L)50 IVi DO II L 150 .C5 1912 LLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Copy 1 XIII. JANUARY 15, 1912. No. 5. Professional Eirectory of Administrators and Teachers in Accredited High Schools of Kansas, ISSUED BY THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. LAWRENCE, KANSAS. Published Semimonthly from January to June and Monthly from July to December, inclusive, by the University of Kansas. Entered as second-class matter December 29, 1910. at the post office at Lawrence, Kansas, under the act of July 16, 1894. i^AF SO 1312 o^\ n/ Preface. The following questions, sent to every teacher in the High Schools accredited by the University, represent the somewhat extensive nature of the information sought : Teacher High School County Present address Home address Where educated : High School State Date Normal School State Date College or Univ State Date College or Univ State Date Degrees : A. B., College or Univ. .Year obtained A. M., College or Univ. Year obtained Other deg., Col. or Univ. Year obtained Professional certificates held : First grade— State issued by Year Second grade — State issued by Year Third grade— State issued by Year Life grade— state issued by Year Summer schools attended : School. Year. To get credits for teacher's certificate or to get credits for A. B. degree or to get credits for A. M. or other degree or to get special training for school work Subjects specialized in with the desire and intention of teaching (underscore first choice) : Subjects at present teaching Number of classes in each subject Teaching positions held City or town Year. Teaching positions held City or town Year. Teaching positions held City or town Year. Principalships held ...City or town Year. Principalships held City or town Year. Principalships held City or town Year. Superintendencies held City or town Year. Superintendencies held City or town Year. (3) The original plan was to prepare a manual incorporat- ing all the information secured, arranging the names alphabetically somewhat after the manner of The American Men of Science volumes. So much of the detailed information, however, was not forthcoming that we were compelled to adopt the form of the common directory. It is hoped that this cataloguing of names, degrees, institutions attended, professional experience, and present position held, will help toward the realization of whatever professional asset this body of high-school teachers represents to the state. The delay in the ap- pearance of the directory was caused by the great and unforeseen difficulty in securing the data, even after repeated inquiries. There are doubtless some inaccura- cies and there are known to be some omissions. These faults could not be avoided. I wish to thank the teachers of the state, the princi- pals and the superintendents for aiding us by sending the information herein embodied. The statistical summaries and charts appended represent an attempt to interpret some of the facts gathered from the reports. A very few reports, received too late to be included in the statistical studies have nevertheless been listed in the directory in order to make that part of the bulletin as nearly complete as possible. Chas. Hughes Johnston, University of Kansas. Dean of the School of Education. DIRECTORY OF ADMINISTRATORS AND TEACHERS IN KANSAS HIGH SCHOOLS ACCREDITED BY THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Abbott, Alice, A.B. 1910 (Ottawa) ; T. Atwood (Latin, German). Adair, Blanche, A.B. 1908 (Cooper) ; T. Ness City (Latin, German, English). Adams, Effie, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Atwood (Eng., Dom. Sci. and Art). Adams, Pearl, A.B. 1910 (Cooper) ; T. Sterling (Eng., Bot., Phys. Training). Adams, Sophie; T. Hutchinson (Normal Tr., Commercial Subj.). Adamson, Chas. R. ; Pr. Cherryvale (Alg., Geom., Reviews). Ahlstedt, Elmer, A.B. 1904 (Bethany) ; Supt. Phillipsburg (Psychology, Physi- ography, Agri. Review). Alberty, L. H. ; T. Halstead (Man. Training, Chem., Bkkg. ) . Alder, F. E. ; T. Norton Co. (Physics, Chemistry, Botany). Aldrich, Frank R., A.B. 1904 (Washburn) ; Pr. Abilene (Hist, Economics). Alexander, Winifred, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chanute (Ger., Physiol.). Allbaugh, E. B. ; T. Clay Co. (Psychology, History). Allen, A. W. ; T. St. John (Algebra, Geometry, Physiography, Physics). Allen, Ellen; T. Liberal (Algebra, Geometry, Domestic Science and Art). Allen, jr., Geo. A.; Supt. Erie (Psychology, Geometry, Algebra, Physics). Allen, I. M., A.B., 1896 (Lawrence), LL.B. 1902 (Harvard) ; Pr. Wichita. Allen, Richard; T. Montgomei-y Co. (History). Allen, R. L. ; T. Augusta (History, Geography, Commercial Subjects). Allis, Frank H., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Spearville (Math., Ger., Agri.). Altman, Beulah L., A.B. 1905 (Emporia) ; T. Emporia (German, Latin). Altman, Delia, A.B. 1907 (Col. of Emporia) ; T. Ottawa (German, Latin). Altman, Mary E. ; T. Trego Co. (English, History). Ambrose, Cora, A.B. 1885, A.M. 1887 (Avalon) ; T. Campbell Acad. (English). Ambrose, H. M., A.B. 1884, A.M. 1887 (Avalon) ; T. Campbell Acad. (Latin). Ambrose, R. B. ; T. Wetmore (Algebra, Geometry). Amend, Cora; T. Basehor (Latin, History, English). Ames, C. E., A.B. 1905 (Baker), A.M. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Burns (Latin, History, Economics). Anclernow, Lionel, A.B. 1910 (Baker), Ped. B. 1910 (Baker) ; Supt. Fairview (Geometry, Mathematics, Physics). Anderson, Charlotte, B.Mus. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Anthony (History, English, Algebra, Music). Anderson, Nannie; Pr. Bronson (Physics). Andrew, A. O., A.B. 1904 (Friends), A.B. 1905 (Haverford), LL.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Wichita (English). Andrews, A. C. ; T. Mound City (History, Physical Geog., Man. Tr., Physiol.). Annentrout, W. D., A.B. 1909 (Mo. Valley College) ; T. Fort Scott (Eng., Alg.). Annodown, Paul, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chanute (Phys., Chem., Bot.). Ansel, Nellie M., A.B. 1900 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (English). Anyx, H. B. ; Pr. Osawatomie (Mathematics, Science, Normal). Apel, Elizabeth, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Marion (History, German). Armstrong, Amy, A.B. 1908 (Baker) ; T. Washington (Eng., Reviews, Phys.). Armstrong, Eva M. ; T. Hill City (English, History, Botany). Armstrong, Grace, B.Ped. 1906 (Wesleyan) ; T. Salina (Domestic Science). Arnold, F. W., A.M. 1890 (Lexington) ; Pr. Hoisington (Eng., Hist., Math.). Arnolt, Isabelle, B.S. (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Eskridge (Domestic Science and Art. Agriculture, English, Latin ) . (5) Ashcraft, C. E., A.B. 1904, A.M. 1908 (Campbell), B.D. 1908 (Bonebrake) ; T. Campbell Acad. (History). Asher, Alice M., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Great Bend (English). Asling, Edw., A.B. 1899, A.M. 1910 (Central Wesleyan) ; T. Enterprise Normal Academy (German, Latin). Atcheson, D. E., Pd.B. 1911 (Warrensburg) ; T. Marion (Algebra, Geometry, Manual Training). Ault, Alvin W., A.B. 1901 (Baker) ; Supt. Kingman ( Pedagogy, Latin ) . Austin, Edna E., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Mathematics). Avey, Albert E., A.B. 1908 (Yale), A.M. 1909 (Yale) ; Pr. Salina (Psychology and Methods, Latin). Axelson, Alma N., A.B. 1908 (Grinnell) : T. Hiawatha (Latin, Reviews). Axton, Clayton A., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; Pr. Great Bend (Physics, Agriculture, Physical Geography ) . Babcock, Seth, A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Atchison Co. (Botany, Physics, Normal Training, Agriculture, Manual Training). Bailey, Fred H., Bs.D. 1908 (Campbell) ; Supt. Oakley (Zoology, Physics, Physiology, Physiography, Agriculture). Bailey, Gordon, A.B. 1910 (Southwestern), A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Stafford (History, Latin). Bailey, W. N., B.S. 1901, A.B. 1902 (Campbell) ; T. Campbell Acad. (Botany). Baird, Georgia, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.), A.M. 1908 (Highland) ; Asst. Pr. Axtell (English, History). Baird, Mary M. ; T. Labette Co. (Latin, English). Baird, Maude; T. Lecompton (Latin, English). Baker, Beatrice, A.B. 1900 (Fairmount) ; T. Norton (Latin, English, Draw.). Baker, Jessie, B.Pe. 1908, Ph.B. 1910 (Drake) ; T. St. Francis (English. Alge- bra, Civics, History). Baker, N. A., LL.B. 1898 ( ) : Supt. Cherryvale (Psychology). Baker, W. A., A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Pr. Argonia (History, Mathematics, Physics, Latin). Balcke, Olive A.; T. Enterprise Normal Acad. (Domestic Science, Spelling). Baldwin, Bertha I., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Mich.) ; T. Stafford (Mathematics). Ballard, Stella. B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Washington (Hist., Dom. Sci., Art). Baptist, Eleanor; T. Bronson (Geometry, Algebra, Latin, Reviews). Barber, Ethel ; T. McPherson (Commercial Science and Art, Algebra, Physiog. ) . Barkley, Mary W., A.B. 1894 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Eng., Comp., Lit.). Barnes, Elsie; T. Eureka (Music, Physical Culture, Oratory). Barnes, Luther, B.S. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sterling (Physics, Alg., Geom.). Barnes, Nellie; T. Argentine (English, Latin). Barnhill, John F., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Paola (Algebra, Geom- etry, Commercial Arithmetic). Bartholow, E. M., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Waterville (Math.. Phys.). Barton, Lavina, B. of Lit. 1909 (Baker) ; T. Kinsley (German, Latin). Bassett, A. J.; T. Chanute (Physical Geography, Agriculture). Battey, Lita, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (English). Baugher, D. A.; Supt. Kinsley (Algebra, Geometry, Psychology). Beal, Zoe M. ; T. Alden (German, History, Music). Beam, Nellie G., A.B. 1911 (Chicago Univ.) ; T. O. U. Acad. (Eng., Hist.). Beeching, Mabel, A.B. (Kansas State Normal) ; T. Smith Center (Math., Phys.). Beisly, Nannie; T. Wamego (English, Physical Geography, Business). Bell, Annie E., B.O. 1904, A.B. 1905 (Southwestern) ; Pr. Medicine Lodge (History, English, Economics). Bell, Arch L., Ph.B. 1898 (IlUnois Wesleyan), A.M. 1906 (Illinois Wesleyan), Ph.D. 1910 (Illinois Wesleyan) ; Supt. Ottawa. Bell, Bonnie, A.B. 1905, A.M. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Montgomery Co. (German, Latin). Bell, Josephine, A.B. 1906 (Southwestern) ; Pr. Ashland (History, Latin). Bell, Talmon, A.B. 1895, A.M. 1906 (Cooper) ; T. Cooper Acad. (Mathematics). Bender, D. H. ; Pr. Hesston Acad. (History, Mathematics, Psychology). Bender, John F., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Arkansas City. Benn, Rara, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.), A.M. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Salina (German, French, Review). Bennett, Ernest; Supt. Howard (Latin, Normal, Review). Bereman, Everett; T. Reno Co. (Commercial Subjects). Bernstorf, Ella, A.B. 1909 (Southwestern) ; T. Winfield (Mathematics). Bernstorf, Ira, A.B. (Southwestern) ; T. Sedan (Math., Agri., Hot., Physics). Berry, Jane M., A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Chicago) ; T. Liberal (Hist., Phys. Geog.). Berry, O. N. ; Supt. Spring Hill (Mathematics, Agriculture, Physics). Berthot, Stephanie; T. Ottawa (Algebra). Bethers, Elizabeth, Mus.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.); T. Minneapolis (Music). Biggs, Geo. D. ; T. Clay Co. (Mathematics). Billings, Roy E., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Conway Springs (Botany, Physics, Mathematics, Zoology, Physiography). Bishop, Maude M., A.B. 1896 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (History). Bissett, Charles, B.D. 1898 (Bonebrake), A.B. 1906 (Campbell), A.M. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Campbell Academy (Histoi-y). Bixler, Grace; Pr. Redfield (Latin, English, History). Blair, Grace, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Latin). Blair, I. S. ; T. Parsons (Manual Training). Blair, J. E. ; T. Pittsburg (Manual Training). Blakey, Eleanor, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Pleasanton (Eng., Ger., Bot.). Blazer, Minnie L., A.B. 1906 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (English). Boal, Mai-y; Pr. Clifton (Latin, English). Bohannon, Ida B., B.L. 1910 (Wesleyan) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acaderr.- (History, Spanish). Bodle, Marjorie, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Tonganoxie (Latin, History' Bogle, A. M., A.B. 1880, A.M. 1883 (Muskingum) ; T. Kansas City (Algebiu Geometry, Bookkeeping). Bolmar, Lydia ; T. Topeka (Clay Modeling, Sewing, Domestic Science). Booth, Ida L., A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; Supt. Reading (English, History, Latin). Bowman, Estella, A.B. 1908 (Washburn) ; T. Halstead (English, History). Boyd, Ellinor F., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Arkansas City (German). Boyd, J. E., M.Accts. 1903 ( ) ; T. Kansas City (Commercial Subjects). Boyle, Ellen, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Tonganoxie (Math., Science). Boyle, Helen F., A.B. 1907 (Midland) ; T. Atchison (Polit. Econ., Phys. Geog.). Bracken, L. F., A.B. 1911 (College of Emporia) ; Pr. Halstead (Botany, Physics, History, Physiology, Physical Geography). Braden, Charles P., Ph.C. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Elsmore (History, Botany, Algebra, Geometry ) . Bradley, G. D., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Mich.) ; Pr. Newton (History). Bradley, Maude; T. Muscotah ( ). Bragg, Corinne A., A.B. 1898 (Christian College) ; T. Oswego College (Piano, Theoi-y). Brazelton, G. S. ; Supt. Netawaka (Mathematics, English, Latin, Botany). Bredehoeft, Nelle ; Pr. McCune (Algebra. Latin, Physical Geography, English). Breedem L. P., A.B. 1900 (Iowa Wesleyan) ; T. St. John (Latin). Brever, Ola E. ; Pr. Thayer (History, English, Latin). Brickley, Luke S., A.B. (Oberlin) ; T. Washburn Acad. (Math., Eng.). Briggs, A. F., B.D. 1908 ( ) : T. Coffeyville (Botany, Agriculture, Zoology, Physical Geography ) . Briggs, Laura K. ; T. Belpre (History, Algebra). Briggs, Martha, Pd.B. 1906 (Warrensburg) ; T. Atchison (English). Briggs, Ruby, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Concordia (English). Bright, Ira J.. Supt. Lansing (Physics, Psychology, Geometi-y). Brighton Bessie, A.B. 1894 (Baker) ; T. Topeka ( ). Briley, D. E. M., B.M. 1908 (Ann Arbor) ; T. Liberal (Music, Latin). Brink, G. C. ; T. Argentine (Commercial Subjects). Britton, D. E., M. of Ac. 1907 (K. W. B. C. ) ; T. Coffeyville (Com. Subj.). Broberg, Harrison, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. St. John (Sci., Man. Tr.). Brock, T. Gertrude, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Garnett (Eng., Math.). Brock, Ivy G., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Russell (History, German). Brogan, Anna H. ; Supt. Hai-tford (English, Normal Branches). Brooks, Chas. H. ; Pr. Kiowa Co. (Alg., Geom., Bot., Phys. Geog., Physics). Brooks, Geo. F., A.B. 1902 (Hobart) ; T. Salina (Phys., Chem., Agr., Alg.). Broughton, Herbert L. ; Supt. Admire (Latin, History, Civics, Physics). Brown, Alice, B.Ped. 1897 (Mich. Normal College) ; T. Atchison (Lat., Psych.). Brown, Bert G. ; T. Seneca (Commercial Branches). Brown, C. C, A.B. 1896 (Univ. of Kan.), 1899 (Harvard), A.M. 1900 (Har- vard) ; Supt. Concordia (German). Brown, Elsie; T. Eskridge (Commercial Subjects). Brown, Ethel L., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. La Cygne (Latin, Hist. Bot.). Brown, G. A.: Supt. Eskridge (Psych., Physics, History, Commercial Subjects). Brown, Geo. Earl; Supt. Garden City (Psychology). Brown, J. O. ; Pr. La Harpe (Algebra, Geometry, Physics). Brown, Lulu, A.B. 1907 (Ottawa Univ.) ; T. O. U. Acad. (Lat., Ancient Hist.). Brown, Margaret M., B.Ped. 1909 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Pr. Cawker City (Latin, English, Economics). Brown, Mai-y Ethel, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Canton (Latin, English). Brown, Oscar P.; T. Junction City (Mechanical Drawing, Woodwork). Brown, R. A.; T. Atchison (Chemisti-y, Botany, Algebra). Brown, Rice E., A.B. 1908 (College of Emporia) ; T. Emporia (English, Histoi-y. Latin ) . Brownlee, Esther, A.B. }909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. McLouth (English, History, Music). Bryan, R. R., A.B. 1910 (Westminster College) ; T. Cooper Acad. (Latin, French ) . Buck, Ariel, A.B. 1908 (Fairmount) ; T. Dighton (English, Latin, Phys. Geog.). Buck, Berenice, Ph.B. 1904 (Univ. of Wis.) ; T. Emporia (Latin, English). Buck, H. C, B.P.E., 1910 (Springfield) ; T. Wichita (Physical Training). Buck, Mary J., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Mich.) ; T. Atchison Co. (Latin, Math.). Buckman, Ruby. B.S. 1908, A.B. 1908 (McPherson) ; T. Hutchinson (Domestic Science, English). Burke, Beulah E., A.B. 1908 (Howard) ; T. Sumner (English, Sewing). Burnham, Susie L., A.B. 1911 (Col. of Emporia) ; T. Gypsum (Latin, History, Botany) . Burns, Carrie E. ; T. Ottawa (Ancient Histoi-y, Plane Geom., Psychology). Burt, L. B. ; Supt. Alta Vista (Mathematics, Botany, Physics, Agriculture). Burt, Maye, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Wilson (Domestic Science and Art, Agriculture, Histoi-y, Geometry, Civics). Busch, Fred F., A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Linwood (Math., Physics). Bushey, A. H., A.B. 1907 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Pittsburg). Bushey, Veda; T. Herington (English, Drawing, Domestic Economy). Buster. G. B. ; T. Sumner (History, English). Butler, Mai-y ; T. St. John (History, Psychology). Butler, Wm. W., B.Ped. 1911 (Highland) ; Pr. Hiawatha (Phys., Alg., Geom.). Butts, Etta; T. Fredonia (Latin). Byers, Joseph H., A.B. 1902 (N. Ga. Agr'l and Mil. Col.) ; Pr. Humboldt (English, History, Latin, Physiology). Byler, Elsie, A.B. 1911 (Goshen) ; T. Bethel Acad. (English, Normal Training). Cain, W. A.; Supt. Corning (Mathematics, Science. History). Calvert, Alma, A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. El Dorado (Geometry, Algebra). Campbell, Bertha, Ph.B. (Syracuse) ; T. Jewell City (Latin, English). Campbell, Bernice ; T. Labette Co. (Commercial Subjects). Campbell, Edith; T. Derby (Mathematics, History, English). Campbell, Ross T., A.B. 1886, B.D. 1904 (Westminster) ; Pres. Cooper Acad. (Bible). Canfield, Georgia; T. Belleville (English, Domestic Science). Cannan, J. A.; Pr. Chanute (Bookkeeping, Psychology). Canty, May L. ; T. Altoona (English, History, Science). Carl, May, A.B. 1911 (Col. of Emporia) ; T. Downs (Latin, Geometry). Carpenter, Clark B. ; Pr. Girard (English, Physics, History). Carpenter, Margaret; T. Coflfeyville (English). Carpenter, Clara W.. A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Beloit (English). Carper, B. W., B. of M. T. 1908 ( ); T. Labette Co. (Physics. English. Drawing, Music, Manual Training). Carothers, W. H., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Leavenworth. Carson, J. S., A.B. 1881, A.M. 1884, LL.B. 1884 (McKendree College) ; Supt. Valley Center (Mathematics. Civics, History, Physics). Carter, Frances, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Minneapolis (German, English, Botany ) . Case, Hattie E., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Emporia (Bot, Physiol., Agr. ) . Case. S. Irene, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Lyons (Domestic Science and Art. Botany, Agriculture). Cassell, H. L. ; T. Atchison (Manual Training). Cassidy, Lorena, B.S. 1910 (Ottawa) ; T. Wichita (Algebra). Castello, E. J., T. Montgomery Co. (Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Agriculture). Cavin, Alberta, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Clay Co. (German, Algebra). Cell, Lottie, A.B. 1908 (Washburn) ; T. Leavenworth (Histoi-y, Commercial Arithmetic, Civics, Psychology, Reviews). Cellars, S. R. ; T. Le Roy (Manual Training. Mech. Draw., Agri., Bot.). Callers, Esme ; T. Blue Mound (Bookkeeping, English, History, Science). Center, A. F., B.S. 1896 (Salina Normal) ; Supt. Great Bend (Psych., Rev.). Chaffee, Nelle, Ph.B. 1902 (Baker) ; T. Ottawa (English). Chaffee, F. E. ; T. Ottawa (Commercial Branches). Chamberlain, J. E. ; Supt. Ellis (Math., Psych., Methods, Commercial Subj. ) . Chandler, H. E., A.B. (Washburn); Pr. Eureka (Man. Tr., Physics, Bot.. Ag.) . Chaney. L. K. ; T. Fort Scott (Manual Training). Chapman, F. M.. A.B. 1904 (Campbell). A.M. 1911 (Chicago) ; Supt. Mc- Louth (Physics, Physical Geography, Geometry, Algebra, German). Chappell, Harriet; T. Chelsea (English, Elocution). Charles, John W., A.B. 1903 (Friends), A.B. 1904 (Haverford Col.). A.M. 1908 (Haverford Col.) ; Pr. Rose Hill (Latin, History, Com. Law). Charles, Mabel Munns, A.B. 1904 (Friends Univ.) ; Asst. Prin. Rose Hill (English, German, History). Charles, J. D., A.B. 1905 (Franklin & Marshall) ; T. Hesston Acad. (German, Algebra, Geometry, Zoology, Physics). Chesky, Edward, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Burlington (Hist., Math.). Childers, Ethel M. ; Pr. Sedan (Latin, German, Histoi-y, English). Childress, Virginia, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Arkansas) ; T. Coffeyville (English, Algebra ) . Childress, Nora, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Arkansas) ; T. Coffeyville (History, English, Civics). Christian, Eleanor R., Ph.B., 1894, Ph.M. 1897 (College of Emporia) ; Pr. Lewis Acad. (Latin, Historj'). Christine, Ola M., A.B. 1908 (Park College) : T. Girard (Latin, History). Christy, Geo. S., A.B. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Howard (Algebra. Geometry, History, Physics, Economics, Agriculture). Churchill, Carolee, Ph.B. 1910 (Syracuse Univ.) ; Pr. Solomon (Latin, Ger.). Clark, Eva Gill, A.B. 1895 (Univ. of Kan.), A.M. 1904 (Baker) ; T. Alma (Latin. German, History). Clark, Florence M., A.B. 1910 (Bellevue) ; T. Wetmore (Latin, English). Clark, Florence I., T. Solomon (Music, English). Clark, Jesse L. ; T. Wichita (Music). Clark, Rose E. ; T. Rosedale (Manual Training, Mathematics). Clark, Zoe, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Eng. Hist., French). Clayton, Ellen R., A.B. 1889 (Campbell Univ.) ; Sumner Co. (Librarian). Cleary, M. G. ; Supt. Cimarron (Math., Science. Pedagogy. History). Clement. J. H., A.B. 1902 (McPherson), A.M. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Blue Rapids (History, Psychology. Methods and Management). Clewell. H. E. ; Supt. Florence (Physics, Algebra, Geometry). Clymer. Pearl; T. Medicine Lodge (Psych., Methods. Geom., Agr.. Eng.). Clymer, Edna; T. Pratt (History. Mathematics, English). Codding. Geo. T. ; Supt. Westmoreland (Algebra. History. Physics, Agr.). 10 Coe, Jesse M., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Natoma (Latin, English, Hist.). Coe, J. E., A.B. 1905 (Emporia) ; T. Leavenworth (Physics, Latin). Coe, Maude M., B.S. 1902 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Yates Center (Domestic Science and Art, Physiography). Coflfman, Ethel R., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Onaga (Domestic Science, Agriculture, English ) . Coffman, H. C. ; Supt. Spearville (Physics, History, Psychology). Coleman, Mary E. ; T. Geneseo (English, History). Coleman, Virginia E., A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Clay Co. (Latin, Alg.). Collins, Myrtle, A.B. 1902 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Wichita (English). Collins, Olive, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Great Bend (Latin, German). Colville, Mrs. J. V., A.B. 1906 (Fairmount) ; T. Goddard (Geometry, Algebra, Latin, English). Colyer, E. E., A.B. 1895, B.S. (Central Normal) ; Pr. Dighton (Mathe- matics, History, Pedagogy). Comfort, F. W. ; Supt. Westmoreland (Geometry, History, Bookkeeping). Comfort, Eunice, A.B. 1911, Ph.B. 1911 (Kansas City Univ.) ; T. Chelsea (Algebra, Geometry, History, Physical Geography). Conard, J. H. ; Supt. Coolidge (Algebra, History, Physics, Bookkeeping). Conboy, R. A.; T. Edgerton (Latin). Congdon, Nellie G., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Missouri) ; T. Staflford (Latin, Gei-.). Connelly, Judith, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Frankfort (Latin, English). Conner, Faye ; Pd.B. 1911 (William Woods) ; T. Geneseo (Latin, Histoi-y)- Converse, Clara L., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Cherryvale (Hist., Ecc). Coof rider, Stella; T. Hesston Acad. (Algebra, Grammar, Latin). Cook, Anna M., Ph.B. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Oswego (Latin, German). Cook, Eva M. ; T. Hoisington (English, German, Botany). Cook, E. C, B.S. 1901 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Oakley (Latin, German, English, Domestic Science). Cook, J. E. ; Supt. Ness City (Latin, German, History, Civics, Education). Cook, R. R., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Galena (Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, Spelling). Cook, R. Thane, A.B. 1910 (Michigan) ; Pr. Pratt (Psychology, Pedagogy, English, American History). Coppedge, R. W., A.B. 1899, A.M. 1900 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Physics). Copper, Francis Le Roy, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Crawford Co. (English, History). Corth, Clara Louise; Pr. Greenleaf (German, Latin, English, Drawing). Cortner, Maude; T. Esbon (Algebra, Physiography, Geometry, Botany, Eng. ) . Cosgrove, Helen ; Pr. Belleville ( Latin, German ) . Cotton, Lilla May; T. Coffey ville (Algebra). Cotton, M. Irene, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Wellsville (Dom. Sci., Eng.). Counts, Florella, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Irving (Latin, Algebra, Geometry). Counts, Geo. S., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Sumner Co. (Bot., Zool., Agri., Alg.). Cowan, Winifred, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Holton (Dom. Sci., Alg.). Cowdrick, E. L., B.D. 1884 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Histoi-y). Cowell, Carolyn J.; Prin. Cimarron (Algebra, Reviews, Hist., Com. Arith. ) . Cox, Ellen; T. Wellsville (History, Normal, Reviews, Bookkeeping). Cox, Louise; T. Oswego College (Voice). Coyner, Lula ; T. Burr Oak (Latin, Algebra, Botany, Physical Geography). Grain, Clara, A.B. 1910 (Ottawa Univ.) ; T. Ottawa Univ. Acad. (Algebra). Crawford, J. E., LL.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Eskridge (Ger., Latin, English). Cree, Reva G., B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Hartford (Mathematics, Science). Crego, Agnes, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Burlington (English, Botany). Crenshaw, B. F., A.B. 1906 (Yale), A.M. 1907 (Clark) ; T. Wichita (History, Civics). Critchfield, Naomi Esther, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lebanon (German, English, Reviews). Crittenden, B. K., B.S. 1902, B.O. 1904 ( ) ; T. Dickinson Co. (Com- mercial Subjects ) . Ci-oss, A. L. ; Supt. Neosho Falls (Science, Mathematics). 11 Crosswhite, W. T. ; T. Gardner (EnsHsh, Latin, Physical Geography, History). Crouch, Annie G. ; Pr. Alta Vista (History, English). Grouse, D. W., A.B. 1900, A.M. 1907 (Wittenberg College) ; T. Midland Academy (Physics). Crow, Ida M., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Kinsley (Domestic Science, English, Physical Geography). Crowell, H. B. ; T. Sterling (Manual Training, Agriculture, Physical Culture). Crum, R. M. ; Supt. Clearwater (Latin, Zoology, History). Crumme, Percival H., A.B. 1908 (Central Wesleyan) ; T. Enterprise Normal Academy (Histoi-y, English). Crysler, Virginia, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Edwardsville (Latin, German, Eng. ). Cundiflf, Pearl, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; Pr. Harveyville (English, History). Daigle, E. J.; T. Hutchinson (Manual Training). Daily, B. W., A.B. 1908 (Baker) : Supt. Wellsville (Math., Man. Training). Daily, Florence; T. Ellis (Domestic Science, Physiology, Spelling). Dale. H. C, A.B. 1909 (Ottawa) : T. Galena (English). Dale, Mabel, A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Ellis (Ger., Lat., Arith., Reviews) . Dalke, Diedrich L., A.B. 1910 (McPherson College), A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. St. Marys (Histoi-y, Physics, Latin, Psychology). Dallas, Ivon, B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Colony (Home Eco., Physics, Hist.). Dallas, Stella, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Ashland (Math., Ger., Botany). Daniel, Natalie N., A.B. 1910, B.Mus. 1910 (Kee Mar) ; T. Crawford Co. (Music, Elocution, English). Daniels, M. E., A.B. 1903 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (English). Daniels, Ellen; T. Syracuse (English, Latin, Reviews). Darrow, L. D., LL.B. 1910 (Kansas City School of Law), B.S. 1911 (Kansas City Univ.) ; T. Kansas City (Man. Tr.). Dart, Edna, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Reno Co. (Dom. Sci. and Art). David, Bessa A., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (Physical Train- ing, English, Histoi-y). Davidson, A. E. ; Supt. Solomon (Economics, History). Davies, J. H. ; Pr. Caney (Physics, Com. Law, Com. Geog., Penmanship). Davis, Bertha, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Meade (Dom. Sci. and Art^ Phys., Agr. ). Davis, Charles; T. Parsons (Commercial Work). Davis, Manda ; T. Clearwater (Mathematics, History, Physical Geography). Davis, Nanie ; Pr. Clearwater (English, Physics, Botany, Mathematics). Davis, Nettie M., A.B. 1907 (Washburn) ; T. Horton (Math., Science). Day, A. F. ; T. Hutchinson (Commercial Work). Day, Caroline B., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Iowa) ; T. Leavenwortl^ (History). Day, Helen M., A.B. 1904 (Olivet) ; T. El Dorado (Latin, German). Deardorff, C. A.; Supt. Burlingame (Mathematics). Deaver, Clara; T. Pleasanton (Mathematics. Normal Subjects). Decker, Albert I.; Supt. Fredonia (Psychology). Dehuff, Lilie; T. Smith Center (Music). Deupree, Grace; B.S. 1908 (Drake); T. Lyons (Mathematics, Physics). Dice, Sol. D., A.B. 1906 (Oskaloosa College) ; Supt. Council Grove (Psych., Normal Reviews). Dickinson, F. H. ; T. Coffey ville (Manual Training). Dickinson, G. E. ; T. Troy (History, Music, Economics, Botany). Dickson, James, A.B., 1901, A.M. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Chem- isti-y. Physics). Dill, Esther E., A.B. 1907 (Park College) ; T. Cooper Academy (German). Dillard, Lucile L. ; T. Bronson (English, Botany, Physical Geography, Algebra ) . Dingus, M. Ellen, B.S. 1902 (Salina Normal) ; Supt. Blue Mound (Latin, Alg.). Ditmare, Thos. ; Pr. Moline (Latin, English, Civics). Dixon, Ina, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Moran (English, German). Dixon, Laura; T. Baldwin (History, Cooking, Agriculture). Dixon, Mary Cole, A.B. 1909 (College of Emporia) ; T. Dodge City (History. English) . DoelL J. H.. A.B. 1911 (Oberlin) ; T. Bethel Academy (Botany, Algebra). 