* «7 £■ • U V* -iife \/ •££& V** • ' A ^ >bV C ^ b1 '. * r A ( 4 o VV J** 4? ^ •* «fc#' 71/^, l-tUotsuS/. THOUGHTS A SERIES OF LETTERS? ANSWER TO A QUESTION RESPECTING DIVISION OF THE STATES. A MASSACHUSETTS FARMER Em INTRODUCTION. THE writer of the following sheets, in expressing his opinioi on this subject, has availed himself of the right oi every freeman. Should he not have been so fortunate as to have fallen in with that of others, it will amount to no more than that he differs from them in opinion, which he conceives himself as having a right to do. In justice to himself for having touched on a subject so novel, and at the same time so important, he must be allowed to say, that he has not taken it up lightly, but from an impression of its necessity, being influenced by no person, and having had an opportunity of ocular demonstration of many of the facts stated ; and while he submits his remarks to the ordeal of public opinion, he is ready to attend to any better reasons that might be given in support of this subject, or even to those shewing why it ought not to have been touched. But should this humble attempt be a mean of bringing it before the public, where it will be more ably handled, the 'labours of the writer will not be considered wholly in vain. LETTER I. April 25, 1813. DEAR SIR, YOU ask my opinion with respect to the consequences of a division of the states, should an event of that kind take place. In answer to which, permit me to say, a question involving consequences of such magni- tude is not susceptihle of a direct answer, hut requires deep thought, and the consideration of such a variety of subjects, as would almost preclude the hope that you would give me a patient hearing; but presuming on your candour, I shall with diffidence submit my thoughts on this subject ; and should you conceive me in an error, I flatter myself you will attribute it to that of the head and not of the heart. Being aware of the delicacy of this subject, and the great importance that has deservedly- been attached to the integrity of the states by our wisest and best men, and by no one more than your friend who now addresses you ; but the time has arrived, when im- perious necessity compels us to cast about for the cause of this complicated distress, that pervades our country from one end to the other, and inquire by what fatal spell we are hurried along to destruction; why despond- ency and dismay is depicted in every countenance ; our frontier settlements drenched in the blood of its inhabit- ants ; our commerce swept from the ocean ; our mer- chants made bankrupt, while our seacoasts are blockaded from Rhode Island to the Missisippi ; whence it is, that from the most enviable state of prosperity that ever a people enjoyed, as in the days of Washington, we are so soon reduced to such great straits. I am aware that all those men that are fattening on the distresses of the peo- ple, our army contractors, ouciiavy agents, our military officers and salary men, together with a host of tide waiters, pimps, and spies, will raise their voice against 4 Khis inquiry, and style it an attempt to subvert our gov- ernment; for this order of things is just what those men like ; but to the farmer, the merchant, the tradesman, and the mechanic, who are suffering under the pressure of the times, this inquiry may not be displeasing. But , says one, who dares propose a division of the states ? are we not in general agreed in the integrity of the states, although we may be divided on other political questions ? To this I answer, Yes. And allow me here to premise, that the division here advocated is not a division of the original thirteen United States. No; palsied be the hand that would attempt to hold the pen to effect so vile a purpose. The division here advocated, is a division from the ille- gitimate states beyond the Allegany mountains and Lou- isiana, which are adverse to our prosperity ; whose in- terests, habits, and pursuits are diverse from ours, and never can coalesce, I shall attempt to consider this sub- ject under the following heads. 1st. As it respects its vast extent. 2d. As it respects its geographical situation. 3d. As it respects the evident design of Providence, manifested in its situation, product, and capacity. 4th. Inquire into the policy of uniting the country be- yond the mountains with the thirteen states. 5th. Submit a few thoughts on the feasibility of the measure, as well as the probable safety to the thirteen states in effecting it. 6th. Attempt to give some reasons why a separation must take place, and the sooner it is effected the better. First. In respect to its vast extent. According to geographic calculation, the whole thir- teen United States is to Louisiana as three to eight. When we consider the former extending from the prov- ince of Novascotia to the further part of Georgia, a dis- tance of more that fifteen hundred miles, and on an av- erage of more than two hundred in width, we cannot hesi- tate in determining that the thirteen states are quite large enough for a republican government. Hence the observation of Washington on this subject, in his Vale dictory Address ; " Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace so large a sphere ? let the experi- ment solve it." This was before Louisiana was contem- plated to be added, and seemed to imply a doubf, in his mind, whether the thirteen United States was not too large for such a government as ours. Secondly. As it respects its geographical situation. When we consider