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N'^ % FAMILY RECORDS w S *26 Susanna, b. Medfield, Mass., Decertiber, 166^. 7 Samuel Hooker (Thomas), son of Rev. Thomas and Susannah Hooker, of Hartford, Colony of Conn., born 1633; married Sept. 22, 1658, Mary Willet, eldest daughter of Capt. Thomas and Mary (Brown) Willet of Plymouth, Mass., born Nov. 10, 1637, at Plymouth. Rev. Samuel Hooker was aged 64, at the time of his death in 1697, from which it appears that he was born in 1633, but whether before the family left England, or after their arrival in New England is not known, though it is generally supposed that he was born at Newtowne (Cambridge), Mass. He en- tered Harvard College in 1651, and graduated in 1653. He en- tered the ministry in 1657, and preached at Plymouth, Mass., though probably not regularly settled there. He was invited to settle at Springfield, Mass., but declined the invitation and remained at Plymouth until he removed to Farmington, Conn., in 1661, where he succeeded his brother-in-law Rev. Roger Newton and became the second minister of the place and re- mained there until his death in 1697. He was famous as an eloquent preacher and Mather in his "Magnolia" says of him, "Thus we have to this day among us our dead Hooker, yet living in his worthy son Samuel Hooker, an able, faitliful, useful minister at Farmington, in the Colony of Connecticut." Capt. Thomas Willet, whose daughter became the wife of Rev. Samuel Hooker, was at that time an energetic and thriv- ing merchant at Plymouth. He succeeded Capt. Miles Standish in command of the famous military company of Plymouth, and he afterward became the first mayor of the city of New York. Second Generation 11 The marriage of Rev^ Samuel Hooker and Mary Willet was undoubtedly celebrated in a proper manner, for an account of it is handed down in the Willet family, concluding the cere- mony with, "And Samuel and Mary did then brew a great bowl of punch." They had eleven children, nine sons and two daughters, and from these sons come all Hookers who claim descent from Rev. Thomas Hooker. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Mary (Willet) Hooker, when 67 years old, married, Aug. 10, 1703, Rev. Thomas Buckingham of Saybrook, Conn. He died April 1, 1709, when she went to the home of her son-in-law Rev. Stephen Buckingham, the son of her late husband, and the husband of her own daughter, at Norwalk, Conn., where she remained until her death in 1712. Her grave is near the center of the old burying ground, near the present East Nor- walk railway station. Rev. Samuel Hooker occupied at Farmington, the parson- age which had been occupied by is predecessor. Rev. Roger Newton, on the East side of South Main Street and nearly opposite to the road going to the meadows across the stone bridge which now spans the Pequabuc river. This house stood a few feet northward from the site of the house so long occu- pied by Mr. Solomon Cowles, who was one of Mr. Hooker's descendants, and here Mr. Hooker died. He was succeeded at Farmington by Rev. Samuel Whitman whose grandfather was Mr. Hooker's cousin. No stone marks Mr. Hooker's grave, but well attested tra- dition points out the place, as at the south side of the grave of Rev. Mr. Whitman, which is appropriately marked. Mr. Whitman like Mr. Hooker, died while the minister of the town, and tradition says he was buried by the side of Mr. Hooker. Of the characteristics and personal appearance of Rev. Samuel Hooker's wife, we have no positive record. There exists however some old data and memoranda, which enable us to form a seemingly fair conclusion. Her mother is described as a woman of great beauty and stateliness, one describing her as "possessed of beauty and majesty almost divine." Mrs. Hooker's sister, Martha, was the first wife of Judge Saffin. After her death he married twice again, and he has left a record written after the marriage to his 3rd wife, that upon the anniversary of the death of his first wife, it was his custom to seclude himself and give way to his "inconsolable grief for the irreparable loss he had sustained in the death of his beloved Martha." Mrs. Hooker had two daughters, the eldest, Mary, married Rev. James Pierpont of New Haven, and the Pierpont family 12 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker still have her portrait, from which we form the opinion that she was a woman of uncommon beauty. The other daughter married Rev. Stephen Buckingham, and settled at Norwalk, Conn., and the annals of Norwalk record that she was accounted the most accomplished lady that had ever come to Norwalk, while the traditions of the place still preserve the fame of the beauty and stately grace of "Dame Btickingham." Rev. Samuel Hooker died at Farmington, Nov. 6, 1697, Mrs. Mary Willet (Hooker) Buckingham died at Norwalk, Conn., June 24. 1712. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 27 Thomas, b. Plymouth, Mass., June 10, 1659; d. Hartford, Conn., 1720; m. Mrs. Mary (Smith) Lord, 1686. *28 Samuel, b. Plymouth. Mass., May 29, 1661. *29 William, b. Farmington, Conn., May 16, 1663. *30 John, b. Farmington, Conn., Feby. 20, 1664 or S. *31 James, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 27, 1666. 32 Roger, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 14. 1668; d. April 29, 1698. At the time of his death he was betrothed to Mary Standley of Hartford. She afterwards married his brother Nathaniel Hooker. *33 Nathaniel, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 18, 1671. *34 Mary, b. Farmington, Conn., July 3, 1673. 35 Hezekiah, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 7, 1675; d. Farmington, Conn., 1686. *36 Daniel, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 25, 1679. 37 Sarah, b. Farmington, Conn., May 5, 1681 ; d. Norwalk, Conn., 1759; m. Rev. Stephen Buckingham, who was a graduate of Har- vard College in 1693, and was a member of the Corporation of Yale College. He was pastor of the Church at Norwalk, Conn. He died Feb. 13, 1746. She was accounted the most accomplished lady that had ever come to Norwalk. The fame of "Dame Buck- ingham" is preserved in the annals of the old town, and the story of her stately grace is still remembered in the traditions of the place. Her husband and her mother are buried near each other in the old burying ground at East Norwalk, Conn., and it is probable that her grave is near these other two, but no stone marks the place. THIRD GENERATION THIRD GENERATION 8 Samuel Shepard (Joanna^ Thomas, >) son of Rev. Thom- as and Joanna (Hooker) Shepard of Newtowne (Cambridge), Mass., b. Oct., 1641, at Newtowne; m. April 30, 1666, Dorothy Flint, daughter of Rev. Henry and Margery (Hoar) Flint, of Braintree,"Mass., b. July 11, 1642. He was brought up in his grandfather's (Rev. Thomas Hooker) family, fitted for college and graduated from Harvard, 1655. He became a minister, settled at Rowley, Mass., where he lived and died April 7, 1668. She died at Rowley, Mass., Feb. 12, 1668. CHILD, SHEPARD. 38 Samuel, b. Aug. 10, 1667. 11 Samuel Newton (Mary ,2 Thomas^), son of Rev. Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. at Hartford, Oct. 20, 1646; m. March 14, 1669, Martha Fenn, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Baldwin) Fenn. She was born 1650, baptized July 7, 1650. He died at Milford, Conn., 1708. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 39 Martha, b. Milford, Conn., July 14, 1671. *40 Susanna, b. Milford, Conn., July, 1673. *41 Samuel, b. Milford, Conn., June 26, 1677. *42 Thomas, b. Milford, Conn., 1679. 43 Mary, b. Milford, bapt. Aug. 19, 1681. *44 Roger, b. Milford, Conn.. 1685. *4S Sarah, b. Milford. bapt. Sept. 26, 1686; m. No. 1, Daniel Miles; m. No. 2, Jonathan Ingersoll. *46 Abner, b. Milford, bapt. May, 1689. 12 Roger Newton Jr. (Mary,- Thomas^), son of Rev. Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. 1648, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. Abigail Fletcher, daughter of John Fletch- er of Milford ; baptized June 13, 1652, at Milford. He d. at Milford, Conn., April 19, 1690. CHILDREN, NEWTON. *47 Fletcher b. Milford, Conn., bapt. Jan. 15, 1685. *48 Mary, b. Milford, Conn., July 5, 1688, bapt. Aug. 1688. 15 16 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 13 Susannah Newton (Maryr Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton, of Milford, Conn., b. Farmington. Conn., Sept. 20, 1654; m. No. 1, John Stone, son of John and Mary Stone of Guilford, Conn. He was b. at Guilford, Conn., Aug. 14, 1644; he d. at Milford, Conn., 1686. She married No. 2, 1687, Lieut. Samuel Burwell (his second wife) son of John and Alice Burwell of Milford, Conn., bap- tized Oct. 11, 1640. His first wife was Sarah Fenn, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Baldwin Fenn. He d. May 15, 1715, at Burwell Farms. She d. at Milford, Conn., July 20, 1703. CHILDREN, STONE. 49 Samuel, b. May 27, 1674; d. 1714. 50 Susannah, b. d. voung. 51 John, b. Dec. 1676, d. Dec. 13, 1723. *52 Ezekial, b. Dec. 1678, d, Nov. 22, 1744. CHILDREN, BURWELL. *53 Susannah, b. bapt. An?. 12, 1688, at Milford. *54 John, bapt. Nov. 22, 1691. 14 John Newton (Mary ,2 Thomas^), son of Rev. Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. June 1656, at Milford : m. April 14, 1680, Lydia Ford, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Knowles) Ford of Fairfield, Conn., b. March 16, 1662. There is no will on record. His estate was inven- toried May, 1699, and he probably died a short time before. She died at Milford, Conn.. Oct. 23. 1747. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 55 Prudence, b. 1682, d. June 8, 1753. 56 Thomas, b. 1683. *57 Ezekiel, b. 1687. 58 Joseph, b. 1697. *59 John, b, 1700; d. Mar. 31. 1781. 16 Sarah Newton (Mary.^ Thomasi), daughter of Rev. Roger and Mary (Hooker) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. at Milford, Jan. 24, 1662 ; m. her cousin, John Wilson, July 4, 1683. He was the son of Rev. John and Sarah (Hooker) Wilson of Medfield, Mass., b. at Medfield, 1660. She died 1725. Third Generation 17 CHILDREN, HOOKER. *60 Sarah, b. April 1, 1684. 61 John, b. 1686; graduated from Harvard, 1705; d. 1713. 62 Elizabeth, b. 1689; m. Low. 63 Roger, b. 1691. 64 Edmund, b. July 27, 1695. 65 Alice, b. June 9, 1698; m. Moses Belcher. 66 Mary, m. Gregory Ba.xter, Oct. 17, 1728. 20 Sarah Wilson (Sarah,^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Hooker) Wilson of Medfield, Mass., m. No. 1, Paul Batt. She m. No. 2, Josiah Torrey, son of William and (Frye) Torrey of Weymouth, Mass. He was born at Wey- mouth about 1645. He was deputy to the General Court and Clerk of the Court for many years, and resided at Medfield and other places in Mass., finally at Mansfield, Conn., where he died Oct. 30, 1732. CHILDREN, BATT. Two born at Boston and one at Medfield. CHILDREN, TORREY. 67 Mary, b. April 17, 1689; m. No. 1, Nathaniel Southworth, who died 1731. 68 John, b. April 4, 1692. 69 Margaret, perhaps born at Medfield; m. Caleb Church. Two other children were born at Medfield, names not given. 23 Elizabeth Wilson (Sarah,- Thomas^), daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Hooker) Wilson of Medfield, Mass., b. at Medfield, 1656; m. Nov. 1681, Thomas Weld, of Dunstable, Mass., b. June 12, 1653. He d. June 9, 1702. She d. July 19, 1687. CHILDREN, WELD. 70 Elizabeth, b. Oct. IS, 1682. 71 Thomas, b. Feby. 7, 1683; d. July 21, 1704; graduated from Harvard, 1701. 72 Eleazer. b. Jany. 5. 1684; d. April 11, 1686. 73i John, b. Feby. 5, 1685 ; d. July 25, 1686. 26 Susanna Wilson (Sarah,^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Hooker) Wilson of Medfield, Mass., b. at Medfield, Dec, 1664; m. 1683, Rev. Grindal Rawson, son of Colonial Secretary Edward Rawson, and his wife Rachel Perne of Mendon. Mass., b. Jan. 23, 1659. He d. Feb. 6, 1715. She d. July 8, 1748. 2 18 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, RAWSON. 74 Edward, b. and d. Mendon, 1683. 75 Edward, b. Mendon, Mass., 1684; d. Mendon, Mass., Nov, 21,1688. 76 John, b. Mendon, Mass., April 26, 1685; d. Mendon, Mass., May 26, 1685. *n Susannah, b. Mendon. Mass., Oct. 31, 1686. *78 Edmund, b. July 8, 1689. *79 Wilson, b, June 23. 1692. *80 John, b. Oct. 1. 1695. *81 Mary, b. June 22, 1699. *82 Rachael, b. Sept. 6, 1701. 83 David, b. Oct. 25, 1703: d. Jany. 18, 1704. 84 Grindal. b. Sept. 6, 1707 ; d. 1777 ; m. Dorothy Chauncey. 85 Elizabeth, b. April. 21, 1710; m. No. 1, Abner Hazehine, Feby. 11, 1730; m. No. 2, James Wood. 28 Samuel Hooker (Samuel,^ Thomas*), son of Rev. Sam- uel and Mary (Willet) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born May 29, 1661, at Plymouth, Mass.; married June 28, 1687, Mehitabel Hamlin, daughter of Capt. Giles and Esther (Crow) Hamlin of Middletown, Conn., born Nov. 17, 1664, at Middle- town, Conn. Her father, Capt. Hamlin, was a noted and wealthy sea captain and merchant of Middletown, and her mother was a daughter of John Crow, merchant of Hartford, Conn. Mr. Hooker had a fine residence, next south of the old burial ground at Farmington, the place later known as the Mix house. He was engaged in mercantile business in Hartford. He died at Hartford, Conn., 1730. She died at Hartford, Conn., 1749. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *86 Samuel b. Farmington, Conn., April 6, 1688. *87 Giles, b. Farmington, Oct. 4, 1690. 88 Thomas, b. Farmington, Febv. 1, 1692; d. Oct. 11, 1756; m. Widow Hannah Wells, March 13, 1749. *89 William, b. Farmington. Feby. 16, 1695. 90 Roger, b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 1698; d. Farmington, Aug. 10, 1703. 91 Richard, b. Farmington. Oct. 1700. *92 Esther, b. Farmington, Nov. 30. 1702. *9l Mehitable, b. Farmington, Sept. 30, 1706. 29 William Hooker (Samuel,- Thomas*), son of Rev. Sam- uel and Mary (Willet) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. at Farmington, May 16. 1663 ; m. Susannah. He was a merchant at Farmington and his store was opposite his father's house, on the corner of the main street and the road over the stone bridge over the Pequabuc River, the road now leading to the railroad depot, the place known as Thomas Cowles corner. Third Generation 19 He d. at Farmington, 1689. She m. No. 2 John Blackleach, a noted merchant of Hartford. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *94 Susannah, b. Farmington, Conn., 1690. 30 John Hooker (Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willet) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Feb. 20, 1664 or 1665; married Nov. 24, 1687, Abigail Standley, daughter of Capt. John and his second wife, Sarah (Fletcher) Standley, of Farmington, Conn., b. July 25, 1669, at Farming- ton. Hon. John Hooker, was one of the most noted men of his day. For many years he was the leading man of the town. He was the magistrate who did most of the business of the town and he was Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony from 1724 to 1732. He was a member of the Lower House of the As- sembly from 1699 to 1723. He then went into the Upper House. He served twenty-one sessions of which he was Clerk two ses- sions, and Speaker, six. He was chosen assistant in 1723, and rechosen annually for eleven years. He was on important com- mittees and was frequently sent to settle difficulties in towns, churches, etc. : he was charged with important public trusts, etc., and the papers in file in the office of the Secretary of State, attest the carefulness, as well as the confidence, reposed in him. When he married, his father purchased and gave him a site on the west side of the main street, some distance north of the Meeting House at Farmington, and here he built his house under the branches of a beautiful elm tree, where it soon became a center of generous hospitality, and a familiar gather- ing place for the sages of the town, who in the pleasant summer evenings seated under the leafy canopy of the Hooker Elm, discussed the passing events, while their long pipes gave forth clouds of fragrant incense, which curling upwards, dispensed itself among the leaves of the beautiful tree. The "Hooker Elm" was a widely known feature of the pleasant street, famous through all the region round for its great beauty and the pleasant company which gathered under its canopy in the soft summer evenings. In the course of events the estate passed on to Roger Hooker, a thorough gentleman of the old school, who prized the wide spreading "Hooker Elm," as his father had done, while he continued the far famed hospitality of the house, and greeting his friends under the beautiful tree, sped the time away with tale and jest, and merry quip. And again, another Roger, a polished gentleman, a Patriotic soldier, a delightful 20 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker conversationalist, and a brilliant wit and a raconteur, did the honors of the house as his father and grand-father had done, and gathered his story loving, mirth appreciating friends beneath the famous "Hooker Elm." Major Roger Hooker was the last Hooker occupant of the place and dying without issue in 1830, the hospitable mansion and its stately guardian, the "Hooker Elm," passed into other hands and eventually into the possession of Mr. William Gay. The old house was torn out, rebuilt and modernized until scarcely a feature of its Hooker character remained, and as if to obliterate all memories and lingering Hooker associations, because the beautiful tree interfered with making a straight path from the front door to the street, an axe was laid at the roots and the famous "Hooker Elm," like the generations that had gathered under its leafy canopy, was laid low in the dust. Peace to its ashes— and the last vestige of the Hooker dynasty, together with the far famed beauty of the place, passed away. A chronicler of those days left this account of Mr. Hooker. "On Sunday the bell rang for a while for service and then commenced tolling. At the first stroke of the tolling Mr. Hooker issued from his house and proceeded to the Meeting House, and the minister in like manner started from his house, which- ever arrived first at the Meeting House door awaited the arrival of the other ; and together they entered the building, as they entered the door the bell stopped tolling, and all the congregation arose to their feet and remained standing while the two walked the aisle together. Mr. Hooker stopped at his pew door — the first pew — and waited until the minister ascended the pulpit stairs, then entering his pew, they both sat down at the same time and then the congregation seated itself. When the service was over, Mr. Hooker stepped out- side his pew door, and this was a signal for the congregation to arise and remain standing, at the pew door Mr. Hooker remained until joined by the minister, when they walked down the aisle together to the door, where they took their stand, outside in good weather and inside in bad weather. "When thev were in place, this was a signal to the congrega- tion, who until that time had remained standing in their pews. The pew doors were thrown open, and the people passed out, all bowing as they passed the minister and ^Ir. Hooker, many speaking and a few exchanging a hand shake. When the people were all out the minister and Mr. Hooker, bowing to each other, shook hands and then proceeded to their homes." The chronicler also describes the ending of the Sunday rigidness. "The holiness of the day was supposed to end at sunset, but not a child in the town dared to stir, until the signal came from Mr. Hooker that the day was ended. When Third Generation 21 the sun had sunk below the horizon, Mr. Hooker, coming to his door with his pipe in his hand, walked down the path to the gate and leaning over it rested his arms upon the top. The moment his arms touched the gate, open flew the doors and out came the children with a wild rush and shout — Mr. Hooker was at his gate, Sunday was over. The shout was taken up and spread to the furtherest ends of the town with a rapidity that would almost put the telegram of the present day to the blush. Mr. Hooker with his pipe was at the gate and Sunday was ended." Roger Hooker leaves this note of Mr. Hooker's appearance, "Mr. John Hooker had dark hair and dark eyes, and a dignity in his air and expression that procured profound respect." Another description of Mr. Hooker says: "He was a fine looking man, tall, very erect, and had a prominent large nose. Capt. John Standley, the father of Mrs. Hooker, was a man of wealth and high social position, who had won distinc- tion as a lieutenant and captain in the Indian wars. Standley. The early settlers at Hartford spelled the name with a "d," and as they were educated men of high standing, etc., it may properly be supposed that they were correct in so spelling. The history of the Stanley family however assumes that they were wrong and the spelling a mistake, etc., and endeavors to trace the family to the family of Stanley of England. It has since come to light that Sir John Standley was an officer in Cromwell's army, that the family was then an old one and was not known to have any connection with the famous Stanley famil}'. Probably this Standley family was the one from which the Connecticut settler came and their spelling of the name was correct. The name in America has now become irrevocably changed to Stanley. Another daughter, Elizabeth Standley, married deacon John North, and was the grand-mother of Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth the famous Commissary General of the Revolutionary War. Col. Wadsworth married Mahitable Russell of Middletown, Conn., a descendant from Rev. Thomas Hooker, and thus while there was no cousinship between Col. Wadsworth and his wife there was a cousinship between each of them and the descendants from Hon. John Hooker and their children bore a double relationship to this branch of the Hooker family. Col. Wadsworth, son of Daniel Wadsworth, founded the Wadsworth Atheneum at Hartford and presented it to the city, thus erecting a noble monument to the Wadsworth family, and one in which the Hookers of that branch have a kinship interest. John Hooker died at Farmington, Feb. 21, 1745 or 1746. His wife died at Farmington, Feb. 21, 1742 or 1743. 22 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, HOOKER. *95 Hezekiah, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 14, 1688. 96 Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn., May. 25, 1691 ; d. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 30, 1692. 97 John, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 17, 1693; d. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 26, 1693. *98 John, No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 6, 1695. *99 Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn., June 14, 1698. *100 Mary, b. Farmington, Conn., June 11, 1700. *101 Sarah, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 7, 1702. *102 Joseph, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 15, 1705. *103 Ruth, b. Farmington, Conn., April 16. 1708. *104 Roger, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 17, 1710. 31 James Hooker (Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willct) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 21 , 1666, at Farmington; m. August 1, 1691, Mary Leete, only daughter of William and Mary (Fenn) Leete of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 11, 1671 or 1672, at Guilford, Conn. They settled at Guilford, Conn., where he became a very prominent man. He was the first Probate Judge of the district. He repeatedly represented the town in the Colonial Assembly, and was for a number of sessions its presiding officer. He had but one son who died unmarried leaving no one to perpetuate his name. Mr. Hooker died at Guilford, Conn., Mar. 12, 1740 or 1741. His wife died at Guilford, Conn., Oct. 5, 1752. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *105 Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1693. 106 Hannah, b. Jan. 26. 1695 ; m. Thomas Smith of Rye, N. Y. *107 Sarah, b. Feb. 26, 1696. 108 William, b. Gmlford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1702; graduated from Yale College ; d. March 20, 1724. *109 Mehitable, b. Guilford, Conn., May 10, 1704. 33 Nathaniel Hooker (Samuel,' ThomasM, son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willet) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Sep. 18, 1671, at Farmington, Conn.; married Dec. 28, 1698, Mary Standley, daughter of Hon. Nathaniel and Sarah (Boozey) Standley of Hartford, Conn., born Oct. 8, 1677, at Hartford. She had been betrothed to Roger Hooker, brother of Nathaniel, who died April 29, 1698. Nathaniel Hooker was a noted merchant and a prominent man at Hartford. His place of business was on the main street, a little below the present Centre Church, this property having originally been the building lot of his father-in-law, who gave one half of his lot extending from the Second Burial Ground to the little river, to Mr. Hooker when he married. Third Generation Mr. Hooker represented Hartford in the Colonial Assembly for several years before his death, which occurred_Nov. 21, 1711. His widow married again December 8, 1713, John Austin, a noted merchant of Hartford. She died at Hartford, Aug. 23, 1753. Mr. Austin had died at Hartford in 1743. By her second marriage Mary (Standley) (Hooker) Austin had two children, one of whom died young, the other, Mary Austin, married John Ellery and from her came many noted de- scendants. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 110 Mary, b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 3, 1699; d. Jany. 2, 1765. *111 Alice, b. Hartford. Conn., Nov. 12, 1701. *112 Sarah, b. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 7, 1704. 113. Abigail, b. Hartford, Conn,, bapt. Oct. 5, 1707; d. Norwich, Conn., Oct. 4, 1792; m. Rev. Benjamin Lord (his third wife). 114 Nathaniel, b. Hartford, died young. *11S Nathaniel, 2d, baptized at Hartford, Oct. 8, 1710. 34 Mary Hooker (Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willet) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. July 3, 1673, at Farmington; m. July 26, 1698 (his third wife). Rev. James Pierpont of New Haven, son of Hon. John and Thankful (Stow) Pierpont of Roxbury, Mass., b. Jan. 4, 1659, at Roxbury. Graduated from Harvard, 1681. He married No. 1, Abigail Davenport, Oct. 27, 1691. She d. Feb. 3, 1692, having taken cold in following out the custom of that time of attending church in the wedding suit on the Sundav following the marriage. He married No. 2, Sarah Hayne's, May 30, 1694. She died Oct. 27, 1696. He married No. 3, Mary Hooker. She died at New Haven, Nov. 1, 1740. He died at New Haven, Nov. 22, 1714. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. *116 James, b. New Haven, May 21, 1699. 117 Samuel (Rev.), b. New Haven, Dec. 30, 1700; graduated from Yale College, 1718, studied for the ministry and was ordained Dec. 10, 1722. He was drowned March 15, 1724, in crossing the Connecticut river in a canoe with an Indian. His remains were found and buried on Fisher's Island. *118 Mary, b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 23. 1703. *119 Joseph, b. New Haven, Oct. 21, 1704. 120 Benjamin, b. New Haven, Oct. 15, 1707; graduated from Yale College, 1725 ; d. Virgin Gorda, W. I., 1733. *121 Sarah, b. New Haven, Jany. 9, 1709 or 1710. *122 Hezekiah, b. New Haven, May 26, 1712. 36 Daniel Hooker (Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willet) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., born Mar. 24 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 25, 1679, at Farmington, Conn. ; married June 24, 1706, Sarah Standley, daughter of Deacon John and Esther (Newell) Standlev, of Waterbury, Conn., baptized at Waterbury, July 4, 1686. He graduated from Harvard College, 1700. He was the first Farmington born man who received a college education. After his father's death he was invited to fill his place as minister, but declined. He studied medicine and was licensed to practice. He became the first Tutor of Yale College. He soon resigned his tutorship in favor of Rev. John Hart (who subsequently married his niece) was graduated from Yale in 1703, nominally the second, but really the first actual student to graduate. He was the first B. A. of Yale. After leaving the college Mr. Hooker settled at Wethers- field as a physician, and continued to practice there until his death. He studied law and was admitted to the bar but there is no evidence that he ever practiced law, and the supposition is that he studied it only that he might be useful to his patients in making wills and otherwise. Dr. Hooker was surgeon of the expedition against Canada in 1711. He died at Wethers- field, Conn., 1742. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 123 Susannah, b. Wethersfield, Conn., April 14, 1708; m. No. 1, Ephraim Goodrich, Oct. 25, 1726; m. No. 2, Edward Bailey. *124 Daniel, b. Weathersfield, Conn., Feby. 22, 1710. 125 Sarah, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Sept. 10, 1713; d. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 30, 1781; m. Benjamin Chamberlain. *126 Hannah, b. Wethersfield, Conn. 127 Mary, b. Wethersfield, Conn.; m. Elijah Peck. 128 Margaret, b. Wethersfield, Conn. FOURTH GENERATION FOURTH GENERATION 40 Susanna Newton (Samuel Newton,^ Mary ,2 Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. July, 1673, at Milford, Conn. ; m. 1700, Joseph Plumbe. CHILDREN, PLUMBE. 129 Ann, ni. Ensign Samuel Sanford. 41 Samuel Newton (Samuel Newton,^ Mary ,2 Thomas'), son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton, of Milford, Conn., b. June 26, 1677, at Milford; m. May 29, 1705, Phebe Piatt, daughter of Joseph Piatt, of Milford, baptized Mar. 7, 1686. He d. Dec. 26, 1728. She d. Nov. 27, 1727. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 130 Phebe, bapt. Nov. 25. 1706; m. Joseph Woodruff, Jany. 22, 1729. 131 Samuel, b. Aug. 1, 1710; d. Oct. 21, 1769; m. Deborah Baldwin. 132 Jonah, b. Oct. 20, 1714; d. April 29, 1756; m. Phebe Piatt; died April 26, 1756. 133 Joseph, bapt. Jany. 1719; d. Feby. 20, 1729. 134 Hannah, bapt. Oct. 29, 1727. 42 Thomas Newton (Samuel Newton,^ Mary,^ Thomas'), ■"" — ;-' 7 son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton, of Milford, Conn., '"''-^' b. 1679, at Milford; m. June 20, 1704, Mary Baldwin, daughter f' ^'^ ■ of Zachariah Baldwin, b. 1677 or 1678. baptized May 2, 1680. ^-. 1''^^" • ■ He d. at Milford, Conn., June 8, 1753. She d. at Milford, Conn., '■rz'^ '^t^M March 29, 1744. ^olu;ikQa*itU. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 135 Thomas, b. Feb. 8, 1707-8; m. Sarah Leete, Jan. 13, 1730. 136 Mary, b. Aug, 25, 1709; m. Josiah Piatt, May 14, 1747. 137 Susannah, b. Feb., 1711-12; m. Daniel Smith of New Haven. 138 Sarah, b. July 10, 1713; m. Thomas Clark (his second wife). 139 Bette (Elizabeth), b. Feb. 5, 1716; m. Samuel Frost, Mav 1, 1755. 140 Anne, b. Sept., 1718; m. Daniel Smith, July 27, 1737. 44 Roger Newton (Samuel Newton,^ Mary ,2 Thomas'), son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. 1685, at Milford; m. April 10, 1712, Susannah Bryan, daugh- 27 28 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker ter of Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Bryan, b. 1690. Another account says he m. April 10, 1712, Susannah Baldwin, daughter of Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Baldwin. He d. Jan. 15, 1771. She d. March 15, 1776. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 141 Roger, bapt. March 14, 1713; supposed to have died early. 142 Susannah, bapt. Jan. 14, 1716; d. at Middletown, Conn., May 9, 1803; m. Samuel Whittlesey, Sept. 2, 1743. 143 Martha, b. Jan. 27, 1729; d. Oct. 27, 1812; m. Chauncey Whittle- sey (third wife), Oct. 13, 1753. 45 Sarah Newton (Samuel Newton,^ Mary,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. at Milford, Sep. 26, 1686; m. No. 1, Daniel Miles, son of John Miles, b. Sept. 20, 1683, d. Dec. 25, 1711. She m. No. 2, Jonathan Ingersoll, son of John and Mary (Hunt) Ingersoll of Westfield, Mass. CHILDREN, MILES. 144 John, m. Nov. 3, 1737, Martha Smith. 145 Daniel. CHILDREN, INGERSOLL. 146 Jared, bapt. June 3, 1722; d. Aug. 25, 1781; m. No. 1, Hannah Whiting; No. 2, Mrs. Hannah Ailing. 46 Abner Newton (Samuel Newton,* Mary,^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Martha (Fenn) Newton of Milford, Conn., baptized May, 1689, at Milford; m. Mary Burwell. They settled at Durham, Conn., soon after 1720. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 147 Abner, bapt. Oct. 23, 1726. 148 John, bapt. Oct. 23, 1726. 149 Burwell, bapt. July 20, 1729, or 1732. 150 Samuel, bapt. Nov. 5, 1732. 151 Roger, bapt. May IS, 1737; graduated from Yale, 1758; resided at Greenfield, Mass., where he was pastor of church for 53 years; m. Abigail Hall of Middletown, Aug. 26, 1762. 47 Fletcher Newton (Lieut.) (Roger Newton," Mary,* Thomas'), son of Roger and Abigail (Fletcher) Newton, of Milford, Conn., baptized Jan. 15, 1685; m. Hannah Piatt, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Kellogg) Piatt. Fourth Generation 29 CHILDREN, NEWTON. 152 Alice, bapt. Dec. 14, 1718; d. 1779. 153 Hannah, bapt. Dec. 14, 1718; m. John Prudden. 154 Abigail, bapt. Aug. 30, 1719; m. Nathan Clark. May 5, 174S. 155 Mary, bapt. Feb. 18, 1722; d. of smallpox, March 28, 1774; m. John Fowler, Dec. 9, 1742. 156 Elizabeth, bapt. Oct. 26, 1724; d. probably young. 157 Martha, bapt. April 30, 1727; m. Joseph Merwin of New Haven. 48 Mary Newton (Roger Newton.a Mary,^ Thomas^), daughter of Roger atid Abigail (Fletcher) Newton of Milford, Conn., b. July 5, 1688, baptized Aug. 1688, at Milford; m. Joseph Bryan, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Hollingsvvorth) Bryan, of Milford, b. Jan. 15, 1682. He d. at Milford, Conn., Aug. 1, 1742. CHILDREN, BRYAN. 158 Joseph, b. 1722; d. April 5, 1751; m. Mehitable Clark. 52 Ezekial Stone (Susannah Newton,^ Mary, 2 Thomas^), son of John and Susannah (Newton) Stone, of Milford, Conn., b. Dec. 1678; m. Hannah Merwin. He d. Nov. 22, 1744. CHILDREN, STONE. 159 Ezekial, d. July 17, 1728. 160 John, m. Joanna Fenn. 161 Samuel. 53 Susannah Burwell (Susannah Newton,^ Mary, 2 Thom- asi), daughter of Lieut. Samuel and Susannah (Newton) (Stone) Burwell, of Milford, Conn., baptized Aug. 12, 1688, at Milford, Conn. ; m. Feb. 28. 1712, John Fowler, son of John and Sarah (Welch) Fowler of Milford, baptized April 5, 1691. He d. Aug. 30, 1756. CHILDREN, FOWLER. 162 Susannah, b. Dec. 8. 1712 at Milford; d. Sept. 18, 1727. 163 Margaret, b. June 8, 1715, at Milford; m. Joseph Merwin. 164 John, b. Feb. 7, 1717; m. Dec. 9, 1742, Mary Newton (daughter of Fletcher Newton). 165 Sarah, b. Aug. 1, 1723; m. Jan. 13, 1742, Richard Bryan. 54 John Burwell (Susannah Newton,^ Mary,^ Thomas^), son of Lieut. Samuel and Susannah (Newton) (Stone) Bur- well, of Milford, Conn., baptized Nov. 22, 1691, at Milford; 30 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker m. Jan. 2. 1718, Susannah Baldwin, b. Nov. 15, 1696. He d. Aug. 20, 1721. She d. June 16, 1733. CHILDREN, BURWELL. 166 John, b. March, 1719; d, 1784, at Burwell Farms; m. No. 1, Sarah Smith; m. No. 2, Esther Whiting. 57 Ezekiel Newton (Jolin Newton,^ Mary ,2 Thomas'), son of John and Lydia (Ford) Newton, of Milford, Conn., b. 1687, at Milford, Conn.: m. May 21, 1711, Abigail Briscoe, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Camp) Briscoe, of Milford, b. Nov. 1, 1684, at Adilford. He d. Feb. 12 or 23, 1728. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 167 Abigail, bapt. Sept. 16. 1716. 168 Eunice, bapt. Sept. 16, 1716; m. Lewis Mallett. 169 Ezekiel, b. bapt. Sept. 16, 1716; m. Mary ColHns; removed to Woodbury, Conn., in 1770. 170 Christopher, bapt. Dec. 2, 1716; d. Feb. 7, 1787; m. Elizabeth Baldwin. 171 Lucy, bapt. Jan. 1719. 172 Avis, b. Feb. 12, 1721 ; d. infancy. 173 Sarah, bapt. July 7, 1723; m. Ephriam Smith, 1739. 174 John, bapt. Feb. 20, 1726; m. Patience Baldwin. 175 Isaac. 176 David. 177 Mary. 59 John Newton (John Newton,^ Mary ,2 Thomas'), son of John and Lydia (Ford) Newton, of Milford, Conn., b. 1700, at Milford; m. Aug. 13, 1733, Martha Smith, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lambert) Smith, of Ridgefield, Conn., b. 1713 or 1714. He d. Mar. 31, 1781. She d. July 10, 1750. CHILDREN, NEWTON. 178 Elizabeth, bapt. June 4, 1738; m. Jared Hines. 179 Sibyl, bapt. June 4, 1738; m. John Morris, Nov. 12, 1750. 180 John, bapt. June 4, 1738; m. No. 1, Mary Miles; No. 2, Martha Coldbreath. 181 Rachel, bapt. Sept. 16. 1739. 182 Susannah, bapt. Mav 15, 1743; m. David Hines, Dec. 29, 1764. 183 Martha, bapt. July 15, 1750. 60 Sarah Wilson (Sarah Newton.^ Mary ,2 Thomasi), daughter of John and Sarah (Newton) Wilson, b. April 1, 1684; m. Aug. 28, 1701, John Marsh, son of Alexander and Mary (Belcher) Marsh, of Braintree, Mass. Fourth Generation 31 CHILDREN, MARSH. 184 John, b. Baintree, Mass. 1700; d. at Haddam, Conn., Nov. 7, 17SS; m. Submit Woodward, 1726-7. 185 Sarah, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. April 30, 1704; m. John Hall, June IS, 1748. 186 Alexander, bapt. Feb. 11, 1705; d. in infancy. 187 Alexander No. 2, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. May, 1707; d. about 1790. 188 Ambrose, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. June 5, 1709; d. age 24. 189 Wilson, bapt. Aug. 10, 1710; d. May 20, 1798; m. Abigail (Mahevv) Allen, 1743. 190 Moses, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. Feb. 28, 1714 ; d. Greenbush, N. Y. ; m. Sarah Crosby, Sept. 5, 1739. 191 Samuel, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. June 30, 1717; d. in Nova Scotia; m. Jemima Spear, Dec. 31, 1741. 192 Edmund, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. Sept. 1, 1720; d. age 8. 193 Mary, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. May 6, 1722; d. young. 194 Ezekiel, b. Baintree, Mass., bapt. Aug. 13, 1724; d. young. 77 Susannah Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarali,- Thom- as^), daughter of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Raw- son, b. Oct. 31, 1686; m. 1719, Benjamin Reynolds, of Bristol, R. I. CHILDREN, REYNOLDS. 195 John ; his 2nd wife was Dorothy Weld, of Roxbury, Mass. — 196 Benjamin; removed to Nova Scotia (no further record). 197 Grindal ; removed to Putney, Vt. 198 Anne. 199 Priscella, m. Morse. 2(X) Sarah, m. Seth Chapin. 78 Edmund Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarah,^ Thom- as^), son of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Rawson, b. July 8, 1689; m. Elizabeth Howard, of Bridgewater. CHILDREN, RAWSON. 201 Edmund, b. Aug. 15, 1718; m. Martha Allen. 202 Abner, b. Apr. 24, 1721 ; m. Mary Allen. 203 Nathan, b. Aug. 4, 1724; m. No. 1, Mary White; m. No. 2, Mary Chase. 79 Wilson Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarah,^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Rawson of Men- don, Mass., b. June 23, 1692, at Mendon, Mass. ; m. May 4, 1712, Margaret Arthur, daughter of John and Priscilla (Gard- ner) Arthur, of Nantucket Island, Mass. He d. Dec. 1, 1726. She d. Nov. 14, 1757. ^2 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, RAWSON. 2(M Wilson, b. Aug. 13, 1713. 205 Priscilla, b. Dec. 17, 1715; d. Nantucket, Mass., April 30, 1791 ', m. James Coffin of Nantucket, Mass. 206 Mary, b. May 12, 1717; d. June 22, 1717. 207 Grindal, b. July 13, 1719; m. No. 1, Hannah Leavins, of Killingly, Conn. ; m. No. 2, Elizabeth Boyer, Newport, R. I. ; m. No. 3, Zeruiah Harris; m. No. 4, Widow Nancy (Atwell) Freeman, of Providence, R. I. 208 Edward, b. April 2, 1721; d. Feb. 11, 1807; m. Mary Morse, April 7, 1748; (Gr. dau, of his Aunt Reynolds, of Bristol, R. I.). 209 Stephen, b. April 2, 1722; d. March 14, 1773; m. Elizabeth (she died March 15, 1786). 210 Paul (Capt.), b. April 9, 1725; d. lost at sea; m. Phebe Gardner (daughter of Capt. Abel Gardner, of Nantucket). 211 John, b. Jan. 23, 1727. 80 John Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarah,^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Rawson, b. Oct. 1, 1695 ; m. Jan. 21, 1719, Mercy Hayward, of Uxbridge, Mass. CHILDREN, RAWSON. 212 John, i). Nov. 9, 1720; m. Mary Smith, Dec. 2, 1742. 213 Joseph, b. March 2, 1723; killed in the Indian Wars. 214 Mercy, b. Sept. 8, 1725 ; d. Feb. 1726. 215 Rhoda, b. Nov. 22, 1730. 216 Mercy, b. June 3, 1732; d. 1805. 217 Joel, b. Dec. 14, 1733; m. Mary Hull, Aug. 28, 1762. 81 Mary Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarah,^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Rawson, b. June 22, 1699; m. April 9, 1724, Rev. Joseph Dorr. She d. Apr. 9, 1776. CHILDREN, DORR. 218 Mary, b. June 6, 1725; d. Jan. 10, 1796; m. Rev. Moses Taft, Aug. 15, 1753. 219 Joseph, b. May 24, 1730; d. Oct. 31, 1808; m. Catherine Buckman, Dec. 6. 1768. 220 Catherine, b. March 8, 1732; m. Rev. Ezekiel Emerson, of Prince- ton, N. J., March 21, 1760. 221 Susannah, b. Sept. 4. 1734; d. June 21, 1783; m. Rev. Amariah Frost. 82 Rachel Rawson (Susannah Wilson,^ Sarah,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Grindal and Susannah (Wilson) Rawson, b. Sept. 6, 1701 ; m. Samuel W^ood, of Mendon, Mass. She d. 1802. CHILDREN, WOOD. 222 Priscilla, b. 1718; m. Davis. Fourth Generation 33 86 Samuel Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel," Thomas'), son of Samuel and Mehitable (Hamlin) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born April 6, 1688, at Farmington, Conn.; married No. 1, Jan. 9, 1711, Mercy (Mary) Leete, daughter of Andrew and Eliza- beth (Jordan) Leete, of Guilford, Conn., born 1688, at Guilford (Mercy Leete's father, Andrew Leete, was son of Gov. Wm. Leete. He was brother of Wm. Leete, Jr., whose daughter married James Hooker). She died at Kensington, Conn., Feb. 4, 1751. He married No. 2, Widow Mary '"(Elliott) (Hart) Pierson, daughter of Rev. Joseph and his second wife, Mary (Wyllys) Elliot, of Guilford, Conn., born 1688, at Guilford, and widow of Abraham Pierson of Killingsworth, Conn. They lived at Kensington, Conn., on hearing of the death of his younger brother Giles Hooker (aged 97), Samuel Hooker fell back in his chair and expired (age 99), March 1, 1787. She d. at Kensington, Conn., March 9, 1771. No children by No. 2, marriage. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *223 Andrew, b. Kensington, Conn., March 4, 1713. *224 Elizabeth, b. Kensmgton, Conn., May 10, 1714. *225 Mercy, b. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 22, 1719. *226 Mehitable, b. Kensington, Conn., May 15, 1722. *227 Sybil, b. Kensington, Conn., May 19, 1724. *228 Samnel, b. Kensington, Conn.. Sept. 2, 1726. 229 Anne, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 27, 1728. *230 Esther, b. Kensington, Conn., July 30, 1731. 231 Thomas, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 16, 1734; d. young. 87 Giles Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Mehitable (Hamlin) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Oct. 4, 1690, at Farmington ; married Martha Cooke, daughter of Aaron and Martha (Allyn) Cooke, born June 2, 1693, at Hartford. They lived upon the Gen. George Cowles place, and for a long time, and perhaps still, a flat stone in the side-walk, just below the brow of the hill, covered the old well of the Giles Hooker house (on Main St., Farming- ton). His father lived in the "Mix house" nearly opposite (the house just south of the old burying ground, in later years owned by Austin Williams). Martha Cooke was a grand-daughter of Hon. John Allen, Secretary of State. Colony of Connecticut. He died at Farm- ington, Conn., Feb. 19, 1787. She died at Farmington, Conn., May 22, 1760. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *232 Martha, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 3, 1734. 3 34 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 89 William Hooker {Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Mehitable (Hamlin) Hooker of Farming-ton, Conn., born Feb. 16, 1695, at Farmington ; married No. 1, Feb. 15, 1721, Lydia Woodward, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Smith) Woodward of Northington, Conn., born Sept. 22, 1702. She died at Farmington, June 1, 1723. He married No. 2, July 16, 1724, Anna Steele, daughter of Capt. James and Anna (Wells) Steele, of Wethersfield, Conn., born at Wethers- field, Conn., Oct. 28, 1702. She died at Farmington, Conn., Dec. 12, 1727. He married No. 3, May 20, 1731, Abigail Phelps, Hartford, Conn. She died at Farmington, Conn. He married No. 4, Esther, born, 1705. She died at Farmington, Conn., Aug. 13, 1780. He died at Farmington, Conn., July 20, 1782. Children by 1st, 2d and 3d marriages, none by the 4th. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. 233 Roger, b. Farmington, Conn., May 20, 1723; d. 1750; unmarried. By second wife. 234 Lydia, b. Farmington, Conn,, April 13, 1725 ; d. Farmington, Conn., 1736. 235 Richard, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 2, 1727; d. Farmington, Conn., 1728. By third wife 236. Anne, b. Farmington, Conn., March 6, 1731-2; d. Farmington, Conn., 1735. 237 William, b, Farmington, Conn., Jan. 10, 1733-4; d. Farmington, Conn., 1735. 92 Esther Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Mehitable (Hamlin) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 30, 1702, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Oct. 1728 (his 2d wife) Rev. Isaac Stiles, Windsor, Conn., son of John and Ruth (Bancroft) Stiles, of Windsor, Conn., b. July 30, 1697, at Windsor. Graduate of Yale, 1722. He d. at North Haven, Conn., May 14, 1760. She d. at North Haven, Conn., Jan. 2, 1779. CHILDREN, STILES. *238 Isaac, b. Windsor, Conn., Sept. 5, 1729. *239 Kesia, b. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 6, 1731. 240 Ashbell, b. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 30, 1734; d. Windsor, Nov. 1734. *241 Ashbell No. 2. b. Windsor, Conn., Sept. 11, 1735. 242 Esther, b. Windsor, Conn., Dec. 1, 1736; d. Windsor, Conn. August 8, 1737. Fourth Generation 35 243 Job, b. Windsor, Conn., July 1, 1738; d. Windsor, Conn., Oct. IS, 1738. *244 Esther No. 2, b. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 8, 1739. 245 Job No. 2, b. Windsor, Conn., Nov. 4, 1741 ; d. Aug. 15, 1751. 246 Ruth, b. Windsor, Conn., June 13, 1744; d. North Haven, Conn., Aue. 31, 1759. 247 Lucy, b. April 20, 1746; d. Aug. 15, 1751. 93 Mehitable Hooker(Samuel,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), daugh- ter of Samuel and Mehitable (Hamlin) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Sept. 30, 1706, at Farmington, She married Jan. 21, 1742, Daniel Coit, Esq., of New London, Conn, (his second wife) son of William and Sarah (Chandler) Coit of New London, Conn., born 1698. He was a prominent and estimable man of New London, where he lived a long life of usefulness and honor. He was chosen Town Clerk in 1736, and re-elected every year, except 1757, until his death in 1773. He was married three times, 1st to Lydia Christophus, 2d to Mehitable Hooker, 3d to Elizabeth Jeffrey Stowe. In the later years Mehitable Hooker signed her name Mabel. She died at New London, Conn., Nov. 17, 1763. He died at New London, Conn., July 19, 1773. CHILDREN, COIT. *248 William, b. New London, Conn., Nov. 26, 1742. 249 Sarah, b. New London, Conn., March 30, 1744; m. Robinson Mumford. 250 Mehitable, b. New London, Conn., Feb. 18, 1746. 251 E.sther, b. New London, Feb. 18, 1750; d. New London, Conn., March 25, 1750. 252 Daniel, b. New London, Conn., Oct. 13, 1751 ; d. New London, Conn., Sept. 1, 1753. 94 Susannah Hooker (William,-'' Samuel.^ Thomas^), daughter of William and Susannah Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. 1690, at Farmington ; m. Aug. 12, 1708, Nathan Sel- leck, son of Jonathan and Abigail (Gold) Selleck, of Stamford, Conn., b. Sept. 12, 1686, at Stamford. She d. at Stamford, Conn., Oct. 5, 1709. He m. again and had a large farnily of children. CHILD, SELLECK. *253 Susannah, b. Stamford, Conn., Sept. 3, 1709. 95 Hezekiah Hooker (John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of John and Abigail (Standlev) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 14, 1688, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Dec. 18, 1716, Abigail Curtis, daughter of Capt. Josiah and Abigail (Judson) 36 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Curtis, of Stratford. Conn., b. 1695, at Stratford. About 1720. they removed to Woodbury. Conn., where he was a farmer in Bethlehem Parish. He died suddenly at Woodbury, Feb. 20, 1756. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2S4 Hezekiah. Jr. b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 30, 1717. *25S James, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 30, 1729. 256 Josiah, b. Woodbury, Conn., April 2, 1722; d. Norwalk, Conn., 1759; m. Hannah Cook. 257 Abigail, b. Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 25, 1724; d. Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 24, 1750; unmarried. 258 Mary, b. Woodbury, Conn., Jan. 8, 1727; m. Waitstill Goodrich, June 5, 1755. *259 William, b. Woodbury, Conn. June 20, 1729. 260 Jesse, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 27, 1732; d. Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 24, 1750. 261 Eunice, b. Woodbury, Conn., Oct. 30, 1734; d. Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 17, 1750. *262 Asahel, b. Woodbury, Conn., Dec. 13, 1736. *263 Sarah, b. Woodbury, Conn., May 30, 1739. 98 John Hooker (John,^ Samuel,* Thomas^), son of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Mar. 6, 1695, at Farmington; m. July 4, 1728, Mercy (Mary) Hart, daughter of Deacon Thomas and Mary (Thompson) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 29, 1703, at Kensington. He was Justice of the Peace and a prominent and active man in the business of the town. He d. at Kensington, Conn., Aug. 3, 1766. She d. at Kensington, Conn., 1782. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *264 John, b. Kensington, Conn., March 19, 1729. *265 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 8, 1731. *266 Ashbel, b. Kensington, Conn., April 18, 1737. *267 Elijah, b. Kensington, Conn., April 12, 1746. 99 Abigail Hooker (John,^ Samuel,* Thomas^), daughter of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Fannington, Conn., b. June 14, 1698, at Farmington; m. Dec. 3, 1719, Nathaniel Hart, son of Capt. John and Mary (Moore) Hart of Ken- sington, Conn., baptized Apr. 14, 1695, at Farmington. He d. at Kensington, Conn., Oct. 24, 1758. She d. at Kensington, Conn., 1761. CHILDREN, HART. *268 Sarah, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 13, 1720. *269 Abigail, b. Kensington, Conn., July 21, 1723 ; d. at Kensington, Nov. 1789. Fourth Generation 37 270 Thankful, b. Kensington, Conn., July 4, 1725; d. May 20, 1759; ni. Charles Bronson, Nov. 5, 1747. 271 Nathaniel, b. Kensington, Conn., June 15, 1728; d. Kensington, Conn., June 24, 1728. *272 Hannah, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 11, 1729. *21i Selah (Gen.), b. Kensington, Conn., May 23, 1732. *274 Nathaniel No. 2, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 17, 1735. *275 Noadiah, b. Kensington, Conn., July 30, 1738. 276 Ashel, b. Kensington, Conn., 1742; d. North Canaan, Conn., June 28, 1775; unmarried; graduated from Yale College, 1764; minis- ter at North Canaan. 100 Mary Hooker (John,^ Saimiel,- Thomas*), daughter of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. July 11, 1700,"at Farmington; m. Dec. 25, 1723, Lieut. Samuel Hart, son of Capt. John and Mary (Moore) Hart, of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. Sept. 1692, baptized Sept. 18, 1692, at Fanning- ton. Conn. They lived at Worthington, Conn. He d. at Worthington, Conn., Sept. 30, 1751. She d. at Worthington, Conn., Nov. 22, 1780. CHILDREN, HART. *277 Anna, b. Worthington, Conn., Sept. 25. 1724. 278 Asahel, b. Worthington, Conn., May 10, 1726; d. Worthington, Oct. 5, 1736. *279 Mary, b. Worthington, Conn., April 13, 1730. *280 Huldah, b. Worthington, Conn., Nov. 2, 1731. *281 Samuel, b. Worthington, Conn., Jan. 31, 1738. 101 Sarah Hooker (John,^ Samuel,- Tliomas'), daughter of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Sept. 7, 1702, at Fannington, married Jan. 26, 1725 or 1726, Matthew Hart, son of Capt. John and Mary (Moore) Hart of Kensington, Conn., born Dec. 1690, baptized Dec. 7, 1690, at Kensington, Conn. He died Oct. 30, 1736. She married No. 2, April 26, 1739, Huit Strong, son of Thomas and Mary (Stebbins) Strong, of Northampton, Mass., born May, 1696, at Northampton, Mass., and removed to Durham, Greene Co., N. Y. There were no children by this marriage. He died at Durham, N. Y. CHILDREN, HART. 282 Ruth, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 1, 1726-7; d. Kensington, Conn., 1741. *283 Mary, b. Kensington, Conn., July 1, 1728. 284 Lois b. Kensington, Conn., May 18, 1730; d. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 11, 1736. 285 Oliver, b. Kensington, Conn., July 15, 1733. *286 Matthew, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 23, 1737. (Posthumas child). 38 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 102 Joseph Hooker (John,^ Sanuielr Thomasi), son of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Feb. 15, 1705, at Farmington, Conn.; married Jan. 2i, 1735, Sarah Lewis, daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Ashley) Lewis, of Farmington, born May 8, 1712, at Farmington. During his younger days, Joseph Hooker was an enthusisastic military man and was a captain of the local militia. In later years he became excessively corpulent, so much so that for several years before his death he was unable to attend to any active business, and on fine days a large chair was placed in the front yard near the door and he sat there smoking his pipe and visiting with passers-by. When the local militia paraded, and when there was any military assemblage at Farmington, it was customary for them to march around by Capt. Hooker's house, and salute him as he sat in the big chair by the door. He died at Farmington, Conn., Dec. 19, 1764. She died at Farmington, Conn., Dec. 25, 1797. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2S7 Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 5. 1735-6. *288 Noadiah. b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 29, 1737. 289 Mercy, b. Farmington, Conn.. Jan. 19, 1741-2; d. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 14, 1814; unmarried. *290 Ruth, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 21, 1743-4. 291 Anna, b. Farmington, Conn.. Dec. 14, 1749; d. Farmington, Conn, Sept. 16, 1822; m. Thomas Smith, Dec. 31, 1767. *292 Joseph, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 30, 1751. 103 Ruth Hooker (John,* Samuel,^ Thomas>). daughter of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., born April 16, 1708, at Farmington, married Jan. 8, 1729, Capt. Asahel Strong, son of Asahel and Margaret (Hart) Strong, of Farmington, Conn., born Oct. 8, 1702, at Farmington. He was a lawyer and a protninent man in the public affairs of the town. He died at Farmington, Mar. 30, 1751. She married No. 2, Nov. 19, 1772, Solomon Whitman (his second wife), son of Rev. Samuel and Sarah (Stoddard) Whitman, of Farmington, born April _20, 1710, at Farmington. She died in Farmington, Sept. 18, 1777. He married again. He died at Farmington, Sept. 13, 1803. CHILDREN, STRONG. 293 EInathan, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 13. 1730; d. Farmington, Sept. 15, 1736. 294 Lois, b. Farmington, Dec. 22, 1732; d. Farmington, Sept, 6, 1736. 295 Ruth. b. Farmington, April 10, 1735; d. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 6, 1736. Fourth Generation 39 *296 Lois No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., May 3, 1737. *297 Ruth No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept 3, 1739. 298 Elnathan No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 16, 1741-2; d Mil- ford, Conn.; m. Nov. 15, 1764, Lncretia Curtis, daughter of Daniel and Rebecca Curtis. *299 Cyprian, b. Farmington, Conn., May 26, 1743. *300 EHzabeth, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 3, 1746. 104 Roger Hooker (John,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of John and Abigail (Standley) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born Sept. 17, 1710. at Farmington, Conn.: married No. 1, Jan. 29, 1740, Mercy Hart, daughter of Capt. Josiah and Sarah (Bull) Hart, of Farmington, Conn., born Aug. 23. 1719, at Farming- ton, Conn. She died at Farmington, Conn., Aug. 26, 1745. He iTiarried No. 2, Anna Kellogg, daughter of Capt. Martin and Dorothy (Chester) Kellogg, of Newington, Conn., born Feb. 19, 1720, at Newington, Conn. He was a favorite son of his father, and accompanied him upon his official journeyings about the Colony. When he married he brought his wife to his father's house and continued his residence there. He undoubtedly received from his father full information about the origin of the family and the English connections, and his father was unquestionably the best informed upon the subject of all the grandsons of Rev. Thomas Hooker. He died at Farmington, Conn., May 25, 1774. She died at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 17, 1797. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. 301 Sarah, b. Farmington. Conn., Dec. 16, 1740; d. Farmington, Conn,, April 19, 1741. *302 Sarah. No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 16, 1742. *303 Thomas Hart. b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 3, 1745. By second wife. 304 Martin, b. Farmington, Conn., 1748; d. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 21, 1751. 305 Ehiathan, b. Farmington. Conn., 1749; d. Farmington. Conn., Nov. 20. 1822; m. No. 1, Amy Newell, Dec. 13, 1774; in. No. 2, Nancy Payne. *306 Roger, b. Farmington, Conn., June 19, 1751. , *307 Mercy, b. Farmington, Conn. 308 John, b. Farmington, Conn., 1754; d. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 14, 1758. *309 Lucina, b. Farmington, Conn., March 19, 1758. *310 Cynthia, b. Farmington, Conn., 1760. IDS Mary Hooker (James,' Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Judge James and Mary (Leete) Hooker of Guilford, Conn., born Nov. 5, 1693; married Dec. 6, 1720. Rev. John Hart (his third wife), son of Capt. Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, 40 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Farmington, Conn., born April 12, 1682, at Farmington, Conn. He graduated from Yale college, nominally the second but really the first graduate, and he was the first B. A. of Yale. He became the second tutor of Yale. He died at East Guil- ford, Conn., Mar. 4, 1732. She died Sept. 6, 1756. CHILDREN, HART. 311 James, b. East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 16. 1722; d. East Guilford, March 28, 1733. *312 Thomas, b. East Guilford, Conn., May 27, 1723. 313 Mary, b. East Guilford, Conn.. May 29, 1724; d. East Guilford, Conn., Aug. 28, 1724. *314 Benjamin, b. East Guilford, Conn., June 1, 1725. 315 Sarah, b. East Guilford, Conn., March 1, 1727; d. Guilford, Conn., June 30, 1789; m. No. 1, Henry Hill, of Guilford, Jan. 29, 1750; ni. No. 2, Rev. Thomas Adams, of New London; m. No. 3, Rev. Amos Fowler, of Guilford. 316 Samuel, b. East Guilford, Conn., 1730; d. East Guilford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1747. 107 Sarah Hooker (James,3 Samuel,^ ThomasM. daughter of Judge James and Mary (Leete) Hooker, of Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 26, 1696, at Guilford; m. May 8, 1718, John Bartlett, son of Daniel and Concurrence (Crane) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 20, 1692, at Guilford. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Apr. 15, 1747. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Jan. 26, 1769. CHILDREN, BARTLETT. *317 Annie, b. Guilford, Conn., April 21, 1719. 318 Sybil, b. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 4, 1723; d. Guilford, Conn., Dec 21, 1725. *319 Hooker, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 2, 1725. 109 Mehitable (Mabel) Hooker (James,^ Samuel,^ Thom- as'), daughter of Judge James and Mary (Leete) Hooker, of Guilford, Conn., born May 10, 1704, at Guilford ; married May 6, 1724, Rev. and Dr. John Smith, son of Thomas and Susannah (Odell) Smith, of Rye, N. Y.. born May 5, 1702, at Newport, Bucks, England. He graduated from Yale 1727, and was for some time a practicing physician and then he becaine a pjreacher, though he continued to practice as a physician all his life. He is said to have been a superior physician and to have been remarkably successful in cases of insanity. As both physician and preacher he officiated at Rye and White Plains, N. Y., though in his later years White Plains was his residence. He was a younger brother of Thomas Smith who married Mabel Hooker's elder sister, Hannah. He died at White Fourth Generation 41 Plains, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1771. She died at White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1775. CHILDREN, SMITH. *320 William Hooker, b. White Plains, N. Y., March 23, 1725. 321 John, b. White Plains, N. Y. Aug. 12. 1726; d. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 24, 1729. 322 Mary, b. White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1728; d. New York, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1729. *323 Susannah, b. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1729. 324 Elizabeth, b. White Plains, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1731 ; d. Feb. 28, 1797. 325 Ann, b. White Plains, N, Y., Sept. 26, 1732: d. Nov. 2, 17S0. 326 Martha, b. White Plains N. Y., Nov. 11, 1734. 327 Sarah, b. White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1736; d. Sept. 5, 1760; m. Reuben Wright. 328 James, b. White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1739; d. July 23, 1750, or 1754. 329 Thomas, b. White Plains, N. Y., March 7, 1741. *330 Mehitable, b. White Plains, N. Y., June 22, 1744. *331 Abigail, b. White Plains, N. Y., March 21, 1746. Some in giving a list of these children insert a Jacob. / 111 Alice Hooker (Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Mary (Standley) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 12, 1701, at Hartford; m. Sept. 20, 1720, Samuel Howard. He d. at Hartford, 1750. She d. at Hartford, 1750. CHILDREN, HOWARD. 332 Mary, b. Hartford; m. No. 1, William A. Adams; m. No. 2, John Sutter. 333 Susan, b. Hartford ; m. Wolcott. 334 Abigail, b. Hartford, Conn. ; m. Joseph Seymour. 335 Sarah, b. Hartford, Conn.; d. 1813; m. Moses Butler. 336 Jerusha, b. Hartford, Conn. 337 James, b. Hartford, Conn. 338 Samuel, m. Anna. 339 Eunice b. Hartford; m. Jeremiah Drake, of Harwinton, Conn. *340 Alice, b. Hartford, Conn. 112 Sarah Hooker (Nathaniel,'' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Mary (Standley) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 7, 1703 or 1704, at Hartford; m. 1728, Hon. Daniel Edwards, son of Richard and Mary (Talcott) Edwards, b. April 11, 1701. He was half brother of Rev. Timothy Edwards, the father of President Jonathan Edwards. He was Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. He d. at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 6, 1765. She d. July 31, 1775. CHILDREN, EDWARDS. *341 Sarah, b. Hartford, Conn., 1739. 342 Daniel, b. Hartford, Conn.; bapt. May 23, 146; unmarried. 42 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 343 Chloe, b. Hartford, Conn., d. young. 344 Samuel, b. Hartford, Conn., d. young. 345 Samuel, 2d, b. Hartford, Conn. ; d. young. lis Nathaniel Hooker(Nathaniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Standley) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., born 1710, baptized Oct. 8, 1710, at Hartford, Conn; married Eunice Talcott, daus^hter of Gov. Joseph and Eunice (Howell) (Wakeman) Talcott. of Hartford, born Jan. 26, 1709, at Hart- ford. He was a prominent man in Colonial affairs, captain in the militia, a merchant of Hartford, represented the town in the Colonial Assembly three sessions, 1757-58 — . He left a large estate. He died at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 27, 1763. She died at Windsor, Conn., 1795. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *346 Nathaniel, b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 5, 1737. *347 Eunice, b. Hartford, Conn., 1740. *348 James, b. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 15, 1742. 349 Mary. b. Hartford, Conn., about 1744; d. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1763. *3S0 Horace, b. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 24, 1746. 116 James Pierpont (Mary ,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. James and Mary (Hooker) Pierpont of New Haven, Conn., b. May 21, 1699, at New Haven; m. No. 1, 1727, Sarah Breck daughter of Nathaniel and Martha (Cunnabell) Breck of Boston, Mass., b. Nov. 23. 1710, at Boston. She d. Sept. 28, 1753. He m. No. 2, March 28, 1754, Anna Sherman. He graduated from Yale College and was a tutor at Yale 1722-1724. He established himself as an apothecary at Boston and continued in the business until his second marriage when he removed to New Haven and continued in the same business there. There were no children by the first marriage. Of the children by the second marriage, the eldest three were sons and all married sisters, Collins. He d. at New Haven, Conn., June 18, 1776. She d. at New Haven Conn., 1803. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. *3S1 Evelyn, b. New Haven, Conn., March 16, 1755. *3S2 Robert, b. New Haven, Conn., June 13, 1757. *353 James, b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 4, 1761 ; d. 1840. *354 David, b. New Haven, Conn., July 26, 1764. 355 William, b. New Haven. Conn., July 11, 1772. Note.^Gen. VVm. H. Pierpont of New Haven, who a few years ago issued a pamphlet sketch of the Pierpont family, does not give this William. Fourth Generation 43 The Misses Collins who became the wives of the first three sons, were daughters of Charles Collins and grand-daughters of Rev. Timothy Collins, the fourth settled Minister of Litch- field, Conn., and Rev. Timothy Collins was the great-grand- son of John Collins of Boston. Mass., who came from England in 1640, and died March 29, 1670. Dr. Timothy Collins married Elizabeth Hyde, great-grand-daughter of William Hyde one of the original proprietors of Norwich, Conn., who came to America with Rev. Thomas Hooker. Timothy Collins' mother was Anna Leete, grand-daughter of Gov. William Leete. 118 Mary Pierpont (Mary ,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. James and Marv (Hooker) Pierpont of New Haven, b. Nov. 23, 1703, at New Haven ; m. Aug. 19, 1719, Rev. William Russell, son of Rev. Noadiah and Mary (Hamlin) Russell of Middletown, Conn., b. Nov. 30, 1690, at Middletown, Conn. He graduated from Yale College 1709, was tutor at Yale 1713- 1714. Settled at Middletown June 1, 1715, successor to his father. His mother was sister to Mehitable Hamlin who mar- ried Samuel Hooker Jr., a brother of Mary Pierpont's mother. He d. at Middletown, Conn., June 1, 1761. She d. at Middle- town, Conn., June 24, 1740. CHILDREN, RUSSELL. 356 Mary, b. Middletown, Conn., 1720; m. Matthew Talcott. *3S7 Esther, b. Middletown, Conn. *3S8 William, b. Middletown, Conn., July 23, 1725. *359 Samuel, b. Middletown, Conn. *360 Noadiah, b. Middletown, Conn. 360a James, b. Middletown, Conn. *361 Sarah, b. Middletown, Conn. *362 Mehitable, b. Middletown, Conn., 1735. 363 Hannah, b. Middletown, Conn. 119 Joseph Pierpont (Mary ,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. James and Mary (Hooker) Pierpont of New Haven, Conn., b. Oct. 21, 1704', at New Haven, Conn.; m. about 1728, Hannah Russell daughter of Rev. Noadiah and Mary (Hamlin) Russell of Middletown, Conn., (sister of Rev. Win. Russell, who married Mary Pierpont), b. Feb. 23, 1705 or 1706, at Mid- dletown. He was a farmer at North Haven, Conn., where he died, 1748. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 364 James, b. North Haven, Conn., 1726; d. North Haven, Conn., 1727. *36S Samuel, b. North Haven, Conn., April 16, 1729. 44 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker *366 Joseph, b. North Haven, Conn., Sept. 13, 1730. *367 James, b. North Haven, Conn., Oct. 2, 1732. 368 Dorothy, b. Nortli Haven, Conn. ; d. infant. *369 Benjainin, b. North Haven, Conn., Jan. 7, 1735. *370 Hannah, b. North Haven, Conn., Nov. 12, 1736. *371 Mary, b. North Haven, Conn., Oct. 20, 1738. *372 Giles, b. North Haven Conn., June 4, 1741. 272, Abigail, b. North Haven, Conn., July 6, 1743; m. Noah Ives, Dec. 23, 1762. *374 Hezekiah, b. North Haven, Conn. Sept. 27, 1745. 375 Sarah, b. North Haven, Conn., July 30, 1747; d. June 12, 1829; m. Peter Eastman. 121 Sarah Pierpont (Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. James and Mary (Hooker) Pierpont of New Haven, Conn., b. Jan. 9, 1709 or 1710, at New Haven ; m. July 20, 1727, Rev. Jonathan Edwards, son of Rev. Timothy Edwards of East Windsor, b. Oct. 5, 1703. He was a famous metaphysical theologian, whose books have received the highest encomiums. His characteristics as displayed in members of the Edwards family are supposed to have had great influence in forming the character of his grand-son Aaron Burr. He was President of Princeton College. He died at Princeton, N. J., March 22, 1758. She died at Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 2, 1758. CHILDREN, EDW.NRDS. *376 Sarah, b. Northampton, Mass., Aug. 25, 1728. 377 Jerusha. b. Northampton. Mass., April 26, 1730; d. Feb. 14, 1748. She was engaged to Rev. David Brainard. He being sick she nursed him until his death. *378 Esther, b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 13, 1732. *379 Mary, b. Northampton, Mass., April 7, 1734. *380 Lucv, b. Northampton Mass., Aug. 31, 1736. *381 Timothy (Hon.) b. Northampton, Mass., July 25, 1738. *382 Susannah, b. Northampton, Mass, June 21, 1740. *383 Eunice, b. Northampton, Mass., May 9, 1743. *3SA Jonathan (D. D. ), b. Northampton, Mass., May 26, 1745. 385 Elizabeth, b. Northampton, Mass., May 6, 1747; d. Jan. 1, 1762. *386 Pierpont, b. Northampton, Mass., April 8, 1750. 122 Hezekiah Pierpont (Mary,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Rev. JaiTies and Mary (Hooker) Pierpont of New Haven, Conn., b. May 26, 1712, at New Haven ; m. Feb. 9, 1736 or 1737, Lydia Hemenway, daughter of Rev. Jacob and Lydia (Ball) Heinenway of East Haven. Conn., b. 1715, at East Haven. They lived in the Old Pierpont Mansion at New Haven. He d. at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 29, 1741. She m. No. 2, The- ophilus Morgan, of Killingworth, Conn. Fourth Generation 45 CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 387 Jacob, b. New Haven, Conn., 1738; d. in the army at Crown Point, Mar., 1760. *388 John, b. New Haven, Conn., June 1, 1741. 124 Daniel Hooker (Daniel,^ Samuel.^ Thomas^), son of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Standley) Hooker of Wethersfield, Conn., b. Feb. 22, 1710, at Wethersfield ; m. Sarah Webster. He was a physician and farmer at West Hartford, Conn., (then called Hartford West District.) He d. at West Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1761. She d. at West Hartford, Conn., Dec. 27, 1796. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *389 Daniel, b. West Hartford, Conn., 1730. 390 William, b. West Hartford, Conn., d. West Hartford, Conn., Dec. 30, 1778; unmarried. *391 Susannah, b. West Hartford, Conn., Feby., 1736. *392 Sarah, b. West Haven, Conn., Mar., 1738. 393 Thomas, b. West Hartford, Conn., 1740; d. West Hartford, Conn. Apr. 14, 1764; unmarried. *394 Chloe, b. West Hartford, Conn., Mar. 19, 1742. 395 John, b. West Hartford, Conn., 1744; d. West Hartford, Conn., Aug. 8, 1777. *396 Abigail, b. West Hartford, Conn., 1746. *391S Riverius, b. West Hartford, Conn., Jan., 1749. ,^ 126 Hannah Hooker (Daniel,-'* Samuel, ^ Thomas^), daugh- ter of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Standley) Hooker of Wethers- field, Conn., b. at Wethersfield ; m. Sept. 7, 1738, Reuben Nor- ton, son of Thomas and Rachel (Starr) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. April 6, 1711. at Guilford, Conn. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Nov. 28, 1796. She d. at Guilford, Conn., May 9, 1797. CHILDREN, NORTON. *398 Arab, b. Guilford, Conn., Aug. 3, 1739. 399 Hooker, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 16, 1741 ; d. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 29, 1742. *400 Diadema b. Guilford, Conn., Nov. 2, 1742. *401 Hooker, No. 2, b. Guilford, Conn., 1744. *402 Hannah, b. Guilford, Conn.. May 1, 1746. *403 Reuben, b. Guilford, Conn.. 1748. *4m Rachel, b. Guilford, Conn. 405 Azubah, b. Guilford, Conn., 1752; d. Nov. 12, 1844; m. Ichabod Bartlett, d. Feb. 1, 1834. 406 Standlev, b. Guilford, Conn., Julv 5, 1754; d. Guilford, Conn.. Feb. 25, 1817. *407 Eber, b. Guilford, Conn., Julv 5, 1756. *408 Anah, b. Guilford, Conn., Mar. 14, 1759. FIFTH GENERATION FIFTH GENERATION 223 Andrew Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Thom- asi), son of Samuel Jr.. and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. at Kensington, March 4, 1713; m. May 22, 1735, Mary Lee, daughter of Deacon Jonathan and Mary (Root) Lee of Kensington, Conn., b. Oct. 4, 1714, at Kensington, Conn. He resided in Berlin. She m. no 2, Eliakim Seymour. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *409 Mary, b. Berlin. Conn.. May 18, 1736. *410 Martin, b. Berlin. Conn.. 1738; killed in the army, June 10. 1757. 411 Thomas, b. Berlin. Conn.. 1743; d. Kensington. Conn. Mar. 18, 1819; m. Esther Thompson. Nov. S, 1767. *412 Giles, b. Berlin, Conn., 1746. 413 Rollin, b. Berlin. Conn., 1747; m. Lucy Brownson, Sept. 11, 1779. *414 Martin No. 2, b. Berlin, Conn. 224 Elizabeth Hooker {Samuel.* Samuel,'' Samuel,- Thom- as^), daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Ken- sington, Conn. ; b. May 10. 1714. at Kensington, Conn. ; m. Feb. 21, 1734, Moses Gilbert of Berlin, son of Ebenezer (a merchant of Hartford) and Esther (Allyn) Gilbert of Hartford, and Farmington ; baptized June 22, 1707, at Hartford, Conn. He was a merchant. He d. at Berlin, Conn., 1803. She d. at Kensington, Conn., 1784. CHILDREN, GILBERT. *41S Thomas, b. Berlin. Conn., Oct. 31. 1736. *416 Esther, b. Berlin. Conn.. May 25. 1739. 417 Ebenezer, b. Berlin, Conn., Jan. 15. 1741-2; d. in the army, 1777; m. Mary Butrick. 418 Moses, b. Berlin, Conn., May 21. 1744; d. (before Mar. 28), 1833; m. Widow Abigail (Brownson") Mitchell, 1810. 419 Mary, b. Berlin, Conn., d. unmarried. *420 Hooker, b. Berlin, Conn., June 5, 1754. 225 Mercy Hooker (Samuel,* Samuel,'' Samuel,- Thom- as*), daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Ken- sington, Conn., b. Oct. 22. 1719. at Kensington. Conn.; m. Feb. 2, 1730, Jedediah Goodrich, son of Allyn and Elizabeth (Good- 4 49 50 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker rich) Goodrich of Berlin. Conn., b. July 24, 1717. He died at Berlin, Conn., Oct. 13, 1803. She died at Berlin, Conn., Feb. 22, 1810. CHILDREN, GOODRICH. 421 Mercy, b. Berlin, Conn., Jan. 1, 1751; d. Apr 22, 1804; m. Joshua Wells, Nov. 29, 1790. *422 Abigail, b. Berlin, Conn., Oct. 30, 1754. 423 Thomas, b. "Berlin, Conn., June 20, 1762; d. Berlin, Conn., July 1, 1764. 226 Mehitable Hooker (Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,- Thom- asi), daujjhter of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Ken- sington, Conn., b. May 15, 1722, at Kensington, Conn.; m. James Hurlburt. CHILDREN, HURLBURT. 424 Submit, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 5, 1746; m. Patterson. 227 Sybil Hooker (Samuel,'' Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas*), daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. May 19, 1724 at Kensington ; m. Aug. 23, 1753, Solomon Winchell, son of Hezekiah and Mary (Cole) Winchell of Kensington, b. Feb. 3, 1727 or 1728 at Kensington. He died Sept. 18, 1786. She died at Blue Hills, New i3ritain. Conn., Dec. 16, 1820. CHILDREN, WINCHELL. 425 Solomon, b. Kensington. Conn., Jan. 30, 1755; d. July 2, 1810; m. 1st. Eunice Doolittle, June 15, 1786; she died at Kensington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1791 ; m. 2nd. Chloe Atkins, June 30, 1792. 426 Stephen, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1763 ; d. Kensington, Conn.. June 9, 1821; m. Rhoda Hollister, 1787; she was born May 17, 1765; d. New Britain, Conn., May 17, 1795. 427 Sibyl, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 14, 1768; d. Harwinton, Conn., Nov. 1, 1857; m. Roswell Hinsdale, of Harwinton, Aug. 1798. 428 Huldah, b. Kensington, Conn., Apr. 20. 1758; d. Rising Sun, Ind. ; m. 1st. Mark Mildren, Jan. 14 1781; he died July 24 1790; m. 2nd. Zadoc Wood, he was bapt. Apr 26, 1772. 228 Samuel Hooker (Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,^ Thom- asi), son of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Kensington, Conn. b. Sept. 2, 1726, at Kensington; m. Sept. 23, 1756, Sarah Norton, daughter of Ebenczer and Sarah (Savage) Norton of Bristol, Conn., b. Jan. 28, 1731 or 1732, at Southington, Conn. He died at Kensington, Conn., March 27, 1807. She died at Kensington, Conn., May 7, 1809. Fifth Generation 51 CHILDREN, HOOKER. *429 Ann, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 23, 1756. 430 Esther, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 1, 1759; m. John House, July 31, 1782. 431 Samuel. 432 Sarah, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 11, 1763; d. Dec. 4, 1840; m. Hooker Gilbert, (2nd. wife), June 30, 1807. (For record look under her husband's name). 433 Lydia, b. Dec. 22, 1764; d. .Alar. 6, 1774. 230 Esther Hooker (Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Leete) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. July 30, 1731, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Asahel Cowles, son of Samuel Jr., and Sarah (Wadsworth) Cowles of Kensington, Conn., b. at Kensington, Conn., July 18, 1728. She died at Kensington, Oct. 2, 1757. Was buried in Junction Cemetery, Berlin. He married again and had children by 2d marriage. CHILDREN, COWLES. 434 Samuel, b. Kensington, Conn., 1753: d. 1834; m. Mary Lawrence, 1776. 435 Jabez, b. Kensington, Conn.. 1755; d. Sept. 20, 1846; m. Betsey Scoville. 232 Martha Hooker (Giles,^ Samuel,'' Samuel,^ Thomasi), daughter of Giles and Martha (Cooke) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 3, 1734, at Farmington ; m. Sept. 2, 1752, Eze- kiel Cowles, son of Isaac and Sarah (Andrews) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 4, 1721, at Farmington. He died at Farmington, Conn., Sept. 23, 1806. She died at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 29, 1817. CHILDREN, COWLES. 436 Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 19, 1753; d. age three weeks. *437 Martha, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 19, 1753. 438 Giles, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 5, 1754; d. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 26, 1763. *439 Ezekiel, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 14, 1756. 440 William, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 18, 1759; d. Farmington, Conn., April 1, 1765. 441 Anna, b. Farmington. Conn., July 18, 1761 ; m. Dea. Alexander Dorchester, May 29. 1783. 442 Pamelia, b. Farmington, Conn.. Feb. 4, 1764; m. John Thompson, of Goshen, Feb. 1788. *443 Giles, b. Farmington. Conn., Apr. 26, 1766. 444 William No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 1, 1769; d. Aug. 1, 1845 ; m. Olive Pierce, of Bristol, Oct. 8, 1809. She died 1872. *445 Catherine Cooke, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 5. 1771. 446 Clarimond, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 28, 1776 ; d. Mar. 25, 1810; m. Dr. Isaac Williams, Clinton, N. Y. Nov. 1805. 52 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 238 Isaac Stiles (Esther,^ Samuel ^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Isaac and Esther (Hooker) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Sept. 5, 1729, at North Haven, Conn.; m. May 31, 1750, Mabel Clark, daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth (Potter) Clark of New Haven, Conn., b. Nov. 5, 1730, at New Haven. They resided at North Haven and are the progenitors of the North Haven Stiles families. He died at North Haven, March 13, 1783. She died at North Haven, Conn. Feb. 14, 1802. CHILDREN, STILES. 447 Lucy Eunice b. North Haven, Conn., July 12, 1751. (Some records give the name as Eunice Lucy). *448 Mabel, b. North Haven, Conn., Feb. 12, 1753. *449 Elizabeth, b. Nortli Haven, Conn., Feb. 21, 1755. 450 Timothy Clark, b. North Haven. Conn., Feb. 1, 1758; d. Feb. 14. 1759. 451 Ruth, b. North Haven, Conn., Apr. 1, 1760. *452 Maiy, b. North Haven, Conn., Feb. 22, 1763; d. Mar. 13, 1828. *4S3 Kezia, b. North Haven, Comi., bapt. Nov. 15, 1772; d. Hamden, Conn., July 4 1854 453a. Son, not named, b. North Haven, Conn., Feb. 26, 1766. *454 Isaac Clark, b. North Haven, Conn., April 30, 1767. 239 Kesia Stiles (Esther,* Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Isaac and Esther (Hooker) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 6, 1731, at Windsor, Conn.; m. May 2, 1751, Basil Munson, son of John Jr. and Hester (Clark) Mun- son of Carmel, Conn., b. Jan. 22, 1729. They resided at Carmel, Conn. She died at Carmel, Conn., Oct. 17, 1768. CHILDREN, MUNSON. 455 Job Lucianus, Sept. 26, 1752. 456 Titus, b. Mar. 1, 1755. 457 Ezra, b. May 15, 1757. 458 Isaac, b. Sept. 2, 1760. *4S9 Kezia, b. Carmel, Conn., Mar. 6, 1763. 241 Ashbell Stiles (Esther,* Samuel^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Isaac and Esther (Hooker) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Sept. 11, 1735, at North Haven, Conn., m. Feb. 1759, Hannah Stiles (his cousin) daughter of Lieut. Samuel and Mary (Phelps) Stiles of Windsor, Conn. They lived first at North Haven, Conn., then removed to Norwich (now Hunt- ington, Mass.) He served in the Revolutionary War. He died at Norwich, Mass. Oct. 1810. She died at Norwich, Mass. Sept. 1810. Fifth Generation 53 CHILDREN, STILES. Infant, not named, North Haven, Conn., b. & d. 1759. 460 Esther Hooker, b. North Haven, Conn., Aug. 30, 1760; d. Oct. 7, 1823. *461 Samuel, b. Dec. 3, 1762. *462 Job, b. Windsor, Conn., Jan. 12, 1765. *463 Hannah, b. Windsor, Conn., May 16, 1768. 464 Benjamin, b. Windsor, Conn., Mar. 10, 1772; d. Jamaica, West Indies. *465 Ruth, b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 3, 1778. 244 Esther Stiles (Esther,^ Saniuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Isaac and Esther (Hooker) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 8, 1739, at North Haven ; m. Lemuel Bradley of Carmel, Conn. He was a Tory in the Revolution- ary War, and appearances seem to indicate that he was an of- fensive one. In 1783 with his three youngest children he re- moved to Nova Scotia, leaving his eldest child, and perhaps his wife behind. The wife and eldest child may have died before that date, no record has yet been found upon that point. After his removal to Nova Scotia no further record is found of him. CHILDREN, BRADLEY. 466 Chauncey, b. 1760. 467 Esther Stiles, b. 1768. 468 Leverett, b. Sept., 1769. 469 Hamlin, b. Apr. 1771. 248 William Coit (Mehitable,* Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thom- as*), son of Daniel and Mehitable (Hooker) Coit of New Lon- don, Conn., b. Nov. 26, 1742, at New London, Conn. Gradu- ated from Yale College, 1761. Married Dec. 18, 1763, Sarah Prentis, daughter of Capt. John Prentis. He was a sea captain and during the Revolutionary War he coinmanded the priva- teer "Harrison" and for a short time he commanded the State, Sloop-of-war, Oliver Cromwell, 20 guns. She died at New York City, May 18, 1813. CHILDREN, COIT. 470 Sarah, b. New London, Conn., Apr. 26, 1764; m. 1st. Lillibridge; m. 2nd. William Black, of North Carolina. 471 Mehitable, b. New London. Conn., Aug. 10, 1765. 472 Esther, b. New London, Conn., Jan. 3, 1767; m. Capt. Samuel Clapp. 473 Daniel, b. New London, Conn., Aug. 6, 1768; d. at sea. 474 Ann, b. New London, Conn., Mar. 30, 1770; d. Mar. 30, 1792. 475 William, b. New London, Conn., Nov. 19, 1771. 476 Elizabeth, b. New London, Conn.; m. William Bocaje, North Carolina. 477 Leonidas, b. New London, Conn. ; d. young. 54 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 253 Susannah Selleck (Susannah,* William,* Samuel,^ ThomasM, daughter of Nathan and Susannah (Hooker) Sel- leck of Stamford, Conn., b. Sept. 3, 1709, at Stamford ; m. Capt. Joseph St. John, son of Joseph and Sarah (Bctts) St. John of Norwalk, Conn., b. Nov. S, 1705, at Norwalk, Conn., where the family of' St. John were among the most prominent of the town. He died at Norwalk, Conn. Sept. 17.S6. She died at Norwalk, Conn. Dec. 4, 1749. CHILDREN, SAINT JOHN. Note. (There is a grave stone erected to Sarah Saint John, daughter of Joseph and Susannah Saint John, died April 18, 1741, aged 7 yrs. and 4 mos. and 12 days, which would make her born' Jan. 6. 1734. She is not given in the list of children, probably owing to the destruction of records by fire). *478 Susannah, b. Norwalk, Conn. *479 Stephen, b. 17.% at Norwalk, Conn. 480 Honker, b. Norwalk, Conn., 1742; d. Norwalk, Conn., Mar. 10, 1782; m. Julia Belden. *481 William, b. Norwalk, Conn., 1744. 482 Buckingham, b. Norwalk, Conn., 1745. Drowned while comnig from New Haven, May 4, 1771. Tutor at Yale College. 254 Hezekiah Hooker (Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thom- asi), son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Curtis) Hooker of Farm- ington and Woodbury, Conn., b. Oct. 30, 1717 at Farmington ; m. Jan. 20, 1746, Elizabeth Stone, daughter of Joshua and Su- sannah (Parmalee) Stone, b. March 10, 1723. He was a farmer in Bethlehem Parish, Woodbury, Conn. He died at Wood- bury, Conn., 1796. Note — Anna Stone, sister of Elizabeth who married Heze- kiah Hooker, above, married David Field grand-father of Cy- rus W. Field, of telegraphic tnemory. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *483 Brainard, b. Woodbury, Conn., Mar. 4, 1747. 484 John, b. Woodbury, Conn., Feb. 4, 1749 ; d. age about 20. *485 Jesse, b. Woodbury, Conn., Apr. 23, 1752. *486 Abigail, b. Woodbury, Conn., Nov. 30, 1753. *487 Gilbert, b. Woodbury, Conn., May 14, 1758. 488 Bctsev, b. Woodbury, Conn., Jan. 27. 1761. 489 Louisa (or Lovice) b. Woodbury, Conn., .Apr 10. 1763; d. 1791. 490 Anna, b. Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 30, 1764; d. East Bloomfield, N. Y., July 5, 1844; m. Eli Lyon, (2nd. wife), Feb. 7, 1814 255 James Hooker (Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,"- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Curtis) Hooker of Farmington and Woodbury, Conn., b. Jan. 30, 1720 at Farmington, Conn. ; Fifth Generation 55 m. March 31, 1754, Dorothy Parmalee, daughter of Timothy and Desire (Barnes) Parmalee of Brandford, Conn., b. May 8, 1731, at Branford, Conn. His parents removed in 1720 to Woodbury, Conn., and in 1779, he removed to Poultney, Vt. and settled there. He died at Poultney, Vt. June 18, 1798. She died at Poultney, Vt., age 88, April 25, 1814. CHILDREN. HOOKER. *491 Thomas, b. Woodbury. Conn., Dec. 24, 1754. 492 Josiah, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. IS, 1758; d. in the army at the defeat of Gen. Montgomery, July 24, 1776. *493 James, b. Woodbury, Conn., Dec. 25, 1760. *494 Samuel, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 3, 1762. 495 David, b. Woodbury, Conn., Feb. 9, 1765 ; d. Apr. 20, 1768. 496 Sarah, b. Woodbury, Conn., Oct. 26, 1768; m. Lemuel Tomblin, (lived first at Cornwall, Vt., then went west). *497 David, b. Woodbury, Conn., July 9, 1771. *498 Josiah No. 2. b. Woodbury, Conn., July IS, 1777. (Went to Windham, then to Castleton, then west). 259 William Hooker (Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thom- as^), son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Curtis) Hooker of Wood- bury, Conn.; b. June 20, 1729, at Woodbury, Conn.; m. March 13, 1754, Rachel Waller. She died at Woodbury, Conn., Dec. 10, 1762. He married No. 2, March 18, 1764, Mary Moseley, daughter of Increase and Deborah (Tracey) Moseley, of Nor- wich, Conn., b. April 9, 1743. He died at Greenville, Green Co., N. Y. Oct. 28, 1815. She died at Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y. May 19, 1833. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. *499 Hezekiah, b. Woodbury, Conn., June 6, 1756. SCO Eunice, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 22, 1758; d. Feb. 4, 1759. 501 William, b. Woodbury, Conn., Feb. 4, 1762; d. May 14 or 19, 1833. By second wife. *S02 Increase Moseley, b. Woodbury, Conn., Nov. 4, 1765. *503 Rachel, b. Dec. 6, 1767. *504 Eunice, b. Jan. 31, 1770. *505 Olive, b. Nov. 26, 1772. 506 Josiah Curtis, b. Jan. 15, 1775; d. 1798. 507 Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1777; d. Gorham, N. Y. 1876; m. 1st. C. S. Fes- senden, of Genoa, N. Y. ; m. 2nd. E. D. Lake. *508 Deborah Ann, b. July 5, 1779. *S09 Timothy Judson, b. Nov. 4, 1782. 510 John, b. Nov. 8, 1784; d. Oct. 29, 1786. 511 John Hart, b. Sept. 24, 1786; d. Nov. 9, 1791. 512 Clarissa, b. Apr. 27, 1789; d. Nov. 9, 1851; m. Moses Ingersoll. 56 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 262 Asahel Hooker (Hezekiah,'* John,'' Samuel,- Thom- asi), son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Curtis) Hooker of Wood- bury, Conn., b. Dec. 13. 1736, at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Feb. 15, 1760, Anne Parmalee, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Tay- lor) Parmalee of Branford (and Litchfield and Chatham) Conn., b. Feb. 1737. They removed from Woodbury to Bris- tol (then a part of Farmington) Conn., where he had a large farm near what is now the line between Bristol and Plainville, and he was also interested with his sons in manufacturing. He and his wife are buried in an old burial ground near the Bristol and Plainville line. He died at Bristol, Conn., Nov. 10, 1810. She died at Bristol, Conn. Oct. 27, 1811. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *513 Ira, b. Woodbury, Conn., Mar. 12, 1760. *514 .Isabel, (Rev.) b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 29, 1762. *S15 Bryan, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 5, 1764. *S16 Anne, b. Woodbury, Conn., Feb. 10, 1767. *S17 Levi, b. Woodbury, Conn., Aug. 15, 1769. *S18 Urania, b. Bristol, Conn., Mar. 14, 1774. *519 Chauncey, b. Bristol, Conn., Sept. 12, 1775. *520 Polly, b. Bristol, Conn., Mar. 2 1778. 263 Sarah Hooker (Hezekiah,^ John.s Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Abigail (Curtis) Hooker of Wood- bury, Conn., b. May 30, 1739, at Woodbury; m. Jan. 26, 1763, Timothy Judson, son of Rebecca (Sherman) (Hollister) Jud- son of Woodbury, Conn., b. April 22, 1737, at Woodbury. He was a Captain of Militia and as such responded to the call at the Danbury Alarm in 1777. He died Sept. 10, 1821. She died July 26, 1815. CHILDREN, JUDSON. 521 Noadiah, b. Oct. 18, 1763. *522 Olive, b. Oct. 9, 1767 523 William, b. May 23, 1770. 264 John Hooker, Rev. (John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of John and Mary (Hart) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. March 19, 1729, at Kensington, Conn. Graduated from Yale College 1751, ordained at Northampton, Mass., Dec. 5, 1753, was settled there 24 years until his death of small pox. Married Dec. 10, 1755, Sarah Worthington, daughter of John and Mary (Pratt) Worthington of Springfield, Mass., b. Jan. 27, 1732, at Springfield, Mass. He died at Northampton, Mass., Feb. 6, 1777. She died at Northampton, Mass., April 5, 1817. Fifth Generation ^"^ CHILDREN, HOOKER. *S24 Mary, b. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 10, 1756. *S25 Sarah, b. Northampton, Mass., Jan. 30, 1758. *526 Seth, b. Northampton, Mass., Oct. 26, 1759. *527 John, b. Northampton, Mass., Aug. 8, 1761. 528 Lucy, b. Northampton, Mass., bapt. Aug. 19, 1764; d. North- ampton, Mass., June 30, 1766. *529 William, b. Northampton, Mass., Nov. 26, 1766. *530 Thoinas, b. Northampton, Mass., May 20, 1770. 531 John Worthington, b. Northampton, bapt. Apr. 12, 1772; d. Tel- icho, Tenn. Nov. 12, 1804; unmarried. He was Superintendent of public stores in Telicho. *532 Lucy 2d, b. Northampton, Mass., July 16, 1775. 265 Seth Hooker (John,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of John and Mary (Hart) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. Dec. 8, 1731, at Kensington: m. Sarah Burnham, daughter of Capt. William Burnhani of Berlin, Conn., b. July 19, 1734, at Berlin. He died at Kensington, Conn. 1758. She married No. 2, March 6, 1766, Charles Dix of Wethersfield, son of Leonard and Abigail (Gibbs) Dix of Wethersfield, Conn., b. July 11, 1730, at Wethersfield, Conn. She died at Wethersfield, Feb. 10, 1803. CHILD, HOOKER. *533 William, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 15, 1756. 266 Ashbel Hooker (John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John and Mary (Hart) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. April 18, 1737, at Kensington ; m. 1760, Susannah Langdon, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lee) Langdon of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. Jan. 4, 1736 or 1737, at Kensington, Conn. He died at Kensington, Conn. She married No. 2, Moses Dickin- son. CHILD, HOOKER. *534 Urania, b. Kensington, Coim., May 11, 1760; m. Matthew Hart,. Jan. 11, 1782. Note. — For her record, look under her husband's 267 Elijah Hooker (John,* John,^ Samuel," Thomas'), son of John and Mary (Hart) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. April 12, 1746, at Kensington: m. Aug. 26, 1767, Widow Su- sannah (Judd) Seymour, widow of Samuel Seymour of Ken- sington, Conn., b. Oct. 21, 1748. He died at Kensington, Conn., Sept. 27, 1823. She died at Kensington, Conn., Dec. 20, 1832. 58 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, HOOKER. *535 John, b. Kensington, Conn.. Apr. 17, 1768. 536 Elijah, Jr. b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 12, 1769; d. Berhn, Conn., Feb. 3, 1856; m. Polly Judd, Apr. 21, 1796. *537 Lucy, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan .13, 1772. *S38 Saxa, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1774. *539 Susannah, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 28, 1776. *540 Samuel, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 16, 1778. *S41 Ashbell, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 26. 1780. *542 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 18, 1783. *543 Uriel, b. Kensington, Conn., May 14, 1785. 544 Anson, b. Feb. 14, 1788; died at Kensington, Oct. 29, 1823. 545 Polly, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 24, 1791 ; d. Kensington, Conn., May 31, 1821. (She was killed by lightnnig). *S46 Horace Rev. b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 25, 1793. 268 Sarah Hart, daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. Nov. 13, 1720, at Ken- sington, Conn. ; m. Nov. 5, 1747, Dr. Jonathan Marsh of Nor- wich, Conn. CHILDREN. MARSH. 547 Sarah. 548 Abigail. 549 John. 550 Hannah. 551 Mary. 552 Joseph. 269 Abigail Hart (Abigail,^ John.^ Samue!,^ Thomas^), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. July 21, 1723, at Kensington ; m. Dr. James Hurl- burt. Note — Abigail (Hart) Hurlburt, is supposed to have died in Nov. 1789. Dr. Hurlburt died April 11, 1794, at Wethers- field, Conn. Dr. James Hurlburt married No. 2, Mrs. Ann (Hollister) Booth of Glastenbury. W. S. Porter says that Dr. Hurlburt was then an eminent physician, but he subsequently fell into bad habits, his home was broken up and his wife returned to her parents. The Hart genealogy also makes a somewhat similar statement. The Hart genealogy gives the names of three children, and suggests there may have been others not found on the record. Porter gives the names of seven children, all different from those of the Hart book. Porter also gives the marriage of Mehitable Hooker to Dr. James Hurlburt and gives one child of name similar to one of those given in the Hart book. There seems to be considerable confusion in the record, perhaps some er- ror, possibly two marriages, the Hart marriage a second one. Fifth Generation 59 I therefore omit the names of children until further develop- ments. 272 Hannah Hart (x\bigail,* John.^ Samuel^ Thomasi), daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensing- ton, Conn., b. Aug. 11, 1729, at Kensington ; ni. March 21, 1754, Thomas Stanley son of John and Mary (Wright) Stanley of Kensington, b. June 20, 1726, at Kensington. She died at Ken- sington. He married No. 2, Martha Hart of Kensington, and after his death she married Isaac Williams. CHILDREN, STANLEY. *5S3 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., May 6, 1755. 554 Sibil, b. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 17. 1757; d. Apr. 1792; m. Sam- uel Lee, Nov. 17. 1784. 555 Selah, b. Kensington, Conn., June 1, 1762; m. Rhoda Goodrich, Apr. 3, 1786. 273 Selah Hart (Abigail,* John.s Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. May 23, 1732, at Kensington ; m. March 4, 1754, Mary Cole, daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Hart) Cole of Kensington, Conn., b. Feb. 18, 1731 or 1732 at Kensington. She died at Kensington. He married No. 2, Ruth Cole, daughter of Ma- thew and Mary (Newell) Cole of Kensington, Conn., b. Oct. 29, 1742, at Kensington. He was an officer of the Revolution- ary War. Was Lieut. Col. of a regiment at the Battle of Long Island, at which time he was taken prisoner, after his exchange he was again in the service as Col. of Militia and before the close of the war he was General of a Brigade of Militia called into active service upon the Hudson River, after the war he was for many years a General of Connecticut Militia. His only child having died he adopted his nephew Cyprian Hart and made him his heir. He died at Kensington, Conn., June 10, 1806. She died at Kensington, age 101 yrs. 2 mo. 16 d. Jan. 15, 1844. CHILD, HART. By first wife. 556 Mary, b. Kensington, Conn. ; d. Kensington, Conn., young. 274 Nathaniel Hart (Abigail,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. March 17, 1735, at Kensington; m. Nov. 23, 1758, Martha Norton, daughter of Thomas Norton of Kensington, 60 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Conn. He died at Kensington, Oct. 13, 1773. She died at Hartford. CHILDREN, HART. *557 Gideon, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 28, 1759. *558 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 19, 1761. *5S9 Salmon, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 9, 1763. 560 Nathaniel, b. Kensington, Conn., May 2, 1765; m. Polly Edwards. *561 Selah, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 30, 1767. *562 Cyprian, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 5, 1769 ; m. Lucy Hooker, Dec. 25, 1795. Note. — For his record look under his wife's name. 563 Norman, b. Kensington. Conn., Mar. 24. 1771 ; d. Oct. 17, 1792. 564 Abigail b. Kensington, Conn., bapt. June 6, 1773; d. Feb. 8, 1786. 275 Noadiah Hart (Abigail,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. July 30, 1738. at Kensington; m. Nov. 20, 1760, Lucy Hurlburt, daughter of Stephen and Hannah Hurlburt, b. Nov. 5, 1733. He died at Southington, Conn., Oct. 23, 1817. She died at Burlington, Conn., March 8, 1785. CHILDREN, HART. *565 Velina, b. May 5, 1761. 566 Luthena, b. Mar. 7, 1763; d. Nov. 7, 1781; m. Gilbert. 567 Stephen Hurlburt, b. Sept. 20, 1765; d. Sept. 15, 1766. *567a Stephen Hurlburt 2nd. b. Nov. 1, 1767. *S68 Cyprian, b. May 23, 1772. 569 Percy, b. Aug. 11, 1774; d. Southington, Conn., July 11, 1795. 277 Anna Hart (Mary,-* John.^ Samuel,^ Thomas"), daugh- ter of Lieut. Samuel and Mary (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 25, 1724, at Kensington; m. Oct. 15, 1747, Thomas Hollister, son of Gershom Hollister of Kensington, Conn., b. May 5, 1726, at Kensington. They lived first at Ken- sington, then at New Britain and then at Middletown. He died at Middletown, Conn., Sept. 27, 1748. CHILD, HOLLISTER. 570 Abel, b. Middletown, Conn., July 2i, 1748; d. 1754. 279 Mary Hart (Mary,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas"), daugh- ter of Lieut. Samuel and Mary (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. April 13, 1730, at Kensington; m. Jan. 17, 1754, Dr. Joseph Welles of Wethersfield, Conn. They resided at Kensington where he was a physician of considerable note and extensive practice. He died at Kensing- Fifth Generation 61 ton, Conn., Nov. 14, 1793. She died at Kensington, Conn., Nov. 30, 1792. CHILDREN, WELLES. 571 Joseph, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 12, 1754; m. Ruth Allen, Dec. 31 17S3 572 Maty, b. July 16, 1759; ni. Allyn Prior. 573 Sylvester, b. Kensington, Conn., May 20, 1762. 574 Rhoda, b. Kensington, Conn.. Apr. 17, 1764. 575 Nancy, b. Kensington, Conn., bapt. Aug. 30, 1767. 576 James, b. Kensington, Conn., bapt. Apr. 15, 1770; m. Bethankful Andrews. 280 Huldah Hart (Mary,^ John," Samuel,^ Thomasi), daughter of Lieut. Samuel and Mary (Hooker) Hart of Ken- sington, Conn., b. Nov. 2. 1731, at Kensington; m. Gideon Por- ter son of Hezekiah and Mary (Stoddard) Porter of Kensing- ton and New Britain, Conn., b. May 30, 1727, at Berlin. She died. He married No. 2, Dec. 24, 1778, Hannah, widow of Avery Heath. He died Nov. 22, 1805. CHILDREN, PORTER. By first wife. 577 Gideon, b. 1751 ; m. Hannah Brooks. 578 Huldah, b. 1754; d. New Britain, Conn., Jan. 24, 1812; m. 1st, John Riley, of Northampton, Conn., Apr. 1, 1773; m. 2nd. Simeon Lincoln, of New Britain, Conn., 1780. 579 Abel, bapt. Oct. 2, 1757; m. 1st. Elizabeth Dunham; m. 2nd. Hannah Elliott, Nov. 4. 1784. 580 Levi Goodwin, b. Apr.. 1760. 581 James, bapt. Apr. 18, 1771 ; m. Margery Stocking, Sept. 4, 1793. 281 Samuel Hart(Mary,* John,^ Samuel^ Thomasi), son of Lieut. Samuel and Mar}' (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. Jan. 21, 1738, at Kensington; m. Oct. 10, 1757, Rebecca Nor- ton, daughter of Charles and Rebecca (Manson) Norton, b. May 11, 1739. They resided at Kensington. She died at Ken- sington, July 28, 1769. He married No. 2, Oct. 4, 1770, Lydia Hinsdale, daughter of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Cole) Hins- dale, b. Aug. 11, 1747. He died at Kensington, Conn. Aug. 21, 1813. She died at Kensington, Conn., Jan. 18, 1831. CHILDREN, HART. By 1st, wife. *582 Rebecca, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 30, 1760. *583 Samuel, b. Kensington, Conn., Alay 17, 1761. *S84 Charlotte, b. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 17, 1762. *585 Asahel, b. Kensington, Conn., May 6, 1764. 62 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 586 Anna, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 16, 1766; d. Berlin, Mar. 25, 1784. *587 Jesse, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 3, 1768. 588 James, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 5, 1769; d. Kensington, Conn., Apr. 12, 1771. By 2nd. wife. *S89 Mary, b. Kensington, Conn.. Sept. 23, 1771. 590 Jobn, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 23, 1773; d. Sept. 13, 1816. 591 James, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 26, 1774; d. Staunton, Del. Dec. 25, 1796. 592 Theodore, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 30, 1776; d. Petersburg, Va., Nov. 1, 1815. *593 Lydia, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 18, 1778. 594 Elizabeth, b. Kensington. Conn., Sept. 21, 1781 : d. 1792. 595 Hnldah. b. Kensington, Conn., July 12, 1783; d. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 31, 1784. 596 Nancy, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 8, 1785; m. Joshua Simmons. *597 Emma, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1787. *598 Almira, b. Kensington, Conn., July 15, 1793. 283 Mary Hart (Sarah,^ John,-'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daugh- ter of Matthew and Sarah (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. July 1, 1728, at Kensington, Conn; m. July 26, 1750, Amos Peck son of Samuel and Abigail (Collins) Peck of Ken- sington, Conn., born March 3, 1715, at Kensington. They lived at Kensington, where he died April 6, 1802. She died June 22, 1771. CHILDREN, PECK. 599 Matthew, b. Kensington, Conn.. July 16, 1751 ; ni. Huldah Rice. 600 Amos, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 25, 1754; d. Mar. 18, 1826; m. Anna Scoville, Dec. 4, 1781. 601 Ruth, b. Kensington, Conn.. Nov. 28, 1756; d. Mar. 5, 1824; m. Benjamin Hopkins. 602 Mary, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 9. 1760; m. Elisha Hart. 603 Huldah, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 13, 1762. 604 Lemuel, b. Kensington, Conn., Mar. 28, 1765. 605 Lucy, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 2, 1767; d, Dec. 1, 1853; m. Ashbell Dickenson. 285 Oliver Hart (Sarah,-* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Matthew and Sarah (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, b. July 15, 1733, at Kensington ; m. Dec. 17, 1766. Mary Scoville. He died at Kensington, Nov. 22, 1812. She died Jan. 12, 1836. CHILD, H,\RT. 606 Elizabeth, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 19, 1769; d. at Kensington, young. 286 Matthew Hart (Sarah,^ John,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Matthew and Sarah (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. Fifth Generation 63 Jan. 23, 1736 or 1737, at Kensington: m. Nov. 15. 1759, Eliza- beth Hopkins. They removed from Kensington, Conn, to Whitestone, N. Y., where he died 1811. CHILDREN, HART. *607 Matthew, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 12, 1760. *608 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., June 24, 1763. 609 Sarah b. Kcn.sington, Conn.. Sept. 19, 1766; d. about 1S44 at Durham, N. Y. ; m. Bela Strong, Feb. 7, 1788. He died about 1853. They lived at Oak Hill, N. Y. *610 Elizabeth, b. Kensington Conn., bapt. Dec. 24, 1769. 611 Oliver, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 10, 1774; d. 1864; m. Sally Bronson. Nov. 25, 1799. 612 Daughter, b. Kensington. Conn., unmarried, lived with her sister Mrs. Percival. 287 Abigail Hooker (Joseph,^ John,'' Samiiel,^ ThomasM, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Lewis) Hooker of Farmington, Conn., b. Feb. 5, 1735 or 1736, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Aug. 30, 1753, James Cowles, son of Isaac and third wife, Elizabeth (Smith) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 20, 1723, at Fannington, Conn. They lived at the old Jaines W. Cowles place at the south part of the town and opposite to the XI mile stone froin Hartford. She died at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 27, 1772. He married No. 2, Nov. 25, 1773, Widow Mary Lewis. He died at Farmington, Conn. June 21, 1789. CHILDREN, COWLES. *613 Susannah, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 22, 1754. *614 Diadema, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 25. 1756. 615 Amv b. Farmington. Conn., Dec. 25. 1758; m. Joseph .'\ndrews, (his 2nd. wife). He died Nov. 23. 1831. *616 Abigail, b. Farmington. Conn.. 1761. *617 Elias, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 11, 1765. *618 Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 13, 1768. *619 Caroline, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 12, 1771. 288 Noadiah Hooker (Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^, son of Joseph and Sarah (Lewis) Hooker of Farmington. b. Aug. 29, 1737, at Farmington: m. Jan. 1, 1765, Rebekah Gris- woid, daughter of Major Josiah and Mabel (Belden) Griswold of Wethersfield, Conn., b. Sept. 7, 1744, at Wethersficid, Conn. He was an officer of the Revolutionary War. He raised the first troops enlisted at Farmington, and marched in command of a company of one hundred men or more, the very elite of the vicinity. They arrived in Boston some three weeks in ad- vance of any other enlisted men from Connecticut. He was commissioned a Captain by the Colonial Assembly and under 64 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker that commission served in several different regiments. In 1776 he was commissioned a Colonel by the State Legislature and under that commission he served in command of various regi- ments until the close of the War. After the War he was for a number of years Colonel of the 15th Regiment of State Mili- tia. He represented the town (Farmington, Conn.) for a great number of sessions ; was for forty years a Justice of the Peace, and a very prominent and active man in public affairs of both town and state. He was for many years Treasurer of the Church Society and took a very active part in the erection of the church edifice at Farmington. With Mr. Woodruff the architect and builder, he personally inspected every piece of timber that was put into the building. He went on horseback to Maine and there purchased and inspected the shingles for the roof and the carefulness of his work is attested by the fact that those shingles were not repaired or replaced for more than fifty years. He died at Farmington, Conn., June 3, 1823. She died at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 9, 1816. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 620 Sarah, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. IS, 1765; d. Oct. 19, 1765. 621 John, b. Farmington, Conn.. Oct. 24, 1766; d. Oct. 26, 1766. 622 Joseph, b. Oct. 24, 1766; d. Oct. 25. 1766. 623 Sally, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 16, 1767 ; d. St. Armand, Can- ada, July 6, 1823; m. George Cook, a prominent and wealthy citizen of St. Armand, Canada. 624 Lucy, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 16, 1771 ; d. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 16, 1788. 625 John, b. Farmington. Conn., June 21, 1774; d. Cohimbia, S. C, July 28. 1815; m. Mary Ann Chapman, Oct. 6. 1808. She died Dec. 15, 1872. He graduated from Yale 1796. A prominent lawyer in Columbia, S. C. *626 James, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1777. *627 Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn,, May 23, 1780. *628 Nancy, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 1, 1782. *629 William Griswold, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 1, 1782. *630 Edward, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 27, 1785. 290 Ruth Hooker (Joseph,* John.s Sarnuel,^ Thomas*), daughter of Joseph and Sarah ( Lewis) Hooker of Farinington, Conn., b. Feb. 21, 1744, at Farmington; in. Aug. 21, 1763, Jos- eph Langdon, son of Ebenezer and Jemima (Cowles) Langdon of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 12, 1740, at Farmington. They lived on the Capt. Richard Cowles place, on the main street Farmington. He died at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1812. She died at Farmington, Conn., Dec. 30, 1803. Fifth Generation 65 CHILDREN, LANCDON. *631 Anion, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 23. 1763. *632 Joel, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 24, 1765. *633 Susannah, b. Farmington, Conn., June 20, 1768. *634 Nancy, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 20, 1770. 635 Abigail Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 3, 1772; d. Farm- ington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1775. *636 Samuel, b. Farmington, Conn., June 18, 1775. *637 Reuben, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 18, 1777. *638 Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn., June 18, 1780. *639 James Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 3. 1782. *640 Edmund, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1785. 641 Slyvester, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 10, 1787; d. July 8, 1823. *642 Lucy, b. Farmington, Conn., July 23, 1789. *643 Ruth Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 20, 1791. 292 Joseph Hooker (Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Joseph and Sarah (Lewis) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. March 30, 1751, at Farmington ; m. 1771, Mary Inger- soll, daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Dorcas (Moss) Ingersoll, b. Dec. 20, 1748. They lived at Farmington until after the close of the Revolutionary War, and tlien removed to Litch- field, N. Y. Previous to his marriage Joseph Hooker had been an active worker in the affairs of the town, was a Lieutenant in the Militia. The Ingersoll family were strong loyalists, though never of a tricky, untrustworthy kind. Through the influence of his wife Joseph Hooker remained quietly neutral throughout the war, though it is probable that his sympathies were entirely with the American Patriots. After the close of the war he found that the confidence of the town was entire- ly withheld from him and that in active and honorable public duties he was not recognized, while honors and important trusts were heaped upon his brother and cousins who had taken an active part in the war. Sensitive under this very natural want of confidence he removed to New York, where, under new conditions he built a reputation for strict and unswerving in- tegrity, and strong loyalty to the new born nation. He secured the confidence and esteem of the people among whom he had settled, and became active and honorably trusted in public af- fairs. He died at Litchfield, N. Y. June, 1799. She died at Litchfield, N. Y. 1805. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *644 Jared Ingersoll, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 12, 1772. *64S Mar>'. b. Farmington, Conn., Aug 24, 1774 *646 Jonathan, b Farmington, Conn, Nov 12, 1778 *647 Lewis, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1781. 648 Elias, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 12, 1784; d. May, 1802. *649 Joseph, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1786. 5 66 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 296 Lois Strong (Ruth,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daugh- ter of Asahel and Ruth (Hooker) Strong of Farmington, b. May 3, 1737, at Farmington ; m. Nov. 18, 1760, Adino Pomeroy, son of Josiali and Lydia (Ashley) Pomeroy of Northampton, Mass., b. Sept. 22, 1732, at Northampton. They resided for a time at Northampton and about 1770 they removed to Middle- town, Conn., where they remained. After his wife's death he removed to Pittsfield, Mass., and lived with his son, John. She died at Middletown, Conn., March 4, 1801. He married No. 2, March 18, 1802, Sarah (Willis) Christopher, b. Sept. 17, 1746, CHILDREN, POMEROY. By first wife. *650 Polly, b. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 22, 1761. 651 Anne (Nancy), b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 15, 1764; m. Nathaniel Bishop, IMarch 2, 1797. 652 Lois, b. Northampton, Mass., March 30, 1766; d. Middletown, Conn., April 7, 1776. 653 Clarissa, b. Northampton, Mass., June 12, 1768; d. Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 13, 1814; m. Aaron Root, Oct. 23, 1796. 654 William, b. Middletown, Conn., Aug. 24, 1770; d. Middletown, Conn., May 16, 1771. 655 Sallv. b. Middletown, Conn., April 21, 1772; d. Ogdensburg. N. Y.', Jan. 19, 1849; m. Rev. Roger Searle. Ang. 7, 1800. 656 Susannah, b. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 14, 1774; d. Middletown, Conn., Aug. 10, 1775. 657 Lnis No. 2, b. Middletown, Conn., Aug. 27, 1777; d. Pittsfield, Mass. ; unmarried. *658 John, b. Middletown, Conn., Aug. 2, 1784. 659 William No. 2, b. Middletown, Conn., April 2, 1786. He became a Shaker 297 Ruth Strong (Ruth,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas»), daughter of Asahel and Ruth (Hooker) Strong, of Farming- ton, Conn., b. Sept. 3, 1739, at Farmington; m. Feb. 21, 1760, Col. Ichabod Norton, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Macon) Norton of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 17, 1736, at Farmington. He was a Captain and a Major of the Revolutionary War. After the war he represented the town in the Legislature and filled various offices of the town. He d. at Granby, Conn., Oct. 1, 1825. She d. at West Hartford, Conn., July 16, 1823. CHILDREN, NORTON. *660 Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 13, 1761. *661 Nancy, b. Farmington, Conn., May 26, 1763. *662 .A-sahel Strong, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 20, 1765. *663 Romania, b. Farmington. Conn., April 3, 1768. *664 Ruth Strong, b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 13, 1770. ' *665 Thomas, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 31, 1773. Fifth Generation 67 666 Marianne (Anna), b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 24, 1776; d. Col- linsville, Conn., Aug. 12, 1853 ; unmarried. *667 Seth, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 12, 1780. *668 George, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 15, 1782. 299 Cyprian Strong (Ruth,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Asahel and Ruth (Hooker) Strong, of Farmington, Conn., b. May 26, 1743, at Farmington. He graduated from Yale College, in 1763. Entered the ministry and settled at Chatham, Conn., Aug. 9, 1767; m. No. 1, Nov. 9, 1768, Sarah Bull, daughter of Jonathan and Abigail Bull, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 17, 1748, at Farmington. She d. suddenly at Chatham, Conn., Sept. 14, 1785. He m. No. 2, May 14, 1786, Abigail White, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth(Wells)White, of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 8, 1760, at Hartford. She d. at Chatham, Conn., May 2, 1795, He m. No. 3, Aug. 4, 1797, Mrs. Abigail (Riley) Hart, widow of Maj. Jonathan Hart, of Berlin, Conn., who was killed at St. Clair's defeat, 1791. She was b. Dec. 18, 1748. He d. at Chatham, Conn., Nov. 17, 1811. She d. at Chatham, Conn., Feb. 6, 1815. CHILDREN, STRONG. By 1st wife. 669 Florclla, b. Chatham, Conn., Sept. 26, 1769; d. Chatham, Conn., May 14, 1775. *670 Sarah, b. Chatham, Conn., Jan. 27, 1771. 671 Anne, b. Chatham, Conn., Feb. 28, 1773 ; d. Mar. 5, 1773. 672 Anne No. 2, b. Chatham, Conn., July 9, 1774; d. Sept. 14, 1791; m. Elkanah PhiHps. *673 Asahel Hooker, b. Chatham, Conn., Nov. 8, 1776. *674 Florella No. 2, b. Chatham, Conn., Feb. 17, 1779. 675 John, b. Chatham, Conn., April 14, 1781 ; d. St. Johnsbury, Vt., April 22, 1804. 676 Elnathan, b. Chatham, Conn., Aug. 25, 1783; d. Nov. 9, 1784. By 2nd wife. *677 Elnathan, No. 2 (Dea.), b. Chatham, Conn., March 25, 1787. *678 Erastus, b. Chatham, Conn., May 6, 1789. *679 Amelia, b. Chatham, Conn,, Nov. 10, 1790. 680 Charles Wells, b. Chatham, Conn., Nov. 10, 1792; d. March 8, 1793. 681 Charles, b. Chatham, Conn., Feb. 5, 1794; d. Chatham, Conn., Oct. 26, 1813. 300 Elizabeth Strong (Ruth,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Asahel and Ruth (Hooker) Strong, of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 3, 1746, at Farmington ; m. Nov. 9, 1768, Deacon Martin Bull, son of Jonathan and Abigail Bull of Farmington, and brother of Sarah Bull, who m. her brother Cyprian Strong, b. Dec. 4, 1744, at Farmington. They lived at Farmington. 68 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker He d. at Farmington, Conn., Mar. 24, 1825. She d. at Farming- ton, Conn., Apr. 19, 1820. CHILDREN, BULL. *682 Sophia, b. Farniiiiftton, Conn., Oct. 1769; d. Feb. 7, 1805; m. Rev. Amos Bassett, of Hebron, Conn. 683 Catherine, b Farmington, Conn,, 1771 ; d. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 30, 1782. 302 Sarah Hooker (Roger.^ John,'' Samuel,^ Thomas*), daughter of Roger and Mary (Hart) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 16, 1742, at Farinington, Conn.; m. 1761, Rev. Jonathan Leavitt, son of Joshua Leavitt, of Greenfield, Mass., b. Jan. 31, 1731, at Greenfield. He graduated from Yale College 1758, was .settled in Walpole, N. H., and afterward at Charle- mont, Mass. She d. Oct. 11, 1791. He m. No. 2, Aug. 27, 1792. Widow Tirza Ashley. She d. Nov. 22, 1797. He m. No. 3, Mar. 28, 1798. Widow Marv Foote. He d. Sept. 9, 1802. She d. May 15, 1816. CHILDREN, LE.\VITT. By 1st wife. *684 Jonathan, b. 1764, *68S Roger, 686 Amelia, b. 1799; m. Dr. E. T. Foote, of New Haven, Conn, 303 Thomas Hart Hooker (Roger,^ John.s Samuel,^ Thom- as'), son of Roger and Mercy (Hart) Hooker, of Farmington. Conn., b. Sept. 3, 1745, at Farmington; m. Feb. 1, 1769, Sarah Whitman, daughter of Deacon John and Abigail (Pantry) Whitman, of West Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 27, 1747, baptized Mar. 1, 1747, at West Hartford. Sarah Whitman was a grand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Whitman, who succeeded Rev. Satnuel Hooker as minister at Farmington. Rev. Samuel Whitman's mother, Anna Alcock, was a grand-daughter of Rev. Thomas Hooker's sister. Mr. Hooker enlisted as a private soldier in the army at the first call in 1775, and before going to the seat of war he gave freedom to his negro servants, saying that he would not own property in a human being while he, himself, was fighting for freedom. He died in the army Nov. 26. 1775, and was buried among the other soldier dead at Roxbury, but the grave not being marked, his place of burial could not be identified when search was made for it at a later day, his body therefore remains with those of his compatriots who gave their lives for freedom's cause at the siege of Boston, and today the ashes Fifth Generation 69 of those patriot dead rests peacefully beneath the wild turmoil of Boston's streets. After some years his widow married, Apr. 8, 1779, Capt. Seth Collins, son of Robert Collins, of West Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 27, 1742. at West Hartford. (She was Capt. Collins second wife). She d. at West Hartford, Conn., June 5, 1837. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *687 Abigail Pantry, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 23, 1770. *688 Thomas Hart, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 3, 1772. 306 Roger (Major) Hooker (Roger,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), .son of Roger and Anna (Kellogg) Hooker, of Farmington. Conn., born June 19, 1751, at Farmington; mar- ried Apr. 17, 1782, Mary Treadwell, daughter of Gov. John Treadwell, of Farmington, Conn., born at Farmington. They had no children. He died at Farmington, Conn., age, 79, Dec. 27, 1830. She died at Farmington, Conn. Aug. 15, 1826. He made eleven voyages to the West Indies before the Revolutionary War. At the first call for troops upon the Lexington alarm, he joined the company of one hundred and eleven men raised by his cousin Capt. Noadiah Hooker, the first men from Farmington for the war, and the first from Connecticut to reach the army collecting before Boston. He was made a sergeant of that company when formed, but was soon afterward appointed an ensign, and when Washington took command of the army Roger Hooker was commissioned a second lieutenant of the Regular Continental Line, and he eventually became a major of the Line. In 1776, he fitted out the fire ships at New York, with which Gen. W^ashington endeavored to destroy the British ships. As a brigade major he had charge of the correspondence of the generals upon whose staff he served. He was sent with the flag of truce to communicate to the British general commanding New York, information of the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne, and throughout the war was held in high esteem by Gen. Washington, and was frequently entrusted with responsible and important duties. After the war he was for a number of years Sheriff of the County and was an active Justice of the Peace until he was 70 years old. Previous to his death, having no children and his wife being dead he disposed of his estate to his brother-in-law, retaining possession during his life. He was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, and he is the Roger Hooker referred to in the account of the "Hooker House" and the "Hooker Elm." 70 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 307 Mercy Hooker (Roger.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Roger and Anna (Kellogg) Hooker, of Farming- ton, Conn., born at Farmington, Conn.; married Sept. IS, 1772, Simeon Newell, son of Isaac and Rachel (Pomeroy) Newell, of Southington, Conn., born Feb. 5, 1748, at Southing- ton. He graduated from Yale College, 1775, and was com- missioned a Captain in the Army of the Revolution. He served until the close of the war, and with his brother-in-law. Major Roger Hooker, became a member of the Society of the Cin- cinnati. He died at Sodus Bay, N. Y., 1813. She died at Wolcott, N. Y., 1817. CHILDREN, NEWELL. *689 William Pomeroy, b. Southington, Conn., June 14, 1779. *690 Henry Hooker, b. Southington, Conn., April 27, 1784. 691 Martin, b. Southington, Conn. ; d. Southington, Conn., March 26, 1785. 692 Anna, b. Southington, Conn., Dec. 4, 1785. *693 Roger Sherman, b. Southington, Conn., March 28, 1791. 694 Dolly, b. Southington, Conn., 1793; d. Southington, Conn., 1794. *695 Nancy, b. Southington, Conn. *696 Dolly No. 2, b. Southington, Conn. 309 Lucina Hooker (Roger,'' John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Roger and Anna (Kellogg) Hooker, of Farming- ton, Conn., born Mar. 19, 1758, at Farmington; married 1781, Isaac Cowles, son of Solomon and Martha (Seymour) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., born July 29, 1756, at Farmington, Conn. Although there is no record of service in the Revolution- ary War, yet his name appears upon the pension list, under the Act of 1832, and this is evidence that he was either in the pay of commissary department of the regular Connecticut Army. After the war he was a gentleman farmer and active in the affairs of the town. He died at Farmington, Conn., June 5, 1857. She died at Farmington, Conn., Apr. 5, 1817. CHILDREN, COWLES. *697 Horace, b. Farmington. Conn., Oct. 18, 1782. *698 Timothy, b. Farmington, Conn., April. 24, 1784. *699 Lucy Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 20, 1789, *700 Richard, b. Farmington, Conn., baptized June 14, 1795. 701 Solomon, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 17, 1793; d. Farmington, Conn., April 1, 1795. *702 Solomon No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., bapt. April 24, 1796. 703 Samuel Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., March 5, 1798; graduated from Yale, 1821, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1824; died Feb. 1, 1827. Fifth Generation "1 310 Cynthia Hooker (Roger.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomasi), daughter of Roger and Anna (Kellogg) Hooker, of Farming- ton, Conn., born 1760, at Farmington, Conn.; married June 11, 1792, Rev. Allen Olcott, son of Capt. Josiah and Penelope (Beckwith) Olcott, of East Hartford, Conn., born Oct. 5, 1746, at East Hartford. He graduated from Yale college, 1768, studied for the ministry and was settled at Farmington, Conn., in 1787. His preaching is said to have been somewhat "quaint and erratic," and after four years at Farmington, he was dismissed and was never settled at any other place. After his dismissal he returned to his native place. East Hartford, and then settled upon a farm at South Manchester, Conn., and from the stories that are told of his farming methods we may infer that he was unique in his farming methods as in his preaching. Gov. Treadwell is said to have made this comment on Mr. Olcott's preaching: "He wan't much on the Doctrines, but he kinder got to the pint on't every time." He died at South Manchester, Conn., Apr. 19, 1811. She married No. 2, Capt. Samuel Alvord. He died at East Hartford, Conn. She died at East Hartford, Conn., June, 1827. CHILDREN, OLCOTT. 704 Charles, b. East Hartford, Conn., April 3. 1793; d. Medina Ohio. Unmarried ; graduated from Yale College, 1805 ; was a lawyer at Medina, Ohio — a clear, bold writer, and a great Anti-Slavery man. *70S Sidney, b. East Hartford, Conn., March 9. 1795. 706 Anna, b. East Hartford, Conn., April 26, 1797. 707 Cyntliia, b. So. Manchester, Conn., Aug. 4, 1799; d. West Hart- ford, Conn. ; m. Samuel Talcott (her cousin) ; for her record look under her husband's name. 708 Walter Hooker, b. So. Manchester, Conn., Sept. 6, 1802. 312 Thomas Hart (Mary,* James,-^ Sainuel,- Thomas^), son of Rev. John and Mary (Hooker) Hart, of Guilford, Conn., b. May 27, 1723, at East Guilford, Conn. ; m. Nov. 28, 1750, Concurrence F>artlett, daughter of Ebenezer Bartlett, of Guilford. Conn. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Feb. 26, 1813. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Oct. 30, 1813. CHILDREN, HART. 709 Mary, b. Guilford, Conn., Aug. 17, 1751; m. Nathaniel Dudley, March 12, 1777. He responded to the Lexington alarm, 1775, from Guilford. 710 Deborah, b. Guilford, Conn., May 22, 1753; m. Samuel Fairchild. July 26, 1775. He served in the Revolutionary War. 711 Rebecca, b. Guilford. Conn., Dec. 6, 1754; d. Guilford, Conn., Dec. 25, 1827 ; unmarried. 72 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 712 Ebenezer, b. Guilford, Conn,, Oct. 3, 1757. Killed at Leet's Island, Guilford, during skirmish, Revolutionary War, June 18, 1781. 713 Ruth, b. Guilford, Conn., April 23, 1760; m. Hooker Bartlett, Jr. (her cousin), Jan. 7, 1784. Her record is given under her hus- band's name. *714 Thomas, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 8, 1762. 715 Elizabeth, b. Guilford, Conn., July 17, 1765; m. Jonathan Parma- lee, Feb. IS. 1792. 716 Sarah, b. Guilford, Conn., June 8, 1768; d. June 29, 1825. *717 John, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 15, 1773. 