same position in the air gap as when found. To insert a new pivot, remove the jewel screw, insert the pivot wrench and remove the old pivot. Place the new pivot in the end of the pivot wrench and screw into the shaft. During this operation, it is well to either wedge the disk firmly or hold it by pressing near the hub with the index and middle fingers. Too much care cannot be exercised in this operation since one can easily bend the disk and shaft and, in the case of direct current watthour meters, alter the tension of the brushes. REGISTERS The older five pointer type of register has been replaced in modern meters by the four pointer type excepting in the Type 1-10 meter where a three pointer register is employed upon meters of 5 and 10 amperes capacity. The four pointer registers' used upon Type I, IS, D-3 and upon similar types of alternating current meters differ from the registers used upon Type C, CS, G-3 and similar direct current meters in the position of the driving dog. In registers for the alternating current meters this dog is below the center line of the register, while in the direct current meters it is above the center. For this reason when ordering registers, it is not sufficient to quote merely the register ratio and dial face multiplier, but preferably the serial number, type, and rating of the meter should be given to insure correct filling of the order. The significance of the figures stamped upon the back plate of a meter register and the relation of these figures to the marking on the dial face as well as the figures on the edge of the disk are as follows: The figure marked on the disk is known as the meter constant, denoted by the letter "K", and represents the watthours recorded per revolution of the disk. For example consider a Type D-3 Thomson polyphase watthour meter rated 10/5 amperes 2300/115 volts, 60 cycles, three-phase. A meter so rated has a meter constant "K" of 25; a register ratio of 40; a dial face multiplier of 10 with "10" over the first circle and reads in kilowatt-hours. One revolution of the first pointer in this case equals 100 kilowatt-hours or 100,000 watthours. In all modern General Electric meters the worm wheel which meshes with the worm upon the meter shaft has 100 teeth. Hence the disk must make 100 revolutions while the worm wheel is completing one. If 25 watthours are recorded by one revolution of the disk, for 100 revolutions or one revolution of the worm wheel 2500 watthours will have been recorded. The stamping upon the back plate of the register, which in this case is 40, signifies that the worm wheel must make 40 revolutions while the most rapidly moving pointer is completing one. Since 2500 watthours are recorded by one revolution of the worm wheel, 100,000 watthours will have been recorded when the worm wheel has completed 40 revolutions. From the above it will be seen that the following formula may be derived : Meter constant "K" X 100 X register ratio = number of watthours corres- ponding to one revolution of the most rapidly moving pointer. By substituting the proper values for two of the unknown factors in the above formula the third factor can readily be determined. This can be used to advantage in checking the value of the meter constant in case there is any question in regard to its accuracy. For example: Given I the number of watthours corresponding to one revolution of the first pointer as 100,000 and the register ratio as 40, to find the disk constant "K." Sub- stituting the values in the above formula and solving for "K" we have 100,000 watthours - = "K" 40X100 hence "K" =25 watthours. READING METER REGISTERS Some companies do not require the meter reader to record the exact reading of the register in kilowatt-hours, but provide him with a book of printed forms representing the circles on the dial face and their subdivisions. The person reading the meter has only to indicate in pencil the position of the register pointers and submit in this form to the billing department where one person interprets the indications. This is a very satisfactory method of reading meters as there is little chance of error and a definite record of the meter's performance is always avail- able. A sample sheet taken from such a record book is shown on page 9. All modern Thomson watthour meters are equipped with direct reading registers. As the name implies, the number of kilowatt-hours recorded is read directly from the dial and under no circumstances should a multiplying constant be used in reading the meter unless the words "Multiply by 10,'" " Multiply by 100," etc., appear on the dial face. One revolution of the most rapidly moving pointer on both house and switchboard type meter registers equals 10 kilowatt-hours except registers with multiplying constants. In the case of some low capacity meters the usual switchboard meter register would have a dial constant of 1/10. To overcome the use of a fractional multiplier in such cases a dial is used having "1 " over the most rapidly moving pointer, "10" over the second, etc. In other words such dials read 1 kilowatt-hour for one revolution of the fastest moving pointer. To distinguish these dials, the right-hand circle is black, pointer and figures being white. This distinguishing feature will prevent errors due to any oversight in noting the different units in which the dials read. It is customary to furnish switchboard meters with registers which move ten times as fast as those of house type meters of the same ratings so that log readings can be made. Whenever SWITCHBOARD METERS are read so infrequently that the dials may repeat too often, the meters can be furnished with house type registers which move only 1/10 as rapidly. Conversely house type meters may be furnished with switchboard registers in cases where frequent readings are necessary. To prevent the necessity of replacing standard registers on switchboard type meters, orders should state that the house type register should be furnished if frequent readings are not to be made. The dial of the combined PREPAYMENT METER is enlarged and contains, in addition to the standard marking, a scale marked in plain figures over which a pointer passes indicating the number of coins remaining to the credit of the customer. When the meter has a separate prepayment attach- ment, the dial showing the number of coins standing to the customer's credit is placed on the attachment. 8 NAME LOCATION Meter No._ Rate Capacity_ Constant. DATE RECORD READING DIFF. EXAMPLES IN READING METER REGISTERS In deciding the reading of a pointer, the pointer before it (to the right) must be consulted. Unless the pointer to the right has reached or passed zero, or in other words, completed a revolution, the other has not completed the division upon which it may appear to rest. Figures 1 to 7 inclusive will assist in reading and enable one to detect a misplaced dial hand. Fig. 1 reads 11 kw-hrs. as the pointer to the extreme right has made one complete revolution thus advancing the second pointer to the 1st digit and has itself passed the 1st digit on its dial. Fig. 3 reads 424 kw-hrs. The second pointer (from the right). has made four complete revolutions and has advanced the pointer of the third circle to the fourth digit. The first pointer has, disregarding the indications of the third circle, made two complete revolutions advancing the second pointer to the second digit and has itself passed the fourth digit on its dial. Fig. 5 reads 4588 kw-hrs. The third pointer (from the right) has made four complete revolutions and has advanced the pointer of the fourth circle to the fourth digit. The second pointer has, disregarding the indications on the fourth circle, made five revolu- tions and has advanced the pointer of the third circle to the fourth digit. The first pointer has, disregarding the indications of the third and fourth circles, made eight complete revolutions and has advanced the pointer of the second circle to the eighth digit and has itself passed the eighth digit on its dial. In Fig. 2 the pointer of the second circle is misplaced. The actual reading of the dial is 9 kw-hr., though one might erroneously read it 19 kw-hrs. The second pointer should not indicate one on its circle until the first pointer has reached or passed zero. In Fig. 4 the pointer of the third circle is misplaced. The actual reading of the dial is 9484 kw-hrs., although it might very easily be read 9584 kw-hrs. It will be seen that the second pointer has not yet reached or passed zero, reading only 8, consequently the third pointer should not rest at 5. In Fig. 6, the pointer of the fourth circle is misplaced. The actual reading of the dial is 2855 kw-hrs., although it might very easily be read 3855 kw-hrs. The third pointer, as will be noted, has not yet reached or passed zero, as it reads only 8, consequently the fourth pointer has not reached 3. In Fig. 7 the pointer of the second and fourth circles are misplaced. The actual reading of the dial is 4818 kw-hrs., although it might very easily be read 5828 kw-hrs. Since the first pointer to the right has not yet made a complete revolution, the pointer of the second circle should not indicate 2, and since the pointer of the third circle has not yet completed a revolution, the pointer of the fourth circle should not indicate 5. In a very short time, a person may by setting a meter register at different readings become familiar with the various positions of the pointers enabling them to read accurately and rapidly and determine at a glance a misplaced pointer. 10 EXAMPLES IN READING METER REGISTERS lYasV 5 & HOURS Fig. 1 Fig. 2 . KILOWATT HOURS - HOURS Fig. 3 Fig."4 fO.000 1.000 OO (0 •3 f tK # 3.13 '8 o K ' 5 ^x \£> 5 4, KILOWATT HOURS KILOWATT HOWS Fig. 5 Fig. 6 ^%4%ni KILOWATT HOURS Fig. 7 No. 1 = 11 kw-hrs. No. 2 = 9 kw-hrs. No. 3 = 424 kw-hrs. No. 4 =9484 kw-hrs. No. 5 =4588 kw-hrs. No. 6 =2855 kw-hrs. No. 7=4818 kw-hrs. 11 INS'TAtLIIfG THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS Instruction books showing the manner of connecting Thomson watthour meters in circuit and containing specific directions in regard to installing same are included in each shipment. This information should be carefully noted before attempting the installation. All Thomson watthour meters have a jewel bearing and should be handled with care. If the meter has a shipping device, this should, be used when trans- porting same to and from the point of installation, and the moving element should not be lowered on the jewel until all of the preliminary work of installa- tion has been completed. If the meter is of the house type, considerable judgment must be exercised in deciding upon a proper location for it. A dry, light place as free from vibra- tion as possible should be selected. The location of the meter should also be as accessible as possible, since this will decrease the amount of labor necessary in reading and testing it. It is always well to be sure that the meter operates freely on a light load before leaving it. Caution. Before leaving the meter, see that the top bearing is set midway between the shoulder of the worm and the top of the shaft, as shown in sketch on page 17, Fig. 9. In the installation of direct current watthour meters the adjustment of the brushes should be noted. Never leave a meter which sparks at the commutator. This may happen if the brush tension is too tight and will materially increase if the meter is subject to vibration. If the brush tension is too heavy, friction errors are introduced, causing the meter to register slow on the lighter loads. A method of estimating the brush tension is to draw first one and then the other arm approximately 3^8 in. from the commutator, noting when released that they do not rebound. REQUIREMENTS FOR CHECKING AND TESTING WATTHOUR METERS The importance of providing facilities for periodically checking the accuracy of watthour meters and making such minor repairs as may be necessary, is fast becoming recognized by all central station managers. It is considered the best practice to test house type meters on the cus- tomer's premises, and for this purpose rotating standards and portable meter testing rheostats are recommended. This method of testing saves the expense of transporting the meters to and from the central station, enables correct tests to be taken notwithstanding fluctuating load conditions, and permits of adjusting the meter under the exact local conditions as regards vibration, etc., on which it is to operate. Every central station should have a room set apart for a testing department. This may not be at all elaborate, and its equipment would vary, depending on the size of the company, the character of the installation, etc. The testing department should be located in a dry, well lighted place as free from vibra- 12 tion as possible. In this department such minor repairs as are necessary can be made, as well as all tests which it is not possible or deemed advisable to make on the customer's premises; also tests on large capacity switchboard meters, etc. Some companies suspend the racks upon which the meters are hung for test, by wires fastened to the ceiling, using weights suspended below the racks for balancing. Such a rack will be practically free from vibration. For load it is customary to use a bank of lamps so connected to the switchboard as to permit any desired load to be easily applied. These lamps can be connected in steps so that light and full load can be easily obtained. For heavier loads resistance wire or a water rheostat is often used. For lagging induction watthour meters a theater dimmer will be found very convenient, or if such is not available, the reactive coils of an arc lamp may be used to advantage. For very fine regulation ordinary rheostats are employed. For the testing department, an equipment of high grade instruments is of course necessary. These may be used to advantage not only in checking service meters but also the rotating standards. For testing direct current watthour meters a portable ammeter and volt- meter are required, and for alternating current watthour meters, a portable wattmeter should be added. Two sets of instruments of different capacities should be provided, one of sufficient capacity to take care of the full load of the meter, the other of small enough capacity to take care of the light load with a proper degree of accuracy. If necessary, transformers may be used in con- nection with the alternating current instruments and shunts in connection with the direct current. It is advisable to have at least two reliable stop watches for timing the meter, one to serve as a check on the other in test. Too much care cannot be exercised in the selection, handling and care of these watches and their accuracy should be periodically checked. By applying to the nearest District Office, recommendations may be obtained to cover any specific case. METHOD OF TESTING WITH INDICATING INSTRUMENTS For convenience in testing General Electric meters, a mark will be noted near the outer edge of the disk in order that the revolutions may be accurately counted^. The watts recorded by the meter, i.e., the rate at which the meter is record- ing can be found for General Electric meters by the following formula. XT T KX3600XR .No. I. =watts. 