n 7^ SUPPLEIVIEhT TO THE HISTORICAL MANUAL OF THE SOUTH OHUEOH, AT^TDOYER. SUPPLEMENTARY MANUAL OF THE SOUTH CHUKCH, ANDOVEE, MASS. AUGUST, 1B83. ANDOVER: PRINTED BY WARREN F. DRAPER, 18 8 2. I'lU^ J h FOEM OF ADMISSION. ADDRESS. Beloved Friends, — You have presented yourselves before God and his people, and tlie world, to make a solemn profession of your religious faith, and to take upon you the bonds of the everlasting Cove- nant. We trust vou have well considered the nature of this transaction, — the most solemn and momentous in which a mortal can ever engage, — and that you are prepared, by divine grace to give yourselves away, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. You u'ill now attend to the CONFESSION OF FAITH. 1 . You believe in one only living and true God — the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; and that it is the duty of all intelligent creatures to love and obey him. 2. You believe that the Bible is the "Word of God ; that it was given by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost ; and is the sufficient and only rule of faith and practice. 3. You believe that God created man upright ; you be- lieve the fall of man, the depravity of human nature, and that men, unless they are born again, can never see the king- dom of God. 4 FORM OF ADMISSION. 4. You believe in the incarnation, obedience, suffering, and death of Christ ; his resurrection and ascension ; that he alone, by his suffering and death, hath made atonement for sin ; and that he ever liveth to make intercession for us. 5. You believe that Christ hath appointed two special ordi- nances — Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 6. You believe in the future existence of the soul ; that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked — a day of final judgment ; that all will receive according to their works ; that the wicked will go away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous into life eternal. Thus, you profess to believe. [Those who have not been baptized, here receive the ordinance of Baptism.] You will now enter into solemn Covenant with God and with this Church. COVENANT. You now, humbly and penitently asking the forgiveness of all your sins, through the blood of the great Redeemer, give up yourselves to God, in an everlasting Covenant, in our Lord Jesus Christ ; and as in the presence of God, angels, and men, you solemnly promise, that by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, you will forsake the vanities of this present evil world, and approve yourselves true disciples of Jesus Christ, in all good carriage toward God, and toward man. And you likewise promise, so long as God shall continue you among us, to walk in communion with the Church of Christ in this place ; to watch over other professing Christians among us ; to submit to the power and discipline of Christ in his Church, and duly to attend the seals and the censures, or whatever ordinance Christ has commanded to be observed by his people, so far as the Lord, by his Word and Spirit, has revealed, or shall reveal, to you to be your duty ; adorning FORM OP ADMISSION. O the doctriue of God our Saviour in all things, and avoiding the appearance of evil ; and by daily prayer to Almighty God, in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, you will seek for grace to keep this Covenant. Thus, you covenant and ■promise. We, therefore, the members of this Church {all the memhers of the Church here rise), affectionately receive you to our com- munion and fellowship ; and on our part, engage to watch over your spiritual interests, and walk with you, in all the ordinances of the gospel as becometh saints. And may God' of his infinite mercy give us grace to be faithful to him, and faithful to each other, while we live ; that we may be admitted at last, through the merits of Christ, to the everlasting fellow- ship of saints and angels, in the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 1* PRINCIPLES AND RULES FOR CHURCH ORDER. 1. A Christiau Church is an association of professed followers of Christ, organized for the purposes of mutual watchfulness, the observance of the Christian sacraments, the maintenance of Christian worship and instruction, and the extension of the kingdom of Christ in the world ; such a body under Christ is fully competent to choose its officers, admit its members, ad- minister discipline, and do all other acts necessary to the attainment of these purposes. 2. A Church, though thus independent of external author- ity, is bound in relations of mutual care and communion with other churches, — and this Church will, in all ordinary cases, conform to the usages of fellowship as established among the Consregational Churches. 