the great extent of the thirteen United States, from southwest to uortheast, producing so great variety of climate, furnishing almost every nec- essary and luxury, and in an abundant manner the most substantial articles of life. When we view the almost un- bounded fisheries on the New England coast, which seem to be given us by the kind Author of nature in some measure to equalize our situation with our brethren in the south, in not being able to produce the more neces- sary article of bread stuff. When we consider the ad- vantage derived from those fisheries, not only as a mean to sustain life and for commercial purposes, but to ena- ble us to raise a hardy race of men, to traverse the ocean, and guard our extensive seacoast, as well as to take ofT their hands the surplusage of the south for our own con- sumption, while we carry the remainder to a foreign market. The south cannot say to (he north, I have no need of thee, neither can the north say to the south, I have no need of thee ; but each shall be compelled to ac- knowledge, that the original thirteen United States, from its situation and adaptation of circumstances to the vari- ous parts, carries irresistible evidence that it was design- ed to constitute one great whole, and that any addition would be redundant, and any diminution would effect its symmetry. Having protracted, dear sir, my remarks beyond what I anticipated, I shall dismiss them for the present to re- sume when more at leisure, and remain, respectfully, Yours, A MASSACHUSETTS FARMER, LETTER II. April 28. DEAR SIR, I shall now resume my subject, as was pro- posed, and make some remarks on the evident design of Providence manifested in the situation, product, and ca- pacity of the thirteen United States. When we consider the wise adaptation of cause and effect, even in the mi- nutest things in the natural world, shall we hesitate in our belief, that the all wise Being had not some design when he formed such stupendous mountains, running nearly parallel with our seacoasl, and nearly two hun- dred miles distant from it, that they should describe some great national line of demarkation : more especially when we consider that those mountains are more than one hun- dred and thirty miles across them on an average, and gen- erally unfit for cultivation,* allowing on the eastern sidea country of nearly two hundred miles by more than fifteen hundred, for a vast republic, empire, or kingdom, inter- sected with navigable rivers, nearly all running from the back boundary toward the ocean, fitted for wafting its mighty products to the depots of commerce. When we view the community and reciprocity of interests of the different parts, calculated to bind each other together in the bands of friendship and commerce, can we form to ourselves a situation better adapted for the residence of a greatand happy people, than that whichis described within those limits? But to heighten the picture : view our ex- tensive sea coast, which enables us not only to keep up an easy intercourse with each other, but to supply ourselves with all the productions of the globe. But how changed, completely changed, is the picture, when we pass this stupendous barrier of mountains and view on the other side nearly double the extent of territory, to that just de- scribed, possessing not an individual article that we want, as our inland country on this side the mountains and Can- ada, supply us with every necessary in abundance which that country produces, and is at present vastly too large * The opinion of Capt. Hutchins, the American Geographer. for our seaports, and probably will be so for near a cen- tury to come ; but was there any thing we stood in need of from the country over the mountains, it could be trans- ported as cheap from Europe as across those mountains. Then it will be asked, for what purpose was this vast an- nexation of territory, this unnatural connection ? was it to comply with Thomas Jefferson's visionary theory ? or to assist France with fifteen millions of dollars, « because she wanted it, and must have it ?" as was said by a man high in power ;* or was it, as it has proved, to create an extra- neous influence favourable to the views of one ambitious state, by the erection of new states, in endless succession, totally different in habits, manners, and interests, bent on tendering nugatory to the more commercial states all the advantages their extensive seacoast gives them, and, like the dog in the manger, not suffer them to enjoy what they cannot enjoy themselves. Does not this annexation of territory violate the great original compact, and to- tally change our relative situation as a nation ; and in- stead of a whole, powerful, and independent people, are we not rendered, even now, in this early period of our na- tional existence, by the assistance of a few intriguing men among ourselves, but an insignificant part, and by their dictation in our concerns, they have no interest in, and know nothing about ; the northern slates are, and will be, subject to nothing but distress and embarrassment. An eminent modern civilian speaking on this subject, of the admission of Louisiana into the union, 9ays, " the indiffer- ence with which that usurpation of power has been view- ed, is an event as astonishing as it is ominous. Notwith- standing the general nature of the terms of the constitu- tion relative to the admission of new states, there is not a shadow of pretence from the history of the period, and the known state of public opinion at the time of its adop- tion, that the admission of any states was contemplated, or authorized, except those within the ancient limits."