F 73 .1 .C895 Clnss ~h n Z „ Book . B ^ ^ J" CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTIONS BOSTONIAN SOCIETY OLD STATE HOUSE BOSTON SKCOND ENLARGED EDITION' PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTORS BOSTON 1895 CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTIONS BOSTONIAN SOCIETY OLD STATE HOUSE BOSTON SECOND ENLARGED EDITION PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTORS BOSTON 1895 ■I By transfar OCT 35 )915 ':-? CATALOGUE h OF ARTICLES IN THE COLLECTIONS BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. N.B. — The names of donors and lenders, when known, are printed in italics. THE FIRST FLOOR. DIRECTORS' ROOM, CLERK'S OFFICE, TOPO- GRAPHICAL ROOM. I The Friday Club, Chief Justice Shaw in the chair; j^hoto- graph of (beginning on the left) Charles P. Curtis, Thomas Motle\', Nathan Hale, Benjamin R. Curtis, James K. Mills, George Hayward, Lemuel Shaw, Francis C. Gray, Nathan Appleton, Charles H. Warren, William vSturgis, Thomas \V. Ward, Thomas B. Curtis. NatJiau Appleto7r. 1 The Massachusetts Humane Society, incorporated in 1 791 ; photograph of the members about 1857 (beginning on the left), Francis Bacon, George B. Upton, R. B. Forbes, William Amory, William Appleton, Samuel Hooper, David Sears (in the chair), Francis B. Crownin- shield, John Homans, Charles Amory, J. Mason Warren, S. K. Lothrop. Sanniel H. RnsseU. 3 The Tremoxt Club, the nucleus of the wSomerset Club, about 1840 ; photograph of (beginning on tlie left) the steward, F. C. Loring, F. Codman, Kirk Boott, James Davis, G. Crowinshield, Benj. Morse, T. Cary, C. Ham- mond, Gardner Gorham, J. Bethune, Frederick Sears, F. Crowinshield, T. G. Appleton, W. Lee, Thomas Dvviglit, Arthur L. Payson, Thomas Perkins, Edward Crowin- shield, Dutton Russell, Frank Dutton. Nathaii Appleton. 4 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 4 The South Side of State Street, near Washington Street, in 1S40 ; engraved on wood by Devereux & Brown. Alexander Williams. 5 " The Nativity ; " heliotype engraving of a painting b}' Copley, owned by Lord Lyndhurst and sold by his ex- ecutors. Hc7iry P. Curtis. 6 " The Finding of Moses ; " heliotype engraving of a painting by Henry Pelham, half-brother of Copley {v. No. 355). Henry P. Curtis. 7 Wendell Phillips; crayon portrait by F. E. Wright, 1S71. ,/. W. Black. 8 Samuel Miller Quincv, 1S33-S7; Colonel Second Regi- ment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1S62 ; Brevet-Brigadier- General, 1S65; one of the charter members and first secretary of the Bostonian Society ; photograph of a crayon portrait by Grundmann. 9 Framed Original Design for the seal of the Bostonian Society, in India ink ; adopted Feb. 13, 18S3 ; drawn by John C. J. Brown. 10 The Act of Incorporation of the Bostonian Society, Dec. 3, 18S1, signed by Henry B. Feirce, Secretary of State, 1722 (2), 1734, 1774 (3)^ 11 '••The Last Days of Daniel Webstp:r ;" oil painting by Joseph Ames, of the death-bed of Webster, with portraits of his family and friends, whose names follow, beginning on the left, as in the key : Charles H. Thomas, Jacob Le Roy, Edward Curtis, Mrs. Daniel Webster, Mrs. James W. Paige, Samuel A. Appleton, James W. Paige, George Ashmun, Rufus Choate, Peter Han^ey, Fletcher Webster, Daniel Webster, Caroline L. Appleton (Mrs. Jerome Bon- aparte), Master Daniel Webster, Master Ashburton Web- ster, Mrs. Fletcher Webster, Caroline Webster, Dr. J. Mason Warren, Dr. John Jeffries, wSarah (colored servant), John Taylor, Porter Wright (farmers). Prank K. Sturgis. 12-50 Maps and plans of Boston for the years 1722, 1774, 17S9, 1796 (2), 1800, 1803, 1814, 1820, 1823, 1S36, 1S27, 1832, 1834, 1835 (3), 1837 (3), 1838, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1S4S, 1S49, 1850, 1853, 1853, 1855, 1858, 1859, 1864, 1870, 1875, 1883, 1883, ^888, 1891, 1S92, 1S94. 51 Reproduction, upon one sheet, issued in 1S46, of two old maps of New England, the first of which is entitled : "The South Part of New England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1634;" an exact copy of the first that was made THE FIRST FLOOR. 5 Reproduction — Continued. after Massachusetts was settled. It was taken from a book published in London by William Wood, entitled: "•New England's Prospect." The Second is entitled : '' A Map of New England, being the first that ever was here cut, and done by the best Pattern that could be had, which be- ing in some places defective it made the other less exact; yet doth it sufficiently shew the scituation of the Countrey, and conveniently well the distance of Places ; " an exact copy of one published in 1677, to accompany a work en- titled : "The present State of New England, by William Hubbard." It was the first map engi^aved in this country, and was highly praised for its elegance and accuracy. John Foster Bush., M.D. 52 Photographic Reproduction, somewhat reduced, of an original map found among the manuscripts in the British Museum, supposed to have been executed by Gov. John Winthrop, about 1634, showing the Plantation of Boston and the surrounding country. Boston Public Library. 53 Reproduction in fac-simile of an original plan, entitled : " A Draught of Boston Harbor: By Capt. Cyprian South- ake, made by Augustine Fitzhugh, Anno 1694;" copied for H. F. Waters, Esq., from the original in the British Museum, 12th August, 1S84. This is the earliest maj^ of Boston Harbor which has yet been found, and is executed in colors. Henry F. Waters. 54 Heliotype Reproduction, entitled : " Carte de la Ville, Baye et Environs de Boston. Par Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin, Hydrog. du Roy, 1693. Verifiee par le Sr de la Motte." 55 A Similar Map by Franquelin, made in 1693, to aid a scheme to capture " Baston " by a French Expedition from Qiie- bec ; heliotype reproduction. lViIlia>n W. Greciiough. 55 Reproduction, made in 183^ of an early map, entitled: "The Town of Boston in New England, by Capt. John Bonner, yF^tatis %w^ 60. Engraven and Printed by Fra. Dewing, Boston, N. E., 1722. Sold by Capt. John Bon- ner, and William Price against ye Town-house, where may be had all sorts of Prints, Mapps, etc." 57 A Reproduction, made in 1870, of an early map showing the topography of Boston Harbor, originally published according to Act of Parliament by J. F. W\ DesBarres, Esq., August 5, 1775 ; lithograph by A. Meiscl. 58 Lithograph by Tidd of Boston after an old cut in the " Penn- sylvania Magazine," dated -July 31, 1775, entitled : " Exact Plan of General Gage's Lines on Boston Neck in America." 6 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 59 Heliotype Reproduction, made for Frothingham's " Siege of Boston," in 1S79, entitled: "Plan of the Town of Bos- ton, with the Intrenchmcnts, etc., of His Majesty's Forces in 1775' fi'om the Observations of Lieut. Page, of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers; and from the Plans of other gentlemen." Engraved and printed for William P^addcn, Charing Cross, Oct. i, 1777. 60 Heliotype Reproduction, made in 1S75, of two maps upon one sheet, entitled respectively : "A new and Accurate Plan of the Town of Boston in New England, i774 ' " ''^"'^ "A New Plan of Boston Harbor from an Actual Suney, 1 774'" The original plate was engraved in England, from an accurate Survey by British Engineers, just previous to the Revolutionary War. Williani S. Appleton. 61 General Washington's Revolutionary Campaign War Map, after a Survey ordered by him, showing the position of his Army in defence of Boston, 1776, also the Fortifications and Gun Batteries, extending from Charlestown around to Dorcliester Pleights. Albert O. Crajic. 62 Reproduction, made in 1S76, by George Lamb, of a map, entitled: "A Plan of Boston in New England, with its Environs including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brook- ^^ line, Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, Parts of Maiden and Chelsea, with the Military Works constructed in those Places in the years 1775 and 1776. Dedicated to the Right Honorable Lord George Germain. London : Published according to Act of Parliament, June 3, i777'> ^y Henry Pelham." 63 Plan of the " Burnt District," 1S72. Thomas Minns. 64 French Map of the port and harbor of Boston and the adjacent coast ; dedicated to the King by the Chevalier de Beaurain, 1776 ; given by M. Muret, Surveyor of the City of Paris, to WilUain Watson. 65 Plan of the Back Bay and pulilic parks, 1877. W. H. Whitmorc. 66 Eight Views of Tremont Street before the widening in 1869, reproductions of photographs in possession of the Public Library ; framed together. 67 Colonnade Row, from a photograph in ]30ssession of the Public Library. 68 Four Views of Tremont Street about iSoo; framed together. 5g Panoramic View of Tremont Street, east and west sides, from Court Street to the Common, Jidy, 1853, from a wood-cut in Gleason's " Pictorial and Drawing-room Com- panion." THE FIRST FLOOR. 7 70 Pi.AN of the Boston Park System, from the Common to Frankhn Park, furnished by the Park Department. 71 IJeacon Hill in 1736, showing the estates and their owners, by Alexander Miller, civil engineer. David M. Balfour. Case No. i. Daguerreotype of Charles Sumner, taken in i8£53, '^^y South- worth & Hawes, and engraved for Pierce's " Life of Sumner." Edward L. Pierce. Cameo bust of Josiah Qiiincy, a:t. SS, cut in 1S60, by Stevenson, a well-known artist of that day. Josiah P. ^ulncy. Hadge and ribbon of the Order of the Cincinnati, once owned by General Dearborn, and worn by him in Washington's presence in 1789. Samuel H. Russell. Menu of banquet to the Lispectors of Buildings of the United States, Feb. 15, 1S94, by the Assistant Inspectors of Boston. Jo// II T. Daly. l?iLL signed by Major Thomas Melville, of the " Boston Tea Party," March i, 1821.^ Menu of dinner given to the Commercial Clubs of Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis by the Commercial Club of Boston, 1885. Signatures of John Hancock and others in aid of the petition of Benjamin Gault to sell liquor, 1773. Edivard I. Brov:ne. Wheel through which passed the rope of a bell in Christ Church, 1740; an inside wheel runs on ball bearings. The Wardens and Vestry. Photograph of Ole Bull and in\itation to a complimentary concert at the Music Hall, 1876. Medal with [portrait bust of P. S. Gilmore made from the wood of the " Coliseum " of 1S69, Sylvester Baxter. Programme of the excursion of the S. A. R. to Bemiington, Aug. 19, 1S91 ; with the names of the party. Bill of the "Cromwell's Head" Inn, in School street, Dec. 21, 1785. Manuscript elegy on Gov. John Hancock, 1793. Geo. O. Carpenter.^ Jr. Ballads of the War of iS I 2. P'rank W. Sprague. A List of the killed and wounded on the 19th April, 1775. 8 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case No. i — Continued. Birthplace of Edward Everett on Boston Street, Dorchester, issued on the centennial anniversary of his birth, April ii, 1894. Piece of the ship " Cadmus," which brought Lafayette to Amer- ica in 1824. Vase and cane from wood of the Hancock House. Rev. H. F. Jenks. Handbill; appeal to tar and feather George Thompson, which led to the Garrison riot, Oct. 21, 1S35. B. V. French. The Ninth Issue of the first daily newspaper issued in New England, " The Polar Star and Boston Daily Advertiser," Oct. 15, 1796. A COPY of the second newspaper published in America, started Dec. 21, 1719, merged with the "New England Weekly Journal " in 1741. Receipt given by Major Ben Russell, of the " Columbian Cen- tinel," 1813. First number of the "Daily Evening Transcript," July 24, 1S30. Curtis Guild. Sword worn by Col. W. V. Hutchingsof the 24th Massachusetts Regiment, from 1S61 to 1865. Case No. 2. Photograph of arms of George III,, once in the Council Chamber of the Old State House ; removed to Halifax on the Evacuation of Boston in 1776. Photograph of Col. Benjamin Pollard, first commander of the Independent Corps of Cadets; from a portrait. Bill of William Price for cleaning pictures in the Old State House in 1740-41. Three Photographs of St. Botolph's, Boston, England. Photograph of the bust of Longfellow in Westminster Abbey, London. A Bullet from Bunker Hill, and one from Stillwater (1777). Edward I. Browne. Gold watch and seal once owned by Jonas B. Brown, of Bos- ton, who died in 1835, cet. 40 years. ]\Iiss Harriet L. Broxvn. THE SECOND FLOOR. 9 Case No. 2 — Continued. Photograph of Diinicl Webster, from a daguerreotype, taken in his 64th year. Warren G. Roby. Badge worn at the inauguration of Bunker Hill Monuinent in 1S43. C. E. Midlett. Photograph of Deacon Moses Grant (1745-1817), of the " Bos- ton Tea Party." Miss Alice Grant. Photographs of the Wc]:)ster House, aiul monument, and Innial lot at Marshfield. //. L. J/adloc/c. The Gov. Winslow House at Marshfield, and secret closet in the house; photographs. //. L. Hadlock. Silver plate and books taken from the box placed under the corner-stone of the Merchants' Exchange, Aug. 2, 1841. Francis Cabot., Secretary. Photographs of interior of the Williams House, Roxburv. Walter E. EJnving. A Watchman's Rattle. E. II. Savage. Autographs and autograph letters of Governor Hutchinson, Daniel Webster, J. L. Motley, Alvin Clark (with por- trait), Fanny Kemble, Prof. J. W. We1)ster, Joshua Bates, O. W. Holmes, Commodore Isaac Hull, Samuel G. Flowe, Laura Bridgman, John Hancock, Robert C. Winthrop, President Felton (with photograph), Governor Gore, Wm. Lloyd Garrison. Photograph of the library of James Russell Lowell, at Elm- wood, Cambridge. Photographs of Caleb Gushing, Dr. George C. Shattuck, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Bill-head of John Hancock, merchant and patriot. SECOND FLOOR. THE ilEMORlAL HALLS. REPRESENTATIVES' HALL. 72 Laying the Corner-stoxe of the Beacon Hilt, Reser- voir, Nov. 22, IS47 ; oil painting by Moses Wiglit,, with key, containing portraits of the Mayor, Josiah C^uincy, Jr. ; ex-Mayors Josiah Qiiincy, Sr., and S. T. Arm- strong; Nathan Hale, T. B. Curtis, and J. F. Baldwin, water commissioners; City Marshall Tukey, and members of the City Council and Government. Loan : City of Boston. lo BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 73 Photograph of the Reservoir, which was demolished in i8S3;from the Curtis Collection. Henry P. Curtis. 74 Samuel Phillips Savage, of Weston, 171S-97 ; Member of the Provincial Congress ; President of the Massachusetts Board of War, during the Revolution ; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Middlesex County ; presided at the meeting in the Old South Meeting-house, Dec. 14, 1773, to protest against the landing of the taxed tea ; photograph after Copley. Alexander Cochrane. 75 Rev. Daniel Sharp, D.D., born in England, 17S3, died 1S53 ; Pastor of the Charles Street Baptist Church, iSi3- 1S53; lithograph by Thayer, after a daguerreotype. 76 The Same : steel engraving by Sartain, after Harding. William H. Whitmore. 77 Edward Thompson Taylor ("Father Taylor"), 1794- 1S71 ; a sailor in his youth, became a Methodist preacher in 1S19; for many years at the Seamen's Bethel; photo- graph. James W. Black. 78 Harrison Gray Otis, 1765-1S4S; U.S. Senator, 1817-33; Mayor, 1839-32 ; colored crayon hy Dubourjal, 1845. Loan : Frederick O. Prince^ Executor. 79 Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.D., 1775-1S63; Pastor of Han- over Street Church, afterward 13owdoin Street, 1826-32 ; lithograph by Chandler ci. Bro., after Grozelier. 80 Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., 1730-66; copper-plate en- graving portrait bust, executed in London by Cipriani for one of the Hollis family ; within a wreath are the words : " Remarks on an anon, tract. P. LXXXIL I am indeed a poor man ; " hanging therefrom are a bishop's mitre, re- versed, and a crozier, referring to his controversy with the Episcopal missionary Apthorp in 1763; underneath is the inscription : " Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., pastor of the West Church in Boston, in New England [1747- 1766], an as- sertor of the Civil and Religious Liberty of his country and mankind, who, over-plied by Public energies, died of a nervous fever, Ivly VHII, MDCCLXVI, aged XXXXV." 81 Rev. Joseph Sewall, D.D., 16SS-1769; Pastor of the Old vSouth Church, 1713-69; copper-plate engraving, with fac- simile autograph. William H. Whitmore. 82 Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., 1663-1828; Minister of the North Church, 1684-173S ; heliotype reproduction in India ink of a portrait in Harvard College Library, by Sarah Moor head. Justin Winsor. THE SECOND FLOOR. ii 83 Daniel Wehstek, 17S2-1S53; steel en<^iaving by Cheney ami Dodson, alter Staiog, A/oscs VV. Wc/d, M.D. 84 James Jackson, M,D., 1777-1S67; engravinj^ hv WagstalV and Andrews. Moses W. Weld, Sl.D. 85 Rev. John Sylvester John Gardiner, D.D., 176:5-1830; Rector of Trinity Chnrch, 1805-30; President of the lit- erary club which conducted the AittJiology and Month iy Rcviczc ; lithograph by Mary M. Maguire. 86 Rev. Baron Stow, D.D., 1S01-1S69; Pastor of the Baldwin Place Baptist Church, i S3 2-48 ; of the Rowe vStreet Church, 1848-67; engraving liy Sartain, after Alexander. \Villia?n //. WIntniorc. 87 Alexander Parris, 1780-1S52 ; Architect of the (^uinc\' Market and St. Paul's Church ; crayon portrait b\ Chick- ering. Mrs. B. B\ CJiandlcr. 88 Rev. Sebastian Streeter, D.D. ; Pastor of the First Uni- versalist Church, 1824-64; Rev. Thomas W. Sulloway. Associate Pastor, 1S61 to 1864, when the Societv was dis- solved ; double photograph. T//omas Jl\ Snlloxvay. 8g Crocker and Brewster, full-length photograph of Uriel Crocker and Osmyn Brewster, inscrilied : '' This pic- ture was taken on INIr. Crocker's ninetieth birth(la\-, and is presented to the Bostonian Societv by Uriel Crocker, Feb. 3, 1S87." 90 Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D.D. ; Pastor of the Second Baptist Church from 1790 to 1S25 ; engraving by Hoogland, aftei' Miss Margaret B. Doyle.' 91 Captain Joitn Linzee, R.N., Commander of II. B. M. .Ship " Falcon" at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He married the daughter of Ralph Inman, of- Cambridge, and was the grandfather of Mrs. Prescott, wife of the historian; etching by Miss Ajzfiie T. Pratt. 92'THOMAS Smith Webb, 1771-1819; engraved portrait bust l)y Annin & Smith, after Penniman, commemorative of his services as one of the founders and first president of the Handel and Haydn Society ; dedicated to the Masonic Fra- ternity and to the H. & PI. and Philharmonic vSocieties, by the painter and engravers ; the bust resting on Handel's '^ Messiah," open, and other musical and masonic works ; behind, an organ and masonic emblems. 93 Benjamin Franklin, 1706-90; copper-plate engraving In Tanner, after Cochin (in fur cap), 1777- Ha 1)1 lit 0)1 A. Hill. 12 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 94 William Emmons, an actor known as "Pop" Emmons, a familiar character forty years ago ; litliograph by Pendle- ton, after Johnston. 95 Nathaniel Shepard Prentiss, M.D., 1766-1S53; for thirty years town clerk of Roxbury ; oil portrait by Bass Otis. Rev. yose-ph Banvai'd., D.D. 96 Re\^ John Thornton Kirkland, D.D., 1770-1S40; Presi- dent of Plarvard College, 1S10-2S ; lithograph by Pendle- ton, after Stuart, iSio. Rev. Sam //el May. 97 Rev. Ezra Stiles Gannett, D.D. , 1S01-71 ; Pastor of Fed- eral Street and Arlington Street Churches, 1S24-71 ; pho- tograph. Sam//el M. Bcdll)/o-ton. 98 Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D., 1770-1S37 ; first Pas- tor of Park vStreet Chvnxh, 1S11-15 ; engraving by Sartain, after Waldo. Airs. Thomas A. Emerson. 99 Rev. William Ellery Channing, D.D., 1780-1842 ; Pas- tor of Federal Street Church, 1 803-1 S42 ; engraving bv Hoogland, after Harding. E. G. Li/cas. ICO Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. {v. No. 80) ; steel engrav- ing by Wright Smith. JSIattJiew A. Alayhezv. lOi REv^ James Davis Knowles, 1798-183S; Pastor of the Baldwin Place Baptist Church, 1835-32 ; engraving by Chorley, after Doyle, 1S29. E. G. L//cas. 102 Rev. Sebastian Streeter, D.D. {y. No. 88) ; litliograph by Bouve, after Rowse. William H. Whitmore. 103 Daniel Simpson, 1790-18S6; Drummer in the War of 1812 ; in the 24th Massachusetts Volunteers in the Rebellion ; for the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company over seventy years, and for the New England Guards over fifty years ; oil portrait by Darius Cobb, life-size, two-thirds length, seated, holding his 'drum (No. 104). Da//icl Simpson. 104 Snare-drum beaten at the Battle of Biinker Hill by John Robbins, having on its side the date "• 1771," with motto: "• A//t vincere a/tt tnori." Daniel Simpson. 105 Jonas Chickering, 179S-1853; manufacturer of piano- fortes; photograph of a lithograph by Grozelier. George II. Chickcrii/g. io5 Edward Kendall, 180S-1862; Bugler to tlie New England Guards ; took the first prize at Covcnt Garden, London, 1846 ; lithograph by Fabronius. Saim/el W. Clifford. 107 Francis I., Duke of Lorraine, 1708-176^; married Maria Theresa, 1736; elected Emperor of Germany, 1745. Arnim M'/iller. THE SFXOND FLOOR. 13 108 Maria Tiikrp:sa, 1717-17S0, Empress of Germany, suc- ceeded Cliarles VI., 174O) t^^'*^ colored engravings from life, by Engelbrecht. Arti/ju Midler. 109 Parsonage of Bratti.k Sqijai{k CiiuRcir, formerly standing in Court vStreet, on the site of the building lately occupied by Adams Express Co. ; water-color bv Fuller, i8^v Samuel If. Russell. no Rev. John Goriiam Palfrey, D.D., 1796-18S1 ; Pastor of Brattle Square Church, 1818-1S30; ISIcmber of Con- gress, 1S47-9; Postmaster, 1861-6; relief bust in plaster. Samuel J\f. Bedlington. 111 Brattle Sc^uare Church, i 172-1871 : photograph. D. ll'aldij Salisbury. 112 Boston Harror, from Fort Hill; oil painting by J. ^V. A. .Scott, 1S53. 113 Four Silk Ensigns of the New England (juards (chartered 181 3), specified as follows: vState Flag, inscribed : " 4th Battalion, ist Brigade, ist Division, New England Guards." Battalion Color of white silk, inscribed: "New Eng- land Guards, instituted September 23, 181 3. Presented by S. Abbott Lawrence, October 30, 1S37." Ensign of blue silk, displaying on its respective sides the shields of the States of New York and Massachusetts, and bearing upon the pole a silver plate engraved as follows : " Presented to the New England Guards on the occasion of their first visit to New York, July 31, 1844, by the ex- members of the Corps residing in the city at the time." National Ensign, lettered as follows: "4th Battalion, M.V.M." Above th.em a blue silk company guidon, inscribed: "N. E. (;., 1813." The Ncxv Ei?gla7td Guards' Association. 114 John Wilkes, .Serjeant Glyn, and Rev. John Horne ; colored mezzotint, engraving by Houston, published in London, 1769. Loan: Samuel H. Russell, 115 Boston, from Dorchester Heights; oil jxiinting by Sec- man. A. C. Bald-.vi?i. 116 Clock owned by the Hon. William Sullivan (i77l~^S39) ' made by Aaron Willard, of Roxbury. Loan: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tcjuiey. 