THE EVOLUTION OF THE MASON m DIXON LINE By morgan POITIAUX ROBINSON. REPRINTED FROM THE APRIL AND MAY, 1902, NUMBERS OF THE ORACLE MAGAZINE. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL REQUEST. RICHMOND, VA.; ORACLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1902. THE EVOLUTION OF THE MASON ™ DIXON LINE By morgan POITIAUX ROBINSON. REPRINTED FROM THE APRIL AND MAY, 1902, NUMBERS OF THE ORACLE MAGAZINE, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL REQUEST. RICHMOND, VA.; Oracle publishing company, 1902. T«E L«0ffARV Of CONOMESft, Omi Oonr Reoeivtt MAY. 9 1902 CO^VWOHT ENTWr CLAS8J cu XXa No. COPY A. ([yne mof//J€ind i o/ifed^ /u\ /nre. Copyrighted, 1902, by ORACLE PUBLISHING CO., Richmond, Ya. THE EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. MORGAN POITIAUX ROBINSON. DEOBABLY there is no minor incident nor event in the whole course of American history to which the general public attaches more importance than to the Mason and Dixon line. , . . So closely did the name become asso- ciated with the Anti-slavery Struggle that, to the average reader and the casual thinker, the Mason and Dixon Line has come to signify a strict dividing line be- tween the North and the South: but this is not the case, for Delaware — north of the line — although a Slave State, sided with the North, while Maryland — south of the line — also a Slave State, althoutih officially in the Union, was seriously divided in sentiment, and furnished a by no means inconsiderable quota of troo])s to the Army of the Confederate States of America. A line originally run for the sole pur- pose of establishing the exact bounds be- tween the lands of William Penn, Lord Proprietor of the Province of Pennsyl- vania, and those of Cecil Calvert, the Second Lord Baltimore, Lord Proprietor of the Province of Maryland, chance made it the line of demarkation dividing the Slave from the Anti-slave, or "free'' States, and there are those who even think that it was a mere imaginary line, named as a political catch-phrase, at the beginning of the War between the States, and made to appear the more material by reason of the greater significance of that struggle: while in Europe it is generally confounded with paralell 36° 30' of north- erly latitude, which parallel was estab- lished by the ]\rissouri Compromise of 1820 as the northernmost limit to which slavery could be carried in the territo- ries — a mistake not infrequently made in the United States. But, as a matter of fact, the Mason and Dixon Line had been a material reality for all but a century before the outbreak of the War between the States. The London Company was organized by adventurers and planters in the year IGOG, and, on the lUtli day of A[)ril of the same year. King James the First issued the First Charter to the Fii-st Colony in Virginia, which charter provided that divers and sundry His Majesty's loving subjects could "deduce a colony of sundry our people in that part of America, com- monly called VIRGINIA, and other parts and territories in America, either apper- taining unto us, or which are not now actually possessed by any Christian Prince or people, situate, lying, and being all along the sea-coasts, between four and thirty degrees of northerly latitude from the equinoctial line, and five and forty degrees, and the islands thereunto adja- cent, or within one hundred miles* of the coast thereof:" f^i^d then explained that the London Company was to have juris- diction over the territory "between four and thirty and one and forty degrees of the said latitude," X while the Plymouth Company was tn have a similar jurisdic- tion over the territory "between eight and thirty and five and forty degrees of the said latitude," I thereby making three degrees of the grant neutral territory, the only proviso being "that the planta- tion and habitation of such of the said colonies as shall plant themselves, as aforesaid, shall not be made within one hundred like English miles of the other of them, that first began to make their plantation, as aforesaid." § From this it is seen that, according to the first charter, the coast-line of the First Colony in Virginia extended from a *In the thirty-fifth of Queen Elizabeth (1593), '.the Statute Mile was fixed at 5,280 feet. f Charters and Conslitutions, 2, 1,888. Xlbid, p. 1,88«. ^Charters and Constitutions, 2, 1,890. 4 EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. point on the coast of New Jersey, just opposite the City of Philadelphia, on southward to the headland which is to- day known as Cape Fear, North Caro- lina. At the time when this charter was is- sued, there were no maps of "that part of ^7nrnVa,t;ommonly called Virginia," and no one knew of any point by reference to which the Kiiig could locate a grant. So it was that, after ascertaining the facts and finding that the proportion of water within the actual ownership of the settle- ment* was so much greater than they had anticipated, the London Company, now- having access to the Map of Virginia, by Captain John Smith, made in the year 1608, which map showed Poynt Com- fort (the present Old Point Comfort, Vir- ginia), as a fixed and known geographical position, applied to the King for "a fur- ther enlargement and explanation of the grant, privileges and liberties."f "^ * xVceordingly, on the 23d day of May, 1609, His Majesty was pleased to issue the Second Charter to the First Colony in Virginia, which not only ratified the for- mer charter, but also enlarged upon the already generous privileges of its prede- ■cessor to the extent of increasing the original grant to the entire area between the four and thirtieth and one and fortieth degrees of northerly latitude, "and all that Space and Circuit of Land, lying from the Sea-Coast of the Precinct aforesaid, up