s r A T E M E N r rOXCEISXIXti TIIK Army and Navy Claim Agency U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, From September i, 1861, to October 1, 1S66. Statement Concerning the Armv and Navy Claim Agency of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. The prosecution of Claims on (ioverninent, for soldiers and sailors or their representatives, without charge, became a distinctly oro;anized form of tlie Commission's Special Relief Service, January^, 1803. Its fii'st Local Agency, for liling Claims in the various gov- ernmental departments, was opened in Washington, D. C, February 10, 1863, at 389 H street, in connection with its Special Relief Office, and continued in operation until July 10, 1865, when its business was transferred to the Central Bureau. The Central Bureau was organized A})ril 1, 1864, at 244 F street, Washington, under the title of " The U. S. Sani- tary Commission Army and Navy Claim Agency." A few additional agencies weie established })rior to May, 1865, when an extension and enlargement of the system of Local Agencies — auxiliary to the Central Bureau — was under- taken, under the immediate supervision of Mr. William F. Bascom, who, at a later period, (October 1, 1865,) was appointed General Agent of the Bureau. The whole number of agencies thus established, and sup- ported either wholly or in part, from the Central Treasury of the Commission has been 108. The agencies at Philadelphia and Louisville have filed their Claims direct in the governmental departments.* All others, deriving support from the Central Treasury of the Commis- * The agency at Philadelphia has filed Claims of Dmcharged Men for " Arrears of Pay and Bounty," through the Central Bureau. ■siou, liave traiLSHcted their business through the Central Bureau, which has supplied all instructions, forms, blanks, books i'or registry and record, and stationery, required in transacting the business. On the tirst day of evciy inonth, Local Agencies were lequired to make full returns to the (Jentral Burenu, includ- ing a classified statement of the business cif the month, with their monthly expense account, accompanied by voucliers. The Centi'al Bureau ceased to receive Claims on -January 1 , 18()(), its unsettled claims at that date numbering ol,9T,t.'^ The numbei- of unsettled claims at this date (October 1, 186fi) is 20,27:5. The j)rosecutiou oF these Claims is still progressing, and the work of the Bureau i-apidly approaching com[)letion. A condensed tabular statement of this branch of the Com- mission's Special Relief Service, from September 1, 1861. to October 1, 18G6, is herewith presented; accompanied by a list of local agencies, a classified statement of expenses of the Central Bureau and Local Agencies, and certain Forms indicating the system employed for conducting the oin'i-ations of the Bureau. Jno. S, Blatchford, General .Secretauy. Washington, October 1, 18GfJ. *The Agency at New York continued to receive claims until March 19, 18(36. ARMY AND NAVY CLAIM AGENCY (j Condensed Statement of Work from A-gency. I*orlocl. Number of Claims Allowed, Cash iNumh Value. I n^'.