12 Doering, Annie Mae, B.D. 1905 (Campbell) ; T. Labette Co. (History, Algebra). Dolbee, Cora, A.B. 1908, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Salina (English). Donaldson, Bertha L. ; T. Wichita (Sewing). Doubt, Sarah L., B.S. 1903 (Univ. of Nebr. ) , S.M. 1908 (Univ. of Chicago) ; T. Parsons (Botany, Agriculture, Algebra). Dougherty, Elizabeth E., A.B. 1906 (Cooper) ; Pr. Alden (Lat., Eng., Hot.). Dougherty, Ethel, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Cherryvale (Latin, German). Dougherty, Geo. E. ; T. Topeka ( ). Dougherty, Lucy T., B.S. 1895 (Washburn) ; T. Kansas City (Math., German). Douglass, Jennie P., A.B. 1911 (College of Emporia) ; T. Harper (Lat., Eng.). Downing, Ethel A., A.B. 1907 (Monmouth) ; T. Garden City (Latin, History). Drake, J. H., B.S. (Avalon College) ; T. Reno Co. (Bookkeeping). Draper, May L., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Westmoreland ( ). Drunagel, Emma; T. Pittsburg (German). Drury, Florence O. ; T. Junction City (Physiology, Botany, Sewing). Dryden, Dean, A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Wichita (History). Drye. J. W. ; T. Stafford (Commercial Work). Dubach, Clotilde, A.B. 1905 (Colo. College) ; T. Sabetha (Math., German). Dumond, E. J.; Pr. Garden City (History, Agriculture, Normal Subjects). Dunlap, E. C. ; T. Sedgwick (Geometry, Psychology, Economics, Algebra). Dunlevy, Robt. B., LL.B. 1893, A.M. 1909 (Univ. of Wis.) ; Pr. Southwestern Acad. (Physics, Chemistry). Durboraw, Estelle ; T. Chelsea (History, Botany, Domestic Science). Durham, Hugh, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Dodge City (Psychology, Normal Subjects, Reviews ) . Durkin, Margaret N. ; Pr. Weir (English, Latin, History, Physiology). Duvall, L. M., B.S. 1886 (Central Normal College) ; Supt. Glasco (Histoi-y, Mathematics, Botany, Physics). Eaton, Beth; T. Lincoln (Latin, Civics, Commercial Subjects). Eaton, F., A.B. 1895 (Fremont), A.M. 1899 (Chicago) ; Supt. Burr Oaks ( Algebra, Geometry, History, Latin ) . Eckblad, Agnes, A.B. (Bethany) ; Pr. Enterprise (Latin, English, German). Eckley, E., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Leavenworth (English, History). Eddy, Harriet Barton, A.B. 1909 (Northwestern) ; T. Winfield (History, Physiography) . Edge, Cora C. ; T. Stockton (Music, Domestic Science, Art). Edgerton, T. A.; Supt. Lyons (Psychology, Methods, Reviews, Normal Course). Eddie, Fern Elizabeth, B. of Painting 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Bonner Springs (Drawing, Music). Edmondson, C^^ H. ; Ph.D. ( ) ; T. Washburn Acad. ( Zoology, Physiology ) . Edwards, E. L., A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Okla.), A.M. 1910 (Univ. of Nebraska) ; T. Campbell Academy (Physiography, Physics). Eggleston, Mable, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Abilene (Latin). Elcock, Helen E., A.B. 1907 (College of Emporia) ; T. Kingman (English, Physical Geography, Reviews). Ellis, Bertha, B.Ped. 1911 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Thomas Co. (Ger., Eng.). Ellis, Charles L., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of 111.) ; T. Decatur Co. (Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Manual Training). EUwood, J. K.. A.B. 1883, A.M. 1886 (Heidelberg) ; T. Lucas (Algebra, Latin. Civics, Geometry, History, Commercial Law). Elmore, Grace, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. SaHna (English, Geometry). Elwell, G. D., A.B. 1910 (Depauw) ; T. Atchison (Algebra. Geometry). Embleton, Lidia J., A.B. 1897 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Latin). Emery, Elizabeth; Pr. Mulvane (Latin, English). Emmett, Eva, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Pratt (English). Emmett, L. H. ; T. Lawrence (Manual Training). Erb, T. M. ; T. Hesston Academy (Penmanship, Spelling, History). Ernst, Lena; T. Douglass (Psychology, Latin, Reviews, Music). Erwin, Grace; T. Lewis (Botany, English, History). Estes, Maude, B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Delphos (Dom. Sci. and Art, Eng.). Estey, Helen, A.B. 1910 (Washburn), A.B. 1911 (Smith College) ; T. Lewis Academy ( Geometry ) . 13 Evans, Grace C. ; T. Coflfeyville (Physics, Chemistry). Evans, Mabel, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Alta Vista (Latin, German, Music, Domestic Science). Evans, N. B., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Norton Co. (Mathematics). Evans, Wilma, B.S. ( ) : T. Sherman Co. (Domestic Science, Botany). Evans', W. E. ; Supt. Mulvane (Physics, Geometry, History). Ewing:, Laura, A.B. 1890, A.M. 1893 (Baker) ; T. Topeka (Latin). Fair, B. G. ; Supt. Vermillion (Math., Psychology, Physics, Hist, Reviews). Fair, Helen F., A.B. (Washburn) ; T. Smith Center (German, Latin). Faik'enrich, W. ; A.B. 1905 (Baker) ; T. Hutchinson (Latin). Farley, F. L., A.B. 1907, A.M. 1911 (Albion College) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acad. (Greek. Latin). Farmer, Lilla : Pr. Coldwater (History, German, Latin). Farner, E. F., A.B. 1909 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Latham (Math., German). Farrar, E. C. ; Pr. Axtell (Physics, Geometry, Algebra, Music). Farris, Oscar; T. Fort Scott (Histoi-y)- Farvin, Mabel; T. Beloit (Music). Fate, Florine, A.B. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Tonganoxie (Music, Bookkeeping). Faubion, Rena A., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Eureka (Domestic Science and Art, Physiology). Faulkner, Russell C. : Pr. Kinsley (Science, Manual Training). Feather, J. E. ; T. Atwood (Algebra, Phys. Geog., Bookkeeping, Shorthand). Feely, Mabel, B.L. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Decatur Co. (English, Botany). Felt, Florence, A.B. (Knox College) ; T. Washburn Academy (History, Latin). Felter, H. W. ; Supt. Delphos (Mathematics, Science, Latin). Feltger, Edna M., Ph.B. 1910 (Univ. of Chicago) ; T. Junction City (Math.). Fent, E. W. ; T. Garden City (Commercial Subjects). Fenton, Hazel; T. Buffalo (Bookkeeping, Latin, Music, English). Ferguson, Ellen; T. Mankato (English, Physical Geography, Histoi-y). Ferguson, Lula, A.B. 1901 (Geneva) ; T. Galena (German, Latin). Festerman, E. H., B.S. 1909 ( ) ; T. Norton Co. (Commercial Work). Fifer, Chas. M. ; Pr. Goddard (Physics, Botany, History, Agr., Bookkeeping). Fincke, Bertha, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Moundridge (Latin, German, English, Physical Geography). Finley, Laura J.; T. Pittsburg (English, History). Finnigan, Ava, B.Ped. (Mo. Normal) ; T. Caney (Histoi-y, Commercial Sub.). Fisher, Thekla A., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. McPherson (Ger., Eng.). Fitzpa'trick, Fern, A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; T. Salina (English, Alg., Geom.). Flagg, Elizabeth G., A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Wyoming) ; T. Kansas City (Geom.). Follin, Emma A., Ph.B. 1902 (Baker) ; T. Argentine (Domestic Art, German). Followell, Maud; Pr. Centralia (History, Physiography, Algebra, English). Fones, Jennie Gar, A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Parsons (English). Fones, Keene, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Salina (History). Forest, Lucile M., B.S. 1910 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. Le Roy (Dom. Sci. and Art., Eng.). Foster, H. H., Ph.B. 1900 (Cornell), Ph.D. 1907 (Jena) ; Pr. Ottawa (Edu.). Foulk,' Pearl, A.B. 1909 (Campbell); T. Holton (German, English). Fowler, John J.; Pr. Jewell City (Psych., Reviews, Mathematics, English). Fowler, Merle M., A.B. 1907 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Algebra, English). Franks, W. J., B.S. 1911 (Southwestern) ; T. Latham (Botany, Physics, English, Physiography). Fraser, Nettie, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Belleville (History, Mathematics). Fray, J. A., A.B. 1909 (Mo. Valley College) : Pr. Parsons (Alg., Geometry). Frazier, Josie F., A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; Pr. Kiowa (Latin, English). Freark, Winona, A.B. 1906 (Baker) ; T. Clay Co. (History, Normal Subjects). Frederick, Nora, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Salina (Botany, Zo(51ogy, Physical Geography). Freeland, Geo. E., A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Lost Springs (German, Latin, Geometry, Physics ) . Freese, Theron ; Supt. Thayer (Algebra, Geom., Arith., Bookkeeping, Botany). Freligh, May; T. Junction City (Commercial Subjects). French, Bernice Mary, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Tola (German, Latin). 14 French, H. I.; Supt. Leon (Physics, Psychology, Algebra, English). French, L. G. ; Supt. Savonburg (Mathematics, Physics, History). French, M. C, A.B. (Baker) ; Supt. Winchester (Mathematics, Lat., Physics). Fridley, J. B. ; Supt. Neosho Rapids (Alg., Ger., Bot., Geom., Physics, Civics). Frink, Margaret H., A.B. 1909 (Barnard Col.) ; T. Russell (Latin, Dom. Sci.). Fromm, Karl, M.Acct. 1911 (H. B. C.) ; T. Olathe (Commercial). Froning, Henry A., A.B. 1909 (Ottawa) ; T. Ellsworth (Physics, Algebra, Botany, Geometry). Fronk, Mary R., T. Cawker City (Mathematics, German, History, Orthog. ). Frye, Ora ; T. Marquette (Music, History). Fuller, Harriet; T. Neosho Falls (History, Languages). Fulton, E. L., A.B. 1896 (Univ. of Ky.) ; Supt. Harper (Normal Subjects). Furley, Lyretta, A.B. 1903 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (English). Gabrielson, Mary, B.S. 1911 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. St. John (Dom. Sci. and Art, Ger.). Galloway, Grace, A.B. 1905 (Washburn) ; T. Abilene (English). Gamber, Edith; Pr. Liberal (English). Gambill, Wm. G. ; Supt. Tonganoxie (History, Reviews, Psychology). Gardner, Minnie, A.B. (Baker) ; T. Seneca (Science, Mathematics). Garnett, Percie, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Illinois) ; T. Pratt (Dom. Sci., Art). Garret, Alice A., A.B. 1902 (Geneva), A.M. 1909 (Western Reserve) ; T. Topeka (Latin, German). Garrett, Violetta, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Reno Co. (German, Mathematics). Garrison, Pearl; T. Pittsburg (Domestic Art). Gaston, Nina; T. Erie (Music, Latin, Physiography). Gates, Carrie M., B.S. 1910 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. Labette Co. (Dom. Sci. and Art). Gebhardt, Verne; T. Meriden (Com. Arithmetic, Geometry, Botany, Agr. ). Gentry, Alice; T. Abilene (Geometry, Algebra). George, E. J., A.B. (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Pr. Republic (Physics, Psychology, History, Physical Geography). George, Vera L, A.B. 1909 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Wilson (Eng., Ger., Hist.). Gibbins, J. R., B.S. 1894 (Avalon), A.B. 1901 (Nebr. Normal) ; Supt. Hanover (History, Psychology, Physiology, Reviews). Gibson, Admund, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Erie (History, English, Mathematics, Physiology, Psychology). Gift, E. B., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Alma (Hist., Agr., Reviews). Gildersleeve, Evelyn; T. Redfield (German, Mathematics, Physics). Gillette, F. H., A.B. (Upper Iowa Univ.) ; Supt. Pleasanton (Latin, Science). Gillett, Nina; T. Topeka (English). Gilliland, J. F., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Arkansas City (Physics, Psychology, Reviews ) . Gilman, R. E., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chanute (Alg., Trigonometry). Gilmer, Mildred, A.B. 1906 (Monmouth) ; T. Pittsburg (Latin, English). Gindlesperger, J.. C, Ph.B. 1911 (Wooster) ; T. Lewis Acad. (Chem., Physics). Gittons, Nellie; T. Lin wood (Latin, History). Givler, Z. P., A.B. 1906 (Hamline) ; T. Winfield (Biology, Botany). Glover, Hester C, B.S. 1911 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. Blue Rapids (Dom. Sci. and Art). Goddard, Anna; T. Frankfort (Domestic Science, Physics, Algebra). Goddard, Geneva; T. Pittsburg (Domestic Science). Goertz, Paul, B.S.D. 1910 (McPherson College) ; Supt. Hillsboro (History, Algebra, Physics ) . Good, Alvin, A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Pr. Lyons (English, Economics). Goodwin, Guy S. ; T. Lewis Academy (Mathematics, Botany). Goodyear, Bessie, A.B. 1909 (Friends) ; T. Wichita (German). Gordon, Harriet, A.B. 1904 (Lexington) ; T. Fort Scott (Latin). Gore, Alvin G. ; T. Cawker City (Hist., Phys., Physiog., Bk., Eng.). Gowans, James W., A.B. 1903 (Kan. Univ.) ; Pr. Winfield (Amer. Hist). Gowans, R. E., A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Ottawa (History, Civics). Graham, Agnes E., A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Arkansas City (Lat., His.). Graham, Anna; T. Onaga (Latin, History). Graham, A. E., B.S. 1887 (California) ; T. Topeka (Math., Psych., Review). Graham, Grace D., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Altoona (Latin, Bookkeep- ing, Commercial Law). 15 <3raham. Myrtle; T. Crawford Co. (Domestic Science, Art, Manual Training). Grandon, Ruth J., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; Pr. Brookville (Eng., Hist., Latin). Green, Bessie B. ; T. Coffeyville (Mathematics). Green, Isa A.; T. Fort Scott (Domestic Science). Green, Lyman R., A.B. 1910, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Wichita (Botany), Physiology, Elementary Physics). Green, Minnie C. ; T. Atchison Co. (History, Algebra, Arithmetic, Drawing). Green, Zula, A.B. (Baker) ; T. Winchester (German, Latin, English, Zoology). Gregory, Arthur P., A.B. 1903 (Salina Normal) ; Supt. Beloit (Psych., Rev.). Gregory, L C, B.Ped. 1891. B.S. 1892 (W. N. C), A.B. 1893 (L. N. U.) : Supt. Le Roy (Latin). Greider, W. H., A.B. 1898, A.M. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.), M.D. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Physics, Physiology, Physical Geography). Griffee, L. D. ; Supt. Jewell City (Mathematics, Physics, History). Griffin, R. C. ; T. Neodesha, (Manual Training, History, Science). Grigg, F. H., Pr. Gypsum (English, German, Music). Griner, H. G., B.S. 1911 (Ohio) ; T. Hutchinson (Mathematics, Physics). Grosh, Lula, A.B. 1900 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. lola (Latin). Grubbs, O. T. ; Supt. Neodesha (Agriculture, Psychology). Guise, Carl, A.B. 1911 (Campbell) ; Supt. Havensville (Latin, Hist, Physiog.). Gunderson, Gudrun C, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Chicago) ; T. Russell (English). Guthridge, L. A. ; Supt. Galena. Hackbusch, Florentine, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Junction City (Latin, German ) . Hadden, Harry; T. Salina (Manual Training, Mechanical Drawing). Hadden, Rose E. ; T. Russell (Mathematics, Normal Training). Hadley, W. S., A.B. 1899 (Penn College), A.M. 1910 (Friends Univ.) ; T. Crawford Co. (Geometry, Algebra, Agriculture). Hague, Florence S., A.B. 1911, B. S. of Edu. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Council Grove (German, Histoi"y, English). Hagy, F. S., B.S. 1900 (Ohio Northern Univ.) ; Supt. Norwich (Algebra, Geometry, Bookkeeping, Physiology). Haines, Stella B. ; T. Augusta (English, History, Civics). Hakes, Milo M. ; T. Clyde (Histoi-y). Halbert, Robert N., Ph.B. 1896 (Central) ; Supt. Burrton (Geometry, Algebra, English, Reviews). Hall, Charles A., A.B. 1906 (Baker) ; Supt. Sterling (Psychology, Reviews). Hall, Cornelia, A.B. 1908 (Fairmount) ; Pr. Derby (Latin, Eng., Civ., Phys.). Hall, J. O., A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Hutchinson. Hall, L. J. ; Supt. Newton. Hall, L. K., B.S. 1910 (Baker) ; Supt. Cheney (Geom., Com. Law, Physics). Hall, Lucy E. ; Asst. Pr. Reading (Mathematics, Physical Geography, Biology). Hall, Mata, A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; T. Plainville (English, Reviews). Hall, Oda, Ph.B. 1905 (Grinnell) ; T. Humboldt (Latin, German). Hambleton, C. S. ; Supt. Troy (Physics, Bookkeeping, Psychology). Hamilton, Bertha, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Ind.) ; T. Emporia (History, Civics). Hamilton, Frances, M. Acct. 1911 (Kan. W. B. C.) ; T. Salina (Com. Work). Hamilton, Hattie, A.B. 1910 (Kan. Wesleyan), B.Ped. 1908 (Kan. Wesleyan) ; Asst. Pr. Sharon Springs (Algebra, German, Latin). Hamilton, J. N., A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Meade (Physics, Reviews, History, Mathematics). Hamilton, Mary E., Ph.B. 1908 (Baker) ; Pr. Hanover (Latin, Mathematics). Hamilton, R. L. ; Supt. Glen Elder (Mathematics, Sciences, English). Hancock, Anna L., A.B. 1897 (Univ. of Ind.) ; T. Coffeyville (Latin). Hancock, E. May; T. Emporia (Domestic Science). Hanger, J. H., A.B. 1910 (Baker), A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Cen- tralia (Mathematics, Physics, History). Hanks, L. R., M. Acct. 1906 (Gem City Bus. College) ; T. Atchison (Com- mercial Subjects ) . Hansam, L. H. ; T. Reno Co. (Commercial Subjects). Hansen, Ida; T. Stockton (Mathematics, Civics, Physiology, Normal Subjects). 16 Hanson, Elida ; Pr. Peabody (Latin, Amei-ican History). Harbeson, John W., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Perry (Latin, History). Hare, Fannie M., Pr. Burns (Mathematics, Physics, Latin). Hare, Merle M., A.B. 1910 (Friends Univ.) ; T. Valley Center (English, Physics, Geography and Commercial Arithmetic ) . Harlan, Maude L. ; T. Beloit (Domestic Science and Art). Harper, Leta M., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Douglass (Eng., Ger., Bot.). Harper, M. H. ; Supt. Clyde (Psychology, Agriculture). Harper, Queen, A.B. 1909 (College of Emporia) ; T. Emporia (English). Harris, Chas. K. ; T. Augusta (Manual Training). Harris, Eleanora, A.B. 1894 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (Algebra, Geom- etry, Arithmetic). Harris, Idella ; T. Marion (Music, Physiography). Harris, M. L., B.S. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Paola (Hist., Lit., German). Harriss, Wm. P., B.S. 1909 (Ewing) ; T. Tola (Chem., Physics, Alg., Agr.). Harrison, Florence F., A.B. 1910 (Mich. A. C.) ; T. Arkansas City (Man. Tr.). Harrison, Mary, B.L. 1899 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (German, French). Harsell, Leta E., Pd.B. 1910 (Warrensburg Normal School) ; T. Spring Hill (History, Algebra, Psychology, Domestic Science and Art). Harsh, Catherine; T. Mankato (Bot., Psych., Dom. Sci. and Art). Hartford, Harriet, A.B. 1910 (Chicago) ; Pr. Fairview (Latin, Histoi-y, Eng.). Haskett, Ivy, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) : T. Arkansas City (English). Haury, G. A.; T. Bethel Academy (Latin). Hawk, Grover C, B.S. 1909 (Penn College) ; T. Friends Univ. Acad. (Zoology, Botany, Physiology). Haworth, June; T. Scott City (Commercial Subjects). Hayes, Kathleen, A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; T. Eureka (Latin, German). Haynes, Alta L. ; T. Kansas City (Study Hall Director). Haynes, Helen A., A.B. 1910 (College of Emporia) ; T. Dodge City (Geom., English, Penmanship). Haynes, Violet M., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. La Cygne (English, His- tory, Psychology). Hazen, Isabelle, A.B. 1903, A.M. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Pratt (Latin, German) . Hazet, Eleanore, A.B. 1894 (Southwestern) ; T. Winfield (English, History). Hazlett, O. E., A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Attica (Science, Commercial Subjects, Agriculture). Hazzard, R. L., A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; Supt. White Water (History, Physics). Healey, jr., M. J., LL.B. 1910 (Lincoln- Jefferson) ; Pr. Beverly (Mathematics, Latin, Science). Heaton, F. M., A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; Pr. Concordia (Algebra, Physics, Civics). Heck, P. N. ; Supt. Belle Plaine (Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Physics). Heftelfinger, John B., A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; Pr. El Dorado (History, Economics). Hege, Flora B., A.B. 1909 (College of Emporia) ; T. Lewis Academy (English, History). Heim, Christine M., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Lincoln (History, Domestic Science, Domestic Art). Heinberg, H. E., B.Ped. (Mo. Normal) ; T. Caney (Latin, History, Arith.). Heizer, Florence N., A.B. 1906 (Bethany), 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Emporia (English). Helm, Mamie H. ; T. Great Bend (Commercial Subjects). Helwig, Mary E., A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (Alg., Geom.). Hemenway, Louise H., Ph.B. 1909 (Syracuse Univ.) ; T. Oswego, Col. (French, History, French Literature). Hendersh, W. A., B.S. 1904 (K. S. A. C.) : Supt. Natoma (Algebra, Geom- etry, Political Economy, Physical Geography, Botany). Henderson, Geneva, B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. El Dorado (Dom. Sci. and Art). Hendricks, Otto J., A.B. 1911 (Coll. of Emporia) ; T. Ness City (Botany, Physical Geography, Agriculture. History). Hendricks, R. Roy; T. Gas (Algebra, Physical Geography, Manual Training). Hendrickson, Mabel; T. Fort Scott (Geometry). 17 Helming, Anna ; T. Enterprise ( Botany ) . Henry, Thomas B., A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) : T. Montgomery Co. (Algebra, Geometry, Methods, Management). Hensley, Geo. L. ; Supt. Lakin (Psychology, Latin, Agriculture). Hensley, J. A., A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Buffalo (Civics, Hist, Agr., Rev.). Heritage, Mrs. Minnie; T. La Crosse (English, Latin, Common Branches). Heritage, Ray. A.B. 1910 (Ottawa) : Pr. La Crosse (Ger., Hist., Lat., Psych.). Hepler, Viola, B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) : T. Harper (Physiology, Physical Geog- raphy, German, Domestic Science). Herlman, E. L. ; Supt. Carbondale (Mathematics, Science, German). Hershey, Bertha L., A.B. 1911 (Fairmount) : T. Valley Center (Latin, Ger- man, Algebra) . Heusner, W. S.. A.B. 1894 (Ohio Wesleyan) ; Supt. Junction City (History). Hickey, E. C, A.B. 1893 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Civ., Ecq., Hist.). Hicks, Virginia P.; Pr. Lakin (History, English, Physics). Hill, E. L., A.B. 1872 (Univ. of Mich.) ; B.D. 1876 (Oberlin) ; T. Chelsea (History). Hill, Gertrude: Pr. Paola (Commercial Woi'k). Hilleary, Chas. M. ; Supt. Humboldt (History, Physics). Hinshaw, F. O.. M. Accts. (Gem City B. S. ) : Pr. Harveyville (Mathematics, Commercial Work, Civics). Hisler, W. F. ; T. Howard (Botany, Mathematics, History, Agriculture). Hitt, J. Boyd, B.S. 1909 (Tri-State College) ; Pr. Everest (English, Algebra, Botany, Civics, Geometry). Hitt, Mrs. J. B., A.B. 1908 (Tri-State College) : T. Everest (Latin, HistoiT, Physiography, English). Kobart, Mabel; T. Paola (English, Reviews, Methods). Hodge, Jno. A., A.B. 1909, A.M. 1910 (Indiana) ; T. Sumner (Physics, Alge- bra, Chemistry, Physiography). Hodgson, Elizabeth, A.B. 1906 (Fairmount); Pr. Anthony (Algebra, Eco- nomics, Latin, Normal Subjects). Hodgson, Ruth, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Peabody (Ger., Math., Eng.). Hoehner, John H. ; T. Topeka (Mechanical Drawing, Woodwork). Hoemer, Fanny; T. Moundridge (History). Hoge, Josephine, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sumner Co. (English). Hogrefe, Pearl, A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Asst. Prin. Argonia (English, Latin, German ) . HoUaday, Lena, A.B. 1906 (Liberty) ; T. Medicine Lodge (German, Latin, Geometry, Algebra ) . Holliday, W. N., B.S. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Paola (Science, Physiology). HoUister, A. L., A.B. 1908 (Washburn) ; Pr. Larned (Alg., Geom., Bot., Econ. ) . Holmes, Geo. B., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Yates Center (Manual Training, Physics, Agriculture). Holsinger, Edna, A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Rosedale (German, History, Normal Review, Methods). Hooper, Walter A., B.S. 1901 (Salina Wesleyan) ; Supt. Greenleaf (Mathe- matics, Chemistry, Botany, Drawing). Hoover, Emma; T. La Harpe (History, Botany, Physical Geog., Bookkeeping). Hoover, W. T. ; Supt. La Crosse (Botany, Mathematics, Physiology). Hopkins, Ada; T. Attica (History, English). Horn, Myrtle; T. Cylde (Domestic Science. Mathematics, Geography). Hornaday, C. C. ; T. Emporia (Manual Training). Horner, Robert M., A.B. 1880 (Monmouth), LL.B. 1882 (Wash. Univ.), A.M. 1883 (Monmouth) ; T. Cooper Acad. (Physics, Bot., Zool., Physiology). Houston, Alice, A.B. 1911 (Univ of Kan.) ; T. Burlington (Com. Sub., Physiology ) . Howard, Elsie C. ; Pr. Spearville (English, Latin, Review). Howard, May Belle; T. Emporia (Algebra, Geometry). Howat, Irene, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Plainville (Math., Science). Howell, Edith; T. Gas (Music, German). -2 18 Howell, J. Clai-ence ; T. Wichita (Business Subjects). Howell, Minnie M., B.S. 1901 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Sumner (Dom. Sci., English). Howes, Margaret C. ; T. Newton (Latin, Algebra). Hubbard, Flora; T. Galena (History, Botany, Physiography, Algebra). Huey, Chas. S. ; T. Sumner Co. (Manual Training). Huff, W. M., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Gypsum (Eng., Math., Phys.). Hughes, Agnes E. ; T. Le Roy (Psychology, Music, Normal Training, Reviews). Hughes, Alice M., A.B. 1906 (Emporia College) ; T. Marquette (Latin, Eng.). Hughes, J. F.. A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; Supt. Chanute. Hull, A. S., A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Reno Co. (Physics, Mathematics). Hull, Blanche, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hiawatha (Botany, English, Public Speaking). Hull, Myra, B.Ped. (Nickerson) ; T. Reno Co. (English). Hume, M. C, A.B. 1910 (Ottawa Univ.) ; Supt. Colony (Mathematics, Agricul- ture, Normal Subjects). Humes, Maurice; T. Montgomery Co. (Algebra, Arithmetic, Physiology). Humphrey, P. B., B.Pd. 1906 (Kirksville) , M.Pd. 1907 ( ), B.S. 1911 (Univ. of Mo. ) ; Supt. Caney. Hunsberger, Nina; Pr. Hill City (Latin, History, Algebra, Reviews). Hunt, Ruth E., A.B. 1910, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Abilene (English, Physiography ) . Hunter, J. T., A.B. 1911 (K. S. N. ) ; T. Kincaid (Hist., Math., Agriculture). Hunzicker, Lena B., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Bethel Acad. (History). Hunzicker, L. Edna, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Bonner Springs (German, Botany, Bookkeeping). Hurd, F. M. ; T. Labette Co. (Commei-cial Geography, Physical Geography). Hurst, Letha, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sterling (German, History). Hurst, Lottye L. ; T. Independence (Music). Hutchinson, Jno. L. ; Pr. Pittsburg (Physics). Hyde, Emma, A.B. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Emporia (Algebra, Geometry). Ice, Ellen, A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kiowa (History, German). Inches, Jeanette M., Ph.B. 1902 (Chicago) ; Pr. Sterling (English). Ingersoll, Blanche, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Minneapolis (Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Arithmetic, Grammar). Ingham, E. A., B.S. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Abilene (Chem., Physics, Physiog.). Ingleman, Anna A., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Montgomery Co. (English, Reviews) . Irwin, F. W. ; T. Logan Co. (Mathematics, Music, History). Irwin, Grace, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Halstead (Latin, Psychology, Methods and Management, Reviews ) . Isler, W. F., A.B. 1896, B.D. 1908 (Central Wesleyan) ; Pr. Enterprise Normal Academy (History, Arithmetic). Ives, Kittle A., B.Ped. 1907, A.B. 1910 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Herington (Normal Subjects, Botany). Jackson, Addie M., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City ( ). Jackson, Ola, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Clyde (English, Latin). Jackson, Ruby, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (English). Jackson, W. A., A.B. 1895 (Lincoln Inst.) ; T. Sumner (Manual Training). Jaggard, Annie, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Spring Hill (Latin, English). Jaggard, Guy H. ; Supt. Marquette (Mathematics, History). James, Elden V., A.B. 1901, A.M. 1908 (Marietta Col.), A.B. 1905 (Michi- gan) ; T. Wichita (History, Latin, Psychology). -Jarrett, A. U. ; Supt. Clifton (Algebra, Geometry, Physiography). Jenkins, Henry N. ; T. Sumner (Commercial Branches). Jenks, Gertrude; T. Lakin (Domestic Science, History, Reading). Jent, H. C. ; Pr. Sheridan (Mathematics, Psychology). Jett, H. T., B.S. 1909 (Greenville, Col.) ; T. Topeka (Commercial Work). Johns, Anna May; T. Lawrence (Domestic Science). Johnson, Anna O. ; T. Savonburg (Latin, English). Johnson, C. E., A.B. 1896, A.M. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.), B.Ped. 1896 (K. S. N.) ; T. Parsons (Science). 19 Johnson, Eleanor, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Nebr.) ; T. Coffeyville (Hist., German). Johnson, Gertrude; T. Pittsburg (Arithmetic, Geometry). Johnson, J. P., B.S. 1900 (Valparaiso) ; Pr. Agra (Phys., Ger., Alg., Arith.). Johnson, Luretta ; A.B. 1904 (McPherson) ; T. Wichita (English). Johnston, Annie B. ; T. Kiowa Co. (English, Gei-man, History). Johnston, Ida F. ; T. Hutchinson (History). Johnston, Margaret E., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Delphos (History, Latin, Psychology, Reviews). Jones, Anna Thornton, A.B. 1900 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Algebra, Geom- etry, Latin ) . Jones, A. J.; T. Yates Center (Psych., Meth. and Man., Physiog., Rev., Hist.). Jones, A. W., A.B. 1895, A.M. 1890 (Haverford) ; T. Friends Univ. Acad. (Greek, Latin). Jones, Berenice L., A.B. 1910 (Michigan) ; T. Oswego Col. (Art Work). Jones, E. M. ; T. Ottawa (Manual Training, Mechanical Drawing). Jones, Grace C, A.B. 1900 (Nebraska) ; Pr. Tonganoxie (Eng., Geom., Alg.). Jones, Geo. E., A.B. 1909 (K. S. N) ; Pr. Marion (Alg., Physics, Agri.). Jones, Lucy; T. Lansing (English, Histoi-y, Botany, Physiology). Joseph, Miss L. M., A.B. 1903 (Baker) ; T. Baldwin (Latin, Alg., Normal). Joseph, Wm. A., B.Pd., 1910 ( Warrensburg) ; Supt. Garfield (Math., Civics). Judd, Rev. H. O. : T. Southern Kansas Acad. (Bible). Judy, Nera M., Ph.B. 1905 (Ottawa Univ.) ; T. Sumner Co. (German, Latin). Justin, Edith B., B.S. 1908 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. Clay Co. (Dom. Sci. and Dom. Art). Kaho, J. F., A.B. 1894 (Ottawa) ; T. Topeka (Woodwork, Mech. Drawing). Kanode, Edith M., A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; Pr. Scranton (Lat., Math., Phys.). Kapp, Clara; T. Ottawa Univ. Acad. (U. S. History). Karnes, A. E., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; Supt. Scranton (History, English, Physiography, Economics). Karnes, Gertrude, A.B. (Washburn) ; Pr. Lebo (Eng., Lat., Hist., Math.). Katterjohn, D. L., B.S. 1896 (Ohio Normal), A.M. 1911 (Central Wesleyan) ; T. Enterprise Normal Acad. (Phys., Geom., Alg., Rev., Physiol., Psych.). Kaufman, LeeRoy L., A.B. 1909 (Cooper), B.L. (Cooper) ; Supt. Mt. Hope (Mathematics, History, Physics). Keats, Mabel, B.S. 1911 (K.S.A.C.) ; T. Thomas Co. (Dom. Sci., Eng., Hist.). Keister, Erma, A.B. 1908 (Fairmount) ; T. Udall (Latin, Eng., Cook., Sew.). Keith Alice M., B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Seneca (Dom. Sci., Phys. Geog.). Kell, J. A., A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Macksville (Algebra, Geometry, Physical Geography, Botany). Keller, Ethel, A.B. 1908 (Washburn) ; T. Horton (Latin, History, Algebra). Kelley, Elizabeth; T. Hutchinson (Commercial Work, Drawing). Kelley, Mary, A.B. 1908 (Friends) ; Pr. Wichita (Mathematics). Kellogg, G. H., A.B. 1905 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Eureka (Agriculture, Science). Kelly, Aletha, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Caney (English, German). Kelley, Charles; Supt. Eudora (Mathematics, History, Physical Geography). Kendall, E. P., A.B. 1909. B.Ped. 1909 (Baker) ; Pr. Wamego (History, Latin, Agriculture). Kendrick, E. K. ; T. Kansas City (Physiography, Algebra, Music). Kennedy, Jessie E., B. of Eloc. 1907, A.B. 1909 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Beloit (Latin). Kennedy, R. Y. ; Pr. Coffeyville (History, Psychology). Kenney, Gertrude, A.B. 1909, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Great Bend (History, English). Kenney, Ruth, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Rosedale (Math., Hist., Agr.). Kent, Mabel, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Paola (Latin). Kent, Mattie, AB. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (German, Latin). Kerby, J. J., M. of Ac. 1911 ( ) ; Supt. Independence (Commercial Work). Kerr, Rosella M., A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; T. Winfield (English). Kester, Mary G., A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; Pr. Cheney (English, Normal Subjects). Kiefer, U. U., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Olathe (Botany, Physics). Kilbourn, Katherine, A.B. (Washburn) ; T. Osborne (Botany, German). 20 King, G. E., Ph.B. 1898 (Baker), M.S. 1902 (Univ. of Wis.) ; Pr. Kansas Wesleyan Academy (Mathematics, Astronomy). King, Heyward G., A.B. 1907 (Ohio Wesleyan), A.M. 1909 (Fort Worth Univ.) ; Pr. Midland Acad. (Alg., Hist., Bible, English, Physiography). King, J. P., A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sumner H. S. (English, Botany, Physiology, Psychology). King, W. T. ; Supt. Moline (History, Mathematics, Science). Kingery, H. M., A.B. 1908, A.M. 1909 (Wabash) ; T. Emporia (Chem., Phys.). Kingsley, Ethel F., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Rosedale (History, Music). Kinkead, Geo. W. ; Supt. Elwood (Mathematics, History, Science). Kintigh, Stanley W. ; T. Havensville (Mathematics, English, Physics). Kionka, Ed.; T. Kansas City (German). Kirkpatrick, M. G. ; Supt. Frankfort (Mathematics, Psychology). Kittell, E. C., B.Ped. 1909 (Mich. Norm. Col.) ; Supt. Stafford (Psych., Physics) . Klamm, Lena, A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; T. Basehor (Eng., Ger., Bot., Phys. Geog.). Klaumann, Chas. H., B.S. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Junction City (Physics, Physical Geography, Algebra). Kleinknecht, Katherine ; T. Newton (German, Geometry). Klemif, Edna, T. Topeka (Domestic Art). Knickerbocker, Vera, A.B. 1904 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (English). Knight, Ethel R. : Pr. Florence (History, English, Botany). Knight, Geo. N., A.B. 1902 (Simpson) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acad. (Physics, Zoology, Biology, Physiology). Knott, Joseph I., A.B. ( ■ — ) ; Supt. Lebo (Latin, Botany, Physics). Kohr, Dora; T. Ellis (English, Latin, Histoi-y). Kraemer, C, Supt. Beattie (Physics, Latin, Psychology, Algebra). Kraft, jr., J. G., Ph.B. 1905 (Southwestern) ; T. El Dorado (Com. Subjects). Kratzer, D. A., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C); T. Topeka (Algebra, Mechanical Drawing, Manual Training). Kriege, Edith, A.B. 1911 (Warrenton) ; T. Enterprise Normal Acad. (Algebra, Physiology, Music, Art). Krone, Lucile, B. of P. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Cherry vale (English). Kyser, W. M., A.B. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Labette Co. (Geometry, Psy- chology, Agriculture, Reviews). Lamb, Grace ; T. Caney ( Music ) . Lambert, Blanche, A.B. 1911 (Drake) ; T. Plainville (Latin, German). Lamer, G. M., A.B. 1905 (Emporia College) ; A.M. 1910 (Yale) ; T. Chase Co. (Physics, Chemistry, Hist., Alg., Geog.). Land, W. M., A-B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chanute (History). Landers, Harriet; T. Blue Rapids (Latin, English, Botany). Landis, May, A.B. 1900 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Leavenworth (Geom. Trig.). Landis, Melvin ; T. Hesston Acad. ( English ) . Landrum, C. G., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. White Cloud (Latin, Physics, History, Botany). Landrum, C. H., B.A. 1905, M.A. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.), 1910 (Yale) ; Supt. Gnaga (Amer. Hist., Math., Physics). Lane, F. H., A.M. ( ) ; T. Washburn Acad. (Oratory). Lane, Maude; T. Caldwell (Common Branches). Lane, Oscar J., LL.B. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Baldwin (Mathematics, Physics, Psychology). Langworthy, Amy E., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Leavenworth (English, Mathematics, German ) . Larey, Beulah, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Norwich (Eng., Hist., Gram., Music). Larrick, Ollie ; T. Norton (Music, Drawing, Physiology). Larwier, Julia, A.B. 1907 (Wellesley) ; T. Topeka (Algebra, English). Lasley, Hallie, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (English). Lawson, Florence; T. Elwood (Language, Reviews). Laughlin, Agnes, A.B. (Emporia) ; T. Mankato (Latin, English, History). Laughlin, Cova J., A.B. 1911 (Fairmount) ; T. Mulvane (Mathematics, Physical Geography, History, Botany). Lawhead, Allie, A.B. 1909 (Friends) ; T. Norwich (German, Latin, HistoryJ . 21 Lawrence, Emilie G., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan. ) .» T. Waterville (Eng., Hist.). Lawrence, R. S., A.B. 1885, A.M. 1888 (Princeton), Ph.D. 1892 (Coll. of Emporia) ; T. Wichita (Algebra, Geometry). Lawrence, Walter, A.B. 1911 (Coll. of Emporia) ; T. Rose Hill (Algebra, Geometi-y, Physical Geography, Physics, Botany). Layman, A. F., A.B. 1906 (Valparaiso), M.S. 1909 ( ) ; T. Kansas City (Psychology, Physiology). Learner, E. W., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Nebr.) ; T. Ottawa (Physics, Botany, Physiology, Geology). Ledgerwood, Vivian, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Norton Co. (History). Lee, Floyd B., Supt. Osawatomie (Algebra, Shorthand). Lee, Walter A., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Kingman (Algebra, Geometry). Lehman, Esther; T. Hesston Acad. (Latin, History, English). Lehman, Marcus J., A.B. 1909 (College of Emporia) ; Pr. Harper (Physics, German, Algebra ) . Lennen, Carl, B.S. (Drake) ; T. Little River (Math., Ger., Physics, Psych.). Lennen, Florence, A.B. 1910, Ed.B. 1910 (Drake) ; Pr. Meade (Latin, English, Methods ) . Lennen, F. W. ; Supt. Little River (Mathematics, History, Agriculture). Leonard, Louise Upton, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Osawatomie (Ameri- can and Modern History, English, Botany). Lewellen. Claire, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Marion (Dom. Art, English). Lewin, Murielle, A.B. 1909 (Bethany) ; T. Lindsborg (Latin, German). Lewis, Charles, A.B. 1911 (College of Emporia) ; T. Concordia (Geometry, Arithmetic, Physical Geography). Lewis, Gertrude; T. Topeka (Sewing). Lewis, J. J.; T. Sumner (Education, Algebra, English). L'Heureux, Pearl, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Reno Co. (English, Latin). Light, Lee R. ; Pr. Norton Co. (Pedagogy, Manual Training). Liljegren, John, A.B. 1910 (Bethany) ; T. Clay Co. (Chemistry, Physioe, Mathematics, Physiology ) . Lillie, C. H., A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Garnett (Botany, Civics, Physics). Lindberg, Robert; Supt. Moran (Mathematics, Cnemistry, Physics). Linley, Corinne, B.S. 1902 (Midland) ; T. Atchison (Latin, Literature, Geog. ). Liston, Virdon, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; Supt. Waverly (Hist., Econom., Physics) Little, Mattie; T. Maize (Latin). Livesly, Linda; T. Neodesha (Commercial Woi'k). Lloyd, Mary, B.S. 1905 (Midland) ; Pr. Greenleaf (Mathematics, Histoi-y, Normal Reviews). Locke, Rachel, A-B. 1906 (Baker) ; T. Parsons (German, French). Lockwood, Annie W. ; T. Parsons (History, Civics). Long, R. E. ; Supt. Lincoln (German, Methods and Management). Long, W. E., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Pratt (Mathematics). Loomis, A. K., A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; Supt. Oswego (Mathematics, Psychology). Loomis, Blanche, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Fredonia (English, German). Loop, A. R. ; T. Beloit (Botany, Physics, Agriculture). Lortz G. M. ; T. Great Bend (Manual Training, Commercial Subjects). Louthan, Philip; T. Glen Elder (History, English, Physiography). Lovan, F. A., A.B. 1908 (Ewing College) ; T. Fort Scott (Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Agriculture). Loveless, Opal; T. Neosho Falls (English, Manual Training). Lowe, D. L. ; T. Olathe (Manual Training, Algebra). Lowther, L. A., A.B. 1894 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Emporia (Education). Loy, Nettela, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Chase Co. (German, Latin). Luce, Cora, Ph.B. 1897 (Ottawa) ; T. Argentine (Geometry, Algebra, History). Luckan, Bertha G., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Botany). Ludlam, B. C, A.M. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Fredonia (English, Histoi-y, Reviews) . Lunceford, A. E. ; Supt. Bronson (History, Pedagogy). Lund, Alice H. ; T. Oakley (Latin, English, Normal Training). Lupton, Margaret, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sheridan (Lat., Hist., Rev.). Luther, Ethel, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Ashland (Eng., Hist., Econom.). 22 Luther, Ethel M., A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.), A.M. 1910 (Columbia) ; T. Kansas City (English). Lynch, Olive Edna, A.B. 1908 (Ottawa U.) ; T. Osawatomie (German, Latin, Ancient History). Lynch, W. R. ; T. St. John (Commercial, Algebra). Lyon, Clarence Howard; T. Kansas City (Physics). Lyon, De Nell G., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Kingman (Dom. Sci. and Art). Lyon, Joseph Fletcher; Supt. McCune (Ger., Zool., Bot., Geom., Physics). Lyle, Charlotte; T. Augusta (Domestic Science and Art). MacDonald, A.; T. Kansas City (Mechanical Drawing). MacKnight, Ina M. ; T. Halstead (German, Music). Macy, Everest J., A.B. 1904 (Earlham) ; T. Scott City (Physics, Agriculture, History, Civics, Algebra, Geometry). Macy, Gertrude, W., A.B. 1904 (Earlham) ; Supt. Scott City (Latin, German, Domestic Science). Madden, Marea ; T. Pleasanton (Manual Training, Domestic Science). Madden, Pauline, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Mound City (Mathematics, English, History). Maffett, Maud A., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Latin). Magnuson, J. S., A.B. 1906 (Bethany) ; Pr. Osage City (Lat., Ger., Geom.). Mahuron, M. D. ; T. Garden City (Physics, Botany, Physiology). Maier, C. G. ; Pr. Lansing (Latin, Mathematics, History, Bookkeeping). Major, D. W., B.S. 1887, A.M. 1890 (Lebanon) ; Supt. Medicine Lodge (His- tory, Physics, Latin ) . Makimson, Lista, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Rosedale (Eng., Hist., Lat.). Manby, A. J., B.S. 1911 (Michigan) ; T. Pratt (Chemistry, Physics, Physiog.). Mangum, L. B.. A.B. 1910 (Cornell) ; T. Leavenworth (Chem., Physiog., Fr.). Manley, Alma T., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Junction City (History). Mann, Lola C. ; Pr. Simpson (Bookkeeping, Commercial Law). Mann, Sadie B., A.B. 1896, A.M. 1899 (College of Emporia) ; T. Kansas City (Latin) . Mannering, Eva; T. Neosho Rapids (History, Latin, English). Mapes, Florence, A.B. 1911 (Northwestern) ; T. Norton Co. (Eng., Norm. Tr.). Maris, Mai-y A., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Alma (English, Bot., Psych.). Markham, Maude, A.B. 1907 (Washburn) ; Pr. Onaga (Eng., Bot., Ger., Psy. ) . Marks, F. C. ; Supt. Plainville (History, Psychology). Markwell, Effie ; Supt. Syracuse ("Algebra, Geometry, Physics). Markwell, Robert S. ; Pr. Hays (Mathematics, Phys. Geog. ). Marlott, Bertha, A.B. (Ohio State Normal) ; T. Sherman Co. (Com. Sub.). Marm, Anna, A.B. 1909 (Bethany) ; Pr. Lindsborg (Alg., Geom., Arith., Bk.). Marple, Guy, A.B. 1908 (Coll. of Emporia) ; T. Osage City (Science, History, English Literature). Marquess, J. M., A.B. 1902, A.B. 1904 (Fisk U. and Dartmouth) ; Pr. Sumner (Mathematics). Marsh, Bessie; Pr. Kincaid (English, History, Latin, Music). Marshall, Edna Heller; T. Oswego Coll. (Music). Marshall, Etta M. ; Pr. Leon (Latin, Mathematics). Marshall, Geo. H. ; Pr. Garnett (History). Marshall, Thos. F., A.B. 1894 (Lake Forrest), A.M. 1908 (Columbia) ; Pres. Oswe.ao College, Oswego (Education, Philosophy, HistoiT). Martin, B. F. ; Supt. El Dorado (Psychology). Martin, Elizabeth, A.B. 1907 (Midland) ; T. Midland Acad. (Lat., Alg., Eng.). Martin, Fred A., B.S. 1911 (Southwestern) ; Pr. Udall (Alg., Geom., Physics). Martin, Helen, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Winfield (German, English). Martin, M. C. ; Supt. Wilson (Mathematics, Psychology, Economics). Mathews, W. L; Pr. Fredonia (Mathematics, English). Matthews, H. V.; T. Stockton (Latin, Physics, Agriculture). Matson, Caroline, A.B. 1906 (Kansas Wesleyan), A.M. 1908 (Baker) ; T. Kan- sas Wesleyan Acad. (Latin). Mattoon, Edith D., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Nebr. ) ; T. Lawrence (English). Maughlin, Emma, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Eudora (Eng., Latin, History). 23 Maujjhlin, Nan V., A.B. 1902 (Tarkio) ; A.B. 1903 (Nebraska) ; T. Atwood (History, Psychology, English). Mayer, Walter; Supt. Summerfield (History, English). McAdow, Ida B. ; T. Sedan (English, Latin, Reviews, Psychology). McCaflerty, Frank; Supt. Miltonvale (Physical Science, Mathematics). McCall, Charlotte; T. Hays (Domestic Art, Latin). McClelland, Laura R., B.S. 1881 ( ), M.S. 1884 {■ ), A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Campbell Acad. (English, History). McClelland, W. E. ; T. Thomas Co. (Commercial Subjects). McClure, F. D., B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Reno Co. (Agri., Physiology, Botany). McClure, Thomas H., A.B. 1910 (Hedding College) ; T. Great Bend (Algebra, Geometry ) . McConnell, Margaret, A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Lyndon (Latin, German, English) . McConnell, Maud L, A.B. 1911 (Fairmount) ; Asst. Pr. Sedgwick (Lat., Hist.). McCormick, C. W., A.B. 1911 (Kan. Normal) ; Supt. Basehor (Mathematics, Psychology, Reviews). McCoy, J. P.; Supt. Wamego (Algebra, Geography, Physics). McCray, A. J., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Holton (Science, Agriculture). McCreary, G. B., A.B. 1895, A.M. 1902 (Muskingum) ; T. Cooper Academy (Psychology, Philosophy, History). McCullough, A.M.; T. Bucklin (Physics, History). McCulloch, Roy S. ; Pr. Haddam (Geometry, Algebra, History). McDonald, W. T., A.B. 1900 (Wm. Jewell), A.M. 1901 (Wm. Jewell). A.M. 1906 (Chicago) ; T. Topeka (Latin, English). MacDougall, Ernest D., A.B. 1907 (Friends Univ.) ; LL.B. 1900 (Detroit Coll. of Law) ; Supt. Esbon (Latin, History, Rhetoric, Economics). McDowell, J. E., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Blue Rapids (Math., Phys., Agr.). McElfred, Jessie, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. La Harpe (History, English). McElroy, Abigail; T. Topeka (Botany). McGuire, Harry; Supt. Valley Falls (Physics, Geometry, Methods, Reviews). McKelvy, Esther; T. Clay Co. (English). McKeney, Grace, Ph.B. (Baker): T. Osborne (History, English). McKinlay, Edna, A.B. 1910 (Fairmount) ; T. White Cloud (Eng., Math., Hist.). McKinley, Ira L., A.B. 1909 (Amity) ; Pr. Richmond (Mathematics, Latin). McKnight, Grace, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Latin). McLatchey, Nina, A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Abilene (German, Botany). McLean, Alice; T. Jewell City (Dom. Sci. and Art). McMall, P. E., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Minneapolis (Algebra, Physics, Manual Training, Agriculture). McMillan, Florence; T. Irving (English). McNaughton, Alicia B., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kjin. ) ; T. Tonganoxie (German, English) . McNutt, Kathleen; T. Topeka (Free-hand Drawing and Design). McPherson, Lula M. ; T. Galena (Physiology, History, Psychology). McPherson, Mae; T. Winfield (Domestic Art, Joinery). McVey, Nellie F. ; T. Sheridan (English, Mathematics). McWilliams, R. H., A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; Pr. Washington (A!g., Geom., Hist.). Meade, Virginia Lee, B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C); T. Topeka (Domestic Science). Mealey, Ethel M. ; T. Osage City (Commercial and En.glish ) . Meek, Kate M., A.B. 1896 (Univ. of Ind.) ; Pr. Fort Scott (Algebra). Melton, E. Grace; Pr. Yates Center (Latin). Mehl, Irene H., A.B. 1907 (Washburn) ; T. Kingman (Latin). Menehan, John; T. Beattie (Geometry, Latin, Physiography). Mercer, S. W. ; Asst. Pr. Greenleaf (History, Agriculture, Arithmetic, Civics). Mering, Novma J., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Belle Plaine (Lat., Hist.). Metcalf, Helen G., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (English). Metzhe, L. M. ; T. Lincoln (Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Agriculture, Geography). Metzler, L. F., A.B. 1911 (Emporia Normal) ; Supt. Portis (Algebra, Geometry, Agriculture, Physics). Meyer, I. C, A.B. 1910 (Bethany) ; Supt. Lindsborg (Science, Mathematics). Meyer, J. Henry; T. Crawford Co. (Commercial Subjects). 