into the Land throughout from Sea to Sea, ***;*** and also all the Islands lying within one hundred Miles along the Coast of both Seas of the Pre- cinct aforesaid," land, furthermore, granted that the colonists could appoint officers out of their number to manage and direct their affairs — the source of rep- resentative legislation in America. The reasons for the granting of the Third Charter to the First Colony in Vir- ginia are best set forth in the preamble to that instrument, which ratifies and confirms the former charters, and states that it had been represented to hi? Poyal Majesty that there were divers islands off the coast of Virginia — yet outside the jurisdiction of the first Colony — which it would be advisable and advantageous to settle: that they (the Company) had ap- plied for a further enlargement of the former charters, and that, in furtherance of the plans of the Company and the colo- nists, "as in Kespect of the Good of our own Estate and Kingdom," his Majesty would be pleased to grant "all and singu- lar those islands whatsoever situate and being in any part of the Ocean Seas bor- dering upon the Coast of our said First Colony in Virginia, and being within three hundred leagues § of any of the parts here- tofore granted * * *."|| From these facts the reader can gather some idea of the enormous area over which the First Colony in Virginia had jurisdiction. After the great Indian Massacre in the year 1622, the London Company was not only divided against itself, but was also at loggerheads with the very vain King James the First as to the best manner in which to govern and protect the colonists. This feeling of hostility continued and the relations between the King and the Com- pany became more strained until the lOth day of November, 1624, when, upon a writ of quo zvarranto, the Trinity Term of the Court of King's Bench annulled the three several charters to the First Colony in Virginia, in so far as they referred to the rights of the London Company, and, as Judge Marshall said, "The whole ef- fect allowed to the judgment was to re- vert to the crown the power of govern- ment and the title of the lands within its limits."! That same year, the King having dis- solved the London Company and assumed the direction of the affairs of the colony, the First Colony in Virginia became a royal province. Kine Charles the First instructed Gov- *According to the Charter, the Colony was to "have aU the Lands, Woods, Soil, Grounds, * * * what- soever, from the said first Seatnf their Plantati'in and Habitation hy tlie space of fifty miles of Enqlifh Statute Measure," Charters avd Constitutlo7i, 2, p, i,S89. ilbid, 2, p. l,89:i. tibid. 2, p. l.SflT. $The League of the Middle Ages was nearly three Statute Miles, while the Marine League of to-day con- sists of nearly tliree and a half English Statute Miles. WCharters and Constitiiliomt, 2, 1,903. irsWheaton, 578. EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. 5 ernor Harvey to procure reliable informa- tion as to the rivers of Virginia, so that official, in the years 1627-'9, empowered William Claiborne, then Secretary of State for the Colony, to explore the Ches- apeake Bay and secure the desired infor- mation. Claiborne soon controlled an extensive trade with the Indians of the Chesapeake i-nd its tributaries, and in 1631, as agent for Cloberry and Company, of London, obtained a license from King Charles the First authorizing him, "his associates and company, from time to time, to trade for corn, furs, etc., with ships, boats, men and merchandise, in all sea-coasts, harbors, lands and territories, in or near about those parts of America, for which there is not already a patent granted to others for sole trade, with instructions to Gov- ernor Harvey to permit such trade; giv- ing Claiborne full power to direct and govern, correct and punish such of our subjects as may be in his command." Under this license, Claiborne estab- lished a trading post on Kent Island, in the Chesapeake Bay, that same year, and this post was the beginning of a settle- ment which flourished and sent Capt. Nich's Martian as a burgess representing "Kisyake & the He of Kent," in the February session of the General Assem- bly of Virginia in the year 1633.* In the meanwhile George Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore, had become so dis- satisfied with his estate, called Avalon, in New Foundland — a grant from King James the First — on account of the very undesirable nature of the climate, that he decided to leave that countiy and seek a grant where the climate was a bit more salubrious. So it was that, on the 19th day of August, 1629, George Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore, wrote to King Charles the First, who had acceeded to the throne upon the death of his father some four years previoiis, complained of his estate in New Foundland, proposed to remove himself "with some forty persons to His Majesty's dominion in Virginia," and applied for the grant of "a precinct of land with such provisions as the king, his father, had been pleased to grant him in New Foundland." Almost immediately after the dispatch of this letter, and probably before it was in the hands of his Majesty, his Lord- ship started for Virginia, where he ar- rived during the last days of October, 1629. lie went directly to James Citty (now Jamestown Island, Virginia), where, on account of his religion — he having de- clared his convertion to the Eoman Cath- olic Faith in the year 1625 — Beverly tells us that "the people looked upon him with an evil eye * *; and by their treatment discouraged him from settling in that country," t and the colonists carried their insults to such an extent that, under date of March 25th, 1G30, we find an item which provided for one "Tho: Tindell to be pillor'd for 2 hours for giving my L'd Baltimore the lye & threatening to knock him down."t It so happened that an Act of Assem- bly, § passed in March 1642-'43, in ac- cordance with an act of the third of King James the First (1605), jj not only pre- vented Catholics from holding office in the First Colony in Virginia, but, further- more, required that all persons, declining to take the oaths of supremacy and al- legiance, be ejected from the colony with- in five days. After Lord Baltimore had arrived at James Citty, the proper authority ])roceed- ed to administer the formal oaths of su- premacy and allegiance, IF as provided by the royal charter, ° but his Lordship and divers of his followers declined to take these strict oaths**required by King James the First, whereupon the party, who, by reason of the said Act of Assem- bly of March, 1642-'43, could not now remain within the limts of the colony for more than five days, explored the Chesa- peake Bay up to the tbirty-eighth degree of northerly latitude — ffthe extreme uortborn limit of the sole jurisdiction of the First Colony in Virginia — with a view to obtaining a grant for a plantation to *1 HenlDg, l.')4. +Beverly, p. 46. Jl Henlng, 522. «77)(V/, 268-9. \\Slntvtr!! at Large, 2, 656. ir/^/rf, 650, 686. °Chnrlers and Conftitutiona. Part 2, p. 1,906. **Slalulii> (it Larfii, 2, 650, 6S6. t+Beverly's statement (p. 46.) that Cecil Calvert m. this exploration, to the contrary, notwithstandingade EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. tlie north of the cultivated and settled lands of the said First Colony, and finding that the settlements did not extend further north than the south bank of the Potomac Eiver, Lord Baltimore left his lady in Virginia and hurried back to England to jjush his claim, where, upon his arrival, he found a letter from the King, dated November 22d, 1629, ad- vising him to desist from his intentions to settle in America. George Calvert, the First Lord Balti- more, who applied to King Charles the First for his grant in the northern part of the First Colony in Virginia, died on the 15th day of April, 1632," but on the 10th day of June of that same year, his Majesty, upon a renewal of the applica- tion by the grantee, issued the charter in the name of Cecil Calvert, the Second Lord Baltimore: and that, too, m spite of the fact that, in the spring of 1630, "Francis West, who had been Governor of Virginia, William Claiborne, Secre- tary, and William Tucker, one of the Council, were in London, resisting the planting a new colony within the limits of the settled parts of Virginia." When Leonard Calvert founded St. Mary's in 1634, William Claiborne op- posed the authority of Lord Baltimore over Kent Island, and in the year 1635 fitted out an armed expedition, made war on Lord Baltimore, and afterwards fled to Virginia, where Governor Harvey gave him refuge. He subsequently went to England, and in February, 1637, he and his partners presented a petition to the King that, "by virtue of a commission under his Majesty's hand divers years past, they discovered and planted the Isle of Kent, in the bay of Chesapeake, which island they had bought of the kings of that country; that great hopes for trade of bevers and other commodities were like to ensue by the discoveries ; and that Lord Baltimore, observing this, had ob- tained a patent, etc.," and praying that they receive a grant "for the quiet enjoy- ment of their said plantations." This pe- tition was referred to the Lord's Commis- sioner of Plantations, who decreed in sub- stance "that the lands in question abso- lutely belonged to Lord Baltimore, and that no plantation or trade with the In- dians ought to be allowed within the limits of Ms patent without his permis- sion; with regard to the violence com- plained of, no cause for any relief ap- peared but that both parties should be left to the ordinary course of justice." In 1651, Claiborne was appointed Com- missioner to reduce the colonies of Vir- ginia and Maryland, and in the following year an expedition overthrew the cavalier and establishel a roundhead government, with Eichard Bennett as Governor and Claiborne as Secretary of State, but in 1658 the Commonwealth returned the province to Lord Baltimore. The charter to Lord Baltimore set down the southern, southwestern, and western bounds of the proprietary of Maryland, which, after discussion and controversy with the Eoyal Province and the State of Virginia for some two hun- dred and fifty years, was finally estab- lished by the Joint Commission of 1874, as the bounds of the present State of Maryland, where it borders on the States of Virginia and West Virginia. Thus it was that the Mason and Dixon Line became the northern l)oundary of Maryland and not of Virginia. This trouble with Claiborne consti- tuted but a small part of the difficultj which Lord Baltimore had to overcome before he could gain a clear titVi to his grant. As early as 1629 a Hollander, named Godyn, had bought from the na- tives a tract of land extending some thirty miles northwardly from th^ pres- ent Cape Henlopen, and in 1631 aootner Hollander, De Vries by name, planted a colony and built a fort within the tract and called the settlement Swanondael, which was situated on the west bank of Delaware Bay, near the present site of Lewes, Del. But two years later the In- dians massacred most of the inhabitants, destroyed the settlement, and repossessed themselves of the land, so that De Vries abandoned Swanendael on the l-lth dav of April, 1633. Later on, in 1638, a company composed of Swedes and Fins, led by Chancellor EVOLUTION OF THE MASOX AND DIXON LINE. Oxenstein, bought the same tract and built a fort at the mouth of Christiana Creek, which was the stream on which Wilmington, Del., now