314 Benjamin Hart (Mary,* Jamcs,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Rev. John and Marv (Hooker) Hart, of Guilford, Conn., b. June 1, 172.^ at Giiilford, Conn.; m. Nov. 21, 1750, Mabel Fowler, daugbter of Abrabam Fowler, of East Guilford, Conn. He d. Feb. 18, 1804. She d. Sept. 13, 1814. (East Guilford is now Madison). CHILDREN, HART. 718 Sarah, b. East Guilford, Conn., Aug. 6, 1751; d. Madison, Conn., Feb. 2, 1841. 719 James, b. East Guilford. Conn.. Feb. 27, 1753; d. Madison, Conn., Sept. 12, 1836. 720 John, b. East Guilford, Conn., March, 1755; d. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 1, 1756. 721 John No. 2, b. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 9, 1757; d. East Guil- ford, Conn., April 30. 1782. 722 Mabel, b. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1759 ; d. young. 723 Mabel No. 2, b. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1760; d. Aug. 13, 1822 724 Samuel, b. East Guilford, Conn., April 29. 1765; d. Nov. 2, 1820. *725 Benjamin, b. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 25, 1772. 317 Annie Bartlett (Sarah,* James,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of John and Sarah (Hooker) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Apr. 21, 1719. at Guilford; m. Dec. 8, 1736. Dr. Nathaniel Ruggles, son of Rev. Thomas Ruggles, of Guilford, Conn., b. MaV 16, 1713, at Guilford. He was a practicing physician at Guilford, where he d. Oct. 16, 1794. She d. May 15, 1773. CHILDREN. RUGGLES. *726 Nathaniel, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 7. 1737. 727 John. b. Guilford, Conn., Julv 24, 1739; d. Sept. 20, 1749. *72S Ann, b. Guilford. Conn.. Aug. 12, 1741. *729 Rebecca, b. Guilford, Conn., Aug. 13. 1743. 730 Thomas, b. Guilford, Conn.. Sept. 3, 1745; d. Sept. 20, 1745. 731 Huldah, b. Guilford, Conn.. Oct. 2, 1746; d. Dec. 11, 1746. *732 Huldah No. 2. b. Guilford. Conn.. Oct 5. 1747. 733 Mary, b. Guilford, Conn.. 1749: d. Dec. 28, 1755. 734 Sarah, b. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 16, 1755; d. March 6, 1755. *735 Mary No. 2. b. Guilford. Conn., 1758. 736 Sarah No. 2, b. Guilford, Conn., March 8, 1760, Fifth Generation 7-5 319 Hooker Bartlett (Sarah,-* James," Samuel," Thomasi), son of John and Sarah (Hooker) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 2, 1725, at Guilford; m. Feb. 1, 1749, Ruth Parmalee, daughter of Ebenezer and Anna (Crittenden) Parmalee, of Guilford, Conn., b. Mav 30, 1727, at Guilford. He d. at Guil- ford, Conn.. Jan. 29, 1767. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Feb. 24, 1787. CHILDREN, BARTLETT. *737 Ruth, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 1, 1751. 738 John, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 28, 1753; d. Guilford, Conn., Dec. 20, 1755. *739 Hooker, Jr., b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 15, 1755. *740 John No. 2, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 18, 1757. 741 Nathaniel, b. Guilford, Conn., March 8, 1759; d. Feb. 23, 1816. He served in the militia in the Revolutionary War. 742 Samuel, b. 1761 : d. Oct. 29, 1838. He served in the Revolutionary War. *743 William, b. Guilford, Conn., Dec. 31. 1763. *744 Sarah, b. Guilford, Conn., July 6, 1766. 320 William Hooker Smith (Mehitable,'' James,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. John and Mehitahle (Hooker) Smith, of White Plains, N. Y.,'born ]\Iar. 23. 1725, at White Plains; married Sarah Brown, daughter of Jonathan Brown, of Rye, N. Y., born Mar. 13, 1725. Mr. Smith studied medicine with his father, who was a practicing physician as well_ as a preacher. Dr. Smith served as a surgeon in the Revolutionary Army. They removed to Wyotriing Valley where he became a noted physician and where he died. Miner's History of Wyoming, lias a lengthy notice of him, but does not give any account of his family. The history of W'estchester County, N. Y., also gives notes upon the Siniths and also upon the Brownes, which was a particularly noted family of Beachworth, Kent County, Eng- land, founded by Sir Anthony Browne, who was created Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of Richard, II., but none of these books give any reliable account of Dr. Smith's family. Dr. Stnith has, hiinself, left a meagre account of his fainily in his old family Bible — published at Oxford, England, 1772,— which he credits to a record in his father's bible. In this account he commences with his great-grand-father, but apparently this ancestor was his great-great-grand-father. His name was William Smith, he served as a soldier in the army of Oliver Croinwell, and after the troubles were over, probably meaning the Restoration, he married Elizabeth Hartley, of Newport-Paquell, Buckinghamshire, and settled there and had a family of six children. Dr. Smith says that his grand-father 74 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker married Susannah Odell. daughter of a gentleman residing within four miles of Newport-Paquell (old England), and resided there for a time, but removed to New York when his son, John, father of Dr. W. H. Smith, was 13 years old. Dr. Smith records the death of his wife, Sarah (Browne) Smith: "My wife, Sarah, died on Friday, the 12th of June, 1778, about nine o'clock at night, was buried the 14th, follow- ing, on my own land at Jacob's Plains," etc. Dr. William Hooker Smith sub.sequently married again Nov. 22, 1779, Widow Margery Smith, at Susquehannah, and by this marriage had one child. He died July 17, 1815. CHILDREN, SMITH. 745 Mary, b. Rye, N. Y., March 13, 1744; tti. Baker, of New York City. *746 Sarah, b. Rve, N. Y.. June 17, 1747. *747 Susannah, b. White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 17, 17S0. 748 John, b. White Plains, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1752. 749 Martha, b. White Plains, N. Y., March 27. 1754. 750 James, b. White Plains, N. Y., May 1, 1757. Resided in New York state. 751 Elizabeth, b. White Plains, N. Y., June 4, 1759; m. Bailey. 752 Deborah, b. White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 22. 1761. 753 William, b. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1762. Was living at Wvndham, Wyoming Co., Pa., in 1845. 754 Jon.i'tlian, b. White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1764. By 2nd wife. 755 Susannah, b. March 22, 1782; m. No. 1, Isaac Osterhout; m. No. 2, Fisher Gay. 323 Susannah Smith (Mehitablc,* James,^ Samuel,^ Thom- asM, daughter of Rev. John and Meliitable (Hooker) Smith, of White Plains, N. Y., b. Oct. 5, 1729, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. May 16, 1750, Rev. Benjamin Tallmadge, b. Jan. 1, 1725_, at New Haven, Conn. He graduated from Yale college, 1747. He d. at Brook Haven, L. I., Feb. 5, 1786. She d. Apr. 21, 1768. He m. No. 2, Jan. 3, 1770, Zipporah Strong. She d. 1836. No children by second marriage. CHILDREN, T.\LLM.\DGE. By 1st wife. . , , , r 756 William, b. Oct. 17, 1752. Was taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776, and died in a British prison, 1776. *757 Benjamin (Major), b. Feb. 25, 1754. 758 Samuel, b. Nov. 23, 1755; d. April 1, 1825. 759 John, b. Sept. 19, 1757; d. Warren, Conn., Feb. 24, 1823; m. Phebe Pomeroy, Jan. 8, 1788. 750 Isaac, b. Feb. 25, 1762. Fifth Generation 75 330 Mehitable Smith (Mehitable,'* James,^ Samuel^ Thom- asi), daughter of Rev. John and Mehitable (Hooker) Smith, of White Plains, N. Y., b. June 22, 1744, at White Plains; m. Elisha Purdy (an Episcopal clergjman). Mr. Purdy was descended from Francis Purdy, who came from Yorkshire, England, to Fairfield, Conn., in 1658, with his two sons, Fran- cis and Joseph, who held commissions from the Crown as surveyors. He d. at Marlborough, N. Y. She d. at Marlbor- ough, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1833. CHILDREN, PURDY. *761 John Smith, b. Jan. 11, 1763. 762 Thomas. 763 James. 764 HeUie. 765 Charlotte. 766 Elizabeth, m. Thomas Dutcher Bingham. *767 Winifred. 768 Nancy. 769 Annie. 331 Abigail Smith (Mehitable.* James,3 Samuel,^ Thom- as'), daughter of Rev. John and Mehitable (Hooker) Smith, of White Plains, N. Y., b. Mar. 21, 1746. at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Jacob Purdy. He d. Dec. 20, 1822. She d. at White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1839. CHir.DREN, PURDY. *770 Levinah, b. July 7, 1765. *771 Henry, b. Oct. 3, 1767. *772 Susannah, b. Oct. 16, 1770. *n}, Winifred, b. Jan. 22. 1773. *774 Abigail, b. June 25, 1775. *775 Jacob, b. June 24, 1778. *776 John, b. Nov. 22, 1780. m Mehitable, b. April 19, 1783; d. Nov. 9, 1865; m. John Dusen- bury, Oct. 18, 18—. *778 Samuel, b. June 14, 1787. 779 Sarah, b. Sept. 17, 1791; d. March 11, 1870; m. Jacob G. Purdy, Jan. 2, 1811. They moved to Nova Scotia. 340 Alice Howard (Alice,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Samuel and Alice (Hooker) Howard, of Hartford, Conn.; m. Sept. 13, 1761, Thomas Hopkins, Jr. (his second wife). He d. Sept. 28, 1797. She d. Apr. 1},. '1778. CHILDREN, HOPKINS. 780 Mary, b. March, 1763; d. June 25, 1763. *> 76 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 781 Mnry No 2, b. Aug. 1764; in. Ashbel Wells, Jr. (2nd wife), Sept. 1794. *782 Jennet, b. May, 1766. 783 Sarah, b. June. 1769. 784 Jason, b. 1773; d. Savannah, Ga., 1798; m. Elizabeth. 785 Thomas. 341 Sarah Edwards (Sarah,* Nathaniel* Samuel.^ Thom- asi), daughter of Hon. Daniel and Sarah (Hooker) Edwards, of Hartford, Conn., b. 1739, at Hartford, Conn.: m. Dec. 14, 1758, George Lord, son of Richard and Ruth (Wyllys) Lord, of Wethersfield, Conn. They lived at Hartford, where Mr. Lord was a merchant. He d. at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1765. She d. at Hartford, Oct. 11, 1764. CHILDREN. LORD. 786 Georfje, b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 2, 1759; d, 1777. 7S7 Daniel, b. Hartford, Conn., July 5, 1761 ; d. Sept. 14, 1762. 788 Daniel No. 2. b. Hartford, Conn.; d. Hartford, Conn., young. 789 Daniel, No. 3, b. Hartford, Conn., d. Hartford, Conn., 1765. 346 Nathaniel Hooker (Rev.) (Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel,- ThomasM, son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Talcott) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., born Dec. 5, 1777, at Hartford, Conn. : married 1758, Ruth Skinner. They lived at Hartford West District, where he was the minister. He graduated from Yale, in 1755. In his will he provided that his only surviving child, ".should be sent to Boston" for a better and more polite education. On her return Ruth became a famous belle. He died at West Hartford, June 9, 1770. After his death, his widow married No. 2, Sept. 1, 1773, Fisher Gay, of Farming- ton, Conn. He died. She married No. 3, Thomas Goodman, of West Hartford. She died at West Hartford, Sept. 24, 1820. Rev. Mr. Hooker, in his family record, makes a note_ of his ancestor, Rev. Thomas Hooker, in which he makes allusion distinctly to Rev. Thomas Hooker's connection with the Hooker fainily of Exeter Devonshire, England. He also inci- dentally refers to Mr. Hooker's burial place as being "near where the old prison stood, it being the first burial ground of the town, though not long improved for that purpose." CHILDREN, HOOKER. 790 Eunice, b. West Hartford, Conn., Jan. 1762; d. West Hartford, Conn., Feb. 19, 1762. *791 Ruth, b. West Hartford. Conn., Jan. 1762. These two children were twins, bapt. Jan. 19, 1762. Fifth Generation ^' 347 Eunice Hooker (Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.^ Samuel 2 Thomas^), daughter of Nathaniel and Eunice (Talcott) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., b. 1740, at Hartford, Conn.; m. Nov. 27, 1760, John Ellery, son of John (a noted merchant from England) and Elizabeth (Ruck) Ellery, or as another gives the record, second wife, Mary (Austin) Ellery, of Hart- ford, Conn., b. Apr. 17, 1738. He graduated from Yale college, 1758. He d. at Hartford, Conn., Apr. 14, 1764. She d. July 8, 1800. CHILD, ELLERY. *792 Eunice, b. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 23, 1762. 348 James Hooker (Capt.) (Nathaniel,'* Nathaniel,'' Sam- uel," Thomas^), son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Talcott) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., born Aug. 15, 1742, at Hartford; married No. 1, Jan. 6, 1763, Hannah Allin, daughter of Alexander and Hannah Allin, of Windsor, Conn., born July 14, 1743. She died at Windsor, Apr. 19, 1765. He married No. 2, Apr. 30, 1777, Dolly Goodwin, daughter of Daniel Goodwin, of Hart- ford. She died at Windsor, Feb. 9, 1784, leaving no children. He married No. 3, Nov. 7, 1784, Mary Chaffee, daughter of Dr. Hezekiah Chaft'ee, of Windsor, C-onn. He was a merchant of Hartford and Windsor, having with his brothers succeeded to his father's business at Hartford, and established the business at Windsor. For an account of these business connections, see Stiles New History of Wind- sor. The Windsor firm became Hooker and Chaffee, consisting of James Hooker, silent partner, Horace Hooker, brother of James, and John Chaffee, a brother of James Hooker's third wife. Before the Revolutionary War this was one of the largest and most flourishing mercantile houses of New Eng- land, and transacted much business for the Colonial Govern- ment. James Hooker was commissioned a Captain, and all the firm were devoted patriots and gave freely of their means for the assistance of the Colonial cause and at the end of the war were seriously embarrassed. Subsequently their heavy losses by the French and Spanish spoliations caused their failure and the dissolution of the famous firm, and scattering of its members. He died at Windsor, Conn., Dec. 10, 1805. She died at Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1846. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. 793 Alexander Allin, b. Windsor, Conn., Nov. 30, 1763; d. Windsor, Conn., March 20, 1781. 78 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker By 3rd marriage. *794 Hannah Allin, b. Windsor, Conn., Sept. 4, 1785. *795 Dolly Goodwin, b. Windsor, Conn., July 30, 1787. *796 Alexander Allin, No. 2, b. Windsor, Conn., Oct. 30, 1789. *797 James, b. Windsor, Conn., July 12, 1792. *798 Horace, b. Windsor, Conn., July 5, 1794. *799 Mary Chaffee, b. Windsor, Conn., March 31, 1796. 800 Eliza, b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 10, 1798; d. Meriden, Conn., March 21, 1877 ; unmarried ; buried at Windsor, Conn, *801 Henry Thomas, b. Windsor, Conn., July 13, 1803; d. Syracuse, N. y., Oct. 1, 1893; m. Mary Brown Cobb, July 5, 1838. 350 Horace Hooker (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel," Thomasi), son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Talcott) Hooker, of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 24, 1746, at Hartford ; m. Aug. 2, 1769, Elizabeth Filer, daughter of Samuel and Ann Filer, of Wind- sor, Conn., b. Oct. 25, 1750, at Windsor. He was a meinber of the great firm of Hookers and Chaiifee, and after their reverses he removed to Western New York and finally settled at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., and engaged in business there. He d. at Herkimer, N. Y., May 29, 1813. She died at Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1813. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *802 Mary, b. Windsor, Conn., Nov. 26, 1771. *803 Hannah, b, Windsor, Conn., Jan. 15, 1773. 804 Nathaniel, b. Windsor, Conn., April 16, 1775; d. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., 1810; unmarried. He was a merchant at Sacketts Har- bor. 805 Ann, b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 16, 1778; d. Herkimer, N. Y., April, 1840. *806 Samuel Filer, b. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 6, 1780. 807 Harry, b. Windsor, Conn., July 3, 1784; d. Pillow Point, N. Y., April 24, 1868; unmarried. He was buried at Sacketts Harbor. 808 Eunice, b. Windsor, Conn., Nov. 6, 1786; d. Herkimer, N. Y., Age 28, May 15, 1814; unmarried. 351 Evelyn Pierpont (James Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of James and Anne (Sherman) Pierpont, of New Haven, Conn., born Mar. 16, 1755, at New Haven ; married Mar. 1780, Rhoda Collins, daughter of Charles Collins, of Litchfield, Conn. She was a grand-daughter of Rev. Tim- othy Collins, the fourth settled tninister of Litchfield, Conn., they were also descended from William Hyde, who came to New England with Rev. Thomas Hooker, and also from Gov. William Leete. Mr. Pierpont was an officer of the Revolutionary War and a friend-compatriot of Col. Noadiah Hooker. After the Rev- olutionary War, Mr. Pierpont settled as a farmer at Litchfield, Conn., but becoming reduced in circumstances he found em- Fifth Generation 79 ployment at Yale college (of which he was a graduate) and continued in it until his death. Evelyn Pierpont was the legitimate heir to the titles, honors, and estates of the Duke of Kingston, England, his line of descent and hereditary right having been fully estab- lished, but being an American the English Parliament refused to recognize the family. He died at New Haven, Conn., Feb. 23, 1810. She died at Livonia, N. Y., 1845. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 809 Sophia H., b. Litchfield, Conn., March 9, 1785; d. New Haven; m. Jacob Goodsell, Nov. 1801. 810 Philena. b. Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 29, 1787; d. New Haven, Conn.; m. Hezekiah Davenport. 811 Anna Sherman, b. Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 3, 1789; d. 1874; m. Richard James. 812 Evelyn, b. Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 2, 1790; d. at sea during the war of 1812. 813 Hezekiah Beers, b. Litchfield, Conn., July 28, 1792; d. Rochester, N. Y., 1872. Buried at Avon, N. Y., where he had formerly been a minister; m. Mary Mulloy, May 29, 1814. 814 James, b. New Haven, Conn., July 11, 1795; d. New Orleans, La., 1823. Killed in a duel. 815 William, b. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 20, 1797; d. Te.xas ; m. No. 1, Sophronia Frisbie; ra. No. 2, Widow Austin. 816 Frances Edwards, b. Fair Haven, Conn., Oct. 15. 1800; m. Luther R. Lassellc, July 5, 1824. 817 Frederick Wolcott. b. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 17, 1802; d. New Haven, Conn., May 5, 1877 ; m. Hannah Eliza Becker, Oct. 30, 1825. 818 Lorenzo, b. New Haven, Conn.. March 23. 1805. Was an officer in the U. S. navy; d. on U. S. Sloop Cyaiie in Florida War. 819 Elizabeth, b. New Haven, Conn., April. 23, 1807; m. William McCoy. 352 Robert Pierpont (James Pierpont,'* Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of James and Anna (Sherman) Pierpont, b. June 13, 1757, at New Haven: m. Oct. 11, 1780, Lois Collins, daughter of Charles Collins, of Litchfield, Conn., and sister of Rhoda Collins, who married his brother, Evelyn, b. Oct. 11, 1757, at Litchfield, Conn. About 1795 they removed to Manchester, Vt. He d. at Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1835. She d. at Manchester, Vt., May 5, 182(5. Both buried at Man- chester, Vt. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 820 Frances, b. Litchfield, May 29, 1782; d. Aug. 29, 1843. Buried at Manchester, Vt. ; m. Richard Skinner (later governor of Ver- mont), Sept. 18, 1803. 821 Nancy, b. Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 24. 1784; d. Dimkirk, N. Y., 1868; m. Dr. Ezra Isham, June 21, 1801. 80 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 822 Esther, b. May 14, 1787; d. Manchester, Vt., 1833; in. Calvin Sheldon. 823 Laura, b. Jan. 30, 1791; d. New Haven, Conn., 1873; buried at Manchester, Vt. ; m. Anson J. Sperry. 824 Julia, b. Harwinton, Conn., March 9, 1793; d. Washington, D. C, June 21, 1878; m. No. 1, Richard H. Warne; m. No. 2, Dr. E. Marks. 353 James Pierrpont (James Pierpont,^ Mary,-^ 531111161,2 ThomasM. son of James and Anna (Sherman) Pierpont, of New Haven, Conn., born Jan. 4, 1761, at New Haven; married Sept. 24, 1782, Elizabeth Collins, daughter of Charles, of Litch- field, Conn., and sister of Rhoda and Lois Collins, wives of his brothers, born Sept. 25, 1755, at Litchfield, Conn. She died at Litchfield, Conn., July 28, 1815. He married No. 2, Dec. 16, 1817, Lucy Crossnian. Some branches of the fatiiily spell the name Pierrepont, which was probably the original spelling, others retain the Pierpont as Rev. James, of New Haven spelled it. He died at Litchfield, Conn., 1840. She died, 1835. CHILDREN, PIERREPONT. 825 Sherman, b. Litchfield, Conn., June 29, 1783; drowned in Lake Erie, May 7, 1836; ni. Dec. 1, 1807. 826 John, b. Litchfield, Conn., April 6, 1785; d. 1866; married twice. 827 Sarah B. b. Litchfield, Conn., 1787; d. Litchfield, Conn., young. 828 Elizabeth, b. Litchfield, Conn., May 28, 1790; m. Rev. J. Langdon. 829 Sarah B, No. 2, b. Litchfield, Conn., 1794; d. Brooklyn, N. Y.; ni. Coggeshall. 830 Abby, b. Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 13, 1797; m. Rev. J. Langdon (2nd wife). (His first wife was her sister Elizabeth). 831 James, d. young. 832 James Morris, b. Litchfield. Conn.. 1800; d. 1839; m. S. Harrison. 354 David Pierrepont (James Pierpont,^ Mary,'' Samuel," Thomas'), son of James and Anna (Sherman) Pierpont. of New Haven, b. July 26, 1764, at New Haven, Conn.; m. Sarah Phelps, daughter of Edward and Phelps, of Litch- field, Conn., b. Oct. 4, 1760, at Litchfield, Conn. Thev lived at Litchfield, where he d. Feb. 1826. She d. 1851. CHILDREN, PIERREPONT. 833 David, b. Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 19, 1788; d. April 3, 1862; m. Sally Palms. 834 Robert, b. Litchfield, Conn., May 4, 1791 ; d. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 23, 1864; m. Abby Raymond. 835 Edward, b. Litchfield, Conn., July 1. 1793; d. Aug. 9, 1871; m. Olive Blakeslee. 836 Warren, b. Litchfield, Conn., Aug. 7, 1795; m. Polly Blakeslee, Feb. 1823. Fifth Generation 81 837 Sarah B., b. Litchfield, Conn., Aug. 21, 1727; d. Bay City, Mich.; m. Greene. 838 William, b. Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 3L 1800; d. Watertown, N. Y., 1859. 839 Charles, b. Litchfield, Conn., May 22, 1802; d. Allen Hill, Ontario Co., N. Y., Oct. 3L 1875. 840 Tolm. b. Litchfield, Conn., Sept. 10, 1805 841 Laura E., 1>. Litchfield, Conn., Sept. 12, 1807; d. Bennnigton, Mich., March 16, 1878; m. Bancroft. 357 Esther Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,3 Samuel,^ Thomas! ), daughter of Rev. William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell, of Middletown, Conn., b. at Middletown, Conn.; m. Samuel Johnson, of Middletown. CHILD, JOHNSON. 842 Samuel, m. Lucy Atkins. 358 William Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell, of Middletown, Conn., b. July 23, 1725, at Middletown. Grad- uated from Yale College, 174.5. Was Tutor at Yale 1749-50. Settled at the First Church Windsor, Conn., Feb. 1751, and remained there until his death in 1774; m. about 1754. Abigail Andrews, of Milford, Conn. She d. at Windsor. He m. No. 2, Jan. 18, 1770, Abigail Newberry, of Windsor, Conn. CHILDREN, RUSSELL. 843 William Andrews, b. Windsor, Conn., about 1755; graduated from Yale College, 1774; d. 1786. 844 Samuel Andrews, b. Windsor, Conn. 845 Abigail, b. Windsor, Conn.; d. in infancy. 846 Abigail No. 2, b. Windsor. Conn. ; m. John N. Mather. Mr. Mather above was regimental quartermaster of Col. Webb's additional regiment. Continental Troops, Revolutionary Army, commissioned by state of Connecticut, Jan. 1st, 1777; died in the service, Nov., 1778. 847 James, b. Windsor, Conn., d. in infancy. 359 Samuel Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel.^ Thomas^), son of Rev. William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell, of Middletown, Conn., b. at Middletown; m. Ruth Whitman. CHILDREN, RUSSELL. 848 Ruth, d. young. 849 Polly. 8.S0 John. 851 William. 852 Esther. 853 Jacob. 854 Samuel. 6 82 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 360 Noadiah Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell, of Midletown, Conn. ; m. 1758, Esther Talcott. He graduated from Yale college, in 1750, and was pastor of the church at Thompson, Conn., in 1757, and remained there until his death. CHILDREN, RUSSELL. 855 Noadiah, d. young. 856 Mathew Talcott, d. 1828; m. Mary Huntington. 857 Esther. 858 Sarah. 859 Abigail. 860 Joseph. 361 Sarah Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,* Sanniel.s Thoinas'). daughter of William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell, of Middletown, Conn. ; m. Dr. Edmund G. Ravvson, of Middle- town. CHILD, RAWSON. 861 Sarah. 362 Mehitable Russell (Mary Pierpont,* Mary,* Sainuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of William and Mary (Pierpont) Russell of Middletown, Conn., born 1735, at Middletown, Conn.; married Nov. 19, 1754, Jeremiah Wadsworth, of Hartford, Conn., son of Rev. Daniel Wadsworth (pastor of the First Church, of Hartford, from 1732 to 1747). Colonel Jeremiah Wadsworth was the famous Commissary- General of the Revolutionary War, and a great financier, a friend of Alexander Hamilton. He was descended from Elizabeth Standley, daughter of John Standley, of Farmington, Conn., and sister of Abigail Standley, who married John Hooker, therefore a degree of relationship existed through the Standley blood, between this branch of the Wadsworth family and descendents from John Hooker, Esq., of Farmington, and the cousinship also existed through Hooker blood between these Hooker descendents, and Mehitable Russell, wife of Col. Wadsworth. He was a mer- chant at Hartford, and was one of the few men to whom the Revolutionary War proved a source of wealth. He died at Hartford. CHILDREN, WADSWORTH. 862 Daniel, b. Hartford, Conn,, d. Hartford, Conn., 1848; m. Faith Trumbull. 863 Catherine, b. Hartford. Conn., 1774; m. Nathaniel Terry. 864 Harriet, b. Hartford, Conn., 1774; d. Bermuda. Fifth Generation 83 365 Samuel Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,-* Mary,' Samuel,^ TliomasM, son of Josc-ph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont, of North Haven, Conn., born Apr. 16, 1729, at North Haven; married Nov. 5, 1751, Elizabeth Frost, daughter of Mary (Tuttle) Frost, of New Haven, born Mar. 3, 1728, at New Haven. Mr. Pierpont carried on brick making as a business. He was one of the founders and a Senior Warden of "St. John's, Church of England" and continued so until his death. The Rector and most of the members of this church were Royalists during the Revolutionary War, but after the war they became loyal to the new condition of affairs and few men were more respected than Samuel Pierpont. He died at North Haven, Dec. 24, 1820. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 865 Elizabeth, b. North Haven, Conn., July 3, 1752. 866 Hannah, b. North Havan, Conn., June 16, 1754. 867 Samuel, b. North Haven, Conn., May 16, 1756: d. 1821. 868 Theodore, b. North Haven, Conn., Feb. 22, 1758. 869 Mehitable, b. North Haven, Conn., June 2, 1760. 870 James, b. North Haven, Conn., 1761 ; d. North Haven, Conn., 1816. 871 Eli, b. North Haven, Conn., Aug. 5, 1763. 365 Joseph Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,^ Mary,^ Samuel- Thomas'), son of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont. of North Haven, Conn., born Sept. 13, 1730, at North Haven; married Lydia Bassett. I\lr. Pierpont graduated from Yale college, in 1751, and became a very prominent man in his native town. He was for 59 years parish clerk, was a strong friend of Rev. Samuel Andrews, the founder of Episcopacy, or as it was then called, Church of England, the naine Episcopal not coming into use until after the Revolutionary War. Mr. Pierpont was the first Episcopalian to receive the appointinent of the Justice of the Peace from the Connecticut Legislature. Mr. Pierpont was one of the earliest builders of a grist mill in that vicinity, in business he was a farmer and a general trader. A curious experience fell to Mr. Pierpont in his church activity. For a number of years he was an officer of the Congregational Church at North Haven, he then resigned his position and membership to join the Church of England, in which he was elected parish clerk, the church however refused to accept his resignation and elected him clerk and for four years he served in the official position in both churches. He was for many 84 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker years Representative in the State Assembly. He died at North Haven, Conn., Feb. 8, 1824. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 872 Ezra. b. North Haven, Conn., July 11, 1757. 873 Joseph, b. North Haven, Conn., April 28, 1760. 874 Russell, b. North Haven, Conn., May 17, 1763. 875 Lydia, b. North Haven, Conn., Nov. 18, 1766. 876 Lucy, b. North Haven, Conn., Oct. 20, 1771. 877 Daniel, b. North Haven, Conn., May 16, 1775. 367 James Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel,- ThomasM. son of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont, of North Haven, Conn., b. Oct. 2, 1732, at North Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 878 Thomas. 879 John. 880 James. 881 Elinda. 369 Benjamin Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,* Mary ,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont, of North Haven, Conn., b. Jan. 7, 1733, at North Haven ; m. Oct. 17, 1765, Sarah Blakeslee. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 882 Benjamin, b. Sept. 4, 1766. 883 Philemon. 370 Hannah Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pier- pont, of North Haven, Conn., b. Nov. 12, 1736, at North Haven, Conn.; m. July 24, 1755, Abel Brockett, of North Haven, Conn., b. 1725, at North Haven, Conn. They lived at North Haven, Conn. He d. about 1788. She d. Apr. 16, 1816. CHILDREN, BROCKETT. 884 Lucy, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. March, 1763. 885 Timothy, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Nov. 10, 1766. Removed to Galway, N. Y. 886 Hezekiah, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Aug. 20, 1769. Removed to Hamden, Conn. 887 Peter, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Jan. 12, 1772. 888 Hannah, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. May 15, 1774. 889 Chauncy, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. March, 1777. 890 Lyman, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Sept. 7, 1780. Fifth Generation 85 371 Mary Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont/ Mary ,3 Samuelr ThomasM, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pier- pont, of North Haven, Conn., b. Oct. 20, 1738, at North Haven, Conn.; m. Mar. 13, 1756, Richard Brockett, son of Moses and Ann (Grannis) Brockett, of North Haven, Conn., b. 1727, at North Haven. Thev lived at North Haven, where she d. June 21, 1773. CHILDREN, BROCKETT. 891 Giles, b. North Haven, Conn., Apr. 30, 1761 ; m. Sarah Smith. 892 Lydia, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Jan. 22, 1764. 893 Jesse, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Jan. 16, 1770; d. Jan. 17, 1770. 894 Richard, b. North Haven, Conn., bapt. Feb. 21, 1768. 895 Jesse No. 2, d. Feb. 23, 1772. 896 Mary, d. 1773. 372 Giles Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,'* Mary,-"* Samuel,* Thomas>), son of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont, of North Haven, Conn., born June 4, 1741, at North Haven, Conn. Giles Pierpont was accounted to be the wealthiest man in North Haven, he was one of the nine persons possessing a silver watch, he paid taxes on six "Smokes," i.e. chimneys, but whether they were all on his own house or not, is not stated, but if they were, his residence might be styled palatial with its six chimneys. The custom of building additions to the original house for the accommodation of children's families may furnish a solu- tion to the query, but the probability is that he owned more than one house. He died 1832. CHILD, PIERPONT. 897 Joel. 898 Zerah. 899 Giles, b. May 1, 1783. 374 Hezekiah Pierpont (Joseph Pierpont,'' Mary ,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Joseph and Hannah (Russell) Pierpont, of North Haven, Conn., b. Sept. 27, 1745, at North Haven, Conn. ; m. CHILD, PIERPONT. 900 Isaac. 376 Sarah Edwards (Sarah Pierpont,'' Mary ,3 Samuel, ^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) 86 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Edwards, of Northampton, Mass., b. Aug. 25, 1728; m. June 11, 1750, Elihu Parsons, Esq., of Stockbridge, Mass., and Goshen, Mass. He d. at Stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 22, 1785. She d. at Goshen, Mass., May 15, 1805. CHILDREN, P.\RSONS. 901 Ebenezer, b. 1751 ; d. 1751. 902 Esther, b. Aug. 17, 1752; d. Nov. 17, 1774. 903 Elihu, b. Dec. 9, 1753; d. Aug. 1804. 904 Eliphalet, b. June, 1756; d. 1813. 905 Lydia, b. June 15, 1757; d. Lee, Mass.; m. Aaron Ingersoll. 906 Lucretia. b. Aug. 3, 1759 ; d. Pittsfield. Vt. 907 Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1760; d. Lee, Mass.; in. Denis or David Ingersoll. 908 Lucy, b. Oct, 14, 1762; m. Joshua Ketchuin. 909 Jonathan, b. 1764; d. infancy. 910 Jerusha, d. in infancy. 911 Jerusha, No. 2, b. May, 1766; d. Victor, N. Y. ; m. Ira Seymour. 378 Esther Edwards (Sarah Pierpont,* Mary,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards, of Northampton, Mass., born Feb. 13, 1732, at Northampton; married Jan. 20, 1752, Rev. Aaroti Burr, of Fairfield. Conn., born Jan. 4, 1715. He graduated from Yale college, 1735, was pastor of the church in Newark, N. J., and chosen President of "Nassau Hall" then located in Newark, Oct. 1738, when he died. Rev. Jonathan Edwards was chosen his successor. Dr. Green said "No clergyman in the state of New Jersey was probably ever more beloved and respected and influential than President Burr." Knapp says in his notice of his wife, "President Burr was a scholar of high acquirements, admired for his eloquence, his readiness in business, his deep and fervid piety, as well as for his knowledge of the great doctrines of religion. He was a pattern of meekness and of evangelical piety. He was a friend of Whitfield, accompanied hiin to Boston and preached when Whitfield was exhausted." "Mrs. Burr was beautiful, accomplished, pious and learned. She was eloquent and fascinating, and wrote with genius and facility." Note. This query suggests itself, Aaron Burr, had behind him these parents. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, Rev. James Pier- pont, Rev. Samuel Hooker, Rev. Thomas Hooker, and perhaps other Reverends. How then shall we account for the very bad reputation which historians give to Aaron Burr? Has he been misrepresented in history, or is history true and he was simply a personification of this concentration of ultra religious ancestry? Fifth Generation 87 Mrs. Burr and her father were inoculated at the same time for small-pox of which President Edwards died, and Mrs. Burr, having partially recovered, had a relapse and soon fol- lowed him. He died' at Princeton, N. J., Sept. 24, 1757. She died at Princeton, N. J., Apr. 7, 1758. CHILDREN, BURR. 912 Sarah, m. Hon. Tapping Reeve. 913 Aaron, b. Princeton, N. J., Feb. 6, 1756: d. Staten Island, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1836; m. No. 1 Theodosia Prevost. No. 2. Madame Jnmel. He killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel July, 1804. 379 Mary Edwards (Sarah Pierpont,* Mary,^ Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards, of Northampton, Mass., b. Apr. 7, 1734, at North- ampton, Mass. ; m. Nov. 8, 1750, Timothy Dwight, Esq. He graduated from Yale college, 1744. She d. Feb. 1807. CHILDREN, DWIGHT. 914 Timothy, b. May 3, 1752; m. Margaret Woolsey, March 3, 1777. President of Yale College. 915 Sereno Edwards, b. Dec. 19. 1754; d. 1783; m. Cynthia Lyman. 916 Erastus, b. Sept. 3, 1756; d. 1825. 917 Jonathan Edwards, b. Jan. 19, 1759; d. about 1800. 918 Maurice William, b. Dec. 15. 1760; d. Yellow fever, Aug. 11, 1796; m. Margaret DeWitt, 1789. 919 Sarah, b. May 29, 1761; d. Mar. 7, 1805; m. Nathan or Seth Storrs. 920 Theodore, b. Dec. 16, 1764; m. Abigail Alsop. 921 Mary, b. Jan. 9. 1763; m. No. 1, Lewis Richard Morris, 1786; m. No. 2, William Hale. 922 Fidelia, b. Aug. 7, 1768; m. Jonathan Edwards Porter (cousin), Jan. 16. 1793. 923 Nathaniel, b. Jan. 31, 1770; m. Rebecca Robbins, June 24, 1798. 924 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29. 1772; d. Dec. 8, 1813; m. William Walter Woolsey, April 2, 1792. 925 Cecil, b. June 20, 1774; d. Nov. 26, 1859; m. Mary Clapp, June 1798. 926 Henry Edwin, b. Sept. 20, 1776; d. May 1824; m. Electra Centre, 1802. 380 Lucy Edwards (Sarah Pierpont,'* Mary,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards, of Northampton, Mass., b. Aug. 31, 1736, at North- ampton ; m. June 7, 1764, Jahleel Woodbridge, of Stockbridge, Mass. They lived at Stockbridge. He d. at Stockbridge, Mass., Aug.'l3, 1796. She d. at Stockbridge. Mass., Sept. 18, 1786. CHILDREN, WOODBRIDGE. 927 Stephen, b. March 12, 1765. 928 Jonathan, b. Jan. 24, 1767. The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 929 Lucy, b. April 14, 1769; in. Jonathan Edwards, Nov. 2, 1788. 930 Joseph, b. Jiilv 22, 1771. 931 Elizabeth, b. April 14, 1773. 932 Sarah Edwards, b. June 17, 1775. 933 John Elliot, b. June 24, 1777. 934 Ann, b. Nov. 6, 1779. 935 Timothy, b. Nov. 23, 1783. 381 Timothy Edwards (Hon.) (Sarah Pierpont,* Mary,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pier- pont) Edwards of Northampton, Mass., b. at Northampton, July 25, 1738; graduated from Princeton, 1757; in. Sept. 25, 1760, Rhoda Ogden, daughter of Robert Ogden of Elizabeth- town, N. J., b.'Sept. 28, "l741. They lived at Elizabethtown, N. J., where he practised law, until about 1770, when they re- moved to Stockbridge, Mass. He becarne a judge. He died at Stockbridge, Mass. Oct. 27, 1813. She died Nov. 2, 1822. CHILDREN, EDWARDS. 936 Sarah, b. Elizabethtown, N. J., July 11, 1761; d. 1843; m. No. 1, Beniamin Chaplin; m. No. 2, Daniel Tyler. 937 Edward, b. Elizabethtown, N. J., Jan. 20, 1763 ; m. Mercy Ballard, Stockbridge, Mass. 938 Jonathan, b. Elizabethtown, N. J., Oct. 16, 1764; m. Lucy Wood- bridge (his cousin). 939 Richard, b. Elizabethtown, N. J., March, 1767; m. Allavisa Grif- fin. 940 Phebe, b. Elizabethtown, N. J., Nov. 4. 1768; m. No. 1, Rev. Asahel Hooker, June 11, 1792; m. No. 2, Samuel Farrar. 941 William, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 11, 1770; m. Rebeccah Tappan. 942 Robert Ogden, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Sept. 30, 1772; d. young. 943 Timothy, b. Stockbridge, Mass., July 12, 1774; m. Sarah Haigh, London, Eng. He was a sea captain. 944 Mary Ogden, b. Stockbridge, Mass., April 9, 1776; d. Stock- bridge, Mass., young. 945 Rhoda, b. Stockbridge, Mass., May 7, 1778; m. Jonah Dwight, March 1, 1798. 946 Elizabeth, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 15. 1780; d. July 12, 1855. 947 Mary, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 15, 1780; m. Mason Whiting, Binghamton, N. Y., April 25, 1800. 948 Anna, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Feb. 2, 1784; m. Ashley Williams, Hadlev, Mass. 949 Robert Burr, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Sept. 14, 1787; m. Hannah Pomeroy, of Northampton, Mass. 382 Susannah Edwards (Sarah Picrpont,* Mary,^ Samuel, - Thomas'), datighter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards of Northampton, Mass., b. June 21, 1740, at North- ampton; m. Sept. 17, 1761, Hon. Eleazer Porter, Jr. (his 2d wife), son of Justice Eleazer and Sarah (Pitkin) Porter of Fifth Generation 89 Hadley, Mass., b. June 27, 1728. He died May 27, \797. She died 1803. CHILDREN, PORTER. 950 Eleazer, b. June 14, 1762; d. March 2, 1849; m. Mary Keyes, 1783. 951 William, b. Dec. 9, 1763; d. Nov. 6. 1847; in. No. 1, Lois East- man. Dec. 9, 1788; m. No. 2, Charlotte Williams, June 10. 1794. 952 Jonathan Edwards, b. May 17, 1766; d. March 24, 1821; m. Fidelia Dwight (cousin), Jan. 16, 1793. He graduated from Harvard, 1786. 953 Moses, h. Sept. 19, 1768; d. May 24, 1854; m. Amy Colt, Aug. 30, 1791. 954 Tohn, b. July 27, 1772; d. Aug. 7, 1772. 955 Pierpont, b. June 12, 1775; d. Jan. 15, 1805; m. Hannah Higgins, East Windsor, Conn., 1796. 383 Eunice Edwards (Sarah Pierpont.* Mary,^ Samiiel,^ Thomas! ), daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards of Northampton, Mass., b. May 9, 1743, at Northainp- ton ; m. Jan. 1764, Thomas Pollock of Newberne, N. C. He died 1777. She married No. 2, 1780, Robert Hunt of Eliza- beth, N. J. She died at Newberne, N. C, Sept. 9, 1822. CHILDREN. POLLOCK. 956 Elizabeth, ni. Williams. 957 Helen. 958 Thomas. 959 Frances ; m. John Devereaiix. 960 George. 384 Jonathan Edwards Jr. (D. D.) (Sarah Pierpont,* ]\Iary,3 Samuel.^ Thomasi), son of Rev. Jonathan Edwards and Sarah (Pierpont) Edwards of Northampton, Mass., b. May 26, 174.S, at Northampton. He fjradiiated from Prince- ton, 1765, settled pastor of the 2d Church at New Haven, Conn.; m. Oct. 4, 1770, Mary Porter, dausjhter of Hon. Eleazer and Sarah (Pitkin) Porter of Hadley, Mass. She was drowned at New Haven, Conn. June 10, 1782. He married No. 2, Dec. 18, 1783. Mrs. Mary Sabins. Porter calls her daug-hter of Hezekiah and Mercy Sabins. Mr. Edwards is styled, a man of most profound talents and an eminent controversial writer. He is said to have been almost as enigmatical as his father. His wife was sister of Hon. Eleazer Porter, who married Su- sannah Edwards, her husband's sister. He was dismissed from the church in New Haven in 1795, and settled at Colebrook, Conn., where he remained until May 1799, when he was chosen President of Union College. He died Aug. 1, 1801. 90 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, EDWARDS. 961 Jonathan Walters, b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 5, 1772; m. Eliza- beth Lyon, Nov. 29, 1797. 962 Mary, b. New Haven, Conn., June 23, 1773 ; m. James J. Hoyt, Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1800. 963 Jonathan, b. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 20, 1775; d. Feb. 21, 1775. 964 Jerusha, b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 3, 1776; m. Rev. Calvin Chapin, of Rocky Hill, Conn., Feb. 2, 1795. 386 Pierpont Edwards (Sarah Pierpont,* Mary,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Pierpont) Ed- wards of Northampton, Mass., b. April 8, 1750, at Northamp- ton; in. May 1769, Frances Ogden, daughter of Moses. She died July 7, 1800. He married No. 2, Mary Tucker. He grad- uated from Princeton College 1768, and saw active service in the Revolutionary War. He becaine an eminent lawyer of Connecticut, was Judge of the U. S. Court, member of Con- gress, etc. He died at Bridgeport, Conn., April 14, 1826. CHILDREN, EDW.\RDS. 965 Mary, b. 1770; d. 1775. 966 Susan, b. 1771 ; m. Samuel William Johnson, Stratford, Conn., 1791. 967 Henry Waggaman, b. 1773; d. young. 968 Mary, b. 1775; d. young. 969 John Stark, b. 1777; m. Louisa JNlorris (his cousin). 970 Henry Waggaman No. 2. b. _1779; d. 1847; m. Lydia Miller; graduated from Princeton. 1797. 971 Moses Ogden, b. 1781; m. Hannah Penfield. 972 Henry Alfred Pierpont, b. 1784; m. Deborah Glover. 973 Henrietta Frances, b. 1786; ni. Eli Whitney (inventor of Cotton Gin). 974 Horace. 975 Sally, m. Hon. William Bristol, Judge of U. S. Dis't Court. 388 John Pierpont (Hezekiah Pierpont,* Mary ,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lydia (Heminenway) Pier- pont, of New Haven, Conn., b. June 1, 1741. at New Haven ; in. Dec. 29, 1767, at New Haven, Sarah Beers, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Nichols) Beers of New Haven, Conn., b. Oct. 29, 1744, at New Haven, Conn. Note. — She was a sister of Capt. Nathan Beers who com- manded the guard over Major Andre, at his trial and execu- tion. At Mr. Pierpont's marriage they settled in a new man- sion erected in 1767 on land originally deeded by the town of New Haven to his grandfather. Rev. James Pierpont. in 1685. This house is now occupied by his descendants, and this town deed is the only conveyance that intervenes between its pres- ent owners and the aboriginal Indians from whom it was pur- Fifth Generation 91 chased more than 250 years ago. He died at New Haven, Conn. 1805. She died at New Haven, Conn. April 15, 1835. CHILDREN, PIERPONT. 976 Hezekiah, b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 3, 1768; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1838; m. Anna Maria Constable, Jan. 21, 1802. 977 Sarah, b. New Haven, Dec. 26, 1770; d. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 11, 1772. 978 Sarah, No. 2, b. New Haven, Conn., April 3, 1774; d. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 12, 1778. 979 Hannah, b. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 20, 1776; m. Rev. Claudius Herrick. 980 Polly, b. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 20, 1776; d. New Haven, Conn., April, 1777. 981 Marv, b. New Haven, Conn., April 3. 1778; m. No. 1, Edward O'Brien, Nov. 11, 1796; No. 2, Eleazer Foster. Jan. 12, 1806. 982 John, b. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 8, 1780; d. April 12, 1836. 983 Nathan Beers, b. New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 18, 1782; d. Jan. 12, 1803. 984 Henry, b. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 18, 1785. 389 Daniel Hooker (Daniel,* Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hart- ford, Conn., b. 1730. at West Hartford. Conn.; m. No. 1, Mary Sedgwick, daughter of Stephen Sedgwick. He was a farmer and physician at West Hartford. She died at West Hartford, April 7, 1791. He married No. 2, Widow Eliza (Harris) Wil- cox. No children by this marriage. He died at West Hart- ford, Sept. 12, 1802. CHILDREN, HOOKER. Son, not named, born and died the same day. *985 Caroline, b. West Hartford, 1753. *986 Mary. b. 'West Hartford. 1754. 987 Thomas, b. 'West Hartford, 1756; d. West Hartford, July 22, 1758. 988 Elizabeth, b. West Hartford, 1758; m. Timothy Fisher, Oct. 16, 1786. 989 Daniel, b. West Hartford, 1760; d. West Hartford, 1842. Was never married. He was a physician like his predecessors, and he was a Revolutionary soldier, and pensioner. 990 Hannah, b. West Hartford. 1762; m. Roger Clark. 991 John, b. West Hartford, 1765; d. 1777. *992 Nathaniel, b. West Hartford, 1767. 993 Sarah, b. West Hartford; m. Lemuel Rowell, 1780. *994 Eunice, b. West Hartford, Dec. 25, 1772. 995 John, b. West Hartford. 996 William Farrar, b. West Hartford. 997 Charlotte, b. West Hartford. Of this family Daniel Hooker, Aaron Caldwell, Timothy Fisher, Roger Clark. Lemuel Rowell and Joseph Hubbell were soldiers of the Revolutionary War, and Daniel Hooker, Timothy Fisher and Roger Clark became pensioners. 92 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 391 Susannah Hooker (Daniel,* Daniel.^ Samuel, ^ Thom- as'), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. 1736 at West Hartford; m. John Flowers, son of John and Hannah Flowers of West Hartford, CHILDREN, FLOWERS. 998 Reuben, b. West Hartford. 1754. 999 Elislia, b. West Hartford, 1757. 1000 Chloe, b. West Hartford, 1759. 1001 Benjamin, b^ West Hartford, 1761. 1002 Violet, b. West Hartford. 1765; d. May 11. 1766. 1003 John, b. West Hartford. 1774; d. Mav 9, 1775. 1004 John No. 2, b. West Hartford, 1775. 392 Sarah Hooker (Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. 1738. at West Hartford; m. Cornelius Flowers, son of John and Hannah Flowers of West Hartford, baptized Dec. 4, 1726, at West Hartford, Conn. He was a soldier in the Revolutionay War and died in the Armv, July 11, 1776. She died at West Hartford Dec. 13, 1793. CHILDREN. FLOWERS. 1005 Cornelins, b. West Hartford, 1753. *1006 Sarah, b. West Hartford, 1755. 1007 Abipail, b. West Hartford, 1758; m. William Whiting, Sept. 20, 1782. 1008 Deliverance, b. West Hartford. 1009 Phillis. b. West Hartford. Note. — Hezekiah Caldwell served in Walcott's Regiment at Boston early in 1776. William Whiting responded to the Lex- ington Alarm, and afterwards enlisted in 8th Conn. Line from which he was discharged Apr. 1778. and placed on the rolls of the Quartermaster's Department and placed in charge of the Salisbury Furnace casting cannon, etc. 394 Chloe Hooker (Daniel,* Daniel^ Samuel,^ Thomasi), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hartford. Conn., b. at West Hartford; m. Jitly 15, 1763, Eben- ezer Crosbv, b. 1740. He died at West Hartford, Conn., Nov. 1807. She" died at West Hartford, Conn., Feb. 10, 1832. CHILDREN, CROSBY. 1010 Chloe. b. West Hartford, March 12, 1764; d. West Hartford, 1776. 1011 Asaph, b. West Hartford, d. Nov. 28. 1783. *1012 Chloe. b. West Hartford, Sept. 12, 1767. 1013 Liicv, b. West Hartford. Oct. 11, 1768; m. No. 1, Silas Curtis, July, 1788; ni. No. 2, Peake. 1014 Job, b. West Hartford, d. voung. 1015 Sarah, b. West Hartford, Feb. 1771 ; m. Bugbee, of Windsor, Vt. 1016 Mary, b. West Hartford, June 20, 1773 ; m. Gypson L. Whiting. Fifth Generation 93 1017 Abigail, b. West Hartford, April 1, 1775; d. Windsor, Vt., ^ug, 2, 1835; m. Bishop. *1018 William, b. West Hartford, March 28, 1778. 1019 John, b. West Hartford, 1780; d. West Hartford, March 10, 1785. 1020 Ebenezer, b. West Hartford, d. West Hartford, April 19, 1781 *1021 Ebenezer No. 2, b. West Hartford, March 19, 1788. 396 Abigail Hooker (Daniel,-* Daniel,'' Samuel,^ Thom- as^), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. 1746, at West Hartford; m. Henry Brace, son of Henry and EHzabeth (Cadwell) Brace of West Hartford, Conn. He died at West Hartford, March 17, 1814. She died at West Hartford, Aug. 8, 1802. CHILDREN, BR.^CE. 1022 Thomas, b. West Hartford, 1764; d. at Johnstown, N. Y. Aug. 18, 1796; m. Aurelia Wells, Aug. 14, 1784. 1023 Henry, b. West Hartford, 1766; d. West Hartford, aged 75, June 7. 1841, m. No. 1, Pollv Cadwell, bans published Sept. 15, 1792. She died Feb. 4, 1815; m. No. 2, Clarissa Graham, Feb. 28, 1816. 1024 Edmund, b. West Hartford, 1768; d. 1768. *1025 Lory, b. West Hartford, 1770. 1026 Elizabeth, b. West Hartford, 1772. 1027 Abigail, b. West Hartford. 1773; d. in infancy. *1028 Abigail Hooker, b. West Hartford, 1774. *1029 Manning, b. West Hartford, Dec. 25. 1776. 1030 Betsey, b. West Hartford. 1778; m. Joseph Bugley, Windsor, Vt.. Sept. 21, 1806. 1031 Susannah, b. West Hartford, bapt. April 9, 1780. 1032 Edward Hooker, b. West Hartford, bapt. June 20, 1782. 1033 Jonathan, b. West Hartford, bapt. March 3, 1784; d. West Hartford, March 15. 1784. 1034 Orin, b. West Hartford, bapt. May 15, 1786; d. West Hartford, Julv IS. 18CU. 1035 Manoah, b. West Hartford, bapt. May 9, 1788. 1036 Vina, b. West Hartford, bapt. Oct. 14, 1791 ; d. Oct. 16, 1791. 1037 Johnson, b. West Hartford, bapt. May 20, 1793. 397 Riverius Hooker (Daniel,^ Daniel,'' Samuel," Thom- as'), son of Dr. Daniel & Sarah (Webster) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 1749; baptized Jan. 22, 1749; m. . Soon afterwards he disappeared, leaving an infant daughter of whom nothing further can be found. About the time of River- ius Hooker's disappearance from Conn., a Riverius Hooker appeared in Maine, saying that he came from Connecticut, engaged in the lumber business. Nathaniel Hooker of Hartford, a cousin of Riverius Hook- er's father, was a merchant and vessel owner and engaged in Maine lumber trade, and it seems very natural that the voung Riverius should have gone to Maine in the employ of the Hart- 94 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker ford merchant. The West Hartford Riverius and the Maine Riveriiis were apparently the same. The name Riverius is an unusual one and except in this instance (and his descendants in the Maine family) is not known in the Hooker family. He married 1775. at Pownelboro (now Wincasset) Me., Mehitable Baker, of Litchfield, Me., b. Feb. 14, 1735. After a time saying that he was called to Connecticut on business, he again dis- appears and nothing further was heard from him, though it has lately come to light that at about the time that Riverius Hooker is supposed to have sailed from Maine for Connecticut, a Riverius Hooker appeared in a New Hampshire regiment for service in the Revolutionary War. She died 1804. CHILD, HOOKER. *1038 Riverius, b. Alarch 8, 1776. 398 Arab Norton (Hannah,^ Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas'). son of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. Aug. 3, 1739, at Guilford: m. March 7, 1764. Phebe Scranton, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Dickenson) Scran- ton of East Guilford (now Madison) Conn., born Nov. 8, 1746, at East Guilford. Thev lived at Madison, where he died Dec. 28, 1813. She died at'Madi.son, Conn., Aug. 31, 1818. CHILDREN, NORTON. 1039 Josiah. b. East Guilford, April 18, 1765. *1040 Hannah, b. East Guilford, Feb. 3, 1769. 1041 Sarah, h. East Guilford, Jan. 25, 1771; m, Jonathan Stokes. *1042 Mabel, b. East Guilford, Dec. 17, 1773. 1043 Abel, b. East Guilford, Oct. 3, 1777; m. >.lehitable Norton. *I044 Diadema, b. East Guilford, Nov. 17, 1785. 400 Diadema Norton (Hannah,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thom- as'), daughter of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, b. Nov. 2, 1742 at Guilford: m. (his 2d wife) Joseph Dudley, son of Joseph and Silence (Dowd) Dudley of East Guilford, Conn., b. Dec. 20, 1736, at East Guilford. Thev lived at East Guilford, where he died Dec. 29, 1805. CHILD, DUDLEY. 1045 Darlington, b. East Greenwich, Feb. 1774. Removed to Vt. 401 Hooker Norton (Hannah,-' Daniel,^ Samuel.' Thom- as'), son of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. 1744, at Guilford : m. Sibyl Bradley, daughter of Jos- eph and Sibyl (Meigs) Bradley of Vergennes, Vt., b. March, 1745, at Vergennes, Vt. They lived at East Guilford. Fifth Generation 95 CHILDREN, NORTON. *1046 Lorain, b. East Guilford, Conn.. Feb. 3. 1763. 1047 Daniel Hooker, b. East Guilford, Jan. 4, 1764; d. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1764. *1048 Lois, b. East Guilford, Jan. 10, 1766. 1049 Russell, b. East Guilford, June 26, 1768; d. Oct. 25, 1774. *1050 Bcla, b. East Guilford, Nov. 15, 1772. *10S1 Benjamin, b. East Guilford, Oct. 18, 1774. 1052 Rachel, b. East Guilford, b. June 5, 1777; m. Thomas Dudley, born Feb. 27, 1757; he died Dec. 8. 1844. 1053 Hannah, b. East Guilford, March 7, 1779; d. East Guilford, March 28, 1787. *1054 Daniel, b. East Guilford, July 18, 1781. 1055 Russell, b. East Guilford, Jan. 20, 1784; d. East Guilford, Nov. 10, 1795. 1056 Zenas, b. East Guilford, 1786; d. East Guilford, 1795. 402 Hannah Norton (Hannah,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thom- asi), daughter of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. May 12, 1746, at Guilford, Conn. ; m. Oct. 2, 1766, Nathaniel Allis, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Scran- ton) Allis of East Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 27, 1742, at East Guilford. They lived at East Guilford. He died at Madison, Conn., Feb. 16, 1825. She died at East Guilford, Conn., March 12, 1785. CHILDREN, ALLIS. 1057 Rachel, b. East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 5, 1767. 1058 Hannah, b. East Guilford, Feb. 14, 1770. 1059 Chloe, b. East Guilford, Feb. 9. 1773 1060 Sarah, b. East Guilford, March 24, 1778, 1061 Rebecca, b. East Guilford, June 15, 1780. 1062 Pierce, b. East Guilford, Nov. 3, 1783; Drowned March 20, 1803. 403 Reuben Norton (Hannah.* Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thom- asi), son of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. 1748, at Guilford. Conn.; m. Lois Crittenden of East Guilford, Conn, b. Feb. 9, 1758, at East Guilford, Conn. They lived at East Guilford. CHILDREN, NORTON. 1063 Gilbert ; m. Olive Stone, born Nov. 16, 1771 ; died 1848. 1064 Wyllys. *:065 Hannah. *1066 Eathan. 1067 Lucy, b. East Guilford, Conn. 1784. 1068 Pollv, b. East Guilford, Conn,, 1784. *1069 Hulbert. 1070 Huldah, b. East Guilford, .-^ug. 24, 1789; d. Oct. 30, 1868; un- married. *1071 Leah, b. East Guilford, Oct. 17, 1792, 1072 Hebron, b. East Guilford, .\ug. 7. 1794; m. 1st. Susan Truman, m. 2nd. Julia. They had 14 children. 1073 Rhoda. m, .\lonson Bryan. 1074 .Allen. 96 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 404 Rachel Norton (Hannah,* Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton, of Guilford, Conn., b. at Guilford ; m. Jesse Murray, son of John and Sarah (Buell) Murray of East Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 20, 1746, at East Guilford. They lived at East Guilford, where he died April 12, 1824. CHILDREN, MURRAY. 1075 William, b. East Guilford, Conn. 1076 Zubali, b. East Guilford, Conn., m. Calvin Warren. *1077 Rachel, b. East Guilford, Conn. 1078 Harvey, b. East Guilford, Conn., m. Laura Wilcox, Twissburg, Feb. IS, 1815. 1079 Eber, b. East Guilford, 1784. Lost at sea, Oct., 1801. 407 Eber Norton (Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thoinasi), son of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. July 5, 1756, at Guilford: in. Nov. 2, 1788, Mabel Evarts, daughter of Jonathan and Lucretia (Parmalee) Evarts of Guilford, Conn., b. May 3, 1764, at Guilford. The}^ lived at Guilford, where he died Aug. 13, 1843. She died at Guilford, May 1, 1848. CHILDREN, NORTON. lOSO Lucretia, b. Guilford. Conn., May 2. 1791; d. Aur. 20, 1791. 1081 William Hooker, b. Guilford, Conn., June 5, 1792; d. Nov. 4, 1824. *10S2 Amanda, b. Guilford. Conn.. Sept. 2, 1794. 10S3 Lucretia No. 2, b. Guilford, Sept. 22, 1799; d. May. 21, 1888. 10,84 Betsey, b. Guilford, Conn.. June 26, 1801; d. Feb. 19. 1872. *10S5 John, b. Guilford, Sept. 19. 180.1 *10S6 Julia, b. Guilford, Conn., July 24. 1807. 408 Anah Norton (Hannah,* Daniel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Reuben and Hannah (Hooker) Norton, of Guilford, b. March 14, 1759, at Guilford: m. Nov. 14. 1791, Mary Bidwell of Hartford, Conn., b. Oct. 11, 1759, at Hartford, Conn. They lived at East Guilford, Conn. He died at Madison. Conn., Jan. 5, 1847. She died at Madison, Conn., Aug. 21, 1835. CHILDREN, NORTON. 1087 Esther, b. East Guilford, Conn., Nov. 14. 1792; d. Mar. 17, 1874. 1088 Polly, b. East Guilford, Conn., July 3, 1795; m. William Andrew Bacon. *10S9 Fanny, b. East Guilford, Conn., Nov. 27, 1796. *1090 Rebecca, b. East Guilford, Conn., June 21, 1800. *1091 Stephen Bidwell, b. East Guilford, Conn., Aug. 1, 1802. V SIXTH GENERATION SIXTH GENERATION 409 Mary Hooker (Andrew,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,* Thomas'), daughter of Andrew and Mary (Lee) Hooker of Berlin, Conn., b. May 18, 1736, at Berlin, Conn.; m. June 23, 1768, Thomas Gridley of Kensington (2nd. wife), son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Brownson) Gridley of Kensington, Conn., b. 1727 at Kensington, Conn. He died at Pompey, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1804. She died at Pompey, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1819. She was buried Jan. 21, 1819, and in 1898 her remains were removed through the ef- forts of her descendant, Mr. Frank Gridley Fowler of Bridge- port, Conn., who gives an interesting account of his search for her grave in an old, abandoned grave yard. CHILDREN, GRIDLEY. *1092 Giles, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 27, 1769. *1093 Thomas Hooker, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 31, 1775. 410 Martin Hooker (Andrew,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Andrew and Mary (Lee) Hooker of Berlin, Conn., b. 1738, at Berlin, Conn. Enlisted in the French and Indian War. The story is told that at one sentry post near where his company was on picket the sentry had been killed almost every night by Indian sharp-shooters and every plan to capture the Indian assassin had failed. The men were in fear of the post which meant certain death to every sentry posted there and the officers hesitated to order men to duty there and called for volun- teers to take the duty. At first none responded, then Martin Hooker stepped forward and went upon the post, a little while afterward a shot rang out upon the still night air, and hastening to the place his comrades found that another sentry had met death. Martin Hooker was killed June 10. 1757. The sequel to Martin Hooker's death used, many years ago, to be told in this story, then preserved by tradition, I do not know that it is pre- served in any historical work. Martin Hooker was a favorite in his company and his death was mourned by officers and men. One stalwart young man a particular friend of young Hooker asked to be placed upon the post, saying that he wished to avenge Hooker's death, and he asked to be allowed to use his own dis- cretion and fire upon any intruder without waiting to challenge. This was accorded him and preparing himself carefully he went upon the post His comrades had hardly returned to their camp quarters when a shot rang clear and loud upon the dangerous post and they hurried back expecting to find another sentry kill- 99 100 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker ed, but the sentry was pacing his post quietly and apparently un- concernedly, upon the officer's asking who had fired he replied that he had fired the shot and pointed to a clump of bushes near which a hog lay dead, and explained that soon after coming up- on the post he observed a hog rooting among the bushes, and he at once fired at it, immediately the hog leaped into the air and fell where they saw it. Examing the dead hog they pulled oflf the skin and found a dead Indian within it. Martin Hooker was avenged and he was the last sentry killed upon that post. 412 Giles Hooker (Andrew,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,* Thomas^), son of Andrew and Mary (Lee) Hooker of Berlin, Conn., b. 1746, at Berlin, Conn.; m. Feb. 13, 1777, Abigail Smith, daughter of Ebenezer and Mehitable (Buck) Smith of Newing- ton. Conn., b. March 10, 1755, at Newington. She married No. 2, Feb. 17, 1785, Joseph Woodruff, of Farmington, Conn., son of Joseph and Margaret (North) Woodruff. CHILD, HOOKER. 1094 Abigail, b. Newington, Conn. 414 Martin Hooker 2nd (Andrew,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Andrew and Mary (Lee) Hooker of Berlin, Conn., b. Sept. 19, 1759, at Berlin, Conn.; m. March 17, 1785, Hannah Judd, daughter of Capt. Phineas and Ruth (Sey- mour) Judd, of New Britain, Conn., b. March 15, 1761, at New Britain, Conn. They removed to Tinmouth, Vt., and afterward to Peru, N. Y. He 'd. at Peru, N. Y,, Sept. 24, 1843. She d. at Peru, N. Y., July 26, 1843. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1095 Almira, b. Mar. 30, 1789. *1096 Laura. *1097 Amanda. *1098 Norman. 1099 Harley. *1100 Phineas. *1101 Lucy, b. April 24, 1796. *1102 Mary Lee, b, Sept. 19, 1802. 415 Thomas Gilbert (Elizabeth,'' Samuel,* Samuel,* Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Moses and Elizabeth (Hooker) Gilbert of Berlin, Conn., b. Oct. 31, 1736 at Berlin, Conn.; m. April 24, Sixth Generation 101 1760, Mary North daughter of Dea. Isaac and Mary (Woodford) North of Kensington, Conn., b. 1732, at Kensington, Conn. He d. at Berlin, Conn., 1814. CHILDREN, GILBERT. 1103 Mary, b. Berlin, Conn., May 1, 1761. 1104 Lydia, b. Berlin, Conn., Aug. 22, 1765, d. Berlin, Jan. 11, 1776. 1105 Chloe, b. Berlin, Conn., July 28, 1773. 416 Esther Gilbert (Elizabeth,* Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Hooker) Gilbert of Berlin, Conn., b. 1739, at Berlin, Conn.; m. 1761, Selah Hub- bard. CHILDREN, HUBB.\RD. 1106 Josiah. 1107 Ozias, in the Revolutionary Army, probably in Continental service as no record of his service or death is found in Con- necticut. 1108 Eben. 420 Hooker Gilbert (Elizabeth,* Samuel,'' Samuel,'' Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Moses and Elizabeth (Hooker) Gil- bert of Berlin, Conn., b. 1754, at Berlin, Conn.; m. No. 1, 1796, Candace Sage. She died May 15, 1805. He married No. 2 June 30, 1807, Sarah Hooker daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Norton) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. 1763 at Kensington, Conn. They resided at Kensington, Conn.; d. Dec. 6, 1840. He was a Revolutionary soldier and on the pension list of 1840. She died at Kensington, Dec. 4, 1840. CHILDREN, GILBERT. 1109 Bathsheba, d. July 26, 1807. 1110 .Samuel Hooker. 1111 Candace, d. June 9. 1835: m. Solomon Churchill. 1112 Chloe S. d. Mar. 13, 1867. 1113 Moses, m. Lucretia Steele. 1114 David Stage. 422 Abigail Goodrich (Mercy,' Samuel,* Samuel,'' Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Jedediah and Mercy (Hooker) Goodrich of Berlin, Conn., b. Oct. 30, 1754 at Berlin ; m. May 25, 1773, Isaac Lee, Jr., son of Isaac & Tabitha (Norton) Lee, of New Britain, Conn., b. March 29, 1752, at New Britain, Conn. 102 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker They lived in New Britain where he was a farmer and one of the largest and wealthiest land owners of the place. They subse- quently moved to Farmington, Conn., where she died April 9, 1811. 'He m. No. 2, Oct. 29, 1812, Widow Betsey (Curtis) Lusk. He died at Kensington, Conn., April 11, 1828. His children were all by his first marriage. CHILDREN, LEE. *1115 Isaac, b. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 13, 1775. *1116 Thomas, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 28. 1776. *1117 Almira, b. New Britain, Conn., July 17, 1780. *1118 Polly, b. New Britain, Conn., Dec. 22, 1783. 1119 Joshna, b. New Britain, Conn., Aug. 6, 1786; d. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 29, 1788. *1120 Abigail, b. New Britain, Conn., May 14, 1788. 1121 Joshia, b. New Britain, Conn., Sept. 21, 1791; d. New Britain, Conn., Oct. 9, 1791. *1122 Chloe, b. New Britain, Conn., July 24. 1793. 1123 Lorenzo, b. New Britain, Conn., Dec. 23, 1795; burned to death, Nov. 7, 1798. 429 Ann Hooker (Samuel.^ Samuel,-* Sainuel,'' Samuel- Thomas*), daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Norton) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 23, 1756, at Kensington; m. Nov. 1781, Seth Stanley son of Thomas and Hannah (Hart) Stanley of Kensington, Conn.; b. May 6, 17,S5, at Kensington. They lived at Kensington, where she died Sept. 5, 1808. He married No. 2, Widow Sabra (Winchell) Stanley. He married No. 3, 1822, Widow of Josiah Smith, who was Widow Abigail (Hart) Norton, when she married Josiah Smith. He died at Kensing- ton, Conn., June 22, 1827. CHILDREN, STANLEY. By 1st. Marriage. 1124 Amanda, d. Nov. 1, 1806. 1125 Lydia H., m. Reuben Porter. 1126 Nancy, m. S. Hurlburt, settled in Ohio. 1127 Samuel, d. Mar. 30, 1813. 1128 Seth, m. Sally Fenn. *1129 Amelia, m. William Hooker. 437 Martha Cowles (Martha,^ Giles,* Samuel,^ Samuel," ThomasM. daughter of Ezekiel and Martha (Hooker) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. Jan. 1'^, 17.53. at Farmington, Conn.; m. July, 1776, John Mix, of Farmington, Conn. He was an of- ficer of the Revolutionary War, and one of the most noted public Sixth Generation 103 men of the town. He died at Farmington, Conn., April 30, 1834. She died at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 22>, 1826. CHILDREN, MIX. 1130 Eben Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 10, 1776. Capt. Eb. Mix was one of the quaint sailor characters of Farmington. In his younger days he had been supercargo of ships in the East India trade and subsequently he commanded ships in that trade. As his years increased and he retired from business became one of the notable characters of the town. He died at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 19, 1839. 1131 Ann Goodwin, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. IS, 1780; d. Farm- ington, Conn., Oct. 12, 1783. 1132 Betsey, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 25, 1781 ; d. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 7, 1809. *1133 Ann Goodwin No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 4, 1784. 1134 Catherine, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 1, 1787; d. Oct. 23. 1863; m. Rev. Joshua L. Williams, Nov. 30, 1813, he died Dec. 29, 1832. 1135 William, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 27, 1785; d. Farmington, Conn., July 29, 1789. 1136 John William, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 8, 1794; d. July 30, 1820. 1137 Martha Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., 1793; d. Mar. 26, 1837. 439 Ezekiel Cowles (Martha,^ Giles,^ Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Ezekiel and Martha (Hooker) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 14, 1756, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. June, 1784, Rachel Woodruff daughter of Samuel and Eliza- beth (Norton) Woodruff, of Farmington, Conn., b. May 29, 1759 at East Farms Parish, Farmington, Conn. He was a Rev- olutionary soldier, lived at Farmington where he was a farmer and a public official. He died Aug 14, 1850, She died at Farm- ington, Conn., Oct. 4, 1834. CHILDREN, COWLES. *1138 Egbert, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 4, 1785. *1139 Alfred, b. Farmington, Conn., July 1, 1787. 1140 Frederick Woodruff, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 29, 1799- d Jan. 12, 1817. 1140a Ebenezer Mix, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 12, 1801; m. Frances M. Atwood, Aug. 2, 1841. Merchant at Milledgeville, Ga. 443 Giles Hooker Cowles (Martha,"' Giles,^ Sainuel,* Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Ezekiel and Martha (Hooker) Cowles of F_armington, Conn., b. Aug. 26, 1766, at Farmington: m. Feb. 1793, Sally White of Stamford, Conn. He graduated from Yale 1789, and received the degree of D. D. from Williams Collesre. 104 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, COWLES. 1141 Edwin W. b. 1794. 1142 Sally W. b. 1796; m, Eliphalet Austin. 1143 William E. b. 1798. 1144 Edward Giles Hooker, b. 1801; d. 1822. 1145 Martha Hooker, b. 1804. 1146 Lysander, b. 1807. 1147 Cornelia R. b. 1807. 1148 Betsey M. b. 1810. 1149 Lewis D. b. 1812. 445 Catherine Cooke Cowles ( Martha,' Giles,* Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daug^hter of Ezekiel and Martha (Hooker) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. March 5, 1771, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. about 1790, Stephen Root, son of Timothy and Mary (Langdon) Root of Farmington, Conn., b. Aug. 23, 1768, at Farmington, Conn. They settled at Catskill, N. Y., where she died April 4, 1815. He married No. 2, about 1816, Harriet Blanchard. CHILDREN, ROOT. By 1st marriage. 1150 Eliza, b. 1792. 1151 Mary, b. & d. 1795. 1152 Mary Hooker, b. 1797. 1153 Timothy, b. 1799; d. young. *1154 Catherine Cowles, b. 1801. *1155 Timothy, b. 1803. *11S6 William Ezekiel, b. 1806. 1157 Martha Jane, b. 1808. *1158 Claramond Cowles, b. 1812. 448 Mabel Stiles (Isaac Stiles,' Esther,* Samuel,^ Samuel^ Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Mabel (Clark) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Feb. 12, 1753, at North Haven, Conn., m. Ti- tus Frost, son of Ebenezer and Damaris (Ives) Frost of North Haven, Conn., b. June 18, 1748. They lived at North Haven, where he was a leader of the music in St. John's Church. An interesting account of him is given in Thorp's Annals of North Haven. CHILDREN, FROST. 1159 Samuel. 1160 William. 1161 Polly, bapt. 1779. 1162 Julia, bapt. 1788. 1163 John, bapt. 1791. 1164 Leverett, bapt. 1793. Sixth Generation 105 449 Elizabeth Stiles (Isaac Stiles,^ Esther,* Samuel,^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Mabel (Clark) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Feb. 21, 1755, at North Haven ; m. Tim- othy Eaton. On North Haven records this name is spelled Eaton and Heaton, probably Eaton is correct. She died 1792, at North Haven, Conn. He married No. 2, 1793, Catherine Walter. She died 1797. The children were all baptized at St. John's Church North Haven and the dates of baptism are pre- served while no dates of births have thus far been found. CHILDREN, EATON. 1165 Hannah, bapt. 1778. 1166 Betsey, bapt. 1780. 1167 Ebenezer, bapt. 1782. 1168 Mabel, bapt. 1783. 1169 Abigail, bapt. 1786. 1170 Louisa, bapt. 1789. 1171 Solomon, bapt. 1791. 1172 Miles, bapt. 1796. 1173 Timothy, bapt. 1800. 452 Mary Stiles (Isaac Stiles,^ Esther.* Samuel,^ Sainuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Isaac and Mabel (Clark) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. Feb. 22, 1763, at North Haven, Conn.; m. Richard Mansfield, son of Titus and Mabel (Todd) Mansfield of "Mansfield Farms" New Haven, Conn., b. May 29, 1763. She died March 13, 1828. CHILDREN, M.\NSFIELD. 1174 Leverett, b. Nov., 1786; d. Feb. 19. 1850. 1175 Richard, b. Feb. 1, 1790; d. Dec. 22, 1868. 1176 Stiles. 453 Kezia Stiles (Isaac Stiles,^ Esther,* Samuel,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Mabel (Clark) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., baptized Nov. 15, 1772; m. June 23, 1785, Jesse Mansfield, son of Titus and Mabel (Todd) Mansfield of "Mans- field Farms" New Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 11, 1772. There is doubtless an error here as it is not probable they were married at the youthful age of 13. They resided at Hampden, Conn., where he was a carpenter. He died at Hampden, Conn., July 21, 1825. She died at Hampden, Conn., July 4, 1854. 106 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, MANSFIELD. 1177 Elias, b. Nov. 25, 1796; d. Feb., 1883. 1178 Julia Maria, b. Sept. 26. 1797. 1179 Jesse Merrick, b. July 11, 1801; d. March 23, 1878. 454 Isaac Clark Stiles (Isaac Stiles,^ Esther,* Samuel,'' Samuel," ThomasM. son of Isaac and Mabel (Clark) Stiles of North Haven, Conn., b. April 30. 1767, at North Haven, Conn. ; m. Feb. 3, 1787, Eunice Blakeslee, daughter of Zophar and Eu- nice ( ) Blakeslee of North Haven, Conn., b. April 25, 1767, at North Haven, Conn. Thev lived at North Haven where he died June 16, 1834. She died Nov. 4, 1853. CHILDREN, STILES. 1180 Laura, b. North Haven. Conn., Nov. 30, 1787; d. North Haven, Conn., Mar. 19, 1879; m. Ebenezer Mansfield. Dec. 26, 1814. 1181 Lucina, b. North Haven, Conn., Apr. 24, 1790; d. Mar. 19, 1879. 1182 Isaac, b. North Haven, Conn., Aug. 2. 1792; d. North Haven, Conn.. Feb. 4, 1842; m. Lois Cooper. Nov. 28, 1815. 1183 Eunice, b. North Haven, Conn., July 22, 1795; in. Lyman Brooks. 1184 Zophar, b. North Haven, Conn., Aug. 24, 1799; d. Sept. 2, 1843. 1185 Horace, b. North Haven, Conn., May 31, 1801; d. North Haven, Conn., Jan. 6, 1840; m. 1st, Harriet Thorp, Sept. 26, 1826; m. 2nd. Lois Pierpont, Nov. 9, 1834. 1186 Ezra, b. North Haven, Conn., July 26, 1804; d. North Haven, Conn., Dec. 28, 1891; m. 1st. Esther Pierpont. April 30, 1829; m. 2nd. Mary Bristol, May 12, 1837; m. 3rd. Frances Elizabeth Johnson, 1854. 1187 Harvey, b. North Haven, Conn. May 21, 1809; d. Jan. 9, 1863. 459 Kezia Munson (Kesia Stiles,^ Esther,* Samuel,'* Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Basil and Kezia (Stiles) Munson of Carmel, Conn., b. March 6, 1763, at Carmel ; m. Dec. 4, 1780, Jotham Tuttle, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Todd) Tuttle of Hampden Arms, b. May 1762, at Hampden, Conn. They lived at "Tuttles Farms" Wallingford, Conn. He was a farmer. She died at Wallingford, Conn., Aug. 2, 1799. He married No. 2, Dec. 2, 1799, Elizabeth Perkins. CHILDREN, TUTTLE. 1188 Eli. b. Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 28, 1781; d. Apr. 21, 1884; m. Thankful Asenath Perkins. 1189 Asa, b, Wallingford, Conn., d. Chesirc, Conn., Dec. 28, 1849; m. Laura Tuttle, Nov. 25, 1806. 1190 Mary, b. Wallingford. Conn., Mar. 30, 1786; d. Feb. 28, 1819; m. Edward Jones, Jan. 14, 1813. Sixth Generation 107 1191 Esther, b. Wallingford, Conn., Feb. 26, 1789; d. Mar. 11, 1873; m. Caleb Dudley, Oct. 1805. 1192 Jotham Manning, b. Wallingford, Conn., m. Locky Benham. 461 Samuel Stiles (Ashbel! Stiles,"' Esther,^ Samuel,^ Sam- uel,2 ThomasM. son of Ashbell and Hannah (Stiles) Stiles of Windsor, Conn., b. Dec. 3, 1762; m. Oct. 15, Hannah Ells- worth, daughter of Jonathan and Jerusha ( ) Ellsworth of Windsor, Conn., b. July 1, 1767, at Windsor, Conn . They lived at Northampton, Mass.. Windsor, Conn., and Chester, Mass. He was a soldier of the War of 1812. He died at Windsor, Conn., Oct. 15, 1826. She died at Chicopee, Mass., Jan. 12, 1828. CHILDREN, STILES. 1193 Nancy, b. Northampton, Mass. Jan. 19, 1788; d. June 3, 1855; m. Luman S. Coe, Jan. 14, 1810. 1194 Harriet, b. Northampton, Mass., Oct. 24, 1789; d. May 26, 1823; m. Elisha Prior. 1809. 1195 Delia, b. Northampton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1791; d. Chicopee, Mass., July 26. 1874 ; m. Ruel Van Horn, Dec. 20, 1820. 1196 Samuel, b. Chester, Mass., July 3, 1793; Drowned in Lake Erie, June 24, 1818. 1197 Henry, b. Chester, Mass., Nov. 1, 1795; d. Ohio; m. 1st. Cynthia Davis. 1198 Ellsworth, b. Chester, Mass., Aug. 1, 1797; d. Nov. 4, 1823. 1199 Benjamin, b. Chester, Mass., Aug. 3, 1799; m. Mehitable Booth, 1200 Amelia, b. Chester, Mass., June 10, 1802; d. Dec. 30, 1822; m. William Welch. Aug. 14, 1821. 1201 Julia, b. Chester, Mass., June 10, 1802; m. 1st. Calvin Cooley, 1823; m. 2nd. Sidney Crawford, 1856. 462 Job Stiles (Ashbell Stiles,^ Esther,-' Samuel,'* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Ashbell and Hannah (Stiles) Stiles of Wind- sor, Conn., b. Jan. 12, 1765, at Windsor, Conn.; m. Dec. 12, 1785, Mary Drake daughter of Augustine and Mary (Griswold) Drake of Windsor, Conn., b. Sept. 3, 1761, at Windsor, Conn. He was a shoe maker. They settled first at Windsor from 1810 to 1821, was at Enfield, Mass., then returned to Windsor. He died at Windsor, Conn., April 13, 1813. She died at Windsor, Conn., March 14, 1839. CHILDREN, STILES. 1202 Mary, b. Windsor, Conn., Apr. 24, 1786; d. Windsor, Conn., Sept., 1786. 1203 Lucretia, b. Windsor, Conn., July 12, 1787; d. Windsor, Conn., May 6, 1879. 1204 Laura, b. Windsor, Conn., June 11, 1789; d. Sept, 16, 1810. 108 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1205 Ezra Griswold, b. Windsor. Conn., July 12. 1791 ; lost at sea 1819. Was a seaman and taken prisoner in the War of 1812, and endured much suffering. 1206 Hylas, b. Windsor, Conn., June 11, 1793; d. Waterville, Ohio, July 29, 1871. 1207 Julia, b. Mar. 1795, bapt, June 28, 1795; d. Windsor, Conn., July 9, 1871 ; m, Frederick A. Hale, Apr. 7, 1825. 1208 Mary, b. Windsor, Conn., May 28, 1797; d. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 18, 1887. 1209 Elizabeth, b. Windsor, Conn., Apr. 15, 1804; d. Windsor, Conn. Dec. 16, 1862. 463 Hannah Stiles (.'\shbell Stiles,^ Esther,-* Samuel,'' Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Ashbcll and Hannah (Stiles) Stiles of Windsor, Coim., b. May 16, 1768, at Windsor. Conn.; m. Jan. 10, 1793, Elisha Lyman, jr., son of Elisha and Abigail (Janes) Lyman of Northampton, Mass., b. Jan. 26, 1770, at Northampton, Mass. He died at Champlain, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1844. She died at Derby, Vt., Feb. 25, 1814. CHILDREN, LYMAN. 1210 William, b. Apr. 9. 1794; d. Champlain, N. Y. Sept. 7, 1857. 1211 Ashbel Stiles, b. Conway, Mass., May 27, 1796; d. Conway, Mass., June 8, 1796. 1212 Horace, b. Derby, Vt„ April 11, 1798; d. Derby, Vt., April, 1798. 1213 Hannah, b. Sept. 20. 1799. 1214 Fanny, b. Jan. 8. 1802. 1215 Elisha Stiles b. Feb. 13. 1804; d. Mar. 12, 1852. 1216 Edwin Stiles, b. May 3, 1806; d. of cholera, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 22. 1832. 1217 Lewis, b. Aug. 3, 1808. 1218 Benjamin, b. June 11, 1810. 1219 Henry, b, Oct. 4, 1813, Note : — Elislia Lyman married again after the deatli of his 1st. wife. His 2nd. wife was Thankful Hunt. His 3rd. wife was Sarah Beaumont.. He inherited from his father the old family homestead, but on the death of his father he exchanged with his brother Theo- dore and left Northampton, He was a farmer and settled first at Conway, Mass., then went to Derby, Vt., then to Montreal, Canada, where he resided from 1815 to 1828, thence to Sunder- land, Mass., and then to Champlain. N. Y, He was esteemed by all who knew him as a man of sterling integrity, strictly conservative and religious. His son Henry graduated from the Gill College, Montreal, and from College, England, Was ad- mitted to practice law in the Province of Quebec, was in the Military service some time in Montreal. Superintendent of West Ward, in the City Council, Deacon in the Congregational Church, and Partner in the law firm of Lyman, Class & Co. 465 Ruth Stiles (Ashbell Stiles,' Esther,-* Samuel.^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Ashbell and Hannah (Stiles) Stiles of Windsor, Conn., b. Feb. 3, 1778, at Windsor, Conn.; m. July 30, Sixth Generation 109 1801, Ebenezer Ellis of Norwich, Mass. Thev lived at Norwich, Mass. She died Dec. 1, 1863. CHILDREN, ELLIS. 1220 Samuel, b. Norwich, Mass., March 10, 1802; d. Cummington, Mass., March, 1875. 1221 Edward (M. D.), b. Norwich, Mass., Jan. IS, 1804; d. Mead- ville. Pa.. May 2, 1885. 1222 Hvlas, b. Norwich, Mass., May 31. 1806; d. Scioto, Ohio. 1223 Harriet A. b. Norwich, Mass., Nov. 7, 1808. 1224 Ashbel Stiles, b. Norwich, Mass., June 11, 1811. 1225 Hannah, b. Norwich, Mass., Oct. 26. 1812; m. Noah Ellis. 1226 Ebenezer H.. b. Norwich, Mass., Jan. 7, 1815. 1227 Chrystie, b. Norwich, Mass., July 30, 1818. 1228 Benjamin Hooker, (M. D.) Norwich, Mass., 1821. 478 Susannah Saint John (Susannah Selleck,'* Susannah,* William,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^, daughter of Capt. Joseph and Susannah (Selleck) Saint John of Norwalk, Conn.; m. Jan. 8, 1766, Eliphalet Lockwood, son of Peter and Abigail (Hawley) Lockwood, of Norwalk, Conn., bapt. Oct. 17, 1741. They lived at Norwalk, where he died March 19, 1814. CHILDREN, LOCKWOOD. 1229 Susannah, b. Norwalk, Conn., Apr. 1, 1767; d. young. 1230 William, b. Norwalk, Conn., May 12, 1768; d. Jan. 17, 1843; m. Dec. 31. 1796. Hannah Selleck. 1231 Susannah No. 2, b. Norwalk, Conn., May 18, 1771. 1232 Buckingham Saint John, b. Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 23, 1774. 1233 Abigail, b. Norwalk, Conn., July 15, 1776. 1234 Eliphalet, b. Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 17, 1778. 1235 Hooker Saint John, b. Norwalk, Conn., Apr. 8, 1782. 479 Stephen Saint John (Susannah Selleck,* Susannah,^ William,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Capt. Joseph and Susan- nah (Selleck) Saint John of Norwalk, Conn., b. 1736, at Norwalk, Conn. ; m. Ann Fitch of Norwalk Conn., b. 1734 at Norwalk. He died at Norwalk, Conn., Mav 9, 1785. She died at Norwalk, Conn., April 28, 1797. CHILDREN, S.MNT JOHN. 1236 Stephen. 12.37 Sarah. 1238 William. 1239 Susannah. 1240 Nancy. 481 Williaini Saint John (Susannah Selleck,"^ Susannah,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Capt. Joseph and Susan- 110 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker nah (Selleck) Saint John of Norwalk, Conn.; m. Jan. 19, 1777, Mary Esther Belden, daughter of John and Rebecca (Bartlett) Belden of Norwalk, Conn. He died at Norwalk, Feb. 1, 1800. She died at Norwalk, Conn., April 15, 1850. CHILDREN, SAINT JOHN. 1241 William, b. Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 3, 1779. 1242 Stephen Buckingham, b, Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 3. 1779. 1243 Polly E.sther, b. Norwalk, Conn., March 10, 1783. 1244 Frederick, b. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 13, 1785. 1245 Sally, b. Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 12, 1788. 1246 Hooker, b. Norwalk, Conn., Jan. 30, 1793. 483 Brainard Hooker (Hezekiah.^ Hezekiah,'* John,* Sam- uel," Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Stone) Hook- er of Woodbury, Conn., b. Mar. 4. 1747 at Woodbury; m. Mary Deming, daughter of Charles and Dorothy (Belding) Deming of Wethersfield, Conn., b. Jan. 23, 1752 at Wethersfield, Conn. They removed to Middlebury, Vt. He was a .soldier of the Rev- olutionary War, died at Middlebury, Vt., 1812. She died at Mid- dlebury, Vt., 1844. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1247 John, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Jan. 7, 1774. *1248 Charles, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Dec. 26. 1776. 1249 Calvin, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Oct. 12, 1779; lived in Cato, N. Y. 1250 Electra, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Nov. 26, 1782; m. Roswell Stev- ens, they lived in Harrington, Vt. 1251 Harris, b. Middlebury, Vt., May 13, 1787; m. Betsey Johnson. He was a soldier in the War of 1812 and died a prisoner of War at Quebec, Canada. 1252 Louisa, b. Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 14, 1790; d. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 6, 1812; m. Burnham Phelps, Sept. 12, 1812. *12S3 Mary Deming, b. Middlebury, Vt., Mar. 18, 1792. 485 Jesse Hooker (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Stone) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. April 23, 1752, at Woodbury; m. 1769, Sa- brina Smith, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Humphrey) Smith of Sheffield, Mass. He died 1791. She married No. 2, John Holmes. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1254 Hezekiah, b. Sheffield. Mass., May, 19, 1778. 1255 Lucy, b. Sheffield. Mass., May, 19, 1778; d. 1842. 1256 Theodore, b. Sheffield, Mass., Dec. 8, 1779. 1257 Sabrina, b. Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 8, 1781. 1258 Polly, b. Sheffield, Mass., Aug. 8, 1784. 1259 Elizabeth, b. Sheffield, Mass., Aug. 2, 1786. Sixth Generation 111 486 Abigail Hooker (Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Stone) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. Nov. 30, 1753, at Woodbury, Conn.; m. No. 1, Isaac Pixley, son of John and Mary ( ) Pixley of Great Barrington, Mass., b. Sept. 12, 1751, at Sheffield, Mass. He kept a public house at Great Barrington. His house was destroyed by fire Dec. 4, 1788, at which time a young man a guest of the house lost his life and Mrs. Pixley's sister Anna Hooker had her leg badly fractured by jumping from a second story window to the frozen ground. Mr. Pixley died at Great Barrington, May 11, 1790. She married No. 2, March 2, 1793, James Root (his 2nd. wife) son of Capt. Hewitt and Experience (Pomeroy) Root of Great Barrington, Mass., b. Aug. 25, 1747, at Sheffield, Mass. He died at Great Barrington, Mass., after which she removed with her children to East Bloomfield, N. Y. She died at Henrietta, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1842. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 1260 Sally, b. Great Barrington, Mass.; m. David Hooker (his 2nd. wife) Feb. 1814. Note. — For her record look under her hits- band's name. *1261 John Hooker, b. Great Barrington, Mass. *1262 Ira, b. Great Barrington, Mass., Jan. 8, 1783. 1263 Chauncey, b. Great Barrington, Mass. *1264 Fanny, b. Great Barrington, Mass., 1788. CHILDREN, ROOT. *1265 James, b. Great Barrington, Mass., Jime 28, 179S. 487 Gilbert Hooker (Hezekiah.^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Sam- uel,'-^ Thomas^), son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Stone) Hook- er of Woodbury, Conn., b. May 14. 1758, at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Rebecca Andrews. He served in the Quarter-master's De- partment in the Revolutionary War. After marriage they set- tled at Stillwater, N. Y., where his children were born, they afterward removed to Clyde, N. Y. He died Jan. 9, 1849. She died Dec. 18, 1840. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1266 James Harvey, b. Stillwater, N. Y., d. Buffalo, N. Y. He was a wealthy merchant at Troy, N. Y. Of his extensive business interests an account is given in the "History of Troy." He d. 1853. 1267 Jesse, b. Stillwater, N. Y., married and moved to Houston, Texas, where he died. *1268 Azel, b. Stillwater, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1796. 1268a Elizabeth, b, Aug. 6, 1800; d. Oct. 1, 1885; m. Aldrich. 1268b Ann m. Joseph Congdon. See Appendix. 1268c Lucy, b. April 1, 1808; d. July 31, 1850; m. Proctor. *1269 Zina, b. Stillwater, N. Y., July 26, 1810. 112 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 491 Thomas Hooker (James,^ Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of James and Dorothy (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., and Poultney, Vt., b. Dec. 24, 1754, at Woodbury, Conn.; m. Dec. 9, 1779, Ruth Parmalee, daughter of Lieut. Jeniel and Mary ( ) Parmalee of Litchfield, Conn., b. May 21, 1759, at Litchfield, Conn. She died at Wood- bury, Conn., Sept. 4, 1781. He married No. 2, April 9, 1783, Ruth Hickok, daughter of Thaddeus, Sr. and Mehitable (Por- ter) Hickok, of Woodbury, Conn., b. Jan. 6, 1755, at Wood- bury, Conn. She died at Poultney, Vt., Nov. 16, 1784. He married No. 3, Jan. 24, 1787, Mary Coleman, b. Jan. 21, 1762. He died at Castleton, Vt., Aug. 31, 1838. She died Nov. 2, 1858. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1270 Thomas Gould, b. Woodbury, Conn., Jan. 5, 1781. By 2nd marriage. *1271 Ruth, b. Woodbury, Conn., Nov. 2, 1784. By 3rd marriage. *1272 Myron, b. Jan. 17, 1788. 1273 Philomela, b. Oct. 14, 1789; d. at Warsaw, N. Y.; m. George Snyder. *1274 Betsey, b. Feb. 13, 1792. *1275 Truman, b. Poultney, Vt., Dec. 29, 1793. *1276 Daniel, b. Poultnev. Vt., Aug. 2, 1795. *1277 Chesterfield, b. Poultney, Vt., Aug. 28, 1797. *1278 David, b. Poultney, Vt., June 2, 1799. *1279 Alma, b. Poultney, Vt., Nov. 11, 1801. 493 James Hooker (Colonel) (James,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of James and Dorothy (Parmalee) Hooker, of Woodbury, Conn., b. Dec. 25, 1760, at Wood- bury, Conn.; m. No. 1, Lucina Christy. He removed to Poultney, Vt., 1779, with his parents and made his home with them. She died at Poultney, Vt, Sept. 2, 1832. He married No. 2, Chloe (Hickok) Hoyt, and widow of Deacon Hoyt of Castleton, Vt. He died at Poultney, Vt., Aug. 9, 1844. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, enlisting when quite young in the 8th Regt. Conn. Line, and spending a winter in the terri- ble winter camp at Morristown, N. J. He was all his life an earnest advocate of an efficient and thoroughly organized militia. CHILDREN, HOOKER. - By 1st wife. 1280 Vesta Ann, b. Oct. 20, 1787; d. Feb. 12, 1812; m. Merrill Ran- som. *1281 James, b. Mar. 6, 1789. Sixth Generation 113 *1282 Marquis dc Lafayette, b. Feb. 22, 1792. He was commonly called Marcus. 1283 Martha Stoddard, b. Aug. 3, 1793. 1284 Asa Christy, b. Feb. 6, 1796; m. April. 1830, Bertha Bliss. 1285 Emily, b. Apr. 7, 1799; d. July 2. 1887; m. Stephen Ransom. 1286 Herman F. (Rev.) b. Poultney, Vt., Apr. 17, 1802; d. Philadel- phia. Penna., July 25. 1865. His widow removed to the City of Mexico, where she had a school for orphan girls. 1287 Maria, b. July 18, 1804 ; m. William Goodspeed. 494 Samuel Hooker (James.s Hezekiah,* John,' Samuel,- Thomas*), son of James and Dorothy (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury. Conn., b. Aiiq-. 3, 1762. at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Nov. 25, 1790, Elizabeth Martin, of Scotland. He was a fanner at Hampton, N. Y., where he died June 2, 1835. She died at Hampton, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1849. CHILDREN. HOOKER. *1288 Laura, b. July 20. 1791. *1289 Sarah, b. Hampton, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1792. *1290 Mary, b. Hampton, N. Y., Mar. 18. 1795. 1291 Betsey, b. Hampton, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1796; d. March 22, 1855; m. Daniel Merritt, Oct. 30, 1817; they moved to Wisconsin about 1850. *1292 Samuel Porus. b. Hampton. N. Y., May 17, 1798. *1293 Olive, b. Hampton. N. Y.. Dec. 15, 1801. *1294 James Porter, b. Hampton, N. Y., Oct. 8. 1803. 1295 Louisa, b. Hampton, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1806; d. Middletown, Vt., Oct. 22, 1864; m. George W. Hamilton, Apr. 27. 1831. He died Jan. 11, 1831. *1296 Martin Parmalee. b. Hampton. N. Y., March 31, 1811. 1297 Cortez Perrv. b. Hampton. N. Y.. Oct. 14, 1814; d. New Balti- more, Mich., Nov. 7, 1886; m. 1st Margaret Oxford, Oct. 26, 1843. 497 David Hooker (James,^ Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of James and Dorothy fParmalee) Hooker of Woodburv, Conn., b. July 9, 1771 : m. 1795, Betsey Saunders. She died March, 1813. He married No. 2, Feb. 1814, Sally Pix- ley, dau£;fhter of Isaac and Abig-ail (Hooker) Pixlev of Great Barrington, Mass. He served in the War of 1812. They lived at Ridgeway, N. Y., where he died Aug. 6, 1847. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1298 Perley. *1299 Betsey Priscilla. 8 ' 114 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 498 Josiah Hooker (James,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of James and Dorothy (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. July 15, 1777 at Woodbury, Conn. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1300 Darwin W. b. Aug. 14, 1803. 1301 Marcia, b. Feb. 24, 1806. 1302 Samuel B. b. Mar. 19, 1811. 1303 Dorinda B. b. Dec. 23, 1815. 1304 William S. b. Aug. 17, 1818. 499 Hezekiah Hooker (Dr.) (William.s Hezekiah,^ John.^ Samuel,2 Thomas'), son of William and Rachel (Waller) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. June 6, 1756, at Woodbury; m. Rebecca Beecher, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Baldwin) Beecher of Woodbridge, Conn., b. 1760. They resided at Beth- any, Conn., where he was a practicing physician and an extensive land holder. He died at Bethany, Conn., March 25, 1798. She died at Bethany, Conn., July 29,' 1815. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1305 John. 1306 Harley. 1307 Ann. 502 Increase Moseley Hooker (William,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. Nov. 4, 1765, at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Lois Wilcox. He died at Onandago Hollow, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1848 or 1849. She died at Truxton, N. Y., Feb. 1813. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1308 Eliza, d. Onondaga Hollow, 1866; unmarried. *1309 John Hart, b. Truxton, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1791. *1310 Chellis. b. Truxton. N. Y., Dec. 9, 1792. *1311 Harley, b. Truxton, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1792. *1312 Sophia, b. Truxton, N. Y. 503 Rachel Hooker (William,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomasi), daughter of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. Dec. 6, 1767, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Aug. 24, 1788, Henry Talmadge, son of David and Lydia (Pike) Tal- madge of East' Hampton, L. I., N. Y., b. Dec. 7, 1762, at East Hampton. He entered the Revolutionary Army at an early age, and served through the war. After the War he settled at Poult- ney, Vt., and married Rachel Hooker. In 1793 they removed to Sixth Generation 115 Greenville, N. Y., where he died, March 14, 1813. She died May 6, 1849. CHILDREN, TALMADGE. *1313 Henry, b. Poiiltney, Vt., Sept. 26, 1789. 1314 Polly, b. Poiiltney, Vt., May 25, 1791; d. Greenville, N. Y., March 14, 1881. *1315 David, b. Greenville, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1793. 1316 William, b. Greenville, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1797; d. New York City, Nov. iO, 1856; m. Ann Amanda Lyon, Feb., 1828. *1317 Lydia, b. Greenville. N. Y., Aug. 25, 1800. 1318 Rachel Hooker, b. Greenville, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1804; d. Jan. 15, 1832. 1319 Ann, b. Greenville, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1807; d. Greenville, N. Y., June 2, 1890. 504 Eunice Hooker (William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Jan. 31, 1770, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Alexan- der Calhoun. They lived at Greenville, N. Y., where she died May 19, 1856. CHILDKEN, CALHOUN. 1320 Olive, m. Benson Hopkins Wheeler, 1821. 1321 David. 1322 Asahel. 1323 Philo. 1324 Mary Ann. 1325 George. 1326 Eunice. 1327 Emily. 505 Olive Hooker (William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel," Thomas^), daughter of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Nov. 20, 1772, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. 1794, Joseph Chittenden, son of Benjamin and Anna (Baker) Chit- tenden of Guilford, Conn., b. 1769, at Woodbury, Conn. They lived at St. Clair, and Adrian, Mich., where she died Dec. 5, 1845. CHILDREN, CHITTENDEN. 1328 William Benjamin, b. 1797. 1329 Mary Ann, b. 1800. 1330 Joseph, b, 1802. l.Wl Olive, b. 1805. 1332 Jiidson Hooker, b. 1808. *13.33 Cornelia, b. Apr. 18, 1816. *1334 Jane Swan, b. Jan. 5, 1818. 116 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 508 Deborah Ann Hooker (William/ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. July 5, 1779; m. (at Genoa, N. Y.) Sept. 30, 1804, Elijah Drake of Clarkson, N. Y., son of Samuel and Rebecca ( ) Drake, b. March 8, 1772, at Sing Sing, N. Y. They lived at Genoa and Clarkson, N. Y. He died at Clarkson, March 19, 1847. She died at Painesville, Ohio, Jan. 16, 1866. CHILDREN. DRAKE. *1335 Mary Hooker, b. Genoa, N. Y., June 13, 1806. 1336 Frances Hooker, b. Genoa, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1808; d. Genoa, N. Y„ Jan. 11, 1809. *1337 Samuel Moselev, b. Genoa, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1811. *1338 Rebecca Ann, b. Genoa, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1812. *1339 Sarah Mandeville, Genoa, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1818. *1340 Elijah (Jr.), b. Genoa, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1820. 509 Timothy Judson Hooker (William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of William and Mary (Moseley) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Nov. 4, 1782, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Charlotte Wood, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Edo) Wood. They lived at Lyons Farms, N. J. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1341 Nathaniel Wood, b. Lyons Farms, N. J., May 9, 1819. *1342 Henrietta Judson, b. Lyons Farms. 513 Ira Hooker (Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. March 12, 1760, at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Feb. 15, 1791, Amy Barnes, b. Aug. 18, 1769. When a mere lad he joined the Revolutionary War and had considerable service, probably throughout the war. He was present at the execution of Major Andre. After the war he became a very extensive manufacturer of tinware at Bristol, Conn. They lived at Bristol, Conn., where he died Nov. 30, 1838. She died at Bristol Conn., Aug. 6, 1835. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1343 Asahel, b. Bristol, Conn., June 15, 1792. *1344 Anna, b. Bristol, Conn., Oct. 15, 1793. 1345 Moseley, b. Bristol. Conn., Oct. 17, 1795; d. Texas, during the Civil War; m. 1835, Mrs. Mary A. North, of Montgomery, Alabama. He was at one time mayor of Montgomery. *1346 George, b. Bristol, Conn.. Feb. 17, 1798. *1347 Julia Elma, b. Bristol, Conn., Nov. 30, 1800. Sixth Generation 117 1348 Ira, b. Bristol, Conn., Nov. 11, 1802; d. Mar. 25, 1823. *1349 .^Lniv. b. Bristol, Conn., Apr. 16, 1805. *1350 Caroline, b. Bristol, Conn., July 2, 1808. *1351 Liirena, b. Bristol, Conn., Nov. 3, 1810. *1352 Stephen, b. Bristol. Conn., Dec. 16, 1813. 514 Asahel Hooker (Asahel," Hezekiah,-' John,^ Samiiel,^ ThoniasM, son of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury, Conn., b. Aug. 29, 1762, at Woodbury, Conn., grad- uated from Yale College 1789; ordained at Goshen, Conn., Sept. 7, 1791; in. June 11, 1792, Phebe Edwards, daughter of Timothy and Rhoda (Ogdcn) Edwards, of Elizabethtown, N. J., b. Nov. 4, 1768, at Stockbridge, Mass. He died at Norwich, Conn., April 19, 1813. She married No. 2, Oct. 30, 1814, Sam- uel Farrar, Esq. She died at Andover, Mass., Jan. 22, 1848. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1353 Timothy Edwards, b. Goshen, Conn., Sept. 1793: d. 1794. *1354 Edward William, b. Goshen, Conn., Nov. 24, 1794. *135S Mary Ann, b. Goshen, Conn., April 17, 1796. *1356 Sarah Elizabeth Reeve, b. Goshen, Conn., Aug. 28, 1803. 515 Bryan Hooker (Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker, of Woodbury and Bristol, Conn., b. Aug. 5, 1764; m. No. 1, 1790, Lvdia Lewis, daughter of Eli and Anna Lewis of Bristol, Conn., b. Oct. 29, '\765. She died at Bristol, Conn., Apr. 20, 1804. He married No. 2. 1804, Widow Nancy (Lee) Fuller, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Lee, of Bristol, Conn., b. Aug. 30. 1776, at Bristol, Conn. By her first mar- riage Mrs. Fuller had two children, the eldest Rhoda Ann Ful- ler a pert little Miss of 9 years when her mother married Es- quire Hooker, was very much opposed to her mother's mar- riage, and declaring that she would not be present at the mar- riage nor go with her mother to her new home, she left her mother, and took up her abode with her grand parents, who were not quite as well supplied with the luxuries of life as was Esquire Hooker. By advice of Mr. Hooker neither he nor his wife took any notice of the young miss, nor made any elTort to induce her to coine to them, and for a year neither of them saw her, no doubt very much to her surprise and disappointment, of course the Hookers and Lees being on good terms, often talked the matter over, and made their arrangements together. When a year had passed, Esquire Hooker drove in his carriage to the Lees' nominally upon business. After talking upon busi- ness matters, Mr. Hooker turned to the little girl and said "Miss Rhoda wouldn't you like to see your mother?" The lit- 118 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker tie girl's eyes moistened and with quivering lips she replied "yes". "Well" said the Squire, "put on your things and get into the carriage and I will take you around to see your mother and when you get ready to come back I will bring you home." So the little miss went to her mother, and soon found that everything was so nice and comfortable, that she did not wish to return to the home of her grandparents, but remained there until her own marriage in 1815, to Samuel A. Mitchell, the cartographer, and took up her residence at Philadelphia, Penn. Mr. Hooker was extensively engaged in woolen goods manu- facture. He died at Bristol, Conn., June 22, 1826. She died at Bristol, Conn., May 9, 1866. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *U57 Lydia Lewis, b. Bristol, Conn., Aug. 8, 1805. *1358 Nancy, b. Bristol, Conn., July 24, 1809. *1359 Bryan Edward, b. Bristol, Conn., Jan. 1, 1813. 516 Anne Hooker (Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury and Bristol, Conn., b. Feb. 10, 1767, at Woodbury, Conn.; m. 1786, Samuel Porter, of Bristol, Conn. She died, Oct. 17, 1789. CHILD, PORTER. 1360 Samuel H., b. Sept. 1789. 517 Levi Hooker (Asahel,® Hezekiah,* John,' Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbur}', and Bristol, Conn., b. Aug. 15, 1769, at Woodbury, Conn. ; m. Elizabeth Strong, daughter of Lieut. Elisha and Sarah (Lewis) Strong of Northampton, Mass., b. July 11, 1770, at Northampton, Mass. They had no children but they adopted a child named Laura Berry of Middlebury, Vt., and she was after- ward known as Laura Hooker. He died at Caldwell, Warren Co., N. Y., March 30, 1844. She died at Moreau, Wash. Co., N. Y., April 2, 1856. CHILD, HOOKER. (By adoption). 1360a Laura, b. at Middlebury, Vt., 1802; m. Judge Seth Cogswell Baldwin. 518 Urania Hooker (Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury and Bristol, Conn., b. May 14, 1774 at Woodbury, Sixth Generation 119 Conn. ; m. 1804, Capt. Elias Lewis (his 2nd. wife) son of William and Mary (Bull) Lewis of Farmington, Conn., b. April 1, 1762, at Farmington, Conn. He died at Farmington, Conn., April 25, 1831. She died at Farmington, Conn., March 28, 1817. CHILDREN, LEWIS. 1361 Elias Ashley, b. Farmington, Conn., July 2, 1806; d. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1874. 1362 Asahel Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1810; d. St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1862; m. 1st. Jenette Keene; m. 2nd. Jane E. Piatt. 519 Chauncey Hooker (Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,3 Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Asahel and Anne (Parmalee) Hooker of Woodbury and Bristol, Conn., b. Sept. 12, 1775, at Bristol, Conn. ; m. Nov. 3, 1802, Catherine Wolcott, daughter of Josiah and Lydia (Russell) Wolcott of Wethersfield, Conn., b. March 5, 1780, at Wethersfield, Conn. He died at Plymouth, Conn., March 16, 1842. She died at Bristol, Conn., Jan. 8, 1826. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1363 William A., b. Bristol, Conn., Oct. 10, 1804; d. March 4, 1891; m. Emeline Peck. 1364 Levi Julius, b. Bristol, Conn., Sept. 13, 1806; m. Nancy Bruffy, March 25, 1838. 1365 Polly Wolcott, b. Bristol, Conn.. Dec. 23, 1808; d. Rocky Hill, Conn., Mar. 23. 1886. 1366 Lydia Ann, b. Bristol, Conn., Dec. 3, 1811; d. West Winstead, Conn., July 9, 1899; buried at Rocky Hill. *1367 Urania Catherine, b. Bristol, Conn., May 14, 1814. *1368 Chauncey Monell, b. Bristol, Conn., Dec. 3, 1817. 520 Polly Hooker (Asahel.s Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Asahel and Anne (Parinalee) Hooker of Woodbury and Bristol, Conn., b. March 2, 1778 at Bristol, Conn.; m. Nov. 15, 1797, Ammi R. Deming, son of Eliakiin and Lucy (Gridley) Deming of Southington, Conn., b. Nov. 4, 1767. She died at Southington, Conn., Oct. 26. 1804. CHILDREN, DEMING. 1369 Norice. 1370 Betsey, m. George J. Edwards, 1826. 1371 Polly, d. 1830. 522 Olive Judson (Sarah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Timothy and Sarah (Hooker) Judson of Woodbury, Conn., b. Oct. 9, 1767, at Woodbury, Conn.; m. 120 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Jan. 29, 1789, John Basrley, son of Jonathan and Anne Bagley, b. April 22 or Feb. 11,'^17.S9, at Candia, N. H. He died Oct. 29, 1833. She died Oct. 25, 1839. CHILD, BAGLEY. *1372 John, b. Jan. 21, 1800 at Durham, N. Y. 524 Mary Hooker (John,"* John,^ John,^ Samiiel,^ Thom- as^), daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton. Mass., b. Sept. 10, 1756, at Northampton ; m. April 22, 1779, Rev. Solomon Williams, son of Rev. Dr. Eli- phalet and Mary (Wiliams) Williams of East Hartford, Conn., b. July 25, 1752 at East Hartford, Conn. He graduated from Yale College 1770, was tutor there 1773-75, settled at North- ampton, 1779, where he died, Nov. 9, 1834. She died Feb. 7 , 1842. CHILDREN, WILLIAMS. *1373 EHplialet, b. Northampton, Mass., Mar., 1780. *1374 Solotnon. b. Northampton, Mass., Mar., 1782. 1375 Jnlia, b. Northampton, Mass., Mar., 1784. 1376 Mary, b. Northampton, Mass., Dec, 1785. *1377 James, b. Northampton, Mass.. Mar., 1788. *1378 Jolm Hooker, b. Northampton, Mass., Jan. 25, 1790. 1379 Miranda, b. Northampton, Mass., 1792; d. 1815. *1.^80 Samuel, b. Northampton, Mass.. Apr. 11, 1794. 1381 Frances, b. Northampton, Mass., Oct. 3, 1796. *1382 Sarah, b. Northampton, Mass., 1798. 525 Sarah Hooker (John,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,2 Thom- as>), daugliter of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton. Mass., b. Jan. 30, 1758, at Northampton. Mass.: m. Nov. 20, 1777, Gov. Caleb Strong, son of Lieut. Caleb and Phebe (Lyman) Strong, of Northampton, Mass., b. Jan. 9, 1745, at Northampton, Mass. Graduated from Harvard College, 1764. U. S. Senator, Governor of Mass. He died at Northampton, Mass., Nov. 7, 1819. She died Feb. 12, 1817. CHILDREN, STRONG. *1383 Theodore, b. Northampton, Mass., Jan. 13. 1779. 1384 Sarah, b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 19. 1781 ; d. Northampton, Mass., Oct. 26, 1783. Scalded by falling into a tub of boiling water. *1,385 Clarissa, b. Northampton, Mass., June 14. 1783. *1386 Lewis, b. Northampton, Mass., June 9, 1785. *1387 Sarah No. 2, b. Northampton. Mass., July 22. 1787. 1388 Edward, b. Northampton, Mass., July 2, 1790; d. May 6, 1813. Graduated from Harvard College, 1810. Sixth Generation 121 1389 Julia A, b. Northampton, Mass., April 1, 1795; d. Oct. 1. 1818. 1390 Phebe, b. Northampton, Mass., March 22, 1795; d. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 10, 1799. 1391 Philip, b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 27, 1799; d. Northampton, Mass., Aug. 17, 1800. 526 Seth Hooker (John.s John,* John.a Samuel^ Thom- as*), son of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthing'ton) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., b. Oct. 26, 1759, at Northampton, Mass.; m. May 6, 1789, Abigail Gay, daug:hter of Rev. Bunker and Abi- gail (Prentice) Gay of Hinsdale, N. H. They resided at Hins- dale, N. H., where he was a hatter by trade and a fanner upon the Gay place, now known as the Hooker place at Hinsdale. Though very voung he liad some service in the Revolutionary War." He died May 31, 1844. She died Oct. 23, 1842. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1392 Sarah Gay, b. Hinsdale, N. H., Dec. 25, 1789; d. Hinsdale, N. H., Jan. 12, 1797. *1993 Henry, b. Hinsdale, N. H., July 5, 1791. *1394 Abigail Prentice, b. Hinsdale. N. H., Aug. 28, 1792. *1395 George, b. Hinsdale, N. H., Dec. 15, 1794. *1396 Sarah Gay No. 2, b. Hinsdale. N. H.. June 22, 1797. *1397 Delia, b. Hinsdale, N. H.. Oct. 3. 1799. 1398 Bunker Gay, b. Hinsdale, N. H., May 17, 1801, d. Oct. 8, 1802. 527 John Hooker (John,-'- John,* Tohn,^ Samuel,^ Thom- as*), son of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., b. Oct. 8, 1761, at Northainpton, Mass.; m. Feb. 9, 1791, Sarah Dwight, daughter of Col. John and Eliza- beth (Buckminister) Dwight, b. Dec. 13, 1764. He graduated from Yale College 1782, and settled at Springfield. Mass. Law- yer, Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Deacon of 1st. Congrega- tional Churcli, member of A. B. C. F. M. He died at Spring- field, Mass., March 7, 1829. She died at Springfield, Mass., Sept. 5, 1842. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1399 John, b. Springfield, Mass., Dec. 15, 1791 ; d. Springfield, Mass., May 13, 1857; graduated from Yale, 1810. lawyer. *1400 George, b. Springfield. Mass., March 17, 1793. 1401 Sarah, b. Springfield, Mass., October 16, 1795; d. West Hamp- ton, Mass., April 21, 1825; m. Dr. Enoch Hale (his 2nd wife). May 15, 1822. 1402 Josiah, b. Springfield, Mass.. April 17, 1796; d. Springfield, Mass.. July 14, '1870; m. Wealthy Jane Judd, Oct. 22. 1840. *1403 Elizabeth Dwight, b. Springfield. Mass.. Feb. 16, 1798. 1404 Mary, b. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1799; d. July 17, 1824. ^ 122 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1405 Richard, b, Springfield, Mass., July 15, 1801; d, April 24, 1802. 1406 Clarissa, b. Springfield, Mass., Feb. 11, 1804; d. Oct. 8, 1804. 1407 Worthington, b. Springfield, Mass., March 13, 1806; d. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 6, 1867; m. No. 1, Mary Ingersoll, 1830; m. No. 2, Henrietta Edwards, Jan. 31, 1855. He was a gradu- ate and later a professor at Yale College. She died Jan. 1894. *1408 Richard, b. Springfield, Mass., April 10, 1808. 529 William Hooker (John,^ John,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thom- as^), .son of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., b. Nov. 26. 1766, at Northampton ; m. 1798, Anna Thompson, daughter of Hugh Thompson of East Windsor, Conn. She died at VVest Hampton, Mass. He married No. 2, Widow of Ensign Hartland. He was a physician and also a trader at West Hampton, Mass. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. *1409 Henry, b. West Hampton, Mass., May 18, 1786. *1410 William, Jr., West Hampton, Mass., Feb. 15, 1788. *1411 Hugh Thompson, b. West Hampton, Mass., Sept. 9, 1789. *1412 Almira. b. West Hampton, Mass., Nov. 10, 1792. 1413 Charles, b. West Hampton, Mass., April 25, 1797; d. West Hampton, Mass., May 13, 1833. *1414 Anson, b. West Hampton, Mass., July 17, 1799. *1415 Edward, b. West Hampton, Mass., March 20, 1802. 530 Thomas Hooker (John,^ John,* John,^ Sairiuel,^ Thom- as'), son of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., b. May 20, 1770, at Northampton. Mass.; m. Sarah Brown, daughter of Col. John Brown of Pittsfield, Mass. He was an apothecarv and grocer at Rutland, Vt., where he died, 1836. She died, 1832. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1416 Elizabeth White, b. Rutland, Vt.. July, 13, 1800. 1417 John Worthington, b. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 31, 1802; d. Chicago, Ills., 1866; m. Jerusha Northam, of Williamstown, Mass., 1832. He was a merchant at Rutland, Vt. In 1836 moved to Chicago. *1418 Henry Brown, Rutland, Vt., Aug. 31, 1802. 1419 Sarah Strong, b. Rutland, Vt., 1806; d. 1830. *1420 Julia Ann, b. Rutland, Vt., 1809. 532 Lucy Hooker (John,^ John,* John.^ Samuel,^ Thom- as'), daughter of Rev. John and Sarah (Worthington) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., bapt. July 16, 1775, at Northampton, Mass. ; m. Hon. Eli Pease Ashmun, of Blanford, Mass., b. June 24, 1770. He was a lawyer of eminence. Member of State Legis- Sixth Generation 123 lature, and U. S. Senator, 1816. They lived at Blanford until 1807, then removed to Northampton, where he died, May 10, 1819. She died at Northampton, Mass., Oct. 9, 1812. After the death of Lucy Hooker, Mr. Ashnnm married No. 2, Mary Gush- ing of Boston, Mass. CHILDREN, ASHMUN. 1421 John Hooker, b. Blanford, Mass.. July 3, 1800; d. Northampton, Mass., April 1, 1833; graduated Harvard College, 1818; lawyer at Northampton, Mass., until 1829; then professor at Harvard until death. 1422 Sophia W., b. Blanford, Mass., Dec. 12, 1802; d. Aug. 27, 1820. 1423 George, b. Blanford, Mass., Feb. 25, 1804. Graduated from Yale 1823, lawyer at Springfield, Mass. Member of Congress. 1424 Lucy Hooker, b. Blanford, Mass., Feb. 9, 1807; d. Feb. IS, 1836. 1425 Lewis, b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 10, 1809; m. Mary T. Strong, 533 William Hooker (Seth,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Seth and Sarah (Burnham) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 15, 1756, at Kensington, Conn.; m. 1779, Hannah Jones, daughter of Levi and Elizabeth (Cook) Jones, of Hartford, Conn., b. Dec. 5, 1758, at Hartford. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. He was a sergeant in the 3rd. Regt. (Col. Webb) Conn. Line. He was pensioned as ser- geant. He d. at Kensington, Mass., Feb. 4, 1826. She d. at Kensington, Mass., April 12, 1854. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1426 William, b. 1781 ; d. Jan. 10, 1782 *1427 Sally, b. Aug. 26, 1783. *I428 Betsey, b. Kensington, Conn., 1785. *1429 William, b. Kensington, Conn., March 10, 1788. *1430 George, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 2, 1790. *1431 Hannah, b. Kensington. Conn., April 22, 1792 *1432 Seth, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 8, 1796. *1433 Charles, b. Kensington. Conn., March 22, 1799. 1434 Levi, b. Kensington, Conn., June 30, 1802; d. Kensington, Conn. Sept. 7, 1808. 535 John Hooker (Elijah,^ John,* John,^ Samuel, 2 Thom- asi), son of Elijah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., born April 17, 1768, at Kensing- ton ; Married Sept. 5, 1790, Abigail Goodrich, born Oct. 23, 1768. She died at Kensington, Conn., July 30, 1794. He married 2nd, Feb. 2, 1795, Mary Ives daughter of John and Mary (Hall)' Ives of Meriden, Conn., born Nov. 19, 1771, at Meriden. Thev removed in 1802, to Turin, N. Y., and from there in 1814, to 124 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Morristown, N. Y., which was then a small place with but a few houses but beautifully situated upon the bank of the St. Lawrence River. Here he built a large hotel which he owned until it was burned in 1823. He also carried on a general mer- cantile business, principally Canadian trade, and also was an extensive mill owner. He died at Morristown, N. Y., April 12, 1829. She died at Morristown, N. Y., May 16, 1842. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. *1435 John, b. Mcrideii, Conn., Aug. 28, 1791. *1436 Abigail, b. Meriden, Conn., Jan. 17, 1794. By 2nd marriage. *1437 Henry, b. Meriden, Conn., July 7, 1797. *1438 .A.lfred, b. Meriden, Conn., Aug. 18, 1799. 1439 George, b. Meriden, Conn., Aug. 20, 1802. *1440 Mary Anne, b. Turin, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1805. 1441 George No. 2, b. Turin, N. Y., April 8, 1808. 1442 Lucretia, b. Turin, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1810; d. Morristown, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1816. 1443 Elijah, b. Turin, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1814; d. Kingston, Canada, Jan. 29, 1866. 537 Lucy Hooker (Elijah,"' John,'* John,^ Samuel,^ Thom- as'), daughter of Elijah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Sey- mour) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. Jan. 13, 1772, at Ken- sington, Conn.; m. Dec. 24, 1795, Cyprian Hart, son of Natha- niel and Martha (Norton) Hart and grandson of Nathaniel and Abigail (Hooker) Hart of Kensington, Conn. He was adopted by his uncle Gen. Selah Hart who had no children to inherit his wealth. He died a few weeks before his uncle ; his family however inherited the property and his widow and the widow of his uncle Gen. Selah Hart occupied the General Hart house and property together as long as they lived. He died at Kensington, Conn., March 1, 1806. She died, July 8, 1851. CHILDREN, H.ART. 1444 Selah, b. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 19, 1796; d. May 24, 1838. *I44S Ruth, b. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 19, 1797. 1446 Abigail, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 12, 1799; d. Kensington, Conn., Sept., 2, 1850; m. Oliver Moore, March 25, 1829. He died May 2, 1871. 1447 Henry Cyprian, b. Kensington, Conn., Jan. 30, 1801 ; d. Berlin, Conn., March 28, 1831; graduated from Yale, 1822; M. D. physician at Berlin, Conn. *1448 Lucy Hooker, b. Kensington, Conn., Nov. 14, 1803. 1449 Emily, b. Kensington, Conn., May 19, 1805; d. April 3, 1835. Sixth Generation 125 538 Saxa Hooker (Elijah,' John,-* John," Samuel,^ Thom- asi), son of Ehjah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker of Kensinsiton, Conn., b. Feb. 10, 1774, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Jan. 23, 1799, Clarissa Stocking, of Berlin, Conn. Thev resided at Kensington, Conn., where he died Feb. 19, 1857. She died, June 22, 1849. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *14S0 Sophia, b. Kensington, Conn., May 1800. 1451 Norman. 1). Kensington, Conn., 1803; d. Kensington, Conn., Oct. 29, 1825. *1452 Henry, b. Kensington, Conn., Sept. 20, 1809. 539 Susannah Hooker (Elijah," John,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomasi), daughter of Elijah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. March 28, 1776, at Kensington ; m. May 6, 1798, Russell Cole son of Stephen Cole of Kensington. Conn., b. Oct. 18, 1772, at Kensington. He was a farmer at Kensington, where he died Dec. 12, 1852. CHILDREN, COLE. 1453 Ira, b. Kensington. Conn. 1454 Delia M., b. Kensington, Conn., d. Kensin.gton, Conn., July 25, 1876. 540 Samuel Hooker (Elijah,'' John,* John.s Samuel,^ Thom- as*), son of Elijah and Widow Su.sannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker of Kensington. Conn., b. Aug. 16, 1778, at Kensington; m. Jan. 21, 1806, Huldah Norton, daughter of Roger Norton. bapt. June 25, 1786. They lived at Kensington, where he died Aug. 6, 1825. She died at Kensington, Conn., June 27, 1829. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1455 Harriet, b. Kensington, Conn., 1808. 1456 Samuel Alonzo, b. Kensington, Conn., 1811. 1457 Elizabeth Norton, b. Kensington, Conn., 1814. 541 Ashbell Hooker (Elijah,- John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas*), son of Elijah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Sey- mour) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. Nov. 26, 1780, at Ken- sington ; m. Oct. 31, 1802. Lavina Smith daughter of Dea. Asaph Smith, of Berlin, Conn. He was a shoemaker by trade, and re- sided at Kensington, where he died Feb. 20, 1851. She died at Kensington, Conn., March 22, 1853. CHILD, HOOKER. *1458 George, b. June 15, 1803. 126 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 542 Seth Hooker (Elijah.^ John,* John.s Sanuiel.s Thom- asi), son of Elijah and Widow Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker of Kensinp^on, Conn., b. Jan. 18, 1783. at Kensington; m. No. 1, Sept. 18, 1808, Sarah Griswold. She died about six months after marriage. He then removed to Turin, Lewis Co., N. Y., where his brotlier John was in business. From Turin he went to Cartilage, Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he engaged in business, carrying on a large country store, and for more than ■twenty years was Postmaster. At Carthage he married No. 2, July 11, 1823, Calista Nimocks, daughter of Roland Nimocks of Westfield, Mass., b. July 14, 1797. His children were all by his second wife. He died at Carthage, N. Y., June 15, 1842. She died at Carthage, N. Y., May 11, 1888. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1459 Horace, b. Carthage, N. Y., August. 14, 1824. *1460 Ralph, b. Carthage, N. Y., July 3, 1826. 1461 Sarah L., b. Carthage. N. Y., Dec. 10, 1828; d. Carthage, N. Y., July 1, 1857; m. Joseph A. Livingston, Feb. 18, 1852. 1462 Calista L., b. Carthage, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1830. 543 Uriel Hooker (Elijah,"' John,-* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thom- asM. son of Elijah and Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker, of Kensington, (Tonn., b. May 14, 1785, at Kensington; m. June, 1812, Sophia Root, daughter of Moses and Esther (Mitchell") Root of Meriden, Conn., b. July 20, 1788, at Meriden. They lived at Balston, N. Y., and various other places. He died at Carthage, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1846. She died at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1875. CHILDREN, HOOKER, *1463 Mary Sophia, b. Turin. N. Y., Aug. 22, 1819. 1464 Sarah Griswold, b. Turin, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1821 ; d. Carthage, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1847. *1465 Harriet Theodosia, b. Turin, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1825. 546 Horace Hooker (Rev.) (Elijah,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Elijah and Susannah (Judd) (Seymour) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., b. March 25, 1793, at Kensington, Conn. Graduated from Yale College 1815. Tutor at Yale, from 1817 to 1822. Pastor of church 'at Watertown, from 1822 to 1824. Settled at Hartford, Conn. Editor of Connecticut Observ- er, Secretary of Connecticut Missionary Society; m. June, 1822, Marv Ann Brown, of Hartford, Conn. She died at Hartford, ConiV, May 3, 1838. He married No. 2, in 1843, Harriet Wat- Sixth Generation 127 kinson, daughter of Edward Watkinson. He died at Hartford, Conn., Dec. 17, 1864. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1466 Thomas, b. 1844. 1467 Mary, b. 1846. 553 Seth Stanley (Hannah Hart.s Abigail,* John.^ Samuel," Thomas'), son of Thomas and Hannah (Hart) Stanley, of Kensington, Conn., b. May 6, 1755, at Kensington, Conn. ; m. 1781, Ann Hooker, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Norton) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. 1756, at Kensington. She died at Ken- sington, Conn. He married No. 2, Widow Sabra (Winchell) Stanley. He married No. 3, 1822, Widow Abigail (Hart) Smith, daughter of Zachariah and Sarah (Parsons) Hart of Berlin, Conn., Widow (1st of Josiah Norton) (2nd of Josiah Smith), b. May 21, 1768, at Berlin, Conn. Seth Stanley" died June 22, 1827, at Berlin. CHILDREN, ST.\NLEY. 1468 Amanda. 1469 Lvdia H., m. Reuben Porter, Zanesville, Ohio. 1470 Nancy, m. S. Hurlburt. 1471 Samuel. 1472 Seth, m. Sally Fenn. 1473 Amelia, m. William Hooker, Jan. 9, 1814 (Note — Her record is given under her husband's name). 557 Gideon Hart (Major) (Nathaniel Hart.s Abigail,* John,3 Samuel. 2 Thomas'), son of Nathaniel and Martha (Nor- ton) Hart of Kensington, Conn., b. Nov. 28, 1759, at Kensing- ton ; m. June 25, 1786, Cynthia Langdon, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Edwards) Langdon of Kensington, b. Mav 14, 1765 at Kensington, Conn. They removed for a time to Castle- ton, Vt., but returned to Farmington, Conn. Places of birth of the children is not a certainty but it is supposed that they were born in Kensington, Conn., before the going to Castleton. He died at Farmington, Conn., 1834. She died, 1824. CHILDREN, HART. 1474 Laura, bapt. Sept. 16, 1787; m. Erastus Washburn, bapt. Nov. 18. 1781. 1475 Azel Langdon, bapt. Feb. 2, 1789. 1476 Amanda, bapt. Aug. 14. 1791 ; d. Kensington, Conn.. 1826. 1477 Polly, bapt. Sept. 30. 1793; d. Kensington, Conn., 1834 1478 Cynthia Langdon, bapt. July 31. 1796; unmarried; lived at Madison. N. C. 1479 Norman, bapt. May 7, 1798: d. Oct. 16. 1832. 1480 Salmon, bapt. May 10. 1802; d. in infancy. 1481 Abigail, bapt. Dec. 3. 1803; m. James Bragg, Burien Co.. Mich. 1482 Olivia, b. 1806; d. 1826. 128 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 558 Seth Hart (Nathaniel Hart.^ Abigail,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Nathaniel and Martha (Norton) Hart, of Kensinsjton, b. Aug. 19. 1761, at Kensington, Conn.; m. No. 1, Anna Goodrich. She died at Kensington, Tune 27, 1799. He m. No. 2, Nov. 10, 1799, Widow Lydia (Wiliiams) Bull. She died at Kensington, Conn., March 5, 1812. He m. No. 3, Aug. 9, 1812, Lucy Boardnian, daughter of Elnathan Boardman. He was a tailor by trade, at Rocky Hill, Conn. He died at Rocky Hill, Conn., Dec. 12, 1813. CHILDREN, H.\RT. 1483 Nancy, m. Chauncey Buckley, Rocky Hill, Aug. 27, 1805. 1484 .-Mjigail, m. John Buckley, Rocky Hill, Nov. 25. 1804. 1485 Roxanna, bapt. Nov. 6, 1791 ; m. Nathaniel Jagger, Rocky Hill, May 11. 1808. 1486 Norman, bapt. Aug. 14. 1794; d. in infancy. 1487 Seth. bapt. Oct. 1, 1796. 1488 Selah, bapt. Oct, 1. 1796. Infant, bapt. June 16, 1799. 1489 Caroline, bnpt. Oct. 4. 1801 ; d. Feb. 27, 1812. 1490 Lucius, b. June 14. 1803; d. New York City, Feb. 11, 1871; m. Hannah Robinson. 1491 Norman, bapt. Dec. 22, 1805. 559 Salmon Hart (Nathaniel Hart,' Abigail* John,'- Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Nathaniel and Martha (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, b. Jan. 9, 1763, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Jan. 31, 1788, Ruth Norton, daughter of Roger and Mary (Pratt) Nor- ton, of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 5, 1766, at Kensington. They resided at Blue Hills, Kensington, Conn., where he died, Dec. 26, 1796. She died at Blue Hills, Feb. 11, 1793. CHILDREN, H.\RT. 1402 Lambert, b. Blue Hills. April 21, 1789; d. May 6, 1789. 1493 William, bapt. Oct., 1790; d. Washington, Pa.. Nov. 11, 1810. 561 Selah Hart (Nathaniel Hart,^ Abigail.* John,^ Samuel,* Thomas'), son of Nathaniel and Martha (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, h. Jan. 30. 1767, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Oct. 30, 1793, Sarah Walter, b. March 5, 1766. They removed in 1789, to Marietta, Ohio; in 1796, to Watertown. Ohio. He was a farmer and for a number of years a magistrate, and he was generally accounted of good judgment and local influence. He was killed by the fall of a tree, Jan. 6, 1836. CHILDREN, H.ART. 1494 Norman, b. Aug. 29. 1795 ; d, SanduskT, Ohio, Aug., 1813. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and died in the armv. 1495 Walter, b. Dec. 1, 1796; m. Hannah Potts, May 30, 1818. Sixth Generation 129 1496 Selah, b. Nov. 29, 1797; d. Marion, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1870; m. Mary Thompson, Feb. 23, 1826. 1497 Seth, b. Dec. 6, 1799; d. Sept. 3, 1865; m. Sally Rush, Oct. 27, 1835. 1498 Sally, b. Nov. 20. 1801 ; m. George L. Caner. 1499 William, b. Dec. 11. 1803; d. Dec. 22, 1847. 1500 Hiram, b. July 1. 1805; m. Hannah Smith, Nov. 24, 1829. 1501 Cynthia, b. Sept. 21, 1807. 1502 Mary. b. May 15. 1809; m. John Moody. 1503 Betsey, b. Mar. 31, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1817. 565 Velina Hart (Noadiah Hart,^ Abigail,* John,^ Samuel,* Thomas'), son of Noadiah and Lucy (Hurlburt) Hart, of Kensington, b. May 5, 1761, at Kensington, Conn.; m. No. 1, Dec. 3, 1782, Huld'ah Green. She died.^July 29. 1807. He m. No. 2, Hannah Clark. He died at Southington, Conn., April 2, 1812. After the death of her husband she remo^•ed to Geneva, Ohio, where she died. CHILDREN, HART. 1504 Huldah, bapt. Nov. 26. 1809. 1505 Hannah, bapt. Jan. IS. 1812; d. Jan. 19. 1812. 567a Stephen Hurlburt Hart (Noadiah Hart,^ Abigail,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Noadiah and Lucy (Hurl- burt) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. Nov. 1, 1767, at Ken- sington, Conn.; m. Oct. 18, 1791, Lucinda Cook, daughter of Amos and (Hosford) Cook, of Wallingford, Conn., b. Oct. 29, 1771, at Wallingford. They resided at Litchfield, Har- winton, Winsted, and other places in Conn. He died at Win- sted. Conn,, Sept. 17, 1833. She died at Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 23, 1857. CHILDREN, HART. 1506 Asahel, b. Oct. 30, 1793; d. Supposed to have been lost at sea. 1507 Velina. b. Oct. 19, 1795: d. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Oct. 19. 1867; m. Elizabeth Stephens, 1821. 1508 Lucy Hooker, b. Jan. 26, 1799; m. Leonard R. Griswold, O.-t. 26, 1817. 1509 Roswell Cook. b. July 20. 1801 ; m. Polly Grant, Mar 'A, 1827. 1510 Lucinda, b. Feb. 3, 1804; m. William S. Hunpirtord, July 23, 1827. 1511 Rhoda, b. Oct. 6, 1806; d. Nov. 20, 1806. 1512 Sophia C. b. Sept. 4, 1809; m. George H. Bowditch, April 26, 1852. 1513 Richard P., b. Aug. 27, 1811; d. Waterbury, Conn, May 1, 1859. 568 Cyprian Hart (Noadiah Hart.s Abigail.