3. The permanent officers of a Church are a Pastor, or Pastors, and Deacons. This Church also appoints a Church Committee, to examine candidates for admission and to secure a faithful attention to discipline. 4. The Church Committee consists of the Pastor, the Deacons, and four other brethren. The last are chosen for four years, and their terms of office are so fixed that one vacancy occurs every year. No one of these is to be elected two immediately successive terms. The Committtee choose annually, from their own number, the Clerk and Treasurer of the Church. 5. Persons applying for membership are approved by the Church Committee, and having been propounded for at least two Sabbaths, are admitted by vote taken on the afternoon of PRINCIPLES AND RULES OF CHURCH ORDER. 7 the Preparatory Lecture ; and become members on publicly consenting to the confession of faith and covenant. 6. Those who bring letters of recommendation from other churches, submit their letters to the Church Committee, — if approved, they are propounded two weeks, and received to fellowship by vote taken on the afternoon of the Preparatory Lecture. 7. All members of this Church removed to other towns or attendant at other places of worship in this town are expected to ask for a recommendation and dismission to the church with which they are worsliipping, within one year after their remo- val, unless excused by the Church Committee. 8. Members of other churches wishing to commune with this Church for more than one year are desired to request a dismission and recommendation to this Church, unless there be special reasons for delay. 9. The occasions of discipline are of two kinds — Private, as wrong done to an individual ; Public, as wrong done to the Church, by immoral conduct, and cherished disbelief of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. 10. The rules of Christ, as enjoined Matt, xviii. 15-17, are to be literally followed by members of this Church in all cases of private offence ; and the spirit of these rules is to govern all disciplinary processes in relation to members guilty of other offences. 11. This Church has had and still has occasion to specify and condemn long-continued absence from its communion and worship, failure to share the support of its religious institu- tions, neglect of family prayer, the sale or use of ardent spirits, except for mechanical, medicinal, and sacramental purposes. 12. The censures of the Church are admonition and ex- communication. Admonition may be administered privately or publicly, according to the circumstances of the case. Ex- communication is simply the withdrawal of fellowship, and should be as severe as the particular instance may demand. 8 PETNCIPLES AND KULES OP CHURCH ORDER. 13. The Annual Meeting of the Church is on the second Monday of January. 14. The weekly prayer-meeting of the Church is on Wednesday evening. 15. The Lord's Supper is administered in the afternoon of the first Sabbath in January, March, May, July, September, and November. 16. The Preparatory Lecture is on the Friday afternoon next preceding each communion Sabbath. 17. The Church, whenever they come to the table of the Lord, cordially invite those who are in regular standing as members of other churches, of whatever name or denomination, to unite with them in celebrating his love. 18. Baptism is administered to adults at the time of their profession of faith, and to the children of the Church on the afternoon of communion, and at such other times as parents find more convenient for presenting them. The above Principles and Rules were adopted at the Annual Meeting, Jan. 17, 1859. a. The Church also elect annually a Sabbath-school Super intendent, who also, acts as Treasurer ; an Assistant Superin- tendent, who also acts as Secretary ; and a Librarian. h. In January 1878 the Church voted to adopt the system of weekly oiferings in the Church on the Sabbath for our re- ligious charities. The Church Committee make an annual distribution of the amount collected during the year. c. A small fund, the donation of Rev. Samuel Phillips, and Samuel Abbot, Esq., is held in trust by the Pastor and Deacons of the Church, the avails of which, together with such a number of the collections taken up after tlie celebra- tion of the Lord's Supper as the Church direct, are distributed among the poor, especially the poor of the Church, according to their necessities. A 1^ S W E E OF THE FIRST PASTOR OF THE CHURCH, REV. SAMUEL PHILLIPS TO THE QUESTION, WHAT SHALL WE BO, THAT WE MAY KEEP IN MINI) ODR COVENAM? 1. Very diligently and devoutly, attend to the Covenant whensoever it is pv;blicly propounded to any person, and yield your assent and consent to every article and tittle of it. 2. Not only wait upon Christ at his table, on all oppor- tunities, but always eye the Lord's Supper as the seal of the Covenant. And every time you partake realize that you have bound yourselves afresh to keep covenant with God ; for to take the sacrament is to take the oath of obedience and loyalty. 