5 "K" is the meter calibrating constant, and will be found marked on the disk. 13 3600 is the number of seconds in an hour. Multiplying the watthours per revolution of the disk (K) by the number of seconds in one hour reduces the watthours to watt-seconds per revolution of the disk. R is the number of revolutions of the disk counted for the test. Multi- plying the watt-seconds per revolution of the disk by the total number of revolutions counted gives the total watt-seconds for the test. S is the number of seconds required for the disk to make (R) revolutions. Dividing the total watt-seconds by the number of seconds (S) gives the total watt load recorded by the meter. Dividing the total watthours recorded by the meter by the actual watts read on the indicating instruments and multiplying by 100 gives the percentage accuracy of the meter under test. A number of revolutions should be taken, so that the time of observation will be at least from 40 to 60 seconds. If materially less than 40 seconds, errors in the measurement of time are probable, and observations of longer periods than 60 seconds are generally unnecessary. METHOD OF TESTING WITH PORTABLE ROTATING STANDARDS The following formula is used when calibrating Thomson watthour meters with General Electric portable test meters. .TO rXk No. 2. =accuracy. RXK when r = revolutions of disk of meter under test. k = constant to be used for meter under test. R = revolutions of test meter read from the dial. K = constant for the particular coil used of test meter. The dial of the test meter reads directly in revolutions of the meter disk. Note the dial reading at the start and at the end of the test. The difference between the two dial readings gives the number of revolu- tions of the disk. Multiply this by the proper meter constant "K" (the watt- hours per revolution of the disk) and the result is the total watthours recorded by the test meter. For the service meter under test count the revolutions of the disk. For five per cent, of full load, one or two revolutions. For full load, 20 or 30 revo- lutions is sufficient. Multiply the disk revolutions by the meter constant (k) marked on the disk and the result is the total watthours recorded by the service meter under test. To find the percentage accuracy, divide the watt- hours recorded by the service meter under test by the watthours recorded by the portable test meter and multiply by 100. Caution Extreme care should be exercised by the tester to guard against either the instruments or meters indicating or recording the losses of one another since this might cause an error of appreciable magnitude upon the lighter loads. 14 In order to avoid this, the current circuits of the testing instruments should be connected in series with the meter under test, while the potential circuits of both the testing instruments and meter under test should be con- nected to the source side of the line at some point ahead of both meter and instruments. In general, three-wire meters can be tested as two-wire meters by con- necting the current coils in series. The meter constant (K) must be divided by two when making the test in this manner. When testing between sides with only one current coil in circuit the constant (K) marked on the meter should be used. In testing polyphase meters it is easier to check as a single-phase meter. Connect the potential circuits in parallel, the current coils in series and divide the meter constant (K) by two (except in the case of four-wire three-phase meters having three current coils, when the constant "K" should be divided by 4). TESTING METERS USED WITH CURRENT AND POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS Meters used with current and potential transformers are generally cali- brated as secondary meters, in which case the constant (K) marked on the disk should be divided by the product of the ratios of the current and potential transformer before applying it in formulas Nos. 1 and 2, given above. 15 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PERTAINING TO THE INSPECTION OF THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS PREVIOUS TO TEST Before attempting to test a meter it should be inspected for mechanical defects. The thoroughness of this inspection will depend upon the nature of the test. For instance, a periodic test taken at the point of installation would not in general necessitate as thorough an inspection as a shop test which is taken on meters removed from service or a complaint test. If, however, after making a periodic test the meter is found to be very inaccurate, it is necessary to make a rigid inspection to determine the cause. In other words, judgment should be exercised in determining the amount of inspection necessary to satisfy a given condition. It is well to err in over- inspection, rather than on the other side. The following hints may be useful to the meter inspector or tester: Among the numerous observations which are essential in testing meters, the bearings, moving element, registering mechanism, damping mechanism and electrical element should be given special attention. BEARINGS The bearings should be free from dust and other particles which would tend to grind or rub against each other, thus roughening the surfaces and con- sequently increas- ing friction result- ing in a retardation of the moving element. Rough or damaged jewels should be replaced by new ones, in which case the pivot should also be replaced since it may have become damaged by com- ing in contact with the defective jewel. Lower jewel bear- ings are apt to have become dry during service. For such Fig. 8 cases, it is recom- 16 Spr/rrg 1 for- ■Sft/fao/hff Ca/3 Fig. 9 mended that a minute drop of high grade watch oil be applied to its surface. If during service, the top of the meter shaft has become dirty or corroded, it may be cleaned by the use of cotton or linen tape. If this fails, a piece of tape saturated with benzine or gasolene may be used. The top bearing should be set in a posi- tion so that the lower end is midway between the shoulder of the worm and the top of the shaft as shown in sketch. MOVING ELEMENT The disk should be examined to see that it runs true. It should be free to rotate midway between the jaws of the magnets. Any foreign matter which might possibly have col- lotrerenc lected since the installation of the meter or Cop must be removed. oectr/fyastuo Should the worm be dirty, it may be cleaned Fig. 10 by running a fine piece of thread through it. If very dirty, the application of benzine or gasolene will assist in cleaning, after which, parts should be carefully wiped. In the case of direct current meters, should the com- mutator or brushes be corroded, they may be cleaned by the use of cotton or linen tape. Under no circumstances should a chemical polishing compound or emery cloth be used upon the commutator, brushes or top of the meter shaft. The former would be apt to gum and perhaps clog the fine threading of the worm. The latter would cause the top of shaft to become charged with fine particles of emery which would gradually work its way into the bearing resulting in trouble. REGISTERING MECHANISM The position of the pointers upon a meter register should be noted, par- ticularly if the meter has been subjected to severe jars or excessive vibration as it is possible that they may have become displaced. This point is of great importance, since incorrect bills might be rendered. It should be noted that the worm wheel meshes properly with the worm upon the meter shaft and in turn, that the driving dog upon the worm wheel shaft engages properly with the transmitting dog upon the meter register. If it is deemed necessary to oil the registering mechanism, it should be carefully wiped afterward, to prevent the superfluous oil from dropping. Only a high grade of oil should be used. Under no circumstances should the worm or worm wheel be oiled since oil upon these parts would collect dust and other particles which would interfere materially with the operation of the meter. DAMPING MECHANISM The magnets, two in number, are rigidly mounted in a "shoe," the north seeking pole of one opposite, the south seeking pole of the other. When two 17 pairs are used they are astatically arranged, each pair of which may be moved laterally to effect necessary adjustment. Should the magnets be removed, care should be used when replacing that the astatic arrangement be maintained. When inspecting the meter the magnets should be carefully inspected for proper alignment, and to see that no foreign substance is lodged upon them. ELECTRICAL ELEMENT The windings should be inspected for grounds and short circuits. Care . should be taken that all connections are properly tightened and that all soldered connections are properly made. TYPE I WATTHOUR METERS The Type I watthour meters are for use upon single-phase two- or three- wire circuits. They are built self-contained in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 300 amperes, 106 to 120 and 212 to 240 volts, two-wire, 25 to 140 cycles, and 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 amperes, 212 to 240 volts, three- wire, 25 to 140 cycles. For three-wire circuits of above 150 amperes, current transformers are employed. If in the installation of switchboard apparatus, economy is an important factor, this type of meter may be used with good results upon a switchboard it being customary to install upon the back of the board. When furnished for the higher frequencies it is furnished double-lagged for this higher frequency and 60 cycles as the higher frequency systems are now quite generally being converted to 60 cycles. It is calibrated for both frequencies and is always sent out connected for that frequency for which it is ordered. Directions for changing the connections for a change in frequency will be found on pages 73 and 74. This meter is finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with glass windows for observing the operation of the moving element and for reading the meter register. When so desired a moulded glass cover can be furnished. The leading in wires enter into binding posts located at the sides of the meter When ordering Type I watthour meters for use with transformers the order must so specify since meters will then be furnished whose potential circuits are independent of the current. % Approximate Shipping Weight, all Voltages: (1 in a box, 15 lb. 2 in a box, 20 lb. [4 in a box, 54 lb. f 1 in a box, 24 lb. 50 and 75 amperes j 2 in a box, 45 lb. [ 4 in a box, 86 lb. 1/w ' ,,-.. . f 1 in a box, 35 lb. 100 and 150 amperes [ 2 in a box, 65 lb. onn f 1 in a box, 45 lb. 300 amperes [ 2 ina box, 70 lb. 18 TYPE 1-8 WATTHOUR METERS The Type 1-8 watthour meter like the Type I is for house service and is built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 75 amperes, 106 to 120 and 212 to 240 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon two- or three-wire single-phase circuits. The meter is essentially the same as the Type I except that the terminals are located in a separate compartment at the bottom of the meter, permitting the connection being made without removing the cover of the meter proper. For gaining access to the jewel screw when the meter is sealed, the meter cover is drilled directly below the jewel screw and by removing the terminal cover the jewel may be readily removed for inspection or replacement. Replacing the terminal cover prevents further access to the jewel screw. Approximate Shipping Weight, all Voltages: lin 1 box, 22 lb. 5 to 25 amperes inclusive ■{ 2 in a box, 49 lb. 4 in a box, 94 lb. {1 in a box, 25 lb. 2 in a box, 51 lb. 4 in a box, 98 lb. TYPE 1-10 WATTHOUR METERS The Type 1-10 watthour meter is furnished to meet the demand for a low capacity single-phase, two- or three-wire house meter of moderate price to enable lighting companies to more profitably extend their service to the smaller consumers. This type of meter is different in construction and appearance from any type of induction meter previously put on the market by the General Electric Company. It is circular in shape and has a moulded terminal block at the bottom of the meter base into which the leading in wires pass. The jewel and pivot are removable and the friction compensation is adjustable to allow for wear, etc. The register reads in kilowatt-hours, the dial being of dull finish porcelain, and easily legible. The meter back and cover are finished in dull black japan. Approximate Shipping Weight: One in a box, 13 lb. Two in a box, 22 lb. Three in a box, 45 lb. TYPE IS WATTHOUR METERS The Type IS watthour meter was designed for switchboard service for use upon two- and three-wire circuits. It was built self-contained in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 400 to 480 and 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles. 19 This type of meter has a rectangular glass cover and was finished in dull black throughout. TYPES IS-2 AND IS-3 WATTHOUR METERS Superseding the Type IS are the Types IS-2 and IS-3, the difference being that permanent magnets of the same type as in the Type I meter are used, the adoption of which slightly changes the appearance of the meter. The IS-2 meter has a cast metal cover, the front surface of which is pebbled. It is pro- vided with windows for reading the dial and for observing the rotation of the disk. The IS-3 differs from the IS-2 only in being furnished with glass cover. They are built self-contained in capacities of 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 and 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, 2 wire. Approximate Shipping Weight T „ f One in a box, 60 lb. \ Two in a box, 110 lb. T ~ ' f One in a box, 65 lb. \ Two in a box, 120 lb. TYPE D-3 WATTHOUR METERS The Type D-3 watthour meter is for house service for use upon two-phase, three-phase or monocyclic circuits of balanced or unbalanced loads. It is built self-contained in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon four- wire two-phase, three-wire two- and three-phase and mono- cyclic circuits, in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75 amperes, 212 to 220 A 115 to 125 Y; 400 to 440 A230 to 250 Y volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon four-wire three-phase circuits. Originally, four-wire three-phase polyphase watthour meters were con- structed with only two current elements, necessitating their being wound for one and one-half times the current delivered from the secondary of the trans- former from which they were to operate. For diagrams illustrating the above refer to pages 151 and 153. All four- wire three-phase polyphase watthour meters whether for use with or without transformers are now constructed with three current elements. This type of meter may be used for switchboard service with good results, where a back connected meter is not desired. This meter is finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with glass windows for observing the operation of the moving element and for reading the meter register. 20 The leading in wires enter into binding posts located at the sides of the meter. When ordering Type D-3 watthour meters for use with transformers the order must so specify since meters will then be furnished whose potential circuits are independent of the current. Approximate Shipping Weight: ' __ • 1 . J 1 in a box, 46 lb. 3 to 7o amperes inclusive ^ _ . . orx „ [2ma box, 90 lb. 100 and 150 amperes. 1 in a box, 60 lb. 2 in a box, 97 lb. TYPE D-4 WATTHOUR METERS This type of meter is in general similar to the Type D-3 except that the terminals are located in a separate compartment at the sides of the meter back permitting the connections being made without removing the cover of the meter proper. It is built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon four-wire two-phase, three-wire two- and three-phase and monocylic circuits, and 212 to 220 A115 to 125 Y, 400 to 440A230 to 250 Y volts, four- wire three-phase. When ordering meters for use with transformers, the order should so specify. Shipping weights approximately the same as the Type D-3 meter. TYPES DS-2 AND DS-3 WATTHOUR METERS The Types DS-2 and DS-3 watthour meters are for switchboard service for use upon two-phase, three-phase or monocyclic circuits of balanced or unbalanced loads. They were built self-contained in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon four-wire two-phase, three-wire two- and three-phase and monocyclic circuits and in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 75 amperes, 200 to 220 A115 to 125 Y, 400 to 440 A200 to 250 Y volts, 25 cycles and above for use upon four-wire three-phase circuits. The former type of meter has a cast metal cover, the front surface of which is pebbled and is provided with glass windows for observing the operation of the moving element and for reading the meter register. The latter type of meter has a rectangular glass cover. The current and potential circuits of these meters are independent of each other, hence meters are interchangeable for use with or without transformers. The Types DS-2 and DS-3 meters are finished in dull black, the raised portion of the Type DS-2 meter cover being finished in polished copper. 