* John,' Sam- uel," Thomas'), son of Noadiah and Lucy (Hurlburt) Hart, 9 130 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Kensington, b. May 23, 1772, at Kensington, Conn. ; m. Olive Wheadon, daughter of James and Dinah ( ) Wheadon, of North Branford, Conn., b. June 20, 1764. He died at Parishville, N. Y., July 5, 1843. She died at Parishville, N. Y., June 17, 1846. CHILDREN, HART. 1514 Truman, b. June 11, 1793; m. Laura Lewis Steele, July 4, 1815. 1515 Noadiah, b. April 16, 1795. 1516 Bera, b. March 31, 1797; m, Mary Whaples, May 6, 1819. 1517 James Griffin, b. April 19, 1799. 1518 Leander Sidney, b. Aug. 10, 1801 ; m. No. 1, Emeline Thomp- son, Aug. 2i, 1824 ; m. No. 2, Electa Humphrey. 1519 Percy, b. June 17, 1805; d. April 3, 1809. 1520 Ardeha, b. Jan. 17, 1808; d. April 4, 1809. Both buried in one grave. 582 Rebecca Hart (Samuel Hart,^ Mary,-* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Capt. Samuel and Rebecca (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. Jan. 30, 1760. at Kensington, Conn. ; m. William Cook, of Danbury, Conn. She died at Ken- sington, Conn., Jan. 7, 1823. CHILDREN, COOK. 1521 William. 1522 Betsey, m. Ebenezer White. 583 Samuel Hart (Samuel Hart,^ Mary,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Capt. Samuel and Rebecca (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. May 17, 1761, at Kensington; m. April 8, 1791, Mary Wilco.x, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Kelsey) Wilcox, of Kensington, Conn., b. March 11, 1772, at Kensington. He was a man of great independence of character, proud spirited, and an earnest and effective speaker. He was a member of the Legislature, and an effective worker. In religion he was a very prominent Universalist. He died at Kensington, Conn., March 27, 1835. She died at Kensington, Conn., March 27, 1850. CHILDREN, HART. 1523 Cyrus Wadsworth, b. Kensington, Conn., March 8. 1794; d. Salem, Ohio, July 30, 1854; m. Susannah Ewing. Ohio, March 11, 1819. 1524 .-Vnua, b. Kensington, Conn., b. March 9, 1796; d. Kensington, Conn., Dec. 23, 1816. 1525 Samuel, b. Kensington, Conn., Aug. 9, 1802; m. Lucy Dickmson, Nov. 28, 1825. Sixth Generation 131 584 Charlotte Hart (Samuel Hart,^ Mary,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Capt. Samuel and Rebecca (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. Oct. 17, 1762, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Dec. 2, 1784, Orrin Lee, son of Dea. John and Sarah (Cole) Lee, of Berlin, Conn., b. Oct. 9, 1760, at Berlin, Conn. She died at Granby, Conn., Aug. 28, 1810. ]\lr. Lee was twice married after the death of his first wife. He was a drummer in the Revolutionary War. Was for several years a Representative in the State Legislature, and a member of the Convention to form a State Constitution. He was a man of high character, and religiously an earnest and conscientious Uni- versalist. He was a blacksmith by trade. In 1806, he removed to Granby, Conn., where he died, June 7, 1841. CHILDREN, LEE. 1526 Norman, b. Berlin, Conn., Sept. 30, 1785; d. Granby, Conn., Nov. 28, 1856; m. Sarah Ann Wheeler, Sept. 1, 1815. 1527 Nancy, b. Berlin. Conn., Oct. 6, 1787; d. June 26, 1826; m. Chester Peck, July 12, 1806. 1528 Oren Hart, b. Berlin, Conn., March 6, 1796; d. Dec. 17, 1864; m. No. 1, Susan Holcombe, Sept. 26, 1821; m. No. 2, Elizabeth Gates, Jan. 16, 1850. 1529 George, b. Berlin, Conn., Feb. 1, 1802; d. Dec. 27, 1870; m. Adeline Hayes, Nov. 15, 1825. 585 Asahel Hart (Samuel Hart,' Mary,-* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Capt. Samuel and Rebecca (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. May 6, 1764, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Sept. 23, 1790, Abigail Cowles, daughter of John and Abigail (Cole) Cowles, of Worthington, Conn., b. Jan. 10, 1769, at Worthington, Conn. They lived at Worthington, where he worked as a tailor. He died at Worthington, Sept. 9, 1821. She died at Worthington, Sept. 9, 1845. CHILDREN, HART. 1630 Laura, b. Worthington, Conn., May 25, 1793; d. Oct. 6, 1848; m. Horace Steele (his third wife), 1839. 1531 Freedom, b. Worthington, Conn., Aug. 28, 1796; d. Berlin, Conn., March 23, 1862; m. No. 1, Eunice Beckley, 1816; m. No. 2, Harriet Norton, Nov. 8, 1824. 1532 Sally Cowles, b. Worthington, Conn., June 23, 1798; d. July 12, 1815. 1533 James, b. Worthington, Conn., July 1, 1801 ; d. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 21, 1825. 587 Jesse Hart (Samuel Hart,' Mary,-» John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Rebecca (Norton) Hart, of Kensington, b. Jan. 3, 1768, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Nov. 28, 132 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1792, Lucy Beckley, daut^hter of Theodore and Lucv (Risley) Becklev. b. Sept. 19. 1772': She died at Berlin, Conn.,' March 30, 1814. 'He m. No. 2, March 14, 1822, Mindwell Porter, daughter of Samuel and Mindwell (Griswold) Porter, of Windsor, Conn. He was a cabinet maker by trade, but for several years he kept a hotel at Berlin. He died at Berlin, Conn., March 15, 1827. She died at Berlin, Conn., July 6, 1875. CHILDREN, HART. 1534 Lucy, b. Berlin, Conn., Oct. 23, 1793 ; d. Worthington, Conn., Oct. 21, 1846; m. Edward Norton, April 25, 1819. 1535 George, b. Berlin. Conn., Aug. 15, 1795; d. Berlin, Conn., Nov. 16, 1825; m. Caroline Beckley, March 29, 1818. 1536 Harriet, b. Berlin, Conn., Sept. 22, 1798; d. New Haven, Conn., June 12. 1863 ; m. Norris Wilcox, March 3, 1822. 1537 Rebecca, b. Berlin, Conn., Feb. 7, 1802; d. Berlin, Conn., Feb. 9, 1807. 1538 Elizabeth, b. Berlin, Conn.. Dec. 17, 1806; d. Sandy Hills, N. Y. ; m. Frederick Weston, Aug. 17, 1828. 1539 Emma, b. Berlin. Conn., Sept. 12, 1809; m. Howard H. White, Sept. 19, 1826. He was of Danbury, Conn., a great-great- grandson of Capt. Samuel and Mary (Hooker) Hart of Ken- sington, Conn. By 2nd marriage. 1540 Samuel Porter, b. Berlin, Conn., May 24, 1823; d. Berlin, Conn., Sept. 30, 1823. 1541 Jane Porter, b. Berlin, Conn., Dec. 1, 1824; m. William Dodd, Feb. 17, 1856. 589 Mary Hart (Samuel Hart,^ Mary,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Capt. Samuel and second wife Lydia C Hinsdale) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. Sept. 23. 1771, at Kensington, Conn.; m. Nov. 26, 1789. Lieut. John Lee, son of Dea. John and Sarah (Cole) Lee, of Berlin, Conn., b. April 25, 1763, at Berlin, Conn. CHILDREN, LEE. 1542 Lucv, b. Blue Hills, Conn., Sept. 4, 1790; d. April 25, 1824; m. Albert Norton, 1818. 1543 Cyprian, b. Blue Hills, Conn., April 10, 1792; d. Marysville, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1854; m. Mary Cooper, 1821. 1544 John. b. Blue Hills, Conn.. May 6, 1794; d. Blue Hills, Conn., 1864; m. Mrs, Emeline (— ) Norton, Jan. 13, 1841. 1545 Mary, b. Blue Hills, Conn.. March 30. 1797; d. Marysville, Ohio, July 13, 1869; m. Rodney Picket, Oct. 22. 1823. 1546 William, b. Blue Hills, Conn.. Aug. 2, 1810; d. Marysville, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1896; m. Harriet C. Van Buskirk, of Troy, Aug. 10, 1837. Note. — John Lee, with bright mercantile prospects before him, at 28 years of age, gave up his mercantile career, and devoted himself to the care of his parents, and after their death, remained upon the rock studded farm. Sixth Generation 133 William Lee was employed by his aunt, Mrs. Emma Willard, in clerical work in the office of the "Troy Female Seminary." He afterwards became a merchant at Troy, but later purchased a farm at Marysville, Ohio. 593 Lydia Hart (Samuel Hart,"' Mary,* John,3 Samuel,^ TliomasM, daughter of Capt. Samuel and second wife Lydia (Hinsdale) Hart, of Kensington. Conn., b. Sept. 18, 1778, at Kensington.; m. Elisha Treat, son of Elisha and Mary (Wilcox) Treat, of Middletown, or Cromwell, Conn., b. 1772, at Crom- wel, Conn. He m. No. 2, Betsey Kirby, of Middletown. He died Jan. 19, 1852. She died 1816. CHILDREN, TREAT. 1547 Emily, b. about 1804; d. Sept. 25, 1872; m. Asa Wilcox, Middle- town, Oct. 5, 1822-3. He died Oct. 10, 1838. 1548 Lorenzo Hart. b. .about 1804; d. July 13. 1857; m. No. 1, Sarah Sage Kirby. Aug. 23. 1826; she died Aug. 4-5, 1836; m. No. 2, Mary Kirby (sister of first wife). April 16, 1837. 1549 Mary Lydia. b. 1809; d. Jan. 29, 1831. She was adopted and educated by her aunt, Mrs. Emma Willard. 597 Emma Hart (Samuel Hart,^ Mary,-* John,^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of Capt. Samuel and second wife Lydia (Hinsdale) Hart, of Kensin.gton. Conn., b. Feb. 23, 1787, at Ber- lin, Conn. ; m. 1809. Dr. John Willard. She was the famous teacher and founder of the "Troy Female Seminary." She was a famous writer and is classed among the noted poets of America. He died at Troy, 1825. She died at Troy, April 15, 1870. CHILD, WILLARD. 1550 John Hart. 598 Almira Hart (Samuel Hart.' Mary,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Capt. Samuel and second wife Lydia (Hinsdale) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., b. July 15, 1793, at Ber- .lin (Kensington), Conn.; m. No. 1, Oct. 5. 1817, Simeon Lincoln, Jr., son of Siineon and Huldah (Porter) (Riley) Lincoln, of New Britain, Conn., b. April 2, 1790. at Kensington. He was a printer by trade and editor of a literary paper at Hartford. Conn. He died at New Britain. Conn.. Oct. 4, 1823. She m. No. 2, Aug. 17, 1831, Hon. John Phelps (his second wife), son of Timothy and Zephora (Wilson) Phelps, of Marl- boro, Vt., b. Nov. 18, 1777. at Marlboro, Vt. She was, like her sister a famous teacher, and for a time asso- ciated with her sister as a teacher at the Troy Seminary. She 134 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker was also a writer and author of several books of scientific in- struction. He died at Ellicott Mills, Md., April 4, 1849. She died at Baltimore, Md., 1884. CHILDREN, LINCOLN. By 1st marriage. 1551 Jane Porter, b. Hartford, Conn., 181S; d. Burlington, N. J., August 29, 1855; killed in a railroad disaster. 1552 James Hart, b. Hartford, Conn., 1820; d. Hartford, Conn., 1821. 1553 Emma VVillard, b. New Britain, Conn., 1822; m. Lewis W. O'Brien. CHILDREN, PHELPS. By 2nd marriage. 1554 Charles Edward, b. Guilford, Vt., May 1, 1833; m. Martha E. Nord. Note. — Charles Edward Phelps was educated at Princeton, studied law at Cambridge, was a public ofificial at Baltimore and prominent in militia affairs. During the Civil War he commanded a regiment of Volunteers, was wounded at the battle of Spot- sylvania and brevetted Brigadier General. 1555 Almira Elinera Lincoln, b. Guilford, Vt., July 31, 1836. 607 Matthew Hart (Matthew Hart,^ Sarah,^ John," Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Hopkins) Hart, of Kensinc^on, Conn., b. Aug. 12, 1760, at Ken.sington, Conn. ; m. Jan. ll, 1782, Urania Hooker, daughter of Ashbell and Susannah (Langdon) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., b. May 11, 1760, at Kensington, Conn. She died at Fabius, N. Y. He m. No. 2, Widow (Rogers) Hopkins, of WalHngford, Conn. They resided at Fabius, and then at Truxton, N. Y., where he died, 1840. CHILDREN, HART. By 1st marriage. *1556 Ruth, b. Kensington, Conn., Feb. 9, 1782, Infant, b. Kensington, Conn., d. July 22. 1784. Infant, b. Ken- sington, Conn., d. Nov. 14 1787. Infant, b. Kensington, Conn., d. March 25, 1788. The last two were twins. These infants were not named. *1557 Ira, b. Oct. 22, 1792. *1558 Edmund, b. 1796. 1559 Horatio, died, the record says, "of the epidemic," probably meaning yellow fever, whicli raged in New England about 1805. 1560 Sally. 1561 Betsev, d. Kensington, Conn. ; m. Bonney. 1562 Rachel. *1563 George, b. Nov. 23, 1800. By Hart parentage these children are the third generation from Hooker; by their mother, they are the first generation from Hooker. Sixth Generation 135 608 Seth Hart (Rev.) (Matthew Hart,^ Sarah,* John.s Sam- uel,- ThomasM. son of Matthew and Ehzabeth (Hopkins) Hart, of Kensing-ton, Conn., b. June 26, 1763, at Kenshigton, Conn.; m. Oct. 7, 1788, Ruth Hall, daughter of Hon. Benjamin Hall, of Cheshire, Conn. He graduated from Yale College, 1784, and became an Epis- copal minister, was rector of St. John's church, Waterbury, Conn., and subsequently of St. George's church, Hempstead, L. I., where he also kept a private school. He was disabled by paralysis in 1829, and subsequently his wife also became paralysed. He died at Hempstead, L. I., March 16, 1832. She died at Hempstead, L. I., Nov. 3. 1841. CHILDREN, HART. 1564 William Henry, b. Jan. 5. 1790; m. No. 1, Lydia Hubbard Moore, 1815; m. No. 2, Maria Graham, 1833. 1565 Ambrose Giistavus, b. Oct. 3. 1792; d. Oct. 15, 1816. 1566 Hannah Burnham. b. July 16, 1797; d. Sept., 1798. 1567 Henry William, b. Oct. 26, 1799; d. Jan. 9, 1813. 1568 Elizabeth Ann, b. May 9. 1809; d. Hartwood, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1840; m. William J. Clowes, Esq. 1569 Benjamin Hall, b. Feb. 13, 1811; m. Elizabeth Nichols, Oct. 1837. 1570 Edmund Hall. b. Aug. 7, 1813; d. Aug. 22, 1838. 610 Elizabeth Hart (Matthew Hart,^ Sarah,-* John,^ Sam- uel,2 ThomasM. daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth (Hop- kins) Hart, of Kensington, Conn., bapt. Dec. 24, 1769, at Ken- sington, Conn.; m. Jan., 1790, James Percival. Jr., son of James and Dorothy (Gates) Percival, of East Haddam, Conn., b. April 20. 1767, at East Haddam, Conn. He was a physician of prominence and high standing at Ken- sington, where he died, Jan. 22, 1807. She m. No. 2, April 6, 1812, Samuel Porter. Her children were by her first marriage. CHILDREN, PERCIVAL. 1571 Harriet, b. Kensington, Conn., about 1790; d. Feb. 6, 1807. 1572 Edwin, b. Kensington, Conn., d. Troy, N. Y. 1573 James Gates (the poet), b. Kensington, Sept. 15, 1795. Note. He graduated from Yale College, 1815. He studied medicine and settled in practice at Charleston. S. C. He became quite famous and popular as a poet. In 1835 he was appointed one of a commission to make a mineralo.gical and geological survey of Connecticut, and the report attracted much attention. In 1854 he was appointed State Geologist of Wisconsin. He died at Hazel Grove, Wis., Mav 2, 1856. 1574 Oswin Hart, b. 1797, at Kensington, Conn.; bapt. Oct. 29, 1809; d. at hospital at New Haven. 136 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 613 Susannah Cowles (Abigail,^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 22, 1754, at Fannington, Conn.; m. R'lay 10, 1775, John Deming, son of Samuel and .\nna ( ) Deming, of Plainville, Conn. He was the senior member of the famous firm of Farmington merchants, "John and Chauncey Deming." He died at Farm- ington, Conn., June 30, 1810. She died at Farmington, Conn., March, 1824. CHILDREN, DEMING. *1575 Anna, b. Farmington, Conn,, Sept. 8, 1777. *1576 .Abigail, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1780. *1577 Fanny, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 18, 1786; d. Harrisbtirg, Pa,, Sept. 22, 1854; m. Captain Richard Cowles. Dec, 22, 1811. Her record will be found imder her husband's name. *1578 Caroline, b. Farmington, Conn., March 27, 1789. *1S79 Samuel, b, Farmington, Conn,, Jan. 29, 1798. 614 Diadema Cowles (Abigail^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 25, 1756, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Feb. 28, 1780, Oiauncey Deming, son of Samuel and Anna Deming, of Plainville, Conn. He was of the famous firm of John and Chauncey Deming, merchants, at Farmington, Conn. He died at Farmington, Conn., March 26, 1827. She died at Farmington, Conn., Sept. 16, 1826. CHILD, DEMING. 1580 Katherine, b, Farmington, Conn.. Feb. 6. 1787; d. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 30, 1859; m. Timothy Cowles, Nov. 5, 1809. Her record will be found under her husband's name. 616 Abigail Cowles (Abigail,^ Jo.seph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thotnas'), daughter of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b," 1761, at Fannington, Conn.; m. Luke Wadsworth. son of James and Abigail (Lewis) Wadsworth, of Farmington, Conn,, b. Oct. 21, 1759," at Farmington, Conn. They Hved at Farmington, Conn. He died, May 2, 1817. She died at Farmington, Conn., Sept. 27, 1826. CHILDREN, WADSWORTH. 1581 Sukey, b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 27, 1783; d. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1814. *1582 James Cowles. b. Farmington, Conn., Aug, 29, 1784, ■•1583 Amos, b, Farmington, Conn., Oct. 19, 1786. 1584 Katherine, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 16, 1788; d. Feb. 11, 1869. Sixth Generation 137 1585 Laura, b. Farmington, Conn., July 9, 1791 ; d. Farmington, Conn., of yellow fever, June 1, 1808. 1586 Fenn, b. Farmington, Conn., March 29, 1794; d. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 9, 1795. 1587 Harriet L., b. Farmington, Conn., July 26, 1796; d. Farmington, Conn., 1828; m. Fisher Gay. *1588 Eliza F., b. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 26, 1804. 617 Elias Cowles (Abigail,'' Jo.seph,* John,'' Samuel,- Thom- as'), son of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farming- Jon, Conn., b. Oct. 11, 1765, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Lydia Adams, daughter of Hon. Andrew Adams of Litchfield, N. Y. He was a merchant at Litchfield, but died at Rhinebeck. CHILDREN, COWLES. 1589 James Andrew Adams, b. Litchfield, N. Y. ; d. Rhinebeck, N. Y. *1590 William S., b. Litchfield, N. Y. 1591 Frances, m. Dr. Nelson. 1592 Henry Booth. 1593 Edward Elias. 618 Elizabeth Cowles (Abigail,"' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Aug. 13, 1768, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Elijah Cowles, Jr., son of Elijah and Eunice (Gould) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. May 20, 1753. He died at Farmington, Conn., Jan. 12, 1826. She died at Farmington, Conn., Oct. 6 1836. CHILDREN, COWLES. 1594 Harriet, b. Farmington, Conn., 1790; d. Farmington, Conn., June 15, 1808. *1S95 James, b. Farmington, Conn., April 17, 1795. 1596 Eliiah, b. Farmington, Conn., 1797; d. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 28, 1797. 1597 Augustus, b. Farmington, Conn., 1800; d. in infancy. 1598 Augustus No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., May 13, 1803 ; m. No. 1, Nov. 16, 1829, Lucy Norton Treadwell, daughter of George and Nancy (.Curtis) Treadwell, of F'armington, Conn., born March 6, 1806, at Farmington. She died May 29, 1833, at Farmington, Conn. He married No. 2, September 12, 1849, Eliza Wadsworth Langdon (his cousin), daughter of Samuel and Lavina (Oaks) Langdon, of New Haven, Conn., born April 16, 1813, at New Haven, Conn. Mr. Cowles was a merchant and farmer, in business with his brother James, in the firm of J. & A. Cowles. He was a noted man in town military matters and a member of Farmington's famous troop of Cavalry so ably commanded by Col. William Rowe. He died June 22, 1851. 1599 Harriet, b. Farmington. Conn., 1809; d. Dec. 1884; m. Charles Thompson, of New York, Nov. 10, 1841. He was drowned while attempting to ford Farmington river, Nov. 21. 1854. 138 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 619 Caroline Cowles (Abigail, ^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of James and Abigail (Hooker) Cowles, of Farniington, Conn., b. April 12, 1771, at Farmington, Conn. She was adopted without legal form by Thomas and Ann (Hook- er) Smith (her mother's sister). Married Nov. 9, 1794, Rev. Dr. James Richards, son of Capt. James and Ruth (Hanford) Rich- ards, of New Canaan, Conn., b. Oct. 29, 1767, at New Canaan, Conn. Mr. Richards taught a district school when thirteen years of age, and gave so much satisfaction that he was engaged to teach a second term. He entered Yale College in 1789, but pecuniary difficulties compelled him to leave at the close of the Freshman year. He was made a D. D., by Yale and Union Colleges in 1815, and in 1822 he became a professor at Auburn, N. Y. They lived at Morristown and Newark, N. T'.. and at Auburn, N. Y. He died at Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1843. She died at Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1847. CHILDREN, RICHARDS. *16CI0 Anna Smith, b. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 21, 1796. *1601 Harriet Caroline, b. Morristown. N. J., Feb. 12. 1799. 1602 James Henrv, b. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 6, 1801 : d. in infancy. *1603 Henry Smith, b. Morristown, N. J., Dec. 6, 1802. 1604 James Cowles, b. Morristown, N. J., Mar. 3. 1805 ; d. young. 1605 Edward Cowles, b. Morristown, N. J., March 27, 1806; m. Emily Matilda Ferris. 1841, He was a merchant in New York. *1606 James, b. Newark, N. J., July 21, 1815. 626 James Hooker (Noadiah,^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel- Thomas'), son of Col. Noadiah and Rebekah (Griswold) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 11, 1777, at Farmington, Conn. He was bred to the sea and in his earlier life, made long voyages in the East India and Giina trade. When 63 years of age, he married a young widow of 28 years, Mrs. Jeanette Sweet, widow of Simon Sweet, of Farmington, Conn. He died at Farm- ington, Conn., May 1, 1846. She married again and died. Tan. 16, 1890. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1607 Charles Noadiah, b. Farmington, Conn., 1841. *1608 Jeannette. b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 1, 1844. 1609 Franklin, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 5, 1845 ; d. Farmington, Conn., April 20, 1846. 1610 James Frederick, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 5, 1845 ; d. Frederick, Md., Dec. 1, 1864, in army hospital. He was a private of Company L "2" Regt. Heavy Artillery. Conecticut Volunteers, attached to the Si.xth Corps Army of the Potomac, Sixth Generation 139 and saw severe service during the campaign of 1864. In the fall of that year young Hoker, worn out and sick, was sent to the hospital at Frederick, Maryland, where he died Decem- ber 1, 1864, aged 19 years, his young life a sacrifice to the vicissitudes of war in the service of his country. When the National Cemetery at Antietain was opened his remains, with those of many hundreds of his companions in arms, were transferred to that great encampment of the dead. He is laid in grave 71, lot B, section 16, and his name is inscribed on the soldiers monument at Farmington. 627 Abigail Hooker (Noadiah,' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomasi), daughter of Col. Noadiah and Rebekah (Griswold) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. May 23, 1780, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. September 6, 1804, Asahel Clarke, son of Asahel and Eleanor (Strong) Clarke, of Columbia, Conn., b. July 25, 1776, at Columbia. He graduated from Yale College; studied law, but spent his life as a farmer, having inherited his father's farm, at Columbia. Sometime after his graduation, he met with a severe accident, which interfered with successful practice of law. He died at Peo- ria, 111., Oct. 14, 1865. She died at Columbia, Conn., Sept. 9, 1839. CHILDREN, CLARKE. 1611 Nancy Hooker, b. Columbia, Conn., July 31, 1805; d. Hartford, Conn., March 3, 1873, 1612 Ellen Strong, b. Columbia, Conn.. May 6, 1807; d. May 5, 1900. 1613 Jane Rebecca, b. Columbia, Conn., May 4, 1810; d. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 16, 1892. Buried at Farmington, Conn., in the Hooker plot. 1614 Samuel Strong, b. Columbia, Conn., March 12, 1812; d. Co- lumbia. Conn., April 5, 1813. *1615 Samuel Strong No. 2, b. Columbia, Conn., April 7, 1814. *1616 Mary Anne, b. Columbia, Conn., Nov. 6, 1815. *1617 Sarah Louisa, b. Columbia, Conn., Sept. 26. 1817. 1618 Lucy Abigail b. Columbia, Conn.. April 28, 1819; d. Union Springs, Ala., July 1888 ; m. Joseph D. Hopper,, March 23, 1855. 628 Nancy Hooker (Noadiah,^ Joseph,'' John,^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of Col. Noadiah and Rebekah (Griswold) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 1, 1782, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. JMay 16, 1802, Martin Cowles, son of Elijah and Eunice (Gould) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. March 6, 1773, at Farmington. He was a country merchant, and a farmer. She died at Farmington, Conn., of yellow fever, April 29, 1808. Mr. Cowles married again. 140 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, COWLES. 1619 Lucy Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb., 1803 ; d. Farmington, Conn., May 12, 1869. 1620 Julius, b. Farmington, Conn., 1805 ; d. Farmington, Conn., March 19, 1805. 1621 John Edward, b. Farmington, Conn., 1806; d. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 4, 1818. 629 William Griswold Hooker (Noadiah,5 Joseph,* John,^ Samuel, 2 Thomas^), son of Col. Noadiah and Rebekah (Gris- wold) Hooker, of Farming^ton, Conn., b. Sept. 1, 1782, at Farm- ington, Conn. ; m. Oct. 20, 1807, Melinda Metcalf, daughter of David and Anne (Champion) Metcalf, of Lebanon, Conn., b. Oct. 30, 1785, at Lebanon. He was educated as a physician and settled at Middlebury, Vt., where he had a drug store. He had also some landed prop- erty which was afterward sold to his cousin, Cyrus Porter, who occuplied the farm until his death, in 1857. After the sale of his property at Middlebury, Mr. Hooker removed to New Haven, and was for a time connected with the office of the Firmington Canal, and then became Treasurer (probably the first) of the New Haven Savings Bank, where he continued until his death. He died at New Haven, Conn., Sept. 19, 1850. She died at New Haven, Conn., Aug. 28, 1865. CHILDREN, HOOKER, 1622 John Metcalf, b. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 25, 1809; d. New Haven, Conn., .A.pril 16, 1835. He graduated from Middlebury College, studied medicine. *1623 Nancy Champion, b. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 18, 1813. *1624 Samuel, b. Middlebury, Vt., June 11, 1817. 630 Edward Hooker (Noadiah, ^ Joseph,* John,'' Samuel, ^ Thomas^), son of Col. Noadiah and Rebekah (Griswold) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. April 27 , 1785, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. May 24, 1812, Elisabeth Daggett, daughter of Henry, Esq., and Elisabeth (Prescott) Daggett, of New Haven, Conn., b. July 5, 1786, at New Haven, Conn. Mr. Hooker graduated from Yale College, 1805, went to Col- 'umbia, S. C, and studied law with his brother John, who v/as established there a practising lawyer. While in South Carolina, Mr. Hooker taught a school at Cambridge, S. C. (Old Ninety Six), for a short time, then accepted a position as tutor in South Carolina College, Columbia, S. C, continuing the study of law with his brother. In 1808, he was appointed tutor in Yale College, which appointment he accepted, and returned to Connecticut, to enter upon the duty. He was made Clerk of the Faculty, and filled Sixth Generation 141 the position durins: the time he was attached to the college. While connected with Yale College, he made the acquaintance of Miss Daggett, a niece of Hon. Roger Sherman ( Signer of the Declara- tion of Independence), and preparatory to marrying her he re- signed his position at the college, returned to his native place, Farmington, assumed the charge of his father's farm and busi- ness, and the care of his father in his declining years, built a home for his wife and settled down to farming and public duties. After the death of his mother he brought his father to his own house, and fitted up the old home for a collegiate school. His school became quite noted, for a number of men who became noted in public affairs were fitted for college in the "Old Red College," 'as the old house was called. This was the first movement in educational matters at Farmington, and the old house in which the first school was opened, had been the home of a descendant from Ezekiel Cheever, the famous Colonial teacher, founder of the Boston Latin School, and author of the first school books pub- lished in America. After carrying on this private school for a few years, a move- ment was taken to form a company to found an Academy at Farmington. Mr. Hooker became interested in the Academy scheme, proposed to close his own school in favor of the Acad- emy, and wished to have Mr. Simeon Hart made the principal of the Academy. This Academy, under Mr. Hart, became a famous school. The Academy was finally relinquished, and Mr. Hart opened a private school very much as Mr. Hooker had previously done, and many famous men were fitted for college, and started upon their public career in these schools of Mr. Simeon Hart and his successor and nephew, Mr. Edward L. Hart. "The Old Red College" having ended its service as the home of a collegiate school, did duty for a time as a tenement, but it was finally demolished to make room for the first school house of Miss Sarah Porter, and from this small building, upon the site of the "Old Red College," came the widely known Female School of Miss Porter, and the Memorial Building, erected a few years ago by Miss Porter's scholars stands a little northward and west- ward from the site of the "Old Red College," the home of a de- scendant from Ezekiel Cheever, and the place of the first great education movement at Farmington, Conn. After closing his school. Mr. Hooker settled down to literary work, active participation in the public afTairs of the town and scientific farming. He died at Farmington, Conn., Mav 5, 1846. She died at Hartford, Conn., Aug. 2, 1869. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *162S Elisabeth Daggett, b. Farmington, Conn.. May 1, 1813. *1626 John b. Farmington, Conn., April 19, 1816. 142 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1627 Edward, b. Farmingfon, Conn., Dec. 31, 1819; d. Farmington, Conn., May 20, 1821. *1628 Edward No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 25, 1822. 1629 Mary, b. Farmington, Conn., May 3, 1825 ; d. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 1, 1826. 631 Amon Langdon (Ruth,'' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel, - Thomas'), son of Josepli and Ruth (Hooker) Langdoti, of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 23, 1763, at Farmington, Conn.; m. March, 1794, Lucy Wadsworth, daughter of James and Abigail (Lewis) Wadsworth, of Farmington, Conn., b. June 28, 1772, at Farmington, Conn. He was bred to the sea, as were so many other Farmington boys, and commanded a ship. He sailed upon a voyage soon after marriage and never returned having been washed overboard in a gale, Aug. 10, 1794. She died at Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1851. CHILD, LANGDON. *1630 Anion Wadsworth, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan. 25, 1795. 632 Joel Langdon (Ruth,^' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, b. Nov. 24, 1765, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Sept. 20, 1796, Mary Gridley, daughter of Capt. Rezin and Sarah (Hopkins) Gridley, of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 10, 1765, at Farmington. They lived at Plymouth, Conn., where he was a merchant do- ing a general country store business. He died at Plymouth, Conn., April 4, 1838. She died at Plymouth, Conn., June 19, 1853. CHILDREN, LANGDON. *1631 Edward, b. Plymouth, Conn., July 10, 1798. 1632 George, b. Plymouth, Conn., Dec. 25, 1800; d. New Haven, Conn., July 27, 1826, while a student at Yale College. 1633 Sarah Hopkins, b. Plymouth, Conn., Nov. 5, 1810; d. Northing- ton, Conn., Nov. 10, 1834; ni. Daniel Brainard Chapman, Sept. 8, 1831. 633 Susannah Langdon (Ruth,^ Joseph.'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, Conn., b. June 20, 1768, at Farmington ; m. Sept. 19, 1790, Joseph Porter, son of Joseph and Abigail (Sinith) Por- ter, of Farmington, b. Aug. 23, 1766, at Farmington. He was a farmer at Farmington, Conn., where he died June 15, 1826. She m. No. 2, June 1835, Col. Daniel Tillotson (his 2nd wife), son of John and Mary (Norton) Tillotson, of Farmington, Conn., Sixth Generation 143 b. Jan. 27, 1760. He was a large and wealthy farmer at Farm- ington, Conn., where he died Dec. 21, 1848. She died Nov. 24, 1843. CHILDREN, PORTER. *1634 Lott. *163S Dolly. 1636 Cyrus, d. Middlebury, Vt., April 1, 1857; m. No. 1. Susan Trow- bridge ; m. No. 2, Mary Olive Wilcox. Note — He had eleven children, of which no further record has come to hand. 1637 Mary, m. Dr. Withers. After his wife's death he married her sister, Eliza. *1638 William Smith, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 28, 1799. 1639 Eliza, m. Dr. Withers. 634 Nancy Langdon (Ruth,''' Joseph,-* John,^ Samuel,^ ThomasM, daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 20, 1770, at Farmington ; m. Oct. 1, 1789, Titus Bidwell, son of Capt. Isaac and Anna (Porter) Bidwell, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 3, 1765, at Farmington, Conn. He died at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 9, 1808. She m. No. 2, Dec. 23, 1810, Asa Andrews, son of Timothy and Abigail (Root) Andrews, of Farmington. Conn., b. Jan. 25, 1769, at Farinington, Conn. ; his 2nd wife. He died at Farmington, Conn., May 18, 1831. She died at Farmington, Conn., May 14, 1831. One funeral and one grave. CHILDREN, BIDWELL. 1st WIFE, Bidwell. *1640 Emily, b. Farmington, Conn., April 26, 1791. *1641 Julia, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 25, 1797. *1642 Henry Langdon, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 20, 1804. 1643 James, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 28, 1808; d. Farmington, Conn., April 2, 1808. child, andrews 2nd wife, Andrews. 1644 Timothy, b. Farmington, Conn,, 1811; d. Nov. 24, 1837. 636 Samuel Langdon (Ruth.^ Joseph,-* John,^ SaiTiuel,^ Thomas*), son of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington. Conn., b. June 18, 1775, at Farmington; m. 1804, Lavinia Oaks. He m. No. 2, 1819, Nancy Trowbridge. They lived at New Haven, Conn., where he was a merchant. He died at New Haven, Conn., April 13, 1846. She died at New Haven Conn., March 8, 1871. 144 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, LANGDON. By 1st wife. 1645 Mary Ann, b. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 16, 1805; d. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 16, 1870. 1646 Samuel Oaks, b. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 8, 1808; d. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 12. 1812. 1647 Henry, b. New Haven, Conn., 1811. 1648 Eliza Wadsworth, b. New Haven, Conn., April 16, 1813 ; m. No. 1, Augustus Cowles, Sept. 12. 1849; m. No. 2, Dr. John S. Rice, June 22, 1853. For further data look under Augustus Cowles name. He was her cousin. *1649 Harriet C. b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 9, 1815. By 2nd wife. *16S0 Nancy Lavina, b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 13, 1821. 1651 Samuel William, b. New Haven, Conn., July 17, 1823; m. Mary J. Holcomb, 1849. 637 Reuben Langdon (Ruth,'' Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington. Conn., b. Oct. 18, 1777, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Sept. 18, 1803, Patience Gilbert, daughter of Hon. Sylvester and Patience (Barber) Gilbert, of Hebron, Conn., b. March 15, 1785, at Hebron, Conn. They resided at New London, Conn., then removed to Hartford, Conn. He was by trade a printer, but at Hartford, he went into the dry goods business, and became one of Hartford's largest dry goods merchants. He was the founder and first treasurer of the savings bank at Hartford. He died at Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 9, 1849.' She died at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 18, 1869. CHILDREN, LANGDON. *16S2 Sylvester Gilbert, b. New London, Conn., July 2, 1804. *1653 Abby Eliza, b. New London, Conn., May 20, 1807. *16S4 Ann Smith, b. New London, Conn., May 3, 1809. *1655 Joseph, b. New London, Conn., July 20, 1811. *16.S6 George, b. New London, Conn., Jan. 14, 1814. *1657 Elizabeth Otis, b. Hartford, Conn., Feb. 11, 1818. *1658 Charles Huntington, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 21, 1819. 1659 Ellen Frances, b. Hartford, Conn., April 21, 1823; d. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 8, 1830. *1660 Reuben, b. Hartford, Conn., March 17, 1825. 638 Abigail Langdon (Ruth,' Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, Conn., b. June 18, 1780, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Jan. 1, 1806, Eleazer Scoville, b. 1771, at Plymouth, Conn. He "died Sept. 29, 1831. She m. No. 2, Simeon Babbitt. They lived at Montpelier and Castleton, Vt. She died Aug. 5, 1865. Sixth Generation 145 CHILDREN, SCOVILLE. *1661 Joseph Langdon, b. 1807. *1662 James Bidwell, b. April 17. 1810. *1663 Julia Ann. 1664 Samuel. 1665 Amon. *1666 Emily, b. May 13, 1821. 639 James Hooker Langdon (Ruth,^ Joseph,^ John,^ Sam- uel, ^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, Conn., b. March 3, 1782, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Nabby Robbins. He was a wealthy merchant at Montpelier, Vt., where he died, Jan. 7, 1831. She died at Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 21, 1842. CHILDREN, LANGDON. *1667 John Barnard, b. Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 26, 1811. 1668 George, b. Montpelier, Vt., d. Montpelier, Vt., 1870. 1669 James Robbins, b. Montpelier, Vt. 1670 Caira, b. Montpelier, Vt., 1818. 640 Edmund Langdon (Ruth,* Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,'* ThoiTias'), son of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of Farmington, Conn., b. Feb. 20, 1785. at Farmington, Conn.; m. Abbv Gorhain. They lived at Montpelier, where he died. Aug. 9, 1869. CHILDREN, LANGDON. *1671 Jeannette Hooker, b. Plymouth. Conn., Dec. 15, 1812. 1672 William Edward, b. Plymouth, Conn., Feb. 20, 1814; d. New Orleans, La., Sept. 21, 1841. *1673 Abby Gorham, b. Plymouth, Conn., April 1, 1816. *1674 Tane Elizabeth, b. Plymouth, Conn., Feb. 13, 1818. *1675 Joel Edward, b. Plymouth, Conn., April, 1821. *1676 John Sylvester, b. Montpelier, Vt., 1824. 1677 Mary Eliza, b. Montpelier, Vt., 1827; d. Montpelier, Vt., June 14, 1877. *1678 George Persons, b. Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 22, 1830. 1679 Robert Henry, b. Montpelier, Vt., 1833; d. in Virginia, May 5, 1864. Killed at the Battle of the Wilderness. 642 Lucy Langdon (Ruth.^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,- Thom- as'), daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Langdon, of FariTiington. Conn., b. July 23, 1789, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Nov. 1, 1815, Joel Mead. They lived at Montpelier, Vt., where he died, March 8, 1838. She died Oct. 18, 1883. 10 146 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, MEAD. *1680 Julia Louisa, b. Montpelier, Vt, Sept. 8, 1816. *1681 Joel Langdon, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 27, 1818. 1682 Lucius Sylvester, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 23, 1820; d. Oct 10, 1855. *1683 Almond Ainsvvorth, b. Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 24, 1823. 1684 Nancy Andrews, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 21, 1826; d. Oct. 20, 1844. *1685 Lucv Elizabeth, b. Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 6, 1829. *1686 James Hooker, b. Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 6, 1831. 643 Ruth Hooker Langdon (Ruth,^ Joseph,^ John,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Hooker) Lang- don, of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 20, 1791, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Feb. 27, 1811, Samuel Brown Scoville, son of William and Sarah (Brown) Scoville, of Waterbury. Conn., b. July 11, 1786. He was a farmer, was interested in manufacturing estab- lishments at Waterbury, and owned and ran the stage line, and mail contracts, between Hartford and Waterbury. They lived at Waterbury, Conn., where he died Jan. 8, 1866. She died Dec. 8, 1849. CHILDREN, SCOVILLE. *1687 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 23, 1812. *1688 Mary Langdon, b. Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 26, 1817. *1689 William, b. Waterbury, Conn., Dec. 20, 1821. 644 Jared Ingersoll Hooker (Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Sam- uel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Mary (Ingersoll) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. March 12, 1772, at Farmington, Conn. While young his familv removed to Litchfield, N. Y. ; m. March 10, 1800, Mary Trask,'b. April 20, 1778. They lived at Sanger- field, Oneida Co., N. Y., where he was a prominent man and for many years a magistrate. He died at Sangerfield, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1843. She died Dec. 29, 1844. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1690 Sally, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1801 ; d. Sangerfield, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1815. *1691 Abigail, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1802. *1692 Julia, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., May 8, 1804. 1693 Mary, b. Sangerfield, N. Y,. Oct. 29, 1806; d. Sangerfield, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1808. 1694 Edward Trask, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., March 7, 1809; d. Kil- boume City, Wis., April 24, 1877 ; m. Elmira T. Markham, July 7, 1856. She died Sept. 23, 1866. 1695 Mary No. 2, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1814; m. Levi C. Day, of Lima, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1835. He died Oct 12, 1885. Sixth Generation 147 1696 Cornelia, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1817; d. Rockford, 111., Jan. 1892; m. Ale.xis Parmalee, Oct. 4, 1&43. *1697 William, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1818. 1698 Sarah, b. Sangerfield, N. Y., July 23, 1821; d. Oct. 23, 1877; m. Abel Kcttridge, Oct. 10, 1851. He died June 22, 1886. 645 Mary Hooker (Joseph,'' Joseph,'' John,^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and JMary (Ingersoll) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Aug. 24, 1774, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Sept. 30, 1799, Rev. John Easttnan, son of Beenjamin and Eunice (Day) Eastman, of Granby, Mass., b. Dec. 23, 1766. He graduated from Dartmouth College, 1795, and studied Theology with Dr. David Porter. He died at Fowlerville, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1834. She died Jan. 26, 1855. CHILDREN, EASTMAN. *1699 Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1800. *1700 Elias Hooker, b. June 29, 1803. *1701 Joseph Addison, b. Dec. 31, 1805. *1702 Eliza Ann, b. March 14, 1811. 646 Jonathan Hooker (Joseph," Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Joseph and Mary (Ingersoll) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 12, 1778, at Farmington, Conn.; m. 1800, Cvnthia Coe, daughter of Dea. Simeon and Eunice (Strong) Coe, of' Paris, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1781, at Paris N. Y. She died at Acadia, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1819. He m. No. 2, 1821, Eunice Bald- win, daughter of Abiel and Eunice (Coe) Baldwin of Durham, Conn. The lived at Acadia, Wyoming Co., N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1703 Moss, b. Feb. 1801. *1704 Sanford L., b. 1803. 1705 Eunice S., b. 1804- ; d. 1825; m. Harmon, of Sandusky, O., Aug. 25, 1825. 1706 George Coe, b. 1806; was killed at Charleston, S. C. *1707 James Chauncey, b. May 13, 1811. *1708 Sally Maria, b. 1816. 647 Lewis Hooker (Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Mary (Ingersoll) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 26, 1781, at Farmington, Conn.; m. July 4, 1805, Lodema Todd, daughter of Asa and Sarah (Porter) Todd, of Paris, N. Y., b. 1785, at Wallingford, Conn. He was a farmer and lived upon his father's place at Litchfield, N. Y., where he died April 20, 1829. She died in Iowa, 1880. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1709 John Todd, b. Litchfield, N, Y., Nov. 24, 1807. *1710 Sarah Lodema, b. Litchfield, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1810. *1711 Morgan Lewis, b. Litchfield, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1813. 148 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 649 Joseph Hooker (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John,* Samuel,' Thomas'), son of Joseph and Mary (Ingersoll) Hooker, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 26, 1786, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Sept. 3, 1815, Eliza Sampson, daughter of Dr. Caleb and Jane (Plant) Sampson, of New Hartford Conn., b. Nov. 23, 1794, at Paris, Oneida Co. N. Y. He studied medicine with Dr. Sampson and was a surgeon in the army during the War of 1812. Dr. Sampson was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, probably a surgeon. After marriage Dr. Hooker settled at Oswego. N. Y., where he died Oct. 2, 1820. She died at Bufifalo, N. ¥., 1875. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1712 Jane Eliza, b. Oswego, N. Y., July 5, 1816. 1713 Charles Joseph, b. Oswego, N. Y., 1818. 650 Polly Pomeroy (Lois Strong.^ Ruth,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Adino and Lois (Strong) Pomeroy, of Middletown, Conn., b. Sept. 22, 1761, at Northampton, Mass.; m. July 5, 1781, Nathan Starr, son of Joseph and Priscilla (Rop- er) Starr, of Midletown, Conn., b. April 14, 1755, at Middletown, Conn. He was a celebrated manufacturer of scythes, etc., and later became a manufacturer of arms for the U. S. government. Some (remarkably fine and beautiful presentation swords were made by him. He died at Middletown, Conn., July 29, 1821. She died at Middletown, Conn., May 25, 1825. CHILDREN, ST.^RR. 1714 Susannah, b. Middletown, Conn., Apr. 19, 1782; d. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 6, 1825 ; m. Henry Carrington, Jan. 18. 1806. 1715 Nathan, b. Middletown, Conn., Feb. 20, 1784; d. Middletown, Conn., Aug. 31, 1852; ni. Grace Townsend. June 25, 1810. 1716 Mary, b. Middletown, Conn., May 19, 1786; d. Middletown, Conn., May 9, 1867; m. Henry Sylvester Ward, Oct. 25, 1824. 1717 William, b. Middletown, Conn., May 29, 1788; d. Middletown, Conn., June 22, 1807. 658 John Pomeroy (Lois Strong,^ Ruth,* John,* Samuel- Thomas'), son of Adino and Lois (Strong) Pomeroy, of Mid- dletown, Conn., b. Aug. 2, 1784, at Middletown, Conn.; m. Oct. 17, 1814, Harriet Stevens, daughter of Jeremiah and Susan (Gor- don) Stevens, of Pittsfield, Mass., b. April 16, 1790. He was for several years sheriff of Berkshire Co., Mass. He died at Pitts- field, Mass., Feb. 4, 1837. She died Aug. 15, 1850. CHILD, rOMEROY. 1718 Harriet, b. Pittsfield, Mass., April 11, 1819; m. William Gove Weston. Sixth Generation 149 660 Elizabeth Norton (Ruth Strong.^^ Ruth,'* John.s Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton, of Farmington, Conn., b. Jan. 13, 1761, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Aug. 10, 1790, Rev. William Robinson, of Southing- ton, Conn, (his 4th wife), son of Ichabod and Lvdia (Brown) Robinson, of Lebanon, Conn., b. Aug. 15, 1764, at Lebanon. He died at Southington, Conn., Aug. 15, 1825. She died at South- ington, Conn., Dec. 20, 1824. CHILDREN, ROBINSON. 1719 John, b. Southington, Conn., Nov. 29, 1791 ; d. Southington, Conn., Jan. 25, 1792, 1720 Edward, b. Southington, Conn., April 10, 1794. Graduated from Hamihon College, 1816; m. No. 1, Eliza Kirkland, Sept. 3, 1818; m. No. 2, Therese Jakob, Aug. 7, 1828. 1721 George, b. Southington, Conn., Sept. 10, 1796; d. Southington, Conn., Jan. 20, 1797. 1722 George No. 2, b. Southington, Conn., Dec. 3, 1798; m. No. 1, Sarah Gleason Cowles, Nov. 3, 1820; m. No. 2, Harriet Whit- ing Bradley, Jan. 7, 1835. 1723 Charles, b. Southington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1801 ; graduated from Yale College, 1821 ; m. Nancy Maria Mulford, March 13, 1826. 1724 Elizabeth, b. Southington, Conn., July 25, 1803. 661 Nancy Norton (Ruth Strong,'^ Ruth,'* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton, of Farmington, Conn., b. May 26, 1763, at Farmington; m. 1790, Col. Charles McKinstry (his 2nd wife), of Hinsdale, N. Y. She died May 24, 1798. CHILDREN, MCKINSTRY. 1725 Melinda. b. June 12, 1794; m. Henry Loop, Esq., Hempstead, L. I. 1726 Nancy, b. July 28, 1796; d. July 24, 1847; m. Judge Bowen Whiting, Geneva, N. Y. 662 Asahel Strong Norton (Rev.) (Ruth Strong,^ Ruth,* John,-'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton of Farmington, Conn., b. Sept. 20, 1765, at Fannington, Conn. ; m. Jan. 19, 1795, Mary Clap Pitkin, daughter of Rev. Timothy and Temperance (Clap) Pitkin, of Farmington, Conn. He graduated from Yale College, 1790, and settled at Clinton, Oneida Co.. N. Y., 1793, where he died May 10, 1853. She died Sept. 11, 1839. CHILDREN, NORTON. 1727 Elbert, b. Dec. 4, 1795. d. Syracuse, N. Y., May 30, 1835; m. Sarah Marvin, May 27, 1828. 150 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1728 Emily, b. Jan. 20. 1798; m. Lothrop Brockway, Feb. 7, 1832. 1729 Mary, b. Mav 9, 1800; d. Oct. 9, 1803. 1730 Robert, b. Feb. 8, 1802. 1731 Sarab, b. June 29, 1804; m. Enos Pomerov, Jan. 28, 1823. 1732 Henry Pitkin, b. June 3, 1807; m. Jinie. 1833. 1733 Mary Ann, b. Sept. 27, 1809; d. May 7, 1831. 1734 John, b. March 15, 1811; m. Elizabeth J. Root, Sept. 27, 1836. 663 Romanta Norton (Ruth Strong,^ Ruth,* John,* Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Nor- ton, of Farmington, Conn., b. April 3, 1768, at Farmington, Conn.; m. No. 1, March 2, 1791, Belinda Porter (sister of Rev. Noah Porter, Sen.), daughter of Dea. Noah and Mercy (Lewis) Porter, of Farmington, b. Sept. 7, 1770, at Farmington, Conn. She died Feb. 22, 1792, at Farmington, Conn. He m. No. 2, March 26, 1794, Dorothy Treadwell, daughter of Gov. John Treadvvell, of Farmington, Conn. He died at Fonda, N. Y. ; July 31, 1839. She died at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 19, 1860. CHILDREN, NORTON. By 1st wife. 1735 Ichabod Porter, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 22, 1792; d. May 18, 1813. By 2nd wife. 1736 John Treadwell, b. Farmington, Conn., Apr. 28, 1795; m. No. 1, Mary Hubbard Pitkin, Aug. 29, 1821; m. No. 2, Elizabeth Cogswell, Feb. 1, 1831. 664 Ruth Strong Norton (Ruth Strong,=^ Ruth,* John,* Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton, of Farmington, Conn., b. Aug. 13, 1770, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Tan. 8, 1797, Dr. Mark Hopkins, of Clinton! Oneida Co., N. Y. She died Sept. 30, 1800. CHILD, HOPKINS. 1737 Cornelia, b. Sept. 20, 1797; d. Aug. 4, 1823; m. Dr. Moses Bristol. 665 Thomas Norton (Ruth Strong,^ Ruth,* John,* Sam- uel, ^ Thomas'), son of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Nor- ton, of Farmington, Conn., b. Dec. 31, 1773, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. April 6, 1806, Mrs. Mary Bigelovv, widow of Dr. Aaron Bigelow, of Granville, Mass. He was a goldsmith at Farming- ton, and from thence went to Clinton, Oneida Co.. N. Y. In 1823 he removed to Morrisville, Madison Co., N. Y., and in 1827 to Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y., where he died, Dec. 4, 1834. She died at Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 1841. Sixth Generation 151 CHILDREN, NORTON. 1738 Margaret, b. Feb. 11. 1807. 1739 James, b. Dec. 5, 1811; d. 1855. 1740 Edward, b. Nov. 2, 1817; m. No. 1, 1843; m. No. 2, 1855. 667 Seth Norton (Prof.) (Ruth Strong,^ Ruth,< John.s Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton of Farmington, Conn., b. Feb. 12, 1780 at Farmington, Conn, ; m. Amanda Kellogg of New Hartford. He graduated from Yale College 1804, was tutor at Yale to 1807, then prin- cipal of the Oneida Academy at Clinton, N. Y. In 1812 the Academy became Hamilton College and he became Professor of Languages. He died Dec. 7, 1818. She died June, 1844. CHILD, NORTON. 1741 Charlotte, m. Kilboume of Paris, N. Y. 668 George Norton (Hon.) (Ruth Strong,^ Ruth,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas*), son of Col. Ichabod and Ruth (Strong) Norton of Farmington, Conn., b. Nov. 15, 1782 at Farmington, Conn.; m. 1820, Eliza Frisbee. He died May 11, 1833. CHILDREN, NORTON. 1742 Cibella. 1743 Seth, married twice. 1744 Mary, m. Ebeiiezer G. Curtis, Simsbiiry, Conn. 670 Sarah Strong (Cyprian Strong,* Ruth,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thoinas'). daughter of Rev. Cyprian and Sarah (Bull) Strong of Chatham, Conn., b. Jan. 27, 1771 at Chatham; m. Nov. 25. 1788, Judge John Ellsworth of Greenborough, Vt., son of John Jr., and Sarah (Clark) Ellsworth, of Milford, Conn., b. Sept. 2, 1762, at Alilford, Conn. 1798 they reinoved to Greensborough, Vt., where he died June 27, 1816. She died at Greensborough, Vt., June 12, 1818. CHILDREN, ELLSWORTH. 1745 Maria, b. Greensborough, Vt., Oct. 22, 1789; d. Nov. 7, 1789. 1746 Harriet, b. Greensborough, Vt., Sept. 25, 1790; m. Ainsworth E. Blunt. 1747 John Clark, b. Greensborough, Vt., Feb. 22, 1793 ; d Greens- borough, Vt., July 11, 1861 ; m. Eliza Tollman. 1748 Frederick ^Dea.), b. Greensborough, Vt., Mar. 29, 1795. 1749 Sarah, b. Greensborough, Vt., Apr. 2, 1797; m. G. A. Morey. 1750 Sophia, b. Greensborough, Vt., Oct. 20, 1799; m. Luke Goss. 1751 Martha, b. Greensborough, Vt., Dec. 29, 1803; m. Dec. 1824, Evelyn Hart Farnham. 1752 Oliver Wetmore, b. Greensborough, Vt., Feb. 10, 1806. 152 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 673 Asahel Hooker Strong (Cyprian Strong,^ Ruth,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Cyprian and Sarah (Bull) Strong of Chatham, Conn., b. Nov. 8, 1776, at Chatham, Conn, ; m. March 2, 1805, Nancy Ames, b. July 4, 1781. He graduated from Yale College, 1796. Was a lawyer at Middle Haddam, Conn. He died at East Haddam, Jan. 17, 1818. She died Sept. 27, 1853. CHILDREN, STRONG. 1753 Francis, b. East Haddam. Conn., Dec. 22, 1805; d. Oct. 17, 1853. 1754 John Hooker, b. East Haddam, Conn., May 31, 1809; m. 1st. Elizabeth Worthington, June, 1837; m. 2nd Harriet A. Fam- ham, Aug. 27, 1855. 674 Florella Strong (Cyprian Strong,' Ruth,-* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Cyprian and Sarah (Bull) Strong of Chatham, Conn., b. Feb. 17, 1779 at Chatham; m. March 18, 1798, Aaron Farnham of Killingworth, Mass., son of Abner and Elizabeth (Wilcox) Farnham of Killingworth, Mass., b. July 25, 1774 at Killingworth. Mass. They removed to Hardwick, Vt., where he died March, 1860. CHILDREN, FARNHAM. 1755 Anna Elizabeth, b. July 3, 1799; m. Lyndon S. French. 1756 Emily, b. Jan. 16, 1801 ; m. Jonathan Warner. 1757 Evelyn Hart, b. May 14, 1804; m. Martha Ellsworth (his cousin), Dec, 1824. 1758 John Strong, b. Apr. 26, 1806. 1759 Catherine Florella, b. Apr. 9, 1809; m. Sidney Smith. 1760 Laura, b. Dec. 16. 1812; d. .-^pr., 1814. 1761 Laura No. 2, b. July 9, 1816; m. Hazard Bailey, Feb. 10, 1836. 677 Elnathan Strong (Cyprian Strong,'' Ruth,-* John,^ Sam- uel, ^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Cyprian and Abigail (White) Strong of Chatham, Conn., b. March 25, 1787, at Chatham, Conn.; m. Oct. 17, 1820, Jane Chamberlain, daughter of Gen. William and Jane ( ) Chamberlain of Peacham, Vt., b. 1792, at Peacham. He was a merchant at Hardwick, Vt., where he died June 19, 1843. She died 1853. CHILDREN, STRONG. 1762 Harriet Ellsworth, b. Sept. 21, 1821; d. Feb. 18, 1842; m. Rev. John Hopkins Worcester, Nov. 30, 1840 (his 2nd wife). 1763 William Chamberlain, b. Hardwick, Vt., Aug. 18, 1823. 1764 Charles Cyprian, b. Hardwick, Vt., May 10, 1826; d. Hardwick, Vt., May 1, 1827. 1765 Jane Chamberlain, b. Hardwick, Vt., Dec. 1, 1829; m. Rev. John O. Means. 1766 Elnathan Ellsworth (Rev.), b. Hardwick, Vt., May 2, 1832. Sixth Generation 153 678 Erastus Strong (Cyprian Strong,^ Ruth,* John,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Cyprian and Abigail (White) Strong of Chatiiam, Conn., b. May 6, 1789, at Chatham. Conn.; m. April 22, 1818, Mary Lewis, daughter of Abel and Mary (Crittenden) Lewis of Portland (Chatham) Conn., b. April 28, 1800. CHILDREN, STRONG. 1767 Charles Cyprian, b. Portland, Conn., Nov. 19, 1819; m. Julia Talcott, April 2, 1845. 1768 Mary Amelia, b. Aug. 16, 1822, at Portland. 1769 John Ellsworth, b. Aug. 28, 1824, at Portland. 679 Amelia Strong (Cyprian Strong,^ Ruth,* John,* Sam- uel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Cyprian and Abigail (White) Strong, of Chatham, Conn., b. Nov. 10, 1790, at Chatham, Conn.; m. Feb. 3, 1817, Dr. Aaron Smith, Jr., of Hardvvick, Vt., son of xA.aron and Abigail (Kendrick) Smith, of Hanover, N. H., b. Apr. 29, 1786, at Hanover, N. H. He graduated from Dartmouth Medical College, in 1810, and settled at Hardwick, Vt. She d. at Hardwick, Vt., Sept. 26, 1861. CHILDREN, SMITH. 1770 Amelia Ann, b. Hardwick, Vt., Nov. 12, 1817; d. Sept. 10, 1833. 1771 Eliza Abigail, b. Hardwick, Vt., Apr. 25, 1819; d. Mar. 24, 1837. 1772 Laura Esther, b. Hardwick, Vt., Sept. 21, 1822; m. Rev. John K. Lord. 1773 Charles (Rev.), b. Hardwick, Vt., July 24, 1824; m. July 24, 1854, Lucy Ann Maynard of Potsdam, N. Y. They reside at Montpelier, Vt. 682 Sophia Bull (Elizabeth Strong,' Ruth,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Deacon Martin and Elizabeth (Strong) Bull, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct., 1769, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Rev. Amos Bassett. She d. Feb. 7, 1805. CHILD, BASSETT. 1774 Martin Bull, b. May, 1802; m. July, 1831, Caroline E. Tomlinson. He graduated from Yale, 1823. Was a physician at Derby, Conn. 684 Jonathan Leavitt, Esq. (Sarah,^ Roger,* John,^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Hooker) Leavitt, of Charlemont, Mass., b. 1764; m. Amelia Stiles, daughter of President Stiles, of Yale college. New Haven' Conn. He was a Circuit Judge. He d. 1831, at Greenfield' Mass. 154 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, LEAVITT. 1775 Sarah Hooker, b. 1797. 1776 Mary Hooker, b. 1798. 1777 Amelia, b. 1799; m. Dr. E. T. Foote. 1778 Jonathan, b. 1801. 1779 Jonathan (2), b. 1803; d. at Yale College, 1821. 1780 Elizabeth Hubbard, b. 1807. 685 Roger Leavitt ( Sarah, ^ Roger,'' John,' Samuel,^ Thom- as^), son of Rev. Jonathan and Sarah (Hooker) Leavitt, of Charlemont, Mass. ; m. Chloe Maxwell, daughter of Hugh Maxwell (of Revolutionary Army). He d. 1840. CHILDREN, LEAVITT. 1781 Jonathan, b. 1794. Graduated from Yale, 1814. 1782 Chloe, b. 1797. 17S3 Clarissa, b. 1801. 1784 Chloe Ma.xvvell. b. ISO.! *1785 Roger Hooker, b. 1805. 1786 Hart, b. 1808. 687 Abigail Pantry Hooker (Thomas,^ Roger,* John,' Sam- uel.- Thomas! ), daughter of Thomas Hart and Sarah (Whit- man) Hooker, of Farmington and West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 23, 1770, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Jan. 25, 1795, Samuel Talcott, son of Samuel and Mary (Smith) Talcott, of Glas- tonbury, Conn., b. Aug. 12, 1765, at Glastonbury. He was a clothier at West Hartford, Conn., where he d. Jan. 20, 1839. She d. at West Hartford, Conn.. Mar. 16, 1854. CHILDREN, TALCOTT. *1787 Eliza, b. West Hartford, Conn., Nov. 7, 1795. *1788 Samuel, b. West Hartford. Conn., Mar. 20, 1798. *17S9 Scth, b. West Hartford. Conn., Mar. 7, 1801. 1790 Mary, b. West Hartford, Conn., Apr. 22, 1806; d. West Hart- ford, Conn., Jan. 14, 1893. 1791 John, b. West Hartford, Conn., Jan. 21, 1811; d. West Hartford, Conn., Oct. 17, 1815. *1792 Henry, b. West Hartford, Conn., May 10, 1815. 688 Thomas Hart Hooker, Jr. (Thomas,^ Roger,* John.s Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Thomas Hart and Sarah (Whit- man) Hooker, of Farmington, and West Hartford, Conn., b. Mar. 3, 1772, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Sept. 27, 1798, Betsey Mills, daughter of Deacon Jedediah and Sarah (Andrews) Mills, of West Hartford, b. Sept. 20, 1776, at West Hartford, Conn. In his young days, before his marriage, he led quite an Sixth Generation 155 adventurous life at sea, but after marriage he settled down at West Hartford as a farmer. He d. at West Hartford, Conn., Mar. 16, 1843. She d. at Columbus, Ohio, Apr. 4, 1849. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *1793 Sarah Jane. b. West Hartford. Conn., July 20, 1799. 1794 Thomas Mills, b. West Hartford. Conn., July 30, 1802; d. New York City, Jan. 23, 1884; m. Martha Hazard Howland, July 5, 1835. She died May 7, 1875. 1795 Julia Ann, b. West Hartford. Conn., Mar. 6, 1803; d. West Hartford, Conn., Sept. 5, 1807. *1796 Harriette Maria Mills, b. West Hartford, June 26, 1806. *1797 Abigail Talcott, b. West Hartford, Conn., Apr. 17, 1809. *1798 Eliza Whitman, b. West Hartford, Conn.. Julv 27. 1811. *1799 Edward Foster Mills, West Hartford. Apr. 17. 1814. *1800 Julia Ann, b. West Hartford, Conn., Apr. 30, 1816. *1801 Catherine Leavitt, b. West Hartford, Conn., Apr. 20, 1819. 689 William Pomercy Newell (Mercy.^ Roger,^ John,'^ Samuel,' Thomas^), son of Capt. Simeon and Mercy (Hooker) Newell, of Southington, Conn., b. June 14, 1779, at Southing- ton, Conn. ; m. Jan. 14. 1812, Phebe Deming Fox. They re- moved to Sodus Bav, N. Y. He d. at Huron, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1825. She d. Nov. 5, 1866. CHILDREN, NEWELL. *1802 Rachel P., Mar. 20, 1813. 1803 Lucv Jane, b. June 27. 1815; d. June 28, 1869. *1804 Charles James Fo.v, b. Huron. N. Y.. Mar. 3, 1817. *1805 William Pitt, b. Feb. 28, 1819. 1806 Roger Hooker, b. Huron. N. Y.. Feb. 1. 1821 ; d. Huron. N. Y., April 30, 1893; m. Emily Jane Cahoon, Feb. 1, 1849, daughter Reynold and Bethania (Whitcomb) Cahoon of Little Falls, N. Y. She died July 18, 1902. 1807 Henry C, b. Oct. 28, 1823 ; d. Oct. 3, 1824. *1808 Mary Susanna, b. Aug. 17, 1825. 690 Henry Hooker Newell (Mercy,^ Roger,* John,-^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Capt. Simeon and Mercy (Hooker) Newell, of Southington, Conn., b. Apr. 27, 1784. at Southing- ton, Conn. ; m. Feb. 1812, Laura Cooke, daughter of Capt. William Cooke. She was a descendant of Capt. Joseph Wads- worth, of Charter Oak fame. Thev removed to Georgia. He d. at Augusta, Ga., May 9, 1818. She d. at St. Johns, Mo., Sept. 20, 1838. CHILDREN, NEWELL. 1809 Henry H., b. Farmington, Conn., May 4, 1813 ; m. Frances A Palmer, Feb. 8, 1835. 156 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1810 Harriet Mercy, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 24, 1814; d. Farm- ington, Conn., Sept. 5, 1818. 1811 Francis A., b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 8, 1836. 1812 Harriet Irene, b. Farmington, Conn., April 13, 1839; d. Farm- ington, Conn., July 28, 1841. 1813 Harriet Irene, No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., May 20, 1841. 1814 Gertrude Cornelia, b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 15, 1843. 693 Roger Sherman Newell (Mercy,"' Roger,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Capt. Simeon and Mercy (Hooker) Newell, of Southington, Conn., b. Mar. 28, 1791, at Southing- ton, Conn.; m. No. 1, Aug. 1, 1821, Naomi Hawley, daughter of Asa and Deadamia (Root) Hawley, of Farmington, Conn., "Scott Swamp District," b. July 29, 1804, at Farmington, Conn. She d. at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1839. He m. No. 2, May 26, 1840, Mary Seymour. He was a farmer in the "Scott Swamp District" of Farmington, Conn., where he d. Dec. 1, 1863. She d. Aug. 28, 1860. CHILDREN, NEWELL. By 1st marriage. *1815 Harriet Atwood, b. Farmington, Conn., July 12, 1822. *1816 Samuel Ponieroy, b. Farmington, Conn., Nov. 16, 1823. *1817 Cornelia Hooker, b. Famiington, Conn., July 24, 1825. 1818 George C, b. Farmington, Conn., July 6, 1827; d. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 12, 1828. *1819 George Canning, b. Farmington, Conn., May 9, 1829; d. March 11, 1897. 1820 William Henry, b. Farmington, Conn.. Mar. 13, 1831 ; m. Mrs. Celia (Richardson) Cole of Garden Valley, Cal., Jan. 31, 1875. They live in California. *1821 Edward Everett, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 12, 1834. 1822 Esther H., b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. li, 1833; d. Farmington, Conn., Aug. 8, 1835. *1823 Julia Root, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 22, 1836. 1824 Roger Sherman, b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1839; d. Farm- ington, Conn., March 4, 1841. 695 Nancy Newell ( Mercy ,» Roger,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Capt. Simeon and Mercy (Hooker) Newell, of Southington, Conn. ; m. W. Palmer. They lived at Montville, Conn. CHILD, PALMER. 1825 Mary Ann. 696 Dolly Newell (Mercy,' Roger,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Capt. Simeon and Mercy (Hooker) Newell, of Southington, Conn. ; m. Dec. 1, 1818, Martin Hart, / Sixth Generation 157 son of Linas and Mary Ann (Wilcox) Hart, of Northington, Conn., b. 1795, at Northington, Conn. They removed to Jack- sonville, Morgan Co., 111. They both d. at Round Plain, 111. CHILD, HART. 1826 Anna, b. 1821. 697 Horace Cowles (Lucina,^ Roger,^ John,'' Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Isaac and Lucina (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Oct. 18, 1782, at Farmington, Conn.; m. No. 1, Oct. 23, 1803, Mary Ann Steele Smith, daughter of Samuel and Huldah (Mather) Smith, of Farmington, Conn., b. Feb. 16, 1784, at Farmington, Conn. He was educated at Yale college. He was a merchant and farmer, a Magistrate and member of the Legislature. She d. at Farmington, Apr. 8, 1837. He m. No. 2, Nov. 8, 1838, Elizabeth Hurlburt. He d. at Farmington, Conn., Feb. 6, 1841. CHILDREN, COWLES. This irregular list, where sometimes the date of birth and sometimes that of baptism, etc. are given is made as nearly cor- rect as the data allowed. 1827 Lucy Norlnii, h. Farmington, Conn., Oct., 1804; d. Farmington, Conn., March 18. 1809. 1828 Mary Ann, b. 1807; bapt. Oct. 19, 1816; d. Farmington, Conn., April 23, 1824. 1829 Lucy Norton, No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., 1810; d. Farming- ton, Conn., Dec. 8, 1812. 1830 Ann H., b. Farmington, Conn., 1812; d. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1813. *1831 Samuel Smith, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec. 9, 1814. 1832 Julia Norton, b. Farmington, Conn., Jan., 1819; d. Farmington, Conn., May 7, 1819. *1833 Charlotte Lucina, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 4. 1821. 1834 Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn.; bapt. July 6, 1823; d. Far-ffliiig- ton. Conn., March 28, 1831. 1835 Julia, b. Farmington, Conn., 1826; d. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1826. *1836 iVIary, b. Farmington, Conn., March 5, 1826. 698 Timothy Cowles (Lucina,^ Roger,'* John,'"* Samuel, ^ Thomas^), son of Isaac and Lucina (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Apr. 24, 1784, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Nov. 5, 1809, Katherine Deming, daughter of Chauncey and Diadema (Cowles) Deming, b. Feb. 5, 1787, at Farmington, Conn, He graduated from Yale college. He was a liberal contributor to the Hundred Thousand Dollar Fund contributed by the Alumni of Yale for the assistance of the college. He was commonly known as Major Timothy, getting the title from 158 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker service in the militia. He was a merchant and farmer at Farmington. and a State Senator. He d. at Farmington, Conn., Apr. 28, 1858. She d. at Farmington, Conn., Aug. 30, 1859. CHILDREN, COWLES. *1837 Jennette, b. Farmington, Conn., May 16, 1810. *\838 Chauncey Deming, b. Jan. 27, 1812. *1839 Catherine Lncina, b. Farmington, Conn., Mar. 21, 1817. 699 Lucy Hooker Cowles (Lucina,^ Roger,* John,^ Sam- uel," Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Lucina (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. Jan. 20, 1789, at Farming- ton, Conn.; m. Dec. 19, 1810, Prof. Ethan Allen Andrews, sorr of Levi Andrus and Chloe (Wells) Andrews, of Newington, Conn., b. Apr. 7, 1787, at Newington, Conn. Prof. Andrews graduated from Yale college, 1810, studied law in Farmington, commenced the practice of law in his native place. He accepted a position of Professor of Languages at the University of North Carolina. After his return to Con- necticut, he represented his town in the State Legislature, in 1851. Was a Riagistrate and Judge of the Probate Court, but gained his celebrity from his literary labors as a Latin author. Yale college made him a LL. D., in 1848. He d. at New Britain, Conn., Mar. 24, 1858. CHILDREN, ANDREWS. 1840 Levi, b. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 12. 1811 ; d. New Haven. Conn., while at Yale College, Sept. 26. 1830. 1841 Isaac Cowles, bapt. Dec. 12. 1813, born Oct. 27, 1813, at Farming- ton, Conn., ; m. Jane L. Thomas, Sept. 1, 1859. *1842 Lucy Ann, bapt. Aug. 6, 1815: b. Apr. 27, 1815. 1843 Julia Hooker, bapt. June 8. 1817; b. Apr. 16, 1817; m. Oct. 9, 184S, Archelaus Wilson, of Manchester, N. H. ; d. Feb. 26, 1866. *1S44 Horace, bapt. Aug. 29, 1819; b. Apr. 27, 1819. 1845 Grace, b. April 1, 1821; d. Sept. 2, 1839: m. Prof. E. D. Sims. After her death he married her sister Lucy Ann. *1846 Charles Samuel, b. Aug. 5, 1823. 1847 Mary, b. Chapel Hill, N. C, Nov. 25, 1825; m. April 10, 1869. Philip O. Riley. Resided in 1863 at Milledgeville, Ga., and in 1867 was at New Britain, Conn. 1848 Ellen Amelia, b. New Britain, Conn., May 27, 1829. 1849 Elizabeth Cowles. b. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 9, 1832; m. Pedro P. Ortez, of Valpariso, Chili, Dec. 26, 1855. 700 Richard Cowles (Lucina,^ Roger,'* John,^ Satnuel,^ Thomas'), son of Isaac and Lucina (Hooker) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., baptized June 14, 1795, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Dec. 22, 1811, Fanny Deming, daughter of John Sixth Generation 159 and Susannah (Cowies) Deming, of Farmington, Conn. They Hved at Farmington, where he was a farmer. He d. at Farm- ington, Conn., Apr. 10, 1845. She d. at Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 22, 1854. CHILD, COWLES. They had no children but they adopted a child who was known as 1850 Mary Louisa Cowies, m. Silas Ward. 702 Solomon Cowies (Lncina,"' Roger,* John,^ Samnel,^ Thomas'), son of Isaac and Lucina (Hooker) Cowies, of Farmington, Conn., baptized Apr. 14, 1796, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Mary E. Sloper. They lived at Farmington, their house being upon the site of the original parsonage occupied by Rev. Samuel Hooker, when he was the minister at Farming- ton, Conn. He was a farmer and an e.xtensive manufacturer of soap and candles. He d. at Farmington, Conn., Apr. 1, 1866. She d. at New Haven, Conn., Aug. 5, 1879. CHILDREN, COWLES. 1851 Edward, b. Farmington, Conn. *1852 Jane Elizabeth, b. Farmington, Conn., 1822. 1853 Sarah .\nn. Farmington, Conn., b. 1827; d. Farmington, Conn., Oct. 19, 1853. 1854 Cornelia, b. Farmington, Conn., 1828; m. 2nd. Charles Tillotson, Oct. 25, 1866. 1855 Timothy, b. Farmington, Conn. ; m. Lettie Downer. 1856 Richard, b. Farmington, Conn., 1836; d. Feb. 19, 1862, in camp at New Haven from wounds. 705 Sidney Olcott (Cynthia,'' Roger,* John,'' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Allen and Cynthia (Hooker) Olcott, of Manchester, Conn., b. Mar. 9, 1795, at East Hartford, Conn. ; m. Jan. 9, 1824, Edna Alice Adams, daughter of James and Alice (Bradford) Adams, of Plainfield, Conn. He was a farmer at Manchester, Conn., and a strong Anti-Slavery man. CHILDKEN, OLCOTT. *1857 Cynthia, b. IManchester. Conn.. June 18. 1826. *1858 Luther James Bradford, b. Manchester, Conn., May 30, 1830. 714 Thomas Hart (Thomas Hart,' Mary,* James,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Thomas and Concurrence (Bartlett) Hart, of Guilford, Conn., b. Sept. 8, 1762, at Guilford, Conn.; in. Oct. 8, 1787, Mary Parmalee, daughter of William Parmalee, of Guilford, Conn. He served for a short time in the Revolu- 160 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker tionary Army. He was a farmer at Guilford, where he d. May 29, 1829. CHILDREN, HART. 1859 William, b. Guilford, Conn., May 5, 1785; m. Lydia Griffin, Nov, 29, 1814. 1860 Ruth, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 14, 1790; m. George Landon, Mar. 18, 1813. 1861 George, b. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 8, 1794; m. Clarissa Parmalee, March 27, 1818. 1862 Polly, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 3, 1797; m. Richard Fowler, Apr. 10, 1817. 1863 Eliza, b. Guilford, Conn., Mar, 1800; tn. Stephen Trowbridge, Aug. 31, 1823. 717 John Hart (Thomas Hart,^ Mary,^ James,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Thomas and Concurrence (Bartlett) Hart, of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 15, 1773, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Oct. 1, 1803, Betsey Field, daughter of Luke Field, of Guil- ford, Conn. He d. 1858. CHILDREN, HART. 1864 John, b. Guilford, Conn., May 15. 1805; d. in South America. He was a mariner. 1865 Betsey, b. Guilford. Conn., Jan. 29, 1807; m. Daniel Loomis, Guilford, Conn., Jan. 4, 1826. 1866 Samuel S., b. Guilford, Conn., Nov. 7, 1808; drowned in West River, Guilford, Conn., Dec. 10, 1862; m. Mary Coulter. 1867 Julia, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 5, 1811; m. 1st. William Fowle; m. 2nd. Samuel C. Davis. 1868 Sarah E., b. Guilford, Conn.. Oct. 11, 1814; m. Miles Dudley, Guilford, Conn., Nov. 26, 1839. 1869 Deborah, b. Guilford, Conn., Apr. 27, 1817; m. Benjamin Candee, May 5. 1842. 1870 Thomas, b. Guilford. Conn., Aug. 8, 1819; m. Elizabeth Fuller. 1871 Elisha, b. Guilford, Conn., Nov. 11, 1823; m. Sarah E. Beards- ley, Oct. 14, 1862. 1872 Mary, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 5, 1826; m. Oliver Brooks. 725 Benjamin Hart (Benjamin Hart,^ Mary,** James,* Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Benjamin and Mabel (Fowler) Hart, of East Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 25, 1772, at East Guilford, Conn.; m. No. 1, Mar. 31, 1804, Mary Meigs, daughter of Timothy Meigs. She d. at East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1809. He m. No. 2, May 14, 1811, Lucy Baldwin, daughter of Timothy and Olive (Norton) Baldwin, of Guilford, Conn., b. July 9, 1786. He d. at Madison, Conn., June 4, 1852. She d. at Madi- son, Conn., Dec. 31, 1861. Sixth Generation 161 CHILDREN, HART. Bv 1st wife 1873 Mary, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. 31, 1805; d. East Guilford, Conn., Sept. 26, 1805. ^ .,, , 1874 Mabel, b. East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 28, 1808; d. East Guilford, Conn., Feb. 25, 1826. ^ ,^ ,orv. j r- . ^ -i 1875 Mary, 2nd., b. East Guilford, Conn., Sept. 16, 1809; d. East Guil- ford, Conn., March 13, 1810. By 2nd wife. n ,on j t- ,. 1876 Benjamin, B., b. East Guilford. Conn., Aug. 8, 1812; d. East Guilford, Conn., May 16, 1815. ,^ ,o,r n^ , ,, 1877 Baldwin, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. 12, 1815; m. Charlotte J. Wells, Dec. 23, 1841. 1878 William Winthrop, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. IV, 183b; m. Roxanna Scrantom, July 14, 1859. 726 Nathaniel Ruggles (Annie Bartlett,^^ Sarah,* James.^ Samuel,^ ThomasM, son of Dr. Nathaniel and Annie (Bart- lett) Ruggles, of Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 7, 1737, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Mar. 14, 1765, Elizabeth Dudley, of Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 24, 1742, at Guilford, Conn. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1793. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Nov. 10, 1819. CHILDREN, RUGGLES. 1879 Sarah, b. Guilford, Conn., Mar. 8, 1766; d June 1802 1880 Elizabeth, b. Guilford. Conn., June 11 1768; d Aug. 5, 1820 1881 Nathaniel, b. Guilford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1770; d. Nov. 16, 1840. 1882 Lucretia, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 12, 1772; m. Peter Spencer. 1883 Thomas, b. Guilford, Conn., Aug. 7, 1777; m. Harriet Sanford. 728 Ann Ruggles (Annie Bartlett," Sarah,* James,^ Samuel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Nathaniel and Annie (Bartlett) Ruggles, of Guilford, b. Aug. 12, 1741, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Jan. 15, 1767, James Stone, son of Timothy and Rachel (Norton) Stone, of Guilford, Conn. He d. at Guilford, Conn., June 16, 1795. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Mar. 31, 1817. CHILD, STONE. 1^84 Anna, b. Guilford, Conn., June 18. 1779 ; m. Daniel Soper. 729 Rebecca Ruggles (Annie Bartlett,' Sarah,* James,^ Samuel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Nathaniel and Annie (Bartlett) Ruggles, of Guilford, Conn., b. Aug. 13, 1743. at Guilford, Conn. ; m. Oct. 18, 1763, David Landon, son of Samuel and Bethyah (Tuthill) Landon, of Southold, L. I., b. Oct. 30, 1743. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1796. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Jan. 1, 1821. 11 162 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, LANDON. 1885 Jonathan, b. Oct. 19, 1763; m. Abigail Ledyard. 1886 Samuel, b. Oct. 17, 1765; ni. Hannah ElHot. 1887 David, b. jnly 31, 1768; d. Oct. 21, 1788. 1888 John, b. Aug. 16, 1771 ; ni. Widow Sally Atwater. 1889 Rebecca, b. Oct. 11, 1773; d. Oct, 27, 1773, 1890 William, b. Dec. 7, 1774; m. Elizabeth Soper. 1891 Nathaniel Ruggles, b. Mar. 16, 1781 ; d. Sept., 1781. 1892 Nathaniel Ruggles No, 2. b, June 28, 1784; ni. Mary Griswold. 1893 George, b, Aug. 10, 1787 ; m. Ruth Hart. Also four sons who died m infancy, 732 Huldah Ruggles (Annie Bartlett,' Sarah,^ James.s Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Nathaniel and Annie (Bartlett) Ruggles, of Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 5, 1747, at Guil- ford, Conn. ; m. Feb. 24, 1774, Rosvvell Woodward, son of William and Mabel (Chudsey) Woodward, of Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 10, 1750. He d. at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 5, 1807. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1827. CHILDREN, WOODWARD, 1894 William, b. Dec. 31, 1774; m. 1st Cooke. 1895 Huldah. b. Sept, 10, 1776; d, Apr. 15, 1854, 1896 Anna, b. Aug, 5, 1778; d. Guilford, Conn., Dec. 18, 1858; m, Richard Lay, 1897 Harriet, b. Sept, 6, 1780; m, Jonathan Rose. 1898 Rebecca, b. May 3, 1783; d. Aug. 14, 1791. 1899 Polly, b. June 4, 1785; d. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 4, 1865; m. Joel Crittenden, Jan. 15, 1807. 1900 John Ruggles, b. Tune 24, 1787; d. Feb, 18, 1813, 1901 David, b, 1789; d, Dec. 6, 1819. 1902 Roswell, b. Dec. 7, 1794; d. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1869; m. Catherine Elliot, Sept. 7, 1824. 735 Mary Ruggles (Annie Bartlett.^ Sarah,* James,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Nathaniel and Annie (Bartlett) Ruggles, of Guilford, Conn., b. 1758, at Guilford, Conn.; m. May 14, 1783, Timothy Rossiter, son of Benjamin and Abigail (Baldwin) Rossiter, of Guilford, Conn., b. May 21, 1754, at Guilford. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He d. Feb. 26, 1835. She d. Mar. 16, 1816. CHILDREN, ROSSITER. 1903 Benjamin, b. Aug. 20, 1784; d. Oct. 31, 1787. 1904 Abigail, b. Aug. 3, 1786; d. Sept. 20, 1796. 1905 John, b. Aug. 22, 1788; d. Oct. 8, 1799. 1906 Benjamin No. 2, b. Oct, 10. 1790; m. Catherine Brooks. 1907 Lois, b. May 12, 1793; d, Feb, 22. 1821, 1908 Timothv, b, Dec. 2, 1796; m. Sally Todd. 1909 Daniel, b. Oct. 8, 1798; m. Harriet Hanford. 1910 Mary, b. July' 25, 1801 ; m. John Norton, Nov. 21, 1832. Sixth Generation 163 737 Ruth Bartlett (Hooker Bartlett.s Sarah,* James,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas^), daughter of Hooker and Ruth (Parmalee) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 1, 1751, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Sept. 29, 1773, Nathaniel Bishop, son of Beriah and Lucy (Morse) Bishop, of Guilford, Conn. He was a Revolutionary soldier. They removed from Guilford to Richmond, Mass. CHILDREN, BISHOP. I 1911 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1774. 1912 Lucy, b. Sept. 4, 1774. 1913 Beriah, b. Mar. 6, 1776. 1914 Hooker, b. 1777. 1915 Nathaniel, b. Sept., 1783. 1916 Henry Walker, b. Apr. 12, 1795. 739 Hooker Bartlett, Jr. (Hooker Bartlett.^ Sarah,* James,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Hooker and Ruth (Parmalee) Bartlett, of Guilford. Conn., b. Jan. 15, 1755, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Jan. 7, 1784, Ruth Hart, daughter of Thomas and Concur- rence (Bartlett) Hart, of Guilford, Conn., b. Apr. 2i, 1760^ at Guilford. (She was his second cousin). He d. Jan. 18, 1834. She d. Apr. 10, 1855. CHILDREN, B.-VRTLETT. 1917 Hooker, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 24, 1785; d. Oct. 16, 1805. 1918 John Hart, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1796; m. Caroline Elliot. 740 John Bartlett (Hooker Bartlett,^ Sarah,* James,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hooker and Ruth (Parmalee) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 18, 1757, at Guilford, Conn.; m. Jan. 15, 1781, Deborah Hubbard, daughter of Daniel and Deborah (Hopson) Hubbard, of Guilford, Conn., b. Dec. 13, 1759, at Guilford. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He d. June 15, 1797. She d. Feb. 8, 1831. CHILDREN, BARTLETT. 1919 Hubbard (M- D-), b. Aug. 23, 1782; m. Kesiah Bartlett. 1920 John, b. Oct 13, 1785; m. Clarissa Coan. 1921 Henry, b. June, 1789; d, Sept., 1806. 1922 Samuel, b. Sept. 26, 1792; m. Jane Shevrill. 743 William Bartlett (Hooker Bartlett,^' Sarah,* James,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hooker and Ruth (Parmalee) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. Dec. 31, 1763. at Guilford, Conn. ; m. Ruth Harris. They removed to Richmond, Mass., where he d. 1810. 164 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, BARTLETT. 1923 William, d. 1814. 1924 James, m. Mary Belts. 744 Sarah Bartlett (Hooker Bartlett,^ Sarah,* Janies,^ Sam- uel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Hooker and Ruth (Parmalee) Bartlett, of Guilford, Conn., b. July 6, 1766, at Guilford, Conn.; m. May 9, 1790, John Elliot, son of Col. John and Experience (Hampstead) Elliot, of Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 3, 1765, at Guilford. He was descended from Rev. John Elliot, styled the "Apostle." He d. at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 29, 1794. She d. at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 6, 1838. CHILDREN, ELLIOT. 1925 Ruth, b. June 7, 1791 ; m. William Law. 1926 Julia, b. Oct. 18, 1793; d. July 11, 1872. 746 Sarah Smith (William Smith,^ Mehitable,* James,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Dr. William Hooker and Sarah (Browne) Smith, of Rye, N. Y., b. June 17, 1747, at Rye, N. Y. ; m. June 22, 1769, James Sutton, b. Mar. 7, 1744. They lived at Wyoming, Pa., and Mrs. Sutton is said to have had a better knowledge of Wyoming and its history than any other person. CHILD, SUTTON. 1927 Daughter, b. Feb. 8, 1773; m. Jacob Bedford, Esq., May 16, 1799. 747 Susannah Smith (William Smith,' Mehitable,* James,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Dr. William Hooker and Sarah (Browne) Smith, of Rye and White Plains, N. Y., b. Nov. 17, 1750, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. 1774, Dr. Lemuel Gustine. He d. 1807. She d. 1778. CHILD, GUSTINE. 1928 Sarah, b. 1775; d. 1856; m. Rev. Nathaniel Randolph Snowden. 757 Major Benjamin Talmage (Susannah Smith," Mehi- table,'* James,* Samuel," Thomas'), son of Rev. Benjamin and Susannah (Smith) Talmage, of Setauket. L. I., b. Feb. 25, 1754. He graduated from Yale college and entered the Revo- lutionary Army, serving with distinction. He m. Mar. 16, or 18, 1784, Mary Floyd, daughter of Gen. William Floyd. He Sixth Generation 165 m. No. 2, May 3, 1808. Maria Hallett, daughter of Joseph Hal- let, Esq., of New York. He d. Mar. 7, 1835. She d. June 3, 1805. CHILDREN, TALMAGE. 1929 William Smith. 1930 Henry Floyd, m. Maria Canfield. 1931 Maria Jones, m. Hon. John P. Cushman. 1932 Frederick Augustus, m. EHza Canfield. 1933 Benjamin, d. at Gibraltar. An officer in the U. S. Army. 1934 Harriet Wadsworth, ni. John Delafield Esq. New York. 1935 George Washington, m. Pacera M. Pease, daughter of Hon. Calvin Pease of Warren, Ohio. 761 John Smith Purdy (Mehitable Smith,^ Mehitable,^ James,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Elisha and Mehitable (Smith) Purdy, b. July 11, 1763; m. March 21, 1786, Elizabeth Jennings of White Plains, N. Y., b. May 12, 1765. They lived at White Plains until 1807 and then removed to Marl- borough, N. Y. He was a drummer bov in the Revolutionary War. He d. at Marlborough, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1856. CHILDREN, PURDY. 1936 Hester, b. White Plains, N. Y., June 17, 1787; m. Dennis H. Doyle, April 9, 1807. 1937 Peter, b. White Plains, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1789; d. at sea, Jan. 20, 1819. 1938 Elisha, b. White Plains, N. Y., May 3, 1791 ; m. Phebe Purdy, 1812. 1939 Sarah, b. White Plains. N. Y., Apr 17, 1793; d. 1882; m. John Millard. Aug. 24, 1812. 1940 Lydia, b. White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1795; m. William Smith. 1941 Hackeliah, b. White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1797; m. Cornelia Millard, 1819. 1942 Elizabeth D., b. White Plains, N. Y., July 1, 1799; m. Leonard L. Carpenter. 1943 Martha, b. White Plains, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1801; m. Richard R. Fowler. 1944 Mary (or Maria), b. White Plains, N. Y., March 5, 1803; m. Josiah Carpenter. 1945 Denis Doyle, b. White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1805; m. Caroline Wygant. 1946 William Jennings, b. Marlborough, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1809; d. young, drowned in Hudson river, 1829. 767 Winifred Purdy (Mehitable Smith,^ Mehitable,* James,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Elisha and Mehitable (Smith) Purdy, of White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Nicholas Bailey. 166 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, BAILEY. 1947 Eliza, ni. Quimby. 1948 Jacob. 1949 Peter. 1950 Leonard. 1951 Nathaniel, Yale D. D. 1952 Elisha, M. D. 1953 John William, D. D. 770 Levinah Purdy (Abigail Smith.^ Mehitable,* James.^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy, of White Plains, N. Y., b. July 7, 176^5, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. June 2, 1785, Thomas Horton. She d. Feb. 7, 1834. CHILDREN, HORTON. 1954 Abby, m. Van Nostrand. 1955 Susan, b. New York City, July 30, 1794; d. New York City, July 21, 1858; m. Charles Fredericks, March, 1811. 1956 Elizabeth, m. Gardiner. 1957 William. 1958 Sarah. 771 Henry Purdy (Abigail Smith,^ Mehitable,* James," Samuel," Thomas'), son of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy, of White Plains, N. Y., b. Oct. 3, 1767, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. May Calhoun. CHILDREN, PURDY. 1959 Ann. m. Gray. 1960 Jacob. 1961 Alexandria. 1962 Susan, m. Day. 1963 Henry. 1964 James H. 772 Susannah Purdy (Abigail Smith,^ Mehitable,* James.s Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy of White Plains, N. Y.. b. Oct. 16, 1770, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 23, 1791, Isaac Hunt. She died Oct. 18, 1807. CHILDREN, HUNT. 1965 Sarah, ni. Dean. 1966 Abigail, m. Abiathar Smith. 1967 Thomas. 1968 Jacob. 1969 John. 1970 Elias. Sixth Generation 167 773 Winifred Purdy (Abigail Smith.s ^lehitable,* James.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy of White Plains. N. Y., b. Jan. 22, 1773, at White Plains, N. Y.; m. Aug. 28, 1791, Richard Ferris. She died Oct. 13, 1820. CHILDREN, FERRIS. 1971 Maria, m. Cummerford. 1972 William. 1973 Jacob. 1974 Benjamin. 1975 James. 1976 Rebecca, m. Rice. 1977 Fanny. 774 Abigail Purdy (Abigail Sniith,^^ Mehitable,^ James,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy of White Plains, N. Y., b. June 25, 1775, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 28, 1794, Peter Angevine. She d. Jan. 9, 1853. CHILD, ANGEVINE. 1978 Susannah Sarah, b. Dec. 21, 1807; d. Sept. 5, 1837; m. Peter Esquirol, Nov. 4, 1824. 775 Jacob Purdy, Jr. (Abigail Smith.' Mehitable,* James.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy, of White Plains, N. Y., b. June 24, 1778. at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 18, Cynthia Hart. He died Jan. 10, 1866. CHILDREN, rURDY, 1979 Pamelia, m. Ferris. 1980 Emeline, m. Purdy. 1981 Sarah, m. Gedney. 1982 Elisha. 776 John Purdy (Abigail Smith,^ Mehitable,^ James," Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy, of White Plains, N. Y., b. Nov. 22, 1780, at White Plains, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 28. Elizabeth Dusenbury. He died Oct 28, 1854. CHILDREN, PURDY. 1983 Eliza, m. Horton. 1984 Harriet, m. Ostrander. 778 Samuel Purdy (Abigail Smith.* Mehitable,* James,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Jacob and Abigail (Smith) Purdy, 168 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of White Plains, N. Y., b. June 14, 1787, at White Plains, N. Y.; m. Sept. 14, 1812, Fanny Fisher. He died July 7, 1813. CHILD, PURDY. 1985 Susanah, m. George Downing. 782 Jennet Hopkins (Alice Howard,'^ Alice,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Thomas, Jr. and Alice (Howard) Hopkins of Hartford, Conn., b. May 1766, at Hart- ford, Conn.; ni. 1787, Peter Wallace Gallaudet of New York City, b. April 21, 1759. He was the famous instructor of Deaf and Dumb pupils and originator of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, Conn. He died at Washington, D. C, May 16, 1843. CHILDREN, GALLAUDET. 1986 Thomas Hopkins, b. Dec. 10, 1787. 1987 Edgar, d, 1790, 1988 Charles, d. 1830. 1989 Catherine. 1990 James. 1991 William Edgar, graduated from Yale College, 1815, d. 1821. 1992 Ann W. 1993 Jason, d. 1835. 1994 Theodore. 1995 Edward, d. 1847. 1996 Wallace, d. 1816. 791 Ruth Hooker (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel, 2 Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Nathaniel and Ruth (Skinner) Hooker of Hartford, West District, b. Jan. 1762, baptised Jan. 19, 1762, at Hartford, West District; m. 1782. Nath- an Haynes Whiting, son of Col. Nathan and Mary(Saltonstall) Whiting of New Haven, Conn., b. Nov. 4, 1759; graduated from Yale. By direction of her father's will she was sent to Boston "for a more polite education," and with her superior education she became a famous belle. She resided at Farmington, where her mother had become the wife of Fisher Gay. He died 1801. She died Oct. 28, 1783. CHILD, WHITING. 1997 Nathan Hooker, b. 1783; d. June 16, 1886. 792 Eunice EUery (Eunice,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Sam- uel,^ Thomas'), daughter of John and Eunice (Hooker) Ellery, of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 23, 1762, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. July Sixth Generation 169 1, 1784, Joseph Hart, son of Rev. William and Mary (Blaque) Hart of Saybrook, Conn., b. Jan. 13, 1755, at Saybrook, Conn. He was a merchant tloing an extensive business, principally wholesale and importing at Hartford from 1785 to 1800. He was lost at sea about 1810. She died at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 25, 1813. CHILDREN, HART. 1998 John Ellery, b. Hartford, Conn., June 12, 1785 ; d. Nov. 4, 1821 ; m. Sarah Woodbridge. 1999 AmeUa, b. Hartford, Conn., July 16, 1788; d. Hartford, Conn., Feb. S, 1809. 2000 Joseph William, b. Hartford, Conn., May 11, 1790; d. Nov. 16, 1821. 2001 Frederick Austen, b. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 21, 1794; d. 1819. *2002 Ferdinand Austen, b. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 1796. 2003 Edward Bonner, b. Hartford, Conn., Mar. 12, 1798; d. 1865. 2004 Henry F., b. Hartford, Conn., May 22, 1800. Supposed to have been lost at sea. 794 Hannah Allin Hooker (James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of James and third wife, Mary (Chaffee) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. Sept. 4, 1785, at Wind- sor, Conn. ; m. June 11, 1810, Rev. Andrew Yates of Schenectady, N. Y. and settled at East Hartford, Conn. He was pastor at East Hartford, Conn., and after that Professor in Union College, and later principal of a Polytechnic Institute at Chittenango, N. Y. He died at Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1844. She died at Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1859. CHILDREN, VATES. *2005 Marv Austin, b. East Hartford, Conn., May 20, 1811. 2006 Christopher, b. July 18, 1813, d. May 20, 1815. 2007 James Hooker, b. Oct. 10, 1815, d. June 5, 1861. 2008 Christopher, No. 2, b. Feb. 12, 1818; d. July 29, 1818. 2009 Helen, b. Sept. 4, 1819; d. Aug, 26, 1820. 2010 Joseph, b. May 20, 1821 ; d. Feb. 16, 1822. 2011 Ann Eliza, b. July 5, 1822; m. John R. Ireland. They adopted a child Hannah. 2012 Thomas Hooker, b. Aug. 29, 1826; d. Aug. 5, 1827. 2013 Henry Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1829; d. Jan. 12, 1831. 795 Dolly Goodwin Hooker (James,^ Nathaniel,-* Nathan- iel,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of James and his third wife, Mary (Chaffee) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. July 30, 1787, at Windsor; m. June 24, 1813, Elisha Beebe Strong, Esq., of Roches- ter, N. Y., son of Elisha and Mary (Beebe) Strong of Windsor, Conn., b. Nov. 29, 1788, at Hartford, Conn. He was a lawyer of high repute at Rochester, N. Y. In 1821 was made the first 170 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker judge of Monroe County, which office he filled for several years. In 1861 he removed to Detroit, where he lived until his death, Oct. 12, 1867. She died Feb. 15, 1850. After the death of his wife, Judge Strong married again, Ellen O'Keefe, of Detroit. CHILDREN, STRONG. *2014 James Hooker, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1814. 2015 Elisha, b. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1816; d. Sept. IS, 1838 *2016 Martha Cornelia, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1818. *2017 Bertha Rosabella, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1818; d. Oct. 12, 1846. *2018 Robert Hunter, b. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1820. *2019 Eliza Hooker, b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1822. *2020 George Parish, b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1824. *2021 William Oliver, b. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1828. 796 Alexander AUin Hooker f James, ^ Nathaniel,* Nathan- iel,3 Samuel," Thoinas^), son of James and third wife Mary (Chaffee) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. Oct. 30, 1789, at Wind- sor, Conn.; m. March 2i, 1820, Lucy Case, daughter of Jonathan J. and Lucy (Simmons) Case, of Rochester, N. Y., b. July 27, 1800, at Rochester, N. Y. He was a farmer at Rochester, N. Y. He died at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1849. She died at North Chili, N. Y., July 26, 1885. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2022 Lucy Case, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1821. *2023 Mary, b. Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 21. 1823. *2024 Louisa, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1825. *2025 Helen, b. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 9. 1827. 2026 Delia, b. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1830; d. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1831. 2027 James Henry, b. Rochester, N. Y., June 23, 1832. He was cap- tain of Company E, 39th Regt. 111. Volunteers; saw much active service; — retaining throughout his life great interest in all military affairs and willed his property to the LInited States government, to found a naval and military school with high ethical standards making President Roosevelt his executor. The will was declared illegal. He died Feb. 28, 1907. 2028 Harriet, Rochester, N. Y., July 13, 1835 ; d. Jan. 24, 1860. *2029 Adelia, b. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1840. 797 James Hooker (James,^ Nathaniel.* Nathaniel,^ Sam- uel," Thomas^), son of James and third wife Mary (Chaffee) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. July 12, 1792, at Windsor, Conn.; m. Jan. 24, 1816, Helen Sarah Reade, daughter of John and Cath- erine (Livingston) Reade of New York City. She was of that family of Reade from which Reade St., New York, gets its name. Sixth Generation 171 and was descended from the first Lord of Livinccston Manor. He graduated from Yale College, 1810. Was a lawyer at Pough- keepsie, N. Y., and Surrogate of Dutchess Co., 1828. Presidential Elector, 1836. Canal Commissioner, 1842. He died at Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Sent. 3, 1858. She died Jan. 30, 1879. CHILDRE.V, HOOKER. 2030 Catherine Livingston, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1817. 2031 Helen Mary, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 12, 1819; d. Jan. 24, 1838. 798 Horace Hooker (James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Sam- uel,2 Thomas^), son of James and third wife Mary (Chaffee) Hooker, of Windsor. Conn., b. July 5, 1794, at Windsor, Conn.: m. Sept. 3, 1822, Helen Wolcott, daughter of Erastus and Chloe (Bissell) Wolcott of \\'indsor, Conn.,'b. March 9, 1794 at Wind- sor. Like his progenitor he had the spirit of the pioneer and the glowing accounts of the Genesee Country attracted him to Western New York, where so many Hartford and Windsor fam- ilies have settled. He lived a short time at Bristol near Canan- daigua, where he engaged in mercantile business with his brother Alexander Allin, later he went to Carthage near Rochester to co- operate with his brother-in-law. Judge Strong in developing what was supposed to be the future city of Genesee. He was for twenty years engaged in active commercial enterprises, through all his business vicissitudes he remained a courtly gentleman of the old regime of the strictest integrity and high moral character, a power in the communitv in which he lived. He died Nov. 3, 1865. She died April 4, 1840. CHILDREN", HOOKER. *2032 Julia Wolcott, b. Rochester. N. Y.. June 10. 1823. *2033 Henry Edward, b. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1824. 2034 Frances, b. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1826; d. April 20, 1906, at Skaneateles, N. Y. ; unmarried: engaged in literary pur- suits. *2035 James Wolcott, b. Rochester, N. Y., May 10, 1828. 2036 John Chaffee, b. Rochester, N. Y., June 30, 1830; d. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 7. 1832. *2037 Charles M., b. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1832. 2038 Thomas, b. Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1836; d. Rochester, N. Y., Julv 31. 1836. *2039 Horace B., b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1837. 799 Mary Chaffee Hooker (James.s Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of James and third w^ife Mary (Chaffee) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. March 31, 1796 at 172 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Windsor, Conn. ; m. Feb. 4, 1818, Dr. James Magoffin, of Schen- ectady, N. Y., where he died May 20, 1850. She died at Schen- ectady, N. Y., March 20, 1839. CHILDREN, MAGOFFIN. 2040 John, b. Schenectady, N. Y., May 24, 1819; d, July 12, 1871; m. (His widow married Mr. Logan). 2041 James, b. Schenectady. N. Y., Jan. 16, 1821 ; d. Nov. 17, 1883. 2042 Horace, b. Schenectady, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1821 ; d. Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1821. 2043 Mary Hooker, b. Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1825 ; d. New York City, Feb. 1898. 2044 William, b. Schenectady, N. Y., May 26, 1828. 2045 Catherine Cole, b. Schenectady, N. Y., June 26, 1831; died May 29, 1832. 801 Henry Thomas Hooker (James,' Nathaniel,^ Nathan- iel,3 Samuel,* Thomas^), son of James and third wife Mary (Chaffee) Hooker, of Windsor, Conn., b. July 13, 1803, at Wind- sor, Conn. ; m. July 5, 1838, Mary Brown Cobb, of Stonington, Conn., daughter of Henry Stanton and Mary (Brown) Cobb, of Stonington, Conn., b. March 21, 1803, at Stonington, Conn. He died at Syracuse, N. Y. Oct. 1, 1893. She died at Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1897. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2046 Henry Cobb, b. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1839; m. May 23, 1876, Frances Hale Hopkins, daughter of Barton and Margaret (McDougal) Hopkins of Syracuse, N. Y., born April 17, 1853, at Syracuse ; she died June 2, 1895, at Syracuse ; he died May 25, 1908, at Syracuse. 2047 Thomas, b. Rochester, N. Y„ Sept. 1, 1840; m. Emma Cornelia Denison, Sept, 26, 1872; she died June 30, 1875 at Syracuse, N. Y. ; he graduated from WilHams College, 1865 ; he was a teacher in Elbridge, N. Y., and Lake Forest, III., but since 1878 he has been engaged in manufacturing business at Syra- cuse, N. Y. 2048 Mary, b. Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1843; d. Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1845. 2049 Andrew Yates, b. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1844; d. Rochester, N. Y., July 20, 1845. 802 Mary Hooker (Horace,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas^), daughter of Horace and Elizabeth (Filer) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. Nov. 26, 1771, at Windsor, Conn.; m. Aug. 3, 1796, Gaylord Griswold, Esq., of Herkitner, N. Y., son of Capt. Sylvanus and Mary (Collins) Griswold of Windsor, Conn., b. Dec. 20, 1767, at Windsor, Conn. He graduated from Sixth Generation 173 Yale College, 1787, and was a lawyer at Herkimer, where he died March 1. 1809. She died at Herkimer, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1844. CHILDREN, GRISWOLD. *2050 Sarah Hooker, b. Hartford, Conn., 1795. 2051 Mary, b. Herkimer, N. Y., 1797; d. Herkimer, N. Y., June 4, 1813. *20S2 Hooker, b. Herkimer, N. Y., 1801. *2053 Hannah Hooker, b. Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1803. *2054 Gaylord Hooker, b. Herkimer, N. Y., 1806. 803 Hannah Hooker (Horace,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Horace and Elizabeth (Filer) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. Jan. 15, 1773, at Windsor, Conn.; m. Richard Lord Jones, son of Amasa and Hope (Lord) Jones of Hartford, Conn., b. May 15, 1767, at Colchester, Conn. He was a merchant at Hartford. He died at New Albany, Ind., 1854. She died at Granville, N. Y. May 18, 1800. CHILDREN, JONES. 2055 Elizabeth Hooker, b. Aug. 14, 1792; d. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1882. 2056 Horace Hooker, b. Jan. 6, 1795 ; d. Louisville, Ky., 1851 ; m. Flora Narcissa Eliza Harden Wiggenson. 806 Samuel Filer Hooker (Horace,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Horace and Elizabeth (Filer) Hooker of Windsor, Conn., b. Aug. 6, 1780, at Windsor, Conn.; m. Oct. 15, 1813, Martha Smith Brewster, daughter of Jacob W. and Esther (Douglass) Brewster of Northampton, Mass., b. March 21. 1791, at Norwich, Conn. She was descended from Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower Company. He was a merchant at Little Falls, N. Y., in 1810 went to Sacketts Harbor and did an extensive business. He had large contracts with the United States government for armv and navy supplies during the War of 1812. He died at Sacketts Harbor, April 29, 1864. She died at Northampton, Mass., Dec. 6. 1829. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2057 Horace, b. Northampton, Mass., Oct. 28, 1814; d. Northampton, Mass., June 5, 1815. *2058 Samuel Talcott, b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 23, 1816. 2059 Sidney Douglass, b. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., May 22, 1818; d. Belize, La., July. 1884. *2060 James Louis, b. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1820. 2061 Esther Ann, b. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Mar. 10. 1823; d. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Aug. 1824. 2062 Martha Ann, b. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., March 3, 1826; d. Mil- waukee, Wis., May 11, 1898. 174 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 985 Caroline Hooker (Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Sedgwick) Hooker of Hartford West District, Conn., baptized Sept. 16, 1753, at Hartford West District, Conn. ; m. May 25, 1775. George Welles, b. 1749 at Hartford West District. He was a Revolu- tionary soldier. He died at Hartford, 1791. She died at Hart- ford, Oct. 1838. CHILDREN, WELLS OR WELLES. *2063 George, b. Hartford, W. D., Apr. 28, 1777. *2064 Caroline, b. Hartford, W. D., Nov. 8, 1779. 2005 Pollv, d. July 5, 1872; m. Eben Webster, July 5, 1807. He was born March 22, 1789; d. July 27, 1829. *2066 Thomas Hooker, b. Hartford, W. D., Feb. 11, 1791. 986 Mary Hooker (Danie!,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Sedgwick) Hooker of Hartford West District, Conn., baptized Nov. 17, 1754, at Hartford West District; m. April 4, 1774, Aaron Cad- well, son of Thomas and Mary (Porter) Cadwell of Wintonbury Parish, Windsor, Conn., b. 1754, at Wintonbury. They resided for some time near the dividing line between Hartford West District and Wintonbury Parish, Conn., and all their children were born there. About the end of the 18th century they re- moved to Hartland, Vt., and soon after to Montpelier, Vt., where she died Oct. 29, 1842. CHILDREN, CADWELL. *2067 Pollv, b. Hartford, W. D., 1776. *2Cto8 VVyllys Jay, b. Hartford, W. D., Aug. 22, 1778. 2069 Catherine (Kate), b. Hartford, W. D. 1782; d. Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 14, 1847. 2070 Lucy, b. Hartford, W. D., b. 1784; d. Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 23, 1855. 2071 Thomas, b. Hartford, W. D., b. 1787; d. Montpelier, Vt., 1835. *2072 Aaron Decius Hooker, b. Hartford, W. D., Feb. 10, 1791. 992 Nathaniel Hooker M. D. (Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Sedgwick) Hooker of Hartford West District, baptized Aug. 16, 1767, at Hartford West District; m. No. 1, 1799, Rachel Babcock. She died at Hartford, Nov. 15, 1800. He m. No. 2, 1806, Abi- gail Eggleston of Windsor, Conn., daughter of Samuel and Dor- cas (Loomis) Eggleston. She died at Hartford, 1826. He mar- ried No. 3, Oct 19, 1828, Abigail Morrill. He died at Hartford, Conn. 1850. He was a physician and for many years he lived and practiced in Hartford West District. During the latter years of his life he lived and practiced in Hartford where his Sixth Generation 175 practice was principally among the poor, having- among his pa- trons a few famines of means from whom he received enough to enable him to live in a very frugal way. Most of his patrons were persons too poor to pay fees, and to these people he de- voted his life and energies, though himself very poor. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 1st. marriage. Twins, born and died the same day, Nov. 10, 1800. 2nd. marriage. »2073 Nathaniel Eggleston, b. Hartford W. D., July 11, 1806. *2074 James Sedgwick, b. Hartford W. D., Mar. 2, 1812. *207S Chester Harris, Hartford W. D., Mar. 22, 1816. 2076 Abigail, b. Hartford. 994 Eunice Hooker (Daniel,^ Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Sainuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Sedgwick) Hooker of Hartford West District, b. Dec. 25, 1772, at HaVtford; m. 1791, Joseph Hubbell, son of Stephen and Rhoda (Middle- brook) Hubbell of Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn., b. May 9, 1764, at Weston, Conn. He was a farmer and had quite a reputation as a musician. He died at Weston, Conn., Feb. 22, 1829. She died at New Haven, Conn., Dec. 9, 1851. She was buried at Birmingham, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 2075 Eunice, born and died the same day at Hartford, Conn. 2076 Sally, b. Hartford, Conn., 1793; d. 1813; m. Daniel French. *2077 Zaimon, b. Hartford, Conn., .'\pril 9, 1795. *2078 Eunice No. 2, b. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 31, 1797. 2079 Polly, b. Hartford, Conn., 1799; m. Stephen Hubbard. *2080 Joseph Middlebrook, b. Hartford, Conn., .-Xug. 20, 1800. *2081 Charlotte, b. Hartford, Conn., 1803. *2082 Nancy Abigail, b. Weston, Conn., Dec. 10, 1804. *2083 Alanson, b. Weston, Conn., 1808. *2084 Marv Ann, b. Weston, Conn., 1810. 2085 Caroline, b. Weston, Conn., 1812; m. John Watts. *2086 William Reilly, b. Weston, Conn., Dec. 21, 1816. 1006 Sarah Flowers (Sarah,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel, - Thomas^), daughter of Cornelius and Sarah (Hooker) Flowers of Hartford West District, Conn., b. 1755, at Hartford West District; m. 1774, Hezekiah Cadwell (his 2d wife) of Hartford West District, b. 1742, at Hartford. He died 1804. She died 1795. CHILDREN, C.\DWELL. 2087 Delia, b. Hartford, 1776; m. William Carter. 2088 Hezekiah, b. Hartford W. D., 1780. 2089 Ferdinand, b. Hartford W. D., 1782. 176 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1012 Chloe Crosby (Cliloe,^ Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Ebenezer and Chloe (Hooker) Crosby of Hartford West District, Conn., b. Sept. 12, 1767, at Hartford West District; m. at Hartford, May 27, 1788, Elisha Gilbert, son of Deacon Benjamin and Anne (Butler) Gilbert of Hartford, b. May 16, 1766, at Hartford. He died at West Hartford, Conn., March 31, 1846. She died at West Hartford, Conn., Oct. 4, 1818. CHILDREN, GILBERT. *2090 Natlian, b. Hartford W. D., Mar. 14, 1790. 2091 Bet.sey, b. Hartford W. D., Oct. 29, 1793. 2092 Elijah, b. Hartford W. D., Jan. 22, 1795; d. April 3, 1860. 2093 Anne, b. Hartford W. D., Dec. 12, 1798; d. Nov. 10, 1815. 2094 Mary, b. Hartford W. D., 1798. I 1 ■ 1018 William Crosby (Chloe,^ Daniel,* Daniel.^* :%-rnueI,2 Thomas^), son of Ebenezer and Chloe (Hooker) Crosby of Hartford West District, Conn., b. March 28, 1778, at Hartford; m. Rachel Hubbard. He died at West Hartford, Conn., May 6, 1831. CHILDREN, CROSBY. *2095 Eliza, b. Hartford W. D., 1803. 2096 Laura, b. Hartford W. D., 1807; d. 1867. *2097 William, b. Hartford W. D., 1807. 2098 Erastus Hubbard, b. Hartford W. D., May 3, 1809; d. West Hartford, Dec. 3, 1885; m. 1st. Fidelia Hollingsworth ; she died April 19, 1856; m. 2nd. Isabella McCormick. *2099 Amanda, M., b. Hartford W. D., Sept. 14, 1810. *2100 Richard, b. West Hartford, Conn., 1819. *2101 Jane, b. West Hartford, Feb. 11, 1820. 1021 Ebenezer Crosby (Chloe,^ Daniel.* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Ebenezer and Chloe (Hooker) Crosby of Hartford West District, Conn., b. March 19, 1788, at Hartford West District ; m. 1807, Britta Steele, daughter of Ebenezer and Rachel (Steele) Steele of Hartford. West District, b. Sept. 10, 1788, at Hartford, West District. He died March 16, 1813. CHILDREN, CROSBY. 2102 Rensalear Rose, b. Jan. 8, 1809; d. 1882; m. Louisa Johonott, Oct. 16. 1836. *2103 Marietta Steele, b. Jan. 12, 1811. 1025 Lory Brace (Abigail,' Daniel,* Daniel,' Samuel,* Thomas'), son of Henry and Abigail (Hooker) Brace of Hart- Sixth Generation 177 ford West District, Conn., b. 1770, at Hartford West District; m. Oct. 12, 1792, Lucinda Belden, daughter of John Kellogg and Mercy (Webster) Belden of Hartford West District, b. Feb. 13, 1772, at Hartford West District, Conn. He died at West Hartford, Oct. 19, 1825. She died at West Hartford, Conn., Jan. 31, 1839. CHILDREN, BRACE. *21(M Lor>-, b. Hartford W. D., May 4, 1793. *2105 Ebenczer Belden, b. Hartford W. D., Mar. 9, 1795. *2106 Thomas, b. Hartford W. D., Aug. 18, 1797. 2107 Lucinda, b. Hartford W. D., Sept. 10, 1799; d. Hartford W. D., Dec. 6, 1814. 2108 Abigail, b. Hartford W. D., Feb. 12. 1801; d. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 7, 1886; m. Stephen Colgrove, of Hartford. 2109 Harvey, b. Hartford; d. an infant. *2110 Eliza Ann, b. Hartford W. D., Mar. 20, 1805. *2111 Mercy Webster, b. Hartford W. D., June 27, 1807. *2112 Henrietta, b. Hartford W. D., Sept. 30, 1810. *2113 Frederick, b. Hartford W. D., Man 12. 1812. 2114 Lucinda Belden, b. Hartford W. D., Feb., 1815; d. Dansville, N. Y. ; m. Theron Day. 1028 Abigail Hooker Brace (Abigail,' Daniel.* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and Abigail (Hooker) Brace of Hartford West District, Conn., b. 1774, at Hartford West District ; m. March 9, 1792. Seth Pelton of Chatham and Herkimer, N. Y. CHILDREN, PELTON. *2115 Cvnthia, b. Litchfield, N. Y., May 23, 1793. 2116 Sylvia, b. Litchfield. N. Y., Mav 23, 1793; m. Nathan Beardsley. *2117 Brace, b. Litchfield. N. Y., Sept. 23, 1795. *2118 Jesse, b. Litchfield, N. Y.. Apr. 18. 1798. *2119 Susannah, b. Hartford. Conn.. Jan. 30, 1802. *2120 Abigail Hooker, b. Apr 11. 18(M. *2121 Louvina, b. Litchfield, N. Y., Oct. 20. 1806. *2122 Johnson, b. Litchfield. N. Y., Nov. 8, 1808. *2123 Edmund Hooker, b. Litchfield, N. Y., Oct, 15, 1810. 1029 Manning Brace (Abigail,' Daniel,* Daniel^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Henry and Abigail (Hooker) Brace of Hart- ford West District, Conn., b. Dec. 25, 1776 at Hartford West District; m. March 5, 1791, Lucy Webster, daughter of A,shbel and (2d wife) Annie (Atwell )'Webster of Wintonburv, Conn. He died at Hartford. May 30. 1828. She died at West Hartford. Conn., Oct. 16, 1848. 12 178 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, BRACE. 2124 Mahala, h. Hartford. Aus. 5, 1796; d. Hartford, Mav 6, 1802. 2125 Lucy, b. Hartford, Jan. 29, 1798; d. Hartford, Feb. 28, 1798. 2126 Fanny, b. Hartford, 1799; d. Hartford, 1804. 2127 Lucy Mahala, b. Hartford W. D., Oct. 28, 1801 ; d. West Hart- ford, Conn., Sept. 11, 1865; m. Ebenezer Bevans. 2128 Fanny No. 2, b. Hartford W. D., Mar. 6, 1804; m. Harvey Sweetland. They are said to have had three children. *2129 Fidelia, b. Hartford W. D., June 27, 1808. *2130 Hezekiah Hooker, b. Hartford, June 7, 1811. *2131 William Webster, b. Hartford W. D., May 15, 1815. *2132 Emeline Maria, b. Hartford W. D., Oct. 28, 1818. 1038 Riverius Hooker 2nd (Riverius,'"^ Daniel,^ Daniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riverius and Mchitable (Baker) Hooker of Pownelboro, Maine, b. March 18, 1776; m. Mav 1, 1799, at Litchfield, Hnldah Maynard Cannon, b. April 29, 1781. They lived at Litchfield and later at Gardiner, Maine. He died Dec. 30, 1856. She died Dec. 28, 1857. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2133 Samuel, b. Oct. 30, 1800. *2134 Riverius 3rd., b. Sept. 25, 1803. 2135 Mehitable, b. Auar. 5, 1806; d. Aug. 8, 1865; m. Joseph Edge- comb, Jan. 1, 1834; he died Mch. 28, 1884. 2136 Huldah Ann, b. April 29, 1809; d. Nov. 11, 1887; m. Charles Pierce Walton, Sept. 18, 1836; he died Aug. 19, 1882. *2137 Drusilla. b. May. 3, 1811. *2138 Elbridge Gerry, b. Oct. 9, 1813. *2139 Charles Clapp, b. Apr. 24, 1815. *2140 Walton OIney, b. Feb. 17, 1818. *2141 Delia Ann, b. Apr. 1, 1821. 2142 Emma Jane, b. July 16, 1826; m. Joseph Edgecomb, Jan. 18, 1867, his second wife, his first having been her sister Me- hitable; he died March 28, 1884; she d. Sept. 25, 1908. 1040 Hannah Norton (Arab Norton,'^ Hannah,'* Daniel,'^ Samuel,- Thomas'), dausjhter of Arab and Phebe (Scranton) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 3, 1769, at East Guilford Conn.; m. Amos Hotchkiss, son of Amos and Desire (Dowd) Hotchkiss of Guilford, Conn., b. Nov. 18, 1764, at Guilford, Conn. They lived at Wallinpjford, Conn., where he died Oct. 8, 1808. She died April 12, 1851. CHILDREN, HOTCHKISS. 2143 Amos Cornwall, b. Wallingford, Conn.. Dec. 22, 1794; m. Martha J. Crittenden. 2144 Horace, b. Wallingford, Conn., June 8. 1796; d. Aug. 2, 1830; m. Chloe. 2145 Betsev, b. Wallingford, Conn., Nov. 19, 1798; m. Truman Bene- dict. Sixth Generation 179 1042 Mabel Norton (Arab Norton,"' Hannah.* Daniel,^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Arah and Phebe (Scranton) Nor- ton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Dec. 17, 1773, at East Guilford, Conn. ; in. Justus Norton, son of Beriah and Rebecca (Dowd) Norton of "Guilford, Conn., b. April 3, 1772, at Guilford, Conn. They lived at Guilford, Conn., where he died Dec. 3, 1857. She died at Guilford, Conn., Feb. 17, 1846. CHILDREN, NORTON. 2146 Beriah William, b. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 15, 1796; d. Mar. 18, 1847; m. Liicinda Hull, Mar. 18, 1832. 2147 Nancy, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 29, 1799; d. Mar. 5, 1879; m. Truman Munger, Mar. 16, 1832. 2148 Parla, b. Guilford, Conn., Mar. IS, 1801 ; m. Julius Murray. 2149 Adelia, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 10, 1803; m. Harvey H. Dowd. 2150 Phebe. b. Guilford, Conn.. Aug. 15, 1805; m. Harvey H. Dowd. 2151 Orpha, b. Guilford. Conn.. Aug. 8, 1807; m. Morris Davis. 2152 Justus, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 1, 1809; d. Aug. 23, 1859; m. Sally A. Griswold, Mar. 18, 1832. 2153 Ellen Eliza, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 31, 1811; m. Justin I. Shepard. 2154 George, b. Guilford, Conn., Apr. 2, 1814; d. Oct. 28, 1875; m. Clarissa Hull, June 28, 1835. 2155 Lorenzo, b. Guilford, Conn., July 23, 1816; d. July 12, 1832. 1044 Diadema Norton (Arab Norton,' Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^, daughter of Arah and Phebe (Scranton) Norton of East Guilford. Conn., b. Nov. 17, 1785, at East Guil- ford, Conn. ; m. Calvin Murray, son of John and Mindwell (Crampton) Murray of Guilford. Conn., b. Sept. 14, 1781, at East Guilford, Conn. He died at East Guilford, Conn., Nov. 14, 1810. CHILDREN, MURRAY. 2156 Dickenson, b. East Guilford, Conn., Dec. 2, 1805; d. Oct. 9, 1873; m. Sally Munger, Apr. 17, 1831. 2157 Calvin Nelson, b. East Guilford, Conn., July 14, 1808; m. Emily Dickinson. Oct. 22, 1837. 2158 Beulah Maria, b. East Guilford. Conn., Dec. 28, 1810; d. Apr. 10, 1864; m. Jared Whitford, Jan. 30, 1839. 1046 Lorain Norton (Hooker Norton,^ Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^, daughter of Hooker and Sibyl (Bradley) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 3, 1763, at East Guilford, Conn.; m. July 2, 1783, Ezra Evarts, son of Jonathan and Lu- cretia (Parmalee) Evarts of Guilford, Conn., "b. Sept. 12, 1755, at Guilford. They removed to Addison, Vt. 180 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, EVARTS. 2159 Julianna, b. Feb. 10, 1784. 2160 George, b. Oct. 25, 1791. 1048 Lois Norton (Hooker Norton,'' Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Hooker and Sibyl (Bradley) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Jan. 10, 1766. at East Guilford, Conn.; m. Jan. 18, 1792, Curtis Evarts, son of Jonathan and Lu- cretia(Parmalee) Evarts of Guilford, Conn., b. July, 1769, at Guilford. He died May 10, 1844. She died March 21, 1828. CHILDREN, EVARTS. 2161 Julius, b. Guilford, Conn,, Jan. 27, 1793; d. Apr. 15, 1867; m. 1st. Achsah Crampton ; m. 2nd. Emeline A. Wright. 2162 Olive, b. Guilford, Conn., Nov. 23, 1796; d. Apr. 24, 1863. 1050 Bela Norton (Hooker Norton,"' Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel", Thomas'), son of Hooker and Sibyl (Bradley) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Nov. 15, 1772, at East Guilford, Conn. ; m. No. 1, Lydia Bushnell. She died March 20, 1813. He mar- ried No. 2, Mary Paine. He married No. 3, Widow Mary Ann ( ) Mulliken. He died at Mexico, N. Y. June, 1845. CHILDREN, NORTON. 2163 Lvdia. 2164 Diantha Amelia, b. Apr. 10, 1796; d. Nov. 26, 1868; m. Henry H. Norton, Mar. 10, 1819. 2165 Zenas. 2166 Polly. 2167 Anson. 2168 Phineas, m. Sarah Crane. 2168a Twins not named b. Mar. 17, 1813. 2169 Julius. 2170 Mary. 2171 Charlotte. 2171a Daughter not named. 1051 Benjamin Norton (Hooker Norton,^ Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Hooker and Sibyl (Bradley) Nor- ton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 18, 1774, at East Guilford, Conn.; m. Damaris Hill, daughter of James and Mabel (Blatch- ley) Hill of East Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 9, 1777, at East Guil- ford, Conn. Sixth Generation 181 CHILDREN, NORTON. 2172 Almarina. 2173 Jason, b. 1805 ; d. Oct. 3, 1832. 2174 Polly. 2175 Mabel. 2176 Sibyl. 2177 Cynthia. 2177a Philander. 2178 Melinda, m. James B. Smith. 2179 Lydia. 2180 Russell. 2181 Lois. 1054 Daniel Norton (Hooker Norton,* Hannah,^ Daniel,'' Samuel," Thomas^), son of Hooker and Sibyl (Bradley) Nor- ton of East Guilford, Conn., b. July 18, 1781, at East Guilford ; m. No. 1, Lois Hill, daughter of James and Mabel (Blatchley) Hill of East Guilford, Conn., b. Sept. 1, 1783, at East Guilford, Conn. She died June 6, 1856. He married No. 2, Dec. 3, 1857, Widow Roxanna Chatfield. He died Nov. 20, 1862. CHILDREN, NORTON. By 1st wife. 2182 Joel Russell, b. Jan. 27, 1802; m. Orpha Foster. 2183 Caroline, b. Nov. 21. 1803; m. Alfred Blatchley. 2184 Zenas, b. Feb. 11. 1806; m. Lucinda Foster. 2185 Daniel, b. Apr. 13, 1808; m. Eliza Rowley. 2186 Sibyl, b. Oct. 2. 1810; m. Clark Hessington. 2187 Mabel, b. Oct. 29, 1812; m. Manley Wilcox. 2188 Lois, b. May 10, 1815; d. Mar, 21, 1882; m. Richard Hull. 2189 Lewis, b. May 23, 1817 ; m. Frances Hill, Nov. 25, 1852. 2190 Catherine, b. July 11, 1819; d. Apr. 27, 1835. 2191 Eliza, b. Sept. 14, 1822; d. Jan. 18, 1836. 1065 Hannah Norton (Reuben Norton,5 Hannah,* Daniel,' Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of Reuben and Loi,s (Crittenden) Norton, of East Guilford, Conn., b. at East Guilford, Conn. ; m. July 8, 1813, Martin Blatchley (his 2d wife), son of Aaron and Prudence (Graves) Blatchley, of Guilford, Conn., b. Sept. 10, 1770, at Guilford, Conn. He died Nov. 3, 1847. She died May 14, 1848. CHILDREN, BLATCHLEY. 2192 Lydia, b. Jan. 10, 1816; d. May 3, 1887; m. Sidney O. Hale, Feb. 4, 1844. 2193 William, b. Sept. 16, 1817; d. June 16, 1879; m. Widow Mary Ann Leete, May 9. 1841. 2194 Gilbert, b. Jan. 26, 1820; m. 1st. Marietta Field, Mar. 17, 1842; m. 2nd. Widow Louisa J. Bergman, Sept. 9, 1869. 182 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1066 Eathan Norton (Reuben Norton,' Hannah,** Daniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Reuben and Lois (Crittenden) Nor- ton of East Guilford, Conn. ; m. Sally Roberts, of Middletown, Conn. They lived at Meriden, Conn. CHILDREN, NORTON. 2195 William James, b. 1813; m. 1st. Mary Ann Lucas; m. 2nd. Hannah J. Warren. 2196 Edwin, m. Eleanor Miller. 2197 Hannah, m. Nelson Nettleton, 1069 Hulbert Norton (Reuben Norton,^ Hannah,^ Daniel,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Reuben and Lois (Crittenden) Nor- ton of East Guilford, Conn. ; m. Laura Dudley, daughter of Na- thaniel and Chloe (Dowd) Dudley, of Killingworth, Conn., b. Sept. 6, 1795, at Killingworth, Conn. They lived at Guilford, Conn., where he died March 11, 1823. She died April 29, 1861. CHILDREN, NORTON. 2198 Lyman, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 5, 1816; m. Susan Dolph, July 10, 1842. 2199 Henry, b. Guilford, Conn., 1818; m. Almira Johnson. 2200 Maria M., b. Guilford, Conn., Apr. 18, 1821; m. Lucian Beers, 1071 Leah Norton (Reuben Norton,' Hannah,* Daniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Reuben and Lois (Crittenden) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Oct. 17, 1794, at East Guil- ford, Conn. ; m. June 22, 1826, at East Guilford, Conn., Alexander McQuillan, b. 1799. They lived at Guilford, where he died Nov. 4, 1839. She died at Guilford, Conn., Jan. 19, 1886. CHILDREN, MCQUILLAN. 2201 Rosanna, b. Guilford, Conn., Jan. 6, 1823; m. Henry B. Stan- nard. 2202 Catherine, b. Guilford, Conn., Mar., 1826; m. Ruggles G. Nichols, Nov. 4, 1846. 1077 Rachel Murray (Rachel Norton,' Hannah,* Daniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Jesse and Rachel (Norton) Murray of East Guilford, Conn. ; m. Josiah Willard, son of Elias and Lois (Stevens) Willard, of East Guilford, Conn., b. Dec. 19, 1781, at East Guilford, Conn., where he died May 22, 1858. She died March 14, 1849. CHILDREN, WILLARD. 2203 Eber, d. Oct. 31, 1886; m. ArviUe Hull, Aug. 16, 1835. 2204 Marietta, m. Albert Camp. Sixth Generation 183 1082 Amanda Norton (Eber Norton,* Hannah,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Eber and Mabel (Evarts) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. Sept. 2, 1794, at Guilford, Conn. ; m. May 15, 1822, Austin Evarts of East Guilford, Conn., b. Feb. 1800, at East Guilford, Conn. He died Aug. 5, 1843. She died April 8, 1844. CHILDREN, EVARTS. 2205 Mary Lucretia, b. East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 12, 1823; d. East Guilford, Conn., Sept. 6, 1824. 2206 William Roswell, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. 20, 1825. 2207 Roger Griswold, b. East Guilford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1827. 2208 Oliver Wolcott, b. East Guilford, Conn., Oct. 29, 1832; d. May 3, 1863. 2209 Henry Austin, b. East Guilford, Conn., Feb. 28, 1838. 1085 John Norton (Eber Norton, * Hannah,^ Daniel,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), son of Eber and Mabel (Evarts) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. Sept. 19, 1803, at Guilford, Conn. ; m. Nov. 28, 1838, Ruth Dudley, dausjhter of John and Sarah (Lee) Dud- ley, b. June 4, 1814. He died Oct. 17, 1839. CHILD, NORTON. 2210 John William, b. Guilford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1839; m, 1st. Ade- laide Kimberly; m. 2nd. Elizabeth R. Dudley. 1086 Julia Norton (Eber Norton,* Hannah.^ Daniel,'* Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Eber and Mabel (Evarts) Norton of Guilford, Conn., b. July 24, 1807, at Guilford, Conn.; m. May 1836, John Scranton, son of John and Julia (Hull) Scranton, of East Guilford, Conn., b. May 3, 1804 at East Guilford. She died at Guilford, Conn., Oct. 11, 1880. CHILDREN, SCRANTON. 2211 Mary Jane, b. Guilford, Conn., June 18, 1838; d. Jan. 7, 1870. 2212 Susan Clarissa, b. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 10, 1840. 2213 John, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 12, 1845; m. Mary E. Livingston. 1089 Fanny Norton (.-\nah Norton,* Hannah,^ Daniel,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Arab and Mary (Bidwell) Norton of East Guilford, Conn., b. Nov. 27 . 1796, at East Guilford, Conn. ; m. Julv 25, 1821, Eber S. Hotchkiss, son of Isaac and Ann (Spin- ner) Hotchkiss, of East Guilford, Conn., b. Nov. 10. 1795, at East Guilford, Conn. He died Dec. 9, 1880. She died Sept. 19, 1871. 184 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, HOTCHKISS. 2214 Mary Ann, b. Dec. 2, 1822; d. Aug. 21, 1851; m. Raphael Ward Benton, June 2, 1843. 2215 Sarah Ellen, b. Nov. 10, 1825; d. July 3, 1854; m. Edwin A. Leete, Nov. 25, 1847. 2216 Timothy Dwight, b. Dec. 24, 1830; m. Jane E. Francis, Oct. 14, 1849. 1090 Rebecca Norton (Anah Norton,^ Hannah,* DanieU^* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Anah and Mary (Bidwell) Norton, of East Guilford, Conn., b. June 21, 1800.; m. March 28, 1822, Thomas Judson Coe, of East Guilford, Conn., son of Thom- as and Submit (Griswold) Coe, of East Guilford, b. June 7, 1797, at East Guilford Conn. They lived at East Guilford, Conn., the name of which place was changed to Madison. He died at Mad- ison, Conn., Dec. 1, 1881. She died at Madison, Conn., Sept. 2, 1871. CHILDREN, COE. 2217 Samuel Norton, b. East Guilford, Conn., Apr. 16, 1823; m. Sarah E. Whedon. Sept. 1, 1846. 2218 Emily Amelia, b. East Guilford, Conn., May 13, 1825; d. East Guilford, Conn., Sept. 15, 1826. 2219 Mary Ann, b. East Guilford, Conn., Apr. 18, 1827; d. 1856; m. John Dowd. 2220 Horace Nelson, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. 13, 1832; m. Esther Munger, June 17, 1857. 2221 Emily Rebecca, b. East Guilford, Conn., Jan. 3, 1837; m. Jan. 29,' 1857, Elliot B. Field. 1091 Stephen Bidwell Norton (Anah Norton,^ Hannah,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), so of Anah and Mary (Bidwell) Norton, of East Guilford, Conn., b. August 1, 1802. at East Guilford, Conn.; m. No. 1, Achsah Wilcox. She died Oct. 22, 1834. He m. No. 2, Roxanna Wilcox, b. Feb. 2, 1792. He died at Madison, Conn., Julv 16, 1856. She died at Madison, Conn., May 14, 1870. CHILDREN, NORTON. By 1st. wife. 2222 Francis M., b. East Guilford, Conn., Feb. 9, 1829; d. killed in the army, Feb. 6. 1864; m. Jane M. Blatchley. Nov. 27, 1851. 2223 Susan Maria, b. East Guilford, Conn., Mar. 9, 1830; m. Welling- ton B. Munger, Sept. 30, 1849. 2224 George Bidwell, b. East Guilford, Conn., Dec. 14 1831 ; m. Maria C. Chalker, Mar. 24, 1859. 2225 Mary Jane, b. East Guilford, Conn., June 8, 1834; d. East Guil- ford, Conn., Feb. 9, 1835. 2226 Sarah Jane, b. East Guilford, Conn., June 8, 1834; m. George W. Hill, May 7, 1854. By 2nd wife. 2227 William Erastus, b. East Guilford, Conn., Feb. 16, 1838; killed in the army, Dec. 13, 1862. SEVENTH GENERATION SEVENTH GENERATION 1092 Giles Gridley (Mary," Andrew.^ Samuel.'' Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Thomas and Mary (Hooker) Grid- ley of Kensino-ton, Conn., b. Nov. 27 , 1769, at Kcnsin,s^on, Conn.; m. Feb. 21, 1803, Ruth George, b. Feb. 28, 1781, at Concord, N. H. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College and became a practising physician. He was surgeon of the 21st Reg't. N. Y., in the War of 1812, and stationed at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. They resided at various places — Boston, Mass., Albany, Durham, Pompey and Montecello, N. Y., Liberty, Candor and Ulys- ses, Penn. He died at Ulysses, Penn., May 12, 1866. She died at Ulysses, Penn., May 15, 1867. CHILDREN, CRIDLEY. 2228 Caroline, b. May 9. 1804 ; d. July 10, 1805. 2229 Catherine, b. May 5, 1805. 2230 Harriet, b. Oct. 18. 1807. 2231 Ruth. b. Aug. 5, 1809: d. Sept. 11, 1810. 2232 Frederick, b. June 16, 1811; d. Nov., 1879. 2233 Joseph, b. Jan. 16, 1813: d. Nov. 1, 1814. 2234 Ruth. No. 2, b. July 23. 1815. 2235 Charles, b. June 16. 1817. 2236 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 1, 1819. 2237 Laura Maria, b. Apr 16. 1822. 2238 Thomas E., b. May 10, 1824. 1093 Thomas Hooker Gridley (Mary,'' Andrew,' Samuel,* Samuel,^ Sainuel^ Thomas'), son of Thomas and Mary (Hook- er) Gridley, of Kensington, Conn., b. Jan. 31. 