^'J 1 Reied Special Relief Office. Wash- , inffton. D. C. j Special Relief Station, Convales- cent Camp, near Alexandria, Va. Special Relief Office, ]}oston.... r Central Bureau, "Army and Navy Claim Agency," Wash- -[ inirton. D. C. *From Sept. 1, 1861, to Jan. 1, 1863. From Jan. 1, 1863, to Jan. 1, 1864. From Jan. 1, 1864, to Jan. 1, 1865. From Jan. 1, 1865. to Jan. 27, ]866. From Jan. 1, 1863, to Jan. 21, 1866. From Feb. 14, 1863, to July 10, 1865. From April 30, 1863, to March 1, 1865. From April 1, 1863, to April 1, 1866. From xVpril 1, 1864, to Jan. 1, 1865. From Jan. ], 1865, to Jan. 1, 1866. From Jan. 1, 186(), to Oct. J, 1866. 3,103 j $220,671.36 3,208 i 227,063.20 412.810.47 1 547,436.31 i ::')6,405.23i 4.803 4.806 2,446 4.961 2.140 37 S 751 5.650 ;508, 470.90 200,002.06 36,688.91 IS8,400.31 1,570,365.32 12,011 3,221,121.20 Agency at Philadelphia, }'; From xMay 15, 1863, toOet. 1, 1866. ''^■'^•'^ From Jan. 1, 1866, " New York City.J..., to October 1, 1866. jFrom April 1, 1864, ' to Nov. 1, 1865. 2,482,643.94 •' Louisville, Ky. 204 1 60,835,71 629 i 33,612.91 1,5 3,7 1,4 Total. From Sept. 1, 1861, to Oct. 1, 1866. 52,743 $9,726,427.83 7,01 •■During the period from Sept. 1, ISdl, to .Jan. 1. 18G.3, no .sy.^tematic rocoi-d of tliis sorvic made by Mr. F. N. Knapp. jl Miscellaneous claims not formally entered upon the Office Records. t In determining the cash value of Pension Claims, they are estimated as continuing for tiv |The business of the New York Agency, prior to January 1, 1866, appears in the Exhibit c' Governmental Departments. For condensed statement of the work of this Agency from Januar Number of Claims remaining A large amount of aid has been rendered to Soldiers at the various Special Relief Offices a the adjustment of accounts and the collection of dues from Government, which does not appear il f' THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, ptember i, 1861, to October 1, 1866. Whole No. Claims Cost of Service. Settled. dnsisilloatloxi of C'lulnis A.llo>ve0 Miscolhineovis 3.130 f Ptu and Bounty of Discharoed Men. \ Pa.y and Bounty of Men in Hospital. (Pay and Bounty of Discharged Men. Pay and Bounty of Men in Hospital. Misccllaneou.s Pay and Bounty of Discharged Men. Pay and Bounty of Men in Hosj)ita.I. Miscellaneous .Miscellaneous fPcnsious Arrears of Pav and licMinti r Mi.scellaneoti.s — chieHy I'ay ••nid Bounty \ and Men iii llospit.-il .f Disclinroed .Men 2,C3ti 372 2,08r. 2.200 (308 2.945 792 l.ir)9 2,44(; 4.644 :'>17 .14(1 2J0 10, ;ni 022, 108. 07 - f Misc(41aueous — cliieliy Pay and Bounty of Disrliarged Men... ;i7,S Invalid Pensions 4,()3(i Widow's Pensions 2,593 Unclassified Pensions 24(> Naval Pensions 102 Arrears of Par and Bounty, iucludiug- Arrears of Pay and Bount\' of Discharged soldiers; on account of Deceased soldiers ; Na\al Arrears Pay and Bounty; Naval Transfer : (Commutation of Bations and Officers' Accounts ]5,5()0 Prize ]\Ioney 1.189 Invalid Pensions 2,872 Widows' Pensions 905 Unclassified Pensions 342 Arrears of Pay and Bounty of Discharged soldiers 2,541 Arrears of Pay and Bounty on account of Deceased soldiers.. 2,109 Miscellaneous 70*^ Arrears of Pay and Bounty t^l Pensions <)4 Prize Cases 29 Pensions ]3f; Arrears of Pay and Bounty 13;! 59,773 j$221,028.65 (yorrespondence of the Central Bureau from April 1, 1864, to October 1, 1866: Letters received,, 106,409 ; Letters and Mail Packages transmitted, 126,983. Total, 233,392. s preserved at the .Sjiecial Relief Office in \\'as!iin<.;toii. The result given i>: Iiased on an estimate Hrs at the rate originally allowed. me Central Bureau. Claims received sulisequi'Ut to .Tanuar; \i, 1863, to November 11, 1866, see appendix settled October I, 1866, 20,273. 