v -v v-cr / • \trc* • ^° ... • <2^» £ .0 , A .4 V *o 4* homestead farm, or the family of Sally (Wood) Huntley, who lived in Marlow, N. H., and whose descendants are quite numerous in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. That the numerous families might have at least a book knowledge of each other is reason enough for publishing this book. The writer has received a great deal of pleas- ure in meeting a few of the cousins and wishes it were possible for him to meet them all. He wishes to thank sincerely all who have so kindly helped in furnishing val- uable information, and trust the book may meet with a kind reception. CAPT. JOHN WOOD. FROM "DESCENDANTS OF THE BROTHERS JEREMIAH AND JOHN WOOD." John Wood, brother of Jeremiah Wood, married the oldest daughter of Col. Joseph Buekminster of Framiug- ham, Mass. The following is from the Town Records of Framing- ham. Mass.: Married, March 3, 1705, John Wood and Elizabeth Buekminster, both of this town. The great grandfather of Elizabeth (Buekminster) Wood, Thomas Buekminster, came to Boston in 1640, from England, and is named in the colonial records of that year. He was made freeman May 6, 1646. He was the owner of lands at Muddy River, now Brookline, Mass., where he lived. He died there Sept. 20, 1656. He left nine children. In his will he refers to Joseph as one of his youngest sons. The grandfather of Elizabeth (Buekminster) Wood was Joseph Buekminster, and was the fust of that christian name in this country. He mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Clark of Watertown, Mass.. in 1665. They had two children, Joseph, born July 31, 1666; Elizabeth, baptized Nov. 10, 1668. The father died in L668. Joseph Buekminster, sec- CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 1 1 oncl of the name, married May 12, 1686, Martha Sharpe of Muddy River, now Brookline, Mass. They were the parents of Elizabeth (Buekminster) Wood, wife of John Wood. His father, Joseph Buekminster, was a proprietor of land, and pioneer in settling Framing-ham where his name is first mentioned in 1693. His oldest child, Eliza- beth, married John Wood in Framingham, March 3, 1705. He was seventeen years selectman, twelve years representative to the general court, and many years jus- tice of the peace. He held several military commissions ; commanded a company of grenadiers in Sir Charles Holley's regi- ment in the expedition to Port Royal, September, 1710; subsequently had the commaud of a colonial regiment of militia. Tradition describes him as being tall and athletic, of great physical power and of resolute will. " Anapolis Royal, a seaport of Nova Scotia, at the mouth of the river Anapolis which enters into the Bay of Fundy 95 miles west of Halifax. It was founded in 1604 by the French who called it Port Royal." — Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia, page 164. u In the autumn of 1709, a congress of delegates of all the colonies met at Rhode Island and determined on an expedition against Canada. The British ministry approved of the proposal, and the immediate reduction of Port Royal was agreed upon Aug. 1, 1710. "Accordingly an English force came over in five fri- gates and a bomb ketch. They were joined by the colonial 12 (ATT. JOHN WOOD. troops, and started from Boston on the eighteenth of Sep- tember, 1710. On the twenty-fourth they arrived. at the place. The governor despairing to hold out against so formidable a force, surrendered after the firing of a few shots. "—Barton's History of N. H., pages 119-120. This was the expedition in which Col. Joseph Buck- minster took an active part. Joseph Buckmiuster, by his first wife, Martha Sharpe, had eight children (none by his second wife, Martha Dell). Had: 1. Elizabeth, b. 1687 ; m. March 1, 1705, to John A^ood (201) of Framingham, as per town records; afterwards he settled at what is now Woodville, in the town of Hop- kinton, Mass., where his descendants now reside. He died in August, 1725. His widow married May 6, 1728, Josiab Rice of Framingham; he died in 1745, and Eliza- beth died several years later. Johanna Buckminster, second child of Joseph and Martha (Sharpe), b. 1690; m. June 23, 1712, John Fames, son of John and Elizabeth (Fames) Eames ; had ten children; 2d, she m. March 19, 1740, John Butler of Framingham. 3. Martha, b. 1693; m. Fbenezer Winchester of Fram- ingham, Feb. 13, 1718; had seven children. Fbenezer CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 1,3 graduated at Harvard college, 1744; was a physician. The father died 1744. " His widow m. Nov. 1, 1749, Rev. James Bridgham of Brim field. 4. Joseph, third of the name, b. 1697, brother of Eliza- beth (Bnckminster) Wood; m. Sarah Lawson, June 18, 1718; she d. Sept 11, 1747. He m. 2d, widow Hannah Kigell ; she d. Oct. 25, 1776. He owned a large estate in Framing-ham ; held several commissions ; was colonel about 1738; was twenty-eight years a selectman; more than thirty years town clerk ; more than twenty years a representative at the general court. He died at the age of 83 years, after a long life of public service and personal worth. He had Joseph, b. March 1, 1720; he was the fourth Joseph Bnckminster in direct succession, and the first to enter the ministry ; graduated at Harvard college 1739, and was pastor at Rutland more than 50 years. Rev. Joseph's son Joseph was b. Oct. 3, 1751 ; graduated at Yale college 1770 ; settled at Portsmouth, N. H. ; was Doctor of Divinity. Rev. Dr. Bnckminster gave an address and sermon in the North church, Ports- mouth, N. II., Nov. 1, 1789, before George Washington, during his visit to New Hampshire. Dr. Joseph's son, Joseph Stevens Bnckminster, b. May 26, 1784; graduated 1800; was ordained over the Brattle Street church in Boston, Jan. 30, 1805, not 21 years old. His father, Dr. Bnckminster, preached the sermon. He died their pastor June 9, 1812. James Freeman Clark, d. d., late of Boston, was also a descendant of Col. Joseph Bnckminster, Jr. 1 1 CAI'T. JOHN WOOD. 0. Thomas Buckminster, sou of Col. Joseph Buckminster, and brother of Elizabeth (Buckminster) Wood, b. 1699; in. March 1. 1722, Surah Baxter of Medfield; had ten children ; removed to Brookfield, Mass. 6. Sarah, dan. of Col. Joseph Buckminster, b. 1702; m. June 23, 1720, Dr. Bazaleel Rice of Framingham, son <»f David and Hannah (Walker) Rice; had six children. Svbilla. 1). 1 70", ; m. .lune 24, 172s, John White of Framingham. Had live children. 8. Zerviah, b. July 2(1. 1710; m. Dec. 19, 1729, Will- iam Brintnal of Framingham ; he was a teacher in Sud- bury and Rutland several years. He was also a minis- ter; died in 1752; interred in the Buckminster lot, Framingham. Had live children. The family has been honored in its descendants in every generation. .lost] ih Buckminster was buried in Framingham, Mass. ; an iron fence surrounds the family lot, also the follow- ing Anno Domini 1771. Under this Monument lies Joseph Buckminster, Esq. Aged 81 Years. ( )nk worthy in his day. CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 15 Copy of a letter written in 1718, by John Wood and wife to their brother Jeremiah. The direction was upon the outside as follows : This for Mr. Jeremiah Wood living in Littleton, Deliver. Inside. December the 18, 171 8. Whithall. After my love to you these lines are to inform you that I am in good health and mine also. My wife and I have love for you and yours, but we show it not by our often meetings. I pray mend these faults. And this for my part, John Wood, your loven brother. And as for my part I would gladly have come to see you this fall but your Brother would not, nevertheless I would be very glad to see you both at our house. Your loving sister Elizabeth Wood. The above letter establishes the relationship of Jere- miah Wood of Littleton and John Wood of Hopkinton, living at Whitehall. CAPT. JOHN WOOD. j 201. John Wood was born in Framingham, Mass., in 1674; married Elizabeth Buckminster (202), daughter of Col. Joseph Buckminster, March 3, 170."); died in Hopkinton, Mass., August, 1725. Seven of his eight children were born in Fram- ino-ham. He afterwards settled in Hopkinton, Mass., where the village of Woodville now stands, and where several of John Wood's de- scendants now reside. He was one of the orig- inal members of the church in Hopkinton, which was organized Sept. 2, 1724. He was elected one of the selectmen, March 25, 1724. At his death his estate was valued at nine hundred pounds. John Wood was of English descent. 202. Elizabeth Buckminster was born in 1687, in Fram- ingham, Mass. ; after the death of her husband, John AVood (201), she married May 6, 1728, Josiah Rice of Framingham; he died in 1745, and Elizabeth died several years later. DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 17 SECOND GENERATION. DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN (201) AND ELIZABETH BUCKMINSTER (202) WOOD. 203. John Wood, the oldest son, m. in Hopkinton, Mass., Mary Howe (204) in 1727. 205. Mary, b. Aug. 4, 1709; m. Daniel Stone (206). 207. Elizabeth; b. March 3, 1711; d. April 13, J714. 208. Benjamin, b. April 15, 1714; m. at Hopkinton, Martha Chamberlain (209), 1737; had John ; b. April 22, 1739. 210. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1716; m. Thomas Mellen (211); d. Feb. 25, 1775, aged 58. She left numerous descendants. 212. Thomas Wood, b. in Framingham, Mass., Sept. 9, 171!); m. at Hopkinton, Mass., Mary Taylor, (213) 1740. He afterwards lived at Hopkinton, and lived in Brookfield, Mass., in April, 1775, when he marched on the alarm eall of April 19, 1775. In March, 17-SO. with his sons, John (220) and Benjamin (221), he moved to East Alstead, N. H., where they purchased a large tract of land comprising two farms, upon which they set- tled, and brought up large families of children. Thomas Wood (212) d. and was buried in East Alstead, N. II., July 17-, 1811, aged 92. Mary Taylor (213), his wife, was b. in 1720 and d. previous to March, 1780. IS DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 214. Joseph Wood, b. Aug. 3, 1722; m. Martha Gib- son (215) in 1742. Had thirteen children by two wives. 216. Samuel. He was the youngest son of John (201) mikI Elizabeth Buckminster (202) Wood. THIRD GENERATION. CHILDREN OF THOMAS (212) AND MARY TAYLOR (213) WOOD. 217. Thomas. 2 is. Samuel, b. Doc 21, L746. 219. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11. 1748. •22<>. John, b. April 29, 177)1 ; m. Lois Olds (222) Nov. 25, 1778; in. (2d) Widow Abigail Hutchins (223) Nov, 19, 1806; d. in East Alstead, N.H., Dec. 28, 1830. 221. Benjamin, b. April 21), 1751.; m. Lucy Olds (224) .lime 15, 1 7 7 r> ; m. (2d) Widow Patty Willis (22.")) Feb. 25, 1823; d. in East Alstead, N. H., April 4, 1833, aged 82. Joseph, William, and James were three younger sons, who are re- ferred to in the sermon of Seth S. Arnold. JOHN AND BENJAMIN WOOD. The twin brothers, John (220) and Benjamin (221), resembled each other very much. Their parents could hardly tell them apart when they were a short distance away, and to make sure of the right one used to call on them, John— Ben. Benjamin, after his return from the army on the Lex- ington alarm call, was married and had two children previous to his service in the army the second time. During his term of service the last time he returned home on a short furlough. His brother John proposed to him that he would fill his place for a few days, that he might stay at home with his wife and children a little longer, which he accordingly 'did, John's furlough after- wards giving him an opportunity to take his place again in the army. I herewith publish the Revolutionary War service of Thomas Wood (212), Benjamin Wood (221), and John Wood (220). 20 DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN WOOD. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Office of the Secretary. REVOLUTIONARY WAR SERVICE OF THOMAS WOOD. Thom vs Wood : Appears with rank of Private on Lex- iim-ton Alarm Roll of Capt. Ithamar Wright s Co., which marched on the alarm of April 11), 1775, from Brookfield. Length of service 8 days. Residence, Brookfield. Reported : En- listed into the army April 27, 1775. Vol. 13; p. 191). Thomas Wood: Appears with rank of Sergeant on Muster Roll of Capt. Isaac Bolster's Co., Colonel Learned's Regt., dated August 1, 1775. Enlisted April 27, 1775. Time of service, :] mos. 12 DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. .JOHN WOOD. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Office of the Secretary. Boston, May 6, 1899. I certify the foregoing to be true abstracts from the Record Index to the Revolutionary War Archives de- posited in this office. Witness the Seal of the Commonwealth. VVm. M. Olin, Secretary. (Seal.) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Office of the Secretary. REVOLUTIONARY WAR SERVICE OF JOHN WOOD. John Wood: Appears with rank of Private on Lexing- ton Alarm Roll of Capt. Ithamer Wright's Co. of Minute-men, which marched on the alarm, of April 19, 177."), from Brookfield. Town to which soldier belonged, Brookfield. Length of service, 8 days. Reported enlisted into the army April 27, 1775. Vol. 13 : 199. John Wood: Appears with rank of Private on Muster Roll of Capt. Isaac Bolster's Co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's Regt., dated August 1, 1775. En- listed April 27, 177.). Service, 3 mos., 12 days. Town to which soldier belonged, Brookfield. Vol. 14: 39. DESCENDANTS OL-" (APT. JOHN WOOD. 23 John Wood : Appears with rank of Private on a Com- pany Return of Capt. Isaac Bolster's Co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's Regt., dated Roxbury, October 7, 1775. Town to which soldier be- longed, Brook field. Vol. 56: 11. John Wood : Appears among signatures to an Order for Bounty Coat or its equivalent in money, due for the Eight Months Service in 1775, in Capt. Isaac Bolster's Co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's Regt., dated Roxbury. November 18, 1775. Payable to Sergt. Thomas Wood. Vol. 57, Pile 2. John Wood : Appears among a List of Men dated Brookfield, June 30, 1778, showing service credited to them respectively as returned by the Committee chosen to make an average of the service rendered to the credit of the 3d Precinct of Brookfield ; total amount of service rendered made to average 5 1-2 mos. for each single poll in said precinct; said Wood . credited with 9 mos. service. Vol. 4 : 51) 1-2. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Office <>i the Secretary. Boston. Dec. 3, 1901. I certify the foregoing to be true abstracts from the Record Index to the Revolutionary War Archives de- posited in this office. Witness the Seal of the Commonwealth. Wm. M. Olin, Secretary. 24 DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN WOOD. [copy.] WAR DEPARTMENT. Revolutionary Claim. I certify that in conformity with the Law of the United States, of the 7th June 1832, Benajmin Wood of the State of New Hampshire who was a Private in the army of the Revolution is entitled to receive twenty dollars and cents per annum, during his natural life com men c- ing on l he 4th of March, 1831, and payable semi-an- nually on the 4th of March, and 4th of September, in every year. Given at the War Office of the United States : [Seal] this Twenty Fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War. Examined and Countersigned, J. L. Edwards. BENJAMIN WOOD, Alstead. No. 4664. Payments to be made at Ports- Private month, N. II., by the Pryn S. B. $20.00 Bank, Agent for paying Pensioners 25 Jan. 1883. in the Agency of New Hampshire. DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN WOOD. 25 HISTORICAL SERMON. The following' is copied from a sermon preached at Alstead, N. II., on the first Sabbath in January, 1826, with historical sketches of the town, by Seth S. Arnold, A. M. : 44 Thomas Wood of English descent, came from Brook- field, Mass., to this town, in March, 17H0. He married Molly Taylor of Hopkinton, Mass., by whom he had seven sons and three daughters. He took part in the war at Bunkers Hill, and at White Plains, before he came here. His sons' names were Thomas, Samuel, John, Benjamin, Joseph, William, and James. Thomas, Jnn., and Samuel continued in Massachusetts. Col. John AVood married Lois Olds for his first wife, and Widow Hutchins for his second, by both of whom he had twelve children ; the youngest is the only son. " Colonel Wood held a military commission twenty vears. John and Benjamin were twins. "Benjamin Wood married Lucy Olds, a sister of his brother John's wife, and after her death he married the Widow Willis, sister to his brother's second wife. 44 He had six sons and five daughters. 