14 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 117 Jean Cheverus, 1768-1S36; first Roman Catholic Bishop of Boston, 1S10-1823 ; Bishop of Montauban, 1823 ; Arch- bishop of Bordeaux, 1S36 ; Cardinal, 1835; lithograph by Moore, after Stuart, 1S26. John C. Flynn. 118 Rev. William Mattocks Rogers, born in Alderney, 1S06, died 18^1 ; Pastor of Central Church, 1835-51 ; colored lithograph. Airs. Charles P. Strong. 119 The New England Guards, in camp on Savin Hill, under command of Capt. George VV. Lyman ; oil painting upon a mahogany panel, inscribed: "September 11, 1819. Painted by B. B. Curtis." ./. Putnam Bradlee. \10-1\ Two Slx-pound Brass Field-pieces, with engraved inscription : " Cast and Mounted by order of the Board of War, for the New England Guards, 1814," with sponge-rod and rammer. One of the cannon was fired by Lafayette on his visit to the encampment of the Guards at Savin Hill in 1824. The JVexv England Guards' Association. 122 John Jeptries, M.D., 1745-1S19; in his costume as an aeronaut, with barometer, etc., in his balloon, copper-plate engraving; also his portrait at a later period, lithograph by Pendleton, after Greenwood ; the column erected to com- memorate the spot in the forest of Guines, France, where Dr. Jetliies and Blanchard, the aeronaut, landed after their balloon voyage from England to France, Jan. 7? ^7^5 ' copper-plate engraving by Johnson, after Greenwood; framed togetlier. Loan: B, Joy Jeffries., AI.D. 123 Rev. Ephraim Peabody, 1S07-1856; Pastor of King's Chapel, 1846-56 ; photograph. Nathan Appleton. 124 James Madison, 1751-1S36; President of the United States, 1S09-1817 ; oil portrait, after Stuart. Loan : A Republican Institution. 125 Joshua Bates, born in Weymouth, Mass., 17SS, died 1S64; of the firm of Baring Brothei's & Co., London ; lienefactor of the Boston Public Library ; photograph of a bust. Loan: City of Boston. 126 Peleg Whitman Chandler, 1816-S9; lawyer, city solic- itor of Boston ; engraving by Buttre, from a daguerreotype. Edzvi/i F. Waters, 127 William Abrams, Merchant, of Middle (now Hanover) Street; born Jan. 16, 1742; died Sept. 27, 1S43, aged loi years, 8 montlis, 11 days; lithograph. Geonre W. Sargent. THE SECOND ELOOR. 15 128 Alfred Charles Iloiuis, 1S12-1891 ; in\cnt(M-; picked Braham locks at the World's Fair, London, 185 1 ; steel engravin<^ l)y Hales' Sons. Alfred C. Hobhs. 129 A View oi-' the "S'eau 1765; cop[)er-plate caricatnre print, engraved, printed, and soltl l)y Paid Revere. A note upon tlie margin says that' this print \vas found among the papers of William Alackay, grandfather of the donor (died 1800), one of the "Sons of Liberty," and owner of the silver pnnch-bowl made for the " Sons " in Boston. Robert C. Mackay. 130 " The Oldi:.st House in America," 1634, the Craddock House, Medford ; bas-relief on metal, vvitii inscription. Willi am T. Lcggett. 131 Benja^iin Lincoln, 1733-1S10; ALnjor-General in tlie Revolutionar}' Armv ; .Secretary of War, 1 781-4; Lieu- tenant-Governor, 1788; first Collector of the Port, 17S9- 1808; a framed policy of insurance for £1,000 upon liis life, underwritten by various persons. Loan : Sai)iuel T. Crosby. 132 The Same; mezzotint engraving by Smith, after Sargent's portrait, in possession of the Massachusetts Historical .Society, to which the plate is dedicated. Charles E. Clark, M.D. 133 Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, 1784-1S13; Pastor of Brattle .Square Church, 1805-13; framed ndniature on ivory. ]\/rs. Nathaniel Walker. 134 David Francis, 1779-I853; Boston bookseller, of the firm " Munroe & Francis ; " Trustee and Secretary of tlie M. C. M. A., 1814-26; Vice-President, 1827; Commander of the Rifle Rangers; (m1 portrait by Clark. David G. Francis. 135 John Collins Warren, ]\LD., 1778-1S56; one of the founders of the Massachusetts General Hospital ; Professor in Harvard College, 1S06-46 ; engraving h\ .Smith, after a daguerreotype by Whipple. Closes VV. Weld. M.D. 136 Thomas Coffin Amorv,Jr., 1812-89; Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, 1S29; Alderman and Member of the School Committee; one of the charter members of the Bostonian Society ; photograph. Moses W. Weld, M.D. 137 Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, D.D., born in Boston, 180S; Baptist Clergyman and Professor; author of "My Country, 'tis of Thee ; " photograph. Samuel F. St)iith. i6 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 138 Rev. Chandler Robbins, D.D., 1810-S3; Pastor of the vSecond Church, 1S33-75 ; engraving by Wagstaff and Anchews, after a daguerreotype. Mrs. JF. JJ. JMlnns. 139 Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D. {v. No. S2) ; engraving by Wagstaff and Andrews, after Pel ham. Mrs. F. B. Mitins. 140 Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., U.D., 1794-1S43; Pastor of the Second Cliurch, 1S17-1830; Professor in Harvard College, 1839-42 ; engraving by Wagstaff and Andrews, after Froth- ingham. Mrs. F. B. Alinns. 141 Rev. Increase Mather, D.D., 1639-1723; Pastor of the Second Church, 1664-1723; President of Harvard College, 16S5-1701 ; engraving by Wagstaff and Andrews, atter Vanneck. Mrs. F. B. Minns. 142 John Adams, 1735-1826; President of the United States, 1 797-1801 ; engraving after Stuart. 143 The Same; copper-plate engraving, half-length, seated; underneath, the American Eagle with thunderbolts ; drawn and engraved by Houston; inscribed: "His Excellency John Adams, President of the United States of America. Respectfully dedicated to the lovers of their country and firm supporters of their Constitution ; " published by Ken- nedy, in Philadelphia. William H. Whitmore. 144 William Perkins, Merchant, 1773-1818; oil portrait on panel by Greenwood, 181S. Airs. Richard Perkins. 145 Rev. Charles Francis Barnard, 1806-84; Pastor of the Warren St. Chapel, 1 834-1 866 ; photograph. Warren St. Chapel. 146 Rev. Mather Bvles, D.D., 1706-17SS; Pastor of Ilollis Street Church, i733~^77'^' "^ Loyalist during the Revolu- tion ; engraving by Plarris. 147 Rev. John Latiirop, D.D., 1740-1816; Pastor of the Second Church, 176S-1S16; engraving by Wagstaff and Andrews, after Stuart. JMrs. F. B. JMintis. 148 Rev. John Clarke, D.D., born in Portsmouth, N.H., 1755, died April i, 1798, delivering a benediction in the First Church, Boston, of which he was pastor from i77^- Engraving by Graham, after Lovett. Theodore H. Bell. 149 Rev. Charles Lowell, D.D., 1782-1S61 ; Pastor of the West Cliurch, 1806-61 ; engraving by Sartain, after Hard- ing. Grcnvillc U. Norcross. 150 Rev. .Samuel Barrett, D.D., 1795-1876; Pastor of the Twelfth Congregational Society, 1835-1S58; lithograph by Boiivc, after Bond. Mrs. Olive S. Plympton. thp: second floor. 17 151 Rev. John Muurav, D.D., born in En^laiul, 1741, died in Boston, 1S15 ; founder of the Universalist Cluncli in America ; lithograph by Pendleton, after Johnson. Sanincl BatcJieldcr. 152 Francis Gardner, Master of the Latin vSchool ; etching by Bicknell, of Hnnt's portrait. Greiivillc II. Norcross. 153 William M. S. Doyle, Artist, proprietor of the Columbian Museum; pastel by himself, 1828, a few days before his death. Mrs. Emily E. Mills. 154 Faneuil Hall, interior; woodcut on India papei, by C. E. Johnson, 1S8S. 155 Rev. Francis William Pitt Greenwood, 1797-1843; Pastor of King's Chapel from 1827 to 1S43; engraving by Kimberly, after ILiyward. C. O. Broxvn. 156 Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, Jr., 1796-1S73; assisted by a fair the completion of Bunker Hill Monument; secured v$io.ooo towards purchasing Mt. Vernon ; persuaded the Legislature to make Washington's birthday a legal holiday ; aided sick and wounded soldiers in the Rel)ellion ; full- length oil portrait by Healy, Paris, 1S76. Harrison Gray Otis. 157 The Same ; half-length miniature steel engraving, by the American Bank Note Company, for the bills of the Mt. Vernon Bank. Harrison Gray Otis. 158 Resolutions of the City Council, thanking Mrs. Otis for her services to sick and wounded soldiers during the Rebellion ; approved Nov. 4, 1865, F. W. Lincoln, Jr., Mayor; framed. Harrison Gray Otis. 159 House No. 41 Mt. Vernon Street, residence of Mrs. Otis; interior view of the parlor, about 184^ Harrison Gray Otis. 160-61 Two Fire Buckets (over door), inscribed: "Friend and Public, 1799, Edward Oliver." 162 Two Cutlasses (over door), taken from a ship sunk off the harbor of Sebastopol during the Crimean War, and raised by Colonel Gowen, of Lynn. G. U\ Otis. 163-68 The Arms of the Foxcroft, Mountfort, and Checkley families, of the Rev. Roger Price, 1734, of Sir Francis Nicholson, Lieutenant-Governor, 171 1, and of Capt. Fran- cis Hamilton, of H. M. Ship-of-War "Kingfisher;" painted on canvas i:)y Savory for the 200th aimiversary of King's Chapel. T/ic Wardens and Vestry of King\'i C/iapcl. i8 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case "A," the Hancock Case. Folio Bible, once owned by the Rev. John Hancock, of Lexing- ton, grandfather of the Governor, and by the Governor, containing the latter's antograph ; printed by James Wat- son, Edinburgh, 1722, Prankliii Hancock. Foi.io Prayer Book, printed at Oxford, 1721, once belonging to the Rev. John Hancock, of Braintree, father of the Gov- ernor, and to the Governor, with a portrait of George II., and other engravings. Fraiiklin Hancock. SiL\'ER Cigar Light, once belonging to Gov. Hancock. Airs. Richard Perkins. Decanter Stand of Gov. Hancock. Gridlcy J. F. Bryant. Photograph of Gov. Hancock's seal, enlarged. J\Irs. Alary S. Israel. CocoANUT with silver mounting once belonging to Gov. Han- cock, given by him to Mrs. Brackett, his house-keeper. Loan : George O. Carpenter. French Lacquered Snufl' Box, with motto, " Les trois passions de I'Homme," and pictures. Mrs. Richard Perkins. Snuff Box given to Mrs. Brackett by Mrs. Hancock. Loan : George O. Carpenter. Two Egg Cups made from wood of the Hancock House. Pranktin Hancock. Whist Counters with the Hancock crest, and cribbage board. Pranklin Haticock. Cloth on which is printed one-half the arms of the Hancock family. Framed Letter, written by [ohn Hancock from London, March 2, 1761, to his step-father, Re\-. Daniel Perkins, of Bridge- water. Mrs. Richard Perkins. Shoe Buckles of Gov. Hancock. The Original Deed to the Town of Boston of Gov. Hancock's pasture, the site of the State House, for 5 vShillings, April 27, 1795, by Dorothy Hancock, his widow. Loan : George B. Ager. Knocker from the front door of the Hancock House, given by Charles L. Hancock to Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and by him to the Bostonian Society, with an accompanying letter. THE SECOND ELOOR. 19 Case 'M," i/ie Hancock Case — Continued. Copper Tea-kcttlc made by Paul Revere, and once owned by Gov. Hancock. Franklin Hancock. (jO\'kknor Hancock's Punch Bowl and Pitcher. Fi-anklin Jlaticock. Shirt once owned and worn bv Gov. Hancock, marked " J. H." " Loan: Mrs. William Wales. A Silver knife and fork. A Leatiier-co\'ered trunk, marked " ]. H." Decorated Wine Ghiss Tray once owned by Governor Plan- cock ; given by his widow to the Perkins family, and to the Bostonian vSociety bv Mrs. Richard Perkins. Indenture of Apprenticeship of Thomas Hancock, son of the Rev. John Hancock, minister of Lexington, to Samuel Gerrish, bookl)inder. May 20, 171S. Gridley J. F. Br\'a)it. Tea-cup once owned b}' Gov. Hancock ; given by his widow to the Perkins family. ^Irs. Richard Perkins. Two Leather Pocket Books once belonging to Gov. Hancock. Franklin Hancock. Framed Aledallion jMiniature Busts of the Prince and Princess of Orange (William HL and Mary), Pope and Gay; from the Hancock House. Franklin Hancock. St. Paul's, London ; copper-plate engraving in miniatinx- by F. MuUer, 1750; frcMii the Hancock House. Franklin Ha?icock. Sonnet for Oct. 14, I793i ''when were entombed the remains of his Excellency John Hancock, Esq., late (governor and Commander-in-Chief of Massachusetts." Three Autographs t)f John Hancock. Court Suit, consisting of a crimson velvet coat, blue satin waist- coat, embroidered with gold, and dral) silk trimks, once owned and worn by (iov. Hancock. Franklin Hancock. Three Books from Gov. Hancock's pew in the Brattle Square Church. Franklin Hancock. vSlippicrs once owned b\- Gov. Hancock's wife. Two Canes made from wood of the Hancock House. Loan : Mrs. SaraJi B. Otis. Silver Pepper Box, 1^0 years old, with " L. H." on the bottom, property of Lydia Henchman, wife of Thomas Hancock, uncle of John Hancock. Franklin Ha/icock. 20 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " B," the Autograph Case. Receipt of Henry W. Longfellow for royalties on " Evangeline," '• Courtship of Miles vStandish," antl " Hiawatha," paid by W. D. Ticknor & Co., iS6o. Selectmen of Boston ; autograph agreement with Thomas Joy for payment of balance for building the Town House in 1660; from the Leffingwell Collection. Vote of Town Meeting, Feb. 16, 1669, and of the Selectmen. Jan. 30, 1671, granting a place for a house out of the town waste to Samuel Davis. Bill of Thomas Dawes against the Province of Massachusetts Bay for repairing the Town House, July, i773* John S. H. Fogg, M.D. Petition of John Barnard, Master of the North Grammar School, for an increase of salary, 1716; from the Leffing- well Collection. Petition of John Lovell, Master of the Latin School, for an in- crease of salary, about 1749 ; from the Leffingwell Collec- tion. Lovele's Memorial to the Governor and Council for payment of sei'vices as interpreter to the French Prisoners, i747 ' ^^^^ a bill for examining a French deserter from Crown Point ; from the Lethngwell Collection. Subscription List for the engraving of Ames' picture, " The Last Days of Daniel Webster " (No. 11), containing seven hundred autograplis. Mrs. Williaui Appleton. Petition for a license to Joseph Ballard, as proprietor of the British Coilcc House. Oct. 23, 1754, signed by James Bowdoin and others ; from the Leflingwcll Collection. Vote of the Town, May 13, 1774, on receipt of the news of the passage of the Boston Port Bill : letter of William Cooper, Town Clerk, of the same day, to the other colonies, an- nouncing the passage of the bill. Indictment of Capt. Preston and Soldiers for killing Samuel Maverick in the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770; from the LefHngvvell Collection, with an engraving. Inquest on tlie body of Michael Johnson (indorsed " Crispus Attucks"), March 6, 1770; from the Leffingwell Collec- tion. Bill of the State Bank for ten dollars, signed by William Gray, known as " Billy Gray," iSii. John S. Brayton. THE SECOND FLOOR. 21 Case "j5," the Autograph Case — Co)itiiii(cd. Power-of-Attoknev given by Sir Isaac Coffin, Dart., to Wil- liam F. Otis, of Boston, March 31, 1S32. Letter of Sir Isaac Coffin concerning his school at Nantucket to Gov. Lincoln, April 16, 1834, with steel engraved por- trait by Ridley, of London, from a miniature. John C. J. Brown. Commission of Samuel Parker to be deputy Naval OiKcer of Boston, Julv I, 1S19; signed by Thomas Melville, Naval Officer/one of the "Tea Party." Hamilton A. Hill. A Volume of sermons, with the autograph of Chief Justice Sewall. Loan : Charles H. Hurd. WiELiAM Vv'arke.n ; engraved portrait by Wilcox, with two autographs. Letter of Paul Revere to Stephen Metcalf, July 30, 17^3; letter of Paul Revere and son to Enoch Ilorton, July 28, 1809. Autographs and autograph letters of Josiah C^uincy, Jr. (tlic '' Patriot"), Wasliington Irving, R. II. Dana,. Jr., Edward Everett, Theodore Parker, Jolni Qiiincy Adams, Bishop Cheverus (2), Daniel Webster (2), Edwin P. Whipple, Robert C. Winthrop, George Bancroft, Edwin Booth, Mrs. M. A. Vincent, Laura Bridgman, Fanny Kemble, A. Graham Bell, Joseph vStory, Charles Sumner, Rufus Choate, Anson Burlingame. Case " C," the Miscellaneous Case. Ax English Brick from the Curtis House, Jamaica Plain, 1639. with a photograph of the house thereon. The house was occupied by Rhode Island troops during the vSicge of Bos- ton, and was demolished in 1SS6. Fred F. Hassatn. Copper bullet mould of the Revolutionary period. Stacy Hall. Mould for making spoons, brought from England in 1635. Miss Elizabeth l\och-xood. DooR-PLATK of the Holmes House, Caml)ridge, the birthplace of Dr. O. W. Holmes. Door-plate tVom the house in which Charlotte Cushman was born, in Richmond Street, July 23, 1S16. Mrs. C. E. Jlnchinson. SpECTACr,ES once owned by Gawen Brown, maker ot the Old South Clock. " John /?. Callender. 22 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " C," i/ie Allscellaneous Case — Continued. Iron-bound spectacles worn in Boston during the Revolution. Loan : George W. Maunder. Two Handkerchiefs, with pictures of the Battle of Lake Eric and of George Washington. Cane from wood of the "Constitution." C. C. Barry. Cane of Irish l^og-onk given to Robert B. Forbes, 1S47, in com- mand of tiie U.S. Sloop "Jamestown," with supplies to the Irish during the famine. Birch stick used by Charlotte Cushman at her last representation of " Meg Merrilics," at the Globe Theatre. Addison C/iild. Orange-wood cane once owned by Wendell Phillips. Edward Wat is. Hammer excavated near Plymouth Rock in laying the street rail- way. lVashingto7i G. Benedict. Surgeon's Saw used by Dr. David Jones at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Knife, Fork, and Spoon used during the Rebellion by J. II. Ilunneman, Jr., Co. H, Ninth Regiment Mass. Vols. Money Belt worn in the War of the Rebellion by J. H. Hunnc- man, Jr. Surgical instruments used bv Dr. Eliphalet Downer, one of tlie minute-men of Lexington, and Surgeon on the " Bon Homme Richard," under John Paul Jones. Airs. Nancy M. Dozvner. Old instruments for extracting teeth (2). Carved Ivory, done by a prisoner on an American privateer. Masonic punch-bowl presented to Col. Richard Gridley, about 1765, and from which, it is said, Washington and Lafayette drank when visiting him. Loan : Satnnel H. Russell. Silver Snull-box of Thomas Miller, of Charlestown, Deacon of the First Church for 45 years, witli inscription. C. T. Synimcs. Fan once owned by Agnes vSurriage, Lady Frankland, about 1760. Miss u\bby L. Alg'cr. Chinese Porcelain Bowl, with raised figures in colors, once owned by the Rev. Roger Price, lector of King's Chapel, 1729-1746; commissary of the Bishop of London. Loan : Mrs. F. E. Weston. THE SECOND FLOOR. 23 Case " C," t//c Miscellaneous Case — Conlunicd. Sauce-Pan owned In' Benjamin Franklin, given by liis sister, Jane Franklin Meconi, to Benjamin Sumner, who adniin- isterecl upon Franklin's estate. Loan : Mrs. J. S. I^ockivood. Linen Sheet once belonging to the Hancock family, given by Mrs. Hancock to Mrs. Brackett. Loan : George O. Carpeiiter. Harrison Liauguration ball in Faneuil Hall, March 4, 1S41 ; list of Managers ; framed card. R. E. Coclrrati. Police Badges used from 1701 to 1855; burglars' tools, etc., door-nips, slung- shot, jimmy, false keys, etc., taken from fiimous criminals from 1S40 to 1850. Edxvard H. Savage. First Day-badge of the Boston police, 1S36. Loan : S. F. Barrett. Sampler, worked by a sister of Gov. Hutchinson. Mrs. S. S. Alcxa7idcr. Buckles worn by Nathaniel Emmons, 1800. Carpenter's Square found in the Dean Winthrop House at Winthrop, with date " 1643." Mathematical instrument found on the site of the Shcafe House. W. W. Shreve. A Pair of silver shoe buckles. Tinder-Box, once belonging to Prof. Popkin, of Harvard Col- lege, class of 1793. Francis H. Bigeloiv. Sun Dial used in 1762. Ancient Dutch l)ox, with a perpetual almanac, 1497- Willi am J. A^eivcomb. Communion Cloth of Old Saxon linen given to the New North Church by Deacon Kettell in iSi3. Jvcv. Edward G. Porter. Case " D," the Military Case. The Complete Uniform and equipments of the Boston Hussars, worn bv their commander, Capt. Charles Porter Phelps, 1811-1S18, with the Regulations of the Company. T/ic Phelps Family. Ancient Brass Military Ornament, such as was w^orn on tlie hat by Massachusetts militia-men. Jrremiak Colburn. 24 BOSTONIAN S0CIF:TY. Case " Z>," t/ie Military Case — Contimied. NoN-CoMMissiONED Officer's Sword, brought to this country, with other arms, by Lafayette. Lotiis Roitdelle. SiLViiR-MOUNTED Court Sword, worn by James Bowdoin when Minister to Spain under Jefferson, and Assistant Minister to France. Thomas L. Winthrop. Officer's Dress Sword ; said to have been owned by Lafayette. Loan : Mrs. A. C. Clap p. Sword of Gen. Henry Jackson, 1770- H. Jackson. Brass front-piece of a British soldier's cap, dug up on Bunker Hill in grading the ground after the completion of the monument, by Edward Carnes, and given by him to George W. Forristall. Three Cannon Balls found at Louisburg, Cape Breton, after the capture of the fortress in 1745. Loan: Charles W. Lcxvis. Certificate of membership of Samuel Waters in the'^Winslow Blues," 1802. Mrs. Elizabeth L. Means. Flag once suspended from the " Liberty Tree," near the corner of Washington and Essex Streets. John C. Fernald. Case "E," the Tile and Miniature Case. Seven Tiles, printed by Sadler & Green in 175^1 the first specimens of printing on earthenware in this country ; from an old building in Dock Square. Gridley J. F. Bryant. Three Tiles from the house on the corner of Columbia and Essex Streets, used by Lord Percy as headquarters. John M. Little. Tile from the Bishop's Room in the house on the corner of Franklin and Federal Streets, taken out Feb. 28, 181^4. G. W. Adams. Tile from the house of James Barry, in Barry Court, otT Wash- ington Street. William C. Burr age. Tile from the Hancock house. ^. R. Urbino. Four Dutch Tiles from the fire-place in the house occupied by Cotton Mather, on the corner of Hanover and Prince Streets. Airs. Elizabeth L. Means. Bill of Damages of Experience Ingersol for articles destroyed in the burning of Charlestown in 1775 ; lo have been pre- sented to the British Commander ; photograph copy. Walter Ingersol Noble. THE SECOND FLOOR. 25 Case " /i ," the Tile and Miniature Case — Contiinfcd. r^iHiiAUY of Gov. John A. Aiulicw In his honsc in Cliarlcs Sircct, after tlie War ; photograph. Horace P. Cliandlcr. Miniature Photographs of George Francis Train, monntetl on one card of cabinet size. Nathan Appleton. Photograph of the Woman and Lions, in Howard Street, 1S80. Nath a n Apple to )/ . The old Dorcliester Meeting-house, 174S-1S17; {)hotograph of an engraving. Bcnj. C/ishi/f^-. The OUlest Tombstone of Copp's Hill, 1664 ; photograph. lidivard MacDonalii . Photograph of the Tombstone of William Clark, on Cop{)'s Hill. Edzuard Mac Donald. A Copy of the New England Primer, 1781. The Book-plate of John Qiiincy Adams. Afiss Elizabeth C. Adams. Menu of the bancpict to Cardinal LessotFsky and officers of the Russian Heet by the City (jovernment. Note of the Bank of Pittsburgh for \zh cents, 1S12. William Sherburne. Order of Exercises, badge and invitation, at the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Mass., Oct. 14, 1 89 1. Sam?iel H. Ihissell . Illuminated Copy of an Address to PL M. Qiieen Victoria, bv the British-American Association of Boston, June 3, 1887. Robert B. Forbes; photograph. Rev. Charles Cleveland, City Missionary ; photograph when 99 years of age. LiBBY Prison, Richmond, Va.. 1863 ; photograph. William W. Wheildon. Benjamin Sumner, Treasurer of Boston, 1803-^ ; photograph. Loan : Mrs. J. S. Lockivood. Joseph Henderson, High Sherifl'; miniature painted on ivory, by Amblard, in London, 1793. Fie read from the Balcony of the Old vState House the Declaration of Independence ; ami proclaimed the Treaty of Peace in 1783. Harrison G. Otis. Charlls H. Saunders, an actor, who made his first ap[)earance at the Warren Theatre in 1836 ; daguerreotype. i\frs. Sanfiders. 