stands, and this settlement flourished until 1655, when the Dutch, under Peter Stuyvesant, in- vaded the place, re-established Dutch rule, and renewed the Dutch title by virtue of the original purchase by Godyn and the -ettlement at Swanendael by De Vries. In the year 1659, Lord Baltimore be- came uneasy about this little colony of Dutch within the limits of his domains, so he sen: instructions to his Governor to notify them that "they were seated within l.'is lordship's province "without his per- mission," and for this mission Col. Na- thaniel Utie was chosen, but the serving of this notice made little impression on the Swedish forts, and we soon find Lord Baltimore applying to the powerful Dutch West India Company, which declined to espouse his cause. These controversies and conflicts con- tinued until 1664, when the Duke of York, under a grant from King Charles the Second, took possession of New Am- sterdam and its Dutch dependencies on the peninsular. There was peace for Lord Baltimore, after the arrival of the Duke of York, until the Dutch re-possessed themselves of New Amsterdam in July, 1673, and the following year an armed force of Marylanders marched against Swanendael, but this expedition against the Dutch yielded no better results than had the mission under Col. Utie some fifteen 3'ears previous. On account of this settlement at Swanendael, Lord Baltimore's title to the grant originally purchased by Godyn had never been clear up to this time, although the tract came within the bounds of the grant to Baltimore as set down in the charter. As the settlement at Swanendael exist- ed at the time when the Baltimore Char- ter passed the Great Seal, but as there were no colonists there when Leonard Calvert founded St. Mary's in 1634— De Vries having abandoned the settlement on the 14th day of .\pril, 1633. on ac- count of the Indian massacre — it now be- came necessary to determine whether the charter granted the lands which were ""hactenens inculta" at the time when the charter was granted, or at the time of the taking possession by the grantee, but in 1674 King Charles the Second confirmed the previous grants to the Duke of Y'ork and included the western bank of the Delaware on the peninsula, and thereby cleared the title to the Duke of York. Just at this juncture there appeared a potent figure in our history who was des- tined to be the source of no end of trouble to Lord Baltimore. In the year 1681 King Charles the Second, "having Eegard to the Memorie and Meritts of his late Father in divers Services, and perticulerly to his Conduct, Courage and Discretion, under our Dear- est Brother, james, Duke of York, in that Sigsall Battell and Victorie fought and ob- teyned against the Dutch Fleete, com- manded by Herr Van Opdam, in the yeare one thousand six hundred and sixty-five.""* granted to William Perm "that extensive forest lying twelve miles northward of Newcastle, on the western bank of the Delaware Eiver,"f which contained all the land which is now within the State of Pennsylvania, besides that part of the State of New York which lies south and west of the present city of Johnstown. From this it is seen that the grant to Lord Baltimore was overlapped by the subsequent grant to William Penn, a mis- take brought about by an error in the ^la]) of Virginia, by C^aptain John Smith, made in the year 1608, as to the exact location of the parallel of the fortieth de- gree of northerly latitude; but, as Lord Hardwicke said in the case of Penn vs. Lord Baltimore, "it is a fact that the lati- tudes were fixed much lower down tlian they have been since found to be by more accurate observation." Penn soon became dissatisfied with his grant, and, "as he found it lying back- wards," and the Delaware "a place of dif- ficult and dangerous navigation, especial- ly in the winter season, he continually solicited the Duke of York, though in ♦Charters and Constitution.a. Part 2. p. 1.509. +Chaliner's Historical Animts, p. 640. EVOLUTION or THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. vain, for a grant ol' the Deleware colony. But at length, wearied with solicitation, or hoping for benefit from a possession which had hitherto yielded him none, the Prince conveyed in August, 1682, as well the town of Newcastle, with a territory of twelve miles around it, as the tract of land extending southward from it, upon the river Delaware to Cape Henlopen."* The question now arose as to whether the twelve miles about Newcastle was a periphery or a radius, so in 1750, Lord Hardwicke, who had been applied to to determine the matter, decided that the twelve miles was a radius about the town of Newcastle, or as nearly so as possible, and this decision was in support of the contention of Penn, who had said that it was a radius about the centre of New- castle as the centre of the circle. But Lord Baltimore continued on the offensive, and, as it was to his advantage to shorten the mile, if possible, he contended for the adoption of a plan for measuring the mile according to the surface and not horizon- tally, so Lord Hardwicke was again ap- plied to, and in March, 1751, he ordered that the measuring be done horizontally in tlie proper manner. In spite of this op- position on the part of Lord Baltimore — an application having been made to the King and the matter referred — the title and sale were afterwards recognized by the Committee of Trade and Planta- tion, who finally, on the 13th of Novem- ber, 1685, gave Penn a title dating back to the pioneers Godyn and Do Vries. From time to time there were number- less controversies and conflicts between the lords proprietor, but an agreement was made on the 10th day of ]\ray, 1732, be- tween the children of Penn and a grand- son of George Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore, by