1S66. have lieen filed direct in tiie Stations of the Commission, involving ''correction of papers," in almost every form, necessary to his statement, and of which no record exists. U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION ARMY AND NAVY CLAIM AGENCY. Classification of Expense Account of the " Central Bureau" at Washington, D. C, troni April i, 1864, to October 1, 1866 : Kent >;l,:j48.7r) Advertising "21.25 Stationery 1U,596.19 Postjige :),4r)8.04 Telegrams T)! .40 Freight :5G7.10 Expenses :;,G83.54 Travelling Ex})eu8es \,^u~).'l\) Salaries 70, 58*.). 1)0 Fees of Magistrates 53.50 • $99,745.62 Classification ot Expenditure incurred for support ot "Local Agencies" auxiliary to the Central Bureau, from April 1, 1864, f<^ October 1, 1866: Salaries 809,237.14 Fees of Magistrates.. 8,891.25 Postage 0,294.56 Rent 4,790.72 Advertising 5,325.91 Other Expenses 15,233.42 109,773.00 Total $209,518.62 The expenses of the Phihidelphia Agency, whicli has transacted its business direct with the Governmental Departments, amounting to $22,156.50, from April 8, 180.3. to October 1. ISiiG, is included in the expensk account of Local Agencies. United States Sanitary Commission Army and Navy Claim Agency. LIST OF LOCAL AGENCIES AUXILIARY TO THE CENTRAL BUREAU, WASHINGTON, D. C. Location. Date of Establishment. Name of Agent. Date of Discontinuance. No. of Claims Filed. Uridgeport ... ihirttbrd New Haven... New Lotidou. Wiliuingtou .... ^Vashingloll Alton Centralia Chicago Griggsville.. Peoria ,. Quincy Vienna Evansville... Fort Wayne. Indianapolis Lafayette .... Laporte Lebanon Madison Richmond. . Tcrre Haute. liurlingtun .. Davenport... I'es Moiues.. Dubuque. ... .June 10, 1865. June 10, 1865. June 0, 1865. June 16, 1865. July 1, 1865. Feb. 14, 186;-). July 1, July 1, 186" 186[ April 1, 1865. Oct. 1, 1865. July 1. 1865. July i; 1865. Aug. 15, 1865. June 15 1865 Julv 28, 1865 June ''i 1865 June 9. 1865 June 13 1865 Oct. 1, 1865 July 1, 1865 July 1, 1865 June 13 1865 July- 1, 1865 June 19 1865 June 20, 1865 June 8, 1 865 CONNECTICUT. Andrew Grogau Richard W. Roberts.... {Francis M . Lovejoy, suc- ceeded July 20, 1865, by Ellsworth A. Smith. Charles M. Wilcox DELAWARE. Levi C. Bird .... DIST. OF COLUMBIA. ( Wni. F. BascoiE, sue - ceeded April 14, 1864 (by .Milton P. Barry. ILLINOIS. Jaiues Newman Samuel P. Tufts M. D. Bartlett, succeed' ed Aug. 1, 1865, by A N. Linscott. H. L. Boltwood Chauncey Nye Henry A. Castle John S. Crum ... INDIANA. (Jharles E. Marsh , W. T. Jennison , Temple C. Harrison..., Taylor & Watson Wm. Andrew R. B. Simpson David G. Phillips Lewis D. Stubbs Thomas C. Bailey IOWA. J. P. Brown Charles H. Kent Geo. P. Abel E. S.Norris Dec. 3 1, 1865. it 128 435 472 97 Dec. 31, 1865. Dec. 31, 1865. Nov. 17, 1865. Dec. 31, " Nov. 2(1, Dec. 31. Dec. 31, 1865. 80 6329 54 19 1010 142 319 24 66 70 227 316 126 44 109 48 120 81 329 150 151 Location. Date of Establishment. Name of Agent, Date of Discontinuance, I No. ot Claims Filed. yiuvri'iu'i' |Julv i; ,oaveu\V(irili .. .)iil\' I; i KANSA.S I ISOj.' Kiiuciic J,. Akin IDw. 1S(;5. Cliai'lc- 11. CriiiR' ■■ lri(i l!(iwliiiu- (jieuii i.luiic li. l!