1 The sons' names 1 There is no other record which gives Benjamin Wood, twin brother of Col. John Wood, more than three daughters. They were Sally (Wood) Huntley, Lucy (Wood) Miller, and Susannah (Wood) Hutchins and an adopted daughter, Hariot (Wood) Isham. The Joseph Wood referred to, who practiced in Alstead about 1776, and William Wood "now in Canaan," and James Wood, who practiced in Hartford, Vt., were sons of Thomas (212) and Molly Taylor (213) Wood. Dr. James Wood above referred to, within the memory of the writer, lived with his daughter, Almira, in East Alstead, where he died. Another daugh- ter of his was Ann, who married Charles Dwinnell, who used to keep the "Sun Tavern" in Keene, N. H. They are both buried in the ceme- tery in Keene, N. H. 26 BKNJAMIN WOOD AND HIS DESCENDANTS. were Buckminsler, Benjamin, James, Joseph, Jesse, and Amasa. Two of them now live in town. Jesse was a physician in the state of New York, and died a few years sin.ee. "Joseph Wood studied physiek with Doct. Wood of Grafton, Mass., and bega« practice in this place about 1776, where he continued two or three years. William Wood came here about 1778, and is now in Canaan, iu this state. James Wood married Ann Holland of Pelham, Mass., by whom he had four sons and three daughters. He studied physic with Doct. Freeland, of Sutton, Mass., and commenced practice in Hartford, Vt., but has long since discontinued." The following is copied from a stone in the cemetery in Keene, N. H. : "Charles Dwinnell, Died May 28, 1879. Ae. 66 years, 1 mos. " Ann his wife, Died Jan. 24, 187(5. Ae. 79 yrs." BENJAMIN WOOD AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 2 t THrRD GENERATION. BENJAMIN WOOD AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 221. Benjamin Wood, twin brother of Col. John Wood (220), was b. in Framingham, Mass., April 29, 1751; His father, Thomas Wood (212), moved to Hopkinton, Mass., when he was young - . They were both living in Brookfield, Mass., previous to April 19, 177."), on which day they both responded to the Lexington Alarm call. He returned home, May 1, 1775. He was married June 15, 1775, to Lucy Olds (224). He afterwards enlisted previous to June 30, 1778, and was credited with six months' service. In March, 1780, with his twin brother John (220), and father, Thomas Wood (217), with their wives and four small children, moved to East Alstead, N. IT. After the death of his wife he married second, Widow Patty Stowell (Willis), (225) Feb. 25, 1823; he died in East Alstead, April 4, 1833. 224. Lucy Olds, b. .June 8, 1752; d. in East Alstead, Dec. 13, 1821. 225. Patty Stowell Willis, b. in Winchester, N. H.. in 1767; d. in East Alstead, March 9, 1847. "28 BENJAMIN WOOD AM> HIS DESCENDANTS. FOURTH GE^S T E RATION. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN (221) AND LUCY OLDS (224) WOOD. 226. Buckminster, b. in Brookfield, Mass., April 8, 1776; m. Polly Brooks (227); be d. in San- dusky, Ohio, about 1840. 227. Polly Brooks, b. in Alstead, N. H. ; d. in Avon, Ohio, July 16, 1840. j 228. Benjamin, b. in Brookfield, Mass., March 23, 1777; m. in Orange, N. II., April 2, 1801, Abigail Waldo (229); d. in East Alstead,,! N. H., Oct. 4, 1841. 1 229. Abigail Waldo, b. in Canterbury, Conn., Dec. 6, J 1774; d. in East Alstead, June 2, 1842. 230. Sally, b. in Brookfield, Mass., May 21, 1779; m. at East Alstead, N. II., Dec. 10, 1802, Loines Huntley (231); d. at Marlovv, N. H., Jan. 2(), 1860. 231. Loines Huntley, b. in Marlow, Nov. 15, 1780; d. in Marlow, Sept. 3, 1841. 2:12. Lucy, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Aug. 5, 1781 ; in. Ansil Miller (233); d. in West Hartford, Vt., June 2, 1864. ] 533. Ausil Miller, d. in West Hartford, June 18, 1827. 234. James, b in East Alstead, Nov. 17, 1783; mi Olive Kockwood (235), of Franklin, Mass., Dec. 17, 1806; m. 2d, Mrs. Margaret W. Henderson (236), Feb. 8, 1825 ; d. in Geneseo, N. V., Oct. 2, 1867. BENJAMIN WOOD AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 29 235. Olive Rockwood, b. June 20, 1787 ; d. in Geneseo, N. Y., June 17, 1823. 236. Margaret W. Henderson, b. in Lafayette, Onon- daga Co., X. Y., April 12, 1796 ; d. in Geneseo, June 15, 1858. 237. Susannah, b. in East Alstead, N. H., March 18, 1786 ; m. Cheaney Hutchins (238), of Winches- ter, X. H., April 23, 1812; d. in Springfield, 111., Aug. 10, 1860. 238. Cheaney Hutchins, born in Winchester, April 19, 1782; d. at Bethlehem, X. H., March 11, 1840. 239. Joseph, b. in East Alstead, June 13, 1788; m. Susan Wood (2 10); d. in Geneseo, X. Y., Dec. 29, 1845; had two children, Abigail (241) and Henrietta (212); his wife and children all died in New York, leaving no heirs. 243. Jesse, b. in East Alstead, May 12, 1793; m at Canadiee. Ontario Co., X. Y., in 1819, Clarinda White (211); d. in Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y., April 16, 1824, leaving two children, who were brought up by his brother, Maj. James Wood (234). Dr. Jesse Wood was a skilful physician, with a large practice. 244. Clarinda White, b. Feb. 28, 1802 ; d. in Geneseo, X. Y., Feb. 8, 1858. 245. Amasa Wood, the youngest child of Benjamin (221) and Lucy (Olds) Wood (224), was b. at the old homestead, in East Alstead, X". H., Jan. (5. 1796; m. in Lempster, X. H., April 12, 30 BENJAMIN WOOD AND HIS DESCENDANTS. 1821, Polly Miller Huntley (246), daughter of Charles and Sally (Miller) Huntley; he d. Dec. 18, 1875, in the house where he was born, and had always lived. 246. Polly Miller Huntley, b. in Lempster, N. H., Dee. 3, 1801 ; d. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lucy P. Kemp (87G), in East Alstead, .Ian. 9, 1884. 247. Harriet Wood, adopted daughter of Benjamin (221) and Lucy (Olds) Wood (224), was b. in East Alstead, N. H., Feb. 2, 1801 ; in. James Fuller Isham (248), Nov. 20, 1823 ; d. in East Alstead, July 24, 1886. 248. James Fuller Isham, 1). in Gilsum, N. H., May 21, 1801 ; d. in East Alstead, Feb. 22, 1874. He was many years deacon. of the Congrega- tional church of that place, and postmaster about thirty years. BUCKMINSTER WOOD. 226. Buckmhister Wood, the oldest son of Benjamin (221) and Lucy Olds (224) Wood, was born in Brookfield, Mass., April 8, 1776. When he was less than four years old, his brother Benja- min (228) was three, and his sister Sally (230) was ten months old, when their parents with their grandfather, Thomas (212), emigrated from Brookfield, Mass., to East Alstead, N. H. The one hundred miles' journey across the country, which must have taken three or four days, in the blustering month of March, goes to show the heroic nature of our ancestors. We find very few records of these families, except of births, marriages, and deaths. Bnckminster (22(5) married Polly Brooks (227) of Alstead, previous to 1800. He moved to Orange, Yt., where his daughters, Lucinda (27:5) and Sophia (270), and oldest son, Elias Howard (278), were born, and he next lived in Ludlowville, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and finally settled in Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio, where his wife, Polly Brooks (227), died, and was there buried. After her death he lived in Sandusky, Ohio, where he died about 1840, and was buried beside his wife in Avon, Ohio. 32 DESCENDANTS OF BUCKMINSTER WOOD. lie had five children ; the three oldest, Lucinda, Sophia, and Elias Howard, raised up large fam- ilies of children and grandchildren. Most of tliem settled in the states of New York, Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, and Michigan. His descendants at this time number two hundred and thirty- five, one hundred and seventy of whom are still living. Many of them did valiant service in the Union armies, in the War of the Rebellion. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BUCKMINSTER (226) AND POLLY BROOKS (227) WOOD. 1. 273. Lucinda, b. in Orange, Vt., Oct. 2!), 1801 ; m. at Messena, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1820, Arnold Barrett (274) ; afterwards m. second, a man by the name of Bartlett (275) ; she d. in Lowville, Erie Co., Pa., July 11, 18 ( J0. 274. Arnold Barrett was b. in Vermont, July 4, 1798; he d. while returning home from California, and was buried at sea, about the year 1848. •- ■ DESCENDANTS OF BUCKMINSTER WOOD. 33 2. 276. Sophia, b. in Orange, Vt., June 3, 1803; m. in Orange, in 1821, Oran Darling (277); d. in Olmstead, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1854. 277. Oran Darling, b. in Vermont, Nov. 3, 1796; d. in Michigan, Nov. 10, 1879. 3. 278. Elias Howard, b. in Orange, Vt., Aug. 27, 1806 ; m. at Ludowville, Tompkins Co., N. Y., Jan. 28, 1827, Mrs. Rachel Ames Bixby (279); m. second, in 1883, Mrs. Henrietta Nash (280) of Lowville, Pa. ; he d. at Lowville, Pa., Feb. 29, 1891. 279. Rachel Ames Bixby, b. in Shaftesbury, Vt., May 1, 1799; d. at Franklinville, N. Y., May 13, 1881. 280. Henrietta Nash, b. in Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1818; d. Nov. 13, 1896. 4. 281. Martha, b. July 12, 1812 ; m. Schulyer B. Stearns (282) in 1831 ; m. second, David Yaples (283), Feb. 27, 1883; she d. at Phillipsville, Pa., Sept. 29, 1892; no children. 282. Schuyler B. Stearns, b. Sept. 4, 1805; d. June 24, 1881. 283. David Yaples, b. March, 1805 ; d. Dec. 24, 1888. 284. John, b. Dec. 23, 1817; d. in Angelica, Alle- ghany Co., N. Y., in 1899 ; not married. 34 DESCENDANTS OF LUCINDA WOOD BARRETT. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ARNOLD (274) AND LUCINDA WOOD (273) BARRETT. 1. 285. Alanzo, b. in Louisville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1821 ; m. in Strongville, Medina Co., Ohio, April 18, 1850, Abigail Lewis (286) ; d. at Partello, Calhoun Co., Mich., Feb. 28, 1897. 286. Abigail Lewis, b. in Ellisburg, Geneseo Co., N. V., Sept. 25, 1831 ; res. Olivet, Mich. 2. 287. Augelia, b. in Louisville, N. Y., April 27, 1824; m. in Avon, Ohio, July 4, 1842, William Scott (288) ; d. at Silver Creek, N. Y., July 7, 1890. 288. William Scott, b. in Scotland, G. B., March 20, 1817; d. in Remus, Mecosta Co., Mich., Jan. 9, 1888. 3. 289. Arminda, b. in Louisville, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1827; m. John Scott (290) ; d. in Jasper, Jasper Co., Mo., Jan 21, 1901. 290. John Scott. 4. 291. Andrew, b. in Columbia, Lorain Co., Ohio, Sept. 15, 1831 ; m. at Braceville, Mahoning Co., Ohio, Charlotte Miller (292). DESCENDANTS OF LUCINDA WOOD BAERETT. 35 292. Charlotte Miller; no children; res. Crook City, North Dakota. 5. 293. Lewis, b. in Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio, June 22, 1839; m. at Montville, Geauga Co., Ohio, Sept. 8, 1861, Lydia Elizabeth Wintersteen (294) ; res. Reed City, Mich. 294. Lydia Elizabeth Wintersteen, b. in Montville, Geauga Co., Ohio, Feb. 13, 1841. 6. 295. Oliver, b. in Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio, Sept. 17, 1841 ; m. at Howard City, Montcalm Co., Mich., Jan. 7, 187G, Elizabeth Hazelton (296) ; res. Reed City, Mich. 296. Elizabeth Haselton, b. in Warrensbnrg, Warren Co., N. Y., March 28, 1838. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALANZO (285) AND ABIGAIL LEWIS (286) BARRETT. 297. Anna Marie, b. in Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio, Feb. 12, 1852; m. in Morengo, Calhoun Co., Mich., Sept. 26, 1872, Henry Post (298) ; m. second, Oct. 3, 1*98, Edgar Orin Rickner(299) ; no children ; res. Marshall, Calhoun Co., Mich. 298. Henrv Post, b. in Yergennes. Mich., in 1840. 36 DESCENDANTS OF LUCINDA WOOD BARRETT. 299. Edgar Orin Rickner, b. in Sherwood, Branch Co., Mich., May 5, 1856. 300. Clara Elizabeth, b. in Marine City, St. Clair Co., Mich., Aug. 30, 1854; m. Robert Roy (301), July 4, 1873; d. March 17, 1894. 301. Robert Roy, b. 1837. 302. Jennie Valinda. b. in Strongville, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1858; m. Edmond Webster Kinch (303), July 10, 1884. 303. Edmond Webster Kinch, b. in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Mich., Jan. 12, 1861 ; res. Marshall, Mich. 304. Liunie Romain, b. in Brunswick, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1860; m. John Milieu (305), Dec. 25, 1885; d. in Lee, Calhoun Co., Mich., Aug. 30, 1894. 305. John Milieu, b. in Seneca Co., Ohio, ; res. Portello, Mich. EIGHTH GENEKATION. CHILDREN OF ROBERT (301) AND CLARA ELIZABETH BARRETT (300) ROY. 306. Blanche Lillian, b. in Sheridan, Calhoun Co., Mich., Oct. 3, 1874; m. Melvin Bishop Bums (307), July 4, 1890. 307. .Melvin Bishop Burns, b. in Clarence, Calhoun Co., Mich., Sept, 3, 1868. 308. Frank Aubrey, b. in Eckford, Calhoun Co., Mich., Aug. 5, 1875. DESCENDANTS OF LUCINDA WOOD BARRETT. 37 CHILDREN OF EDMOND WEBSTER (303) AND JENNIE VALINDA BARRETT (302) KINCH. All b. in Marshall, Mich. 309. Arnold Edmond, b. April 22, 1885. 310. Ernest Arthur, b. Jan. 29, 1887. 311. Oscar Alanzo, b. Dec. 13, 1896. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MELVIN BISHOP (307) AND BLANCHE LILLIAN (306) BURNS. 313. Cl} T de Aubrey, b. in Spring-port, Jackson Co., Mich., Nov. 9, 1891. 313. Clayton Jerome, b. in Clarence, Calhoun Co., Mich., Aug. 25, 1894. 314. Olive Abigail, b. in Clarence, Calhoun Co., Mich., July 27, 1896. 315. Bessie Maria, b. in Springport, Jackson Co., Mich., Nov. 4, 1898. 38 DESCENDANTS OF IACINDA WOOD BARRETT. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF -WILLIAM (288) AND ANGELIA BARRETT (287) SCOTT. 316. Mary Angelia, b. in Rowsbery, Ashland Co.. O., Sept. 17, 1843 ; m. in Stanton, Mich., Nov. 12, 1873, Daniel Heath (317); no children; res. Palo, Mich. 317. Daniel Heath, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., June 17, 1801); d. in Palo, Mich., Nov. 14, 1885. 318. William Arnold, b. in Rowsbery, O., June 25, 1849; m. in Palo, Mich., June 17, 1874, Har- riet S. Cuduey (319); d. in Sheridan, Mich., June 18, 1894. 319. Harriet S. Cudney, b. in Buforcl, Ontario, Can., April 28, 1859 ; res. Sheridan, Mich. 320. Minnie, b. in Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich., March 23, 1858; m. in Stanton, Mich., July 17, 1880, Frank A. Lent (321) ; in. 2d, at Toronto, Can., Nov. 16, 1891, Albert C. Snider (322); no children ; res. Winnipeg. 321. Frank A. Lent, b. in Wavne, Schuvler Co., N. Y., July 7, 1852; d. in Stanton, Mich., Sept. 17, 1880. 322. Albert C. Snider, b. in Brooksdale, Ontario, Can., May 24, 1858; res. Winnipeg, Manitoba. m DESCENDANTS OF LTJCINDA WOOD BARRETT. 39 323. Irving H., b. in Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich., July 5, 1861 ; m. at Silver Creek, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1888, Nellie O'Marr (32-4) ; d. in Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9, 1893. 324. Nellie O'Marr, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1863 ; res. Buffalo, N. Y. 325. Kittie, b. in Grand Lodge, Eaton Co., Mich., May 18, 1865; d. May 12, 1869. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM ARNOLD (318) AND HARRIET S. CUDNEY (319) SCOTT. All b. in Sheridan, Mich. 326. Lillie May, b.. Feb. 7, 1876; m. at Fisherville, Mich., Dec. 12, 1899, Joseph Beale Steere (327). 327. Joseph Beele Steere, b. in Crystal, Montcalm Co., Mich., Dec. 12, 1876; res. Crystal, Montcalm Co., Mich. 328. Carl I., b. Aug. 2, 1878. 32!). Ray, b. Sept. 11, 1880; d. Dec. 18, 1881. 330. Glenn Arnold, b. Nov. 3, 1882. 331. Eunice, b. Aug. 20, 1887; d. Jan. 26, 1892. tO DESCENDANTS OF LDCINDA WOOD BARRETT. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF IRVIN H. (323) AND NELLIE O'MARR (324) SCOTT. 332. Beatrice Ann, b. in Silver Creek, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1889. 333. Clark, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1893. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILD OF JOHN (290) AND ARMINDA BARRETT (289) SCOTT. 