1775, at Kensing- ton, Conn.'; in. Feb. 23,' 1800, Lucilla Kirtland, daughter of Daniel and Lovisa (Lord) Kirtland. of Durham, N. Y., b. May 21, 1781, at Saybrook. Conn. He was a farmer and resided at the family home at Kensing- ton. Conn., until 1790. then went with his parents to Durham, N. Y., where he married. In 1809 he removed with his family and parents to Pompey, N. Y., and in 1824 to North Chili, N. Y., where he remained until his death. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and stationed at Oswego, N. Y. He died Aug. 4. 1857. She died at North Chili, N. Y., June 24, 1826. CHILDREN, GRIDLEY. *2239 Mary, b. Durham, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1801. *2240 Maria, b. Durham, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1803. *2241 Giles Franklin, b. Pompey, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1806. *2242 Harriet Louisa, b. Pompey, N. Y., May 12, 1810. *2243 John Kirtland, b. Pompey. N. Y.. Apr. 20, 1813. 2244 Samuel, b. Pompev, N. Y., June 14, 1815; d. Pompey, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1821. 187 188 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1095 Almira Hooker (Martin," Andrew,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker of Kensinsfton, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt., b. March 30, 1789.; m. Edward ^Bingham, b. Feb. 3, 1788. He died March 6, 1860. She died Aug. 6, 1873. CHILDREN, BINGHAM. *224S Ira, b. Jay, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1808. *2246 Samuel, b. Jay, N. Y.. Jan. 2, 1816. 2247 Daniel, b. Jav, N. Y., 1816; d. South Danby, N. Y., 1834. *2248 Henry, b. Jay, N. Y., 1824. *2249 Seth, b South Danby, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1825. *2250 Abel (M. D.) b. Spencer, N. Y., 1830. 2251 Rachel died in infancy. 1096 Laura Hooker (Martin," Andrew,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt. ; m. Robert Everett. They lived at Peru, N. Y. CHILDREN, EVERETT. 2252 Augustus, b. Oct. 2, 1811; in. Pamelia Holdyne. 2253 Martin. 2254 Edward. 2255 John, ni. Anson. 2256 Cynthia. 2257 Rohy, m. George Ricketson. 2258 Hannah, m. John Cane. 2258a Allen. 1097 Amanda Hooker (Martin," Andrew,^ Samuel,* Sam- uel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt. ; m. Samuel Pine, Chesterfield, N. Y. CHILDREN, PINE. 2259 Fanny. 2260 Charlotte. 2261 Harley. 2262 Daniel. 2263 Washington. 2264 Henry. 2265 Smith. 2258a Allen. 1098 Norman Hooker (Martin," Andrew,* Samuel,* Sam- uel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt. ; m. Lydia Seventh Generation 189 Humnierston. b. Feb. 28, , at Glens Falls, N. Y. She died at Whitehall, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2266 Martin, b. Aug. 19, 1829. 2267 Perry, b. Dec. 21, 1832. 1100 Phineas Hooker (Martin," Andrew,' Samuel,^ Samuel,'' Samuel,^ ThomasiJ, son of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt. ; b. April 10 1797; m. Lydia Whoi., daughter of John and Elizabeth Whoi. She d. June 20, 1886. He died at Dannemora, N. Y., July 31, 1865. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2268 Elizabeth, b. March 19, 1829. See Appendix. 2269 John, b. March 17, 1827; d. Nov. 19, 1908. 2269a Rhoda Amanda, b. March 18, 1834. 1101 Lucy Hooker (Martin," Andrew,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,^ Thomas^, daughter of Martin and Hannah (Judd) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth, Vt., b. April 24, 1796, at Tinmouth, Vt. ; m. Henrv Tripp, of Chesterfield, Essex Co., N. Y. She died at Che.sterfield, N. Y., April 17, 1889. CHILDREN, TRIPP. 2270 Lydia Ann, b. Chesterfield. N. Y.. Mar. 6, 1817; d. May 6, 1842. 2271 Adeline, b. Chesterfield, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1821, d. Dec. 6, 1872. 2272 Mary. b. Chesterfield, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1824 ; d. June 12, 1852. 2273 Annette, b. Chesterfield, N. Y., Nov 2, 1830; m. Benjamin Thew. 1102 Mary Lee Hooker (Martin," Andrew,^' Samuel,* Sam- uel,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Martin and Hannah (Tudd) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., and Tinmouth. \^t., b. Sept. 19, 1802, at Tinmouth. Vt. : m. May 3, 1823, Seth Griffith Macomber, son of Benjamin and Mary (Gage) Macomber, b. Dec. 7, 1796, at Duchess Co., N. Y. He died'at Rutland, Vt., May 6, 1873. She died at Fair Haven, Vt., June 2, 1890. CHILDREN, MACOMBER. *2274 Lucy Ann, b. Danby, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1824. 2275 Judson, b. Mar. 28, 1827. 2276 Almira, b Aug. 19, 1830; d. Sept. 21. 1868. 2277 Marietta, b. Jan. 3, 1833; m. Wentworth. 2278 Henry T., b. May 27, 1835 ; d. Dec. 17, 1859. 190 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1115 Isaac Lee Jr. (Abigail Goodrich," Mercy/' Samuel,* Samuel,'^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Isaac and Abigail (Good- rich) Lee of New Britain, Conn., b. April 13, 1775, at New Brit- ain, Conn.: m. Sept. 27, 1799, Nancy Lusk, daughter of Seth and Anna (Booth) Lusk, b. 1783. He was in business at New Brit- ain with his brother Thomas, in the first merchandising store in New Britain. He died April 16, 1818. She died May 9, 1825. CHILDREN, LEE. 2279 Heiirv, d. at sea, Dec. 22, 1819. 2280 Philip, b. New Britain, Conn., May 6. 1802; d. New Britain, Conn., May 22, 1864; m, 1st. Nancy North, Dec. 28, 1823; m. 2nd Widow Jane (Bingham) Dewev, June 4, 1855. 2281 Betsey, b. New Britain, Conn., Mr. 27, 1804; d. New Britain, Conn., Dec. 10, 1836; m. Curtis Whaples, June 12, 1827. 2282 Harriet, b. New Britain. Conn., 1806; d. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 10, 1811. 2283 Nancv, b. New Britain, Conn., 1806; d. Dec. 17, 1854; m. Henry Belden, Sept. 27, 1826, 2284 Maria C, b. New Britain. Conn., 1808; d. New Britain, Conn., Apr 11, 1811. 2285 Charles, b. New Britain, Conn., 1809; d. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 28, 1817. 2286 Isaac Newton, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 18, 1810; d. New Britain, Conn., Feb. 28, 1892; m. 1st Orpha Shipman, Oct 20, 1833; m. 2nd. CaroHne A. Cowles, June 13, 1843; sister of John E. Cowles of Farmington, Conn, ; m. 3rd. Abigail B. Peck, Oct. 25, 1855. 2287 Harriet No. 2, b. New Britain, Conn., May 24, 1812; d. Aug. 15, 1828. 1116 Thomas Lee (Abigail Goodrich,'' Mercy ,^' Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Isaac and Abigail (Good- rich) Lee, of New Britain, Conn., b. Nov. 28, 1776, at New Brit- ain, Conn.; m. Oct. 10, 1797, Electra Riley, daughter of John and Huldah (Porter) Riley, of Northampton, 'Mass., b. Dec. "l3, 1776, at Northampton, Mass. She died at New Britain, Conn., Dec. 5, 1826. He m. No. 2, Widow Laura (Kellogg) Whittlesey, daughter of Martin Kellogg of Newington, Conn., and widow of Asaph Whittlesey. She died at New Britain, Conn.. Feb. 7, 1837. He m. No. 3. Esther (Meigs) Lusk, of New Britain, Conn., daugh- ter of John Meigs, and widow of Solomon Lusk, of New Britain, Conn., b. 1791, at Middletown, Conn. He was in business with his brother Isaac, and they were among the earliest manufacturers of the place, and were the first merchants in business there. He was very prominent in the pub- lic affairs of the town and filled many iinportant positions. He died at New Britain, Conn., Aug. 20, 1840. She died at New Britain, Conn., March 18, 1865. Seventh Generation 191 CHILDREN, LEE. All by first wife. 2288 Minerva, b. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 22, 1798; m, Norman Hart, Sept. 8, 1818. 2289 Lorenzo Porter, b. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 12, 1800; d. June 17, 1889; m. Jeannette Todd Hills, Nov. 3, 1828; niece and adopted daughter of Dr. Eli Todd of Farmington and Hart- ford, Conn.; founder and 1st. Supt. of the Insane Retreat. 2290 Thirza, b. New Britain, Conn., Mar. 19, 1801; d. Jan. 6, 1877; m. Rev. David Tilton, Sept. 20, 1849. 2291 John Riley, b. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 22, 1804; d. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 1, 1884. 2292 Electra, b. New Britain, Conn., Mar. 24, 1806; d. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 1, 1829; m. Wells Hubbard, Aug. 20, 1826. 2293 Thomas Goodrich, b. New Britain, Conn., Sept. 1, 1808; d. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 29, 1836; m. Susan Clark, Apr. 21, 1835. 2294 Caroline, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 8, 1810; d. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 9, 1894; m. Rev. Joshua Phelps, Oct. 18, 1840. 2295 Almira Stanley, b. New Britain, Conn., Aug. 9, 1812; d. Dec. 11, 1841 ; m. Andrew K. Hunt, Oct. 17, 1836. They are both buried in Woodlawn, Maiden, Mass. 2296 William Henry, b. New Britain, Conn., Feb. 10, 1816; d. New Britain, Conn., Dec. 27, 1816. 2297 Wiliiam Henry No. 2, b. New Britain, Conn.. May 19. 1818; m. Louisa Maria Northam, Jan. 16, 1849. niece and adopted daughter of Charles H. Northam of Hartford, Conn. 2298 Angeline, b. New Britain, Conn., Jan. 4, 1824; d. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 24, 1887 ; m. Mark Howard, Oct. 13, 1852. He was born in England and became a notable Insurance man at Hartford, Conn. 1117 Almira Lee (Abigail Goodrich," Mercy ,° Samuel,-* Sam- uel,3 Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Good- rich) Lee, of New Britain, Conn., b. J"ly 17, 1780, at New Brit- ain. Conn.; m. Sept. 27, 180L Jesse Stanley (b. Standley) son of Deacon Timothy and Lydia (Newell) Stanley of New Britain, Conn., b. Oct. 26. 1779, at New Britain, Conn. She died Sept. 29, 1815. He m. No. 2, Widow Lucy (White) Clarke, daughter of Joseph and Lucy (Buckley) White, and widow of Oman Clark. He was a farmer at New Britain, Conn., where he died Aug. 10, 1827. She died at Brooklyn, N. Y., April 13, 1863. CHILDREN, STANLEY (STANDLEV). 2299 Philip, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 4, 1802; d. New Britain, Conn., Sept. 2, 1803. 2300 Philip, No. 2. b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 30, 1804; d. New Britain, Conn., May 31, 1805. 2301 George, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 1, 1807; d. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 2, 1808. 2302 Waldo, b. New Britain, Conn., Mar. 8, 1811; d. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 9, 1811. 192 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1118 Polly Lee (Abigail Goodrich," Mercy,^ Samuel,* Sam- uel,3 Samuel,^ ThomasM, daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Good- rich) Lee, of New Britain, Conn., b. Dec. 22, 1783, at New Brit- ain, Conn.; m. July 11, 1802, Joseph Shipman. He was one of the earliest brass workers of New Britain, where he died March 9, 1859. She died Nov. 2, 1838. CHILDREN, SHIPMAN. 2303 Ralph, b. New Britain, Conn., Mar. 4, 1803; m. Marilla Wells, Nov. 2, 1825. 2304 Mary Lee, b. New Britain, Conn., Apr. 14, 1805; tn. Alfred Andrews, Sept. 1824. 2305 Eliza, b. New Britain, Conn., Feb. 18, 1807; d. July 8, 1866; m. 1st. Dr. Henry A. Hart, Apr. 24, 1827; m. 2nd. Dr. David Martin, Feb. 22, 1837; m. 3rd. Major Sandford Brown. 2306 Abigail Goodrich, b. New Britain, Conn., Feb. 13, 1809; m. Rev. Spofford D. Jewett, Dec. 22, 1830. 2307 Horatio Waldo, b. New Britain, Conn., Sept. 10, 1811; d. Oct. 11, 1864; m. Elizabeth Wadsworth, Nov. 4, 1835. 2308 Orpha, b. New Britain, Conn., Nov. 12, 1813. 1120 Abigail Lee (Abigail Goodrich," Mercy .^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel,* Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Goodrich) Lee of New Britain, Conn., b. May 14, 1788, at New Britain, Conn. ; in. Sept. 7, 1806, Cyrus Stanley, son of Col. Gad and Mary (Judd) Stanley (or Standley) of New Britain, Conn., b. July 29, 1787, at New 'Britain, Conn. He died March 25, 1844. She died at Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1867. CHILDREN, STANLEY. 2309 Don Alonzo, b. June 24, 1807; d. Feb. 11, 1851. 2310 Emily Roena, b. Sept. 11, 1810; m. Henry W. Clark, Oct. 21, 1832. 2311 Charles Norton, b. Aug. 18, 1812; m. Eliza S. Moore, Feb, 15, 1831. 2312 Harriet Aurora, b. May 25, 1815. 2313 Isaac Lee, b. Dec. 29, 1817. 2314 Gad, b. Apr. 17, 1821; m. Fanny Hill, May 11, 1846. 1122 Chloe Lee (Abigail Goodrich," Mercy ,s Samuel,* Sam- uel,3 Samuel,2 ThomasM. daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Good- rich) Lee of New Britain, Conn., b. Julv 24. 1793, at New Brit- ain, Conn.; m. Oct. 8, 1820, Treat Deming of Wethersfield, Conn., b. June 19, 1892, at Wethersfield, Conn. He died at New Rumley, Ohio, Aug. 9, 1823. CHILDREN, DEMING. 2315 Elizabeth, b. Wethersfield, Conn., May 2, 1822; d. Aug. 2, 1841. 2316 Catherine, b. Wethersfield, Conn., Jan. 5, 1824; m. Gordon Spen- cer Andrews, Nov. 17, 1844. Seventh Generation 193 1129 Amelia Stanley (Ann," Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Seth and Ann (Hooker) Stan- ley, of Kensington, Conn. ; m. 1805, William Hooker, son of Wil- liam and Hannah (Jones) Hooker, of Kensington, Conn., b. 1788, at Kensington, Conn. He was a physician at Dover, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2317 William. 2318 Ann. 1133 Ann Goodwin Mix (Martha Cowles," Martha,^ Giles,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of John and Martha (Cowles) Mix of Farmington, Conn., b. March 4, 1784, at Farm- ington. Conn. ; m. 1807, Dr. Harry Wadsworth, son of Dr. Theo- dore and Betsey ( ) Wadsworth, of Southington, Conn., b. May 23, 1780, at Southington, Conn. He was a practicing phy- sician at Farmington, Conn. He died at Farmington, Conn., April 25, 1813. She died at Farmington, Conn., March 27, 1824. CHILDREN, WADSWORTH. 2319 Harry (M. D.), b. Farmington, Conn., 1806; d. Austinburg, N. Y., 1843. 2320 Theodore, b. Farmington Conn., 1807 ; d. 1808. 2321 Betsey Mix, b. Farmington, Conn., 1809; d. 1811. 1138 Egbert Cowles (Ezekiel Cowles," Martha,^ Giles," Samuel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Ezekiel and Rachel (Woodruff) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. April 4, 1785, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Dec. 19, 1811, Sophia Woodruff, daugh- ter of Samuel and Esther (Sloper) Woodruff, of Southington, Conn. He was a large farmer at Farmington, Conn., living in the lower part of the town, he was a hearty and vigorous man and lived to a remarkably great age, dying Feb. 27, 1885. CHILDREN, COWLES. 2322 Esther R., b. Farmington, Conn., 1813 ; m. Haynes Lord, of New York, 1837. 2323 Arthur, b. Farmington, Conn., 1814; d. 1822. 2324 Edgar, b. Farmington, Conn., 1816; d. 1817. 2325 Edgar No. 2, b. Farmington, Conn., 1818; d. 1833. 2326 Lucins, b. Farmington. Conn., 1819; d. 1821. 2327 Lucius S., b. Farmington, Conn., 1821 ; m. Jane Whitman. 2328 Arthur E., b. Farmington, Conn., 1823 ; d. 1826. 2329 John E., b. Farmington, Conn., 1824. 2330 Alfred, b. Farmington, Conn., 1826. 2331 Arthur D., b. Farmington, Conn., 1828. 2332 Edgar Philip, b. Farmington, Conn., 1831. 13 194 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1139 Alfred Cowles (Ezekiel Covvles," Martha/' Giles.-" Sam- uel,-^ Samuel,- 'riioinas'), son of Ezekiel and Rachel (Wood- ruff) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn., b. July 1. 1787, at Farming- ton, Conn. ; m. Sept. 1816, Charlotte Cowles, daughter of Solo- mon and Polly (Gleason) Cowles, of Farmington, Conn. They lived in Illinois where he was a lawyer. CHILDREN, COWLES. 2333 Frederick, b. 1817; d. 1819. 2334 Cornelia, b. 1819; d. 1829. 2335 Jane L., b. 1821 2336 Frederick H., b. 1825. 2337 Cornelia, b. 1829. 23,38 Elizabeth Rachel, b. 1833. 2339 Alfred Ezekiel, b. 1835. 1154 Catherine Cowles Root (Catherine Cowles,® Martha,* Giles,'' Samuel,'* Samuel, ^ Thomas^, daughter of Stephen and Catherine Cook (Cowles) Root, of Farmington, Conn., b. 1801, at Farmington ; m. Lyman B. Cowles, of Catskill, N. Y. CHILDREN, COWLES. 2340 Joseph Stephen. 2341 Helen Maria. 2342 Louisa. 2343 Helen. 1155 Timothy Root (Catherine Cowles," Martha,^ Giles,* Samuel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Stephen and Catherine Cook (Cowles) Root, of Farmington, Conn., b. 1803, at Farming- ton, Conn. ; m. Adaline Lewis. He was a farmer at Farmington, Conn., where he died Sept. 18, 1824. CHILDREN, ROOT. 2344 Edward. 2345 William, d. May 25, 1864. 2346 Dwight. 2347 Stephen. 2348 Eli. 2349 Albert. 1156 William Ezekiel Root (Catherine Cowles," Martha,^ Giles,* Samuel,'' Samuel,- ThomasM, son of Stephen and Cath- erine Cook (Cowles) Root, of Farmington, Conn., b. 1806, at Farmington, Conn. ; rn. Harriet Leonard. CHILD, ROOT. 2350 William Alonzo. Seventh Generation 195 1158 Clarimond Cowles Root (Catherine Cowles," Martha.^ Giles/ Samuel,^ Samuelr ThomasM, daughter of Stephen and Catherine Cook (Cowles) Root, of Famiington, Conn., b. 1812, at Farmington, Conn.; m. No. 1, Lewis Preston. She m. No. 2, Lewis D. Cowles (her cousin), son of Giles Hooker and Sally (White) Cowles, of Austinburg, O., b. 1812. After the death of his wife, he married again, 1848, Selina Cole. CHILD, PRESTON. 2351 Agnes Helen. 1247 John Hooker (Brainard," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,-* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Brainard and Mary (Deming) Hooker, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Middlebury, Vt., b. Jan. 7, 1774, at Wethersfield.; m. Sally Briggs, of Middlebury, Vt., b. Nov. 4, 1776. They removed from Middlebury, Vt., to Cato, N. Y., where he died Feb. 26, 1864. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2352 Chester, b. Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 28, 1796. 2353 John, b. Middlebnry, Vt., March 1, 1798. 2354 George, b. Middlebnry, Vt., April 18, 1800. 2355 Parla, b. Cato, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1801. 2356 Alvin, b. Cato, N. Y., May 9, 1803. 2357 Sally, b. Cato, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1805. 2358 Louisa, b. Cato, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1813. 1248 Charles Hooker (Brainard,« Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* Tohn,3 Samuel,^ Thoinasi), son of Brainard and Mary (Dem- ing) Hooker of Wethersfield, Conn., and Middlebury, Vt., b. Dec. 26, 1776, at Wethersfield ; m. Nancy Pettibone, b. June 23, 1778. They lived at Middlebury, Vt. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2359 Jennette, b. Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 9, 1802. 2360 Lucius, b. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 2, 1803; d. Cato, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1888; m. 1838, Tersa Lindsley. 2361 William, b. Middlebury, Vt., Dec. 28, 1805; d. Homer, Mich., Feb. 11, 1864; m. Maronda Munger (she died Oct. 1, 1895, at Kalamazoo, Mich.) *2362 Sarah, b. Middlebury, Vt., Mar. 11, 1828. 2363 Caroline, b. Middlebury, Vt., March 13, 1810; d. 1877, m. Samuel Munger. *2364 Emeline, b. Middlebury, Vt., June 30, 1812. 1253 Mary Deming (Polly) Hooker (Brainard,^ Hezekiah,' Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Brainard 196 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker and Mary (Deming) Hooker, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Middle- bury, Vt., b. March 18, 1792, at Middlebury, Vt. ; m. Jan. 7, 1814, Burnham Phelps, son of Nathaniel, Jr., and Lucy (Strong) Phelps, of Northampton, Mass. (His first wife was her sister, Louisa). Born Oct. 31, 1788, at Northampton, Mass. He was a blacksmith and farmer. He died at Dover, 111., Jan. 17, 1870. She died at Louisville, Ky. Dec. 11, 1838. CHILDREN, PHELPS. 2365 Louisa Hooker, b. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 24, 1814; d. Dover, Ills., June 9, 1847. 2366 Orris Spencer, b. Middlebury, Vt., May 3, 1817 ; ni. Mary Ann Hills, Jan. 31, 1850. 2367 Lucy Strong, b. Middlebury, Vt., July 6, 1820; d. Westfield, Ills., Feb. 22, 1866; m. Franklin A. Hope, Oct. 15, 1840. *2368 Christopher Columbus, b. Middlebury, Vt., July 7, 1823. 2369 Americus Vespusius, b. Middlebury, Vt., July 7, 1823; d. Middle- bury, Vt., Sept. 12, 1826. 2369a Daughter, b. Middleburyy, Vt., Oct, 23, 1826; d. Oct. 26, 1826. *2370 Diantha, b. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 3, 1828. 1254 Hezekiah Hooker (Jesse," Hezekiah," Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Jesse and Sabrina (Smith) Hooker, of Sheiifield, Mass., b. May 19, 1778, at Sheffield, Mass.; m. Lovice Roe, daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Culver) Roe, b. Dec. 27, 1783. He died at Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1853. She died Sept. 20, 1852. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2371 Myron, b. Dryden, N. Y., June 30, 1805; d. May 5, 1838; un- married ; was a school teacher. *2372 James, b. Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1806; d. May 17, 1837. *2373 Aurelia, b. Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1808, *2374 Culver, b, Dryden, N. Y., May 9. 1810. 2375 Sarah, b, Dryden, N, Y„ March 20, 1812; d, Waupun, Wis., March 17, 1873; m, Andrew Young (his 2nd wife). 2376 Elisha, b. Dryden, N, Y., May 5, 1814, *2377 Hannah, b, Dryden, N, Y„ June 11, 1816. 2378 Harmon, b. Dryden, N, Y,, Dec, 9, 1818; d. Dec. 25, 1841; un- married ; studied for the ministry. *2379 Eli, b, Dryden, N. Y„ Sept, 17, 1820. *2380 Wesley, b, Dryden, N, Y„ June 19, 1823, 2381 Wealthy, b. Dryden, N, Y„ June 9, 1825. *2382 Franklin, b. Dryden, N, Y., Jan, 31, 1828, 1261 John Hooker Pixley (Abigail," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Isaac and Abigail (Hooker) Pixley, of Great Barrington, Mass. He removed to East Bloom- field, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, about 1808, Mary Burling, a Quaker of Seventh Generation 197 New York, connected with the family from which BurHng Shp takes its name. She died and was buried in the Quaker Bury- ing Ground, at New York City. He m. No. 2, Wilkinson. He was drowned by the capsizing of a boat on Maumee river and was buried at Maumee Valley. She died at Charlotte, Mich., 1870. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 2383 Ann, m. Milton Bradley of Henrietta, N. Y., and Canada. *2384 Joseph Burling, b. Norwich, Conn., April 16, 1813. *2385 Thomas Burling. *2386 John Henry, b. 1819. 2387 George Burling, b. Henrietta, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 11, 1846; a gradu- ate of Berkshire Medical School. *2388 Theodore, b. Bloomfield, N. Y. *2389 Maria, b. 1262 Ira Pixley (Abigail,^ Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Sarnuel,^ Thomas^), son of Isaac and Abigail (Hooker) Pixley of Great Harrington, Mass., b. Jan. 8, 1783, at Great Harrington, Mass.; m. Aug. 6, 1809, Sarah Adams, b. Aug. 11, 1788. They lived at East Bloomfield, N. Y., where he died Aug. 25, 1863. She died at Litchfield, Mich., Dec. 26, 1865 or 1882. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. *2390 Isaac Chauncey, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1810. 2391 Jane, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., May 6, 1814; d. Ypsilanti, Mich., 1863. 2392 Albert, b. East Bloomfield, N .Y., Dec. 22, 1816; d. July 23, 1893 (buried at San Francisco, Cal.) ; m. Harriet Hoyt of Aurora, Ills. *2393 John Hooker, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1819. *2394 Henry Martin, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., July 17, 1823. *2395 Mary Augusta, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., July 13, 1826. 2396 Sophia A., b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1830; d. Feb. 22, 1887; m. William H. Currier, April 9, 1863. 1264 Fanny Pixley (Abigail,* Hezekiah,' Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Isaac and Abigail (Hooker) Pixley, of Great Harrington, Mass., b. 1788, at Great Harrington, Mass. ; m. Jan. 6, 1812, James Sperry, son of Moses and Sarah (McCloud) Sperry of Great Harrington, Mass., b. Oct., 1787. They removed to East Bloomfield and Henrietta, N. Y. He died 198 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker at Rochester, N. Y., March 29, 1867. She died at Rochester, N. Y., April 29, 1867. CHILDREN, SPERRY. *2397 Sarah Ann, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 1812. 2398 Abigail, b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1815 ; d. March 24, 1834. *2399 Henry Hamilton, b. Henrietta, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1819. 2400 Mary, b. April 22, 1821 ; d. May, 1837. 2401 William James, b. Henrietta, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1823; d. March, 1856. 2402 George (Major), b. Henrietta. N. Y., April 27, 1827; lives in Joliet, Ills. *2403 Moses M. (Dr.), b. Henrietta, N. Y. April 1, 1830. *2404 Edward, b. Henrietta, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1833. 1265 James Root (Abigail," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,-* John.s Samuel,- Thomas'), son of James and Mrs. Abigail (Hooker) (Pixley) Root, of Great Harrington, Mass.. b. June 28, 1795, at Great Barrington, m. No. 1, June 12, 1819, Mary Flagg, b. June 13, 1799, at Ellicottville, N. Y. She died at Moscow, N. Y. March 21, 1826. He m. No. 2, March 11, 1827. Sarah Utter, daughter of Amos and Phebe (Babcock) Utter, of Moscow, N. Y., b. Jan. 21, 1810, at Moscow. They removed to Lyons, Mich., where he was a farmer. He died at Lyons, March 21, 1845. She died at Granville, Mich., July 3, 1881. CHILDREN, ROOT. By 1st marriage. 2405 Julia Amanda, b. Moscow, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1820; m. Justin Lent Bishop, Feb. 27, 1845. They had no children, but adopted Emma Risley, called Bishop. 2405a Two infants died unnamed. By 2nd marriage. 2406 Hattie. d. infancy. *2407 John Amos, b. Moscow, N. Y., Oct. 17. 1830. *2408 Mary A., b. Sherman, Ohio, June 29, 1836. *2409 Phebe Helen, b. Sherman, Ohio, March 26, 1840. 1268 Azel Hooker (Gilbert," Hezekiah.^ Hezekiah,^ John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Gilbert and Rebecca (Andrews) Hooker of Stillwater, N. Y., b. April 10, 1796, at Stillwater. N. Y. ; m. Nov. 7, 1825, Catherine Ripley, daughter of William Rip- ley, of Troy, N. Y., b. Nov. 24, 1807. He was a merchant in the transportation business, at Buffalo, N. Y. He died at Woodbury, Ind., Feb. 2, 1861. She died at Woodbury, Ind., Oct. 4, 1872. Seventh Generation 199 CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2410 Charles, b. Burlington, Vt., May 29, 1827; d. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1840. 2411 William Ripley, b. Burlington, Vt., Jan. 16, 1829; d. Burlington, Vt., April 27, 1831. 2412 James, b. Burlington. Vt., Oct. 27, 1830; d. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 29, 1858; m. Rebecca Russell. 2413 Mary Ripley, b. March 9, 1833 ; d. Nov. 27, 1833. *2414 Henry, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1835. 2415 Catherine, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1837; d. Feb. 18, 1873. 2416 George, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1838; d. in the army. *2417 John, b. Buffalo, N. Y, Aug. 14, 1840. 2418 Rebecca Ann. b. Buffalo. N. Y., May 26, 1843; d. Jan. 11, 1844. *2419 Franklin, b. Buffalo, N. Y., July 20, 1845. 1269 Zina Hooker (Gilbert.« Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,=5 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Gilbert and Rebecca (Andrews) Hooker of Stillwater, N. Y.. b. July 26, ISIO, at Stillwater, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, Nov. 19, 1832, Caroline Willson, daughter of Jeduthan and Phena (Moore) Wilson of Wolcott, N. Y., b. July 11. 1811. She d. April 15, 1864, at Clyde, N. Y. He m. No. 2, Feb. 14, 1865, Elizabeth Hume, daughter of Walter and Jane Hume of Otsego, N. Y., b. July 8, 1830, in Scotland. She d. July 12, 1902, in New York City. He d. May 9, 1867, at Clyde, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2419a Sarah Ann, b. Mav 29, 1836; d. April 16, 1903. 2419b Reliecca Elizabeth; b. Auij. 7, 1839; d. July 8, 1841. *2419c Helen Elizabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1841. *2419d Emma Cordelia, b. April 27, 1844. *2419e Charles Brainerd. b. May 21. 1847. 1270 Thomas Gould Hooker (Dr.) (Thomas,*"' James,^ Heze- kiah,* John,'' Samuel,'- Thomas'), son of Thomas and Ruth (Parmalee) Hooker, of Poultnev, Vt., b. Jan. 5. 1781, at Poult- ney, Vt. ; m. Sept. 23. 1803. E.sther Sweet, b. Nov. 8. 1782. They settled in Western New York, where he was a practising physician. He died at Murrav, Orleans Co., Jan. 12, 1856. She died at Murray, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1856. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2420 Sarah S., b. Feb. 12. 1805. 2421 Elihu, b. Aug. 24, 1807; d. Sept. 16. 1828. 2422 Eunice P., b. March 28. 1809; d. April 29, 1826. 2423 Cullen, b. Nov. 12, 1810; d. Sept. 27, 1819. *2424 Thomas Edwin, b. Augusta. N. Y.. Feb. 3, 1813. *2425 Aurelia, b. Augusta, N. Y., July 8, 1815. 2426 Ruth Ann, b. March 6, 1818. 200 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2427 William H., b, Sept. 18, 1820; d. Sept. 12, 1829. 2428 David Gould, b. Oct. 4, 1822; d. April 13, 1845. 1271 Ruth Hooker (Thomas,® James,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,* Thomas^), daughter of Thomas and 2nd wife of Ruth (Hikok) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Nov. 2, 1784, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Sylvester Perkins. CHILDREN, PERKINS. 2429 Hooker. 2430 Morse. 2431 Daniel. 24.-?2 Abigail. 2433 Betsey. 2434 Eliza. 2435 Lizania. 1272 Myron Hooker (Thomas,^ James,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,* Thomas^), son of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Cole- man) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Jan. 1788, at Poultnev, Vt.; m. No. 1, Sally Brokes. He m. No. 2 (Wid.), Betsey Bacon, He died 1859. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *2436 Betsey, b. 1839. *2437 Thomas Cullen, b. Feb. 4, 1822, at Poultney, Vt. *2438 Myron Smith, b. 1820. 1274 Betsey Hooker (Thomas." James.^ Hezekiah.* John,^ Samuel.' Thomas'), daughter of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Coleman) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Feb. 13, 1792, at Poult- nev, Vt.: m. John Preston, b. Aug. 23, 1789. He died Mav 23, 1883. She died Aug. 30, 1887. CHILDREN, PRESTON. 2439 Betsey, b. April 18, 1814; d. April 21, 1814. 2440 John, b. July 27, 1815; d. July 28, 1817. 2441 Chesterfield, b. June 25, 1818; d. Nov. 3, 1819. 2441a. Infant not named. 2442 Cannie, b. July 18. 1821 ; d. Jan. 7, 1840. 2443 Fidelia, b. Sept. 22, 1824; d. April, 1826. 1275 Truman Hooker (Thomas,*' James,^ Hezekiah,-* John,^ Samuel,* Thomasi), son of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Cole- man) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Dec. 29, 1793, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Betsey Griswold, daughter of Azariah and (Bol- Seventh Generation 201 and) Griswold. of Castleton, \'t., h. 1796. He was a farmer at Poultney, Vt., until 1835, when they removed to Castleton, Vt. He died at Castleton, Vt., June 9, 1866. She died at Castletoh, Vt. Aug. 15, 1873. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2444 Marv Louisa, b. Poiiltnev, Vt., July 23, 1822. *2445 Olive Levira, b. Poultney, Vt., Jan. IS, 1824. *2446 Truman Newell, b. Poultney, Vt., 11, 1826. *2447 Sarah Jane, b. Poultnev, Vt., May 10, 1828. *2448 David Griswold, b. Poultney, Vt.", Sept. 14. 1830. *2449 Edward Payson, b. Poultney, Vt., July 2, 1834. 1276 Daniel Hooker (Thomas," James, » Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^, son of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Cole- man) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Aug. 2, 1795, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Feb. 28, 1828, Orpha Gidding-s, daughter of Solomon and Alartha (Paine) Giddings, of Williamstown, Mass., b. Dec. 15, 1803, at Williamstown, Mass. He was an extensive slate quarry owner and a prominent and active business man. He died at Poultney, Vt., Oct. 9, 1867. She died at Poultnev, Vt., April, 1891. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2450 Solomon Egbert, b. Poultney, Vt., April 7, 1829. 2451 Laura Ann, b. Poultney, Vt., Jan. 28, 1833 ; m. Castle Spencer. 2452 Orpha Loretta. b. Poultney, Vt., April 8, 1835; m. No. 1, A. B. Shafer; m. No. 2, William Hartley. 2453 Cornelia A., b. Poultney, Vt., Oct. 24, 1836. 2454 Frances L., b. Poultney, Vt., Jan. 19, 1844; m. Samuel Patterson. They are reported to have had three children. *2455 Emily Marsh, b. Poultney, Vt., July 15, 1848. 1277 Chesterfield Hooker (Thomas," James,^ Hezekiah,-* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Coleman) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Aug. 28, 1797, at Poult- ney, Vt., m. Jan. 4, 1827, Antha Field, daughter of Asahel and Betsey (Parker) Field, of Cornwall, Vt. He died at Cornwall, Vt., Aug. 16, 1864. She died at Cornwall, Vt., Jan, 22, 1874. CHILD, HOOKER. *2456 Franklin, b. Cornwall, Vt., Oct. 31, 1827. 1278 David Hooker (Thomas," James.'' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel, 2 Thomas'), son of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Cole- man) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. June 2, 1799, at Poultnev, Vt. ; 202 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker m. May 13, 1824, Betsey Field, daughter of Deacon Asahel and Betsey (Parker) Field, of Cornwall, Vt., b. Sept. 26, 1805, at Cornwall, Vt. He was a farmer at Cornwall, Vt. He died at Middlebury, Vt., April 1, 1867. She died Jan. 22, 1889. CHILD, HOOKER. *24S7 Asahel Carlos, b. Cornwall, Vt., June 9, 182S. 1279 Alma Hooker (Thomas,'' James," Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Thomas and 3rd wife Mary (Coleman) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Nov. 11, 1801, at Poult- ney, Vt. ; m. Sidney Whiting (his 2nd wife). CHILDREN, WHITING. 2458 Mary. 2459 Sarah. 2460 Harriet. 1281 James Hooker (James," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Col. James and Lucina (Christy) Hook-er, of Poultney, Vt., b. March 6, 1789. at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Feb. 6, 1817, Mary Rumsey, of Hubbardston, Vt., daughter of David Rumsev, b. Tan. 24. 1791, at Roxburv, Conn. He died March 21, 1824. She m. No. 2, May, 1847,\Tames Whipple of Trov, N. Y. There were no children by 2nd marriage. He died at troy. N. Y. Feb. 1, 1856. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2461 James Clinton, b. Poultney, Vt., Feb. 12, 1818; d. Rome. Italy, Dec. 31, 1894; m. Elizabeth Temple Winthrop, July 24, 1856. He was a noted banker at Rome, Italy, where he was estab- lished in the banking business for many years. For more than thirty years he occupied the Palace of the Bonapartes as a residence. 2462 Newton Carlos, b. Poultney, Vt., March 18, 1820; d. Cherry Valley, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1843. 2463 Albert Carlton, b. Poultney, Vt.. Nov. 6, 1821 ; m. Jane McKay. 1282 Marquis de Layfayette Hooker (James," James,^ Heze- kiel,'' John,-'' Samuel,- Thomas'), (commonly called Marcus) son of Col. fames and Lucina (Christy) Hooker, of Poultney, Vt., b. Feb. "22, 1792, at Poultney, Vt.'; m. Lucinda Bachelder. He died Aug. 18, 1831. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2464 Mary Jeannette, b. Poultney, Vt., May 30, 1822. Seventh Generation 203 *2465 Luciiida Bachelder, ]i. Ponltney, Vt., Dec. 29, 1823. 2466 Esther Ann, b. Ponltney, Vt., Nov. 29, 1829; d. Ponltney, Vt., March 9, 1830. 1284 Asa Christy Hooker (James," James,'' Hczekiah,'' John,3 Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Col. James and Lucina (Christy) Hooker, of Ponltney. Vt., b. Feb. 6, 1795. at Ponltney, Vt. ; m. April, 1830, Bertha Bliss, danghter of Ephriain and Han- nah ( ) Bliss, b. Sept. 13. 1804. He died at Ponltnev, Vt., Aug. 5, 1848. She died Sept. 23. 1886. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2467 Cyrus, born and died Jan. 12, 1831. 24rxS F.llen Francis, b. 1833: d. Julv 23, 1850. 2469 Vesta Ann. b. 1834: d. Dec. 18, 1862. 2470 Charles Bliss, b. 1837; d. April 2, 1846. 2471 Hannah L., b. Aug. 1841 ; d. May 15, 1842. *2472 Emily Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1846. 1288 Laura Hooker (Samuel," James," Hezekiah,^ John,'' Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y., b. July 20, 1791, at Hampton, N. Y.; m. Sept. 12, 1810, Col. John Fuller, b. Nov. 2. 1785. He died at Hampton, N. Y., Aug." 4, 1838. She died at Hampton, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1839. CHILDREN, FULLER. *2473 Marv. b. Hampton. N. Y., Aug. 16, 1811. 2474 Jedediah, b. Hampton, N. Y., June 22, 1813 ; d. May 10, 1837. 2475 John Porter, b. Hampton, N. Y., April 25, 1815; d. April 22, 1S38 2476 Bonaparte, b. Hampton, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1818: d. July 16, 1868. 2477 Samuel Porus, b. Hampton, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1820; m. his cousin, Caroline Crocker, Feb. 14, 1847. 2478 Sidney, b. Hampton, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1822. 2479 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Hampton, N. Y., April 1, 1826; d. Hampton, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1830. *24S0 Eunice Josephine, b. Hampton, N. Y., May 2, 1828. *2481 Martin Hooker, b. Hampton, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1830. 2482 Lucinda, b. Hampton, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1833; d. Hampton, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1834. *2483 Mariah Louisa, b. Hampton, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1835. 1289 Sarah Hooker (Samuel." James," Hezekiah,* John.^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y., b. Sept. 25, 1792, at Hampton, N. Y. : m. Jan. 16, 1814, Rev. Abel Warren, of Hampton, N. Y. In 1824 thev removed to Shelby, Mich., where he died Sept. 5, 1862. She died Dec. 6, 1873. 204 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, WAKREN. 2484 Laura, b, Hampton, N. Y., April 22, 1815; d. Shelby, Mich., Nov. 20, 1835. 2485 Elizabeth, b. Hampton, N. Y., May 5, 1818; d. Oct. 25, 1871; m. James Clark. 2486 Lafayette, b. Hampton. N. Y., Feb. 3, 1820; d. June 6, 1887; m. Melissa Cranes, Feb. 3. 1842. 2487 Olive, b. Hampton, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1822; d. Nov. 5, 1874; m. Joseph Chamberlain, July 4. 1843. They lived at Salem, Oregon. 2488 Mary L., b. Shelby, Mich., Nov. 13, 1823; m. Rev. Riley C. Crawford, June 7, 1842. *2489 Square Ethan, b. Shelby, Mich.. Sept. 14, 1825. 2490 Lucia R., b. Shelby, Mich., Sept. 5, 1829; d. Shelby, Mich., March 27 1843 2491 Samuel P.', b. Shelbv, Mich., July 30. 1831 ; m. Mary J. Conklin, April 6, 1854. 1290 Mary Hooker (Samuel," Jaines^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,* ThomasM. daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker of Hampton,' N. Y., b. March 18, 170.^, at Hainpton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 15, 1814, Thomas Crocker, son of Josiah and Sar- ah (Toby) Crocker, of Barnstable, Mass., b. Nov. 25, 179.^, at Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vt., to which place his parents had inoved soon after marriage. Thomas Crocker lived at the homestead most of his life and then removed to Poultney, Vt. The family are descended from Deacon William Crocker, who came from- Devonshire, England, with Parson Lothrop in 1635, and set- tled at Scituate, Mass. He died at Poultney, Vt., June 14, 1856. She died at New Baltimore, Mich., May 14, 1880. CHILDREN, CROCKER. 2492 Mary Louisa, b. Pawlet, Vt., July 4, 1816; d. Feb. 16, 1867; m. John H. Williams, Jan. 17, 1836. *2493 Adeline, b. Pawlet, Vt., Feb. 10, 1818. *2494 Samuel Hooker, b. Pawlet, Vt., April 23, 1819. 2495 Caroline, b. Pawlet, Vt., Aug. 5, 1823; m. Samuel Porus Fuller (her cousin), Feb. 14, 1847. *2496 Thomas Martin, b. Pawlet, Vt., Nov. 23, 1825. 1292 Samuel Porus Hooker (Samuel," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel, 2 Thomas'), son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y., b. Mav 17, 1798, at Hampton, N. Y.; m. No. 1, Jan. 29, 1826, Mary Martin, daughter of Peter and Peniniah ( ) Martin of Underbill, Vt., b. March 8, 1802, at Underbill, Vt. She died at Poultney, Vt., Sept. 20, 1829. He m. No. 2, May 1, 1834, Mrs. Mary Ann (Wooster) Rice, daugh- Seventh Generation 205 ter of Lyman and Ann P. ( ) Wooster, of Charlotte, Vt., and widow of Uriah Rice, b. Aug. 16, 1811, at Charlotte, Vt. In 1834, Mr. Hooker removed from Hampton, N. Y., to Poultney Vt., where most of his children were born, subse- quently they removed to LeRoy, N. Y., where both he and his wife died. He was for many years president of The Bank of Poultney. He was resident trustee and member of the execu- tive committee of the Troy Conferenc Academy. His house was noted for its genuine hospitality. He died July 6, 1885. She died April 23, 1878. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *2497 Marion Procilla, b. Hampton, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1827. ♦2498 Samuel Lucius, b. Hampton, N. Y., June 22, 1828. By 2nd wife. *2499 De Witt, b. Poultney, Vt., Feb. 13, 1835. *2500 Sarah Augusta, b. Poultney, Vt., Oct. S, 1837. *2501 Anna Elizabeth, b. Poultney, Vt., Sept. 29, 1840. *2502 William, b. Poultney. Vt., Feb. 28, 1843. 2503 Mary Louise, b. Poultney, Vt., Sept. 26, 1845; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1886; m. Franklin Coit, Sept. 19, 1865. 2504 Horace Allen, b. Poultney, Vt., Feb. 11, 1850. 2505 Walter Hurlburt, b. Poultney, Vt., July 6, 1852; m. No. 1, Jennie Frances Regis Contencion, Oct. 3, 1893; m. No. 2, Madeline Marie Burk, April 12, 1889. 1293 Olive Hooker (Samuel," James,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y.. b. Dec. 15, 1801, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 8, 1822, Ambrose Doolittle Rice. CHILD, RICE. 2506 Lucia, m. Benjamin McCracken. 1294 James Porter Hooker (Samuel,^ James.^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y., b. Oct. 8, 1803, at Hamp- ton, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 22, 1825, Lavonia Kidder. He m. No. 2, 1834, Rachel Allen. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 2nd wife. *2507 Cortez Allen, b. Aug. 8, 1835. 2508 Samuel P., b. May 17, 1837; d. Nov. 7, 1854 206 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1296 Martin Parmalee Hooker (Samuel,'' James,"' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Mar- tin) Hooker, of Hampton, N. Y., b. May 31, 1811, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, Jan. 4, 1832, Caroline i3arber Downs, daughter of Elijah and Sallv (Barber) Downs, of Granville, N. Y., b. Nov. 10, 1812, at Granville, N. Y. She died at Hampton, N. Y., Nov. 2i, 1853. He m. No. 2, March 20, 1855, Jane Harriet Park- hill, daughter of Jesse and Minerva (Higgins) Parkhill, of Ben- son, Vt. He was a farmer at Hampton, N. Y., where he died Nov. 12, 1889. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *2S09 Sarah, b. Hampton, N. Y., May 6, 1833. *2510 Laura, b. Hampton, N. Y. May 6, 1833. By 2nd wife. *2511 Minnie Minerva, b. Hampton, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1863. 1299 Betsey Priscilla Hooker (David," James,' Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of David and Sally (Pix- ley) Hooker, of Ridgewav, N. Y. ; m. 1832, Harvey Francis of Middleport, N. Y. CHILDREN, FRANCIS. 2512 Charles Henry, b. 1835. at Ridgeway Corners, N. Y. ; has 2 children ; lives at Middleport, N. Y. 2513 Hattie, m. Frank Seeley. 1300 Darwin W. Hooker (Josiah," James,' Hezekiah,^ Tohn,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Josiah Hooker, b. Aug. 14. 1803: m. Dec. 5, 1829, Elizabeth Trowbridge, daughter of Deacon Thomas and Sally (Peck) Trowbridge, of Litchfield, Conn., b. Aug. 2, 1805. They moved from the East in 1834 to Richmond, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. In 1850 they continued their pioneer life at Leighton, Mich., which place was then a dense wilderness. She died Sept. 8, 1885, at Leighton, Mich. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2514 Sarah E., b. July 5, 1831. 2515 Henry T., b. Oct. 25, 1833. 2516 Charles W., b. Mav 15, 1836. He served in the 28th Reg. Mich. Vol. in the Civil War. 2517 Edward C, b. Nov. 14. 1837. Served in the 4th Regt. Mich. Cavalary, and was in the party which captured Jeff Davis. 2518 James M., b. Dec. 18. 1841 ; d. Aug. 7, 1842. 2519 Arthur M., b. Dec. 28, 1846. Seventh Generation 207 1309 John Hart Hooker (Increase,*"' William,^ Hezekiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Increase Aloseley and Lois (Wilcox) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. April 12, 1791, at Trux- ton, N. Y. ; m. Nancy Dunham, b. Sept. 14, 1813, daughter of Rufus and Polly ( ) Dunham of Coldrain, Mass. They lived at Truxton, N. Y. He died April 21, 1867. She died Feb. 26, 1855. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2520 John Hart, b. April 20, 1814; d. April 15, 1836. *2S21 Eliza Lois, b. Truxton, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1816. 2522 Sophia Forman, b. Truxton, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1818; d. Truxton, N. Y.. June 9, 1826. 2523 Sally Ann., b. Truxton, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1820; d. New Brunswick, N. J., April, 27, 1869; m. Rudolph F. H. Havermann, March 8, 1865. He died Aug., 1869. *2524 Delia Maria, b. Truxton, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1822. *252S Sylvia Bishop, b. Truxton, N. Y. March 22, 1824. *2526 Sophia Forman No. 2. b. Truxton, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1826. *2527 Mary Nancy, b. Truxton, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1827. 2528 Samantha Odell, b. Oct. 16, 1829; d. June 16, 1833. *2529 Edward Eugene, b. Truxton, N. Y., March 24, 1831. *2530 Henry Clav. b. Truxton, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1832. *2531 Emily Otis, b. Truxton. N. Y., Nov. 19, 1835. 1310 Chellis Hooker (Increase,^ William,^ Hezekiah,* John,'^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Increase Moseley and Lois (Wilcox) Hooker of Tru.xton. N. Y., b. Dec. 9, 1792 at Truxton, N. Y. : m. Sally Dunham ( sister of Nancy who married John Hart Hooker) daughter of Rufus and Polly ( ) Dunham, of Coldrain, Mass., b. May 28, 1796, at Coldrain, Mass. They lived some time at Truxton, N. Y., then removed to Rockton, 111., He died at Rockton, 111., Nov. 6, 1848. She died at Rock- ton. 111., April 26, 1889. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2532 Maria, b. Truxton, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1817. *2533 William Harlev, b. Truxton, N. Y., Aus;. 3, 1820. *2534 Judson, b. Truxton, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1824. 2535 Saphrona, b. Truxton, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1828; m. Stephen Morse. 2536 Samuel, b. Truxton, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1834; d. Feb. 28, 1855. 1311 Harley Hooker (M. D.) (Increase," William,^ Heze- kiah,'' John,'' Samuel," Thomas'), son of Increase Moseley and Lois (Wilcox) Hooker, of Truxton, N. Y., b. Dec. 9, 1792 (twin of Chellis). at Truxton. N. Y. ; m. Feb., 1827, Mary Beardslee, of -Auburn, N. Y., b. 1801, at Wethersfield, Conn. He commenced the practice of medicine at Auburn, N. Y., thence to Henrietta, N. Y., and in June 1839, removed to Rock- 208 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker ton, 111., where he remained in practice until his death, March 16, 1867. She died at Rockton, Ills., May 27, 1877. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *2537 William Chellis, b. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1828. *2538 James Hart, b. Auburn, N. Y., June 23, 1830. *2S39 Edward Payson, b. .'\uburn, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1832. *2S40 Mary Jane Lewis, b. Henrietta, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1833. *2541 George Rudd, Henrietta, N. Y., Sept. 24, 183S. *2542 Frances Elizabeth, b. Henrietta, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1838. 1312 Sophia Hooker (Increase,*^ William,^* Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Increase Moseley and Lois (Wilcox) Hooker, of Truxton, N. Y., b. at Truxton, N. Y.; m. Samuel Forman. They resided at Onondaga Hollow, N. Y. CHILDREN, FORMAN. 2543 Eugene, b. Onondago Hollow, N. Y., d. 1888. He was for many years a lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y. 2544 William P., b. Onondago Hollow. 1313 Henry Talmage( Rachel," William,' Hezekiah," John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Henry and Rachel (Hooker) Tal- mage, of I'oultney, Vt., b. Sept. 26, 1789, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Sept. 1817, Jane Ann Reed. They lived at Greenville, N. Y. He died June 3, 1852. CHILDREN, TALMACE. 2545 Henry Reed, b. Greenville, N. Y., d. California. 2546 Maria, b. Greenville, N. Y. ; m. Botsford. 2547 Edwin, b. Greenville, N. Y. ; d. Greenville, N. Y. 2548 Lvdia, m. Wilger. 2549 .Albert, b. Greenville, N. Y. 2550 Charles R., b. Greenville, N. Y. 2551 Theron S., b. Greenville. N. Y. 2552 Jane, b. Greenville, N. Y. 1315 David Talmage (Rachel," William,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Henry and Rachel (Hooker) Tal- mage, of Poultney, Vt., and Greenville, N. Y., b. Sept. 25, 1793, at Greenville, N. Y. ; m. Aug.. 1815, Marv Ann Sherrill. He died at Greenville, N. Y., May 3, 1839. CHILDREN, TALMAGE. 2553 Mary Moseley. 2554 Henry Sherrill. Seventh Generation 209 1317 Lydia Talmage (Rachel" William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and Rachel (Hooker) Talmasje, of Greenville. N. Y., b. Aug. 25, 1800, at Greenville, N. Y. fm. Tune 1, 1823, Dr. Aaron W. Hull. She died at Tribes Hill, March 3, 1858. CHILDREN, HULL. 2555 Mary M., m. Atwater. 2556 Albert Moseley. 2557 Henry Talmage, d. Poultncy, Vt., Oct. 9, 1896; m. Luthera Austin. 2558 William Hooker. 2559 Japhet. 2560 David. 1333 Cornelia Chittenden (Olive," William,^ Hezekiah,* John.s Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Olive (Hooker) Chittenden, of Adrian, Mich., b. April 18, 1816, at Adrian, Mich.: m. 1842, Rev. Andrew Mason Fitch, b. March 15, 1816. He died Jan. 4, 1886. She died at Adrian, Mich., Aug. 30, 1858. CHILDREN, FITCH. *2561 William Mason, b. 1843. *2562 Eunice Chittenden, b. Oct. 2, 1845. 2563 Cornelia Chittenden, b. Aug. 28, 1848. 1334 Jane Swan Chittenden (Olive,*' William,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Joseph andd Olive (Hooker) Chittenden, of Adrian, Mich., b. Jan. 5, 1818; in. 1844, Henry Hart, of Adrian, Mich., b. Jan. 28, 1818. They lived at Adrian, Mich., where he died July 18, 1879. She died at Detroit, Mich., June 26, 1899. CHILDREN, H.ART. *2564 Joseph Chittenden, b. Mav 3, 1843. *2565 Henry Chittenden, b. Adrian, Mich., Feb. 15, 1847. *2566 Jennie Chittenden, b. Feb. 3, 1850. *2567 Herman Visger Chittenden, b. Feb. 18. 1856. 1335 Mary Hooker Drake (Deborah,*^ William,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,2 Thomas^), daughter of Elijah and Deborah Ann (Hooker) Drake, of Clarkson, N. Y., b. June 13, 1806, at Genoa, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 17, 1827, Augustus Tillotson. They liveH at Thompson, Ohio. She died at Iowa City., Iowa, Sept. 1879. 14 210 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, TILLOTSON. *2568 James Hooker, b. Thompson, Ohio. *2569 Francis A., b. Thompson, Ohio. *2570 Huldah M., b. Thompson, Ohio. *2571 Sarah, b. Thompson, Ohio. *2572 Susan, b. Thompson, Ohio. 2573 Mary Ann, b. Thompson. 1337 Samuel Moseley Drake (Deborah," William,"' Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Elijah and Deborah Ann (Hooker) Drake, of Clarkson, N. Y., b. Jan. 6, 1811, at Genoa, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 6, 1837, Cornelia Hall Benson, daughter of Stephen and Nancy (White) Benson, of Groton, N. Y., b. March 30, 1816, at Skaneateles, N. Y. He died at Chicago, 111., Jan. 16, 1884. CHILDREN, DRAKE. *2574 James Benson, b. July 2, 1840. *2S75 Adeline Louise, b. May 30, 1842. 2576 Mary Ann, b. Beloit, Wis., Feb. 23, 1846; d. New York City, Jan. 11, 1892; m. Mortimer Fargo, president of United States Express Co., Jan. 26, 1870. 2577 Frances Emma, b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1854 ; m. John S. Bloomington, of Chicago, 111., July 9, 1883. 1338 Rebecca Ann Drake (Deborah,^ William,^ Hezekiah,^ John,3 Samuel. 2 Thomas'), daughter of Elijah and Deborah Ann (Hooker) Drake, of Clarkson, N. Y., Dec. 24. 1812. at Genoa, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 29, 1836, John D. D. Marvin. They lived at Beloit, Wis., where he was a carpenter and farmer. She died Sept. 1859. CHILDREN, M.^RVIN. 2578 Henderson E., b. Beloit, Wis., Jan. 15, 1839. 2579 Sarah, b. 1842; d. Beloit, Wis., 1844. *2580 Henrv E., b. May 22, 1847. *2581 Kiuie Edith, b. July 1, 1856. 1339 Sarah Mandeville Drake (Deborah,* William,^ Heze- kiah,'' John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Elijah and De- borah Ann (Hooker) Drake of Genoa and Clarkson, N. Y., b. Jan. 15, 1818, at Genoa, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 29, 1849, Artemas Rogers, of Painsville, Ohio. CHILDREN, ROGERS. *2.=;82 Judson Artemas, b. May 2, 1854. *2583 Henrietta Anna, b. May 7, 1856. Seventh Generation 211 1340 Elijah Drake, Jr. (Deborah." William.^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel.2 Thomas'), son of Elijah and Deborah Ann (Hooker) Drake, of Clarkson and Genoa, N. Y., b. Feb. 4, 1820, at Genoa, N. Y. ; m. May 24, 1848, Martha Ehzabcth Bull daugh- ter of Rev. Morris and Mary Ann (Henry) Bull, of Clarkson, N. Y., b. Aug. 14, 1822, at Geneseo, N. Y. He was a farmer at Clarkson, until about 1865. when he engaged in the flour mill- ing business at Holly, N. Y., where he died Jan. 26, 1889. CHILD, DRAKE. *2584 John Morris, b. Clarkson, N. Y., Feb, 2, 1854. 1341 Nathaniel Wood Hooker (Timothy,« William,^ Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Timothy Judson and Charlotte (Wood) Hooker, of Lyons Farms, N. J., b. May 9, 1819, at Lyons Farms, N. J. : m. 1856, Honora Eliazbeth Cash- man daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Henderson) Cashman, of New York City, born Jan. 4, 1825. He was engaged in the har- ness and saddlery business with a brother of his wife. He died at New York City, March, 3, 1895. She died at New York City, Nov. 25, 1889. CHILD, HOOKER. *2585 Josephine, b. New York City. 1342 Henrietta Judson Hooker (Timothy," William,^ Hez- ekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Timothy Jud- son and Charlotte (Wood) Hooker, of Lyons Farms, N. J. ; b. at Lyons Farms. N. J. ; m. 1847, Michael H. Cashman, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Henderson) Cashman, of New York City and brother of Honora Elizabeth Cashman. He was in the harness manufacturing business with his brother-in-law Nathanel W. Hooker. He died at New York City, May 16, 1896. CHILD, CASHMAN. *2586 Charlotte Elizabeth, b. New York City. 1343 Asahel Hooker (Ira," Asahel,' Hezekiah,^ John.s Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), son of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn.; m. No. 1, Lucy Catlin, daughter of Lewis Catlin, of Harwinton, Conn. She died 1829. He m. No. 2, Hannah Kel- logg, daughter of Allen and Mindwell (Catlin) Kellogg, of Har- winton, Conn., b. May 25, 1817, at Harwinton, Conn. He died at -1- The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Bristol. Conn.. April 27 . 1S65. She died at Bristol, Conn., Mav 3. 1S75. There were no children by either marriage, but they adopted two. CHILDREN- BY ADOPTION', HOOKER. 2587 Ellen Rich. d. Feb. \$A1. at Bristol. 2588 Martha Griswold. b. June 3. 1833, at Wethersfield, Conn; m. Henr>- Norman Bird, son of Ann Hooker Bird. July 28. 1S51. Her record is found under her husband's name. She was a daughter of Ozias and Sally (Rich') Griswold. of Bristol, Conn., and supposed to have come from Wethersfield, Coim. 1344 Anna Hooker (Ira.* Asahel.^ Hezekiah.^ John,^ Sam- uel.- Thomas^), daughter of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker, of Bristol. Conn., b. Oct. 15. 1793. at Bristol'. Conn.: m. Sept. 24, 1817. Xonnan Bird, of Bethlem Parish. Woodbun.-, Conn., b. June 3, 1785. at Woodbury. Conn. He died March 24. 1837. She m. Xo. 2, Charles \'alentine. of Cincinnati. Ohio. He died at Cincinnati. O.. 1856. She died at Cincinnati, O.. Oct. 3, 1884. CHEUIREX, BIRD. Bv 1st wife- *25S9 Ira. b. Cincinnati. Ohio. Oct. 22. 1818. *2590 Henr\- Xorman. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 24, 1827. 1346 George Hooker (Ira.® Asahel,* Hezekiah.* John,^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker, of Bristol. Conn., b. Feb. 17. 1798. at Bristol. Conn.: m. Feb. 17, 1819. Belinda Ives, daughter of Ira Ives, of Bristol. Conn., b. Mav 16, 1799. at Bristol." Conn. He died at Ronald. Mich.. Aug. 22, 1858. She died at Shelburne, Mass.. Dec. 27, 1872. CHTLDBEX, HOOKER. *2591 Eliza .\nn Maria. Plainrille, Conn.. Feb. 5. 1820. *2592 Ira. b. Plaim-ille. Cona, April 9. 1823. *2593 Asahel Moseley. b. Wethersfield, Conn,, .\ug. 22, 1829. 1347 Julia Elma Hooker (Ira." Asahel.-^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel.- ThomasM. daughter of Ira and Amy(Barnes)Hooker, of Bristol. Conn., b. Nov. 30. 1800. at Bristol. Conn. : m. Sept. 30, 1824. Andrew Stoughton, son of Oliver and Sarah (Sandford) Stoughton, of Ph-mouth, Conn., b. Nov. 16, 1796, at Plymouth, Conn. He was a farmer and for twenty- years, deacon of the Congregational Church, at Pl\Tnouth. Conn., where he died April 7, 1850r She died at Plymouth, Conn., Aug. 11, 1886. Seventh Generation 213 CHILDKEK, STOUGHTON". 2594 Justin Leavitt, b. Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 22, 1825; d. Plymouth. 2594a Infant, son not named; b. PK-mouth, Conn.; March 19, 1827; d. Plymouth, Conn., May 31, 1827. *2595 Julia Sophia, b. P!\-mouth, Conn.. May 21, 1828. *2596 Catherine, b. Plvmouth, Conn., June 15, 1830. *2597 Elias Cornelius, b. Plymouth, Conn., .\ug. 12, 1832. *2598 George -\ndrew, b. Ph-mouth. Conn.. Kov. 9, 1834. *2599 Ira Hooker, b. PK-mouth, Conn., .\pril 19, 1838. 2600 Justin Oliver, b. Ph-mouth, Conn., March 7. 1841. Sen-ed in 17th Regt. Conn. Vols. (War 1861-1865), and 2nd Regt Coim. Heavy Artillery. Was wounded at Cold Harbor. 1349 Amy Hooker ( Ira,^ Asahel,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Sam- uel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. April 16, 1805 ; m. Willard Gaylord, son of Joseph and Eunice (Ives) Gaylord, of Goshen, Conn., b. May 21, 1799, at Goshen. Conn. He died at Goshen, Nov. 6, 1882. She died at Goshen, Conn.. March 22, 1878. CHILDREN", C^^YLOSD. *2601 Willard Elizur, b. Goshen, Conn., March _26, 1827. *2602 Charles Henry, b. Goshen, Coim., March 7, 1833. 1350 Caroline Hooker (Ira,® Asahel,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Amy(Barnes)Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. July 2. 1808, at Bristol, Conn. : m. Sept. 4, 1831. Cornelius Robbins Williams, son of Washington and Me- hitable(Robbins)Williams. of Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Conn., b. .\ug. 7, 1805, at Rock\- Hill. He'was the head of the firm of Williams, Orton, Preston & Co., clock manufacturers, at Farm- ington. Conn., and other places. He died at Terr\-\ille, Conn., Aug. 28, 1880, She died at Teny^-ille, Conn., Aug. 5, 1892. CHILDREX, VrnAJAUS. 2603 Elliot Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., .\ug. 3, 1832; d. Farming- ton, Conn.. .\ug. 17, lS3S. *2604 Horace Robbins, b. Farmington, Corm., Feb. 20, 1835. 2605 Xorman Bird, b. Bristol, Coim., Mav 31, 1837; d. Upper .\Iton, II!.. Jan. 25. 1S46. *2606 Moseley Hooker, b. Farmington, Conn., Dec 23, 1839. 2607 Elliot Francis, b. Farmineton, Conn., Feb. 3, 1843 ; d. Upper .A.lton, 111.. Aug. 18 1845. 2608 Ellen Maria, b. Plvmouth, Conn., July 30. 1845; d. Ph-mouth, Conn., Jan. 18 1853. •2609 Frances (Fanny) Adeline, b. Plymouth, Conn.. March 4, 1851, 214 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1351 Lurena Hooker(Ira,'' Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker of Bristol Conn., b. Nov. 3, 1810, at Bristol, Conn.; ni. Oct. 16, 1833, George Henry Mitchell, son of George and Widow Almira (Gridley) (Andrews) Mitchell, of Bristol, Conn., b. June 23, 1810, at Bristol, Conn. He was a merchant at North Side, Bris- tol, Conn. He died at Bristol, Conn., Aug. 16, 1866. She died at Bristol, Conn., Oct. 29, 1877. CHILDREN, MITCHELL. *2610 George Henry, b. Bristol, Conn., Nov. 12, 1836. *2611 Charles Elliot, b. Bristol, Conn., May 11, 1837. *2612 Moseley Hooker, b. Bristol, Conn., Jan. 29, 1838. 1352 Stephen Hooker (Ira,« AsaheK^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Ira and Amy (Barnes) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. Dec. 16, 1813, at Bristol, Conn. When a young man he went to Montgomery, Ala. ; m. 1855, Widow Martha (Mayes) Millard, daughter of Robert Mayes of Montgomery, Ala., b. Nov. 3, 1830. He was a merchant at Montgomery, Ala., and afterward Clerk of the County Court. He was an enterpris- ing and a notably public spirited man, and an upright official. He died at Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 1863. She died at Cross Keys, Ala., Oct. 5, 1864. ' CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2613 Emma Mayes, b. Montgomery, Ala., March 13, 1856; m. William Wood, Nov. 15, 1894. *2614 William Guestner, b. Montgomery. Ala., Aug. 7, 1858. 1354 Edward William Hooker (Rev.) (.'\sahel,''' Asahel.^ Hezekiah,"* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Asahel and Phebe (Edwards) Hooker, of Goshen, Conn., b. Nov. 24, 1794, at Goshen, Conn. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1814, settled over the church at South Windsor, Conn.. 1849-1856. Was a professor of Theology at East Windsor Theological Sem- inary ; m. Oct. 10, 1821, Faith Trumbull Huntington, daughter of Jabez and Mary (Lanman) Huntington, of Norwich, Conn., b. Sept. 20, 1795, at Norwich, Conn. She died at South Windsor, Conn., May 5, 1850. He m. No. 2, Nov. 19, 1850, Widow Elizabeth Hunt (Shel- don) Lyman, daughter of William and Sarah (Holt) Sheldon, of Clinton, N. Y., and widow of Charles Lvman of Troy, N. Y., b. May 26, 1811, at Clinton, N. Y. She died at Fair Haven, Vt., Sept. 4, 1856. He m. No. 3, Dec. 28, 1857, Lucy Bagley, daughter Seventh Generation 215 of Philip Bagley, of Newburyport, Mass., b. April 13, 1796, at Newburyport, Mass. He died at Fort Atkinson, Wis., March 31, 1875. She died at Newburyport, Mass., Nov. 11, 1870. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. *261S Mary Lanman, b. Greens Farms, Conn., Oct. 8, 1822. *2616 Faith Huntington, b. Greens Farms, Conn., Nov. 16, 1824. 2617 Elizabeth Peck, b. Feb. 10, 1827, at Greens Farms, Conn d. East Windsor Hill, Conn., Dec. 31, 1849. ♦2618 Elias CorneHus, b. Bennington, Vt., July 9. 1832. 2619 Sarah Huntington, b. Bennington, Vt., April 6, 1835. Living at Boston, Mass. *2620 Edward Trumbull, b. Bennington, Vt., Oct. 31, 1837. 1355 Mary Ann Hooker (Asahel," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel, 2 Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Asahel and Phebe (Edwards) Hooker, of Goshen, Conn., b. April 27, 1796, at Goshen, Conn. ; m. Sept. 28, 1818, Rev. Elias Cornelius, son of Dr. Elias Cornelius, of Somers, Westchester Co., N. Y., b. July 31, 1794, at Somers, N. Y. He was pastor of the church at Salem, Mass. Secretary of American Education Society and of the American Board of Foreign Missions. He died at Hart- ford, Conn., Feb. 12, 1832. She died at Newton Centre, Mass., Oct. 17, 1880. CHILDREN, CORNELIUS. 2621 Elias, b. Salem, Mass., Aug. 13, 1819; d. Owego, N. Y„ Dec. 7, 1857; m. Lydia Frances Gray, of Boston, April 4, 1845. 2622 Mary Hooker, b. Salem, Mass., July 3, 1821. 2623 Thomas Hooker, b. Salem, Mass., March 17, 1823; d. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 18. 1853. 2624 Edward Hooker, b. Sept. 10, 1825, at Salem ; d. April 29, 1864, at Milwaukee, Wis. *262S Sarah Edwards, b. Boston, Mass., Feb. 14, 1830. *2626 Jeremiah Evarts, b. New York City, Dec. 25, 1831. 1356 Sarah Elizabeth Reeve Hooker (Asahel,« Asahel,' Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel.- Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Asahel and Phebe (Edwards) Hooker, of Goshen, Conn.; m. May 11, 1826, Rev. Solomon Peck, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Batch- elor) Peck, of Providence, R. I., b. Jan. 25, 1800, at Providence, R. I. He graduated from Brown University in 1816, Andover Theological Seminary in 1823. Was professor of Latin and Greek at Amherst in 1825, corresponding secretary of American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions. He died at Rochester, N. Y., June 12, 1874. She died at Cincinnati, O., May 6, 1881. 216 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN; PECK. *2627 Elizabeth Hooker, b. March 17, 1840. *2628 Sarah Edwards, b. April 2, 1842. 1357 Lydia Lewis Hooker (Bryan," Asahel.^ Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas' ), dangliter of Bryan and second wife, Nancy (Lee) (Fuller) Hooker, of Bristol. Conn., b. Aug. 8, 1805, at Bristol, Conn.: m. Sept. 6, 1826, Cyrus Porter Smith, son of Edward and Hannah (Chandler) Smith, of Hanover, N. H. He was a merchant and manufacturer at Brooklyn, N. Y., and be- came the first elected Mayor of the city. He died at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1877. She died at Brooklyn, N. Y., April 29, 1877. CHILDREN, SMITH. 2629 Helen Louisa, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1827; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1828. *2630 Bryan Hooker, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1829. *2631 Cyrus Augustus, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1830. 2632 Edward Noah, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1832; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1843. 2633 Theodore Eanes, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1835. 2634 Chandler Perry, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 31, 1838; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1841. *2635 Ellen Louisa, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1841. *2636 William Chandler, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 17. 1843. *2637 Charles Edward, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 21, 1846. 1358 Nancy Hooker (Bryan,« .A.sahel,5 Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Brj'an and second wife. Widow Nancv (Lee) (Fuller) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. July 24, 1809, at Bristol, Conn. ; ni. Sept. 20, 1831, William Hill, son of Gains and Mary Hill, of Bristol, Conn., b. 1799, at Bristol, Conn. He was a merchant at Troy, N. Y., where he d. April 10, 1836. She d. at Bristol, Conn., May 24, 1902. CHILD, HILL. *2638. Adeline Frances, b. Jan. 10, 1834. 1359 Bryan Edward Hooker (Bryan," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel, 2 Thomas^), son of Bryan and second wife. Widow Nancy (Lee) (Fuller) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. Jan. 1, 1813. at Bristol, Conn.; m. No. 1, 1834, Maria Robbins Williams, daughter of Washington Williams, of Wethersfield, Conn., b. 1813, at Wethersfield, Conn. She d. Feb. 1860. He m. No. 2, May 14, 1862, Martha Huntington Williams, daugh- ter of Solomon, Esq., and Martha (Baker) Williams, of East Seventh Generation 217 Hartford, Conn. He was a wool merchant and manufacturer at Hartford, Conn., where he died Dec. 10, 1888. She died May 31, 1907. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. 2639 Ellen Frances, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 21, 1836. *2640 Mary Williams, b. Hartford, Conn., May 28, 1852. By 2nd marriage. *2641 Edward Williams, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1865. 2642 Robert Huntington, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 21, 1867; d. Hart- ford, Conn., May 21, 1874, 2643 Thomas William, b. Hartford, Conn., May 10, 1871; m. Jan. 30, 1908, Lowa C. Bedell. 1367 Urania Catherine Hooker (Chauncey,^ Asahel,= Heze- kiah,-* John,'- Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Chauncey and Catherine (Wolcott) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. May 14, 1814, at Bristol, Conn.; m. July 5, 1841, Abraham Burbank Doolittle, son of Josiah and Susanna (Burbank) Doolittle, of Plymouth, Conn., b. Feb. 7, 1809, at Plymouth, Conn. They lived at Rocky Hill, Conn., where he d. Feb. 20, 1882. She d. at West Winsted, Conn., Noy. 8, 1895. CHILDREN, DOOLITTLE. *2644 Catherine Hooker, b. Plymouth, Conn., March 23, 1843. *264S James Roland, b. Plymouth. Conn., May 13, 1849. 2646 Mary Pomeroy, b. Plymouth, Conn,, Nov. 9, 1852. 1368 Chauncey Monell Hooker (Chauncey,''' Asahel,' Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Chauncey and Cathe- rine (Wolcott) Hooker, of Bristol, Conn., b. Dec. 3, 1817, at Bristol, Conn. ; m. Sept. 30, 1850, Caroline Maria Braman, daughter of Samuel Gage and Mary Nicholson (Palmer) Braman, of Litchfield, Conn., b. Sept. 14, 1828. He was a dental surgeon at Woodbury, Conn., and Hartford, Conn. He d. at Hartford, Conn., Jan. 16, 1872. She d. at Litchfield, Conn., July 1, 1852. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 2647 William Edward, b. Litchfield, Conn,, July 30, 1851 ; m. Mary Sophia Wilkie, daughter of Dr. James Warren and Maria Sybil (Cushman) Wilkie. of Auburn, N. Y., born Aug. 3, 1856. She died at Lake Helena, Florida, Feb. 4, 1890. He is an Episcopal minister. 218 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1372 John Bagley (Olive Judson," Sarah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John and Olive Judson Bagley, of Durham, N. Y., b. Jan. 21, 1800, at Durham; m. Mar. 9, 1825, Marv Maria Smith, b. Aug. 15, 1802. She d. Oct. 1855. He d. 1855', at Detroit. CHILD, BAGLEY. 2648 John Judson, b. July 24, 1832, at Medina, N. Y. ; d. July 27, 1-, b. Dec. 31, 1835 ; m. Sept. 3, 1854. 3254 Harriet, b. Dec. 11, 1837; m. No. 1, George Sherman; m. No. 2, William Schwartz. 3255 Antoinette, b. Jan. 12, 1840; m. Feb. 19. 1859. John Drumm. 3256 Harrison, b. Sept. 3, 1841 ; d. Jan. 18, 1863. 3257 Laura, b. Oct. 5, 1842; m. Aug. 21, 1879. George Snyder. 3258 Charles, b July 15. 1844; d. Dec. 29. 1862. 3259 Jerome, b. Oct 31. 1&46; d. Nov. 12, 1847. 3260 Margaret, b. Feb., 1849; d. March 12, 1849. 3261 Susanny, b. Nov. 28, 1850; m. Aug. 4, 1872, Ennis Quimby 3262 Phoebe, b. Nov. 13, 1853 ; m. Oct. 6, 1878, Wesley Quimby. 3263 Martha, b. Nov. 13, 1854; d. Oct. 10, 1855. 1804 Charles James Fox Newell (William Newell," Mercy.^ Roger.^ John.3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of William Pomeroy and Phebe Deming (Fox) Newell, of Huron, N. Y.. b. March 3, 1817, at Huron. N. Y. : m. March 7. 1848. Mary A. Boynton, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (W'heeler) Boynton, of Hu- ron, N. Y., b. January 1, 1830, at Huron, N. Y. Mr. Newell was a blacksmith and farmer, he removed froin Huron, N. Y., to Waukon, Iowa, in 1853. in 1873 he settled on a farm "that habits of industry might be encouraged among his children." He now resides at Waukon. Iowa. CHILDREN. NEWELL. 3264 William Pitt, b. Dec. 29, 1848. at Huron, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 16, 1851, at Huron, N. Y. 3265 Emma Minerva, b. July 26, 1850. at Huron, N. Y. ; m. T. G. Orr. 3266 Cornelia Isadora, b. June 25. 1852, at Huron, N. Y. ; m. F. G. Barnard. 3267 Charles Franklin, b. Sept. 16, 1854, at Waukon, Iowa; d. Dec. 23, 1862, at Waukon, Iowa. 270 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3268 Flora Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1856, at Waukon, Iowa; m. Dr. J. C. Crawford. 3269 Edwin Alonzn, b. Oct. 29, 1858, at Waukon, Iowa. 3270 Elmer Adolbert. b. Feb. 6. 1862, at Waukon, Iowa. 3271 Ella Miriam, b. Fcby. 6, 1862. at Waukon, Iowa ; m. D. J. Eaton. 3272 Frederick Irwin, b. June 30. 1864. at Waukon, Iowa. 3273 Benjamin Rovnton, b. July 1, 1867, at Waukon, Iowa. 3274 Baby Boy, b.'j"ly 10, 1869, at Waukon, Iowa; d. .'Kug. 1869. 3275 Mary Estelle, b. Oct. 3, 1870, at Waukon, Iowa. 1805 William Pitt Newell (William Newell,« Mercy.^ Rog- er,'* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of \\'illiam Pomeroy and Phebe Demiticf fFox) N'^\^■ell of Huron, Wavne Co., N. Y., b. February 28. 1819, at Huron. N. Y. : m. September 2, 1840, Rosannah Rockafeller, daughter of Cornelius and Sarah (Rose) Rockafeiler of Rochester, N. Y.. b. September 2, 1823, at Rochester. N. Y. He died March 18, 1905, at Albion, Mich. She died July 18, 1889. at Albion, Mich, CHILDREN, NEWEI.L. .•^276 Henrv Clav, b. July 8. 1841 : d. Feb. 7. 1843. .3277 Hannah Steven.s, b. Nov. 21. 1842; d. April 13, 1879. 3278 Cornelia I'^adore, b. Dec 18. 1844; d. Sept. 15. 1857. 3279 William Tift. b. Aur. 27. 1846; d. Feb. 7. 1849 .3280 Cornelius M.. b. June 14, \tiSO: d. Sept. 17, 1851. 3281 Sarnh Elii-a. b. Dec. 28. 1853; in. E. H. Metz. 3282 Mae Isabelle, b. Dec. 28. 1858. at Albion, Micb. : m. No. 1, June 20. 1877 : Charles Hobart Crittenden ; m. No. 2, April 22, 1884, Alfred Mitchell Sharood. 1808 Mary Susanna Newell (William Newell,® Mercy," Roger,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of \\'illiam Pom- eroy and Phebe Deming (Fox) Newell of Huron, N. Y., b. August 17, 182.=^. at Huron. N. Y. : m. 1846. William Harri- son Fowler, of Wavne Co., N. Y. He died 1882. at Black Riv- er Falls, Wis. She died Sept. 10, 1894, at Dickinson, N. Dak. CHILDREN, FOWLER. 3283 RoRer Newell, b. 1849, at Huron, N, Y. ; d. 1867, at McGregor, Iowa. 3284 Frances Elizabeth, b. .^ug. 16, 1854, at Waukon, Iowa. 3285 Walter, b. at Berlin. Wis. 3286 Dora, b. at Berlin, Wis. 1815 Harriet Atwood Newell (Roger Newell,® Mercy," Roger.^ John.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Roger Sher- man and Naomi (Hawley) Newell of Farmington, Conn., b. Seventh Generation 271 July 12. 1822, at Farmington ; m. Abner Whittlesey, of Farm- ing'ton, Conn. She died Sept. 6, 1856, at Galesburg, 111. CHILDREN, WHITTLESEY. 3287 Sherman Newell, b. Mav 14, 1&49, at Unionville, Conn. 3288 Henry Hooker, b. Jan. 9, 1853, at New Preston, Conn. 1816 Samuel Pomeroy Newell (Roger Newell," Mercy,^ Roger.* John,3 Samuel,^ ThomasM. son of Roger Sherman and Naomi (Hawley) Newell of Farmington, Conn., b. November 16, 1823, at Farmington; m. October 10, 1854, Martha J. Brew- ster, daughter of Elisha C. and Elizabeth Brewster. He was a lawyer at Bristol, Conn. CHILDREN, NEWELL. 3289 Elizabeth N., b. May 16, 1856. at Bristol. Conn.; d. Oct. 1888, at Bristol, Conn.: m. Sept 1. 1881, John Joseph Jennings. 3290 Cornelia L.. b. Jan. 14. 1858. at Bristol, Conn. 3291 Marv B., b. Feb. IS, 1862, at Bristol. Conn. 3292 Arrietta L., b. July 24, 1863, at Bristol, Conn. ; d. Sept. 26, 1865, at Bristol, Conn. 3293 Roger S., b. Oct. 15. 1867, at Bristol, Conn. 1817 Cornelia Hooker Newell (Roger Newell,** Mercy ,' Roger,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Roger Sher- man and Naomi (Hawley) Newell, of Farming,ton, Conn., b. July 24, 1825. at Farmington ; m. Charles A. Chapin. For a "number of years Mr. Chapin kept a store of fancy articles at Hartford. On retiring from business he removed to Spring- field, Mass. She died May 5, 1900, at Springfield, Mass. CHILDREN, CH.\riN. 3294 Frederick Newell, b. March 9, 1853. 3295 Charles E., b. Nov. 12. 1854. 3296 Elizabeth N., b. Aug. 22. 1856. 3297 Martha B., b. Jan. 7. 1862. 3298 Joseph Hawley. b Nov. 9, 1871. 1819 George Canning Newell (Roger Newell.*' Mercy,' Roger,'* John,'* Samuel,^ Thomas') son of Roger Sherman and Naomi (Hawley) Newell of Farmington, Conn., b. May 9, 1829, at Farmington ; m. Jane R. Barnes. They lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he died March 11. 1897. CHILD, NEWELL. 3299 Harriet. 272 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1821 Edward Everett Newell (Roger Newell," Mercy,^ Roger,'* John,-' Samuel,' Thomas'), son of Roger Sherman and Naomi (Hawley) Newell of Farmington, Conn., b. December 12, 1834, at Farmington, Conn.; m. June 22, 1870, Piera H. Root, b. Oct. 6, 1848, at Bristol, Conn. They live at Bristol, Conn., where he is engaged in mercantile business. CHILDREN, NEWELL. 3,300 Emerson, R., b. Jan. 1, 1872, at Bristol, Conn.; graduated from Yale College. 3301 Antoinette, b. July 27, 1875, at Bristol, Conn. ; m. Nov. 20, 1901, Arthur Stone Brackett, M. D. 1823 Julia Root Newell (Roger Newell," Mercy ,5 Roger,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Roger Sherman and Naomi (Hawley) Newell of Farmington, Conn., b. December 22, 1836, at Farmington, Conn.; m. William L. Cooke. They live at Plainville, Conn. CHILDREN, COOKa 3302 John H. 3303 James. 1831 Samuel Smith Cowles (Horace Cowles," Lucina,' Rog- er,^ John,-'' Samuel,2 Thomas'), son of Horace and Mary Ann (Smith) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. December 9, 1814, at Farmington ; m. No. 1, Clarice Brooks, b. November 24, 1815. She died IMarch 10, 1861, at Cheshire, Conn. He married No. 2, November 3, 1863, Sarah Winship, daughter of Leonard and Catherine (Boardman) Winship of Farmington, Conn., b. 1826, at Farmington. He was a man of sterling integrity, and like his father he held many positions of trust in the town. He died Dec. 5, 1872, at Farmington, Conn. CHILDREN, COWLES. By 1st wife. .33(M Austin, b. 1841, at Farmington, Conn ; d. .\ug. 13, 1851. 3.305 Louisa Brooks, b. 1842; d. Feb., 1846. .3306 Horace (bapt. Nov. 7, 1844) ; d. Sept. 4, 1875. 3307 Samuel Smith, b. Feb. 15, 1847 (bapt. Oct. 2, 1851), d. June 29, 1861. 1833 Charlotte Lucina Cowles (Horace Cowles," Lucina,'* Roger,-* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Horace and Mary Ann (Smith) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., (baptized Seventh Generation 273 March 4, 1821) at Farmington ; m. December 14, 1843, Rev. Joseph DarHng Hull, of New Haven, Conn. He graduated from Yale College. He was teacher in a private school. She died March 6, 1866, at Farmington. He married again. CHILDREN, HULL. 3308 Richard, b. 1845 ; d. Feb. 14, 1857, at Manchester, Mass. 3309 Edward Hooker, b. 1849; d. Oct. 20, 1851. 1836 Mary Cowles (Horace Cowles," Lucma,^ Roger,* John,3 Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of Horace and Mary Ann (Smith) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. March 5, 1826, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. November 1, 1848, Aaron Atwood Har- dy, son of Aaron and Mary (Atwood) Hardy of Haverhill, Mass., b. June 30, 1811, at Charlestown, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College and Yale Theological School. For a time he was in business at New York City and at Pittsburgh, Pa., and finally went to California. He died Jan. 19, 1888, at Orange, Cal. After the death of her husband, she returned to Farmington and occupied her father's old home. CHILDREN, HARDY. 3310 Horace Cowles, b. Nov. 19, 1849, at Pittsburg, Pa.; m. Feb. 3, 1880, Jessie Ford. 3311 William Lyman, b. April 3, 1851, at Pittsburgh, Pa. 3312 Alfred, b. Aug. 23, 1852, at Pittsburg, Pa. 3313 Edward Willis, b. May 30, 1854, at Pittsburg, Pa. ; m. April, 1892, Agnes Cornelia Mary Hubert. 3314 Theodore, b. Jan. 11, 1857, at Pittsburg, Pa.; d. May 3, 1859, at Pittsburg, Pa. 3315 James Atwood, b. Dec. 26, 1858, at Pittsburg; d. June 24, 1859, at Pittsburg, Pa. 3316 Mary Cowles, b. Sept. 22, 1860, at Pittsburg; d. May 15, 1863. 1837 Jenette Cowles (Timothy Cowles,*' Lucina,''' Roger,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Major Timothy and Catherine (Deming) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. May 16, 1810, at Fannington, m. Sept. 11, 1828, Austin F. Williams, son of Ozias and Anna (Smith) Williams of East Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 26, 1805, at East Hartford, Conn. He died Dec. 18, 1885, at Farmington. She died June 17, 1871, at Farming- ton. CHILDREN, WILLIAMS. 3317 Anna Maria, b. Sept. 27, 1836, at Farmington; d. Jan. 14, 1892, at Farmington ; m. April 14, 1859, Robert Treadwell. 3318 Catherine Deming, b. Jan. 13, 1842, at Farmington; m. June 24, 1863, Allen D. Vorce. 18 274 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1838 Chauncey Deming Cowles (Timothy Cowles,® Lu- cina,-' Roger.^ Johii.^ Samuel.- ThomasM, son of Major Tim- othy and Catherine (Deming) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. June 27, 1812, at Farmington, Conn. ; m. Jan. 7, 183.\ Jane Eliza Bidwell, daughter of Abner and Sylvia (Curtis) Bidvvell. He graduated from Yale College 1834, and became a minister, but after the death of his father (1858) he settled down to a life of quiet and ease at the homestead. He died 1881, at Farmington. She died Feb. 28, 1889, at Farmington. CHILDREN, COWLES. 3319 Walter Curtis, b. April 24, 1836 (bapt. June, 1837) ; m. Helen Cowles. 3320 Samuel Hooker, b. Feb. 1846; m. Martha Keyes. 1839 Catherine Lucina Cowles (Timothy Cowles,^ Lu- cina,* Roger,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Major Timoth}- and Catherine (Deming) Cowles of Farmington, b. March 21, 1817 (baptized April 1, 1827) at Farmington, Conn.; m. Oct. 9, 1843, Rev. Raymond Hoyt Seeley, son of Rufus and Nancy (Raymond) Seeley of South Norwalk, Conn., b. Feb. 19, 1812. He graduated from Yale College and preached for a time. He died Sept. 7, 1885, at Haverhill, Mass. She died May 19, 1854. CHILDREN, SEELEY. 3321 Jeannette Deming, b. July 24, 1844 ; m. James Frank Hale. 3322 Frances Hooker, b. Aug. 31, 1846; m. Oct. 14, 1868, George Calvin How. 3323 Raymond Cowles, b. Sept. 13, 1852 ; d. March 22, 1853. 3324 Robert Cowles. b. May 19, 1854. 1842 Lucy Ann Andrews (Lucy Cowles," Lucina,^ Roger,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Prof. Ethan Allen and Lucy Hooker (Cowles) Andrews of New Britain, Conn., b. Apr. 27, 1815: m. No. 1, August 24, 1842, Prof. Edward D. Sims. He died April 13. 1845. She married No. 2, October 26, 1845, William McKinley, of Millidgeville, Ga. CHILDREN, SIMS AND MCKINLEY. By 1st marriage — Sims. 3325 Grace, b. July 17, 1843; m. Feb. 17, 1865, John D. Pope, of Atlanta, Ga., 1871 ; had three children. By 2nd marriage — McKinley. 3326 Julia. 3327 William Andrews. 3328 Guy. Seventh Generation 275 1844 Horace Andrews (Lucy Cowles," Lucina,^ Roger,^ John,3 Samuel.- ThomasM. son of Prof. Ethan Allen and Lucy Hooker (Covvles) Andrews of New Britain, Conn., b. April 29, 1819, at New Britain, Conn.; m. June 1, 1847, Julia Russell Johnson, daughter of William and Mary Elizabeth (Wells) Johnson of New Haven, Conn., b. Julv 24, 1826, at New Haven. She died November 28, 1866. He married No. 2, May 14, 1867, Anna Maria Hoover, daughter of Harmon and Alvira (Ever- ett) Hoover of New York City, b. November 2, 1846, at Alex- andria, Ohio. Mr. Andrews graduated from Yale College in 1841 and from Yale Law School, 1845. He practiced law at New Haven until about 1850, when he removed to New York city and continued his profession there. CHILDREN, ANDREWS. By 1st marriage. 3329 William Henry, b. April 18. 1849. at New Haven. Conn. 3330 Horace, b. March 19. 1S52. at New Haven, Conn. 3331 Ethan Allen, b. Sept. 10, 1859, at New York City. By 2nd marriage. 3332 Frank Hoover, b. April 16. 1869, at New York City. 3333 John, b. Nov. 16, 1870, at Tarrj-town, N. Y. 1846 Charles Samuel Andrews (Lucy Cowles," Lucina,' Roger,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Prof. Ethan Allen and Lucv Hooker (Cowles) Andrews of New Britain, Conn., b. Augus't 5, 1823, at Chapel Hill, N. C. ; m. Sept. 6, 1857, Eliza- beth Alden, daughter of Zephaniah and Olive (Childs) Alden, of Hartford, Conn., b. Oct. 28, 1831, at West Hartford, Conn. He graduated from the Law Department of Yale College in 1851. In 1871, he was living on and ctiltivating the farm that had belonged to his father and grand father. CHILDREN, ANDREWS. 3334 Elizabeth Alden, b. July 12, 1858, at West Hartford, Conn. 3335 Charles Samuel, b. Oct. IS. 1861, at New York City. 3336 Alden, b. May 17. 1863. at New York City. 3337 Robert Wells, b. Dec. 28. 1868, at New Britain, Conn. 3338 Thomas Hooker, b. Jan. 4, 1871, at New Britain, Conn. 1852 Jane Elizabeth Cowles (Solomon Cowles,*^ Lucina,' Roger,^ John.3 Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Solomon and Mary E. (Sloper) Cowles of Farmington, Conn., b. 1822, at Farmington. Conn.; m. August 17, 1853, Dr. James Russell Cummings, b. 1830, at North Adams, Mass. Mr. Cummings was a teacher at the time of his marriage. After the death 276 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of his wife he married again. She died Sept. 29, 1856, at Farm- ington. CHILD, CUM MINGS. 3339 Daisj-. 1857 Cynthia Olcott (Sidney 01cott.« Cynthia,^ Roger,* John,' Samuel.- Thomas^), daughter of Sidney and Ednah Alice (.\dams) Olcott of Manchester. Conn., b. June 18. 1826. at Manchester. Conn. : m. June 17, 1855, Egbert Jansen \'ail, M. D. of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., X. Y.. b. Sept. 15, 1823, at Manchester, Conn. He was a physician and farmer. CHILDREN, V.UL. 3340 Fanny E.. b. June 23, 1856; m. G. W. Snow. 3341 Edmund Lloyd, b. Feb. 15, 1858, at Manchester, Conn. 3342 .■Mice Isabella, b. Dec 17, 1859, at Manchester; d. Oct. 5, 1861, at Manchester, Conn. 3343 James Bradford, b. Oct. 30. 1861, at Manchester. Conn. 3344 William Hooker, b. Sept. 1, 1865, at Manchester, Conn. 3345 Walter Scott, b. Aug. 27, 1867, at Manchester, Conn. 1858 Luther James Bradford Olcott (Sidney Olcott.^ Cyn- thia.^ Roger,* John."^ Samuel.- Thomas^), son of Sidney and Ednah Alice (Adams) Olcott, of Manchester. Conn., b. Mav 30. 1830. at Manchester: m. October 20. 1856. Emeline Au- gusta Roberts, daughter of Isaac Roberts of East Hartford, Conn., b. July 25. 1835, at East Hartford. He is a famous grass culturist. His farm at South Manchester is laid out carefully and devoted to e.xperimental grass culture. He holds some official connection with the agricultural depart- ment at Washington, D. C. CHILDREN, OLCOTT. 3346 Margaret Stanlej". b. July 29. 1858; d. .Aug. 20. 1860. 3347 Charles Hooker, b. Aug. 4, 1860; d. Sept 14, 1862, at S. Man- chester, Conn. 3348 Anna Ensign, b. April 27, 1863, at South Manchester, Conn.; m. Sept. 22, 1883. William J. Nichols. 3349 Ednah .A.dams. b. April 22, 1865, at South Manchester, Coim;. d. 27, 1866. 3350 Walter Hooker, b. July 15. 1867, at South Manchester, Conn. 3351 Henry Ensign, b. May 15, 1871, at South Manchester, Conn. 2002 Ferdinand Austin Hart (Eunice Ellen.-." Eunice,^ Na- thaniel,* Nathaniel,' Samuel.- Thomas^), son of Joseph and Eu- nice (Eller>') Hart of Hartford, Conn., b. September 10, 1796, Seventh Generation 277 at Hartford, Conn. ; m. June 12. 1827, Sarah A. Cook, daughter of George and Phebe Cook of Hartford, Conn. They settled at Xew Britain, Conn., where he engaged in manufacturing business. He was a Trustee of the Methodist Church of Xew Britain. In April, 1832. he removed to Middletown, Conn., where he died Dec. 27 , 1873. CHILDREK, HART. 3352 Joseph Austin, b. April 2, 1824, at Xew Britain, Conn. ; m. 1844, Clarissa Hubbard. 3353 William Ellerw b. Oct 23, 1826, at Xew Britain, Conn., d. Jan. 24, 1858. 3354 Anna, b. Mav 14. 1829. 3355 Ellen A., b. 'March 5, 1833; d. May 30, 1867. 2005 Mary Austin Yates (Hannah.^ James.^ Nathaniel.* Nathaniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Andrew and Hannah Allin (Hooker) Yates, b. May 20, 1811, at East Hart- ford, Conn. ; m. John R. Stu^"^•esant. CHILDREN, STUYVES.MvT. *3356 Helen Mary. 3357 Catherine. 3358 Elizabeth. 2014 James Hooker Strong (Dolly,'' James.' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas' ). son of Judge Elisha Beebe, and Dollv Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y.. b. April 26,' 1814, at Rochester, N. Y. : m. 1849, Maria Cowen- hoven, of Brooklyn, N. Y. James Hooker Strong entered the Naval service of the United States as a midshipman in 1829, and by regular course of promotion he became a commander in 1861, and as such took an active part in the Civil War (1861-1865). At the battle of Mobile Bay he commanded the Steam Sloop of War "Monongahela" and after passing the forts while the fleet was steaming up the bay. seeing the Rebel Ram "Tennessee" approaching to attach the Flagship "Hartford," Commander Strong turned his wooden ship out of the line and going at full speed, ran into the Iron Clad Ram, striking her fairly and giving her a tremendous blow, which, however, also crushed the "Monongahela's" head and stern. .A.s his ship swung around after striking the Ram, he gave the iron clad a broadside of eleven inch solid shot from his guns, with however but little effect. The other ships following his ex- ' ample also attacked the ram in similar manner, while the guns 278 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of the ram were doing great execution among the fleet. Hav- ing gained a sufficient distance for effective work, Commander Strong again turned his ship toward the enemy and skillfully working his way among the surrounding ships he again ran into the Ram under a full head of steam. He had again turned his ship and was about to run into the iron clad a third time, when her flag was hauled down and she surrendered to the fleet, disabled and almost destroyed by the tremendous as- saults she had received from the combined attack upon her. He was Rear Admiral on his retirement from the Navv. He died Nov. 28, 1882. CHILDREN, STRONG. 3359 William. 3360 Louise, ni. an Englishman. 2016 Martha Cornelia Strong (Dolly," James.^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Judge Elisha Beebe and Dollv Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y., b. April 13." 1818, at Rochester; m. Sept. 19, 1836, John Winder, son of James and Martha (VanHouten) Winder of Virginia, b. Nov. 24, 1804, at Uniontown, Pa. He was for thirty vears clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court and District Court of Michigan. She died Jan. 20, 1901. He died Sept. 26, 1897. CHILDREN, WINDER. *3361 Catherine Granger, b. Jan. 1. 1838, at Detroit, Mich. =*3362 Julian Elisha, b. Oct, 24, 1840, at Detroit, Mich. 2017 Bertha Rosabella Strong (Dolly." James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Judge Elisha Beebe and Dollv Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y., b. April 13,' 1818, at Rochester, N. Y.:'m. April 13, 1837, George Augustine Gibbs of Chicago, 111., son of Orrin E. and Sophia (Patterson) Gibbs of Greenville, N. Y., b. Sept. 13, 1811, at Greenville, N. Y. He was a commission mer- chant at Chicago. She died Nov. 11, 1845, at Chicago, 111. He married again and died 1862, at Chicago. CHILDREN, GIBBS. 3363 Julian Elisha, b. June 3. 1838. at Chicaeo. 111.; d. July 8, 183a 3364 William Strong, b. March 12, 1841. at Chicaeo. 111. 3365 James Strong, b. Dec. 28, 1843, at Chicago, 111. 3365a Son, not named, b. Oct. 25, 1845, at Chicago, 111.; d. Nov. 3, 1845. Seventh Generation 279 2018 Robert Hunter Strong (Dolly/' James,* Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Judge Elisha Beebe, and Dolly Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y., b. August 28, 1820, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, June 25, 1845, Emeline Ganson, of Milwaukee, Wis. She died at Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 10, 1857. He married No. 2, May 26, 1859. widow Rosanna Searls (Warner) Sanderson, daughter of John and Fanny (Sanderson) Warner of Springfield, Mass. widow of Capt. Sanderson, b. November 5, 1823, at Springfield, Mass. They lived at Milwaukee, Wis. He died May 6, 1892, at Wau- kesha, Wis. CHILDREN, STRONG. By 1st wife. *3366 Bertha Liiceba, b. Dec. 23, 1846. at Milwaukee, Wis. *3367 Emeline Martha, b. April 19, 1849, at Milwaukee, Wis. *3368 Frank Hunter, b. Aug. 15, 1856, at Milwaukee, Wis. By 2nd wife. 3369 Wells Hawley, b. Feb. 29. 1860; d. Dec. 3, 1860. 3370 Warner Bryant, b. Sept. 30, 1861, at Wanwatosa, Wis. ; m. Sept. 30, 1895, Lucy E. Haight, daughter of Theron Wilbur and ."Knna Maria (Youmans) Haight, of Waukesha, b. Feb. 24, 1872. *3371 Robert Drake, b. Dec. 17, 1863, at Wanwatosa, Wis. *3372 Beebe Hooker, b. June 19, 1866, at Wanwatosa, Wis. *3373 Evelyn Lee, b. Dec. 11, 1867, at Milwaukee, Wis. 2019 Eliza Hooker Strong (Dolly," James,* Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daitghter of Judge Elisha Beebe and Dolly Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y., b. December 10, 1822, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. October 1842, Samuel Jones Mumford of New York, b. at Schenectady, N. Y. She died June 5, 1844, at New York city, leaving one child bequeathed to the care of her sister, Mrs. Cornelia Winder. CHILD, MUMFORD. *3374 Eliza, b. Aug. 23, 1843, at New York City. 2020 George Parish Strong (Dolly,® James,* Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Judge Elisha Beebe, and Dolly Goodwin (Hooker) Strong, of Rochester, N. Y., b. Dec. 24. 1824. at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. 1848. Henrietta Theresa Parsons, daughter of Nehemiah Prudden and Theresa (Smith) Parsons of Ann Arbor. Mich., b. 1830, at Ypsalanti, Mich. He died June 15, 1887, at Foristell, Mo. 280 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, STRONG. 3375 Elisha, b. 1849. at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. 1853, at Rochester, N. Y. *3376 John Winder, b. June 10, 1851, at Rochester, N. Y. 3377 NelHe, b. June 10, 1851, at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 9, 1870, at Atlantic, Iowa. 3378 Robert Hunter, b. Jan. 4, 1854, at Fond du Lac, Wis.; m. Dec. 28, 1881, Mary Elizabeth Johnson. *3379 Lottie, b. Feb. 6, 1856, at Fond du Lac. Wis. 3380 George Hooker, b. 1871 ; m. May 12, 1897, Nettie Fern Mertz. 2021 William Oliver Strong (Dolly," James,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Judge Elisha Beebe, and Dolly Goodwin (Hooker) Strong of Rochester, N. Y., b. August 18, 1828, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. 1852, Jane Penney, daughter of James T. Penney, b. at Detroit. They lived at Detroit. He was land commissioner for Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette R. R. He died Jan. 19, 1909. CHILDREN, STRONG. 3381 James. 3382 Edward B., b. at San Rafael, Cal. 3383 Henry P., lives in Detroit. 3384 Wilhe. 3385 Jennie; m. Arthur Gue, M. D. 2022 Lucy Case Hooker (Alexander," James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas' ), daughter of Alexander Allin and Luccy (Case) Hooker, of Rochester, N. Y., b. April IS, 1821, at Rochester; m. September 3, 1850, Dr. Robert Morris, son of Robert and Christina (Eadie) Morris of Ogdensburg, N. Y., b. January 28, 1809, at Langside, near Glasgow, Scotland. She died October 13, 1856, at Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Morris came to America with his father in 1819, and settled at Ham- mond, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He graduated from Kemper College, St. Louis, Mo. and from Albany Medical School in 1846. Settled in practice at Ogdensburg and continued there from 1850, except during his service in the Civil War from October 30, 1861 to July 8, 1865, as Surgeon of the 91st Regt. New York Volunteers. CHILDREN, MORRIS. 3386 Mary Couch, b. Dec. 23, 1853, at Ogdensburg; graduated from Elmira College, 1873; from Boston Training School for Nurses, 1883. 2023 Mary Hooker (Alexander," James,^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Alexander Allin and Seventh Generation 281 Lucy (Case) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. March 21, 1823, at Rochester, N. Y.; m. December 12, 1843, Marcus Orville Benjamin, son of Samuel and Hannah (McGonigle) Benja- min of Chili, N. Y., b. October 13, 1820, at Hillsdale, N. Y. He was a farmer with homes at Irondequoit, Alden and Chili, N. Y. He died Feb. 10, 1899, at Rochester, N. Y. She died Nov. 8, 1895, at ChiH, N. Y. Buried in Hooker Family Ceme- tery at Irondequoit. CHILDREN, BENJAMIN. 3387 Julia Hooker, b. April 21, 1845; d. Feb. 28, 1864. 3388 Mary Louise, b. March 24, 1848; d. Aug. 1, 1866. *3389 Frank Marcus, b. Jan. 24. 1851, at Irondequoit, N. Y. *3390 Helen, b. March 9, 1854, at Alden, N. Y. 3391 Hattie Frances, b. Dec. 9. 1857, at Chili, N. Y.; m. Sept. 5, 1882, William Jerome Chappell. 3392 Lucy Dell, b. Dec. 7. 1859 ; d. Jan. 24, 1860. 3393 Nellie Dell, b. Jan. 31, 1862. *3394 Frederick Herbert, b. Jan. 9, 1865, at Chili, N. Y. 2024 Louisa Hooker (Alexander," James,^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,'^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Alexander Allin and Lucy (Case) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. April 19, 1825, at Irondequoit, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 3, 1848, Rev. Henry L. Van Meter, He was a missionary to Burmah, India. He died Aug. 18, 1870. She died Aug. 1871, in Burmah. CHILDREN, V.\N METER. 3395 Anna. b. Aug. 18, 1849, in Burmah ; d. July, 1854. *3396 Mary Louise, b. July 22, 1851, in Burmah. 3397 Henry Hooker, b. Oct. 18, 1852. 3398 Kattie. 3399 Arthur, b. April, 1859, at Rochester, N. Y. 3400 Charles Fremont, b. April 17, 1862, in Burmah; m. Ella Safford. *3401 Whitham Kendrick, b. April 15, 1863. 2025 Helen Hooker (Alexander,*"' James,^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Alexander Allin and Lucy (Case) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. October 9, 1827, at Irondequoit, N. Y. ; m. November 8, 1858, Asahel Clarke Kendrick. (his 2nd wife), son of Clarke and Esther (Thomp- son) Kendrick of Poultney, Vt., b. December 7, 1809, at Poult- ney, Vt. He was a famous Greek scholar and Professor in the University of Rochester. He died Oct. 21, 1895, at Rochester, N. Y. She died Nov. 1, 1880. 282 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, KENDRICK. 3402 Josephine Mary (adopted), b. April 8, 1864, at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 24, 1890; m. Emory W. Hunt. *3403 Ryland Morris, b. Fel). 12, 1867, at Rochester, N. Y. 2029 Adelia Hooker (Alexander.*"' James,^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Alexander Allin and Lucy (Case) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. January 21, 1840, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. John M. Bailey, of Albany, N. Y. CHILDREN, B.^ILEY. 3404 Minnie, ni. F. Garrettson Jewett, Jr. 3405 Jennie, d. 1906. 3406 Judson. 2030 Catharine Livingston Hooker (James," James,^ Na- thaniel,* Nathaniel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of James and Helen Sarah (Reade) Hooker of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., b. September 23, 1817, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; m. 1840, John William Hamersly, son of Lewis Carre and Elizabeth (Finney) Hamersley of New York City, b. May 24, 1808. at New York. He was a lawyer and an author. He died June 7, 1889, at New York City. She died Feb. 18, 1867. CHILDREN, HAMERSLEY. 3407 Helen Mary, b. and d. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. *3408 James Hooker, b. Jan. 26, 1844, at New York. 3409 Virginia, b. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; m. 1865, Cortland de Pey- ster Field. 3410 Helen Reade, b. at New York; m. 1890, Charles D. Stickney. *3411 Catherine Livingston, b. at Poughkeepsie. 2032 Julia Wolcott Hooker (Horace," James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,-* Samuel,- Thomas' ), daughter of Horace and Helen (Wolcott) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. June 10, 1823 at Rochester; m. July 12, 1844, Josiah Wolcott Bissell, son of Josiah and Henrietta (Perkins) Bissell of Rochester, N. Y., b. May 12, 1818, at Rocheester, N. Y. He was Colonel of the "Engineer Regt. of the West" which did such heroic work at Island No. 10, and throughout the Civil War. He died Nov. 31, 1891, at Pittsburg, Pa. She died May 29, 1905, at Roches- ter. CHILDREN, BISSELL. 3412 Josiah Hooker, b. June 1, 1845, at Rochester, N. Y., d. Nov. 5, 1901. Seventh Generation 283 *3413 Willard Parker, b. Aug. 26, 1847, at Rochester. N. Y. 3414 Helen Wolcott. b. Feb. 26. 1851. at Rochester, N. Y. 3415 Edward Hooker, b. March 12, 1853, at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 8, 1908. 3416 Frances, b. Jan. 14, 1855. at Rochester. N. Y. 3417 George Perkins, b. May 13, 1860, at Rochester, N. Y.; m. Sept. 9, 1895, Mary Smith. 2033 Henry Edward Hooker (Horace," James.' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.-' Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Horace and Helen (Wolcott) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y.. b. September 1, 1824, at Rochester; m. June 9, 1853, Mary Cady Glen, daughter of Elijah McKcnney and Sarah (Brunncll) Glen of Florida, N. Y. b. Tune 5, 1829. at Florida. N. Y. He was a horticulturist at Rochester. N. Y. He died April 12, 1883, at Rochester, N. Y. She died Jan. 9, 1890. CHILDREN. HOOKER. *3418 Mary Glen. b. Mav 6. 1854, at Rochester, N. Y. *3419 Carob'ne, b. July 17, 1855. at Rochester, N. Y. 3420 Helen Wolcott. b. May 8, 1857. at Rochester. N. Y ; m. Jan. 2. 1895, Asahel Norton Fitch. 3421 Bertha, b. Nov. 7. 1860. at Rochester. N. Y. *3422 Louise Wolcott, b. Feb. 11. 1863, at Rochester, N. Y. 2035 James Wolcott Hooker (Horace," James,"' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Horace and Helen (Wolcott) Hooker of Rochester. N. Y., b. May 10, 1828. at Rochester; m. June 5. 1856. Cordelia Colver. daughter of Jo- seph and Mary (Goflf) Colver of Colchester. Vt., b. April 28, 1834, at Colchester, Vt. He served in the Civil War as a Lieu- tenant in the First Missouri Engineers. He died April 18, 1871, at St. Louis. She married No. 2, William Henry Austin Brown. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3423 James, b. Aug. 24. 1857. at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 12. 1858. at Rochester. N. Y. 3424 Tsobel, K Feb. 19. 1861. at Rochester. N. Y. : m. Arthur Ernst July 15, 1900. 3425 Helen Wolcott. b. April 27, 1870. at Burlington. Vt.. Oct. 27. 1893, adopted by her mother's sister, Mrs. Turk. 2037 Charles M. Hooker (Horace," James.^ Nathaniel.* Na- thaniel.^ Samuel. 2 Thomas'), son of Horace and Helen (Wol- cott) Hooker of Rochester. N. Y., b. Nov. 9, 1832. at Rochester ; m. Nov. 13, 1861, Kate Lewis, daughter of Daniel Ely and Mary (Fellows) Lewis of Penfieeld. N. Y.. b. Oct. 16, 1836, at 284 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Penfield, N. Y. They resided at Rochester, N. Y., where he is a prominent fruit grower and nurseryman. She dieed July 16, 1907. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3426 Horace, b. Aug. 25, 1862. *3427 Charles George, b. Oct. 8, 1864; m. Nov. 15, 1894, Nina Clark. 3428 Mary Lewis, b. Jan. 18, 1868. 3429 Kate Jeannie, b. Sept. 8, 1869. 3430 Lewis, b. May 4, 1874. 3431 Edith, b. Nov. 8, 1875. 2039 Horace B. Hooker (Horace," James,^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel,^ Samuel,' ThomasM. son of Horace and Helen (Wol- cott) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Dec. 7, 1837, at Rochester; m. Nov. 14, 1861, Susan Pamelia Huntington, daughter of Elon and Annjeanette (Cole) Huntington of Rochester, N. Y., b. Aug. 18, 1841, at Rochester, N. Y. He was a lieutenant (acting captain) in the First Missouri Engineers during the Civil War. They live at Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *3432 Albert Huntington, b. Nov. 25, 1865, at Rochester, N. Y. 3432a A son not named, b. and d. July 12, 1867, at Rochester. 3433 Frances Margaret Huntington, b. June 10, 1868, at Rochester, N. Y. *3434 Elon Huntington, b. Nov. 23, 1869, at Rochester, N. Y. 3434a Daughter, not named, b. and d. Sept. 6, 1871, at Rochester, N. Y. 3435 Harry Mi.x, b. July 18, 1872, at Rochester, N. Y. 3436 Paul, b. Feby. 4, 1875, at Rochester, N. Y. *3437 Horace Willard, b. Nov. 2, 1876, at Rochester, N. Y. 3438 Jeanette Huntington, b. Dec. 24, 1881, at Rochester, N. Y. 3439 Thomas, b. May 4, 1883, at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 12, 1884, at Rochester, N. Y. 2050 Sarah Hooker Griswold (IMary," Horace,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas* ), daughter of Gaylord and Mary (Hooker) Griswold of Herkimer, N. Y., b. 1795, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. Benjamin Franklin Brooks. He died at Utica, N. Y. She died 1862, at Utica, N. Y. CHILDREN, BROOKS. 3440 Benjamin, d. at Paris, France. 3441 Gavlord. 3442 Henry. 3443 Mary. 3444 Hannah. 3445 Sarah Elizabeth, d. Aug. 2, 1901. 3446 Martha ; m. Booth. Seventh Generation 285 2052 Hooker Griswold (Mary," Horace,'^ Nathaniel,* Na- thaniel.s Samueir Thomas'), son of Gaylord, and Mary (Hook- er) Griswold of Herkimer, N. Y., b. 1801, at Herkimer; m. Mary Caswell, daughter of Warren Caswell. He was a mer- chant at Herkimer, where he died, 1830. CHILDREN, GRISWOLD. 3447 Mary Elizabeth. 3448 Gaylord. 2053 Hannah Hooker Griswold (lMary,<' Horace,' Na- thaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Gaylord and Mary (Hooker) Griswold of Herkimer, N. Y., b. Nov. 30, 1803, at Herkimer, N. Y. : m. Oct. 15, 1823, Jacob Burrill, Jr., son of Jacob Burrill of Thompson, Windham Co., Conn., b. September 27, 1793, at Thompson, Conn. He was a merchant at Herkimer, where he died Nov. 28, 1844. She died Aug. 18, 1830, at Herkimer. CHILDREN, BLIRRILL. 3449 Gaylord Griswold, b. Oct. 24. 1824, at Herkimer, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 13, 1825, at Herkimer, N. Y. 3450 Horace Hooker, b. Dec. 11, 1825, at Herkimer, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 22, 1892; m. Josephine Spunter. *34S1 Jacob Griswold. b. May 18, 1828, at Herkimer. 3451a Infant daughter, b. and .d Aug. 18, 1830, at Herkimer, N. Y. 2054 Gaylord Hooker Griswold (Mary,^ Horace,' Nathan- iel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Gaylord and Mary (Hooker) Griswold of Herkimer, N. Y., b. 1806, at Herkimer; m. Harriet Root. He died Aug. 28, 1890, at Columbus, N. Y. CHILD, GRISWOLD. *3452 Nellie Le-Vaun. 2058 Samuel Talcott Hooker (Samuel,*' Horace,' Nathan- iel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel Filer, and Martha Smith (Brewster) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor, N. Y.. b. Feb. 23, 1816 at Sacketts Harbor; m. Jan. 1, 1840, Harriet Burnham of Ogdensburg, N. Y., b. at Ogdensburg, N. Y. He died May 31, 1893, at Milwaukee, Wis. She died Dec. 25, 1882, at Milwaukee, Wis. CHILDREN, hooker; 3453 Henry Burnham, b. Oct. 14, 1840, at Sacketts Harbor; d. Nov. 24, 1892, at San Francisco, Cal. 286 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker *34S4 Harriet Bumham, b. July 3. 1842, at Sacketts Harbor. *3455 Samuel Jones, b. March 13, 1844. 3456 Marv, b. 1845; d. in infancy. *3457 William Talcott, b. Sept. 14, 1847. 3458 Cornelia, b. June 10. 1849; d. April 13, 1895, at Chicago, 111.; m. Washington Lafayette Mann. 3459 Charles Bridge, b. April 10, 1851 ; d. Aug. 23, 1894. 3460 Elizal>eth Martha, b. Nov., 1853: m. Jan. 17, 1899, Cyrus Wil- lard. 2060 James Louis Hooker (Samuel,'' Horace,^' Nathan- iel,'* Nathaniel.* Samuel, ^ Thomas^), son of Samuel Filer, and Martha Smith (Brew.ster) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., b. Feb. 15, 1820, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 11, 1844, Harriet Frances Luff, dauq-hter of Edmund and Jemima (Mer- ritt) Luff of Sackets Harbor, N. Y., b. Deec. 18, 1821, at Sack- etts Harbor. He was in steamboat and forwardinsf business at Pillar Point. In 1871 he removed to a farm at Watertown, N. Y., remaining there until 1887, when he sold out, retired from all business and settled with his children at Oak Park, Chicago. 111. He died Sept. 22, 1892, at Winthrop Highland, Mass. She died Dec. 8, 1898, at Chicago, 111. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *3461 Francis Brewster, b. July 15. 1846. *.3462 George Seeley, b. Fell. 25, 1848. at Sacketts Harbor. 3463 Louisa Mcrritt, b. July 17, 1850, at Sacketts Harbor; d. Dec. 29. 1893, at Oak Park, Chicago, III.; m. Nov. 11, 1878, William Merritt LufT. *3464 Flora Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1863, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. 3465 Sidney Douglass, b. Jan. 12, 1865, at Sacketts Harbor ; m. Jan. 26, 1887, Mary Russell Perkins. He is an Episcopal clergy- man ; graduate of Trinity College. 3466 John Haines, b. July 23, 1857, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; d. July 11, 1870. 3467 Harriet Luff, b. Aug. 17, 1860, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 31, 1881. 3468 Theodore Canfield, b. Aug. 26, 1862, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 31, 1885. *3469 Frederick (M. D.), b. April 30, 1866, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. *3470 Harold Louis, b. March 9, 1869. at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. 2063 George Wells (Caroline," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of George and Caroline (Hooker) Wells of Hartford, West District^ Conn., b. April 28, 1777; at West Hartford, Conn. ; m. Elizabeth Lord. He died May 22, 1858. CHILD, WELLS. *3471 Mary, b, Nov. 12, 1811. Seventh Generation 287 2064 Caroline Wells (Caroline," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of George and Caroline (Hook- er) Wells of West Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 8, 1779, at West Hartford: m. Roger Cadweil, son of James and Mary (Foote) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. June 9, 1780, at Wintonbury, Conn. He died April 16, 1871, at Andover, Ohio. She died Aug. 23, 1840, at Andover, Ohio. CHILDREN, CADWELL. *3472 Emily, b. May 24, 1803, at Wintonbury. Conn. *3473 Melinda, b. Feb. 14, 1805, at Wintonbury, Conn. *3474 Mary, b. May 22, 1807, at Wintonbury, Conn. 3475 Rhoda, b. June 12, 1809, at Wintonbury, Conn.; d. April 20, 1813, at Wintonbury, Conn. *3476 Roger Starr, b. Aug. 19, 1811, at Wintonbury, Conn. 3477 Candace, b. Nov. 29, 1813, at Wintonbury, Conn. ; d. Dec. 31, 1813, at Wintonbury, Conn. 3477a Son, not named, b, Marcli 11, 1816, at Wintonbury, Conn.; d. April 4, 1816, at Wintonbury, Conn. 3478 Julia, b. Feb. 21, 1817, at Wintonbury, Conn.; d. Aug. 26, 1828, at Andover, Ohio. 3479 Jonathan, b. Oct. 17, 1819, at Andover, Ohio ; d. Feb. 17, 1820, at Andover, Ohio. *3480 Darius, b. April 13, 1821, at Andover, Ohio. 3481 James, b. May 14, 1824, at Andover, Ohio, d. Nov. 19, 1853. 2066 Thomas Hooker Wells (Caroline," Daniel,"' Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of George and Caroline (Hooker) Wells of West Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 11, 1791, at West Hartford; m. No. 1, May 10, 1816, Mary Ann Cadwell, daughter of Oziah Tracy and Mary Ann ( ) Cadwell of West Hartford, Conn., b. Sept. 15, 1800, at West Hartford. She died Dec. 16, 1827, at West Hartford, Conn. He m. No. 2, Feb. 5, 1828, Emily Cadwell, sister of his first wife, b. May 5, 1801, at West Hartford. He died March 9, 1861, at West Hart- ford. She died March 24, 1874, at West Hartford. CHILDREN, WELLS. By 1st marriage. 3482 Sarah, b. June 14, 1817, at West Hartford. Conn.; m. Gilbert. 3483 Caroline, b. April 17, 1819, at West Hartford, Conn.; d. May 7, 1878; m. Thomas Bclden. 3484 Thomas M., b. July 7, 1822, at West Hartford ; d. May 31, 1823. By 2nd marriage. 3485 Oziah Tracey, b. Jan. 3, 1829, at West Hartford; d. July 23, 1864, from wounds received at Peach Orchard Battle, Com- pany "C" Conn. Vol. *34«6 Emma Amelia, b. Dec. 25, 1831, at West Hartford, Conn. *3487 Julia Ann, b. Feb. 25, 1833, at West Hartford, Conn. 288 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker *3488 Harriet Eliza, b. May 5, 1835. at West Hartford. Conn. *3489 George U.. b. Jan. 9, 1838. at West Hartford, Conn. *3490 Charles Gilbert, b. .\ng. 5, 1840, at West Hartford, Conn. 2067 Polly (Mary) Cadwell (Mary," Daniel^ Daniel,* Dan- iel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), dau.sfhter of Aaron and Mary Hook- er) Cadwell of W'intonburv, Conn. ; b. 1776, at Hartford, Conn. : m. No. 1, Plum. She m. No. 2, March 12, 1809, Thomas Larned Munsell of \\'hitehall, N. Y. She died Oct. 1840, at Montpelier, Vt. CHILDREN, PLUM. 3491 Charles, b. 1803; d. 1809; drowned in Winoosic river. *3492 Betsey, b. 1804. 2068 Wyllys Jay Cadwell (Mary," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Dan- iel,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Aaron and Mary (Hooker) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. August 22, 1778, at Hart- ford West District; m. June, 1799, Betsey \\'hite, daughter of Lieut. Elihu and Zerviah (Cole) White of Hatfield, Mass., b. Jan. 28, 1776. He was for twenty-four year a inerchant at Montpelier. Vt., having been the fourth person to engage in mercantile busi- ness at Montpelier after its settlement. He occupied the finest house in the town and often entertained high officials of both State and Nation. He was also prominent in Masonic affairs. He died March 8. 1823, at Montpelier, Vt. She died Sept. 30, 1849, at Montpelier, Vt. CHILDRE>f, C.\DWELL. 3493 William White, b. Mav 12, 1799. at Hatfield. Mass.; d. Dec. 17. 1877. at Montpelier. Vt. : m. Dec. 4, 1836. Elizabeth Oakes. 3494 Eliza, b. March 26, 1801, at Montpelier, Vt. ; d. .-Xiig. 26, 1802, at Montpelier, Vt. *3495 Maria Cole. b. Feb. 14. 1803. at Montpelier, Vt. *3496 .Mmira, b. Feb. 10, 1805, at Montpelier, Vt. 3497 Betsy, b. Nov. 14, 1806, at Montpelier, Vt. ; d. March 29, 1879, at Montpelier. *3498 Julia .A.nn, b. Jan. 30. 1809, at Montpelier. Vt. *3499 Lucy Ann, b. Mar. 10, 1811, at Montpelier, Vt. *3S00 Eliza Ann, b. July 28. 1S13. at Montpelier. Vt. 2072 Aaron Decius Hooker Cadwell (Mary,'' Daniel,^ Dan- iel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Aaron and Marj' (Hooker) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. Feb. 10, 1791, at Hartford, West District: m. Dec. 25, 1823, Mary Sawyer Hutchins, daughter of William and Sarah (Sawyer) Hutchins Seventh Generation 289 of Montpelier, Vt., b. Sept. 7, 1801, at Montpelier, Vt. He was a wheelright at Montpelier until 1859, when he removed to the west and settled at Prescott, Wis. He died March 21, 1872, at Prescott, Wis. She died Oct. 23, 1865, at Prescott, Wis. CHILDREN, CADVVELL. 3501 Wyllys Hutchins, b. Oct. 16, 1824, at Berlin, Vt. ; d. Nov. 27, 1849, at San Francisco, Cal. *3502 Sarah Louise, b. Aug. 27, 1826, at Berlin, Vt. 3503 Leander Hutchins, b. July 9, 1829, at Montpelier, Vt., lives at Unionville, Ohio. *3504 Mary Hooker, b. Oct. 17, 1831, at Montpelier, Vt. *3505 William Diah, b. Oct. 14, 1834, at Montpelier, Vt. 3506 Martha Allen, b. Aug. 8, 1842, at Montpelier, Vt. ; lives at Prescott, Wis. 2073 Nathaniel Eggleston Hooker (Nathaniel." Daniel,' Daniel,* Daniel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Dr. Nathaniel and Abigail (Eggleston) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. July 11, 1806, at West Hartford: m. Fannie Church of Hartford, Conn. He died Nov., 1886, at Waterville, Ohio. She died 1853, at Maumee City, Ohio. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3507 William Wallace, d. Sept., 1854; unmarried; he was a physician at Maumee City, Ohio. *3508 Lemuel Harrison, b. Feby. 13, 1832. 3509 Samuel Church, b. July 12, 1834, at Hartford, Conn.; d. Aug. 11, 1859; m. Laura Bartholemew. 3510 Nathaniel Eggleston, b. 1840. 3511 Calvin, b. 1840. *3512 George, b. Aug. 11, 1846. *3513 Edward, b. Aug. 7, 1848. 2074 James Sedgwick Hooker (Nathaniel,* Daniel,' Dan- iel,-» Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Dr. Nathanial and Abigail (Eggleston) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn.; b. March 2, 1812 ; m. Camila Porter, daughter of Reuben, Jr., and Lucy (Field) Porter of Tolland, Conn., and Baldwinsville, N. Y., b. Oct. 3, 1811, at Cold Spring, N. Y. He died Oct. 6, 1889, at Charlotte, Mich. She died Julv 3, 1889, at Charlotte, Mich. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3514 Elma Jane Lawrence, b. Jany. 21. 1839, at Richfield, Ohio; d. Aug. 6, 1868, at Ovid, Mich.; m. Sept. 21, 1866, Dr. James B. ^IcLean. *3S1S Frank Arthur, b. Jany. 16, 1844, at Hartford, Conn. 19 290 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2075 Chester Harris Hooker (Nathaniel,'^ Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Dr. Nathaniel and Abigail (Eggleston) Hooker of West Hartford, Conn., b. March 22, 1816, at West Hartford, Conn.; m. No. 1, Elizabeth Ma- hala Moore, b. Sept. 13, 1827. She died Nov. 15, 1858. He m. No. 2, Annie Cable. He went to California and settled there. He died 1872, buried at Grass Valley, Cal. She died Oct., 1880. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st marriage. *3516 George Harris, b. April 21, 1855. 3517 Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1857; d. Sept. 6, 1863. By 2n(l marriage. 3518 Frank, m. has two children. 2077 Zalmon Hubbell (Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel," Thomas^), son of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hub- bell of Weston, Conn., b. April 9. 1795 at Hartford, Conn.; m. Laura Thorp, daughter of Zophar and Eunice (Merritt) Thorp of Trumbull, Conn., b. Oct. 26, 1800. He was a builder at Trumbull, Conn., where he sustained a character for unim- peachable integrity. He died April 19, 1868, at Trumbull, Conn. She died March 16, 1869, at Trumbull, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 3519 Elizabeth, d. in infancy. *3520 George, b. Aug. 6. 1824. at Trumbull, Conn. *3521 Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1826, at Trumbull, Conn. *3522 Frances Salina, b. July 9, 1832, at Trumbull, Conn. *3523 Eliza Virginia, b. June 26. 1834, at Trumbull, Conn. *3524 John Watts, b. Aug. 14. 1839, at Trumbull, Conn. *3525 Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 31, 1840, at Trumbull, Conn. 2078 Eunice Hubbell (Eunice," Daniel,' Daniel,* Daniel,' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hubbell of Weston, Conn., b. Jan. 31, 1797, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. July 4, 1812, Freeman Hall Seeley, son of Agur and Charity (Hall) Seeley of Stratton, Conn., b. Feb. 17, 1792, at Weston, Conn. He was a carpenter. He died Feb. 8, 1876, at Mineral Point, Wis. She died June 12, 1883, at Watson, Mich. CHILDREN, SEELEY. *3526 Sally, b. Mar. 5, 1814, at Weston, Conn. *3527 Mary Jane, b. Mar. 10, 1817, at Weston, Conn. *3528 Emeline, b. Aug. 9, 1819, at Weston, Conn. *3529 Laura Athalia, b. Feby. 19, 1822, at Weston, Conn. Seventh Generation 291 *3530 Roswell Hamilton, b. Aug. 10, 1824, at Weston, Conn. *3531 Ann Eliza, b. July 30, 1827, at Weston, Conn. *3S32 Freeman Hall. b. Feby. 17, 1830, at Weston, Conn. *3533 Julia Elizabeth, b. Sept. 28, 1832, at Weston, Conn. *3534 Harriet Louisa, b. Feby. 10, 1838, at Buffalo, N. Y. 3534a Son not named, b. and d. at Versailles, N. Y. 2080 Joseph Middlebrook Hubbell (Eunice,** Daniel,^ Dan- iel,* Daniel,' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hubbell of Weston, Conn., b. August 20, 1800, at Weston, Conn.; m. Oct. 14, 1821, Harriet Hill, daughter of Seth Hill of Newtown, Conn., b. 1801, at Newtown, Conn. He died Dec. 17, 1831, at Newtown, Conn. She died Feb. 5, 1822, at Huntington, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. *3535 Horace, b. Nov. 11, 1822. *3536 George Albert, b. June 1, 1824. ^►3537 Catherine, b. Feby. 20, 1826. *3538 David Toucey, b. Sept. 4, 1827. *3539 Edward, b. Mar. 11, 1830. 2081 Charlotte Hubbell (Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,'' Dan- iel,^ Samuel,' Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hubbell of Weston, b. 1803; m. Owen Reynolds. — . CHILDREN, REYNOLDS. 3540 Mary. 3541 Martha. 2082 Nancy Abigail Hubbell (Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hubbell of Weston, Conn., b. Dec. 10, 1804, at Wes- ton, Conn.; m. No. 1, Aug. 21, 1825, James Nichols of New- town. Conn. He died June 30, 1858, at Bronson, Mich. She m. No. 2, March 14, 1867, Wildman Bennett. They lived at Bronson, Mich. He died July 13, 1871, at Bron.son, Mich. She died at Bronson, Mich. CHILDREN, NICHOLS. All by first marriage. *3542 Oscar Burr, b. July 4, 1826, at Monroe, Conn. 3543 Amanda, b. July 1, 1828, at Monroe, Conn. ; d. Feby. 28, 1872. 3544 James R., b. July 21, 1830, at Monroe, Conn. ; d. April 1, 1836, at Monroe, Conn. 3545 May J., b. May 19, 1832, at Monroe, Conn. ; d. Mar. 30, 1836, at Monroe, Conn. 292 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3546 Joseph H., b. Sept. 21. 1834. at Monroe, Conn. ; d. June 20, 1887. 3547 James E., b. Nov. 18, 1836, at Monroe, Conn. ; d. Jany 23, 1884, at Monroe, Conn. 3548 Alonzo S., b. Sept. 26, 1838, at Monroe, Conn. ; d. June 18, 1886. 3549 Esther J., b. July 30, 1840, at Monroe, Conn. ; m. George Watts. 3550 Sarah A., b. May 18, 1843, at Monroe, Conn. ; m. Ransom Nichols. 3551 Charlotte E., b. June 24, 1845, at Monroe, Conn. ; m. James M. Rawson. 2083 Alanson Hubbell (Eunice,*^ Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hub- bell of Weston, Conn., b. 1808, at Weston: m. Delia Ward, daughter of Thomas and Anna (Merritt) Ward of Trumbull, Conn., b. 1811, at Trumbull, Conn. He was a carpenter and lived at Newtown, and at Trumbull, Conn. He died 1852, at Trumbull. She died Dec. 11, 1877, at Trumbull. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 3552 Delia Ann, b. Feby. 9, 1829; d. Dec. 15, 1862. 3553 Thomas Jay, b. June 15, 1830. *3554 Caroline Matilda, b. June 6, 1833. *3555 Nelson Frederick, b. Jany. 12, 1836. 2084 Mary Ann Hubbell (Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Dan- iel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Joseph and Eunice (Hooker) Hubbell, b. 1810, at Weston; m. No. 1, Nathan Rob- bins. She m. No. 2, Byers Crowe. She died at Virginia City, Nev. CHILD, ROBBIXS. 3556 Nathan Robbins, living Sacramento, Cal. 2086 William Reilly Hubbell (Eunice,« Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Joseph and Eunice (Hook- er) Hubbell of Weston, Conn., b. Dec. 21, 1816, at Weston, Conn. ; m. No. 1, Sept. 29, 1839, Sarah Sharp, daughter of Wil- liam Sharp of Monroe, Conn., b. May 5. 1821. at IMonroe. She died Sept. 26, 1852, at Birmingham, Conn. He m. No. 2, Aug. 4, 1853, Frances Fairchild, daughter of Ephraim Beardsley and Sarah (Bryant) Fairchild of Stratford, Conn., b. June 17, 1821, at Stratford, Conn. He was a carpenter and builder and tor many years was the head of the firm of Hubbell and Merwin, New Haven, Conn. Mr. Hubbell was recognized in the community as a man of sterling integrity. He represented the city of New Haven in Seventh Generation 293 the State Legislture. He died Nov. 8. 1896, at New Haven, Conn. She died Dec. 26, 1898, at Xew Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. B\' first marriage. *3557 Emily Maria, b. June 15. 1841, at Bridgeport. Conn, 3558 Charles Carroll, b. June 16. 1S46, at Bridgeport, Conn.; d. Mar. 22, 1851, at Birmingham, Conn. 3559 Amanda_ Jane. b. .Mar. 22. lS+9. at Birmingham, Conn. ; d. July 10, 1851, at Birmingham. Conn. *3560 Sarah Amanda, b. Sept. 25, 1852, at Birmingham, Conn. B}- Second marriage. *3S61 Jennie, b. June 20, 1854. *3562 Fannie Hooker, b. Jany. 29, 1856. 2090 Nathan Gilbert (Chloe Crosby,« Chloe,^ Daniel,^ Dan- iel,3 Samuel- Thomas^), son of Elis'ha and Chloe (Crosby) Gilbert of West Hartford, Conn., b. March 14, 1790, at We'st Hartford: m. Sept. 23. 1812, Betsey Hunt, daughter of James and Esther Hunt of Farmington. Conn., b. Oct. 18, 1792. He died Oct. 27. 1870. She died Dec. 7, 1858. CHILDREX, GILBERT. 3563 William Henn-, b. Aug. 4, 1813 ; d. Nov. 22, 1858. 3564 Elisha, b. Nov. 24, 1816; m. Sept. 7, 1842. 3565 Chariotte Ann, b. May 25, 1819; m. Nov. 12. 1840, Norman Brace. 3566 Mary Tabor, b. :Mar. 19, 1822; m. Oct. 23, 1849, Charles R. Sackett. 3567 Edward Dwight. b. Jany. 22. 1825; d. Mar. 22. 1854, 3568 Jane Louisa, b. July 29, 1827 ; d, Febv. 27, 1863. unmarried. 3569 Lewis Seymour, b. July 29, 1830; d. Mar. 17, 1891; m Nov 9, 1859, Lucy Stanley. 3570 Andrew James, b. Mar. 19, 1833 ; d. Janv. 5. 1884 3571 John B„ b. Jany. 18. 1836; m, Oct. 9, 186'l, Ellen Ruth Hurlburt. 2095 Eliza Crosby i\\'illiam Crosby,'' Chloe.^ Daniel,^ Dan- iel,3 Samuel,2 ThomasM. daughter of William and Rachel (Hubbard) Crosby, b. 1803: m^ May 19. 1824, Orson Case. CHILDREX. CASE. 3572 Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1825; d. April 29. 1869; m. May. 1846, Lorenzo Daniels, 3573 Erastus. b, 1832; drowned at sea. 3574 Georgianna. b. 1835; d. 1862; m. 1853, Nicholas Cornell. 3575 Frank, b. 1840; killed at battle of Bull Run. 1861. 3576 Margaret, b. 1842; d. 1874; m. 1862, .\lbert Lee Butler 294 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2097 William Crosby (William Crosby,« Chloe," Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel," Thomas'), son of William and Rachel (Hub- bard) Crosby, b. 1807: m. Frances Hollingsworth. He died March, 1882. CHILDREN, CROSBY. 3577 Amanda. 3578 Jeannie (bapt. Mary Jane), b. 1838; m. C. M. Pegnes. 3579 Eliza, b. 1840; m. 1st, Seth Field; m. 2nd, J. Perry Williams. 3580 Laura, d. 1878, at Shreveport, La. ; m. Dr. Snell. 3581 Snsan, b. 1846; m. William Sample. 3582 William Thomas, b. Dec. 20, 1852; m. Delia Klinehaus. 3583 Erastns Hollingsworth, b. 1856; ni. Helen Drickriede. 2099 Amanda M. Crosby (William Crosby.'^ Chloe,^ Dan- iel,'* Daniel,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daug-hter of William and Rachel (Hubbard) Crosby, b. Sept. 14, 1810; m. Stephen Park- er. She died Aug., 1872. CHILDREN, PARKER. 3584 Alice C, b. Nov. 25, 1841; d. Mar. 10, 1874; m. Sept. 28, 1865. Richard Foster. 3585 Hattie B., b. Nov. 26, 1844; d. Jime 15, 1884, at Lamposas Springs, Tex. ; ni. Oct. 4, 1872, Hugh R. McCanne. 3586 Florence A., b. Aug. 6, 1847; m. Jany. 30, 1868, Thomas J. Wil- liams. 3587 Helen F., b. July 25, 1849; m. 1st, February 10, 1869, W. H. McDonald ; m. 2nd, Jany. 21, 1882, Dr. Wm. H. Cunningham. 2100 Richard Crosby (William Crosby,*' Chloe,^ Daniel.* Daniel,' Samuel," Thomas'), son of William and Rachel (Hub- bard) Crosby ; m. Nancy Scott. He died 1840. CHILD, CROSBY. 3588 Erastus Hubbard, m. Isabella Shepard. 2101 Jane Crosby (William Crosby," Chloe.^ Daniel," Dan- iel,3 SaiTiuel,2 Thomas'), daughter of William and Rachel (Hubbard) Crosby, b. Feb. Il,'l820; m. Orrin Woodruff. CHILD, WOODRUFF. 3589 Ellen, b. Feby. 9, 1843, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. April 4, 1866, Charles Richmond Hart. 2103 Marietta Steele Crosby (Ebenezer Crosby," Chloe," Daniel,* Daniel,=5 Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Ebenezer Seventh Generation 295 Britta (Steele) Crosby of West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 12, 1811. at West Hartford, Conn.; m. Feb. 16, 1831, Edwin Joho- nott. CHILDREN, JOHONOTT. 3590 Robert, b. Nov. 2, 1833. 3591 Gertrude, b. April 16. 1836. 3592 Edwin Sheldon, b. Dec. 29, 1838. 2104 Lory Brace (Lory Brace," Abigail,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Lory and Lucinda (Belden) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. May 4, 1793, at West Hartford; m. Feb. 27 , 1814, Maria Goodwin, daughter of Morgan and Rowena (Wheeler) Goodwin of West Hartford, Conn., b. March 2, 1792, at West Hartford. He died Dec. 23, 1843, at West Hartford. She died June 13, 1861, at West Hartford. CHILDREN, BRACE. 3593 Caroline, b. June 17, 1814; m. William Fox. 3594 Charles, b. Dec. 31, 1816; m. 1st, Chloe Richards; m. 2nd, Eliza Messenger Bull. 3595 Rowena, b. Jan. 25, 1817; m. Enoch Gains. 3596 Flavy W., b. Oct. 27. 1819; m. Sterling Driggs. 3597 DroelK?), b. Nov. 25, 1820. 3598 Ann Eliza, b. Sept. 13, 1822; m. Albert Porter. 3599 Asenath, b. Oct. 27. 1823; d. Young. 3600 Orrin, b. Dec. 1. 1824. 3601 Orelia, b. June 14, 1831, d. Young. 2105 Ebenezer Belden Brace (Lory Brace,® Abigail.^ Dan- iel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Lory and Lucinda (Belden) Brace of West Hartford. Conn., b. March 9, 1795, at West Hartford; m. Oct. 2, 1822, Maria D. Kuhn. daughter of John Leonard and Elizabeth (Alton) Kuhn of Dansville, N. Y., b. March 26, 1798, at Hagerstown, Md. He died Dec. 1, 1878. at Dansville. N. Y. She died Feb. 23. 1882. at Dansville, N. Y. CHILDREN, BRACE. 3602 Ethelbert K.. b. Oct. 5, 1823, at Dansville, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 12, 1823, at Dansville, N. Y. 3603 James K., b. Oct. 2, 1825, at Bath, N. Y., d. Sept. 3, 1883, at Buflfalo, N. Y. 3604 Robert E., b. Oct. 22, 1828. 3605 Mercv E.. b. June 10, 1831, at Dansville, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 5, 1833, at Penn Yan, N. Y. 296 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2106 Thomas Brace (Lory Brace,^ Abigail,* Daniel,* Dan- iel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Lory and Lucinda (Belden) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. August 18, 1797, at West Hartford, Conn. ; m. Oct. b, 1823, Electa Ailing Deming, daugh- ter of Theron and Electa (Ensign) Deming of West Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 14, 1801, at West Hartford. He died Feb. 18, 1880, at West Hartford. She died Aug. 9, 1872, at West Hart- ford. CHILDREN, BRACE. 3606 Helen Maria, b. Aug. 8, 1824, at West Hartford ; m. Oct. 3, 1849, William Pomeroy Stanley. 3607 Charlotte Sophia, b. Oct. 14, 1827, at West Hartford; d. Aug. 4, 1869; m. April 30, 1851, Prescott Arnold. 3608 Thomas Deming, b. Nov. 9, 1830, at W. Hartford; m, April 11, 1866, Elizabeth Jane Lamphier. 3609 Joseph Ensign, b. Oct. 18. 1833, at West Hartford; m. 1st, Oct. 27, 1859, Annette S. Belden; m. 2nd, Oct. 13, 1887, Ella Mul- ford Conklin. 3610 John Henry, b. Feby. 24, 1836, at West Hartford ; ni. Sept. 1866, Ellen Rogers. 3611 Emma Alice, b. Sept. 21, 1842, at West Hartford; d. Nov. 8, 1864. 2110 Eliza Ann Brace (Lory Brace," Abigail,* Daniel,* Dan- iel,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Lory and Lucinda (Bel- den) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. March 20, 1805, at West Hartford; m. April 5, 1827, Walter Deming, son of Theron and Electa (Ensign) Deming of West Hartford, Conn., b. July 9, 1803, at West Hartford. He died Dec. 13, 1840, at West Hartford. She died March 12, 1850, at West Hartford, Conn. CHILDREN, DEMING. 3612 Julius Walter. 3613 James Brace. 