<\', Frankfort Ijulv 15. lyti KK.NTl'CKV I'. Kiiniard ill .M . lirdwii .. lUcc. I, ]6tJ£ l:; New Urleuus.... Wvl) I.',. LsiM Augusta '.June 1-;. \f<>,:,. Hanfi^or j.June 14. ISU.'). Bucksport ("orinna i.June 2o, l,s(;4. Levant |.]une 1. IS(I4. ParLs Portland |Junc 1.".. isii."). Annapoii-s Aj)i-il liT,l«G4. i Baltimore |Aug-. 19, 18G4.| Frederick 'Jul\- 1. ISti.j ; I Oct. l.S, l.SD'i. [Became au.xili- Bostun !ary to the .san- ! litary Commi.s'n, [ iFeb. ], iHij,-). Greenfield \hilv 1!(>. 1805. Lowell Jul 1805. Neponset ^Uel. J. I8t;4. New Bedford... July 1, 18i)5. Pittsfield Aug.2:j, 1865. Springfield I.lune 10, 18G5. Worie.'-ter June 1 8( I.- Adrian iJul Detroit Grand Rapids... Jaek,son Kalamazoo 1, li I.UlU.'-flA.NA. (Miai le.s W. .Seatoii.... M A I N !•: .lo,sf[ili Bnrloii iiiicl Smith .1. K. iShernian Freeman Know les T. II. Wi-;viin . Win. A. Pidgin \\'m II. Fes.-\i:-V [April Dec. :i().i800. 1, 1805. iJ"b \D(ic. U, " 80o. July 5, 1863.1 July 10, 1865.1 JulV 5. 1865. .Jiil'v ■.)'. 1865.' .Saint Paul Julv 1, 1m64. Geo. \V. iJartlelL X. D. .\. Sawver, sue- j ceedcd Oct. I,"l805, by I Jo.seph W. Gelray. j Thoma.s F. Temple Wm. Almy K. .M. Wood Lewis A. Tifi'L John A. Lovell. sue- j ceeded Sept. 15, 1805, - by Augusttis Slone. J M1C11K!A.\. tJarllon E. Bars tow Wm. Jennison, Jr Isaac H. Parish G. Thompson Gridley.... (,'hai'les A. Thompson, Jr. Ml.NNHStiTA. I (jol. Oscar Malmross, | succeeded May 15, 1865, -I by Gen. John Peller, J- |Dec. :■-.]. 1864. succeeded Jan. 22, 1866, bvGen.IT.P.V.anCIeve. Dec. :-!l, 1865.; io;t4 l.^.s 152 108 20 21 1!» 107 24 1280 20 2075 154 108 232 2!)ii 286 74 125 'rl 964 10 Location, Date of Establishment- Name of Agent. Date of Discontinuance. No, of Claims Filed. Saint Louis Jul\- 20, 18G5. Concoixl Mancli ester.... Portsmouth .. Newarlv . Treutou July 1, 18(J.5. July ], 1865, Julv 1, 186.5. July Ui, 1805. Julv 1. 18G5. Albativ Uulv I. 1864. Buffalo Mav 18, 1864. Elhnira Jamestowu Lockport r N. York Citv-l Ogdensburgii . Plattsburgh... Pou^^hkeepsie. Rochester June 16, 1864. May :n, 1864. Oct. 16, 1865. Jan. 19, 1863. Became auxili- ary to tiie San- itary Commis'n, June 1, 1864. Julv 10, 1865. July 1, 1865. Aug. 1, 1865. Mav i;i. 1864, Spencer Aug. 1, 1864. Syracuse Ijulv 1. 1864, Troy Utica Watertown. Westfield... Chillicothe Cleveland.. Dayton Mansfield Marietta Steubenville ... Toledo Zanesville July 18, 1864. July 1, 1865. Julv 15, 1865. Oct'. 1, 1865. July 1, 1865. May 8. 1865. July 1, 1865. July 25, 1865. July 1, 1865. Julv 12, 1865. Julv 27, 1865. Julv 1, 1865. MISSOURI. Henry M. Post Dec. 31, 1865. 230 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Samuel C. Eastman Cyrus A. Sullaway Rev. Sullivan Holman. NEW JERSEY. David A. I'yerson D. C'ooper Allin.son NEW YORK. .McClure k Miller, suc- ceeded Jau. 1, 1866, by Maj W. W. Post. Jos. A. Peters, suc- ceeded Sept. 1, 1864, by F. (}. Pattison. iMrs. C. B. Stuart Smith C. Howe Geo. W.Perigo Henry Oreenfield, sue- i ceedcd April 1, 1866, [- by Gilbert S Kine. I J Gardner B. Chapin Oren C. Gregg Walter C. Allen N. S. Jones, succeeded] July 19, 1864, by A. J. |_ Hatch,suc'd July 1,'65, } by Dr. A. Mandeville. J C. W. Bradley Silas F. Smith, suc- ceeded July 1, 1865, by H. De Wolfe. B. H. H.all, succeeded") August 1, 1865, by Se- V well Sargeant. j Geo. C. Carter Lucian E. Carter , John Francis OHIO. Thaddeus A. Minshall. j Wm. H. Gaylord, suc- -j ceeded Junel. 