— the: Alumna Cookbook WELL-TESTED RECIPES FOR TABLE DAINTIES CONTRIBUTED BY Graduates of the Girls' High and Normal School PHILADELPHIA AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE TEACHERS' FUND EDITED BY MRS. JOHN STERLING >H (? 1J (/4 (mary d. eldridge) PHILADELPHIA Burk & McFetridgk, Printers and Publishers 306 and 308 Chestnut Street 1891 <£ ® Copyright, 1891, by The Executive Board of the Alumna of the Girls' High and Normal School of Philadelphia. NOTE The many kind friends who have rendered assistance, either by- contributions or suggestions, in compiling this little book, — especially Mrs. Henry W. Halliwell, Misses Jane and Mary Campbell, and the Class Historians of the Alumnae of the Girls' High and Normal School, Philadelphia, — will accept the editor's sincere thanks. Without their aid so cordially given, we could not have had an Alumnae Cookbook. We may live without poetry, music, and art ; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without friends ; we may live without books ; But civilized man cannot live without cooks He may live without books,— what is knowledge but grieving? He may live without hope,— what is hope but deceiving? He may live without love,— what is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining?— Owhn Meredith OVERHEARD, Mr. Public. — I thought that you were already well supplied with cook- books, my dear. Mrs. Public. — Oh, so I am; only this, you see, is the "Alumnae" Cookbook, and I want it very, very much. Mr. Public. — And why are you anxious, my dear, to have the "Alumnae " Cookbook? So far as I can see, it is simply a bundle of recipes like all the rest of its kind. Mrs. Public— [Aside.] Now isn't that like a man? [Aloud.] Indeed, husband, you are mistaken. Listen one moment, and I will show you wherein lies the difference between the "Alumna" Cookbook and all others. In the first place, not one of its recipes has been put in for "padding,"— in order, merely, to fill out the volume,— and each recipe is vouched for as "good" by its own sender. Again, I find many dear friends among the one hundred contributors. Just fancy! they represent every administration of the Philadelphia Normal School, from '49 to '91— Dr. Wright's, Mr. Cregar's and Mr. Fetter's. Mr. Public. — Every administration? How interesting! — especially to those who, like ourselves, appreciate the good work that our Normal School has done, and is doing, for this community. Mrs. Public. — Yes, indeed ; not only for this community, though. The daughters who call the Normal School their "Alma Mater" are widely scattered, and each is the centre of some circle of influence wherever she may be. Turning at random the leaves of this little volume, I recognize the names of ladies, one of whom, I know, now lives in California, another in Minnesota, still another in Texas. West, North, South, as well as East have evidently had a share in making the Alumna Cookbook. Mr. Public. — That reminds me. Wherefore "Alumna" Cookbook? Mrs. Public. — Just turn to the title-page. See? Every contributor was once a "sweet girl graduate" of the Normal School, and therefore belongs to its "Alumnae." Mr. Public. — I understand. [Reading from title-page.] " Sold exclu- sively for the benefit of the Teachers' Fund." Hum ! Ha ! An excellent purpose. My dear, suppose we take a copy. Mrs. Public— Only one? [Exeunt Mr. and Mrs. Public soon afterward with several copies of the Alumna Cookbook, one fcr their own use, and the rest to be distributed among friends "for the good of the cause V] iilamnae Soaps, pish, and Shellfish Stop and eat, for well you may Be in a hungry case. — Cowper. BMCK BEflfl SOUP u , S ° A * over ft ; gh V pint of black beans. In the morn- BY ing put them on to boil in 2 Mrs. Geo. W. Kendrick quarts of cold water. Sim- (Minhie Murdoch) mer about 5 hours, adding more cold water as it boils away (about */£ cupful every y 2 hour), so there will still be 2 quarts when done. Rub through a strainer, put on to boil again ; add 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 1 saltspoonful each of pepper and mustard, and a pinch of cayenne. As soon as it boils, thicken with 1 tablespoonful of flour and 1 table- spoonful of butter, which have been cooked together. Add more seasoning if required. Slice a lemon and 2 hard-boiled eggs in a tureen, and pour the soup over them. CItflM S0l)P 25 clams ' l P int of milk > 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 1 heap- BY ing tablespoonful flour, 1 tea- Mrs. Wm. J. Clark spoonful minced onion, 1 tea- CD. Cornelia Earley) S P°° nful cho PP ed P arsky ' a pinch of mace ; salt and pepper to taste. Put in a pot the hard part of the clams, onion, parsley, mace, and seasoning, with clam liquor increased to 8 I quart with water. Cook covered, a half-hour after it begins to boil. Heat in another vessel the milk ; when hot, stir in the butter rolled in flour and set in a pan of hot water to keep hot after it has boiled two minutes. Strain the soup back into the pot, over the soft part of the clams, the only digest- ible part, and simmer five minutes. Pour the thickened milk into a hot tureen, stir in the soup and serve. (Very good for a flagging appetite.) CflliF'S HEAD SOUP Thorwghly clean a cali ' s head, and boil until meat falls BY off the bones. Cut the meat Miss Kate H. Bunting in pieces, not too small. Tie the brains up in a bag and boil, too. 3 large potatoes cut into pieces about the size of dice, I bunch pot-herbs, I large onion, the hollow of your hand of cloves, sweet marjoram, summer savory, thyme ; rub well and put all in the liquor to boil, about the time the pota- toes are put in ; pepper and salt to taste. To make the force meat balls get about I pound of veal and chop fine. Mix up with sweet marjoram, pepper and salt, and roll into balls about the size of a nickel, dust them with flour and fry brown in butter. Put them on a plate and serve with the soup for those who like them in it. (You may add to the soup after taking from fire a few slices of lemon, and sherry or Madeira wine to taste.) Before taking soup from fire, mix some flour and water together to thicken, but do not get it too thick. We always strain the liquor before putting in the other things so as to get rid of the little bones. BOILED SHEEPSflEAD Put the fish °? to boiI •" 1 cold water enough to cover it. W.th Cream Sauce Dressing Dq no( . ^ thg fish but put by salt in the water. Add to the Mrs. M. M. Gabrylewitz water one carrot sliced > one (Mary M. O'Brien) onion > four cloves > two slices of lemon, three bay leaves, a little parsley, a tablespoonful of vinegar. Let all come slowly to a boil. When the fish is done, take carefully out of water and lay in a flat dish. For the Dressing: — Put a tablespoonful of butter in a pan and melt ; when melted, add one tablespoonful of flour and mix to a smooth paste. Take from fire and add half a pint of scalded cream and about three tablespoonfuls of the water in which the fish was boiled, to give flavor. Add the yelk of an egg, stir all well together and pour over the fish. To be eaten cold or warm. This sauce can be used for any kind of boiled fish. Hard-boiled egg chopped very fine and parsley spread over the top, may be added if desired. BAKED SAIiMOK ' can Ha Ps° ods salmon ; * I cup milk ; I teaspoonful BY butter; 2 tablespoonfuls flour; Miss Elizabeth McCandless i egg- Mix milk, flour, but- ter together and bring to a boil. Beat egg light. Season the salmon with pepper, salt, and a dust of celery seed. Beat the egg with the salmon and last add the boiling flour, butter, and milk. Stir together and bake half an hour or twenty minutes in a quick oven. 10 CHIVIED OYSTERS c Take **? Ur ^. oyster *; 7 Stew in their own liquor till BY the edges curl. Skim out the Mrs. George Richards Sikes oysters and put where they ,_„ T „ x will keep warm but not cook. (Ellen L. Kenney) r . Add to the liquor y 2 pint of cream, y 2 pint of milk, $£ cup of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Thicken