3. Look upon the Holy Scriptures, in your daily reading of them, as the book of the Covenant ; for so it is, inasmuch as it exhibiteth our duty towards God and man ; and also what we may hope and expect to receive from the hand of God if we keep his statutes (Ex. xxiv. 7). 4. Labor to have it impressed and fixed upon your minds that heaven and earth are witnesses of your covenanting with the great God ; and that God, angels, and men will certainly appear as such, either for or against you, in the day of reck- onmg. 5. Discourse frequently together of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, and particularly of the Covenant, viz. 10 REV. MR. Phillip's answer. the precept, prohibitions, promises, and threatenings ; of the vows which you have made, and the comfortable experience, which you and others have had of God's gracious presence, etc. This practice will be of eminent service to help the memory, as also to quicken unto obedience. 6. Frequently renew your Covenant with the Lord in secret, as becomes those who resolve to stand to what they have said, — this is not only the duty, but, I should think, will be also very much the delight, of a sincere soul ; and a choice help it is to revive our remembrance of the Covenant, and to excite our affections, and to quicken us to mend our pace. 7. Keep your Covenant by you, as a memorial of the solemn transactions which have passed between God and you, and frequently review the same. 8. And lastly, •prayer must always be one direction. And this duty must be attended and performed, not only in public, and in and with the families which you respectively belong unto, but also in secret : Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret (Matt. vi. 6). This duty of secret prayer I hope you do not dare to neglect ; you cannot, I think, ordi- narily omit it if you have a living, holy principle within you. Well ; and you must pray especially for spiritual blessings ; and in particular, that the Lord would please to put his law in your inward parts, and tvrite it in your hearts ; " that he would make it ready and familiar to you, at hand when you have occasion to use it, as that which is written in the heart ; that He will work in you a strong disposition to obedience, and an exact conformity of thought and affection to the rules of the divine law, as that of the copy to the original." You have a disposition this way already ; pray that it may abide and grow, and plead that precious promise in Jer. xxxi. 33 ; and the more you are disposed this way the less danger will there be of your forgetting the Covenant of the Lord your God. EEV. MR. Phillip's answer. 11 Use. — From what has been said, let professors be exhorted to put one another in mind of their Covenant duties and ohli- gations. It is true we may not watch over others and neg- lect ourselves, as some, to their great reproach, are said to do ; neither may our charity end at home ; for the law of God oblises us to love our neighbor as ourselves. And again it is written, Exhort one another daily. And it is remarked con- cerning those that fear the Lord, that they spake often one to another (Mai. iii. 16). And have we not expressly bound ourselves, by Covenant, to watch over one another? Yes, verily : How then shall we dare neglect it ; especially consid- ering that a great deal of sin and sorrow might, probably, be prevented if professors would in this way be kind and faithful to one another ? Thus, for instance, when a neighbor or brother is observed to be going into temptation, or in present danger of falling into some transgression, it is not improbable that these words, spoken in a suitable manner, in his hearing. Remember your Covenant, would prevent his fall ; or, if he has already fallen, it may be those words would be the means of recovering him out of the snare of the devil, and of bring- ing him unto unfeigned repentance. And so — if you see a brother backward to any good work respecting either God or man — perhaps this memento would shame and quicken. Now, we are undoubtedly obliged to do this, and much more, to prevent each other's hurt, and to promote each other's good oh, let us not be negligent ! QUESTIO]^S FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. 1. What opinions do I adopt, and habitually defend and inculcate ? Are they in accordance Avith the Scriptures, and with my -profession of faith ? 2. What is the prevailing tenor of my conversation ? Is it spiritual, or worldly — serious, or trifling ? 3. With whom do I associate as my intimate friends ? What are the prospects for another world of those in whose company I most delight ? 