3614 Amelia Elizabeth; ni. Leonard Kuhn. 3615 Albert. 2111 Mercy Webster Brace (Lory Brace," Abigail,* Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Lory and Lucinda (Belden) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. June 27, 1807, at West Hartford; m. May 3, 1835, Elihu Lewis Stanley, son of Luman and Martha (Hinman) Stanley of Dansville, Living- ston Co., N. Y., b. Nov. 11, 1808, at Goshen, Conn. She died April 8, 1883, at Mt. Morris, N. Y. Seventh Generation 297 CHILDREN, STANLEY. 3616 George B., b. Mar. 28, 1836, at Mt. Morris; killed Aug. 3, 1862, at Battle of Bull Run. 2112 Henrietta Brace (Lory Brace," Abigail,"' Daniel,^ Dan- iel,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Lorv and Lucinda (Bel- den) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. Sept. 30, 1810, at West Hartford, Conn.; m. Sept. 30, 1829, Gideon Deming, son of Theron and Electa (Ensign) Deming of West Hartford, Conn., b. July 2, 1806, at West Hartford. He died Oct. 7, 1854, at West Hartford. She died March 26, 1873, at West Hartford. CHILDREN, DEMING. 3617 Ellen Augusta, b. Oct. 23, 1831, at West Hartford; m. Nov. 6, 1856, Joseph Talcott. 3618 Hobart Watson, b. Jany. 14. 1833. at West Hartford. 3619 George Brace, b. Mar. 26, 1837, at West Hartford; m. Oct. 14 1867, Elizabeth C. Foster. 3620 Mary Alice, b. Sept. 24. 1841, at West Hartford; ni. June 25, 1873, Charles James Sholl. 3621 Eugene Gideon, b. Feb. 22, 1843, at West Hartford; m. June 19, 1874, (Widow) Lawrence. 2113 Frederic Brace (Lory Brace," Abigail,' Daniel,* Dan- iel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Lory and Lucinda (Belden) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. March 12, 1812, at West Hartford ; m. Oct. 26, 1836, Martha Lorinda Woodworth, daughter of Walter and Mary (Sage) Woodworth of Middle- town, Conn., b. Dec. 26, 1815. at Middletown. He died Jan. 28, 1855, at West Hartford. She died Julv 4, 1870, at West Hart- ford. CHILDREN, BR.\CE. 3622 Walter Lewis, b. Feby. 14, 1838. at West Hartford, Conn. ; m. June 22, 1858, Lucy Maria Bissell. 3633 Lucy Maria, b. June 29, 1844, at West Hartford ; m. Sept. 30, 1868, Daniel Webster Ellsworth. 3634 Frederick Belden, b. Sept. 18, 1848, at West Hartford; d. July 5, 1890, at Hartford ; m. Mar, 19, 1867, Eveline Barbour. 2115 Cynthia Pelton (Abigail Brace,'' Abigail^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. May 23, 1793. at Chester, ^lass. ; m. Josiah ^Marshall of Litchfield or Winfield, N. Y. CHILD, M.'^RSH.^LL. 3635 Abigail. 298 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2117 Brace Pelton (Abigail Brace," Abigail,^ Daniel,* Dan- iel,^ Samuel, 2 Thomas'), son of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y.. b. Sept. 23, 1795, at Hart- ford; m. Nov. 10, 1820, Lj'dia Harrington, daughter of Heber and Hannah Sweet (Whitford) Harrington of Litchfield, N. Y. He died at Ilion, N. Y. She died Sept. 23, 1853, at Litch- field, N. Y. CHILDREN, PELTON. 3636 Justus, b. 1822; d. 1897. 3637 Justin, 1st, d. 1829. 3638 Justin, 2nd, b. 1839. 2118 Jesse Pelton (Abigail Brace,^ Abigail,^ Daniel,* Dan- iel,* Samuel,- ThomasM, son of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. April 18, 1798, at Hart- ford; m. Nov. 17, 1825, Alice Harrington, daughter of Heber and Hannah Sweet (Whitford) Harrington of Litchfield, N. Y. He died Sept. 12, 1878, at Bridgewater. CHILDREN, PELTON. 3639 Giles, b. 1825. 3640 Abigail Hooker, 1839; m. Harrington. 2119 Susannah Pelton (Abigail Brace," Abigail,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. Jan. 30, 1802, at Hartford, Conn. ; in. March 18. 1825, Nathaniel Thompson Fish. She died May 17, 1870, at Mohawk, N. Y. CHILDREN, FISH. 3641 Brace. 3642 Martha. 3643 Ann. 2120 Abigail Hooker Pelton (Abigail Brace," Abigail^ Dan- iel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas)' daughter of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. April 11, 1804, at Litchfield ; m. Oct. 22. 1822, Benjamin Harrington, son of Heber and Hannah Sweet (Whitfield) Harrington, b. July 3, 1801, at Canterbury, Conn. He was for many years a partner of Eliphalet Remington in the Remington Gun Factory at Ilion, N. Y. He died Oct. 5, 1876. She died Nov. 19, 1872, at Ilion, N. Y. Seventh Generation 299 CHILDREN, HARRINGTON. 3644 Susan Brace, b. March 17, 1823, at Ilion, N. Y.; d. March 1,S 1882. 3645 Caroline Hooker, b. Dec. 28, 1825, at Ilion, N. Y. ; m. Rev. A. E. Dotv. 3646 William, b. Aug. 10, 1829, at Ilion. 3647 Warren, b. June 25, 1832, at Ilion. 3648 Franklin Brace, b. April 8, 1841, at Ilion ; d. Oct. 18, 1842. 2121 Louvina Pelton (Abigail Brace.« Abigail,^ Daniel,* Daniel.* Samuel,- Thomasi), daughter of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. Oct. 20, 1806, at Litchfield; m. George Peck. He died at Waukegan, 111. She died Dec. 1, 1884, at Waukegan, 111. CHILDREN, PECK. 3649 Curtis, b. 1835. 3650 Carlton j^^,-^^^ j, igjg 3651 Carohne. 2122 Johnson Pelton (Abigail Brace,« Abigail,^ Daniel.* Daniel,:* Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. Nov. 8, 1808, at Litch- field, N. Y.; m. April 24, 1831, Mary Ann Harrington, daugh- ter of Heber and Hannah Sweet (Whitford) Harrington. She died May 23, 1879, at Chepatchett. N. Y. CHILDREN, PELTON. 3652 Mahala, b. 1839. 3653 Oris, b. April, 1850. 2123 Edmund Hooker Pelton (Abigail Brace," Abigail,^ Daniel,* Daniel,* Samuel,- ThomasV), son of Seth and Abigail Hooker (Brace) Pelton of Litchfield, N. Y., b. Oct. 15, 1811, at Litchfield ; m. Nov. 25, 1833, Lucretia Hodges, daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Bradley) Hodges of Winfield, N. Y., b. June 1, 1812, at Winfield. He died March 22, 1874, at Ilion. She died 1866. CHILDREN, PELTON. 3654 Seth, b. June 3, 1839. 3655 Abigail, b. May 23, 1836. 3656 John Randolph, b. Nov. 15, 1845. 3657 Lydia, b. March 20, 1848. 300 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2129 Fidelia Brace (Manning Brace,'' Abigail/ Daniel/ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Manning and Lucy (Webster) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. June I?, 1808, at West Hartford; m. 1831, Lucius Elmer, son of Joseph and Ruth (Stoughton) Elmer of West Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 30, 1806, at West Hartford, Conn. He died Alarch 29, 1883, at West Hartford. She d. Feb. 7, 1806, at West Hartford, Conn. CHILDREN, ELMER. 3658 Lucius Dwight, b. 1832, at West Hartford ; d. Jany. 26, 1855, at West Hartford. 3659 Julius Porter, b. Dec. 4, 1835, at West Hartford; m. 1st, Oct. 28, 1856, Sarah E. Griswold; m. 2nd, Mar, 27, 1884, Hattie Barnard. 3660 Eldridge B., m. Permelia Briggs. 3t)00a Clinton Brace, b. Oct. 3, at West Hartford; m. Oct. 31, 1867, Emma Palmer. 2130 Hezekiah Hooker Brace (^Manning Brace," Abigail,^ Daniel, ■• Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Planning and Lucy (Webster) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. June 7, 1811, at West Hartford, Conn.; m. March 27, 1833, Mary Ann Loomis, b. April 25, 1811. He died April 14, 1863. She died April 14, 1880. CHILDREN, BRACE. 3661 Juliette Maria, b. July 17, 1835; d. Oct. 22, 1857; m. July 4, 1855, George Kendall. 3662 Ellen Ann, b. Jany. 28, 1838; d. Mar. 2, 1839. 3662a Son, b. and d. Feby. 23, 1840. 3663 Henry Manning, b Aug. 17, 1842; d. May 14, 1881; m. Nov. 1871, Mary Wood. 3664 Ellen Ann, b. Nov. 23, 1844; m. 1st, April 2, 1862, Ralph Foster; m. 2nd, Dec. 7, 1871, Edward Adam Nellis. 3665 Cornelia Eliza, b. F>by. 3, 1846; m. Franklin Anion Steele. 3666 William Hezekiah, b. Oct. 2, 1851 ; d. Jany. 16, 1852. 2131 William Webster Brace (Manning Brace," Abigail,* Daniel,'* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Manning and Lucy (Webster) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. May 15, 1815, at West Hartford; m. May 17, 1842, Juliette Strong, daughter of Ira and Lucinda (Crane) Strong of East Windsor Conn., b. March 21, 1823, at East Windsor. He died May 20, 1855, at Vineland, N. J. CHILD, BRACE. 3667 Ella Jane, b. Aug. 29, 1846; m. William Henry Stamp. Seventh Generation 301 2132 Emeline Maria Brace (Manning Brace,^ Abigail,' Daniel/ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Manning and Lucy (Webster) Brace of West Hartford, Conn., b. Oct. 28, 1818, at West Hartford: m. Sept. 16, 1840, Oliver Hastings Easton, son of Wait and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton of South- wick, Mass. CHILD, EASTON. 3668 Morton William, b. Aug. 18, 1841 ; m. June 15, 1875, Maria Bur- ton. 2133 Samuel Hooker (Riverius,^ Riverius,' Daniel,* Dan- iel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riverius and Hulda (Mav- nard) Cannon Hooker, b. Oct. 30, 1800; m. June 8, 1823, Rhoda Edgecomb, b. Feb. 22, 1802. After the" death of his first wife, he married again, "Anne." He died July 15, 1873. She died Sept. 14, 1850. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st Wife. 3669 Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 22, 1824 ; d. April 10, 1825. 3670 Sylvanus, b. Feb. 16, 1826; d. July 16, 1826. *3671 George Washington, b. Aug. 30. 1827. 3672 Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1830. 3673 Huldah Ann, b. Tune 16, 1833; d. Oct. 10, 1835. *3674 Eveline, b. July 27, 1836. 3675 Vesta, b. Dec. 20, 1841 ; d. Aug. 20, 1848. By 2nd wife. 3676 Willie Henry, b. Apr. 20, 1853 ; d. Mar. 14, 1878. 2134 Riverius Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,' Daniel,* Dan- iel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riverius and Huldah (May- nard) Cannon Hooker, b. Sept. 25, 1803, at Dresden, Me. ; m. Sept. 25, 1826, Hannah Butler Chaddock, of Wareham, Mass., b. Feb. 2. 1804, at Wareham. Mass. He died at Gardiner, Me., Aug. 31, 1863. She died at Gardiner, Me., April 2, 1882. CHILDREN, HOOKER. ♦3677 Frederic Gardiner, b. Feb. 11, 1828, at Gardiner, Me. *3678 Emeline Smith, b. April 19. 1830, at Milbury, Mass. 3679 Charles Franklin died in infancy. 3680 Ann Eliza died in infancy. *3681 Ellen Maria, b. 1834. *36.S2 Caroline, b. 1838 3683 George H., b. 1839; d. 1876, at Worcester, Mass.; m. 1st, Susan Thompson, of Gardiner, Me. ; m. 2nd, Maria Campbell, of Lawrence, Mass. 3684 Charles Franklin died in infancy. 302 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker *3685 Andrew Jackson, b. Oct. 23, 1836, at South Lee, Mass. *3686 Joseph Edgecomb, b. July 15, 1844, at South Lee, Mass. *3687 Warren, b. Nov. 12, 1846. 3688 Albert Riverius, b. 1849; d. 1851. 3680 Ida Emma, b. 1852; m. John T. Helah, Sept. 25, 1885; they live at East Providence. 2137 Drusilla Hooker (Riverius," Riverius.^ Daniel,^ Dan- iel,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Riverius and Huldah (Maynard) Cannon Hooker, b. May 3, 1811 ; m. Sept. 10, 1837, Daniel Gould Baker, b. June 10, 1811. He died Oct. 10, 1877. She died Jan. 1, 1880. CHILDREN, BAKER. 3690 Webster, m. Augusta Church. *3691 Emma. 3692 Henrv, d. Feb. 8, 1906. 2138 Elbridge Gerry Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,' Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riverius and Huldah (Mavnard) Cannon Hooker, b. Oct. 9, 1813; m. Oct. 5, 1835, Sabiiia Smith, b. Dec. 2, 1812. He died Nov. 24, 1888. She died Nov. 9, 1881. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *3693 Mary .\ns\, b. Gardiner, Maine, Apr. 24, 1836. *3694 Frances. 3695 Martha, m. Joseph Newell. 2139 Charles Clapp Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,^ Daniel,* Daniel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Riverius and Huldah (Mavnard) Cannon Hooker, b. .A.pril 24, 1815; m. Nov. 1, 184U Fannie Rhoades, b. Sept. 14, 1823. She died May 23, 1888. CHILD, HOOKER. *3696 Charles. 2140 Walton Olney Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riverius and Huldah (Maynard) Cannon Hooker, b. Feb. 17, 1818, at Gardiner. Me; m. Dec. 12, 1841, Sophia .•\nn Andrews, b. June 26, 1818, at Monmouth, Me. He died at Gardiner, Me., Feb. 7, 1887. She died Dec. 7. 1895. Seventh Generation 303 CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3697 Otis Everett, b. Gardiner, Me., Oct. 31. lS+2; m. Nov. 23. 1886, Margaret Marson. b. Dec. 13, 1839; they live at Gardiner, Me. *3698 Olivia Ann, b. Gardiner, Me., Nov. 28, 1843. 3699 Harriet Jane, b. Gardiner, Me., May 7, 1845; d. Apr. 30, 1849. 3700 Ella Rachel, b. Gardiner, Me., June 22, 1847 ; d. May 26. 1849. 3701 Walton Olney, b. Gardiner, Me., Apr. 17, 1849; d. Aug. 14, 1878; he graduated from Bowdoin College (1872) ; he was 3 sea captain and died in Rio Janeiro. 3702 Willard F., b. June 9, 1850; d. Nov. 19, 1851. *3703 Ella Jane, b. Gardiner, Me., Jan. 14, 1852. 2141 Delia Ann Hooker (Riveriiis," Riverius,'^ Daniel,* Daniel,-* Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Riverius and Huldah (Maynard) Cannon Hooker, b. April 1, 1821 ; m. Jan. 1, 1840, Baker Andrews, b. 1818. He died Aug., 1902. She died Feb. 11, 1885. CHILDREN, ANDREWS. 3704 Anna, m. Stinson ; they had one daughter. *3705 Arthur. 3706 Frank, m. and had one daughter. 3707 Fred, married; lives at Lewiston, ;Me. EIGHTH GENERATION 20 EIGHTH GENERATION 2239 Mary Gridley (Thomas Gridley," Mary,« Andrew.^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Thomas Hooker and Liicella (Kirtland) Gridlev of Rochester, N. Y., b. Aug. 30, 1801, at Durham, X. Y.: m'. Sept. 8. 1818, Job C. Hart, son of Comfort and Sibil (Churchill) Hart of Pompey, N. Y. They lived first at Pompey and then at North Chili, N. Y. She died Oct. 8, 1864, at Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN, HART. 3708 Louisa, b. Oct. 21, 1821, at Pompey, N. Y. ; d. Jany. 2, 1862. 3709 .Martha M., b. May 6, 1824, at North Chili, N. Y. 2240 Maria Gridley (Thomas Gridley.' Mary,^ Andrew,' Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,- ThomasM. daughter of Thomas Hooker and Lucella (Kirtland) Gridlev of Churchville. X. Y., b. March 4, 1803, at Durham. N. Y. : m. July 30. 1826, Horace E. Stevens, son of Eber and Tabitha (Bnshnell) Stevens of Fairfield, N. Y., b. April 14, 1801. at Middleville, X. Y. He died Sept. 11, 1883. at Churchville, X. Y. She died Oct 29, 1885, at Ogden, X. Y. CHILDREN, STEVENS. 3710 Han-ey K., b. Jany. 2, 1828, at Riga. X. Y. ; m. April 18. 1858, Maria Chappell. 3711 Henry G., b. Oct. 23, 1831, at Riga, X. Y. ; m. Jany. 3, 1861, Sarah Wheeler. 3712 Ann M., b. Jany. 24, 1836. at Riga, X. Y. ; m. Mar. 13, 1861, Christopher Hill. 3713 Edmund E.. b. Jime 18, 1837, at Riga, X. Y. ; m. Xov. 15, 1871, Charlotte M. Smith. 2241 Giles Franklin Gridley (Thomas Gridley,^ Mary.* An- drew,-' Samuel.^ Samuel.^ Samuel." ThomasM. son of Thomas Hooker and Lucella (Kirtland) Gridlev of Xorth Chili, X. Y., b. Xov. 3, 1806. at Pompey. X. Y. ; m' Oct. 20. 1831, Rebecca Stevens, daughter of Eber and Tabitha (Bushnell) Stevens of Fairfield. X. Y., b. June 29, 1808. at Fairfield, N. Y. Thev lived at Xorth Chili. N. Y. He died Dec. 22, 1886, at Xorth Chili, X. Y. She died March 30, 1882. at Xorth Chili, X. Y. CHILDREN, GRIDLEV. 3714 Frank, b. Julv 26, 1832, at North Chili. N. Y. ; m. Feby. 10, 1863, Mary Jane Hill. 3715 Caroline Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1834, at North Chili, N. Y. 307 308 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker S716 Man- lane. b. Mar. I?. lSo9. a: Xonh Quli. N. V. 3717 Harriet Lixilla, b. Oc-- 23. ISiZ at North Chiiu N*. Y. : d. Oct. 21. IST?. at Konh Caili, N. Y.; m. Sept. 14, 1869. Francis 371S G«onre Elcr. b" Oct. 22. ISM. at Xonh ChCi. X. Y. 3719 Albert Henry, b. Oct. 11. 1S46, at Xorth Quli, X. Y. 2242 Harriet Louisa Gridley ( Thomas Gridley.* Mary.* An- drew.' Samue!,- Samuel.^ Samuel.* Thomas'"), daughter of Thomas Hooker and Lucilla ( Kirtland") Gridlev of Ogden, X. Y.. b. May 12. 1810. at Pompey. X. Y.. m. Feb. 12. 1831. Anson Fowler, son of Abel and Mars- ( Eddv"> Fowler of Church ville. N. Y.. b. Feb. 15. ISCW. at 'Fairfield. X. Y. Thev lived at Church\-i!le. X. Y.. and Wheatland, Mich. He died 'March 15. 1855. at WTieatland. Mich. 3720 ; kir^Iand. b. Aug. 11. 18S2, at Charcliville, X. Y.: m. - 1S61. Eunice tddv. 3721 Mary Louisa, b. Jtme IS. 1S>4. at Chnrchville. X. Y.: m. July 11. 1S59. Corae'ias Carler Dearing. 3722 Frank Grid!^. b. Aoril 24. 1836, at \\"heat!an4 Mich. : m. Oct. 1. 1SS4. ]enme Belle Fanner. 3723 Ami .\tne::a. b. Jacv. 24. 1*«. at Wheatland \rich.; m. Sept. 8. 1S&4. Henrr Brigham Fuller. 3724 Lucilla Maria, b. .\ug. 27. 185a at Wheatland. Mick: d. .\oril 4. 187Z a: Wheatland. Mich. ; m. Feby 2. 1871, Harv«y McGee. 2243 John Kirtland Gridley < Thomas Gridley,' Mar>-,* .An- drew.* Samuel.* Samuel.^ Sa- - ~ -as'), son of Thomas Hooker and Lucilla ( Kirtlar ;: Xorth Chili. X. Y.. b. .\pril 20. 1813. at Pompev. X. Y.. m. Ausr. 3. 1&40, Minerva E. Oliver, b. Tune 29. 1820.' In 1836 he settled at Lockport. X. Y.. and engaged in mill- ing and real esta'- ■-•^-ess in which he continued successful- ly all his life. .- Tune 10. 1868. at Lock-port, X. Y. CHiirzEX. oarxxv. 3T2S ilary S_ b. .\pri! 16. 1843. a- L X. Y.; d. Xov. 29. 1862. at Lockport. N'. Y. 3725 Eaana IL. b Jany. 23, 18S. -■ - : - X. Y.; d. Sept. 1, 1863, ^'. Lcckport, X. Y. 2245 Ira Bingham TAlmira." Martin.* .Andrew.^ Samuel.* Samuel.^ S2~ue!.- Thomas^), son of Edward and .A.lm.ira rHookeri Bingham, b. .\pril 3. 1808. at Tav. X. Y.: m. Mav 22. 1831. Sallv Holdridge. He died Feb. 4. r849. She died .\pril 6,1885. Eighth Generation 3727 Eliza Ann, b. ;-: : :^::. ; .-.-^ ::. 1SS3: - - :i^ _ 5728 }.5£rs-, b. Ocl 20, HM. 3729 Sari Ahnira. b. Jme 20. ISG; d. 7-: : :- 1 r _l-;-:- '373'3 Ira Ass-^r.ii-. a. Wav 6. 1844. 3731 Se-i K". b. June 19. Is46. 2245 Samuel Bingham .-J~:ra." >r2rt!n.* Ancrevr,- Sam- uel,' Samuel.^ Sa: - - - - : . i- ^ i' ; >.! — ;-! (Hooker) Bingha;... .. _:.- _. .i.._ " '/.'.-- r.-Z- riet H. Gridlev, b. ApriJ 15. 1819. S; : -f . at Xewark. 111. 3732 Rachel Alrn rz : 7- :. 1S3S; d Ang. j:, Ir-i; 3733 Martin .\inos. b. Aug. il, 1840. '3734 Sarah Maria, b. JeIt 14. 1843. 3735 Jiarea-et .\neuFia. b. Mar. 18. 1846: d. Seos. 9. 1847. 3736 Man^ Oizabe'tfl, b. A::g. 8. 1845: 12. Dsi 3L 1S5& Hesrr M. Sanr:der5. 3737 Sam-je- Jcdson, b. Jnn-e & 1854: d SepL 20, 1&4. 2248 Henry Bingfaam (Almira," Martin.* Andrew,* Sana- uel,- Samuel.^ Samuel.- Thomas-), son of Edward and Almira (Hooker ) Bingham, b. 1824. ai Tav. X. Y. : m. Louisa Gridlev. He died Jan., 1903. 3738 Anffcsta. 3739 LTdia. 374- Lee (Hooker) Macomber of Fair Haven, Vt., b. Dec. 26, 1824, at Danby, X. Y. ; m. Aug. 30, 1847, Levi Waterman Collins, son of Timothv and Susan (Colby) Collins of Brook-field, \'t., b. Oct. 5, 1823, at Brookfield, Vt. He died June 9. 1902. CHUDBEK, COLLINS. 3751 Herbert Roscoe. b. Mav 8, 1850; d. Sept. 13, 1850. *3752 Frank Emmett, b. Feb. 26. 1853. 3753 Carrie Imogene. b. March 19, 1854; d. Aug. 11, 1854. *3754 Charles Willie, b. Jan. 28. 1857. *3755 Adelbert Wentworth, b. Nov. 10, 1863; m. June 20, 1888, Ada Beatrice Fuller. 2352 Chester Hooker (John,' Brainard,'' Hezekiah,' Heze- kiah,* John,* Samuel.- Thomas^), son of John and Sallv (Briggs) Hooker of Middlebun.-, Vt., b. Sept. 28, 1796, at Mid'- dlebury, Vt. : m. No. 1, Cynthia Granger. He m. X'^o. 2, June 22, 1828, Eunice Brewer, daughter of Abner Smith and Abigail (Brown) Brewer of Cape Vincent, b. Mav 16, 1806, at Cape Vincent. He died Feb. 12. 1864, at Cato.'Cavuga, Co., N. Y. She died Jan. 26, 1891. at Palmyra, X. Y. CHILDREX, HOOKER. By 1st wife. 3756 yiercy. *3757 Electa. Bv 2nd wife. *3758 George A., b. Oct. 16. 1829. *3759 Horatio Nelson, b. Aug. 9, 1831. Eighth Generation ^ll 3760 Henr>- S., b. April 2a, 1833. 3761 Danvin C, b. April 4, 1835. 3762 Adaline O., b. Mar. 9, 1837. 3763 Francis E., b. Feby. 20, 1839. 3764 .\ngelina E.. b. Oct. 4, 1841. 3765 Chester, b. July 20, 1844. 2359 Jennette Hooker (Charles,' Brainard,^ Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah.^ John.^ Samuel,^ ThomasM. daughter of Charles and Nancy (Pettibone) Hooker of Middlebtirj-, Vt., b. Jan. 9, 1802, at Mi'ddlebur\- : m. Sept. 22. 1822. Abel Case, son of Nathan and Rachel (Munger) Case of Middlebun.-, Vt., b. Sept. 22, 1802. They lived in Middlebun.-. \"t.. where he was a farmer. Later they moved to Carmel, Mich. She died Feb. 26, 1873, at Char- lotte, Mich. CHILDREX, CASE. 3766 Erastus, b. Mav 22. 1S24. at Middleburv, Vt., died Feby. 4, 1899. *3767 Charles, b. Mav 28. 1830, at Middleburv. Vl *3768 Ellen, b. Feb. 11, 1841. 3769 Emma. b. Nov. 28, 1842 : m. Sept. 19. 1866, John O. Thomas. 2362 Sarah Hooker (Charles,' Brainard,* Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel.- ThomasM, daughter of Charles and Nancv (Pettibone) Hooker of Middlebur\-, Vt.. b. March 11, 1808, at Middlebury, Vt. : m. March 11, 1828, Nelson Mead, son of Teremiah and Pollv (Gorham") Mead of Rutland, Vt., b. Dec. 2, i8(H, at Rutland. Vt. He died March 16. 1S96. at Charlotte. Mich. She died Oct. 30. 1869, at Charlotte, Mich. CHILDREN-, IIEL^D. 3770 .A.ngeline, b. Feb. 8. 1829. d. Aug.. 1869: m. Samuel Shattuck. •3771 Horatio H., b. Apr. 18. 1834. *3772 Jenett L., b. Mav 5. 1836. 3773 Man- .\nn. b. Dec. 5, 1838. d. June 24. 1862: m. .\nthonv Rhodes. *3774 Alta' A., b. April 26. 1841. 3775 Ella C, b. March 10. 1844: m. Orrin D. Morse. *3776 Wonhy L. C. b. June 14, 1846. 2364 Emeline Hooker (Charles," Brainard.® Hezekiah.' Hezekiah.* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Charles and Nancv (.Pettibone) Hooker of Middleburv-. \'t., b. Tulv 30, 1812, 'at Middlebun,-. Vt. : m. No. 1. April 6.'l831. Stephen' Gor- ham Mead, son of Teremiah and Pollv (Gorham) Mead of Middleburv-, Vt., b. "April 1. 1810, at Bristol, \'t. Thev re- moved in i&45, to Olivet. Mich., where he died April 28. '1850. She m. No. 2, Abel Nettleton, son of Philemon and Lvdia 312 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Nettleton, b. June 16, 1810. They lived at Olivet, Mich., where he died Sept. 10, 1873. She died June 18, 1895. CHILDREN, ME.^D-NETTLETON. (Mead) "Zm Louisa Hooker, b. Nov. 22, 1832, at Middlebiiry, Vt. *3778 George Washington, b. Jany. 18, 1839. *3779 Charles Hooker, b. July 17, 1848, at Olivet, Mich. 3780 Junette Virginia, b. Sept. 8, 1850, at Olivet, Mich. ; d. Jany. 20, 1867, at Olivet, Mich. (Nettleton). *3781 May Carrol b. Sept. 23, 1853, at Olivet, Mich. 2368 Christopher Columbus Phelps (Mary,'' Brainard,*' Hezekiah,'^' Hezekiah,'* John,'' Samuel,'*' ThoinasM, son of Burn- ham and Mary Deming (Hooker) Phelps of Middlebury, Vt., b. July 7, 1823; m. Nov. 17, 1854, Hannah Leonard of Troy, Wis. Mr. Phelps, in early life moved with his parents to the west. His mother died while on the journey. The family settled at Dover, III. After his marriage he settled at Troy, Wis. CHILDREN, PHELPS. 3782 Son, b. March 2, and d. Mar. 7, 1856, at Troy, 'Wis. 3783 Alice Adelia, b. Oct. 3, 1858, at Troy, Wis. 3784 Lyman S., b. April 21, 1861, at Troy, Wis. 2370 Diantha Phelps (Mary.'' Brainard,® Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Burnham and Mary Deming (Hooker) Phelps of Middlebury, Vt., b. Oct. 3, 1828', at Middlebury. Vt., went with her father to Dover, 111. ; m. Oct. 30, 1866, Franklin A. Hope (his 2nd wife ; his first wife having been her sister Lucv.) He died Sept. 18, 1884, at Marlboro, 111. CHILD, HOPE. 3785 Franklin, b. Sept. 4, 1867, at Marlboro, III. 2372 James Hooker (Hezekiah,' Jesse,® Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,^ John,'' Saiuuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden, N. Y., b. Dec. 20, 1806, at Dryden ; m. Hutchins. He was a shoemaker. He died May 17, 1837. CHILD, HOOKER. 3786 Nelson, m. twice; he had a son by his 1st wife; he served in the Civil War. Eighth Generation 313 2373 Aurelia Hooker (Hezekiah,'^ Jesse," Hezekiah,' Heze- kiah,'' John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden, X. Y., b. Aug. 13, 1808, at Dryden, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 13, 1835, Abram Hohnes Rounesville, son of John and Rebecca (Chamberlain) Rounesville of Caro- line, N. Y., b. Sept. 14. 1804. at Caroline, N. Y. He died Dec. 2, 1884, at Waupun, Wis. She died Sept. 10, 1867, at Wau- pun. Wis. CHILD, ROUNESVILLE. 3787 Minerva Emeline, b. Sept. 16, 1836, at McLean, N. Y.; d. Feb. 27, 1860, at Waupun, Wis. 2374 Culver Hooker (Hezekiah," Jesse,® Hezekiah,* Heze- kiah,'* John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) "Hooker of Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., b. May 9, 1810, at Drvden, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 17, 1833, Rosina Sanford, b. June 10, 1809.' She died at Virgil. N. Y. He m. Xo. 2, April 3, 1S51, Laura Jagger, b. March 14, 1819. She died Feb. 4, 1896. He died Aug. 17, 1882, at Homer, X. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. 3788 Larenna (or Laverna) born April 22, 1834; d. Mar. 2, 1837. By second wife. 3789 Harmon Culver, b. .A.pril 8, 1852; m. Mar. 6, 1878, .Mice David- son. 2377 Hannah Hooker (Hezekiah,' Jesse," Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden, b. June 11, 1816, at Dryden> N. Y. ; m. Simeon Little, son of Robert and Anna (Compton) Little of Danbv, X. Y., b. Xov. 6. 1808: d. Xov. 29, 1894. She died at Danby,' Jime 19, 1883. CHILDRE.N'. LITTLE. *3790 Washington, b. March 28, 1839. 3791 Harrison, b. June 5, 1842, d. June 14, 1863. 3792 Lovica Ann, b. Aug. 26, 1845; m. Sept. 28, 1898, Rev. Seabur>' Keeny. *3793 Culver, b. Nov. 29, 1847. 2379 Eli Hooker (Hezekiah,^ Jesse," Hezekiah,* Hezekiah,* John.s Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden, X. Y., b. Sept. 17, 1820, at Dryden : m. Feb. 19, 1851, Catherine Richardson Sharp, daughter of Rev. John 314 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker and Elizabeth (Richardson) Sharp of London, Eng., b. Jan. 6, 1832, at Gambier, Ohio. Mr. Hooker removed to Fond du Lac, Wis., in 1846, and studied law. He published the first paper estabHshed in the county, was admitted to the bar in 1854, and became a very successful lawyer. He purchased the "Waupun Times" in 1867, and eventually gave its editorship to his son. He died Dec. 10, 1889, at Waupun, Wis. She died Jan. 10, 1890, at Waupun, Wis. CHILDREN, HOOKER, *3794 Viola Adelle, b. July 28, 1852, at Waupun, Wis. *3795 Culver E., b. Feby. 10, 1855. at Waupun, Wis. 3796 Rosa, b. Jany. 11, 1858, at Waupun, Wis. *3797 Lillian Katharine, \>. Dec. 21, 1869, at Waupun, Wis. 2380 Wesley Hooker (Hezekiah,'' Jesse,* Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,'* John,3 Samuel," Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden, N. Y., b. Jime 19. 1823; m. Oct. 5, 1848, Chary Ann Haight, b. March 13, 1824, at Virgil, N. Y., daughter of Gilbert and Mary (Blue) Haight of Scipio, Cay- uga Co., N. Y. She died Jan. 28, 1898. CHILD^ HOOKER, 3798 Mary Lovice, b. July 22, 1849, at Auburn, N, Y. 2382 Franklin Hooker (Hezekiah,^ Jesse,® Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Lovice (Roe) Hooker of Dryden. N. Y., b. Jan. 31, 1828, at Dryden, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 29, 1854, Melissa Delphine Steele, daughter of John Brown and Dianna (Vanderbilt) Steele of Ulysses, N. Y., b. Sept. 13, at Ulysses, N. Y. He was a fruit grower. CHILDREN, HOOKER, 3799 Carrie Augusta, b, Aug, 11. 1858, at Ithaca, N, Y. 3800 Emma Kate, b, Nov, 19. 1864, at Ithaca, N, Y, 2384 Joseph Burling Pixley (John Pixley,^ Abigail," Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John Hooker and Marv (Burling) Pixley of New York City, b. April 16, 1813, at'Norwich, Conn.; m. Oct. 1, 1835, Charlotte M, Killam, daughter of Eliphalet and Charlotte Mary (Holton) Killam of Albany, N. Y., b. July 6, 1814, at Ellington, Conn. He was a Baptist minister at Fabius and other places in New Eighth Generation 315 York State. He died Jan. 31, 1880, at Preston Hollow, N. Y. She died April 16, 1886, at Lima, N. Y. Both were buried at Preston Hollow, N. Y. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 3801 Mary Wallace, b. Jany. 31, 1837, at Fabius, N. Y. ; d. Feby. 2, 1842, at DeRiiyter, N. Y. 3802 Joseph Williams, b. Feby. 23, 1839, at Fredonia, N. Y., d. April IS, 1895. at Lima, Ohio; m. Foby. 3, 1881, Sadie Goldsbcrry. 3803 Marv Wallace, b. Oct. 2, 1841, at De Ruyter, N. Y. ; d. May 2, 1869; m. June 10, 1863, B. C. Rogers, in Worcester, N. Y. 3804 George Henry, b. Dec. 15, 1845, at Fenner, N. Y., d. Feby. 12, 1849, at Hartwick, N. Y. 3805 Abbie Sophia, b. April 10, 1856, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Feby. 10, 1878, Herbert Crippen ; she is a Field Missionary of the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of Ohio. 2385 Thomas Burling Pixley (John Pixley,'' Abigail," Heze- kiah,^ Hezekiah,'* John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John Hooker and Mary (Burling) Pixley of East Bloomfield, N. Y., and other places ; m. Julia Stevens of Fabius, N. Y. He died Jan. 1, 1850, at Cold Spring, Wis. She died 1857, at Fabius, N. Y. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 3806 Caroline, b. 1839, at Fabius, N. Y. ; d. 1863, at Fabius, N. Y. 3807 Thomas Burling, Jr. ; has a hop ranch at Tacoma, Wash. 3808 Henrietta, b. 1845 at Cold Spring, Wis. ; m. Jacob Hinnian ; resides at Elkhart, Ind. 3809 Julia, b. 1847, at Cold Spring, Wis.; m. 1866, Hiram Burleigh; lives at Rochester, N. Y. 2386 John Henry Pixley (John Pixley,' Abigail," Heze- kiah,'' Hezekiah,^ Jolin,'' Samuel," Thomas'), son of John Hooker and Harriet (Wilkinson) Pixley of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. 1819, at New York City; m. 1859, Catherine Tuttle of Henrietta, N. Y. He died 1893, at Idaho, in a snow storm on the Rocky Mts. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 3810 Minnie, d. 1890. 3811 George. 3812 Theodore. 2388 Theodore Pixley (John Pixley.'^ Abigail," Hezekiah"' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John Hooker and Harriet (Wilkinson) Pixley of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. 316 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker at East Bloomfield, X. Y. ; m. Lucy Winslow of Eagle Harbor, N. Y. He died 1884, at Charlotte, Mich. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 3813 Ella, b. 1855; m. Febv, 11, 1870, D. Casterlin. 3814 George, b. at Charlotte, Mich. ; d. 1878, at Charlotte, Mich. 2389 Maria Pixley (John Pixley,'' Abigail,*' Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of John Hook- er and Harriet (Wilkinson) Pixley of East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, 1855, John Stroger. They lived at Penfield, N. Y., where he was a farmer. She m. No. 2. 1865, Elisha Bradley of East Bloomfield, N. Y. She died 1869, at Ypsilanti, Mich. CHILDREN, STROGER-BRADLEY. l=t marriage, Stroger. 3815 Hattie. 2nd marriage, Bradley. 3816 Birdsell. 3817 Minnie. 3818 George, d. 1890. 3819 Theodore, d. 1890. 2390 Isaac Chauncey Pixley (Ira Pixley,^ Abigail,* Heze- kiah.^ Hezekiah.^ John." Samuel.^ Thomas'), son of Ira and Sarah (Adams) Pixlev of East Bloomfield. N. Y., b. Nov. 20, 1810. at East Bloomfi'eld, N. Y. : m. Dec. 8, 1831, Abigail G. Peck, daughter of William Peck of Hartford, Conn., b. March 31, 1811. at Hartford. Conn. In 1868 thev moved to Illinois. He died Julv 8, 1894, at Freeport, 111. She died March 16, 1879, at Amboy, 111. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. 3820 Charles, b. Sept. 16, 1844, at Lyons, Mich.; he was a jeweler at Milford, Mich. 3821 Ira, b. May 10, 1846, at Lyons, Mich.; d. Feb. U, 1897, at Elgin, 111.; he was a jeweler at Elgin, 111. 3822 Walter, b. May 12, 1848, at Lyons, Mich.; he was a jeweler at Elgin. Mich. 3823 William, b. 1833, at Lyons, Mich. ; lives at Reedsburg, Wis. 2393 John Hooker Pixley dra Pixley,' Abigail," Hezekiah,' Hezekiah,^ John.' Samuel.^ Thomas'), son of Ira and Sarah (Adams) Pixlev of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. Aug. 11, 1819, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, March 10, 1840, Jane Tal- Eighth Generation 317 madge. He m. No. 2, April 23, 1856, Ruby Sherman of Cha- tauquau, N. Y. He died Feb. 16, 1899, at Grand Rapids, Mich. CHILDREN, PIXLEY. By second wife. 3824 Kate P., m. Robinson of Detroit, Mich. 3825 Lily, b. Jan. 7, 1860; m. Treadwell of Grand Rapids, Mich. 3826 Frederick A., b. Feb. 24, 1862 ; lives in Milwaukee, Wis. 3827 Sidney W., b. Dec. 8, 1866; m. Ann Smith; they live at Grand Rapids, Mich. 2394 Henry Martin Pixley (Ira Pixley,^ Abigail," Heze- kiah,'^ Hezekiah,-* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Ira and Sarah (Adams) Pixlev of East Bloomfield. N. Y., b. July 17, 1823, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; m. July 27, 1846, Almira Sal- mon, daughter of Joel K. and Roxy (Rice) Salmon of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. Aug. 1, 1825, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. He was for tvventv-five years engaged in manufacturing safes. etc., at Toledo, Oliio. He died Sept. 10, 1896, at Toledo, Ohio. CHILDREN, PIXLEV. 3828 Helen S., b. Feb. 20. 1848, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 3, 1894; m. July 27, 1864, Dewitt P. Hubbard. 3829 Charles Henry, b. Sept. 27, 1849, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 25, 1872, Jennie Boyce of Lansing, Mich. 3830 George Latimer, b. Sept. 5, 1855, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 1, 1861, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. 3831 Jennie Sophia, b. Sept. 5, 1855. at East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 22, 1864, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. 3832 Edward Irving, b. Nov. 23, 1863, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. 2395 Mary Augusta Pixley (Ira Pixley,'' Abigail,^^ Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Sarah (Adams) Pixlev of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. July 13, 1826, at East Bloomfield, N. Y. : m. May 11. 1852. Henry Perry Bradley, son of Harvev S. and Maria (Rose) Bradley of East Bloomfield. N. Y.. b. j'uly 13, 1820. at East Bloomfield, N. Y. They lived at Baltimore. Md.. where he was a carpenter. CHILDREN, BRADLEY. 3833 Ira Amelia, b. Jan. 31, 1855, at Northville, Mich.; m. Jan. 13, 1877, Harry A. Leonard. 3834 William Henry, b. July 18, 1861, at Ypsilanti. Mich.; m. 1st, Nov. 21, 1888, Erthilda Ritter; m. 2nd, Martha Bundy. 2397 Sarah Ann Sperry (Fanny Pixley,'' Abigail," Heze- kiah^, Hezekiah,* John,-'' Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of 318 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker James and Fanny (Pixley) Sperrj' of Henrietta, N. Y., b. Oct. 1812; m. William Waring Latting of Baltimore, Md. They lived at Henrietta, N. Y., where he was principal of the Acad- emy, and she a teacher in his school. Afterward she came to Rochester, N. Y. She died March, 1896. CHILDREN, LATTING. 3834a Minnie Elizabeth, m. Erasmus Darwin Hallock. 3835 James Sperry. 3836 Edward 2399 Henry Hamilton Sperry (Fanny Pixley,^ Abigail," Hezekiah,'^ Hezekiah,^ John,'' Samuel,- ThomasM, son of James and Fannv (Pixley) Sperry of Henrietta, N. Y., b. Jan. 29, 1819, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. July 31. 1844, Elizabeth Ann Sny- der, daughter of Andrew and Sabra Snyder of Henrietta, N. Y., b. 1822, at New Lebanon, N. Y. He died Jan. 30, 1897, at Henrietta, N. Y. She died Jan. 1, 1888, at Henrietta, N. Y. CHILDREN, SPERRY. 3837 James Henry, b. June 18, 1845, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 3838 Elizabeth Stewart, b. Sept. 2, 1851, at Covington, Ky. ; d. July 12, 1870. 2403 Moses M. Sperry (Dr.) (Fanny Pixley .'^ Abigail,^ Hezekiah.* Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of James and Fanny (Pixley) Sperry of Henrietta, N. Y., b. April 1, 1830, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 8, 1857, Olive Canf^eld, daughter of Asher and Roby Canfield of Concord, N. Y., b. March 19, 1837, at Bennington. N. Y. He was a practising physician at Rochester, N. Y., and health officer of the city. He served in the civil war in the medical department of the Third New York Cavalry, Col. Mix commanding. In 1863 he was discharged on account of injuries received at the battle of Swans Ouarter, N. C. He died Sept. 24, 1902. at Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN, SPERRY. 3839 Sarah Ella. b. Oct. 26. 1857. at Henrietta, N. Y. ; d. May 2, 1890. at Lawton, N. Y. ; m. May 10, 1881, Clarence Fayette Lawton. 3840 George Asher. b. Mar. 29, 1864. at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 19, 1888. Anna May Cook. 3841 James Henry, b. Aug. 17, 1875. at Springville, N. Y. Eighth Generation 319 2404 Edward Sperry (Fanny Pixley,^ Abigail,'' Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel," Thomas*), son of James and Fan- ny (Pixley) Sperry of Henrietta, N. Y., b. Oct. 12, 1833, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 19, 1858, Clarissa Delano Colvin, daughter of Ashlev and Margaret Plunkett (Richardson) Col- vin. He died Dec' 10, 1892, at Battle Creek, Mich. Killed by a powder explosion. She died Sept. 19, 1871, at Battle Creek, Mich. CHILDREN, SPERRY. 3842 Fanny Abigail, b. May 15, 1859, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. June 30, 1878, Tyler S. Austin, of Kalamazoo, Mich. 3843 Ashley, b. and d. 1860, at Henrietta, N. Y. 3844 Margaret Plunkett, b. Jan. 24, 1861, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 10, 1885, Alfred Raper (an Englishman) at Battle Creek, Mich. 3845 William Harvey, b. Oct. 8, 1863, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. March, 1898, Dora Sharpesteen. 3846 Clarissa Adelaide, b. Dec. 10, 1868, at Battle Creek, Mich. ; m. 1888, Frederick J. Getten. 2407 John Amos Root (James Root," Abigail,"^ Hezekiah/ Hezckiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas*), son of James and Sarah (Utter) Root (2nd wife) of Moscow, N. Y., b. Oct. 17, 1830, at Moscow, N. Y. ; m. June 4, 1856, Emily March, daughter of Elias and Sarah (Ward) March of Lyons, Mich. They lived at Lyons, Mich. CHILDREN, ROOT. 3847 James, b, at Lyons, Mich. ; m. Eva Crane. 3848 LeRoy Vincent, b. Feb. 26, 1869, at Lyons, Mich.; m. April 9, 1896, Elizabeth Henderson ; lives at Needles, Cal. 2408 Mary A. Root (James Root,' Abigail,'"' Hezekiah,* Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of James and Sarah (Utter) Root (2nd wife) of Moscow, N. Y., b. June 29, 1836, at Sherman, Ohio; m. Sept. 10. 1860, Allen Henry Mosher, son of Bingham and Ruth (Vetterunburg) Mosher of Homer, Wayne Co., N. Y., b. July 20, 1838, at Homer, N. Y. They live at St. Johns, Clinton Co., Mich. CHILDREN, MOSHER. 3849 Sarah Adella, b. Feb. 10, 1865. 3850 Henry Adelbert, b. Feb. 10, 1865. 2409 Phebe Helen Root (James Root.' Abigail," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of James and 320 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Sarah (Utter) Root (2nd wife) of Sherman, Ohio, b. March 26, 1840, at Sherman, Ohio; m. James Vincent Salmon of De- troit, Mich., b. July 30, 1836, at Detroit, Mich. They reside at Granville, Kent Co., Mich., where he is a farmer. CHILDREN, SALMON. 3851 Ruby Madaline, b. Aug. 7, 1869; m. Frederick Wood. 3852 Vernon Vincent, b. April 17, 1871. 3853 Sarah Inez, b. July 11, 1881. 2414 Henry Hooker (Azel,^ Gilbert," Hezekiah," Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), .son of Azel and Catherine Ripley Hooker of Clyde, N. Y., b. Feb. 14, 1835, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. 1856, Clementine Russell, daughter of Alexander W. and Katherine( Noble) Russell of Indianapolis, Ind., b. March 15, 1836. at Indianapolis, Ind. He died March 25, 1866, at In- dianapolis, Ind. She died Dec. 16. 1877. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3854 James Henry, b. July 7. 1858, at Indianapolis, Ind. *385S "Margaret Ann. b. July 16, 1861, at Indianapolis, Ind. 3856 Rebecca, b. and d. 1863, at Indianapolis, Ind. 3857 Henry Samuel, b. April 29, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind. 2417 John Hooker (Azel," Gilbert," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas') son of Azel and Catherine (Ripley) "Hooker of Clyde. N. Y., and of other places, b. August 14. 1840, at Buffalo, N. Y. : m. Jan. 24, 1867, Louisa Brooks of Wood- bury, Ind. He died Feb. 28, 1895, at Indianapolis, Ind. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3858 Frank Ripley, b. May 3. 1868, at Woodbury, Ind. 3859 John Sims, b. May 30. 1869, at Woodbury, Ind. ; d. Nov. 19, 1870. at Woodbury, Ind. 3860 Anna C, b. Feb. 19, 1871. at Woodbury, Ind. ; d. Oct., 1875, at Woodbury, Ind. .3861 George Vanzant. b. June 26, 1872, at Woodbury, Ind. 3862 Edna Grace, b. Oct. 21, 1874, at Woodbury. Ind. ; d. July, 1877, at Woodbury, Ind. .3863 Nellie Clementine, b. April 16. 1876, at Woodbury, Ind. 3864 Jesse Pearl, b. Jan. 31, 1878, at Woodbury, Ind. 2419 Franklin Hooker (Azel,'' Gilbert,'' Hezekiah,^ Heze- kiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Azel and Catherine (Ripley) Hooker of Clyde, N. Y.. b. Julv 20, 1845, at Buffalo, N. Y.; m. No. 1, Dec. 21, 1875, Ella Hammond. She died Eighth Generation 321 March 5, 1877 at Indianapolis, Ind. He m. No. 2, Sept. 21, 1879, Flora Belle Johnson, daughter of Marquis L. Johnson of Indianapolis, Ind. They live at Indianapolis, Ind. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. 3865 Alarquis Raymond, b. July 13, 1880, at Indianapolis, Ind. 3866 Oakley Edwin, b. Sept. 27, 1882, at Indianapolis. Ind. *2419a Sarah Ann Hooker (Zina,'' Gilbert,« Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Zina and Caroline Cordelia (Willson) Hooker of Clyde, N. Y., b. May 29, 1836, at Clyde, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 16, 1903, Charles Henry Reed, son of Charles and Samantha (Sumner) Reed, b. Dec. 19, 1834, at Wolcott, N. Y. She d. April 16, 1903, at Darien, N. Y. CHILDREN, REED. James Francis, b. Oct. 3, 1856. Charles Sumner, b. Dec. 21, 1858. Caroline Cordelia, b. Oct. 30, 1860. Frank Eugene, b. May 15, 1863. Henry Willson, b. June 23, 1865; d. Aug. 28, 1871. Fred Hooker, b. Aug. 4, 1871. *2419c Helen Elizabeth Hooker (Zina,'^ Gilbert,^ Heze- kiah," Hezekiah,* John," Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Zina and Caroline Cordelia (Willson) Hooker of Clyde, N. Y., b. Dec. 7, 1841, at Clyde, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 8, 1860, James Clarence Enos, son of Jonathan and Cynthia Enos, b. Dec. 10, 1833, near Auburn, N. Y. CHILDREN, ENOS. Zina Hooker, b. Nov. 5, 1862. Caroline Hooker, b. Nov. 29, 1864. Cynthia Perlietta, b. Oct. 11, 1866. Emma P., b. Feb. 5, 1870. *2419d Emma Cordelia Hooker (Zina,' Gilbert,^ Heze- kiah,'> Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Zina and Caroline Cordelia (Willson) Hooker of Clyde N. Y., b. April 27. 1844, at Clyde, N. Y. ; m. March 7, 1876, James Hook- er Proctor, son of Henry and Lucy (Hooker) Proctor, b. Nov. 6, 1846, at Tekousha, Mich. CHILDREN, PROCTOR. Clara Howard, b. April 8, 1877 ; d. Sept. 2, 1877. Floy Willson, b. May 14, 1880. 21 ill The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2419e Charles Brainerd Hooker (ZinaJ Gilbert," Heze- kiah,'' Hezekiali,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Zina and Caroline Cordelia (VVillson) Hooker of Clyde, N. Y., b. May 21, 1847, at Galen, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 10. 1874, Ella Beadle, daugh- ter of Norman and Jane (Allen) Beadle of Hermitage N. Y., b. Oct. 2, 1855. CHILD, HOOKER. Roy Zina, b. Aug. 21, 1877, at Grand Rapids, Mich. ; m. Oct. 27, 1904, Pearl Undine McKiine, of Detroit, Mich. 2420 Sarah S. Hooker (Thomas,' Thomas," James,'' Heze- kiah,'* John,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Thomas Gould and Esther (Sweet) Hooker of Hopewell, Ontario Co., N. Y., b. Feb. 12, 1805, at Oneida Co., N. Y. ; m. March li, 1826, Moses S. Gates of Hopewell, N. Y., b. Feb. 18, 1800, at Hope- well. Moses Gates was a carpenter by trade. He lived at Hopewell until after the death of his wife, she died July 10, 1868, at Hopewell, N. Y., he then went to the home of his sister-in-law, Aurelia (Hooker) Kidder and remained there until his death. He died July 13, 1869, at West Kendall, N. Y. CHILDREN, G.\TES. 3867 Thomas Darwin, b. Jan. 29, 1827, at Hopewell, N. Y. ; d. May 4, 1849, at Hopewell, N. Y. 3868 Eli L., b. June 8, 1829, at Hopewell, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 14, 1829, at Hopewell, N. Y. 3869 Joseph Ludlow, b. Oct. 27, 1832, at Hopewell, N. Y. ; d. May 27, 1855, at Hopewell, N. Y. 3870 Benjamin Franklin, b. Sept. 14, 1834, at Hopewell, N. Y. d. Aug. 14, 1856, at Hopewell, N. Y. 3871 Sarah Ann, b. July 24, 1841, at Hopewell, N. Y. ; d. April 9, 1850, at Hopewell, N. Y. 2424 Thomas Edwin Hooker (Thomas,' Thomas," James,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Dr. Thomas Gould and Esther (Sweet) Hooker of Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y., b. Feb. 3, 1813, at Augusta, N. Y.; m. No. 1, Sept. 19, 1839, Lucy Hyde, daughter of Harvey and Lucy (Hurlburt) Hyde of Hollv, N. Y., b. Nov. 1, 1819. at Newark, N. Y. She died Aug. 1, 1861, at Murray, N. Y. He m. No. 2, April 29, 1863, Susan Maria Brown, daughter of Henry and Susanna (Stephens) Brown of Boston, Mass.. b. September 29. 1828. at Bo,ston. He died Feb. 18, 1895, at Murray, N. Y. She died Feb. 24, 1886. Eighth Generation 323 CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *3872 Thomas Harvey, b. July IS. 1840, at Murray, N. Y. 3873 Esther Lucy, b. Jan. 4, 1843, at Murray, N. Y. *3874 Emma Louisa, b. Sept. 3. 1846. at Murray, N. Y. 3875 Ellen Lucretia, b. Nov. 3, 1848, at Murray, N. Y. 3876 Eunice Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1851, at Murray, N. Y. ; m. 1st, May 16, 1888, Horace A. Smith; m. 2nd, July 30, 1895, Henry Wells. *3877 Frances Gates, b. Oct. 16, 1853, at Murray, N. Y. 3878 Marcus Edwin, b. Mar. 5, 1856, at Murray, N. Y. *3879 Sarah Ann. b. March 7, 1858, at Murray, N. Y. By 2nd wife. *3880 William Henry, b. Aug. 18, 1864, at Murray, N, Y. 3881 Charles Edward, b. Feb. 13, 1867, at Murray, N. Y. ; d. March 22, 1876, at Murray, N. Y. 3882 Susanna Stephens, b. Oct. 18, 1868, at Murray, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 11. \S84. at Murray, N. Y. *3883 David Gould, b. May 24, 1871, at Murray. N. Y. *3884 Howard Calhoun, b. May 1, 1873, at Murray. 2425 Aurelia Hooker (Thomas,^ Thonia.s," Jaines,^ Heze- kiah,* John,=' Sainuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Thomas Gould and Esther (Sweet) Hooker of Augusta, N. Y., b. July 8, 1815, at Augusta, N. Y. ; m. May 22, 1836, John Kidder, son of John and Alehitable Kidder of Enosburgh, Vt., b. April 6, 1804, at Enosburg, Vt. About 1827, Aurelia Hooker went to Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y., and was married there. Mr. Kid- der was a mason bv trade. He died Aug. 6, 1850. She died Jan. 28, 1890, at W'est Kendall. N. Y. CHILDREN, KIDDER. 3885 Esther Mehitable, b. Feb. 19, 1837. 3886 Sarah Eliza, b. Aug. 23, 1838, d. Jan. 19. 1869. 3887 John. b. Feb. 10, 1840. 3888 Mary Lizana, b. April 17, 1843; m. April 28, 1892, Chester K. Akeley. 3889 David, b. June 12, 1847, d. July 10, 1847. 2436 Betsey Hooker (Myron.'^ Thomas," James,' Heze- kiah,* John.3 Samuel.- ThomasM, daughter of Myron and Sally (Brooks) Hooker, b. 1839; m. Lemue'l Bacon. She died 1839. CHILDREN, BACON. 3890 Myron, died, 1864. 2437 Thomas Cullen Hooker (Myron,' Thomas,® James,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Myron and Sally 324 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker (Brooks) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Feb. 4, 1822, at Poultney ; m. Dec. 31, 1849, Caroline Wilhelmina Danenhower, b. Sept. 26, 1831, at Wurtemberg, Germany, daughter of Frederick and Christena Danenhower. They reside at Brockport, N. Y. He died Oct. 5, 1907. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *3891 Adelbert Cullen, b. March 4, 1851, at Kendall, N. Y. *3892 Ida May, b. Jan. 23, 1855, at Kendall, N. Y. 3893 Florence Louise, b. Oct. 21, 1866, at Hindsburg, N. Y. 2438 Myron Smith Hooker (Myron,' Thoinas,^ James,^ Hezekiah,'' John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Myron and Sally (Brooks) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. 1820; m. 'Marie . He died at Barry, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3894 Charles. 3895 Betsey. 3896 Frank. 2445 Olive Levira Hooker (Truman,' Thomas," James,* Hezekiah,^ John.^ Samuel,- Tliomas'). daughter of Truman and Elizabeth (Griswold) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Jan. 13, 1824, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. March 7, 1843, Chauncey Buel Bax- ter, son of Baxter of Cornwall, Vt. CHILDREN, BAXTER. 3897 Nelson Luther, b. April 16, 1845; d. May 18, 1862, in an .Army Hospital at Baltimore, Md. 3898 Sarah Louise, b. Sept. 8, 1849; d. Sept. 23, 1850. *3899 Edward Hooker, b. Sept. 10, 1852. Note. — We have a note that there were nine children of these, how- ever, we have the names of only three. 2446 Truman Newell Hooker (Truman,^ Thomas," James,® Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Truman and Betsey (Griswold) Hooker of Poultney, Vt. ; b. August 11, 1826, at Castleton, Vt. ; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Lucia Ann Moore, daughter of Elam and Lydia (Wells) Moore of Castleton, Vt., b. Oct. 16, 1829, at Castleton, Vt. He was a farmer. He died Dec. 15, 1891, at Castleton, Vt. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3900 Isadore Templeton, b. Nov. 5, 1855, at Castleton, Vt. ; d. Feb. 19, 1858. at Castleton, Vt. 3901 Judson Newell, b. April 1, 1861, at Castleton, Vt. Eighth Generation 325 2447 Sarah Jane Hooker (Truman,' Thomas," James,^ Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Truman and Betsey (Griswold) Hooker of Pouhney, Vt., b. May 10, 1828, at Pouhney, Vt. ; m. May 17, 1848, John EHjah Ains- worth, son of Perley and Elizabeth (Meacham) Ainsworth of Watertown, N. Y., b. Feb. 20, 1825, JefTerson, Co., N. Y. They reside at Hyde Park, Mass. CHILDREN, AINSWORTH. 3902 Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 30, 1850, at Castleton, Vt, 3903 Harriet Steele, b. July 7, 1851, at Castleton, Vt. ; d. Mar. 2. 1889. 3904 Mary Lovira, b. May 5, 1853, at Castleton, Vt. ; d. July, 1856. 3905 Eva Viola, b. Feb. 5, 1855, at Castleton, Vt. 3906 Aurora Jane, b. May 15, 1856, at Castleton, Vt. 3907 Edward Newell, b. Jan. 12, 1861, at Benson, Vt. ; d. Nov. 19, 1891. 2448 David Griswold Hooker (Truman,' Thomas," James,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas') son of Truman and Betsey (Griswold) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Sept. 14, 1830. at Poultney, Vt. : m. No. 1, Sept. 9, 1862, Sarah Parker Harris, daughter of Nathaniel Harris of Middleburv, Vt., b. July 30, 1837, at Middlebury, Vt. She died April 27, 1868, at Middlebury, Vt. He m. No. 2, Sept. 28, 1871, Julia Almira Ashley, daughter of Dr. William Bliss and Julia Cornwall (Hall) Ashley of Milwaukee, Wis., b. Nov. 16, 1839, at Glaston- bury, Conn. They resided at Milwaukee, Wis., where he was a lawyer of note. He died suddenly, March 24, 1888, at Jack- sonville, Fla. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *3908 Edward Harris, b. Sept. 28. 1863. at Milwaukee. Wis. 3909 Frederick Nathaniel, b. Jan. 22. 1865. 3910 William David, b. Oct. 9, 1867; m. June 12, 1895, Harriet Owen. Bv 2nd wife. 3911 Alice Ashley, b. April 26. 1875. 3912 Julia Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1877. 3913 Edith Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1885. 2449 Edward Payson Hooker (Truman,' Thomas," James,^ Hezekiak,* John,^' Samuel,- Thomas*), son of Truman and Betsey (Griswold) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. July 2, 1834, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. No. 1, Nov. 9, 1857, Annah Baxter, daughter of Luther and Oledine (Rowe) Baxter of Cornwall, Vt., b. June 7, 1834, at Cornwall, Vt. She died Nov. 8, 1869, at Castle- ton, Vt. He m. No. 2, Sept. 6, 1871, Elizabeth Mary Robbins, 326 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker daughter of Samantha (Bowen) Robbins. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1855, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1861. He preached a while in Massachusetts, and is now President of Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. CHILDREN, HOOKER. All by .second marriage. 3914 Bessie Robbins. b. Ang. 18, 1872. 3915 Stuart Van Ransalaer, b. Jan. 6, 1874, at Middlebury, Vt. 3916 Emily Griswoid. b. April 25, 1875. 3917 Edward Clarendon, b. Sept. 17, 1876. 39\8 Mary Stuart, b. June 2, 1878. 3919 David Ashley, b. June 15, 1879. 2450 Solomon Egbert Hooker (Daniel,'' Thomas," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,* .Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Daniel and Orpha (Giddings) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. April 7, 1829, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Dec. 3, 1862, Harriet Johnson of Poultnev, Vt., b. Sept. 2, 1834, at Poultney, Vt. Mr. Hooker and h'is father were pioneers of the slate quarrying and manufacturing business in Vermont, and he is now one of the largest manu- facturers in the state. She died Nov. 11, 1875, at Poultney. Vt. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3920 Elfleda, b. April 9, 1865, at Poultney, Vt. *3921 Egbert Johnson, 1). April 6, 1874, at Poultney, Vt. 3922 Daniel J., b. April 6, 1874, at Poultney, Vt.' 2455 Emily Marsh Hooker (Daniel,^ Thomas," James, ^ Hezckiah,'' John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Daniel and Orpha (Giddings) Hooker of Poultnev, Vt., b. July 15, 1848. at Poultney, Vt. : m. Sept. 2, 1874, Albert S. Hunter, son of Fletcher and Fannv (Martin) Hunter of Cato, Cavuga Co., N. Y., b. April 7, 1850, at Cato, N. Y. He is a book 'publisher and resides at Syracuse, N. Y. CHILDREN, HUNTER. 3923 Paul Hooker, b. April 2, 1876, at La Crosse, Wis. 3924 Bruce Ernest, b. Mar. 27, 1877, at Poultney, Vt. 2456 Franklin Hooker (Chesterfield,^ Thomas," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Chesterfield and Antha (Fieid) Hooker of Cornwall, Vt., b. Oct. 31, 1827, at Cornwall, Vt. ; m. No. 1, Oct. 17, 1854, Sarah Lorenda Park- hill, daughter of David and Lucinda (Rockwell) Parkhill of Cornwall, Vt., b. August 26, 1828, at Cornwall. She died June Eighth Generation ^-~ 13, 1883, at Cornwall, Vt. He m. No. 2, Nov. 23, 1887, Mrs. Marian E. (Wilder) Drake, daughter of Orlando and Amanda (Murray) Wilder. He died Feb. 3, 1896, at Cornwall, Vt. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By 1st wife. *3925 Flora Lucinda, b. July 27, 1859, at Cornwall, Vt. 3926 Eva .A.nthea, b. Aug. 26, 1861, at Cornwall, Vt. ; m. Feb. 8, 1888, Harrison Wilder Drake. 2457 Asahel Carlos Hooker (David,'' Thomas,« James,^ Hezekiah,* lohn,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of David and Betsey (Field) Hooker of Cornwall, Vt., b. June 9, 1825, at Cornwall. Vt. ; m. No. 1, April 27, 1852, Marcia Carpenter, daughter of Nathan and Eunice (Converse) Carpenter of Middlebury, Vt., b. Nov. 26, 1823, at Middlebury, Vt. She died March 3, 1860. He m. No. 2, March 19, 1862, Betsey Perlina Fenn, daughter of Chester and Martha (Field) Fenn of Middlebury, Vt., b. May 9, 1823, at Addison, Vt. They resided at Middlebury, Vt., where he was a fanner. He died Sept. 8, 1899, at Middleburv, Vt. She died Nov. 19, 1898, at Middlebury, Vt. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. 3927 May, b. Oct. 27. 1853. at Middlebury, Vt. ; d. April 12, 1877, at Ripton, Vt. ; m. Jan. 26, 1876, Alson Nathaniel McQuivey. 3928 Edwin, b. March 4, 1857, at Middlebury, Vt. ; d. July 4, 1866, at Middlebury, Vt. 3929 Marcius Carlos, b. Feb. 25, 1860, at Middlebury, Vt.; m. March 21. 1888, Mary Sophia Wales. By 2nd wife. *3930 Charles Lincoln, b. Oct. 20, 1865. at Middlebury, Vt. *3931 Elizabeth Elvira, b. Sept. 14, 1868, at Middlebury, Vt. 2464 Mary Jeannette Hooker (Marquis,'^ James," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Marquis de LaFayette and Lucinda (Batchelder) Hooker of Poultney. Vt., b. May 30, 1822, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Oct. 25, 1848, Judge Francis Norton Mann, son of Jeremiah and Lydia (Norton) Mann of Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., b. June 19, 1802, at Mil- ton, N. Y. He graduated from Union College in 1825, studied law in Rochester and other places, and settled in practice at Troy. N. Y. He was supervisor in 1835 and 1837. From 1840 to 1845 he was one of the judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and Mayor of Troy from 1847 to 1850. He was one of the founders of St. John's Episcopal Church in 1830, and was its senior warden for forty years. He was a director in the Mu- 328 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker tual National Bank and connected with numerous other Asso- ciations. He died Feb. 8, 1880, at Troy, N. Y. She died July 28, 1875, at Troy, N. Y. CHILDREN, MAKN. *3932 Francis Norton, b. Aug. 2, 1849, at Troy, N. Y. *3933 Emily Maria, b. July 22, 1854, at Troy, N. Y. 2465 Lucinda Batchelder Hooker (Marquis,'' James," James,5 Hezekiah,'* John,-* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Marquis de LaFayette and Lucinda (Batchelder) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Dec. 29, 1823, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. May 19, 1847, Charles Cutler, son of Theopholus and Susan (Fames) Cutler of Guildhall, Vt.. b. May 24, 1809, at Guildhall, Vt. They resided at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. He died Sept. 27, 1887, at Honeoye Falls. CHILDREN, CUTLER. 3934 Charles Hooker, b. Sept. 5, 1851, at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. 3935 Edwin Hervey, b. May 4, 1856, at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. 2472 Emily Elizabeth Hooker (^ James,*"' James,^ Heze- kiah,^ John,3 Samuel,- ThomasM. daughter of Asa Christy and Bethia (Bliss) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Oct. 20, 1846, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Nov. 20, 1865, William Howell Gandy son of Thomas and Emeline (Howell) Gandy of Trenton, N. J., b. Oct. 6, 1842, at Trenton, N. J. CHILDREN, GANDY. *3936 Charles Nehemiah, b. June 21. 1867. 3937 William Howell, Jr., b. Jan. 10, 1869. 3938 Nellie, b. Feb. 23, 1876 ; d. Dec. 25, 1879. 3939 Ferdinand Robeling, b. Dec. 17, 1880. 2473 Mary Fuller (Laura,'' Samuel," James.^ Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Col. John and Laura (Hooker) Fuller of Hampton, N. Y., b. August 16, 1811, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 22, 1839, John Ward. He died Nov. 4, 1862. She died April 28, 1884. CHILD, WARD. *3940 George, b. Nov. 13, 1853. 2480 Eunice Josephine Fuller (Laura,'' Samuel," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Col. John Eighth Generation 329 and Laura (Hooker) Fuller of Hampton, N. Y., b. May 2, 1828, at Hampton, N. Y. ; ni. Chandler Hopson. She died Feb. 17, 1857. CHlLDj HOPSON. 3941 Lily E. 2481 Martin Hooker Fuller (Laura, ^ Samuel," James,' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas,'), son of Col. John and Laura (Hooker) Fuller of Hampton, N. Y., b. Jan. 21, 1830, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. Caroline Boget. CHILD, FULLER. 3942 John. 2483 Mariah Louisa Fuller (Laura,'' Samuel,^ James,^ Hezekiah,'* John,* Samuel,- Thomas V). daughter of Col. John and Laura (Hooker) Fuller of Hampton, N. Y., b. Sept. 1, 1835, at Hampton, N. Y. : m. Clark Terrell. She died May 29, 1892. CHILDREN^ TERRELL. 3943 Catherine. 3944 Mary. 3945 Jennie. 3946 WilHam. 2489 Square Ethan Warren (Sarah," Samuel," James,* Hezekiah,'* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Abel and Sarah (Hooker) Warren of Hampton and Shelby, N. Y., b. Sept. 14, 1825, at Shelby; m. No. 1. Jan. 31, 1849, Ellen Davis. She died April 15, 1883. He m. No. 2, Sept. 3. 1884, widow Eliza A. Walker. They are said to have had three children, all by first marriage, but the names of only one has come to us. CHILD. WARREN. 3947 Homer Delos, b. Dec. 1, 1855, at Detroit ; m. Dec. 9, 1879, Susie M. Leach. 2493 Adeline Crocker (Mary," Samuel," James,' Heze- kiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas and Mary (Hooker) Crocker of Pawlet, Vt., b. Feb. 10, 1818, at Pawlet, Vt. ; m. Aug. 10, 1848, Rev. William Kelly, b. Aug. 13, 1820, at County Down, Ireland. Mr. Kelly came to the United 330 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker States in 1844. He was a Methodist Episcopal minister until 1855, when he became a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church and continued in that church until his death. It is understood that he was a student at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He died Aug. 10, 1863, at Dexter, Mich. She died Sept. 19, 1881, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. CHILD, KELLY. *3948 Martin Crocker, b. Feb. 4. 1851, at Dexter, Mich. 2494 Samuel Hooker Crocker (:\Iary,' Samuel,'' James,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas and Mary (Hooker) Crocker of Pawlet, Vt., b. April 23, 1819, at Paw'let, Vt. ; m. No. 1. April 1, 1846, Harriet Jane Ferguson, daughter of Daniel and Zepha (r>aker) Ferguson of Greenville, Bond Co., 111., b. June 15. 1828. She died April 15. 1858, at Greenville, 111. He m. No. 2, Dec. 20. 1859, Abbie Worth Morse, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Kendall) Morse of North Haverhill, N. H. Mr. Crocker was educated in the common schools of Ver- mont. He left home in 1843, and after some travel he settled at Greenville, 111., where he engaged in mercantile pursuit and remained there most of the remainder of his life. He al- ways took an active interest in politics. He was repeatedly elected sheriff of Bond Co., and was postmaster of Greenville during the Buchanan administration, an active Democrat, he always had the friendship and esteem of prominent men of all parties as an upright, honest and trustworthy man of good business qualifications. His open hearted, free and genial man- ners made him friends wherever he went. He is said at one time to have known every man in the county. He enjoyed the personal friendship of Lincoln and Douglass. In 1865, he sold out his business and removed to North Haverhill, N. H. He was a prominent Free Mason and was buried with Ma- sonic honors. He died Dec. 28. 1876, at Greenville, 111. CHILDREN, CROCKER. By 1st wife. *3949 George Martin, b. Aug. 9, \84S. at Greenville, III. 3950 Thomas Hooker, b. Jan. 1, 1850, at Greenville, III.; d. Ang. 9, 1851, at Greenville, 111. 3951 Daniel Ferguson, b. Feb. 3. 1852, at Greenville. 111.; d. Oct. 6, 1853, at Greenville, 111. 3952 Mary Louisa, b. March 26, 1854, at Greenville, 111. *3953 Caroline, b. March 6, 1856, at Greenville, 111. Eighth Generation 331 3954 John W., b. Feb. 8, 1858, at Greenville, III. ; d. Aug. 30, 1858, at Greenville, 111. By 2nd wife. 3955 Hattie Lora, b. Nov. 11, 1861, at Greenville, III. ; d. Jan. 2, 1862, at Greenville, 111. 3956 May, b. July 27, 1863, at Greenville, 111. ; d. Aug. 3, 1863, at Greenville, 111. 3957 Flavins Morse, b. Oct. 6, 1865, at North Haverhill, N. H. 3958 Herbert Samuel, b. June 20, 1867, at North Haverhill, N. H. ; m. April 15, 1903, Edna Louise Mitchell; he graduated from University of Mich. 1889 ; he is a bridge engineer with North- em Pacific R. R. ; they reside in Chicago. 2496 Thomas Martin Crocker (Alary,^ Samuel," James, ^ Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas and Mary (Hooker) Crocker of Pawlet, Vt., b. Nov. 22. 1825, at Paw'let, Vt. ; m. No. 1. May 20, 1849, Fandera Richardson Em- erv, daughter of Andrew and Hannali (Richardson) Emery of Gfoton, Vt., b. Jan. 11, 1826, at Groton, Vt. She died Mav 18, 1876, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. He :n. No. 2, Sept. 1877, Kath- erine Traver Stephens. He m. No. 3, June, 1892, widow Cor- delia (Bristol) Sabin. Mr. Crocker went from Pawlet to Michigan in 1844, and has resided in IMacomb Co., most of the fifty years of his residence in Michigan. He was admitted to the bar in 1859, was prose- cuting attorney for Macomb Co. in 1862-4. Judge of Probate in 1864—7. In 1867 at was a member of the Constitutional Com- vention of the State of Michigan, and at different times presi- dent of the council for the village of Mt. Clemens and Mayor of the city of Mt. Clemens. In 1893, he was appointed collect- or of customs of Port Huron, Mich., and removed to that place, though he continued to practice law in Mt. Clemens. CHILDREN. CROCKER. By 1st wife. *3959 Mary Louisa, b. Jan. 14, 1851, at New Baltimore, Mich. 3960 Ronald Martin, b. July 23, 1854, at New Baltimore, Mich. ; d. Nov. 11, 1857, at New Baltimore. Mich. *3961 Samuel, b. Mar. 22. 1856, at New Baltimore. *3962 Martin, b. Feb. 7, 1858, at New Baltimore. 3963 John William, b. Nov. 4, 1860, at New Baltimore, Mich; d. Jan., 1862, at New Baltimore. 3964 Fandira, b. Dec. 21, 1862, at New Baltimore, Mich. 3965 Adeline, b. Jan. 10, 1865, at New Baltimore ; d. Aug. 19, 1881. 2497 Marion Procilla Hooker (Samuel,'^ Samuel,'' James,'' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel Porus and I^iary (Martin) Hooker of Poultnev, Vt., b. Jan. 28, 1827, at Poultn'ey, m. Sept. 6, 1849, Prof. Alvah Dunning Roe, 3i2 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker son of Alva and Abigail (Dunning) Roe, of North East, N. Y., b. June 28, 1825, at North East, N. Y. She was educated at the Troy Conference Seminary and was very accomplished. After her graduation, she was connected with the Seminary with which Prof. Roe was also connected. She died Aug. 18, 1863, at Salisbury, Conn. CHILDREN, ROE. 3966 Harvey Hooker, b. Sept. 6, 1850, at Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; d. at St. Paul, Minn. 3967 Marion Hooker, b. Dec. 9, 1851, at Red Hook, N. Y. ; d. at St. Paul. Minn. 3968 Alvah Lucius, b. May 1, 1855, at Springfield, Mass. ; d. at Still- water, Minn. 2498 Samuel Lucius Hooker, M. D. (Samuel,' Samuel,® James,' Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel Porus and Mary (Martin) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. June 22, 1828, at Poultney: m. Jan. 26. 18.^4, Ellen Amanda Kelley, daughter of George Wing and Sibbel Dow (Sweet) Kelley of Pittsford, Vt., b. May 23, 1833, at Shoreham, Vt. They set- tled at Black Earth, Wis., and from there removed to Le Roy, N. Y., where he died, subsequently his widow and her daugh- ter became connected with Sage College, Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y. He died Aug. 14, 1871, at Le Roy, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *3969 Samuel Percy, b. Dec. 5, 1860, at Black Earth, Wis. 3970 George Lucius, b. Sept. 29, 1864, at Black Earth, Wis, ; d. .'^ug. 11. 1876, at Le Roy, N. Y. 3971 Mary Agnes, b. June 21, 1867, at Le Roy, N. Y. 2499 DeWitt Hooker (Samuel,' Samuel,'^ James,' Heze- kiah,^ John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Saiuuel Porus and Mary Ann (Wooster) (Rice) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Feb. 13, 1835, at Poultney. Vt. ; m. April 14, 1858, Sarah Ann Spink, daughter of Isaac and Dorcas (Aborn) Spink of Whitehall, N. Y., b. Sept. 22, 1834, at Whitehall, N. Y. He was educated at the Troy Conference Academy. He was secretary of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars of New York from Sept. 1872, to August, 1891, and then declined a re-election on account of his health. They lived in Syracuse, N. Y. He died July 10, 1901. CHILD. HOOKER. *3972 DeWitt Spink, b. Sept. 22, 1864, at Rutland, Vt. Eighth Generation 333 2500 Sarah Augusta Hooker ( Samuel, '', Samuel,'* James,^ Hezekiah,^ Johu,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Samuel Porus and Mary Ann (Wooster) (Rice) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Oct. 5, 1837, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Sept. 12, 1855. John Kimball Pixley, son of Alfred and Eliza Livermore (Kimball) Pixley of Enosburg Falls, Vt., b. Feb. 18, 1828, at Piermont, N. H. They reside at Wyoming, Iowa, where he is cashier of the First National Bank. CHU.DREN, PIXLEY. *3973 Mary Eliza, b. May 7, 1860, at Fort Edward, N. Y. 3974 Anna Hooker, b. Jan. 29, 1863, at Fort Edward, N. Y. ; d. Dec. 13, 1897, at Wyoming, Iowa. 3975 Charles Horace, b. Feb. 25. 1871, at Sandy Hill, N. Y.; d. Dec. 20, 1881, at Wyoming, Iowa. 2501 Anna Elizabeth Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel," James," Hezekiah,* John,^ Saiuuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel Porus and Mary Ann (Wooster) (Rice) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Sept. 29, '1840, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Sept. 19, 1865, Charles Schuyler Wells, son of Pomeroy and Rebecca Ann (Blossom) Wells of Poultney. He is in the proprietary medicine busi- ness at Le Rov, N. Y. She died May 21, 1904, at Le Roy, N. Y. CHILDREN, WELLS. 3976 Josephine Helen, b. May 25, 1868, at Le Rov, N. Y. ; m. April 19, 1894, Marshall Jewell Root. 3977 Anna Hooker, b. Oct. 16, 1877, at Le Roy, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 19, 1902, Everett W. Bishop. 3978 Charles Schuyler, b. Oct. 13, 1882, at Le Roy, N. Y. 2502 William Hooker (Samuel,'^ Samuel," James,' Heze- kiah,'' John,-' Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Samuel Porus and Mary Ann (Wooster) (Rice) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Feb. 28, 1843, at Poultney; m. No. 1, Sept. 1, 1869, Eda A. Shedd. She died Aug. 17, 1871. He m. No. 2, Nov. 23, 1875, Minnie Booth. He is a mercantile traveler in the patent medicine business and resides at Batavia. N. Y. CHILD, HOOKER. By 2nd wife. 3979 William Everett, b. Oct. 28, 1876, at Byron, N. Y. 2507 Cortez Allen Hooker (James,^ Samuel," James,' Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of James Porter and 334 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Rachel (Allen) Hooker, b. Aug. 8, 1835; m. June 24, 1855, Rachel Broughton. In 1851, Mr. Hooker went to Michigan. He served three years in the Civil War. He died Dec. 8, 1883. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 3980 Samuel Martin, b. July 4, 1856. 3981 Mark B., b. Feb. 6, 1859. 3982 Charlotte E., b. Aug. 1, 1865. 3983 Luke B., b. Aug. 2, 1867. 3984 Ruth Ann, b. Aug. 20, 1870. 3985 Cortez A., h. May 8, 1876. 3986 Alfred, b. July 1, 1880. 2509 Sarah Hooker (Martin,'' Samuel," James,^ Hezekiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Martin Parmelee and Caroline Barber (Downs) Hooker of Hampton, N. Y., b. May 6, 1833, at Hampton ; m. Feb. 14, 1858, Friend George Mar- tin, son of George and Calista (Curtis) Martin of Grantville, N. Y., b. Sept. 7, 1833, at Poultney, Vt. He was a farmer. He died Feb. 8, 1892, at Poultney, Vt. CHILDREN, MARTIN. 3987 Lucy. b. Jan.. 1860, at Poultney, Vt. 3988 Samuel Hooker, b. June 27, 1861, at Poultney, Vt. 3989 George Parmalee, b. March 25, 1863, at Poultney, Vt. 3990 Caroline, b. Feb. 20, 1865, at Poultney, Vt. ; d. July 10, 1866, at Poultney. Vt. 3991 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1867, at Poultney, Vt., .3991a A son b. and d. April 4, 1869, at Poultney, Vt. 3992 Frederick G., b. Sept. 12, 1870. at Poultney, Vt. 3993 Laura, b. Oct. 8, 1872. at Poultney, Vt. 3994 Calista, b. Mav 13. 1875. at Poultney, Vt. 3995 Mary, b. Aug! 5, 1876, at Poultney, Vt. ; d, Feb. 15, 1885. 2510 Laura Hooker (Martin,^ Samuel,® James,^ Hezekiah,* John,'^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Martin Parmelee and Caroline B. (Downs) Hooker of Hampton, N. Y., b. Atig. 2, 1841, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 13, 1876, John D. Jones of Wales, England, b. April 4, 1848. CHILDREN. JONES. 3996 Caroline D.. b. Aug. 1. l&SO. at Granville. N. Y. 3997 David, b. July 27, 1882, at Granville, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 9, 1882, at Granville, N. Y. 3998 Lucy, b. May 10, 1887, at Granville, N. Y. 2511 Minnie Minerva Hooker (Martin,'' Samuel,® James,' Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas') , daughter of Martin Eighth Generation 335 Parmelee and Jane H. (Parkhill) Hooker of Hampton, N. Y., b. Jan. 17, 1863, at Hampton, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 18, 1882, Rollin A. Williams, son of Albert Bliss and Enieline Nancy (Bald- win) Williams of Orwell, Vt. b. March 11, 1853, at Orwell, Vt. They resided at Hampton, N. Y. CHILDREN, WILLIAMS. 3999 Maud Jesse, b. July 1, 1886, at Hampton, N. Y. 4000 Jennie, b. May 30, 1888, at Hampton, N. Y. 2521 Eliza Lois Hooker (John,^ Increase," William," Heze- kiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of John Hart and Nancy (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Oct. 21, 1816, at Truxton ; m. Feb. 4, 1835, James Sutton, son of Abram and Hester Sutton, of De Ruyter, N. Y., b. May 21, 1810, at De Ruy- ter, N. Y. He died at De Ruvter, N. Y. She died Feb. 5, 1889, at Brooklyn, N. Y. CHILDREN, SUTTON. 6. 18; Nettie Waite. 4001 Henry A., b. Nov. 25, 1835 ; d. April 6, 1854. 4002 James Hart, b. Sept. 17, 1842; d. 1888; m. N 2524 Delia Maria Hooker (John," Increase," William,^ Hezekiah,-* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John Hart, and Nancv (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Sept. 11, 1822, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 7, 1842, Alanson Crego. He died January 24, 1851, at Rahwav, N. J. She m. No. 2, Francis Sears of De Ruyter, N. Y. She died March 27, 1867, at Homer, N. Y. ' CHILDREN, CREGO. Bv 1st wife. 4003 John Hart, b. Nov. 24, 1844, at Tru.xton, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, Sept. 24, 1868, Katherine Sears; m. No. 2, Aug. 25, 1873, Annie Pullcn. 4004 Sally Ann, b. March 13, 1849, at Rahway, N. J. 4005 Alanson James, b. Dec, 1850, at Rahway, N. J.; d. May 27, 1851, at Rahway, N. J. 2525 Sylvia Bishop Hooker (John,"," William,' Hezekiah,^ John,-' Samuel,^ Thomas' ), daughter of John Hart and Nancy (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. March 22, 1824, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 14, 1849, Joseph Anderson Beavers, son of John and Rachel (Anderson) Beavers of Wash- ington, N. J. He died Jan. 23, 1852, at New Brunswick, N. J. CHILD, BE.\VERS. *4006 Eliza Anderson, b. June 24, 1851. 336 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2526 Sophia Forman Hooker (JohnJ Increase,^ William,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of John Hart and Nancy (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Feb. 17, 1826, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. April 29, 1846, George W. Bliss. He died March 7, 1885, at Truxton, N. Y. CHILDREN, BUSS. *4007 Charles Newton, d. May 23, 1893 ; m. Kate Lewis. 4008 Henry Sutton. 4009 George W., d. March, 1886. 2527 Mary Nancy Hooker (John,' Increase,® William,* Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John Hart and Nancv (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Nov. 25, 1827, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 20, 1852, Isaac McBride See, son of Isaac and Grace (Hudson) See of New York City, b. Feb. 13, 1829, at New York. He died Dec. 14, 1902, at Brook- lyn, N. Y. CHILDREN, SEE. 4010 John William, b. July 27, 1854, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 26, 1874. *4011 Edward Hooker, b. May 17, 1856, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 4012 Henry Hooker, 1st., b. Sept. 5, 1858, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; d. March, 1859, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 4013 Henry Hooker, 2nd., b. Dec. 5, 1859, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 4014 Rudolph Havemann. b. June 20, 1865, at New York City. *4015 Mary Elizabeth, b. April 6, 1868, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 2529 Edward Eugene Hooker (John,^ Increase,'^ William,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John Hart and Nancy (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. March 24, 1831, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 1st, 1854, Hannah Manning. Mr. Hooker has a summer hotel at Mt. Pocono, Penn. She died March 14, 1899, at Mt. Pocono, Pa. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4016 John H., b. March 18, 1857 ; d. Sept. 16, 1863. 4017 Mary Inman, b. May 31, 1859. *4018 Emily Tapping, b. Oct. 7, 1861. 4019 Edward Eugene, Jr., b. Sept. 2, 1863. 2530 Henry Clay Hooker (John.'^ Increase,*' William,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of John Hart and Nancy (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Oct. 7, 1832, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. March 25, 1857, Almira Bullman, daugh- Eighth Generation ^^^ ter of Daniel and Annie Bennett (Maxwell) Bullman of Plain- field, N. J., b. March 16. 1837, at Plainfield, N. J. He is a merchant at Washington, N. J. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4020 Edward, b. Jan. 25. 1859, at New Brunswick, N. J. ; d. March 9, 1859, at New Brunswick, N. J. 4021 Annie, b. Dec. 24, 1861, at New Brunswick, N. J.; d. April 24, 1865. 4022 John Sutton, b. March 6, 1867, at Lambertville, N. J. ; m. June, 1891, Katherine Jones. 4023 Charles Henry, b. Aug. 8, 1870, at Lambertville, N. J.; d. July 28, 1871. 2531 Emily Otis Hooker (John," Increase," William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John Hart and Nancv (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Nov. 19, 1835, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 17, 1839, John H. Tapping of New Brunswick, N. J., b. at Rhinebeck, N. Y. CHILDREN, T.^PPING. *4024 Mary Nancy, b. Aue.. 1860. *4025 Sarah Albertson, b. May 18, 1862. *4026 James Edgar, b. April 7, 1864. 4027 Chester Hartraufdt, b. Sept., 1872. 4028 Lizzie Raymond, b. Oct. 1, 1875; d. Jan. 13, 1891. 2532 Maria Hooker (Chellis," Increase," William,^ Heze- kiah,^ fohn,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Chellis and Sally (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. Sept. 29, 1817, at Truxton, N. Y. ; in. Oct. 12. 1841, William O. Goddard. b. Oct. 12, 1817, at Rutland, Vt. He died Jan. 1, 1846, at Rockton, 111. CHILD, GODDARD. 4029 Emily, b. Dec. 20. 1S43. at Rockton, III. ; d. Sept. 30, 1876. 2533 William Harley Hooker (Chellis,^ Increase," Wil- liam.'' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), son of Chellis and Sallv (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y.. b. August 3, 1821, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 1, 1849, Lydia Bacon. They settled at Kansas City, Mo., where he died Dec. 25. 1892. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *40.W T'^adore .\dclain, b. Nov. 15. 1846. *4031 Clara Sophia, b. Nov. 20. 1849. 4032 Marietta, b. Dec. 8, 1861. *4033 Fannie Maria, b. April 24, 1869. 22 338 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2534 Judson Hooker (ChcllisJ Increase,'' William/' Heze- kiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Chellis and Sally (Dunham) Hooker of Truxton, N. Y., b. August 7, 1824, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Susan A. Martin, daughter of John and Susan (Snyder) Martin of Ypsilanti, Mich., b. June 5, 1827, at Geneva, N. Y. They lived at Rockton, 111. She died June 27 , 1896, at New Whatcom, Wash. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4034 Chellis H., b. March 24. 1852, at Rockton, II!. 4035 Ida Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 18S6, at Rockton, III. 4036 S. Arthur, b. Sept. 20, 1858, at Rockton. 111. 2537 William Chellis Hooker (Harley,^ Increase," Wil- liam,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker of Auburn, N. Y., b. Sept. 13, 1828, at Auburn, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, June 1856, Anna Hume. She died 1858. He m. No. 2, Dec. 22, 1862, Mary Catherine Mc- Quary, daughter of James C. and Frances Elizabeth (Moore) McQuary of Mt. Vernon, Ky., b. March 10, 1846, at Mt. Ver- non, Ky. She died Feb. 5, 1900, at Carthage, 111. Mr. Hooker graduated with the first class from Beloit College, Mo., in June, 1851. He taught school for three years. He was ad- mitted to the Bar of Illinois in Jan. 1854. and practiced at Nauvoo, 111., where he married his first wife. In 1858 he re- moved to Carthage, 111. He was a Notable Free Mason, was one of the organizers of the Carthage and Burlington Railroad, and was Director, Secretary and Treasurer of the road. CHILDREN. HOOKER. All by second marriage. *4037 Marv, b. Nov. 23, 1863, at Carthage, III. *4038 Fannie Maud. b. April 3, 1865. at Carthage, 111. 4039 Harley James, b, July 13. 1868, at Carthage, 111.; m. Oct. 13, 1892, Olive Turner. They are living on a coffee ranch at Gautemala, Central America. 4040 Chellis Edward, b. Nov. 9, 1870, at Carthage, 111.; d. July 23, 1901, at Carthage, 111. 2538 James Hart Hooker (Harley,'^ Increase,'' Williatn,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. June 23. 1830, at Auburn, N. Y. ; m. Elizabeth Spencer, b. at Sacramento, Cal. He died July 5, 1874, at Sacramento, Cal. Eighth Generation 339 CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4041 James Hart, b. 1871. 4(M2 Harley, b. 1872. He died 1890, killed in railroad accident. 4043 Amy May, b. 1874. 2539 Edward Payson Hooker (Harley J Increase," Wil- liam,5 Hozekiah,^ John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker of Poultney, Vt., b. Sept 1, 1832, at Poultney, Vt. ; m. Sept. 27, 1860, Arabella Eliza Holgate, daughter of Curtis and Eliza (Hopkins) Holgate of Defiance, Ohio, b. Nov. 16, 1839, at Defiance, Ohio. He is a cashier of Merchants National Bank at Defiance, Ohio. She died Jan. 1, 1892, at Defiance, Ohio. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4044 Fannie Annette, b. May 29, 1862, at Defiance, Ohio. 4045 Minnie Eliza, b. Dec. 28, 1864, at Defiance, Ohio; m. June 1, 1893, Charles F. Ferguson. 4046 William Hopkins, b. Aug. 9, 1868, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4047 Edward Barnard, b. Feb. 5, 1871, at Defiance, Ohio; d. Nov. 1903, at Defiance, Ohio; m. Nov. 16, 1900, Eva Waldorf, of St. Louis. 2540 Mary Jane Lewis Hooker (Harley,'' Increase,'' Wil- liam,"' Hezekiah,^ John,* Samuel,- ThomasM , daughter of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker, b. Aug. 29, 1833; m. Dec. 11, 1861, Gustave Streckewald. They lived at Milwau- kee, Wis. She died March 9, 1901, at Washington, D. C. CHILDREN, STRECKEWALD. 4048 .'\nna, b. Nov. 24, 1862, at Milwaukee. 4049 Louis, b. 1867; d. June, 1895, at Los Angeles, Cal. 2541 George Rudd Hooker (Harley,' Increase," William,' Hezekiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker of Henrietta, N. Y., b. Sept. 24, 1835, at Henrietta, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 27, 1862, Arminda Pratt Martin, daughter of Bowman B. and Catherine Martin of Marshfield, Vt.,'^b. Feb. 26, 1842, at Marshfield. Vt. From there they re- moved to Rockton, 111. He died Aug. 18, 1874, at Rockton, 111. She died Dec. 19, 1876, at Rockton, 111. CHILD, HOOKER. *4050 James Hart, b. July 27. 1864, at Rockton, 111.; m. July 29, 1885, Jennie Laura Townsend. 340 The Descendants of Re\^ Thomas Hooker 2542 Frances Elizabeth Hooker ( Harley J Increase," Wil- liam.s Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Harley and Mary (Beardslie) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Sept. 3, 1838, at Rochester, X. Y., m. Dec. 1861, George Henry Hollister (his 2nd wife), son of Josiah and Phebe (Rich) Hollister, of Manchester, Vt.. b. Dec. 13, 1821, at Marshfield, Vt. He was a banker and a prominent citizen at Rockton, 111. He died Nov. 2, 1890, at Dansville, X. Y. CHILDREN. HOLLISTER. *4051 William Clay, b. Nov. 18, 1862. 4052 Grace, b. March 1, 1864. *4053 Frederick Hooker, b. 21, 1865. 4054 Mary B., b. Jan. 29, 1871. 4055 Fannie Hooker, b. Sept. 11, 1873. 4056 Eva Hooker, b. March 1, 1879. 2561 William Mason Fitch (Cornelia Chittenden,'' Olive,« William,^ Hezekiah,^ John,-- Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Andrew and Cornelia (Chittenden) Fitch of Adrian, Mich., b. Aug. 1843; m. Oct. 1874, Katharine Peabody. They lived at Cleveland Ohio. CHILD, FITCH. 4057 Ralph Grosvenor, b. Feb. 19, 1878. 2562 Eunice Chittenden Fitch (Cornelia Chittenden,' Olive,® William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Re\-. Andrew and Cornelia (Chittenden) Fitch of Adrian. Mich., b. Oct. 2, 1845 : m. Jan. 15, 1874, Darius Par- malee Sackett. They live in Brooklyn, X. Y. CHILD, S.^CKETT. 4058 Winifred Fitch, b. Jan. IS. 1876. 2564 Joseph Chittenden Hart (Jane Chittenden,'' Olive,® William,"' Hezekiah.^ John.'' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Henry and Jane Swan (Chittenden) Hart of Adrian, Mich., b. May 3, 1843, at Adrian. Mich.; m. Sept. 20, 1870, Marv J. Parker, b. May 20, 1845. They live at Detroit, Mich. CHILDREN, HART. 4059 Miriam Josephine, b. Sept. 6, 1871. 4060 Laura Louise, b. Dec. 15, 1876. 4061 Frederick Parker, b. Jan. 2, 1879. Eighth Generation 341 2565 Henry Chittenden Hart (Jane ChittendenJ Olive,® William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Henry and Jane Swan (Chittenden) Hart of Adrian, Mich., b. Feb. 15, 1847, at Adrian, ]\Iich. ; m. 1868, Mary Louise Parker. They live at Detroit, Mich. CHILDREN, H.\RT. 4062 Robert Wilkinson, b. Aug. 11, 1870; m. April 18, 1896. 4063 Winifred Cornell Gale. 4064 Henry Parker, b. Oct. 31, 1873. 2566 Jennie Chittenden Hart (Jane Chittenden,'' Olive," William,^ Hezekiah,^, John,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Henry and Jane Swan (Chittenden) Hart of Adrian, Mich, b. Feb. 3, 1850; m. James D. Standish. CHILDREN, ST.\NDISH. 4065 Jane Hart, b. 1877. 4066 James D., b. 1891. 2567 Herman Visger Chittenden Hart (Jane Chittenden,'' Olive,^ William,' Hezekiah,'' John,-' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Henry and Jane Swan (Chittenden) Hart of Adrian, Mich., b. Feb. 18, 1856. at Adrian, Mich.; m. Clarissa E. Boies, b. July 16, 1857. They live at Adrian, IVIich. CHILDREN, H.^RT. 4067 Boies C. b. Jan. 27, 1885, at Adrian, Mich. 4068 Henry, b. Dec. 15, 1891, at Adrian, Mich. 2568 James Hooker Tillotson (Mary,'' Deborah,® William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,* Thomas'), son of Augustus and Mary Hooker (Drake) Tillotson of Thompson, Ohio; m. Ange- line Denton. CHILDREN, TILLOTSON. 4069 Harry. 4070 Willard. 4071 Jennie. 2569 Francis A. Tillotson (Mary,' Deborah,* William,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Augustus and Mary Hooker (Drake) Tillotson of Thompson, Ohio; m. Sarah Gray of Painesville, Ohio. They live at Cleveland, Ohio. 342 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, TILLOTSON. 4072 Edward. 4073 Fannie, m. Homer Knapp. 2570 Huldah M. Tillotson (Mary/ Deborah," William.^ Hezekiah,* John.^ Samuel.- ThomasM. daughter of Augustus and Mary Hooker (Drake) Tillotson of Thompson, Ohio, b. at Thompson, Ohio; m. No. 1, Cole. She m. Xo. 2, Dunlap of Iowa City. CHILDREN. COLE .\ND DL'NL.\P. By Cole. 4074 Lucia. By Dunlap. 4075 Robert. 4076 Ralph. 2571 Sarah Tillotson (Mary," Deborah," William,^ Heze- kiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Augustus and and Mary Hooker (Drake) Tillotson of Thompson, Ohio, b. at Thompson : m. Underwood of Thompson, Ohio. They lived at Iowa City. Iowa. CHILDREN, UNDERWOOD. 4077 Emma. 4078 Charles. 2572 Susan Tillotson (Mary," Deborah,'"' William,^' Heze- kiah.* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Augustus and Mary Hooker (Drake) Tillotson of Thompson, Ohio, b. at Thompson. Ohio; m. Charles Hodges. They lived in Iowa Citv. Iowa. CHILDREN, HODGES. 4079 Edda. 40S0 Mari-. 4081 .\da. 40S2 \\'innie. 2574 James Benson Drake (Samuel Drake." Deborah,'"" William,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel Moselev and Cornelia Hall (Benson) Drake of Clarkson, X. Y.. b. July 2. \S40. at Clarkson ; m. Oct. 18. 1866. Jennie Sher- man of Circleville. Ohio. Thev lived at Columbus. Ohio. Eighth Generation 343 CHILDREN, DRAKE. 4083 Frederic S., b. Nov, 29, 1867, at Painesville, Ohio. 4084 .Augusta Benson, b. Dec. 20, 1870, at Painesville, Ohio. 4085 Edward Sims, b. 1876, at Painesville, Ohio. 4086 Robert Poore, b. July 27, 1878, at Painesville, Ohio. 2575 Adeline Louise Drake (Samuel Drake,'' Debora,' Wil- liam,'' Hezekiah,-* John,' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Samuel Mo.seley and Cornelia Hall (Benson) Drake of Beloit, Wis., b. May 30, 1842, at Beloit, Wis. ; m. .April 24, 1872, Wil- liam E. Sims. They lived at Hyde Park. 111. CHILDREN, SIMS. 4087 William Fargo, b. Sept. 14, 1875; m. Oct. 24, 1903, Rosa Sands Dunham. 4088 Fannie A., b. May 19. 1877. 2580 Henry E. Marvin (Rebecca Drake,' Deborah," Wil- liam,-' Hezekiah.* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of John D. and Rebecca Ann (Drake) Marvin of Beloit, Wis., b. May 22, 1847, at Beloit, Wis.; m. Oct. 25, 1872, Agnes E. Bailey, of Toledo, Ohio. CHILD, M.^RVIN. 4089 Gertrude B., b. July 13, 1874. 2581 Kittie Edith Marvin (Rebecca Drake," Deborah," Wil- liam,' Hezekiah,^ John,'. Samuel,^ Thomas') , daughter of John D. and Rebecca Ann (Drake) Marvin of Beloit, Wis., b. July 1, 1856, at Beloit. Wis.; m. Oct. 15, 1877, Ernest W. Burbank. of Painesville, Ohio. CHILDREN, BURBANK. 4090 Ernest Marvin, b. Sept. 3, 1878. 4091 Henry Lester, b. June 23, 1882. 4092 Julia Rebecca, b. June 13, 1887. 2582 Judson Artemas Rogers (Sarah Drake," Deborah," William.'' Hczekiah.^ John.' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Artemas and Sarah Mandeville (Drake) Rogers of Painesville, Ohio. b. May 2. 1854. at Painesville. Ohio; m. May 15, 1878, Florence E. IBates. of Willoughby. Ohio. CHILD, ROGERS. 4093 George Mcintosh, b. Dec. 4, 1879, at Ashtabula, Ohio. 344 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2583 Henrietta Anna Rogers (Sarah Drake." Deborah,* WilHam,' Hezekiah.^ John.^ Samuel,- Thomas,^), daughter of Artemas and Sarah ;Mandeville (Drake) Rogers of Painesville, Ohio, b. May 7. 1856. at Painesville. Ohio; m. Aug. 8, 1877, Carey W. Chamberlain, of Geneva, Ohio. CHILDREN, CHAMBERLAIN. •4094 Harn- Rogers, b. Aug. 7. 1879, at Ashtabula, Ohio. 4095 Frances .\iin. b. Feb. 22. 1887, at Ashtabula, Ohio; d. Dec. 4, 188& at Ashtabula, Ohio. 4096 Care>- Judson, b. Feb. 26, 1892, at Denver, Col. 2584 John Morris Drake ( Elijah Drake,' Deborah,^ Wil- liam.' Hezekiah.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Elijah and Martha Elizabeth (Bull) Drake of Clarkson. X. Y.. b. Feb. 2, 1854, at Clarkson, X. Y. : m. Aug. 28. 1878. Louise Emma Graley, daughter of Rev. Alfred A. and Margaret Ann (Dies) Graley of Clarkson. X. Y., b. Aug. 10. 1853. at Leno.x (Madi- son Co.) X. Y. He was educated at the Xormal Schools at Brockport and Geneseo, X. Y. — now a lawyer at Brockport, X. Y. CHILDREN, DR.AKE. 4097 Merle Gralev. b. Nov. 28, 1880. at Manlius, X. Y. 4098 Er%ev John.' b. April 13. 1882. at Clarkson. X. Y. 4099 Margaret Louise, b. SepL 30. 1886. at Brockport, N. Y. 2585 Josephine Hooker (X'athaniel," Timothy,® William,^ Hezekiah.* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Xathaniel Wood and Honoria Elizabeth iCashman) Hooker of Xew York City, b. at Xew York ; m. Henrj- Sterling Kirkland. The\- live at Xew York City. CHILDREN, K1KKI_\ND. 4100 Nathaniel Hooker. 4101 Henry Bumham. 4102 Qara Louise, d. 1887, in infancy. 2586 Charlotte Elizabeth Cashman (Henrietta,' Timothy ,« William.^ Hezekiah.^ John.^ Samuel.- Thomas*), daughter of Michael H. and Henrietta Judson (Hooker) Cashman, b. at Xew York City ; m. Thomas V. Allis. CHILD. .VUJS. 4103 Henrietta L. Eighth Generation 345 2589 Ira Bird (Anna,' Ira,^ Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas' j, son of Norman and Anna (Hookerj Bird of Bethlehem, Conn., and Cincinnati, Ohio, b. Oct. 22, 1818, at Cincinnati, Ohio; m. Julv 8, 1840, Julia Simmons, b. July 20, 1824. They lived at Cincinnati, Ohio. He died Feb. 16, 1872, at Cincinnati, Ohio. CHILDEEX, BIRD. *4104 Anna A., b. May 5, 1841, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 4105 Norman, b. Feb. 2, 1846. at Cincinnati, Ohio. *4106 Henrietta, b. July 10, 1848, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 4107 Irene, b. Jan. 31, 1851, at Cincinnati, Ohio; d. 12, 1851, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 2590 Henry Nonnan Bird (Anna,' Ira,^ Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas';, son of Xorman and Anna (Hooker) Bird of Bethlehem, Conn., and Cincinnati, Ohio, b. March 21, 1827, at Cincinnati, Ohio; m. July 2&, 1851, Martha Griswold Hooker adopted daughter of Asahel and Anna (Kellogg) Hooker of Bristol, Conn., and daughter of Azias and Sally Ann (Rich) Griswold of Wethersfield, Conn., b. June 3, 1835, at Wethersfield, Conn. They lived at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, where he died June 2^, 1891. CHILDEEN, BIRD. *410S Charles Lester Hooker, b. Nov. 5, 1853, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 4109 Hannah Irene, June 20. 1857, at Cincinnati, Ohio. *4110 Nellie, b. Aug. 21, 1863, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 4111 Henry Norman, Jr., b. June 11, 1873, at Cincinnati; d. Aug. 26, 1892, at Cincinnati, Ohio. 2591 Eliza Ann Maria Hooker (George." Ira,® Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of George and Belinda (Ives) Hooker of Bristol, Conn., b. Feb. 5, 1820, at Plainville, Conn., m. Xov. 18, 1840. Anson L. Atwood of Bristol. Conn. Tliev resided at Bristol. Conn., where she died 1892. CHILDREN-, .\rttOOD. *4112 George Woodward, b. .\ug. 8. 1841, at Bristol, Conn. 4113 Ellen Hooker, b. Nov. 5, 1842, at Bristol, Conn. 4114 Mar>- Jane. b. Nov. 30. 1844. at Bristol. Conn. 4115 Frances Eliza, b. Oct. 31, 1847, at Bristol, Conn. 2592 Ira Hooker (George." Ira.'' Asahel.' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of George and Belinda (Ives) Hooker 346 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Bristol, Conn., b. April 9, 1823 at Plainville, Conn.; m. Aug. 10, 1845, at Arcadia, X. Y., Mary E. Dunham of Galena, N. Y., b. April 4, 1827, at Galena, N. Y. They moved to lovva. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4116 Emerson R., b. .\ug. 13, 1846. at Arcadia, N. Y.; d. Aug. 17, 1846, at Arcadia, N. Y. *4117 Horace, b. Aug. 7, 1847. *4118 Eliza Ann, b. May 23, 1849. *4119 Urania L., b. Oct. 20, 18S0. •4120 Helen M., b. Aug. 19, 1852. 2593 Asahel Moseley Hooker (Rev.) (George,", Ira,* Asa- hel,^ Hezekiah,'' John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of George and Belinda (Ives) Hooker of Bristol, Conn., b. Aug. 22, 1829, at Wethersfield, Conn. ; m. Mary Johnson of Southington, Conn. He died June 10, 1864, at Grasshopper Falls, Kan. CHILD, HOOKER. 4121 Ralph Moreton. He is in the real estate business and pub- lishes a real estate paper at New Haven, Conn. 2595 Julia Sophia Stoughton (Julia.' Ira," Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,'' John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of .A.ndrew and Julia Elma (Hooker) Stoughton of Plvinouth, Conn., b. May 21, 1828, at PIvmouth, Conn. ; m. Mav 6, 1846, Riley Ives. She died F'eb. 21, 1896, at Plymouth, Conn. CHILD. IVES. *4122 Charles .Andrew, b. April 18, 1861, at Plymouth, Conn. 2596 Catherine Stoughton (Julia.' Ira,« Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Andrew and Julia El- ma (Hooker) Stoughton of Plymouth. Conn., b. June 15, 1830; m. Mav 18. 1853, .Ansel Gavlord of Terrwille, Conn. He died Oct. 6,' 1860. CHrLDREN. G.AYLORD. *4123 Andrew Stoughton, b. July 26, 1856. 4124 Kate Ansel, b. Jan. 25, 1861 ; d. Oct. 28, 1875. 2597 Elias Cornelius Stoughton (Julia,' Ira," Asahel,' Hezekiah,^ John,' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Andrew and Julia Elma (Hooker) Stoughton of Plymouth, Conn., b. Aug. 12, 1832. at PIvmouth. Conn.; m. Dec. 27, 1859. Cornelia Eighth Generation -5-^' Blakeslee, daughter of Ransom, Jr., and Elizabeth Munger (Judd) Elakeslee of Plymouth, Conn., b. Aug. 11, 1836, at Plymouth, Conn. He was a coal dealer at Plymouth, \yhere he'died Jan. 5, 1891. CHILDREN, STOUGHTON. 4125 Ansel Gaylord, b. March 28. 1861, at PI>TTiouth, Conn.; d. Jan. 20. 1869. at Plymouth, Conn. 4126 Henr>' Edward, b. March 8, 1864, at Plymouth ; m. May 24, 1899, Anna Grant. 4127 Willard Blakeslee. b. Oct. 17. 1866, at Plymouth. Conn. 4128 Frederic Arthur, b. Oct. 20, 1871. at Plymouth, Conn. 2598 George Andrew Stoughton (Julia,'' Ira.® Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Andrew and Ju- lia Elma (Hooker) Stoughton of Plymouth. Conn., b. Xoy. 9. 1834; m. March 4. 1855, Mary Ann Hemingway. He is in the grocery business at Thomaston, Conn. CHILDREN, STOUGHTON*. *4129 George Hooker, b. Jan. 17. 1857, at Thomaston, Conn. *4130 Edward Cornelius, b. .^pril 18. 1860. 4131 Andrew, b. June 30, 1864, at Thomaston. 4132 Nellie Sophia, b. Dec. 19, 1866, at Thomaston ; d Dec. 15, 1873, at Thomaston, Conn. 4133 Lizzie Sawyer, b. June 14, 1875, at Thomaston. Conn. 2599 Ira Hooker Stoughton (Julia,'' Ira,® Asahel,' Heze- kiah,^ John.3 Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Andrew and Julia Elma (Hooker) Stoughton of Plymouth, Conn., b. April 19, 1838, at Plymouth. Conn.: m. Xo. 1, Sept. 14, 1859, Adeline Sanford. daughter of Porter and Sarah Ann (Allen) Sanford of Plymouth, Conn., b. March 9. 1840. at Plymouth, Conn. She died Oct. 6. 1868, at Ternyille, Conn. He'm. No. 2, Sept. 15, 1870, Mrs. Hattie (Barbour) Mitchell of Bristol. Conn. He was a hardware merchant at Terryyille, Conn., and subsequent- Ij' remoyed to California, where he became a deacon of a Con- gregational church at San Bernardino. CHILDREN. STOUGHTON. By 1st marriage. *4134 Winifred Porter, b. May 27, 1860. at Terry\-ille. Conn. By 2nd marriage. 4135 Julia Ellen, b. June 4. 1871. at Terryville, Conn. 4136 Arthur Volnev. b. Nov. 2, 1872. at Terrv\-ille. Conn. ; m. June 17, 1900, Clara Benson. *4137 Helen Lurene, b. Jan. 29. 1874. at Terryville. Conn. 4138 Ansel Gaylord. b. Feb. 25. 1876. at Terrv\-il!e. Conn.; d. March 2, 1877, at Terryville, Conn. 348 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2601 Willard Elizur Gaylord (AmyJ Ira,o Asahel,^ Heze- kiah/ John,3 Samuel,* Thomas^), son of Willard and Amy (Hooker) Gaylord of Goshen, Conn., b. March 26, 1827, at Goshen; m. May 14, 1851, Sarah Esther Wooster, of Goshen, Conn., b. May 17, 1828, at Goshen. He was a farmer at Gosh- en. CHILDREN, GAYLORD. 4139 Henry Charles, b. March 30, 1852, at Goshen. 4140 Lucretia, b. Feb. 17, 1858, at Goshen, d. Dec. 29, 1886, at Goshen. 2602 Charles Henry Gaylord (Amy,^ Ira," Asahel,=* Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Willard and Amy (Hooker) Gaylord of Goshen, Conn., b. March 7, 1833, at Goshen, Conn.; m. No. 1, June 11, 1856, Jennie M. Thompson of New Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 18, 1833, at New Haven. She died March 4, 1868, at New Haven, Conn. He m. No. 2, Oct. 4. 1871, Mary J. Loomis of New Hartford, Conn., b. Dec. 29, 1840, at New Hartford, Conn. He was a merchant at New Haven, Conn., and afterwards went to Des Moines, Iowa. CHILDREN, GAYLORD. 4141 William Henry, b. Sept. 7, 1862, at New Haven. 4142 Charles Edward, b. at New Haven. 2604 Horace Robbins WiUiams (Rev.) (Caroline," Ira,« Asahel,* Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Cor- nelius Robbins and Caroline (Hooker) Williams of Farming- ton. Conn., b. Feb. 20, 1835, at Farmington, Conn.; m. June 6, 1865, Amelia Robbins Bulkeley of Rocky Hill, Conn., b. at Rocky Hill. He graduated from Amherst College, 1860, and Union Theological Seminary, 1864. He was in charge of the Congregational church at Almont, Mich., sixteen years, — at Vermontville, Mich., six years, and of the church at Clinton, Mich., since 1886. CHILDREN, WILLIAMS. *4143 Walter Bulkeley, b. March 3, 1867, at Almont, Mich. 4144 Cornelius Hooker, b. Oct. 23, 1870, at .\lmont, Mich. 2606 Moseley Hooker Williams (Rev.) (Caroline,^ Ira,* Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Cor- nelius Robbins and Caroline (Hooker) Williams, of Farming- ton, Conn., b. Dec. 23, 1839, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Feb. 1, Eighth Generation 349 1870, Emma V. Bockins of Germantown, Pa. He graduated from Yale College 1864, and from Andover Theological Semi- nary 1867. He has been engaged in literary work since 1875, for the American Sunday School Union at Philadelphia, Pa. He has edited several papers and written a number of books. CHILDREN, WILLIAMS. 4145 Clarence Russell, b. Dec. 15, 1870, at Germantown, Pa. 4146 Carrie Hooker, b. May 21, 1873. at Portland, Me. 4147 Margaret Bockins, b. Feb. 5, 1875, at Philadelphia, Pa. 4148 Ethel Lillian, b. Oct. 20, 1887, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2609 Frances Adeline Williams (Caroline,'' Ira," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,' Thomas^), daughter of Cornelius Robbins and Caroline (Hooker) Williams, of Plymouth, Conn., b. March 4, 1851, at Plymouth, Conn. ; m. Dec. 14, 1875, Elisha Mix, Jr., son of Gen. Elisha and Amelia (Edmonds) Mix of Bridgeport, Conn., b. Jan. 14, 1850, at New Haven, Conn. They have resided at Bridgeport, Conn., Arthurs, Pa., Terryville and New Britain, Conn. CHILDREN, MIX. 4149 Mosely Williams, b. May 1, 1877, at Bridgeport, Conn. 4150 Lora Amelia, b. Nov. 9, 1878, at Ferry ville. Conn. 4151 Ralph Hooker, b. March 21, 1883, at Arthurs, Pa. 4152 James Edmonds, b. July 15, 1884, at New Britain, Conn. 4153 Clarence Elisha, b. March 25, 1891, at New Britain, Conn. 2610 George Henry Mitchell (Lurena,' Ira," Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of George Henry and Lurena (Hooker) Mitchell, of Bristol, Conn., b. Nov. 12, 1836, at Bristol, Conn.; m. Aug. 30, 1857, Hannah Drusilla Welch, daughter of Elisha N. Welch, of Bristol, Conn. He was a member of the extensive clock making company of Forestville, Conn., of which Elisha W^elch is the head. He was also quite noted for his musical abilities. He died March 6, 1896, at For- estville, Conn. CHILDREN, MITCHELL. 4154 Helen Welch, b. Feb. 8, 1860, at Forestville, Conn. ; m. Jan. 28, 1883, F. C. Williams. 4155 George Henry, b. July 9, 1861, at Forestville, Conn. ; d. Oct. 23, 1861, at Forestville, Conn. 4156 John Welch, b. Jan. 21. 1868, at Forestville, Conn.; d. July 22, 1868, at Forestville, Conn. 4157 Bertha Welch, b. July 25, 1881, at Forestville, Conn. 350 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2611 Charles Elliott Mitchell (Lurena,' Ira," Asahel," Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of George Henry and Lurena (Hooker) Mitchell, of Bristol, Conn., b. May 11, 1837, at Bristol, Conn. ; m. Dec. 13, 1866, Cornelia A. Chamber- lain, of New Britain, Conn. Mr. Mitchell became a famous patent lawyer. In 1889 he was appointed by President Har- rison Commissioner of Patents at Washinf^ton, D. C, and served through President Harrison's administration. CHILDREN, MITCHELL. 4158 Robert Chamberlain, b. May 8. 1868. at New Britain, Conn. 4159 Charles Hooker, b. May 18, 1873, at New Britain, Conn. 4160 George Henry, b. Dec. 3, 1877, at New Britain, Conn. 2612 Moseley Hooker Mitchell (Lurena,'^ Ira," Asahel,^ Hezekiah, ■• Jolin,3 Samuel,- Thomas^, son of George Henry and Lurena (Hooker) Mitchell, of I'ristol, Conn., b. Jan. 29, 1838, at Bristol, Conn.; m. April, 1858, Ellen Brainerd, of Bris- tol, Conn. She died Sept. 5, 1865, at Bristol, Conn. He m. No. 2, Harriett Barbour of Bristol, Conn. They lived at Bristol, Conn., where he was in copartnership with his uncle, J. R. Mitchell, in dry goods business. He died Jan.. 1868, at Bristol, Conn. She survived him and became the second wife of Ira Hooker Stoughton at Terryville, Conn. CHILDREN, MITCHELL. By 1st wife. 4161 Florence, b. Feb. 17, 1859, at Bristol, Conn. m. Nov. 22, 1883, Charles H. Riggs. 4162 Frederick Brainerd, b. June 2, 1860, at Bristol, Conn. ; m. Dec. 23, 1885, Harriet Houston. 2614 William Guestner Hooker (Stephen,' Ira," Asahel,'* Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Stephen and Mrs. Martha (Mayes) (Willard) Hooker, of Montgomery, Ala., b. Aug. 7, 1858, at ^Montgomery, Ala.; m. Feb. 10. 188'4, Nannie Varina Lloyd, daughter of John Jackson and Sarah (Manexia) Lloyd, b. Oct. 15. 1860, at Huntsville. Ala. They reside at Palestine, Tex. She died Nov. 15, 1889, at Oakwood, Tex. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4163 Jewell Leonard, b. Nov. 26, 1885, at Oakwood. Tex. ; d. Sept. 19, 1888, at Oakwnod, Tex. 4164 Willie Corniel, b. Nov. 19, 1887, at Oakwood, Tex. Eighth Generation 351 2615 Mary Lanman Hooker (Edward,' Asahel,*"' Asahel,' Hezekiah,-* John,-' Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of Rev. Edward William and Faith Trumbull (Huntington) Hooker, of Green Farms, Conn., b. Oct. 8, 1822, at Green Farms; m. Oct. 20, 1852, Rev. Anson Clark, son of Nathan and Lovisa (Edwards) Clark of West Hampton, Mass.; b. July 2, 1822, at West Hampton. They lived at Wausau, Wis., for many years. He died Jan. 22, 1890, at Wausau, Wis. CHILDREN, CLARK. *416S Edward Huntington, b. and d. Dec. 7, 1853, at Brookfield, Wis. 4166 Edward Huntington, b. Feb. 6, 1855, at Brookfield, Wis. 4167 Mary Edwards, b. Nov. 27, 1856; d. March 6, 1857. 4168 Cornelius Edwards, b. Jan. 5, 1859; d. Sept. 24, 1881, at Salt Lake City, Utah. *4169 Calvin Montague, b. Jan. 30. 1862, at Hartford, Wis. 4170 Anson Hooker, 1st, b. Feb. 19, 1864, at Hartford. Wis.; d. Aug. 3. 1864. at Hartford, Wis. *4171 Anson Hooker, 2nd, b. Nov. 29, 1866. at Hartford, Wis. 2616 Faith Huntington Hooker (Edward,'' Asahel,'' Asa- hel,'' Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Edv/ard William and Faith Trumbull (Huntington) Hooker, of Green Farms, Conn., b. Nov. 16, 1824, at Green Farms; m. May 11, 1846, Rev. Enos Janes Montague, son of David and Lovisa (Janes) Montague, of West Hampton, Mass., b. March 16, 1820, at West Hampton, Mass. He died Sept. 30, 1880, at West Hampton. CHILDREN. MONT.\CUE. 4172 Edward Hooker, b. Dec. 9. 1847, at Summit. Wis. *4173 Elizabeth Hooker, b. Dec. 23. 1849, at Summit. Wis. *4174 Mary Janes, b. Sept. 11, 1850, at Summit. Wis. 2618 Elias Cornelius Hooker (Edward,' Asahel," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^, son of Rev. Edward William and Faith Trumbull (Huntington) Hooker, of Ben- nington, Vt. (from Green Farms, Conn.), b. July 9. 1832, at Bennington, Vt. ; m. No. 1, June 19, 1861, Margaret Cecilia DeBevoise, daughter of James and Annie (Vandervoort) De- Bevoise of Bedford. Long Island, N. Y., b. Nov. 28, 1836, at Bedford. L. I. She died at Newburyport. Mass.. April 25, 1862. He m. No. 2. Dec. 20. 1865, Sarah Balch Moody Wil- liams, daughter of Joseph and Eunice Balch (Moody) W^il- liams, of Newburyport, Mass., b. May 3, 1845, at Newburyport, 352 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Mass. He was pastor of the church at Stockbridge, Mass. He died Dec. 5, 1873, at Stockbridge, Mass. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4175 Mabel, b. Oct. 13, 1866, at Nashua, N. H. ; d. Nov. 29, 1884. 4176 Richard, b. July 24, 1868, at Nashua, N. H. 2620 Edward Trumbull Hooker (Edward,'' Asahel," Asahel' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Edward Wilham and Faith Trumbull (Himtington) Hooker, of Ben- nington, Vt. (from Green Farms, Conn.), b. Oct. 31, 1837, at Bennington, Vt. ; m. Dec. 21, 1869 (at Brooklyn, N. Y.), Susan Cornelia Atwater, daughter of Sylvester Burke and Frances Harriet (Arnold) Atwater of Guilford Center, N. Y. ; b. Nov. 14, 1841, at Guilford Center. He was a graduate of Williams College, 1860. He died Oct. 2, 1886, at West Salem, Wis. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4177 Edward William, b. Nov. 27, 1870, at Middletown, Conn.; d. Aug. 17, 1872, at Middletown, Conn. *4178 George Lyman, b. April 19, 1872, at Middletown, Conn. *4179 Sarah Frances, b. March 4, 1874, at New Orleans, La.; m. Sept. 14, 1898, Carl Gotthilf Krucger. 4180 Susan, b. Nov. 6, 1876, at Castleton, Vt.; d. Nov. 14, 1877, at Castleton, Vt. 4181 Cornelius Huntington, b. Oct. 4, 1878, at Castleton, Vt. ; m. Aug. 20, 1907, Mary T. Williams. 4182 Charles Garfield, b. March 5, 1881, at Castleton, Vt. 2625 Sarah Edwards Cornelius (Mary,'' Asahel," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Elias and Mary Ann (Hooker) Cornelius, b. Feb. 14, 1830, at Boston, Mass.; m. Sept. 18, 1850, Rev. George B. Little, son of Otis Little of Castine, Me. ; b. Dec. 21, 1821, at Castine, Me. They resided for a while at Bangor, Me., and then at Roxbury, Mass. He died July 20, 1860, at Roxbury, Mass. CHILDREN, LITTLE. *4183 Mary Cornelius, b. Dec. 24, 1853. at Bangor, Me. 4184 Sarah Pierpont, b. Feb. 7, 1855, at Bangor, Me. 2626 Jeremiah Evarts Cornelius (Mary^ Asahel,® Asahel' Hezekiah,^ John,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Rev. Elias and Mary Ann (Hooker) Cornelius of New York City, b. Dec. 25, 1831, at New York City; m. Oct. 8, 1862, Sarah Fenner Storrs, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Dean) Storrs of Boston, Eighth Generation 353 Mass.; b. Nov. 11, 1839, at Plainfield, Conn. He was in the life insurance business at Boston, Mass. He died March 4, 1896, at Boston, Mass. She died Jan. 2, 1901, at Braintree, Mass. CHILDREN, CORNELIUS. *4185 Annie Evarts, b. April 13, 1864, at Newton Center, Mass. 4186 Robert Edwards, b. Nov. 6, 1871, at Newton Center, Mass. ; d. Feb. IS, 1822, at Newton Center, Mass. 2627 Elizabeth Hooker Peck (Sarah," Asahel,« Asahel,» Hezekiah,-* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Solo- mon and Elizabeth Reeves (Hooker) Peck, b. March 17, 1840; m. Dec. 22, 1869, Rev. Isaac Newton Stanger, D. D. He was an Episcopal clergyman at New York City; later in Phila- delphia. CHILD, STANGER, BY ADOPTION. 4187 Marion Estes, b. Jan. 3, 1875. 2628 Sarah Edwards Peck (Sarah,^ Asahel.e Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Solomon and Elizabeth Reeves (Hooker) Peck, b. April 2, 1842; m. June 21, 1870, Ira Winans. CHILDREN, WINANS. 4188 Edwin Peck, b. June 8, 1871 ; d. March 24, 1875. *4189 Henry Edwards, b. Jan. 21, 1873; ni. June 12, 1900, Edith Annie Brown. 4191 William Wallace, b. March 18, 1874; m. March 7, 1890, Maude Lilian Gill. 4192 Elizabeth Hooker, b. May 3, 1876. 4193 Helen Root, b, Oct. 11, 1879. 4194 Irene Du Pont, b. April 5, 1882. 2630 Bryan Hooker Smith (Lydia,'^ Bryan," Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,* John,* Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Cyrus Porter and Ly- dia Lewis (Hooker) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Jan. 29, 1829, at Brooklyn; m. Feb. 13, 1854, Elizabeth Bulkley, daughter of William F., and Abigail (Conkling) Bulkley of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. April 6, 1834, at Brooklyn. He is one of the directors of the Long Island Historical Society and the Packer Institute; President of the Brooklyn Savings Bank and associated with financial and insurance matters in Brooklyn. She died Aug 5, 1897, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 23 354 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN^ SMITH. *4195 William Bulkley, b. Sept. 12, 1855, at Brooklyn, N. Y. *4196 Cyrus Porter, b. Jan. 30, 1859, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 4197 Edward Hooker, b. iMay 23, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 4198 Bryan Herbert, b. Dec. 28, 1864, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 4199 Elizabeth Bulkley, b. Oct. 11, 1867, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 2631 Cyrus Augustus Smith (Lydia,^ Bryan," Asahel,* Hezekiah,^ John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Cyrus Porter and Lydia Lewis (Hooker) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 18, 1854, Ellen Maria Hopkins, daughter of Lucius and Nancy Maria Hopkins. He died Sept. 14, 1869. She died July 19, 1884. CHILDREN, SMITH. 4200 Lucius Hopkins, b. Sept. 9, 1855. 4201 Charles Boulton, b. April 24, 1859. 4202 Sidney Augustus, b. Feb. 14, 1862. 2635 Ellen Louisa Smith (Lydia,'' Bryan,« Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Cyrus Porter and Lydia Lewis (Hooker) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Feb. 10, 1841, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. June 1, 1870, Willis L. Ogden. They reside in Brooklyn, N. Y. CHILDREN, OGDEN. 4203 Alice Lydia, b. .\ugust 14, 1873. 4204 Elsie Helen, b. Nov. 27. 1874. 4205 Ellen Louise, b. Aug. 2, 1876. 4206 Clara, b. Sept. 12, 1879. 2636 William Chandler Smith (Lydia,'' Bryan," Asahel,* Hezekiah,^ John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Cyrus Porter and Lydia Lewis (Hooker) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. May 17, 1843, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 19, 1873, Maria McPhail, daughter of Dr. Leonard C. and Caroline E. McPhail. She died May 19, 1883. CHILD, SMITH. 4207 Marion Louise, b. Oct. 27, 1874. 2637 Charles Edward Smith (Lydia,'' Bryan," Asahel," Hczekiah,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Cyrus Porter and Lydia Lewis (Hooker) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. May 27, 1846, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 28, 1870, Corinne Cole- Eighth Generation 355 man, daughter of Samuel and Pamelia (Chandler) Coleman. He died at New York, Dec. 1, 1899. CHILD. SMITH. 4208 Corinne Pamelia, b. Feb. 16, 1878. 2638 Adeline Frances Hill ( Nancy ,'^ Bryan,*"' Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,^ John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William and Nancy (Hooker) Hill of Troy, N. lY., b. Jan. 10, 1834; m. May 30, 1855, George Ripley Bowman, b. Oct. 6, 1831. He was a merchant in New York City. He died Jan. 14, 1863. CHILD, BOWMAN. 4209 Clara Lee, b. April 26, 1858. 2640 Mary Williams Hooker (Bryan,' Bryan,* Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas V), daughter of Bryan Edward and Alaria Robbins (Williams) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. May 2S, 1852, at Hartford, Conn.; m. May 15, 1879, Joseph Gurley Woodward, son of Joseph and Almira (Gurley) Woodward of Willimantic, Conn., b. July 26, 1836, at Wil'li- mantic, Conn. He is a lineal descendant from Richard Wood- ward of Watertown, Mass., 1635. He is a broker at Hartford. She died at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 4, 1882. CHILD. WOODWARD. 4210 Joseph Hooker, b. Hartford, Conn., March 7, 1882. 2641 Edward Williams Hooker (Bryan,' Bryan,*' Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Bryan Edward and Martha Huntington (Williams) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Oct. 19, 1865, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. Nov. 12, 1889, Mary Mather Turner, daughter of Charles Peaslee and Julia Francis Mather of Philadelphia, Pa., b. Feb. 26, 1864. He is Mayor of Hartford. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4211 Rosalie, b. at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 26, 1892. 4212 Roland Mather, b. at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 1900. 2644 Catherine Hooker Doolittle (Urania,' Chauncey,^ Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Abraham Burbank and Urania Catherine (Hooker) Doolittle 356 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Plymouth, Conn., b. March 2i, 1843, at Plymouth ; m. Feb. 7, 1866, Ben Frank Marsh, son of George and Caroline (Gilbert) Marsh of Northfield, Conn., b. May 21, 1842 at Dayton, Ohio. CHILDREN, MARSH. 4213 Katharine Harriet, b. Dec. 14, 1870; m. Oct. 11, 1902, Ralph Warren Reinhold. *42I4 George Hooker, b. March 20, 1872. 4215 Frank Gilbert, b. Aug. 24, 1886. 2645 James Roland Doolittle (Urania,^ Chauncey," Asa- hel,^ Hezckiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Abraham Burbank and Urania Catherine (Hooker) Doolittle of Ply- mouth, Conn., b. May 13, 1849; m. Aug. 24, 1875, Emma Er- win. CHILDREN, DOOLITTLE. 4216 Catharine Hayes, b. July 23, 1876. 4217 Elizabeth Irene, b. June 13, 1889. 2650 Mary Hooker Williams (Plliphalet,'' Mary," John,^ John,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Eliphalet and Rebecca (Phoenix) Williams of New York, b. Jan. 12, 1812, at New York; m. Oct. 1837, Rev. John Tyler of Windham, Conn. CHILDREN, TYLER. 4218 Catherine E., b. August 3, 1838. 4219 Sidney Williams, b. Dec. 2. 1841. 4220 John Bennet, b, Nov. 4, 1844. 4221 Henry Martin, b. Dec. 25, 1846. 2672 Jeremiah Allen Strong (Theodore Strong.'' Sarah,® John,^ John,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Theodore and Martha Allen Strong of Coal Grove, Ohio, b. April 5, 1807; m. July 5, 1845, Emily Caroline Clough, daughter of Philip and Nancy Mills (Gledden) Clough of Canterbury, N. H., b. April 6, 1813, at Canterbury. They lived at Burlington, Ohio. He was engaged in coal mining. He died Dec. 17, 1870. She died Dec. 3, 1867. CHILD, STRONG. 4222 Theodore, b. May 9, 1853. 2673 Sarah Elizabeth Strong (Theodore Strong,^ Sarah,* John,^ John,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Theodore Eighth Generation 357 and Martha (Allen) Strong of Coal Grove, Ohio, b. April 30, 1809; m. June 3, 1841, Rev. Augustus Charles Thompson of Roxbury, Mass., son of Augustus and Kesiah (Hopkins) Thompson, b. April 30, 1812. He graduated from Yale, and studied in Germany ; then settled in Roxbury, Mass. She died May 11, 1857, at Somerville, Mass. He married again. CHILDREN, THOMPSON. 4223 Theodore Strong, b. April 23, 1842, at Northampton. 4224 Martha Allen, b. Dec. 24, 1&43, at Roxbury. 4225 Sarah Hooker, b. Feb. 21, 1846 ; d. Feb. 10, 1847. 4226 Julia Augusta, b. and d. April 22, 1848. 4227 Augustus Charles, b. July 24, 1849; drowned at Concord, N. H., Aug. 21, 1802. 2677 Timothy Dwight (Clarissa Strong,'' Sarah," John,^ John,'* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Timothy and Clarissa (Strong) Dwight of New Haven, Conn., b. April 1, 1811; m. May 11, 1842, Lucy Starr Olmstead, daughter of Zalmon and Rebecca B. Olmstead. They lived for many years at Beloit, Wis. Moved to Chicago, where he was a manufacturer of paper bags. CHILDREN, DWIGHT. 4228 Timothy, b. Feb. 21, 1843, at New Haven, Conn; m. Dec. 15, 1864, Delia Allen Williams, of Clinton, N. Y., born 1843. He is a civil engineer, also in business with his father in Chicago. 4229 Edward Cecil, b. April 9, 1845, at New Haven; d. May 19, 1849. 4230 Henry Thomas, b. Jan. 18, 1847; d. July 31, 1848. 4231 Charles Frederic, b. April 12, 1849; d. July 31, 1852. 4232 William Cecil, b. Aug. 26, 1851. 4233 Francis Alfred, b. Oct. 24, 1853; d. Oct. 28, 1853. 4234 Agnes Lucy, b. June 21, 1855. 2681 John William Dwight (Clarissa Strong," Sarah,^ John,^ John.* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Timothy and Clarissa (Strong) Dwight. b. Dec. 31, 1817; m. June 1845, Sophia Dwight (his cousin), daughter of Dr. Benjamin Wool- sey and Sophia (Strong) Dwight of Clinton, N. Y., b. Feb. 8, 1818, at Clinton. He was a manufacturer of salt petre at New Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, DWIGHT. 4235 Sophia Clarissa, b. May 1, 1847, at New Haven ; d. at Clinton, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1847. 4236 Mary Clarissa, b. Jan. 7, 1849. 4237 Henry Woolsev, b. Oct, 3, 1851 ; d. Aug. 23, 1852. 358 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4238 Edward Strong, b. Dec. 25, 1853. 4239 Frederic Louis, b. Nov. 5, 1855 ; d. July 10, 1858. 4240 Emily Cecilia, b. May 1, 1859. 4241 Louis Theodore, b. July 10, 1860; d. April 16, 1862, at Clinton, N. Y. 2682 Edward Strong Dwight (Rev.) (Clarissa Strong,' Sarah,"* John.^ John.^ John.^ Samuel,-' Thomas^), son of Tim- othy and Clarissa (Strong) Dwight, b. April 30, 1820; m. Nov. 13, 1849, Lucy Elizabeth Waterman, daughter of Dr. John and Ann (.\nderson) Waterman of Gorham, Me., b. May 5. 1823, at Gorham. She died Sept. 11, 1861. He m. No. 2, July 27, 1864, Elizabeth McGregor Adams, daughter of Rev. John Ripley and Mary Ann (McGregor) Adams of Londonderry, N. H., b. Oct. 1, 1836, at Londonderr)-. CHILDREN', DWIGHT. By first wife. 4242 .\nnie Waterman, b. April 14, 1851, at Saco, Me. 4243 Edward Huntington, b. July 13, 1856, at Amherst, Mass. By 2nd wife. 4244 Marion McGregor, b. Dec. 15, 1865. 4245 Julia Strong Lyman, b. Dec. 2, 1870. 2584 Julia Strong Dwight (Clarissa Strong,' Sarah,'"' John,^ John,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Timothv and Clarissa (Strong) Dwight, b. Aug. 6, 1824; m. July 28," 1847, Dr. Jonathan Huntington Lyman, ^L D., son of Jonathan Huntington and Sophia (Hinckley) Lyman of Northampton. Mass. She died Dec. 4, 1853, in Jamaica, W. L He m. No. 2, Mary W'oolsey Dwight, sister of his first wife. CHILDREN, LYMAN. 4246 Edward Huntington, b. Oct. 14, 1848, at New Haven, Conn. 4247 John Chester, b. May 27, 1851, at \ew Haven, Conn. 4248 Francis Hinckley, b. Jan. 19, 1853, at Chicago, 111.; d. July 20, 1871, of yellow fever in Brazil. 2687 Edward Strong (Lewis Strong,' Sarah,"* John,^ John.* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Lewis and ^Iaria Chester Strong, b. April 6. 1814; m. Sept. 30. 1839, Lucretia Wood- bridge Mitchell, daughter of Rev. Alfred and Lucretia (Wood- bridge) Mitchell, of Norwich, Conn., b. June 24, 1820. She died Jan. 16, 1845. He m. No. 2, Sept. 9, 1846, Harriet Louisa Haves, daughter of Joel and Anna (Mills) Haves, b. Dec. 13, 1823, at South Hadley. Eighth Generation -559 CHILDREN, STRONG. By 1st wife. 4249 Elizabeth Mitchell, b. Nov. 9, 1840. By 2nd wife. 4250 Harriet Williams, b. Dec. 18, 1847. 4251 Edward Lewis, b. Nov. 1, 1851. 4252 Julia Hayes, b. May 14, 1855. 4253 Anna Mills, b. Sept. 18, 1860; d. .\pril 18, 1863. 2688 Caleb Strong (Rev.) (Lewis Strong,^ Sarah,® John,^ John,^ John,3 Samuel.- Thomas^), son of Lewis and Maria Chester Strong, b. Jan. 31, 1816; m. May 26, 1840. Catherine Sophia Mitchell, daughter of Stephen Mix and Sophia (Coit) Mitchell of Wethersfield, Conn. She died Sept. 4, 1843. He m. No. 2, May 14. 1846, Maria Elizabeth Collins, daughter of Amos Morris and Mary (Lyman) Collins of Hartford. Conn. He died Jan. 4, 1847, at Montreal, Can. CHILD, STRONG. 4254 Maria Chester, b. June 8, 1841 ; d. May 26, 1842. 2689 Elizabeth Chester Strong ( Lewis Strong," Sarah.*' John.-'' John.-* John.^ Samuel.- ThomasM. daughter of Lewis and Maria Chester Strong, b. Sept. 1, 1817; m. May 25, 1840, William Xewton Matson. He was a graduate of Yale, 1833. A lawyer at Hartford. She died Jan. 29, 1867. CHILDREN", M.\TSON. 4255 William Lewis, b. Jan. 14, 1842. 4256 Maria Elizabeth, b. April 12, 1847 ; d. May 12, 1847. 2701 Julia Worthington Hooker (Henry.' Seth,'^ John.^ John.* lohn.s Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and :Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale. X."H., b. Nov. 15.' 1818, at Hinsdale ; m. Dec. 7, 1842. Henry Mason Jones, son of Cyrus and Sally (Bowker) Jones of Phiihpstown, Mass.. b. July 24. 1811, at Phillipstown. After the death of his father the fam- ily removed to Athol, Mass. Mr. Jones carried on the manu- facture of doors, sash, blinds, etc.. and also the lumber bus- iness at Hinsdale. He represented the town in the legislature twice and held at different times a number of town offices. He died at Hinsdale. X. H., July 7. 1886. CHILDREN. JONES. 4257 Henry Abbott, b. March 29, 1845. at Hinsdale. N. H. 360 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4258 Charles Armest, b. Feb. 25, 1848, at Hinsdale ; m, Dec. 27 1888, Emilv C. French, daughter of Francis and Julia (Walker) French of Keene. N. H., b. March 26, 1852. 4259 Frederick Hooker, b. Nov. 30, 1866, at Hinsdale ; m. Jan. 9, 1894, Alice Mabel Spencer. 2702 George Prentice Hooker (Henry,'^ Seth," John.s John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Henry and Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. May 31, 1820, at Hinsdale; m. Oct. 25, 1843, Lucretia Jane Ashcraft, daughter of Jedediah and Sally (Davis) Ashcraft. He began life with a small swampy farm, reclaimed the worthless lands and made it one of the best paying farms about Hinsdale, where he be- came one of the noted citizens. She died Feb. 25, 1897, at Hinsdale, N. H. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4260 Delia L., b. July 23, 1844, at Hinsdale; m. Nov. 20, 1872, Win- chester S. Puffer. *4261 Cassius Mason, b. July 12, 1848. *4262 .Augusta R., b. Oct. 12, 1851, at Hinsdale. 4263 George Utley, b. Oct. 9, 1856, at Hinsdale; d. Jan. 13, 1858, at Hinsdale. 4264 Cora Jane, b. Jan. 10, 1859; m. May 27, 1891, Gustave Samuel Smith, son of Henry and Pamelia (Spencer) Smith, b. March 3, 1862. 2703 Charles Gay Hooker (Henry,'' Seth,« John,^ John,* John.-' Samuel," Thomas'), son of Henry and Marv (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Nov. 12, 1822, at Hinsdale; m. Aug. 15, 1859, Maria Celia Osgood of Northfield, Mass., b. Sept. 3, 1836, at Northfield. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *4265 Charles Osgood, b. Aug. 10, 1860. 4266 Robert Gay, b. July 13, 1862. 4267 Jennie May, b. July 3, 1864. 4268 Bessie Augusta, b. Dec. 31, 1868. 4269 Florence Gertrude, b. April, 1, 1871. 2705 Henry Clay Hooker (Henry,' Seth," John,' John,* John.s Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Henry and Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Jan. 10, 1828, at Hinsdale : m. March 19, 1856, Elizabeth Rockwell, daughter of Peter K. and Meia Dorcas (Bell) Rockwell of Erie, Pa., b. Dec. 2Z, 1837, at Erie. Mr. Hooker went from Hinsdale to New York City in 1848; to Kansas Citv in 1849, Eighth Generation 361 attached to the Indian Department until 1852, then to Cali- fornia in 1853, where he mined in E! Dorado Co., and was a merchant at Placerville until 1866. The simplicity and hearty cheer of those days were always found in his cordial manners and unbounded hospitality. In 1872, he went to Arizona and became a contractor for supplies to the United States Army in the Apache War. He then became possessor of the Seirra Bonita Ranch. He never begrudged time or money spent in experimental work and the result is that he had the largest and most complete stock ranch in the Southwest. He believed in thoroughbreds and his cattle, horses, sheep and dogs were all of the best. It is said of him that he had no use for scrubs, either of the brute or human kind. He was considered an authority in his line and is specially quoted in the U. S. Cen- sus Reports. He died Dec. 5, 1907. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4270 Ida M.. b. May 3, 1858. 4271 Edwin R., b. Feb. 27, 1861. 4272 Joseph M., b. Sept. 4, 1863 ; m. Nov. 14, 1906, Laura Butler Coffin. 2706 Almira Ann Hooker (Henry,'' Seth,« John,^ John,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Henry and Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. May 28, 1830, at Hinsdale; m. Oct. 12, 1851, Isaiah H. Nutting, M. D., son of Joseph D. and Lucinda (Keep) Nutting of Groton, Mass., b. Dec. 12, 1828, at Groton. He was a graduate of Williams Col- lege, 1846, and of Pittsfield Medical College. He practised medicine at Strafiford Springs, Conn. ; his health failing he took charge of the Academy at Orford, N. H., and afterwards of the I\It. Hollis Seminary at Holliston, Mass. He subsequently be- came professor of languages at Fulton College, Fulton, 111. Leaving there he started a boys' school at Elgin, 111., but died a few months afterwards. He died Dec. 1, 1865, at Elgin, 111. CHILDREN, NUTTING. *4273 Frederic Joseph, b. Nov. 22, 1854, at Orford, N. H. *4274 Herbert Hooker, b. July 24, 1859, at Holliston, Mass. 4275 Minnie Mariah. b. Aug. 4, 1861, at Fulton, III,; m. Oct. 8, 1885, Edward McGregor. 2707 Minerva Sophia Hooker (Henry,'' Seth,*' John,^ John,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas,'), daughter of Henry and Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Sept. 11, 1832, at 362 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. No. 1. Robert T. Brown, June 5, 1867, at San Francisco, Cal. He died Nov. 19, 1878, at Sacramento, Cal. She m. No. 2, July 19, 1881. Edwin Ruthven Robertson of New York City. He died April 4, 1902, at Boston, Mass. CHILDREN, BROWN. 4276 Robert Tiirnbiill (Jr.), b. July 31, 1868, at Sacramento. 4277 Minnie Isabel, b. Sept. 19, 1871 ; d. Sept. 22. 1871. 4278 Edith Hooker, b. July 1, 1872; d. May 15, 1873. 2709 John Daggett Hooker (Henry,' Seth," John,'"' John,* John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hcnrv and Mary (Daggett) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. May 10,' 1838, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. August 26, 1869, Katherinc Putnam, daughter of Sam- uel Osgood and Elizabeth (Whitney) Putnam of San Fran- cisco, Cal., b. May 2. 1849, at Milwaukee, Wis. He was edu- cated at Holliston (Mass.), Academy and Williams College; went to California, 1861. was in San Francisco until Dec, 1865, then went to Los Angeles, where he is at the head of an im- mense iron works. Through all his busy life he has been in- tensely interested in the study of Astronomy. The upper story of his residence in Los Angeles he has fitted up as an observatory, not only for his own use but also for that of the Southern California Academy of Science, of which he has been a member from its inception. As a result of his munificence, Carnegie Institute Observatory on Mt. Wilson is to have a reflector with a hundred inch speculum. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4279 Laurence Whitney, b. June 14, 1873. at San Francisco ; died of bloodpoisoning Dec. 11, 1894, at New Haven, Conn.; he was a student in Senior Class, Yale Law School. 4280 Marion Osgood, b. July 15, 1875, at San Francisco. 2712 Sarah Worthington Blanchard (Abigail,'' Seth,* John,^' John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Willard and Abigail Prentice (Hooker) Blanchard of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Dec. 12, 1814, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. Nov. 3, 1835, Charles Pearson, M. D., b. Jan. 24, 1810, at Sterling, Worcester Co., Mass. They reside at Spring Green, Wis. CHILDREN. PE.\RS0N. 4281 Martha Ellen, b. April 13, 1843, at Castleton, Vt. : d. .^pril 9. 1871, at Grand Rapids, Mich.; m. April 13, 1870, Wilber F. Barker. Eighth Generation 363 2713 Mary Adeline Blanchard (Abigail^ Seth.e John.s John,-* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Willard and Abigail Prentice (Hooker) Blanchard of Hinsdale, N. H., b April 6, 1816. at Hinsdale : m. Dec. 9. 