with I dessertspoonful of flour and 2 of cornstarch. Let it boil up and pour over the oysters. OYSTEft CROQUETTES BoiL 25 oysters five min * utes, chop them very fine, add BY I gill of the liquor, I gill of Mrs. Benjamin F. Butcher cream, i tablespoonful of but- /t iv ^ ^ >T1 • x ter and 2 of flour (mixed (Lilhe R. O Bnen) v together), I tablespoonful of chopped parsley, I tablespoonful of chopped onion, j4 grated nutmeg, salt and cayenne pepper to taste ; boil all together until it thickens. When nearly done, add the yelks of 2 eggs, mould, roll in eggs and bread-crumbs, fry in boiling fat. Ft?IFtl OVSTFftS Drain large, plump oysters for half an hour through a BY colander, lifting them with a Mrs. Charles A. Meguire wooden spoon occasionally /T , _ _ . . . to assist in running off the (Kmma E. Geiselman) _ & liquor. For each dozen allow three eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt and a pinch of pepper. Mix eggs, pepper and salt thoroughly, and, using your hand, lay the oysters, one at a time, in the egg, then roll in II smooth cracker dust, then again in the egg, and, finally, press smooth and shapely in the dust. Spread upon a large tray or biscuit board upon which a little dust has been sifted. Do not pile them on top of each other either now or after frying. When all are prepared heat the lard-bath; it must have a depth of three inches, and be still hot before putting in the oysters. Fry not more than four at a time. When a deep golden, take out and lay upon a sheet of soft brown wrapping paper to absorb superfluous grease before transfer- ring to a hot plate. They will puff up, and not only taste, but look the delicious morsels they are, with a crisp, rich crust and juicy, tender hearts. OYSTEft PIE ;5 large °y sters ; 2 hea ping tablespoonfuls of butter; y 2 BY pint of milk ; I tablespoonful Mrs, Wm. Stirling flour ; a tiny pinch of ground (Rachel N. Thoburn) maCe > Salt ' and a dash ° f cayenne pepper. For crust, I quart sifted flour and a little salt; I cup of sweet butter ; I cup of lard ; I cup of ice water. Have a clear, hot fire. Put the oysters to drain while you make the crust. Put the lard and salt into the flour, cut fine with a sharp knife, and mix as thoroughly as possible. Add the ice water a little at a time, still using the knife until all the flour is wet. Then use the hands as lightly as possible, making it into a ball for your board, which you must dredge lightly. Roll out the dough and baste it with little bits of butter, using the knife, in close rows ; dredge a little ; turn the ends over, and roll 12 up as you would a sheet of paper. Roll out, and baste, repeating this until the butter is used up. Line the sides of a pudding dish (about 9 inches diameter) and fill with an inverted cup and bits of stale bread, or, if the bread is not available, a clean napkin. Roll the top out, about an inch thick, cover your mock pie, ornamenting the edge heavily, as this makes it easier to remove. It is now ready for the oven. While it is baking, stew your oysters. -Put the milk and the liquor over the fire in separate vessels, rub the butter and flour smooth, skim the liquor as soon as it boils, add the hot milk, the thickening, seasoning, and last the oysters, which should only be allowed to come to a boil, and then drawn away from the fire. In the. meanwhile watch your fire and don't let your mock pie burn, as that would spoil the look of it. Time the baking and stewing so as to have them both done at the same time. Remove the pie from the oven to the board, take off the top with a long, broad-bladed knife, take out your mock filling and replace with the oysters, re-cover and send to the table hot. If you have more oysters than the dish will hold, send them to the table in a sauce boat. The pie should bake and the oysters stew in about fifteen minutes. DEVILED CItfllWS u 2 , 5 J clams cut f ne ' 5 U ha , rd ; boiled eggs, 1 large boiled BY potato, ]/ 2 teacup of butter, 1 Miss Frances M. Carroll raw egg, 1 small onion (par- boiled), salt, pepper, parsley. Beat potato, butter and yelks together; chop whites and onion. Dip in cracker dust, fry, and place in shells. 13 ItOBSTEH CUTItETS BY Mrs. E. N. Gilbert (Ellen J. Nolan) Cream a piece of butter the size of an egg with flour, and mix in a pint of milk, season- ing with salt, cayenne pepper, finely chopped parsley, and (if desired) a soupgon of grated onion. Let the milk come to a boil, stirring constantly, and over the prepared meat of the lobster, coral and white together, pour the sauce, mixing thoroughly. Allow the mixture to cool and stiffen, and then form into cutlets about the size and shape of a large oyster. Roll the cutlets in egg and cracker dust and drop into boiling lard. When serving, stick into the corner of each a little claw-tip as gar- nish. Croquettes of finely minced cold meat can be prepared in the same way. fllamnae Memorandum Page Alumnae Jflenwandqm Page fllamnae JVIemorandam Page Alumnae Dishes for Breakfast, Laneheon, op Tea Pray God, our cheer May answer my good-will and your good welcome here. — Shakespeare. Our Way of Cooking , TRIM r ev u er y *?« ic } e of fa j " ** from a fresh beef kidney, and Kldft6V cu ^ ^ e ^ es ^ m * small pieces. " Wash in clear cold water, BY and drain lightly, then put in Mrs. Alexander Adaire a frying pan, cook about five (Anna M. Soumeillan) minutes, turning all the time with a fork. Then add a pretty large piece of butter, some pepper and salt to suit the taste. Let this all cook a few minutes and turn out on a hot dish. Serve immediately. Particular care must be taken to add no more water to the kidney than adheres to it after draining. IHEXMfl TflJMLES B ° IL 2 p° unds ° f veal " ntil tender; salt while boiling. BY Chop very fine, and season Mrs. Theodore H. Roe with P lent y of cayenne pepper ti*v u .u w t^- i \ and a little garlic. Have (Elizabeth W. Dickson) b ready a thick paste made of I cup corn meal mixed with a little boiling water. Shape i8 the veal into rolls the size of the little finger, and encase each in the corn meal paste. Take the inner husks of In- dian corn, cut off the ends, leaving the husks about 6 inches long, and wash them in boiling water. Wrap each tamal in corn husk, throw 2 or 3 Mexican peppers into the liquor in which the veal was boiled, and cook the tamales in it for 15 minutes. Chicken, with a little fresh pork, can be used instead of veal. JViOIfiEliUX SflfiS TETE steak into pieces about 6 (Birds without Heads) inches square. Chop onion BY and parsley very fine. Cut Miss Clarisse E. Vallette. bacon into ver y sma11 dice ' Salt and pepper to taste. Put a spoonful of this on each slice of steak. Roll together and tie with thread. Brown these on both sides first, then let simmer on a slow fire for one hour. CJlICKEfl TEMRPlfl u l J chicken - : r\ r eet " breads, 1 set calves brains, BY 1 can mushrooms, *4 cup Mrs. Louis Brechemin, Jr. rich cream, 1 cup sherry, , c -o 1 , \ butter the size of an egg, a (Susan Buckley) , bbt little nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Boil the chicken, not quite so much as for salad, and cut in small pieces, fat, skin, and giblets as well. Boil the brains and sweetbreads in salted water, and the mush- rooms Until somewhat tender. Cut all in small pieces, add to the chopped chicken, and put all in a saucepan with 19 enough of the chicken broth to barely cover. Add the cream and the butter rolled in.a little flour. Grate a little nutmeg, season with salt and pepper to taste, add half the quantity of sherry and boil until all the ingredients are well mixed and tender. Just before serving add the rest of the sherry and serve boiling hot. CfllCpfl SflltflD Take a pair of large chick- ens, and, having cleaned and BY washed them thoroughly, Miss Mary Maxwell ' boil until the meat drops from the bones. Skin it and cut into dice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cut the white part of three stalks of celery into small pieces. Mix celery and chicken together. For the Dressing: — Take the yelks of 3 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil, a large table- spoonful mixed mustard. Stir the yelks and mustard together until thick, stir in the oil, and, lastly, add 2 large tablespoonfuls of vinegar, stirring the ingredients together until the mixture is of the consistency of rich cream. Just before serving the salad, add the dressing, and mix well through the chicken and celery. 