- * James Madison. f Hon. Josiah Qutn-cy, in his late address to the W B. Societr 8 <« But if this has been done in the green tree, what will be done in the dry ?" If three or four states have been able to produce such distress in the thirteen, what may not be expected when their number shall have increased to from twenty to thirty, on that side the mountains ? which in all probability will be the case,- and to judge from what we have already experienced of their hostility to the interests of the commercial states, our prospect is alarming beyond description. Have we not witnessed in the members in Congress beyond the mountains a steady persevering disposition, though not all with the same de- gree of tenacity, to prostrate our commerce, which has been too well effected by the assistance of Virginia, and a few northern men, who have been unnaturally duped into their ranks. Fourthly. I shall now inquire into the policy of uniting together so vast a territory as the original thirteen Unit- ed States, with the Western country and Louisiana. A republican government, the nature of which being mild, is much less calculated for a very extensive coun- try than any other. A more despotic, where the remote parts are governed by viceroys or satraps, is better suit- ed to such a vast territory ; but in ours, where general opinion governs, it is necessary that the people should be less extended, and more enlightened, and that there should be some similarity in their manners, habits, and pursuits. But this vast territory is composed of a heterogeneous mixture, of French, Spanish, Creoles, and some of almost every nation under heaven ; many whose ideas are vio- lently opposed to a republican government, " harbouring in its bosom the latent seeds of its own dissolution." Have we not witnessed already one of the most daring con- spiracies ever conceived, set on foot in that same country by Aaron Burr? and from the great distance from the seat of government, and partly owing to the criminal in- attention of Mr. Jefferson, after being warned by Geo. Eaton, whom this arch traitor let into his plan, and la- boured to seduce, had got nearly ripe for execution. This 9 conspiracy appeared to have had for its object, not only the separation of the western states, and the conquest of the Spanish territory, bordering on our southern frontier, hut the subversion of our government. I( appeared that this same Aaron Burr had pre-engaged a great number of choice spirits, who were to move in concert with him. But being betraved by some of his supposed friends, and find- ing so formidable a force prepared to meet him, on differ- ent parts of the Missisippi. and more especially at New Orleans, this sly intriguer found himself obliged to relin- quish his military project; and the better to cover his treasonable designs, his flotilla arrived in that country with a company whose only weapons were those of agri- culture. But should this unnatural, Jetfersonian, French- ified connection subsist, we may anticipate, and that before a very remote period, that part of the country beyond the mountains, by their representatives in Congress, will move to have the seat of our government in a more cen- tral situation, and much nearer themselves; its present situation not having been taken with reference to that country, but is nearly central as it respects the thirteen United States : and it does not admit of a doubt, that should not a separation take place, it will be removed over the mountains, perhaps on the river Ohio. Let no one think this a chimera, for as soon as it can be effected by a vote it will assuredly take place. But to take an- other view of the subject; the thirteen United States, except Vermont, may all be still commercial states; some are more so, owing to local circumstances, than others, but those beyond the mountains are necessarily agricultural ; manufacturing their own clothing, making their own spirit from their grain, and can supply us with no article that we want ; and can have no reciprocity of interests ; and, from the principles of our nature, must always have a jealousy of our commercial prosperity, in which they cannot participate. But should any one want a better reason, experience will furnish it, in the unani- mous attempts that have been made in our councils, by 10 their members, to destroy our commerce and prosperity. Look at the hollow pretences these members in Congress have made for declaring and continuing war. The pre- tence now is, «« the British capture our seamen:" and one of their members carried the ridiculous farce so far as to affect to shed tears, while he pitifully; in a borrow- ed ditty, chauted their sufferings ;* when it is doubtful whether there is one seaman in confinement on board a British ship from their whole country ; and not one native inhabitant out of a hundred ever saw a ship of any kind. But, dear sir, lest I should exhaust your patience, I shall now subscribe myself, with much respect, Yours, &c, LETTER III. May 2. DEAR SIR, Presuming on your patience, I shall sub-- mit a few thoughts on the feasibility of a separation from the western country and Louisiana, without hazarding the safety of our country. "When we reflect on the short time that has elapsed since the thirteen United States received into the union those states beyond the Allegany mountains, we could hardly have expected that they would have arrived to sucii a pitch of hostility against the measures and pros- perity of the commercial states, as to have put in requi- sition every measure for their destruction, and to have rendered necessary a separation. Will any one object and say, they will be troublesome neighbours when sep- arated, living so near our border? this same objection will apply with equal force, should our borders be ever so far removed, unless we extend them to the Western Ocean. Have we ever suffered any inconvenience from our neighbours in Canada, till we declared an offensive war against them ? Can any one suppose there would ever be any danger from that quarter to produce much anxie- ty, notwithstanding nature has not furnished such a bar- * Henry Clay, of Kentucky. 