334. John Scott, res. Nespesto, Pueblo Co., Col. CHILDREN OF LEWIS (293) AND LYDIA E. WINTERSTEEN (294) BARRETT. 335. Arnold Maurice, b. in Thompson, Geauga Co., O., June 17, 1863. 336. Lydia Lueinda, b. in Thompson, O., April 23, 1867. 337. Jennie Lulo, b. in Montville, O., May 19, 1869; m. at Reed City, Osceola Co., Mich., Sept. 12, L896, Charles James Sullivan (338). DESCENDANTS OF LUCINDA WOOD BARRETT. 41 338. Charles James Sullivan, b. in Manistee, Manis- tee Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1869; res. Manistee, Mich. 339. Lewis John, b. at White Creek, Adams Co., Wis., Jan. 21'), 1871 ; m. at Leaton, Isabella Co., Mich., May 25, 1893, Myreda Charlotte Harri- son (340); res. Chicago, 111. 340. Myreda Charlotte Harrison, b. in Tweed, Ontario, Can., April 10, 1873. EIGHTH GENEKATION. CHILD OF CHARLES JAMES (338) AND JENNIE LULO BARRETT (337) SULLIVAN. 341. Lewis James, b. in Manistee, Mich., June 23, 1897 CHILD OF LEWIS JOHN (339) AND MYREDA CHARLOTTE HARRISON (340) BARRETT. 342. Jay Lewis, b. in Chicago, 111., Oct. 28, 1899. 42 DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF OR AN (277) AND SOPHIA WOOD (276) DARLING. 1. 343. Polly Brooks, b. in Louisville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., April 21, 1822; m. in Columbia, Lorain Co., O., May 3, 1840, George Walrath (344); res. Cleveland, O. 344. George Walrath, b. in Medina, Orleans Co., N. Y., July 22, 1811; d. in Olmstead, Cuya- hoga Co., O., Nov. 17, 1879. 2. 345. Buckminster Wood, b. in Louisville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., July 5, 1824 ; in. at Elyria, Lorain Co., O., Mary Susan AVells (346), Jan. 16, 1847; res. Fairfield, Shiawassee Co., Mich.; P. O. Burton, R. F. D. 346. Mary Susan Wells, b. in New York state, Aug. 10, 1827. 3. :;17. Oscar Wales, b. in Louisville, N. Y., April 27, 1828; m. Charlotte Tillotson (348), Oct. 16, 1852; d. in Elsie, Mich., Aug. 6, 1876. 348. Charlotte Tillotson, b. in Brunswick, Medina Co , O., April 19, 1831 ; res. p:isie, Mich. » DESCENDANTS OV SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 43 4. 349. Marinda Sally, b. hi Louisville, N. Y., March 29, 1831; m. William Swasey Walratb (350), Jan. 7, 1848; d. in Columbia, O., Nov. 5, 1862. 350. William Swasey Walrath, b. iu Ripley, Chatau- qua Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1825; res. Columbia, O. ; P. O. West View, O. 0. 351. Byron Voluey, b. in Columbia, Lorain Co., 0., March 4, 1838 ; m. Cynthia Chloe Adams (352), Oct. 20, 1867; res. Elyrie, O. 352. Cynthia Chloe Adams, b. in Columbia, O., April 9, 1840. 6. 353. Jerome B., b. in Columbia, 0., March 2, 1842; killed in a railroad wreck at Columbus, Sept. 18, 1864. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF GEORGE (344) AND POLLY BROOKS DARLING (343) WALRATH. 354. Wallace William, b. in Columbia, Lorain Co., O., July 31, 1842 ; m. at West View, O., Sept. 22, 1873, Helen Adams (355); res. West View. Cuyahoga Co., O. 1 1 DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 355. Helen Adams, b. in Olmstead Falls, ()., Nov. 15, 1845. Jane, b. in Avon, ()., March 26, 1846; d. Jan. 9, 1849. 356. Altha, b. in Olmstead, Cuyahoga Co., O., Sept. 23, 1851 ; m. William Loomis (357), Aug. lu, 1872; m. 2d, Charles Squires (358), 1896; res. 42 Forestdale, Cleveland, O. 35 7. William Loomis. 358. Charles Squires. 359. Orean, b. in Columbia, O., March 21, 1855; d. April 2. 1855. 560. George Leslie, b. in Columbia, O., Feb. 1, 1856; m. Alice Dexter (361), July 3, 1880; res. Olmstead F'alls, O. 361. Alice Dexter, b. in Dexter Village, Oswego Co., N. Y., March 15, 1862. 362. Minnie, b, in Columbia, O., Sept. 15, 1861; d. Sept, 15, 1865. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM (354) AND HELEN ADAMS (355) WALRATH. 363. Ray, b. in North Eaton, Lorain Co., O., Dec. 12, 1884. 364. Nida, b. in West View, Cuyahoga Co., O., July 13, 1888. DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 45 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM (357) AND ALTHA WALRATH (356) LOOMIS. 365. Lillie, b. 1873; d. 1874. 366. Byron Darling, b. Aug. 24, 1879 ; res. Cleveland^ Ohio. CHILDREN OF GEORGE LESLIE (360) AND ALICE DEXTER (361) WALRATH. 367. Ethel Lena, b. in Cleveland, O., Nov. 27, 1881. 368. Dollie Winfred, b. in Copopa, Lorain Co., O., Nov. 1, 1882. 369. Lillie, b. in Copopa, O., Jan. 18, 1885; d. Sept. 9, 1885. 370. Leslie George, b. in Copopa, O., Feb. 18, 1886; d. Jan. 8, 1901. 371. Charles Leeverne, b. in West View, O., Aug. 29 r 1887. 372. Lyndfred, b. in West View, (.) . July 21, 1890. 373. Jesse M., b. in Olinstead Falls, O., Nov. 7, 1892; d. Feb. 8, 1901. 374. Bertha Rosette, b. in Olmstead Falls, O., June 6, 1894. 375. Clyde Darling, b. in Olmstead Falls, O., Sept. 14, 1896. 376. Eva Delight, b. in Olmstead Falls, O., Aug. 14 r 1898. 377. Amy Alice, b. in Olmstead Falls, O., Jan. 5, 190] . 46 DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. BUCKMINSTER WOOD DARLING. Buckminster Wood Darling's mother was Sophia (276), second child of Buckminster Wood (226) and Polly Brooks (227) Wood. He moved on his land in Elsie, Michigan, in 1854, when it was wild and unculti- vated. He had to back his flour and provisions twelve miles through the forests, and experienced all the hard- ships of pioneer life. He was constable for several years, deputy sheriff fifteen years, and one of the foremost and influential citizens of his town and county. He brought up a family of eleven children ; all but one at this time of writing are still alive. He has had also nineteen grand- children, all but one now living. • SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BUCKMINSTER WOOD (345) AND MARY SUSAN WELLS (346) DARLING. .">7*. Mary Eliza, b. in Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio, Sept. 26, 1848; m. William Riley Hubbell (379), Jan. 1, 1871 ; res. Carland, Mich. 37 , .>. William Riley Hubbell, b. in Haldimaud, Canada; d. in Middlebury, Mich., April 22, 1848. DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 47 380. Orren Chester, b. in Brunswick, Ohio, March 15, 1852; m. in Fairfield, Mich., March 31, 1879, Mary Jane Reed (381); res. Fairfield, Mich.; P. O. Burton, R. F. D. 381. Mary Jane Reed, b. in Fairfield, Mich., Jan. 26, 1859. 382. Ellen Sophia, b. in Fairfield, Mich., March 20, 1855. 383. Susan Fidelia, b. in Fairfield, Mich., Dec. 26, 1857. 384. Effle Viola, b. in Fairfield, April 8, 1860; d. Nov. 10, 1875. 385. Cora Aunella, b. in Fairfield, Nov. 12, 1862 ; in. at Ovid, Mich., Dec. 25, 1886, Richard Baylas Warren (386). 386. Richard Bavins Warren, b. in Clinton Co., Mich. ; res. Owosso, Mich. 387. Myron Philemon, b. in Fairfield, March 5, 1865. 388. Kate, b. in Fairfield, March 27. 1867; m. at Fair- field, Nov. 1, 1890, Clark Adolf Trowbridge (389). 389. Clark Adolf Trowbridge, b. in St. Johns, Mich., Jan. 18, 1867; res. Owosso, Mich. 390. Philena, b. in Fairfield, Feb. 14, 1869; m. Melvin Nethaway (391), March 22, 1894. 391. Melvin Nethaway, b. in Fairfield, April 8, 1869; res. Chapin, Saginaw Co., Mich. 392. Elbert, b. in Fairfield, Feb. 1, 1872. 393. Jennie May, b. in Fairfield, Oct. 28, 1874. IS DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM RILEY (379) AND MARY ELIZA DARLING (378) HUBBELL. All born in Middlebury, Shiawassee Co., Micb. 394. Ervin Chester, b. Nov. 14, 1871 ; d. Jan. 27, 1892. 395. Leslie William, b. May 8, 1873 ; m. Leah Moss (396), Oct. 2, 1900; res. Owosso, Mich. 396. Leah Moss, b. in Damon, Mich., July 27, 1877. 397. Effie Viola, b. Aug. 28, 1877. 398. Archie Ray, b. April 3, 1880. 399. Nancy Luella, b. Oct. 29, 1883. CHILDREN OF ORREN CHESTER (380) AND MARY JANE REED (381) DARLING. j All boin in Fairfield, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 400. Earle Reed, b. Sept. 2G, 1880. 401. Nora Edna, b. Oct. 18, 1882; m. James Perves (402), Oct. 11, 1899. 402. James Perves, b. in Middlebury, Mich., Sept. 10, 1876 ; res. Carland, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 403. Ray, b. March 13, 1884. 404. Ina Etta, b. Dec. 12, 1889. 405. Paul D., b. Aug. 28, 1893. DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 49 406. Vera K., b. Jan. 8, 1899. 407. Grade Fay, b. March 29, 1901. CHILD OF RICHARD BAYLAS (386) AND CORA ANN ELLA DARLING (385) WARREN. 408. Mildred, b. in Owosso, Mich., June 18, 1900. CHILDREN OF CLARK ADOLF (389) AND KATE DARLING ( 388) TROWBRIDGE. All born in Owosso, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 409. Glynn Ervin, b. Nov. 25, 1892. 410. Gladys Ava, b. Oct. 29, 1894. 411. Floyd Wells, b. April 25, 1900. CHILDREN OF MELYIN (391) AND PHILENA DARLING (390) NETHAWAY. 412. Clayton M., b. in Fairfield, Mich., March 9, 1895. 413. Ray Wells, b. in Owosso, Mich., Oct. 5, 1897. 414. Bernice Mabel, b. in Chapin, Mich., Nov. 10, 1899. 50 DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF OSCAR WALES (347) AND CHARLOTTE TILLOTSON (348) DARLING. 415. Dilla Eveline, b. in Columbia, Lorain Co., Ohio, Aug. 31, 1855; m. Allen Bradsbaw (416) Marcb 15, 1877. 416. Allen Bradsbaw, b. in Welland, Canada, June 21, 1851 ; res. Elsie, Mich. 417. Ida May, b. in Brunswick, Medina Co., Ohio, Sept. 14, 1857; m. Charles Edward Bennett (418), Nov. 20, 1878; no children. 418. Charles Edward Bennett, b. in York, Medina Co., ().,Oct. 12, 1855; res. Elsie, Clinton Co., Mich. 419. Fred Raymond, born in Fairfield, Shiawassee Co., Mich., Nov. 25, 1858; m. Adir Cunningham (420), Nov. 4, 1886; res. Elsie, Micu. 420. Adir Cunningham, b. in Gnelph, Can., Nov. 21, 1861. 421. Mary Estelie, b. in Brunswick, Ohio, Sept. 5, I860; m. Hudson Goodrich (422), March 15, 1881 ; no children. 422. Hudson Goodrich, b. in Troy, Oakland Co., Mich., Sept. 12, 1854; res. Rose Centre, Oakland Co., Mich. 423. Annette Luella, b. in Fairfield, Mich., Nov. 7, 1861 ; m. Wilbur Johnson (424), June 26, 1881. 424. Wilbur Johnson, b. in Port Hope, Canada, Dec. 1, 185'.); res. Moncelona, Antrim Co., Mich. I DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 51 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILD OF ALLEN (410) AND DELL A EVELINE DARLING (415) BRADSHAW. 425. Corah Edith, b. in Duplain, Clinton Co., Mich., Aug. 9, 1879; m. in Duplain, Samuel Gibson, (426), May 9, 1900. 426. Samuel Gibson, b. in Port Hope, Canada, May 18, 1847; res. Duplain, Clinton Co., Mich. CHILDREN OF FRED RAYMOND (419) AND ADIR CUNNINGHAM (420) DARLING. All born in Fairfield, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 427. Clarence Oscar, b. Nov. 9, 1*88; d. June (5, 1890. 428. Blanche Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1891. 429. Grant Arthur, b. Aug. 6, 1895. 430. Hilda Fern, b. Aug. 6, 1899. CHILDREN OF WILBER (424) AND ANNETTE LUELLA DARLING (423) JOHNSON. 431. Golda, b. in Duplain, Clinton Co., Mich., Apr. 6, 1885. 52 DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 432. Qneenie May, b. in Moncelona, Antrim Co., Mich., Nov. 4, 1888. 433. Bond, b. in Moncelona, Mich., May 6, 1893. 434. Claire, b. in Moncelona, Mich., Sept. 8, 1895. 435. Carrol W., b. in Moncelona, Mich., Dec. 19, 1897. NINTH GENERATION. CHILD OF SAMUEL (426) AND CORAH EDITH BRADSHAW (425) GIBSON. 436. Frances Mildred, b. in Duplain, Clinton Co., Mich., Feb. 27, 1891. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILD OF WILLIAM SWASEY (350) AND MARINDA SALLY DARLING (349) WALRATH. 437. Kate Sophia, b. in Columbia, Lorain Co,, Ohio, Apr. 21, 1858; m. in Columbia, Ohio, Lee Ar- thur (438), Dec. 23, 1881. 438. Lee Arthur, b. in Lockport, N. Y., June 26, 1855; res. Fairfield, Mich., P. O. Chapin, Mich. DESCENDANTS OF SOPHIA WOOD DARLING. 53 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LEE (438) AND KATE SOPHIA WALRATH (437) ARTHUR. All born in Fairfield, Shiawassee Co., Mich. 439. Florence Joy, b. Sept. 26, 1885. 440. Lynn, b. Feb. 5, 1890; d. in Fairfield, Apr. 7, 1891. 441. Amy Eunice, b. Dec. 9, 1892 ; d. in Fairfield, Oct. 10, 1894. 442. Lee Wood, b. Feb. 16, 1897. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILD OF BYRON VOLXEY (351) AND CYNTHIA CHLOE ADAMS (352) DARLING. 443. Perry Jerome, b. in Columbia, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1869 ; unmarried ; res. Elyria, Ohio. 5 1 DESCENDANTS OF ELIAS HOWARD WOOD. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ELIAS HOWARD (278) AND RACHEL AMES BIXBY (279) WOOD. 1. 444. Nancy Mary, b. in Louisville, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., Mar. 30, 1828 ; m. in Farmersville, Catta- raugus Co., N. Y., Oct. 13, 1846, Henry Moore (445); res. Lowville, Erie Co., Penn. 445. Henry Moore, b. Aug. 8, 1827; d. in Lowville, Penn., Mar. 1, 1901. 2. 446. Daniel Bixby, b. in Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., June 14, 1830; m. in Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y., Nov., 1851, Ann Celestia Hortou (447); m. 2d, Helen Mar Fuller (448), Aug. 2, 1863; d. in Rushford, N. Y., May 29, 1888. 447. Ann Celestia Horton, b. in Rushford, N. Y., Oct., 1828; d. in Rushford, Apr. 18, 1861. 448. Helen Mar Fuller, b. in Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 14, 1829; res. Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y. 3. 449. Martha Lucinda, b. July 1, 1834; m. Charles S. Wilkson (450), .Inly 1,1851; m. 2d, Leonard Wilkin (451) of Warsaw, N. Y. ; d. Apr. 6, 1883 ; no children. DESCENDANTS OF ELIAS HOWARD Wool). 55 450. Charles S. Wilkson, b. in Lagrange, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1830; d. Feb. 24, 1872. 451. Leonard Wilkin, b. in Warsaw, N. Y. ; d. Mar., 1883. SE VE NTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY (445) AND NANCY MARY WOOD (444) MOORE. . 452. Albert Hortentio, b. m Rushford, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1847; m. in Rushford, Julia Ida Babbett (453), Apr. 20, 1867; m. 2d, Rosey Nancy Tower (454), Aug. 3, 1**6; res. Lowville, Penn. 453. Julia Ida Babbett, b. in Rushford, N. Y"., 1836. 454. Rosey Nancy Tower, b. in North Java, Wyoming- Co., N. Y., May 29, 1*57. 455. Chauncey Howard, b. in Rushford, N. Y., Sept. 4, 18111; in. in Phillipsville, Penn., July 18, 1872, Mary Ella Wiard (156); m. 2d, Nora Bishop (457), Mar., 18<.»7. 456. Mary Ellen Wiard, b. Aug. 24, 1855. 457. Nora Bishop, b. in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1861. 458. James Wood, b. in Farmersville, N. Y., May 26, 1851 ; d. Apr. 26, 1877. 56 DESCENDANTS OF ELIAS HOWARD WOOD. 459. Lytton Archie, b. in Farmersville, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1853 ; in. Emma Jane Ward (460), Mar. 24, 1875; res. Edinboro, Penn. 460. Emma Jane Ward, b. in McKean, Erie Co., Penn., July 4, 1857. CHILDREN OF DANIEL BIXBY (446) AND ANN CELESTIA HORTON (447) AVOOD. All born in Rushford, N. Y~. 461. Florence Josephine, b. April 18, 1853; m. at La- grange, N. Y., July 1, 1870, Adelbert Leroy Ewell (462). 462. Adelbert Leroy Ewell, b. in Ellis, N. Y., July 8, 1849; res. Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y. 463. Germania Artemus, b. June 27, 1854; m. at Rush- ford, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1876, Antoinette Maria Wiard (464); res. Phillipsville, Erie Co., Penn. 464. Antoinette Maria Wiard, b. in Phillipsville, Penn., Sept. 22, 1859. 465. Flora Adell, b. Sept. 15, 1856; m. Warren Syl- vester Merchant (466), Feb. 27, 1877. 466. Warren Sylvester Merchant, b. in Warsaw, N. Y., May 15, 1855 ; res. Warsaw, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF ELIA.S HOWARD WOOD. 57 CHILDREN OF DANIEL BIXBY (446) BY HIS SECOND WIFE, HELEN MAR FULLER (448) WOOD. 467. Rachel, b. Aug. 4, 1862 ; m. Benjamin Balaw Heald (468), Sept. 26, 1898. 468. Benjamin Balaw Heald, b. in Fowler, N. Y., April 13, 1859 ; res. Rushford, N. Y. 469. Leonard Howard, b. Feb. 8, 1865; m. Lou Miller (470), Jan. 23, 1898; res. Shongo, Allegany Co., N. Y. 470. Lou Miller, b. in Erie, Penn., Aug. 17, 1871. 471. Amelia Ann, b. in Rushford, X. Y., May 18, 1867 ; in. Leonard Harper Mason (472), Feb. 7, 1888; in. 2d, Rev. Alfred R. Spencer (473), Aug. 9, 1898. 472. Leonard Harper Mason, b. in Sandusky, N. Y r ., April 27, 1859; d. in Rushford, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1890. 473. Alfred R. Spencer, b. in Thorold, Welland Co., Canada, Jan. 2, 1845. 