1839, Daniel C. Gates of Lynden, Vt., b. July 18, 1814. at Lynden. Vt. CHILDREN, GATES. 4282 William E.. b. Nov. 4, 1841 ; d. April 25. 1849. 4283 Frederic O., b. July 21. 1850; d. Feb. 21. 1851. *4284 Edward R., b. May 20, 1854, at Worcester. Mass. 4285 Francis D., b. July 21, 1856; d. Dec. 17. 1861. 4286 Clarence E., b. Oct. 1, 1857 ; d. Aug. 10, 1859. 2714 Maria Hooker Blanchard (Abigail," Seth," John,' John,-* John,-'' Samuel.- Thomas' )> daughter of Willard and Abigail Prentice (Hooker) Blanchard of Hinsdale. N. H., b. June 5. 1818, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. Oct. 10, 1837, Nelson Tay- lor, of Winchenden, Mass.. b. June 15, 1813, at Winchenden. He was a carpenter. He died Nov. 15. 1878, at Bloomington, 111. CHILDREN, T.WLOR, 4287 Charles White, b. April 16. 1838; d. April 22, 1839. 4288 George E., b. March 6. 1840; d. May 1. 1847. *4289 James Albert, b. Sept. 5, 1842, at Castleton. Vt. 4290 Deles Edward, b. Sept., 1847. 4291 Henry E.. b. July 21. 18+9; d. Dec. 13, 1849. 4292 Vernie De Las. b. Aug. 1, 1851 ; d. April 7, 1852. 2715 Lodema H. Todd (Abigail,'? Seth,* John,^ John,* John,-'' Samuel- ThoniasM. daughter of Caleb and (wid.) Abi- gail Prentice (Hooker) (Blanchard) Todd of Hinsdale. N. H., b. Oct. 25, 1828. at Hinsdale ; m. Dec. 31, 1856. William Ketch- am of Queens Co., N. Y. They resided at Madison, Wis. He represented the town in the legislature several years. He died Sept. 14. 1879. at Richland City, Wis. She died April 19, 1881, at Richland City, Wis. CHILDREN, KETCHAM. *4293 Charles Bates, b. Feb. 8. 1858. 4294 William Jagger. b. March 21, 1859. 4295 Abigail Rebecca, b. April 5, 1863; d. April 10. 1863. 4296 Maggie Louisa, b. Jan. 8, 1865 ; d. Aug. 8, 1879. 2717 Louisa A. Todd (Abigail.'? Seth,« John.^ John,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas,'), daughter of Caleb and (wid.) Abigail 364 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Prentice (Hooker) (Blanchard) Todd of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Nov. 2, 1834, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; m. April 16, 1862, Seth Rich- ards of Worcester, Mass. He was a singer and musical instruc- tor. She died April 8, 1870. at Worcester, Mass. CHILD, RICHARDS. 4297 Cora Louise, b. Sept. 6, 1865; m. Nov. 7, 1888, Geo. M. Bassett. 2722 John Mills Stebbins (Sarah," Seth,« John.^ John,* John.'' .Samuel,- Thomas' ). son of F.lihii and Sarah Gay (Hook- er) Stebbins of Hinsdale, X. H., b. Dec. 27, 182.S, at Hinsdale; m. Nov. 23, 1853, Harriet Cornelia Haile, daughter of William and Sabrina Shaw (Walker) Haile of Hin.sdale, N. H., b. June 22, 1829, at Chesterfield, N. H. He was a lawyer; studied two years at .'\mherst, then at Dartmouth and graduated in 1848. In 1849 settled at Springfield, Mass., and was Judge of the "Court of Insolvencv" of Hampden Co.,, 1856-59. He was Mayor of Springfield in 1874. He died l^'eb. 11, 1888, at Springfield, Mass. CHH.DREN, STEBBINS. 4298 William Haile. b. March 29, 1858, at Springfield, Mass.; d. March 2, 1862, at Springfield, Mass. 4299 Frederic Haile, b. May 24. 1860, at Springfield, Mass.; m. Nov. 12, 1902, Martha Rtimery Adams. 4300 Charles Gay, b. June 13, 1863, at Springfield; d. July 7, 1864, at Springfield, Mass. 4301 Walter Gay, b. June 4. 1865, at Springfield ; d. Oct. 9, 1893. 4302 Arthur Walker, b. May 20, 1872, at Springfield; d. May 28, 1872, at Springfield. 2725 John Bunker Taylor, M. D. (Delia,' Scth,« John,^ John,* John.3 .Samuel,- Thomas^), son of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale. N. H., b. Oct. 16, 1821, at Hins- dale: m. June 14, 1855, Helen Maria Reed, daughter of Enos and Sarah (Gordon) Reed of East Cambridge. He was a phy- sician practising at North Cambridge, and died very suddenly while visiting a patient, Feb. 15, 1899. at East Cambridge, Mass. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. 4303 Frederic Weston, b. June 22, 1856, at E. Cambridge. 4.304 Florence Mav, b. May 9. 1858, at E. Cambridge. 4305 Adele Reed. b. Aug. 1, 1862, at E. Cambridge. 4306 Gordon Hooker, b. Oct. 7, 1868, at E. Cambridge. Eighth Generation 365 2726 Lewis Taylor (Delia," Seth,« John.s john,-» John ^ Sam- uel,2 Thomas^), son of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Aug. 19, 1824, at Hinsdale; m. Feb. 10, 1848, Mary Humphrey of Boston, Mass., b. Sept. 4, 1824, at Boston. He is in the tailoring business in Boston and they reside at Dorchester. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. *4307 William Lewis, b. March 4, 1850, at Roxbury, Mass. *4308 Webster Humphey, b. Oct. II, 1853, at Roxbury, Mass. 4309 John Oscar, b. June, 1855, at Roxbuo', Mass. 4310 Edward Lassell, b. May 8, 1858, at Roxbury, Mass. ; d. July 10, 1860, at Roxbury. 4311 Minnie Gay, b. Oct. 28, 1863, at Roxbury. 2727 William Dwight Taylor (Delia,^ Seth,« John.s John,* John,^' Samuel,- ThomasM. son of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Nov. 12, 1826, at Hins- dale ; m. June 18, 1854, Harriet Alexander of Richmond, Me. He was a tailor. He died June 10, 1868, at Thomaston, Me. She died Jan., 1859, at Boston, Mass. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. *4312 Frank Dwight, b. Feb. 26, 1855, at Boston. 4313 Hatlie Florence, b. Jan. 19, 1857, at Boston, Mass.; d. March 21, 1881. 2728 Kirk White Taylor (Delia,' Seth,« John.^ John,* John,3 Samuel,- ThomasM. son of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Oct. 25, 1828, at Hinsdale ; m. Oct. 20, 1864, Emily M. Sherman of Martinez, Cal. He was a dentist; went to California in 1851, as a miner and became a surveyor. He died Dec. 29, 1882, at Martinez, Cal. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. 4315 Mamie Belle, b. Oct. 30, 1866, at Martinez, Cal. 4316 Ida Roxie, b. July 13, 1874, at Martinez, Cal. ; d. Nov. 23, 1877, at Martinez. 4317 Emily Maria, b. July 14, 1879, at Martinez, Cal. 2729 Delia Hooker Taylor (Delia,' Seth." John,^ John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. May 29, 1831, at Hins- dale : m. May 1. 1855, Frederic Boyden of Hinsdale, N. H. He was a practising physician at Hinsdale. He became a manu- 366 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker facturer of woolen goods. He filled various town offices and represented the town in the state legislature. He died Nov. 11, 1871, at Hinsdale, N. H. CHILDREN, BOYDEN. *4318 Ida Louisa, b. Aug. 16, 1855, at Hinsdale. 4319 Jamie Everett, b. Feb. 7, 1859, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; d. Dec. 24, 1859. 4320 Alice, b. Feb. 11, 1861, at Hinsdale, N. H. ; d. July 31, 1861, at Hinsdale, N. H. 2730 Jane Maria Taylor (Delia,' Seth,* John,^ John,^ John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. March 18, 1834, at Hinsdale; m. Feb. 4, 1857, Henry C. Wood of Hinsdale, N. H. He is in the boot and shoe business at Burlington, Vt. CHILDREN, WOOD. 4321 Ella Maria, b. Dec. 19, 1857, at Hinsdale, N. H. 4322 William Henry, b. May 2, 1860, at Hinsdale, N. H. 4323 Alice Louise, b. April 21, 1863, at Hinsdale, N. H. 4324 Jennie Amelia, b. Dec. 1, 1865, at Hinsdale, N. H. 2731 Harriet Newell Taylor (Delia,' Seth,* John.s John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William and Delia (Hooker) Taylor of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Aug. 31, 1837, at Hins- dale ; m. Oct. 7, 1862, Sereno Merrill Wilder, son of Samuel and Sarah (Merrill) Wilder of Greenfield, Mass. He is a mechanic at Hinsdale. V ■ CHILD. WILDER. 4325 Merrill Boyden, b. Sept. 21, 1873. 2735 Robert Breck Hooker (George,' John," John,"' John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas' ). son of Dr. George and Rachel (Breck) Hooker of Long Meadow, Mass., b. Jan. 31, 1821, at Long Meadow; m. Jan. 16, 1856, Mary Ophelia Young, daugh- ter of William and Esther (Hill) Young of Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., b. Aug. 16, 1829, at Liberty. They reside at Eliza- beth, N. J., where he is in the drug business with his son. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4326 Mary Augusta, b. Jan. 3. 1857, at Elizabeth, N. J. *4327 George Breck. b. June 8, 1860, at Elizabeth, N. J. 4328 Elizabeth Dwight, b. Dec. 4, 1863, at Elizabeth, N. J. Eighth Generation 367 2738 John Hooker (GeorgeJ John.s John.s John,* JohnS Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Dr. George and Rachel (Breck) Hooker of Long Meadow. Mass., b. June 5, 1826, at Long Mea- dow ; m. Oct. 2, 1855, Ellen Eliza Bliss, daughter of Gad Ol- cott and Harriett (Cooley) Bliss of Long Meadow, b. May 30, 1834, at Long Meadow. She died Nov. 19, 1888, at Long Meadow. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4329 Harriet Breck, b. Sept. 19, 1857, at Elmira, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 4, 1880. William Stevens Bacon. 4330 Mary Dwight, b. Nov. 15, 1859, at Elmira, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 31, 1883, John Blake KendaH. 4331 George Bliss, b. June 7, 1861, at Elmira, N. Y. 2743 Frederic Packard (Elizabeth," John," John,^ John,* John," Samuel,- Thomas, M> son of Frederic Adolphus and Elizabeth Dwight (Hooker) Packard of Philadelphia, Pa., b. July 24, 1828, at Geneva, N. Y. : m. Nov. 2, 1852, Ellen Louisa Hall, daughter of Isaac and Susan (Mitchell) Hall of Boston, Mass., b. June 18, 1824. He was a lawyer at Appleton, Wis., where he was a prominent citizen. They had no children but adopted a child named Fannv Weed who became known as Fannv Weed Packard. He died July 18, 1862, at Philadelphia. She died 1881, at M alone, N. Y. CHILD, (adopted) PACKARD. 4332 Fanny Weed, m. Rev. Charles Richardson. 2745 John Hooker Packard (Elizabeth,^ John,*' John.* John,* Tohn,3 Samuel,- ThomasM, son of Frederick Adolphus and Elizabeth Dwight (Hooker) Packard of Philadelphia, b. Aug. 15, 1832, at Philadelphia: m. June 3. 18.58, Elizabeth Wood, daughter of Charles Stuart and Juliana (Fitz Randolph) Wood of Philadelphia, b. May 2, 1835, at Philadelphia. He graduated from the LTniversity of Pennsylvania, 1850, an M. D. 1853. Has been resident physician of the Pennsylvania Hospi- tal since 1856. She died March 11, 1897, at Philadelphia. children, PACKARD. 4333 Elizabeth Dwight. b. April 6, 1859, at Philadelphia. *4334 Charles Stuart Wood, b. June 2. 1860, at Pliiladelphia. 4335 Frederic Adolphus, b. Nov. 1, 1862, at Philadelphia; d. Nov. 1, 1902, at Philadelphia ; m. Katherine Shippen. *4336 John Hooker, b. May 9, 1865, at Philadelphia. 368 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4337 Francis Randolph, b. March 23, 1870, at Philadelphia ; m. June, 1899, Christine B. Curvven; she died May 16, 1901, at Vella Nova: he is a physician; was editor of American Journal of Medical Science. *4338 George Randolph, b. Sept. 27, 1872, at Philadelphia. 2746 Lewis Richard Packard (Elizabeth,'' John,*^ John,^ John^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Frederick Adolphus and Elizabeth Dwight (Hooker) Packard of Philadelphia, b. Aug. 22, 1836 ; m. Dec. 29, 1870, Harriet Moore Storrs, daughter of Rev. Dr. Richard Salter and Mary Elwell (Jenks) Storrs of Brookline, Mass. He graduated from Yale, 1856, Ph. D. First studied for tninistry, but gave up on account of ill health. Became first tutor, then Assistant Professor, and then Hill- house Professor of Greek at Yale. He was director of Ameri- can Archaelogical School at Athens, 1883-84. He died Oct. 26, 1884, at New Haven, Conn. CHILD, P.\CKARD. 4339 Mary Storrs, b. April 5, 1872, at Aiken, S. C. 2747 Thomas Hooker (Richard,^ John," John,^ John,'* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Richard and Aurelia (Dwight) Hooker of New Haven, Conn., b. Sept 3, 1849, at Macon, Ga. ; m. June 30, 1874, Sarah Augusta Bowles, daugh- ter of Samuel and Mary Dwight (Schermerhorn) Bowles of Springfield. Mass., b. June 6, 1850. at Springfield. He gradu- ated from Yale in 1869. Traveled abroad and in this country after marriage returned to New Haven in 1879. Since 1902, has been Vice President of the First National Bank of New Haven and President of New Haven Trust Co. She died March 10, 1909 at New Haven. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4339a Aurelia Dwight, h. Mav 2, 1875, at Cassel, Germany, d. Jan. 27, 1899, at New Haven. 4339b Richard, b. Feb. 20, 1878, grad. Yale, 1899. He is on the edit- orial staff of Sprinfield Republican. 4339c Thomas, Jr., b. July 26, 1882. He grad. Yale, 1903, a lawyer at New Haven. 2748 Emily Hooker (Henry,'' William.s John,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and Sylvia (Wales) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. Dec. 27, 1804, at West- hampton, Mass. ; m. Nov. 24, 1825, Orrin Kingsley, son of Ezra and Miriam (Rust) Kingsley of Northampton, Mass., b. Nov. Eighth Generation 369 20, 1802, at Northampton. He was a grocer at Northampton, Mass. He died June 6, 1876, at Westhampton. She died April 17, 1871, at Westhampton. CHILDREN, KINCSLEY. *4340 Julia Ann Rust, b. Feb. 23. 1827, at Northampton. *4341 Sarah Henry, b. Jan. 29, 1828, at Northampton. *4342 Emily Elsie, b. Aug. 22, 1830, at Northampton. 4343 Charles Hooker, b. Oct. 24, 1832, at Northampton; d. Sept. 17, 1848. *4344 Edward Munson, b. Aug. 18, 1839, at Northampton. *434S Ellen Maria, b. June 6, 1842, at Northampton. 2749 Festus Hooker (Henry,' William," John,' John,* John,3 Samuel," Thomas'), son of Henry and Sylvia (Wales) Hooker of Northampton, Mass., b. May 31, 1806, at Northamp- ton : in. Aug. 9, 1832, Mary Strong, daughter of Chester and Rachel (Bartlett) Strong of Huntington, Mass., b. Jan. 20, 1812, at Huntington. He was a farmer at Westhampton, where he died March 2, 1881. She died Oct. 3, 1894, at Westhampton. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4346 Allen Thompson, b. May 17, 1834, at Westhampton; d. Nov. 11, 1854. 4347 Henry Chester, b. July 2, 1835, at Northampton; d. July 31, 1865. *4348 Edward Wales, b. Nov. 26, 1840, at Northampton. *4349 Lucy Ashmun, b. July 15. 1843. at Northampton. 4350 Worthington. 1st, b. April 19, 1846, at Westhampton; d. Dec. 10, 1846. *4351 Worthington. 2nd, b. Nov. 20. 1848, at Westhampton. *4352 Charles, b. Sept. 14, 1850, at Westhampton, Mass. 2750 Electa Wales Hooker (Henry,'' William,^ John,' John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and Syl- via (Wales) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. April 20, 1807, at Westhampton ; m. April 26, 1827, Anson Chapman, son of Jedediah and Anna (Danks) Chapman of Westhampton, b. Dec. 11, 1803, at Westhampton. He was a merchant at West- hampton, where he died May 8, 1873. She died Dec. 25, 1876, at Westhampton. CHILDREN, CH.^PMAN. 4353 Junia Maria, b. July 5, 1828, at Westhampton; d. Dec. 15, 1892. *4354 Marvett. b. May IS, 1833. at Westhampton. 4355 Anson Hooker, b. July 14, 1838, at Westhampton; d. July 23, 1838, at Westhampton. 24 370 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2753 Lucy Ashmun Hooker (William,'' William," John,^ John,^ John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of William and Oc- tavia (Hale) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. Sept. 28, 1812, at Westhampton ; m. Sept. 28, 1837, Joseph Washburn Clark, M. D., of Rushville, 111. She died April 17, 1839, at Rushville, 111. CHILD, CLARK. 4356 William Hooker, b. April 12, 1839, at Rushville ; d. May 6, 1839 2754 William Throop Hooker (William.' William," John,^ John,'* John,'* Samuel,' Thomas'), son of William and Octa- via (Hale) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. March 22, 1815, at Westhampton; m. June 1, 1837, Caroline Collins, daughter of Augustus Collins of Westfield, Mass. He was cashier of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Hartford, Conn., and of the Continental Bank of New York City. She died Feb. 5, 1872. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4357 Henry Collins, b. June 2, 1841, at Hartford, Conn.; d. June 17, 1867. *4358 William Augustus, b. Sept. 4, 1845, at Hartford. 4359 Caroline Christine, b. May 24, 1847, at Hartford; m. Nov. 3, 1875, Francis Waite Corey. 4360 Gertrude Hoyt, b. July 14, 1856 ; m. April 14, 1879, William Fayette Brown. 4362 Grace Fay, b. May 28, 1859. 4363 Herbert Throop, b. Dec. 19, 1860; d. April 17, 1862. 2755 Henry Hooker (William." William," John,^ John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of William and Octavia (Hale) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. June 27, 1820, at West- hampton ; m. Oct. 10, 1844, Sarah Hall, daughter of Richardson and Sibylla (Hale) Hall of Greenfield, Mass., b. Dec. 14, 1819, at Greenfield. In 1836, (aged 15 years) he became a clerk in the Phoenix Bank at Hartford, Conn., and reinained connect- ed with that bank until 1847. He then became cashier of a bank at Great Barrington, Mass., and in 1851, became cashier of the Westfield Bank, Westfield, Mass. He died June 13, 1896, at Westfield. She died Oct. 12, 1898, at Cambridgeport, Mass. CHILDREN, HOOKER. *4364 Lucy Ashmun, b. Sept. 19, 1845, at Westfield. *4365 Charles Hall, b. July 3, 1847, at Hartford. Eighth Generation 371 2760 Anson Parker Hooker (AnsonJ William,^ John,^ John,'* John,* Samuel,' ThomasM, son of Dr. Anson and Eliza- beth Parker Hooker of East Cambridge, Mass., b. Sept. 2, 1829, at East Cambridge: m. Sept. 10, 1861, Rebecca Pitman Boies, daughter of Hon. Patrick and Orpha Marshall Boies of Westfield, Mass., b. April 7, 1831. at Granville, Mass. He grad- uated from Harvard, 1851. Harvard, M. D. 1855. He was connected with his father in practice in East Cambridge, and after his father's death succeeded to a large practice. He died Dec. 31, 1873, at East Cambridge. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4366 Mark Marshall, b. Feb. 29, 1864, at East Cambridge; d. March 23, 1864. 4367 Elizabeth Mather, b. March IS, 1866. at East Cambridge. She is the last living descendant from Cotton Mather. 4368 Mary Marshall, b. March 15, 1866, at East Cambridge ; d. March 19, 1866. 2764 Mary Hooker (Edward,' William," John,^ John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Edward and Mary Ann (Dwight) Hooker of South Hadley, Mass., Rochester, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio., b. Jan. 16, 1838, at Rochester; m. April 14, 1864, Henry Walworth Smith, son of Erastus Ferrant and Rebecca (Barber) Smith of Groton, Conn., b. June, 6, 1827, at Groton. Mr. Smith was for some years a merchant at St. Thomas, W. I.; later he settled at Cincinnati, Ohio., and en- gaged in wrecking business upon the Ohio river. He died of yellow fever, Dec. 2, 1873, at Evansville, Ind. CHILDREN, SMITH. 4369 Edward Hooker, b. Sept. 12. 1866, at So. Hadley, Mass. 4370 Francis Church Dwight, b. Sept. 19, 1870, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; ni. 28, 1894, Mary Katharine Kreckel. 2765 Thomas Hooker Goodhue (Elizabeth,' Thomas,^ John,-'' John,* John,-'' Sanniel,- Thomas*), son of Rev. Josiah F. and Elizabeth White (Hooker) Goodhue of Williston, Vt., b. Aug. 21, 1825, at WilHston ; m. June IS, 1876, Mary Deette Burrows, daughter of Stephen and Mary Elvira (Root) Bur- rows of Whitewater, Wis., b. Feb. 20, 1842, at Perryville, N. Y. He was educated at Newton Academy, Shoreham, Vt., and was a merchant at WMiitewater, Wis. He died Sept. 26, 1905. CHILD. GOODHUE. 4371 Thomas Hooker, b. Jan. 1, 1879, at Whitewater, Wis. ZTl The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2767 Josiah Goodhue (ElizabethJ Thomas," John,' John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Josiah F. and Ehzabeth White (Hooker) Goodhue of WilHston, Vt., b. Jan. 2, 1830, at Williston ; m. Oct. 6, 1858, Sarah B. Chipman, daughter of George A. and Eliza Ann (Perrin) Chipman of Avon, Oak- land Co., Mich., b. July 11, 1837, at Avon. He was educated at Newton Academy, Shoreham, Vt., and now resides near Whitewater, Wis., where he is a farmer and business man. CHILDREN, GOODHUE. ; *4372 George Harris, b. Dec. 23. 1859, at Whitewater, Wis. 4373 John Hooker, b. Dec. 21, 1861, at Whitewater; d. Aug. 20, 1853, at Whitewater. Wis. *4374 Helen hVances, b. Mav 30, 1864, at Whitewater. *4375 Ralph Josiah, b. Sept. 24, 1869, at Whitewater. 4376 Anna Eliza, b. Sept. 24, 1869, at Whitewater; d. Jue 27, 1884. *4377 Robert Shields, b. Sept. 24, 1876, at Whitewater. 2770 Sarah Brown Hooker (Henry .'f Thomas,*' John,^ John,* John.* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Henry Brown and Martha Vinal (Chickering) Hooker of Lanesboro, Mass., b. April 24, 1828, at Lanesboro; m. Oct. 1, 18.S6, Rev. William Banfield Capron, son of William Cargill and Chloe (Day) Capron of Uxbridge, Mass., b. April 14, 1824. He was a mis- sionary for several years after graduating from Yale and An- dover. He died Oct. 6, 1876, at Madura, India. CHILDREN, CAPRON. 4378 Annie Hooker, b. Sept. 17. 1860. at Madura, India; m. April 21, 1897, Lewis Kennedy Morse. *4379 Laura Elizabeth, b. June 17, 1862, in India. 4380 Henry Hooker, b. and d. in India. 2773 Sarah Hooker Hopkins (Julia,' Thomas,6 John,' John,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William and Julia Ann (Hooker) Hopkins of Rutland, Vt., b. Nov. 17, 1837, at Rutland; m. Nov. 19, 1861, Josiah Perkins Woodbury of Rutland, Vt. They reside at Monte Vista. Rio Grande Co., Colo. CHILDREN, WOODBURY. 4381 Jesse Burnham. 4382 Allan Hooker. 4383 Carl. 4,'^84 Grace Eleanor. 4385 Annie Lawrence, d. aged 4 mo. 4386 Jean Hopkins, d. aged 4 years. Eighth Generation 373 2779 William Hooker Stanley (SallyJ William.o Seth.^ John/ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Sally (Hooker) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. Oct. 20, 1810, at Kensington; m. Oct. 9, 1834, Julia Gorham. He was a printer at New Haven, Conn. He died May 10, 1869, at New Haven, Conn. She died March 9, 1896, at New Haven. CHILDREN, STANLEY. 4387 Julia Eliza, b. Feb. 23, 1836, at New Haven ; m. May 1, 1862, Henry A. Knight. 4388 Henry Fitch, b. Oct. 14, 1838, at New Haven; he was a soldier in the Civil War. 4389 Catherine Grace, b. Mar. 23, 1841, at New Haven. 2780 Sarah Stanley (Sally ,^ William," Seth.s John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Sally (Hooker) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. Oct. 25, 1812, at Kensington; m. Sept. 13, 1834, Charles Bradley, son of Nehemiah and Anna (Ford) Bradley of New Haven, Conn., b. Oct. 9, 1809, at New Haven. He died Mav 21, 1888. at New Haven. She died Nov. 21, 1895, at New York City. CHILDREN, BRADLEY. *4390 Mary Eliza, b. June 18, 1835, at New Haven. *4391 William Hooker, b, Aug. 25, 1838, at New Haven. *4392 George Cornwall, b. April 9, 1846, at New Haven. 4393 Frederic Lines, b. Mar. 26, 1850, at New Haven; m. June 17, 1879, Arabella Tracey Randolph, daughter of Edw. Salsbury Randolph, b. June 11, 1851. 2781 Oswin Stanley (Sally,'^ William,^ Seth,5 John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Sally (Hooker) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. April 7, 1815, at Kensington; m. No. 1, Nov. 3, 1844, Jane M. Thresher. She died Dec. 19, 1851. He m. No. 2, Jan. 30, 1853, Wid. Marcia (Bacon) Root, daughter of John Bacon and widow of Dennis Root. He died May 7, 1884. CHILDREN, STANLEY. By 1st wife. 4394 Charles Hooker, b. Aug. 24, 1845; d, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor ; he was a soldier in the Civil War and was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor. 4395 Seth H., b. May 6, 1849. *4396 George J., b. July 14, 1851. 374 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2782 Sophia Stanley (SallyJ William." Seth.^ John,-' John.s Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Hezekiah and Sally (Hooker) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. April 30, 1817, at Kensington ; m. Sept. 13, 1842, Charles Bradley. She died April 11, 1862, at New Haven, Conn. CHILD, BRADLEY. 4397 Frank Stanley, b. Sept. 2, 1844, at New Haven, Conn. 2784 Samuel Stanley (Sally.'^ William," Seth,^ John,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Hezekiah and Sally (Hooker) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. Aug. 23, 1822, at Kensington ; m. Oct. 13, 1844, Sophia Andrus, daughter of Ebenezer and Polly (Griswold) Andrus of New Britain. Conn. He was a jeweler by trade. He was a selectman of the town and repre- sented the town in the state legislature. She died March 14, 1883. CHU-DREN, STANLEY. *4398 Mary A. 4399 Emma. *4400 Hattie Elizabeth. 2791 William Hooker (William,' William," Seth.^ John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. William and Amelia (Stanley) Hooker of Dover Furnace, Dutchess Co., N. Y., b. Nov. 22, 1819, at South Dover, N. Y., m. June, 1854, Sarah Cut- ler, daughter of Calvin and Kesiah (Varney) Cutler of Dover Furnace, N. Y., b. Jan. 4, 1830, at Dover Furnace. He died April 4, 1881, at Wing Station, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4401 Cornelia, b. Dec. 31, 1856. at Wing Station. *4402 Jennie, b. Aug. 25, 1860, at Wing Station. 4403 William, b. May 14, 1864, at Wing Station. *4404 EfTie K.. b. Sept. 8, 1867, at Wing Station. 4405 John Calvin, b. April 23, 1873, at Wing Station. 2792 Ann Hooker (William,' William," Seth,^ John,-» John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr William and Amelia (Stanley) Hooker of Dover Furnace, Dutchess Co., N. Y., b. Sept. 11, 1825, at South Dover, N. Y.; m. Feb. 16, 1848, Edwin Vincent, son of .'Kbsolom and Abbie (Duncan) Vincent, b. June 19, 1820, at Dover Furnace. Eighth Generation 375 CHILDREN, VINCENT. 4406 Ella Stanley, b. Dec. 7, 1851. at Dover Furnace. 4407 Amelia Stanley, b. Jan. 26, 1853, at Dover Furnace; d. Aug. 31, 1853, at Dover Furnace. 4408 Amelia Hooker, b. Aug. 11, 1857, at Dover Furnace. *4409 Charles William, b. Nov. 7, 1862, at Dover Furnace. *4410 Minnie Cordelia, b. Aug. 12, 1865, at Dover Furnace. 2795 George Atwood Hooker (George,'^ William," Seth,^ John,^ John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of George J. and Emily (Atwood) Hooker of Kensington Conn., b. Dec. 14, 1833, at Kensington ; m. Elizabeth Maria Cole, daughter of Truman and Maria Benton (Hart) Cole, b. Oct. 18, 1837, at Kensington. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4410a Charles Levi, b. Feb. 16. 1867, d. Nov. 1, 1876. 4410b Georgietta, b. April 5, 1873. 2796 John Randolph Hooker (George,'^ William,^ Seth.^ John,* John,3 Samuel," Thomas'), son of George J. and Emily (Atwood) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. April 18, 1836, at Kensington ; m. Nov. 13, 1867, Marietta Preston Sawyer, daughter of Augustus and Almena (Preston) Sawyer of Meri- den, Conn. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4410c Walter Preston, b. Sept. 7, 1868, at New Britain, Conn.; m. Nov. 23, 1895, Nellie Elizabeth Lyon. *4410d Jennet Louise, b. Oct. 31, 1872. 2808 Jennette Phelps Hooker (Charles," William." Seth.^ John,* John,3 Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Charles and Eliza (Beers) Hooker of New? Haven, Conn., b. July 1, 1837, at New Haven; m. May 21, 1861, Albert Baldwin, son of Cyrus and Elizabeth C. (Mandeville) Baldwin of Orange. N. J., b. July 5, 1835, at Orange. They lived at Newark, N. J., where she died Feb. 16, 1883. CHILDREN, BALDWIN. *4411 Cliarles Hooker, b. Nov. 26. 1865, at Newark, N. J. 4412 Albert Henry, b. Oct. 24, 1868. at Newark, N. J. 4413 Jennet Eliza, b. June 28, 1874, at Newark, N. J. 2814 Mary Hooker (Henry,' John,'"' Elijah,'^ John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry and Melinda (Can- 376 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker field) Hooker of Morristown, N. Y., b. March 12, 1825, at Mor- ristown ; m. Dec. 23, 1845, George Augustus Chapman, son of Augustus and Sophronia (Carey) Chapman of Morristown, b. May 16, 1811, at Morristown. He was a successful merchant, doing a large Canadian business. He died April 5, 1855, at Morristown. After his death his widow moved to Boston. CHILDREN, CH.\PMAN. 4414 Emma Mary, b. May 30, 1847. 4415 Henry Augustus, b. July 2, 1850. 4416 Caroline Sophronia, b. Nov. 4, 1853; d. Nov. 1, 1885. 2815 Horace Henry Hooker (Henry,'' John,« Elijah,^ John,* John,'* Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Henry and Melinda (Can- field) Hooker of Morristown, N. Y., b. Sept. 8, 1827, at Morris- town; m. Sept. 5, 1855, Sarah McAllaster, daughter of James and Rebecca McAllaster of Boston, Mass., b. June, 22, 1831, at Boston. He was in business with his brother-in-law, Geo. Chapman. He died July 16, 1869, at Morristown. She died Dec. 30, 1865. CHILD, HOOKER. *4417 Henry James, b. April 29, 1862, at Morristown. 2839 Mary Elizabeth Atwood (Sophia,^ Sa.xa,'' Elijah,^ John,^ John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Jamison and Sophia (Hooker) Atwood of Berlin, Conn., b. July, 29, 1827, at Berlin ; m. Oct. 8, 1851, Franklin Graham, son of Virgil B. and Elizabeth (Miller) Graham, b. Oct. 16, 1825, at Ghent, N. Y. She died April 19, 1902, at New Britain. CHILDREN, GRAHAM. *4418 Florence Rosella, b. July 28, 1852, at New Britain. 4419 Charles Hooker, b, Dec. 19, 1856, at New Britain; d. July 24, 1878. 2841 Frank Henry Hooker (Henry,^ Saxa.s Elijah,'^ John,-» John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Henry and Charlotte (Lum) Hooker of Kensington and New Haven, Conn., b. Jan. 11, 1843, at New Haven ; m. Oct. 29, 1868, Grace Russell, daughter of Henry Esmond and Elizabeth (Peck) Russell of New Britain, Conn., b. Oct. 28, 1844. at New Haven. He graduated from Yale, 1864. He was at the head of the Henry Hooker Co., car- Eighth Generation 377 riage manufacturers. He died April 14, 1900, at New Haven. She died Aug. 19, 1881, at Stockbridge. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4420 Clarence Russell, b. Oct. 17. 1869, at New Britain. 4421 Elizabeth Russell, b. Dec. 30, 1874, at New Haven. 4422 Donald Russell, b. Sept. 7, 1876, at New Haven. 2842 Norman Albert Hooker ( Henry ,^ Saxa,« Elijah,^ John.* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Henry and Charlotte (Lum) Hooker of Kensington and New Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 17, 1847, at New Haven; m. Nov. 11, 1869, Anna Louisa New- ton, datighter of Erastus and Caroline (Zeiley) Newton of Lockport, N. Y. He was engaged with his brother in the manufacture of carriages at New Haven. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4423 Henry, b. Sept. 2, 1871, at New Haven. 4424 Carolyn Newton, b. Jan. 28, 1873. 4425 Louisa, m. Henry Blyth. 2843 Jane Abigail Hooker (George,^ Ashbell," Elijah,^ John,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of George and Sally (Woodruff) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. May 3, 1828, at Kensington : m. July 1, 1850, Isaac Norton, son of Ed- ward and Lucy (Hart) Norton, b. Oct. 24, 1827, at Berlin, Conn. They lived at Grand Island, Neb. He died Dec. 8, 1880, at Rome, Ga. She died Jan. 8, 1904, at Grand Island, Neb. CHILDREN, NORTON. 4426 Ida Hooker, b. May 16, 1851; m. April 11, 1870, Wm. Tewell Seavey. 4427 William George, b. April 5, 1857 ; d. June 2, 1877. 2844 Lucy Maria Hooker (George,^ Ashbell,'' Elijah,* John,* John^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of George and Sally (WoodruiT) Hooker of Kensington, Conn., b. July 7, 1838, at Kensington; m. May 13, 1856, Reuben Lyman Hubbard, son of Henry Snow and Cynthia (Sleeper) Hubbard of Canton, Tioga Co., N. Y., b. April 24, 1834, at Canton. He is in the shoe business at New Britain, Conn. CHILD, HUBB.\RD. 4428 Frederick Hooker, b. March 29, 1857, at New Britain. 378 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2867 Matthew Hart (EdmundJ Urania.^ Ashbell,^ John,* John.s Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Edmund and Relief (Jones) Hart of DeRuyter, Madison Co., N. Y., b. Aug. 29, 1823, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 28, 1845, Mahala Jones at Corinth, Orange Co., Vermont. He is a blacksmith at Canisteo, Steu- ben Co., N. Y. CHILDREN, HART. 4429 Edmund Matliew, b. June 13, 1846: m. Sept. 2, 1872, Anna Merrill. 4430 Elma Elizabeth, b. June 23, l&t8; m. Nov. 18. 1869, Geo. B. Sherman. 4431 Ellen Amelia, b. Dec. 28, 1849, at DeRuyter. 4432 Emma Louisa, b. Jan. 26, 1852, at Canisteo. 4433 I\Iary Filuria, b. Oct. 18. 1857. at Canisteo. 4434 Helen Fidelia, b. Oct. 18, 1857, at Canisteo. 4435 Mahala Caroline, b. Aug. 27, 1860, at Canisteo. 2868 Charles Hart (Edmund.'' Urania.s AshbelL^ John,* John,^ Samucl,2 Thomas'), son of Edmund and Relief (Jones) Hart of DeRuyter, N. Y., m. Jan. 1825, at Truxton, N. Y. ; m. 1848, Anna Clark. He is a blacksmith. CHILD, HART. 4436 Sackctt. 2869 Seth Percival Hart (George.' Urania,« Ashbell.s John,* John,* Samuel, 2 Thomas'), son of George and Deborah (Ben- jamin) Hart of Angelica, N. Y., b. Jan. 22, 1826, at Tully, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 15, 1853. Susan A. Engle, b. June 22, 1833, at Angelica, N. Y. CHILDREN, HART. 4437 John Engle, b. Sept. 16. 1854, at Moravia, N. Y. 4438 Sarah Frances, b. Julv 13, 1856, at Moravia, N. Y. 4439 Rosa Bell, b. Feb. 3. 1861, at Moravia, N. Y. 2870 Martin Van Buren Hart (George." Urania.^ Ashbell,^ John,* John,-'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of George and Deborah (Benjamin) Hart of Angelica, N. Y., b. Sept. 21. 1828, at De- Ruyter, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 21, 1867, Anna E. Ogle of Syracuse, N. Y.. b. Julv 31, 1838, at Syracuse. He is a sign and ornamental painter at Syracuse. CHILDREN, HART. 4440 Jennie, bom June 5, 1870. 4441 Edmund Henrj'. Eighth Generation 379 2950 Lorena Hooker (Charles/ James," Noadiah,' Joseph,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Charles Noadiah and Sophia (Banks) Hooker of Natick, Mass., b. Oct. 22, 1873, at Hamden, Conn. ; m. May 25, 1892, Wallace Wilbor Rogers, son of Wilbor Jackson and Emily Thompson (Demerrittj Rogers of Natick, Mass., b. March iT, 1872, at Natick, Mass. CHILDREN, ROGERS. 4442 Charles Wilbor, b. March 18, 1893, at Natick. 4443 Wallace Boydstun, b. April 15, 1896, at Natick. 2953 Elizabeth L. Moore (Jeanette,'' James,® Noadiah,^ Jo- seph,'* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Eli and Jeanette (Hooker) Moore of Southington, Conn., b. Dec. 12, 1866, at Southington, Conn. ; m. Prof. Boydstun. CHILD, BOYDSTUN. 4444 John Merwin. 2954 Samuel Mortimer Clarke (Samuel Clarke,'' Abigail,^ Noadiah,-' Joseph,'' John,-'' Samuel," Thomas'), son of Samuel Strong and Katherine Elizabeth (Burns) Clarke of Peoria, 111., b. April 15, 1848, at New York City; m. Oct. 16, 1879, Lydia Jane Jack, daughter of William and Caroline (Howard) Jack of Hollidaysburgh, Pa., b. Nov. 23, 1855. He was a merchant at Peoria, 111., succeeding his father as head of the firm of Clarke & Co., wholesale and retail dry goods dealers. She died March 20, 1902, at Peoria, 111. CHILD, CLARKE. 4445 William Hartley, b. Nov, 23, 1883, at Peoria. 2956 Ella Bancroft Clarke (Samuel Clarke,'' Abigail,® Noa- diah, -> Joseph.-* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel Strong and Katherine Elizabeth (Burns) Clarke of Peoria, 111., b. Oct. 6, 1854, at Peoria, 111. ; m. Jan. 6, 1876, Thomas Ather- ton Grier, son of John Cooper and Elizabeth Perkins Grier of Wilkesbarre, Pa., b. March 1, 1850, at Wilkesbarre. CHILDREN, CRIER. 4446 Katharine Clarke, b. Oct. 26, 1876, at Peoria. 111.; d. Dec. 30, 1880, at Peoria, 111. 4447 Caroline King, b. Aug. 6, 1878, at Peoria; m. Oct. 1, 1901, Her- bert Brotherson Jamison. 380 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4449 Isabel Hooker, b. Oct. 27, 1881, at Peoria, 111. 4450 Thomas Perkins, b. Dec. 15, 1884, at Peoria, 111. 4451 Samuel Clarke, b. Aug. 1, 1891, at Peoria, HI. 2958 Robert Strong Clarke (Samuel Clarke,' Abigail,* Noa- diah,* Joseph,^ John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel Strong and Katherine Elizabeth (Burns) Clarke of Peoria, HI.; b. Aug. 18, 1«61, at Peoria; m. 1-eb. 18, 1886, Grace Luella Elliott, daughter of William and Mary Russell (Stark) Elliott of Farmington, 111., b. June 12, 1805, at Farmington. He was educated at the Peoria High School. Went to Arizona and en- gaged in sheep raising in 1887. In 1891 he went to California and since then has been connected with the Silver King Mining Company. CHILD, CLARKE. 4452 Dorothy Katherine, b. Dec. 10, 1891, at Los Angeles. 2973 Thomas Hooker (Samuel," William,« Noadiah,^ Jo- seph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel and Lydia Elizabeth (Strong) (Baldwin) Hooker of New Haven, b. Jan. 10, 1848, at New Haven, Conn. ; m. June 27, 1872, Mary Louise DeniiSon, daughter of Jesse Wood and i\lary Windsor (Briggs) Denison of Denison, Crawford Co., Iowa ; b. Dec. 5, 1848, at Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. She is a lineal descendant from Roger Williams. They have resided at Mystic, Conn., Water- ville. Me., and under the Harrison Administration he was Internal Revenue Collector at Des Moines, Iowa. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4453 Edward Denison, b. March 28, 1873, at Fairland; m. Sept. 28, 1901, Jeanette Marion Lindsey of Rochester, N. Y. 4454 Helen Foster, b. March 28, 1876, at Fairland, Iowa. 4455 Harold, b. May 17, 1878, at Fairland, Iowa. 4456 Arthur, b. Nov. 25, 1880, at Fairland, Iowa. 4457 William Griswold, b. March 9, 1883, at Fairland, Iowa. 2975 Elisabeth Hooker Gillette (Elisabeth,' Edward,« Noa- diah,'' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Francis and Elisabeth Daggett (Hooker) Gillette of Bloomfield and Hartford, Conn., b. Dec. 7, 1838, at Bloomfield, Conn. ; m. Sept. 3, 1864, George Henrv Warner, son of Justin and Sylvia (Hitchcock) Warner of Plainfield, Mass., b. Dec. 21, 1833 at Plainfield. Mr. Warner was engaged in foreign exchange and banking business in the city of New York. Associated with Eighth Generation 381 his brother Charles Dudley Warner in the Warner Library. They live at Hartford, Conn. CHILDREN, WARNER. 4458 Frank Gillette, b. May 21, 1867, at Hartford, Conn. 4459 Agnes, b. and d. Sept. 7, 1869, at Hartford, Conn. 4460 Sylvia, b. Sept. 26, 1871. at Hartford; d. Dec. 3, 1874. 4461 Margaret, b. Dec. 23, 1872, at Hartford. 2976 Edward Hooker Gillette (Elisabeth,'^ Edward," Noa- diah,^ Joseph,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Francis and Elisabeth Daggett( Hooker) Gillette of Bloomfield and Hart- ford, Conn., b. Oct. 1, 1840, at Bloomfield; m. June 26, 1866, Sophia Theresa Stoddard, daughter of Joseph Nettleton and Sophia Ives (Buddington) Stoddard of Guilford, Conn., b. March 9, 184.S, at Guilford. She had been betrothed to his brother, Robert Hooker Gillette, who was killed at the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C, during the Civil War. Mr. Gillette was educated at the Hartford High School and New York State Agricultural College at Ovid, N. Y. He went to Iowa in 1863, and became an extensive farmer and sheep raiser. In 1878 he was elected to represent the 7th Congressional District (Iowa) in the National House of Representatives. He is now one of the proprietors of the Iowa Tribune and interested in the manufacture of brick. They reside at Des Moines, Iowa. CHILD, GILLETTE. 4462 Florence, b. May 29. 1868, at Des Moines, Iowa ; m. Oct. 16, 1889, William Ebenezer Nichols, Jr., son of William Ebenezer and Catherine Tiffany (Gillette) Nichols of East Haddam, b. Aug. 27, 1862, at New York City; he is a manufacturer at East Haddam; his father and grandfather were the first manu- facturers of cotton twine in America. 2982 Alice Beecher Hooker (John,'' Edward," Noadiah,' Joseph,'' John,-'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John and Isa- bella (Beecher) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 26, 1847, at Farmington. Conn.; m. June 17, 1869, John Calvin Day, son of Calvin Day of Hartford. Conn., b. Nov. 3. 183.^, at Hartford. He graduated from Yale 1857, and was a lawyer at Hartford. He died June 24, 1899, at Dublin, N. H. CHILD, DAV. 4463 Alice Hooker, b. Jan., 1872, at Hartford. 382 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 2983 Edward Beecher Hooker (John," Edward,'^ Noadiah,^ Joseph,'' John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John and Isabella (Beecher) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 26, 1855, at Farmington, Conn.; m. Sept. 18, 1879, Martha Clarke Kil- bourne, daughter of Joseph Knight and Jane (Skilling) Kil- bourne, of London, Eng., b. Nov. 11, 1853, at Norfolk, Conn. He graduated from Boston University and School of Medicine in 1877. Studied in New York and Paris schools and hos- pitals and is a practicing physician at Hartford. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4464 Isabel Kilbourne, b. Nov. 8. 1881, at Hartford, Conn. 4465 Thomas, b. July 20, 1886, at Hartford, Conn. 4466 Joseph Kilbourne, b. Sept. 12, 1887, at Hartford, Conn. 2987 Rosabelle Townsend Hooker (Edward,'' Edward,^ Noadiah," Joseph,* John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Commander Edward and Esther Ann (Battey) Hooker of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. June 9, 1858, at Providence, R. I. ; m. March 28, 1882, John Lorenz. They live at Des Moines, Iowa, where he is emplo3'ed by an insurance company. CHILDREN, LORENZ. 4467 Lucy Hooker, b. April 7, 1884, at Des Moines, Iowa. 4468 Edward Hooker, b. Sept. 13. 1886, at Des Moines, Iowa. 4469 Philip Battey, b. Jan. 2, 1889, at Des Moines. 4470 Maud Esther, b. July 11, 1891, at Des Moines. 4471 Frederick John, b. Dec. 18, 1893. at Des Moines. 4472 Harold Townsend, b. May 21, 1896, at Des. Moines ; d. May 28, 1896, at Des Moines. 4473 Thomas Hooker, b. June 8, 1897, at Des Moines. 4474 Mary Rosabelle, b. Sept. 30, 1901, at Des Moines 2988 Henry Daggett Hooker (Edward," Edward," Noa- diah,* Joseph,-* John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Conimander Edward and Esther Ann (Battey) Hooker of Brooklvn, N. Y., b. April 14, 1859, at Providence, R. I.: m. Jan. 7, 1886, Mary Theodora Davenport, daughter of Julius and Mary (Bates) Davenport of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. June 25, 1856, at Brooklyn, N. Y. She graduated from Packer Institute, Brooklyn, 1876. She is a lineal descendent from Rev. John Davenport, first min- ister of New Haven, Conn. He was educated at Shortlidge Academy at Media, Pa., and at the Institute of Technology, Boston. He is an Architect at New York City and lives in Brooklyn. Eighth Generation 383 CHILDREN, HOOKEK. 4475 Davenport, b. May 13, 1887, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 4476 Henry Daggett, b. Jan. 25, 1892, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 3135 Esther Louisa Peck (Mary Eastman,^ Mary," Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^, daughter of Edward and Mary (Eastman) Peck of .Marshall, N. Y., b. Nov. 16, 1829; m. April 23, 1853, Robert Grant, son of Duncan and Ann (Mc- Pherson) Grant of York, N. Y., b. Sept. 21, 1822. He died July 20, 1895, at Rochester, N. Y. She died May 21, 1903. CHILD. GRANT. 4477 Mary Eastman, b. Jan. 3, 1855, at Fowlerville, N. Y. 3136 John Eastman Peck (Mary Eastman,^ Mary,« Jo- seph,"' Joseph,'' John,-'' Samuel,- Thomas^, son of Edward and Mary (Eastman) Peck, b. Nov. 16, 1832; m. Mary Emeline Barnes, b. Dec. 26, 1836. CHILDREN, PECK. 4478 Edward Barnes, b. Nov, 23, 1858; d. April 16, 1860. *4479 Addie Barnes, b. April 20, 1862; m. Oct. 26, 1880, William Thomas Irvine. 4480 Charles Barnes, b. Feb. 9, 1868; m. Aug. 17, 1896, Mari Esther Weise. *4481 Louise Manette, b. Jan. 26, 1873: m. Sept. 15. 1898, Clinton Eu- gene Farnsvvorth. 3137 Sarah EHza Eastman (Elias Eastman,^ Mary," Jo- seph,5 Joseph,'* John,^ Sarnuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Elias Hooker and Sarah (Fowler) Eastman of Fowlerville, N. Y., b. Dec. 26, 1829, at Fowlerville; m. Nov. 8, 1858, Nonnan A. Barrett of Lockport, N. Y., b. Dec. 14, 1832. at Lockport. They lived at Maywood, III. He died Dec. 20, 1899. CHILDREN, BARRETT. 4482 Lelia Belle, b. Aug. 16, 1859. at Newton Falls, Ohio; m. Sept. 22, 1880, Lyman Augustus Lilly. 4483 Clyde Eastman, b. Dec. 17, 1861, at Newton Falls. O. ; m. May 22, 1895, Mary Fuller. 4484 Willis Scollay, b. Sept. 21, 1865, at Newton Falls; d. Nov. 22, 1866, at Newton Falls. 4485 Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 15, 1869, at Madison, Ohio; m. June 1, 1898, James Percy Randolph. 384 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3138 Jane Adelia Eastman (Elias Eastman J Mary,*^ Jo- seph,' Joseph,'* Jolin,^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of EHas Hooker and Sarah (Fowler) Eastman of Fowlerville, N. Y., b. April 21, 1832, at Fowlerville; m. July 4, 1854, John Ayers Drake, son of Asa and Phebe (Potter) Drake of Hopetown, Yates Co.. N. Y., b. Sept. 24, 1822, at Hopetown. They lived at Buena Vista, N. Y. He died Jan. 10, 1896, at Buena Vista, N. Y. CHILDREN, DRAKE. 4486 Sarah Ella, b. Oct. 11, 1856, at KingsviUe, Ohio; m. May 21, 1878, Jacob Cook. 4487 Fred Ebert, b. Nov. 17, 1857, at Ravena, Ohio; d. March 16, 1906; m. Sept. 25, 1888, Fanny Barton Gregory, 4488 Willis Eastman, b. March 8, 1868, at Waterloo City, Ind. ; m. Sept. 21, 1892, Rose H. Miller. 3141 Mary Sophia Eastman (Elias Eastman,^ Mary,^ Jo- seph,' Joseph,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Elias Hooker and Sarah (Fowler) Eastman of Fowlerville, N. Y., b. Dec. 13, 1841 ; m. Oct. 13, 1838, William K. Wight, b. Feb. 25, 1833. She died March 24, 1898, at Gibbon, Neb. CHILDREN, WIGHT. 4489 Edward Eastman, b. July 24. 1859, d. Sept. 13, 1860. 4490 Lewis Albert, b. Oct. 4, l»iO; m. Minnie Ftilmer. 4491 Lncien Eastman, b. Mar, 5, 1862; m. Feb, 15, 1888, Eloise Phil- lips, 4492 Mary Arabella, b. May 4, 1865 ; d. April 26, 1883. 4493 Guy Vernon, b, Jan, 29, 1870; m, Dec. 14, 1898, Lois Krewson. 4494 Arthur Earle, b. Nov. 14, 1871 ; m. April 20, 1898, Natalie Chap- man, 4495 Clarence Edward, b, Dec. 30, 1876; m. March 12, 1901, Vira Krewson. 4496 William Harrold, b. Aug. 2, 1878. 3146 William Henry Fowler (Eliza Eastman,'' Mary," Jo- seph,' Joseph,^ John.3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Alonzo and Eliza .Ann (Eastman) Fowler of Fowlersville, N. Y., b. Aug. 23, 1840, at Fowlersville ; m. No. 1, Nov. 1, 1862, Mary Lucretia Muzzy, daughter of Amos Washington and Susan (Chamber- lain) Muzzy, of luka. 111., b. Sept. 5. 1839, at Panama, N. Y, She died Nov. 3, 1878. He married No. 2, Marv Elizabeth Moore, b. June 4, 1848, at Marshall, N. Y. They live at Wan- watosa, Wis. Eighth Generation -^85 CHILDREN, FOWLER. By 1st wife. 4497 Francis Churchill, b. Oct. 22, 1863, at Milwaukee. 4498 Susie, b. Aug. 18, 1865, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; d. Aug. 19, 1865, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4499 Mary Maud, b. Oct. 18, 1867, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4500 Emina Sophia, b. June 19, 1870, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4501 Florence Eliza, b. Feb. 13, 1872, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4502 Helen Ada, b. Oct. 25, 1873, at Milwaukee, Wis. 4503 William Eastman, b. April 8, 1875, at Beloit, Wis. 4504 Edward Eastman, b. Oct. 18, 1877, at Milwaukee, Wis. 3155 George Hooker (James,' Jonathan," Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), son of James Chauncey and Me- hitable (Mason) Hooker, b. 1837; m. at Malta. 111.. Sarah To- bias of Attica, N. Y. He died at Boston, Mass. CHILD, HOOKER. 4505 Belle, m. John Agnew. 3156 Mary Hooker (James," Jonathan,*^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of James Chauncey and Mehitable (Mason) Hooker, b. Jan., 1840; m. at Malta, 111., Horace Fox. He died Feb. 5, 1907, at Saegertown, Pa. She died Nov. 29, 1908, at Saegertown, Pa. CHILD, FOX. 4506 Frank Mason, lives at Saegertown, Pa. 3157 James Hooker (James,'' Jonathan," Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,'' Samuel," Thomas^), son of James Chauncey and Me- hitable (Mason) Hooker, b. March, 1841 ; m. Elizabeth Spick- erman. He died at Sycamore, 111. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4507 Mary, m. Fred Maxfield. 4508 Emma. 4509 Fred, m. Mary Cory. 3158 Stella Hooker (James," Jonathan," Joseph,' Joseph,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^, daughter of James Chauncey and Mehitable (Mason) Hooker, b. Aug. 4, 1851 ; in. at Malta, 111., Wm. G. Cochrane. CHILD. COCHR.\NE. 4510 Ned, living in New York City. 25 386 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3160 Hettie Hooker (JamesJ Jonathan," Joseph,'' Joseph,'* John.3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of James Chauncey and Mehitable (Mason) Hooker of Arcade, N. Y., b. 1857, at Ar- cade : m. April 10. 1883, Harry \'oorhees Lytle. son of John Smart and Mary Shreeve (Voorhees) Lytle, b. 1856, at Dav- ton, Ohio. She died April 18, 1906. CHILDREN, LYTLE. 4511 John Horace, b. Oct. 17, 1884, at Dayton, O. ; m. Oct. 24, 1908, Elenore Katherine Ohnier. 4512 Mason Hooker, b. March 2, 1887, at Dayton, O. 4513 Harr>- Voorhees, b. July 14, 1890, at Dayton, O. 3166 Morgan Fitzhugh Hooker (John," Lewis,^ Joseph,* Joseph,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas,'), son of John Todd and Betsey (Barber) Hooker of Hainilton and Utica, N. Y., b. May 25, 1844, at Hamilton ; m. May, 1876, Jennie Gladys Jones, daughter of William James Jones of Aurora, 111., and Wales, England, b. Jan. 12, 1852, at Utica, N. Y. He was a member of Co. K, 132d 111. Inf., and Co. H. 15th 111. Inf., in the Civil War. Later in business in .\urora. 111., and Salem, Oregon. He died Feb. 22, 1903. CHILD, HOOKER. 4S13a Louis St. Elmo, b. Jnne 17, 1877. 3182 "Benjamin Franklin Sherman (Jane,''^ Joseph," Joseph,^ Joseph,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Benjamin Franklin and lane Eliza (Hooker) Sherman of Buffalo, N. Y., b. Sept. 5, 1845, at Oswego, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 14, 1870, Lydia Woodward Pearson, daughter of Merrill and Lydia (Barstow) Pearson of Bloomington, III., b. Nov. 13, 1848, at Milburn, III. The Pear- sons were originally from Haverhill. He removed from Buffa- lo to Bloomington, 111., and engaged in the dry goods business. His widow now lives with his sister, Aliss Julia T. Sherman, at Buflfalo. CHILD. .SHERMAN. *4514 Julia Pearson, b. Oct. 5, 1875, at Bloomington, III. 3184 Charles Hooker Sherman (Jarnes,'' Joseph," Joseph,* Joseph,* Iohn,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Benjamin Franklin and Tane Eliza (Hooker) Sherman of Buffalo, N. Y.. b. Jan. 14, 1852, at Oswego, N. Y. He married No. 1, June 115, 1886, Caro- Eighth Generation ^87 line Koechlin of The Hague, Holland. He died Feb. 2i, 1889, at St. Paul, Minn. After Mr. Sherman's death she married Henry Boardman of Troy, N. Y. CHILD, SHERMAN. 4515 Charles Koechlin, b. Nov. 5, 1887; d. June 18, 1891, at Paris, France. 3196 Joseph Talcott (Samuel Talcott,' Abigail," Thomas,' Roger,-' John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel and second wife Lucelia (Brace) Talcott of West Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 17, 1832, at West Hartford; m. Nov. 6, 1856, Ella Augusta Deming, daughter of Gideon and Henrietta (Brace) Deming of West Hartford, Conn., b. Oct. 23, 1831, at West Hartford. They lived in Philadelphia. He died April 15, 1883, in Florida. CHILD, T.'^LCOTT. 4516 Henrietta Isabella, b. Oct. 22, 1859; m. Aug. 30, 1882, Walter McCully. 3203 John Butler Talcott (Hon.) (Seth Talcott,'^ Abigail,« Thomas,^ Roger,-* John,"' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Seth and Charlotte Stout (Butler) Talcott of West Hartford, Conn., b. Sept. 14, 1824, at Enfield, Conn.: m. No. 1, Sept. 13, 1848, Jane Croswell Goodwin, daughter of Thomas A. and Mahala (Mix) Goodwin of West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 30, 1827, at West Hartford. She died May 7, 1878, at West Hartford. He m. No. 2. March 18, 1880, Fanny H. Hazen, daughter of James A. and Fannie L. (Grant) Hazen, b. July 27, 1849. He grad- uated from Yale 1846, and was a lawyer at New Britain, Conn. CHILDREN, TALCOTT. 4517 Ellen Jeannie. b. Nov. 27, 1853 ; d. Aug. 29, 1877. 4518 John Croswell, b. Oct. 26, 1856; d. Aug, 15, 1877. 4519 Samuel Hooker, b. Sept. 9, 1865; d. Oct. 7, 1865. ■ . 4520 George Sherman, b. July 27. 1869. 4521 Florence Hazen. b. March 2. 1881 ; m. John L. Rogers. 4522 Helen Hooker, b. Jan. 20, 1884. 3205 Seth Talcott (Seth Talcott,'' Abigail.^ Thomas,' Roger,* john,^ Samuel,- ThomasM. son of Seth and Charlotte Stout (Butler) Talcott of West Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 4, 1830, at West Hartford; m. No. 1. June 25. 1856. Maria J. Corning, daughter of George W. and Mary (Wells) Corning of Hartford, Conn., b. May 8,"" 1832, at Hartford. She died March 388 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 24, 1862. He married No. 2, July 13, 1865, Sarah E. Allen, daughter of Brinton P. and Ann E. (Turpin) Allen of Long Meadow, Mass., b. Jan. 26, 1840, at Long Meadow. He was a merchant at Long Meadow. He died April 16, 1894, at Hart- ford, Conn. CHILDREN, TALCOTT. 4523 Mary Coming, b. Aug. 20, 1859; m. Oct. 21, 1885, Harry Page Guyton. 4524 Allen Butler, b. April 8, 1867; d. June, 1907; m. Oct. 28, 1905, Katbarine Nash Agnew. 4525 Charles Hooker, b. Jan. 8, 1870; m. June 20, 1895, Mary Dudley Vaill. 4526 Edward Coleman, b. Feb. 24, 1871 ; d. Jan. 27, 1908. 3206 George Talcott (Seth Talcott,' Abigail,6 Thomas,^ Roger,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Seth and Charlotte (Stout) "(Butler) Talcott of West Hartford. Conn., b. Jan. 8, 1833, at West Hartford ; m. No. 1, May 28, 1862, Laura Wright Cone, daughter of Joseph E. Cone of Hartford. She died April 30, 1863. He married No. 2, May 16, 1871, Eleanor S. Hurd, daughter of William S. and Nancy (Hungerford) Hurd, b. Aug. 21 , 1845. He died while on his wedding journey at Niag- ara Falls, May 29, 1871. She married No. 2, 1879, Henry Hil- yer of Atlanta, Ga. CHILD, TALCOTT. 4527 Edward Cone, b. and d. April 30. 1863. 3207 James Talcott (Seth Talcott," Abigail," Thomas,^ Roger,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Seth and Charlotte Stout (Butler) Talcott, of West Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 7, 1835, at West Hartford; m. Oct. 1, 1860, Henrietta E. Francis, daughter of Rev. Amzi and Mary S. (Hedges ) Francis of Bridgehampton, N. Y., b. July 23, 1842, at Bridgehampton. He is a commission merchant of New York. CHILDREN, TALCOTT. 4528 James Frederic, b. Sept. 4, 1866. 4529 Francis Edgar, b. April 8, 1868. 4530 Arthur Whiting, b. Dec. 3, 1869. 4531 Grace, b. Oct. 24, 1873. 4532 Edith Charlotte, b. June 24, 1880. 4533 Reginald, b. April 15, 1882, d. March 18, 1885. 3209 Charlotte Julia Talcott (Seth Talcott," Abigail," Thom- as,' Roger,* John,"" Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Seth and Eighth Generation 389 Charlotte Stout (Butler) Talcott of West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 8, 1848, at West Hartford ; m. Oct. 14, 1868, Frank Bulke- ley, son of John T. and Clarissa P. (Bulkeley) Bulkeley, b. Jan. 16, 1839. They live at Hartford, Conn. CHILDREN, BULKELEY. 4534 .A.lice Talcott, b. June 25, 1870, at Hartford. 4535 Frank, b. June 25, 1870, at Hartford. 3210 Francis Wayland Talcott (Henry Talcott,'' Abigail," Thomas,' Roger,^ John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas^), son of Henry and Elizabeth Wells (Whiting) Talcott of West Hartford, Conn., b. July 8. 1842. at West Hartford : m. Oct. 16, 1877, Em- ma Amelia Hall, daughter of Libni and Eliza (Brown) Hall, b. Feb. 16, 1852. He was a farmer at West Hartford, where he died March 24, 1893. CHILDREN. TALCOTT. 4536 Herbert Wavland, b. Oct. 17, 1879, West Hartford. 4537 Mabel Hall, b. Oct. 3, 1884, at West Hartford. 3217 Mary Eliza Eddy (Harriette,' Thomas," Thomas,^ Roger,-* John,3 Samuel, ^ Thomas^), daughter of Azariah and Harriette Marie Mills (Hooker) Eddy of Chicago, 111., b. March 12, 1832, at Granville, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 1, 1860. George White- field Newcomb, son of Asahel and Lucinda (Sykes) Newcomb of Whitetown, N. Y., b. April 12, 1825, at Poultney, Vt. He was a lawyer at Chicago, 111. He died April 3, 1901. at Chi- cago. She died Sept. 11, 1892, at Chicago. CHILDREN, NEWCOMB. 4538 Mary Harriette, b. .A.pril 3, 1861, at Chicago; m. Nov. 21, 1883, Edward John Vaughn ; they are living in Los Angeles, Cal. *4539 George Eddy, b. Feb. 16, 186+, at Chicago. 4540 William Henderson, b. Oct. 18, 1867, at Chicago. *4541 Helen Maria, b. I^larch 22, 1870, at Chicago. 4542 Bessie Jeannette, b. July 13, 1873. at Chicago. 4543 Francis Herbert, b. Jan. 9, 1877, at Chicago. 3218 Azariah Eddy (Harriette,'' Thomas," Thomas,' Roger,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Azariah and Harriette Marie Mills (Hooker) Eddy of Chicago. 111., b. Nov. 3, 1833, at Colum- bus, Ohio: m. May 8, 1866 (at Chicago, 111.) Margaret Simp- son. He is a corn and grain merchant at Chicago, 111. 390 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN-, EDDY. 4544 George Simpson, b. April 12. 1867. *4545 Thomas Hooker, b. Oct. 30, 1869. 4546 Harriet Maria, b. Feb. 26, 1873. 3219 Thomas Hooker Eddy (M.D.) (Harriette," Thomas.^ Thomas.' Roger.* John.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Azariah and Harriette Marie Mills (Hooker) Eddy of Chicago, 111., b Jan. 6, 1837, at Lower Sandusky, Ohio: m. Nov. 25. 1874 (at Pittsfield, Ohio), Mary Elizabeth Atkinson. He was a prac- ticing physician at Keokuk. Iowa. He died Feb. 19, 1897, Pitts- field, 111.' CHILD, EDDY. 4547 Richard, b. June 24. 1879. 3222 Edmund Ewing Eddy (Harriette,' Thomas,* Thomas,^ Roger,* John.3 Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Azariah and Hen- riette Marie Mills (Hooker) Eddv of Chicago, 111., b. Julv 2, 1845. at Lower Sandusky. Ohio: m'. Feb. 12, f901. Ophelia Bur- dett Mack, daughter of \\'escott Beebe and Ophelia Scudder (Wicks) Mack of Brodhead, Green Co.. Wis., b. Jan. 29, 1866, at Decatur. Wis. He was educated at Militarj^ School, Fulton, 111. Lived in Lyons, Iowa for twenty years. Moved to Chi- cago and later to Wisconsin where he is a scenic and fresco artist and druggist. CHILD, EDDY. 4548 George Scudder, b. Oct. 18, 1902. 3224 Harriet Maria Stanley (.\bigail,^ Thomas,® Thomas,' Roger.* John.3 Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Edward Am- aziah and Abigail Talcott (Hooker) Stanley of Clintonville, Ohio. b. Xov. 9, 1831, at West Hartford, Conn.; m. June 17, 1856. Erskine Asa Fuller, son of Asa and Kesiah (Strong) Fuller of Somers, Conn., b. March 10. 1828. He was extensive- ly engaged in stock farming, etc. Thev lived at Clintonville, Ohio, where he died Feb. 9, 1894. She' died May 29, 1879, at Clintonville. CH^.DRE^f, FULLER. *4549 .^bbie. b. Mav 14, 1860, at Churchville, Ohio. *4S50 Mar>-. b. Xov. 26. 1861, at Clintonville. Ohio. *4S51 Katharine Stanley, b. Feb. 4, 1870, at Clintonville. 4552 Martha Elizabeth, b. Sept. 7, 1874, at aintonville. Eighth Generation ^ 3226 Mary Eliza Stanley (Abigail," Thomas,« Thomas.s Roger,-* John.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Edward Ama- ziah and Abigail Talcott (Hooker) Stanley of Clintonville, Ohio. b. Sept. 18. 1836. at Clintonville ; m. April 20, 18o7, Henry Ives Abbott, son of James Samuel and :\Iartha (Xeeley) Ab- bott of Columbus. Ohio. b. May 6, 1837. at Columbus, Ohio. He was a wholesale hardware merchant at Columbus. He died Sept. 9, 186+, at Clintonville, Ohio. CHILDREN, ABBOTT. 4552a Child, not named, b. May 11. 1860, at Columbus; d. April 13, 1861, at Clintonville, O. *4553 Henr>' Stanley, b. Aug. 3, 1861, at Columbus. 3227 Orson Goodwin Stanley(Abigail.' Thomas.® Thomas.^ Roger,* John.3 Samuel.^ ThomasM. son of Edward Amaziah and Abigail Talcott (Hooker) Stanlev of Clintonville. Ohio, b. Nov. 23^ 1838, at Clintonville. Ohio: m. July 29, 1868, Mary King, daughter of C. R. King of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a law- yer at Canon City, Colo. CHILDREN. ST.\XLEY. 4554 Kate. b. Tune 23. 1869. at Canon Citj-. 4555 Henry King. b. Dec. 27, 1870. at Canon City. 3229 Edward Mills Stanley (Abigail.' Thomas." Thomas.' Roger.-* John.3 Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Edward Amaziah and Abigail (Talcott) (Hooker) Stanlev of Clintonville. Ohio. b. July 12. 1849. at Clintonville : m. April 15, 1880. Emma Com- stock, daucjhter of Tames \Yilmer and ]\Iartha (Griswold) Com- stock of Worthington. Ohio. b. Dec. 2. 1855. He is a stock and real estate dealer at Columbus. Ohio. CHILDREN. ST.^NLEY. 4556 Mary^ Erskine. b. Aug. Dec. 4, 1881, at Worthington, O. 4557 Clara Louise, b. Aue. 1. 1887. at Columbus. O. 4558 Harriet Emily, b. Xov. 7. 1889. at Columbus ; d. July 21. 1894 at Columbus. 3233 Henry Shelton Burr (Eliza.' Thomas.® Thomas.' Roger.-* John.3 Samuel.- Thomas'), son of John and Eliza Whitman (Hooker) Burr of Leavenworth. Kansas, b. Jan. 2, 1840, at Columbus. Ohio: m. Dec. 1871. Eleanor Couch, daugh- ter of Capt. S. A. Couch. He was a shoe manufacturer at Leavenworth, Kansas. He died at Leavenworth. 392 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, BURR. 4559 Minnie, b. 1872; d. in infancy. 4560 Shelton C, b. 1875. 4561 Eugene, b. 1878. 3234 Elizabeth Burr (Eliza,' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Rogcr,^ John,3 Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of John and Eliza Whit- man (Hooker) Burr of Leavenworth, Kan., b. Sept. 17, 1843; m. 1863, A. F. Callahan. He is a lawyer at Leavenworth, Kan. She died at Leavenwortli, Kan. CHILDREN, CALLAHAN. 4562 Eliza Hooker, b. 1864. 4563 Sarah Burr, b. 1867. 3235 Sarah Jane Burr (Eliza,'^ Thomas," Thomas,' Roger,'* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of John and Eliza Whit- man (Hooker) Burr of Leavenworth, Kan., b. Oct. 9, 1865; m. M. Jewett. CHILDREN, JEWETT. 4564 Edmund Russell, b. 1868. 4565 Henry Stanley, b. 1873. 3237 Catherine Hooker ( Edward,' Thomas.^ Thomas,^ Roger,-* John,'* Samuel,- ThomasM. daughter of Edward Foster Mills and Sarah (Pengree) Hooker of Des Moines, Iowa, b. March 25, 1855, at Baltimore, Md., m. Dec. 31, 1874, William D. Skinner, son of William Wilson and Agnes (Morrow) Skin- ner of Path Valley, Pa., b. Nov. 27, 1851, at Davenport, Iowa. They live at Des Moines, Iowa. CHILDREN, SKINNER. 4566 Bessie Hooker, b. Dec. 10, 1876, at Des Moines; d. Aug. 21, 1877. 4567 Harvey Hooker, b. June 22, 1878, at Des Moines. 4568 Edwin Sherwood, b. Dec. 10, 1880, at Des Moines; d. May 14, 1881. 3238 Margaret Hooker (Edward,' Thomas," Thomas,^ Roger,'* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Edward Foster Mills and Sarah (Pengree) Hooker of Des Moines. Iowa, b. Oct. 5, 1858, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa; m. Jan. 1, 1881, Charles Chapman, son of Nathan Owens and Susan (Haight) Chapman, Eighth Generation -593 b. June 10, 1856, at Peekskill, N. Y. They reside at Atlantic, Iowa. CHILD, CHAPMAN. 4569 Edward Hooker, b. Nov. 27, 1881, at Macedonia, Iowa. 3241 Elizabeth Sherwood (Julia," Thomas.s Thomas,^ Roger.* John,3 Samuel,- ThoniasM, daughter of Ormel Winton and Julia Ann (Hooker) Sherwood of Columbus, Ohio, b. Jan. 28, 1840, at Columbus, Ohio; m. June 7, 1863, Edward Seeley, son of Ezra Banks and Eunice (Sherwood) Seeley, b. June 10, 1841. He is a farmer at Plattsville, Conn. CHILDREN, SEELEY. 4570 John Sherwood, b. March 10, 1S65. at Plattsville. *4571 Julia Thiirsie, b. Nov. 19, 1868. at Plattsville. 4572 Frances Harriet, b. July 31, 1872, at Plattsville. 4573 Lizzie Mae, b. June 13, 1875, at Plattsville, Conn. 3242 John Ormel Sherwood (Julia,' Thomas,'' Thomas,^ Roger,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Ormel Winton and Julia Ann (Hooker) Sherwood of Columbus, Ohio; b. Feb. 2, 1844. at Colutnbus; m. Nov. 16, 1881, at Iowa City, Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of Charles W. and Elizabeth (Griffith) Lewis, of Racine, Wis., b. Nov. 14, 1860, at Racine. They live at Iowa City. CHILDREN, SHERWOOD. 4574 Elizabeth Julia, b. Jan. 14, 1883. 4575 John Lewis, b, April 12, 1884 ; d. Feb. 10, 1897, at Iowa City. 3245 Julia Acheson (Catherine." Thomas," Thomas,^ Roger,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas and Catherine Leavitt (Hooker) .\cheson of Columbus, Ohio, b. Feb. 20, 1844, at Columbus; m. Aug. 22, 1864, Elijah Smead Alvord, b. July 11, 1809, at Greenfield, Mass. He is a Govern- ment mail contractor. They live at Indianapolis. CHILD. ALVORD. 4576 Elijah Smcad, b. Sept. 27, 1866. 3248 Eliza Whitman Acheson(Catherine,'' Thomas," Thom- as,5 Roger,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas and Catherine Leavitt (Hooker) Acheson of Columbus, Ohio, 394 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker b. Feb. 13, 1856, at Columbus; m. Feb. 21, 1882, Capt. Henry Goddard, son of Levi Hart and Mary Woodbridge (Perkins) Goddard of Norwich, Conn., b. July 25, 1842, at Norwich. He is engaged in life insurance business. They live at Baltimore, Md. ■ CHILD, GODDARD. 4577 Calvin Hooker, b. Oct. 30, 1891, at Baltimore, Md. 3356 Helen Mary Stuyvesant (Mary Yates,'' Hannah,® James,'' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of John R. and Mary Austin (Yates) Stuyvesant ; m. Robert Sanford, of Poughkeepsie. CHILDREN, SANFORD. 4578 Mary, m. Birdsall of Virginia. 4579 Robert. 4580 Henry. 4581 Helen. 4582 Deseree. 3361 Catherine Granger Winder (Martha Strong,'' Dolly," JaiTies,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas^), daughter of John and Martha Cornelia (Strong) Winder of Detroit, Mich., b. Jan. 1, 1838. at Detroit; m.'^Feb. 23, 1857, Marcus Chase. She died Feb. 7, 1864. CHILD, CHASE. 4583 John Winder, b. Nov. 25. 1857, at Detroit ; he married and lives in Chicago. 3362 Julian Elisha Winder (Martha Strong,'' Dolly,® James,' Nathaniel.* Nathaniel,^ Sanniel," Thomas'), son of John and Martha Cornelia (Strong) Winder of Detroit, b. Oct. 24, 1840, at Detroit. Mich.; m. April 30. 1868, Janet Jerome, daughter of Timothv and Hester (Ogden) Jerome of New York, b. Dec. 16, 1850, at St. Clair, Mich. CHILDREN, WINDER. 4584 Jerome, h. Aug. 10, 1869. at Saginaw. Mich. 4.585 Harry, b. Aug. 21. 1873. at Saginaw. Mich. 4586 Cornelia Jerome, b. July 8, 1875, at Saginaw, Mich. 3366 Bertha Luceba Strong (Robert Strong,'' Dolly," James,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter Eighth Generation 395 of Robert Hunter and Emeline (Ganson) Strong of Milwau- kee, Wis., b. Dec. 23, 1846, at Milwaukee: m. Feb. 8, 1871, Dr. Oscar Wilhelm Carlson, son of Carl Johan and Caroline Sophia (Lothstrom) Carlson of Stockholm, Sweden, b. Aug. 1, 1843, at Stockholm. He is a physician at Milwaukee. CHILD, CARLSON. 4587 Edith Strong, b. Jan. 15, 1872, at Baraboo, Wis. ; m. Dec. 20, 1899, Charles R, Manville. 3367 Emeline Martha Strong (Robert Strong.^ Dolly,*' James,' Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Samuel,^ Thoinas^), daughter of Robert Hunter and Emeline (Ganson) Strong of Milwau- kee, Wis., b. April 19, 1849, at Wilwaukee ; m. Sept. 1871, Frederick, G. Noonan, son of Josiah and Mary Trombly Noonan of Milwaukee. She died at Kansas City. CHILDREN, NOON.^N. 4588 Mary Strong, b. May 26, 1872, at Baraboo, Wis. 4589 Annette Walworth, b. May 12, 1876, at Kansas City. 3368 Frank Hunter Strong( Robert Strong,'^ Dolly,*' James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Robert Hunter and Emeline (Ganson) Strong of Milwaukee, b. Aug. 15, 1856, at Milwaukee; m. Feb. 25, 1881, Kate Hill of Friend- ship, Wis., b. Sept. 6, 1857, at Friendship. CHILDREN, STRONG. 4590 Alberta, b. at Waiinakee. 4591 Katharine Beebe, b. at Minneapolis. 3371 Robert Drake Strong(Robert Strong,' Dolly," James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.* Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Robert Hunter and Rosanna Searls (Warner) (Sanderson) Strong of Wanwatosa, Wis., b. Dec. 17. 1863. at Wanwatosa. Wis.; m. Aug. 3. 1887, Mary Elizabeth Dibb. daughter of William Den- ton and Mary Dwyer Dibb of Minneapolis, Minn., b. Oct. 12, 1864, at Minneapolis. CHILDREN, STRONG. 4592 Robert William, b. April 21. 1888, at Minneapolis. 4.59.3 Elizabeth Louise, b. Sept. 3. 1889, at Minneapolis. 4594 Frank Dibb, b. May 9. 1891. at Minneapolis. 4595 Rose Marie, b. Jan. 29, 1896, at Minneapolis ; d. Aug. 13, 1896. 4596 Rose Hunter, b. Feb. 1900, at Minneapolis. 396 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3372 Beebe Hooker Strong (Robert Strong,'' Dolly « James,' Nathaniel.^ Nathaniel," Samuel,- Thomas*), son of Robert Hunter and Rosanna Searls (Warner) (Sanderson) Strong of Wanwatosa, Wis., b. June 19. 1866. at Wanwatosa ; m. Sept. 7, 1900, Mary Louise Caldwell daughter of Columbus and Mary Louise (Taggart) Caldwell of Waupaca Wis., b. Oct. 30, 1865, at Weyawega. They live at Baraboo, Wis. CHILD, STRONG. 4597 Marian Caldwell, b. June 4, 1900, at Baraboo, Mich. 3373 Evelyn Lee Strong (Robert Strong,' Dolly," James,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rob- ert Hunter and Rosanna Searls (Warner) (Sanderson) Strong of Milwaukee, Wis., b. Dec. 11, 1867, at Milwaukee, Wis.; m. April 28, 1886, Crosby George Davis, son of Guv William and Mary (Durrell) Davis of Canada: b. Sept. 21. 18.S6. CHILDREN, D.WIS. 4598 William Strong, b. Sept. 26, 1892, at Waukesha, Wis.; d. Dec. 17, 1894. 4599 Durrell Crosby, b. Dec. 22, 1893, at Ticrre, S. Dakota. 3374 Eliza Mumford (Eliza Strong,' Dolly," James,^ Na- thaniel,'* Nathaniel^ Samuel,- Thotnas.*), (baptized Margaret Hyslop Mumford), daughter of Sainuel Jones and Eliza Hook- er (Strong) Mumford of New York City, b. Aug. 23, 1843, at New York City; m. Oct. 15, 1867, Charles Barzillai Northrop, .son of Sylvester and Mahala (Kimball) Northrop, b. May 11, 1836. He died Jan. 16, 1901, at Detroit. CHILDREN, NORTHROP. . 4600 Cornelia Winder, b. Jan. 26, 1869, at Detroit. 4601 Bertha Stron.i?. b. March 25. 1870, at Detroit ; d. Feb. 3, 1895 ; m. May 16, 1891, Edward K. Orr. 4602 Arthur Kimball, b. Feb. 24, 1873, at Detroit; m, Sept. 6, 1899, Mary M. Munro. 3376 John Winder Strong (George Strong,' Dolly ,6 James,* Nathaniel,* Nathaniel.-' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of George Parish and Henrietta Theresa (Parsons) Strong, b. June 10, 1851, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. June 20, 1877, Mary Eliazbeth Veazey, of Roxbury, Mass. He is a journalist in Chicago. Eighth Generation 397 CHILDREN, STRONG. 4603 George Veazey, b. March 14, 1880, at Chicago; class of '04 West Point. 4604 William Robert, b. July 14, 1884, at Chicago. 3379 Lottie Strong (George Strong,'' Dolly ,« James,^ Na- thaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of George Parish and Henrietta Theresa (Parsons) Strong, b. Feb. 6, 1856, at Fond du Lac, Wis. ; m. June 12, 1880, Franklin Chaun- cey Raymond of Boston, b. June 1, 1851. He died Aug. 29, 1891. CHILD, RAYMOND. 4605 Gwynne, b. Feb. 16, 1891, at Kansas City, Mo. 3389 Frank Marcus Benjamin (Mary,'' Alexander,'^ James,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel," Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Marcus Orville and Mary (Hooker) Benjamin of Irondequoit, Mon- Cc, N. Y., b. Jan. 24, 1851, at Irondequoit, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 9, 1885, at Saybrook, Conn., Mary Ada Avery, daughter of Ly- man and Cynthia (Spencer) Avery of Wampsville, N. Y., b. Aug. 6, 1852, at Wampsville. They live at Wampsville, where he is in the coal business, station agent, telegraph operator. CHILD, BENJAMIN. 4606 Ruth Avery, b. Aug. 12, 1889, at Wampsville. 3390 Helen Benjamin (Mary,'' Alexander," James,' Na- thaniel,"' Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Marcus Orville and Mary (Hooker) Benjamin of Irondequoit, Monroe Co., N. Y., b. March 9, 1854, at Alden, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 28, 1880, at Chili, N. Y., Charles Augustus Loveridge, son of Loomis and Emily (Butts) Loveridge of Ogden, N. Y., b. Dec. 12, 1853, at Riga, N. Y. The live at Ogden, N. Y. CHILD, LOVERIDGE. 4607 Clifford Everett, b. July 24, 1881, at Chili, N. Y. 3394 Frederick Herbert Benjamin (Mary,'' Alexander," James,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Marcus Orville and Mary (Hooker) Benjamin of Ironde- quoit, N. Y., b. Jan. 9, 1865, at Chili, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 9, 1892, Rlarguerite Jenny Baldwin, daughter of Hubbard and Maria 398 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker (Hipolite) Baldwin of Bay View, Mich., b. Nov. 9, 1871. They live at Chili, N. Y. CHILDREN, BENJAMIN. 4608 Homer Hooker, b. Sept. 4, 1893, at Chili, N. Y. 4609 Milton Dallas, b. June 13, 1895, at Chili, N. Y. 4610 Lisbeth Ina, b. March 1, 1897, at Chili, N. Y. 4611 Beatrice Marguerite, b. Dec. 21, 1899, at Chili, N. Y. 3396 Mary Louise Van Meter (Louisa," Alexander,® James,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel.-'' Samiiel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Henry L. and Louisa (Hooker) Van Meter, of Burmah, India, b. July 22, 18.^1 ; m. Rev. Elias William Kelly, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Kierstead) Kelly, b. April, 1852. Rev. E. W. Kelly and his wife were both missionaries in Burmah. CHILDREN, KELLY. 4612 Van Meter, b. Nov. 8, 1888, in Burmah. 4613 Elizabeth, b. at Mandatay, Burmah, Oct. 3, 1891 ; d. Dec. 14, 1892. 3401 Whitham Kendrick Van Meter (Louisa,'^ Ale.xander,^ James.s Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel.^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Rev. Henry L. and Louisa (Hooker) Van Meter, of Burmah, India, b. April 15, 1863; m. Emily Noble. CHILDREN, V.\N METER, 4614 Grace. 4615 Whitham, Jr. 4616 Emma. 3403 Ryland Morris Kendrick (Helen.' .Alexander," James,^ Nathaniel,-* Nathaniel^ Samuel, = Thomas^), son of Asahel Clarke and Helen ^MacNaughton (Hooker) Kendrick of Rochester, N. Y., b. Feb. 12, 1867, at Rochester: m. May 14, 1896. May Seymour Cooper, daughter of George Franklin and Cornelia Irene (Staley) Cooper of Americus, Ga., b. May 1, 1867, at Americus. He is professor of Greek and Latin at the University of Rochester. CHILDREN, KENDRICK. 4617 Jean, b. June 12, 1898. 4618 Nathaniel Cooper, b. Sept. 9, 1900. Eighth Generation 399 3408 James Hooker Hamersley (Catherine,' James,^ James, -' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,-^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of John WilHam and Catharine Livingston (Hooker) Hamersley of New York City; b. Jan. 26, 1844, at New York; m. April 30, 1888, Margaret Willing Chisolm, daughter of William E. and Mary (Rogers) Chisolm of South Carolina and New York City, b. Oct. 17, 1863. He was a lawyer and poet as well as writer of various prose articles of historical interest. He died Sept. 15, 1901, at Garrison, N. Y. She died Jan. 5, 1904, at New York. CHILDREN, HAMERSLY. 4619 Margaret Rogers, b. Aug. 20, 1889, at College Point, L. I.; d. April 30, 1891. 4620 Catherine Livingston, b. May 8, 1891, at New York. 4621 Louis Gordon, b. July 20, 1892, at Newport, R. 1. 3411 Catherine Livingston Hamersley (Catherine,^ James,* James,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John and Catherine Livingston (Hooker) Hamersley of New York, b. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 2, 1871, John Henry Livingston of Clermont, son of Clermont and Cornelia Livingston of Clermont, N. Y., b. at Oakhill, N. Y. She died at New York, April 19, 1873. CHILD, LIVINGSTON. *4622 Katherine, b. April 10, 1873, at New York City. 3413 Willard Parker Bissell (Julia,' Horace,'' James,^ Na- thaniel, ■* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Josiah Wolcott and Julia W'olcott (Hooker) Bissell of Rochester, N. Y., b. Aug. 26, 1847, at Rochester; m. April 12, 1876, Mary B. Taylor, daughter of Elisha Ephriam Leech and Mary Jane (Perkins) Taylor of Brooklyn, N. Y. He died Aug. 19, 1878, at Roches- ter, N. Y. CHILD, BISSELL. 4623 Philip Taylor, b. March 28, 1877; died April 10, 1904. 3418 Mary Glen Hooker (Henry," Horace," James,^ Na- thaniel,'* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Henry Edward and Marv Cadv (Glen) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. May 6, 1854, at Rochester; m. March 13, 1888, Joseph Blos- som Bloss, son of \\'illiain Clough and Mary (Blossom) Bloss of Rochester, N. Y., b. Nov. 22, 1839, at Rochester. He is a 400 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker wliolesale grocer. She died Aug. 30, 1890. He m. No. 2, Ella Welch. CHILD, BLOSS. 4624 Mary Glcn, b. July 12, 1890, at Rochester. 3419 Caroline Hooker (Henry,' Horace," James.^ Nathan- iel,* Nathaniel,-'' Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Henry Ed- ward and Marv Cadv (Glen) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. July 17, 1855, at Rochester, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 27, 1885, Electus Backus Litchfield Taylor, son of Elisha Ephriam Leech and Mary Jane (Perkins) Taylor of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Aug. 22, 1856, at Brooklyn. CHILDREN, TA\T,OR. 4625 Edward Hooker, b. June 6, 1887, at Rochester, N, Y. 4626 Charles Elliot, b. March 16, 1890, at Rochester; d. May 13. 1891. 4627 Helen Wolcott, b. Oct. 9, 1892, at Greenville. S. C. 4628 Louise Hooker, b. Feb. 9, 1895, at Greenville, S. C. ; d. Sept., 1907, 3422 Louise Wolcott Hooker (Henry,' Horace," James,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of Henry Edward and Marv Cady (Glcn) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Feb. 11, 1863, at Rochester ; m. July 18, 1894, Charles Wright Dodge, son of Jasper Newton and Charlotte Augusta (Wright) Dodge of Cape Vincent, N. Y., b. Jan. 15, 1863, at Cape Vin- cent. CHILDREN, DODGE. 4629 Charlotte Wright, b. July 13, 1895, at Rochester. 4630 Eleanor Wolcott, b. Aug. 6, 1897, at Rochester. 3427 Charles George Hooker (Charles,' Horace," James,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas^), son of Charles M. and Kate (Lewis) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Oct. 8, 1864, at Rochester: m. Nov. 15, 1894, Nina Fairman Clarke, daugh- ter of Paris G. and Mary Fairman Clarke of Rochester, N. Y., b. Aug. 18. 1869, at Orange, N. J. He is a nurseryman and horticulturist, member of the firm of C. M. Hooker & Sons. They reside at Rochester. CHILDREN, HOOKER, 4631 Gertrude Lewis, b. June 23, 1896, at Rochester, N. Y. 4632 Charles Osgood, b. July 13. 1898. at Rochester. 4633 Catherine Fairman, b. Nov. 15. 1900. at Rochester. Eighth Generation 401 3432 Albert Huntington Hooker (Horace," Horace,^ James,3 Nathaniel/ Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Horace B. and Susan Pamelia (Huntington) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Nov. 25, 1865, at Rochester ; m. June 30, 1891, Ambolena Jones, daughter of Kiler Kent and Ambolena (Hanson) Jones of Quincy and Chicago, III., b. Aug. 24, 1869. He is a manufacturing chemist and lives in Chicago, 111., and Niagara Falls, N. Y. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4634 Ambolena Jones, b. Aug. 17, 1893. 4635 Albert Huntington, b. April 6. 1895. 4636 Roger Wolcott, b. March 30, 1897. 4637 Emily Louise, b. June 15, 1899. 4638 Margaret, b, Mav 27, 1901. 3434 Elon Huntington Hooker (Horace," Horace,** James, ^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Horace B. and Susan Pamelia (Huntington) Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Nov. 23, 1869, at Rochester : m. Jan. 25, 1901, Blanche Ferry, daughter of Dexter JMason and Addie (Miller) Ferry of De- troit, Mich. He is a graduate of the University of Rochester, and Cornell University, C.E., and P.H.D. He studied engineer- ing in Zurich and Paris. Is President of Development & Fund- ing Co., N. Y. City. They live at New York City and Green- Conn. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4639 Barbara Fero'. b. Nov. 23, 1901. 4640 Adelaide Ferry, b. June 10, 1903. 4641 Helen Huntington, b. Jan. 1, 1905. 3437 Horace Willard Hooker (Horace," Horace," James,' Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Horace B. and Susan Huntington Hooker of Rochester, N. Y., b. Nov. 2, 1876, at Rochester; m. May 31, 1906, Ruth Ward, daughter of Rev. George Kemp and Caroline Editha (Pierpont) Ward of Rochester, N. Y.. b. June 30, 1879. He is treasurer of the Developinent and Funding Co., New York City. They live in New York City. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4642 Horace Willard, Jr., b. March 5. 1907, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. 4643 Kenneth Ward, b. Oct. 26, 1908, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. 20 402 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3451 Jacob Griswold Burrill (Hannah Griswold,' Mary," Horace,' Nathaniel/ Nathaniel,-'* Samiiel,^ Thomas'), son of Jacob and Hannah Hooker (Griswold) Burrill, of Herkimer, N. Y., b. May 18, 1828, at Herkimer, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, Aug. 27, 1849, Emma Perry, daughter of St. George Talbot and Amanda (Herkimer) Perry of Chittenango, N. Y., b. Feb. 19, 1831, at Chittenango. She died Feb. 14, 1867, at Herkimer, N. Y. He married, No. 2, Sept. 2, 1868, Caroline Cecelia Kohlhamer, daughter of Joel and Catherine Caroline (Barse) Kohlhamer, of Syracuse, N. Y., b. July 19, 1841, at Syracuse. She died Feb. 25, 1871, at Herkimer, N. Y. He married No. 3, April 30, 1881, Helen Marr Green, daughter of Sylvester and Lvdia Miller (Cross) Green of Rome, N. Y., b. Feb. 27, 1839, at Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. CHILDREN, BURRILL. By 1st wife. 4644 Horace Perry, b. Mar. 19, 1851 ; d. Oct. 1, 1889. 4645 Georgianna, b. Nov. 30, 1852. 4646 William Griswold, b. Mar. 28, 1855. 4647 Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1860. 4648 Charles Herkimer, b. Dec. 22, 1861. 4649 Frank Herbert, b. Jan. 18. 1865. By 2nd wife. 4650 Emma Carrie, b. Jan. 9, 1871 ; m. July 28, 1897, Charles Bermin Hare. 3452 Nellie LeVaun Griswold (Gaylord Griswold,'' Mary.s Horace,'^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Gaylord Hooker and Harriet (Root) Griswold; m. Myron Melvin Parker of Washington, D. C. CHILDREN, P-^RKER. 4651 Hattie Griswold. 4652 Lonise LeVaiin, m. Sept. 22, 1868, Edmond Spencer Black- burn. 3454 Harriet Burnham Hooker (Samuel,' Samuel," Hor- ace,5 Nathaniel,-* Nathaniel,^ Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of Samuel Talcott and Harriet (Burnham) Hooker of Ogdens- burg, N. Y., b. July 3, 1842: m. A. W. Carver. CHILD, CARVER. 4653 Charles. 3455 Samuel Jones Hooker (Samuel,'' Samuel." Horace,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Samuel Tal- Eighth Generation 403 cott and Harriet (Biirnham) Hooker of Ogdensbiirg, N. Y., b. March 13, 1844; m. Emma Louisa Foote, daughter of Charles P. and Elizabeth Foote of Milwaukee, Wis. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4654 Elizabeth Foote. 4655 Harriet Burnham. 4656 Samuel Foote. 3457 William Talcott Hooker (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Horace," Nathaniel.'' Nathaniel,^ Samuel.- Thomas^), son of Samuel Talcott and Harriet (Burnham) Hooker of O.eden.sburg. N. Y., b. Sept. 14, 1847; m. Rosalie Dousimer of Milwaukee, Wis. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4657 Mary Burnham. 4658 Tennv 1^mlr"''|t-ins. 4660 John. t 4661 Albert. 4662 Rosalie. 3461 Francis Brewster Hooker (James,' Samuel," Horace,^ Nathaniel.-* Nathaniel.^ Samuel, ^ Thotnasi), son of James Louis and Harriet Frances (Luff) Hooker of Sackctts Harbor, N. Y., and Chicago, 111., b. July 15, 1846, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; m. No. 1, Dec. 4, 1878, Lettie Frances Hunting, daughter of Thomas Bela and Jane Arnold FInnting of Belleville, N. Y., b. Tulv 30, 18.S7. She died March 10, 1882, at Chicago, 111. He "married No. 2, Sept. 11, 1884, Louisa Christine Campbell, daughter of .'\lexander and Helen Maria (Broxton) Campbell of Watertown, N. Y. They live at Burlington, Iowa. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4663 Francis Brewster, b. Sept. 7, 1885, at Chicapco, 111. 4664 .Alexander Campbell, b. July 1, 1888, at Chicago, 111. 3462 George Seeley Hooker (James,^ Samuel,"' Horace,' Nathaniel,-' Nathaniel,' Samuel,^ " Thomas"), son of James Louis and Harriet Frances (LufT) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., b. Feb. 23, 1848, at Sacketts Harbor: m. Nov. 11, 1878, Caroline Regina Haas, daughter of Peter and Nancy (Failing) Haas of Watertown, N. Y., b. Jan. 9, 1852. He is a lawyer at Watertown, N. Y. 404 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4665 Flora, b. Oct. 9, 1879, at Watertown, N. Y. ; d. July, 1880. 4666 George Haines, b. Oct. 2, 1881. at Watertown, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 17, 1908, Marguerite E. Evans, of Fayetteville, N. Y. 4667 Francis Brewster, b. Dec. 1883, at Watertown ; d. June 23, 1884. 4668 Samuel Lewis, b, Sept. 29, 1885, at Watertown; d. Dec. 1, 1888. 4669 John Palmer, b. Oct. 16. 1887, at Watertown. 4670 Caroline, b. Oct. 21, 1889. at Watertown. 4671 James Louis, b. Dec. 14, 1893. 3464 Flora Elizabeth Hooker (James,'' Samuel,'^ Horace,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Samuel.- ThomasM. daiis^hter of James Louis and Harriet Frances (Luff) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor and Chicago, III., b. June 9, 1853, at Sacketts Harbor; m. Dec. 31. 1887. John William Palmer of Brooklyn. N. Y., son of Richard Henry Percy and Harriet Leslie Palmer of Dublin, Ireland, b. May 23, '1847, at Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a shoe dealer at Chicago, 111., and thev reside at Oak Park, Chicago, 111. CHILDREN, PALMER. 4672 Louis Hooker, b, Nov. 12. 1880. at Chicago. 4673 Percy Stuart, b. Sept. 8, 1882. at Chicago. 4674 Sidney Douglas, b, Julv 14, 1&S4, at Chicago. 4675 Caroline Leslie, b. April 17. 1887. at Oak Park, III. 3469 Frederic Hooker (M.D.) (James,'' Samuel,'' Horace,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Samuel," ThomasM. son of James Louis and Harriet Frances (Luff) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor and Chicago, 111., b. April 30, 1866, at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 4, 1890. Anna F. Warner of Syracuse, N. Y. He is a physician at Syracuse. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4676 Harriet Louise, b. April 24, 1892. 4677 George Warner, b. May 4, 1898. 4678 Theodore Frederick, b. April 19. 1901. 4679 Sidnev Douglas, b, March 10, 1904. 4680 Alice Elizabeth, b. March 17, 1907. 3470 Harold Louis Hooker (James,'' Samuel,® Horace,^ Na- thaniel,* Nathaniel.'' Samuel," Thomas^), son of James Louis and Harriet Frances (Luff) Hooker of Sacketts Harbor. N. Y., and Chicago. 111., b. March 9. 1869. at Sacketts Harbor. N. Y. ; m. Sept. 16. 1897, Fanny Gilbert Olin, daughter of Rev. Russell Asa Olin of Watertown, N. Y. Eighth Generation 405 CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4681 Russell Olin, b. July 18, 1898. 4682 Thomas, b. Sept. 2, 1902, at Watertown, N. Y. 3471 Mary Wells (George Wells,' Caroline,'' Daniel,^ Dan- iel,* Daniol.= Samnel,^ Thomas^), daughter of George and Elizabeth (Lord) Wells of West Hartford, Conn., b. Nov. 12, 1811, at West Hartford; in. April 9, 1835, Reuben Hamblin, son of Jabez and Huldah (Case) Hamblin of Canton, Conn., b. July 19, 1809, at Canton. He died at West Hartford. CHILPREN, HAMBLIN. 4683 Mortimer, b. Dec. 9, 1840, at West Hartford. 4684 Herman E., b. April 11, 1846. 3472 Emily Cadwell (Caroline Wells,'' Caroline," Daniel.^ Daniel,-* Daniel,'* Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Roger and Caroline (Wells) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. May 24, 1803, at Wintonbury : m. Sept., 1821, Samuel Sidney Wade, son of James and Marv'(Upham) Wade of Newport, R. I., b. May 11, 1793, at Feeding Hills, Mass. He died Nov. 27, 1847, at Andover, Ohio. She died Jan. 9, 1879, at Andover, Ohio. CHILDREN, WADE. 4685 Thetis, b. July 6, 1822 ; m. Aug. 16, 1849. George W. Warren. 4687 Gertrude, b. Jan. 2, 1825: d. July 16, 1884; ni. about 1856, Wil- liam Webster. 4688 Thalia, b. Jan. 23, 1830; d. Aug. 6, 1855. 4689 Edward Cadwell, b. Feb. 13, 1838; d. April 7, 1899; in. 1st, Ella Sawyer; 2nd, Ella Simonds. 3473 Melinda Cadwell (Caroline Wells,' Caroline,'* Daniel,^ Daniel,'* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomasi), daughter of Roger and Caroline (Wells) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. Feb. 14, 1805, at Wintonbury, Conn. ; m. James K. Birchard. She died April 27, 1888. CHILDREN, BIRCHARD. 4690 Delia, b. 1833; d. 1884; m. March 31, 1851, Lyman W. Randall. 4691 Lydia, d. Oct. 15, 1878; m. William Collins. 4692 Mary, d. March, 1900; m. Frank S. Northrup. 3474 Mary Cadwell (Caroline Wells,^ Caroline," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,'* Samuel^ Thomas'), daughter of Roger and Caroline (Wells) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. May 22, 406 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1807, at Wintonbury ; m. Sept. 16, 1824, Salmon Case, son of Timothy and Esther (Brown) Case of Simsbury, Conn., b. April 2, 1797, at Simsbury, Conn. He died June 17, 1840, at Sylvania, Ohio. She died Dec. 14, 1887, at Andover, Ohio. CHILDREN, CASE. 4693 Bolivar, b. July 11, 1825; d. Oct. 11, 1874; m. Oct. 12, 1848, Cilestia Ann Dolph. 4694 Timothy Wells, March 1, 1827; m. Oct. 9, 1851, Adah Zarillah Byers. 4695 Julia, b. Feb. 10, 1829; d. Sept. 8, 1832. 4696 Mary, b. April 21, 1831; d. Oct. 6, 1874; m. Feb. 19, 1861, Thomas Smith Edwards. 4697 Salmon, b. April 2, 1833 ; d. April 13, 1833. 4698 Angeline, b. April 25, 1834; d. Jan. 1, 1835. 4699 Edward, b. Jan. 2, 1836. 4700 Martha, b. Nov. 8, 1838; d. Feb. 23, 1839. 4701 Lucia, b. Feb. 17, 1840. 3475 Roger Starr Cadwell (Caroline Wells,^ Caroline,^ Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Daniel.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Roger and Caroline (Wells) Cadwell of Wintonbury, Conn., b. Aug. 19, 1811, at Wintonbury; m. Jane Putnam. She was a lineal descendant of General Israel Putnam. CHILD, CADWELL. 4702 James Putnam, b. 1853; d. Nov. 11, 1902, at Battle Creek, Mich.; m. Ida Baldwin. 3480 Darius Cadwell (Hon.) (Caroline Wells,^ Caroline," Daniel," Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel," Thomas^), son of Roger and Caroline (Wells) Cadwell, of Wintonbury, Conn., b. April 3, 1821, at Andover, Ohio; m. April 13, 1847, Ann Eliza Wa- trous, daughter of John Buck and Julia (Montgomery) Wa- trous of Ashtabula, Ohio, b. March 19, 1826, at Ashtabula. He was a lawyer at Cleveland, and during the war was Pro- vost Marshal. For ten years he was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, , Ohio. He died Nov. 26, 1905, at Cleve- land, Ohio. CHILDREN, CAUWELL. 4703 Florence Isabel, b. March 20, 1848, at Jefferson, Ohio ; d. Aug. 31, 1851. 4704 James Roger, b. April 5, 1851, at Jefferson, O. ; d. Dec. 27, 1859. 4705 Frank Watrous, b. April 20, 1853, at Jefferson, O. ; m. June 1898. Hernia Emily Martin. 4706 Clara Gertrude, b. Nov. 5, 1855, at Jefferson; m. June 30, 1886, Richard W. Hubbard. Eighth Generation 407 3486 Emma Amelia Wells (Thomas WellsJ Caroline,® Daniel,* Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas Hooker and Emelie (Cadwell) Wells of West Hart- ford, b. Dec. 25, 1831, at West Hartford; m. Thomas Bodwell. CHILDREN, BODWELL. Charles. 4707 Henriette Maxrella (adopted), m. Henry Penfield. 3487 Julia Ann Wells (Thomas Wells,'' Caroline,® Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas Hooker and Emilie (Cadwell) Wells of West Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 25, 1833, at West Hartford ; m. 1853, William Monks, b. 1825. CHILDREN, MONKS. 4708 Emilv, b. Dec. 2S, 1854; m. Edwin Latimer. 4709 John; b. Jan. 9, 1857. 4710 Helen, b. and d. 1859. 4711 Wiliiam, b. Dec. 8, 1861. 3488 Harriet EUza Wells (Thomas Wells,'' Caroline,® Daniel, 5 Daniel,* Daniel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas Hooker and Emelie (Cadwell) Wells of West Hart- ford, b. May 5, 1835, at West Hatford ; m. Dec. 31, 1865, Eu- gene C. Humphrey. CHILDREN, HUMPHREY (ADOPTED). 4712 Minnie Georgianna, b. Nov. 30, 1882. 4713 Frederick Eugene, b. Nov. 30, 1882; d. Dec. 25, 1894. 3489 George M. Wells (Thomas Wells,' Caroline,® Daniel,* Daniel,* Daniel.'* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas Hooker and Emelie (Cadwell) Wells of West Hartford, Conn., b. Jan. 9, 1838, at West Hartford ; m. Sept. 10, 1863, Mary H. Rownds, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Hannah (Baldwin) Rownds of New Haven, Conn., b. April 17, 1843, at New Haven. He was a soldier in the Civil War. He died April 1, 1899. CHILDREN, WELLS. 4714 Edward Hooker, b. June 20, 1865. 4715 Willis Minott, b. Jan. 15, 1867; m. Mav 17, 1889, Ann Holmes. 4716 Wallace Munroe, b. Jan. 15, 1867; d, Sept. 10, 1867, at New Britain, Conn. 4717 Eugene Thomas, b. March 25, 1869. 408 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4718 Lottie Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1870; d. March 27, 1872, at New Britain, Conn, 4719 George Minott, b. April 20, 1874; m. June 30, 1897, Bessie A. Honse. 4720 Charlotte Elizabeth, b. July 4. 1877; m. June 27, 1900, G. Ben- ham Carey. 3490 Charles Gilbert Wells (Thomas Wells,'? Caroline,^ Daniel,^ Daniel,'' Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas Hooker and Emelie Wells, of West Hartford. Conn., b. Aug. 5, 1840, at West Hartford ; m. Jan. 1, 1867, Ella J. Root. She died March 25, 1897. CHILDREN, WELLS. 4721 Gcnrgianna, b. Feb. 28. 1^70. 4722 William H., b. June 30, 1875; m. Nov. 25, 1903, Grace Hutchins. 4723 Lillie Gertrude, b. June 30, 1875; m. Aug. 30, 1896, Thomas Noble. 4724 Charles A., b. Sept. 2. 1877. 4725 Edwin F„ b. Feb. 14, 1879. 4726 Lizzie L, b. Sept. 24, 1882. 4727 Frank G., b. June 28, 1887. 3492 Betsey Plumb (Polly Cadwcll.^ Mary.« Daniel.^ Dan- iel,'* Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Polly (Cadwell) Plumb, b. 1804; m. John Nelson. He 'was a farmer at East Montpelier, Vt. CHILDREN, NELSON. 4728 Marv Ann. b. 1823. 4729 Wilfiam Wallace, b. 1825. 47.30 Mariah, b. 1829; d. 1848; m. Oct. 11, 1847, Hiram Clark. 4731 Charles, b. 1830. 4732 Tohn Currier, b. 1833. 4733 Alonzo, b. 1836. 3495 Maria Cole Cadwell (\\^'llys Cadwell,'? Mary," Dan- iel, ' Daniel.'* Daniel," Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Wvllys Jay and Betsey (White) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. Feb. 14, 1803, at Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Sept. 10, 1827, Constant Wil- liam Storrs, son of John and Thankful (Spalding) Storrs of Royalton, Vt., b. April 7, 1801, at Royalton. He was for forty- seven years a merchant at Montpelier. He died March 23, 1872, at Montpelier. She died Jan. 23, 1886, at Montpelier. CHILDREN, STORRS. 4734 Cadwell Jay, b. Nov. 10, 1828, at Montpelier, d. April 1, 1844, at Montpelier. A daughter not named, b. July 9, 1833, d. July 10, 1833. Eighth Generation 409 4735 William Williams, b. July 21, 1835. at Montpelier; d. Sept. 2, 1883, at Montpelier; m. Nov. 2, 1857, Lizzie Ann Roberts. 4736 Maria Eliza, b. Aug. 5, 1838, at Montpelier; d. April 14, 1841, at Montpelier. 4737 Cornelia Betsey, b. July 3, 1841, at Montpelier; d. June 29, 1870. 3496 Almira Cadwell (Wyllys Cadwell,'^ Mary.^ Daniel, ^ Daniel.^ Daniel.^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Wyllys Jay and Betsey (White) Cadwell of INIontpelier, Vt., b. Feb. 10, 1805, at Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Feb. 21, 1827, Epaphroditus Ran- som, son of Mayor Ezekiel and Lncinda (Fletcher) Ransom of Shelbourne Falls, Mass., b. March 24, 1798. Soon after their marriage they moved to Michigan, where he became a noted public "man. Governor of the state, Judge of the Supreme Court. In 1857 they moved to Kansas, where he was Receiver of the U. S. Land Office at Fort Scott. He died Nov. 12, 1859, at Fort Scott. She died March 17, 1877, at Fort Scott, Kansas. CHILDREN, RANSOM. 4738 Wyllys Cadwell, b. April 28, 1828; m. March 6, 1853, Mary Emma Mattram. 4739 Elizabeth White, b. Sept. 22, 1830: d. Oct. 5, 1831. 4740 Antoinette Eugenia, b. Oct. 11, 1832; m. April 6, 1854, George Clark. 4741 Eugene Beauharnais, b. March 31, 1834; d. Aug. 5, 1837, at Kala- mazoo, Mich. 3498 Julia Ann Cadwell (Wyllys Cadwell.'' Mary," Dan- iel,' Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas V), daughter of Wyllys Jav and Betsey (White) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. Jan. 30, 1809, at Montpelier; m. Oct. 17, 1833. Levi Spalding, son of Reuben and Jerusha (Carpenter) Spalding of Sharon, Vt.. b. Sept. 9, 1805, at Sharon. He was a merchant at Montpelier and afterwards removed to Rock Island, Can., and in 1845. to Derby Line, Vt. He died June 3, 1871, at Derby Line, Vt. She died April 17, 1854, at Derby Line, Vt. CHILDREN, SP.\LDING. 4742 William, b. July 27, 1834, at Rock Island, Can. ; m. Emma J. Bingham. 4743 Levi Lincoln, b. and d. 1836. 4744 Julia I\Iaria. b. Aug. 28, 1837, at Montpelier; m. Dec. 14, 1861, Almvron W. Ovitt. 4745 Stephen Foster, b. June 25. 1840; d. June 14, 1863; killed at the battle of Port Hudson. La. 4746 Clara Augusta, b. April 4, 1842, at Rock Island, Can. ; m. Charles O. Bingham. 410 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4747 Sarah Jerusha, b. Aug. 26, 1844, at Rock Island, Can. ; m. Wil- liam S. Hall. 4748 Lyman, b. Nov. 14, 1846, at Derby Line, Vt. ; m. Juliet A. Long. 4749 Cornelia Cadwell, b. July 21, 1850, at Derby Line; m. Geo. W. Bi.xby. 4750 Gertrude White, b. Oct. 30, 1852, at Derby Line; d. Sept. 6, 1876; m. Edward C. Hayden. 3499 Lucy Ann Cadwell (Wyllys Cadwell,'' Mary.o Dan- iel,5 Daniel,-* Daniel,-^ Sanniel,- Thomas^), daughter of Wyllys J. and Betsey (White) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. March 10, 1811, at Montpelier; m. April 16, 1834, George Peters Riker, son of Capt. Isaac and Nancy (Dennis) Riker of Dover, N. H., b. Jan. 16, 1810, at Dover N. H. He was a merchant at Montpelier. He died Aug. 1, 1851, at Montpelier. She died Feb. 22. 1882, at Montpelier, Vt. CHILDREN, RIKER. 4751 Carlos Cadwell, b. Feb. 28, 1835, at Montpelier; m. Oct. 7, 1862, Annette Evaline Earl. 4752 Ann Maria b. April 30, 1838, at Montpelier; d. April 22, 1884. 4753 George French, b. May 27, 1840, at Montpelier, d. April 26, 1846, at Montpelier. 4754 George Peters, b. March 13, 1847, at Montpelier. 4755 Eliza White, b. April 29, 1851, at Montpelier; d. Nov. 12, 1886. 3500 Eliza Ann Cadwell (Wyllys Cadwell,' Mary," Dan- iel,^ Daniel,'' Daniel,-" Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Wyllys J. and Betsey (White) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. July 28, 1813, at Montpelier, Vt. ; m. No. 1, Joseph Hutchins, sou of William and Sarah (Sawyer) Hutchins of Montpelier, b. 1809, at Montpelier. (He was a brother of Mary Sawyer Hutchins who married Aaron Decius Hooker Caldwell. She received a divorce from him and married No. 2, John Palmer. He was a merchant at Chicago, III. CHILD, HUTCHINS. 4756 James C, b. Sept. 10, 1835, at Montpelier, Vt. ; d. Oct. 31, 1898, at Chicago, 111. ; m. 1856, Cordelia Phillips. 3502 Sarah Louise Cadwell (.Xaron Cadwell," Mary,'' Dan- iel,5 Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Aaron Decius Hooker and Mary Sawyer (Hutchins) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. Aug. 27, 1826, at Berlin, Vt. ; m. Jan. 10, 1853, George Hobart Nichols, son of George Washington and Deborah (White) (Hobart) Nichols of Baintree, Vt., b. May Eighth Generation 411 18, 1823, at Baintree, Vt. They removed to Prescott, Wis. She died Oct. 8, 1885, at MinncapoHs, Minn. CHILD, NICHOLS. 4757 Gertrude, b. Jan. 17, 1869, at Prescott, Wis.; m. May 21, 1893, Joe S. Phillips. 3504 Mary Hooker Cadwell (Aaron Cadwell,^ Mary," Dan- iel,5 Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Aaron Decius Hooker and Mary Sawyer (Hutchins) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. Oct. 17, 1831 ; m. May 22, 1855, George H. Hatch of Nashua, N. H. They live at Nashua, N. H. She died March 16, 1895, at Nashua, N. H. CHILDREN, HATCH. 4758 Sara Abba, b. Nov. 15, 1861. 4759 Frederick Willis, b. Oct. 12, 1868, at Danville, Vt. 3505 William Diah Cadwell (Aaron Cadwell,'' Mary," Dan- iel,^ Daniel,^ Daniel,'^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Aaron Decius Hooker and Mary Sawyer (Hutchins) Cadwell of Montpelier, Vt., b. Oct. 14, 1834, at Montpelier, Vt. ; m. Jan. 23, 1860, at Lowell, Mass., Cemantha Vickery. He is a wealthy manufac- turer at Nashua, N. H. CHILDREN, CADWELL. 4760 Lizzie Blanche, b. Aug., 1869, at Nashua, N. H. 4761 William Henry, b. Aug., 1872, at Nashua, N. H. 3508 Lemuel Harrison Hooker (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Nathaniel Eggleston and Fannie (Church) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Feb. 13, 1832, at Hartford; m. Jan. 11, 1866, RiUa Jay, daugh- ter of Samuel Jay. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4762 William Le Roy, b. Dec. 26, 1867. at Springfield, O. 4763 Lilian Winnifrcd. b. Aug. 4. 1870, at Woodbridge, Mich. ; m. Jan. 11, 1891, Lewis McAllister. 4764 Fannie Olive, b. April 29, 1876, at Monclova, Ohio. 3512 George Hooker (Nathaniel,'^ Nathaniel." Daniel,"' Dan- iel,'* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Nathaniel Eggleston and Fannie (Church) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 11, 412 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 1846, at Maumee City, Ohio: m. March 13, 1870, Sarah Eliza- beth Smith, (laughter of Samuel and Amanda (Sterling) Smith of Springfield, Ohio, b. 1851, at Huntington, Ind. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4765 Charles Edward, b. April 19, 1871. 4766 Le Roy Church, b. Nov. 24, 1874, at Defiance, O. 3513 Edward HookerfNathaniel,' Nathaniel," Daniel,* Dan- iel,* Daniel,^ Samuel.' Thomas'), son of Nathaniel Eggleston and Fannie (Church) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Aug. 7, 1848, at Maumee Citv ; m. No. 1, Dec. 2.S, 1871, Ida Cook. He m. No. 2, Feb. 22, 1877, Mrs. Sarah McQuillan. CHILD, HOOKER. 4767 Hattie Louise, b. July 5, 1873; m. Dec. 23, 1896, C. W. Edgar. 3515 Frank Arthur Hooker (James,' Nathaniel," Daniel,' Daniel,^ Daniel.-* Samuel.- Thomas'), son of James Sedgwick and Camilla (Porter) Hooker of Hartford. Conn., b. Jan. 16, 1844, at Hartford; m. Aug. 5, 1868, Emma Elizabeth Carter, daughter of William and Elisabeth (Daggett) Carter of De- fiance, Ohio, b. Feb. 3, 1844. at Defiance. He is a lawyer of high standing at Charlote, Mich. Judge of a County Court, and Judge of the Supreme Court. CHH,DREN, HOOKER. 4768 Heiirv E., b, April 27, 1870, at Charlotte, Mich. 4769 Charles Eggleston, b. April 18, 1872; m. Sept. 23, 1893; Lena Mae Pratt. 3516 George Harris Hooker (Chester,'^ Nathaniel," Daniel,^ Daniel* Daniel,^ .Samuel.^ Thoinas'), .son of Chester Harris and Elizabeth Mahala (Moore) Hooker, b. April 21, 18.^3; m. Dec. 25, 1887, Hattie Ann Cook, daughter of Charles Henry and Berinice Grace Cook of New York. They reside at Wei- mer, Cal. CHILDREN. HOOKER. 4770 Chester, b. Sept. 8, 1R88: d. Sept. 9, 1888. 4771 Elizabeth Gertrude, b. Oct. 15, 1891. 4772 Jessie May, b. July 6. 1893. 4773 George Frank, b. Jan. 11, 1897; d. Jan. 22, 1897. 4774 Gracie .\nn, b. Feb. 20, 1899. Eighth Generation 413 3520 George Hubbell (Zainion Hubbell," Eunice." Daniel/' Daniel,-" Daniel^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. Aug. 6, 1824, at Trum- bull, Conn. ; m. Sept. 2, 1849, Elizabeth Maria Opdyke. He was an engineer. He died Aug. 3, 1854, at New Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4775 George Millard, b. July 16, 1851 ; d. Feb. 20. 1852. 4776 Laura Arniinda, b. Dec, 4. 1852. 4777 George L., b, March 29, 1855. 3521 Elizabeth Hubbell (Zahnon Hubbell,' Eunice,® Dan- iel,5 Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. June 26, 1826, at Trumbull; m. March 11, 1846, John Gray, of Newton, Conn. He is an engineer. CHILDREN, GRAY. 4778 Georgianna, b. Oct. 26, 1847. ^ ^ 4779 James Burton, b. March 23, 1849; d. April, 1871; kdled m U. S. service in Dakota. 4780 Josephine, b. March 12. 1851. 3522 Frances Salina Hubbell (Zalmon Hubbell,'^ Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,'* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. July 9, 1832, at Trumbull; in. Dec. 4, 1851, John N. Hawley, son of Zarr and Maria (Thorp) Hawley of Trumbull, Conn., b. 1830. at Trumbull. He was a farmer. He died Oct. 12, 1874, at Trumbull, Conn. CHILDREN, HAWLEY. 4781 Seymour Elmore, b. April 9, 1853. 4782 EInora Frances, b. Feb. 10. 1856. 4783 Eliza, b. Sept. 27, 1859; d. Sept. 9, 1864. 3523 Eliza Virginia Hubbell (Zalmon Hubbell,' Eunice." Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,-' Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. June 26, 1834, at Trumbull; m. May 27, 1855, Abraham Skaats. son of Abraham and Mary (Haskell) Skaats of Weth- ersfield, Conn., b. Aug. 9, 1834, at Wethersfield. He was a Mechanical Engineer. CHILD, SKAATS. 4784 George Zalmon, b. May 19, 1856. 414 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3524 John Watts HubbelUZalmon Hubbell,'' Eunice,'' Dan- iel,5 Daniel,-* Daniel.^ Samuel,^ ThomasM. son of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. Aug. 14, 1839, at Trumbull ; m. May 19, 1863. Katie Eliza Oakley, b. July 4, 1845. He is a machinist, and like his father, a very reliable CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4785 Frederick Ernest, b. Oct. 2, 1864. 4786 Elnora Amelia, b. Feb. 19, 1865; d. July 26, 1868. 4787 Vernon Lewis, b. April 1, 1866; d. July 21, 1868. 4788 John Watts, b. Feb. 9. 1868; d. March 26, 1872. 4789 Nellie, b. Dec. 17, 1869. 4790 Laura, b. Aug. 24. 1872. 4791 Irving Lewis, b. Sept. 28, 1876. 4792 .Mbert Zalmon, b. May 14, 1878. 4793 George Francis, b. May 31, 1879. 4794 Bertha Eunice, b. Aug. 21, 1885. 3525 Mary Louisa Hubbell (Zalmon Hubbell,^ Eunice," Daniel,' Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,^ ThomasM, dau,s;hter of Zalmon and Laura (Thorp) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. Aug. 31, 1840, at Trumbull; m. March 17, 1869, Angevine Rogers. He was a painter by trade. He died Dec. 29, 1879, at Trumbull, Conn. CHILDREN, ROGERS. 4795 Charles .\ngevine, b. and d. Feb. 14, 1870, at Trumbull. 4796 Edgar Hubbell, b. Jan. 11, 1871. 4797 Ernest Eugene, b. June 10, 1873; d. Aug. 6, 1873, at Trum- bull. 3526 Sally Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,'^ Eunice," Daniel,^ Dan- iel,< Daniel,3 Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. March 5, 1814, at Weston ; m. Julv 29. 1832, Jay Sherman, son of Josiah Beach and Rhoda (Hubbell) Sherman of Weston, Conn., b. Sept. 9, 1812. at Weston. He was a carpenter by trade. He died March 30. 1894, at Cherry Hill, Pa. She d'ied Dec. 13, 1894. at Cherry Hill, Pa. CHILDREN, SHERMAN. 4798 George Jay, b. July 12, 1833. 4799 Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1834. 4800 Mary Jane, b. Nov. 1, 1837; d. April 26, 1883. 4801 Caroline Maria, b. Feb. 25, 1840. 4802 Emeline, b. Jan., d. .'^pril. Eighth Generation 415 4803 Seeley, b. June 19, 1843 ; d. June 21, 1843. 4804 Beach Seeley, b. Oct. 31, 1844. 4805 Laura Enretta, b. Oct. 14, 1848. 4806 Julia Grace, b. Nov. 24, 1850. 3527 Mary Jane Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,'' Eunice,® Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Daniel,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. March 10, 1817, at \Veston ; m. Nov. 29, 1832, Charles Sherman, son of Tosiah Beach and Rhoda (Hubbell) Sherman of Weston, b. Jan. 2, 1811, at Weston. She died Jan. 26, 1889, at Mineral Point, Wis. CHILDREN, SHERM.AN. 4807 Charles Heno', b. Sept. 11, 1833. 4808 Frances Jane, b. Sept. 1. 1836; d. Dec. 1, 1836. 4809 Sarah Jane. b. June 13. 1838. 4810 Theodore Francis, b. Feb. 27, 1840. 4811 George Clinton, b. Sept. 11, 1842. 4812 Emeluie Eliza, b. March 29, 1845. 4812a Infant daughter. 4813 Julia Antionette. 4814 Edward. 4815 Edwin. 4816 Frederick. 4817 Augusta. 3528 Emeline Seeley (Eunice Hubbell," Eunice,® Daniel,' Daniel,"' Daniel,'* Samuel,'- Thomas'), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seelev of Weston, Conn., b. Aug. 9, 1819, at Weston ; m. May 10, 1837, Cyrenus Blackman Denis, son of Heman and Marv (Roberts) Denis of Buffalo, N. Y., b. June 3, 1817, at Buffalo. She died Aug. 21, 1850 at Galena, 111. Mr. Denis married again, Lovina Baldwin and had six children, his second wife dying, he married a third time. He died Aug. 20, 1887, at Valej'o, Cal. CHILDREN, DENIS. By first wife. 4818 William Henry Harrison, b. Aug. 10. 1837; d. at New Orleans, of yellow fever. 4819 Cvrcnus. b. Sept. 1839: d. 1841, at Princeton, Miss. 4820 Heman Freeman, b. 1841. 4821 Corene, m. Henry Martin. 4822 .Augustine, m. McAllister. 4823 Josephine. 4824 James, b. 1850; d. Aug. 22, 1850. 3529 Laura Athalia Seeley( Eunice Hubbell,'' Eunice,® Dan- iel,' Daniel,-' Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Free- 416 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker man Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. Feb. 19, 1822, at Weston; m. Oct. 2, 1843, David Rockwell Miller, son of Jacob and Mary (Allen) Miller of Rochester, K. Y., b. Aug. 31, 1822, at Rochester. He was a farmer in Michi- gan. She died Jan. 12, 1890, at Watson, Mich. CHILDREN, MILLER. 4825 Helen Frances, b. June 2, 1845, at Rochester, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 30, 1847. 4826 Freeman Jacob, b. Dec. 10. 1849, at Rochester. 4827 Frances, b. Sept. 9, 1852, at Rochester; d. 1881. 4828 Fremont David, b. 1855, at Watson, Mich. 4829 Fanny, b. May, 1863, at Watson, ^lich. 3530 Roswell Hamilton Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,' Eunice," Daniel,' Daniel,* Daniel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. Aug. 10. 1824, at Long Hill, Trumbull, Conn.; m. July 21, 1845, Isa- bel Stevenson Crawford, daughter of John and Nancy (Laugh- lin) Crawford of Redstone, Fayette Co., Pa., b. July 27, 1826, at Redstone. He died Feb. 13, 1867, at Leavenworth, Kan. She died Feb. 2, 1882, at Leavenworth, Kan. CHILDREN, SEELEY. 4830 Horace Hamilton, b. April 23, 1846. 4831 Eunice Rosaline, b. Aug. 1, 1848 4832 James Stevenson, b. Jan. 14, 1850. 4833 Eliza Isabel, b. March 9. 1852. 4834 Charles Roswell, b. June 15, 1854 4835 William; b. Aug. li. 1856. 4836 Anna, b. Nov. 11, 1858. 4837 Edward, b. Nov. 6. 1860; d. Jan. 3, 1863. 4838 John Freeman, b. March 1, 1863. 4839 Emma, b. March 6, 1865 ; d. March 27, 1865. 4840 Laura Athalia, b. Dec. 3, 1866. 3531 Ann Eliza Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,'^ Eunice," Daniel,^ Daniel,* Daniel,-'' Samuel,' Thomas'), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. Julv 30, 1827, at Weston ; m. July 12, 1847, Eleazer Taylor, son of Benajah and Rebecca (Smith) Taylor of Essex Co., N. Y., b. at Rupert, \'erniont. Thev lived at Miles Grove, Pa. He died Feb. 18, 190O, at Fairplain, Erie Co., Pa. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. 4841 Harriet Eliza, b. July 4, 1848, at Girard, Pa. ; m. Sept. 27, 1866, Abraham Strucken. Eighth Generation 417 4842 Helen Emma, b. Oct. 8, 1850, at Girard, Pa. ; m. June 25, 1868, William Ernest Daggett. 4843 George Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1852, at Girard, Pa.; m. No. 1, July 28, 1872, Jane Banton ; m. No. 2, May 26, 1888, Mary Eugene Manly. 4844 Arria Viola, b. June 25, 1854, at Girard; m. No. 1, March 9, 1875, Myron Clarence Pettibone; m. No. 2, Dec. 15, 1885, Robert Cross. 4845 Alma Violet, b. June 25, 1854; d. Oct. 13, 1854, at Miles Grove, Pa. 4846 Ruby, b. Oct. 2, 1856; m. June 16, 1875, Frank Hopkins. 4847 Lily Bell, b. Aug. 21, 1858; m. May 24, 1893, David Herbert Burton. 4848 Delia, b. Oct. 5, 1863; d. July 26, 1883. 4849 James Seeley, b. Jan. 11, 1866; m. July 21, 1866, Nina Ethel Daggett. 4850 Anna Grace, b. Jan. 6. 1868; d. Jan. 7, 1868. 4851 Anson Grant, b. Jan. 6, 1868; m. Sept. 4, 1889, Edith Clara Manly. 3532 Freeman Hall Seeley, Jr. (Eunice Hubbell,'' Eunice,^ Daniel," Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. Feb. 17, 1830, at Weston; m. No. 1, Mrs. Catherine Churchill of St. Louis. She died at New Orleans, La. He m. No. 2, Mary Hood of Alton, 111. They separated after the birth of one child. He m. No. 3, Martha Esther Smith, adopted daughter of Dr. Smith of Miflin, Tenn. She died 1863. He m. No. 4, Mrs. Esther King. He m. No. 5, March, 1879, Harriet Maria Blount of Jacks Creek, Chester Co., Tenn., b. Aug. 7, 1845 at Jacks Creek. He is a carpenter by trade. CHILDREN, SEELEY. By 2nd wife. 4852 Edward Jay. b. .^pril 27. 1863, at Alton, III. By 3rd wife. 4853 John Thomas, b. Feb. 10, 1867. By 5th wife. 4854 James Freeman, b. Jan. 19, 1880; Jacks Creek; d. March 1, 1880. 4855 Eunice Tennessee, b. Jan. 4, 1881. 4856 Arthur Hall. b. June 10, 1884. 4757 Lucy Howard Cleveland, b. May 6, 1886. 3533 Julia Elizabeth Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,'^ Eunice,^ Daniel,-' Daniel, ■* Daniel,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seelev of Weston, Conn.. b. Sept. 28, 1832, at Newtown, Conn.; m. 'Oct. 10, 1849, Wil- liam Simons of Paris, Bourbon Co.. Ky., b. Feb. 6, 1823, at Paris, Ky. He is a farmer in Wisconsin. 418 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, SIMONS. 4858 Willie Eugene, h. Aug. 4, 1851, at Mineral Point, Wis. 4859 Oscar Mead, b. July 31, 1855. 4860 Charles Freeman, b. Sept. 22. 1857. 4861 Julia Emeline, b. Aug. 19, 1859. 4862 Caroline Alice, b. Nov. 27, 1861 ; d. April 7, 1863. 4863 John Burton, b. Nov. 24, 1863. 4864 Ruev Ann, b. .\pril 15, 1867. 4865 Francis Marion, b. April 8. 1869; d. July 30, 1869. 4866 Walter Denio, b. June 9, 1870. 4867 Laura Miller, b. Aug. 31, 1871 ; d. .^pril 17, 1872. 4868 George Jay, b. Aug. 31, 1871. 4869 Mary Jane Sherman, b. Dec. 9. 1872. 4870 Eunice Hubbell, b. Dec. 30, 1874. 4871 Willoughby Douglass, b. .A.pril 22, 1876. 4872 Roy, b. March 24, 1878. 3534 Harriet Louisa Seeley (Eunice Hubbell,' Eunice,® Daniel,' Daniel,-' Daniel.^ .Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Freeman Hall and Eunice (Hubbell) Seeley of Weston, Conn., b. Feb. 10, 1838, at Buffalo, X. Y. ; m. .May 30, 1855, George Nicholson, son of James and Mima Jane (Wade) Nicholson of Lawrenceville, 111. CHILDREN, NICHOLSON. 4873 Mary Louisa, b. May 16, 1857, at Mineral Point, Wis. ; m. March 21, 1887, Joseph B. Hicks. 4874 Charles Freeman, b. June 21, 1860; d. Nov. 17, 1860. 4875 Hattie Eunice, b. and d. May 7, 1863. 4876 George Lewis, b. Feb. 12, 1861. 4877 James Roswell, b. March 28, 1866. 4878 Albert, b. Dec. 26, 1868. 4879 Alvin, b. Dec. 26, 1868; d. Jan. 23, 1869. 4880 Emma Ruby, b. Nov. 1, 1870. 4881 Henry Frank, b. June 1, 1872. 4882 William Rufus, b. May 3, 1874. 4883 Charles Hall, b. Aug. 11, 1876. 4884 .Mima Lily, b. Feb. 10, 1879. 4885 Ena Mabel, b. June 6, 1881. 3535 Horace Hubbell (Joseph Hubbell," Eunice," Daniel.* Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel," Thomas'), son of Joseph Middle- brook and Harriet (Hill) Hubbell of Newtown, Conn., b. Nov. 11, 1822, at Newtown ; m. April 6, 1846, Eunice Curtis, daugh- ter of Asahel and Maria (Bassett) Curtis of :\Iilford, Conn. He is a carpenter by trade. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4886 George Heman, b. Feb. 21, 1847. 4887 Charles Henry, b. Oct. 22, 1849. 4888 Ira Curtis, b. May 17, 1853. Eighth Generation 419 3536 George Albert Hubbell (Joseph Hubbell,' Eiinice,« Daniel,^ Daniel,-* Daniel;' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Joseph Middlebrook and Harriet (Hill) Hubbell of Newtown, Conn., b. June 1, 1824, at Newtown, Conn.; m. May 6, 1847, Emily Louisa Sherman, daughter of Warren and Catherine (Hamil- ton) Sherman of Newtown, Conn., b. :March 26, 1823, at Rox- bury. Conn. He was educated at the Academy at Woodbury, Conn. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1845, and was for thirteen years over churches in Connecticut and New York, and for five years presiding elder in Connecticut. He died May 1, 1903. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4889 Seymour Landon, b. May 19, 1849. 4890 Evangeline, b. Jan. 27, 1853. 4891 Arthur, b. Feb. 1, 1855, d. March 13, 1860. 4891a Frank, b. Jan. 2, 1860; d. Dec. 19, 1861. 3537 Catherine Hubbell (Joseph Hubbell," Eunice," Dan- iel,5 Daniel,-* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Joseph Middlebrook and Harriet (Hill) Hubbell of Newtown, Conn., b. Feb. 20, 1826, at Newtown ; m. April 30, 1843, Philo Lewis Bassett, h. Aug. 2, 1821. She died Oct. 28, 1889, at Hunting- ton, Conn. CHILDREN, E.^SSETT. 4892 Albert Lewis, b. Jan. 31, 1845 ; d. Feb. 22, 1846. 4893 Eugene Frederick, b. Aug. 26, 1846. 4894 Harriet Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1847. 4895 Marj- Clementine, b. July 30. 1849. 4896 Erwin Clifford, b. April 21. 1854. 4897 Henry Baldwin, b. Aug. 11, 1855. 4898 William Hubbell, b. Oct. 31, 1857: d. Jan. 13, 1860. 4899 Joseph Middlebrook, b. Aug. 19, 1859. 4900 Catherine Juliette, b. July 20, 1861. 4901 John Ernest, b. March 19, 1863. 4902 Philo Lewis, Jr., b. March 13, 1865. 4903 David Hubbell. b. Aug. 23, 1867. 4904 Edward Hooker, b. Oct. 3, 1870. 3538 David Toucey Hubbell (Harriet Hubbell,' Eunice,^ Daniel,' Daniel.-* Daniel,^ Samuel.- Thomas*), son of Joseph Middlebrook and Harriet (Hill) Hubbell of Newtown, Conn., b. Sept. 4. 1827, at Newtown; m. Dec. 24. 1848, Hannah Piatt Sanford, daughter of John William and Hannah (Piatt) San- ford of Alilford, Conn. He was a merchant and manufacturer. He died Oct. 26, 1888, at Bethel, Conn. She died March 10, 1901, at Bethel. Conn. 420 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker chudrex, hubbeix. 4905 Josephine, Aug, 16, 1851 ; d. Dec. 23, 1874. 4906 Isabella, b. April 19. 1853. 4907 Victor, b. Aug. 5, 1859 : d. Aug. 27, 1860. 4908 Lindley, b. Jan. 19. 1868. 3539 Edward Hubbell (Harriet Hubbell.' Eunice,^ Daniel,' Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Joseph Middle- brook and Harriet (Hill) Hubbell of Newtown, Conn., b. March 11, 1830. at Newtown; m. Oct. 26, 1833, Margaret Allen Osborn, daughter of Abraham and Almira (Loper) Osborn of East Hampton, N. Y., b. Dec. 9, 1835. at .\magansett. Long Island, N. Y. He was a mechanic at New Haven, Conn. She died March 29, 1896, at New Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4909 Carrie, b. Jan. 20, 1856: d. Jaa 8, 1862. 4910 Eddie, b. April 9, 1858; d. Jan. 15, 1862. 4911 Hattie Louise, b. April 27, 1866; m. Oct. 23, 1900; Louis Francis Rhoades. 4913 Zulike May, b. Aug. 26. 1869; m. June 1, 1892. Edward L. Bradley. 3542 Oscar Burr Nichols (Nancy Hubbell." Eunice,® Dan- iel,5 Daniel,* Daniel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of James and Nancy Abigail (Hubbell) Nichols of Monroe, Conn., b. July 4. 1826, at Monroe; m. March 7, 1847, Louisa M. Brotherton of Bridgeport, Conn., b. Jan. 9. 1828, at Stoney Brook, Long Island, N. Y. They lived for a time at Bridgeport, Conn., and in 1857, removed to Bronson, Mich. She died Nov. 23, 1886, at Bronson, Mich. CHILDREN, NICHOLS. 4914 Marv Amanda, b. .\pril 30. 1848. at Bridgeport. 4915 Oscar Franklin, b. Feb. 6. 1851, at Bridgeport; m. July 3, 1879, Flla Steele 4916 James Edward, b. March 23, 1853. at Bridgeport. 4917 Emma Louisa, b. April 17, 1855, at Bridgeport; died May 29, 1885. 4918 Lizzie Gertrude, b. March 13, 1860, at Bridgeport. 4919 Dora Alberta, b. Feb. 20. 1866. at Bronson, Mich. 4920 Cora Lulu, b. July 15. 1868. at Bronson, Mich. 3554 Caroline Matilda Hubbell (Alanson Hubbell.' Eunice,® Daniel.5 Daniel.* Daniel."' Samuel.^ Thomas'), daughter of Alanson and Delia (Ward) Hubbell of Trumbull. Conn., b. June 6, 1833, at Trumbull; m. June 10, 1855, Elijah Beach Eighth Generation 421 French, son of David and Abigail (Hawley) French of Tashua, Conn., b. March 18, 1834, at Tashua. They lived for twenty- eight years at Trumbull, Conn. They then removed to Shelton, Conn., where he is employed as night foreman at the Derby Silver Plate Cutlery Co.'s works. CHILDREX, FRENCH. 4921 Emma Eugenia, b. April 23, 1857, at Bridgeport, Conn. ; m. Oct. 20, 1878, Austin Hills. 4922 George Henrj'. Hooker, b. June 10, 1861, at Trumbull, Conn. ; m. June 30, 1885, Fannie Cora Nichols. 3555 Nelson Frederick Hubbell (.\lanson Hubbell," Eunice.s Daniel,'' Daniel.^ Daniel,-^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Alanson and Delia (Ward) Hubbell of Trumbull, Conn., b. Jan. 12, 1836, at Trumbull ; m. Aug. 10. 1859, Mary E. Whitlock. daugh- ter of Marvin and Amanda (Duncomb) \\'hitlock of Danbury, Conn., b. June 8, 1838, at Danbury. They reside at Trumbull, where he is a farmer. CHILDREN, HUBBELL. 4923 Anna Cora, b. May 22, 1860, at Trumbull. 4924 Frederick Nelson, b. March 10, 1863, at Trumbull : d. Mav S, 1890. 4925 Evelina, b. Aug. 11, 1865. at Trumbull, Conn. 4926 Charles Henrs-. b. Jan. 1. 1868, at Trumbull. 4927 Wilmont Hooker, b. June 29, 1871, at Trumbull. 3557 Emily Maria Hubbell (William Hubbell.' Eunice,^ Daniel,^ Daniel.^ Daniel.^ Samuel.^ ThomasM, daughter of William Reilly and Sarah (Sharp) Hubbell of Bridgeport. Conn., b. June 15. 1841, at Bridgeport: m. May 14, 1859. Edwin Burr Nichols, son of Burr and Eliza (Burton) Nichols of Mon- roe, Conn., b. March 30. 1839. at ^lonroe. He served three years in the Civil War in the 7th Connecticut regiment. He is a joiner by trade. CHILDREN, NICHOLS. 4927a Charles Hubbell, b. March 2. 4928 Nellie Eliza, b. Sept. 25, 1861 ; m. Feb. 8, 1S93. Frank Liberty Nichols. 3560 Sarah Amanda Hubbell (William Hubbell,' Eunice.' Daniel.^ Daniel,^ Daniel.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William Reilly and Sarah (Sharp) Hubbell of Birmingham. Conn., b. Sept. 25, 1852, at Birmingham : m. Jan. 10, 1876, James -^22 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Arthur Rierson, son of William and Rowena (Whitmarsh) Rierson. b. July 13. 1855. at Xorth Arlington. Mass. He is a book-keeper in the office of the New York & Xew Haven R. R. CHILDREN, RIEBSOK. 4929 Willie Even. b. June 24, 1877. 4930 Sarah Rowena, b. March 16, 1881. 3561 Jennie Hubbell (William Hubbell," Eunice.* Daniel.^ Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of William Reillv and Frances (Fairchild) Hubbell of Birmingham and Stratford. Conn., b. June 20, 1854 at Stratford: m. May 24, 1877, William Hitchcock, son of Orrin and Althea (Perkins) Hitchcock of Hampden. Conn., b. 1850 at Hampden. He \\-as in the employ of the Xew York & Xew Haven R. R. and was killed by being caught in the machiner}-, Sept. 16, 1880, at Xew Haven. CHILD. HITCHCOCK. 4931 Orrin Beardsley, b. June 6, 1879, at N"ew Haven. 3562 Fannie Hooker Hubbell (William Hubbell." Eunice,® Daniel,5 Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas^), daughter of William Reillv and Frances (Fairchild) Hubbell of Birmingham and Stratford. Conn., b. Jan. 29. 1856. at Stratford : m. July 8. 1879. Frank Baldwin, son of Joseph and Martha CHitchcock) Baldwin of Xew Haven. Conn., b. Feb. 2. 1854, at Xew Haven. He died Mav 15, 1885. at Xew Haven. She m. Xo. 2. April 22, 1886, Frank' Stephens of Xew Haven, b. May 5, 1849, at Xew Haven. He is a die sinker by trade. CHILD. B.\LDW1K. 4932 Edna Hooker, b. 29. 1880. CHILD, STEPHENS. 4933 Elmer Hubbell. b. Feb. 13, 1887; d. July 14. 1887. 3671 George Washington Hooker (Samuel," Riverius,* Ri- verius.5 Daniel.* Danie!.' Samuel.^ Thomas'), son of Samuel and Rhoda CEdgecomb) Hooker, b. Aug. 30. 1827: m. March 1, 1851, Eliza Annis Ballentine. He died Feb. 18, 1853. CHILD, HOOKER. 4934 Henrietta Edgecomb, b. Dec 12, 1851. Eighth Generation 3674 Eveline Hooker (Samuel." Riverius,® Riverius,' Dan- iel,* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas*), daughter of Samuel and Rhoda (Edgecomb) Hooker, b. Tulv 27. 1836: m. Nov. 10, 1861, Samuel Sewell Davis. She died Jan. 6, 1874. CHILD. DAVIS. 4933 Eveline Hooker, b. Nov. 15, 1873. 3677 Frederick Gardiner Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,® Ri- verius."' Daniel.* Daniel.' Samuel.- Thomas*), son of Riverius, 3rd. and Hannah Butler (Chaddock) Hooker, b. Feb. 11. 1828, at Gardiner, Me. ; m. Xov. 30, 1854, at Worcester, Mass., Cor- nelia Luello Hudson of Worcester. ]SIass. He died at Augiista, Me.. 1874. CHnj)BEN-. HOOKER. 4936 Ann Aueusta. b. Feb. 14. 1859; d. Aug. 28, 1860. 4937 Leonard ^Hudson, b. April 29. 1861 : d. Jan. 19. 1862. 4938 Emma Mehitable, b. March 28. 1863: m. Nov. 25. 1886; Albert Holden Fav. 4939 Sarah Comelia. b. Jan. 28. 1867; m. Oct 24. 1890. Benjamin Frank Blaney. 3678 Emeline Smith Hooker (Riverius.' Riverius.* Riveri- US.5 Daniel.* Daniel.^ Sami-el.- Thomas*), daughter of Riverius, 3rd. and Hannah Butler (Chaddock) Hooker, b. April 19. 1830. at Milburv", Mass. : m. Sept. 30. 1853. Thaddeus Constantine Houghton, of Gardiner. Me. CHUHRES, HOUGHTON. 4940 Frederick Edwin, b. Sept. 30. 1856. at Grand Rapids, Mich: in. Rebecca Bamawell. 4941 Frances Caroline, b. Dec. 14. 1861, at Grand Rapids. Mich; m. John Wesley Hood. 4W2 Mary Comelia. b. Jan. 6 1SS4. at Grand Rapids. Mich. : m. Xo. 1. G. W. Hopson; m. Xo. 2, Joseph A. Zoll; m. No. 3. George W. Peters. 3681 EUen Maria Hooker (Riverius." Riverius.® Riverius.' Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas*), daughter of Riverius, 3rd. and Hannah (Chaddock) Hooker, b. 1834: m. John F. Brookings of Randolph. Me. CHILDREN-. ES00KISG5. 4tt|3 .\lbert Hooker, m. Gertrude White. 4?44 .\nnie Louise. 4943 .\rthur. 424 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3682 Caroline Hooker (Riverius,' Riverius,^ Riverius,= Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- ThomasM. daughter of Riverius, 3rd. and Hannah Butler (Chaddock) Hooker, b. 1838 ; m. Ben- jamin S. Wood of Gardiner, Me. CHILDREN. WOOD. 4^46 N'e!!ie, m. Robert Bigsby, of Newbun-port, Mass. 4947 Carrie. 3685 Andrew Jackson Hooker (Riverius.^ Riverius.^ .^'\^''' ius,' Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Riverius 3rd. and Hannah Butler (Chaddock) Hooker, b. Oct. 23. 1836, at South Lee. Mass.: m. Nov. 23. 1859. at Gardiner, Me., Har- riet Coombs Knox. b. at Bowdoin, Me. CHtLDREN, HOOKER. 4948 Harry Herbert, b. Nov. 10, 1860, at Gardiner, Me.; living at Lvnn. Mass. 4949 Frederick Fessenden, b. SepL 18, 1865 : m. Cora Gardner. 4950 Cah-in Boston, b. April 13, 1867, at Gardiner, Me.; d. July 30, 1882. 4951 Grace Louise, b. Sept 13, 1875; m. Or\ille J. ^Vhitney, June 2, 1902. 3686 Joseph Edgecomb Hooker (Riverius," Riverius.^ Ri- verius.* Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Riverius 3rd. and Hannah (Chaddock) Hooker, b. July 15, 1844. at South Lee. Mass. : m. June 4. 1872. Susan Emma Yeaton of Roches- ter, X. Y. They live at Worcester, Mass. CHILDREN", HOOKER. 4952 Walter Francis, b. Worcester, Mass.. March 6. 1876; m. Fannie Hoitt. 4953 Arthur Riverius. b. June 8, 1878. 4954 Frank Edgecomb. b. .\ug. 17. 1882. 4955 Joseph Albert, b. March 9, \SS4 ; d. June 16, 1885. 4956 Amy Caroline, b. Nov. 27, 1887; d. April 21, 1893. 3687 Warren Hooker (Riverius," Riverius,^ Riverius,* Daniel.* Daniel.-^ Samuel.^ Thomas'), son of Riverius 3rd and Hannah (Butler) (Chaddock) Hooker, b. Nov. 12, 1846; m. No. 1. Elizabeth Dennis Gardner. He m. Xo. 2, Annie J, Anderson at Somersworth, Mav 8. 1885. He died Mav 23, 1898. Eighth Generation 425 chudeex, hcx)K£k. (Living in California.) By first wife. 4957 Joseph. 4958 Herbert. 4959 Florence. By 2nd wife. 4960 Bemice Anderson, b. at Hartford, GsniL, April 14, 1887; living at Concord, X. H. 4961 Myrtle E., b. at Boston, Mass., April 7, 1888. 3691 Emma Baker f Drusilla," Riverius,^ Riverius,^ Daniel,* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas^ j, daughter of Drusilla (Hooker) and Daniel Gould Baker: m. \Mlliams. CHILD. WILLL^MS. 4962 Jesse, m. Bumham. 3693 Mary Ann Hooker (Elbridge,' Riverius,® Daniel,' Daniel,'' Daniel." Samuel.- Thomas^ J, daughter of Elbridge Gerrv and Sabrina (Smith) Hooker of Gardiner Me., b. at Gardiner. Me., April 24, 1836: m. May 19, 1858. Martin Cham- berlain, b. Feb. 26, 1835. at Clinton, Me. CHTT.PBEX, CH.\iIBESL.\rN-. 4963 Benjamin Wallace, m. Lizzie Ladd Bolster. 4964 George Dane, m. Agnes Danna Taylor. 4965 Emily Frances, m. Frank P. Collins. 4966 Carrie Eila. 4967 Annie Lizzie, m. Andrew \Villis Cunningham. 3694 Frances Hooker (Elbridge,' Riverius.^ Riverius,^ Daniel.* Daniel.^ Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Elbridge Gerry and Sabrina (Smith) Hooker of Gardiner. Me., b. at Gardiner, Me. : m. Wallace Smith. She died Xov. 16, 1887. CHUJ), SMITH. 4968 George. 3696 Charles Hooker ( Charles.' Riverius.^ Riverius,^ Dan- iel.* Daniel.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Charles Clapp and Fannie (Rhoades) Hooker : m. Annie Church. CHILD, HOOKER. 4969 Lloyd Lee. 426 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3698 Olivia Ann Hooker (Walton,^ Riverius,* Riverius,^ Daniel,'* Daniel,* Samuel,'- Thomas^), daughter of Walton Ol- ney and Sophia Ann (Andrews) Hooker, b. Nov. 28, 1843, at Gardiner, Me.; m. Nov. 21, 1861, Captain James F. Wright, b. Oct. 2, 1836. She d. Jan. 2i, 1906. They reside at Bath, Me. CHILDREN, WRIGHT. 4970 Benjamin F., b. March 20, 1863; m. Margaret Parker. 4971 Melville Otis. b. July 24, 1864. 4972 Harold Beaufort, b. Aug. 11, 1870; m. Winifred Hunter. 4973 Ella Annie, b. Jan. 19, 1873. 4974 Lindwood Palmer, b. Dec. 4, 1874; d. June 21, 1901; ni. Martha Varney, Feb. 4, 1898. 3703 Ella Jane Hooker (Walton,'' Riverius,^ Riverius,' Daniel, ■» Daniel,-' Samuel,'-' Thomas'), daughter of Walton Ol- ney and Sophia Ann (Andrews) Hooker, b. Jan. 14, 1852, at Gardiner, Me.; m. Dec. 16, 1874, George Nickels Lawrence, b. Dec. 2, 1846, at Pittston, Me. He d. Feb. 9, 1907. They re- side in Augusta, Me. CHILD, LAWRENCE. 4975 Bertha Sophia, b. June 29, 1877; m. Sept. 26, 1900, Dr. Herbert Allen Black. 3705 Arthur Andrews (Delia,'' Riverius,*"' Riverius.^ Dan- iel,* Daniel,* Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Baker and Delia Ann (Hooker) Andrews. CHILD, ANDREWS. 4976 Ava. NINTH GENERATION NINTH GENERATION. 3730 Ira Augustus Bingham (Ira Bingham,* AlmiraJ Mar- tin,^ Andrew,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Ira and Sally (Holdridge) Bingham, b. ]May 6, 1844, at Spencer, N. Y. : m. Sept. 4, 1868, Eliza J. Wilcox. Thev resided at Spen- cer, N. Y. She died Sept. 14, 1883. CHILDREN, BINGHAM. 