which the Baltimores ac- cepted as the southern boundary of Dela- ware an east-and-west line running from the middle point of the peninsula to the ocean, on the east, but some fifteen miles south of Cape Henlopen, from which point the east-and-west line should have run to the middle point of the Eastern Shore. Nor did this settle the controversy, for we find that, on the 4th day of July, 1760, the Court of Chancery finally — after con- sidering the matter for three-quarters of a century — confirmed the former decision of the Committee of Trade and Planta- tions. "According to the decree of the Board of Chancery, the boundary line must consist of an east and' west line ex- tending from Cape Henlopen to the cen- tre of the Eastern Shore, thence northerly at a tangent to a circle with a twelve-mile radius about Newcastle, Del." And so it was that Delaware was cut out of the territory originally granted to the Baltimores. We have seen that Penn received an extensive grant from King Charles the Second, and that the grant overlapped the former grant to Cecil Calvert. This over- lapping was, as we may imagine, the cause of most of the subsequent trouble between the lords proprietor. In the year 1682, William Penn colonized the City of Pliil- adelphia; and while Penn claimed the spirit of his charter, ■ based upon the as- sumption that the Map of Virginia by Captain John Smith, of the year 1608, was used in the preparation of that char- ter, the Baltimores insisted upon the let- ter of their charter, which gave them jurisdiction over the principal settlement in the Colony of Pennsylvania, so, then, Penn contended that the charter to the Baltimores granted them only to the "be- ginning of the fortieth parallel (what is now the thirty-ninth degree of latitude)." Within three years after the time when Penn received his grant from King Charles the Second, he made application to the King, which application was re- ferred to the Committee of Trade and Plantation, "resulting in an order of Council dividing the eastern peninsula by a north-and-south line (1685).'' The question which caused these re- peated controversies during the century and a quarter from 1638 until the run- ning of the Mason and Dixon line (1760) may be summarized as follows: "1. The questions relating to the orig- inal grants and titles. *Chalmer's Historical AnnaU. p. 643, and authorities there cited. EVOLUTION OF THE MASOX AXD DIXOX LIXE. "2. Those regarding local points named in the grants and agreements. "3. Those arising from the actual sur- veying and marking of the lines agreed upon." Lord Hardwicke, having decided that the twelve miles about Xewcastle was a radius and not a periphery, and, later, that the mile should be measured hori- zontally and not according to the surface of the earth, the colonial surveyors began work soon after the execution of the deed which finally closed the controversy be- tween William Penn and Lord Baltimore, on the loth day of July, 17()<). According to this decree of the Board of Chancery, the line between the lands of the contending lords proprietor was to {'onsist of a true east-aud-west line run- ning from Cape Henlopen to the centre of the Eastern Shore, thence a north-and- south line to a point of tangency with the circle of a twelve-mile radius about Xewcastle, and from this point of tangency a true north line was to extend to a point of intersection with a line fif- teen miles south of the southernmost ])oiiit of tlie City of Pliiladelphia. Then, from this point the surveyors were to run a true east-and-west line for five degrees of longitude west from the Delaware Eiver. This explains why it is that at the northeast corner of Maryland there is a narrow strip of the State of Pennsylvania, standing astride of which a person can have one foot on Delaware and the other on Maryland. The methods used in those days were very crude, and the surveyors had to hold the chains as nearly horizontal as possi- ble and keep the direction by sighting along a line of poles set up in a clearing through the forests. The colonial sur- veyors — the best that the contending par- ties could secure in the colonies— gave their first attention to the running of the ])eninsula east-and-west lino and the circle abont Xewcastle. but. a? nt the end of three years, they had completed only this part of the work, on the 4th dav of August, 1763, Thomas and Richard Penn and Lord Baltimore, all of whom hap- pened to be in London at that time, en- gaged Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, two mathematicians and surveyors, "to mark, run out, settle, fix, and determine all such parts of the circle, marks, lines, and boundaries, as were mentioned in the several articles and commissions, and were not yet completed." The newly-engaged surveyors left Eng- land to arrive at Philadelphia on the 15th day of Xovember, 1763. Mason and Dixon at once determined the latitude and longitude of the city of Philadelphia, and then accepted as cor- rect the peninsula east-and-west line and the circle of a twelve-mile radius about Xewcastle, as run by the colonial sur- veyors, which left to them to determine tlie peninsula north-and-south line run- ning from the middle point of the East- ern Shore to its point of tangency with the circumference of the circle about Xewcastle, thence a line to intersect a true east-and-west line passing through a point fifteen miles south of the southern- most point of the Ciiy of Philadelphia — this true east-and-west line to be extended west for five degrees of longitude from the Delaware Eiver to serve as the southern boundary of the lands of William Penn. Although Mason and Dixon were more precise mathematicians and used more modern methods and more accurate in- struments than their predecessors, they