474. Howard Daniel, b. March 4, 1872 ; in. Florence Louise Morgan (475), April 9, 1891 ; res. Rush- ford, N. Y. 475. Florence Louise Morgan, b. in Rushford, N. Y., July 12, 1873. 476. Bessie Lee, b. Aug. 12, 1874; m. Thomas Bees (477), Jan. 18, 1898. 477. Thomas Bees, b. in Hector, N. Y., May 22, 1856 ; res. Caneadea, Allegany Co., N. Y. 58 DESCENDANTS OF El. IAS HOWARD WOOD. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALBERT HORTENTIO (452) AND JULIA IDA BABBETT (453) MOORE. 478. Archie Ward, b. in East Rushford, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1870; d. April 6, 1880. 479. Willie Henry, b. in Farmersville, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1875. CHILDREN BY ROSEY NANCY TOWER (454) MOORE. 480. Evie Bell, b. in Lowville, Penn., May 13, 1888. 481. Walter Fay, b. in Lowville, July 20, 1890. 182. Henry Elvin, b. in Lowville, June 3, 1892. CHILDREN OF CHAUNCEY HOWARD (455) AND MARY ELLEN WIARD (456) MOORE. 483. George Henry, b. in Summit, Erie Co., Penn., May 27, 1875; d. in Lowville, Penn., Aug. 20, 1896. 484. Bertha Aline, b. in Lowville, Penn., May 9, 1877; m. George Anson Harris (485), June 2, 1897. 485. George Anson Harris, b. in Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1866. DESCENDANTS OF ELIAS HOWARD WOOD. 5 ( .> 486. Elton Howard, b. in Lowville, Penn., Nov. 22, 1880 ; m. Louisa Ann Twinkle, Sept. 17, 18'.) 1. Louisa Ann Twinkle, b. in Clymer, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., March 28, 1879. 487. Leon Chapin, b. in Lowville, Aug. 12, 1882. CHILD BY NORA BISHOP (457) MOORE. 488. Mary Margaret, b. in Lowville, July 31, 1898. CHILDREN OF LYTTON ARCHIE (459) AND EMMA JANE AVARD (460) MOORE. All but one born in Mclveau, Erie Co., Penn. 489. Caryl Bell, b. June 12, 1876. 490. Minnie Adell, b. Aug. 26, 1877. 491. A son, b. in Lowville, Penn., Dec. 4, 1880 ; d. Jan. 29, 1881. 492. Florence P^dith, and ) __ ► b. May 27 , 1882. 493. Flora Edna, twins, j J 494. Carl Ward, b. Oct. 27, 1897. 60 DESCENDANTS OF ELI AS HOWARD WOOD. CHILD OF ADELBERT LEROY (461) AND FLORENCE JOSEPHINE WOOD (462) EWELL. 495. Charlie Ellsworth, b. in Farmersville, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1872; d. at Salamanca, N. Y., July 27, 1873. CHILDREN OF GERMANIA ARTEMUS (463) AND ANTOINETTE MARIA WIARD (464) WOOD. All born in Phillipsville, Penn. 496. Alice Celora, b. July 15, 1877. 497. Earl Albine, b. Sept. 11, 1879. 498. Nora Maria, b. June 11, 1883. 499. Ruth Amelia, b. Sept. 9, 1887. CHILDREN OF WARREN SYLVESTER (466) AND FLORA ADELL WOOD (465) MERCHANT. All born in Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y. 500. Edna Ruth, b. Nov. 17, 1877. 501. William Earl, b. July 6, 1879; d. Sept. 12, 1881. 502. Mattie Bell, b. Aug. 16, 1881 ; d. April 28, 1895. 503. Lottie Estelle, b. June 5, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF ELIAS HOWARD WOOD. 6 1 CHILDREN OF LEONARD HOWARD (469) AND LOU MILLER (470) WOOD. 504. Loyd Washington, b. in Sbongo, N. Y., Feb. 22 r 1896. 505. Park Leonard, b. in Sbongo, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1899 ; d. March 4, 1900. CHILD OF HARPER LEONARD (472) AND AMELIA ANN WOOD (471) MASON. 506. Helen Fuller, b. in Rushford, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1888. CHILD OF REV. ALFRED R. (473) AND AMELIA ANN WOOD (MASON) (471) SPENCER Gordon Zeno, b. Nov. 1, 1900. 62 DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN WOOD, JR. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN, JR. (228) AND ABIGAIL WALDO (229) WOOD. I. 507. Laura, b. in Orange, N. H., Sept. 21, 1802; d. in East Alstead, N. H., Oct. 29, 1891. II. 508. Benjamin, b. in Orange, N. II., Oct. 9, 1803; d. Oct. 10, 1803. III. 509. George, b. in Orange, N. H., Dec. 25, 1804; d. Dec. 28, 1804. IV. 510. Nathan Waldo, b. in Orange, N. H., Jul} 7 4, 1806 ; m. Ann Blood Currier (511), Nov. 20, 1832 ; m. 2d, Aurilla I^ewis Liscomb (512), May 14, 1845 ; d. in Claremont, N. H., Aug. 14, 1857. 511. Ann Blood Currier, b. Oct. 9, 1804; d. in Clare- mont, Nov. 3, 1841. 512. Aurilla Lewis Liscomb, b. Oct. 11, 1811; d. in Alstead. N. H., 1877. V. 513. Benjamin Payne, b. in Orange, N. H., Dec. 27, 1807; m. Matilda Emeline Carter (514), July 10, 1839; d. in Acworth, N. H., Feb. 21, 1892. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN WOOD, .JR. 63 514. Matilda Emeline Carter, b. in Cornish, N. H., Ang. 7, 1811 ; (1. in Claremont, N. H., May 31, 1896. VI. REV. HORACE WOOD. 515. Horace, 1). in Orange, X. H., March 1, 1810; at- tended Kimball Union Academ} 1 ; graduated at Gilmanton Theological Seminary, 1838; ordained at Dalton, N. H., July 10, 1839 ; dismissed April 30, 184.") ; also was acting pastor at Whitefield, X. II., at the same time; was pastor at Gilman- ton from 18 1.) to 1847; at Ossipee from May, 1848, to October, 1863; at Ossipee Corner and Xorth AVolfeboro from 1863 to 1866 ; Gilsnmfrom 1866 to 1. 595. Susan Dulcena, b. April 19, 1841 ; d. in Charles- town, Mass., May 5, 1841. 3. 596. Mary Ellen, b. Nov. 6, 1842; m. George Frank Lord (597), July 9, 1861; d. in Somerville, Mass., Oct. 13, 1887. DESCENDANTS OF SALLY WOOD HUNTLEY. 79 597. George Frank Lord, b. in Effingham, N. H., June 6, 1833; d. in Somerville, Dec. 29, 1875. [ 4 * 598. Maria Emily, b. Dec. 19, 1844; d. in Charles- town, Dec. 28, 1845. 599. Addie Emily, b. June 13, 1848; m. Lewis Stock- bridge (600), Sept. 28, 1871 ; d. in Somerville, Mass., Aug. 7, 1895. 600. Lewis Stockbridge, b. in Charlestown, Mass., July 19, 1847; res. Somerville, Mass. 6. 601. Abby Sarah, b. Sept, 14, 1850; d. in Charles- tow n. May 25, 1853. /. 602. Russell Judson, b. May 5, 1852; m. Gertrude Fay (603), May 5, 1873 ; res. Roxbnry, Mass. 603. Gertrude Fay, b. in Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 19, 185:5. 8. 604. Luther Herbert, b. April 30, 1858 ; m. Mary Flor- ence Stearns (605), June 1, 1880; res. Way- land, Mass. 605. Mary Florence Stearns, b. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 4, 1858. 80 DESCENDANTS OF SALLY WOOD HUNTLEY. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF GEORGE FRANK (597) AND MARY ELLEN HUNTLEY (596) LORD. 606. Frank Herbert, b. in Somerville, Mass., July 6, 1864; d. in Somerville, Dec. 31, 1890. 607. Clarence Eugene, b. in Somerville, Aug. 11, 1866 ; (1. Jan. 6, 1868. 608. Ella Grace, b. in Somerville, May 14, 1869 ; m. David Alden Howard (609), Oct. 27, 1896. 609. David Alden Howard, b. in Whitman, Plymouth Co., Mass., Nov. 24, 1874; res. Wakefield, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF SALLY WOOD HUNTLEY. 81 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LEWIS (COO) AND ADDIE EMILY HUNTLEY (599) STOCKBRIDGE. 610. Bertha May, b. in Somerville, Mass., Jan. 8, 187."). 611. Mabel, !>. in Somerville. Mass., Sept. 7. 1875; m. Agnus D. McLean (612), Dec. 31, 1900. 612. Agnus 1). McLean, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, July 19, 187."). * CHILD OF RUSSELL JUDSON (602) AND GERTRUDE FAY (603) HUNTLEY. 613. Inez Estelle, b. May 19, L884. CHILDREN OF LUTHER HERBERT (604) AND MAY FLORENCE STEARNS (605) HUNTLEY. 614. Charlotte Florence, b. in Somerville, April 2 r 1882. 615. Herbert Russell, b. in Somerville, Oct. 9, 1884. 616. Robert Ernest, b. in Somerville, April 23, 1898. 617. Ruth Evangeline, b. in Waylaud, Mass., Nov. 28, 1900. 82 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ANSIL (233) AND LUCY WOOD (232) MILLER. All b. in Orange, N. H. 1. 618. Aurilla, b. Aug. 9, 1807; m. Caleb Tucker Richardson (610), July 1, 1827; d. Feb. IT,, 1838. 619. Caleb Tucker Richardson, b. Jan. 7, 180;"); d. July 26, 1857. 2. 620. Lucy, b. May 11, 1811; m. Parkhurst Kimball (621) ; d. in Canaan, N. II., March 21, 1873. 621. Parkhurst Kimball, b. in Canaan, April 10, 1810; d. in Canaan, Sept. 28, 1888. 3. 622. Susan Ann, b. May 5, 1813; in. at AVest Hart- ford, Vt., Charles Henry Thurston (623), d. at West Canaan, Oct. 7, 1885. 623. Charles Henry Thurston, b. in Hartford, Vt., Nov. 20, 1820; d. at Haverhill, N. H., Dec. 31, 1897. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 83 4. 624. Elsie, b. March 7, 1817; id. Jacob Richardson (625), June, 1838; m., 2d, Clark Clough (626) Jan. 2ij, 1854- d. May 30, 1897. 625. Jacob Richardson, b. in Canaan, N. H., Dec. 31, 1815; d. Sept. 25, 1852. 626. Caleb Clough, b. in Canaan, Oct. 6, 1818; d. October, 1892. 5. 627. Mary, 1». Aug. is, 1820; in. Eben Towle (628), in 1840; in. 2d. Horace Hatch Wills (629) September, L846. 628. Eben Towle, b. in Canaan, N. H., in 1816; d. at West Hartford. Yt.. 1847. 629. Horace Hatch Wills, b. Aug. 19, 1820. 6. 630. Claiiuda, b. April 9, 1826; m. at Hartford, Yt.. Oliver Franklin Clement (631), March 15, 1847 ; res. Canaan, N. H. 631. Oliver Franklin Clement, b. in Henniker, N. H.. March 15, 1827; d. at Canaan, N. H., Septem- ber, 1866. 84 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SIXTH GENERATION. 632. CHILDREN OF CALEB # TUCKER (619) AND AURILLA MILLER (618) RICHARDSON. 1. Harriet, b. in Orange, N. H., 1830; cl. in Pom- fret, Vt., is;}.-). 633 Horace Lysander, b. in Tnnbridge, Vt., Sept. •ill, 1837; ni. Lncinda Lavina Cooley (034), Dec. ID, 1858; m. 2d, Mary Rogers (Under- wood) (635), Feb. 13, 11)00; res. Manchester, N. H. ; he was in the War of the Rebellion, being a member of Co. C, N. H. Heavy Artil- lery. 634. Lncinda Lavina Cooley, b. March 15, 1838; d. in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 4, 1889. 635. Mary Rogers (Underwood), b. in Dennis, Mass., July 15, 1842. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 85 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HORACE LYSANDER (633) AND LUCINDA LAVJXA COOLEY (634) RICHARDSON. 636. Aurilla Maria, b. in Manchester, N. II., Nov. 17, 1851); in. Henry Clay (637) Nov. 2, 1878; in. 2d, John Paige (638) Jan. 4, 1883 ; m. 3d. Hilton Bradley of Manchester (639), Sept. 28, 188!) . 637. Henry Clay. 638. John Paige, b. in Candia, N. H., 1852. 639. Hilton Bradley, b. in Canada, 1851. 640. George Horace, b. in Manchester, June 6, 1862; m. Sarah Mason (641), Jan. 4, 1883; d. in Manchester, May ">. 1889. 641. Sarah Mason, b. in Canada in 1863'. Had one child (642), d. young. 643. Cora Bell, b. in Manchester, June 8, 1866; m. Edwin Whitcher (644), May 11, 1889; m. 2d. Hamlin Morrill (645), Dee. 25, 181)9. 644. Edwin Whitcher. b. in- Wentworth, N. H., May, 1849. 645. Hamlin Morrill, b. in Weare, N. H., 1863. 546. Caleb Tucker, b. in Goffstown, N. H., July 12. 1869; m. Amelia Millett (647), Jan. 28, 1890; res. Kansas City. 647. Amelia Millett, b. in Manchester, 1872; had Harrold (648); d. young. 86 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 649. Dora May, b. in Goffstown, July 3, 1875; res. Wentworth, N. H. ; m. Orrin Otis Clougb (650), July 27, 1890. 650. Orrin Otis Clougb, b. in Wentworth, N. H., Jan. 2, 1866; res. Wentworth, N. H. ; P. ()., West Rumnev, N. H. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EDWIN (644) AND CORA BELL RICHARDSON (643) WHITCHER. 651. Anna Lucinda, b. in Pittstield, N. II., Jan. 14, 1891. 652. Golda May, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., March 8, 18-92. 653. Elmore Hilton, b. in Wentworth, July 28, 1893. 654. Cora Bell, b. in Wentworth, Nov. 29, 1895. CHILDREN OF ORRIN OTIS (650) AND DORA MAY RICHARDSON (649) CLOUGH. 655. Edwin Orrin, b. in Dorchester, N. II., Jan. 6, 1892. 656. Ray Otis, b. in Wentworth, N. H.. March 17, 1894. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 8^ SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PARKHURST (621) AND LUCY DULLER (620) KIMBALL. 657. Emily Didama, b. in Canaan, N. H., Dec. 11, 1836; m. in Canaan, Nov. 29, 1856, William Henry Talbert (658); res. Enfield, N. II. 658. William Henry Talbert, b. in West Canaan, N. H., July 14, 1832; he enlisted in the Second Reg., N. H. Vols. ; was wounded in the second battle of Bull Run; d. Sept. 11, 1862, at George- town, Va., College Hospital. 659. Emeliue Ella, 1>. in West Canaan, Feb. 28, 1841 ; m. William Elliot Ilobart (660), Sept. 20, L86U; res. Franklin Falls, N. H. 660. William Flliot Ilobart, b. in Grot on, N. H., June 7, 1813; d. at Franklin Falls, N. H., May ID, 1901. 661. Horace Wills, b. in AVest Canaan, Dec. 31, 184.") ; m. Mary Call (662), Aug 12, 1863; m. 2d, Mary Ellen Morse (663), May 31, 1873; res. Canaan, N. II. 662. Mary Call, b. Aug. 12, 1847; d. Aug. 13, 1867. 663. Martha Ellen Morse, b. Nov. 5, 1855; d. in Canaan, Oct. 6, 18.sc. 664. Charles, b. in Canaan, Dec, 1848; d. March 22, 1860. 88 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM HENRY (658) AND EMILY DIDAMA KIMBALL (057) T ALBERT. 665. William Park burst, 1). in Canaan, N. II., April 29, 1859; m. Bell Newhall Pope (6Q6), May 11, 1870 ; m. 2d, in Canaan, Georgie Bell Dan- iels (667), Dec, 1883; m. 3d, at Canaan, Ida May Jaqnilb (008), Jan. 5, 1890; res. Canaan, N. H. 000. Bell Newhall Pope, b. in Lynn, Mass., .July, 1861 ; d. in Canaan, Jan. 20, 1880. 667. Georgie Bell Daniels, b. in Canaan, Aug., 1804; d. in Franklin, N. II., Sept. 13, 1885. 668. Ida May Jaquitb, b. in Hartford, Conn., Dee. 17, 1871. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 89 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILD OF WILLIAM PARKHURST (6(55) AND GEORGIE BELL DANIELS (667) T ALBERT. 669. William Henry, b. in Canaan, Feb. 2, 1885; res. Enfield, N. II. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM PARKHURST (005) AMI IDA MAY JAQUITH (668) TALBERT. 670. Victor Andrew, b. in Canaan. N. H., Oct. 20, 1891. 671. Gladys Emma. b. in Canaan. N. H., Aug. 8, 1893. 90 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SEVENTH GENERATION". CHILDREN OF WILLIAM ELLIOT (660) AND EMELINE ELLA KIMBALL (659) HOB ART. 672. Minnie May, b. at West Canaan, N. H.. May 11, 1867; m. Elmer G. Talbert (67:5), May 18, 1888; no children. ('.7:5. Elmer G. Talbert, b. in Enfield, N. II., July, 1866. 674. Lillian Gay, b. in West Canaan, March 5, 1869; m. Robert Benedict Lindsley (675), Sept. 17, 1892. 67.'). Robert Benedict Lindsley, b. in South Orange, N. J., March 14, 1867; res. 92 Lexington Ave., West Somerville, Mass. 676,. Bertha Dell, b. in West Canaan, Oct. 20, 1875; m. William Hartley Ainley (677), Oct. 13, 1898. 677. William Hartley Ainley, b. in Crompton, R. I., Feb. 11, 1873; res. Franklin Falls, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY Wool) MILLER. '.'1 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HORACE WILLS (661) AND MARTHA ELLEN MORSE (663) KIMBALL. 678. Charles Valentine, b. in Canaan, May 6, 1876; m. Alice Maud Gamarche (669), Oct. 16, 1898; ' res. Franklin Falls, N. H. 679. Alice Maud Gamarche. b. in Manchester, N. H., March 18, 1879. 680. Lucy Bell, b. Oct. 6, 1879 ; in. Edward Briggs Rickert (681), Oct, 23, 1895. 681. Edward Briggs Rickert, b. in Putnam, X. Y., March .">, 1872; res. Tilton, N. H. 682. Rose France, b. Sept. is, 1886; adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Tilton, N. H. 92 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ROBERT BENEDICT (675) AND LILLIAN GAY HOBART (674) LINDSLEY. 683. Marian Jenette, b. in Concord, N. H., July 8, 1895. 684. Margaret, b. in Concord, N. H., July 8, 1805; d. July 31, 1895. CHILD OF CHARLES VALENTINE (678) AND ALICE MAUD GAMARCHE (679) KIMBALL. 685. Lawrence Dana, b. Nov. 24, 1899, in Franklin Falls, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 93 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CHARLES HENRY (623) AND SUSAN ANN MILLER (622) THURSTON. 1. 686. Ellen Philena, b. in West Hartford, Vt., Jan. 19, 1849 ; d. at West Hartford, June 2, 1862. 2. 687. Charles Stevens, b. in West Hartford, Yt.. April 9, 1854; m. at Hartford, Yt., Emma F. Crafts (688), April 28, 1875; m. 2d, Emma Melissa Newcomb (689), Jan. 10, 1892 ; res. Hartford ; Wilder. Yt., P. 0. 688. Emma F. Crafts. 689. Emma Melissa Newcomb, b. in Thetford. Yt., April 3, 1851 ; she graduated at Thetford academy, and was a teacher twenty years. 94 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILD OF CHARLES STEPHEN (687) AND EMMA F. CRAFTS (688) THURSTON. 690. William Allen Thurston, b. in Hartford, Vt., March 17, 1876; m. at Troy, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1899, Sophia Spoor (691). 