21 TYPES DS-4 AND DS-5 WATTHOUR METERS The Types DS-4 and DS-5 meters supersede respectively the Types DS-2 and DS-3. The same general characteristics are maintained in the Types DS-4 and DS-5 watthour meters as in the Types DS-2 and DS-3, the slight difference being in the location of the electrical elements. DS-4 One in a box, 85 lb. DS-4 Two in a box, 135 lb. DS-5 One in a box, 120 lb. INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METERS The Type IB portable test meter represents the first induction portable test meter manufactured by the General Electric Company. This type of meter had the electrical element of the Type IS meter. In the Type IB-2 meter, the use of the damping system of the Type IS meter was discontinued, and the damping system of the Type I meter adopted. A new design of fuse plug was incorporated which permitted of the renewing of the fuse wire without replacing the entire plug. Modifications in general were made to better adapt the meter to the requirements of operating com- panies. The Types IB and IB-2 meters were built with capacities of 1, 10 and 20 amperes. Upon the designing of the Type IB-3 meter the range was increased, this type of meter being built in capacities of 1, 10 and 20 amperes and 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 amperes. In low capacity meters, i.e., 1, 10 and 20 amperes, the one ampere circuit is protected by a fuse and in the high capacity meters, i.e., 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 amperes, the 1 and 10 ampere circuits are protected by fuses. The Type IB-4 meter differs in minor mechanical details from the Type IB-3, having the same electrical characteristics and capacities. One in box only, 40 lb. TYPE C WATTHOUR METERS The Type C watthour meter is for house service for use upon direct cur- rent two- and three- wire circuits. It was built in capacities of 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300 and 600 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 volts two-wire and 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 300 amperes, 200 to 240, 400 to 500 volts three-wire. For meters up -to 250 volts, the resistance was wound upon a tube and mounted inside of the meter on the back. For meters above 250 volts up to and including 600 volts the resistance was wound on tubes and mounted in an external cage upon the meter back. 22 This type of meter was finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with a glass window for reading the meter register. When so specified, moulded glass covers were furnished. The leading in wires entered into binding posts located at the sides of the meter. TYPES C-6 AND C-7 WATTHOUR METERS The Type C-6 watthour meter supersedes the Type C in capacities up to 250 volts; above this capacity, Type C-7 being furnished. The Types C-6 and C-7 watthour meters are built in the same current capacities as the Type C, the Type C-7 being built for use on two-wire circuits only, of voltages ranging from 251 to 600 volts. The combined shunt and resistance is used upon all Type C-6 meters. Upon Type C-7 meters, the separate shunt field coil is used, and for meters up to 600 volts the resistance is wound upon tubes mounted in an external cage upon the meter back. These meters are finished in dull black japan, the covers being provided with glass windows for reading the meter register. When so desired, moulded glass covers can be furnished. The leading in wires enter into binding posts located at the sides of the meter. Approximate Shipping Weight, all Voltages: , a. in a box, 26 lb. 5 to 50 amperes inclusive < _ . , __ „ ' ° in a box, 5o lb. flin __ / 1 in a box, 35 lb. 75 amperes \ 2 in a box, 69 lb. 100 to 600 amperes 1 in a box, 48 lb. TYPES C-5 AND C-9 WATTHOUR METERS The Type C-5 meter is essentially the Type C-6, but back connected. It was built in similar capacities as the Types C-6 and C-7. Meters up to 250 volts were equipped with combined shunts and resist- ances, above this voltage the resistance being wound on tubes and mounted in a separate box. This type of meter was finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with a glass window for reading the meter register. Moulded glass covers were furnished whenever desired. This type of meter has been superseded by the Type C-9. The difference between Types C-5 and C-9 watthour meters lies in the omission of supporting lugs on the Type C-9 meter and the vertical arrangement of the potential studs. 23 Approximate Shipping Weight, all Voltages: in a box, 26 lb. ( 1; \2: 5 to 50 amperes inclusive. ... \2 in a box, 55 lb. ,__ < f 1 in a box, 35 lb. 75 amperes < [2 in a box, 69 lb. 100 to 600 amperes 1 in a box, 48 lb. TYPES CQ AND CQ-2 THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS The Type CQ watthour meter is for house service for use upon direct current two- and three-wire circuits. It is particularly adapted for installations where a meter which is independent of stray fields is required. The construction and arrangement of the field coils, of which there are four, is radically different from any of the other types of direct current watt- hour meters herein described. The field coils are formed in quadrants so as to surround the four-pole armature as completely as possible, this construction minimizing the effect of stray fields. The Type CQ meter is built in capacities of 50, 75, 100, 200 and 400 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 volts, two-wire, and 50, 75, 100 and 200 amperes, 212 to 240 volts, three-wire. For meters up to 240 volts the resistance is wound upon tubes and mounted in an external cage upon the meter back. Above this voltage up to 600 volts, the resistance is wound on tubes and mounted in a separate box. This type of meter is finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with a glass window for reading the meter register. Moulded glass covers can be furnished when so desired. The leading in wires enter into binding posts located at the sides of the meter. Shipping weights are approximately the same as C-6. The Type CQ-2 watthour meter differs only from the Type CQ in that it is back connected. TYPE CS THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS The Type CS astatic watthour meter is for switchboard service for use on direct current two- and three-wire circuits. It is built in capacities of 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1200 and 1500 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 volts, two-wire, and 212 to 240 volts, three-wire. The damping magnets are enclosed in a laminated shield of soft steel punchings thereby protecting them from the effects of the short circuits. Both the armatures and damping magnets are astatically arranged, thus minimizing the effects of stray fields. 24 The resistance for all Type CS wattho-ur meters is wound upon tubes and mounted in a separate box. The CS meter has a rectangular glass cover and is finished in dull black, the prominent internal parts being finished in polished brass. TYPES G-2 AND G-3 ASTATIC WATTHOUR METERS The Type G-2 watthour meter is for switchboard service for use upon direct current two- and three-wire circuits. It was built self-contained in capacities of 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 and 10,000 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 volts, two-wire, and 2000, 3000, 4000 and 6000 amperes, 212 to 240 volts, three-wire. The resistance for all Type G-2 watthour meters is wound upon tubes and mounted in a separate box. This type of meter has a rectangular glass cover and is finished in dull black the prominent internal parts being finished in polished copper and brass. The cover is secured to the switchboard by means of four bolts. The Type G-3 watthour meter superseding the Type G-2 is in every respect similar to the Type G-2, except that the cover or case consists of two parts, a metal sub-base which is bolted to the switchboard and a glass cover which is fastened to this sub-base by means of screws. This construction makes the cover removable from the front. The armatures and the damping magnets of Types CS, G-2 and G-3 watthour meters are astatically arranged, this arrangement minimizing the effects of stray fields. The damping magnets of the above types of meters are enclosed in a laminated shield of soft steel punchings, thereby protecting them from the effects of short circuits. DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS The Type CB portable test meter was a direct current portable standard built along the lines of the alternating current test meters. The electrical characteristics of the Type CB meter are similar to the Type C. This type of meter was built in capacities of 1, 2, 10, 20 and 40 amperes. In the designing of the Type CB-2 meter which differed somewhat in mechanical details from the Type CB, the range was increased by furnishing a higher capacity meter with 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampere coils, as well as the 1-40 ampere meter above mentioned. The CB-3 meter differed only in minor mechanical details from its prede- cessor, the CB-2, and has now been superseded by the CB-4 which has further improved electrical characteristics. PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS The Type IP prepayment watthour meter is essentially the Type I differing only in the addition of extra terminals and in the contact making register. It is built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 106 to 120, 25 212 to 240 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, two-wire, and 212 to 240 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, three-wire. This type of meter may be used with either the Form 3 or Form 4 prepayment attachment. The ordinary Type I meter cannot be used with these prepayment attach- ments, since it lacks the terminals and the contact making register above referred to. The Type IP-2 prepayment watthour meter is a combination of a separate prepayment attachment and meter, the prepayment mechanism, which is of the well known "Wood" construction, being mounted on the top of the meter proper, the gearing and actuating mechanism being directly connected to the recording mechanism of the meter. This type of meter was built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, two-wire, and 200 to 240 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, three-wire, and could be adapted for either a ten or twenty-five cent coin. This meter was finished in black japan, the cover as in the other forms of induction meters being provided with a register window and disk window. The Type IP-3 prepayment watthour meter is a radical redesign of and superseded the Type IP-2 meter. The meter and prepayment mechanism are housed in the same case and are accessible for inspection and adjustment, by removing the meter cover. The coin box may be emptied by the collector without removing the meter cover, and conversely removal of the meter cover does not permit of access to the coin box. For convenience in reading the register and noting the number of coins to customer's credit, the coin register and meter dial face are combined, the hand indicating the coins to credit being directly above the register dials. The Type IP-3 was built in capacities like the IP-2 meter, and only adapted for use with a twenty-five cent coin. The Type IP-4 prepayment watthour meter differs from the IP-3 only in the construction of the mechanism which transmits motion to the contact making switch. In the Type IP-3 meter the actuating knob is attached directly to the main arbor. In the IP-4 meter a slotted cylindrical disk is mounted upon the end of the main arbor, which is thus actuated by a ' 'dog" attached to the knob. The Type CP prepayment watthour meter is in every respect similar to the Type C-6, except in the number of terminals and in the contact making register. It is built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240 volts, two-wire, and 212 to 240 volts, three-wire. This type of meter may be used with either the Form 3 or Form 4 prepayment attachments. The ordinary Type C-6 meter is not adapted for operating in connection with these prepayment attachments since it lacks the terminals and the contact making register mentioned above. The Type CP-2 prepayment watthour meter is a combination of the "Wood" prepayment mechanism and the Type C-6 meter, the "Wood device" being adapted mechanically to this type of meter, similar to its adaptation to the Type I meter in the Type IP-2 meter. This type of meter was built in capacities of 3, 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240 volts, two-wire, and 200 to 240 volts, three-wire, and could be adapted for either a ten or twenty- five cent coin. The Type CP-2 meter was finished in black japan, the cover as 26 in the Type C-6 meter being provided with a glass window for reading the meter register. The Type CP-3 prepayment meter is the superseding redesign of the CP-2, being the direct current prepayment meter corresponding to the alternating current meter, Type IP-3. It is similar to the IP-3 as regards its prepayment mechanism, the direct current meter of modified Type C-6 construction being housed in the same case with the prepayment device. This type of meter was built in capacities of 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 100 to 120, 200 to 240 volts two-wire and 200 to 240 volts three-wire, and is only adapted for use with a twenty-five cent coin. The meter was finished in dull black japan, the cover being fitted with a window to permit of reading the meter dial and the coin indicator. The Type CP-4 meter differs from the Type CP-3 only in the manner of actuating the prepayment mechanism, the difference being described under the Type IP-4 meter. The Form 3 prepayment device used in connection with Types IP and CP meters is one of the well known " Wood " devices and was used interchangeably upon direct and alternating current circuits up to 60 cycles. This device consisted of the prepayment mechanism, the contact making switch and the electromagnet which operated whenever energy to the value of a coin was consumed, causing the coin mechanism to release to the next digit below indi- cating one less coin to customer's credit. This form of device was finished in bright japan, the coin chute being polished brass. The Form 3 device could be furnished for use with either dime or quarter coin. The Form 4 prepayment device is a radical redesign of the Form 3 device which it supersedes. Like the Form 3, it is interchangeable upon direct or alternating current up to and including 60 cycles. This device consists of a prepayment mechanism and contact making switch both of which are a marked improvement in both design and construction over the older Form 3 device. The principle of the coin releasing mechanism is the same as in the Form 3 device, except that the number of coins to customer's credit is indicated by a pointer which traverses a porcelain dial. As energy to the value of a coin has been consumed, this pointer travels back one digit, this motion being actuated by the electromagnet. The Form 4 device is finished in dull black japan and is adapted only for use with a twenty-five cent coin. TYPE W MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS The Type W maximum watt demand indicator is used to indicate at any instant the amount of power being delivered and the maximum amount of power that has been delivered to a circuit, subject to a certain arbitrary time lag incorporated in the indicator. This time lag prevents the indicator from record- ing any instantaneous overload or short circuit which may occur. It is for use upon alternating current, three- wire two- and three-phase and monocyclic, four-wire two- and three-phase circuits and is built self-contained in capacities of 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 27 400 to 480, 500 to 600 volts, 25 to 140 cycles, for use on three-wire two- and three-phase and monocyclic circuits and four- wire, two-phase circuits and in capacities of 5, 10, 15 and 25 amperes, 25 to 140 cycles, for use upon 4-wire, 3-phase circuits. This indicator is finished in dull black japan, the cover being provided with a circular glass window for noting the position of the pointers. The leading in wires enter into binding posts located at the sides of the indicator. This indicator can also be furnished with studs for back connection in either the Type DS-4 or DS-5 meter style. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR TESTING VARIOUS TYPES OF THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS TESTING TYPE I SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS In testing a two-wire meter by means of instruments, connect according to Fig. 11 and if by a rotating standard according to Figs, on pages 17.7 and 178. Three-wire meters may be tested as two-wire upon either a two- or three-wire circuit by connecting the current coils in series and if testing is to be done upon a three-wire circuit by connecting the load on one side of it ; following in general the method of testing outlined for two-wire meters. Operation No. 1 At full load power-factor unity adjust meter correctly by means of the magnets. Moving same toward the shaft increases, and away from the shaft, decreases its speed. When testing by means of instruments the formula given on page 13 should be used. When testing by means of rotating standards the formula as given on page 14 should be used for this operation. Divide the* constant marked upon the meter disk by 2 if a three-wire meter is being tested. Operation No. 2 At one-half load power-factor unity read meter taking an observation of not less than 30 seconds. At full load current power-factor 0.5 read meter taking the same number of revolutions as before. Any small difference that may exist between these readings may be com- pensated for by means of the adjusting resistance in series with the lag coil. When testing a meter on the customer's premises, it may be desirable or necessary in the absence of inductive load to omit this operation trusting to the accuracy of the original adjustment. 28 Operation No. 3 At 5 per cent, load or less (in accordance with local practice) at power- factor unity, adjust meter on light load. This adjustment is obtained by varying the position of the starting plate, the proper direction in which it is to be moved to affect the necessary adjustment being indicated upon the meter. Operation No. 4 At full load power-factor unity repeat operation No. 1. A slight change in adjustment may be necessary particularly if it was necessary to change the adjustment of either of the other two operations to any marked degree. METHOD OF CONNECTING A TYPE I WATT- HOUR METER AND INSTRUMENTS FOR TESTING PURPOSES Fig. 11 • V Voltmeter WM Watthour Meter under Test, Two-Wire IW Indicating Wattmeter A Ammeter TESTING METERS IN SERIES To permit of any number of meters being tested in series without recording the losses of their potential circuits, a testing loop or wire from the potential coil is brought out, which in actual operating service is connected to one side of the line. The service connection should be disconnected and a connection made to the wire from the potential coil to the source of potential at a point before current enters the first meter of the series. Refer to Figs. 12 and 13. 29 CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I WATTHOUR METER, FOR TESTING PURPOSES, TWO-WIRE Fig. 12 Note — In the above diagram, it will be noted that the upper left hand binding post is not used. CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I WATTHOUR METER, FOR TESTING PURPOSES, THREE-WIRE tf J&. &■ Jll 4 & !|3l -4> mo Fig. 13 30 TYPE 1-10 METERS In general, Type 1-10 meters are tested in the same manner as the Type I meters with the following exceptions: Full load adjustment is accomplished by shunting more or less of the mag- netic flux straight across the poles of the permanent magnet by means of an iron screw in the air gap. Turning this screw in speeds the meter and con- versely turning the screw out slows the meter. A clamping device is provided for holding this adjustment when once obtained. The iron pole piece below the disk is not for adjusting full load and under no circumstances should it be removed from the frame. Light load adjustment is accomplished by means of a movable starting plate which is released by a brass clamping screw to the right of the shaft as one faces the meter and almost directly in line with the first pointer. The light load adjustment is then obtained by the two knurled headed brass screws which project through the meter frame on either side. As one faces the meter, the screw to the right is marked with the letter F and an arrow indicating the direction in which the screws are to be turned in order to speed the meter. To slow the meter the screws must be turned in the opposite direction. Both screws must be turned forward or backward at the same time. The above may be clearly seen in Fig. 14. The meter is adjusted at the factory to record correctly on inductive loads by means of a lagging plate which is permanently fastened to the laminated iron core and which is directly in the path of the flux of the potential circuit. 31 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER TYPE 1-10 ! 1/gM Load Adjusting Scnsw Lig/itLoocf Adjusting Screw Testing Loop* damping Screw Storting Plate Fig. 14 Cover, register, magnet, moving element and part of frame removed to show operation of light load adjustment. 32 p o H H W « co O K ^ w s o < ^2 > p- - 8 fe w Crf W Hi C/5 o a H H o CM «d CO oo -oooo rHrH -HHHO rHrH 'rHCMOqCM OO 'OOOrH > o CO cmcoco -o*o© cMCOCO -O»00 OOO •r-irHCO OOO 'rHrHCO o H < erf H W erf 4< w OS^ p u !:> erf erf CO o cm oo o x o oo io co © © co cO co ^ t^ CO CM OS 1> O CO 1> CO CO t^ X CO CO rH CO CO »0 X »0 CM rH rH CO CO CM CO "tf coiohhooooio rHrHrHCM o CO ^ OS rH f^ rH CO T* rH CM 1> LO 1> X HHCOOICNH Xi>^OSOiO!> rH t^ TH lO 00 »0 CM rH rH CO CO CM CO ^ CO «0 rH rH OS X »0 rHrHrHCM o TH rH CM CO LO CO 1> lococooooocq >0 1^ r^ CM CO iO t^» 00M0ON00N rH t>- Tj< CO 00 CO CO rH rH CO CO (M CO ^ CO U0 rH CM OS X IO rHrHrHCM CO o rH lO 00 >0 rH CO rH OS CO ^ OS ^ rH rJH CO X CO LO xf CM CO CO XXCOrHTHrHX rH 1> r}< CO OS CO CO rH rH CO CO CM CO ^ CO lO rH CM OS OS »0 rHrHr-iCM CM o CO lO OS CO rH CO CSJ 1> CO CM i>- "tf I> rH CMXCOCOrHrHX OSXI>CMCO^X rH 1> IQ CO OS CO rt< rH rH CO CO CM CO "^ CO »0 rH CM OS OS LO rHrHrHCM o 00 CM ^ CO O CO lO 00 00 CO rH I> rH LO CO^XXOOxH OSOSXC0Xl>O3 rH t> io r^ OS 1> ^ rH rH CO CO (M CO ^H CO U0 rH CM OS OS lO rHrHrHCM o o T— 1 OOOiOOiOO 000*0000 CM 00 CO 1> 1> lO rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ r^cOCMCMOOCO rH rHCMCO H C/3 * o H w H O OS © CM 00 CO 00 O X o rH rH CO 00 CO X ^ r^cOCMCOOOCO OOrHCOCMCOO CMXC01>01>>0 rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ r^cOCMCMOOCO rH rHCMCO 00 © TM> CO I> rH I> CM CM CO 1> CM CO CM OS XCM^lOrHrHCM O r-i CM *>• ■<* CO rH CMXCOOOOOOUO rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ r^cOCMCMOOCO I rH rHCMCO Cfl I> © t^. CO rH CO CO CO OS CO lO rH CO OS CO CO CM OS t^» OS CM CO OS rH rH CO X CO OS rH O H ID o > w erf (N00N00O00C0 rH rH CO CO CO CO "^ tH CO CM CM O O CO rH rHCMCO CD © oioocoiocooo lONiOOlNOOO i> LO O CM CO »0 LO rHCMLOOXCMCM CM X 1> OS rH OS CO rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ r}H CO CM CO O rH CO rH rHCMCO >o OS CO lO OS I> X N. 1> coosx-^io^co rH CM CO CO »0 X CM CM CO CO rH O »C CO CM X 1> OS rH OS t^ rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ ^ CO CM CO rH rH CO rH rHCMCO OS NIOOOJHC5N l>rHC0XOSXX LO X 1> O X rH X CM CO 1> CO CM OS CO CM OS X OS rH OS 1> rH rH CO CO CO CO ^ ^ CO CM CO rH rH CO rH rHCMCO •d-BQ 'duiy ooooooo rH rH rH rH CM CM CM * rH rH rH rH rH rH © * — 1 Pi » H H > erf W en ° 1 > 2 ^.2 p-eoq ^^^~ p-BCJ oooooiom CO CO CO CO CO CM rH •d^ ) * dray COiOOOiOiOO HHHNIO C0iO©©L0L0© rH rH rH CM LO -SS Orj £ o ^ a 1 a d o o o o o > u £ o '** <-*-! a bi CJ O OD a> 42 'o b LO o (J fJ CO V J^ OO ., o a in V o rC| bo^ . o B9 r- CJ CJ > J2 •o ^ rt o Pi P, ^3 o a ^ S 03,0 iJ 0,0} crt O +j C tii d 1 Q,rO ^ DO X r^ cd Hl^o 33 ri p o W H H to o £ H o W p CO p o tf to o CO H W ft O a § > w w ft* ft W ft 75 ft & o H H H < t>- i> »o io lO OiOiOiOOO NNNNiOiO OOOONN OOOrHrHrH OOOOOO 8543 CO coiooioico COiOOiOiOO OOrHrHOqiO OOHHNiO ft ft H W H CO w H 5? o H CJ Q g W PQ «< H ft O ft J? O w a o K H to- ft H ft w CJ > ft H 7) ft O o H ft ft CO o OSCMO00C0CD !>C0COO5l>rH CDHlMcOOiO T-^oqrHoqcM 1>OS001>^OS i>oqiooOrHOrHC0 C0rH(Nl>CO>O rHOqrHCqtM COCOCMOSCOCO o o 6.92 11.54 23.08 17.31 27.24 25.64 lOHCMNHH 00^00 CM CM^ COCOCMOSCOCO CO o T— t 6.99 11.65 23.30 17.48 27.51 25.89 OON^fM^f- 00 xH OS ^ (M ^H COCOCMOSCOCO c^ rH N rH CO 1> N CO rHCO rH(N(M Cq r* 1> rH J> TJH OSiOOCO00O^ 1> rH CO N 00 CO HMHCNiM COOOOOO OS CD CM 00 CO CO CO CO CO OS CO CO o o OOOOMN CNOOOCOCO IXM^OOOOCO rH ^ CM CO 1> ococoococo rHCM oo 05 iO^ONhh COOJ^COOCN IXN^OOOON rHCqrH(N(M OOOrHrHOO ooocooooo OCOCOOCOCO rHCM OS Cqi>^COrHC5 Tt< CO 1> lO CM "tf i>oq^ooosi> rHCNrHOqCNJ cMi>>ooqoi> rH0CI>C0O00 ococoococo r-lCM CO OS O O O LO rH 00 >OiOONiON b-OOsC01>0 rHOOOOOOOS N CM lO 00 OS 1> rHC^lrH(N(N Ococoococo rH(M OS 00C0CO»O(MI> lOCOCMOSOOO 1>CNJ. lO 00 OS 00 rHCMrHOqCN rHCMC0»OrHCM NOOOiOO Ol>OrHC0t^ rH(M 4^ O OS COI>C0iO^I> (ONiOHHCO ixrqioosooo rHCNrHCOCN 4.25 7.09 14.18 21.28 3.55 7.09 *cTe 3 -dray oooooo rHrHrHCMCN(M HHHHOO (j ft > H ft w w g 75 ^ 6 c > 2 p-eoq p^oq 00 00 00 00 1> 00 •dB' 3 -duiy co>oo>oioo rHrHCNlO COlOOiOlOO rHrHCM^O 34 SI °?1 CO •o •oooo •O •CM •(N (MOO •o •CM •CMCM-tf^ •<* •O •OOCMCnJ CM & •iO •1> •tOOOO •o •to •1> •oooo •NOOO •o •to CM O r-lCM CO 00 CD I> CO CO iO to i-h 00 CM to to iOiO0000t^C0001>I> COCOtOtOi-iOCMtOtO tO iO 00 O 00 CO 00 b- 00 CO CO IO CO CM o cm IO CO to to oo o oo co oo b- oo co co »o co (M o oq to CO to to 00 O 00 CO 1> 00 CO CO to CO CM o cm to CO tOtOX05 00COOI>00 CO CO tO CO (M 05 CM to CD to to oi a oo ^ o oo oo ^cococ* lOiOOOOO'tf O0000 TtfcOCOCJ to to o o o ■"* a oo a r^cococ! r^COCDCDCO'-iCOCDCO •d'BQ 'dray tf.3 pBOq p-eoq T^TfltOtOtO^COCDCO •d'BQ -duiy 35 a s o to bb«tJ is S 5 8 ^ « I co"^ — ^iO -^ O o\4) ri rf w fi 0) w O ° ^ ceo rt cm^ a h C +J ^ *-• nJ a) •^cjO+j wH oHc3m ^ c^ ££ ^ ^ as ^ ^ *£ ^ *£ •d^Q 'diuy LO*C -OOOOO -O rHrH • r-i i-t i-i 10 iO >io OO 'HHLCIOO -o oo -ooooo *o OO lOOOOO o oo »ooooo o "tfCO -CM O OOO -iO ^CO -NOOOO • iO oo 'i-kncocoo -cm OO -i— ICMCOCOO -CM lOiOO OOOOO »0»0i0 iQiCiOioiO cmcmio -loioiooo • ooo -oocmcmcm • ooo • o cm cm 10 *o • ooo -ooooo' " CMCOCO -OiOOOO • CMCOCO -0*0000 • ooo • i-h h CO *o CO • OOO -tHtHCOiOCO • -Hcocooo^tioocoocooo i>cocMosr^o os cs co os co i>- co co i> oo co co oo co »o CM CO CO *0 1> CO CO 00 CO iO CO 10 i-h tH 00 00 t-i 00 CM CO CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO HHH(Nr- I rHCMCM CD05 05HO'^0)N05H r-i T-i CO O *0 i> CO *0 CO th 00 CM CM I> rH i-i CM iO (M l> 00 1> 'tf OS O *0 "tf ooooo ^ 00 -^ iO CO »0 i-i .-I OS 00 t-i OS CM CO CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO THT-lrHCMrHrHCMCM OOCMCMCOCOtHCMiOcMcO ^O1>t^(Mc0»O^C000^' O CO CO O ^ CO CO 00 CO O 00 1** *0 O CM 00 *0 CM O O CO^H^cOOOt^^OO^HCO CO iO t-i CM Os 00 rH OS CO ^ CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO tH rH rH CM rH rH CM CM O>Oi0t-ic000»OC0i0t-i 00C0i0'sHCMc0i0CMOl> CO OS OS TP 00 ^ OS rH OS "CH 00 00 CO rH r^l rH CO ^ CO CM CO ^f "^ CO 00 N. ^ OS Th CO CO IO rH CM OS OS rH OS CO tH CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO HHHCMHHOqiM CO OS OS CO CM *0 OS rH OS CO CM 00 CO CO rH tH CO rH CO rH iO CM CM 1>CM CO CM ^ CM l> OS 00 1> CM CO ■* I> CO *0 *0 CO *0 *Ol CO OS 1> *0 OS *0 CO CO IO rH CM OS OS rH OS CO tP CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO rHr-lrHCMrHrHCMCM CO^H^cOOCM^O^CO CO^OOOOOOOOOCOIO 1> CO CO rH CO 00 CO 1> CO rH OS OS 00 CO 00 1> 00 00 J> t^ CO iO iO I> OS 1> iO OS iO r- CO iO rH CM OS OS rH OS CO -«cH CMCOCOCOCOrHCOCMCOCO rH rH rH CM rH rH CM CM ooo*oooooo»o oooiooooooo tHcdcOI>OOOCOOCOI> -# CO CM CM O O CM O tH *0 CM CO CO CO H^ rH CO CO CO CO rH rH CM CO rH O 00 CO O CO 1> ^OOqcMOOCMO^iO CMCOCOCO^IrHCOCOCOCO rH rH CM CO rH CM CM CM OS CO CO 1> CM 1> CO rH CO J> OOMxHlOHH^HOiH ^ r>- r^ (M oo co t^ co i> cm Othcmi>h^cocm^^*o rHcOCOOOOOOCOOCOOO TfH CO CM CM O O CM O "# iO CMCOCOCOH^rHCOCOCOCO rHrH(MCQrH(MCMCM TfH rH rH CO ^ CO rH CO rH CO CM OS 1> OS CM CO t^ CM «tf J> 1> rH rH CO CM »0 rH OS rH CO rH rH CO 00 CO OS CO CO t^ l> TH t> 1> 00 rH 00 i> 1> 00 T^COCMCMOOCMO^liO CMCOCOCOH^rHCOCOCOCO rH rH CM CO rH CM CM CM OOOCONiOOiOOCO !>»OOCMCOiOOCOO^ 0»OiOOCONiOCN»00 HCMiOOOOCMiOOOOO IO l> 1> OS rH 00 1> rH 1> OS tF CO CM CO O tH CM O *0 CO CMCOCQCQH/lrHCOCOCOCO rH rH CM CO rH CM CM CM CO OS OS i> rH IO OS 00 OS J> rH CM CO CO IO 00 CO >0 CO CM CM 00 00 ^h rH OS 00 iO 00 tF CMCOCOrHOiOcOOCMCO LO 1> t^ OS CM 00 1> rH 1> OS TjH CO CM CO rH rH CM rH IO CO CMCOCOCO^rHCOCOCOCO rHrHCMCQrHCMCMCM COOOOS»0>OOrHOOS i0001>O00rHt^00C0O iO CO CO 00 *0 rH CO OS CO 00 CM CO I> CO CM OS *>• CM io CO IO 00 00 OS CM OS 00 rH 00 OS Tj< CO CM CO rH rH CM rH IO CO CMCOCOCO^HrHCOCOCOCO rHrHCMCQrHCMCMCM 10*000000000 HHHHHHiOiOiOiO HHH1CIOOOO * * aJ cr3 w w C ^•■5^! 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CA H 13 O > CO o if> 98 4.72 9.43 23 . 68 0) o 17.14 25.71 36 7 1 23. SI c 65 o 17.31 1 M 14.42 XT. C 65 CO o 17. -17 26.21 4.85 0.71 24.27 o "o > 65 CM o 1 7 . 66 26.47 36 7(5 1 90 9.80 1 1.70 24.51 £ i <** o o - 65 © 17.82 35.64 37.13 4.95 1 1 85 24.75 jmber load, of ful 100% 18.00 36.00 27.00 37.60 5.00 10.00 L5 00 he same. give the n 3 upon light y 5 per cent. %66 18.18 27.27 37.88 5.05 10 10 L 5 . 1 5 25.25 65 X Oi 18.37 36.73 27 . 55 38.27 5.10 10.20 15.31 25 . 5 1 s are t as to econd imatel 65 OS 18.56 37 . 1 1 27.83 38.66 5.16 10.31 i:» io 25.77 meter ded bo at 33 i approx 65 CO Oi 18.75 37.50 28.12 39.06 5.21 10.42 15.63 26.40 volt be loa n abo , and 65 Oi 18.95 37.89 28.42 39.47 5.26 10.53 15.79 26.32 and 22 bould , and 11 load 65 © 19.15 38.30 28.72 39.89 5.32 10.64 15.96 26.60 r the 110 ce meter s leavy load s test at fu •d^Q -duiy oooo — — CM CM — -- ; w H W > 06 W ° S > 2 P' BO T 1 ---- ; ds fc servi pon give P"BOq AAT29JJ CO CO COO CO COCO CO ; Spee The me u This •c in: )-dui V KJOKJiO — — CM --CM ! +j 39 CO ?s o w s « ^ h « < ^ O © O Pt| M > So n ^ o s - H H o W = B* o _ Ph H P ^ O £ H p © & & * W hH fe W t3 K « o * w o £ © H > w p* w o X H H «! O *■« eg CO 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 CO 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50 o£ o i-H Is CO to to l>l>»OtO OOHH 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 CO 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25 too to to (MtOt^CM OOOtH W H W a H CA W H z o H u E> p g w •J pq < H M O Ph fe !§ o a H W H H W y > w fa o o H < H (/) 5 w « CO O rH 1 os o fa Pi W H H H w H to O 5? O H (J O > CO O 11.32 22.64 16.98 23.58 3.15 6.29 9.43 15.72 o 11.43 22.87 17.14 23.81 3.18 6.35 9.52 15.87 o 1— 1 11.54 23.08 17.31 24.04 3.21 6.41 9.62 16.02 co o 11.65 23.30 17.48 24.27 3.24 6.47 9.71 16.17 o 11.76 23.53 17.65 24.51 i>Ttioco a! w P'bot; i— IHH i— ! p-BOT AAE9JJ CO CO COO CO CO CO CO •d« 0-diuy too »o to rHr-KN too to to tHi-I&/-&/-/or7S 2 & 6 -O O Cper~C7-/-/or7 3 ->> S- -O O- Oper~c77 i -/or? -4- Fig. 15 This diagram covers only back connected meters whose potential circuits re independent of the current. In the case of front connected primary leters, connections should be made to the corresponding binding posts. For ont connected secondary meters, disconnect testing loops and make otential connections to leads of the potential coils. 43 CONNECTIONS OF A THREE-WIRE TWO- OR| THREE-PHASE OR FOUR-WIRE TWO-PHASE WATTHOUR METER FOR TESTING UPON A SINGLE-PHASE CIRCUIT FRONT VIEW \ -trtecr- for- Ope/~c7-/-/or?s /£ <4 Oper-C77 i -/or?s 2 & £ Oper-c/ //or? 3 Fig. 16 This diagram covers only back connected meters whose potential circuits are independent of the current. In the case of front connected primary meters, connections should be made to the corresponding binding posts. Foi front connected secondary meters, disconnect testing loops and make potential connections to leads of the potential coils. 44 CONNECTIONS OF A THREE-WIRE TWO- OR THREE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER WHEN CHECKING BY MEANS OF SINGLE-PHASE PORTABLE TEST METER Note. — From these sketches the corresponding connections for four-wire, two- or three-phase meters and for primary meters will be apparent. 45 CONNECTIONS OF A THREE-WIRE TWO- OR THREE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER WHEN CHECKING BY MEANS OF SINGLE- PHASE PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 19 This diagram shows method of testing with the elements connected in series. Note. — In a secondary meter as shown above, testing loops should be disconnected and potential connections made to the wire from the potential coil. In a primary meter, potential connections should be made to the poten- tial posts. From this sketch the corresponding connections for 4-wire 2- or 3-phase and for primary meters will be apparent. 