11 rier between us as between the western country and the thirteen states ? Does it admit of doubt whether the limits of our country, consisting of the thirteen states, is large enough for the purpose of offence and defence, should it be found necessary ? Can it be rationally sup- posed that we are not in ten times the danger from a set- tled, determined opposition to the measures by which we pursue our interests and prosperity, than from a separa- tion? Can it be supposed that the western country and Louisiana will ever consent to assist in maintaining such a navy as wo.uld be thought necessary to protect our com- merce and establish our rank among the maritime pow- ers? Or is it not more probable, that all their measures will be contrived to depress and embarrass us, that we may be compelled to find an asylum with themselves be- yond the mountains, as was lately hinted by one of their chieftains in Congress.* The thirteen states appear to be much in the predicament of a benevolent merchant, with a large family, who took a needy stranger into his house, who solicited his assistance, which after obtaining, began to usurp authority, and to prescribe to him and his family their pursuits and pleasures, and succeeded so well (his host being a peaceable man) that with threats and persuasions, he prevailed on him to admit three or four more of his comrades into his family also, who had all been brought up to cultivating the earth and making whiskey. Soon after their admission, having gained con- siderable ascendency, they insisted that their host should quit his mercantile way of living, and join them in the more laborious and less profitable occupation of raising corn and making it into whiskey ; alleging, that they had not been brought up to mercantile pursuits, and that they, being a majority, ought to govern. The host, wea- ried with his situation, and perceiving that things were every day growing worse and worse, determined (his fam- ily uniting with him) to turn them all out of doors, and to resume the government of himself and family, and fol- • Henry Clay. 12 low their former pursuits and pleasures. No one that has been an attentive observer of what has taken place, more especially in the lower house of our national coun- cil, for several years past, will say that the portraiture has not some resemblance to the original. You ask, my friend, what is to be done? we say, shake off immedi- ately this unnatural connection, before, by a delay, it as- sumes a strength and compactness, produced very much by our distresses, that shall make the solution of this question depend more on themselves than justice or sound policy would warrant. Shall it be said that we shall lose the money with which Louisiana was purchas- ed ? Be it so. Our first loss will be the easiest surmount- ed ; and, in comparison with a connection with this peo- ple, as the dust in the balance. To those states we owe our nonintcrcourse, embargo, nonimportation, and. last of all, this calamitous war : and this is but the beginning of our sorrows. The European Avar, under a wise ad- ministration, would have been very propitious to our pros- perity, and would have accelerated the growth of our coun- try beyond any other circumstance that could have taken place ; instead of which, it has been so managed, as to become a powerful engine of the destruction of our coun- try. While we lament so many of our legitimate brethren in the southern states, through an unwarrantable jeal- ousy, have mistaken their true interests, and have acted with those from whom we had less to expect : yet we feel the cheeriug consolation, that there is a goodly number that have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal, that have not suffered this jealousy to destroy the harmony that, their and our Washington was so sedulous in culti- vating ; and that, united, we shall yet rally round the standard of his erection, and fulfil his affectionate wishes for our joint prosperity, expressed in hisFarewell Address, that the North and South should he united. He says: " The north in an unrestrained intercourse with the south, protected by the equal laws of a common govern- ment, finds in the productions of the latter, great addi- 13 tional resources of maritime and commercial enterprise, and precious materials of manufacturing industry ; the south, in the same intercourse, benefiting by the same agency of the north, sees its agriculture grow, and its commerce expand, turning partly into its own channels the seamen of the north, it finds its particular navigation invigorated, and while it contributes in different ways to nourish and increase the general mass of the national navigation, it looks forward to the protection of a mari- time strength, to which itself is unequally adapted."