691. Sophia Spoor, b. at Catskill, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1876. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILD OF WILLIAM ALLEN (690) AND SOPHIA SPOOR (691) THURSTON. 692. Allen Charles, b. April 11, 1900; d. at Troy, N. Y., March 1. 1901. ! DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 95 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JACOB (625) AND ELSIE MILLER (624) RICHARDSON. 1. 693. Annette Morse, b. in Canaan, N. H., March 6, 1840; m. Aaron Bradbury (694), Dec. 27, 1854; m. 2d, Philip Griffith Prescott (695), March 11, 1864. 694. Aaron Bradbury ^ b. in Hanover, N. H., May 5, 1828; (1. July 4, 1861. 695. Philip Griffith Pivseott. b. in Grafton, N. H., Sept. 28, 1835. 2. 696. Eleanor, It. in Canaan, N. H., Jan. 12, 1842; d. Aug-. 21, 1852. Q .>. 697. Albina Loraine, b. in Canaan, N. H., Sept. 2G, 1844; m. Charles Willey Dwinels (698), Jan. 16, 1861 ; d. Nov. 25, 1874. 698. Charles Willey Dwinels, b. in Canaan, N.H., Aug. 25, 1834; res. West Canaan, N. H. 4. 699. Alice Arabelle, b. in Canaan, Aug. 19, 1848; m. Henry Follansbee (700), Dec. 31, 1864; m. 2d, Charles Hammond (701), in 1872. '.)('> DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLKlt. 700. Henry Follansbee, b. in Enfield, N. H., July 15, 1840; d. Sept. 15, 1868. 701. Charles Hammond, b. Sept. 24, 1851; res. Bar- ton, Yt. CHILD OF CLARK (626) AND ELSIE MILLER (RICHARDSON) (624) CLOUGH. 7<>2. Emma Aldana, b. in Canaan, N. H., Aug. 16, 1857; m. Albert Packard (703), June 9, 1877. 703. Albert Packard, b. Jan 2, 1858; res. West Canaan, N. H. CHILD OF HORACE HATCH (620) AND MARY MILLER (TOWLE) (627) WILLS. 704. Horace Reuben, b. in West Hartford, Yt., Dec. 23, 1853; res. West Hartford, Yt. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 97 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF AARON (694) AND ANNETTE MORSE (RICHARDSON) (693) BRAD- BURY. 705. Albert Evander, b. in Canaan, N. II., Feb. 1. 1857 ; d. July 15, 1*70. 706. Eleanor Rosilla, b. in Canaan, March 4, 1858; d. April 30, 1874. 7<>7. William Clarence, b. in Canaan, N. H., Sept. 26, 1859; in. Lucy Maria Daniels (708), Feb. 22. 188:;. 7<>s. Lucy Maria Daniels, b. in Canaan, March 7. 1863; res. (Woodsville P. ().) Haverhill, N. H. 709. Melvin Aaron, b. in Canaan, N. H..' July 16, 1861; m. Martha Ann Daniels (710), Nov. 1. 1888. 7H). Martha Ann Daniels, b. in Canaan, N. II.. Nov. 1. L866 ; it's. Canaan. X. IT. 98 DESCENDANTS <>F LUCY WOOD MILLER. CHILDREN OF PHI LIP GRIFFITH (-695) AND ANNETTE MORSE RICHARDSON (BRADBURY) (693) PRESCOTT. All b. in Canaan, N. H. 711. Alice Francena, b. July 17, 1870; d. Sept. 12, 1870. 712. Alice Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1872; d. July G, 1875. 713. Mary Blanch, b. Jan. 22. 1881 ; m. William Elmer Preston (714), May 10, 1898. 71 1. William Elmer Preston, b. in Manchester, N. II., July 1, 187,"); res. Canaan, N. IT. CHILDREN OF CHARLES WILLEY (698) AND ALBINA LQRAINE RICHARDSON (697) DWINELS. 71f>. Cora Bell, b. in West Canaan, N. H., Nov. 20. 18G6; d. April 23, 187;"). 710. Daisy Dell, b. in West Canaan, Jan. 30, 1872; res. West Canaan, N. II. CHILDREN OF CHARLES (700) A X I > ALICE ARABELLE RICHARDSON (699) HAMMOND. 717. Jennie May, b. in Barton, Yt., Jan. 29, 1874; res. Lebanon, N. H. 718. Ida Blanche, b. in Barton, Yt., Nov. 1, 187") ; res. Lebanon, N. IT. 719. Sada Grace, b. in Barton, Yt., Dec. 9, 1884; res. Barton, Yt. DESCENDANTS <>F LUCY WOOD MILLER. 99 CHILDREN OF ALBERT (703) AM) EMMA ALDANA CLOUGH (702) PACKARD. All b. in West Canaan. N. H. 720. Ida Aldana, b. Nov. 24, 1880. 721. Maud p:isie, b. June 19, 1882; d. Aug. 7, L889. 722. BertoD Clark, b. June 5, 1884. 723. Ethel Maiien. b. May s. J 887. * EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILD OF WILLIAM CLARENCE (707; AND LUCY MARIA DANIELS (70S) BRADBURY. 721. Harrv John. 1>. in Canaan. N. II., June 8, 1884, CHILDREN OF AARON MELVIN (70'.)) AND MARTHA ANN DANIELS (710) BRADBURY. 72."). Maude Annette, b. in Canaan, N. II., Sept. ">. L889. 726. Enfant, b. in Enfield, N. II., Sept. 11, 1891; d, Sept. 12. 1891. CHILD OF WILLIAM ELMER (714) AM) MARY BLANCHE PRESCOTT (718) PRESTON 727. Daisy Aldana, b. Oct. 1, 1900. 101) DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF OLIVER FRANKLIN (631) A X D CLARINDA WOOD MILLER (630) CLEMENT. 1. 728. Mary Abba Ella, b. in West Hartford, Vt., Aug. 6,1848; m. William Orlando Pitkin (729), Nov. : 29, 1864; res. Hartford, Vt. 7211. William Orlando Pitkin, b. in Hartford. Vt., April 4, 1841. •) 730. r 31 Harriet Maria, b. in Norwich, Vt., May 18, 1850; m. Wallace Burns Warren (731), June 22, 1872; d. in West Hartford, Vt., March 22, 1806. Wallace Burns Warren, b. in Quechee, Vt., April 27, 1845; res. West Hartford, Vt. 732, :;4. Clara Frances, b. in West Hartford, Dec. 31, 1852 ; m. John Dustiu Lovering (733), June 18, 1872. John Dustin Lovering, b. in Springfield, N. II., March 27, 1845 ; res. Canaan, N. II. 4. Jennie Elizabeth, b. in West Hartford, Jul} 7 24. 1856; d. in West Hartford, December, 1859. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLE1J. 101 735. Lucy Filena, b. in West Hartford, Sept. 25, 1859; d. in West Canaan, Feb. 23, 1868. (I. 736. Franklin Arnold, b. in West Canaan, N. H., Aug. 7. 1871 ; in. Anna Bell Mooney (737), March i:l. 1806; res. Enfield, N. H. 737. Anna Bell Mooney. b. July 12, 1874; d. Dee. 24, 1896. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM ORLANDO (729) AND MARY ABBA ELLA CLEMENT (728) PITKIN. All b. in Hartford, Vt. 7:5s. Minnie Ktta. b. June 23, L865 ; m. Elwin George Cox (739), Feb. 16, 1881; no children. 739. Elwin George Cox ; b. Oct. 8, 1856; res. Wood- stock, Vt. 740. Franklin Herbert, b. Sept. 14, 1868; d. in Hart- ford, Aug. 15, 1870. 711. Arthur Erwin, b. Feb. 19, 1872; in. Emma Jane Williams (742), Aug. 5, 1892; res. Hartford, Vt. 712. Emma Jane Williams, b. in Hanover, N. H., May 24, L874. 102 DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER, 743. Martha Louisa, b. Dec. 2, 1875 ; m. William Henry Reed (744), Nov. 17, 1890. 711. William Henry Reed, b. in Strafford, Vt., Oct. 12. 1869. 745. William Ernest, b. Oct. 24, 1883; m. Ida May Merrill (746), Oct. 12, 1901. 746. Ida May Merrill, b. in Hanover, N. II., May 5, 1883. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ARTHUR ERWIN (741) AND EMMA JANE WILLIAMS (742) PITKIN. All b. in Hartford, Vt. 747. Melvin Orlando, b. March 25, 1896; d. July 1, 1896. 748. Abba Ella, b. Dec. 27, 1898; d. March 22. 1899. 749. Flossie Loviua, b. Sept. 30, 1900. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM HENRY (744) AND MARTHA LOUISA PITKIN (743) REED. 750. Mabel Cynthia, b. in Hartford, Vt., June 1, 1892 751. Gladys Mary, b. in Hartford. Vt., Dec. 3, 1893. DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLEK. 103 SEVENTH GENERATION CHILDREN OF WALLACE BURNS (731) AND HARRIET MARIA CLEMENT (730) WARREN. All b. in West Hartford, Vt. 852. Infant, b. 1873; d. young. 753. Albert Bums, b. March 22, 1874; m. Siva Hattie Avery (754), Sept. 14, 1805; res. Quechee, Vt. 754. Siva Hattie Avery, b. in Sharon, Vt., Dec. 6, 1878. 755. Walter Bemis, b. March, 1870. 756. Philip Clement, b. Oct. 17, 1878. 757. Labon Wallace, b. December, 1881. 758. Raymond Burgess, b. November, 1883. 759. Herbert Bailey, b. April, 1885; d. July, 1891. 760. John Kibbv, b. Aug. 17, 1886. 761. Roy Arnold, b. Oct. 28, 1891. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALBERT BURNS (753) AND SIVA HATTIE AVERY (754) WARREN. All b. in (Jueehee, Vt. 762. Minnie Ireane, b. May 3, 1897. 763. Georgie Raymond, b. April 25, 1898; d. Dee. 17, 1898. 764. Addie Etta, b. Aug. 5, 1899. 765. Bertha, b. Aug. 30, 1900; d. Sept. 14, 1900. in I DESCENDANTS OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. SEVENTH GENERATION, CHILDREN OF JOHN DUSTIN (733) A M > CLARA FRANCES CLEMENT (7:5-2) LOVERING. 766. Nora Frances, b. in Canaan, N. H., Aug. 30, 187."); (1. Jan. 11, 1870. 767. Finest Dnstin, b. in Canaan, N. II., Dec. 11, 1878; in. Grace F. Cunningham (768), Feb. 14, 1900. 768. Grace F. Cunningham, b. in Manchester, N. II., Sept. 10, 1881 ; d. July 30, 1000. 769. Wilber John, b. in Canaan, X. II.. July 24, 1882. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILI) OF FRANKLIN ARNOLD (736) A N I > ANNA BELL MOONEY (7:57) CLEMENT. 77<». Pearl Annie, b. June 26, 1896. DESCENDANTS OF MAJ. JAMES WOOD. lit. FOURTH GENERATION. MAJOR JAMES WOOD. 234. Maj. .lames Wood, son of Benjamin (221) and Lois Olds (224) Wood, was born in Hast Alstead, X. II.. Nov. 1 7, 1 783 ; m. Olive Koekwood < 235 ) Dee. 17, 1806, in Franklin. Mass. They had live children. The first four were born in East Alstead, N. II. The two oldest, a boy and a girl, died with black fever in East Alstead. In 1819, with his wife and two children, he moved to Marcellus, Onondago Co.. N. Y., where his daughter Harriet (777) was born Nov. 30, 1820, and died June J, 1*2:3. His wife. Olive Koekwood (235), died June 11. L823. On Feb. 8, 1*2:). he married Mrs. Margarel Weckham (Henderson) (236), who was born in Lafayette, X. Y., Aug. 12. L796. In 1826 lie moved to Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y. In 1832 Major Wood moved to Lima, Livingston Co., X. Y.. and had charge of Liv- ingston County Asylum. In 1835 he moved to Richmond, Ontario Co., X. Y., having bought the farm formerly owned by his brother, Dr. Jesse AYood (243), and where the latter died. In 1840 he moved to Geneseo, N. Y.. where his wife, Margaret W. Henderson AYood, died June 15, 1858. She bore him no children. He adopted two children left by his brother, Dr. Jesse AYood (243). also two nieces of his last wife. He died in Geneseo, Oct. 2, 1867. 106 DESCENDANTS OF MA,I. .JAMES WOOD. FIFTH GENERATrON. CHILDREN OF JAMES (234) AND OLIVE ROCKWOOD (23d) WOOD. I. 771. Sukey, b. in Alstead, N. H., .June 28, 1807; d. in Alstead, April 13, 1814. II. 772. Arnold, b. in Alstead, July 6, 1810; d. in Alstead, Jan. 6, 1815. III. 77:5. James, b. in Alstead, April 4, 1815; in. Ann D. Harris (774), June 30, 1847; d. in Geneseo, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1892. 771. Ann D. Harris, b. 1826; d. in Geneseo, 1872; no children. IV. 77."). Perry, b. in Alstead, Feb. '25, 1817; m. Alvira Curtis (776), Dec. 31, 1847; d. in Geneseo, N. Y., April 28, 1897. 776. Alvira Curtis, b. 1825; d. at Castile, N. Y.. 1882. V. 777. Harriet, b. in Marcellus, Onondago Co., N. Y., Nov. 30, 1820; d. June 3, 1823, in Marcellus. DESCENDANTS OF MAJ, JAMES WOOD. 107 ADOPTED DAUGHTERS. VJ. 778. Lydia Weckharn, b. in Niles, Cayuga Co., N. V., Feb. 28, 1828 ; m. Rev. Henry Vosburgh (779 ), June 8, 1854. 779. Henry Vosburgh, b. in Kinderhook, N. Y.. July 23, 1827; d. in Oramel, Allegany Co.. N. Y., Marcb 29, 1900. VII. 780. Sarah Wood, b. at Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 1839 ; m. Samuel Culley (781 >, Nov. 14, 1861. 781. Samuel Culley, b. Dec. 15, 1839; res. Geneseo, N. Y. 108 DESCENDANTS OF MA J. JAMES WOOD. GENERAL JAMES WOOD. Mrs. Lydia Weckham Vosburgli (778), adopted daughter of Maj. James AVood (234), and who was brought up with Gen. James AVood (773), writes of him. " He prepared for college in the Geneseo AVesleyan Sem- inary, and graduated from the Union College, Schenec- tady, in 1842. His war record is known. He was gifted, brave, and true. 1 never saw him out of temper in my life, sweet and loving always. He was my childhood hero and idol." John Young, Esq., of Geneseo, N. Y., writes of him : " He was my uncle by marriage and lived in my fam- ily for fifty years. He was a man of much more than ordinary ability, and as a lawyer had few peers in wes- tern New York. He died very suddenly, with his har- ness on his back. During the AYar of the Rebellion, he raised and commanded the 136th N. Y. A^ols., and was at Cliancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mission Ridge, Chatta- nooga, and with Sherman in his march to the sea. Dur- ing the Sherman campaign he commanded a brigade, and received at the close of the war the promotion of Brevet Major General, U. S. Y. He was delightful in his life, a good citizen, and a Christian." DESCENDANTS OF MA. I. JAMES WOOD. 109 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PERRY (7.75) AND ALYIRA CURTIS (776) WOOD. All b. in Genesee, N. Y. 782. James, b. Feb. 22, 1849; res. Castile, N. Y. 783. Frank, b. 1854; cl. L863. 784. William, b. L857 ; d. at Avon, N. Y., 1857. CHILDREN OF HENRY (779) AM) LVDIA WOOD <77*, YOSBURGH. 7 s "). Lola, 1>. in Geneseo, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1861 ; m. William Douglass Storer (786), March 11, 1890; res. Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., N. Y. 786. William Douglass Storer, b. in Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 11, 1860. 787. Henry Wood, b. in Hammondsport, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1867; m. Minnie Dell Mead (788), June 11, 1890, at Lawrenceville, Pa. 788. Minnie Dell Mead, b. in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1860. 11D DESCENDANTS OK MAJ. .IAMES WOOD. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL (781) AND SARAH WOOD (780) CULLY. 789. James Henry, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1862; m. Flora Lamont MacDougall (790), May 15, 1895; res. Oil City, Pa. 790. Flora LaMont MacDougall, b. in Oil City, Pa.. April 26, 1876. 791. Eliza Sarah, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1864. 792. Samuel Alexander, b. in Groveland, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1866; d. Jan. 11, 1900. 793. Edwin Robert, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1869; d. Dec. 1, 1887. 794. Frank William, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., March 5, 1871. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY WOOD (787) AND MINNIE DELL MEAD (788) VOSBURGH. All b. in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., Pa. 795. Mearle, b. May 26, 1891. 796. James Blaine, b. Nov. 25, 1892; d. June 2, 1891. Tioga Co., Pa. 797. Katherine Wood, b. June 30, 1894. CHILD OF JAMES HENRY (789) AND FLORA LAMONT MACDOUGALL (790) CULLY. 798. Samuel Colon, b. in Oil City, Pa,, March 13, 1896, DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH Wool) ill 1< m\s. 1 1 1 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CHEANEY (238) AND SUSANNAH WOOD (237) HUTCHINS. 1. TO'.'. Jerusha Rockwood, b. in Winchester, N. II.. May 17, 1813; in. in Chesterfield, N. II.. Aug. 31, 1831, Cheaney Rawson Norcross (800). She now lives with her daughter, Mrs. Moses F. French (816), at Mount Delight. Deerfield, N. II. 800. Channcv Rawson Norcross, b. in Chesterfield, X. H., Nov. 18, 1803; d. in Deerfield. N. H., April 18, 1877. 801. Susan, b. in Winchester, N. H., June 18, 1815; in. Josiah Stratton (802), of Bethlehem. N. H., Nov. 25, 1838; d. May 7, 1878. 802. Josiah Stratton, b. Dec. 3, 1807; d. in Lancaster. N. II., March 7. 1881. .3. 803. Harvey, b. in Winchester, N. II., May 12, 1820; (1. in Bethlehem, X. H., April 29, 1838. 112 DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. 804. Lucy Ann. b. in Winchester, N. II., Feb. IS. 1822; in. William Balch (805), of Lunenburg, Vt., Dec. 22, 1842; m. 2d, James G. Snow (806), of Lunenburg, Feb. 0, 1848; d. in Springfield, 111., Get. 1, 1864. 805. William Balch, d. in Limeuburg, Vt., Sept. *!, 1843. 80'). James G. Snow, b. April (!, 182."); d. in Kansas. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CIIAUNCY RAWSON (800.) A N D JERUSHA ROCKWOOD HUTCHINS (799) NOR- CROSS. All but the last two 1>. in Bethlehem, N. II. 1. 807. Clarissa, b. Dec. 19, 1832; d. in Penacook, N. H., Dec. 20, 1832. 2. sns. Susan Jerusha, b. Oct. 2d, 1833; m. in Hill, N. H., July 12, 1851, AVilliam Austin George (809) ; d. in Penacook, N. LI., Oct. 5, 1865. 809. AVilliam Austin George, b. Feb. 16, 1831; res. Epping, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. 113 3. 810. Lutheria Ann, b. Nov. 15, 1835; m. in Manches- ter, N. H., Sept. 4, 1861, Stephen Barnaby Merrill (811); d. in Deerfield, N. H., April 20, 1891. 811. Stephen Barnaby Merrill, b. in Deerfielcl, N. H., June 12, 1825; d. in Deerfield, Jan. 16, 1895. 4. 812. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 24, 1838; d. in Bethle- hem, X. H., July 12, 1846. 5. 813. Harvey Nelson, b. Feb. 4, 1840; d. in Bethlehem, Auo-. 2, is 12. 6. 814. George Gilbert, b. Feb. 11, 1842; m. in Methuen, Mass.. Nov. 21, 1873, Nellie Louise Norcross (815) ; res. Fremont, N. H. 815. Nellie Louise Norcross, b. in Bolton, Mass., Feb. 15, L856. 7. 816. Lucy Elzina, b. Feb. 7. 1844; m. in Candia,N.H., Dec. 19, 1868, Moses Frank French (817). 817. Moses Frank French, b. in Deerfield, N. IL, Sept, 20, LS36 ; res. Mount Delight, Deerfield, N. H. 8. 818. Amy Clarissa, b. March 31, 1846; m. John Pulsi- fer (811)), June 1, 1867; d. in Candia, N. H., Aug. 1, 1870; no children. 819. John Pulsifer, b. in Candia, May 2, 1830. 114 DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. 9. 820. Olen Cheaney, b. Sept, 12, 1848; d. in Bethlehem, N. H., Oct. 6, 1848. 10. 821. Alfred Hutchins, b. in New Hampton, N. H., Aug. 3, 1850; d. in Candia, N. H., Aug. 18, 1854. 11. 822. Minerva Maria, b. in Meredith, N. H., Oct. 9, 1853; d. in Candia, N. H., Sept. 9, 1854. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSIAH (802) AND SUSAN HUTCHINS (801) STRATTON. 1. 823. Cynthia Arvilla, b. in Bethlehem, N. 11., May 8, 1842 ; d. in Stanstead, Canada, June 19, 1860. 2. 824. Willard Oscar, b. in Bethlehem, Jan. 15, 1845; m. in Danville, Vt., Aug. 8, 1876, Huldah M. Smith (825) ; res. Walcott, Vt. 825. Huldah M. Smith, b. in Danville, Vt., Jnne 21, 1850 ; no children. DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD IITTCHINS. 1 1 5 826. Edmund Burt, b. in Bethlehem, March 24, 1848; m. in Lancaster, N. H., Dec. 25, 1872, Sarah Delia Goodwin (827) ; res. Putnam. Conn. 827. Sarah Delia Goodwin, b. in Lancaster, X.H., Dec. 19, 185G. 828. Lucy Emeline, b. in Derby, Vt., May 24. 1851; res. Portland. Me. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM AUSTIN (809) AND SUSAN JERUSHA NORCROSS (808) GEORGE. 82!). .Mary Louise, b. in Andover, N. H., Nov. 27. 1861 ; m. Joseph Harvey Witham (830) Sept. 7, 1876. 830. Joseph Harvey Witham, b. in Nottingham, N. H., April 16, 1844 ; res. Epping, N. H. 831. Albert Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1863; m. Mrs. Lonella Wilson (832), in 1886. 832. Louella Wilson, b. in Portsmouth, N. II., in 1850. 116 DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. CHILDREN OF STEPHEN BARNABY (811) AND LUTHERIA ANN NORCROSS (810) MERRILL. All b. in Deerfield, N. H. 83)3. Minerva Jane, b. June 28, 1862; m. in Deerfield, N. H., May 8, 1882, Matthew Harvey Nut- ter (834). 834. Matthew Harvey Nutter, b. in Pittsfield, N. H., July 6, 1858; res. Pittsfield, N. H. 835. Stella Ruth, b. in Deerfield, N. H., Jan. 27, 1866; m. in Pittsfield, N. H., June 26, 1900, Romauza Luther Ladd (836). 836. Romauza Luther Ladd, b. in Pittsfield, N. H., April 7 1856; res. Deerfield, N. H. CHILD OF GEORGE GILBERT (814) AND NELLIE LOUISE (NORCROSS) (815) NORCROSS. 837. Emma May, b. Sept. 18, 1875; m. in Brentwood, N. II., Nov. 3, 1899, William Wallace McClen- uing (838) . 838. William Wallace McClenning, b. in Chesterfield, N. H., Nov. 18, 1845; res. Westmoreland, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD DITCH INS. 117 CHILDREN OF MOSES FRANK (817) AND LUCY ELZINA NORCROSS (816) FRENCH. 83!). Lucy Etta, b. in. Deerfield, N. II., Aug. 25, 1871. 840. P:isie Blanche, b. in Deerfield, N. H., July 18, 1878 ; m. George Everett Patch (841), Nov. 27, 1901. 841. George Everett Patch, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., May 25, 1876. 842. Cora May, b. in Deerfield, N. H., Sept. 9, 1881. CHILDREN OF EDMUND BURT (826) AND SARAH DELIA GOODWIN (827) STRATTON. 843. Carrie Elsie, b. in Lancaster, N. H., July 30, 1874 ; in. C. Everett Griggs (844), Nov. 3, 1898. 844. C. Everett Griggs, 1). in Eastford, Conn., Dec. 12, 1870; res. Abington, Conn. 845. Harvey Ernest, b. in Lancaster, N. II., March 31, 1879. 118 DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH HARVEY (829) AND MARY LOUISE GEORGE (830) WITHAM. All b. iu Epping, N. H. 846. Laura May, b. Jan. 17, 1879; m. Frank Dearborn Willey (847), Dec. 23, 1897. 847. Frauk Dearborn Willey, b. in Bristol, N. H., Nov. 19, 1877. 848. Edith Roenna, b. July 12, 1881 ; m. in Epping, N. H., April 3, 1899, Herbert Howard Dear- born (849). 849. Herbert Howard Dearborn, b. March, 1883. 850. Almon Fern, b. May 8, 1883. 851. Carl Saxton, b. Dec. 26, 1899. CHILDREN OF MATTHEW HARVEY (834) AND MINERVA JANE MERRILL (833) NUTTER, All b. in Pittsfield, N. H. 852. Carl Nathaniel, b. May 29, 1883. 853. Lewis Harvey, b. July 6, 1884. 854. Helen Ruth, b. Dec. 14, 1885. 855. Mabel Frances, b. Oct. 15, 1888 ; d. May 31, 1896, 856. Lucy Hayes, b. Feb. 5, 1893. 857. Ralph Edward, b. Sept. 29, 1894. 858. Franklin Harris, b. Nov. 5, 1896. DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. 1 1 9 NINTH GENERATION. CHILD OF HERBERT HOWARD (849) AND EDITH ROENNA WITH AM (848) DEARBORN. 858a. Clyde Winfred, b. in Epping, N. H., Sept. 24, 1899. 120 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH WOOD. FOURTH GENERATION JOSEPH WOOD. 239. Joseph, fourth son of Benjamin (221) and Lucy Olds (224) Wood, was b. in East Alstead, N. H., June 13, 1788. He went West and lived in Michigan, and afterwards at Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. Susan Wood (240); had two children, Abigail (241), b. 1820, and Henrietta, b. 1822. Abigail m. but had uo children. His wife and children all died pre- vious to his decease, which was at the home of his brother, Maj. James Wood (234), at Gen- eseo, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1845. He was a musi- cian and taught singing schools. He came East and visited his brother Amasa (245) in 1843-'44. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH (239) AND SUSAN (240) WOOD. 241. Abigail, b. in 1820; in. but had no children. 242. Heurietta, b. in 1822; d. unmarried. They all d. in Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y DESCENDANTS OF DR. JESSE WOOD. 1 _> \ FOURTH GENERATION. DR. JESSE WOOD. 243/ Jesse Wood went West early in life. He pur- chased a farm in Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y., and was a very energetic man. He had helped himself to an education, part of the expense being paid for after he was married, earning the money by his profession and from off the new land which he had bought. In the winter of 1820-'21, with his wife and son Harvey, then only four months old, he drove a horse in a cutter (sleigh) from central western New York to his father's home in East Alstead, N. H., for a visit, and to show up at his old home his wife and baby, of whom he was very proud. He was a skilful physician and had a large practice. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DR. JESSE (243) AND CLARINDA WHITE (244) WOOD. 859. Harvey Jesse, b. in Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1820; d. in Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y., March 4, 1871 ; not married. 122 DESCENDANTS OF DR. JESSE WOOD. 860. Louise, b. in Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y., May 2, 1822; m. in Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1849, James Andrew Spier (861); res. La Crosse, Wis. 861. James Andrew Spier, b. in Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 4, 1822; d. in Lacrosse, Wis., July 18, 1894. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES ANDREW (861) AND LOUISE WOOD (860) SPIER. 862. Lizzie Clarinda, b. in Lima, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1850; m. in La Crosse, Wis., April 30, 1873, William Bradley Webb (863). 863. William Bradley Webb, b. in Meriden, Conn., Dec. 25, 1851 ; res. Helena, Mont. 864. Jessie Wood, b. in La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 19, 1856 ; m. Alfred James (865), Dec. 9, 1880. 865. Alfred James, b. in Shrewsbury, England, June 15, 1856 ; res. La Crosse, Wis. 866. Mary Antoinette, b. in La Crosse, AVis., Nov. 4, 1863 ; m. in La Crosse, Oct. 15, 1890, Francis Marion Egbert (867), of Niles, Mich. 867. Francis Marion Egbert, b. Jan. 28, 1856 ; res. La Crosse, AVis. DESCENDANTS OF DR. JESSE WOOD. 123 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM BRADLEY (863) AND LIZZIE CLARINDA SPIER (862) WEBB. 868. Olive Add, b. id La Crosse, Wis., March 1, 1870; m. in Anaconda, Mont., Aug. 23, 1898, Lewis Bailey Skinner (869). 869. Lewis Bailey Skinner, b. in Cincinnati, O., July 8, 1874. 870. Louise Wood, b. in La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 30, 1883. CHILDREN OF ALFRED (865) AND JESSIE WOOD SPIER (864) JAMES. 871. James Spier, b. in La Crosse, Wis., April 29, 1882, 872. Russell Wood, b. in La Crosse, July 27, 1884. 873. Burton Egbert, b. in La Crosse, Oct. 14, 1896. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS MARION (867) AND MARY ANTOINETTE SPIER (866) EGBERT. 874. Fiances, b. in La Crosse, April 24, 1895. 875. Paul Spier, b. in La Crosse, May 8, 1895. 124 DESCENDANTS OF DR. JESSE WOOD. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILD OF LEWIS BAILEY (869) AND OLIVE ANN WEBB (868) SKINNER. 875a. Olive, b. in Denver, Colorado, June 27, 1899. 875b. Webb, b. in Colorado Springs, Col., April 17, 1901. DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. L25 FOURTH GENERATION. AMASA WOOD. 245. Amasa Wood, the youngest son of Benjamin (221) and Lucy Olds (224) Wood, was born at the old homestead in East Alstead. N. H., Jan. ('.. 1796 ; m. April 12, 1821, Polly Miller Huntley (246), daughter of Charles and Sally Miller Huntley; d. Dec. 18, 1875, in the house where he was born and had always lived. He had the care of his father and mother during their last days, and for many years of his step- mother, and also of his wife's grandparents, Joseph and Pamelia Miller, who both lived to be nearly one hundred years old. He was a man respected by all, strictly upright and hon- orable in all his dealings. 246. Polly Miller Huntley was born in Lempster, N. H., Dec. 3, 1801; she died Jan. 9, 1884, at the home of her daughter, Luc} T Pamelia AVood (876) Kemp, in East Alstead, X. II., with whom she had lived the last nine years of her life. She was a good Christian woman, a devoted wife and mother. Amasa (245) and Polly Miller Huntley (2 16) Wood had nine children, all born at the old homestead in East Alstead, X. H.. the same place where Benja- min AVood (221) settled after leaving Brooklield, Mass. 126 DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF AMASA (245) AND POLLY MILLER HUNTLEY (246) WOOD. 1. 876. Lucy Pamelia, b. in East Alstead, N. H., July 25, 1822; m. in East Alstead, Nov. 20, 1845, William Orlow Kemp (877); d. in East Al- stead, Jan. 3, 1901. 877. William Orlow Kemp, b. in East Alstead, April 18, 1819; d. in East Alstead, Oct, 23, 1879. 2. 878. Jesse Benjamin, b. in East Alstead, April 19, 1825; d. in East Alstead, Sept. 5, 1827. r 3. 879. Alonzo Huntley, b. in East Alstead, June 20, 1828 ; d. in East Alstead, May 10, 1829. 880. Sarah Louisa, b. in East Alstead, Nov. 29, 1829 ; d. in East Alstead, March 21, 1846. DESCENDANTS OF A.MASA WOOD. 127 5. 881. James Amasa Wood was born on the old home- stead in East Alstead, N. H., May 24, 1832; Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of New Hampshire, comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, ap- pointed by President McKinley. Nov. 8, 1897; was three year- and three months United States Consul at Sherbrooke, P. (,).. Canada, by ap- pointment of President Harrison, March 14, L8 ( J0 ; was messenger to carry the presidential vole of New Hampshire to Washington in 1884; was alternate delegate to Republican National Convention, Chicago, in 1880; dele- gate at large in the Republican National Con- vention. St. Louis, 1896; appointed assistant marshal to lake the census of 1870 in Acworth, Lempster. and Washington; appointed aide-de- camp, with the rank of colonel, by Governor Cheney. L875-76 ; was elected representative to the New Hampshire legislature in the years 1875-77; was moderator of said town eigh- teen years, and has been selectman ; was post- master at South Acworth, N. H., eleven years ; was general agent of Republican Press Asso- ciation. Concord Daily Monitor and weekly Independent Statesman, Concord, N. H., eigh- teen years; compiled and published book of " New Hampshire Homes " ; compiler and pub- lisher of this volume ; married Mary Elizabeth 128 DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. Bowers (882), daughter of James and Nancy Symonds Bowers of Acworth, N. H., Nov. 30, 1854; married Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Davis (Patten) (883), daughter of James and Rebecca Symonds Davis of Hancock, N. H., June 3, 1891; res. Portsmouth, N. H. ; legal res. Acworth, N. H. 882. Mary Elizabeth Bowers, b. in South Acworth, N. H., Nov. 16, 1835; d. in South Acworth, Aug. 20, 1888. 883. Helen Elizabeth Davis (Palten), b. in Hancock, N. H., Nov. 9, 1834. 6. 884. Joseph Miller, b.in East Alstead, N. H., Sept. 16, 1835 ; m. Harriet Hayward (885), of Acworth, N. H., June 15, 1859; d. at the old home- stead in East Alstead, Nov. 28, 1876. 885. Harriet Hayward, daughter of William and Harriet Jackson Hayward, b. in Acworth, N. H., May 18, 1836; res. with her daughter, Mrs. Henry L. Johnson (904), Roslindale, Mass. 7. 886. Edmund Emerson, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Aug. 16, 1837; in. Ann Eliza Milliken (887), of Washington, Fayette Co., O., March 9, 1870. Col. Edmund E. Wood enlisted in the 168th Ohio Vols., May 2, 1864; was adjutant of the regiment ; was admitted to the bar in 1862, and has practised patent law at Cincinnati, O., since 1865 ; res. Avondale, Cincinnati. O. DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. 129 887. Ana Eliza Milliken, b. in South Bend, Ind., July 24, 1837. 8. 888. Ellen Eugenia, b. in East Alstead, N. H., March 16, 1840; m. Abel McCandless (889), of Washington C. H., O., Dee, 19, 1867; res. Cincinnati, O. 889. Abel McCandless, b. in Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., O., Sept. 25, 1829; d. in Washington, Fay- ette Co., O., Feb. 18, 1877; he was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion. 890. Julia Harriet, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Feb. 17, 1842; m. William Robinson (891), of Wash- ington, Fayette Co., O., Sept. 17, 1875; res. Washington C. II., O. 891. William Robinson, b. Aug. 27, 1817; d. at Wash- ington C. II., ()., Aug. 26, 1899. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM ORLOW (877) AND LUCY PAMELIA WOOD (876) KEMP. 1. 892. Sarah Emma, b. in Deadham, Me., June, 1848; m. Samuel Locke Kingsbury (893), March 13, 1873; d. June 14, 1874. 130 DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. 893. Samuel Locke Kingsbury, b. in Gilsum, N. H., Feb. 25, 1838; res. Gilsum, N. H. 2. 894. Mary Susan, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Jan. 31, 1851 ; res. East Alstead, N. H. 3 - 895. Lizzie Maria, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Nov. 14, 1852; m. George Andrew Mayo (896), May • 11, 1871 ; res. on the old homestead in East Alstead, N. H. 896. George Andrew Mayo, b. in Alstead, N. H., June 14, 1844. 4. 897. John Parker, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Aug. 22, 1854; m. Sarah Adeline Bradford (898), Nov. 16, 1881 ; res. East Alstead, N. H. 898. Sarah Adeline Bradford, b. in Francestown, N. H., Aug. 19, 1853; d. in East Alstead, Aug. 13, 1896. CHILDREN OF JAMES AMASA (881) AND MARY ELIZABETH BOWERS (882) WOOD. 1. 899. Helen Elizabeth, b. in Winchendon, Mass., May 11, 1857; m. at Concord, N. II., June 12, 1894, Edward Ware Perkins (900), of Man- chester, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. 131 900. Edward Ware Perkins, b. in York, Me., Nov. 17, 1854; res. Manchester, N. H. 2. 901. Charles Bowers, b. in South Acworth, N. H., Jan. 20, 1859; d. at South Acworth, March 20, 1862. 3. 902. George Albert, b. in South Acworth, N. H., Aug. 24, 1862; m. at Saxton's River, Vt., Oct. 12, 1884, Mary Inez Stevens; res. Portsmouth, N. H. He is chief deputy collector of internal revenue, and secretary of the National Associa- tion of Railway Postal Clerks. 