26 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " i?," fhe Tile and Aliniatiire Case — Co7ztinited. Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster {y. No. 133) ; miniature on ivory. Rev. S. B. Crujt. Benjamin Franklin, when Minister to France ; framed minia- ture. C S. cB H. W. Lincoln. The Hammond Famh.y, two silhouettes, by W. M. S. Doyle, about 1807. Loan : Sannicl H. Russell. Samuel Appleton {y. No. 243) ; a steel plate. Nathan Appleton. John Tileston, Master of the North Writing School, died 1S26, aged 90; photograph from a portrait by Greenwood, in the Boston Museum. James W. Black. Rev. W1LLIA.M Jenks, D.D., 177S-1SS6; Professor in Bowdoin College, 1S15-1S; Pastor of Green Street Congregational Chinch, 1S33-1845 ; framed photograph. Washington Allston, 1779-1S43; daguerreotype, after a por- trait by Staigg. Nathan Appleton. Francis Rotch, 1773, owner of the tea ships '"Beaver" and " Dartmouth," visited by the " Tea Party;" silhouette by Miers, of London. George W. Allan. Nancv, second wife of Francis Rotch, 1776-1S67; silhouette, " cut with scissors by Master Hubbard." Joseph and Francis Rotch, autographs, 1773, 1773. Professional Card of Charles J. Guiteau, the assassin of Pres- ident Garfield, when practising law in Boston. Franklin S. Pratt. Visiting-card Plate of General and Mrs. Knox. A. A. Folso7ti. House, No. 477 Harrison Avenue, struck by a cannon-ball dur- ing the Siege of Boston, 1775-6; photograph. Last Relic of the Great Fire, 1872, a building on the corner of Congress and Purchase Streets; removed Dec, 1SS9. W. F. Mclntyre. Ticket for the first trip on the Boston & Worcester R.R., 1846. George O. Carpenter. Badge worn at the 300tli Celebration of the vSettlcment of Boston, 1830, by Charles P. Cnrtis. Copper-plate block of the Old State House. James S. Smith. Bit of Iron from the roof of Haarlem Cathedral, Holland, with date, " 1662." Nathan Appleton. THE Sl'XOND FLOOR. 27 Case " ^," tJic "file and Aliiiiatio-e Case — Co)itiiiucd. A Ticket to ;i military dinner ^iven in Philadelphia to the Boston City Guards, June 14, 1S31 ; framed. George P. j\/ay. A Goi.D Locket with two miniature portraits, picked up on the Bull Run battleheld in the fall of 1S63, by Henry W. Gore, Lieut., Co. C. 33d Re^. Mass. Vols. Ilciirv ir. Gore. Promissory note of Edward C^uincv and others for .£10, 177^- A/rs. Mary I^nzvcll P/ttz/a///. Case " F," the China Casi:. Old "Wood " platter, with a view (jf La Grange, the chateau of Lafayette. Given hv him to Elizabeth Dickson Jones, a former resident of I^oston. Loan : Samuel I). Deati. Old " Ridgway " platter, once owned l)y Major Thomas Dean, banker, of Boston, who commanded Fort Warren in 181 2. Loan : Samuel B. Dea?i. Plate ; Boston Common and State House. Plate, common white; a relic of the Great Fire. 1S7-. Plate; residence of Thomas H. Perkins, in Pearl vStreet, after- wards occupied by the Boston Athenannn. Pitcher, with lustre and piuple tlecorations, figures, legend, eagle, motto, etc. Loan : IV. J. Cireeji. Pitcher, cream-white earthen, thirteen stars on the side, one of the set first made in this country, about 1S08. Loan: Airs. Frances E. U'eslon. Pitcher, earthenw^are, small blue, the State House on one side, the New York City Hall on reverse. Amos A. Laivrcnce. Plate, porcelain ; once l^elonging to Gov. Gage, \\ ith birds, flowers, etc. ; from the loot of the Province House, 1776. Plate, blue earthenware ; the old hotel at Nahant. Loan : Samuel II. Russell. Platters (3) and butter-plate; "Bacon's Oyster House," site of Brigham's Hotel. Robert />'. Brighajii. Liverpool Pitcher, with Masonic emblems and portrait ot Washington upheld by the Goddess of Liberty ; made fen- Gen. John Hall, an oihcer of the Revolution, marked "J. and P. [his wife Persis] Hall." Loan : Mrs. Levi L. Nichols. 28 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " /^," /Ae CJii)ta Case — Con tinned. Plate ; Mitchell and Freeman's glass warehouse, Chatham St. Platter; the Court-House (Court Square). Pitcher, earthenware ; stamped in red on cream ground, with motto : " Success to the Crooked but interesting Town of Boston ; " on the reverse, a portion of one of Moore's poems. Pitcher ; ditto, black on cream. Richard Briggs. Plate ; the Marine Hospital at Chelsea ; earthenware. Plate ; Landing of the Pilgrims; made for the Bi-Centennial at Plymouth, by Enoch Wood & Sons, Burslem, England. Bejijaniin C. Clark, Plate ; ditto, small. Tureen, with view of Cains College, Cambridge, 300 years ago. Loan : J/iss EJizabctJi Rockivood. Plate ; Boston .State House. Plate; New South Church, Church Green. Pitcher ; Liverpool, black on cream, witli arms of the Coopers' Guild; on the reverse, a cooper at work, with motto: letter " F " on front. From the Fernald Family. Loan : Sajn7iel H. Russell. Pitcher ; Liverpool, stamped with shipwrights' arms, on the reverse the ship " Constitution ; " witli Masonic emblems and gilding ; inscribed "Joshua Pitman," and made for him after the Revolution. Loan : JosJiua H. Pitman. Pitcher; the " Enterprise" and " Boxer." Pitcher ; ship-building in Salem ship-yard, iSoo. Platter ; view of tlie Old Almshouse, Leverett Street, iSoo- 1S25. China Tea-caddy, witli tea found in the pocket and boots of John Crane, one of the Boston Tea Partv, when taken injuretl to his home, Dec. 16, 1773. Mrs. Richard Pcrizins. Plate, with Harrison log-cabin, 1S40; glass. Aliss ElizabetJi Rociavood. Plate, with Bunker Hill Monument ; glass. Pepper-box, 150 years old. Miss ElizahetJi Rockivood. Milk-pitcher; Chinese cat, porcelain, blue on white; from the collection of Capt. Ebenezer Eaton, of Dorchester. Loan : Fred F. Hassani. THE SECOND ELOOR. 29 Case "/^," ///c C//i>ia Case — Conti)i.i(cd. Tea-set, copper lustre, li^lit-bhie earthenware. r^oan : Mrs. I^^rauces E. Weston. Cup and Saucer, porcelain ; fioiu a full set taken from tlie l^ritish at Bennington by Gen. Stark, and given to Capt. Thomas riotchkiss, of Boston. J/;\s\ Walker. Pitcher, earthenware, wilh ]^urple ground and copper lustre; letters " D. S." in front, body covered witii arabesepies ; made in England for Capt. Daniel Sayward. Loan : Harrison Ell cry . Pitcher, English earthenware, cream-colored, with gilding, fluted, gilt stars on the sitlcs. Loan : Francis Lincoln. Pitcher ; blue Liverpool earthenware ; State House. Loan : Savin el H. Rnssclh Case "G," the j\Iodi:e and jNIedal Case. Model of the *' Cockerel Church," Hanover vSt., 1731-1S44, also called the " New Brick ; " the founders placed the figure of a cock as a vane upon the steeple, says Drake, out of derision of Mr. Thacher, whose Christian name was Peter (the pastor of the New' North, from which the founders of the "New' Brick" seceded). J/y.v. F. L. Wilson. Coffin-shaped box for valuables, made in 1S41 from wood of the "Constitution;" owned by Mrs. Harriet A. F. Cox Lewis ; ornamented with a silver coftin-plate of her mother, Susanna Hickling Cox, 1762 ; given by their descendants Joseph ami Snsanna Willard. Bronze model of the Old South Meeting-house. Bradford Kingman. House made from wood of the Old Elm, 185^. Loan : Joint 13. Callcnder. Vase from wood of the " Constitution." Mrs. R. Anne NicJiols. MoDEE of the " OKI Elm," ukuIc by the donor from wood of the tree after its destruction bv the gale of Feb. 15. 1S76. L nice J. Page. l^JoDEE of Daniel W'elister's liouse at Alarshlield, gi\en to tiie Hon. Peter Harvey by a member of the Webster family. Airs. Pclcr Harvey. Urn of live oak, matle from vvcjod of the frame of the frigate "Constitution," 1887, by James Miskclly. 30 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " C/," the Model and Medal Case — Continued. Model of a boat, with oars, etc, made for a member of the Perkins family by Robert B. Forbes. Mrs. Richard Perkins. (Javel used in the Board of Aldermen froin the organization of the City Government to April, 1S91, in an oak case. JYie Board of Aldermen. Brass door-knocker on wooden block, with inscription : " From the Winslow House, Marshfield, Mass.; came in 'May- flower,' 1620 ; presented by Hon. Daniel Webster to Dr. Winslow, Sept. I3, 1S50." Loan : Rev. William C. Winslow., D.D. Medal in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln ; bronze, struck in Paris, 1S65. Original die, in silver, of the great seal of the Province of New Hampshire, from 1693 to 1694, with impressions. Loan : The Misses Getchell. Photograph of the great seal of New Hampshire, granted by William HL, January, 1699, broken in Council by order of Qiieen Anne, under the royal warrant, October 39, 1709. James R. Stanivood. Five shillings and sixpence of the Pine-tree paper currency of Massachusetts, 1779, under glass. Henry Guild. Pine-tree shilling, 1653; silver. Edxvard Turner. Another from the box placed under the corner-stone of the Mer- chants' Exchange, in 1S41. T'rancis Cabot., Secretary. Seal of the New England Numismatic and Archasological So- ciety, incorporated 1S66 ; silvered electrotype die. Charles Chaplin. Seal of the Plymouth Colony, 1630; silvered electrotype die. Charles Chaplin. Badge of the Marshal of the Fair for the Preservation of the Old South Meeting-house, December, 1S77. JVathan Applcton. Badge of the " Carnival of Authors," held in Music Hall, Janu- ary, 1S79. Nathan Appleton. Medal, bust of the Rev. John Pierpont, 17S5-1S66; pastor of Hollis Street Church, 1819-4^; bronze medallion framed in wood. " ^[oscs W. Weld, M.D. Tortoise-shell work-box, inlaid with pearl, the contents gold-plated, with embossed figures of flowers, etc., having a music-box attachment ; once owned by the family of Hartt, who built the " Constitution." The Misses Deland. THE SPXOND FLOOR. 31 Case " G\" ///r j\Iodcl and JMcda/ Case — Cu it tinned . Medal commemorating the Battle of Porto licllo, Nov. 2, 1739, by Admiral Vernon, tor wlioni Alt. Vernon was named ; composition. diaries Ji. Clark ^ M.D. Block of the woodcut used l)y the Lampligliters of Boston on their New Year's Address, 1S2S. Medal of the Old Guard of New York, worn in the paratle in Boston, on tiie 250th anniversary of the Ancient and Hon- orable Artillerv Company, June 4, 1888; gilt. William 7\ I\. A/arvin. Medal conunemorative of the Colnml)us Celebration, and the in- auguration in Boston of a statue of the Discoverer of America, Oct. 3i, 1S92 ; wliite metal, with badge. Nathan. Apple ton. Rev. John Pierpoxt ; clectrot3-pe portrait from a seal cut by Mitchell. Badges \\o\\\ by Committees of the Legislature to the Centennial Celebrations, in Philadelphia, 1SS7 ; Columbus, Ohio, iSSS; New York, 1889; gilt. H. M. Kicliards cf- Co. Medals of the Foreign Exhibition, in Boston, 1S83. Nathan Applcton. Lafayette Gloves, buckskin, with portrait, worn at the time of his visit to Boston, in 1S24. John Gilbert. Badc.e of Boston Veteran Firemen's Association Centemiial, Sept. 15, 18S7. William C. Lazvrence. Medal of the Massachusetts Plumane Society, given to Geo. W. Rossiter, of the Ship " New World," for rescuing many of the crew of the ship " Ocean Monarch," burned at sea, Aug. 24, 184S; gold. Frank E. Hatch. Latin .School Medals, Fraid-;lin Medals, Town and City Medals, Medal of the JSalem .Street Academy ; silver: gifts or loans from Mrs. Richard Perkins, William JMarhle. Henry Guild., Mrs. L. C. J. Toivnc, Joint T. Prince., ]Fm. P. Shrevc. and others. .Stone from the Tower of .St. ]5otolph's Chuicli. Boston, Eng- land. Medal of the Massachusetts Humane v^ociet\. Abbott La-..-rencc. Medal, with the arms of the Bostonian Societv. woiii at tiie Cen- tennial Celebration in Philadeli)hia, Sept. L7, 1S87, by William C. Jinrragc. Medal given to Charles .Sargent, b\ Ward N. Bo\lston, M.D. ; bronze. J^'f>^' J)i\~ecll., Ah.D. 32 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " Cj," t/ic j\/odcl and Medal Case — Continttcd. IvIedal issued by the International Maritime Exhibition, 1SS9; silver. William G. Crother. Badge of the Porcellian Club, Harvard College, instituted 1791 » belonj^ing to the Hon. George Morey, of the class of iSii ; silver. Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Badge-pin, " Champions, Boston Base Ball Club, 1S71 ; " gold. John P. Reed. Badge taken after the Great Fire from the store of Palmer, Batchelder, & Co., 162 Washington Street; silver. Fireman's hat; imitation, in silver. Willia7n C. Laivrencc. English Gold Watch, owned by William Perlcins (No. 144). Airs. Richard, Perki)is. Silver Watch, made in London and given to the Rev. Peter I'hacher, Minister of Milton, 1681-1727. Peter Tliacher. George Pearodv, Banker and Philanthropist, 189^-1869; bronze medallion bust, struck by the Trustees of the Pea- body Educational Fund. Samuel A. Green., M.D. Daniel W^ebster ; bronze medallion bust. G. II. Si>iitJi. Theodore Parker; mould and impression of bust, taken in Europe two years before his death. Charles B. and Benj. W. Appletott. Medal commemorative of the Pilgrim Jubilee, 1870, the 350th Anniversary of the landing at Plymouth ; gilt. John B. Callender. Silver fac-simile of the gtjld medal givee City to George William Curtis on occasion of his eulogy of Wendell Phil- lips, April 18, 1S84. Henry Guild. Medal of the celebration of the third Centennial Anniversary of the vSettlement of Santa ¥c, New Mexico, July, 1883. IMedal commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the Evac- uation of New York city by the British, Nov. 28, i 7S3 ; head of Washington on the reverse. Medal commemorating the Centennial Celel)ration of Washing- ton's Pleadquarters at Newburgh, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1883. Medal commemorating the Bi-Centennial of the settlement of Germantown, Penn., Oct. 6, 18S3. Medal commemorating the Centennial of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1774; five medals, in white metal. One CENr and half-cent of Massachusetts; copper currency, 17S8. THE SECOND FLOOR. 33 Case " G\" t/ie JMoJcl and JMcdal Case — Cotitiiiucd . Medal commemorating the action between the " Monitor " and the "Merrimac." Half-dollar of the Sierra Company, 1791. Mrs. Alary Lozi'ell Putnam. CoLUMBLAN half-dolhir, Chicago, 1S93. J3. C. Clark. Medal commemorating the 400th anniversary of the disco\ery of America, Oct. 3i, 1S92. Nathan Applctim. Medal, with a representation of the Liberty Bell, with the Lord's Prayer on the reverse. Medal, Souvenir of the erection, by the city, in 18S9, of Tablets in memory of the soldiers killed at Bunker Hill. Albert A. JPolsoni. Medal commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1SS8; bronze. Hetiry Guild. Case " H," New England Guard's Cask. A ^Lviiogaxv Caiunet, bearing upon either end a representation, carved in relief, of the shield of the New England Guards, with the company motto: ''Our nation's honor the bond of union." J. Pntnam Bradlee. This cabinet contains : A Silver Eagle bearing the engraved inscription: " Pre- sented by General Arnold Welles, November, 181 2." A Gold Medal, presented to the New England Guards by past members of the organization resident in Australia, in- scribed with the company motto. The reverse bears the following inscription : " Presented to the New England Guards by Joshua Crane, James W. Fletcher, Moses H. Call, Charles S. Jenney. Melbourne, Australia. Septem- ber, 1S54." A Gold Medal, presented to the New England Guards by past members of the organization resident in California, inscribed: "N. E. G. Listituted vSept. 22. 1S12." The re- verse bears the following inscription : " To the Guard in Boston from the Old Guard in California. B. B. Gore, A. J. Almy, N. W. Knowlton, T. H. Borden, W. E. Moodv, S. H. Whitmarsh, L. J. Wilder, N. H. Brown, N. L.^Ligols, G. W. Nichols." 34 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Case " //," New England Guard's Case — Continued. A Gold-plated Gorget, bearing the State shield of Mas- sachusetts, in silver, worn by the successive commanders of the New England Guards, as the badge of office. An Officer's Mess Chest, of mahogany, containing arti- cles of Camp Equipage, in use in 1S12. A Mahogany Ballot-box, silver mounted, bearing the initials " N. E. G.," and the engraved inscription: '' Pre- sented by B. F. Pickman. Esq., 1S14." A Knapsack, inscribed : " B. 65." A Canteen, inscribed : " N. E. G., 63." A Representation of the shield formerly borne bv the Guards, painted upon cloth, with tlie motto of the corps : " Our Nation's Honor the Bond of Union." The Ne%v England Guards^ Association. Portions of uniform and equipment formerly v\^orn by the New England Guards, specified as follows : One shako, with white pompon ; One brass breast-plate ; One cartridge-box ; One bavonet scabbard ; One patent leather clasp-l)elt; Two white coss-belts ; Two sets of epaulets. Joseph B . Glover. A Pair of Officer's epaulets, of gold and bullion fringe. William C. Otis. JosiAii Putnam Bradlee, 1S11-S7; Commander of the New England Guards; framed photograph. Miss Helen C. Bradlec. A Dress Sword worn by the late Capt. J. Putnam Bradlee. Aliss I Tel en C. Bradlee. A Sword, inscribed: "S. B., Jr., from W. V. H., 24th Reg. N. E. G." Records of the Guards and of t'ne Guards' Association. A Pewter Mug, marked " N. E. G." Loan : John F. B anchor. THE VESTIBULE. 169 JosiAii QiJiNCV, 1772-1S64; Mayor, 1S23-29; President of Harvard College, 1829-45 ; plaster statuette, model of the statue in front (jf the City Hall, by Thomas Ball. JSIartin Parry Kennard. tup: second floor. 35 170 La Fayette, Marquis de, 1757-1S34; stcel-platc proof en- graving by Leroux, from oil portrait by Ary ScheHcr, 1822 ; full lengtli, in civil dress. 171 Chahles Sumner, iSii-74; U. .S. Senator, 1851-74; pho- tograph bv Black with fac-siinilc autograph. Loan : Cily of Boston. 172 John Albiox Andrew, 1818-67; Governor, 1861-66; photograph. James W. Black. 173 John Quincy Adams, 1767-1S48; President of the United States, 1825-29; engraving by Duraml, after portrait by Sully; full length, seated. James A. Dnpee. 174 Wendell Phillips, 181 1-84; photograph. James W. Black. 175 WiLLL\M Lloyd Garrison, 1804-79; photograph. James IV. Black. 176 Miss Rosanna Black, daugliter of Andrew Black, after- ward Mrs. Joseph Blake, and later Mrs. Benjamin Whit- man ; dietl in 184S, aged about 76; half-length oil portrait of a young lady in a white satin robe, incorrectly attributed to Copley ; once owned by Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, and formerly exhibited in the Athenjeum. Loan : Anihu Milller. 176a Thomas Blanchard, inventor, born in vSutton, 1788, died in Boston, 1S64; oil portrait. 6\ Stillman Blanc/iard. 177 Josiaii Quincy, ]ii.^ 1802-82; Mayor, 1845-9; ^'^ portrait by Page. Jos i ah P. ^umcy. 178 Fisher Ames, 175S-1808; Member of Congress, 1788-97; oil portrait by Edgar Parker, after Stuart. Mrs. Edgar Parker. 179 Nathaniel Pope Russell, 1779-184S; Treasurer of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, 1823-4S ; oil portrait by Stuart. Loan : Samuel H. Russell. 180 George Robert Twelves PIewes, Member of the " Bos- ton Tea Party," died Nov. 5, 1S40, aged 98 years; oil por- trait, painted from life in 1835 by J. G. Cole ; purchased from Henry W. Hewes. 181 John Park, M.D., 1775-1852; father of the Hon. John C. Park ; oil portrait. Loan : llie Park Family. 182 Edward Everett, 1794-1S65 ; Member of Congress, 1825- 35; Governor, 1S36-40; Minister to England, 1841-45; President of Ilarvard College, 1852-53 ; U. S. Senator, 1853-54; full-length engraving by Wright Smith, after Hicks. 36 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 183 Daniel Webster, 17S3-1S52 ; Member of Congress from New Hampshire and Massachusetts; Senator, 1S37-39, 1S45-50; Secretary of State, 1840-43, 1S50-53 ; full-length engraving by Andrews and .Smith, after Harding. 184 George Washington ; photogravure of Gilljcrt Stuart's head of Washington in the Art Museum. A. IV. El son d- Co. 185 RuFUS Choate, 1799-1S59 ; heliotype, after the engrax ing in 13rown's "Life of Choate." Ellcrton E. Pratt. 186 Daniel Webster ; photograph of a crayon taken in the Capitol at Washington, 1S45, by Eastman Johnson, for the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and given by him to the Mas- sachusetts Historical Society, 1SS6. Robert C. Winthrop. 187 The Same; lithograph, after Ames. J. Colevia)i. 1S8 The Columbian Museum, kept b}' Doyle (No. i'^3), in Tremont Street; framed broadside advertisement of part of the contents, with woodcut view of the engagement between the "Constitution" and the " Guerriere ; " en- graved by Abel Bowen ; D. & A. Bowen, Printers, 12 Court Street. i8g The Same; another framed l^roadside advertisement, printeil bv the Columbian Museum Press, " Head of the Mall." JcrcDiiah Colbnrn. 190 Daniel Webster; photograph of an engraving. Erancis H. Manning. igi Daniel Webster, at Franklin, N.H. ; lithograph, by Buf- ford. Loan : Samuel H. Russell. ig2 The Same ; lithograph by Fabronius, after Ames, 1S63. 193 A Letter of Daniel Webster to the Hon. Peter Harvey, dated Washington, Sept. 27, 1S50; framed. ,/. Applcton Bailey. 194 Ticket of admission to the Coknubian jMuseum, signed, "Mr. Mason;" framed. Jeremiah Colburn. 195 Frame, containing letters or autographs of Washington, John Hancock, " Lord " Timotliy Dexter, Gov. Wentworth, and others. Loan : Alonzo R. \Ve)itivortJi. 196 Bus'i' of" The Greelc Slave," in marble, by Powers. Loan : Mrs. William C. Otis. 197 Daniel Webster ; engiaving. 198 The Same ; lithograph b}' Pendleton of Johnston's drawing, after Harding's portrait, 1S31. Joseph Si/nes. THE SECOND FLOOR. n igg The Same ; lithograph, after a miniature by Harvey. Mrs. I^ranccs H. Weston. 200 The Same ; tull-length engraving by Wagstali'and Anth-evvs, after portrait by Lawson. 201 The Same ; engraving by Ritchie, after a daguerreotype by Whipple, 1848. Daniel 7\ V. Huntoon. 202 Eulogy ON the Death of James Lawrence, Commander of the U. S. Frigate " Chesapeake," killed June 4, 1813, oft" Boston PLirbor, in the hght with the *' Shannon; " framed broadside, A. Bowen, engraver. j\/rs. C. G. Butts. 203 The Same ; broadside, woodcut, printed on satin ; framed. Loan : John I^, BajicJior. 204 Minot's Light-House ; drawing, framed in a window washed ashore by the storm which destroyed the light- house, April 16-17, 1^5'- Mrs. S. L. Andrczus. 205 The Same ; plans of the new Light, with a view of the old house ; colored lithograph, l)y Burrill. Aldcn Frink. 