recorded on the 13th day of Xovember, 1764, with reference to the tangent line and its intersection with the circle about Xewcastle, that it "would not pass one inch to the westward or eastward" of the point of tangency as determined by the cruder methods and the more inaccurate instruments in the hands of the colonial surveyors. Having determined this point of tan- gency as ordered by the Board of Chan- cery, they proceeded to run the line thence to a point of intersection with the meridi- an passing through the point fifteen miles south of the southernmost point of Philadelphia, which southernmost point was agreed upon as the north wall of a house on Cedar street, occupied by Thomas Plumstead and Joseph Huddle. "Thev thus ascertained the northeastern 60-; "= _ * =3 *:. .2 O Qi ^ o c o . H * -^ S (X o 3 .05— 1 Ml CO 2 3 S , ° 5 * 0) * Q 5 CO S 1) t/ c — ' c -1 > ^'o — 0) — ;= _- ■* ' ■ ■ c c ^ S te "* « s « s^ M P EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. II corner of Maryland, which was, of course, the beginning of the parallel of latitude that had been agreed upon as the boun- dary between the provinces. On the 17th day of June, 1765, the party had reached the Susquehanna Biver, where they received instructions to carry the line "as far as the provinces of Mary- land and Pennsylvania are settled and inhabited,'"' and on the 27th day of the following October they reached North Mountain, from the summit of which they could see Alleghany Mountain, and judged it, "hj its appearance, to be about fifty miles distant, in the direction of the line.'^ On the 4th day of June, 1766, they reached the summit of Little Alleghany, but, as the Indians now began to give trouble, it became necessary for the sur- veyors to stop work for nearly a year. Sir William Johnson negotiated a treaty with the Six Nations in May, and on the 8tli day of June 1767, the surveyors took up their work where they had left off the year before. "On the 14th. of June, they had ad- vanced as far as the summit of the Big Alleghany (Savage), where they were joined by an escort of Indians, with an interpreter, disputed by the Chiefs of the Six Nations to accompany them," but the Indians soon became restless, dissatisfied and suspicious of so much gazing into the heavens and marking on the ground, so. on the 25th of August, the surveyors' notes tell us: *^r. John Green, one of llic Cliiefs of tlie ]\roliawk Nation, mid his nephew, leave them, in order to return to their own country." This action on the part of the Indians seems to have aroused suspicion among the members of the l»arty, for, 0]i tlie 29tli of Sentoniber, twenty-six of the assistants left the work through fear of the Shawnees and the Delawares, and Mason and Dixon, with only fifteen axemen left, sent back to Fort Cumberland for more men, and kept on towards the setting sun. Finally they reached a point two hun- dred and forty-four miles from the Del- aware River, some thirty-six miles from the end of the line, when they came upon an Indian warpath at Duncard's Creek. Here the Indians of the escort told the surveyors that it was the desire of the Six Nations that they should stop, so the party returned to Philadelphia, reported to the commissioners under the deed of 1760, and were honorably discharged on the 2(!th day of December, 1767. By order of the decree of Lord Hard- wicke, the line was to be marked by a small mile-stone, every mile, having an M carved in the southern, or Maryland face, and a P in the northern, or Pennsylvania face; and every fifth mile there was to be a larger stone, having carved in the south- em face the coat-of-arms of Cecil Cal- vert, the Second Lord Baltimore, Lord Proprietor of the Province of Maryland, surmounted by the crown of His Majesty, King George the Third, while in the northern face was to be the coat-of-arms of William Penn, Lord Proprietor of the Province of Pennsylvania, surmounted by a similar crown: hence these larger stones came to be known as "crown- stones." The larger stones were carved in Eng- land and shipped to the colonies, and the system of marking ordered by the decree of Lord Hardwicke was carried out as far west as Sideling Hill, but, as all wheel transportation ceased in 1766, the line was marked from there to the summit of the Alleghany by a vista eight yards wide, with piles of stone some eight feet high on the crests of the mountain ranges; and beyond that point, as far as the war- path at Duncard's Croek, the marking was done by posts surrounded by earth and stones to protect them from the weather. Near the little mountain village of Highfield, Maryland, is one of the very few of these "crown-stones," which is to- day on the spot where Mason and Dixon planted it, and this one is enclosed in a large and very substantial galvanized iron wire cage. It has been only within the past twelve or fifteen years that a road was cut through the heavier timber for the convenience of the guests of near-by summer hotels. Prior to that time, when a person wished to see this stone, it was 12 EVOLUTION OF THE MA SOX AND DIXON LINE. necessary to hunt up one of the native boys, who would guide the curious to it for a consideration of a few "reds/^ as pennies are known in that section of the country. But now, since this stone is of easy access, many sightseers go there so as to be able to say that they have seen a "crown-stone;" the amateur photographer uses numberless plates and films, others stand astride the line — one foot in Mary- land and the other in Pennsylvania — while substantial cage, as it was so rapidly dis- appearing. This particular "crown- stone" is of a greenish-gray sandstone, and it is evident that it was originally a shaft about 12x12 and standing some thirty-six inches out of the ground; but, after