1866, by Jasper E. Williams. Robert Brundrette Vance & Dailey Geo. M. Woodbridge... W. A. Walden Hartwell Osborn David Hull Dec. 31, 1865. lo] 187 102 Dec. 31. 1865. Dec. 31, 1865. Jan. 16, " Dec. 31, •' C'eas'd to receive claims March 19. '()6. The Agency still in operation October l,'6(i, for comp letlo n of unsettl'd claims. Dec. 31, 1865 Dec. 16, 1865. Dec. 31, " 846 384 1403 385 129 29 10116 111 212 58 495 24 660 86 U If 244 U If 173 11 Dec. 31, 1865. 75 Ceased to file claims in the Central Bureau Dec. 31,'65. The Agency still in oper'n Oct 1,'66. Dec. 31, 1865. 187 408 1 1 f > 95 If (f 69 Oct. 31, " 14 Dec. 31, " 89 '• '• 173 11 Location. Date of Establishment- Name of Agent. Date of Discontinuance. No. of Claims Filed. Oarbondale Erie Harrisburgh .... Lancaster June 10, 1865. .May 25, 1865. •April 15.1865. Oct. 1, 1865. Meadvillc. Uune 1, 1865. VKXNSYLVANIA. 1). N. Lathropc A. .J. Foster Uewitt & Snodgrass W. W. Nevin D. C. McCov Philadelphia.... I April 8, 1863. Wni. N. Ashtna Pittbbnrgh Scranton Shippensburgh, Wilkesbarre .... Knoxville. Brattleboro. Burlington . Montpelier. Rutland Grafton . .. Wheeling. Fon-du-Lac , Janesville ... La-Crossc..., Madison Milwaukee . Water town. .luh- 1, 1865. Nov. 1, 1865. May 24, 1865. June 10, 1865. Aug. 1. 1865. Julv 1, 1865. July 1, 1865. July 1, 1865. June 1, 1865. July 12, 1865. July 1, 1865. Julv !, 1865. Sept. 1, 1865. June 13, 1865. Julv 1, 1865. July 1, 1865, July 1, 1865. B. F. Brown Aretus II. Winton. I). W. Thrush Hubbard B Payne. TENxXESSEE. Charles Seymour... VE R.MONT. Geo. II. Bailey. A. J. Howard I). L. Fuller, succeeded Sept. 1, 1805, by E. J. Scott. James E. Porter... WEST VIRGINIA. .Jiunes M. Scrogin James Gilchrist WISCONSIN. N. G. Giffin Plinv Norcross Stogdill k Daniels .. Buel E. Hutc'hinson. Wm. G. Whipple.... Calvin B. Skinner... Dec. 31. 1865. Ceas'd to rec've clairn.s Dec. :il , (i;"). Auency still in operation Oct. 1,'iiH, for comple- tion of unsettled claims. Dec. 31, 1865 Dec. :U, 1865 Dec. 31, 1865. u >' Dec. 31, 1865. 40 105 401 8) 142 10798 434 44 51 147 398 91 157 161 91 17 113 Dec. 3 1, 1865. u a It 1 o;'. 117 357 200 73 Whole number of Claims filed by Local Agencies 50,604 Form of Agreement used in the Establishment of "Local Agencies." U.S. SANITARY rOMMlSSION ARMY AND NAVY CLAIM AGENCY. A r, R }■: K M E N 'I- . This Agueement Wit.nksseth : ThiU I. of iii the ('ounty uf and State of do hero'ov promise and agree to and witli as General Secretnrv of the United States Sanitary Com- uiission, or his successor in office, in consideration of the amount hereinaftei- mentioned as a salary for such service, to open and sustain in said an Army and Navy Claim Agency, from the day of 1865, to the first day of July, A. D. 1866, under the direction and in accordance with the instructions of the General Agent of the Army and Navy Claim Agency of the said Sanitaiy Commission at Washington, D. C, and to fill out, and cause to be duly executed, proper applications to the respective Governmental Departments for all claimants applying to me or at my said office; lo file the same; in the office of the said General Agent at Washington, and to procure and forward to him all the evidence possible, which shall be required of nie: and if any part of said evidence shall be required to be procured after said first day of .hily, 1866, I do further agree to procure and forward the same to said