46 CONNECTIONS OF A THREE-WIRE TWO- OR THREE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER WHEN CHECKING, BY MEANS OF INDICATING INSTRUMENTS •Ja JSL 07 ^ 3n n i/pper £7/err?en-/- "X Fig. 20 V Voltmeter WM Watthour Meter under Test IW Indicating Wattmeter A Indicating Ammeter 47 TESTING DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Rotating standards can be used to advantage in the testing of direct current watthour meters, especially if the load is unsteady. Before testing direct current watthour meters, it is advisable to allow them to run for at least twenty minutes in order to allow their potential circuits to heat up to their normal temperature. Operation 1 Adjust meter on full load, adjusting by means of the front and back set of magnets. The formula for this operation when instruments are used is as quoted in previous tests. 3600 XK XR =time. watts Operation 2 Adjust meter on light load (one-twentieth of full load), by means of the adjustable shunt field coil. Moving the shunt field coil into the field of the armature assists rotation and consequently speeds the meter while, conversely, moving the coil out of the field lessens its effect and tends to slow the meter. The shunt field coil holders of Types C-5, C-6, C-7, C-9 and CR watthour meters are constructed so that the adjustment is obtained by swinging the coil and holder upon its supporting stud which is attached to the frame. Three-wire meters may be tested as two-wire, by connecting the fields in series, the constant marked upon the disk being divided by 2. By discon- necting the potential wire which is grounded to the current coil terminal, and making a connection to this wire and to the other terminal to which the opposite side of the potential circuit is grounded any number of meters may be tested in series without recording the losses in the potential circuit. The same general method of testing also applies to the Types CS, G-2 and G-3 meters. To facilitate testing, the magnetic shield may be removed, but the meter should receive its final check with the shield in position. ARMATURES All standard direct current Thomson watthour meters with spherical armatures, except Types CQ and CQ-2, take the same armature differing only in the length of the leads. The following description will assist in assembling a new armature into a meter. First, loosen the check nut upon the jewel screw bushing and unscrew the jewel and the bushing as a unit. Remove the pivot and register, disconnect the leads and carefully remove the brushes. Next, remove the shunt field coil, front series coil, and, the front set of magnets. The entire moving element may then be withdrawn from the meter. Remove the disk from the shaft and unsolder leads from the commutator. 48 Insert a very small screw driver through the holes provided for this purpose in the armature core and unscrew the clamping screw in the armature sleeve or, if the armature be clamped to the meter shaft externally, loosen the clamping screw before attempting to remove the armature. Withdraw the armature from the lower end of the shaft. The ends of the commutator segments should then be carefully cleaned, if necessary using a piece of well-worn crocus cloth. Next, slip new armature on the shaft taking care to see that the clamping screw has been loosened beforehand so that the shaft will be neither strained nor bent in sliding on the new armature. Adjust armature correctly on shaft gauging its position by setting the shaft in position in the meter. The armature should rotate freely within the back field coil and should be located as nearly as possible in the center. When the correct position has been obtained bring the armature to a position on the shaft so that its leads are directly under the commutator segments, i.e., that the leads run straight up. Thus, in Type C armatures a lead starting from the junction of two armature coils connects to the commutator bar directly above it. In a correctly mounted armature the eight commutator bars will be directly in line with the eight openings in the armature core between coils as may be noted by sighting along the armature with the pivot end towards the eye. Any variation from this correct position will reduce the torque, causing the meter to run slower. In fact, a test for the correct setting of the "armature lead" consists in moving the armature slightly, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. If the speed is reduced in either case, the armature was set correctly. In other words, the correct position of the arma- ture is at the point of maximum torque. When all necessary adjustments have been obtained, clamp the armature firmly upon the shaft. Cut off armature leads to the desired length and solder leads to commutator segments, using only a soldering flux composed of rosin and alcohol. Armatures may be assembled into Types CS, G-2 and G-3 meters in the same general manner. In assembling armatures into meters of the types referred to above, the leads of the bottom armature should be given a half turn to the right, around its insulating sleeve, and brought straight up to a commutator segment. Another method of accomplishing the same result is to first connect all leads direct to the commutator segments and then turn the lower armature to the left 180 degrees. Upon the lower end of the sleeve of the top armature for Types G-2 and G-3 meters is mounted a small wooden bushing with eight small holes drilled in it. In bringing up the leads of the lower armature to the commutator, they should pass through these holes. In all cases, it is recommended that the original construction, position and adjustment of parts be carefully noted that the new parts may be similarly assembled. 49 TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE HIGH TORQUE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 22 50 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE HIGH TORQUE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 23 51 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES I AND IP THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 2-Wire, With and Without Transformers f§'"0/6 JEl tD '/* <£JV/re jv/t/)Ou£ Transformer J2L ^4 2W/rhPot7ra/7s/or/r?er 2 lV/r& nv&/7 Ci/cr7h7s*s/b/77?er 2 Wire w/tfibothCt/rr&^o/ Trons&r/T/er- Fig. 24 52 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 2-Wire, With and Without Transformers 50 to 100 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 25 to 60 Cycles (Single Lag Adjustment), 3- Wire, Without Transformers (k : P -«-* 2 Hf/r-e 50ar7c/ 75 ^^?p. W/f/hoc/f 7r-oms/arvr?ejr 2 W/re> 50 asitf 75/?sr?/?. iv/Yfr Pot Tr&s?sforrr? er~ a r^-^ 2 W/r-e /OOs?sr7/>. 2W/r~€> /00/?s?yp w/f/7 fot. 7r<7r?si g br/r7&r' 3 W/r-e /OOsfmp. Fig. 25 53 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 100 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 125 to 140 Cycles (Double Lag Adjustment), 3- Wire, Without Transformers 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 2- and 3-Wire, Without Transformers 200 and 300 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 2- Wire, Without Transformers K^S ■1 £r 3M//r-e>50 fo/504s7?o 4> Q . Th/'s I eac/a£&c/&rf/7 Pot 7r<7/7sfbsy7? eron/> 2 IVire /SO/trT?^. £ W/>-e 200ar?c/300J/r?p. Fig. 26 54 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 300 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 2-Wire, Without Transformers Source M. o &- 3+et00/fr7V>S, Fig. 27 Source M. <§> 4) /50*0 3OOA0?/>S. Fig. 28 55 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Source MOM fron+ \//euv M. CX □ & -4> Z.oac/ Soi/rc& All capacities above 300 Amperes. Below 600 Volts. Fig. 29 B M. O <£>- ■4 /.oatr All capacities above 650 Volts Fig. 30 56 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 150 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Source _/3l O b- -4> fifev+na/ 3 to 25 Amps. 25 to 140 Cycles 50 to 100 Amps. 25 to 60 Cycles Fig. 31 /.oacf Source J3L □ !>- -<& Neu+ro/ 50 to 100 Amps. 125 to 140 Cycles 150 Amps. 25 to 140 Cycles Fig. 32 loacf 57 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOM- SON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire With Form DM- 16 Current Transformer FRONT VIEW Z. o a cz/ Fig. 33 58 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire With Current Transformers *E M. CZZ) □ fr Kg Fig. 34 Note — This method supersedes method shown on page 58. 59 60 W CO H I w >-) o O o m hW H O w to o o g H O !h O P * ^ -^ o o'S W Ofl H 10 5 > © H ^ s w a i w Hi o to to O gg hH W^ gg o w to to o o o >M oO o **-t >» < co*-* W «jO ft 1 w 13 s & "Sg *-* CO ft a te >«_> wj o r/> H o W H CO ft w w So "11 i— i W *>W co ft S Oh £ ft ft H & r co CO *H **H En O o W H p,o o S » 2 r/J H o^S O £ to fl o o H o O 0) CO rt o te & 9^ 0(W o o o . 43 bO ►J cos < oT ft ^ O w r^ H « *1 fe ~* o (— I CO < a i w O O S cw H H W^ * § cot3 l-H H O W o o H 8> s»PQ O S .9 S 65 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 100 Amps., 125 to 140 Cycles, 2- Wire, With Either Current or Potential Transformer BACK VIEW Double Lag Adjustment Fig. 46 66 XIX O § V) 13 O CO i§ H H « W few Oh H O W & o o g w H a> 6 < M °f w o to CO O CO 81 hW coH H O w o o H o »— i o > VO 2 5 h* 3 w 'H < o CM a. 6 o o 69 m CO W g 7 3 S i CO ^ o .a £ o WW Hi=> coH H > § W n 1 ° ^ CM 8 s . CO o a. a fc <* « o w 10 H •a ^ fc§ 70 71 H o ft) M S -8 O 3 O r to S ° 00 T^ •3 * to 73 fa ^ CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS SHOWING METHOD OF MAKING CONNECTIONS FOR DOUBLE LAG ADJUSTMENT M. a n Fig. 59 Double Lag Adjustment This sketch shows the connections made for the higher of the two frequencies . [f it is desired to run the meter on a lower frequency, disconnect the wire A :rom B and solder A to_C. Make a soldered connection between D and E. No other change is required except that it may be necessaryHo readjust the itarting device. 73 CONNECTIONS OF TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS SHOWING METHOD OF MAKING CONNECTIONS FOR TESTING UPON SEPARATE POTENTIAL 3 to tOOamps. /SOa/ryps. 2 and 3 wire. 2 and 3 wire. & ^ 200 and 300 anops. 2w/re. Fig. 60 Separate Potential Connections If it is desired to test with separate potential connections, disconnect H and J. Connect J to one side of the source. In two-wire meters and in three-wire 150 amp. meters, connect the opposite side of source to upper right-hand terminal. In three-wire meters 3 to 100 amps, connect opposite side of source to central right-hand terminal. 74 TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE HIGH TORQUE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 61 75 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE HIGH TORQUE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 62 76 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire and 212 to 240 Volts, 3-Wire, 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers /e s — Ffr I II *3Z 3tY/re 3- 2 5 /?*?/> 2 Wtre 3-2Srfm/> 2rY/re 3-2S/fm/>. rY/th Transformer. Fig. 63 77 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 75 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire, and 212 to 240 Volts, 3-Wire, 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers J'ho/& '6q * /? ^ W -7& /6 5fi{ w w 3tY/re - S0-7S/fsnf>. ■ft tni m- 2 Mfrre 50-7f/4rn>p Fig. 64 78 Mfrih frans former. CO «! H i o CO o CO o w H w cog M H W 2 *2 H coH H O W ft & O o § w H XI m s-a N ft" o w O 9 ©S3 in *>'£ 4 5u u o >Ctf 3 ft S CM W CQ < l* CM UO ° w 2 CM ■ IT 1 ** .28 s_S 09 >» G Q«© rj c8 «io H •CM O 79 i w o O o w &g £ fn w O o w o O g H H X W "^ o o^ r o c^ CO 80 81 82 CONNECTIONS OF POTENTIAL CIRCUIT OF TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Showing Method of Making Connections for Double Lag Adjustment and of Making Connections to the Terminals FRONT VIEW A/ote.-One enct of the non- /nc/uct/Ve res /stance must £>e so/cterect to that tqp p/Wna best /-esu/ts/n test. for /o*rer freauency 4 must be so/a'erect to C, a/so O ana 1 £ must bo so/o'- er ect together /or h/gher frequency, s4 mast be so/ct- erea' to 3, ana* P ana' £ must be /eft open. A/ Fig. 74 All two-wire meters, post No. 3 is omitted. Two-wire meters without trans., connect M to 4, N to 5. lype 1-* Two-wire meters with trans., connect M to 2, N to 4. Type 1-8. Three- wire meters without trans., connect M to 3, N to 5. Type I- 83 CONNECTIONS OF POTENTIAL CIRCUIT OF TYPE 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Showing Method of Making Connections for Double Lag Adjustment and for Separate Potential Testing i& Fig. 75 For lower frequencies A must be soldered to C and D to E. For higher I frequencies A must be soldered to B and D and E left open circuited. I Testing Loop: If it is desired to test meter on separate potential circuit, | M and N should be opened and line connection made to N. 84 TYPE IP-2 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PRE- PAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 76 85 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IP-2 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 77 86 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE IP-2 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts, 2- Wire, 200 to 240 Volts, 3-Wire, 25 to 140 Cycles S"°L c iA J2W/re w/thou/- Transformer. Fig. 78 87 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE IP-2 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PRE- PAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 200 to 240 Volts 3-Wire, 25 to 140 Cycles source s o urc e Z-W?re Fig. 79 3-W/r-e Fig. 80 Internal circuit is from A to B and C to D. L0<7<* z o ar ct INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE IP-2 THOM- SON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATT- HOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 25 to 60 Cycles, 2- and 3-Wire BACK VIEW Fig. 81 w < w ft I w o CO coh OS ftH cog wS Sft o o ft ft H i-i ? m o O a 90 TYPES IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 85 91 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IP-3 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 86 92 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 87 93 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, 2- and 3-Wire /§//o/e £W/rc Fig. 88 94 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, 2- and 3-Wire Source 3W/s-e Fig. 90 95 toacf INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE PREPAY- MENT WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 25 Amps., 25 to 60 Cycles, 2- and 3- Wire r c=Q N ,Ct=« — i 0=>i s: M ^B\\\ Fig. 91 97 TYPE 1-10 THOMSON WATTHOUR METER Fig. 95 98 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE 1-10 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 96 99 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE 1-10 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 5 to 15 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire, 60 Cycles -2- -z£- -42- 7~ f -♦ mi. Fig. 97 100 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE 1-10 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATT- HOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 5 to 15 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts 3- Wire Fig. 99. 3-WIRE 101 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE 1-10 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATT- HOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2- Wire, 5 to 15 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts 3- Wire 1SJA CI, Fig. 100 Note — Arrows indicate direction of winding. When testing upon separate potential, disconnect wire "A" from "B" and connect wire from source to "A." 102 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES I, 1-8, IP, IP-2, IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 3 to 50 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts, 25 Cycles AMPERES 3 5 10 o 2 « o Volts u o . ,_, +-> o . 4-> o . oj a +* a3 03 4J 03 03 — ; tuM ti h-g ©M * fe3 tSM ti ^3 S bi *c3^ 3 bfl "3*5 3 bfl "dS Q 0) Q CD Q 106 to 120 .4 250 t .6 166f t 1.25 80 t 212 to 240 .75 133f t 1.25 80 t 2.5 40 t Volts AMPERES 15 25 50 106 to 120 212 to 240 2 4 50 25 t 3 6 33| t 16! t 6 12.5 16f 80 1 10 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 103 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES I AND 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 75 to 300 Amperes, 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts, 25 Cycles 1 AMPERES 75 100 150 o o o Volts u +j •-J * fc ^j (U-P 3 bo CD 'A * 3 bo CO c3 o^ ISM DO CD 106 to 120 10 . 