3^2 pounds finely chopped raw beef. The tender part of BY the round free from fat and Mrs. Eveline Fisher stringy parts is best. Your ,_ ,. _ . butcher will grind it for you (Eveline Foster) ° J in the sausage cutter. soda crackers rolled fine. 3 eggs well beaten. 1 y 2 tablespoonfuls PRESSED BEEF 20 of salt, i teaspoonful of pepper (scant, if fresh and strong). Mix well together in a loaf. Bake two hours. Eat hot for dinner or cold for tea. Good for picnics. WEIiSfl I^E-BIT 2 cu .p s of ,f ate f d cheese - l j 1 r r cup milk, yelks 01 2 eggs, salt BY and cayenne to taste. Toast Miss Cecelia Ewing carefully square slices of bread with the crust removed. While hot, butter them, and then plunge in a bowl of hot water. Place them on a heated dish and stand in the oven, while you make the rare-bit. Put the milk into a porcelain-lined or granite saucepan and stand it over a moderate fire. When boiling hot, add the grated cheese ; stir continually until the cheese is melted. Add the salt, cayenne, and beaten yelks, and pour it over the toasted bread. A rich cheese must be used or the rare-bit will be tough. IWaeearoni with Cheese # p° u . nd «*ccaroni, X pound Swiss cheese, a penny BY bunch of parsley and about 6 Mrs. Emily S. Harkins tablespoonfuls of tomato sauce (Emily S. Bagiot) or roast beef g ravy ~' Break the maccaroni into three or four inches in length and soak in cold water about fifteen minutes. Then boil until tender, in about one-third milk and two-thirds salted boiling water. Drain it well in a colander. Put a layer of maccaroni in the bottom of an earthen dish ; add a layer of the cheese grated, sprinkling 21 BY Mrs. M. Dilkes Chauveau (Mary Dilkes) over it the minced parsley, the tomato sauce or gravy, and a little salt and pepper. Repeat this twice, adding to the top a layer of bread crumbs. Place in the oven and serve when brown. Place a layer of sliced raw pPieaSS66 Of Potatoes potatoes in bottom of baking dish, season with salt, pepper, and bits of butter; then another layer of potatoes and season the same way, and so on until you have the quantity desired. Then cover the whole with milk, place in the oven, and bake until a delicate brown. Boil 2 large white potatoes, cut them in dice shape, add 2 eggs, y 2 small onion chopped fine, 1 pint milk, % pound butter, tablespoonful chopped parsley, pepper and salt. Mix all the ingredients together; through this dredge a little flour. Butter your dish, dredge a little flour on top, and bake brown in a quick oven. Mix 2 large cups cold POTATO CROQUETTES mashed potatoes with 1 table- spoonful melted butter, 1 raw e gg> l grated onion, 1 table- spoonful cream. Season rather highly with pepper, salt, pars- Form in croquettes, brush with POTATO OJWEItETTE BY Mrs. Josephine Ritchie (Josephine Johnson) BY Mrs. Wm. G. Carroll (Elsie M.Beitler) ley and sweet marjoram. 22 beaten egg, dip in cracker dust, and fry in hot lard until a golden brown. COM FftTTEflS BY Mrs. W. A. Garden (Helen Wyncoop) I pint of grated corn, I egg, I tablespoonful of flour, 3 tablespoonfuls of cream. Philadelphia Baked Beans Soak over night 3 pints of soup beans in enough water to cover them. Take 1 pound of fresh pork, 2 tablespoon- fuls of brown sugar, salt to taste, and add to the beans. Stir all together in an earthen crock, and set to bake in a moderate oven for about three hours. Add a little water from time to time as the beans dry in the baking. BY Miss Mary Sterling BAKED TOMATOES BY Hollow out centre (half way) of each tomato. Sea- son bread crumbs with pepper, salt, and sweet marjoram, and butter well rubbed through. Fill hollowed-out part of each tomato with the seasoned bread crumbs. Bake in hot oven until thoroughly soft. Mrs. D. Loughlin (Kate M. Dornan) 23 TOIWATO SAItAD BY Mrs. Edw. Hewitt (Mary Stirling) Two or three hours before meal time peel 5 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 onion, and place them on the ice. Just before the meal 'is served, slice and arrange on a platter trimmed with lettuce or parsley. Pour over them this dressing : — Mix thoroughly in a bowl 3 tablespoonfuls of oil, 1 tea- spoonful of salt, y 2 teaspoonful of curry powder, and, last, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar. Suitable for a lunch or tea for four or five people. CHEAJW D^ESSIJiG BY This dressing may be used for asparagus, or toast, or dried beef. Put 1 pint of milk in a farina kettle. Beat yelk °f l e gg- Dissolve 1 tea- spoonful cornstarch in a little milk, and mix with the yelk. When milk comes to a boil, stir in the mixture ; then add a lump of butter, and salt and pepper to taste. Mrs. Will McCoombs (Leah Pinto) SALTED AIiPflDS BY Mrs. Horace Subers (Mary Hay) Shell, blanch, and spread the almonds on a bright tin pie dish, add a piece of butter the size of a hickory nut, and stand them in a moderate oven until a golden brown. Take them from the oven, stir them around, dredge thickly with 24 salt, and turn them out to cool. To blanch almonds : — Shell them, throw them into boiling water, and let them stand on the back part of the range five minutes; then throw them into cold water, and rub them between the hands to remove the skins. Alumnae JWemorandum Page fllamnae Memorandum Page Alamnae Pickles and Sauces All sour things, as vinegar, provoke appetite. — Bacon. CUCUMBER PICKLES Take io ° sma11 cucumbers f and i quart of white onions, BY pare, slice thin, and put in a Mrs. M. S. Roberts J ar a la y er of cucumbers, one (Margaret S. Rodney) ° f ° ni ° nS aild ° ne ° f Salt Let stand in press all night; then drain off liquor, cover with vinegar, let stand a few hours, and drain dry. Make a mixture of }( pound of mustard seed (^ pound of it ground and the rest whole), I teaspoonful of black pepper, I pint of best bottle oil, I ounce of celery seed, 2 quarts of vinegar; mix this compound with cucumbers and onions and cover tightly in a jar. rilftfoflrtT SOV ^ pounds of stemmed cur- * ^ rants, 3 pounds of brown BY sugar, 1 pint of cider vinegar, Mrs. E. H. Austin l scant tablespoonfui of black (Clara R. Phillips) PW 61 "' 2 SCallt tablespoonfuls of salt. Put all in a preserving kettle over a moderate fire ; cook three hours from the time 28 the fruit begins to boil. Stir frequently to prevent burning. Keep in glass jars. Excellent with meat. PICKED CHEVIES Select firm cherries. White . oxhearts are the best. Remove BY all specks. Pack the cherries Mrs. Edgar O. Van Houten in wide-mouthed bottles, or ,r Air bi i i \ J ars - Cover them with vine- (E. Allie Blakeley) J gar. Pour vinegar off. To each pint of vinegar use from ^ to I pound of granulated sugar. (Quantity of sugar to be determined by strength of vinegar.) Boil vinegar and sugar together from ten to fifteen minutes. Pour over cherries while hot. Into each jar, three or four cloves may be put. Let them stand uncovered till the next day. If any vinegar is left over the jars may be filled as the shrinkage takes place. PICKLED PEACHES Late Heath Clings are best both to pickle and to can. BY Pare and stone the peaches, Mrs. S. P. Lee leaving them whole. Stick 3 /r. iv t» t»-j t % or 4 cloves in each peach. To (Salhe P. Ridgely) ** / 42 peaches take of best white wine vinegar 3 pints, to which add 3 pounds of granulated sugar and 1 ounce of ground cinnamon. Bring this vinegar with its contents (not the peaches) to a boil, and pour, while hot, over the prepared peaches. Let stand for a day or two, then boil the syrup again and pour over the peaches. 