4977 Ira Wilcox, b. Oct. 3, 1869. 4978 Edward Augustus, b. Oct. 11, 1874. 4979 Lewis Jay, b. June 20, 1876. 4980 Arthur Garfield, b. March 5, 1881. 3734 Sarah Maria Bingham (Samuel Bingham,* Almira,'^ Martin,^ Andrew,' Samuel,-* Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Harriet H. (Girdley) Bingham, b. July 14, 1843 ; m. March 17, 1863, Martin Wilson. CHILDREN. WILSON. 4981 Grant, b. March 22. 1864. 4982 Lulu Estella, b. Oct. 7, 1865. 3752 Frank Emmett Collins (Lucy Collins,* Mary,^ Mar- tin," Andrew, 5 Samuel.* Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Levi Waterman and Lucv Ann (Alacomber) Collins of New- ark, N. J., b. Feb. 26, 1833, at Keesville, N. Y.j^m. No. 1, Sept. 12, 1871. Jeannie Lucinda Ward, daughter of Selah and Caro- line (Sanford) Ward. He was divorced from this wife and m. No. 2, Jan. 20. 1884, Kate Lilian Thew, daughter of Benjamin and Annette (Tripp) Thew of Keesville. N. Y., b. Mav 7, 1858, at Peru, N. Y. He died Sept. 3, 1900. CHILDREN. COLLINS. By first wife. 4983 William Wakefield, b. Dec. 11. 1875; d. Sept. 10, 1877. 4984 Harvey, b. Sept. 13, 1877. Bv 2nd wife. 4985 Voorhees Chapin, b. Feb. IS, 1885. 4986 Leo Thew. b. May 30, 1889. 3754 Charles Willie Collins (Lucy Collins,* Mary," Mar- tin," .Andrew,"' Samuel,* .^amuel.-'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Levi Waterman and Lucy Ann (Macomber) Collins of Camp- 429 430 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker bells, Mass., b. Jan. 28, 1857, at Keesville, N. Y.; m. Oct. 12, 1881, Hannah Keith. CHILDREN, COLLINS. 4987 Clara, b. Aug. 1884. 4988 Everett, b. 1888. 3755 Adelbert Wentworth Collins (Lucy Collins,* Mary^ Martin,''' Andrew,' Samuel,-* Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Levi Waterman and Lucy Ann (Macomber) Collins, b. Nov. 10, 1863, at Fair Haven, Vt. ; m. June 20, 1888, Ada Beatrice Fuller, daughter of John and Sarah (Morrow) Fuller of New- ark, N. J., b. Nov. 9, 1866, at Beemerville, N. J. He is an ac- countant residing at Tompkins Cove, N. Y. CHILDREN, COLLINS. 4989 Ferdinand Ingleliart, b. Aug. 4, 1890, at Newark, N. J. 4990 Lucy Morrow, b. March 31, 1892, at Newark, N. J. 4991 Sarah Marjoric, b. Feb. 16, 1894, at Tompkins Cove, N. Y. 3757 Electa Hooker (Chester,* John." Brainard," Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,'' John.^ Samuel,^ Thomas"), daughter of Ches- ter and Cynthia (Granger) Hooker, b. May 20, 1818; m. Dec. 24, 1833, George W. Dickinson, son of William and Submit (Elliott) Dickinson, b. Aug. 8, 1809. He d. May 20, 1840, at Cato, N. Y. She m. No. 2, Nov. 1, 1848, Abby Rossman. CHILD, DICKINSON. 4992 Cynthia, b. Oct. 8, 1834, at Conquest, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 1, 1856, Henry Crowley Smith; they had three children, Glenn D., Charles H., and .^nnie Electa Smith. 3758 George A. Hooker (Chester,* John," Brainard,*' Heze- kiah,-' Hezekiah,-' John.^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Chester and Eunice (Brewer) Hooker, b. Oct. 16, 1829; m. Oct. 11, 1853, Mary Murphy. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4993 Martin, b. July 18. 1854; d. May 4, 1857. 4994 Addie J., b. May 30. 1858. 4995 Ann E., b. Dec. 9, 1860. 4996 Eugene D., b. March 12, 1863. 4997 Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1871 ; d. Nov. 16, 1879. 4998 Frankie M., b. Jan. 8, 1874; d. Nov. 26, 1879. Ninth Generation 431 3759 Horatio Nelson Hooker (Chester,* JohnJ Brainard," Hezekiah,'^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas,'), son of Chester and Eunice (Brewer) Hooker, b. Aug. 9, 1831 ; m. Aurilla . She died Sept. 2, 1860. He died March 18, 1887. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 4999 Alby Rossman, b. March 26, 1853, at Cato, N. Y. ; m. May 3, 1877 ; Jennie Ryan of Lansing, Mich. 5000 Gaborilia, b. March 2, 1857; d. Dec. 13, 1861. 3767 Charles Case (Jennette,^ Charles," Brainard," Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,'* Tohn,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Abel and Jenette (Hooker) "Case of Carmel, Mich., b. May 28, 1830, at Middleburv. Vermont; m. No. 1, Oct. 18, 1855, Charlotte Crel- ler. She died Feb. 14, 1857. He m. No. 2, Nov. 25, 1859, Lucy Wade. She died July 21, 1901. CHILDREN, CASE. By first wife. 5001 Lottie, b. Feb. 4, 1857. By 2nd wife. 5002 Will, b. May 12, 1861. 5003 Ella, b. Sept. 9. 1868. 3768 Ellen Case (Jennette,'* Charles,'^ Brainard," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Abel and Jennette (Hooker) Case of Carmel, Mich., b. Feb. 11, 1841 ; m. Feb. 11, 1868. Charles Clay. CHILD, CL.^Y. 5004 Addie J., b. Oct. 21, 1860; d. July 19, 1899. 3771 Horatio H. Mead (Sarah.^ Charles,^ Brainard,® Heze- kiah,''' Hezekiah,'' John,-'' Samuel,- Thoinas'), son of Nelson and Sarah (Hooker) Mead of Charlotte, Mich., b. April 18, 1834; m. Cordelia Taylor of Albion, Pa. CHILD. ME.^D. 5005 Clyde Wellington. 3772 Jennett L. Mead (Sarah,^ Charles.'^ Brainard,« Heze- kiah/ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of Nel- 432 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker son and Sarah (Hooker) Mead of Charlotte, Mich., b. May 5, 1836; m. WilHam Barnes of Sandwich, 111. CHILDREN, B.\RNES. 5006 Jay S., b. June 22. 1857, at Edenville, Iowa; m. No. 1, Olive St. John ; m. No. 2, Isabel Cleveland. 5007 R. Lisle, b. April 23, 1867, at State Center, Iowa; m. Elberta Taylor. 3774 Alta A. Mead (Sarah.* Charles," Brainard,** Hezekiah,' Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Nelson and Sarah (Hooker) Mead of Charlotte, Mich., b. April 26, 1841; m. Cornelius Barrett of Charlotte, Mich. She died April 14, 1882. CHILDREN, B.\RRETr. 5008 Fred L., m. Julia Lazarus. 5009 Harry. 3776 Worthy L. C. Mead (Sarah,* Charles,' Brainard,« Hezekiah,' Hezekiah,-* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Nel- son and Sarah (Hooker) Mead of Charlotte, !vlich., b. June 14, 1846: m. Jennie McConnell of Charlotte, Mich. CHILD, ME.\D. 5010 Ella, m. Peter Reason. 3777 Louisa Hooker Mead (Emeline,* Charles,'' Brainard,® Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,-" John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Stephen Gorham and Emeline (Hooker) Mead of Olivet, Mich., b. Nov. 22. 1832 at Middlebury, Vt.; m. No. 1, Sept. 12. 1849. Dr. Simeon Kendall Orr, son of Gideon and Lucinda (Kendall) Orr of Sweden. N. Y., b. March 7, 1819. at Sweden. He died Oct. 4. 1855. at Olivet, Mich. She m. No. 2, April 27. 1862, Dr. Asa King Warren, son of Asa and Martha (Stevens) Warren of Eden, N. Y.. b. Jan. 29, 1830, at Eden. CHILDREN, ORR -\ND W.^RREN. By Ist marriage. Orr. 5011 Hudson, b. Aug. 3, 1853, at Vevay, Mich., d. Aug. 9, 1887: at Olivet, Mich. ; m. 1878, Lizzie Corbett. Bv 2nd marriage. Warren. 5012 ^iay Louise, b. July 22, 1865 ; at Olivet : d. .^ct. 28. 1866. 5013 Emma Gertrude, b. Feb. 22. 1868, at Olivet: m. July 19, 1893, Thomas Louis Evans. He died Oct. 8, 1896. 5014 Gorham, b. Feb. 28, 1874, at Olivet, Mich., d. Nov. 25. 1875. Ninth Generation "^-^-^ 3778 George Washington Mead (Emeline,* Charles,' Brainard.'-' Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John.^ Samuel^ Thomas^), son of Stephen Gorham and Emeline (Hooker) Mead of Oliv- et, Mich., b. Jan. 18. 1839, at Middlebury, Vt. ; m. No. 1, June 27, 1858, Adeline Corsett, daughter of Philander Corsett of Olivet, Mich., b. 1841, at Olivet. Mich. She died July 31, 1860, at Elwood. Kansas. He m. No. 2, Nov. 14, 1865, Alice Hart. He served in the 7th Reg. Missouri Cavalry; later he was a lawyer at Charlotte. Mich. She died April 14. 1889. CHILDREN, MEAD. By 2nd wife. . 5015 Junette VirRinia, b. March 23, 1867, at Olivet; m. Feb. 12, 189j. Thomas C. Jason. 5016 George Walter, b. April 21. 1869, at OHvet. 5016a Infant son, b. June 19, 1878; d. Sept. 27, 1878. 3779 Charles Hooker Mead (Emeline,* Charles,' Brainard,« Hezekiah.'- Hezekiah.-* John.s Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Stephen Gorham and Emeline (Hooker) Mead of Olivet, J^Iich., b. lulv 17, 1848. at OHvet: m. Jan. 24. 1876. Ella Cole, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Campbell) Cole of Olivet, :vlich.. b. March 23. 1857, at Oswego, N. Y. He is a physician and pharmacist at Olivet, Mich. CHILD, ME.\D. 5017 Gertrude Elvira, b. Oct. 30, 1876. at Olivet, Mich. ; m. March 25, 1896. John Alexander Donner. 3781 May Carroll Nettleton (Emeline.* Charles,' Brainard,^ Hezekiah,' Hezekiah.-' John.s Samuel,^ Thomas') , daughter of Abel and Emeline (Hooker) (Mead) Nettleton of Olivet, Mich., b. Sept. 23, 1853, at Olivet ; m. :\Iarch 25, 1873, Edson Giles Burroughs, son of Hiram and Susan (Giles) Burroughs of Olivet, b. March 23, 1852, at Olivet. Mich. CHILDREN. BL'RROCGHS. 5018 Frank Nettleton, b. Julv 28. 1874, at Olivet. Mich. 5019 Louis Hiram, b. Feb. 12, 1884, at Olivet, Mich. 3790 Washington Little (Hannah.* Hezekiah,' Jesse,® Hezekiah.5 Hezekiah,^ Tohn.s Samuel.- Thomasi), gon of Si- mon and Hannah (Hooker) Little of Danby, N. Y.. b. March 28. 1839: m. Dec. 31, 1861. June Richards. She died March 13. 1889. 28 434 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILD, LITTLE. 5020 William Henry Harrison, b. March 5, 1866. 3793 Culver Little (Hannah,* Hezekiah/ Jesse," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah.* John,-'' Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Shnon and Han- nah (Hooker) Little of Danby, N. Y., b. Nov. 29, 1847, at Dan- by ; m. Jan. 11, 1871, Emma Gertrude Lounsbery. CHILD, LITTLE. 5021 Edward Franklin, b. Jan. 19, 1872, at Danby, N. Y. 3794 Viola Adelle Hooker (Eli.s Hezekiah,'' Jesse," Heze- kiah,5 Hezekiah,^ John,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Eli and Catherine Richardson (Sharp) Hooker of Waupun, Wis., b. July 28, 1852, at Waupun ; m. March 29, 1882, Harry Deal Bell, son of Alexander and Ellen A. (Stewart) Bell of White- water, Wis. He is a member of the firm of Hooker, Bell and Hooker, printers at Waupun, Wis. CHILDREN, BELL. 5022 Henry Hooker, b. Jnly 30, 1885, at Manchester, Iowa. 5023 Ellen Catherine, b. Sept. 17, 1887, at Waupun, Wis. 3795 Culver E. Hooker (Eli.s Hezekiah," Jesse," Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Eli and Catherine Richardson (Sharp) Hooker of Waupun, Wis., b. Feb. 10, 1855, at Waupun ; m. Nov. 25, 1880, Josephine L. Wheeler, daughter of George F. and Sarah C. Wheeler of Waupun, Wis., b. Dec. 22, 1855, at Fond du Lac, Wis. She died at Waupun, Wis., Jan. 18, 1890. He m. No. 2, April 27, 1892, Mary Augusta Wight, daughter of Alexander Patrick and Eliza Ann (Hart) Wight of Waupun, Wis., b. May 14, 1868, at Tweed, Hastings Co.. Canada. He was educated at Wisconsin State University, graduated 1878, studied law in his fathers office, admitted to the bar in 1880. He is a successful lawyer, editor and proprie- tor of the Waupun Times, and head of the firm of Hooker, Bell & Hooker, printers of Waupun, Wis. CHILDREN, HOOKER. By first wife. 5024 Catherine Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1881, at Waupun; d. Sept. 14, 1886, at Waupun. 5025 Laura Belle, b. Jan. 12, 1890; d. Jan. 13, 1890. By 2nd wife. 5026 Edward Wight, b. March 31, 1899, at Waupun, Wis. Ninth Generation 435 3797 Lillian Katharine Hooker (Eli,« HezekiahJ Jesse.s Hezekiah,^ Hezekiah,^ Tohn.^ Samuel,^ Thomas>), daughter of Eli and Catherine Richardson (Sharp) Hooker of Wanpun, Wis., b. Dec. 21, I860, at Watiinin ; m. June 5, 1895, Burr Wil- liam Davis, son of Travton and Velois Elenoir (Cahill) Davis of Mackford Township, Wis., b. Sept. 16, 1855. He is cashier of First National Bank at Waupun, Wis. CHILDREN, D.WIS. 5027 Trayton Hooker, b. June 1, 1896. 5028 George Cahill, b. April 28, 1899. 3855 Margaret Ann Hooker (Henry .^ Azel,'' Gilbert,' Heze- kiah,-' Hezekiah,^ John.s Samuel.^ Thomas*), daughter of Henry and Clementine (Russell) Hooker of Buffalo, N. Y., and Indianapolis, Ind., b. July 16, 1861, at Indianapolis; m. Dec. 1, 1886, Henry Ripley Bliss. They live at Indianapolis. CHILD, BLISS. 5029 Henry Washington, b. Sept. 18, 1887. 3872 Thomas Harvey Hooker (Thomas,** Thomas,'' Thom- as,' James,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Thomas Edwin and Lucv (Hyde) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. July 15, 1840, at Murray ;'m. Feb. 12, 1863, Caroline E. Shader, daughter of William and Laura (Brown) Shader of Le Roy, N. Y., b. March 16, 1842, at Wethersfield. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 50.10 Lucy M., b. March 16, 1864; ni. Jan. 1, 1883, David L. Hebner. 5031 Alvah J., b. Feb. 10, 1869. 3874 Emma Louisa Hooker (Thomas,^ Thomas.'' Thomas," Tames,' Hezekiah,^ John.s Samuel,^ Thomas') . daughter of Thomas Edwin and Lucv (Hyde) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. Sept. 3, 1846 at Murray : m. March 30, 1879, Wesley Brock- way, son of Nathan and Rachel (Thaver) Brockway of Hul- burton, N. Y.. b. Feb. 28, 1834. at Murray, N. Y. He was a coal merchant. He died April 7, 1895 at Hulburton, N. Y. CHILD, BROCKWAY. 5032 Edwin H., b. Nov. 19, 1880, at Hnlberton. 436 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 3877 Frances Gates Hooker (Thomas,* Thomas/ Thomas,' James,5 Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Thomas Edwin and Lucy (Hyde) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. Oct. 16, 1853, at Murray ; m. Nov. 25, 1875, John J. Churchin, son of John and Mary (White) Churchin of Medina, N. Y., b. June 28, 1854, at Rochester, N. Y. He is a carpenter and builder. CHILDREN, CURCHIN. 5033 Charles E., b. Feb. 10, 1879 ; m. Nov. 27, 1894, Minnie Wright. 5034 John W., b. March 12, 1886; d. Feb. 26, 1893. 5035 Harold H., b. Dec. 22, 1892, d. Feb. 26, 1893. 3878 Marcus Edwin Hooker (Thomas,® Thomas,^ Thom- as," James,=^ Hezekiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas,'), son of Thomas Edwin and Lucy (Hyde) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. :March 5, 1856, at Murray ; m. Feb. 25, 1880, Elizabeth Delphene Rosenburg, daughter of Nicholas Jones and Jane Stephens (McWithy) Rosenburg of Pavilion, N. Y., b. March 23, 1853, at Pavilion. CHILD, HOOKER. 5036 Jane Estella, b. Dec. 7, 1883, at Murray. 3879 Sarah Ann Hooker (Thomas.^ Thomas,'^ Thomas,*' James,5 Hezekah,^ John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas Edwin and Lucy (Hyde) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. March 7, 1858 ; m. Nov. 24, 1882, Albert G. Pierce, son of Wil- liam and Jane E. (Reed) Pierce of Niagara Falls, N. Y., b. Dec. 10, 1855, at Clarkson, N. Y. He is an engineer. CHILDREN, PIERCE. 5037 Emma L., b. Feb. 26, 1887. 5038 Altah B., b. June 25, 1889. 5039 William E., b. March 5, 1891 ; d. March 15, 1894. 5040 Albert F., b. Feb. 4, 1894. 5041 Edith E., b. Jan. 11, 1898. 3880 William Henry Hooker (Thomas,* Thomas,^ Thom- as," James," Hezekiah,* John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Thomas Edwin and Susan M. (Brown) Hooker of Murray, N. Y., b. Aug. 18, 1864, at Murray; m. Jan. 19, 1889, Lydia E. Robinson, daughter of John and Violetta (Shader) Robinson of Clarendon, N. Y., b. July 10, 1864, at Murray, N. Y. He is a farmer. Ninth Generation 437 CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5042 Theodore, b. Aug. 24. 1891. at Murray. 5043 Ethel S., b. .May 10, 1896. at Murray. 5044 Toiisley, b. Nov. 17, 1898, at Murray, N. Y. 3883 David Gould Hooker (Thomas,^ Thomas,' Thomas,® James,* Hezekiah,-' John.^ Samuel.- Thomas^), son of Thomas Edwin and Susan IMaria (Brown) Hooker, b. Mav 24, 1871, at Murray, X. Y. : m. April 13, 1904, Clara M. Place' CHILD, HOOKER. 5045 Oliver W., b. March 1, 1905. 3884 Howard Calhoun Hooker (Thomas.* Thomas." Thom- as.*^ James.'' Hezekiah, ■* Jolm.-" Samuel.- Thomas^, son of Thomas Edwin and Susan Maria (Brown) Hooker of Murray, N. Y.. b. May 11, 1873, at Murray; m. Delia Thyng, daughter of Charles and Julia (Gascoin) Thyng of Alurray, N. Y.. b. March 6, 1876, at Kendall, N. Y. He is a farmer. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5045 Zella, b. Jan, 10. 1895. 5046 Bernard, b. Oct. 24, 1898. 3891 Adelbert Cullen Hooker (Thomas.^ Myron,'' Thom- as,® James," Hezckiali."' Jolui."' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas Cullen and Caroline (Danenhower) Hooker of Brock- port, N. Y.. b. March 4. 1851, at Kendall, N. Y. ; m. June 19, 1878, Alice Gordon, daughter of Tames and Polly (Brewster) Gordon, b. Oct. 21, 1852^; at Rushford. X. Y. They reside at Fairport, X. Y. CHILDREN. HOOKER. 5047 James Gordon, b. June 5, 1881. at Fairport. N. Y. : m. Jan. 24, 1906, Ambia Boody Harris, daughter of Azariah Harris ; they have one child, James Gordon Hooker, 5048 Emma, b. Jan. 12, 1880, at Fairport, N. Y. ; m, Dec, 28, 1905, Richard L. Saunders, 3892 Ida May Hooker (Thomas,* Myron," Thomas,® James. ^ Hezekiah.-* Jolm.^ Samuel.- Thomas*), daughter of Thomas Cullen and Caroline (Danenhower) Hooker of Brock- port. X. Y,. b, Jan. 23. 1853. at Kendall. X. Y. ; m, Xov. 18. 1S73, George Cooley Gordon, son of Luther and Florilla (Cooley) 438 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Gordon, b. July 1, 1849, at Rushford, N. Y. He died Aue. 25 1898. CHILDREN, GOKDON. 5049 Luther, b. July 1, 1875, at Brockport, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 10, 1904, Augusta Moore. They have two children, Luther and Emeline. 5050 George Cooley, b. May 21, 1877, at Brockport, N. Y. ; m. June 19, 1906, Cecelia Mitchell Kimball. They have a daughter, Cecelia Kimball Gordon. 5051 Fred Hooker, b. April 9, 1881, at Brockport, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 3, 1906, Florence De Moss Robinson. 5052 Thomas Cullen, b. Feb. 6, 1884, at Brockport ; m. Oct. 7, 1908, Ruth Little Perry. 3899 Edward Hooker Baxter (Olive.s Truman,'^ Thomas,*' James.s Hezekiah.^ John.s Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of Chaun- cey Biiel and Olive Louisa (Hooker) Baxter of Cornwall, Vt., b. Sept. 10, 1852; m. Aug. 13, 1885, Louise Hannah Smith of Hadley, Mass., b. March 30, 1858. He is a physician at Hyde Park, Mass. CHILDREN, BAXTER. 5053 Chauncey Buel. b. Nov. 19, 1888. 5054 Nekson Edward, b. Dec. 16, 1890. 5055 Helen Louise, b. April 5, 1894. 3908 Edward Harris Hooker (David.^ Truman." Thomas,''" James,5 Hezckiah,* John,s Samuel.^ Thomasi), son of David Grisvvold and Susan Parker (Harris) Hooker of Milwaukee. Wis., b. Sept. 28, 1863, at Milwaukee: m. Dec. 11, 1888, Grace Abbie Lawton, daughter of Thomas S. and Anna (Morse) Lawton of Wilwaukee, b. Sept. 21, 1868, at Fond du Lac, Wis. He is a lawyer at Milwaukee. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5056 Alice Grace, b. Sept. 25, 1889. at Milwaukee. 5057 Ralph David, b. Feb. 6, 1895, at Milwaukee. 3921 Egbert Johnson Hooker (Solotiion,^ Daniel,' Thom- as," James,5 Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Solo- mon Egbert and Harriet (Johnson) Hooker of Poultnev, Vt., b. April 6, 1874, at Poultney : m. 1900, Laura Gilman. CHILD. HOOKER. 5058 Clarence Edward, b. Feb. 2, 1901. Ninth Generation 439 3925 Flora Lucinda Hooker (Franklin,* Chesterfield J Thomas," James, ^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Franklin and Sarah Lorenda (Parkhill) Hooker of Cornwall, Vt,, b. July 27, 1859, at Cornwall ; m. Sept. 13, 1881, Samuel Fitch Clarke of Hoosic Falls, N. Y. They reside at Minneapolis, Minn. CHILD, CLARK. 5059 Harold Hooker, b. March 30, 1885. 3930 Charles Lincoln Hooker (Asahel,* David,' Thomas,^ James,-' Hezekiah,'* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas, ') son of Asahel Carlos and Betsey Perlina (Fenn) Hooker of Middlebury, Vt., b. Oct. 20, 1865, at Middlebury, Vt. ; m. June 8, 1887, Nettie Hale Vallette, daughter of William and Eliza (Brown) Hale of Rip- ton, Vt., an adopted daughter of James and Sarah B. Vallette of Middlebury, Vt., b. Nov. 11, 1859, at Ripton, Vt. He is a farmer at Middlebury, Vt. She died Sept. 3. 1902. CHILDREN, HOOKER, 5060 Rema Vallette, b. Dec. 12, 1890, at Middlebury. 5061 Warren Field, b. April 21, 1896, at Middlebury. 3931 Elizabeth Elvira Hooker (Asahel,* David,'^ Thomas," James.5 Hezekiah,^ John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Asahel Carlos and Betsey Perlina (Fenn) Hooker of Middle- bury, Vt., b. Sept. 14, 1868; m. Aug. 14, 1895, Edward Morton King. CHILDREN, KING. 5062 Ethel Marie, b. Oct. 27, 1896. 5063 Ernest Edward, b. Oct. 23. 1898, at Middlebury. 5064 Bessie Amelia, b. July 23, 1900. 3932 Francis Norton Mann (Mary.* Marquis,'' James," James, 5 Hezekiah,'* John.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Judge Francis Norton and ^larv Jeanette (Hooker) Mann of Trov, N. Y., b. Aug. 2, 1849, at Troy; m. Jan. 9, 1878, Davis, daughter of Thaddeus and Charlotte N. Davis. He graduated from Yale in 1870, from the Albany Law School in 1872. Served as alderman of Troy 1873-77; elected member of N. Y. Assembly, 1879. Was quartermaster and judge advocate on the stafif of Maj. Gen., commanding 3rd Division, N. G. S. of N. Y. 1873-80; Aide de Camp, with rank of Colonel on the staff of Governor Cornell, 1880-83. He is Vice-President of the 440 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Mutual National Bank of Troy, and Postmaster of the city of Troy, as well as trustee and manager of numerous financial and charitable enterprises. CHILDREN, MANN. 5065 Mary Jeanetle, b, Feb. 27, 1879, at Troy, N. Y. 5066 Jessie Melville, b. Aug. 8, 1880, at Troy. 5067 Emily Hooker, b. March 28, 1882. 5068 Gabelle P., b. June 18, 1885, at Troy. 5069 Elizabeth Marshall, b. Oct. 18, 1888. 5070 Caroline P., b. Nov. 28, 1890, at Troy. 3933 Emily Maria Mann (Mary.^ Marquis,''^ James,^ James,^ Hezekiah,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Judge Francis Norton and Mary Jeanette (Hooker) Mann of Troy, N. Y., b. July 21. 1854, at Troy, N. Y. ; m. April 28, 1880, Ham- ilton Fish, Jr., son of Hamilton and Julia (Kean) Fish of New York City, b. April 17, 1849, at Albany, N. Y. She died March 15, 1899, at Washington, D. C. CHILDREN, FISH. 5071 Janet Mary, b. April 6, 1883. 5072 Julia Kean, b. Dec. 8, 1884. 5073 Emily Rosalind, b. Sept. 1886. 5074 Hamilton Stuyvesant, b. Dec. 7, 1888. 3936 Charles D. Candy ( Emily, » Asa,' James.o Jaines,^ Hezekiah,-* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas^), (Christened Charles Nehemiah) son of William Howell and Emily Elizabeth (Hooker) Gandy of Trenton, N. J., b. June 21, 1867, at Tren- ton; m. April 15, 1891, Lillian Edwina Johnson. CHILDREN, GANDY. 5075 Theodore Cuvler, b. Jan. 29, 1892; d. Feb. 3, 1892. 5076 Ruth Hooker', b. May 7, 1893. 5077 Lillian Marguerite, b. March 4, 1895. 3940 George Ward (Mary Fuller,* Laura,'' Samuel,® James, ^ Hezekiah,* Tohn,^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of John and Mary (Fuller) Ward, b. Nov. 13, 1853; m. Sept. 23, 1874, Maggie C. Craig of Carrick Shore, Ayreshire, Scotland, b. OcCld, 1853. CHILDREN, WARD. 5078 John Robert, b. Julv 2, 1877. 5079 Mary Louise, b. Feb. 1, 1884; d. Aug. 19, 1886. Ninth Generation 441 3948 Dr. Martin Crocker Kelly (Adeline Crocker,* Mary,' Samuel," James,^ Hezekiali,-* John,-' Sainiiel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. William and Adeline (Crocker) Kelly of Dexter, Mich., b. Feb. 4, 1851, at Dexter; m. May 30, 1877, Alice Snook, daugh- ter of Thomas W. and Emily (Hubbard) Snook of Mt. Clem- ens, Mich., b. Jan. 1, 1852, at Mt. Clemens. He was a graduate of the University of Michisjan (in Pharmacy, 1871), Medicine, (1875). He died Dec. 23,^1898, at Mt. Clemens. CHILDREN, KELLY. 5080 William b. .'\pril 17, 1878, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. 5081 Arthur, b. April 1, 1879, at Mt. Clemens; d. March 27, 1893, at Mt. Clemens. 5083 Charles, b. March 8, 1881, at Mt. Clemens. 5084 Harry, b. Dec. 20, 1886, at Mt. Clements. 3949 George Martin Crocker (Samuel Crocker,* Mary'^, Samuel.'' James,' Hezekiah,'' John,-' Samuel," Thomas'), son of Samuel Hooker and Harriet (Ferguson) Crocker of Greenville, 111., b. Aug. 9, 1848, at Greenville ; m. Sept. 6, 1870, Katherine Lee Dickenson, daughter of Joshua B. and Katherine (Lee) Dickenson of Mt. Clemens, Mich., b. Dec. 19, 1849, at Mt. Clemens. She died March 1882. He m. No. 2, Feb. 17, 1885, Harriet Steele, daughter of Samuel and Ann .A.lexis (Brown) Steele of Oldham Co., Ky., b. 1851, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. She died April 23. 1887, at Mt. Clemens. He m. No. 3. June 28, 1888, Cecelia Steele, a sister of Harriet Steele, b. 1857," at Old- ham Co., Ky. He came to Mt. Clemens in 1867, was admitted to the bar, became circuit court commissioner, prosecuting at- torney, 1876-80, judge of probate, 1884-92. Auditor of Bay City and Alpena R. R., 1894. He was connected with the banking firm of Ulrich & Crocker from 1882-93. They live at Alt. Clemens. CHILDREN, CROCKER. By 1st wife. 5085 George Dickenson, b. Julv 1. 1871, at Mt. Clemens. 5086 Katharine, h. Feb. 26, 1S74. at Mt. Clemens. 5087 Joshua Robert, b. Jan. 15, 1876, at Mt. Clemens. 5088 ]\Iaroaret, b. Jan. 11. 1878. at Mt. Clemens. 5089 Mary, b. Dec. 23, 1879, at Mt. Clements. 5090 Frederic. By 3rd wife. 5091 Ann Alexis, b. INIarch 1, 1891, at Mt. Clemens. 5092 Henry Martin, b. April 12, 1893. at Mt. Clemens. 3953 Caroline Crocker (Samuel Crocker,* Mary,'' Samuel.® James,'' Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of 442 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Samuel Hooker and Harriet Jane (Ferguson) Crocker of Greenville, 111., b. March 6, 1856, at Greenville, 111.; m. March 10, 1876, Albert Frost Kimball, son of Charles Caleb and Han- nah (Morris) Kimball of North Haverhill. CHILD, KIMBALL. 5093 Charles Samuel, b. Jan. 7, 1879, North Haverhill; d. Jan. 15, 1879. 3959 Mary Louisa Crocker (Thomas Crocker,^ Mary,^ Samuel," James,"* Hezekiah,^ John,-* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Thomas Martin and Fandera Richardson (Emery) Crocker of Mt, Clemens, Mich., b. Jan. 14, 1851, at New Balti- more, Mich.; m. Dec. 26. 1872, Harry Burns Hutchins. son of Castleton Brown and Nancv (Walker) Hutchins of Lisbon, N. H., b. April 8, 1847, at Lisbon, N. H. He graduated from the University of Michigan, 1871. In 1884, became professor of law at the University of Michigan ; m. 1887, and went to Cornell University as professor of law, and in 1895, returned to the Ann Arbor Law School. They have no children, but have legally adopted Harry Crocker, son of Samuel and Emma (Snook) Crocker. 3961 Samuel Crocker (Thomas Crocker,* Mary,^ Samuel,^ James,^ Hezekiah,-* John,» Samuel.- Thomas '^), son of Thomas Martin and Fandera Richardson (Emery) Crocker of Mt. Clemens, Mich., b. March 22, 1856, at New Baltimore, Mich.; m. May 29, 1877, Emma Snook, daughter of Thomas W. and Emily (Hubbard) Snook of Mt. Clemens, Mich., b. July 22,, 1855. She died Jan. 22, 1882, at Mt. Clemens. He m. No. 2, Feb., 1889, Phebe Richardson, daughter of Seva and Mary (Stewart) Richardson of Algonac, Mich., b. Dec. 10, 1859, at Algonac. He was for several years a civil engineer in the north west. He is now a farmer at Algonac, Mich. CHILDREN, CROCKER. By 1st wife. 5095 Ronald Martin, b. April 18, 1878, at Mt. Clemens. 5096 Harriet, b. Aug. 15, 1879, at Mt. Clemens. 5097 Harry, b. Aug. 14, 1880, at Mt. Clemens, adopted by his aunt, Mary Louisa (Crocker) Hitchins. 5098 Emma Adeline, b. Aug. 27, 1881, at Mt. Clemens. By 2nd wife. 5099 Emory Stewart, b. March 19, 1894, at Algonac, Mich. 3962 Martin Crocker (Thomas Crocker,* Mary,'^ Samuel,^ James,^ Hezekiah,-* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Thomas Ninth Generation 443 Martin and Fandera Richardson (Emery) Crocker of Mt. Clemens, Mich., b. Feb. 7, 1858, at New Baltimore, Mich.; m. Aug. 29, 1887, Emily Sabin, daughter of Carlton and Cordelia (Bristol) Sabin of M'emphis, Mich., b. July 6, 1859, at Memphis. He is a lawyer. Has been a member of the legislature and first assistant collector of customs at Port Huron, Mich., 1888-89. Representative (State), 1887. Senator (State), 1891. CHILD, CROCKER. 5100 Sabin, b. April 9, 1893, at Mt. Clemens. 3969 Samuel Percy Hooker (Samueh^ Samuel,' Samuel," James,'' Hezekiah,* John,-"* Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Samuel Lucius and Ellen Amanda (Kellev) Hooker of Le Roy, N. Y., b. Dec. 5, 1860, at Black Earth, Wis. ; m. April 19, 1882, Eliza- beth Whalen, daughter of Edward and Louise (Miller) Wha- len of Rochester, N. Y., and step-daughter of Judge Randolph Ballard, b. Sept. 29, 1860, at Rochester. He" is in the drug business at Le Roy, N. Y. CHILD, HOOKER. 5101 Marjorie Sybil, b. March 11, 1889, at Le Roy. 3972 Dewitt Spink Hooker (Dcwitt.s Samuel^ Samuel," James.s Hezekiah.* John," Samuel,- Thoinasi), son of Dewitt and Sarah Ann (Spink) Hooker of Syracuse, N. Y., b. Sept. 22, 1864, at Rutland, Vt. : m. Oct. 1, 1896, at Morrisville, N. Y., Gertrude L. Joner. They reside at Onondaga Valley, N. Y. CHILD, HOOKER. 5102 Dewitt Everett, b. Oct. 28, 1897. 3973 Mary Eliza Pixley (Sarah,* Samuel,^ Samuel," James," Hezekiah.'* John,-'' Samuel.- Thomas'), daughter of John Kim- ball and Sarah Augusta (Hooker) Pixlev of Wyoming, Iowa, b. May 7, 1860. at Fort Edward, N. Y. ; m. June'27, 1887, Rey. Bourland Davis Smith, son of George and Marv Ann (God- frey) Smith of Postville, Iowa, b. May 24, 1860. at High Hill, Missouri. Thev both graduated from Cornell College. She in 1886, he in 1887. From June, 1887 to June, 1888, they were in charge of a Methodist Seminary at Epworth, Iowa. Since then he has been in various places in regular services as a Methodist minister. 444 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, SMITH. 5103 Charles Pi.xicy, b. April 26, 1888, at Wyoming, Iowa. 5104 Lawrence Bourland, b. April 5, 1889, at Preston, Iowa. 5105 Gordon Pitman, b. Dec. 29, 1890, at Wyoming, Iowa. 5106 Horace Hooker, b. Feb. 4, 1894, at Postville, Iowa. 5107 Anna Marie, b. May 29, 1898. 4006 Eliza Anderson Beavers (Sylvia,* John,' Increase,* Wiliam,5 Hezekiali,-* John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomasi), daughter of John Anderson and Sylvia Bishop (Hooker) Beavers of New Brunswick, N. J., b. June 24, 1851, at New Brunswick; m. Oct. 20, 1874, George Henrv Raymond, son of James Madison and Hannah (Du Vail) Raymond of New York City, b. April 13, 1851, at Brooklyn, N. Y. CHILDREN, RAYMOND. 5108 Arthur Beavers, b. Nov. 5, 1878, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 5109 Edith, b. June 21, 1881, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 4007 Charles Newton Bliss (Sophia,* John,'' Increase," Wil- liam,5 Hezekiah,* John.^ Samuel,^ Thomasi), son of George W. and Sophia Forman (Hooker) Bliss of Truxton, N. Y., b. Nov. 8, 1847, at New Brunswick, N. J. ; m. Katharine Lewis, b. April 12, 1850, at Brooklyn, N. Y. He died May 23, 1893, at Jersey City Heights, N. J. CHILDREN, BLISS. 5109a Anna Sophia, b. Aug. 6, 1869, d. Oct. 30, 1886. S109b Charlotte, b. April 29, 1871. 5109c Susan, b. Sept. 21, 1873; m. June 3. 1895, Arthur L. Soper 5109d George, b. Oct. 12, 1885, d. April 15, 1886. 4011 Edward Hooker See (Mary,* John,' Increase," Wil- liam,= Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,- ThomasM, son of Isaac Mc- Bride and Mary Nancy (Hooker) See of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. May 17, 1856, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 19, 1878, Isabelle Myers of Newark, N. J. CHILDREN, SEE. 5110 Robert Edward, b. July 24, 1880; d. April 27, 1889. 5111 Edna Belle, b. April 30, 1883. 4015 Mary Elizabeth See (Mary,* John,' Increase," Wil- liam,^' Hezekiah,'' John,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Isaac McBride and Mary Nancv (Hooker) See of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. April 6, 1868; m. William H. Bird. Ninth Generation 445 CHILD, BIRD. 5112 James Hooker, b. Dec. 1902; d. Jan. 11, 1903. 4018 Emily Tapping Hooker (Edward,* John," Increase,'^ William,^ Hezekiah,-' John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Edward Eugene and Hannah (Manning) Hooker of Mt. Pocono, Penn., b. Oct. 7, 1861 : m. Oct. 1, 1885 (at Mt. Pocono), Mercein Thomas, son of Charles William and Maria Louisa (Mercein) Thomas of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. April 29, 1851. He is an architect at Brooklyn, N. Y. She died Nov. 3, 1905. CHILDREN, THOMAS. 5113 Edward Mercein, b. Aug. 19, 1886. at Brooklyn, N. Y. 5114 Ruth, b. Nov. 18, 1888, at Brooklyn. 5115 Charles Wesley, b. June 25, 1893. 5116 Emily Hooker, b. Oct. 6, 1894. 5117 Mercein, Jr., b. Jan. 26, 1897. 4024 Mary Nancy Tapping ( Emily ,* John,^ Increase,^ Wil- liam,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel," Thomas'), daughter of John H. and Emily Otis (Hooker) Tapping, b. Aug. 1860; m. Oct. 20, 1881, LaRue Fredenburg of Springfield, 111. CHILD, FREDENBERG. 5118 Raymond Tapping, b. Aug. 17, 1882. 4025 Sarah Albertson Tapping (Emily,^ John,^ Increase,*' William,^ Hezekiah,'* John,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of John H. and Emily Otis (Hooker) Tapping, b. May 18, 1862; m. Oct. 1, 1884, Paul Moore Richards of Brooklyn, N. Y. CHILDREN, RICHARDS. 5119 Mabel, b. July 18, 1885. 5120 Pauline, b. April 10, 1889; d. April 12, 1889. 4026 James Edgar Tapping (Emily,* John,' Increase,^ Wil- liam,'' Hezekiah,* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of John H. and Emily Otis (Hooker) Tapping, b. April 7, 1864; m. Feb. 7, 1888, Mary Electa Goodrich of Milwuakee, Wis. CHILDREN, TAPPING. 5121 Gertrude Hunter, b. April 1890. 5122 Watson Goodrich, b. March, 1891. 446 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4030 Isadore Adelain Hooker (William,^ Chellis,^ In- crease,'' William,"' Hezekiah,'' John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of William Hurley and Lydia Warren (Bacon) Hook- er, b. Nov. 15, 1846; m. Jan. 1, 1863, Augustin Nims. She died Sept. 28, 1895. CHILDREN, NIMS. Hattie, m, J. Frank Walker. Clara, m. Wesley Spaulding. Stella, m. Joseph Tindall. Fred, m. Alberta Grady. 4031 Clara Sophia Hooker (William,* Chellis,^ Increase,* William,'' Hezekiah.^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of William Harley and Lydia Warren (Bacon) Hooker, b. Nov. 20, 1849: m. May 21, 1871, Herbert L. Judd. CHILDREN, JUDD. Harvey L. F'lora. 4033 Fannie Maria Hooker (William,* Chellis,'' Increase,® William,-"' Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of William Harlev and Lydia Warren (Bacon) Hooker, b. April 24, 1869 ; m. June 25, 1890, Jasper K. Goodwin. CHILDREN, GOODWIN. Harley Hooker. Kittle. Francis. Esther. 4037 Mary Hooker (William,** Harley," Increase,'^ Wil- liam,5 Hezekiah,-* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Wil- liam Chellis and Marv Catherine (McQuary) Hooker of Carth- age, 111., b. Nov. 23, '1863, at Carthage, 111.; m. April 27, 1886, Charles J. Daoust. She died March 21, 1896, at Defiance, Ohio. CHILD, DAOUST. 5123 Edward Chellis, b. at Defiance, Ohio. 4038 Fannie Maud Hooker (William,* Harley,'' Increase,® William,-''' Hezekiah,-* John,-'- Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of William Chellis and Mary Catherine (McQuary) Hooker of Ninth Generation 447 Carthage, III., b. April 3, 1865, at Carthage; m. Oct. 15, 1891, Michael Flynn, son of James Flynn of Ireland; b. Aug. 10, 1861, in Ireland. She attended Carthage College for five years and graduated from Northern Indiana Normal School. She was stenographer in her father's office for one year. They re- side in Carthage. 111., where Mr. Flynn is an architect, builder, and contractor. CHILD, FLYNN. 5124 Kitty, b. March 18, 1893, at Carthage, III. 4050 James Hart Hooker ( George,*' Harley,^ Increase,® William,-' Hezekiah,-* John," Samuel.- ThoniasM. son of George Rudd and Arminda Pratt (Martin) Hooker of Rockton, 111., ]3. Julv 27, 1864, at Rockton; m. July 29. 1885, Jennie Lauia ToWnsend, b. Feb. 27, 1865, at Plainfield, Vt. CHnDREN, HOOKER. 5125 Minnie Laura, b. Aug. 4, 1886. at Marshfield, Vt. 5126 Bernie, b. April 6, 1889, at Plainfield, Vt. 5127 Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 28, 1896, at West Berlin, Vt. 4051 William Clay HoUister (Frances,* Harley,'' Increase,® William,''' Hezekiah,* John,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of George Henry and Frances Elizabeth (Hooker) Hollister of Rockton, 111. and Sioux Falls. S. Dak., b. Nov. 18, 1862, at Rockton; m. Oct. 12. 1886, Carrie H. Coller. They reside at Sioux Falls. S. D. CHILDREN, HOLLISTER. 5128 William George, b. Oct. 25. 1887, at Sioux Falls. 5129 Marv Louise, b. Feb. 17. 1889, at Sioux Falls. 5130 Fannie Eugenie, b. Oct. 10, 1892, at Sioux Falls. 4053 Frederick Hooker Hollister (Frances,^ Harley,'' In- crease.^ William,-' Hezekiah.-* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), son of George Henry and Frances Elizabeth (Hooker) Hollister of Rockton, 111., and Sioux Falls, S. D.. b. Aug. 21, 1865; m. L. Belle Gififord of Dell Rapids. S. D.. daughter of C. S. Gifford. CHILDREN, HOLLISTER. 5131 Helen Hooker, b. April 6, 1895, at Sioux Falls. 5132 Mary, b. June 2i. 1901, at Sioux Falls. 4104 Anna A. Bird (Ira,« Anna,'' Ira," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,3 Samuel,^ Thomas^), daughter of Ira and Julia (Sim- 448 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker mons) Bird of Cincinnati, Ohio, b. May 5, 1841, at Cincinnati; m. July 31, 1862, Webster Putnam of Cincinnati. They reside at Cincinnati. CHILDREN, PUTNAM. 5133 Walter S., b. Sept. 1, 1867, at Cincinnati; d. May 10, 1881. 5134 Harry W., b. Dec. 5, 1872, at Cincinnati, m. April 25, 1894. 5135 Blanche L, Thompson. 4106 Henrietta Bird (Ira,» Anna,'^ Ira,'' Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John.a Samuel,2 Thomas^), daughter of Ira and JuHa (Sim- mons) Bird of Cincinnati, Ohio, b. July 10, 1848, at Cincinnati; m. Nov. 7, 1866, O. F. Tudor. They reside at Cincinnati. CHILD, TUDOR. 5136 Harry Bird, b. Oct. 9, 1868, at Cincinnati; m. Sept. 30, 1893, Jessie Freeinont. 4108 Charles Lester Bird (Henry,* Anna,' Ira," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,» Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Henry Norman and Martha Griswold (Hooker) Bird of Cincinnati, Ohio, b. Nov. 5, 1851, at Cincinnati; m. June 27, 1876, Mary Elizabeth Miller of Cincinnati, O., b. Oct. 1, 1857, at Cincinnati. They reside at Cincinnati. He died Oct. 9, 1895, at Cincinnati. CHILDREN, BIRD. 5137 Clarence Miller, b. April 1, 1877, at Cincinnati. 5138 Charles Lester, b. Feb. 27, 1881, at Cincinnati. 5139 Helen Irene, b. Aug. 30, 1885, at Cincinnati. 4110 Nellie Bird (Henry,* Anna,' Ira,^ Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,* Samuel,2 Thomas^)', daughter of Henry Norman and Martha Griswold (Hooker) Bird of Cincinnati, O., b. Aug. 21, 1863, at Cincinnati ; m. Oct. 30, 1883, William Hipp of Cin- cinnati • b Sept. 22, 1859. Thev lived in Cincinnati and Chica- go, 111. CHILDREN, HIPP. 5140 Birdy, b. Oct. 19, 1884, at Cincinnati; d. March 11, 1885. 5141 William Bird, b. April 13, 1886, at Cincinnati. 5142 Charles Henry, b. Jan. 19, 1888, at Chicago, 111. 4112 George Woodward Atwood (Eliza,* George,'^ Ira,« Asahel,' Hezekiah,-* John,= Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Anson L. and Eliza Ann Maria (Hooker) Atwood of Bristol, Conn., Ninth Generation 449 b. Aug. 8, 1841, at Bristol; m. Dec. 28, 1870, Mary Lucinda Boardman. He died 1896. CHILDREN, ATWOOD. 5143 George Boardman, b. May 25, 1875, at Hartford; d. March 12, 1885, at Hartford, Conn. 4117 Horace Hooker (Ira,* George,' Ira,'' Asahel," Heze- kiah,^ John,3 Samuel,' Thomas'), son of Ira and Mary E. (Dunham) Hooker, b. Aug. 7,_1847; m. Oct. 18, 1871, Lydia Andrews. He died June 29, 1875, at Jefferson, Miss. CHILD, HOOKER. 5144 Claud, b. March, 1875; d. March 1876. 4118 Eliza Ann Hooker (Ira,* George,'^ Ira,'' Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Mary E. (Dunham) Hooker, b. May 23, 1849; m. June 16, 1872, at Jef- ferson, Miss., David W. Lapham. CHILD, LAPHAM. 5145 Percy, b. Dec. 23, 1878. 4119 Urania L. Hooker (Ira,* George,'' Ira,^ Asahel,® Heze- kiah,* John,3 Satnuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Mary E. (Dunham) Hooker, b. Oct. 20, 1850; m. March 11, 1865, Clark E. Calligan. CHILD, CALLIGAN. 5146 Frank, b. Nov. 17, 1874; d. March, 1881. 4120 Helen M. Hooker (Ira,* George,' Ira,« Asahel,^ Heze- kiah,* John,3 Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Mary E. (Dunham) Hooker, b. Aug. 19, 1852; m. No. 1, Oct. 18, 1871, Andrews. She m. No. 2, Dec. 12, 1886, William Daven- port of Grand Junction, Iowa. CHILDREN, ANDREWS. By 1st marriage. 5147 Clarence, b. Feb. 3, 1873. 5148 William, b. Feb. 13, 1879. 5149 Mary E., b. July 21, 1880. 29 450 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4122 Charles Andrew Ives (Julia Stoufrhton,* Julia,' Ira,* Asahel,'' Hezekiah,^ John,'* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Riley and Julia Sophia (Stoughton) Ives of Plymouth, Conn., b. April" 18, 1861, at Plymouth; m. July 23, 1885, Cora E. Miller, daughter of Nathan G. and Cora (McKee) Miller. He is a manufacturer of toys, notions, etc., at Bridgeport, Conn. CHILDREN, IVES. 5150 Marguerite, b. Feb. 7, 1887, at Bridgeport, Conn. 5151 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1888, at Bridgeport, Conn. 4123 Andrew Stoughton Gaylord (Catherine Stoughton^ Julia,' Ira.o Asahel,"' Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Ansel and Catherine (Stoughton) Gaylord of Plymouth, Conn., b. July 28, 1856. at Terryville, Conn.; m. Oct. 16, 1889, Katharine Phelps Arms, daughter of Rev. William Frederick and Sarah Asenath (Phelps) Arms, b. Sept. 15, 1865, at Green- wich, Conn. He is superintendent of schools at Plymouth, Conn. CHILD. GAYLORD. 5152 Ruth Katharine, b. Feb. 5, 1899, at Terryville, Conn. 4129 George Hooker Stoughton (George Stoughton," Julia,' Ira,6 Asahel,'> Hezekiah,^ John,» Samuei,^ Thomasi), son of George Andrew and Mary Ann (Herningway) Stoughton of Thomaston, Conn. b. Jan. 17, 1857, at Thomaston ; m." Oct. 3, 1878, Clara Coleman, daughter of Oscar Paul and Sarah Maria (Gordon) Coleman of Bridgeport, Conn., b. Jan. 15, 1859, at Bridgeport. He is a banker of Thomaston, Conn. CHILDREN, STOUGHTON. 5153 Addie Clara, b. March 18, 1883, at Thomaston, Conn. 5154 Robert Coleman, b. Feb. 14, 1888, at Thomaston, Conn. 4130 Edward Cornelia Stoughton (George Stoughton,^ Julia,' Ira,'' Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,'' Sainuel,^ Thomas'), son of George Andrew and Mary Ann (Hemingway) Stoughton of Thomaston, Conn., b. April 18; 1860, at Thomaston, Conn. ; m. Oct. 11, 1882, Nellie Trivoya, daughter of Ferdinand and Flora Ann (Pond) Trivoya of Thomaston, Conn., b. March 7, 1864, at Thoma,ston. He is connected with "The Plume & Atwood Co.," brass inanufacturers, Thomaston and Water- bury, Conn. Ninth Generation 451 CHILDREN, STOUGHTON. 5155 Louis Edward, b. Dec. 6, 1886, at Thomaston, Conn. 5156 Arthur Hemingway, b. Oct. 8, 1890, at Thomaston, Conn. 4134 Winifred Porter Stoughton (Ira Stoughton,*' Julia,'' Ira,** Asahel,"' Hezekiah,-' John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira Hooker and Adeline (Sanford) Stoughton of Terryville, Conn., b. May 27, 1860; m. May 17, 1893, Arthur Burr Beach. CHILDREN, BEACH. 5157 Beulah Addie, b. Feb. 12, 1894. 5158 Alice Stougliton, b. March 19, 1896. 5159 Helen Louise, b. April 18, 1899. 4137 Helen Lurene Stoughton (Ira Stoughton,^ Julia,'' Ira,^ Asahel,^ Hezekiah,-" John,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Ira Hooker and Hattie Barbour (Mitchell) Stoughton of Ter- ryville, Conn., b. Jan. 29, 1874; m. July 1, 1894, Charles Rich- ard Gahr. CHILDREN, G.\HR. 5160 Laurence Stoughton, b. April, 1895. 51bl Ruth Phelps, b. July 1897. 5162 Charlotte Frances, b. Oct., 1898. 5163 Margaret, b. Nov. 1901. 5164 Cliarles Richard, b. Dec. 25, 1902. 5165 Catherine Stoughton, b. June 26, 1905. 5166 Donald, b. July, 1907. 4143 Walter Bulkley Williams (Horace Williams,'' Caro- line,'' Ira,'"' Asahel,"' Hezekiah, ■* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Horace Robbins and Amelia (Bulkley) Williams of Rich- mond, Mich., b. March 3, 1867, at Almont, Mich.; m. Oct. 18, 1892, Martha Elizabeth King, daughter of Alfred Joshua and Susan Deborah (Lone) King of New Britain, Conn., b. June 18, 1869, at New Britain. Mr. Williams is a die and tool maker. He is a skilled mechanical draughtsman and has been for years employed by the Yale and Tower Co. He lives at Stamford, Conn. CHILD, WILLIAMS. 5167 Harold Robbins, b. Feb. 21, 1894, at Stamford. 4165 Edward Huntington Clark (Mary,* Edward,' Asahel,* Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. 452 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Anson and Mary Lanman (Hooker) Clark, b. Feb. 1855, at Brookfield, Wis.; m. Nov. 17, 1885, Mary Woodbury Greene, daughter of Joseph David and Mary Ann (Kendall) Greene of Washington, D. C, b. Jan. 1, 1885, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a B. A. of Williams College, 1878; B. D. of Seabury Hall, 1885. He was a rector of a church at Red Wing, Minn., and later at Park Ridge, 111., and Pontiac, 111. CHILDREN, CLARK. 5168 Mary Huntington, b. Aug. 27, 1886, at Wells, Minn. ; d. Dec. 15, 1891. 5169 Elizabeth Kendall, b. Aug. 27, 1886, at Wells, Minn. 5170 Edward Greene, b. July 28, 1891, at Red Wing, Minn. 4169 Calvin Montague Clark (Mary* Edward,^ Asahel,'^ Asahel,'' Hezekiah,* John,-' .Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Rev. Anson and Mary Lanman (Hooker) Clark of Hartford, Wis., b. Jan. 30, 1862, at Hartford, Wis. ; m. June 29, 1893, Helen Munson Cobb, daughter of John Merrill and Charlotte Wo'od- man (Rowe) Cobb of New Gloucester, Maine, b. Dec. 24, 1861, at Fort Fairfield, Me. Mr. Clark was educated at Beloit, Wis. College Preparatory School, Williams College 1884; taught at Saratoga Springs 1884-85 ; at Andover Theological Seminary, 1885-88; Winckley "Fellow" in Berlin, Germany, 1888-90. Pastor at Wolfsborough, N. H., 1890-93 and at Hav- erhill, Mass., 1893. CHILDREN, CLARK. 5171 Cornelius Edwards, b. June 2, 1894, at Haverhill. 5172 Charlotte Rowe, b. July 13. 1896. 5173 Katherine Hooker, b. July 13, 1899. 5174 Ruth Huntington, b. and d. Jan. 25, 1903. 4171 Anson Hooker Clark (Mary,* Edward,''^ Asahel,'* Asa- hel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Rev. Anson and Mary Lanman (Hooker) Clark of Hartford, Wis., b. Nov. 29, 1866, at Hartford; m. July 15, 1891, Georgia May Brown, daughter of George Albert and Ellen (Porter) Brown of Wau- sau, Wis., b. Nov. 5, 1865, at Pleasant Valley, Iowa. He be- came a railroad telegraph operator and a book-keeper. Since 1891, he has been secretary and treasurer of the Fenwood Lum- ber Co., of Wausau, Wis. CHILD, CLARK. 5175 Margaret Edwards, b. March 22, 1893, at Wausau. Ninth Generation . "^^S 4173 Elizabeth Hooker Montague (Faith,* Edward,' Asa- hel,« Asahel,-' Hezekiah,^ John,^ Samuel, ^ Thomas^), daughter of Rev. Enos Janes and Faith Huntington (Hooker) Montague of Summit, Wis., b. Dec. 23, 1849, at Summit ; ni. Oct. 8, 1872, Price Colby Claflin, son of Gilbert and Esther (Colby) Claflin of Summit, Wis., b. Oct. 17, 1849, at Summit. She was educat- ed at Ripjion College and at Fox Lake Female College, Wis. He is an optician, practising at Washington, D. C. CHILDREN, CLAFLIN. 5176 Gilbert Montague, b. Aug. 21, 1873, at Stevens Point, Wis.; d. June 10, 1880, at Stevens Point, Wis. 5177 Harry Edwards, b. Aug. 6, 1875, at Stevens Point, Wis.; m. Dec. 28, 1898, Eunice Fern Copps. 5178 Mabel Faith, b. Oct. 3, 1878, at Stevens Point; m. Oct. 8, 1802, Melville Dyer Lindsay. 5179 Edward Enos, b. Nov. 25, 1880, at Stevens Point; d. June 23, 1900, at London, Eng. 5180 Paul, b. Jan. 13, 1884, at Stevens Point, Wis. ; d. Jan. 25, 1884. 5181 Elsie Grace, b. Oct. 12, 1886, at Stevens Point, Wis. 5182 Marguerite Esther, b. Sept. 6, 1891, at Washington, D. C. 4174 Mary Janes Montague (Faith,* Edward,' Asahel,** Asahel,-'^ Hezekiah,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. Enos Janes and Faith Huntington (Hooker) Montague of Summit, "Wis., b. Sept. 11, 1850, at Summit, Wis.; m. Oct. 4, 1882, Harry Huntington Powers, son of Joseph and Lucretia (Huntington) Powers of Hebron, W'is., b. Aug. 7, 1859, at Hebron. She was educated at Ripson College, Wis. Mr. Powers was professor of French in Oberlin College, Ohio, 1888-92. Professor of Economics and Sociology at Smith Col- lege, Northampton, Mass., 1893-95 and professor of Economics and Social Science at Leland Stanford, Jr. University, Palo Alto, Cal., 1895. CHILDREN, POWERS. 5183 Philip ?\Iontague, b. Dec. 16, 1884, at Oak Creek, Wis. 5184 Joseph Kirke, b. Sept. 3, 1889, at Oberlin, Ohio. 4178 George Lyman Hooker (Edward,^ Edward,' Asahel,® Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Edward Trumbull and Susan (Atwater) Hooker, b. April 19, 1872, at Middletown, Conn.; m. Nov. 5, 1904, Bertha C. Bork. CHILD, HOOKER. 5184 Lyman Ray, b. June 8, 1906. 454 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4179 Sarah Frances Hooker (Edward,^ EdwardJ Asahel," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,'* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Edward Trumbull and Susan (Atwater) Hooker, b. March 4, 1874, at New Orleans, La.; m .Sept. 14, 1898. Carl Gotthilf Krueger, b. Jan. 25, 1872, at Stettin, Wis. They reside at Wausaw, Wis. CHILDREN, KRUEGER. 5184b Edward William, b. July 5, 1900, d. July 6, 1900. 5184c Gretcben Elizabeth, b. May 17. 1902. 5184d Rhoda Edwards, b. Feb. 18, 1905. 4183 Mary Cornelius Little (Sarah Cornelius,* Mary,^ Asa- hel," Asahel,^ Hezekiah,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Rev. George B. and Sarah Edwards (Cornelius) Little of Bangor, Me., b. Dec. 24, 1853, at Bangor, Me.; m. April 15, 1875, Joseph Lincoln Colby, son of Gardner and Mary Lowe (Roberts) Colby of Boston. Mass., b. Feb. 24, 1846, at Boston, Mass. He was for many years, superintendent of various iron mines in the west, but has now retired from active busi- ness. They reside at Newton Centre, Mass. CHILDREN, COLBY. 5185 Alice Edwards, b. May 10, 1876, at Yonkers, N. Y. 5186 Mary Gardner, b. Dec. 16, 1880. at Milwaukee; m. April 2, 1903, Handell Henderson. 5187 Julia Cornelius, b. July 6, 1884, at Milwaukee. 4185 Annie Everts Cornelius (Jeremiah Cornelius.* Mary^ Asahel,** Asahel,'' Hezekiah,-* John,* Samuel.- Thomas') daughter of Jeremiah Evarts and Sarah Henner (Storrs) Cor- nelius of Boston, Mass., b. April 13, 1864, at Newton Centre, Mass.; m. Oct. 8, 1891, John Henry Colby, son of John Free- man and Ruth E. (Cloutman) Colby of Randolph, Mass., b. Jan. 13, 1862, at Randolph. He is a lawyer at Boston, Mass. CHILD, COLBY. 5188 John Noyes, b. Dec. 15, 1893, at Boston, Mass. 4189 Henry Edwards Winans (Sarah Peck,^ Sarah,'' Asa- hel," Asahel,'* Hezekiah.^ John,-' Samuel,* Thomas'), son of Ira and Sarah Edwards (Peck) Winans of Rochester, N. Y., b. Jan. 21, 1873, at Rochester; m. June 12, 1900, Edith Aimee Brown of Rochester, N. Y., b. June 7, 1876. Ninth Generation 455 CHILDREN, WINANS. 5189 Phyllis Edwards, b. April 30, 1901. 4192 Elizabeth Hooker Winans (Sarah Peck,* Sarah," Asa- hel,"' Asahel,' Hezekiali.^ John,"' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Ira and Sarah Edwards (Peck) Winans of Rochester, N. Y., b. May 3, 1876; m. June 21, 1900, Robert Webster Smith Burnett of Rochester, b. Feb. 7, 1861. They reside in Roch- ester. CHILD, BURNETT. 5190 Helen Marjorie, b. Feb. 9, 1902. 4195 William Bulkley Smith (Bryan Smith," Lydia,'' Bry- an,8 Asahel,^ Hezekiah,* John,^ Sanuiel,^ Thomas'), son of Bryan Hooker and Elizabeth (Bulkley) Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Sept. 12, 1853, at Brooklyn ; m. March 24, 1879, Emily L. Clapp, daughter of George M. and Emily (Lawrence) Clapp. CHILDREN, SMITH. 5191 Lois Bulkley, b. March 23, 1880, at Brooklyn. 5192 Corinne Lawrence, b. April 24, 1883, at Brooklyn. 5193 Bryan Hooker, b. Oct. 2, 1887, at Brooklyn. 4196 Cyrus Porter Smith (Bryan Smith,** Lydia,'^ Bryan,® Asahe!,"' Hezekiah,"* John,-' Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Bryan Hooker and Elizabeth (Bulklev) Smith of Brooklyn, b. Jan. 30, 1859, at Brooklyn; m. Aprir26, 1882, Augusta Weeks Bab- cock, daughter of Edward H. and Catherine (Lynde) Babcock of Brooklyn, b. Nov. 4, 1863 at Brooklyn. He died March 20, 1895, at B'rooklyn. CHILDREN, SMITH. 5194 Eloise Babcock, b. Aur. IS. 1883, at Brooklyn, 5195 Cyrus Porter, b. Feb. 15, 1886, at Brooklyn; d. Feb. 27, 1886. 5196 Katherine Lynde Babcock, b. July 22, 1887, at Brooklyn. 4214 George Hooker Marsh (Catherine Doolittle,** Urania,''' Chauncey," Asahel,^' Hezekiah,'* John.-^ Samuel, ^ Thomas'), son of Ben Frank and Catherine Hooker (Doolittle) Marsh, b. March 20, 1872; m. Sept. 19, 1896, Cora Mildred Wilbur. CHILDREN, MARSH. 5197 George Wilbur, b. Jan. 14. 1898. 5198 Ben Howard, b. Jan. 3, 1900. 5199 Raymond Densel, b. Feb. 16, 1902. 456 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4261 Cassius Mason Hooker (George,* Henry,'' Seth,« John,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of George Pren- tice and Lucretia (Ashcraft) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. July 12, 1848, at Hinsdale; m. Sept. 1, 1877, Emma Huffaker of Tuscan, Ariz. CHUJJREN, HOOKEK. 5200 Jessie Belle, b. Oct. 25, 1880; d. July 10, 1882. 5201 Etta, b. Sept. 1, 1882. 5202 Ora Whiteley, b. April 21, 1886. 4262 Augusta R. Hooker (George,* Henry," Seth," John,^ John,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of George Prentice and Lucretia (Ashcraft) Hooker of Hinsdale, N. H., b. Oct. 12, 1851, at Hinsdale, N. H.; m. May 16, 1883, Wolfred X. Pike of Burke, X. Y. CHnjJREN, PIKE. 5203 George Hooker, b. Sept. 19, 1885. 5204 Mabel Josephine, b. May 24, 1887. 4265 Charles Osgood Hooker (Charles,* Henry," Seth," John, 5 John,-* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Charles and Maria Celia (Osgood) Hooker of Hinsdale, X. H., and San Francisco, Cal., b. Aug. 10, 1860; m. Feb. 5, 1896, Ella Wall Goad, daughter of William Frank Goad. They reside in San Francisco, Cal. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5205 Osgood, b. Aug. 6, 1897, at San Francisco. 4273 Frederic Joseph Nutting (Almira,* Henry,'' Seth,® John," John,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Isaiah H. and Almira Ann (Hooker) Xutting, b. Xov. 22, 1854, at Orford, X. H. ; m. Feb. 1, 1875, Annie Wheatley, daughter of William and Mae (Doughty) Wheatley of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, b. Aug. 24, 1851, a't Hamilton' CHILDREN, NUTTING. 5206 Eva Winnefred, b. Nov. 7, 1875. 5207 Minnie Estelle, b. Sept 9, 1878. 4274 Herbert Hooker Nutting (Almira,* Henry,^ Seth," John,' John,* John,' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Isaiah H. and Ninth Generation 457 Almira Ann (Hooker) Nutting, b. July 24. 1859, at Holliston, Mass.: ni. Feb. 4, 1883. Lorretta McRov, daughter of Thomas H. and Elizabeth A. (Brandd) McRov o'f De Kalb. 111., b. Aug. 2, 1860. at De Kalb. CHILDREN, NUTTING. 5208 Walter Hull, b. March 4. 1887. 5209 Allie Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17, 1888. 4284 Edward R. Gates (.Mar}- Blanchard.s Abigail,' Seth,^ John,^ John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas*), son of Daniel C. and Mary Adaline (Blanchard) Gates, b. May 20, 1854, at Worces- ter, Mass.; m. May 17, 1882, Mabel M. Barney of Springfield, Mass., b. May 12, 1857, at Springfield. CHILDREN, G.VTES. 5210 Everet Edward, b. March 19. 1883. at Worcester. 5211 Edith May. b. July 12. 1SS6, at Springfield. Mass. 4289 James Albert Taylor (Maria Blanchard,* Abigail," Seth.'' John.'' John."* John.-' Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Nelson and Maria Hooker (Blanchard) Taylor of Castleton, Vt., b. Sept. 5, 1842, at Castleton, \'t. : m. Sept. 7. 1873. Sarah E. Mott. CHILDREN, T.WXOR. 5212 Qarence E., b. July 11, 1S74. 5213 James Albert, b. Nov. 2. 1875. 5214 Helen Hooker, b. June 15. 1877. 5215 Eva Mott, b. Sept. 24. 1880. 5216 Cora Blanchard. b. March 10. 1882. 5217 Vernie De Las. b. March 29, 1880. 4293 Charles Bates Ketcham (Lodema Todd,* Abigail,^ Seth,'^'' John,-"' John,-' John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Wil- liam and Lodema H. (Todd) Ketcham of Madison, Wis., b. Feb. 8. 1858. at Richland Citv. Wis. : m. Feb. 4. 1883. Marv Dillon. CHILDREN. KETCH.^M. 5218 Isaac Henn.-. b. April 22, 1884. 4307 William Lewis Taylor (Lewis Taylor.* Delia." Seth," John,^ John,-* John.-' Samuel.- Thomas.'), son of Lewis and Marv (Humphrey) Tavlor of Roxburv, Mass., b. March 4, 1850, at Ro.xbury ; m. Oct. 27, 1886, Emma F. Winslow of Dor- 458 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker Chester, Mass. They reside at Dorchester. He is employed in a wholesale boot and shoe house in Boston. CHILDRE^f, TAYLOR. 5219 Winslow Lewis, b. May 21, 1888, at Dorchester. 4308 Webster Humphrey Taylor (Lewis Taylor.^ Delia,'^ Seth.'J John,-"' John,^ John,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Lewis and Mary (Humphrey) Taylor of Roxbury, !\lass., b. Oct. 11, 1853, at Roxbury ; m. Sept. 27, 1877, Ella Frances Chase of Bos- ton Highlands, Mass. He is employed in the house of Beader Adamson & Company of Boston. They reside at Boston High- lands. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. 5220 Webster Haverstock, b. Feb. 21, 1880. 4312 Frank Dwight Taylor (William Taylor,* Delia,^ Seth,« John,' John,-" John,'' Samuel, 2 Thomas'), son of William Dwight and Harriet (Alexander) Tavlor of Boston, Mass., b. Feb. 26. 1855, at Boston ; m. Feb. 1, 1883, Eliza Wheeler of Col- orado Springs, Colo. They reside at Colorado Springs, where he is a book-keeper. CHILDREN, TAYLOR. 5221 Marion Hattie. b. Nov. 21, 1885. 4318 Ida Louise Boyden (Delia Taylor,' Delia.' Seth.e John,'^ John,^ John,- Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Dr. Fred- eric and Delia Hooker (Taylor) Bovden of Hinsdale, X. H., b. Alig. 16, 1856, at Hinsdale": m. Sept". 26, 1877, Robert W. Day of Springfield, Mass. He is connected with the Morgan En- velope Co., Springfield, Mass. CHILDREN, DAY. 5222 Pauline Boyden, b. Feb. 19, 1879. 5223 .Alice Louise, b. May 24, 1880; d. July 26, 1880. 5224 Robert Frederic, b. Feb. 23, 1882. 5225 Windsor Boyden, b. Dec. 23, 1885. 4327 George Brack Hooker (Robert,* George,^ John,^ John.s John,^ John,'' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Robert Breck and Mary Ophelia (Young) Hooker of Elizabeth, N. J., b. June 8, 1860; m. Amelia Susan Annin, b. March 5, 1863. He Ninth Generation 459 was associated with his father in the drug business at Eliza- beth. He died May 7, 1901. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5226 Henry Dwight, b. Sept. 29. 1891. 5227 Robert Breck. b. Oct. 20. 1896. 5228 George Annin, b. June 13, 1900. 4334 Charles Stuart Wood Packard (John Packard,* Eliz- abeth," John." John. 5 John.^ John."' Samuel.- ThomasM, son of John Hooker and Elizabeth (Wood) Packard of Philadelphia, Pa., b. June 2, 1860, at Philadelphia: m. April 14. 1882, Eliza Gilpin McLean, daughter of Samuel and Maria Williams (Pierce) McLean of Alexandria, Va., b. Feb. 18, 1860, at Alex- andria. CHILDREN, P.\CKARD 5229 Elizabeth. 5230 Elizabeth Routh, b. March 31. 1883; d. July 11, 1883. 5231 John Hooker, b. April 4, 1884. 4336 John Hooker Packard, Jr., (John Packard.^ Elizabeth.' John," John,' John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas*), son of John Hooker and Elizabeth (Wood) Packard of Philadelphia, Pa., b. May 9, 186.S, at Philadelphia: m. June 15, 1889, Agnes Tilgh- man, daughter of Richard A. and Susan Price (Toland) Tilgh- man of Philadelphia, b. July 7. 1868. CHILDREN. PACK-\RD. 5232 Joan Hooker, b. Dec. 24. 1890. 5233 John Francis Randolph, b. June. 1893. 4338 George Randolph Packard (John Packard.^ Eliza- beth," John," John." John.^ John.''' Samuel.^ Thomas*), son of John Hooker and Elizabeth (Wood) Packard of Philadelphia, b. Sept. 27. 1872, at Philadelphia : m. Oct. 30, 1895. Elizabeth Wain Wistar Brown, daughter of T. Wistar and Mary Far- num P>rown of Philadelphia. They live at Villa Nova. He is in the insurance brokage business in Philadelphia. CHILDREN, P.^CKARD. 5234 Mary Farnum, b. Nov. 9. 1896. at Villa Nova, Pa. 5235 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1897. at Villa Nova. 5236 Ruth, b. Dec. 14, 1901, at Villa Nova. 460 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4340 Julia Ann Rust Kingsley ( Emily ,» Henry ,^ William," John,'' John,'* John," Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Orrin .md Emily (Hooker) Kingsley of Westhampton, b. Feb. 23, 1827; m. Nov. 4, 1846, Oliver Clark Bridgeman, son of Oliver and Elizabeth (Pomeroy) Bridgeman of Granville, Mass., b. Dec. 11, 1820, at Granville. They reside at Northampton, Mass., where he is a locksmith. CHILDKEN, BRIDGEMAN. 5237 Louisa, b. June 9, 1848, at Northampton, Mass. ; d. Sept. 17, 1848. 5238 Louisa (2nd), b. May 10, 1851; d. Sept. 16, 1852. A son, b. July 24, 1852 ; d. .\ug. 12, 1852. 4341 Sarah Henry Kingsley (Emily,^ Henry," William,'* John,-' John,'* John,-' Samuel,- lliomas' ), daughter of Orrin and Emily (Hooker) Kingsley of Westhampton, Mass., b. Jan. 29, 1828, at Westhampton; m. June 15, 1848, George Burder Drury, son of Rev. Amos and Sarah Parmalee (Swift) Drury of Westhampton, Mass., b. April 24, 1823, at Rutland, Vt. He was a carpenter by trade but has for a nvmiber of years been superintendent of schools. She died Feb. 3, 1861, at West- hampton. CHILDREN, DRURY. 5239 Charles Kingsley, b. Nov. 19, 1850, at Westhampton ; d. Sept. 19, 1851, at Westhampton. 5240 Mary Hooker, b. Oct. 21, 1857; d. March 13, 1876, at Northamp- ton, Mass. 5241 George Henry, b. Jan. 1, 1861, at Westhampton; m. Aug. 5, 1890, Florence Mary Stebbins. 4342 Emily Elsie Kingsley (Emily,* Henry.'' VVilliani,« John,' John,* John,'' Samuel,- Thomas*), daughter of Orrin and Emily (Hooker) Kingsley of Westhampton, Mass., b. Aug. 22, 1830, at Westhampton, Mass. ; m. June 14, 1850, Elihu Parsons Bartlett, son of Elihu and Sarah Hurlburt Bartlett of Westhampton, b. March 19, 1825, at Westhampton. He is a farmer at Westhampton. She died April 17, 1855, at West- hampton. CHILDREN, B.MiTLETT. 5242 Edward Ashmun, b. Jan. 18, 1851; m. Mar 11, 1875, Emma Ada Jessamine. 5244 Emily Hooker, b. April 2, 1855, at Westhampton ; m. Nov. 4, 1893, Henry Wright Warner. Ninth Generation 461 4344 Edward Munson Kingsley (Emily,* Henry ,^ William,'' John, 5 John,'' John,^' Samuel. ^ Thomas^), son of Orrin and Em- ily (Hooker) Kingsley of Westhampton, Mass., b. Aug. 18, 1839, at Westhampton, Mass.; m. Oct. 15, 1862, Josephine Dickenson Graves, daughter of Elihu and Rhoda (Thayer) Graves of Williamburg, Mass., b. March 13, 1840, at Williams- burg. He was a freight agent. He died Aug. 12, 1868, at Wil- liamsburg, Mass. CHILDREN, KINGSLEY. 5245 Charles Hooker, b. Dec. 20, 1864, at Northampton, Mass. ; d. Aug. 23, 1865, at Northampton. 5246 Carrie Elsie, b. Aug. 14, 1866, at Northampton; m. July 20, 1892, James Foster Wells. 5247 Ellen Munson, b. Jan. 26, 1868, at Williamsburg, Mass. 4345 Ellen Maria Kingsley (Emily,'* Henry," William,^ John,5 John,* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Orrin and Emily (Hooker) Kingsley of Westhampton, Mass., b. June 6, 1842, at Westhampton; m. Feb. 20, 1873, Dr. Judson Bradley, son of Elihu S. and Lucy Maria (Barnes) Bradley of West Stockbridge, Mass., b. Jan. 19, 1836, at West Stock- bridge. He was a physician at Detroit, Mich. He died June 14, 1889, at Detroit, buried at Westhampton. CHILDREN, BRADLEY. 5248 Oliver Bridgeman, b. Nov. 7, 1877. 5249 Lucy Maria, b. June 9, 1880. 4348 Edward Wales Hooker (Festus,* Henry,'' William.^ John,5 John,'* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Festus and Mary (Strong) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. Nov. 26, 1840, at Wes'thampton ; m. July 17, 1862, Jane Eliza Clark, daughter of Deacon Jenas Strong and Eliza (Rust) Clark of Elbridge, N. Y., b. Jan. 15, 1841, at Elbridge. He was a farmer at Maple Creek, Nebraska. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5250 Henry Clark, b. Aug. 22, 1866; m. Nov. 4, 1891, Mary L. Springer. 5251 Anna Worthington, b. Dec. 11, 1870; d. Oct. 20, 1873, at Fre- mont, Neb. 5252 Edward Festus, b. July 28, 1876, at Maple Creek, Neb. ; d. Sept. 23, 1907. 5253 Charles Strong, b. Sept. 8, 1878, at Maple Creek, Neb. ; d. Sept 13, 1878, at Maple Creek. 462 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 5254 Cornelia Almira, b. Oct. 29, 1879, at Maple Creek, Neb. 5255 Jennie Mac, b. May 19, 1884, at Maple Creek, Neb. ; m. Jan. 25, 1905, Raymond Phillips. 4349 Lucy Ashmun Hooker (Festiis,* Henry," William,® John,^ John,^ John,'"' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Festus and Mary (Strong) Hooker of Northampton, Mass. ; b. July 15, 1843, at Westhampton ; m. Dec. 7, 1865, George Elderkin Knight son of John Milton and Samantha Rust (Kingsley) Knight of Westhampton, Mass., b. Nov. 15, 1845, at West- hampton. He is a librarian at Westhampton. CHILDREN, KNIGHT. 5256 George Hooker, b. May 13, 1876, at Westhampton, Mass. 4351 Worthington Hooker (Festus,* Henry ,^ William,'^ John,^ John,^ John,-' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Festus and Mary (Strong) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. Nov. 20, 1848, at W' esthampton ; m. Dec. 2, 1873, Frances Augusta Jewett, daughter of Albert and Vileria Augusta (Loud) Jew- ett of Westhampton, Mass., b. Oct. 2, 1851, at Westhampton. CHILPREN, HOOKER. 5257 Harold Worthington, b. Aug. 11, 1880; m. Oct. 12, 1905, Ruble Mae Strong. 5258 Albert Jewett, b. Nov. 19. 1890. 5259 Earl Drury, b. April 11, 1892. 4352 Charles Hooker (Festus,* Henry,' William," John.^ John,'* John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Festus and Mary "(Strong) Hooker of Westhampton, Mass., b. Sept. 14, 1850, at Westhampton ; m. April 10, 1872, Mary Hale Edwards, daugh- ter of Ferdinand Worcester and Martha Lyman (Rust) Ed- wards of Sunderland, Mass., b. May 17, 1851, at South Deer- field, Mass. He is a farmer at Westhampton, Mass. , CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5260 Bessie May, b. May 3, 1873, at Westhampton, Mass. 5261 William Anson, b. Aug. 13, 1877, at Westhampton ; m. Feb. 5, 1907, May Woodbury Allen. 5262 Charles Worcester, b. April 13, 1883, at Westhampton. 4354 Maryett Chapman (Electa.* Henry," William,*' John,^ John,'' John,* Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Anson and Elec- ta Wales (Hooker) Chapman of Westhampton, Mass., b. May Ninth Generation 463 15, 1833, at Westhampton : m. Oct. 13, 1867. Edward Webster Kingsley, son of Zenas and Susan (Elwell) Kingsley of West- hampton, Mass., b. July 21, 1831, at Westhampton. He was for some years a millwright at Puget Sound, W. T. Then a lumber manufacturer at Coos, N. H. Is now a mechanic at Westhampton, Mass. CHILDREN, KINGSLEY. 5263 Edward Anson, b. March 23, 1878; ni. April 21, 1906, Matilda A. Donaghue. 4358 William Augustus Hooker (William,* William.'' Wil- liam," John,-^ John,'' John,-' Samuel,- Thomas^), son of Wil- liam Throop and Caroline (Collins) Hooker of Hartford, Conn., b. Sept. 4, 1845, at Hartford ; m. Dec. 24, 1879, Elizabeth Work, daughter of John Clinton Work. He is a mining en- gineer of the firm of Hooker & Lawrence, New York City. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5264 William Brian, b. Nov. 2. 1880, at New York City. 5265 Joan Culbertson, b. Feb. 27. 1884. at New York City. 5266 Duncan Collins, b. Mar. 4, 1885, at New York City. 4364 Lucy Ashmun Hooker (Henry,* William,'^ William, ^ john.^ Tolin,^ John,-'' Samuel,- ThomasM. daughter of Henry and Sarah (Hall) Hooker of Westfield. Mass.. b. Sept. 19, 1845, at Hartford, Conn. : m. Sept. 10, 1879, John Cotton Eastman, son of Rev. Eastman of New York City. They live at New Haven, Conn. CHILDREN, E.\STMAN, 5267 Paul, b. Sept. 14, 1880; d. Sept. 17, 1880. 5268 Henry Hooker, b. Nov. 22, 1881 ; d. March 24, 1882. 5269 Elizabeth Reed, b. Nov. 21, 1886. 4365 Charles Hall Hooker (Henry,* William.'? William.* Tohn,'"' John.'' John,-'' Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Henry and Sarah (Hall) Hooker of Westf^eld. Mass.. b. July. 3. 1847, at Hartford. Conn.; m. June 20. 1878. Ellen Jane Goodwin, daughter of Charles Goodwin of Pittsficld. Mass. Her father was brevetted Lieutenant during the war of the Rebellion and was killed in the battle of the Wilderness. Charles Hall Hook- er fitted for College at Williston Seminary, graduated from Williams College. 1871. Paris. France. 1872. Employed in a banking house there until 1875. when he returned to the United 464 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker States and since then has been in the banking business in Bos- ton. CHILDREN, HOOKER. 5270 Sybil Hale, b. Nov. 20, 1879. 5271 Henrj' Keen, b. Oct. 16, 1881. 5272 Sarah Hall, b. June 14, 1882; d. Feb. 8, 1885. 4372 George Harris Goodhue (Josiah Goodhue,* EHzabeth,^ Thomas,** John,^ John,-* John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas^), son of Jo- siah and Sarah (Chipman) Goodhue of Whitewater, Wis., b. Dec. 23, 1859, at Whitewater; m. Feb. 9, 1882, at Omaha, Neb., NelHe Rockwood. They Hve at Helton, Mich. CHILDREN, GOODHUE. 5273 Lolita, b. Aug. 6, 1883, at Lima, Wis. 5274 Edmund Rockwood, b. July 9, 1885, at Lima, Wis. ; m. Amanda Diechoff, Xov. 28, 1908. 5275 Josiah H., b. Jan. 10, 1887. 5276 Maude, b. Aug. 26, 1889. 5277 Katharine D., b. June 26, 1897. 5278 Frances Elizabeth, b. Sept. 18, 1904, at White Cloud, Mich. 4374 Helen Frances Goodhue (Josiah Goodhue,* Elizabeth,^ Thomas,'' John,'^ John,^ John,- Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Chipman) Goodhue of Whitewater, Wis., b. May 30, 1865, at Whitewater; m. Dec. 1, 1887, Edgar Davis, son of John P. and Mary AI. Davis, of Richmond, W'is., b. May 31, , at Oakland, Wis. CHILDREN, DAVIS. 5279 Robert Goodhue, b. Sept. 1891, d. Sept. 9, 1899. 5280 Florence, b. June 19, 1893, at Richmond, Wis. 5281 Madge, b. Sept. 1, 1894, at Richmond, Wis. 5282 Kenneth, b. Sept. 23, 1905, at Richmond, Wis. 4375 Ralph Josiah Goodhue (Josiah Goodhue,* Elizabeth,^ Thomas,'' John,'' John,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), son of Jo- siah and Sarah (Chipman) Goodhue of Whitewater, Wis., b. Sept. 24, 1869, at Whitewater ; m. Sept. 27, 1898, Nora Cornell, at Whitewater. CHILD, GOODHUE. 5283 Anna Leona. b. Sept. 13, 1899, at Lima. Wis. Ninth Generation -+65 4377 Robert Shields Goodhue (Josiah Goodhue.* Eliza- beth.' Thomas,* John.^ John,^ John.^ Samuel,- Thomas*), son of Josiah and Sarah (Chipman) Goodhue of Whitewater, Wis.. b. Sept, 24, 1876, at Whitewater: m. July 11. 1901, Lily Taft. CHILD, GOODHUE, 52&i Donald L., b. June 7. 1902, at Lima, Wis. 4379 Laura Elizabeth Capron (Sarah,* Henry,' Thomas," John,5 John,* John,^ Samuel,- ThomasM, daughter of Re\". William Banfield and Sarah Brown (Hooker) Capron of Ma- dura, India, b. June 17, 1862, at Madura, India: m. June 1. 1892. James Dyar Keith, son of James Monroe and Louisa J. (Dyar) Keith of Boston, IMass., b. Dec. 30. 1864, at Roxbury, Mass. CHILDREN, KErrn. 5285 James Monroe, b. March 7, 1893, at Newtown. Conn. 5286 Annie Hooker, b. June 29. 1895. at Hingham. 4390 Mary Eliza Bradley (Sarah Stanley .« Sally." William,« Seth.5 John.-' John.^ Samuel.- ThomasM. daughter of Charles and Sarah Stanley Bradley of Xew Haven. Conn., b. June 18. 1835. at Xew Haven ; m. Oct. 17. 1855. Thomas Fitch Rowland, son of George and Ruth Caroline (Atwater) Rowland of Xew Haven. Conn., b. March 15. 1831. at Xew Haven. He is Presi- dent of the Continental Iron \\'orks. Brooklyn, X. Y., and was builder of the first "Monitor" (man of war). She died March 10. 1902. CHILDREN, ROWT-AND. 5287 Thomas Fitch, b. Julv 30. 1856; m. Oct. 6. 1880. Estelle Maria Hull. 5288 Caroline Atwater. b. Tan. 8. 1859; d. Dec. 29. 1861. 5289 Charles Bradlev. b. Mav 22. 1863; m. Tune 18. 1903. Alice Can-. 5290 George, b. Dec.'22, 1865'; m. Mav 21, lffi>6, Lida Emilv Barlow. 4391 William Hooker Bradley (Sarah Stanley.^ Sally," Wil- liam," Seth,' John,* John,^ Samuel.- Thomas*), son of Charles 2nd and Sarah (Stanlev) Bradlev of Xew Haven, Conn., b. Aug. 2S. 1838, at Xew Haven. Co'nn. : m. Jan. 25. 1860. Eliza- beth E. Whitlock, daughter of John and Lucv (,Starr) Whit- lock, b. Oct. 19. 1840. 30 466 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker CHILDREN, BRADLEY. 5291 William Whitlock, b. Aug, 15, 1868; d. Sept. 15, 1868. 5292 Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1870. 5293 Charles Walter, b. Oct. 7, 1873. 5294 Bessie Lee, b. Jan. 17, 1876. 5295 George Rowland, b. Nov. 17, 1880. 4392 George Cornwall Bradley (Sarah Stanley,* Sally,'^ William," Seth,^ John,'* John,-' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Charles 2nd and Sarah (Stanley) Bradley of New Haven, Conn., b. April 9, 1846. at New Haven; m. Oct. 8, 1872, Mary Ann Clark, daughter of Samuel D. and Ann (Cone) Clark, b. Oct. 17, 1851. CHILD, BRADLEY. 5296 Arthur Clark, b. Dec, 1880. 4396 George J. Stanley, (Oswin Stanley,* Sally,' William,** Seth,-* John,'' John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Oswin and Jane M. (Thresher) Stanley of Kensington, Conn., b. July 14, 1851 ; m. Nov. 26, 1873, Elizabeth Colby. CHILDREN, STANLEY. 5297 Gertrude J., b. Nov. 30, 1874. 5298 Charles O., b. Feb. 25, 1875. 5299 Le Roy, b. Jan. 17, 1877. 5300 Ellen, b. Feb. 20, 1880. 4398 Mary A. Stanley (Samuel Stanley,* Sally,'' William,^ Seth, 5 John,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Sophia (Andrus) Stanley, of Kensington, Conn. ; m. E. L. Prior. CHILDREN, PRIOR. 5301 Mary S., b. Sept. 20, 1877. 5302 Edward, b. April 7, 1882. 4400 Hattie Elizabeth Stanley (Samuel Stanley.* Sally,'' William," Seth,^ John,'' John,'' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Samuel and Sophia (Andrus) Stanley of Kensington, Conn. ; m. Howard C. Noble. CHILDREN, NOBLE. 5303 Gertrude J., b. Jan. 18. 1877. 5304 Howard C, b. April 2. 1S80. 5305 Colton D„ b. Feb. 13, 1882. Ninth Generation 467 4402 Jennie Hooker (William,* William,'' William,* Seth,^ John,^ John,'' Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of William and Sarah Cutler Hooker of Wing Station, N. Y., b. Aug. 25, 1860, at Wing Station; m. June, 5, 1889, Edwin Knickerbocker, son of Hugh and Elizabeth (Smith) Knickerbocker of Bangall, Dutchess Co., N. Y., b. Oct. 17. 1835, at Stanford. Dutchess Co., N. Y. He was a Public School teacher and in 1881, was elected Justice of the Peace at Stanford. In 1887, he was elect- ed Justice of Sessions of Dutchess Co. He is a farmer at Stanford. CHILDREN, KNICKERBOCKER. 5306 Jay, b. June 24, 1890, at Stanford, N. Y. 5307 Asa, b. April 12, 1892, at Stanford. 4404 Effie K. Hooker (William.^ William.' William.s Seth.s John,* John,^ Samuel,- ThomasM. daughter of William, Jr., and Sarah (Cutler) Hooker of Wing Station, N. Y., b. Sept. 8, 1867, at Wing Station ; m. Sept. 9, 1885, Peter Dykeman, son of Os- car Augustus and Louisa (Denton) Dykeman of Pawling. N. Y. b. June 4, 1858, at East Fishkill, N. Y. He is a fanner at Pawling. CHILDREN, DYKEMAN. 5308 Nellie, b. May 26, 1888, at Pawling, N. Y. 5309 William J., b. Aug. 1, 1888, at Pawling, N. Y. 5310 Peter A., b. Jan. 12. 1890, at Pawling. 5311 Calvin, b. July 25, 1891. at Pawling; d. Dec. 20, 1891, at Pawling. 5312 Alice, b. Nov. 30, 1892, at Pawling. 4409 Charles Williams Vincent (Ann,® William,'' William,* Seth,^ John,* John,^ Sannicl,- Thomas'), son of Edwin and Ann (Hooker) Vincent of Dover Furnace, N. Y., b. Nov. 7, 1862, at Dover Furnace; m. Feb. 20, 1889. Anna Belden Mab- bett. CHILD, VINCENT. 5313 .•Knna M. 4410 Minnie Cordelia Vincent (Ann.^ William,'' William,* Seth,5 John,* John.^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Edwin and Ann (Hooker) Vincent of Dover Furnace, N. Y., b. Aug. 12, 1865, at Dover Furnace ; m. Dec. 2, 1891, David V. Moore. CHILD, MOORE. 5314 Edna 'Vincent. 468 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker 4410d Jennet Louise Hooker (John.* George,^ William,* Seth,' John,^ John,^ Samuel,- Thomas^), daughter of John Randolph and Marietta Preston (Sawyer) Hooker, b. Oct. 31, 1872, at Kensington, Conn. ; m. Dr. Charles F. Erickson. They reside at New Britain, Conn. CHILDREN, ST.\PLES. 5314a .Annabel. 5314b Emily Hooker. 4411 Charles Hooker Baldwin (Jennette,* Charles,''^ Wil- liam," Seth,5 John,-* John,"' Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Albert and Jennette Phelps (Hooker) Baldwin of Newark, N. J., b. Nov. 26, 1865, at Newark: m. April 30, 1889, Bertha Wilson Smith, daughter of John Huyler and Georgia Hunter (Wheel- er) Smith of Newark, N. J., b. Oct. 24, 1867, at Newark. CHILD, BALDWIN. 5315 Berye Raymond, b. Jan. 26, 1890. at Newark, 4417 Henry James Hooker (Horace.* Henry.'' John," Elijah,' John,* John.^ Samuel.- Thomas'), son of Horace Hen- ry and Sarah (McAllaster) Hooker of Morristown, N. Y., b. April 29, 1862, at Morristown; m. Dec. 3, 1890, Mary Burn- side Knight, daughter of Sylvester Rhodes and Abby Whipple Knight of Providence, R. I. They live at Chewelah, Stevens Co., Washington. CHILD, HOOKER. 5316 Leonora, b. Oct. 24, 1891, at Chewelah, Wash. 4418 Florence Rosella Graham (Mary Atwood,* Sophia,' Saxa.® Elijah.^" John,* John.* Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Franklin and Marv Elizabeth (.-Xtwood) Graham of New Brit- ain, Conn., b. July 28, 1852, at New Britain; m. Oct. 11. 1876, George Selah Brown, of Bristol, Conn., b. March 27, 1847, at Forestvilie, Conn. CHILD, BROWN. 5317 M,ind Hooker, b. Oct. 10. 1881, at New Britain, Conn,; m, June 6, 1906, Raymond Mazeine, 4513a Louis St Elmo Hooker (Tvlorgan.* John,'' Lewis,® Joseph,' Joseph,* John,* Samuel,^ Thomas'), son of Morgan Ninth Generation 469 Fitzhugh and Jennie Gladys Hooker, b. June 17, 1877, at Au- rora, III.: m. May 11, 1904, at Salem, Oregon, Ella Amelia Rineman, daughter of Martin Theodore and Carrie Laura (Rakestraw) Rineman of Salem, Oregon, b. June 11, 1881, at Clinton. He was educated at the Uni%-ersity of Oregon. Mem- ber of Co. C, 2nd Vol. Inf. Served in the Philippines, also a member of the Regular Army Hospital Corps. CHILD, HOOKER. 5317a Richard Martin, b. Oct. 17. 1908. at Louisville, Ky. 4514 JuUa Pearson Sherman (Benjamin Sherman,* Jane,'' Joseph,* Joseph,'* Joseph,'' John,^ Samuel,^ Thomas,*), daugh- ter of Benjamin Franklin, Jr., and Lydia Woodward (Pearson) Sherman of Bloomington. 111., b. Oct. 5, 1875, at Bloomington, 111.; m. Oct. 5, 1893, ^Dr. Homer Wakefield, M. D.. son of Cy- renius and Harriet (Richardson) Wakefield of Bloomington, 111., b. June 24, 1865, at Bloomington. He is a graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. After practising for a time in Bloomington, he removed to New York where he is attending physician at Bellevue. CHILDREN, WAKEFIELD. 5318 Sherman Day, b. July 12, 1894. at Bloomington. 5319 Elizabeth Ann, b. Aug. 9. 1896. at Bloomington. 5320 Harriet Jane, b. Jan. 5, 1898, at Bloomington. 4539 George Eddy Newcomb (Mary Eddy,* Harriette,'' Thomas, 8 Thomas,' Roger, ^ John,^ Samuel," Thomas*), son of George Whitefield and Marv Eliza (Eddv) Newcomb of Chi- cago,' 111., b. Feb. 16, 1864', at Chicago': m. April 19, 1893, Blanche Pattison, daughter of James L. and Florence M. (Fanner) Pattison of Chicago, b. July 31, 1870, at Chicago. He took his A. B. degree at the University of Chicago, 1886, B. L. at Union College of Law 1888, A. M., Northwestern University, 1890. He is a lawyer in Chicago. CHILDREN, NEWCOMB. 5321 Genevieve, b. June 7. 1894, at Chicago, d. May 21, 1895. 5322 Florence, b. Nov. 27, 1898, at Chicago. 4541 Helen Maria Newcomb (Mary Eddy,* Harriette,'' Thomas.'' Thomas.^ Roger.* John.'' Samuel.- Thomas*), daugh- ter of George Whitefield and Alary Eliza (Eddy) Newcomb, 470 The Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker of Chicago 111., b. March 22, 1870, at Chicago: m. March 31, 1896; Ulysses Grant Couffer of Columbus, Ohio. He is chief clerk in the General Freight Department of the Pennsylvania Lines of Columbus. CHILD, COUDER. 5323 Ulysses Grant, Jr., b. Dec. 1, 1898, at Columbus. 4545 Thomas Hooker Eddy (Azariah Eddy,* Harriette,^ Thomas,^ Thomas,^ Roger,* John,' Samuel," Thomas'), son of Azariah and Harriette Maria Mills (Hooker) Eddy b. Oct. 30, 1869; m. 1903, Ethel May Cameron. They live in Chicago, 111. CHILD, EDDY. 5324 Thomas Hooker, b. July 2, 1904. 4549 Abbie Fuller (Harriet Stanley,* Abigail^ Thomas," Thomas,^ Roger,* John,' Samuel,^ ThomasM, daughter of Er- skine Asa and Harriet Maria (Stanley) Fuller of Clintonville, Ohio, b. May 14, 1860, at Clintonville, Ohio; m. June 17, 1895, Henry Maximilian Melchers, son of Henry and Julia (Le Maire) Melchers, of Saginaw, Mich. He is a lumber dealer. CHILDREN, MELCHERS. Two daughters who died within an hour of their birth. 4550 Mary Fuller (Harriet Stanley,* Abigail,^ Thomas," Thomas,^ Roger,* John,' Samuel, ^ Thomas'), daughter of Er- skine Asa and Harriet Maria (Stanley) Fuller of Clintonville, Ohio, b., Nov. 26, 1861, at Clintonville; m. July 8, 1886, Gray- son Haven Osborne, son of William H. and Ellen Augusta Haven (Sheafe) Osborne of Salem, Mass., b. Oct. 14, 1856, at St. Louis, Mo. She died March 2, 1893, at Columbus, Ohio. CHILD, Oi^BORNE. 5325 Helen Harriet, b. March 8. 1888, at Columbus, O. 4551 Katharine Stanley Fuller (Harriet Stanley,* Abigail,^ Thomas," Thomas,'' Roger,* John.' Samuel,- Thomas'), daugh- ter of Erskine Asa and Henrietta Maria (Stanley) Fuller of Ninth Generation '+71 Clintonville, Ohio, b. Feb. 4, 1870, at Clintonville ; m. June 17, 1896, Earl C. Peters. CHILDREN, PETERS. 5326 Dorothy A„ b. July 19, 1897. 4553 Henry Stanley Abbott (Mary Stanley,* Abigail," Thomas,*^ Thonias,^ Roger,* John,^ Samuel,- Thomas\), son of Henry Ives and Mary Eliza (Stanley) Abbott of Columbus, Ohio, b. Aug. 3, 1861, at Columbus, Ohio; m. Nov. 5, 1885, Anna Katharine Smith, daughter of Stiles Curtis and Catherine (Gleason) Smith of Cleveland, Ohio, b. Dec. 12, 1861, at Cleve- land. He was a manufacturer of agricultural implements at Columbus. He died Jan. 8, 1895, at Columbus. CHILDREN, ABBOTT. 5327 Catherine Smith, b. Dec. 18, 1886, at Columbus. 5328 Mary Stanley, b. July 12. 1888, at Cleveland, O. 5329 James Samuel, b. July 14, 1894, at Columbus. 4571 Julia Thursie Seeley (Elizabeth Sherwood,* Julia,'^ Thomas,** Thomas,' Roger.'* John,''' Samuel,- Thomas'), daugh- ter of Edward and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Seeley of Plattsville, Conn., b. Nov. 19, 1868, at Plattsville; m. Nov. 9, 1887, George A. Sturges. He is a fancy farmer and stock raiser at Weston, Conn. CHILD, STURGES. 5330 Marguerite Hooker, b. Mar. 9, 1893, at Weston. 4622 Katherine Livingston (Catherine Hamersley,* Cath- arine,' James," James,' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Samuel, ^ Thom- as'), daughter of John Henry and Catharine (Hamersley) Livingston of Clermont, N. Y., b. at New York City ; m. June 2, 1900, Lawrence Timpson. He is a lawyer, also Captain on Col. Emmets Staff, 1st Reg. N. Y. They live at Barrytown, N. Y. CHILDREN, TIMPSON. 5332 Katherine Livingston, b. Feb. 19, 1903, at Barrytown, N. Y. 5332 Katherine Livingston, bl Feb. 19, 1903, at Barrytown, N. Y. APPENDIX APPENDIX (From page 111) 1268b Ann Hooker (Gilbert^ Hezekiahs Hezekiah,* John^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Gilbert and Rebecca (An- drews) Hooker of Stillwater, N. Y. b. Feb. 19, 1804 at Still- water, m. Oct. 2, 1823. Joseph Consfdon, son of John and Ta- batha (Place) Congdon, of Freedom, N. Y. b. Sept. 10, 1803. He died Feb. 16, 1872, at Elmira, N. Y. She d. Dec. 17, 1834, at Freedom, N. Y. CHILDREN, CONGDON. *1 James Hooker, b. Sept. 19, 1824; d. May 2S, 1865. 2 John, b. Aug. 26. 1826; d. Sept. 23, 1826. *3 George, b. July 19, 1827 ; d. Dec. 23, 1&S3. *4 Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1829. 5 Elizabeth, b. April 8, 1832; d. May 6, 1835. 6 Joseph, b. .\pril 17, 1834; d. May 14, 1848. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH AND ANN (HOOKER) CONGDON. 1 James Hooker Congdon b. Sept. 19, 1824, at Junius, N. Y., m. Feb. 9, 18.S2. Jane Augusta Wagner, daughter of Joseph and Minerva (Riggs) Wagner, of Fort Plain, N. Y., b. Dec. 29, 1829. Thev lived at Troy and at Fort Plain, N. Y. He d. May 25, 1865', at Fort Plain. She d. July 4, 1907, at Johns- town, N. Y. CHILDREN, CONGDON. Charles Wagner, b. May 24, 1854. Jennie Kellog, b. Dec. 26, 1858. Mary, b. Dec. 17, 1862. 3 George Congdon b. July 19, 1827, at Freedom, N. Y. m. July 18, 1849. Lucy B. Fields b. Feb. 14, 1825, at Lakemont, N. Y. He d. Dec. 23, 1883, at Elmira, N. Y. She d. Sept. 20, 1908, at Glenora, N. Y. CHILDREN, CONGDON. Eddv. b. Nov. 11, 1855; d. July 10, 1872. Anna, b. Oct. 16, 1860. Joseph, b. Aug. 20, 1862; d. Nov. 14, 1892, Jennie Belle, b. July 1, 1869. 475 476 APPENDIX 4 Mary Congdon b. Dec. 31, 1829, at Freedom, N. Y. m Dec. 5, 1848. John Cundy Miller, son of Cornelius and Mary (Hart) Miller, b. Nov. 10, 1829, at Amsterdam, N. Y. He d. June 10, 1891, at New York City. CHILDREN, MII-LER. James Congdon, b. Sept. 10, 1851 at Clyde, N. Y. George Congdon, b. Jan. 6, 1865 at Buffalo, N. Y. (From page 189) 2268 Elizabeth Hannah Hooker (Phineas,^ Martin,* An- drew.* Samuel,* Samuel,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), daughter of Phineas and Lydia Whoi Hooker, of Port Jackson, N. Y. b. March 19, 1829, at Port Jackson, m. Sept. 5, 1862 at Sacra- mento, Cal. George Nox McCain. CHILDREN, MCCAIN. Jean Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1863 at Sacramento, Cal. ; m. April 26, 1883, at Plattsbiirg, N. Y., William Mooers. CHILDREN, MOOERS. Benjamin Nox, b. Jan. 27, 1884. John Hooker, b. Oct. 9, 1886. Stephen Boynton, b. Dec. 28, 1887. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1893. (From page 263) 3175 Sarah Julia Hooker (Morgan,'' Lewis,® Joseph,^ Jo- seph,* John,» Samuel,^ Thomas'), daughter of Morgan Lewis and Sarah (Crosby) Hooker, b. Feb. 10, 1847, at Cleveland, Ohio, m. July 19, 1870, Finlay McKercher, son of Daniel and Florence (McCandlish) McKercher of Portland, Oregon, b. March 21, 1847, at Flint, Mich. She d. July 17, 1894 at Portland, Oregon. CHILDREN, MC KERCHER. Hattie Florence, b. May 28, 1871 at Vermilion, S. Dakota; d. July 14, 1898. Emma Lucile, b. Jan. 25, 1875 at Chicago, 111. ; d. Aug. 1, 1907. Ethel Crosby, b. March 14, 1877 at Chicago, 111. Jean, b. March 27, 1881 at Chicago, 111. Paul Riggs, b. Feb. 10, 1887 at Minneapolis, Minn. INDEX INDEX PART I. Descendants of Rev. Thomas Hooker. Abbott, Catherine Smith, 471. Henry Stanley, 391, 471. James Samuel, 471. Mary Stanley, 471. Acheson, Eliza Whitman (God- dard), 268, 393. Harry Webst r, 269. John McClure, 269. Julia (Alvord), 268, 393. Martha Hooker, 268. Mortimer Hooker, 269. Thomas Hooker, 268. Ainsworth, .Aurora Jane, 325. Edward Newell, 325. Eva Viola, 325. Harriet Steele, 325. Mary Lovira, 325. Sarah Elizabeth, 325. .■\lvord, Elijah Smead, 393. Allis, Chloe, 95. Hannah, 95. Henrietta L., 344. Pierce. 95. Rachel, 95. Rebecca, 95. Sarah, 95. Andrews, Alden. 275. Anna (Stinson), 303. Arthur, 303, 426. Ava, 426. Charles Samuel, 158. 275. Clarence, 449. Elizabeth Alden, 275. Elizabeth Cowles (Ortez), 158. Ellen Amelia, 158. Etlian Allen, 275. Frank, 303. Frank Hoover, 275. Frederick, 303. Grace (Sims), 158. Horace. 158, 275. Isaac Cowles, 158. John, 275. Julia Hooker (Wilson), 158. Levi, 158. Lucv Ann (Sims), (McKin- leV), 158, 274. Marj- (Rilev), 158. Marv E.. 449. Robert Wells, 275. .\ndrew5, Thomas Hooker, 275. Timothv, 143. William, 449. William Henry, 275. .■\ngevine, Susannah Sarah (Es- quirol), 167. .\shmnn, George, 123. John Hooker, 123. Lewis, 123. Lucy Hooker, 123. Sophia W., 123. .\tkins, Emily, 248. .\twood, Ellen Hooker, 345. Frances Eliza, 345. George Boardman, 449. George Woodward, 345, 448. Marv Elizabeth (Graham), 234, 376. Mary Jane, 345. Wells Hooker, 234. W'illiam Hooker, 234. B Bacon, Mvron, 323. Bagley, John, 120, 218. John Judson, 218. Bailey, Elisha, 166. Eliza (Quimby), 166. Jacob, 166. Jennie, 282. John William, 166. Judson. 282. Leonard, 166. Minnie (Jewett), 282. Nathaniel, 166. Peter. 166. Baker, Emma (Williams), 302, 425. Henrv, 302. Webster, 302. Baldwin. .Albert Henry, 375. Berve Ra\Tnond, 468. ChaVles Hooker, 375, 468. Edna Hooker. 422. Jennet Eliza, 375. Barnes, Jav S.. 432. R. Lisle, 432. Barrett, Clvde Eastman. 383. Fred L., 432. Harrv, 432. 479 480 INDEX Barrett, Lelia Belle (Lilly), 383. Sarah Jane (Randolph), 383. Willis Scollay, 383. Bartlett, Annie (Ruggles), 40, 72. Edward Ashmun, 460. Emilv Hooker (Warner), 460. Henry, 163. Hooker, 40, 73, 163. Hubbard, 163. James, 164. John, 73, 163. John Hart, 163. Nathaniel, 73. Ruth (Bishop). 73, 163. Samuel, 73, 163. Sarah (Elliott), 73, 164. Svbil, 40. William. 73, 163. 164. Bassett. .'\lbert Lewis, 419. Catherine Juliette, 419. David Hnbbell. 419. Edward Hooker, 419. Erwin Clifford. 419. Eugene Frederick. 419. Harriet Elizabeth. 419. Henry Baldwin. 419. John Ernest. 419. Joseph Middlebrook. 419. Martin Bull. 153. Mary Clementine, 419. Philo Lewis, 419. William Hubbell, 419. Ba.xter, Chauncev Buel, 438. Edward Hooker, 324, 438. Helen Louise. 438. Nelson Edward. 438. Nelson Luther, 324. Sarah Louise, 324. Beach, Aaron, 241. .\lice Stoughton. 451. Anna, 241. .^nna Smith (Jessup), 241. Beulah Addie. 451. Caroline Amelia, 241. Edward Payson. 241. Helen Louise. 451. Henry Nathaniel. 241. James Richards. 241. John Newton. 241. Margaret E., 241. Sarah Maria (Grant), 241. Beavers, Eliza .Anderson (Ray- mond), 335, 444. Bell. Ellen Catherine. 434. Henry Hooker. 434. Benjamin, Beatrice Marguerite, 398. Frank Marcus, 281, 397. Frederick Herbert, 281, 397. Hattie Frances (Chappell), 281. Helen (Loveridge). 281. 397. Homer Hooker, 398. Benjamin, Julia Hooker, 281. Lisbeth Ina. 398. Lucy Dell. 281. Mary Louise, 281. Milton Dallas, 398. Nellie Dell, 281. Ruth .\very, 397. Bidwell, Emily (Atkins), 143, 248. Henrv Langdon, 143, 249. Henry Stanley, 249. James, 143. Julia (White), 143, 249. Julia .Augusta (Loomis), 249. Bingham, Abel, 188, 309. Amy, 310. Angle (Homer), 310. .Arthur Garfield. 429. Augusta. 309. Cassie, 310. Daniel, 188. Edward Augustus, 429. Eliza Ann (Scofield), 309. Frances Ann (Spaulding), 309. Henrv, 188. 309. Ira. 188, 308. Ira Augustus. 309, 429. Ira DeWitt, 309. Ira Wilcox. 429. Lena Maud. 310. Lewis, Jay, 429. Lydia. 309. Margaret Augusta, 309. Martin Amos, 309. Mary. 309. Mary Elizabeth (Saunders), 309. Minnie. 309. Minnie J.. 310. Rachel. 188. Rachel Almira, 309. Samuel. 188. 309. Samuel Judson. 309. Sarah Almira. 309. Sarah Maria (Wilson). 309, 429. Seth, 188. 309. Seth H.. 309. Spencer. 309. William, 309. INDEX 481 Birchard, Delia (Randall). 405. Mary (Northrup), 405. Lvdia (Collins), 405. Bird, .\nna A. (Putnam), 345, 447. Charles Lester, 448. Charles Lester Hooker, 345, 448. Clarence Miller, 448. Hannah Irene. 345. Helen Irene, 448. Henry Norman, 212. 345. Henrietta (Tudor), 345, 447. Ira, 212, 345. Irene, 345. James Hooker, 445. Nellie (Hipp), 345, 448. Norman, 345. Bishop, Beriah, 163. Elizabeth. 163. Emma Rislev, 198. Henry Walker, 163. Hooker, 163. Lucy, 163. Nathaniel, 163. Bissell, Edward Hooker, 283. Frances, 283. George Perkins, 283. Helen Wolcott, 283. Josiah Hooker, 282. Philip Tavlor, 399. Willard Parker, 283, 399. Blanchard, Charles White. 222. Marv Adeline (Gates), 222. 363. Maria Hooker (Tavlor), 222. 363. Sarah Worthington (Pearson), 222, 362. Blatchlev, Gilbert, 181. Lvdia (Hale), 181. William, 181. Bliss, Anna Sophia, 444. Charles Newton, 336, 444. Charlotte, 444. George. 444. George W., 336. Henry Sutton, 336. Henry Washington, 435. Susan (Soper). 444. Bloss, :Mary Glen. 400. Bly, Benjamin Franklin, 236. Edwin Percival, 236. Hiram G.. 236. Louisa (Bentley), 236. Norman. 236. William Hart, 236. 31 Bodwell, Charles, 407. Henrietta Maxrella (Pen- field), 407. Boutwell, James Mead, 257. Levi Frederick, 257. Bowman. Clara Lee, 355. Bovden, Alice, 366. ' Ida Louisa (Day), 366, 458. Jamie Everett, 366. Boydstun, John Alerwin, 379. Brace, Abigail, 93. Abigail (Colgrove), 177. Abigail Hooker (Pelton), 93, 177. Ann Eliza (Porter), 295. Asenath, 295. Betsey (Bugley), 93. Caroline (Fo.x), 295. Charles, 295. Charlotte Sophia (.A.rnold), 296. Cornelia Eliza (Steele), 300. Droell, 295. Ebenezer Belden, 177, 295. Edmund, 93. Edward Hooker, 93. Eliza Ann (Deming), 177, 296. Elizabeth. 93. Ella Jane (Stamp), 300. Ellen Ann, 300. Ellen .\nn (Foster), (Nellis), 300. Emeline Maria (Easton), 178, 301. Emma Alice, 296. Ethelbert K., 295. Fanny, 178. Fanny (Sweetland). 178. Fidelia (Elmer). 178. 300. Flaw W. (Driggs), 295. Frederick, 177. 297. Frederick Belden, 297. Harvev, 177. Helen Maria (Stanley), 296. Henrietta (Deming),' 177,297. Henry, 93. Henrv Manning, 300. Hezekiah Hooker, 178, 300. James K.. 295. John Henry, 296. Johnson, 93. Jonathan, 93. Joseph Ensign, 296. Juliette Maria (Kendall), 300. Lory, 93, 176. 482 INDEX Brace, Lucinda, 177. Liicinda Belden (Day), 177. Lucy, 178. Lucy Mahala (Bevans), 178. Lucy Maria (Ellsworth), 297. Mahala, 178, Manning, 93, 177. Manoah, 93. Mercy E., 295. Mercy Webster (Stanley), 177, 296. Orelia. 295. Orin, 93. Orrin, 295. Robert E., 295. Rowena (Gains), 295. Susannah, 93. Thomas, 93, 177, 296. Thomas Deming, 296. Vina, 93. Walter Lewis, 297. William Hezekiah, 300. William Webster, 178, 300. Bradley, .Arthur Clark, 466. Bessie Lee, 466. Birdsell, 316. Charles Walter, 466. Chauncey, S3. Esther Stiles, 53. Frank Stanley, 374. Frederic Lines, 373. George, 316. George Cornwall, 373, 466. George Rowland, 466. Hamlin, 53. Ira .Amelia (Leonard), 317. Leverett, S3. Lucy Maria, 461. Mary Eliza (Rowland), 373, 465. Mary Elizabeth, 466. Minnie, 316. Oliver Bridgeman, 461. Theodore, 316. William Henry, 317. William Hooker, 373. 465. William Whitlock, 466. Bridgeman. Louisa, 460. Brockett, Chauncey, 84. Giles, 85. Hannah, 84. Hezekiah, 84. Jesse, 85. Lydia, 85. Lvman. 84. Lucv, 84. Mafv, 85. Brockett, Peter, 84. Richard, 85. Timothy, 84. Brockway, Edwin H., 435. Brookings, Albert Hooker, 423. Annie Louise, 423. Arthur, 423. Brooks, Benjamin, 284. Gaylord, 284. Hannah, 284. Henrv, 284. Martha (Booth), 284. Mary, 284. Sarah Elizabeth, 284. Brown, Edith Hooker, 362. Maud Hooker (.Mazeine), 468. Minnie Isabel, 362. Robert Turnbull, 362. Brvan, Joseph, 29. Bulkley, Alice Talcott, 389. Frank, 389. Bull, Catherine, 68. Sophia (Bassett). 68, 153. Burbank, Ernest Marvin, 343. Henry Lester, 343. Julia Rebecca, 343. Burnett, Helen Marjorie, 455. Burr, Aaron, 87. Caroline Sherwood, 267. Edmund, 267. Elizabeth (Callahan), 267, 392. Eugene, 392. Henry Shelton. 267, 391. John Hooker, 267. Minnie, 392. Sarah (Reeve), 87. Sarah Jane (Jewett), 267,392. Shelton, C, 392. Burrill, Charles Herkimer, 402. Emma Carrie (Hare), 402. Frank Herbert, 402. Gaylord Griswold, 285. Georgianna, 402. Horace Hooker, 285. Horace Perry, 402. Jacob Griswold, 285, 402. Mary Elizabeth. 402. William Griswold, 402. Burroughs, Frank Nettleton. 433. Louis Hiram, 433. Burwell, John, 16. 29, 30. Susannah (Fowler), 16, 29. Cadwel!. .^aron Decius Hooker, 174. 288. Almira (Ransom), 288, 409. INDEX 483 Cadwell. Betsey._288. Candace. 287. Catherine. 174. Clara Gertrude, 406. Darius, 287, 406. Delia (Carter), 175. Eliza, 288. Eliza Ann (Hutchins). Pal- mer). 288, 410. Emily (Wade). 287, 405. Ferdinand, 175. Florence Isabel, 406. Frank Watrous, 406. Hezekiah. 175. James, 287. James Putnam, 406. James Roger. 406. Jonathan. 287. Julia, 287. Julia Ann (Spalding), 288, 409. Leander Hutchins, 289. Lizzie Blanche, 411. Lucv, 174. Lucv Ann (Riker). 288, 410. Maria Cole (Storrs). 288. 408. Martha Allen. 289. Mary (Case), 287, 405. Mary Hooker (Hatch), 289, 411. Melinda (Birchard), 287, 405. Pollv (Plum), (Munsell), 174, 288. Rhoda, 287. Roger Starr, 287, 406. Sarah Louise (Nichols), 289, 410. Thomas, 174. William Diah, 289, 411. William Henrv, 411. William White, 288. Wyllvs Hutchins, 289. Wyllys Jay, 174, 288. Calhoun, Asahel, 115. David, 115. Emily. 115. Eunice, 115. George, 115. Marv .\nn, 115. Olive (Wheeler), 115. Philo, 115. Callahan. Eliza Hooker, 392. Sarah Burr, 392. Calligan, Frank, 449. Camp, Fanny Cowles (Starr), 238. John Deminsr, 238. Joseph Walter, 239. Samuel Kellogg, 238. Camp, Susan Ann, 239. Susan .\nn (Whittlesey), 239. Capron, Annie Hooker, 372. Henrv Hooker, 372. Laura Elizabeth (Keith), 372, 465. Carlson, Edith Strong (Man- ville), 395. Car\'er. Charles, 402. Case, Angeline, 406. Bolivar, 406. Charles, 311, 431. Edward. 406. Elizabeth (Daniels), 293. Ella, 431. Ellen (Clay), 311. 431. Emma (Thomas), 311. Erastus, 293. 311. Frank. 293, 311. Georgianna (Cornell), 293. Julia. 406. Lottie, 431. Lucia, 406. Margaret (Butler), 293. Martha. 406. Marv- (Edwards), 406. Salmon, 406. Timothv Wells, 406. Will, 431. Cashman, Charlotte Elizabeth (.^1- lis), 211, 344. Chamberlain, Annie Lizzie (Cun- ningham), 425. Benjamin Wallace, 425. Carey Judson. 344. Carrie Ella. 425. Emily Frances (Collins), 425. Frances .A.nn. 344. George Dane, 425. Harrv Rogers, 344. Chapin, (Tharles E^, 271. Elizabeth N.. 271. Frederick Newell. 271. Joseph Hawlev, 271. Martha B., 271. Chapman, .\nson Hooker, 369. Caroline Sophronia. 376. Edward Hooker, 393. Emma Mary, 376. Henry .Augustus. 376. Junia Maria. 369. Maryett (Kingsley). 369,462. Chase, John Winder. 394. Chittenden. Cornelia Fitch, 115, 209. Jane Swan (Hart), 115, 209. Joseph, lis. Judson Hooker, 115. 4S4 INDEX Chittenden, Mary Ann, 115. Olive, US. William Benjamin, 115. Churchin, Charles E., 436. Harold H., 436. John W., 436. Claflin, Edward Enos, 453. Elsie Grace, 453. Gilbert Montague. 453. Harrv Edwards, 453. Mabel Faith, 453. Marguerite Esther, 453. Paul, 453. Clark, .A.nson Hooker, 351, 452. Calvin Montague, 351, 452. Charlotte Rowe, 452. Cornelius Edwards. 351, 452. Edward Greene, 452. Edward Huntington, 351, 451. Elizabeth Kendall, 452. Harold Hooker, 439. _ Katherine Hooker, 452. Margaret Edwards, 452. Mary Edwards, 351. Mary Huntington, 452. Ruth Huntington, 452. William Hooker, 370. Clarke, Dorothy Katherine, 380. Edward Hooker, 243. Ella Bancroft, (Grier), 243, 379 Ellen Strong, 139. Herbert Burns, 243, 397. Isabel Hooker, 243. Jane Rebecca, 139. Lucv Abigail (Hopper), 139, 244. IMary Ann (Smith). 139, 243. Xancy Hooker, 139. Robert Strong, 243, 380. Samuel Mortimer, 243, 379. Samuel Strong, 139, 243. Sarah Louisa (Hopper), 139, 244. William Hartlev, 379. Clay, Addie J., 431. Cochrane, Ned, 385. Coe, Emilv Amelia, 184. Emily Rebecca (I'ield), 184. Horace Nelson, 184. Mary Ann (Dowd), 184. Samuel Norton, 184. Coit, Ann, 53. Daniel, 35, 53. Elizabeth (Bocaje), 53. Esther, 35. Esther (Clapp), 53. Leonidas. 53. Mehitabel. 35, 53. Coit, Sarah (LiUibridge), (Black), 53. Sarah (Mumford), 35. William, 35, 53. Colby, Alice Edwards, 454. John Noyes, 454. Julia Cornelius, 454. Marv Gardner (Henderson), 454. Cole, Lucia, 342. Collins, Adelbert Wentworth, 310, 430. Charles Willie, 310, 429. Clara, 430. Everett, 430. Ferdinand Inglehart, 430. Frank Emmett, 310, 429. Har\-ey, 429. Herbert Roscoc, 310. Leo Thew., 429. Lucy Morrow, 430. Sarah Marjorie, 430. Voorhees Chapin, 429. William Wakefield, 429. Congdon, Anna — Appendi.x. Anna — Appendix. Charles Wagner — Appendix. Eddy — Appendix. Elizabeth — Appendi.x. George — .Appendix. James Hooker — Appendix. Jennie Belle — -Appendix. Jennie Kellog — Appendix. John — Appendi.x. Joseph — Appendix. Mary — Appendix. Marv (Miller) — .Appendix. Cook, Betsey (White), 130. William," 130. Cooke, John H., 272. James, 272. Cornelius, Annie Evarts (Colby), 353, 454. Edward Hooker. 215. Elias. 215. Jeremiah Evarts. 215. Mary Hooker. 215. Robert Edwards, 353. Sarah Edwards, 215, 352. Thomas Hooker, 215. Cornwall, George, 230. Henry Hooker. 230. Jane Eliza, 230. Couder, LHysses Grant, 470. Covvles, Abigail (Bishop), 93. Abilgail (Wads worth), 63, 136. Adeline, 331. Adeline (Kelly). 2(M. 329. INDEX 485 Cowles, Adrian, 241. Alfred, 103, 193, 194. Alfred Ezekiel, 194. Amanda, 294. Amanda M. (Parker), 176, 294. Amy (Andrews), 63. Ann Alexis, 441. Ann H., 157. Anna (Dorchester), 51. Arthur, 193. Arthur D., 193. Arthur E., 193. Asaph, 92. Augustus, 137. Austin, 272. Betsey M., 104. Caroline (Richards), 63, 138. Catherine Cooke (Root), 51, 104. Catherine Lucina (Seeley), 158, 274. Charlotte Lucina (Hull), 157, 272. Chauncey Deming, 158, 274. Chloe, 92. Chloe (Gilbert), 92, 176. Clarimond (Williams), 51. Cornelia, 194. Cornelia (Tillotson), 159. Cornelia R., 104. Diadema (Deming), 63, 136. Ebenezer, 93. 176. Ebenezer Mix, 103. Edgar, 193. Edgar Philip, 193. Edward, 159. Edward Elias, 137. Edward Giles Hooker, 104. Edwin W., 104. Egbert, 103, 193. Elias. 63, 137. Elijah. 137, 238. Eliza (Case), 176, 293. Elizabeth, 51, 157. Elizabeth (Cowles), 63, 137. Elizabeth Rachel, 194. Ella Elizabeth (Gibson), 241. Erastus HoUings worth, 176, 294. Erastus Hubbard. 176. 294. Esther R. (Lord), 193. Ezekiel, 51, 103. Florence (Esseltyne), 240. Frances (Nelson), 137. Frederick, 194. Frederick H., 194. F'rederick Woodruff, 103. Cowles, George Deming, 238. Giles, 51. Giles Hooker, 51, 103. Gustavus, 238. Harriet, 137. Harriet (Thompson), 137. Helen, 194. Helen M. (Spaulding), 238. Helen Maria, 194. Henry A,, 238. Henry Booth, 137. Horace, 70. 157, 272. Horatio, 238. Jabez, 51. James, 137, 240. James Andrew Adams, 137. James Lewis, 240. Jane, 238. Jane (Woodruff), 176, 294. Jane Elizabeth (Cummings), 159, 275. Jane L., 194. Jeannie (Pegnes), 294. Jennette (Williams), 158, 273. Job, 92. John, 93. John D., 238. John E., 193. John Edward, 140. Joseph Stephen, 194. Julia, 157. Julia Ann, 238. Julia Ann (Cowles), 238. Julia Norton, 157. Julius, 140. Julius Deming, 238. Laura, 176. Laura (Snell), 294. Lewis D., 104. Louisa, 194. Louisa (Blyth), 240. Louisa Augusta, 238. Louisa Brooks, 212. Lucius, 193. Lucius S., 193. Lucy (Curtis) (Peake), 92. Lucy Hooker, 140. Lucy Hooker (Andrews), 70, 158. Lucy Norton, 157. Lysander, 104. Maria Louisa (Ward), 159. Marietta Steele (Johnnot), 176, 294. Marion Douglass (Wyatt), 241. Martha (Mix), 51, 102. Martha Hooker, 104. 486 INDEX Cowles, Mary (Hardy), 157, 293. Mary (Whiting). 92. Mary Ann, 157. Panelia (Thompson), 51. Rensselaer Rose, 176. Richard, 70, 158, 159, 176, 238, 294. Sally' W. (Austin), 1(». Samuel, 51. Samuel Hooker, 70, 274. Samuel Smith, 157, 272. Sarah Ann, 159. Sarah Bugbee, 92. Solomon, 70. 159. Susan (Sample), 294. Susannah (Deming). 63. 136. Timothy. 70. 157. 159. Walter Curtis. 274. William. 51. 93, 176. 294. William E.. 1(M. William S.. 137. 240. William Thomas. 294. 176. Crego. Alanson James. 335. John Hart. 335. Sally Ann. 335. Crocker. Adeline, 331. Adeline (Kelly), 204, 329. Ann .Alexis, 441. Caroline (Fuller), 204. Caroline (Kimball), 330, 441. Daniel Ferguson, 330. Emma Adeline, 442. Emory Stewart, 442. Fandira, 331. Flavins Morse, 331. Frederic, 441. George Dickinson. 441. George Martin, 330, 441. Harriet. 442. Harry. 442. Hattie Lora. 331. Henry Martin. 441. Herbert Samuel, 331. John W.. 331. John William. 331. Joshua Robert, 441. Katharine, 441. Margaret. 441. Martin. 331. 442. Mary. 441. Mary Louisa. 330. Marv Louisa (Hutchins), 331, 442. Marv Louisa (Williams), 204. Mav, 331. Ronald Martin. 331, 442. Sabin. 443. Samuel, 331, 442. Crocker. Samuel Hooker. 204. 330. Thomas Hooker. 330. Thomas Martin. 204. 331. Cummings. Daisy. 276. Curtis, Cornelia (Deming). 240. Frederick, 240. Harriet. 240. Jennie, 240. Walter, 240. Cutler, Charles Hooker, 328. Edwin Her\'ey, 328. D Daoust. Edward Chellis. 446. Davis. Durrell Crosby. 396. Eveline Hooker, 423. Florence. 464. George Cahill. 435. Kenneth. 464. Madge, 464. Robert Goodhue. 464. Trayton Hooker. 435. William Strong. .396. Day, Alice Hooker, 381. .Mice Louise, 458. Helen. 259. Pauline Boyden. 458. Robert Frederick. 458. William Hooker. 259. Windsor Boyden. 458. Deming. .Abigail (Cowles), 1.36. 238 Alben. 296. Amelia Elizabeth (Kuhn), 296. Anna (Cowles). 136. 237. Betsey (Edwards). 119. Caroline. 239. Caroline (Camp). 136, 238. Catherine. 239. Catherine (Andrews). 192. Chauncev, 239. Elizabeth. 192. Ellen Augusta (Talcott). 297. Eugene Gideon. 297. Fanny (Cowles). 136. Frederick. 239. George Brace. 297. Hobart Watson. 297. James Brace. 296. John. 239. Julius Walter. 296. Katherine (Cowles). 136. Marv Alice (Sholl). 297. Norice. 119. Polly, 119. Samuel. 136. 239. Susan Augusta, 239. INDEX 487 Denis, Augustine, 415. Corene (Martin), 415. Cyrenus, 415. Heman Freeman, 415. James, 415. Josephine, 415. William Henry Harrison, 415. Dev, Anna Gertrude (Codman), 241. Archibald Laidlev, 241. Caroline Richards, (Bell), 241. Charlotte, 241. James Richards, 241. Josephine Elizabeth (Nichols), 241. Julia Norton (French), 241. Dickinson, Cynthia (Smith), 430. Dodge, Charlotte Wright, 400. Eleanor Wolcott, 400. Doolittle, Catherine Hayes, 356. Catherine Hooker (Marsh), 217, 355. Edward Hooker, 259. Elizabeth Irene, 356. Francis M., 259. Helen, 259. James Roland, 217, 356. Mary, 259. Marv Pomeroy, 217. Osca'r, 259. William, 259. Dorr, Catherine (Emerson), 32. Joseph, 32. Mary (Taft), 32. Susannah (Frost), 32. Drake, Adeline Louise (Sims), 210. 343. Augusta Benson, 343. Edward Sims. 343. Elijah, 116, 211. Ervey John, 344. Frances Emma (Bloomington,) 210. Frances Hooker, 116. Fred Ebert, 384. Frederick S., 343 James Benson, 210, 342. John Morris, 211, 344. Margaret Louise, 344. Mary .\nn (Fargo), 210. Marv Hooker (Tillotson), 116. 209. Merle Graley, 344. Reliecca Ann (Marvin), 116, 210. Robert Poore, 343. Samuel Moselev, 116, 210. Sarah Ella (Cook), 384. Drake, Sarah Mandeville (Rogers), 116, 210. Willis Eastman, 384. Drury, Charles Kingsley, 460. George Henry, 460. Mary Hooker, 460. Dudley, Darlington, 94. Dunlap. Ralph. 342. Robert, 342. Durgin, George Walton, 256. Henry Francis, 257. Joel Langdon, 257. Julia Mead (Robinson), 257. Dwight, .\gnes Lucy, 357. Annie Waterman, 358. Caleb Strong, 220. Charles Frederick, 357. Cecil, 87. Clarissa, 220. Edward Cecil, 357. Edward Huntington, 358. Edward Strong, 220, 358. Elizabeth (Woolsey), 87. Emily Cecelia, 358. Erastus, 87. Fidelia (Porter), 87. Frederick Louis, 358. Henry Edwin, 87. Henry Thomas, 357. Henrv Woolsev, 357. John William, '220, 357. Jonathan Edwards, 87. Julia Strong (Lyman), 220, 358. Julia Strong Lyman, 358. Louis Theodore, 358. Marion McGregor, 358. Mary (Hale), 87._ Mary Clarissa, 357. Marv Woolsev (LN-man), 220. Maurice William, 87. Nathaniel, 87. Sarah (Storrs), 87. Sarah Hooker, 220. Sereno Edwards, 87. Sophia Clarissa, 357. Theodore, S7. Timothy, 87, 220, 357. William Cecil. 357. Dykeman, Alice, 467. Calvin, 467. Nellie, 467. Peter A., 467. William J., 467. Eastman, Edward Hooker, 260. Elias Hooker, 147, 260. 4.SS INDEX Eastman. Eliza Ann (Fowler). 147. 260. Elizabeth Reed, 463. Henrv Hooker. 463. I5abei!a Mansneld (Frost). 260 Jane Adelia e Drake), 360, 3»4. John Frederick, Tffy. Joseph Addison, 147, 260. Marv (Peckl, 147. 259. ilarv Sophia (Wight), 260, 384. Paul, 463. Sarah Eliza (Barrett), 260, 3S3. Easton, Morton William, 301. Eaton, .\bieail. 105. Betsey,"" 105. Ebenezer, 105. Hannah, 105. Louisa, 105. Mabel 105. Miles, 105. Solomon, 105. Timothy, 105. Edd?-, -Azariah, 266, 3S9. Caroline, Elizabeth, 266. -= -^.ving, 266, 390. 1 f ier, 390. George Simpson, 390. Harriet Maria, 390. Harriette Maria (Keeler),266. Marr Eliza (N'ewcomb), 266, 389. Richard, 390. Thomas Hooker. 2fr- "^i 470. Edwards, .\nna (Wi'.'. •- Chioe, 42. Daniel, 41. Edward, 88. Elizabeth. 44. Sa Esther (Burr), 44, 86. H - -: PoUock), (Hunt), 44, ..s. Frances (WTiimey), 90. Henr>- .\lired Pierpont, 90. Henrv Waggaman, 90. Horace, 90. Jerusha, 44. Jerusha (ChapLn), 90. ^ ■- --'.rk, 90. .44.^,89.90. :;-.......r. Walters, 90. Luo- (Woodbridge), 44, 87. Mafi-, 90. Marv- (Dwiffht). 44. 87. Marv (Ho%t;, 90. Edwards, Marv Ogden, Sa Man,- (Whiting). 88. Moses Ogden, 90. Phebe (Hooker), (Farrar), 88 Pierpont, 44, 90. Rhoda (Dwight), 88. Richard, 8& Robert Burr, 8a Robert Osden. 88. Sally (Bristol), 90. Samuel. 42. Sarah (Lord), 41, 76. Sarah (Parsons). 44, 85. Sarah (Tylerl. 8a Susan (Johnson). 90. Susannah (Porter), 44. 88. Timothv. 44, 88. Williani, 88. Elliott, Ruth (Law), 164. Julia, 164. Ellen-, Eunice (Hart), //, 16a Ellis.' Ashbel Stiles, 109. Benjamin Hooker, 109. Chn-stie, 109. Ebenezer H., 109. Edward, 109. Hannah f Ellis), 109. Harriet .A, 109. Hylas. 109. Samuel, 109. Elbworth. Frederick, 151. Harriet (Blunt), 151. John Qark, 151. Maria, 151. Martha (Famham), 151. Oliver Wetmore, 151. Sarah (Morey). 151. Sophia ((joss), 151. Elmer, Clinton Brace, 300. Eldridge, B., 300. Julius Porter. 300. Lucius Dwight, 300. Enos. Caroline Hooker. 321. C>-nthea Perlietta, 321. Emma P., 321. Zina Hooker, 321. Evarts, (jeorge, 180. Henry .Austin, 183. Julianna, 180. Julius, 180. Olive. 180. Oliver Wolcort. 183. Roeer Griswold, 183. William Roswell, 183. Everett, .\llen, 188. -Augustus, 188. Crathia, 18a Edward, 18a IXDEX 489 Everett. Hannah, 188. John, 18& Martin, 188. Robv, 188. Famham, Anna Elizabeth (French), 152 Catherine Florella (Smith), 152. Emily (Warner). 152. Eveh-n (Hart), 152. John Strong. 152. Laura, 152. Laura (Bailey), 152. Ferris, Benjamin, 167. Fanny, 167. Jacob, 167. James, 167. Maria (Cummerford), 167. Rebecca (Rice"), 167. WiUiam, 167. Fish. Ann, 298. Brace, 298. Emily Rosalind, 4-40. Hamilton Stu\Tesant, 440. Tanet Mar%-. 440. Julia Kean. 440. Martha, 298. Fitch. Cornelia Chittenden. 309. Eimice Chittenden (Sackett), 209, 5W. Ralph Grosvenor. 340. William Mason, 209, 340. Flowers, Abigail (Whiting), 9Z Benjamin. 92. Chloe, 92. Cornelius, 92. Deliverance, 92. Elisha. 91 John, 92. PhilHs, 92 Reuben, 92. Sarah (Caldwell), 92 175. Violet. 92. F]>-nn. Kitt>-, 447. Forman, Eugene, 308. William^P.. 208. Fowler, .\nn Amelia (Fuller), 308. Dora, 270. Edward Eastman, 385. Edward Kirtland, 308. Emelie Josephine (Brown), 261. Emma Sophia, 385. Florence Eliza, 385. Frances Cornelia, 260. Fowler, Frances Elizabeth, 270. Francis ChurchiU. 385. Frank Gridley. 308. Grace Churchill, 261. Helen Ada, 385. John, 29. Lucilla Maria (McGeel. 308. Margaret (Merwin), 29. Mary EHza (Wadsworthi, 260. Marv Louisa (Dearing). 308. Mary- Maud, 385. Roser Xewell, 270. Sarah (Br^-an), 29. Susannah. 29. Susie. 385. Walter, 270. William Eastman, 385. William Henry, 261, 384. Fox, Frank Mason. 385. Francis. (Tharles Henri-, 306. Hattie (.Seelev), 305. Roger A.. 364. Samuel Talcott, 364. Fredenbure, Ra^inond Tapoine, 445." French. Emma tugenia (Hills), 421. Cieorge Henrv Hooker, 421. Frost. John. 104. Julia. 104. Leverett. 104. Polly, 104. Samuel, 1CV4. William. 104. Fuller, .\bbie (>ielchers), 390,470. Bonaparte. 303. Eunice Josephine (Hopson), 303, 329. Jedediah. 203. Tohn, 329. John Porter, 303. Katharine Stanlev (Peters), 390. 470. Luanda, 203. Mariah Louisa (Terrell), 303, 329. Martha Elizabeth, 390. Martin Hooker. 303, 329. Mar^- (WardV 203. 328. Mar>- Osborne, 390, 470. Samuel Porus, 303. Sarah Elizabeth, 303. Sidnev, 203. Gahr. (Catherine Stoushton. 451. 0.arles Richard, 451. 490 INDEX Gahr, Charlotte Frances, 451. Donald, 451. Lawrence Stoughton. 451. Margaret, 451. Ruth Phelps, 451. Gallaiulet, Ann W., 168. Catherine, 168. Charles, 168. Edgar, 168. Edward, 168. James, 168. Jason, 168. Theodore, 168. Thomas Hopkins, 168. Wallace, 168. William Edgar, 168. Gandy, Charles Nehemiah, 328. P'erdinand Robeling, 328. Lillian Marguerite, 440. Nellie, 328. Ruth Hooker, 440. Theodore Cuvler, 440. William Howell, 328. Gates, Benjamin Franklin, 322. Clarence E., 363. Edith May, 457. Edward R., 363, 457. Eli L., 322. Everett Edward, 457. Francis D., 363. Frederick, 363. Joseph Ludlow, 322. Sarah Ann, 322. Thomas Darwin, 322. William E., 363. Gaylord, Amy Lucrctia, 348. Andrew Stoughton, 346, 450. Charles Edward, 348. Charles Henry, 213, 348. Dillian Henry, 348. Henry Charles, 348. Kate Ansel, 346. Ruth Katharine, 450. Willard Elizur, 213, 348. Gibbs, James Strong, 278. Julian Elisha, 278. William Strong, 278. Gilbert, Andrew James, 293. Ann Langdon, 251. Anne, 176. Bathsheba, 101. Betsey, 176. Candace ( Churchill ), 101. Charles Edwin, 251. Charlotte Ann (Brace). 293. Chloe, 101. Chloe S., 101. Gilbert, David Stage, 101. Ebenezer, 49. Edward Dwight, 293. Elijah, 176. Elisha, 293. Esther (Hubbard), 49, 101. George Langdon, 251. Hooker, 49, 101. Jane Louisa, 293. John B., 293. Lewis Seymour, 293. Lydia, 101. Mary, 49, 101, 176. Mary Tabor (Sackett), 293. Moses, 49. 101. Nathan, 176, 293. Reuben Randolph, 251. Samuel Hooker, 101. Thomas, 49, 100. William Henrv, 293. Gillette, Ashbcll Frank, 245. Edward Hooker, 245. 381. Elizabeth Hooker (Warner), 245. 380. Florence (Nichols), 381. Mary Hooker, 245. Robert Hooker, 245. William Hooker, 246. Goddard, Calvin Hooker, 394. Emily, 337. Goodhue, Anna Eliza, 372. Anna Leona, 464. Donald L., 464. Edmund Rockwood, 464. Elizabeth, 227. Frances, 227. Frances Elizabeth. 464. George Harris, 372, 464. Helen Frances (Davis), 372, 464. John Hooker, 372. Josiah, 227, 372. Josiah H., 464. Katharine D., 464. Lolita, 464. Maude, 464. Ralph Josiah, 372, 464. Robert Shields, ill, 465. Sarah Strong, 227. Thomas Hooker, 227, 371. Goodrich, Abigail (Lee), 50, 101. Mercy (Wells), 50. Thomas, 50. Goodwin, Charles Henrv, 254. Emily Adelia (Tuttl'e), 254. Esther, 446. Frances, 446. INDEX 491 Goodwin, Harley Hooker, 446, Griswold, Sarah Hooker (Brooks), John, 254. 173, 284. Kittie, 446. Gruman, Augustus Cowles, 250. Gordon, Cecelia Kimball, 438. Charles Isaacs, 250. Emeline, 438. Cholwell J., 250. Frederick Hooker, 438. Harriet Lavinia (McLean), George Cooley, 438. 250. Luther, 438. Isabel Langdon, 250. Thomn.s Cullen, 438. Lillie Hooker, 250. Graham, Charles Hooker, 376. Samuel Edwin, 250. Florence Rosella (Brown). Sarah Lynes, 250. 376, 468. William S. Lockwood, 250. Grant, Mary Eastman, 383. Gustine, Sarah (Snowden), 164. Gray, Georgianna, 413. James Burton, 413. H Josephine, 413. Hale, Almira, 226. Gridley, Albert Henry, 308. Hamerslcy, Catherine Livingston, Caroline, 187. 399. Caroline Elizabeth, 307. Catherine Livingston (Living- Caroline King, 379. ston), 282, 399. Catherine, 187. Helen Mary. 282 Charles, 187. Helen Reade (Sticknev), 282. Elizalieth, 187. James Hooker, 282, 399. Emma M., 308. Louis Gordon, 399. Frank, 308. Margaret Rogers, 399. Frederick, 187. Virginia (Field), 282. George Elon. 308. Hardy, Alfred, 273. Giles, 99, 187. Edward Willis, 273. Giles Franklin, 187, 307. Horace Cowles, 273. Harriet, 187. James .Atwood, 273. Harriet Louisa (Fowler), 187, Mary Cowles, 273. 308. William Lyman, 273. Harriet LuciUa (Herriman), Harrington, Caroline Hooker 308. (Doty), 299. Isabel Hooker, 380. Franklin Brace, 299. John Kirtland, 187, 308. Susan Brace, 299. Joseph, 187. William, 299. Katharine Clarke, 379. Warren, 299. Laura Maria, 187. Hart, Abigail, 60. Maria (Stevens), 187. 307. Abigail (Bragg), 127. Mary (Hart), 187, 307. Abigail (Bucklev), 128. Mary Jane, 308. Abigail (Hurlburt), 36, 58. Mary S., 308. Abigail (Moore), 124. Ruth, 187. Almira (Lincoln), (Phelps), Samuel, 187. 62, 133. Samuel Clarke, 380. Amanda, 127. Thomas E.. 187. Ambrose Gustavus, 135. Thomas Hooker, 99, 187. Amelia, 169. Thomas Perkins, 380. Anna, 62, 130, 157, 277. Griswold, Gavlord, 285. Anna (Hollister). 37, 60. Gaylord Hooker, 173, 285. Anna Gilbert, 251. Hannah Hooker. 173. Anna Hooker, 244. Hooker, 173, 285. Ardelia, 130. Mary, 173. Asahel, 37, 61, 129, 131. Mary Elizabeth, 285. Ashel, 37. Nellie Le Vaun (Parker), 285, Azel Langdon, 127. 402. Baldwin, 161. 492 INDEX Hart, Benjamin, 40, 12. 160, 161. Benjamin Hall, 135. Bera, 130. Betsey, 129. Betsey (Bonney), 134. Betsey (Loomis). 160. Boies C, 341. Caroline, 128. Charles, 237, 378. Charles Henry, 237. Charles Langdon, 251. Charlotte (Lee), 61, 131. Cynthia, 129. Cynthia Langdon, 127. Cyprian, 60. 129. Cyrus Wadsworth, 130. Deborah (Candee), 160. Deborah (Fairchild), 71. Ebenezer, 12. Edmund, 134, 237. Edmund Benjamin, 237. Edmund Hall, 135. Edmund Henry, 378. Edmund Matthew, 378. Edward Bonner, 169. Edward Chester. 244. Elias De Ruy, 237. Elisha, 160. Eliza (Trowbridge), 160. Elizabeth, 62. Elizabeth (Parmelee), 72. Elizabeth (Percival), &. 135. Elizabeth (Weston), 132. Elizabeth Ann (Clowes), 135. Ellen A., 277. Emilv, 124. Emma (Willard), 62, 133. Emma (White), 132, Ferdinand Austen, 169, 276. Frederick Austen, 169. Frederick Parker, 340. Freedom, 131. George, 132, 134, 160, 237. Gideon, 60. 127. Hannah, 129. Hannah (Stanley), 37, 59. Hannah Burnham, 135. Harriet (Wilco.x), 132. Henry, 341. Henry Chittenden. 209, 341. Henry Cyprian, 124. Henry F., 169. Henry Parker, 341. Henry William, 135. Herman Visger Chittenden, 209, 341. Hiram, 129. Horatio, 134. Hart, Huldah, 62, 129. Huldah (Porter), 7,1, 61. Ira, 134, 236 . James, 40, 62, 12, 131. James B., 237. James (Griffin), 130. Jane Porter (Dodd), 132. Jennie Chittenden (Standish), 209, 341. Jesse, 62, 131. John, 62, 72, 160. John Ellerv, 169. John Engle, 378. John Hooker, 251. Joseph Austin, 277. Joseph Chittenden. 209, 340. Joseph William. 169. Julia (Fowle), (Davis), 160. Lambert, 128. Laura (Steele), 131. Laura (Washburn), 127. Laura Louise, 340. Leander Sidney, 130. Lois, il . Louisa, 307. Lucinda (Hungerford), 129. Lucius, 128. Lucv Hooker (Griswold), 129. Lucy Hooker (Peck), 124,233. Lucy (Norton), 132. Luthena (Gilliertl, 60. Lydia (Treat), 62, 133. Mabel, 72. 161. Martha M., 307. Martin Van Burcn, 237, 378. Marv, 40, 59, 161. Mary (Brooks), 160. Mary (Dudley), 71. Marv (Lee), 62, 132. Mary (Moody), 129. Mary (Peck), 7,1. 62. Mary (Welles), 7,1. 60. Marv E. (Hopkins), 237. Mary Elizabeth (Allen). 251. Mary Hooker, 244. Matthew, 71, 62, 63, 134, 237, 378. Miriam Josephine, 340. Nancy (Buckley), 128. Nancv (Simmons), 62. Nathaniel, 37, 59, 60. Noadiah, 71. 60, 130. Norman, 60. 127, 128. Oliver, 37, 62, 63. Olivia, 127. Oremas Ira, 237. Percv, 60, 130. Polly, 127. INDEX 493 Hart, Polly Fowler, 160. Rachel, 134. Rebecca, 71, 132. Rebecca (Cook), 61, 130. Rhoda, 129. Richard P., 129. Robert Morris, 244. Robert Wilkinson, 341. Roswell Cook, 129. Ro.xanna (Jagger), 128. Ruth, 37, 72. Ruth (Bly), 134, 236. Ruth (Landon), 160. Ruth (Norton), 233. Ruth, 237. Sackett, 378. Sallv, 134. Sally (Caner), 129. Sally Cowles, 131. Salmon, 60, 127, 128. Samuel, il , 40, 61, 12, 130. Samuel Porter, 132. Samuel S., 160. Sarah, 72. Sarah (Hill), (Adams), (Fowler), 40 Sarah (Marsh). 36, 58. Sarah E. (Dudley), 160. Sarah Strong, 63. Selah, VI, 60. 124. 128, 129. Seth, 60, 63, 128. 129, 135. Seth Percival. 237, 378. Simeon, 251. Sophia C. (Bowditch), 129. Thankful (Bronson), 37. Theodore. 62. Thomas, 40. 71, 72. 159, 160. Thomas Hooker, 244. Truman, 130. Urania Bradlev, 237. Velina, 60, 129. Waller Truman. 249. Walter, 128. William, 128, 129, 160. William Edward. 244. William Ellerv. 277. William Henry, 135. William Hooker, 209, 237. William Winthrop, 161. Winifred Cornell Gale. 341. Hatch, Frederick Willis, 411. Sarah Abba. 411. Hawley. Eliza, 413. Elnora Frances, 413. Seymour Elmore. 413. Hill, Adeline Frances (Bovmian), 216, 355. Hipp, Birdy, 444. Charles Henry, 448. William Bird.' 448. Hitchcock, Orrin Beardsley, 422. Hoadley. Abigail, 231. Frederick, 231. James Hcnrv, 258. Mary Elizabeth, 258. Silas, 258. Hodges, Ada, 342. Edda, 342. Ellen Amelia, 378. Elma Elizabeth (Sherman), 378 Emma Louisa, 378. Helen Fidelia, 378. Jennie, 378. Mahala Caroline, 378. Mary, 342. Mary Filuria, 378. Rosa Bell, 378. Sarah Frances, 378. Winnie, 342. Hollister, Abel, 60. Eva Hooker, 340. Fannie Eugenie, 447. Fannie Hooker, 340. Frederick Hooker, 340, 447. Grace, 340. Helen Hooker, 447. Marv, 447. Mary B., 340. Marv Louise. 447. William Clay, 340. 447. William George, 447. Hooker, Abbie, 263. Abigail, 22. 36, 100, 175. Abigail (Brace), 45. 93. Abigail (Clarke), 64, 139. Abigail (Cowles), 38, 61. Abigail (Doolittle), 146, 259. Abigail (Hart), 22, 36. Abigail (Hoadlev), 124, 231. Abigail (Lord)," 23. Abigail (Pixlev), (Root), 54, 111. Abigail Pantry (Talcott), 69, 154. Abigail Prentice (Blanchard), (Todd), 121, 222. Abigail Talcott (Stanley), 155, 267. Addie J., 430. Adelaide Ferrv. 401. Adelbert Cullen, 324. 437. Adelia (Bailcv), 170, 282. Adeline O., 311. Albert, 403. 494 INDEX Hooker. Albert Carlton. 202. Albert Huntington. 284, 401. Albert Jewett. 462. Albert Riverius, 302. Alexander .^Uin. 77. 78. 170. Alexander Campbell, 403. Alfred. 124. 232, 334. Alfred Ives, 2.32. Alice (Howard), 23. 41. Alice .'\shlev, 325. Alice Beecher (Dav), 246, 381. Alice Elizabeth. 404. Alice Grace, 438. Allen Thompson, 369. Alma (Whiting), 112, 202. Almira, 225. Almira (Bingham). 100, 188. Almira (Hale). 122. 226. Almira .\nn (Nutting), 222, 361. Alvah J., 435. Alvin, 195. Alvy Rossman. 431. Amanda (Pine), 100. 188. Ambolena Jones, 401. Amelia Prentice, 222. Amy (Gaylord), 117, 213. Amy (Caroline, 424. Amy May. 339. Andrew, 33, 49. Andrew Jackson. 302. 424. Andrew Yates, 172. Angelina E., 311. Ann, 78. 114, 193. Ann (Congdon), 111, Appen- dix. Ann (Stanley), 51, 102. Ann (Vincent), 229, 374. Ann Augusta, 423. Ann E.. 430. Ann Eliza, 301. Ann Thompson, 225. Anna, 261. Anna C, 320. Anna (Bird), (Valentine), 116, 212. Anna (Lyon), 54. Anna (Smith), 38. Anna Elizabeth (Wells), 205, 333. Anna Worthington, 461. Anne, 33, 34. Anne Elizabeth (Tufts), 228. Anne (Porter), 56, 118. Annie, 337. Annie Janet, 235. Anson, 58, 122, 226. Hooker, .^nson Carey, 222. Anson Parker, 226. Arthur, 380. Arthur M., 206. .\sa Christv. 11.3. Asahel, 36, '56, 116, 117, 211. Asahel Moselev, 212, 346. Ashbel. 36, 57. ' Ashbel, Carlos, 202, 327. Ashbell, 58. 125. .\ugusta R. (Pike), 360, 456. Aurelia Dwight, 368. Aurelia (Kidder), 199, 323. Aurelia (Rounesville), 196,313. Azel. Ill, 198. Barbara Ferry, 401. Belle (Agncw), 385. Bernard, 437. Bernice .Anderson, 425. Bernie, 447. Bertha, 283. Bessie Augusta, 360. Bessie May. 462. Bessie Robbins, 326. Betsey, 54, 324, Betsey (Bacon), 200, 323. Betsey (Merritt), 113. Betsey (Norton), 123. 229. Betsey (Preston), 112, 200. Betsey Priscilla (Francis), 113, 206^ Brainard, 54, 110. Bryan, 56, 117. Bryan Edward, 118, 216. Bunker Gay, 121, Calista .■\delia. 235. Calista L.. 126. Calyin, 110, 289. Calyin Boston, 424. Caroline, 404, Caroline Christine (Corey), 370, Caroline (Munger), 195, Caroline (Taylor), 283, 400. Caroline (Wells), 91, 174. Caroline (Williams). 117. 213. Caroline (Wood). 301, 424. Caroline Leslie, 404, Carolyn Newton, 377. Carrie Augusta, 314, Cassius Mason, 360, 456. Catherine, 199, Catherine (Skinner), 268, 392. Catherine Fairman, 400, Catherine Leavitt (Acheson), (Miller). 155, 268, Catherine Livingston, 171, INDEX 495 Hooker. Catherine Sarah, 434. Charles. 110, 122, 123, 195, 199, 230, 263, 302, 324, 369, 425, 462. Charles Bliss, 203. Charles Brainerd, 199, 322. Charles Bridge, 286. Charles Clapp. 178, 302. Charles Dennis, 235. Charles Edward, 323, 412. Charles Eggleston, 412. Charles Franklin, 301. Charles Garfield. 352. Charles Gav, 222, 360. Charles George, 284. 400. Charles Hall, 370, 463. Charles Joseph, 148. Charles Levi, 375. Charles Lincoln, 327, 439. Charles M., 171, 283. Charles Noadiah, 138, 243. Charles Osgood. 260, 400, 456. Charles Richard, 231. Charles Strong, 461. Charles Thompson, 226. Charles W.. 206. Charles William, 231. Charles Worcester, 462. Charlotte, 91. Charlotte E., 334. Chauncev, 56, 119. Channcev Monell, 119, 217. Chellis, "114. 207. Chellis Edward, 338. Chellis H.. 338. Chester, 195. 310, 311, 412. Chester Harris. 175. 290. Chesterfield, 112, 201. Chloe (Crosbv), 45. 92. Clara Sophia '(Judd). 337, 446. Clarence Edward, 438. Clarence Russell, 111. Clarissa, 122. Clarissa (Ingersoll), 55. Claud, 449. Cora Jane (Smith), 360. Cornelia, 374. Cornelia A.. 201. Cornelia Alniira, 462. Cornelia (Mann), 286. Cornelia (Parmelee), 147. Cornelius Huntington, 352. Cortez A.. 334. Cortez Allen, 205, 333. Cortez Perrv, 113. Cullen, 199." Culver, 196, 313. Culver E., 314, 434. Hooker, Cynthia .Augusta, 261. Cynthia (Olcott), (Alvord), 39, 71. Cvrus, 203. Daniel, 12, 23. 24, 45, 91, 112, 201. Daniel J., 326. Darwin C, 311. Darwin W., 114, 206. Davenport, 383. David. 55, 112. 113, 201. David Ashlev, 326. David Gould", 200, 323, 437. David Griswold. 201. 325. Deborah Ann (Drake), 55, 116. Delia, 170. Delia (Taylor), 121, 223. Delia Ann (Andrews), 178,303 Delia L. (Pufifer), 360. Delia Maria (Crego), (Sears), 207, 335. DeWitt. 205, 332. DeWitt Everett, 443. DeWitt Spink. 332, 443. Dollv Goodwin (Strong), 78, 169. Donald Russell, Zll . Dorinda B., 114. Drusilla (Baker), 178, 302. Duncan Collins, 463. Earl Drury, 462. Edith, 284. Edith Mary, 325. Edmund Thomas, 268. Edna Grace, 320. Edward, 64, 122, 140. 142, 225 227, 246, 289, 412. Edward Barnard, 339. Edward Beecher. 246, 382. Edward C, 206. Edward (Tlarendon, 326. Edward Denison, 380. Edward Dwight, 226. Edward Eugene. 207, 336. Edward Festus, 461. Edward Foster Mills. 155, 267. Edward Harris, 325. 438 Edward Pavson, 201, 208, 325, 339. Edward Trask, 146 Edward Trumbull, 215, 352 Edward Wales. 369. 461. Edward William, 117, 214, 352 Edward Williams. 217, 355. Edward Wright, 434. Edwin, 327. Edwin R., 361. Effie K. (Dykeman), 374, 467. 496 INDEX Hooker, Egbert Johnson, 326, 438. Elbridge Gerry, 178, 302. Electa (Dickinson), (Ross- man), 310, 430. Electa Wales (Chapman), 225, 369. Electra (Stevens), 110. Elfreda, 326. Eli, 196. 313. Elias, 65. Elias Cornelius, 215, 351. Elihu, 199. Elijah, 36, 57, 58, 124. Elisha, 196. Elisabeth Daggett (Gillette), 141, 245. Ehza, 78, 114. Eliza Ann, 301. Eliza Ann (Lapham), 346, 449. Eliza Ann Maria (Atwood), 212, 345. Eliza Beers, 231. Eliza Lois (Sutton), 207, 325. Eliza Whitman(Burr>, 155, 267. Elizabeth, 110. 262, 268. Elizabeth (Aldrich), 111.- Elizabeth (Fisher), 91. Elizabeth (Gilliert), 33, 49. Elizabeth Hannah, 189— .A.p- pendix. 141, 245. Elizabeth Dwight, 366. Elizabeth Dwiglit (Packard), 121, 224. Elizabeth Elvira (King), 327, 439. Elizabeth Foote. ^03. Elizabeth Gertrude, 412. Elizabeth Mather, 371. Elizabeth Martha (Willard). 286. Elizabeth Norton, 125. Elizabeth Peck, 215. Elizabeth Russell, 377. Elizabeth Ward well, 247. Elizabeth White (Goodhue), 122, 227. Ella Jane (Lawrence). 303. 426 Ella Rachel, 303. Ellen Frances, 203, 217. Ellen Lucretia, 323. Ellen Maria (Brookings), 301, 423. Ellen Rich, 212. Elma Jane Lawrence (Mc- Lean), 289. Elnathan, 39. Elon Huntington, 284, 401. Hooker, Emeline (Mead), (Nettle- ton), 195, 311. Emeline Smith (Houghton), 301, 423. Emerson, R., 346. Emily (Kingsley), 225, 368. Emily, (Ransom), 113. Emilv Elizabeth (Gandy), 203, 328. Emily Griswold, 326. Emily Louise, 401. Emily Marsh (Hunter), 201, 326. Emilv Otis (Tapping), 207, 337. Emilv Tapping (Thomas), 336, 445. Emma, 263, 385. Emma (Saunders). 437. Emma Cordelia (Proctor), 199, 321. Emma Jane (Edgecomb), 178. Emma Kate. 314. Emma Louisa (Brock way), 323, 435. Emma Mayes (Wood), 214. Emma Mehilabel (Fav). 423. Esther (Cowles). 33, 51. Esther (House), 51. Esther (Stiles). 18. 34. Esther Ann, 173, 203. Esther Lucv, 323. Ethel S., 437. Etta, 456. Eugene, 261. Eugene D., 430. Eunice 36. 55. 76, 78, 261. Eimice (Calhoun), 55. 115. Eunice (Ellerv). 42. 11. Eunice (Hubbell), 91, 175. Eunice Elizabeth (Smith), (Wells), 323. Eunice P., 199. Eunice S., (Harmon). 147. Eva Anthea (Drake). 327. Eva Florence, 235. Eveline (Davis). 301, 423. Faith Huntington ( M o n- tagiie), 215, 351. Fannie Annette, 339. Fannie Maud (Flvnn). 388. 446. Fannie Maria (Goodwin), 337, 446. Festus, 225, 369. Flora, 404. Flora Elizabeth (Palmer), 286, 404. INDEX 497 Hooker. Flora Liicinda (Clarke), 327, 439. Florence, 425. Florence Gertrude. 360. Florence Louise, 324. Frances, 171. Frances (Smith), 302, 425. Frances (Whiting), 261. Frances Elizabeth (Hollister), 208, 340. Frances Gates (Churchin), 323, 436. Frances L. (Patterson), 201. Frances Margaret Huntington, 2S4. Francis, 262. Francis Brewster, 286, 403, 404. Francis E., 311. Frank, 290. 324. Frank Arthur, 289, 412. Frank Edgecomb, 424. Frank Gardiner. 301. 423. Frank Henrv. 234. 376. Frank Riplev. 320. Frankie M.. 430. Franklin. 138. 196. 199. 201.320. 326. Franklin Seth. 235. Frederick, 286, 385, 404. Frederick Fessenden, 424. Frederick James, 243. Frederick John, 235. Frederick Nathaniel, 325. Gaborilia, 431. George, 116. 121. 124. 125. 195. 199. 212. 222, 223, 224, 234. 261. 289, 385. 411. George A.. 310. 430. George Annin. 459. George Atwood. 229. 375. George Bliss. 367. George Breck, 366. 458. George Coe. 147. George Frank. 412. George H.. 301. George Haines. 404. George Harris, 290. 412. George J., 123, 229. George Lucius, 332. George Lyman, 352. 453. George Prentice. 222. 360. George Rudd. 208. 339. George Seelev. 286, 403. George Utley. 360. George Van Zandt. 320. George Warner, 404. George Washington, 301, 422. Georgietta, 375. 32 Hooker. Gertrude Ho>t (Brown), 370. Gertrude Lewis. 400. Gilbert. 54. 111. Giles, 18, 33. 49, 100. Grace Fay, 370. Grace Louise (Whitney), 424. Gracie Ann, 412. Hannah (Clark). 91. Hannah (Cornwall). 123. 230. Hannah (Jones). 78, 173. Hannah L., 203. Hannah (Little), 196. 313. Hannah (Norton). 24. 45. Hannah (Smith). 22. Hannah Allin (Yates). 78. 169. Harley. 100. 114. 207. 339. Harley James. 338. Harmon. 196. Harmon Culver, 313. Harold, 380. Harold Louis, 286. 404. Harold Worthington, 462. Harriet, 125, 170, 263. Harriet Breck (Bacon). 367. Harriet Burnham. 403. Harriet Burnham (Carver), 286. 402. Harriet Jane. 303. Harriet Louise. 404. Harriet Luff. 286. Harriet Theodosia (Smith), 126. 236. Harriette Maria Mills (Eddy), 155, 266. Harris, 110. Harrv, 78. Harry Herbert. 424. Harry Mix. 284. Hattie Louise (Edgar). 412. Helen (Kendrick). 170, 281. Helen (Smith). 261. Helen Elizabeth (Enos). 199. 321. Helen Foster. 380. Helen Huntington. 401. Helen M. (.\ndrews). (Da- venport). 346. 449. Helen Marv, 171. Helen Wolcott. 283. Henrietta Edgecomb. 422. Henrietta Judson (Cashman). 116. 211. Henrv, 121, 122, 124, 141, 189, 195; 199, 221. 224. 225, 231. 246, 320, 367, 377. Henry Brown, 122. 227. Henry Burnham, 285. 498 INDEX Hooker, Henry Chester, 369. Henry Clark. 461. Henrv Clav, 207, 222, 336, 360. Henry Cobb, 172. Henrv Collins, 370. Henrv Daggett, 247, 382, 383. Henry Dwight, 459. Henry E.. 412. Henry Edward, 171, 283. Henry James. 376, 468. Henry Keen, 464. Henry S., 311. Henry Samuel, 320. Henry T., 206. Henr\' Thomas, 78, 172. Herbert, 263, 425. Herbert Throop, 370. Hermon P., 113. Hettie (L%tle), 261, 386. Hezekiah 12. 