24 Michaels, Ethel, L.B. 1908 (Baker) ; Pr. Howard (Eng., Psych., Hist.) Michel, Eliz. ; T. Sterling (Domestic Science and Art). Mickey, Mary E., A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.); T. Leavenworth (Algebra). Mickey, J. L., Pd.B. 1910 (Colo. State Normal) ; Pr. Beloit (Mathematics). Miles, Kate B. ; T. Salina (Latin). Milham, Edith, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Belpre (Eng., Lat, Ger., Botany). Miller, A. A.; T. Chase Co. (Agriculture, Commercial Subjects). Miller, C. C, B.S. (Knox College) : Pr. White City ( ). Miller, F. D. ; Supt. Maple Hill (Latin, English, History). Miller, Grace L., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. El Dorado (English). Miller, Geo. E., B.S. 1910, M.S. 1911 (Wooster) ; T. Cooper Acad. (Chemistry, Physical Geography, Astronomy). Miller, H. L., A.B. 1902 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Kansas City. Miller, Karl H. : T. Salina (Manual Training, Printing). Miller, Laura; T. Rosedale (Physics, Dom. Sci., Dom. Art, Drawing). Miller, Lillian, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lyndon (History, English, Botany, Physiography). Miller, S. A.; Supt. Lebanon (Mathematics, Physics, Bookkeeping). Miller, Winona, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Stafford (Dom. Sci., Lat., Physic). Milligan, Mary, A.B. 1902 (Campbell) ; T. Holton (English, History). Mills, Seida H., A.B. 1908 (Friends) ; Pr. Wichita (Latin). Miner, N. E. ; T. Thomas Co. (Mathematics. English). Minnis, Helen A., B.S. 1901 (Central Normal), B.Ped. 1902 (Central Normal) ; Pr. Ellin wood (English, History, Commercial Geography). Mitchell, E. E., Ph.B. (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Pr. Sherman Co. (Math., Psych.). Mitchell, Jessie; T. Nortonville (English, Algebra). Mitchell, Agnes; T. Ottawa Univ. Acad. (Physiology). Mitchell, Zella, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Anthony (English, German). Mizell, Viola, B.S. 1902, A.B. 1903 (Valparaiso Univ.), A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Tex.) ; T. Sumner Co. (English). Moffet, Helen M., A.B. 1893, A.M. 1898 (Amity) ; T. Winfield (Lat). Mohney, Edity A., A.B. 1910, B.Pe. 1908 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. St. Francis (English, German, Zoiilogy, Geometry). Monahan, F. H. ; T. Argentine (Manual Training). Monson, Sadie W. ; T. Kiowa Co. (Normal Subjects, Latin). Monteith, Annie R. ; Pr. Topeka (Geometry). Montgomery, Althea. A.B. 1911 (Highland Park) ; T. Cooper Acad. ( — ). Moody, Grace E. ; T. Wichita (Shorthand and Typewriting). Moody, Zoe E. ; T. Meriden (English. Latin, Music). Moore, Lelia Z., A.B. 1906 (Campbell) ; T. Clay Co. (Latin, English). Moore, Margaret M. ; Pr. Salina (Algebra). Moore, M. E., A.B. (Southern Norm. Univ. Tenn.). Supt. Leavenworth. Moore, S. W., B.S. 1908 (Univ. of Ark.), Ph.D. 1911 (Highland) ; Supt. Hiawatha (Psychology, Normal Subjects). Moorehead, Winifred, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Holton (Latin). Moran, J. Evelyn; T. Wichita (Expression, Physical Training). Morgan, Ivy B. ; T. Sylvan Grove (English, Latin, History). Moriarty, Ida K. ; Pr. St. Marys (Mathematics, Botany, English). Morrill, F. A.; T. Emporia (Commercial Work). Morris, Ar. B., A.B. 1911 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Beloit (History. Civics, Physical Geography). Morris, Clara ; T. Parsons ( Mathematics, Normal ) . Morris, Floyd; T. Medicine Lodge (Domestic Science and Art). Morris, Perce, A.B. 1910 (Friends) ; T. Maize (English, History, Latin). Morrison, Edna; Pr. McLouth (Algebra, Geometry, Latin, Sewing). Morrison, Eleanor, A.B. 1911 (Coll. of Emporia) ; T. Americus (Latin, English). Morton, Flora H., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Sabetha (Domestic Science and Art, Physiology). Moseley, Margaret E., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Hiawatha (Domestic Science, History, Economics, Physical Geography, Agriculture). Moss, S. M., A.B. 1910 (Kansas Normal) ; T. Chanute (Latin). 25 Mossman, Sue; T. Oswego Coll. (Expression, Physical Culture, English). Muchmore, Clyde, A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Spivey (Mathematics, Ger- man, History, Physics). Muchmore, Merle E., A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; T. Cimarron (Latin, History, Music) . Mueller, Clyde P., A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; Pr. Alma (Math., Physics, Civics). Mueller, Katherine, A.B. 1903 (Berea) ; T. Bethel Acad. (Ger., Greek, French). Mueller, R. G., A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Seneca (Norm. Tr., Reviews). Mueller, Vernette, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Anthony (Chem., Phys., Alg., Agr.). Mulson F. W., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Wathena (Math., Bot., Hist.). Mulvihill, Celia E., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Pittsburg (Chemistry, Botany, Physical Geography). Mundell, F. A.; T. Reno Co. (Mathematics, Commercial Branches). Murphy, J. W., A.B. 1903 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Washington (Agriculture, Normal Training). Mustard, Jessie, B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; Pr. Mankato (Math., Hist., Reviews). Myers, Maud; Pr. Valley Falls (Latin, German, Algebra). Myrick, John C. ; Supt. Hill City (Geom., Alg., Physics, Psych., Bk., Physiol.). Nash, Lou, A.B. 1897 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (History). Nason, Elsie; T. Republic (Mathematics, Bookkeeping, English, Penmanship). Naylor, Ruth N., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Almena (Latin, English). Needham, Lucy, B.S. 1908 (K. S. A. C); T. Oswego Coll. (Domestic Science, Art, Chemistry, Physics). Neely, Mary I.; T. Wetmore (Histoi-y, Algebra, Physiography). Nees, S. M., B.S. 1882 (Valparaiso), A.M. 1910 (Baker) ; Pr. Montgomery Co. (Latin). Neff, Geo. B., A.B. 1903 (Baker) ; Supt. Wetmore (Physics, Geometi-y, Psych., Physiology, Reviews). Neiman, Ruth, B.S. (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. White Water (Mathematics, English, Physical Geography, Botany). Nelson, A. Vitalia, A.B. (Bethany) ; T. Lindsborg (English, History). Nelson, Camilla: T. Garden City (Domestic Science, Rhetoric, Drawing). Nelson, Claire M., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Leavenworth (Botany). Nelson, Mai-y B. ; Pr. Lincoln (English, Reviews, Physiology). Neuensch wander, Lewis; T. Wichita (Mechanical Drawing, Woodwork). Newcomb, Mrs. M. M., A.B. 1905 (Ripon) ; T. Eureka (Violin). Newcomb, Morton M., A.B. 1906 (Ripon) ; Pr. Eureka (Psych., Eng., Reviews). Newman, May G., A.B. (Friends) ; T. Burden (Lat., Ger., Physiog.. Reviews). Newman, Mildred, A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Mathematics). Nicholson, Ida Hodgson, Ph.B. 1897 (Univ. of Mich.) ; T. Lyons (Latin. Histoi-y, Bookkeeping). Nicholson, Laura, A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; Pr. Burrton (Latin, Psych., Civics). Niesley, J. H.. A.B. ( — ) ; Pr. Trego Co. (Mathematics, Normal Training). Nixon, Laura, A.B. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Coffeyville (Dom. Sci. and Art). Noftzger, Millicent, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Salina (English). Nye, Irene, Ph.D. ( ) ; T. Washburn Acad. (Latin). Nystrom, Ellen; T. Macksville (English, Latin, Botany, History). Nystrom, Sigrid ; T. Lawrence (Domestic Art). Ockerblad, N. F. : T. Kansas City (Physical Training). O'Grady, Francis, A. B. 1911 (St. Marys) ; T. Decatur Co. ( ). Olander, Maude, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) : T. Kansas City (Latin). Olcott, Stella, A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (Algebra, Geometry). Oldendick, H. H. ; T. Galena (Physics, Commercial Subjects). Oliver, C. O. ; Pr. Council Grove (Am. Hist., Hist, of Eng. Lit., Physics). Oliverson, Minnie J., A.B. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (English). Olney, F. H., A.B. 1891 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Lawrence (Norm. Course, Rev.). Oman, C. H., A.B. 1896 (Kansas Normal College) ; Supt. Garnett (Psychology, Geometry, Reviews). Oi-r, Stella, B.S. 1907 (Henry Kendall College) ; T. Oswego (Hist., Eng.) Osborn, Thomas E. ; Supt. Gas (History, Geometry). Owen, Lucille; T. Lost Springs (English, Histoi-y). 26 Paddock, Anabel ; T. lola ( ). Palmer, Frances E. ; T. Pittsburg (English, Histoi-y). Palmer, F. R. ; Pr. Goflf (Alg., Geom., Physical Geog., Eng. Hist., Agr.). Palmer, S. L., B.S. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Hutchinson (Physics). Pampel, Pauline; T. Downs (Norm. Rev., Am. Hist., Econom., Anc. Hist.). Parker, E. Mary, Ph.B. 1908 (Wooster Univ.) ; Pr. Oswego (English, Latin^ Education, Geometry). Parker, Mary Elizabeth, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hiawatha (Ger., Hist.). Parker, R. L., B.L. 1891, B.S. 1891, A.M. 1895 (Ottawa Univ.) ; Supt. Mai-ysville (Agriculture, Music). Parker, Thomas, B.S. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chase Co. (Algebra, Geometi-y, Manual Training, Drawing). Parks, Mabel B. ; T. Hutchinson (Music). Parsons, Mary R. ; T. Trego Co. (Dom. Sci., Physiology, Agriculture). Parsons, Roy M. ; T. Stafford (Agriculture). Pasley, H. L., B. of D. 1906 (Campbell) ; Supt. Hoisington (Mathematics, Latin, Science). Pate, W. S., B.S. 1884 (Danville) ; Pr. Crawford Co. (Math., Norm. Subj.). Paterson, Anna; T. Montgomery Co. (English). Patterson, Eleanor S., A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Leavenworth (Latin). Pattie, Nelle; T. O. U. Acad. (Physiography). Paugh, Muriel, A.B. (Scio College) ; T. Eureka (History, English). Payne, Helen; T. Parsons (Domestic Art, Domestic Science). Payton, Edward C, A.B. 1908 (Coll. of Emporia) ; Supt. Gardner (Algebra, Geometry, History, English, Physiology, Psychology). Pearson, M. E., B.D. 1885 (Univ. of Kan.), A.M. 1909 (Baker) ; Supt. Kansas City. Pennington, Celia, A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Labette Co. (English, Ger- man, French, Botany). Pennock, Delia, A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Hanover (German, English). Perkins, Clella L. ; T. Caldwell (Music). Perkins, Margaret; T. Hutchinson (English). Perry, Lillian; T. Easton (Latin, German, English). Peters, Blanche P.; T. Bucklin (Latin, English, Botany). Peters, Dora B. ; T. Hiawatha (Commercial Subjects). Peters, F. C, A.B. 1905, A.M. 1910 (Ohio Wesleyan) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acad. (German, French). , Pett, Samuel U. ; Pr. Emporia (Psychology, Geography, Reviews). Pettit, Agnes; T. Sumner Co. (Music, Elocution). Phenicie, Mary K., A.B. 1910 (Kansas Normal) ; Pr. Frankfort (Hist., Eng.). Phillips, Birdie E., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Junction City (Eng., Alg.). Phillips, Lottie M., T. Mount Hope (Latin, English). Phillips, W. E., A.B. 1907 (Southwestern) ; Pr. Kingman (Physics, Agr., Ger.). Phinney, R. V.; Supt. Earned (Latin, Mathematics). Piatt, Allen; Pr. Oswego (Reviews, Agr., Physiol., Physics, Physiog., Meth. ) . Pilcher, E. Blanche, A.B. 1902 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Marion (English, Latin). Pilcher, Georgia E., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Dodge City (German, History, Botany). Pinet, F. L. ; Supt. Parsons. Pinney, Geo. G., A.B. 1903 (Univ. of Minn.) ; Supt. McPherson (Physics. Alg.). Pitt, Emma; T. Beloit (Commercial Branches). Plank, Clyde H., A.B. 1911 (Fairmount) ; T. Eureka (Mathematics, History). Plumb, Bertha L., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Valley Falls (D. S., Hi.st.. Agr.) . Plummer, Clara E., A.B. 1902 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Mathematics). Poff, Grace E., A.B. 1899 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (English). Polack, Mary, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Marysville (History, Math.). Porter, D. C, A.B. 1904 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Caldwell (Geom., Physics. Methods). Porter, Helen, A.B. 1911; T. Garnett (Latin, English). Porter, Lucy, Ph.B. 1906 (Chicago) ; T. Fort Scott (English). Porter, Geo. F., A.B. 1899 (Atlanta Univ.) ; T. Sumner (Latin). 27 Postma, V. E. ; Supt. Mound City; (Normal Training, Latin, Physics, Math.). Pottorf, Sadie B., A.B. (Baker) ; T. Burden (Eng., Bot., Hist.). Potwin, Ross W., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Herington (Hist., Alg., Physics, Agriculture). Poundstone, W. J., A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Douglass (Algebra, Geometry, Physics ) . Powell, Vesta, A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Newton (Commercial Work, Math.). Power, Elsie, Ph.B. (Baker); T. Osborne (Mathematics). Powers. H. E., B. of Ped. 1900 (Northern 111. ^Formal) ; Supt. Ellinwood (Mathematics, Physics, Agriculture). ' Pratt, Cha.s. W. ; Supt. Augusta (Math., Physics, Bot.). Pressler, Katherine ; T. Fort Scott (German, Algebra). Price. Ruth. A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Tola (History). Pritchard, Helen. A.B. 1911 (Ohio Wesleyan) ; T. Winfield (Alg.. Latin). Proudfit, D. M., B.S. 1897 (Colorado) ; T. Muscotah (Botany, Zoology, Physics, Mathematics, English). Prunty. Merle. A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Seneca (Eng., German). Pugh, Edna, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Wathena (Eng., Hist., D. M., D. A.). Pulliam, Corinne. A.B. 1908 (Depauw) ; T. Atchison (German, English). Pulliam, E. W. ; T. Reno Co. (Farm Mech., Mech. Draw.). Putnam, Elizabeth W. ; T. Lawrence (Drawing). Pyle. Edna; T. Trego Co. (Latin, German). Raemer, Olga M.. B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Marysville (Domestic Science, Botany. Physical Geography). Rainey, Helen Lynn; T. Oswego (Housekeeping). Rainey. T. Wollis. A.B. 1899 (Center College) ; Pr. Oswego Coll. (Economics, Religion, Literature, Manual Training). Ramsey, H. D. ; Supt. Fort Scott. Randall, Ethel Elizabeth, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Nebr. ) ; T. Decatur Co. (Histoi-y, German) . Rankin, C. M. ; Supt. Belpre (Algebra, Geom., Latin. Economics, Physics). Rankin. Dessa A., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Axtell (German, Botany, Physics, Geography ) . Rapp, May. A.B. (Baker) ; Pr. White Water (Latin. Eng., German). Rarick. C. E., A.B. 1904 (Kan. Wesleyan) ; Supt. Stockton (Alg.. Geom., Ecc). Rarig, Bessie M., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Minneapolis (English, Psychology, Geology, History). Rathban, Geo. D. ; Supt. Edwardsville (Math., Sci.. Hist.. Bookkeeping). Raymond, Ola B., Ph.B. 1902 (Chicago), B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Newton (Geometry and Domestic Science). Read, Hazel; T. Lewis (Latin. Eng., Hist., Com. Law). Reagan, W. J., A.B. 1904 (Earlham), A.B. 1905 (Haverford College) ; T. Friends Univ. Acad. ( ) . Ream, C. H., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; Pr. Holton (Hist., Psych.). Records. H. S., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Frankfort (Agriculture). Reed, Beatrice, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Asst. Prin. Glasco (Eng., Latin). Reed, Hazel, A.B. 1910 (Washburn) ; T. La Harpe (Latin, German). Reed, J. H., A.B. (Central Normal College. Ind.) ; T. Lebo (Com. Subj.. Math.). Reed, J. C, A.B. 1909, B.S. 1910 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Supt. Bunker Hill (Mathematics, Science, History). Rees, Mary J.; T. Admire (Eng.. Agr.. Geom.. Physics. Hist.). Rees, W. G. ; Supt. Meriden (Alg., Hist., Physics). Reppert, Vernon; T. Trego Co. (Sciences). Reser, Antoinette; T. Harper (Hist., Bkkpg.. Normal Subj.). Reynolds, J. F., B.Ped. 1906 (Ohio State Univ.) ; T. Pratt (Bot., Zoiil., Agr.). Reynolds, Katherine, B.M. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Clay Co. (Music). Reynolds, Thos. H., A.B. 1906 (Indiana) ; T. Sumner (Music). Rice, Blanche, A.B. 1910 (Southwestern) ; T. Winfield (Latin). Rice, Clarence T., A.B. 1911, B.S. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Bonner Springs (Alg., Geom., Physics, Agr.). Rice, Edith Stewart, A.B. 1911, B.S. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pi-. Bonner Springs (English, History, Latin, Physical Geography). 28 Rice, Margaret, A.B. 1911 (Ottawa) ; T. Decatur Co. (Latin). Rice. Zelda M., A.B. 1909 (Ottawa) ; Pr. Buffalo (German, Math., Botany). Richardson, Esther H. ; T. Hutchinson (Latin, English, History). Richardson, G. F. ; T. Washington (Commercial Subjects). Richert, David A., A.B. 1909 (Oberlin) ; T. Bethel Acad. (Math., Economics). Ridell, Clara, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Washington (Lat., Ger., Arith.). Rider, Geo. M. ; Supt. Logan (Mathematics, Latin, Physics). Rieger, Ida Mae, B.S. 1903 ( ), Pg.B. 1908 ( ) ; T. Midland Acad. (Public Speaking, English). Riggs, H. C, A.B. 1893 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Physics, Algebra). Riggs, Kate L., A.B. 1894 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (German). Rightmire, Bertha M., A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; Pr. Carbondale (Latin, Ger- man, History, Botany, English). Rigney, Ida E., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Wichita (Dom. Sci. ) . Rindom, F. O. ; Supt. Liberal (Physics, Agriculture, Psychology). Ringer, Vera, A.B. 1910 (Ottawa Univ.) ; T. O. U. Acad. (Zoology). Ringle, W. E., A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Cherryvale (Physics, Zoology, Botany, Physical Geography, Chemistry). Ringwalt, Louis, B. Ped. (K. W. U.) ; Supt. Alden (Mathematics, Physics). Ripperton, Florence, A.B. (Fairmount) ; T. Caldwell (Mathematics, German, Agriculture, Domestic Science). Rishel, W. M. ; Supt. Chase Co. (Botany, Physics, Algebra, Geometry). Robb, Frances, A.B. 1899 (Salina Normal) ; Supt. Herington (Alg., Geom.). Robb, W. S.. B.S. (Ind. Normal), A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Eureka (His- tory, English, Psychology). Roberts, Beulah, A.B. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Atchison Co. (English). Roberts, Elizabeth W., A.B., A.M. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Anthony (Latin, Biology). Roberts, J. W. ; Supt. Peabody (English, Psychology, Physics, Physiology). Robertson, Dora; T. Gas (Domestic Art, English). Robinson, Mrs. C. M. ; Asst. Pr. Leoti (Latin, History, English). Robinson, Florence, A.B. 1906, A.M. 1910 (Ottawa) ; Pr. Waverly (English, Botany, Commercial Arithmetic). Robinson, Theo. ; T. Hutchinson (Domestic Science). Roehrig, Marie, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Newton (Botany, Sewing). Rogers, Effie ; T. Hutchinson (Arithmetic, English, History). Rogler, Elsie A., B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Chase Co. (Domestic Science and Art, Drawing). Rose, Frank H. ; Supt. Weir (Mathematics, History, Physical Geography). Rose, Geo. E., B.S. 1883 (Univ. of Kan.), M.S. 1896 (K. S. A. C.) ; Supt. Rosedale ( Physiology ) . Rosenquist, Flora I, A.B. 1897 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Emporia (Latin). Ross, D. G.. B.S. (K. S. A. C. ) ; Pr. Moundridge (Math., Physics, Ger., Hist.). Ross, Ervin C, A.B. 1909 (Iowa Wesleyan) ; T. Lawrence (Hist., Civ., Econom.). Ross, Gail B., A.B. 1908 (Fairmount) ; Pr. Sedgwick (Physics, Botany, Eng.). Ross, Pontus H., B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Jewell City (Hist., Agr., Phys. Geog.). Rosson, J. T., A.B. 1908 (Ottawa) ; T. Atchison (Alg., Phys., Norm. Studies). Rouse, B. H., B.Ped. 1908, Ph.B. 1910 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Supt. Atwood (Civics, Geometry, Normal Review, Drawing). Rowe, Ida C, A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; T. Ellinwood (Latin, German, English). Rowe, John L. ; Pr. Easton (Geometry, Botany, Literature). Runnels, L. S., B.Ped. 1910 (Campbell) ; Pr. Scott City (Hist., Psych., Meth.). Rupe, W. S.. B.S. (Campbell), A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Burlington (Hist, Psychology) . Rush, Margaret, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Eureka (German, Latin). Rush, Maud, B.Mus. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Eureka (Music). Russell, Edith M., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) : T. Kinsley (English, History). Ryan, B. G. ; Pr. Neodesha (Mathematics, History). Ryan, Josephine I., B.O. 1911 (Dillenbeck) ; T. Coffeyville (Expression, Com. Spelling). Sadtler, W. A., A.B. 1883. A.M. 1886 (Muhlenberg College), Ph.D. 1892 (Univ. of the City of New York) ; T. Midland Acad. (Eng., Psych.). 29 Sain, Lydia, B.L. 1898, M.L. 1900 (Baker); T. Chanute (English, Reviews). Sallee, J. A.; Supt. Edgerton (Mathematics, History, English). Salmam, Mable, A.B. 1908 (Friends Univ.) ; A.M. 1910 (Earlham College) ; T. Cheney (Latin, Algebra, Botany). Salstrom, Mary, A.B. (Univ. of Mich.) ; T. Eureka (History, Mathematics). Samuel, Feme, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Conway Springs (German, English). Sampson, E. L., B.Ped. 1899, Ph.B. 1900 (Drake University), B.C.S. 1899 (Duff Commercial) ; Supt. St. Francis (Lat. Psychol., Physiol., History) . Sandberg, Alice M. ; T. McPherson (Music, Drawing). Sargent, Martha; Supt. Lebanon (Latin, Botany, Physiology, History). Saunders, Pauline; T. Coldwater (Botany, English, Algebra). Sawtell, Helen, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Linwood (English, Botany). Sawtell, J. H., A.B. 1892 (Univ. of Kan.), A.B. 1895 (Harvard) ; T. lola (Psychology, Review, Algebra). Schaeffer, Matah L., B.S. 1910 (K. S. A. C. ) ; T. Phillipsburg (Domestic Science and Art, Bookkeeping, Music). Schaffner, D. C, A.B. (College of Emporia), A.M. (Univ. of Mich.) ; T. Lewis Acad. (Physical Geography). Schell, A. L., A.B. 1911 (Friends), B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Viola (Mathe- matics, Agriculture, History, Biology). Schermerhorn, W. D., A.B. 1899 (Kansas Wesleyan), S.T.B. 1904 (Garrett Biblical Inst.) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acad. (Bible). Scheufler, Lena; T. Ottawa (German). Schloss, Katherine, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Moran (Latin, History). Schmidt, Mary W., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Humboldt (Botany, English, Commercial Subjects). Schnacke, Ruth, A.B. (Washburn) ; Pr. Smith Center (English, Botany). Scott, L. Pearl; T. White City ( ). Seagrave, Ina ; T. Fort Scott (English, Normal Subjects). Sears, Jean A., A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; T. Pittsburg (Algebra, German). Seavey, Edith; T. White City ( ). Sellards, Mary, A.B. 1900, A.M. 1901 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Concordia (Latin, German ) . Sellers, Marjorie, A.B. 1905 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Geometry, Algebra). Selvidge, H. E., B.Ped., 1908 ( Warrensburg) ; T. Wichita (Woodwork and Wood Turning). Senior, Lucy, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Horton (English, Psychology, Physical Geography, Reviews). Sequist, Minnie; T. Eskridge (Mathematics, History, English). Serviss, Mildred J.; T. Kansas City (Drawing). Shafer, Annie N. ; T. Ola the (Latin, English). Shaffer, Forest F., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Ind.) ; T. Humboldt (Mathematics, Manual Training). Shamleffer, Hazel, A.B. (Southwestern) ; T. Caldwell (English, Physical Geog- raphy, Latin, History). Shaner, Mary, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Wathena (German, Latin). Sharpe, Mabel L., A.B. 1905 (Univ. of Minn.) ; T. Garden City (Ger., Eng.). Shawver, Sophia; Pr. Gas (Latin, English, History). Shearer, J. L., B.D. 1883 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. La Harpe (Reviews, Psych., Management and Methods). Shedd, Bessie H. ; T. Augusta (Latin, German). Sheets, Mary, A.B. (Tri-State College) ; T. Muscotah (Lat., Eng., Hist., Draw.). Sheets, Roberta, A.B. 1909 (Cornell, Iowa) ; T. Pittsburg (English, Elocution). Shelley, Velma ; T. Elsmore (Latin, English, German, History). Shepherd, W. M.. A.B. 1903 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (Algebra, His- toi-y. Commercial Geography). Shepherd, H. P., B.S. 1905 (Baker) ; Pr. Atchison (History). Sherman, Flora; Pr. Le Roy (Mathematics). Shideler, H. W., A.B. 1896 (Kansas Normal) ; Supt. Girard (Psychology, Physiology, Reviews). Shideler, J. W., Ph.B. 1909 (Univ. of Chicago) ; Pr. Junction City (Political Economy, Pedagogy, Commercial Geography ) . 30 Shields, Florence L., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Humboldt (History, Ger- man, English). Shippy, Ada; T. Harvey ville (Latin, Physiography, Physiology). Shirk, Claude, A.B. (McPherson Col.), M.S. (Univ. of Chicago) ; T. O. U. Acad. ( Mathematics ) . Shirk, J. A. G., A.B. (McPherson Col.), A.M. (Univ. of Kan.), M.S. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Ottawa Univ. Acad. (Engineering and Physics). Shone, A.B. 1907, A.M. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Scottsville (Latin, Eng., Algebra, Zoology). Shoup, Earl L., A.B. 1911 (Washburn) ; T. Kingman (History, Botany). Shoup, Mabel L; T. Cimarron (English). Shuey, Ada; T. Chase (History, Economics, Algebra, Music). Shuey, R. L. ; T. Anthony (Man. Tr., Geom.). Shule, ; T. Dighton (Mathematics, History, Civics). Silver-wood, O. J., A.B. 1900 (Ohio Wesleyan) ; Supt. Ellsworth (Reviews, Psychology, Physiology). Simmonds, F. W. ; Supt. Mankato (Physics, Math., Agr., Psych.). Sinclair, Effie ; T. Burlington (Reviews). Sinclair, W. M. ; Supt. Coffeyville. Singer, Peri-y ; T. Moline (Commercial Subjects). Sirpless, Eleanor, A.B. 1907, A.M. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Bot.). Sister Genevive ; T. Nazareth Acad. (History, Science). Sister M. Alberta; T. Nazareth Acad. ( ). Sister M. Aquiras ; T. Nazareth Academy ( ). Sister M. Aurelia ; T. St. Mary's Acad. (English, Logic, Ethics). Sister M. De Chantel ; T. St. Mary's Acad. (French, Music, Elocution). Sister Mary Felix; T. St. Mary's Acad. (French, Music). Sister Mary Leo; T. St. Mary's Acad.; (Latin, German, History, Music). Sister M. Louise; T. Nazareth Acad. (Latin, Psychology). Sister Mary Luke; T. St. Mary's Acad. (English, German, History, Alg., Elo. ). Sister Mary Seraphia ; T. St. Mary's Acad. (Math., Physics, Bookkeeping). Sister Mary Vida ; T. St. Mary's Acad. (Music). Skoglund, D. S. ; T. Syracuse (History, Latin, Psychology). Slagle, M. C, B.Ped. 1911 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Sheridan (Physics, Physiol., Geography, U. S. History, Botany, Spelling). Slater, Gertrude, Ph.B. 1908 (Ottawa) ; T. Colony (Latin, English). Sleeth, Eula H., A.B. 1909 (Emporia College) ; T. Arkansas City (Eng., Hist.). Sleeth, Pauline B., A.B. 1906 (Emporia College) ; T. Chase Co. (English). Sloan, James; Supt. Lecompton (Algebra, Geometry, History, Com. Law). Smick, Caleb W. ; Pr. Decatur Co. (Algebra, Normal Subjects). Smith, C. O. ; Supt. Minneapolis (Mathematics, Normal Subjects). Smith, E. ; T. Beloit (Manual Training). Smith, E. B., A.M. (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Reno Co. (Hist., Psych., Ped.). Smith, F. P., A.B. 1878, A.M. 1892 (Baker) ; Supt. Lawrence. Smith, Frances, A.B. 1909 (Nickerson College) ; A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Arkansas City (History, Algebra). Smith, Grace Brace, A.B. 1896 (St. Mary's), B.L. 1898 (Knox); T. Chanute (English). Smith, Helen E., A.M. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Reno Co. (Latin, Hist.). Smith, Helen E., A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Wellsville (Latin, German, Music). Smith, J. B., A.B. 1898 (Ohio Northern) ; T. Hesston Acad. (Greek, Church History, Bible, Music). Smith, Jean Eleanor. A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Winfield (Com. Sc, Dom. Art. ) . Smith, Jessica, A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; T. Newton (History, Pedagogy). Smith, Maude E., A.B. 1904 (Cooper) ; T. Cooper Acad. Smith, M. L., B.Ped. 1910 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Supt. Sharon Springs (Zoology, Geology ) . Smith, Myrtue, A.B. 1909 (Southwestern) ; T. Latham (Hist., Latin., Agr.). Smith, Nora E. ; T. Parsons (Advanced Common Subjects). Smith, O. C. : T. Fort Scott (Commercial Subjects). 3] Smith, Ora ; T. Lajcin (Algebra, Geometry). Smith, O. O., A.B. 1907 (Southwestern) ; Supt. Ashland (Psychology, Physics, Bookkeeping). Smith, O. M. A., B.L. 1908 (Baker) ; T. Neodesha (English, German). Snell, Florence, B.S. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Atchison Co. (Dom. Sci. and Art). Snyder, Elma ; T. Almena (Algebra, History, Music). Solomon, Ida; T. Bunker Hill (English, Latin, History). Solter, Arthur E., A.B. 1907 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Chemistry, Algebra, Elementary Science). Soper, Stanley C, A.B. 1898 (Univ. of 111.) ; Supt. Axtell (Latin, Normal Tr. ) . Souders, Ruby M., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Cunningham (German, Latin, English, History). Spangler, Caroline B., A.B. 1883 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Ger., Alg.). Spangler, N. U. : Supt. Russell (Botany, Psychology Physiography, Agr.). Speckman, Clara M., B.Ped. 1907 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Waterville ^German, Botany, Latin). Speer, A. H., A.B. 1901 (Wooster) ; Supt. Horton (Methods). Spence, T. A.; T. Kingman (Commercial Subjects). Sperry, Mabelle, B.S. 1906 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Neodesha (Latin, Dom. Sci.). Spindler, J. W.. A.B. 1876, A.M. 1895 (Ohio Wesleyan) ; B.L. 1882 (Univ. of Conn.) ; Supt. Winfield (English). Spray, L. M., A.B. 1882 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Downs (Physics, Psych., Bot.).' Squier, Edithe ; Pr. Oswego Col. (German, Botany, English, Composition). Stacey, W. A., B.S. 1887 (Campbell) ; Supt. Abilene. Stadler, Babetta, A.B. (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sherman Co. (Latin, German). Stafer, Florence S., A.B. 1903 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Latin, French). Stahl, E. M., A.B. 1894, A.M. 1902 (Peoria College) ; T. Midland Academy ( Geometry, Mathematics ) . Staley, Grace, A.B. 1909 (Col. of Emporia) ; T. Richmond (History, English). Starbeck, Catherine, A.B. 1909 (Kansas Normal) ; T. Burlingame (Latin. Physiography, Botany, Domestic Art). Steele, A.B. ; T. McPherson (Botany, Agriculture, Manual Training). Steele, Leonore ; T. Valley Falls (English, History, Physiology). Steeper, H. T., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Olathe (History, Econom.). Stelter, Grace, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (German, English). Stephens, Elizabeth, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Concordia (Bot., History). Steven, Laurene, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Olathe (German, Geometry, Algebra, Reviews). Stevens, Omar P., A.B. 1910 (Mo. State Normal) ; Supt. Altoona (Math., Hist.) . Stevenson, Eleanora ; Pr. Beattie (English, History, Reviews). Stevenson, Mabel, A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; T. Solomon (Math., Bot., Phys. Geog.). Stever, Carrie A.; T. Atchison Co. (Music). Stewart, E. A., B.Ped. 1910 (Normal College) ; T. Wichita (Physics). Stewart, Minnie, A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; T. Abilene (Math., Norm. Subjects). Stewart, Olive Maude, A.B. (Baker) ; T. Osborne (Latin, English). Stickel, A. L., A.B. 1881 (111. Wesleyan), A.M. 1890 (111. Wesleyan) ; Pr. Winfield (History, Reviews, Civics). St. John, R. E. ; Supt. Marion (Psychology, Reviews). Stough, Martha, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Garnett (German, English). Stout, A. J. ; Prin. Topeka. Stout, Ira; Supt. Kiowa (Physics, Botany, Algebra, Geometry). Stranahon, Edgar H., A.B. 1898, A.M. 1906 (Earlham) ; Pr. Friends Univ. Acad. (History). Stratton, Emma; T. Williamsburg (Latin, German, English, Amer. History). Street, Ardella, A.B. 1906 (Wilmington College), A.M. 1911 (Ohio); T. Friends Univ. Acad. (Latin, English). Streibich, H. M., A.B. (Eureka College, 111.) ; T. Reno Co. (Phys. Tr., Latin). Stromire, M. C. ; T. Fredonia (Botany, History, Mathematics). Strong, Ella; T. Mt. Hope (Botany, Psychology). Strong, E. Vera, B.S. 1898 (Cooper) ; T. Sterling (Latin). Strope, Leola, A.B. 1902 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Chanute (Algebra, Geometry). 