206 The Merchants' Exchange, State St., 1S42; L Rogers, arcliitect ; engraved by Thayer. ATortinicr C. Ferris. 207 Suffolk County Registry of Deeds, plan of the enlarge- ment, 18^9. Loan : F/ie City of Boston. 208 Proposed Building for the Horticultural Society, 1864. Gridley J. F. Bryant. 2og Frame, containing views of i. The Fafade corner of Frank- lin and Devonshire Street ; 2. Winthrop Square and Devonshire Street; 3. Franklin and Devonshire Streets; destroyed by the Great Fire, i S72 . Gridlcy J. F. Bryant. 210 Deed of Transfer to the Town of Boston of the Common- wealth's share in the Old State House, April 28, 1S03, signed by the Commissioners appointed l)y the General Court to execute the transfer. Loan : City of Boston. 211 Beal's Photographic View of Boston, from the top of the Grand Junction elevator. East Boston, 1877. 212 Boston from City Point, near Sea Street, showing the old wind-mill ; painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett, 1830; colored engraving. Saninct ]V. Clifford . 213 Certificate of Membership of Samuel \V. Cliftbrd in the Lidependent Boston Fusileers ; colored engraving by Osborn, with picture of the company in camn, 1844. Samuel W. Clifford. 214 View of Boston from the ship-house at the West end of the Navy Yard ; colored engraving by W. L Bennett, from his painting. Samuel //'. Clifford. 38 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. 215 The Wharves of Boston in 1S39; oil painting of the water- front, with a full-rigged ship in the foreground, by Robert vSalmon ; from the estate of Edmund Qriincy. Henry P. J^i/iucy^ M.D. 216 Pastel Portrait of a young man; attributed to Copley. Loan : John S. DamrcU. 217 Death of Gen. Richard Montgomery in the attack on Qiiebec, Dec. 31, 1775 (with key) ; engraved by Midler, London, 1798, after Trumbull; containing portraits of Gen. Montgomery, Major Jacob Cheeseman, Major Dun- can McPherson, and others. ]\Iiss Eliza S. ^iiiiicy. 218 Three Flemish Tiles from a fire-place in the mansion of Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, on Garden-Court Street, North Square, taken down in 1S33 ; framed. John J. Alay. 219 Invitation to attend the funeral, at St. Mary Woolnoth, London, Feb. 21, 1695, of Sir William Phipps (1651-95), first governor of Massachusetts under the second charter ; signed and sealed by " Major-General Wintrop ; " wood- cut fac-simile ; framed. Charles E. Clark^ AI.D. 220 Ancient Indenture on parchment, framed, with arms of the City of London, issued to Richard Orchard as appren- tice to Richard Hill, felt-maker, 1655, with indorsement of Edward Rawson, vSecretary of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1662. Jo^'>^ S. H. Fogg^ M.D. 11\ Clearance Permit of the brigantine " Pitt," of Boston, is- sued by the Lords of the Admiralty, London, June 9, 17765 with autograph of the Earl of Egremont and others, coun- tersigned '' A. Oliver, vSecretary ;" copperplate on parch- ment. Robert C. Mackay. 17.1 John Nelson, i 654-1 734 ; photograph after Smibert ; framed. He is described in a letter of James Lloyd to Samuel Breck, 1S17, as a spirited and respected inhabitant of Bos- ton, who, in 1689, turned the guns of a battery on the gov- ernment fort, and demanded the surrender of .Sir Edmund Andros, the royal governor, who had retired to the fort for security. He was afterwards imprisoned during the French war and carried to Qiiebec, where he heard of an ex2:)edition fitting out against the settlements on the Penob- scot and Piscataqua rivers, which, at the risk of his life, he communicated to the government of Massachusetts. Being removed to France, he sent word of a second expedition THE Sl^XOND l. Rice. 271 Samuel Sewall, born in England, 1652, died in Boston, 1730; Member of the Council; Judge, 1692-1711; Chief Justice to 172S; engraving from the '•'• Portfolio," after an original portrait, with fac-simile autograph. 272 Edward Winslow, 159S-1655 ; Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1633, '36, '44; appointed 1)y Cromwell one of three commissioners to superintend an expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies, he died at sea in that service ; engraving by House, with fac-simile autograph, 1639, and coat of arms ; in antique frame. JoJiii Gilbert. 273 John Paul Jones, born in Scotland, 1747, died in Paris, 1792; Lieutenant in U. S. Nav}-, i775' commanded the "■ Bon Homme Richard," i779' ''""^^ captured the " Scrapis ; " entered the Russian service, i7^*^7* Drawn from life by Moreau in Paris, and engraved by him, 1781 ; with motto from Moliere. 274 Samuel x'\dams, 1722-1S03; Delegate to the Continental Congress and to the C^onstitutional Convention ; Lieut. - Governor, 1789-94; Governor, 1794-97; copperplate en- graving by Norman, with inscription, " First Delegate to Congress for Mass." 275 Elizabeth Gray Otls, daughter of Harrison Gray (No. 292) ; born about 1745 ; wife of Samuel Alleyne Otis (No. 383) ; mother of Harrison Gray Otis (No. 78) ; died about 1785; oil portrait by Copley, originally full length, as a shepherdess with a crook, holding a lamb by a blue ribbon. Loan : Harrison Gray Otis. 276 William Shirley, 1693-1711 ; Governor, 1741-49, i753~ 56; plaimed the Expedition against Cape Breton, i745' mezzotint engraving by McArdell, after Hudson ; from the Smith sale. 44 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 277 Caleb Strong, 1745-1S16; U. S. Senator, 17S9-97; Gov- ernor, 1S00-7 unci 181 2-16; copperplate engraving- by I. R. Smith, after Doyle, 1813, with inscription : " Elected in 1S13 Governor of Mass., for the ninth time, Ijy the free suffrages of his fellow-citizens." Charles H. Wise. 278 Gilbert Stuart, Painter, 1754-1828; copperplate proof engraving by Edwin, after Nagle's portrait ; ivf. ^2. C. II. Hart. 279 John Singleton Copley, R.A., 1737-181^; steel engrav- ing by Edwards, 1S32, after Stuart. Loan : Samuel H. Hzissell. 280 Prince de Joinville ; invitation to a ball given in his honor while in Boston, Nov., 1841 ; engraved card by Hopwood, with portrait of King Louis Philippe, father of the Prince. John Lathrop. 281 vSiR Charles Henry Frankland, 1716-68; Collector of Boston, 1741-57; Consul-General at Lisbon, 1757-63; etching by Miss Annie S. Pratt, from a photograph ob- tained at Thirkelby Hall, Yorkshire, the residence of the family, by the Rev. Elias Nason. Johji I^. Pratt, M.D. 282 Major Thomas Melville, 1751-1832; member of the "• Boston Tea Party ;" fireman, 1 779-1825 ; Naval Officer, 1786-89, 1811-29 ; engraving electrotvped by Hopkins. O. A. Crane. 283 Samuel Alleyne Otis, 1 740-1814, son of James Otis (No. 254) ; Member of Congress, 178S; first Secretary of the U. vS. Senate ; father of Harrison Gray Otis (No. 78) ; oil portrait by Stuart, iSoo. Loan : Harrison Gray Otis. 284 Thomas PowNALL, 1722-1805; Governor, 1757-60 ; of vSouth Carolina, 1760-61 ; M.P., 1768-80; mezzotint engraving by Earlom, after Cotes; from the Smith sale. 285 William Cusiiing, 1732-1810; Judge of the Superior Court, 1772; Chief Justice, 1777; Judge of the Supreme Court, 1782, and Chief Justice ; Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court, 17S9; nominated by Washington Chief Justice, but declined ; photograph of a portrait. Loan : Mrs. JSIary S. Israel. 286 Thomas Hollis, i 659-1 731 ; a Merchant of London ; a liberal benefactor of Harvard College ; copperplate engraving ; bust with wreath and seated figure of Minerva. Hajnilton A. Hill. 287 Act of the Colonial Legislature, April 25, 1751, apportion- ing the cost of rebuilding the Town-House (Old State House), after the fire of 1747, ^3,705, 11 s. 4d., to the Town of Boston and the other towns of Suffolk County ; framed broadside. Heirs of D. T. V. Huntoon. THE SECOND FLOOR. 45 288 Federal Street Thkatke ; framed liill for Nov. 13 (about 1795); plays, " llic Stranger" and a farce, "Animal Magnetism ; " the following was printed at the l)f)ttom : " N.l'. On no account a segar to be smoked in the theatre. It is hoped that no gentleman will take ollence at being refused admittance behind the scenes." 289 The Same; bill for Oct. 12, 1796, framed; plays, "Venice Preserved" and "Oscar and Malvina." "The theatre 0})ens at five, performance at 6." John F. Banchor. 290-291 Thomas Hutchinson, 1711-1780, Governor of Massa- chusetts ; Mrs. Hutchinson, nee Sanford ; oil portraits. Loan : J. L. Graves. 292 Harrison Gray, 1710-94; First Treasurer and Receiver- General of Massachusetts Bav Colony ; banished during the Revolution ; oil portrait by Copley ; half length. Loan: Harrison Gray Oil's. 293 James Otis, Jr., "the Patriot," 1724-S3, Son of No. 2c;4; argued in this room against writs of assistance, 1761 ; delegate to the Colonial Congress, 1765; copy of Black- burn's original oil portrait in possession of jMrs. Rogers, of Boston. Loan : Harr/soii Gray Otis. 294 Overhead View^ of Boston ; photograph from the studio window of N. L. Stebbins, Bovlston Street, near Tre- mont. JV. L. Sfebbins. 295 Mercury, a carved and gilded figure with outspread wings, alighting on the earth ; said to have stood before the Post Otlice in 17^0; for lifty years in front of the store of C. C. Hutchinson, formerly that of F. VV. Lincoln, Jr., 126 Commercial Street ; said to be the oldest emblematical sign in Boston. C. C. Hiitcltinson. 296-303 Arms of Governors William Burnet, 172S; Col. Samuel Shute, 1716; Joseph Dudley, 1702; Earl of Bellomont, 1699; .Sir Ednumd Andros, 16S6 ; Jonathan Belcher, 1730; W^illiam Shirley, 1717; Tliomas Pownall, 17^7; painted on canvas by Savory. lite Wardens and \'estry of King's Chapel. 304 The Hall Clock of Mather Byles, First Pastor uilt at Portsinoutli, X.II., bv E. G. Pierce, and launclied Octol)cr, 18^6. Length, 19^ ft.; bieailth, 38 ft,; depth, 23.^ ft.; tons, 1,307. First vovage, Capt. Lutlicr Ilurd, sailed from Boston, Jan. 4, 18^7, for vSan Francisco. .She made the quickest jjassat^e (80 days) from Calcutta to Boston. The " Charger " struck a coral reef near the island of Macatare, Dec. 14, 1873, and was abandoned. 313 Ship " Harry Hastings." Built by E. G. Fierce in Ports- mouth, and launched Nov. 24, 1858. Tons, 863. First vovage. Capt. G. W. Tucker, sailed from Boston, Dec. 15, 1858, for San Francisco, and arrived there May 3. 1859 — ^3^ days. On her third voyage the " Harrv Hastings" was lost, and none of her crew were ever heard from. 314 Ship " Cutwater." Built at Medford by James O. Curtis, and launched ]May 17, 1861. Length, 173 ft.; breadth, 38 ft. 8 in. ; depth, 33 ft. ; tons, 986. First voyage, Capt. \V. \". Potter, sailed from Boston for San Francisco, Jan. 17, 1S62. Tliis ship was sold at Hamburg in 1882, and her name was changed to the " Port Royal," of Bremen. 315 Ship "Invincible," rigged model (loaned). Purchased in New York, 1863. First voyage, Capt. George K. Kellum, sailed from New York, May 3, 1863, and arrived at San Francisco September, 1863 — 135 days. Burned in Phila- delphia some years later. 316 Barque "Nonantuni" (oil painting). Built l)y Hartley Lord & Co., Kennebuidv, Me., in December, 1861. Purchased November, 1863. Tons, 998. First voyage, Capt. Seth Kingman, sailed from New York, Dec. 29, 1S63, for San Francisco ; passage, 154 days. 317 Ship " Daring." Built at Newburyport by Jackman, for Messrs. Bush & Comstock. and purchased by Henry Hast- ings, Feb. 2, 1863. Tons, 1,09V First vo\age, Capt. W. \V. Henrv, from New York, April 9, 1863. tor San Francisco ; passage, 129 da\s. The '• Daring" encountered a gale from Baker's Island to Liverpool, and was totally dismasted ; bore away for Valparaiso and arrived there under jury-mast July 28, 186^ 99 days from Baker's Island, and 63 days from the time of the accident. She was sold in Valparaiso. 318 Brk; " Madawaska." Built in Medford by Messrs. Hay- den & Cudworth. Launclied May 12, 1866. Tons, 511. Lost at Avola, Sicily, 1875. 48 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 319 Brig "Nellie Hastings." Built at Medford by James O. Curtis. Launched March 31, 1S66. Tons, 467. First vova<2;e, Capt. Cyrus Hall, from Boston, Oct. 30, 1S66, for Liverpool ; passage, 3i days. Abandoned, sinking, after a typhoon, March 13, 1S75, in Ion. 14, lat. 49.38 N., and the crew was taken olT by the l:)arque " Victoria," and landed in Liverpool. 320 Barque "• John Worster." Built by James O. Curtis in Med- ford. Launched May 11, 1S67. Tons, 611. First voy- age, in ballast, for Philadelphia, and loaded there for San Francisco ; Capt. G. B. Knowles. 321 Ship " Springfield." Built by James O. Curtis in Medford. Launched Nov. 19, 1S6S. Lengtli, 170 ft. ; breadth, 36 ft. ; depth, 23.5 ft.; tons, 1,043. First voyage, Capt. Jas. S. Dwight, from Boston, Dec. 28, 1868, for Bombay; pas- sage, 133 days. Sold in flamburg., 1880, and sailed under the German flag; renamed " Christina." 322 Ship ''Cashmere." Built by James O. Curtis in Medford. Launclied May 33, 18S9. Length, 166 ft. ; breadth, 32^^ ft. ; depth, 216 ft. ; tons, 937. First voyaye, Capt. S. K. Kingman, from Boston, July 3, 1869, for Batavia ; pas- sage, TOO days. Changed into a barque in 1S81. The barque " Cashmere " encountered a typhoon in Van Die- men's Straits, Sept. 12, 1885; all the masts were cut away, and Capt. Alex. Nicols and first and second mates washed overboard ; with only one boat left, part of the crew started for land. The remainder of the crew stayed by the ship for nine days, when they managed to make a raft and left the vessel. They reached shore, and after many days of travel arrived at Nagasaki, Japan. The cargo being oil, the vessel did not sink, but was never found. 323 Ship " Pilgrim." Built by J. T. Foster, of Medford, the last vessel built there. Launched Dec. 3, 1873. Length, 173 ft. ; breadth, 35 ft. : depth. 20 ft. ; tons, 957. First voy- age, from Boston, Capt. Fowle, Feb. 14, 1S74, for Hong Kong ; passage, i3i days. Changed to a barque in 1880. 324 Ship "North i\merican." Built by Messrs. Curtis & Smith in East Boston. Launched Jan. 3, 1873. Length, 319.65 ft.; breadth, 41 ft.; depth, 24.05 ft.; tons, 1,584. First vovage, Capt. G. W. Tucker, New York, May 4, 1873, for Melbourne ; passage, 73 da3's. This ship made several remarkable short passages ; for instance, New York to Melbourne, 73 days, 14,113 miles, 196 miles per day; Melbourne to San Francisco, 51 days, 10,500 miles, 204 miles per day ; San Francisco to Liverpool, 93 days, THE SbXOND FLOOR. 49 Ship '"''North American'''' — Continued. 16,919 miles, 1S2 miles j)cr clay, or a grand total of 216 (lays, 41,539 miles, 193 miles average per day, or S miles per hour, for 316 consecutive sailing days. She was lost in a typhoon on her way from Japan to New ^'ork, July 23, 1893. 325 Ship "Charger" (second). Built by Smith & Townsend in East Boston. Launched April iS, 1S74. Length, 205 ft. ; breadth, 40 ft. ; depth, 24 ft. ; tons, 1,444. First voyage, Capt. G. B. Knowles, New York, June 9, 1874, to San Francisco; passage, 1 28 days. 326 Charts showing the passage of the ship " South American." Built by Smith & Townsend in East Boston. Launched Sept. 3, 1876. Length, 245 ft. ; breadth, 41 ft. 10 in. ; depth, 25 ft. 6 in. ; tons, 1,762. First voyage, Capt. G. B. Knowles, New York, Dec. 3, 1S76, for San Francisco ; passage, 109 days. The "South American " was at her time the fastest sailing-vessel afloat. She made a voyage from San Francisco to Liverpool, thence to CardilF, Eng., thence to Hong Kong and back to San Francisco, in 10 months and 17 days, including discharging and loading time. This is the quickest sailing time on record around the world. She also made three consecutive passages from San Francisco to Liverpool in 100 davs each ; once to Cardifl'in 89 days ; thence Hong Kong to New York in 88 days. She was lost Sept. 15, 1S89, in Struy's Bay, Cape L'Agulhas, southern end of Africa. The charts also show the quick passages of the " Charger " and •' North Amer- ican." 327 Framed oil painting of the "• Kate Hastings " (No. 309). 328 Framed oil painting of the " Nonantum " (No. 316). 329 Full-rigged model of the " Caslimerc" (No. 322) ; loaned. 330 Framed oil painting of the steamship "•Mississippi" (for- merly " Memphis "), 1,321 tons, built at Dumbarton, Scot- land, in 1863. She was used as a blockade runner during the war, and was captured by the U. S. Government ; was purchased by William F. Weld & Co., and rini for some years by them on tlieir New Orleans line ; was sold to the New York and Azorean S. S. Co., managed by Henry Hastings & Co., and run to the Azores; inially sold to the Oregon Improvement Co., of Portland, Oregon. 331 Framed rigged model of the " Cutwater" (No. 314)- 332 Model of the "Kate Hastings" (No. 309); rigged as a ship. 50 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 333-334 Two boarding pikes and a cutlass, used on board ship as a defence against pirates. 335 C)ii. painting of the barque "Kate Hastings" (No. 309); framed. 336 Framp:d photograph of the ship "North American" (No. 337 FRAftrED photograph of the ship " Daring," dismasted olT Baker's Ishind, May 26, 1865 (No. 317). 338 Photograph of the ship "■ New Era " on the stocks ; framed. 339 Framed photograph of tlic exhibit (this collection) of Henry Hastings & Co. at the Fair of the Mass. Charitable Me- chanic Association in 1SS7, which received a gold medal. 340 Framed photograph of the same exhibit at the Maritime Exhibition in Mechanics Building in 1S90, which took the first award. 341 Framed cravon portrait of Henry Hastings; born Sept. 2. 1S18; died Aug. 9, 1S87. 342 Framed oil painting of the private signal of the firm of " Henry Hastings & Company." 343 Sign of Henry Hastings at 126 State Street; fifty years old. 344 Half shell of the Tridachna, a monster conch from Singa- pore. 345 Framed chart of the private signals of the merchants of Boston. 346 "Off the Cape;" an old colored lithograph of a ship oil' Cape Horn. CUSTODIANS' ROOM. 347 Bueeet (framed) shot into a room in the headquarters of Gen. Lincoln, at the Siege of Charlcstown, June 17^ 1775' " when he and I were sitting in the room ; " signed, John Barker, in pencil, 1804. Loan: Samuel 7\ Crosby. 348 The First Monument on Bunker Hill, erected Nov., 1794, by King vSolomon Lodge, Charlestovvn ; printed on satin ; framed. George JF. l-^orristall. 349 Rev. Charles Cleveland, City Missionary, in his 91st year; engraving by Wright Smith, from a photograph b\ Black, with fac-simile autograph. John P. Reed . THE SECOND ELOOR. 51 350 Moses Grant, 17S5-1S61, Merchant and Philanthropist; photograph of an original portrait. Stephen G. Deblois. 351 Thk Back Bay and Charles Street, and the Common, from a sketch taken in 1S23 from the balcony of 61 Beacon Street, "by M. J. D." (Mary Jane Derby, afterward Mrs. Ephraim Peabody) ; heliotype reproduction. Nathan Applet 077. 352 Christ Church, vSalem Street, bearing upon its tower the memorial tablet erected by the City of Boston, Oct. 17, 187S, with an inscription written by W. W. Wheildon. at the request of the city authorities : " The Signal lanterns of Paul Revere, displayed in the steeple of this Church, April iS, 1775, warned the country of the march of the British troops to Lexington and Concord ; " heliotype. William W. Wheildon. 353 Rev. William Mattocks Rogers {v. No. 118); lithograph by Sharp, after a miniature by ,S. L. Gerry, with fac-sim- ile autograph. John P. Reed. 354 Rev. John Codman, D.D., 17S3-1847; Minister of the Second Church, Dorchester, from 1808; photograph after Copley at the age of 36. Loan : William C. Cod?na}i. 355 Henry Pelham, half-brother of J. S. Copley ; photograph after Copley's portrait, known as " the Boy with a Squir- rel," the exhibition of which in London led to Copley's re- moval to that city. Hony P. Curtis. 356 "A View of Part of the Town of Boston in New England, and British Ships of War landing their Troops, 176S;" hand-colored copperplate print, engraved by Paul Revere. Loan : Samuel A. Green^ M.D. 357 Rev. John Moorhead, " Pastor of the Church of Presbyte- rian Strangers in Boston," formed by an Irish Colony in 1737 ; engraving by Pelham, after his portrait, 1751, with a Latin motto. 358 Rev. William Welsteed, Pastor of the Second Church, 1728-53 ; mezzotint, after the only known engraving by J. S. Copley, executed in 1753, at the age of 16. William Jl. Whitmore. 359 Rev. Samuel Willard, 1640-1707; Pastor of the Old South, 1678-1707; engraving by Van der Gucht, with a Latin motto. 360 Boston and Bunker Hill, from Chelsea ; engraved for the N. E. Gazetteer. 52 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 361 Charles Pelham, half-brother of Copley ; engraved from the portrait which Copley painted of him, the earliest one known by the artist, he being at that time not far from fourteen years of age ; the original in possession of Charles Pelham Curtis. Henry P. Curtis. 362 John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst ; son of the Painter, born in Boston, 1772; taken to England, 1775; Lord High Chancellor, 1827-30, 1S34, 1S41-6 ; died 1863; engraving" from a portrait in robes of office. Jeremiah Colburn. 363 House of John Adams, with a view of Dorchester Heights and the Town of Boston, and in the middle distance Arrow Head Hill, and the planting-ground of the Sachem, marked by the house of Josiah Qiiincy, erected upon it in 1770 ! ^ sketch in India ink from President's Hill, by Eliza vSusan Oiiincy, in 1823. Miss Eliza S. J^uincy- 364 Paul Reveke's House, 19 North Square, built in 1676; water-color by Tolman. 365 Battle of Bunker Hill (with key) ; engraving by Miiller, after Trumbull, with portraits. Aliss Eliza S. ^uincy. 366 The Boston Massacre ; engraved by Paul Revere ; given in 182^ to Josiah Qiiincy by his aunt, Mrs. Storer, sister of Josiah Qiiincy, Jr. (No. 225). JSIiss Eliza S. Qiiincy. 367 The Boston Type Foundry in 1S23, near Christ Church, Salem Street ; woodcut. John M. Eaton. 368 "Bold Americans;" a Revolutionary ballad, addressed to *■• Bold Young Bostonians," and proposing a liealth to George Washington ; framed broadside. Hafnilton A. Hill. 369 C^uincy Market ; lithograph liy Mooic. 370 Re\'. John Wilson, isSS-1667; born in England, came to New England with Winthrop ; fust Pastor of the First Church in Boston, 1632 ; photo-lithograph after an oil painting owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society, with fac-simile autograph. Arthur B. Ellis. 371 Faneuil Hall in 1824; engraving by Abel Bowen. 372 Rev. John Cotton, 1585-1652; Vicar of St. Botolph, Boston, England; came to America, 1633; minister of the First Church, 1633-1652 ; woodcut, with fac-simile autograph. Arthur B. Ellis. 373 Robert Charles Winthrop, 1809-1894; Member of Con- gress, 1840-42 and 1S43-50; Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1S47-48 ; U. S. Senator, 1850-51 ; photo- graph from an oil painting in the Capitol at Washington. William S. Apple ton. THE SECOND FLOOR. 