* Nolice this last sentence. With what force the foregoing observations address themselves to the south, under the present pressure by the British fleets, which at the present jnoment infest their bays and rivers. Is there any relief to be obtained for the south from the states beyond the moun- tains ? Is not the north adapted exclusively to afford it. We in the north are still unwilling to believe, that a Jefferson, a Madison, a Giles, or an Eppes, are a standard, by which to estimate the disposition of our brethren in the south ; we more incline to believe it ought to be settled, by what we ourselves feel vibrating in our own bosoms, produced by the unity in that great struggle, in which we bled, and in which we obtained our independence. Not so the western country, and Louisiana ; those we are obliged to view as aliens, and from their conduct for several years past, not as alien friends. The annexation of that coun- try, was a measure opposed at the time by the most en- lightened statesmen of our country, as well on political considerations, as on account of (he enormous price thai was paid for it ; but since it has been purchased, and the thirteen states has paid more than nineteen twentieths of the purchase, sound policy would dictate the parting with it, as a man would part with a gangrene limb to save his life. But it is by no means certain that the peo- ple of the western states and Louisiana, would not also wish for a separation from us; many of the same reasons operate with them, that have already been mentioned to Washington's Farewell Address. 14 influence us ; the same extensive chain of mountains, offer themselves to them, as well as to us ; their rivers running from those mountains and us to the majestic Ohio and Missisippi, and from the lakes on the west, which mighty outlet receives the rivers from each side, and extending more than eighteen hundred miles to the ocean, and may be improved to carry their vast prod- ucts to market, besides being amply provided with territo- ry for a great nation ; here their chiefs ma\ find scope for that spirit of dictation, in concerns they better under stand, than commercial regulations and seamen's rights, with which they have been with so much reluctance oc- cupied. But. dear sir, leaving them to discover their own advantages, I shall with much esteem subscribe myself, Yours, &c. LETTER IV. May 6. DEAR Sin, I shall now attempt to give some reasons why a separation, sooner or later, must take place, be- tween the United States and the western country and Louisiana, and endeavour to shew that the sooner it takes place, the easier it will be effected. It may here be prop- er to premise, that little more may be expected in this number than a recapitulation of what has been noticed under former heads. 1st, The vast extent of country, over which our juris- diction extends, may be a good reason for a separation, more especially, as our government is Republican, ren- dering necessary a similarity of political principles, man- ners and habits. 2dly. The geographical situation, giving the thirteen states a large sufficiency of territory, included within al- most insurmountable barriers of mountains, of one hun- dred and thirty miles over, which separate the thirteen states from the western country and Louisiana, operates as another reason why they should be considered a line 15 of separation between us. Another reason may be, tba( the country beyond the mountains produces no article but what we have in our own in abundance, but if otherwise, and we wanted any of their produce, it would be too ex pensive to obtain it from them. 3dly, Another reason for a separation which may be considered jis paramount to all others * which I conceive to be the totally different pursuits of the two countries, theirs principally are agricultural and manufacturing, ours are maritime and commercial, employing vast cap- itals in our fisheries, standing in need of a navy for our protection, which they view with abhorrence, and we may expect never will be willing to help support. It is for their interest, and we have already experienced their dis- position, as far as they have any influence, to produce distress and embarrassment on our side the mountains, that we should cross them to settle theirs. It is pre- sumed that no one will think this an uncharitable sug- gestion, that has witnessed their late conduct; and do we not find them zealous in increasing their states, to give them influence in our councils, evidently, that they may dictate our measures ? "Whence is it, that they have been so urgent in declaring war, and in all the baleful measures that preceded and introduced it, but to increase the pressure on the commercial states ? do we not see the effect of this animosity and jealousy increase with every session of Congress ? and to judge from present appear- ances, it cannot be long before it will break out in open hostility. The present season appears peculiarly favour- able, to produce that conviction, which is necessary to bring about so important a change. The many circum- stances calculated, not only to address our reason, but our senses, may not happen again till the difficulty of ef- fecting this necessary purpose, may be very much increas- ed, the operation of the war on the southern states must produce the conviction of the necessity of a navy, and of their union with the northern, who are exclusively calculat- ed to shield them from the dangers their peculiar situation 16 