4. What influence has my example upon my friends and acquaintances ? Is it holy, or unholy ? Will it save, or destroy ? 5. How far am I governed by a regard to the opinions, the customs, and the fashions of the world ? Had I rather be re- garded as polite and fashionable than as meek and holy ? 6. Do I esteem it a privilege to detiy myself for ChrisCs sake ? And is it a p)leosure, rather than a grief to be asked to contribute to advance his kingdom ? 7. Do I study the Bible ? Do I understand and prize above all price its glorious doctrines ? Do its precej^ts regulate my intercourse with men and my communion with God ? 8. Do I perform the duty of secret prayer ? How often, and with what spirit ? Is my enjoyment in these seasons so great that I can truly say, My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God — when shall I come and appear before God ? 9. How do I spend the Sabbath ? Is it to me a day holy QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. 13 to the Lord, and honorable ? How niuch of its time do I waste in indolence — how much devote to business — how much to dress — how much to my soul? 10. Do I strive at all times to act from a fixed regard to the glovT/ of God — to resist and overcome sui ? And am I willing^ when I pray for knowledge, zeal, self-denial, and holi- ness, that my prayers should be answered ? And do I prove that I am thus willing by a diligent use of means for the attainment of these blessings ? 11. AVhat are the feelings that I cherish towards the Church ? How do I speah of its officers, its members, its proceedings, its plans of doing good, and its covenant obliga- tions ? Had I rather suffer, if need be, than be the occasion of injuring its influence and of bi'inging it into reproach? 12. Do I, in my dependence on the Holy Spirit, govern my temper, subdue my passions, and quell a spirit of complaining of those around me, and oi fault finding with my brethren ? Am I of a meek, a forgiving, and forbearing temper ? And is there in my tongue the law of kindness ? 13. If a parent, are my children baptized, instructed in the truth, commended to God in prayer, and educated for eternity ? 14. What proportion of my worldly property do I sanctify to the Lord ? In what do I deny myself for the purpose of doincj good? 15. What poor child of God have I ever made comfortable and hapi;y ? To how many widows and orphans, to how many perishing heathen, will the Saviour point in the last day, and say unto me. Inasmuch as ye did that deed of charity unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto me ? 16. Do I love the soxds of sinners? Do \ feel for them, as did the Man of Sorrows, when he looked upon the city abandoned of its God ? Is there one to whom I 2im. faithful, and for whose conversion I feel intense anxiety ? 17. Am I interested in the weekly Prayer Meetings — the 2 14 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. Monthly Concert — the Sabbath School? And do I sustain them by my presence, my influence, and my heavenly minded- ness ? 18. Is my zeal periodical, or constant? Is it for self, or for Christ? Do I realize my infinite ill desert as a rebel against God, and humble myself at the foot of the cross ; pleading, whatever be my petition, Do thou it for thy name's sake ? 19. Do I realize that I am to live but once ? That the character I form here, whether holy or sinful, will be 7nine forever? that the influence I am exerting will he felt when I am dead ? 20. Do I live as though I was bought with blood, and had given myself to Jesus Christ? Is it my prayer, in sickness or health, joy or sorrow, life or death, Thy will, God, be done ? »^ CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS SII^CE AUGUST 1859. 15 16 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS. 00 PS i-i -oocrcccccocccoooco 00 CSOiOOOOC^O 50 5 030C >oooc 5 c= cs = r H r- "rHrHrH F-< (-H t- - r-f f-H — * r- t-H H rH rH r H r- - rH CM :M I-l OJ r 1 CM CM Ol ^ ^1 rj c-1 CM rj ai I-l Ol (M IM c^^^?^|^l^^^c^^^^c^c<^^^^^s^Ii^4c^c^J;;^t^i■^<^^^c^lc^c^c^c^J 6 0£5 . 1 1 a a ■3 .c QO CO c — ^ <^ -a 1 .Sc3 t- c >>>. a 1| 5h CO p r- C t 0) ■4-3 ca l« -: c >i >;.= = 3 «:=;=: -a ? !- j: c 'r3 -- -- rt . . . t. ^ * ^ ■SI 'C fc- c »r- +- +H ■& 1h c a £3 ^ 00 C3 ^ co' - .k C £ ;•- tOl- si "m C3 CO OOC CO of CO CD CO S=?CO i^^ 00 CO coco T-t I— 1 — ( -•0 LOi-H rH ^ 1—1 ODi— (i-iCO 1— t - .'-^ T-1 — — -^ coo CCQO l-H I—I ^ biti: 0- S^ . =5 ■§€ g^tst^ i> c< c2 CO 2 S ^ L4 «H Ojrt u s C-( tH-So l-H Oh e:o p^ "3 c5q 1 2. g PS s CO rH r-T CO CO rH g CO 1-1 , CO , 1-H 00 s i i eg" rH " " ' to" * J - - " ■* "* - ^ " " ■* " rH " - §-. - CO* '"■■' <^ x- rH , . • . 1-5 5 ►-5 1-5 < "~~ ^^ ^ ^^ „ ~?\ - ^ C3 ■ i """ < s s '6 4eq ^ 1 (A s s ^ir - 2: ^ ScSHc 1: -~ £ ■ m£ 2'-; ■--- — — -- c.i ■<; -^ — -^ ^ 1 s Hi J J#s I =3r;— « a^ J: ci >=! £ = C. ryi - 1. 