10 t 12.5 80 10 20 50 10 212 to 240 20 50 10 25 40 10 40 25 10 Volts AMPERES 200 300 106 to 120 212 to 240 25 50 40 20 10 10 40 75 25 131 10 10 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. tDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 104 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES I AND 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 800 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts 25 Cycles VOLTS 1000 to 1200 2C00 to 2400 Amperes Meter Reg. Dial Face Meter Reg. Dial Face K Ratio Mult. K Ratio Mult. 5 6 16% t 12.5 80 10 10 12.5 80 10 25 40 10 15 20 50 10 40 25 10 20 25 40 10 50 20 10 30 40 25 10 75 13 H 10 40 50 20 10 100 10 10 60 75 13 H 10 150 66% 100 80 ICC 10 10 20C 50 100 100 125 80 100 250 40 100 150 200 50 100 400 25 100 200 250 40 100 500 20 100 300 400 25 100 750 13% 100 400 500 20 100 1000 10 100 600 750 13 H 100 1500 66% 1000 800 1000 10 100 2000 50 1000 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio =Xo. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. tDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 105 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES I, 1-8, IP, IP-2, IP-3 AND IP-4 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE HOUSE PATTERN WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 3 to 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES 3 5 10 15 o o CD o CD o CD Volts M P* ^ 3 «M tf ^^ 2 bo *rt^ £ bfl *ajt§l 2 fao .ss 2 tab 'A% o ti Q CD Q CD Q CD Q 106 to 120 .3 333} t .5 200 t 1 100 t 1.5 66^ t 212 to 240 .6 166! t 1 100 t 2 50 t 3 33} t 500 to'600 1.5 66! t 2.5 40 t 5 20 t 7.5 13} t AMPERES Volts 25 50 75 100 106 to 120 2.5 40 t 5 20 t 7.5 13} t 10 10 t 212 to 240 5 20 t 10 10 t 15 66! 10 20 50 10 500 to 600 12.5 80 10 25 40 10 40 25 10 50 20 10 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 106 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES I AND 1-8 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 150 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES 150 200 250 300 o o | o o Volts " (an 'X. «J ^ to Qfe ^ bo 03 o^ 1uW 5£| o uW a bo P* 60 p2 bb 106 to 120 5 20 t 6 16f t 10 10 t 212 to 240 10 10 t 12.5 80 10 20 50 10 500 to 600 25 40 10 30 33i 10 50 20 10 AMPERES Volts 200 300 600 106 to 120 212 to 240 500 to 600 12.5 25 60 80 40 16 § 10 10 10 20 40 100 50 25 10 10 10 10 40 75 200 25 13* 50 10 10 100 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. t Dial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 110 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPE I THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 400 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles VOLTS Amperes 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Meter K| $£$ Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. \ Dial Face Ratio ; Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 3 6 10 12.5 20 25 40 50 60 100 125 200 250 33% 16% 10 80 50 40 25 '20 16% • 10 80 50 40 t t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 6 12.5 20 25 40 50 75 100 125 200 250 400 500 16% t 80 10 50 10 40 10 25 10 20 10 13% 10 10 10 80 100 50 100 30 100 25 100 20 100 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPE 1-10 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATT- HOUR METER Capacities 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts, 2- Wire; 5 to 15 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts, 3-Wire 25 to 133 Cycles AMPERES 5 10 15 25 Volts u 2 .2 *+> a bo 0> o .$2 Q M u t 2 JO +» bi O 32 Q M u •+J CD 2 .2 tab 0) u 32 Q M 2 .2 bi o Q 106tol20 212to240 .25 .5 400 200 t .5 t 1. 200 100 t t .75 1133% 1.5 I 66% t : 1.25 t 25 80 40 t t Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. Ill TYPE IS THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 101 112 TYPE IS-2 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 102 113 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IS-2 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 103 114 TYPE IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 104 115 « o CO ffl s H H 55 CO a ctf £ H W (/J 3 < ffl 4-! ft £ w *tf k) a O ,r| fc -»-» £ feco CO o«£ r/>« 1 § pxq w § a 1 H ^ CO C/5 CO hH W ^ O >l t« ^«CS|>J ^ 116 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE IS-2 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers r-y *>!<& TT JL I I I I •4 ■-t ! .1 w ">£- I ■— — ^ — n W "5$ ft .2.5.5 H d d d C*? c? re Q c-:ss^ O tH ~ .S.5.S < d d d n,Vaon(coHe« o< 1 ^ 117 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to ISO Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers 00 —I 4&? "T 5 2l* ^K 1 I fe .s .s .s (NH(N m .S.S.S CO CO CO Q .5 .3 .5 1—1 o .S .S .2 i-H PQ .s.s.s < .2.5.2 d ft cd O d iC 1 "" 1 © r-t 118 [NTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE IS THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Fig. 108 119 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE IS THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Fig. 109 120 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 150 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Fig. 110 121 o CO O W H ro i CO <5H MO tog Oto gw g£ goo o o < R 2 M ** o o o o 5 p 2fi « © W > H aj O. VO-M O g O 3 -^ ^ 1 -M U M-l 4) O 1 & = •"• a p< S o-i IL XfX rH fa g+» ° O rv o S WOO 75 »H n ^ br 2 S u« W 0) CD tu 2 . 122 i— III o of « w i-i O a. a -♦-» a CD »— i £ > o |2 o op. CO io^ >» £< ~f* a O A or o HW o -4-» Uh^ Ih ID wo CM 0) a CO o > o CO O HH m h4 a i-H te ad d9 > « CM 1 o w CO <* H ►H XI 00 w Pi — I -0-1- L. 6 6 as CH — | -J 6 9 9 n ° ?H sis ° ° n b E >» rt t-.«— o a woo o o oJ • M -u »-. 03 . u d o cjW rf _ 3 0) 0)^ p3 (2 03 ti £ 3 a bo rt ^ S bfl .as a bo .ss s bb '*>! 16f s ■ Q Q o Q 106 to 120 .6 * 1.25 8 * 2 5 * 3 3* * 212 to 240 1.25 8 * 2.5 4 * 4 2* * 6 H * 400 to 480 2.5 4 * 5 2 * 7.5 1* * 12.5 8 t Volts AMPERES 50 75 100 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 6 l! 12.5 8 25 1 4 * 7.5 t 15 t ! 30 H 61 3* * 12.5 t 25 t 50 8 4 2 t t t Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. tDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 127 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES IS, IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 150 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 Volts, 25 Cycles AMPERES 150 200 300 Volts o CD 0) o CD CD «M O *«3 u CD «M 03 o oS .J u 3M 4-> CO O ct$.J 2 bb '^ 3 bi 3^ a bo :d^ Q CD Q cd Q 106 to 120 15 6? t 25 4 t 40 2* t 212 to 240 30 3| t 50 2 t 75 11 t 400 to 480 60 1 2 1 3 t 100 1 t 150 61 10 Volts 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 50 100 200 400 AMPERES t t 10 75 150 300 600 1* 6! 3| t 10 10 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 128 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES IS, IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 1500 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 25 Cycles VOLTS Amperes 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K ~„ Dial £ftf; F ace Ratl ° Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 1500 6 12.5 20 25 40 50 75 100 125 150 250 400 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 1 If 8 5 4 2| 2 If 1 8 6! 4 2* 2 H 1 8 6! 5 * t t t t t t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 12.5 25 40 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 8 4 2§ 2 If 1 6| 5 4 3| 2 U 1 61 5 4 3| 2i I 1 t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio =No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs., except where indicated by * in which case one revolution = 1 kw-hr. 129 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES IS, IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES 5 10 15 25 Volts u .2 4 £3 fo3 o +3 c3 P4 cd -+J h-3 .2 a) o Oj .J 3 bb 13^ £ 00 rt^ 3 00 13^ s bb ys P4 Q Q co P Q 106 to 120 .3 33± * 16? 6 * 1 10 * 1.5 6* * 212 to 240 .6 16| * 1.25 8 * 2 5 * 3 3* * 400 to 480 1.25 8 * ' 2.5 4 * 4 2| * 6 1* * Volts AMPERES 50 75 100 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 3 6 12.5 3* l! 8 * * t 4 2\ 7.5 11 15 6| * * t 6 12.5 25 11 8 4 t t Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs., except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 133 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES IS, IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 150 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles AMPERES Volts 150 200 300 o tSM ri ^3 "8M P< h-a "8M ti fc-a a bi "cij^ £ bb 13^ ^ bb *c3<< Pi p P4 p 3 106 to 120 7.5 1* * 12.5 8 t 20 5 t 212 to 240 15 6! t 25 4 t 40 2i t 400 to 480 30 3| t 50 2 t 75 ll t Volts AMPERES 400 600 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 25 50 100 4 2 1 t t t 40 75 150 2\ If 61 t t 10 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs., except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 134 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES IS, IS-2 AND IS-3 THOMSON SINGLE-PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 1500 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles VOLTS 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Amperes Meter Reg. Dial Face Meter Reg. Dial Face K Ratio Mult. K Ratio Mult. 5 3 3| * 6 1! * 10 6 1! * 12.5 8 * 15 10 1 * 20 5 t 20 12.5 8 t 25 4 t 30 20 5 t 40 2| t 40 25 4 t 50 2 t 50 30 3| t 60 H t 60 40 2§ t 75 H t 80 50 2 t 100 1 t 100 60 l! t 125 8 10 150 75 If t 150 61 10 200 125 8 10 250 4 10 300 2C0 5 10 400 2| 10 400 250 4 10 500 2 10 600 400 2h 10 750 H 10 800 500 2 10 1000 l 10 1000 600 If 10 1250 8 100 1200 750 11 10 1500 6f 100 1500 1000 1 10 2000 5 100 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs., except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 135 TYPE D-3 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 118 136 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE D-3 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 119 137 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers /8v— ,t -„, ft* 3 *l* ( ) <§> g" S3 p -£e * Fig. 120 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the earlier D-3 meters. 138 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 100 and ISO Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, Without Transformers E» i <>l PS jfc a 3j m -4 ■» ga ^ 50 3^^^ Sag 9 ' > *W/r-G Z e>rws& *-r J^z: — 1ft I n: i - r~1 » 3 *V7r-& 2 or 5 ry?ose Fig. 121 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the earlier D-3 meters. 139 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to~150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW SouroG (h 1 > 1 a k > -^ i A lO0cJ Fig. 122 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits, wire "A" should be the common return, on monocyclic circuits wire " A " must be the teaser wire. 140 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., Not Exceeding 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW Jll. ra load o &- -4 Fig. 123 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits, wire "A" should be the common return, on monocyclic circuits wire "A" must be the teaser wire. 141 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3- Wire 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers Source a _£l 03 o ^ -<& V— Loaef Fig. 124 < Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits, wire " A " should be the common return, on monocyclic circuits wire "A" must be the teaser wire. 142 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 2-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Source Fig. 125 143 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above ISO Amps., Not Exceeding 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 2-Phase Circuits, With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW M. ( I o 4r -4 Fig. 126 144 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 2-Phase Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers FRONT VIEW Source a pr Looc/ S — -r PT M- CZZ) □ i. Fig. 127 145 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 200 to 220 A 115 to 125 Y, 400 to 440 A 230 to 250 Y Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Source CD &r- 4> /Veufr-<7/ LO&4 Fig. 128 146 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 75 Amps., Not Exceeding 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits, With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW Source M. 1 a & 4, Load Fig. 129 147 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-3 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers Source FRONT VIEW m: M. o £oo& Fig. 130 148 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES D-3 AND D-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, All Circuits Except 4- Wire 3-Phase, Without Transformers BACK VIEW fyoeO-3 6 o-l 7i/peO-3 Fig. 131 Note. — 4 wire 2-phase circuits as shown. For 2- and 3-phase monocyclic circuits binding post B is omitted and wire should be connected on A. 149 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES D-3 AND D-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 1150 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, With Current or Potential Transformers or Both, All Circuits Except 4- Wire 3-Phase BACK VIEW Fig. 132 Note. — The lead marked "A" will be soldered to the tap giving the best results in the test. 150 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES D-3 AND D-4 POLYPHASE THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 200 to 220 A 115 to 125 Y, 400 to 440 A 230 to 250 Y Volts, 25 to 140 'Cycles, 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits Without Transformers BACK VIEW 7ype£>3 ^ rc/peO-3 Fig. 133 Note — The lead marked "A" will be soldered to that tap which gives the best results in the test. 151 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES D-3 AND D-4 POLYPHASE THOMSON WATTHOUR METERS Above 1150 Voits, 25 to 140 Cycles, With Current or Potential Transformers or Both, 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits BACK VIEW Tt/peD-3 'sm Fig. 134 Note. — The lead marked "A" will be soldered to that tap which gives the best results in the test. 152 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES D-3, D-4, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 200 to 220 A, 115 to 125Y, 400 to 440 A, 230 to 250Y Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4-Wire 3-Phase Circuits. With and Without Transformers BACK VIEW Fig. 135 Note. — The above diagram shows later method of winding 4-wire 3-phase current coils. Potential connections of meters so wound correspond to con- nections as shown on page 151. 153 TYPE D-4 POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 136 154 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE D-4 POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 137 155 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE D-4 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 75 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers W/+/7 7t-crr?s A// C/f-cL/s+s &xcejo+ 4~tv3A/> A. A: > W/++9 7F-orts Fig. 138 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the earlier D-4 meters. 156 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE D-4 THOM- SON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS \ to 75 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW £o Volts u 3 g "3 3 u O 3 bo :d^ 3 bo ^^ 3 bit ^£ 3 bo 32 Q tf Q 0) p f* Q 106 to 120 l 100 t 1.5 661 t 3 33* t 5 20 t 212 to 240 2 50 t 3 33! t 6 16! t 10 10 t 400 to 480 4 25 t 6 161 t 12.5 80 10 20 50 10 500 to 600 5 20 t 7.5 13| t 15 66! 10 25 40 10 AMPERES Volts 25 50 75 100 106 to 120 7.5 13* t 15 66f 10 20 50 10 30 33! 10 212 to 240 15 66f 10 30 33! 10 40 25 10 60 16! 10 400 to 480 30 33 i 10 60 16! 10 75 13! 10 125 80 100 500 to 600 40 25 10 75 m 10 100 10 10 150 66| 100 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 166 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES D-3 AND D-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 150 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 Cycles ' AMPERES Volts 400 600 Meter Reg. 1 £ ial K Ratio Face Mult. Meter Reg. i Dial K Ratio Face Mult. 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 125 80 100 250 40 100 500 20 100 600 16! | 100 200 50 100 400 25 100 750 13£ 100 1000 10 100 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 167 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES D-3 AND D-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 800 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 25 Cycles VOLTS Amperes 1000 to 1200 3000 to 2400 Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 15 30 50 60 100 125 200 250 300 400 600 1000 1250 2000 2500 66| 33± 20 16| 10 80 50 40 . 