exposed them from the maritime force of European powers; and must impress them equally with the ineffic- iency of the states over the mountains to afford this aid ; it abundantly proves, what our maritime situation sug- gests, and our recent experience has taught, that a navy is our principal resource ; it by no means follows, that this separation will produce a war with the western coun- try and Louisiana. They may have their reasons to wish for a separation from us, no doubt a very material one will be the circumstance, of being obliged to assist in supporting a naval force, almost exclusively designed for our benefit, together with our relinquishment of the ter- ritory in which we are joint owners ; added to that of passing those vast mountains into our region, for the purposes of legislation, which from New Orleans is near two thousand miles, besides the general inapplicability of the same laws to the situation of people, extended over so vast a territory, so differently occupied and situ- ated But another circumstance may have its weight in producing that friendly deposition toward each other, that would be so desirable in two nations bordering on each other, that of having little, or no competition, in those pursuits wherein we acquire wealth ; we should be in infinitely less danger, from their not being a maritime people, as well as having our boundaries so far removed from each other. Should that country establish a Re- publican government, there would be little danger of collision with us, perhaps the least of any two people on earth ; but should that ever happen, we have no great rea- son to fear the result. The idea that we must extend our government over a whole continent to render our- selves safe from bad neighbours, is a chimera formed m the head of Thomas Jefferson, whose visionary fancy led him to believe also, that nations might be reasoned into a discharge of their duty to each other, without possess- ing the power to coerce them, which may appear plausi- ble to some, in theory, but will never do in practice. 17 Having trespassed, dear sir, already too much on your pa- tience,shall dismiss the subject at present, and subscribe myself sincerely, Yours, &c. LETTER V. May 10. DEAR SIR, J In my former epistles having used divers ar- guments to shew that the original thirteen states are large enough for the purpose of a Republican govern- ment, and given some reasons to shew, that sound pol- icy dictated a speedy separation from the states beyond the Allegany mountains and Louisiana, shall in this make use of another argument derived from a view of the com- parative difference in the contribution toward the support of government between the single state of Massachusetts, and the states of Kentucky, Tennesee, and the Ohio, for the last ten years, to wit, from the year 1800, to 1810, inclusive, "taken from a report made by the secretary of the treasury of the United States, on the 28th of Feb- ruary 1812, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, and printed by their order." This re- port was taken from 1791, to 1810, but I have taken only the last ten years, beginning at 1801. Massachusetts. Kentucky. Tennessee. Ohio. 512,49 74,74 1801 §2,929,753,15 807,59 1802 1,525,909,86 1,222,31 1803 2,490,530,68 1,416,57 1804 3,630,931,24 1805 3,308,046,44 . „ 1806 3,524,326,92 *' *''?° 1807 3,576,674,15 83, ° 9 1808 1,184 921,95 1809 1,384,749,28 1810 2,774,226,34 ^j §26,330,070,01 3,446.47. 587,23 5,874,97 Notwithstanding the commercial prosperity for the last ten years has been so cramped, by the oppressive, re- strictive measures of government, which have been almost 51 1« the whole time in operation, jet the single state of Mas sachusetts, has paid into the public treasury, near twenty six millions and a half of dollars, while the states of Ken- tucky, Tennesee, and the Ohio, all three together, in the same period of ten years, have paid only §9.908,57, which sum is scarcely worth the trouble of collecting. Yet Kentucky sends ten representatives to congress, Tennesee six, Ohio six. and six senators, making, in the whole, twenty-eight votes ; and it will not be long before the In- diana, Michigan, and Missisippi Territories, will be admit- ted into the union, as separate states, a3 well as a great number out of Louisiana, all alike unproductive, in bear- ing the general burden of supporting our national govern- ment ; and it will not be long before the yoke will be so fixed on our necks, as will require some considerable ef- fort to shake it off. But when we speak of this country, we must except from the general charge, a great many individuals whom we would embrace in the arms of our affection ; whose voice against the measures that are pur- suing, " are hushed" by the violence of party, produced by a comparatively small number of demagogues, who, like a mighty torrent, bear down all before them ; the former, we should consider a valuable acquisition on our side the mountains. The advantage gained by the slave holding states in the original compact, in allowing the owner of every five slaves three votes, is such an one, as those states who have abolished slavery, consider unjust in principle and practice, and ought to be altered in a constitutional way.. by a revision of that instrument. But, since it is a fea- ture in that sacred compact, I coneeive that policy would dictate, that we should give it a longer trial ; and, could ue be disincumbered of that ponderous burden beyond the mountains, we might not find the operation of this great inequality so injurious; but, both together, will be Hke a millstone about the neck of the commercial states, more intolerable, than any thing short of being a prov ince of the tyrant of Frauce, and is not to be endured. 