53 374 Residknc)-: of Jkkkki':y Richakdsox, corner of Ili^^h and Pearl Streets, 1794; lithoj^a'aph by Butlord. Frederick IT. G. May. 375 Reprksentation of Indians scalping American soldiers, inscribed : " A scene on the frontiers as practiced by the humane British and their worthy allies." At the ri<;ht an English officer in full uniform. The Indian hands him a scalp with his left iiand ; in his right is a scalping-knife marked G. R., and hanging from his musket a placard marked, " Reward for 16 scalps." The (officer savs, '' Bring me the scalps, and the King our master will re- ward you." Colored copperplate engraving. li. iV. Giiiiiiison. 376 Rev. Cotton Mather {v. No. 82) ; a modern impression of the first mezzotint engraving executed in America, by P. Pelham, wdio painted the portrait from life; with a Latin inscription. Dcuisoii R. Slade. 377 Mos-Wachusett, or Arrow Head IL'll, in Qiiincy ; photo- graph of an India-ink sketch, by Miss Eliza S. (^lincy, in 1S33. J\llss Eliza S. ^uincy. 378 Certificate of service in the War of the Rebellion ; steel engraving, issued to Corporal William Roland. Co. D, First Reg. Mass. Vols. ; signed by William Claflin, Gov- ernor, April 19, 1870; framed. Loan: Williajn C. Lawrence. 379 The Gardner Mansion on Summer vStreet, on the site (jf the store of C. F. Hove}' & Co. ; framed photograph. JMoses H. Barnard. 380 The Rf:vere House, Bowdoin Square ; architect's drawing in India ink. Curtis Guild. 381 Boston Common ; steel-plate print by Osborn. JSIrs. George W. Majinder. 382 Edward Bromfield, born 1723, in the first house erected in Beacon Street; died 1745. He constructed the first organ and the first microscope made in America ; photograph representing him pointing to his microscope, after oil por- trait attributed to Smibert. JMiss Eliza S. ^tiincy. 383 The United States Branch Bank, State Street, 1791-1812 ; then the State Bank, 1812-1836; pen-and-ink sketch. John T. Prince. 384 Nathaniel Hurd. ^730-1777 ; an earlv engra\er of Boston, probably the first engraver on copper in America ; litho- graph by Pendleton for the "New England Magazine." 385 East View of Hollis Street Church ; steel engraving from the " Mass. Magazine," 1793. 54 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 386 The New England Guards, colored lithograph of an of- ficer, by Duval, after Hubbard ; dedicated to George T. Bigelow, Captain. Miss Helen C. Bradlee. 387 Bunker Hill, 1630; lithograph by Pendleton, after Davis; and Bunker Hill Monument, engraving by Fowle, after Mallory. In a single frame. 388-389 A vSeries of twenty-five small copperplate prints, ar- ranged within two frames, which are specified as follow : Tremont House and Theatre ; Mt. Pleasant Classical Insti- tution ; Charter Oak, Hartford; Nahant Hotel; Bunker Hill Monument ; Marine Hospital, Chelsea; Faneuil Hali Market ; State House ; City Hall, Boston ; Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia ; Tremont House, Boston ; Park Theatre, New York ; Battle Monument, Baltimore ; Upper Bridge, Philadelphia; Old State House, Boston; Bowling Green, New York ; Arcade, Providence ; Water-Works, Philadelphia ; State House, Boston ; St. Thomas' Church, New York ; Capitol, Washington ; Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia ; Qriincy Market, Boston ; City Hall, New York ; President's House, Washington. Dudley R. Child. 390 Hanover Street Church, erected 1826, burned 1S30; Rev. Lyman Beecher, Pastor; lithograph, after a painting by Davis. Mrs. Luther Barnes. 391 Hon. Nathan Appleton {v. No. 346) ; photograph, after Healy's full-length portrait, in Mechanics' Hall, Lowell. Nathan Appleton. 392 Samuel Gardner Drake, 179S-1S75, Antiquarian and Historian ; steel engraving by Schofi", at the age of 58. " Presented to the subscribers to the folio etlition of his History and Antiquities of Boston, by a few friends of the Author," with fac-simile autograph. William H. ]l hitmore. 393 John Lothrop Motley, Plistorian, 1S14-1S77; Minister to Austria, 1S66-67 ; to England, 1S69-70; India-proof steel- plate engraving by Stuart, with fac-simile autograph. Nathan xippleton. 394 Abbott Lawrence, 1792-1855 ; Merchant and Manufact- urer ; Minister to England, 1849-52; India-proof engrav- ing; with fac-simile autograph. Nathan Appleton. 395 Portion of a window from the Royall House, Medford, with inscription cut by a diamond: "Isaac Royall, April 25, 1749;" identified as his autograph. Miss Harriot N. Ward. THE SECOND FLOOR. 55 396 The Vii.i.AGic of Qiiiiicy. and tlie Coiv^rcj^^atiotial Alccting- IIousc, built in i73-^' '"i^l taken ilcnvn in 182S; and of the monument to Josiah Qiiincy, Junior, erected by his son in 1804; sketch in India ink b}- 5liss (^uincy in 1S23. jM/\ss Eliza S. ^il^/iincy. 397 " The Striped Pk;," an incident of the Dedham Muster, Sept. 13, 1S3S ; framed broadside balkid. Dai/iel S. Lamson. 398 Maverick House, East Boston, opened in 1835 > htlio<^raph by Pendleton. W'ilUain W . Wlicildon. 399 State House, with the Beacon monument ; water-color taken in 1S05 for Benj. Gleason, the fatber of the tlonor ; one of the earhest representations of the vState House. Airs. William W. WJicildoii. 400 Meeting-House of the First Baptist Society, vSalem Street, 1679, after a ch-awint^ by Isaac T. vSmith, 1828. William A. Jjtncdlcar. 401 State Street in 1S04; engraving after the painting by J. B. Alarston. William I I. Whittuorc. 402 The Death of General Wolfe, in the attack on Qiiebec in 17^9; engraving by Woollett of West's painting in posses- sion of Lord Grosvenor, with portraits. 403 Broadside : '' A new methoti of Macarony making as \y\Az- ticed in Boston ;" framed caricature. Charles II. Stearns. 404 Green Dragon Tavern, Union Street, built in 1677, the place of meeting of Warren, Adams, and other patriots before the Revolution; photograph of a pen and-ink draw- ing. TJio))ias /'". Feniple. 405 Custom House, 1S52 ; photograph. Loan : Thomas C. De Carteret. 406 View of Boston, the capital of New England; engraving from a drawing on the spot by Gov. Pownall, i757- 407 Broadside : *•' The Bostonians paying the excise man, or tar- ring and feathering ; " framed caricature. Charles If. Stearns. 408 Dr. Hudson, a notorious swindler and forger, standing in the pillory, with some well-known characters as spectators, 1762; colored copperplate engraving by Nathaniel Hurd (No. 3S4). ' Loan: //. A. Ilolden. 409 Old South Meetixg-House ; abas-relief in plaster of Paris ; framed. Nathan Appleton. 410 Notice of meeting of the-' Alert Eagle Fire Society," 182S ; framed enfrravins:. TJieodorc 11. Bell. 56 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 411 Bill of Ebenezer Clough, Paper-hans^er, to Mr. Whitman, 1800, Boston Paper Staining Manufactory, Charles River Bridge, with engraved head-piece liy S. Hill ; framed. George H. Whiti)ian. 412 " A Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge, New Eng- land ; " electrotype reproduction of an old engraving in possession of the Mass. Hist. Soc, 1736. 413 Proposal for the sale of the Exchange CoHee-House ; framed broadside advertisement, about 181 3. Charles E. Clark ^ ]\[.D. 414 " The Tea-Tax Tempest," or, " The Anglo-American Rev- olution ; " allegorical copperplate engraving, 177S, with title in English, German, and French. 415 The Third Edifice of the Hollis Street Church ; framed photograph. Franklin JBrozvn. 416 The only House on Noddle's Island (now East Boston) in 1S24, called Woodbine Cottage, the residence of the Williams family ; photograph of a pencil drawing by John Avery, Jr. ; framed. Benjamin W. Gilbert. 417 Bill of the last performance of the old Boston Theatre, Fed- eral Street, May 7? 1S52 ; framed. Henry Dreiv. 418 Jeremiah Allex, i 750- i Soo ; High Sheriff of Suffolk ; copy in oil of Stuart's portrait. 419 Lemuel Shaw, 17S1-1S61 ; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Mass., 1S30-60; photograph. James IV, Black. 420 Edward Everett {v. No. 182) ; engraving Iw Sartain of a photograph, with fac-simile autograph. 421 Wendell Philipps ; engraving by Stuart. James S. Hillard. ^11 Mrs. Murray, }tee 'S,u(\\\\\ vSargent, 1751-1820; photograph of a portrait. William H. Whitfnore. 423 The Old vSchool Boys' Association ; photographed at Nantasket, 1889. The Association. 424 Rev. Thomas Prince, i6S7-i7'^8 ; Pastor of the Old South Church from 1718 ; mezzotint engraving by Pelham, after Greenwood, 1750, with Latin inscription. 425 William Wirt, 1772-1834; Attorney-General of tlie U. S., 1S17-30; lithograph by BuHbrd, after Liman's portrait " For Citizens of Boston," with fac-simile autograph. ^Irs. RicJiard Perkins. 426 Professors Agassiz and Benjamin Pierce, of Hai^vard Col- lege ; framed photograph. Loan : Frederick O. Pri)ice. THE SECOND FLOOR. 57 427 Rev. Benjamix Colmax. D.D., 1673-17.^7; lust Pastor of the Brattle Square Church, 1699-1747; hcliotype of Smi- bert's portrait. J. Henry Stickney. 428 The Boston, Pi-ymouth, and Saxdwicii mail coach, 1810; framed advertisement with picture of coach and landscape. Mrs. AJ. J\and. 429 Enoagemext between the " Constitution "and '' (iuerricre," Aug. 19, iSi3 ; colored lithograph by Currier, New York. 430 Camp of the Second Company Mass. Light Artillery, Nims' Battery, at Stewart's Place, Baltimore, 1861 ; colored litho- graph by Sachse, Baltimore. 431 Moi.vxkaux, Lord Shuldham, Admiral of the White, visited Boston in command of a squadron, 1776; mezzotint en- graving with autograph. 432 Rev. Johx Pierce, D.D., 1773-1S49: Pastor (;f the First Church of Brookline ; photograph. M/'ss Abby A. Pierce. 433 WiLLE\M WiEKiNS Warrex, Merchant, 1814-S1 ; a direc- tor of the Bostonian Scjciety ; photograph. Mrs. Willi a7}i II'. li'arre?i. 434 " Old axd New Bostox ; " The Old State House and the Ames and Sears l)uildings; framed photogra])li. Jo/ni Hastings. 435 Harvard Ballads, No. 8: "Billy Park's," framed, with autograph : "With the author's compliments to Mr. Park, Lloyd McKim Garrison, May, 1889." iVat/ian Appleto>i. 436 Certificate of the admission of Joseph C. Winter to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Sept. 28, 1S57 ; signed by Thomas \\. Chickering, Conup.ander, and by the Clerk; "frauK-d steel engraving by I>owell & P.rett, after Champney. Miss Alary J£. \\ i)iter. 437 The Third Edifice of the First Church, which stood on the site of the present R(;gers Building on Washington Street fron'i 1713 to iSoS; framed photograph. D. If 'aldo Salisbury. 438 IL^KRisox (Jrav Otis ; small engraving. Loan : Ariiini Miiilcr. 439 The Webster House, Marshlield ; plu^tograph. Josepli Si/i/cs. 440 Josiah Qi-ixcv ; cravcni bv Furniss, after Stuart, 1824. Loan : Miss Abby P. .^llnincy. 441 IIoLLis-STREET Church ; built 1 78S ; w\u\<^i\ to Ibaintree 1810; photograph taken in 1893. Alexaf/iler G. P>uv:ditc'i. 58 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 442 St. Andrew's Church and Parish House ; Chambers vStreet, 1S93 ; heHotype. Rev. Reiiben Kidner. 443 The Great Fire in Boston, Nov. 9, 1S73 ; lithograph. Loan : Alfred S. Manson. 444 Certificate of membership in the Northern Antiquarian So- ciety ; signed by the President, Christian IX., of Denmark, 1 84 1. Rev. C. D. Bradlec. 445 Hatchment, or coat-of-arms, of the Willard family ; worked in silk by Miss Mary Willard, daughter of President Wil- lard of Harvard College, in 1795. Loan : Miss Susaima Willard. HANCOCK ROOM. 446 John IL-vxcock, 1737-92; President of the Provincial and Continental Congresses; first Major-General of the Mas- sachusetts Militia; Governor, 17S0-S5 and 1787-92; mezzotint engraving by J. M. Will, after Littleford, three-fourths' length, standing at a table holding a letter addressed, "Monsieur Israel Putnam, Major-General, Long Island." 447 The Same ; photograph of Copley's portrait, the second one painted ; an oval picture, representing him dressed in a blue coat laced with gold ; in possession of the Hancock fa m i ly . A rth u r I V. I f Ilia rd. 448 The Same; a hand-colored copperplate engraving entitled : "The Ilon'ble John Hancock, Esqr., late President of the Continental Congress." Loan : Saniitcl A. Greeti^ jM.jD. 449 Dorothy Quincv, 1747-1829; cousin of Josiah Qiiincy, " the Patriot" (No. 225) ; married John Hancock, at Fair- field, Conn., 1775, afterwards Capt. James Scott, 1789; photograph of Copley's poi trait, three-fourths' length, seated, her hand raised to her face ; in possession of Miss Gushing, Little Harbor, N.H. Loan : Mrs. Mary S. Israel. 450 The Same, in old age, in cap and rutf; lithograph of Miss Goodrich's portrait. Milliam U. Gree7ioi(gJi. 451 Hancock House, 1737-1863, built hy Thomas Hancock; oil painting. Loan : Mrs. Frances C. Bacon. 452 The Same ; photograph, the frame made from a moulding taken from the house. THE SECOND FLOOR. 59 453 TiiK vSamh ; colored photojj^iaph. 454 Thk Samk ; three photoi^raplis of the interior, the frame made from wood of the house. 1. Parlor : on the piano are the liihles of Gov. Han- cock's father and great-grandfather (ministers at Braintree and Lexington), to lie seen in the Hancock Case ; the Gov- ernor's cane in the corner. 2. Hall, and upper landing: on the left, the (jovernor's room, where he died. On the right, tlic room occupied by Washington, Lafavette, and others. 3. Reception-room : portrait of Gov. Hancock by Cop- ley, and of Thomas Hancock by the same artist. Gcor^'e jr. Chipniaii . 455 The Same ; embroidery iu crewels, framed, with dependent card signed "Harrison Gray Otis," saying : "A view of the Hancock House and Appendages and of the Common and vicinitv, as they were in 1755-60. Tliis eml)roidery (in crewels) was the boarding-school lesson of Miss Hannah Otis, daughter of the Hon. James Otis, of Barn- stable [No. 254], and sister of the patriot. James Otis, Jr. [No. 293,] ; educated in Boston. It was considered ackej- ifcciivre., and made a great noise at the time. The science of perspective was not worthy of Claude Lorraine, but perhaps not behind that of some who then, and since, have had the care of the Conunon. The figure on horseback represents Gov. Hancock ; the person running, his servant ; the lady looking over the wall in Charles river is Doroth\ Qinncy, afterward Mrs. Gov. Hancock." Loan : Harrison Gray Otis. 456 Elbridge Gerry, 1774-1814; Member of the Continental Congress, and of the Constitutional Convention ; of Con- gress, 1789-93; Governor, 1810-11 ; Vice-President of the U. S., 1813-14; mezzotint engraving liy J. R. Smith, 181 1 ; half length, seated, with folded arms. ]V. H. Ireland. 457 Rev. Samuel Stillman, D.D., 1737-1807 ; delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 178S ; Pastor of the First Bap- tist Church, 1 765-1807 ; oil portrait, kit-kat size, by John- son. Rev. John Banvard., D.D. 458 Sampler worked in 1767 by Mrs. Mary K. Frothingham, grandmother of the Hon. Richard Frothingham, of Charles- town ; framed. ^[rs. Mary T. Goddard. 459 Presentation of the Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress, July 4, 1776 ; engraving by Durand, after Trumbull, with key. 6o BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 460 The Declaration of Independence ; engraved copy by Stor\' and Atwood. with portraits, and arms of the original States ; dedicated to the people of the United States, by William Woodrnfi: 461 The Oed Corner Bookstore, 1712; water-color by C. E. HoUis, 1SS5. Loan : E. C. Haminey. 462 The Oed Elm, before the first storm which injured it, June 29, 1S60; framed photograph. Vincent T. Bozvditch^ M.D, 463 The Same, painted on a veneered piece of the tree. Josiah ^itincy^ Jr. 464 State Street in 1825 ; oil painting by Salmon. 465 The Old May House, formerly on Washington Street, opposite Head Place, now Lucas Street ; framed photo- graph. Moses W. Weld, M.D. 466 The Frigate " Constitution," built in Hartt's Yard, Constitution Wharf, launched Oct. 21, 1797; framed pho- tograph, with a piece of the frame of the captain's bed. Waldo TJiojnpso>i. 467 The vSame ; oil painting by Pollard, 1846. Benjamin F. Stevens. 468 Isaac Hull {y. No. 234) ; copperplate engraving of Stu- art's portrait; underneath, a representation of the engage- ment between the " Constitution " and " Guerriere," drawn by the order of Hull himself; dedicated to the people of the United States by T. W. Freeman, published in Phila- delphia in 1813. Be7zjaiuin F. Stevens. 469 Old State House in flames, 1832; copy in oil of Salmon's joainting. Daniel J. Co7irt)iey. 470 Shop of Adams & Hammond, corner of Cross and Fulton Streets, 1S30; oil painting. Loan: W. H. Adams. 471 The Conflagration at Charlestown, Aug. 25, 1835; water-color made during the progress of the tire from the top of a pile of lumber on the wharf in the foreground of the picture (the Fitchburg R.R. Station now covers the place) ; painted by R. P. AlaUory. 472 Dock Square; oil painting by Taylor Buzzell, from a sketch made by Nathaniel Holmes in 1811. 473 First Corps of Cadets, M.V.M., in the procession at the Centennial Celebration of the adoption of the Constitution at Piiiladelpliia, Sept. 16, 1887; instantaneous photograph ; framed. Lt.-Col. Thomas F. Edmands. THE SFXOND FLOOR. 6i 474 House ok Thomas Mei.vii.lk, of the " Boston Tea Partv," in Green Street, 1832 ; with a lire-engine phiving upon Dr. Jenks' Church ; oil painting liy Sahnon. JoJdi Z>' Wolf and Nancy M. Doivner. 475 Henkv Laurens, 1724-92; President of the Continental Congress, 1777-7S ; Minister to Ilollantl, 1779 ; signed the preliminaries of peace at Paris, 1783 ; me/./.otint engraving by Green, of London, with seated Indian holding armsan(l motto, after portrait by Coplev, "• R. A. Elect," 1782 ; pub- lished by Stockdale, London. Loan : Abrani E. Cutier. 476 Rev. Hosea Ballou, 1771-1852; Pastor of the Second Universalist Society, 1S17; steel engraving by Walter, of Philadelphia, after Onthank, and published bv J. M. Usher, Cornhill, Boston. JosJiita Jl. Pitnian. 477 Letteh of George Washington, Mt. Vernon, Feb. 22, 1788, to the Marquis de Chartier de Lalbiniere ; framed. Fra)ik B. Ingalls. 478 George Washington ; mezzotint engraving by Savage, 1793, from his portrait painted for Harvard College. 77icodorc H. Bell. 479 The Same ; steel engraving by A. Rosenthal. Moses W. Weld, M.D. 480-481-482 The Same ; engravings of portraits ; the last an oval profile from a cameo. Moses \\\ If eld, AI.D. 483 "Sacked to Patriotism;" copperplate print; dedicated to Congress. A. C. Baldivin. 484 The Triumph of Liberty ; an allegorical engraving by Verger of Renaidt's drawing. New York, 1795- Bcza Lincoln. 485 Inauguration of the Cochituate Water-^Vorks on Boston Common, Oct. 2^, 1S4S; lithograph, with portraits of Daniel Webster and others ; with heavy carved frame of fruit, flowers, etc. Heirs of l^homas B . Curtis. 486 The Franklin Statue ; engraving after a draw ing by Hammatt Billings. Loan: City of Boston. 487 Benjamin Frankein seated at a table reading; engravetl and published by Savage, London, 1793. after Martin. Bhcodorc II. Bell. 488 The Same; steel engra\-ing by Babson & Andrews, after Duplessis. Willi am IF. W// it more. 489 Birthplace of Franklin, in Milk Street, opposite the Old South Meeting-house ; lithograph bv Powers & \\'ellers. Mrs. Marv /'\ Bartlett. 62 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 490 The Arms of George Washington, so called, in colors; framed. William C. B 21 r rage. 491 Ralph Inman, of Cambridge, 1711-SS; a Loyalist in the Revolution, arrested by the Council in '76 ; etching. C. R. Hildebourn. 492 Residence of Ralph Inman, in Cambridge; heliotype re- production of a sketch. David G. Haskins^ Jr. 493 Whig Ticket in the presidential election of 1840, Harrison and Tyler ; framed. John T. Prince. 494 Faneuil Hall Market, east view, 1834; engraving. Henry P. Curtis. 495 " Acorn's" Old Salt House, 49 Long Wharf; water-color ; " Edwin Forrest formerly spent here many a happy hour with his friend James Oakes, known to the press under the pseudonym of 'Acorn;' and Hawthorne is said to have written here a portion of the ' Scarlet Letter.' " William H. Spillcr. 496 BoYLSTON Market, 1809-S7; woodcut. Satnucl Johnson. 497 Mr. and Mrs. Sloman's Benefit, Boston Theatre, Jan. 30, 1S28 ; framed play-bill printed on silk. A. C. Slater. 498 Gridley Bryant, 1789-1867; engineer and builder of the first railroad in the United States, 1S26, and inventor of the four and eight wheel railway truck ; small oil por- trait; given by his son Gridley J. F. Bryant. 499 The First Meeting-house in Boston, 1632, Rev. John Wilson, Pastor; electrotype reproduction of an imaginary sketch. Ward Brooks Frothifigham. 500 Christ Church and Charter Street, 1SS4; oil painting, 1 888. G. N. Fanght. 501 The Boston Light, 1889; oil painting by Miss M. S. Goodale. 502 Benjamin Franklin Butler, 1818-1S93 ; Major-General of Volunteers, 1S61 ; Member of Congress, 1866-71 ; Governor, 1883 ; oil portrait, 1850. William H. Whitmore. 503 Verses on the Visit of the West Point Cadets to Boston, August, 1821 ; framed broadside. Loan : D. W. Gibbs. 504 Miss Tree's last night but three ; Tremont Theatre, Nov. 28, 1837; framed play-bill, heading enclosed in trees. 505 Settp;e made of wood of the " Old Elm." Loan : City of Boston. THE SECOND FLOOR. 63 506 The Arrival at Boston of the first Cunarcl steamship, the "Unicorn," June 3, 1840; the Revenue cutter '• Ilainil- ton," decorated for the occasion, in the foreground; painted liy Lane, of Gloucester, for the commander, Capt. Josiah Sturgis, and given liy him to the Collector, ex-Gov. Lincoln, and to this Societv bv the hitter's daughter, Mrs. P. S. CaufiehL 507 Boston about iSoo; colored lithograph. Airs. Mary Loivcll Pittiiat)!. 508 Hon. Ebenezer Seaver, M.C, and the tree still stand- ing in Roxbury into which the first seckel pear was grafted, about iSio; two photographs, frametl together. Miss Sarah Parker. 509 Engagement of the " Constitution " and the British frigate "Java," off the coast of Brazil, Nov. 29, 1S12 ; dedicated " to Commodore Bainbridge, the officers, seamen, and marines and the sons of freedom, by an admirer of Amer- ican valour and patriotism ;" copperplate engraving, hand- colored, " drawn under the direction of a witness of the action by W.G. ; " and undoubtedly nearly contempora- neous with it ; frametl. Benjamin F. Stevens. COMMISSION ROOM. 510-543 Framed Commissions, signed by Governors of Alassa- chusetts Bay or of Massachusetts : Joseph Dudley, i 70S. Samuel Shute, 1731. Jonathan Belcher, 173S. William Shirlp:v, 1751,(3). Thomas Pownall, 1759. Francis Bernard, 1762. James Bowdoin, 17S6. John Hancock, 17S8. Samuel Adams, 1796. Increase Sumner. 1798. Moses Gill, Lt.-Gov., 1799. Caleb Strong, 1807. James Sullu'An, 1808. Christopher Gore, 1810. Elbridge Gerry, 181 i. John Brooks, 1821. William Ei^stis, 1S24. Levi Lincoln, 1829. Edward Everett, 1S39. John Davis, 1842. Marcus Morton, 1S43. George N. Briggs, 1849. George S. Boiitwell, 1S51. Henry J. Gardner, 1855. Nathaniel P. Banks, 1856. John xV. Andrew, 1865. Alexander H. Bi'llock, 186S. William B. Washiu-rx, 1872. William Gaston, 1875. Alexander II. Rice, 1876. Thomas Talboi", Lt.-Gov.. Joiix I). Long, 1881. 'Oli\-er Ames, 1888. 