2 9 Mrs. George D. Cox (Emma R. Hoopes) Packer House Dressing 3 e ^ s; l teas P° onful each D of salt, mustard, and sugar; I BY cup of oil ; ^ cup of vinegar; a small quantity of red pepper. Beat the yelks of the eggs with the salt, sugar, pepper and mustard ; add the oil slowly, then the vinegar. Beat the whites of the eggs to a' stiff froth, adding them last. Put all in a large bowl and set it over a boiling kettle to thicken, stirring it frequently to make it smooth. Remove it from the heat before it becomes too thick. Used for lettuce, cold meats, tomatoes sliced, potato salad, etc. Very useful and handy for housekeepers. GHlItl SAUCE BY Mrs. Wm. F. Anderson (Harriet M. Campbell) 1 8 large ripe tomatoes, 6 onions, 3 large red or green peppers. Chop all fine, add 3 tablespoonfuls of salt, 5 cups of vinegar. Cook all together one hour. |WHS. P'S COItD CATSUP BY Mrs. S. C. Parker (Sarah Crowe) I peck of tomatoes chopped fine, 8 green peppers chopped fine, 4 stalks of horse-radish chopped fine, 1 teacup of yel- low mustard seed, 1 teacup of brown sugar, 1 teacup of salt, 2 tablespoons each of ground cloves, allspice, cinnamon ; 30 teacup of celery seeds, I quart nasturtiums (chopped fine), 3 pints vinegar. MPS. P'S COIiD CATSUP # peck T tomatoe s ch °p- 1 ^ r ped very fine, I small cup BY Mrs. Isaac Remington (Clemmie W. McCloud) salt, i small cup black and white mustard seed mixed, I cup nasturtiums chopped, I small cup of onions chopped, 2 teaspoonfuls black pepper, 2 red peppers chopped with- out the seeds, 3 stalks of celery chopped, 1 teaspoon each of ground cloves, mace, cinnamon, 1 cupful sugar, 1 quart vinegar. Stir all together. Keep in perfectly air-tight jars. TOMATO KETCHUP BY Mrs Marion A. Bullen (Marion A. Karcher) I peck tomatoes, 1 table- spoon each of red pepper, black pepper, whole cloves, ground allspice, ground mace, ground cinnamon, 2 table- spoons each of mustard seed and celery seed, 4 tablespoons of salt, 1 quart vinegar. Cut up the tomatoes and boil until quite soft. Then strain through a sieve until nothing remains but skin and seeds. To this liquid add the spices, vinegar, etc., and boil until quite thick. Bottle while hot, and if tightly corked will keep for two years without sealing. 3i Grandma Slifef 's ' p h eck ° H f t 7 atoes > H? and chopped, I teacup of salt, ^etehup Sauee 2 ° unces whole h[ ^ k pepper, I ounce ground cloves, 2 table- BY spoons allspice, 2 red peppers, Mrs. Hiram J. Slifer cut fine, 4 large onions. Boil (Mary Beatty) one hour, stirring all the time. Just before taking off, add 1 quart strong vinegar. When cold, bottle and seal. Alumnae Memorandum Page Alumnae IVtemorandqm Page Alumnae jflemorandiim Page Alumnae Bread, falls, and Hot Gakes I'm quite ashamed — 'tis mighty rude To eat so much — but all's so good !— Pope. rtOME w MRl)E YE AST For one gallon of yeast take 8 large potatoes, I cup sugar, BY I cup salt, y 2 pint yeast, a Mrs: Rush Taylor handful of hops. Boil the /TVT T . N potatoes. When nearly done, (Mary Lingerman) r 3 ' add hops (tied in a thin bag), and boil ten minutes longer. Put sugar and salt in an earthen or a porcelain vessel. Lift out hops and press them dry in colander. Mash the potatoes in the water and pass mixture through the colander to the salt and sugar. Add sufficient boiled water to make about 3^ quarts. When lukewarm, add yeast. Let stand until perfectly light (about 12 hours). Put in a jug and cork securely. If kept in a cool place this yeast will be good for four or five weeks. J101WE-1VIADE BHEHD BY For one small loaf of bread take I quart sifted flour, ^ pint of milk, 1 tablespoonful Mrs. Norris H. Norden of butter, 1 teaspoonful of (Helen E. Freas) SU ^ # teaspoonful of salt. To set the sponge : — The flour is sifted carefully and into the centre is poured the yeast (}4 36 cake), which has been previously mixed with a little water added to the half pint of lukewarm milk. Beat the sponge well and set to rise. When it becomes light, add sugar, butter and salt. Knead well and set to rise again. Bake in a moderate oven. Konpareil Corn Bread 2 , heaping fl cups of Indian A meal, I cup flour, 2 eggs, 2y 2 BY cups of milk, 1 teaspoonful Mrs. George Crosby lard, 2 teaspoonfuls white ,„.. _ N sugar, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 (Ella Fagen) t t teaspoonfuls cream-tartar, 1 teaspoonful salt. Beat the whites and yelks of the eggs separately and thoroughly; then melt the lard and add. Into the dry meal and flour mixed, sift the soda and cream-tartar, and add these to the eggs, lard, and milk. Beat vigorously. Bake in a quick and steady oven for thirty minutes. SflltliY iiDM ^ pound of butter ( melted ) ; 4 e gg s > yelks and whites beaten BY separately ; 1 pint of milk ; Mrs. John Cobb H teaspoonful of salt; about (Sarah A. Redles) 4 teaspoonfuls of Royal Bak- ing Powder; enough flour to make a stiff batter. Bake about half an hour in a quick oven. 37 TlflT ftTS»nlTT x P mt k Qt m ^^ poured over ' ^3 cup lard ; add, when nearly BY cool, y 2 cup yeast, T / 2 tea- Mrs. M. C. Geisler spoonful salt, flour to make ^ r^- i x a th'ick sponge. Let it stand (Mary C. Dickes) .,,.,/, until light (about three hours) and then knead, adding I tablespoonful sugar, and flour if necessary. After a second rising roll out and cut into bis- cuits about a half hour before baking. Bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. POP OVEPS 2 eggs ' 2 cups of flour ' 2 ^ cups of milk, I teaspoonful BY of baking powder. Mix flour Mrs. John R. Angney and milk 5 add the e gg s > beat " ._, , „ TT ,, ins; yelks and whites sepa- (Martha P. Hand) 5 / . *~ rately ; add baking powder just before placing in the oven. Butter deep gem pans or cups and place in the bottom of the oven. When nearly done put in the top part of the oven until brown. To be eaten with custard or cornstarch made thin, using eggs. GHflflffJVI GEJWS I quart milk, I quart flour, BY (half Graham), 2 eggs, I Mrs. Chas. G. Saul P inch of salt , Have P ans (Lidie Bower) not and bake thirty minutes. 38 MUFFINS l cup of milk ' 2 * eggs ( the yelks to be beaten with the ,BY milk, the whites to a stiff Mrs. Maurice F. Egan froth), I tablespoonful melted (Kate C. Muffin) " butter ' 2 teas P oonfuls R °V al Baking Powder, a little salt, flour to make like cake. Bake in well-greased rings or gem pans. MIIiTOfi MUFFINS 0xE eg - T pint of milk - I pint of flour, a pinch of BY salt. Beat one egg very Miss Mary A. Campbell light, add part of the milk, all of the flour, then add the rest of the milk. Bake twenty minutes in buttered tins. Eat hot. fiflTTFt? PflKF^ ^° one cu p °^ tmc k cream add enough flour to make a BY stiff batter. Beat thoroughly. Mrs. S. H. R. Capen Add the beaten yelks of two eggs and a teaspoonful of bi-carb. soda. Mix well, (Sarah H. Reger) salting slightly. Toss in the beaten whites of the two eggs and bake on a griddle. fllqmnae Iflemorandum Page Alumnae JVIemorandum Page fllamnae Paddings and Pastry More than enough for nature's ends, With something left to treat my friends. — Mallet. CflEtftV PUDDlJiG BY For a family of five persons, boil 4 potatoes (pared) with salt in the water. When done, drain and mash them quickly, and, while still hot, stir in enough flour to roll out. On cherries (morellas are best), Mrs. Chas. M. Lukens (Matilda C. Barns) this sprinkle your seeded sprinkle with sugar, roll neatly up, put into a cloth or a pudding bag (not too small) and boil or steam for 4 hours. If the water evaporates fill up with boiling water. Eat with butter and sugar (hard sauce) into which is stirred the white of 1 egg and 1 tablespoonful of brandy. A. dyspeptic may eat this crust with impunity. The same crust will do for dumplings. BltftCKBEtftY 1WUSH BY I quart of blackberries, 1 pint water, 1 tablespoonful cornstarch. Stew the blackber- ries in water until well done, add sugar to taste, thicken with cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Boil a few minutes after adding cornstarch. When cool, flavor with vanilla. To be eaten cold