F 203 .4 .B9 F7 Copy 1 THE FOUNTAIN IN MEMORY OF Francis Davis Millet Archibald WiLLiNGHAM Butt THE FOUNTAIN IN MEMORY OF Francis Davis Millet Archibald Willingham Butt WASHINGTON 1913 Fz 'Los .4- Francis Davis Millet 1846- 1912 & , ' ■v • Archibald Willingham Butt 1865 - 1912 This letter was sent to personal friends of" Mr. Millet and Major Butt. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON M.W. 1912 It has been suggested (.4nd tuis suggestion has the api'koval of the Presi- dent) THAT AN ENDriUNQ .MEMORIAL BE ERECTED ON PUBLIC GROUNDS IN WASHINGTON TO THE MEMORY OF .MAJOR ARCHIBALD W. BUTT AND Mr. FraNCIS D. .MiLLET. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THEY WERE THE ONLY OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES WHO WENT DOWN WITH THE "Titanic." In addition, they had been close personal friends for YEARS. LIVING IN THE SAME HOUSE IN W.\SHINaTO.\. AND WERE COMPANIONS ON THEIR LAST VOYAGE. TOGETHER THEY GAVE UP THEIR LIVES THAT OTHERS MIGHT LIVE. AND IT SEEMS FITTING THAT A MEMORIAL BE ERECTED TO THEM JOINTLY. It is believed that a simple, dignified and ARTISTIC TABLET WOULD BE PREFER- ABLE TO A MORE ELABORATE MEMORIAL. AND IT SEEMS PECULIARLY APPROPRIATE TO PLACE TUIS TABLET ON PUBLIC GROUND IN THE VICINITY OF THE WHITE HoUSE. BECAUSE OF Major Butt's associations with the White House, and because of the pro- fessional SERVICES rendered BY Mr. MiLLET AS VlCE-CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL Commission of Fine Arts in the development of the Mall and the adjacent public grounds. It is proposed to erect the memorial with funds to be CO.NTRIBUTED BY PER- SONAL friends of M.uor Butt and Mr. Millet. The President has made the first CONTRIBUTION TO THE FUND. The EXACT form of memorial has not been determined upon. This will de- pend LARGELY UPON THE DECISION OF THE COMMISSION OF FiNE ARTS. WHO WILL HAVE charge of the design of the memorial. congress will be asked to permit the President to locate the memorial and to approve the design. Mr. Charles J. Bell, of the American Security and Trust Company. Wasu- INQTON. D. C WILL ACT AS TREASURER OF THE FUND. HE WILL SEND A RECEIPT FOR ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WHICH MAY BE FORWARDED DIRECTLY TO HIM. CHARLES D. HILLES Secretary to the President, spencer COSBV Colonel. U. S. Army. Committee. [public resolution — No 59.] [S. J. RES. 108.] JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ERECTION ON THE PUBLIC GROUNDS IN THE CITY OF Washington of a joint memorial to Major Archibald W. Butt AND Francis Davis Millet. RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED. That the Chief of Engineers. United States Army. be. and he is hereby authorized and directed to grant permission for the erection on public grounds of the United States in the CITY OF Washington, other than those of the Capitol, the Library of Congress, and the White House, of a jolnt memorial, of simple and artistic form, to Major Archibald W. Butt. United States Army, and Mr. Francis Davis Millet, vice- chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts, officers of the United States who perished in the TITANIC disaster; provided, that the site chosen and the design of the memorial shall be approved by the President of the United States UPON the advice of the Commission of Fine Arts, and that the United States shall be put to no expense in or by the erection of the said hehorial. Approved. August 24. 1912. MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN DESIGNED BY THOMAS HASTINGS BAS-RELIEFS BY DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH Mr. Hastings and Mr. French contributed tbeir services m.'W - ■ ' "t'm i THE FINE ARTS MILITARY VALOR THE MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN AS ERECTED The Fountain is situated south of the White House Grounds, at the northwest junction of the road around those grounds with the road around the Elupse. The following inscription is carved on the rim of the basin : In MEMORY OF Fkancis Davis Millet -1846 -1912 -and Archibald WiLLiNQHAM Butt -1865 -1912. This monument has been erected bt THEIR FRIENDS WITH THE SANCTION OP CONGRESS. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE MEMORIAL Addison. A. D. Adee. Alvey a. ALESniRE. J. B. Alqara. R. de Terreros. Don A. Alger, Frederick M. Andrew. A. Piatt Arciibold. John D. Armour. Allison \. Bacon. Henry Barrett. John Barry. Tho.mas H. Bates. Mrs. Caroline E. Beau.v. Cecilia Bell. Charles J. Bioelow. William Sturqis Bitter. Karl Bl.vck. William .M. Bl.\ir. Gist Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jr. Blu.menthal. George Boring. William A. Boyle. John J. Bradley. Edson. Brantley. William G. Bristol. A. L. Bromw-ell, Charles S. BukNHAM. Daniel H. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Butler. Howaiuj Russell Cabell. Dr. Julian .M. Cable. George W. Cadwalader. John L. Cammerer. Arno B. Cuts. W. L. Carpenter. Fred W. Chai'In. F. L. Clark. Champ Clayton. Powell. Jr. Cloman. Mr. and .Mrs. Sydney A. Coman. Charlotte B. Cook. Walter Cooper. Colin Campbell CoRBiN. Mrs. H. C. Cosby. Spencer cowles. w. c. Co.x. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Crim.mins. John D. Crozier William Curtis. James F. Davis. Cleland Day. Frank Miles D-AZY. ViCOMTE BENOIST de Bode. August. Baron DE Forest. Robert W. DE Qraffenried. Miss M. C. De Laney. M. a. Donaldson. John M. Downey. G. F. Eames. William S. Edwards. Clarence R. Edwards. Charles Gordon Ely. Theodore N. EusTis. William Corcoran Faison. S. L. Farragut. Loyall FoLTz. Fred S. Forbes. W. Cameron Freer. Charles L. Fre.n'ch. Daniel Chester Frick. Henry C. Gaff. Thomas Trueman Gardner. A. P. Gardner. Mrs. J. L. CiARNSEY. Elmer E. Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gilbert. Cass Gaul. Gilbert Graxon. William Bailey Greble. E. F. J. Hackett. Chauncey Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Hale. Eugene Hall. Ernest Harris. H. T. B. Hastings. Thomas Hauge. Madame Christian Hay. Mrs. John Higginson. Henry L. HiLLES. C. D. Hitchcock. Frank H. HiTT. AVilliam V. Hopkins. .Vrchibald HoRTON. William E. Howland. Henry E. Hudson. J. L. Hughes. Chas. E. Hunt. Jim Innes. a. Mitchell IsHAM. Samuel James. Mrs. Julian Jennings. Hennen jusserand. j. j. KiBBEY. Bessie J. KiRBY, Thomas E. Lamar. Joseph R. Lathrop. Bryan Lee. Arthur Leiter. Mrs. L. Z. Lewis, Edwin J. Jr.. Lindsey. Mrs. H. C. Logan. Geo. Wood Long. Andrew Y. Low. Seth Low. Will H. MacVeagh. Franklin Mansfield. Howard Marburg, Theodore Marshall, Henry Rutgers iLvRSHALL. James Rush McCain. H. P. McCawley. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy. F. R. McClintock. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McClung. Lee McFarland. J. Horace McKiM. Mrs. A. M. C. McKim. Margaret McKlNNEY. L. B. McLachlan. Jas. D. McMillan. Mrs. James Mead. W. Rutherford Melchers. G.\ri Meyer. George von L. Miles, Basil Miller, C. P. Mitchell. John G. MoLTKE. Count and Countess Moore. Charles Morris. Harrison S. Nagel. Charles New York Association for the Blind Norton. Charles D. O'Brien. Thomas J. Olmsted, Frederick Law OsBORN. William Church Parker. James Parsons. A. J. Percy. Eustace S. C. Pettus. H. L. Pinchot. Mrs. Mary E. Platt. Charles A. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirke Rathdun. Richard Redmond. M. D. Rhoads. T. L. Ridgely. Mrs. William Barret RoBLNSON. Mrs. Douglas Santelmann. William H. Sellers. David Foote Shattuck. A. D. Shurtliff. R. M. Smith. Herbert Knox Stanley. D. S. Stevens. Gorham P. Stimson, Henry L. STUDENT'S Art Club. Tampa. Fla. Taft. Henry W. Taft, William H. Taylor, John R. M. Thompson. Robert AF. Tiffany. Louis C. Train. C. R. Ullman. Isaac M. Von Herwarth, H, W. Walcott. C. D. Walters. H. Ward. Henry H. Warren. Francis E. Watrous. Richard B. Weinman. Adolph A. Wendell. Evert Jansen Wetmore. Geo. Peabody Wheeler. Post White. Henry Whitehouse. Francis M. WiCKERSHAM. GEORGE W. Williams. John Sharp Wilmer. William H. WiNsiiip. Blanton WiNTlIROP. BeEKMAN wotherspoon. w. w. Anonymous Donors. Three LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 366 250 \ ,ir,:":?!=°N=.es. /"//'/////'"/( :^k -. ^ ■^■ miiiiiiii °°'^ 366 250 0.