64 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 544 Sir Henry Vane (the younger), 1612-66; emigrated, 1635; Governor of Mass., 1636; returned to England, 1637; member of Parliament and of the Council of State ; exe- cuted after the Restoration ; order to Thomas Faucon- bridge, Receiver-General of the Revenue, signed by Sir Henry Vane and other members of the Commission of the Revenue, May 15, 1644; framed, like all other commis- sions and other documents in this room. 545 Commission of William Hewetson to be Captain-Lieu- tenant in the 2Sth Regiment; signed bv George III., and countersigned by Lord George Germain, Dec. 22, 177^* 546 Commission of Jeremiah Hill in James Scammon's Regi- ment; signed by General Joseph Warren. May 19, i775- Loan : George W. Allen. 547 Commission of Hezekiah Brop to be Captain in the 5th Middlesex Regiment; signed by James Otis and a major- ity of the Council of Massachusetts Bay, March 28, 1776; the following words being erased : " In the sixteenth year of the reign of his Majesty, King George the Third, Anno Domini i^^6.'' 548 Commission by the same of Ichabod Thayer to be Captain of the ^th Company, 3d Worcester Regiment, Dec. 31, 1779. 549 Commission of John Crane to be Brevet-Brigadier-Gen- eral, U. S. A. ; signed by Elias Boudinot, President of Congress, and Benjamin Lincoln, Oct. 10, i^^2>- Geor'. TczvksbiDy. 593 Broadside: printed cojjy f)f the vote of Boston in town- meeting, April 21, 1766, to illuminate the town in celebra- tion of the repeal of the Stamp Act. //. B. Tcivkshiiry. 594 BuoADSiDE : published at New London, Conn., Dec. :;, iSi.:. announcing the capture oi' the British frigate " Macedo- nian." Oct. 35, 1S12, b\ the I'niteti States frigate ''United States," Conimodoie Decatur. />'"'. Ji. Winter. 595 Cektificate of meml^ershij) of Thomas B. ILjpkins in the Boston Sea Fencibles, March 18, 18 19. Engraved on cop- per by Annin and French, showing in tlie background Boston Light. 596 Certificate of membership of Samuel Mylod in the Massa- chusetts JMechanic Association, Sept. 18, 1800. J f. Hodsou. 597 Broadside : notice to assessors by Harrison Gray, Treasurer and Receiver-General (;f JvLissacluisetts Bay, Dec. 31, 1773, with his autograph. H. B. Tezvksh/try. 598 Broadside : an oihcial copy of the Declaration of Independ- ence, printed in Boston bv Jolni Gill, and Powers and Willis in Qiieen Street. Loan : Stillmaji P. AfarsJt. 599 Nathaniel New^digate's *• Fine," or grant of land at Rumney Mar.sh, June 15; recorded Dec. 21, 1687, ''for his Majesty, James IPs territory and dominion of New England ;" given l)v Governor Andros to replace the iX^^i^^X declared xoid after the overthrow of the first charter (.f tlie Massachusetts Bav Colony ; an original i\QQiX., beginning, •'Jacobus Secundus," v\ritten in black-letter on a sheet containing the portrait of the King printed in scroll-work, and a border of animals, with the written words, '' Sold at Clitibrd's Inn Lane:" at the bottom, the signature of the King and an impression of tlie Great Seal in wax ; prob- ably the onlv such original conveyance in existence. William \\\ Grceiiojig/i . 5oo Broadside: printed notice to freeholders of town-meeting in Boston, March 4, 1822, to act upon the adoption of a city charter. Moses Grant DanicU. 601 Deposition of Riciund IlunnewoU, as to the ownership of land in Scarborough, before Josli. Soottoxs , [.P. ; iramed autograph, April 30, x6S6. 602 Petition of Adam W'inthro]) and olliers. May 8, 1734, to enlarge the lane at the lower ^wX of the Common, from Mr. Sheaf's to Frog Lane ; framed :uit(jgriiph. 68 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 603 Notification in piint to the freeholders of Boston to meet at the Town Hall, April 27, 17S1, to supply the town's de- ficiency in the Continental Army. 604 The Gerrymander; framed copy of the " U. S. Gazette." April 24, 1S13, containing a satirical article on Governor Gerry, entitled " The funeral of the Gerrymander." JMiss Abby P. ^uincy. 605 Commission of the privateer brig " Abaellino," signed by James Madison, and countersigned by James Monroe, Secretary of State, Dec. 10, 1814 ; indorsed, " Surrendered at the conclusion of peace, August, 1S15." SaDiucl Andrews. 606 Certificate of membership of the lion. Nathan Appleton in the American Colonization Society, 1S4S ; signed "• H. Clav." Nathan Appleton. 607 Broadside : printed Proclamation of Fast Day, by Gover- nor Hancock, April 3, 17S3. 608 Broadside : order of arrangements for the reception of Gen- eral Lafayette, in City Council, Aug. 20, 1S24. Henry P. Curtis. 609 Buoadsidk: Thanksgiving Proclamation of Governor Povv- nall, Nov. 10, 1759; printed copy. 610 Certificate of membership of Ciiarles Brown in the Bun- ker Hill Monument Association ; signed by Daniel Web- ster and others. Edxvard I. Browne. on Certificate of membership of the Hon. Nathan Appleton in the Naval Library and Listitute, April 3, 1S43. William I. Appleton.. 012 Assessors' list of personal property, Sept. i, 1784- Jeremiah Colbiirn. 613 Order of Procession at the funeral of Governor Hancock, Oct. 14, 1793. 614 Passport issued to John Bromiield. Jr., and signed by Gov. Strong, Oct. 16, 1S05. J. P. ^uincy. 615 Broadside : handbill calling upon the citizens of vSouth Boston to meet at Faneuil Hall to oppose building Federal Street Bridge to South I'oston, March 15, 1824. John J. May. 610 Certificate of the coni.ibution of live dollars by Albert Betterley, as a Franklin medal scholar, to the erection of the statue to Benjamin Franklin, 1S54; engraving. Albert Betterley. THE UPPER STORY. 69 617 Ckrtificate of the election of Captain Luke Keef to the Boston Marine Society, March 3, 1801. 618 Rir.L OF T. Giles to Ponieioy and Simpson (Ann Street), showing view of the old Feather Store. //'. K. Watkins. 6ig Faxeuil Halt, lottery ticket, signed by John Hancock ; issued to rebuild the hall alter the lire ot" 176^. Chai'lcs L. Hancock. 620 Broadside: bill of entertainment by Potter, a noted ventrilo- (juist, and his wife, colored prestidigitateurs, with verses, 1S15. J/c/rs of I). T. J\ Iliintoo)!. THE UPPER STORY. 621 The Boston Massacre; colored lithograph by Butlbrd, after a design by Champney. Edzvard H. Savage. 622 Washington's Entry into New York city, Nov. 25, 17S3 ; printed in oil colors by Duval & Son, Philadelphia. 623 The Latin and English High School Building, designcl by George A. Clough, citv architect ; photo-lithograph b\- Buflbrd of the architect's plan, drawn by Samuel J. Ilrown. William H. IVhitmorc. 624 The: Boston and Charles River Basin ; colored lithograph by Bufford, made for Charles Davenport, the first pro- jector of the Embankment. Chanes Davenport. 625-627 State Street, from Washington to Devonshire Streets ; Brazer's Building; the entrance to Cornhill from Wash- ington Street ; three lithographs by Pendleton, after Mayer. JcrcmiaJi Colbur)i. 628 The Boston Light Infantry; coloretl print of a member in the uniform of 1S33, with another in the back^cept two years ; oil portrait by Johnson. Loan : Gtistaviis Andrexvs. 642 The Board of Health, from 1799 to 1822; names of mem- bers and officers ; framed broadside. George H. Whitman. 643 The Chiefs of Police of Boston : Francis Tuke}-, 1846-52; Gilbert Nourse, 1852-54; Robert Taylor, 1854-56; Daniel J. Coburn, 1S56-61 ; Josiah L. C. Amee, 1861-63; John Kurtz, 1863-70; Edward H. Sav- age, 1870-7S; photograph. Edxvard H. Savage. 644 Daguerreotype, representing the Mayor and Aldermen of Boston, 1848, as follows : A/ayor., Josiah Qiiincy, Jr. ; Alder?nen^ Moses Grant, Billings Briggs, Frederick Gould, William P*ope, Henrv B. Rogers, John Hathaway, J. H. Wilkins, John P. dber ; City Clerk, S. F. McCIeary ; City Afarshal.1 Francis Tukey. Loan : Estate of the Hon. Josiah ^nincy., Jr. THE UPPER STORY. 71 645 EowAitn IIartwef.t. Savacw:, 1812-93; nicml^cr of the police force thirty-six years ; chief of police, and piobation officer ; photograph. Rd-jjard JI. Savage. 646 Certificate of George W. Allan, as member of Engine Company No. 12, 1830. George JI. Allan. 647 The Boston Massacre, with verses; an English reprint of Paul Revere's engraving {v. 366), printed and sold liy Bingley, Newgate St., London; the frame once belonged to Francis Rotch, owner of the taxed tea ships {v. Case "•£"). I>oan : DxvigJit Whiting. 648 House, No. 62 Ann Street, in 1812 ; the site of the present Oak Hall, then owned and occupied by C. B. Simmons, clothier: water-color, by \\'illiam M. Kenvon, 1835. Loan: William C. Laxvrcnce. 649 Old Feather Store, Dock Square, 1680-1860; colored lithograph, b}' Prang. Edward A. Wliite. 650 Thp: Same ; electrotype rejDroduction of an old print, giving the south view. Mrs. George W. JSIannder. 651 Old Building, corner of Ann Street; lithograph by Pen- dleton, after a drawing by F. H. Lane, in 1835. William If. W/iitj?2ore. 652 Residence of Gardiner Greene, on Pemberton Hill ; ;isso- ciated with the names of Rev. John Cotton, Sir Harrv Vane, and Judge Samuel Sewall. Patrick JeH'rev, who married the sister of the celebrated John Wilkes, once owned it. Li 1775 it was the residence of Lord Percv. Gardiner Greene came into possession earl}' in the present century. The house was taken down about 1S35; plioto- graph of a drawing. William II. WJtitmorc. 553 The Environs of Boston, from Corey Hill, Brookline, lithograph Iw Buflbrd of a sketch bv F. Richardson in 1854, with key. CJiarlcs Libbey. 654 jSIinot's Ledge Light-House; colored lithograph. [/ Illiam II. Whitmorc. 655 Hannah Adams, 1755-1S31 ; author of a " History of the Jews" and other historical works; the first person interred in Mount Aubiu'n Cemetery; oil portrait. George K. Danicll. 656 Augustus Addison (jould, i8o=;-66; a naturalist, and author of works in zoology and conchology ; photograph. George li . Ager. 657 A Fire-bag of canvas, formerly used bv the lire-wards \ •> remove goods from burning buildings; inscribed: ''W. Cranch, 1792, No. 1 ; B. Willis, Jr., 1794, No. i ; J. Thaxter, No. i." Loan: Charles O. Pratt. 72 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 5.53 A Fire Bucket, marked "Martin Brimmer, Boston Fire Club." Loan : JoJtn S. Damrell. 659 The Contkact for cutting a channel through the ice in Boston Harbor for the steamship " Britannia," February, 1844, •''igiietl by a committee, Benjamin Rich, chairman ; original tramed document. Loan : W\ K. Watki)is. 060 " The Hub ; " a view of Boston from the harbor; aquarelle print, by Ackermann, from a drawing by Langerfeldt, 1S83. 661 Ramage Printing-Press, once used by Benjamin Franklin, in Qiieen Street. London ; purchased from the estate of Ben: Perley Poore by WiJIitDn W. Warren. 562 Benjajhn Frankeix at his press ; lithograph of a drawing by E. Woodbur}'. JSI. Jt\ Brush. 663 Gravestone found in the Granary Burying-Ground while digging for repairs to the Tremont House, with inscrip- tion : "An Leger, 16S1 " (Anna, wife of Jacob Leger, or Leager). J. Aloutgoniery Sears. 664 Gravestone of blue Welsh slate, inscribed: "Here lyeth ye Body of William Middleton Aged 74 years ; Died March ye 3, 1699." Loan : The Old South Church. 665 Gravestone of Joshua Lewis, 1673 ; also, three old carved gravestones, given by The Bosfon Gas Light Company. 666 Iron Fire-back of the chimney-piece of the Blue Room of the Hancock House, with the date " 1737," the year the house was built. Charles E. French. 667 Resolutions of thanks to Captain R. B. Forbes and the other officers of the United States sloop " Jamestown," lying at Cork, with supplies for the destitute Irish ; passed April 18, 1847, ^^ ^'^^ Council Room of the Irish Confed- eracy, Dublin, signed by Thomas F. Meagher and others ; embossed document, framed. James F. Cotter. 668 Letter of Thanks to Capt. Forbes, signed " Staunton. Lord Mayor of Dublin, April 34, 1S47 ; " framed. James F. Cotter. 669 " Acorn's " Old Salt-house {v. No. 49=;) ; water-color. William H. Spiller. 670 View of the Western side of Lincoln Street and of W^orcester Long Wharf, and other Channel Wharves on the South Cove, and a map of Boston, 1835, with the South Cove THE UPPER STORY. 73 Viciv of the \Vester)i side of Li)icoIii Street — Coitiiiitcd. territory ; two lithographic piints in one frame, hv Peiulle- ton, after th'awings by P. P. F. Degrand, 1S35, '^^'' (l<-'pot accommodations of the Boston & Worcester and \Vestern raih"oads (the Boston roro\vn. 701 Cast of this inscription: " Opposite this spot was shetl the first blood of the American Revohition, March 5, 1770, placed in State Street by the Bostonian Society in 18S6." 702 The "Coliseums" of 1869 and 1S72 ; four \iews ; <;iven by the architect, Francis Alien. 703 Captain Nathanil::. IIowEANn, of Boston ; oil portrait. Hbcn Alcxaiider. 704 Ship '-St. Peter," commanded by Captain Howland, sailing from Boston to St. Petersburg. Ebe>i Alexander. 705 Three Pewter Plates, used in tlie Revolution by Hart- well, a colored soldier. George P. Smitli. 706 Map of Roxbury in 1S49, F. C. Moseley. 707 Interior of Theodore Parker's library. E. G. Lncas. 708 Photograph of the second Board of Trustees of the Cit\- Hospital, 1865. B. II. Coolidge. 709 Encampment of the New England Guards at Round Hill, Northampton, July, 1S40. James L. Whitney. 710 Correct ]Map of the Coast of New England, 1731. Job A. Turner. 712 View of Boston, from East Boston, 1848; engraving by Burton, from a drawing by E. Whilefield T. S. Nickerson. 713 Plan of the survey of the Boston & Providence Railroad, by James Hay ward, 1S28. 714 Boston; photograph of an engraving by Willard and Barber, from the south-west, near the intersection of the Provi- dence and Worcester Railroads. A. A. Folsoni. -lie. The City PIall, 186^ ; lithograph bv Powers . Howlett, iSoo. 732 Copper-plate view of Tattershall Castle, from another point, by B. Howlett, 1799. From No. 735, given by The Mayor and Corporation of Boston^ Itngland. 733 William Bedford, Mayor of Boston, England, 1SS3 and 1890; photograph in regalia as head of the Corporation. M illiani Jietiford. 734 Four Photographic Reproductions, within one frame, of views of the Borough of Boston, England, taken i:i 1SS4, specified as follows : A reproduction of a rare copperplate engraving owned in Boston, England, entitled: ''The South-east view of Boston, in the Countv of Lincoln, i 750 : To the Right Worshipful the ALiyor and Corporation of Boston in Lincolnshire, this Prospect is gratefidly In- scribed, by their most obliged. Humble Servant, Nathan Drake." A panoramic view of the borough of Boston, Lincolnshire, taken in 1SS4. A reproduction of an old copperplate view showing the water-front of Boston, Lincolnshire, at an early period, with IJoston Church in the background. A view of the water-side of Boston, Lincolnshire, taken in 1S84. Alexander Moscley. 735 Water-color Drawing, by Worth, in 1S84, of Shodfriars' Hall, the ancient building standing on South Street, Boston, Lincolnshire, England, supposed to have lieen erected by Flemish merchants. Alexander Moscley. 736 St. Kotolph's Church, l>oston. England, from an original engraving, presented to Mrs. Watson by J. Noble, ^ia_\or of Boston. ; heliotvpe leproduction framed. William II. Whitmore. 78 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 737 Resolutions of sympathy with the citizens of Boston after the Great Fire of 1872, passed by the Borough of Birming- ham, England, signed by Ambrose Biggs, mayor; framed. Loan : City of Boston. 738 View of Boston from Telegraph Hill, South Boston; litho- graph by Tappan & Bradford, after Spindler. 739 Souvenir of Kossuth's visit to Boston, 1S51-52; water-color drawing of a newsboy, painting by Thomas G. Appleton. Nathan Appleton. 740 John Avek^-, First Secretary of State of Massachusetts, 17S0-1S06; copy of an oil portrait. John E. Safiborn. 741-742 Missionary Packet, " Morning Star ; " two lithographs by Butibrd, after Drew. George H. JVhitmai/. 743 Boston after the Great Fire, 1S73 ; supplement, to " Harper's Weekly," Dec. 14, 1S73 ; framed. Mrs. Susan /i. Kidder. 744 Abraiia?>i Lincoln, the last photograph taken, on the bal- cony of the White House, March 6, 186^, by H. 1". Warren. H. F. Warren. 745 Remarks on President Jackson's last annual address, by a correspondent of the London Weeklv Despatch : framed broadside. Thomas F. Hinckley. 746 Statement of the expenses of the Town of Boston, from May, 17S3, to May, 1784, $71,491 ; amount of County and Town tax, $135,820. Benjamin Sumner, collector ; framed broadside; no date. Edward J. Jones. 747 Mirror from Governor Hutchinson's house in Milton, with heavy anticiue frame. Charles Brcck. 748 Mahogany Carved Base to the pulpit of the Brattle-Square Church. J. Montgomery Sears. 749 Fire-Bag of the Sutlblk Fire Society, marked "John Lam- son, 1816." Daniel S. Lamson. 750 Model in wood of the mansion known as the Faneuil- Phillips House on Common, afterward Tremont, Street, opposite King's Chapel, built by an uncle (vf Peter Faneuil, occupied later by Governor Phillips. Loan: Mrs. Caroline M. Fitch. 751-779 Portraits of the mayors of Boston from 1S22 to 1S94, inclusive; engravings, lithographs, and photographs; gifts and loans by the City of Boston and others. THE UPPER STOR\'. 79 780 Fkagmicnt of the old Roman wall of London. yV/c Bosto)i III' raid. 781-782 Two Silk Banners carried in the Presidential cam- paign of 1S44 by the Whig Chib of old Ward Foiu-. J Icnry S. Sliav:. 783 Stone from the front of Hancock llonse. 784 Cannon IjAI.l fired into the American camp at Cambridge during the Re\olution. Charles /J reel:. 785 Another ball (bed by the British against Washington's intrcnchments on Dorchester Heights, i77v Jo/in Dodge. 786 Granite Bali., with leaden spire attached, which sur- mounted one of the towers of the Triangular Warehouse, formerly standing at the head of what was in early times ioston Board of Trade, June 20, 1S65, thanking the Boston Board i'<>i- hos- pitality shown to the Boards of I'lade of the West ; framed. 814 General Samuel M. Qluncv, when acting maNor of New Orleans; 1S66, photograph {v. No. 8). Iloiry P. Curtis. 815 West Church, Cambridge Street; tonr photographic views. Grciiville II. A^orcross. 816 George TH., 173S-1820; steel engraving by Ryland, after Ramsay's portrait. 817 General LTlvsses S. Grant, 1S23-S5 ; photograph taken in the field at City Point, Va., March iq, 1S65, in H. V. Warren. //. /\ IWincii. 818 Thomas Edward Chickerixc;, 1824-71; son of No. 32; Colonel of the 41st Regiment. Mas.sachnselts Volunteers; framed photograph. Mrs. Wiiliaiii ]]'. Clapp. 8ig New England GifAitixs, in the uniform of 1819, a litho- graph certificate by Stratton, after .Smith. Charles Z. Bancroft. 820 View of Boston from Dorchester Heights; engraving by Havel I, from his painting. William //. Wliitniorc. 821 Departure of the Pilgrims from Holland; artist's proof ; en- graving signed : " Charles Lncv, 1847." ,/• KoopDiaii. 822 Certificate of membership of Albert A. Folsom in the Bos- ton Light Infantry, 18^7 ; colored lithograph ; trained. Albert A. Fulso»i. 823 (Gamaliel Bailey, 1S07-59; editor of the "National Era," in which "• Uncle Tom's Cabin " was originally jinblishcd ; lithograph. W'illiani //. 117/ it more. 82 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 824 Cautridge-rox used in the War of 1S12. William P. S/irevc. 825 Letter sent l)y balloon from Paris duriiiy; the Siege, Dec. 17, 1S70; framed. JVat/ian Appletoii. 826 Last Words and dying speech of Levi Adams, executed for burglary, Oct. 31, 1773; framed broadside. 827 Plan of the Old State House, second floor, showing the circular staircase, hall, and four anterooms adjoining, also representing in solid lines the original oak frame around the staircase opening, all of which indications were found in the restoration of 18S1. Williaui H. Whitmorc. 828 Rev. George Richards, 1816-1S76; pastor of the Central Congregational Church, on Winter vStreet ; lithograph. John P. Reed. 829 Proclamation of the Selectmen of Boston to the inhabitants that effectual measures be taken against infectious disease now prevalent in Philadelphia ; framed broadside. Ebeu Dorr. 830 Fair for the building fund of the Young Men's Chiistian Association, in Music Hall, December, 1858; framed pho- tograph. 831 Bill of John Jones against Thomas Edes, of Boston, for car- penter work, Aug. 27, 1763 ; framed autograph. 832 Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., presented to the City of Bos- ton liy Alfred A. and Kate Marcus on the ninety-ninth birthday of the venerable philanthropist; crayon portrait bust by Ray ner. Loan: The City of Boston. 833 Tax-Warrant to the town of Stoughton, Nov. i, 1759; signed by Harrison Gray, Treasurer; framed broadside. Isaac Fetiuo. 834 Paul Renere at the age of 67 ; photograph of a portrait painted in iSoi. 835 Bill of Lading of the sloop " Greyhound" from Boston to Newberne, N. C, dated Jan. 30, 1709; framed autograph. T. T. Haiiffer. 836 Ram's Horn in plaster from " Harris' Folly," a house in Pearl street, (^n the site of Nos. 100 to 108 ; one of many under tlie gable and towards the street. Nahuui Jones. 837 Came fiom a piece of the oak frame of the Rev. Dr. Streetcr's church in Hanover Street, demolished in 1838; made liy Henry Gooding, and presented by his daughter, E. JcaiDicttc Gooding., AI. D. THE UPPER STORY. 83 838 (JKXERAL Joseph W'aurex ; siiiall portrait bust painted on glass, iVanicd ; once owned hy Cliailottc Cushinan. ^/rs. George IV. Catc. 839 Cannon made of wood of the British nian-of-war " Somer- set," wrecked on Cape Cod, November, 1770. William T. CIu-^-.ocll. 840 Xi;vv Engeand Weekly JouiiNAE, June 9, 1729; found in the house in Common Street where the Rev. Mather IJyles lived; framed broadside; another of Oct. 6, 17-7. William II. Kcin/ard. 841 Thomas Melvilee; a {)rinted sketch of his life, as published in the "Columbian Sentinel," Oct. 30, 1S32; framed. ^Irs. Nancv J/. Dozvi/cr. 842 Laying the corner-stone of the Beacon Hill Reservoir; daguerreotype. Josiah }Qjtincy. 843 Letter of William Cooper, town clerk of Boston, to the towns of Massachusetts, Sept. 12, 176S; printed broadside. 844 Clearance of the schooner " Newburv " from Boston, April 5, 1765; framed autograph of William SheaH'e, Deputy Collector. Loan : Seth JBryaJit. 845 Corner of Washington and Summer .Streets; decorated for the 250th anniversary of the Ancient and Honorable Artil- lery Company, iSSS; framed photograph. A. SJntma}!. 846 Plan of the Back Bay, showing public parks, with the system of streets and sewers proposed for its improvement, Feb. 8, 1S77; Fuller & Whately, engineers. 847 Plan of the proposed improvement of the I3ack Bay, j^ub- lished by the Park Commissioners, 1S79. 848 Piece of palmetto wood sent from Charleston, S.C.,to Con- cord, on the one hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Willi'am W. Whcildou. 849 Boston Gazette, March 13, 1770, contairdng an account of the " Boston Massacre; " framed broadside. Mis. Sarah B . Jacobs. 850 Tax-warrant to the town of Boston, July i, i794i signed by Thomas Davis, Treasurer; framed broadside. Jcroiiiah Coll // rii . 