2 ^ - S £ = PS -2 ^ ? f^ ii^V^- r-5 c ii 5 ^ r-' = ^ i .-- > -H § 5 mi c! =r a CO c^ c:^ <— < CI CO -rH >o tr I-COC5 cr:; rH C<1 Of -:t^ »^ -J- 1^ cocric rH -M -t CO t— 00 "0^ rHCJCO-* 5P I— I— cC'CCcyD^/:a:.aC'QOcoc/Doo CJ:03Cj c- Ci c:> ^ c^ _' ^ r-i 1— 1 r- 1 .— * t-H C^l C^J CI c- C-1 C^JCJ C-l CI C-J CTJ ?J ci ?i K (MC^. a, Q) c ^ - .e dn g-3 M ■sa H ^w Oo ^"o 0^ ^1 00 CO t CO 03 GO i-t •5" — 3 00 r-* »— 1 < -I' 00 CO i-H 3 a CO I-l CM a 00 l-H SCM -CO .Tune 2, 1809, June 16, 1875, Feb. 23, 1876, Nov. 1.1872. 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July X "5 1-5 ST IB C3 es 1:^*0 i^o: ^ o— H :^i co^ i.o cr: i^coc:) o — < n ro-+t 100 i^coci — --t 'M ro-f i.-s tr5 1-COC5 Or-t c'l co-^ o to i^i^i-i-i-xcoxcr^cccccccoiio'ccc^nr^r^ricirictiriooccrr^^ — — — o— 'T-H'-^r-H^--^H cccocorococoTOcoco^:•cococccoo?^:TD:oc^coc?:c:o<^^:■r^--'-r-r-t<-T1-^-Tt-T^-^':r^^^^-T■^-^ 22 CATALOGUE OP MEMBERS. t^cociOl-^c<^co■^u::)Ol--co^OrHrl(^3^LOo^~coo:»o^Hc. o Ph n o et 00 •55 ■a •§ 03 " OO 00 •§ 3 a o o o I .a ■ S O 6'? e <; ,c ^ o^ 0(— i o 00 ^ (M a J? 5 o !3 J3 o .03 Ti •-5 o * ^ = ::::; C - o a Oj a t« _o s .a to ^ ca , O o o 03 t4 P-l IN OO I- cc 1— OO t~ I'™ CO o a a o XT} fl cj 5 OS ^1 a) t &: Pn-d t» o ^.11 -tl. cS'-^-' 'Ha n :2 haM a[Ci beth rt Pft.ti < 6 a> O -a 0) cr, ,r =5 r^r^-^PS-iSKr^S'^'^ i. a. c £ — <-3 ^ c ai C/ .Q t/. c ci f^ ^ n r^ •— ' jj T u iS q CS ClJ ^ ^- ■n a ^ < rt ?H _§ "S '5 u = c == S c - HI > a t: ■ -.5 E oi t- !- o E a 5: £.= -a "S'o 17 Mr ■a : 0) S S a y ;i; ».^ ^ 3 3 y a S ;.^ O t- _, c3 t- r t- 1— « -r 1-^ ^ >-^ 'S "3 o z^ 'sail ^f^fi^tM I— OOCSOi—idCO-^lOOl-^ODCiO'— '^^C0rt*OC^I-- ;-H r-i F^ (Tl >1 C-1 Ol C3 CI CI C^ ^---i (M CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C4C^lCM!MOJ(MC^ or 03 O rH CM CO -:»< lO 'X* l^ 00 c:^ O '—' CI CO -+■ CO CO "^ -rt^ -Tt* "^ rti ■* "^ -^ 't -^ '-O >.0 O ».■? »Q '^^'*t-Tti'*^-^-*Tt'-*''^' W S esS e4 ^ oj " »53 "C C3 t3 '^ F* .rt 05 «S « eg u o * coco 00 CO ^ ■* rt 2'-' rH rH rn' S si a «J a « .^ s 3 « a i* 3 W a ^ X aj a ° "3 §=•'-: §° s = S5 o ?- ^• gc ^^^a^Tja ^•c-3'=^a i-^« -co of o t— - -'--. • -, '-- .QO te i~ ooSoo OO ^cn £P ooo OQ CO '-'. CO Td Si t> r\ •-5 a iO ^ t-- IT) o^ o rH c^i CO Tt< lO o w GO OT o 1-H c^i CO -^ uo o t- CO o o f-H c^i CO -^ o c:: I'- OO C5 o 1-H (^^ c^ -^ o CO kO uo o lO lo o tc> o CD :r3 cr- -X) 'J? o o I— i^ 1-- 1-- 1-- 1' 1^ t-- 1^ 1-- CO CO 00 CO CO CO cjo CO CO GO o o 0:1 O O 03 c^ C^l C-1 C'l C^l C^ CN C^ W C^ C^ W C^ C^l C^ C^ W W W C^ W W C^ W (?! C'l (^^ C^ C^» C'l C-1 C^ C^ W C^ C-l M C^l C-1 C^ w C^ 24 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS. E b- CO O O r-( N OS -t< lO -m^ =C c:n C-J C-l CC! -* O tr l~ 00 O O •-< -J ^ -^ Tj< lO O O »0 O »0 C3 t.O O iC O i;^ O O »0 O i-"; O lO to o o »o H 5 o o a aa WO-, a ^11 ^ ■3 o . o 0) [3 2 ^ « ■? 60 l» £ fe^-.2 lain fait P^^'vi . .-^ . - j: a, -M ="CQ i-5a3t2 . . o C = M 5ll "SoM S55 DISMISSIONS AND DEATHS OF MEMBERS ENROLLED BEFORE 18G0. 1015 Wid. Hannah Abbot, 1830 Mrs. Mt'hitable G. Abbot, 1480 Piiebe Abbot, 1540 Henry Abbot, 3(1, 1636 Mrs. Roxanna Abbot, 1815 Amos Abbot, 1199 Wid. Mary Abbot, 187 7 Dorcas Abbot, 2161 ]\Irs. Sarah L. Abbot, 1454 AVid. Ruth Abbot, 1854 INIrs. Eunice E. Abbot, 1351 Henry Abbot, 1352 INlrs. Judith Abbot, 1899 Henry W. Abbot, 1906 Mrs. Eliza A. Abbot, 1562 Job Abbot, 1563 Mrs. Lucy Abbot, 1162 Mrs. Mary Abbot, 2003 Mrs. Mehitabie H. Abbot, 1618 Sylvester Abbot, 1556 Sarah A. Abbot, 1506 Daniel Abbot, 1680 Wid. Polly Abbot, 1896 Esther J. D. Abbot, 1249 (Dea.) Amos Abbot, 1942 Caroline M. Abbot, 2176 Esther Ann Abbot, 2040 Emma F. Abbot, 1737 Wid. Hannah Abbott, 2155 Lewis L. Abbott, 2115 Anstice Abbott, 1980 Mrs. Sarah J. Abbott, 1627 Hermon Abbott, 2075 Mrs. Mary A. Abbott, 2162 Emily Cliickering Abbot, 1659 (Dea.) Albert Abbott, 1795 Lydia Abbott, 2013 (Dea.) John Aiken, 2046 (Rev.) John F. Aiken, 2135 T.Fletcher Allen, 1867 Wid. Eunice Ames, 1819 Thaddeus P. Allen, 3 By death, Sept. 11, 1861, 92 years. By death, Jan. 26, 1863, 49 years. By death, Aug. 6, 1864, 78 years. By death, Feb. 18, 1878, 78 years. By death, Jan. 13, 1871, 65 years. By death, April 19, 1862, 42 years. By death, Feb. 20, 1862, 78 years. Dis. Feb.] 9.1868, Freech. Andover. By death, Jan. 28, 1862, 30 years. By death, April 8, 1869, 84 years. By death. Sept, 14, 1873, 51 years. Bv death, Jan. 13, 1862, 84 years. By death, Feb. 10, 1864, 81 years. By death, Aug. 3, 1877, 67 years. By death, July 11, 1876, 66 years. By death, Dec. 15, 1859, 77 years. By death, July 19, 1872, 87 years. Bv death, Dec. 9, 1869, 83 years. By death. May 15, 1866, 66 years. By death, Oct. 29, 1875, 72 years. By death, June 2, 1879, 67 years. By death, Feb. 9, 1869, 70 years. By death, Aug. 21, 1860, 70 years. By death. May 14, 1875, 52 years. By death, Oct. 4, 1868, 82 years. Dis. Nov. 9, 1862, Wyoming, Iowa. By death, Oct. 27, 1863, 37 years. Dis. April 12, 1865, Berlin, Vt. By death. May 13, 1872, 80 years. Dis.July29,1869,Plym.ch.Chicaoo. Dis. Sept. 4, 1863, Milford, N. H. By death, Nov. 9, 1863, 45 years. By death, Dec. 21, 1871, 63 years. By death, Oct. 30, 1880, 59 years. Dis. June 1 2, 1 878, W. ch. Andover. By death, April 5, 1882, 72 years. By death, April 6, 1882, 81 vears. By death, Feb. 10, 1867, 70 years. Dis.Jan.3, 1862,Pres.ch.N.Y.city. Suspended. By death, 1864, 98 years. By death, July 2, 1876, 78 years. 