33* 25 161 10 80 50 40 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 1000 1000 30 60 100 125 200 250 400 500 600 750 1250 2000 2500 4000 5000 33£ 16| 10 80 50 40 25 20 16! 13| 80 50 40 25 20 10 10 10 1C0 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Meter KX100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one reyolution of the first pointer. t Dial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 168 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES D-3 AND D-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 3 to 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES 3 5 10 15 o O rt .J 5* u tSM 4-3 cd u o fe 3 2 bb '.i% 3 bo :ss 2 ho «£ £ bo «3 Q p Q Q 106 to 120 40 25 10 50 20 10 60 161 10 75 131 10 212 to 240 75 13| 10 (100 10 10 125 80 100 150 66| 100 400 to 480 150 66| 100 200 50 100 250 |40 100 300 33i 100 500 to 600 200 50 100 250 40 100 300 33| 100 400 25 100 Capacities 5 to 2500 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles VOLTS Amperes 10C0 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial - • Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 6 12.5 20 25 40 50 75 100 125 150 250 400 500 750 1000 16| 80 50 40 25 20 13| 10 80 66| 40 25 20 13| 10 t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 12.5 25 40 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000 80 40 25 20 13| 10 66| 50 40 33i 20 13| 10 66| 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 1000 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw~hrs. 173 TYPE DS-2 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 148 174 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE DS-2 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 149 175 TYPE DS-3 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 150 176 TYPE DS-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 151 177 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE DS-4 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 152 178 TYPE DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METER Fig. 153 179 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE DS-2 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS 3 to 150 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers 3 75/?rr?/D 4 W/re JPfiase Q/~£V/ts /3" 6 — '6 '"—* m 3 '50/7^0 'ir- H/[* /7//C>rce A>*?c7sc cr-cts/f-s. yy/r-c j4" Sftou/cf &e y-/7e corr?rr?or? reY-isr-r? t Or? rr?or?ocyc//c C/rct//*s kV//~&J7 rr?£j&-f- Fig. 158 184 £0£?C/ EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4?AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 3-Wire 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, With Current Transformers BACK VIEW So free . oere? SV&7*& - Or? SW9r-& ^j^crs^ c/rczssTte, W/n-Jb "^S?o*y/c/ Jbc t*S?/7a&e c/rccs/fls Mre %' sf>au/cr&e /■*?& co/nrnorr r^-fc/rr?; or> rr7or?ocyc//c c/rz:t///& +/?e tecrser- yr/r-c ^e Fig. 160 186 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 4- Wire 2-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers BACK VIEW SocJr-c& fo i -rO -J-o o*- I I J £0C?& Fig. 161 187 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 4- Wire 2-Phase Circuits With Current Transformers BACK VIEW Source CT -fo E 1 TO -l-o I i /.oac/ Fig. 162 188 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS Above 150 Amps., and 650 Volts, 4-Wire 2-Phase Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers BACK VIEW S o c/rce £o at/ Fig. 163 189 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 75 Amps., 200 to 220 a 115 to 125 Y, 400 to 440 a 230 to 250 Y 4- Wire 3-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers BACK VIEW S Oisr-r-^ JL 00€f Fig. 166 *Also Types DS-2 and DS-3 with 3 current elements. 192 WO INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS All Capacities and All Circuits for Types DS-2 and DS-3 Meters Including 4- Wire 3-Phase With 2 Current Elements. All Circuits for Types DS-4 and DS-5 Meters Except 4- Wire 3-Phase, With and Without Transformers BACK VIEW ffi=* /Vo-fe:- T/~>& /sac/ m&r-A-ecf/f' resu/t'-s /n ffre tesA Fig. 167 193 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS, ALSO TYPES DS-2 AND DS-3 POLYPHASE WATTHOUR METERS WITH 3 CURRENT ELEMENTS 3 to 75 Amps., 200 to 220 A 115 to 125Y, 400 to 440 A 230 to 250Y Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4-Wire 3-Phase Circuits Only With and Without Transformers j9cr i 1 O 1 . o o a; ©M ST . o bO+3 3% . o 33 c3 .5 3^ . o tfp4 3^ 3 Reg. Ratio ial Fa Mult. p P p P 106 to 120 1.5 6! * 3 3* * 5 2 * 7.5 it * 212 to 240 3 3* * 6 1? * 10 1 * 15 61 t 400 to 480 6 If * 12.5 8 t 20 5 t 30 3* t 500 to 600 7.5 1* * 15 6! t 25 4 t 40 2* t Volts 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 AMPERES 50 15 30 60 75 75 20 40 75 100 100 30 3i 60 If 125 8 150 6| Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 195 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities ISO to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 Cycles AMPERES 150 200 300 Volts Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 40 75 150 200 2| U 6| 5 t t 10 10 60 125 250 300 1 2 1 3 8 4 3§ t 10 10 10 100 200 400 500 1 5 2h 2 t 10 10 10 AMPERES Volts 400 600 Meter Reg. Dial Meter Reg. Dial K Ratio Face Mult. K Ratio Face Mult. 106 to 120 125 8 10 200 5 10 212 to 240 250 4 10 400 2h 10 400 to 480 5C0 2 10 750 H 10 500 to 600 600 1! 10 1000 1 10 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 196 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 800 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 25 Cycles VOLTS 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Amperes Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Ratio Reg. Dial Face Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 15 30 50 60 100 125 200 250 300 400 600 1000 1250 2000 2500 61 3£ 2 U 1 8 5 4 3| 2| 1! l 8 5 4 t t 1 t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 30 60 100 125 200 250 400 500 600 750 1250 2000 2500 4000 5000 3| H 1 8 5 4 2i 2 i! If 8 5 4 2h 2 t t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio =Xo. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 197 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 660 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES 5 10 15 25 Volts .2 o» .2 V .2 03 .2 rt rf p2 ^3 ri « a bb 3^ s bb 3^ S bb 3^ a bb W 10 Q * 5 Q © Q * 33 1* Q 106 to 120 l 2 * 3 3* 5 2 * 212 to 240 2 5 * 4 2* * 6 1! * 10 1 * 400 to 480 4 2* * 7.5 H * 12.5 8 J 20 5 t 500 to 600 5 2 * 10 1 * 15 61 20 4 t Volts AMPERES 50 75 100 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 10 20 40 50 1 5 2 * t t t 10 25 50 60 1 4 2 l! * t t t 20 40 75 100 5 2* If 1 Meter KX 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 198 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 150 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles AMPERES Volts 150 200 300 Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio .Dial IFace Mult. 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 25 50 100 125 4 2 1 8 t t t 10 40 75 150 200 2* 11 6! 5 t t 10 10 60 125 250 300 H 8 4 3| t 10 10 10 Volts AMPERES 400 600 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 75 150 300 400 U B| 3| 2h 10 10 125 250 500 600 8 4 2 If 10 10 10 10 Meter K X 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 199 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 800 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts, 40 and 50 Cycles VOLTS 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Amperes Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 10 20 30 40 60 75 125 150 200 250 400 600 750 1250 1500 1 5 3£ 2| 11 ¥ 6| 5 4 2| 1! H 8 6! * t t t t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 20 40 60 75 125 150 250 300 400 500 750 1250 1500 2500 3000 5 ft J-3 8 fit 4 3 f 61 4 3| t f t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 200 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 200 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480 500 to 600 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles AMPEEES 5 10 15 25 50 Volts | _c .2 cu .2 » .2 la o o 03 £* W 3 01 fe 3 S i *E 2 » !2£ ^ ti 3^ S ti rt^ 2 bn sS 'J 3 Q *^ p 106 to 120 .6 16- * 1.25 8 * 2 5 * 3 31 * 1| * 6 1! * 212 to 240 1.25 8 * 2.5 4 * 4 2\ * 6 12.5 8 t 400 to 480 2.5 4 * 5 2 * 7.5 11 * 12.5 8 t 25 4 t 500 to 600 3 31 * 6 ' U * 10 1 * 15 6! t 30 3| 1 t Volt" AMPERES 75 100 150 200 106 to 120 7.5 H 212 to 240 15 1 6| 400 to 480 30 3i 500 to 600 40 2\ * \ t 12.5 25 50 60 8 t 4 t 2 t 1! t 15 6| t 30 3} t 60 If t 75 If t 25 50 100 125 4 2 1 8 t ! 10 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. tDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by *in which case one revolution =1 kw-hr. 201 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 300 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 60 to 140 Cycles AMPERES 300 400 600 Volts Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 480 500 to 600 40 75 150 200 2| 11 61 5 t t 10 10 50 100 200 250 2 1 5 4 t t 10 10 75 150 300 400 If 6! 3* 2* t 10 10 10 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution = 1 kw-hr. 202 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES DS-2, DS-3, DS-4 AND DS-5 THOMSON POLY- PHASE WATTHOUR METERS Capacities 5 to 800 Amps., 1000 to 1200, 2000 to 2400 Volts 60 to 140 Cycles VOLTS 1000 to 1200 2000 to 2400 Amperes Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Pace Mult. Meter K Reg. Ratio Dial Face Mult. 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 400 600 800 6 12.5 20 25 40 50 75 100 125 150 250 400 500 750 1000 I 1 5 4 2* 2 H 1 8 ¥ 2* 2 11 1 * t t t t t t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 25 40 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 500 750 1000 1500 2000 8 4 f H l 6| 5 4 1* U 1 6! 5 t t \ t t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 Meter KX 100 X Register Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of first pointer. t Dial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. except where indicated by * in which case one revolution =kw-hr. 203 TYPE IB THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 169 204 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IB THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 170 205 TYPE IB-2 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 171 206 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IB-2 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 172 207 TYPE IB-3 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 173 208 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IB-3 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 174 209 TYPE IB-4 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 175 210 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE IB-4 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METER Fig. 176 211 o CO O Hi H i M -co Q« a? 5 «?s w * Wed 3s PQCO W h! PQ hO OH wo & £ < w H X w >> o >, /*? Fig. 179 Note. — Types IB and IB-2 meters made only in capacities of 1, 10 and 20 amps. Fuse plug omitted on Type IB meters. 214 INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF THOMSON PORTABLE INDUCTION TEST METERS, TYPES IB, IB-2, IB^3 AND IB-4 7ZrpS £/r?p/e frequency. /?es/s. if nsat/aa Mote:- A'*/// be so/~ t e s/ resu/fs /h T&s-fi\ Fig. 180 215 CONSTANTS FOR TYPES IB, IB-2, IB-3, AND IB-4 THOMSON INDUCTION PORTABLE TEST METERS Capacities 1 to 100 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts 25 to 140 Cycles Volts 100 to 120 200 to 240 40 60 40 60 Cycles 25 and and 25 and and 50 above 50 above Amps. Constants 1 .1 .075 .05 .2 .15 . .1 5 .5 .375 .25 1 .75 .5 10 1 .75 .5 2 1.5 1 20 2 1.5 1 4 3 2 40 4 3 2 8 6 4 50 5 3.75 2.5 10 7.5 5 100 10 7.5 5 20 15 10 One revolution of large pointer corresponds to one revolution of disk. 216 TYPE C THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 181 217 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE C THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 182 218 TYPE C-6 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 183 219 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE C-6 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 184 220 TYPE C-7 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 185 221 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE C-7 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 186 222 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C, C-6 AND C-7 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Types C and C-6 Watthour Meters, 5 to 50 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2- Wire, 400 to 500 Volts 3- Wire Type C-7 Watthour Meters, 5 to 50 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire dk Types C and C-6, 3-Wire M. kr -4 Types C and C-6, 2- Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Fig. 187 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the Type C meter and in the earlier Type C-6 meter. 223 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C, C-6, C-7 AND CQ THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Types C and C-6 Watthour Meters, 75 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Type C-7 Watthour Meters, 75 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 50 and 75 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Types C and C-6, 3-Wire Types C and C-6, 2-Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Type CQ, 2-Wire Fig. 188 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the Type C meter and in the earlier Type C-6 meter. 224 DIMENSION OF TYPES C, C-6, C-7 AND CQ THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Types C and C-6 Watthour Meters, 100 and 150 Amps., 106 to 120> 212 to 240 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Tvoe C-7 Watthour Meters, 100 and 150 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 3 2- Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 100 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Aa : ^ r U4 EDs *ig I. ^wn '5 Ns> k I — v ei Types C and C-6, 3-Wire /5\ EIDafl fo s ^^gg-i- -<& C27 Types C and C-6, 2-Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Type CQ, 2-Wire Fig. 189 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the Type C meter and in the earlier Type C-6 meter. 225 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C, C-6, C-7 AND CQ THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Types C and C-6 Watthour Meters, 300 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3- Wire Type C-7 Watthour Meters, 300 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 200 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Types C and C-6, 3-Wire J5L Types C and C-6, 2-Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Type CQ, 2-Wire Fig. 190 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the Type C meter and in the earlier Type C-6 meter. 