903. Mary Inez Stevens, b. in Woodstock, Vt., June 18, 1866. CHILD OF JOSEPH MILLER (884) AND HARRIET HAYWARD (88o) WOOD. 904. Alice Mabel, b. in East Alstead, N. II., at the old homestead, Oct. 28, 1867 ; m. in Acworth, N. H., Sept. 7, 1852, Henry Lewis Johnson (905). 905. Henry Lewis Johnson, b. in Lemingtou, Me., June 1, 1867; res. Roslindale, Mass. 132 DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. CHILD OF EDMUND EMERSON (886) AND ANN ELIZA MILLIKEN (887) WOOD. 906. William Ray, b. in Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 14, 1871; m. at Washington, Fayette Co., O., July 14, 1896, Alice Palmer (907). He graduated at the Cincinnati Law College, with degree of B. L., May, 1893; admitted to the bar in June, 1893, and practised patent law with the law firm of Wood & Boyd, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Wood & Wood, Cincinnati, O. ; res. Avondale, Cincinnati, O. 907. Alice Palmer, b. in Washington, Fayette Co., O., Dec. 21, 1876. CHILDREN OF ABEL (889) AND ELLEN EUGENIA WOOD (888) McCANDLESS. 908. Harry Wood, b. in Washington, Fayette Co., O., Aug. 2, 1868; m. Pearl Wilber Bernard (909) of Cincinnati, ()., March 2, 1897; res. Cin- cinnati, O. 909. Pearl Wilber Bernard, b. Aug. 5, 1870. 910. Cora, b. in Washington, Fayette Co., O., April 2, 1870; res. Cincinnati, O. DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. 133 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILD OF SAMUEL LOCKE (893) AND SARAH EMMA KEMP (892) KINGSBURY. 911. Ethel May, b. in Gilsum, N. H., March 27, 1874; d. April 25, 1874. CHILD OF GEORGE ANDREW (896) AND LIZZIE MARIA KEMP (895) MAYO. 912. Alice Gertrude, b. at the old homestead in East Alstead, N. II., Jan. 14, 1879. CHILDREN OF JOHN PARKER (897) AND SARAH ADELINE BRADFORD (898) KEMP. 913. Lottie Adeline, b. in East Alstead, N. H., June 10, 1884. 914. Neil Bradford, b. in East Alstead, Aug. 13, 1886. 915. Lvle Edward, b. in East Alstead, Sept. 14, 1891. 134 DESCENDANTS OF AMASA WOOD. CHILDREN OF GEORGE ALBERT (902) AND MARY INEZ STEVENS (903) WOOD. 916. Helen Margaret, b. in West Lebanon, N. H., Nov. 3, 1885. 917. Albert James, b. in West Lebanon, May 19, 1887. 918. Mary Elizabeth, b. in West Lebanon, Oct. 2, 1888. 919. Keith Ainsworth, b. in West Medford, Mass., Aug. 24, 1890. CHILDREN OF HENRY LEWIS (905) AND ALICE MABEL HAYWARD (904) JOHNSON. 920. Arnold Hay ward, b. in Roslindale, Mass., May 16, 1897; d. May 30, 1898. 921. Haywaid Albion, b. in Roslindale, Mass., May 27, 1900. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM RAY (906) AND ALICE PALMER (907) WOOD. 922. Edmund Palmer, b. in Cincinnati, O., Feb. 21, 1898. Alonzo, b. in Cincinnati, Feb. 1, 1901; d. Feb. 3, 1901. DESCENDANTS OF HARRIET WOOD ISHAM. L35 FIFTH GENEKATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES FULLER (248) AND HARRIET WOOD (247; ISHAM. All b. in East Alstead, N. H. 1. 924. George Carpenter, b. Aug. 25, 1824; d. at Hano- ver, X. H., Nov. 19, 1845. 2. 925. James Willard, b. March 12, 1826; m. April 12, 1854, Henrietta Evans Potter (926) ; d. in New Orleans, La., Aug. 4, 1855. 920. Henrietta Evans Potter, b. at London, England, March 10. L819 ; res. Titnsville, Pa. 3. 927. Joshua Henry, b. Oct. 6, L831 ; m. in East Alstead, N. II., Oct. 13, 1853, Christiana Towne Messer (928); d. at Duluth, Minn., March 14, 1897. 928. Christiana Towne Messer, b. in East Alstead, N. H., June 6, 1831 ; d. at Titnsville, Pa., March 3, 1882. 4. 929. Edwin Locke, b. Nov. 16, 1836; d. September, 1888, at Grand Junction, Col. 5. 930. Charles Wood. b. Sept. 24, 1841 ; d. in New York city, Aug. 5, 1885. 136 DESCENDANTS OF HARRIET WOOD ISHAM. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILD OF JAMES WILLARD (925) AND HENRIETTA EVANS POTTER (92G) ISHAM. 931. Alma Willard, b. in New Orleans, La., Jan. 14, 1855; m. at East Alstead, N. H., Sept. 4, 1877, John Thompson Hirst (932). 932. John Thompson Hirst, b. at Titusville, Pa., June 6,1849; res. Titusville, Pa. CHILDREN OF JOSHUA HENRY (927) AND CHRISTIANA TOWN MESSER (928) ISHAM. 1. $33. Ellen Louise, b. in Fitchburg, Mass., July 8, 1854; d. July 25, 1855. 2. $34. James Henry, b. in Fitchburg, Mass., March 25, 1856; in. at Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 2, 1878, Julia Elizabeth Rouse (935); res. Buffalo, N. Y. 935. Julia Elizabeth Rouse, b. in Wellsboro, Pa., Nov. 26, 1854. 3. $36. Arthur Fuller, b. in East Alstead, N. H., Nov. 1, 1862; res. Buffalo, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF HARRIET WOOD ISHAM. 1 3 i 4. 937. Louie Harriot, b. in Pitliole, Pa., Jan. 5, 1867; m. at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1889, Jesse Hig- bee Wood worth (938). 938. Jesse Higbee Woodwortb, b. Feb. 17, 1856; res. Buffalo, N. Y. c 0. 939. Willard Messer, b. in Titusville, Pa., Nov. 15, 1873. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES HENRY (934) AND JULI4 ELIZABETH ROUSE (935) ISHAM. 940. Christiana, b. in Titusville, Pa., March 8, 1 ; m. Susan Jennette Robinson (956), June 10, 1841 ; d. in Keene, N. H., June 9, 1877. 956. Susan Jenette Robinson, b. in Surry, N. H., July 30, 1820; d. in Keene, N. H., July 1, 1900; no children. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILD OF SIMON BAXTER (950) AND MARY HOLBROOK (949) HARVEY. 957. Francis Baxter, b. in Surry, N. II., Feb. 8, 1830; d. Feb. 10, 1832. CHILDREN OF ELIJAH (951) ABIGAIL ANN ROBINSON (952) HOLBROOK. All b. in Surry, N. H. 1. 958. Louisa Maria, b. Nov. 15, 1832; m. Pierson Cowen Doty (959) of Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 1, 1855; d. in Troy, N. H., Apr. 29, 1878. 959. Pierson Cowen Doty. 152 DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. D60. Samuel Francis, b. May 20, 1840; m. Mary Add Ellis (901), Dec. 30, 1860; d. in Keene, May 13, 1894. 961. Mary Ann Ellis, b. in Keene, May 31, 1851; res. Keene, N. H. 3. 962. Mary Jane, b. Apr. 30, 1843 ; m. at Keene, N. H., July 19, 1865, Charles Cleminsliaw (963) of Troy, N. Y. -963. Charles Clemiushaw, b. July 26, 1833; res. Troy, N. Y. 964. George Edwards, b. Jan. 22, 1845; m. Clara Augusta French (965), May 19, 1869; res. Keene, N. H. 965. Clara Augusta French, b. in Walpole, N. H., Mar. 25, 1846. o. 966. Frederick Robinson, b. Aug. 9, 1847; m. Mary Annis Hayes (967) of Floyd, La., Jan. 11, 1871 ; res. New Orleans, La. 967. Mary Annis Hayes, b. June 7, 1851. 6. 968. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 15, 1849 ; res. Boston, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. 153 7. 969. William Chad wick, b. Aug. 13, 1851 ; in. Ella E. Hale (970) of Pewankee, Wis., Apr. 25, 1879; res. Troy, N. Y. 970. Ella E. Hale, b. in Auburn, N. Y., May 20, 1857. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALBA CHAPMAN (954) AND PERS1S LOUISA HOLBROOK (953) DANIELS. All b. in Troy, N. Y. 1. 971. Mary Louisa, b. Mar. 22, 1840; res. New York city. 2. 972. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 25, 1842; m. Elizabeth Dorlon (973), Jan. 10, 1865; d. in Washing- ton, D. C, Feb. 10, 1893. 973. Elizabeth Dorlon, b. in Troy, N. Y., March 12, 1844; d. June 25, 1894. Q o. 974. Hannah Ella, b. July 22, 1845; m. Charles Wal- lace Crary (975), Nov. 9, 1870; no children. 975. Charles Wallace Crary, b. in Troy, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1884; res. Troy, N. Y. 154 DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. 4. 976. Frank Holbrook, b. July 10, 1849; d. in Troy, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1890. 5. 977. Edward Ware, b. July 2, 1853; d. in Santa Cruz, Cal., July 24, 1887. 6. 978. John Hitchins, b. Aug. 12, 1859 ; d. in Troy, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1877. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PIERSON COWEN (959) AND LOUISA MARIA HOLBROOK (958) DOTY. 979. Mary Louisa, b. in Keene, N. H., July 25, 1858; m. Edward Warren Gate (980), of Boston, Mass., July 25, 1883 ; no children. 980. Edward Warren Cate, b. in Newton, Mass., Mar. 16, 1852. CHILDREN OF SAMUP:L FRANCIS (960) AND MARY ANN ELLIS (961) HOLBROOK. 981. Ellis Cleminshaw, b. in Keene, N. H., April 4, 1878. 982. Florence Mara, b. in Keene, N. H., Feb. 3, 1882. DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. l.*)"> CHILDREN OF CHARLES (963) AND MARY JANE HOLBROOK (962) CLEMINSHAW. 983. William Holbrook, b. in Troy, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1868; m. Mary Emma Higbee (984), Oct. 9, 1892. 984. Mary Emma Higbee, b. in Cleveland, O. 985. Walter George, b. in Troy, N.Y., May 27, 1872; (1. at Wells River, Vt., July 30, 1872. CHILDREN OF GEORGE EDWARDS (964) AND CLARA AUGUSTA FRENCH (965) HOLBROOK. 986. William French, b. in Keene, N. H., Feb. 17, 1870; m. Annie Laura Bishop (987), June 17, 1893; res. Keene, N. H. 987. Annie Laura Bishop, b. in Keene, 'N. H., April 15, 1868. 988. Edward Fiske, b. in Keene, N. H., April 30, 1876 ; m. Florence Augusta Richards (989), Feb. 2, 1899 ; res. Keene, N. H. 989. Florence Augusta Richards, b. in Abington, Mass., Sept. 19, 1878. 990. Walter Robinson, b. in Keene, N. H., Dec. 11, 1878; d. Mar. 1, 1879. 156 DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. CHILDREN OF FREDERICK ROBINSON (966) AND MARY ANNIS HAYES (967) HOLBROOK. 991. Maud Eliza, b. at Lake Providence, La., April 4, 1875. 992. Frederick Robin sou, b. at Lake Providence, La., Aug. 31, 1877. 993. Charles Clemiushaw, b. iu New Orleans, La., Nov. 2, 1883. 994. Charles Shute, b. at New Orleans, La., Dec. 10, 1889. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM CHADWICK (969) AND ELLA E. HALE (970) HOLBROOK. 995. Charles Lloyd Elijah, b. March 25, 1881. 996. Gladys Muriel, b. July 23, 1884. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF AVILLIAM HOLBROOK (983; AND MARY EMMA HIOBEE (984) CLEMINSHAW. 997. Russell Higbee, b. in Cleveland, O., Sept. 4, 1895. 998. William Holbrook, b. in Cleveland, O., July 13, 1897. DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. 157 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM FRENCH (986) AND ANNIE LAURIE BISHOP (987) HOLBROOK All b. in Keene, N. H. 999. Richard Lawrence, b. March 4, 1894. 1000. Sidney Wallace, b. Aug. 9, 1895. 1001. Caryl Francis, b. Feb. 12, 1897. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CHARLES HENRY (972) AND I ELIZABETH DORLON (973) DANIELS. 1002. Paul Shirley, b. in Troy, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1861; m. Emily Pearce (1003), Nov. 20, 1895. 1003. Emily Pearce, b. in New York city, July 29, 1867 ; no children. 1004. Elizabeth Dorlon, b. in New York city, Jan. 30, I 1868; m. John Paul Ernest (1005), of Wash- ino-ton, D. C, June 5, 1894. 1005. John Paul Ernest, b. in Manorville, Armstrong Co., Pa., April 6, 1862 ; res. Washington, D. C 158 DESCENDANTS OF HANNAH WOOD HOLBROOK. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN PAUL (1005) AND ELIZABETH DORLON DANIELS (1004) ERNEST. 1006. John Paul, Jr., b. in Washington, D. C, Nov. 22, 1898. 1007. Elizabeth, b. in Washington, D. C, Oct. 12, 1900. DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 159 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM (259) AND PERSIS WOOD (2»8) CARTER. HENRY WOOD CARTER. I. 1008. Henry Wood Carter was b. in Concord, N. II., March 11, 1822 ; m. Caroline A. Leavitt (1009), May 2, 1843 ; m. 2d, Julia E. AVilson (1010), May 1, 1848; m. 3d, Marion Ardelia Rice (1011), Aug. 7, 1859; d. at Lebanon, N. H., Feb. 25, 189 7. When Henry Wood Carter was quite young his parents moved to Warner and followed the business of tavern keeping there and at Bradford. When a mere boy he was sick a year with rheumatic fever, and while yet very lame opened a small fancy goods store in one corner of his father's bar-room — as the public room was then called. Here young Carter learned the rudiments of the business he followed through life. At sixteen he went to Concord to travel for Mr. Boyd at $20 per month, and later engaged with Roby, Kimball & Merrill, Concord, book publishers. He sold from a team to country stores. Leaving Concord after a few years he next traveled with a big team, for Stephen Thayer of New Ipswich, who had thirty teams on the road stocked with essences, extracts, 160 DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. and notions. After saving a few hundred dollars he em- barked in the Yankee notion business on his own account, and immediately attracted the attention of customers by his gorgeous team, in which he took great pride. He first had headquarters at Amherst, where he married his first wife, Caroline Leavitt, who died two years after- wards. Soon after the death of his first wife he moved to Chelsea, Vt., where he married Julia Wilson, and after her decease, Marion A. Rice of Chelsea. Mr. Car- ter bought the residence where he died, of Hon. A. H. Cragin, Aug. 1, 1859, and Lebanon has since been his home, although for more than 30 years after moving here he spent but little time in town, he finding both pleasure and profit in personally conducting his business of traveling merchant, in which he had no peer. At one time he had three fonr-horse teams serving his customers, all of which were the best ever seen in this country in a similar business. He was diligent in business, and the ostentatious methods adopted by him in his trade did not extend to his personal affairs, as he mingled little with his neighbors and would never accept the smallest pub- lic office. Mr. Carter was naturally strong physically, strictly temperate and extremely generous with his rela- tives and personal friends. He brought his aged parents to Lebanon and their last days were passed in affluence and comfort. 1009. Caroline A. Leavitt, b. in Amherst, N. H., Oct. 31, 1823; d. in Amherst, Nov. 27, 1846. 1010. Julia E. Wilson, b. in Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 24, 1848; d. at Chelsea, Feb. 26, 1859. DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 161 1011. Marion Ardelia Rice, b. in Ashburnham, Mass., April 13, 1839; cl. in Lebanon, 1892. II. 1012. Mary Ann, b. in Bradford, N. H., April 8, 1827; m. at Amherst, N. H., Feb. 23, 1853, Thomas Winslow Wyman (1013); d. at Stanstead, P. Q., Canada, Sept. 6, 1894; no children. 1013. Thomas Winslow Wyinan, b. in Chelsea, Vt., April 1, 1819; d. at Newport, Vt., July 29, 1890. III. 1014. James Hervey, b. in Warner, N. H., June 18, 1831 ; m. at Ascntneyville, Vt., March 20, 1855, Clara Colston (1015); res. 14 Linwood street, Roxbury, Mass. 1015. Clara Colston, b. in Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 19, 1834. SIXTH GENEEATION. CHILD OF HENRY WOOD (1008) AND CAROLINE A. LEA VITT (1009) CARTER. 1016. Henrietta Caroline, b. in Amherst, N. H., May 21, 1845; m. in Lebanon, N. H., Nov. 20, 1866, Arthur Norman Hall (1017); d. in Leba- non, N. H., July 24, 1875. 162 DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 1017. Arthur Norman Hall, b. in Manchester, N. H., July 17, 1844; res. Seekonk, Mass.; P.O. address, East Providence Centre, R. I. CHILDREN OF HENRY WOOD (1008) AND MARION ARDELIA RICE (1011) CARTER, 2. 1018. Augustus Henry, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Feb. 11, 1862 ; m. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 3, 1886, Ab- bie May Jackson (1019); res. Lebanon, N. H. 1019. Abbie May Jackson, b. in Chelmsford, Mass., Aug. 21, 1868. 3. 1020. Frederick Gordon, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Aug. 9, 1865; m. in Lebanon, May 16, 1892, Sarah Josephine Sargent (1021) ; res. Lebanon. N. H. 1021. Sarah Josephine Sargent, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Jan. 6, 1873. DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 163 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES HERVEY (1014) AND ! CLARA COLSTON (1015) CARTER, I 1. 1022. James Edward, b. at Ascutneyville, Vt., Aug. 6, 1862; m. Catherine Dunbar Cliffs (1023), June 10, 1886; res. 20 Morningside avenue, P. O. address, 1 Union Square, New York city. 1023. Catherine Dunbar Cliffs, b. in Roxbury, Mass., May 30, 1864. 2. 1024. George Albert, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Dec. 27, 1865; m. Lillian Frances Osgood (1025), March 16, 1887; res. 56 Cedar St., Roxbury, Mass. 1025. Lillian Frances Osgood, b. in Roxbury, Mass., June 28, 1866. 