25 26 DISMISSIONS AND DEATHS. 2158 1528 1820 1019 1597 1646 1647 2109 1036 1937 2136 2152 13 76 1286 2073 1940 1941 2137 1567 2059 1168 1539 1679 1424 1799 1946 2070 2122 2163 2089 2091 2092 2126 2108 1689 1690 1703 2101 1342 1309 1290 1678 2129 1616 2107 Mrs. Charlotte Abbott, Enoch Abbott, Mrs. Tiinna Allen, Wid. Sarah Baker, Mrs. Luov F. Baker, Jo^ihua BaUard, Mrs. Phebe A. Ballard, Horace P. Beard, Israel Berry, ^Vid. Serena Berrv, Alonzo P. Berry, Mrs. Angelina E.Blackman Abel Blaneliard, Mrs. Eliza Blaneliard, Mrs. Sophia Blood, J. Oeavius Blunt, Persis M. Blunt, J. Milton Blunt, Hannah Brown, Thaddeus H. Brown, AVid Dolly Burnhani, Khoda E. Biaddoek, By death, Jan. 13, 1882, 65 years. By death, Feb. 28, 1881, 76 years. By death, May 22, 1881, 78 years. By death, Jan. 7, 1865, 88 years. By death, 'Feb 15, 1880, 77 years. By death, Feb. 4, 1871, 86 years. By death, April 14, 1.S70, 82 years. By death, July 20, 1S71, 38 years. By death. May 18, 1864, 74 "years. By death, Nov. 1870, 71 years. Dis. Dee. 15, 1869, South eh. Salem. , B\- death, June 20, 1862, 34 years. Dis.Dec.l , '75,Cen'l Pi es. N.Y. city. «^ Dis.Dec l,'75,Cen'l Pros. N.Y. city. | By death, Sept. 25. 1872. 78 years. Dis. June 13, 187 7, Eliot eh. Lowell. Dis. June, 1864, No. ch. Haverhill. Ex. Nov. 14, 1866. By death, Aug. 3, 1861, 49 years. Dis. June 1866. By death, Feb. 5, 1864, 87 years. By death, June 30, 1881, 70 years. "NVid. Lncinda Caldwell, AVid. Abigail Carter, Justin Carter, Abiorail B. Carter, AVid. Abigail Chamberlain, Emily Carter, Heriuon P. Chandler, (Dea ) Ralph H. Chandler, (Dea) Holbrook Chandler, Mrs. Margaret Chandler, Joseph Chandler, Jr., Hannah M. Stiekney, Nathan Clark, Mrs. Persis Clark, Mary Clark, Mrs. Eliza P. Corse, \Viis. Dec. 3, '79, Ohl Mission, Mich. 2085 K. D.T.Tracy (McCiillum), Dis. July 21 , '80, Old Mission, Mich. 2055 M. E.Tracv"(Livingstone), By death. 2120 James A. Treat, Dis. Oct. 28, 1874, Lawrence. 2098 Lvdia A. Tucker (Cutler), Dis. Jan. 2, I8G3, Union ch. Boston. 20!)9 Marv R. Tucker, Dis. June l9,'67,Metii.EpRoxl)ury. 2117 Charles Tufts, By death. Jan. 22, 1871, 67 years. 2070 (Rev.) Josiah W. Turner, Dis. April 5, 1865, Waverly. 2071 Mrs. Almena W. Turner, Dis. April 5, 1865, Waverly. 2146 Marv F. Turner, Dis. April 5, 1865, Waverly. 1600 Rhoda Townsend, By death, March 29, 1881, 86 years. 2043 Martha J. Upton (French), Dis. Feb. 20, 1865, Hamilton. 2111 John N. Voorhes, Dis. Mar. 21, 1860,"New Mllford,Ct. 21 75 Wid. Sarah Wardwell, By death, June 21 , 1862. 89 years. 2100 Margaret E. Wardwell, Dis. May 26. '6 1 , Ev.ch.N.Andover. 1552 Nathaniel Whittier, By death, Apr. 16, 1873, 80 years. 1375 Mrs. Hannah Whittier, By death, June 2, 1877, 82 years. 2083 Wid. Harriet Willard, Dis. July 1, '61,lstch. Oakland, Cah 1997 Joseph Winfield, By death. 1461 Mrs. Mehitable M. Winfield, By death, April 30, 1 860, 63 years. 2147 Luke Worthlev, By death, Nov. 2, 1878, 69 years. 1995 Ann U'ilkins,' By death, Oct. 17, 1880, 85 years. 3137 Wid. Deborah Young, By death, Feb. 16, 1876, 80 years. 3* OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. PASTORS, Rev. GP:0RGE MOOAR. Ordained Oct. 1855 ; dismissed March 27, 1861. Rev. CHARLES SMITH. Installed Dec. 18, 1861 ; dismissed May 8, 1876. Rev. JAMES H. LAIRD. Installed May 10, 1877. Abraham J. Gould. Albert Abbott. Joseph Cummings. Edward Taylor. Holbrook Chandler. Nathan B. Abbott. Luke K. Bowers. James F. Richards. George Gould, Charles H. Gilbert. Since 1873, DEACONS. Died Mav 24, 1868. Died April 5, 1882. Died Oct. 10, 18G0. Emeritus. Elected Jan. 5, 1861, res. Jan. 16, Elected Dec. 8,1868, Elected Jan. 13, '73, term expires. Elected Jan. 12, 1874,dis.Dec. 29, Elected Jan. 13, '79, term expires, Elected Jan. 30, '82, term expires, elected for term of four years. 1871. 1885. 1878. 1886. 188-4. CHURCH COMMITTEE. Hezekiah Jones, 1 year to 1860. Holbrook Chandler, 2 yrs. to 1861. Charles Tufts, 3 years to 1862. Nathan B. Abbott, 4 years to 1863. John Chandler, 1860-1864. Hartwell B. Abbott, 1861-1865. ( Thos.C.Foster(resigned), 1862-64 I Edward Carter. 