exposure and harsh treatment for some one hundred and thirty-five years, the weather and vandalism have reduced its size about one-half an inch and the height some three inches. "crown-stone" on mason and DIXON LINE IN WOODS NEAR HIGHFIELD, MD. SIZE ABOUT llJxll^ IN. AND 33 IN. HIGH. [Observe faint outline on eoat-ot-arms of Lord Baltimore carved in the face ; crown over arms is lacking.] still others shake hands across the line and ask "how things are in Pennsylva- nia;" but, probably, the most numerous class of all, as it finds members in all the other classes, is the heartless relic- hunter, ever ready to chip off a comer, an edge, a piece of the crowns, or the part which yields the quickest to the blows of his knife or anything that may come to hand. It was for this reason that it was found necessary to enclose this stone in a The remaining thirty-six miles of the five degrees of longitude were not run until some fifteen or eighteen years later (1784). As there arose so many disputes as to the proper allegiance of much of the land through the section of country west of Duncanrs Creek, on the 31st day of August, 1779, a joint commission, repre- senting the States of Pennsylvania and Virginia, met in Baltimore and agreed to complete the line commenced by Mason EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. Id and Dixon, and on the 23d day of the following June (178U) the General As- sembly of A'^irginia resolved, therefore, that the agreement made on the 31st day of August, 1779, between James Madison and Robert Adams, commissioners for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and George Bryan, John Eweing, and David Eitten- house, commissioners for the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, be ratified and finally confirmed, to-wit: "That the line commonly called the Mason and Dixon line be extended due west five degrees of longitude, to be computed from the Del- aware River, for the southern boundary of Pennsylvania," ***** on condi- tion that all personal and property rights be respected by whichever State the in- habitants might happen to be made citi- zens of, just as though they had not changed allegiance. * And it was resolved , furthermore, "that the Governor should appoint two commissioners to extend, run and mark that line from the western termination thereof to the Ohio River, which is as far as the General Assembly conceive it can be done at present without giving umbrage to the Indians,"* and on the 23d day of September the General Assembly of Pennsylvania likewise rati- fied the action on the part of its commis- sioners. Under this agreement a temporary line was run in 1782-'3, but the permanent boundary between the two States was not finally established until the following year. As the line had been definitely fixed, no one thought of it, but the forces of Nature were at work busy making trouble for the bordering States. The stone marking the northeast corner of Maryland was undermined by a brook and fell out of its proper place, so some thrifty far- mer, probably ignorant of its importance and thinking it a fortunate find, built it into the chimney of his house, f When the matter was found out the legislatures of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware, in 184.^. t appointed a joint commission, of which Lieut. -Col. James D. Graham, U. S. Topographical En- gineer, had charge, to review tlie work of Mason and Dixon wherever it might be deemed necessary. So it was that about the middle of the century, it was necessary to again deter- mine ine circle about Newcastle, re-locate the tangent point and the point of inter- section, and to run the meridian and a part of the parallel of latitude in order to determine the exact spot on which the original stone had stood; and once found, the new stone was permanently set. S This re-survey in every way confirmed the work done by Mason and Dixon, ex- cept that the tangent point had been placed 157.6 feet too far north, and the point of intersection 143.7 feet too far to the south. II And an error in tracing the circle, which was corrected, made the State of Maryland the richer by one and eighty-seven hundredths acres than she had previously been.H As so many of the old stones had been removed from their proper places and were badly defaced as the result of years of ser- vice as doorsteps and for other such alien purposes, the rock-heaps having fallen away and the posts having rotted, it became a matter of no little dif- ficulty to locate the exact line at different points: so it was that the Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania approved an Act on May 19th, 1887, which provided that the county commissioners be charged with the care and preservation of the State boun- dary-line monuments, and that they should enforce the acts for the preserva- tion of monuments and landmarks in so far as those acts referred to the boundary- line monuments and prosecute any person who removed or defaced them : these com- missioners to make an annual inspection of such boundary-line monuments as bor- dered upon their respective counties and report in detail to the Department of In- ternal Affairs. T This was the first of the more recent steps taken to preserve this historic line, but an act passed by the General Assem- *.Tnurnal of House of Delegates, May, 1780, pp. 60-1. +Graham's Report, p. 44. tRpsolution of December Session, 184.5. No. 18. ^Graham's Report, p. 79 ft xeq. IILatrobe's Address on Mason and Dixon Line. iri'ennsylvania Acts of Assembly, 1887, No. 78. 