851 "The Arctic Mocjn ; " a hektogra]ih newspaper, printeil in Grinnell Land, by the Greeley Exploration Party; No. i, Nov. 24, iSSi ; .said to be the only perfect copy; framed under glass. Frank N. Broxvncll. 852 Ruins of the building on the corner of Bedford and Kingston Streets, burned Thanksgiving Day, 1S89; framed jihoto- graph. William Juyc. 84 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 853 Framed Chart of the private sionals of the merchants of Boston. George O. Smith. 854 .Spiral Carved Post from the belfry of Christ Church, Salem Street ; taken down during repaiis in 1S92; with a hand- wrought nail. J. Otis Wetherbee. 855 Piece of oak from the frigate " Constitution." George II. II hitman. 856 Franktjn Street in 1S60; framctl photograph. William W. R /wades. THE CURTIS COLLECTION. A Collection of framed photographs of streets, and of buildings, many now demolished, presented to the Society by Henry Pelhani Curtis. 857 Grand Panoramic View of the east side of Washington Street, from the corner of State Street to No. 3o6. 858 Federal-Street Church (Rev. Dr. Channing's), 1809- 1859. 859 Ruins of the Great Fire ; panoramic view from Wasliing- ton Street. 85o C. II. Badger's House, in Prince Street. 861 General Gage's House, in Hull Street, Copp's Hill. 862 The Old Elm, on the Common. 863 The Thoreau House, in Prince Street, 1725. 864 The Stoddard House, in Prince Street; Major Pitcairn is said to have died here of wounds received at Bunker Hill. 865 John B. Wells' House, on the corner of Charter and Foster Streets. 866 Faneuil Hall Sqjltare. 867 The Hichborn House, in North Street, near North Square. 868-869 The Caleb Loring House, in Somerset Street, front- ing Pemberton Square, 1S03-53. (3.) 870 Franklin Street, in winter. 871 The Baldwin-Place Baptist Church. 872-873 Old St. Mary's Church, in Endicott Street. (2.) 874 The Uxion Congregational Church (Rev. Dr. Nehemiah Adams), corner of Essex Street and Chauncy Place, 1S19. THE UPPER STORY. 85 Curtis Collection — Continued. 875 TiiK Sta'ik I lousii, decorated for the Centennial Celebra- tion in 1S76. 876 BoYLsi'ox Street, shovvini^ Trcmont and W'asliin^^ton Streets. 877 Robert Newman's House, on the corner of vSaleni and Sheafe Streets. 878 Temple Place, from soutliwest corner of Treniont Stieet. 879 Green-vStreet Congregational Church, 1826, Rev. Will- iam Jenks, D.D., pastor; later the Church of the Advent, Rev. W^illiam Coggswell, D.D., rector. 880 Jewish Synagogue, Warrenton Street, erected in 1S51. 881 The Corner of Lowell and iMinot Streets, Putnam's Phar- macy. 882 The Old City Hotel, below the Brattle-Scjuare Church, on Brattle Street. 883 Old Scollay's Building, from an attic window at the West End of Tremont Row. 884 Pine-Street Congregational Church, 1837. 885 The Wells House, in Salem Street, 1680. 886 The Tremere House, in North Street. 887 The PIartt House, Hull Street; here lived Hartt, who built the " Constitution." 888 The Sheaf House, on the corner of Columbia and Es.sex Streets. 889 Ax Old House in North Street. 8go The British Hosplial, Prince .Street, where the wounded were carried from Bunker Hill. 891 No. S3 Charter Street, razed in 1885. 892 The Old Boston .Stone, in Maishall's Lane. 893 Christ Church, Salem Street, in 1733. 894 The .Seamen's Bethel, North vS(|uare, where '• lather Taylor" preached. 895 Old Chauncy Place, from the Mechanics' Buililing, on the corner of Bedford .Street. 896 The Old South Mtieting-House, with the Post-Oflice addition made by the United States Government after the Great Fire. 86 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Curiis Collectlo7i — Continued. 897 Warren-Street Chapel, 1835, in Wanenton Street, the Rev. Charles F. Barnard, pastor. 8g8 Old Somerset Club House, and the residence of J. L. Gardner, Beacon Street. 899 Court Sc^jliare ; east sitle, looking north. 900 Old Brimmer House, on the west side of Charles Street. near Beacon. 901 Old West Street, looking towards Bedford .SLrcct. 902 Bulfinch-Street Church, originally the Central Univer- salist Church, 1823. 903 Corner of Temple Place and Tremont Street. 904 Stores and Offices on the corner of Washington and Court Streets; razed in 1S89. 905 A View of Somerset Street. go6 Mount Vernon Street, back of the State House. 907 Old vSouth Meeting-House ; interior view. go8 The North-east Corner of Mount Vernon and Temple Streets. 909 The Second Universalist Church, from front of the City Hall. 910 Phillips-Street Church. gii The Corner of Milk and Washington Streets. 912 Stores and Offices on the corner of Court and Washing- ton Streets; razed in 18S9. 913 Brattle-Sqijare Church ; exterior and interior views. 914 Hollis-Street Church, from an opposite window. 915 The First Church, in Chauncy Place. 916 Selwyn's Theatre ; burnt in 1S71. 917 SCOLLAY Sct-UARE. 918 Thk Paddock Elms and Park-Street Church. 919 Hulk of Pilgrim ship " Sparrowhawk," exhibited on Bos- ton Common in 1865. 920 Hollis-Street Church, 1S10-S5. 921 Old Trinity Church, 1S28-73 ; oblique view, towards Washington Street. 922 Congress and State Streets, diagonally from Exchange Street. TlII^: Uri'KR STORV. 87 Cur/ is Collection — Co)itiiiitcd. 923 vSr. Stephen's Chapki,, on Purchase Street, erected by tlie Hon. William Appleton ; ile.stroyed by the Great Fire. 924 The North Side of Summer Street, opposite Kingston, after the Great Fire. 925 Old Water Street, the north-east corner, before the widening of Washington Street. 926 The Rear of the vState House, with Somerset-Street Cluirch and the Bell estate. 927 The Albion, on the corner of Beacon and Tremont Streets ; razed in 1SS7. 928 Summer Street, from Washington Street to " Church Green," 1S71 ; two views. 929 The Old Kuhn House, on the corner ol" Beacon and Charles Streets; razed in 1SS9. 930 School-Street Block, below the City Hall. 931 Brattle-Sc^uare Church ; interior. 932 West Street, from a stereopticon view. 933 Essex .Street, between Chauncy and Kingston Streets, from the corner of Edinboro' Street. 934 South Street, west side, opposite Linwooil Place. 935 O1.V) Exeter Place, from Chauncy Place, later Chauncy Street. 936 The Old Latin and English High School-House, in Bedford Street, iS44-79. 937 The Old Masonic Temple, with a view of Temple Place. 938 Eliot Street, corner of Washington Street. 939 Park Street, from Park-Street Church. 940 The Old Corner Bookstore, on the corner of School and Washington Streets. 941 The Residence of the Hon. Edward Everett and Daniel Denny, on Summer Street, at the time of removal. 942 Copy of an old daguerreotype representing Court .Street to the Old State House, from the roof of Scollay's Building, showing on the right the parsonage of l?rattle-Square Church, the old tower of the Merchants' Excliange, with Fort Hill in tlie right background. 943 The Old Adams House, in W^ashington Street, 1846. 944 Colonnade Row, Tremont Street, from the Common, 88 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Curtis Collcctio7i — Continued. 945 Washington Street, at Franklin Street, looking south. 946 Essex Street, the north side, from Harrison Avenue. 947 Hanover Street, near Portland Street. 948 Gleasox's Publishing Hall and Treniont Temple, from the Paddock Elms. 949 The Boston Daily Advertiser building, on Court Street, opposte Court vSquare, 1866-S3 ; reiirected in Lynn. 950 School vStreet, from Washington Street. 951 Franklin Street, north side, from the middle of the Cres- cent. 952 Franklin Street, north side, from lower end of the Cres- cent. 953 Franklin Street, south side, showing the old archway and Crescent, 181^5. 954 Court Sqltare, east side, looking south from Court Street. 955 C. B. vSiMMONs' House, in Ann Street, 1S14, the site of -Oak Hall." 956 The Merchants' Exchange, in State Street. 957 The Old Custom House, in Custom House Street. 958 The Corner of State and Kilby streets; razed in 1S89. 959 vScollay's Building; razed in 1S72. 960 The Old Part of the Wells House, in Salem Street. 961 Washington Street, looking south, from the corner of Milk Street, before the erection of the " Transcript " Build- ing. 962 Franklin .Street, north side, from lower end of the Cres- cent. 963 Oliver Eldredge's House, in Otis Place. 964 Franklin Street, Cathedral of the Holy Cross, and the spire of Federal-.Street Church. 965 New vSoutii Churc-h, Church Green, 1S14-68. 966 Hollis-Street Church; interior. 967 Oli> South Meeting-House; interior. 968 NiLEs' Block, in School Street. 969 Mount Vernon Street, in the rear of the State House, between Hancock and Temple Streets. THE UPrER STORY. 89 Curtis Collection — Continued. 970 Templk Stkeht, l)etvvccn Dcrncaiul Mount Vernon Streets. 971 Temple vStkeet, between Mt. Vernon and Derne Streets. 972 Old Cathedral Block, lower end of Franklin .Street Crescent. 973 FuANKLiN Street, from opposite Old Franklin Printino- House. 974 Franklin Street Crescent, with trees, ami the Old Cathe- dral of Holy Cross. 975 The Gardner House, in Franklin .Street, 18S5. 976 Tremont Street and .Scollay .Square, from the south corner of Tremont .Street and School Street; morning- view. 977 Somerset Street; morning view, 1S5S. 978 The Old National Theatre, on the corner of Portland and Travers Streets, 1 82 3-63. 979 The Old Leather and Feather Warehouse, 16S0-1S60. 980 Mt. Vernon StrilET, corner of Joy Street ; the residence of Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis. g8i The Old Beacon-Hill Reservohj, north-east corner, 1848-S3 ; four views. 982 The Old Reservoir, north-east corner, 1S48-83. 983 George Ticknor's House, on the corner of l^irk and Beacon .Streets; erected by Thomas Amorv in 1806. 984 Park .Street, showing Dr. John C. Warren's house and Park-Street Church. 985 Tup: Corner of Franklin and Devonshire Streets, toward the Old State House. 986 The PIoward Athen.*;um and head of Hanover .Street, from Ploward Street, 1859. 987 The Old Perkins House, on the corner of Joy and Mt. Vernon Streets, 1S55. 988 Chelsea Dye PIouse, Old Ilewes House, 1656-1870. 989 Washington Street, witii the Old South Meeting-PIousc, from the Herald Building. 990 The Sheaf House, corner of Columbia and Essex .Streets. 991 Old Horticultural PIall and the Parker IPjuse, from the front of City PLall. 90 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Curtis Collcctio^t — Contimicd. 992 Otis Place, Winthrop Place ; the old Blake and Bancroft Houses. 993 Old Federal-Street Church, toward Milk Street, 1809-59. 994 Copeland's Confectionery Store, east side of Court Street, between Brattle and Hanover Streets. 995 The Public Garden, looking towards the State House, 1S60. 996 Church Green, toward Winthrop Place. 997 The Corner of State and Congress Streets, New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, before the Great Fire. 998 Otis Place, left hand, towards Summer Street. 999 Spruce Street, from the Common. 1000 The Residences of J. S. Lovering and H. A. Pierce, 46 and 47 Beacon Street. looi The Residences of Peter Parker and Martin Brimmer, 48 and 49 Beacon Street. 1002 Mt. Vernon Street, from Walnut Street. 1003 'I'liK Sears House, on Beacon .Street, now the Somerset Club House. 1004 The Central Congregational Church, in Winter Street, 1841-65. 1005 Mt. Vernon and Joy Streets, west side. 1006 Colonnade Row, looking north-east, from Tremont Street, Common side. 1007 Trinity Church, south-west ; afternoon view. 1008 Federal Street, from Federal Court, 1S5S. 1009 The Cathedral of Holy Cross, Franklin Street. loio Horticultural Hall and Parker House, from the City Hall. loii Old Perkins House, in the rear of Mount Vernon Place and Joy Street. Id 2 The Residence of Samuel May, on Congress Street, in i860; destroyed by fire, 1873. 1013 Winthrop Place, Summer Street, residence of Hollis H. Ilunnewell. 1014 Paul Revere's House, North Square, 1660. THE UPPRR STORY. 91 Curtis Collection — Continued. 1015 The Old Wintiuiop House, on the corner of Trcmont and Boylston Streets. 1016 Chauncv Street, from Exeter I'lace. 1017 The Old Corner Bookstore, 171 2. 1018 The New Post-Office, previous to the Great Fire, from the corner of Water and Devonshire Streets. 1019 Beacon Street, corner of vSpruce Street. 1020-1021 Beacii-Street Cirirch, formerly Purchase-Street Congregational Church, Rev. J. T. Coolidge, on the corner of Beach Street and Harrison Avenue, 1846. (2.) 1022 Church of the Saviour, the Rev. Robert C. Waterston, pastor, Bedford Street, 1S45 ; razed in 1S72. 1023 The Corner of Milk and Washington Streets. 1024 The Old Bromfield House, on Bromfield Street. 1025 The Present Site of the old Stackpolc Estate, 1S60. 1026 Summer Street, the residence of Daniel Webster. 1027 India Wharf in 1S60. 1028 The Masonic Temple, from the sidewalk on Boylston Street, front of the Hotel Pelham. 1029 Franklin Street, from Devonshire Street. 1030 Fort Hill, looking towards the Custom House. 1031 Dr. Buckminster Brown's house, on Bowdoin Street, west side. 1032 Otis Place, corner of the houses of Oliver EUhcdgc, Henry Cabot, and Hollis H. Hunnewell. 1033 Franklin Street, south side, and the old Boston Libraiy, incorporated in 1794. 1034 View of Boston, from Thomas Street, .South Boston, 1S5S. 1035 Federal Street, near High Street, east from Federal Court. 1036 Tremont and Eliot Streets, looking tow^ards the Com- mon, 1S60. 1037 The Public Garden, corner of Charles and IJeacon Streets, 1S60. 1038 The Evans House and Masonic Temple, from the Tre- mont-Street Mall. 1039 The Hotel Pelham, before its removal, 1S69. 92 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Curtis Collectio7t — Continued. 1040 The Puhlic Library and Hotel Pelham, east, from the Common. 1041 The Old Boston and Providence Railroad Depot, in Park Square. 1042 Interior of the Greenhouse, Public Garden. 1043 The Old Greenhouse, in Charles Street. 1044 Paul Revere's House, North Square, 1S91. 1045 John Tappan's Residence, 30 Summer vStreet, corner of Arch Street. 1046 The vSchool-House on Fort Hill ; eight views. 1047 Fort PIill, central view. 1048 The Sears Estate before it was occupied by the Somer- set Club, from Beacon-Street Mall. 1049 The Old Boston and Providence Railroad Depot and Park-Square Corner. 1050 Park-Street Church and the Paddock Elms, from St. Paul's Church. 105 1 Tremont Street, from Court to Bromfield Street. 1052 Tremont Street, from King's Chapel Burying-Ground to Park wStreet, l)efore the horse railway was built. 1053 The V'iew^ down Park-Street Mall, from the right-hand balustrade of the State House. 1054 Wendell Phillips' House, in Essex Street, fronting Har- rison Avenue, with a side view of Mr. Phillips on his doorstep. 1055 Old Hancock House ; winter view, i860. 1056 Dock vSquARE to Washington vStreet, 1S60. 1057 Colonnade Row, corner of West Street. 1058-1067 Ten Views from the cupola of the State House. 1068 The Oi-d Elm on the Common, looking toward the Public Library. 1069 Otis Place, residence of N. Ligersoll Bowditch and Oliver Eldredge. 1070 Inauguration of the vStatue of Daniel Webster, vSept. 17, 1S59. 107 1 Park-Street Church and Mall, from the Common. 1072 Beacon Hill Place, from the Swedenborgian Church, 1859. THE urri'LR story. 93 Curtis Collection — Continncd. 1073 Park .Stijkkt, winter \ icw, iVoin 'rrcmont .Stirct. 1074 Franki.ix SritKirr, south side, iS:;:; ; the IJostoii Lihrarv. 1075 The ITotki, Pkmiam, 1S57 ; tlie liisl buihliiii;- erected on this continent as a family iioteh 1076 Old IIavmakk!';!' Sc^i'Akic, lo()kin<^ north. 1077 Pemiucuton' vSciiiAKE in 1860, lookinj;- north. 1078 Beacon Strickt, tVoni Joy Street to Hancock A\enue. 1079 View, east, on I>eacon vStreet, opposite the Public GarLlen. 1080 Bi{ATTr.E-Sci_UARic Ciihrcii, diagonally iVom tlie (^uincy House. 1081 Pitts-Street Chapel, Rev. Dr. Tuckcrnian, pastor, 1S36. 1082 The '^ CocKicuEL Church," Hanover Street, near Rich- mond vStreet, 1S45. 1083 The Christian Church, in Tyler Street, corner of Knee- land Street. 1084 Holy Trinity Church, in SutTolk Street, 1S43. 1085 The Old House in Union Street. 1086 An Old Building occupied by S. S. Pierce & Co., corner of Tremont and Court .Streets ; ra/.ed in 18S3 ; it had a marble tablet on Court Street, commemorating its occupancv 1)\' Washington in u/Si;, inserted by 'i'homas B. Curtis". 1087 A Winter View of the Old City Hall. 1088 The Old City Hall, about 1S60-62 ; occui)ied from 1822 to 1S62, except from 1S30-41. 1089 Residence of Dr. O. W. Holmes, 296 Peacon Street. 1090 BowDOiN Street and P)eacon Hill Place. 1091 Mt. Vernon and Beacon Streets. 1092 Mt. Vernon Street, near Beacon Street. 1093 Beacon and Bowdoin .Streets. 1094 Joy's Building, Washington Street, iS8o. logs Concert Hall, corner Court and Hano\er Streets, 183^. Mrs. n. />'. Jacobs. 1096 The First Chuhcii, the building on Washington Street, near State Street, know^n as the '' Old Brick." 7Vio?nas Mi/n/s. 94 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 1097 BovLSTON Market, 1S09-S7. Jonathan French. 1098-iiog Twelve Heliotvpr Engra\'ings of old Boston buildings; printed from sketches by George R. Tolman. Curtis G?iiJJ. iiio The Residence of Sannicl ITainnioiul, at l!ie corner of Somerset and Allston Streets, iSoS-60. Samuel H. RnsscU . mi Pemberton Square, a northwest view, 1SS5. William H. JVhit/norc. 1 1 12 Bunker IIiel Monument. 1 113 Part of the Old Trail from Boston to Plymouth, through West Roxbury Park, Augustus Parker. 1114 The Portuguese Settlement on Long Island, Boston Harbor, removed by order of the City in 1SS7. 1115 Hotel Pelham, August 35, 1S69, when, "by agreement between the City of Boston and Dr. Dix, it was moved westward, together with the vaulted sidewalk, on the line of Boylston Street, 13 feet 10 inches, in six days. The weight was estimated at 5,000 tons. The moving was successfully accomplished, and was said by General Ben- ham, of the United States Army, to be one of the great- est feats of modern engineering." John H. Dix^ JSI.D. 1 1 16 House of John Mayo and Cotton Mather, erected 1656; electrotype. James H. Stark. 1 1 17 Chelsea Dye PIouse Office, on Washington Street. Tho7nas C. De Carteret. in8 The Eliot School-House, established in 1713; erected in North Bennet Street in 1S3S. George O. Carpenter . 1 1 19 Beacon Hill Reservoir. 1 120 No. 37 vSoMERSET Street; raz.ed in 18S5 ; occupied by Daniel Webster, Abbott Lawrence, and others ; now pai't of the site of the Court-House. 1121 Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company, 50 and 52 State vStreet ; taken down, 1SS4. 1122 Hollis-Street Church; interior. E. T. Russell. 1123 Residence of Jonathan Harris, iSoo, corner of High and Purchase Streets. 1 124 Christ Church, Salem Street, 1S60. 1125 Thinity Church, after the Great Fire. 1126 RicsiDENCE of Daniel Weld, Boston Neck. THE UPPER STORY. 95 1127 P>ROOKHANK, lesidciicc of S. E. Sawyer, (jlouccster ; built in I 7H* 1128 WiNTiiHOP Hoi'SE, corner of IJo} l.ston and Trcnionl Streets, 1845; destroyed by lire, 1864. Freemason Hall, occupied iSs'y-iSu.j. Hci/rv J. rarker. 1129 Photograph of the OtHccrs and .Sailors of the l^ussian Squadron \isilint^ lioston in 1864, I". W. Lincoln, Jr., Alayor. 1 130 The Raymond and Ticknor Houses, corner of ik-acon and Park Streets, Cahot and C//aiidIcr. 1131 A. French & Company, corner of Milk and Battery- march Streets, 1873. 1132 Thi: Old City Hall; winter view, i860. 1 133 The First Church, fourth ediike, Chauncv Place, 1808- 1871. 1 134 The Winthrop House, corner of Boylston antl Tremont Streets. 1135 Balloon view of Boston ; Kin;:^ and Allen, anonauts. George O. Carpenter. 1136 The Corner of Hollis and Tremont Streets, 1S68. Rev. Caleb D. Bradlec. 1137 The "Crystal Palace," Lincoln .Street; razed in 1S85. 1138 Birth-place of General Warren, Roxl)urv, 1720-18.16. R. Alexander. 1139-1142 Pemberton ScyiJARE, four views, 1885. 1 143 American LIouse, 1S60, Hanover .Stieet. 1 144 Somerset-Street Baptist Church, five views in one frame. W/Hi'ani G. J^res/'>u. 1 145 View of Boston, from East Boston wharves, 1848; i)ho- tograph after ens^raviny. Henry (/'. Da)i/eU. 1 146 Tremont House, on Beacon and Tremont .Streets, erected in 1828, showing the projected cupola, which was never placed upon the building. Curtis Guild. 1147 Avon Place, residence of .Samuel pjiatllee. A'.-z'. Caleb D. Bradlec. 1148 Devonshire Street, after the (ireat Fire. 1149 Corner of Siunnier and High .Streets, after the (xrcat Fire. 1150 Corner of Commercial and Fleet .Streets; razed in 18S6. Braj/cis II. Mauuiz/o'. 96 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 1151-1153 Residence of Gardiner Greene; 3 views; photo- graphs of drawhigs. ]\Irs. James S. Aniory. 1 154 The Massachusetts TIospitae Life Insurance Com- pany's Building. 1155 Residence of Thomas Melville, taken in 1S32, showing a portion of Green Street. Mrs. Nancy J/. Doivner. 1156 Pemuerton Square; north-east view, 1SS5. 1157 Oi.D Washington Street, Old South Church. 1158-1159 Headqj.tarters of Lord Percy at the time of the battle of Lexington, corner of Columl)ia and Essex vStreets ; 3 views. John J)/. Little. 1160 IIollis-Street Church; interior. 1 161 Exchange Coffee-House, 1S08-1S1S, used by the Ma- sonic fraternity, 1S17-1S, from a wood-cut by Abel Bowen. Henry J- Parker. 1162-11G6 The State House; 5 views: the Exterior, Doric Hall, Governor's Room, State Library, Council Cham- ber. Edxvard J. Jones. 1167 The First Church, 1713-1S0S; on the site of the Rogers Building. jMarti)i P. Kennard. 1 168 Old Head House, corner of Tremont and Boylston Streets; site of the Masonic Temple, 1763-1S40; re- movetl to Pond Street. Henry J. Parker. ii6g Ki\(;'s Head Tavern, 1660-1870, corner of Ann and Lewis Streets. P. U . Hooper. 1170 Certificate of Lt. Samuel Armstrong as a member of the Society of the Cincinnati ; signed by George Wash- ington, President, in 1 7S4 ; countersigned by II. Knox, Secretary. £). H. Coolidge. 1171 Commission of Samuel Armstrong as Lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment of Infantry, U. S. Arm}' ; signed by James Madison ; countersigned by James Monroe, iSi^- D. H. Coolidge. 1172 Indented Sailing Permit of brig "Herald;" signed by Andrew Jackson, 1836. D. H. Coolidge. The Shipping List, from 1S43 to 1SS5; forty-eight bound vol- umes. Hugh O' Brief/. Boston Daily Advertiser, from 1S64 to 1SS2 ; 38 volumes; bequeathed to the Society by Edxvin p. Waters. Evening Traveller, 1S56; Daily Advertiser, 18^6. Arthur //. Nichols, M.D, THI<: UPPER STORY. 