1864-1866. Wdliam G. Means, 1863-1867. Asa A. Abbott, 1864-1868. Charles Tufts, 1865-1869. Stephen Tracv, 1866-1870. Nathan F. Abbott, 1867-1871. Hezekiah Jones, 1868-1872. Jonathan Towle, 1870-1874. George Riplev, 1871-1875. Hartwell B. Abbott, 1872-1876. j C.V.D.Noyes (died), 1873-76. I James A. Abbott, 1876-1877. Albert Abbott, 1874-1878. M. C. Andrews, 1875-1879, George L. Abbott, 1876-1880. E. Kendall Jenkins, 1877-1881. William Abbott, 2d, 1878-1882. AVm. S. Jenkins, 1879-1883. Hezekiah Jones, 1880-1884. T. Frank Pratt, 1881-1885, Jonathan Towle, 1882-1886, Edward Carter, 1869-1873, Since 1859, elected one member annually for term of four years. 30 OFFICERS OP THE CHURCH. 31 SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Edward Taylor, 1855-1870. . Geo. H. Gutterson, Dec. 6, 1874-77. George Ripley, 1870-1874. George A. Parker, Assistant. H. C. Sawin, Assistant. Geo. A. Parker, Sept. 11, 1877-82. H. C. Pierson, Assistant, 1882. PP.ESENT MEMBERS. The Asterisk (*) designates non-resident IVIcmbers. 2141 * Abigail Abbott, 2086 *Amos W. Abbott, 2238 Hannah B. Abbott, 1934 Hartwell B. Abbott, 1841 Mrs. Sarah A. Abbott, 24 74 Mary Alice Abbott, 1926 Phebe E. Abbott, 1878 Hannah Abbott, 1608 Phebe A. Abbott, 2240 *Catherine F. Abbott, 1727 (Dea.) Nathan B. Abbott, li<56 Mrs. Elizabeth L. Abbott, 2338 Ella Elizabeth Abbott, ' 2448 Ira Abbott, 2491 Anna Berry Abbott, 2125 James Alfred Abbott, 19 78 Mrs. Mary E. Abbott, 1848 Asa A. Abbott, 1973 Wid. Rhoda B. Abbott, 2317 Elizabeth B. Abbott, 24 76 Mary S. Abbott, 1507 AVid. Sally Aljbott, 1818 *Wid. Abby JI. Abbott, 2154 *Abby E. Abbott, 2347 *Eucia W. Abbott, 19 79 AVilliam Abbott, 2298 *('Rev.) i:dvvard F. Abbott, 1876 (George L. Abbott, 2241 Ellen J. Abbott, 2425 Helen Eliza Abbott, '^201 Nathan F. Abbott, 2308 Mrs. Margaret E. Abbott, 2345 AVilliam Abbott, 2346 Mrs. Susan E. Abbott, 2014 Wid. Mary M. Aiken, 2036 Rebecca L. Allen, 2110 *Mrs. Ellen F. Allen, 2041 *Mrs. Mary Arnold, 2375 M. C. Andrews, 2376 Mrs. Martha G. Andrews. 32 2250 Mrs. Charlotte B. Baker, 1 746 Mrs. Hannah T. Bancroft, 1812 Wid. Mary Blood, 2058 Charles C". Blunt, 2116 Mrs. Lucy J. Blunt, 2405 Mrs.LucvA (Blunt) Abbott 2456 Sarah P.' Blunt, 24 78 Joseph H. Blunt, 1435 Hannah Brown, 16 71 Wid. Martha Burns, 2223 AVid. Nancy M. Berry, 227 7 Mrs. Susan F. Brown, 2285 AVid. Frances R. Beard, 2288 Mrs. Mary Bixby, 2293 Edwin H. Barnard, 2294 Mrs. Angeline L. Barnard, 2436 Emma .1. Barnard, 2302 Samuel AY. Blunt, 2304 Mrs. Jennie L. Blunt, 2314 *\Vid. Diantha Burnham, 2322 AVid. Susan Bradley, 2353 (Dea.) Luke K. Bowers, 2354 Mrs. Luke K. Bowers, 2356 Herbert R. Bowers, 2372 Wid. Sarah M. Barrows, 23 73 Harriet A. Barrows, 2417 Mary Ballard, 2426 Jacob Warren Berry, 2433 Mrs. Anna C. Berry, 2434 Mrs. Adelaide A. Bodwell, 2244 Emma Frances Bodwell, 2469 J. Warren Barnard, 25 70 Mrs. Eliza J. Barnard, 2501 E. Lawrence Barnard, 21 02 Mrs. Helen C. Barnard, 2515 AA'id. Martha B. Bullard, 2519 Hattie Gertrude Barnard, 2520 Fannie Barnard. 2049 Sophia Carleton, PEESENT MEMBERS. 33 2050 Sarah J. Carleton, 2301 Georjiia N. Carlfton, 1809 Mrs. jVIarv R. Carter, 2401 Su?an R. Carter, 2164 Wid. riiebe A. Chandler, 1726 John Chandler, 1710 Mrs. Phebe Chandler, 2090 Wid. Mary Chandler, 2172 Frances E. Chandler, 21 73 Laura M. Chandler, 1429 Wid. Henrietta Cheever, 2134 Wid. Betsey L. Cheever, 2216 Sarah S. Cheever, 2217 Ella J. Cheever, 1669 Jacob ChickerinjT, 1 769 Mrs. Sarah J. Chickering, 2232 *Otis Chickerinii, 2415 Milton Chickering, 1789 Wid. Fannv Chickering, 2133 Abbv F. Clement, 2219 *Wi(r. Mary H. Clement, 2220 *Benjaniin F. Clement, 2205 ]\Iary F. Clement, 2454 *Harriet A. Clement, 1490 Lucy Cogswell, 1976 Wid. Phebe F. Cummings, 1895 *Mrs. Eliza B. Cummings, 2233 Daniel Cummings, 1 949 Mrs. Hannah A. Cummings, 2389 *AVid. Olive J. Clough, 2413 Wid. Marv Cumniings, 2464 Benjamin Cheever, 2465 Mrs. Betsey J. Cheever, 2466 John M. Cheever, 2507 George F. Cheever, 2460 Mrs. Alice B. Cheever, 25()9 William B. Cheever, 2475 Rebecca F. Cole, 2484 INIrs. Carrie E. Cole, 2498 Mrs Lizzie Ella Howe, 2510 Isaac H. Clark, 2512 Rosella Coalpit, 1800 *Ezra Chandler. 2150 John H. Dean. 2151 Mrs. Caroline L. Dean, 2446 Caroline A. Dean, 2174 *Sarah A. Dole, 1965 *Wid. Caroline T. DolIofF, 1414 *\Vid. Fannv Downs, 2012 *Mrs. Sarah' A. Doyle, 2382 *Marv Lvon Douglass, 2439 *Lew"is A. Dow, 2442 *David Dow, 244 7 John H. Davis, 2518 Emily Dow. 1183 *Wid. Mary Eaton, 2118 Nathan Ellis, 2119 Mrs. Susan L. Ellis, 2144 Elizabeth P. Ellis, 2169 Ellen G. p:ilis, 2331 Caroline E. Emerson, 2423 Hattie L. Erving, 2457 * Abbott Erving, 2497 Wid. Helen M. Eames. 1667 *Wid. Sarah Farnum, 2159 Wid. Hannah N. Fay, 1512 Wid. Hannah Flagg, 2022 Mrs. Rhoda J. Fosler, 2276 Wid. Annie M. Foster, 2513 Sarah A. Foster, 2287 Wid. Mary Foster, 2430 *John Charles Foster, 2461 *Martha E.Foster, 2472 Mrs. Susan E. Farnham, 2183 *Ellen Frances Foster, 2503 Joseph W. Foster, 2504 Mrs. Hannah W. Foster, 2506 Annie C. Foster. 