226 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C AND C-6 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Types C and C-6 Watthour Meters, 600 Amps., 106 to 120* 212 to 240 Volts 2- Wire Fig. 191 Note — The domed cover such as shown above was not embodied in the Type C meter and in the earlier Type C-6 meter. DIMENSIONS OF TYPE C-7 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 600 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire Amsu DIMENSIONS OF TYPE C-7 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 50 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire *S=^ =™E5fi — As/6 A J: i« 5T yi ^ <9"- J Ty-jpe c-zjz w/re SO srrrp>. Fig. 193 228 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-7 AND CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-7 Watthour Meters, 75 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 50 and 75 Amps., 106 to 120, 212[to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire Type CQ, 3-Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Type CQ, 2-Wire Fig. 194 229 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-7 AND CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-7 Watthour Meters, 100 and 150 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire Type C-7, 2-Wire Type CQ, 2-Wire Fig. 195 230 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire / /Vo/g I*— / J¥ *M- 1 4 Source Fig. 227 5 to 600 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts, 2-Wire A t-oocf -o o- -O O— <£> 4 Source Fig. 228 5 to 600 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire 252 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-5 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 300 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire BACK VIEW ,_Z&- Fig. 229 5 to 50 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire Fig. 230 75 to 300 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire 253 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-5 THOM- SON JHRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERSg 5 to 15 Amps M 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire, 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Fig. 231 5 to 15 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire Fig. 232 5 to 15 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire A. — Starting coil and resistance combined for 100 to 120, 200 to 240 volt 2-wire and 200 to 240, 400 to 500 volt 3-wire. A. — Starting coil only for 500 to 600 volt 2-wire meters, resistance in separate box. B. — Inner section of coil. C. — Outer section of coil. 254 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-5 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 25 to 600 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire, 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Fig. 233 25 to 300 Amps., 106 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2- Wire Fig. 234 25 to 50 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire Fig. 235 75 to 300 Amps., 200 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire Fig. 236 600 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire A. — Starting coil and resistance combined for 200 to 240 volt 2-wife and 200 to 240, 400 to 500 volt 3-wire. A. — Starting coil only for 251 to 600 volt 2-wire, resistance in separate box. 255 TYPE C-9 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOTJR METER Fig. 237 256 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE C-9 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 238 257 TYPE CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 239 258 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER _- Fig. 240 259 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE C-9 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire ■fc ;t \^V) lit J A Fig. 241 260 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 75 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire, . 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire ]" IfllQl'H' 1 nQiQi'i d: f/fo ■*« 2W>r<2 Fig. 242 Capacity A 50 amps. 75 amps. 23^ in. \% in. 261 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-9 Watthour Meters, 100 to 150 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Type CQ-2 Watthour Meters, 100 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire »y>L- * 2 tY/re Capacity A B C D E F 100 amps. 150 amps. H 2 VZ2 1M6 5 V*4 1% 3 3H 1M Fig. 243 262 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-9 Watthour Meters, 300 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3- Wire Type CQ-2 Watthour Meters, 200 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3- Wire D r C k $ m ^ w -sjt'- ~% 4- %$ ^ ^ *S T 3 Mhe -ft/ iQn 3a: s"—4 #*§# ^ 2 /**/-<«? Capacity A B c D 200 amps. 300 amps. V2 % y y 1 7 ^2 1% Fig. 244 263 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-9 Watthour Meters, 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire Type CQ Watthour Meters, 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire -34' -±-3 f -$? 41 K=S r^r^F- LSIS A- ^ ' 'J w .... V'f^fA "Wj J V ^ Fig. 245 Capacity A B C D 400 amps. 600 amps. 1 % Vs 2 IK 2 Vie 264 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-9 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire BACK VIEW ■O^O- Fig. 246 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts Fig. 247 5 to 25 Amps., 500 to 600 Volts 265 EXTERNAL CQ-2 CONNECTIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-9 Watthour Meters, 50 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire Type CQ-2 Watthour Meters, 50 to 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire BACK VIEW , _ ! ? * \ ) Fig. 248 Type C-9, 50 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts O Fig. 249 Type C-9, 50 to 600 Amps. 500 to 600 Volts Type CQ-2, 50 to 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 266 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-9 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to S00 Volts 3- Wire BACK VIEW A/eis+r-c/ n Fig. 250 5 to 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 267 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES C-9 AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS Type C-9 Watthour Meters, 50 to 300 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Type CQ-2 Watthour Meters, 50 to 200 Amps., 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 3-Wire BACK VIEW u A/&ts*-s'cr/ 1 \ 1 1 I } X. O a c/ Fig. 251 Type C-9, 50 to 300 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts £ •Otsr-c 9 SVGC/'trry/ 1 t 1 Aj Lr ■■ j- n n 1 i /tes/s. 1 i\ V u \ Fig. 252 Type CQ-2, 50 to 200 Amps., 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 268 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-9 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire Fig. 253 5 to 15 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire Fig. 254 5 to 15 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire Fig. 255 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2-Wire Fig. 256 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire A. — Starting coil and resistance combined for 106 to 120, 212 to 240 volts 2-wire and 212 to 240, 400 to 500 volts 3-wire. A. — Starting coil only for 500 to 600 volts 2-wire, resistance in separate box. B. — Inner section of coil. C. — Outer section of coil. 269 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE C-9 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire 50 to 300 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts 3-Wire 0-7 Fig. 257 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts, 2- Wire Fig. 258 50 to 300 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 500 Volts, 3-Wire Fig. 259 50 to 300 Amps., 100 to 800 Volts, 2-Wire A. — Starting coil and resistance combined for 106 to 120, 212 to 240 volt 2- wire and 212 to 240, 400 to 500 volt 3-wire. A. — Starting coil only for 500 to 600 volt 2- wire, resistance in separate box. 270 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CP THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATT- HOUR METER WITH FORM 3 PRE- PAYMENT ATTACHMENT 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire Fig. 260 271 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CP THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATT- HOUR METER WITH FORM 3 PRE- PAYMENT ATTACHMENT S to 25 Amps., 212 to 240 Volts 3- Wire 2. o act Fig. 261 272 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CP THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATT- HOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire . C — Outer Section of Coil. Coil and Resistance Combined. 3-Wire Fig. 263 B — Inner Section of Coil. 273 A — Shunt Field TYPE CP-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 264 274 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE CP-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 265 275 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE CP-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire £//o/-e Fig. 268 Internal circuit from A to B and C to D. 277 z. o arc/ INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CP-2 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, and 200 to 240 Volts 3-Wire 2-Wire 3- Wire Fig. 269 -Outer Section of Coil. B — Inner Section of Coil. A — Shunt Field Coil and Resistance Combined 278 TYPE CP-3 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PRE- PAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig 270 279 INTERNAL VIEW OF TYPE CP-3 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 271 280 TYPE CP-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 272 281 INTERNAL VIEW OF TYPE CP-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 273 282 DIMENSIONS OF TYPES CP-3 AND CP-4 THOM- SON DIRECT CURRENT PREPAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire J> W/re ($?W^— ^[j 5 * 2W/r& Fig. 274 283 "2T EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES CP-3 AND CP-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PRE- PAYMENT WATTHOUR METERS 5 to 25 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240 Volts 2-Wire, 212 to 240 Volts, 3-Wire Source Neutral 3 M//r<<=> Fig. 275 284 /.OCr■ -el 1. i Ur-4.1 ^ IC /# o o 05 .J u oj a o5 .j 3 bo .22 2 bo '<*£ £ bo ys 2 bo :-ia Q Q tf Q Q 106 to 120 .2 500 t .4 250 t .6 166* t 1 100 t 212 to 240 .4 250 t .75 133* t 1.25 80 t 2 50 t 400 to 440 .75 133* t 1.5 66* t 2.5 40 t 4 25 t 500 to 600 1 100 t 2 50 t 3 33* t 5 20 t Volts AMPERES 50 75 100 150 106 to 120 212 to 240 400 to 440 500 to 600 2 4 7.5 10 50 25 13| 10 t t t t 3 6 12.5 15 33* 16* 80 66* t t 10 10 4 7.5 15 20 25 13* 66* 50 t t 10 10 6 12.5 25 30 16* 80 40 33* t 10 10 10 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. fDial face bears no multiplier. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 292 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES C-5 AND C-9 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS f2-Wire: 300 to 600 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to Capacities -j 240, 500 to 600 Volts [ 3- Wire: 300 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 440 Volts AMPERES 300 600 Volts u o Reg. Ratio Dial Dial Face Mult. 2 o a be •2 ° ** 106/120 212/240 400/440 500/600 12.5 25 50 60 80 40 20 161 10 10 10 10 25 50 100 125 40 20 10 80 10 10 10 100 Meter K X100 XRegister Ratio = No. of watthours recorded by one revolution of the first pointer. In all cases, one revolution of first pointer, disregarding dial face multiplier = 10 kw-hrs. 293 TYPE CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 281 294 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE CQ THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METER Fig. 282 295 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES CQ AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 50 to 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2-Wire 212 to 240 Volts 3- Wire /-ronr v feus. 3- >Y/7-<3 ^BacA Co/'/ ^/"ror?* Co// T-r I 1 Z- w/r-e Fig. 283 Note. — Resistance for Type CQ meters up to 300 volts, 2-wire and 600 volts 3-wire mounted in a cage upon the meter back. Resistance for Type CQ meters above 300 volts 2-wire and 600 volts 3-wire, all Type CQ-2 meters and special Type CQ meters mounted in a separate box. 296 CONNECTIONS OF ARMATURE FOR TYPES CQ AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS 2- and 3-Wire Fig. 284 297 CONSTANTS AND REGISTER DATA FOR TYPES CQ AND CQ-2 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT WATTHOUR METERS SO to 400 Amps., 106 to 120, 212 to 240, 500 to 600 Volts 2- Wire, 212 to 240 Volts 3-Wire AMPERES 50 75 100 Volts .2 Is o es+J «-. .2 0) o eg'- r— H H o in o o < © o 339 g o H O w o ow fa oft H O w o S o H O W & * A "3 O ■* m m " OW § WH S t s s pq H o gH S *W § H m' H . °g i §*§ H O W o o < w H W o in in 342 I INTERNAL CURRENT CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CB AND LOW CAPACITY TYPES CB-2, CB-3 AND CB-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS 1-2-10-20-40 Amps. 7&r-m/r7C3/ Z. go mor7 Current 7erm/no/. G^_^)rQ Fuse P/ug <4 Boc/r Co /As Fig. 327 Note— "S" denotes start of a section. ,4 F" denotes finish of a section. 344 INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPES CB, CB-2 AND CB-3 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS 100 to 120 Volts Shuni- /?es%f£?ce 3jooots\ /lrfT7afL ' r " Fig. 328 Note — Heating key down — heating position. Heating key up — working position. 345 INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF DOUBLE VOLTAGE TYPES CB, CB-2 AND CB-3 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS Connections as Shown are for the Lower of Two Voltages f?es/sfc>nce j-O f*€>n ere /r? Cch?& Fig. 331 348 INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CB-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS 100 to 120 Volts VIEWED FROM FRONT AND TOP /r?/err?a/Jfes/s. Fig. 332 349 INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CB-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS 200 to 240 Volts VIEWED FROM FRONT AND TOP movrrfec/ /r? Cape INTERNAL POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE CB-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS 100 to 120 and 200 to 240 Volts VIEWED FROM FRONT AND TOP 220 Vo/fAfa# r?&f £ jEjrter-r7&/ ffes is fence r\ in Cage r-\ <7ap/?£r Fig. 334 351 CONSTANT DATA FOR TYPES CB, CB-2, CB-3 AND CB-4 THOMSON DIRECT CURRENT PORTABLE TEST METERS Capacities 1 to 100 Amps., 100 to 120, 200 to 240 Volts VOLTS Amperes 100-120 200-240 Constants 1 .05 .1 2 .1 .2 5 .25 .5 10 .5 1. 20 1. 2. 40 2. 4. 50 2.5 5. 100 5. 10. One revolution of large pointer corresponds to one revolution of the meter disk. 352 TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATOR Fig. 335 INTERIOR VIEW OF TYPE W THOMSON POLY- PHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATOR DIMENSIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 3 to 25 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles, With and Without Transformers DIMENSIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 50 to 75 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles. All Circuits Except 4- Wire 3-Phase* With and Without Transformers + /£'- Fig. 338 *4 wire 3-phase indicators made self-contained up to 25 amp. only. 355 DIMENSIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLY- PHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 100 to 150 Amps., 25 to 140 Cycles and Above. All Circuits Except 4- Wire 3-Phase* With and Without Transformers Fig. 339 *4-wire 3-phase indicators made self-contained up to 25 amperes only. 356 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 3 to 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire, 2 and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW /5\ > r > u y fi 1 / (s / \ 1 Fig. 340 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits wire "A" should be the common return. 357 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 50 to 150 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire, 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW Sots' Fig. 341 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits wire "A" should be the common return. 358 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS Above 150 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire, 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW Fig. 342 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits wire "A" should be the common~return. 359 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS Above 650 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 3-Wire, 2- and 3-Phase and Monocyclic Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers FRONT VIEW Sots/~e& Fig. 343 Note. — On 3-wire 2-phase circuits wire "A" should be the common return. 360 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 3 to 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire, 2-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW SOtf/rc & M. k- -4> Fig. 344 361 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 50 to 150 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire, 2-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW £ © ts *• C & \ ^ o ca c/ Eig. 345 362 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS Above 150 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4-. Wire, 2-Phase Circuits, With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW SO LS /~C & M. 4r 4 Fig. 346 363 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS Above 650 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire, 2-Phase Circuits, With Current and Potential Transformers FRONT VIEW ^<9 Fig. 347 364 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS 3 to 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4-Wire, 3-Phase Circuits, Without Transformers FRONT VIEW M. &- -4 Fig. 348 365 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF TYPE W THOMSON POLYPHASE MAXIMUM WATT DEMAND INDICATORS Above 25 Amps., 212 to 240, 400 to 480, 500 to 600 Volts, 25 to 140 Cycles, 4- Wire, 3-Phase Circuits, With Current Transformers FRONT VIEW J£l ffl 4- -