General Agent, without compensaliou additional to that hereinafter mentioned. And 1 do further agree and pledge myself that I will render such assistance in the collection of nioney.s upon certificates issued on claims tiled by me in the oHice of the said General Agent, as may be directed or required of me by said General Agent: that I will not receive from claimauts or others any amount or compensation Avhatever, for any services rendered by me in the prosecution of said claims, or the collection of moneys upon such certificates, or for the expenses of such prosecution or collection, in addition to the salary and payments hereinafter meutioued. And I do further agree and consent that this agreement and engagement may lie terminated by said General Secretary at his option, at anytime prior to the 1st day of July, 1866, by a written notice to me of not loss than thirty days: Provided, That the said (General Secretary shall cause to be paid to me a salary for my services at the rate of dollars per year, payable monthly, for the period covered by this Agreement: shall furnish me such blanks, circulars, cards, posters, stationeiy, and blank books as may be necessary ; pay tiie magistrates' fees and the postage accruing in the business, and the cost of such advertising as shall be approved by said General Agent; and provided, further, that the terms of this Agreement shall bo approved und accepted by the said General Sccratary. Witness mv hand and sen) at this day of 186;'). I SEAL.'CE WITH THE CENTRAL OFFICE. The convenience of this office requires that all correspondence with it should be through the Superintendent of Local Agencies, except such matters, specified under tlie heads of " Preparation and Presentation of Claims" and ''Collection of Mimeys." as are therein directed to be submitted to the General Agent. Please carefully observe the distinction. WILLIAM V. BASCOM, Superintendent of Local Agencies. APPENDIX. U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Condensed Exhibit of the Operations of the Protective War Claim Association of New York, from Jan. 19, 1863, to Nov. 1, 1866. Number of Claims allowed 7,052 Cash value of Claims allowed $1,912,999.30 Number of Claims rejected 836 Number of Claims remaining unsettled, Nov. 1, 186().. .2,228 Whole number of Claims filed 10,116 Expenses of the Agency $29,775.26 Classification of Claims Allowed : Widows, 2,213; Children, 118; Invalids, 2,925; Fathers, 661; Mothers, 877; Brothers and Sisters, 258. Total, 7,052. Classification of Expense Account : Salaries is? 1 8 , 6 2 8 . 1 1 Rent 3,681.25 Postage 1,332.60 Printing 1,748.28 Stationery 1,270.54 Furniture 483.73 Office Expenses 2,630.75 .$29,775.26 Note. — The Proteclivo War Claim Association was organized Jjtnuary 10; 186.^. It became auxiliary to the Sanitary Commission, June 1, 1864. It ceased to file claims through the Central Bureau, January 1, 1866, but contiaued to receive claims, filing them direct in the Governmental Departments, until March 19, 1866. 'J'he operations of the Association have been directed by an Executive Committee, consisting of Messrs. Howard Potter, Theodore Koosevelt, and "VVm. E. Dodge, jr.. until November 11, 1806, when its remaining business was transferred to the immediate charge and direction of the Sanitary Commission for completion. :;:i.aii5^'i< LIBRARY OF CONGRESS