with cream. Miss Mary J. Cairl 42 PLUM PUDDING 134 cups of bread crumbs, lj4 cups of flour, 1^2 cups of BY sugar, j4 teaspoonful of salt, Mrs. Walter R. Livingston 3 e gg s and J A CU P of milk > l (Elizabeth A. Ziegler) teaspoonful each of cinnamon and nutmeg, ]/ 2 pound of beef suet chopped fine, y 2 pound each of raisins and currants, ]/^ pound of citron. Mix the bread crumbs, sugar, suet, and fruit thoroughly ; add the eggs and milk. Sift in the flour, add the salt, and put the spices in last. Pour in a greased mould and steam three hours. To be eaten with hard sauce. PflPfl'S PlJDlJlNG 1 cup of moiasses > l cu p of beef suet, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup BY of raisins, 1 cup of currants, Mrs. W. H. List 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of /T^,t ™ 1 i_x baking powder, enough flour (Ella Murdoch) 7 , „ to make a batter stiff enough to drop. Put into a bag, allowing sufficient room to swell, and boil 3 hours. Make a sauce to eat with it, according to taste. We use beaten butter and sugar flavored with vanilla. IWRHYltRflD PUDDlflG 3 coffee cups of flour, 1 tea- spoonful of soda, 2 teaspoon- BY fuls cream of tartar. Sift into Mrs. A. J. Hurlock pan together with % tea- , . . -. ... spoonful of salt. Make a well (Annie J. Tomkins) # r in the centre of flour, into which drop yelks of 4 eggs. Stir, gradually adding ij4 43 pints of milk. Last of all, add the well-beaten whites. Bake I hour in a moderately hot oven. Eaten with sauce, either sweetened cream flavored with vanilla, or Nun's butter. Indian Pudding— The . lNT0 ' ^ **»&v miIk ** stir i cup of fine Indian meal, " ChaiDpiOH" and let stand until lukewarm. BY Mix with this batter I level Mrs. M. A. Elv T ? T /u "& \ "^ (Marian Ash) ef melted butter - % P OUnd of sugar, the same of raisins (floured), and 4 eggs well beaten. Stir thoroughly and bake 1 V 2 hours. Eat with cream, or hard sauce. Boiled Ffuit Pudding ' P int ° f *T\<. ' hea P in s u teaspoonful of baking powder, BY salt to taste, and butter the Mrs. Annie C. Dorland siz e of an egg. Sift the baking /A • n A \ powder well through the flour, (Annie Caley) r & ' rub the butter thoroughly into this, and use cold milk enough to make a light dough. Roll this into a square about an inch thick, and spread it with fruit, leaving a margin of an inch all around. Wet the edges slightly, roll up and sew in a cloth which has been wrung out of hot water and well dredged with flour. Boil or steam one hour, and serve with cream and sugar, or hard sauce. 44 mCE MDDlflG BY Mrs. Frank A. Mulliken (Annie Housekeeper) 3 ounces rice, 2 quarts milk, sugar to taste, a pinch of salt, nutmeg to taste. Bake in a slow oven two hours, or until the rice is thoroughly cooked, and the milk is of the con- sistency of rich cream. fln Excellent ftee Pudding BY Put 6 tablespoons of rice in an earthen basin. Soak for an hour in barely enough cold water to cover it. Add 2 quarts of milk (Alderney is best) and a tablespoon of Vanilla Ex- tract. Sweeten to taste, and bake three hours in a moderate oven. When done, the milk will be very deep yellow and of the consistency of thick cream. Keep stirring from the bottom about every twenty minutes until nearly done; then let it brown. After cooling, put in the refrigerator. Mrs. D. F. Sayre (Lydia F. Hamor) fl Palatable Dessert BY Mix well together the juice and grated rind of I lemon, I cup of sugar, I piece of butter the size of an egg, 2 eggs, I tablespoonful corn- starch, and ij4 cups boiling water. Boil until the mixture thickens. While still warm, pour over sliced cake or lady fingers, and then allow to cool. Miss Maude M. Jenkins 45 CMOCOItflTE CUSTAftD ' quart milk - 6 e ^ s - 2 ounces sugar, 2 ounces cho- BY colate, 1 tablespoonful of rose Mrs. S. W. Dungan water - Chip the chocolate (Sarah A. Walker) and add sufficien t boiling water to make it smooth. Mix with it, gradually, the boiling milk. When cool enough, stir in it the beaten eggs, sugar, and rose water. Bake in a moderately hot oven. Serve hot. FRENCH CtiSTflftD ' quart miIk > 4 e ^, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 1 table- BY spoonful cornstarch, 1 tea- Miss Cornelia W. Elmes spoonful vanilla. ^ Put the milk on to boil in a farina boiler. Beat the yelks with the sugar and cornstarch, then add them to the boiling milk. Then put the custard into the pudding dish. Make a meringue of the beaten whites of the eggs with 1 tablespoonful of pulverized sugar and a teaspoon- ful of vanilla. Drop the meringue over the custard, and place it in the oven only long enough to brown the meringue. SHOW PUDDlflG I pint of milk, 2 table- spoons of cornstarch, 3 eggs, BY y 2 cup sugar. Dissolve the Mrs. Walter T. Lee cornstarch in a little of the (Nellie I. Morris) milk and the sugar in the remainder. When it begins to boil add the dissolved cornstarch, stirring constantly 4 6 until it becomes a smooth paste. Then, remove from fire and add the whites of eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into individual moulds and serve with a custard made of the yelks of the eggs, I pint of milk, sugar and flavoring to taste. CRBItfET PUDDlflG I dozen almonds blanched and pounded, x / 2 dozen Eng- BY lish walnuts and *4 dozen Miss Kate S. Gillespie black walnuts cut or broken into particles, small piece of citron cut very fine, I even cupful of raisins boiled till tender and seeded. Mix well these ingredients in a bowl and prepare the following pudding : Take I quart of milk, leaving out enough to wet 3^ tablespoonfuls corn- starch. Bring the milk to the boil, add the cornstarch into which have been beaten the yelks of 2 or 3 eggs, as preferred, and 4 tablespoonfuls sugar. When the corn- starch is thoroughly cooked, take from the fire, flavor with lemon extract, and stir in the nuts, citron, and raisins. Then pour into cups, adding a macaroon to each cup. When cold turn out of the cups and serve with the follow- ing sauce : Beat the yelk of an egg and 1 }4 tablespoonfuls sugar together, add a large cupful cream and a teaspoonful vanilla. If the cream is too rich, part milk may be used. The white of an egg beaten very light, added, is an improvement. 47 Delicious Hazelnut Tart ° p ™ x p° und of h , azeln u uts : grate them tine, or chop them BY in an almond grater. Take Mrs. A. B. Ausbacher yelks of 10 eggs, beat them ,„ „ v very light, add 12 ounces (Frances Eger) J ° powdered sugar. Beat again till quite thick. Add I teaspoonful of rose water or one of vanilla flavoring. Then, froth very stiff the whites of ioeggs and stir the froth into the eggs and sugar, adding very lightly, a little at a time, 6 ounces of flour (sifted twice) and y^ of the grated hazelnuts. Bake in two pans so as to have two layers. When baked and quite cold, you place between the two layers a mixture composed of the rest of the grated nuts, which have been stirred into one pint of thick whipped sweet cream flavored with a pinch of dry vanilla bean. CHEESE CAKE PIE To five cents' worth of cot- tage cheese add ]/ 2 tablespoon- BY ful of butter, y 2 tablespoonful Mrs. Geo. H. Stout fl o ur > J uice and ri " d of % /T7 a urjj- £ u\ lemon, 3 eggs (yelks and (Frances A. Widdifield) * . - v whites beaten separately), 1 tablespoonful cream ; sweeten to the taste and add a pinch of salt. Dust a little ground cinnamon on top just before putting into the oven. This quantity makes one large pie. Use one crust only. 48 CHEESE CUSTARD PIE ' quart dry cottage cheese ' 2 ounces butter, I pound sifted BY sugar, 2 eggs, I tablespoon Mrs. David W. Hunt flour, */ 2 nutmeg (grated), pinch of salt, rind and juice of I lemon. Dress the curd very- smooth with a wooden spoon. Beat the butter and half of sugar to a cream. Then add remaining sugar, cheese, flour, salt, and flavoring. Beat eggs light and stir in just before baking. Bake in crust. This will make two pies. (Josephine Dunlap) MOPK MlNPF PlF l CU P eacn °^ stoned raisins and of washed currants, *4 BY cup of cut citron, I cup each Mrs. Charles Harte of brown sugar, of molasses, (Kate Kereven) ° f dder > 2 CU P S ° f a PP leS pared, cored, and chopped fine, I lemon (juice and grated rind), 3 Boston (or 4 soda) crackers rolled fine, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, y 2 teaspoon- ful of ground cinnamon, y 2 teaspoonful of ground allspice, y^ teaspoonful of cloves, ]/^ teaspoonful of mace. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and if the mixture should not be moist enough, add cider (or water) to moisten it. Line two deep pie plates with good plain paste, fill them with the mix- ture, and put on an upper crust ; then bake the pies thirty minutes in a quick oven. 49 Temperance IWinee-lVIeat 2 pounds lean beef, ^ 1 pound of beef suet, i heaping BY tablespoonful ground cloves, Mrs. George E. Sladen % nutmeg (grated), % pound (Eliza A. Fischer) Candied lem ° n P ed > # P OUnd citron, I pound small seedless raisins, I pound currants (cleaned and dried). Boil the beef till very tender, set it away for a day or more to be perfectly dry and cold, then chop it so fine that it becomes mealy when rubbed in the hands. Remove from the suet all stringy substances, chop it fine and mix with the meat. Now add all the other ingredients. This dry mixture will keep all winter in an air-tight jar. When ready to make pies, add chopped apples and sugar to taste, and for moistening take equal parts of New Orleans molasses and best cider vinegar (diluted with water and a little sugar). fllamnae jaemorandum Page fllamnae flttemorandum Page Alumnae JViemorandum Page Alumnae lees and Sweets I always thought cold victual nice ; — My choice would be vanilla-ice. — O. W. Holmes. FHOZEfl CUSTARD TAKE f 3 Pi nts of cream ' I ^ r quart of milk, 12 eggs, 2y 2 BY coffee cups sugar, I small Mrs. Henry W. Halliwell vanilla bean. Cut the bean in /T . . _ . . several pieces, scrape out the (Lizzie Settle) . v . / seeds in a gill of milk and gently boil seeds and bean, to extract full flavor. Scald, in a preserving or custard kettle, the cream and milk, but do not boil it. Beat the eggs until light, adding the sugar until all is thick and smooth. Stir slowly the cream and milk into the beaten egg and sugar, add the boiled bean and milk and replace on the fire. Stir constantly until it becomes of the consistency of thin custard. Remove from the fire at once, and strain through a wire sieve into the ice cream freezer, which latter set in a pail of cold water. When cool, freeze as ice-cream. Frozen Strawberries . ( r 0VER ' )°" nd of b ZT s * with i pound of sugar. When the sugar is melted, mash the Mrs. Anna W. McKinley berries, add I pint of water (Anna R. Winchester) and freeze. 54 Frozen Charlotte tyisse *J^ of f ge ^ ne ?' 1 r solved in y 2 pint cold water. BY 3 eggs, i pint new milk, boiled Mrs. William Bickley to a custard. Pour on gela- ^ ™ ™ x tine, add I pound sugar, and (Lucy R. McElroy) \ * * ' strain. When cold, add y 2 pint brandy and I tablespoonful vanilla. When it begins to set in the freezer, stir in 3 pints of whipped cream. f ^ ^ 1 pint of cold water for a half BY hour, bring to the boiling Mrs. F. C. McCurdy P oint and carefully stir in the ,_. a ^ 1 n well beaten yelks of 3 eggs (Florence A. Cathcart) - J J Sfc> mixed with a cup of sugar. Take from the fire and flavor with the juice of 1 lemon and 2 or 3 oranges according to size. Let it stand on the ice till cold and stiff. Turn into a glass dish and heap up over it the whites of 3 eggs beaten until stiff with 3 table- spoonfuls of powdered sugar gradually sifted in. FftJlT GEIiflTIJiE I box Cox's gelatine, 6 oranges, 3 lemons (more will BY be needed if the fruit is small), Mrs. Edward Zieber I P ound granulated sugar, 3 bananas. Pour 1 pint of cold water over the gelatine, and (Margaret Jean MacVeagh) let it dissolve. Mix 1 pound of sugar with the juice of 55 4 oranges and 3 lemons, and the grated rind of 1 orange and 2 lemons. Pour one pint of boiling water over the partly-dissolved gelatine, and add the other ingredients. Mix thoroughly and strain. Pour into moulds or dishes. Slice the bananas and remaining oranges over it, and set in the refrigerator until it becomes solid. If the weather is warm, it will harden better in tin than in earthenware. FfoErtCFl TfiPlOCH 5 scant taD i es P oonm i s fl a k e ' * ^ ' tapioca, 1 quart milk, I pint BY water, 1 small cupful sugar, Mrs. Edward Fiss 3 eggs, whites and yelks /A , ^ >, . x beaten separately, 2 teaspoon- (Mary C. Morris) f _ /' J m fuls vanilla. Soak the tapioca in the water over night, or for five hours, in a cool place. Heat the milk to boiling, in a vessel set within another of boiling water, add the tapioca and water in which it was soaked, and a pinch of salt, stirring occasionally. When all is boiling hot, add the yelks of the eggs, beaten very light, with the sugar, and stir until it thickens perceptibly, but do not let it boil too long or the custard will break. Remove from fire and stir in briskly, but carefully, the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and the vanilla. When sufficiently cool, pour into a glass dish and set away to get very cold. 56 JVIrs. It's Iiemon Butter BY Mrs. L. J. Logan (E. Terese Dickes) Juice and rind of 2 lemons, 2 eggs well beaten, I ]/ 2 tea- cups of sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter. Beat eggs and sugar together, add butter and lemons. Boil five minutes, stirring all the time. Mps. M's Iiemon Batter Take the juice and grate ? rinds of 4 lemons, 5 eggs, 2^3 B1 tumblers of sugar, 1 tumbler Mrs. Emma J. Morris of butter. Beat well together (Emma J. Fort) and boil five minutes. FftJIT CflflDY BY Miss E. S. Tait 4 cups of granulated sugar, I cup of water, 1 cup of vinegar, butter the size of a walnut. Boil until it hardens in cold water. Pour it into buttered tins, in which have been placed nuts, dates, figs,etc. RliUMflRE TRFFV I pound of brown sugar, 1 scant cup of water, butter the BY size of an egg, 1 teaspoonful Miss Sara Hawks Sterling ground ginger. Put sugar and water in a saucepan, and when the mixture comes to a boil add the melted butter and 57 ginger. Boil without stirring until the taffy hardens quickly in cold water. Remove from fire and place in buttered tins to cool. Vanilla, or other flavoring, may be used instead of ginger, and nuts may be added, if desired. fllamnae Jfflemorandam Page Alamnae IHemoFandam Page fllqmnae JWemorandum Page fllamnae Cakes Dainty bits Make rich the ribs. — Shakespeare. Moravian Christmas Cookies BY I pound brown sugar, I pound butter, 4 pounds flour, I quart New Orleans cooking molasses, ]/ 2 ounce ginger, ]/ 2 ounce cloves, 1 ounce cinna- mon, 1 teaspoon soda, juice of one large orange. Mix all together, except the flour, being careful to heat enough to melt the butter. Then " work in " the flour. This makes a large quantity, as the cakes should be rolled very thin. Keep the cookies in a dry place, and they will be crisp and delicious as long as they last, even for months. Mrs. Wm. J. Lamberton (Mary McCurdy) BY SUGflft BISCUIT ' pint of milk > ' pound of flour, 1 ]/ 2 cups of sugar, I egg, 2 ounces of lard, ]/ 2 tea- spoonful of salt, 1 teacup of yeast or l / 2 yeast cake; flavor with a little nutmeg, cinna- Boil the milk; when it is lukewarm, dissolve in it half a yeast cake. Measure in your pan 1 pound of flour; add / cup of sugar, 1 egg, 2 ounces of lard, the salt and the flavor. Mix these ingredients with the milk in which Mrs. A. R. Thomas (Evelyn S. Rigler) mon, lemon or orange 62 the yeast has been dissolved, and stir until the lumps are all gone. After mixing thoroughly beat steadily for five min- utes, sprinkle a little flour over the top and set to rise. Cover the sponge so it will be warm. (When yeast is used, mix with the milk and add the yeast last, beating thoroughly.) In the morning, add to the light sponge the other ]/ 2 cup of sugar and make into a soft dough. (Be careful not to make the dough stiff) Let this rise again, and when light