14 EVOLUTION" OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. bly of Dolaware. on the '-^otli of April, 1889, tells us that, in view of the fact that the boundary-line between the State of Delaware and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had become so uncertain by reason of the destruction, removal, or mutilation of monuments on the said line, Resolved, That Hon. Thomas F. Bay- ard, Hon. B. L. Lewis, and Hon. John H. Hoffecker, are appointed Commissioners on the part of the State of Delaware to act in conjunction with a similar commission from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to examine, survey, and re-establish the boundary-line which separates the two States; and then appropriated the sum of $2,000 to be used to mark the line with en- during monuments, after the commission had re-established and re-located it. * Only the following month (May 4th, 1889) we find an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, which says that, "whereas, the report of the county commissioners on the condition of the boundary-line monuments, made pursuant to the act of 1887, shows that that portion of the line known as the circle of New Castle, which separates this Commonwealth from the State of Delaware, is unmarked, and has not been surveyed for upwards of one hun- dred years, leaving its location so uncer- tain as to make it impossible to determine in which State a large amount of prop- erty is situated, and the report shows that many of the monuments that were set in the Mason and Dixon line have been mu- tilated, destroyed or removed from their proper location,"! it was resolved that the Governor should appoint a commis- sion of three competent persons to act with the already appointed Commission of the State of Delaware, and made an ap- propriation of $2,000 to mark the line with enduring monuments, besides pro- viding for an annual appropriation to carry on this work until June. 1891.t Several years later (April 4th, 1891), Delaware made an additional appropria- tion of $2,500 to meet the expenses of her Commission. § and the General Assem- bly of 1893 made it a misdemeanor for any person to wilfully deface, mutilate, damage, displace, or remove any stone or monument fixed by the authority of the State : the punishment to be a fine of not more than $1,000 and imprisonment for a term of not more than one year; one- half the fine to go to the informant. 1| At the 1895 session of the Pennsylva- nia Legislature, the act of May, 1887, was repealed, but that same session made an appropriation of $2,000 to carry out the provisions of the act of 1889, ordering the marking of the boundary-lines be- tween Pennsylvania and the adjoining States,! and an act of June 23d 1897, ac- cepted, approved and confirmed, for the State of Pennsylvania, the report of the work accomplished by the commissioners, appointed under the act of 1889, and de- clared the line established by that com- mission to be the true boundary between the States of Pennsylvania and Dela- ware. ° In the 13tli day of May, 1899, the State of Pennsylvania passed an act ap- propriating the sum of $7,000 for ser- vices and expenses to be incurred in the examination and repairs to the boundary- line monuments, as ordered by the act of May, 1889: provided that $5,000 of the amount be not available unless the State of Maryland make an appropriation of a similar amount for the purpose of exam- ining, repairing, and restoring the boun- dary-line monuments along the Mason and Dixon Line, and re-establishing the said line, when found necessary.** The following year the General Assem- bly of ^laryland. on the 12th day of April. 1900, appropriated "to the commissioners on behalf of the State of Maryland, to re- establish the boundary-line between the States of Pennsylvania, and Maryland, the sum of $5,000 to be paid upon vouchers of the commissioner on behalf of the State of Maryland, appointed by the Gov- ernor to co-operate with the commissioner ♦Delaware Acts of Assembly, 1SS9, Part No. 2, Chap. 448. tPennsylvania Acts of Assembly, 1889, No. 27. tPiid. ^Delaware Acts of Assembly, 1801, Part 1, Chap. 5. \\rbid, 1893, Part 1, Chap. 448. ITPennsvlvanla Acts of Assembly, 189-5, 'No. 39. and No. 447, p. 552. °rbi(i, 1897 Chap, 152. ♦♦Pennsylvania Acts of Assembly, 1899, No. 203. p. 869. EVOLUTION OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. 15 appointed on behalf of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania and the Superin- tendent of the United States Geodetic and Coast Survey to re-establish the said line."* Pursuant to the above acts and appro- priations, the Governor of Pennsylvania appointed General J. W. Latta, Secretary of Internal Affairs, to be Commissioner on behalf of the "Keystone" State, while the Chief Executive of Maryland appoint- ed Professor William Bulloch Clark, State Geologist of Maryland, to be Commission- er on the part of that Commonwealth, and the Superintendent of the United States Geodetic and Coast Survey depu- tized Assistant W. C. Hodgkins, as the surveyor in charge of the work. These appointments were made in the vear 1900. tlie enyineer heius: detailed without charge to the two States, and the respective appropriations being used to meet the expenses of the subordinates necessary to carry out the work, and to the purchase and setting of whatever monuments maybe necessary. Hence it is that the general government incurs no ex- pense, except for the salary of the engi- neer in charge of the party. The actual field work for this re-habili- tation was begun in October, 19U0, but, on account of the severe weather, the operations were suspended, to be resumed when the spring set in. The work done up to the time of the suspension of field operations was of a preliminary nature almost entirely, but it is hoped that the work will be completed during the engineering season of 1902. *Marylaiicl Acts of Assembly, 1900, Chap. 745, p. 1,185. «K< 147J2iylAi 91902 LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 365 583 i