164 DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. SEVENTH GENEKATION. children of Arthur norman (1017) AND HENRIETTA CAROLINE CARTER (1016) HALL. 1026. Henry Winslow, b. iu Lebanon, N. H., Septem- ber, 1868; m. iu Hartford, Conn., April 13, 1891, Alice Maria Soper (1027), res. Seekonk, Mass. ; P. O., East Providence Centre, R. I. 1027. Alice Maria Soper, b. in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 26, 1869. 1028. Charles Frederick, b. in Lebanou, N. H., June 23, 1875; d. Sept. 25, 1875. CHILDREN OF AUGUSTUS HENRY (1018) AND ABBIE MAY JACKSON (1019) CARTER. 1029. Marion Jackson, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Aug. 28, 1887. 1030. Donald Augustus, b. in Lebanon, N. H., Jan. 28, 1895. CHILD OF FREDERICK GORDON (1020) AND SARAH JOSEPHINE SARGENT (1021) CARTER. 1031. Henry Gordon, b. in Lebanon, N. H., March 26, 1899. DESCENDANTS OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 165 CHILD OF JAMES EDWARDS (1022) AND CATHERINE DUNBAR CLIFFS (1023) CARTER. 1032. Mildred, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Sept. 21, 1888. CHILD OF GEORGE ALBERT (1024) AND LILLIAN FRANCES OSGOOD (1025) CARTER, 1033. Gertrude Marguerite, b. in Roxbury, Mass., June 6, 1888. 166 DESCENDANTS OF DICE A WOOD HILLS. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN (261) AND DICEA WOOD (260) HILLS. All b. in Surry, N. H. 1034. A son, b. July 15, 1818; d. young. 1035. Henry F., b. March 4, 1820; d. July 4, 1820. 1036. Louisa R., b. June 8, 1822; d. Dec. 25, 1829. 1037. Sarah, b. March 31, 1826 ; d. May 17, 1832. 1038. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1828; m. Peter Baxter Hayward (1039) of Keene, N. H., Jan. 18, 1848; d. in Keene, July 7, 1900. 1039. Peter Baxter Hayward, b. Nov. 17, 1819; d. in Keene, March 23, 1883. 1040. John, b. Feb. 28, 1831 ; d. Aug. 18, 1833. 1041. George, b. May 27, 1834; d. June 16, 1834. 1042. Julia Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1838; m. John Edward Colony (1043), of Keene, Nov. 25, 1869 ; d. Nov. 13, 1870. 1043. John Edward Colony, b. April 17, 1831; d. Oct. 5, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF DICEA WOOD HILLS. 167 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILD OF PETER BAXTER (1039) AND MARY HILLS (1038) HAYWARD. 1044. Alice, b. in Keene, Oct. 10, 1855 ; m. Alfred Trask Batchelder (1045) of Keene, April 24, 1879. 1045. Alfred Trask Batchelder, b. in Sunapee, N. H., April 26, 1844; res. Keene, N. H. He is senior member of the law firm of Batchelder & Faulkner, Keene, N. H. Has been several times member of N. H. Legislature; mayor of Keene, and is an influential citizen of the state. CHILD OF JOHN EDWARD (1043) AND JULIA ANN HILLS (1042) COLONY. 1046. Julia Hills, b. Nov. 5, 1870; m. Hobart Ames (1047), North Easton, Mass., June 18, 1890. 1047. Hobart Ames, b. in North Easton, Mass., Aug. 21, 1865. 168 DESCENDANTS OF DICEA WOOD HILLS. CHILDREN OF ALFRED TRASK (1045) AND ALICE HILLS HAYWARD (1044) BATCHELDER, 1048. Nathaniel Hayward, b. in Keene, Feb. 11, 1885, 1049. James Hayward, b. in Keene, Dec. 24, 1885. DESCENDANTS OF JERUSHA WOOD BABBITT. 169 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH HEWES (263) AND JERUSHA WOOD (262) BABBITT. 1. 1050. George Hewes, b. in Westmoreland, N. H., July 25, 1828; m. Frances Allen Johnson (1051), May 4, 1856; d. in Bellows Falls, Vt.,Nov. 6, 1898. 1051. Frances Allen Johnson, b. in Walpole, N. H., Dec. 8, 1835 ; res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 2. 1052. Charles Godfrey, b. in Westmoreland, Dec. 15, 1829 ; in. Julia Foote (1053) of Bloomington, 111. ; d. June 11, 1862. 1053. Julia Foote ; no children. 3. 1054. Joseph Evarts, b. in Keene, N. H., May 11, 1832; d. Jan. 14, 1858. 4. 1055. John Wood, b. in Keene, June 12, 1835; m. Hattie Lestina Mason (1056), Aug. 21, 1879; res. Keene, N. H. 1056. Hattie Lestina Mason, b. in Sullivan, N. H., Mar. 4, 1850. 170 DESCENDANTS OF JERUSHA WOOD BABBITT. 5. 1057. William Henry, b. in Keene, Feb. 5, 1841; m. Mrs. Lucy Jane Black (1058); d. in Hinsdale, N. H., Mar. 28, 1883. 1058. Mrs. Lucy Jane Black, b. in Putney, Vt., May 17, 1848. 6. 1059. Sarah, b. in Keene, Oct. 18, 1837; d. Mar. 3, 1842. 7. 1060. Nathan L., b. in Keene, Nov. 3, 1843; d. Mar. 13, 1844. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF GEORGE HE WES, JR. (1050), AND FRANCES ALLEN JOHNSON (1051) BABBITT. 1. 1061. Clara Frances, b. in Windsor, Vt., Nov. 23, 1856; m. Edmund H. Wilson (1062), Oct. 7, 1880; m. second, Frank Beuning Jenness (1063) of Rye Beach, N. H., Dec. 19, 1899; res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 1062. Edmund H. Wilson, b. at Bellows Falls, Vt., in 1850. 1063. Frank Benning Jenness, b. May 30, 1864. DESCENDANTS OF JERUSHA WOOD BABBITT. 171 2. 1064. Frederick Herbert, b. in Keene, N. H., Nov. 23, 1859 ; m. Katherine Eleanor Britton (1065) r Sept. 19, 1883; res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 1065. Katherine Eleanor Britton, b. in Bellows Falls, Nov. 2, 1860. 1066. George Hewes, b. in Windsor, Vt., Sept. 13 r 1861 ; m. at Bellows Falls, Vt., May 18, 1887, Jennie Robertson (1067). 1067. Jennie Robertson, b. in Putney, Vt., Feb. 13,. 1866. 4. 1068. John Edward, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., Jan. 21, 1872. CHILDREN OF COL. JOHN (1055) AND HATT1E LESTTNA MASON (1056) BABBITT. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1069. Helen Isabelle, b. Nov. 5, 1880. 1070. Ruth Josephine, b. July 25, 1886. 1071. Charles Evarts, b. May 16, 1891. 172 DESCENDANTS OF JERUSIIA WOOD BABBITT. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM HENRY (1057) AND LUCY JANE BLACK (1058) BABBITT. 1072. Walter, b. in Keene, 1873 ; d. in infancy. 1073. Louis Stearns, b. in Keene, N. H., May 17, 1874; m. in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 19, 1898, Carrie Elinor Manthorne (1073); res. Worcester, Mass. 1074. Carrie Elinor Manthorne, b. at Port Medway, Nova Scotia, July 21, 1869. 1075. Jessie May, b. in Keene, N. H., Mar. 8, 1877; res. Worcester, Mass. 1076. Lillian Grace, b. in Hinsdale, N. H., Jan. 27, 1883 ; res. Worcester, Mass. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EDMUND H. (1062) AND CLARA FRANCES BABBITT (1061) WILSON. All b. in Bellows Falls, Vt. 1076a. Elizabeth Frances, b. May 23, 1881. 1077. Marion Allen, b. Oct. 26, 1883. 1078. Ruth Content, b. Nov. 8, 1885. DESCENDANTS OF JERUSHA WOOD BABBITT. 1 7.'> CHILD OF FREDERICK HERBERT (1064) AND KATHERINE ELEANOR BRIXTON (1065) BABBITT. 1079. Madeline, b. iu Bellows Falls, Vt., May 8, 1885. CHILDREN OF GEORGE HEWES (1066) AND JENNIE ROBERTSON (1067) BABBITT. 1080. Frances Robertson, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., Mar. 2:5, 1888. 1081. Donald George, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., Nov. 5, 1891. CHILD OF LOUIS STEARNS (1073) AND CARRIE ELINOR MANTHORNE (1074) BABBITT. 1082. Kenneth Asbmore, b. in Worcester, Mass., Apr. 7. 1901. 174 DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILD OF ABIJAH (265) AND PATTY WOOD (264) METCALF. 1083. Martha Wood, b. in Keene, N. H., Apr. 26, 1838; d. in Keene, Aug. 20, 1865. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DAVID (267) AND BETSEY WOOD (266) AVILLIS. All but one b. in East Alstead, N. H. 1. 1084. David, b. in Boston, Mass., Dec, 1825 ; d. young. 2. 1085. Harriet Maria, b. in Alstead, N. H., July 8, 1827 ; m. in Keene, N. H., Jan. 28, 1850, Alvab Ellis Metcalf (1086) ; d. in Keene, Aug 15, 1887. 1086. Alvah Ellis Metcalf, b. in Keene, Oct. 30, 1813; d. in Keene, Oct. 26, 1886. DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. 175 3. 1087. Martha Abigail, b. Jan. 12, 1830; m. Albert Simeon Whitcomb (1088), Jan. 2, 1849; res. Fitchbnro-. Mass. 1088. Albert Simeon Whitcomb, b. in Marlborough, N. II., Mar. 8, 1825; d. in Keene, N. H., Aug. 13, 1888. 4. 1089. Betsey Adeline, b. June 10, 1832; d. young. 5. 1090. Mary Elizabeth,!). Sept, 12, 1833; m. Samuel D. Winslow (1001), of Townsend, Vt., Dec. 6, 1859 ; res. Amherst. Mass. 1091. Samuel D. Winslow, b. in Dummerstou, Vt., Apr. 17, 1832; d. in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 20, 1893. 1092. Lois Laurinda, b. May 24, 1836; m. Ambrose Hodgkins (1093), of Keene, N. H., Feb. 16, 1860. 1093. Ambrose Hodgkins, b. June 30, 1831 ; res. Keene, N. H. i . 1094. Johnnie, 1). Aug. 12, 1838; d. 1839. 176 DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALVAH p]LLIS (1086) AND HARRIET MARIA WILLIS (1085) METCALF. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1. 1095. Lizzie Harriet, b. Aug. 15, 1852; d. May 9, 1855. 2. 1096. Jennie Esther, b. Oct, 10, 1854; d. Apr. 21, 1855. 3. 1097. Frederick Willis, b. Jan. 21, 1859; d. May 31, 1863. 4. 1098. Alice Maria, b. June 3, 1861 ; m. Charles Henry Clarke (1099), Nov. 5, 1883. 1099. Charles Henry Clarke, b. in Keeue, Feb. 18, 1861 ; res. Keeue, N. H. 5. 1100. Harriet Mabel, b. June 22, 1863 ; m. Eugene Langdon Aldrich (1101), of Keene, July 17, 1894. 1101. Eugene Langdon Aldrich, b. in Troy, N. H., Mar. 30, 1866. 6. 1102. John Alvah, b. May 28, 1866; d. June 3, 1870. DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. 177 CHILDREN OF ALBERT SIMEON (1088) AND MARTHA ABIGAIL WILLIS (1087) WHITCOMB. 1. 1103. Mary Louisa, b. in Marlborough, N. H., Mar. 27, 1851 ; m. in Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 13, 1872, Waldo Hawes Lowe (1104). 1104. Waldo Hawes Lowe, b. in Fitchburg, May 8, 1849 ; res. Fitchburg, Mass. 2. 1105. Ella Martha, b. in Keene, N. H., June 16, 1853; m. iu Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 1, 1875, Henry Elisha Huntley (1106). 1106. Henry Elisha Huntley, b. in Marlow, N. H. ; res. Springfield, Mass. 3. 1107. Hattie Elvira, b. iu Keeue, N. H., May 16, 1856 ; d. Sept., 1858. 4. 1108. Anua Alberta, b. in Keene, N. H., Aug. 17, 1861 ; m. in Palmer, Mass., Sept. 1, 1885, Jesse Burdette Hyland, M. D. (1109). 1109. Jesse Burdette Hyland, b. in Arlington, Vt., June 18, 1862 ; res. Keene, N. H. 5. 1110. Sarah Elizabeth, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., Oct., 1864; d. Sept., 1865. 178 DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL D. (1091) AND MARY ELIZABETH WILLIS (1090) WINSLOW. All b. in Townsend, Yt. 1. 1111. JoLm Samuel, b. Dec. 6, 1862; d. Sept. 25, 1863. 2. 1112. Clara May, b. May 12, 1865; d. Dec. 31, 1865. 3. 1113. Clarence Willis, b. May 30, 1868; d. May 26, 1870. 4. 1114. Lottie May, b. Aug. 16, 1871; m. Prof. Arthur Lyman Brainard (1115), Aug. 9, 1893. 1115. Arthur Lyman Brainard, b. iu Warren, Mass., Dec. 4, 1870 ; res. South Orange, N. J. CHILDREN OF AMBROSE (1093) AND LOIS LAURINDA WILLIS (1092) HODGKINS. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1. 1116. Albert Willis, b. July 12, 1864; m. Minnie Estelle Davis (1117), Oct. 1, 1900; res. Keene, N. H. DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. 179 1117. Minnie Estelle Davis, b. in Moscow, Pa., Nov. 17, 1863. 2. 1118. Helen May, b. Sept. 6, 1866; d. Jan. 18, 1867. 3. 1119. May Winslow, b. Feb. 14, 1873; d. Mar. 10, 1894. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CHARLES HENRY AND ALICE MARIA METCALF (1098) CLARKE. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1120. Havrold Charles, b. May 31, 1885. 1121. Robert Metcalf, b. Oct. 22, 1888. 1122. Helen Gertrude, b. Aug. 19, 1892. CHILDREN OF WALDO HAWES (1104) AND MARY LOUISA WHITCOMB (1103) LOWE. 1123. Bessie Edna, b. in Fitehburg, Mass., Nov. 15, 1872; d. Aug. 3, 1873. 1124. Bertie, b. in Fitehburg, May 7, 1875; d. June 23, 1875. 180 DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. 1125. Martha Louise, b. in Fitchburg, July 31, 1876. 1126. Florence Josephine, b. in Fitchburg, April 22, 1878. 1127. Gertrude Whitcomb, b. in Keene, N. H., May 16, 1880. 1128. Albert Waldo, b. in Chicago, 111., June 11, 1882 ; d. Feb. 25, 1885, 1129. Lorena May, b. in Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 17, 1884. 1130. Willis Mead, b. in Fitchburg, Aug. 10, 1896; d. Aug. 31, 1897. CHILDREN OF HENRY ELISHA (1106) AND ELLA MARTHA WHITCOMB (1105) HUNTLEY. All b. in Springfield, Mass. 1131. Ella Grace, b. Aug. 13, 1876. 1132. Fred Hall, b. July 2, 1878. 1133. Emilie Maud, b. Jan. 23, 1880. 1134. Anna Martha, b. April 21, 1881; d. Aug. 26, 1881. 1135. Hazel, b. Oct. 26, 1882. DESCENDANTS OF BETSEY WOOD AVILLIS. 181 CHILDREN OF DR. JESSE BURDETTE (HOD. AND ANNA ALBERTA WHITCOMB (1108) HYLAND. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1136. Carl Willis, b. Oct. 14, 1890. 1137. AVinona Clarissa, b. Dec. 18, 1893. 1138. Christine Barbard, b. July 1, 1900. CHILDREN OF ALBERT WILLIS (1116) AND MINNIE ESTELLE DAVIS (1117) HODGKINS. All b. in Keene, N. H. 1139. Richard Davis, b. Oct. 20, 1891. 1140. Alfred AVillis, b. Nov. 7, 1892; d. Aug. 6, 1893. 1141. Philip Miller, b. April 4, 1895. 182 DESCENDANTS OF ABIGAIL WOOD BROWN. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALBERT (269) AND ABIGAIL WOOD (268) BROWN. 1. 1142. Martha Abigail, b. in Surry, N. H., June 20, 1839 ; m. in Winchenclon, Mass., June 8, 1859, James Peter Woodbury (1143) ; d. in Royals- ton, Mass., Oct. 30, 1886 ; no children. 1143. James Peter Woodbury, b. in Royalston, Mass., Dec. 28, 1832 ; res. Springfield, Vt. 2. 1144. Albert Wilder, b. in Dedham, Me., Dec. 30, 1841; d. Feb., 1842. 3. 1145. Sarah Emeline, b. in Dedham, Me., March 25, 1843; m. in Winchendon, Mass., Jan. 20, 1870, Abel Merriam (1146) ; res. Worcester, Mass. 1146. Abel Merriam, b. in Winchendon, Mass., March 22, 1847 ; d. in Gardner, Mass., Nov. 23, 1888. 4. 1147. Hannah Spofford, b. in Dedham, Me., Oct. 10, 1847; d. in Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 20, 1857. DESCENDANTS OF ABIGAIL WOOD BROWN. 183 SIXTH GE^ERATIO^. CHILD OF ABEL (1146) AND SARAH EMELINE (1145) MERRIAM. 1148. Albert William, b. in Royalston, Mass., Aug. 27, 1872 ; res. Worcester, Mass. 184 DESCENDANTS OF REV. JAMES WOOD. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF REV. JOHN (270) AND LAURINDA MARIA DIMOND (271) WOOD. 1149. Abby Lawrence, b. in Langdon, N. H., July 24, 1845. 1150. Katharine Kimball, b. in Townsend, Vt., April 21, 1849. 1151. Anuie Laurie, b. in Townsend, Vt., June 25, 1853 ; res. of all, Wellesley, Mass. PARENTS OF THE SECOND WIVES OF COL. JOHN (220) AND BENJAMIN (221) WOOD, Joseph Cheney Stowell, d. Feb. 29, 1812. Martha Stowell, his wife, d. Oct. 6, 1819. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN AND LUCY OLDS WOOD. 185 FIFTH GENERATION. The following persons are living, March 12, 1902 : CHILD OF LUCY WOOD MILLER. 630. Clarinda Miller Clement, b. April 9, 1826; res. Canaan, N. H. CHILD OF SUSANNAH WOOD HUTCHINS. 799. Jerusha R. Hntchins Norcross, b. May 17, 1813; res. Canaan, N. H. CHILD OF DR. JESSE WOOD. 860. Louise Wood Spier, b. May 2, 1822; res. La Crosse, Wis. CHILDREN OF AMASA WOOD. 881. James Amasa AVood, b. May 24, 1832; res. Ports- month, N. H. 886. Edmund Emerson Wood, b. August 16, 1837; res. Cincinnati, O. 888. Ellen Eugenia Wood McCaudless, b. March 16, 1840; res. Cincinnati, O. 890. Julia Harriet Wood Robinson, b. Feb. 17, 1842; res. Washington C. H., O. 186 DESCENDANTS OF COL. JOHN WOOD. FIFTH GENEKATION. CHILD OF PERSIS WOOD CARTER. 1014. James Hervey, b. June 18, 1831 ; res. Roxbury, Mass. CHILD OF JERUSHA WOOD BABBITT. 1055. Johu Wood Babbitt, b. June 12, 1835; res. Keene, N. H. He received his commission in the War of the Rebellion. CHILDREN OF BETSEY WOOD WILLIS. 1087. Martha Abigail Willis Whitcomb, b. Jan. 12, 1830; res. Fitchburg, Mass. 1090. Mary Elizabeth Willis Winslow, b. Sept. 12, 1833 ; res. Amherst, Mass. 1092. Lois Laurinda Willis Hodskins, b. May 24, 1836; res. Keene, N. H. CHILD OF ABIGAIL WOOD BROWN. 1145. Sarah Emeline Brown Winslow, b. March 25. 1843 ; res. Worcester, Mass. #3 DESCENDANTS OF COL. JOHN WOOD. 187 CHILDREN OF REV. JOHN WOOD. 1148. Abby Lawrence Wood, b. July 24, 1845; res. Wellesley, Mass. 1149. Katherine Kimball Wood, b. April 21, 1849; res. Wellesley, Mass. 1150. Annie Laurie, b. June 25, 1853; res. Wellesley. Mass. o o o a\ * o , ^ * * 4? 4? i0 V <^ V .-/* ^ ^ o . > ** /h.° %> <- < ,v ?. ' o • « * <>.* I s ^ ^ ■» LBRARY OF CONGRE ;ss *1 llll llll > 021 548 401 d ! V Wfc 1 wTw i W flflt 8 i