32 Stuart, Stella A.; Pr. Caldwell (Psych., Hist, Eng., Reviews, Com. Geog. ) . Study, Harry P., A.B. 1903 (Baker), A.M. 1911 (Boston) ; Supt. Sedan (Hist.). Stump, Harvey C, A.B. 1910 (Goshen) ; T. Bethel Acad. (English, Psych.). Styles, A. F., Ph.B. 1892, A.M. 1893 (Penn College) ; T. Friends Univ. Acad. ( Mathematics ) . Sutcliff, Juanita, B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Sumner Co. (Dom. Sci. and Art). Sutherland, Anna G., Ph.B. (Ottawa) ; Pr. Little River (English, Latin). Swan, Mary C, Ph.B. (College of Emporia) ; T. Hays (Eng., Music, German). Swank, E. W. ; T. Atchison Co. (Commercial Branches). Swartout, N. R. ; T. Dodge City (Latin, Algebra). Swarts, Leila M. ; T. Winfield (German). Swenson, L. E.. A.B. 1905 (Bethany), A.M. 1909 (Yale) ; T. Leavenworth (German, Latin). Swick, Lena, B.S. 1910 (Midland Col.) : T. St. John (English, Spelling). Switzer, L. R., A.B. 1906, A.M. 1911 (Ohio) ; Supt. Almena (Math., Science). Taft, Vera, A.B. 1903 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Algebra). Taylor, Clara ; T. Chelsea. Taylor, Elsie, A.B. (Washburn) ; T. Sherman Co. (History, English). Taylor, Frances E., A.B. 1903 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Argentine (English, Latin). Terrill, Lena, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Burlington (German, English). Terrill, Nellie C. ; Pr. Burlingame (History, German, English, Reviews). Terrill, Olive E., A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Burlingame (English, History, Physiology, Music). Teter, Edna, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Burlington (Latin, Dom. Sci.). Thayer, Janet, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.), B.S. 1910 (Midland) ; T. Troy (English, Latin). Thestrup, Sylvia; T. Blue Rapids (German, Com. Subjects). Thierstein, J. R., A.B. 1896 (Univ. of Kan.), Ph.D. 1910 (Univ. of Berue) ; Pr. Atchison Co. (Psychology, Normal Training). Thomas, Cora Lee, A.B. 1910 (Friends Univ.) ; Pr. Attica (Latin, Math.). Thomas, D. C, A.B. 1909 (Baker) ; T. Wamego (Rhet., Lit., Psych., Physiol.). Thomas, Ethel, A.B. 1908 (Baker) ; Pr. Ellsworth (Latin, Histoi-y). Thomas, Mattie J., A.B. 1908 (Ottawa) ; T. Newton (Science, Physics, Physiol., Agriculture. Economics). Thomas, Olive L. ; Pr. Phillipsburg (History, English). Thompson, C. C, A.B. 1911 (K. S. N. ) ; Pr. Thomas Co. (Ped., Norm. Tr. ) . Thompson, C. W., B.Ped. ( ) ; Supt. Burden (Mathematics, Physics). Thompson, Martha A., B.D. 1885, A.B. 1892 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (Latin) . Thompson, Roy H. ; Supt. Americus (Physics, Mathematics, History). Thompson, Tres. ; Supt. Nortonville (Mathematics, History). Thoroman, A. M., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Chase Co. (History, Psy- chology, Arithmetic). Thowe, A. F. ; Supt. Sylvan Grove (Math., Physics, Psych., Civics). Thrall, Edith; T. Caney (Mathematics, Botany). Tillotson, E. C. ; T. Abilene (Music). Titus, R. W., A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; Pr. Dodge City (Physics, Math., Draw.). Todd, Chas. S. ; Supt. Wathena (Physics, Agri., Psych., Reviews, Methods). Todd, Margaret, A.B. 1910 (College of Emporia) ; T. Burrton (German, His- tory, English ) . Tomson, Harriet Alberta, A.B. 1909 (Washburn) ; T. Downs (Eng., Algebra). Torrence, Onah ; T. Humboldt (Alg., Geom., Psych., Reviews). Totten, Helen; T. Haddam (Latin, English). Townsend, Janie ; T. Girard (Botany, Algebra, Geometry). Townsend R. E. ; T. Campbell Acad. (Commercial Subjects). Tracy, F. D. ; Pr. Argentine (History, Algebra). Traitman, Nellie E., A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Nortonville (Latin. Geom., Bot). Trimmer, Cora, B.S. (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Eureka (Domestic Scrence). Trinder, Martha A.; T. Great Bend (Domestic Science). Triplett, Clara L, A.B. 1911 (Hillsdale) ; T. Staflford (English) Trotter, Jessie H. ; T. Eureka (Music). 33 Trusdale, J. W. ; T. Council Grove (Geometry, Algebra, Commercial Subj.). Tucker, Florence E., A.B. 1906 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Algebra, Geometry). Tucker, Hazel; T. Medicine Lodge (Commercial Subjects). Tucker, James; Supt. Lewis (Mathematics, Physics, Reviews). Turner, Charles F., Ph.B. (Baker) ; Supt. Coldwater (Physics, Latin, Math.). Turner, H. R., A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Hays (Botany, Man. Tr.). Turner, Mabel O. : Pr. Hortcn (German. English). Twiss, Edith M., Ph.D. ( : — ) ; T. Washburn Acad. (Botany). Tyler, C. P., M.Acct. (Gem City Busine.ss College) ; T. Eureka (Com. Subj.). Unruh, F. M. ; T. Minneapolis (Commercial Subjects). Urner, Rose M., A.B. 1910 (Goucher) : T. Coffeyville (English). Van Aken, Sadie, A.B. 1900 (K. S. N.) ; Pr. Paola ( Geometry,' History ) . Van Arsdale, J., A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Conway Springs (Mathe- matics, Latin). Van Cleave, Maude, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (Latin). Van der Vries, Edw. ; T. Perry (German, Algebra, Histoi-y). Van Deventer, J. B. ; T. Oswego Col. (Piano). Vandyke, C. O., A.B. 1908 (Campbell), A.M. 1910 (Kansas) ; T. Campbell Acad. (Algebra, Geometry). Van Fleet, H. H.. A.B. 1902 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Helton (Reviews, Alg.). Vaniman, Grace, A.B. 1910 (McPherson College), B.S.D. 1906 (McPherson) ; Pr. Hillsboro (English, Algebra. Geometry, Latin). Van Vickie, H. Anna, A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Newton (English). Vaughn, A. P.: Pj-. Rosedale (Latin, Algebi-a). Vawter, Vera; T. Council Grove (Music). Veatch, Nathan T. ; Supt. Atchison. Venard, May: T. Ness City (Mathematics, Physiology). Vermillion, Lillian E. ; T. Council Grove (Latin, English). Vernon, Bertha, A.B. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Crawford Co. (German, Latin, Gram.). Virmond, Geoi-gia, A.B. 1906 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (Mathematics). Voorhees, E. ; Supt. Easton (Mathematics, History). Wagner, Dora A., Ph.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Spivey (Latin, English, Botany), Waldorf, W. J.; Asst. Pr. Leon (History, Botany). Walker, E. A.; Supt. Lynden (Math., Shorthand, Com. Law, Physics). Walker, Mattie, A.B. 1910 (Kansas Wesleyan) ; T. Sharon Springs (English, Latin ) . Wallace, May V., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Lawrence (Chemistry, Psychology, Commercial Geography). Walling, Mabel; T. Viola (Latin. English). Walling, Vernon; Pr. Maize (Mathematics, Science). Walters, Gertrude M., A.B. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Glen Elder (Latin, German, English). Walton, Winona W. ; T. Coolidge (English, Latin, Botany). Ware, C. M. ; Supt. Olathe (Psychology). Wareham, Manly C, Ph.B. 1898, Ph.M. 1902 (Ottawa) ; T. Wichita (Ger., Fr.). Warner, Mable A., A.B. 1911 (Friends Univ.) ; T. Cheney (German, History). Warren, Guy, A.B. (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Supt. Smith Center (History, Physical Geography, Normal Subjects). Warrender, Albert; T. Douglass (History, Physics, Bookkeeping). Warrington, Myrtle, B.D. Sc. 1895 (Drake) ; Pr. Marysville (Latin, Normal Work). Waterbury, Charlotte, A.B. 1893, A.M. 1903 (Univ. of Denver) ; T. Kansas Wesleyan Acad. (English). Watkins, Elsie; T. Salina (Domestic Science, Domestic Art). Watson, Minnie; Pr. Vermillion (Mathematics, English, Latin). Watson, Rachel H., A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Parsons (Latin). Watson, W. M. ; Supt. Geneseo (Mathematics, Physical Geography), Watts, Jean; Pr. Maple Hill (Mathematics, Science). Weber, Eva, A.B. 1906 (Iowa State) ; T. Hutchin-son (English). Wedel, P. J., A.B. 1895 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Bethel Acad. (Physical Sciences)'. -3 34 Weimer, Bird, A.B. 1897 (Southwestern) ; T. Winfield (Geometry, Algebra). Weisgerber, Lillian, Ph.B. and B.Ped. 1911 ( ) ; T. Lyons (Ger., Hist.). Welstead, Georgiana ; T. Logan (Domestic Science, History, Agriculture). Welton, N. S. ; Pr. Williamsburg (Latin, Algebra, Botany, History). Wenrich, Francis Christine, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Summerfield (Mathematics, Latin, Physical Geography). Wentworth, Bertha, A.B. 1903 (Friends Univ.) ; T. Newton (English, Algebra). Weymar, Katherine L., A.B. 1904 (Southwestern) ; T. Arkansas City (Geom- etry, Algebra). Wharton, L. P., B.S. 1900 (Salina N.) ; Supt. Belleville. Wheeler, Mary S., A.B. 1911, D.S. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Stockton (English, History) . Wheeler, Wilson C, A.B. B.D. (Yale) ; Pr. Washburn Acad. (Mathematics). Whitby, Lillian, A.B. (Emporia College) ; T. Hartford (Latin, German). White, E. A., A.B. 1904, A.M. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Kansas City (Chem.). White, Florence R., A.B. (Washburn) ; T. Seneca (Science, Mathematics). Whitecraft, G. E. ; Supt. Oskaloosa (Psych., Hist, Civics, Agri., Reviews). Whitney, Martha, A.B. 1903, A.M. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Sumner Co. (Latin, German). Wickersham, Lulu, A.B. 1898 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. McPherson (Latin, English, Normal Reviews). Wight, Alvin S., A.B. 1911, Ped.B. 1911 (Baker) ; Pr. Peabody (History, Reviews, Botany). Wilay, Grace G., A.B. 1910 (Baker) ; T. Baldwin (History, English). Wilcox, Marguerite; T. Holton (Drawing, Music). Wilcox, Rena, A.B. (Baker) ; T. Winchester (History, English, Mathematics). Wilcoxson, Myrtle, B.Ped. (Emporia State Normal) ; T. Republic (Latin, English, Normal Reviews). Willard, Florence, A.B., A.M. (Knox College) ; T. Washburn Acad. (German). Willgus, Glenn A., B.S. 1911 (Baker) ; T. Clay Co. (Bot., Phys. Geog., Agri.). Williams, Bertha J., A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Marysville (English, German, History). Williams, Edna; T. Ottawa (English). Williams, Marcia, A.B. 1901 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (English). Williams, May J., T. Topeka (Physical Training). Williams, R. H. ; T. Sterling (Algebra, History). Williamson, Bertha, A.B. 1901 (Tarkio) ; T. Ottawa (Latin). Willis, Edith, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Ellsworth (English, German). Wilson, Gertrude H., A.B. 1881 (Cornell) ; T. Kingman (English). Wilson, J. W. ; Supt. Cunningham (Math., Hist., Botany, Physics). Wilson, Kathryne, A.B. 1909 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Waterville (Latin). Wilson, Mary Etta, B.L. 1895. Ph. M. 1902 (Ottawa) ; T. Phillipsburg (Latin, Mathematics ) . Wilson, Mary K., A.B. 1900 (Washburn) ; T. Topeka (Latin, English). Wilson, Odell, B.S. 1908 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Belle Plaine (Algebra, English, Psychology, Domestic Science and Art). Wilson, S. A., A.B. 1882, A.M. 1885 (Monmouth) ; T. Cooper Acad. (Greek. Latin, History) . Wilson, W. B., A.B. 1895 (Ottawa Univ.), M.S. (Ottawa Univ.) ; T. O. U. Acad. (Botany). Wiltrout, Ray, B.L. (Baker) ; Pr. Logan (English, Psychology, German, Rev.). Winger, Mabel Edna, A.B. 1907 (Baker) ; T. Pittsburg (Algebra, English, Latin, Physiology). Wingling, J. B. ; T. El Dorado (Manual Training, Mechanical Drawing). Winter, Albert H. ; T. Topeka (Woodwork, Pattern Making). Winters, E. E. ; T. Leavenworth (Commercial Subjects). Wise, W. B., A.B. 1910, A.M. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. McPherson (History, Psychology, Geometry). Wishard, L. H. ; Supt. Yates Center (English). Withington, C. H.. B.S. 1906, M.S. 1908 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. Topeka (Zoology, Agriculture, Physical Geography ) . 35 Witted, Jessie M. ; T. Agra (English, Geometry, History). Wixson, M. J.; Supt. Enterprise (Math., Physics, Chem., Hist., Reviews). Wohlgemuth, J. Ellen; T. Parsons (English). Wolcott, Grace, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Hutchinson (Sciences). Wolfe, Carmie, A.B. 1903 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Topeka (English). Wolfe, Esther; T. Lucas (History, English, Latin, Botany). Wolfe, W. H., A.B. (Kansas Wesleyan) ; Supt. Osborne (Physics, Norm. Tr ) Womer, Reta, B.S. ( ) ; T. Belleville (History, Science). Wood, Marcia R. ; T. Lawrence (History). Woodbury, Blanche, A.B. 1907 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Garden City (Math., Lit). Woods, H. I., A.M. ( ) ; T. Washburn Acad. (Physics). Woodward, Earl C., A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Pr. Minneapolis (Hist Civ ) Woodyard, Ella, A.B. 1899, B.Ped. 1900 (Baker) ; T. Kansas City (Math.). Wooster, L. D., A.B. 1911 (Kansas State Normal) ; T. Argentine (Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Physiography). Wooster, Ruth E. ; T. Alma (Sewing, Cooking, Music). Worley, V. E., B.Pd. 1904 (Colo. Normal) ; Supt. Irving (Science, Eng., Hist.). Wright, Charles; Supt. Severy (Mathematics, Physics). Wright, F. L., A.B. 1910 (K. S. N.) ; Supt. Bucklin (Psychology, Math., Eng.). Wright, Cowles ; Supt. La Cygne (Mathematics, Physics). Wyland, Florence, A.B. 1911 (K. S. A. C.) ; (Dom. Sc, Dom. Art., Agri., Lat.). Yarger, Mary G., A.B. 1907 (Midland) ; T. Atchison (English, History). Yeomans, C. A., A.B. 1906 (Col. of Emporia) ; Supt. Osage City (Psychology, Reviews, Algebra). Yeomans, Don O. ; T. Hutchinson (Physical Training, Chemistry). Yetter, Lula, B.Mus. 1909 (Southwestern) ; T. Anthony (Music). Yoder, J. J.; Supt. Canton (Mathematics, Physics, History). Young, B. P., B.S. 1908 (Univ. of Kan.) ; Supt. Halstead (Geom., Alg.). Young, Margaret, B.S. 1911 (Campbell) ; T. Corning (Latin, English). Zahmley, J. W., B.S. 1909 (K. S. A. C.) ; T. El Dorado (Botany, Physics, Agriculture, Physical Geography, Physiology). Zeininger, Lily, A.B. 1900 (Fairmount) ; T. Wichita (Latin). Zook, Annette, A.B. 1911 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Herington (Latin, English). Zurcher, Blanche, A.B. 1910 (Univ. of Kan.) ; T. Minneapolis (Latin, Geom.). 36 Appendix. In a fundamental sense the school problem is a teacher problem. School efficiency means teacher efficiency far more than building efficiency, or even mechanical administrative efficiency. When anything new is to be taught or any new ideal to be worked out hy the school, we at once raise the question, "Where can the teachers be found or trained to do it?" This study represents an analysis of some aspects of the present situation in Kansas with regard to teacher training applied to one particular class of public school teachers. It would be an inestimable service to present a complete analysis of the status of the teacher-preparation of all the teachers of all grades in the state. This comprehensive study is work for the future. The following statistical analysis and graphical representation, prepared by Professor H, W. Josselyn of the School of Education, limits itself to the consideration of the nature and sources of the training of 1345 high school teachers, including the principals and superintendents of the schools represented in the survey. Other more complex, but not less vital, educational problems, which will be published in a later report, can only be suggested here. The data above, supplemented by the other information suggested in the Preface, will help us, when analyzed and shown graphically, to see the actual situation with regard to such prob- lems as the correlation of the teacher's professional work with the subjects he is actually teaching in the schools. How many teach- ers, for example, prepared to teach English and History, are actu- ally teaching Botany and German? What, again, is the actual state situation with reference to any workable plan for depart- mental teaching? Here indications are that strange combinations, difficult to justify educationally, will be numerous. Much light can be thrown also upon the actual place of Summer Schools in the training of teachers, the tenure of office or rather the fre- quency of migrations of teachers, the professional preparation of superintendents in the differently classed schools, the amount and character of graduate schools, the immigration of teachers from other states, the status of state certification, and possibly evi- dences of the need for further differentiation of certificates, and particularly the necessity for equalizing the standards for profes- sional certifications for any given grade of teaching or super- vision. Thus far upon all those matters we have only speculation, or at best individual, never cooperative solution of them. The following graphs and appended paragraphs explain them- selves, and, it is hoped, may help pave the way for more extended and exhaustive investigations of the sorts of actual situations which alone can constitute the bases for future developments and safe orientation for our state educational institutions of all types. 37 Subdivision of the 13 If 5 Teachers Accord- ing to Institution Attended. First Second Third j, . , class, class. class. ^ ^ * Kansas University 221 33 3 257 K. S. A. C 46 9 2 57 Other Colleges 380 77 19 476 K. U. & K. S. N 50 6 2 58 K. U. and other Normal 4 3 7 K. S. N. and other College 58 17 3 78 Other College and other Normal, 74 14 6 93 K.S.N 132 52 23 207 Other Normal 33 13 3 49 High School 17 6 3 26 Special 32 5 37 Totals 1,047 235 63 1,345 The Totals For Other Colleges Can Be Subdivided AS Follows: First class. Second class. Third class. Kansas Colleges 220 64 11 Out of State Colleges 160 13 8 Totals (compare above), 380 77 19 Total teachers reporting • 1,345 First class 1,047 Second class 235 Third class 63 Degrees: Kansas University and Kansas State Normal Compared. Kansas University: 211 A. B. 1 24 A. M. I Kansas Normal: IJ B- S. . : First Class. ^g A. B. ) First Class. I ^- ^- 5 A. B. f Second Class. ^ ^- ■P^- i 2 A. B. ) Third Class. ^3 A m' I Second Class. 1 A. B. Third Class. Totals, 278 Kansas University. 19 Kansas Normal.* • Kansas State Normal School has only recently awarded degrees. 2'in 1896, 1 in 1907. 2 in 1909. 10 in 1910. 4 in 1911. 38 < i» m (0 q: u z u < u u m 2 < O u u 19 CD U U -1 J -1 J o o u u it it a o > >■ t t (H (0 it it u u > > o o II I u < u -I U -I < CO < ^ T " o £3 o. 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