mold into small biscuits. Set these to rise, letting them get quite light before baking. When risen enough, bake in a hot oven until done (about thirty minutes). DOUGHNUTS l pint milk > # pound 1 "* shortening (half butter, half BY lard), yeast cake, enough Mrs. Charles B. Stretch flour to make it stiff. When tt • i ^ h^ht, add I pound sugar, x (Anna Humphrey) , , e gg s » 72 nutmeg, and mold into a loaf. When again light, roll out and cut and boil, dipping each one in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar as it is taken from the boiling lard. SOFT GItfGEt#l{EflD ' c " p ,?" gar ' ' T, sl ^ ten ; 1 ing — half butter and half lard, BY i cup New Orleans molasses, Mrs. J. B. Brenniser I cup milk, 2 eggs, I tea- (LizzieS.Cuskaden) S P°° llful S in & er ' ! teaspoon- ful cinnamon, i teaspoonfui soda dissolved in warm water. Flour, sufficient to make a drop dough. Bake in muffin pans. «3 BUTTER CAKES BY Mrs. A. H. Marcus (Sophie Marcus) Put into a large dish I pound of the best butter, I pound of granulated sugar, 2 pounds flour well sifted, the grated rind of 2 lemons, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, 3 e gg s we U beaten, 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Work with the hands until it comes together, roll very thin, cut, sprinkle a little granulated sugar on each cake, and bake in a hot oven. SCOTCH CAKES BY Mrs. Howard S. Stetler (Ida Dwier\ I pound flour, 1 pound sugar, ^ pound butter, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon and cloves. Roll out very thin in equal quantities of sugar and flour. Half the quantities may be used with good result. Beat the whites of 3 eggs stiff and add j4 pound pulve- rized sugar, and, last, )4 pound shellbark kernels that have been reduced to a flour by enclosing in a bag, putting on board, and pounding with potato masher. Drop the mixture from teaspoon 0:1 greased pan — be sure to allow a Shellback JVfaearoons BY Mrs. Leon Gans (Teresa Hamburger) 64 good space between — and bake till yellow brown. After taking from oven, allow to set about one minute. (We con- sider these very fine.) VOHK STRTE SflflPS BY I cup of dark sugar (hard to get), i cup of New Orleans molasses, y 2 cup of shorten- ing of any kind, I teaspoonful ground cinnamon, y 2 tea- spoonful ground cloves, ^ teaspoonful soda dissolved in a little water, enough flour to roll very thin. Bake in a quick oven. Place in an earthen jar. Housekeepers will find that they will not keep, unless under lock and key. Mrs. Franklin Collier (Emma Kauffman) ' For the sponge take I quart and i pint of flour, i quart of warm water, I tablespoonful sugar, i tablespoonful lard, I cent's worth baker's yeast. Melt the lard and sugar in the warm water. Stir this into the flour, which must be sifted. Lastly, stir in the yeast. Beat up hard for several minutes and set to rise over night. The next morning sift 2 quarts and i pint of flour in a deep bread tray with 2 table- spoonfuls of salt. Into this mix thoroughly Y / 2 pound roll butter and W pound lard. Make a hole in the middle of the Old-Fashioned Datcn Cake BY Mrs. Wm. McCambridge (Laura G. Fagen) 65 heap, into which put the following: — i nutmeg grated, 3 cups sugar, 2 eggs, ]/ 2 pound sultana raisins and J^ pound currants — washed and dried, the risen sponge. Work this the same as bread. Then divide into loaves, putting these into well-greased, round, deep pans. Set the pans in a warm place (over the range, if possible), with a cloth thrown over them to exclude the air and dust. Let rise from five to six hours. Then bake in a moderate oven one hour, or until a clean straw, run through the thickest part, will come out clean. HA^TFOHD TEA CAP BY 7 cups of flour, 6 cups of sugar, 3 cups of butter, 3 cups of milk, 8 eggs, yi glass of Miss Mattie A. Cairl. brandy warmed in milk, 2 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds of currants, 1 ]/ 2 pounds of citron, spices to taste, 4 teaspoon- fuls of baking powder sifted through the flour. Cream the butter and sugar; add the beaten yelks, milk, and spices. Then, the whipped whites stirred in alternately with the flour. Lastly, the fruit. ItOHG ISMflD CAKE BY Mrs. Charles Burr (Henrietta Thomas) y 2 pound butter, 1 pound sugar, 1 pound flour, 4 eggs, y 2 pint milk, baking powder. Add fruit — raisins, currants, and citron. This will keep for some time. 66 T pint of milk, I pound of STOCK GtyflfiGE Gfl^E poU nd of currants, % pound by of butter, I nutmeg, cinnamon _ to taste, 3 even teaspoons Miss Jane Campbell , , . , -n 1 • ■* baking powder, bake in a medium oven. FHUIT Gflp (M. A. Mecaskey) I pound of butter, I pound of flour, I pound of sugar, 10 BY eggs, i tablespoonful of vanilla, Mrs. S. S. Cavin 2 teaspoonfuls of ground cin- namon, ]/ 2 teaspoonful of ground cloves, y 2 cup cream pounds of raisins (seeded and chopped), 1 ]/ 2 pounds currants (washed, picked, and dried), ^ pound of citron (washed, wiped dry, and cut in small, thin pieces), x / 2 cup cold coffee. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream. Whisk the eggs until thick, and add them by degrees with the spices and vanilla. Then stir in cream and one-fourth the flour. Add the coffee, and the remainder of the flour, half at a time. Lastly, add the fruit, and beat all well together. Butter your pan and line with white paper; put in the mix- ture, spread it smooth over the top with a knife, and bake in a moderate oven about four hours. 6 7 WRSHIHGTOH CAKE BY 3 ounces butter, 6 ounces sugar, 7 ounces flour, 2 eggs well beaten, i gill of sour milk or buttermilk, pinch of mace, i tablespoonful vinegar, }/£ of level teaspoonful of baking soda dissolved in a little sweet milk. Cream butter and sugar together, add the well-beaten eggs and the sour milk, then flour (sifted), mace, vinegar and soda. Bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. George W. Elkins (Frances L. Standbridge) SOFT ICIflG CAKE BY Mrs. J. K. Barton (Millie S. Scott) Boil 6 ounces of granu- lated sugar and 3^ table- spoonfuls of water together for eight or ten minutes. Beat the yelks of four eggs very light ; save out the white of one for the icing ; beat the remaining whites to a stiff froth. Pour the boiling water and sugar over the beaten yelks and beat until cold. Sift J^ pound of flour, and stir in alternately the whites and the flour. Flavor with a table- spoonful of extract of vanilla. Bake in a well-greased pan about twenty minutes (a square pan cuts better slices). Icing : — 1 tea cup granulated sugar and 3 tablespoonfuls of water ; boil together about ten minutes. Beat the remaining white very stiff, pour the boiling water and sugar into it, beat until cold, and spread over top and sides of cake. 68 A DELICATE CAP a J.\ ME: Abou ' ' f hour - Articles : I pound of sugar, BY i pound of flour, 7 ounces of Mrs. William Stout butter, whites of 6 eggs, % ,_.. ^ T x nutmeg grated, a little lemon (Ellen T. Jones) s *L . \ extract. Directions : — Beat the butter to a cream and stir into it the sugar and flour, then add the whites of eggs beaten to a froth, the grated nutmeg, and the lemon extract. Beat all well together and put into a tin lined with buttered paper. 