19 But, dear sir, having already made too great a trial of your patience, being so unexpectedly diffuse on this sub- ject, should f have contributed to your amusement, it must be much more owing to the novelty of the subject, than to the ability with which it has been handled. Give me now leave \>ith much sincerity to say, that I have no ambition greater than in possessing a share in your friend- ship, whilst I enjoy the retirement of a MASSACHUSETTS FARMER. LETTER VI. May 13. DEAR SIR, I consider the question of separation from the western country, and Louisiana, in comparison with our other party differences, as Aaron's rod among those of the magicians, which ought to swallow up those serpents that have bitten, and stung us, till we are almost as- similated to their likeness. This question addresses it- self with equal force to both parties, and imperiously calls on them to unite, and consult on its merits. Where is the honest man of either party, that would not wish for a grand central point, where we might all meet in friendship, and unite in opposing invasion, from whatever quarter we may be assailed ? for be assured, this centrif- ugal motion by which we are propelled, will land us ere long in the vortex of ruin. But, we have reason to fear we have men among us who would represent this attempt as seditious and wicked, having anarchy for its object ; but, dear sir, should any vile libeller suggest such an idea, examine for yourself the man, whether he is of a good moral character, who has been initiated iu the old Washington principles, that effected our revolution ; or whether himself, or his friends, are not deriving some advantage from the present order of things ; or rather, whether he has not acquiesced in all the measures under which our country is now " bleeding at every pore." If the latter should be the case, let his pretensions be what; 20 they may, he is an enemy, and leagued with those who are seeking the destruction of the commercial states. I ask, for what purpose is this wanton, cruel, and unreasonable war, against a people, who have been earnestly seeking to he on friendly terms with us, in every way compatible with saving to themselves their own subjects: disclaiming having any right to the services of Americans, they alleg ed, that their existence depended on keeping their own subjects, and it was a right recognized by every maritime nation, and that there was not the minister that would dare give it up. The first and prime object of inveterate hatred, of those who hold the destinies of our country, is commerce; the hatred indulged toward Great Britain is trivial in comparison to this. Commerce is considered as giving the commercial states their consequence, as well as Great Britain ,• against commerce every deadly blow has been levelled. The next object of their implacable ha- tred, is a navy ; they may now, to cover the most foul disgrace that ever attached to any people on earth, in prosecuting the war against Canada, awkwardly attempt to chant hosannahs to a navy, but a navy is what they ab- hor; and as soon as they shall not stand in need of a na- vy, to amuse the people, a navy will more sincerely share in their anathemas, and they will wish every ship of war sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Is this too much to believe of a government, who, in spite of every remon- strance to the contrary, are persevering, with steady, un- relenting aim s at the destruction of every thing the com- mercial states hold dear to them ? no change of circum- stances can make any alterations in their eonduct. While they are carrying war and devastation into the country of the unoffending Canadians, they are tantaliz- ing us with overtures of peace with Great Britain ; but the means of effecting it is of a piece with the rest of their deceptive conduct, and belies their pretensions, while it betrays their insincerity. Albert Gallatin, a man in ev- ery respect a Frenchman, who is known to be in principle hostile to Great Britain, is sent to the court of Russia, and 21 through her mediation it seems a peace is expected ; when admiral Warren is on the spot, who has announced to our government, that he has full powers to settle with us our differences : such absurdily is sufficient to shock the un- derstanding, and, on so important a subject, fill us with alarm and dismay. But the day begins to dawn, the honest of that party, who for the want of that knowledge which would have enabled them to have judged more correctly, are flocking to the standard of Washington and their country. New-Hampshire, which has been lately democratic, is entirely renovated, having each branch federal ,• Massachusetts stands erect, having purged her legislature of those Gerrymandering desperate men, that threatened their destruction ; repealing those acts that two years ago threatened the prostration of every thing valuable in the commonwealth, under the administration of Mr. Gerry. Rhode- rsland, Connecticut, and we may say New York, Vermont, Delaware, and Maryland, are nearly all changed, and we anticipate from the great change that is taking place in Virginia, that the time is not very far distant, when we shall again embrace our elder sister, and, like two friends that have fallen out, have an increased