97 MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS, MAPS, PLANS, BROAD- SIDES, PORTRAITS AND AUTOGRAPHS, CON- TAINED IN PORTFOLIOS IN THE CLERKS OFFICE. Block on Mount Vernon vStrect, back of the vStale House; re- moved in 1SS9. Bkattle-Soltare Church ; seven views. Washington Street, nearly opposite Water Stieet. The Hayward Block and Chickering's Warerooms, destroyed by fire 1 87 1. Somerset Street ; six views of houses, removed for the new Court House. Court Street, corner of Washington Street; razed in 1S89. St. Mary's Church ; ibur views. The Ticknor Mansion, Park Street. The Daniel Vose House, Milton Lower Mills. The Exchange Block, corner of State and Congress Streets, demolished in 1S89. The Boylston Market, corner of Wash.ington and Bovlston Streets, 1SS7. The Gallop House ; ten photographs of old North End build- ings, decorated for the encampment of the Grand Army in 1S90. Plan of Boston, from an acturd siuvey, 1>y Osgood Carleton, 1796; photograph. William JL W/iiti)iore. Point of Pines, Chelsea Beach ; colored lithograph. William H. W/iltniorc. West View of the Old Feather House ; wood-cut. Gate of Mr. Auburn Cemetery; lithograph by Pendleton. William //. Whltmure. Nine photographic views of public institutions. The Departvjeiit of Public Institutions. Concert Hall, on the corner of Court and Hanover Streets; photographic reproduction. Henry J. Parker. Bunker Hill Monument and the processit^n of June 17, 1S43; lithograph by 'I'hayer. Samuel S. Ska-v. The Old South Meeting-House ; two etchings of pictures in the possession of Abbott Lawrence. Ilanillton A. JIlll. Long Wharf before Atlantic Avenue was cut through ; photo- graph. 98 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The Franklin Statue, in winter; photograph. James \V. Black. The WiNTHROP House, Tremont Street; photographic repro- duction. Henry J. Parker. The Old Custom House ; photograph. George W. Matitider. The Landing of British troops in 176S ; wood-cut. The Body of Charles Sumner lying in state in Doric Hall, State House, March i^, 1S74; photograph. Hamiltou A. Hill. The Merchants' Exchange ; interior; two photographs. Hatnilton A. Hill. The Latin and English High School-House ; heliotype. Brattle-Sqitare Church ; two photographs of the interior. Mrs. George Oxiiard. " Labor, Dependence, and the Fine xA.rts," and " Science control- ling Electricity and Steam ; " two photographs of a design by French for the Post-Office Building. Joseph G. Clippies. Harrisox-Soliare Church, Dorchester ; photograph. Rev. Caleb D . Bradlec. Old Masonic Hall, the United States Court House, on Tremont Street, in process of alteration ; photograph. The Weld Estate. Thorndike Hall, Summer Street ; photograph. Henry J. Parker. View from Pemberton Hill, 1S26; photograph of an engraving. The Birthplace of John Qiiincy Adams, in Qiiincy ; two litho- graphic views. Charles H. Wise. " The Crystal Palace," Lincoln Street, 1SS5 ; photograph. James W. Black. Old Warren Engine No. i, Dudley Street, Roxbury ; photo- graphic reproduction. Thomas C. He Carteret. The Post-Office Building after the Great Fire of 1S72 ; two photographs. The Ladies' Fair for the Poor at Music Hall, 1S57 ; lithograph. William S, Appleton. The Ticknor House, corner of Park and Beacon Streets. Miss Anna S. Ticknor. The Great Organ in Music Hall ; photographs. Thomas C. He Carteret. The Common and State House ; engraving, after Billings. William //. Whit?nore. THE UPPER STORY. 99 The Gkeat Fire of 1S72 ; the corner of Washington and Broni- fielcl Streets ; photograph. North View of King's Chapel ; engraving by Anchews. St. Botolph's Church, Boston, England ; heliotype of an en- graving. Boston Custom House ; engraving by Smirke, after Billings. The Miller Building, Federal Street, after the Wve of Decem- ber, 1879 ; heliotype. The Crispus Attucks Monument; photograph. Robert Kraus. The Old State House, from Washington Street, 1791, for the " Massachusetts Magazine ; " lithograph. The Building on the corner of Gibbs' Lane and Broad Street, 1 89 1 ; photograph. W. B. Crocker. The Oldest Building on Fort Hill, built in 1710; a photograph taken in 1891. The Hancock House, from a print of 17S9; two photographs. No. 33 Vaughan Street, Portsmouth, N.H., where Jeremiah Mason and Daniel Webster lived ; photograph. Samuel Gray. View of Boston and South Boston Bridge; lithograph by Veroy, after Milbert ; published in Paris. New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute, Exhibi- tion Building ; heliotype. First Universalist Church, Roxbury ; photograph. Thomas C. De Carteret. Twenty-three Views of buildings burned in the Great Fire; photographs taken immediately afterwards. G. R. Taber. The Corner of Summer and Washington Streets after the Great Fire, and other photographic views of the hre ; panorama. JoJm P. Reed. Nassau PIall, corner of Washington and Common vStreets, 1858 ; photographic reproduction. tlenry J. Parker. ^Masons' Hall, Ann Street, from iSoo to 181 7; photographic reproduction. I/e/ny J. Parker. The Old Building on the site of the '^Journal " Building, Wash- ington Street ; tive photographs from diilerent points. Edzcard S. Ritchie. The Beacon Monument, 1695-1790; five engravings. Williant W. Wheildon. lOo BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The vSoLDiERs' Monument on the Common, 1S77; lithograph. The Room of the Panama Canal Company, at the Foreign Ex- hibition, 18S3 ; photograph. Nathan Appleton. The Vicinity of Boston, from Bunker Hill Monument, 18^7 ; en- graving by vSmillie. Boston Market, drawn by Thomas G. Appleton, when a boy. Nathan Appleton. The Latin School-House in School vStreet, from iSi3to 1S44; wood-cut. Ruins of the fort on Dorchester Heights ; wood-cut. The Old .State House, Washington-Street front, wood-cut and several other views. GrenvUle U. Norcross and others. The QuiNcy House ; wood-cut. The Old Warren House, Jamaica Plain ; wood-cut. The Suffolk-Street Chapel, 1840; lithograph. The Third Baptist Meeting-House, Charles Street ; wood- cut. The Fair of the Young Men's Christian Association in Music Hall, 1856; lithograph by BuMbrd. The Roger Williams House in Salem ; lithograph bv White- field. QuiNCY Market ; engraving by WagstatT and Andrews. Charles E. Clark, M.D. The Statue of Leif Ericson in Commonwealth Avenue; litho- graph. Nathan Appleton. The Hancock House ; an engraving published in London ; also an engraving by Ulman. Antique Boston; drawn by Graham, for '• Harper's Weekh," Sept. 35, 1880. The Church of The Messiah, Florence .Street ; lithograph bv Buflbrd. Federal-Street Church ; photographs of the exterior and in- terior. Nathan Appleton. Harvard College Buildings ; engraving. Charles Chaplin. Interior of Freeman-Place Chapel ; photograph. E. W. He-wins. Governor Hutchinson's House at Milton ; wood-cut. St. Augustine's Church and Cemetery, South Boston ; litho- graph. THE UPPER STORY. loi Deliverance Parkman's House, Salem, built in 1670; taken down in 1S34; wood-cut; appended is an impression of the seal of the Prero<^ativc Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1828. The Marshfieed Club ; anniversary of 18S3, witli engravinc^s of Webster and his birth])lace, and of Marshfield. Mrs. Mary N. Bent. A South-east View of Boston, and other wood-cuts of Abel Bowen. Sanmcl A. Greefi, Af.D. State Street ; engraving by liartlett, after Lacy ; published in London, 1837. Copvof page 31 of the Dorchester Town Records. vSiGNiNG the Treaty of Peace between England and the United States, Sept. 3, 17S3 ; photograph of an old picture. The Evacuation of Boston, 1776; engraved by Stuart, after HoUis. The Boston Boys and General Gage ; engraving by Sharp. " The Freemen's Quick-step," dedicated to the Whig Com- mittee of 1S40, by George Hews; and other marches and quicksteps. '• The Barrel of Beer," sung bv IVLijor James Phillips at the dinners of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Order of Exercises at the Musical Entertainment given to the Grand Duke Alexis at Music FLall, Dec. 9, 1S71. Deed of Edward Qiiincy to Maudsley, Oct., 1720; broadside. Meeting at Faneuil Hall for the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia, Jan. 28, 1S42; letter-sheet. John S. H. Fogg, M.D. Silk Handkerchief, with a speech of John Brown to the Court. Printed by C. C. Mead. " Our Country ; " a Patriotic Song by George Lunt ; music by Woodbury. Dedicated to General Gushing during the War with Mexico. Clearance of the ship •' Dolphin; " triple photograph. E. V. /i'. Read. Flag carried by the Merchant Tailors on the visit of Washing- ton, Oct". 27, 17S9; photograph. L. D. Starbird. A Service of Plate given lo Gustavus Vasa Biooke at his fare- well beneiit. National Theatre, May 27, 1S53 ; lithograph. Satnjiel A. Green., M.D. 102 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Sketch of the entrance to Boston Common, from the corner of Park and Tremont streets, by Richard Upjohn. Charles E. Clark ^ M.D. Badge, Button, and Commission of the Reguhir Army and Navy Union. H. G. Collins. Register of schooner '• Polly," 17S6, with autograph of Gov. Bowdoin. George H. Davis. Order of Exercises at the inauguration of the Franklin Statue. John S. H. Fogg, M.D. One of the One hundred printed copies of the inscription on the plate laid in the corner-stone of the City Hall, Dec. 22, 1863. John S. H. Fogg, M.D. Programme in Latin of the Commencement Exercises of the Class of 1S29, Harvard College. Henry E. Hill. Calendars of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Corn- pan}', iSSo-94. Boijaniin F. Stevens. Programme of the exhibition of the English High School, 1S40. William R. Bliss. A Deed from Moses Little to George Jefferds, March iS, 175S. Rev. Samncl B. Critft. History of the Honourable Artillery Company of London ; broadside. Albert A. Folsom. The Hanging of the Spanish Pirates, June 9, 1835 ; broadside. John F. ^ Pratt. M.D. Maps and Plans of streets and wharves in Boston. James C. Sharp. Programme of the Cochituate Water Celebration, 1848. John E. Blakcfnore. Ballot of the Mercantile Library Association, 1845. TJionias Hills. View of Boston ; engraving published in Paris in 1826. Charles E. Clark, M.D. The " Stars and Stripes," painted on wall paper at Thibo- deaux, La., Feb. 34, 1865, by Union soldiers. Joseph H. Wellman. Four Passports issued to Thomas G. Appleton, and signed by E. W. Livingstone, John Forsyth, Edward Everett, and George M. Dallas. Nathan Appleton. Invitation to the Centennial Celebration of the Discovery of the Columbia River by Capt. Robert Gray, of Boston, held at Astoria, Oregon, May 10, 11, i3, 1S92. Rev. Ed"vard G. Porter. THE UPPER STORV. 103 Lyman BiiECHKii's Methodism, ami other l)r();i(lsi(les. William If. Pnhlfcr. Photograph of the "Old Elm," witii citizens standini;- in front of it. N^aJiuni Jones. A Proclamation issued by Louis Philippe, July 39, 1S30, ad- dressed to the citizens of Paris, upon his arrival among them to lead the revolution of July. A Letter from the Church at Plymouth, dated June 26, 1671, recommending' John and Mary Winslovv (Marv Chilton of the "Mayflower") and their children to the fellowship of the Third Church, now the Old South Church, of Boston. The Hancock House; lithograph, 1S93. The Result of an ecclesiastical council called to settle the questions at issue between the First and Third Churches, dated May 28, 1674. An Autograph Copy of an order passed l)y the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony, dated May 28, 1679, in answer to a prayer of the reverend Clergy for a revisal of the platform of discipline agreed upon by the churches in 1647, and appointing "the second Wednesday in vSeptem- ber, 1679," as the time when due consideration of such revision should be made. Written and signed by Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Massachusetts Colony. A Letter recommending Samuel Adams to the charity and fel- lowship of the Third, or Old South Church, signed by Rev. Peter Thacher, pastor of the Church in Brattle Square, June S, 17S9. A Letter Missive from tiie First Church to the Old S(nith Church, 1737; of Brattle-Street Church, 1785; of the Second Church of Dorchester, 1S08 ; this and the six pre- ceding are heliotype reproductions. Hamilton A. Hill. Bostonians Paying Excise ; a caricature ; lithograph by Pen- dleton. Certificate of Thomas Gold Appleton, a member of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, 1863. Nathan Appleton. Diploma of Bachelor of Arts, given to Thomas G. Appleton by Harvard College, 183 1 \ parchment. Nathan Appleton. A Passport, signed •' W. H. Seward," 1866. given to Thomas G. Appleton. Nathan Appleton. Annual Address of the carriers of the " Boston (iazette," decH- cated to Governor Gore, Jan. i, iSio. I04 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Anthem, sung at the reopening of the Old South Meeting- House in 1783. A Brief History of the "Ancient Wreck ; " no date. A Letter of Governor Stoughton ; photograph. Address of carriers of "Paul Pry" and the "Times," 1S29; of the "Boston Press," 1S32 ; of the " Lamplighters," 1828. Six Votes of the Town of Boston, Oct. 28, 1767. Address of William Brown, a boot and shoe polisher, Jan. i, 1S25. Fast Day and Thanksgiving Proclamations of Governor Bernard, 1764. Fast Day Proclamation by Jeremiah Powell and others, for the people, in 1777. Thanksgiving Proclamation by the Colonial Congress and Council in 1778. Order of Exercises at the funeral of Dr. Winslow Lewis in 1S75. A Melancholy Account of the Western Army, Dec. 19, 1791, General vSt. Clair's expedition. Votes of the Town of Boston, Sept. 12, 176S, James Otis, Mod- erator. Commissions (duplicate), signed by Governors Andrew, Briggs, Brooks, Claflin, Everett, Lincoln, Robinson. LvscRiPTioN on the plate in the corner-stone of the City Hall ; one of a hundred copies printed. Regulations of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1801. Eulogy on George W\ashington, Feb. 22, iSoo; sold by E. Lar- kin, Cornhill. Commissions of Jeremiah Page, in the Continental Army, in 177*^ ' signed by a majority of the Council ; two photographs. Certificate of Cornelius Ellis in the Boston Sea Fenciblcs, .Sept. 17, 1S27. Proclamation or pardon in Shays' Rebellion, signed by Gov- ernor Bowdoin in 1787- Resolve of the Legislature, March 24, 1786, concerning collec- tion of taxes. Deed of Mather Bvles to Samuel Danforth of land in Oxford, a part of Governor Stoughton's Nipmuck land. THE UPPER STORY. 105 Notice of assessment b\- Harrison (iray. Receiver and Treasnrer, July 30, 1766, to tlie town of Stoughton. William Tiiomtson's address to respectable citizens of Boston, as candidate for Town Clerk, March 6, 1790. Letters from Citizens of J^oston to cities and towns in Massa- chusetts, ordered at a meeting at Faneuil Hall, July 26, 1774, on the passage of tlie Boston i'ort Bill. Votes of the Provincial Congress at Watertown, Nov. iS, 1775. Certificate to George W. Adams of one dollar paid the Asso- ciation of Franklin Medal Scholars for the Franklin Statue, Oct. 5, 1S57, signed " E. Everett, President." Programme of the first Bunker Elill Regatta, June 17, 1859. Act to explain the Act of 1791, in reference to money at interest, June 6, 1793, "J. Hancock, Governor." Resolve for districting the Commonwealth for the choice of Fed- eral Representatives, June 30, 179-- "Wanted — a quantity of cloathing," Boston, Sept. 26, 1776; signed, "Samuel A. Otis." Certificate of Samuel Jacjues as member of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, Aaron Dexter, Presi- dent. 1S17 ; with seal. Photographs of buildings destroyed by the Great Fire. G. A'. Tahcr. Circular of the Executive Committee of Citizens, 1S77 ; list of delegates to the citizens' convention, 1S78; Boston (Eng- land) Church Hall ; St. Botolph's Church ; photograph of corner-stone of the Old South Church. //. A. Hill. Papers relating to the estate of John Coffin Jones. James R, CJiadwick^ j\I.D. The Old Corner Bookstore ; views of the interior and exterior. ,/. G. Citpplcs. Fac-simile reproductions of colonial documents, i773' ^774' 1775. y^riistccs of tlie Public Library. Photograph of the burning of the Globe Theatre, 1S94. ,/. W. Black. Photograph of the Tremont House, 1S94. J. W . Black. Photographs of the Roxbury floods. W. //. Reynolds. CoisiMissiON of Samuel Armstrong, signed by President Madison. Permit given to Scott, Idle, tS: Co. to import iron hoops, etc. ; signed by George HL, 1807; found by George W'. Arm- strong in the Griffin House, at the head of Griifin's Wharf, in 1822. io6 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. License to John Delamain to import cargoes of provisions; signed by George III. in 1S07. Commission of Samuel Armstrong as Captain-Lieutenant in the U. S. Army; signed by Samuel Huntington, President of Congress, 17S0. Commission of Purcell Penniman to be Postmaster of South Milford, Mass., signed by Amos Kendall, P. M. G., 1S63. This and the four preceding given by D. H. Coolidge. Photographs of pictures of clipper ships exhibited by the Bos- tonian Society, 1S94. L. A. Hoi man. Flag of the 4th Company, 3d Reg., M.V.M. John C. LiUie. Plans of Brattle-Square Church. Rev. H. F. Jenks. Photographs of the State House, from interior and exterior views, 1894. Order concerning infectious disease, Oct. 7, 1793, by a commit- tee of citizens. Eben Dorr . Address to the freeholders of Massachusetts by the Provincial Congress, Dec. 10, 1774, at Cambridge. Elder Perry's Position ; a wood-cut caricature. Thanksgiving Proclamation of Governor Hancock, Nov. 8, 1783- " The Hon. Samuel Lathrop and his quondam friends ; " po- litical broadside. List of Patriots who voted to support Jackson, the British Minister, against the United States, about 1S13. Speech of Hon. Benjamin Austin at Faneuil Hall, Jan. 30, 1792. Engravings, lithographs, photographs, etc., of the following persons : Appleton, Nathan Brooks, Peter C. Andrew, John A. Belknap, Jeremy Adams, Mrs. Hannah Bates, Isaac C. Austin, Arthur W. Curtis, Benjamin R. Adams, John Cooper, Samuel Allen, Stephen M. Chauncy, Charles Agassiz, Louis Codman, John Brown, John Cass, Lewis Benton, Thomas H. Clinton, DeWitt Billings, Hammatt Chapman, Jonathan Butler, Benjamin F. Cornwallis, Lord Bainbridge, Commodore Creswick, William Brooks, Governor Cushman, Charlotte THE UPPER STORY. 107 ETigravbigs^ etc.^ of the folio Clifford, John 11. Davis, John Davenport, John Devens, David Dexter, FrankHn Dexter, Samuel Doane, George B. Doughus, Stephen A. Ericsson, John ElHs, Rufus Emerson, George B. Emerson, VVilHam Endicott, John Emerson, Ralph \V'aldo Ely, Edward S. Eustis, William Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William Frothingham, Nathaniel L. Frothingham, Richard Fulton, Robert I Goodrich, William W. . Greenwood, Francis W. P. Greenwood, Isaac Greenwood, John Green, Samuel Green, vSamuel A. Green, Nathaniel Gannett, Ezra S. Goddard, Thomas A. Griffin, Edward D. Gerry, Elbridge Halkett, Sir Peter Healy,John P. Harris, Thaddeus M. Hancock, John Hamilton, Alexander Harrison, W^illiam H. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jackson, Andrew Jarvis, Edward Jay, John Jeffries, John Keep, N. C. Kuhn, Jacob Kirkland, John T. Lawrence, Amos vjiiig pcrsofis — Continued. Lee, William Lewis, Winsiow Lee, Richard Henry Longfellow, Henry W. Lothrop, S. K. Lowell, James R. Lafayette, Marquis de Mather, Increase May, Joseph Malcolm, Howard Mason, Lowell Minot, George R. Murray, John Murdoch, James E Madison, James Mason, John M. Martineau, Harriet Mayhew, Jonathan McKean, Thomas Morris, Robert Mather, Cotton Norci'oss, Otis Osgood, vSamuel Oswald, Eleazar Otis, James Paine, Henry W. Palfrey, John G. Phillips, John Price, Henry Pinckney, Charles C. Pierce, John Polk, James K. Potter, Eliphalet Paid, Enoch " Pindar, Peter" Prescott, William H. Prince, Tiiomas Phillips, Charles A. Robinson, William S. Rogers, Jolm Revere, Paul Ripley, Ezra Robbins, Chandler Strong, Caleb ShurtleH", Nathaniel B. Shaw, Lemuel Shaw, Robert G. io8 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. E)igravings^ ctc.^ of th Sumner, Charles, Sumner, Increase Sprague, Charles Sears, David Stillman, Samuel Story, Joseph Sewall, Jonathan Summerfield, John Saturday Evening Club, Taylor, Edward T. Thacher, Peter Tha3'er, Nathaniel Thomas, Isaiah Thornton, J. Wingate Trefethen, Benjamin Trencheri, Monsieur Tudor, Frederick e foJlozving persons — Coiilinued. Tudor, William Vane, Sir Henry Walker, Amasa Washington, George, as a mason Warren, Joseph Warren, John, 17S3 Webster, Daniel Wilson, Henry 1S43-5Z) Winthrop, Robert C. Wakefield, Cyrus Worthington, Roland Webster, Daniel Winthrop, John Willard, Samuel Wells, Charles Wadsworth, Benjamin Letters and autographs of the following persons are on file in the clerk's oflice : Adams, Abigail Adams, John Q. Appleton, Nathan Appleton, Samuel Agassiz, Alexander Ames, Fisher Armstrong, vSamucl T. Amory, Thomas C, Jr. Bowdoin, James Bancroft, George Brimmer, Martin Briggs, George N. }?rooks, Peter C. Bates, Joshua Bainbridge, Commodore Calhoun, John C. Cliflord, John H. Claflin, William Cass, Lewis Crawford, William H. Cushman, Charlotte Cushing, Thomas Cushing, Caleb Chapman, Jonathan, Jr. Dearborn, Henry A. S. Dewey, Orville Davis, John Davis, Isaac P. Derby, E. Haskett Dickinson, Mahlon Dana, Richard H., jr. Everett, Alexander H. Eliot, Samuel Eliot, Charles W. Forbes, John M. Felton, Cornelius C. Frothingham, Octavius B. Freeman, James Forbes, Robert B., Gore, Christopher Gallatin, Albert Garrison, William L. Greene, Gardiner Greenough, Horatio Greenough, William W. Gray, Asa Giles, Henry Hancock, John Hull, Isaac Hutchinson, Thomas Hale, Edward E. Hill, Thomas Higginson, Thomas W. Harnden, William F. THE uppp:r story 109 Letters^ etc.^ of the follo-vuig Howe, Samuel G. Htaly, George P. A. Ingram, Samuel D. Kendall, Amos Kinnicutt, Thomas Loring, Charles G. Lodge, Henry C. Lincoln, Levi Lowell, Charles Lawrence, Amos Lunt, George Lincoln, Frederick VV., Jr. Lyman, Theodore, Jr. Lloyd, James Mason, John M. Morse, Leopold McLane, Louis Alotley, John Lothrop Morley, Arnold Norton, Andrews Otis, Harrison Gray Peabody, Andrew P. Pierpont, John Pierce, Benjamin Pierce, Henry L. Peal)ody. George Palfreyl John G. Prescott, William H. pcrsofis — Coil t ill ued. Qiiincy, Josiah C^uincy, Edmund Rice, Alexander IL Rogers, William B, Rush, Richard Saltonstall, Levcrett Sparks, Jared Sedgwick, Theodore Shurtletr, Natlianiel B. Stanley, Arthur P. Shaw, Lemuel Sargent, Lucius M. vSumner, Charles Sprague, Peleg Savage. James Sullivan, William Thomas, Isaiali Ticknor, George Tukey, Francis \Valley, Samuel H. Warren, John C. Winsor, Justin Wilson, Heiuy W^ashburn, William W. Whipple, Edwin P. Winthrop, Robert C. Wisner, Benjamin B. OFFICERS OF THE BOSTONIAN SOCIETY 1895 rresidcut CURTIS GUILD Ch'i-k and T7-easurer Samuel Arthur Bent (Address: Old State House, Boston.) Curtis Guild ^Hamilton A. Hill Joshua P. Bodfisii John Latmrop Directors David H. Coolidge George O. Carpenter Benjamin C. Clark James F. Hunnewell Le\i L. Willcutt Coiiiniittce on the Rooms George O. Carpenter I James F. Hunnewell Levi L. Willcuit | David H. Coolidge Henry W. Haynes President and Clerk, Ex-officHs ^Hamilton A. Hill Coviniittee on Publication The Clerk Benjamin C. Clark Committee o)i Papers ■Hamilton A. Hill Edward G. Porter George O. Carpenter Benjamin C. Clark Nathan Appleto'n James L. Whitney WlILIAM C. WiNSLOW William H. Pulsifer Curtis Guild z. t. hollingsworth The Clerk Committee on I\Ieml>ership Committee on tlie Librarv Finance Comm it tee 1 Benjamin C. Clark * Deceased. Albert A. Folsom Joseph B. Moors The Clerk S. Stillman Blanch-ard Francis H. Brown The Clerk George O. Carpenter & CHURCHILL PRf-SS. BOSTON