5 or 6 ounces of powdered almonds may be added to this cake, according to your taste. SPOHGE CAKE l cu P/ ifted fl ,°" r < 4 egf. 1 I cup of sugar (A), 1 table- BY spoonful of vinegar, flavor to Mrs. James Harte taste. Beat the eggs and „ . ux sugar together for twenty (Emma Coulomb) b & . J minutes. Add (without beat- ing) the flour. Flavor, and stir in the vinegar as gently as possible. Bake in a moderate oven about half an hour. Butter the pan and bake immediately. BOIItED SPOflGE CAKE f Y ELKS of J '*&•> whites of 6 eggs ; % pound granu- BY lated sugar and 6 tablespoon- Miss Ella S. Braden *uls water boiled until clear ; pour slowly over the beaten whites and yelks, stirring while pouring. When cool, add 6 9 ]/ 2 pound sifted flour (stir, not beat). Flavor to taste. Bake in a long pan twenty-five or thirty minutes in a very slow oven. SPOflGE GIflGEtJ Cfl^E BY 2 cups sugar, i cup mo- lasses, i cup butter, 4 eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 3 cups flour, Mrs. George Clement % teaspoonful soda, 2 tea- (Margaret Macaulay) spoonfuls ginger. RliPJlD CHEAJVI CAP (Florence T. Kennedy) 2 cups sugar, l / 2 cup butter, 1 lemon — juice and grated BY rind, 4 eggs — 3 whites and 4 Mrs. Wm. T. Burke V elk s beaten separately, 1 cup cold water, 3 cups flour, 3 even teaspoonfuls baking powder. Cream the butter and sugar, add the lemon, the yelks, the water, the flour and powder sifted together, and the whites. Beat hard and bake in jelly cake tins. Filling : — 1 cup milk, 3 even teaspoonfuls cornstarch, yelk of 1 egg, x / 2 cup sugar, y 2 cup almonds, blanched and chopped fine, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Heat the milk to boiling, thicken with cornstarch wet in a little cold milk, pour in the whipped yelks and sugar, and cook all ten minutes, stirring constantly. Then cool, add flavoring and almonds. Icing : — Whip the two reserved whites to a stiff froth, add a few drops lemon juice, and sufficient pulverized sugar to make thick enough to spread. Cover top and sides. Before it hardens lay the kernels of English walnuts in two layers or circles on top of cake. 70 EDGE Mllilt CRKE 2 c u ups g ranulated su f r < # 1 cup butter, 4 eggs, y 2 cup rAr milk, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoon- Miss Ella P. Macaulay ^ls baking powder. Cream butter and sugar; then add beaten yelks of eggs; next the milk. Mix baking powder and flour thoroughly together, and add flour and well-beaten whites of eggs alternately. Flavor with 1 teaspoonful vanilla, and bake in three layer pans. Icing:— Whites of 2 eggs well beaten, I cup pulverized sugar, % cup water. Boil sugar and water until the mixture hairs or strings from the spoon. When cool, add whites of eggs and flavor with vanilla. IiRYEft SPOflGE CRKE 5 eggs - 2 cu fl ps *TtT y K y sugar, 2 cups flour (sifted), 1 BY teaspoonful Royal Baking Mrs. Wm. C. Crowell Powder, % cup boiling water, , . flavor to taste (rose water pre- (Jenme Macauley) . J r VJ ferred). Directions: — Beat the yelks and whites of eggs separately (reserving the white of one egg for icing); then add the sugar to the yelks; then, whites of eggs ; next, flour and baking powder; lastly, put in boiling water and place immediately in oven. Bake in two layers, and when cold ice with following icing: 1 cup granulated sugar, 4 tablespoonfuls water ; boil together seven minutes ; then pour into the white of the egg, which has been well beaten. Beat all the time you are pouring the sugar into the egg; flavor; then spread on cakes when both are cool. 7i SPICE CAKE ^ cup butter > 2 cu p s su £ ar > 3 eggs (leave out the whites BY of 2 of them), i cup sour Mrs. Isaiah Rudy milk > l teaspoonful baking ,, ta i \ soda (or, you can use sweet (Laura Dales) . milk with 2 teaspoons baking powder), flour enough for rather a stiff dough, I heaping spoon of ground cinnamon. Dissolve the soda in a little boiling water, put in last. Bake in three layers. Ice in between the layers, thickly, using for this the two whites you have reserved. fllamnae JVIemopancfom Page Alumnae JJemopandam Page Alumnae f/IemoFandum Page Helpful Words for the Alumnae Gookbook f pom JVtembere of the Alumnae. A small drop of ink Falling like dew upon a thought. — Byron. x Miss Virginia Maitland. " Wishing you every success in your undertaking." Miss Grace E. Spiegle. 11 I received the enclosed list from Miss Baldwin [names of possible contributors], and we both hope it will be of some use to x ou -" Miss Clara J. Hendley. " I think the cookbook idea a capital one, and I hope you will have no difficulty in finding contributors, and that the sale at the Bazar will be a great success." Miss Linda M. Whitaker. " I think the cookbook is a bright idea. Best wishes for the success of your plan." ;6 Mrs. M. McCullough. " I willingly will subscribe for the new cookbook, but have no recipe to contribute. Thanking you for your kindness in including me among the ioo." Miss Mary Kereven. " If you will write to Mrs. , she will give you an excel- lent recipe. Mrs. makes a delicious fruit pie. I intended to send these recipes, but do not wish to keep you longer waiting for my answer." Miss Mary S. Holmes. " I do wish you success, for this sort of thing is no light matter." Miss A. C. Voute. " I delayed replying to your note in hopes of obtaining definite information for you. Should I have anything more satisfactory I will communicate with you. Hoping the information [given] may be of service to you." Miss Sophie Schrader. tl These receipts were sent to me. I hope they are not too late for use." 77 Miss Louise H. Haeseler. " I have not my list of addresses with me where I am spending the summer. I have forwarded your note to another member of our class, and no doubt she will attend to it." Miss H. C. Leypoldt. " Sends the above addresses, all of Philadelphia." Miss Adah V. Hubbs. " Enclosed you will find the names of those of my class whom I imagine are, or should be, best versed in matters pertaining to culinary art." Miss Isabella M. Wilbur. " May these messengers of good things find a warm wel- come in many homes." Misses E. L. Ridgely, Bessie H. Du Bois, Blanche Baldwin, C. M. Taylor, A. P. Wylie kindly sent lists of possible contributors. Alumnae Jflemorandum Page Alumnae Memorandum Page Alumnae Memorandum Page I N DEX Page Note of Thanks 3 Overheard 5 Soups, Fish and Shellfish 7 Soup, Black Bean 7 Calfs Head 8 Clam 7 Fish, Salmon, baked 9 Sheepshead, boiled 9 Shellfish, Clams, deviled 12 Lobster cutlets 13 Oysters, creamed 10 Oysters, croquettes 10 Oysters, fried 10 Oysters, pie 11 Dishes for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Tea 17 Almonds, salted 23 Beans, Philadelphia baked 22 Beef, pressed 19 Birds without heads 18 Chicken salad 19 Chicken terrapin iS Corn fritters 22 Cream dressing 23 Kidney, beef 17 Maccaroni, with cheese .... 20 Potato croquettes 21 Potato fricassee 21 Potato omelette 21 Tamales, Mexican 17 Tomatoes, baked 22 Tomatoes, salad 23 Welsh rarebit 20 82 Page Pickles and Sauces 27 Catsup, cold, Mrs. P's 29 Catsup, cold, Mrs. R's 30 Cherries, pickled 28 Cucumber pickles 27 Currant Soy 27 Parker House Dressing 29 Peaches, pickled 28 Sauce, Chili 29 Sauce, Grandma Slifer's ketchup 31 Tomato ketchup 30 Bread, Rolls and Hot Cakes 35 Bread, corn 36 Bread, homemade 35 Batter cakes 38 Biscuit, hot 37 Graham Gems 37 Muffins 38 Muffins, Milton 38 Pop overs 37 Sally Lunn 36 Yeast, homemade 35 Puddings and Pastry 41 Custard, chocolate 45 Custard, French 45 Dessert, a palatable 44 Mince-meat, temperance 49 Mush, blackberry 41 Pudding, boiled fruit 43 Pudding, cabinet 46 Pudding, cherry 41 Pudding, Indian 43 Pudding, Maryland 42 Pudding, papa's 42 Pudding, plum 42 Pudding, excellent rice 44 Pudding, rice 44 Pudding, snow 45 Pie, cheese cake 47 83 Page Pie, cheese custard 4 8 Pie, mock mince-meat 4-8 Tart, hazlenut 47 Ices and Sweets 53 Frozen Charlotte Russe 54 Frozen custard 53 Frozen strawberries 53 French tapioca 55 Fruit candy 56 Fruit gelatine 54 Lemon butter, Mrs. L's 56 Lemon butter, Mrs. M's 5^ Orange meringue 54 Taffy, Alumnae §6 Cakes 6r Biscuit, sugar 6i Cakes, butter 63 Cakes, Scotch 63 Cakes, soft gingerbread 62 Cakes, York State snaps 64 Cake, almond cream 69 Cake, boiled sponge 68 Cake, delicate 68 Cake, Dutch 6 4 Cake, Edge Hill 7° Cake, fruit 66 Cake, Hartford Tea 65 Cake, Long Island 65 Cake, layer sponge 7" Cake, soft icing 6 7 Cake, spice 7 1 Cake, sponge 68 Cake, sponge ginger 69 Cake, Stock Grange 66 Cake, Washington 67 Cookies, Moravian Christmas 61 Doughnuts 62 Macaroons, shellbark 63 Helpful Words 75> 7 6 , 77 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WWBBIiiEil,, ° ° 14 481 253 ° • Burk & McFetridge Printers t LlTHOQR/iPHERS Publishers * 306-308 CHESTNUT ST. 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