affection to each other. TO THE PUBLIC The subject contained in the foregoing sheets are with much diffidence offered to the public, rather as an intro- duction of a subject, that every day's experience offers additional reason to contemplate. Should this feeble at- tempt be the means of introducing it where it may be handled with much more ability, the end of the writer will be fully answered. He could not however discern any ill consequences from the attempt to excite a spirit of inquiry. Should there be any danger from the dis- cussion, it is conceived to be in its having a tendency to check the intolerance complained of, when the disposi- tion remains, and is gathering strength, more effectually to operate against us ; an undisguised sample of which we have had an opportunity of witnessing. But it requires all we have suffered, and it is to be feared a little more, owing to a general apathy, to rouse us to that spirit, that appears to be necessary to effect so important a purpose. Does any want a better reason for this change, than that the country over the mountains heartily acquiesce in the measures that has produced this distress in the Atlan- tic states, and were the most efficient cause of effect- ing it, and from a number of circumstances appear rather the effect of an inherent disposition than mistake. To a true American, the union of the states has deservedly had a peculiarcharm, and some have appeared to suppose,that like the wand of the magician, it would shield them from every danger : but if this union is experienced, through certain deleterious qualities a part possesses, to be de- structive to the rest, it must be given up. The copart- nership must be dissolved, to prevent one of the concern from destroying the other. But when we consider the joint stock, when divided, quite sufficient to be improved separately, and from the nature of it consisting princi^ 23 pally in real estate, and lying in two different hemis- pheres, it would seem that hoth might be benefited by a dissolution which would enable each to improve his stock or estate in his own way. But very different is the case between the states on this side of the mountains, who re- semble a large family, bound together by the ties of con- sanguinity ; who, having a large patrimony left them, ly- ing in the same region, which estate being entailed, pro- vides, that it should be improved jointly by the heirs. Should a difference happen, each one would find it for his interest to make advances toward a settlement, and no one would be likely to be influenced, either by jealousy or caprice, to embarrass the improvement of the estate, as the promotion of all their interests depends on the best manner in which it could be improved. Not so the other concern ; living at a great distance, having no natural re- lationship, and scarcely an acquaintance ; possessing an implacable jealousy, whose interest it is to prevent us from even fencing our land, to keep out the wild and tame beasts, from devouring all our crop, after we have fallowed and sowed our grounds. Should any be of an opinion, who live in the middle states, that they shall lose their customers over the moun- tains by this separation, I would reply to them by asking, whether they suppose America trades less with Great Britain, or any European power, for being another na- tion? and whether the argument is not rather in favour of keeping a better understanding with them* by supply- ing them with foreign goods through our own market ? The desire of the writer is not to impare but to strengthen the ligaments that hold the thirteen states together, he having as deep a stake in the consequences of the measures of government, as a large family of children would be suppos- ed to give him ; his aim has been to conciliate the two par- ties, and unite the honest and well meaning, by directing their attention to a particular point by which we may obtain the object of our wishes, peace and prosperity. Should not this devoutly wished for end be accomplished, he has the 24 consolation arising from a conviction of having made an honest attempt. He is well aware there are divers opin- ions on this subject. Some suppose we ought to wait till the western country and Louisiana propose a separation from us ; but we will suppose that should not take place, and we shall think a separation necessary ; what is to be done ? It may be said, that should this proposal be made by the federalists, there are those who, like Jezebel, would cry treason ! treason ! and would try to fix a stig- ma on that party for so doing ; which seems to presume (what has not been conceded) that no circumstances can make a separation necessary. But should we wait till all those disappointed, desperate men, of that party, who are now acquiescing in this wicked war, should harmonize with us, we might wait till the millennial state should have cured the evil disposition of mankind. As well might it be made a reason, why the Gospel should not be preached, because the evil spirits with their influence would be in danger of counteracting it. But this is no party question, further than its having been proposed by a federalist ; and it was proposed in the hope of being instrumental in uniting, in sentiment and pursuit, the original thirteen states, which appears to be the last hope of our country. 39 f ^" q,_ *.,,.* .0'' «•" ** VV ^ ♦7jr 7 ,' a J ^V "M **"-* ^ -w .'. ,'. '++# i. )*..-^r. % 4l v V * 1 * »^..^L% L 4> ..i... # ^ h \/ :^K*- ^o« :'^ v-4* J* \ ^^3RPV A * ^ °« 3 V