22, 35, 36, 54, 55, 110. 114, 196. Hollis, 223. Horace, 42, 58, 78, 126, 171, 173, 235, 284, 346, 449. Horace Allen, 205. Horace B., 171. 284. Horace Henrv, 232, 376. Horace WiUard, 284, 401. Horatio Nelson, 310, 431. Howard Calhoun, 323, 437. Hugh Thompson. 122, 225. Huldah Ann, 301. Huldah Ann (Walton), 178. Ida Elizabeth. 338. Ida Emma CHelah), 302. Ida M., 361. Ida May (Gordon). 324, 437. Increase Moselev. 55, 114. Ira, 56, 116, 117,' 212, 345. Isabel Kilbourne, 382. Isabella Elvira. 232. Isadore Adelain (Ninis), 337, 446. Isadore Templeton, 324. Isobel (Ernst), 283. James, 12, 22, 36, 42, 54, 55, 64, 77. 78. 112. 138. 170, 196, 199, 202, 261, 283, 312, 385. James Chauncey, 147, 261. James Clinton, 202. James Frederick, 138. James Gordon, 437. James Hart, 208. 338, 339. James Harvey, 111. James Henrv, 170. 320. James Louis^ 173, 286, 404. James M., 206. James Porter, 113, 205. Hooker James Sedgwick, 175, 289. James Wolcott, 171, 283. Jane Abigail (Norton), 235, 377. Jane Eliza (Sherman), 148, 263. Jane Estella, 436. Jane Havens, 230. Jared Ingersoll, 65, 146. Jeanette Huntington, 284. Jeanette (Moore), (Powell), 138, 243. Jennet Louise (Erickson), 375, 468. Jennette (Case), 195, 311. Jennette Phelps (Baldwin), 231, 375. Jennie, 403. Jennie (Knickerbocker), 374, 467. Jennie Mae (Phillips), 462. Jennie May, 360. Jesse, 36, S4, 110, 111. Jesse Pearl, 320. Jessie Belle, 456. Jessie May, 412. Jewell Leonard, 350. Joanna (Shepard), 3, 7. John, 3, 8. 12. 19. 22, 36, 39. 45, 54, 55. 56, 57. 58. 64. 91, 110, 114, 121, 123, 124, 141. 189, 195. 199. 224, 231, 246, 320, 367, 403. John Barber. 262. John Calvin, 374. John Chaffee, 171. John Culbertson. 463. John Daggett, 222, 362. John H., 336. John Haines, 286. John Hart, 55, 114, 207. John Laurens, 232. John Metcalf, 140. John Palmer, 404. John R., 229. 375. John Sims, 320. John Todd. 147, 262. John Worthington. 57, 122. Jonathan. 65. 147. Joseph. 22. 38. 64, 65, 148. 425. Joseph .\lbert, 424. Joseph Edgecomb, 302. 424. Joseph Kilbourne, 382. Joseph M., 361. Josephine (Kirkland), 211.344. Josiah, 36. 55. n4, 121. 224. Josiah Curtis. 55. Judson, 207, 338. INDEX 499 Hooker, Judson Newell, 324. Julia, 263. Julia Day, 146, 259. Julia .\nn, 155. Julia Ann (Hopkins), 122. 228. Julia Ann (Sherwood), (Lou- trell), 155, 268._ Julia Elizabeth, 325. Julia Elma (Stoughton), 116, 212. Julia Wolcott (Bissell), 171, 282. Julia Worthington (Jones), 222, 360. Kate Jeannie. 284. Kenneth Ward, 401. Larenna, 313. Laura (Baldwin), 118. Laura (Everett), 100, 188. Laura (Fuller), 113, 203. Laura (Jones). 206, 334. Laura Ann (Spencer), 201. Laura Belle, 434. Lawrence (Whitney). 362. Lemuel Harrison, 289, 411. Lenora, 232. Leonora, 468. Leonard Hudson. 423. Le Rov Church. 412 Levi, 56, lis, 123, 229. Levi Julius. 119. Lewis, 65. 147. 284. Lillian Katharine (Davis), 314. 435. Lillie Josephine, 247. Llovd Lee. 425. Lofena (Rogers), 243. 379. Lorinda Louisa, 259. Louis Harris. 262. Louis St. Elmo, 386. Louisa, 54, 195. Louisa (Blyth). 377. Louisa (Hamilton). 113. Louisa (Phelps). 110. Louisa (Van Meter). 170. 281. Louisa Merritt (Luff), 286. Louise Wolcott (Dodge), 283, 400. Lucius, 196. 313. Lucina (Cowles), 39, 70. Lucinda Bachelder (Cutler), 203, 328. Lucretia, 124. Lucy, 57, 64. 110. Lucy (.Ashmun"). 57, 122. Lucy Ashmun, 224. Lucv Ashmun (Clark), 225, 370. Hooker Lucv Ashmun (Eastman), 370. 463. Lucv Ashmun (Knight), 369, 462. Lucy (Hart), 58, 124. Lucv (Proctor), 111. Lucv (Tripp). 100, 189. Lucy Case (Morris), 170, 280. Lucy Cowles, 247. Lucy M.. 435. Lucv Maria (Hubbard), 235, Lucv Winchell. 230. Lurena (Mitchell), 117, 214. Lvdia. 34. 51. Lvdia .\nn. 119. Lydia Lewis (Smith), 118, 216. L>Tiian Rav. 453. Mabel, 352. Marcia, 114. Marcus Carlos, 327. Marcus Edwin, 323. Margaret, 24. 401. Margaret (Chapman), 268, 392. Margaret Ann (Bliss), 320, 435. Maria, 229. Maria (Goddard). 207. 337. Maria (Goodspeed), 113. Marion Osgood, 362. Marion Procilla (Roe), 205, 331. Marjorie Svbil, 443. Mark B., 334. Mark Marshall, 371. Marquis de La Favette, 113, 202. Marquis Ra\Tnond. 321. Manha (Cowles), 33. 51. Martha (NewelD, 302. Martha .-^nn. 173. Martha Griswold (Bird), 212. Martha Marietta, 232. Martha Stoddard. 113. Martha Vinal Chickering. 228. ^lartin, 39, 49. 99, 100, 189, 430. Martin Parmelee. 113, 206. :Marv, 23. 42, 121. 127, 142, 146, 172, 224, 262. 286, 430. Marv (Benjamin). 170. 281. Mary (Cadwell). 91. 174. Marv (Chapman). 232. 375. Mar^- (Crocker), 113, 204. Mar\^ (Daoust). 338. 446. Mary (Day). 146. Marv- (Eastman), 65. 147. Marv (Fessenden). (Lake), 55 Mary (Fo.x), 261, 385. 500 INDEX Hooker, Mary (Goodrich'), 36. Mary (Gridley), 49, 99. Mary (Griswold), 78, 172. Mary (Hart), 22, 37, 39. Mary (Maxfield), 385. Mary (Newton), 3, 7. Mary (Peck), 24. Mary (Pierpont), 12, 23. Mary (Smith), 227, 371. Mary (Williams), 57, 120. Mary Agnes, 332. Mary Ann (Chamberlain), 302, 425. Mary Ann (Cornelius), 117, 215. Mary Ann (Potter), 124, 233. Mary Augusta, 366. Mary Beccher (Burton), 246. Mary Burnham, 403. Marv Chaffee (Magoffin), 78, 172. Marv Deming (Phelps), 110, 195. Mary Dwight (Kendall), 367. Marv E. (Rislev), 230. Mary Elizabeth, 290, 301, 447. Mary Eugenia, 235. Mary Glen (Bloss), 283, 399. Mary Tnman, 336. Marv Jane Lewis (Strecken- wald), 208, 339. Mary Teanette (Mann), 202, 327. Mary Lanman (Clark), 215, 351. Marv Lee (Macomber), 100, 189. Mary Lewis, 284. Mary Louisa, 201. Mary Louise (Coit), 205. Marv Lovice, 314. Mary Marshall, 371. Mary Nancy (See), 207, 336. Mary Osborn, 223. Mary Phelps, 230, 231. Mary Riplev, 199. Mary Rosella (Smith), 222. Marv Sophia (Smith), 126, 235. Mary Stuart, 326. Mary Williams (Woodward), 217, 355. Mason, 261. Mav (McQuivev), 327. Meiiitable (Coif), 18, 35. Mehitablc (Edgecomb), 178. Mehitable (Hurlburt), 33, 50. Mehitable (Smith), 22, 40. Hooker, Mercy, 38, 310. Mercv (Goodrich), 33, 49. Mercy (Newell), 39, 68. Minerva, 223. Minerva Sophia (Brown), (Robertson), 222, 361. Minnie Eliza (Ferguson), 339. Minnie Laura, 447. Minnie Minerva (Williams), 206, 334. Miranda, 223. Morgan Eitzhugh, 262, 386. Morgan Lewis, 147, 262. Moselcv, 116. Moss, 147, 261. Myron, 112, 196, 200. Mvron Smith, 200, 324. Myrtle E., 425. Nancv (Cowles), 64. 139. Nancy (Hill), 118, 216. Nancy Champion (Hart), 140, 244. Nathaniel, 12, 22, 23, 42, 76, 78, 91, 174. Nathaiuel Eggleston, 175. 289. Nathaniel Wood, 116, 211. Nellie Clementine, 320. Nelson, 312. Nettie, 243. Newton Carlos, 202. Noadiah, 38, 63. Norman, 100, 125, 188. Norman Albert. 234, 377. Oaklev Edwin, 321. Olive,' 231. Olive (Chittenden), 55, 115, Olive (Rice), 113, 205. Olive Levira (Baxter), 201, 324. Oliver W., 437. Olivia Ann (Wright), 303, 426. Ora Whiteley, 456. Orpha Loretta (Shafer), (Hartley), 201. Osgood, 456. Otis Everett, 303. Parla, 195. Paul, 284. Perlev, 113. Perry, 189. Philomela (Snvder), 112. Phineas, 100, 189. Pollv, 58, 110. Polly (Deming), 56, 119. Polly Wolcott, 119. Rachel (Talmadge), 55, 114. Ralph, 126, 235. INDEX 501 Hooker, Ralph David, 438. Ralph Moreton, 346. Rebecca, 320. Rebecca Ann, 199. Rebecca Elizabeth, 199. Rema Vallette, 439. Rhoda Amanda, 189. Richard, 18, 34, 122, 224, 352, 368. Richard Martin, 469. Riverius, 45, 93, 94, 178, 301. , Robert Breck, 224, 366, 459. Robert Gay, 360. Robert Huntington, 217. Roger, 12, 18, 22, 34, 39, 69. Roland Mather, 355. Rollin, 49. Rosa, 314. Rosabelle Townsend (Lorenz), 247, 382. Rosalie, 355, 403. Roy Zina, 322. Russell Olin, 405. Ruth (Langdon), 38, 64. Ruth (Perkins), 112, 200. Ruth (Strong), (Whitman), 22, 38. Ruth (Whiting). 76, 168. Ruth Ann, 199, 334. Sabrina, 110. S. Arthur, 338. Sally, 146, 195. Sally (Cook), 64. Sally (Stanley), 123, 228. Sally Ann (Havermann), 207. Sally Maria (Shankland), 147, 262. Samantha Odell, 207. Samuel, 3, 10, 12, 18, 33, 50, 51, 55, 58, 113, 125, 140, 178, 207, 245, 301, 403. Samuel Alonzo, 125. Samuel B., 114. Samuel Qiurch, 289. Samuel Filer, 78, 173. Samue! Foote, 403. Samuel Jones, 286, 402. Samuel Lewis, 404. Samuel Lucius, 205, 332. Samuel Martin, 334. Samuel P., 205. Samuel Percy, 332, 443. Samuel Porus, 113, 204. Samuel Talcott, 173, 285. Sanford L., 147, 261. Saphrona (Morse), 207. Sarah, 3, 39, 64. Sarah (Bartlett), 22, 40. Hooker, Sarah (Chamberlain), 24. Sarah (Edwards), 23, 41. Sarah (Flowers), 45, 92. Sarah (Gilbert), 51. Sarah (Hale), 121. Sarah (Hart), (Strong), 22, Sarah (Judson), 36, 56. Sarah (Kettridge), 147. Sarah (Leavitt), 39. 68. Sarah (Martin), 206, 334. Sarah (Mead), 195, 311. Sarah (Rowell), 91. Sarah (Strong), 57, 120. Sarah (Tomblin), 55. Sarah (Warren), 113, 203. Sarah (Wilson), 3, 9. Sarah (Young), 196. Sarah Ann (Pierce), 323, 436. Sarah Ann (Reed), 199, 321. Sarah Augusta (Pi.xley), 205, 333, Sarah Buckingham, 12. Sarah Brown (Capron), 228, 372. Sarah Cornelia (Blaney), 423. Sarah Dwight, 224. Sarah E., 206. Sarah Elizabeth Reeve (Peck), 117, 215. Sarah Frances (Krueger), 352, 454. Sarah Gay, 121. Sarah Gay (Stebbins), 121, 223. Sarah Griswold, 126. Sarah Hall, 464. Sarah Huntington, 215. Sarah Jane (Ainsworth), 201, 325. Sarah Jane (Shaw), 155, 266. Sarah Judd, 226. Sarah Julia (McKercher), 263, Appendi.x. Sarah L. (Livingston), 126. Sarah Lodema (Wood), 147, 262. Sarah S. (Gates), 199, 322. Sarah Strong, 122. Saxa, 58, 125. Seth, 36, 57, 58, 121, 123, 126, 230. Sidney, 173, 286, 404. Solomon Egbert, 201, 326. Sophia (Atwood), 125, 234. Sophia Forman, 207. Sophia Forman (Bliss), 207, 336. 502 INDEX Hooker, Sophia (Forman), 114,208. Stella (Cochrane), 261, 385. Stephen, 117, 214. Stuart (Van Rensselaer), 326. Susan, 352, Susan Elizabeth, 235. Susannah (Cole), 58, 125. Susannah (Flowers), 45, 92. Susannah (Goodrich), (Bai- ley), 24. Susannah (Selleck), 19, 35. Susannah Stephens, 323. Sybil Hale, 464. Svbil (Winchell), 33, 50. Sylvia Bishop (Beavers), 207, 335. Sylvanus, 301. Theodore, 110, 437. Theodore Canfield, 286. Theodore Frederick, 404. Thomas, 3, 12, 18, 33. 45. 49, 55, 57, 91, 112, 122, 127, 171, 172, 224, 245, 284, 368, 380, 382, 405.. Thomas Beecher, 246. Thomas Cullen, 200. 323. Thomas Edwin, 199, 322. Thomas Gould, 112, 199. Thomas Hart, 39, 68, 69, 154. Thomas Harvev, 323, 435. Thomas Mills, '155. Thom:is William, 217. Timothy Edwards, 117. Timothy Judson, 55, 116. Tousley, 437. Truman, 112, 20O Truman Newell, 201, 324. Urania (Hart), 57. Urania (Lewis), 56. 118. Urania Catherine (Doolittle), 119. 217. Urania L. (Calligan), 346, 449. Uriel, 58, 126. Vesta, 301. Vesta Ann, 203. Vesta Ann (Ransom), 112. Viola Adelle Bell, 314, 434. Walter Francis, 424. Walter Hurlburt, 205. Walter Preston, 375. Walton Olnev, 178, 302, 303. Warren, 302, 424. Warren Field, 439. Wealthy, 196. Wesley, 196, 314. Willard F., 303. Hooker, William, 12, 18. 22, 34, 36, 45, 55, 57, 122, 123, 147, 193, 195, 205. 225, 229, 259, 333, 374. William A., 119. William Anson, 462. William Augustus, 370, 463. William Brian, 463. William Chellis, 208, 338. William David, 325. William Edward, 217. William Everett, 333. William Farrar, 91. William Griswold, 64, 140, 245, 380. William Guestner, 214, 350. William H., 200 William Harley, 207, 337. William Henry, 261, 323, 436. William Hopkins, 339. William Riplev. 199. William S., 114. William Seth, 231. William Talcott, 286, 403. William Throop, 225, 370 William Wallace, 289. Willie Corneil, 350 Willie Henry, 301. Worthington, 122, 226, 369, 462 ZcUa, 434. Zina, 111. 199. Hope. Franklin. 312. Hopkins, Cornelia (Bristol), 150. Jason, 76. Jennet (Gallaudet), 76, 168. Martha Vinal, 228. Marv, 75. Mary (Wells), 76. Sarah, 76. Sarah Hooker (Woodbury), 228, 372. Thomas, 76. Hopper, Marion Clarke, 244. Sarah Ellen C, 244. Hopson, Lily E., 329. Horton, Abby (Van Nostrand), 166. Elizabeth (Gardiner), 166. Sarah, 166. Susan Fredericks, 166. William, 166. Hotchkiss, Amos Cornwall, 178. Betsey (Benedict), 178. Horace, 178, Mary Ann (Benton), 184, Sarah Ellen (Leete), 184. Timothy Dwight. 184. INDEX 503 Houghton, Frances Caroline (Hood), 423. Frederick Edwin, 423 . Mary Cornelia (Hopson), (Zoll), (Peters), 423. Howard, Abigail (Seymour), 41. Alice Hopkins, 41, 75. Anna Cora, 421. Eunice (Drake), 41. James, 41. Jerusha, 41. Mary (Adams), (Sutter), 41. Samuel, 41. Sarah (Butler), 41. Susan (Wolcott), 41. Hubbard, Eben, 101. Josia, 101. Ozias, 101. Hubbell, Alanson, 175, 292. Albert Zalmon, 414. Amanda Jane, 293. Arthur, 419. Bertha Eunice, 414. Caroline (Watts), 175. Caroline Matilda (French), 292, 430. Carrie, 420. Catherine (Bassett), 290, 419. Charles Carroll, 293. Charles Henry, 418. 421. Charlotte (Reynolds), 175, 291. David Toucey, 291, 419. Delia Ann, 292. Eddie, 420. Edward, 291, 420. Eliza Virginia (Skaats). 290, 413. Elizabeth, 290. Elizabeth (Gray), 290, 413. Elnora Amelia, 414. Emily Maria (Nichols), 293, 421. Eunice, 175. Eunice (Seeley), 175, 290. Evangeline, 419. Evelina, 421. Fannv Hooker (Baldwin), (Stephens), 293, 422. Frances Salina (Hawley), 290, 413. Frank, 419. Frederick Ernest, 414. Frederick Nelson, 421. George, 290, 413. George Albert, 291, 419. George Francis, 414. George Heman, 418. George L., 414. Hubbell, George Millard, 413. Hattie Louise, 420. Horace, 291, 418. Ira Curtis, 418. Irving Lewis, 414. Isabella, 420. Jennie (Hitchcock), 293, 422. John Watts, 290, 414. Joseph Middlebrook, 175, 291. Josephine, 420. Laura, 414. Laura Arminda, 413. Lindley, 420. Mary .'^nn (Robbins), (Crowe), 175, 292. Mary Louisa (Rogers), 290, 414. Nancv Abigail (Nichols), (Bennett), 175, 291. Nellie, 414. Nelson Frederick, 292, 421. Polly, 175. Sally (French), 175. Sarah Amanda (Rierson), 293, 421. Seymour Landon, 419. Thomas Jay, 292. Vernon Lewis, 414. Victor, 420. William Reilly, 175. 292. Wilmont Hooker, 421. Zalmon, 175, 290. Zulike May, 420. Hull, Albert Moseley, 209. David, 209. Edward Hooker, 273. Henry Talmage, 209. Japhet, 209. Marv M. (Atwater), 209. Richard, 273. Humphrey, Frederick Eugene. 407. Minnie Georgianna, 407. Hunt, Abigail (Smith), 166. Elias, 166. Jacob, 166. John. 166. Sarah (Dean), 166. Thomas, 166. Hunter, Bruce Ernest, 326. Paul Hooker, 326. Hurlburt, Submit (Patterson), 50. Hutchins, James C, 410. I Ingersoll, Jared. 28. Ives, Charles .-\ndrcvv. 346, 450. Elizabeth, 450. Marguerite, 450. 504 INDEX Jewett, Edmund Russell, 392. Henry Stanley, 392. Johnson, Samuel, 81. Johonnot, Edwin Sheldon, 295. Gertrude, 295. Robert. 295. Jones, Caroline D., 334. Charles Armest, 360. David, 334. Elizabeth Hooker, 173. Frederick Hooker, 360. Henry .\bbott, 359. Horace Hooker, 173. Lucy, 334. Judd, Flora, 446. Harvey L., 446. Judson, Noadiah, 56. Ohve (Bagley), 56, 119. William, 56. K Keith. Annie Hooker. 465. James Monroe, 465. Kelly, Arthur, 441. Charles, 441. Elizabeth. 398, Harry. 441. Louise Van Meter, 398. Martin Crocker, 330, 441. William, 441. Kendrick, Jean. 398. Josephine Mary (Hunt), 282. Nathaniel Cooper, 398. Ryland Morris. 282, 398. Ketcham. Abigail Rebecca, 363. Charles Bates, 363, 457. Isaac Henry, 457. Maggie Louisa, 363. William Jagger, 363. Kidder. David, 323. Esther Mehitabel, 323. John, 323. Mary Lizana (Akeley), 323. Sarah Eliza, 323. Kimball, Charles Samuel, 442. King. Bessie .A.melia, 439. Ernest Edward, 439. Ethel Marie, 439. Kingslev, Carrie Elsie (Wells), 461. Charles Hooker, 369, 461. Edward Anson, 463. Edward Munson, 369, 461. Ellen Maria (Bradley), 369, 461. Ellen Munson, 461. Kingsley, Emily Elsie (Bartlett), 369, 460. Julia Ann Rust (Bridgeman), 369, 460. Sarah Henry (Drury), 369, 460. Kirkland, Clara Louise, 344. Henry Burnham, 344. Nathaniel Hooker, 344. Knickerbocker, Asa, 467. Jay, 467. Knight, George Hooker, 462. Krueger, Edward William, 454. Gretchen Elizabeth, 454. Rhoda Edwards, 454. Landon, David, 162. George, 162. John, 162. Jonathan, 162. Nathaniel Ruggles, 162. Rebecca, 162. Samuel, 162. William, 162. Langdon, Abbv, 256. .\bbv Eliza (Hart), 144, 250 Abby Gorham (Vail). 144, 255. Abigail (Scoville), (Babbitt), 65, 144. Abigail Hooker, 65. Abner Post, 250. Alice, 256. Amon, 65, 142. Amon Wadsworth, 142, 247. Ann Smith (Gilbert), 144. 251. Augusta Louisa, 253. Caira, 145, 255. Carrie, 256. Charles, 256. Charles Huntington, 144, 252, 253. Charles Norman, 256. Charles Spalding, 252. Charles Thompson, 253. Clara Patience, 252. Edmund, 65, 145. Edward, 142, 247. Edward Mather. 251. Eliza Tracey (Root), 247. Eliza Wadsworth (Cowles) (Rice), 144. Elizabeth, 256. Elizabeth Otis (Woodruff), 144, 252. Ella, 247. Ellen Frances, 144. INDEX 505 Langdon, Ellen Marca (Porter), 247. Emma, 252. Emilv Eliza (Ross), 255. Flora, 256. Florence Almira, 250. Florence Woodruff (Crane), 253. Francis Tappan, 253. Frank, 256. George, 142, 144, 145, 247, 252, 256. George Curtis, 247. George Persons, 145, 256. Gertrude Younglove, 253. Gilbert Joseph, 250. Grace Huntington, 253. Harriet C. (Hart), 144,249. Henry, 144. Herbert Barstow. 252. James Hooker, 65, 145. James Robbins, 145. Jane Elizabeth (Moulton), 145, 255. Jeanette Hooker (Scott), 145, 255. Joel, 65. 142. Joel Edward. 145. 256. John Barnard, 145. 254, 255. John Sylvester, 145, 256. Joseph,' 144, 251. Joseph Worthington, 252. Kate Adeline, 255. Lucy (Mead), 65, 145. Lucv Wadsworth (Hammond), 247. Mary Ann, 144. Mary Eliza, 145. Mary Elizabeth (Pierce), 252. Mary Louisa, 250. Mary Wheelwright, 253. Nancv (Bidwell), (Andrews), 65, '143. Nancy Lavina (Gruman), 144, 250. Nellie, 256. Nelson Tappan, 253. Reuben, 65, 144. 253. Robert Henrv, 145. Ruth Hooker (Scoville), 65, 146. Samuel, 65, 143. Samuel Oakes, 144. Samuel William. 144. Sarah Hopkins, 247. Sarah Hopkins (Chapman), 142. Sarah Maria (Tucker), 250. Langdon. Susannah (Porter), Tillot- son), 65, 142. Sylvester, 65. Sylvester Gilbert. 144, 250. Thomas Folger, 247. William, 256. William Edward, 145, 256. William Marvin, 253. Lapham, Percy, 449. Latting, Edward, 318. James Sperry, 318. Minnie Elizabeth (Hallock), 318. Lawrence, Bertha Sophia (Black), 426. Leavitt, Amelia (Foote), 68, 154. Chlae, 154. Chloe Maxwell, 154. Clarissa, 154. Elizabeth Hubbard, 154. Hart, 154. Henry Jenkins, 264. John Hooker, 264. Jonathan, 68, 153. 154. Marv Hooker, 154. Roger, 68, 154. Roger Hooker, 154, 263. Sarah Hooker, 154. William Hunt. 264. Lee Abigail (Stanley), 102, 192. Almira (Stanlev). 102, 191. Almira Stanley (Hunt), 191. Angeline (Howard), 191. Betsev (Whaples), 190. Caroline (Phelps), 191. Charles, 190. Chloe (Deming), 102, 192. Cyprian, 132. Electra (Hubbard), 191. George, 131. Harriet, 190. Henrv. 190. Isaac' 102, 190. Isaac Newton, 190. Tohn, 132. "John Rilev, 191. Toshua, 102. josiah, 102. Lorenzo, 102. Lorenzo Porter, 191. Lucv (Norton), 132. Maria C. 190. Marv ( Picket ■), 132. Minerva (Hart), 191. Nancv (Belden), 190. Nancy (Peck), 131. Norman, 131. 506 INDEX Lee, Oren Hart, 131. Philip, 190. Pollv (Shipman), 102, 192. Thirza (Tilton), 191. Thomas, 102, 190. Thomas Goodrich, 191. WiHiam, 132. William Henry, 191. Lewis, Asahel Hooker, 119. Elias Ashley. 119. Little, Culver, 313, 434. Edward Franklin, 434. Harrison, 313. Lovica Ann (Keeney), 313. Mary Cornelius (Colby), 352, 454. Sarah Pierpont, 352. Washington, 313, 433. William Henry Harrison. 434. Lincoln Emma Willard (O'Brien). 134. James Hart, 134. Jane Porter, 134. Livingston Katherine (Timpson), 399. 471. Lockwood. Abigail, 109. Buckingham St. John, 109. Eliphalet, 109. Hooker St. John, 109. Susannah, 109. William, 109. Lord, Daniel, 76. George, 76. Loutrell, Hooker, 268. Loveridge, Clifford Everett, 397. Lyman, 'Ashbel Stiles, 108. Benjamin, 108. Edwin Stiles, 108. Edward Huntington, 358. Elisha Stiles, 108. Fanny, 108. Francis Hinklev, 358. Hannah, 108. Henry, 108. Horace. 108. John Chester, 358. Lewis, 108. William, 108. Lytle, Harry Vorhees, 386. John Horace, 386. Mason Hooker, 386. M Macomber, Almira, 189. Henry T., 189. Judson, 189. Lucy Ann (Collins), 189, 310. Marietta (Wentworth), 189. Magden, Antoinette (Drumm), 269. Charles, 269. Harriet (Sherman), (Schwartz), 269. Harrison, 269. Henry, 269. Jerome, 269. Laura (Snyder), 269. Margaret, 269. Martha, 269. Mary. 269. Phoebe (Quimby), 269. Susanny (Quimby), 269. Magoffin, Catherine Cole, 172. Horace, 172. James, 172. John, 172. Mary Hooker, 172. William, 172. Mann, Caroline P., 440. Elizabeth Marshall, 440. Emily Hooker, 440. Emily Maria (Fish), 328, 440. Francis Norton, 328, 439. Gabelle P., 440. Jessie Melville, 440. Mary Jennette, 440. Manstield, Leverett, 105. Richard, 105. Stiles, 105. Marsh. Abigail, 58. Alexander, 31. Ambrose, 31. Benjamin Howard, 455. Edmund, 31. Ezekiel. 31. Frank Gilbert, 356 . George Hooker, 356, 455. George Wilbur, 455. Hannah, 58. John, 31, 58. Joseph, 58. Katharine Harriet (Reinhold), 356. Mary, 31, 58. Moses, 31. Raymond Densel, 455. Samuel, 31. Sarah. 58. Sarah (H.all). 31. Wilson. 31. Marshall. Abigail. 297. Martin, Calista, 334. Caroline, 334. Elizabeth, 334. Frederick G., 334. George Parmelee, 334. Laura, 334. INDEX 507 Martin, Lucy, 334. Mary, 334. Samuel Hooker. 334. Marvin, Gertrude B., 343. Henderson E., 210. Henry E., 210, 343. Kittie Edith (Burbank), 210, 343. Sarah, 210. Matson, Maria Elizabeth, 359. William Lewis, 359. McCain, Jean Elizabeth — Appendix. McKercher, Emma Lucile, Appen- di.x. Ethel Crosby, Appendix. Hattie Elorence, Appendix. Jean, Appendix. Paul Riggs, Appendix. McKinley, Guy, 274. Julia, 274. William, Andrews, 274. McKinstrv, Melinda (Loop), 149. Nancy (Whiting), 149. McQuillan, Catherine (Nichols), 182. Rosanna (Stannard), 182. Mead, Almond Ainsworth. 146, 257. Aha A. (Barrett), 311, 432. Angeline (Shattuck), 311. Charles Hooker, 312, 433. Clara Langdon, 257. Ella (Beason), 432. Ella C. (Morse), 311. Frank Ripley. 257. George Keith, 257. George Walter, 433. George Wasliington, 312, 433. Gertrude Elvira (Donner), 433 Horatio H., 311, 431. James Hooker, 146, 258. Jenett L. (Barnes), 311, 431. Jennie Langdon (Williams), 258. Joel Langdon, 146, 257. Julia Langdon (Stanhilber), 257. Julia Louisa ( Durein), 146, 256. Julia Robinson, 257. Junette Virginia, 312. Junette Virginia (Jason), 433. Lizzie, 257. Louisa Hooker (Orr), (War- ren), 312, 432. Lucius Sylvester, 146. Lucy, 257. Lucy Elizabeth (Boutwell), 146, 257. Mabel Jastman, 257. Mead, Mary Ann (Rhodes), 311. Mary Jane (Knapp), 257. Nancy Andrews, 146. Slyde Wellington, 431. Worthv L. C, 311,432. Merrill, John W., 248. Joseph P., 248. Lucas E., 248. William H., 248. Miles, Daniel, 28. John, 28. Miller, Fanny, 416. Frances, 416. Freeman, Jacob, 416. Fremont, David, 416. George Congdon — Appendix. Helen Frances, 416. James Congdon — .Appendix. Mitchell, Bertha Welch, 349. Charles Elliott, 214. 350. Charles Hooker, 350. Florence (Riggs), 350. Frederick BraincrrI, 350. George Henrv. 214, 349, 350. Helen Welch (Williams), 349. John Welch, 349. Moseley Hooker. 214, 350 Roliert Chamberlain. 350. Mi.x, Ann Goodwin, 103. Ann Goodwin ( Wadsworth), 103, 193. Betsey, 103. Catherine (Williams). 103. Clarence Elisha, 349. Eben Hooker. 103. James Edmonds. 349. John William. 103. Martha Hooker. 103. Moselev Williams, 349. Ralph Hooker. 349. William, 103. Monks. Emilv (Latimer), 407. Helen, 407. John, 407. William, 407. Montague, Edward Hooker, 351. Elizabeth Hooker, (Claflin), 351. 453. Mary Janes (Powers). 351. 453 Moore, Edna Vincent, 467. Elizabeth L. (Boydstun), 243, 379. Morris, Mary Couch. 280. Mosher. Henrv Adelhert, 319, Sarah Adella. 319. Moulton. Charlotte Elizabeth. 255. Edmund Cnllen. 255. Mary Cornelia (Padgett), 255. 508 INDEX Munson, Ezra, 52. Isaac, 52. Job Lucianus, 52. Keziah (Tuttle), 52, 106. Titus, 52. Murray, Beulah Maria (Whitford), 179. Calvin Nelson, 179. Dickenson, 179. Eber, 96. Harvev, 96. Rachel" (Willard), 96, 182. William, 96. Zubah (Warren), 96. N Nelson, Alonzo, 408. Charles, 408. John Currier, 408. Mariah (Clark), 408. Marv Ann. 408. William Wallace, 408. Nettleton. May Carrol (Bur- roughs), 312, 433. Newcomb, Bessie Jeannette, 389. Florence, 469. Francis Herbert, 389. Genevieve. 469. George Eddv, 389, 469. Helen Maria (Couffer), 389, 469. Mary Harriette (Vaughn), 389. William Henderson, 389. Newell, Anna, 70. Antoinette (Brackett), 272. Arietta L., 271. Benjamin Boynton, 270. Charles Franklin, 269. Charles James Fox, 155, 269. Cornelia Hooker (Chapin), 156, 271. Cornelia Isadore, 270. Cornelia Isadore (Barnard), 269. Cornelia L., 271. Cornelius M., 270. Dollv, 70. Dolly (Hart), 70, 156. Edward Everett, 156, 272. Edwin Alonzo, 270. Elizabeth N. (Jennings), 271. Ella Miriam (Eaton), 270. Elmer Adelbert, 270. Emerson R., 272. Emma Minerva (Orr), 269. Esther H., 156. Flora Elizabeth (Crawford), 270. Newell, Francis A., 156. Frederick Irwin, 270. George C, 156. George Canning, 156, 271. Gertrude Cornelia, 156. Hannah Stevens, 270. Harriet, 271. Harriet Atwood (Whittlesey), 156, 270. Harriet Irene, 156. Harriet Mercy, 156. Henry C, 155. Henry Clay, 270. Henry H.,'l55. Henrv Hooker, 70, 155. Julia Root (Cooke), 156, 272. Lucy Jane, 155. Mae Isabelle (Crittenden), (Sharood), 270. Martin, 70. Mary B., 271. Mary Estelle, 270. Marv Susannah (Fowler), 155, 270. Nancy (Palmer), 70, 156. Rachel P. (Magden), 155, 269. Roger Hooker, 155. Roger S., 271. Roger Sherman, 70. 156. Samuel Pomerov. 156, 271. Sarah Eliza (Metz), 270. William Henrv, 156. William Pitt, 155, 269, 270. William Pomeroy, 70, 155. Newton, Abigail, 30. Abigail (Clark), 29. Abner, 15, 28. Alice, 29. Alice (Buckingham), 8. Anne (Smith), 27. Avis, 30. Bette (Frost), 27. Bur well, 28. Christopher, 30. David, 30. Elizabeth, 29. Elizabeth (Hines), 30. Eunice (Mallett), 30. Ezekiel 8, 16, 30. Fletcher, 15, 28. Hannah, 27. Hannah (Prudden), 29. Isaac, 30. John, 8, 16, 28, 30. Jonah. 27. Joseph, 16, 27. Lucv, 30. Martha 15, 30. INDEX 509 Newton. Martha (Merwin), 29. Martha (Whittlesey), 28. Mary, IS, 30. Mary (Bryan), 15. 28. Mary (Fowler), 29. Marv (Jackson), 8. Mary (Piatt), 27. Phebe (Woodruff), 27. Prudence, 16. Rachel, 30. Roger, 8, 15. 27, 28. Samuel, 8. 15. Zl . 28. Sarah (Clark), 27. Sarah (Miles), (Ingersoll), 15, 28. Sarah (Smith), 30. Sarah (Wilson), 8, 16. Sibyl (Morris), 30. Susannah (Hines), 30. Susannah (Plumbe). 15, 27. Susannah (Smith), 27. Susannah (Stone), (Burwell), 8, 16. Susannah (Whittlesey), 28. Thomas,_15, 16, 27. Nichols, Amanda, 291. Alonzo S., 292. Charles Hubbell, 421. Charlotte E. (Rawson), 292. Cora Lulu, 420. Dora Alberta, 420. Emma Louisa, 420. Esther J. (Watts). 292. Gertrude (Phillips), 411. James E., 292. James Edward, 420. James R., 291. Joseph H., 292. Lizzie Gertrude, 420. Mary Amanda, 420. Mav J., 291. Nel'lie Eliza (Nichols), 421. Oscar Burr, 291, 420. Oscar Franklin, 420. Sarah A. (Nichols), 292. ■ Nicholson, Albert, 418. Alvin, 418. Charles Freeman, 418. Charles Hall, 418. Emma Rubv, 418. Ena Mabel, 418. George Lewis, 418. Hattie Eunice, 418. Henry Frank. 418. James Roswell, 418. Marv Louisa (Hicks), 418. Mim'a Lilv, 418. Nims, Clara (Spaulding), 446. Frederick, 446. Hattie (Walker). 446. Stella (Tindall), 446. Noble, Colton D., 466. Gertrude J., 466. Howard C, 466. Noonan, Annette Walworth, 395. Mary Strong, 395. Northrup, Arthur Kimball, 396. Bertha Strong, 396. Cornelia Winder, 396. Norton, Abel, 94. Adelia (Howd), 179. Allen, 95. Almarina, 181. Amanda (Evarts), 96, 183. Anah, 45, 96. Anson, 180. Anah. 45, 94. .'\sahel Strong, 66, 149. Bela, 95, 180. Benjamin, 95, 180. Beriah William, 179. Betsey, 96. Betsev .'\nn, 229. Caroline (Blatchlev), 181. Catherine, 181. Charlotte, 180. Charlotte (Kilbourne). 151. Cibella, 151. Cynthia. 181. Daniel, 95, 181. Daniel Hooker, 95. Diadema (Dudley), 45, 94. Diadema (Murray), 94, 179. Diantha Amelia (Norton), 180. Eathan, 95. 182. Eber, 45, 96. Edward, 151. Edwin, 182. Elbert, 149. Eliza. 181. Elizabeth (Robinson), 66, 149. Ellen Eliza (Shepard), 179. Esther, 96. Fanny Hotchkiss, 96, 183. Francis M., 184. George, 67, 151. 179. George Bidwell, 184. George J., 229. Gilbert. 95. Hannah, 95. Hannah (Allis), 45, 95. Hannah (Blatchlev), 95, 181. Hannah (Hotchkiss), 94, 178. Hannah (Nettleton), 182. / 510 INDEX Norton, Harriet Isabel, 233. Hebron, 95. Henry. 182. Henry Pitkin, 150. Hooker, 45, 94. Hull)ert, 95, 182. Huldah, 95. Ichabod Porter, ISO. Ida Hooker (Seavey), 377. Isabella, 233. James, 151. Jason, 181. Joel Russell, 181. John, 96, 150. 183. John Cole, 229. John Treadwell, 150. John William, 183. Josiah, 94. Julia (Scranton), 96, 183. Julius, 180. Justus, 179. Leah CMcQuillan), 95, 182. Levi Hooker, 229. Lewis, 181. Lois, 181. Lois (Evarts), 95, 180. Lois (Hull), 181. Lorain (Evarts), 95, 180. Lorenzo, 179. Lucrctia, 96. Lucy, 95. Lydia, 180, 181. Lyman, 182. Mabel, 181. Mabel (Norton), 94, 179. Mabel (Wilco.x), 181. Margaret, 151. Maria M. (Beers), 182. Marianne, 67. Mary, 180. Mary (Curtis), 151. Marv Jane, 184. Melinda (Smith). 181. Nancy (McKinstry), 66, 149. Nancy (Munger), 179. Orpha (Davis), 179. Parla (Murray), 179. Phebe (Howd), 179. Philander, 181. Phineas, 180. Pollv, 95. 180, 181. Pollv (Bacon), 96. Rachel (Dudlev), 95. Rachel (Murray), 45, 96. Rebecca (Coe), 96, 184. Reuben. 45. 95. Rhoda Brvan, 95. Robert, 150. Norton, Romanta, 66, 150. Russell, 95, 181. Sarah (Stokes), 94. Sarah Jane, 184. Seth, 67, 151. Sibyl, 181. Sibvl (Hessington), 181. Standlev, 45. Stephen Bidwell. 96, 184. Susan Maria (Munger), 184. Thomas, 66, 150. William Erastus, 184. William George, 377. William Hooker, 96. William James, 182. William Walter, 229. Wvllys, 95. Zenas. 95, 180, 181. Nutting, Allie Elizabeth, 457. Eva Winnefred. 456. Frederick Joseph. 361, 456. Herbert Hooker, 361, 456. Minnie Estelle. 456. Minnie Mariah (McGregor), 361. O Ogden, Alice Lvdia, 354. Clara, 354.' Ellen Louise, 354. Elsie Helen, 354. Olcott, Anna. 71. Anna Ensign (Nichols), 276. Charles, 71. Charles Hooker, 276. Cvnthia (Talcott), 71. Cynthia (Vail), 159, 276. Ednah Adams, 276. Henry Ensign, 276. Luther James Bradford, 159, 276. Margaret Stanley, 276. Sidney, 71, 159. ' Walter Hooker, 71, 276. Orr, Hudson, 432. Osborne, Helen Harriet, 470. Packard, Charles Stuart Wood, 367, 459. Elizabeth, 459, Elizabeth Dwight, 367. Elizabeth Packard, 459. Elizabeth Routh, 459. Eannv Weed (Richardson), 367; Francis Randolph, 368. INDEX 511 Packard, Frederick, 224, 367. Frederick Adolphus, 367. George Randolph, 368, 459. Joan Hooker, 459. John Francis Randolph, 459. John Hooker, 224, 367, 459. Lewis Richard, 224, 368. Mary Farniim, 459. Mary Hooker (Perkins), 224. Mary Storrs, 368. Ruth, 459. Palmer, Caroline Leslie, 404. Mary Ann, 156. Louis Hooker. 404. Percy Stuart, 404. Sidney Douglas, 404. Parker, Alice C. (Foster), 294. Florence A. (Williams), 294. Hattie B. (McCanne), 294. Hattie Griswold, 402. Helen F. (McDonald), (Cun- ningham), 294. Louise Le Vaun (Blackburn), 402. Parsons. Ebenezer, 86. Elihu, 86. Eliphalet, 86. Jerusha, 86. Jerusha (Seymour), 86. Jonathan, 86. Lucretia. 86. Lucy (Ketchum), 86. Lydia (IngersoH), 86. Sarah (IngersoH), 86. Pearson, Martha Ellen (Barker), 362. Peck, Addie Barnes (Irvine), 383. Amos, 62. Carlton, 299. Caroline, 299. Charles Barnes, 383. Curtis, 299. Edward Barnes, 383. Elizabeth Hooker (Stanger), 216, 353. Esther Louisa (Grant), 259, 383. George Sheldon, 234. Hattie G., 234. Henry H.. 234. Huldah, 62. John Eastman, 259, 383. Lemuel, 62. Louise Manette (Farnsworth), 383. Lucy (Dickinson), 62. Lucv Ann, 234. Peck, Mary (Hart), 62. Matthew, 62. Ruth (Hopkins), 62. Sarah Edwards (Winans), 216, 353. Sherman, 234. Pelton, Abigail, 299. Abigail Hooker (Harrington), 177, 298. Brace, 177, 298. Cvnthia (Marshall). 177, 297. Edmund Hooker, 177, 299. Giles, 298. Jesse, 177, 298. John Randolph, 299. Johnson, 177, 299. Justin, 298. Justus, 298. Louvina (Peck), 177, 299. Lvdia, 299. Mahala, 299. Oris. 299. Seth, 299. Susannah (Fish), 177, 298. Sylvia (Beardsley), 177. Percival, Edwin, 135. Harriet, 135. James Gates, 135. Oswin Hart, 135. Perkins, Abigail, 200. Betsev, 200. Daniel, 200. Eliza, 200. Hooker, 200. Lizania, 200. Morse, 200. Peters, Dorothy .'\.. 471. Phelps, Abbie Sophia (Crippen), 315. Alice Adelia, 312. Almira Elinera Lincoln, 134. Americus Vcspucius, 196. Caroline, 315. Charles Edward, 134. Christopher Columbus, 196, 312. Diantha (Hope), 196, 312. Ella Casterlin, 316. Heleii S. (Hubbard), 317. Henrietta (Hinman), 315. Jennie Sophia, 317. Julia <■ Burleigh), 315. Kate P. (Robin.son), 317. Lily (Treadwell). 317. Louisa Hooker, 196. Lucy Strong (Hope), 196. L3-nian S., 312. 512 IXDEX Phelps, Mary Wallace, 315. Mary Wallace (Rogers), 315. Minnie, 315. Orris Spencer, 196. Phoenix, Clarissa Dwight, 221. Daniel Sidney, 222. Edward Strong, 221. Sidney, 221. Pierce, Albert F., 436. Altah B., 436. Edith E., 436. Emma L., 436. William E., 436. Pierpont, Abigail (Ivesl, 44. Abby (Langdon), 80. .'\nna Sherman (James), 79. Benjamin, 23, 44, 84. Charles, 81. Daniel, 84. David, 42, 80. Dorothv, 44. Edward, 80. Eli, 83. Elinda, 84. Elizabeth. 83. Elizabeth (Langdon), 80. Elizabeth (McCov). 79. Esther (Sheldon), 80. EveK-n, 42, 78, 79. Ezra, 84. Frances Edwards (Lasselle), 79. Frances (Skinner), 79. Frederick Wolcott, 79. Giles. 44, 85. Hannah, 83. Hannah (Brockett), 44, 84. Hannah (Herrick), 91. Henrv-, 91. Hezekiah, 23, 44. 85. 91. Hezekiah Beers. 79. Isaac 85. Jacob, 45. James. 23, 42, 43, 44, 79, 80. 83, 84. James Morris, 80. Joel. 85. John, 45. 80. 81, 84, 90, 91. "Toseph, 23, 43, 44, 83, 84. Julia (Warne), (Marks), 80. Laura (Bancroft'). 81. Laura (Sperry), 80. Lorenzo, 79. Lucv. 84. Lvdia. 84. Mari' (Brockett), 44, 85. Marv (O'Brien), (Foster), 91. Mary (Russell). 23, 43. Pierpont, Mehitabel, 83. Nancy (Isham), 79. Nathan Beers, 91. Philemon, 84. Philena (Davenport), 79. Pollv. 91. Robert. 42. 79, 80. Russell, 84. Samuel, 23, 43, 83. Sarah, 91. Sarah (Edwards). 23. 44. Sarah (Eastman), 44. Sarah B.. 80. Sarah B. (Coggeshall). 80. Sarah B. (Greene). 81. Sherman, 80. Sophia (Goodsell). 79. Theodore. 83. Thomas. 84. Warren, 80. William, 42, 79, 81. Zerah, 85. Pike, George Hooker, 456. Mabel Josephine, 456. Pine, Charlotte. 188. Daniel, 188. Fannv. 188. Harlev, 188. Henrv, 188. Smith. 188. Washington. 188. Pitkin, Emma. 254. Fanny, 254. Sophia, 254. Pixley, Albert, 197. Anna Hooker. 333. Charles. 316. Charles Henry. 317. Charles Horace. 333. Chauncey. 111. Edw-ard Irvine. 317. Fanny (Sperry), 111, 197. Frederick A., 317. George, 315, 316. George Burling, 197. George Henry, 315. George Latimer. 317. Henrv Martin, 197, 317. Ira, 111, 197, 316. Isaac Chauncev, 197, 316. Jane, 197. John Henrv, 197, 315. John Hooker. 111. 196. 197, 316 Joseph Burling, 197. 314. Joseph Williams, 315. Maria (Stroger), (Bradley), 197, 316. INDEX 513 Pixley, Marj' Augusta (Bradley), 197, 317. Mary Eliza (Smith), 333, 443. Sally (Hooker), 111. Sidney W., 317. Sophia A. (Currier), 197. Theodore, 197, 315. Thomas Burling, 197, 315. Walter, 316. William, 316. Plum. Betsey (Nelson), 288, 408. Charles, 288. Plumbe, Ann (Sanford), 27. Pollock, Elizabeth (Williams), 89. Frances (Devereaux), 89. George, 89. Helen, 89. Thomas, 89. Pomeroy, Anne (Bishop), 66. Clarissa (Root), 66. Harriet (Gove), 148. John, 66, 148. Lois, 66. Polly (Starr), 66, 148. Sally (Searle), 66. Susannah. 66. William, 66. Porter, Abel, 61. Arthur Tappan, 248. Clarissa Chapman (Hall), 248. Cyrus, 143. Dollv (Merrill), 143, 248. Eleazur, 89. Eliza (Withers), 143. Gideon, 61. Huldah (Riley), (Lincoln), 61. James, 61. John, 89, 248. Jonathan Edwards, 89. Levi Goodwin, 61. Lott, 143, 248. Marv, 248. Mary (Withers), 143. Marv Scott, 248. Moses, 89. Pierpont. 89. Samuel H.. 118. William, 89. William Rutherford, 248. William Smith, 143, 248. Potter. Alfred Hooker, 233. Elvira Adelaide, 233. George Albert, 233. John Hooker, 233. Lenora, 233. Mary Emily. 233. Marv Jane, 233. '33 Potter, William, 233. William Henry, 233. Powers, Joseph Kirke, 453. Philip Montague, 453. Preston, .\gnes Helen, 195. Betsey, 200. Carmie, 200. Chesterfield, 200. Fidelia, 200. John, 200. Prior, Edward, 466. Mary S., 466. Proctor, Clara Howard, 321. Floy Willson, 321. Purdy, Abigail (Angevine), 75, 167. Alexandria, 166. Ann (Gray), 166. Annie, 75. Charlotte, 75. Dennis Dovle. 165. Elisha, 165,' 167. Eliza (Horton), 167. Elizabeth, 75. Elizabeth D. (Carpenter), 165. Emeline (Purdy), 167. Hacheliah, 165. Harriet (Ostrander), 167. Henrv, 75, 166. Heste'r (Doyle), 165. Hettie, 75. Jacob, 75, 166, 167. James, 75. James H., 166. John, 75, 167. John Smith, 75, 165. Levina (Horton), 75, 166. Lydia (Smith), 165. Martha (Fowler), 165. Mary- (Carpenter), 165. Mehitabel (Dusenbury), 75. Nancy, 75. Pamelia (Ferris), 167. Peter, 165. Samuel, 75, 167. Sarah (Gednev). 167. Sarah (Millard), 165. Sarah (Purdy), 75. Susan (Day), 166. Susannah (Downing), 168. Susannah (Hunt), 75, 166. Thomas, 75. William Jennings, 165. Winifred (Bailev), 75. 165. Winifred (Ferris), 75. 167. Putnam, Blanche E. Thompson, 448 Harr^- W., 448. Walter S., 448. 514 INDEX R Rawson, Abner, 31. David, 18. Edmund, 18, 31. Edward, 18, Z2. Elizabeth (Hazel tine), (Wood), 18. Grindel, 18, 32. Joel. 32. John, 18, 32. Joseph, 32. Mary, 32. Mary (Dorr), 18, 32. Mercy, 32. Nathan, 31. Paul. 32. Priscilla (Coffin), 32. Rachel (Wood), 18, 32. Rhoda, 32. Sarah, 82. Stephen, 32. Susannah (Reynolds), 18, 31. Wilson, 18, 31, 32. Raymond, Arthur Beavers, 444. Edith, 444. Gvvynne, 397. Reed, Caroline Cordelia, 321. Charles Sumner, 321. Frank Eugene, 321. Frederick Hooker. 321. Henry Willson, 321. James Francis, 321. Reynolds, Anne, 31. Benjamin, 31. ^ Grindal, 31. John, 31. Martha, 291. Mary, 291. Priscella (Morse), 31. Sarah (Chapin), 31. Rice, Lucia (McCracken), 205. Richards, Agnes Arden, 242. .\nna Beach, 242. .\nna Smith (Beach), 138, 241. Caroline Cowles, 242. Cora Louise (Bassett), 364. Edward Cowles, 138. Elizabeth, 242. Harriet Caroline (Dey), 138, 241. Henry Everston, 242. Henry Smith, 138, 241, 242. Irene Thomas Chapman, 242. James, 138, 242. James Cowles, 138. James Henry, 138. James Nicholas, 242. Richards, John Morgan, 242. Julius Dev, 242. Mabel, 445. Pauline, 445. Robert Givan, 242. Rierson, Sarah Rowena, 422. Willie Even, 422. Riker, Ann Maria, 410. Carlos Cadwell, 410. Eliza White, 410. George French, 410. George Peters, 410. Robbins, Nathan, 292. Robinson, Charles, 149. Edward, 149. Elizabeth, 149. George, 149. John, 149. Roe, Alvah Lucius, liZ. Harvey Hooker, 332. Marion Hooker, 332. Rogers, Charles Angevine, 414. Charles Wilbor, 379. Edgar Hubbell, 414. Ernest Eugene, 414. George Mcintosh, 343. Henrietta Anna (Chamber- lain), 210, 344. Judson Artemas, 210. 343. Wallace Bovdstun, 379. Root. .Albert, 194. Catherine Cowles (Cowles), 104, 194. Claramond Cowles (Preston), (Cowles), 104, 195. Dwight. 194. Edward, 194. Eli, 194. Eliza, 104. Hattie, 198. James, 111, 319. John Amos, 198, 319. Julia Amanda (Bishop), 198. Le Roy Vincent. 319. Martha Jane, 104. Mary, 104. Mary A. (Mosher), 198, 319. Mary Hooker, 104. Phebe Helen (Salmon), 198, 319. Stephen, 194. Timothy, ICM, 194. William, 194. William Alonzo, 194. William Ezekiel, 104, 194. Rounsville, Minerva Emeline, 313. Rossiter, .Abigail, 162. Benjamin, 162. INDEX 515 Rossiter, Daniel, 162. John, 162. Lois, 162. Mary (Norton), 162. Timothy, 162. Rowland. Caroline Atwater, 465. Charles Bradley, 465. George, 465. Thomas Fitch, 465. Ruggles, Ann (Stone), 72, 161. Elizabeth. 161. Huldah. 72. Huldah (Woodward). 72, 162. John, 72. Lucretia Spencer, 161. Marv, n. Mary (Rossiter), 72, 162. Nathaniel, 12, 161. Rebecca (Landon), 72, 161. Sarah, 72, 161. Thomas, 72, 161. Russell, Abigail, 81. 82. Abigail (Mather), 81. Esther, 81, 82. Esther (Johnson), 43, 81. Hannah. 43. Jacob, 81. James, 43, 81. John, 81. Joseph, 82. Matthew Talcott, 82. Marv (Talcott), 43. Mehitabel ( VVadsworth) , 43, 82. Noadiah. 43, 82. Polly, 81. Ruth, 81. Samuel, 43, 81. Samuel Andrews, 81. Sarah, 82. Sarah (Rawson), 43, 82. William, 43, 81. William Andrews, 81. Sackett. Winifred Fitch, 340. Saint John. Buckingham, 54. Frederick. 110. Hooker, 54, 110. Nancy, 109. Polly Esther. 110. Sally, 110. Sarah, 109. Stephen, 54, 109. Stephen Buckingham. 110. Susannah, 109. Susannah (Lock wood), 54, 109. William, 54, 109, 110. Salmon. Ruby Madaline (Wood), 320. Sarah Ives, 320. Vernon Vincent, 320. Sanford, Deseree, 394. Helen, 394. Henry. 394. Marv (Birdsall), 394. Robert, 394. Scott, Ellen Jeannette (Howe), 255. Scoville. Alice, 254. Amon, 145. Annie Bronson (Gregory), 258. Belle, 254. Charles. 254. Edwin Nelson, 253. Emily, 254. Emily (Goodwin), 145. 254. Hattie (Randall), 254. Harry, 254. James, 254. James Bidwell. 145, 254. Joseph Langdon, 145, 253. Julia Ann (Pitkin), 145, 254. Julie. 254. Lizzie (King), 254. Mary Harriet (Hard), 258. Marv Langdon (Dayton), 146, 258. Samuel, 145. Samuel Chandler, 258. Sarah Elizabeth (Hoadley), 146, 258. William. 146, 258. Scranton, John, 183. Mary Jane, 183. Susan Clarissa, 183. See, Edna Belle. 144. Edward Hooker, 336, 444. Henry Hooker, 336. John William. Mary Elizabeth (Bird), 336, 444. Robert Edward, 444. Rudolph Havemann, 336. Seelev. Anna. 416. Ann Eliza (Tavlor), 291, 417. Arthur Hall, 417. Charles Roswell, 416. Edward, 416. Edward Jay, 417. Eliza Isabel, 416. Emma. 416. Eunice Rosaline, 416. Eunice Tennessee, 417. Frances Harriet, 393. 516 INDEX Seelev, Frances Hooker (How), '274. Freeman Hall, 291, 417. Harriet Louisa (Nicholson), 291, 418. Horace Hamilton, 416. James Freeman, 417. James Stevenson, 416. Jeanette Deming. (Hale), 274. John Freeman, 416. John Lewis, 393. John Sherwood, 393. John Thomas, 417. Julia Elizabeth (Simons), 291, 417. Julia Thursie (Sturges), 393, 471. Laura Athalia, 416. Laura Athalia (Miller), 290, 415. Lizzie Mae, 393. Lucy Howard Qeveland, 417._ Mary Jane (Sherman), 290,415. Ra%Tnond Cowles, 274. Robert Cowles, 274. Roswell Hamilton. 291, 416. Sallv (Sherman), 290, 414. William, 416. Selleck, Susannah (Saint John), 35, 54. Shankland, Maria Louisa, 262. Robert Hooker, 262. Shaw, Isabel, 266. Shepard, John 7. Samuel, 7, IS. Sherman, Augusta. 415. Beach Seelev, 415. Benjamin Franklin, 263, 386. Carohne Maria, 414. Charles Henrv, 415. Charles Hooker, 263, 386. Charles Koechlin, 387. Edward. 415. Edwin. 415. F.mehne, 414. Emeline Eliza, 415. Frederick. 415. (ieorge Clinton. 415. George Jaj', 415. Jane, 263. Jane Eliza, 263. Julia Antoinette, 415. Julia Grace, 415. Julia Pearson (Wakefield), 386, 469. Julia Thompson, 263. Laura Enretta, 415. Louise, 263. Sherman. Mar\% 263. Mar>- Jane, 414. Sarah Elizabeth, 414. Sarah Jane, 415. Seelev. 415. Theodore Francis. 415. Sherwood. Elizabeth Julia, 393. Elizabeth Seelev, 268, 393. Francis, 268. John Ormel. 268, 393. Shipman, Abigail (joodrich (Jew- ell), 192. Eliza (Hart). (Martin), (Brown). 192. Horatio Waldo. 192. Mar\- Lee (Andrews), 192. Orpha. 192. Simons. Caroline Alice. 418. Charles Freeman. 418. Eunice Hubbell. 418. Francis Marion. 418. (Jeorge Jay, 418. John Burton, 418. Julia Emeline, 418. Laura Miller. 418. Marv Jane Sherman. 418. Oscar Mead. 418. Rov. 418. Ruev Ann, 418. Walter Denio, 418. Willie Eugene, 418. Willoughby Douglass, 418. Sims. Fannie A.. 343. Grace (Pope), 274. William Fargo. 343. Skaats, (jeorge Zalmon, 413. Skinner, Bessie Hooker. 392. Edwin Sherwood, 392. Harvev Hooker, 392. Smith, .\bigail (Purdy), 41, 75. Amelia Ann, 153. Ann, 41. Anna Marie, 444. Annie Electa, 430. Bryan. Herbert, 354. Bryan Hooker, 216. 353, 455. Chandler Perry, 216. Charles, 153. Charles Boulton. 354. Charles Edward, 216, 354. Charles H., 430. Charles Pixley, 444. Corinne Lawrence. 455. Corrine Pamelia. 355. Cvrus .Augustus. 216. 354. Cyrus Porter, 354, 455. Deborah, 74. Edward Hooker, 236, 354, 371. INDEX 517 Smith. Edward Noah, 216. Eliza Abigail, 153. Elizabeth, 41. Elizabeth (Bailey), 74. Elizabeth Bulkley, 354. Ellen Louisa (Ogden), 216,354 Eloise Babcock, 455. Frances Church Dwight, 371. George, 425. Glenn D., 430. Gordon Pitman, 444. Helen Louisa, 216. Henry, 244. Horace Hooker, 444. James, 41, 74. John, 41, 74. Jonathan, 74. Katharine Lynde Babcock, 455. Laura Esther (Lord), 153. Lawrence Bourland, 444. Lois Bulkley, 455. Lucius Hopkins, 354. Lucy Clark, 244. Marion Louise, 354. Martha, 41. 74. Marv, 41. 244. Mary (Baker), 74. Marv Hooker, 236. Mehitable (Purdv). 41, 75. Sarah (Sutton), 74, 164. Sarah (Wright), 41. Sidney Augustus, 354. Susannah (Gustine), 74, 164. Susannah (Osterhout), (GajO. 74. Susannah (Tallmadge), 41, 74. Theodore Eanes, 216. Thomas, 41. William, 74. William Bulkier. 354. 455. William Chandler. 216. 354. William Hooker. 41, 73, 244. William Kent. 236. Spaldine, Clara Augusta (Bing- ham), 409. Cornelia Cadwell (Bixby), 410. Gertrude White (Havden), 410. Julia Maria (Ovitt), 409., Levi Lincoln, 409. L\-man, 410. Sarah Jerusha (Hall), 410. Stephen Foster, 409. William, 409. Sperrv, Abigail, 198. A'shley, 319. Clarissa Adelaide (Getten), 319 Edward, 198, 319. Sperry, Elizabeth Stewart, 318. Fanny Abigail (.\ustin), 319. George, 198. George Asher, 318. Henry Hamilton, 198, 318. James Henry, 318. Margaret P'lunkett (Raper), 319. Mar%-, 198. Moses M., 198, 318. Sarah .\nn (Latting), 198, 317. Sarah Ella (Lawton), 318. William James, 198. WiUiam Har^-ey, 319. Standish, James D., 341. Jane Hart, 341. Stanger, Marion Estes, 353. Stanley, Amanda, 102, 127. .Jjnelia (Hooker), 102, 127, 193. Catherine, 228. Catherine Grace, 373. Charles Hooker, 373. Charles Norton, 192. Charles O., 466. Clara Louise, 391. Don Alonzo, 192. Edward Mills, 267, 301. Eliza (Doolittle), 228. Ella Louise (Phelps), 267. Ellen, 466. Emily Ro_ena (Clark), 192. Emma, 374. Emma Jerusha (Hull), 228. Gad, 192. George, 191. George B., 297. George J.. 373, 466. Gertrude J., 466. Harriet Aurora, 192. Harriet Emilv, 391. Harriet Maria (Fuller), 267, 390 Hattie Elizabeth (Noble), 374, 466. Henr^- Fitch, 373. Henr\- King, 391. Ira, 228. Isaac Lee, 192. Julia Eliza (Knight), 373. Kate, 391. Katharine Elizabeth (Stan- baugh), 267. Le Rov, 466. Lvdia H. (Porter), 102, 127. M'an,- (Brown), 328. Marv .■\. (Prior), 374. 466. Mary Eliza (.\bbott), 267, 391. Mar\- Erskine, 391. 518 INDEX Stanley, Nancy ( Hurlburt'). 102. Orson Goodwin, 267, 391. Oswin, 228, 373. Philip, 191. Ralph, 191. Sallv, 228. Samuel, 102, 127, 228, 374. Sarah (Bradley), 228, 373. Selah, 59. Seth, 59, 102, 127. Seth H., 373. Sibil (Lee), 59. Sophia (Bradley), 228, 374. Thomas Hooker, 228, 373. Waldo, 191. William Hooker, 228, 373. Staples, Annabel, 468. Emily Hooker, 468. Starr, Mary (Ward), 148. Nathan, 148. Susannah (Carrington), 148. William, 148. Stebbins, Arthur Walker, 364. Charles Gay, 364. Edward, 2213. Frederick Haile, 3()4. John Mills, 223, 364. Sarah Hooker. 223. Walter Gay, 364. William Haile, 364. Stephens, Elmer Hubbell, 422. Stevens, Ann M. (Hill), 307. Edmund E., 307. Harvey K.. 307. Henrv G., 307. Stiles, Amelia (Welch), 107. Ashbell, 34, 52. Benjamin, S3, 107. Delia (Van Horn), 107. Elias. 106. Elizabeth, 108. Elizabeth (Eaton), 52, 105. Ellsworth, 107. Esther, 34. Esther (Bradley), 35, 53. Esther Hooker, 53. Eunice (Brooks), 106. Ezra, 106. Ezra Griswold, 108. Hannah (Lyman), 53, 108. Harriet (Prior), 107. Harvey, 106. Henry, 107. Horace, 106. Hylas, 108. Isaac, 34, 52, 106. Isaac Clark, 52, 106. Jesse Merrick, 106. Stiles, Job, 34, 53, 107. Julia (Hale). 108. Julia (Cooley), (Crawford), 107. Julia Maria, 106. Kesia (Munson), 34, 52. Keziah (Mansfield), 52, 105. Laura, 107. Laura (Mansfield), 106. Lucina, 106. Lucrctia, 107. Lucy, 35. Lucy Eunice, 52. Mabel (Frost), 52, 104. Mary, 107, 108. Mary Mansfield, 52, 105. Nancy (Coe), 107. Ruth, 35, 52. Ruth (Ellis), 53, 108. Samuel, 53, 107. Timothy Clark, 52. Zophar, 106. Stone, Anna (Soper), 161. Ezekiel, 16, 29. John, 16. 29. Sanniel, 16, 29. Susannah, 16. Storrs, Cadwell Jay, 408. Cornelia Betsev, 409. Maria Eliza, 409. William Williams, 409. Stoughton, Addie Clara, 450. Andrew, 347. Ansel Gaylord, 347. Arthur Hemingway, 451. Arthur Volney, 347. Catherine Gaylord, 213, 346. Edward Cornelius, 347, 450. Elias Cornelius, 213, 346. Frederick Arthur, 347. George .Andrew, 213. 347. George Hooker, 347, 450. Helen Lurene (Gahr), 347, 451 Henry Edward, 347. Ira Hooker, 213, 347. Julia Ellen, 347. Julia Sophia (Ives), 213, 346. Justin Lcavitt, 213. Justin Oliyer, 213. Lizzie Sawyer, 347. Louis Edward, 45. Millard Blakeslee. 347. Nellie Sophia, 347. Robert Coleman, 450. Streckewald, .Anna, 339. Louis, 339. Stroger, Hallie, 316. INDEX 519 Strong, Alberta, 395. Amelia (Smith), 67, 153. Anna Mills, 359. Anne, 67. Anne (Phillips), 67. Asahel Hooker, 67, 152. Beebe Hooker, 279, 396. Bertha Luceba (Carlson), 279, 394. Bertha Rosabella (Gibbs), 170, 278. Caleb, 221, 359. Charles, 67. Charles Cvprian, 152, 153. Charles Wells, 67. Clarissa Dwight, 120, 220. Cvprian, 39, 67. Edward, 120. 221, 358. Edward B., 280. Edward Lewis, 359. Eliza Hooker (Mumfordt, 170, 279, Elisha, 280. Elizabeth (Bull), 39, 67. Elizabeth Chester. 220. Elizabeth Chester (Matson), 221, 359. Elizabeth Louise, 395. Elizabeth Mitchell, 359. Elnathan, 38, 39. 67. 152. Elnathan Ellsworth, 152. Emeline Martha (Noonan), 279, 395. Erastus, 67, 153. Evelvn Lee, (Davis), 279, 396. Florella, 67. Florella (Farnham), 152. Francis, 152. Frank Dibb, 395. Frank Hunter, 279, 395. George Hooker, 280. George Parish, 170, 279. George Veazey, 397. Harriet Ellsworth (Worces- ter), 152. Harriet Williams, 359. Henry P., 280. James, 280. James Hooker. 170. 277. Jane Chamberlain (Means), 152. Jennie (Gue), 280. Teremiah Allen, 220, 356. John, 67. John Ellsworth, 153. John Hooker, 152. John Winder, 280, 396. Julian Elisha. 170. Strong. Julia A.. 121. Julia Augusta, 220. Julia Haves, 359. Julia Mitchell, 221. Katharine Beebe, 395. Lewis, 120, 220. Lewis Mitchell, 221. Lois, 38. Lois (Pomeroy), 39, 66. Lottie Raymond, 280, 397. Louise, 278. Maria Chester, 221. 359. Marian Caldwell. 396. Martha Ann, 220. Martha Ann (Harris). 221. Martha Cornelia (Winder), 170, 278. Mary Amelia, 153. Nellie, 280. Phcbe. 121. Philip. 121. Robert Drake. 279. 395. Robert Hunter, 170. 279, 280. Robert William, 395. Rose Hunter, 395. Rose Marie, 395. Ruth, 38. Ruth (Norton), 39, 66. Sarah, 120. Sarah (Ellsworth), 67, 151. Sarah Elizabeth (Thompson), 220. 356. Sarah Hooker, 220. Sarah Phoenix, 120, 221. Stephen Chester, 221. Theodore, 120, 219. 221, 356. Warner Brvant. 279. Wells Hawlev. 279. William. 278.' William Chamberlain. 152. William Oliver, 170. 280. William Robert, 397. Willie. 280. Sturges. Marguerite Hooker, 471. Stuvvesant, Catherine, 277. Elizabeth. 277. Helen Mary (Sanford). 277, 394. Sutton, Henry A., 335. James Hart, 335. Talcott, Abigail Hooker, 266. Adrian Ronald. 265. Allen Butler. 388. Ann Eliza. 265. Arthur de Neufville, 265. 520 INDEX Talcott, Arthur Whiting, 388. Charles, 265. Charles Hooker, 388. Charlotte Julia (Bulkeley), 265, 388. Cynthia Luceba (Whitman), 265. Edith Charlotte, 388. Edward Coleman, 388. Edward Cone, 388. Eliza (Francis), 154, 264. Eliza Sophia, 266. Elizabeth (Whitman), 265. Elizabeth Hannah. 266. Ellen Jeannie, 387. Emeline Frances, 266. Florence Hazen, 387. Francis Edgar, 388. Francis Wavland, 266, 389. George, 265,' 388. George Sherman, 387. Grace, 388. Henrietta Isabella (McCully), 387 Henry, 154, 265. Herbert Wayland, 389. Isabella, 265, James, 265. 388. James Frederick, 388. John, 154. John Butler, 265, 387. John Croswell. 387. Joseph, 265, 387. Mabel Hall, 389. Mary, 154. Mary Corning (Gu\ton), 388 Mary Lewis, 265. Oscar Llewellyn, 265. Reginald. 388. Roger Hooker. 265. Samuel. 154, 264. Samuel Hooker, 387. Samuel Olcott. 264. Sarah Whiting, 266. Sarah Whitman, 265. Seth, 154, 265, 287. Thomas Hooker. 265. Talmage, .-Xlbert, 208. Benjamin, 165. Charles R., 208. Edwin, 208. Frederick .Augustus, 165. George Washington, 165. Harriet Wadsworth (Pease), 165. Henrv Flovd, 165. Henrv Reed. 208. Henry Sherrill, 208. Talmage, Jane, 208. Lydia, 208. Maria, 208. Maria Jones (Cushman), 165. Marv Moselev, 208. Theron S., 208. William Smith, 165. Talmadge, Ann, 115. Benjamin, 74, 164. David, 115, 208. Henry, 115, 208. Isaac, 74. Tohn, 74. Lydia (Hull), 115, 209. Pollv. 115. Rachel (Hooker), 115. Samuel, 74. William, 74, 115. Tapping, Chester Hartranfdt, 227. Gertrude Hunter, 445. James Edgar, 337, 445. Lizzie Raymond, 337. Marv Nancy (Fredenburg), 337, 445. Sarah Albertson (Richards), 32,7. 445. Watson Goodrich, 445. Taylor, Adele Reed, 364. Alma Violet, 417. Anna Grace, 417. Anson Grant, 417. Arria Viola (Petti bone), (Cross), 417. Charles Calvin, 223. Charles Elliott, 400. Charles White, 363. Clarence E., 457. Cora Blanchard. 457. Delia Hooker (Boyden), 223, 365. Delia, 417. Delos Edward, 363. Edward Hooker, 400. Edward Lassell, 365. Emilv Maria. 365. Eva Mott, 457. Florence Mav, 364. Frank Dwight. 365. 458. Frederick Weston, 364. George Arthur, 417. George E., 363. Gordon Hooker. 364. Hanson Gay, 223. Harriet Eliza (Strucken), 416. Harriet Newell (Wilder), 223, 366. Hattie Florence, 365. Helen Emma (Daggett), 417. INDEX 521 Taylor, Helen Hooker, 457. Helen Wolcott, 400. Henry E., 363. Ida Roxie, 365. James Albert, 363, 457. James Seelev, 417. Jane Maria '(Wood), 223, 366. John Bunker, 223, 364. John Oscar, 365. Kirk White, 223, 365. Lewis, 223, 365. Lily Bell (Burton), 417. Louise Hooker, 400. Mamie Belle, 365. Marion Hattie, 458. Minnie Gay, 365. Ruby (Hopkins). 417. Vernie de Las, 363, 457. Webster Haverstock, 458. Webster Humphrey, 365, 458. William Dwight, 223, 365. William Lewis, 365, 459. Winslow Lewis, 458. Terrell, Catherine, 329. Jennie, 329. Mary, 329. William, 329. Thomas, Charles Wesley, 445. Edward Mercein, 445. Emily Hooker, 445. Mercein, 445. Ruth, 445. Thompson, Augustus Charles, 357. Julia Augusta, 357. Martha Allen, 357. Sarah Hooker, 357. Theodore Strong. 357. Tillotson, Edward, 342. Fannie (Knapp). 342. Francis A., 210, 341. Harrv, 341. Huldah M. (Cole), (Dunlap), 210, 342. James Hooker, 210, 341. Jennie, 341. Mary Ann, 210. Sarah (Underwood), 210, 342. Susan (Hodges), 210, 342. Willard, 341. Timpson, Katharine Livingston, 471. Theodore, 471. Todd, James C, 222. Lodema H. (Ketcham), 222, 363. Louisa A. (Richards), 222, 363. Torrey, John, 17. Margaret (Church), 17. Mary (Southworth), 17. Treat, Emily (Wilco.x), 133. Lorenzo Hart, 133. Mary Lydia, 133. Tripp, Adaline, 189. Annette (Thew), 189. Lydia Ann, 189. Mary, 189. Tudor, Harry Bird, 448. Tuttle, Asa, 106. Eli, 106. Esther (Dudley), 107. Jotham Manning, 107. Mary (Jones), 106. Tyler, Catherine E., 356. Henry Martin, 356. John Bennett. 356. Sidney Williams, 356. U Underwood, Charles, 342. Emma, 342. V Vail. -•Mice Isabella, 276. Edmund Lloyd, 276. Fanny E. (Snow), 276. Helen Maria (Blake), 255. James Bradford, 276. Walter Scott, 276. William Hooker, 276. Van Meter, Anna, 281. Arthur, 281. Charles Fremont, 281. Emma, 398. Grace, 398. Henry Hooker, 281. Katiei 281. Mary Louise (Kelly), 281, 398. Whitham, 398. Whitham Kendrick. 281, 398. Vincent, Amelia Hooker. 375. Amelia, Stanley, 375. Anna M. 467. Charles William, 375, 467. Ella Stanley, 375. Minnie Cordelia (Moore), 375, 467. W Wade. Edward Caldwell, 405. Gertrude (Webster), 405. Thalia, 405. Thetis (Warren), 405. 522 INDEX Wadsworth, Amos, 136, 240. Betsey Mix, 193. Caroline Elizabeth (Wessells), 239. Catherine (Terry), 82. Charles Walstein, 240. Cornelia, 239. Daniel, 82. Eliza F. (Curtis), 137, 240. Fenn, 137. George, 239. Harriet, 82. Harriet (Kilboiirne), 239. Harriet L. (Gay), 137. Harry, 193. Henry Thomas, 239. James Cowles, 136, 239. James Cowles Luke, 239. Katherine, 136. Laura. 137. Louis Fenn, 240. Sukey, 136. Theodore, 193. William Cooke, 239. "Wakefield, Elizabeth Ann, 469. Harriet Jane, 469. Sherman Day, 469. Ward, George. 328, 440. John Robert, 440. Mary Louise, 440. Warner, Agnes, 381. Frank Gillette, 381. " Margaret, 381. Sylvia, 381. Warren, Asa Gorham, 432. Elizabeth (Clark). 204. Emma Gertrude (Evans), 432. Homer DeLos, 329. Lafayette, 204. Laura, 204. Lucia R., 204. Mary L. (Crawford), 204. May Louise, 432. Olive (Chamberlain), 204. Samuel P., 204. Square Ethan, 204, 329. Weld. Eleazer, 17. Elizabeth. 17. John. 17. Thomas, 17. Welles. James, 61. Joseph, 61. Mary (Prior), 61. Nancv, 61. Rhod'a, 61. Sylvester, 61. Wells, Anna Hooker (Bishop), 333. Caroline (Belden), 287. Wells, Caroline (Cadwell), 174,287. Charles A., 408. Charles Gilbert, 288, 408. Charles Schuyler, 333. Charlotte Elizabeth (Carey), 408. Edward Hooker, 407. Edwin F., 408. Emma Amelia (Bodwell), 287, 407. Eugene Thomas, 407. Frank G., 408. George, 174, 286. George M., 288, 407. Georgianna, 408. Harriet Eliza (Humphrey), 288, 407. Josephine Helen (Root), 333. Julia Ann (Monks), 287, 407. LiUie Gertrude (Noble), 408. Lizzie I., 408. Lottie Elizabeth, 408. Mary (Hamblin), 286, 485. Oziah Tracev. 287. Pollv Webster, 174. Sarah (Gilbert), 287. Thomas Hooker, 174, 287. Thomas M., 287. Wallace Monroe. 407. William H., 408. Willis Minott, 407. White. Abby, 249. Edward Bidwell, 249. Emily, 249. Harriet Maria (Peckham). 249. Jane Amelia (Lansing). 249. Sarah Eliza (Malsan), 249. Whiting. Harriet, 202. Mary, 202. Nathan Hooker, 168. Sarah, 202. Whittlesey, Henry Hooker, 271. Sherman Newell, 271. Wight. Arthur Earle. 384. Clarence Edward. 384. Edward Eastman. 384. Guy Vernon. 384. Lewis Albert. 384. Lucien Eastman, 384. Marv Arabella, 384. William Harrold. 384. Wilder, Merrill Boyden, 366. Willard. Eber, 182. John Hart. 133. Marietta (Camp). 182. Williams. Anna Maria (Treadwell), 273. Carrie Hooker, 349. INDEX 523 Williams, Catherine Deming (Vorce) 273. Charles Edward, 218, 219. Clarence Russell, 349. Cornelius Hooker, 348. Eliphalet, 120, 218. Eliphalet Phoeni.K, 218, 219. Elizabeth, 219. Elliot Francis, 213. Elliot Hooker, 213. Ellen Maria, 213. Ethel Lillian, 349. Frances, 120. Frances Adeline (Mix), 213, 349. Frances Miranda, 218. Harold Robbins, 451. Horace Robbins, 213, 348. James, 120, 218. James Taylor, 219. Jennie, 335. Jesse, 425. John Hooker, 120, 218, 219. Joshua, 219. Juha, 120, 219. Julia Rebecca, 218. Margaret Bockins, 349. Marv, 120. Mary Hooker, 218, 219. Marv Hooker (Tvler), 218, 356. Maud Jessie, 335. Miranda, 120. Moseley Hooker, 213, 348. Norman Bird. 213. Rebecca (Phoenix), 219. Samuel, 120, 219. Samuel Cox, 219. Sarah, 218. Sarah (Williams), 120, 219. Sidney, 219. Sidney Phoenix, 219. Solomon, 120, 218. Stephen House. 218, 219. Thomas Rogers, 219. Walter Bulkley, 348. 451 William Solomon, 219. Wilson, Alice (Belcher), 17. Edmund, 17. Elizabeth, 10. Elizabeth (Low), 17. Elizabeth (Weld), 10, 17. Grant, 429. John, 10, 17. Lulu Estella, 429. Mary (Baxter), 17. Roger, 17. Sarah (Batt), (Torrey), 10, 17. Wilson, Sarah (Marsh), 17, 30. Susannah (Rawson), 10, 17. Thomas, 10. Winans, Edwin Peck, 353. Elizabeth Hooker, 353. Helen Root, 353. Henry Edwards, 353, 454. Irene DuPont, 353. Phvllis Edwards, 455. William Wallace. 353. Winder Catherine Granger (Chase), 278, 394. Cornelia Jerome, 394. Harry, 394. Jerome, 394. Julian Elisha, 278, 394. Winchell, Huldah (Mildren), (Wood), 50. Sibyl (Hinsdale), 50. Solomon, 50. Stephen, SO. Wood, Alice Louise, 366. Carrie, 424. Ella Maria, 366. Harriet Josephine, 262. Jennie Amelia, 366. Lois Hooker. 262. Marv Ella, 262. Nellie. 424. Priscilla (Davis). 32. Sarah Elizabeth, 262. WilliaiTi Henry, 366. Woodbridge, Ann, 88. Elizabeth, 88. John Elliot, 88. Jonathan. 87. Joseph, 88. Lucy (Edwards), 88. Sarah Edwards, 88. Stephen. 87. Timothy, 88. Woodburj-, .-Mian Hooker, 372. Annie Lawrence, 372. Carl, 372, Grace Eleanor, 372. Jean Hopkins. 372. Jesse Burnhaiu, 372. Woodruff, Alice Lucretia, 252. Bertha Patience (Penibrook), 252. Caroline Augusta (Baremore), 252. Elizabeth Langdon (Kellogg), 250. Ellen (Hart), 294. Ellen Frances (Van Pelt), 252. Isabella Hart (Baremore), 252. 524 INDEX Woodward, Anna (Lay), 162. David, 162. Harriet (Rose), 162. Huldah, 162. John Ruggles, 162. Joseph Hooker, 355. Polly (Crittenden), 162. Rebecca, 162. Roswell, 162. Wilham, 162. Wright, Benjamin F., 426. Ella Annie, 426. Harold Beaufort, 426. Wright, Linwood Palmer, 426. Melville Otis, 426. Yates, Ann Eliza (Ireland), 169. Christopher, 169. Helen, 169. Henry Edward, 169. James Hooker, 169. Joseph, 169. Mary Austin (Stuyvesant), 169, 277. Thomas Hooker, 169. PART II CONNECTIONS BY MARRIAGE WITH HOOKERS. Abbott, Henry Ives, 391. James Samuel, 391. Aborn, Dorcas, 332. Acheson, Thomas, 268. Adams, Adelaide Hubbard, 256. Andrew, 137, 139. Edna Alice, 159. Elizabeth McGregor, 358. James, 159. John Ripley, 358. Lydia, 137. Martha Rumerv, 364. Sarah, 197. Thomas, 40. William A., 41. Agnew, Katharine Nash, 388. Ainsworth, John Elijah, 325. Perlev 325. Akeley, Chester K., 323. Alcock, Anna, 68. Alden, Elizabeth, 275. Alden, Zephaniah, 275. Aldrich, , 111. Alexander, Harriet, 365. Allen, Abigail, 31. Brinton. P., 388. Jane, 322. Martha, 31. 220. Mary, 31, 249, 416. Rachel. 205. Ruth, 61. Sarah Ann, 347. Allen, Sarah E., 388. William Henry, 251. Allin, Alexander, 11. Hannah, 11. Allis, Nathaniel, 95. Thomas V., 344. Allyn, Esther. 49. Martha, 33. AIsop, .'\l)igail, 87. Alton, Elizabeth, 295. Alvord, Elijah Smead, 393. Ames, Nancy, 152. Anderson, Ann, 358. Annie J., 424. Rachel, 335. Andre, Major, 230. Andrews, , 449. Abigail, 81. Alfred, 192. Almira, 214. Asa, 143. Baker, 303. Bethankful, 61. Elizabeth, 264. Ethan Allen, 158. Gordon Spencer, 192. Joseph, 63. Lydia, 449. Rebecca, 111. Samuel, 83. Sarah, 51, 154. Sophia Ann, 302. Timothy, 143. Andrus, Ebenezer, 374. Levi, 158. Sophia, 374. Annin, Amelia Susan, 458. Anson, 188. .^rms, Katharine Phelps. 450. William Frederick, 450. INDEX 525 Arnold, Frances Harriet, 352. Prescott, 296. Arthur, Margaret, 31. Ashcraft, Jedediah, 360. Lucretia Jane, 360. Ashley, Abigail, 38. Julia Almira, 325. Lydia, 66. (Mrs.) Tirza, 68. William Bliss, 325. Ashmun, Elizabeth Pease, 122. Atkins, , 218. Chloe, 50. Lucy, 81. Atkinson, Mary Elizabeth, 390. Atwater, , 209. (Mrs.) Sally, 162. Susan Cornelia, 352. Sylvester Burke, 352. Atwell, Annie, 177. Atwood, Anson L., 345. Emily, 229. Frances M., 103. Jamison, 234. Mary. 273. Zalmon, 234. Austin, Eliphalet. 104. John, 23. Lutliera, 209. Mary, 23, 11. (Mrs.). 79. Tyler S., 319. Averv, Lyman, 397. Mary Ada, 397. B Babbitt, Simeon, 144. Babcock, Augusta Weeks, 455. Edward H., 455. Phebe, 198. Rachel, 174. Bachelder, Lucretia, 202. Bachelor, Sarah, 215. Bacon, Betsey, 200. John, 373. Lydia, 337. William Andrew, 69. William Stevens, 367. Bagley, John, 120. Jonathan, 120. Lucv, 214. Phihp, 215. Bailey, , 74. Agnes E., 343. Edward, 24. Hazard. 152. John M., 282. Bailey, Lydia Kx\x\, 245. Nicholas, 165. Susan, 261. Baker, , 74. Anna, 115. Daniel Gould, 302. Martha, 216. Mehitabel, 94. Zepha, 330. Baldwin, Abiel. 147. Abigail, 162. Baldwin, Albert, 375. Cyrus, 375. Deborah, 27. Elizabeth, 30. Elizabeth Hannah, 407. Emeline Nancy, 335. Esther. 114. Eunice, 147. Frank, 422. Horatio Marsh, 245. Hubbard, 397. Ida, 406. Joseph, 422. Lucy, 160. Marguerite Jennie, 397. Mary, 27. Baldwin, (Mrs.) Lydia Elizabeth (Strong), 245. Patience, 30. Samuel, 28. Sarah, 15. Seth Cogswell, 118. Susannah, 28, 30. Timothy, 160. Zachariah, 27. Ball. Lvdia, 44. Ballard. Mercy, 88. Randolph, 443. Ballentine, Eliza Annis, 422. Bancroft, . 81. Ruth, 34. Banks, George, 243. Sophia, 243. Banton, Jane, 417. Barber, Lovina, 235. Patience, 144. Rebecca, 371. Sally, 206. Barbour Eveline, 297. Bareniore, George D., 252. Barker, Wilbur F., 362. Barlow, Lida Emilv, 465. Barnard, , 269. Hattie, 300. Barnawell, Rebecca, 423. Barnes, Amy, 116. Desire, 55. 526 INDEX Barnes, Esther Estelle, 310. Lucy Maria, 461. Barnes. Marv Emeline, 383. William.' 310, 432. Barney, Mabel M., 457. Barrett, Cornelius, 432. Norman A., 383. Barse, Catherine Caroline, 402. Barstow, Emma Olivia, 252. Lydia, 386. Spalding, 252. Susie Backus, 252. Bartholomew, Laura, 289. Bartlett, Concurrence, 71, 163. Daniel, 40. Ebenezer, 7L Elihu, 460. Elihu Parsons, 460. Bartlett, Hooker, 72. Ichabod, 45. John, 40. Kesiah, 163. Rachel, 369. Rebecca, 110. Bassett, Amos, 68, 153. George M., 364. Lydia, 83. Maria, 418. Philo Lewis, 419. Bates, Florence E., 343. Marv. 382. Batt. Paul, 17. Battev, Esther Ann, 246. Henry, 246. Baxter, , 17. Annah, 325. Chauncev Buel, 324. Luther, '325. Beach, Aaron, 241. Arthur Burr, 451. Beadle, Ella, 322. Norman, 322. Beals, Elizabeth, 242. Thomas, 242. Beardslee, , 207. Beardsley, Nathan, 177. Sarah E., 160. Beason, Peter, 432. Beavers, John, 335. Joseph Anderson, 335. Becker, Hannah Eliza, 79. Beckley, Caroline, 132. Eunice. 131. Lucy, 132. Theodore. 132. Beckwith, Penelope, 71. Bedell, Lowa C, 217. Bedford, Jacob, 164. Beebe, Mary, 169. Beecher, Henry Ward, 246. Isabella, 246. Lyman, 246. Rebecca, 114. Beers, Eliza, 230. Lucian, 182. Nathan, 90, 230. Beers, Sarah, 90. Belcher, Mary, 30. Moses, 17. Belden, Annetta S., 296. Henrv, 190. John,' 110. John Kellogg, 177. Julia, 54. Lucinda, 177. Mabel, 63. Mary Esther, 110. Thomas, 287. Belding, Dorothy, 110. Bell, Alexander, 434. Harry Deal. 434. Howland, 241. Bell, Meia Dorcas, 360. Bellow. Emily, 256. Benedict, Truman, 178. Benham, Locky, 107. Benjamin, , 237. Marcus Orville, 281. Samuel. 281. Bennett, Wildman, 291. Benson, Clara, 347. Cornelia, Hall, 210. Stephen, 210. Bentley, J. S., 236. Benton, Raphael Ward, 184. Bergman (Mrs.), Louisa J., 181. Betts, Mary, 164. Sarah, 54. Bevans, Ebenezer, 178. Bidwell, Abner, 274. Isaac, 143. Jane Eliza, 274. Marv, 96. Titus, 143. Bigelow, Aaron, 150. (Mrs.) Marv, 150. Bigsbv, Robert, 424. Bingham, Charles O., 409. Edward, 188. Emma J., 409. Thotnas Dutcher, 75. Birchard, James K., 405. Bird, Henry Norman, 212. Norman, 212. William H., 444. Birdsell, , 394. INDEX 527 Bishop, 93. Beriah, 163. Blanche, 258. Everett W., 333. Justin Lent, 198. Nathaniel, 66, 163. Bissell, Chloe, 71. Josiah, 282. Josiah Wolcott, 282. Lucv Maria, 297. Bixbv, George W., 410. Black, Herbert Allen, 426. William, 53. Blackburn, Edmond Spencer, 402. Blakeslee, Cornelia, 346. Blakeslee, Eunice, 106. Olive, 80. Polly, 80. Ransom, 347. Sarah, 84. Zophar, 106. Blanchard. Willard, 222. Blaney, Benjamin Frank, 423. Blaque, Mary, 169. Blatchlev, Aaron, 181. Alfred, 181. Jane M., 184. Mabel, 181. Martin, 181. Bliss, Bertha, 113, 203. Ellen Eliza, 367. Bliss, Ephraim, 203. Gad Olcott, 367. George W., 336. Henry Ripley, 435. Bloomington, John S., 210. Bless, Joseph Blossom, 399. William Clough, 399. Blossom, Mary, 399. Rebecca Ann, 333. Blount, Harriet Maria, 417. Blue, Mary, 314. Blunt, Ainsworth E., 151. Blv, William, 236, Blyth, Henry, 240, ill. Boardman, Catherine, 272. Elnathan, 128. Henry, 387. Lucy,' 128. Mary Lucinda, 449. Bocaje, William, 53. Bockins, Emma V., 349. Bodwell, Thomas, 407. Boget, Caroline, 329. Boies, Clarissa E., 341. Orpha Marshall, 371. Patrick, 371. Rebecca Pitman, 371. Bolster, Lizzie Ladd, 425. Bonney, , 134. Booth, — , 284. Anna, 190. Mehitabel, 107. Booth, Minnie, Hi. Boozey, Sarah, 22. Bork, Bertha C, 453. Borodale, Margaret, 7. Bosler, Lila McClellan, 268. Botsford, , 208. Boutwell, Harry Sylvester, 257. Bowditch, George H., 129. Bowker, Sally, 359, Bowles, Samuel, 368. Sarah, 224. Sarah Augusta, 368. Bowman, George Ripley, 355. Boyce, Jennie, 317. Bovden, Frederick, 365. Boydstun, , 379. Boyer, Elizabeth, 32. Boynton, Joseph, 269. Mary .A„ 269, Brace, Henrietta, 387. Henry, 93. Lucelia, 264. Norman. 293. Solomon, 264. Brackett, Arthur Stone, 272. Bradford, Alice. 159. Bradley, Charles, Hi, 374. Edward L., 420. Elihu S., 461. Elisha, 316. Elizabeth, 230. Harriet Whiting, 149. Harvey S., 317. Henrv Perry, 317. Jane, 248. Joseph, 94. Judson, 461. Lemuel, 53. Lvdia, 299. Milton, 197. Nehemiah, 237, Hi. Sibyl, 94, Bragg, James, 127. Brainard, David, 44. Brainerd, Ellen, 350. Braman, Caroline Maria, 217. Samuel Gage, 217. Brandd, Elizabeth A., 457. Breck, Joseph Hunt, 224. Nathaniel, 42, Rachel, 224. Sarah, 42. 528 INDEX Brewer, Abner Smith, 310. Eunice, 310. Brewster, Elislia C, 271. Jacob W., 173. Martha J., 271. Martha Smith, 173. Pollv. 437. William, 173. Bridgcman, Oliver, 460. Oliver Clark, 460. Briggs, Mary Windsor, 380. Permelia, 300. Sally, 195. Briscoe, Abigail, 30. Nathaniel, 30. Bristol, Cordelia, 443. Mary, 106. Moses, 150. William, 90. Brock, Ann, 309. Brockett, Abel, 84. Moses. 85. Richard, 85. Brockwav, Lothrop, 150. Nathan, 435. Wesley, 435. Bronson, Charles, 37. Sallv, 63. Sarah, 258. Brookings, John p., 423. Brooks, Benjamin Franklin, 284. Catherine, 162. Clarice, 272. Hannah, 61. Louisa, 320. Lyman, 106. Oliver, 160. Sally, 200. Brotherton, Louisa M., 420. Brown, Abigail, 310. Ann Alexis, 441. Daniel, 228. Edith, Aimee. 454. Edith Annie, 353. Eliza, 389, 439. Brown, Elizabeth Wain Wistar, 459. Esther, 406. George Albert, 452. George Selah, 468. Georgia May, 452. Henrv, 322. John,' 122. Jonathan, 73. Laura, 435. Lvdia, 149. Mary, 10, 172, 246. Mary Ann, 126. Brown, Myra Peters, 221. Robert T., 362. Sandford, 192. Sarah, 73, 122. Susan Maria, 322 . T. Wistar, 459. Thomas H., 261. William Fayette, 370. William Henry Austin, 283. Browne, Sir Anthony, 73. Brownson, Elizabeth, 99. Lucy, 49. Broxton, Helen Maria, 403. Bruffv, Nancy, 119. Brunnell, Sarah, 283. Bryan, Alonzo, 95. Joseph, 29. Richard, 29. Samuel, 28. Susannah, 27. Bryant, Sarah, 292. Buck, Mehitabel, 100. Buckingham, Daniel, 8. Stephen, 12. Buckley, Katharine, 243. Chauncev, 128. John, 128. Lucy, 191. Buckman, Catherine, 32. Buckminster, Elizabeth, 121. Buddington, Sophia Ives, 381. Buell, Sarah, 96. Bugbee, , 92. Buglev. Joseph, 93. Bulkeley, Amelia Robbins, 348. Clarissa P., 389. Frank, 389. John T., 389. Bulkley, Elizabeth, 353. Bull, Eliza Messenger, 295. Jonathan, 67. (Mrs.) Lydia (Williams), 128. Martha Elizabeth, 211. Martin, 67. Mary, 119. Morris, 211. Sarah, 39, 67. Bullman, Almira, 336. Daniel, 337. Bundv, Martha, 317. Burbank, Ernest W., 343. Susannah, 217. Burgoyne, Gen., 69. Burk, Madeline Marie, 205. Burleigh, Hiram, 315. Burling, Mary, 196, Burnett, Robert Webster Smith, 4SL INDEX 529 Burnham, 425. Harriet, 285. Sarah, 57. William, 57. Burns, Katherine Elizabeth, 243. Thomas Ives, 243. Burr, Aaron, 44, 86. John, 267. Burrill, Jacob, 285. Burroughs, Edson Giles, 433. Hiram, 433. Burrows. Mary DeEtte, 371. Stephen, 371. Burt, Hannah, 225. Burton, David Herbert, 417. Eliza, 421. Eugene, 246. Maria, 301. Burwell, John, 16. Mary, 28. Samuel, 16. Bushnell, Lvdia, 180. Mary, 246. Tabitha, 307. Butler, .Albert Lee, 293. Anne, 176. Charlotte Stout, 265. James, 265. Moses, 41. Butrick, Mary, 49. Butts, Emily, 397. Byers, Ada Zarillah, 406. Cable, Annie, 290. Cadwell, Aaron, 174. Elizabeth, 93. Emilv, 287. Hezekiah, 175. James, 287. Mary Ann, 287. Oziah Tracy, 287. Polly, 93. Roger, 287. Thomas, 174. Cabin, Veloir Elenoir, 435. Cahoon, Emily Jane, 155. Caldwell. Aaron Decius Hooker, 410. Columbus, 396. Louise, 396. Calhoun, Alexander, 115. Mary, 166. Callahan, A. F., 392. Calligan, Clark E., 449. Cameron. Ethel May, .470. 34 Camp, Albert, 182. James Kellogg, 238. Joseph, 238. Mary, .30. Campbell, Alexander, 403. Louisa Christine, 403. Maria, 301. Sarah, 433. Candee, Benjamin, 160. Cane, John, 188. Caner, George L., 129. Canfield, Asher, 318. Eliza, 165. John, 231. Maria, 165. Melinda, 231. Olive, 318. Cannon, Huldah Maynard, 178. Capron, William Banf^eld, 372. William Cargill, 372. Carey, G. Benham, 408. Sophronia, 376. Carlson, Carl Johan, 395. Oscar Wilhelm, .395. Carpenter, Jerusha, 409. Josiah, 165. Leonard L., 165. Marcia. 327. Carpenter, Mary Frances, 221. Carrington, Henry, 148. Carter, Emma Elizabeth, 412. William, 175, 412. Carver, A. W., 402. Gary, Alice, 465. Case, Abel, 311. Huldah, 405. Jonathan J., 170. Lucy, 170. Nathan, 311. Orson, 293. Salmon, 406. Timothy, 405. Cashman, Daniel, 211. Honora Elizabeth, 211, John P., 165. Michael H., 211. Casterlin, D., 316. Caswell, Mary, 285. Warren, 285. Catlin, Lewis, 211. Lucv, 211. Mindwell, 211. Center, Electra, 87. Chaddock, Hannah Butler, 301. Chaffee, Hezekiah, 11. Mary, 11. Chalker, Maria C, 184. 530 INDEX Chamberlain, Benjamin, 24. Carey W., 344. Jane, 152. Joseph, 204. Martin. 425. Rebecca, 313. Susan, 384. William, 152. Champion, Anne, 140. Chandler, Hannah, 216. Pamelia, 355. Sarah, 35. Chapin, Calvin, 90. Charles A., 271. Seth, 31. Chaplin, Benjamin, 88. Chapman, Anson, 369. Augustus, 376. Charles, 392. Daniel Brainard, 142. Elizabeth Adams, 247. George Augustus, 376. Jedediah, 369. Marv Ann, 64. Natalie, 384. Nathan Owens, 392. Chappell, Maria, 307. William Jerome, 281. Chase, Ella Frances, 458. Marcus. 394. Mary, 31. Chatfield, (Mrs.) Roxanna, 181. Chaunccy, Dorothy, 18. Cheever Ezekiel, 141. Chester, Dorothy, 39. Maria, 220. ' Stephen, 220. Chickering, Asa W., 227. Martha Vinal, 227. Childs, Olive, 275. Chipman, George A., 372. Sarah B., 372. Chisholm, Margaret Willing, 399. William E., 399, 400. Chittenden, Benjamin, 115. Joseph, 115. Christy, Lucina, 112. Chudsey, Mabel, 162. Church, Annie, 425. Augusta, 302. Caleb, 17. Fannie, 289. Churchill, (Mrs.) Catherine, 417. Solomon, 101. Sybil, 307. Churchin, John, 436. John J., 436. Claflin, Gilbert, 453. Price, Colby, 453. Clap, Temperance, 149. Clapp, Emily, 455. George M., 455. Mary, 87. Samuel, 53. Clark, Abigail, 234. Anna, 378. Anson, 351. Beulah, 225. George, 409. Hannah, 129. Henry W., 192. Hester, 52. Hiram, 408. James, 204. Jane Eliza, 461. Joseph Washburn, 370. Mabel, 52. Marv Ann, 466. Mehitabel, 29. Nathan, 29, 351. Roger, 91. Samuel D., 466. Sarah, 151. Susan, 191. Thomas, 27. Timothy, 52. Zenas, 461. Clarke, Asahel, 139. Mary Fairman, 400. Nina Fairman, 400. Paris G., 400. Samuel Fitch, 439. Clay, Charles, 431. Cleveland, Isabel, 432. Clough, Emilv Caroline, 356. Philip, 356. Cloutman, Ruth E., 454. Clowes, William J., 135. Coan, Clarissa, 163. Cobb, Helen Munson. 452. Henry Stanton, 172. John Merrill, 452. Mary Brown, 172. Cochrane, William G., 385. Codman, John, 241. Coe, Cynthia, 147. Eunice, 147. Luman S., 107. Simeon, 147. Thomas, 184. Thomas Judson, 184. Coffin, James, 32. Laura Butler, 361. Lucy, 231. Cogswell, Elizabeth, ISO, INDEX 531 Coit, Daniel, 35. Franklin, 205. Sophia, 359. William, 35. Colby, Elizabeth, 466. Esther, 453. Gardner, 454. John Freeman, 454. John Henry, 454. Joseph Lincoln, 454. Susan, 310. Coldbreath, Martha, 30. Cole, 342. Abigail, 131. Annjeanettc, 284. (Mrs.) Cclia Richardson, 156. Elizabeth, 61. Elizabeth Maria, 375. Ella, 433. Isaac, 433. Lydia, 229. Mary, 50, 59. Matthew, 59. Russell, 125. Ruth, 59. Sarah, 131, 132. Stephen, 59. 125. Truman, 375. Zerviah, 288. Coleman, Clara, 450. Corinne, 354. Mary, 112. Oscar Paul, 450. Samuel, 355. Colgrove, Stephen, 177. CoUer, Carrie H., 447. Collins, Abigail, 62. Amos Morris, 359. Augustus, 370. Caroline, 370. Charles, 43, 78. Elizabeth, 80. Frank P., 425. John, 43. Levi Waterman, 310. Lois, 79. Maria Elizabeth, 359. Marv, 30, 172. Collins, Robert, 69. Rhoda, 78. Seth, 69, Timothy, 43. 78, 310. William, 405. Colt, Amy, 89. Colver, Cordelia, 283. Joseph, 283. Colvin, Ashley. 319. Clarissa, Delano, 319. Compton, Anna, 313. Comstock, Emma, 391. James Wilmcr, 391. Cone, Ann, 466. Joseph E., 388. Laura Wright, 388. Congdon, John — Appendix. Joseph, 111. — Appendix. Conkev, Clara Delia, 252. Conklin, Ella Mulford, 296. Mary J., 204. Conkling, Abigail, 353. Constable, Anna Maria, 91. Contencion, Jennie Francis Regis, 205. Converse, Eunice, 327. Cook, Amos, 129. Anna May, 318. Berenice Grace, 412. Charles Henrv, 412. Elizabeth, 123. George, 64, 277. Hattie .^nn, 412. Ida, 412. Jacob, 384. Lucinda, 129. Sarah A., 277. William, 130. Cooke,— 162. Aaron, 33. Joseph P., 239. Martha, 33. Sally, 239. Thomas, 239. William, 155. William L,, 272. Coolev, Calvin, 107. Florilla, 437. Harriet, 367. Cooper, George Franklin, 398. Lois, 106. Mary, 132. Mary Seymour, 398. Copps, Eunice Fern, 453. Corbett, Lizzie, 432. Corey, Francis Waite, 370. Cornelius, Elias, 215. Cornell, Nicholas, 293. Nora, 464. Corning, George W., 387. Maria J., 387. Cornwall, George, 230. Robert, 230'. Corsett, Adeline, 433. Philander, 433. Cory, Mary, 385. Couch, Eleanor, 391. S. A., 391. 532 INDEX Couffer, Ulysses Grant, 470. Coulter, Mary, 160. Cousins, Sarah L., 250. Cowenhoven. Maria. 277. Cowles. Abigail, 131. Asahel. 51. Augustus, 144. 240. Caroline A., 190. Charlotte. 194. Diadema, 157. Elijah. 137. 139, 237. Ezekiel. 51. Gad, 237. George, 238. Giles Hooker, 195. Helen, 274. Henrv, 240. Isaac. 51. 63, 70. James, 63. Jemima, 64. John. 131, 132. Lewis D.. 195. Louisa Marv, 240. Lvman B., 194. Martin, 139. Richard, 136. Samuel. 51. Sarah Gleason, 149. Solomon. 70. 194, 238. Susannah, 159. Thomas, 238. Timothy, 136. Craig, Maggie C, 440. Crampton, .'\chsah, 180. Mindwell, 179. Crane, Concurrence, 40. Eva, 319. Job Clark, 253. Lucinda, 300. Sarah. 180. Virginia Ewing, 251. Crawford, Isabella Stevenson, 416. J. C, 270. John, 416. Riley C, 2M. Sidney, 107. Crego, Alanson, 33S. Creller, Charlotte, 431. Crippen, Herbert, 315. Crittenden, Anna, 72i. Charles Hobart, 270. Joel, 162. Lois. 95. Martha J., 178. Mary, 153. Crocker, Caroline, 203. Hannah. 226. Harrv-, 442. Crocker, Josiah, 2(H. Thomas, 204. William. 204. Cromwell, Oliver, 73. Crosby, Ebenezer, 92. Harriet, 262. Sarah, 31, 263. Stephen, 263. Cross, Lvdia Miller, 402. Robert, 417. Grossman, Lucy. 80. Crow, Esther, 18. Crowe, Byers, 292. Culver, Sarah, 196. Cummerford, — 167. Cummings, James Russell, 275. Cummins, Elizabeth, 268. Cunnabell, Martha, 42. Cunningham, -Andrew Willis, 425. William H.. 294. Currier, William _H., 197. Curtis, Abigail, 35. Asahel, 418. Calista. 334. Cornelia, 239. Ebenezer G., 151. Eunice, 418. Josiah, 35. Lucretia, 39. Peter, 240. Silas, 92. Sylvia. 274. Curwen, Christine B., 368. Gushing, Mary, 123. Cutler, Calvin. 374. Charles, 328. Theophilus, 328. D Daggett. Elisabeth, 140, 412. Henrv. 140. Nina' Ethel, 417. Mary, 221. William Ernest, 417. Danenhower, Caroline Wilhelmina, 324. Frederick, 324. Daniels, Lorenzo. 293. Danks, Anna, 369. Daoust. Charles J., 446. Davenport, Abigail, 23. Hezekiah, 79. John, 382. Marv Theodora, 382 William, 449. Davidson, Alice, 313. INDEX 533 Davis— 32, 439. Betsey Maria, 253. Crosby George, 396. Cynthia, 107. Edgar. 464. Ellen, 329. Guv William, 396. John P., 464. Morris, 179. Sally, 360. Samuel C, 160. Samuel Sewell, 423. Thaddeus. 440. Travton, 435. William Burr, 435. Dav.— 166. Calvin, 381. Chloe, 372. Daniel, 259. Eunice, 147. John Calvin, 381. Levi C, 146, 259. Robert W., 458. Sophia, 263. Theron, 177. Davton, Josiah B., 258. Dean,— 166. Elizabeth, 352. Dearing, Cornelius Cuyler, 308. De Bevoise, James, 351. Margaret Cecelia, 351. Delafield, John, 165. Delavan, Harriet, 239. Demerritt, Emily Thompson, 379. Deming, Ammi R., 119. Charles. 110. Chauncev. 136, 157. Electa Ailing, 296. Eliakim, 119. Ellen .•\ugusta, 395. Fanny. 158. Frederick. 240. Gideon, 297, 387. John, 136, 158. Katharine, 157. Marv, 110 Nancy. 249. Samuel, 136. Theron. 296, 297. Treat, 192. Walter, 296. Denis. Cyrenus Blackman, 415. Heman, 415. Denison, Emma Cornelia, 172. Jesse Wood, 380. Mary Louise, 380. Dennis, Nanc\-, 410. Denton, .-^ngevine, 341. Louisa, 467. Devereaux, John, 89. Dewey, (Mrs.) Jane (Bingham), 190. De Witt. Margaret, 87. Dev, Anthonv, 241. Dibb, Marv Dwver, 395. Mary Elizabeth, 395. William Denton, 395. Dickenson, .^shbell, 62. Joshua B., 441. Katharine Lee, 441. Mary, 94. Dickinson, Emilv, 179. George W., '430. Lucy, 130. Lydia, 233. William, 430. Diechoff, .Amanda, 464. Dies, Margaret .A.nn, 344. Dillon, Mary, 457. Dix, (Charles, 57. Leonard, 57. Dodd, William, 132. Dodge, Charles Wright. 400. Jasper Newton, 400. Dolph, Cilestia Ann, 406. Susan, 182. Donaghue. Matilda A., 463. Donner, John Alexander, 434. Doolittle. .Abraham Burbank, 217. Eunice, 50. Josiah. 217. Reuben, 228. William, 259. Dorchester, .■\lexander. 51. Dorman, Charlotte, 249. Dorr, Joseph. 32. Dotv-. A. E.. 299. Doughtj-, Mae, 456. Douglass, Esther, 173. Dousimer, Rosalie, 403. Dow, Sarah, 260 Dowd, Chloe, 182. Desire, 178. John, 184. Silence, 94. Downer, Lettie, 159. Downing, George, 168. Downs. Caroline Barber, 306. Elijah, 206. Dovle, Dennis H., 165. Drake. 384. Augustine. 107. Elijah, 116. Harrison Wilder, 327. Jeremiah, 41. 534 INDEX Drake, John Ayers, 384. Mary, 107. (Mrs.) Marian E. (Wilder), 327. Samuel, 116. Drickreide, Helen, 294. Driggs, Sterling. 295. Driimm, John, 269. Drury, Amos, 460. George Burder, 460. Dudley, Calch, 107. Elizabeth, 161. Elizabeth R., 183. John, 183. Joseph, 94. Laura, 182. Miles, 160. Nathaniel, 71, 182. Ruth, 183. Thomas, 95. Duncan, Abbie, 374. Duncomb, Amanda, 421. Dunham. Elizabeth, 61. Mary E., 346. Nancy, 207. Rosa Sands, 343. Rufus. 207. Sally, 207. Dunlap, — 342. William Mallory, 253. Dunning, Abigail, 332. Dunwell, Celia, 264. Durgin, George Weston, 256. Durrell, Mary. 396. Dusenbury, Elizabeth, 167. John, 75. Duval, Mary Hinsdale, 269. Du Vail, Hannah, 444. Dwight, Aurelia, 224. Benjamin Woolsey, 357. Elihu, 227. Fidelia. 89. John. 121, 224 Jonah, 88. Marv Ann, 227. Sarah, 121, 226. Sophia. 357. Timothy. 87, 220. Dyar, Louisa J., 465. Dykeman, Oscar Augustus, 467. Peter, 467. Eadie, Christina, 280. Eames, Susan, 328. Earl, Annette Evaline, 410. Eastman, Benjamin, 147. John, 147. John Cotton, 463. Lois, 89, Peter, 44. Easton, Oliver Hastings, 301. Wait, 301. Eaton, D. J.. 270. Timothy, 105. Eddy, Azariah, 266. Eunice, 308. Jonathan, 266. Marv, .308. Edgar, C. W., 412. Edgecomb, Joseph, 178. Rhoda, 301. Edmonds, Amelia, 349. Edo, Elizabeth, 116. Edwards, Daniel, 41. Elizabeth. 127. Ferdinand Worcester, 462 George J., 119. Henrietta, 122. Jonathan, 44, 88. Louisa. 351. Marv Hale, 462. Phebe. 117. Pollv, 60. Richard, 41. Thomas Smith, 406. Timothy, 44, 117. Eggleston, Abigail, 174. Samuel, 174. Eliott, Caroline, 163. Catherine, 162. Grace Luella, 380. Hannah, 61, 162. John, 164. Elliott, John, 164. Joseph, 3i. Submit, 430. William, 380. Ellery, John. 77. Ellis, Ebenezer, 109. Noah, 109. Ellsworth. Daniel Webster, 297. Hannah, 107. John, 151. Jonathan, 107. Martha, 152. Elmer, Joseph, 300. Lucius. 300. Elwell. Susan. 463. Emerson, Ezekiel, 32. Emery, Andrew, 331. Fandera Richardson, 331. Emmetts, Col. 471. INDEX S3S Engle, Susan A., 378. Enos, James Clarence, 321. Jonathan, 321. Ensign, Electa, 296, 297. Irena, 265. Erichson, Charles F., 468. Ernst, Arthur, 283. Erwin, Emma, 356. Esquirol Peter, 167. Esseltine, George, 240. Evans, Marguerite E., 404. Thomas Louis, 432. Evarts, Austin, 183. Curtis, 180. Ezra, 179. Jonathan, 96, 180. Mabel, 96. Everett, Alvira, 275. Robert, 188. Everston, Margaret Smith, 241. Nicholas F., 241. Ewing, John, 258. Rebecca Jane, 258. Susannah, 130. Failing, Nancy, 403. Fairchild, Ephraim Beardsley, 469. Frances, 292. Samuel, 71. Fargo, Mortimer, 210. Farmer, Florence L., 469. Jennie Belle, 308. Farnham, Aaron, 152. Abner, 152. Evelyn Hart, 151. Harriet A., 152. Farnsworth, Clinton Eugene, 383. Farrar, Samuel, 88, 117. Fay, Albert Holden, 423. Fellows, Mary, 283. Fenn, Benjamin, 15. Betsey Perlina, 327. Chester, 327. Joanna, 29. Martha, 15. Mary, 22. Sally, 102. Ferguson, Charles F., 339. Daniel, 330. Harriet Jane, 330. Ferris. — 167. Emily Matilda, 138. Richard, 167. Ferry. Blanche, 401. be.xter Mason, 401. Fessenden. C. S., 55. Field, Asahel, 201, 202. Autha, 201. Betsey, 160, 202. Christina, 223. Cortland De Peyster, 282. Cyrus W., 54. David, 54. Elliot B., 184. Lucy, 289. Luke, 160. Marietta, 181. Martha, 327. Seth, 294. Fields, Lucy B. — Appendix. Filer, Elizabeth, 78. Samuel, 78. Finney, Elizabeth, 282. Fish, Hamilton, 440. Nathaniel Thompson, 298. Fisher, Fanny, 168. Timothy, 91. Fitch, Andrew Mason, 209. Ann, 109. Asahel Norton, 283. Fitz, Randolph Julianna, 367. Flagg, Mary, 198. Fletcher, Abigail, 15. John, IS. Lucinda, 409. Sarah, 19. Flint, Dorothy, 15. Henry, 15. Flowers, Cornelius, 92. John. 92. Floyd, Marv, 164. William', 164. Flynn, James, 447. Michael, 447. Foote, Charles P., 403. E. T., 68, 154. Emma Louisa, 403. Marv, 287. (Mrs.) Mary, 68. Ford, Anna, 373. Jessie, 273. Lydia, 16. Thomas, 16. Forman, Samuel. 207. Foster, Eleazer, 91. Elizabeth C, 297. Lucinda, 181. Mary, 254. Orpha, 181. Ralph. 300. Richard, 294. Fowle, William, 160. Fowler, Abiel, 308. Abraham, 72. 536 INDEX Fowler, Alonzo, 260. Amos, 40. Anson, 308. John, 29. Mabel, 12. Richard, 160. Richard R., 165. Sarah, 260. Wells, 260. William Harrison, 270. Fowteville, Margaret, 7. Fox, Horace, 385. Phebe Deming, 155. William, 295. Francis Achsah, 245. Amzi, 264, 388. Harvey, 206. Henrietta E., 388. Jane E., 184. Roger, 264. Franklin (Mrs.) Helen N., 242. Franks, Sarah, 251. Fredenburg, La Rue, 445. Frederick, Charles, 166. Freeman, Mrs. Nancy (Atwell),32. Fremont, Jessie, 448. French, — 241. Daniel, 175. David, 421. Elijah Beach, 420. Emilv C, 360. Lyndon S., 152. Frisbee, Eliza, 151. Frisbie, Soplironia, 79. Frost, Amariah, 32. Ebenezer, 104. Edward \.. 260. Elizabeth, 83. Samuel, 27. Titus, 104. Fuller, Ada Beatrice, 310, 430. Asa. 390. Elizabeth, 160. Erskine Asa, 390. Henry Bingham, 308. John, 203. 430. Mary, 383. (Mrs.) Nancy (Lee), 117. Samuel Porus, 204. William. 117. Fulmer, Minnie, 384. Gage, Mary, 189. Gahr, Charles Richard, 451. Gains, Enoch, 295. Gallaudet, Peter Wallace, 168. Gandy, Thomas, 328. William Howell, 328. (^anson, Emeline, 278. Gardiner, — 166. Gardner, Cora, 424. Elizabeth Dennis, 424. Phebe, 32. Priscilla, 31. Gascoin. Julia, 437. Gates, Daniel C, 363. Dorothy, 135. Elizabeth, 131. Moses S., 322. Prudence Emeline, 247. Timothy, 247. Gav, Abigail, 121. Bunker, 121. Fisher, 74, 76. Gaylord, Ansel, 346. Elizabeth P., 260. Joseph, 213. Willard. 213. Gedney, — 167. George, Ruth. 187. Getten, Frederick J., 319. Gibbs, Abigail, 57. George .•\ugustine, 278. Orrin E., 278. Gibson, George, 241. Giddings, Orpha. 201. Solomon, 201. Gifford, L. Belle, 447. Gilbert, 60, 287. Benjamin, 176. Caroline, 356. Ebenezer, 49. Edwin Randolph, 251. Elisha, 176. Hooker, 51. Moses, 49. Patience, 144. Payton Randolph, 251. Sally, 250. Sylvester, 144. Giles, Susan, 433. Gill, Maude Lilian, 353. Gillette, Ashbell, 245. Francis, 245. Robert Hooker, 381. Gilman, Laura, 438. Givan, John, 242. Mary Howe, 242. Gleason, Catherine. 471. Polly, 194. Gledden. Nancy Mills, 356. Glen, Elijah McKenney, 283. Mary Cady, 283. Glover, Deborah, 90. INDEX S37 Goad, Ella Wall, 456. William Frank, 456. Goddard, Henry, 394. Levi Hart, 394. William O., 337. Godfrey, Mary Ann, 443. Goff, Mary, 283. Gold, Abigail, 35. Goldsberry, Sadie, 315. Goodhue, Ebenezer, 227. Josiah F., 227. Goodman, Thomas, 76. Goodrich, Abigail, 123. AUvn, 49. Anna, 128. Elizabeth, 49. Ephraim, 24. Jedediah, 49. Marv Electa, 445. Rhoda, 59. Waitstill, 36. Goodsell, Jacob, 79. Goodspeed, William, 113. Goodwin, Charles, 463. Daniel, 77. Dolly, 77. Ellen Jane, 463. Jane Croswell, 387. Jasper K., 446. John Douglass, 254. Maria, 295. Morgan, 295. Thomas A., 387. Gordon, Alice, 437. George Cooley, 437. Jane, 437. Luther, 437. Sarah, 364. Sarah Maria, 450. Susan, 148. Susan Elizabeth, 229. Gorham. Abby, 145. Julia, 373. Polly, 311. Goss. Luke, 151. Gould, Eunice, 137, 237. Grady, Alberta, 446. Graham, Clarissa, 93. Franklin, 376. Maria, 135. Virgil B.. 376. Graley, Alfred A., 344. Louise Emma, 344. Granes, Melissa, 204. Granger. Cynthia, 310. Grannis, Ann, 85. Grant, Anna, 347. Duncan, 383. Grant, Fanny L., 387. Gilbert, 241. Polly, 129. Robert, 383. Ulysses S., 232. Graves, Elihu, 461. Josephine Dickenson, 461. Prudence, 181. Grav, — 166. John, 413. Lydia Frances, 215. Sarah, 341. Green, Cecelia, 256. Helen Marr, 402. Huldah, 129. Sylvester, 402. Greene, — 81. Joseph David, 452. Gregory, Fanny Barton, 384. Frederick H., 258. Gridley, Almira, 214. Harriet, 309. Louisa, 309. Lucv, 119. Mar'v, 142. Rezin, 142. Thomas, 99. Grier, Elizabeth Perkins, 379. John Cooper, 379. Thomas Atherton, 379. Griffin, Allavisa, 88. Lydia, 160. Griffith. Elizabeth, 393. Griswold, Betsey, 200. Gaylord, 172. Josiah, 63. Leonard R., 129. Martha, 39. Marv, 107, 162. Mindwell, 132. PoUv, 374. Rebeckah, 63. Sally A., 179. Sarah, 126. Sarah E., 300. Submit, 184_, Sylvanus, 172. Gruman, Cholwell J., 250. Gurley, Almira, 355. Gustine, Lemuel. 164. Guyton, Harrv Page, 388. Gwaltney, Ma'ttie, 240. H Haas, Caroline Regina, 403. Peter, 403. Haigh, Sarah, 88. 538 INDEX Haight, Chary Ann, 314. Gilbert, 314. Lucy E., 279. Susan, 392. Haile, Harriet Cornelia, 364. William, 364. Hale,— 239. Enoch, 121, 225, 226. Frederick A., 108. James Frank, 274. Octavia, 225, 226. Sibylla, 370. Sidney O., 181. William, 87, 439. Hall, Benjamin, 135, 248. Charity, 290. Ellen Louisa, 367. Emma Amelia, 389. Isaac, 367. John, 31. Julia Cornwall, 325. Libni, 389. Mary, 123. Richardson, 370. Ruth, 135. Sarah, 370. William S., 401. Hallet, Joseph, 165. Hallot. Maria, 165. Hallock, Erasmus Darwin, 318. Hamblin, Jabez, 405. Reuben, 405. Hamersley, John William, 282. Lewis Carre, 282. Hamilton, Ale.xander, 82. Catherine, 419. George W.. 113. Hamlin, Giles, 18. Marv. 43. Mehitabel, 18. Hammond, Ella, 320. Stephen Hallet, 247. Hampstead, E-xperience, 164. Hanford, Harriet, 162. Ruth, 138. Hard, David Merchant, 258. Hardy, Aaron, 273. Aaron Alwood, 273. Hare, Charles Bermin, 402. Harrington, , 298. Alice, 298. Benjamin, 298. Heber, 298, 299. Lvdia, 298. Mary Ann, 299. Harris Ambia Boody, 437. Jonathan N., 221. Nathaniel, 325. Harris, Ruth, 163. Sarah Parker, 325. Zeruiah, 32. Harrison, S., 80. Hart, Abigail, 59, 67, 102, 243. Alice, 433. Charles Richmond, 294. Comfort, 307. Cynthia, 167. Cyprian, 124. Edward L., 141. Edward Lucas, 244. Eliza Ann, 434. Elisha, 62. Hannah, 102. Henry, 209. Henry A., 192. Job C, 307. John, 36, 37, 39. Jonathan, 67. Joseph, 169. Josiah, 39. Linas, 157. Lucas, 244. Lucy, 377. Margaret, 38. Maria Benton, 375. Martha, 59. Martin, 156. Mary — .'\ppendix. Matthew, 37, 57. Mercy, 36, 39. Nathaniel, 36, 124. Norman, 191. Obed, 249. Ruth. 162, 163. Samuel, 37. Sarah, 230. Selah, 124. Simeon, 141, 244, 250. Thomas, 36, 39, 163. Truman, 249. William, 169. Hartland, Mrs. (Ensign), 122. Hartley, Elizabeth, 7i. William, 201. Haskell, Marv, 413. Hastings, Phebe, 301. Hatch, Dora, 239. George H., 411. Mary, 237. Havermann, Rudolph F. H., 207. Hawley, Abigail, 109, 421. Asa, 156. John N., 413. Naomi. 156. Zarr, 413, Hayden, Edward C, 401. INDEX 539 Hayes, Adaline, 131. Harriet Louisa, 358. Joel, 358. Haynes, Sarah, 23. Hawkins, Ruth, 39. Hayward, Mercy, 32. Hazeltine, Abner, 18. Hazen, Fanny H,, 387. James A., 387. Heath, Avery, 61. Hannah, 61. Hebner, David L., 435. Hedges, Isabella G., 264. Mary S., 264, 388. Helah, John T., 302. Hemenway, Jacob, 44. Lydia, 44. Hemingway, Mary Ann, 347. Henderson, Deliorah, 261. Elizabeth, 211, 319. Handell. 454. Henry, Mary Ann, 211. Herkimer, Amanda, 402. Herrick, Claudius, 91. Herriman, Francis Edgar, 308. Hcssington, Clark, 181. Hickok, Ruth, 112. Thaddeus, 112. Hicko.x, Betsey, 264. Hicks, Joseph B., 418. Higgins, Hannah, 89. Minerva, 206. Hill, Christopher, 307. Damaris, 180. Esther, 366. Fanny, 192. Frances, 181. Gains, 216. George W., 184. Harriet, 291. Henrv, 40. James, 180, 181. Kate, 395. Lois, 181. Mary Jane, 307. Seth, 291. William, 216. Hills, Austin. 412. Jeanette Todd, 191. Josephine, 256. Mary Ann, 196. Hilyer, Henry, 388. Hincklev, Sophia, 358. Hines, David, 30. Jared, 30. Hinman, Jacob, 315. Martha, 296. Hinsdale, John, 61. Lydia, 61. Roswell, 50. Hipolite, Maria, 397. Hipp. William, 448. Hitchcock, Martha, 422. Orrin, 422. Sylvia, 380. William, 422. Hoadley, Chester, 231. Milo, 258. Hoar, Margery, 15. Hobart, Deborah, 410. Hodges, Charles, 342. Lucretia, 299. Samuel, 299. Hoitt, Fannie, 424. Holcomb, Mary J., 144. Sarah, 263. Holcombe, Susan, 131. Holdridge, Sallv, 308. Holdyne, PameJia, 188. Holgate, Arabella Eliza, 339. Curtis, 339. HoUingsworth, Elizabeth, 29. Hollingsvvorth, Fidelia, 176. F'ranccs, 294. Hollister, Ann, 58. George Henry, 340. Gershom, 60. Josiah, 340. Rebecca, 56. Rhoda. 50. Thomas, 60. Holmes, Ann, 407. Emma Temperance, 252. Holt, Sarah, 214. Holton, Charlotte Mary, 314. Homer, J. Melville, 310. Hood, John Wesley, 423. Mary, 417. Hooker, Abigail, 113, 124. Ann, 127, 229. Asahel, 88, 345. Ashbell, 134. Cvnthia, 264. David, 111. John, 226. Lucv, 60, 321. Martha GriswoUl, 345. Roger, 69. Samuel, 101, 127. 245 Sarah, 16, 101. William, 193, 226. Hoover, Anna Maria, 275. Harmon, 275. Hope, Franklin A., 196. 212. 540 INDEX Hopkins, Benjamin, 62. Eliza, 339. Elizabeth, 63. Ellen Maria, 354. Frances Hale, 172. Frank, 417. Frederick William, 228. Kesiah, 357. Lucius, 354. Mark, 150. (Mrs.) Rogers, 134. Sarah, 142. Thomas, 75. Volnev, 237. Hopper, Joseph D., 139, 244. Hopson, Chandler, 329. Hopson, Deborah, 163. G. W., 423. Horton, , 167. Thomas, i66. Hotchkiss, Amos, 178. Eber S., 183. Isaac, 183. Houghton, Thaddeus Constantine, 423. House, Bessie A., 408. Cvnthia, 218. John, 51. Houston, Harriet, 350. How, George Calvin, 274. Howard, Caroline, 379. Elizabeth, 31. Mark. 191. Samuel, 41. Howd, Harvev H., 179. Rebecca, 179. Susan Jeanette, 229. Howe, Andrew, 255. Howell, Emeline, 328. Eunice, 42. Howland, Martha Hazard, 155. Hoyt, Harriet, 197. James J., 90. (Mrs.) Chloe (Hickok), 112. Hubbard, Clarissa, 277. Daniel, 163. Deborah, 163. DeWitt, P., 317. Emilv, 441, 442. Gideon M., 251. Henry Snow, ill. Rachel, 176. Reuben Lvman, 377. Richard W., 406. Sally, 260. Selah, 101. Stephen, 175. Wells, 191. Hubbell, Joseph, 175. Rhoda, 414, 415. Stephen, 175. Hubert, Agnes Cornelia Mary, 273. Hudson, Cornelia Luello, 423. Grace, 336. Huffaker, Emma, 456. Hull, Aaron W., 209. Arville, 182. Clarissa, 179. Estelle Maria, 465. Hiram, 228. Joseph Darling, 273. Julia, 183. Lucinda, 179. Mary, "SI. Marv Jane, 238. Richard, 181. Hume, Anna, 338. Elizabeth, 199. Walter, 199. Hummerston, Lydia, 188. Humphrey, Electa, 130. Elizabeth, 110. Eugene C, 407. Mary, 365. Hungerford, Nancv, 388. William S., 129. Hunt, Andrew K., 191. Betsey, 293. Eliza, 263. Emory W., 282. Isaac, 166. James, 293. Kesiah Osgood, 263. Mary, 28. Robert, 89. William, 263. Hunter, Albert S., 326. Fletcher, 326. Winifred, 426. Hunting, Lettie Frances, 403. Thomas Bela, 403. Huntington, Elon, 284. Faith Trumbull, 214. Jabez, 214. Lucretia, 453. Mary, 82 Susan Painelia, 284. Hurd, Eleanor S.. 388. William S., 388. Hurlburt, Elizabeth, 157. Helen Ruth, 293. James, 50, 58. Lucy, 60, 322. S., 102. Stephen, (JO. INDEX 541 Hutchins— 312. Castleton Browne, 442. Grace, 408. Joseph, 410. Harry Barnes, 442. Mary Sawyer, 288, 410. William, 410. Hyde, Elizabeth, 43. Harvev, 322. Lucy, 322. William, 43, 78. I Ingersoll, Aaron, 86. David, 86. John, 28. Jonathan, 28, 65. Mary, 65, 122. Moses, 55. Ingram, Georgia L., 257. Ireland, John R., 169. Irvine, William Thomas, 383. Isham, Ezra, 79. Ives, Augusta Louisa, 253. Belinda, 212. Damaris, 104. Eunice, 213. Ira, 212. John, 123. Mary, 123. Noah, 44. Riley, 346. Jack, Lvdia Jane, 379. William, 379. Jackson, Edward, 8. Jagger, Laura, 313. Nathaniel, 128. Jakob, Therese, 149. James, Richard, 79. Jamison, Herbert Brotherson, 379. Janes, Abigail, 108. Lovisa, 351. Jason, Thomas C, 433. Jay, Rilla, 411. Jenks, Mary El well, 368. Jennings, Elizabeth, 165. John Joseph, 271. Margaret, 264. Jerome, Janet, 394. Timothy, 394. Jessamine, Emma Ada, 460. Jessup, — 241. Jewett, Albert, 462. F. Garretson, 282. Jewett, Frances Augusta, 462. M., 392. Spofford D., 192. Johnson, Almira, 182. Betsev, 110. Flora Belle, 321. Frances Elizabeth, 106. Harriet, 326. Julia Russell, 275. Lillian Edwina, 440. Marquis L., 321. Mary, 346. Mary Elizabeth, 280. Samuel, 81. Samuel William, 90. William, 275. Johonott, Edwin, 295. Louisa, 176. Joner, Gertrude L., 443. Jones, Amasa, 173. Ambolena, 401. Cyrus, 359. Edward, 106. Hannah, 123, 193. Henry Mason, 359. Jennie Gladys, 386. John D., 334. Katharine, 337. Kiler Kent, 401. Levi, 123. Mahala, 378. Mary, 237. Relief, 237. Richard Lord, 173. William James, 386. Jordan, Elizabeth, 33. Judd, Anna, 100. Elizabeth Munger, 347. Harriet L., 258. Herbert L., 446. Mary, 192. Phineas, 100. Polly, 58. Sarah, 225. Sylvester, 225. Wealthy Jane, 121. Judson, Abigail, 35. Timothy, 28, 56. Jumel, Madame, 87. K Kean, Julia, 440. Kceler, Cynthia, 236. Joseph B., 266. Phebe, 236. Keene, Jenette, 119. Keeny, Seabury, 313. 542 INDEX Keep, Lticinda, 361. Keith, Hattie, 430. James Dyar, 465. James Monroe, 465. Kelley, Ellen Amanda, 332. George Wing, 332. Kellv, Elias William, 398. Ezekiel, 398. William, 329. Kellogg, Allen, 211. Amanda, 151. Anna, 39, 238, 345. Hannah, 211. James C. 253. Martin, 39, 190. Marv, 28. Kelsev, Mary, 130. Kelso', Martha P., 253. Kemp, Harriet A.. 236. Kendall, George, 300. John Blake, 367. Lucinda, 432. Mary, 330. Kendrick, Abigail, 153. Asahel Clarke, 281. Clarke, 281. Kenwies, Florence. 255. Ketcham, William, 363. Ketchum, Joshua, 86. Kettridge, Abel, 147. Keves, Martha, 274. ' Mary, 89. Kidder Anrelia (Hooker), 322. John, 323. Lavonia, 205. Kilbourn, Sophia, 265. Kilbourne,— 151. Charles Jacob, 239. Joseph Knight, 382. Martha Clarke, 382. Killam, Charlotte M., 314. Eliphalet, 314. Kimball, Albert Frost, 442. Cecelia Mitchell, 438. Charles Caleb, 442. Eliza Livermore, 333. Mahala, 396. Kimberlcy, Adelaide, 183. King, Alfred Joshua, 451. C. R., 391. Edward Morton, 439. John R., 254. (Mrs.) Esther, 417. Martha Elizabeth, 451. Mary, 391. Kingsley, Abigail, 224. Edward Webster, 463. Ezra, 368. Kingsley, Orrin, 368. Samantha Rust, 462. Zenas. 463. Kirby, Mary, 133. Sarah Sage, 133. Kirkland, Eliza, 149. Henry Sterling, 344. Marv H., 219. Kirstead, Elizabeth, 398. Kirtland, Daniel, 185. Lucilla, 187. Klinehaus, Delia, 294. Knapp, George Frazier, 257. Knickerbocker, Edwin, 467. Hugh, 467. Knight, George Elderkin, 462. Henry A., 373. John Milton, 462. Marv Burnside, 468. Sylvester Rhodes, 468. Knowles, Elizabeth. 16. Kno.x, Harriet Coombs, 424. Koechlin, Caroline, 386. Kohlhamer, Caroline Cecelia, 402. Joel, 412. Kreckel, Mary Katharine, 371. Krewson, Lois, 384. Vira, 384. Krueger, Carl Gotthilf, 352, 454. Kuhn, John Leonard, 295. Leonard, 296. Maria D., 295. Lake, E. D., 55. Lambert,— 309. Elizabeth, 30. Lamphier, Elizabeth Jane, 296. Landon, David, 161. George, 160. Samuel, 161. Langdon, Cynthia, 127. Ebenezer, 64. Eliza Wadsworth, 137. J., 80. Jonathan, 127. Joseph, 64. Mary, 104. Samuel, 57. Susannah, 57, 134. Lanman, Mary, 214. Lansing, Henry Seymour, 249. Lapham, David W., 449. Lasselle, Luther R., 79. Latimer, Edwin, 407. Latting, William Waring, 318. Laughlin, Nancy, 416. INDEX 543 Law, William, 164. Lawrence, Emily, 455. George Nickel,';, 426. Mary, 51. (Mrs.), 297. Pliebe Stevens, 256. Lawton, Clarence Fayette, 318. Grace Abbie, 438. Thomas S., 438. Lay, Richard, 162. Lazarus, Julia, 432. Leach, Susie M., 329. Leavitt, Jonathan, 68. Joshua, 68. Ledyard, Abigail, 162. Lee, Elizabeth, 57. Eliz.ibeth (Gilbert), 117. Isaac, 101. John, 131, 132. Jonathan, 49. Katharine, 441. Marv, 49. Orrin, 131. Samuel. 59. Sarah, 183. Leete, Andrew, 33. Anna, 43. Edwin, 184. Mary, 22. Mercy, 33. (Mrs.) Marv Ann, 181. Sarah, 27. William, 22, 43, 78. Le Fevre, Mrs. Pamelia Maria (Ward), 235. William Chauncev, 235. Le Maire, Julia, 470.' Leonard, Electa, 230. Hannah, 312. Harriet, 194. Harry A., 317. Lewis, Abel, 153. Abigail, 136, 142. Adaline, 194. Charles W., 393. Daniel Ely, 283. Eli, 117. Elias, 119. Elizabeth, 393. Jane, 250. Jane E.. 240. Kate, 283, 336. Katharine, 444. Katherine Mather, 239. Lvdia, 117. Marv, 153. Mary D., 238. (Mrs.) Mary, 63. Lewis, Mercy, 150. Nathaniel. .38. Sarah, 38. 118. Seth, 239. William, 119. Lillibridge, — 53. Lilly, Lyman Augustus, 383. Lincoln. Abraham. 232. Simeon, 61, 133. Lindsay, Melville Dyar, 453. Lindsey. Jeanette Nlarion, 380. Lindsley, Tersa, 195. Linman, Betsey. 261. Little. George "B., 352. Otis. 352. Robert. 313. Simeon, 313. Livingston, Catherine, 170. Clermont, 399, 400. John Henry, 399. Joseph A., 126. Mary E., 183. Lloyd, John Jackson, 350. Nannie Varina, 350. Lockwood, Eliphalet, 109. Peter, 109. Lone, Susan Deborah, 451. Long, Juliette A., 410. Loomis, Daniel, 160. Dorcas, 174. Marv Ann, 300. Marv Jane, .348. Randolph B., 249. Loop, Henry, 149. Loper, .-Mmira, 420. Lord, Benjamin, 23. Elizabeth, 286. George, 76. Haynes, 193. Hope, 173. John K., 153. Richard, 76. Lorenz, John, 382. Loring, Georgianna C, 225. Lothstrom, Caroline Sopliia, 395. Loud, Vileria Augusta, 462. Loutrell, Alfred M., 268. Lounsbery, Emma Gertrude, 437. Love, Kate Irene, 255. Loveridge, Charles Augustus, 397. Loomis, 397. Low,— 17. Lucas, Mary Ann, 182. Lufif. Edmund, 286. (Mrs.) Esther (Meigs), 190. Harriet Frances, 286. William Merritt, 286. 544 INDEX Lum, Charlotte, 234. Reuben. 234, Sarah, 234. Lusk, Lovisa, 185. Nancy. 190. Seth, 190. Solomon. 190. LvTnan, Charles, 214. Cvnthia, 87. (Mrs.) Elizabeth (Hunt), 214. Elisha, 108. Jonathan Huntington, 220. 358. Marv, 359. Phebe, 120. L.vnde, Catherine, 455. Lvon, .\nn Amanda, 115. Eli, 54. Elizabeth, 90. Nellie Elizabeth, 375. Lytle. Harry Voorhees. 386. M McAllaster, Sarah, 376. Mc.A.lIester, James, 376. McAllister, — 415. Lewis, 411. McCain, George Nox — Appendi.x. McCanne, Hugh R.. 294. McCIoud. Sarah. 197. McConnell, Jennie. 432. McCormick, Isabella, 176. McCoy, William, 79. McCracken. Benjamin, 205. McCullv. Walter, 387. McDonald, W. H., 294. McGee, Henry, 308. McGregor, Edward, 361. Mary Ann, 358. McGonigle, Hannah, 281. McHugh, Grace, 232. McKav. Jane, 202. McKee. Cora. 450 McKercher, Daniel — Appendi.x. Finlay — Appendix. McKinley, William. 274. McKinstry, Charles, 149. McKnight, Emelie J., 260. Juiige, 260. McKune, Pearl Undine, 322. McLean, Catherine. 261. Eliza Gilpin. 459. James B.. 289. John W., 250. Samuel, 459. McNavcda, Isabella. 252. McPhail. Leonard C„ 345. Maria Louisa, 354. McPherson, Ann, 383. McQuary, James C, 338. Mary Catherine, 338. McQuillan, Alexander, 182. (Mrs.) Sarah, 412. McQuivey, Alson Nathaniel, 327. McRov, Loretta, 457. Thomas H.. 457. McWithj', Jane Stephens, 436. Mabbett. Anna Belden. 4<57. Mack, Ophelia Burdett, 390. Wescott Beebe, 390. Macomber. Adelia. Maria, 235. Benjamin. 189. Seth Griffith. 189. Macon. Elizabeth. 66. Magden. Dennis, 269. Robert. 269. Magoffin. James. 172. Mallerv. Etnma Lawrence. 247. Mallett. Lewis, 30. Malsan, Henry M., 249. Mandeville, Elizabeth C., 375. Manexia, Sarah, 350. Manly, Edith Clara, 417. Mary Eugene. 417. Mann. Amanda. 240. Francis Norton. 327. Jeremiah, 327. Washington LaFayette. 286. Manning, Hannah, 336. Mansfield, Ebenezer, 106. Elizabeth, 9. Jesse, 105. Richard. 105. Titus, 105. Manson, Rebecca, 61. Manville, Charles R., 395. March. Elias. 319. Emily. 319. Markham, Elmira T., 146. Marks, E.. 80. Marsh, Alexander, 30. Ben Frank. 356. George, 356. John, 30. Jonathan. 58. Marshall. Emilv, 239. Josiah. 297. Marson, Margaret. 303. Martin,-^15. Arminda Pratt, 339. Bowman B., 339. David, 192. Elizabeth, 113. Fanny. 326. Friend George, 334. George, 334. INDEX 545 Martin, Herma Emily, 406. John, 338. Mary, 204. Peter, 204. Susan A., 338. Marvin. John, D. D., 210. Sarah, 149. Mason, Hale, 261. Mehitabel, 261. Mather, Charles Peaslee, 355. Huldah, 157. Jerusha, 228. John N., 81. Marv Ann, 251. Richard, 9. Thomas, 251. Matson, William Newton. 359. Mattram, Mary Emma. 409. Maxfield, Frederick, 385. Maxwell. Annie Bennett, 337. Chloe, 154. Hugh, 154. Mayes, Robert, 214. Maynard, Lucy Ann, 153. Mazeine, Raymond, 468. Meacham, Elizabeth, 325. Mead, Jeremiah, 311. Joel. 145. Nelson, 311. Stephen Graham, 311. Means. John O., 152. Meigs, John. 190. Marv. 160. Sibyl, 94. Timthoy, 160. Melchers, Henry, 470. Henry Maximilian, 470. Mercein, Maria Louisa, 445. Merrill, A. O.. 248. Anna, 378. Lorinda Louise, 259. Sarah, 366. Merritt, Anna, 292. Daniel, 113. Eunice, 290. Jemima, 286. Mertz, Nettie Fern, 280. Merwin, Hannah, 29. Joseph, 29. Metcalf. David, 104. Julia Frances, 221. Melinda, 140. Metz, E. H., 270. Meyers, Hannah, 236, Middlebrook, Rhoda, 175. Mildren, Mark. 50. Miles, John, 28. 35 Millard, Cornelia, 165. John, 165, (Mrs.) Martha (Mayes), 214. Miller, Addie, 401. Cora, E., 454. Cornelius — .Appendix. David Rockwell, 416. Eleanor, 182. Elizabeth, 376. Hosea W., 268. Jacob, 416. John Cundy — .Appendix. Louise, 443. Lvdia, 90. Mary Elizabeth, 448. Nathan G., 450. Rose H., 384. Mills, Anna, 358. Betsv, 154. Daniel, 28. Jedediah, 154. Mary, 30. Mitchell, .\bigail (Bronson), 49. Alfred, 358. Catherine Sophia, 359. Edna Louise, 331. Elizabeth. 220. Emilv, 239. Esther, 126. George, 214. George Henry, 214. (Mrs.) Hattie (Barbour), 347, Jonathan, 7. Lucretia Woodbridge, 358. Mary Hall, 239. Samuel A., 118. Stephen Mix, 359. Susan, 367. Mix, Col., 318. Elisha, 349. John, 102. Mahala. 387. Monks, William, 407. Montague, David, 351. Enos, James, 351. Montgomery, Julia, 406. Moodv, Eunice Balch, 351. j8hn, 129. Mooers.— Benjamin No.x— -Appen- dix. Elizabeth — .-Appendix. John Hooker — Appendix. Stephen Boynton — .Appendix. William — .Appendix. Moore, .Augusta, 438. David v., 467. Elani, 324. 546 INDEX Moore, Eli, 243. Eliza S., 192. Elizabeth Mahala, 290. Frances Elizabeth, 338. Lucia Ann, 324. Lvdia Hubbard, 135. Marv, 36, 11. Mary Elizabeth, 384. Oliver, 124, 243. Phena, 199. Roswell, 243. Morey, G. A., 151. Morgan, Theophilus, 44. Morrill, Abigail, 174. Morris. Hannah, 442. Harriet, 244. John, 30. Lewis Richard, 87. Louisa, 90. Robert, 280. Morrow, .•\gnes, 392. Sarah, 430. Morse, — 31. Abbie Worth, 330. Hannah, 438. Isaac, 330. Lewis Kennedy, 372. Lucv, 163. Mar'v, il. Orrin D., 311. Moseley, Mary, 55. Increase, 55. Mosher, Allen Henrv, 319. Bingham, 319. Moss, Dorcas, 65. Mott, Sarah E., 457. Moulton, Cullen, 255. Samuel, 255. Mulford, Nancy Maria, 149. Mulligan, Hannah, 267. Mullikin, (Mrs.) Marv Ann, 180. Mulloy. Mary, 79. Mumford, Robinson, 35. Samuel Jones, 279. Munger, Esther, 184. Maronda, 195. Rachel, 311. Sally, 179. _ Samuel, 195. Truman, 179. Wellington B., 184. Munro, Mary M., 396. Munsell, Theodore Lamed, 288. Munson, Basil, 52. John. 52. Murphy, Mary, 430. Murrav, Amanda, 327. Ca'lvin, 179. Murray, Jesse, 96. John, 96, 179. Julius, 179. Muzzy, Amos Washington, 384. Mary Lucretia, 384. Myers, Isabella, 444. N Neal, Emeline. 236. Neelev, Martha, 391. Nellis^ Edward .^dam, 300. Nelson,— 137. John, 408. Nettleton, Abel, 311. Nelson, 182. Philemon, 311. Newberry, Abigail, 81. Newbury, Frances Elizabeth, 218. Newcomb, Asahel, 389. George Whitefield, 389. Newell, Amy, 39. Isaac. 70. Joseph, 302. Lvdia, 191. M"ary, 59. Simeon, 70. Newton, Anna Louisa, 211. Erastus, 377. Mary, 29. Roger, 7. Nicholas, Ransom, 292. Nichols,— 241. Burr, 421. Edwin Burr, 421. Elizabeth, 135. Fannie Cora. 421. Frank, Liberty, 421. George Hobart, 410. George Washington, 410. Hannah, 90. James, 291. Ruggles G., 182. William Ebenezer, 381. William J., 276. Nicholson, George, 418. James, 418. Nickels, Helen, 246. Nimocks, Calista, 126. Roland, 126. Nims, Augustin, 446. Noble, Emily. 398. Howard C., 466. Katharine, 320. Thomas, 408. Noonan, Frederick G., 395. Josiah, 395. Mary Tronibly, 395. INDEX 547 Nord, Martha E., 134. North, Isaac, 101. Mar>-, 101. (Mrs.) Mary A., 116. Nancy, 190. Northam, Jerusha, 122. Louisa, Maria, 191. Northriip, Charles Barzillai, 396. Frank S., 405. Norton, Albert. 132, 233. Beriah, 179. Charles, 61. Ebenezer, 50. Edward, 132, 377. Elizabeth, 103. Harriet, 131. Henrv H., 180. Huldah, 125. Ichabod, 66. Isaac, 377. John, 162. Josiah, 127. Justus, 179. Lvdia, 327. Martha. 59, 124. Mary, 142. Mehitabe!, 94. Olive, 160. Rachel, 161. Rebecca, 61. Reuben, 45. Roeer, 125, 128, 233. Ruth, 128. Sarah, 50, 101, 127. Stephen, 229. Tabitha, 101. Thomas, 45, 60. 66. Nutting, Isaac H., 361. Joseph D., 361. O Oakes, Elizabeth, 288. Oakley, Katie Eliza, 414. Oaks, Lavinia, 143. Martha, 232. O'Brien, Edward, 91. Odell, Susannah, 40. Ogden, Frances, 90. Hester, 394. Moses, 90. Ogden, Rhoda, 88, 117. Robert, 88. Willis L., 354. Ogle, Anna E., 378. Ohmer, Elenore Katharine, 386. O'Keefe, Ellen, 170. Olcott, Allen, 71, 264. Cynthia, 264. Josiah, 71. Olin, Fannie Gilbert, 404. Russell Asa, 404. Oliver, Minerva E., 308._ Olmstead, Lucy Starr, 357. Zalmon, 357. Opdvke, Elizabeth Maria, 413. Orr,' Edward K., 396. Gideon, 432. Simeon Kendall, 432. T. G., 269. Ortez, Pedro P., 158. Osborne, Abraham, 420. Grayson Haven, 470. Margaret .\llen, 420. William H., 470. Osgood, Maria Celia, 360. Osterhout, Isaac, 74. Ostrander, — 167. Ovitt, .\lmyron W., 409. Owen, Harriet, 325. O.xford, Margaret, 113. Packard, .Asa, 224. Fanny W'eed, 367. Frederick Adolphus, 224. Padgett, Robert M.. 255. Paine, IMartha, 201. Mary, 180. Palmer, Emma, 300. Frances A., 155. Harriet Leslie, 404. John, 410. John William, 404. Mary Nicholson, 217. Richard Henrv Percy, 404. W.,— 156. Palms, Sally, 80. Pantrv. Abigail, 68. Parker, Betsev, 201, 202. Elizabeth, 226. Margaret, 426. Mary J., 340. Mary Louise, 341. Myron Melvin, 402. Samuel, 226. Stephen, 294. Park-hill, David, 326. Jane Harriet, 206. Jesse, 206. Parmalee, .■\le.xis, 147. Anne, 56. Clarissa, 160. Dorothy, 55. 548 INDEX Parmalee, Ebenezer, IZ. Jehiel, 112. Jonathan, 56, 12, 179, 180. Lucretia. 96, 179. 180. Mary, 159. Ruth, li, 112. Susannah, 54. Timothy, 55. William, 159. Parsons, Elihu, 86. Henrietta, 279. Nehemiah, Prudden, 279. Sarah, 127. Patterson,— 50. Samuel, 201. Sophia, 278. Pattison, Blanche, 469. James L., 469. Payne, Nancy, 39. Peabody, Katharine, 340. Peake,— 92. Pearson, Charles, 362. Lydia, Woodward, 386. Merrill, 386. Pease, Pacera M., 165. Peck, .Abigail B., 190. Abigail G., 316. Amos, 62. Benjamin, 215. Chester, 131. Edward, 259. Elijah, 24. Elizabeth, 376. Emeline, 119. George, 299. Lemuel, 233. Sally, 206. Samuel, 62. Sheldon, 233. Solomon, 215. William, 316. Peckham. E. E., 249. Pegnes, C. M.. 294. Pelton, Seth, 177. Pembrooks, — 252. Penfield. Hannah, 90. Henry, 407. Pengree, Sarah, 267. Pennev. Jane, 280. James T., 280. Percival, James, 135. Perkins, Althea, 422. Henrietta, 282. Mary Jane, 399, 400. Mary Russell, 286. Mary Woodbridge, 394. Samuel Clarke, 224. Sylvester, 200. Thankful Asenath, 106. Perne, Rachel, 17. Perrin, Eliza ."^nn, 372. Perry, Emma, 402. Ruth Little, 438. St. George Talbot, 402. Peters, Earl C, 471. George V\\, 423. Pettibone, Myron Clarence, 417. Nancy, 195. Phelps, .'\bigail, 34. Burnham, 110, 196. Charlotte. 238. Edward, 80. Edward Clinton, 267. John, 133. Joshua, 191. Mary, 52, 230. Nathaniel, 196. Sarah, 80. Sarah .Asenath, 450. Timothv, 133. Phillips, Adelaide, 236. Cordelia. 410. Elkanah. 67. Eloise, 384. Joseph S., 411. Lovina, 243. Raymond, 462. Phoeni.x, .-Mexander, 221. Daniel, 218, 221. Rebecca, 218. Picket, Rodney, 132. Pierce, .-Mbert G., 436. James Watson, 252. Maria Williams, 459. Olive, 51. William, 436. Pierpont, Caroline Editha, 401. Esther, 106. James, 23, 90. John, 23. Lois, 106. Pierson, Mary (ElHott), (Hart), 33 Pike, Lvdia, 114. Woifred N., 456. Pine, Samuel, 188. Pitkin, Marv Clap, 149. Marv Hubbard, 150 Orin, 254. Sarah, 88, 89. Timothv, 149. Pi.xlev, .Mffed, 333. Isaac, 111, 113. John, 111. John Kimball, 333. Sallv. 113. Place. Clara M., 437. Tabatha — .Appendi.x. INDEX 549 Plant, Jane, 148. Piatt, Elizabeth, 221. Hannah, 28, 419. Jane E., 119. Joseph, 27, 28. Josiah, 27. Phebe, 27. Plumbe, Joseph, 27. Pollock, Thomas, 89. Ponieroy, Adino, 66. Elizabeth, 460. Enos, 150. Experience, 111. Hannah, 88. Josiah, 66. Phebe, 74. Rachel, 70. Pond, Flora Ann, 450. Pope, John D., 274. Porter, Albert, 295. Anna, 143, 251. Belinda, 150. Camilla, 289. Cyrus, 140. David, 147. Eleazer. 88, 89. Ellen, 452 Gideon, 61. Harriet, 246. Hezekiah, 61. Huldah, 133, 190. Jonathan Edwards, 87. Joseph, 142. Lucius P., 247. Marv, 89, 174. Meh'itabel, 112. Mindwell, 132. Noah, 150. Reuben, 102, 289. Samuel, 118, 132, 135. Sarah, 147. W. S., 58. Post, Abner, 250. Sarah Maria, 250. Potter, Elizabeth. 52. John Clark, 233. Phebe, 384. Potts, Hannah, 128. Powell,— 243. (Mr.) 243. Powers, Harry Huntington, 453. Joseph, 453. Pratt, Lena Mae, 412. Mary, 56, 128. Prentice, Abigail, 121. Prentis, John. 53. Sarah, 53. Prescott, Elizabeth, 140. Preston, Almena, 375. John, 200. Lewis, 195. Prevost, Theodosia, 87. Prior, E. L., 466. Elisha, 107. Proctor, — 111. Henry, 321. James Hooker, 321. Prudden, John, 29. Puffer, Winchester S., 360. Pullen, .Annie, 335. Purdy,— 167. Elisha, 75. Jacob, 75. Jacob D., 75. Phebe, 165. Putnam, Israel, 406. Jane, 406. Katharine, 362. Samuel Osgood, 362. Q Quimby, — 166. Ennis, 369. Wesley, 369. Quincy, .Ann, 224. R Rakestraw. Carrie Laura, 469. Randall, Lyman W., 405. Porter, 254. Randolph, .Arabella Tracey, 373. James Percy. 383. Ranney, Lydia, 227. Ransom, Epaphroditus, 409. Ezekiel, 409. Merrill, 112. Stephen, 113. Raper, .Mfred, 319. Rapp. .Anna, 257. Raymond, .Abby, 80. Franklin Chauncey, 397. George Henry, 444. James Madison, 444. Nancy, 274. Rawson, Edmund G., 82. Edward, 17. Grindall, 17. James M., 292. Reade, Helen Sarah, 170. John, 170. Reed, Charles, 321. Charles Henry, 321. Enos, 364. Helen Maria. 364. Jane .Ann, 208. Jane E., 436. 550 INDEX Reeve, Sarah Tapping, 87. Reinhold, Ralph Warren, 356. Rej'iiolds, Benjamin, 31. Owen, 291. Rhoades, Fannie, 303. Louis Francis, 420. Rhodes, Anthony, 311. Rice,— 167. Ambrose Doolittle, 205. Hannah, 233. Huldah, 62. John S., 144. Mary Ann (Wooster), 204. Roxy, 317. Uriah. 205. Rich, Phebe, 340. Richards, Chloe, 295. James, 138. June, 433. Paul Moore, 445. Seth, 364. Richardson, Charles, 367. Elizabeth, 314. Hannah, 331. Harriet, 469. Margaret Plunkett, 319, Phebe, 442. Seva, 442. Ricketson, George, 188. Rider, Ruth, 263. Riggs, Charles H., 350. Minerva — Appendi.x. Rierson, James Arthur, 421. William, 422. Riker, George Peters, 410. Isaac, 410. Rilev, Electra, 190. Huldah, 133. John, 61, 190. Philip O., 158. Rineman, Ella Amelia, 469. Martin Theodore, 469. Ripley, Catherine, 198. Marv Mclvina, 257. Wilfiam, 198. Risley, Lucy, 132. William H., 230. Ritter, Erthilda, 317. Robbins, Elizabeth Marv, 325. Mehitabel, 213. Nabbv, 145. Nathan, 292. Rebecca, 87. Roberts, Emeline Augusta, 276. Isaac, 276. Lizzie Ann, 409. Mary, 415. Mary Lowe, 454. Sally, 182. Robertson, Edv/in Ruthven, 362. Robinson, — 317. Florence de Moss, 438. Hannah, 128. Ichabod, 149. John, 436. John T., 257. Lvdia E., 436. William, 149. Rockafeller, Cornelius, 170. Rosannah, 170. Rockwell, Elizabeth, 360. Lucinda, 326. Peter K., 360. Rockwood, Nellie, 464. Roe, Alva, 332. Alvah Dunning, 331. Elijah, 196. Lovice, 196. Rogers, Angevine, 414. Artemas, 210. B. C, 315. Ellen, 296. John L., 387. Mary, 399. Wallace Wilbor, 379. Wilbor Jackson, 379. Roosevelt, Theodore, 170. Root, Aaron, 66. Abigail, 143. Deadamia, 156. Dennis, 373. Elizabeth J., 150. Ella J., 408. George William, 247. Harriet, 285. Hewitt, 111. James, 111. Marshall Jewell, 333. Mary, 49. Mary Elvira, 371. (Mrs.) Marcia (Bacon), 373. Moses, 126. Piera H., 272. Sophia, 126. Stephen, 104. Timothy, 104. Roper, Priscilla, 148. Rose, Jonathan. 162. Maria, 317. Sarah, 270. Rosenburg, Elizabeth Delphene, 436. Nicholas Jones. 436. Ross, Almira Wetmore, 250. Charles E., 265. John, 250. Rossiter,— 226. Benjamin, 162. Timothy, 162. INDEX 551 Rounesville, Abram Holmes, 313. John, 313. Rouse, Rebecca, 266. Rowe, Charlotte Woodman, 452. Oledine, 325. Rowland, George, 465. Thomas Fitch, 465. Rowley, Eliza, 181. Rownds, Joseph, 407. Mary H., 407. Ruck, Elizabeth, 77. Ruggles, Nathaniel, 72. Thomas, 72. Rumsay, Jennie Estella, 257. Rumsev, David, 202. Marv, 202. Rush, Sallv, 129. Russell, Alexander W., 320. Clementine, 320. Grace, 376. Hannah, 43. Henrv Esmond, 376. Lydia. 119. Noadiah, 43. Rebecca, 199. William, 43. Rust, Eliza, 461. Martha Lyman, 462. Miriam, 368. Ryan. Jennie, 431. Sabin, Carlton, 443. Emily, 443 . Sabins, Hezekiah, 90. (Mrs.) Marv. 89. Sackett, Chark-s'R.. 293. Darius Parmelee, 340. Safford, Ella, 281. Sage, Candace. 101. Margaret Lewis, 264. Mary, 297. Silas, 264. Salmon, Almira, 317. James Vincent, 320. Joel K., 317. Saltonstall. Mary, 168. Sample, William, 294. Sampson. Caleb, 148. Eliza, 148. Sanderson, Capt., 279. Fanny. 279. (Mrs.) Rosanna Searls (War- ner), 279. Sandford, Sarah, 212. Sanford, .Adeline. 347. Caroline, 429. Sanford, Hannah Piatt, 419. Harriet (Ruggles), 161. John William, 419. Porter, 347. Robert, 394. Rosina, 313. Samuel, 27. Saunders, Betsey. 113. Henry M., 309. Richard L., 437. Savage. Sarah, 50. Sawver, Augustus, 375. Elisha, 235. Ella, 405. Ellen H., 235. Marietta Preston, 375. Sarah. 288, 410. Schermerhorn. Mary Dwight, 368. Schwartz, William, 269. Scofield,— 309. Scott, George W., 255. Nancy, 294. Scoville, Anna, 62. Betsey, 51. Eleazer, 144. Mary. 62. Samuel Brown, 146. William. 146. Scrantom, Roxana. 161. Scranton, — 183. Hannah. 95. John. 183. Josiah, 94. Phebe, 94. Searle. Roger. 66. Searles, Maria L., 250. Sears, Francis. 335. Katharine, 335. Seavey, William Tewell, 377. Sedgwick, Mary, 91. Stephen, 91. See, Isaac, 336. Isaac McBride, 336. Seelev, Agur, 290. Edward, 393. Ezra Banks, 393. Frank, 206. Freeman Hall, 290. Ravmond Hovt. 274. Rufus, 274. Selleck. Hannah, 109. Jonathan, 35. Nathan, 35. Seymour, Ira, 86. Joseph, 41. Martha, 70. Mary, 156. Ruth, 100. 552 INDEX Seymour, Samuel, 57. Susannah (Judd), 57. Shader. Caroline E., 435. Violet, 436. William, 435. Shankland. Roliert, 262 Sharood. Alfred Mitchell, 270. Sharp, Catherine Richardson, 313. John, 314. Sarah, 292. William, 292. Sharpsteen, Dora, 319. Shattuck, Samuel, 311. Shaw, Jane, 255. Robert Root, 266. Sheafe, Ellen Augusta Haven, 470. Shedd, Eda A., 333. Sheldon, Calvin, 80. (Mrs.) Nancv (Hubbard), 251. Rodnev, 251." William, 214. Shepard, Isabella, 294. Justin I., 179. Thomas, 7. William, 7. Sherman, — 269. Anna, 42. Benjamin Franklin, 263. Charles, 415. Emily Louisa, 419. Emily M., 365. George B., 378. James, 263. Jay, 414. Jennie, 342. Josiah Beach, 414, 415, Rebecca, 56. Roger, 141. Warren, 419. Sherrill Mary Ann, 208. Sherwood, David, 268. Eunice, 393. Ormel Winton, 268. Polly, 268. Shevrill, Jane, 163. Shipman, Orpha, 190. Joseph, 192. Shippen, Katharine, 367. Sholl, Charles James, 297. Simmons, Joshua, 62. Julia, 345. Lucy, 170. Simonds, Ella, 405. Simons, William, 417. Simpson, Margaret, 389. Sims, E. D., 158. Edward D., 274. William E., 343. Skaats, .'\brahm, 413. Skilling, Jane, 382. Skinner, Richard, 79. Ruth, 76. William Wilson, 392. Sleeper, Cvnthia, 377. Sloper, Esther, 193. Marv E., 159. Smith,— 166. Aaron, 153. Abiathar, 166. Abigail, 100, 142. Ann, 317. Anna, 273. -Anna Katharine, 471. Bertha Wilson, 468. Bourland Davis, 443. Charlotte M., 307. Cyrus Porter, 216. Daniel, 21. Dudley, 236. Ebenezer, 100. Edward, 216. Elizabeth, 63, 165, 467. Ephraim, 30. Erastus Ferrant, 371. George, 443. Hannah, 129. Henry Crowley, 430. Henry H., 244. Henry Walworth, 371. Horace A., 323. James B., 181. John, 40, John Huvler, 468. Josiah, 102, 127. Joseph, 110. Lavina, 125. Louise Hannah, 438. Lydia, 34, Martha, 28, 30. Martha Esther, 417. Marv, 32, 154, 283. Mary Maria, 218. Mary Steele, 157. (Mrs.) Abigail (Hart). 127. (Mrs.) Margerv, 74. Nicholas T., 222. Rebecca, 231, 416. Sabrina, 110, 302. Samuel, 30. Sarah, 30, 85. Sidney, 152. Stiles Curtis, 471. Susan Townsend, 246. Theresa, 279. Thomas, 22, 38, 40. W. H., 74. INDEX 553 Smith, Wallace, 425. William, 72, 261. William Bartlett, 236. Zechariah, 127. Snell,— 294. Snook, Alice, 441. Emma, 442. Thomas W., 441, 442. Snow, G. W., 276. Snowden, Nathaniel Randolph, 164 Snvder, Andrew, 318. Elizabeth Ann, 318. George, 112, 269. Susan, 338. Soper, Arthur L., 444. Daniel, 161. Elizabeth, 162. Southworth, Nathaniel, 17. Spalding, Levi, 409. Reuben, 409. Thankful, 408. Spaulding, — 309. George, 238. Wesley. Spear, Jemima, 31. Spencer, Alice Mabel, 360. Castle, 201. Cvnthia. 397. Elizabeth, 338. Peter, 161. Sperry, Anson J., 80. James, 197. Moses, 197. Spickerman, Elizabeth, 385. Spink, Isaac, 332. Sarah Ann, 332. Spinner, Ann, 183. Springer, Mary L., 461. Spunter, Josephine, 285. St. John, Joseph, 54. Olive, 432. Staley, Cornelia Irene, 398. Stamp, William Henry, 300. Stanbaugh, S. S., 267. Standish, James D., 341. Stanger, Isaac Newton, 353. Stanhilber, John Frederick, 257. Standlev, Abigail, 19, 82. Elizabeth, 82. John, 82. Marv, 22. Nathaniel, 22. Sarah, 24. Stanley, Adna, 249. Amaziah, 267. Amelia, 229. Cyrus, 192. Edward Amaziah, 267. Elihu Lewis, 296. Stanley, Gad., 192. Hezekiah, 228. Jesse, 191. John, 59. Julia .\nn, 249. Luman, 296. Lucy, 293. (Mrs.) Sabra (Winchell), 127. Seth, 102, 229. Thomas, 59, 102. Timothy, 191. William Pomeroy, 296. Stannard, Henry B., 182. Stark, Mary Russell, 380. Starr,— 238. Joseph, 148. Lucv, 465. Nathan, 148. Rachel, 45. Stebbins, Elihu, 223. Florence May, 460. Mary, i7. Steele, Anna, 34. Britta, 176. Cecelia, 441. Ebenezer, 176. F'ranklin Anion, 300. Harriet, 441. Horace, 131. James, 34. Jeremiah, 148. John Brown, 314. Laura Lewis. 130. Lucretia, 101. Melissa Delphine, 314. Rachel, 176. Samuel. 157, 441. Stephens, Frank, 422. Katharine Traver, 352. Susannah,, 322. Stevens, Eber, 307. Harriet. 148. Horace E., 307. Julia, 315. Lois, 182. Martha, 432. Elizabeth, 129. Rebecca, 307. Roswell, 110. Sarah A., 257. Stewart, Ellen A., 434. Marv, 442. Stickney, Charles D., 282. Stiles, Amelia, 153. Isaac, 34. John. 34. Hannah, 52. Samuel, 52. Stinson, — 303. 554 INDEX Stocking, Clarissa, 125. Margery, 61. Stoddard, Joseph Nettleton, 381. Mary, 61. Sarah, 38. Sophia Theresa, 381. Stokes, Jonathan, 94. Stone, Ehzabeth, 54. James, 161. John, 16. Joshua, 54. Olive, 95. Timothy, 161. Storrs, Constant William, 408. Harriet Moore, 368. John, 408. Nathan. 87. Richard Salter, 368. Sarah Fenner, 352. William. 352. Stonghton, Andrew, 212. Ira Hooker, 350. Oliver, 212. Ruth, 300. Stow, Thankful, 23. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 246. Streckewald, Gustave, 339. Street, Hannah, 222. Stroger, John, 316. Strong, Asahel, 38. Bela. 63. Caleb, 120. Chester, 369. Cyprian, 67. Eleanor, 139. Elisha, 118, 169. Elisha Beebe, 169. Elizabeth, 118. Eunice, 147. Huit, 37. Ira, 300. Juliette, 300. Kesiah, 390. Lucy, 196. Mary, 369. Mary T., 123. Rubie May, 462. Sophia, 357. Suball, 245. Thomas, H . Strucken, .Abraham, 416. Sturges, George A., 471_. Stuyvesant, John R., 277. Sumner, Samantha, 321. Sutter, John, 41. Sutton, Abram, 335. James, 335, 164. Sweet, Esther, 199. (Mrs.) Jeanette, 138. Sibbel Dow, 332. Simon. 138. Sweetland, Harvey, 178. Swift, Sarah Pamielee, 460. Sykes, Lucinda, 389. Taft, Lily, 465. Moses, 32. Taggart, Mary Louise, 396. Talcott, Esther, 82. Eunice, 42. Joseph, 42, 297. Julia, 153. Mary, 41. Matthew, 43. Samuel, 71, 154. Talmadge, David. 114. Henry, 114. Jane, 316. Tallmadge, Benjamin, 74. Tappan, Lvdia Batch, 253. Rebecca, 88. Tapping, John H., ZZT . Taylor, Agnes Danna, 425. Benajah, 416. Cordelia, 431. Elberta, 432. Eleazer, 222. 416. Electus Backus Litchfield, 400. Elisha Ephriam Leech. 399. 400. Hollis. 223. Mary B., 399. Marv Butler, 253. Minerva, 222. Nelson, 363. Sarah, 56, 243. William H., 223. Terrell, Clark, 329. Terry, Nathaniel, 82. Thaver, Rachel, 435. Rhoda, 461. Thew, Kate Lilian, 429. Benjamin, 189, 429. Thomas, Charles W., 445. Jane L., 158. John O., 311. Mercein, 445. Thompson, Anna, 122. Augustus, 357. Augustus Strong, 357. Charles, 137. Emeline, 130. Esther, 49. INDEX S55 Thompson, Hiigli. 122. Jennie M., 348. John, 51, 281. Marv, 36, 129. Mary Ann, 251. Susan, 301. Thorp, Harriet, 106. Laura, 290. Maria, 413. Zophar, 290. Thresher, Jane M., 373. Throop, Octavia, 225, 226. Thyng, Charles, 437. Delia, 427. Tilgliman, Agnes, 459. Richard A., 459. Tillotson, Augustus, 209. Charles, 159. Daniel, 142. John, 142. Tilton, David, 191. Timpson, Lawrence, 471. Tindall, Joseph, 446. Titcomb, Anna Hart, 227. Tobias Sarah, 385. Tobv, Sarah, 204. Todd, Asa, 147. Caleb, 222. Jehill, 222. Lodema, 147. Mabel, 105. Mary, 106. Sally, 162. Toland, Susan Price, 459. Tollman, Eliza, 151. Tomblin, Lemuel, 55. Tomlinson, Caroline E.. 153. Torrey, Josiah, 17. William, 17. Townsend, Grace, 148. Jennie Laura. 339, 447. Tracev, Adaline, 247. Deborah, 55. Trask, Mary, 146. Treadwell,— 317. Dorothy, 150. John, 69, ISO. Lucv Norton, 137. Mafv, 69. Robert, 273. Treat, Elisha, 133. Tripp, Annette, 429. Henry, 189. Trivova, Ferdinand, 450. Nellie, 450. Trowbridge, Elizabeth. 206. Nancy, 143. Stephen, 160. Trowbridge. Susan, 143. Thomas, 206. Trumbull, Faitli, 82. Truman, Susan, 95. Tucker, George Grenville, 250. Marv. 90. Tudor, O. F., 448. Tufts, Arthur Webster, 228. Turner, Marv Martha, 355. Olive, 338. Turpin, Ann E., 338. Tuthill, Bethya, 161. Tuttle, Catherine, 315. Jotham, 106. Laura, 106. Mary, 83. Nathaniel, 106. Tyler, Daniel, 88. John, 356. President, 232. U Upham, Mary, 405. Underwood, — 342. Utter, Amos, 198. Sarah, 198. V Vail, Egbert Jansen, 276. Jackson Abram, 255. Vaill, Mary Dudley, 388. Valentine, Charles, 212. Vallette, James, 439. Nettie Hale, 439. Sarah B., 439. Vallie, FVances A., 247. Van Buskirk, Harriet C, 132. Vanderbilt, Diana, 314. Vandervoort, Annie. 351. Van Horn, Ruel, 107. Van Houten, Martha, 278. Van Meter, Henry L., 281. Van Nostrand, — 166. Van Pelt, William, 252. Varnev. Kesiah, 374. Martha, 426. Vaughn, Edward John, 389. Veazey, Mary Elizabeth, 396. Very, Louisa, 252. Vetterunburg, Ruth, 319. Vickery, Cemantha. 411. Vincent, Absalom, 374. Edwin, 374. Vorce, .\llen D., Vi. Voorhees, Mary Shrceve, 386. 556 INDEX Wade. James, 405. Tane. 418. Lucy, 431. Samuel Sidney, 405. Wadsworth, Daniel, 82. Elizabeth, 192. Harrv, 193. James. 136, 142. Jeremiah, 82. Joseph, 155. Lucv, 142. Luke, 136. Sarah, 51. Theodore, 193. Thomas A.. 260. Waite, Nettie, 335. Wakefield, Cyrenius, 469. Homer, 469. Wakeman, Eunice, 42. Waldorf, Eva, 339. Wales, Jonathan, 225. Mar}- Sophia, 327. Svlvia, 225. Walker, J. Frank, 446. Martha Fisk, 223. (Mrs.) Eliza A., 329. Nancy, 442. Sabrina Shaw, 364. Waller, Rachel, 55. Walter, Catherine, 105. Sarah. 128. Walton, Charles Pierce, 178. Ward, Delia. 292. George Kemp. 401. Henry Sylvester, 148. James, 235. Jeannie Lucinda, 429. John, 328. Ruth, 401. Sarah, 319. Selah, 429. Silas, 159. Thomas, 292. Wardwell, Elizabeth Moore, 246. Moses Hemenway, 246. W'are. Carrie C, 264. Wame, Richard H., 80. Warner, Anna F., 40+. Wagner, Jane Augusta — .\ppendix. Joseph — Appendix. Warner, Charles Dudlev, 381. Elvira Oaks, 232. George Henrv, 380. Henrv Wright, 460. John,' 279. Jonathan, 152. Justin, 380. Warner, Mary, 250. Solomon, 232. Warren, Abel, 203. Asa, 432. Asa King, 432. Calvin, 96. George W., 405. Hannah J., 182. ^yashbum, Erastus, 127. Washington, George, 69. Waterman, John, 358. Lucy Elizabeth, 358. Watkinson, Edward. 127. Watrous, .\nn Eliza, 406. John Buck, 406. Watts, George, 292. John, 175. Webb, Col., 123. Webster, Ashbel, 177. Lucy, 177. Mercy, 177. Sarah, 45. William, 405. Weise, Mari Esther, 383. Welch, Elisha, 349. Elisha N., 349. Hannah Drusilla, 349. Sarah, 29. William, 107. Weld, Dorothy, 31. Thomas, 17. Welles, George, 174. Joseph, 60. Wells, Anna, 34. Ashbel, 76. .\urelia, 93. ~ Charles Schuyler, 333. Charlotte J., 161. Chloe, 158. Hannah, 18. James Foster, 461. Joshua, 50. Lvdia, 324. M'arilla, 191. Mary, 387. Mary Elizabeth, 275. Pomerov, 333. Ruth. 67. Wentworth. — 189. Wessells, Henry W., 239. Weston, Frederick, 132. William Gove, 148. Whalen, Edward, 443. Elizabeth, 443. Whaples, Curtis, 190. Mar>-, 130. Wheadon. James, 130. Olive, 130. Sarah E., 184. INDEX Wheatley, Annie, 456. William, 456. Wheeler, Benson Hopkins, 115. Eliza, 458. George F., 434. Georgia Hunter, 468. Hannah, 269. Josephine L., 434. Rowena, 295. Sarah, 307. Sarah Ann, 131. Whitford. Hannah Sweet, 298, 299. Jared, 179. White, Abigail. 67. Betsev, 288. Deborah, 410. Ebenezer, 67, 130. Elihu, 288, Gertrude, 423. Hannah, 263. Howard H., 132. Joseph, 191. Lvdia, 227. ^ia^^•, 31, 436. Nancv. 210. Sally.' 103, 195. Whiting. Bowen, 149. Elizabeth Wells, 265. Esther, 30. Gypson L., 92. Hannah. 28. Jane, 193. John, 68. Martha, 28. Mason, 88. Nathaniel, 168. Nathaniel HaNTies, 168. Ruth, 81. Samuel, 38, 265. Sidney, 202. Solomon, 38. William. 92, 261. Whitlock. Elizabeth E., 465. John, 465. ilanin, 421. Man,- E., 421. Whitman, John, 265. Samuel, 265. Sarah, 68. Whitmarsh, Rowena, 422. Whitnev, — 362. Abigail, 262. Eli. "^90. Onille J., 424. Whittlesey,— 239. Abner. 271. Asaph, 190. Chauncev, 28. Whittlesey, (Mrs.) Laura (Kel- logg), 190. Samuel, 28. Whitton, Jane .-^nn, 258. Whoi, Lvdia, 189. Wicks. Orphelia Scudder, 390. Wiggenson, Flora Narcissa Eliza Harden. 173. Wight, Ale.xander Patrick. 434. Mary Augusta. 434. Wilfiam K.. 384. Wilbur, Cora Mildred, 455. Wilco.x, Achsah, 1&4. Asa, 133. Eliza J., 429. Elizabeth, 152. Laura, 96. Lois, 114. Manlev. 181. Mar>-, 130, 133. Mar\- .\nn, 157. Marv Olive, 143. (Mrs.) Eliza (Harris), 191. Norris, 132. Roxanna, 184. Stephen, 130. Wilder, Orlando, 327. Samuel, 366. Sereno Merrill. 366. Wilkie, Marv Sophia, 217. Wilkinson.— 197. Willard. Cvrus, 286. Elias, 182. John, 133. Josiah, 182. (Mrs.) Emma, 133. Willet. Mar>-, 10. Thomas, 10. Williams, 89. 425. Albert Bliss, 335. Ashley, 88. Austin F., 273. Chariotte, 89. Cornelius Robbins, 213. Eliphalet. 120. F. C, 349. Francis. 258. Isaac, 51, 59. J. Perrv, 2S4. John, 219. John H.._204. Joseph. 350. Joshua L., 103. Katherine. 239. Maria Robbins, 216. Alartha Himtington, 216. Marv. 120. Mar^- T., 352. 558 INDEX Williams, Ozias, 273. Rollin A., 335. Sarah Balch Moody, 351. Solomon, 120, 216. Thoma? J., 294. Washington, 213, 216. Willis, Sarah, 66. Wills, Lucy, 258. Willson, Caroline, 199. Jeduthan, 199. Wilson, Archelaus, 158. Jennie, 267. John, 9, 16. Martin, 429. Zephora, 133. Winans, Ira, 353. Winchell, Calvin, 230. Hezekiah, 50. Lucy, 230. Solomon, 50. Winder, James, 278. John, 278. Winship, Leonard, 272. Sarah, 272. Winslow, Emma F., 457. Lucy, 316. Winthrop, Elizaheth Temple, 202. Wisrer, Henrv A., 242. Sarah, 242. Withers,— 143. Wolcott,^l. Catherine, 119. Erastus, 171. Helen. 171. Josiah, 119. Wood, Alvinia, 259. Benjamin, 262. Benjamin S., 424. Charles Stuart, 367. Charlotte, 116. Dr., 259. Elizabeth, 367. Frederick, 320. Henry C, 366. James, 18. Lucius, 262. Mary, 222, 300. Nathaniel, 116. Richard, 266. Samuel, 32. William, 214. Zadoc, 50. Woodbridge, Jahleel, 87. Lucretia, 358. Lucy, 88. Sarah, 169. Woodburv, Josiah Perkins, 372. Woodford, Mary, 101. Woodinancy, Georgianna, 245. Woodruff, Isaac, 234. James Catlin, 252. Joseph, 27. Orrin, 294. Rachel. 103. Sallv, 234. Samuel, 103, 193. Sophia, 193. Woodward, Joseph, 34, 355. Joseph Gurley, 355. Lvdia, 34. R'ichard, 355. Roswell, 162. Submit, 31. William, 162. Woodworth, Martha Lorinda, 297. Walter, 297. Woolsev, Margaret, 87. MaVv, 220. William Walter, 87. Wooster, Lyman, 205. Sarah Esther, 348. Worcester, John Hopkins, 152. Work, Elizabeth, 463. John Clinton, 463. Worth Ellen, 219. Worthington, Elizabeth, 152. John, 56. Sarah, 56. Wright, Anna, 226. Charlotte, Augusta, 400. Emeline A., 180. James F., 426. Lucretia, 223. Mary, 59. Minnie, 436. Reuben, 41. Wyatt, Felix, 241. Wygant, Caroline, 165. Wyilys, Mary, 33. ■ Ruth, 76. Yates, Andrew, 169. Yeaton, Susan Emma, 424. Young, Adeline, 254. Andrew, 196. Marv Ophelia, 366. William, 366. Younglove, John, 253. Z Zeiley, Caroline. Zoll, Joseph A., 423. 4-1951 )^ r ^- -^. • ^^^ '■' ;: > '— , >:^ ^ -/■:j:^_>'-- ^' ^. ;^^^' \ ■ X ••C/. .^^*■ ^** . -I'r. V ,- ^ ' « / r \'^- %■ % sr: cP\, \ o^:^». %.- ^/:... %,,■.. 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