1700 *JacobB. Gage, 1505 Wid. Mary B. Gould, 2023 Julia A. Gould, 2396 (Dea.) George Gould, 2462 Emma A. Gould, 1179 *Wid. Susannah P. Gould, 1491 *Mrs. Betsey Gray, 1 705 Maria Grifhn, 2235 *Lucy Goddard, 2268 Benjamin G. Gleason, 2311 William G. Goldsmith, 2312 Mrs. Joanna B. Goldsmith, 2324 AVid. Soplironia A. Gray, 2333 William H. Gray, 2419 Julia Gray, 2334 *George H. Gutterson, 2341 Wid. Margaret M. Gleason, 2427 Moses V. "Gleason, 2432 Mrs. Marietta E. Gleason, 2440 (Dea.) Charles H. Gilberc- 2493 Elsie Louisa Gilbert, 2486 George H. Graffam, 2487 Mrs. Fannie F. Graffam, 2516 Wid. Inez I. Gorton, 34 PRESENT MEMBERS. 251 7 Maty M. (iorton, 2522 Hannah E. Gi(l(lin<>s. 1687 Wid. Polly S. Hayward, 2167 *Abbie S. Hervey, 1783 Mary E. Hidden. 1514 Wid. Phebe H. Himdns, 1873 Wid. Ann E. Ilig;,nnp, 2274 *Charles W. Hi^u'lns, 1850 Wid. Eydia Hult, 2156 Ellen A. Holt, 2171 Mrs. Delia L. Holt, 1974 Elizabeth C. Holt, 1943 Mrs. Lucy C Holt, 1879 Mary B. Hunt, 1880 Hannah Jane Hunt, 2292 *Caroline A. F. Holmes, 2385 Wid. Sarah Holt, 2414 ]\Irs. Alice Holt, 2463 *Eilla Rebecca Hale, 2485 ]\Irs. Hattie R Hardy, 2496 ]\Iarry B. Harris, 2505 Mary E. Holt. 1524 Hannah A. Jaquith, 2244 *Henrietta j\I. Jatjuith, 1698 Mrs. Sally W. Jenkins, 2170 Susan M. Johnson, 2088 Wid. Hannah K. Jones, 2329 Saah F. Jones, 2424 Martha Ann Jones, 2102 Hezekiah Jones, 2104 Mrs. Anna E. Jones, 1509 Wid. Rachel S. Jones, 2248 Sarah Jenness, 2313 Mrs. Lucy Ann Johnson, 2409 Wdliani S. Jenkins, 2410 Mrs. Rebecca F. Jenkins, 2437 Kate Phunnier Jenkins, 2411 Edward Kendall Jenkins, 2412 Mrs. Nancy Jenkins. 2143 *Elizabeth G. Kenison. 1544 *Wid. Mary A. Lovejoy, 2256 Mrs. Sarah M. Loring, 2363 *Clara L. Lindley, 2374 * William Leslie,* 2394 *Mrs. Betsey S. Leslie, 2381 *Susan W. S Lyman, 2451 Rev. James H. Laird, 2452 Mrs James H. Laird, 2508 Fred G. Laird, 2459 Wid. Tryphenia W\ Ladd, ! 2482 Nathaniel M. Ladd, 2357 *Mrs. Helen H. Levering. 2038 Wid. Lois Ann Manning, 2315 ]\Iary Allon INIanning, 2420 IVLartha ]\Ianiiincr, 2492 Caroline T. Manning, 2514 Frederick W Manning, 1440 Wid. JNIary Mason, 2326 Mrs. Sarah G. Mason, 1476 Wid. Sarah Mears, 1920 *Wid. Sarah B. Merrill, 2178 *William G. Means, 2179 *Mrs. Martha A Means, 2180 * William A. Means, 22 73 *Marv M. ]\Ieans, 22 19 Wid". Elizabeth P. Means, 2260 Kate A. Means, 2348 Emily A. Means. 2343 *Mrs.Catherine J.^NIiddleton, 2190 *Elizabeth McLanathan, 2191 *Mary L. McLanatlian, 2196 *]\Irs. Sarah A. ]\Iartin, 2370 Alice McMurphy, 23 79 *Edith E. Miohill, 2458 Rev. Selah Merrill, i 2399 Mrs. Adelaide B. Merrill, 243 1 Wid. Adelaiile I. Mayberry, i 2499 George S. Miner, ' 2500 Mrs. Nellie A. Miner. 1274 Margaret W. Newman, 1932 ]\Lirk Newman, 2002 Mrs. Experience Newman, 2301 Wid. Harriet E. Noyes. 2053 Abby H. Peabody, 2221 Ellen E. Peabody, 2421 *Mrs. Luella C. Perry, 1851 Jane B. Pheli)S, 1450 *Wid. Lucinda Piielps, 2483 T. Fianklin Pratt, 2330 Mrs. Elizabeth P. Pratt, 2340 George A. Parker, 2342 Mrs. Caroline E. Putnam, 2361 *George N. Pasho, 2362 *Mrs. Phebe Pasho, 2369 Frances C. Pierson, 2481 Caroline E. Pierson, ' 2428 Henry F. Piisrson, .2477 *Charfes P. Pingree, 2189 *Elizabeth B. Pingreek. PRESENT MEMBERS. 35 14 37 Will. Lucrctia Richardson, 2404 *Kllen R()ell, 2275 Addison M. Rohinson, 2229 i\Irs. Clara E. Robinson, 22 71 *:\Iary Kate Roberts, 2:n9 George Ri])ley. 2320 Mrs/Marv E.' Ripley, 2438 Sarah F. Rij)ley, 2295 "Wid. Mary Ann Richards, 2473 Mrs. Frances Russell, 2479 * Joseph Russell. 1853 *Mrs. Susan H. Searles, 2105 ]\Irs. Ennly Shannon, 1708 Margaret "W. Smith, 1371 Wid. Elizabeth Smith, 1813 ]Mrs. Charlotte Smith, 2153 *Wid. Sarah L. SlierriU, 19S2 Wid. Alniena Swift, 2128 Charlotte H. Swii% 2198 Martha E. Swift, 2228 Anna H. Swift, 1725 *Cliarles Swift, 17G8 Jonathan Swift, 2127 ]\[rs. Almena Swift, 2422 Elizabeth F. Swift, 2212 * William Stickney, 2335 Edwin B. Smith, 2251 Augusta L. Sawyer, 2407 AVid. Mary L. Shearer, 2402 ]\Iary E. V. Shearer, 2418 *Mrs. Martha A. Swanton, 2403 nirs. Mary G. Swinnerton, 249-i John H. Sohrens, 2495 ]\[rs. Anna C. Sohrens, 2511 Mrs. Sarah J. Sliattuck. 1890 (Dea.) Edward Taylor, 2130 Mrs. Lucretia W, torr, 2121 *J. Harvey Treat, 2149 Wid. Eliza H. Tucker, 1922 Wid. Sophia K. Tufts, 2210 Jonathan Towle, 2211 Mrs. Alniira E. Towle, 2226 Mary E. Towle, 2387 Annie M. Towle, 2429 James A. Towle, 2307 Mary Terrv, 2323 AVid. Nancy J. Tyler, 239 7 Rosa R. Temple. 1728 Edward C. Upton, 1882 ]\rrs. Eliza M. Upton, 2349 Mary Lizzie Upton. 2197 Mrs. Mary A. Valpey. 1488 Mrs. Losina C. Waldo, 2112 Sarah C. AValdo, 2132 Clarissa W. Waldo, 2142 Hannah E. WMiittier, 2148 Wid. Elizabeth Worthly, 2282 Horace Wilson, 2283 Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson, 2392 Benjamin AA^iitc, 2145 *Mary Elvira Wilder, 2449 ]\[rs. Marv A. AVardwell, 2153 Mary F. Wood bridge, 2521 Wid'. Eliza Ann Whitney. LB I